Memphis, Tenn.. Jan. 26, 1863. general orders, ] No. lO. J I...It being a violation of the provisions of the Dix-Hill Cartel to parole prisoners at any other points than those designated in said Cartel, except by agieement between the Generals commanding the opposing forces, no paroles, hereafter given to Federal soldiers, in violation of such provisions of said Cartel, will be respected. II...Officers or soldiers, who, by straggling from their commands, are captured and paroled, will at once be arrested and brought to trial before a Court Martial. III...Guerrillas or Southern soldiers caught in the uniforms of Federal soldiers will not be treated as organized bodies of the enemy, but will be closely confined and held for the action of the War Department. Those caught within the lines of the Federal Army in such uniforms, or in citizen's dress, will be treated as spies. IV...Officers, soldiers and citizens are prohibited from purchasing horses, mules or military clothing from any one connected with the Army, without special authority. In order that improper and dishonest appropriation of captured property may be prevented, Commanding officers will exercise vigilance in enforcing this order, and report every vio- lation of it, to the end that offenders may be summarily punished. V...Steamboats are prohibited from carrying stock of any description North, without permits granted by Division or Army Corps Commanders or the Provost Marshal General and violations of this restriction will be punished at the discretion of a Military Commission By order of Major General U. S. Grant. JNO. A. RAWLINS, Assistant Adjutant General. [Official :] A. A. O.