com cat;__________________ Charter of Incorporation, by-laavts, k j4T OP THE Woman's Hospitai: STATE OF ILLINOIS. Xo. 171 CALUMET AVENUE, CHICAGO. DECEMBER, 187 1. CHICAGO: II OR TON & LEONARD, PRINTERS. 1871. MAY 4 1962 AXlNOUXCEMEXT, Charter of Incorporation, AND BY-LAWS. y OP THE Woman's Hospital OP THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. Xo. i:i CALUMET AVEXUE. CHICAGO. DECEMBER, 1871. CHICAGO: HORTON & LEONARD, PRINTERS. 1871. W' BOAED OF LADY SUPEEVISOES. MRS. FERNANDO JONES, President. " JENNIE W. THOMPSON, Vice-President. " REBECCA W. MOTT, Treasurer. " WILLIAM T. BAKER, Secretary. L. H. PEIRCE, Assistant Secretary. Mks. James H. Rees, Henry W. Fuller, " J. M. Marshall, " H. G. Chase. " C. H. Rowe, Avis Cottrell, N. V. Stitsel, C F. Corbin, John Thompson, George Bowen, Mary Forrester, C L. Wilson, L. Z. Leiter, " Jesse Whitehead, Mrs. Wm. Goodrich, M. M. Porter, CORINNA SEAVERNS, John V. Lemoyne M. L. Frisbie, Marshall Field. C. Glazier, F. E. Hooker, M. L. Sorenson. E. J. Yates. J. Grant, Miss Eliza W. Bowman, Mrs. George Drake, William Derby, Mrs. A. C. Rand. BOAED OF MA1YAGEES. Mrs. Jennie W. Thompson, Chairman. WiLLrAM T. Baker, Secretary. " Mary Forrester, " J. V. Lemoyne, " M. L. Frisbie, " C. Glazier, " J. M. Marshall, A. C. Rand. INSPECTING COMMITTEE. Mrs. Wm. Goodrich, " J. M. Marshall. VISITING COMMITTEE. Mrs. M. M. Porter, " L. H. Peirce. MATEON. Mrs. O. B. Watson. BOAED OF GOYEBNOES. President — Hon. R. B. MASON. Vice-President—Hon. J. B. Rice. Treasurer — J. IRVING PEARCE. Secretary — WILLIAM BORNER. Hon. William Bross, Chicago. " Wm. F. Coolbaugh, " " R. B. Mason, " J. B. Rice, " Geo. L. Dunlap, " Dr. Samuel J. Jones, H. S. Monroe, Esq., Charles Fargo, Esq., J. Irving Pearce, Esq., " Luther H. Peirce, " William Borner, Col. C. G. Hammond, Col. Josiah L. James, Chicago. Isaac N. Hardin, " Hon. Anson S. Miller, Rockford. A. E. Harding, Pontiac. E. V. Bronson, Kewanee. " Joseph Utley, Dixon. Rev. J. E. Forrester, D.D., Aurora. Hon. R. E. Goodell, Springfield. Sidney Pulsiper, Peoria. A. B. Sapford, Cairo. U. S. Penfield, Quincy. Hamilton Spencer, Bloomington. MEDICAL BOAED. Surgeon-in-Chief. A. Reeves Jackson, M.D. Assistant Surgeons. E. O. F. Roler, M.D., J. N. Hyde, M.D. Resident Physician. Jennie G. Brown, M.D. Assistant Physicians. J. Ramsay Flood, M.D., Odelia Blinn, M.D. Attending Physicians. (For out-door patients.) Mary E. Blackmar, M.D., ---- —— M.D. Consulting Board. Wm. H. Byford, M.D., Chas. Gilman Smith, M.D. Edmund Andrews, M.D., H. M. Lyman, M.D., H. Webster Jones, M.D., De Laskie Miller, M.D., Jcs. H. Freer, M.D., H. A. Johnson, M.D. ANNOUNCEMENT. During the past summer a few charitable persons undertook the labor of establishing an institution for the gratuitous treatment of the diseases peculiar to women. The want of a retreat where, with- out violence to their sensibilities, poor sick women could have the comforts of a home, the best medical aid, and the kindly and intelli- gent ministrations of their own sex, had been long and painfully felt. In providing for this want, it was determined that the plan of organization should rest upon the very broadest basis; that the institution should be unsectional in character and unsectarian in creed; that all sick women, without regard to their religious belief, race, or condition in life, should be the objects of its charity. In a short time a number of prominent benevolent men and women gave their promise of co-operation, and, on the 1st day of September, a charter was obtained, embodying the objects and conditions of the institution. The organization of the Boards of Governors and Lady Super- visors having been respectively completed, the next step was to secure a suitable building. Negotiations were already pending for this purpose when the great fire occurred, and threw an unparalleled gloom over the city, and seemed, for a time at least, to make any attempts to carry our designs into execution an almost hopeless task. But it was suggested that if the friends of the hospital residing in the city, and who had hoped and intended to aid in its active work of doing good, now found themselves sudddenly unable to do more than give it their sympathy and good wishes, it was an eminently proper time to call upon the benevolent in other States, and in other parts of our own State, to help so