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SURGEON GENERAL'S OF" SEP,-30--t>3 A^WDr^ •*\ • * ** ' * . • ♦ '* • .V qc Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1841, by LEA AND BLANCHARD, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States, in and for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. T. K. & 1* (i Collins, I'uinteks ADVERTISEMENT OF THE AMERICAN PUBLISHERS. The very valuable and popular work of Dr. Arnott has passed through several editions in this country, in the form in which it was originally published by the author, in separate parts. A new edition being now called for, the work has been carefully revised and cor- rected, and the whole condensed into one volume. In this form it cannot fail to be more acceptable to the public, and rendered more convenient and useful for the purposes of instruction in the various Colleges and Seminaries of Learning that have adopted it as a Class Book for their pupils. This volume embraces all that has been pre- pared or published by the author. INTRODUCTION. To appreciate the importance of Physics or Natural Philosophy, as an object of study not only to all persons engaged in scientific pursuit, but, in the present day, to all who pretend to a moderately good education, we must take a rapid glance at the nature of human knowledge generally, and at its bearings on the existing condition of mankind. While the inferior races of animals on earth seem to have changed as little in any respect since the beginning of human records, as the trees and herbs of the thickets which give many of them shelter, the condition of man himself has fluctuated, but, on the whole, progressed in a very remarkable manner. The inferior animals were formed by their Creator such, that within one life or generation they should attain all the perfection of which their na- ture was susceptible. Their wants were either immediately provided for— as instanced in the clothing of feathers to birds, and of furs to quadrupeds; or were so few and simple, that the supply was easy to very limited powers —except in a few cases where considerable art was required, as by the bee in making its honey-cell, or by the bird in constructing its beautiful nest, and there, a peculiar aptitude or instinct was bestowed. Thus, a crocodile which issues from its egg in the warm sand, and never sees its parent, becomes as perfect and knowing as any crocodile that has lived before or that will appear after it.—But how different is the story when we turn to man! He comes into the world the most helpless of living beings, long to continue so; and'if deserted by parents at an early age, so that he can learn only what the expe- rience of one life may teach him,—as to a few individuals has happened who yet have attained maturity in woods and deserts,—he grows up in some respects inferior to the nobler brutes. Now as regards many regions of the earth, history exhibits the early human inhabitants in states of ignorance and barbarism, not far removed from this lowest possible grade, which civilized men may shudder to contemplate. But these countries, occupied formerly by straggling hordes of miserable savages, who could scarcely defend them- selves against the wild beasts that shared the woods with them, and the inclemencies of the weather, and the consequences of want and fatigue, and who to each other were often more dangerous than any wild beasts, unceas- ingly warring among themselves, and destroying each other with every spe- cies of savage, and even cannibal cruelty—countries so occupied formerly, are now become the abodes of peaceful, civilized and friendly men, where the desert and the impenetrable forest are changed into cultivated fields, rich gardens and magnificent cities. It is the strong intellect of man, operating with the faculty of language as a means, which has gradually worked this wondejful change. By language, fathers communicate their gathered experience and reflections to their chil- dren, and these to succeeding children, with new accumulation: and when, after many generations, the precious store had grown until simple memory could retain no more, the arts of writing, and then of printing, arose, making 2 VI introduction. language visible and permanent, and enlarging illimitably the repositories of knowledge. Language thus, at the present moment of the world's existence, may be said to bind the whole human race of uncounted millions into one gigantic rational being, whose memory reaches to the beginnings of written records, and retains imperishably the important events that have occurred; whose judgment, analyzing the treasures of memory, has discovered many of the sublime and unchanging laws of nature, and has built on them all the arts of life, and through them, piercing far into futurity, sees clearly many of the events that are to come; and whose eyes and ears, and observant mind at this moment, in every corner of the earth, are watching and recording new pheno- mena, for the purpose of still better comprehending the magnificence and beautiful order of creation, and of more worthily adoring its beneficent Author. It might be very interesting to show here, in minute detail, how the arts and civilization have progressed in accordance with the gradual increase -of man's knowledge of the universe; but to do so would lead too far from the main subject. We deem it right, however, to make evident to the student the arousing truths, that the progress is not yet at an end ; that it has been vastly more rapid in recent times than ever; and that it seems still to pro- ceed with increasing celerity:—and we know not where the Creator has fixed the limits of the change! Although there are thousands of years on the records of the world, our Bacon, who first taught the true way to investigate nature, lived but the other day. Newton followed him, and illustrated his precepts by the most sublime discoveries which one man has ever made. Harvey detected the circulation of the blood only two hundred years ago. ■ Adam Smith, Dr. Black and James Watt were friends, and the last, whose steam-engines are now changing rapidly the condition of empires, may be said to be scarcely cold in his grave. John Hunter died not long ago; Herschel's accounts of newly-discovered planets, and of the sublime struc- ture of the heavens, and Davy's account of chemical discoveries not less im- portant to man, are in the late numbers of our scientific journals ;—illustrious Britons these, and who have left worthy successors treading in their steps. On the continent of Europe, during the same period, a corresponding constel- lation of genius has shone; and Laplace was lately the bright star shining between the future and the past. But there is a change going on in the world, connected closely with the progress of science, yet distinct from it, and more important than a great part of the scientific discoveries;—it is the diffusion of existing knowledge among the mass of mankind. Formerly, knowledge was shut up in convents and universities, and in books written in the dead languages—or in books which, if in the living languages, were so abstruse and artificial, that only a few per- sons had access to their meaning; and thus, the human race being considered as one great intellectual creature, a small fraction only of its intellect was allowed to come into contact with science, and therefore into activity. The progress of science in those times was correspondingly slow, and the evils of general ignorance prevailed. Now, however, the strong barriers which con- fined the stores of wisdom have been thrown down, and a flood is overspread- ing the earth; old establishments are adapting themselves to the spirit of the age; new establishments are arising; the inferior schools are introducing improved systems of instruction; and good books are rendering every man's fireside a school. From all these causes there is growing up an enlightened public opinion, which quickens and directs the progress of every art and science, and through the medium of a free press, although overlooked by '* many, is now rapidly becoming the governing influence in all the affairs of INTRODUCTION. Vll man. In Great Britain, partly perhaps as a consequence of its insular situa- tion, which lessened among its inhabitants the dread of hostile invasion, and sooner formed them into a united and compact people, the progress of enlight- ened public opinion had been more decided than in any other state. The early consequences were more free political institutions ; and these gradually led to greater and greater improvements, until Britain became an object of admiration among the nations. A colony of her children, imbued with her spirit, now occupies a magnificent territory in the new world of Columbus; and although it has been independent as yet for only half a century, it already counts more people than Spain, and will soon be second to no nation on earth. The example of the Anglo-Americans has aided in rendering their western hemisphere the cradle of many other gigantic states, all free, and following, although at a distance, the like steps. In the still more recently discovered continent of Australasia, which is nearly as large as Europe, and is empty of men, colonization is spreading with a rapidity never before wit- nessed; and that beautiful and rich portion of the earth will soon be covered with the descendants of free-born and enlightened Englishmen. Thence, still onward, they or their institutions will naturally spread over the vast archipelago of the Pacific Ocean, a track studded with islands of paradise. Such, then, is the extraordinary moment of revolution, or transit, in which the world at present exists! And where, we may ask again, has the Creator predestined that the progress shall cease? Thus far at least we know, that he has made our hearts rejoice to see the world filling with happy human beings, and to observe that the increase of the sciences can make the same spot maintain thousands in comfort and godlike elevation of mind, where with ignorance even hundreds had found but a scanty and degrading supply. The progress of knowledge which has thus led from former barbarism to present civilization, has gone on by certain remarkable steps, which it is easy to point out; and which it is very useful to consider, because we thereby discover the nature of human knowledge, with the relations and importance of its different branches; and we obtain great facilities for studying science, and for quickening its farther progress. The human mind, when originally directed to the almost infinity of objects in the universe around it, must soon have discovered that there were resem- ' blances among them ; in other words, that the infinity was only a repetition of a certain number of kinds. Among animals, for instance, it would distin- guish the sheep, the dog, the horse; among vegetables, the oak, the beech, the pine; among minerals, lime, flint, the metals, and so forth. And becom- ing aware that by studying an exemplar of each kind, its limited power of memory might acquire a tolerably correct knowledge of the whole, while this knowledge would enable the possessors more easily to obtain what was useful to them, and to avoid what was hurtful, the desire for such knowledge must have arisen with the first exercise of reason. Accordingly, the pursuit of it has been unremitting, and the labour of ages has at last nearly completed an arrangement of the constituent materials of the universe, under three great classes of Minerals, Vegetables, and Animals ; commonly called the three kingdoms of Nature, and of which the minute description is termed Natural History: and museums of natural history have been formed which contain a specimen of almost every object included in these classes, so that now, a student, within the limits of an ordinary garden, may be said to be able to examine the whole of the material universe. While men were examining the forms and other qualities of the bodies around them, they could not avoid noticing also the motions or changes going Vlll INTRODUCTION. on among bodies; and here, too, they would soon make the grand discovery that there were resemblances in the multitude. Self-interest, as in the case of the bodies themselves, having prompted to careful classification, in the present day, as the result of countless observations and experiments made through the series of ages, we are enabled to say, that all the motions, or changes, or phenomena (words synonymous here) of the universe, are merely a repetition and mixture of a few simple manners or kinds of motion or change, which are as constant and regular in every case as where they pro- duce the returns of day and night, and of the seasons. All these phenomena are referable to four distinct classes, which we call Physical, Chemical, Vital and Mental. The simple expressions which describe them are denominated General Truths or Laws of Nature, and as a body of knowledge, they con- stitute what is called Science or Philosophy, in contradistinction to Natu- ral History, already described. Now as man cannot, independently of a supernatural revelation, learn any thing but what respects, 1st, the moment- ary state, past or present, of himself and the objects around him ; and 2d, the manner in which the states have changed : Natural History and Science, in the sense now explained, make up the whole sum of his knowledge of nature. To exemplify the process by which a general truth or law of nature is dis- covered, we shall take the physical law of gravity or attraction. 1st. It was observed that bodies, in general, if raised from the earth, and left unsup- ported, fell towards it; while flame, smoke, vapours, &c, if left free, ascended away from the earth. It wns held, therefore, to be a very general law, that things had weight; but that there were exceptions in such matters, as now mentioned, which were in their nature light or ascending. 