TREATISE SPECIAL AND GENERAL ANATOMY. IS* BY WILLIAM E. HORNER, M. D. PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA—MEMBER OF THE IMPERIAL MEDICO-CHIRURGICAt, ACADEMY OF ST. PETERSBURG—OF THE AMERICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, &C. Multum adhuc restat operis, multumque restabit, nee ulli nato, post mille saccula pmcludituroccasio aliquid ailjiciendi. SENECA, EPIST, FIFTH EDITION, REVISED AND IMPROVED. >« PHILADELPHIA: LEA & BLANCHARD, SUCCESSORS TO CAREY & CO. 1840. HSifct \$4o v. a Eastern District of Pennsylvania, to wit: — BE IT REMEMBERED, that, on the seventeenth day of October, in the fifty-first year of the Independence of the United States of America, A. D. 1826—William E. Horner, of the said district, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as Author, in the words following, to wit:— " A Treatise on Special and General Anatomy. By William E. Horner, M. D. Adjunct Professor of Anatomy in the University of Pennsylvania, Member of the American Philosophical Society—Surgeon at the Philadelphia Alms House, &e. ' Multum adhuc restat operis, multumque restabit, nee tilli nato, post mille saecula prxcluditur occasio aliquid adjicrendi.1 Seneca, Epist. In two volumes. Vol. II. In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled, " An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies, during the times therein mentioned"—And also to the Act, entitled " An Act supplemen- tary to an Act, entitled, ' An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by se- curing the Copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such Copies, during the times therein mentioned,' and extending the bene- fits thereof to the arts of designing, engraving, and etching Historical and other Prints." D. CALDWELL, Clerk of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, GRIGGS & CO., FIUNTEIIF. TREATISE ON ANATOMY. BOOK IV. PART II. Organs of Assimilation. CHAPTER I. OF THE ABDOMEN GENERALLY. The cavity of the abdomen occupies the space between the inferior surface of the diaphragm and the outlet of the pelvis; a considerable part of it is, therefore, within the periphery of the lower ribs above, and of the pelvis below. It is completely separated from the cavity of the thorax by the diaphragm, with the exception of the foramina in the latter, for transmitting the aorta, the ascending cava, and the oesophagus. It is bounded, below, by the iliaci interni, the psoas, and the levatores ani muscles; on the front and sides by the five pairs of muscles called abdominal; and behind by the lesser muscle of the dia- phragm, the Quadrati Lumborum, the lumbar vertebrae, and the sacrum. The figure of this cavity is, therefore, too irregu- lar to admit of a very rigid comparison with any of the com- mon objects of life; but a little reflection, on the course of its parietes, will make it perfectly understood. It should be borne in mind, that the very great projection of the lumbar vertebras forms for it a partial vertical septum behind; which, Vol. II.—2 6 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. in thin subjects, is almost in contact with the linea alba in front, and may be easily distinguished through the parietes of the abdomen, when the intestines are empty. The abdominal cavity varies only, inconsiderably, in its ver- tical diameter, owing to the resistance of the diaphragm above, and of the pelvis below; neither does it change behind, owing to the resistance of the spine, the ribs, and the muscles there. But as the introduction of food, the development of gaseous sub- stances during digestion, the evolution of the foetus, and many other conditions, require some provision for its undergoing at} easy augmentation of volume; the latter occurs principally for- wards and laterally, by the yielding of the muscles and by the extension of their aponeuroses. The diaphragm and the abdominal muscles, for the most part, act alternately; as the former descends in inspiration the latter relax and £,ive way to the contents of the abdomen; but in ex- piration, the abdominal muscles contract, and the diaphragm is pushed upwards by the viscera. In attempts at the expulsion of fseces, and in parturition, these muscles contracting, and the diaphragm being fixed all at the same moment, the cavity of the abdomen is actually much diminished. The viscera contained in the cavity of the abdomen are of three kinds. One kind is engaged in digestion and assimilation; another in secretion and excretion of urine; and the third in generation. As these viscera are numerous, and it is of great im- portance to determine with precision their position and relative situation, anatomists are agreed to divide the cavity of the ab- domen into several arbitrary regions. This is the more advan- tageous, as the bony prominences bounding the abdomen are not sufficiently numerous and distinct, to afford those obvious points of relation to the viscera which are furnished in other sec- tions of the body. To obtain these regions, consider a line or plane as extending across the abdomen, about two inches below the umbilicus, from the superior part of the crista of one ilium, as it appears through the skin, to the corresponding place of the other side. Strike on each side a line perpendicular to the pre- ceding, by commencing at the lower end of the anterior inferior spinous process of the ilium, and carrying it up to the dia- phragm. Extend a fourth line across the abdomen parallel with the first, and intersecting the last two where they come upon OF THE ABDOMEN. 7 the cartilages of the false ribs. It is evident that these four lines or planes, two horizontal and two vertical, will, with the assistance of the parietes of the abdomen, furnish nine regions: three above; three in the middle, and three below. The cen- tral region, above, is the Epigastric; and on its sides are the right and the left Hypochondriac. The central region in the middle, surrounding the navel, is the Umbilical; and on its sides are the right and the left Lumbar. The central region below, is the Hypogastric; and on its sides are the right and the left Iliac. There are also some subordinate divisions: for example, the hollow in the epigastric region, around the ensiform car- tilage, is called the pit of .the stomach, or Scrobiculus Cordis; and for an inch or two around the symphysis pubis, is the re- gion of the pubes, (Regio Pubis.) Anatomists differ among themselves about the points of de- parture and the position of the lines, or rather planes,separating the regions. Some fix them at definite distances from the um- bilicus, and others resort to the points of the skeleton. The umbilicus is the most fallacious mark, because its elevation va- ries considerably, according to the state of distention of the ab- domen, it being comparatively higher when the abdomen is tumid than when it is not. Neither does it answer to take the anterior ends of the last ribs as the points for the upper horizon- tal line to prass through; as they, sometimes, are almost as low down as the umbilicus itself. The superior anterior spinous processes are also objectionable as the points of departure for the vertical lines; as they leave too much room for the central regions of the abdomen, and too little for the lateral: I have, therefore, after some hesitation, thought proper to substitute the anterior inferior spinous processes; and, especially, as the posi- tion of the viscera, as almost universally described, is more in accordance with this rule. General Situation of the Viscera of the Abdomen. When the abdomen is so opened as to leave its viscera in their natural position, they will be found as follows:— 1. The Liver, the largest gland of the body, is in the right 8 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. upper part of the abdomen, immediately below the diaphragm. It occupies nearly the whole of the right hypochondriac region; the upper half of the epigastric; and the right superior part of the left hypochondriac. The anterior extremity of the gall- bladder projects beyond its anterior margin. 2. The spleen is situated in the posterior part of the left hy- pochondriac region. 3. The stomach, in a moderate condition of distention, occu- pies the lower half of the epigastric region, and the right infe- rior portion of the left hypochondriac. 4. The Small Intestine, when moderately distended by flatus, occupies the umbilical region, the hypogastric, portions of the iliac on each side, and also the upper part of the cavity of the pelvis, when the viscera of the latter are empty. 5. The Large Intestine traverses the cavity of the abdomen in such manner as to perform almost the entire circuit of it. It begins in the right iliac region by receiving the lower extre- mity of the small intestine; it then ascends through the right lumbar and the right hypochondriac, passes into the lower part of the epigastric, or into the upper of the umbilical, according , to the state of distention of the stomach; thence it gets into the left hypochondriac, being fixed higher up there than in the cor- responding region of the other side; afterwards it goes down into the left lumbar and into the left iliac; thence it passes into the pelvis, and, descending in front of the sacrum, terminates in the orifice called anus. 6. The Caul, or Omentum, is a membrane, of various densi- ties, in different individuals, and lies in front of the intestines. Sometimes it is found spread over the latter like an apron, but on other occasions is drawn up into the umbilical region, form- ing a ridge across it. 7. The Pancreas lies transversely- in the lower back part of the epigastric region. It extends from Ihe left hypochondriac OF THE ABDOMEN. 9 region to the right side of the spine, and is placed behind the stomach, so as to be covered by it. 8. The Kidneys and the Capsulae Renales, two in number each, are placed in the posterior part of the lumbar region on the side of the spine. 9. The Urinary Bladder and the Rectum, in the male, occupy the cavity of the pelvis, and in the female between them are placed the uterus, the ovaries, and the vagina. As, in the dissection of the abdominal viscera, the subject is commonly placed on its back, so the preceding description is made out with a strict reference to that position. Some modi- fication in the shape of the abdomen, as well as in the situation of its contents, occurs in standing upright. The front of the ab- domen becomes more protuberant, the lumbar vertebras make a greater projection forwards. The pelvis is so adjusted, in order to bring the acetabula directly in the line of support to the spine, that the convexity of the sacrum presents almost up- wards, and the superior straight looks forwards and upwards towards the navel, so that much of the weight of the viscera is thrown upon the pubes. In this attitude most of the viscera descend, but more obviously the liver, from its weight, size, and solidity. Portal has verified this descent by comparing the thrusts of poniards into the liver in the erect, with those inflict- ed in the horizontal position. He also asserts that the same may be ascertained in the living body by applying the fingers under the false ribs, and then directing the person to change from the recumbent into the vertical position. The spleen af- fords the same results when it is slightly enlarged, and the de- scent of the liver and spleen will of course ensure that of the stomach and intestines. According to Winslow, the pain and faintness which are felt after a long abstinence, come from the vacuity of the stomach and intestines, which thereby withdraw their support from the liver, and permit it to drag upon the diaphragm. The presence of flatus in the stomach and intestinal canal, seems to be entirely natural to them; for it is comparatively rare to. find them destitute of it, even when they contain no 10 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. food or fasces. The large intestine is, however, more frequent- ly found contracted or empty than the small. Owing to the flexible character of a considerable portion of the abdominal pa- rietes, the latter, by their own contraction, as well as by atmo- spheric pressure, are kept in close contact with the viscera; and the viscera again, by the same influence, are kept in close con- tact with one another; so that, notwithstanding the irregularity of their forms and the fluctuating size of the hollow ones, there is no unoccupied space in the cavity of the belly. Several instances are reported by anatomists, in which a to- tal transposition of the abdominal viscera, has occurred, so that those which belonged to the right side were placed in the left.* They are, however, exceedingly rare. In the entire observation of my life, amounting to twenty-seven years of anatomical stu- dy, and extending itself to many hundred bodies, I have never met with one instance of it. CHAPTER II. OF THE PERITONEUM, AND SEROUS MEMBRANES, GENERALLY. SECT. I.—OF THE PERITONEUM. The sides of the abdomen are lined, and its viscera are co- vered by a membrane called Peritoneum. As the reflections of this membrane, by being thrown over the periphery of almost every viscus of the abdomen, consequently, assume the same shape; and as it lines, without exception, the interior surface of every part of the abdomen, its form is extremely complicated, and can only be judged of accurately after the study of the viscera is completed. For the present it will only be necessa- ry to give the outline of it, leaving the details to each appropriate occasion. * Portal, Halter, Sandifort, &c. OF THE PERITONEUM. 11 In man, it is a complete sac, having no hole in it; but in wo- man, its cavity communicates externally through the Fallopian tubes. It has a double use: In consequence of covering the viscera, it is so reflected from them to the sides of the abdomen, that its processes keep the viscera in their proper places, and, therefore, answer as ligaments: again, its internal surface being smooth, indeed, highly polished, and continually lubricated by a thin, albuminous fluid, corresponding with the synovial mem- brane of the joints, the motions which the viscera have upon each other in exercise, and in the peristaltic action of the bow- els, are much facilitated. The manner in which a double night-cap is applied to the head, will afford the easiest conception of the reflections of the peritoneum. If there were only one viscus in the belly, and that of a somewhat regular outline, as the spleen, the comparison would be rigid, and perfectly appreciable. One part of the cap is close to the head, and compares with the peritoneal coat of the spleen; the other is loose, and is equivalent to the peritoneum, where it is in contact with the parietes of the belly. It is also evident from this, that none of the viscera can be said to be within the cavity of the peritoneum; that they are all on its out- side; and that a viscus, in getting a coat from the peritoneum, merely makes a protrusion into its cavity. Starting with this simple proposition, it is easy to conceive of a second, a third body, and so on, deriving an external coat from a protrusion into the same sac. Admitting these bodies to be spheres, the proposition is immediately intelligible; and, as a last step from it, the idea is not rendered much more complex by substituting any bodies even the most irregular in form, for these spheres. Such, then, is the fact in regard to the stomach, intestines, &c; they all, with the exceptions to be stated, derive an ex- ternal coat from the peritoneum. The Peritoneum is, for the most part, smoothly spread upon the interior surface of the abdominal muscles. It adheres to them with considerable firmness by means of intervening cellular substance: this adhesion, where it closes the posterior opening of the umbilicus, is unusually strong. Below, the uniformity of the membrane as it descends from the navel to the pelvis is inter- rupted by its being reflected over the urachus, and over the re- mains of the umbilical artery on each side. Where the urachus 12 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. is, it forms an oblong prominent ridge, reaching to the upper ex- tremity of the bladder; and, as regards each umbilical artery, the duplicature is of a variable breadth in different individuals; but always forms a well marked falciform process, reaching from near the umbilicus to the lower side of the bladder, and di- viding the inguinal region into two parts or fossse, one next to the pubes, and the other near to the ilium. In the undistended state of the bladder the peritoneum reaches to the pubes, is re- flected from the latter to the upper, and then goes over the pos- terior surface of the bladder. In the male, it goes from the posterior lower end of the bladder to the rectum, but, in the fe- male it does not descend so low there, and passes from the blad- der to the vagina and uterus, and afterwards to the rectum. In the concavity of the ilium, and in the lumbar region, the peritoneum is attached by long loose cellular substance, which permits it to be stripped off easily, simply by tearing. In these several regions it encounters the colon, over which it is reflected, and thereby forms the Mesocolon; thence it passes in front of the kidneys, but separated from them by a thick layer of cellu- lar and adipose matter, and immediately afterward it is thrown into a long duplicature, extending obliquely across the lumbar vertebrae from above, downwards, and to the right side. This duplicature includes the small intestine, and is the Mesentery. In the highest regions of the abdomen, the peritoneum is in the greater part of its extent uniformly reflected over the concave surface of the diaphragm, and adheres so closely to it, as to re- quire a cautious and protracted dissection for its entire removal. As the remains of the umbilical vein of the foetus are still found, but in a ligamentous condition, going from the navel to the un- der surface of the liver, their existence gives rise to the falci- form ligament, a broad duplicature of peritoneum, which passes from the upper half of the linea alba and from the middle line of the diaphragm to the liver. Another line of altachment, or of reflection, of this membrane to the liver, is found all alon<* the posterior margin of the latter. In the same region, it is also reflected from the diaphragm to the spleen and to the stomach. Such is the general account of the course of the peritoneum. Each of the duplications has a distinct name, and some peculi- arity of organization or of relation, which will require a specific description and a frequent allusion to it. OF THE OMENTA. 13 It is proved, from what has been said, that the peritoneum is a single and complete sac, and that, with the exception stated of the Fallopian tubes, there is no hole in it either for the passing of blood vessels, nerves, or viscera. And that it is so folded over the abdominal viscera, that with patience and sufficient address, one might remove it from their surface and extract them, with- out even laying open its cavity: an experiment said to have been successfully accomplished by Nicholas Massa,* and some other anatomists. SECT. II. — OF THE OMENTA. There are four processes of the peritoneum, each of which is designated under the term Omentum, Epiploon, or Caul. 1. The Omentum Minus or Hepatico-Gastricum, extends, as its name imports, between the liver and the stomach. It be- gins at the transverse fissure of the liver, and proceeds from it, from the right side of the lobulus spigelii, the front of which it conceals, and from the inferior posterior face of the tendinous centre of the diaphragm; it is attached to the lesser curvature of the stomach in all the space between the cardiac and the pylo- ric orifice. Its right margin reaches from beyond the pylorus to the duodenum, and includes the vessels going to the liver, and the biliary ducts; in consequence of which, this margin is called the Capsule of Glisson. The capsule is, however, more properly the condensed cellular substance within. The two lamina? which compose the omentum minus are thin and transparent,and have but little fat in them; in approach- inc the stomach they become very distinct from each other, and receive between them the superior coronary vessels of the sto- mach. One lamina then goes before the stomach and the other behind, in the form of a peritoneal covering. These laminae, having covered in that way the anterior and the posterior surface of the stomach, unite again on the greater curvature of the lat- ter, to form the beginning of the omentum majus. 2. The Omentum Majus or Gastro-Colicum, as indicated by its * Anal. Liber. Introduct. an. 1539. Portal. Vol. II.—3 14 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. name, is connected at one end all along the greater curvature of the stomach, and by the other along the transverse part of the colon. As it commences by two lamina?, so it is continued throughout in the same way. It is commonly found more or less spread on the front surface of the small intestines, but occasion- ally it is tucked up in the epigastric region. When fairly spread out, either naturally or artificially, its course will be found as fol- lows: It first of all descends from the stomach to the pelvis; it then turns upwards, so as to reverse its course, and continues to ascend till it reaches the colon. Its two laminae then separate and receive the colon between them, so that, in this respect, the < arrangement is entirely conformable to what happens to the sto- mach. The subsequent continuation of these laminae is the mesocolon, which will be more particularly described. As the omentum majus consists of two laminae in its whole extent, it is clear that it resembles a flattened bag lined by another bag; so that in its whole thickness, when held between the fin- gers, there are four laminas. It is an irregular quadrilateral membrane, which, in corpulent subjects, is interspersed with a great deal of fat; but in such as are emaciated, it is wholly des- titute of the latter; and instead of being entire in its parietes is a delicate reticulated membrane, so that the rule about the integ- rity of the peritoneum is not fully accurate as applied to this section of it. On the right side it is continous with the omen- tum colicum, and on the left with the omentum gastro-spleni- cum. 3. The Omentum Colicum may be considered as a continua- tion of the omentum majus along the ascending and a part of the transverse colon. In some rare cases, (for in my own ob- servations I have not met with the arrangement,) it's origin is continued downwards to the ccecum, and at its left margin is extended along the transverse colon to the spleen. Much rnore commonly it is, as stated, simply an appendage of the great omentum, or its right flank, advancing for a short distance along the ascending colon. It consists of but two laminae in all, commonly containing fat, but in this respect subject to the same rule as the omentum majus. OF THE OMENTA. 15 4. The Omentum Gastro Splenicum is the* loft flank or mar- gin of the omentum majus, extended from the great end of the stomach to the spleen. It of course consists of but two laminae, which contain between them the splenic vessels and the vasa brevia. By looking for the posterior end of the gall-bladder, and then passing a finger under the right margin of the hepatico-gastric omentum, or in other words, under the capsule of Glisson, where it extends from the liver to the duodenum, the finger will be found to have insinuated itself behind the stomach, and, by be- ing directed downwards, will be thrust into the sac or cavity of the great omentum. In children, where the latter is less reticu- lated than in adults, and consequently more entire, a large blow- pipe introduced at the same point will enable one to inflate this cavity, and to separate its anterior from its posterior wall. This aperture, called the foramen of Winslow, is the route by which the internal or lining lamina of the omentum majus is introduced, so as to make this process of peritoneum double throughout its whole parietes. Though this fact of duplicity is generally con- ceded, no author heretofore, to my knowledge, has pointed out satisfactorily the means; and for the suggestion of it, I am in- debted to a learned and zealous member of the profession, now Professor Hodge of the University. Struck, at an early period of his studies, with the difficulty of tracing a double sac to the omentum majus, out of a single membrane of the peritoneum, this suggestion was happily made by him to remove the difficul- ties of other explanations. An attempt at a diagram formed upon any other principle I have invariably seen to fail. If the reader has conceived the idea, the inference will be plain, that the lining lamina of the omentum majus is continued as a com- mon peritoneal covering over the posterior face of the stomach, and then forms the posterior lamina of the hepatico-gastric omen- tum. It will also be plain that the same lamina, having reached the colon in its return, continues afterwards as the upper lamina of the transverse mesocolon. From what has been said concerning the general qualities of the peritoneum, it is to be understood that though it enjoys much power of gradual extension, nevertheless this quality is not suf- ficient to enable it to endure, without a special provision, the 16 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. sudden and extensive dilatations to which the stomach and bow- els are exposed, from the introduction of food and from the evo- lution of gases during digestion. Of all the coats of these organs, it is the least extensible and contractile; its rupture, therefore, is guarded against by one invariable rule. For example: as the muscular and other coats of the stomach dilate, the peritoneum is drawn from the omentum minus and majus to cover the sto- mach; therefore, as the stomach enlarges, the omenta diminish: and as the stomach decreases, the omenta, by the restoration of peritoneum, resume their primitive size. In this way the uterus, notwithstanding its great augmentation in the progress of pregnancy, still keeps itself covered by peritoneum, from the ability of the latter, as mentioned, to slide from one part and to apply itself to another. The true intention, then, of the appa- rently useless length of many processes of the peritoneum, is explained, by their being a provision for the augmentation of the hollow viscera of the abdomen, in the discharge of their na- tural functions. Adopting this explanation as the basis of our observations, we shall find that according to the probable or even possible augmentation of a viscus, so are its peritoneal at- tachments. The stomach, which next to the uterus enlarges more than any other viscus, gets its subsidiary supply of perito- neum from the length of the omentum minus and majus; the colon, which is next in order, is supplied from the length of its mesocolon ; the small intestines, which are next, from the length of the mesentery. The latter, however, would be too long for that simple purpose; but the objection is removed by recollect- ing that the mesentery has also to accommodate numerous chains of lacteal glands, through which the chyle must pass in its elaboration, before it is fit to enter into the general circula- tion. The liver, being of a size almost stationary, has its peri- toneal attachments proportionally short; and its peritoneal co- vering, from the shortness of the connecting cellular substance, is disqualified from sliding. The spleen is in the same predica- ment with the liver, except that its size is not stationary; but, in this case, the peritoneum presents a phenomenon entirely re- markable: it wrinkles upon the contraction of the spleen. If this mode of reasoning, derived, from an arrangement of parts which no one denies, be correct, it follows that physiolo- gists have erred sadly in the supposed uses of the omentum ma- OF THE OMENTA. 17 jus. That this organ is, in fact, only subsidiary to the enlarge- ment of the stomach and colon, so as to prevent the rupture of their peritoneal coat, and that it is neither intended to keep the belly warm, as so learned a naturalist as M. G. Cuvier has sug- gested,* nor is it a special store-house for the wants of the sys- tem during the destitution of other aliment, farther than adipose matter in other parts of the body is.f In regard to the first theo- ry, it does not appear that the inhabitants of cold climates are better furnished with an omentum majus than those of the torrid zone: that it is better developed in winter than it is in summer; that it is tucked up in warm weather to cool the intestines, or spread out in cold weather to make them more comfortable. On the contrary, it is ascertained that its position is variable at all seasons; that in the coldest of weather it is as often found col- lected in the epigastric region, or to one side of the abdomen, as it is in the warmest; consequently, its position is the result of whatever motions may, for the time, have been impressed upon it by the distention of the stomach, and by the peristaltic move- ments of the bowels. In regard to the theory of Dr. Rush, the objection is insurmountable, that children, who are equally, if not more exposed to starvation and sickness than adults, never have fat, except in very small quantities, in the omentum, and that only along the course of its vessels. The fat is, therefore, not to be viewed as an essential circumstance in the structure of the omentum, as all children and many adults have it only very sparingly; for the omentum being wanted as a membrane of reserve to the stomach and colon, the deposite of fat in it, is in obedience to one of the general laws of the system, whereby the cellular substance beneath the serous membranes is disposed to secrete fat as the individual advances in life; which is exempli- fied on the heart and in the pleura. Another argument is, that in the ruminating animals, where there are four stomachs, and from the vegetable nature of their aliment these stomachs must, in the course of digestion, be very much distended, the great omentum is of proportionate magnitude.^ As occurs in other parts of the body, also, the fat of the omen- * XXII. Legon D'Anat. Comp. + An Inquiry into the Uses of the Omentum, by James Rush, Philad. 1809,' i Cuvier, XXII. Le^on, loc. cit 3* 18 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. turn accumulates in animals that take but little exercise, while it is very deficient in such as lead an active life. I am induced to believe that the hard knots felt in the abdo- men of such persons as suffer from abdominal affections, fre- quently depend upon the accumulations of the omentum majus at particular but variable points. SECT. III.--GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE SEROUS MEMBRANES. As the peritoneum presents one of the best examples of a nu- merous class of membranes, called Serous, it will be useful at this point to inquire into their general condition and properties. They are, for the most part, thin, and strongly resemble com- pressed cellular membrane; having been, indeed, by some ana- tomists, considered as such. They invariably assume the form of perfect sacs, and as they are found in all parts of the body, they are iiept distinct from each other. The arachnoid mem- brane of the brain, the pericardium, the pleura, the synovial membranes of the joints, the bursas mucosas of tendons, the peri- toneum, and the tunica vaginalis testis, belong to this class. They are not all of the same thickness, as some are much more dense than others; they adhere to neighbouring parts by a la- mina of cellular substance, which is also of variable thickness and ductility; indeed, on some occasions, it is not entirely dis- tinct, from its extreme shortness and tenuity. As the serous membranes are only displayed over the surface of the organs which they cover, after the manner of a double night-cap drawn over the head; their cavity always remains en- tire, notwithstanding it is variously modified by the shape of the organs protruded into it; and has its parietes in contact, owing to external compression. They are entirely distinct from the essential structure of the organs covered, and are displayed over those of the most dissimilar functions, as, for example, the intes- tines and the liver. A sac of this description, then, is of infinite importance in establishing between organs which border upon one another a strong partition: and, consequently, in warding off any injurious influence which their dissimilar natures would otherwise cause them to have upon each other. Important or- gans are, therefore, invariably thus insulated, so that whether in a healthy or in a diseased state, their actions are carried on ANATOMY OF SEROUS MEMBRANES. 19 within themselves; and not only so, but it is even possible, and, indeed, is found in morbid dissections, every day, that an organ may be diseased while its serous covering is unaffected; or the reverse. Thus, we have large suppurations in the liver, while its peritoneal coat is healthy; large accumulations of water in the tunica vaginalis testis, while the testicle itself is sound; in the thorax, with sound lungs and heart; in the abdomen, with vis- cera generally sound; in the joints, without an affection of the bones. Nothing is more common than to see partial adhesions, the result of inflammation, causing the opposite sides of these sacs to adhere, without any evident constitutional or visceral derangement; and some of our plans of cure, as in the hydro- cele, are founded upon this well established fact. The serous membranes are throughout thin, transparent, and white: in some points their tenuity is so extreme that they seem to consist simply in a smooth, polished surface, spread over parts; this is strikingly the case on the interior face of the dura mater, on the ventricles of the brain, and on the cartilages of the joints. The evidence of their extension there, is conse- quently derived principally from induction; and from morbid alteration, in which they become thickened. Their internal surface in a natural stale, is always smooth, highly polished, shining; and, being also lubricated by its peculiar unctuous se- cretion, the opposite parietes, when they come into contact, glide freely upon each other; a circumstance indispensable to the free action of the joints, and to the peristaltic motion of the bowels. Bordeu has asserted, that these remarkable characters of the serous membranes depend upon the compression and the friction to which they are continually exposed: but to this opi- nion the argument of Bichat is unanswerable, that in their ear- liest observable period in the fostus they have the same polish. The fluid secreted from the serous membranes resembles, strongly, the serosity of the blood. It is poured out continually by the exhalent orifices, and in a short time afterwards is taken up by the absorbents; so that in a natural state there is seldom more than sufficient to lubricate the surface of the membrane. When the abdomen of an animal recently killed is exposed to the air, this fluid rises in the form of a vapour. The several experi- ments, as the application of heat, mineral acids, and so on, which prove the abundance of albumen in the serum of the blood, pro- 20 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. duce the same results when applied to the secretion from the se- rous membranes. The system of serous membranes has been considered by Bi- chat, and others, as only a modification of cellular membrane, for the^following reasons. The inflation of air into the cellular tis- sue subjacent to them, reduces them to the form of cellular sub- stance. Protracted maceration produces the same effects with more certainty and precision. When cellular membrane is in- flated, the parietes of the. distended cells resemble strongly the finest parts of the serous system, as the arachnoid membrane. There is an identity of functions and of affections, for they are both continually engaged in the great work of exhalation and ab- sorption, and suffer in the same way from dropsical effusion, with the only difference that the latter is more amassed in the one than in the other. My own experience goes to prove, that drop- sy very seldom manifests itself, to any extent, in the cellular tis- sue without also going to the serous cavities, and the reverse. The serous membranes are also of a uniform texture, like cellular substance, and present no appearance of a fibrous matter. The serous membranes are furnished with a great abundance of exhalent pores, and of absorbents, which carry on their func- tions with great activity. They, when healthy, receive only the colourless part of the blood, whence the uniform transparency of these membranes. The existence of exhalent pores, is proved by strangulating a piece of intestine with a ligature for thirty-six or forty-eight hours, when they become evident, by dilating them- selves so as to receive red blood. A fine coloured injection pro- duces the same result; and also moistens, by the escape of its wa- tery particles, the surface of the intestine, by a very fine halitus or dew. The intestine of a living animal, if wiped perfectly dry, will, after the same way, soon present another coat of serosity on its surface. The existence of absorbents to a great extent in them, may also be equally well proved, as they very readily re- ceive a mercurial injection, which diffuses itself over their whole surface, and causes them to have the appearance of being formed entirely of such vessels. The readiness with which fluid effused into their cavities is taken up, is another proof of the same. Bi- chat once saw them distended with air in a man who had be- come emphysematous from poisoning. Mascagni has frequently found them distended with the fluid of dropsical collections, which ANATOMY OF SEROUS MEMBRANES. 21 he recognised by its colour. It happened 1o the same anatomist to find in two bodies, where there had been an effusion of blood into the thorax, the absorbents of the lungs gorged with blood. This faculty of absorption may sometimes be proved to continue for some hours after death, by keeping an animal in a warm bath. Mascagni asserts, that he has witnessed its continuance for fifteen, thirty," and even for forty-eight hours; it is not im- probable, however, that there was some illusion in these in- stances. It is more than probable that the serous membranes are en- tirely deprived of red blood vessels; the latter unquestionably ex- ist, in great numbers, on the exterior surface, where they creep through the cellular substance, but they may be removed with a scalpel without affecting the continuity of these membranes. Again, where these membranes are free and unconnected on both surfaces, as in some parts of the tunica arachnoidea, there is no appearance of red blood vessels. In hernial protrusions, where there is a considerable prolapse of peritoneum, the blood vessels which are found abundantly about the neck of the sac do not fol- low the course of the protrusion. Unquestionably some com- munication exists between the arterial system and the serous membranes, as proved by exhalation and morbid phenomena, but the mode is not well ascertained. In common hernia and in dropsy, the serous membranes be- come more thick: from my dissections I am inclined to think, that this change is not so great as is generally allowed; for most frequently, by a careful removal of the exterior cellular sub- stance, they have been restored to their primitive condition. In other cases, as in large umbilical hernias, they are so much at- tenuated as to be found with difficulty. The power of extension which these membranes possess, is strikingly marked in dropsical effusions, in the development of tumours, and in pregnancy; but much of this apparent quality is derived from their mode of attachment to adjacent parts, whereby they are drawn fror? one surface to cover another. This happens daily where the peritoneum is drawn from the lower part of the abdomen to cover the bladder in the distentions of the latter; in pregnancy, where it is drawn upon the growing uterus from all the neighbouring parts; and in the distentions of the stomach by food or flatus, where it is drawn up from the 22 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. omenta. The serous membranes have also a power of contrac- tion equal to that of their extension; but it should not be con- founded with that condition where they are simply restored by the connectinor cellular substance, to the surfaces to which they originally belonged. The sensibility of the serous membranes, from the want of nerves in them, is extremely obscure in a natural state, and only affords an imperfect sensation of touch. This is proved by the impunity with which they may be irritated on living animals. But, when the condition of inflammation is once established, they feel the most acute and distressing pain. Though, they resist most frequently, and for a long time, disease in adjacent parts, yet it not unfrequently is extended to them at last. In such cases, it is generally a local instead of a universal affection, which is communicated to them: Thus, in the catacer and scirrhus of the uterus; in disease of the spleen, and so on; the portion of pe- ritoneum nearest the affected organ manifests the marks of the disease by preternatural adhesions and by disorganization, with- out the whole membrane being involved. As the serous system consists in many species of sacs, so each of them has some peculiarity of organization, of attachment, and of vital properties, which is stated elsewhere in the account of the species themselves. CHAPTER III. OF THE CHYLOPOETIC VISCERA. SECT. I.--OF THE STOMACH. The Stomach (Ventriculus, Siomachus) is a hollow viscus situated in the epigastric region, intended to receive at one end alimentary matters from the oesophagus, and to transmit them, at its other extremity, after digestion, into the intestinal tube, where the nutritious part of the food is absorbed into the circu- THE STOMACH 23 lation. It is a conoidal sac, curved considerable upwards, and presents two Faces, two Orifices, two Curvatures, and two Ex- tremities. The Faces of the stomach are, from their position, named anterior and posterior, or, one presents to the linea alba and the other towards the spine. The flat configuration is rendered more obvious when the organ is empty; for "when distended it is rounded, and the anterior face is caused to look forwards and upwards from the resistance of the spine behind, while the pos- terior is of course in an opposite direction. In other respects they do notjpresent any thing worthy of particular attention.* The two Orifices of the stomach are named Cardia and Py- lorus. The first is at the left and most superior part, but re- moved to the distance of two inches or more from the left ex- tremity. It is generally considered a smooth uninterrupted continuation of the oesophagus into, the stomach, immediately after the oesophagus has passed through the diaphragm into the abdomen. But in a preparation,! of this organ, made by drying, and now in the anatomical cabinet, a circular rounded pad is very perceptible at the cardiac orifice; being elevated two lines or more all round, so that it makes a perfect ring of from eight to twelve lines broad at its base. This pad seems to be composed of a cellular substance, which is almost per- fectly white, elastic, and consists of the finest filaments, resem- bling carded cotton: it is placed between the lining membrane of the cardiac orifice and the adjoining coat. The pylorus, when viewed externally, looks like a smooth continuation of the stomach into the duodenum; but when felt, there is a mani- fect thickening of the part, depending upon a structure to be presently explained. It points upwards and to the left side, but is, by the whole thickness of the liver, lower down than the cardia. The two Curvatures are designated the great and small, or the upper and the lower. The first, forming the upper margin of the stomach, is bounded at its extremities by the orifices, and is very concave; its curvature is maintained both by a na- * In some cases the posterior face of the stomach is concave to accommodate it to the spine: this is best seen on inflation and drying. f Made* December, 1828. 24 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. tural configuration and by the small omentum. The great cur- vature forms the whole inferior periphery of the organ, extend- ing also from one orifice to the other. When the stomach is flattened, these curvatures form very evident boundaries to the anterior and the posterior faces. The Extremities of this organ are singularly different in size. That on the left forms the base of the cone, or the large extremity, and projects considerably beyond the cardia towards the spleen. It is a rounded cul-de-sac, or tuberosity, the dimensions of which will, of course, vary according to the state of distention. The right extremity, on the contrary, is produced by a gradual diminution of the organ from its middle to the duodenum. When the stomach has approached within an inch or two of the latter, it suffers a sort of constriction, which gives to the right end a more cylindrical shape. This part is sometimes called the little cul-de-sac, or the antrum pylori. Where the stomach has been kept empty for some time pre- viously to death, it is found not much larger than an intestine; its variable magnitude, therefore, prevents any very rigid rule of dimension from being applied to it; most commonly, how- ever, we find it between the capaciousness of a pint and a quart measure. It is retained in its situation by its continuity with the oeso- phagus and duodenum; also by the hepatico-gastric, and the gastro-splenic omentum. It is in contact above, at its lesser curvature, with the diaphragm, the left lobe of the liver, and the lobulus spigelii; at its great extremity with the spleen, at its posterior face with the pancreas, and at its greater curvature with the colon and the mesocolon. The stomach is formed by four Coats or laminae, of a charac- ter essentially differing from each other: The Peritoneal, the Muscular, the Nervous, and the Mucous. The Peritoneal Coat envelops the stomach completely, and adheres closely, except at the curvatures, where, as has been mentioned, a provision is made for the distention of the organ, by the looseness and the separability of the attachment of the two laminae of the omentum minus and majus. An uncovered space will, consequently, be found between the laminae at these THE STOMACH. 25 places, along which the vessels run that furnish the stomach. The peritoneal coat is very thin, and is attached to the subjacent muscular, by very fine cellular substance, which permits it to be raised from the muscular by a careful dissection. The Muscular Coat is intermediate in thickness to that of the intestines and of the oesophagus, but its fibres are pale, are col- lected into flattened fasciculi, and go in three directions. The most superficial are a continuation of the longitudinal fibres of the oesophagus, and are less numerous and less uniform in their distribution than the circular fibres. The greater part of them forms a flattened broad fasciculus, which extends along the lesser curvature of the stomach, from the cardiac to the pyloric ori- fice. A thinner and less distinct fasciculus may be traced over the great cul-de-sac, and somewhat indistinctly, along the great- er curvature; and a few others may be seen on the anterior and posterior faces of the stomach. The second series consists in a lamina of circular fibres distinctly covering the whole surface of the organ. They are not so numerous near the cardia, but become more abundant as they are examined towards the pylo- rus, in the vicinity of which they are multiplied so as to form a lamina of two lines or more in thickness. The circular fibres are parallel with each other, and, when the stomach is much distended, their fasciculi separate so as to leave interstices be- tween them in many places. The individual fibres do not sur- round entirely the stomach, but are rather segments of circles. The third and deepest series of fibres may be called oblique, and are arranged into two broad flattened fasciculi, one of which is placed to the left side of the cardia, and is prolonged over the anterior and the posterior faces of the stomach; while the other, being to the right of the same orifice, is extended over the anterior and the posterior faces of the cul-de-sac, where it supplies the want of transverse or circular fibres: this series may be considered as a continuation of the circular fibres of the oesophagus. The Nervous or Cellular Coat connects the muscular with the mucous. It is formed by a compact, thick, and short cellular substance, which contributes much to the general strength of the oro-an, and serves to conduct the blood vessels and the nerves to the mucous coat. The Mucous or Villous Coat is the most internal, is not quite Vol. II.—4 26 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. a line in thickness, and can be readily raised up by dissection. In an undistended state of the stomach it is arranged into a number of wrinkles, which are very irregular in their form, size, and direction, but disappear immediately on distention, or at least leave but very faint traces. It is continuous with the internal membrane of the oesophagus and of the duodenum, but presents a surface differing from either of them, and which is rendered very apparent by floating it in water. The epidermis, which is continued along the internal face of the oesophagus, ceases as mentioned around the cardiac orifice, and, by a slight maceration, may be raised up and demonstrated to terminate there. This mucous membrane or coat, the office of which is to se- crete the gastric juice for the digestion of articles of food, pre- sents a surface that resembles very much common velvet, from whence the term villous was applied to it. Jf it be perfectly healthy, and the individual died suddenly a few hours after eat- ing—it is found of a uniform light pink colour, without blotches or any thing of extravasation under it. This fact I have had several opportunities of verifying, by experiment and by autop- sies:* And more lately in the person of a criminal, Williams, executed for murder.t It is usual, in fact, to find it, if examined a short time after death, having, particularly along the smaller curvature and at the great end, a pink and sometimes a deeper colour, produced by an accumulation of blood in its veins. The texture of this membrane is soft, loose, and easily lace- rated. When floated in water and examined with a magnify- ing glass, it is found to have a superficial honey-comb arrange- ment, and to be studded with a multitude of small follicles or orifices. In the vicinity of the cardiac and of the pyloric ori- fice, the same arrangement is more obvious, and conducts to some small muciparous glands, which are more or less apparent, and called the glands of Brunner. At the junction of the lesser extremity of the stomach wiih the duodenum, the internal membrane is thrown into a circular duplicature constituting the pyloric valve, and abridging the size of the orifice. It is seen most favourably in the distended * See Amer. Journal Med. Sciences, Vol. I. 1827. Horner's Pathol. Anat p. 195, &c. t Aug. .9 1839. THE STOMACH. 27 and dried state, and then presents a sort of septum not unlike the form of the iris. Around the external periphery of this ring, the circular muscular fibres have a sudden augmentation of number, which gives them, when viewed from the duodenum, the appearance of a distinct circular muscle, occasionally called the muscle of the pylorus, but it does not exist in a state so se- parate as this name indicates. The opening of the valve is ge- nerally circular, but sometimes ovoidal, and it is sometimes to one side.' It is very common to find the stomach divided as it were into two compartments, by a contraction of its middle, resembling that of an hour glass. It is said that this occurs habitually during digestion; in my personal observations, however, I have seen the stomach more frequently in this state when it contained nothing, not even air, than when articles of aliment were in it. The stomach is extremely vascular. Its arteries, being branches of the Coeliac, are the Gastric, the Right, and the Left Gastro-Epiploic, and the Vasa Brevia. The first goes along its lesser curvature, the second and the third along its greater cur- vature, and the last, from four to six in number, go to its great cul-de-sac. They all approach it between the laminae of its omenta, and undergo many divisions and subdivisions in the cellular coat; they at length terminate by forming a very fine and delicate vascular arrangement in the substance of the mu- cous membrane, and when successfully injected give to the latter a thorough tinge of red. The veins follow the course of the arteries, and like them have frequent anastomoses, but are larger; they terminate either directly or indirectly in the trunk of the Vena Portarum. The nerves of the stomach come from the Par Vagum, and from the semi-lunar ganglions of the Sympathetics. Its lymphatics arise from both the external and the internal surface, and their trunks having to pass first of all to the lym- phatic glands situated along the curvatures, afterwards empty into the thoracic duct. 28 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. SECT. II.--OF THE INTESTINAL CANAL. The Intestinal Canal is from thirty to thirty-five feet in length, and extends from the pylorus to the anus. Owing principally to a well marked difference in magnitude, it is divided by ana- tomists into the Small and into the Large intestine. Of the Small Intestine. The Small Intestine (Intestinum Tenue) commences at the pylorus, and terminates in the right iliac region by a lateral aperture into the large intestine. It is four-fifths of the length of the whole canal, and measures from twenty-four to twenty- eight feet.* When moderately distended its diameter is about one inch. It retains from one end to the other an uninterrupt- ed cylindrical shape, with-the exception that if the two ends be compared, the upper will be found larger than what is stated as the medium measurement, and the lower smaller; or, in other words, the intestine decreases successively from above down- wards, and, as a whole, is slightly conoidal, though this diminu- tion is so gradual that it is not perceptible in any short space. The Small Intestine, like the stomach, consists of four dis- tinct coats, the peritoneal, the muscular, the cellular, and mu- cous. The Peritoneal Coat is complete, and forms the external sur- face. It is continued afterwards in two laminas from the intes- tine to the lumbar vertebras, thereby constituting the Mesente- ry. The two laminas, where they depart from the intestine, are loosely connected with each other, for the purpose of allowing room for the dilatation of the intestine, on the same principle which is exemplified in regard to the stomach. The muscular Coat is next to the peritoneal. Its fibres are * This is the generally received opinion of anatomists: it would appear, how- ever, to be applicable only when the intestine is left attached to the mesentery; for ff it be cut off and straightened, it will measure thirty-four feet, which, added to eight feet of large intestine treated in the same way, will amount in all to forty-two feet. If to the estimate of this length we add what is lost by the doublings of the mucous coat, the entire length of surface must amount to nearly sixty feet, at least, in many subjects. INTESTINAL CANAL. 