HEADQUARTER^. DEPA RT.M EN'l OE THE TENNESSEE,' Vioksburg. Miss.. July 30. \W?>. (GENERAL ORI>EKS, , No. 49. ] The Mississippi River having been opened to navigation by the valor of the Army and Navy of the United States, and being now only secure for the transit of steamers because these two arms of the public service give them their immediate protection, the General Commanding estab- lishes the following rules to protect those men against the exorbitant charges and other impositions daily practiced by steamboats of this Department: 1st. Commissioned Officers traveling by authority will only becharged three-fourths of a cent per mile, on any steamboat, for a cabin passage, any where south of Cairo, 111. This will include berths. 2i>. Enlisted men will be charged not to exceed one-half cent per mile, within the same limits,—thisto include the privilege of cooking their rations. 3d. Meals furnished to officers or enlisted men will be at their own expense, and charged extra, but not at a higher rate than fifty cents per meal. 1 in. No boat shall refuse to carry an officer or enlisted man who is returning to his regiment or company, or who is going from it with a discharge from the service, leave of absence, or furlough from his Corps Commander, or traveling under proper military orders. 5th. Where officers or enlisted men are returning to duty, and with- out the means of "paying the foregoing rates of transportation and Mib- sistence, rolls or vouchers will be made of all so carried, upon which the Quartermaster, at their places of debarkation, will settle according to the terms of this order. Quartermasters will report monthly to Corps commanders, the names of such men of their commands (who were not entitled to transportation at the public expense, under their orders,) and the amounts paid in each case, which their Immediate commanding officer will be directed to charge against them on the proper muster and pay roll. Hth. All violations of this order will be punished with fines and im- prisonment, or both, at the discretion of a Military commission. 7th. All boats plying South of Cairo will keep copies of this order posted in three or more conspicuous places en board. 8th. All Steamboats will carry authorized Military Mail Messengers. furnish them subsistence at seventy-five cents per day, and assign a state room with a lock and key for their exclusive use. 9th. Provost Marshals at all military posts will examine the passes of all persons leaving on steamers, allow none to go who are not properly authorized, and see that boats comply with the foregoing orders in good faith. BY ORDER OF MAJOR GENERAL U. S. GRANT. T. S. BOWERS, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. [Official:] Assistant Adjutant General.