worthy and needy an enterprise. Accordingly an appeal for aid, signed by the members of the Finance Committee, setting forth the general plan of the institution, and its necessitous condition, w&s prepared, and copies sent to a number of persons known to be engaged in public charities in various parts of the country. However, it met with little response, and now, with less than one thousand dollars subscribed, we have resolved to make 8 a beginning of what we hope and trust is destined to be a great work. For, although comparatively without means now, we have full confidence that when the Institution becomes more widely known, and the great amount of good it is capable of accomplishing is more fully appreciated, our hands will be strengthened, and we will be able to send forth many grateful wives and mothers from beds of misery and sickness to their families, to society, and to lives of usefulness. The great propriety of establishing hospitals for the treatment of special forms of disease, has now come to be pretty generally admit- ted, and the good effects of the system are shown in the results obtained in hospitals devoted to diseases of the eye and ear, the various lying-in hospitals, &c. The advantages to patients of a special hospital for the treatment of the peculiar diseases of women are sufficiently evident. One of the ablest and most earnest workers in this department of practice,* has called attention to some of them. He says:— " First. Diseases of this special character—the most important, in reality, of all to which flesh is heir—are best treated, in hospitals at least, by those specially interested in their cure, and prepared by previous intentional and peculiar training for their especial manage- ment. •' Again, there is a natural dislike upon the part of women, to whom, for these derangements, it is, in all cases, a hard struggle to apply for treatment, to entering wards with patients who are other- wise affected, and, on this account, less likely to sympathize with them, if not, indeed, inclined to view them with offensive curiosity or even suspicion. •' And, thirdly, in a separate and special hospital there is much less danger of the occurrence of epidemic and contagious disease." One of the objects of this Institution is to thoroughly qualify a class of female nurses. There is a widely spread appreciation in the community of the great want of a body of intelligent conscientious women who luwe been properly educated for this responsible office —an office scarcely second in importance to that of the physician. A limited number of women will be received into the institution on special terms, and opportunities afforded for their instruction; and * Dr. H. R. Storer. !) to such as shall prove themselves possessed of the necessary amount of judgment, kindliness, tact and efficiency, diplomas will be issued at the expiration of their term of service. For temporary use, the premises No. 171 Calumet Avenue have been secured. It is a four-story marble front house, very commo- dious, and particularly well adapted for the purposes intended. It contains all the modern improvements, and is located on one of the finest residence streets in the city. Some of the apartments have been fitted up with a view to the accommodation of patients whose circumstances enable them to pay a moderate weekly sum for the benefit of the hospital. Patients who are unable to pay anything will be received and treated to the full extent of our limited means. We sincerely trust that the Institution will 'so commend itself to the charitable that it may not long be obliged to depend upon its present precarious means of support, and that those who are blessed with abundance may feel inclined to aid us in our efforts to relieve the sick and suffering. AVe want to secure a fund of $50,000 for the purpose of purchas- ing suitable grounds and erecting thereon permanent hospital build- ings. We want each church to support at least one bed, to be occu- pied by some poor worthy woman under its care. We want individ- uals to do the same. We want endowments and bequests. We want subscriptions to Life Memberships; and we want annual subscrip- tions of definite amounts, large and small. Finally, we want any- thing and everything that can be used by, or for sick persons. Subscriptions to the Building Fund may be sent to