mm \ L TOffhTOOO WIN "IVNOIiVN NLM000148067 r t CONSTITUTION, BY-LAWS, ACT OF INCORPORATION, AND LIST OF FELLOWS, y OF THE / NEW YORK 1/ "' ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. INSTITUTED 1847, UNA FIDES, ALTABE COMMUNE. NEW YOKK: PRINTED FOR THE ACADEMY. MAY, 1874. Ia/B CONSTITUTION. Article I. This Association shall be called the New York Academy of Medicine, and shall be composed of Resident, Non-Resi- dent, Corresponding, and Honorary Fellows. Article II. The objects of the Academy shall be : First. The cultivation of the Science of Medicine. Second. The advancement of the character and honor of the Profession. Third. The elevation of the standard of Medical Education. Fourth. The promotion of the Public Health. Article III. 1. Each candidate for Resident Fellowship must have been a graduate or licentiate in medicine residing in this city and county, or in either of the counties of this State thereunto adjoining, for three years. 2. Surgeons of the Army and Navy may be admitted as Non-Resident Fellows in the same manner as Resident Fel- lows. 3. Resident Fellows removing permanently from the city or vicinity, may become Non-Resident Fellows by nomination and vote of the Academy. 2 4 Constitution. Article IY. 1. Nominations for Corresponding and Honorary Fellows must be made by three Fellows, and have the usual reference. 2. Corresponding Fellows must be men of eminence, ac- tively engaged in the cultivation of Medical Science, and their number shall be limited to one hundred. 3. Honorary Fellows must be citizens of the United States, and have been long distinguished in their profession. Their number shall be limited to fifty. Article Y. Section 1. There shall be a President, three Yice-Presi- dents, a Recording Secretary, a Corresponding Secretary, a Treasurer, and five Trustees. These officers, together with the chairmen of the standing committees, shall constitute a Council. There shall also be a Librarian, a Statistical and an Assistant Secretary, the latter to be nominated by the Recording Secretary, and all to be ap- pointed by the Council. Sec 2. The President shall be elected for the term of two years; the Yice-Presidents for the term of three years, one retiring and one being elected each year. The Recording and Corresponding Secretaries, and the . Treasurer, shall be elected for the term of three years; the Statistical Secretary and the Trustees for the term of five years (the former by the Council), one Trustee being elected and one retiring each year. Article YI. Section 1. The following Standing Committees shall be elected for the term of five years by ballot, and shall consist of five members each, one member for each committee being elected and one retiring yearly ; and they shall severally per- form such duties as may be assigned to them: 1. A Committee on Admissions. 2. A Committee on Medical Ethics. 3. A Committee on Medical Education. Sec 2. The Academy shall be divided into six sections, Constitution. 5 viz.: Section 1, Anatomy and Physiology. Section 2, Sur- gery. Section 3, Theory and Practice of Medicine. Section 4, Obstetrics and Diseases of "Women and Children. Sec- tion 5, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Materia Medica, and Botany. Section 6, Public Health, Legal Medicine, and Medical and Yital Statistics. Article YII. Section 1. Every Fellow shall be furnished with a duly- authenticated certificate of fellowship, which may be revoked for cause; and, in case of refusal to surrender the same, the Academy may publish said revocation in the public journals. Sec 2. Any Fellow, having complied with the require- ments of the Constitution and By-Laws, may resign his fellow- ship, by presenting at a stated meeting a communication in writing to that effect. Sec 3. No resignation shall be valid until accepted by the Academy. Article YIII. The Academy reserves the right of punishing violations of its regulations, or of its code of Medical Ethics, by repri- mand, suspension, or expulsion ; and will recognize no Fellow as a regular practitioner who has been expelled. Article IX. No part of this Constitution shall be altered, except at a stated meeting, subsequent to one at which a proposition to that effect shall have been made in writing, and then only by a vote of three-fourths of the Resident Fellows present. BY-LAWS. I. MEETINGS AND NOMINATIONS. Section 1. The Stated Meetings of the Academy shall be held on the first and third Thursdays of every month, at 8 o'clock p. m., except when the regular day is the first day of January or the fourth day of July. Sec 2. There shall be a recess from and after the first Thursday in July to the third Thursday in September of each year. Sec 3. The Anniversary Discourse shall be delivered in November. Sec 4. At the first stated meeting in December all annual reports, and all nominations for the officers to be elected by the Academy, shall be made. Sec 5. The Elections shall be held at the first stated meet- ing in January, except under extraordinary circumstances, when special provision may be made. Sec 6. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President, upon the requisition, in writing, of any ten Resident Fellows. Sec 1. At all meetings, twenty-one Resident Fellows shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. II. THE PRESIDENT Shall preside over all meetings, regulate all debates, call for reports, summon extraordinary meetings on urgent occa- By-La/uos. 7 sions, sign all diplomas, letters-testimonial, and other docu- ments requiring his signature, appoint all committees not otherwise provided for, announce the result of all votes, intro- duce all Corresponding, Non-Resident, and Honorary Fellows, or distinguished members of the profession who may be pres- ent, designate one or more Fellows to prepare suitable memoirs of deceased Fellows, and be, ex officio, a member of all Stand- ing Committees, and of the Board of Trustees. III. VICE-PRESIDENTS. The Yice-Presidents shall assist the President in the dis- charge of his duties, and in his absence preside in the order of rank. IV. RECORDING SECRETARY. The Recording Secretary shall keep minutes of the pro- ceedings of all meetings, notify officers and members of com- mittees of their appointment and the duties required of them, sign diplomas, and certify to all official acts requiring certifi- cates either in connection with or independently of the Presi- dent, as the case may be ; attest and affix the common seal to all diplomas, letters-testimonial, and other documents requiring the seal of the Academy and signature of the President; trans- mit to the Committee on Admissions all nominations for fel- lowship within one week after each stated meeting; receive the signatures and initiation-fees of newly-admitted Fellows, and pay the moneys thus received over to the Treasurer; be, ex officio, a member of the standing committees and of the Board of Trustees; and transact such other business in his de- partment as may be ordered by the Academy. V. ASSISTANT SECRETARY. Section 1. The Assistant Secretary shall keep a list of the Resident Fellows; issue notice of meetings, which shall be mailed on Saturday previous to the time of meeting ; for spe- cial meetings three days' notice must be given, when prac- ticable ; assist the Recording Secretary in the discharge of his duties, and in his absence perform them. By-Laws. Sec 2. He shall keep a Register in which the signatures of the Fellows in attendance at each meeting shall be entered ; and, as soon as a quorum is thus ascertained to be present, notify the President. VI. CORRESPONDING SECRETARY. The Corresponding Secretary shall take charge of, and con- duct, the correspondence of the Academy. He shall report the death of each Corresponding and Honorary Fellow, and prepare a Memoir to be read before the Academy. VII. STATISTICAL SECRETARY. The Statistical Secretary shall keep a tabular record of the names of every former and present Resident Fellow of the Academy, with their places and dates of birth, education, and graduation; their social condition, the number, names, and dates of birth and death of the family of each; also the date, place, and cause of death of each Fellow, with such other cir- cumstances as will fully illustrate the vital statistics of the Academy. He shall report to the Academy, as early as prac- ticable thereafter, the decease of each Fellow, with such facts relating to his life and death as may be obtainable. VIII. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall receive all moneys and funds accruing to the Academy, and shall retain the same until otherwise appropriated; he shall pay all bills or sums of money directed by the Academy or Council, and none others; keep a correct account of all moneys received and expended; have power to employ a person to collect the dues and assessments; give a statement of the funds of the Academy to the Council or Acad- emy, have his books ready for their inspection whenever they may require it; and deliver up, when called upon by the Coun- cil or Academy, all moneys, bonds, papers, books, etc., belong- ing to the Academy, to his successor in office, or to any other person especially appointed to receive them. He shall send a bill for annual dues to each member by mail, directly after By-Laws. 9 the annual election. He shall report to the Trustees every February the names of all Fellows who are two or more years in arrears of dues. IX. LIBRARIAN. The Librarian shall have charge of all books, pamphlets, manuscripts, anatomical or pathological specimens, apparatus, instruments, medals, coins, or scientific property of whatever kind, and fix to each donation the name of the donor; keep a catalogue of the same; he may sell the Publications of the Academy, subject to the direction of the Council, and pay the proceeds half-yearly to the Treasurer; he shall send copies of them, as they are published, to such Medical Periodicals, Socie- ties, and Libraries as the Council may direct, and observe such rules as shall be prescribed for the regulation of his department, and render a full and detailed account of the condition thereof at least one a year, and oftener if required, to the