. . THE ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF THE * » HUMAN BODY. BY JOHN AND CHARLES BELL. THE WHOLE MORE PERFECTLY SYSTEMATIZED AND CORRECTED By CHARLES BELL, Professor of Anatomy and Surgery to the Royal College of Surgeons: of London, SfC. #c. IN TWO VOLUMES. <£Jje JWI) American 2£iJtUtw; (REPRINTED FROM THE SIXTH LONDON EDITION OF 1826 ) TI1E TEXT REVISED, WITH VARIOUS IMPORTANT ADDITIONS, FROM THE WRITINGS OF SOEMMERING, BICHAT, BECLARD, MECKEL, SPURZHEIM, WISTAR, &c. BY JOHN D. GODMAN, M.D. Professor of Anatomy and Physiology in Hylgtr's Medical Coll(gtf IV. 1" VOL I. NEW-YORK: PUBLISHED BY COLLINS & CO. 1827. Southern District of New-York, ss. Be it remembered, that on the 4th day of October, A. D. 1827, in the 52nd year of the Independence of the United States of America, Collins & Co., of the said District, have deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof they claim as proprietors, in the words following, to wit: “ The Anatomy and Physiology of the human body ; by John and Charles Bell. The whole more perfectly systematized and corrected by Charles Bell, Professor of Anatomy and Surgery to the Royal College of Surgeons of London, &c. &c. In Two Volumes. The Fifth American edition : reprinted from the .Sixth London edition of 1826. The text revised, with various important additions from the writings of Soemmering, Bichat, Beclard, Meckel, Spurzheim, Wistar, &c. By John D. Godman, M. D. Professor of Anatomy and Physiology in Rutger’s Medi- cal College, New-York.” In conformity to the Act of Congress of the United States, entitled “ An Act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such*’copies, during the time therein mentioned.” And also to an Act, entitled **An Act, supplementary to an Act, entitled an Act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authop*and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and extending the benefits thereof to the art3 of de- signing, engraving, and etching and other prints.” ' FRED. J. BETTS, Clerk of the Southern District of Kew-York. J. Sr J. Harper, Printers, Cliff-Street. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. To those, who are at all acquainted with books on anatomy, the appearance of a new one on the subject will not be surprising. To those, who are not yet acquainted with such writings, I have only to say, that I have written this book because I believed that such a one was needed, and must be useful. I have endeavoured to make it so plain and simple as to be easily understood ; I have avoided the tedious interlarding of technical terms, (which has been too long the pride of anatomists, and the disgrace of their science,) so that it may read smoothly, compared with the studied harshness and, I may say, obscurity, of anatomical description. If an author may ever be allowed to compare his book with others, it must be in the mechanical part; and I may venture to say, that this book is full and correct in the anatomy, free and general in the explanations, not redundant, I hope, and yet not too brief. If, in the course of this volume, I shall appear to have given a place and importance to theories far higher than they really de- serve, my reader will naturally feel how useful they are in preserv- ing the true balance between the looser doctrines of functions, and the close demonstration of parts. He will be sensible, how much more easily these things can be read in the closet, than taught in any public course; he will, I think, be ready to acknowledge, that I introduce such theories only, as should connect the whole, and may be fairly distinguished as the physiology of facts ; and he will perceive, that, in this too, I feel a deference for the public opinion, and a respect for the established course of education, which it is natural to feel and to comply with. Thus, perhaps, it is less immodest for an author to put down what he thinks he may honestly say concerning his own book, than to omit those apologies which custom requires, which give assur- ance, that he has not entered upon his task rashly, nor performed it without some labour and thought, and which are the truest signs of his respect for the public, and of his care for that science to which he has devoted his life. With these intentions and hopes, 1 offer this book to the public ; and more particularly to those in whose education I have a chief IV PREFACE. concern; not without a degree of satisfaction at having accom* plished what I think cannot fail to be useful, and surely not without an apprehension of not having done (in this wide and difficult sub- ject) all that may be expected or wished for. Every book of this kind should form a part of some greater system of education : it should not only be entire in its own plan, but should be as a part of some greater whole ; without which sup- port and connexion, a book of science is insulated and lost. This relation and subserviency of his own particular task to some greater whole, is first in an author’s mind : he ventures to look forward to its connexion with the general science, and common course of edu- cation ; or he turns it to a correspondence and harmony with his own notions of study; and if these notions are to give the com- plexion and character to any book, it should be when it is designed for those entering upon their studies, as yet uncertain where to begin, or how to proceed. Hardly any one has been so fortunate as to pursue the study of his own science under any regular and perfect plan ; and there are very few with whom a consciousness of this does not make a deep and serious impression at some future period, accompanied w'ith severe regret for the loss of time never to he retrieved. In medicine, perhaps, more than in any other science, we begin our studies thoughtless and undecided, following whatever is delightful, (as much is delightful,) neglecting the more severe and useful parts: hut as we advance towards that period in which we are to enter upon a most difficult profession, and to take our place and station in life, and when we think of the hesitation, anxiety, and appre- hension with which we must move through the first years of prac- tice, we begin to look back with regret on every moment that is past; with a consciousness of some idle hours; and (what is more afflicting still) with an unavailing sense of much ill directed, unprofitable labour: for there is no study which a young man enters upon with a more eager curiosity : but, not instructed in what is really useful, nor seriously impressed with the importance of his future profession, he thinks of his studies rather as the amuse- ment, than as the business of life; slumbers through his more la- borious and useful tasks, and soon falls off to the vain pursuit of theories and doctrines. If I were not persuaded of the important consequences, of the infinite gain or loss, which must follow the first steps in every pro- fession, 1 should not feel, but, above all, 1 should not venture to show, an anxiety, which may be thought affected by those who cannot know how sincere it must be : for, in our profession, this is the course of things, that a young man, who. by his limited for- tune, or the will of his friends, by absence from his native country, or by the destination of his future life, is restricted to a few years of irregular, capricious, ill directed study, throws himself at once into the practice of a profession, in which according to his igno- rance or skill, he must do much good or much harm. Here there PREFACE. V is no time for his excursions into that region of airy and fleeting visions, and for his returning again to sedate and useful labour: there is no time for his discovering, by the natural force of his own reason, how vain all speculations are :—in but a few years, at most, his education is determined ; the limited term is completed, ere he have learnt that most usefu of all lessons—the true plan of study; his opportunities come to be valued (like every other happiness) on- ly when they are lost and gone. Of all the lessons which a young man entering upon our profes- sion needs to learn, this is, perhaps, the first,—that he should resist the fascinations of doctrines and hypotheses, till he have won the privilege of such studies by honest labor, and a faithful pursuit of real and useful knowledge. Of this knowledge, anatomy surely forms the greatest share. Anatomy, even while it is neglected, is universally acknowledged to be the very basis of all medical skill. It is by anatomy that the physician guesses at the seat, or causes, or consequences, of any internal disease : without anatomy, the surgeon could not move one step in his great operations : and those theories could not even be conceived, which so often usurp the place of that very science, from which they should flow as probabilities and conjectures only, drawn from its store of facts. A consciousness of the high value of anatomical knowledge ne- ver entirely leaves the mind of the student. He begins with a strong conviction that this is the great study, and with an ardent desire to master all its difficulties : if he relaxes in the pursuit, it is from the difficulties of the task, and the seduction of theories too little dependent on anatomy, and too easily accessible without its help. His desire for real knowledge revives, only when the op- portunity is lost; when he is to leave the schools of medicine; when he is to give an account of his studies, with an anxious and oppress- ed mind, conscious of his ignorance in that branch which is to be received as the chief test of his professional skill ; or when, perhaps, he feels a more serious and manly impression, the difficulty and im- portance of that art which he is called to practice. Yet, in spite of feeling and reason, the student encourages in himself a taste for speculations and theories, the idle amusements of the day, which, even in his own short course of study, he may observe sinking in quick succession into neglect and oblivion, ne- ver to rev ive ; he aspires to the character of a physiologist, to which want of experience and a vouthfu! fancy, have assigned a rank and importance which it does not hold in the estimation of those who should best know its weakness or strength. The rawest student, proud of his physiological knowledge, boasts of a science and a name which is modestly disclaimed by the first anatomist, and the truest physiologist of this or any age. Dr. Hunter speaks thus of his physiology, and of his anatomical demonstration :—“ Physiolo- “ gy, as far as it is known or has been explained by Haller, and the “ best of the moderns, may be easily acquired by a student without “ a master, provided the student is acquainted with philosophy and VI PREFACE. “ chymistry, and is an expert and ready anatomist; for with these “qualifications he can read any physiological book, and understand “it as fast as he reads. “ In this age, when so much has been printed upon the subject, “ there is almost as little inducement to attend lectures upon phy- “ siology, as there would be for gentlemen to attend lectures upon “ government, or upon the history of England. Lectures upon sub- jects which are perfectly intelligible in print, cannot be of much “ use, except when given by some man of great abilities, who has “ laboured the subject, and who has made considerable improve- “ ments either in matter or in arrangement. “ In our branch, those teachers who take but little pains to de- “ monstrate the parts of the body with precision and clearness, “but study to captivate young minds with ingenious speculations, “ will not leave a reputation that will outlive them half a century. “ I always have studied, and shall continue my endeavours, to em- “ploy the time that is given up to anatomical studies as usefully “ to the students as I can possibly make it—and therefore shall never “aim at showing what I know, but labour to show and describe, “ as clearly as possible, what they ought to know. This plan rejects “all declamation, all parade, all wrangling, all subtilty : to make a “show, and to appear learned and ingenious in natural knowledge, “ may flatter vanity ; to know facts, to separate them from supposi- “ tions, to range and connect them, to make them plain to ordina- “ ry capacities, and above all, to point out the useful applications, “is, in my opinion, much more laudable, and shall be the object of “ my ambition.”* # Introductory Lecture published by Dr. Hunter. Edinburgh, Sept. 1 793. PREFACE TO THE SIXTH EDITION. In giving this edition of the Anatomy of the Human Body to the public, I have recast and arranged the whole, and have added several subjects to the original work. I have been careful to re- vise the descriptions, and have made some additions to them ; so that I hope these volumes will be found to have fewer errors, and to present a more perfect system. Of the first part of the work by my brother, I may speak more freely. And I may recommend it to those who superintend the education of students, to consider whether they have not in it a work calculated to open the minds of the pupils to the right un- derstanding of the important subjects of their studies, and to give them correct and liberal views of their profession. It will not soon be surpassed in correctness and minuteness of description. I have not dared to touch the History of the Arteries, as deli- vered by my brother; the rapid improvement in the surgery of the arteries, which followed as a consequence of the first publica- tion of this part of the Anatomy, has, with me, made it sacred. The nervous system is given here as I have taught it in my lec- tures of late years. And the discoveries which I have made in this department being now acknowledged, I have thought myself at liberty to incorporate the new views of the nervous system with this edition of the System of the Anatomy of the Human Body. CHARLES BELL. SoHo-SttuARE, London, Oct. 1826. CONTENTS OF THE FIRST VOLUME. ANATOMY OF THE BONES, MUSCLES, AND JOINTS. Page INTRODUCTORY View of the Ani- mal Economy, .... 1 Of the Skeleton, ... 49 Supplementary Observations on Osteo- geny, . . • 52 Of the Trunk, .... 54 OF THE SPINE, THORAX, AND PELVIS. Of the Spine—General View of the Spine—its Motions—and the Division of the Vertebrae. General Description of a Vertebra, 55 1. Body of the Vertebra. 2. Articulating, or Oblique Pro- cesses, .... 56 3. Spinous Processes. 4. Transverse Processes. Vertebrae of the Loins. Vertebr* of the Back, . . 57 Vertebrae of the Neck, . . 58 Atlas, .... 59 Dentata. ... 60 Medullary Tube and the Passage of the Nerves, . . 61 Intervertebral Substance, . 62 Motions of the Vertebrae, . 63 Ribs and Sternum. i. Of the Ribs. General Description of a Rib—Divi- sion of the Ribs into true and false—Form of a Rib, and place of the Intercostal Artery. The parts of the Rib, as the Head, Neck—Surface for articulating with the Transverse Process—Nature of the Joint and Motion of the Rib—Angle of the Rib, . 64 Size and Length of the Ribs—The Cartilages of the Ribs, . 65 Page ii. Of the Sternum, and its three parts, 66 Of the Pelvis, - . . 68 i. Os Sacrum. ii. Os Cocctgis, . . 70 iii. Ossa Innominata. i. Os Ilium, or Haunch-Bone—1. Ala—Spine—Spinous Processes, posterior andanterior-2. Dorsum. —3. Costa—4. Linea lnnominata, 71 ii. Os Ischium, or Hip-Bone—1. Body—2. Tuber—3. Ramus, 72 iii. Os Pubis, or Share-Bone—Bo- dy—Crest—Ramus, . 73 Recapitulation of the chief Points of the Anatomy of the Pelvis. Size of the Pelvis in Man and Wo- man, 75 Remarks on the Separation of the Bones of the Pubes during Labour, 76 BONES OP THE THIGH, LEG, AND FOOT. Femur, . . . . 78 1. Body. 2. Head. 3. Neck, . . . . 79 4. Trochanter major. 5. Trochanter minor. 6. Linea aspera. 7. Condyles, . . .80 Tibia, . . . . 81 1. Upper head. 2 Body. 3. Lower Head—Inner Ancle, . 82 Fibula, 1. Upper Head, . . . 83 2. Lower Head—Outer Ancle. Rotula, or Patella, or Knee-pan, 84 Tarsus, or Instep, . . . 85 1. Astragalus. X CONTENTS Page 1. Row forming the Wrist . 99 1. Os Scaphoides. 2. Os Lunare, . . 100 3. Os Cuneiforme. 4. Os Pisiforme. 2. Row supporting the Metacarpal Bones, . . 101 1. Trapezium. 2. Trapezoides. 3. Os Magum. 4. Os Uncitorme. Metacarpus, 102 Fingers, . . . 103 OF THE SKULL IN GENERAL. Importance of the Anatomy of the Skull, 104 The Tables and Diploe of the Bones of the Skull. Enumeration and Description of the Bones of the Cranium, . • 106 The Sutures, .... 107 Remarks on the Formation, Nature, and Use of Sutures, .... 108 DESCRIPTION OF THE INDIVIDU- AL BONES OF THE SKULL. Os Frontis, . . . Ill 1. Orbitary Plates, . . 112 2. Fissura jEtbmoidea. 3. Superciliary Ridge. 4. Artery and Nerve. 5. Pores. 6. Superciliary Hole. 7. Foramen Orbitale. 8. Angular Processes. 9. Nasal Process. 10. Temporal Ridge, . . 113 11. Frontal Sinuses. 12. Frontal Ridge, or Spine, . 114 13. Orbitary Processes. Os Parietale, . . .115 Os Occipitis, .... 116 i. External Surface, . . 117 1. Transverse Spines. 2. Crucial Spine. 3. Posterior Tuberosity. ii. Internal Surface. 1. Great Internal Ridge and Tento- rium CerebelloSuper-extensum. 2. Hollows of the Occipital Bone. iii. Processes of the Occipital Bone. 1. Cuneiforn. 2. Condyles, . * . 118 iv. Holes. 1. Foramen Magnum. 2. Hole for the ninth Pair of Nerves. 3. Hole for the Cervical Vein of the Neck. 4. Common Hole. Os Temporis. Squamous part, . . .119 Petrous part. Processes. 1. Zygomatic. 2. Styloid. Page 2. Os Calcis, . . . 86 3. Os Naviculare, . . . 87 4. Os Cuboides. 5. J 6- > Cuneiform Bones. 7- S Metatarsus and its five Bones. Toes, .... 88 Sesamoid Bones, . . .89 BONES OF THE SHOULDER, ARM, AND HAND. Shoulder. i. Scapula, or Shoulder-Blade. 1. The flat Side of the Scapula, 90 2. The upper flat Surface. 3. The Triangular Form of the Sca- pula—Costa—Basis. 4. The Glenoid, or Articulating Ca- vity, . 91 5. The Neck. 6. The Spine. 7. The Acromion Process, . 92 8. The Coracoid Process. ii. Clavicle, or Collar-Bone. 1. The Thoracic End and Joint, 93 2. The Outer End, and its Union with the Scapula. Arm. Os Humeri. 1. Head, ... 94 2. Neck. 3. Tuberosities. 4. Groove for the Tendon of the Bi- ceps Muscle. 5. Ridges leading to the Condyles. 6. Condyles, - 95 7. Articulating Surface for the El- bow-joint, and general Expla- nation of the Joint. 8. Hollows for the Olecranon and Coronoid Processes of the Ulna. Ulna and Radius. Ulna, ... .96 1. Greater Sigmoid Cavity, formed by 1. Olecranon. 2. Coronoid Process. 2. Lesser Sigmoid Cavity for receiv- ing Head of the Radius. 3. Ridges. 4. Lower Head of the Ulna, . 97 5. Styloid Process of the Ulna. Radius. 1. Body. 2. Upper Head. 3. Neck. 4. Point for the Implantation of the Biceps Flexor Cubiti, . 98 5. Lower Head. 6. Styloid Process of the Radius. 7. Ridge and Grooves. Hand and Fingers. General Explanation of the Hand and Wrist. Carpus, Metacarpus, and Fingers. Carpus, or Wrist, . . 99 CONTENTS. XI Page 3. Vaginal, . . . 119 4. Mastoid or Mamillary. 5. Auditory. Holes. For the Ear. 1. Meatus AuditoriusExternus. 2. Internus, 12 j 3. Small Hole receiving a Branch from the fifth Pair of Nerves. 4. Stylo-Mastoid Hole. 5. Hole for the Eustachian Tube. For Blood Vessels, . . 122 1. For the Carotid Artery. 2. For the Great Lateral Sinus, called the Common Hole, as formed partly by the Temporal, partly by the Occipital Bone. 3. Small Hole on the outside of the Temporal Bone. Os jEthmoides, . . 123 1. Cribriform Plate. 2. Crista Galli, . . 124 3. Nasal Plate, or Azygous Pro- cess. 4. The Labyrinth. 5. Spongy Bones. 6. Orbitary Plate, or Os Pla- num. 7. Os Unguis. 8. Cells, . . 125 Os Sphenoidbs, . . 126 Processes. 1. Al*. 2. Orbitary Process. 3. Spinous Process. 4. Styloid Process. 5. Pterygoid Processes. External, . . 127 Internal. 6. Azygous Process. 7. Clynoid Processes. Anterior. Posterior. Sella Turcica, and its Cells. Holes, . . . 128 1. Foramen Opticum. 2. Lacerum. 3. Rotundum, . 129 4. Ovale. 5. Spinale. 6. Pterygoid, or Vidian Hole. bones of the face and jaws. Ossa Nasi, . . . 130 Ossa Maxiliaria Superiora, . 131 Processes. 1. Nasal. . . . 132 2. Orbitary. 3. Malar. 4. Alveolar. 5. Palatine Process Page Antrum Maxillare, or Highmoria- num, . . . 133 Holes, .... 134 1. Infra Orbitary. 2. Foramen Incisivum, or Ante- rior Palatine Hole. 3. Posterior Palatine Hole. 4. Lachrymal Groove. 5. Lateral Orbitary Fissure, 135 6. Alveolar Foramina. Ossa Palati. Processes. 1. Palatine Plate or Process. Middle Palatine Suture. Transverse Palatine Suture. 2. Pterygoid Process. . 136 3. Nasal Plate or Process. Ridge. Groove. 4. Orbitary Process. Palatine Cells. Ossa Spongiosa, or Turbinata Infk- riora. Vomer, . . . 137 Os Mac*, , . . 138 Processes. 1. Upper Orbitary. 2. Inferior Orbitacy. 3. Maxillary. 4. Zygomatic. 5. Internal Orbitary. 6. Foramen. Os Maxill* Infbrioris. Processes, . . 139 1- Coronoid. 2. Condyloid. 3. Cervix. 4. Semilunar Notch. 5. Alveolar. 6. Spina Interna. Holes, . . . 140 1. Large Hole on the inner Side for the Eutry of the Lower Maxil- lary Nerve and Artery. 2. Mental Hole. Or the Teeth, by Mr. Charles Bell. 141 Description of the Human Adult Teeth, 1. The Incisores. 2. The Cuspidati, or Canine Teeth, . ... 142 3. The Bicuspides. 4. The Molares, or Grinding Teeth. Of the first Set of the Teeth, the Milk or Deciduous Teeth, . . 143 Of the Structure of the Teeth, . 145 Of the Enamel. Of the central bony part of the Teeth, 146 Of the Vascularity and Constitution of the bony part of the Tooth, 147 Of the Gums, . • . 150 Of the Formation and Growth of the Teeth, .... 151 Of the Growth of the second Set of Teeth, and the shedding of the first, 154 XII CONTENTS. OF THE MUSCLES; Page Their Texture, and the Varieties in the Arrangement of their Fi- bres, .... 167 MUSCLES OF THE FACE, EYE, AND EAR. Muscles of the Face. 1. Occipito-Frontalis, . . 170 2. Corrugator Supercilii, . . 17J 3. Orbicularis Oculi, or Palpebrarum. 4. Levator Palpebr® Superioris. Muscles of the Nose and Mouth. 5. Levator Labii Superioris, et Alae Nasi, . . .172 6. ■ — proprius. 7. Levator Anguli Oris, or Levator Communis Labiorum. 8. Zygomaticus Major, . .173 9. Minor. 10. Buccinator. 11. Depressor Anguli Oris. 12- Depressor Labii Inferioris, or Qua- dratus Genae, . . 174 13. Orbicularis Oris. 14. Depressor Labii Superioris et Al* Nasi, . . - ' 175 15. Constrictor Nasi. 16. Levator Menti. Muscles of the External Ear. 17. Superior Auris, . . . 176 18. Anterior Auris. 19. Posterior Auris. 20. Helicis Major. 21. Helicis Minor. 22 Tragicus. 23. Antilragicus, . . • 177 24. Transversus Auris. Muscles of the Eye-ball. General Explanation of these Muscles. 25. Rectus Superior, . . 178 26. Rectus Inferior. 27. Rectus Internus. 28. Rectus Externus. 29. Obliquus Superior. 30. Obliquus Inferior. MULCLES OF THE LOWER JAW, THROAT AND TONGUE. Muscles of the Lower J aw. 30. Temporalis, . ' • 179 31. Masse ter, . • • 180 32. Pterygoideus Internus, or Major. 33. Pterygoideus Externus, or Minor. Muscles lying on the fore part of the Neck, and moving the Head. 1. Platysma Myoides, . . 181 2. Mastoideus. Muscles of the Throat and Tongue. Explanation of certain Bones and Car- Page lilages forming the Basis of the Throat and Tongue, and the Centre of their Motions, . . . 182 1. Os Hyoides.—Its Cornua.—Its Appendices, or perpendicular Processes. 2. Larynx, Trachea, or Windpipe, 183 1. Thyroid Scutiform, or Carti- lage. 2. Cricoid Cartilage. 3. Arytenoid Cartilages, and Ri- ma Glottidis formed by them. 4. Epiglottis, . . . 184 Recapitulation and View of the Con- stitution of the Larynx. i. Muscles of the Throat. 1. Muscles which pull the Throat down. 34. Sterno-hyoideus. 35. Stemo-thyroideus, . 185 36 Omo-hyoideus. Action of these Muscles. 2. Muscles which move the Throat upwards. 37. Mylo-hyoideus. 38. Genio-hyoideus. 39. Stylo-byoideus, . . 186 40. Digastricus, or Biventer Max- illae Inferioris. 3. Muscles moving the Parts and Cartilages of the Larynx upon each other. 41. Hyo-thyroideus. 42. Crico-thyroideus, . . 187 43. Musculus Arytenoideus Transversus. 44. Musculus Arytenoideus Obli- quus. 45. Crico-Arytenoideus Posticus. 46. Crico-Arytenoideus Lateralis. 47. Thyreo-Arytenoideus. 4. Muscles of the Palate and Pha- rynx, . . . 183 48. Azygos Uvula*. 49. Levator Palati Mollis. 50. Circumflexus Palati, or Ten- sor Palati Mollis, 51. Constrictor Isthmi Faucium, 189 52. Palato-Pharyngeus. Phaiynx explained. 53. Stylo-Pharyngeus, . .190 54. Constrictor Superior. 55. Constrictor Medius. 56. Constrictor Inferior. 57. CEsophagus. 58. Vaginalis Gulas, . . 191 ii. Mcscle8 of the Tongue. 59. Hyo-glossus. 60. Genio-hyo-glossus. 61. Lingualis. Motions of the Tongue perform- ed by these Muscles. CONTENTS. XIII Page OF THE MUSCLES OF THE ARM, INCLUDING THE MUSCLES OF THE SCAPULA, ARM, FORE- ARM, AND HAND. Muscles of the ScAruLA, . . 192 i. Muscles moving the Scapula up- wards and backwards. 62. Trapezius. 63. Levator Scapulae, or Levator Proprius Angularis, . 193 64. and 65. Rhomboideus. 1. Minor. 2. Major. ii. Muscles which move the Scapula downwards and forwards, 66. Serratus Major Anticus, 194 67. Pectoral is Minor. 68. Subclavius. Motions of the Scapula, 195 Muscles moving the Os Humeri, or Arm-Bone. 69- Pectoral is Major. 70. Latissimus Dorsi, 71. Deltoides, . • • 196 72. Coraco-brachialis, . . 197 73. Supra Spinatus. 74. InfraSpinatus, . • 198 75. Teres Minor. 76. Teres Major, • ■ • 199 77. Subscapularis- Motions of the Humerus, and Use and Effect of each of these Mus- cles in forming and strengthening the Joint. Muscles moving the Fore Arm, . 200 i. Muscles bending the Fore Arm. 78. Biceps Brachii Flexor. 79. Brachialis Internus, . 201 ii. Musclesextending the Fore-Arm. 80. Triceps Extensor. 81. Anconaeus, . . • 202 Muscles situated on the Fore-Arm moving the Radius, Carpus, and Fingers. Fascia of the Arm. Arrangement of these Muscles, the Points of Origin and Insertion, and the Motions of Pronation and Su- pination, Flexion and Extension, explained, .... 204 i. Flexors, arising from the Inner Condyle. 82. Supinator Radii Longus, 205 83. Supinator Brevis. 84. Pronator Teres Radii, - - 206 85. Pronator Qnadratus. 86. Palmaris Longus. 87. Palmaris Brevis, orCutaneus, 207 88. Flexor Carpi Radialis. 89. Flexor Carpi Ulnaris, . . 208 90. Flexor Digitorum Sublimis. 91. Flexor Digitorum Profundus, vel Perforans, . . . 209 92. Lumbricales, • 210 93. Flexor Longu* Pollicis. Page ii. Extensors arising from the Out- er Condyle, . . . 211 94. Extensor Carpi Radialis Lon- gior. 95. Extensor Carpi Radialis Bre- vior, . . 212 96. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris. 97. Extensor Digitorum Commu- nis. 98. Extensor Minimi Digiti, or Auricularis, . . 213 99. Extensor Primus Pollicis, > 214 100. Extensor Secundus Pollicis. > 101. Extensor Tertius Pollicis, ) 215 102. Indicator. Muscles seated on the hand. General description of these Muscles, 216 103. Abductor Pollicis, \ 104. Opponens Pollicis, f 105. Flexor Brevis Pollicis, ? 217 106. Adductor Pollicis, ) 107. Abductor Minimi Digiti \ 108. Flexor Parvus Minimi Di-f giti, . . . T 218 109. Adductor Minimi Digiti. * 110. Abductor India's. 111. Interossei Interni, 112. Interossei Extend. MUSCLES OF RESPIRATION, OR OF THE RIBS. General Explanation and Table of these Muscles, . . . 219 113. Serratus Superior Posticus, 220 114. Serratus Inferior Posticus. 115. Levatores Costarum. 116. Intercostales. . 221 117. Triangularis Sterni, or Ster- no-costalis. MUSCLES OF THE HEAD, NECK, AND TRUNK. Muscles of the Head and Neck. 118. Splenius, . . 222 119. Complexus, . . 223 120. Trachelo-mastoideus. 224 121. Rectus Minor. 122. Rectus Major. 123. Obliquus Superior, . . 225 124. Obliquus Inferior. Muscles of the trunk. 125. Quadrants Lumborum. 126. Longissimus Dorsi, 226 127. Sacro-Lumbalis. 128. Cervicalis Descendens, 227 129. Transversalis Colli. Arrangement of the intricate Set of Muscles filling up the Hol- lows and Interstices among the Spines and Processes of the Vertebra:. • • 228 130. Spinalis Cervicis. 131. Spinalis Dorsi, . . 229 132. Semi-spinalis Dorsi. 133. Mullifidus Spinse. XIV CONTENTS. Page 153. Musculus Coccygeus, . 244 Perinaeum,—the Point where all these Muscles are united, . . . 245 Course of the Incision in Lithotomy. Muscles of the Female Perinaeum. MUSCLES OF THE THIGH, LEG, AND FOOT. MtlSCLKS MOVING THE THIGH-BONE. General Description of the Muscles,— Classification and Arrangement of them,— and Table of their Implan- tations, and of the Motions which they perform. Fascia of the Thigh, . . .246 154. Musculus Fascialis, or Tensor Vaginae Femoris, . . 248 155. Psoas Magnus. 156. Psoas Parvus, : . * 249 157. Iliacus Internus. 158. Pectineus, or Pectinalis, - 250 159 1 riceps Femoris. 1. Adductor Longus. 2. Adductor Brevis, - . 251 3. Adductor Magnus, 169. Obturator Externus. 161. Gluteus Maximus, . . 252 162. Glutaeus Medius, or Minor. 163. Gluteus Minimus, . . 253 165. i Gemini’ 166. Pyriformis. 167. Obturator Internus. 168. Quadratus Femoris, . . 254 Motions of the Thigh, and Action of these Muscles. Muscles of the Leg, . , . 255 Arrangement of these Muscles. i. Extensors of the Leg. 169. Rectus Femoris, or Rectus Cru- ris, .... 256 170. Cruraeus. Sub-crur*i, being Slips only of the Crurfeus. 171. Vastus Externus, . . 257 172. Vastus Internus. Uses of these Muscles. ii. Flexors of the Leg, . . 258. 173. Sartorius. 174. Gracilis, or Rectus Internus Femoris, .... 259 175. Semitendinosus. 176. Semimembranosus. 177. Popliteus, . • - 260 178. Biceps Cruris. Fascia, .... 261 Muscles of the Foot. Arrangement. i. Extensors. 179. Gastrocnemius. 180. Soleus, .... 262 181. Plantaris. 182. Peronoeus Longus, . 263 183. Peronaeus Brevis. 184. Peronaeus Tertius, ■ . 264 ii. Flexors. 185. Tibialis Posticus. • 186. Tibialis Anticus, 265 Page 134. Inter-spinalis Colli, Dorsi, et Lumborum, . . . 230 135. Inter-transversales. Muscles on the fore part of the Head and Neck, completing the Ca- talogue of those belonging to the spine. 136. Rectus Internus Capitis Major 137. Rectus Internus Capitis Minor. 138. Rectus Capitis Lateralis. 139. Longus Colli. 140. Scalenus, . . . 231 OF THE MUSCLES OF THE AB- DOMEN, AND OF THE DIA- PHRAGM. Muscles of the Abdomen, . . 232 Importance of the Anatomy of the Ab- dominal Muscles,—General Expla- nation of these Muscles,—their Uses, —Arrangement. 141. Obliquus Externus, . . 233 142. Obliquus Internus, 143. Transversalis Abdominis. 234 144. Recti. 145. Pyramidalis, . - 235 Explanation of the Lines, Rings, &c. of the Abdominal Muscles. 1. Linea Alba. 2. Linea Semilunaris. 3. Sheath for the Rectus. 4. Umbilicus, . . 236 5. Ring of the Abdominal Crescent. 146. Cremaster Muscle of the Tes- ticle. . - • , ■ 237 6. Ligament of the Thigh. Explanation of the different Kinds of Hernia, and the Points at which the Bowels are protru- ded, .... 238 Diaphragm. 147. The Diaphragm. 1. The Greater or Upper Muscle of the Diaphragm, . 239 2. The Lesser Muscle of the Dia- phragm. 3. The Tendon in the Centre of the Diaphragm. Vessels perforating the Diaphragm, 240 1. Aorta. 2. (Esophagus. 3. The Great Vena Cava. The Tendon of the Diaphragm. Uses of the Diaphragm. THE MUSCLES OF THE PARTS OF GENERATION, AND OF THE ANUS, AND PERINAEUM. General idea of these Muscles, 241 Fascia, or Aponeurosis. 148. Erector Penis. 149. Transversalis Perinaei, 242 150. Ejaculator. 151. Sphincter Ani. 152. Levator Ani. CONTENTS. XV Page Mvscles of the Toes, 265 187. Flexor Longus Pollicis. 188. Flexor Longus Digitorum Pe- dis, Perforans, • . 266 189. Massa Carnea J. Sylvii, or, Plant* Pedis, . . 267 190. Flexor Brevis Digitorum, 191. Lumbricales Extensors of the Toes, . . 268 192 Extensor Longus Digitorum Pedis. 193 Extensor Digitorum Brevis. 194. Extensor Pollicis Proprius, 269 Crucial Ligament. 195. Abductor Pollicis, 1 196. Flexor Brevis Pollicis, > 270 197. Adductor Pollicis. 1 198. Transversalis Pedis. 199. Abductor Minimi Digiti, . 271 200. Flexor Brevis Minimi Digiti 201. Interossei Interni. 202. Interossei Externi. Fascia of the Leg. Plantar Aponeurosis, . - 272 Page OF THE MUSCULAR POWER. 273 OF THE CELLULAR SUBSTANCE, AND OF THE TENDONS, LIGAMENTS, BURSjE, AND FASCIA, AND ALL THE PARTS WHICH BELONG TO THE BONES OR MUS- CLES, OR WHICH ENTER INTO THE CON- STITUTION OF A JOINT, 280 General Explanation of the Tendons, Li- gaments, &c. Of the Forms of the Cellular Sub- stance. ' 1. Its Cells, and their Use. 2 Bursa Mucosa, . . 281 3. Vagina, or Fascia. 4. Tendons. 5. Periosteum, . . 282 6. Vagina, or Sheaths of Ten- dons. 7. Capsules of the Joints, 283 6. Ligaments of Joints. Recapitulation and Review of the Connex- ions of these Parts. Constitution and Nature of those less sen- sible Parts, .... 285 Joints of the Head and Spine, . 287 The Motions of the Head and Spine. The Provisions of these Motions, . 288 i. Joint of the Head with the Neck. 1. Articulation of the Occiput and Atlas. Form of the Joint and Capsules for the Condyles. 2. Flat membranous Ligament from the Ring of the Atlas to the Ring of the Occipital Hole, 289 3. Articulation of the Atlas with the Dentata. Capsules betwixt the Condyles of the Vertebra. Transverse Ligament embracing the Neck of the Tooth-like pro- cess—Capsular Ligament. Ligament betwixt the Tooth-like Process and Occipital Hole, ii. Joints of the Commou Vertebrae with each other. Intervertebral Substance, and Intervertebral Ligaments. External or Anterior Vagina, or Ligament of the Spine. Internal Ligaments, Ligamenta Subflava Crurum Processuum Spinosorum — Membranae Interspinales— Ligamenta Processuum Transversorum. Posterior or Internal Liga- ment of the Spine. Apparatus Ligamentosus Colli. Joint of the Lower Jaw, . . 290 Ligaments of the Jaw, . . 291 Ligaments of the Vertebral Column. Ligaments seen on making the Sec- tion of the Spine. OF THE JOINTS. Ligaments betwixt the Head and Up- per Vertebrae, 291 Joints of the Ribs, . . . 292 Ligamenta Capitelli Costarum. Ligamentum Transversarium Exter- num. Inter- num. Capsule and Ligaments belonging to the Cartilages. Ligaments betwixt the Rib and the Spine. Anterior Extremity of the Ribs and Sternum. JOINTS OF THE SHOULDER, ARM, AND HAND. Joints of the Clavicle, . . 293 With the Sternum. With the Scapula. Joint of the Shoulder, . . 294 Ligaments about the Shoulder, . 295 Joint of the Elbow. Interosseous Ligament. Chorda Transversalis Cubiti. Ligaments of the Elbow Joint, 296 The General Capsule of the whole Joint. The Lateral Ligaments, External and Internal. The Coronary Ligament of the Ulna. Wrist, .... 297 Articulation of the Scaphoid and Lu- nated Bones with the Scaphoid Ca- vity of the Radius. Articulation of the Radius with the Ulna for the turning Motions of the Hand, ... 298 Articulation of the Bones of the Car- pus with each other. XVI Page Articulations of the Metacarpus, 299 Recapitulation of Ligaments. Joints of the Fingers. JOINTS OF TIIE THIGH, LEG, AND ANCLE. The Hip-Joint, . - . 300 The Ligamentum Labri Cartilaginei Transversale. The Capsule of the Joint, . 301 The Internal Ligaments. Recapitulation of Ligaments, . 302 Knee-Joint. 1. The External Ligaments. Capsule—and Ligamentum Posti- cum Winslowii, . • 303 Lateral Ligaments. Ligamentum Laterale Internum. Externum Longius. Brevius. 1. The Internal or Crucial Ligaments of the Knee. Posterior Crucial Ligament. Anterior , . 304 Semilunar, or movable Cartilages. Ligamentum Mucosum—and Liga- mentum Alare Majus et Minus. LigamentaCartilaginurn Lunatarum, 305 Ligamentum Transversale Com- mune. Burs® Mucos® of the Knee-Joint. Recapitulation, explaining the Consti- tution of this Joint, and Uses of its several Parts, . . . 306 List of the Ligaments of the Knee- Joint, .... 307 CONTE NTS, Page Articulation of the Fibula With the Tibia, 307 Ancle-Joint. Ligamentum Superius Anticum, 308 Posticum. Inferius Posticum. Capsule. Ligamentum Deltoides. Fibulae Anterius. - ■ - — Perpendiculare. Inter Fibulam of Astra* galum. Posterius. Recapitulation of Ligaments, . 309 Union betwixt the Bones of the Tarsus. Joints of the Metatarsus and Toes. Aponeurosis Plarftaris Pedis. Bursae Mucosae of the Ancle and Foot, ... 310 Conclusion and Enumeration of the Joints. Enumeration of the Burs® Mucosae, 311 OF TIIE CIRCULATING SYSTEM* Qualities of the Blood, . 313 Of the Red Globules. Coagulable Lymph, . . 315 Serum, .... 316 Life of the Blood. Chemistry of the Blood, . 317 Influence of Air upon the Blood. 1. In reddening the Blood. 2. In communicating its stimulant Powers. 3. In communicating Heat to the Body. Of the Heat of the Blood, . 322 OF THE HEART, ARTERIES, AND VEINS. OF THE HEART. OF THE MECHANISM OF THE HEART. General View of the Circulating Sys- tem, .... 324 Of the Parts of the Heart, . 329 Ven® Cav®, . . . 330 Right Sinus of the Heart. Tuberculum Lowed, . . 331 Auricle. Auricular Valves. Right Ventricle, . . 332 Pulmonic Artery, . . 333 Sigmoid Valves. Left Auricle, . . . 334 Semilunar Valves of the Aorta, 336 Aorta. Of the Coronary Vessels, . . 336 Eustachian Valve, . . . 340 Irritability and Action of the 'Heart, 344 Posture of the Heart, . . 348 Pericardium, . . . 350 Conclusion, . . . 355 Of the Respiration of Animals, 356 Of the Membranes of Cavities, and particularly of the Membranes of the Thorax, ... . . 3 57 Of the Pleura, .... 359 Of the Mediastinum, . . 361 " Of the Pericardium, . . 364 Of the Thvmus Gland. CONTENTS. XVII Page Of the Lungs, . . • 36i Of the Trachea, or Aspera Arteria, 366 Bronchi*, . . . 367 Bronchial Cells. Other Tubes or Vessels which enter Page into the texture of the Lungs, 368 Course of the Blood of the Lungs, 369 Introduction to the Study of the Circulatory System, . . 373 RESPIRATION, continued. OF RESPIRATION, OR THE MANNER IN WHICH THE OXYDATION OF THE BLOOD IS ACCOMPLISHED IN VARIOUS ANIMALS. History of Opinions concerning the Mo- tions of the Lungs, . . . 379 Different Species of Respiration. 1. By a Diaphragm, . . . 381 2. Respiration of Birds, . . 382 3. Amphibia, . 385 4. Fishes, . ■ 383 5. Insects, • . 391 6. Of the Motions of the Thorax, and of Respiration in Man, . 395 OF THE PECULIARITIES IN THE CIRCULATION OF THE FCETUS. General View of the Peculiarities in the Anatomical Structure of the Foetus, 397 Ductus Venosus, .... 398 Foramen Ovale, . . . . 400 Ductus Arteriosus, . . • 403 Explanation of the Circulation of the F oe- tus. Critique of Opinions upon this Subject, 405 OF MALCONFORMATIONS OF THE HEART. Of Malconformations of the Heart and Arteries, • . . . . 408 Of the Effects of these Malconformations, 411 Consequences from Malconformation of the Lungs, and their diseased condi- tion, .... 416 OF THE ARTERIES. Structure of the Arteries, ■ 419 Sheath of the Artery. External Coat, . ' . . 420 Muscular Coat. Internal Coat. Vasa Vasorum, . . • 421 Cellular Coat. Of the Motion of the Blood through the Arteries. General Pran of the Arteries, . 425 Aorta. Right Subclavian, . 426 Carotids. Left Subclavian. Thoracic and Abdominal Aorta, . 428 Internal lliacs. External lliacs, . . . 429 OF THE ARTERIES OF THE HEAD. Of the Carotid Arteries in general. General View of the Anatomy of the Carotid Artery, . . . 430 External Carotid Artery, and Ar- rangement of its Branches, . 432 1. Order, going forward to the Thy- roid Gland, Tongue, and Face. 1. Arteria Thyroidea, . 433 2. Arteria Lingualis, . 434 3. Arteria Labialis, . . 435 2. Order, going backward from the External Carotid, . . 437 4. Pharyngea Inferior. 5. Arteria Occipitalis, . 438 6. Arteria Posterior Auris, . 439 ] 3. Order, including- the Termina- tion of the External Carotid in the Temporal and Maxillary- Arteries, . . . 441 7. Arteria Maxillaris Interna. 8. Arteria Temporalis, • 445 Conclusion, . . • 447" Of the Arteries of the Brain, Spinal Marrow, and Eye, . . 448 Of the Arteries of the Brain. Internal Carotid, . . 451 Division of it, . . • 452 1. Arteria Media Cerebri, . 453 2. Arteria Anterior Cerebri, . 454 3. Arteria Communicans. Vertebral Artery, . . . 455 1. Arteria Cerebelli Posterior, . 456 2. Anterior, . 457 3. Cerebri Posterior. Of the Arteries of the Spinal Marrow, 458 1. Arteria Anterior Medull® Spina- lis 459 2. Posterior, . . ' 460 Arteries of the Eye. Arteria Lachrymalis, . • 461 Arteria Centralis Retinae. Arteria Ciliares, . • • 462 Arteria Muscularis Superior, . 464 Inferior. Arteria iEthmoidalis Posterior. — Anterior, . 465 Arteria Supra-orbitalis. Arteria: Palpebrales, • • 466 . — Nasalis. Frontalis. XVIII CONTENTS. Page Conclusion, . 467 OF THE ARTERIES OF THE ARM. I. Of the Subclavian Artery, . 470 1. Arteria Mammaria Interna. 2. Thyroidea Inferior, . 472 3. Vertebralis, . 473 4. Cervicalis Profunda. 5. Cervicalis Superficialis, 474 6. Intercostalis Superior. 7. Supra scapularis, . 475 II. Of the Axillary Artery, . 477 1. Arteria Thoracica Superior. 2. . Longior. 3. Humeraria, 478 4. A laris. 5. Sub-scapularis, . 479 6. Circumflexa Posterior, 480 7. Anterior, 481 General remarks upon the Axil- lary Artery. III. Of the Brachial Artery, 482 1. Arteria Profunda Humeri Supe- rior. 2. Infe- rior, . . . 483 3. Ramus Anastomoticus Major, 484 IV. Of the Arteries of the Fore Arm, viz. of the Radial, Ulnar, and Interosseous Arteries, . 485 Division of the Artery of the Fore Arm, 486 Arteri* Recurrentes,, . . 487 Recurrens Radialis Anterior, 488 Ulnaris Anterior. Posterior. Interossea, . 489 Arteria Radialis. Arteria Superficialis Vote, . 490 Dorsalis Carpi, . 491 Dorsalis Metacarpi. — : Pollicis. Radialis Indicis, . 492 Magna Pollicis. Pahnaris Profunda. Arteria Ulnaris, . . . 493 Arteria Dorsalis Ulnaris, . 494 Palmaris Profunda. Arteria Interossea, . . 495 OF THE ARTERIES OF THE THORAX, ABDOMEN, AND PELVIS. Arteries of the Thorax, . . 496 Aorta Thoracica. * 1. Arteria Bronchialis Communis, 497 2. Dextra. 3. — Sinistra. 4. ■—- —Inferior. 5. Arteria; (Esophage®, . . 498 6. Intercostales Inferiores. Arteries ok the Abdomen, . 499 Aorta Abdominalis. Arteriae Phrenic®, . . 500 Arteries of the Stomach, Liver, and Spleen, . . 501 Arteria Coeliaca, Page 1. Arteria Coronaria Ventriculi, 502 Its Branches. 2. Arteria Hepatica. Its Branches, 503 3. Arteria Splenica, . . 505 Its Branches. Arteries of the Inthstinks, . 507 Mesenteric Arteries. 1. Mesenterica Superior. Colica Media, . . 508 Dextra. Ileo-Colica. 2. Mesenterica Inferior, . 509 Arteria Colica Sinistra, . 510 Arlerioe H*morrhoidales. Remaining Arteries of the Abdomen, viz. to the Kidnies, Testicles, &c. . . . 511 Arteriae Capsulares. Renales- Arteria Spermatica, . 512 Arteriae Adipos®. Ureteric*. Lumbares, . 51S Arteries of the Pelvis. Arteria Sacro Media, . . 514 Iliaca Interna. Order First, The branches of the Hy- pogastric or Internal Iliac Artery, which remain within the Pelvis, 515 Arteria Ileo-lumbalis. Sacrae Laterales. Hypogastrica, . 51C Vesicales. Haemorrhoidales. H*morrhoidea Media. Uterina, . . . 517 Order Second, of Arteries which go out from the Pelvis to the Haunches, Hips, and Private Parts. Arteria Glut*a. Ischiatica, . . 518 — Pudica Communis, . 519 Perinaei, . . . 520 Penis. Obturatoria, . . 521 ARTERIES OF THE LOWER EXTRE- MITY. Iliaca Externa, . . . 522 General Description of this Artery. Arteria Epigastrica. . . 523 Arteria Circumflexa Ilii. The Femoral, or Crural Artery, 524 Surgery of the Femoral Artery. Branches of the Femoral Arleryr. Arteria Profunda Femoris, 526 Circumflexa Externa. — Interna, 527 ——— Perforantes, . . 528 — Perforans Prima. — Secunda Magna. ——— Terlia. . 529 »— Quarta. Arteria Femoral is, . . 530 Popliteal Artery, 531 CONTENTS. XIX , . Page Arteria Articularis Superior Externa, . . 532 Arteria Articularis Superior Interna. — —— Media In- terna. — ... - Inferior Ex- terna, . . . 533 — - — In- terna. Arteries of the Leg and Foot, 534 Arteria Tibialis Antica. Page Arteria Recurrens, . . 534 Malleolaris Interna, . 535 ■ - ■■■■■ Externa. — Tarsea, . . 536 Metatarsea. Dorsalis Externa Halucis. Arteria Tibialis Postica . 537 ■ -— Plantaris Interna, . 538 Plantaris Externa, . 539 Peronaea Anterior, . 541 Posterior, . . 542 OF THE VEINS. General Character of the Veins, 542 Functions or Uses of the Veins, 546 Of the Veins, Branches of the Supe- rior Vena Cava, . 548 Of the Veins of the Head and Neck 549 External Jugular Veins. Posterior External Jugular Vein, 550 Thyroid Veins. Internal Jugular Vein. Vertebral Veins, . . 551 Veins of the Arm. Vena Cephalica, Vena Basilica. Vena Mediana, . 553 Axillary Vein. Subclavian Veins. The Superior Vena Cava, the Vena Azygos, and Lesser Veins of the Thorax, . ... 554 Of the Veins which unite to form the Inferior Vena Cava, . 555 Of the Veins of the Leg and Thigh. Saphena Major. Saphena Minor, . . 556 Anterior Tibial Veins. Posterior Tibial Veins. Venae Peroneae, . . . 557 Popliteal Vein. External Iliac Vein. Vena Cava Abdominalis- . 558 Renal Veins. Spermatic Veins. OF THE LYMPHATIC AND LACTEAL SYSTEMS OF VESSELS. Introductory Views, . . 559 Of the Capillary Vessels. Of the Lymphatic System in parti- cular, .... 562 Of the Glands of the Absorbent System, .... 563 Origin of tfoe Lymphatics, and of the Doctrines of Absorption, . 564 Of the Absorption of Solids, . 568 Examination of some Opinions of Mr. Hunter on the subject of Absorption of Solids, ... 569 Of the Cobrse of the Lymphatics, 572 Of the Foot, Leg, and Thigh, . 574 Of the Lymphatics of the Arm, 575 Lymphatics of the Head and Neck, 577 Of the Trunks ef the Absorbent System, 578 The Trunk of the Absorbents of the Right Side, .... 579 Of the Lacteals and Lymphatics of the Intestinal Canal. Origin of the Lacteals, . . 581 Of the remaining Absorbents of the Solid Viscera, .... 583 CONTENTS OF THE SECOND VOLUME. ANATOMY OF THE BRAIN AND NERVES. Page Ox the Nervous System, . . 3 Structure of a Nerve, . . 4 Sensibility of Nerves, . 6 Of Ganglions, . , 7 An Exposition of the Natural Sys- tem of the Nerves, ... 8 Cause of the Complexity of Nerves, 10 The Spinal Marrow, . . 11 Ot the Nerves which arise from the Spi- nal Marrow, . . . 13 Comparison with the Nerves of the En- cephalon. Explanation of Plans, . . 18 Ot the Nervous Circle which con- nects the voluntary Muscles with the Brain, . . . . . 19 Of the System of Nerves called Respira- . 20 Introductory View of the Anatomy of the Brain, . . .25 Of the Cineritious Matter of the Brain, . . .27 Of the Cerebellum, . . 29 Of the Medulla Oblongata, . 30 Os the Membranes of th • Brain, and of the Substance and Texture of the Brain itself, . . 31 Of the Dura Mater. Glands of the Dura Mater, 33 Arteries of the Dura Mater, . 34 Of the Septa which intersect the Brain. Of the Sphenoidal Folds, . 35 Of the Tunica Arachnoidea, . 37 Of the Pia Mater, . 38 Of the Substance of the Brain, 39 Of the Observations made upon the Minute Structure of the Brain, 41 Of the Brain, and principally of the In- ternal Parts, . . 43 Of the Cavities of the Brain in ge- neral, , . .44 Of the Corpus Callosum and Cen- trum Ovale of Vieusseus, . 46 Oi the Septum Lucidum 47 Pa ge Lateral Ventricles. Of the Parts seen in the Lateral Ventricles, . . 48 Of the Hippocampi, or Cornua Am- monis, and of the Tenia Hippo- campi, 49 Of the Third Ventricle, . 52 Of the Infundibulum, . 53 Infundibulum and Pituitary Gland, 54 The Tubercula Quadrigemina. The Pineal Gland, . 5j Posterior Commissure, . 56 Cerebellum. Of the Fourth Ventricle, . 57 Of the Base of the Brain and Ori- gin of the Nerves. Crura Cere be Hi, . • 59 Pons Varolii. Medulla Oblongata, . • 60 Medulla Spinalis, . . 