c%£? TOlIkm H n w H W arMg ^imt n o w o > H I—I o September 17, 1957 /!/ /£e Clinical Center Auditorium National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland Sponsored by National Heart Institute and National Library of Medicine 1657 Inscription on Harvey's tombstone on the West wall of the North transept of the church at Hempstead, Essex (Translation from the Ljlin ascribed (o Sir George hnt) - William Harvey, at the mention of whose honourable name all academies rise up out of respect, who was the first after man) thousand years to discover the daily move- ment of the blood, and so brought health to the world and immortality to himself, who was the only one to free from false philosophy the origin and generation of animals, to whom the human race owes its acquirements of knowledge, to whom medicine owes its very existence. MORNING SESSION (9 A.M.-12 NOON) PRESIDING WELCOME OPENING REMARKS PRE-HARVEY ERA HARVEYS CONTRIBUTIONS POST HARVEY ERA EXHIBIT Throughout the month of Septem- ber 1957, an extensive exhibit de- voted to Williim Harvey and the circulation will be on display in the Clinical Center lobby. You are cordially invited to inspect this exhibit. AFTERNOON SESSION (1:30 -4:00 P.M.) CARDIAC CATHETERIZATION CARDJOVASCULAR RADIOLOGY HEART LUNG APPARATUSES CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY IfirHOl CLINICAL CENTER AUDITORIUM listoriral ^Ispeds of Circulation JAMES WATT, Director, National Heart Institute JAMES A. SHANNON, Director, National Institutes of Health FRANK B. ROGERS, Director, National Library of Medicine CHARLES D. O'MALLEY, Professor, Department of History, Stan- ford University FREDERICK G. KlLGOUR, Librarian, Yale Medical Library CHAUNCEY D. LEAKE, Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Ohio State University FILM ON HARVEYS WORKS LUNCH PERIOD (12:15 P.M.-1:15 P.M.) (^ontemporarg Aspects of (^irtulalioit ANDRE COURNAND, Professor, College of Physicans and Sur- geons, Columbia University THEODORE F. HILBISH, Chief, Diagnostic X-ray Department, National Institutes of Health JOHN H. GIBBON, Jr., Professor, Department of Surgery, Jeffer- son Medical College C. WALTON LILLEHEI, Professor, Department of Surgery, Uni- versity of Minnesota U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service COMMITTEE COL. F. B. ROGERS, Director, National Library of Medicine DR. JAMES WATT, Director, National Heart Institute MR. SCOTT ADAMS, National Institutes of Health Library DR- BERT R. BOONE, National Heart Institute DR. ESTELLE BRODMAN, National Library of Medicine MR. ART COSING, National Heart Institute DR- ROBERT L. INGRAM, National Heart Institute DR. R. B. LIVINGSTON, National Institute of Mental Health DR. H. W. MAGOUN, University of California, Los Angeles DR. WILLIAM H. STEWART, Office of the Surgeon General For additional information, contact DR. BERT R. BOONE, National Heart Institute, Bethesda 14, Md., OLiver 6-4000, Extension 815 GP 0 9 28681