29 pale, and form a lamina not so thick as common writing paper. The superficial ones are longitudinal, not very distinct, and too much separated to form a perfect coat: they are most abundant on the anterior semicircumference or the one most distant from the Mesentery. The others all run in a circular direction, ap- proaching to the spiral, and are sufficiently numerous to form a perfect coat: none of them perform a complete circuit of the in- testine, but are rather segments of circles. This coat is united to the peritoneal by a thin scattered cellular substance. The Cellular Coat of the small intestine, also called the ner- vous, like that of the stomach, is only a lamina of dense cellu- lar substance, which serves as a medium of conrffcxion between the muscular and the mucous coat; and also conducts to the latter the blood vessels, nerves, and lacteals. When inflated and dried, it puts on a beautiful cotton-like appearance—as in fact the corresponding coat of other parts of the alimentary canal does the same. The Mucous Coat is the most internal, and when it has been cleaned by maceration, exhibits an opaque pearly colour. It is remarkable for having its extent very considerably augmented beyond that of the other coats; by being thrown into a great number of permanent folds, or duplicatures, which lie one upon another successively, like the shin«les upon the roof of a house. These duplicatures are the Valvulas Conniventes, and are for the most part about three lines in breadth. They are either placed in the direction of the circumference of the intestine, or are very slightly oblique; generally they go all around, but many of them are segments of circles, and by being arranged successively, their ends pass one another, or are connected by slight elevations. They are more numerous and broad in the upper than in the lower half of the intestinum tenue, and are • evidently intended to retard the progress downwards of alimen- tary matter, and to increase the surface for absorption and for exhalation. The mucous membrane, on the side which it presents to the cavity of the intestine, is furnished with a great number of de-. licatc cylindrical projections, resembling the down on the skin of an unripe peach, and called Villi,* from whence the term vik * This is intended merely as an expression of the common and received no- tion, my own views arc exhibited in the minute anatomy of this coat. Sect. hi. 4* 30 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. lous has also been applied to this coat. These villi are to be found in abundance every where; but in the upper half of the intestinum tenue they are so numerous as to stud its whole sur- face, and to be in contact with each other. They are from one-fourth of, to a line in length; and some of them, when exa- mined with a microscope, appear flattened and fungiform. According to the estimate of Meckel,* where they are thickest, every square inch of intestine furnishes about four thousand of them, and by extending this computation, with a proper al- lowance for diminished numbers below, their aggregate amount is about one million.f Each Villus is composed of an artery, a vein, and a lympha- tic; all united by cellular substance. From the extreme vascu- larity of the mucous membrane, the blood vessels readily re- ceive a fine injection and thereby become evident, forming a very delicate vascular net-work in each of the villi. It is ascer- tained that the lymphatic opens on its surface, but whether by one or more orifices is yet unsettled. According to the cele- brated Lieberkuhn, there is commonly but one orifice at the end of each villus, and very rarely two: this assertion he considered himself as having established by passing a current of air through the villus till it was dried, and then slitting it open. Hewson, Cruikshank, and W. Hunter, on the contrary, are said to have found many more, amounting even to twenty, on such villi as were gorged with chyle. The subject has been fruitful with controversy to anatomists, and ranks many distinguished cham- pions on each side; but as from the minuteness of the parts un- der discussion and the consequent necessity of microscopical observations, it is exposed to much fallacy and illusion; and can- not be satisfactorily settled, though the general analogies of papillary structure are in favour of the latter authorities. The more important fact, however, is conceded by the admission of all, that there is a branch of the lymphatic system in every villus; which has, for its function, the absorption of chyle from the cavity of the intestine. * Manuel D'Anat. T This is probably much below their real number; in an observation at the university we h-ive found the villi on the ilium at its lower part amounting to six thousand four hundred the square inch, as their shape, however, varies very much, as we shall see, a rule eannot be derived from this. INTESTINAL CANAL. 31 An abundance of Mucous Glands is found deposited in the cellular coat of the small intestine, between the muscular and the villous; their ducts open upon the internal surface of the latter, in the interstices of the villi, and from their smallness require the intestine to be floated in water, and examined with a magnifying glass, before they can be recognised. In order to see the glands themselves, the intestine must be cleaned by soaking it in water; it is then to be slit open longitudinally, and held between the eye and the light, in which case the glands appear like little points or spots in the thickness of the intestine. They are more abundant in the beginning of the latter, decrease about its middle, and increase again towards its termination. Their structure is very simple, as they consist in a congeries of blood vessels, terminating in short canals secreting mucus.* Some of these glands are microscopical, and are called cryptas; others are to be found from that size to a line in diameter, and flattened. They are either alone or in clusters. The former (GlandulcB Solitaries, Brunneri,) are found principally about the duodenum and the neighbouring portion of the small intestine, but also exist all the way down in a scattered manner. The lat- ter (Glandular Agminatce, Peyeri,) exist principally in the lower part of the small intestine, and are collected into clusters vary- ing from a few lines to three or four inches in length, but seldom more than from eight to twelve lines broad. They are, for the most part, in elliptical patches, which, in a healthy state, may be recognised rather by a slight discoloration, than by the more or- dinary means, and are generall}' situated some distance from the mesentery. There are about thirty of these clusters, of all sizes, in the ileum, and they are placed nearer and nearer to one another, in approaching the ileo-colic junction. All of these muciparous glands are too much flattened to project sensibly into the cavity of the intestine, and, when they do, there is reason to believe that they are in a diseased state, at least in the adult. For the most part, in children, the glands of Brunner may be seen in the whole length of the small intestine. The mucous coat of the small intestine is every where ex- tremely vascular. Soemmering, dc Corp. Hum. Fabrica. 32 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. The Small Intestine, though an uninterrupted tube from one end to the other, is divided by anatomists into Duodenum, Jeju- num, and Ileum. There is some reason for the first name, but the two latter may be very conveniently blended, as has been done by some, under the term Mesenteric Portion of the intesti- nal canal. The Duodenum, named from its being about twelve inches, or twelve fingers' breadth in length, is nearest to the stomach; or, in other words, is the commencement of the canal. It is sensi- bly larger than either of the others, and is, moreover, suscepti- ble of great dilatation, whence it has also been called Ventriculus Succenturiatus. Its direction is much varied: beginning at the pylorus, it first of all passes upwards and to the right side till it reaches the neck of the gall-bladder; it then turns downwards, so as to form a right angle with itself, and descends in front of the right kidney to the third lumbar vertebra, being there placed behind the superior lamina of the transverse mesocolon. It then forms a round elbow, crosses the spine obliquely, under the junction of the mesentery and mesocolon, in ascending from right to left; and making its appearance to the left of the second lumbar vertebra, is there continued into the mesenteric portion of intestine. The beginning of the duodenum is moveable, and has a pe- ritoneal coat continued from the lesser omentum; the descend- ing and the transverse portions have no proper peritoneal coat, but are only loosely fixed between the laminas of the mesocolon; the termination is both moveable and has a peritoneal covering, from being at the commencement of the mesentery. From the course assigned to the duodenum, it is evident that it forms the segment of a circle, the concavity of which looks to the left side. This concavity is occupied by the head of the pancreas. The transverse portion crosses the spine below the latter, and is separated from it by the superior mesenteric artery and by the vena portarum: behind it are the crura of the dia- phragm, the ascending cava, and the aorta. The organization of the duodenum is the same with that of other portions of the intestinum tenue. Its peculiarities consist only in a partial deficiency of peritoneal coat, and in its auo-- mented size. Its internal or mucous coat is very much tino-ed INTESTINAL CANAL. 33 with bile, abounds in valvulas conniventes, and about four inches from the pylorus is marked by a small tubercle or elevation, in- dicative of the orifice of the biliary and of the pancreatic duct. The Glands of Brunner are very conspicuous in this intestine, and are so numerous near the pyloric orifice, as to form with some a perfect layer, and to give it a granulated appearance for two inches or more. These glands are considered by Mr. Cruv.eilhier and Boehm to be pancreatic in their structure. The Jejunum and Ileum form the remaining length of the small intestine, and have no external marks of difference from each other. They are strung along the mesentery, and, in con- sequence of their great length, are thrown into folds or convolu- tions, which give to them a complicated appearance. There is, however, no difficulty in tracing them regularly from one end to the other. They occupy the umbilical, the hypogastric, and a part of the iliac regions, and are surrounded by the circuit of the colon. The upper two-fifths is the jejunum, and the lower three-fifths, the ileum. This distinction, originally introduced by Galen,* from a supposition that the jejunum was more fre- quently found empty than any other intestine, has no rigid ana- tomical support. The only difference between the two is, that the valvulas conniventes, abundant in the whole length of the je- junum, become less so at the upper part of the ileum, and finally disappear entirely towards its lower extremity. The distinction has, therefore, been rejected by the most approved modern au- thorities, such as Haller, Soemmering, Meckel, and so on. It sometimes happens, that the intestinum tenue has one or more blind pouches appended to its sides and opening into its cavity. The small intestine is supplied with blood from the superior mesenteric artery. Its nerves come from the sympathetic. The Mesentery (Mesenterium) is a process of peritoneum which serves, as mentioned, to connect the intestinum tenue to the posterior parietes of the abdomen, and extends its connex- ions from the left side of the second lumbar vertebra to the right iliac fossa. This attachment, called the root, is about six inches in length; whereas its lower circumference, which encloses the * Portal, Anat. Med. 34 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. small intestine by giving it a peritoneal coat, is, of course, the whole length of the bowel, (duodenum excepted,) and, conse- quently, from twenty-three to twenty-seven feet in length. This expansion becomes intelligible the moment that the arrangement of the part is inspected, and is somewhat after the manner of a ruffle, except that it is not puckered at the root. The two laminas of peritoneum which form the mesentery, contain between them the superior mesenteric artery, and the corresponding portion of the superior mesenteric vein; an abun- dance of lymphatic or lacteal glands and vessels; ramifications from the solar plexus of the sympathetic nerves; and a considera- ble quantity of cellular and of adipose tissue. The superior la- mina is continued directly into the mesocolon, and at the place of junction the transverse part of the duodenum is very percep- tible beneath. The lower lamina descends along the posterior parietes of the abdomen, concealing the large blood vessels there and the ureters. Of the Large Intestine. The Large Intestine (Intestinum Crassum) receives the effete matter from the small, and is supposed also to make some pecu- liar secretion of faecal matter from its internal surface. It ex- ceeds much in its diameter the small intestine, and differs also from it in not being by any means so regularly cylindrical. It commences at the inferior end of the small intestine, and termi- nates at the anus, describing in this course, as mentioned, a cir- cle which surrounds two-thirds of the abdomen, and embraces the intestinum tenue. Like the latter, though only a continuous tube, it is divided into three parts; the commencement of it, which is below the insertion of the ileum, and about two inches in length, is the Ccecum, or Caput Coli; the remaining portion, which occupies almost its whole length, is called the Colon, until it reaches the pelvis, when the name is converted into Rectum. The Mesocolon is a reflection or duplication of peritoneum, that fixes the large intestine to the posterior parietes of the ab- domen. This duplicature is not of a breadth so uniform as the INTESTINAL CANAL. 35 mesentery, but allows to the middle of the large intestine very considerable motion, up and down, according to the distention of the stomach, while the lateral portions are very much confined. For example, in the right iliac fossa the mesocolon is so short that the posterior surface of the gut is in contact with the iliac fascia, and adheres to it by loose cellular substance; in the right and left lumbar regions the bowel is immoveably fixed in front of the kidneys, but in the space between these two points, that is to say, where the bowel traverses the hypochondriac and the epigastric or umbilical regions, the peritoneal attachment, here called, from its situation, the transverse mesocolon, is so long and loose that it forms a complete and moveable septum between the small intestine and the stomach. In the left iliac region, again, the large intestine, after having been bound down to the left lumbar, is suddenly loosened by an increased breadth of the mesocolon, which permits it to form a large convolution, called its sigmoid flexure. The mesocolon is then continued into the pelvis in front of the sacrum, first of all a little to the left of the middle line of the latter, and, as it descends, it gets directly in front of the middle line. The portion of it in the pelvis is called mesorectum, after the gut which it serves to attach. The composition of the mesocolon is precisely the same with that of the mesentery, though it be not so thick: it, therefore, consists in two laminas of peritoneum, which contain between them some adipose and cellular matter, along with the arteries, the veins, the nerves, and the lymphatic vessels and glands be- longing to the large intestine. When the large intestine is inflated, it is rendered very ob- vious that it decreases in size from its commencement to the lower part of the sigmoid flexure, it then increases again in size just above the anus. Its surface is arranged into three series or longitudinal rows of projections, separated by transverse depres- sions, the whole corresponding with an internal cellular arrange- ment, by the latter surface being the reverse of the former. Its coats, like the small intestine, are four in number; the pe- ritoneal, the muscular, the cellular, and the mucous. The Peritoneal Coat prevails in its whole extent, with the exception of the lower part of the rectum: on the ascending and 36 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. the descending portions of the colon, however, where the latter comes in contact with the parietes of the abdomen, the perito- neum does not invest it entirely; but the transverse portion or the arch, as it is called, and the sigmoid flexure, are completely surrounded. The surface of this intestine is studded with small projections of various lengths, called Appendices Epiploicas, which are small duplicatures of peritoneum containing fat. The Muscular Coat is thin, and like that of the small intestine, consists of two orders of fibres, the longitudinal, and the trans- verse or circular. The longitudinal fibres have the peculiarity of being collected into three equidistant, flattened fasciculi or bands, of about half an inch in breadth, which begin by a common point at the ex- tremity of the ccecum, and extend to the upper end of the rec- tum. One of them is along the line of junction with the meso- colon, another anterior, and the third inferior. These fibres, being shorter than the other coats of the gut, have the effect of puckering them into the internal cellular condition alluded to; for, when they are cut through, the intestine is much elongated, and its cells disappear. It occasionally happens that the longi- tudinal fibres, instead of being confined to the bands alluded to, exist in considerable quantity over the intermediate spaces; in this case the cellular arrangement is restricted, and in some in- stances entirely dispensed with; of the latter, an example is in the Anatomical Museum. The circular muscular fibres form a thin semi-transparent la- mina beneath the last, and do not present any peculiarity of in- terest, they are somewhat thicker than in the small intestine. The Cellular Coat is a thin lamina of dense cellular substance, serving to connect the muscular with the mucous coat, and to conduct the blood vessels and nerves to their terminations on the latter. The Mucous Coat lines smoothly the internal face of the cel- lular, and has no doubling or folds, exclusively in it, like the valvulas conniventes of the small intestine.* The transverse * This may be considered as the general rule: if it be examined, however, in its whole length, here and there narrow ones may be found. INTESTINAL CANAL. 37 projections which it makes between the longitudinal bands, into the cavity of the gut, and which separate the cells of the large intestine from each other, are not mere duplicatures of it alone, but are also constituted by the other coats. Near its commencement this coat has the fungous appearance of the stomach, but about the sigmoid flexure it has a plain, smooth, and, to a degree, a polished surface. It has but few villi, such as exist in the small intestine; indeed, some anato- mists deny that it has any. Its muciparous glands and follicles are numerous, and the former, when somewhat enlarged, pro- ject; they are unusually conspicuous about the sigmoid flexure, and" in the rectum. Its lacteals are not abundant. The mucous coat of the large intestine is very vascular, but not so much so as that of the small intestine. Each division of the large intestine has some peculiari- ties of structure and connexions; which may now be attend- ed to. The Ccecum, or Caput Coli, is generally from an inch and a half to two inches long, has a rounded termination below and somewhat to the left, from which proceeds an intestinal pro- cess, the Appendicula Vermiformis. The latter is from three to four inches long, is cylindrical, has a diameter of two or three lines, and consists of the same number of coats, having the same structure with other portions of the intestinal canal; its base is the point from which the three longitudinal bands start. It is attached by a narrow duplicature of peritoneum, a process of the mesentery, which permits it to float loosely in the abdomen. It seldom contains fasces, but is kept distended by flatus. The ccecum, as mentioned, is, for the most part, confined in the right iliac fossa, but we very frequently see it with a renp-tfi of peritoneal attachment permitting it to descend for a short distance into the pelvis. The lleo-colic Valve (Valoula Bauhini) is formed at the junction of the ileum with the caput coli. This valve, destined to prevent the return of fascal matter from the large into the small intestine, consists in a transverse elliptical opening, or slit, whose lips become approximated in the distentions of the Vol. II.—5 38 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. colon. The ileum runs into the left wall of the large intestine, and continues its cellular and mucous coats into the corre- sponding coats of the latter. The circular muscular fibres of the large intestine separate to a certain degree to j>ermit this introduction, but their farther separation is restrained at each commissure or corner of the lips, by a lending of the struc- ture, aided by a few .ligamentous fibres, designated as the re- tinacula of Bauhin or of Morgagni; which, however, are fre- quently not very distinct. This separation is also restrained by the two longitudinal bands between which they are inserted, one of which is at the posterior commissure, and the other only a short distance off from the anterior. The lips them- selves, formed principally by the mucous membrane, approach one another after the manner of the ship dock or canal gate; the superior is somewhat broader than the inferior. Their power, as well as their existence, depends entirely on the ten- sion which is kept up by the natural connexions of the parts; for a very slight dissection causes them to become almost ef- faced, and instead of forming an elliptical transverse opening, to be converted into a round patulous one. The Colon, properly speaking, has some regional distinctions which are serviceable to accurate description. The right lum- bar colon, which is bordered in front by the small intestine, and behind, by the right kidney, extends from the ileo-colic valve, to the margin of the false ribs of the corresponding side. The transverse colon, bordered above by the stomach, and below by the small intestine, goes from one hypochondriac region to the other. It is generally found more distended than the other portions. The left lumbar colon descends from the hypo- chondriac region of the left side to the sigmoid flexure, being bordered behind by the left kidney, and in front by the small intestine. The sigmoid flexure, placed in the left iliac fossa, forms a convolution, but is very indifferently described by the term applied to it. It is occasionally very long and loose, and terminates at the left sacro-iliac symphysis. It is not unfre- quently found destitute of the partitions which prevail in other parts. The Rectum begins at the left sacro-iliac symphysis, and INTESTINAL CANAL. 39 passes obliquely downwards to the centre of the sacrum, thence in front of the middle line of the sacrum, and of the coccyx, to terminate at the point of the latter. It is not regu- larly cylindrical, but, just above the anus, is dilated into a wide pouch, flattened from before backwards by the pressure of the bladder, and very distinguishable upon the introduction of the finger, for it is but seldom in a contracted state. It, of course, has a flexure by adapting itself to the concavity of the sacrum, and is bounded in front by the bladder, the prostate gland and the vesiculae. seminales of the male, and by the vagina and the uterus of the female. The peritoneum covers only the superior two-thirds of the rectum, and attaches it by the short duplicature, called the me- sorectum, to tfie front of tiie sacrum, A small pouch, passing down between the vesiculas seminales almost to the base of the prostate, is formed, as mentioned previously, by the peritoneum in its course from the rectum to the bladder. The muscular coat of the rectum has a thickness and redness surpassing much that of any other intestine, and is divided very clearly into two laminas, the external of which consists in lon- gitudinal and the internal in circular fibres. The external forms in itself a complete coat continuous with the longitudinal bands of the colon, but is much increased by additional fibres. The circular fibres also form a complete coat, and, just below the pouch of the rectum, are multiplied so much for eight or ten lines as to be a perfect internal sphincter muscle, bearing a strong analogy with the pyloric muscle of the stomach.* At the anus, an arrangement of the muscular coat prevails, which, as far as I know, has not been heretofore attended to by anato- mists. The longitudinal fibres, having got to the lower margin of the internal sphincter, turn under this margin between it and * It has been recently asserted that there is also a sphincter muscle four inches above the anus, half an inch wide in front, and one inch wide behind, from whence according to Mr. Velpcau the fibres go in crossing one another to fix themselves to the front of the sacrum. Mr, Lisfranc appears to have first announced it and Mr. Nelaton to have described it. Malgaigne, Anat. Chirurg. vol. 2d, p. 343. Paris, 1838. I doubt very much the uniformity of the distinct existence of such a mus- cle, not having been able to find it in the dissections which I have instituted for the purpose, unless a portion of the ordinary circular fibres should have been se- lectcd for that designation. 40 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. the external sphincter, and then ascend upwards for an inch or two in contact with the mucous coat, into which they are final- ly inserted by fasciculi which form the base of the columns of the rectum; many of the fibres, however, terminate also between the fasciculi of the circular fibres. This connexion must have obviously much influence in the protrusions of the mucous coat, which sometimes take place. The mucous coat of the rectum is thick, red, and fungous, and abounds in mucous lacunas and glands. It is smoothly laid above, but below it is thrown into superficial longitudinal folds called columns. At the lower ends of the wrinkles, between the columns, are small pouches of from two to four lines in depth, the orifices of which point upwards; they are occasional- ly the seat of disease, and produce, when enlarged, a painful itching. An original observation of Dr. Physick, on the nature of this affection, and the remedy for which consists in slitting them open or removing them, induced me to look for the ordi- nary natural structure, which I have found to be as now de- scribed.* The wrinkling of the anus is from the influence of the external sphincter ani muscle. In some subjects, large cells are formed in the cavity of the rectum by transverse doublings of the mucous coat only, resembling the valvulas con- niventes of the small intestine; this, however, is not the most frequent arrangement, though deserving of notice. It takes place under the following mechanism. About a finger's length from the anus there is a puckering of the gut, or deep wrinkling, such as occurs in the colon, and it arises from a similar cause, that is, an abbreviation of the lon- gitudinal layer of fibres of the gut: this abbreviation is not cir- cular, but occupies the semi-circumference of the gut on one side, and then a little higher up, the semi-circumference of the other side. This shortening of the gut "brings the fasciculi of its circular muscular fibres more together, and, therefore, ac- cumulates them into a greater thickness. At a corresponding * See an interesting paper on Fistula in ano, by M. Ribes, in Mem. de la So- ciete D'Emulation, vol. 9, 1826; where the influence of this structure is alluded to.-It appears that Glisson and Ruysch first described them as valves Also an elaborate and excellent article, by Dr. Reynell Coates, in the Cyclopedia of Pract. Med. and Surgery, Philada. 1835, under the term anus ? ANATOMY OF THE MUCOUS COAT. 41 part on each side of the gut in its interior, exists a transverse doubling of the mucous coat forming the valvulas conniventes al- luded to. The result of this arrangement is a semi-circular valve on each side, one above the other, the margins of which pass each other in the empty and contracted state of the rectum, but touching at the same time, and they present an additional barrier to the involuntary evacuation of fasces.* The large intestine is supplied with blood from a part of the superior mesenteric, from the whole of the inferior mesenteric, and from the internal pudic artery. Its veins empty into the vena portarum. Its nerves are derived from the solar and the hypogastric plexus of the sympathetic. SECT. III.—ON THE MINUTE ANATOMY OF THE MUCOUS COAT OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL. In the preceding account of the mucous coat of the stomach and bowels, I have admitted the most generally received opi- nions, as it is in every way proper for medical men to be aware of them. Having been, however, much occupied, a few years ago, in ascertaining the pathology of Asiatic cholerat by dissec- tions, the observations which I then made upon the healthy and diseased structure have induced me to modify very much my former views, as will be seen in the following pages. The mucous coat of the alimentary canal, in a healthy state, and successfully injected, appears to consist almost entirely of a cribriform intertexture of veins. These veins being commonly empty at death present themselves as a soft spongy structure, which gives rise to the ordinary description of its sensible con- dition as a velvety layer. The most minute injection of the ar- * It has latterly been advanced by Mr. O'Beirnc, that in a natural state the rectum is empty, and that the accumulation of faces preparatory to a stool occurs in Uic sigmoid flexure of the colon, where they arc retained by a contraction ef the upper end of the rectum. The principal ground of this opinion is, that fecal matter is rarely met with in the rectum. The observation is so contradictory to my experience in the dissecting room and on patients, that I cannot but reject it, though it appears to be obtaining some currency, or at least is quoted respect- fully. Journal Ilebd. IS33, vol. xiii. p. 126. Malgaignc, Anat. C'hir. vol. ■2d, 311. f Amcr. Jo.urn Med. Sciences for Vol. xvj. May, 1835. 5* 42 ORGANS OF D1CESTION. lories scarcely makes itself visible, among these veins when they are properly injected, a straggling branch only here and there exhibiting itself. The arboresccnce of the arteries is confined to the level beneath the venous intertexture, and is there deve- loped to an extreme degree of minuteness, being intermixed with corresponding venous ramuscles, generally larger and more numerous than the arteries themselves. This arrangement seems to occur in the surface of the cellular coat which makes the base or ground of the mucous. The fine venous trunks of this deeper layer have their originating extremities bent vertically towards the cavity of the gut, and by that means receive the blood of the first venous intertexture or layer, as the petrous sinuses join the cavernous, or the veins of the penis arise from its spongy structure. The meshes of the first venous intertex- ture are exceedingly minute, and vary in a characteristic man- ner in the stomach, small intestines and colon. This intertex- ture is very different in its looks from a common vascular anas- tomosis, and produces in the colon an appearance resembling a plate of metal pierced with round holes closely bordering upon each other; these holes constitute, in fact, follicles or gaping orifices, the edges of which are rounded off', and their depth is that of the thickness of the venous anastomoses; being bounded below by the arterio venous layer, and by the cellular coat of the part. Nothing short of an entirely successful injection will exhibit this venous anastomosis as described; and it may be seen either by injecting a vein, or an artery provided the injec- tion passes from the artery, into the veins, but the latter process is the least desirable, because we lose the benefit of a distinc- tion of colour between the two sets of vessels. Ordinary modes of examination give no evidence of the exis- tence in the alimentary canal, from the cardiac orifice of the stomach to near the anus, of an epidermis; on the contrary, they rather lead to a belief of its being absent, in consequence of the softness, tenuity, and transparency of the mucous membrane; but that it is really present, may be proved by the following process:—Tear off the peritoneal coat of a piece of small intes- tine-mverl the part and inflate it to an emphysematous condi- tion; the epidermis will then be raised as a very thin pellicle and may be dried in that state; but as this pellicle retains the air, we hence infer that it lines the follicles, and is uninterrupted ANATOMY OF THE MUCOUS COAT. 43 by any perforations. This epidermis, if the part be previously injected perfectly, shows dots of injecting matter like those left in the rete mucosum upon a minute injection of the skin, but no arborescence if it be raised up from the veins by the inflation stated. In so doing the villi disappear, are in fact unfolded. The villi cannot be seen to any advantage except they be erected by an injection, in which case those of the upper part of the small intestines are found to run into each other very much like the convolutions of the cerebrum, and to press upon each other's sides in the same way. Some of them, however, are merely semi-oval plates, the transverse diameter of which exceeds the length or elevation. At the lower end of the small intestine they become simply conical projections, somewhat curved, with the edges bent in or concave, and they retain this mechanism until they entirely disappear near the ileo-colic valve. In the whole length of intestine there is, however, every variety of shape, from oblong curved and serpentine ridges, to the laterally flattened cone standing on its base; the first condi- tion changing gradually to the last in the descent of the bowel. Conformably to this definition of villi, none exist either in the stomach or colon, for there we have only the venous mesh. The villi of the jejunum are about the thirtieth of an inch high, and those of the ileum about one-sixtieth. In the ileum, the superficial venous layer has great regularity and the conical villi stand out beautifully from its anastomoses, or in equivalent language, from the divisions of the follicles. In the upper part of the small intestine the follicles are in equal number to what they are in the ileum; the regularity of their arrangements being interrupted by the long serpentine and oval villi; but invariably the same venous intertexture exists and forms, in both, the chief bulk of the villi, by passing into them. In the stomach the follicles vary much in size, and there is an arrangement whereby many of the smaller ones are seen to open into the larger: on an average about two hundred and twenty-five are found upon every square of One eighth of an inch, which would give of course to an inch square sixty-four times that amount, or fourteen thousand four hundred follicles; and conceding the whole stomach to present an area of ninety inches, which is probably below the mark when this organ is moderately distended, as exhibited in the preparation upon 44 ORGANS OF DIGESTION. which this calculation is founded, the entire number of follicles is one million two hundred and ninety-six thousand. The great uniformity of size of these follicles in the colon, and its even surface, enable us to count them with more cer- tainty, and they appear to exist at the beginning of this gut at the rate of about four hundred for every eighth of an inch square, but in the sigmoid flexure at the rate of about two hundred to the same area; they become, in fact, both smaller and less nu- merous in descending towards the anus. Their average may be stated, therefore, as three hundred for every one-eighth of an inch square—and as nineteen thousand two hundred for ever}7 inch square. Admitting the entire area of the colon to be five hundred inches, and nineteen thousand two hundred of these follicles, to exist on every inch square, the aggregate number will be nine millions six hundred and twenty thousand. Again, estimating the whole area of the mucous coat of the small intestines at fourteen hundred and forty inches, and al- lowing for interruptions occasioned by villi, about three hun- dred and ninety follicles exist upon every one-eighth of an inch square, or 2 4.960 upon an inch: say then, that about twenty- five thousand follicles are found upon every square inch, and the two numbers multiplied, produce thirty-six millions. The entire number of follicles in the whole alimentary canal, is, by the preceding estimates, forty-six millions nine hundred thousand, and upwards. I am very far from pretending to have counted them all, but have made an approximation to the actual number by observing sections of different porlions of the same subject, and verifying the observations upon other subjects. The external surface of the cutis vera presents, as it were, in outline the same follicular arrangement; the venous reticu- lar intertexture appearing broader, not quite so perfect, and more shallow, and forming the papillae; but as additional expe- periments are wanting, it may be passed over with this tran- sient notice; perhaps, indeed, a more skilful hand in adopting the hint may perfect the details.* * It U probably this which constitutes the bio .indeed, in each of these cavities just below the transverse vein. In contact with the right pleura is the descending Vena Cava. The com- mon trunk of the Left Subclavian, and Internal Jugular tailed the Transverse Vein, or Vena Innominata, after crossing in an oblique descent behind the upper portion of the sternum, joins the descending cava an inch above the place where the latter penetrates into ihe pericardium. Behind the transverse vein are the top of the arch of the aorta, the arteria innominata, the THE LUNGS. 151 left carotid, and the left subclavian. The trachea, with the oesophagus behind it, descends along the middle line in front of the spinal column. The arteria innominata crosses the front of the trachea from left to right in ascending; it is in contact with the transverse vein, and more superficial than either,of the other arteries. The phrenic nerve, passing at the internal edge of the scalenus anticus, between the subclavian artery and vein, descends vertically in contact with the pleura. The par vagum passes along the side of the trachea, and afterwards behind the corresponding bronchus, having got into the superior mediastinum between the subclavian vein and artery: its infe- rior laryngeal branch encircles the subclavian artery on the right side, and the arch of the aorta on the left. The internal surface of the pleura is smooth and polished, and is moistened and kept lubricated by an unctuous serum, the na- tural quantity of which Is merely sufficient to allow the parts to slide freely upon each other. In dropsy of the chest, it is aug- mented frequently to such an amount as to cause the collapse of the lung by pressing upon it.. In the cellular tissue, between the pleura and pericardium, as well as on the diaphragm, adipose matter, in considerable abun- dance, is found in corpulent persons advanced in age. The blood vessels of the pleura costalis are derived from those which supply the parietes of the thorax, as the intercoslals and phrenics. They ramify in the subjacent cellular substance, and end by exhalent orifices on the internal face of the pleura, from which, a minute injection is poured out very copiously. BOOK VIII. OF THE CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. PART I* Of the General Anatomy of the Circulatory System. r CHAPTER I. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. The Circulatory or the Vascular System, consists in a conge- ries of tubes, or cylindrical canals, which convey the blood to and from every part of an animal body,and therefore, enter into the texture or composition of almost every portion of it. In all animals there seems to be a necessity for the alternate reception and discharge of alimentary materials; in the higher orders, this is effected through the agency of the vascular system; but in the most simple animals this system does not exist, and their whole fabric being soft and permeable, nutritious-matter is introduced by a direct absorption, or a species of capillary attraction, after the manner of a sponge, or any other porous body, and is dis- charged by a process equally simple.* It is probable that there are some parts of the human body whose mode of nutrition is analogous to the latter; as, for example, the articular cartilages, the hair, nails, and so on; for many observations tend to prove that all these organs have an interstitial circulation. Hunter on the blood. Beclard, Anat. Gen. 154 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. In many animals, the blood is propelled from a central point, called the heart, to all parts of the body, and then returns again to the heart. The first movement is executed through canals called arteries, and the second through veins. It is the most simple scheme by which a circulation can be carried on through a sanguiferous system, and requires a heart with only two cavi- ties; one for propelling blood into the arteries, or departing tubes, and another as a reservoir for receiving the blood of the return- ing tubes, or the veins. The two cavities must be near each other, and have a valvular opening between them, which will permit the blood to pass from the venous into the arterial reser- voir; but not from the arterial into the venous. A circulation of this simple cast is found in fish, and in animals generally whose respiration is effected on the surface of the body; but in man, and in other warm-blooded animals, where respiration is carried on interiorly by means of the lungs, their ctrculat6ry apparatus is double; one part being for the lungs, and the other part for the body generally. In man, the heart consists of four cavities: two auricles, or re- servoirs of venous blood, and two ventricles, into which the ve- nous blood is transmitted, and which, in their functions, may be compared to the forcing-pump of a fire-engine. The circulation is effected in the following manner: The blood contained"in the right auricle of the heart flows into the right ventricle, and from the latter it is forced through the pulmonary artery into the lungs. It returns from the lungs through the four pulmonary veins, and is received into the left auricle of the heart; from the latter it flows into the left ventricle, and is propelled from it into the aorta. The aorta then distributes it through the whole body by an infinitude of small branches; from the latter it is collected, by corresponding veins, into two trunks, the Ascending and the Descending Cava. The ascending vena cava brings the blood from the lower extremities and from the abdomen; the descend- ing vena cava brings the blood from the head and neck, the up- per extremities, and the parietes of the thorax. These two trunks finally discharge the blood into the cavity from which it started, to wit, the right auricle. The same round is then renewed, and continues to be repeated during the whole course of life. It is customary for anatomists to call the route of blood from the right ventricle, through the lungs, to the left auricle inclusively GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. 155 the lesser or the pulmonary circulation; and that which begins at the left ventricle, goes through the whole body, and ends in the right auricle, the greater circulation. The blood contained in the veins of the greater circulation, in the right auricle and ventricle, and in the pulmonary artery, is of a dark brown or reddish colour; while that contained in the pulmonary veins, in the left auricle and ventricle, and in the aorta and its ramifications, is, from being vivified by respira- tion, of a carmine or vermilion complexion. The celebrated Bichat has, upon this difference of colour, founded his division of the whole circulating system into two parts; one containing black blood, "Systeme vasculaire a sang noire;" the other red blood, " Systeme vasculaire a sang rouge." This division having general physiology for its object, affords a well marked distinction, suited to such discussions. The lymphatics also are a part of the circulatory system, but as they do not commonly convey red blood, the consideration of them will be introduced subsequently. " They take a very active part in the animal economy, whether natural or diseased, and seem, in many actions, to be the antagonists of the arteries, while the veins are much more passive, being principally em- ployed in returning the blood to the heart."* The largest vascular trunks are situated near the centre of the body and limbs, on the side upon which flexion is accomplished, while those near the surface are generally small. Most com- monly there are one artery, one or two veins, and several lym- phatics, all.together. The arterial system in its external configuration may be com- pared to a tree, the trunk of which is attached to the heart, and which by a continued succession of divisions and subdivisions reaches to every part of the body. There are no means of esti- mating rigidly the collective area of the branches in proportion to that of the trunk, but a little observation on the size of the primitive branches will satisfy one of a great excess on the part of the latter; and as the rule is maintained throughout, there must finally be an immense disproportion. We have then rea- son to believe, that if all the branches were assembled into a single cavity, this cavity would be somewhat like a cone, the * Hunter, loc. cit. 156 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. apex of which would be next to the heart. The same rule holds in regard to the venous system, it being observed, how- ever, that the latter has two trunks connected with the heart in- stead of one. The general rule is, therefore, established through- out the vascular system, that the collective area of the branches is always greater than that of the trunk from which they pro- ceed.* By the same rule the circulation in the branches must * I am indebted to a scientific friend, Mr. Erskine Hazard, for the following computation, by actual measurement, of the arteries, from which it appears that in many of them, at least, the area of the trunks is greater than that of the branches near them. *" The Left Carotid at the Aorta is........42 Its diameter at the branching is......- - .43 Increase of diameter -.....01 I ts square at the Aorta is.......- 1764 Each Carotid branch measures .23, and the sum of their squares is ------------ 15GS The difference of the areas of the Carotid and its branches is 12 J per cent, in favour of the Carotid. Diameter of Aorta near the Iliacs.......64 Its square.........4096 Diameter of Left Iliac -*-.»,. .40 Its square....... 1600 Diameter of Right Iliac.......37 Its square ...... 1369 Sum of their squares - - . „ . - 2969 Aorta largest by nearly 38 per cent., or -.....1127 Square of Right Iliac, as above, ----... 1369 Ditto External Iliac ....... goo Ditto Internal do. - - - - . . . . 739 ----1629 Branches largest by nearly 19 per cent., or.....260 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. 157 be more languid than in the parent trunks, as this circulation is retarded both by additional friction and by having to fill up a Square of Left Iliac, as above, Ditto Internal Iliac Ditto External do. - 1600 961 900 1861 Branches largest by above 16 per cent., or - 261 Great Sinus of Valsalva ... ... - . . - 13456 Innominata.........2601 Carotid ......... 1444 Subclavian.........1024 Aorta beyond........3600 ---- 8669 Sinus greater than all, by-------- 4787 or 55 per cent. Comparison of the areas of the Iliac Arteries, with that of the Aorta, half an inch above them, in decimals of an inch. Left Iliac. Aorta. Right Iliac. Greatest diameters - - .354 .556 .390 Least do. - - - .290 .410 .290 Sum of diameters .644 .966 .080 Mean diameters .322 .483 .340 Their squares - 103684 233289 Sum of the squares of the Iliacs - Square of the Aorta - 115600 103684 219284 233289 14005 Aorta larger than the Iliads - ..... or nearly 6* per cent. As the areas of circles are to each other as the squares of their diameters, it follows that the aorta will contain, in a given length, nearly GJL per cent., more than the two iliacs; and, consequently, the blood must flow that much faster through the iliacs than through the aorta, as the same blood has to be disposed of in both in the same time. By this means the power of the heart is continued much farther through the system, as each artery is large enough to supply its branches with but little friction. The interior surfaces of the above iliacs arc together, 2.0806 inches, while that of the aorta is but 1.518 inches or only three Vol. II.—15 158 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. larger canal.* The course of rivers exemplifies this continual- lv; while confined to narrow channels, they rush tumultuously through them, but when they begin to expand themselves into capacious basins, or to be divided into a multitude of smaller channels, the current becomes slower, and in some cases imper- ceptible, though the fact is clear, that an equal volume of wa- ter is every where descending in the same period of time. The moisture conferred upon all parts by the circulation of the blood, bears a sufficient analogy to the effects of irrigation upon ground. The water may be conducted to the latter by a canal, which is finally divided into an infinitude of streamlets, which ramify every where, and from the porosity of their beds percolate laterally, so that the whole field, even to its most minute atom, is kept moistened. The streamlets, afterwards, successively assemble again into a single canal, which bears off their superabundant water. From the nature of the particles of blood, many of them are confined to their'proper channels, and can never pass off by percolation into the tissue, through which the blood vessels ramify. This may be proved by the fact that the red globules of blood have a diameter of from the two- thousandth to the five-thousandth part of an inch, a size incon- siderable as it is, yet too large to permit their flowing through elementary fibres or atoms; whereas scrum, or the water of the blood, may, from the extreme fineness of the particles, be ab- sorbed by any tissue whatever; a circumstance entirely un- questionable, both from daily observation, as, for example, in soaking a piece of dried meat or a bene; aid from the reflec- tion, that the air itself will hold a certain quantity of water in solution. A question then arises whether the moisture of parts not sup- plied with red globules of blood, comes in the living body ex- clusively from infiltration or from a peculiar set of vessels called fourths of the rubbing surface. Independently of this circumstance, it is found that there is a greater difference in the quantities of fluids passing through aper- tures of different sizes than there is in the areas of the respective apertures. This is accounted for by there being less friction between the particles of fluids than there is between these particles and a solid; and, in the larger apertures, a smaller proportion of the particles comes in contact with the solid. * It is computed that the blood moves 5233 times slower in the capillaries than in the aorta. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. 159 exhalents, often talked of, but as yet never seen? That the iateral porosities of blood vessels are large enough to allow watery fluids to exude, is readily proved by injecting water into the blood vessels of a limb, or of any other part, when the latter invariably becomes cedematous. It is in this way even possible to inundate a living animal, as I have seen accomplished by M. Magendie, in Paris. This moisture requires a change,! and by continued additions would become superabundant: as it has been thrown out of the common current of the circulation and could not be removed in any other way, the lymphatic sys- tem has, therefore, been added for the purpose. In the lower orders of animals, who are destitute of the blood vessels, the interstitial change of moisture goes on without lymphatics. No part of the human body is exempt from moisture, but it is furnished by smaller streams, and is also less abundant in some textures than in others; for example, though blood vessels susceptible of conveying red blood do ramify through tendons and ligaments, yet they are not numerous, apparently; not more so, indeed, than what is sufficient to keep up by a de- posite of serum, the flexibility of those parts. The vascularity of a part during life may be ascertained by a simple process after death, the most vascular always lose proportionately of their bulk by drying; for example, a muscle shrinks more than a tendon, a gland more than a muscle. Besides the operation of the lymphatics, much of the super- abundant moisture is carried oft' by insensible perspiration and evaporation from the surface of the body: the latter process, however, is much restrained by the peculiar character of the cuticle, without which it would become excessive, probably so much so as to exceed any supply of fluid through the stomach. The red globules of the blood, besides their less obvious uses, unquestionably serve to inspissate the serous or watery part, by an intimate mixture with it, and thereby put a certain re- straint upon its extravasation. They also, from their size, serve to keep open the channels through which the blood circulates. So much associated is the existence of red globules with regular blood vessels, that there are but few examples of animals having 160 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. the former, without also having the latter; whereas, in animals whose circulating fluid has not red globules, but is a mere serum, the entire destitution of regular blood vessels is very common, and their circulation, if the name be deserved, consists simply in the transmission of moisture from one pore to another, as oc- curs in a rag or in a sponge, by mere capillary attraction. Such animals form a numerous class in the chain of organized beings, and have a gelatinous consistence. A remarkable feature in the vascular system, both arteries and veins, is the disposition of trunks to run into one another; or, in other words, to form an anastomosis, whereby, if the blood should be cut off by one route, it may still be supplied through another. These communications are frequent in the head, in the neck, in the thorax, in the abdomen, and in the extremities; they exist, indeed, wherever the blood vessels do, and become more numerous as the blood vessels are smaller, or more removed from the centre of the circulation. It is unne- cessary here to specify instances, as the more remarkable ones will be mentioned at a proper time. But some estimate may be made of their importance, and of the facility of communica- tion established by them, when it is remembered that cases have occurred of obstructed aorta, without the circulation ceasing in the parts of the body beyond it: the same has occurred to thof the epigastric artery. Their trunks coalesce into larger ones, and descend along this artery to end in the external iliac plexus, ■near the crural arch. The Lumbar Absorbents arise from the muscles of the loins, from the posterior pari of those of the abdomen, and from the spinal cavity. Their trunks-correspond with the lumbar arte- ries, and passing beneath the psoas magnus muscle towards the tgpino, they terminate in the Jurabar glands. ABSORBENTS OF THE PARIETES OF THE TRUNK. 307 The Intercostal Absorbents take their origin from the parietes of the thorax, and following the course of the respective inter- costal arteries, pass through some small glands occasionally found between the external intercostal muscles near the heads of the ribs. They are there joined by trunks from the spinal cavity and from the muscles of the back, and afterwards passing through some small glands on the front of the vertebral column, they anastomose more or less with one another, and finally ter- minate in the left thoracic duct. The absorbents of the pleura costalis and of the posterior part of the pericardium terminate in the intercostals. The Internal Mammary Absorbents have their roots in the anterior region of the parietes of the abdomen, above the umbi- licus, where they anastomose with the epigastric. They ascend, along with the internal mammary arteries, behind the sternal cartilages, pass through some small glands, and receive contri- butions from the anterior extremities of the intercostal spaces. Those of the left side, assembling into one or two trunks, cross in front of the left subclavian vein, traverse the inferior cervical glands, descend afterwards from this point, and terminate in the left thoracic duct, or in one of the contiguous trunks of the ve- nous system. Those on the right execute the same movements, but terminate in the right thoracic duct, or in one of the conti- guous venous trunks of that side. The Absorbents of the Diaphragm are exceedingly numerous, and very much connected with those of the liver. The ante- rior ones join the internal mammary absorbents, while the pos- terior follow the phrenic arteries, or go to contiguous trunks belonging to the intercostals. The front ones on the right side, then terminate in the right thoracic duct, while the remainder go in the various routes of the absorbents, with which they are connected, into the left thoracic duct. They are principally seen on its upper surface. Mr. Cruikshank* says, that he once saw them to the amount of three hundred or more, i'filled with chyle from the mesentery that had passed through the substance .of the liver. Asellius was, therefore, probably justified by an * Xioc.xit.p. 9Q. 308 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. accident of this kind, in asserting that the lacteals went to the liver. The Absorbents of the Female Mamma?, like their arteries and veins, are superficial and deep; the former attend the ex- ternal thoracic blood vessels, and the latter the internal mam- mary. The superficial arise from the circumference of the nip- ple, from the skin and cellular membrane, and according to the injections of Mr. Cruikshank, communicate freely with the ve- sicles of the tubuli lactiferi. They run towards the axilla, having sometimes to pass through some glands which are situ- ated half way; they then enter the first series of glands of the axilla in their direction, and afterwards others successively, until they terminate in the lymphatic trunks of the upper ex- tremity, high up in the arm-pit. Some few of these superficial vessels ascend over the pectoralis major to some glands in the neck, just above the clavicle. The deep absorbents of the mammas arise from their thoracic face, and penetrating the intercostal spaces, join the absorbents that attend the internal mammary artery. Of the Absorbent Glands in the Thorax. There are, as mentioned, a few small glands in the intercos- tal spaces near the heads of the ribs between the internal and external intercostal muscles, intended to receive the lymphatics of these spaces. There are also several small ones situated on the front of the dorsal vertebras, along the aorta and the oeso- phagus, in the posterior mediastinum. There are also from six to ten along the internal mammary artery; and some others in the anterior mediastinum, along the sternal face of the pericar- dium. They are said to be very rarely affected by disease. The most considerable and striking glands in the thorax are those called Bronchial or Pulmonary, which receive the absor- bents of the lungs. They cluster about the bifurcation of the trachea, and follow the bronchia for some distance into the sub- stance of the lungs. They are from ten to twenty in number, and vary in size from an inch to a few lines in diameter. Till puberty they have a reddish colour, but afterwards they be- THORACIC DUCTS. 