X .' / RUTGERS MEDICAL FACULTY. / f This College will commence the Course of Lectures, for1 the ensuing Winter Session on Monday, the fifth day of November, inst. at the College Hall, in Duane-street. The Lectures introductory to the several Courses of Instruction, Will be given in the following order : Dr. Hosack, on Monday the 5th inst. at 10 o'clock A. M< Dr. Macneven, on Tuesday the 6th, at do. Dr. Mott, on Wednesday the 7th, at do. Dr. Francis, on Thursday the 8tl^gjU——~^4p. Dr. Godman, on Friday the 9V Dr. Griscom, on Saturday^^fel^^^T^i do* \ ----y" v- -~ ... \\ DAYS AND HO#RS OF LEXJTfjSfe I* IN THE MORNsMfcf. Dr. Hosack, on the Theory and Practice of Physic Dr. Mott, on the Principles and Practice of'Surgery, every day, at 10 o'clock. Dr. Macneven, oti Therapeutics and Materia Medica, every day at 11 o'clock. ILT Attendance at the New-York Hospital, by Dr. Mott, from 12 to 1 o'clock. Dr. Godman, on Anatomy and Physiology, every day, from 1 to 2 o'clock; IN THE AFTERNOON. Db . Francis, on Obstetrics and Forensic Medicine, od Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, at 4 o'clock. Dn. Griscom, on Chemistry, on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, at 5 o'clock. H*# Every person before he can be supplied with a Ticket from any Pro- fessor must provide himself with a Matriculation Ticket, which author rizes him to enrol his name in the Album, the only record of his attendance at this College. By order, DAVID HOSACK, M. D. President. VALENTINE MOTT, M. D. Dean. New-York, Nov. 3d, 1827. N. B. Fees of each Professor gi",, Matriculation Ticket $3. The Lectures on Botany will be delivered by Dr. Hosack, at a separate '.our, without additional expense. N'"i