J 1, \^A.. St*. *" ■-■*"*- , >>ío RUTGERS MEDICAI, COW_EGE, / / Cj C) DUANE-STREET, NEW-YORjk**8""' R8 f\£0$*lÈuTOES' POX 1TEV v- ¥ The Leáures of fífis InsAfution commjppe on tlítè lst Monday in Novernber, and continue until the lst of March ensuing, j/ ttQ^ 5 *jD° . )/ David Hosack, òd. D. lnstitutes.pj_d Practice <£f Physic, and Clinicai Medicine. daily. William James Macneven, ^.p^íK^aD^utics and Matéria Medica. daily. Valentine MoTT/^i^^Sr^iy^1'J"^-'';/ daily. John W. Francis, Mtüv-^CWferteftíSiTand Forensic Medicine. 4 times a week. John D. Godman, M.- D. Anatomy and Physiology. daily. John Griscom, L. L. D. Chemistry. 4 times a week. The Professor of the Practice of Medicine, delivers to his class at a separate hour, but without additional charge, a course of Lectures on Botany, exhibiting by means of living plants and diagrams, an outline of the Linnaean System. The Professor of Anatomy teaches with the knife. The dissections necessary to his demonstrations, are made in the presence of the class, at the time the parts are described : hence, this has been called the analytic method of teaching Anatomy, because the student becomes acquainted with the structure, during the separation of the parts. In the ordinary mode, the structure is analysed in private, and exhibited to the learner in a state of separation. The College edifice is situated in the vicinity of the New-York Hospital, where Clinüíal instruction is given daily at 12 o'clock. In regard to the convenience and comfort of the class, this edifice is excelled by no other in the country. The Saâoon of Practical Anatomy, admitted to be unrivalled for its extent and the completeness of its arrangements, is immediately superi&tended by the Professor of Anatomy. GRADUATION. Candidates for Graduation are required to present certificates of having arrived at the age of 21 years, and of having studied three years under the direction of a regular practitioner or practitioners»; during which time two full courses must have been attended in this college, or one full course in another, and one full course in this. The examination of candidates takes place immediately after the close of the Lectures. In conformity to measures recently adopted, the Graduates of Rutgers Medicai College, will be Legally entitled to practice Physic and Surgery in the State of New-York, as in other parts of the Union. THS GOX.D MEBAL. Instituted by the liberality of *Col. Henry Rutgers, is annually awarded to the author of the best inaugural dissertation, submitted to the Faculy. A SXLVER MED AL. x' Instituted by a Citizen of New-York, will be annually awarded by the Faculty to the author of the besí inaugural dissertation on diseases and medicai Topography of the United States. TERlYrS OF THE COURSE. Matriculation $3. Tickets $15 each, Practical Anatomy $10. Graduation $25. By order DAVID HOSACK, M.D. President of the Faculty, P. S. Townsend, M. D. Registrar. .aaaka ^R1919SÔ