2d. It was dis- covered that our globe of earth is surrounded by an ocean of air, having nearly fifty miles of altitude or depth, and of which a cubic foot, taken near the sur- face of the earth, weighs about an ounce. It was then perceived that flame, smoke, vapour, &c, rise in the air only as oil rises in water, viz., because not so heavy as the fluid by which they are surrounded; it followed, therefore, that nothing was known on earth naturally light, in the ancient sense of the word. 3d. It was found that bodies floating in water, near to each other, approached and feebly cohered; that any contiguous hanging bodies were drawn towards each other, so as not to hang quite perpendicularly; and that a plummet suspended near a hill was drawn towards the hill with force only so much less than that with which it was drawn towards the earth, viz., the weight of the plummet, as the hill was smaller than the earth. It was then proved that weight itself is only an instance of a more general mutual attrac- tion, operating between all the constituent elements of this globe ; and which explains, moreover, the fact of the rotundity of the globe, all the parts being drawn towards a common centre, as also the form of dew-drops, rain-drops, globules of mercury, and of many other things; which, still farther, is the rea- son why the distinct particles of which any solid mass, as a stone or piece of metal, is composed, cling together as a mass, but which, when overcome by the repulsion of heat, allows the same particles to assume the form of a liquid or air. 4th. It was farther observed, that all the heavenly bodies are round, and must, therefore, consist of material obeying the same law. 5th. And lastly, that these bodies, however distant, attract each other; for that the tides of our ocean rise in obedience to the attraction of the moon, and become high or spring-tides, when the moon and sun operate in the same direction. Thus the sublime truth was at last made evident, and by the genius of the immor- tal Newton, that there is a power of attraction connecting together the bodies INTRODUCTION. IX of this solar system at least, and probably limited only by the bounds of the universe. Acquaintance with the laws of nature has been very slowly obtained, owing to that complexity of ordinary phenomena, which is produced by several laws operating together, and under great variety of circumstance. With re- spect to many laws of Chemistry and Life, men seem to be yet little farther advanced than they were with respect to the physical law of attraction, when they knew only that heavy things fell to the earth. But we have learned enough to perceive that the great universe is as simple and harmonious as it is immense; and that the Creator, instead of interposing separately, or mira- culously, in the common sense of the word, to produce every distinct pheno- menon, has willed that all should proceed according to a few general laws. There is nothing in nature so truly miraculous and adorable as that the end- less and beneficent variety of results which we see, should spring from such simple elements. In times of ignorance, men naturally regarded every occur- rence which they did not understand, that is to say, which they could not refer to a general law, as arising from a direct interference of supreme power; and thus, for many ages, and among some nations still, eclipses and earth- quakes, and many diseases, particularly those of the mind, and the winds and weather, were or are accounted miraculous. Hence arose, among heathens, many ceremonies, and sometimes even barbarous sacrifices, for propitiating or appeasing their offended deities; but founded on expectations no more reasonable than if we should now pray to have the day or the year made shorter, or to have a coming eclipse averted. They had not yet risen to the sublime conception of the one God, who said, " Let there be light," and the light was; and who gave to the whole of nature permanent laws, which he allows men to discover for the direction of their conduct in life—laws so unchanging, that by them we can calculate eclipses backward or forward for thousands of years, almost without erring, by the time of one beat of a pen- dulum; and as our knowledge of nature advances, we can anticipate and explain other events with equal precision. Even the wind and the rain, which, in common speech, are the types of uncertainty and change, obey laws as fixed as those of the sun and moon; and already, as regards many parts of the earth, man can foretell them without fear of being deceived. He plans his voyages to suit the coming monsoons, and he prepares against the floods of the rainy seasons. The general laws of nature, divisible, as stated above, into the four classes of, 1st. Physics, often called Natural Philosophy; 2d. of Chemistry; 3d. of Life, commonly called Physiology; and 4th. of Mind, may be said to form the pyramid of Science, of which Physics is the ba.«e, while the others con- stitute succeeding layers in the order now mentioned ; the whole having cer- tain mutual relations and dependencies well figured by the parts of a pyramid. We must describe them more particularly, to show these relations. Physics.—The laws of Physics govern every phenomenon of nature in which there is any sensible change of place, being concerned alone in the greater part of these phenomena, and regulating the remainder which origi- nate from chemical action, and from the action of life.—The great physical truths, as comprehended in the present day by man, are reduced to four, and are referred to by the words atom, attraction, repulsion and inertia. It gives an astonishing, but true idea of the nature and importance of methodical Science, to be told that a man, who understands these words, viz., how the atoms of matter by mutual attraction approach and cling together to form masses, which are solid, liquid, or aeriform, according to the quantity or X INTRODUCTION. repulsion of heat among them, and which,.owing to their inertia or stub- bornness, gain and lose motion, in exact proportion to the force of attraction or repulsion acting on them,—understands the greater part of the phenomena of nature; but such is the fact! Solid bodies existing in conformity with these truths, exhibit all the phenomena of Mechanics; JAquids exhibit those of Hydrostatics and Hydraulics; Airs, those of Pneumatics; and so forth, as seen in the table of heads given below, at page xii. And the whole of this work is merely a list of the most interesting physical phenomena, arranged in classes under these heads. Chemistry.—Had there been only one kind of substance or matter in' the universe, the laws of Physics would have explained all the phenomena; but there are iron, and sulphur, and charcoal, and about fifty others, which, to the present state of science, appear essentially distinct. Now these, when taken singly, obey the laws of Physics; but when two or more of them ate placed in contact under certain circumstances, they exhibit a new order of phenomena. Iron and sulphur, for instance, brought together and heated, disappear as individuals, and unite into a yellow metallic mass, which, in most of its properties, is unlike to either:—under other new circumstances, the two substances will again separate, and assume their original forms. Such changes are called chemical, (from an Arabic word signifying to .burn, because so many of them are effected by means of heat,) but during the changes, the substances are not withdrawn from the influence of the physical laws,—their weight or inertia, for instance, is not altered; and indeed the phenomenon is merely a modification of general attraction and repulsion. Many chemical changes, besides, are only the beginnings of purely mechanical changes, as when the new chemical arrangement produced by heat among the intimate atoms of gunpowder, causes the mechanical or physical motion of the sudden expansion or explosion. And all the manipulations of Chemistry, as the transferring of gases from vessel to vessel, the weighing of bodies, pounding, grinding, &c, are directed to Physics alone. Chemistry, then, is truly, as figured above, a superstructure on Physics, and cannot be understood or prac- tised by a person who is ignorant of Physics.—The chief departments of study involving the consideration of Chemical in conjunction with Physical laws, are enumerated in the table below, under the head of Chemistry. Life.—The most complicated state in which matter exists, is where, under the influence of life, it forms bodies with a curious internal structure of tubes and cavities, in which fluids are moving and producing incessant internal change. These are called Organized Bodies, because of the various distinct parts or organs which they contain; and they form two remarkable classes, the individuals of one of which are fixed to the soil, and are called Vegetables; and of the other, are endowed with power of locomotion, and are called Ani- mals. The phenomena of growth, decay, death, sensation, self-motion and many others, belong to life, but from occurring in material structures which subsist in obedience to the laws of physics and chemistry, the life is truly a superstructure on the other two, and cannot be studied independently of them. Indeed, the greater part of the phenomena of organic life are merely chemical and physical phenomena, modified by an additional principle.—The science of Life is divided into animal and vegetable Physiology, (see the table below.) Mind.—The most important part of all science is the knowledge which man has obtained of the laws governing the operations of his own mind. This department stands eminently distinct from the others, on several ac- counts. Unlike that of organic life, which could not be understood until physics and chemistry had been previously investigated, this had made extra- INTRODUCTION. XI ordinary advances in a very early age, when the others, as methodical sciences, had scarcely begun to exist. In proof of this assertion we need only refer to the writings of the Greek philosophers. The most brilliant discoveries and applications, however, were reserved for the moderns, as will occur to many readers, on perusing, in the table below, the several divisions of the subject, and recollecting the honoured names which are now associated with each. It is truly admirable to see the modern analysis, deducing from a few simple laws of mind all the subordinate departments, just as it deduces mechanics, hydrostatics, pneumatics, &c, from the laws of physics : and let us hope that sound opinions on this subject, ensuring human happiness, and therefore beyond comparison more important than any other knowledge, will soon be widely spread.—The crowning science of Mind, although in certain respects independent of the science of Matter, is still closely allied to them in the fol- lowing ways. The faculties of the mind are originally awakened or called into activity solely by the impressions of matter or external nature: all the language used in speaking of mind and its operations, is borrowed from mat- ter; and many mental emotions are entirely dependent on bodily conditions. The science of Mind, therefore, cannot be studied until after knowledge acquired of an external nature; and cannot be studied extensively until that knowledge be extensive. Quantity.—To express most of the facts and laws of physics, chemistry and life, terms of quantity are required, as when we speak of the magnitude of a body, or say, that the force of attraction between two bodies diminishes, in a certain proportion, as their distance increases. Hence arises the neces- sity of having a set of fixed measures or standards, with which to compare all other quantities. Such measures have been adopted ; and they are, for numbers, the fingers, or fives and tens; for length, the human foot, cubit, pace, &c; and lately the seconds' pendulum and the French metre, (taken from the magnitude of our globe); for surfaces, the simplest forms of circle, square, triangle, &c, compared among themselves by the lengths of their diameters or other suitable lines; and for solid bulk, the corresponding sim- ple solids, of globe, cube, pyramid, cone, &c, similarly compared by the lengths of diameters or of other lines of dimension. The rules for applying these standards to all possible cases, and for comparing all kinds of quantities with each other, constitute a body of science, called the Science of Quantity, the Mathematics. It may be considered as a subsidiary department of human science, created by the mind itself, to facilitate the study of the others. Supposing description of particulars, or Natural History, to be studied along with the different parts of the System of Science sketched in the table, there will be included in the scheme the whole knowledge of the universe which man can acquire by the exercise of his own powers: that is to say, what he can acquire independently of a supernatural Revelation. And on this knowledge all his arts are founded,—some of them on the single part of Physics, as that of the machinist, architect, mariner, carpenter, &c; some on Chemistry, (which includes Physics,) as that of the miner, glass-maker, dyer, brewer, &c; and some on Physiology, (which includes much of Physics and Chemistry,) as that of the scientific gardener or botanist, agriculturist, zoologist, &c. The business of teachers of all kinds, and of governors, advo- cates, linguists, &c. &c, respects chiefly the science of Mind. The art of medicine requires in its professor a comprehensive knowledge of all the departments. Xll INTRODUCTION. TABLE OF SCIENCE AND ART. 1. Physics. 