Council. X. BOARDS AND COMMITTEES. Section 1. The Council, the Trustees, the Standing Com- mittees, and the Sections, shall meet within two weeks after the annual election to organize, and as often thereafter as they please, or as may be necessary, to transact the business referred to them by the Academy, and keep regular minutes of their proceedings, which shall be recorded in suitable books pro- vided for the purpose. Sec 2. They shall, in addition to such duties as are herein- after assigned to them, respectively consider all matters par- ticularly referred to them, and report thereon. Sec 3. When any member of a Standing Committee, the Council, or the Trustees, shall be absent four consecutive stated meetings, without satisfactory cause to said committee, etc., the same shall be reported to the President, who shall declare his seat vacant. Sec 4. If an officer shall fail to discharge his duties to the satisfaction of the Academy, he may be dismissed from his office by a two-thirds vote; but no motion for dismissal shall 10 By Laws. be acted upon until the next stated meeting; prior to which meeting the Recording Secretary shall notify the alleged delin- quent of such motion. Sec 5. Every member of a committee, or Fellow, having funds or property belonging to the Academy, shall give up the same on demand, to the person authorized to receive it. XL THE COUNCIL. The Council shall supervise the general affairs and inter- ests of the Academy; they shall provide suitable accommoda- tions for its meetings, for its movable property, and for its business transactions ; they shall estimate for the annual assessment, when at any time an increase thereof may be necessary; they shall annually, in October, audit the financial accounts, and oftener if deemed requisite ; they shall authenti- cate and authorize the payment of all bills against the Acade- my not exceeding fifty dollars; they shall confer with the Trustees, the Treasurer, and other officers, and with the stand- ing committees through the chairman of each, in reference to their respective functions and business relations; they shall appoint the Librarian, the Assistant and Statistical Secreta- ries ; they shall nominate such Fellows as are to be appointed to deliver series of discourses or lectures on scientific subjects before the Academy, and also a Fellow to deliver the Anni- versary Discourse; they shall determine the propriety of the reading of any paper offered by any person not a Fellow of the Academy; they shall select and recommend to the Acade- my for publication from the archives such essays, memoirs, or reports, as are to appear in the printed Transactions. All papers published in the Transactions shall be by a two-thirds vote of the members present. They shall fix the prices of all publications offered for sale; they shall, by a two-thirds vote, fill all vacancies until the next annual election, except of the President and Yice-Presidents, which shall be filled by the Academy; they shall appoint all delegates to other societies when admissible; they shall superintend the printing and publication of all papers and volumes ordered by the Acade- By-Laws. 11 my ; and they shall once a year report in full to the Academy. A majority of the Council shall be necessary to constitute a quorum. XII. TRUSTEES. The Trustees shall have charge of the Building Fund and its accumulations by interest, donation, or bequest; and of all the other invested funds of the Academy, and of such real estate as may at any time come into the possession of the Academy. It shall be their duty, under the sanction of the Council, safely to invest, to collect the interest on, and hold the securities for, any moneys of the Academy intrusted to their care; to report the modes of investment and the condi- tion of the funds or property aforesaid to the Council when required, and annually to the Academy. They shall ascer- tain, at each February meeting, the names of all Fellows who are two years in arrears of dues, and shall notify all such of the fact, and shall, within one year, report to the Recording Secretary the names of all persons who have forfeited their Fellowship. XIII. COMMITTEE ON ADMISSIONS. Section 1. Each candidate for Resident Fellowship must be proposed in writing by three Fellows personally acquainted with him, and may be admitted at a meeting subsequent to his recommendation by the committee. The recommendation of Corresponding, Honorary, and Non-Resident Fellowships from the Army and Navy, must be at least one month before the Academy before the candidate can be admitted. Sec 2. Admission to Fellowship must be by a three- fourths vote of the members present at a stated meeting. Sec 3. The Committee on Admissions, upon receiving from the Recording Secretary the names of the candidates proposed for fellowship with their professional credentials, shall make due inquiry concerning them, and all information thus obtained shall be confidential; they shall report within three months such as may be deemed worthy of admission ; which report, if for Resident Fellowship, shall specify the 12 By-Laws. source whence the nominees derived their diploma or license to practise, with the dates thereof; and should this committee fail to report within the time specified upon any nomination submitted to them, any Fellow having made such a nomina- tion may renew the same directly to the Academy, and a vote shall be taken upon it; in this case, however, the affirmative vote of four-fifths of the Fellows present, as ascertained by ballot, shall be requisite to insure an admission ; and, on the question being put, it shall be distinctly stated that the nomi- nation has not been approved by the committee. XIV. COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL ETHICS. Section 1. The Committee on Medical Ethics shall hear all complaints of violation of medical ethics on the part of any Fellow, and decide all questions of medical ethics sub- mitted to them by the Academy. They shall also notify to appear before them, any Fellow of the Academy against whom any charge may have been preferred, and furnish him with a copy of the same; his accuser being also cited to appear, the committee shall proceed to take testimony and hear the de- fense, reserving their decision to be reported to the Academy at the next stated meeting, when their action may be affirmed by a majority of the Fellows present; but the vote of three- fourths shall be required to reverse the decision of the com- mittee. Sec 2. Every charge against a Fellow of the Academy shall be made by a Fellow, and addressed to the Recording Secretary, under a sealed cover, with the words, " Charge against a Fellow," written upon it. The reception of such paper shall be announced to the Academy by the Secretary, who, after designating it by a number, shall hand the same over to the Committee on Medical Ethics. Sec 3. It shall be deemed a chargeable offense to counte- nance, encourage, or patronize—by advertising, giving certifi- cates, or in any other way whatever—an irregular practitioner, or the proprietor, or vender, of any nostrum, patent, or quack medicine; or to commit any act which unfavorably affects the character of the Medical Profession. By-Laws. 13 Sec 4. A three-fourths vote of the Fellows present shall be necessary to expel a member. Sec. 5. All questions of Ethics in other respects shall, as far as applicable, be adjudged in accordance with the Code of Ethics promulgated by the American Medical Association and adopted by the Academy. XV. COMMITTEE ON MEDICAL EDUCATION. The Committee on Medical Education shall have cog- nizance of the systems of medical instruction, private and public, in this city and State, as compared with such as. are elsewhere in use. They shall recommend such improvements in office-training and office-examinations, in text-books, in read- ing and in practical studies proper for the student, and in the public courses, theoretical and practical, at the colleges and hospitals, as may seem to them in keeping with the advances of medical knowledge and the exigencies of the profession. They shall notice any evasion or infringement of the laws of this State that may come to their knowledge in reference to the granting of degrees. They shall make, in other respects, such suggestions as seem to them worthy of attention for ren- dering our systems of medical education thorough, efficient, and satisfactory. They shall report at least once a year to the Academy. XVI. SECTIONS. Section I. Every newly-admitted Resident Fellow shall be assigned to a Section by the President, subject to a change by the Academy. Sec 2. The Sections shall bring before the Academy at its stated meetings, or as otherwise ordered, such matters as per- tain to the several departments respectively assigned to them, as subjects for discussion, or other action. They shall sever- ally examine and report on all papers, documents, instruments, apparatus, etc., submitted to them, and give a brief abstract of cases reported in the Sections. They shall severally appoint each year two or more Fellows to read original papers before the Academy. 