A\t\ HEAD QUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE CUMBEELAND, MEDICAL DIRECTOR'S OFFICE, Chattanooga, Tenn., January lst, 1SG5. CIRCULAR. The attention of Medicai Officerà is called to the following extractfrom General Orders No. 62, of 1863, which will, in future, be strictly complied with hy ali concerned : I. " Every Medicai Officer will report, either in person or by letter, imme- diately on his arrivai in this Department." II. " Surgeons and Assistant Surgeons who hold their appointments froni the Tresident, and ali Physicians serving under contract will make the per- sonal reports prescribed by Par. 1266, Regulations of 1861, [Par. 1302, Reg. of 1863."] III. " Regimental Medicai Officers will make these reports only wherì de- tachedfrom their Regiments, giving the date when they leave or return to their respective regiments, with the number and date of the order directingthe change." GEO. E. COOPER, Surgcon U. S. A., Medicai Director D. C. .aviÀJsiaaMW) hht ao TKafóTHAiaa «HarrjiAupaAati .5881 ,i«I y^tnuscsft. ,.«nsT ,»«oow»Jio.iV3 .ju-anrrw > moxìl'/xritzo giiisolfai odi, of ballilo ai bwjìIìO luoibeU. lo uoihiafia edT dii-fr bailqn.'oo vltoixla ad .oxijmt ni Jliw doidw ,gH*£ 'to_,t?) .oT/I axobxO krianar} : bamoDiroD Ilxt y/1 -armili .xalfal vd xo noaxoq ni i9diia Jioq9X UWf Ti'ùflO luoiDaM vxo/M " .1 ".itiaraJxxiqoQ aidi ai Iìsyìxif. aid no ^lataib uioxì aJrrarHlHioqqr. xiadt blod odw efloogxuci JnjslsiaaA ba& ariosi»?," .II v -toq adi aA&ta iliw fainfuoo xabrm gaivxaa anxjioiaYdl ibi brut ftuabia9X