Holly Springs, Miss., Dec. 22, 1862. GENKRAL ORDERS,] NO. 14. j By direction of the General-in-Chief of the Army, the troops in this Department, including those of the Department of the Missouri operating on the Mississippi River, are hereby divided iDto Four Army Corps, as follows: I. The troops composing the Ninth Division, Brig.-Gen. G. W. Morgan, command- ing; the Tenth Division, Brig.-Gen. A. J.Smith, commanding, and all other troops operating on the Mississippi River below Memphis, not included in the Fifteenth Army Corps, will constitute the Thirteenth Army Corps, under the command of Major-General John A. McClernand. II. The Fifth Division, Brig.-Gen. Morgan L. Smith, commanding; the Division from Helena, Arkansas, commanded by Brig.-Gen. F. Steele, and the forces in the " District of Memphis," will constitute the Fifteenth Army Corps, and be commanded by Major-General \V. T. Sherman. III. The Sixth Division, Brig.-Gen. J. McArthur, commanding; the Seventh Division Brig.-Gen. I. F. Quinby, commanding; the Eighth Division, Brig.-Gen. L. F. Ross, com- manding; Second Brigade of Cavalry, Col. A. L. Lee, commanding, and the troops in the " District of Columbus," commanded by Brig.-Gen. Davies, and those in the "District of Jackson," commanded by Brig.-Gen. Sullivan, will constitute the Sixteenth Army Corps, and be commanded by Major-General S. A. Hurlbut. IV. The First Division, Brig.-Gen. J. W.Denver, commanding; the Third Division, Brig.-Gen. John A. Logan, commanding; the Fourth Division, Brig.-Gen. J. G. Lauman, commanding; First Brigade of Cavalry, Col. B. H Grierson, commanding, and the forces in the "District of Corinth," commanded by Brig.-Gen. G. M. Dodge, will constitute the Seventeenth Army Corps, and be commanded by Major-General J. B. McPherson. District Commanders will send consolidated returns of their forces to these Head Quarters as well as to Army Corps Head Quarters, and will, for the present, receive orders from Department Head Quarters. By order of Major General U. S. Grant. J]NTO. A. RAWLINS, Assistant Adjutant General. [Official:] A. J±. O. I I I 1 J i f """IjiHwWnfowJ mr tOkVnWh) ■aSS* discharo™ soldiers. Mr. French, the Second Auditor of the Treasury Depart ment, bas been overwhelmed within the last few days. with letters from discharged soldiers. By a late act of Congress soldiers discharged from the army by reason of wounds received in battle are entitled to the United States bounty; but this law is generally misconstrued, so that soldiers discharfied for disability and other causes except- ing wounds in battie, imagine themselves entitled to the bounty. Aright understanding of the law would save soldiers, as well as the Treasury Department, much work and trouble,