H?'\DOUARTERY, 1>TH ARM7 CORPS, ) l DEPARTMENT OP THE GULP, j- Pass Cavallo, March 10, 1.9W. j gprOIAL ORDERS, ) No. 53. | II. Max Gln'l. McClernand having been directed to "assume control of Military affairs on the coast and frontier of Texas," Maj. Gen'l. Dana, i3 hereby relieved from "Command of the troop9 on the coast of Texas," and assigned to the command of the 1st Division. 1LT. The 34th Regiment Iowa Mo). Inf., i8 temporarily transferred from trie 2d to the 1st Division. IV. The following will bo the Brigade organization of the let Division, nntil further orders: 1ST BRIGADE: 2ND BRIGADE; 8th Regt. Ind. Vol. Inf. 7th Regt. Ky, Vol. Inf. llth " Wis. " 16th ° Ohio 18th " Ind. " 22d « Xy, 21st '■' Iowa " 54th " Iowa » 22d " Iowa *• 42d '* Ohio 23d '• Iowa " 49tb u Ind, 33d '• Ills. " 69tb « Ind, 99th * Bis. " H4tb u Ohio 120th ° Ohio V. Brig. Gen'l. Fitz Henry "Warren, wQI command the 1® Brigade 1st Plv'sion. VI. Brig. Gen'l. M. K. Lawler, will command the 2d Brigade IsS Division. V1T. The following troops, while they remain in this command) will consti- tute a Provisional Brigade, which will be attached to the 1st Division: 2d Regt. Engineers Corps d' Afric^e. 3d « » ° Co. L 13th " " „ ,. 14th " R. I. Vol. Heavy Artillery, 1st Battalion. The 6enior officer present, of the Provisional Brigade, will command it. VIU. Battery "F»" 1st Regt. Mo. Lt Artillery, will bo temporarily a'.Vie.v-tf to ice 1st Division. IX. Maj. Gen'l. Dana will relieve Co. "I," 20th Regt. Iowa Vol. Inf., from de- r.clc-i duty, aud cause it to rejoin tho Regimtiu. BY COMMAND 0? Maj. cto'L. JOHN A. McCLERNA^D. SAMCEL CALDWELL, Capt £ A. A. A. Genl, "Car-t. &A. A 6..Cihh