Syphilis is a serious, catching disease. You catch it when you have sex contact with a man who has it. Be on your guard. Syphilis can wreck your health, kill your unborn children, and make you an invalid for life. No "quack" or home remedy ever cured syphilis. It can be cured, but only by a doctor. Gonorrhea or "clap," is not the same as syphilis. But you catch it the same way. It usually causes a white discharge and pain. It keeps a woman from having children. It ruins her health. No "quack" or medicine for "female trouble" ever cured gonorrhea. It can be cured, but only by a doctor. There Are No Sure Preventive Measures Which Women Can Use. A woman cannot depend on douches, suppositories, or jellies to prevent syphilis or gonorrhea. I£ you are so foolish and unwise as to have intercourse with any man except your husband, make him wear a rubber. IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE SYPHILIS OR GONORRHEA, SEE A DOCTOR AT ONCE. Issued by DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (State) in cooperation with UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Federal Security Agency, Washington VDB-96 (WOMEN) 42 Syphilis is a serious, catching disease. You catch it by sex contact with a woman who has it. Most prostitutes have it. So do most "chippies.'' Syphilis begins as a sore. This goes away, but the disease gets worse. Syphilis is not cured when the sore disappears. The disease is hard to cure. No "quack" or home remedy ever cured syphilis. It can be cured, but only by a doctor. Gonorrhea or "clap/' is not the same as syphilis. But you catch it the same way. It burns when you make water, and pus comes from the opening of the penis. No "quack" or home remedy ever cured gonorrhea. If you do not get good treatment, gonorrhea may cripple you for life. It can be cured, but only by a doctor. If you are so foolish and unwise as to go with prostitutes or “chippies,” try to guard against syphilis or gonorrhea . . . 1. Use a rubber when you have intercourse. 2- Urinate. Then wash your penis and testicles with soap and water at once. 3a Put 10 percent argyrol solution (about a teaspoonful) into the opening of the penis with a syringe or tube. Hold the argyrol in for five minutes. 4a Rub calomel ointment into your sex organs and the skin all around them. Reliable rubbers, calomel ointment, and fresh argyrol preparations may be obtained in good drug stores. IF YOU THINK YOU HAVE SYPHILIS OR GONORRHEA, SEE A DOCTOR AT ONCE. Issued by DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (State) in cooperation with UNITED STATES PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE Federal Security Agency, Washington VDB-96 (MEN) 42