ORDERS) [ NEW ORLEANS, LA., April 4, 1864. No. 16. j All troops of African descent, in the Department of the Gulf, will hereafter be designated as Regiments of United States Cavalry, Heavy Artillery, Light Artillery, or Infantry, (colored.) Such regiments as may hereafter be put in process of organization, will be reported to Brigadier Genera! L. Thomas, Adjutant General, U. S. Amy, at Vicksburg, Miss., in order that they may receive their proper number. CAVALRY. First Cavalry Corps d'Afrique, as the Fourth. HEAVY ARTILLERY. First Regiment Heavy Artillery, Corps d'Afrique, as the Seventh. First and Second BattalioD, Fourteenth Regiment Rhode Island Heavy Artillery, Corps d'Afrique, as the Eighth. INFANTRY. First Regiment InfaDtry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Sevenly-third. Second Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Seventy-fourth. Third Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Seventy-fifth. Fourth Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Seventy-sixth. Fifth Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Seventy-seventh. Sixth Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Seventy-eighth. Seventh Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Seventy-ninth. Eighth Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Eightieth. Ninth Regimen? Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Eighty-first. Tenth Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Eighty-secocd. Eleventh Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Eighty-third. Twelfth Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Eighty-fourth. Thirteenth Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Eighty-fifth. Fourteenth Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Eighty-sixth. Sixteenth Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Eighty-seventh. Seventeenth Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Eighty-eighth. Eighteenth Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Eighty-ninth. Nineteenth Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Ninetieth. Twentieth Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Ninety-first. Twenty-second Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Ninety-second. Twenty-fifth Regiment Infaniry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Ninety-third. Twenty-sixth Regiment Infantry, Corps d'Afrique, as the Ninety-fourth. First Regiment Engineers, Corps d'Afrique, as the Ninety-fifth. Second Regiment Engineers, Corps d'Afrique, as the Ninety-sixth. Third Regiment Engineers, Corps d'Afrique, as the Ninety-seventh. Fourth Regiment Engineers, Corps d'Afrique, as the Ninety-eighth. Fifth Regiment Engineers, Corps d'Afrique, as the Ninety-ninth. By Order of tub Sfcrv.tarv of War. I.. THOMAS, Adjutant General.