%$> CIRCULAR. ) MEDICAL DIRECTOR'S OFFICE, y Dki'artmknt of the Ohio, No. 5. j Cincinnati, Ohio, October 1th, 1862. The attention of Regimental Surgeons is called to Par. 1263, Revised Regulations: " As soon as a recruit joins any regiment or station, he shall be examined by tbe medical officer, and vaccinated when it is required." Information having reached the Medical Director that the vac- cination of the Regiments has been in many cases neglected, the Regimental Surgeons in this Department are therefore instructed to make immediate requisitions upon the Surgeon General for Vaccine Virus, in order that every man who, after a careful examination, ap- pears in their judgment to be insufficiently protected, may be imme- diately vaccinated. L. H. HOLDEN, Surgeon U. S. A. and Medical Director. *l ■J