14 By-Laws. XVII. ELECTIONS. Section 1. At the stated meeting previous to every an- nual election the President shall appoint two Fellows, who, together with the Assistant Secretary, shall constitute a Board of Inspectors, to receive the ballots, and the latter of whom shall record the names of all the voters. The poll shall be opened immediately after the reading of the minutes, on the evening of the election, and shall be kept open one hour, at the end of which time it shall be declared closed, and no votes shall thereafter be received. All the officers voted for shall be on one ballot. The Recording Secretary shall cause the names of all the nominees for each office to be printed on slips, two copies of which, together with a copy of this by-law, shall be sent to each Fellow with the notice of the election. No Fel- low whose annual dues remain unpaid shall be entitled to a vote. Sec 2. At the close of the poll the Inspectors shall imme- diately proceed to canvass the votes, and, if no choice shall have been made in any one or more of the offices, a new bal- loting for such officers as are still to be elected shall forthwith take place, the poll for which shall be kept open until all present, who may desire it, have voted, but not longer than thirty minutes. At the second and each succeeding ballot, the name of the candidate having the fewest votes shall be withdrawn. Sec 3. All the officers shall be elected by ballot, and by a majority vote of the Fellows present. Sec 4. Ballots folded in each other, blank votes, and votes cast for a Fellow not in regular nomination, shall be discarded. XVIII. FUNDS. Section 1. The Securities, Investments, and Funds of the Academy shall not be disposed of, or transferred, in whole, or in part, unless by approval of the Council and by a two- thirds vote of the Academy, and after notice given at a pre- vious meeting ; but bills, for current or contingent expenses, may be passed by a majority, at any stated meeting, without previous notice. By-Laws. 15 Sec 2. No Loan of the Funds shall be made except on United States or New York State Stocks, or bond and mort- gage. No Fellow, whose fellowship has been vacated, shall have a right, title, or claim to any portion of the funds or property of the Academy. No money shall be borrowed by the Academy, except on a vote of three-fourths of the Fellows present; and after one month's notice. XIX. DUES AND ASSESSMENTS. Section 1. Each Resident Fellow, on admission, shall pay an initiation-fee of five dollars. Sec 2. There shall be an annual assessment of five dol- lars, which shall be payable before the first day of March in each year. Any other assessments made by order of the Academy shall be payable within two months after the same is ordered. Sec 3. Any Fellow neglecting to pay his dues for two or more years shall forfeit his Fellowship, provided he shall have received one month's notice thereof from the Trustees. He shall then be summoned by the Recording Secretary to appear before the Academy after one week's notice, to show cause why his name should not be stricken from the roll of Fellows for the non-payment of dues; and, failing to do so, it shall be submitted to a vote, and, if sustained, the President shall then declare his Fellowship forfeited, and his name be erased from the roll, and the same be recorded on the Minutes. XX. SIGNING THE CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS. Section 1. Every duly-admitted Resident Fellow shall* affix his signature to the Constitution and By-Laws within two months after his election; and, in default thereof, said election shall be deemed void, unless a satisfactory excuse be given ; nevertheless, he may be renominated and reelected. Sec 2. No one admitted a Resident Fellow shall be enti- tled to the rights and privileges of fellowship until he shall have paid his initiation-fee and signed the Constitution and By-Laws. 16 By-Laws. XXI. INVITED GUESTS. Section 1. Any Resident Fellow may invite his profes- sional friends to attend the meetings of the Academy; and all Fellows not resident, distinguished physicians, or invited guests, present at a meeting, shall be introduced to the Presi- dent, and by him to the Academy, and their names entered on the Minutes. Sec 2. Any Fellow may, through the Chair, call on other Fellows, or upon invited guests, for the expression of their views and opinions on subjects under consideration. XXII. MANUSCRIPT ESSAYS AND PAPERS. Section 1. A copy of every Discourse, Memoir, or Med- ical Paper, read before the Academy, shall be kept in its archives by the Librarian. Sec 2. All memoirs of deceased Fellows shall be written on paper of uniform size and quality, furnished by the Council, and shall be bound in successive volumes for future reference. Sec 3. All papers read before the Academy shall be re- ferred to the Council. All matters for publication emanating from the Sections shall have the same reference. Sec 4. An author may publish his paper elsewhere than in the " Transactions " of the Academy, as having been read before the Academy; but, in that case, no extra copies will be afforded him at the expense of the Academy, should the Council also decide to publish the same. Sec 5. Of each paper published at length, by the Acad- emy alone, thirty extra copies may be printed for the author at the expense of the Academy. Sec 6. To secure the prompt publication of papers, a copy of each shall be handed to the Secretary immediately, or within five days after it is read. A failure to comply with this requirement may prevent the publication of the paper in extenso by the Academy, though the Council may at its option decide to print an abstract of it. The Secretary shall remind the reader of the paper of the preceding regulation before the adjournment of the meeting at which it was read. By-Laws. 17 Sec 7. Each Resident Fellow shall be entitled to one copy of all the publications of the Academy printed during the time for which his dues are paid ; each Corresponding and Honor- ary Fellow to one copy of the Transactions. XXXIII. ANNUAL REPORTS. Section 1. The following departments of the Academy shall present full reports annually of their doings to the Coun- cil at their meeting in November of each year, written on uniform paper, to be furnished by the Council: 1. Treasurer, audited. 2. Trustees, " 3. Recording Secretary, 4. Corresponding Secretary. 5. Statistical " 6. Librarian. 7. Committee on Education. 8. " " Admissions. 9. " " Ethics. 10. The Several Sections. All shall be signed by their respective officers, and, with the report of the Council, shall be read by the Recording Secretary or otherwise, at the first meeting in December of each year. Sec 2. All special committees shall write their reports on uniform paper as above, and which shall be bound into a vol- ume, so soon as sufficient shall have been accumulated, and placed in the Archives of the Academy. XXIV. RULES OF ORDER. Section 1. The following shall be the order of business at the stated meetings: 1. Reading the Minutes. 2. At the First Meeting in December, the Annual Reports and Nominations of Officers. At the First Meeting in January, the Annual Election. 3. Report of Committee on Admissions. 18 By-Laws. 4. Admission of new Fellows. 5. Reports of Sections in their order. 6. Reports by leave. 7. Reception of Professional and Scientific Intelligence. 8. Reading of Papers and Discourses. 9. Appointed Debates and Discussions. 10. Unfinished business. 11. New business. Sec 2. When a question is under debate, no motion shall be received, but to adjourn ; to lay on the table; for the pre- vious question ; to postpone; to refer; or to amend: which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are here arranged. The first three shall be decided with- out debate. Sec 3. When a blank is to be filled, the question shall be first taken on the highest number, the greatest sum, or long- est time proposed. Sec 4. Any Fellow may call for a division of a question when the sense will admit of it. Sec 5. The yeas and nays on any question, when called for by five Fellows present, shall be taken without debate and recorded on the Minutes. Sec 6. After any question has been decided, except one of indefinite postponement, any two Fellows who voted in the majority may, at the same or next stated meeting, move for a reconsideration thereof; without which no discussion shall be allowed. Sec 7. Every Fellow shall have the privilege of speaking once on any question under consideration; but not oftener, unless by permission of the Academy. Sec 8. Any Fellow, called to order while speaking, shall take his seat, and the debate be suspended until the point of order is settled. Sec 9. All questions of order shall be decided by the Chair, subject to an appeal, which shall be determined by vote, without debate. Sec 10. No motion shall be made while a Fellow is speaking; and in all cases the mover must rise and address the Chair. By-Laws. 19 Sec 11. All resolutions and amendments shall be offered in writing, when required. Sec 12. All questions of order, not provided for by these rules, shall be determined by parliamentar}'- usage. XXV. ALTERATIONS OF BY-LAWS. These By-Laws may be suspended by a three-fourths vote at a stated meeting. They may be repealed or amended by a similar vote, provided notice of the same has been given in writing at a previous stated meeting. 3 AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE, Passed June 23, 1851. The people of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: Section i. J. Kearney Rodgers, James Anderson, Galen Carter, Willard Parker, John H. Griscom, Ed- ward L. Beadle, Isaac Wood, James O. Pond, and John G. Adams, and such other persons as are now associated as the New York Academy of Medicine, or may hereafter become associated with therm are hereby constituted a body corporate, by the name of " The New York Academy of Medicine," for the purpose of promoting the advancement of Medical Science, by such means as to them shall ap- pear expedient and proper. Sec. 2. The said Corporation shall have power to make and adopt a Constitution and By-Laws, rules and regulations for the admission, suspension, and expul- sion of its members, and their government; the elec- tion of its officers, and define their duties; and for the safe keeping and protection of its property and funds, and, from time to time, to alter or repeal such Consti- tution, By-Laws, rules, and regulations. The present Act of Incorporation. 