309 come gray, and finally black, following in these respects the change of colour in the lungs. According to Mr. Pearson, their complexion depends upon the deposite of pure carbon. In pulmonary consumption these glands are always enlarged, and look scrofulous. SECT. VIII.--OF THE THORACIC DUCTS. The Left Thoracic Duct (Ductus Tkoracicus Sinister) is the main stream of the absorbent system to which almost all the others are but tributary, and by divers routes ultimately find their way into it. It begins about the second or third lumbar vertebra, in front of its body. Shortly after its commencement, while still in the abdomen, it suffers a dilatation more or less considerable, and varying in its shape in different subjects. This is called the Reservoir of Pecquet, or the Receptaculum Chyli; the dilatation, however, is frequently absent, and does not seem to be an essential part of the structure : in our pre- parations at the University some have it, and others have it not. The thoracic duct enters the thorax between the crura of the diapriragm, to the right of, and behind the aorta; it then ascends on the front of the dorsal vertebras, between the aorta and the vena azygos, in front of the right intercostal arteries, and be- hind the oesophagus. At the fourth dorsal vertebra it begins to incline in its ascent to the left side, and then ascends into the neftk near the head of the first rib-, it rises commonly as high up as the upper margin ©f the seventh cervical vertebra; it then turns downwards and forwards, over the left subclavian artery within the scaleni muscles, and, finally, discharges into the angle of junction of the left subclavian and internal jugular vein. The preceding is the most simple, and perhaps the most com- mon form, under which the thoracic duct is presented, but va- rieties are continually occurring in its place and mode of origin, in its trunk, and its manner and place of termination. It com- monly begins by the union of three absorbent trunks; one for each side of the pelvis, along with the corresponding lower ex- tremity; and a middle one for the chyliferous vessels, which 310 CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. unites with the common trunk of the other two, a few lines above its point of formation; on other occasions, the chyliferous trunks join it in a confused manner by nine or ten distinct channels. Sometimes an intricate plexus of several large trunks; derived from the lumbar and mesenteric glands,' by the gradual reduction of the number of meshes from the successive joining of trunks; begins to assume, at the crura of the diaphragm, the form of a solitary trunk, which is the thoracic duct. The trunk of the duct is also disposed to keep up the anastomosing plan, even in the thorax; we hence see it sometimes dividing itself into two or three channels of equal size, which unite again af- ter a shorter or longer distance, and perhaps in a little space repeat the same arrangement: sometimes a small arm is sent off, which runs along for an inch or two, and joins into the pa- rent stream ; sometimes spiral turns are adopted by the thoracic duct, sometimes nodosities, or small pouches are formed on its sides; sometimes it is dilated at intervals in its whole circumfe- rence. Sometimes it splits into several channels at its termina- tion ; one channel terminating in one vein and another in a con- tiguous one, of the several trunks forming the vena innomi- nata ; on other occasions, instead of entering into a venous trunk of the left side, it goes into the corresponding one of the right. Commonly, it is about the size of a large crow-quill, but some- times as large as a goose-quill, or even still more voluminous, seeming to be in a varicose state, of which Mr. Cruikshank mentions an example where it was half an inch in diameter, and took two pounds of mercury to fill it. There is generally a pair of valves at the termination of the thoracic duct, or if it be di- vided into several streams there is a pair at the embouchure of each, to keep the venous blood out of it. There are also valves in its length, but they are not numerous, and vary in different subjects. The thoracic duct, as stated, is the grand outlet for the lym- phatics of the left side of the head and neck, of the left supe- rior extremity, of the intercostal spaces, of the left side of the thorax, of the viscera of the abdomen, and of the inferior ex- tremities. Though those of the visceca of the abdomen and of the lower extremities have this route, yet, from the observa- tions of Mr. Lippi, of Florence, as mentioned, they have also THORACIC DUCTS gjj some more direct means of getting into the general circulation. For example, he has found several large lymphatic trunks emptying into the ascending cava, one of them opposite the third lumbar vertebra; another into the primitive iliac vein: he has also found some of the lymphatics of the liver discharging into the vena portarum. The Right Thoracic Duct, (Ductus Thoracicus Dexter,) as it is called, but more properly the Right Brachio-cephalic, after the name given by M. Chaussier to the vein, is not more than an inch long, and descends to empty itself, as mentioned, into the junction of the right internal jugular with the right subcla- vian vein. It is derived from the lymphatic trunks of the right side of the head and neck, from the right upper extremity, the superficial lymphatics of the right side of the thorax, the lympha- tics of the right lung, of the right side of the diaphragm, and some of those of the right side of the liver, the courses of all of which have been detailed. Though the single trunk is formed from these several tributary streams, yet the latter have sometimes several embouchures into the venous system at or near the point mentioned, and, as on the other side of the body, there is a proper security, by valves, from the introduction of blood into them. There is always an ample system of anastomosis, not only between the branches which concur to form the right *tnd left thoracic ducts, but even between the ducts themselves,* so that if one be occluded or impeded, its circulation can be turned into the other, as in the case of veins. * Meckel, Man. D'Anat. tom. ii. p, 581. BOOK IX. PART I. Of the General Anatomy of the Nervous System. NERVOUS SYSTEM. The Essential ingredient of this System is a peculiar animal matter called JVeurine, the texture of which is so soft, that in the natural state it has the least possible consistence. It is, therefore, protected in a variety of ways; by being enclosed in bone where it is collected in large masses, and by being sur- rounded by ligamentous matter where flexure is required. The nervous system in man, and other vertebrated animals, consists in two portions of dissimilar forms; one is spheroidal, elongated at its base into a cylindrical process, and is contained in the cranium and in the spinal canal; the other is an assem- blage of arborescent rays, which proceed from different points of the first portion, to every part of the body. The first por- tion is the Central or Internal part of the nervous system, com- posed of the Brain and Spinal Marrow, while the radiating portion is called the External or Peripheral, and consists in the Nerves of the brain and spinal marrow. The nervous system is remarkable for its symmetry; as it is universally double, it very seldom happens that any striking dif- ference of it on the two sides of the body is manifested, parti- cularly as regards its Central portion; it is said, however, that aberrations, in this respect, are more common in man than in other mammiferous animals. Vol. II.—28 - 314 NERVOUS SYSTEM. The Central Portion of the Nervous System is composed of two kinds of the substance called Neurine, distinguished by their colour and relative situation: one is improperly enough called Medullary, (Substantia Medullaris,) but as the name is now sanctioned by universal usage, it is impossible to dispense with it. The other is called Cineritious, (Substantia Cinerea,) with, perhaps, sufficient propriety, from its colour. They are both of a soft pulpy consistence, and constitute the chief mass of the brain and spinal marrow: some anatomists have desired to add, from some slight distinction of colour, two other sub- stances, a yellow and a black, but that seems unnecessary, and has not been acknowledged. These substances differ from one another in regard to their quantity, the medullary being more abundant than the cineritious; it is also harder, and receives fewer vessels. But the atoms of both have the same elementary form, that of globules united by a semi-fluid substance; the shape of these globules, as well as their size and degree of solidity, are not yet ascertained.* The Medullary Matter, when quite fresh and scraped in par- ticular directions has a filamentous appearance, which may be rendered still more distinct by hardening it in alcohol, in boiling oil, in a solution of the neutral salts, or in diluted mineral acids. If an attempt be then made to tear it, it will be immediately perceived that the fibres separate in a fixed direction, and in no other. These fibres, when viewed with a microscope, seem to consist of fibrillae too fine to admit of any rigid conclusions in regard to their size; and which are, in some instances, pa- rallel, in others, concentric, and in others, diverging or con- verging.! The two substances are variously placed in different parts of the nervous system: the surface of the cerebrum and of the cerebellum is formed by the cineritious matter, and the interior principally by medullary ; while the surface of the pons, of the crura, and of the spinal marrow, is medullary, and their interior cineritious. Again, in other points, they are intermixed. The * Sir Everard Home, and M. Bauer, Phil. Transactions. London, An. 1821. Milne Edwards, Thesis on the Elementary Tissues of Animals. Paris, 1823. + See Lessons on Practical Anatomy, by W. E. Horner, for description ol~ Brain according to Gall and Spurzheim. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 315 medullary matter is always so arranged that it is never inter- rupted, but forms a continuous whole; while the cineritious is in detached masses, and is found wherever the central extremities of the nerves are implanted, or where there is an increase of medullary fibres. Some anatomists have even supposed that it existed at the peripheral extremities of the nerves, and particu- larly in the rete mucosum of the skin. The fibrillse of the medullary tissue are united by a very fine and thin cellular substance, which may be seen by tearing them apart. This cellular substance is more condensed near the surface of the brain, where it is formed into a highly vascular membrane, the pia mater, and is continued along the nerves as a neurileme, or covering to them. The central nervous system is abundantly supplied with blood vessels, but lymphatic trunks have not yet been injected in it The Peripheral Portion of the Nervous System or the Nerves, are formed by parallel anastomosing fasciculi of fibres, percep- tible to simple inspection, which may be reduced into fibrillar, and then again into filaments as small as the thread of a silk worm. The finest filament is enclosed in its appropriate sheath, so that the latter is a tube filled with nervous matter. The ner- vous matter is soluble in an alkali, and in that way may be re- moved; the canals may then be filled with quicksilver or air, and their existence demonstrated. On the other hand, nitric or muriatic acid dissolves the sheath, but hardens the nervous matter, and renders it more distinct, so that the finest filaments are made obvious.* In either case it is evident that the shape of the nerve is preserved. These filaments are supposed to be precisely the same with the fibres of the brain, excepting that their sheaths keep them more distinct from one another. The Sheath of the nerves, or the Neurileme {Neurilemma) forms a general envelope to the nervous fasciculi, as well as a particular one to each fibre, and is continuous, at its central extremity, with the pia mater. Its canals branch off and unite again at intervals, forming a species of reciprocal anastomosis, * Reil, de Struct, Nerv. 316 NERVOUS SYSTEM. sufficiently represented by the plan of the large nervous plex- uses, as they occur in various parts of the body. It is the ge- neral envelope which is obviously continuous with the pia ma- ter, but the particular sheaths of the finer fibres are lost insen- sibly, so that these fibres appear naked in the centre of the nerve, at its central extremity. The same destitution of neu- rilematic covering is observable at the peripheral extremities of the nerves, wherever the latter can be traced. The interior of these canals is traversed by processes, which cross the nervous matter and sustain it. From the increase in size, the additional solidity, and the close adhesion of the nerves to the dura ma- ter, where they pass out of their several foramina in the spine and cranium, there is no doubt that the dura mater contributes to the neurileme, though its structure is altered and made much less dense. The best evidence of this is the sheath of the optic nerve, and of the spinal nerves. This opinion, advanced by the ancients, has been strongly contested by Haller,* and by Zinn.f The tunica arachnoidea is too fine to admit of any positive opi- nion about the extent to which it follows the nerves. The neurileme has but little contractility, is solid and diffi- cult to tear, and is supposed to be the secretory organ of the medullary substance. The nervous fasciculi are, moreover, held together by cellu- lar substance, which has in the progress of life, a tendency to the deposite of fat. This cellular substance, in neuralgic affec- tions, is subject to infiltrations and redness, whereby it becomes hard. This circumstance has induced pathologists to consider the pain as depending upon its inflammation.^ The optic nerve, owing to the size of its canals, furnishes the best example of structure, and the nerves of the muscles are next. There are, however, some peculiarities in different nerves; as the observations of Sir Everard Home have ascer- tained that the medullary filaments of the optic nerve augment in numbers and diminish in volume, from its origin towards its termination. The principal light thrown upon these minute and interesting points of nervous organization, has been de- rived from the researches of Reil.§ * Prim. Lin. t Memoires de Berlin, 1753. X Beclard, Anat. Gen. p. 665* § Reil, de Structura Nervorum* Hal© Saxonum,. 1796, GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 317 In addition to the preceding structure, the nerves present a satin-like undulated surface, with small bands that pass some- what spirally and in a zigzag direction. The latter appear- ance is illusory, and depends upon the contraction or shorten- ing of the nerve when not stretched; its seat is in the neurileme, and it accordingly disappears upon extension. Some years ago M. M. Prevost and Dumas asserted that they had found the ultimate filaments of nerves* distributed to mus- cles, terminating in loops, either by anastomosis with other fila- ments or in a loop of the individual filament. The observations of Valentine and Emmert corroborate those of the preceding gentlemen. Valentine has found the same arrangement in the iris and in the ciliary ligament, in the cochlea of birds, in the sacs of the teeth, and in the skin of the frog. This arrange- ment does not, however, exist as a universal one in the nerves of sensation as in the retina of the vertebrated animals and of insects.f The nerves abound in blood vessels; when a vascular trunk reaches them, one of its branches ascends and another descends, and, if successfully injected, the neurileme is covered by its ca- pillary ramifications. As in the brain, the lymphatics have not yet been injected, There are three modes by which the nervous fasciculi unite with one another; anastomosis, plexus, and ganglion. Anasto- mosis is the junction of the filaments, either of the same nerve or of different nerves, and the examples of it are very abun- dant. Plexus is an anastomosis on a larger scale, and occurs between the larger fasciculi of the same nerve, or pf different nerves, whereby a very complete intertexture of their fibres oc- curs. Kronenburg asserts that the primitive fibres of the cerebral nerves continue separate up to their ultimate distribution, and that, in their apparent union, they only change from one fasci- culus to another, and that this arrangement prevails not only in the plexus, but in every part of the nervous trunk and its branches. This conclusion he founds upon his observations of * See General Anatomy of Muscles. t Muller's Report on N,ervous System, 2,8* 318 NERVOUS SYSTEM. the brachial plexus in mammalia, and of the lumbar plexus in the frog.* Ganglions are knots which occur in the course of nerves, whereby they have, for the time, a great augmentation of vo- lume. The ganglions have a great variety of form and size; they are parabolic, circular, crescentic and so on; and, in their general appearance, hardness, and colour, resemble somewhat lymphatic glands. Their structure is intricate, and as yet ra- ther unsettled. When submitted to maceration, they are re- solved into two kinds of substance; one is filamentous and con- tinuous with the nerves, adhering to the ganglion; and the other is gelatinous and of a reddish ash colour. The filaments, in penetrating the ganglions are deprived of their neurileme, which is continued into a sort of capsule that surrounds the ganglions. They pass uninterruptedly through the ganglion, and, therefore, continue the several nervous cords into one another; but, in a complicated way. The nature of the gelatinous substance is not fully ascertained; by some, and Scarpa among others, it is thought to be fat. The ganglions, like other parts of the nervous system, are very vascular. The Ganglions are said to be simple and compound; the first is where a single nerve produces the ganglion, and the second where the filaments of two or more nerves concur to form it. The simple ganglions are invariable in their form and situa- tion, and belong to the spinal marrow, being formed upon the posterior fasciculi alone: this fact was first pointed out by Haase,| and has been subsequently confirmed by the observa- tions of Scarpa and of Prochaska, and by the admission of anatomists generally. The exterior envelope is continuous with the dura mater, and the internal with the pia mater, from whence they have more firmness than other ganglions. The compound ganglions are found at divers stations about the body. The attention of the profession has been much directed lat- terly to the microscopicaUobservations of Professor Ehrenberg,. * Muller's Report on Nervous System, p. 232,. for the year 1836.. \ De Gangliis Nervorum. Leipsick, 1772. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 319 of Berlin, on the structure of the Nervous System.* The fol- lowing is a summary of his doctrines on this subject. The in- strument used being a microscope of Chevalier of Paris, aug- mented in power by Pistor and Schiek, of Berlin. The organic structure of the Encephalon, the Spinal Cord, and the Nerves, presents: 1. A set of straight tubes, like a string of mock pearl beads, and whose spheroidal enlargements are kept apart by an inter- mediate canal. These nodulated tubes he calls varicose, from their mechanical conformation or resemblance to varicose veins; he also calls them jointed or articulated from their shape. These are parallel to one another, cross occasionally, are never seen to anastomose, and are like filaments: they contain a pe- culiar matter, designated the Nervous fluid, (Liquor Nervosus of Haller,) and are confined chiefly to the white or medullary portion of the Encephalon and Spinal Marrow. They are of a milky colour. 2. A set of filamentous bodies, which are hollow or tubular, of a simple cylindrical shape, that is, not having the irregular surface or nodes of the preceding. They are uniform, and ge- nerally larger than the nodulated, though the latter are in places continued into the former. They contain a white viscid fluid, to which he gives the name of Medullary, and which is less transparent than the Nervous. These tubes are the one hun- dred and twenty-ninth of a line thick in the middle; they are elementary, are not surrounded individually by a neurileme, are collected into fasciculi, which, in that state, have a neuri- leme, and these fasciculi are grouped into larger chords or nerves proper. The elementary tubes, though they, pass from one fas- ciculus to another, do not discharge or empty into one another, their anastomosis being merely one of adhesion. These cylin- drical tubes exist chiefly in the nerves. 3. A granulated matter, some of the grains of which are very fine and some coarser, being disseminated through th& others. This is confined to the cineritious substance of the convolu- * Memoir of 1833-1836 to the Academy of Sciences of Berlin, translated by David Craigie, M. D. Edin. Med. and Surg. Journ. Oct. 1837 : copied into Es-. Bays on Physiology, Phila.. 1838. 320 NERVOUS SYSTEM. tions of the cerebrum, to the laminated surface of the cerebel- lum, and the cineritious part of the Spinal Marrow. 4. The articulated tubes present patulous ends to this granu- lated collection, which ends are fitted for the purpose of re- ceiving them directly, and for the distillation of the Nervous fluid, (Liquor Nervosus.) 5. The cylindrical tubes of the motiferous nerves are imme- diate continuations of the nodulated tubes. This is perceptible in the nerves of the medulla spinalis and of the cerebrum, ex- cepting the Olfactory, the Optic, and the Auditory Nerves, which are unchanged nodulated tubes. 6. Professor Ehrenberg's observations on living nerves have not yet exhibited the circulation of a nervous fluid in them, but he declares neither for nor against it. 7. The Ganglions, or Nervous knots, consist of the articulated tubes alone, or mixed with the cylindrical tubes. They have also a very fine network of blood-vessels, with nervous gra- nules intermixed with them. They are, in fact, comparable to brains. In the present state of microscopical anatomy it is impossi- ble to tell whether the foregoing is a history of delusions or a narrative of fact. Every im-provement of the microscope, since its first discovery, has, in subverting preceding opinions, claimed for itself infallibility; yet there has been, at no period, uniformity in the results of experienced observers. We have, in the present instance, according to Ehrenberg, Professors Muller and Wagner approving and confirming by their testi- mony; and Professors Remack, Treviranus,* Krause, and Volk- man, objecting. Such an instrument as a highly magnifying microscope, in establishing new relations of vision, leaves us destitute of those countertests which are indispensable to infal- libility; its indications may be right, but they always present much room for doubt. * Progress of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System, during the year 1836, by Professor Muller, of Berlin, (copied into Essays on Physiology and Hygiene, Phila. 1S38,) who does not himself seem to be an ardent convert to the views of Professor Ehrenberg; as he says, "Whether or not the minute ele- mentary structure of the nerves is known, must still remain a matter of doubt " p. 231 GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 321 The Nervous system is the seat of intelligence, and also ex- tends its physical influence to every part of the body. Both the one and the other qualities reside in its central portion; the first in the brain, and the second in the spinal marrow. When the communication between the brain and the spinal marrow is interrupted by an accident, or in an experiment, the difference between the influence of the two is strongly marked:* the in- fluence of the brain seeming to be entirely intellectual, so that an animal will even bear its removal without immediate death; while the influence of the spinal marrow is so indispensable to life, that its destruction is followed by instantaneous and perfect death.t Under common healthful circumstances, however, the two seem to exercise a mixed influence on all parts of the body; as, for example, upon the reception of distressing intelligence, the stomach ejects its contents, or refuses to receive more; alarming intelligence causes the heart to flutter and to palpi- tate, and both the bladder and the intestines to evacuate their contents. On the contrary, a proper degree of corporeal ex- ertion strengthens the intellectual operations, while its excess debilitates them. That these several nervous influences are seated in the central part of the nervous system, seems proved by the fact, that where there has been a congenital deficiency of all the limbs, or an accidental one, which, of course, removes a very considerable portion of the peripheral part of the ner- vous system, animal life and the intellectual operations have still gone on vigorously. The following are some of the physical functions over which the nervous system seems to preside. Digestion; the whole alimentary canal, from the mouth to the anus, is under its influence: first of all in mastication, then in swallowing, afterwards in digestion and the absorption of chyle, and, finally, in the passing of the effete matter out of the body. It has been sufficiently proved, by the experiments of several physiologists, that the section of the par vagum destroys the faculty of digestion. Respiration; the mechanical act of this process, that by which * Legallois on the Principle of Life. ■J- Observ. and Exper. on the Nervous System, by W. E. Horner. See Chap- man's Med. and Phys. Journal, vol. i. p. 285. 322 NERVOUS SYSTEM. the cavity of the thorax is enlarged so as to admit of the intro- duction of air, evidently depends upon the phrenic and the inj tercostal nerves. If the nerves which supply the structure of the lungs be alone intercepted, as the par vagum, either by liga- ture or section, the changes on the bjood produced by respiration cease, and the animal dies. Secretion, exhalation, absorption, and animal heat, seem also to be dependent upon the integrity and the activity of nervous influence. The action of the heart, sensation and voluntary mo- tion, are in the same predicament. The manner in which these several kinds of innervation is produced, is unintelligible. One has supposed it to consist in a vibration of the elementary fibres of the nerves; another in an agitation of their elastic globules; another in the transmission of an imponderable fluid, as ether, magnetism, electricity, and Gal- vanism. Reil has proposed, on this subject, what has been termed a chemico-vital hypothesis: according to him, the ge- neral action of parts depends upon their form and composition; consequently, when the two latter vary, the first does also. M. Beclard* inclines to the opinion, that "the nervous system is the elaborator and conductor of an imponderable agent; and, like electricity or magnetism, that by it we can explain all the phenomena of innervation:—The relation between the benumb- ing influence of electric fish and Galvanic phenomena on one part, and ordinary nervous action on the other;—The practica- bility of causing Galvanic phenomena by the nerves and muscles alone;—The possibility of producing muscular con- traction, the chymifiant action of the stomach, the respiratory action of the lung, &c, in substituting a Galvanic for a ner- vous influence;—The existence of a nervous atmosphere, ac- ting at a distance around the nerves and muscles, and between the ends of divided nerves;—The wrinkling of muscular fibres in contraction, and the relation of the finest transverse nervous fibres with those wrinkles, are phenomena of innervation which nearly approach certain electro-magnetical ones." This subtile fluid, according to M. Beclard, seems to be formed every where, but principally in places where there is much vascularity along with the ash-coloured substance. It impreg- * Anat. Gen. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 323 nates all the humours and organs. The blood seems to be es- pecially endowed with it, and owes to it the properties which distinguish it during life. In consequence of which, life is es- sentially connected to the reciprocal action of the blood upon the nervous substance, and of the nervous substance upon the blood.* Mr. Charles Bell, of London, has lately presented, in a very interesting light, certain functions of the nervous system :f by his researches it appears, that besides the nerves of vision, smell, and hearing, there are four other systems, having differ- ent functions, and extended through the whole frame. Those of Sensation; of Voluntary Motion; of Respiratory Motion; and nerves, which give unity to the body in harmonizing the functions of nutrition, growth, and decay, or whatever else is indispensable to animal existence.^ According to this theory, the several filaments of a nerve ex- ercise one or the other function, but only the one; these dissimilar filaments being bound up in the same fasciculus, constitute a nerve or fascis, and they never exchange power with one ano- ther ; their anatomical differences, however, are such, as not to make obvious one kind of filaments from the others. Several columns of nervous matter form the spinal marrow, six in all, three on each side; the anterior for voluntary motion, the pos- terior for sensation, and the middle for respiration; and it is probable that still more may be found out. The first and the third ascend into the brain, and the middle stops short in the medulla oblongata; hence, the function of respiration goes on so long as the medulla oblongata remains entire. These few principles, supported by several experiments, have enabled Mr. * M. Rolando (Saggio sulla vera struttura del cervello, e sopra le funzioni del sistema nervoso, 1809, Beclard, p. 622,) has been so much taken with the Gal- vanic manifestations of the nervous system, that in the laminated arrangement of the cerebellum, he has only seen a modification of the Voltaic pile. In the con- volutions of the cerebrum, he, no doubt, would have recognised on acquaintance, with that powerful instrument; the Spiral Calorimotor of Professor Hare of thi University. * Exposition of the Natural System of the Nerves of the Human Body. Philad. 1825. $ For a comprehensive eclectic view of the present state of opinions on the physiology of the Nervous System, see Human Physiology by Robley Dungli- son, M. D. Professor, &c. Philad. 1838. 324 NERVOUS SYSTEM. Bell to bring forward a system of no small importance, on the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system.* The development of the nervous system is amongst the ear- liest processes in the distinct evolution of the fcetal organs.-)- At the end of the first month, when the head is a mere swell- ing of one end of the small maggot-like being, the brain and the spinal marrow are not by any means distinct, but the parts being transparent, a limpid fluid holds their place. About the fifth or sixth week, the embryo having acquired a length of five or six lines, the rudiments of the brain appear as vesicles con- taining a whitish and almost diaphanous fluid, while the spinal marrow represents a long canal containing the same, and com- municating with the cerebral vesicles. In the early part of the third month, the brain and spinal marrow show very distinctly the rudiments of the several ca- vities, elevations, and fasciculi, which mark their subsequent mechanical arrangement of surface; and from this period it is no longer difficult to trace the successive development of each part to the degree of perfection which it has at the time of birth. From the many observations made by Tiedemann on these points, he has deduced the conclusion, that the brain is produced by the superior part of the spinal marrow; that is to say, by the medulla oblongata, which grows and is developed for the pur- pose. That this is proved, in the extension upwards and for- wards of the two principal fasciculi of the spinal marrow, and by a canal which is found in the spinal-marrow of the foetus, being extended to the fourth, and even to the third ventricle; also, by the cerebellum proceeding evidently from the medulla spinalis, since its two crura may be traced growing from it, and subsequently uniting over the fourth ventricle, so as to form the especial structure of the cerebellum; also, by the tubercula quadrigemina being derived from the corpora olivaria of the • The same subject has been taken up, in an inaugural thesis, by a zealous and intelligent graduate of the University; and, by a series of ingenious experi- ments, seems to have been generally proved and illustrated. Chapman's Med. andPhys. Journal, 1823, vol. vi. p. 240. Remarks on some of the Nervous Func- tions, by J. P. Hopkinson, M. D. f Anat. du Cerveau, par F. Tiedemann, traduit par Jourdan, Paris, 1823. Anat. Comp. du Cerveau, par E. R. A. Serres, Paris, 1824. GENERAL ANATOMY OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 325 medulla oblongata, and by the thalami and the corpora striata proceeding from the corpora pyramidalia, and, finally, forming the hemispheres of the cerebrum. In addition to the preceding proofs, comparative anatomy furnishes other illustrations. The brain becomes more and more complex as one ascends from fish to reptiles, from the latter to birds, and then to mammiferous animals. The spinal marrow is very voluminous in the inferior animals, while the brain only forms an appendix to it; whereas, if the spinal marrow were an appendix to the brain, we ought to find the last of a prior for- mation in foetuses, and also in a perfect state in the lower ani- mals, before a medulla spinalis could be observed.* The exploration of the anatomy of the Nervous System with the microscope has latterly become a very favourite pursuit, with what advantage to science remains to be settled. For an exposition of the general results of such labours, see Progress of the Anatomy and Physiology of the Nervous System, during the year 1836, by Professor Muller of Berlin. These results present very contradictory and incompatible views, the conclu- sions of one observer being the antagonists of those of another. To which side the credit of truth is to be attached, time must determine. We have to remark that this paper bears the stamp of most others which have been presented on the nervous sys- tem for some years, that of inconclusiveness and great doubt on its professed objects. * Tiedemann, loc, cit. p, 157, Vol. II.—29 BOOK IX. PART II. On the Special Anatomy of the Central portion of the Nervous System. CHAPTER I. OF THE SPINAL MARROW AND ITS MEMBRANES. The Spinal Marrow, (Medulla Spinalis) though commonly described after the brain, as a continuation or appendage of it, has precedence, as seen, both in the period of its formation in the embryo, and in its importance to the functions of the ani- mal system; it will, consequently, be proper to give it that prio- rity in description to which its natural rank entitles it. SECT. I.—OF THE SPINAL MARROW. It is placed within the vertebral cavity, and extends from the first vertebra of the neck to the first or second vertebra of the loins, inclusively. It is surrounded by three membranes, of which the Dura Mater is external, the Pia Mater internal, and the Tunica Arachnoidea, between the other two. Its general form is cylindrical, yet it has slightly the appearance of being flattened both behind and before. It departs also from the strict cylindrical shape, by being enlarged or swollen at particular points. One of these enlargements occurs in the neck, where the spinal canal is formed by the five lower cervical vertebree, and the roots of the axillary plexus of nerves are given off. The 328 NERVOUS SYSTEM. enlargement is in the transverse direction or axis of the spinal marrow, but not so much in its thickness, and terminates gra- dually both above and below. The medulla spinalis afterwards continues small, with very slight undulations or nodosities, until within three or four inches of its lower extremity, when it again enlarges. The enlargement here, though sufficiently obvious, is not equal in actual magnitude to that in the neck, and is the place from which all the lumbar nerves and the three superior sacral proceed. It is then brought gradually to a point some- what blunted, which most commonly does not descend below the first lumbar vertebra. The point is, in some rare cases, bifurcated, and by a transverse fissure converted into a tu- bercle. The spinal marrow, besides terminating so much above the lower end of the spinal canal, is much smaller in its diameter, even with the addition of its membranes, than the canal. This circumstance prevails, especially in the neck, and in the loins, where much motion is experienced; and, consequently, a provi- sion is thus made against any injury to it from pressure.* The Medulla Spinalis is marked off, longitudinally, into two symmetrical parts, by one fissure in front and another behind, both of which extend its whole length, and are placed exactly in its middle. The contiguous edges or surfaces of each of these fissures adhere so, that it requires a slight maceration or dissec- tion to render them evident. The posterior fissure is decidedly deeper, especially at its upper part, than the anterior: but the latter, in return, is somewhat broader. The difference in depth, however, is unimportant, as subjects are frequently met with in which it is not appreciable. Moreover, on each side of the medulla spinalis there is a la- teral fissure. It is not precisely in the middle, but somewhat posterior, and pentrates inwards and forwards. In many in- stances it is merely a simple superficial depression, much less deep than either of the former. It does not run the whole length of the medulla spinalis, but terminates somewhere in the upper part of its thoracic portion by joining with its fellow af- * The Spinal Marrow at the third mouth of the embryo extends to the end of the coccyx; it then suddenly contracts to the second lumbar vertebra. The coc- cyx ia contemporaneously reduced from seven to four pieees. Serres. SPINAL MARROW. 329 ter having converged regularly towards it.* The different opinions of anatomists on the existence of this fissure may be accounted for by its being readily found in early life, while it is obliterated or very indistinct in old age. This lateral fissure should be carefully distinguished from two others, one before and the other behind it, which extend the whole length of the medulla spinalis, and consist in a series of little depressions, running into each other and transmitting the filaments which form the roots of the spinal nerves. The posterior, of the last named lateral fissures, is deeper than the anterior, and pene- trates in the same direction with the lateral fissure first men- tioned; it also, in like manner, joins its fellow, but only after having proceeded to within a few lines of the inferior end of the medulla spinalis. The substance of the spinal marrow being of two kinds, ci- neritious and medullary, the order of their position is reversed from what occurs in the brain; for the cineritious is included or enveloped by the other. On making a transverse section, the cineritious will be found much less abundant than the other, and consisting of a thin transverse lamina in or near the centre of the medulla: this part is joined at either end to a portion somewhat crescentic, whose concavity is outwards, and the con- vexity inwards. The transverse part does not run into the middle of the crescent, but somewhat anterior to the middle, so that the anterior horn is shorter than the other, and is also thicker and obviously more obtuse. The cineritious or grayish substance is more abundant at the lower part of the medulla spinalis than it is above. In the foetus, at the end of gestation, it predominates below, occasionally, to the entire exclusion of the other. The medullary or white substance is more abundant laterally than elsewhere, and has its two symmetrical sides joined together by a thin lamina at the bottom of the anterior and of the posterior fissure. Each half or symmetrical side of the medulla spinalis is itself divided into two chords, marked off from each other by the pos- terior horn of the cineritious crescent, and by the first described lateral fissure. Of these chords the anterior is, consequently, much the larger; it is also longer and forms the inferior extre- * Meckel, Manuel D'Anatomie, 29* 330 NERVOUS SYSTEM. mity or the point of the medulla spinalis. The posterior chord, though so much smaller and narrower than the anterior, is it- self subdivided into two, by a slight but well marked split; of these two last chords, the one next to the posterior middle fissure of the medulla is smaller than the other. These arrangements, according to Meckel, are much more obvious in the early life of the human subject, than afterwards, and are particularly con- spicuous in the brute creation. The thin white laminae by which the two sides of the spinal marrow adhere to each other at the bottom of the middle fis- sures, are called, by modern anatomists, Anterior and Posterior Commissures. Their precise arrangement is not yet fully ascer- tained, but it is stated by Gall and Spurzheim,* that the Anteri- or Commissure is formed by transverse fibres or filaments, which adhere to one another from the opposite sides like a suture, or after a serrated fashion; whereas, the Posterior Commissure is formed by a band of longitudinal fibres. There is also another Commissure, called Middle or Cortical, from its position, and from its being formed out of the transverse part of the grayish or cineritiou** substance. The chords which form each half of the medulla are differ- ently disposed: the posterior continues on the side to which it specially belongs, while the anterior having got within the cir- cumferrnce of the first cervical vertebra, crosses over to the op- posite side by decussating with its fellow. This decussation oc- cupies the space of four or five lines, and interrupts, for that distance, the middle fissure in front of the medulla. It is not effected by the chords passing in mass from one side to the other, but each chord sends off four or five fasicuii, which are inter- woven with their congeners, like the fingers of the two hands when interlocked obliquely. It is to be observed that the whole mass of the anterior chords is not subjected to such distribution; for the fasciculi just described come from their anterior and from their posterior faces, while the intermediate part is per- mitted to pursue its course straight upwards. This decussation, upon which so much interesting physiological speculation de- pends though known for the last century, and spoken of by Mistichclli and Petit, lias been strangely overlooked by many * llecherches sur le Syst. Nerv. ct sur celui du Cerveau. Pari?, 1809. SPINAL MARROW. 331 anatomists, and even positively denied by some. There are other places where the fasciculi of the spinal marrow seem to cross from one side to the other, but the fact is not yet verified sufficiently. The existence of canals in the spinal marrow has been from time to time announced ;* though authors differ much in the ac- counts of their position and extent. When such an appearance is presented, it is supposed, by some, to be either the result of disease or of accident, with the exception of a small one of eight or nine lines long, which communicates at one end with the fourth ventricle, and is shut up at the other.t Valentine asserts that the primitive fibres of the nerves, which join the spinal marrow, do not terminate there, but pass on to the brain.J In the spinal marrow of a child, it is very easy to divide it by tearing into threads, running its whole length; these threads do not seem to have any determinate number, but to be regulated by the healthy consistence of the spinal marrow, and the patience with which the process is pursued. If a spinal marrow has been macerated for some years in spirits, it may be broken or split up into radii, from the centre to the cir- cumference, like a tree, and these sections divided into thin, short, flat laminae adhering to, or anastomosing with such as are contiguous to them. Muller found a similar arrangement in the spinal marrow of the Petromyzon Marinus, though he has never seen it in any other animal. The Spinal Marrow sends out from its sides thirty pairs of nerves, which, like the vertebrae, are arranged into cervical, dorsal or thoracic, lumbar and sacral. Of these there are eight cervical, one of which, from its escaping between the occiput and the first vertebra, is most usually designated as sub-occipital, and, therefore, the number of the cervical nerves is reduced to the same with that of the vertebras, to wit, seven. There are twelve pairs of dorsal nerves, five of lumbar, and five of sacral. Occasionally, there is a sixth sacral nerve on each side, which augments the number of spinal nerves to thirty-one pairs. Every spinal nerve is formed from two roots on the same * Gall, Portal, Morgagni. t Meckel, p. 605, vol. ii. Bichat, vol. iii. p. 128, t Muller's Report on Nervous System. 332 NERVOUS SYSTEM. level, one before and the other behind, and each root consists in several fasciculi of nervous matter. The front root arises from the anterior chord of the medulla spinalis, and the other from the posterior chord. The posterior root is larger than the an- terior, but has fewer fasciculi in its composition, and is not so filamentous. The two roots are kept asunder by the Ligamen- tum Denticulatum. The fasciculi of each are slightly connected by a loose delicate cellular substance, and as they are about penetrating the dura mater, each fasciculus collects into a sin- gle chord, which passes the dura mater through its appropriate foramen. In this way the anterior and posterior roots are kept distinct till they have got to the outside of the membrane men- tioned; but the foramina, through which they pass, border close- ly upon one another. The posterior root, then forms a ganglion of a round or oval shape; from whose external extremity there proceeds a single nervous trunk, which is joined immediately at its commencement by the anterior root. With the exception of the ganglions of the sacrum, which are in the spinal cavity of that bone, these bodies are placed in the intervertebral foramina. The size of the ganglion is not proportionate to that of the nerve from which it proceeds; for some of the dorsal ganglions are the largest, while those of the sacrum are smaller than any others. The two nerves of the same pair, though generally symme- trical, or precisely resembling, are not invariably so; some- times one is placed higher than another, and the number of the fasciculi may be greater or smaller. The roots of the nerves are much nearer, or cluster more at the extremities of the spi- nal marrow, than its middle. The Cervical Pairs of Nerves are nearly horizontal in their course from the medulla spinalis to the foramina in the dura mater. The first one, or the sub-occipital, is strictly so; the others incline very gradually more and more downwards. They have, therefore, but a very short passage before they reach the intervertebral foramina. Their roots are so pyramidal, that the bases nearly touch each other, and, for the most part, are con- nected by an anastomosing filament, which goes from the upper margin of the nerve below to the lower margin of the nerve above. These anastomoses are found connecting the upper with the MEMERANES OF THE SPINAL MARROW. 333 lower fasciculi, both on the anterior and posterior chords of the medulla, but more uniformly as regards the latter. Modifica- tions of this arrangement, which it is unnecessary to specify, are met with in different subjects. The Dorsal, or Thoracic Pairs, are much inferior in size to any other nerves, except the inferior sacral. Anastomosing filaments do not generally prevail, yet they are found occasion- ally, as in the neck, upon the two or three upper pairs. The first one has the broad pyramidal or triangular root of a cer- vical nerve, and resembles it also in volume. The second is the smallest of any; they then go on increasing in size to the lowest, but not in uniform gradation. They are successively more oblique, and consequently longer from their bases to their passage through the dura mater. The Lumbar and the Sacral Pairs arise closely upon each other, indeed in absolute contact successively, from the lower end of the medulla spinalis, and form a cluster of filaments re- sembling the tail of a horse, hence it is called Cauda Equina. As their place of origin is within the precincts of the first lum- bar vertebra and the two or three last dorsaL. they all observe a very oblique course in their descent to the vertebral forami- na, and the lower ones are almost vertical. Notwithstanding they are in contact, and adhere by a loose cellular substance, yet there are no anastomosing filaments between the adjacent roots. From the sacral ganglions presenting the peculiarity of being situated in the spinal cavity of the sacrum, instead of in the foramina, the single nerve formed from the ganglion and the anterior fasciculus, has to proceed a distance more or less considerable in the spinal cavity before it can escape from it. SECT. II.—MEMBRANES OF THE SPINAL MARROW. Of the Dura Mater of the Medulla Spinalis. This membrane, forming the exterior envelope of the spinal marrow, extends from one end of the spinal canal to the other, being continuous above with the dura mater of the brain, and 334 NERVOUS SYSTEM. terminating below in a cul-de-sac, or closed extremity. It does not adhere to the surface of the spinal canal, but lies loosely attached to it, with the exception of the first cervical vertebra, to which it is closely fastened. Between it, and the ligaments and periosteum on this surface of the bones of the spine, is a long, loose, and spare cellular substance, generally somewhat watery, and containing in the lumbar and sacral regions, a reddish adipose matter. This membrane is so much larger than the medulla, that it invests it very loosely and always presents a collapsed appear- ance. Where the nerves penetrate, it furnishes to each one, a sheath as far as the intervertebral foramen. Having reached the intervertebral foramen, the sheath then enlarges so as to enclose the ganglion, adheres by cellular substance to the con- tiguous periosteum, and is then insensibly lost in the tunics of the nervous trunk. Those sheaths are longer for the cauda equina than elsewhere, and, of course, observe the same suc- cessive obliquity with the nerves to which they belong. The internal surface of the dura mater is smooth and shining, which is probably owing to the tunica arachnoidea being re- flected over it. This membrane has a fibrous texture, and with inconsidera- ble exceptions, is like that of the brain. Of the Tunica Arachnoidea of the Medulla Spinalis. This membrane is next to the dura mater, and is easily dis- tinguished by its extreme delicacy, thinness, and almost perfect transparency. It is destitute of red blood vessels. It forms a complete envelope for the medulla spinalis, and adheres to the Pia Mater very loosely by means of long, slender, and scat- tered filaments of cellular substance. If the dura mater be slit up its whole length before and behind, and a blow-pipe be introduced at one end of the medulla, between the pia mater and the arachnoidea; inflation will cause the latter to rise, and to present itself as a long capacious tube, detachinc on each side processes which surround the roots of the nerved These processes having reached the points where the nerves penetrate the dura mater, are ihen reflected upon its internal MEMBRANES OF THE SPINAL MARROW. 335 face, being spread over it, and thus giving it the glistening ap- pearance. The processes enclosing the fasciculi of the spinal nerves, are particularly conspicuous about the Cauda Equina. Of the Pia Mater of the Medulla Spinalis, This third envelope of the spinal marrow forms also a com- plete investment of the latter, and adheres very closely to it. Its external face is smooth, and is in contact with the arach- noidea, from which it may be readily separated by inflating the latter. But from the middle of its internal face both ante- riorly and posteriorly, a process or partition penetrates into the middle fissures of the medulla spinalis, and reaches to their bottoms. From these partitions there proceeds a great num- ber of small vascular canals, that pass in various directions through the medulla, and anastomose freely with each other. This arrangement is rendered sufficiently obvious by injecting and tben destroying the medulla in an alkaline solution; or if the medulla be hardened by neutral salts or acids, it splits into many longitudinal radiated laminae, divisible into chords, where- by the arrangement is made equally manifest. A fact of some consequence is thus established, to wit, the similitude between the structure of a nerve and of the medulla spinalis. At the inferior end of the medulla the pia mater becomes a single chord, which is continued among the cluster of nerves constituting the Cauda Equina to the lower end of the tube formed by the dura mater, and there it joins with the latter. As a membrane, the pia mater is mueh more complete than the corresponding one of the brain, has more strength, but is not so vascular. Its thickness iucreases in its descent. It is of a yellowish-white colour. It seems to hold the medulla some- what in a state of compression, for when a puncture is made through it, the medullary substance protrudes like a hernia. It goes from the medulla to the fasciculi oT nerves and forms their neurileme or sheath. The pia mater seems to impart great elasticity to the spinal marrow, for when the latter is detached from the spine by the severance of its nerves, it contracts suddenly and forcibly to the amount of from one to two inches. 336 NERVOUS SYSTEM. Of the Ligamenta Denticula. These bodies are narrow semi-transparent bands, and very thin, which are placed one on either side of the medulla spina- lis, between the pia mater and the tunica arachnoidea. They commence at the occipital foramen, and descending between the anterior and the posterior fasciculi of the roots of the nerves, terminate somewhat ahove the inferior extremity of the medulla spinalis. Each one is, at its commencement, in front of the accessory nerve, and in descending is rather nearer to the posterior than to the anterior fasciculi. By its internal margin it adheres with uniformity to the pia mater, but the external margin has a very different arrangement; for it sends off at intervals from twelve to twenty-four serrated or denticulated processes, which for the most part are placed between the fasciculi of cervical and of dorsal nerves. The extremities of these teeth are small, rounded, and strong, are surrounded by the arachnoidea, and adhere very firmly to the dura mater, being pointed down- wards.' The position and connexions of each ligamentum den- ticulatum are such, as to make it serve as a fastening; which use is additionally indicated by its fibrous texture, and by the necessity that the medulla has for such fastening, in considera- tion of its being so deficient in filling up the vertebral canal.* It is taught by many anatomists, that the ligamenta denticu- lata, from the opposite sides, join at the lower end of the spi- nal marrow to form the single cylindrical chord, just men- tioned, that passes thence to the lower end of the spinal cavity, and has been described as an emanation from the pia mater. I am, however, induced to think with Meckel and others, that general analogy is in favour of the latter. * An opinion has been advanced by Professor Pancoast that the pia mater of the elephant, of the bullock, and of man, forms by its duplicature the ligamentum denticulatum. The specimen of the former which I have seen in his possession affords strong indications of that arrangement: at the same time, in examining its point of origin in man from the dura mater at the foramen magnum, its dis- tinctly fasciculated and tendinous character there, is in opposition to this con- clusion : the fissures which separate it along its internal margin from the pia mater are also not favourable to this idea, which in other respects is plausible and ingenious.—Wistar's Anat. Vol. 2, p. 513. Phila. 1839. BLOOD VESSELS OF THE MEDULLA SPINALIS. 337 SECT. III.--OF THE BLOOD VESSELS OF THE MEDULLA SPINALIS. The Arteries of the Spinal Marrow are derived from the Vertebral, Intercostal, Lumbar, and Sacral Arteries. 1. The Posterior Spinal Artery (Arteria Spinalis Posterior) is the lowest branch of the vertebral, given off in the cavity of the cranium. It reaches, soon after its origin, the posterior face of the Medulla Spinalis, and runs to the lower extremity of the latter, on the side of its posterior fissure. Its course is parallel with its fellow, and very serpentine. In its descent it is continually re-enforced by small branches which get into the spinal cavity through each of the intervertebral foramina, they being twigs from the Vertebral Intercostal, and Lumbar Arteries. 