HEADQrAKTELIS 19TH ARMY CORPS. Morganza, La., August 19fch, 186 4. $l'EUlAL OrDERS, ) No. 179. } [Extract.J 1. The organization of the Infantry of the 3d Division 19th Army Corps, CommanieA by Brigadier General M. K. Laavler, is as follows : 3d division 19th army corps. Ist brigade. 23d Iowa Yolunteers- 42d Oliio Yolunteers. 7th Kentucky Volunteers 37th Illinois Yolunteers. 35th Wisconsin Yolunteers. 2d brigade. 69th Indiana Yolunteers. 22d Kentuoky Volunteers.__________ 16th Ohio Yolunteers. lllth Ohio Yolunteers. 97th Illinois Volunteers. 24th Indiana Yolunteers. 3b brigade. 83d Ohio Yolunteers. 67th Indiana Volunteers. 96th Ohio Yolunteers. 34th Iowa Volunteers. 77th Illinois Yolunteers. I30th Illinois Volunteers. 3d Maryland Cavalry. ****** * By command of Major General J. J. Reynolds,; Captain and A. D, 0>~ i.