1f£ '"-$¥ LIST OF OFFICERS, COMMITTEES AND FELL Oj/v Smedical 0CT17 1946 LlBRARr NEW-YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE. 1854. J. KETCHAM, Printer, 3 Broad-st ?3^*eN- <^. *3C Seto-iklt Jcakmg of fprctine. OFFICERS FOR 1854. JOSEPH M. SMITH, M. D. $in> ^Jnstats: JAMES ANDERSON, M. L>., I EDWARD L. BEADLE, M. D., WM. DETMOLD, M. D., I JOHN H. GRISCOM, M. D. EBrorning §nnkxr\: SAMUEL A. PURDY, M. D. assistant f mrtarn,: EDWIN B. STIMSON, M. D. InntBstit dDnmspanaing iemtaq: S. T. HUBBARD, M. D. jfanign (£nraspnnMng ^ratartj: S. CONANT FOSTER, M. D. feasant: J. 0. POND, M. D. librarian: THOS. F. COCK, M. D. ®IU8tWB: GALEN CARTER, M. D. J AS. ANDERSON, " WJ1 ROCKWELL, BENJ. OGDEN, M. D. R. S. KISSAM, " WM. N. BLAKE MAN, M. D. S. P. WHITE, M. D. COMMITTEES FOR 1854. STANDING COMMITTEES. Committee on Admissions: E. L. BEADLE, W. N. BLAKEMAN, B. OGDEN, J. L. VANDERVOORT, E. SCHILLING. Committee on Medical Ethics : ISAAC WOOD, J. ANDERSON, J. P. BATCHELDER, JAMES WARREN, J. C. BLISS. Committee on Finance: M. D. VAN PELT, J. G. ADAMS, J. S. CARTER, J. O. SMITH, E. FIELDS. Committee on Publication: 8. T. HUBBARD, H. D. BULKLEY, J. FOSTER JENKINS, 8. S. PURPLE, THEO. TELLKAMPF. SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEES. Committee on Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology : R. WATTS, L. A. SAYRE, W. H. VAN BUEEN, W. VON ROTH, C. E. ISAACS. Committee on Theory and Practice of Meditine and Medical Pathology: G. CARTER, J. A. SWETT, H. D. BULKLEY, R. S. KISSAM, J. T. METCALFE, J. BOLTON, J. W. CORSON, A. GESCHEIDT, S. C. FOSTER. Committee on Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children : J. W. FRANCIS, T. F. COCK, I. E TAYLOR, A. K. GARDINER, B. FORDYCE BARKER, J. LINSLY, E. S. NICHOLS. Committee on Surgery and Surgical Pathology: G. BUCK, V. MOTT, A. C. POST, J. WATSON, J. O. STONE, W. DETMOLD, J. R. WOOD, W. PARKER, F. C. STEWART, C. D. SMITH. Committee on Materia Medica and Botany: B. McCREADY, J. FOSTER, M. D. VAN PELT, S. HALL, G. W. IVES. Committee on Chemistry and Pharmacy: C. HENSCHEL, W. H. MACNEVEN, J. P. GARRISU, G. A. PETERS, J. B. STILLMAN. Committee on Public Health and Legal Medicine: J. H. GRI5COM, J. STEWART, J. M. MINOR, J. R. VAN KLECK, B. DRAKE, J. SHANKS, PLINY EARLE, A. L. WHITE, W N. BLAKEMAN. CORRESPONDING FELLOWS. THOMAS W. BLATCHFORD, M. D.........................Troy, N. Y. JEAN CIVIALES, " ........................raris. TIIEODORIC ROMEYN BECK, " ........................Albany, N. Y. THOMAS HARRIS, " ........................Washington, LOUIS AGASSIZ, " ........................Pro/. Harvard University. HENRY HOLLAND, " ........................London. MARTIAL DUPIERRIS, " ........................Havana. ASHBELSMITH, " ........................Texas. WILLIAM FERGUSON, " ........................London. SAMUEL H. DICKSON, " ........................Charleston, S. C. WORTniNGTON HOOKER, " ............ ..........Norwich, Conn. E. D. FENNER, " ........................New-Orleans. P. M. ROGET, " ........................London. P. V. Z. AMUSSAT, " ........................Paris. EDWARD REYNOLDS, " .......................Boston, Mass. JOEL A. WING, " ........................Albany, N. Y. BUREAUD DE EIOFEEY, " ........................Paris. SAMUEL D. GROSS, " ........................Louisville, h'y. PHILIP RICORD, " ........................Paris. ALFRED L. M. VELPEAU, " ........................ " J. C. TOWN SEND, " ........................Long Island, N. Y. JEAN JACQUES JOSEPH LEROY D'ETIOLLES. M. D.......Paris. PRINCE VIROMMA LUANG WANG-SE TIRAT SANIK,.. Siam. PAUL DUBOIS, M.D.......................................Paris. M. L. ANDRAL, "...................................... " RESIDENT FELLOWS. Adams, John G. Abbott, Norman *Andariese, J. W. Anderson, James Andrews, Jarvis M. Ashburn, R. A. Aylett, P. A. Ayres, Dan'l, Jr. *Barkeir, Luke Bartles, 0. S. Batchelder, J. P. Bay, John W. Baylies, Hersey Beadle, E. L. Beales, J. C. *Beales, Gozham *Beck, John B. Bedford, G. S. Berger, F. E. Blakeman, W. N. Bliss, J. C. Bliven, J. P. Blois, Samuel Bogert, C. R. Bogert, S. V. R. Bolton, Jackson Barker, B. Fordyce, Borrowe, J. H. Bowen, William Boyd, Thomas Brady, Patrick J. Buch, Gurdon, Jr. Buel, Wra. P. Bulkley, H. D. Busteed, John Brown, W. K. Brueninghausen, C. Bullus, Edward Burke, W. C. Booraem, A. C. Burrill, James Brown, H. Weeks Benedict, George *Cameron, J. S. *Cameron, Jas. Campbell, N. L. Carrol, D. J. Carter, Galen Chalmers, Thos. C. *Chapin, J. R. Chapin, E. R. Cheesman, J. C. Childs, S. R. Clark, Peter F. Clements, J. W. G. Clinton, Alexr. Clarkson, C. V. Cock, Thomas Cock, Thomas F. Cooper, James S. Collins, C. T. Covel, J. C. Cox, Abm. L Crane, J. J. NEW YORK ACADEMY OF MEDICINE, ---ooooo--- New Yoke, Feb. 27, 1854. Sir:— You are hereby notified that a Stated Meeting of the NEW YORK ACADEMY OF M EDICINE, will be held in the Small Clxapel or the University, Washington Square, on Wednesday, March 1st, at 1 o'clock P. M., precisely. By order : EDWIN B. STIMSON, M. D., Assistant Sec'y. fgr The further discussion of Poisoning by Lead, was adjourned to this meeting. %* Cases of Operative Midwifery will be reported by a Fellow of the Academy. 5 Crevelling, Abm. Cullen, W. J. Crane, James Carter, J. S. Corson, John W. Cook, John Davis John Delafield, Edward Dotmold, William Downs, Henry S. Drake, Benjamin Dudley, W. H. Dwight, ^Y. W. Douglass, Robert *Earle, Edward Earle, Pliny Edgar, David A. Elliot, Augustus G. Elliot, Thomas W. Ellis, Samuel C. Enos, Dewitt C. Eadie, William G. Elder, Alexander Ferguson, John T. Ferris, Floyd T. Ferris, Lynde C. Fisk, Lyman Fitch, James D. Forrester, James C. Foster, Joel Foster, S. Conant Francis, John W. Franklin, Edward C. Franklin, Thomas M. Fields, Edward Gardner, A. K. Garrish, John P. Geer, Seth Gill, Charles R. Gilford, Jacob T. Gilman, Chandler R. Goodrich, C. S. J. Gray, H. M. Gray, F. C. Green, David *Graham, John Green, Horace Green, Isaac Griscom, John H. Guernsey, Peter B. Gunn, Alexr. N. Gibert, James T. Gescheidt, Anthony Gallagher, John Hall, Edward Hall, Samuel Halsted, J. Halsted, T- M. Harcourt, James Hardenbrook, S. R. Harris, Stephen R. Hart, John Heard, John S. Henriques, A. J. Henschel, Charles 6 Hepburn, James C. Herriot, George Hobart, W. H. *Hogan, Daniel M. Hoit, Moore Horsefield, Thos. W. Hubbard, S. T. Huntington, G. T. Hyslop, James