21 officers shall hold their respective offices until others shall be chosen in their places. Sec. 3. The said Corporation may purchase and hold any real or personal estate, the annual income of which shall not exceed five thousand dollars. Sec. 4. The said Corporation shall possess the general powers, and be subject to the general restric- tions and liabilities prescribed in the third title of the eighteenth chapter of the first part of the Revised Statutes. Sec. 5. The corporators, hereby incorporated, are authorized to appoint five* delegates, to represent them in the State Medical Society, with all the powers and privileges which delegates for the respective Medi- cal Colleges of this State possess. Sec. 6. The Legislature may at any time alter or repeal this act. State of New York, Secretary's Office. I certify, that I have compared the foregoing [l. s.] with an original law on file in this office, and that the same is a correct transcript therefrom, and of the whole of said original. Given under my hand and seal of office, at the city of Albany, this twenty-eighth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one. A. G. Johnson, Dep. Sec. of State. * Altered from one by Act of June 4, 1853. XEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICIXE. OFFICERS FOR 1875. President. SAMUEL S. PUEPLE, M. D. J 'ice-Presidents. SAMUEL T. HUBBARD, M. D., JOHN C. DALTON, M. D., GOUYERNEUR M. SMITH, M. D. Recordino" Secretary. WILLIAM T. WHITE, M. D. Cowespondiiig Secretary. JOHN G. ADAMS, M. D. Tret i surer. JAMES O. POND, M. D. Trustees. OLIYEE WHITE, M. D., ISAAC E. TAYLOE, M. D., EDMUND E. PEASLEE, M. D., JAMES L. BANKS, M. D., AUSTIN FLINT, M. D. Librarian. JOHN H. HINTON, M. D. Assistant Secretary. HORACE T. HANKS, M. D. Statistic ft ] Secret a ry. ALLAN MrL. HAMILTON. M. D. COMMITTEES FOR 1875. Committee on Admissions. JOHN H. HINTON, M. D., Chairman, GOUYERNEUR M. SMITH, M. D., ELLSWORTH ELIOT, M. D., EDWARD H. JANES, M. I)., MARK BLUMENTHAL, M D. Committee on Medical Ethics. JAMES ANDERSON, M. D., Chairman, JOHN 0. PETERS, M. D., ERNST KRACKOWIZER, M. I)., THOMAS C. FINNELL, M. D., TIMOTHY M. OHEESMAN, M. D. Committee on Medical FaTu cation. ALONZO CLARK, M. D., Chairman, FREDERICK A. BURRALL, M. D., ALFRED C. POST, M. D., JAMES R. LEAMING, M. D., EDMUND R, PEASLEE, M. I). (Unnmitbee on Ways and Means. JAMES ANDERSON, M. D., Chairman, WLLLARD PARKER, M. D., SAMUEL T. HUBBARD, M. D., .IARED LINSLY, M. D., ERNST KRACKOWIZER, M. D., JOHN G. ADAMS, M. D., STEPHEN SMITH, M. D., SAMUEL S. PURPLE, M. D., GOIYERNEUR M. SMITH, M. D., Sedry. FELLOWS NEW Y0KK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. INSTITUTED 184-7. UNA FIDES, ALTABE COMMUNE. EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS USED: P. President. V. P. Vice-President. R. S. Recording Secretary. C. S. Corresponding Secretary. T. Treasurer. L. Librarian. A. S. Assistant Recording Secretary. Trust. Trustee. U3p~ The figures following the words Trans, and Bui. denote the number of papers which have been contributed by the Fellows, and printed in the volumes of the " Transactions " and " Bulletin," already published by the Academy. Those marked thus * have deceased. MAY, 1874. Elected. Original. 1859. Original. 1867. 1864. 1847. Adams, John G-., M.D., R. S. 1850-'51; Trust. 1852. C. S., now in office. Agnew, Cornelius R., M. D., Clinical Professor of the Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, N. Y.; Surgeon to the Manhat- tan Eye and Ear Hospital, N. Y. Bui. 2. Anderson, James, M. D., P. 1861-'67. Trust. 1861-'74, now in office. Bui. 1. Anderson, James H., M. D., Surgeon to the Home for the Aged and Indigent Blind, N. Y. Anderson, William C, M. D., Surgeon to S. R. Smith Infirmary, Edgewater, Stapleton, Staten Island, N. Y. Andrews, Jarvis M., M. D. 24 Fellows of the Academy. Arnold, E. S. F., M. D., Newport, R. I. Bahan, Thomas S., M. D., late Physician to the Northern Dispensary, N. Y. Ball, A. Brayton, M. D., Lecturer on Diseases of the Kidneys in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y. Banks, James L., M. D., Physician to the Presbyterian Hospital; Consulting Physician to the Presbyterian Home for Aged Women, New York. Trust. 1867, now in office. Barker, B. Fordyce, M. D., Professor of Clinical Mid- wifery and Diseases of Women in Bellevue Hospital Medical College; Physician to Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. V. P. 1857. Trans. 5; Bui. 3. Original. * Barker, Luke, M. D., Obit. 13th December, 1849, cet. 59. 1854. Barry, Robert A., M. D. 1862. Barstow, Josiah W., M. D., Physician to Sandford Hall Insane Asylum, Flushing, L. I. Original. * Batchelder, John P., M. D., late Professor of Surgery in Berkshire Medical Institution, Pittsfield, Mass.; P. 1858 ; V. P. 1851-'52. Obit. 7th April, 1868, cet. 82. 1868. Bayles, George, M. D., Physician to Northwestern Dis- pensary, N. Y. Original. Beadle, EdwIrd L, M. D., Vice-President of the Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y., late Phy- sician to the New York Lying-in Asylum; V. P. 1853-'57; Trust. 1851; C. S. l850-'52. Original. Beales, John C, M. D., Consulting Physician to the Presbyterian Home for Aged Women. Original. * Beals, Gorham, M. D., Physician to the New York Dis- pensary, Obit. 9th January, 1848, ait. 29. 1870. Beard, George M., M. D., Physician to the Demilt Dis- pensary, N. Y. Bui. 1. Original. * Beck, John B., M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Medical Jurisprudence in the College of Physicians and Surgeons; V. P. 1847 and 1848. Obit. 9th April, 1851, cet. 56. Original. * Bedford, Gunning S., M. D., Professor of Obstetrics in the University of the City of New York. Obit. 5th September, 1870, cet. 64. 1862. Belden, Ebenezer B., M. D. 1863. Bell, Agrippa N., M. D., Physician to the Brooklyn City Hospital, Brooklyn, L. I. Bui. 2. Elected. 1862. 1865. 1867. 1862. 1854. Fellows of the Academy. 25 Elected. 1871. Bell, Christopher M., M. D., Curator of New York Hospital. Bui. 1. 1864. *Bibbins, William B., M. D., Physician to the Demilt Dispensary; Trust. 1867-"71. Obit. 16th January, 1871, cet. 46. 1871. Billington, Cornelius E., M. D., Physician to the De- milt Dispensary, N. Y. 1872. Blake, John Ellis, M. D. Original. Blakeman, William N., M. D. Original. * Bliss, James C, M. D., V. P. 1850. Obit. 12th August, 1855, cet. 64. Original. Bliven, Jeremiah P., M. D. Original. * Blois, Samuel, M. D., Obit. 19th October, 1873. 1871. Blume, Samuel, M. D. 1857. Blumenthal, Mark, M. D., President of the Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes, N. Y. Bui. 1. 1873. Bogert, Cornelius R., M. D., Medical Examiner of the New York Life Insurance Company. Original. * Bolton, Jackson, M. D., V. P. 1856 ; R. S. 1852. Obit. 16th February, 1866, cet. 51. 1848. * Booraem, Augustus C, M. D., Obit. 16th December, 1871, cet. 46. Original. * Boyd, Thomas, M. D., Obit. 18th March, 1856. 1869. Bozeman, Nathan, M. D. 1847. * Brady, Patrick J., M. D., Obit. 23d October, 1856, cet. 42. 1852. * Brooks, George W., M. D., Obit. 1853. 1863. Brown, D. Tilden, M. D., Physician to the Blooming-i dale Asylum for the Insane, N. Y. 1867. * Brown, James L., M. D., Physician to the Demilt Dispen- sary, N. Y. Obit. 4th February, 1873, cet. 42. Trans. 1. 1848. Brown, William K, M. D., Brooklyn, L. I. 1848. Brueninghausen, Charles, M. D. Original. Buck, Gurdon, M. D., Surgeon to the New York Hos- pital ; Consulting Surgeon to St. Luke's Hospital, N. Y.; C. S. 1848; V. P. 1852, 1856, 1859, 1860. Trans. 6 ; Bui. 8. 1855. Budd, Charles A., M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children in the Univer- sity of the City of New York; Physician to Charity and Mt. Sinai Hospitals, N. Y. Bui. 1. Original. * Bulkley, Henry D., M. D., Physician to the New York Hospital; P. 1870-'7l; V. P. 1862-'68 ; Trust. 1871. Obit. 4th January, 1872, cet. 68. But. 2. Fellows of the Academy. 1874. Bulkley, Lucius D., M. D., Physician to the Union Dis- pensary, New York. 1848. *Bullus, Edward S., M. D., Obit. 25th September, 1854, cet. 50. 1856. Bumstead, Freeman J., M. D., late Professor of Materia, Medica in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. Bui. 1. 1861. Burke, John, M. D. 1865. Burrall, Frederick A, M. D., Physician to the Pres- byterian Home for Aged Women, New York. 1859. Burtsell, Thomas E., M. D., Physician to St. Vincent Hospital, New York. 1854. Byrne, John, M. D., Surgeon-in-Chief to St. Mary's Hos- pital for Women, Brooklyn, L. I. Bui. 1. Original. * Cameron, James, M. D., Obit. 12th December, 1851, cet. 66. 1862. * Cammann, George P., M. D., late Physician to the Demilt Dispensary ; Consulting Physician to St. Luke's Hos- pital, N. Y. Obit. 16th February, 1863, cet. 59. Original. * Campbell, James, M. D., Obit. 12th March, 1853, cet. 59. 1869. Caro, Salvatore, M. D. 1858. * Carringtost, William A., M. D., Obit. 17th July, 1866. Original. * Carter, Galen, M. D, V. P. 1849-'52; Trust. 1851. Obit. 2d March, 1870, cet. 74. 1869. Chadsey, Alonzo J., M. D. 1847. Chalmers, Thomas C, M. D., Ex-surgeon to New York Hospital. 1862. Chamberlain, William M., M. D., Physician to the De- milt Dispensary, N. Y.; Physician to the Charity Hospital, N. Y.; R. S. 1865-'68. Original. * Chapin, John R., M. D., Obit. 23d June, 1852, cet. 41. 1872. Chauveau, Jean F., M. D. 1847. * Cheeseman, John C, M. D., late Surgeon to New York Hospital. Obit. 11th November, 1862, cet. 75. 1871. Cheeseman, Timothy Matlack, M. D. 1865. *Childs, Timothy, M. D., Professor of Anatomy in Belle- vue Hospital Medical College. Obit. 3d September, 1865, cet. 42. 1856. Church, Allen S., M. D. Trans. 1; Bui. 1. 1859. * Churchill, Charles W., M. D., Obit. 27th October, 1859. Fellows of the Academy. 27 Elected. 1856. Clark, Alonzo, M. D., LL. D., Professor of Pathology and Practice of Medicine in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y.; Physician to Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. Bui. 2. 1870. Clark, James G., M. D., W. New Brighton, S. I., N. Y. Original. Clarkson, Cornelius V., M. D. Original. Clements, James W. G., M. D., Physician to the New York Institution for the Blind. 1859. * Cochran, George, M. D., Surgeon to the Brooklyn City Hospital, Brooklyn, L. I. Obit. 9th November, 1872, cet. 41. 1871. Coles, J. Ackerman, M. D., Scotch Plains, N. J. 1854. * Conant, David S., M. D., Professor of Surgery in the University of Vermont; Surgeon to the Demilt Dis- pensary, N. Y. Obit. 8th October, 1865, cet. 40. Trans. 1. 1864. * Connolly, John J., M. D., Physician to St. Vincent Hos- pital, N. Y. Obit. 18th June, 1873, ait. 36. Original. * Cooper, James S., M. D., Physician to the Home for Aged and Respectable Indigent Females, N. Y. Obit. 11th April, 1867, cet. 50. Original. * Covel, John C, M. D., Physician to the New York City Prison. Obit. 4th November, 1860, ait. 64. 1862. * Cox, Henry G., M. D., Professor of the Theory and Prac- tice of Medicine in New York Medical College. Obit. 29th May, 1865, cet. 47. 