J. Irving Pearce, Treasurer of the Hospital. Donations of money for the general purposes of the Hospital, and of supplies of all kinds, as bedding, furniture, crockery, groceries, produce, fuel etc., are ear- nestly solicited. They may be sent to the care of Mrs. Corinna Seaverns, acting Treasurer of the Board of Lady Supervisors, at the hospital, with the name of the donor. Chicago, December, 1871. CHAETEE OF INCORPORATION OF THE Woman's Hospital of the State of Illinois. To Whom it may Concern : We, the undersigned citizens of the State of Illinois, have agreed to associate ourselves and do hereby associate ourselves, for the pur- pose of establishing in the City of Chicago a hospital for the cure or relief of the diseases and accidents peculiar to women; and, desi- rous of being incorporated agreeably to the provisions of an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, approved on the 24th. of February A. D. 1859 and entitled " An Act for the Incorporation of Benevolent, Educational, Literary, Musical, Scientific and Mis- sionary Societies, including societies formed for Mutual Improve- ment," we hereby declare the following to be the objects, articles and conditions agreeably to which we desire to be incorporated, for the term of twenty years. TITLE. The name, style and title of this Corporation shall be the "Woman's Hospital of the State of Illinois." OBJECT. The object of this Association shall be the establishment of a Hospital specially devoted 1. To the treatment of the diseases and accidents peculiar to females, irrespective of creed, color, or condition in life. 2. To the clinical instruction of students of medicine. 3. To the practical training of nurses. 11 GOVERNMENT. The said Hospital shall be under the charge of a Board of Gov- ernors, a Board of Lady Supervisors and a Medical Board. BOARD OF GOVERNORS. 1. The Board of Governors shall consist of twenty-four men who shall have the power to rent -or erect such buildings as may be necessary for the purposes of said Hospital; to have, hold, take and receive for the use and benefit of said Hospital all moneys, goods, lands and tenements of any kind whatever, which may be bestowed by gift, grant, conveyance, devise or bequest; to sell, transfer, assign, and dispose of the same; to procure the endowments of the Hos- pital, of wards or free beds; and shall faithfully appropriate all moneys and other effects that shall come into their hands for the benefit of said Hospital; nor shall any bequest or donation made to or accepted by said Board for specific objects, ever be diverted from the purpose designated by the donor; Provided ahvays, that the clear yearly income of the real and personal estate held by this institution shall not at any time exceed Twenty Thousand Dollars. 2. They shall elect of their number a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer; and shall have power to fill any vacancies in thj Board, caused by death, resignation or otherwise. They shall also have power to make rules, regulations and by-laws needful for the good government of themselves and of said Hospital; provided, said rules, regulations and by-laws or any of them be not repug- nant to the Constitution and laws of the United States, of this Com- monwealth, or to this Charter. 3 The following persons shall constitute the Board of Governors of said Hospital, viz: William Bross, Wm. F. Coolbaugh, R. B. Mason, J. Irving Pearce, Isaac N. Hardin, J. B. Rice, Luther H. Peirce, Anson S. Miller, J. E. Forrester, William Borner, E. V. Bron- son, Hamilton Spencer, R. E. Goodell, Charles Fargo, TJ. S. Penfield, George L. Dunlap, Henry S. Monroe, Samuel J. Jones, Sidney Pul- sifer, A. E. Harding, Joseph Utley, Charles G. Hammond, A. B. Safford and Josiah L. James, any five of whom, and a presiding officer shall be deemed a quorum for the transaction of business. 