61 Supplementary Observations on the Development of the Central parts of the Nervous System, 62 Scheme and general Description of the Origin of the Nerves of the Encephalon and Spine, . 65 First Pair, or Olfactory Nerves, 67 Second Pair, or Optic Nerves. Third Pair of Nerves, Motores Ocu- lorum. . • 69 The Fourth Pair of Nerves. Fifth Pair of Nerves, Trigemini, “0 Sixth Pair of Nerves, or Abducentes. Seventh Pair of Nerves or Auditory, 71 Eighth Pair of Nerves, . 72 Ninth Pair of Nerves, or Lingual. The Tenth, or Sub-occipital Nerve, 73 Of the Veins and Sinuses of the Brain. Of the Veins which are seen upon the Surface of the Brain, . 74 Of the Internal Veins of the Brain, and of the Choroid Plexus, . 76 Of the particular Sinuses, . <8 Superior Longitudinal Sinus. Lateral Sinuses, or the first and se- cond of the Ancients. . 79 XXII Page Of the Inferior Longitudinal Sinus, 80 Of the Internal, Straight, or Fourth Sinus, . , . 81 Posterior Occipital Sinuses. The Inferior Lateral Sinuses, . 82 Of the Lesser Sinuses in the Basis of the Skull. The Sphenoidal Sinuses. The Cavernous Sinus, . 83 Emissaria Santorini, . . 84 Of the Particular Nerves, . 86 The First Pair of Nerves, or Olfac- tory Nerves. Second Pair, or Optic Nerves, . 87 Third Pair of Nerves, or Motores ‘ Oculorum. Fourth Pair of Nerves, Trochleares or Pathetici, . . 88 The Fifth Pair, or Trigemini, or Grand Sensi tive Nerve of the Head. The Ophthalmic Branch of the Fifth Pair, . . 90 The Second Branch of the Fifth Pair, viz. the Superior Maxillary Nerve, ... 92 Third Branch of the Fifth Pair or Lower Maxillary Nerve, . 94 The Sixth Pair of Nerves, Abdu- centes, or Motores Extern i. . 97 The Seventh Pair of Nerves, . 99 Further Illustration of the Functions of the Nerves of the Face and Head, . . 101 Of the Respiratory Nerves, more par- ticularly, viz. The Glosso-Pharyn- geal Nerve, Par Vagum, Spinal Ac- cessorv, Diaphragmatic Nerve, and External Respiratory Nerve. . 107 Origin of the Respiratory Nerves. Of the Muscles of the Trunk, which are brought in aid of the Common Respiratory Muscles, 108 Anatomy of the Respiratory Nerves of the Par Vagum. . 109 The Glosso-Pharyngeal Nerve. The Par Vagum, . 110 Comparative View of these Nerves, 115 The Functions of these Nerves far- ther illustrated, . 116 On the Actions of Respiration in CONTENTS. . Page those who have suffered Fracture of the Spine at the Lower Cervi- cal Vertebrae, . . .HR Further Remarks on the Pathology of the Respiratory System of Nerves, . • . 122 Of Smelling, as influenced by the Portio Dura of the Seventh Nerve, 124 These Respiratory Nerves are Or- gans of Expression, . 125 Of the Ninth Pair, Lingualis, or Hy- po-glossus, . . . 127 Of the Cervical Nerves, . 129 Recapitulation of the Distribution of the Cervical Nerves, . 131 Of the Dorsal Nerves. Lumbar Nerves, - . 132 Sacral Nerves, . . . 133 Of the Great Ganglionic Nerve, or Intercostal Nerve. The Superior Thoracic Ganglion, 136 Sympathetic Nerve in the Thorax. Semiluuar Ganglion and Coeliac Plexus, . . .137 Coeliac Plexus. Superior Mesenteric Plexus, . 138 Inferior Mesenteric Plexus. Hypogastric Plexus, . . 139 Functions of the Sympathetic Nerves, 140 Nerves of the Arm, Axdlary, or Brachial Plexus, Nerves of the Thigh, Leg, and Foot, 145 Lesser Nerves which pass out from the Pelvis. Of the Cutaneous Nerves of the Thigh. Pudic Nerve, , . . 147 Nerves of the Lower Extremity. Anterior Crural Nerve. Obturator Nerve, . . 148 The Origin of the Ischiatic Nerve, 149 Of the Lesser Nerves which go out of the back Part of the Pelvis. Of the Cutaneous Nerves of the Back of the Thigh, . . 150 Of the Trunk of the Ischiatic Nerve in the Thigh. Tibial Nerve. The Plantar Nerves, . . 151 The Fibular Nerve. The Metatarsal Nerves. THE SENSES. Introduction, • • 154 Of the Organs of the Senses, 158 OF THE EYE. Introductory View of the Principles of Optics, .... 159 Simple Idea of the Construction of the Eye, . . . 163 Of the Coats of the Eye, . . 169 Of the Sclerotic Coat. Of the Cornea, .... 171 Of the Choroid coat, . . 173 Of the Ciliary Processes 175 Of the Inis, . . . 177 Of the Muscular Fibres of the Iris, 179 Of the Retina, and Digression concern- ing the Seat of Vision, . . 181 The Foramen of Soemmerring. 184 Digression on the Seat of Vision, 185 Further Observations on the Retina, 188 Case I. of Nyctalopia, or Night Blind- ness, . .191 contents. XXIII Page Case II. of Nyctalopia, . 192 Of the Membr ana Pupillaris, . 194 Of the Humours of the Eye, . . 196 Of the Aqueous Humour. The Vitreous Humour, . 199 Of the Crystalline Lens. Of the Capsule of the Lens and Vi- treous Humour, . 200 Action of the Lens on the Rays o! Light, . ... . 202 Of the Distribution of the Central Ar- tery and Vein of the Retina. Of the V ascularity of the Pellucid Mem- branes, . . 204 Some Surgical Observations connect- ed with the Anatomy of the Humours, 206 Of the Eye-lids, of their Glands, and of the Course of the Tears, . . 208 Of the Secretion and Course of the Tears. . . . 209 Page Of the Tensor Tars!, . . 269 Of the Motions of the Eye-ball and Eye-lids, .... 213 Of the Actions of the Muscles of the Eye, and their natural Classification, 215 Experimental Enquiry into the Action of these Muscles, . . 217 On the two Conditions of the Eye, its state of Rest, and of Activity, 219 Of the Expression of the Eye, and of the Actions of the Oblique Muscles in Disease, . . . 221 The Fourth Nerve, . . . 223 Of the Manner in which the Eve adapts itself to the Distance of Objects. 225 Of Vision, 231 Parallel Motion of the Eyes, . . 232 Squinting. . ... 235 OF THE EAR. Of Sound, and of the Ear in general, 237 General View of the Varieties in the Ears of Animals, . . . 239 Description of the Organ of Hearing in particular Animals, . . 243 In the Lobster and. Crab. Of the Ear in Reptiles and Amphi- bious Animals, . . 245 Of the Ear in Birds, . 247 Of the Human Ear, . . . 248 Of the External Ear. Of the Tympanum, or Middle Cavity of the Ear, and its Diseases, . 250 The Anatomy of the Tympanum. Of the Membrana Tympani, 252 Of the Chain of Bones in the Tym- panum. . . 25S Connexion and Motion of these Bones, . . 254 Of the Muscles within the Tym- panum, . . 255 Of the Diseasesof the Tympanum, 259 Of the Labyrinth, . . 261 Of the soft Parts contained in the Labyrinth, . . 266 Of the Nerve, * . . . 267 Of Hearing, . . . 268 Of the Diseases of the Internal Ear, 273 OF THE NOSE, AND ORGAN OF SMELLING. Of the Sense of Smelling, . 275 OF THE MOUTH, SALIVARY GLANDS, THE ORGAN OF TASTE, &c. Of the Mouth and Tongue, . . 278 Of the Salivary Glands. . . 280 Velum Palatinum, Uvula, Arches of the Palate, and A mygdalje, 281 Of the Sense of Tasting, . 283 OF THE SKIN, AND SENSE OF TOUCH. Of the Skin, . ., 284 Of the Structure and Growth of the Nails, .... 286 Of the Hairs. Rete Mucosum, 287 Vascular Membrane of the True Skin, 288 Of the True Skin, . . 289 Of the Organ of Touch. Function of the Skin, 290 XXIV CONTENTS. ANATOMY OF THE VISCERA OF THE ABDOMEN. INTRODUCTION. Page view of tub system of the viscera, and of the structure of glands, 293 Of the Abdomen in general, and of the Peritoneum, . . . 302 Of the Regions of the Belly, . 303 Of the Peritoneum, • • 304 Of the Omenta, . . . 308 Of the Viscera of the Abdomen, 311 Of the (Esophagus, . . 312 Of the Stomach, . . 314 Of the Seat, Form, Displacement of the Stomach. Of the Coats of the Stomach, . . 316 Of the Pylorus, . . . 318 Of the Action of the Muscular Coat. Of Rumination, . . 320 Of Vomiting, . . . 321 Of the Nervous or Vascular Coat, 323 Of the Villous Coat. Of the Gastric Fluid, . . . 324 OfDigestibn, . . . 325 Of Hunger and Thirsty . . 326 Of the Intestines, . . . 328 Page Of the Muscular Coat of the Intestines, 332 Of the Antiperistaltic Motion, . 334 Of the Vascular Coat, . • . . 336 Of the Villous Coat. Of the Glands, . . . 337 Of the Function of the Small Intestines, 338 Of the Great Intestines, . • 339 Of the Solid and Glandular Viscera of the Abdomen, . . . 345 Of the Liver. Of the Function of the Liver, and of the Secretion of the Bile, . . 355 Case of Absence of the Vena Port*, 357 Of the Pancreas, . . 359 Of the Spleen, S61 Opinions regarding the Use of the Spleen, 363 Of thp Urinary Organs, . . 366 Kidney. Minute Structure of the Kidney. S68 Ruysch’s Doctrine, . . 369 Bertin’s Doctrine, . . 370 Of the Office of the Kidneys, 372 Of the Capsul* Renales. ANATOMY OF THE VISCERA OF THE PELVIS. Of the Male Parts of Generation, 373 Of the Parts within the Pelvis. Of the Bladder of Urine, . . 374 Oi the Sphincter of the Bladder, . 375 Of the Prostate Gland, . . 377 Further Examination of the Parts hi- therto described as seated at the Neck of the Bladder—La Trigone de l a Vessie—La Luette—Uvula Vesi- c/E—Corpora Carnosa Morgagni— Third Lobe of the Prostate, &c. 378 Anatomy of the Neck of the Bladder, 38i» Of the PifNis, Urethra, and Testes, 384 Of the Penis. Of the Urethra, .... 386 Of the Testes, . . . 388 Of the Female Par?s of Generation, 403 The External Parts of Generation. Of the Parts contained within the Fe- male Pelvis, . . . 409 Of the Bladder of Urine. Of the Vagina; of its Shape, Connexions, &c 410 Of the Uterus, . . 412 Of the Ovaria, . . . 416 Of the Muscularity of the Uterus, 438 Of the Mammae, . . . 445 Explanation of Plates, . . 447 APPENDIX. Of the Foetal Brain, . . 451 Of Absorption from the Digestive Canal, 457 Of the Chemical Constitution of the So- lids .and Fluids of the Human Body, 464 INTRODUCTION* Human anatomy is apart only of a more general science, which embraces the knowledge of the structure of all classes of animals, from the most simple to the highest; but it is by far the most impor- tant part. It should be kept before the anatomist and naturalist, as a subject of suitable dignity and usefulness, not only to animate their endeavours, but to point them, to give them a direction, and to prove a criterion of their success in the pursuit of useful know- ledge. On the other hand, human anatomy cannot be highly cul- tivated without the assistance of what is called comparative anatomy. It cannot be considered a liberal study, nor properly preserved in relation to general science, without a continual reference to natural history, and the chain of animal existence. Whether there be a perfect chain and gradation of existence, some will doubt; that is to say, when the naturalist has arranged animals according to their exterior appearance, the anatomist de- ranges his ideas, by exhibiting, in the internal structure, transitions and gradations which he did not contemplate, and principles of ar- rangement which he had not foreseen. But this does not contro- vert the general principle, that there is a chain of existence through the whole of nature. It only throws us back, mortified that we do not perfectly comprehend the system ; a conclusion which, how- ever humbling, is exactly what man experiences in the pursuit of every other department of knowledge, whether the subject of his contemplation be the earth he inhabits, the creatures which partake it with him, or his own faculties and nature, and his condition in creation : and let us make the best of this truth; let us view it as promising to us an inexhaustible field for inquiry, and an ever new hope of discovery. In respect to animals, there are principles in operation, and a structure or organization, which extend, with a certain resemblance, through the whole. There is a system of parts to give form; there is a substance the seat of irritability; there are parts the seat of sensibility and enjoyment; and the powers or endowments of those parts, however different, are supplied through the same means. They have a circulation of fluids more or less perfect (as we use the expression;) they receive new matter under the influence of Vol.I.—C 18 IVi'KomJCTIOiV. the same appetites ; and they perfect or animalize it, and appro- priate it, by similar organs. In all the more perfect animals we have a texture of bones, con- stituting the skeleton, and giving form and stature ; both bearing up the soft parts and protecting them, and at the same time receiving the influence, and adjusting the effects, of the contractile parts of the body : for the bones are moulded with a regard to the motions to be performed, and their shapes give a direction to the efforts of the muscles. The muscles constitute, properly, the fleshy part of the body. They consist of a fibrous texture, and are possessed of a peculiar animal and living power of contraction : in them, motion is originated by the influence of nerves; and by their operation on the bones, the motions and agency of the body are produced. The nerves are like white cords, which are every where tracea- ble through the where sensibility and motion can be perceived. They extend betwixt the brain and the muscular frame, combine the muscles in their actions on the bones and joints, and convey to them, the influence of the will. But these muscles and nerves have powers peculiar to them as living parts ; and all living properties are propagated and continued through the influence of the circulating blood : so that, although in the nerves, muscles, and bones, we see all that is necessary to the mechanism of the frame, we find every where accompanying them, arteries, veins, and lymphatics, which are necessary to their consti- tution as living parts. To knit the bones together, and form the articulations, to be a bed and proper support for the muscles, to constitute a general bond of union betwixt bones, muscles, nerves, and blood-vessels—a certain cellular texture is necessary. This common cellular sub- stance extends over the whole frame, unites the rudest parts, as the bones, and sustains the most delicate vessels, and such as are not visible to the naked eye; it constitutes, therefore, a very large pro- portion of the body, and is common to all animals. Still, in what is here described, we have only the common tex- ture of the frame of animal bodies; and, suppose them so consti- tuted and possessed of their endowments, to feel or suffer, to re-act and to move symmetrically, how are these powers to be continued, and the delicate textures to be preserved 1 This consideration leads to the second division of the Anatomy, the viscera, the organs for the reception and assimilation of new matter. To the circumstances of volition and locomotion, are owing the necessity for an alimentary canal. The vessels of vegetables, ex- tended in their roots, draw nourishment from the soil; but animals must have these vessels and absorbing mouths internal, and the nu- tritious matter conveyed to them through an intestinal canal. In this canal, various processes are performed, suiting the contained INTRODUCTION. 19 matter to its new condition, and fitting it to be received into the living vessels, and gradually assimilating it to the condition of the cir- culating blood. In man, the food requires no preparation but of mastication, and is directly carried into a digesting stomach. Di- gestion is the first and the most essential change wrought upon the food: after that it is sent into the intestines and subjected to the operation of certain secreted fluids, which separate, and, as it were, refine the pure and nutritious fluid of digestion. It is then subjected to the absorbent mouths of the lacteals of the intestines, by a process as curious as any to be observed in the animal func- tions, and incapable of being explained on the common principles of fluids acting on dead matter out of the body. By the lacteals, the fluid destined to supply the waste of the body is carried into the circulating system. The circulating system consists of heart, arteries, and veins, a set of tubes continuous throughout, which transmit the blood through the whole body. The blood is sent outward by the arteries, and returns by the veins, and thus moves in a continual stream, urged on by the contraction of the containing tubes and cavities. In animals which have a circulation, the blood is a vehicle which is constantly receiving from the alimentary canal, what it furnishes to all parts of the body for their growth. It is in its distribution to the extremities of the arteries that it effects those purposes of nu- trition. In the very lowest animals, some physiologists have per- suaded themselves that the vessels carry the fluid directly from the stomach to the parts of the frame, to nourish them. But in the more perfect animals, we know that it is not so. The new fluid which has come from the organs of digestion and assimilation, is not fit for the purposes of nutrition, until it has suffered the influence of the lungs. Nor is the blood, which returns from the body by the veins, capable of sustaining the endowments or properties which distinguish the different textures as living until it be submitted to the same operation. Lungs, therefore, are an essential part of the organic functions of all living beings. Vegetables, and those animals which have no true circulation, respire through the whole of their surface, or they have the air admitted into the interior of their bodies through dif- ferent foramina, and by air vessels, which accompany the blood- vessels in their distribution to the body. It is a beautiful display, to see minute tubes distributing air and mingling with those carry- ing blood, as if they were as necessary to the health and exercise of the living properties : and so it is proved by the survey of animated nature, to be in some way essential to the existence of life, that the blood and the pure air shall mutually influence each other. In the more perfect animals, the lungs admit the air in contact with the blood : they consist of innumerable cells, having connexion 20 INTRODUCTION. with the wind-pipe or trachea, and by the muscular apparatus of the chest or thorax, these cells are expanded and compressed al- ternately ; so that the atmospheric air is alternately permitted to press or sink into these cells in inspiration, and is again discharged in expiration. To the cells of the lungs, a grand division of the circulating system of vessels is transmitted: arteries carrying the blood to them, and veins returning that blood again to the heart. —By means of these vessels the blood in the lungs is exposed to the influence of the atmospheric air, and through its influence it is purified. This is the meaning of what is termed the double circulation, and the double heart; for in the higher and warm-blooded animals, there is a heart consisting of two cavities for receiving the blood from the body and transmitting it to the lungs, and there is another heart of two cavities for receiving the blood from the lungs and transmitting it to the body. These four cavities are tied together by the interlacement of their muscular fibres; and their walls being animated by the same nerves, are in every respect combined, and subject to the same excitement: so that as the principal force of circulation is in the heart, (for so we call the union of the four cavities,) the circula- tion in the body and the circulation in the lungs are regulated by the heart’s excitement, and always correspond. The air respired must contain oxygen, or vital air; the air re- turned from the lungs is loaded with carbonic acid gas. The blood which had received the operation of the oxygen upon it was venous, dark coloured, and unfit for the offices of life ; but, on returning from the lungs, it has parted with its carbon,—it has become purer in colour ; it is the bright vermilion-coloured blood which, from its being transmitted through the body by the arteries, is called arterial blood. No animals respire by a particular organ except those that have a real circulation of the blood ; because, in them, the heart and vessels are so ordered, that no blood is transmitted to the. body, unless the whole or part has been subjected to the offices of the lungs and purified, and made capable not merely of conveying the nutriment and material of the bodily frame, but also of supporting the vital energies, whatever these may be. Whether it is the nerve which has to feel, or the muscle to contract, no quality of life can be long supported in the organ without the supply and actual con- tact of the pure or arterial blood. In this introductory survey of the animal economy, we perceive that the functions may be divided into three distinct orders. We perceive that if animals required no support, and if they held an independent existence, the faculties of sensation and mo- tion would suffice, and nerves and muscles would constitute the whole active frame. These are the functions which anatomists 21 INTRODUCTION. call the animal functions, by which we might suppose the lower properties of our nature were meant; but the term is used in con- tradistinction to vegetable life, which enjoys neither sense nor motion. In opposition to the animal functions are the vital functions, by which are meant those which serve for the preservation and reno- vation of the machine; such as the offices of digestion, absorption, circulation, respiration, and the excretions. Finally, the duration of each individual is defined and limited. There is a continual change and renovation of the frame, an intes- tinal motion, a separation and an absorption of its particles, by which the body is ever new; but the life, the active principle, suf- fers change in infancy, youth, maturity, and the debility of age and death. Such is the law of animal existence. By which we see the necessity of a system of superadded parts, and a third order of functions: organs of generation, by which the individuals that perish are replaced by others, and by which the existence of each species of animals is maintained. On the whole, and surveying what is common to all animals, we perceive,—and all men who do not allow their passions to inter- fere with their philosophical opinions, must acknowledge,—that there is a principle of life which holds those bodies which enjoy it, subjected to a different law from inanimate matter; that the prin- cipal character of this power is to withdraw the bodies it animates from the influence of those mere chemical affinities to which, from the multiplicity of their component parts, their mixture, moisture, and temperature, they would have a strong tendency, and to which they are immediately exposed on death, and whereby their tex- tures* are reduced to their original elements. * Bichat, the illustrious founder of the science of General Anatomy, classified the ele- mentary tissues, from which all the textures of the body are formed, in the following manner: 8 Osseous, 9 Medullary, 10 Cartilaginous, 11 Fibrous, 12 Fibro-cartilaginous, 13 Muscular of animal life, 14 Muscular of organic life, 15 Mucous, 16 Serous, 17 Synovial, 18 Glandulous, 19 Dermoid, 20 Epidermoid, 21 Pilous. 1 Cellular, 2 Nervous of animal life, 3 Nervous of organic life, 4 Arterial, 5 Venous, 6 Exhalants, . 7 Absorbents and their glands, General or Primitive < Tissues. Special or Secondary Tissues. The defect of this classification is obviously that of making too many tissues, since seve- ral of those above specified are but modifications of the same. Various writers on the sub- ject have proposed new classifications. We do not think it necessary to give any other than those of Beclard and J. F. Meckel. Beclard divides the tissues into 11 classes:—1. cellular and adipous; 2. serous mem- branes; 3. tegumentary membranes; 4. vascular system; 5. glands; 6. ligamentous tissue; 7. cartilages; 8. osseous system; 9. muscular system; 10. nervous; 11. acci- dental productions. Meckel makes ten elementary tissues:—1. the mucous; 2. the vascular; 3. nervous; 4. osseous; 5. cartilaginous; 6. fibrous; 7. fibro-cartilaginous; 8. muscular; 9. se- rous ; 10. dermoid.~J. P. G, S UPPLEMJEN TARY INTRODUCTION. THE AMERICAN EDITOR. The sentiment expressed by the Author, in the preceding paragraph, itf entirely accordant with the definition given by Bichat, in his immortal Treatise on Life and Death. From this work we shall here condense the excellent observations made in relation to the two remarkable modi- fications of life, termed by him, animal and organic. Life is the sum of the functions which resist death. The measure of life being in general the difference which exists between the effort of ex- ternal agents, and that of the internal resistance; the excess of the former announces the feebleness of life; the predominance of the latter is the index of its strength. Such is life considered in the aggregate ; but examined in detail, it ex- hibits two remarkable modifications; one of which is common to vegeta- bles and animals, the other belonging exclusively to animals. The vege- table exists only from within, havihg no relation with surrounding bodies, except those of nutrition ; it commences, grows, and perishes, fixed to the soil that first received the germ. The animal has connected with this internal life; which it enjoys in the highest degree, an external life, which establishes numerous relations between it and surrounding objects, unites its existence with that of all other beings, separates or approaches them according to its fears or necessities, and seems, in appropriating to itself every thing in nature, to refer the whole to its peculiar existence. Hence animal functions form two very distinct classes ; one concerned in the actions which assimilate extraneous materials to the sustenance of the body, and reject matters which have become effete, constituting the internal life. The other which enables it to perceive surrounding ob- jects, reflect upon its sensations, move voluntarily according to their influ- ence, and most commonly express by the voice, its desires, fears, plea- sures or pains. The sum of the first class of functions, may be called organic life : that of the second we name animal life, because it is the exclusive ak- tcibute of the animal kingdom, 24 SUPPLEMENTARY INTRODUCTION. Generation does not enter into the series oi’ phenomena of either oi these modifications of life, which relate to the individual; while genera- tion refers to the species, and is but indirectly connected with most of the other functions; commencing long after the other functions have been in operation, and ceasing long before they are discontinued. Animal and organic life are both composed of two orders of func- tions, succeeding and connected with each other in an inverse manner. The first order in animal life, is established from the exterior of the body towards the brain. The second from that organ towards those of loco- motion and voice. The impression of objects successively affects the senses, nerves, and brain. The senses receive, the nerves transmit, and the brain perceives the impression, which being thus received, transmit- ted, and perceived, constitute our sensations. A very exact proportion exists between these two orders of functions ; the developement of one being attended by increased energy of the other: vividness of sensation being always allied with vivacity of motion. A double movement also is in operation in organic life; on e of which incessantly composes, and the other decomposes the animal. Hence the elements are continually changing, though the organization remains the same. The nutritive molecules are successively absorbed, rejected, pass from the animal to the plant, thence to dead matter, again return to the animal, and are again reabsorbed. To this constant circulation of mat- ter, organic life is adapted by two orders of functions. 1st. The assimi- lative, consisting of digestion, circulation, respiration, and nutrition. 2d. The dis-assimilative, absorption, circulation, exhalation, and se- cretion. The sanguineous system occupies a middle rank, having the molecules which are to be assimilated, circulating along with those which have already been employed. This system constitutes the centre of organic, as the brain is of animal life. There is not the same relation existing between the two orders of functions of organic life, as is found between those of animal life : the feebleness of assimilation, does not necessarily cause diminution of the dis-assimilating actions. The marks which essentially distinguish the organs of animal from those of organic life, are 1st. The regularity of the organs of animal life. The sense of sight is derived from two globes corresponding precisely in character ; the sense of hearing from two organs in all respects cor- respondent ; and that of smell from an organ of which one portion is throughout a copy of the other. The organ of taste is symmetrical, being separated by a median line, although covered bv an undivided membrane; and the skin, although extended universally over the surface, is not deficient in traces of separation, which show that the organ of SUPPLEMENTARY INTRODUCTION. 25 touch is formed in an analogous manner. The depressions below the nose, middle of the lips and chin ; the navel, raphe of the perineum, pro- jection of the spinous processes, and hollowing of the middle of the back of the neck, serve to indicate the fact. The nerves of the organs of sense, excepting that of touch, are evi- dently arranged in symmetrical pairs. The nerves of locomotion, the muscles, bones and their dependences, the larynx and its accessories, have all a regularity which is never to be mistaken. The brain, the organ which receives impressions, is remarkable for the regularity of its forms. The parts which are in pairs resemble each other exactly, while the central parts are separated by a median line, and are perfectly symmetrical. Symmetry is, in fact, so peculiarly the charac- teristic of animal life, that the moment the muscular and nervous sys- tems become irregular, they no longer pertain to the animal functions. The muscular fibres of the heart and intestines, and the irregular distri- bution of the trisplanchnic or ganglionic nerve, may suffice in proof of this statement. 2d. The irregularity of the Viscera of organic Life. The viscera of organic life are of an entirely opposite character. Of the digestive system, the stomach, intestines, spleen, liver, &c. are all irregularly disposed. In the circulatory system, the heart, great vessels, such as the arch of the aorta, the vense cavae, azygos, vena portae, and arteria innominata offer no trace of symmetry. Continual varieties pre- sent themselves in the vessels of the extremities, and what is remarkable, is, that the irregularities of arrangement on one side are not necessary accompanied by irregularity on the other. The respiratory apparatus at first sight appears exactly regular. \et the right bronchus differs in length, diameter, and direction from the left; the right lung has three, while the left has but two lobes. There is an obvious difference in volume between the right and leff tong. The pulmonary arteries are unlike in their courses and : the mediastinum upon which the median line falls, deviates sensibly to the left ; all of which, circumstances show, that the con^non 1&W °f irregularity suffers no ex- ception in relation to the respiratory organs. The organs of exhalation, absorption, the serous membranes, thora- cic duct, the great lymphatic vessel, the secondary absorbents of all parts, have throng*10111 an unequal and irregular distribution. In the glandulou3 system, we see the crypts or mucous follicles distributed irregularly in their respective membranes. The pancreas, liver, and even the salivary glands, although at first sight more symmetric, are not found to be so exactly beneath the median line. The kidneys differ from each other by their position, the number of their lobes in the child, the length 26 SUPPLEMENTARY" IXTRODUCTIOX. and size of their arteries and veins, and especially by their frequent varieties. From all the foregoing observations, it is evident that animal life is dou- ble ; that its phenomena executed at the same time on both sides, form on each of these sides a system independent of the opposito*system, one of which may exist, although the other has ceased to act, being, doubt- less, destined reciprocally to supply each other’s place. This we see occur in common morbid affections, where the animal sensibility and mobility being weakened or entirely suspended in one of the symmetric halves of the body, does not preserve any relation with surrounding ob- jects. In this case the individual is on one side nothing better than a vegetable, while on the other he preserves all the characters of animality, by the sense and motion which remain. Organic life, on the contrary, forms a single system, where all is allied and co-ordinate, where the functions of one side cannot be interrupted without necessarily extinguishing those of the other. Disease of the left side of the liver, influences on the right, the state of the stomach ; if the colon on one side cease its action, the opposition portion must also suspend its movements ; the same stroke which arrests the circulation in the great venous trunks and right side of the heart, must also check it in the left portion and the great arteries. Should all the viscera of organic life have their actions suspended on one side, death must inevitably fol- low. Nevertheless, this assertion is general, and relative to the aggre- gate of organic life, and not to all the insulated phenomena; some organs of this system being actually double, and like the lungs and kidneys, being able on one side to supply the place of the other. The viscera of organic life are not only subject to individual irregulari- ties, but frequently the whole of the organs within the chest and abdo- men have been found transposed ; those of the right being found on the left side, and the com*ary. it is in the viscera of organic life that we find by far the greatest nun,qer 0f deviations from the normal structure. The actions of the functions of animal life, are characterized by a har- mony, equal to their perfect symmeiiy • while the actions of organic life are as discordant as the viscera thereto are irregular in their conformation. The precision of sensation appears to be in proportion to the exact simi- larity of the two impressions, of which each is the collection. The right is imperfect, when one eye being stronger than the other i& more vividly affected, and transmits a stronger image to the brain. It is to avoid this confusion, that we close one eye when the other is artificially increased in power by a convex glass, which interrupts the harmony of the two organs. Yfe have the same effect produced naturally, when in squinting we turn SUPPIiOIJSI'iTARV INTRODUCTION. 27 the weaker eye from the object, while the stronger is fixed upon it, and thus avoid the inequality of impression. The same sort of observation may be extended to all the organs of sense; according to their peculiar characters, the harmony of action of two symmetric organs, or of two similar halves of single organs, being essential to the perfection of sensations. The perfection of the internal senses, derived immediately from external sensations, the memory, ima- gination, and judgment, depend on the harmony existing between the two portions of the brain, in which the nerves of sense terminate. Should one hemisphere of the brain be more perfectly organized than the other, more developed at all points, and therefore more susceptible of vivid impressions, the perception will be confused, for the brain is to the intellect what the senses are to the brain. Thus, if the want of harmony in the external sensitive system disturbs the perception of the brain, why will not the intellect perceive confusedly when two hemispheres of une- qual force do not reduce to one, the double impression they have received ? The opposite of all this harmony of action is to be observed in the functions of organic life, and it is sufficient to refer to those of respira- tion, circulation, and secretion, to supply multitudes of examples of the truth of the statement. In the organs of animal life, we see throughout regular alternations of activity and repose. The organic functions are continued without inter- ruption throughout life, or if at ail suspended, at the hazard of its imme- diate destruction. All the secretions are performed without interruption, and if some periods of remittance are observed, as in the bile during diges- tion, or the saliva during mastication, these periods refer to the intensity and not to the entire exercise of the function. Exhalation and absorption incessantly succeed each other;—nutrition is never inactive ; the double movement of assimilation and disassimilation from which it results lias no other limit than that of life. The difference between organic and animal life is still farther shown by their difference of duration. The functions of organic life commence the first actions of the embryon. Animal life cannot be said to begin until after birth, unless we suppose that some indistinct sensation of touch is caused by the striking of the fetus against the sides of the womb. The organic actions, though differing in force and activity from what they become at a more advanced age, are nevertheless in constant operation, and require but a short time after birth to attain their entire perfection. The organs of animal life, after birth, are but just commencing their actions, and require a long continued education to arrive at their greatest degree of excellence. 28 sUFPLEMEXTAitV INTRODUCTION. The distinction between the two modifications of life continues to be kept up in their different periods of decline and extinction. Natural death terminates the animal life, nearly altogether, before organic life is much impaired. The animal functions fail successively. Sight grows feeble, indistinct, and is lost. Sounds affect the ear but slightly and con- fusedly until the function is entirely lost. The skin withers, wrinkles, has little circulation, and becomes obtuse in its sensibility. Smelling is no longer performed, and taste, although it lingers to the last, is at. length altogether extinct. With the senses the understanding disappears —perception, imagination, memory fade away. Memory, however, faithful to the vividness of early impressions, remains capable of recalling the past, even when the senses no longer are capable of exciting ideas of the present. The aged differ from infants in this; the latter judge according to immediate sensations, the former from those heretofore ex- perienced. Both conditions are liable to great errors, since both the pre- sent and past are equally necessary in our sensations, to the correct- ness of judgment; when either is wanting they cannot be compared, and the judgment cannot be correct. We thus readily perceive, that the external functions, or of animal life, are necessarily extinguished in the old man, while the functions of organic life continue in activity. In this respect, the state of an animal dying a natural death, approaches the state of one in the maternal womb, and even to that of a vegetable, which only lives internally, and to which all nature is in silence. If we now recollect, that sleep retrenches more than one third of the duration of animal life, and add to its entire inaction during the first nine months, the almost total inactivity to which it is reduced during the last period of existence, it will be easy to see how great is the dispro- portion existing between the duration of animal and organic life. The idea of our last hour is only painful, because, in terminating our animal life, it arrests all the functions which place us in relation with sur- rounding objects. It is the privation of these functions that scatters fear and dread upon the borders of the grave. It is not pain that we fear : for how many dying persons would purchase a continuance of existence at the price of uninterrupted sufferings ? Observe the animal that lives but little, except within, and whose external relations have reference solely to his material wants ; the immediate approach of death is accom- panied by no uneasiness. If it were possible to suppose a man in whom death affecting only the internal functions, as circulation, digestion, secretion, &c. would leave the whole functions of animal life untouched ; such an individual would behold with indifference the approach of the end of organic life ; because SUPPLEMENTARY INTRODUCTION. 29 he would be sensible that the good of existence is not attached thereto, and that after such a death he would be in condition to feel and enjoy nearly all that previously constituted his happiness. If animal life cease by degrees, if each of the ties which connect our lives with pleasure are successively broken, we relinquish our enjoyments without perceiving the loss, and have already forgotten their value when we yield to the stroke of death. Thus, the decay of the old man resem- bles the perishing of a vegetable, which without external relations, and having no consciousness of life, is equally free from the consciousness of death. OSTEOGENY. ON THE FORMATION AND GROWTH OF BONES. It is not easy to explain, in their natural order, the various parts of which the human body is composed ;* for they have that mutual dependence upon each other, that continual circle of action and reaction in their va- rious functions, and that intricacy of connection and close dependence, in respect of the individual parts, that as in a circle there is no point of preference from which we should begin to trace its course, there is in the human body no function so insulated from the other functions, no part so independent of other parts, as to determine our choice. We cannot begin without hesitation, or hope to proceed in any perfect course ; yet, from whatever point we begin, we may so return to that point, as to represent truly this consent of functions, and connection of parts, by which it is composed into one perfect whole. As dead parts, the bones are the most permanent, unchangeable parts of all the body ; while as living parts, and partaking in the laws of the living system, their substance changes continually. We see them exposed to the seasons, without suffering the smallest change; remaining for ages the memorials of the dead; the evi- dence of a former race of men, or of animals which have ceased to exist since the last great revolution of our globe ; the proofs of such changes on our globe as we cannot trace but by these uncertain marks. It is from such circumstances that we are apt to conceive, that even in the living body, bones are hardly organized, scarcely par- taking of life, not liable, like the soft parts, to disease and death. But minute anatomy, the most pleasing part of our science, unfolds and explains to us the internal structure of the bones ; shows their * This figure represents the skeleton of the arm of the foetus; it is dried, and while the cartilages have shrunk and become of a dark colour, the portions of the bones which have begun to form are visible in the scapula, clavicle, humerus, radius, and ulna, the metacarpal bones, and some of the phalanges of the fingers. 32 OF THE FORMATION myriads of vessels, and proves them to lie as full of blood as the most succulent and fleshy parts, and as subject to change ; having, like them, their periods of growth and decay ; that they are more liable to accidents, and as subject to internal disease. The phenomena of fractured bones first suggested some indistinct notionsof the way in which bone might be formed. It was observed, that in very aged men, a hard crust was often formed upon the surface of the bones ; that the fluid exuding into the joints of gouty people, sometimes coagulated into a chalky mass. Le Dran had thought that he had seen in a case of scrophulous bone, an exuda- tion which flowed out like wax, and hardened into perfect bone. Daventer that he had seen the juice exuding from a split in a bone, coagulate into a bony crust; and they thought it particularly well ascertained, that callus was but a coagulable juice, which might bo seen exuding directly from the broken ends, and which gradually coagulated into hard bone. The best physiologists did not scruple to believe, that bones, and the callus of broken bones, were formed of a bony juice, which was deposited by the vessels of the part, and which passing through all the successive conditions of a thin uncoag- ulated juice, of a transparent cartilage, and of soft and flexible bone, became at last, by a slow coagulation, a firm, hard, and perfect bone, depending but little upon vessels or membranes, either for its generation or growth, or for nourishment in its perfect state. This opinion, erroneous as we now know it to be, once prevailed ; and if other theories were at that time proposed, they did not vary in any very essential point from this first notion. De Heide, a surgeon of Amsterdam, believed that bone or callus were not formed from a co- agulable juice, but from the blood itself. He broke the bones of animals, and, examining them at various points of time, he never failed (like other speculators) to find exactly what he desired to find. “ In every experiment,” he found a great effusion of blood among the muscles, and round the broken bone; and he as easily traced this blood through all the stages of its progress. In the first day red and fluid; by and by coagulated ; then gradually becoming white, then cartilaginous, an-d at last (by the exhalation of its thinner parts) hardening into perfect bone. It is very singular, that those who abjure theory, and appeal to ex- periments, who profess only to deliver facts, are lelfst of all to be trusted ; for it is theory which brings them to try experiments, and then the form and order, and even the result of such experiments, must bend to meet the theories which they were designed to prove : it is by this deception that the authors of two rival doctrines arrive at opposite conclusions, by facts directly opposed to each other. Du Hamel believed, that as the bark formed the wood of a tree, add- ing, by a sort of secretion, successive layers to its growth, the peri- osteum* formed the bone at the first, renewed it when spoiled, or * The periosteum is a strong fibrous membrane, covering the whole surface of the bones except where their articular extremities are tipped with cartilage, and having inserted into ft the tendons, ligaments, and aponeurotic expansions. It is in infancy soft, thick, and readily separable; in adult life, it is more compact, and thinner in texture, adhering firmly to the bones, in consequence of having secreted Veil! ' d/w ~ -A<- ci/yj dY&itrn try t/ie A c/ys *M/7n A/y<4ccdonj r i2 jC+&rny, •be. a . lAc . Am r/ /odyed cm, otic h dAs ’d/emacA it-tiei c /Ac (JJriArjft t tec Ay od&e? eyzectd AeAd. d lAe /YacAe-ce d*e*/ ncAenyr fote/ccrdd dAs /Anya. e e dAe dr*/e A/s nyyys,r/rryAA/y Tesy «4'dzc?,AA&.y/'/ccccd dou/n /olAe AAcAArne ./d3 o/Acnytec/2, dsA A 4vv crrirncdcc/de conduct undA/Ac AAccnyo Of comm ccncccc/'. ny uddA cdi> dAeof/Ctz {cAAi■ dAc AoAj *vce AAA /s/iendnyj dy u /Ac yAA corrc-mccndeeide too/AdA An nyd id tcddAone ctncdAei . AND GttOYVTII OP BONES. 