1870. Crampton, Henry E., M. D. 1849. Crane, James, M. D., Physician to the Brooklyn City Hospital, Brooklyn, L. I. 1847. Crane, John J., M. D., Surgeon to Bellevue Hospital; Surgeon to the Presbyterian Hospital, N. Y. 1866. Crane, Joseph S., M. D., late Physician to the New York Lying-in Asylum. 1851. * Creveling, Abraham, M. I)., Obit. 28th April, 1853, cet. 39. 1868. * Dalton, Edward B., M. D., late Surgeon of, and Medical Director of U. S. Volunteers. Obit. 13th May, 1872, ait. 37. 1856. Dalton, John C, M. D., Professor of Physiology and Microscopic Anatomy in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y.; Orator, 1873; V. P., now in office. Trans. 6. 1867. Dana, Samuel W., M. D., Physician to New York Dis- pensary. 2S Fellows of the Academy. Original. Davis, John, M. D. Original. Delafield, Edward, M. D., President of, and Professor Emeritus of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y.; Consulting Physician to St. Luke's and New York State Woman's Hospitals, N. Y. 1859. Derby, Edward W., M. D., late Physician to the Eastern Dispensary, N. Y. Original. Detmold, William, M. D., Professor Emeritus of Military and Clinical Surgery in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y.; V. P. 1853 to 1856 ; Orator, 1856. Trans. 1; Bui. 5. 1860. *Donaghe, William R., M. D., late Lecturer on Surgical Anatomy and Venereal Diseases in the University of the City of New York. Obit. 18th July, 1866, cet. 36. 1856. Douglass, John H., M. D. 1848. * Douglass, Robert, M. D., Obit. 25th July, 1861, cet. 47. Original. Downs, Henry S., M. D. Original. * Drake, Benjamin, M. D., late President New York County Medical Society, C. S. 1847. Obit. 11th Jan- uary, 1871, cet. 65. Draper, John C, M. D., Professor of Chemistry in the University of the City of New York. Trans. 1; Bui. 1. Draper, William H., M. D., Clinical Professor of the Diseases of the Skin in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y.; Physician to Roosevelt Hospital, N. Y. Bui. 6. Dudley, William H, M. D., Physician to the Brooklyn City Hospital, Brooklyn, L. I. *Dwight, William W., M. D, Obit. 11th July, 1861. *Earle, Edward, M. D., Obit. 21st August, 1849. Elder, Alexander, M. D., late Physician to the Demilt Dispensary, N. Y. Eliot, Elsworth, M. D., President of the New York County Medical Society. Elliot, Frederic, M. D. * Elliot, George T., M. D., Professor of Obstetrics in Bellevue Hospital Medical College; Physician to Bellevue Hospital. Obit. 28th January, 1871, cet. 43. Trans. 1 ; Bui. 2. 1863. 1858. 1847. 1847. 1847. 1851. 1858. 1856. 1858. Fellows of the Academy. 29 Elected. 1870. Ellis, Henry A., M. D. Original. Ellis, Samuel C, M. D. 1872. Elsberg, Louis, M. D., Clinical Professor of the Diseases of the Throat in the University of the City of New York. Trans. 2. 1856. Emmet, Thomas Addis, M. D., Surgeon to the New York State Woman's Hospital, N. Y. Original. * Enos, DeWitt C, M. D., Professor of Anatomy in the Long Island Hospital College; Surgeon to the Brook- lyn City Hospital, Brooklyn, L. I. Obit. 4th Decem- ber, 1868, ait. 48. 1867. Farley, James L., M. D., Brooklyn, New York. 1864. Farnham, Horace, P., M. D., late Physician to the Northern Dispensary, N. Y. Original. * Ferguson, John T., M. D., Obit. 11th October, 1859. 1847. * Ferris, Floyd T., M. D., Obit. 6th November, 1855, cet. 62. 1855. Finnell, Thomas C, M. D., late Demonstrator of Anat- omy in the University of the City of New York; Sur- geon to St. Vincent's Hospital, N. Y. Bui. 1. 1847. *Fisk, Lyman, M. D., Obit. 1st August, 1859, cet. 36. 1847. Fitch, James D., M. D., Consulting Physician to the Col- ored Home for Indigent and Aged, N. Y. 1862. Flint, Austin, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine and Clinical Medicine in Belle- vue Hospital Medical College; Physician to Belle- vue Hospital, N. Y.; Orator 1868; V.P. 1871 and 1872; P. 1873, and now in office. Trans. 2; Bui. 3. 1862. Flint, Austin, Jr., M. D., Professor of Physiology in Bellevue Hospital Medical College; Physician to Belle- vue Hospital, N. Y. 1870. Foster, Frank P., M. D., Physician to the New York Dispensary, N.Y. Trans. 1. Original. Foster, Joel, M. D., V. P. 1859 to 1862; Trust. 1862 to 1866. Original. * Foster, Samuel Conant, M. D., late Physician to Belle- vue Hospital, N. Y.; R. S. 1855 and 1856 ; V. P. 1858 and 1859; Orator 1861 and 1862. Obit. 18th April, 1873, ait. 57. Trans. 1. 1856. *Foy, Michael E.,M. D., Surgeon of the 38th Regiment New York Volunteers. Obit. 9th June, 1861. 30 Fellows of the Academy. Elected. Original. * Francis, John W., M. D., late Professor of Obstetrics and Medical Jurisprudence in Rutgers Medical College, N.Y.; Orator 1847; V. P. 1847; P.-1848. Obit. 8th February, 1861, cet. 72. 1863. Francis, Samuel W., M. D., Newport, R. I. 1871. Frankell, Edward, M. D., Physician to the New York and Eastern Dispensaries. 1864. Freeman, N. Marston, M. D., Physician to the Yorkville Dispensary, New York. 1870. Frothingham, William, M. D. 1871. Fuller, Robert M., M. D. 1865. Furman, G., M. D. 1869. Gallatin, Albert H, M. D., Professor of Analytical Chemistry in Cooper Institute, N. Y. Trans. 1. Original. \ Gardner, A. K, M. D. Trans. 3 ; Bui. 2. Original. Garrish, John P., M. D., late Physician to the New York Ophthalmic Hospital, N. Y. 1870. Gay, Harvey S., M. D., late Physician to the New York Lying-in Asylum. 1848. Gescheidt, Anthony, M. D., Hastings-on-the-Hudson, N.Y. 1863. Gilfillan William, M. D., Professor of Therapeutics and Materia Medica in Long Island Hospital Medical Col- lege, Brooklyn, L. I. 1847. * Gilford, Jacob T., M. D., Obit. 11th June, 1869, cet. 63. 1856. Gomez, Horatio, M. D., late Physician to the New York Dispensary, N. Y. 1856. Gouley, John Wm. S., M. D., late Professor of Clinical Surgery, and Genito-Urinary Diseases, in the Univer- sity of the City of New York; Surgeon to Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. 1847. * Graham, John, M. D., Obit. 20th May, 1847, cet. 47. 1848. * Green, David, M. D., Obit. 18th October, 1856, ait. 60. Original. * Green, Horace, M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in New York Medical College. Obit. 29th November, 1866, est. 63. Trans. 1. Original. * Greene, Isaac, M. D., Obit. 3d July, 1854, cet. 38. Original. * Griscom, John H, M. D., late Physician to New York Hospital; Orator 1854 ; V. P. 1854. Obit. 28th April, 1874, cet. 64. Trans. 1; But. 4. 1872. Griswold, Henry, M. D. t Suspended. Fellows of the Academy. 31 Elected. 1847. '* Guernsey, Peter B., M. D., Croton Falls, N. Y. Obit. 26th November, 1873. 1847. *Gunn, Alexander N., M. D., late Health Officer of the Port of New York. Obit. 20th December, 1871, ait. 60. Hackley, Charles E., M. D., Physician to New York Hospital. Hall, Edwards, M. D. Hall, Samuel, M. D., late Physician to the New York Dispensary. Original. * Halsted, Jonathan, M. D., Obit. 10th April, 1856, cet. 39. 1873. Hamilton, Allan McL., Physician to New York State Hospital for Diseases of the Nervous System, N. Y. 1864. Hamilton, Frank H, M. D., Professor of Military Sur- gery in Bellevue Hospital Medical College; Surgeon to Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. Bui. 2. 1874. Hanks, Horace T., M. D., Physician to the Demilt Dis- pensary, New York; A. S., now in office. 1857. Harris, Elisha, M. D., Registrar of Vital Statistics of the Health Department of the City of New York. Bui. 3. 1859. *Harsen, Jacob, M.D., Trust. 1862. Obit. 31st Decem- ber, 1862, cet. 55. 1869. Hart, Charles A., M. D. Original. * Hart, John, M. D., Obit. 9th August, 1867, cet. 57. 1865. *Hazlett, John, M. D., Obit. 4th March, 1870, cet. 53. 1865. Hedges, David A., M. D., Consulting Physician of the Northwestern Dispensary, N. Y. 1871. Henry, Morris H., M. D., Surgeon-in-Chief to the New York State Emigrants' Hospital, N. Y. 1847. *Henschel, Charles, M. D., late President of the New York Obstetrical Society. Obit. 18th September, 1872, ait. 62. 1867. Herrick, Everett, M. D. 1857. Herzog, Max, M.D., late Physician to the German Dis- pensary, N. Y. Bui. 1. 1863. *Hewit, Henry S., M. D., Lecturer on Surgery in the University of the City of New York; Surgeon to Charity Hospital, N. Y. Obit. 19th August, 1873, cet. 47. Bui. 1. 1856. Heywood, Charles R, M. D., Physician to St. Luke's Hospital, N. Y.; R. S. 1857 and 1858. 1867. Original. Original. 32 Fellows of the Academy. Elected. 1856. Hinton, John H., M. D., late Lecturer on Surgery in the University of the City of New York; R. S. 1861 to 1865 ; L., now in office. 1854. Hirsch, Simon, M. D. Original. * Hobart, William H., M. D., Obit. 21st January, 1857, ait. 53. 1847. * Hogan, Daniel M., M. D., Obit. 1849. 1871. Hogan, Edward J., M. D. 1867. Hogan, Michael, M. D. 1854. Holcombe, William F., M. D., R. S. 1856. Original. * Horsfield, Thomas W., M. D., Obit. 1868. 1866. Howard, Benjamin, M. D., Professor of Clinical and Operative Surgery in Long Island Hospital College; Professor of Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs in the University of Vermont. 1872. Howe, Joseph W., M. D., Professor of Clinical Surgery, and Demonstrator of Anatomy, in the University of the City of New York; Surgeon to Charity Hospital, N. Y. Original. Hubbard, Samuel T., M. D., late President New York County Medical Society; V. P. 1873, now in office; C.S. 1853 to 1858; Trust. 1862 to 1873. 1874. Hudson, E. Darwin, Jr., M. D. 1866. Hull, John J., M. D., Surgeon to St. Luke's Hospital, N. Y.; Physician to the Nursery and Child's Hos- pital, N. Y. 1867. Humphreys, George H., M. D. 1849. * Hunter, Abraham T., M. D., Obit. 1st August, 1849, cet. 52. 1866. Husted, Nathaniel C, M. D. Original. * Hutchinson, Eugene F., M. D., Physician to the New York Dispensary. Obit. 2d March, 1848, ait. 24. 1857. Hutchinson, Joseph C, M. D., late Professor of Opera- tive Surgery in Long Island Hospital College; Sur- geon to Brooklyn Citv Hospital, Brooklyn, L. I.; V. P. 1869 to 1873. Trans. 1. 1848. *Hyslop, James, M.D., Obit. 17th May, 1870, cet. 53. 1850. * Isaacs, Charles E., M. D., Brooklyn, L. I., V. P. 1858. Obit. 16th June, 1860, cet. 48. Trans. 4. Original. Ives, George W., M. D. Original. Ives, John, M. D. Original. Jackson, William H., M. D. Fellows of the Academy. 33 Elected. 