NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE SERVICES U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service 7th Street & Independence Ave., S. W. Washington 25, D. C. October 1956 THE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE, FORMERLY THE ARMED FORCES MEDICAL LIBRARY, IS NOW A PART OF THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE, FOLLOW- ING THE ENACTMENT OF PUBLIC LAW 941, 84TH CONGRESS, APPROVED AUGUST 3, 1956. Letters requesting information about the National Library of Medicine and its services should be ad- dressed to: The Director National Library of Medicine 7th Street and Independence Ave., S. W. Washington 25, D. C. Table of Contents Library Hours.................. 5 Loans....................... 5 Photoduplication Services . . . .... = . . . • 6 Reference Service................ 8 Translators and Research Workers....... 9 History of Medicine Division.......... 9 Art Section..................... 9 Publications...................10 THE LIBRARY IS OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Monday through Saturday 8:30 a. m. to 5 p. m. Sunday Closed Special hours of opening during the summer and on holidays. LOANS The Library loans material primarily to other libraries. All material in the library, with the ex- ception of some rare books, reference works, and unbound journals, is available for loan. The tele - phone number for the Loan Desk is: Executive 3-6300 (Code 176) Extension 5331 Regulations applying to interlibrary loans are as follows: (1) Loans are made only to other libraries or in- stitutions, through which individual readers must place their requests. It is suggested that not more than five titles be requested at one time. Loans of original material are not made to libraries outside the continental United States. (2) Material is loaned for two weeks from date of receipt with the privilege of extension upon request. Transportation charges are to be paid by the borrow- er. Shipment is usually made by express coUect. (3) Requests should be made on official forms, 5 available from the Circulation Section, Reference Division. Should the title requested be unavailable , the duplicate copy of the form, with any necessary notations, will be returned to the institution making the request. (4) A request for a book should show: FuU name of author, title of work, date, and place of publi- cation. A request for an article in a medical journal should show: Name of journal, date of issue, volume number, author's name, title of article, and pages on which it appears. Because of express costs, libraries may find it advantageous to purchase photo- prints of articles less than ten (10) pages in length. (See next page.) (5) Loans are made on condition that the greatest care be taken in packing the material for return to prevent damage in transit. Among other precautions, the corners and edges of books should be weU pro - tected; unbound material (such as pamphlets and theses) should not be roUed but should be sent flat, preferably by mail. (6) Loans of non-serial material published prior to 1801 should be requested directly from the History of Medicine Division, National Library of Medicine, 11,000 Euclid Avenue at Adelbert Road, Cleveland 6, Ohio. Microfilm copies of much of this material are available. ******** PHOTODUPLICATION SERVICE The purpose of photoduplication is to extend the services of the Library to those at a distance who cannot come in person to consult its collections. In order that the photoduplication service may rende r the greatest possible aid to those engaged in medical research, the foUowing policies in regard to its conduct are observed: 6 (1) All requests must be submitted in duplicate on National Library of Medicine official order blanks (PHS 2700) which are available on request. Com - plete citations should be furnished. (2) The Library will not reproduce entire periodical issues or books when the material is protected by copyright, nor wlU it make multiple copies of periodi- cal articles. (3) All photoduplication orders must be accompanied by payment in cash or by check or money order made payable to the Treasurer of the United States, or by National Library of Medicine coupons which may be ordered in any quantity from the Library in fifty cent and five cent denominations. (4) The Library will lend, without charge, single microfilm copies of original articles published in medical periodicals not available locally. Such loan requests must be routed through libraries, govern- mental agencies, or research institutions. The microfilm, being a part of the duplicate coUection of the Library, may be used for ninety days and must be returned to the Library at the end of the loan peri- od. (5) Requests for microfilm and photoprints for official governmental business will be filled free of charge. Such requests should be submitted through local libraries in the same manner as interlibrary loans. Requests for unusual numbers of photoprints should be accompanied by suitable justification. (6) Single microfilm copies wiU also be sold to those desiring to retain them. For the benefit of thcs enot having facilities to read microfilms, single photo- print copies of separate articles from periodicals wiU be supplied. (7) Foreign users may use UNESCO Book Coupons in payment for photoduplication service. These coupons are issued in denominations of twenty-five cents, one, three, and ten doUars. They are on sale in many foreign countries. Further information a- bout the coupons is available from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 19, Avenue Kleber, Paris, 16, France. (8) Combined cost of reproduction and surface mail: MICROFILM - 50 cents for 50 consecutive pages or fraction thereof in a single article. PHOTOPRINT - 50 cents for 5 consecutive pages or fraction thereof in a single article. Combined cost of reproduction and air mail: MICROFILM - USA and Canada - 60 cents for 50 consecutive pages or fraction there- of. All other countries - $ 1.00 for 50 con- secutive pages or fraction thereof. PHOTOPRINTS - USA and Canada - 60 cents for 5 consecutive pages or fraction