33 cut away, and when broken, assumed the nature of bone, and re- paired the breach. He broke the bones of pigeons, and, allowing them to heal, he found the periosteum to be the chief organ for re- producing bone. He found that the callus had no adhesion to the broken bone, was easily separated from the broken ends whidi re- mained rough and bare; and, in pursuing these dissections, he found the periosteum fairly glued to the external surface of the new bone ; or he found rather the callus or regenerated bone to be but a mere thickening of the periosteum, its layers being separated, audits sub- stance swelled. On the first days he found the periosteum thick- ened, inflamed, and easily divided into many lamellae, or plates ; but while the periosteum was suffering these changes, the bone was in no degree changed. On the following days, he found the tumour of the periosteum increased at the place of the fracture, and extending further along the bone ; its internal surface already cartilaginous, and always tinged with a little blood, which came to it through the ves- sels of the marrow. He found the tumour of the periosteum spongy, and divisible into regular layers, while still the ends of the bone were unchanged, or only a little roughened by the first layer of the periosteum being already converted into earth, and deposited upon the surface of the bone: and in the next stage of its progress, he found the periosteum firmly attached to the surface of the callous mass. By wounding, not breaking the bones, he had a more flat- tering appearance still of a proof; for having pierced Jhem with holes, he found the holes filled up with a substance, proceeding from the periosteum, which was thickened all round them. In an early stage, this plug could, by drawing the periosteum, be pulled out from its hole : in a more advanced stage, it was inseparably united to the bone so as to supply the loss. Haller, doubting whether the periosteum, a thin and delicate membrane, could form so large a mass of bone or callus, repeated the proofs, and he again found quite the reverse of all this : That the callus, or the original bone was in no degree dependent on the periosteum, but was generated from the internal vessels of the bone itself: That the periosteum did indeed appear as early as the cartilage which is to produce the bone, seeming to bound the cartilage, and give it form ; but that the periosteum was at first but a loose tissue of cellular substance, without the appearance of vessels, or any mark of blood, adhering chiefly to the heads or processes, while it hardly touched the body of the bone. He also found that the bone grew, became vascular, had a free circulation of red blood, and that then osseous matter from its internal surface. Its fibres, except in the flat bones, are commonly arranged according to the length of the bones, the outer layer being longer and the inner shorter; fibres appear to pass thence into the bone accompany- ing the blood-vessels which enter them from this membrane, making its adhesion much stronger. The periosteum receives blood-vessels from the adjacent arteries, which divide minutely in its substance, sending the branches just mentioned. The lymphatic vessels are few in number, and the nerves must be exceedingly small, as no sensibility is evinced by the periosteum, except when injured while in a state of inflammation. The uses of this membrane, as may be readily gathered from what has been said, is to convey the blood-vessels to and from the bone, regulate the growth of the bone, &c.—J. D. G. 34 OF THE FORMATION only the vessels of the periosteum began to carry red blood, or to adhere to the bone. We know that the bones begin to form in small nuclei, in the very centre of their cartilage, or in the very cen- tre of the yet flexible callus, far from the surface, where they might be assisted by the periosteum ; and here it is justice to add, that, while these questions were agitated on the continent, Dr. William Hunter had proved that the callus of broken bones was organized, and that the secretion of bone into it proceeded from the arteries taking on them a new action, and secreting the earthy matter into the first formed subtance. Thus has the formation of bone been falsely attributed to a gela- tinous effusion, gradually hardened ; or to that blood which must be poured out from the ruptured vessels round the fractured bone ; or to the induration and change of the periosteum, depositing layer after layer, till it completed the form of the bone. But when, neglecting theory, we set ourselves to examine, with an unbiassed judgment, the process of nature in forming the bones, as in the chick, or in restoring them, as in broken limbs, a succession of phenomena presents themselves, the most orderly, beautiful, and simple of any that are recorded in the philosophy of the animal body : for if bones were but condensed gluten, coagulated blood, or a mere deposition from the periosteum, they were then inorganized, and out of the system, not subject to change, nor open to disease; liable, indeed, to be broken, but without any means of being healed again ; while they are, in truth, as fully organized, as permeable to the blood, as easily hurt, and as easily healed, as sensible to pain,* and as regularly changed as the softer parts are. We are not to refer the generation and growth of bone to any one part. It is not formed by that jelly in which the bone is layed, nor by the blood which is circulating in it, nor by the periosteum which covers it, nor by the medullary membrane with which it is lined ; but the whole system of the bone, of which these are parts only, is designed and planned, is laid out in the very elements of the body, and goes on to ripeness, by the concurring action of all its parts. The arteries, veins, and lymphatics, exist in the cartilage or the membranes, before bone is formed. At a certain regular period, the arteries, by a deter- mined action, deposite the bone; which is formed commonly in a bed of cartilage, as the bones of the leg or arm are; sometimes be- twixt two layers of membrane, like the bones of the skull, where true cartilage is never seen. My readers understand that cartilage is a substitute for bone in the early months of the foetus ; that at a regulated period in each bone, at a given point, and in a perfectly regular manner, portions of the cartilage are absorbed, and bone deposited. This cartilage never is hardened into bone; but, from the first, it is in itself an organized mass. It has its vessels, which are at first transparent, but which soon dilate ; and whenever the red colour of the blood begins to appear in them, ossification very quickly fol- * The obscurity on this subject is from the neglect of defined terms. We shall presently see that the sensibility possessed by the bones, and the kind of pain to which tliey»are subject, differs from the sensibility and pain of the skin and soft parts. and growth of bones. 35 lows.* The first mark of ossification is an artery, which is seen running into the centre of the car- tilage, in which the bone is to be formed. Other arteries soon appear, overtake the first, mix with it, and form a net-work of vessels; then a centre of ossification begins, stretching its rays according to the length of the bone, and then the cartilage begins to grow opaque, yellow, brittle ; it will no longer bend, and the small nucleus of ossifica- tion is felt in the centre of the bone, and when touched with a sharp point, is easily known by its gritty feel. Other points of ossification are successively formed; always the ossification is foretold by the spreading of the artery, and by the arrival of red blood. Every point of ossification has its little arteries, and each ossifying nucleus has so little dependence on the cartilage in which it is formed, that it is held to it by vessels only; and when the ossifying cartilage is cut into thin slices, and steeped in water till its arteries rot, the nu- cleus of ossification drops spontaneously from the cartilage, leaving the cartilage, like a ring, with a smooth and regular hole where the bone lay. This is because the cartilage was a substitute for the bone, and, because preparatory to the formation of the nucleus of bone, the cartilage is absorbed, and a bed prepared for the new formation. The colour of each part of a bone is proportioned exactly to the degree in which its ossification is advanced. When ossification be- gins in the centre of the bone, redness also appears, indicating the presence of those vessels by which the bony matter is to be poured out. When the bony matter begins to accumulate, the red colour of those arteries is obscured, the centre of the bone becomes yellow or white, and the colour removes towards the ends of the bone. In the centre, the first colouring of the bone is a cloudy, diffused, and general red, because the vessels are profuse. Beyond that, at the edges of the first circle, the vessels are more scattered and asunder, distinct trunks are easily seen, forming a circle of radiated arteries, which point towards the heads of the bone. Beyond that, again, the cartilage is transparent and pure, as yet untouched with blood ; the arteries have not reached it, and its ossification is not begun. Thus, a long bone, while forming, seems to be divided into seven various coloured zones. The central point of mo3t perfect ossifica- tion is yellow and opaque. On either side of that, there is a zone of red. On either side of that, again, the vessels being more spa- ringly distributed, form a vascular zone, and the zone at either end is * This figure represents the tibia of a foetus cut through. The central part (dia- physis) is already bony; but the extremities are yet cartilage. The red blood is, however, entering the arteries and veins in the cartilaginous extremities; and the black spots in the midst of the cartilage mark the beginning of ossification, and for- mation of the epiphysis. 36 OF TIIE FORMATION transparent cartilage.* The ossification follows the vessels, and buries and hides those vessels by which it is formed: The yellow and opaque part expands and spreads along the bone: The vessels ad- vance towards the heads of the bones: The whole body of the bone becomes opaque, and there is left only a small vascular circle at either end ; the heads are separated from the body of the bone by a thin cartilage, and the vessels of the centre, extending still towards the extremities of the bone, perforate that cartilage, pass into the head of the bone, and then its ossification also begins, and a small nucleus of ossification is formed in its centre. Thus the heads and the body are, at the first, distinct bones formed apart, joined by a car- tilage, and not united till the age of fifteen or twenty years. Now we know the difference of apophysis, and epiphysis, for ana- tomists make a sort of juggle betwixt these names, as if they were engaged in important matters. The apophysis is a process, or pro- jection of bone. The epiphysis is the distinct portion of the bone, which is formed in a distinct nucleus of bone, and becomes afterwards joined and incorporated with the main body of the bone, and may then be described as an apophysis. It is more important a great deal to observe, that as the extremi- ties of the long bones forming the articulations are joined to the bo- dies or shafts by cartilage in childhood and adolescence, they are subject to be torn off, and to present a very puzzling case, that is, a fracture without crepitus ; for as the crepitus of the fractured bone arises from the irregularity of the broken ends, and as in this sort of fracture [or diastasis] the surfaces are smooth, the surgeon is liable to be deceived, and the patient to permanent lameness and distor- tion. I have some specimens in my museum of this accident. The vessels may be seen entering in one large trunk (the nutritious artery) into the middle of the bone.t From that centre they ex- tend towards either end, and the fibres of the bone extend in the same direction ; there are furrows betwixt the rays, and the arteries run along in the furrows of the bone, as if the arteries were forming these ridges, secreting and pouring out the bony matter, each artery piling it up on either side to form its ridge; yet tli6 arteries of a bone branch with freedom, and with the same seeming irregularity as in other parts of the body. The arteries do not exude their se- cretion from their sides, so as to pile up the ridge of bone in their * It is curious to observe how completely vascular tlie bones of a chicken are be- fore the ossifications have fairly begun ; how the ossifications being begun, overtake the arteries, and hide them, changing the transparent and vascular part of the bone into an opaque white; how by peeling off the periosteum, bloody dots are seen, which show a living connexion and commerce of vessels betwixt the periosteum and the bone ; how by tearing .up the outer layers of the tender hone, the vascularity of the inner layers is again exposed, and the most beautiful proof of all is that of our common preparations, where, by filling with injection the arteries of an adult bone, by its nutritious vessels, and then corroding the bone with mineral acids, we dissolve the earth, leaving nothing but the transparent jelly, which restores it to its original cartilaginous state: and then the vessels .appear in such profusion, that the bone may be compared in vascularity with the soft parts, and it is seen that its arteries were not annihilated, but its high vascularity only concealed by the deposition of the bony parts. t This is an important, point of demonstration, because the artery, though small, acquires importance from its place. See Demonstration of the Femur and of the Tibia. AND GROWTH OF BONES. 37 course. The secretion is performed in their very extremities. The body of the bone is supplied by its own vessels ; the heads of the bone are in part supplied by the extremities of the same trunks which perforate the dividing cartilage like a sieve : the periosteum ad- hering more firmly to the heads of the bone, brings assistant arteries from without, which meet the internal trunks, and assist the ossifica- tion ; which, with every help, is not accomplished in many years. It is by the action of the vessels that all the parts of the human body are formed, fluids and solids, each for its respective use : the blood is formed by the action of the vessels, and all the fluids are in their turn formed from the blood. We see in the chick, where there is no external source from which its red blood can be derived, that red blood is formed within its own system. Every animal system, as it grows, assimilates its food, and converts it to the animal nature, and so increases the quantity of its red blood : and as the red blood is thus prepared by the actions of the greater system, the actions of particu- lar vessels prepare various parts : some to be added to the mass of solids, for the natural growth ; others to supply the continual waste, or to allow new matter to be received; others to be discharged from the body as effete and hurtful, as the secretions into the intes- tines, and from the kidney and from the skin ; others again to perform certain offices within the body, as saliva, bile, or pancreatic fluid. Thus the body is furnished with various apparatus for performing various offices, and for repairing the waste. These are the secre- tions, and the formation of bone is one of these. The plan of the whole body lies in the embryo, in perfect order, with all its forms and parts. Cartilage is laid in the place of bone, and preserves its form for the future bone, wfith all its apparatus of surrounding mem- branes, its heads, its processes, and its connection with the soft parts. The colourless arteries of this pellucid but organized mass of car- tilage keep it in growth, extend, and yet preserve its form, and gra- dually enlarging in their own diameter, at last receive the entire blood.* Then the deposition of earthy matter begins. The bone is deposited in specks, which spread and meet and form themselves into perfect bone. While the bone is laid by arteries, the cartilage is conveyed away by the absorbing vessels; and while they convey away the superfluous cartilage, they model the bone into its due form, shape out its cavities, cancelli, and holes, remove the thinner parts of the cartilage, and harden it into due consistence. If the organization of arteries and veins, arteries to deposit bone, and absorbents to take up the cartilage, and make room for the os- seous matter, be necessary in the formation and growth, it is no less necessary for the life and health of the full formed bone. Its natural * Previous to the formation of bone, (or the preparation for it) in the cartilage, there is no proof of there being vessels in it. But we presume, that the cartilage must have vessels, because it grows with the growth of the animal, previous to the formation of bone in it. However, the change, previous to the deposition of bone, has not been very accu- rately noticed : the firm cartilage suffers a change : there is a tract from the circum- ference to the centre of it, in which the firm cartilage is dissolved, and in the spot where the first particle of bone is to be deposited, there is a little soft well of matter, different from the firm substance of the cartilage. 38 OF THE FORMATION condition depends on the regular deposition and re-absorption, moulding and forming the parts ; and by various degrees of action, bone is liable to inflame, ulcerate, and spoil, to become brittle by too much secreted earth, or to become soft by a deficient secretion, or by a greedy diseased absorption of its earthy parts. The cartilage is in itself a secretion, to which the full secretion of bone succeeds. In the re-union of a fractured bone, we have to observe nearly the same phenomena which accompany its first formation. The first effect is the tearing of the periosteum and surrounding cellular textures, and perhaps some part of the muscular substance. The consequence of which is, that the broken extremities are sur- rounded with coagulum of blood. The extravasated blood being absorbed, an effusion is poured out by the vessels of the broken bone. This matter is a regular secretion : it appears to the eye like a uniform jelly; but so does the embryo itself. It is bone in embryo, the membranes and vessels, arteries, veins, and absorbents are in it; the arteries of the surrounding parts do not shoot into it, but veins, as well as arteries and absorbents, inosculate with the ves- sels of this new formed matter ; and whatever vessels may, by ac- cidental contact, inosculate with this substance, whether coming from bone, muscles, or membrane, still bone is formed, because it is the destined constitution of the new formed mass, or rather of the vessels which are already in it to form bone. If the broken limb be too much moved during the cure, then are the secreting arteries interrupted in their office, perfect bone is never formed, it remains a cartilage, and an unnatural joint is at length produced : but by injuring the bone the vessels are opened again, the process is renewed, and the bones unite; or even by rub- bing, by stimulating, by merely cutting the surrounding parts, the vessels are made active, and their secretion is renewed.* During all the process of ossification, the absorbents proportion their action ; they remove the cartilage as the bone is laid; they continue re- moving the bony particles also, which the arteries continually renew. Nothing can be more curious than this continual renovation and change of parts, even in the hardest bones. We are accustomed to say of the whole body, that it is daily changed; that the older particles are removed, and new ones supply their place; that the body is not now the same individual body that it was; but it could not be easily believed that we speak only by guess concerning the softer parts, what we know for certain of the bones. It was disco- vered by chance that animals fed upon the refuse of the dyer’s vats, received so much of the colouring matter into the system, that the bones were tinged by the madder to a deep red, while the softer parts were unchanged ; no tint remaining in the ligaments nor cartilages, membranes, vessels, nor nerves, not even in the delicate vessels of the eye. It was easy to distinguish by the microscope, that such colour was mixed with the bony matter, resided in the interstices only, but did not remain in the vessels of the bone, which, like those of all the body, had no tinge of red; while our injections again fill * Those principles become of the utmost importance in the practice of surgery. AND GROWTH OF BONES. 39 the vessels of the bone, make all their branches red, but do not af- fect the colours of the bony part. When madder is given to ani- mals, withheld for some time, and then given again, the colour ap- pears in their bones, is removed, and appears again with such a sud- den change as proves a rapidity of deposition and absorption, ex- ceeding all likelihood or belief. All the bones are tinged in twenty- four hours; in two or three days their colour is very deep; and if the madder be left off but for a few days, the red colour is entirely removed. . ■ ■. . This tinging of the bones with madder, was the great instrument in the hands of Du Hamel, for proving by demonstration, that it was by layers from the periosteum that the bone was formed; and how very far the mind is vitiated by this vanity of establishing a doctrine on facts, is too easily seen here. Du Hamel, believing that the pe- riosteum deposited successive layers, which were added to the bone, it was his business to prove that the successive layers would be de- posited alternately red, white, and red again, by giving a young animal madder, withholding it for a little while, and then beginning again to give it. Now, it is easy to foresee that this tinging of the lamellae should correspond with the successive times in which the periosteum is able to deposit the layers of its substance, but Du Hamel very thoughtlessly makes his layers correspond only with the weeks or months in which his madder was given or withheld. It is easy to foresee also, that if madder be removed from the bones in a few days, (which he himself has often told us,) then his first layer, viz. of red bone, could not have waited for his layer of white to be laid above it, nor for a layer of red above that again, so that he should have been able to show successive layers : And if madder can so penetrate as to tinge all the bones that are already formed, then, though there might be first a tinged bone, then a white and colour- less layer, whenever he proceeded to give madder for tinging a third layer, it would pervade all the bone, tinge the layer below, and re- duce the whole'into one tint. If a bone should increase by layers, thick enough to be visible, and of a distinct tint, and such layers be continually accumulated upon each other every week, what kind of a bone should this grow to ? Yet such is the fascinating nature of a theory, that Du Hamel, unmindful of any interruptions like those, de- scribes boldly his successive layers, carrying us through regular details, experiment after experiment, till at last he brings up his re- port to the amount of five successive layers, viz. two red layers, and three white ones. And in one experiment he makes the tinge of the madder continue in the bones for six months, forming successive layers of red and white, although in an earlier experiment (which he must have forgotten in his hurry) he tells us, that by looking through the transparent part of a cock’s wing, he had seen the tinge of the madder gradually leave the bones in not many days. I have before me preparations in which we see three distinct layers ; and of the general fact there can be no doubt. If I doubt the exhibition of six layers, yet we may draw the same important conclusion from three as from six. Mr. John Hunter said, that in the growth of bone, the inner part was absorbed, while the outer 40 OF THE FORMATION surface had addition; and that the whole bone did not extend, but that the extension of the shaft resulted from an addition to the extre- mity. But be it at the same time understood, that while the addi- tional increment is on the surfaces and the extremities of the bone, the whole substance of the bone is submitting to change. By these experiments with madder, one most important fact is proved to us ; that the arteries and absorbents, acting in concert, alternately deposit and re-absorb the earthy particles, as fast as can be conceived of the soft parts, or even of the most moveable and fluctuating humours of the body. The absorption of the hardest bones is proved by daily observation ; when a carious bone disap- pears before the integuments are opened; when a tumour, pressing upon a bone, destroys it; when an aneurism of the temporal artery destroys the skull; when aneurism of the heart beats open the tho- rax, destroying the sternum and ribs; when an aneurism of the ham destroys the thigh-bone, tibia, and joint of the knee; when a tumour coming from within the head, forces its way through the bones of the skull;—in all these cases, since the bone cannot be annihilated, what can happen, but that it must be absorbed and con- veyed away ? If we should need any stronger proofs than these, we have mollities ossium, a disease by which, in a few months, the bony system is entirely broken up, and conveyed away by a high action of the absorbents, with continual and deep-seated pain ; a discharge of the earthy matter by the urine; a gradual softening of the bones, so that they bend under the weight of the body ; the heels are turned up behind the head; the spine is crooked ; the pelvis distorted ; the breast crushed and bent in : and the functions, beginning to fall low, the patient, after a slow hectic fever, long and much suffering of pain and misery, expires, with all the bones dis- torted in a shocking degree, gelatinous, or nearly so, robbed of all their earthy parts, and so thorougldy softened as to be cut with the knife. Thus every bone has, like the soft parts, its arteries, veins, and absorbent vessels; and every bone has its nerves too. We see them entering into its substance in small threads, as on the sur- faces of the frontal and parietal bones: we see them entering for particular purposes, by a large and peculiar hole, as the nerves which go into the jaws to reach the teeth: we find delicate nerves going into each bone along with its nutritious vessels ; and yet we dare hardly believe the demonstration, since bones seem quite insen- sible and dead. We have no pain when the periosteum is rasped .and scraped from a bone : we have no feeling when bones are cut in amputation ; or when, in a broken limb, we cut off with pincers the protruding end of a bone : we feel no pain when a bone is tre- panned, or when caustics are applied to it; and it has been always known, that the heated irons, which the old surgeons used so much, made no other impression than to excite a particular titillation and heat, rather pleasant than painful, running along the course of the bone. But there is a deception in all this A bone may be exqui- sitely sensible, and yet give no pain ; a paradox which is very easily explained. A bone may feel acutely, and yet not send its sensa- AND GROWTH OF BONKS. 41 tions to the brain. It is not fit that parts should feel in this sense, which are so continually exposed to shocks and blows, and all the accidents of life; which have to suffer all the motions which the other parts require. In this sense, the bones, the cartilages, liga- ments, bursae, and all the parts that relate to joints, are quite insen- sible and dead. A bone does not feel, or its feelings are not convey- ed to the brain ; but except in the absence of pain, it shows every mark of life. Scrape a bone, and its vessels bleed ; cut or bore a bone, and its granulations sprout up ; break a bone, and it will heal; or cut a piece of it away, and more bone will readily be produced; hurt it in any way, and it inflames ; burn it, and it dies. This is a deep subject, but a very curious one. The meaning attached to common terms of speech are not applicable here; and hence the obscurity. We would require to define sensation, sensibility, and pain; the liability of the part to be injured and excited to inflame, and the perception of that injury. I come to this conclusion :— The sensation of pain is bestowed as a safeguard to the frame, forc- ing us to avoid whatever is hurtful. To this effect, sensibility varies in different parts, and in general the sensibility of the more super- ficial parts, being sufficient protection to the parts beneath, the deep parts are but little sensible. The sensibility possessed by the skin would not be sufficient protection to the eye ; such parts differ in kind of sensibility as well as in degree. Experiments have been made by cutting and burning the bones and tendons, and the con- clusion has been, that they were insensible. But when a man sprains his ankle-joint, he is in extreme pain, though he can easily satisfy himself that the pain he feels is notin the skin, but must be in the joint and tendons. It appears, then, that such parts, usually thought insensible, feel pain, and can propagate that pain to the sensorium ; and further that the peculiar sensibilities are so suited as to allow of the free and natural motion, and of the necessary degree of attrition, but are bestowed for the purpose of making us avoid that degree of violence, which would endanger the texture or healthy function of the part. We have further to understand, that if there be any doubt of the sensibility of a bone, it is only when it is in health ; for when inflamed, it becomes exquisitely sensible. When the texture of a bone is loosened by inflammation, its feeling is roused ; and the hidden sensi- bility of the bone rises up like a new property of its nature: and as the eye, the skin, and all feeling parts have their sensibility increased by disease, the bones, ligaments, bursae, and all the parts whose feeling, during health, is obscure and hardly known, are roused to a degree of sensibility far surpassing the soft parts. The wound of a joint is indeed less painful at first, but when the inflammation comes, its sensibility is raised to a dreadful degree : the patient cries out with anguish. No pains are equal to those which belong to the bones and joints. Ossification is a process which, at first, appears so rapid, that we should expect it to be soon complete ; but it becomes in the end a slow and difficult process. It is rapid at first; it advances slowly after birth; it is not completed till the twentieth year; it is for- 42 OF THE FORMATION warded by health and strength, retarded by weakness and disease. In scrophula'it is imperfect, because there is an imperfect assimila- tion of food, and the earth of bone is not furnished or not secreted into the bone; and so children become ricketty, when the bones soften and swell at their heads, and bend under the weight of the body. And why should we be surprised, that carelessness of food or clothing, bad air, or languid health, should cause that dread- ful disease, when more or less heat, during the incubation of a chick, prevents the growth of its bones ; when the sickness of a creature, during our experiments, protracts the growth of callus; when, in the accidents of pregnancy, of profuse suppuration, or of languid health, the knitting of broken bones is delayed, or prevented quite ? This process, so difficult and slow, is assisted by every provision of nature. The progress of the whole is slow, that so long as the body increases in stature, the bones also may grow ; but it is assist- ed in the individual parts, where some are slow, some rapid in their growth, some delayed, as the heads of joints, that their bones may be allowed to extend, and others hastened, as the pelvis, that it may acquire its perfect size early in life. Ossification is assisted by the softness of the cartilaginous bed in which the bone is formed ; by those large and permeable vessels which carry easily the grosser parts of the blood ; by a quick and powerful absorption, which all along is modelling the bone; and, most of all, by being formed in detach- ed points, multiplied and crowded together, wherever much bone is required. We have understood that the bones of the head have membranes is their substitutes, as the long bones have carti- age. The ossification, for example, of the frontal jr parietal bones begins in a point (as here repre- sented) ; a few delicate meshes of bony matter ire formed in the interstices of the membrane. The membrane is by this means split into two other membranes we afterwards recognise under the names of pericranium and dura mater. In this figure we have the com- mencement of the one half of the frontal bone. On the extreme margin we see through the meshes or network of new bone ; but other layers of bone similar to this are su- peradded, and the interstices of the first layer being opposed to the wire-work of the second, a solid appearance and opa- city is produced. In a further state of ad- vancement the bone assumes this appear- ance, and the filaments diverge regularly from the centre, which was the original spot where the ossification commenced. It is then that in the bones* of the skull, ossification goes from * The ossification of the flat bones is a subject too curious to be omitted in this dis- sertation. The brain of the fcetus, while of the size of a hazel'nut, is invested with a membrane, in which there is as yet no speck of bone. In the third month the ossi- fication of the cranial bones commences, and the first process exhibits a very beautiful and growth of bones. 43 one or more central points, and the radiated fibres meet the radii of other ossifying points, or meet the edges of the next bone. The thick round bones which form the wrist and foot, have one ossifi- cation in their centre, which is bounded by cartilage all round. The processes are often distinct ossifications joined to the bones, like their heads, and slowly consolidated with them into firm bones. In the original cartilage of the long bones, there is no hollow, nor cavity ; it is all one solid mass. When the ossification first ap- pears, the cavity of the bone also begins, and extends with the ossification : at first the cavity is confined chiefly to the middle of the bone, and extends very slowly towards the ends. This cavity, in the centre of the bone, is at first smooth, covered with an inter- nal membrane, containing the trunks and branchings of the nutritious vessels, which enter by a great hole, in the middle of the bone; and the cavity is traversed with divisions of its lining membrane, which, like a net-work of partitions, conduct its branches to all parts of the internal surface of the bone : and its nets, or meshes, are filled with a reddish and serous fluid, in the young bone, but secrete and con- tain a perfect marrow in the adult bone. The whole substance of a bone is not only fibrous, as appears outwardly, but is truly lamellated, consisting of many distinct and delicate plates of bone, which lie over each other, in regular order, and might suggest the notion of successive ossifications of the peri- osteum forming the bone.* These lamellae, or plates, are more net of ossific wire-work. In a circle, the diameter of which is half an inch, we see a perfect net-work, resembling a fine lace, or the meshes of a spider’s web. Upon this first layer another is deposited, and this superimposed net-work of bone is finer than the first: the meshes being smaller and the bony matter more abundant. The holes of the second net are not opposite to those of the first, so that the eye no longer penetrates the bone although the structure be quite light and porous. While the se- cond and third layer of bone is deposited on the outside of the first, the inner layer is extending in threads diverging from the centre, between which delicate processes of bone intervening ribs are formed irregularly, still resembling the texture of the spider’s web ; and the diverging line of bone, being the stronger, it appears as if the cranial bones formed in diverging radii, while the edge of the bone extends in fine net work, like to the first formed speck of ossification. It is further worthy of remark, that this is the texture of true bone, and that what are called morbid ossifications, as of the coats of arteries and other membranes are merely the deposit of earthy matter without organic structure. * “ The fibres and lamellae forming the bones, are not simply applied upon each other, so as to be extended throughout the length, breadth, or thickness of the bone, or passing from the centre to the circumference. They are inclined towards each other in so many different ways, and are so frequently united by transverse and oblique prolongations or appendices, that great anatomists have been misled by this arrangement, and doubted the fibrous structure of bone. Such an opinion is not en- tirely correct. Notwithstanding the inflexions and anastomoses of fibres, the fibrous structure remains always apparent, and it is accurate to state, that the dimension in length exceeds the two others in the texture of bone. Thi3 predominance is espe- cially marked in the first periods of osteogeny, for, at a later period, the fibres are accumulated upon each other in such a manner as scarcely to be distinguishable. But these longitudina 1 fibres never exist alone ; there are a great many oblique and trans- verse fibres from the first periods of formation ; and are even at first so multiplied, that the number of longitudinal fibres do not exceed them so much as at a more ad- vanced period, when the fibres are more closely approximated ; so that the transverse become oblique, until at length, the mass of the bone, which is constantly growing, appears at first sight to be entirely composed of longitudinal fibres. The transverse and oblique fibres do not compose a separate system, but are uninterruptedly con- tinuous with the longitudinal, with which they unite reciprocally.” J. F. Meckel, 44 OF TIIE FORMATION condensed and firm, towards the outer surface, and are more loose, separate, and spongy, towards the internal surface of the bone ; and it is easily seen, during the growth of a young bone, that the inner and more delicate plates are separating from the walls of the bone, and receding towards its cavity : and these plates, being again crossed by small bony partitions, form a net-work, or spongy mass, which fdls the whole cavity of the bone. In the middle of the bone, the cavity is small, the walls thick, and having all their bony plates ; the cells of net-work few, and large ; but towards the ends, the bone swells out, the cavity also is large; but it is not like that in the middle, a large tubular cavity : it is so crossed with lattice-work, with small insterstices and cells, that it seems all one spongy mass of bone: and so many of the inner layers are separated, to form this profusion of cells, that the whole substance of the bone has degene- rated into this lattice-work, leaving only a thin outward shell. This reticular form is what anatomists call the cancelli, lattice-work, net- work, or alveolar part of the bone ; it is all lined with one delicate membrane, and inward partitions of the same lining membrane cover each division of the lattice-work, forming each cell into a distinct cavity. In these cavities, or cells, the marrow is secreted. The secretion is thin and bloody in children ; it thickens as we advance in years ; it is a dense oil, or marrow, in the adult. The marrow is firmer and more perfect in the middle of the bone, and more thin and serous towards the spongy ends. The whole mass, when shaken out of the bone, is like a bunch of grapes, each hanging by its stalk. The globules, when seen with the microscope, are neat, round, and white, resembling small pearls, and each stalk is seen to be a small artery, which comes along the membrane of the cancelli, spreads its branches beautifully on the surface of the bag, and serves to se- crete the marrow, each small twig of artery filling its peculiar cell. 'To this, an old anatomist added, that they had their contractile power, like the urinary bladder, for expelling their contents ; that they squeezed their marrow, by channels of communication, through and among the bony layers ; and that their oil exuded into the joint, by nearly the same mechanism by which it got into the substance of the bone, which is now known to be pure fancy, and to have no foundation. While the constitution of a bone was not at all understood, anato- mists noted with particular care every trifling peculiarity in the forms or connections of its parts ; and these lamellae attracted particular notice. Malphighi had first observed the lamellated structure of Manuel, p. 293. vol. i. This view of the fibrous structure of the bone is the most accurate that has yet been given, and wili be confirmed by all who examine for them- selves. Scarpa published a treatise in 1795, entitled De Penitiori Ossium Struc- tura, in which he showed by observations and experiments, that the animal matter of the bones is altogether cellular or spongy. His views are correct, in reference to the primordial condition, as well as the ultimate analysis of bone ; but are inaccurate in relation to the state of the texture when merely deprived of the earthy matter, with- out prolonged maceration, which destroys the fibrous arrangement above described. See a translation of Scarpa’s treatise, in Chapman’s Journal, and in the “Anatomical Investigations.” by John D. Godman, M.D. Phila. 1824. AND GROWTH OF BONES. 45 bones, likening them to the leaves of a book. Gagliardi, who, like Hippocrates, went among the burial places of the city, to observe the bones there, found in a tomb, where the bones had been long exposed, a skull, the os frontis of which he could dissect into many layers, witli the point of a pin.* He afterwards found various bones, from all parts of the body, thus decomposed ; and he added to the doctrine of plates, that they were held together by minute processes, which, going from plate to plate, performed the offices of nails: these appeared to his imagination to be of four kinds, straight and inclined nails, crooked or hook-like, and some with small round heads, of the forms of bolts or pins.f Another notable discovery was the use of the holes, which are very easily seen through the substance of bones, and among their plates. They are, indeed, no more than the ways by which the vessels pass into the bones ; but the older anatomists imagined them to be still more important, allowing the matter to transude through all the substance of the bone and keep it soft. Now, this notion of lubricating the earthy parts of a bone, like the common talk of fo- mentations to the internal parts of the body, is very mechanical, and very ignorant; for the internal parts of the body are both hot and moist of themselves, and neither heat nor moisture can reach them from without: the bone is already fully watered with arteries ; it is moist in itself, and cannot be further moistened nor lubricated, un- less by a fuller and quicker circulation of its blood. It must be pre- served by that moisture only which exists in its substance, and must depend for its consistence upon its own constitution ; upon the due mixing up of its membrane, cartilage, and earth. Every part is preserved in its due consistence by the vessels which supply it; and I should no more suppose fat necessary for preserving the moistness of a bone, than for preventing brittleness in the eye. This marrow is, perhaps, more an accidental deposition than we, at first sight, believe. We indeed find it in such regularity of structure, as seems to indicate some very particular use ; but we find the same structure exactly in the common fat of the body. When, as we ad- vance in years, more fat is deposited in the omentum, or round the heart, we cannot entertain the absurd notion, of fat being needed in our old age, to lubricate the bowels or the heart; no more is the * Notwithstanding what is here delivered, there is no proof of the bones being lamellated ; as to the exfoliation of bone, the dead portion is more generally irregular in its thickness, and rugged on its inner surface. This exfoliation of bone is a pro- cess of the living bone, and the inner living surface recedes from the outer one by absorption of its particles, because that outer surface is injured or dead. The nature of the injury, or the depth to which the bone has become dead, determines the extent and form of the portion cast off. When a scale only is thrown off, it is because the bone is only dead upon the surface. In regard to the breaking up of the surface of the cranial bones, when they lie exposed, the scales are similar to those from stones or metals exposed to the influence of the air, the, moisture, and varying temperature : the thickness and succession of exfoliations depend on the operation of the weather, not on the original formation of the bone. I have never seen heat produce a lamel- lated decomposition of bone. t These nails Gagliardi imagined were no more than the little irregularities, risings, and hollows of the adjoining plates, by which they are connected. 46 OF THE FORMATION marrow (which is not found in the child) accumulated in old age, for preventing brittleness of the bones.