4. The said Board of Governors shall have power to elect Honor- ary members of the board should they deem it expedient to do so. 12 BOARD OF LADY SUPERVISORS. The Board of Lady Supervisors shall consist of thirty women, who shall have charge of the moral and domestic management of the Hospital. They shall have the power to visit the Hospital at any time, and to inspect all its departments; to provide means for the current expenses and daily wants of the hospital; to enact by-laws for their own government, and to appoint all matrons, nurses, and other attendants necessary for such an institution ; provided, how- ever, such appointments are not against the expressed wish of a majority of the Medical Board. They shall also have power to fill all vacancies in their own board, and to add both active and honor- ary members to their number should they deem it expedient to do so. The following named persons shall constitute the Board of Super- visors, viz: Mrs. L. H. Pierce, Mrs. James H. Rees, Mrs. Henry W. Fuller, Mrs. J. M. Marshall, Mrs. Fernando Jones, Mrs. Rebecca Mott, Mrs. H. G. Chase, Mrs. Wm. T. Baker, Mrs. C. H. Rowe, Mrs. Avis Cottrell, Mrs. N. V. Stitsel, Mrs. C. F. Corbin, Mrs. John Thompson, Mrs. George Bowen, Mrs. Mary Forrester, Mrs. C. L. Wilson, Mrs. Jennie W. Thompson, Mrs. L. Z. Leiter, Mrs. Jesse Whitehead, Mrs. Wm. Goodrich, Mrs. M. M. Porter, Mrs. Corinna Seaverns, Mrs. John V. Lemoyne, Mrs. M. L. Frisbe, Mrs. Marshall Field, Mrs. C. Glazier, Mrs. F. E. Hooker, Mrs. M. L. Sorenson, Mrs. E. J. Yates, Mrs. J. Grant, Miss Eliza W. Bowman ; any seven of whom, with a presiding officer, shall be deemed a quorum for the transaction of business. MEDICAL BOARD. The Medical Board shall consist of a Surgeon-in-Chief, two or more Assistant Surgeons, a Resident Physician, two or more Assist- ing Physicians, and two or more Attending Physicians for out-door patients. There shall also be a Board of Consulting Surgeons and Physicians. The Medical Board shall have charge of the treatment and sani- tary condition of all patients, and of the hospital buildings and grounds, together with such other powers as properly belong to the medical department of such an institution. They shall recommend such regulations as may seem to them necessary for the efficiency and well-being of said hospital. The Surgeon-in-Chief, the Assistant Surgeons, one or more of the Assistant Physicians, one or more of the Attending Physicians, and 13 all the members of the Consulting Board, shall be males. The Res- ident Physician, one or more of the Assistant Physicians, and one or more of the Attending Physicians shall be females. A. Reeves Jackson, M. D., shall be the Surgeon-in-chief of said Hospital, and William H. Byford, M. D., Chas. Gilman Smith, M. D., Edmund Andrews, M. D., H. Webster Jones, M. D., Delaskie Miller, M. D., H. M. Lyman, M. D., and Hosmer A Johnson, M. D., shall constitute the Consulting Board of said Hospital. SURGEON-IN-CHIEF"S DEPARTMENT. The Surgeon-in-Chief shall be at the head of the surgical and medical arrangements of the hospital; shall have the charge and direction of the surgical operations, and shall be a skillful and expe- rienced operator. He shall have the power to appoint the Assistant Surgeons with the approval of the Consulting Board. The Surgeon-in-Chief and his Assistants shall attend at the hos- pital on such days and hours as may be fixed upon by the Consult- ing Board, not less than two days in the week, examine the cases of such patients as may apply for aid or advise, prescribe for the same, perform such surgical or other operations as may be required, and see that all the surgical instruments belonging to the hospital are properly kept and cared for. At the stated meeting held in November of each year he shall make a writen report to the Board of Governors of the number of patients treated during the year ending November 1st, with the result so far as can be ascertained, and of such other matters as may show the general state of the Hospital. CONSULTING BOARD. The Consulting Board shall consist of experienced surgeons and physicians. They shall have power to make additions to their own number, and, in conjunction with the Surgeon-in-Chief shall have the power to appoint and remove all the members of the medical staff of the hospital. 