Horsefield, R. T. *Hunter, Abra. T. *Hutchinson, E. T. Ives, George W. Ives, John Isaacs, C. E. Jackson, Wm. H. Johnston, F. U. Jones, Wm. W. Jones, A. S. Jenkins, J. Foster Janes, Edward H. •Kearney, R. Keene, Stephen S. Kennedy, Jamas Kilboume, J. Sage *Kingsbury, G. H. King, Edward P. Kissam, Richard S. Kuypers, S. S. Krackowizer, E. Lee, Charles A. Lee, J. C. Leo Wolf, Morris Levings, N. C. Lewis, W. C. Linsly, Jared Ludlow, Edward G. Lyon, James L. Lee, Thomas D. Ladd, J. G. Leo, Wolf George Leveridger, Benj. C. McCaffrey, Charles McLelland, John McCready, B. W. McClaury, James *Macdonald, James Macfarlan, Ebenezer Macneven, W. H. *Manley, James R. Manley, James Markoe, Thos. M. Martin, Joseph *Marvin, I). D. *Meikleham, D. S. Maxwell, W. H. Metcalfe, John T. *Miller, W. E. Millet, Nicholas Miner, William Miner, William W. Mitchell, C. L. Moore, Edward *Moran, Thomas Morris, Richard L. Moses, Israel Mott, Valentine Mullen, P. A. Moore, Samuel W. Miller, John 7 McNulty, John Minor, James M. Monell, Joseph A. Newcombe, George Nichols, Elias S. Neilson, John Ntchols, Henry W. Nelson, James B. Ogden, Benjamin Ogden, John D. Olmsted, Roger S. O'Reily, John O'Rourke, James Parker, Willard Parkinson, W. B. Paul, James C. Pennell, Richard Pentz, Elias J. Perry, Joseph S. Phelps, James L. Philips, S. B. *Piatt, W. F. Pond, James 0. Post, Alfred C. Power, William Pratt, Peter Proudfoot Lawrence Punnett, John Purdy, Alfred S. Purdy, Samuel A. Purple, Samuel S. Putnam, Fred'k A. Powers, T. W, Peters, George A. Palmer, L. N. Quintard, Chas. T. Randolph, Israel Ranney, E. W. Ranney, M. H. Reese, D. M. Roberts, Wm. C. *Robeson, A. B. *Rodgers, J. Kearney, *Rogers, J. Smyth Rockwell, William Rotton, Samuel Revere, F. B. Sabine, G. A. Sayre, Lewis A. Schirmer, William Schmidt, J. W. Shanks, John Sherwood, Burritt *Smith, Gilbert Smith, Chas. D. Smith, David Smith, Joseph M. *Spring, Edward Stephens, James J * Stearns, John Stephenson, Mark Stevens, Alex. H. Stillman, J. D. B. Stilwell, J. E. 8 *Snowden, John Stimson, Edwin B. Stewart, F. Campbell *Stickney, J. Dwight Stone, John 0. Storer, Ebenezer Stout, Arthur B. Sweeny, Hugh Sweeny, Owen Swett, John A. Sterling, John W. Stewart, James Sweeny, James Southworth, M. A. Schilling, Ernest Smith, James O. *Taft, Marcus L. Taylor, Isaac E. Thayer, Henry W. Thompson, A. G. *Townsend, Peter S. Tomes, Robert Trudeau, James Tellkampf, Theo. A. Tuttle, John T. Underhill, Alfred Underhill, R. T. Uhl, David Vache, Alex'r F. Van Arsdale, Henry Van Arsdale, Henry Van Arsdale, Peter *Van Buren, Thomas Van Buren, W. H. Vanderpool, Edward Vandervoort, John L. Van Hovenbnrgh, H. Van Kleck, John R. Van Pelt, M. D. Van Winkle, E. H. Varick, Theo. R. Von Roth, Waldemar Wallace, W. W. Walsh, Hugh Warren, James * Washington, James A. Watts, Robert Watson, Alex'r T. Weed, John W. Weeks, Cyrus Wells, Daniel Wells, Ovid P. Westervelt, John S. White, Ambrose L. White, Oliver White, Samuel P. Wight, L. L. Wilkes, George Williams, M. W. Wilson, William Wood, Isaac Wood, James R. Wood, Stephen Worster, Joseph Wright, Aaron Wilhelm, H. N. Woodward, J. R. W. Watson, John Warner, E. B. Young, William * Deceased. f f s "Si « ^ ^ lipfe-