2. The Anterior Spinal Artery (Arteria Spinalis Anterior) arises above the last from-the vertebral. Shortly after its ori- gin it unites with its fellow into a common trunk, which de- scends along the anterior fissure of the medulla spinalis, but is subject to interruptions. It also is re-enforced by twigs from the same arteries that pass into the spinal cavity through the in- tervertebral foramina. In its whole courseit sends off branches from each side to the medulla spinalis. The Cauda Equina is supplied by arteries from the Lumbar and from the Sacral Arteries, which reach it through the fora- mina, between the vertebras and in the sacrum. The Veins of the Spinal Marrow are very abundant. A large one on each side of the middle line, called the Sinus Columnae Vertebralis, is situated in the spinal cavity, on the posterior face of the bodies of the vertebras, between their ligamentous covering and the dura mater. They are the general recipients for the blood of the contiguous structure. They detach a con- siderable number of branches, which run transversely, and anastomose with one another on the body of each vertebra, so that each vertebra has its little system of anastomosing branches. These junctions constitute the Circelli Venosi. Vol. II.—30 338 NERVOUS SYSTEM. These anastomoses communicate with the intercostal veins, avd, indeed, with all such as are on the outside of the spinal column, by means of small branches that get out by the inter- vertebral foramina. They receive the veins from the bodies of the vertebras, and from the dura and pia mater of the spinal marrow. The two sinuses may be traced as low down as the inferior end of the sacrum, where they arise by small trunks from the fatty matter which surrounds the lower end of the cauda equina. When their size is somewhat augmented by their as- cent, they communicate by a large transverse branch. The superior end of each sinus terminates by several anastomoses with the vertebral vein, and with the anterior occipital sinus; through the latter of which its blood is, finally, carried into the lateral sinus. For a farther account, see Sinus Verte- brales. CHAPTER II. OF THE ENCEPHALON, OR BRAIN, By this term is designated that section of the central portion of the nervous system, which is contained within the bones of the cranium. In its general configuration it differs materially from the medulla spinalis, in being spheroidal or oval. It is surrounded by the same membranes; to wit, the Dura Mater, externally, the Tunica Arachnoidea next, and the Pia Mater, internally. The Encephalon is formed by cineritious and medullary matter, and, as a mass, consists of four distinct portions. The Medulla Oblongata, which is a continuation of the spinal mar- row, or its superior part; the Protuberantia Annularis, or Pons Varolii, which is placed at the upper extremity of the Medulla Oblongata; the Cerebrum, which occupies six or seven-eighths of the cavity of the cranium; and the Cerebellum, which lies MEMBRANES OF THE BRAIN. 339 upon the posterior fossae of the base of the cranium. As the brain is a double organ, each of these parts is symmetrica], or consists in right and left halves perfectly alike, SECT. I.--OF THE MEMBRANES OF THE BRAIN, OR ENCEPHALON. Of the Dura Mater. This membrane, the most exterior of the three belonging to the encephalon, lines the whole internal face of the cavity of the cranium, and is attached with great tenacity to it, particu- larly in early life, from which cause it is also considered as an internal periosteum. Its external surface has a rough and unequal appearance, and adheres much more strongly where the sutures exist than on the common surface of the bones, owing to its detaching many large filaments, which penetrate into the sutures and reach to the pericranium. Its adhesion to the surface generally of the bones is accomplished by fine filaments of fibres, and by very numerous and small blood vessels which become evident from the dots of blood collected upon it, when the bones are torn up, as in the usual manner of examining the head. To the base of the cranium, its adhesion is still stronger, owing to the abun- dance of the foramina and fissures there; to the margin of each one of the foramina it is fixed with extreme compactness, and may be considered as continuous with the adjacent pericra- nium. The external surface of the Dura Mater is marked by the arteries and veins which creep and ramify through it, and make, as mentioned elsewhere, corresponding furrows in the bones. The Dura Mater consists of two laminae, one within the other; they, however, are attached so closely in the greater part of their extent, that it requires the knife, or strong artificial force, to separate them. Sometimes, in tearing off the skull- cap of a$middle-aged person, the external lamina is brought away with the bone. Several processes arise by a duplicature of the* internal la- mina of the dura mater, and extend from the circumference to- 340 NERVOUS SYSTEM. wards the centre of the cavity of the cranium. They are as follow:— The Falx Cerebri separates the hemispheres of the brain, and consequently, precisely under the middle line of the head. Its shape is well indicated by its name. It commences by a small point from the middle of the body of the sphenoid bone, and continues to arise along the crista galli, the spine, and 'middle line of the frontal bone, the sagittal suture and the up- per limb of the occipital cross, till it reaches the internal occi- pital protuberance. It is about an inch broad in front, where it begins, but it increases continually, though gradually, in breadth till its termination, where it is two or two and a half inches wide. It is strongly fastened along the crista galli, and at the foramen ccecum, and being also fastened behind to the tentorium, (with which it is continuous,) as well as along the intermediate points of bone, it is kept in a state of strict tension, which does not admit of its wavering to one side or to the other. Its inferior margin is very concave, and goes to within a small distance of the corpus callosum. There are sometimes consi- derable apertures in it, through which the flat surfaces of the hemispheres come in contact. The Tentorium Cerebelli, another process of the internal la- mina of the dura mater, is placed transversely across the pos- terior part of the cranium, and separates the cerebellum from the posterior lobes of the cerebrum. It is continuous with the posterior end of the falx major, whereby these two processes ex- ercise a mutual tension. The tentorium is, therefore, kept convex above and concave below. Its form is crescentic; its outer circumference is extended along the horizontal limbs of the occipital cross, and along the superior corner or margin of the petrous bones to the posterior clinoid process. The internal circumference is much smaller and unattached, and being placed immediately behind the sella turcica, it leaves an opening (the Foramen Ovale) which is near- ly of the same size with, and occupied by the tuber annulare and the crura cerebri. The anterior extremities of the crescent are continued from the posterior clinoid process to the anterior MEMBRANES OF THE BRAIN. 341 on each side, so that a deep depression is formed for lodging the pituitary gland. The Falx Cerebelli is a small triangular process of the dura mater, which extends in the middle line from the under surface of the tentorium to the posterior margin of the occipital fora- men. Its base is above, and its point below: the latter termi- nates by a small bifurcation. It adheres by its posterior mar- gin to the middle inferior limb of the occipital cross; the ante- rior margin is free, and serves to separate the two hemispheres of the cerebellum. The Dura Mater is essentially fibrous, as is sufficiently evi- dent at whatever point it may be examined. These fibres have no settled course, but cross each other in every direction. It is white, sufficiently transparent for the vessels of the pia ma- ter to be imperfectly seen through it, and almost inelastic. Its internal face is smooth and polished, and is covered or lined by the tunica arachnoidea, the halitus from which gives it a slip- pery feel. It is insensible to common excitants,such as cutting, or even cauterizing it; from which circumstance, together with the common inability of anatomists to trace nerves into its structure, it is supposed, by many, to be entirely destitute of them. The venerable Chaussier, however, takes a different position in regard to these points, and says, that it has sensibi- lity, and that though none of the cerebral nerves can be traced into it, yet, by attentive examination, it is found, that filaments from the sympathetic nerve follow the ramifications of its mid- dle or great artery.* It is well supplied with blood vessels, both arteries and veins. The former are derived principally from the branches of the in-^ ternal maxillary of either side, which get into the cranium through the foramen spinale and ovale. There are branches also from ihe ethmoidal, the inferior pharyngeal, and the ver- tebral. The branch of the internal maxillary called meningea ma^na divides into two, of which the anterior being the more considerable, gains the anterior and inferior angle of the parie- tal bone; but the other is directed backwards to the squamous * Exposition de L'Encephale, p. 29. 30* 342 NERVOUS SYSTEM. portion of the temporal. Each of these branches is subdivided into a considerable number of smaller ones, which for the most part incline backwards. Their capillary terminations are sup- posed by Bichat to be in small number comparatively, and to be limited principally to those of nutrition. Some of the veins accompany the arteries., as in other parts of the body, and empty into the sinuses about the base of the cranium. In the case of both arteries and veins, there is, how- ever, a very considerable anastomosis with the blood vessels of the diploic structure of the cranium, and with those of the in- teguments. Of the Sinuses of the Dura Mater.—The sinuses are large cavities placed between the two laminas of the dura mater, and receive the blood from the veins of the pia mater. They are formed by the separation of these laminas, and are lined by a membrane corresponding with the internal coat of the veins. 1. The Sinus Longitudinalis Superior extends along the whole base of the falx cerebri, from the ethmoid bone to the tento- rium, where it terminates in the lateral sinuses. It begins at the foramen ccecum in a small pointed manner, and, according to some anatomists, by a small vein, which passes from the nose through this foramen; it is successively increased in size from before backwards, and is of a prismatic shape. One side of the prism is upwards, and, of course, is formed by the external la- mina of the dura mater; while the other two parietes are late- ral, and are formed by the duplicature of the internal lamina. Its cavity presents a number of small cords, round or flattened, passing from one side to the other; they are called Chordae Wil- lisii or Trabeculas, and prevail principally at its back part. The longitudinal sinus receives on each side from ten to twelve large veins, which bring the blood from the pia mater. Those from the convex surface of the brain are joined just before enter- ing the sinus by such as belong to the flat side of the hemispheres. These veins enter the-sinus, for the most part,, obliquely forwards, or in a manner opposed to its circulation. They are also fur- nished with valves, which circumstance, besides their oblique entrance into the sinus, is a provision against their being filled by the regurgitating blood. The most posterior ones previous- MEMBRANES OF THE ERAIN. 343 ly glide eight or ten lines between the laminas of the dura ma- ter, and are somewhat tortuous. This sinus also receives se- veral veins from the bones, and some from the scalp, which traverse the bones at different places: among the largest of them are those that come through the parietal foramina. The dura mater itself sends some of its veins into this sinus. In the longitudinal sinus, towards its posterior part, is found a considerable but variable number of small granular bbdies; some in clusters, others insulated; and from the size of a pin's head to a line or more in diameter. They are the Glandulae Pacchioni: they have no excretory ducts that have been dis- covered, and it is entirely uncertain whether any specific fluid is secreted from them. These bodies are also to be found on the surface of the dura mater near this sinus; some of them, in- deed, make foramina through the dura mater, and corresponding depressions in the* skull. One on each side, larger than usual, and near the parietal foramen, is remarkable for this. 2. The Sinus Laterales, one on each side, are situated in the base of the tentorium, and follow its course along the grooves of the occipital and parietal bones. They then leave the tentorium and go along the groove in the mastoid portion of the temporal bones to reach the posterior foramina lacera, where they ter- minate in the internal jugular veins. Their shape is ovoidal, instead of prismatic, as the longitudinal sinus is; they are also larger than it. The sinus of the right side is very frequently larger than that of the left, and seems to be more a continuation of the superior longitudinal sinus. In some rare cases one of these sinuses is deficient. The lateral and inferior veins of the cerebrum, and the inferior veins of the cerebellum run into the lateral sinuses. 3. The Sinus Longitudinales Inferior is .situated in the falx cerebri just above its concave edge. It is much smaller than the superior, and terminates behind in the sinus quartus. It re- ceives the veins of the falx, and sometimes a few from the cor- responding parts of the hemispheres. 4. The Sinus Quartus, or rectus, is situated in the tentorium, where the latter is joined by the falx major or cerebri. It is 344 NERVOUS SYSTEM. triangular or prismatic, and runs from the anterior margin of the tentorium to the posterior, where it terminates in the extre- mity of the longitudinal sinus. The general union which is there formed between the longitudinal, the fourth, and the lateral sinuses, constitutes the Torcular Hierophili. The anterior extremity of the fourth sinus, besides receiving the inferior longitudinal, is joined by the Vena Galeni, a single trunk, formed by the junction of the two veins of the middle of the velum interpositum, and extending from the posterior margin of the fornix to the beginning of the sinus quartus. The Sinus Quartus, in its course, also receives the superior veins of the cerebellum, with the exception of the most anterior ones, which terminate in the Vena Galeni. 5. The Sinus Petrosi are small cylindrical cavities, and are so called from being situated on the petrous bone. There are two on each side; one above and the other below. The former is the Superior, and runs from the cavernous sinus along the superior margin of the petrous bone to join the lateral sinus, where the latter quits the tentorium to descend towards the base of the cranium. The other Petrous Sinus is the Inferior. It is larger than the superior, and arises, also, from the cavernous sinus by its posterior margin. It then runs along the-fissure be- tween the occipital and the petrous bone, leaving its mark on the margin of these bones, but principally on the former, and then terminates in the lateral sinus just above the posterior fora- men lacerum. 6. The Sinus Cavernosi, one on each side, are also formed by a separation of the two laminas of the dura mater, though their shape is so different from that of the others. They are situated at the sides of the sella turcica, and on the body of the sphenoid bone. Their cavity is very irregular, and is furnished with a number of filaments, which cross in every direction, and give it a cellular arrangement. The internal carotid artery and the sixth nerve traverse it, but are protected by its lining membrane being reflected over them. The cavernous sinus anastomoses in front with the circular sinus, and behind with the two petrous sinuses and the anterior MEMBRANES OF THE BRAIN. 345 occipital. It receives, in front, the ophthalmic veins; from above, the anterior and inferior cerebral veins; and on the sides, some veins from the dura mater. 7. The Sinus Circularis is placed in the sella turcica, and surrounds the pituitary gland. It is a small cavity which re- ceives the veins of this gland, and, as just mentioned, commu- nicates with the cavernous sinus. 8. In the posterior part of the base of the cranium, there are also some other sinuses, called, from their position, Occipital. One of these, the Anterior, is upon the basilar process of the os occipitis, and extends itself directly across the bone, from the hind part of one cavernous sinus to the corresponding point of the other; and is, therefore, a means of communication between these two cavities. Another of these sinuses, the posterior, ex- tends from the region of the torcular Hierophili, or the upper extre- mity of the lateral sinuses, along the base of the falx cerebelli, to the posterior margin of the occipital foramen, where it bifur- cates, and then goes along the margin of this foramen to dis- charge itself into the lateral sinus at the posterior foramen la- cerum. The smaller sinuses about the base of the cranium, besides the outlets mentioned, have collateral ones, which pass at dif- ferent places through the base of the cranium, and run into the branches of *the internal jugular vein. These communications, as mentioned in the account of the veins, were known to San- torini, and are called his Emissaries. Of the Tunica Arachnoidea. This membrane is the second of the envelopes of the brain, and is spread over the surface of the pia mater, adhering to it closely in the greater part of its extent. It is so diaphanous and thin, as its name implies, that it is distinguished with some difficulty, wherever it adheres to the pia mater; which it does all over, with the exception of some few places on the basis of the brain, as, for example, just in front of the tuber annulare, and behind the medulla oblongata. There this membrane may 346 NERVOUS SYSTEM. be seen stretched from one prominence to another, and sepa- rated considerably from the pia mater. It does not dip into the fissures of the brain, but goes directly across them, from the ridge of one convolution to that of the adjacent, so that it is entirely smooth and uniform in its distribution. Notwith- standing the general closeness of its connexion with the pia ma- ter, it may yet be separated from it by careful dissection, by slight maceration, or by the use of the blow-pipe; dropsical ef- fusions frequently make out the distinction between the two membranes; also the deposite of coagulating lymph. Considering this membrane as a single layer, we have to speak of tho dura mater, as lying loosely upon it. But the au- thority of Bichat, sanctioned by the testimony of many other anatomists, has assigned to it a much more considerable extent. For it seems to be well ascertained, both by analogy and by ob- servation, that it is a sac; which, besides covering the external surface of the pia mater, is reflected over the internal surface of the dura mater, and gives to the latter its smooth shining appearance. This lining is on the same principle that the se- rous lamina of the pericardium lines its fibrous lamina, or that the synovial membrane lines the ligamentous attachments of an articulation. In the early periods of life, it may be sepa- rated from the dura mater, by dissection. Vicq. D'Azyr has related a case in which it was detached by a collection of pus. Its places of reflection to the dura mater are on the basis of the cranium, where the blood vessels and nerves pass into the sheaths formed by the dura mater, and along the blood vessels entering into the sinuses. This membrane is continuous with the tunica arachnoidea of the medulla spinalis. The tunica arachnoidea* is considered to pass into the ventri- cles of the brain by the same apertures that the pia mater does, but it is much less manifest there than elsewhere. The texture of this membrane is exceedingly delicate and fine. It is always found, in health, in a transparent state, and is furnished with neither red blood vessels nor nerves. It secretes a sort of halitus, or synovia, which facilitates the * As the ventricles of the encephalon are but fissures in its structure, this ar- rangement is in oppositiou to that of the fissures on the surface of the encephalon, and in fact, may be doubted from its defective evidence, excepting in the case of the Velum interpositum. MEMBRANES OF THE BRAIN. 347 motions of the brain, and prevents it from adhering. Occa- sionally, this secretion is so much augmented as to constitute a genuine dropsy. Of the Pia Mater. The Pia Mater, or Tunica Cerebri Vasculosa, is in contact with the substance of the brain. It also is extremely delicate, but, unlike the last, is furnished with an immense number of blood vessels which go to or return from the brain, and are, in most subjects, so abundant that they give a florid appearance, at a little distance, to the whole membrane. Its external face appears entirely smooth, owing to its being covered, and its processes cemented together by the tunica arachnoidea ; but its internal face exhibits these processes as penetrating to the bottom of the fissures of the brain; consequently, it is very un- equal. The pia mater presents, along the course of the longitudinal sinus, an abundance of those small graniform bodies, existing also in this sinus, and called Glandulas Pacchioni. They beset the veins as they enter into the longitudinal sinus, and even follow them there, so that there is a chain of them from the surface of the pia mater, into the sinus. They are frequently so abundant on the superior part of the hemispheres, near the great fissure, that they cause the dura and pia mater to adhere, as if from inflammation. It is the larger of this kind which frequently produce an absorption of the dura mater, and of the internal table of the skull. These bodies are also found, along with the pia mater, in the ventricles of the brain, as at the ex- ternal margin of the plexus choroides, around the pineal gland, and at the bottom of the fourth ventricle. The Glandulas Pacchioni, wherever found, present a similar appearance and structure, but varying much in size: they are generally in clusters, which repose on common bases. Anato- mists differ much in their opinion concerning them. Bichat acknowledges his complete ignorance on the subject; Portal says that they are only congeries of vessels or of cellular bo- dies filled with fat. Meckel states, that as they are found es- pecially in the latter periods of life, and never before birth, and as they never exist in very great abundance, except in persons 348 NERVOUS SYSTEM* who have often experienced diseases of the head, and are not observed in any animal; so we are forced to consider them as morbific productions, and not, as Pacchioni conceived, glands whose excretory ducts opened into the ventricles of the brain and the sinuses. The Pia Mater covers the upper surface of the cerebrum with such uniformity as not to require a detailed description of it; where it sinks into the great fissure between the hemispheres, it adheres from the two sides just above the corpus callosum. On the basis of the brain, it penetrates deeply into the anterior fissure, or the Fissura Sylvii; is reflected over the inequalities of the brain, but never in such a way as to leave them; and secures the bottom of the third and of the fourth ventricle. The distribution of the pia mater, over the ventricles of the brain, is more complicated than that over its periphery, and it may be remarked, that this portion is called, by some anato- mists, the Internal Pia Mater; that its texture is much more de- licate, and net-like, and that it adheres more closely to the sub- jacent parts. Being extended from the superior surface of the cerebellum and of the Pons Varolii, it enters into the third ven- tricle, under the posterior margin of the fornix, by the large transverse fissure between the latter and the tubercula quadrige- mina. By its course between the fornix and thalami, it consti- tutes the Velum Interpositum, or the Tela Choroidea of Vicq. D'Azyr. The pia mater is also introduced into the inferior cor- nu of the lateral ventricles along the internal margin of the hip- pocampus major, at the side of the pons varolii; and into the fourth ventricle from its bottom part. The several plexuses of vessels found in the ventricles of the brain have for their basis the pia mater; which is there arranged into a great number of folds, some of them being longitudinal and others crossed. Their formation, according to °the new views which have been taken of the development and growth of the brain, by Tiedemann, depends upon the internal mem- brane of the brain contracting itself as it finishes the deposite .of medullary matter called Centrum Ovale. The vessels of the plexuses are the arteries, which are spent upon the surface of the ventricles, and the veins derived from the same; the latter are much more numerous than the first. THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. 349 Of the Structure of the Pia Mater.—The pia mater is com- monly spoken of as a complete membrane, yet its structure is different from that of membranes generally, inasmuch as it is a net-work, the meshes of which are formed by arteries and veins, and the interstices filled up by a loose, weak cellular substance. Bichat has very justly observed, that the union with the tunica arachnoidea is solely on the part of this cellular substance; whereas, the union with the cerebrum is confined to the ves- sels, which are extremely numerous and, very small before they penetrate it, and appear as bloody points when we cut into the substance of the brain. The principal arterial trunks of the pia mater, being the internal carotids and the vertebrals and their branches, are at the basis of the brain; these trunks divide into smaller branches, on the convolutions and in the fissures. The primary divisions again divide and subdivide into tubes not much exceeding the size of the capillary vessels. In this last state they enter the brain and may be seen very readily, either by a fine injection, or by tearing up the pia mater. SECT. II.--OF THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. According to the usage of the best authorities of the present day, who follow in the description of the central parts of the nervous system, the order of their development in the human subject, and also of their appearance in animals, I shall describe the encephalon from below upwards instead of from above downwards. The preference thus shown is, perhaps, princi- pally serviceable in fixing upon the mind the order of growth and appearance, which, according to well established experi- ments, are exactly in the order of importance to life. The Medulla Oblongata, also called Bulbus Rachidicus, ex- tends from the superior margin of the first cervical vertebra to the middle of the basilar process of the os occipitis. It becomes gradually larger as it ascends, and is about an inch in length, and eight lines wride at its base. It is by no means so cylin- droid as the medulla spinalis, but presents several risings and depressions on its surface. The under surface of the Medulla Oblongata is divided longi- tudinally by the middle fissure, a continuation of that on the Vol. II.—31 350 NERVOUS SYSTEM. front of the Medulla Spinalis. The fissure is two or three lines deep, which is rendered manifest by removing the pia mater. The Corpora Pyramidalia are placed one on either side of it, and are oblong bodies; being a continuation of the chords that decussate from the opposite sides of the spinal marrow. These bodies occupy the whole length of the Medulla Oblongata, in- crease in breadth as well as in elevation during their ascent, and are, lastly, somewhat constricted or diminished abruptly, where they join the Protuberantia Annularis or Cerebralis. Precisely at the latter point, between their bases, is a deep tri- angular pit, into which penetrates the pia mater. J. F. Meck- el says, that they are united at their lower extremities by a small transverse medullary Commissure of a line and a half in breadth. This junction is above the decussation of the chords from which the Corpora Pyramidalia arise. The Eminentias Olivares are two bodies; one on either side, at the external margin of the corpus pyramidale. They are about seven lines long: two and a half wide, and are elevated to the heiorht of one line. The elevation ceases somewhat short of the annular protuberance, but their anterior structure is con- tinued into the latter, and may be traced into the thalamus ner- vi optici. . Like the pyramidalia, those bodies are medullary externally; but within, there is a nucleus of cineritious matter, called, from the irregularities of its margin, Corpus Fimbriatum, and which encloses some medullary matter. The corpus fimbriatum is open at the inner circumference, and has the medullary matter which it contains, continuous there with the substance of the corpus pyramidale. Below, its circumference is continuous with the cineritious matter of the medulla spinalis. In the slight depres- sion between the corpus pyramidale and the eminentia olivaris, are the roots of the hypoglossal nerve. The Corpora Restiformia, also one on either side, are placed at the lateral posterior margins of the medulla oblongata, just posterior to the Eminentias olivares ; and are readily brought into view by elevating the contiguous parts of the cerebellum. They are elliptical risings of an inch in length; their lower extremi- ties are in contact, and project where they begin to arise from the borders of the posterior fissure of the medulla oblongata; THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. 351 they then diverge, and advance forwards and upwards to ter- minate above in the cerebellum. The corpus restiforme is formed of medullary matter, and is a continuation of the posterior chord of the medulla spinalis. From its superior posterior margin a thin medullary lamina of about three lines square arises, and being sustained by the pia mater, advances to meet its fellow, but does not absolutely touch it.* From the anterior margin of each corpus restiforme there departs a second process of medullary matter, larger and more thick than the preceding, and being covered by the roots of the pneumogastric and glosso-pharyngeal nerves, adheres to the plexus Choroides of the fourth ventricle. The superior face of the medulla oblongata is excavated be tween the corpora restiformia, in such a way as to present the outline of a writing pen, and is, therefore, called Calamus Scriptorius; which forms a considerable part of the floor of the fourth ventricle of the Brain, or the sinus rhomboideus. The fissure, in its middle, corresponds with the slit of a pen, the nib being downwards; and the fissure extends from the poste- rior fissure of the medulla spinalis the whole length of the me- dulla oblongata. The calamus scriptorius is marked by several streaks of me- dullary matter, which extend themselves transversely with a very slight degree of obliquity upwards, and reach the external margin of the corpus restiforme of the corresponding side. These medullary strias present some varieties in regard to their volume, number, and arrangement. Sometimes they are slightly elevated narrow lines, which are perfectly distinct from each other, and from one to fourteen in number. On other occa- sions their volume is greater, but they are not so numerous. They generally extend, either one or all, from the middle fis- sure to the commencement of the auditory nerve, and are thereby a part of its origin. Sometimes the anterior ones are directed towards the origin of the trigeminus nerve, but their union with it is not yet ascertained; the posterior ones are some- times blended with the radical filaments of the pneumogastric nerve. The strias themselves, are sometimes interwoven or blended, and pass the boundary of the middle fissure to join • Called Pons Sinus Rhomboidei by J. F. Meckel,* 352 NERVOUS SYSTEM. with those of the other side. Their roots may be traced occa- sionally along the middle fissure, almost to the front or under surface of the medulla oblongata. Meckel, whose observations on this subject are highly interesting, is disposed to consider the striae not only as forming the roots of the auditory nerve, but as also related closely to the trigeminus and to the pneumo- gastric. On this surface, also, of the fourth ventricle, or sinus rhom- boideus, but in advance of the preceding striae, there is another, on each side, still larger, which may be distinguished by its al- ways beginning at some distance from the middle fissure. Its direction is transverse, and it passes just above the anterior ex- tremity of the corpus restiforme, to run into, or to assist in forming, the root of the auditory nerve. Its existence is much more constant than that of the others. It is considered as an assistant ganglion to the auditory nerve, and in cases of deaf- ness has been deficient. Being principally cineritious, it is called Fasciola Cinerea. In tracing the continuation of the structure of the medulla spinalis, into that of the medulla oblongata, we find that each of the anterior cords of the medulla spinalis, besides crossing with some of its fasciculi at the place mentioned, to wit, at the decussation of Mistichelli, and continuing their course upwards to form the corpus pyramidale, sends off a larger fasciculus, which ascends behind the eminentia olivaris, and forms the floor of the sinus rhomboideus. There is yet another fascicu- lus of white matter between the others, according to Rosenthal, into which the anterior column of the medulla spinalis is di- vided. He says, that it touches the eminentia olivaris, sur- rounds it, and, after having traversed the annular protube- rance, terminates in the tubercula quadrigemina. The posterior cords of the Spinal marrow, being continued into the corpora restiformia, become still more evidently di- vided into two fasciculi, from an increase of their volume, than they were in the vertebral canal. The internal of these fasci- culi stops, by a pointed termination, near the borders of the sinus rhomboideus, or fourth ventricle of the Brain; while the external is continued on through the annular protuberance to the cerebellum. PROTUBERANTIA ANNULARIS. 353 SECT. III.--PROTUBERANTIA ANNULARIS. The Annular Protuberance (Protuberantia Annularis, Ab* dus Cerebri, Pons Varolii) is the large projecting body, placed near the centre of the base of the encephalon, at the top of the medulla oblongata, and upon the junction of the body of the sphenoid bone with the basilar process of the os occipitis. It is convex, and about an inch in diameter, its transverse mea- surement being a line or two larger than the other. It is di- vided by a superficial fossa into two symmetrical halves, rio-ht and left. When the pia mater is removed from the Protuberantia An- nularis, the under surface of the latter is seen to be formed by transverse medullary fibres which come from the crura cere- belli. When these, which are commonly one or two lines in depth, are removed by scraping or cutting, a cineritious mat- ter is exposed, which is traversed by numerous layers of me- dullary matter, also going in a. transverse direction- About two lines deep from the surface of the protuberance, near the middle of each of its halves, are found some longitudinal me- dullary fibres connected with cineritious matter, and which may be fairly traced as a continuation of the filamentous struc- ture of the pyramidal bodies. These fasciculi, or filaments, passing on through the protuberance, are continued so as to, form the under surface of the crura of the cerebrum. Lying still deeper than the medullary fibres alluded to, there- is an accumulation of cineritious matter, intermixed with per- pendicular medullary layers situated one behind the other. Be- hind (or above when we stand erect) this intertexture, a small fasciculus (the cord described by Rosenthal) of medullary mat- ter exists, which is a continuation of the intermediate fascicu- lus of the anterior medullary cord of the medulla spinalis, and may be traced afterwards to the superior face of the erus cere- bri, where it terminates, as alleged by Rosenthal, in the Tu- bercula Quadrigemina. 3L* 354 NERVOUS SYSTEM. SECT. IV.--OF THE CEREBELLUM. The Cerebellum, being placed in the posterior fossae of the cranium, is separated by the tentorium from the posterior lobes of the cerebrum, beneath which it lies. It is connected with the Pons Varolii by a trunk of medullary matter on each side, called the crus of the cerebellum; and which is a root of the medullary matter entering into the composition of the pons. It is of a rounded form, and well fitted to the cavity in which it reposes. It is convex above and below; measures about four inches in its transverse diameter, two and a half in thickness, and about the same from before backwards. The upper face is divided into two equal parts or halves, by a middle ridge, while the lower face is divided in the same way by a fossa. These halves are called hemispheres; their surface is marked by many horizontal fissures, the edges of which are kept closed by the adhesion of the pia mater. The fissures are interposed between the laminas or convolu- tions of the cerebellum, which, for the most part, are concen- tric; the larger fissures are behind, while the shortest are in front, near the annular protuberance. The pia mater pene- trates to the bottom of these fissures, some of which, when ex- posed fully by its removal, are found to extend to the depth of an inch or more. One of these fissures, which exists on the superior surface of the cerebellum, half an inch distant from the posterior and external margin of the latter, has a circular course, and is so well marked by its size and depth, that it is called the Sulcus Superior Cerebelli. Another, situated under similar circumstances on the inferior surface of the cerebellum, is called the Sulcus Inferior Cerebelli. On the latter surface, also, there are two or three more of a middle size, situated between the sulcus inferior and the annular protuberance. These larger sulci have given occasion to anatomists to multi- ply most unreasonably the number of lobes of which the cere- bellum consists. Bichat's mode of description is preferable: he says, that by cutting (vertically) through one of the hemi- spheres of the cerebellum, so as to expose the thickest part of THE CEREBELLUM. 355 its medullary matter, six or seven principal fissures will be seen, which, by penetrating to a considerable depth, divide the cineritious portion into as many converging parts. In the in- terior of these fissures there are much smaller ones, which pass at right angles to them. On the surface or periphery of the cerebellum, in the intervals of the larger fissures, there are many small ones, which, though nearly horizontal, terminate in each other by acute angles. The superior middle ridge of the cerebellum, from its shape and position, is called, by Vicq. D'Azyr, Vermis Superior; the anterior extremity of which, from its elevation, is the Monti- culus Cerebelli. The middle inferior part of the cerebellum, which presents the deep sulcus running longitudinally and forming the division into hemispheres, has a long ridge occupying the sulcus. This ridge is the Vermis Inferior of Vicq. D'Azyr, and is so con- cealed by the adjacent portions of the hemispheres, that a good view of it can be got only by removing the arachnoidea, pia mater and pushing the hemispheres aside. The transverse fissures which penetrate it, and its general irregularity of sur- face, will then be sufficiently distinct. The pia mater and arachnoidea pass from the fore part of this body to the medulla oblongata, and thus assist in forming the floor of the fourth ventricle; which, without this reflection, would be exposed. The central part of the cerebellum as formed by the vermis superior and by the vermis inferior, is the Fundamental Por- tion of Gall and Spurzheim. At the root of the crus cerebelli are two small protuberances; the one below it, in the erect position, is the Lobulus Amygda- loides, and the other the Lobulus Nervi Pneumogastrioi. The substance of the cerebellum is formed of cineritious mat- ter externally, and of medullary matter internally. When a vertical section of it is made through the middle of one of its hemispheres, the medullary neurine or matter puts on the ap- pearance of the thuya or arbor vitas, the roots and ramifications of whose limbs, even to their smallest extremities, are sur- rounded by cineritious neurine or matter. In this view, there appears to be more cineritious than white matter; but when a horizontal cut is made from the periphery to the centre, paral- lel with one of the deep concentric fissures, the proportion of 356 NERVOUS SYSTEM. medullary matter seems to be much more considerable; and the arbor vitae arrangement is proved to depend upon the laminae of medullary matter radiating from the centre, or, in other words, from the massive medullary trunk in the interior of the hemisphere of the cerebellum. Each of these radiations com- mences by a root of considerable size, which divides and sub- divides into branches. Each primitive radiation, as well as its branches, is covered by its own layer of cineritious matter about one line in thickness, and is kept perfectly distinct from the contiguous ones by the fissures which extend internally from the periphery of the cerebellum. In the middle of the trunk of the arbor vitas, exists the Cor- pus Rhomboideum, or Dentatum. It is an oblong rounded body, jagged and cineritious in its circumference, but medullary with- in. Its configuration resembles that of the corresponding body in the eminentia olivaris, with the addition of its being larger, and having its outline better marked. It is the-ganglion of the cerebellum of Gall and Spurzheim. The Valve of Vieussens (Velum Medullare, Valvula Cerebri) arises from the cerebellum, just under the anterior part of the base of the monticulus, and runs obliquely upwards to terminate in the testes. Sometimes it is marked in its middle, by a lon- gitudinal line or slight fissure, from either side of which pro- ceed small lateral ones. It is principally medullary, and has a small quantity of cineritious matter at its extremities. It is thinner in the middle than at either of its margins. The Central or Fundamental Portion of the Cerebellum ex- hibits also very clearly the arborescent arrangement, and is fur- nished with about seven primitive radiations, coming from a medullary trunk. The proportion of medullary matter to corti- cal, is less in it than in the hemispheres of the cerebellum. Each of the primitive radiations may be traced to some particu- lar point or prominence on the surface of the fundamental por- tion, thus forming its basis; but this study is moTe curious than useful, though several anatomists have pursued it. Three medullary fasciculi, on each side, have now been traced to the cerebellum; one of these is the continuation of the corpus restiforme of the medulla oblongata; a second is the val- vula cerebri; and the third, the Crus Cerebelli, which joins the annular protuberance. The two first fasciculi belong, to the THE CEREBRUM. 357 middle or fundamental portion of the cerebellum; they are, consequently, situated more internally, and are partially con- cealed by the crus cerebelli, and have interposed between them and the latter, the Corpus Rhomboideum, or Dentatum. SECT. V.--OF THE CEREBRUM. The Cerebrum weighs about three pounds, and is seven times as heavy as the cerebellum. It is ovoidal, and measures about six inches in its antero-posterior diameter, five inches in its greatest breadth, which is behind, and four or five in depth. It is separated above by a deep fissure, (Fissura Longitudinalis,) into two equal parts, called Hemispheres. At the bottom of this fissure, by separating the contiguous surfaces of it, is to be seen a broad lamina of medullary matter passing from side to side, and called the Corpus Callosum, which connects the two hemispheres together. The under surface of each hemisphere is subdivided into three lobes; Anterior, Middle, and Posterior. The anterior lobes are placed upon the anterior fossas of the base of the cranium; the Middle, upon the middle fossas of the same; and the Posterior Lobes rest upon the tentorium. The two anterior lobes are completely separated by the Fissura Longitudinalis, which extends between them to the base of the cranium; the same is the case with the posterior lobes; the middle lobes have interposed between them the annular protu- berance and the crura cerebri. When the pia mater is removed, the anterior lobe is seen to be marked off from the middle lobe by a deep sulcus, the fissure of Sylvius, in the under surface of the cerebrum, corresponding, in its position, with the posterior margin of the Lesser Sphenoidal Wing. The boundary between the middle and the posterior lobe is, by no means, well defined on the basis of the brain, but it is agreed to consider as poste- rior lobe, all that part of the hemisphere which rests upon the tentorium. The periphery of the cerebrum is formed into convolutions, (Gyri) which give it an unequal tortuous surface, resembling the intestines of a small child. These convolutions are sepa- rated by fissures (Sulci) of depths varying from an inch to two 358 NERVOUS SYSTEM. inches or more. The convolutions proceed in diversified and complicated courses, which never correspond in different indi- viduals, and seldom on the two hemispheres of the same brain. Though their summit is generally convex, yet some of them have it depressed slightly, which is considered a proof of each convolution being divisible into two halves or layers, placed side by side. Some of the convolutions are short, others long; they present numerous varieties in the manner of joining each other. Owing to the narrowness of the fissures between them, they are closely packed together, so that the lateral surfaces of each one are suited to such as are contiguous: occasionally, there is a departure from this rule. The surface of the convolution, by which we mean not only the most exterior periphery of the cerebrum, but also the surface formed by the fissures to their very bottom, is covered by cine- ritious neurine or matter of about one line in thickness. Within the periphery of the cerebrum, the mass of medullary neurine or matter is very considerable, and is of an ovoidal shape. This ovoid is called the Centrum Ovale of Vieussens, and is brought fairly into view by making a horizontal cut through the hemispheres, two inches below their summit. In proceeding with the anatomy of the cerebrum from its base upwards, the following is the order or succession of parts in its structure: In advance of the pons varolii, and springing from it, there are two divergent medullary trunks, one on each side, which run forwards, and are lost in the medullary sub- stance of the cerebrum. These trunks are the crura cerebri, upon the upper surface of each are two protuberances: the pos- terior is the thalamus nervi optici, and the anterior is the cor- pus striatum. Each crus cerebri, having penetrated into the substance of its respective hemisphere, expands by a multipli- cation of the filaments composing it, so as to constitute the prin- cipal bulk of the hemisphere. These filaments may, indeed, be traced very satisfactorily in almost every direction towards the periphery of the cerebrum, where they terminate in the convo- lutions, their extremities being covered by the cineritious mat- ter there. The arrangement is best seen by scraping with a knife along the base of the brain, especially when the latter has THE CEREBRUM, 359 been hardened in spirits of wine, and it is constituted by what are called, by MM. Gall and Spurzheim, the diverging fibres of the brain. The point is not, indeed, entirely settled that the diverging filaments end in the convolutions, or do not rather afterwards inflect or double on themselves, and pass inwards again to the middle line of the brain, forming, by their convergence, the cor- pus callosum. At all events, the fact is quite demonstrable, that as the under and lateral portions of the hemispheres consist in diverging filaments, arising in and from the crus cerebri, so the upper portion and the corpus callosum, consist in filaments which arise in the adjoining convolutions, and collect towards the mid- dle line of the corpus callosum, where they adhere to the con- generic filaments of the other side. The arrangement, in the most simple conception and illustra- tion of it, would be exemplified by folding a strip of cloth double on itself, so as to convert it into a loop; the under part of the loop would then represent the diverging fibres of the cerebrum and the upper part the converging fibres, or corpus callosum; it being at the same time borne in mind that the continuation of the two orders of fibres into one another in the brain is not so fully ascertained as it would be represented by this model. Between the two orders of fibres there is a horizontal cleft or interval. This interval is the lateral ventricle of the hemisphere, which may be got into under the posterior margin of the corpus callosum, from its being open there, or rather only closed* by an adhesion of the membranes, which is easily lacerated. The preceding is intended as a mere outline upon which to form the base of the descriptive anatomy of the cerebrum. The following, therefore, may be considered as the detailed ac- count:— The Crura Cerebri are rounded below; are about eight lines long, and increase in their transverse diameter as they advance; their vertical diameter is about ten lines. They mutually di- verge, beginning from their roots, and are separated by a deep fissure, considered as a continuation of that on the front of the medulla oblongata. This fissure is the third ventricle of the brain. Their surface is marked by superficial furrows, running longitudinally; and about two lines before the tuber annulare, by a transverse fasciculus of medullary matter, very slightly 360 NERVOUS SYSTEM. elevated: the optic nerves also cross them obliquely at their fore part. In regard to texture, the crus cerebri presents, on its under surface, a medullary layer of two lines in thickness; to this suc- ceeds a parcel of cineritious matter, which, on being removed, is followed by a mixture of both cineritious and white matter, more abundant than either of the preceding. The Eminentias Mammillares, or Corpora Albicantia, are two small bodies, one on each side, about the size of a French pea. They are situated near the anterior extremities of the crura cerebri, on their internal faces, and almost in contact with each other. Their texture is medullary without, and cor- tical within. The Infundibulum is placed immediately before the eminen- tias mammillares. It is a flattened conoidal body, half an inch long, with its base upwards, and its apex going downwards and forwards. It is formed of cineritious matter. Most generally its base is hollow, and opens into the third ventricle, but its point is closed. J. F. Meckel, however, asserts that a communication exists entirely through it, from the pituitary gland to the third ventricle, and that he has frequently proved it by passing air or liquids from this gland, though the experiment does not succeed when he attempts the injection from the third ventricle. The Pituitary Gland (Glandula Pituitaria) is situated in the Sella Turcica, and is covered so completely by the dura mater, that only a small aperture is left for the point of the infundibu- lum to pass through and to adhere to it. It is an ovoidal body, the greatest diameter of which is transverse, and amounts to six lines. It is partially divided, so as to give the appearance of two lobes, of which the anterior is much the larger. It is hard and cineritious, with a small quantity of medullary matter within. In either side of it there is a depression from which leads a small canal towards the place where the infundibulum joins it: the two canals are, in the latter place united into one. In some very rare cases, gritty matter has been found in it, as there is in the pineal gland. It is also surrounded by pia mater. THE CEREBRUM. 361 The Tuber Cinereum, or Pons Tarini, is a portion of the un- der surface of the crura cerebri, at the floor of the third ven- tricle. It is continuous in front with the anterior margin of the corpus callosum. In front of the infundibulum the optic nerves unite, after having crossed obliquely the crura cerebri from without inwards and forwards. In this passage, where they reach the middle of the crura, and at the internal border of the same, they come in contact with the tuber cinereum,from which they get a few filaments; but of this, more hereafter, The Thalami Optici, called, by Gall, the Posterior Ganglions of the brain, (Ganglia Postica,) are amongst the most conspi- cuous parts of the internal structure of the cerebrum, and are two in number, one for either side. They are situated on the superior face of the crura cerebri, are about an inch and a half long from behind forwards, and about eight or ten lines broad and deep. The thalami are convex above and internally. At the junc- tion of these two surfaces is observed a medullary line, de- scribed under the name of peduncle of the pineal gland. Their posterior extremity is likewise convex, and is divided into three rounded prominences; one is above the other two, and is the Tuberculum Poslerius Superius; the second is below and with- in, (Corpus Geniculalum Internum,) and the third is below and external, (Corpus Geniculalum Externum.) There is a fourth tubercle (Tuberculum Anterius) which is situated on the upper convex surface of the thalamus; it is produced by the fan-like termination of a large medullary fasciculus which comes from the eminentia mammillaris. The thalami are somewhat flattened on the middle of their convex internal surface, and adhere there to each other by a layer of cineritious substance, called Commissura Mollis. When the brain is very slightly advanced in putrefaction, or has been made soft by dropsy, this junction scarcely seems to exist at all. The thalami are medullary on the surface presented to the ventricles of the brain, but within they are a mixture of cineri- tious with medullary matter. The fibres of the medullary are very intimately blended with the crura cerebri, and radiate from within towards the circumference of the brain: some of them Vol. II.—32 362 NERVOUS SYSTEM. are placed in layers, and are connected with the tubercula quad- rigemina. The Corpora Striata, or the Ganglia Cerebri Antica, also two in number, one for each side or hemisphere of the brain, are situated before the thalami optici, at the bottom of the lateral ventricles. They are about two and a half inches long, convex on their upper surface, and eight lines broad at their front part, but taper very gradually to a point behind. They are about four lines apart in front, and are separated there by the septum lucidum, but their posterior extremities diverge from each other, so as to admit the thalami optici between them." The surface of the corpus striatum is cineritious, but within it consists of cineritious and of medullary matter, placed in lay- ers which alternate wilh each other. These layers are ar- ranged in a crescentic manner, so as to present the convexity upwards and the concavity downwards. The medullary sub- stance is a continuation of that of the crus cerebri and of the optic thalamus. It enters at the posterior inferior part of the corpus striatum, and immediately divides into three layers, placed one above the other, and of which the two inferior are more narrow and short than the superior. The upper layer, in its progress forwards, is interrupted by a body of cineritious substance, which occasions it to divide into a multitude of distinct radi- ated fibres. The same circumstance attends the other layers, but in a more limited degree. The medullary matter of the corpus striatum may then be traced, in all directions, into the hemisphere of the brain. The cineritious substance of the cor- pus striatum is abundant, and is divided by some anatomists into two kinds, one of a light gray, and another of a darker colour. The first forms the middle and inferior part of the corpus stria- tum : the second is in greater quantity, and is found principally above and between the two upper layers. Such is the general plan of the structure of the corpus striatum; but, it should also be understood, that a close intertexture exists between its me- dullary and cineritious matter. The most satisfactory way of exposing the structure of the corpus striatum, is to scrape off its under surface, in tracing its medullary matter from the crus of the brain, and through the optic thalamus. It will then be seen, that the medullary sub- THE CEREBRUM. 