1857. Jacobi, Abraham, M. D., Professor of the Diseases of Chil- dren in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y.; Physician to the German Hospital, N. Y. Bui. 1. 1853. Janes, Edward H, M. D., Professor of Hygiene in the Woman's Medical College, N. Y. ; R. S.*1868 to 18,71. 1867. Janvrin, Joseph E., M. D., Physician to the Demilt Dis- pensary, N. Y. 1852. Jenkins, J. Foster, M. D., Physician to St. John's River- side Hospital, Yonkers, N. Y. 1855. * Johnson, William S., M. D., Obit. 22d September, I860. Original. * Johnston, Frank U., M. D., Physician to the New York Hospital; V. P. 1847. Obit. 7th January, 1858, cet. 61. 1856. Jones, E. Lee, M. D. 1847. Jones, William W., M. D., Physician to St. Luke's Hos- pital, N. Y. 1872. Judson, Adoniram B., M. D. 1857. Kammerer, Joseph, M. D., Professor of Diseases of Women and Children in the University of the City of New York. Trans. 1; Bui. 2. Original. * Kearney, Ravaud, M. D., Obit. 1850. Original. *Keene, Stephen S., M. D., Obit. 1850. 1847. Kennedy, James, M. D., late President of the New York County Medical Society. 1863. Kerrigan, Joseph A., M. D., Surgeon to St. Vincent Hospital, N. Y. Original. Kilbourne, J. Sage, M. D. 1854. * Kimbark, Everett H., M. D., Obit. 29th August, 1872, cet. 53. 1851. * Kingsbury, George H., M. D., Obit. 4th May, 1852, cet. 31. Original. * Kissam, Richard S., M. D., late Professor of Surgery in Castleton Medical College, Vt.; Trust. 1853' to 1860. Obit. 28th November, 1861, cet. 53. 1854. Krackowizer, Ernst, M. D., Surgeon to the New York Hospital; Surgeon to the German Hospital, N. Y. Trans. 1; Bui. 2. 1865. Lawrence, Jonathan S., M. D. 1869. Leale, Charles A., M. D., late Surgeon in charge of Officers' Wards, and Executive Officer U. S. Army General Hospital, Washington; late Physician to the Northwestern Dispensary, N. Y. Trans. 2. 34 Fellows of the Academy. Elected. 1854. Leaming, James R., M. D., Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine in the Woman's Medical College, N. Y.; Physician to St. Luke's Hospital, N. Y. Trans. 1; Bui. 3. 1869. Lee, Charles C, M. D., Surgeon to Charity Hospital, N. Y. 1874. Lefferts, George M., M. D., Physician to the Demilt Dispensary, N. Y. 1872. Leo, Simon N., M. D., Physician to the Home for Aged Hebrews. 1850. *Leo Wolfe, George, M. D., Obit. 14th March, 1855, ait. 40. Original. Leo Wolfe, Morris, M. D. 1851. *Leveridge, Benjamin C, M. D., Obit. 16th April, 1862, cet. 63. 1856. Lidell, John A., M. D., late Surgeon to Bellevue Hos- pital, N. Y. Trans. 1. Original. Linsly, Jared, M. D., Consulting Physician to the New York Lying-in Asylum and to the New York Dispen- sary. Trust. 1865 to 1870. 1854. Little, James L., M. D., Lecturer on Operative Surgery in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y.; Surgeon to St. Luke's Hospital, N. Y. 1855. Livingston, Watts C, M. D., late Physician to Demilt Dispensary, N. Y. 1861. *Loines, Jonas P., M. D., Vaccine Physician to the East- ern Dispensary, N. Y. Obit. 15th December, 1873. 1863. Loomis, Alfred L., M. D., Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Medicine in the University of the City of New York; Physician to Bellevue and Charity Hos- pitals, N. Y. Trans. 1; Bui. 3. 1869. Loring, Edward G., M. D., Consulting Surgeon to the Brooklyn Eye and Ear Hospital. Trans. 1. 1871. Lusk, William T., M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women in Bellevue Hospital Medical College, N. Y.; Physician to the Bellevue and Charity Hospitals, N. Y. 1847. * Lyon, James L., M. D., Obit. 24th December, 1858, cet. 50. 1864. MacGregor, James R., M. D. 1857. * McAllister, George, M. D., Obit. 29th July, 1864, cet. 37. 1866. McClellan, Christopher R., M. D. Original. McClelland, John, M. D., late Physician to the New York City Lunatic Asylum. Fellows of the Academy. 35 Elected. Original. McCready, Benjamin W., M. D., late Professor of Materia Medica in Bellevue Hospital Medical College. 1847. * McDonald, James, M. D., late Physician to Bloomingdale Lunatic Asylum, N. Y. Obit. 5th May, 1849, cet. 45. 1857. McLeod, S. B. Wylie, M. D., late Physician to the New York Lying-in Asylum. 1865. McMillan, Charles, M. D., Physician to the Orphan Asylum of the Protestant Episcopal Church, N. Y. 1847. * McNeven, William H., M. D., late Physician to the New York Dispensary, N. Y. Obit. 12th May, 1854, cet. 38. 1848. McNulty, John, M. D.; late Surgeon U. S. Volunteers. Bui. 1. Original. * Manley, James R., M. D., late Lecturer on Obstetrics in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y.; V. P. 1849; Orator 1848. Obit. 21st November, 1857, cet. 70. Original. Markoe, Thomas M., M. D., Professor of Surgery in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y.; Surgeon to Bellevue and Roosevelt Hospitals, N. Y.; L. 1847. Bui. 1. 1847. * Martin, Joseph, M. D., Obit. 26th April, 1864. Bui. 2. 1872. Martin, T. Dwight, M. D. Original. * Marvin, Daniel D., M. D., Obit. 21st October, 1852, cet. 40. 1872, Mason, John J., M. D. 1847. Maxwell, William H, M. D., Consulting Surgeon to the New York Dispensary. Original. * Meikleham, David S., M. D., Obit. 20th November, 1849. Original. Metcalfe, John T, M. D., Professor of Clinical Medicine in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y.; Consulting Physician to St Luke's and Roosevelt Hos- pitals, N. Y. Trans. 1 ; Bui. 2. 1848. * Miller, John, M. D., Obit. 13th January, 1863, cet. 56. 1848. * Miller, Wm. Ellison, M. D., Obit. 11th January, 1852, cet. 48. 1848. * Miner, William, M. D., Obit. 16th November, 1859, cet. 45. Original. * Miner, William W., M. D., V. P. 1848. Obit. 20th March, 1863, cet. 83. 1847. Mitchell, Chauncey L.,M. D., late Professor of Obstet- rics in Castleton Medical College, Vt.; Consulting Physician to St. Mary's Hospital, Brooklyn, L. I. 4 36 Fellows of the Academy. 1852. Monell, Joseph A., M. D. 1871. Monell, Joseph S., M. D. 1848. * Moore, Samuel W., M. D., late Physician to the N. Y. Hospital. Obit. 25th August, 1854, cet. 68. 1849. * Moran, Thomas, M. D., Obit. 1853. 1870. Morris, Moreau, M. D., late Sanitary Inspector of the Health Department of the City of New York. 1870. Morris, Stuyvesant R, M. D., Sanitary Inspector of the Health Department of the City of New York. 1869. Morton, Jeremiah C, M. D. 1874. Mosher, Jacob, M. D., Tompkinsville, S. I. Original. * Mott, Valentine, M. D., LL. D., Professor of Surgery in the University of the City of New York ; Consulting Surgeon to New York and Bellevue Hospitals; P. 1849 and 1857. Obit. 26th April, 1865, cet. 79. Trans. 4. 1871. Neftel, William B., M. D. 1848. * Neilson, John, M. D., Obit. 19th June, 1857, cet. 82. 1852. Nelson, James B., M. D. 1874. Nesmith, Robert D., M. D. 1847. Nichols, Elias S., M. D. 1859. Nichols, Truman, M. D. 1873. Nicoll, Henry D., M. D., Physician to the Northern Dis- pensary, N. Y. 1861. Noeggerath, Emil, M. D., late Professor of Clinical Midwifery in New York Medical College; Physician to the German Hospital, N. Y. Bui. 2. 1871. * Nott, Josiah Clark, M. D., late Professor of Surgery in Mobile Medical College. Obit. 31st March, 1873, cet. 69. 1862. Noyes, Henry D., M. D., Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology in Bellevue Hospital Medical College, N. Y.; Surgeon to the New York Eye and Ear In- firmary. Bui. 2. Original. * Ogden, Benjamin, M. D., late Physician to the Blooming- dale Asylum for the Insane ; Consulting Physician to St. Luke's Hospital, N. Y.; Trust. 1853 to 1859, 1861. Obit. 18th June, 1867, cet. 70. 1862. Ordronaux, John, M. D., late Professor of Medical Juris- prudence in Law School of Columbia College ; Orator 1865. 1873. Orton, Samuel H., M. D. Fellows of the Academy. 37 Elected. 1861. Otis, Fessenden N, M. D., Professor of Venereal Dis- eases in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y. 1870. O'Meagher, William, M. D., late Physician to the New York Dispensary. 1857. * O'Reilly, John, M. D., Obit. 6th December, 1868, cet. 56. Trans. 1. 1855. O'Sullivan, Richard J., M. D., Consulting Physician to the Eastern Dispensary, N. Y. 1871. Packard, Charles W., M. D., Physician to St. Luke's Hospital, N. Y. 1864. Paine, Martyn, M. D., LL. D., Emeritus Professor of the Institutes of Medicine and Materia Medica in the Uni- versity of the City of New York. 1857. Palmer, Lucius N., M. D., Physician to the Williams- burgh Dispensary, Brooklyn, L. I. 1869. Pardee, Charles I., M. D., Lecturer on Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the University of the City of New York. 1873. Parigot, Julius, M. D. Bui. 2. Original. Parker, Willard, M. D., Ptofessor of Clinical Surgery in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y.; Consulting Surgeon to the New York, Bellevue, and Presbyterian Hospitals, N. Y.; Trust. 1851; V. P. 1853; P. 1856. Bui. 2. 1847. * Parkinson, William B., M. D., Physician to the New York Dispensary. Obit. 11th May, 1856, cet. 45. 1847. * Paul, James C, M. D., Obit. 5th May, 1859. 1858. Peaslee, Edmund R., M. D., LL. D., late Professor of Anatomy in the New York Medical College ; Professor of the Diseases of Women in Albany Medical College, N. Y.; Surgeon to the New York State Woman's Hospital, N. Y.; Orator 1858; V. P. 1868 to 1871 ; P. 1871 and 1872. Trans. 3; Bui. 5. Original. *Pennell, Richard, M. D., Obit. 11th April, 1861, cet. 62. 1850. Peters, George A., M. D., Surgeon to St. Luke's Hos- pital, N. Y.; A. S. 1852. 1870. Peters, John C, M. D., President of the New York Medi- cal Journal Association. Trans. 1. 1874. Peugnet, Eugene, M. D. Original. * Phillips, Samuel B., Obit. 3d March, 1857, cet. 54. Original. * Piatt, William F., M. D, Obit. 6th May, 1848, wt. 42. 1867. Pinckney, Howard, M. D., Assistant Surgeon to the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, N. Y. 38 Fellows of the Academy. 1873. Polk, William M., M. D. 1865. Pomeroy, Oren D, M. D., Surgeon to the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, N. Y. ; Physician to the Northern Dispensary, N. Y. Original. Pond, James 0., M. D, T. 1848 to 1874, now in office. 1867. Pooley, Thomas R., M. D, Surgeon to Riverside Hos- pital, Yonkers, N. Y.; Surgeon to Charity Hospital, N.Y. 1856. * Porter, Mortimer G., M. D., Obit. 24th November, 1863, cet. 37. Bui. 1. 