* The internal periosteum is that membrane which surrounds the marrow, and in the bags of which the marrow is formed and con- tained. It is more connected with the fat than with the bone ; and in animals, can be drawn out entire from the cavity of the bone ; but its chief use is to conduct the vessels which are to enter into the substance of the bone. The periosteum, the outer membrane of bone, which was once referred to the dura mater,t is merely condensed cellular substance ; of which kind of matter we now trace many varied forms and uses, for so close is the connexion of the periosteum, tendons, ligaments, fasciae, and bursae, and so much are these parts alike in their nature and properties, that we reckon them but as varied forms of one com- mon substance, serving for various uses in different parts. The pe- riosteum consists of many layers, accumulated and condensed one above another ; it adheres to the body of the bone by small points or processes, which dive into the substance of the outer layer, giving a firm adhesion to it, so as to bear the pulling of the great tendons, which are fixed rather into the periosteum than into the bone. It is also connected with the bone by innumerable vessels. The layers of the periosteum nearest to the bone are condensed and strong, and take a strong adhesion to the bone, that the vessels may be transmitted safe, and the fibres of this inner layer follow the longi- tudinal directions of the bony fibres. The periosteum is looser in its texture outwardly, where it is reticulated and lax, changing im- perceptibly into the common cellular substance. There the fibres of the periosteum assume the directions of the muscles, tendons, or other parts which run over it. Any accident which spoils the bone of its periosteum, endangers the life of the bone itself. The surface of the bone becomes first affected, and then it exfoliates ; the acci- dental wounds of the periosteum, deep ulcers of the soft parts, as on the shin, the beating of aneurisms, the growth of tumours, the pres- sure even of any external body, will, by hurting the periosteum, cause exfoliation. The cartilages are also a part of the living system of the bone ; and we see too well, in the question of the bones themselves, how unphilosophical it must be, to deny organization and feeling to any part of the living body, however dead or insulated it may appear ; for every part has its degree of life,—the eye, the skin, the flesh, the tendons, and the bones, have successive degrees of feeling and cir- * If we look to the difference there is in the adipose membrane, we shall find it more apparent than real. The fat on the soles of the feet and palms of the hands is particularly firm, but this firmness results from the strong intertexturc of filaments of a tendinous strength. The fat in the exposed parts of the limbs is less firm, in the orbits of the eves more delicate, but in the bones it lies in transparent membranes, and is quite soft and compressible. The difference, however, is only in the manner in which the bags containing the fat are bound up and protected ; where the substance is exposed to pressure, it is firm ; where it lies concealed, it is less so; but where it is altogether within the protection of the bones, the membranes are very delicate, and the fat takes the appearance of marrow. t See what is said under the head of membranes. ANIJ GROWTH OF BONES. 47 culauon. We see, that where even the lowest of these, the bone, is deprived of its small portion of life, it becomes a foreign body, and is thrown off from the healthy parts, as a gangrened limb is sepa- rated from the sound body ; and we speak as familiarly of the death of a bone, as of the gangrene of soft parts. How, then, should we deny organization and life to the cartilages ? though surely, in re- spect of feeling, they must stand in the very last degree. We now understand the constitution of a bone, and can compare it fairly with the soft parts in vascularity, and in feeling ; in quick- ness of absorption ; in the regular supply of blood necessary to the life of the bony system ; in the certain death of a bone, when de- prived of blood by any injury of its marrow, or of its periosteum, as a limb dies of gangrene, when its arteries are cut or tied ; in the continual action of its absorbents, forming its cavity, shaping its pro- cesses and heads, keeping it sound and in good health, and regula- ting the degree of bony matter, that the composition may neither be too brittle nor too soft. From this constitution of a bone, we could easily foresee how the callus for uniting broken bones must be form- ed ; not by a mere coagulation of extravasated juice, but by a new organization resembling the original bone. The primordium of all the parts of the body is a thin, gelatinous- like mass, in which the forms of the parts are laid ; and the prepa- ration for healing wounds, and for every new part that needs to be formed, is a secretion of a fluid which coagulates, which is soon ani- mated by vessels coming into it from every point. In every external wound, in every internal inflammation, wherever external parts are to be healed, or internal viscera are about to adhere, matter of this kind is secreted, which serves as a bed or nidus, in which the ves- sels spread from point to point, till the part is fully organized, and it is in this manner that the heart, the intestines, the testicle, and other parts, adhere by inflammation to the coats which surround them, and which are naturally loose. It is by a process not dis- similar that the broken ends of bones unite. When we find the substance of the oldest bone thus full of ves- sels, why should we doubt its being able, from its own peculiar ves- sels, to heal a breach, or to repair any loss ? How little the con- stitution of a bone has been understood, we may know from the strange debates which have subsisted so long about the proper organ for generating callus. Some have pronounced it to be the periosteum ; others the medullary vessel, and internal membrane ; others the substance of the bone itself. In the heat of this dispute, one of the most eminent anatomists produced a diseased bone, where a new bone was formed surrounding a carious one, and the spoiled bone rattled within the cavity of the sound one : here we should have been ready to pronounce, that bone could be formed by the periosteum only. But presently another anatomist produced the very reverse, viz. a sound young bone, forming in the hollow cylinder of a bone which had been long dead ; where, of course, the callous matter must have been poured into the empty cavity of 48 OF THE FORMATION the spoiled bone, from the ends which still remained sound, or must have been secreted by the medullary vessels. But the truth is, that callus may be thus produced from any part of the system of a bone.* if we pierce the bone of any animal, and destroy the marrow, the old bone dies, and a new one is formed around the old: if we kill the creature early, we find the new bone to be .a mere secretion from the old bone ; and if we wait the completion of the process, we find the new bone beautiful, white, easily in- jected, and thick, loose in its texture, and vascular and bloody, but still firm enough for the animal to walk upon ; and in the heart of it we find the old bone, and that it has become dead and black.j If we reverse this operation, and destroy the periosteum only, leaving the nutritious vessel* entire, then the new bone is formed fresh and vascular by the medullary vessels, and the old one, quite black and dead, surrounds it.i The effect of injury to a living bone, is very curious. But the manner in which the bone re- sumes its pristine form is still more worthy of observation. At first the outward exfoliation is attended with a proportionate filling up of the cavity of the bone: and the injury to the centre and body of the bone produces a new bone around the old one, and the old one at last dies, and is absorbed or discharged. But after years these changes are again reversed, and the new bone contracts its diameter, and the cavity be- comes of its natural dimensions, so that the evidence of the changes which the bone has undergone are quite removed. This is a very beautiful example of the influence of that prin- ciple which controls the growth of all the parts of the body, which may have its operation de- ranged by violent injury or by disease; but * In the experiments and observations which I have made, neither the periosteum or marrow seemed to have formed the bone; and I conclude that nothing but bone can form bone, by the continuation of natural actions: and that in the case of ne- crosis, the old bone inflames and begins the new formation, before the continued irri- tation in the centre kills it.—C. B. t The figure represents the necrosed bone, the new bone, soft and irregular around the old. I When I Injure the marrow of the bone necrosis is the consequence. When I divide the bone of its periosteum and surround it with a bit of bladder, I find the whole surface exfoliates, and the cavity of the bone fills up ; but this is not a conse- quence of the destruction of the vessels of the periosteum, but of the contact of fo- reign matter with the surface of the bone. An effect precisely similar is the conse- quence of the sloughing of the soft parts over a bone, fot the dead slough lying on the surface of the bone causes an exfoliation.—C. B. OF THE SKELETON. 49 which will at last by slow degrees restore the part to its natural form and action.* The diseases of the bones arc the most fre- quent in surgery ; and it is impossible to express how much the surgeon is concerned in obtaining true ideas of the structure, constitution, and dis- eases of bones ; how tedious, how painful, and how loathsome they are ; how often the patient may lose his limb, or endanger his life ; how very useful art is; but, above all, what wonders nature daily performs in recovering bones from their diseased state. OF THE SKELElC The skeleton is the assemblage of bones which sustains the soft parts, and gives form to the human body. The bones may be con- templated in their three offices:—1. As columns under the weight of the parts ;—2. As levers on which the muscles act, to give activity and locomotion ;—and, 3. As covering and protection to the softer and more delicate organs. In all the higher links of the chain of animal existence, there is a texture resembling the composition of hone, to sustain or protect the soft parts. In the corals, we may see a skeleton common to the whole family. In testacea it is an external shell, a calcareous foliated texture for their protection. In creatures that creep, the muscles are attached to their skin; while in the crustacea there is a calcareous crust, which is at once skin * This figure is a plan of the necrosis. The shaft of the old bone is dark ; the new bone is in outline ; and now we perceive how the new bone encloses the old1, and how it forms the medium of union between the two extremities after the old bone is loose or altogether cast. out. 50 OF THE SKELETON, and skeleton, since the shell is in distinct parts, and articulated, and these parts have the muscles inserted into them. In reptiles and Fishes, there is an internal system of bones, or a true skeleton. The peculiarity of their skeleton is not merely in the form and ar- rangement of the bones, but in their possessing more elasticity than belongs to the skeleton of birds and quadrupeds. The composition of a bone has reference to its uses. The weight of the frame bears upon the bone; in the activity of the body we pull upon the bone ; and in the various operations of the spine and extremities, the bones must sustain a circular or twisting motion. Sometimes they are performing an office like a column, sometimes as a rope, sometimes bearing a jar like an axle-tree. This is stated, because it is practically useful to observe the various forces ope- rating on the skeleton, and because it leads us to observe that admi- rable provision manifested in the structure of the bones, fitting them to their uses. Bone accordingly contains phosphate of lime, to which it owes its hardness and ability to support weight: this is contained within a strongly fibrous tissue, which enables it to resist when pulled upon ; and the combination of all the materials of its composition gives that elasticity which preserves it from fracture when jarred in the exer- cise of the body. The next thing admirable in the composition of the skeleton, is the relation of its parts; the manner in which all its parts are planned at once, forming a system which, in our methods of pro- ceeding, we are apt to forget. For, studying the individual bones with great minuteness, we neglect the relation which is established betwixt all the parts of the skeleton of any one animal. To exemplify this : If an anatomist and naturalist should pick up a bone of the leg of some animal, he may observe that it is not form- ed to turn with that extent of motion which belongs to an animal having the paw and the toes free. He will then conclude that the bones of the foot were embraced by a hoof, and not armed with claws. He will reflect, that as there were no claws, neither could there be carnivorous teeth. Ascertaining the form of the teeth, he in a manner knows the corresponding form of the jaws ; and if of the jaws, the muscles which move them ; and if the muscles of the jaws, the form of the head. Returning to the contemplation of the bone he has picked up, he will find in that, the proof of a restrained posi- tion and limited motion, a limb directly under the animal, for loco- motion only, or for swiftness. He will know the form of the shoul- der-joint, the form of the spine, the form of the extremities, and the form of the head 1* As the plan and intention, if I may so express myself on such a subject, is thus obvious, in contemplating the whole skeleton, so is it in observing the form and processes of each bone individually and * The scientific world is especially indebted to Cdvier for first declaring and ex- tensively demonstrating the truth ol the proposition above stated. By the applica- tion of this principle, the illustrious zoologist has been able, from the fragments of fossil skeletons, to prove the existence and specify the characters of multitudes of animals, at present utterly extinct. For the description of his mode of investiga- tion, the reader may advantageously consult the introduction to his work “On Fossil Hfetnftihsor Mitchell's,edition of Cutlet's “Theory of the Earth.”—P. G. OF THE SKELETON. 51 separately. It' a bone be destined to protect the contained parts*, then we shall find that it assumes the form of an arch, and that the arch is strengthened by additional substance, or groined, as an archi- tect would say, under the part most exposed to pressure. If the bone sustain weight, the material is arranged so as to give the most resist- ance with the least expense of material; it is cylindrical, as we see in the thigh-bone. If the shaft of bone supports incumbent weight, but at the same time is exposed in the motion of the limb to pres- sure and the danger of fracture in a particular direction, it is strength- ened with spines where the pressure is the greatest. It is to this that we have to attribute the variety of shapes of the bones : and thus the student sees a meaning in the demonstration of the bone. By the form, he is made to comprehend the motion of the part, and the stress it bears ; and hence he learns to understand to what accidents it is exposed: and thus anatomy furnishes the ele- ments of surgery. Omitting these obvious deductions, the demon- stration of a bone is inconsequent, and like a tale told by an idiot. The learner is taught to believe, that the form of the bone is pro- duced by the pressure of the muscles,—that it is, therefore, acci- dental ; and so he is gradually initiated into thn notion, that what lie cannot comprehend in animal structure is accident, and he gives himself no further trouble. Some, with a singular unhappiness of disposition, will contem- plate the chain of animal existence, and see in it only a mechanical principle of adherence to a certain original type or model; and they have more gratification in giving a catalogue of things useless, (that is to say, of parts, the beauty or usefulness of which they do not com- prehend,) than of contemplating the whole, and allowing their minds to receive that natural influence which the system of nature is cal- culated to produce. The four divisions of the upper extremity exist in all the anterior extremities of the class mammalia. A curious inspection of the gra- dations will prove parts dissimilar in form, to be a new appropriation of the same bones. In the fin of a whale we may recognise the bones of the human hand. Strip the integuments off the anterior fin of the dolphin or porpoise, and we recognise, somewhat modifi- ed, a scapula, humerus, forearm, and carpus, metacarpus, and finger bones. It should surprise us less, that in the wing of a bird we should see the bones of the anterior extremity of a quadruped; or recognise in the fine bones which stretch the membranous wing of a bat, the phalanges of the fingers. Although there be no resemblance betwixt the outer form of animals that walk, and those that fly, and those that creep, yet in all of them, the skeleton is re- cognisable as the same system of bones, variously modified. But the question returns upon us,—can there be an adaptation of parts better calculated to their end, or more obviously designed, or better evidence of a system pervading all nature, and that the whole has been cast out, at once, from a power omnipotent ? There is not a more curious proof of adaptation of the texture of the skeleton to the condition and habits of animals, than we have in the bones of birds and fishes. In the former, the dimensions, and consequently the strength, is increased without adding to the wfeight. 52 OF THE SKELETON. by admitting a. communication betwixt the lungs and the cavities of the boneas By which air is admitted into them. In fishes, the bones are light, not only by having a lesser quantity of earth in their com- position, but by having spermaceti or oil deposited in their cavities. In the spermaceti whale, the head is made buoyant by a large quan- tity of spermaceti lodged within the skull. The bones of the human skeleton have been divided into the fiat and cylindrical bones. It is incorrect, and therefore unscientific. Their forms are too much varied to admit of this sort of arbitrary division. There can be no other division of the skeleton, than into, 1. The bones of the trunk. 2. The bones of the extremities. 3. The bones of the head. The bones are united in a manner varying with their form and uses. They are immoveably fixed together, by having their pro- cesses fixed into corresponding cavities, like cabinet-work; or, where the texture of bone is delicate, they are simply laid together, and a line marks their union ; or they are laid over each other, and spliced together ; or conical processes are, in a manner, inserted into corresponding cavities, like a nail in a board ; or the bones arc firmly joined, yet so as to give some elasticity, and to take oft the jar of contact, by intermediate cartilage. Finally, the bones arc constituted with a relation to free motion at their articulation ; for which purpose their extremities are covered with smooth cartilage, and joined by ligaments. It is an interesting subject of study, to consider the uses of the parts, and to observe with what felicity and curious skill (so would we express ourselves of things of human invention,) the strength, forms, and processes of the bones are adapted.* lmmobilis junctura .sive sy- narthro- sis ; viz. l.Sulura. 2. Har- monia. 3. Sutura Squamo- sa. 4. Gom- phosis. t 5. Syn- chondro- sis. 6. Diar.- throsis sive mo- bilis junc- tura. SUPPLEMENTARY OBSERVATIONS ON OSTEOGENY. [from BECLARB.] The bones, which arc originally liquid, like all other parts, suc- cessively become, 1. soft, mucous or jelly like ; 2. cartilaginous, and sometimes fibro-cartilaginous ; 3. osseous. The bones shortly after conception are mucous, transparent, and colourless ; they then grow by vegetation, and form a continuous whole, which is divided at a more advanced period. The cartilaginous bones, or the tem- porary cartilages, do not appear at all, until two months after the time of conception. This condition can only be perceived in bones or parts of bones which harden somewhat later, for in those which ossify very early, it is doubtful whether they pass through the carti- laginous state. This state appears rather designed to perform pro- visionally the functions of bone, than to be a period of ossification. * The young student, before entering on the demonstration of the bones, should make himself familiar with the meaning of such terms as the following: Fovea, Fossa, Celia, Sinus, Fissura, Sulcus, Foramen, Meatus, Cervix, Condylus, Apophysis, Spina, Crista, Stylus, fyc. For although this anatomy is written with a desire to substitute the full and pure English description for the barbarism of the terms used in anatomical works, it is not always possible to avoid the use of such terms, in describing the infinite varieties in the form of bones. 53 OF THE SKELETON. The osseous condition commences successively in the different bones, from about a month after conception for the most early, until about ten or twelve years after birth in the last perfected ; certain accessory osseous points do not commence their formation, until from the fifteenth to the eighteenth year. Ossification of the clavicle begins at the end of the first month, and successively in the lower jaw, femur, tibia, humerus, upper jaw, and in the bones of the forearm, where it commences in about thirty-five days. Ossification begins about the fortieth day in the fibula, scapula, palate, and subsequently in the central portion of the occipital, frontal, the arches of the first vertebra?, the ribs, the great wing of the sphenoid bone, the zygomatic apophysis, the phalanges of the fingers, the bodies of the middle vertebrae, the nasal and zygomatic bones, the ilium, metacarpal bones, the pha- langes of the toes, the occipital condyles, and then in its basilar portion, the squamous part of the temporal; the parietal, and the vomer ; in all these bones ossification is begun about the middle of the seventh week. In the course of the same week it commences in the orbitar process of the sphenoid, and finally in the metatarsal bones and phalanges of the great toes, and in the last joints of the fingers. During the ten succeeding days ossification begins in the body of the sphenoid, in those of the first sacral vertebras, and in the circle of the tympanum. At about the second month and a half it is manifested in the costiform appendix of the seventh vertebra ; before the end of the third month in the labyrinth, and towards the end of the third month, in the ischium and internal pterygoid apophysis ; about the middle of the fourth month in the bones of the tympanum ; at half the term of uterine life in the pubis, os calcis, the last joints of the great toes, in the lateral portions of tho ethmoid, and in the spongy bones of the nose ; the first pieces of the sternum begin to ossify somewhat later : about the sixth month the body and tooth-shaped process of the second vertebra, and the anterior and lateral masses of the pelvic or sacral vertebrae, and afterwards, the astralagus begin to ossify. About the seventh month the ethmoidal pyramids ossify ; the crista galli next : the first coc- cygeal vertebra, and the anterior arch of the atlas are ossified about birth. At a year old the coracoid process, os magnum, and un- ciforme of the carpus, and the first cuneiform bone are solid ; about three years old the patella and triquetral bones are ossified ; at four years, the third and second cuneiform ; at five the scaphoid of the tarsus, the trapezium and lunare ; at eight years of age the scaphoid of the carpus ossifies ; at nine the trapezoid, and finally the pisiform at about twelve years of age. Ossification does not uniformly result from the change of carti- lage into bone. The diaphyses of long, and centres of very pre- cocious broad bones, pass immediately from the mucous to the osseous state. The other parts of the system are at first cartila- ginous, and in them it is, that we can best observe the successive phenomena of ossification.* * Beclard, Anat. Generate, p. 461. et seq. OF THE TRUNK. THE BONES OF THE SPINE, PELVIS, AND THORAX. The demonstration of the bones should begin with those of the spine, as it is the centre of muscular action, and the part of most common relation ; for the spine is placed upon the arch of bones which form the pelvis, and supports the head, and is at the same time the bond of union of the bones of the thorax or chest. The bones of the trunk consist of these : the chain of bones forming the vertebral column or spine ; the bones of the pelvis : the ribs ; and the sternum or breast bone. OF TIIE SPINE. Uses of the spine. The spine is so named from certain projecting points of each bone, which, standing outwards in the back, form a continued ridge ; and the appearance of continuity is so complete, that the whole ridge is named spine, which, in common language, is spoken of as a single bone. This long line consists of twenty-four distinct bones named vertebrae, from the Latin vertere, to turn. They conduct the spinal marrow, secure from harm, the whole length of the spine, and support the whole weight of the trunk, head, and arms ; they perform, at certain points, the chief turnings and bendings of the body ; and do not suffer under the longest fatigue, or the greatest weight which the limbs can bear. Hardly can any thing be more beautiful or surprising than this mechanism of the spine, where nature has established the most opposite and inconsistent functions in one set of bones ; for these bones are so free in motion, as to turn continually, yet so strong as to support the whole weight of the body ; and so flexible as to turn quickly in all directions, yet so steady within, as to contain and defend the most material and the most delicate part of the nervous system. The vertebras are arranged according to the neck, back, and loins, and the number of them corresponds with the length of these divisions. The vertebrae of the loins are five in number, very large and strong, and bearing the whole weight of the body. Their processes stand out very wide and free, not entangled with each F other, and performing the chief motions of the trunk. The ver- tebrae of the back are twelve in number. They also are big and strong, yet smaller than those of the loins ; their processes are laid over each other; each bone is locked in with the next, and em- barrassed by its connexion with the ribs : this is, therefore, the steadiest part of the spine ; a very limited motion only is allowed. The vertebrae of the neck are seven in number : they are more Classifi- cation of the 24 vertebrae. Five of the loins. Twelve of the back. Seven of the neck. OF THE TRUNK. 55 Simple, and like rings; their processes hardly project; they are very loose and free; and their motions are the widest and easiest of all the spine. The seven vertebras of the neck, twelve of the back, and five of the loins, make twenty-four in all, which is the regular proportion of the spine, But the number is sometimes changed, according to the proportions of the body ; for, where the loins are long, there are six vertebrae of the loins, and but eleven in the back ; or the number of the pieces in the back is sometimes increased to thir- teen ; or the neck, according as it is long or short, sometimes has eight pieces, or sometimes only six. However, these varieties are very rare. The general form, processes, and parts of the vertebrae, are best exemplified in a vertebra of the loins ; for in it, the body is large,1 the processes are right-lined, large, and strong; the joint is com- plete, and all its parts are very strongly marked. Every vertebra consists of a body, which is firm, for supporting the weight of the body, and hollow behind, for transmitting the spinal marrow: of two articulating processes above, and two below, by which it is jointed with the bones which are above and below it: of two trans- verse processes, which stand out from either side of the bone, to give hold and purchase to those muscles which turn the spine ; and of one process, the spinous process, which stands directly back- wards from the middle of the bone : and these processes being felt in distinct points all the way down the back, give the whole the appearance of a ridge ; whence it has the name of spine. The body of the vertebra is a large mass of soft and spongy bone ; it is circular before, and flat upon the sides. It is hollowed into the form of a crescent behind, to give the shape of that tube in which the spinal marrow is contained. The body has but a very thin scaly covering for its thick and spongy substance. It is tipped with a harder and prominent ring above and below, as a sort of defence; and within the ring, the body of the vertebra is hollowed out into a sort of superficial cup, which receives the ligamentous substance, by which the two next vertebral are joined to it; so that each vertebra goes upon a pivot, and resembles the ball and socket joints. In many animals it is distinctly a joint of this kind. On the fore and back part of the body of the vertebra are several holes, which are for the transmission of blood-vessels and for the attachment of ligaments.* The body is the main part of the vertebra, to which all the other processes are to be referred: it is the centre of the spine, and bears chiefly the weight of the body : it is large in the loins, where the weight of the whole rests upon it, and where the movements are rather free : it is smaller in the vertebrae of the back, where there is almost no motion and less weight; and in the vertebrae of the neck, there is hardly any body, the vertebrae being joined to each other chiefly by the articulating processes. General descrip- tion of a vertebra. Particular descrip- tion of the body. Shape. The hard- er ring j hollowed above and below. Forami- na. * These foratuiria enlarge in the beginning of the scrofulous inflammation of th«f bone. 56 OB’ THE TRUNK. The arch. The ring or circle of bone, or the arch which, together with the body itself, forms this circle, next attracts our notice; for the arches of the vertebras, forming a continued tube, give passage to the spinal marrow. VVe observe a notch on each side of the arch for transmitting the nerves which go out from the spinal marrow. The articulating pkocess is a small projection, standing out obliquely from the body of the vertebra, with a smooth surface, by which it is joined to the articulating process of the next bone ; for each vertebra has a double articulation with that above and with that below. The bodies of the vertebras are united to each other by a kind of ligament, which forms a more fixed, and rather an elastic joining ; and they are united again by the articulating pro- cesses, which make a very moveable joint of the common form. The articulating processes are sometimes named oblique processes, because they stand rather obliquely. The upper ones are named the ascending oblique processes, and the two lower ones are named the inferior or descending oblique processes. The spinous processes are those which project directly backwards, whose points form the ridge of the back, and whose sharpness gives the name to the whole column. The body of each vertebra sends out two arms, which, meeting behind, form an arch or canal for the spinal marrow ; and from the middle of that arch, and opposite to the body, the spinous process projects. Now the spinous, and the transverse processes, are as so many handles and levers, by which the spine is to be moved ; which, by their bigness, give a firm hold to the muscles, and, by their length, give them a powerful lever to work their effects by. The spinous processes, then, are for the in- sertion of these muscles, which extend and raise the spine, and for the attachment of a ligament which runs from point to point in the whole length of the spine, and which checks the bending of the trunk forward. The transverse processes stand out from the sides of the arms or branches which form this arch. They stand out at right angles, or transversely from the body of the bone ; and they also are as levers, and long and powerful ones for moving and turning the spine. Perhaps their chief use is not for turning the vertebra, as there is no provision for much of a lateral motion in the lower part of the spine ; but the muscles which are implanted into these are more commonly used in assisting those which extend and raise the spine. These, and all the processes, are more distinct, prominent, and strong, more direct, and larger in the loins, and more easily under- stood than in the vertebras of any other class. But this prepares only for the description of the individual vertebra, where we find a variety proportioned to the various offices and to the degrees of motion which each class has to perform. Of the vertebra: of tiie loins.—I have chosen to represent the general form of a vertebra, by describing one from the loins, because of the distinctness with which all its parts are marked. In the lumbar vertebrae, the perpendicular height of the body is short, the intervertebral substance is thicker than in the other parts of the The notch. The arti- culating process, called also oblique. The spi- nous pro- cesses. Trans- verse pro- cesses. Peculiari- ties of a lumbar vertebra. OF THE TRUNK. 57 spine, and the several processes stand oft* from each other distinct and clear ; all which are provisions for a freer motion in the loins. The arch of the lumbar vertebra is wider than in the back, to admit the looser texture of the spinal marrow. The body of a lumbar vertebra is particularly large, thick, and spongy, and its thin outer plate is perforated by many arteries going inwards to nourish this spongy substance of the bone. The length of the body is about an inch, and the intersticial cartilage is very considerable ; so that the vertebrae of the loins present to the eye, looking from within the body, a large, thick, and massy column, fit for supporting so great a weight. The spinous process is short, big, and strong. It runs hori- zontally and directly backwards from the arch of the spinal marrow. It is flattened, and about an inch in breadth ; and it is commonly terminated by a lump or knob, indicating the great strength of the muscles and ligaments which belong to it, and the secure hold which they have. The transverse PROCESS is longer and finer than in the other vertebrae ; it goes out laterally and horizontally, and is provided for the origins of powerful muscles. We find the spinous process divided into two unequal parts by a spine running from the inferior articulating process ; in the same manner we see the transverse process divided by a ridge extending from the superior articulating process. The articulating processes of the lumbar vertebras stand so directly upwards and downwards, that the name of oblique pro- cesses cannot be applied here. They are tuberculated and strong, partaking of the peculiarity which marks the general form of those vertebrae of the loins. Of the vertebras of the back.—The character of the ver- tebras of the back is directly opposite to that of the loins. The bodies of the vertebras are smaller, though still large enough to support the great weight of the trunk ; but they are much deeper, proportionably, than those of the loins, and their intervertebral sub- stance is thin, for there is little motion here. The spinous pro- cesses in the vertebrae of the back are very long and aquiline. They are broad at their basis, and very small or spinous at their fur- ther end ; and in place of standing perpendicularly out from the body, they are so bent down, that they do not form a prominent nor unsightly spine, but are ranged almost in a perpendicular line, that is, laid over each other, like the scales of armour, the one above nearly touching the one below, by which the motions of these vertebrae are abridged ; and the further to sustain the column, there is a groove on the under surface of the spinous process, which receives the superior edge of the one below. The trans- verse processes are short and knobby : in place of standing free and clear out, like those of the loins, they stand obliquely back- ward, are tramelled and restricted from motion, by their connection with the ribs ; for the ribs are not merely implanted upon the bodies of the dorsal vertebrae, but they are further attached firmly by liga- ments, and by a regular joint, to the transverse process of each Spinal canal larger. The body large and broad. The spi- nous pro- cess short. Trans- verse pro- cess di- rect. Articulat- ing pro- cess per- pendicu- lar. Of the dorsal vertebra. Body deep. Spinous process long, oblique, grooved. Trans- verse pfo- cesses directed back- wards. Impres- sion on the trans- verse pro- cess. 58 OF THE TRUNK. vertebra. Now the rib being fixed to the body of one vertebra, and to the transverse process of the vertebra below, the motions of the vertebrae are much curbed. We get another mark by which the dorsal vertebra; may bd known : for each vertebra bears two impressions of the rib which was joined to it, one on the flat side of its body, and the other on the fore part of its tranverse process. On the extremity of each of these transverse processes, a tubercle projects backward, giving advantage for the attachment of mus- cles. The articulating processes are so short, that they can hardly be described as distinct projections, as they stand out so directly from the transverse process, appearing as parts of it. The surfaces of these processes present more obliquity, and they are simpler in form, and smoother, than those of the loins. We may distinguish the first vertebra of the back, by its having the whole of the head of the rib impressed upon its side. The 12th, or lowest dorsal vertebra, has also the entire head of the rib impressed upon it, and it has no articulating surface on the extremity of the transverse process. Of the vertebras of the neck.—The vertebrae of the neck depart still farther from the form of those of the loins. The body is very small in all the vertebrae of the neck. In the uppermost of the neck there is absolutely no body ; and the next to that has not a body of the regular and common form. There is not in the ver- tebrae of the neck, as in those of the loins, a cup or hollow for re- ceiving the intervertebral substance; but the surfaces of the body are flat or plain, and the articulating processes are obliquej and make, as it were, one articulation with the body ; for the lower surface of the body being not hollow, but plain, and inclined for- wards, and the articulating processes being also inclined backwards, and oblique, the two surfaces are opposed to each other ; the one prevents the vertebrae from sliding forwards, and the other prevents it from sliding backwards, while a pretty free and general motion is allowed. The spinous processes of the neck are short, and project directly backwards ; they are for the insertion of many muscles, and therefore they are split, and have small tubercles on their ex- tremities. This bifurcation of the spinous process is not absolutely peculiar to the cervical vertebrae ; for sometimes, though rarely, the others are so : and it is only in the middle of the neck that even they are forked : for the first vertebra is a plain ring, with hardly any spinous process, because there are few muscles attached to it; and the process of the last vertebra of the neck is not bifur- cated, so that it approaches to the nature of the dorsal vertebras ; the spinous process is long and aquiline, is depressed towards the back, and is so much longer than the others, as to be distinguished by the name of vertebra prominens. The transverse pkocesses of the neck are grooved and bifur- cated, because there are a great many small muscles attached to them. But the most curious peculiarity of the transverse processes is, that each of them is perforated for the transmission of the great artery, which is named vertebral artery, because it passes Two im- pressions on the body. Articulat- ing pro- cesses. More oblique. The first and last dorsal vertebra distin- guishable. Cervical vertebrae. Their bodies small. Articulat- ing pro- cesses oblique. Spinous pro cess bifu rcat- ed, short, and hori- zontal. Lower vertebra of the neck, the vertebra promi- nens. Trans- verse pro- cess bi- furcated ; perforat- ed. OF TIIE TRUNK. 59 through these holes in the vertebrae which form altogether a bony canal for the artery. So that the character of these cervical vertebrae is, that they are calculated for much free motion ; and the marks by which they are distinguished are, that the bodies are particularly small, the articu- lating processes oblique, with regard to their position, and almost plain on their surface. The spinous process, which is nearly want- ing in the uppermost vertebrae, is short and forked in all the lower ones; the transverse process also is forked ; and the transverse pro- cesses of all the vertebrae, except sometimes the first and last, are perforated near their extremities with the large hole of the vertebral artery. ATLAS and VERTEBRA DENTATA.—But among these vertebrae of the neck, two are to be particularly distinguished, as of greater importance than all the rest; for though the five lower ver- tebrae of the neck be ossified and fixed, if but the two uppermost remain free, the head, and even the neck, seem to move with ease. The first vertebra is named atlas, perhaps because the globe of the head is immediately placed upon it; the second is named den- tata or axis, because it has an axis or tooth-Jike process upon which the first turns. The atlas has not the complete form of the other vertebrae of the neck, for its processes are scarcely distinguishable : it has no body, unless its two articulating processes are to be reckoned as a body ; it is no more than a simple ring ; it has hardly any spinous process ; ancf its transverse process is long and perforated, but not forked. On the upper margin of the ring may be observed the mark of the ligament, which unites it to the margin of the occipital bone ; and on the lower margin of the ring the mark of attachment of a similar ligament, which attaches it to the circle of the dentata. The body is entirely wanting : in its place, the vertebra has a flat surface looking backwards, which is smooth and polished for the rolling of the tooth-like process ; there is also a sharp point rising perpendi- cularly upwards towards the occipital bone, and this point is held to the edge of the occipital hole by a strong ligament. The smooth mark of the tooth-like process is easily found ; and upon either side of it, there projects a small point from the inner circle of the ring : these two points have a ligament extended betwixt them, called the transverse ligament, which, like a bridge, divides the ring into two openings ; one the smaller, for lodging the tooth-like process, em- bracing it closely ; the greater opening is for the spinal marrow: the ligament confines the tooth-like process; and when the ligament is burst by violence (as has happened), the tooth-like process, broken loose, presses upon the spinal marrow ; the head, no longer supported by it, falls forward, and the patient dies. On the inside and lateral part of the circle, the origin of the lateral ligaments of the processus dentatus may also be observed. The articulating process may be considered as the body of this vertebra ; for it is at once the only thick part, and the only articu- lating surface. This broad articulating substance is in the middle General character. Atlas. Wants the body. Spinous process short. Has a sharp point or process. Articulat- ing sur- face of the pro- cessus dentatus. Points of attach- ment of the trans- verse liga- ments. Origin of thelateral ligament. Articulat- ing sur- faces. 60 OF THE TRUNK. of each side of the ring: it has two smooth surfaces on each side ; one looking upwards, by which it is joined to the occiput; and one looking directly downwards, by which it is joined to the second ver- tebra of the neck. The two upper articulating surfaces are oval, and slightly hollow to receive the occipital condyles : they are also oblique, for the inner margin of each tips downwards; the outer margin rises upwards, and the fore end of each oval is turned a little towards its fellow. Now, by the obliquity of the condyles, and this obliquity of the sockets which receive them, all rotatory motion is prevented, and the head performs, by its articulations with the first vertebra or atlas, only the nodding motions; and when it rolls, it carries the first vertebra along with it, moving round the tooth-like process of the dentatus. The articulation with the head is a hinge joint in the strictest sense : it allows of no other motion than that backwards and forwards: the nodding motions are performed by the head upon the atlas, the rotatory motions are performed by the atlas moving along with the head, turning upon the tooth-like process of the dentatus as on a centre. Now the upper articulating surfaces of the atlas are hollowed, to correspond with the condyles of the occipital bone, and to secure the articulation with the head ; but the lower articulation, that with the vertebra dentata, being secured already by the tooth-like process of that bone, no other property is required in the lower articulating surfaces of the atlas, than that they should glide with perfect ease ; for which purpose they are plain and smooth ; they neither receive nor are received into the dentata by any hollow, but lie fiat upon the surfaces of that bone. It is also evident, that since the office of the atlas is to turn along with the head, it could not be fixed to the ver- tebra dentata in the common way, by a body and by intervertebral substance ; and since the atlas attached to the head moves along with it, turning as upon an axis, it must have no spinous process ; for the projection of a spinous process must have prevented its turning upon the dentatus, and would even have hindered, in some degree, the nodding of the head; therefore the atlas has a simple ring behind, and has only a small knob or button where the spinous process should be, which is somewhat irregularly notched. The trans- verse process is not forked, but it is perforated with a large hole for the vertebral artery; and the artery, to get into the skull, makes a wide turn, lying fiat upon the bone, by which there is a slight hollow or impression of the artery, which makes the ring of the vertebra exceedingly thin. Sometimes, instead of the groove for the artery, there is a perforation in the ring. But the form of the vertebra dentata best explains these pecu- liarities of the atlas, and this turning of the head. The VERTEBRA DENTATA, ODONTOIDES or AXIS, is so named from its projecting point, which is the chief charac- teristic of this bone. When the dentata is placed upright before us, we observe, 1. That it is most remarkably conical, rising all the way upwards by a gradual slope to the point of its tooth-like process. 2. That the ring of the vertebra is very deep, that is, very thick in its substance, and that the opening of the ring for transmitting the. The upper hollow oblique. Forming with the condyles a hinge joint. The lower surface plain, smooth. Turning on the dentata. No spi- nous pro- cess. Trans- verse pro- cess per- forated for the ar- tery. Impres- sion of the ar- tery. Dentata, general form. OF THE TRUNK. 61 spinal marrow is of a triangular form. 3. That its spinous process, though short and thick, yet projects beyond the level of the three spi- nous processes immediately below it; and that it is turned much downwards, so as not to interfere, in any degree, with the rotation of the atlas. 