2. Chemistry. Mechanics, Hydrostatics, Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Acoustics, Heat, Optics, Electricity, Astronomy, &c. Simple substances Mineralogy, Geology, Pharmacy, Brewing, Dyeing, Tanning, &c. 3. Life. Vegetable Physiology, Botany, Horticulture, Agriculture, &c. Animal Physiology, Zoology, Anatomy, Pathology, Medicine, &c. 4. Mind. Intellect. Logic, Mathematics, &c. Motives to action. Emotions and Passions, Morals, Government, Political Economy, Theology, Education. In the first stages of education, viz., during the years of childhood and youth, the learning acquired is necessarily of the most mixed kind, and much of it is determined by what is called accident; but from the mutual depend- ence of the different departments of science, as explained in the preceding paragraphs, it follows that with a view to complete erudition, the order exhi- bited in " The Table," is that in which they should afterwards be studied, so as to prevent repetitions and anticipations, and to diminish, as much as pos- sible, the labour of acquirement. Every man may be said to begin his education, or acquisition of knowledge, on the day of his birth. Certain objects, repeatedly presented to the infant, are, after a time, recognized and distinguished. The number of objects thus known gradually increases, and from the constitution of the mind, they are soon associated in the recollection, according to their resemblances, or obvi- ous relations. Thus, sweetmeats, toys, articles of dress, &c, soon form distinct classes in the memory and conceptions. At a later age, but still very early, the child distinguishes readily between a mineral mass, a vegetable, and an animal; and thus his mind has already noted the three great classes of natural bodies, and has acquired a certain degree of acquaintance with Na- tural History. He also soon understands the phrases "a fallino- body," "the force of a moving body," and has therefore a perception of the great physical laws of gravity and inertia. Then having seen sugar dissolved in water, and wax melted round the wick of a burning candle, he has learned INTRODUCTION. Xlll some phenomena of Chemistry. And having observed the conduct of the domestic animals, and of the persons about him, he has begun his acquaint- ance with Physiology and the science of Mind. Lastly, when he has learned to count his fingers and his sugar-plums, and to judge of the fairness of the division of a cake between himself and brothers, he has advanced into Arithmetic and Geometry. Thus, within a year or two, a child of common sense has made a degree of progress in all the great departments of human science; and in addition has learned to name objects, and to express feelings, by the arbitrary sounds of language. Such, then, are the beginnings or foun- dations of knowledge, on which future years of experience, or methodical education, must rear the superstructure of the more considerable attainments which befit the various conditions of men in a civilized community. In the course of the preceding disquisition, we have seen that Physics or Natural Philosophy, the subject of the present volume, is fundamental to the other parts, and is therefore that of which a knowledge is indispensable. Bacon truly calls it " the root of the sciences and arts." That its import- ance has not been marked by the place which it has held in common sys- tems of education, is owing chiefly, 1st, to the misconception that a know- ledge of technical mathematics was a necessary preliminary; and, 2d, to an opinion, also erroneous, that the degree of acquaintance with Physics which all persons acquire by common experience, is sufficient for common pur- poses : now it is true, that the toys of childhood, as the windmill, ball, syphon, tube, and a hundred others, furnish so many exemplifications of the laws of Physics, and may well be called a philosophical apparatus; but they give information which is exceedingly vague, and not at all such as is absolutely requisite in the practice of many of the arts. If, then, the study of Physics be so easy as now appears, and so important as we shall try still farther to show, there can be no excuse for neglecting it. The greatest sum of knowledge acquired with the least trouble is, perhaps, that which comes with the study of the few simple truths of Physics. To the man who understands these, very many phenomena, which, to the unin- formed, appear prodigies, are only beautiful illustrations of his fundamental knowledge, and this he carries about with him, not as an oppressive weight, but as a charm supporting the weight of other knowledge, and enabling him to add to his valuable store every new fact of importance which may offer itself. With such a principle of arrangement, his information, instead of resembling loose stones or rubbish thrown together in confusion, becomes as a noble edifice, of correct proportions and firm contexture, and is acquiring greater strength and consistency with the experience of every day. It has been a common prejudice, that persons thus instructed in general laws had their attention too much divided, and could know nothing perfectly. But the very reverse is true ; for general knowledge renders all particular knowledge more clear and precise. The ignorant man may be said to have charged his hun- dred books of knowledge, to use a rude simile, with single objects, while the informed man makes each support a long chain, to which thousands of kin- dred and useful things are attached. The laws of Philosophy may be com- pared to keys which give admission to the most delightful gardens that fancy can picture ; or to a magic power, which unveils the face of the universe, and discloses endless charms of which ignorance never dreams. The informed man, in the world, may be said to*be always surrounded by what is known and friendly to him, while the ignorant man is as one in a land of strangers and enemies. A man reading a thousand volumes of ordinary books as agree- able pastime, will receive only vague impressions; but he who studies the XIV INTRODUCTION. methodized Book of Nature, converts the great universe into a simple and sublime history, which tells of God, and may worthily occupy his attention to the end of his days. We have said already, that the laws of Physics govern the great natural phenomena of Astronomy, the tides, winds, currents, &c. We will now mention some of the artificial purposes to which man's ingenuity has made the same laws subservient. Nearly all that the civil engineer accomplishes, ranges under the head of Physics. Let us take, for instance, the admirable specimens scattered oyer the British Isles:—the numerous canals for inland traffic; the docks to receive the riches of the world, pouring towards us from every quarter; the many harbours offering safe retreat to the storm-driven mariner; the magnificent bridges which everywhere facilitate intercourse ; hills bored through to open ways for commerce by canals, common roads and rail-roads, the canals in some places being supported, like the roads, on arches across valleys or above rivers, so that here and there the singular phenomenon is seen of one vessel sailing directly over another; vast tracts of swamp or fen-land drained, and now serving for agricultural; the noble light-house, rearing* its head amidst the storm, while the dweller within trims his lamp in safety, and guides his endangered fellow-creature through the perils of the night, &c. &c. In Holland, great part of the country has been won and is now preserved from the sea, by the same almost creating power; and now rich cities and an extended garden smile, where, as related by Caesar, were formerly only bogs and a dreary waste. As a general picture, it is interesting to consider, that in many situations on earth where formerly the rude savage beheld the cataract falling among the rocks, and the wind bending the trees of the forest, and sweeping the clouds along the mountain's brow, or whitening the face of the ocean, and regarding these phenomena with awe and terror, as marking the agency of some great but hidden power, which might destroy him ; in the same situa- tions now, his informed son, who works with the laws of nature, can lead the waters of the cataract, by sloping channels, to convenient spots, where they are made to turn his mill-wheel, and to do his multifarious work; the rushing winds, also, he makes his servant, by rearing in their course the broad-vaned wind-mill, which then performs a thousand offices for its mas- ter, man; and the breezes which whiten the ocean are caught in his expanded sails, and are made to waft their lord and his treasures across the deep, for his pleasure or his profit. In Architecture, also, Physics is supreme, and has directed the construc- tion of the temples, pyramids, domes and palaces, which adorn the earth. In respect to machinery, generally, Physics is the guiding light. There are, for instance, the mighty steam-engine; machines for spinning and weav- ing, and for moulding other bodies into various shapes, yea, even iron itself, as if it were plastic clay; wind-mills and water-mills, and wheel carriages; the plough, and implements of husbandry; artillery and the furniture of war: the balloon, in which man rides triumphantly above the clouds, and the diving-bell, in which he penetrates the secret caverns of the deep; the imple- ments of the intellectual arts, of printing, drawing, painting, sculpture, &c; musical instruments; optical and mathematical instruments, and a thousand others. But Physics is also an important foundation of the healing art. The medi- cal man, indeed, is the engineer pre-eminently; for it is in the animal body that true perfection and the greatest variety of mechanism are found. Where, INTRODUCTION. XV to illustrate Mechanics, is to be found a system of levers and hinges, and moving parts, like the limbs of an animal body; where such an hydraulic apparatus, as in the heart and blood-vessels; such a pneumatic apparatus, as in the breathing chest; such acoustic instruments, as in the ear and larynx; such an optical instrument, as in the eye; in a word, such variety and per- fection, as in the whole of the visible anatomy? All these structures, then, the medical man should understand, as a watchmaker knows the parts of a time-piece about which he is employed. The watchmaker, unless he can discover where a pin is loose, or a wheel injured, or a particle of dust adher- ing, or oil wanting, &c, would ill succeed in repairing an injury; and so also of the ignorant medical man in respect to the human body. Yet will it be believed, that there are many medical men who neither understand me- chanics, nor hydraulics, nor pneumatics, nor optics, nor acoustics, beyond the merest routine; and that systems of medical education are put forth at this day which do not even mention the department of Physics! That such is the case, furnishes an illustration of what is stated in the beginning of this essay; viz., that the sciences and arts are progressive, and that perfect methods of education must arise gradually, like all other things of human contrivance. It is within the recollection of persons now living, that political economy was discovered to be a grand foundation of the art of government, indicating means of security against many national misfortunes common in former times, yea, even against famine and war. And the day is not distant, when the members of the medical profession generally will understand how much the correct knowledge of animal structure and function, and of many remedies, must depend on precise acquaintance with Physics.—Besides the more strictly professional matters contained in the medical sections of the present work, there are many others scattered through it which greatly interest the medical man; such are the subjects of meteorology, climate, ventilation and warming of dwellings, specific gravities, &c. &c. The laws of Physics having an influence so extensive as appears from these paragraphs, it need not excite surprise that all classes of society are at last discovering the deep interest they have to understand them. The lawyer finds that in many of the causes tried in his courts, an appeal must be made to Physics,—as in cases of disputed inventions; accidents in navigation, or among carriages, steam-engines, and machines generally; questions arising out of the agency of winds, rains, water-currents, &c: the statesman is con- stantly listening to discussions respecting bridges, roads, canals, docks, and the mechanical industry of the nation: the clergyman finds ranged among the beauties of nature, the most intelligible and striking proofs of God's wis- dom and goodness; the sailor in his ship has to deal with one of the most admirable machines in existence: soldiers, in using their projectiles, in marching where rivers are to be grossed, woods to be cut down, roads to be made, towns to be besieged, &c, are dependent chiefly on their knowledge of Physics : the land-owner, in making improvements on his estates, building, draining, irrigating, road-making, &c; the farmer equally in these particu- lars, and in all the machinery of agriculture ; the manufacturer, of course ; the merchant who selects and distributes over the world the products of manu- facturing industry—all these are interested in Physics; then also the man of letters, that he may not, in drawing his illustrations from the material world, repeat the scientific heresies and absurdities which have heretofore prevailed, and which, by shocking the now better-informed public, exceed- ingly lower the estimation in which such specimens of the Belles Lettres are held, and lessen their general utility: and, lastly,parents of either sex, XVI INTRODUCTION. whose conversation and example have such powerful effect on the character of their children, who, when grown up, are to fill all the stations in society; all should study Physics, as one important part of their education. And it is for such reasons that Natural Philosophy is becoming daily more and more a part of common education. In our cities now, and even in an ordinary dwelling-house, men are surrounded by prodigies of mechanic art, and cannot submit to use these, regardless of how they are produced, as a horse is regardless