363 stance of the crus reaches the posterior inferior part of the cor- pus striatum, and is immediately invested in the greater part of its circumference with cineritious matter, it then begins to ex- pand after the manner of a fan into filaments. These filaments or fasciculi penetrate the cineritious matter in various direc- tions, besides those just detailed. A particular exposition of them is given by Gall and Spurzheim, in their anatomy of the brain. The Tasnia Striata is placed in the angle formed between the internal margin of the Corpus Striatum, and the external one of the Thalamus Opticus, where these two bodies are in con- tact and continuous with one another. It is a small medullary band, not a line in breadth, commencing near the anterior cms of the fornix, with which it is connected frequently by filaments; and observing the curved course of the fissure in which it is placed, it goes to the posterior end of the corpus striatum, and even beyond it in most cases, by uniting itself to the top of tire Cornu Ammonis. The Corpus Callosum. When the fissure between the he- mispheres of the cerebrum is widely separated, or when the su- perior part of the hemisphere is cut away on a level with the bottom of the fissure, the Corpus Callosum, a medullary layer, as stated, is brought fully into view. This body unites the me- dullary mass of the two hemispheres, and is a large commis- sure. It occupies about two-fifths of the long diameter of the brain, being nearer to its anterior than to its posterior end, and is about eight lines broad; increasing, however, somewhat in breadth posteriorly. The lateral half of it, on either side, is concealed by the hemisphere overlapping it, but is prevented from adhering by a horizontal fissure, which extends from one end to the other. It has an arched form, being convex above and concave below. Its thickness is uniformly about three lines, with the exception of its anterior and its posterior margins, which are more. Just above the horizontal fissure there exists a longitudinal layer of white neurine running from one end to the other of the flat surface of the hemisphere, described by Mr. Solly.* * Anatomy of Brain, 1836. 364 NERVOUS SYSTEM. The middle line of its upper surface is marked out from one end to the other by a very slight depression, the Raphe; on each side of which there is a very small linear elevation of the same extent, but slightly curved inwards towards its fellow. From these longitudinal lines there proceed outwardly trans- verse ones, having a fibrous appearance. At the anterior and posterior ends of the corpus callosum, the latter are some- what curved and radiated towards the periphery of the brain. Other longitudinal lines also exist on the surface of the corpus callosum, but they are not seen with equal facility. The an- terior extremity of the corpus callosum is rounded off, and bent downwards towards the basis of the brain, in such a manner as to present backwards its concavity; which thus embraces the fore part of the corpora striata, and closes the lateral ven- tricles at this point. The posterior end of the corpus callosum is rounded, also, and continuous with the fornix and with the cornu ammonis. By examining the Corpus Callosum from below, or by look- ing at its relative situation and shape on a hemisphere which is accurately separated from its fellow in the middle line, it will be seen that its lower surface is very concave, being highly arched from before backwards; that it forms the roof of the la- teral ventricles, and that this surface of it is about two inches in its transverse diameter, and, therefore, more than twice as broad as the upper surface. The Fornix, (Trigone Cerebral, of the French) is placed im- mediately below the corpus callosum. It is a triangular body of medullary neurine or matter, the base of which is behind and the apex in front. It is about an inch and a half long in its body, and one inch wide at its base. It is the latter part, which, lying immediately beneath the posterior end of the cor- pus eallosum, is continuous with it, and causes the fornix to be considered as a part of the same structure with the corpus cal- losum. These two bodies, which may be compared to a sheet of medullary matter doubled on itself, have their surfaces in contact for a short distance behind, the fornix afterwards, by advancing and keeping itself in close contact with the thalami nervorum opticorum, which are just below it, diverges more and more from the under surface of the corpus callosum. It THE CEREBRUM. 365 conceals all the upper surface of the thalami except their exter- nal margins, and, having reached their -anterior extremities, its apex descends towards the basis of the brain. The body of the fornix is about a line thick, but, at its ante- rior extremity, it becomes somewhat cylindrical, and is divided into two columns, called Crura Fornicis Anieriora. Each of these crura, in descending adheres to the anterior extremity of the thalamus of that side, and, getting finally below it into the floor of the third ventricle, it, after a course slightly curved, joins the cortical substance of the Eminentias Mammillares. Santorini, aware of this junction, considered the eminentiae as a part of the fornix, and, therefore, called them Bulbi For- nicis. The fornix has other attachments of a more complex descrip- tion, which the anatomist should attend to, as they serve to indicate the modes of intercourse between the several parts of the cerebrum. Its fibres having reached, and piobably formed, the eminentiae mammillares, one fasciculus of them ascends from thence along the internal face of the optic thalamus, in- vested by the cineritious matter of the latter, and spreads it- self above like a fan, and forms the tuberculum anterius: a se- cond fasciculus from the same point, having divided into two, after going a short distance, sends one division backwards along the upper internal face of the optic thalamus, to join the peduncle of the pineal gland, and the other division, which is more anterior, runs to join the taenia striata; the third fasci- culus from the eminentia mammillaris, being covered by the optic nerve, goes outwards and backwards to terminate in the thalamus. The posterior margin,, or the base of the fornix, besides run- ning into the corpus callosum, has the angle on each,side elon- gated so as to rest upon and to join the upper, end of the cornu, ammonis. The angle, being continued, then.follows the wind- ing course of the latter, adhering to its posterior margin, but hanging loosely over the anterior. This loose edge or continu- ation of the external margin of the fornix is the Taenia Hippo- campi, or Corpus Fimbriatum of the Lateral Ventricle. The elongations of the posterior angles are called Crura Posteriora Fornicis. In the brains of individuals who have suffered from general dropsy, one frequently finds the fornix narrower than, 32* 366 NERVOUS SYSTEM. usual, and in its middle a fissure which separates almost com- pletely its two halves. As the fornix is fitted to the upper surface of the optic tha- lami, it is. of course concave below and convex above, or re- sembles a triangular arch resting upon its three points or angles* Owing to some misunderstanding of the orignal Greek work +«>.<<5Vj, which, according to the interpretation of Sabatier, means a vault, and thereby expresses the whole body, anato- mists, with the exception of him, have generally supposed the striated under surface of the fornix to be meant by it, and have called the surface Lyra, in which mistake one has followed another.. The Septum Lucidum is a partition placed vertically in the middle line of the brain, and extends from the corpus callosum above to* the fornix below. It is of a triangular shape, but ir- regularly so, being much broader before than it is behind, and having its edges so incurvated as to fit the bodies against which it is applied. The septum, lucidum is formed by two laminas placed side to side, but not adhering to each other, and leaving, therefore, an interval between them, called the Ventriculus Septi, or the fifth ventricle. Each of these laminae consists of two layers; the internal is medullary substance, continuous with that of the cor- pus callosum and of the fornix; and the external is a layer of cineritious substance. The cavity is about an inch and a half long by a line wide, and is narrower in the middle than at either extremity. It is lined by a delicate serous membrane, which becomes manifest when the halitus that naturally covers its sur- face is. accumulated into,a body of water. It is generally sup- posed to be insulated or completely shut up, yet occasionally it has been found elongated, in front, towards the space between the anterior commissure and the anterior crura fornicis, and to, communicate there with the third ventricle.* The Pineal Gland (Glandula Pinealis, Conarium) is placed beneath the posterior margin of the fornix, upon the superior of the tubercula quadrigemina, or the nates. It is an oblong conoi*. * J. F. Meckel. THE CEREERUM. 367 dal body, the long diameter of which is transverse, and amounts to three or four lines, while the short diameter is about three lines. These diameters are, however, sometimes reversed: The substance of the pineal gland is cineritious and of a reddish co- lour. At its inferior part there is a small cavity, sometimes lined with medullary matter, and the orifice of which looks to- wards the third ventricle. This body is connected to the adjacent parts by several cords. From its bottom there proceeds, on each side, the long medul- lary filament, called its peduncle, which runs along the upper internal face of the thalamus opticus, and, as observed, joins, or is continuous with, one of the filamentous processes from the Eminentia Mammillaris. From its base there proceeds a trans- verse lamina of medullary matter, called the Posterior Commis- sure of the brain, which first advances forwards, and then re- cedes, so as to be in some measure doubled on itself. This la- mina, at either end, is united to the upper posterior part of the corresponding optic thalamus, and by its lower margin runs into the superior edge of the tubercula quadrigemina. Frequently, within the pineal gland, and sometimes on its surface, there is an accumulation of calcareous matter, the Acer- vulus Cerebri, that appears about the sixth year of life, and con- tinues for ever afterwards. It is variable both in quantity and in its mode of concretion, for sometimes there are only a few atoms of grit, scarcely distinguishable by the feel; while, on other occasions, it is collected into a body of irregular shape, and more than a line in diameter. The pieces of which the acervulus consists are sometimes united by cellular substance, and enclosed in a sac. The chemical analysis presents phos- phate of lime in large proportion, carbonate of lime, and ani- mal matter. A reflection of pia mater, called the Velum Interpositum, se- parates the pineal gland from the fornix, and the fornix from the thalami nervorum oplicorum. The Tubercula Quadrigemina (or the Nates et Testes) are situated on the superior face of the crura cerebri, and just be- hind the thalami nervorum opticorum. A very complete view of them is obtained by separating the posterior lobes of the ce- 368 NERVOUS SYSTEM. rebrum, and by paring off the vermis superior cerebelli. Though the name implies four distinct prominences, yet they are formed from a common mass of nine or ten lines square, on the poste- rior surface of which these prominences arise. They are in pairs, and are separated from one another by a crucial depres- sion. The largest, or upper pair, is Ihe Nates, the lower pair the Testes. The external surface of these "bodies is medullary, and within they are cineritious. From the Nates there pro- ceeds a considerable medullary fasciculus, which runs forward to join the Corpus Geniculatum Internum on the internal pos- terior face of the thalamus nervi optici; there proceeds also from them a second fasciculus, which either joins the optic nerve itself, or the contiguous part of its thalamus. The Testes receive, at their lower end, the valve of the brain; and there also proceeds from them a large fasciculus of medullary matter, which joins the Corpus Geniculatum Externum of the optic thalamus.. Of the Ventricles of the Brain. These cavities are four in number: two, called lateral, are placed one in either hemisphere of the cerebrum,, a third is be- tween the two thalami, and the fourth under the cerebellum. They have all been alluded to, but only incidentally. The two Lateral Ventricles (Ventriculi Laterales) are hori- zontal cavities, or fissures, of an extremely, irregular shape, in the very centre of the hemispheres, being the interval between the diverging and converging filaments of the cerebrum. They are separated from each other only by the septum lucidum; are covered over by the corpus callosum, and have the fornix, tha- lami optici, and corpora striata for a floor.. Each one consists in a body or principal cavity, and^ three processes, called cor- nua. The body has been sufficiently described in speaking of the parts which constitute its parietes;. but the processes are yet to be considered. The Cornua, from their, position, are named Anterior, Poste- rior, and Lateral or Inferior. The Anterior is a very small space between the anterior extremity of the corpus striatum and the opposite, surface of the hemisphere, and has nothing in THE CEREBRUM. 369 it particularly deserving of notice. The Posterior Cornu ex- tends from the base of the fornix to the distance of an inch or more in the substance of the posterior lobe of the cerebrum. Its cavity is conoidal, somewhat curved, with its convexity outwards, and of six or seven lines in diameter at its base. Its internal side is furnished with an oblong eminence called Hip- pocampus Minor, or Ergot, from its resemblance to a cock's spur, but its size and form are somewhat variable. When this eminence is cut through transversely, it is easy to see that it is formed by a convolution of the posterior lobe projecting into the posterior cornu. The convolution is covered by medullary matter on the side of the ventricle, and of course by cineritious on the side of the periphery of the brain, and is the bottom of an anfractuosity. The Inferior, Middle, or Lateral Cornu, of the Lateral ven- tricle is situated in the middle lobe of the cerebrum. It com- mences at the posterior angle of the fornix, and winds down- wards and forwards in a semicircle towards the fissure of Sylvius, presenting its convexity outwards, and its concavity within. Its floor is furnished in its whole length with an ele- vated ridge, the surface of which is semi-cylindrical. This ridge is the Cornu Ammonis, or Hippocampus Major, and in- creases somewhat, both in breadth and elevation, as it winds down the process of the ventricle. Its lower or anterior extre- mity is terminated by two or three small tubercles, and is the Pes Hippocampi. Occasionally the Hippocampus Major is marked off by a middle longitudinal fissure into two elevations, of which the external is the smaller. On its concave side there is the thin edge of medullary matter, continuous with the ex- ternal margin of the fornix. The extremity of a knife handle may be insinuated for a short distance between this edge and the Hippocampus; it ceases about half way down the latter, and in the natural state of the parts is concealed by the plexus choroides. This edge is, as mentioned in the account of the fornix, the Tasnia Hippocampi or Corpus Fimbriatum of the lateral ventricle. Beneath the latter, and partially covered by it, there is another body, which presents itself in the form of a small cord of cineritious matter, is not quite so long as the Taenia, and is called Fascia Dentata, from being divided into 370 NERVOUS SYSTEM. several sections by transverse fissures, which give it an undu* lated appearance. A transverse incision of the Hippocampus Major shows that it is a body of cineritious matter, covered on its surface by a thin layer of medullary substance. The Third Ventricle, (Veniriculus Tertius.) When the fornix is separated from its anterior crura and turned over backwards, the process of pia mater, -called Velum Interpositum, is found between it and the optic thalami. This process is of a triangu- lar shape, resembling the fornix, and is about the same size; it is insinuated into its place from the surface of the brain, under the posterior margin of the corpus callosum. Its lateral margins, which project beyond the corresponding ones of the fornix, are formed by a congeries of convoluted vessels, constituting the Plexus Choroides. The Plexus Choroides, may be traced from the Pes Hippo- campi along the corpus fimbriatum to its position on the mar- gin of the velum interpositum; and insinuates itself from the bottom of the cerebrum between the pons varolii and the con- volution forming the Hippocampus Major; but when it reaches the anterior end of the fornix its convoluted character ceases, and it terminates, on each side, in a single vein, (Vena Galeni,) which runs from before backwards, in a straight line, near the middle of the velum interpositum. The vein, finally, unites with its fellow to form a single trunk, which runs into the fourth sinus of the dura mater. This Velum Interpositum, called also Tela Choroidea, adheres very strongly to the fornix by means of small vessels: it may be raised with less difficulty from the thalami, though it serves to keep the third ventricle closed above, with the exception of the part just behind the crura of the fornix, where the third and the lateral ventricle communicate by the foramen of Monro. The pineal gland is entangled in its posterior part, being placed be- low it, and is generally torn from its peduncles when the tela is raised up. It is at this point that the tunica arachnoidea may be traced into the cavity of the lateral ventricles, according to Bichat.* • Some doubts, I have stated before, may be reasonably raised on this point of anatomy, as the evidence is seldom or never satisfactory to the full extent, and as THE CEREBRUM. 371 The Plexus Choroides, which was stated to bound the Velum Interpositum on each side, and to descend along the Hippocam- pus Major to the fissure of Sylvius, or rather to ascend from this point, and to terminate in the vein on the side of the mid- dle line of the Velum, is narrow at its termination, but increases continually in breadth as it is traced towards its commencement. The middle part, however, where it makes its turn, is an excep- tion to this rule, for there it is larger in every way than else- where: its vessels being more capacious and more tortuous. Pre- cisely at this point a vesicle or more is very frequently found, considered by some as a hydatid of the brain; in some cases it is filled with calcarious matter instead of with water. The Glandulas Pacchioni, as stated, also prevail at this margin. On the under surface of the Velum Interpositum, adhering to it,, there is on each side a small venous plexus which goes from before backwards, and terminates in the vena galeni, near its junc- tion with its fellow. It receives the blood of the third ventri- cle. There is also the same sort of plexus in the fourth ventricle. Upon the removal of the Velum Interpositum, or its elevation, the whole upper surface of the thalami optici is exposed. The third ventricle is also brought into view, being placed imme- diately between the thalami optici. It is a narrow oblong cavi- ty, bounded below by the pons tarini, crura cerebri and the eminentias mammillares, and above by the velum interposi- tum, and the fornix. The anterior crura of the fornix are at its fore part, and just before them is the anterior commissure (Com- missura Anterior.) This body is a transverse fasciculus of medullary matter, which passes from one hemisphere to the other through the anterior margins of the thalami optici. Its middle part is rounded and free, but its extremity penetrates on each side into the substance of the anterior inferior portion of the corpus striatum, and spreading out gradually, describes a curve with its convexity forwards, which terminates in the Taenia Hippocampi of the inferior cornu of the lateral ventricle. This fasciculus, in penetrating the corpus striatum, does not mix with its substance, but, in the early part of its course, goes in a such an arrangement would be contradictory to that of the tunica arachnoidea on the surface of the brain, which never dips into fissures. 372 NERVOUS SYSTEM. canal formed in the latter. In order to see this arrangement, a part of the corpus striatum must be removed. The anterior commissure resembles a nerve in its structure, as it is surround- ed by a very delicate sheath, and is divided into fasciculi of fibres. It will now be understood that three commissures are found in the third ventricle, the Anterior Commissure—the Pos- terior, which is just in front of the Pineal Gland,* and the Soft Commissure, being a cineritious adhesion of the Thalami.f Just behind and below the anterior commissure, the base of the infundibulum opens into the third ventricle; this place is the Iter ad Infundibulum. At the posterior extremity of the third ventricle, just below the posterior commissure, which has been described as a process of the pineal gland, the communication exists with the fourth ventricle. This passage is the Aqueduct of Sylvius, and leads obliquely downwards and backwards un- der the valve of the brain. The third ventricle communicates freely with the lateral ven- tricle through the aperture called the Foramen of Monro, which is situated precisely at the place where the plexus choroides ter- minates; that is to say, under the anterior crus of the fornix. Doubts have, from time to time, been suggested in regard to the natural existence of this communication; it only requires a mo- derate degree of accurate observation to dispel them: they have arisen, probably, from the aperture being shut up by the occa- sional adhesion of the plexus choroides to the contiguous sur- face of the brain. The Fourth Ventricle (Ventriculus Quartus, Cerebelli) has been, in a great degree, described in the account of the neigh- bouring parts; it will, therefore, be very readily understood on the present occasion. It is an irregular triangular cavity, the base of which is downwards. It is bounded in front by the tuber annulare, and the medulla oblongata, behind by the fundamental portion of the cerebellum, and above by the valve of the brain and the tubercula quadrigemina; it is under the latter that the communication between it and the third ventricle is found. Its lateral parietes are formed by the medullary prolongations from the cerebellum to the tubercula quadrigemina. This cavity, as * See Pineal Gland. t See Thalami. NERVES OF THE ENCEPHALON. 373 stated, is open below, when that portion of pia mater is removed, which passes from the cerebellum to the medulla oblongata. From what has now been said of the connexion of the pia mater with the ventricles, it will be understood that as their sur- faces are covered by pia mater, and the removal of it exposes their cavities, they are, in fact, continuations of the external surface of the brain.* SECT. VI.--OF THE NERVES OF THE ENCEPHALON.f These nerves are designated numerically, from before back- wards, and, also, by some peculiarity of distribution or function. This numerical arrangement is the most sanctioned by age and general admission, it is not, however, so unexceptionable as to avqid all objections to it; improvements have therefore been sug- gested from various quarters, founded on particular anatomical or physiological convictions; but the improvements themselves are exposed to objections as strong as the ancient nomenclature. For example, the innovators are not agreed in regard to the proper number of nerves, nor on those which should be considered dis- tinct from each other. Some do not consider the olfactory as a nerve, but only a ganglion ; some consider the glosso pharyngeal and par vagum as but one nerve, while others speak of them as two. Some make but one nerve of the third and sixth, owing to their common distribution to the muscles of the eye. It is evi- dently expedient under these circumstances, to escape a farrago of opinions, by adhering to the most received classification, at least, till the ground of change be better explored and more universally acknowledged. If there be any thing of incalculable importance to the comfort of students and scientific men gene- rally, it is uniformity of language, or rather conformity to a re- * In Williams the murderer, examined immediately after his execution, Au- gust 9,1839, the encephalo spinal fluid, amounting to from two to three drachms, came out clear and abundant from the fourth ventricle; on cutting through the tu- nica arachnoidea which bounds it below. t The more improved observations of modern anatomists having pointed out the fallacy of considering the brain as the source of the spinal marrow, instead of the reverse; it follows, that the proper order of describing the nerves of the en- cephalon, is successively from the spinal marrow. I had adopted this plan, for- merly, but certain considerations of facility in study, have induced me to abandon it after some years of experience. Vol. II.—33 374 NERVOUS SYSTEM. ceived standard of nomenclature. The only justifiable departure from this rule, is where something new has been actually disco- vered, a necessity of course then exists for giving a new name as it would not do to take the appropriated name of any thing else. The Olfactory Nerve or First Pair (Nervus Olfactorius, Par Primum,) is situated on the under surface of the anterior lobes of the brain, near the fissure that separates the hemispheres. It goes forwards from its root, and also converges gradually to- wards its fellow, so as to reach the cribriform plate of the eth- moid bone, through the perforations of which it passes out. In its course, it is lodged in a small furrow of the cerebrum, by which pressure upon it is prevented. This nerve arises by three medullary fasciculi, or roots, from the basis of the brain at the corpus striatum, in the fissure of Sylvius, where the anterior and middle lobes join each other: these roots are from eight to twelve lines on the outer side of the infundibulum. The roots are placed, in regard to each other diverging; one is within, another in the middle, and the third external. The external root is the longest, and arises from the extreme posterior margin of the anterior lobe by its last convo- lution; being connected with the middle lobe, and also with the anterior commissure. It has a curved course from without in- wards, the concavity of which is forwards, and the convexity backwards. The internal root is concealed by the chiasm of the optic nerves, and arises from the adjacent surface of the anterior lobe. The middle root comes from the posterior mar- gin of the anterior lobe by the cribriform surface, which is be- tween the other two roots. These origins, emanating from the cortical substance, unite to form a single prismatic cord, which increases in size as it advances forwards, and consists of medullary and cineritious longitudinal fibres mixed to- gether. The anterior extremity of the olfactory nerve is swollen out into what is called the Bulb,* (Bulbus,) and sends from its un- * Many anatomists consider this as a ganglion, from its extreme development in the sheep, bullock, horse, vtc, and, therefore, call it the Olfactory Ganglion. Rolando. Solly on the Brain. NERVES OF THE ENCEPHALON. 375 der surface filaments, which, surrounding themselves with a tunic from the dura mater, penetrate into the nose, and spread themselves on the Schneiderian membrane. In its whole length it js exceedingly soft and pulpy, till it gets out of the cranium. The Optic Nerve or Second Pair (Nervus Opticus, Par Se- cundum) is about the same size with the trigeminus. It arises by a broad flattened root, one portion of which comes from the posterior end of the thalamus opticus, and another from the testis through the means of a medullary band that passes from the latter towards the thalamus of the same side. From this point the optic nerve winds forwards under the crus cerebri, adhering to it and forming a connexion with the tuber cine- reum, and then inclining inwards towards its fellow. Its ad- hesion to the crus is considered by many anatomists as another of its origins. The Optic Nerve, having reached the under anterior paft of the third ventricle, adheres so closely to its fellow that the two seem fused together, in such a way that there is no line of separation between them. This junction receives, above, from the third ventricle, some medullary filaments, which Meckel feels authorized to consider as another origin. The junction presents the form of the letter X, and is called the chiasm or crossing of the optic nerves. The most distinguished anato- mists, however, have laboured in vain to settle the question of the mode of junction; some believing that there was only a la- teral union, others that the nerve of one side crossed over to the other side, and others, again, that the decussation occurred only with some of the fibres, but not all. Observations, in comparative anatomy, on blindness, and indeed on every con- ceived mode of elucidation, have been resorted to without producing a solution of the problem; but the discussion of their merits would require too much space for the present work.* The Optic Nerves as they approach their chiasm become more cylindrical, and, continuing so afterwards, penetrate into * Mr, Mayo, of London, considers the posterior part of the junction as formed of fibres, making a curve, the convexity of which is forwards; it is said to be very distinct in the mole, which has no other optic nerve. 376 NERVOUS SYSTEM. the orbits through the foramina optica. It is only in front of their junction that they are invested by a neurileme; which, having considerable firmness, penetrates into their interior, and divides them into distinct canals. The Nervus Motor Oculi, or Third Pair (Par Tertium,) arises from the internal face of the crus cerebri, about two lines in advance of the anterior margin of the tuber annulare. Its roots come, in great part, from the cineritious matter which is found on the surface of the crus, and may be traced for some distance upwards and backwards along the parietes of the third ventricle. The nerves of the opposite sides are in contact for some distance by the internal faces of their roots, but do not adhere.* The Nervus Motor Oculi proceeds from its origin towards the external margin of the cavernous sinus, and, penetrating into the orbit through the sphenoidal foramen, it is distributed to most of the muscles of the eye-ball. The Pathetic Nerve, or Fourth Pair (Nervus Patheticus, Par Cerebrate Quarlum,) is the smallest which comes from the en- cephalon, and is not larger than a sewing thread. It arises by two filaments, or roots, from the upper anterior face of the valve of the brain, just below the testes. This origin is soft, and easily broken, from the want of a neurileme; but the latter is soon afterwards furnished. The Nervus Patheticus appears on the base of the brain, be- tween the cerebellum and the posterior lobes of the cerebrum, at the external margin of the tuber annulare. It then goes for some distance along the margin of the tentorium till it comes near the posterior clinoid process: it then penetrates into a ca- nal of the dura mater, and reaches the orbit of the eye through the sphenoidal foramen, to be distributed on the superior oblique muscle. The Nervus Trigeminus, or Fifth pair, also called Trifacial, * Mr. Solly considers this nerve to arise from the interior of the pons, and to be connected with the valve of Vieussens by some fibres, from the latter going into the crus cerebri. NERVES OF THE ENCEPHALON. 377 {Par Quintum) is one of the largest among those that proceed from the basis of the brain, and emerges from the side of the pons varolii, just where it is continuous with the crus cerebelli. It is composed of three roots: an anterior, a posterior, and a middle;* of which the latter is much the largest. The middle root is about a line and a half in breadth, and has a passage made for it by the very obvious splitting of the super- ficial fibres of the pons varolii. It is composed of thirty or forty fasciculi, which are divisible into a hundred or more fibres. These fasciculi may be traced into the substance of the Pons Varolii, (but intersected by the transverse fibres of the latter,) in the direction of the fourth ventricle. When they have come near the latter, they may be traced thence into the medulla ob- longata, towards the fissure that exists between the corpus oli- vare and restiforme. It is at this point, that the greater num- ber of the fibres arise; some from the corpus olivare, and others from the fissure. The commencement of this root is pulpy and destitute of fila- ments, and is surrounded by grayish substance; but when it has advanced into the pons, it is surrounded by a fine membrane, and is very evidently filamentous. There is a successive in- crease in its size, from its commencement till it is ready to emerge from the pons, when it becomes somewhat contracted, and immediately afterwards increases again considerably in size. It then enters a canal of the dura mater at the fore part of the petrous portion of the temporal bone, and just behind the cavernous sinus. This canal sets but loosely about it at first, but afterwards it adheres to the surface of the nerve. The middle root of the nervus trigeminus, in the upper part of the canal of the dura mater, preserves its fasciculated ap- pearance, and many small filaments are interchanged between the fasciculi, so as to make a complex net-work. But, at the lower part of this canal, it is converted into a ganglion of a semi-lunar shape, with its concavity upwards, being about six or eight lines in length, and one and a half in breadth. This body, called the Ganglion of Gasser, (Ganglion Semi-lunare, Plexus Gangliforrnis,) is compact, and has its fibres very much matted * Santorini, Observ. Anat. Venitia, 1724. Soemmering, de Corp. Hum. Fab- rica, tom. iv. Gall and Spurzheim, Anat. du Cerv. 33* 378 NERVOUS SYSTEM. above, but below they assemble into larger and more distinct fasciculi, which are afterwards arranged into three principal trunks, departing from the cranium through different foramina; to wit: through the sphenoidal foramen, the foramen rotundum, and the foramen ovale. J. F. Meckel asserts that the filaments of the plexus above the ganglion, for the most part terminate in a gutter formed in the superior margin of the ganglion, and that there are but very few of them which can be traced into the trunks below. The trunks below, consequently, arise from the circumference of the ganglion. The two smaller roots of the nervus trigeminus proceed out of the tuber annulare at different points, from that of the large root, and each one has its appropriate fissure for that purpose. One, from its situation, is, as stated, called Anterior, and the other Posterior. Each may be traced into the posterior chord of the medulla oblongata, but not so far as the large middle root, and is formed by several fasciculi of medullary fibres. The anterior and posterior root, after going separately for six or eight lines, unite to form a single chord.* This chord does not merge itself in the semi-lunar ganglion, but continues distinct from it,f with the exception of sending off to it a few fasciculi; and it sometimes has its own distinct canal, and aper- ture in the dura mater for passing through it; it afterwards gets from the cranium through the foramen ovale, and is distributed to some of the muscles of mastication, as the temporal and buc- cinator. The general distribution of the' fifth pair of nerves, or the trigeminus, is to the orbit, to the face, and to the tongue. The Motor Externus Oculi, or Sixth Pair of Nerves (Par Sextum) arises from the base or upper extremity of the corpus pyramidale, under the posterior margin of the tuber annulare or Pons: when the latter is broader than usual, some of the fibres seem to come from it; but the appearance is deceptious, as they only penetrate it. The fibres are assembled into two * These two constitute what is called the motory part of the fifth nerve. Mr Solly considers it to arise from the valve of the brain near its root. p. 249. f In this respect the fifth pair resembles one of the spinal nerves.. NERVES OF THE ENCEPHALON. 379 roots, of which the internal is three or four times as large as the other. These roots, before they penetrate the dura mater, most com- monly unite into a single trunk, which goes almost directly for- wards, and is enveloped in a neurileme. Passing through the cavernous sinus, it gets into the orbit by the sphenoidal fora- men, and is spent upon the abductor oculi muscle. The Seventh Pair of Nerves is composed of the Facial and the Auditory. The Facial Nerve (Nervus Facialis, Portio Dura Septimi, Par Septimum) is placed in front of and above the auditory nerve. It arises by two branches, which are perfectly distinct from each other, and differ much in their size. The larger one, which is placed within and above the other, arises from the medulla oblongata at the most superior part of the corpus restiforme, where the latter joins the tuber annulare. The origin of the nerve is sometimes overlapped by the latter, so that some few of its fibres appear to come from the annular protuberance, while they only pass through it, in their course from the medulla oblongata. The second branch, which is much smaller than the other, arises, by three or four filaments, from that portion of the medulla oblongata which is placed be- tween the first branch and the auditory nerve. The two branches of the facial nerve are kept distinct for the distance of several lines before they unite. Proceeding outwards and backwards, they reach the meatus auditorius in- ternus, and then proceed, as a single cylindrical trunk, through the aqueduct of Fallopius, to emerge at the stylo-mastoid fora- men, for the purpose of being distributed upon the muscles and skin of the head. The Auditory Nerve (Nervus Auditorius, Acusticus, Portio Mollis Septimi) arises, in part, from the medullary strias on the surface of the calamus scriptorius, and partly from the corpus restiforme, between the glossopharyngeal nerve and the tuber annulare. At its origin it is so extremely soft as not to bear handling, and is too pulpy to present the appearance of fibres; but, becoming more distant from the medulla oblongata, it is harder and more fibrous* 380 NERVOUS SYSTEM. This nerve is impressed on its internal face by a longitudinal furrow for the reception of the facial nerve. It passes oblique- ly forwards and outwards beneath the crus cerebelli, and pene- trates into the meatus auditorius internus. It adheres some- what near its root to the under anterior margin of the cere- bellum, just behind the crus of the latter: the circumstance is considered by J. F. Meckel, as a proof of its having there ano- ther origin, whereby an analogy is established between it and the two other nerves of the senses; to wit, the optic and the olfactory. The distribution of this nerve is confined to the labyrinth of the ear. The Eighth Pair of Nerves is composed of the Glosso-Pharyn- geal, the Pneumogastric and the Spinal Accessory.* The Glosso-Pharyngeal Nerve (Nervus Glosso-Pharyngeus, of Eighth Pair,) arises from the posterior cord of the medulla ob- longata, just above, and somewhat anterior to the superior fila- ments of the next nerve, with which it is very closely connected. Its filaments, which are five or six in number, spring, therefore, from the anterior margin of the corpus restiforme, or from the fissure separating it from the corpus olivare,t under the posterior margin of the tuber annulare. Its filaments soon collect into a round cord, and anastamose, even in the cavity of the cranium, by a considerable branch with the pneumogastric. It runs outwards and backwards to the foramen lacerum posterius, and goes through the same divi- sion of it that the pneumogastric does, but in its own canal of the dura mater. About half an inch from this canal it enlarges within the cranium, into a small oblong ganglion of five or six lines long, which extends itself as far as the foramen lacerum. J Its general distribution is to the tongue and to the pharynx, as its name implies. * For an interesting course of experiments on the eighth pair, by John Reid, M. D., see Essays on Physiology, Phila., 1838, from the Edinburgh Med. and Su'rgi. cal Journal. t The Corpus Olivare is considered by Mr. Solly as its origin. X This ganglion is described by Andersech and by Huber, but its existence is questioned by Bichat^ NERVES OF THE ENCEPHALON. 381 The Pneumogastric Nerve (Nervus Pneumogasiricus or Vagus, of Eighth Pair,) arises from the corpus restiforme of the medulla oblongata, just behind, or on the borders of the fissure separating it from the corpus olivare, somewhat above, and posterior to the highest root of the accessory nerve. It commences by a num- ber of parallel filaments, varying in number from ten to fifteen, which are placed very near each other, so as to form two or three flattened fasciculi of half an inch or more in length. The fasciculi below adhere to the spinal accessory, and those above to the glosso-pharyngeal nerve. The fasciculi, finally, collect into a single flattened cord of one and a half lines in breadth.. This cord goes outwards and backwards to the foramen lace- rum posterius, and gets through it in front of the internal jugular vein, being separated from the latter by the small spine which arises from the pars petrosa of the temporal bone. It passes through its own canal in the dura mater, being thus kept distinct from the glosso-pharyngeal, and from the accessory nerve, and in this canal the fasciculi which form it are collected into a single cylindrical trunk. After getting through the canal it then ad- heres, by a close, strong, cellular substance, to the glosso-pharyn- geal and to the accessory. The general plan of distribution of the pneumogastric nerve is, as its name implies, to the organs of respiration, and to the stomach. The Accessory Nerve (Nervus Accessorius, of Eighth Pair,) arises from the posterior fasciculus of the medulla oblongata, just behind the nervus hypoglossus, and also from the posterior fasci- culus of the medulla spinalis, sometimes as low down as the seventh cervical nerve. There are six or seven roots from the medulla spinalis, and about three or four from the medulla ob- longata: the former are single, and run, successively, into the same trunk; but the latter are each composed of two branches, consisting respectively of two or more filaments. These roots are, successively, larger and longer, as they ascend to join the common trunk. The latter goes up between the posterior fasci- culi of spinal nerves and the ligamentum denticulatum, and gets into the cavity of the cranium, behind the vertebral artery, through the foramen magnum occipitis. It is joined sometimes 382 NERVOUS SYSTEM. by a sort of knot to the posterior fasciculi, or root of the first and second cervical nerves; this knot seems to be neither after the fashion of ganglion or plexus, but is peculiar, and looks some- what as if one nerve was wrapped around the other. This nerve varies in respect to the number of its roots, and the mode of their origin. In all cases, the trunk, thus formed, passes from the cranium through the foramen lacerum posterius, traversing there the dura mater, either in a sheath common to it and to the pneumo-gastric nerve, or in its own particular open- ing behind that of the latter. Its general distribution is to the muscles and to the integu- ments of the neck. The Hypoglossal Nerve, (Nervus Hypoglossus, or Ninth Pair,) arises from the medulla oblongata, by several fasciculi placed one above the other. The roots of these fasciculi spring from the fissure which separates the corpus pyramidale from the cor- pus olivare, being traced to that surface of the corpus pyrami- dale. The fasciculi are from four to eight in number, being sub- ject to vary in different individuals. They unite into two or three trunks, which coalesce into one, after penetrating the dura mater by distinct openings; and then proceed through the ante- rior condyloid foramen of the occipital bone. The general distribution of this nerve is to the muscles of the tongue. SECT. VII.--OF THE ARTERIES OF THE BRAIN. The arteries of the brain, or pia mater, are derived from the two internal carotids, and from the two vertebrals. The,Internal Carotid Artery (Carotis Interna) gets into the ca- vity of the cranium through the carotid canal of the temporal bone, conforming itself of course to the curvature of this canal, and is brought by it to the posterior part of the body of the sphenoidal bone. In escaping from the petrous bone it has to ascend, and also to advance somewhat, by which it is brought to the posterior part of the sella turcica. From this point it goes horizontally forwards through the cavernous sinus; and, reaching its fore part, it then ascends again, and towards the fis- ARTERIES OF THE BRAIN. 383 sure of Sylvius. While in the carotid canal, it gives a small branch to the tympanum of the ear, and as it lies on the side of the sella turcica it gives off the anterior and the posterior arte- ry of the cavernous sinus. When it reaches the anterior cli- noid process it sends off a large branch, through the optic fora- men, to the parts contained within the orbit of the eye. This branch is the ophthalmic artery, and what remains of the inter- nal carotid is then distributed to the brain after the following order: There are, first of all, some small branches sent to the adja- cent parts; as the pituitary gland, the infundibulum, and the lower part of the third ventricle. The Arteria Communicans Posterior is directed backwards and inwards, and runs into the corresponding trunk of the basi- lar artery, called the posterior cerebral. There are some varie- ties in regard to the size and precise point of origin of this trunk, which it would be needless to mention particularly. Besides the important anastomosis formed by it, it detaches several ra- muscles to the adjacent parts of the pia mater. The Arteria Choroidea is the next branch from the internal carotid. It goes outwards and backwards, and after detaching some minor branches, it penetrates into the inferior cornu of the lateral ventricle, by the side of the Pons Varolii, and expends itself in ramifications upon the plexus choroides. The Arteria Callosa, or Anterior Cerebri, is detached from the internal carotid, opposite the last. It advances in front of the union of the optic nerves, converging rapidly at the same time towards its fellow. Just before the chiasm of the optic nerves, a transverse branch passes between it and its fellow. This branch, the Arteria Communicans Anterior, is of variable length and size in different subjects, being sometimes a line, and on other occasions three or four lines long. The arteria callosa then keeps near its fellow on the under surface of the hemisphere, giving out small branches; and having got on a line with the anterior margin of the corpus callosum, it ascends on the flat side of the hemisphere, and divides into an- terior and into posterior twigs. The former supply the fore flat part of the hemisphere; the latter, the corpus callosum and 384 NERVOUS SYSTEM. the adjacent surface of the brain. These several branches of the arteria anterior reach as far as the upper convex surface of the brain, and there anastomose with other arteries. The Internal Carotid may now be considered to have lost its name, and the trunk is continued as Arteria Media Cerebri. It is directed outwards, and engages in the fissure of Sylvius; while there it detaches a great number of branches to the ad- joining surfaces of the anterior and of the middle lobe. Some of these branches are of considerable magnitude, and winding along the convolutions of the brain, they at length ascend to the upper surface of the hemisphere, and anastomose with the branches of the anterior and of the posterior cerebral artery. The Vertebral Artery (Arteria Vertebralis) is a branch of the subclavian. In order to reach the cavity of the cranium it has to traverse the foramina of the transverse processes of the six upper vertebras of the neck. It ascends in a straight line till it reaches the second vertebra, but there, in order to pass through the transverse process, it takes a direction upwards and outwards. It then ascends vertically again till it has passed through the transverse process of the first vertebra. After which it takes a horizontal course, winding around the posterior face of the upper oblique process of the same verte- bra, in a depression for the purpose, and having reached the internal extremity of this process, it ascends upwards and in- wards through the occipital foramen into the cavity of the cra- nium, perforating the dura mater just above the condyle of the occipital bone. Having got into the cranium, it is first on the side and then on the under surface of the medulla oblongata, and continues to approach its fellow till it reaches the posterior margin of the tuber annulare. At this point the two verte- bral arteries coalesce, and from their union results the basilar artery. The vertebral artery in this course, from its origin to its ter- mination, detaches several arterioles to the heads of the adjoin- ing muscles, to the membranes of the spinal marrow, and to the nerves as they come out of the intervertebral foramina: they are generally too small and irregular to deserve a special de- scription. At its upper extremity, however, it sends off three ARTERIES OF THE BRAIN. 385 branches of some consequence: the Spinalis Posterior, the Spi- nalis Anterior,* and the Inferior Cerebelli. The Arteria Inferior Cerebelli divides shortly after its ori- gin, or otherwise is double from the beginning. The most pos- terior trunk is distributed about the bottom of the fourth ven- tricle, on the fundamental portion of the cerebellum, and the contiguous faces of the two hemispheres or lobes of the latter. The other trunk of this artery is distributed on the under sur- face of the cerebellum. The Basilar Artery (Arteria Basilaris) is on the middle line of the tuber annulare, and extends from its posterior to its an- terior margin. In this course it detaches some arterioles to the tuber; others to the meatus auditorius internus, (Arteriae Audi- tivae Internae,) which are spent upon the labyrinth, and anasto- mose with twigs from the internal and external carotids. At its anterior extremity it detaches on each side two considerable trunks; first the superior artery of the cerebellum, and imme- diately afterwards the posterior artery of the cerebrum. The Arteria Superior Cerebelli goes outwardly from its ori- gin just behind the anterior edge of the tuber annulare, until it gains the front margin of the cerebellum. It then divides into several branches, some of which are distributed on the upper surface of the cerebellum and run to its posterior margin, where they anastomose with the branches of the arteria inferior: others are spent upon the substance of the cerebellum near its anterior edge. The Posterior Artery of the Cerebrum, (Arteria Cerebri Pos- terior,) one on each side, is the termination of the basilar artery. It proceeds abruptly outwards, and has gone but a few lines when it receives the arteria communicans posterior of the inter- nal carotid. It then continues outwardly parallel with the an- terior margin of the tuber annulare, and near it crosses the crus cerebri, and is then distributed, on the inferior and on the pos- terior part of the hemisphere and of the corpus callosum. As mentioned, its branches anastomose with those of the anterior and of the middle artery of the cerebrum. * See Arteries of Medulla Spinalis, Vol. II.—34 386 NERVOUS SYSTEM. It will now be understood, that an arterial circle or link en- closes the chiasm of the optic nerves and the corpora albican- tia. The fore and lateral parts of the circle are formed by the internal carotids and their branches; while the hind part is formed by the Basilar Artery and its bifurcation. This is the circle of Willis, and establishes a very free communication be- tween the vessels of the two sides of the brain. The veins of the Brain have been sufficiently alluded to in the account of the Pia Mater, and of the sinuses of the Dura Mater. BOOK IX. PART III. Senses. To the peripheral portion of the nervous system, belong all the nerves which are sent off from the Medulla Spinalis and Encephalon, as well as the Sympathetic. Some of these nerves have a special apparatus attached to their external extremities, for the purpose of augmenting and facilitating their appropri- ate powers of sensation; of this class are the Olfactory, the Optic, and the Auditory. Others of them, as the nerves of the tongue and of the skin, though they are the means of special sensations, yet the apparatus upon which they are spread is ap- plied to many purposes, more striking and useful, than that of indicating the presence of surrounding bodies. And, lastly, the remaining nerves, being by far the most numerous and large, are distributed to the muscles and to the viscera. CHAPTER I. OF THE ORGAN OF SMELLING, OR THE NOSE. The senses of Vision and Hearing are so insulated in their offices, that there can be no doubt of the propriety of consider- ing them as belonging to the peripheral portion of the nervous 388 NERVOUS SYSTEM. system: but the nose being, in the human subject, though not in all animals, associated with the function of respiration, its allo- cation is less exceptionable. Without detailing the considera- tions which have induced me to put its description under this head, I will only mention that I have been principally actuated by its office of smelling and by its position. In' common language, the term nose is applied to the part of the organ of smelling which manifests itself externally; but a very extensive cavity of the same vertical diameter, and divided into two equal compartments, exists behind it, the form of which has been described in the account of the bones of the nose. This cavity extends from the bottom of the cranium to the roof of the mouth, and backwards to within an inch and a quarter of the vertebrae of the neck. The nose, externally, is generally pyramidal, and has its base below; what is technically called the root of the nose is the part contiguous to the fore- head. The base, on each side, is marked from the cheek, by a semicircular depression; which becoming more and more shallow at its upper extremity, and increasing its breadth, is insensibly lost upon the side and point of the nose. The ala nasi is the swell of the posterior part of the base, being bound- ed behind by the above depression. The base of the nose offers on each side an oblong oval orifice, looking downwards and having its long diameter forwards and slightly inwards. These openings are commonly about two lines below the floor of the nose, but there is a diversity in this respect. The Nasus Cartilagineus, or the cartilaginous portion of the nose, is placed wholly at its anterior extremity, and serves to elongate the cavity in that direction. It presents a vertical cartilage, which is in continuation of the bony septum: on each side of this, there is an oval cartilage, and behind and below the latter, several distinct and small pieces of cartilage, which preserve the form of the alae nasi, and constitute their foundation. The Vertical Cartilage, or Cartilaginous Septum (Septum Cartilagineum) is placed in the middle line of the nose, and has its anterior angle projecting beyond the bony orifice of the anterior nares. Occasionally, from a faulty conformation, it inclines more to one side than to the other. It adheres, by its ORGAN OF SMELLING. 389 superior margin, to the nasal lamella of the ethmoid and to the middle nasal suture, and behind to the anterior margin of the vomer. The inferior margin is free in the greater part of its extent, but adheres behind to the suture between the maxillary bones. The anterior margin sends out, on each side, a trian- gular plate, the upper edge of which adheres to the inferior margin of the nasal bone, and of the nasal process of the upper maxillary. These plates form the upper part of the cartilagi- nous nose, and from their ligamentous attachment to the bones, admit of a slight motion from side to side. The Oval Cartilages, one on each side, are a species of semi- elliptical ring, deficient or open at their posterior end. The external side of the ring, is an oblong oval plate, which is di- rected upwards and backwards. The internal half of the ring is much narrower, and proceeds backwards from the preceding part at a very acute angle: its superior margin is in contact with the septum cartilagineum; itsjnferior margin reaches be- low the latter, and its anterior extremity is in contact with its fellow, owing to the cartilaginous septum not reaching so far forwards. The place of contact of the two oval cartilages to each other, forms the-tip of the nose and the Columna Nasi, and gives the apparent thickness, before dissection, to the lower part of the septum narium. The Ala? Nasi, or the convexities on each side of the base of the nose, it has been said, owe their shape to the presence of several small pieces of cartilage, whose form, size, and num- ber are too variable to admit of a standard description: occa- sionally they are all collected into but one cartilage. They serve a similar purpose with the oval cartilage, and with it are the means by which the orifice of the nostril is kept patulous. They are deposited in, and held together l>y a ligamentous membrane. This membrane attaches them to the lateral margin of the an- terior bony naris, and also unites the upper edge of the ex- ternal plate of the oval cartilage to the inferior margin of the triangular plate of the cartilaginous septum. It is the length and looseness of this ligament which permit such free motion to the end of the nose. In addition there exists a small liga- ment described'by Caldani, which goes from the posterior end of the columna nasi to the anterior inferior margin of the bony nares. 