4. That its tooth-like process, from which the bone is named, is very large, about half an inch in length ; very thick, like the little finger ; that it is pointed ; and that from this rough point a strong ligament goes upwards, by which the tooth is tied to the great hole of the occipital bone. We also observe a neck or collar, or smaller part, near the root of the tooth-like process, where it is grasped by the transverse ligament of the atlas; while the point of the process swells out a little above. We find this neck particularly smooth ; for it is indeed upon this collar that the head continually turns. And we see on each side of this tooth-like process a broad and flat articulating surface. These articulating surfaces are placed like shoulders ; and the atlas being threaded by the tooth-like pro- cess of the dentata, is set flat down upon the high shoulders of this bone, and there it turns and performs all the rotatory motions of the head. On the side of the tooth-like process we may observe the rough- ness for the insertion of the lateral ligaments, and its point is irregular where it is grasped by the perpendicular ligament which comes down from the occipital bone. We may observe, that while the superior articulating processes are horizontal, answering the purpose of a body, the lower surface of this vertebra is in all respects like the other vertebrae of the neck. Spinous process short, and strong. Its tooth- like pro- cess. Neck of the pro- cess. Articulat- ing sur- faces. Insertion of the lateral ligaments. Articulat- ing sur- face hori- zontal. Of the SPINE generally. All the vertebrae conjoined make a large canal of a triangular or roundish form, in which the spinal marrow lies, giving off and dis- tributing its nerves to the neck, arms, and legs ; and the whole course of the canal is rendered safe for the marrow, and very smooth by lining membranes, the outermost of which is of a leather-like strength and thickness, and serves this double purpose ; that it is at once a hollow ligament to the whole length of the spine upon which the bones are threaded, and by which each individual bone is tied and fixed to the next; and it is also a vagina or sheath which con- tains the spinal marrow, and which is bedewed on its internal surface with a thin exudation, keeping the sheath moist and soft, and making the enclosed marrow lie easy and safe. All down the spine, this spinal medulla is giving off its nerves : one nerve passes from it at the interstice of each vertebra ; so that there are twenty-four nerves of the spine, or rather forty-eight nerves, twenty-four being given towards each side ; these nerves pass each through an opening or small hole in the general sheath; there they pass through the interstice of each vertebra ; so that there is no hole in the bone required, but the nerve escapes by going under the articulating process. This, indeed, is converted into something like a hole, when the two contiguous vertebrae are joined to each other. 62 OF THE TRUNK. The bodies of the vertebrae are somewhat peculiar in structure, being light and spongy bones, covered with a thin cortex : and it is from these circumstances that they are very liable to scrofulous caries. The INTERVERTEBRAL SUBSTANCE.—The interverte- bral substance is that which is interposed betwixt the bodies of two adjoining vertebras, and which is (at least in the loins) nearly equal in thickness to the body of the vertebra to which it belongs. We give it this undefined name, because there is nothing in the human system to which it is entirely similar; for it is not ligament, nor is it cartilage, but it is commonly defined to be something of an intermediate nature: it is a soft and pliant substance, which is curiously folded and returned upon itself, like a rolled ban- dage with folds, gradually softer towards the centre, and with the rolled edges as if cut obliquely into a sort of convex. The cut edges are thus turned towards the surface of the vertebra, to which each intervertebral substance belongs : it adheres to the face of each vertebra, and it is confined by a strong ligament all round ; and this substance, though it still keeps its hold on each of the two vertebra; to which it belongs, though it permits no true motion of one bone on another, but only by twisting of its substance, yields, nevertheless, easily to whichever side we incline, and it returns in a moment to its place by a very powerful resilience. This perfect elasticity is the chief character and virtue of this intervertebral substance, whose properties indeed are best explained by its uses ; for, in the bendings of the body, it yields in a very considerable degree, and rises on the moment that the weight or the force of the muscles is removed. In leaping, in shocks, or in falls, its elasticity prevents any harm to the spine, while other less important joints are luxated and destroyed ; and it gives to the whole column that fine elasticity which guards the head from sudden shocks, and the brain from vibration. This extent of ligamentous binding in the texture of the vertebral column is ano- ther cause of its being very subject to scrofulous disease. During the day, it is continually yielding under pressure ; so that we are taller in the morning than at night; we are shorter in old age than in the maturity of manhood; and the aged spine is bending forwards by the yielding of this part. These curious facts were first observed by a sort of chance, and have since been ascertained with parti- cular care. Since pressure, in length of years, shortens the fore part of the column of the spine, and makes the body stoop, any undue inclina- tion to either side will cause distortion: the substance yields on one side, and rises on the other; and at last the same change happens in the bones also, and the distortion is fixed, and not to be changed : this is peculiarly apt to happen with children whose bones are grow- ing, and whose gristles and intervertebral substances are pe- culiarly soft; so that a tumour on the head or jaw, which makes a boy carry his head on one side, or constant stooping, such as is used bv a girl in working at the tambour, or the carrying 63 OF THE TRUNK. of a weakly child always on one arm by a negligent or awkward nurse, will cause in time a fixed distortion. We are now qualified to understand the motions of the vertebrae, and to trace the degree of motion in each individual class. The degrees of motion vary with the forms of the vertebrae, in each part of the spine : the motion is freest in the neck, more limited in the loins, and in the back (the middle part of the spine) scarcely any motion is allowed : the head performs all the nodding motions upon the first vertebra of the neck: the first vertebra of the neck performs again all the quick and short turnings of the head, by moving upon the dentatus: all the lower vertebrae of the neck are also tolerably free, and favour these motions by a degree of turning; and all the bendings of the neck are performed by them. The dorsal vertebra3 are the most limited in their movements, bending chiefly forwards by the yielding of their intervertebral substance. The vertebrae of the loins again move largely, for their intervertebral substance is deep, and their processes less entangled. To perform these motions, each vertebra has two distinct joints, as different in office as in form: first, each vertebra is fixed to those above and below by the interver- tebral substance, which adheres so to each that there is no true mo- tion : there is no turning of any one vertebra upon the next; but the elasticity of the intervertebral substance allows the bones to move a little, so that there is a general twisting and gentle bending of the whole spine. The second joint is of the common nature with the other joints of the body, for the articulating processes are faced with carti- lage, surrounded with a capsule, and lubricated with a mucus. I conceive this to be the intention of the articulating processes being produced to such a length, that they may lap over each other to pre- vent luxations of the spine ; and they must, of course, have these small joints, that they may yield to this general bending of the spine.* RIBS and STERNUM. Of the ribs.—The ribs, whose office it is to give form to tiie thorax, and to cover and defend the lungs, also assist in breathing ; for they are joined to the vertebrae by regular hinges, which allow of short motions, and to the sternum by cartilages, which yield to the motion of the ribs, and return again when the muscles cease to act.. Each rib, then, is characterized by these material parts : a great length of bone, at one end of which there is a head for articulation with the vertebrae, and a shoulder or knob for articulation with its transverse process ; at the other end there is a point, with a socket for receiving its cartilage, and a cartilage joined to it, which is im- planted into a similar socket in the side of the sternum, so as to com- plete the form of the chest. The ribs are twelve in number, according to the number of the vertebrae in the back, of which seven are named true ribs, because their cartilages join directly with the sternum, and these are the Classifi- cation of the ribs ■ Seven true. * Sec further of the Spine, in the Review of the Skeleton 64 OK THE TRUNK. Fire false. preservers, the custodes, as protecting the heart; and live are named false ribs, because their cartilages are not separately nor directly implanted into the sternum, but are joined one with another ; the cartilage of the lower rib being joined and lost in that of the rib above, so that all the lower ribs run into one greater cartilage. But there is still another distinction, viz. that the last rib, and com- monly also the rib above, are not at all implanted in the sternum, but are loosely connected only with the muscles of the abdomen, whence they are named the loose or floating ribs. The ribs are, in general, of a flattened form, their flat sides being turned smooth towards the lungs. But this flatness of the rib is not regular; it is contorted, as if the soft rib had been seized by either end, and twisted betwixt the hands : the meaning of which is, to accommodate the flatness of the rib to the form which the thorax assumes in all its degrees of elevation ; for when the rib rises, and during its rising through all the degrees of elevation, it still keeps its flat side towards the lungs. Though of a flattened form, the rib is a little rounded at its upper edge, is sharp and cut- ting at its lower edge ; and its lower edge seems double ; for there is a groove, which in some measure gives security to the intercostal artery and nerve. On each rib we find the following parts : 1. The head, or round knob, by which it is joined to the spine. The head of each rib has indeed but a small articulating surface ; but that smooth surface is double, or looks two ways. For the head of the rib is not im- planted into the side of one vertebra, it is rather implanted into the interstice betwixt two vertebrae ; the head touches both vertebra;; all the vertebrae, except the first and bear the mark of two ribs, one above, and one below. The mark of the rib is on the edge of either vertebra, and the socket may be said to lie in the interver- tebral substance betwixt them. 2. The neck of the rib is a smaller part, immediately before the head. Here the rib is particularly small and round. 3. About an inch from the head, there is a second rising, or bump, the articulating surface by which it touches and turns upon the transverse process of the vertebra below. These two articula- tions have each a distinct capsule or bag: each is a very regular joint; and the degree of motion of the rib, and direction in which it moves, may be easily calculated from the manner in which it is jointed with the spine ; for the two articulating surfaces of the rib are on its back part: the back of the rib is simply laid upon the side of the spine ; the joints, with the body of the vertebra, and with its transverse process, are in one line, and form as if but one joint; so that the rib being fixed obliquely, and at one end only, that end continues firm, except in turning upon its axis : the two heads roll upon the body of the vertebrae, and upon the transverse process ; and so its upper end continues fixed, while its lower end rises or falls ; and as the motion is in a circle, the head being the central point, moves but little, while the lower end of the rib has the widest range: 4. Just above the second articulating surface there is a second 1 Two float- ] ing ribs. Their form flat, ( Twisted. I Upper ! edge • rounded. A groove ' on the j lower edge. The head having two arti- culating surfaces. Cervix. Tubercle. Articulat- ing with the trans- verse pro- cess. A second tubercle. OF THE TRUNK. 65 tubercle, which has nothing to do with the joints, but is intended merely for the attachment of the ligaments and muscles from the spine which suspend and move the rib, and for the attachment of the anterior slips of the longissimus dorsi muscle. 5. The angle of the rib is often mentioned, being a common mark for the place of surgical operations. There is a flatness of the thorax behind, forming the breadth of the back ; the sharpness where this flatness begins to turn into the roundness of the chest is formed by the angles of the ribs. Each rib is round in the place of its head, neck, and tubercles: it grows flatter a little, as it ap- proaches the angle : but it is not completely flattened till it has turned the angle which is the proper boundary betwixt the round and the flat parts of the rib ; into these angles of the ribs the sacro- lumbalis is inserted. This anatomy of the ribs is sufficiently simple, but it is not equally easy to observe how it bears on the practice of surgery. It is in some degree useful in the more advanced parts of anatomy, to remember the names ; and it is necessary, even in speaking the common language of surgeons, to know these parts, viz. the head of the rib ; the tubercle, or second articulating sur- face ; the angle, or turning forward of the rib ; the upper round, and the lower flat edge ; and especially to remember the place and the dangers of the intercostal artery. It is, however, more impor- tant to consider the connexions of parts ; as the seat of the artery, the manner in which the ribs are lined with the pleura, and their nearness to the surface of the lungs. The ribs increase in the obliquity of their position from the highest to the lowest, and their anterior extremities expand, and are more distant from each other. There are some peculiarities in individual ribs, the chief of which are these : the length of the rib is increasing from the first to the 1 seventh, but again decreases from the seventh to the twelfth ; the J curve of the ribs gradually decreases from the first to the last, the first being exceedingly short and circular, the lower ones longer, and almost right lined, making a small portion or segment of a large circle ; so that the thorax is altogether of a conical shape, the upper opening so small, as just to permit the trachea, oesophagus, and great vessels to pass ; the lower opening so large, that it equals the diameter of the abdomen ; the first rib is consequently very short; it is thick, strong, and of a flattened form ; of which flat- ness one face looks upwards, and another downwards, and the great axillary artery and vein lie upon its flat upper surface. We do not see any groove on the lower surface for the intercostal artery. It is also particularly circular, making more than half a circle from its head to the extremity where it joins the sternum ; it has, of course, no angle, and wants the distorted twisting of the other ribs : the second rib is also round, like the first rib.. The eleventh and twelfth, or the floating ribs, are exceedingly small and delicate, and their cartilage terminates in an acute point, unconnected with the sternum : and, lastly, the heads of the first, and of the twelfth ribs, are rounder than any of the others ; for these two have their heads implanted into the flat side of one vertebra only, while all the others have theirs implanted betwixt the bodies of two vertebrae, Anti The angle. Recapitu- lation of the anato- my of the rib. Peculiari- ties of in- dividual ribs. 66 OE THE TRUNK. there is this further difference, that in the eleventh and twelfth ribs there are no tubercles for the articulation with the transverse pro- cesses. The cartilages of the ribs become longer as they descend and approach nearer to each other ; they complete the form of the thorax, and form all the lunated edge of that cavity ; and it is from this cartilaginous circle that the great muscle of the diaphragm has its chief origin, forming the partition betwixt the thorax and the abdomen. The farther end of each rib swells out thick and spongy, and has a small socket for lodging the cartilage; for these cartilages are not joined, like the intervertebral substances, with their hones ; but there is a sort of joint very little moveable indeed, hut still having a rude socket, and a strong capsular ligament, and capable of luxation by falls and blows; the implantations into the sternum are evidently by fair round sockets, which are easily distinguished upon the two edges of that bone. These cartilages may be enu- merated thus : The cartilages of the first and second ribs descend to touch the sternum. The cartilage of the third rib is direct. The cartilages of the fourth, fifth, and sixth ribs rise upwards, in proportion to their distance from this central one. rl he first five ribs have independent cartilages. The eighth, ninth, and tenth ribs run their cartilages into the cartilage of the seventh rib. And the eleventh and twelfth ribs have their cartilages small, uncon- nected, and floating loose. By the motion of the ribs, the thorax is alternately dilated and diminished in capacity, the lungs thereby having their play. A rib has two motions: 1. Its sternal end rises and falls, the centre of motion being in the articulation with the spine. 2. It moves on its own axis ; a line drawn through the two extremities is the centre of this motion. The former motion enlarges and diminishes the diameter of the thorax, from the spine to the sternum ; this enlarges the lateral diameter of the thorax. The importance of attending to the motion of the ribs is obvious in practice ; for when the rib is broken, the ends jar and rub against each other, in con- sequence of the anterior extremity moving through a greater space than the posterior ; and the business of the surgeon is to interrupt this. Besides, the fracture of the rib, most commonly of little consequence, is sometimes attended with the most serious symp- toms, and even death ; for if the fractured extremity punctures the membrane of the lungs, the air is drawn into the cavity of the chest, and from thence is pressed into the cellular substance, and the man is blown up in a prodigious degree. The sternum.—The sternum is that long and squared bone, which lies on the fore part of the breast over the heart, and which being joined by the cartilages of the ribs, completes the cavity of the chest; it is for completing the thorax, and defending the heart, for a medium of attachment to the ribs, and for a fulcrum or point, on which the clavicles may roll. We find the sternum consisting in the child of eight distinct pieces, which run together in the progress of life, and which, in old age, are firmly united into one ; but in all the middle stages of life, we fihd three pieces in the sternum, two of which are properly bone. Sockets in the ante- rior ex- tremity of the rib, and of the cartilage. Motion of the ribs. Situation. In the child eight pieces. In middle age three. OF THE TRUNK. 67 the third remains a cartilage till very late in life, and is named the ensiform cartilage, from its sword-like point. It is found to have eight pieces, even in the child of six years old : some years after, it has but five or six ; and the salient white lines which traverse the bone, mark where the intermediate cartilages have once been. 1. The upper piece of the sternum is very large, roundish, or rather triangular, resembling the form of the heart on playing-cards : it is about two inches in length, and an inch and a half in breadth ; and these marks are easily observed. The apex, or point of the triangle, is pointed downwards, to meet the second bone of the ster- num. The base of the triatvgle, which is uppermost, towards the root of the throat seems a little hollowed, for the trachea passing behind it. On each upper corner, it has a large articulating hollow, into which the ends of the collar bones are received (for this bone is the steady fulcrum upon which they roll.) A little lower than this, and upon its side, is the socket for receiving the short cartilage of the first rib ; and the second rib is implanted in the interstice be- twixt the first and second hone of the sternum ; so that one half of the socket for its cartilage is found in the lower part of this bone, and the other half in the upper end of the next. 2. The second piece of the sternum is of a squared form, very long and flat, and composing the chief length of the sternum : for the first piece receives only the cartilage of the first rib, and one half of the second ; but this long piece receives on each side or edge of it, the cartilages of eight ribs ; but as three of the lower cartilages are run into one, there are but five sockets or marks. The sockets for receiving the cartilages of the ribs are on the edges of the ster- num ; they are very deep in the firm substance of the hone, and large enough to receive the point of the finger with ease : and whoever compares the size and deepness of these sockets with the round heads of the cartilages which enter into them, will no more doubt of' distinct joints here than of the distinct articulation of the vertebrae with each other. 3. This is, in truth, the whole of the bony sternum ; and what is reckoned the third piece, is a cartilage merely, and continues so down to extreme old age. This cartilage, which ekes out, and lengthens the sternum, and which is pointed like a sword, is thence named cartilago mucroxata, the pointed cartilage ; or carti- eago exsiformis, or xiphoides, the sword-like cartilage. One half of the pit for the attachment of the seventh rib is on this portion. This cartilaginous point, extending downwards over the belly, gives a sure origin and greater power to the muscles of the abdomen, and that without embarrassing the motions ofthe body ; but this cartilage, which is commonly short and single-pointed, is sometimes forked, sometimes bent inwards, so (it has been thought) as to occasion sickness and pain ; and once was produced to such a length, as to reach the navel, and ossified at the same time, so as to hinder the bending of the body, and occasion much distress. The sternum and the ribs, and all the chest, stand so much ex- posed, that did we not naturallv sruard them with the hands, frae- Triangu- lar por- tion. Apex. Base up- wards, hollowed for the throat. Articu- lates with ' the clavi- cle. Socket for the first rib. Part of the second rib touches this. Central portion oblong. Five pits for the attach- ment of eight ribs. The third piece. Cartilag* ensifor- mis. Some- times forked. Surgical remarks. 68 OF THE THUNK. lures must be very frequent; but indeed when they are broken, and beaten in, they hurt the heart or lungs, and not unfrequently the most dreadful consequences ensue. The sternum is, like the body of a vertebra, spongy and covered with a thin cortex of bone, and sheathed with ligaments ; and being exposed, it is very subject to scrofulous inflammation. The fracture of the sternum is a most serious accident ; for when there is not death in consequence of the injury of the heart, there is a grating and rubbing of the broken surfaces : for the lower extre- mity of the sternum is carried forward in inspiration ; and therefore, when there is a fracture, the lower part moves upon the upper part, and if not restrained, it will cause inflammation and suppuration beneath. PELVIS. To give a steady bearing to the trunk, and to connect it with the lower extremities by a sure and firm joining, the pelvis is interposed ; which is a circle of large and firm bones, standing as an arch betwixt the lower extremities and the trunk. Its arch is wide and strong, so as to give a firm bearing to the body ; its individual bones are large, so as to give a deep and sure socket for the implantation of the thigh bone ; its motions are free and large, bearing the trunk above and rolling upon the thigh bones below ; and it is so truly the centre of all the great motions of the body, that when we believe the motion to be in the higher parts of the spine, it is either the last vertebra of the loins bending upon the top of the pelvis, or the pelvis itself roll- ing upon the head of the thigh bones. The pelvis is named from its resembling a basin in its form ; or, perhaps, from its office of containing the urinary bladder, rectum, vagina, and womb: it consists in the child of many pieces, but in the adult it is formed of three large bones and a smaller one ; viz. the sacrum, and ossa innominata, and os coccygis. Os sacrum.—The names, os sacrum, os basilare, &c. seem to relate rather to its greater size than to its ever having been offered in sacrifice. This bone, with its appendix, the os coccygis, is called the false spine, or the column of the false vertebrae : authors making this distinction, that the true vertebrae are those of the back, neck, and loins, which possess motion, a column which grows gradually smaller upwards; the false vertebrae are those of the sacrum and coccyx, which are conical, with the apex or point downwards, and the base, viz. the top of the sacrum, turned upwards to meet the true spine, and which have no motion like the pieces of the spine. The bones of which the sacrum is composed had originally the form of distinct, small vertebrae. These distinctions are lost in the adult, or are recollected only by the marks of former lines ; for the original vertebrae are now united into one large and firm bone. We can recognise the original vertebrae, even in the adult bone; for we find it regularly perforated with holes, for the transmission of the spinal nerves : we find these holes regularly disposed in pairs : we see a distinct white and rising line, which crosses the bone, in Pelvis consisting in the child of many pieces, in the adult of four. The sa- crum. The false vertebrae. The sa- crum ori- finally istinct pieces or vertebrae. Which we recognise in the adult bone. OF THE TRUNK. 69 the interstice of each of the original vertebra?, and marks the place where the cartilage once was ; and by these lines, being five in number, with generally five pair of holes, we know this bone to have consisted once of five pieces, which are now joined into one. The remains of former processes can also be distinguished, and the back of the bone is rough and irregular from the projection of the spinous processes. The os sacrum, thus composed, is among the lightest bones of the human body, with the most spongy substance, and the thinnest tables ; but then it is a bone the best cemented, and confirmed by strong ligaments, and the best covered by thick and cushion-like muscles. The os sacrum is of a triangular shape ; the base of the triangle turned upwards to receive the spine ; its inner surface is smooth, to permit the head of the child in labour to glide easily along ; and its outer surface is irregular and rough, with the spines of former vertebrae, giving rise to the great glutsei muscles (which form the contour of the hip,) and to the strong muscles of the back and loins, the longissimus dorsi and sacro lunibalis, which are for raising the spine and sustaining the body. It has in it a triangular cavity under the arch of its spinous pro- cesses ; which cavity is continued from the canal in the vertebrae of the spine ; and this cavity of the sacrum contains the continuation and the end of the spinal marrow, which being, before it descends to this place, divided into a great many thread-like nerves, has altogether the form of a horse’s tail, and is therefore named cauda equina. From this triangular cavity the nerves of the cauda equina go out by four, sometimes five, great holes on the fore part of the sacrum, holes large enough to receive the point of the finger : grooves are seen running from these holes, for the passage of the sacral nerves. The first three nerves of the sacrum joining with the last two nerves of the loins, form the sacrosciatic nerve, the largest in the body, which goes downward to the leg, while the two lower nerves of the sacrum supply the contents of the pelvis alone. The back of the sacrum is also perforated with four holes, whose size is nearly equal to those on its fore part: these transmit no great vessel nor nerve, and seem to be merely for diminishing the weight and substance of the bone. All the edges of the sacrum form articulating points, by which it is joined to other bones. The base, or upper part of the sacrum receives the last vertebra of the loins on a large broad surface, which makes a very moveable joint; and, indeed, the joining of the last true vertebra with the top of the sacrum, is a point where there is more motion than in the higher parts of the spine. The sacrum, has two articulating surfaces which stand perpendicular, and corres- pond with those of the lower lumbar vertebra. The apex, or point of the sacrum, has the os coccygis joined to it; which joining is moveable till the age of twenty in men, and till the age of forty-five in women ; and the meaning of its continuing longer moveable in women is very plain, since the lower point of the coccyx in women is felt yielding in the time of labour, so as to enlarge greatly the lower opening of the pelvis. The sides of the os sacrum form a broad, Substance spongy. Form tri- angular. Concave within. Irregular on the back part. Its cavity. Triangu- lar. Foramina. Base arti- culated with the vertebra. Articulat- ing pro- cesses. Apex with the os coccygi*. Lateral articuTat- 70 OF THE TRUNK. ing sur- face. rough, and deeply indented surface, which receives the like rough surface of the haunch bones, by that sort of union which is called synchondrosis : but here the surfaces are so rough, and the cartilage so thin, that it resembles more nearly a suture ; and by the help of the strong ligaments, and of the large muscles which arise in common from either bone, makes a joining absolutely immoveable, except by such violent force as is in the end fatal. Thus the original state of this bone is easily recognised and traced by many marks ; it stands in a conspicuous place of the pelvis, and its chief ollice is to support the trunk : to which we may add, that it defends the cauda equina, transmits its great nerves, forms chiefly the cavity of the pelvis, and that it is along the hollow of this bone that the accoucheur calculates the progress of the child’s head in labour. The os coccygis, so named from its resemblance to the beak of a cuckoo, is a small appendage to the point of the sacrum, terminating this inverted column with an acute point, and found in very different conditions in the several stages of life, in the child it is merely cartilage, and we can find no point of bone ; during youth it is ossi- fying into distinct bones, which continue moveable upon each other till manhood ; then the separate bones gradually unite with each other, so as to form one conical bone, with bulgings and marks of the pieces of which it was originally composed ; but still the last bone continues to move upon the joint of the sacrum, till, in ad- vanced years, it is at last firmly united, later in women than in men, with whom it is often fixed at twenty or twenty-five. The first bone is flat, with two transverse processes ; the others become gradually of a roundish form, convex without, and concave inwards, forming, with the sacrum, the lowest part of the pelvis behind, it has no distinct holes, but the last sacral hole is frequently completed by a groove on the upper surface of the first bone ; it has no communication with the spinal canal, but points forward to support the low'er part of the rectum. The prolongation of this appendix to the spine by a succession of additional bones, forms the tail in quadrupeds; while, in man, the coccyx is turned in to support the parts contained in the pelvis, and to afford an elastic extremity to the spine, on which, in some measure, we rest in sitting : in women it continues so movea- ble as to recede in time of labour, allowing the child’s head to pass. This bone is apt to be dislocated by our falling with the breech on a projecting corner, or, more ignominiously, by kicks in the same place. YVdien dislocated, it gives rise to very considerable distress, and to disorder of the function of the rectum and neck of the bladder. The ossa innominata are the two great irregular bones forming the sides of the pelvis, which have a form so difficult to explain by one name, that they are called ossa irmominata, the nameless bones. But these bones having been in the child formed in distinct and sepa- rate pieces, these pieces retain their original names, though united into one great bone : we continue to explain them as distinct bones, by the names of os ilium, os ischium, and os pubis. The os ilium, the haunch-bone, is that broad and expanded bone on which lie the Os coccy- gis an appendix to the sa- crum in the child cartilage. Moves on the sa- crum. In ad- vanced years united to it. It has no cavity. Os inno- miuatum. Divided into three. OB’ THE TRUNK. 71 strong muscles of the thigh, and which forms the rounding of the haunch. The os ischium, the hip-bone, the lowest point of the pel- vis, that on which we rest in sitting. The os pubis, or share-bono, on which the private parts are placed. Ail these bones are divided in the child ; they are united in the very centre of the socket for the thigh-bone ; and we find in the child a thick cartilage in the centre of the socket, and a prominent ridge of bone in the adult; which ridge, far from incommoding the articulation with the thigh-bone, gives a firmer hold to the cartilage which lines that cavity, and is the point into which a strong ligament from the head of the thigh-bone is implanted. The os ilium, or haunch-bone, is named from its forming the flank. It is the largest part of the os innominatum. It rises up- wards from the pelvis in a broad expanded wing, which forms the lower part of the cavity of the abdomen, and supports the chief weight of the impregnated womb (for the womb commonly inclines to one side). The os ilium is covered with the great muscles that move the thighs, and to its edge are fixed those broad fiat muscles which form the walls of the abdomen. This fiat upper part is named the ala, or wing ; while the lower, or rounder part, is named the body of the bone, where it enters into the socket, and meets the other bones. The ala, or flat expanded wing, has many parts, which must be well remembered, to understand the muscles which arise from them. 1. The whole circle of this wing is tipi w ith a ridge of firmer bone, which encircles the whole. This is a circular cartilage in the child, distinct from the bone, and is ossified and fixed only at riper years. All this ridgy circle is called the spine, and is the origin for several muscles. The external oblique muscle of the abdomen is inserted into the outer edge or labium, and from this margin the gluteus me- dius arises. The internal oblique arises from the middle rough line, and the transversalis from the inner edge of the spine. 2. The two ends of this spine are abrupt, and the points formed upon it are conse- quently named spinous processes, of which there are two at its fore and two at its back end. The two posterior spinous processes are close by each other, and are merely two rough projecting points near the rough surface, by which the os ilium is joined to the os 3acrum : they jut out behind the articulation, to make it firm and sure ; and their chief uses seem to be the giving a firm hold to the strong ligaments which bind this joint. Where the spine terminates in this process the great muscle of the hip, the gluteus maximus, takes its rise. 3. The two anterior spinous processes are more dis- tinct, and more important marks ; for the anterior superior spi- nous process is the abrupt ending of the spine, or circle of the ilium, with a swelling out: from which jutting point the sartorious muscle, the longest, and among the most beautiful in the human body, goes obliquely across the thigh, like a strap, down to the knee ; another, which is called the tensor vaginae femoris, also arises here ; and from this point departs the ligament, which, passing from the os ilium to the pubis, or fore point of the pelvis, is called the ligament of the thigh. The lower anterior spinous process is a small bump, or Os ilii. Ala. Spine. Spinous processes- Posterior, superior, and infe- rior. Anterior superior. Anterior inferior. 72 OB' THE TRUNK. little swelling, about an inch under the first one, which gives rise to the rectus femoris muscle, or straight muscle of the thigh, which lies along its fore part; and upon the inside of the process there is a de- pression lodging the iliacus interims and psoas magnus. The back, or dorsum of the os ilium, is covered with the three great glutaci muscles. We remark in a strong bone a semicircular ridge, which runs from the upper part of the anterior inferior spinous process to the lower part of the notch, and which marks the place of origin of the gluteus medius. The inner surface is hollowed, so as to be called the cup or hollow, or sometimes the venter. This bone (the os ilium) has a broad rough surface, by which it is connected with the os sacrum at its side; the very form of which de- clares the nature of this joining, and is sufficient argument and proof that the joinings of the pelvis do not move. The acute line, which is named luxe a innqminata, is seen upon the internal surface of the bone, dividing the ala, or wing, from that part which forms the true pelvis. This line composes part of the brim of the pelvis, distinguishes the cavity of the pelvis from the cavity of the abdomen, and marks the circle into which the head of the child descends at the commencement of labour. This bone enters into the composition of the socket for the thigh-bone, in a manner to be presently explained. In many parts of the bone we see holes for transmitting vessels ; we find one particularly large in the cup. The os ischium, or hip-bone, is placed perpendicularly under the os ilium, and is the lowest point of the pelvis upon which we sit. It forms the largest share of the socket, whence the socket is named acetabulum ischii, as peculiarly belonging to this bone. The bump or round swelling upon which we rest is named the tuber ischii; and the smaller part which extends upwards to meet the os pubis, is named the ramus, or branch, which meets a similar branch of that bone, to form the thyroid hole. The body is the uppermost and thicker part of the bone which helps in forming the socket; and among the three bones, this one forms the largest share of it; nearly one half. From the body, a sharp-pointed process, named spinous process of the ischium, is projected backwards; which, pointing towards the lower end of the sacrum, receives the uppermost of two long ligaments, which, from their passing betwixt the ischium and sacrum, are named sacro- sciatic : by this ligament a semi-circle of the os ilium, just below the joining of the ilium with the sacrum, is completed into a large round hole ; which is in like manner named the sacro-sciatic hole, and gives passage to the pyramidalis muscles, and to the great nerve of the lower extremity, named the great sacro-sciatic nerve. From the tuber, or round knob, being the point upon which we rest, this bone has been often named os sedentarjum. The bump is a little flattened where we sit upon it. It is the mark by which the lithotomist directs his incision, cutting exactly in the middle betwixt the anus and this point of bone. It is remarkable as being the point towards which the posterior or lower sacro-sciatic ligament extends, and as a point which gives rise to several of the strong muscles on Dorium. Cup. Articula- tion with the sa- crum. Linea in- uomiuata. Acetabu- lum. O* ischii. Body. Spinous process. Notch of ilium. Tuber. Ob' THE TRUNK. 73 tiie back of the thigh, and especially to those winch ibrm the hum- strings, semi-tendinosus, semi-membranosus, and long head of the biceps cruris. Between the scabrous surface on the tuber, and the edge of the acetabulum, there is a smooth surface rather depressed which is called the cervix. It is covered with a cartilage which allows the tendon of the obturator to move easily. The ramus, or branch, rises obliquely upwards and forwards, to join a like branch of the pubis. This branch, or arm, as it is called, is flat, and its edges are turned a little forwards and backwards; so that one edge forms the arch of the pubis, the other edge forms the margin of the thyroid hole. The os pubis, or share-bone, is the last and smallest piece of the os innominatum, and is named from the mons veneris being placed upon it, and its hair being a mark of puberty. It forms the upper, or fore part of the pelvis, and completes the brim; and, like the ischium, it also is divided into three parts, viz. the body, angle, and RAMUS. The body of the os pubis is thick and strong, and forms about one fifth of the socket for the thigh-bone. It is not only the smallest, but the shallowest part of the socket. The bone grows smaller, as it advances towards its angle ; it again grows broad and flat, and the two bones meet with rough surfaces, but with two cartilages inter- posed. Over the middle of this bone, two great muscles, the iliac and psoas muscles, pass out of the pelvis to the thigh ; and where they run under the ligament of the thigh, the pubis is very smooth. On the angle or crest there is a process which is frequently called tuberous angle : from this process there are two ridges traced ; one goes to meet the line on the ilium, forming the brim of the pelvis, and forms the linea ileo pectinea, or linea innominata; the other goes down towards the edge of the acetabulum : between these two ridges there is a flat surface giving origin to the pectineus. The ramus, or branch, is that more slender part of the pubis, which, joining with the branch of the ischium, forms with it the arch of the pubis, and the edge of the thyroid hole. Just under the body of the bone, there is a groove, which forms that part of the thyroid hole which transmits the obturator nerve and artery. This completes the strict anatomy of the pelvis; but when we consider the whole, it is further necessary to repeat, in short defini- tions, certain points which are oftener mentioned as marks of other parts. The promontory of the sacrum is the projection formed by the lowest vertebra of the loins, and the upper point of that bone. The hollow of the sacrum is all that smooth inner surface which gives out the great nerves for the legs and pelvis. The lesser angle, in dis- tinction from the greater angle or promontory of the sacrum, is a short turn in the bone near where it is joined writh the os coccygis. The crest of the pubis is a sharper ridge or edge of the bone over the joining or symphysis pubis. The posterior symphysis of the pelvis is the joining of the sacrum with the ilium, while the symphysis pubis is distinguished by the name of anterior symphysis of the Cervix. It am us . Os Pubis. liody. Crest. Lines ileo pectinea. Itamus. Groove of the os pubis. Promou- tory of sacrum. Hollow. Lesser angle. Crest of pubis. Symphy- ses. 74 OF THE TRUNK. pelvis. The spine, the tuber, and the ramus of the ischium are sufficiently explained. The ala, or wing, the spine, the spinous processes, and the linea innominata of the ilium, have been already sufficiently explained. The acetabulum, so named from its resemblance to a measure which the ancients used for vinegar, is the hollow or socket for the thigh-bone, composed of the ilium, ischium, and pubis ; the ridge in its centre shows the place of its original car- tilage, and points out what proportion belongs to each bone ; that it is made, two-fifths by the os ilium, two-fifths by the os ischium, and one-fifth only by the os pubis: but the ischium has the greatest share ; the ischium forming more than two-fifths, and the ilium less. On the lower part of the margin there is a deficiency of bone; which, however, is made up by a ligament, and yet not so perfectly, but that dislocation of the head of the femur sometimes takes place in this direction. The brim of the pelvis is that oval ring which parts the cavity of the pelvis from the cavity of the abdomen : it is formed by a conti- nued and prominent line along the upper part of the sacrum, the middle of the ilium, and the upper part or crest of the pubis. This circle of the brim supports the impregnated womb, keeps it up against the pressure of the labour pains; and sometimes this line has been u as sharp as a paper-folder, and has cut across the lower seg- ment of the womb and so, by separating the womb from the va- gina, has rendered the delivery impossible ; and the child escaping into the abdomen among the intestines, the woman has died.* The outlet of the pelvis is the lower circle again, composed by the arch of the pubis, and by the sciatic ligaments, which is wide and dilatable, to permit the delivery of the child, but which being some- times too wide, permits the child’s head to press so suddenly, and with such violence upon the soft parts, that the perineum is torn. The thyroid hole is that remarkable vacancy in the bone which perhaps lightens the pelvis, or perhaps allows the soft parts to escape from the pressure, during the passage of the head of the child. The marks of the female skeleton have been sought for in the skull, as in the continuation of the sagittal suture ; but the truest marks are those which relate to that great function by which chiefly the sexes are distinguished : for while the male pelvis is large and strong, with a small cavity, narrow openings, and bones of greater strength, the female pelvis is very shallow and wide, with a large cavity, and slender bones, and with every peculiarity which may conduce to the easy passage of the child. And this occasions that peculiar form of the body which the painter is at great pains to mark, and which is indeed very easily perceived ; for the characteristic of the manly form is firmness and strength ; the shoulders broad, the haunches small, the thighs in a direct line with the body, which gives a firm and graceful step. The female form again is delicate, soft, Acetabu- um iscliii, Brim of the pelvis. Outlet. Thyroid hole. Peculiari- ties of the female pelvis. * This condition of the brim is exhibited in a skeleton, in the collection of Wind- mill Street. The woman died in child-bed, and it was found that the arm of the child had escaped from the womb at the place, where it was cut by the sharp spine of hone. OF THE TRUNK. 