of how the corn falls into his manger. A general diffu- sion of knowledge, owing greatly to the increased commercial intercourse of nations, and therefore to the improvements in the physical departments of astronomy, navigation, &c, is changing everywhere the condition of man, and elevating the human character in all ranks of society. In remote times the inhabitants of the earth were generally divided into small states or socie- ties, which had few relations of amity among themselves, and whose thoughts and interests were confined very much within their own little terri- tories and rude habits. In succeeding ages, men found themselves belonging to larger communities, as when the English heptarchy was united; but still distant kingdoms and quarters of the world were of no interest to them, and were often totally unknown. Now, however, every one feels that he is a member of one vast civilized society, which covers the face of the earth; and no part of the earth is indifferent to him. In England, for instance, a man of small fortune may cast his looks around him, and say with truth and exultation, " I am lodged in a house which affords me conveniences and comforts which, some centuries ago, even a king could not command. Ships are crossing the seas in every direction, to bring me what is useful to me from all parts of the earth. In China, men are gathering the tea-leaf lor me; in America, they are planting cotton for me; in the West Indies, they are preparing my sugar and my coffee ; in Italy, they are feeding silk-worms for me; in Saxony, they are shearing the sheep to make me clothing; at home, powerful steam-engines are spinning and weaving for me, and making cutlery for me, and pumping the mines that minerals useful to me may be procured. Although my patrimony was small, I have post-coaches running day and night, on all the roads to carry my correspondence; I have roads, and canals, and bridges, to bear the coal for my winter fire; nay, I have protecting fleets and armies around my happy country, to secure my enjoy- ments and repose. Then I have editors and printers, who daily send me an account of what is going on throughout the world, among all these people who serve me. And in a corner of my house I have Books! the miracle of all my possessions, more wonderful "than the wishing-cap of the Arabian Tales ; for they transport me instantly, not only to all places, but to all times. By my books I can conjure up before me, into vivid existence, all the great and good men of antiquity; and for my individual satisfaction I'can make them act over again the most renowned of their exploits; the orators declaim for me; the historians recite ; the poets sing ; and from the equator to the pole, or from the beginning of time until now, bv my books, I can be where I please. This picture is not overcharged, and might be much ex- tended, such being God's goodness and providence, that each individual of the civilized millions dwelling on the earth, may have neatly the same enjoy- ments as if he were the single lord of all. Reverting to the importance of Natural Philosophy as a general study it may be remarked that there is no occupation which so much strengthens and quickens the judgment. This praise has usually been bestowed on the Ma thematics, although a knowledge of abstract Mathematics existed with all the INTRODUCTION. XV11 absurdities of the dark ages; but a familiarity with Natural Philosophy, which comprehends Mathematics, and gives tangible and pleasing illustra- tions of the abstract truths, seems incompatible with the admission of any gross absurdity. A man whose mental faculties have been sharpened by ac- quaintance with these exact sciences in their combination, and who has been engaged, therefore, in contemplating reed relations, is more likely to disco- ver truth in other questions, and can better defend himself against sophistry of every kind. We cannot have clearer evidence of this than in the history of the sciences, since the Baconian method of reasoning by induction took place of the visionary hypotheses of preceding times. Until then, even powerful minds did not recoil from the most absurd theories on all subjects. Astronomy was mixed with Astrology ; Chemistry with Alchemy ; Physi- ology with the singular hypotheses which preceded the discovery of the cir- culation of the blood; Politics with the errors of monopolies, prohibitions, balance of trade, &c. Even Religion itself, in various ages and countries, has felt the influence of the state of the public mind as to solid attainments. To a man with the knowledge of nature which we now possess, the fables and licentious abominations of the Greek and Roman theologies are shocking indeed; as are the religions of the God of Fire in China, of Vishnoo in India, of Mahomet's imposture and pretended miracles, &c. But the enlight- ened Christian minister earnestly recommends the study of nature; first, because from contemplating the beauty of creation, with the wisdom and benevolent design manifest in all its parts, there spring up in every unde- praved mind those feelings of admiration and gratitude, which constitute the adoration of natural religion, and which form, as shown by many estimable writers on Natural Theology, a fit foundation for the sublime doctrine of immortality, and secondly, because a Revelation being probable only by the miracles occurring at its establishment; to enable men to distinguish between miracles and the usual course of nature, a perfect knowledge of that course, or of Natural Philosophy, is essential: all the false religions of antiquity were founded on, and upheld by pretended miracles. As regards the ques- tion of immortality, even independently of Revelation, no man who con- templates the order and beauty of the material world, and then thinks on the hideous deformities of the moral world—where vice so often triumphs, and modest virtue pines and dies—can for a moment believe that they are the work of the same author, unless there be a hereafter of retribution; and feeling thus that eternal justice requires another state for man, he embraces with delight the cheering promises of immortality. There have been, how- ever, at various times, even among Christians, sincere, but weak-minded or ill-informed men, who decried the study of the natural sciences, a* inimical to true religion; as if God's ever-visible and magnificent revelation of his attributes in the structure of the universe could be at variance with any other revelation. But such prejudices are now quickly passing away. Wherever considerable knowledge of nature exists, debasing and gloomy superstition must cease. It is not the abject terror of a slave which is in- spired by contemplating the majesty and power of our God, displayed in his works, but a sentiment akin to the lender regard which leads a favoured child to approach with confidence a wise and indulgent parent. It remains for the author now only to say a few words with respect to the present work. He was originally led to the undertaking with the view of supplying the desideratum in medical literature, of a treatise on Medical Physics ; but soon perceiving that the preliminary investigation of General Physics, necessary to adapt the work to medical readers, would require to XV1U INTRODUCTION. be nearly as extensive as it would for general readers, and reflecting that every person of liberal education must now possess such a book, not to be read once and then thrown aside as a novel is, but to be frequently consulted as a manual, he determined to make his book as complete and as extensively useful as possible. He has been encouraged, during his labour, by the belief that the growing light of science, which now exhibits more clearly the natu- ral relations of the°different departments of study, as attempted to be por- trayed in the preceding pages, might enable him to avoid some of the defects of former elementary treatises, and to add features of novelty and improve- ment to his own. The sections on Animal Physics were, of course, written for medical men; and a great service will be rendered by the work, if it only awakens them to a just sense of the importance of Physics as one of the foundations of their art. But even for general readers there are few parts of these sections which the author would exclude. There is nothing more admirable in nature than the structure and functions of the human body, and there are many reasons why no liberal mind should be careless of the study. The details here given are not more anatomical than the illustrations from the animal economy contained in the common treatises on Natural Theology. From the attempt in this work to compress into the smallest possible space the greatest possible sum of scientific information, few his- torical details have been admitted, whether relating to the distinguished men who have benefited the world as authors or inventors, or to the history of the progress of science :—such details form an interesting, but distinct branch of study. The author must not conclude without observing, that no treatise on Natu- ral Philosophy can save, to a person desiring full information on the sub- ject, the necessity of attendance on experimental lectures or demonstrations. Things that are seen, and felt, and heard, that is, which operate on the exter- nal senses, leave on the memory much stronger and more correct impres- sions than where the conceptions are produced merely by verbal description, however vivid. And no man has ever been remarkable for his knowledge of Physics, Chemistry, or Physiology, who has not had practical familiarity with the objects. With reference to this familiarity, persons who take a philanthropic interest in the affairs of the world, must observe, with much pleasure, the now daily increasing facilities of acquiring useful knowledge, afforded by the scientific institutions formed and forming, not only through this kingdom, but through most civilized nations. Bedford Square, 1st March, 1827. ELEMENTS OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY. SYNOPSIS, OR GENERAL REVIEW. If it excite our admiration that a varied edifice, or even a magnificent city can be constructed of stone from one quarry, what must our feeling be to learn how few and simple the elements are out of which the sublime fabric of the universe, with all its orders of phenomena, has arisen, and is now sustained ! These elements are general facts and laws which human saga- city is able to detect, and then to apply to endless purposes of human advan- tage. Now the four words, atom, attraction, repulsion, inertia, point to four general truths, which explain the greater part of the phenomena of nature. Being so general, they are called physical truths, from the Greek word signi- fying nature, as also " truths of Natural Philosophy," with the same mean- ing, and sometimes " mechanical truths," from their close relation to ordinary machinery. These appellations distinguish them from the remaining general truths, namely, the chemical truths, which regard particular substances, and the vital and mental truths, which have relation only to living beings. And even in the cases where a chemical or vital influence operates, it modifies, but does not destroy, the physical influence. By fixing the attention, then, on these four fundamental truths, the studen obtains, as it were, so many keys to unlock, and lights to illuminate the secrets and treasures of nature. 1st. Atom. Every material mass in nature is divisible into very minute indestructible and unchangeable particles,—as when a piece of any metal is bruised, broken, cut, dissolved, or otherwise transformed, a thousand times, but can always be exhibited again as perfect as at first. This truth is con- veniently recalled by giving to the particles the name atom, which is a Greek term, signifying that which cannot be farther cut or divided, or an exceeding minute resisting particle. 2d. Attraction. It is found that the atoms above referred to, whether separate or already joined into masses, tend towards all other atoms or masses, —as when the atoms of which any mass is composed are, by an invisible influence, held together with a certain degree of force; or when a block of stone is similarly held down to the earth on which it lies; or when the tides on the earth rise towards the moon. These facts are conveniently recalled by connecting with them the word Attraction (a drawing together) or gra- vitation. 3d. Repulsion. Atoms under certain circumstances, as of heat diffused among them, have their mutual attraction countervailed or resisted, and they 20 SYNOPSIS. tend to separate;—as when ice heated melts into water, or when water heated bursts into steam, or when gunpowder ignited explodes. Such tacts are conveniently recalled by the term Repulsion (a thrusting asunder.) 