thereof in a single article. All other countries - $1.00 for 5 consecutive pages or fraction thereof. ******** REFERENCE SERVICE Reference librarians are available to help those who come to the Library. Questions which require brief search will be answered by telephone (Execu- tive 3-3600 (Code 176) Extension 4374or 5369). Bib- liographic searches on specific subjects wiU be un- dertaken, as the Library's facilities permit, in re- sponse to written requests from those who have ex- hausted the resources of their local libraries. Re- quests for bibliographic searches should state 1) the subject, defined in considerable detail with deline- ation of any special aspects which are of particular interest; 2) the years to be covered; 3) the langu- ages to be included; and 4) the sources already ex - amined. It is also helpful to the bibliographer to know in detail the purpose for which a bibliography is to be used. Request blanks for the bibliographic services are available. Information about existing bibliographies wiU also be supplied. 8 A complete list of bibliographies prepared by the National Library of Medicine is available on request. ******** TRANSLATORS AND RESEARCH WORKERS The Library does not provide translation services, but will attempt to locate existing translations or ab- stracts. It maintains a register of translators and research workers with whom private arrangements can be made. The Library cannot take responsibility for the work of the people on its register, nor is it able to supply information about their charges. ******** HISTORY OF MEDICINE DIVISION The Library's collection of monographs published before 1801, together with material relating to it, is located at its History of Medicine Division, 11,000 Euclid Avenue at Adelbert Road, Cleveland 6, Ohio. Correspondence on the use of material in this Di- vision should be addressed directly to it. All of the materials listed in the CATALOGUE OF INCUNABULA AND MANUSCRIPTS IN THE ARMY MEDICAL LIBRARY, by D. M. Schullian and F. E. Sommer (1950) have been microfilmed. On request microfilm copies will be loaned or sold, or photo- prints will be made at the usual rates of photodupli- cation work. ******** ART SECTION The Art Section of the Library contains portraits, photographs, etchings, and other non-clinical illus- trations pertaining to medicine, which may be borrowed under special conditions. Requests for copies of pictures in the Art Section should be sub- 9 mitted on photoduplication order Forms (PHS 2700). Glossy black and white prints are furnished without charge to governmental agencies needing them for official business; the charge to others is $1.00 per print, payable in advance. ******** PUBLICATIONS (1) THE CURRENT LIST OF MEDICAL LITERA- TURE is a monthly publication of the Library, which lists the contents of selected scientific journals currently received. A subject and author index is included with each issue, and a semi-annual cumu- lation of the indexes is also furnished. Subscriptions to the CURRENT LIST are available through the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. at $13. 50 a year. (Foreign subscriptions at $17.00 a year.) (2) The Armed Forces Medical Library CATALOG 1950-1954 (6v), and its annual supplements contain the record of books cataloged by the Library from 19 50 to date. Both the basic set and the annual volumes are published in two alphabets, by author and by sub- ject. The 1950-1954 CATALOG is for sale directly from the publishers, J. W. Edwards, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan; priced at $64.00 per set, f.o.b. Ann Arbor. The 1955 Annual CATALOG is for sale by the Card Division, Library of Congress, Washing- ton 25, D. C., priced at $17. 50 plus 40 cents postage. The AFML CATALOG, 1950-1954, and the succeed- ing annual volumes, are published as a supplement to the Library of Congress Catalog. (3) Copies of the Library's multilithed catalog cards for the current year are available as a series only, on subscription from the Card Division, Library of Congress. The series contains one copy of each card and is priced at one cent per card. 10 (4) The National Library of Medicine CLASSIFI - CATION; A Scheme For the Shelf Arrangement of Books in the Field of Medicine and its Related Sciences, 1956. This second edition of the Library's CLASSIFICATION is for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C., and is priced at $2.00 per copy. (5) The INDEX-CATALOGUE OF THE LIBRARY OF THE SURGEON GENERAL'S OFFICE is a publi- cation of the National Library of Medicine. Fifty- eight volumes have been published since its inception in 1880; the latest and final volume in the traditional form is Volume XI of the Fourth Series covering ma- terial indexed under the letters "MH-MN." Volume XI, which appeared in 1955, is available from the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, at $9.00 per copy. In addition, the section on "Military Medicine" and the "Supplementa- ry List of Abbreviations for Serial Publications " in Volume XI have been made available as separate re- prints. Copies of the INDEX-CATALOGUE are de- posited in many libraries and research institutions throughout the world. A microprint edition of the INDEX-CATALOGUE is offered for sale by Readex Microprint Corporation, 100 Fifth Avenue, New York City, at $75.00. (6) Occasional bibliographies of a comprehensive nature on subjects of current interest are published and distributed free upon request. Among others, PLASMA SUBSTITUTES, and PATHOLOGY AND PHYSIOLOGY OF BURNS, appeared in 1952, GAS GANGRENE AND GAS GANGRENE ORGANISMS, ap- peared in 1953. THE STRUCTURE, COMPOSITION, AND GROWTH OF BONE and SLAVIC MEDICAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES appeared in 1955. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MEDICAL REVIEWS, a list of review articles which appeared in 1955, was published in 1956. An extensive bibliography on CANCER CHEMOTHERA- PY, A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF AGENTS wiU appear in 1956 as a supplement to the journal "Cancer Re- search. " Public Health Service Publication No. 507