75 and bending'; the shoulders are narrow ; the haunches broad ; the thighs round and large ; the knees, of course, approach each other, and the step is unsure : the woman even of the most beautiful form, walks with a delicacy and feebleness, which we come to acknowledge as a beauty in the weaker sex. The bones of the pelvis compose a cavity which cannot be fairly understood in separate pieces, but which should be explained as ar whole. Though perhaps its chief office is supporting the spine, still its relation to labour deserves to be observed ; for this forms at least a curious inquiry, though it should not be allowed a higher place in the order of useful studies. We know, from much experience, that where the pelvis is of the true size, we have an easy and natural labour : that where the pelvis is too large, there is pain and delay ; but not that kind of difficulty which endangers life ; that where, by distortion, the pelvis is reduced below the standard size, there comes such difficulty as endangers the mother, and destroys the child, and renders the art of midwifery still worthy of serious study, and an object of public care. There was a time when it was universally believed, that the join- ings of the pelvis dissolved in every labour ; that the bones departed, and the openings were enlarged ; that the child passed with greater case ; and “ that this opening of the basin was no less natural than the opening of the womb.” By many accidents, this opinion has been often strengthened and revived ; and if authority could deter- mine our opinion, we should acknowledge, that the joinings of the pelvis were always dissolved as a wise provision of nature for facili- tating natural, and preventing lingering labour, compensating for the frequent deviations both in the head and pelvis, from their true and natural size. This unlucky opinion has introduced, at one time, a practice the most reprehensibly simple, as fomentations to soften these joinings of the pelvis in circumstances which required very speedy help ; while, at another time, it has been the apology for the most cruel unnatural operations of instruments, not merely intended for dilating and opening the soft parts, but for bursting up these joinings of the bones. And those also, of late years, who have invented and performed (too often, no doubt,) this operation of cutting the symphysis pubis to hasten the labour, say, that they do not perform an unnecessary cruel operation, but merely imitate a common process of nature. How very far nature is from intending this, may be easily known from the very forms of these joinings, but much more from the other offices which these bones have to perform ; for if the pelvis be, as I have defined it, an arch standing betwixt the trunk and the lower extremities on which the body rolls, its joinings could not part without pain and lameness, perhaps inability for life. One chief reason drawn from anatomy, is this : that in women dying after labour, the cartilages of the pelvis are manifestly softened ; the bones loosen ; and though they cannot be pulled asunder, they can be shuffled or moved upon each other in a slight degree: all which is easily accounted for. The cartilage that forms the sym- physis pubis is not one cartilage onlv. as was once supposed, but Of the change in the joining of the pelvis. 76 OF THE TRUNK. a peculiar cartilage covers the end of each bone, and these are joined by a membranous or ligamentous substance: this ligamentous substance is the part which corrupts the soonest: it is often spoiled and in the place of it, a hollow only is found ; that hollow of the corrupted ligament may be called a separation of the bones ; but it is such a separation “ as equals only the back of a common knife in breadth ; and will not allow the bones to depart from each other the joining is still strong, for it is surrounded by a capsular ligament, not like the loose ligament of a moveable joint, but adhering to every point of each bone : and this ligament does perform its office so completely, that while it remains entire, though the bones shuffle sideways upon each other, no force can pull them asunder : “ Even when the fore-part of the pelvis is cut out, and turned anti twisted betwixt the hands, still though the bones can be bent backwards and forwards they cannot he pulled from each other the tenth part of an inch.” These inquiries were made by one, who, though par- tial to the other side of this question, could not allow himself to disguise the truth, whose authority is the highest, and by whose facts I should most willingly abide. Now, it is plain, that since a separation, amounting only to the 12th part of an inch, occasions death, this cannot be a provision of nature ; and since the separation in such degree could not enlarge the openings of the basin, there again it cannot be a provision of nature. I know that tales are not wanting of women whose bones were separated during labour ; but what is there so absurd, that we shall not find a precedent or parallel case in our annals of monstrous and incredible facts ? Or, rather, where is there a fact of this de- scription which is not balanced and opposed by opposite authorities and facts ? I have dissected several women who have died in linger- ing labour, where f found no disunion of the bones. I have seen women opened, after the greatest violence with instruments, and yet found no separation of the hones. We have cases of women having the mollities ossium, a universal softness and bending of the bones, who have lived in this condition for many years, with the pelvis also affected ; its openings gradually more and more abridged ; the miserable woman suffering lingering labour, and undergoing the delivery by hooks, with all the violence that must be used in such desperate cases, and still no separation of the bones happening. How, indeed, should there be such difficult labours as these, if the separation of the bones could allow the child to pass ? If it he said, “ the joinings of the pelvis are sometimes dissolved,”* I acknowledge that they are, just as the joint of the thigh is dis- solved, that is, sometimes by violence, and sometimes by internal dis- ease ; hut if it be affirmed that kt the joinings of the pelvis are dis- solved to facilitate labour,” 1 would observe, that wherever separa- tion of the bones has happened, it has both increased the difficulties of the labour, and been in itself a very terrible disease; for proofs of which, I must refer to Hunter, Denman, and others, to whose pecu- * I hare known the synchondrosis pubis burst by straining. The man stood over the weight which he strained to lift, and felt something give way. The case ter- minated in suppuration around the joint and caries of the ossa pubis. See my Col- lftCtfolk OP THE TRUNK. 77 liar province such cases belong. But surely these principles will be universally acknowledged: that the pelvis supporting the trunk is the centre of its largest motions: that if the bones of the pelvis were loosened such motions could no longer be performed: that when, by violence or by internal disease, or in the time of severe labour, these joinings have actually been dissolved or burst, the woman has become instantly lame, unable to sit, stand, or lie, or support herself in any degree; she is rendered incapable of turning, or even of being turned in bed; her attendants cannot even move her legs without in- tolerable anguish, as if torn asunder : * there sometimes follows a col- lection of matter within the joint (the matter extending quite down to the tuber ischii), high fever, delirium, and death ;t or, in case of recovery (which is indeed more frequent), the recovery is slow and partial only; a degree of lameness remains, with pain, weakness, and languid health : they can stand on one leg more easily than on both ; they can walk more easily than they can stand ; but it is many months before they can walk without crutches ; and long after they come to walk upon even ground, climbing a stair continues to be very difficult and painful. In order to obtain even this slow re- union of the bones, the pelvis must be bound up with a circular bandage very tight; ami they must submit to be confined long : by neglect of which precautions, sometimes, by the rubbing of the bones, a preternatural joint is formed, and they continue lame for years, or for life or sometimes the bones are united by ossification ; the callus or new bone projects towards the centre of the pelvis, and makes it impossible for the woman to be again delivered of a living child.§ Now this history of the disease leads to reasons independent of anatomy, which prove, that this separation of the bones (an accident the existence of which cannot be questioned) is not a provision of nature, but is a most serious disease. For if these be the dreadful consequences of separation of the bones, how can we believe that it happens, when we see women walking during all their labour, and, in place of being pained, are rather relieved by a variety of postures, and by walking about their room ? who often walk to bed after being delivered on chairs or couches? who rise on the third day, and often resume the care and fatigues of a family in a few days more ? or can we believe, that there is a tendency to separation of the bones in those who, following the camp, are delivered on one day and walk on the following ? or in those women who, to conceal their shame, have not indulged in bed a single hour ? or can we believe, that there is even the slightest tendency to the separation of the bones in those women whose pelvis resists the force of a lingering and severe labour, who suffer still further all the violence of instruments, who yet reco- ver as from a natural delivery, and who also rise from bed on the third or fourth day ? I have only to add to this catalogue of evils attending the separation of the symphysis or synchondrosis in the female pubis, that I have known the bones separated by violence in man, and the accident was attended with tedious suppuration and hectic. * Denman. } Dr. Hunter, Med. Observ. and Enquir. Vol. ii. p. 321. t Denman says twenty-five or thirty years. § Spence’s cases. BONES OF THE THIGH, LEG, ANI) FOOT. The thigh bone is the greatest, bone of the body, and needs to be so, supporting alone, and in the most unfavorable direction, the whole weight of the trunk; for though the body of this bone is in a line with the trunk, in the axis of the body, its neck stands otf almost at right angles with the body of the bone; and in this unfavourable direction must it carry the whole weight of the trunk, for the body is seldom so placed as to rest its weight equally upon either thigh bone, as commonly it is so inclined from side to side alternately, that the neck of one thigh bone bears alone the whole weight of the body and limbs, or is loaded with still greater burdens than the mere weight of the body itself. The thigh-bone is one of the most regular of the cylindrical bones. Its body is very thick and strong, of a rounded form, swelling out at either end into two heads. Tn its middle it bends a little outwards, with its circle or convex side turned towards the fore part of the thigh. This bending of the thigh-bone lias been a subject of specu- lation abundantly ridiculous, viz. whether this be an accidental or a natural arch. There are authors who have ascribed it to the nurse carrying the child by the thighs, and its soft bones bending under the weight. There is another author, very justly celebrated who im- putes it to the weight of the body, and the stronger action of the flexor muscles, affirming, that it is straight in the child, and grows convex by age. This could not be, else we should find this curve less in some, and greatest in those who had walked most, or whose muscles had the greatest strength; and if the muscles did produce this curve, a little accident giving the balance to the flexor muscles, should put the thigh-bone in their power to bend it in any degree, and to cause distortion. But the end of all such speculations is this, that we find it bended in the foetus, not yet delivered from the mo- ther’s womb, or in a chicken, while still enclosed in the' shell ; it is a uniform and regular bending, designed and marked in the very first formation of the bone, and intended perhaps, for the advantage of the strong muscles in the back of the thigh, to give them greater power or more room. The head of the thigh bone is likewise the most perfect of any in the human body, for its circumference is a very regular circle, of which the head contains nearly two-thirds : it is small, neat, and com- pletely received into its socket, which is not only deep in itself, and very secure, but is further deepened by the cartilage which borders it, so that this is naturally, and without the help of ligaments, the strongest joint m all the body: but among other securities which are superadded, is the round ligament, the mark of which is easily seen, being a broad dimple in the centre of its cavity. In the sur Femur; general (form cy- lindrical, curved. Head being more than half a circle. BONES OF THE THIGH, &C. 79 face of the head or ball we observe a small pit for the attachment of the round ligament of the hip-joint. The neck of this bone is the truest in the skeleton ; and indeed it is from this neck of the thigh-bone, that we transfer the name to other bones, which have hardly any other mark of neck than that which is made by their purse-like ligament being fixed behind the head of the bone, and leaving a roughness there. But the neck of the thigh-bone is more than an inch in length, thick, and strong, yet hardly proportioned to the great weights which it has to bear ; long, that it may allow the head to be set deeper in its socket; and stand- ing wide up from the shoulders of the bone, to keep its motions wide and free, and unembarrassed by the pelvis ; for without this great length of the neck, its motions had been checked even by the edges of its own socket. The trochanters are the longest processes in the human body for the attachment of muscles, and they are named trochanter (or processes for turning the thigh), from their office, which is the re- ceiving those great muscles which not only bend and extend the thigh, but turn it upon its axis ; or these processes are oblique, so as to bend and turn the thigh at once. The trochanter major, the outermost and longer of the two, is that great bump which represents the direct end of the thigh-bone, while the neck stands off from it at one side; therefore the great trochanter stands above the neck, and is easily distinguished out- wardly, being that great bump which we feel so plainly in laying the hand upon the haunch. On the upper and fore part of this great process, are two surfaces for the insertion of the gluteus medius and minimus. The extremity of the great trochanter hangs over a pit into which principally the small rotator muscles of the thigh are inserted, viz. the pyriformis, thegemini, the obturator internus and externus. On the lower part there is a very strong marked ridge, which is for the insertion of the gluteus maximus. The trochanter minor, or lesser trochanter, is a smaller and more pointed rising on the inner side of the bone, lower than the trochanter major, and placed under the root of the neck, as the greater one is placed above it. It is directed backwards, so that the mus- cles inserted into it turn the toe outwards at the same time that they raise the femur. It is deeper in the thigh, and never to be felt, not even in luxations. Its muscles, also, viz. the flexors of the thigh, by the obliquity of their insertion into it, turn the thigh, and bend it towards the body, such as the psoas and iliacus internus, which passing out from the pelvis, sink deep into the groin, and are im- planted into this point. On the neck of the thigh bone there is a very conspicuous roughness, which marks the place of the capsule or ligamentary bag of the joint; for it encloses the whole length of the neck of the thigh bone. Betwixt the greater and lesser trochanters, there runs a rough line, the inter-trochantral line, to which the capsular ligament is attached, and into which the quadratus femoris is inserted. The line \ aspeba is a rising or prominent line, very rugged and Pit. Neck. Trochan- ter. Major. Tr. minor. Inter-tro- chantral line. Linen a»pera, 80 BONES OF THE unequal, which runs all down the back part of the thigh : it begins at the roots of the two trochanters, and the rough lines from each trochanter meet about four inches down the bone ; thence the linea aspera runs down the back of the bone a single line, and forks again into two lines, one going towards each condyle, and ending in the tubercles at the lower end of the bone, so that the linea aspera is single in tiie middle, and forked at either end. The condyles are the two tubers, into which the thigh-bone swells out at its lower part. There is first a gentle and gradual swelling of the bone, then an enlargement into two broad and flat surfaces, which are to unite with the next bone in forming the great joint of the knee. The two tuberosities, which, by their flat faces, form the joint, swell out above the joint, and are called the con- dyles. The inner condyle is larger, to compensate for the oblique position of the thigh-bone ; for the bones are separated at their heads, by the whole width of the pelvis, but are drawn towards a point below, so as to touch each other at the knees. On the fore part of the bone, betwixt the condyles, there is a broad smooth surface, upon which the rotula, or pulley-like bone glides. The outer side of this trochlea is the largest and most prominent. On the back part of the .high bone, in the middle betwixt the condyles, there is a deep notch, which gives passage to the great artery, vein, and nerve, of the leg. The great nutritious artery enters below the middle of this bone, and smaller arteries enter through its porous extremities; as may be known by many small holes, near the head of the bone. The iie\d of the thigh-bone is round, and set down deeply in its socket, to give greater security to a joint so important, and so much exposed as the hip is. The neck stands off from the rest of the bone, so that by its length it allows a free play to the joint, but is itself much exposed by its transverse position, as if nature had not formed in the human body any joint at once free, moving, and strong. The neck is not formed in the boy, because the socket is not yet deep, nor hinders the motions of the thigh, and the head is formed apart from the bone, and is not firmly united with it till adult years, so that falls luxate or separate the head in young people, but they break the neck of the bone in those that are advanced in years. The trochanters, or shoulders, are large, to receive the great muscles which are implanted in them, and oblique, that they may at once bend and turn the thigh. The shaft or kody is very strong, that it may bear our whole weight, and the action of such powerful muscles ; and it is marked with the rough line behind, from which a mass of flesh takes its rise, which warps completely round the lower part of the thigh-bone, and forms what are called the vasti muscles, the greatest muscles for extending the leg. The condyles swell out to give a broad surface, and a firm joining for the knee. But of all its parts, the great trochanter should be most particularly observed, as it is the chief mark in luxations or fractures of this bone: for when the greater trochanter is pushed downwards, we find the thigh luxated inward; when the trochanter is higher than its true place, and so fixed that it cannot roll, we are assured that Double above, and below. Condyles. The inner largest. Trochlea. Notch. Nutritious artery. Review of the princi- pal points of demon- stration. THIGH, LEG, AJSD FOOT. 81 it is luxated : but when the trochanter is upwards, with the thigh rolling freely, we are assured its neck is broken, the trochanter being displaced, and the broken head remaining in its socket; but when the trochanter remains in its place, we should conclude that the joint is but little injured, or that it is only a bruise of those glands or mucous follicles, which are lodged within the socket, for lubricating the joint. The tibia is named from its resemblance to a pipe ; the upper part of the tibia, representing the expanded or trumpet-like end, the lower part representing the flute end of the pipe. The tibia, on its upper end, is flat and broad, making a most singular articula- tion with the thigh-bone ; for it is not a ball and socket like the shoulder or hip, nor a hinge-joint guarded on either side with pro- jecting points, like the ancle. There is no security for the knee- joint, by the form of its bones, for they have plain flat heads ; they are broad indeed, but they are merely laid upon each other. It is only by its ligaments that this joint is strong ; and by the number of its ligaments it is a complex and delicate joint, peculiarly liable to disease. The upper head of the tibia is thick and spongy, and we find there two broad and superficial hollows, as if impressed, while soft, with the marks of the condyles of the thigh-bone ; and these slight hollows are all the cavity that it has for receiving the thigh-bone. A pretty high ridge rises betwixt these two hollows, so as to be re- ceived into the interstice betwixt the condyles, on the back part, which is the highest point ol the ridge. There is a pit on the fore and on the back part for the attachment of the crucial ligaments. The spongy head has also a rough margin, to which the capsular ligament is tied. On the fore part of this bone, just below the knee, there is a bump for receiving the great ligament of the patella, or, in other words, the great tendon of all the extensor muscles of th » leg: and lastly, there is upon the outer side of this spongy head, just under the margin of the joint, a smooth articulating surface, (like a dimple impressed with the finger,) for receiving the head of the fibula. It is under the margin of the joint, for the fibula does not enter at all into the knee-joint; it is only laid upon the side of the tibia, fixed to it by ligaments, but not received into any thing like a cavity. The body of the bone is of a prismatic or triangular form, and its three edges or acute angles are very high lines running along its whole lengtli. The whole bone s a little twisted to give a proper position to the foot. One line, the anterior angle, a little waved, and turned directly forwards, is what is called the shin. At the top of this ridge, is that bump into which the ligament of the rotula or patella is implanted ; and the whole length of this acute line is so easily traced through the skin, that we can never be mistaken about fractures of this bone. Another line less acute than this, is turned directly backwards ; and the third acute line, which completes the triangular form, is turned towards the fibula, to receive a broad liga- ment, or interosseous membrane, which ties the two bones together- Tibia. Form, Upper head. Two arti- culating surfaces. Ridge. Pits. Margin. Tubercle. Articulat- ’ ing surface for the fibula. Body tri- angular. Shin. Posterior angle. Lateral angle. 82 BONES OE THE The middle of the posterior surface of the bone is hollowed tor the lodgment of the muscles, which extend the foot, and bend the toes ; and the anterior and outer surface is hollowed by the lodg- ment of that muscle, which is called tibialis anticus, and the long extensors of the toes. On the back part of the bone, near its head, there is a flat surface made by the insertion of the popliteus muscle, which is bounded on the lower part by a ridge giving origin to one of the flexors. The lower head of the tibia composes the chief parts of the ancle- joint. The lower head of the tibia is smaller than the upper, in the same proportion that the ancle is smaller than the knee. The pointed part of this head of the tibia represents the mouth-piece, or flat part of the pipe, and constitutes the bump of the inner ancle. The lower end of the fibula lies so upon the lower end of the tibia, as to form the outer ancle ; and there is on the one side of the tibia a deep hollow, like an impression made with the point of the thumb, which receives the lower end of the fibula. The acute point of the tibia, named the process of the inner ancle, passes beyond the bone of the foot, and, by lying upon the side of the joint, guards the ancle, so that it cannot be luxated outward, without this pointed process of the malleolus internus, or inner ancle, being broken. The lower extremity of the tibia has that sort of excavation to correspond with the astragalus, to which anatomists give the name of scaphoid cavity. On the back of the lower head of the bone there is a groove which transmits the tendon of the tibialis posticus muscle, and at its apex a pit giving origin to the deltoid ligament. On the back part of the tibia, and a little below its head, we have to observe the hole for the transmission of the nutritious artery, to the centre of the bone. In amputation of the leg, this artery is some- times cut across just where it has entered the bone, and the bleeding proves troublesome. The tibia is a bone of great size, and needs to be so, for it supports fhe whole weight of the body. It is not at all assisted by the fibula, in bearing the weight, the fibula, or slender bone, being merely laid upon the side of the tibia, for uses which shall be explained pre- sently. The tibia is thick, with much caucelli, or spongy substance within ; has pretty firm plates without; is much strengthened by its ridges, and by its triangular form : its ridges are regular with regard to each other, but the whole bone is twisted as if it had been turned betwixt the hands when soft: this distortion makes the process of the inner ancle lie not regularly upon the side of that joint, but a little obliquely forward, which determined the obliquity of the foot, and this must be of much consequence, since there are many provisions for securing this turning of the foot, viz. the oblique position of the trochanters; the oblique insertion of all the muscles, and this obli- quity of the ancles; the inner ancle advancing a little before the joint, and the outer ancle receding in the same degree behind it. The fieula, which is named so from its resemblance to the Roman clasp, is a long slender bone, which is useful partly in- strengthening the leg, but chiefly in forming the ancle joint and in af- Tower head. Malleolus internus. Impression of the .fibula. Scaphoid cavity. Groove for the tibialis posticus. Fibulj*'. THIGH, LEG, ANB FOOT. 83 fording attachment to muscles. The tibia only is connected with the knee, while the fibula, which has no place in the knee-joint, goes down below the lower end of the tibia, forming the long process of the outer ancle. The fibula is a long and slender bone, the longest and slenderest in the body. It lies by the side of the tibia like a splint, so that when at any time the tibia is broken without the fibula, or when the tibia having spoiled, becomes carious, and a piece of it is lost, the fibula maintains the form of the limb till the last piece be replaced, or till the fracture be firmly re-united. It is, like the tibia, triangular in the middle part, but square towards the lower end, and has two heads, which are knots, very large, and disproportioned to so slender a bone. The sharpest line of the fibula is turned to the sharp line of the tibia, and the interosseous membrane passes betwixt them. The other lines or spines are in the interstices of the attachment of muscle, of which no fewer than six take their origin here, making the bone irre- gular with spines and grooves. There arise from the fibula, I. The soleus from the back part of the head ; 2. The tibialis posticus from the back and lower part of the bone; 3. The flexor longus pollicis all down the back part of the bone ; 4. The peroneus longus from nearly the whole length of the bone; 5. The peroneus brevis from the middle and lower part; 6. The peroneus tertius from the fore-part of the bone. The bone lies in a line with the tibia, on the outer side of it, and a little behind it. The upper head of the fibula is rough on the outer surface, for the insertion of the lateral ligament, and of the biceps cruris; smooth, and with cartilage within ; and is laid upon a plain smooth surface, on the side of the tibia, a little below the knee: and though the fibula is not received deep into the tibia, this want is compensated for by the strong ligaments by which this little joint is tied ; by the knee being completely wrapped round with the expanded tendons of those great muscles which make up the thigh; by the knee being still farther embraced closely by the fascia, or tendinous expansion of the thigh ; but above all, by the tendons of the outer hamstrings being fixed into this knot of the fibula, and expanding from that over the fore part of the tibia. The lower head of the fibula, is broad and flat, and is let pretty deep into a socket on the side of the tibia ; together, they form the ancle-joint for receiving the bones of the foot. The extreme point of the thin extremity gives attachment to the outer ligament of the joint, and is sometimes called the coronoid process. On the back part of this lower head there is a furrow which lodges the tendons of the peronei muscles. The ancle-joint is one of the purest hinge- joints, and is very secure ; for there is the tibia, at the process of' the inner ancle, guarding the joint within, there is the fibula passing the joint still further, and making the outer ancle still a stronger guard without. These two points, projecting so as to enclose the bones of the foot, making a pure hinge, prevent all lateral motion ; make the joint firm and strong, and will not allow of luxations, till one or both ancles be broken. We know that there is little motion betwixt the tibia and fibula ; none that is sensible outwardly, and no more in truth than just to give a sort of elasticity, yielding to slightf, Spines. Upper* head. Firmly united to the tibia. Lower head. Malleolus ext er no 3. Ankle- joint. 84 BONES OP THE strains. But we are well assured, that this motion, though slight and imperceptible, is very constant; for these joinings of the fibula with the tibia are always found smooth and lubricated; and there are no two bones in the body so closely connected as the tibia and fibula are, and which are so seldom anchylosed, i. e. joined into one by disease. The fibula may be thus defined ; it is a long slender bone, which answers to the double bone of the fore-arm, completes the form, and adds somewhat to the strength of the leg ; it gives a broader origin for its strong muscles, lies by the side of the tibia like a splint; and, being a little arched towards the tibia, supports it against those acci- dents which would break it across, and maintains the form of the leg when the tibia is carious or broken ; the fibula, though it has little connection with the knee, passes beyond the ancle-joint, and is its chief guard and strength in that direction in which the joint should be most apt to yield ; and in this office of guarding the ancle, it is so true, that the ancle cannot yield till this guard of the fibula be broken. This fracture of the lower part of the fibula, attended with more or less injury of the inner ligament of the ancle-joint, is by far the most frequent accident received into a London hospital. Rotula, or patella, or knee-pan, is a small thick bone, of an oval, or rather triangular form. The basis of this rounded triangle is turned upwards to receive the four great muscles which extend the leg ; the pointed part of this triangle is turned downwards, and is tied by a very strong ligament to the bump or tubercle of the tibia, just under the knee. The convex surface is rough, the concave smooth, and divided by a ridge into two unequal parts : round the margin of the bone there is a slight depression for the attachment of the capsular ligament. This ligament is called the ligament of the patella, or of the tibia, connecting the patella so closely, that some anatomists of the first name choose to speak of the patella as a mere process of the tibia, (as the olecranon is a process of the ulna,) only flexible and loose ; an arrangement which I think so far right and useful, as the fractures of the olecranon and of the patella are so much alike, especially in the method of cure, that they may be spoken of as one case ; for these two arc exceptions to the common rules and methods of setting broken bones. The patella is manifestly useful, chiefly as a lever ; for it is a pully, which is a species of lever, gliding upon the fore part of the thigh bone, upon the smooth surface which is betwixt the condyles. The projection of this bone upon the knee removes the acting force from the centre of motion, so as to increase the power ; and it is beautifully contrived, that while the knee is bent, and the muscles at rest, as in sitting, the patella sinks down, concealed into a hollow of the knee. When the muscles begin to act, the patella begins to rise from this hollow; in proportion as they contract, they lose of their strength, but the patella, gradually rising, increases the power ; and when the contraction is nearly perfect, the patella has risen to the summit of the knee, so that the rising of the patella raises the mechanical power of the joint in exact proportion as the contraction expends the living contractible power of the muscles. What is cu- General descrip- tion oi the fibula. Patella. Basis. Apex. Ridge. THIGH, LEG, AND FOOT. 85 nous beyond almost any other fact concerning the fractures of bones, the patella is seldom broken by a fall or blow ; in nine of ten cases, it is raiiier torn, if we may use the expression, by the force of its own muscles, while it stands upon the top of the knee, so as to rest upon one single point; for while the knee is half bended, and the patella in this dangerous situation, the leg fixed, and the muscles contract- ing strongly to support the weight of the body, or to raise it as in mounting the steps of a stair, the force of the muscles is equivalent at least to the weight of the man’s body ; and often, by a sudden vio- lent exertion, their power is so much increased, that they snap the patella across, as we would break a stick across the knee. The tarsus, or instep, is composed of seven large bones, which form a firm and elastic arch for supporting the body ; which arch has its strength from the strong ligaments with which these bones are joined, and its elasticity from the small movements of these bones with each other ; for each bone and each joint has its cartilage, its capsule or bag, its lubricating fluid, and all the apparatus of a regu- lar joint; each moves, since the cartilages are always lubricated, and the bones are never joined by anchylosis with each other ; but the effect is rather a diffused elasticity than a marked and percepti- ble motion in any one joint. The seven bones of which the tarsus is composed are, 1. The astragalus, which, united with the tibia and fibula, forms the ancle-joint. 2. The os calcis, or heel-bone, which forms the end or back point of that arch upon which the body stands. 3. The os na- viculare, or boat-like bone, which joins three smaller bones of the fore part of the tarsus to the astragalus. 4. The os cuboides, which joins the fore part of the os calcis to the external cuneiform bone. The 5th, 6th, and 7th, are the smaller bones making the fore part of the tarsus ; they lie immediately under the place of the shoe-buckle, and are named the three cuneiform bones, from their wedge-like shape ; and it is upon these and the anterior surface of the cuboides that the metatarsal bones, forming the next division of the foot, are implanted. These bones of the tarsus form, along with the metatarsal bones, a double arch : first, from the lowest point of the heel to the ball of the great toe, is one arch, the arch of the sole of the foot which sup- ports the body; then there is a transverse arch formed by the cu- boides and the cuneiform bones; and again, there is another arch within this, formed among the tarsal bones themselves, one within another, and laid horizontally, i. e. betwixt the astragalus, os calcis, cuboides, cuneiform bones, and naviculare. Ft is these arches which give so perfect an elasticity to the foot, and must prevent the bad effects of leaping, falls, and other shocks, which would have broken a part less curiously adapted to its office. (1.) The astragalus is the greatest and most remarkable bone of the tarsus, and w'hich the surgeon is most concerned in knowing. The semicircular head of thi3 bone forms a curious and perfect pully. The circle of this pully is large; its cartilage is smooth and lubri- cated ; it is received deep betwixt the tibia and fibula, and rolls under the smooth articular surface of the latter, which, being suited to this Of the tarsus. Astraga- luSl General 86 BONES OF THE pully of the astragalus, with something of a boat-like shape, is often named the scaphoid cavity of the tibia. 1. We remark in the astra- galus its articulating surface, which is arched, high, smooth, covered with cartilage, lubricated, and in all respects a complete joint Its form is that of a pully, which, of course, admits of but one direct motion, viz. forwards and backwards. 2. We observe its sides, which are plain, smooth, and flat, covered with the same cartilage, forming a part of the joint, and closely locked in by the inner and outer ancles, so as to prevent luxations, or awkward motions to either side. 3. We observe two large irregular articulating surfaces, backwards and downwards, by which it is pined to the os calcis. 4. There is on the fore part, or rather the fore end, of the astragalus, a large round head, as regular as the head of the shoulder-bone, by which it is articulated with the scaphoid bone. l. Superior surface corresponding with the scaphoid cavity of the tibia. 2. Internal articulating surface for the malleolus internus. 3. External articulating surface for the extremity of the fibula. 4. In- er*or a,)d posterior articulating surface joining with the body of the os calcis. 5. Inferior and anterior surface articulating also with a corresponding surface of the os calcis. 6. Deep fossa, dividing these two inferior articulating surfaces, for the lodgment of a Jiga- merit which unites this hone to the os calcis. 7. The ball or ante- rjor articulating surface which enters into the socket of the navicu- ~ . . lare. 8. A smooth part, which is like a continuation of this last, but which rests upon a cord of ligament, which is stretched betw ixt the os calcis and naviculare. 9. Furrow for attachment of the capsular ligament. On the inside of the bone we see a hollow and a rough Protul)erance f,,r the attachment of the deltoid ligament, which comes down from the tibia ; a point of the anatomy of the first conse- quence to the surgeon. (2.) The os calcis is the large irregular bone of the heel ; it is the tip or end of the arch formed by the tarsal and metatarsal l>ones. There is an irregular surface on the highest part of the projection backwards, to which the tendo Achillis is inserted. The lower and back part of the bone is rough, but peculiar in its texture, for the attachment of the cartilaginous and cellular substance on which ii rests. We next notice an irregular articular surface, or rather two surfaces covered with cartilage, by which this bone is joined with the astragalus. Another articulating surface by which it is joined vvith the os cuboides. A sort of arch or excavation, on the inside, under which the vessels and nerves, and the tendons also, pass on safely into the sole of the foot. On the outer surface of this bone we observe a groove, which transmits the tendon of the peroneus longus. On the upper surface of the bone, and betwixt the surfaces which articulate with the astragalus, there is an irregular rough fossa, which is opposite to a corresponding depression in the astragalus, and which gives attachment to powerful ligaments which unite the bones, and, on the lower and outer part, the sinuosity. We further notice the tubercle which stands internally, and gives Points of stration. Trochlea. artici'iat ing sur- face. surface?1 Inferior posterior. Interior anterior, Fossa. ®al1' Attach- ligament, Os calcis. Great pro- E7rs"t Second, Third articulat- face*Ur Arch. roove. Fossa. Tubercle. THIGH, LEG, AND FOOT. 87 attachment to the ligamentum inter os calcis et naviculare, and which supports the lower part of the ball of the astragalus. (3.) The next bone is named os naviculare, or os scathoides, from a fanciful resemblance to a boat. But this is a name to which anatomists have been very partial, and which they have used with very little discretion or reserve : the student will hardly find any such resemblance. That concave side which looks backwards is pretty deep, and receives the head of the astragalus : that flat side which looks forward has not so deep a socket, but receives the three cunei- form bones upon a surface rather plain and irregular. From the inner and lower part of this bone a tubercle stands out for the at- tachment of a powerful ligament, already described, running be- twixt. this and the os calcis. • (4,5, 6.) The cuneiform bones are so named, because they re- semble wedges, being laid to each other like the stones of an arch. The most simple and proper arrangement is t, and 3. ; counting from the side of the great toe towards the middle of the foot; but they are commonly named thus : the first cuneiform bone, on which the great toe stands has its cutting edge turned upwards ; it is much larger than the others, and so is called os cuneiforme magnum. The second cuneiform bone, or that which stands in the middle of the three cuneiform bones, is much smaller, and is therefore named os Cuneiforms minimum. The third in order, of the cuneiform bones, is named os cuneiforme medium.* These cuneiform bones re- ceive the great toe and the two next to it. The fourth and fifth toes are implanted upon the os cuboides. (7.) Os cuboides.—The os cuboides is named from its cubical' figure, and is next to the astragalus in size, and greater than the os naviculare. The three cuneiform bones are laid regularly by the : side of each other ; and this os cuboides is again laid on the outer | side of the third cuneiform bone, and joins it to the os calcis. Its i anterior point is divided into two surfaces, for two metatarsal bones: - the lower surface of the bone is a groove for transmitting the tendon ' of the long peroneus muscle. The place and effect of the cuboid < bone is very curious ; for as it is jammed in betwixt the third cunei- form bone and the os calcis, it forms a complete arch within an arch, which gives at once a degree of elasticity and of strength which no human contrivance could have equalled. Metatarsus.—The metatarsus, so named from its being placed upon the tarsus, consists of five bones ; they extend betwixt the 1 tarsus and the proper bones of the toes. The metatarsal bone of the great toe is the shortest, and is other- wise distinguished by its strength and the great size of its extremi- ties. The metatarsal of the second toe is the longest, its nearer head being wedged betwixt the cuneiform magnum and minime, while it has a surface of contact with the medium and the head of Navicu- lare. Concave surface. Convex surface. Tubercle. Cuneiform bones. Os cunei- form e magnum. Minimum. Medium. Cuboides. Surface for the third cuneiform bone. Articulat- ed with os calcis. Groove. Place and use. Distinc- tions. * The confusion in these names arises from sometimes counting them by their place, aud sometimes reckoning according to their size. It is only in relation to its size that we call one of these bones os enneiforme medium; for the os cuneiforme medium is not in the middle of the three ; it is the middle bone with respect to size: it is the smallest of the enneiform bones that stands in the middle between the other two. 88 BONES OF THE THIGH, &C. the extremity of the metatarsal bone of the third toe. The meta- tarsal bone of the little toe is also peculiar in the size of its nearer head, and the manner in which that head projects upon the out- side of the foot to receive the tendons of the peroneus secundus and tertius. The metatarsal bones generally have these peculiari- ties. They are rather flattened, especially on their lower sides, where the tendons of the toes lie ; they have a ridge on their upper or arched surface ; they are very large at their ends next the tarsus, where they have broad square heads, that they may be implanted with great security ; they grow smaller forwards, where again they terminate, in neat small round heads, which receive the first bones of the toes, and permit of a very free and easy motion in them, and a greater degree of rotation than our dress allows us to avail our- selves of, the toes being cramped together, in a degree that fixes them all in their places, huddles one above another, and is quite the reverse of that free and strong like spreading of the toes, which the painter always represents. The further extremities of these bones terminate in round balls, which correspond with the sockets in the first bones of the toes, and a distinct groove runs round the upper part of the extremity of ti>e bone for the attachment of the capsule. Processes stand out laterally from the anterior extremities, which give attachment to the lateral ligaments of the joint. These bones, by the connection of their nearer extremities, form an arch corresponding with the lateral arch of the tarsus : owing to this the metatarsal of the great toe is placed on a lower level, so that its great extremity projects into the sole of the foot, and into it are inserted part of the tendon of the tibialis posticus, and the peroneus longus, whilst the tibialis anticus is inserted into its upper surface. The marks of the metatarsal bones are chiefly useful as direct- ing us where to cut in amputating these bones; and the surgeon will save the patient much pain, and himself the shame of a slow and confused operation, by marking the places of the joints, and the form of the extremities of the bones. THE TOES.