HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE TENNESSEE, Young's Point, La., Makch 30th, 1863. GENERAL ORDERS,] No. 22. j Army Corps Commanders will at once enforce the following regu- lations. 1. All Ambulances with the Army in tho Field, will be turned in to Division Quartermasters, each Division retaining all the Ambulances it now lias. 2. Division Ambulance Trains will bo formed in charge of one commissioned officer for each Division, one non-commissioned officer for each Brigade, and one driver and two enlisted men for each Ambu- lance, to bo detailed for that purpose, who will be subject to the direc- tions of tho Chief Surgeon of the Division. 3. The officers in charge of Division Ambulance Trains, will have direct military control over all the non-commiss'oned officers and pri- vates of their respective trains, and will see that the Ambulances are onlv used for conveying sick or wounded, carrying provisions for Hos- pitals, when, necessary, and other purposes connected with the relief of sick and wounded. 4. In removing sick and wounded, the enlisted men detailed to at- tend Ambulances, as above directed, will alone bo permitted to accom- pany them, and that they may be recognized as having been appointed for this purpose, each of them will wear a white badge on the left arm, above the elbow, the same to bo provided by the Medical Department. 5. Division Quartermasters will bo responsible for all public prop- erty connected with said Division Ambulance Trains, and will exercise authority over all matters pertaining to the parking and preservation ct tho same. 6. Army Corps Commanders and Medical Directors of Army Corpa will make such regulations for the removal of wounded and sick as will, in their judgment, best secure the end desired to be attained under this order. By Order ok Maj. Gen. U. S. Grant. JNO. A. RAWLINS, Assistant Adjutant General. [Official :] Assistant Adjutant General.