Medical Library Assistance Act CONSTRUCTION RESOURCES TRAINING RESEARCH SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS PUBLICATIONS REGIONAL MEDICAL LIBRARIES ARY IARIES Knowledge is of two kinds: we know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can And information upon it. Boswell - Life of Dr. Johnson In signing the Medical Library Assistance Act on October 22, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson noted that the Nation's medical libraries are a vital link between medical education, practice, and research. The Medical Library Assistance Act (Public Law 89-291), an amendment to the Public Health Service Act, au- thorizes a program of grants and contracts to help the Nation's medical libraries expand their vital services to the health community. These programs of assistance are administered by the National Library of Medicine and are available to public and private non-profit institutions for: construction, resources, training, research, publications, and the development of regional medical libraries. Awards are also available to individuals for traineeships, fellow- ships, and special scientific projects. A "medical library" is denned by the Act as a library de- voted to the sciences related to health—medicine, osteo- pathy, dentistry, public health, and related applied and fundamental sciences. Eligible institutions may include, but are not limited to, schools of the health professions, hospitals, and private nonprofit cooperating libraries rendering service in the interest of the public health. Panels of non-Federal consultants review applications and make recommendations to the National Medical Libraries Assistance Advisory Board (Board of Regents of the National Library of Medicine). The Board makes its recommendations to the Surgeon General of the Public Health Service. Those applications recommended for approval by the Board may be considered for an award by the Surgeon General. This booklet is designed as an introduction to the oppor- tunities for support under the Act. For additional information and applications, write to: ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR FOR EXTRAMURAL PROGRAMS National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20014 Medical Library Assistance Act CONSTRUCTION RESOURCES TRAINING RESEARCH SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS PUBLICATIONS REGIONAL MEDICAL LIBRA SffMMA^Y" Construction Grants are provided to assist in construc- tion of new or expanded health science library facilities, and in the renovation or remodeling of existing facilities. Federal participation may be up to 75 e to* SP sct»: Sc \et> ifiC tftvt oi* ct **££• P^** cts de it* d^V for ft* \V* ^v^r^ce* sc1 go to Vet*1 t**e if*c< CV> rfO* a**' sc ie*^ lc*t v*v \\ *°"a\v** ^-^-.epoy^o ^AedS* ,ces it* v*e Vs tic** ds fo* -S^; J »4^w»l*d>^>0 "> •*••?&«* »de *o^\o^ll dt^ ^^L^e-^^e^ ar,o^ sets f»ct *te tV*e ^fv^ ds <<*■ 'VTwk »*' cit- ies** P* :**** ovt \de rft»» \* pP >\ic» ^9v:.t^ ttott F* \o< fott»'- tVve CO ,\\ec tt<> a** ,tt» T^V*1 o< fe *>* u* ,rV »ttc .cc ess >P? ,\ic» tt° its ^e._rtfottt2!„,ect ,\ic» tic-** »"' *>*<>* •:>«* rfV \t*£;\ece*>Va lUe fo* ^Ictett' i«*c ^V^ect^ Set ott SP OV visv .ot* m^^°S^ i\itt6 . _„s»V V . v,e sc _*-** **• *•*• -w*»" ,,«ii\te _-.iA c** ^r^;*^* ^ Gt^ -nie* r*» t\ot^X 8600^wl»ttd * fce tVte* d»< tA^1 . ..^ *>*• ._n I ,VA^ SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS PUBLICATIONS REGIONAL MEDICAL LIBRARIES SUMMARY Publication Grants and Contracts enable the preparation and/or production of single or serial publications which pertain to scientific works of interest to research scien- tists, health practitioners, or medical librarians and other health communications specialists. The program supports: bibliographies, critical reviews, handbooks (such as atlases, catalogs, data compendia, dic- tionaries, directories, and manuals), indices, abstracts and monographs; translations; and primary publications in the fields of biomedical communications, e.g., librar- ianship, information science, medical bibliography. The National Library of Medicine has helped support a num- ber of such publications for several years under the Public Health Service Act. The Medical Library Assistance Act authorizes the expansion of these activities to improve and accelerate the flow of biomedical information. Awards are made to institutions and, in special circum- stances, to individual scientists. Applications for Publication Grants should be made on Form PHS 398. Deadlines for receipt of applications are February 1, June 1, or October 1. For additional information and applications, write to: CHIEF, PUBLICATIONS AND TRANSLATIONS DIVISION Extramural Programs National Library of Medicine 8600 Rockville Pike Bethesda, Maryland 20014 PUBLICATIONS REGIONAL MEDICAL LIBRARIES SUMMARY The objective of the regional medical library program is to provide prompt access by any health researcher, prac- titioner, or student of the health sciences in the United States to library materials he may need. Regional Medical Library Grants are made to assist in the development of the existing system of medical libraries into a responsive national biomedical communications network. Grants are awarded to libraries which have facili- ties of sufficient depth and scope to supplement the services of other medical libraries in the region they serve. A "region" may be composed of any part or parts of any one or more states forming an economic and socially re- lated area. In determining the designation of an institu- tion to serve as a regional library, many factors are con- sidered, such as location and extent of communication facilities and systems, presence and distribution in the area of educational and health facilities and programs, and distribution of health-related manpower. The regional services provided by the grantee libraries will receive full support. Funds may be used for the acquisition of library resources and materials^ costs of processing and handling such resources and materials, acquisition of duplicating and transmission devices and other equip- ment to facilitate the use of the resources, and employ- ment of personnel to effect the transmission of materials and information to libraries within the region. Grants are for a specified support period of up to five years, and grantees will be required to enter competition for renewal at the end of that period. There is no standard application form for Regional Medical Library Grants. Additional information and procedures for applying may be obtained from: REGIONAL MEDICAL LIBRARIES SUMMARY QjlI H s z 5 o 3 a H s MM A 3 ^«.vn0 A 1 A ST*V c**0 "**/c 1*'oa ES ^ 111 ELIGIBILITY/PURPOSE APPLICATIONS CONSTRUCTION Institutions — for expansion, reno- vation of existing or construction of new health science libraries Letter of intent prior to Form PHS 4687-1 RESOURCES Institutions - for enlarging and im- proving collections TRAINING Institutions - for graduate pro- grams in the health information specialties TRAINEESHIPS Individuals - for graduate study in the health information specialties POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS Individuals — for training in health communications research Form PHS 4877 Form PHS 2499-1 Form PHS 1891 Form PHS 416-1 RESEARCH Institutions on behalf of a princi- pal investigator - for research proj - ects on health communications problems SPECIAL SCIENTIFIC PROJECTS Individual scientists or institutions - for projects on documentation, evaluation, and analysis of ad- vances in health sciences PUBLICATIONS Institutions or individuals - for preparation/production of publica- tions on information of interest to scientists, practitioners, educators, or medical librarians REGIONAL MEDICAL LIBRARIES Institutions — for expansion of re- sources and/or facilities to encour- age better geographic access to bio- medical information Form PHS 398 Contact Chief, Re- search and Training Division, Extramu- ral Programs for ap- plication procedures Form PHS 398 No standard form. Contact Chief, Facil- ities and Resources Division, Extramural Programs for appli- cation procedures SUMMARY DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED—Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 states: "No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance." There- fore, grants awarded under the Medical Library Assistance Act, like every program or activity receiving Federal assistance from the De- partment of Health, Education, and Welfare, must be operated in compliance with this law. U. S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE Public Health Service Public Health Service Publication No. 1573