4th. Inertia. As a fly-wheel made to revolve, at first offers resistance to the force moving it, but gradually acquires speed proportioned to that force, and then resists, being again stopped, in proportion to its speed, so all bodies or atoms in the universe have about them, in regard to motion, what may be figuratively called a stubbornness, tending to keep them in their existing state, whatever it may be—in other words, they neither acquire motion, nor lose motion, nor bend their course in motion, but in exact proportion to some force applied. Many of the motions now going on in the universe with such regularity—as that turning of the earth which produces the phenomena of day and night—are motions which began thousands of years ago, and continue unvarying in this way. Such facts are conveniently recalled by the term in- ertia applied to them. A person comprehending fully the import of these four words, that is to say, having present to his mind numerous good types or exemplars of the facts referred to them, may predict or anticipate correctly, and may control very many of the facts and phenomena which the extended experience of a life can display to him; and such a person is commonly said to know the causes or reasons of things and events. Now it is important here to observe, that when a person gives a reason or explanation of any fact, other than that it is a fact, or than that the Creator has willed it, he is merely, although he may not be aware of this, showing its resemblance to many other facts, no one of which he understands better than itself—and what he calls a general truth, or law, or principle, is merely an expression for the observed but un- accountable resemblance of the facts. Thus, when a man says that a stone falls because of attraction or gravitation, he only uses a word which recalls thousands of instances which he has witnessed of one body approaching another; but by any cause of the approach, other than that God has willed it, is to him utterly unknown. Should men, in the progress of their re- searches, discover that the phenomena now classed by them under the heads of attraction and repulsion, although apparently opposite, are really as closely allied as they already know the rising of a balloon and the falling of a stone to be (the balloon rises like a cork in water, being pushed up by the fluid air around it, heavier than it, and seeking to descend,) they will not have disco- vered a new cause, but a new resemblance, (new to them) among phenomena, and will only have advanced one step farther in perceiving the simplicity of creation. In accordance with these views, it will be found that this volume is chiefly an extensive display of the most important phenomena of nature and art, classified so as to be explained by the four physical truths, and mutu- ally to illustrate one another. They will be distributed under the following heads or divisions: PART I. CONSTITUTION of masses, motions and forces. The four fundamental truths extensively examined, and used to explain generally, in Section 1. The nature or constitution of the material masses which compose the universe; (a department technically called Somatology, from Greek words signifying a discourse on body.) SYNOPSIS. 21 2. The motions or phenomena going on among the masses ;—a department including the common divisions of Statics (things stationary or at rest,) and Dynamics (what relates to force or power.) PART II. phenomena of solids. The four truths explaining the peculiarities of state and motion among solid bodies:—a department called, in a restricted sense, Mechanics, (from the Greek word signifying a machine.) PART III. phenomena of fluids. The truths explaining the peculiarities of state and motion among fluid bodies:—a department called Hydrodynamics (from Greek words signifying water and force.) Section 1. Hydrostatics (water at rest or in equilibrium.) 2. Pneumatics (airphenomena.) 3. Hydraulics (water or fluid in motion.) 4. Acoustics (phenomena of sound and hearing.) PART IV. phenomena of imponderable substances. The truths aiding to explain the more recondite phenomena of Imponde- rable Substances, under the heads of Section 1. Heat or Caloric. 2. Light or Optics. PART V. ANIMAL AND MEDICAL PHYSICS. In this part will be ranged the most interesting illustrations afforded by the animal economy, constituting—Animal and Medical physics. As no man can well understand a subject of which he does not carry a dis- tinct outline in his mind, it is recommended to the reader of this work to study the general synopsis, and the analysis placed at the heads of the chap- ters and sections, until the memory be well impressed with them. 3 22 CONSTITUTION OF MASSES. PART I. THF FOUR FUNDAMENTAL TRUTHS MINUTELY EXAMINED, AND USED TO EXPLAIN GENERALLY FIRST, THE NATURE OR CONSTITUTION OF THE MATERIAL MASSES WHXCrcOMPOSE THE UNIVERSE, AND SECONDLY, THE MOTIONS OR PHENO- MENA GOING ON AMONG THEM. SECTION L—THE CONSTITUTION OF MASSES. ANALYSIS OF THE SECTION. The visible universe is built up of very minute indestructible atoms called matter, which, by mutual attraction, cohere or cling together in masses of various form and magnitude. The atoms are more or less approxi- mated, according to the quantity or repulsion of heat among them, and hence arise the three remarkable forms in the masses, of solid, liquid and air, which mutually change into each other with change in the quantity of heat. Certain modifications of attraction and repulsion produce the subordinate peculiarities of state called crystal, dense, hard, elastic, brittle, malleable, ductile and tenacious. " Minute Indestructible Atoms."* That the smallest portion of any substance which the human eye can per- ceive, is still a mass of many ultimate atoms or particles, which may be separated from each other, or newly arranged, but which cannot individu- ally be hurt or destroyed, is deduced from such facts as the following: A particle of powdered marble, hardly visible to the naked eye, still ap- pears to the microscope a block susceptible of indefinite division; and, when it is broken by fit instruments, until the microscope can hardly discover the separate particles of the fine powder, these may be yet farther divided, by solution in an acid; the whole becoming then absolutely invisible, as part of a transparent liquid. A small mass of gold may be hammered into thin leaf, or drawn into fine wire, or cut into almost invisible parts, or liquefied in a crucible, or dissolved in an acid, or dissipated by intense heat into vapour; yet, after any and all of these changes, the atoms can be collected again to form the original mass of gold, without the slightest diminution or change. And all the substances or * The different heads or titles, which appear thus, throughout the work, between inverted commas, are the successive portions of the Analysis, detached for separate consideration. The reader is particularly requested to re-peruse the analysis at the several interruptions, that he may have constantly before him that clear view of the general relations among the different parts of the subject, which is essential to a perfect understanding of it. CONSTITUTION op masses. 23 elements of which our globe is composed, may thus be cut, torn, bruised, ground, &c, a thousand and a thousand times, but are always recoverable as perfect as at first. And, with respect to delicate combinations of these elements, such as exist in animal and vegetable bodies, although it be beyond human art, originally to produce, or even closely to imitate many of them—for we cannot build up a feather or a rose—still, in their decomposition and apparent destruction, the accomplished chemist of the present day does not lose a single atom. The coal which burns in his apparatus, until only a little ash remains behind, or the wax-taper which seems to vanish altogether in flame, or the portion of animal flesh which putrefies, and gradually dries up and disappears—present to us phenomena which are now proved to be only changes of connection and arrangement among the indestructible ultimate atoms ; and the chemist can offer all the elements again, mixed or separate, as desired, for any of the useful purposes to which they are severally applicable. When the funeral piles of the ancients, with their charge of human remains, appeared to be wholly consumed, and left the idea with survivors that no base use could be made, in after time, of what had been the material dwelling of a noble or beloved spi- rit, the flames had only, as it were, scattered the enduring blocks of which a former edifice had been constructed, but which were soon to serve again in new combinations. Facts, to be stated under the heads of " chemical composition" and " crys- tal," will prove, that the ultimate particles of any substance must be, among themselves, perfectly similar. "Minute." (Read the Analysis page 22.) The following are interesting particulars in the arts or in nature, helping the mind to conceive how minute the ultimate atoms of matter must be. Goldbeaters, by hammering, reduce gold to leaves so thin, that 360,000 must be laid upon one another to produce the thickness of an inch. They are so thin, that if formed into a book, 1,800 would occupy only the space of a single leaf of common paper; and an octavo volume an inch thick would have as many pages as the books of a well-stocked ordinary library contain- ing 1,800 volumes of 400 pages each; yet those leaves are perfect, or free from holes, so that one of them laid upon any surface, as in gilding, gives the appearance of solid gold. Still thinner than this is the coating of gold, upon the silver wire of what is called gold lace ; and we know not that such coating is of only one atom thick. If we place a piece of this wire in nitric acid, so as to dissolve the silver within, the gold coating remains as a metallic tube of exquisite tenuity. Platinum can be drawn into wire much finer than human hair. A grain of blue vitriol or carmine, will tinge a gallon of water, so that in every drop the colour may be perceived. A grain of musk will scent a room for twenty years, and will have lost but little of its weight. The carrion crow seems to smell its food at a distance of many miles. The thread of the silk-worm is so small, that many folds have to be twisted together to form our finest sewing thread; but that of the spider is smaller still, for two drachms of it by weight would reach from London to Edinburgh, or 400 miles. In the milt of a cod-fish, or in water in which certain vegetables have been infused, the microscope discovers animalcules, of which many thou- 24 CONSTITUTION OF MASSES. sands together do not equal in bulk a grain of sand; yet these have their blood and other subordinate parts like larger animals; and, indeed, nature, with a singular prodigality, has supplied many of them with organs as com- plex as those of the whale or elephant. Now the body of an animalcule consists of the same elementary substances, or ultimate atoms, as the body of man himself. In a single pound of matter, it thus appears, that there may be more living creatures than of human beings on the face of this globe. What scenes has the microscope laid open to the admiration of the philoso- phic inquirer! Water, mercury, sulphur, or, in general, any substance, when sufficiently heated, rises as invisible vapour or gas: in other words, is made to assume the aeriform state. Great heat, therefore, would cause the whole of the ma- terial universe to disappear, the previously most solid bodies becoming as invisible and impalpable as the air we breathe. Utter annihilation would seem but one stage beyond this. " Matter:' The inconceivable minuteness of ultimate atoms, as shown above, has led some inquirers to doubt whether there really be matter; that is to say, whether what we call substance or matter have existence or not. In answer to this, it has been usual to adduce, besides the weights of the substances, and the proofs of indestructibility already mentioned, which seem conclusive, the fact that every kind or portion of matter obstinately occupies some space to the exclusion of all other matter from that particular space. This occu- pancy of space is the simplest and most complete idea which we have of ma- terial existence. The awkward word impenetrability has been used to ex- press it, with reference of course to the individual atoms. The following are elucidations: We cannot push one billiard-ball into the substance of another, and then a second and then a third, and so on; or the material of the universe might be absorbed in a point. A mass of iron on a support will resist the weight of thousands of pounds laid upon it and pressing to descend into its place; and although a very great weight might crush or break it into pieces, still one particle would not be annihilated. In a forcing-pump, or in Braham's water-press, millions of pounds cannot push the piston down, unless the water below it be allowed to escape. A weight laid upon bladders full of air, or on the piston handle of a closed air-pump, is supported in the same manner. A quantity of air escaping from a vessel under water ascends throuo-h the water as a bubble, displacing its bulk of water in its way. A glass tube, left open at bottom, while the thumb closes the top, if pressed from air into water, is not filled with water, because the air con- tained m it resists; but if the air be allowed to escape by removing the thumb from the top, the tube becomes filled immediately to the level of the water around it. In a goblet or basin pushed into water, with the mouth downwards, the entrance of water is resisted for the like reason ; and if the goblet be inverted over a floating lighted taper, this will continue to float under it, and to burn in the contained air, however deep in the water it may be carned-exhibiting the curious phenomenon of light below water, and being an emblem of the living inmate of a diving bell, which is merely a larger goblet holding a man instead of a candle. GENERAL ATTRACTION. 