joxttf' ;; MEDICAL FACULTY OF GENEVA COLLEGE. DUANE-STREET, NEW-YORK. LECTURES. tftution commence on the first Monday in November, and continue until the 1st of March ensuing. JivrrjJi£S*t3K, M. D. Institutes and Practice of Physic, and Clinical Medicine, - - - Daily. Cliam James Macneven, M. D. Therapeutics and Materia Medica,.....Daily. -Valentine Mott, M. D. Surgery,........- - Daily. John W. Francis, M. D. Obstetrics and Forensic Medicine,.......4 times a week. George Bushe, M. D. Anatomy and Physiology,.........Daily. John Griscom, LL. D. Chemistry, ...........4 times a week. The Professor of the Practice of Medicine delivers to his class at a separate hour, but without additional charge, a course of Lectures on Botany, exhibiting, by means of living plants and diagrams, an outline of the Linnaean System. The Professor of Anatomy superintends the dissections. His Lectures which, according to the usage of Medical Schools, would amount to only six in the week, have, during the past Session, never been less than twelve, and frequently eighteen. His course has been equal to one of nine months. Comparative Anatomy is introduced when it can assist the knowledge of human structure. The relative position of parts, or Topographical Anatomy is shown, the better to prepare the Student for Operative Surgery ■ and when healthy structure and function are considered, their morbid anatomy is investigated, being as essential to the Physician as Topographical Anatomy is to the Surgeon. The College edifice is situated in the vicinity of the New-York Hospital, where Clinical Instruction is given daily at 12 o'clock. GRADUATION. Candidates for Graduation are required to present certificates of having arrived at the age of 21 years, and of having studied three years under the direction of a regular practitioner or practitioners; during which time two full courses must have been attended in this College, or one full course in another and one full course in this. The examination of candidates takes place immediately after the close of the Lectures. In conformity to the provisions and powers of the Charter of Geneva College, the Graduates of the Medical Faculty will be legally entitled to practise Physic and Surgery in the State of New-York, as in other parts of the Union. The Charter of Geneva College has been pronounced by the ablest Lawyers in the State, (including Chancellor Kent, the Hon. John C. Spencer, the Hon. Josiah Ogden Hoffman, and the late Mr. Emmet,) to be as ample in its provisions and authorities as that of any other College in the State, and fully sufficient to legahze the degrees granted by its faculty. No subsequent or ex post facto law, it must be admit- ted, can deprive that Institution of such a vested right. THE GOLD MEDAL, Instituted by the liberality of Col. Henry Rutgers, is annually awarded to the author of the best inaugural dissertation submitted to, and approved by the Faculty. THE SILVER MEDAL, Instituted by a Citizen of New-York, will be annually awarded by the Faculty to the author of the best inaugural dis- sertation on the Medical Topography and Diseases of the United States. By order, DAVID HOSACK, M. D. President qf the Faculty. JOHN W. FRANCIS, M. D. RegiHrar. City of New-York, March 2, 1829. MAR 19 t958 (