34* 390 NERVOUS SYSTEM. The skin which covers the upper half of the nose is loosely attached, by cellular substance, to the subjacent parts, but it adheres very closely to the surface of the cartilaginous and li- gamentous structure, and is abundantly furnished with seba- ceous glands^and follicles. The exterior orifices of the latter are apparent, and are often filled with their appropriate fluid in an inspissated state, which, when forced out by pressure, as- sumes the form of small worms, the blackness of the end of which is only dirt. There are several muscles destined to move the cartilaginous structure of the nose, and which have been described among those belonging to the face. They are, The Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi, which lies upon the side of the nose and comes from the superior part of the nasal process and body of the upper maxillary bone, is, besides its insertion into the upper lip, connected with the ala nasi, and will draw the latter upwards:— The Compressor Naris, arising from the ala nasi by a small pointed beginning, is spread out upon the upper edge of the oval cartilage and upon the triangular plate of the cartilaginous septum, so as to cover it, and is inserted into its fellow on the middle line:— The Depressor Labii Superioris Alagque Nasi, by arising from the roots of the alveolar processes of the incisor and canine teeth of the upper jaw, and going to be inserted into the ala nasi, as well as into the upper lip, will draw the ala nasi down- wards :— The Nasalis Labii Superioris, or Depressor Narium, which is the pointed production from the orbicularis oris, going into the columna nasi, and will draw the latter downwards and backwards. The Mucous Membrane of the Nose (Membrana Pituitaria, Schneideriana) lines the whole of each side of the nose, pene- trates into the several sinuses and cavities communicating with it, and is continuous, at the orifice of the nostrils, with the skin, and at the posterior nares, with the mucous membrane of the pharynx. It is not of essential importance to trace its course from any particular point, but for the sake of perspicuity, we may begin ORGAN OF SMELLING. 391 at the floor of the nostril, which it covers in a smooth even manner. From this it ascends on the septum narium, which it covers also smoothly without forming any fold or duplicature, and adheres so loosely that it may be detached with great fa- cility. Behind, it covers the body of the sphenoid bone, and lines its cell; in front, it covers smoothly the os nasi and nasal process of the upper maxillary bone, and also the cartilaginous nose. Above, it is reflected upon the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, and blocks up all its foramina. At this point, the olfactory nerves seem to terminate on its surface and ad- here very closely to it. From the cribriform plate, the Schneiderian membrane passes to the cellular part of the ethmoid, and covers smoothly its an- terior half. But behind, as it passes over the upper spongy bone, a pendulous duplicature is formed along its inferior mar- gin, and is continued beyond the bone, backwards as far as the spheno-palatine foramen. It then lines the upper meatus and the posterior cells of the ethmoid, and is extended upon the convex surface of the middle spongy bone. At the inferior margin of the latter, it forms another loose and somewhat pen- dulous duplication, which does not go beyond the posterior ex- tremity of the bone. The membrane is then reflected into the middle meatus of the nose, and penetrates into the maxillary sinus which it lines completely. The orifice through which it enters, is about the size of a crow-quill; is variable in its situa- tion, being sometimes in the middle of the meatus, sometimes more forward, and on other occasions higher up and concealed by irregularities, in the conformation of the ethmoid. This ori- fice, which was found to be so large and jagged in the pre- pared bone, is reduced to its present size entirely by the mode of reflection of the mucous membrane over its margins. In front of the latter orifice, beneath the anterior margin of the middle turbinated bone, the mucous membrane is reflected into the anterior ethmoidal cells by one or more foramina, and through the most anterior of these cells into the frontal sinus. From the middle meatus, this membrane passes upon the lower turbinated bone so as to cover it, and also to form a loose duplication along its inferior margin; it then lines the inferior meatus of the nose, and is continued on its floor into the part from which its description commenced. Under the anterior 392 NERVOUS SYSTEM. part of the inferior spongy bone, this membrane is continued into the lining membrane of the lachrymal sac, and there forms a fold, frequently resembling a valve. Along the posterior mar- gin of the vomer, the membrane of the nostril is continued into the corresponding one of the other side, whose arrangement is in all respects the same. The pituitary membrane, in its structure and appearance, re- sembles other mucous membranes; its colour, however, is na- turally of a deeper red. It consists of two laminas, which can- not be readily separated: the one next to the cavity of the nos- tril has the mucous structure; the exterior one is fibrous, and resembles the periosteum of other parts of the body. This composition is best seen on the part belonging to the septum narium. By floating the pituitary membrane in water its mucous la- mina is made to exhibit, very satisfactorily, the villous and spongy appearance. This is particularly evident on the turbi- nated bones. Its whole surface is studded with pits or folli- cles of various sizes, irregularly arranged and resembling pricks made into a plastic substance with the point of a pin. From these cavities or cryptaj proceeds the mucus of the nose. In the thickness of the pituitary membrane, there exist numerous and thickly set glands, of a size so small that they escape common observation, but their existence is generally admitted, both on the authority of anatomists who have described them,* and on the principle of their being always the concomitants of mucous membranes.t It is owing to the great abundance of blood vessels in this membrane, to their very superficial course, and to the habitual residence of blood in them, that it always presents a deep red colour in the living state. These blood vessels bleed very freely from slight mechanical causes, and are also disposed to congestions, which are relieved by the blood being poured out through their exhalent orifices, without laceration or any solu- tion of continuity. Though the description just given corresponds with the tex- ture, generally, of the pituitary membrane, yet there are modi- . fications of the latter at particular points which it does not fully * Ruyschii, Epist. Anat. Probl. vii. Mayer. t Bichat, Anat. Dei ORGAN OF SMELLING. 393 suit. For example, at the anterior orifice of the nostril it is insensibly changed into a thin skin, furnished in the male adult with stiff hairs (Vibrissce;) and in all the sinuses it is more thin and white than elsewhere, being also smooth and shining, and not presenting clearly the little pits which are so distinct in the nose. The surface which adheres to the sides of the sinuses, is destitute of a fibrous structure, and resembles condensed but very thin cellular membrane, and is so loosely attached that it peels off with a very inconsiderable force. When the mem- brane of the sinuses is inflamed, it then thickens, admits more red blood, and is thus brought to resemble the pituitary else- where. It is extremely difficult to assign a proper use to the sinuses bordering on and entering into the nose; for, according to Des- sault, the sensation of smell does not exist in them. Bichat .believed that they, by being filled with air charged with odor- ous particles, were reservoirs of the latter, serving to prolong the sensation of smell, which would have been too fugitive if it had depended only on the passage of air during respiration. Another problem in regard to these cavities, is the manner in which they discharge the mucus which they secrete. Perfect- ly rigid and unyielding, and so situated that the most frequent attitudes of the head would rather serve to retain, than to dis- charge the contents of most of them by gravitation, we yet seldom see more than their surface smeared with mucus, and accumulations of it are quite uncommon, except in the diseased state. The secretion in them, it is to be observed, is much less abundant than it is in the nose. Of the Nerves of the Pituitary Membrane* The pituitary membrane is furnished with nerves from two sources; from the olfactory, and from the fifth pair. The Olfactory Nerve having formed its bulb, which reposes in the ethmoidal fossa, sends off from the under surface of the bulb, the succession of filaments which penetrate to the nose through the cribriform plate of the ethmoidal bone. The lat- * Antonii Scarpa, Anatom. Annotaticnes, Lib. ii. 394 NERVOUS SYSTEM. ter, when examined from the upper surface, has its foramina arranged into two rows, one next to the crista galli, and the other next to the cellular portion of the ethmoid. Each row consists of about six or eight foramina, and between these rows there are other foramina, smaller, and not so much in a line with each other. The same cribriform foramina, when exa- mined from the cavity of the nose, are more numerous, espe- cially those belonging to the first two rows, in consequence of the latter branching out below into several canals, which may be seen very distinctly on the side of the base of the nasal la- mella, and on that of the cellular portion of the ethmoid. The distribution of the olfactory nerve corresponds with this arrangement of the cribriform plate, for it has three rows of branches proceeding from the under surface of its bulb, each branch going through its appropriate foramen, and subdividing in it, but sometimes two filaments pass through the same fora- men. In a short space after their origin, they become invested by sheaths of the dura mater, which are extended a considera- ble distance, and which, by a close adhesion to the nerves, make them appear much larger below than they are at the roots. When the nerves reach the cavity of the nose they anastomose together, and descending between the bone and the pituitary membrane, they ramify into an infinitude of small branches, the terminating filaments of which reach the nasal surface of the membrane. The Internal Branches, or those next to the crista galli, di- verge from the cribriform plate, and pass downward between the septum and the pituitary membrane: where they first appear in the nose, there are some few adhesions or anastomoses be- tween them; but their filaments afterwards keep- perfectly dis- tinct, and, spreading themselves out on the pituitary membrane of the septum, make an appearance resembling a flat camel's- hair pencil. The middle ones are the longest, and may be traced almost to the floor of the nose; the anterior are shorter somewhat; the posterior do not reach obviously below the mid- dle of the septum. The External Branches have a very different mode of distri- bution. While still in their canals they divide into many fila- ments, which anastomose frequently with each other, and when they have fairly got into the cavity of the nose, the same fre- ORGAN OF SMELLING. 395 quency of anastomosis continues, so that they form a net-work of numerous and small meshes, which prevails from the cribri- form plate to the inferior margin of the middle turbinated bone. Their filaments cannot be traced below the latter line, and, therefore, do not descend so low as the filametV.s of the inter- nal row, neither are they so close to each other. They do not penetrate to the ethmoidal cells. The posterior ones are very abundant, on the upper turbinated bone, and incline backwards in their descent; the anterior are also abundant on the fiat an- terior half of the ethmoid, and when they get below the line of the upper meatus, they extend backwards to the posterior end of the middle turbinated bone, and to its inferior margin. On this bone they are less abundant than above it; their meshes are larger, and their distribution is confined to the Schneiderian membrane covering its convex surface. The filaments of the middle row associate themselves indis- criminately with those of the external and of the internal row, according to local convenience. The other nerves of the Pituitary Membrane come from the first, and from the second branch of the Trigeminus. The first branch of the latter gives off from its nasal branch the nerve called Internal Nasal, which penetrates from the orbit into the cavity of th« cranium, through the anterior internal orbitary foramen, and lies covered by the dura mater, at the side of the crista galli; thence it passes into the cavity of the nose through the most anterior foramen of the cribriform plate. This Internal Nasal Nerve (Nasalis Internus) having got into the nose, divides into two fasciculi, an internal and an external. The internal descends along the anterior margin of the septum, between the mucous membrane and the bone, and, after a short course, is divided into two filaments, one of which, applying it- self to the posterior face of the os nasi, terminates by smaller filaments in the integuments of the lower part of the nose; the other filament continues along the margin of the septum to its lower part, where it terminates by smaller filaments. The ex- ternal fasciculus of the Nasalis Internus gives off early a fila- ment, which descends along a groove on the posterior face of 396 NERVOUS SYSTEM. the nasal bone, and winding over the lower edge of the latter, or passing through a foramen in it, is lost upon the integuments of the corresponding part of the nose. Other filaments from the external fasciculus descend upon the mucous membrane, along the external anterior part of the nose, or that which cor- responds with the nasal process of the upper maxilla, and ter- minate near the anterior extremity of the inferior spongy bone: they are three or four in number. The internal nasal nerve is also said to send one or more filaments to the frontal sinus, but they are so fine that doubts of their existence are enter- tained by Bichat, though they are admitted by J. F. Meckel. The Spheno-Palatine Ganglion, a part of the second branch of the Trigeminus, detaches to the nose, through the spheno- palatine foramen, several filaments. One of these, discovered by Cotunnius, and admirably delineated by Scarpa and by John Hunter, called the Naso-Palatinus, runs across the front of the sphenoidal sinus to the upper posterior part of the septum narium, beneath the mucous membrane. It then descends ob- liquely along the septum to the foramen incisivum, and passes through it to the roof of the mouth. In many cases, however, a distinct foramen is formed in the middle palate suture for it, anterior to the foramen incisivum. The nerve of the left side is anterior to that on the right. When the two reach the roof of the mouth, or are near it, they unite to form a little swelling called the naso-palatine ganglion,* from which several fila- ments arise, and are spent upon the membranous caruncle at this point, and upon the contiguous part of the palatine membrane. The spheno-palatine ganglion sends several filaments to the mucous membrane of the upper spongy bone and of the upper meatus, and to that of the posterior end of the middle spongy bone. The palatine nerve, one of its largest branches, in de- scending along the posterior palatine canal to the soft palate of the mouth, also contributes to the supply of nerves to the nose. Shortly after it has arisen from the ganglion, it sends one or more filaments to the middle spongy bone, and to the superior part of the lower spongy bone, and when it has got, in its de- * J. Cloquet, An^t. ORGAN OF SMELLING. 397 scent, on a level with the posterior end of the latter, it detaches another filament, which supplies the mucous membrane, along the inferior margin of this bone. An opinion advanced by Mery about the close of the seven- teenth century, has lately been revived by M. Magendie, of Paris, that the olfactory nerves are not those which communi- cate the impressions of odorous bodies. In contradiction, how- ever, to his experiments, it should be stated, that several re- spectable anatomists have seen cases where the privation of the sense of smell during life, was found, upon examination after death, to be attended with the absence of the olfactory nerves. Of the Blood Vessels of the Nose. The extreme vascularity of the Schneiderian Membrane is derived from several sources. The Internal Maxillary Artery sends through the Spheno-Palatine Foramen a large branch, which is distributed upon the septum and upon the spongy bones. The palatine artery also supplies this membrane with one or more small branches. The Ophthalmic also sends the anterior and the posterior ethmoidal branches to it, from the orbit of the eye. The Infra-orbitar artery likewise contributes to its vascu- larity by one or more branches, sent off in its course through the infra-orbitar canal. The veins follow the course and distribution of the arteries. Some of them, however, unite with the trunks called emissa- ries of Santorini, which come from the sinuses of the dura ma- ter through the foramen ovale and rotundum of the sphenoid bone. CHAPTER II. OF THE EYE, AND ITS DEPENDENCIES. The organ of vision which depends upon the optic nerve for its usefulness, is formed by the Ball of the Eye and many De- Vol. II.—35 398 NERVOUS SYSTEM. pendencies or Auxiliary parts, all of which are situated within the orbit, and fill up its cavity. SECT. I.--OF THE AUXILIARY PARTS OF THE EYE. The Eyelids (Palpebrae) are placed at the anterior orifice of the orbit, and serve to shut out the light from the eye, by their closing; and also, by their frequent motions, to sweep the front of the eyeball, so as to remove, from its transparent part, moats and dust. They are distinguished into upper and lower, and the place at each end, where the horizontal fissure between them ceases, is called their Commissure, Angle or Canthus. The angle next to the nose, or the internal, is called the Great one, and the other, the Little one. The Internal Canthus is united to the nasal process of the su- perior maxillary bone by a rounded tendon, (Ligamentum Pal- pebrale Internum,) the origin of the orbicularis palpebrarum mus- cle, and which passes horizontally inwards, being nearly half an inch in length. It throws the skin into a small ridge, which may be distinctly seen and felt at this point. The External Canthus is held in place by its general attachments of cellular substance and by the external palpebral ligament. The upper eyelid is somewhat larger than the lowrer, but the structure of both is the same, for each one is formed by skin ex- ternally ; next to it a plane of muscular fibres, being the orbi- cularis palpebrarum; then a plate of cartilage; and, lastly, a thin membrane uniting it to the eyeball. There is nothing in the texture of the skin of the eyelid which needs description in a manner more particular than that of stating its fineness, its thinness, the looseness of its attachment to the muscle beneath by long yielding cellular substance, and the deficiency of adipose matter. It is rendered prominent at the superior margin of the orbit, both by the projection of the bone there, and by the presence of the corrugator supercilii muscle at its internal extremity. This prominence is furnished with an arched cluster of hairs, (Supercilia,) which have their loose ends inclined horizontally outwards, and are rather more abundant at the root of the nose than externally. The super- cilia of the two sides are separated commonly by a small bare THE EYE. 399 space called Glabella, the existence of which adds much to the calm and intellectual expression of the human countenance; whereas, the junction of the two eyebrows, by the hairs filling up this space, gives a gloomy, and, occasionally, a ferocious appearance. The margins of the eyelids are also furnished with hairs, (Cilia,) the roots of which are insinuated between the skin and the tarsi cartilages: the most deeply seated%seem, indeed, to pe- netrate the latter. The hairs of the upper lid are longer and more numerous than those of the lower: they are concave up- wards, while the latter are concave downwards, so that the con- vexities of the two ranges of hairs come in contact when the eyelids are closed. The hairs of each cilium are disposed into three or four rows, by which a long brush is formed, the central hairs of which are longer and larger than any others. The hairs of the supercilia and of the cilia resemble one ano- ther strongly, for, when examined closely, each one will be found to have a bulbous soft root, just beyond which there is a narrow part. The middle of the hair is swollen, and its ex- ternal extremity is brought to a fine point. These hairs cor- respond in colour with the hairs of the head. When the orbicularis muscle is removed, a ligamentous or fibrous membrane is found passing from the external margin of the orbit to the corresponding margin of the palpebral cartilages, and separating the eyelids from the parts contained within the orbit. There is a partial decussation of the fibres of this mem- brane, from the external commissure of the cartilages to the ex- ternal edge of the orbit; it has more firmness than any other part of the membrane, and is the external palpebral ligament; (Ligamentum Palpebrale Externum.) On the side of the internal canthus of the orbit there is no corresponding ligamentous ex- pansion, but a few irregular fibres, which allow the masses of fat beneath to project forwards between their fasciculi. The Palpebral Cartilages (Tarsi) are two in number, one at the margin of each eyelid, to which they communicate a smooth, even surface, from the internal to the external commissure. They are between the orbicularis muscle and the tunica conjunc- tiva. The upper one is larger than the lower, resembles an oval 400 NERVOUS SYSTEM. cut in half in its long diameter, and is about six lines broad in its middle: the lower one is of a breadth, nearly uniform, of about two lines. Their internal extremities cease just before they reach the puncta lachrymalia, and are attached to the in- ternal palpebral ligament, which has been described as one of the origins of the orbicularis oculi muscle, at the nasal process of the upper maxillary bone; their external extremities cease just before their commissure, and are firmly attached to the external palpebral ligament. These cartilages are thicker where they form the margin of the eyelids, and have there a slope or bevel, by which, when in contact, a small groove is formed on their posterior surface. From their resistance to the coneentric contractions of the or- bicularis, they keep the eyelid smooth, and favour its sliding upon the eyeball. Certain animals, being destitute of these car- tilages, when they wink, the skin, by the contraction of the or- bicularis, is drawn up like the mouth of a purse. Conjunctiva.—Below the palpebral cartilage is the fourth layer of the eyelid, the conjunctiva. It is a white, thin, and diapha- nous membrane, in the uninflamed slate. Beginning at the roots of the cilia, where it is continuous with the skin, it covers the posterior face of each eyelid, is reflected for eight or ten lines towards the bottom of the orbit, and then passes to the eyeball, of which it covers the anterior half, not excepting the cornea. It penetrates into the lachrymal passages, to be continuous with the lining membrane of the lachrymal sac. From this description,it is evident that the tunica conjunctiva has one surface presented against itself when the eyelids are closed ; this surface is lubricated and very smooth, so as to per- mit a free motion of the lids and ball of the eye. The other surface is connected in its anterior half by cellular substance to the eyelids, and in its remaining part to the ball of the eye, by the same means. It is united rather loosely to the sclerotica till it gets near the margin of the cornea; but to the latter it ad- heres so firmly, and changes there so much its texture, that it seems like a portion of the cornea. This membrane, from its continuity with the skin and the lining membrane of the nose, from its sympathies with them, from the nature of the discharge from it, and from its extreme THE EYE. 401 sensibility, is ranked by Bichat among the mucous membranes. It has, however, some peculiarities in its structure, for it is en- tirely deficient in villosities, and though most abundantly fur- nished with capillary vessels, they do not obviously admit red blood, but in a state of irritation. Glandular Palpebrarum.—These bodies also called the glands of Meibomius, from an anatomist who has described them par- ticularly, are situated at the margin of each eyelid, between its cartilage and the conjunctiva. They are about two or three lines long, and appear like small, white, serpentine threads, run- ning at right angles to the margin of the lid, near to, and paral- lel with one another. They are more abundant on the upper than on the lower lid. They terminate by a row of small ori- fices in the margin of the lid, just behind the cilia. For prevent- ing the overflowing of the tears, and the sticking together of the eyelids, they discharge an unctuous fluid,-which may be made manifest by squeezing them. Their secretion is occasionally much augmented, and then has a large quantity of serum and glutinous matter in it: in this case the evaporation of the se- rum makes it adhesive, and causes the eyelids to adhere after they have been closed for some time, as in sleep. Muscles. The Musculus Levator Palpebral Superioris is placed in the superior part of the orbit. It arises by a small round tendon from the upper margin of the optic foramen, and, becoming fleshy, it expands itself into a long thin triangle, of which the base is in front. It covers the rectus superior muscle. Terminating in front by a thin tendinous expansion, it is in- serted into the superior margin of the upper palpebral cartilage; but some of its fibres continue on between the latter and the or- bicularis to the lower edge of the cartilage. It raises the upper lid, by drawing it towards the bottom of the orbit. There are six muscles concerned in moving the eyeball, four of which, from their direction, are said to be straight; and the. 35* 402 NERVOUS SYSTEM. other two, for the same reason, are called oblique. With the exception of the inferior oblique, they all arise from the bottom of the orbit.. 1. The Rectus Oculi Superior, being placed immediately be- low the levator palpebrse, arises from the superior margin of the optic foramen. It runs forward, increasing somewhat in breadth, and is inserted by a broad thin tendon into the scle^ rotica, two lines from the cornea. It turns the eye upwards. 2. The Rectus Oculi Externus arises from the external mar- gin of the optic foramen. It then advances along the middle of the external wall of the orbit, near the periosteum, to which it adheres slightly, and is finally, inserted, by a thin broad tendon, into the external side of the sclerotica, about two or three lines from the cornea. It abducts the eye, or turns it outwards.. 3. The Rectus Oculi Inferior arises also from the optic fora- men, at its inferior margin, and, lying upon the floor of the or- bit as it advances forwards; it is inserted, tendinous, into the under surface of the sclerotica, two lines from the cornea. It depresses the eye, or turns it downwards. 4. The Rectus Oculi Internus arises from the internal mar- gin of the optic foramen, and goes forwards along the internal wall of the orbit, being separated from it by a layer of adipose matter. It is inserted, by a tendinous expansion, into the inner side of the sclerotica, two or three lines from the cornea. It a'dducts the eye,.or turns it inwards. 5. The Obliquus Oculi Superior is placed along the upper in- ternal angle of the orbit. It arises from the corresponding margin of the optic foramen, by a small round tendon; it then advances forwards, and when it has got near the margin of the orbit, it is converted into a long round tendon. The tendon passes through a cartilaginous loop which is formed for it, just at the inner margin of the supra orbitary fo- ramen,, and is connected to the loop by longjoose cellular sub-. THE EYE. 403 stance, which permits it to play freely backwards and forwards. The tendon from this point changes its direction by going back- wards and outwards: it also becomes more flat, and is then in- serted into the upper face of the sclerotica near its middle, just beneath the internal margin of the rectus superior muscle. This muscle is the longest, but the most delicate of those be- longing to the eyeball. According to Soemmering, it draws the eyeball forwards, and towards the internal canthus, and directs the pupil towards the cheek. By the aid of the inferior oblique* it draws the eyeball towards the nose: it expresses pride: it appears to be greatly excited in anger.* The preceding muscles are all connected, either directly or indirectly, with the theca of the optic nerve. 6. The Obliquus Oculi Inferior is at the bottom of the orbit. It arises, by a small tendinous beginning, from the os maxil- lare superius at the side of the os unguis, and, increasing in size, it goes below the rectus inferior outwards and backwards, and gets between the eyeball and the rectus externus. It is then inserted into the outer face of the sclerotica, about half way between the optic nerve and the cornea. It causes the eye to revolve on its axis, and turns the cornea towards the nose. Its action, however, is much modified by that of the other muscles. As one axis of the eye is a line passing from the centre of the optic nerve, forwards and out- wards, it will be found that each of the oblique muscles is in- serted, at right angles, to this line; consequently, their simple and unmodified action is to produce a revolution of the eye, on its axis, in the line of their insertion, the first making the eye roll inwards, and the latter outwards, on the two poles: they, therefore, are strictly antagonists. Of the Lachrymal Apparatus* The apparatus for the tears (Organa Lachrymalia, vise La- chrymales) consists in the Lachrymal Gland, the Lachrymal Ducts, the Lachrymal Sac, and a few other parts. * Bulbum in priora et angulum internnm versus movet; pupillam deorsum ad genani dirigit; juvante musculo obliquuo inferiore bulbum nasum versus trahU; animi. fastum exprimit; ira valde commoveri videtur. 404 NERVOUS SYSTEM. The Lachrymal Gland (Glandula Lachrymalis) is situated in the orbit, immediately below and within the external angu- lar process of the os frontis. It secretes the moisture that lu- bricates the eyelids and eyeball, and which, when it becomes abundant, is called the Tears. It is a flattened oblong or oval, convex above and concave below, of ten lines in length, six in width, and about two lines at its thickest part, for its edges are somewhat bevelled. It may be considered as divided into two parts or lobes, of which the superior is the larger and occupies the depression attributed to it in the frontal bone, while the in- ferior, being the smaller, is placed at the anterior margin of the depression.* It is lined below by the conjunctiva, and is pro- tected in front by the margin of the orbit which it touches. This gland resembles much a salivary gland in its light pink colour, and in its consisting in a congeries of lobules united by cellular substance. Unless we are to consider the latter as such, it has no regular capsule. From the lachrymal gland there proceed six or seven excretory canals, extremely fine, and found with so much difficulty that many distinguished ana- tomists have sought for them in vain.t The orifices of these ducts have been laid down by Soemmering, as equi-distant; forming in the conjunctiva, a row half an inch long, and pa- rallel with the superior margin of the upper tarsus cartilage, beginning a quarter of an inch above its external end and going inwards. By squeezing the gland, small drops like tears, will appear on the nearest surface of the conjunctiva, but not in the regular order laid down by anatomists for the lachrymal orifices. The Lachrymal Ducts (Canaliculi Lackrymales) are situated immediately beneath the skin, at the internal commissure of the eyelids, in their posterior margin, and behind the orbicularis muscle. There is one for each eyelid. They are about half * These lobes are frequently marked off by a ligamentous band passing from between them to the external angular process. t These are Morgagni, Haller, Zinnv and Durvemey, Meckel, Soemmering, and many others, speak with all confidence concerning them. Bichat admits that he only acknowledges their existence inductively. Dr. Monro, of Edinburgh, claims to have discovered them by plunging the eye into a coloured fluid which was absorbed by them. Dr. W. Hunter seems to have a prior claim to Dr. Monro. See Med. Comment, p. 54. Mascagni also acknowledges their exist- ence:—Prodromo della Grande Anatomia, voki. p. 60.. THE EYE. 405 an inch long, though the lower one is rather longer than the upper. The lachrymal ducts commence at a small elevation of the margin of each eyelid, bordering immediately upon the internal end of the tarsus cartilage, but perfectly distinct from it. This elevation is conical, has a vermicular motion during life, and points towards the ball of the eye; in its centre is a very small foramen, called the Punctum Lachrymale, which is the begin- ning of the lachrymal duct. The punctum is about a line in length; and enlarging in its course, it runs at right angles to the duct into which it empties, of which it may be called the Orbital Orifice: the upper one will, therefore, ascend, and the lower one descend. The lachrymal ducts are much larger than the puncta, and are in their whole course about one line in diameter. At their orbital extremities, they go rather beyond the puncta, so as to form a small cul-de-sac. These canals converge, and having got to the internal angle of the eyelid, they are there placed be- hind the internal palpebral ligament. They then discharge, by distinct orifices, but very near each other, into the lachrymal sac at its external anterior part, where they form a small round projection into the interior of its cavity, and are overlapped, sometimes, by a small duplicature of its lining membrane. When the eyelids are closed, the lachrymal ducts are horizontal and nearly parallel, but when the eye is open the upper duct is elevated, and thereby becomes oblique; it is hence more proper for the introduction of instruments into the lachrymal sac. The Lachrymal Caruncle (Caruncula Lachrymalis) is placed in the angle formed by the internal junction of the eyelids. It is a red-coloured tubercle, differing in size in different individu- als, but commonly as large as a grain of wheat It is conical, and obtains its redness from the conjunctiva being reflected over it: when accurately examined, it will be found to consist in a group of sebaceous glands; of which, according to some anato- mists, there are seven ranged two in a row, and one on the top of the others. The surface of this body is beset with very fine hairs, and the orifices in it are distinguishable with a glass. The Semilunar Valve, or Fold, (Plica Semilunaris,) is situ- 406 NERVOUS SYSTEM. ated immediately at the outer margin of the caruncle. It ha3 the form of a triangle, the point of which runs into the caruncle, and the base, which is somewhat crescentic, is directed towards the eye. It is a duplicature of the conjunctiva, becomes very manifest from behind, and, in some persons, has its base fur- nished with a very small strip of cartilage.* I have seen seve- ral cases of the kind very well marked; they occur more frequently in the African, according to my personal experience. Between the base and the caruncle it is formed into a number of loose wrinkles, which disappear when the eye is very much ab- ducted. This body, in the human subject, is evidently intended to per- mit to the eye a great freedom of abduction. Its analogy, how- ever, with the third eyelid of animals is very striking, and the difference is rather in the full development of the latter, than in the organization. It is very properly remarked by J. F. Meckel, that in descending the scale of animals, the third eyelid is al- ways in an inverse ratio to the other two, till it ends by being a complete substitute for them, Surrounding the Lachrymal caruncle may be observed a de- pression on the adjoining part of the plica semilunaris. Into this depression the puncta lachrymalia are directed, and there play up and down: the tears accumulate in it; from which cause the depression is called Lacus Lachrymalis. The Lachrymal Sac (Saccus Lachrymalis) is placed at the in- ternal canthus of the orbit; in the depression of the os unguis, and of the nasal process of the upper maxillary bone. It is an oblong cylindroid cavity, and extends from the transverse facial suture to the anterior extremity of the inferior meatus of the nose; being concealed there by the anterior part of the inferior turbinated bone. It is crossed at its front part by the tendon of the orbicularis, which, with a few fibres of this muscle, adheres to it. The course of the lachrymal sac is, at first, slightly forwards in the descent to the nose; but, when it reaches the lower part of the orbit, it is afterwards slightly backwards: so that it may be considered as forming an obtuse angle forwards. It also de- *'Meckel. THE EYE. 407 creases somewhat in size from above downwards, and at its lower orifice is flattened from side to side. The lachrymal sac consists in two membranes; an exterior fibrous one continuous with the periosteum of the contiguous bones, and an interior mucous one, which is thick, villous, of a red colour, from the abundance of its blood vessels, and abound- ing in mucous follicles. The interior is continuous above with the lachrymal ducts, and below with the Schneiderian mem- brane. On a line with the floor of the orbit, this internal mem- brane is thrown into a circular duplicature, considered by some anatomists as forming the proper boundary of the lachrymal sac: all below this is called by them Nasal Canal. The dis- tinction is rather arbitrary, and, in some degree, hurtful to clear- ness of description: a much better plan is to call the part above the valve the orbital portion of the sac, and the part below the valve its nasal portion. Sometimes there is a second valve about three lines below the first, and generally another at the nasal orifice, formed by a duplication of the Schneiderian mem- brane. The Tensor Tarsi is a small muscle on the orbital face of the lachrymal sac, of which I gave a detailed account some years ago.* It arises from the posterior superior part of the os unguis, just in advance of the vertical suture between the os planum and the os unguis. Having advanced three lines, it bifurcates; one bifurcation is inserted along the upper lachrymal duct, and ter- minates at its punctum, or near it; and the lower bifurcation has the same relation to the lower lachrymal duct. The base of the caruncula lachrymalis is placed in the angle of the bifurcation. The superior and the inferior margins of the muscle touch the corresponding fibres of the orbicularis palpebrarum, where the latter is connected with the margin of the internal canthus of the orbit, but may be readily distinguished by their horizontal course. The nasal face of this muscle adheres very closely to that portion of the sac which it covers, and also to the lachry- mal ducts. The lachrymal sac rises about a line above its supe- rior margin, and extends in the orbit four lines below its infe- rior margin. The orbital face of the muscle is covered by a * Philadelphia Journal of Med. and Phys. Sciences, 1824. 408 NERVOUS SYSTEM. lamina of cellular membrane, and between this lamina and the ball of the eye are placed the valvula semilunaris, and a consi- derable quantity of adipose matter. As the bifurcated extremities of the muscle follow the course of the ducts, they are covered by the tunica conjunctiva. When this muscle is examined from behind, the eyelids being in situ, it becomes obvious that it is concave on its orbital surface, and, consequently, convex on the nasal; that the muscle is an oblong body, half an inch in length, and about three lines wide, bifur- cated at one end: and that it arises much deeper from the orbit than any acknowledged origin of the orbicularis. The superior fork, however, has a few of its fibres blended with the orbicu- laris. In regard to the use of this muscle: its attachment to the pos- terior fece of the sac is such, that it draws the orbital parts of the sac away from the nasal, and dilates the sac, from the nasal face of the latter being fixed to the bones. As this muscle is cylindrically concave on its orbital side, it is evident that when it contracts, the fibres become straight, or nearly so, like the fibres of the diaphragm, and the cavity of the sac is enlarged after the same manner as the cavity of the thorax. A tendency to a vacuum being thus produced by it, the valves or folds of the internal membrane of the sac permit the vacuum to be filled more readily through the puncta than from the nose; and the puncta being continually bathed in the tears of the lacus lachry- malis, both in the waking and in the sleeping state, the tears are constantly propelled through them by atmospheric pressure. The evacuation of the sac is no doubt accomplished by its own elasticity, and by the contraction of the orbicularis; probably in a chief degree by the latter, because in persons who have epiphora, or a tendency to obstruction in the nasal duct, the ac- cumulation of tears and matter principally^ takes place at night, when the action of the orbicularis is suspended by sleep. For these reasons, we should argue that this little muscle is active at all times, both night and day. To Dr. Physick I am indebted for suggesting another use for it; to wit, that of keeping the lids in contact with the ball of the eye. Somepersonspossess unusual voluntary powerover this muscle, of which I have seen several examples. In each instance the in- THE EYE. 409 dividual could shorten so much the internal angle of the eyelids, as to conceal it, along with the puncta, in the internal canthus of the orbit.* Of the Nerves of the Orbit. In addition to the optic nerve, there are several belonging to the eye and to its auxiliary parts; they are derived from the Motor Oculi or third pair; from the Trochlearis, or fourth pair; from the first branch of the Trigeminus, or fifth pair; and from the Motor Oculi Externus or sixth pair. For an account of which, see Nerves. Of the Arteries of the Orbit. The Eyeball, and its auxiliary parts, are principally supplied by the Ophthalmic Artery, which, as was mentioned in the ac- count of the Brain, is a considerable branch given off by the Internal Carotid at the fore part of the Sella Turcica. This branch gets into the orbit on the outer side of the optic nerve through the optic foramen, and, after a short course, crosses obliquely above the optic nerve, so as to pass to the internal side of the orbit. It sends off a great many small trunks, which are very inconstant both in their size and origin; they are as follows:— 1. Arteria Lachrymalis arises, commonly, soon after the oph- thalmic has got into the orbit: it goes forwards between the rec- tus superior and the rectus externus muscle, to which it dis- tributes arterioles; it then reaches the lachrymal gland, and • Having laboured, first of all, to convince the profession of the existence of this muscle, the next step, as is usual on such occasions, was to vindicate my own pretensions to its discovery, and to attempt to remove such objections as re- quired attention. For the arguments on this subject, I refer to the Philadelphia Journal of Medical and Physical Sciences, of Nov. 1824, edited by Professor Chapman. My claims have been unequivocally admitted by Messrs. Breschet and Jourdan, of Paris, anatomists of unusual distinction, in the translation which they have made of J. F. Meckel's Manual of Anatomy, vol. iii. p. 219; by Gery, in the Melanges de Chirurgie e"trangere, Geneva, 1824, p. 415; and by Professor Giuseppe Trasmondi, in the Arcadica Journal of Home, &c. vol. xix. p. 1, 1823 Vol. II.—36 410 NERVOUS SYSTEM. having left branches with it, what remains issues out at the ex- ternal angle of the eye, so as to supply the contiguous part of the upper eyelid. 2. Arteriae Ciliares. According to Soemmering, before the origin of the lachrymal artery, the ophthalmic detaches from one to three ciliary, which penetrate into the ball-of the eye near the optic nerve. Other arteries of the same class arise subsequently from the ophthalmic, and, occasionally some of them from the lachrymal itself. They go to the choroid coat of the eyeball and to the iris. 3. The Arteria Centralis Retinae arises from among the clus- ter of ciliary arteries, and, like them, has no invariable root. It penetrates the optic nerve about the middle of its orbitar por- tion, and, going in its centre, gets into the eye through the crib- riform part of the sclerotica. It is then distributed by ramus- cles to the retina, to the tunica hyaloidea, and to the capsule of the lens. 4. The Arteria Ethmoidea Posterior is inconstant in exist- ence, and comes at one time from the trunk, at another from a branch of the ophthalmic. It passes over the superior oblique muscle, and penetrating through the posterior orbitary foramen, is spent by arterioles upon the neighbouring part of the dura mater, and upon the posterior ethmoidal cells, where it anasto- moses upon the Schneiderian membrane, with branches from the internal maxillary. 5. Arteriae Musculares. Of these there are two; one of them, the inferior, sends branches to the rectus internus, rectus infe- rior, and obliquus inferior oculi; also to the lachrymal sac, and to the parts about the bottom of the orbit. It occasionally de- taches some of the ciliary arteries. The superior muscular branch is also called the Supra Orbitar. It supplies the mus- cles of the superior part of the orbit, and then issuing through the supra orbitary foramen, it is spent in arterioles, upon the os frontis and its periosteum, and upon the orbicularis oculi, cor- rugator supercilii, and occipito-frontalis. It anastomoses there with other branches of the ophthalmic, and with the temporal artery. THE EYE. 411 It is usual for the anterior ciliary arteries to come from the muscular branches. The Ophthalmic Artery, after having detached all the afore- said branches, is much diminished in volume, and, advancing along the internal parts of the orbit, its next branch is— 6. The Arteria Ethmoidea Anterior, which dips into the an- terior internal orbitary foramen, and is divided into small branches, some of which are spent upon the adjacent portion of the dura mater, others upon the frontal sinus and the anterior ethmoidal cells. Some of these branches penetrate from the cranium throagh the cribriform plate into the nose, and, ramify- ing upon the Schneiderian membrane, anastomose with the in- ternal maxillary. 7. The Arterias Palpebrales are two in number: they come sometimes from a common trunk, and on other occasions arise separately. One is the Superior, and the other the Inferior. The latter arises first, and is distributed to the conjunctiva, the caruncula lachrymalis, lachrymal sac; and finishes by many small branches to the lower eyelid, that anastomose with the infra-orbitar artery, so as to form the lower tarsal arch. It also anastomoses with the lachrymal artery by its extreme branches. The Superior Palpebral Artery also distributes branches to the conjunctiva, sac, and caruncle; it then emerges above the inner palpebral ligament, around the margin of the superior eyelid, and forms, along with the lachrymal and the supra orbi- tar artery, the superior tarsal arch, which distributes small branches, in great profusion, to the orbicularis muscle, and to the structure, generally, of the lid. It anastomoses, externally, with the lower palpebral artery. 8. The Arteria Nasalis is sometimes a well marked continua- tion of the ophthalmic. It passes out of the orbit at its inter- nal canthus, above the internal palpebral ligament, and anasto- moses at the root of the nose with the facial artery. It is dis- tributed to the side of the nose, and to the lower part of the forehead. Its chief contribution to the eyelids is at the internal 412 NERVOUS SYSTEM. end of the orbicularis, where it anastomoses with the palpebral arteries. 9. The Arteria Frontalis passes out of the orbit near the su- pra orbitary foramen. It is quickly divided into branches, which go to the orbicularis and corrugator muscles, to the occipito- frontalis, and to the frontal sinus. Of ihe Veins of the Orbit. The blood distributed to the eve-ball and to its auxiliary parts, has two routes for returning to the heart, one through the ca- vernous sinus, and the other by the superficial veins of the face. As a general rule, all the branches of the ophthalmic artery which reach the eyelids, or become otherwise superficial, re- turn their blood by the latter route; and those whose distribu- tion is to the ball of the eye and to the parts deeply seated in the orbit, return their blood by the sinus. When the veins are well injected, a very considerable num- ber is manifested in both eyelids. They form a handsome net- work, the meshes of which are small and numerous, and com- mence by small roots at the margin of the eyelids. The ves- sels of this net-work becoming, successively, larger from the centre to the circumference of the orbicularis, cover the whole surface of the latter, and from the thinness of the skin are readily seen beneath it. The veins of the lower eyelid are discharged into the facial vein, where it borders on the orbi- cularis; and the veins of the upper lid, being bordered along the superior margin of the orbicularis by a horizontal branch of the temporal vein, discharge themselves into it. The Ophthalmic Vein (Sinus Ophthalmicus) is the large trunk within the orbit which receives, successively, the re- maining blood of the eye, and passing along the internal parts of the orbit, crosses over the oplie nerve, and penetrates through the optic foramen into the cavity of the cranium, where it terminates in the cavernous sinus. It may be con- sidered as commencing by an anastomosis with the facial vein at the internal canthus; it then receives the follqwing branches:— THE BALL OF THE EYE. 413 1. The nasal, which arises from the parts about the internal canthus of the eye. 2. The anterior ethmoidal, which comes from the nose and frontal sinus. 3. Branches from the recti and obliqui muscles. 4. The lachrymal vein, from the lachrymal gland and leva- tor palpebrae muscle. 5. Posterior ethmoidal vein, from the nose. 6. The ciliary veins, or those of the choroid coat, which are very numerous. 7. The central vein of the retina, which is collected from three or four principal branches, and follows the course of the artery of the same name, through the cribriform part of the sclerotic coat, and through the centre of the optic nerve. The trunks of this vein anastomose, at the anteriof-margin of the retina, with those of the Ciliary Body. There are, of course, frequent anastomoses between the veins of the eyelids and the primitive branches of the ophthal- mic vein. SECT. II.--OP THE BALL OF THE EYE. The Eyeball (Bulbus Oculi) is situated within the anterior half of the orbit, from which it is kept separated by its auxili- ary parts, and by a large quantity of adipose matter which fills up their interstices. It is very nearly spherical, but not so much so as to prevent its antero-posterior diameter, which is about an inch long, from exceeding in measurement every other. Such, at least, is the general opinion of anatomists, but from experiments, made by distending the eye with mer- cury, I have been induced to doubt its correctness, and espe- cially in the African; for, in the latter, I have uniformly found the transverse diameter to exceed the antero-posterior by a line or more. The Eyeball is also somewhat flattened at the inser- tion of each of the straight muscles. It is formed by a series of concentric tunics, one investing the other, and by humours contained within those tunics. Of the former, the Sclerotica and the Cornea are external, the Cho- roidea and the Iris next, and the Retina is internal. Of the 36* 414 NERVOUS SYSTEM. Humours, the Vitreous is, by far, the most abundant, and con- stitutes a principal part of the eyeball; the Crystalline Humour is in front of the vitreous; and the Aqueous is placed between the crystalline and the cornea. Tunics, or Membranes of the Eyeball. The Sclerotic Coat (Tunica Sclerotica, Albuginea) forms about five-sixths of the exterior investment of the eyeball, the remaining sixth of which is obtained from the cornea. At its posterior part it is joined by the optic nerve: this junction does not occur precisely at its axis or centre, but at the inner side of if. When the optic nerve is detached at this junction, a small round hole is perceptible in the sclerotica, or, rather, it is more frequently perceived as a thin cribriform lamella, through the holes of which the pulpy part of the optic nerve passes, so as to get within the eye. This cribriform lamella, or the appear- ance of it, is no doubt produced artificially by the nerve being commonly cut through very near the eye; and, as Mr. Jacobs, of Dublin, very properly suggests, should be considered as the most anterior termination, or the point of the optic nerve, in- stead of as a portion of the sclerotica. The neurileme of the optic nerve, is so arranged, that small round longitudinal canals are left, which contain the nervous matter: from this cause it happens that a thin section of the optic nerve in any part of its course in the orbit, will, if held up to the light, manifest the same cribriform arrangement with the part alluded to. This part of the structure of the optic nerve will be readily under- stood by the American student, in comparing it with the pith of the Indian corn-stalk, which, being traversed longitudinally, by many fibres, upon the drawing of them out, an equal number of longitudinal canals is left in their places. At its fore part, the edge of the sclerotica is bevelled all around for its junction with the cornea; and though nearly circular, is not completely so, from its horizontal diameter being somewhat greater than any other. There are several orifices of inconsiderable size scattered over the sclerotica, some of which are oblique and others direct: they transmit the blood vessels and nerves. The Sclerotica is nearly a line in thick- ness at its back part, from which it gradually becomes reduced to half that thickness in front, where it is strengthened by the THE BALL OF THE EYE. 415 tendinous insertions of the recti muscles. Its internal surface is smooth and somewhat shining, being loosely attached to the cellular substance intervening between it and the choroid coat; but the external surface is rough, and more obviously fibrous, and is attached somewhat strongly to all the adjoining parts. This membrane is of a white colour, and consists of a single layer, whose structure is essentially fibrous. The fibres are very closely compacted, and compose an intertexture which cannot be unravelled. It is so closely united to the dura mater covering of the optic nerve, that many anatomists, notwith- standing its greater thickness, are disposed to speak of it as a continuation of the same. Its strength and its want of elasti- city suit it remarkably to maintain the form of the eye, and to resist injuries. Out of the many blood vessels that penetrate it, but few ramify in its structure, and the existence of nerves in it is by no means evident. The tunica arachnoidea follows the course of the optic nerve, within its coat of dura mater, and forms, in the eye, just around the cribriform plate, or foramen of the sclerotica, a circular pad : it is then reflected on the internal face of the sclerotica, as far as its anterior edge. It is this which causes the internal face of the sclerotica to be smooth and shining, and thereby to correspond with that of the dura mater.* This circumstance is more readily proved in a very young eye, than in the adult one. The Cornea, as mentioned, fills up the aperture at the fore part of the sclerotica, and, of course, has the same diameters, with this opening; measuring thereby more transversely than in any other direction. It is a segment of a smaller sphere than the sclerotica, and is, consequently, more convex than it. Its thickness is uniform, and commonly exceeds that of the sclero- tica at the fore part of the latter. Its circumference adheres very closely to the sclerotica, and presents a bevelled or oblique edge, which is inserted into the corresponding bevel of the sclerotica, so that the latter includes the former. The closeness of this junction induced the older * J. F. M.eck,el. Zinn supposed this surface to be derived from the pia ma- ter-. 