25 "Mutual Attraction" (See the Analysis, page 22.) Any visible mass of matter, then, as of metal, salt, sulphur, &c, we know to be really a collection of dust, or minute atoms, by some cause made to cohere or cling together; yet there are no hooks connecting them, nor nails, nor glue; and the connection may be broken a thousand times, by processes of nature or art, but is always ready to take place again ; the cause being no more destroyed in any case by interruption, than the weight of a thing is destroyed by frequent lifting from the ground. Now the cause we know not, but we call it attraction. The phenomena of attraction and its contrary, repulsion, particularly when occurring between bodies at consider- able distances from each other, are as inexplicable as any subjects which the human mind has to contemplate; but the manner or laws of the pheno- mena are now well understood. The general nature and extensive influence of attraction may be judged of from the following facts: Logs of wood floating in a pond, or ships in calm water, approach each other, and afterwards remain in contact. When the floating bodies are very small, or can approach very near to each other at the water's edge—as glass bulbs in a teacup—an additional force is called into play, as will be ex- plained under the head of " capillary attraction." The wreck of a ship, in a smooth sea after a storm, is often seen gathered into heaps. Two bullets or plummets suspended by strings near to each other, are found by the delicate test of the torsion balance (which will be described afterwards) to attract each other, and therefore not to hang quite perpendicu- larly. A plummet suspended near the side of a mountain inclines towards it, in a degree proportioned to its magnitude; as was ascertained by the well- known trials of Dr. Maskeleyne near the mountain Schehallion, in Scotland. And the reason why the plummet in such a case tends much more strongly towards the earth than towards the hill, is only that the earth is larger than the hill. At New South Wales, which is situated on our globe nearly opposite to England, plummets hang and fall towards the centre of the globe, as they do here ; so that in respect to England, they are hanging and falling upwards, and the people there, like flies on the opposite side of a pane of glass, are standing with their feet towards us,—hence called our antipodes. Weight, therefore, is merely general attraction acting everywhere. But it is owing to this general attraction that our earth itself is a globe:— all its parts being drawn towards each other, that is, toward a common centre, the mass assumes the spherical or rounded form. And the moon also is round, and all the planets; nay, the glorious sun, too, so much larger than these, is round;—suggesting the inference that all must at one time have been to a certain degree fluid, and that all are subject to the same law. Descending again to the earth and observing minuter masses, we have many interesting instances of roundness from the same cause; as—the parti- cles of a mist or fog floating in air—these, mutually attracting and coalescing into larger drops, and so forming rain—dew-drops—water trickling on a duck's wing—the tear dropping from the cheek—drops of laudanum—glo- bules of mercury, like pure silver beads, coalescing when near, and forming larger ones—melted lead allowed to rain down from an elevated sieve, and 26 CONSTITUTION OF MASSES. by cooling as it descends so as to retain the form of its liquid drops, becom- ing the spherical shot-lead of the sportsman, &c. The cause of this extraordinary phenomenon which we call attraction, acts at all distances.—The moon, though 240,000 miles from the earth, by her attraction, raises the water of our ocean under her, and forms what we call the tide.—The sun, still farther off, has a similar influence; and when the sun and moon act in the same direction, we have the spring tides.—The planets, so distant that they appear to us little wandering points in the heaven, yet, by their attraction, affect the motion of our earth in her orbit, quickening it when she is approaching them, retarding it when she is receding. The attraction is greater the nearer the bodies are to each other; as the light of a taper is more intense near to the taper than at a distance. A board of a foot square, represented in fig. 1 by A B, at a certain distance from a light, supposed at C, just shadows a board of two feet square, as E D, at double distance; but a board with a side of two feet has four times as much surface as a board with a side of one foot, for it is not only twice as high or long, which would make it double, but twice as broad also, which Fig. 1. E makes it quadruple—as a globe of two feet in diameter requires just four times as much paper to cover it as a globe of one foot,—and the corner, or fourth part, E F, of the larger square here shown is just equal to the whole of the smaller square A B. Light, therefore, at double distance from its source, being spread over four times the space, has onlv one-fourth of the intensity; and for a similar reason, at thrice the distance it has only a ninth part, at four times a sixteenth part, and so on. Now light, heat, attraction, sound, and, indeed, every influence from a central point, are found to decrease in the proportion here illustrated, viz., as the surface of squares which shadow one another increases. The technical expression is, "the intensity is in- versely as the square of the distance;" (the distances being estimated from the centres of attraction or radiation) or one-fourth part as strong at double distance, four times as strong at half distance, and in a corresponding manner for all other distances. Accordingly, what weighs 1,000 lbs. at the sea-shore, weighs five lbs. less at the top of a mountain of a certain height, or when raised in a balloon—as is proved experimentally by a spring balance, or other means;—and at the distance of the moon, the weight, or force towards the earth, of 1,000 lbs., is diminished to five ounces, as is proved by astronomical tests. Attraction has received different names as it is found acting under different circumstances. The chief distinctions are Gravitation, ^Cohesion, Capil- lary and* Chemical attractions. Gravitation is the name given to it when acting at sensible distances, as in the cases of the moon lifting the tides—the sun and earth attracting each COHESIVE ATTRACTION. 27 other—a stone falling, &c. Most of the facts enumerated at page 25, belong to this head. Cohesion is the name given, when it is acting at very short distances, as in keeping the atoms of a mass together. It might appear at first sight that it cannot be the same cause which draws a piece of iron to the earth with the moderate force called its weight, and which maintains the constituent atoms of the iron in such strong cohesion; but when we recollect that attraction is stronger as the substances are nearer to each other, the difficulty is met. Atoms very nearly in contact may be a million times nearer to each other than when only a quarter of an inch apart, and therefore when the heat among the atoms of any mass allows them to approach very near, they should attract mutually with great force. If, then, the surfaces of the bodies were not in general so very rough and irregular, that, when applied to each other, they can touch only in a few points of the million, perhaps, which each surface contains, bodies would be invariably sticking together or cohering by any accidental contact. The effect of artificially smoothing the touching surfaces is seen in the following examples:—we may remark, however, that besides irregularity of surface, there is another reason, explained a little farther on, which prevents the cohesion. Similar portions being cut off with a clean knife from two leaden bullets, and the fresh surfaces being brought into contact with a slight turning pres- sure, the bullets cohere, almost as if they had been originally cast in one piece. Fresh-cut surfaces of India-rubber or caoutchouc cohere in a similar way. We may hence make elastic air-tight tubes, by cutting off the edges of a strip of India-rubber and bringing the cut surfaces into contact by winding the strip spirally round any small rod or cylinder, and fixing it there for a time with tape or cord. Two pieces of perfectly smooth plate glass or marble, laid upon each other, adhere with great force: and so indeed do most well-polished flat surfaces. Cohesion between a solid and liquid, and between the particles of a liquid among themselves, is seen in the following instances. A flat piece of glass, balanced at the end of a weighing beam, and then allowed to come into contact with water, adheres to the water, and with much more force than the weight of water remaining upon it when again forcibly raised. If there were not cohesion or attraction of the water par- ticles among themselves, as well as to the glass, the latter could only be held down by the weight of the water which directly adhered to it. In pouring water from a mug or bottle-lip, the water does not at once fall per- pendicular, but runs down along the inclined outside of the vessel; chiefly in consequence of the attraction between this and the water; hence the dif- ficulty of pouring from a vessel which has not a projecting lip. The particles of water cohere among themselves in a degree which causes small needles gently laid on the surface to float:—the weight of the needles is not sufficient to overcome the cohesion of the water surface. For the same reason many light insects can walk upon the surface of wa- ter without being wetted. It is chiefly the different force of the attraction of cohesion in different 28 CONSTITUTION OF MASSES. liquids that causes their drops or gutts from the lip of a phial to be of different magnitude. Sixty drops of water fill the same measure as 100 drops of laudanum from a lip of the same size. In a larger mass of liquid, the attraction which, if acting alone, would draw the particles into the form of a distinct globe, yields to that which draws them towards the centre of the earth, and therefore the liquid assumes, more or less completely, what is called the level surface, that is to say, a surface corresponding with the general surface of the globe of the earth. Attraction is called capillary when it acts between a liquid and the interior of a solid, which is tubular or porous. When an open glass tube is partially immersed in water, the water within it stands above the level of that on the outside; and the difference of level is greater as the tube is less, because in small tubes, the glass all round being nearer to the raised water, attracts it more powerfully. Between two plates of glass standing near to each other, with their lower edges in water, a similar rising of water will occur; and if they are closer atone perpendicular edge than at the other, the surface of the suspended water will be higher there. The two plates of glass in such a case are found to be drawn towards each other by the interposed waters with a certain force as happens also to glass beads, or other small bodies, floating in water with their surfaces so near to each other at the water's edge, that the water may rise between them,—and the nearer they approach, the higher the wa- ter rises, and the more strongly it attracts. Water, ink or oil, coming in contact with the edge of a book, is rapidly absorbed far inwards among the leaves. A piece of sponge or a lump of sugar touching water by its lowest corner, soon becomes moistened throughout. The wick of a lamp lifts the oil to supply the flame, from two to three inches below it. A mass of cotton thread hanging over the edge of a glass from the water within it will empty it as a syphon would. A towel will empty a basin of water in the same way. Dry wedges of wood driven into a groove formed round a pillar of stone, on being moistened, will swell so as to rive off the portion from the block. In some quarries of Germany, mill-stones are thus cut from the rock. An immense weight or mass suspended by a dry rope may be raised a little way, by merely wetting the rope;—the moisture imbibed by capillary attraction into the substance of the rope causes it to swell laterally, and to become shorter. At one time, the small vessels of vegetables were supposed to raise the sap from the roots, by capillary attraction ; but this is known now to be chiefly an action of vegetable life. Attraction has received the name of chemical attraction, or affinity, when it unites the atoms of two or more distinct substances into one perfect compound. There are about fifty substances in nature which appear, in the present state of science, distinct from each other, and are therefore called kinds of matter: such as the various metals, sulphur, phosphorus, &c; but whether these are in truth, originally and essentially different or are only one simple CAPILLARY ATTRACTION. 29 primordial matter, modified by circumstances as yet unknown to us, we cannot at present positively determine. Diamond and pure black carbon are the same substance only with different arrangement of atoms ; and steel, which in the soft state the graver cuts as it would copper or silver, is exactly the same substance as when, after being tempered by heating and sudden cooling, it has become as hard nearly as diamond itself. Yet these differences are more striking than appear between some substances, which we now ac- count essentially distinct. It is found, however, that the atoms of what we call different substances will not cohere and unite indifferently, to form masses, as atoms of the same kind do,—there being singular preferences and dislikes among them, if it may be so expressed, or affinities as the chemists term it; and when atoms of two kinds do combine, the resulting compound generally loses all resem- blance to either of the elements.—Thus: Sulphuric acid will unite with copper and form a beautiful translucent blue salt; with iron it will form a green salt; and if a piece of iron be thrown into a solution of the copper salt, the acid will immediately let fall the cop- per, and take up or dissolve the iron.—Sulphuric acid will not unite with or dissolve gold at all.—Quicksilver and sulphur unite in certain proportions and form the paint called vermilion : in other proportions they form the black mass called Ethiops Mineral.—Lead with oxygen absorbed from the atmosphere or other source, forms what is called red lead, used by painters.—Sea-sand or flint, and the substance called soda, when heated together, unite and form that most useful substance called glass.