GENERAL ORDERS, ~| HEADQUARTERS, j^0 jg {■ Department of the Ohio, J Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 10, 186'J. I~Surgeon Levi II. Holden, U. S. Army, is announced as a mem- ber of the Department Staff, and Medical Director of the Depart- ment, to date from September 1, 1862. II~Surgeons in charge of brigades and divisions of the Army, in the Department of the Ohio, will forward to the Medical Director of the Department, immediately on receipt of this order, a report of stations of all the Medical Officers under their charge, whether com- missioned, or employed under contract, stating date of contract, amount paid per month, and the parties thereto, and at the end of every month a report of stations for said month. Ill—The reports of sick and wounded will be forwarded to the Medical Director of the Department, unconsolidated, by the various Medical Directors before the 15th of the month following. IV—Surgeons in charge of General Hospitals will make similar monthly reports to those above indicated. V—Medical Directors will obtain blanks by direct requisition upon the Surgeon General at Washington. VI—A strict responsibility will be exacted for the observance of these orders, and any neglect or violation of them will be severely punished. By command or Ma.t. General AY right, N. H. McLEAN, Assistant Adjutant General and Chief of Staff. Official : Assistant Adjutant General.