416 NERVOUS SYSTEM. anatomists to consider these membranes as one and the same, notwithstanding their obvious difference of structure and of pro- perties. Their adhesion yields t%protracted maceration. The cornea is covered in front by a continuation of the tunica con- junctiva, which unites the eyeball to the eyelids. This may be proved by dissection, by maceration, and by its sloughing off entirely along with the epidermis of animals that are subject to this process, as the locust, snakes, and others. On its posterior face, it is covered by the membrane of the aqueous humour, which may be rendered evident by steeping it in spirits of wine; whereby the latter membrane is made more hard, and may be torn off. The cornea, in a natural state, is perfectly transparent, and readily transmits the rays of light. It consists of an indefinite number of laminae, which are placed one against the other like the leaves of a book, and are united by a delicate transparent cellular substance which permits the laminas to slide upon each other. These laminas are kept moist and pellucid by an inter- stitial secretion of a fluid equally pellucid with themselves, the abundance of which in health gives to the eye its brilliancy, and the deficiency of it in illness and in death causes the eye to look dim and somewhat opaque. Its evaporation, which no doubt is continually occurring, is as constantly supplied by a fresh and abundant secretion. The motion of the eyelids sweeps the resi- duum, after the evaporation of its watery particles, from the sur- face of the cornea: without this process, the residuum appears as a thin layer or film of albuminous matter spread over the cornea, when the eye is kept open without winking for a considerable time. The cornea has not the fibrous structure of the sclerotica, yet the application of mechanical force to the eyeball shows that it is stronger. Neither has it vessels, conveying red blood natu- rally, yet, in a state of inflammation^ its capillaries dilate so as to admit red blood, and deposite coagulating lymph between its layers. It is common for anatomists to attribute a want of sensi- bility to it in a natural state: as a general rule, this is fallacious; for many persons, where the eyes are not inflamed, suffer ex- tremely from its being cut in cataract, and sometimes faint from the pain, while others are truly unconscious of the incisions made through it. Of this opinion, I have a full assurance from THE BALL OF THE EYE. 417 repeated observations on the practice of Dr. Physick, as well as in instances in my own hands. The Choroid Coat (Tunica Choroidea, Vascutosa,) is placed immediately within the circumference of the solerotica, and is of equal extent. At its posterior part it furnishes, for the pas- sage of the optic nerve, a single annular opening, the margin ef which is somewhat thickened, and perfectly distinct from the pia mater investment of the nerve, from which some anatomists have desired to trace this coat. The anterior opening of the choroid is bounded by the ciliary ligament and by the iris. On its outer side may be seen an abundance of loose flocculent cellu- lar substance which joins it to the sclerotica. Internally, it is spread over the retina, but does not adhere to it. The choroid coat is closely fastened, at its anterior margin, to the corresponding part of the sclerotica, by a ring which sur- rounds it, of a short compact cellular tissue. This ring, called the Ciliary Ligament, (Ligamentum Ciliare, Orbiculus Ciliaris,) is from a line to two lines in breadth, and may be readily dis- tinguished by its whiteness, contrasted with the dark colour of the choroid. It is intimately united to the latter, and seems to form a part of its structure, whereby it is caused to detach itself entirely from the sclerotica, and to adhere, by preference, to the choroid when these two membranes are separated.* The iris is set in the front margin of the ciliary ligament, so that the scle- rotica and the cornea may be peeled from the choroidea and iris, without impairing the continuity of the two latter. Just beyond the junction of the two last, the ligament presents a small ridge or elevation all around, which is fitted into a corresponding fossa at the circumference of the posterior face of the cornea. The internal face of the choroid coat, as well as its anterior margin, undergo a very remarkable change from the general plan of this tunic, by forming what is called the Ciliary Body, (Corpus Ciliare, Corona Ciliaris.) In order to see this in the most favourable manner, the eye should be laid on the cornea, and its posterior half cut away. It will then be evident, that just behind the iris, and within the circumference of the ciliary * Fontana asserted that a circular canal was to be found in this ligament; many examiners have failed in finding it, and its existence is denied. 418 NERVOUS SYSTEM. ligament, the internal face of the choroid coat forms a conside- rable number of radiated folds or little ridges, which converge from behind forwards and inwards. These folds commence by strias, almost imperceptible to the naked eye, which are in con- tact with the fore part of the vitreous humour, and with the ca- nal of Petit, and thereby not only impress the neighbouring por- tion of the tunica hyaloidea with their shape, but even leave upon it the black pigment with which they themselves are co- vered. These folds, when they get near the circumference of the iris, coalesce one with another, and terminate in a conside- rable number (from fifty to sixty, according to Soemmering,) of processes, (Processus Ciliares,) the central extremities of which are loose, and float in the aqueous humour. Some of these pro- cesses are longer than others. As a whole, the ciliary processes constitute a ring of radiating filaments, which are a line or more in length, placed along side of, and in contact with, one another; the external periphery of the ring adheres to the ciliary liga- ment, and through it to the greater circumference of the iris, so that the ring appears, but fallaciously, to be continuous with the iris. In certain animals, as the sheep, the radiated appearance of the iris, on its posterior face, favours this notion still more. The internal periphery of the ring presents the central ends of the filaments detached from one another, and of a downy ap- pearance; with the handle of a knife they may be readily pushed backwards and forwards. Generally speaking, the ciliary pro- cesses are so much concealed by the iris, that they cannot be seen in the living body through the cornea: in cases, however, of extreme dilatation of the pupil by narcotic applications, their central extremities are brought into view. The choroid coat always appears, when uninjected, of a very dark brown or black colour, arising from a black paint (Pig- mentum Nigrum) being very thickly spread over the whole of that surface of it which is adjacent to the retina, and being also diffused through its thickness. This paint is more abun- dant near the iris than posteriorly, being laid on there in flakes, in the intervals between the ciliary strias, and tinging also the ciliary processes. It may be removed in a considerable degree, indeed almost entirely, by maceration, or by careful washing with a camel's-hair pencil. It is supposed to be an exhalation THE BALL OF THE EYE. 419 from the vessels. Its particular colour is of a most durable kind. According to the observations of Bichat, the long-con- tinued action of light upon it, when this pigment is transferred from the choroid to a piece of paper, does not affect it; neither is it changed by being submitted to very strong chemical agents, as sulphuric, muriatic, or nitric acid, alcohol, or caustic potash. This degree of indestructibility of colour is an invaluable pro- perty, and almost singular; for it is well known to the keepers of medicinal articles, that the colours of all of them yield to the continued influence of light, and that they also become weaker by the same cause. In regard to structure, the choroid coat is thin, soft and easily lacerated: when cleared of its pigment by maceration, it is semi- transparent, and is then seen evidently to consist of but one la- mina; unless we may be disposed to consider as a second one the pigment, naturally on its internal face. It has no appear- ance of fibres in its composition, but, when injected, seems to consist almost wholly of arteries and of veins. The arteries are branches of the ophthalmic, and are called ciliary. There are two Long Ciliary Arteries, which pene- trate the sclerotic coat not far from the optic nerve, and pass, one of them, on the external and superior part of the choroides, and the other on its inferior and nasal side, to the front of the eye. In this course, they do not send off any branches of con- sequence till they reach the iris, on which they are distributed. The Short Ciliary Arteries are much more numerous than the others, and also smaller; their number sometimes amounts to twenty; the most of them penetrate the sclerotica from behind, near the optic nerve also.* They quickly divide into a great number of branches, which depart at very acute angles, and have frequent anastomoses with one another. These branches run forwards, nearly parallel, and, at the fore part of the cho- roides, form a very intricate intertexture, which is continued upon the ciliary processes, and communicates with the vessels of the iris.t The veins of the choroid coat are also extremely abundant. * Soemmering, Icones Oculi Humani. t Icones Oculi Humani. 420 NERVOUS SYSTEM. They run from before backwards, and the branches which con- cur to form them, being adjacent with,and parallel to each other, for the most part, form large curves, the convexity of which is forwards; they, moreover, anastomose freely, and thereby pro- duce a vascular sort of net-work, filling upgthe concavity of some of the curves. These veins, called the Vasa Vorticosa, are nearer the external surface of the choroides than the arteries, and are assembled into twelve or fourteen trunks, which, en- gaging in the sclerotica, near its middle, run for some distance in its substance, and then, by their junction, are reduced to four or five in number. The latter, disengaging themselves from the eye, join, subsequently, the ophthalmic vein. In addition to the veins mentioned, the long ciliary arteries have their venae comites, which take a course parallel to and adjoining them. These veins do not observe the vortical ar- rangement of the others; they bring back the blood of the iris, and terminate in the larger trunks of the others. This structure has been most cautiously explored by the ce- lebrated Soemmering, and his observations have tended very much to determine the opinions of anatomists concerning many parts of the eye. A curious remark of his is, that " the human eye may be distinguished from that of animals by a form of this vascular net work, entirely peculiar; for example, in the eye of the ape, its vascular tissue differs not only from that of the hu- man subject, but also from that of the dog, and still more evi- dently from that of the calf. From which cause, it would be as easy to distinguish with a microscope, the choroides, well injected, of different animals, even a piece of only the forty- eighth part of an inch in extent, as it is easy to distinguish a poplar stripped of its leaves from an oak, a pear tree, an apple tree, or any other tree, by the arrangement of its trunk and branches. The choroides, on its internal face, is not smooth, but velvety, which becomes still more conspicuous when the eye is finely injected and examined with a microscope. Meckel considers the appearance to depend upon its very fine tissue of vessels. This surface is called Tapetum. In the bullock, and some other animals, at a particular part, it presents a shining, silvery appearance, and may be torn off from the external surface. THE BALL OF THE EYE. 421 Ruysch attributed two laminas to the choroid membrane in the human subject, the internal of which was called after his name, but the distinction is now generally abandoned. The Iris is a circular plane placed at the front of the cho- roides, and having, in its centre, a round opening called the pupil (pupilla.) Its external circumference as stated is attached to the ciliary ligament, and by it to the choroid coat, and is ex- actly at the junction of the cornea with the sclerotica. Pro- fessor Soemmering has bestowed much attention in ascertain- ing whether this membrane is perfectly flat or somewhat con- vex in front, and, by repeated observations, carefully made, has assured himself that it is flat.* My own observations and preparations have induced me to believe that in many cases it will be found slightly convex in front, as Petit asserted more than a century ago. In a moderate state of dilatation, its na- sal or internal border is somewhat narrower than its external or temporal. With the exception of its external circumference, every part of the iris is void of any attachment; by which ar- rangement it moves freely in the aqueous humour, so as to con- tract or dilate the pupil, according to the quantity of light ad- mitted upon the eye. The iris, with the exception of its central or pupillary cir- cumference, where it is thinner than elsewhere, is much thick- er than the choroid coat. The posterior face of the iris, some- times called uvea, is covered in great abundance with pig- mentum nigrum. When this is removed by maceration, which may be readily done, the membrane becomes semi-transparent. Its anterior surface is the seat of the colour, which characterizes every individual's eyes. There are but two of these colours, light blue and orange, the predominance of one or the other of which, assisted by the dark ground on the back of the iris, give^ the cast of hue to the eye. The front surface, when examined on the living eye with the microscope, is seen to be downy or flocculent, and is traversed by filaments forming an intertex- ture, some of which are circular, others oblique; and others ra- diated. This arrangement is remarkably distinct in the eye of the seal. * Icones Oculi Humani. Vol. II.—37 422 NERVOUS SYSTEM. The power which the iris has of dilating the pupil when there is but little light, and of contracting it when there is much, has induced many anatomists to think that it is formed of muscular radiated fibres, which by their contraction produce the first motion, and of circular ones which produce the last. Among these anatomists may be mentioned, Ruysch, Morgag- ni, Zinn, Sabatier. Ruysch asserted that the radiated fibres extended from the greater circumference of the iris to the pupil, and were fixed there by very delicate tendons. The late Doc- tor Monro, of Edinburgh, has described particularly the circu- lar fibres, and a preparation of the bullock's eye which belonged to him is still exhibited there, where these fibres are found around the margin of the pupil. The several fibres can only be seen distinctly, when the pigmentum nigrum is washed away. De- mours and Meckel deny the existence of the radiated fibres. The late distinguished Professor Wistar taught that the con- traction of the pupil was produced by circular fibres, and the dilatation of it by its elasticity. In objection to this, the late Dr. Physick remarks, that as elasticity is as much a properly of dead as of living matter; in death, therefore, we should al- ways find the pupil dilated from the want of active contraction in the circular fibres; also, in cases of concussion of the brain, where there is a sudden loss of sensibility and of muscular mo- tion, the pupil should be invariably dilated; but the fact is, that the pupil remains just in the same state that it was at the mo- ment of the accident.* Notwithstanding the extreme sensibility and mobility of the iris on the admission of light, one is occasionally astonished to find it not contracting when instruments are applied to it, as I have had an opportunity of twice observing, upon the removal of a considerable portion of it, in making an artificial pupil for opacity of the cornea. In these cases, upon the letting out of the aqueous humour, it became quite as flaccid as we are ac- customed to see it in our dissections. The same remark has been made by Mr. now Sir Charles Bell. The Blood Vessels of the Iris are principally branches of the Long Ciliary, which have been alluded to. Each of the two * It would appear that the question of the muscularity of the iris has been settled almost conclusively by Mr. Bauer. See Ph. Trans, for 1822. THE BALL OF THE EYE. 423 Long Ciliary Arteries having gained the greater circumference of the iris, bifurcates; the bifurcation runs along this circumfe- rence, meets, and joins with the corresponding one of the other arterial trunk. From the circle thus formed there proceed ra- diated branches, that run towards the pupil, and form around its margin, by their frequent anastomoses, a fine vascular net- work. The radiated branches themselves give off collateral branches, which supply the intermediate spaces of the iris.* The veins of the iris are also numerous, but cannot be quite so distinctly seen: they enter into the long ciliary veins, and also into the vasa vorticosa. The nerves of the Iris belong, in part, also to the choroid coat, and are classed under the term Ciliary, (Nervi CMares.) They arise from the ophthalmic ganglion, and from the trunks contributing thereto, and are about twenty in number. They penetrate the posterior part of the sclerotica obliquely, and then run forwards between it and the choroides. Having reached the posterior part of the ciliary ligament, they pene- trate it, and distribute their filaments in its substance, after the same fashion that the trigeminus nerve is divided in its gan- glion. This circumstance has given occasion to Soemmering to consider the ligament as a true ganglion, and to call it An- nulus Gangliformis. The nerves then get to the front of the iris, and are there distributed as white radiating filaments; in the course of which maybe observed small nodes, supposed by Meckel to be Ganglions. The trunks of the ciliary nerves depart from the common form of such bodies, by being flattened instead of cylindrical: they are small, and resemble sewing threads. From their num- ber, the iris is probably more abundantly supplied with nerves than any other organ of the body. The Retina forms the third coat of the eye, and lines the in- ternal face of the choroides almost in its whole extent. The optic nerve having passed through the sclerotica, terminates on its inner side by a bulb or button-like end, from the circumfe- rence of which the retina begins to expand, and maybe traced satisfactorily as far as the commencement of the ciliary plaits of the choroid coat, where it terminates by a straight edge, some- * Soemmering, Icones Oculi Humani. 424 NERVOUS SYSTEM. what thickened. Just at the edge, the retina adheres to the vitreous humour, and is supposed, erroneously by some anato- mists, as Bichat and Monro, to be continued on to the circum- ference of the lens. Repeated dissections, and the substantial testimony of Soemmering,* have satisfied me that the retina cannot be fairly traced beyond the greater circumference of the impressions made on the vitreous humour by the ciliary striae of the Choroides. When the eye is slightly macerated, the retina always parts from the vitreous humour at this line; moreover, when its structure is still more slightly changed by freezing and then thawing, the retina manifests a decided pre- ference to separate there, and, under the most careful dissec- tion, it is very difficult to prevent it. In addition to these con- siderations, there is a well marked change of colour at the line mentioned: in front of this line, the surface is transparent when cleaned from the pigmentum nigrum; whereas, if it were retina, it should be the colour of ground glass, as is usual in the dead body: also the veins of the retina never trespass beyond this line, but are seen to cruise along it. Most anatomists teach that the retina is an expansion of the optic nerve. Bichat believed that the latter terminated at the bulb, and that the retina was another part of the structure, but still consisting of the same sort of nervous matter. The latter opinion is probably the more strictly correct, because there i-s more pulpy matter in a section of the retina than can be found in the same length of the optic nerve; also, if the retina were simply an expansion of the nerve without any addition of mat- ter to it, it should, from its hollow globular shape, be thinner in the middle, where it is most expanded, than it is where the ex- pansion first begins at the bulb of the optic nerve, but this is not the case. The retina does not adhere to the choroid coat, neither to the vitreous humour which it encloses, except at the line mentioned: when this line of attachment is broken, the retina quickly col- lapses. The texture of the retina is extremely soft and pulpy; in the living state, it is probably nearly transparent, but this can only be conjectured from the readiness with which the vessels Icones Oculi Humani. THE BALL OF THE EYE. 425 of the choroid coat can be seen in animals destitute of pigmen- tum nigrum. It is composed of two laminas, of which the ex- ternal is nervous, and the internal, or that next to the vitreous humour, is formed of a fine reticulated cellular membrane with blood vessels running through it. The external lamina may be removed by a camel's hair-pencil, or by slight putrefaction and washing, so as to leave the internal entire. The cele- brated John Hunter succeeded, however, in separating the two laminas fairly from each other, and preserving them, so as to show their difference. This specimen may be considered unique, and every way deserving of the source from which it proceeded.* Exactly in the axis of the eye, or at its centre, posteriorly, consequently, about a line and a half from the outer side of the bulb of the optic nerve, Soemmering discovered, in 1791, a yellow spot (Macula fiava) of a line in diameter, with a small hole in its middle, made by a deficiency of medullary matter. From the optic nerve there goes, towards the foramen, a small fold of the retina, pointed at its internal end, and obtuse or bi- furcated externally. Unless the eye be fresh, these things cannot be seen distinctly, for the evaporation of the aqueous humour causes a collapse or wrinkling of the retina, which obscures them. But, in a perfectly fresh eye, which is well managed, they may be seen both from before and behind. It * The fact was communicated to me by the late Dr. Physick, who studied un. der Mr. Hunter, and frequently saw the preparation. The Retina is said by Langenback to have three coats. 1st. An external gra- nular coat. 2. Ehren berg's filamentous nervous coat: and 3d. A vascular coat, consisting of blood vessels, united into a delicate membrane by much cellular substance. Whether the filaments of the nervous coat be plain, cylindrical, or nodulated ones, is unsettled. The granular layer terminates at the macula flava by a sharp edge; and it ends also at the border of the ciliary ligament. Trevi- ranus, also, admits the division of the optic nerve into cylinders, and of extreme minuteness. The granular layer is said by Gottshe not to be found in recent eyes; he also says that, a perfectly recent retina has the appearance of a thatched roof; that is little cylinders, the ends of which project out, like a staff. Michaelis admits the division of the retina into three layers, as above, and adds a fourth, it being the tunica Jacobi. The internal layer he considers as serous. The fasci- culi of the nervous coat are best shown by means of the spirit of creosote. The filaments he estimates at a diameter of the 33V0 of a line. The serous coat is best seen by the use of diluted sulphuric acid. Muller's Report on Nervous Sys- tern, p. 237. 37* 426 NERVOUS SYSTEM. was thought, for some time, that the yellow spot and the fora- men were peculiar attributes of the human being: more ex- tended and successful observation has corrected this mistake, by detecting them in several classes of animals.* In the centre of the optic nerve, where it enters the eye, is a foramen for the passage of the artery and vein belonging to the retina.t These vessels ramify, by a few branches, on the internal surface of the membrane, and form a sort of circle sur- rounding the yellow spot. Neither the branches of the ar- tery nor of the vein communicate with those of the cho- roides; and, as observed, never go beyond what we just con- sidered as the anterior margin of the retina, but rather run along it. Interposed between the retina and the choroides, is a most delicate serous membrane, which was discovered by Mr. Jacobs, Demonstrator of Anatomy in Trinity College, Dublin. By preparing the retina in the usual way, and then floating the eye in a saucer of water, this membrane may be turned down with the handle of a scalpel from the optic nerve to the termi- nation of the retina. It is supposed to be the seat of the ossi- fications which are sometimes met with in the eye. Humours of the Eyeball., The Vitreous Humour (Humor Vilreus, Corpus Vitreum,) occupies, with the exception of a very small part just behind * In a careful examination of the eye of Williams the murderer, executed in the Moyamensing Prison Aug. 9, 1839, I found (in three hours after the drop fell, the eye consequently being perfectly fresh,) the retina, in both eyes, of the colour of oiled white paper or ground glass: it was seen distinctly to terminate at the beginning of the ciliary plaks of the choroid. The spot of Soemmering was seen, but it was of a sea green, oval, a line in length, the centre marked by aa olive spot: no foramen was seen satisfactorily. The fold of the retina, running to the entrance of the optic nerve, was very distinct,, as well as the button-like appearance of the nerve at this point. t The point where the central artery of the Retina enters,is called the Macula Lutea. Michaelis asserts, that around it the filaments of the retina are arranged in arches, of which one part meets in the macula lutca, the next in succession converge regularly towards a line stretching from the macula lutea. Muller ut Supra. T-HE BALL OP THE EYE. 427 the iris, the whole of the space posterior to the latter. It is, therefore, very nearly globular; is in contact the greater part of its extent with the retina, at least as far as the latter mem- brane proceeds; in front it is in contact with the crystalline humour, and from the margin of the retina to the circumference of the lens it is in contact with the ciliary body, meaning there- by the ciliary strias and processes of the choroides. Two parts compose the vitreous humour,—the hyaloid mem- brane and a thin fluid. In a natural state they are perfectly transparent, and, therefore, cannot be readily distinguished from each other; but by immersion in spirits of wine the mem- branous portion is brought to the colour of ground glass, and may then be studied very advantageously. The membrane, though extremely delicate, is generally strong enough to permit the whole vitreous body to be suspended in the air by a thread passed through it, and it may also be momentarily held up with a pair of forceps.* The Tunica Hyaloidea may be traced as a complete capsule, forming the periphery of the vitreous humour; and from the internal face of this capsule there proceeds a great number of partitions dividing the whole cavity into cells of various mag- nitudes and forms. Some anatomists, who have frozen the eye, and then picked out the pieces of ice from the cells, have got the idea of their being all cuneiform, and of their edges pointing forwards. Our preparations in the anatomical cabinet are per- fectly satisfactory in exhibiting the existence of an arrange- ment of cells, but do not manifest a regular cuneiform shape in them. When the capsule of the tunica hyaloidea has got to the dis- tance of two lines, or thereabouts, from the circumference of the lens, it divides into two laminas, which reunite at the cir- cumference of the lens. They then divide again, and one goes before the capsule of the lens, and the other behind it. The space between the two layers, around the circumference of the • In Williams the murderer, executed here, as stated before, I found on the front of one hyaloid, just at the side of the lens an opacity of three by six lines, resembling an opacity of the cornea, it was just where the tunica hyaloidea is in contact with the ciliary plaits of the choroid and was first mistaken for a metallic like surface of the lather, as the tapetum of the lower animals. 428 NERVOUS SYSTEM. lens, is the canal of Petit, and is that part of the tunica hya- loidea which is impressed by the ciliary strias and ridges of the choroides. At intervals, passing in a radiated manner from the exterior to the interior circumference of the canal, there is a sort of shortening or constriction of it, producing partial septa in its cavity; so that when the canal is inflated, it seems to consist of a series of small cells, arranged circularly. The cells of the colon will give some idea of this arrangement, though they are produced in an entirely different manner. The fluid part of the vitreous humour, by analysis, gives out 98.40 water, .16 albumen, and the remainder is saline. In con- sequence of the very small quantity of albumen in it, neither acids nor heat coagulate it to a striking degree. The vitreous humour is supplied with a branch from the cen- tral artery of the retina. This branch does not convey red blood, but only serum, except in the fcetal eye. It may be in- jected, at almost any age, with size, coloured with vermilion; but is then, of course, put very much on the stretch. It hay been well described by Zinn. It penetrates the vitreous hu- mour near the optic nerve, and is disseminated by very fine branches on the periphery, and on the internal cellular struc- ture of the tunica hyaloidea. M. J. Cloquet has described par- ticularly one branch, which, running through the centre of the vitreous humour, in an appropriate canal, is spent by small ra- mifications upon the posterior part of the capsule of the lens. Some anatomists* speak of a fluid between the tunica hya- loidea and the retina: when it does exist, it in all probability is the fluid of the vitreous humour, which has strained through the tunica hyaloidea after death. The Lens (Lens Cryslallina) or the Crystalline Humour, as it is very generally called, is placed immediately behind the pupil, in a depression on the front of the vitreous humour. Its shape is that of a doubly convex lens, of which the posterior convexity is greatest, being the section of a sphere whose dia- meter is from four to five lines, while the anterior convexity is in the proportion of a sphere of from six to nine lines. The usual breadth of the lens is about three and a half lines. It, * Bichat, Anat. Descrip. THE BALL OF THE EYE. 429 however, varies its shape in a remarkable degree at the differ- ent periods of life; immediately after birth it is spheroidal, in about six years afterwards its lenticular shape is well marked, and, subsequently, it becomes more flat and thin. The lens naturally is perfectly transparent. In the greater part of its thickness it has the consistence of half dissolved g!ue, but its centre is much more solid; this change, however, is ef- fected successively. When it is subjected to the mineral acids, to heat, to alcohol, and several other agents, it becomes much more solid throughout; it may then be separated, like an onion, into a series of concentric lamellae, subdivisible into longitudi- nal fibres. Besides these, there are fibres more or less oblique which hold the lamellae together. These arrangements prevail from the centre to the circumference of the lens; and between the laminas there is a diaphanous humour resembling that be- tween it and its capsule.* The lens is invested by a capsule which is a complete sac, having exactly its shape, but separated from it, to a very in- considerable extent, by the transparent humour just alluded to, called the Liquor Morgagni. The capsule is covered in front by a layer of the tunica hyaloidea adhering very closely to it, but which, in one instance, I was enabled to peel off partially in the eye of a sheep, from one side to the other. The capsule is covered, in like manner, on its posterior face by the tunica hyaloidea; but the two may be separated there more easily, according to the observations of Bichat. Some of the most distinguished continental anatomists are decidedly in favour of the capsule of the crystalline being a complete bag; but it is rather unsettled whether the exterior margin of the capsule bounds the lesser circumference of the canal of Petit, or whe- ther the two layers of the tunica hyaloidea unite previously at the circumference of the capsule. The latter seems to be the opinion of M. J. Cloquet. The rate Dr. Physick, in some cases of membranous cataract, has succeeded in drawing out the capsule entire, so as to exhibit its whole extent when floated in water. The capsule in front of the lens is much thicker than the tu- nica hyaloidea, and its difference of character from the latter * J. F. Meckel. 430 NERVOUS SYSTEM. appears to me to be very strongly marked; for, notwithstand- ing its immersion in spirits of wine, it retains its transparency. It is hard and elastic, and when clipped with the scissors, gives nearly the same sensation as the thin paring of a finger nail would; or, as has been observed by Haller, it, in this respect, resembles the cornea. The analogy with the cornea ceases, however, at this point; for the cornea has always so much al- buminous matter in it as to be rendered turbid when it is immersed in alcohol. The posterior section of the capsule of the lens, is not so well marked either by its thickness or specific characters as the anterior, yet our preparations in the University demonstrate its existence equally as conclu- sively. It is more assimilated to the nature of the tunica hy- aloidea. In the injected fcetal eye, the artery of the tunica hyaloidea which comes from the central one of the retina, is seen to fur- nish several minute ramifications to the posterior face of the lenticular capsule; some of its branches also go to the front of the capsule, but the latter part is furnished principally by arte- rioles from the ciliary body of the choroides. The two sets of arteries anastomose with each other; some of the latter are also spent upon the membrana pupillaris. The point is yet doubtful whether any of these arteries pe- netrate into the body itself of the crystalline humour. Ruysch, Albinus, and Haller, assert the fact of their having seen and injected them in the human species and in animals, and J. F. Meckel admits their testimony. Yet there are not many ana- tomists who can corroborate it by their personal observations. It is sufficiently reasonable to admit it; for without, we cannot conveniently account for the growth and nutrition of the lens, as well as the morbid changes which occur in it. It should be observed that if this vascular connexion do exist, it is a very weak one: for the lens seems to be simply surrounded by its capsule without adhering to it. Some veins which discharge into the veins of the choroid coat, have been observed by Walter* on the posterior part of the capsule. It should be continually borne in mind that nei- ther the arteries nor veins of the healthy crystalline, nor of its * De Oculis. Berlin, 1778. THE BALL OF THE EYE. 431 capsule, convey red blood: in which respect they correspond with the hyaloidea; for, if this were the case, vision would be very much disordered by it. It may be that the moats or specks seen in ophthalmia arise from the grosser particles of the blood getting into these serous vessels, by the dilatation of the latter. The Lens and its Capsule are devoid of nerves, at least none have been as yet traced into them. The Aqueous Humour (Humor Aquosus) occupies the space which is between the anterior face of the crystalline capsule, and the posterior face of the cornea. This space is unequally divided by the iris into two chambers, of which the anterior ia in front of the latter membrane, and the posterior behind it. In consequence of the convexity of the lens, the posterior cham- ber has Jbut very little depth just behind the pupil; but its space is augmented at the circumference of the crystalline, so as to leave room for the floating of the ciliary processes and for the motions of the iris. The posterior chamber is, therefore, a cir- cular vacuity; the centre of which, from the projection of the centre of the crystalline, has scarcely any appreciable depth. The anterior chamber, in its shape, resembles the segment of a sphere: its depth depends essentially on the size and the pro- jection of the cornea. The aqueous humour is perfectly transparent, and almost as fluid as water. The analysis of Berzelius exhibits 98 parts of water, 1 of hydrochlorate and lactate of lime, 75 of some ani- mal matter soluble in water, and a very small quantity of albu- men. From the latter circumstance it will be understood how this fluid refuses to coagulate on the addition of alcohol or of mineral acids to it, and is only rendered in a very slight de- gree turbid by them. The rapidity of the exhalation of this fluid is remarkable; when the whole of it is lost in the opera- tion for cataract, it is regenerated in from twenty-four to thirty- six hours. Its source has been sought for in supposititious canals and glands, but the more probable opinion is, that it may come from any or all of the exhalent arteries of the chambers of the eye Like the other two humours of the Eye, the aqueous is fur- nished with a capsule, but whether it is complete or not is yet 432 NERVOUS SYSTEM. undetermined. By immersing the eye in hot water, or in alco- hol, this capsule may be readily detected on the posterior face of the cornea, and to the greater circumference of the iris; it may even be traced for some distance on the front surface of the latter. Some of the French anatomists, as Demours,* De- scemet, and J. Cloquet, have asserted that it continued also through the pupil to line the posterior chamber. An opinion like this, from the extreme tenuity of the part, must be rather the result of conjecture than of accurate observation: it has, therefore, never found its way with full force into the writings of anatomists. The condition of the pigmentum nigrum on the posterior face of the iris, and on the ciliary processes, would seem to be an objection to the existence of this capsule in the posterior chamber of the eye. But, if it really does exist there, as is pretended by M. Portal, who supposes it to be derived from the tunica hyaloidea, its structure is incomparably more delicate than that part on the cornea, and, indeed, is merely glu- tinous. The Chambers of the Eye, till the seventh month of fcetal ex- istence, and sometimes later, are perfectly separated from each other by the Membrana Pupillaris, called so from its position in the pupil of the iris. It was discovered in 1740 by Wachen- dorf, and is sometimes called after his name. It is a thin, deli- cate, and transparent membrane, which is stretched across the pupil from its circular margin, and may, by its colour, be readily distinguished from the iris, when it has been made somewhat turbid by alcohol. The Membrana Pupillaris consists, according to M. J. Clo- quet,* of two laminas placed back to back, of which the fore- most is a continuation of the membrane which lines the ante- rior chamber of the eye, and the hindmost of that which lines the posterior chamber. According to this, it may be noted that each chamber has its distinct capsule. This membrane is very vascular; some of its arteries are those which subsequently form the internal arterial circle of the iris, and they radiate from • Demours, Lettre, 1767. | Journal Universelle des Sc. Med. Paris, 1818. Mem. sur la Memb. Pupill. Paris, 1818. THE EAR. 433 the circumference to the centre of the membrane; others come directly from the long ciliary arteries and others again from the arteries of the crystalline capsule. These several vessels are found principally on its posterior face. Its veins have not been observed. This membrane first shows itself about the third month of fcetal existence, and is most perfect at the seventh; from the latter period it begins to decline, by disappearing from the cen- tre to the circumference. At the ninth month it consists only in a few loose flocculent masses adhering to the pupil. M. J. Cloquet has ascertained that its vessels do not participate in its destruction, but that the arches which they form are retracted to the margin of the pupil, and there form the lesser arterial circle of the iris. From the observations of Drs. Jacob and Tiedemann, it1 appears that traces of the membrana pupillaris exist for ten or fifteen days after birth. The latter, in one case, injected its vessels in a fcetus at full term.* CHAPTER III. OF THE EAR. The ear, the organ of hearing is placed principally within the petrous portion of the temporal bone, and consists in the External Ear, or Auricle, the Tympanum, and the Labyrinth. SECT. I--OF THE EXTERNAL EAR. The position of this portion of the organ is familiar to every one. It is useful in collecting the rays of sound, and in con- veying them to the more internal parts. It is formed by the structure, exterior to the petrous bone, called, in common lan- guage, the Ear; and by a bony canal which leads internally to the tympanum. The basis of the first portion is cartilaginous, * Am. Med. Jour. vol. i. p. 192. Vol. II.—38 434 NERVOUS SYSTEM. on which circumstance it depends for the permanency of its shape. The ear, of common language, is divided into two parts, Pin- na* and Lobus: the former is the most extensive, as it compre- hends all the cartilaginous portion: the latter is attached to the inferior margin of the former, and, having no cartilage in its composition, is soft and pendulous. In the centre of the external ear is a deep depression called the Concha; in the bottom of it is the orifice of the canal lead- ing to the tympanum, and called Meatus Auditorius Externus. The circumference of the pinna is convoluted into a scroll called the Helix, and commences just above the meatus by a ridge. This ridge divides the concha into two unequal cavkies, of which the lower is the larger. The scroll becomes gradually less prominent, till it terminates at the posterior inferior part of the pinna, in the lobus. The Antihelix is the slightly curved and vertical eminence in the middle of the pinna : its lower part forms the posterior boun- dary of the concha, and its upper part bifurcates into two small ridges, between which there is a depression called the Scapha. Between the antihelix and the posterior half of the helix, is an oblong depression called the Fossa Innominata. The Tragus is a cartilaginous elevation of the pinna placed in front of the concha, and inclining somewhat over it; opposite to it, at the inferior part of the concha, is the Antitragus. The cartilaginous plate, upon which the external ear depends for its shape, is of a thickness very nearly uniform; of course, the ridges and depressions on its exterior surface have corre- sponding depressions and ridges on the side next to the head. It is interrupted at several places by fissures; for example, there is one of considerable size filled up with ligamentous matter, which separates the upper margin of the tragus from the be- ginning of the helix: there is another between the lower extre- mity of the antihelix and the antitragus. In the tragus, there are two, and sometimes three, small narrow ones, said, by San- torini, to be filled with muscular fibres; but the latter assertion From some resemblance to a certain shell fish. THE EXTERNAL EAR. 435 does not correspond with the observations of subsequent anato- mists, as the matter appears fibrous. The external ear is united to the side of the head by three li- gaments. The anterior arises from the root of the zygomatic process above the articulation of the lower jaw, and is inserted into the pointed production of cartilage on the fore part of the helix. The posterior arises from the swell of the temporal bone, which runs into the front margin of the base of the mastoid pro- cess, and is inserted into the convex side of the concha, at the beginning of the meatus auditorius. The superior arises from the temporal aponeurosis, and is inserted into the upper part of the concha. These ligaments lie immediately below the mus- cles destined to move the ear. The Meatus Auditorius Externus, is, in the adult, an inch in length, reckoning from its external orifice to the membrane of the tympanum, which closes it inwardly. It is about three lines in diameter, is ratheroval than cylindrical, and somewhat smaller in the middle than at either of its extremities. It runs inwards, with a slight inclination forwards; the exterior half is formed by the cartilage of the pinna, and the internal half by the tem- poral bone: it departs from the horizontal course, in being curved at its middle where the two sections join. This curva- ture has its convexity upwards, so that when we wish to look to the bottom of the canal, the external ear must be pulled upwards and backwards. The cartilaginous portion of the meatus auditorius is formed by a triangular piece springing from the base of the tragus and from the inferior anterior part of the concha. This portion is nearly a tube, but is interrupted above and behind by the inter- vention of a dense fibrous tissue, continuous with, and indeed the same with that which joins the helix and the tragus. The internal margin of the cartilaginous meatus forms a point be- low; and adheres closely by ligament to the asperities on the margin of the bony meatus. If there were no fissures in the ex- ternal ear, it would, therefore, be almost immoveable. The skin covering the external ear is more delicate than in most other parts of the surface of the body. Its sebaceous 436 NERVOUS SVSTEM. glands or follicles are very abundant, and in infants secrete free- ly their peculiar fluid. When a slight inflammation occurs, this discharge is frequently purulent without erosion. A dupli- cation of the skin, containing a delicate granulated adeps with some fibrous matter, constitutes the lobe of the ear. The skin, after lining the concha, descends into the meatus auditorius, and lines it also as well as the external face of the membrane of the tympanum. It adheres moderately to the cartilaginous part of the tube, and more tenaciously to its fibrous portions: between it and the latter are found many small reddish bodies, generally oval, the Glandulae Ceruminosas,* from which proceeds the earwax.j The skin is extremely thin in the bony meatus, adheres closely to its periosteum, and is highly sensible: where it forms the exterior layer of the membrane of the tym- panum, it may be detached from the latter with the slightest force, and seems to be converted almost entirely into cuticle. A slight maceration or incipient putrefaction frequently enables one to draw the cuticle out entire from the meatus, so that it looks in shape like the finger of a small glove. The dermoid lining of the meatus, at its external orifice, is studded with fine hairs, which serve to keep out small bodies that may be floating in the air. A considerable number of small pores are also seen in it, which are the orifices of the ducts of the ceruminous glands. The discharge of the latter, when first secreted, is thin and white: by evaporation, it be- comes thick and yellow, and by accumulating obstructs the passage. There are several small muscles situated on the external ear, which are for the most part so feebly developed that they cannot always be found, and when they do exist they seem more like the rudiments of what is well marked in animals, than intended for a special purpose in the human body. 1. The Helicis Major is an oblong fasciculus, situated on the * Duverney, CEuvres Anatomiques. ■j- They are placed, according to Buchanan, for the major part, in the middle and superior face of the meatus, and their number he estimates at from one to two thousand. Physiolog. illustrations. 1825. THE EXTERNAL EAR. 437 front of the helix. By its lower end it is attached to the point of cartilage on the front of the helix, and its other extremity ex- tends to the lop of the latter. 2. The Helicis Minor is a small square fasciculus, also on the front of the helix, between the folded margin of the latter and the inferior half of the helicis major. 3. The Tragicus is a square fasciculus, on the front surface of the tragus, near its margin: its upper extremity sometimes runs into the helicis major. 4. The Antitragicus is a small oblong fasciculus, which arises from the upper extremity of the antitragus, and going upwards it is inserted into the inferior extremity of the anti- helix. 5. The Transversus Auriculas is on the internal surface of the pinna. It arises from the prominence of the concha, and is in- serted into the hollow dorsum of the antihelix. There are some other muscles which may be uniformly found, and are intended to move the external ear upon the side of the head, though from the want of exercise there are very few in- dividuals capable of making them contract. They are as fol- lows :— 1. The Attollens Auriculas is placed on the side of the head beneath the integuments: it is a broad, thin, and somewhat tri- angular muscle, which arises from the inferior margin of the tendon of the occipito-frontalis, and from the temporal aponeu- rosis. It becomes narrower in its descent, and is inserted ten- dinous into the upper end of the pinna by the elevation corre- sponding with the scapha. Its name implies its action to be that of raising the pinna. 2. The Retrahens Auriculas, consists in two or three oblong fasciculi, placed parallel, and one above the other. It arises from the mastoid portion of the temporal bone, above the mas- 38* 438 NERVOUS SYSTEM. toid process, and is inserted tendinous into the convex side of the concha near the meatus auditorius. It draws the pinna backwards. 3. The Anterior Auriculas is a small quadrangular slip, just above the root of the zygomatic process. It arises from the temporal fascia, and is inserted tendinous into the fore part of the helix just above its beginning. It draws the pinna forwards and upwards. SECT. II.—OF THE TYMPAIVUM. The Tympanum is the middle portion of the organ of hear^ ing, being interposed between the meatus auditorius and the labyrinth. Its depth is about three lines, its antero-posterior diameter about six, and its vertical diameter rather more, though from the general inequality of the cavity, and its communication with adjoining cavities, it is not easy to fix upon very precise measurements. The Membrana Tympani, is a complete membranous septum, interposed between the meatus externus and the tympanum. It is placed very obliquely, so that its upper edge inclines outwards, and its under edge inwards; the latter, therefore, forms a very 'acute entering angle with the inferior part or floor of the meatus, and gives to that portion of the meatus an additional length, which renders it difficult to see to its bottom. The membrane of the tympanum is nearly circular, and has its circumference adhering very closely to the external orifice of the tympanum. It is slightly tense, and has its middle drawn inwards by being attached to the handle of the malleus. The membrani tympani consists of four laminas; the two ex- terior of which, being the cuticle and the cutis vera, which line the meatus auditorius, are easily detached, as mentioned be- fore,, and seem scarcely to adhere to the layer below. The third layer is the proper membrane, and is distinguished by its dryness and by its transparency. Sir Everard Home was ena- bled to detect radiated muscular fibres, forming it in the ele- phant.* In the human subject, its fibrous character is best seen * Philosophical Transactions, for 1800. London. THE TYMPANUM. 439 on its internal face, but the radiated arrangement is not so dis- tinct. Caldani considers it as formed by filaments, decussating each other at right angles, and intermixed with blood vessels.* The internal layer is a continuation of the lining membrane of the tympanum; it is separated with some difficulty, owing to its tenuity. The proper membrane of the tympanum, when successfully injected, exhibits a high degree of vascularity ;f though, in its natural state, but very few red blood vessels are seen in it. The floor of the tympanum, or the side next to the labyrinth, presents an unequal surface. In its middle is a well marked rising, the Promontory, (Promontorium,) formed by one end of the labyrinth. Just above the superior margin of this promi- nence, near its centre, is an oval opening, called, from its shape, Foramen Ovale, or Fenestra Ovalis; having its long diameter horizontal, its superior margin rounded or concave, and its infe- rior straight. At the posterior inferior part of the promontory is another opening, which, though somewhat triangular, is called the Foramen Rotundum,or Fenestra Rotunda, and in the dried bone leads to the cochlea, but is naturally stopped by the lining membrane of the tympanum. According to M. Ribes, this membranous plug has also two other layers, an internal one, the continuation of what lines the cochlea, and a middle one, which is peculiar. In these respects, there is a correspondence with the membrana tympani. The Eminentia Pyramidalis is a small conical eminence pro- jecting from the posterior part of the tympanum, on a line with the fenestra ovalis. It is hollow, contains a muscle, and com- municates at the other end with the Canal of Fallopius. Lower down, and more externally, there is a small orifice, (Apertura Chordce,) through which the nerve called Chorda Tympani passes. The Mastoid Portion of the Temporal bone, in the adult, abounds in large cells or sinuses, which communicate freely * Plate XCVIII. Anat. ■\ Ituyschii, Epist. Anat. Probl. viii. Anatomical Museum. 440 NERVOUS SYSTEM. with one another. They are distinct from the diploic structure of the bone, as they contain no medulla, and are lined by a qontinuation of the internal membrane of the tympanum, which is extremely thin upon them. The orifice of communication between these cells and the tympanum, is placed at the supe- rior posterior part of the latter: it is rough and irregular, and partially occupied by the short leg of the incus. Just in front of this opening, the cavity of the tympanum is extended verti- cally, for the purpose of accommodating the body of the mal- leus and of the incus, whereby they are in a great degree con- cealed, unless the corresponding margin of the tympanum be cut away. At the fore part of the tympanum is the Eustachian Tube, which runs for six or eight lines in the substance of the petrous bone, near its exterior margin; and then terminates in a carti- laginous and membranous portion, which communicates with the pharynx at the posterior naris. The latter extremity of the Eustachian Tube is placed on a line with the posterior end of the inferior spongy bone. Its orifice is rounded or oval, is large enough to admit the tip of the little finger, and reposes against the side of the internal pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone. Though almost within the precincts of the posterior naris, this orifice is to be considered as opening into the pharynx. This canal, in its whole length, measures nearly two inches, and, with the exception of the portion in the petrous bone, is cartilaginous and membranous. The cartilage is a single, thick, triangular plate, flat, and adhering by one of its edges to the pterygoid process. The under part of the tube is membranous, thin, and affords attachment to some of the muscles of the soft palate. Its course is nearly horizontal, backward and out- ward. It is lined in its whole extent, by a very fine mucous mem- brane continuous with that of the pharynx and of the tympa- num. This membrane is thickened at its anterior extremity by the mucous glands beneath it, which assist in giving the marked elevation to its orifice. The canal diminishes as it goes back- ward, so as to receive with difficulty a small probe. Parallel with the bony part of this canal, but above it, and THE TYMPANUM. 441 separated by a very thin partition of bone, is another canal which lodges a muscle of the malleus. On the outer side of the Eustachian tube is the glenoid foramen, by which, in the dried bone, the tympanum communicates with the glenoid ca- vity; in the recent state the foramen receives the long process- of the malleus and its muscle, and transmits the chorda tym- pani. There are four bones in the tympanum, which, being suc- cessively articulated with each other, form a chain, one end of which is fastened to the membrana tympani, and the other end rests upon the foramen ovale. They are the Malleus; the In- cus; the Orbiculare; and the Stapes. The Malleus forms the fore part of the chain, and is placed almost vertically. Its superior extremity is the head, which is rounded, with the exception of the posterior face, where a small concavo-convex surface is observable, for its articulation with the incus. Its lower extremity is long and tapering, inclines in- wardly, terminates by a little knob, and forms an angle with the part above; this portion is the manubrium, and adheres its whole length to the membrana tympani, commencing at the su- perior margin of the latter, and insinuating itself between the internal and the proper layer, as far as the centre of the mem- brane. It is this adhesion with the inclination inwards of the ma- nubrium, that causes the membrane to be depressed in its centre. Between the head and the manubrium is a short portion called the neck. From the superior external extremity of the manu- brium there proceeds outwardly the short process, (Processus Brevis;) and from the front of the neck, there proceeds the long and very delicate process, concave externally and convex in- ternally, which is insinuated into the glenoid foramen, and is the Processus Longus, or Gracilis. The Incus is behind the malleus, and is also upright. It con- sists in a body and two branches, which diverge very conside- rably, and has a general resemblance to a molar tooth. The body presents, on its fore part, a deep concavity, which articu- lates with, the convex head of the malleus. The branch which arises from the back part of the body is horizontal, looks into 442 NERVOUS SYSTEM. the orifice of the mastoid cells, and is much shorter than the other. The inferior branch is long, upright, tapering, and near- ly parallel with the manubrium of the malleus, but somewhat within it. The Orbiculare is a very small flattened sphere of bone, which articulates with the lower end of the long process of the incus, and in adult life is most generally fused into it, so as to lose its distinctive character : the latter change sometimes occurs even in early infancy. The Stapes is the last of the chain. It resembles very strong- ly the common stirrup iron, from whence its name, and is placed horizontally at right angles to the incus, being separated from the extremity of the long process of the latter by the os orbicu- lare, and being directed inwards to the foramen ovale. It is composed of a head, two crura, and a base. The head is oblong and flattened: it has a slight depression where it joins the orbiculare. The crura are slightly curved, with the concavities towards each other: the anterior is some- what straighter than the posterior, and is also shorter. They are both excavated, longitudinally, on their concave surfaces, and between them is stretched a process of the lining membrane of the tympanum. The base is precisely adapted to the fenestra ovalis, and is connected to it by the lining membrane of the tympanum, but not so elosely as to prevent it from executing slight vibratory movements. Between the malleus and the incus there is a moveable arti- culation with a synovial membrane, but the other joints of the chain are simply ligamentous. This chain of bones is moved by several muscles, which in- fluence the degree of tension of the membrana tympani. 