—Certain proportions of sulphur and of iron combine and produce those beautiful cubes of pyrites or gold-like metal which are seen in slate. Chemical attraction operating thus, does not, in the slightest degree, interfere with general attraction or gravity, for every chemical compound weighs just as much as its elements taken separately. The history and classification of such facts connected with the combina- tions and analysis of different substances, constitute the science of chemistry, so attractive and so useful. It explains how the fifty kinds of matter above alluded to, by variously combining, form the endless diversity of bodies which constitute, as far as it has yet been explored, the mass of our globe. The reasons of these various modifications of attraction are yet much hidden from us. It is a remarkable truth, that when different substances combine in the way now described, the proportions of the ingredients are always uniform, and such as to lead to the conclusion, that for every atom present, of one substance, there is exactly one, or two, or three, &c. of the other; so that, if there be ten atoms of one substance, there are exactly ten, or twenty, &c. of the other, but never an intermediate number, as 13 or 23 to 10, for then a particle of the compound would consist of one atom of the first, and of one and three- tenths, or two and three-tenths, &c. of the second substance, an absurdity if the atom be indivisible. For instance, a certain number of atoms of quick- silver, which weigh twenty-five grains, combine with a certain number of atoms of sulphur, weighing two grains, and form a black compound called Ethiops Mineral, or black sulphuret of mercury; and if a little more of either ingre- dient be added, it lies as a foreign mixture in the sulphuret of mercury; but if just as much more sulphur be added as at first, so that there may be two atoms of it, instead of one, in every particle of the compound, a perfect combination of the whole will take place, and a new substance will appear which we call vermilion. Many elementary substances will only unite with each other in one proportion, so that any two such substances form only one compound : 30 CONSTITUTION OF MASSES. but others unite in several proportions, so that several distinct compounds arise out of the same two elements. It thus appears, that although we do not know the exact number of atoms in a given quantity of any substance,—whether, for instance, a grain of sul- phuret of mercury has more or less than a million of them ; still, as we know that in that grain there are just as many atoms of sulphur as of mercury, and that the weight of the whole sulphur to that of the whole mercury is as two to twenty-five, we know that the single atoms must have the same relation, or that the atom of mercury is 12^ times as heavy as that of sulphur. Tables have been formed exhibiting the relative weights of the atoms of different substances ; and the number standing opposite to each substance is called its chemical equivalent,—that is to say, the weight of its atom in rela- tion to the weight of the atom of some other substance chosen as a standard. The equivalent of a compound substance depends of course both on the equi- valents of the ingredients, and on the number of atoms existing in one inte- grant particle of the compound. There is no such thing as an atom of vermilion, or of any other com- pound, for the ultimate molecule or particle must contain at least one atom of the respective ingredients. The facts of the peculiarities and constancy of chemical unions are among the strongest arguments for the existence of similar ultimate atoms. Besides the simple cases of attraction now explained, there are two curious modifications, called electrical and magnetical attractions, which, from their peculiarities, are reserved for consideration in a future division of this work. "Atoms are more or less close, according to the quantity or Repulsion of heat among them; hence the forms of solid, fluid, air, 4*c." (Read the Analysis, p. 22.) Were there in the universe only atoms and attraction, as hitherto ex- plained, the whole material of creation would rush into close contact, forming one huge solid mass of stillness and death. But there is also heat or caloric, which counteracts attraction, and singularly modifies the results. It has been described by some as a most subtile fluid, pervading all things, somewhat as wafer pervades a sponge; others have accounted it merely a vibration among the atoms. The truth is, that we know little more of heat as a cause of repulsion than of gravity as a cause of attraction : but we can study and clas- sify most accurately the phenomena of both. When a continued addition of heat is made to any body, it gradually in- creases the mutual distance of the constituent atoms, or dilates the body. A solid thus is first enlarged and softened; then melted or fused, that is to say, reduced to J.he state of liquid, as the cohesive attraction is overcome; and lastly, the atoms are repelled to still greater distances, so that the substance is converted into elastic fluid or air. Abstraction of heat from such air causes return of states in the reverse order. Thus ice when heated becomes water, and the water when farther heated becomes steam : the steam when cooled again becomes water as before and the water when cooled becomes ice. Ice, water and steam, therefore, are three forms or states of the same substance—one of the most common in nature, being the material of the ocean. Other substances are similarly affected by heat, but as all have different relations to it, some requiring much for liquefaction, and some very little, we LIQUID AND AIR. 31 have that beautiful variety of solids, liquids and airs, which constitutes our external nature. Dilatation.—A rod of iron, which, when cold, will pass through a certain opening, and will lie lengthwise between two fixed points, when heated, be- comes too thick and too long to do either.—For accurate mensuration, there- fore, rods or chains used as the measure, must either be at a given temperature, or due allowance must be made for the difference. The walls of a building, under the pressure of a heavy roof, had begun to bulge out so as to threaten its stability. No force tried was sufficient to re- store them to perpendicularity, until the idea occurred of using the contracting force of cooling iron. The opposite walls were then connected by a number of iron bars, passing through both, and having nuts to screw close to the wall, upon their projecting ends, of which bars one-half were heated at a time, viz., every second or alternate bar, by lamps placed under them, and while lengthened in consequence, and projecting farther beyond the wall, their nuts were again screwed close up ; so that, on cooling and contracting, they pulled the wall in a degree back to its place. The nuts of the second set of bars being then screwed home, the other were again heated, and advanced the object as much as the first; and so on, until the object was accomplished. The iron rim of a coach wheel, when heated, goes on loosely and easily, but when afterwards cooled, it binds the wheel most tightly, giving remark- able firmness and strength. Iron hoops on masts and casks are made to bind in a similar manner. The common thermometer for measuring degrees of heat, is a glass bulb, filled with mercury or other fluid, and having a narrow tube rising from it, into which the fluid, on being expanded by heat, ascends, and so marks the degree. A bladder not quite full of cold air, on being heated, becomes tense, and if weak, may even be burst. Liquid and Air.—A piece of gold, lead, pitch, ice, sulphur, or of other thing, if sufficiently heated, melts or becomes liquid; each substance, how- ever, requiring a different degree of heat—gold requires 5,000 degrees, lead 600, ice 32, and so forth ; and if the heating be afterwards continued, most things at certain higher temperatures suddenly expand again to many times the liquid volume, and become aeriform fluids. The conversion of water into steam is familiarly known to all. One pint of water driven off as steam from the boiler of a low-pressure steam-engine, fills a space of nearly 2,000 pints, and raises the piston through this, with a force of many thousands of pounds : it immediately afterwards appears again in the cold condenser as a pint of water. Six times as much heat is required to convert a pint of water into steam, as to raise it from an ordinary temperature to that of boiling; but the steam, by occupying nearly 2,000 times the space of the water, proves that heat merely produces a repulsion among the particles, and by no means fills up the interstices. The steam rising from boiling water does not appear to the thermometer hotter than the water itself; and hence it was that Dr. Black, whose genius shed so much light on this part of knowledge, gave the excess of heat the name of latent heat. The latent heat of common air is made sensible in the match syringe. In this, which is close at the bottom, the piston is driven down quickly and strongly, so as to compress very much the air which is underneath it, and the heat then condensed with the air is sufficiently intense to light a small piece of tinder attached to the bottom of the piston. 32 CONSTITUTION OF MASSES. Not only are spirits, aethers, oils, &c, convertible, as water is into aeriform fluid, but also sulphur, phosphorus, mercury, and, indeed, all the metals and elementary substances ;—some of them, however, requiring heats of great intensity. The varieties of form, then, in the bodies on the face of this earth, may be considered accidental, as dependent on the temperature of the earth, and do not mark the permanent nature of the substances. In the planet Mercury, which is near the sun, resin, tallow, wax, and many vegetable substances deemed by us naturally solid, would all be liquid, as oil is with us ; and a certain mixture of tin, zinc and lead, which with us is solid at common temperatures, but melts in boiling water, would there be always liquid like our quicksilver. Our water, oils, and spirits, would there be in a state of steam or air, and could not be known as liquids, except by cooling processes and compression, such as we have lately learned to use for reduc- ing our different airs to the form of liquids. Again, in the cold planet Herschel, which is nineteen times farther from the sun than our earth is, water, if it exist, can be known only as rock crys- tal, which fire would have to melt as it does glass with us: our oils would be as butters or resins, and quicksilver might be hammered as lead or silver is with us. On our own earth, near the equator, common sealing-wax will not retain impressions ; butter is oil in the day, and a soft solid at night; and tallow candles cannot be used. And near our pole, in winter, the quicksilver from a broken thermometer is solid metal; water must be melted by fire for use ; oils are solid, &c. To judge, then, of the constitution of nature aright, we must always take extended surveys, and not allow prejudice to mislead us, as it did that Eastern potentate, who put a traveller to death for saying he had visited remote northern countries, where water was sometimes to be seen solid like crystal, and sometimes white and fleecy, like feathers.—The ancients believed that there were just four elements concerned in forming our globe, with all upon it, viz., earth, water, air and fire. What a contrast between former and pre- sent knowlege! Repulsion without sensible Heat. As we stated in a former paragraph that, besides general attraction, under the names gravitation, cohesion, capillary and chemical attraction, there are modifications which have the names of electrical and magnetical attractions; so we have now to remark, that, besides the general repulsion of heat just described, there are peculiarities which we call electrical and magnetical re- pulsions. Whether these depend altogether on different causes, or are only modifications of effect from the same cause, we cannot yet positively decide. And it is a curious fact connected with the subject, that there seems to be a film of repulsion, so to express it, covering the general surfaces of all bodies, and preventing their meeting in absolute contact, even when they appear to the human eye so to meet. Were it not for this, things would be constantly approaching so closely to each other, that they would stick or cohere, in a way to disturb the common operations of nature. The followino- facts'illus- trate this superficial repulsion, and the means which art uses to overcome it for particular purposes. Newton found that a ball of glass, or a watch-glass, laid upon a fiat surface REPULSION OF SURFACES. 