1847. Post, Alfred C, M. D., Professor of Surgery in the University of the City of New York; Consulting Surgeon to the New York Hospital; Orator 1849; VP. 1861 to 1866; P. 1869. Bui. 4. . 1870. Post, William, H. B., M. D, Inspector of the Health Department of the City of New York; A. S. 1871 to 1874. Original. * Power, William, M. D., Obit. 14th September, 1858, cet. 60. Original. * Pratt, Peter, M. D., Obit. 1860, cet. 52. 1861. Prince, ChrisIopher, M. D., late Surgeon New York Police. Bui. 2. 1871. Purdy, Alfred E. M., M. D., late Surgeon New York Police. Original. Purdy, Alfred S., M. D. 1866. Purdy, James W., M. D. Original. Purdy, Samuel A., M. D., R. S. 1853 and 1854. Original. Purple, Samuel S., M. D., Honorary Member of the Medical Society of the State of New York; late Physician to the New York Dispensary; V. P. 1872 to 1874, now in office. Trans. 1. 1847. Putnam, Frederick A., M. D. 1851. Randolph, Israel, M. D. 1850. Ranney, Evander W., M. D. 1863. Ranney, Henry D., M. D. 1859. Ranney, Lafayette, M. D. 1851. * Ranney, Moses H., Physician to the New York City Lunatic Asylum. Obit. 7th December, 1864, cet. 50. Bui. 1. 1856. Raphael, Benjamin J., M. D., late Professor of Surgery in New York Medical College; Surgeon to Mount Sinai Hospital, N. Y. Fellows of the Academy. 39 Elected. 1859. *Ray, Robert, Jr., M. D., Obit. 3d July, 1860, cet. 27. Original. * Reese, David Meredith, M. D., late Professor of the Principles of Surgery in Castleton Medical College. Obit. 13th May, 1861, cet. 60. 1872. Reinfelder, Max J., M. D. 1866. Reynolds, James B., M. D., Physician to the Nurserv and Child's Hospital, N. Y. 1855. Richards, Joseph W., M. D. 1874. Roberts, Nathan S., M. D. Original. * Roberts, William C, late Physician to the Northern Dispensary, N. Y.; Orator 1859, V. P. 1870 to 1873. Obit. 9th December, 1873, cet. 63. Bui. 6. Original. * Robeson, Abel B., Physician to Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. Obit. 22d March, 1853, cet. 36. 1872. Robie, John W., M. D., Physician to the Masonic Board of Relief, New York. 1869. Rockwell, Alphonzo D., M. D. Bui. 1. 1873. Rodenstein, Charles F., M. D., Physician to the New York Catholic Protectory, Fordham, N. Y. 1862. Rodenstein, Louis A., M. D. Original. *Rodgers, John Kearny, M. D, Surgeon to the New York Hospital; V. P. 1848 to 1851; Trust. 1851. Obit. 9th November, 1851, cet. 59. 1847. * Rogers, J. Smyth, M. D., late Professor of Materia Medica in the New York College of Pharmacy. Obit. 29th March, 1851, cet. 57. 1867. Rogers, Stephen, M. D., Surgeon to the Demilt Dispen- sary, N. Y. Bui. 2. 1872. Roof, Stephen W., M. D. 1865. Roosa, D. B. St. John, M. D., Clinical Professor of the Diseases of the Eye and Ear in the University of the City of New York; Surgeon to the Manhattan Eye and Ear Hospital, N. Y. Bui. 1. 1862. Rosenberg, Emil, M. D., Physician to the German Dis- pensary, N. Y. 1858. Ross, James, M. D., late Physician to the Northern Dis- pensary, N. Y. 1871. Russel, Charles P., M. D., Registrar of Vital Statistics of the Health Department of the City of New York. Trans. 2. Original. Sabine, Gustavus A., M. D., Consulting Physician to the New York State Woman's Hospital, N. Y. 1873. Satterlee, F. Le Roy, M. D., Professor of Chemistry, 4:0 Fellows of the Academy. Elected. Materia Medica, and Therapeutics in the New York College of Dentistry. 1864. Satterlee, Richard S., M. D., Brigadier-General U. S. Army. Original. Sayre, Lewis A., M. D, Professor of Orthopedic Surgery in Bellevue Hospital Medical College, N. Y.; Surgeon to Bellevue and Charity Hospitals, N. Y. Bui. 2. 1852. * Schilling, Ernest, M. D., Physician to New York State Emigrant Hospital, N. Y. Obit. 25th April, 1872, cet. 63. Original. * Schmidt, John W., Jr., M. D., Surgeon to St. Vincent's Hospital, N. Y. Obit. 1857, cet. 50. 1847. Schrimer, William, M. D. 1873. Schultze, Louis E, M. D. 1873. Seguin, Edward C, M. D., Physician to the Presbyterian Hospital, N. Y.; Lecturer on Diseases of the Nervous System in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y. 1870. Sell, Edward H. M., M. D. 1856. * Sewell, John G., M. D., late Physician to the North- western Dispensary, N. Y.; Ch. of Section on Obstet- rics. Obit. 18th January, 1874, cet. 51. Original. * Shanks, John, M. D., Obit. 10th August, 1870, cet. 70. 1862. *Sheppard, John W., M. D., Obit. 5th October, 1868, cet. 46. Original. * Sherwood, Burritt, M. D., Obit. 10th August, 1854, cet. 53. 1856. Sims, J. Marion, M. D., Orator 1857; Surgeon to New York State Woman's Hospital, N. Y. Bui. 2. Original. * Smith, David, M. D., Obit. 17th January, 1867, cet. 57. 1870. * Smith, David A., M. D., Obit. 5th April, 1872, cet. 29. Original. * Smith, Gilbert, M. D., Obit. 16th July, 1851, cet. 80. 1858. Smith, Gouverneur M., M. D., Physician to the New York Hospital; L. 1861, 1862 ; Orator 1869. Trans. 4 ; Bui. 3. 1864. Smith, Hanbury, M. D. 1853. Smith, James O., M. D. 1867. Smith, Jerome C, M. D., Physician to the Northeastern Dispensary, N. Y. Original. * Smith, Joseph Mather, M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y. ; Physician to New York Hos- pital; Orator 1850; V. P. 1850 and 1851; P. 1854. Obit. 22d April, 1861, cet. 77. But. 2. Fellows of the Academy. 41 Elected. 1856. Smith, J. Lewis, M. D., Physician to Charity and Infant Hospitals, N. Y. Trans. 2. 1866. Smith, Oscar G., M. D. 1855. Smith, Stephen, M. D., late Professor of Anatomy in Bellevue Hospital Medical College, N. Y.; Surgeon to Bellevue Hospital; Orator 1867. Bui. I. 1870. Sxelling, Frederick G., M. D. 1847. * Snowden, John, M. D., Obit. 22d January, 1848. 1864. Speir, S. Fleet, M. D, Surgeon to the Brooklyn City Hospital, Brooklyn, L. I. 1869. Spreng, Justus J., M. D. Original. * Spring, Edward, M. D., Obit. 12th February, 1850. 1859. Squibb, Edward R., M. D., Brooklyn, L. I. Bui. 4. Original. * Stearns, John, M. D., P. 1847. Obit. 17th March, 1848. cet. 78. Original. * Stephenson, Mark, M. D., Physician to the Ophthalmic Hospital, N. Y. Obit. 28th August, 1865, cet. 62. Original. * Stevens, Alexander H., M. D., LL. D., Emeritus Pro- fessor of Surgery in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y.; Consulting Surgeon to New York Hospital; P. 1851. Obit. 30th March, 1869, cet. 79. 1847. * Stewart, James, M. D., Consulting Physician to the Northern Dispensarv, N. Y. Obit. 12th September, 1864, cet. 65. Trans. 1. 1847. * Stickney, Josiah Dwight, M. D., Obit. 30th September, 1849, cet. 34. 1865. * Stiles, R. Cresson, M. D., Professor of Physiology in Berkshire Medical Institution, Mass.; Consulting Phy- siciau to Kings County Hospital, L. I. Obit. 17th April, 1873, cet. 42. Original. * Stimpson, Edwin B., M. D., late Physician to the New York Lying-in Asylum. Obit. 15th May, 1858 cet. 36. 1865. Stirling, Thomas B., M. D. Original. Stone, John O., M. D., late Surgeon to Bellevue Hospital, N. Y. Bui. 1. Original. Storer, Ebenezer, M. D. 1859. Swan, Charles Y., M.D. Original. * Sweeney, Hugh, M. D., Obit. 15th September, 1857, cet. 52. 1851. * Sweeney, James, M. D., Obit. 1872. 1847. *Swett, Johx A., M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of the City of 42 Fellows of the Academ.y. Elected. New York; Physician to the New York Hospital; Orator 1853. Obit. 18th September, 1854, cet. 45. 1866. Swift, Foster, M. D., late Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children in Long Island Hos- pital College, Brooklyn, L. I. Original * Taft, Marcus L., M. D., A. S. 1848. Obit. 8th February, 1850, cet. 29. 1872. Tauzsky, Rudolph, M. D. 1867. Taylor, Charles F., M. D., Surgeon to the Orthopaedic Dispensary, N. Y. Bui. 2. Original. Taylor, Isaac E., M. D., President of, and Emeritus Pro- fessor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women in Bellevue Hospital Medical College, N. Y. ; Physician to Bellevue and Charity Hospitals; V. P. 1857 and 1858; Trust. 1872, now in office. Bui. 3. 1862. Teats, Sylvester, M. D. 1848. Tellcampf, Theodore S., M. D., late Physician-in-Chief to New York State Emigrants' Hospital. 1865. Teller, Seligman, M. D., late'Physician to Mount Sinai Hospital, N. Y. 1847. * Thayer, Henry W., M. D., Obit. 1857. 1859. Thebaud, Julius S., M. D., Surgeon to St. Vincent's Hos- pital, N. Y. 1857. Thomas, T. Gaillard, M. D., Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseases of Women and Children in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y.; Physician to Bellevue.and Roosevelt Hospitals, N. Y.; Surgeon to the New York State Woman's Hospital, N. Y.; R. S. 1858 to 1861. Trans. 2; Bui. 1. 1869. Thompson, George, M. D., Surgeon to the New York Dispensary. 1864. Thoms, William F., M. D., Statistical Secretary 1868 to 1873. Bui. 1. 1864. Thomson, William H., M. D., Professor of .Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the University of the City of New York ; Physician to Charity Hospital, N. Y. Bid. 2. 1867. * Townsend, John F., M. D., Obit. 8th January, 1874, cet. 64. Original. * Townsend, Peter S., M. D., Obit. 26th March, 1849, cet. 54. 1857. Tucker, Charles P., M. D., Physician to the Home for Friendless Women, New York. 1863. * Tucker, George H, M. D., Obit. 25th January, 1862, cet. 35. 1854. * Tuttle, John T, M. D., Obit. 27th January, 1870, cet. 68. Fellows of the Academy. 43 Elected. 1854. *Uhl, David, M. D., Obit. 17th September, 1858, cet. 36. Original. *Underhill, Alfred, M. D., V. P. 1863 to 1866; Trust. 1866 to 1873. Obit. 7th December, 1873, ceL 64. Bui. 2. 1847. *Vache, Alexander F., M. D., Physician to the Marine Hospital, S. I. Obit. 9th June, 1857, cet. 57. Original. * Van Arsdale, Henry, M. D., Morristown, N. J. Obit. 25th January, 1864. Original. Van Arsdale, Henry, M. D. 1847. * Van Arsedale, Peter, M. D. Obit. 1858. 1856. * Van Beuren, Peter, M. D., Obit. 5th December, 1873, cet. 71. Original. *Van Beuren, Thomas, M. D., Obit. 1848. Original. Van Buren, William H., M. D., Professor of the Princi- ples of Surgery and Diseases of the Genito-Urinary Organs in Bellevue Hospital College, N. Y.; Consult- ing Surgeon to New York Hospital; Consulting Sur- geon to Bellevue Hospital, N. Y.; V. P. 185 8. Trans 3 ; Bui. 1. 1859. Van Doren, Mathew D., M. D. Original. Van Kleeck, John R., M. D., late Pres. of the New York County Medical Society; Trust. 