—The last division of the foot consists of three distinct bones ; and as these bones are disposed in row's, they are named the first, second, and third phalanges or ranks of the toes. The great toe has but two phalanges; the other toes have three ranks of bones : these bones are a little flattened on their lower side, or rather, they have a flattened groove which lodges the ten- dons of the last joint of the toes. The articulating surfaces of the nearer extremities of the first bones are deep sockets for the extremities of the metatarsal bones, and the motions are free. But the articulations of the second and third joints are proper hinge joints, the further extremities of the first and second bones being a flattened trochlea. It is particularly to be noticed, that the heads of these bones are large, and that they send out a lateral pro- jection for the attachment of the lateral ligament. The consider- ation of the size and form of the extremities of these bones, and the nature and attachment of their ligaments, is of the first impor- General form. Ball. Groove. Condyles. Tiieir ex- tremities large. BOSSES OK THE SHOULDER, &C. 89 lance, as explaining the peculiarity in the dislocation of these bones, and the manner of reduction. The sesamoid bones are more regularly found about the toes than any where else. They are small bones, like flattened peas, found in tendons, at the points where they suffer much friction ; or rather they are like the seeds of the sesamum, whence their name. They are found at the roots the great toe, and of the thumb. We find two small sesamoid bones, one on each side of the ball of the great toe ; and grooves may be observed on the lower part of the articulating surface of that bone, for their lodg- ment and play: they are within the substance of the tendons ; perhaps, like the patella, they remove the acting force from the centre of motion, and so, by acting like pullies, they increase the power; perhaps, also, by lying at the sides of the joint in the ten- dons of the shorter muscles of the toes, they make a safe gutter for the long tendons to pass in. They are not restricted to the balls of the great toe and thumb, but sometimes are also found under the other toes and fingers, and sometimes behind the condyles of the knee ; or in the peronei tendons, urhich run under the sole of the foot. BONES OF THE SHOULDER, ARM, AND HAND. OF THE SCAPULA, OR SHOULDER-BLADE. This is the great peculiarity of the superior extremity, that it is connected not directly with the trunk, like the thigh-bone with the haunch, but is hung by a moveable intermediate bone, which not only is not immediately joined to the trunk by ligaments, nor any other form of connexion, but is parted from it by several layers of muscular flesh, so that it lies flat, and glides upon the trunk. The scapula is a thin bone, which has originally, like the skull, j two tables, and an intermediate diploe ; but by pressure, and the ( action of its own muscles, it grows gradually thinner, its tables are i more and more condensed, till in old age it has become in some parts transparent, and is supported only by its processes, and by its thicker edges ; for its spine is a ridge of firm and strong bone, which rises very high, and gives a broad origin and support for its muscles. The acromion, in which the spine terminates, is a broad and flat process, a sure guard for the joint of the shoulder. The coracoid process is a strong but shorter process, which stands out from the neck of the bone; and the costa, or borders of the bone, are also rounded, firm, and strong, so that the processes and borders support the flat part of the bone, which is as thin as a sheet of paper. Scapula. General descrip- tion. 90 BONES OF THE There is no part nor process of the scapula which does not re- quire to be very carefully marked ; for no accidents are more fre- quent than luxations of the shoulder ; and the various luxations are explained best by studying in the skeleton, and being able to recognise on the living body all the processes and projecting points. The flat side of the scapula is smooth, somewhat concave, and suited to the convexity of the ribs : it is sometimes called venter. The scapula is connected with no bone of the trunk, tied by no ligaments, is merely laid upon the chest, with a large mass of mus- cular flesh under it, upon which it glides; for there are below it two layers of muscles, by one of which the shoulder-bone is moved upon the scapula, while by the other, the scapula itself is moved upon the ribs. The subscapularis muscle, lying in the hollow of the scapula, marks it with many smooth hollows, and wave-like risings, which are merely the marks of the several divisions of this muscle, but which were mistaken even by the great Vesalius for the impressions of the ribs. The upper or exterior flat surfaco is slightly convex; it is tra- versed by the spine, which is a very acute and high ridge of bone ; it is called the dorsum scapula. Now the spine thus traversing the bone from behind forwards, divides its upper surface into two un- equal parts, of which the part above the spine is smaller, and that below the spine is larger. Each of these spaces has its name, one supra spinatus, and the other infra spinatus; and each of them lodges a muscle, named, the one the musculus supra spinatus sca- pulae, as being above the spine ; the other musculus infra spinatus scapulae, as being below the spine. A third muscle is named sub- scapularis, as lying under the shoulder-blade, upon that concave surface which is towards the ribs ; so that the whole scapula is co- vered with broad flat muscles, whose offices are to move the hu- merus in various directions, and which impress the scapula with gentle risings and hollows on its upper as well as on its lower surface. The triangular form of the scapula must be next observed. The upper line of the triangle is the shortest; it is named the supe- rior costa or border ; here the omo-hvoideus has its origin. On this superior edge is seen the notch, through which a nerve, and sometimes an artery passes. The lower edge, which is named the costa inferior, or the lower border of the scapula, receives no muscles; because it must be quite free, to move and glide as the scapula turns upon its axis, which is, indeed, its ordinary movement. But it gives rise to two smaller muscles, which, from being a little rounded, are named the musculi teretes; they leave their impressions on this lower costa. The long side of the scapula, which bounds its triangular form backwards, is named the basis of the scapula, as it represents the base of the triangle. This line is also like the two borders, a little thicker or swelled out; and this edge receives powerful muscles, which lie flat upon the back, and coming to the scapula, in a variety of directions, can turn it upon its axis : sometimes raising, some- times depressing the scapula: sometimes drawing it backwards; and Surfaces. Venter or faceCrSUr' Exterior surface or dorsum. Divided into fossa supra, and infra spi- nata. Scapttla triangular. Superior costa. Notch. Inferior costa. Basis. shoulder, arm, and hand. 91 sometimes fixing it in its place ; according to the various sets of fibres which are put into action. These are the larger and lesser rhomboid muscles, and the great serrated muscle of the fore part of the chest, which runs under the scapula to be inserted into the inner edge of the base of the bone. The angles of the scapula are two, the superior more obtuse, and the inferior more acute. From the inferior angle the teres major takes its origin, and the outer surface of the bone is made smooth by the passage of the latissimus dorsi muscle. To the superior angle the levator scapula) is inserted. The glenoid or articulating cavity of the scapula is on the point or apex of this triangle. The scapula is more strictly triangular in a child, for it terminates almost in a point or apex ; and this arti- culating surface is a separate ossification, and is joined to it in the adult. The scapula towards this point terminates in a flat surface, not more than an inch in diameter, very little hollowed, and scarcely receiving the head of the shoulder-bone, which is rather laid upon it than sunk into it: it is indeed deepened a little by a circular gristle, which tips the edges or lips of this articulating surface, but so little, that it is still very shallow and plain, and luxations of the shoulder are infinitely more frequent than of any other bone. This head, or glenoid cavity of the scapula, is planted upon a nar- rower part, which tends towards a point, but is finished by this flat head; this narrower part is what is named the neck of the scapula, which no doubt sometimes gives way, and breaks.* A rough line bordering the glenoid cavity receives the capsular ligament, or rather the capsule arises from that bordering gristle, which I have said tips this circle. The spine of the scapula is that high ridge of bone which runs the whole length of its upper surface, and divides it into two spaces for the origin of the supra and infraspinatus muscles. It is high and very sharp, standing up at one place to the height of two inches. It is flattened upon the top, and with edges, which, turning a little towards either side, give rise to two Strong fascia), i. e. tendinous membranes, which go from the spine, the one upwards to the upper border of the scapula, the other downwards to the lower border : so that by these strong membranes, the scapula is formed into two triangular cavities, and the supra and infra spinatus muscles rise not only from the back of the scapula, and from the sides of its spine, but also from the inner surface of this tense membrane. The spine traverses the whole dor- sum, or back of the scapula ; it receives the trapezius muscle, that beautiful triangular muscle which covers the neck like a tippet, into its upper edge ; whilst from its lower edge a part of the deltoid muscle departs. The spine beginning low at the basis of the sca- pula, where a certain triangular space may be observed, gradually rises as it advances forwards, till it terminates in that high point or promontory which forms the tip of the shoulder, and overhangs and defends the joint. Angles. Superior. Interior. Glenoid cavity. Neck. Spine. Triangular space. + I have met with the accident in practice, and have preparations of the fractured bone, so that there can be no doubt of this accident sometimes occurring, yet it is very rare. 92 BONES OF THE Termi- nates in the acro- mion. This high point is named the acromion process. It is the conti- nuation and ending of the spine, which at first rises perpendicularly from the bone, but, by a sort of turn or distortion, it lays its flat side towards the head of the shoulder-bone: here it is hollow, to transmit the supra and infra spinati muscles. At this place, it is thickened, flat, and strong, overhangs and defends the joint, and is not merely a defence, but almost makes a part of the joint itself; for, without this process, the shoulder-bone could not remain a moment in its socket; every slight accident would displace it. The acromion prevents luxation upwards, and is so far a part of the joint, that when it is full under the acromion, the joint is safe; but when we feel a hollow, so that we can push the points of the fingers under the acromion process, the shoulder is luxated, and the socket empty. The point of the acromion forming the apex of the shoulder, a greater projection of this point, and a fulness of the deltoid muscle which arises from it, is a chief cause, and of course a chief mark of superior strength. But there is still another security for the joint; for there arises from the neck of the scapula, almost from the border of the socket, and its inner side, a thick, short, and crooked process, which stands di- rectly forwards, and is very conspicuous; and which, turning for- wards with a crooked and sharp point, somewhat like the beak of a crow, is thence named the coracoid process. This also guards and strengthens the joint; though it cannot prevent luxations, it makes them less frequent, and most probably when the arm is luxated in- w'ards, it is by starting over the point of this defending process. This process has three surfaces for the attachment of muscles, and these muscles are, the pectoralis minor, the coraco brachialis, and the short head of the biceps. Now the glenoid surface, and these twro processes, form the cavity for receiving the shoulder bone. But still, as if nature could not form a joint at once strong and free, this joint, which performs quick, free, and easy motions, is too superficial to be strong. Yet there is this compensation, that the shoulder-joint, which could not resist, if fairly exposed to shocks and falls, "belongs to the scapula, which, sliding easily upon the ribs, yields, and so eludes the force. Falls upon the shoulder do not dislocate the shoulder ; that accident almost always happens to us in putting out the hand to save ourselves from falls : it is luxated by a twisting of the arm, not by the force of a direct blow. This bone is subject to be fractured; and then the muscles pull asunder the fractured portions. The acromion is very apt to be broken off by falls on the shoulder, and if the accident be not treated with due attention to the action of the deltoid muscle, permanent lameness is the consequence. Coracoid process. Three sur- faces on it. THE CLAVICLE. Clavicle. The clavicle, or collar-bone, named clavicle from its resemblance to an old-fashioned key, is to the scapula a kind of hinge or axis on which it moves and rolls ; so that the free motion of the shoulder is made still freer by the manner of its connexion with the breast. SHOULDER, ARM, AND HANS). 93 The clavicle is placed at the root of the neck, and at the upper part of the breast: it extends across from the tip of the shoulder to the upper part of the sternum ; it is a round bone, a little flattened towards the end which joins the scapula ; it is curved like an Italic f , having one curve turned out towards the breast; it is useful as an arch supporting the shoulders, preventing them from falling forwards upon the breast, and making the hands strong antagonists to each other, which, without this steadying, they could not have been. It is described by authors in three divisions or parts, viz. the sca- pular, sternal extremities, and middle portion. The end next the sternum is round and flat, or button-like; the articulating surface is triangular, and is received into a suitable hollow on the upper piece of the sternum. It is not only, like other joints, surrounded by a capsule or purse ; it is further provided with a small moveable carti- lage, which (like a friction-wheel in machinery) saves the parts, and facilitates the motion, and moves continually as the clavicle rolls. From this inner head there stands out an angle, which, when the cla- vicles are in their places, gives attachment to the interelavicular liga- ment ; it ties them to the sternum and to each other. The lower surface has a groove in it for the subclavius muscle ; the upper sur- face is marked by the attachment of the clavicular portion of the mas- toid muscle, and the insertion of trapezius. But the outer end of the clavicle is flattened as it approaches the scapula, and the edge of that flatness is turned to the edge of the flattened acromion, so that they touch but in one single point; Nthis outer end of the clavicle, and the corresponding point of the acro- mion, are flattened and covered with a crust of cartilage ; and on the under surface of it, there is a groove corresponding to the groove under the acromion : there is also a small tubercle for a ligament; but the motion here is very slight and quite insensible : they are tied firmly bv strong ligaments ; and we may“ cortkider this as almost a fixed point, for there is little motion of the scapula upon the clavicle; but there is much motion of the clavicle upon the breast bone, for the clavicle serves as a shaft or axis, firmlydied to the scapula, upon which the scapula moves and turns, being connected with the trunk only by this single point, viz. the articulation of the clavicle with the breast-bone. The use of the clavicle being to keep the shoulders apart, it is very obvious that fracture of this bone must be the consequence of falling, as from horse-back, so as to pitch upon the prominence of the shoulder. It is a very common accident, and requires consider- able care and management in setting the bone. Curve. Par* acro- mialis, sternalis, and media. Sternal head round. Groove. Scapular heatl flati Scapular head flat. HUMERUS. The os iiijmeri is one of the truest of the cylindrical bones : it is round in the middle ; but it appears twisted and flattened towards the lower end ; and this flatness makes the elbow-joint a mere hinge, moving only in one direction. It is again regular and round towards the upper end, dilating into a large round head, where the round- Humerus, 94 BOKES OF THE ness iorms a very free and moveable joint, turning easily in al) directions. The head of this bone is very large: it is a neat and regular cir- cle ; but it is a very small portion of a large circle, so that it is flat; and this flatness of the head, with the shallowness of the glenoid ca- vity of the scapula, makes it a very weak joint, easily displaced, and nothing equal to the hip-joint for security and strength. The neck of this bone cannot fairly be reckoned such; for, as I have explained in speaking of the neck of the thigh-bone, this neck of the humerus, and the necks of most bones (the thigh-bone still excepted), are merely a rough line close upon the head of the bone, without any straitening or intermediate narrowness, which we can properly call a neck. The roughness round the head of the shoul- der-bone is the line into which tiie capsular ligament is implanted. The tuberosities of the os humeri are two small bumps of un- equal size, (the one called the greater, the other the smaller, tubero- sity of the os humeri,) which stand up at the upper end of the bone, just behind the head : they are not very remarkable. Though infi- nitely smaller than the trochanter of the thigh-bones, they serve simi- lar uses, viz. receiving the great muscles which move the limb. The greater tuberosity is higher towards the outer side of the arm, and receives the supra-spinatus muscle ; while the infra-spinatus and teres minor muscles, which come from the lower part of the scapula, are implanted into the same protuberance, but a little lower. The lesser tuberosity has a single muscle fixed into it, the sub-scapularis muscle. The two tuberosities form betwixt them a groove, which is pretty deep ; and in it the long tendon of the biceps muscle of the arm runs : and as it runs continually, like a rope in the groove of a pully, this groove is covered in the fresh bones with a thin cartilage, smooth, and like the cartilages of joints. On the outside of this groove there is a long ridge for the insertion of the pectoralis, on the inside one for the latissiinus dorsi. On the body of the bone, about one third part of its length from the head, there is an irregu- larity for the attachment of the deltoid muscle; and on the inside of the bone near its middle, is the hole for the nutritious artery. The os humeri at its lower part changes its form, is flattened and compressed below, and is spread out into a great breadth of two inches or more ; where there is formed on each side a sharp pro- jecting point, (named condyle,) for the origin of great muscles ; and in the middle, betwixt the two condyles, there is a grooved arti- culating surface, which forms the hinge of the elbow. At the lower extremity, the bone is somewhat twisted. At the lower end of the bone, there are two ridges, one leading to either condyle, which it is of some consequence to observe; for the articulation of the humerus and ulna is a mere hinge, the most strictly so of any joint in Ihe body : it lias, of course, but two mo- tions, viz. flexion and extension: and there are two muscles, chiefly one for extending, the other for bending the arm : the flexor muscle lies on the fore part, and the extensor on the back part of the arm , and so the whole thickness of the arm is composed at this place of Head. Keck. Line for the cap- sule. Greater tuberosity. Lesser tu- berosity. Groove. Ridges. toid. Foramen, Ridges in- temal and SHOULDER, ARM, AND HAND. 95 these two muscles and of the bone : but that the fore and back parts of the arm might be thoroughly divided, the bone is flattened betwixt them ; and that the division might extend beyond the mere edges of the bone, there are two fascia? or tendinous webs, which go off from either edge of the humerus, and which continue to divide the fore from the back muscles, giving these muscles a broader origin ; they are named, from their office, intermuscular membranes ; and this is the meaning of the two ridges which lead to the two condyles. The two projections in which these edges end, are named con- dyles. The condyles of the thigh-bone are the broad articulating surfaces by which that bone is joined with the tibia ; while the con- dyles of the shoulder-bone are merely two sharp projecting points for the origin of muscles, which stand out from either side of the joint, but which have no connection with the joint. The chief use of the condyles of the shoulder-bone is to give a favourable origin, and longer fulcrum for the muscles of the fore-arm, which arise from these points. The outer tubercle being the smaller one, gives origin to the extensor muscles*, where less strength is required. But the inner tubercle is much longer, to give origin to the flexor muscles with which we grasp, which require a bolder and more prominent process to arise from ; for greater power is needed to perform such strong actions as grasping, bending, pulling, while the muscles which extend the fingers need no more power than just to antagonise or oppose the flexors ; their only business being to unfold or open the hand, when we are to renew the grasp. It is further curious to observe, that the inner tubercle is also lower than the other, so that the articulating surface for the elbow- joint is oblique, which makes the hand fall naturally towards the face and breast, so that by being folded merely without any turning of the os humeri, the. hands are laid across. The articulating surface which stands betwixt these condyles, forms a more strict and limited hinge than can be easily conceived, before we explain the other parts of the joint. The joint consists of two surfaces ; first, a smooth surface, upon which the ulna moves as on a hinge ; and secondly, of a small knob upon the outside of the trochlea, which has a neat round surface, upon which the face or socket belonging to the button-like end of the radius rolls. These two surfaces are called, the one the small head, and the other the cartilaginous pully, or trochlea, of the humerus. Belonging to the joint, and within its capsular ligament, there are two deep hollows, which receive certain processes of the bones of the fore arm. One deep hollow on the fore part of the humerus, and just above its articulating pully, receives the horn-like or coro- noid process of the ulna, viz. fossa coronoidea ; the other receives the olecranon, or that process of the ulna which forms the point of the elbow, viz. fossa olecranalis. Condyles. The inner longest, and why. Trochlea. Knob for the head of the radius. Fossa for the coro- noid pro- cess. ' Fossa for the olecra- non. RADIUS AND ULNA. The radius and ulna are the two bones of the fore-arm. The radius, named from its resemblance to the ray or spoke of a wheel; 96 BONES OF THE the ulna, from its being often used as a measure. The radius be- longs more peculiarly to the wrist, being the bone which is chiefly connected with the hand, and which turns along with it in all its rotatory motions : the ulna, again, belongs more strictly to the elbow- joint, for by it we perform all the actions of bending or extending the arm. The ulna is in general of a triangular or prismatic form, like the tibia, and the elbow is formed by the ulna alone ; for there is a very deep notch or hinge-like surface, which seems as if it had been moulded upon the lower end of the humerus, embraces it very closely, and takes so sure a hold upon the humerus, that it allows not the smallest degree of lateral motion, and almost keeps its place in the dry skeleton, without the help of ligaments or muscles ; it presents, in profile, somewhat of the shape of the letter y, or f of the Greek, and therefore is named the sigmoid cavity of the ulna. But this sigmoid cavity were a very imperfect lunge without the two pro- cesses by which it is guarded before and behind ; the chief of these is the olecranon, or large bump, which forms the extreme point upon which we rest the elbow. It is a big and strong process, which, fitting into a deep hollow on the back of the humerus, serves two curious purposes; it serves as a long lever for the muscles which extend or make straight the fore-arm; and when by the arm being extended, it checks into its place, it takes so firm a hold upon the hinge or joint of the os humeri, as to secure the joint in pulling, and such other actions as might cause a luxation forwards. The other process which guards the elbow-joint is named the coronoid pro- cess, from its horn or pointed form : it stands up perpendicularly from the upper or fore part of the bone ; it forms the fore part of the sigmoid cavity, and completes the hinge. On the root of the cQronoid process there is a rough tubercle for the attachment of the brachialis interims. The coronoid process is useful, like the olecra- non, in giving a fair hold and larger lever to the muscles, and to secure the joint; for the arm being extended, as in pulling, the ole- cranon checks into its place, and prevents luxation forwards: and the arm again being bent, as in striking, pushing, or saving ourselves from falls, the coronoid process prevents luxation backwards ; so the joint consists of the olecranon and the coroniod process as the two guards, and of the sigmoid cavity or hollow of articulation be- twixt them. But the smaller or upper head of the radius also enters into the joint, and lying upon the inner side of the coronoid process, it makes a small hollow there in which it rolls ; and this second hollow, touching the edge of the sigmoid cavity, forms a double sig- moid cavity, of which the first, or greater sigmoid cavity, is for re- ceiving the lower end of the humerus ; and the second or lesser sigmoid cavity, for receiving the upper head of the radius. Betwixt these there is a pit for receiving the glandular apparatus of the joint. The form of the bone being prismatic, or triangular, it has, like the tibia, three ridges, one of which is turned towards a corresponding ridge in the radius, and betwixt them the interosseous ligament is stretched ; and this interosseous ligament fills all the arch or open space betwixt the radius and ulna, and saves the necessity of much Ulna. Sigmoid cavity. Olecra- non. Coronoid process. Tubercle. Greater sigmoid. Lesser sigmoid cavity. Pit. Form pris- matic. Ligament. 97 SHOULDER, arm, and hand. bon§; gives as firm an origin to the muscles as bone could have done, and binds the bones of the fore-arm together so strongly, that though the ulna belongs entirely to the elbow-joint, and the radius as entirely to the wrist, they have never been known to depart from each other. On the outside of the greater extremity of the ulna, there is a triangular surface for the attachment of the anconeus mus- cle. The ulna, bigger at the elbow, grows gradually smaller down- wards, till it terminates almost in a point. It ends below in a small found head, which is named the lower head of the ulna, which scarcely enters into the joint of the wrist; but being received into a hollow on the side of the radius, the radius turns upon the lower head of the ulna, like an axis or spoke. Below this little head, the bone ends towards the side of the little finger, in a small rounded point, which is named the styloid process of the ulna; it is chiefly useful in giving a strong adhesion to the ligament which secures the wrist there. And as the styloid process and the olecranon, the two extremities of the ulna, are easily and dis- tinctly felt, the length of this bone has been used as a measure; and so it was named cubitus by the ancients, and is named ulna by us. Triangular surface. Lower head. Styloid Proce3S* RADIUS. The radius is the second bone of the fore-arm, and has its position exactly reversed with that of the ulna: for the ulna, belonging to the elbow, has its greater end upwards ; the radius, belonging to the wrist, has its greater end downwards ; and while the ulna only bends the arm, the radius carries the wrist with a rotatory motion, and so entirely belongs to the wrist, that it is called the manubrium ma- nus, as if the handle of the hand. The body of the radius is larger than that of the ulna. The trans- verse strength of the arm depends more upon the radius, which has more body and thickness, is more squared, and is arched in some degree so as to stand off' from the ulna, without approaching it, or compressing the other parts. The radius lies along the outer edge of the fore-arm, next to the thumb ; and being, like the ulna, of a prismatic or triangular form, it has one of its angles or edges turned towards the ulna to receive the interosseous ligament. The upper head of the radius is smaller, of a round, flattish, and button-like shape, and lies so upon the lower end of the humerus, and upon the coronoid process of the ulna, that it is articulated with both bones ; for, 1st, The hollow of its head is directly opposed to the little head of the os humeri; and, 2dly, The flat side of its button-like head rubs and turns upon the side of the coronoid pro- cess, making a socket there, which is called the lesser sigmoid cavity of the ulna. Immediately below the round flat head, is a narrowness or strait- ening, called the neck of the radius; round this neck there is a collar or circular ligament, (named the coronary ligament of the ra- dius,) which keeps the bone securely in its place, turning in this liga- mentous band like a spindle in its bush or socket; for the radius has Radius. Positiou. Form of the body. Upper head smaller. Hollow. Neck. 98 BONES OF THE two motions, first, accompanying the ulna in its movements of Hexiorr and extension ; and, secondly, its own peculiar rotation, in which it is not accompanied in return by the ulna ; but the ulna continuing steady, the radius moves and turns the wrist. Immediately under this neck, and just below the collar of the bone, there is a prominent bump, like a flat button, soldered upon the side of the bone, which is the point into which the biceps flexor cubiti, the most powerful flexor muscle of the fore-arm, is inserted. On the outside of the bone, and near the middle, there is a roughness for the insertion of the pronator teres. Where the face of the radius is towards the ulna, there is a long sharp spine for the attachment of the interosseous ligament. The upper head is exceedingly small and round ; while the lower head swells out, broad and flat, to receive the bones of the wrist. There are two greater bones in the wrist, the scaphoides and lunare, which form a large ball, and this ball is received into the lower end of tli© radius: the impression which these two bones make there is pretty deep, and somewhat of a boat-like shape; whence it is called (like the articulating surface of the tibia) the scaphoid cavity of the radius : it is sometimes partially divided by a ridge; and on the edgo of the radius, next to the thumb, the bone ends in a sort of peak or sharper point, which is named, (though with very little meaning,) the stvloid process of the radius. So the scaphoid cavity of the radius forms the joint with the wrist; but there is another small cavity, on the side of the radius, near to the little head of the ulna, into which the lesser head of the ulna is received, and this is enclosed in a proper and distinct capsule. The little head of the ulna does not descend so low as to have any share in forming the wrist. There are properly two distinct joints: the great joint of the wrist, moving upon the radius; the other a little joint within this of the radius, rolling upon the ulna, and carrying the wrist along with it. On the outside of the extremity of the radius, we find a ridge, in the grooves on the sides of this ridge the extensor tendons run. The extensors of the thumb also make impressions. On the inside of the head of the bone, there is a flattened surface for the lodgment of the pronator quadratus muscle ; and a sharp line lor its insertion. Tubercle. Rough- ness. Spine. Lower head. Scaphoid cavity. Styloid process. ttidge and grooves. OF THE HAND AND FINGERS/ The wrist is the most complex part of all the bony system, and is best explained in a general way, by marking the three divisions ol the hand, into—the carpus, or wrist bones; the metacarpus, or bones that stand upon the wrist; and the lingers, consisting each of its three joints. 1. The carpus, or wrist, is a congeries of eight small bones, grouped together, into a very narrow space, very firmly tied together by cross ligaments, making a sort of ball or nucleus, a solid foundation, or centre, for the rest of the hand. 2. The metacarpus is formed of five long bones, founded upon the carpal bones, and which, departing from that centre in somewhat of a radiated form, give, bv their size and strength, a firm support to each individual Carpus; Metacar- pus. SHOULDER, ARM, AND HAND. 99 linger, and by their radiated or spoke-like form, allow the lingers free play, 3. The fingers, consisting each of three very moveable joints, are set free upon the metacarpus, so as to show a curious gradation of moving in all these parts; for the carpal bones are grouped together into a small nucleus, firm, almost immoveable, and like the nave of a wheel; then the metacarpal bones founded upon this are placed like the spokes of the wheel, and having a freer mo- tion ; and, lastly, the fingers, by the advantage of this radiated form in the bones upon which they are placed, move very nimbly, and have a rotatory as well as a hinge-like motion : so that the motion is graduated and proportioned in each division of the hand ; and even where there is no motion, as in the carpus, there is an elasticity, which, by gentle bendings, accommodates itself to the more movea- ble parts. The CARPUS, or wrist.—Looking upon the external surface of the carpus, we count eight small bones disposed in two rows, with one bone only a little removed from its rank ; and we observe that the whole is arched outwards, to resist injuries, and to give strength ; and that the bones lie like a pavement, or like the stones of an arch, with their broader ends turned outwards. On the internal surface, again, we find the number of bones not so easily counted ; for their smaller ends are turned towards the palm of the hand, which being a concave surface, the narrow ends of the wedges are seen huddled together in a less regular form, crowded, and lapped over each other ; but in this hollow, the four corner bones are more remarka- ble, projecting towards the palm of the hand, so as to be named processes: and they do indeed perform the office of processes; for there arises from the four corner points a strong cross ligament, which binds the tendons down, and makes under it a smooth floor or gutter for them to run in. The individual bones of the carpus are small, cornered, and very irregular bones, so that their names do but very poorly represent their form. To describe them without some help of drawing, or demonstration, is so very absurd, that a description of each of them seems more like a riddle, than like a serious lesson : it cannot be un- derstood, and indeed it need hardly be remembered ; for all that is useful, is but to remember the connection and place, and the particular uses of each bone : in reading of which, the student should continu- ally return to the plates, or he must have the bones always ip his hand, Fingers. Carpus, Form, 1, ROW FORMING THE WRIST : viz. OS SCAPIIOIDES, LUNA RE, CUNEIFQRME, PISIFORM E, Os scapiioides.—The boat-like bone. This name of boat-like 1 bone, or boat-like cavity, has been always a favourite name, though 1 a very unmeaning one. The scaphoid bone is worthy of notice not merely from its being the largest bone, but also as it forms a chief part of the joint of the wrist; for it is this bone which is received - Os sea, phoidcs. Receive*} ipto the' 100 BONES OF THE scaphoid cavity of the radius. into the scaphoid cavity of the radius : it is a very irregular bone, in which we need remember only these points,—the large round surface covered with cartilage, smooth, and answering to the cavity in the head of the radius ; the hook-like or projecting process, which forms one of the corner points of the carpus, and gives a hold to one corner of the ligament which binds down the tendons of the wrist. There is also a furrow for the capsular ligament, the concavity from which this bone takes its name, and by which it is articulated with the trapezium andtrapezoides ; and on its inner surface an oval cavity for the os magnum. The os lunare is named from one of its sides being somewhat of the shape of a half moon ; it is next in size to the scaphoid bone, and is ecpial to it in importance : for they are joined together, to be articulated with the radius. This bone takes an equal share in the joint with the scaphoid bone ; and, together, they form a great ball, fitting the socket of the radius, and of a long form : so that the wrist is a proper hinge. The chief marks of this bone are, its greater size, its lunated edge, and its round head forming the ball of the wrist- joint These are its surfaces : 1. The surface of a semilunar shape, and, on the radial side, at- tached to the last bone. 2. The convex surface for articulation with the radius. 3. The ulnar surface for articulation with the os cunei- forme. 4. The hollow surface for articulation with the os magnum, the central bone of the second row . The os cuneiforme, or wedge-like bone, is named rather perhaps from its situation, locked in among the other bones, than strictly from its form. Its side forming the convex of the hand is broader ; its point towards the palm of the hand is narrower: and so far, we may say, it is a wedge-like bone; but it is chiefly so from its situa- tion, closely wedged in betwixt the lunare and pisiform bones. 1. We may readily distinguish the surface articulated with the os lunare. 2. Opposite to this the surface of attachment of the os pisi- forme. 3. The further surface, that is, the side most remote from the fore-arm, is articulated with the unciforme ; a loose cartilage is interposed betwixt this bone and the end of the ulna. The os pisiFOUME is a small, neat, and round bone, named some- times orbicular, or round bone, but oftener pisiform, from its re- semblance to a pea. It is placed upon the cuneiform bone, and it ■ stands off from the rest into the palm of the hand, so as to be the most prominent of all the corner bones ; of course, it forms one of the corner points or pillars of that arch under which the tendons pass. The pisiform bone is a little out of its rank, is very moveable, and projects so into the palm as to be felt outwardly, just at the end of the styloid process of the ulna ; it can be easily moved and rolled about, and is the point into which the ligament of the wrist is im- planted ; t he flexor carpi ulnaris, one of the strong muscles for bend- ing the wrist, is inserted into it. The pro- cess. Concavi- ty. Os lunare. Surfaces. Os cunei- forme. Surfaces. One sur- face of ar- ticulation. 101 SHOULDER, ARM, AND HAND. 2. ROW SUPPORTING THE METACARPAL BONES : VIZ. OS TRAPEZIUM, TRAPEZOIDES, MAGNUM, ET UNCIFORME. The second row begins with the trapezium, a pretty large bone, which, from its name, we should expect to find of a regular squared form ; while it has, in fact, the most irregular form of all, especially when detached from the other bones. The chief parts to be remark- ed in the bone, are the great socket, or rather the trochlea for the thumb ; and as the thumb stands off from one side of the hand, this socket is rather on one side. There is also a little process which makes one of the cornerNpoints, and stands opposite to the hook of the unciforme. Opposite to the surface of articulation with the thumb, and to- wards the first row, there is a semilunar surface which touches the convexity of the scaphoides, and another which articulates with the trapezoides. The fourth articulating surface of this bone is opposed tq the head of the metacarpal bone of the finger. The trapezoides is next to the trapezium, is somewhat like the trapezium, from which it has its name. It also resembles the cunei- form bone of the first row in its shape and size, and in its being jam- med in betwixt the two adjoining bones. It is articulated by its nearer surface to the scaphoides ; on its further surface, by two planes, to the metacarpal bone of the fore finger ; on the radial surface, to the trapezium ; and on the ulnar surface, to the os magnum ; having thus five planes or surfaces. The os magnum is named from its great size ; not that it is the largest of all, nor even the largest bone of the second row, for the unciform bone is as big ; but there is no other circumstance by which it is well distinguished. It is placed in the centre of the upper row ; has a long round head, which is jointed with the socket formed of the os lunare and scaphoides ; on the radial surface the magnum is articulated with the trapezoides; on the ulnar surface with the unciform; on the further surface it has three planes, and receives the whole head of the metacarpal of the middle finger, and part of the metacarpal of the fore finger and of the ring finger. The os unciforme, or hook-like bone, is named from a flat hook- like process, which projects towards the palm of the hand. This is one of the corner bones ; and standing in the end of the row, it is wedged betwixt the os magnum of its own row, and the os lunare and cuneiforme of the first row. It is large and squared; but the thing chiefly remarkable is that process from which it takes its name ; a long and flat process of firm bone, unciforme, or hook-like, and projecting far into the palm of the hand, which being the last and highest of the corner points, gives a very firm origin to the great liga- ment by which the tendons of the wrist are bound down. On its further surface, it has two articulating surfaces corresponding with the metacarpal bones of the ring and middle fingers. All these bones of the carpus when they are joined to each other, are covered with a smooth articulating cartilage, are bound to each other by all forms of cross ligaments, and are consolidated, as it Irregular. Surfaces of articu- lation. Trapezoi- des. Fire planes or articulat- ing sur- faces. Os mag- num. Os unci- forme. Its situa- tion and its process. Their con- nections. 102 BONES OF THE were, into one great joint. They arc in general so firm as to be scarcely liable to luxation ; and although one only is called cuneiform, they are all somew hat of the wedge-like form, with their broader ends outwards, and their smaller ends turned towards the palm of the hand ; they are like stones in an arch, so that no weight nor force can beat them in ; if any force do prevail, it can beat others in only by forcing one out. A bone starting outwards, and projecting upon the back of the hand, is the only form of luxation among these bones, and is extremely rare.* METACARPUS.—The metacarpus is composed of four bones, upon which the fingers are founded. They are big, strong bones, brought close together at the root, but wider above; for the lower heads are small and flat, and grouped very closely together, to meet the carpal bones. But they swell out at their upper ends into big round heads, which keep the bones much apart from each other. Nothing of importance can be said concerning the individual bones. To speak of them individually is a mere waste of time. We may observe of the metacarpal bones in general : 1. That their nearer heads, being flat and squared, gives them a firm implantation upon their centre or nucleus, the carpus; and they have scarcely any freer motion upon the carpal bones, than the carpal bones have upon each other. 2. Their further heads are broader, whereby the arti- culating parts of the bone are kept apart, which gives freedom to the lateral motions of the bones of the fingers. 3. Each metacarpal bone is slightly bent; 4. and being smaller in the middle, there is a . space left betwixt the bones for the lodgment of the interossei mus- cles, and they have ridges which mark the place of attachment of the interossei muscles. 3. These bones taken collectively still pre- serve the arched form of the carpal bones, being, with the carpal bones, convex outwardly, and concave inwardly, to form the hollow of the hand ; and though they have littlb motion of flexion or exten- sion, they bend towards a centre, so as to approach each other, in- creasing the hollowness of the hand, to form what is called l)io- gene’s cup. 6. The articulating heads of the further extremities of these bones arc flattened, or somewhat grooved, for the play of the , tendons of the interossei muscles : and small processes stand out laterally for the attachment of ligaments, like little condyles. It is farther necessary to observe, into how small a space the carpal bones are compressed, how great a share of the hand the metacarpal bones form, and how far down they go into the hollow of the hand ; for I have seen a surgeon, who, not having the smallest suspicion that their lower ends were so near the wrist as they really are, has, in place of cutting the bone neatly in its articulation with the carpus, broken it, or tried to cut it across in the middle. Pour me- tacarpal pones. Their nearer head square. Their fur- ther head round and free. They diverge somewhat. Ridges. They are arched. Pondyles. * Late years have presented to me a subluxation of the centre bones of the first row, which generally ends in considerable obliquity of the hand, or distortion of the wrist. The boy that played the, dragon in the pantomime in Covent-Garden, fell upon his hands, owing to the breaking of the wire that suspended him in his flight, and he suffered this accident in both his wrists. These bones, and their ligaments, are subject to scrofulous inflammation. SHOULDER, AKM, AND HAND. 103 i’Ii\GERS.—We commonly say, that there are five metacarpal bones ; in which reckoning we count the thumb with the rest: but what is called the metacarpal of the thumb is properly the first pha- lanx, or the first proper bone ot the thumb, so that the thumb, regu- larly described, has, like the other fingers, three joints, and no meta- carpal bone. Thumb.—The first bone of the thumb resembles the metacarpal bones in size and strength, but it differs widely in being set upon the carpus, with a large and round head ; in being set off from the line of the other fingers, standing out on one side, and directly opposed to them; it rolls widely and freely : it is opposed to the other fingers in grasping, and, from its very superior strength, the thumb is named pollex, from poliere ; and the peculiar shape of the articulating ex- tremities, and the lateral processes or condyles are, as it were, better characterized than in the bones of the fingers. The fingers have each of them three bones:—The bones are gently arched, uniform, and convex upon their outer surface, grooved within for the lodgment of the stronger flexor tendons. l.The first bone is articulated with the metacarpal bones by a ball and socket; the socket, or hollow on the lower part of the first finger- bone, being set down upon the large round head of the metacarpal bone. 2. The second and third joints of the fingers are gradually smaller, and though their forms do a good deal resemble the first joint, they are quite limited in their motions; and are strictly hing6 joints. 