14 In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this twenty-ninth day of August A. D. 1871. William Beoss. [seal.] Jee'h. Leaming. [seal.] I. N. Haedln. [seal.] Luther. H. Peiece. [seal.] William Boenee. [seal.] J. Ieving Peaece. [seal.] Ohaeles Faego. [seal.] Wm. F. Coolbaugh. [seal.] Josiah L. James. [seal.] STATE OF ILLINOIS,^ Cook County, I ss. Town of South Chicago.) I, Jonah S. Scovel, a Notary Public in and for South Chicago and residing in said town, do hereby certify that William Bross, Jer'e. Learning, Isaac N. Hardin, Luther H. Peirce, William Borner, J. Irving Pearce, Charles Fargo, W. F. Coolbaugh, and Josiah L. James who are personally known to me as the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing Certificate of Incorporation as having executed the same, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that they signed the said instrument of writing as their free and voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth, Given under my hand and Notarial Seal this twenty-ninth day of August, A. D. 1871. [seal.] Jonah S. Scovel. Notary Public. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA,) 0pFICE QF gECRETARY< State of Illinois. ) I, Edward Rummel, Secretary of the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that the following is a true copy of the Certificate of Incor- poration of the " Woman's Hospital of the State of Illinois" located in Chicago; which has been filed in the office of Secretary of State on the 1st day of September, A. D. 1871, and is now on file in this office. In witness whereof I hereto set my hand and affix [seal.] the Great Seal of State, at the city of Springfield, this 1st day of November, A. D. 1871. Edwaed Rummel, Secretary of State. BYLAWS. OF THE Board of Lady Supervisors. ARTICLE I. MEETINGS. The stated meetings of the Board of Supervisors shall be held at the Hospital on the first Friday of every month, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. ARTICLE II. ELECTIONS. The Board of Supervisors shall annually elect a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. They shall also elect at the same time a Board of Managers. The election shall take place at the stated meeting in the month of September in each year. ARTICLE III. VISITING COMMITTEE. To rotate the service of visiting, a committee of two shall be appointed monthly from the Board of Supervisors to visit the hos- pital not less than once in each week. It shall be their duty to see that the rules relating to the management of the hospital are car- ried into effect; that nurses discharge their duty toward the patients, and to advise and assist the Matron in any case of difficulty. They shall keep a book of minutes, and enter therein the day and time of their visit, and such observations as they may deem useful, which shall be laid before the Board at every monthly meeting. 16 ARTICLE IV. DUTIES OF SUPEEVISOES. It shall be the duty of each Supervisor to aid the objects of the hospital by obtaining donations and subscriptions to the fund for current expenses; to attend all the stated meetings, and to observe the form and order necessary for the transaction of business. Absence from four consecutive meetings without reasonable excuse shall be accounted a resignation. No person shall be elected a member of this board unless she has been nominated at a prior stated meeting. All elections for members of the Board, or for officers, shall be by ballot. ARTICLE V. PEESIDENT. The President, or in her absence the Vice President, shall preside at all meetings of the Board, preserve order therein, and appoint all committees not otherwise provided for in the By-Laws. The Vice President shall be chairman of the Board of Managers. ARTICLE VI. SECEETARY. The Secretary shall attend all regular meetings of the Board, keep minutes of the transactions, notify members of all meetings, conduct the correspondence, and prepare an annual report to be submitted to the Board of Governors for publication. She shall also be Secretary of the Board of Managers. ARTICLE VII. TEEASUEEE. The Treasurer shall report at every regular meeting the state of the treasury, shall receipt for all moneys paid in for current expen- ses, and shall disburse the same as authorized by the Board of Man- agers. She shall also keep a register of all donors and subscribers, with a full account of receipts and disbursements, to be reported quar- terly to the Board of Governors, in the months of February, May, August and November. 