GENERAL ORDERS ) war department, y Adjutant General's Office, No. 173 ) Washington, June 11, 1863. To execute more promptly the provisions of General Orders Xos. 105 and 130, from this Department, it is hereby ordered— 1. General Orders No. 69, War Department, March 20, 1863, is hereby revoked, and the officers and enlisted men referred to therein shall be examined for admission into the Invalid Corps, and if found to meet the requirements of General Orders Nos. 105 and 130, shall be transferred to the Invalid Corps in the manner prescribed in General Orders No. 105. 2. That so soon as the Rolls of officers and men for the Invalid Corps are made ont, (according to form furnished,) they shall be sent by Commanders of Itegitnents, Batteries, Independent Companies, and Detachments, to the Commanders of the Army Corps to which the persons named on the Rolls belong. Immediately on the receipt of these Rolls the Corps Commanders, having examined and indorsed them in accordance with General Orders No. 105, War Department, 1863, shall issue orders transferring all such officers and men to the Invalid Corps, and dropping thsm from the Rolls of the active force, and will forward the Rolls, with a copy of his order of transfers, to the Provost Marshal General at Washington. The previous military history of every officer and sol- dier will, as far as practicable, be stated on the Invalid Roll. Medical officer? and chaplains will not at present be transferred. 3. That the rolls of men for the Invalid Corps, prepared by com- manders of convalescent camps, commanders of invalid detachments, and medical officers in charge of hospitals or depot* of convalescents, shall, as soon as made out, be forwarded to the Provost Marshal Gene- ral direct. 4. That the commanding officers of the various army corps shall also direct that the men thus transferred be at once collected together by staff officers, and sent under charge of proper officers, with their descriptive list and clothing account, to the points designated below for their respective corps. The arms and accoutrements may be sent with the men or not as the corps commander deems best. Officers and men on the Rolls sent from the Army Corps in the Army of the Potomac and Department of Washington, will report to Lieut- Col. Samuel McKelvey, at the Convalescent Camp, near Alexandria' Virginia. Those on the Rolls sent from the Army Corps under the command of Major Generals Banks, Hunter, and Foster, will report to Colonel R Nugent, 69th New York Volunteers, and Acting Assistant Provost Marshal General at New York city. Those on the Rolls sent from the Army Corps under the command of Major Generals Dix and Keyes, will report to Colonel C. M. Pre- vnst, 118th Pennsylvania Volunteers, commanding Depot Camp at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Those on the Rolls sent from Army Corps in Kentucky, and in the Department of the Cumberland, will report to Major W. H. Sidell,at Louisville, Kentucky. Those on the Rolls sent from the Army Corps under the command of Major Generals Grant and Schofield, will report to Colonel E. B. Alexander, at St. Louis, Missouri. Commanders of Army Corps will notify the Provost Marshal General, by the most expeditious means of communication, when detachments of invalids are directed to leave the corps in compliance with this order. The monthly returns of regiments and independent commands will state the number of officers and men transferred to the Invalid Corps, and Corps Commanders will consolidate and enter this information in their monthly returns to the Adjutant General's Office. Hereafter in giving discharges to officers and soldiers, on account of disability, their discharge papers must always state whether, at the time of discharge, the officer or soldier was or was not physically suit- able to enter or re-enlist in the Invalid Corps. So much of General Orders No. 105, from this department, as for- bids the " discharge of any man upon surgeon's certificate of disability who may be fit for service in the 'Invalid Corps" is so far modified as not to include officers. 5. That no commissioned officer in the Invalid Corps will receive a 3 higher commission for the present than Major. The claims to higher grades will he duly considered as the organization of the Corps pro- gresses . Bv ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR. E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant Generel.