3. Here, as in other hinge joints, there are strong lateral ligaments, and lateral processes or condyles, for their attachment. When these lateral ligaments are burst or cut, the finger turns in any direction ; so that the motions of the fingers are limited rather by their lateral ligaments, than by any thing peculiar in the forms of the bones. 4. The face of each finger-bone is grooved, so that the tendons, passing in the pahn of the hand, run upwards along this groove or flatness of the fingers ; and from either edge of this flatness there rises a ligament of a bridge-like form, which covers the tendons like a sheath, and converts the grove into a complete canal. 5. '['he last joint or phalanx of each finger is flattened, rough, and drawn smaller gradually towards the point of the finger ; and it is to this roughness that the skin and nail adhere at the point. 104 OF THE SKULL IN GENERAL: THE BONES OF WHICH IT IS COMPOSED—THEIR TABLES DIPLOE SUTURES THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION, AND THEIR PERFECT FORM, REPRESENTED AND EXPLAINED. While the bones in general serve as a basis for the soft parts, of supporting and directing the motions of the body, certain bones have a higher use in containing those organs whose offices are the most essential to life. The skull defends the brain ; the ribs and sternum defend the heart and lungs; the spine contains that prolon- gation of the brain which gives out nerves to all the body : and the injuries of each of these are important in proportion to the value of those parts which they contain. IIow much the student is interested in obtaining a correct and perfect knowledge of the skull he must learn by slow degrees. For the anatomy of the skull is not important in itself only ; it provides for a more accurate knowledge of the brain ; explains, in some de- gree, the organs of sense; instructs us in all those accidents of the head which are so often fatal, and so often require the boldest of all our operations. The marks which we take of the skull, record the entrance of arteries ; the exit of veins and nerves ; the places and uses of those muscles which move the jaws, the throat, the spine. Indeed, in all the human body, there is not found so complicated and difficult a study as this anatomy of the head; and if this fatiguing study can he at all relieved, it must be by first establishing a very regular and orderly demonstration of the skull. For this end, wre distinguish the face, where the irregular surface is composed of many small bones, from the cranium or skull-cap, where a few broad and flat-shaped hones form the covering of the brain. It is these chiefly which enclose and defend the brain, which are exposed to injuries, and are the subject of operation. It is these also that transmit the nerves : so that the cranium is equally the ob- ject of attention with the anatomist and with the surgeon. All the bones of the cranium, are of a flattened form, consisting Of two tables, and an intermediate diploe, which answers tothecan- celli of other bones. The tables of the skull are two flat and even plates of bone : the external is thought to be thicker, more spongy, less easily broken ; the inner table, again, is dense, thin, and brittle, very easily broken, and is sometimes fractured, while the external table remains entire: thence it is named tabula vitrea, or the glassy table. These tables are parted from each other by the distance of a few lines ;* and this space is filled up with the diploe, or cancelli. * In anatomy, there is occasion, in almost every description, for a scale of smaller parts. The French divided their inch into twelve parts, each of which is a line. The French line, or twelfth of an inch, is a measure which 1 shall often have occa- sion to use. OF THE SKULL IN GENKKAL. 105 The cancelli, or lattice-work, is a net of membranes, covered with vessels, partly for secreting marrow, and partly for nourishing the bone ; and by the dura mater adhering to the internal surface, and sending in arteries, which enter into the cancelli by passing through the substance of the bone, and by the pericranium covering the exter- nal plate, and giving vessels from without, which also enter into the bone, the whole is connected into one system of vessels. The peri- cranium, dura mater, and skull depend so entirely, one upon the other, and are so fairly parts of the same system of vessels, that an injury of the pericranium spoils the bone, separates the dura mater, and causes effusion upon the brain : a separation of the dura mater is, in like manner, followed by separation of the pericranium, which had been sound and unhurt; and every disease of the cancelli, or substance of the bone, is communicated both ways ; inward to the brain, so a3 to occasion very imminent danger ; outwards towards the integuments, so as to warn us that there is disease. The general thickness of the skull, and the natural order of two tables, and an intermediate diploe, is very regular, in all the upper parts of the head. In perforating with the trepan, we first cut with more labour, through the external table ; wherr we arrive at the cancelli, there is less resistance, the instrument moves with ease, there is a change of sound, and blood comes from the tearing of these vessels, which run in the cancelli, betwixt the tables of the skull. Surgeons thought themselves so well assured of these marks, that it became a rule to cut freely and quickly through the outer table, to expect the change of sound, and the flow of blood, as marks of having reached the can- celli, and then to cut more deliberately and slowly through the inner table of the skull. But this shows an indiscreet hurry, and unpar- donable rashness in operation. The patient, during this sawing of the skull, is suffering neither danger nor pain, unless when the bone is inflamed ; and many additional reasons lead us to refuse altogether this rule of practice : for the skull of a child consists properly of one table only; or tables are not yet distinguished, nor the cancelli formed: in youth, the skull has its proper arrangement of can- celli and tables; but still, with such irregularities and exceptions, as make a hurried operation unsafe : in old age, the skull declines towards its original condition, the cancelli are obliterated, the tables approach each other, or are closed &nd condensed into one ; the skull becomes irregularly thick at some points, and at others thin, or almost transparent; so that there can hardly be named any period of life in which this operation may be performed quickly and safely at once. But, besides this gradual progress of a bone increasing in thickness and regularity, as life advances, and growing irregular and thinner in the decline of life, we find dangerous irregularities in skulls of all ages. There are specimens in the Museum of Windmill Street, where the thickness of the skull-cap varies from half an inch to the thinness of common paper. There are often at uncertain distances, upon the internal surface of the skull, hollows and defects of the in- ternal table, deep pits, or foveas, as they are called. These fovefe in- crease in size and in number as we decline in life : they are more frequent on the inner surfaces of the parietal and frontal hones : so 106 OF THE SKULL IN GENERAL. that in those places where the skull should be most regular, we are never sure, and must, even in places considered to be the safest, per- forate gradually and slowly. Let the reader pursue this subject under the title of the formation and growth of bones. The BONES of the skull are divided into those of the cranium ; the bones of the face ; and common, or intermediate bones.* The following is the usual division of the bones of the head:— In the adult head there are thirty bones and thirty-two teeth. Of the Cranium, Six Bones. 1 OsFrontis 2 Ossa Pariatalia or Bregmatis 2 Ossa Temporalia 1 Os Occipitis Intermediate or Common Bones, Two. 1 Os Spbenoides 1 Os .dSthraoides Bones of the Face, Fourteen. 2 Ossa Maxiliaria Supra. 2 Ossa Malarum 2 Ossa Nasi 2 Ossa Palati 2 Ossa Unguis vel La- chryraalia 2 Ossa Turbinata Infr*. 1 Vomer 1 Maxilla Inferior Bones of the Ear, Four on each Side, viz. Malleus Incus Os Orbiculare Stapes Teeth. In the child twenty. In the adult thirty-two, viz. 8 Incisores 4 Cuspidati 8 Bicuspides 12 Molares. We see, therefore, that the bones of which the cranium, or skull, is formed, by which the brain is surrounded and protected, are in all eight in number. 1. The frontal bone, or bone of the forehead, forms the upper and fore part of the head,—extends a little towards the temples, and forms also the upper part of the socket for the eye. 2. The parietal bones are the two large and flat bones which form all the sides and upper part of the head: and are named parietalia, as they are the walls or sides of the cranium. 3. The os occipitis is named from its forming all the occiput or back of the head, though much of this bone lies in the neck, and is hidden in the basis of the skull. 4. The ossa temporum form the lower parts of the sides of the cranium: they are called temporal, from the hair that covers them being the first to turn gray, marking the time of life. 5. The os J3THM.OIDES and 6. the os sphenoides are quite hidden in the basis of the skull: they are very irregular, and very difficultly described or explained. The os asthmoides is a small square bone, hollow, and with many cells in it: it hangs over the nose, and constitutes a great and important part of that organ, and at the same time supports the brain. The olfactory nerves, by passing through it at many points, * The head is divided into the cranium and face. For the cranium we find in old authors the words calva or calvaria, from calvus, bald, or sometimes cerebri galea, as being like a helmet to protect the brain. We find some terms distinguishing certain parts of the cranium, as glabella, the smooth part in the centre and lower part of the forehead; occiput, the utmost con- vexity of the head backward; vertex, the crown of the head where the hairs turn ; bregma, or fontanelle, which are terms derived from very false notions, but which mean the interstices left in a child’s skull betwixt the cranial bones. The student ought to know these terms, but good taste rejects them even from me« dieal language, when the description can be given in plain English. OF THE SKULL IN GENERAL. 107 perforate it like a sieve ; and it takes its name from this perforated or aethmoid plate. The os sphenoides is larger and more irregular still; placed further back ; locked in betwixt the occipital and aeth- moidal bones ; lies over the lop of the throat, so that its processes form the back of the nostrils, and roof of the mouth : and it is so placed, as to support the very centre of the brain, and transmit almost all its nerves.* OP THE SUTURES OP THE SKULL. The joinings of the bones being indented and irregular, and like seams, they are called sutures. 1. The coronal suture is that which joins the frontal to the pa- rietal bones ; extends almost directly across the head, from ear to ear; descends behind the eye, into the deep part of the temple ; and there, losing its serrated appearance, becomes like the squamous or scaly suture, which joins the temporal bones. It is named coronal, because the ancients wore their garlands on this part of the head. But the suture had been better entitled to this name, had it surround- ed the head, than as it crosses it. 2. The lambdoidal suture is that one which joins the parietals to the occipital bone. It begins behind one ear, ascends and arches over the occiput, descends behind the other ear. It thus strides over the occiput, in a form somewhat resembling the letter lambda (A) of the Greeks, whence its name. 3. The sagittal suture joins the parietal bones to each other ; runs on the very top of the head ; extends forwards from the lamb- doid suture till it touches, or sometimes passes, the coronal suture ; and from lying betwixt these two sutures, like an arrow betwixt the string and the bow, it has been named sagittal. 4. The temporal sutures join the temporal bones to the parietal, occipital, and frontal bones ; the sphenoid bone also enters into the temporal suture, just behind the eye. The temporal suture makes an arch corresponding almost with the arch of the external ear ; it meets the coronal suture an inch before the ear, and the lambdoidal an inch behind it. This back part belongs as much to the occipital as to the temporal bone ; and so has been named, sometimes addita- mentum suturre lambdoidalis, sometimes additamentum suturae squa- moste : for this temporal suture is, on account of the edge of the temporal and occipital bones being thin, and like scales of armour laid over each other, often named the squamous or scaly suture. 5. The sphenoidal and .ethmoidal sutures are those which sur- round the many irregular processes of these two bones, and join them to each other, and to the rest. 6. The transverse suture is one which, running across the face, and sinking down into the orbits, joins the bones of the skull to the bones of the face ; but with so many irregularities and inter- ruptions, that the student will hardly recognise this as a suture. * Some foreign authors, as if it were to make a complex piece of anatomj still more complicated, describe the sphenoid and occipital bone as one, calling it os spheno-occipitale, or os basUare. 108 Ob' THE SKILL IN GENERAL. 7. The zygomatic suture is one which joins a brancii of tiie temporal bone, to a process of the cheek bone ; forming an arch, zygoma, or yoke : but this suture has not extent; it has a serrated appearance at one single point only. To mark and know these sutures, and to be able to trace them in imagination upon the naked head, to foresee where a suture willpre* sent, and how far it runs, may be a matter of great importance to the surgeon. Hippocrates, who has had more to praise his honesty than to follow his example, acknowledges bis having mistaken a su- ture for a fracture of the skull; and since this warning, various con- trivances and marks have been thought of, for preventing the like mistake, it may be useful to remember, that the suture has its serrae or indentations, ia firmly covered by the pericranium, is close, and does not bleed : but that a fissure, or fracture of the skull, runs in one direct line, is larger and broader at the place of the injury, and grows smaller, as you recede from that, till it vanishes by its smallness; and that it always bleeds. Indeed the older surgeons, observing this, poured ink upon the suspected part, which, if the skull was hurt, sunk into the fissure, and made it black and visible ; but left the suture untouched.* The old surgeons, or rather the ancient doctors, directed to make the patient take a wire betwixt his teeth, which being struck like the spring of an instrument, he would feel the twang produce a painful and particular sensation in the fractured part of the head. But after all these observations, in place of any true and certain marks, we find a number of accidents which may lead us into a mistake. Sutures cannot be distinguished by their serrse or teeth ; for the temporal sutures want this common character, and rather resemble capillary fractures of the skull nor even by their places, for we know that there are often insulated bones (ossa Wormiana) sur- rounded with peculiar joinings, which so derange the course of the common sutures, that the joinings may he mistaken for fractures of the skull, and the ossa Wormiana for broken parts. Sometimes the squamous suture is double, with a large arch of bone intercepted betwixt the true and the false suture ; or the sagittal suture, de- scending beyond its usual extent, and quite to the nose, has been mistaken for a fracture, and trepanned ; and oftener in older skulls, the sutures are entirely obliterated, all over the head. If the sur- geon should pour ink upon the skull, he would have reason to he ashamed of an experiment so awkward and unsuccessful: and for the old contrivance of a wire or cord held in the mouth, it cannot he done, since the patient is commonly insensible ; and even, though less hurt, his feelings, after such an accident, must be very confused : he must be too liable to he deceived : and we cannot on such slen- der evidence as this, perform so cruel an operation as cutting up the scalp, or so dangerous a one as the trepan. For various reasons, we are careful to trace the hones from their * In matter of fact, the blood serves this purpose by its sinking into the fissure, and giving it a dark appearance. There is a roughness on the edge of the Assure, which, being felt by means of the yrobe, will distinguish the fissure from the suture t Vir, Fractures as small as a hair, thence named capillary. OF THE SKULL IN GENERAL, 109 original soft and gristly or membranous state, to their perfect condi- tion of hard bone: and most of all, we are concerned to do so in the head, where, in childhood, the appearances are not singular and curious only, but have always been supposed to indicate some wise and useful purpose. It is in this original condition of the soft and growing bones, that anatomists have sought to find a theory of the sutures, how they are formed, and for what uses. It has been re- marked, that the number of pieces in the skull is infinitely greater in the child than in the man. These bones, ossifying from their cen- tre towards their circumference, it happens, of course, that the fibres are close at the centre of ossification, and are more scattered at the extremities of the bone; when these scattered fibres of opposite bones meet, the growing fibres of one bone shoot into the interstices of that which is opposed : the fibres still push onwards, till they are stopped at last, and the perfect suture, or serrated line of union is formed. In dilating this proposition, we should observe, that in the boy all the bones in the head are membranous and imperfect. The mem- branous interstices begin to be obliterated ; the sutures are begin- ning to close ; the distinction of two tables is not yet established ; the cancelli are not yet interposed between the plates ; the sinuses or caverns of the bones, as in the forehead, the nose, and the jaw, are not formed ; and each bone is not only incomplete towards its edges and sutures, but consists often of many parts. The os frontis is formed of two pieces, which meet by a membranous union in the middle of the bone. The ossa pari et alia have one great and pro- minent point of ossification in the very centre of each, from which diverging rays of ossification extend towards the edges of the bone. The os occipitis is formed in four distinct pieces: and the tempo- ral bones are so fairly divided into two, that their parts retain in the adult the distinct names of petrous and squamous bones. Al- though these are all the regular points of ossification, yet sometimes there occur small and distinct points, which form irregular bones, uncertain in number or size, found chiefly in the lambdoid suture, sometimes numerous and small, more commonly they are few in number, and sometimes of the full size of a crown, always distorting more or less the course of the suture, and being thus a subject of caution to the surgeon ; these are named ossa triquetra or trian- gularia, from their angular shape, or wormiana, from Olaus Wor- mius, w'ho remarked them first. Now the os frontis being formed into two larger pieces, their edges meet early in life, and they form a suture ; but the bones continuing to grow, their opposite points force deeper and deeper into each other, till at last the suture is en- tirely obliterated, and the bones unite ; and so this suture is found always in the child, seldom in the adult, almost never in old age. The occipital bone having four points, they are closer upon eacli other, they meet early, are soon united ; and, although very distinct in the child, no middle suture has ever been found in the adult, but always the four pieces are united into one firm and perfect bone. The parietal bones have their rays most of all scattered ; the rays of ossification run out. to a great distance, and diverge from one single 110 OP THE SKULL IN GENERAL. point, so that at their edges they are extremely loose, and they never fail to form sutures by admitting into their interstices the points and edges of the adjoining bones. The surest and most constant sutures are those formed by the edges of the parietal bones ; the sagittal in the middle, the coronal over the forehead, the lambdoidal behind, and the squamous suture, formed by their lower edges. But another phenomenon results at the same time, from this meeting and oppo- sition of the fibres and interstices of the growing bones : that when the opposite fibres meet, they are not admitted into the open spaces of the opposite bone ; but the fibres of each bone both turn inwards, and form a ridge or spine, such as is seen on the inner surfaces of the frontal and occipital bones.* * NOTE BY CHARLES BELL. It would be, indeed, an idle mode of proceeding on such a subject, to suppose that the spinous processes and sutures of the skull arc accidentally produced, when de- sign, and the most curious adaptation of parts to their office, is so apparent. To suppose these things produced by chance, is at once to end all inquiry, and to leave a blank in our minus. To comprehend the nature of sutures, we must reflect on the difference of the tables of the skull. Why are there two tables and a meditulium ? To stop vibra- tion ; that one layer of bonf- might not correspond with another in its vibratory mo- tion ; that the motion of the one might not be communicated to the other, and the brain ultimately suffer by the concussion. If we see that the outer table is tough like wood, and the inner table brittle like glass, for sufficient reason, we may see also how the joinings of the bone are dif- ferent ; the outer edge of each true suture is dovetailed or joined by teeth, while the inner edge of the same suture is merely laid in contact. If you have a fine piece of foreign wood, and desire to have it formed into a box, you give it to the cabinet- maker, and he joins it curiously by minute carvings of corresponding edges. But if you had slabs of marble or alabaster, you would not give it to the cabinet-maker, but to the marble-cutter, to join it, and form a trough or sarcophagus ; and you would expect him to lay its smooth edges together, and join it with cement; for if he cut it into dovetailing, it would chip off, and fail to give security. Would you then have a negligence exhibited in the structure of an animal body of that which is so evident to a villain workman'! The outer table of the skull has its suture ; but the inner table is laid in simple contact, by joining called harmonia. By such proofs, convinced that there is perfect design in every thing that regards these bones, we now observe, that it is only the thick and strong cranial bones which are joined by means of the sutura vera; for why join bones which are weak in their texture, with forms of strength ? The thin bones, accordingly, are merely laid in contact. But if the bones of tlie face require strength, as in animals which have deep-socketted tusks or horns, then, with increased thickness, they have sutures conforming. Nor has it been noticed, that the sutures are so formed, that while one part of a cranial bone is within, another is without, by which they are held firmly together, even when yon replace them in their dry state. Nothing can better prove the stupid indifference to the beauty of animal struc- ture, than the continual repetition of the observation, that the squamous suture is formed by the pressure of the temporal muscles. If the bones were thus accident- ally crushed into this shape, would it not sometimes happen in a thousand specimens, that the parietal bone should overhang the temporal bone ? yet such an appearance was never seen: besides that, the temporal muscle extends further than the squamous suture. To believe that this form of the bones on the side of the cranium proceeds from the accidental pressure of the muscle, is to lose sight of one of the most inte- resting provisions in the whole structure of the skeleton. The temporal and sphenoid bones lock in the lower part of the parietal bone, to prevent the abutment of the arch starting. Another lolly is the supposing the spines visible on the inner surface of the cranium accidentally produced by the superabundant ossification of the bones in forming the suture ; whereas they are groining obviously intended to strengthen the bones. It has been supposed, and, with much appearance of truth, that the sutures limit the extent of fractures, leave a free communication of the internal with the external parts ; that they must serve as drains from the brain; that they are even capable of opening at times so as to give relief and ease in the most dreadful diseases of the head: but these use9 of them arc far from being proved. The sutures tvere not intended by nature for limiting the extent of fractures: for 111 DESCRIPTION OP THE INDIVIDUAL BONES OF THE SKULL. OS FRONTIS.—This bone is compared with a clam-shell. It is of a semicircular shape, hollowed like a shell. It is divided into the frontal, nasal, and orbitary portions, and it has within it the cavi- ties which are named the sinuses of the frontal bone. The frontal bone is connected by sutures with the parietal bones, &,c. fractures traverse the skull in all directions ; cross the sutures with ease ; and very often, passing all the sutures, they descend quite to the basis of the skull, where wc dare not follow them with the knife, nor apply the trepan. Indeed we do not even know that limiting the extent of fractures could be a gracious provision of nature, since it would rather appear by the common accidents, that the more easily the bone yields, the less is the injury to the brain. If a certain violence and shock be committed, and the bone does not yield, and is not fractured, yet the vibration is propagated through it, and concussion is even more dangerous than fracture, because it is a general injury to the brain. Neither were they intended as drains ; for surely it is a bold position to assume, that nature has carefully provided for our making issues upon the sutures. When the original openness of the head and the membranous condition of the sutures were first observed, it was thought to be an observation of no small importance. The an- cients believed that the membranes of the brain came out by the sutures, to form the pericranium, and going from that over the several joints, formed the periosteum for all the bones. They saw a close connexion between the external and internal mem- branes of the skull, and they thought that nature had intended there a freer commu- nication, and an occasional drain. They found the sutures particularly wide and membranous in a child, which they attributed to the watery state of its brain, re- quiring a freer outlet than in the adult; and accordingly they named the opening of the child’s head the bregma, fons, fontanclle, the fountain, by which they believed there was a continual exudation of moisture from the brain. We might have expected these notions to have vanished with the doctrines of hu- mours and revulsions which gave rise to them ; but both the doctrines, and the prac- tice, have been revived of late years ; and a surgeon of some eminence has been at pains to examine various skulls, trying to find which of all the sutures remains longest open, and which should form the readiest and surest drain ; and after a curious ex- amination of each, he decidedly condemns the fontanelle ; finds the additamentum of the squamous suture always open, and expects this superior advantage from placing his issues there, that he will command at once a drain both from the cerebellum and from the brain. But these notions of derivation and revulsion, of serous humours falling upon the brain, of drains of pituita by the nose, and through the sutures, were much cherished by the ancients, had been long forgotten, and have not been effec- tually revived by this attempt. It cannot be denied, that, in some instances, the su- tures have continued quite open in those grown in years, or have opened after a most wonderful manner, in some diseases of the head. The fontanelle, or opening at the meeting of the coronal and sagittal sutures, was once thought to be a sure mark for the accoucheur to judge by, both of the life of the child, and of the direction in which its head presents. It is large and soft in a child, and the good women lay a piece of firm cloth upon it, and defend it with particular care. It begins to contract from the time of birth ; and in the second and third year, K is entirely closed. Its closing is delayed by weakness, scrophulous complaints, and indeed by any lingering disease; it closes very late in rickets, and in hydro- cephalic children the bones never close, but continue soft, yield to the watery swell- ing of the brain, and separate in a wonderful degree, so as to hold ten or twelve pounds. As the sutures continue open in a hydrocephalic child they are said to open again in a few instances where adults are seized with the same disease. We cannot pass unnoticed their looseness and flexibility in the new born child ; how wonderfully the head of the child is increased in length, and reduced in breadth in the time of delivery, and how much this conduces to an easy and happy labour. Were I to assign a reason for the flexible bones, and wide sutures, and the yielding condition of the bend of the child, I should say that it were meant by nature to stand in the place of that separation of the bones of the pelvis which fas been supposed, but which cannot exist; for the child’s head is moulded with little injury, is evolved again without help; and it seems a provision of nature, since the child scarcely feels the change : but no woman has been known to have the joinings of the pelvis relaxed or dissolved without pain and danger, confinement for many months, a temporary lameness, and sometimes she is rendered unable to walk for life. 112 DESCRIPTION OF THE Its con- nections. Its rela- tions. The frontal bone stands connected with the parietal bones by the coronal suture; it is connected to the great ala of the sphenoid bone by the satura spheuo-frontalis; while its orbitary plates are united to the iesser ala; by the tinea spheno-frontalis. The nasal bones are attached to it by part of the transverse suture of the face. The cri- briform plate of the aethmoid bone is united to the orbitary plates by the linea aethmoidea frontalis, and looking into the orbits the same orbitary plates are seen to he contiguous to the ossa plana arid ossa unguis; and, lastly, the ossa malarum are attached to the frontal bone by the extremities of the transverse suture of the face. Its orbi- tary plates are two thin and diaphanous lamelhe that depart from the part of the bone which forms the forehead in a horizontal direction, so as to form a part of the socket of the eye, and a door for sup- porting the anterior lobes of the cerebrum. These two orbitary plates leave an open space, into which part of the .ethmoid bone is received. The first point to be remarked is the superciliary ridge, on which the eye-brows are placed : it is a prominent arched line, cor- responding jn size and length with the eye-brow which it supports : over this line the integuments are loose : here many arteries perfo- rate the bone, which are properly the nutritious arteries of this part of the bone ; and- we find all over the superciliary ridge many small holes through which these arteries had passed. Among these, there is one hole which is larger, and which is distinguished from the rest; for its use is not like the others, to transmit arteries to the bone, but to give passage to the frontal nerve and a small artery which come out from the orbit, to mount over the forehead. Sometimes tho nerve turns freely over the border of the orbit, and makes no mark, or but a slight one : often lying closer upon the bone, it forms a notch ; but most commonly, in place of turning fairly over the edge of the orbit, it passes obliquely through the superciliary ridge, and by perforating the bone, makes a hole. It is accompanied by the superciliary branch of the ophthalmic artery. This hole is named the SUPERCILIARY HOLE. The second foramen is the foramen orbitale internum. It is within the orbit, near the junction of the orbital plate with the mth- moid. It transmits a branch of the ophthalmic division of the fifth nerve from the orbit into the cranium, from which the same nerve immediately passes through the aethmoid into the nose. Sometimes there are two, when they are distinguished by the terms anterior and posterior orbitary foramina ; but occasionally there is only a groove, or one side of the foramen, the other being formed by the JEthmoid. The orbitary, or superciliary ridge, ends by two processes, which, forming the angles of the eye, are named the angular processes. The frontal bone has, therefore, four angular processes : 1. The two internal angular processes, forming the internal angles of the eyes ; and 2. The two external angular processes which form the external angles of each eye. Betwixt the two internal angular processes there is the nasal point or process. This nasal process is a «mall sharp projecting Points of demon- stration. 1. Orbi- tary plates. 2. Fissura aethmoi- dea. 3- Super- ciliary ridge. 4. Pores, or minute foramina. 5. Super- ciliary hole. 6. Fora- men orbi- tale. 7. Angular processes. 8. Nasal process. INDIVIDUAL BONES OF THE SKULL. 113 point, occupying that space which is exactly in the middle of' the hone, and is betwixt the two internal angular processes. It is very irregular and rough all round its root, for supporting the two small nasal bones ; and this a firm seat, and such a hold upon the root of the forehead, that they oftener are broken than dis- placed. From the external angular process there extends backwards and upwards the temporal ridge or spine. At the inner end of the superciliary ridge, is that bump which marks the place of the frontal sinus, which also indicates their size ; for where this rising is not found, the sinuses are wanting, or are very small; but this is no sure nor absolute mark of the presence of these sinuses, which often, in the flattest foreheads, are not entirely wanting. a The sinuses* of the olftontis are two in number, one on either side above the root of the nose : they are formed by a receding of the two tables of the skull from each other : they are formed at first with the common cancelli, and at first they resemble the common cancelli, as if they were only larger cells : gradually they enlarge into two distinct cavities, often of very considerable size, going backwards into the orbitary plate, or sideways into the orbitary ridge, or upwards through one half of the frontal bone ; and Ruysch had, in a giantess (puella gigantica), seen them pass the coronal suture, and extend some way into the parietal bones. The two sinuses of either side are divided by a partition ; hut still they communicate by a small hole: sometimes the partition is almost wanting, and there are only crossings of the common lamellated sub- stance ; and though the communication with one another i« not always found, they never fail to with the nose : this in- deed seems to be their chief use ; for the Wontal sinuses are the be- ginning of a great train of cells, which, commencing thus in the frontal bone, extend through the aethmoidal, sphenoidal, and max- illary bones, so as to form cavities of great extent and use belonging to the nose. These cavities extend and give form to the face, en- large the cavities which receive effluvia, and allow them to circulate and pass over the proper organ of smelling; and they give perfection and strength to the voice. The membrane which lines these cavities is thin, exquisitely sensible, and is a continuation of the common membrane of the throat and nose. A thin humour is poured out upon its surface to moisten it and keep it right. This the ancients did not consider as a mere lubricating fluid, but as a purgation of the brain, drawn from the pituitary gland, which could not be diminished without danger, and which it was often of consequence to promote. These cells, or thin membranes, are subject to inflammation and abscess. They are also subject to the accidental nestling of insects, which nestle there, and produce inconceivable distress; and it is a n ge’ ®ne"r diiares. 10. Sinus- es. n. parti- [|°ens- esie smus" * The word sinus is used in two senses : we call the cavities or cells, within the substance of a bone, the sinuses of that bone ; as the sinuses of the forehead, of the sphenoid, tethmoid, or maxillary bones ; we call also certain great veins by the same name of sinuses ; thus the great veins being enlarged where they approach the heart, and the veins being particularly large in the brain and the womb, we call them the sinuses of the heart, of the brain, and of the womb. 114 DESCRIPTION OF TI1E particular, that they more frequently lodge in the frontal sinuses, than in the cavities of any of the other bones. In sheep and dogs such insects are very frequent, as in seeking their food, they carry their nose upon the ground; and it has been proved, or almost proved, that in man they arise from alike cause. Indeed, what can we suppose, but that they get there by chance ; thus, a man having slept in barns, was afflicted with dreadful disorders in the forehead, which were relieved upon discharging from the nose a worm of that kind which is peculiar to spoiling corn ; while others have had the complaint by sleeping upon the grass. The patient might be re- lieved on easier terms than by the operation of trepan, which has been proposed, by the injection of aloes, assafcetida, myrrh, the use of snuff or smoking, and pressing the fumes upwards into the nose. Much should be tried, before undertakinJfc dangerous operation on slender proofs. It may be right in cases of fractures, to decline applying the trepan above the sinuses, unless a fracture cannot be raised in any easier way; and we must be especially careful to distinguish a fracture of the outer table only, from entire fractures of this bone. For Palfin says, that the outer table being broken, and the natural mucus of the sinus being corrupted and flowing out, has been mistaken for the substance of the brain itself. And Paree, who first gives this cau- tion, affirms, u that he had seen surgeons guilty of this mistake, ap- plying the trepan, and so killing their unhappy patients.”* The spine or ridge which runs upon the internal surface of the frontal bone, is to be observed, as it gives a firm hold to the falx, or that perpendicular membrane, which, running in the middle of the head, divides and supports the brain. This is more or less prominent in different skulls, and to the age. The spine is more prominent at its root; but as it advances up the forehead, it de- creases, and often ends in a groove. The spine gives firm hold for the falx, and the groove lodges the great longitudinal sinus, or in other words, the great vein of the brain, which runs along the head, in the course of the perpendicular partition, or falx. At the root of this spine, there is a small blind hole ; it is named blind, because it does not pass quite through the bone, and the beginning of the falx, dipping down into this hole, gets a firmer hold. The ancients, thinking that the hole descended through both tables into the nose, ignorantly believed, that the dangerous and ungovernable bleedings at the nose must be through this hole, and from the fore-end, or be- ginning of the longitudinal sinus. Upon the orbitary plate, and just under the superciliary ridge, there are two depressions in the socket of each eye : the one is very small, and deeper at the inner corner of the eye, under the superci- liary hole, which is the mark of the small cartilaginous pully, in which the tendon of one of the muscles of the eye plays ; the other a more gentle and diffused hollow, lies under the external angular process, is not deep, but is wide enough to receive the point of a finger, and 12. Inter- nal spine. 13.Groove 14. Fora- men cae- cum. 15. Pit of the troch- lea. 16. Pit for the lachry- mal gland. * For a more perfect account of the pathology of the sinuses, see Mr. John Hell's Principles of Surgery. INDIVIDUAL BONES OP THE SKULL. 115 is Me place where the lachrymal gland lies, that gland winch secretes the tears, and keeps the eye moist.* On the whole, this bone affords a very important subject of study to the surgeon, and he is especially called to attend to the sinuses, the internal spine, and to the orbitary processes of this bone. These orbitary processes are the most remarkable points of this bone. They are often fractured by a blow on the forehead, and being ex- tremely brittle, the splinters are beat up, and enter the brain. They are no defence to the brain when a weapon enters the orbit. We have known a young man killed by the push of a foil which had lost its guard, and which passed through this plate into the brain. PARIETAL BONE.—The parietal bones form much the greater share of the cranium : they are more exposed than any others, are the most frequently broken, and the most easily trepanned ; for the parietal bones are more uniform in their thickness, and more regular in their two tables and diploe, than any others. But the accidental varieties of pits and depression are very frequent in them, and the sinus or great vein, and the artery which belongs to the membranes of the brain, both make their chief impressions upon this bone. It enters into the formation of the coronal, the sagittal, the lambdoidal, and the squamous sutures. The square form of the bone produces four angles ; and in surgery, we speak of the frontal, the occipital, the mastoidean, and temporal angles of the parietal bone. It has deeply serrated edges which unite the two bones with each other, and with the occipital and frontal bones. All the corners of this bone*are obtuse, except that one which lies in the temple, and which, running out to a greater length than the other corners, is sometimes named the spinous or temporal process of the parietal bone, though there can be no true process in a bone so regular and flat. The lower edge of the bone is a neat semi-circle, which joins the parietal to the temporal bone ; and the edge of each is so slanted off, that the edge of the temporal overlaps the edge of the parietal, with a thin scale, forming the squamous suture. About an inch above the squamous suture, there is a semicircular ridge, where the bone is particularly white and hard ; and rays extend downwards from this, converging towards the jugum. The white semicircular line represents the origin of the temporal muscle ; and the converging lines express the manner in which the fibres of the muscles are gathered into a smaller compass, to pass under the jugum, or arch of the temple. The sagittal suture, or meeting of the two parietals, is marked with a groove as big as the finger, which holds the longitudinal sinus, or great vein of the brain ; but the groove is not so distinctly seen, unless the two bones are put together ; for one half of this flat groove belongs to each bone. Points of demon- stration. 1. The four an- gles. 2. Spinous process or sphenoidal angle. S. Squa- mous edge. 4. Tempo- ral ridge. 5. Groove for the sinus. The great artery of the dura mater touches the bone at that angle of it which lies in the temple. It traverses the bone from corner to 6. Groove of the me- ningeal artery. * In addition, ag points of demonstration, we may add the eminentia: frontal?*' See general review of the skeleton. 116 DESCRIPTION OF TIIL comer, spreading from the first point, like the branches of a tree: it beats deep into the bone where it first touches it; but where it expands into branches, its impressions are very slight; commonly it makes a groove only, but sometimes it is entirely buried in the bone ; so that at the lower corner of the parietal, we cannot escape cutting this vessel, if we arc forced to operate with the trepan. There is but one hole in the parietal bone: it is small and round, is within one inch of the meeting of the lambdoidal and sagittal sutures, and gives passage to a small external vein, which goes in- wards to the sinus, and to a small artery which goes also inwards to the dura mater, or rather to the falx. On the inner surface of the bone, and near the sagittal edge, we very often see a pit or fovea, which receives one of those bodies which are called glands, of the dura mater. The lateral sinus makes a depression on the inside of the mas- toidean angle. The meeting of the frontal and parietal bones, being imperfect in the child, leaves that membranous interstice which, by some, is named folium or folliolum, from its resembling a trefoil leaf, and was named by the ancients, hypothetically, bregma, fons,* or fountain ; they thinking it a drain of moisture from the brain : and so the parietal bones are named ossa bregmatis. The parts of these bones which form the upper portion of the skull, are equable in their thick- ness, and there the surgeon would apply his trephine, if he had it in his power to choose ; but towards the temporal angle he would apply it unwillingly, because of the meningeal artery, which is apt to be opened, and to bb at least troublesome. Formerly, surgeons were forbid to trepan over the longitudinal sinus : now the fashion is altered, and some surgeons would persuade us to prefer it! We do it when necessary, but always with due consideration of the great vein or sinus. OS OCCIPITIS has also the names of os memoriae, and os ner- vosum. It is the thickest of the cranial bones, but is the least regular in its thickness, being transparent in some places, and in others swelling into ridges of very firm bone. It gives origin or insertion to many of the great muscles, which move the head and neck ; it supports the back part of the brain, contains the cerebellum or lesser brain, transmits the spinal marrow, and is marked with the conflux of the chief sinuses, or great veins of the brain. This bone is united to the parietal bones by the lambdoid suture, to the mastoidean portions of the temporal bone by the additamentum suturae lambdoidalis, laterally and forward it is attached to the petrous portion of the temporal bone, and at its lower and most anterior part, it is attached to the sphenoid bone, by that peculiar bond of union called synostosis. In beginning the demonstration, we point out its divisions: 1. Pars occipitalis. 2. Pars lateralis or condvloidea. 3. Pars basilaris or 7. Fora- men pa- rietale. 8. Fovea. 9. Fossa of the sinus. Points of demon- stration. * The word pulsatilis, or fons pulsatilis, or beating fountain, was added, because we feel the beatin