17 ARTICLE VIII. BOAED OF MANAGERS. The Board of Managers shall consist of six Supervisors, in addi- tion to the Chairman and Secretary. Two of them shall be elected annually, and shall serve three years. Managers whose term of office is about to expire may be re-elected. They shall have full authority to direct, manage, and conduct all the internal affairs of the Hospital, including the receipts and disbursements connected therewith; to appoint and remove all mat- rons, nurses and other attendants, agents and servants necessary for the institution. A majority shall be a quorum. The Chairman and one Manager shall form a purchasing commit- tee, and shall endorse all bills before such shall be payable. ARTICLE IX. INSPECTING COMMITTEE. An Inspecting Committee shall be appointed twice a year, in the months of March and September. It shall consist of one Supervi- sor and one Manager, and its duty shall be to inquire into the wants of the house, and see that cleanliness is observed in the bedding, wards and house generally, visiting the Hospital for that purpose once in each week. They shall keep an inventory of the linen, furniture, and other household property, adding each new gift or purchase as made. They shall examine the same at the close of the term with the Matron, to note the losses, wear and tear, &c, and shall keep a book of minutes relating to the objects of their appoint- ment, which shall be laid before the Board at every monthly meeting. ARTICLE X. THE mateon. The Matron shall have particular supervision of the several apart- ments of the buildings, as also of the bedding and clothing used therein, as to their cleanliness and good order. She shall also, under the direction of the physicians and surgeons, superintend the prep- aration and distribution of the food and diet of the patients. She shall have general control of the domestics and nurses employed in the institution, as also of the food and stores of all kinds, and shall see that the building is properly heated. She shall keep a regular account of all receipts and expenditures, to be properly vouched and laid before the Board of Managers when required. 18 ARTICLE XL NURSES. 1. It shall be the duty of the nurses to attend faithfully to the patients under their charge, and to obey implicitly the directions of the Resident Physician, or of the Surgeon, in regard to them; to see that they behave with propriety and observe the rules of the In- stitution, and to report any breach of the same to the Resident Phy- sician. 2. Any nurse who shall refuse or neglect to follow the directions of the Resident Physician or Surgeon as above, or who shall be negligent or inattentive to her duties generally, shall be at once dis- charged by the Resident Physician. 3. None of the nurses or domestics employed in the Institution shall absent themselves without having first obtained permission from the Resident Physician. BY-LAWS OF THE Board of Governors. MEETINGS. 1. The stated meetings of the Board of Governors shall be held on the last Tuesday in the months of February, May, August and November, at 8 o'clock P. M., at such place as the Board shall, from time to time order or direct. 2. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President or any two members of the Board; and all the members of the Board shall have due notice of special meetings. 3. All the meetings of the Board shall be held in the City of Chicago. 4. If any member of the Board of Governors shall be absent from four consecutive meetings qf the Board, such absence, unex- cused, shall be deemed a resignation of his membership, and his place shall be filled by the Board. ELECTION OF OFFICERS. 1. At their stated quarterly meetings in February of each year, the Board of Governors shall elect, by ballot, a President, Vice Presi- dent, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall hold office for the term of one year next after their election, and until their successors shall be elected and accept office. 2. In case the Board shall fail to elect any officer or officers on any day above specified for that purpose, such election may be made at any stated or special meeting thereafter. A majority of the votes of the Governors present shall be necessary to elect an officer. 20 PRESIDING OFFICER. The President, and in his absence the Vice President, shall pre- side at all meetings of the Governors, and shall preserve order therein. He shall appoint all Standing Committees, and also Special Com- mittees when requested by the Board. In the absence of both the President and Vice President from any meeting, the Governors shall appoint one of their own number to preside at such meeting. SECRETARY. The Secretary shall give notice of and attend all meetings of the Governors, take minutes of the proceedings thereat, transcribe them in a book provided for that purpose, and attest the same. He shall have the custody of the corporate seal, which is to be used only under the authority of the Board. He shall also give notice to all Governors, Officers and members of Committees, on their election or appointment. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall have the custody of all bonds, titles, deeds and other documents relating to the property of the Corporation, and of all moneys belonging thereto. He shall open an account with one of the banks in the City of Chicago, to be approved by the Board of Governors, in the name of this Corporation, and shall deposit all moneys in such bank immediately upon receiving them. He shall keep a proper account and check book, showing the amount of funds in his hands, which shall at all suitable times be open to the inspection of the Governors. At each quarterly meeting he shall present an account showing the state of the treasury. He shall pay no moneys without a resolution of the Board or the auteority of the Finance Committee. FINANCE COMMITTEE. There shall be a Standing Committee of three Governors, called the Finance Committee, whose duty shall be to advise with and assist the Treasurer in managing funds and to audit all accounts and bills, and it may authorize payment thereof. This Committee may be enlarged by the Board whenever deemed advisable. The members of this Committee shall be appointed at the stated meeting in May, and shall serve one year. 21 VISITING COMMITTEE. There shall be appointed at each stated meeting, a Committee of Visitation of the Hospital, to consist of two members, who shall report their proceedings as such Committee. ORDER OF BUSINESS. The following shall be the order of business at the stated meet- ings of the Board: 1. Reading the minutes of any stated or special meeting of the Board. 2. Report of the Treasurer. 3. Communications, including reports from the Supervisors and Surgeon-in-Chief. 4. Reports of Standing Committees. 5. Reports of Special Committees. 6. Miscellaneous business, including unfinished business. 7. Filling vacancies in the Board and in other offices. 8. Appointment of Visiting Committee. 9. Adjournment. ALTERATIONS AND AMENDMENTS. These By-Laws, or any of them, may be altered or amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any stated meeting, pro- vided such alteration or amendment shall have been proposed in writing at a previous meeting. Woman's Hospital OP THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. This institution is located at No. 171 Calumet Avenue, in the city of Chicago. Patients will be received gratuitously to its wards to the full extent of its means of providing for them, while others will be admitted on the payment of a moderate sum for board, as may be agreed upon in each particular case. Invalids may also be accommodated with private well furnished rooms, and provided with attendance and nursing at prices varying from seven to fifteen dollars per Aveek. Free patients from other States will be admitted on the payment of an advance fee of twenty-five dollars. Letters relative to the admission of patients may be addressed to the Resident Physician, Dr. J. G. Brown, at the Hospital. SUBSCRIPTIONS. An annual subscription of $10 constitutes a Contributor. A subscription of $30 constitutes a Life Membership. A subscription of $300 entitles the donor to have one patient in the Hospital for one year. A subscription of $1,000 entitles the donor, during his or her life, to a free bed, to be constantly occupied by a sick, needy woman, who may be curable or susceptible of relief. A subscription of $3,000 entitles the donor to a perpetual free bed which shall bear his or her name. 23 FORM OF BEQUEST. OF PEBSONAL PROPERTY. I give and bequeath unto the Woman's Hospital of the State of Illinois, the sum of------towards promoting the objects of said Institution. OF REAL ESTATE. I give and devise to the Woman's Hospital of the State of Illinois, all that, (here describe the property,) together with the appurtenances, to hold to the said Woman's Hospital of the State of Illinois, forever, for them to dispose of and convey in any man- ner which will promote the objects of said Institution. < tj / V