1. The Laxator Tympani arises from the posterior end of the spinous process of the sphenoid bone, and passing behind the articulation of the lower jaw into the glenoid foramen, is inserted, tendinous, along the processus gracilis of the malleus. It draws the malleus forwards and outwards, so as to relax the membrana tympani. THE TYMPANUM. 443 2, The Tensor Tympani is placed in the canal just above the Eustachian tube. It arises from the posterior extremity of the cartilaginous portion of the latter, and having got into the tympanum, is changed into a small tendon, which, going out- wardly, is inserted into the neck of the malleus, just below its processus gracilis. It draws the malleus inwardly; consequently makes tense the membrana tympani, and drives the stapes into the fenestra ovalis. 3. The Stapedius arises from the bottom of the cavity in the pyramid, and terminates in a small round tendon, which, going through the apex of the latter, is inserted into the head of the stapes. It draws the stapes backwards, and perhaps fixes it more firmly by its contractions. 4. There is a fourth muscle mentioned by anatomists, the existence of which is more equivocal; it is called the Laxator Tympani Minor. It is said to arise from the superior margin of the orifice of the tympanum, and to be inserted into the pro- cessus brevis of the malleus. It is by some considered only as a ligament, to which opinion I am inclined. Of the Lining Membrane of the Tympanum. This membrane is a continuation of the lining membrane of the pharynx, being introduced into the tympanum through the Eustachian tube. It covers completely the surface of the tym- panum, and is reflected over its little bones so as to give them a covering also; in addition to which, it lines such of the mas- toid cells as communicate with the tympanum. This membrane is extremely delicate: on its surface, adja- cent to the bones, it is somewhat fibrous, and thereby resem- bles periosteum; but the other surface has the characters of the mucous membranes generally, in the nature of its secretion, and in its vascularity, which is very strongly marked in in- flammations, and by fine injections. Bichat mentions, that in certain catarrhal affections its mucous secretion is so abundant 444 NERVOUS SYSTEM. as to fill the whole cavity of the tympanum, and that without ulceration. Sometimes, in such cases, the membrane of the tympanum is ruptured, and the discharge finds its way out through the meatus externus, presenting itself under a purulent form, as if an abscess had formed in the ear. SECT. III.--OP THE LABYRINTH.* The Labyrinth (Labyrinthus) is placed on the inner side of the tympanum, in the thickness of the petrous bone. Its ex- terior parietes are bone, but internally there is a membranous structure, having, in many respects, the same shape. It is got at with great difficulty in the adult, owing to the compactness of the petrous bone which envelops it; but in the fcetus of the full period, where it is almost as large as in the adult, the sur- rounding bone is of a softer and more spongy texture, and may be pared away with a pen-knife without much trouble. In the latter case, the parietes of the bony labyrinth remain about the thickness of an egg-shell, and have very much the same degree of consistency and strength. The bony labyrinth consists of three portions: the Vestibulum, the Semicircular Canals, and the Cochlea. The Vestibulum is the "cavity to which the foramen ovale leads; it, with the cochlea, occasions the protuberance into the tympanum, known as the promontory. It is an irregular rounded excavation, the surface of which is impressed by its contents; thus, at the superior posterior and external part, next to the semicircular canals, there is a superficial Fossa, called, from its shape, Semi-EIliptica, and at its anterior and inferior part, nearer the cochlea, another, called Fossa Hemi- Spherica. These fossas are marked off from each other by a ridge of bone, at the lower end of which there is a third fossa between the other two, called by Soemmering, Cavitas sulci- formis. There are seven orifices belonging to the vestibulum besides the foramen ovale; five at its posterior part leading into the se- * Antonio Scarpa, Disquisit. de Auditu et Olfacto. THE LABYRINTH. 445 micircular canals; one anteriorly leading into the upper scala of the cochlea: and the last placed in its internal paries is the aqueduct of the vestibule. In addition to these orifices, the pa- rietes of this cavity are cribriform in the fossa semi-elliptica and near the foramen rotundum.* The Semicircular Canals (Canales Semicirculares) are at the posterior extremity of the vestibulum. They are three in num- ber, and are named from their relative situation, Superior or Anterior, Posterior or Inferior, and External. Each one forms rather more than the half of a semicircle, and has its cavity about half a line in diameter: their orifices are somewhat di- lated beyond this measurement. The apparent thickness of their parietes is greater in the adult than in the infant. The Superior Canal runs from without inwards and back- wards. Its anterior orifice is above the fenestra ovalis, and is enlarged into an ampulla or elliptical cavity. At its posterior extremity, it joins the upper extremity of the inferior canal, so that a common trunk is thus formed, the orifice of which is at the internal posterior part of the vestibulum, and is dilated into the shape of a funnel.t The Posterior or Inferior Canal is nearly vertical; has its concavity in front, and its convexity behind, and joins, as just remarked, with the superior; its inferior orifice, which is near the foramen rotundum, is also enlarged into an ampulla or ellip- tical cavity. It is the longest of the three canals, and has its ends nearer together. The External Canal is nearly horizontal, and is placed in the space left by the divergence of the other two. It is the shortest and the largest of the three. Its exterior orifice is also enlarged into an ampulla or elliptical cavity, and is just behind the fora- men ovale, or below the ampulla of the upper canal; the inter- nal orifice is below the common opening of the other two ca- nals. It is the union of the superior and of the posterior canals at one of their extremities, which reduces the number of openings • Ant. Scarpa, loc. cit. t Scarpa, loc. cit Vol. II.—39 446 NERVOUS SYSTEM. into the vestibulum, from the semicircular canals, to five instead of six. The Cochlea forms the fore part of the labyrinth, and resem- bles very strongly the shell of the common snail. Its base is the bottom of the meatus auditorius internus, and its apex is directed towards the cavity of the tympanum, so that the axis of the cochlea is turned downwards and outwards. It consists in a conoidal tube wound spirally twice and a half around a column of bone termed the Modiolus. The tube then of course diminishes in size from the base to the apex of the cochlea. This conical tube is divided in its length by a plate called Lamina Spiralis. Of the two compartments thus formed, one is abbve the other. The inferior is the larger, and communi- cates at its base, through the foramen rotundum, with the tym- panum; it is, therefore, called Scala Tympani. The other com- partment communicates at its base with the vestibulum, and is, . therefore, called Scala Vestibuli. The Modiolus is of a conical shape, and cribriform: one canal, larger than the others, runs from its base to its summit. This canal is surrounded by many others, which diminish suc- cessively as they advance towards the apex, and terminate in orifices upon the lamina spiralis. This cribriform arrange- ment of the modiolus is the Tractus Spiralis Foraminulosus. The base of the modiolus is towards the meatus auditorius in- ternus, and its point does not go to the apex of the cochlea, but stops short of it, and is expanded into a cavity called the Infundibulum, the base of which is towards the apex of the cochlea. That portion of the apex of the cochlea which covers over the infundibulum, is the Cupola. It was just mentioned that the lamina spiralis divides the cochlea into two tubes; the septum thus formed, does not, how- ever, run their whole length, for it ceases in the infundibulum by a small crooked process of bone, called the Hamulus Coch- leas. The lamina, when examined by strong glasses, is seen to consist of four distinct structures called its Zones. 1. The Zona Ossea is next to the modiolus, and is composed of two bony laminas, with an intermediate diploic structure, in which THE LABYRINTH. 447 are the canals for transmitting the filaments of the portio mol- lis or auditory nerve. 2. The Zona Coriacea, on the outer side of this, the structure of which is cartilaginous. 3. The Zona Vesicularis, said to contain in its cells a pellucid fluid. 4. The Zona Membranacea, which is probably only the lining membrane of the cochlea, and completes the lamina spiralis on its edge next to the periphery of the cochlea. Some very re- spectable anatomists pass over this minute distinction in the structure of the septum, and merely divide it into Zona Ossea, and into Zona Mollis. Of the Membranous Labyrinth. The whole internal face of the bony Labyrinth is lined by a very delicate and vascular membrane, which is more dis- tinct during the early periods of intra uterine life. Besides this, there is a membranous labyrinth, consisting in three, semi- circular canals, nearly filling up the cavities, and having the same shape and general arrangement of the bony canals; and in two sacs contained in the vestibule. The Semicircular Membranous Canals have also at their ends the elliptical enlargements called ampullae; they termi- nate by both extremities in the sac of the superior part of the vestibule. This sac is generally called, from its shape, Sac- culus Ellipticus; and by Scarpa, from its function, the Alveus Communis. In front of the Saceulus Ellipticus, nearer the cochlea, and opposite the foramen ovale, is the Saceulus Sphe- ricus; it is a complete bag, having no communication with the other, or with the membranous canals- Both of the sacs ad- here to the vestibulum at their posterior parietes. The sacs of the vestibule and the membranous semicircular canals are filled with a very fluid transparent liquid. Accord- ing to the observations of M. Ribes, it is not necessary to the function of hearing that this fluid should be so abundant as to distend the membranous labyrinth, inasmuch as in his dissec- tions he met with individuals in whom the latter was only half filled, and yet they had heard very well. He also met with similar cases in which the fluid was abundant in the vestibu- lum, but deficient in the canals, and the reverse. Correspond- 448 NERVOUS SYSTEM. ing observations have been made by M. Brugnone, of Turin,* where he had adopted the precaution of previously freezing the bone, so that none of the fluid could be said to have been lost by accident. From the frequency with which this deficiency was observed, his opinion seems to be well founded, that it is the most natural state of the labyrinth. The parietes of the membranous labyrinth are very thin and transparent; there is a very loose cellular tissue between them and the bone, and they are susceptible of being highly coloured by injection. A fluid of the same character with the preceding also fills the scalas of the cochlea, and extends itself into the bony ves- tibulum and the bony semicircular canals upon the outer sur- face of the membranous labyrinth. Of ihe Aqueducts of the Ear. The Aqueducts (Aquaductus) of Cotunnius, as they are called after their discoverer, are two small canals which go through the petrous bone from the labyrinth. There is one for the ves- tibule, and another for the cochlea. The Aqueduct of the Vestibulum commences in the latter ca- vity, somewhat in advance of the common orifice of the two semicircular canals; it goes inwards and opens on the posterior face of the petrous bone, behind the meatus internus. It en- larges gradually in its course, which causes it to have somewhat of a triangular shape, and it is lined by a continuation of the dura mater. It is about four lines long. The Aqueduct of the Cochlea commences in the Scala Tym- pani, near the foramen rotundum, and, enlarging in its course, terminates on the under surface of the petrous bone, in the in- ternal margin of the jugular fossa, at the root of the little spine which separates the eighth pair of nerves from the jugu- lar vein. The anatomistf from whom these canals were named, and who first described them, was under an impression that the fluid * Mem. de Turin, 1805—1808. \ Dominici Cotunnii, Anat. Dissert, de Aquxduct. Naples, 1761. THE ACO.UEDUCTS. 449 of the labyrinth always filled it completely; and that without a sort of waste gate for it on an occasion, the vibration of the stapes would be prevented from putting it in motion, conse- quently, hearing must cease. These canals, the existence of which is sufficiently obvious in many subjects, were, therefore, considered by him as the desired avenues for the discharge of the superabundant fluid, and his theory and descriptions were very generally adopted. Of late years, the investigation of this subject has been renewed by MM. Ribes and Brugnone, and their observations are considered by the French anatomists to have proved conclusively the error into which Cotunnius and others have fallen. In regard to the aqueduct of the vestibule, M. Ribes has found it only in three instances emptying into the vestibule; for most commonly it leads, after a course somewhat tortuous, into the spongy structure of the petrous bone, at the posterior part of the vestibule, and smaller canals diverge from it in different di- rections. In the cases where it was connected with the laby- rinth, it was so by several orifices leading into the vestibule, and into the posterior semicircular canal. He has not found this canal in the fcetus, nor till some time after birth, and from his injections he believes that, in all cases, it and its branches are only intended to convey blood vessels throughout the pe- trous bone and to the labyrinth. In regard to the supposed aqueduct of the cochlea, M. Ribes has also found it diverging into collateral branches, and occu- pied by blood vessels, which are distributed to the spongy struc- ture of the petrous bone, and to the tympanum. In my own researches on this point, on the dried bones, the canals, as described by Cotunnius, were closed at the labyrinth, in the case of subjects advanced in life; but, in the middle aged, and in infantile specimens, I have been more successful in tracing them fairly into the labyrinth, and have the prepara- tions in the Wistar Museum. At the same time, I think it much more probable that they only contained blood vessels, and that Cotunnius was in error. Besides these vascular ca- nals, M. Ribes has described some others having the same use. 39* 450 Nervous system. SECT. IV.--OF THE NERVES OF THE ORGAN OF HEARING. The Nerves which pass through the petrous bone, and are either wholly or partially spent upon the organ of hearing, come from three sources. 1. The Auditory Nerve; 2. The Portio Dura ; 3. The Trigeminus, or Fifth Pair. The Meatus Auditorius Internus conducts the first two, and has its bottom divided by a ridge into two fossas, of which the upper one is the smaller. This bottom, it has been observed, corresponds with the base of the modiolus, and is cribriform. One foramen, larger than any of the others, and in the superior fossa, transmits the portio dura or facial nerve: all the others are occupied by the filaments of the auditory nerve. 1. The Auditory Nerve divides at the bottom of the meatus into fasciculi of filaments; one of which penetrates into the ves- tibulum through the foramina behind that for the portio dura, and is distributed upon the saceulus ellipticus, and upon the am- pulla of the superior and of the exterior membranous canal; other filaments get to the saceulus sphericus; and a third fasci- culus of filaments is distributed to the ampulla of the posterior membranous canal. These several filaments are said to pre- serve, when they first penetrate into the bony labyrinth, a fibrous appearance, and are interlaced; they also penetrate the parietes of the membranous labyrinth, and have their extremities bathed in its fluid, in which place they are converted into soft pulp, re- sembling mucus, or the retina. Another very considerable fasciculus of filaments penetrates into the canals of the modiolus, and enters through them into the cavity of the cochlea, along the Zona Ossea, and between its tables; they terminate also by a soft pulp on the internal face of the lining membrane of the cochlea. One of these filaments, conspicuous for its size, goes through the central canal of the modiolus and terminates in the infundibulum.* 2. The Facial Nerve, or Portio Dura, is only connnected to * For a knowledge of the minute distribution of the auditory nerve, the pro- fession is signally indented to the distinguished Scarpa, in his Disquisitiones de Aiiditu et Olfactu, NERVES OF THE ORGAN OF HEARING. 451 the organ of hearing by sending a few filaments to the muscles of the bones of the tympanum. The canal of the petrous bone, through which it passes, is very crooked; beginning at the larger orifice of the meatus internus in its upper fossa, it passes outwards until it nearly reaches the Vidian foramen, on the front of the petrous bone; it then turns-very abruptly backwards, form- ing an angle, and is continued in a circuit around the superior and the posterior parietes of the tympanum, till it terminates in the stylo-mastoid foramen. Its course is marked by a ridge projecting into the tympanum, above the foramen ovale, and passing between the semicircular canals and the cochlea. This canal has been very much misnamed by the calling of it the aqueduct of Fallopius, as its only use is to conduct nerves and blood vessels. It is lined by a delicate fibrous membrane, be- tween which, and its contained parts, there is so little adhesion, that the latter may be drawn out entire. The facial nerve is joined at the Vidian foramen by the Vi- dian nerve, shortly after which it sends a filament to the tensor tympani muscle.* As it passes the base of the pyramid it de- taches another filament, which supplies the stapedius muscle. Shortly after this, it is abandoned by the Vidian nerve, and does not give off any more branches till it escapes from the sty- lo-mastoid foramen, when it sends off a branch, the posterior auricular (Auricularis Posterior,) which is distributed by fila- ments, some of which run into the mastoid process; other branches mount on the side of this process, to the skin which covers it, and to the occipital muscle: others go to the concha of the ear, being spent upon its skin, upon the posterior auricu- lar muscle, and some of them, penetrating the pinna, are lost upon the integuments of the meatus externus. The trunk of the facial then goes to its destination on the face, 4. The Chorda Tympani or Superficial Petrous Nerve, is a branch of the Pterygoid branch of the Trigeminus, and leaves it near the anterior part of the carotid canal of the petrous bone. It, as just mentioned, under the name of Vidian nerve, joins the facial nerve at the angle of the canal of Fallopius, and conti- * The tensor tympani is also supplied by a nerve from the Third Branch of the Trigeminus. 452 NERVOUS SYSTEM. nues to adhere closely to it, almost to the styloid foramen ; it then abandons the facial nerve at a very acute angle, and run- ning upwards and forwards, gets into the cavity of the tympa- num, on a level with, but a line or two exterior to the pyramid. It then crosses the tympanum nearly horizontally, between the long crus of the incus and the handle of the malleus, adhering to the latter so as to be affected by its vibrations. At the fore part of the tympanum, it anastomoses with some other filaments of the fifth pair, by which its size is augmented, but it gives no branches to the parts contained in the tympanum. It then is- sues from the latter cavity through the glenoid foramen, and descending a short but somewhat variable distance along the ramus of the lower jaw, terminates by anastomosing at an acute angle with the lingual branch of the trigeminus. To Mr. John Hunter is due the merit of haying traced the continuity and identity of the Vidian nerve with the chorda tympani. The continental European anatomists, for the most part, seem ignorant of his observations, and give a very differ- ent account of the matter. Some consider it to arise from the facial at its angle, and to anastomose at the other end with the pterygoid, or the reverse; and they very generally agree in re- garding the chorda tympani as a filament from the facial, just before the latter gets out of the stylo-mastoid foramen. The Vidian Nerve, or Superficial Petrous, also traverses the tympanum in another place. Just below the posterior extre- mity of the Eustachian Canal, there is a small foramen, which leads upwards to the superior surface of the petrous bone, and downwards to a small gutter upon the promontory: this gutter is converted into a canal that opens upon the under surface of the petrous bone, between the carotid canal and the jugular fossa. Through the course indicated, passes a filament from the superficial petrous nerve: this filament is joined by another detached from the sympathetic while in the carotid canal, and the two communicate at the base of the cranium with the gang- lion of the glosso-pharyngeal nerve.* These filaments were discovered by Professor Jacobson, of Copenhagen, and form what is now called the Anastomosis of Jacobson. * Meckel, Man. D'Anat. vol. iii. p. 174. Jacobson, Supplem. Act. Hafn. vol. v. p. 292. An. 1818, BOOK IX. PART IV. Special Anatomy of the Nerves. CHAPTER I. OF THE NERVES OF THE ENCEPHALON. SECT. 1. The eourse and distribution of the first pair, or the olfactory nerves, have been described fully in the account of the brain and nose. SECT. II.--NERVUS OPTICUS. The Optic Nerve, as mentioned in the account of the basis of the brain, gets into the orbit by the optic foramen, and is there entirely surrounded by the origins of the muscles of the eyeball. It then describes a slight curvature, of which the con- vexity is outwards, and runs forwards for an inch, when it pe- netrates into the ball of the eye, where it gives origin to or ex- pands into the retina. Between the muscles and it, except t their origins, there is a mass of adipose matter. 454 NERVOUS SYSTEM. SECT. III.--NERVUS MOTOR OCULI. The Nervus Motor Oculi, or third pair, having reached from the basis of the brain to the external side of the cavernous si- nus, is placed there within and above the optic nerve and the sixth pair; it then changes its direction, and penetrates through the sphenoidal fissure into the orbit, on the outer side of these nerves, and below them. The motor oculi divides, in the sphenoidal fissure, into two branches, one above the other. The first crosses over the op- tic nerve and the nasal branch of the ophthalmic, having some anastomoses with the latter, and then distributes its filaments upon the rectus superior muscle; some of them also penetrate the latter to get to the levator palpebras. The second branch is much larger than the first. It passes between the optic nerve and the rectus inferior muscle, and is subdivided into three fasciculi: one for the rectus internus muscle; another for the rectus inferior; and a third, which is the longest and the small- est, for the obliquus inferior muscle. The latter fasciculus, not far from its root, gives off a filament, which, going along the external margin of the optic nerve, runs into the posterior margin of the lenticular or ophthalmic ganglion, and is its short root. The Lenticular Ganglion is situated on the outer side of the optic nerve, in the orbit of the eye, and is about aiine in dia- meter, being flattened. Two nerves concur to form it: the branch just alluded to, from the motor oculi, and one from the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminus. From this ganglion arise the most of the ciliary nerves; which, as stated, are about twenty in number, and go to the choroid coat of the eye and to the iris. SECT. IV.— NERVUS TROCHLEARS. The Nervus Trochlearis, or fourth pair, having got into its canal in the cavernous sinus, as it goes along the internal mar- gin of the ophthalmic nerve, receives there a small filament NERVUS TRIGEMINUS. 455 from it.* It then rises a little, and enters the orbit at the in- ternal extremity of the sphenoidal fissure; and, going forwards, next to the periosteum of the upper part of the orbit, it enters into the superior oblique muscle of the eye, near its middle, and is distributed upon it. This nerve augments in volume as it advances towards its destination. SECT. V.--OF THE NERVUS MOTOR EXTERNUS. The Nervus Motor Externus, or sixth pair, having got into the cavernous sinus, is placed at the external side of the inter- nal carotid artery, and adheres closely to it. It there sends off one or more filaments, which follow the internal carotid artery through its canal, and anastomose in their descent with a branch of the pterygoid nerve: the junction of these two forms the up- per end of the great sympathetic nerve, and runs down to the superior cervical ganglion of the sympathetic in two or more filaments generally. The sixth nerve enters the orbit through the sphenoid fissure, and is there closely connected with the nervus motor oculi and the Nasal nerve. It penetrates into the substance of the rectus externus muscle, and is entirely dis- tributed upon it; with the exception that sometimes it sends a filament to the ophthalmic ganglion. SECT. VI.--OF THE NERVUS TRIGEMINUS. This nerve, having formed the ganglion of Gasser, (Plexus Gangliformis,) on the side of the petrous bone, then divides, as mentioned, into three large trunks, the foremost of which is the Ophthalmic Nerve: the second fasciculus is the Superior Maxillary; and the third the Inferior Maxillary Nerve. The Ophthalmic Nerve, or the first branch of the trigeminus, is smaller than either of the other two branches, and comes from the superior part of the plexus gangliformis. It passes along the external border of the cavernous sinus, and penetrates the orbit through the sphenoidal fissure, on the outer side of, and near the motor oculi. Soemmering', Icones Oculi Humani. 456 NERVOUS SYSTEM. In its whole course it is united to the trochlearis nerve by close cellular membrane, and does not give off any ramifications before it reaches the orbit, with the exception of the filament sent to the trochlearis nerve. While engaged in the sphenoi- dal fissure it divides into three branches; the Nasal, the Lachry- mal, and the Frontal. The Nasal branch of the ophthalmic, is between the other two in size. It ascends obliquely above the optic nerve to gain the internal face of the orbit of the eye, and then passes for- wards just below the superior oblique muscle, involved in a quantity of adipose matter. Shortly after its origin the nasal nerve detaches a branch (the ramus ciliaris) which, situated at the external margin of the optic nerve, runs into the ophthalmic or lenticular ganglion, and constitutes the long root; it then sends off one or more filaments, which, without communicating with this ganglion, penetrate into the eyeball, and are amongst the ciliary nerves which have been described. The nasal nerve, continuing to pass forward along the inter- nal paries of the orbit, when it reaches the anterior internal or- bitary foramen, detaches through it the internal nasal or eth- moidal branch, which, thus getting into the cavity of the cra- nium, goes along side of the crista galli, and then passes into the nose through the formost hole of the cribriform plate. It then descends along the anterior part of the nose, on the outer side of the Schneiderian membrane, and is spent by ramifi- cations upon the contiguous portions of the latter. Some of its terminating branches reach the tip of the nose and the alas.* The nasal nerve, after this branch is sent off, is frequent- ly called external nasal, or nervus infra-trochlearis. It con- tinues to advance along the under margin of the trochlearis muscle and gets to the trochlea, near which it divides into an upper and an under ramuscle; from them filaments proceed to the upper and under eyelids, to the lachrymal sac, the lachry- mal caruncle, the tunica conjunctiva, and the muscles on the root of the nose. These filaments anastomose with the ter- minating branches of the frontal nerve, the facia!, and the in- * See Nerves of Nose. NERVUS TRIGEMINUS. 457 fra-orbitary. According to Dr. G. Transmondi,* of Rome, two filaments may be traced very distinctly from the external na- sal nerve to the tensor tarsi muscle of the lachrymal sac. They adhere to the muscle by means of cellular structure, and pass on to its bifurcated extremities and to the puncta lachryma- lia. The Frontal Nerve is the largest of the three branches of the ophthalmic. It proceeds forward between the levator pal- pebras superioris and the contiguous part of the orbit, and in this course is divided into two branches, the internal and the external frontal nerve. The former approaches the trochlea of the upper oblique muscle, and detaches a filament to join with one from the Nasal nerve. Other filaments are detached to the upper eyelid, some of which anastomose with filaments from the Lachrymal nerve. The internal branch of the frontal then issues from the orbit just by the trochlea, and, in ascend- ing, is lost upon the occipito-frontalis, the corrugator super- cilii, and the orbicularis muscle. The externa] branch of the fro/.tal issues from the orbit', through the supra-orbitary fora- men. It quickly detaches a filament, which goes outwardly to anastomose with the facial; the remaining part of the nerve is distributed to the occipito-frontalis, to the corrugator supercilii, to the integuments of the forehead, and to the scalp. This dis- tribution, according to Bichat, is best followed by detaching the skin, muscles, and periosteum from the cranium, from behind forwards as far as the orbit. The Lachrymal Branch of the ophthalmic nerve goes for- wards along the external side of the orbit near the superior margin of the rectus externus muscle. In this course it sends off a filament through the spheno-maxillary fissure which unites with one from the second branch of the fifth pair; it afterwards sends off another filament, which, passing through a foramen in the malar bone, anastomoses with a filament of the facial nerve. What remains of the lachrymal nerve is then distri- * Intorno la scoperta cli due nervi del Occhio umano ragguaglio del Dr. Giu- seppe Trasmondi, Professore di Anatomia Practica nel ven. ospidale della Con- solazione. Roma, 1823. Vol. II.—40 458 NERVOUS SYSTEM. buted by several filaments upon the lachrymal gland, the upper eyelid, and some of them reach the conjunctiva. Second Branch of the Trigeminus. The Second Branch of the Fifth Pair, (Nervus Maxillaris Superior,) arising from the middle of the plexus gangliformis, or ganglion of Gasser, and also, in part, from the common trunk formed from the anterior and posterior roots of the tri- geminus, gets from the cranium through the foramen rotun- dum of the sphenoid bone. While still in the cranium it sometimes forms an anastomosis, described by Laumonier, with the beginning of the sympathetic nerve, but generally it does not detach any filament tili it reaches the pterygo-max- illary fossa. At a short distance after its exit from the cranium, it gives off a small filament, the Nervus Subcutaneus Malas, which as- cends into the orbit through the spheno-maxillary fissure, and then divides. One of the branches, the malar, anastomoses with the lachrymal nerve, and leaves filaments with the lachry- mal gland; it then gets, by one or more filaments, through the holes of the malar bone to the face, and terminates on the or- bicularis mu,scle and the skin of the cheek, anastomosing with the extremities of the facial nerve. The other branch, the temporal, gets into the temporal fossa by penetrating the internal part of the malar bone, and, having anastomosed with a branch of the inferior maxillary nerve, it goes out- wards and backwards, becomes superficial by penetrating the temporal aponeurosis, and terminates on the integuments of the temple, anastomosing there with the branches of the facial nerve. The superior maxillary then divides into two trunks much larger than the preceding, and of a volume nearly equal; the Infra-Orbital and the Pterygo-Palatine. The Infra-Orbital (Nervus Infra-Orbitalis) passes forwards, with a slight ascent, to the posterior part of the orbit, and en- ters the infra-orbitar canal. As it is about engaging in the latter, it detaches a considerable branch, the Posterior Den- NERVUS TRIGEMINUS. 459 tal. This branch descends a little distance, externally, along the posterior paries of the maxillary sinus, then penetrates into the cavity of the latter. It terminates by filaments, some of which supply the lining membrane of the antrum; others pass through the little canals leading to the three large grinders, and enter the roots of the latter; others go to the correspond- ing gums. One branch goes along the outer side of the sinus to anastomose with the anterior dental nerve. The'posterior dental, before it enters the bone, also detaches a branch of some size, which winds around the tuberosity of the maxillary bone, and is spent upon the buccinator muscle and upon the gums. The infra-orbitary nerve afterwards, in its course through the canal, sends off the anterior dental nerves from one or more roots. Some of them detach fibres to the mucous mem- brane of the nose, where it covers the anterior part of the in- ferior turbinated bone. With this exception, they are distri- buted, through their appropriate canals in the bone, to the in- cisor and canine teeth, and to the corresponding gums. The small molar teeth are most frequently supplied by a union of filaments, from the anterior and posterior dental nerves. The infra-orbitar nerve, on issuing from the infra-orbitar fo- ramen, is most frequently found already divided into several fasciculi, which may be classed into superior and into inferior. The former, called Palpebral, radiate, externally and internal- ly, into filaments which supply the lower eyelid. One of these filaments may be traced to the end of the nose, where it anas- tomoses with the internal nasal branch of the ophthalmic; ano- ther, which terminates about the internal angle of the eye, anastomoses there with the external nasal nerve. Others of its terminating filaments anastomose with the extremities of the facial nerve on the eyelid. The inferior fasciculi are more numerous and large than the superior. They descend upon the face covered by the levator muscles of the upper lip, and from their distribution are called Labial. The most internal of these fasciculi terminate on the skin, the muscles, and the beo-inning of the mucous membrane of the nose, where they anastomose with the extremities of the internal nasal nerve. The middle fasciculi go to the muscles of the upper lip and the skin of the latter, and to its mucous glands. The external fas- 460 NERVOUS SYSTEM. ciculi go to the zygomatic muscles and to the contiguous skin. All the foregoing branches of the infra-orbitar nerve anasto- mose with the extremities of the facial, and are so minutely distributed to the skin and muscles of the face, that it would require a very protracted description to point them out par- ticularly. The Pterygo-palatine Nerve (Nervus Pterygo-palatinus) de- scends, as a single or a double trunk, from its root to the out- side of the spheno-palatine foramen, and there forms the gang- lion of Meckel,* or the spheno-palatine ganglion, the existence of which is not constant. From this ganglion, or from the nerve itself proceed several branches. "* A filament, described by Bock, is detached from it, which en- ters into the sphenoidal sinus to be distributed on its lining mem- brane, and sometimes to anastomose with the motor externus oculi. Then arise the Spheno-palatine branches, which enter the nose through the spheno-palatine foramen, and are distributed upon the mucous membrane of its septum and turbinated por- tions, after the manner described in the account of the nose, The Vidian or Pterygoid Nerve (Nervus Vidianus, recurrens, pterygojdeus) arises from the inferior part of the ganglion, and is a recurrent branch, which goes backwards through the ptery- goid foramen of the sphenoid bone. From it there arise some filaments, which get to the mucous membrane about the ante- rior orifice of the Eustachian Tube, either through the spheno- palatine foramen, or by small foramina in the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone. They are sometimes united into a single trunk, called pharyngeal, by Bock. The Vidian nerve, while still in its canal, then divides into two trunks, the superficial, and the deep petrous. The Superficial Petrous (Nervus Petrosus Superficialis) tra- verses the cartilaginous matter at the point of the petrous bone, in the anterior foramen lacerum of the basis of the cranium, gets there into the cavity of the latter, continues its progress * Discovered by Meckel, 1749, NERVUS TRIGEMINUS. 461 backwards on the superior face of the petrous bone, in a gutter marked on the bone, and disappears through the Vidian fora- men. It, in a short space, reaches the aqueduct of Fallopius, and then continues to adhere to the facial nerve till the latter almost reaches the stylo-mastoid foramen: it then abandons the facial nerve, and, as mentioned in the account of the ear, traverses the tympanum under the name of chorda tympani; and, finally, emerging at the glenoid foramen, it runs to asso- ciate itself with the lingual branch of the trigeminus. The su- perficial petrous, in the early part of its course, at the point of the petrous bone, detaches one or more filaments to the sym- pathetic in the carotid canal. The Deep Petrous (Nervus Pelrosus Profundus) is larger than the other. It also penetrates through the cartilaginous matter at the point of the petrous bone, and enters the cavity of the cranium under the dura mater. It then advances to the internal carotid artery, and anastomoses there with a filament from the motor externus or sixth nerve. This anastomosis is commonly called the beginning of the sympathetic nerve. The Palatine Nerve (Nervus Palatinus) proceeds from the inferior part of the ganglion of Meckel, and gets to the soft palate of the mouth through the posterior palatine foramen. In this course, it detaches several filaments to the Schneiderian membrane, which reach it either through the spheno-palatine foramen, or by perforating the nasal lamella of the palate bone. These are described in the account of the nose. The trunk of the palatine nerve, having reached the roof of the mouth, bends forwards, and is divided into many filaments, some of which are distributed along the gums of the upper jaw, others are distributed on the lining membrane of the hard pa- late and upon its mucous glands. There are two other nerves, which arise either immediately from the palatine, or from the ganglion of Meckel, and go to supply the soft palate. They are called the smaller palatine. One of them, having proceeded for a short distance in the pos- terior palatine canal, departs from it in a little canal of its own, which opens behind the hook of the internal pterygoid process, 40* 462 NERVOUS SYSTEM. It then radiates into filaments, which supply the tonsil gland and the muscular and membranous structure of the soft palate. The other smaller palatine also traverses, after the same man- ner, its own canal, and is likewise distributed to the tonsil gland and to the soft palate. Third Branch of the Trigeminus. The Third Branch of the Trigeminus (Nervus Inframaxil- laris) is the largest of the three. It arises from the posterior inferior part of the ganglion of Gasser, and having anastomosed with the cavernous ganglion of the sympathetic nerve by fila- ments, which are not constant, it emerges from the cranium through the foramen ovale of the sphenoid bone. A portion of this branch, as mentioned, does not enter into the composi- tion of the ganglion of Gasser, but proceeds immediately from the pons varolii. The inferior maxillary nerve, at its exit from the foramen ovale, is covered by the plerygoideus externus muscle, and commonly divides there into two branches, one anterior and the other posterior or else sends off two sets of branches—the first for the muscles of mastication—and the second set for the low- er jaw arid tongue. The Anterior Branch, or set, which is much smaller than the other, radiates into five fasciculi; the masseter nerve; the two temporal; the buccal; and the pterygoid. a. The Masseter Nerve is directed horizontally outwards and backwards, along the external margin of the pterygoideus externus, and in front of the temporo-maxillary articulation: it leaves, some filaments with the latter, and then passing be- tween the insertion of the temporal and of the external ptery- goid muscle, over the concave edge of the bone, between the condyle and the coronoid process of the lower jaw, it penetrates into the substance of the masseter muscle, and is distributed through it. b. The two Temporal branches arise by a common fascicu- lus, but sometimes differently. They pass outwards, horizon- tally, between the external pterygoid muscle and zygomatic fossa. They then ascend on the side of the temporal bone, be- NErvus Trigeminus. 463 tween it and the temporal muscle, and are distributed through the latter by a great number of filaments. Some of these fila- ments penetrate the aponeurosis, to anastomose with the super- ficial temporal nerves. And one of them anastomoses With the Temporal Branch of the Subcutaneus Malas, in the tempo- ral fossa. c. The Buccal Branch is the largest of the five. It advances between the pterygoid muscles, to which it furnishes a few fila- ments, and then descends between the temporal and external pterygoid muscle to the posterior part of the buccinator. It is principally distributed on the latter, upon the buccal glands, and the corresponding part of the lining membrane of the mouth. Some of its branches advance under the integuments of the face, as far as the commissure of the lips to the muscles there, and anastomose with the facial nerve. d. The Pterygoid Branch is the smallest, and is distributed principally on the internal pterygoid muscle. The Posterior Branch of the inferior maxillary nerve is so large, that it looks like a continuation of the trunk. di- vided into the superficial temporal, the inferior dental, and the lingual nerve. a. The Superficial Temporal Branch is formed by a union of two fasciculi, between which passes the middle artery of the dura mater; the inferior of these fasciculi comes from the infe- rior dental nerve. The nerve is directed outwards, and winds horizontally around the posterior face of the neck of the con- dyle of the lower jaw, between it and the meatus auditorius externus. It is there divided into several small fasciculi, two or three of which penetrate into the substance of the parotid gland, and anastomose with the facial nerve or its ramifications; one or two others go backwards, penetrate between the bony and the cartilaginous meatus to the auditory canal, and are dispersed by fine filaments upon the concha, and the meatus ex- ternus. According to Bock, one of these filaments supplies the membrane of the tympanum, and also anastomoses with the chorda tympani. Another branch of the superficial temporal, which is the largest of any, traverses the parotid gland, and thereby becomes superficial, just in front of the external ear. It then divides into filaments, which follow the course of the 464 NERVOUS SYSTEM. superficial temporal artery, and thereby supply the middle part of the integuments on the side of the head. It anastomoses with the filaments of the frontal nerve, and with those of the occipital. b. The Inferior Dental Nerve is placed between the other two branches, and exceeds them in size. It descends between the two pterygoid muscles, towards the posterior mental fora- men. Just above the latter it detaches a small branch, the mylo-hyoid, which occupies the small gutter on the bone lead- ing downward from the posterior mental foramen. This branch sends a filament to the submaxillary gland, then passes between the anterior belly of the digastric muscle and the mylo-hyoi- deus, to both of which it gives filaments, and finally winding over the base of the lower jaw in front, it is lost upon the mus- cles of the chin. The inferior dental nerve then enters the posterior mental foramen, and divides into two branches, which run parallel with one another through the canal in the middle of the spongy structure of the bone, and send a great number of anastomotic filaments to each other. One of the branches, the dental, pro- perly speaking, as it passes along the ends of the roots of the teeth, detaches a filament to each root, from the last grinder to the first incisor tooth inclusively: it also sends a filament to the gum intermediate to every two teeth. All of these filaments arise from the dental nerve, at places behind the points of des- tination; so that they have before reaching the latter, to run forwards and upwards through little canals in the cellular structure of the bone. The other branch of the inferior dental nerve is the mental; it does not advance so far forward in the bone as the pre- ceding, but issues from it at the anterior mental foramen, and immediately is divided into two fasciculi, the inferior labial nerves. The internal fasciculus is distributed by filaments upon the muscles of the chin and lower lip, the contiguous linino- membrane of the mouth and the labial glands. The external fasciculus rises upwards and is distributed on the muscular structure, about the under part of the commissure of the lip, and to the contiguous lining membrane and glands of the mouth. c. The Lingual Nerve descends in company with the infe- rior dental, but in advance of it, and diverging slightly. While NERVUS FACIALIS. 465 between the two pterygoid muscles it receives the chorda tym- pani at a very acute angle. It then passes towards the side of the root of the tongue, deeply concealed by the angle of the lower jaw, and above the submaxillary gland, to which it gives some considerable filaments. Occasionally, however, a gan- glion, called the maxillary, is formed here by one or more fila- ments of the lingual nerve, and from this ganglion proceed filaments to-the submaxillary gland. The lingual nerve then proceeds forwards between the my- lo-hyoideus and the hyo-glossus muscle, and between the sub- lingual gland and the latter, having in front of it the excretory duct of the submaxillary gland. It anastomoses frequently with the hypoglossal nerve, sends several filaments to the lining membrane of the mouth, below the tongue, and to the sublin- gual gland. It then divides, or radiates, into seven or eight fasciculi, which run upwards and forwards on the side of the stylo-glossus muscle, and the genio-hyo-glossus, and are finally spent by very fine filaments penetrating into the structure of the papillas, on the upper surface of the tongue. The third branch of the trigeminus, according to Dr. Arnold, forms, by several filaments, a ganglion near the foramen ovale. This ganglion is below the spinous process of the sphenoid bone, and sends off several filaments: one contributes to the nervous anastomosis of Jacobson,* which connects the ptery- goid, sympathetic, and glosso-pharyngeal nerves: another fila- ment passes to the tensor tympani, and is distributed upon it. Other filaments join the superficial temporal nerve: that part of it which supplies the membrana tympani. There is also aq anastomosis with the portio mollis.t SECT. VII.--NERVUS FACIALIS. The Facial Nerve (Nervus Facialis; portio dura septimi; par septimum) having gained the meatus auditorius internus, passes in front of the auditory nerve into the canal of Fallopius, and winding through it, around the tympanum, it emerges at the * This nervous anastomosis is described, page 452, article Vidian Nerve, | Am. Med. Jour, vol, v. p, 192, 466 NERVOUS SYSTEM. stylo-mastoid foramen, having sent in this course one or more filaments to the muscles of the little bones of the tympanum. Afterwards, the facial nerve gives off several branches, which are distributed as follows:— a. The Posterior Auricular (Auricularis Posterior) arises near the stylo-mastoid foramen, as stated in the account of the Nerves of the Ear; and having sent several filaments into the mastoid process, it winds over the anterior face of the base of the latter, and divides into two fasciculi. The anterior is dis- tributed in filaments upon the back of the external ear, the car- tilaginous meatus, and the posterior auris muscle; the posterior ascends upon the mastoid portion of the temporal bone to the posterior belly of the occipito-frontalis muscle, and is spent by filaments to the latter, and to the corresponding integuments, anastomosing likewise with ramifications of the occipital nerve. b. The facial nerve then detaches filaments to the muscles of the styloid process, and to the posterior belly of the digas- tric muscle. It also sends filaments of anastomosis to the su- perior part of the sympathetic nerve; to the cutaneous cervical; and to ramifications of the glosso-pharyngeal, of the pneumo- gastric, and of the accessory. The facial nerve, having given off the foregoing filaments and branches, penetrates downwards and forwards into the substance of the parotid gland, where it is divided into a num- ber of branches, varying from two to five, which form a plexus by their anastomosis. This plexus is re-enforced, as mentioned, by branches from the superficial temporal of the inferior max- illary, which wind around the neck of the lower jaw. It is then distributed to the side of the face in radiating clusters or columns of filaments, called the temporo-facial, the buccal, and the cervico-facial. The Temporo-Facial Nerves, or Branches, are hid, for some distance, in the upper part of the parotid gland, which they traverse below the neck of the lower jaw. They divide into filaments, some of which go to the temple, and others to the cheek. The temporal branches are commonly two or three in number; they leave filaments with the parotid gland, mount over the zygoma, and are distributed to the anterior auris muscle, to the outer section of the orbicularis palpebrarum, NERVUS FACIALIS. 467 and to the integuments of the temple; they anastomose in their distribution with each other, with the superficial and deep temporal branches of the inferior maxillary nerve, and with the frontal and lachrymal branches of the ophthalmic. The malar branches are primitively, also, two or three in number: they cross the malar bone, dividing, subdividing, and anasto- mosing again, and are spent upon the integuments and muscles of this part of the face. They also anastomose with filaments of the lachrymal nerve, and with those of the infra-orbitar nerve. The Buccal Branches are three in number, sometimes two only; and pass across the masseter muscle under the skin. The superior anastomoses with the temporo-facial, and the inferior with the cervico-facial. The buccal branches supply the skin and muscles of the face intermediate to the eye and to the low- er lip. The numerous filaments into which they divide anas- tomose frequently with each other, and with the branches of the fifth pair, which appear about the same parts, as the exter- nal and internal nasal nerve, the infra-orbitar, and so on. The middle buccal is parallel with the duct of the parotid gland, and adheres to it. The Cervico-Facial Branch descends in the substance of the parotid gland, behind the ramus of the lower jaw; when it reaches the angle of the latter it goes obliquely forwards, be- neath the platysma myodes muscle. Though it sends off many fasciculi, they may be referred to two divisions, a superior and an inferior. The first crosses the inferior part of the masseter muscle, and may be traced in its numerous distribution of fila- ments, to the integuments and muscles lying upon the body of the lower jaw. These filaments anastomose with each other, and with the mental branches of the inferior dental nerve. The inferior division supplies the skin and the platysma myodes mus- cle on the upper part of the neck along the base of the lower jaw. Its filaments are joined by several coming from the an- terior fasciculus of the third cervical nerve. The anastomoses of the facial nerve, derived from its own branches and from those of the trigeminus, which reach the face, are entirely too numerous for a detailed description of them; it, indeed, appears unnecessary to extend the latter be- 468 NERVOUS SYSTEM. yond a certain point. The most satisfactory account has been published by Meckel.* SECT. VIII.--NERVUS HYPOGLOSSUS. The Hypoglossal Nerve, (Nervus Hypoglossus, Lingualis,) having arisen from the medulla oblongata, and escaped from the cranium through the anterior condyloid foramen, adheres closely for an inch to the pneumogastric nerve. It descends between the external carotid artery and the internal jugular vein, the latter being behind the other; and then winds over the carotid, externally, just below the origin of the occipital ar- tery. It is there covered by the posterior belly of the digas- tricus and by the stylo-hyoideus. It then passes forwards be- neath the external jugular vein, and lower down somewhat than the tendon of the digastric muscle, and, finally, ascends to the tongue, being covered or concealed by the mylo-hyoideus mus- cle. The nerve in this course, from the external carotid to the tongue, forms a remarkable curve, the convexity of which is downwards. The Hypoglossal, while adhering to the pneumo-gastric, com- monly leaves a few filaments with it. As it crosses the ex- ternal carotid, it detaches a large branch, the Ramus Descen- dens Noni, which goes down the neck, along the sheath of the carotid artery and the internal jugular vein, in front of the latter. The ramus descendens has been beautifully figured by Scar- pa, in his Plates of the Nerves. According to him, when it has got about half way down the neck, but still resting on the sheath of the vessels, it detaches, in front, two filaments, which, after the course of an inch forwards, unite, and then separate again to be distributed to the upper ends of the omo-hyoid and sterno-hyoid muscles. The descendens noni then forms, an inch lower down, a small gangliform plexus, resting upon the sheath of the great vessels of the neck, under the omo-hyoid muscle. This plexus is joined by two fasciculi, which descend from the first and second cervical nerves, and from it pro- * J. F. Meckel, de Nervis Faciei, Mem. de l'Acad. des S. de Berlin, 1751, Cal. dani, Tab. 247. NERVUS ACCESS0R1US. 469 ceed downwards and backwards, two filaments, which join the phrenic nerve; also, one to the lower part of the omo-hyoid muscle; and three or more, which are divided and distributed upon the sterno-hyoid and thyroid muscles, and upon the mus- cles of the larynx. Meckel states, that some of these ramifica- tions, on the left side principally, penetrate to the thorax, and reach the pericardium. The hypoglossal nerve, having sent off the ramus descend- ens, reaches the external face of the hyo-glossus muscle, and is there concealed by the mylo-hyoideus, where it gives filaments to the muscles of the larynx, to the hyo-glossus, genio-hyoideus, and genio-hyo-glossus. These filaments anastomose frequently with e- loured engravings. It is published on the first of November, February, May and August. Price Five Dollars per annum, payable in advance. 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