1861 to 1866. 1847. Van Pelt, Moses D., M. D., V. P. 1860 to 1864 ; Trust. 1864 to 1869. 1847. Van Winkle, Edward H., M. D. 1847. Vanderpoel, Edward, M. D. 1859. * Vanderveer, Jacob H, M. D., Obit. 20th August, 1873, cet. 55. Original. Vandervoort, John L., M. D., R. S. 1849. 1847. Varick, Theodore R., M. D., late President of New Jersey State Medical Society, Jersey City, N. J. 1862. * Vedder, Joseph H., M. D., Obit. 18th July, 1864, cet. 33. 1854. * Von Roth, Woldeman, M. D., Obit. 1857. 1870. Walser, Theodore, M. D., late Deputy Health-Officer of the Port of New York, New Brighton, S. I. Trans. 1. 1873. Ward, Edwin F., M. D., Physician to the Demilt Dispen- sary, N. Y. 1853. Warner, Everardus B., M. D., Physician to the North- ern Dispensary, N. Y. 44 Fellows of the Academy. Original. * Washington, James A., M. D., Obit. 30th August, 1847, cet. 45. 1853. * Watson, John, M. D., Surgeon to the New York Hos- pital; P. 1859 and 1860; Orator 1855 and 1860. Obit. 3d June, 1863. Trans. 1; Bui. 1. Original. * Watts, Robert, Jr., M. D., Professor of Anatomy in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, N. Y.; T. 1847. Obit. 8th September, 1867, cet. 55. 1867. Weber, Leonard, M. D. Original. Weeks, Cyrus, M. D. 1866. Weir, Robert F., M. D., Surgeon to St. Luke's Hospital; Surgeon to Roosevelt Hospital, N. Y.; Surgeon to the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary. 1870. Weisse, Faneuil D, M. D., Professor of Dermatology in the University of the City of New York. Original. AVells, Ovid P., M. D. Original. * White, Ambrose L., M. D., late Physician to the Eastern Dispensary, N. Y. Obit. 2d June, 1865, cet. 61. 1858. White, Francis V., M. D., Physician to the Eastern Dis- pensar)r, N. Y. Original. White, Oliver, M. D., Consulting Physician to the Pres- byterian Hospital, N. Y.; V. P. 1866 to 1870 ; Trust., now in office. Original. * White, Samuel P., M. D., late Professor of Surgery in the Berkshire Medical Institution; Trust. 1853 to 1858. Obit. 6th June, 1867, cet. 66. 1867. White, William T., M. D., Surgeon to the Demilt Dis- pensary, N. Y.; R. S. 1871 to 1874, now in of- fice. 1869. Whitehead, William R., M. D., Physician to the North- western Dispensary, N. Y. 1847. Wilkes, George, M. D., Consulting Surgeon to the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary. Original. * Williams, Merrill W., M. D., Obit. 3d December, 1873, cet. 72. 1860. *Winchell, Martin E., M. D., Obit. 1st May, 1864, cet. 35. Bui. 1. 1869. Winston, Gustavus S., M. D., late Physician to the Demilt Dispensary, N. Y. Original. *Wood, Isaac, M. D., Consulting Physician to Bellevue Hospital, N. Y.; P. 1850 and 1853; V. P. 1849; Trust. 1851 and 1852, 1859 to 1863. Obit. 25th March, 18Q8, cet. 74. Fellows of the Academy. 45 Original. Wood, James R., M. D., LL. D., Emeritus Professor of Surgery in Bellevue Hospital Medical College, N. Y.; Surgeon to Bellevue and Charity Hospitals, N. Y.; V.P. 1857. Original. Wood, Stephen, M. D. 1857. Woodhull, Henry W. B., M. D. 1852. * Woodward, George F., M. D. Obit. 1857. 1871. Woolley, James V. S., M. D., Physician to the Presby- terian Home for Aged Women, N. Y. Original. Wooster, Joseph, M. D. 1869. Wright, Charles, M. D. 1873. Yale, Le Roy M., M. D., Surgeon to Charity Hospital, N.Y. iraX-KESmENT FELLOWS. *Berger, Francis E., M. D., Paris, France. Carson, John W., M. D., late Physician to the New York Dispen- sary, Canada. Draper, John W. M. D., LL. D., President of, and Professor Emeri- tus of Chemistry in Medical Department of the University of the City of New York. Dunster, Edward S., M. D., Professor of Midwifery in and Diseases of Women in Vermont Medical College. Hepburn, James C, M. D., Japan. * Johnston, Frank U., M. D., late Consulting Physician to New York Hospital, Cooperstown, N. Y. Obit. 7th January, 1858, cet. 61. *Lee, Charles Alfred, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Materia Med- ica and Hygiene in Buffalo Medical College, Peekskill, N. Y. Obit. 14th February, 1872, cet. 71. Lewis, William B., M. D., Florida. Merritt, J. King, M. D., Flushing, L. I. North, Nelson J., M. D., South Carolina. Olmstead, Roger S., M. D., Nebraska. Sands, Austin L., M. D. Shrady, George F., M. D., Barrytown, N. Y. Sloan, William J., M. D., U. S. A. Stewart, F. Campbell, M. D. Thompson, Bradford S., M. D., Salisbury, Conn. * Van Arsdale, Henry, M. D., Morristown, N. J. Obit. 25th Janu- ary, 1864. Vermilye, William E., M. D., Pittsfield, Mass. HOXOEAEY FELLOWS. Elected. 1871. Bowditch, Henry I., M. D., Professor of Clinical Medi- cine in Harvard University, Boston, Mass. 1859. * Gibson, William, M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Surgery in the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 1857. *Ives, Eli, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and Bot- any in Yale College, New Haven, Conn. 1860. * Jackson, James, M. D., Professor Emeritus of the Prac- tice of Physic in the University of Cambridge, Boston. 1859. * La Roche, Rena, M. D., of Philadelphia, Pa. 1859. *Mussey, Reuben D., M. D., Professor of Surgery in the Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati, O. 1857. *Spaulding, Mathias, M. D., of Amherst, Mass. 1871. Stille, Alfred, M. D., Professor of Clinical Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. 1874. Vanderpoel, S. Oakley, M. D., Health Officer of the Port of New York. 1871. Wood, George B., M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in the University of Pennsyl- vania, Philadelphia, Pa. CORRESPONDING FELLOWS. Elected, 1873. Ackland, Henry W., M. D., F. R. S., Regius Professor of Medicine in the University of Oxford, England. 1856. * Adams, Francis, M. D., LL. D., Surgeon, Banchory, Scot- land. 1847. *Agassiz, Louis John R., M. D., F. R. S., Professor of Natural History in Harvard University of Cambridge, Mass. 1850. *Amussat, Jean Zuilme, M. D., Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine, Paris, France. 1854. Andral, Gabriel, M. D., Professor of Pathology in the Faculty of Medicine, Paris, France. 1854. Barthez, Ernst, M. D., Paris, France. 1847. *Beck, Theodrick Romeyn, M. D., Professor of Medical Jurisprudence in Albany Medical College. 1857. Bennett, John Hughs, M. D., Professor of Medicine in the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. 1854. Bigelow, Jacob, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica in Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 1847. *Blatchford, Thomas W., M. D., Troy, N. Y. 1867. Brown-Sequard, C. E., M. D., Paris, France. 1871. Chambers, Thomas K., M. D., Physician to and Lecturer on Medicine at St. Mary's Hospital, London. 1847. * Civ ale, Jean, M. D., Honorary Member of the Academy of Medicine, Paris, France. 1866. Cunha, Jose di, M. D., Rio Janeiro, Brazil, 1868. Davis, Nathan S., M. D., Professor of the Principles and Practice of Medicine in Chicago Medical College. 1872. Dichiara, Francesco, M. D., Palermo, Italy. Corresponding Fellows. 49 Elected. 1850. * Dickson, Samuel H, M. D., Professor of the Institutes of Medicine in South Carolina Medical College. 1871. Dickinson, William H., M.D., Physician to and Lect- urer on Pathology at St. George's Hospital, London, England. 1854. * Dubois, Baron Paul, Dean and Professor of Clinical Midwifery in the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, France. 1867. Dumont, Henri, M. D., Havana, Cuba. 1848. Dupierris, Martial, M. D., Havana, Cuha. 1850. *Fenner, Erasmus D., M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in New Orleans School of Medicine. 1849. Ferguson, Sir William, F. R. S., Surgeon to King's College Hospital, London, England. 1851. Gross, Samuel D., M. D., Professor of Surgery in the Medical Department of Louisville University, Louis- ville, Ky. 1854. Guggenbuhl, J., M. D., Paris, France. 1847. * Harris, Thomas, M.D., Surgeon-General U. S. Navy, Washington, D. C. 1848. * Holland, Sir Henry, Bart., M. D, D. C. L., LL. D, F. R. S., Physician to H. M. the Queen, London, England. 1850. * Hooker, Worthington, M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine in Yale College, New Haven, Conn. 1874. Jenner, Sir William, Bart., M. D., D. C. L. F. R. S., Professor of Clinical Medicine in University College, London, England. 1853. * Leroy de Etiolles, Jean J. J., M. D., Paris, France. 1871. *Nelaton", Auguste, Professor of Clinical Surgery in the University of Paris, France. 1874. Owen, Sir Richard, M. D., Hunterian Professor in the Royal College of Surgeons, London, England. 1874. Paget, Sir James, Bart, M. D, F. R. S., D. C. L., Con- sulting Surgeon to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Lon- don, England. 1857. Peaslee, Edmund R., M. D., Professor of Surgery in Dartmouth Medical College, Hanover, N. H. 1853. Prince Viromma Luang si tirat Sanik, Siam. 1868. Post, George E., M.D., Beirut, Syria. 1849. *Reofrey, Bureaud de, M. D. • 50 Corresponding Fellows. Elected. 1850. Reynolds, Edward, M. D., Boston, Mass. 1852. Ricord, Philippe, M. D., Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine, Paris, France. 1854. Rilliet, Francois, M. D, Paris, France. 1860. Rosser, D. P., M. D., Athens, Greece. 1849. * Roget, Peter Mark, M. D, F. R. S., Professor of Phys- iology in the Royal College, London, England. 1871. Rokitansky, Carl, M. D., Professor of Pathology in the University of Vienna. 1856. * Simpson, James Y., M. D, Professor of Midwifery in the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. 1848. * Smith, Ashbel, M. D., Texas. 1872. Tilt, Edward J., M. D., Consulting Physician to the Far- ringdon General Dispensary, London, England. 1852. Townsend, James C, M. D., Long Island, N. Y. 1852. * Velpeau, Alfred A. L. M., Professor of Clinical Surgery in the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, Surgeon to the Hopital de la Charite, Paris. 1871. Virchow, Rudolph, M. D., Professor of Pathological Anatomy in the University of Berlin. 1869. Voss, Lothar H, M. D., of Berleberg, Prussia. 1857. *Wing, Joel A., M. D., late President New York State Medical Society, Albany, N. Y. 1867. Wortabet, John, M. D., Beirut, Syria. 1 ffi&.; *WvV K;-^ ■■: 1®' $fe ^^ -V'tSI ftotf v^ %',; te Iffl&W. &■■,, S