33 of glass, does not really touch it and cannot be made to touch it by a force of even 1,000 pounds to the inch. In like manner, when glass, stone, porcelain, or" indeed almost any body is broken, we cannot make the parts cohere again by simply pushing them together in their former position. Where a'union. therefore, between separate masses is desired, we are compelled to have recourse to various artifices. A few cases in which cohesion is easily affected, were enumerated at page 27: the following are other instances of a different kind. Gold leaf laid upon clean steel, and then forcibly struck by a hammer, coheres to the steel and gilds it permanently. But iron can be made to cohere to iron, only by rendering both pieces red hot before hammering:—the process is called welding. Iron and platinum are the only metals that can be welded. Tin and lead, in sheets, pressed together between the strong rollers of a flatting-mill, cohere. The other metals require to be melted before the superficial repulsion gives way so as to allow separate quantities to cohere or run into one mass. It is thus, for instance, that gold, silver, lead, &c, are treated. In many cases the substances are not such as can be melted (wood or mar- ble, for instance,) and then it is necessary to use some soft glue or cement. Cements must have strong attraction for both substances, and, when dry or cool, must be tenacious in themselves ; solder, paste, common glue, mortar, &c, are the principal substances of this kind. " Certain modifications of attraction produce the subordinate states, called crystal, porous, dense, fyc" (Read the Analysis, page 22.) It is a remarkable circumstance, that attraction, in causing the atoms to cohere so as to form solid masses, seems not to act equally all around each atom, but between certain sides or parts of one, and corresponding parts of the adjoining one; so that when atoms are allowed to cohere according to their natural tendencies, they always assume a certain regular arrangement and form, which we call crystaline. Because in this circumstance they seem to resemble magnets, which attract each other only by their poles, the fact has been called the polarity of atoms. It is the cause of several of the pecu- liarities above enumerated, as elasticity &c. " Crystalization" is exemplified in the following particulars : Water beginning to freeze, shoots delicate needles across the surface; these thicken and interweave until the whole mass has become solid, but the crystaline arrangement always remains. In most substances, this arrange- ment is remarkably proved, by the forms of the surfaces left, when the mass is broken. Moisture, freezing on the window-pane in winter, exhibits a beautiful vari- ety of arborescence. A flake of snow, viewed in the microscope, is seen to be as symmetrically formed as a fern leaf or a swan's feather. If a piece of copper be thrown into a solution of silver in nitric acid, it is preferred by the acid to the silver, and is dissolved accordingly: the silver in the mean time, during its precipitation or separation, assumes the form of a singularly beautiful shrub or tree, resting on the remaining copper as its root. This appearance is called the arbor Dianae. Any metal which has been melted, when allowed to cool again, slowly and 34 CONSTITUTION OF MASSES. at rest, becomes solid first on the outside of the mass. If, before the cooling be completed, the remaining liquid be poured from within, a curious internal crystaline structure, like grotto work, is seen. What is called the grain of a metal is the result of this crystalization. Saltpetre, glauber salt, copperas (to use popular names,) or any other of the many neutral salts, being dissolved in water, and the water being then allowed slowly to evaporate, reappears in beautiful regular crystals, each salt having its peculiar forms, bounded by perfectly plane and polished surfaces. If any such crystal be broken in any part, the broken surface appears to the microscope as if regular layers of particles had been disturbed, (as we see on a larger scale in a broken stack of bricks, or broken pile of shot in a battery yard,) and the defect of the crystal will be exactly filled up by replacing it in the evaporating solution—proving that the ultimate particles are all of the same size. All the precious stones are crystals, and can be well cut only parallel to their natural faces. The basaltic pillars of the Giant's Causeway in Ireland, and of the Isle cf Staffa, which appears like a garden supported on magnificent columns in the midst of the ocean, are natural crystaline arrangements of particles, equaling in regularity and beauty any human work, and in grandeur so far surpassing even the Egyptian pyramids, that superstitious conjecture naturally supposed them the work of giant architects. It would be endless to go on enumerating crystaline masses, for nature's forms generally, in the inanimate creation, as well as in organized bodies, are regular and symmetrical; and what we see on earth of broken continents, and islands, and rocks, and wild Alpine scenery, are the effects of subsequent convulsions, which have deranged a primitive and natural order. Much ingenuity has been employed to account for the specific forms which different crystaline bodies assume; but the subject is not yet reduced to a state fitting it to be a part of this elementary study. A familiarity with the various figures which the exact science of measures treats of, is required in the person who expects to pursue it with pleasure or advantage. The facts are extremely curious, and the scientific investigation of them may ultimately give important information respecting the intimate constitution of material nature. "Porous."—The crossing of the constituent crystaline needles or plates in bodies, causes them to be porous or full of small vacant spaces. In some cases these are visible to the eye, in many more cases, they are visible to the microscope, and in all, they are to be proved in some way. Owing to the porosity arising from the new arrangement of atoms of solidi- fying, water and a very few other substances become more bulky in the change from the liquid to the solid state. Water then dilates with such force as to burst the strongest vessels which art can provide, and in winter to split even rocks, where it has been retained in their crevices;—freezing water thus curiously producing effects which surpass those of exploding gunpowder This agency of water contributes to the gradual breaking down of our Alpine summits, and the falling of their destructive fragments into the valleys The stone called hydrophane (agate) is opaque, until dipped into water, when it absorbs into its pores one-sixth of its weight of the water and after- wards gives passage to light. Into crystalized sugar, and various stones, much water will enter without increasing the bulk. A kind of sandstone, suitably shaped, forms an excellent filter or strainer for water. DENSITY. 35 Pressure will force water through the pores of the most solid gold:—as was seen in the famous Florentine experiment, where a hollow, thick, golden ball, being filled with water and squeezed, to try the compressibility of water, was found to perspire all over. The examples of porosity in animal and vegetable bodies, are, however, the most remarkable. Bone is a tissue of cells and partitions, as little solid as a heap of empty packing-boxes. Wood is a congeries of parallel tubes, like bundles of organ pipes.—It has lately been proposed to prepare wood for certain purposes, as for making the great wooden pins or nails used in ship-building, by squeezing it to half its lateral bulk between very strong rollers, and thus making its density approach to that of metal. A piece of wood sunk to a great depth in the ocean, and exposed to the pressure there, has its pores soon filled with water, and becomes nearly as heavy as stone. Thus it was with the boat of a whale-fishing ship, which had been dragged far under water by a whale, and which, on being afterwards drawn up, was supposed by the crew to be bringing a piece of rock with it. A piece of cork in a strong close glass vessel nearly full of water, may be seen floating at the top; but if more water be then forcibly pumped into the vessel, the cork will be squeezed and reduced in size, until at last it becomes heavier than water and sinks. On water being afterwards allowed to escape, the cork will resume its bulk and will rise. A cork sunk 200 feet under water, will never rise again of itself. A bottle of fresh water, corked and let down thirty or forty feet into the sea, often comes up again with the water saltish, although the cork be still in its place: the explanation being, that the cork, when far down, is so squeezed as to allow the water to pass in or out by its sides, but on rising, resumes its former size. "Density" or the quantity of atoms which exist in a given space, is very different in different substances. A cubic inch of lead is forty times heavier than the same bulk of cork. Mercury is nearly fourteen times heavier than an equal bulk of water. The density must depend on, first, the size or weight of the individual atoms; secondly, the degree of porosity just now explained; and thirdly, the proximity of the atoms in the more solid parts which stand between the pores. From many circumstances it appears, that the atoms even of the most solid bodies are no where in actual contact, but are retained in their places by a balance between attraction and repulsion—thus, A body dilates or contracts, according as heat is added or taken away from it. A weight placed on any upright rod or pillar, shortens it and lessens its bulk, and if suspended from the bottom, lengthens it and increases its bulk,— the rod in both cases returning to its former dimensions when the weight is removed. When a plank or rod is bent, the atoms on the concave side are, for the time, approximated, and those on the convex side are drawn more apart. It is remarkable in solid bodies, not only how precisely the balance between attraction and repulsion determines the relative position of the particles, but also how strongly; for any farther separation of the particles is resisted by 36 CONSTITUTION OF MASSES. all the force which we call the tenacity or cohesion of the substance, and any nearer approach by all the force which we call the hardness or incompressi- bility. Tin and copper, when melted together, to form bronze, occupy less space by one-fifteenth than when separate: proving that the atoms of the one are partially received into what were vacant spaces in the other. A similar con- densation is observed in many other mixtures. A pound of water and a pound of salt, when mixed, form two pounds of brine, but which has much less bulk than the ingredients apart. So also of a pound of sugar dissolved in a pound of water. Water and liquids generally resist compression very powerfully, but yield enough to show that the particles are not in contact. It is found that at 1,000 fathoms down in the sea the water is compressed by the superincum- bent water so as to have bulk about a hundredth part less than it would have at the surface. In aeriform masses the atoms are very distant, and hence the masses are more easily compressed. A pint of water, on assuming the aeriform state, in which it is called steam, under ordinary pressure, acquires nearly 2,000 times its former bulk. A hundred pints of common air may be compressed into a pint vessel, as in the chamber of an air-gun; and if the pressure be much farther increased, the atoms will at last collapse and form a liquid. The heat which was contained in such air, and gave it its form, is squeezed out in this operation, and becomes sensible all around. From these proofs of the non-contact of the atoms, even in the most solid parts of bodies; from the very great space obviously occupied by pores—the mass often having no more solidity than a heap of empty boxes, of which the apparently solid parts may still be as porous in a second degree, and so on; and from the great readiness with which light passes in all directions through dense bodies like glass, rock crystal, diamond, &c, it has been argued that there is so exceedingly little of really solid matter, even in the densest mass, that the whole world, if the atoms could be brought into abso- lute contact, might be received into a nut-shell. We have as yet no means of determining exactly what relation this idea has to truth. The comparative weights of equal bulks of different bodies are called their specific gravities. In thus comparing bodies, it was necessary to choose a standard; and water, as being the substance most easily procurable at all times and in all places, has been generally adopted. The metal called platinum, the heaviest of known substances, is about twenty-two times as heavy as an equal bulk of water, and is therefore said to have specific gravity of 22—gold is nineteen times as heavy—mercury thirteen and a half—lead eleven—iron eight and a half—copper eio-ht—com- mon stones about two and a half—woods from half to one and a half—cork one quarter, &c. "Hardness" iss not proportioned, as might be expected, to the density of the different bodies, but to the polarity of the atoms in them, that is, to the force with which the atoms hold their places in some particular arrangement. Hardness is measured generally by the circumstance of one body bein* capable of scratching another—It is here worthy of notice, however, thai DENSITY. 37 the powder or dust of a softer body will often, through an effect of motion to be described below, aid in wearing down or polishing one that is harder. Gold, though soft, is four times heavier than the hard diamond ; and mercury, which is fluid, is nearly twice as dense as the hardest steel. Diamond is the hardest of known substances. It cuts or scratches every other body, and is generally polished by means of its own dust. Glass-cutters use a point of diamond as a glass-knife for dividing and shaping their panes. Common flint also cuts glass, as is proved by the frequent scribblings on windows. It is remarkable, that the preparation of iron, called steel, may either be soft like pure iron,.or from being heated and suddenly cooled, in the process called tempering, may become nearly as hard as diamond. The discoverv of this fact is, perhaps, second in importance to few discoveries which man has made; for it has given him all the edge tools and cutting instruments by which he now moulds every other substance to his wishes. A savage will work for twelve months, with fire and sharp stones, to fell a great tree, and to give it the shape of a canoe; where a modern carpenter, with his tools, could accomplish the object in a day or two. The project has lately been realized of engraving on plates of soft steel instead of copper, and afterwards tempering the steel to such hardness, that it may be used as a type or die to make its impression, not on paper, but on other plates of soft steel or of copper; each of which is then equal in value to an original and distinct engraving. By this means the beautiful produc- tions of art, instead of being limited to a comparatively small number of copies and of persons, may be multiplied almost to infinity, becoming the cheap delight of all. " Elasticity" is present in a mass when the atoms, cohering in a particular arrangement only, yield, however, to a certain extent, when force is applied, but move back or regain their natural positions on the force being with- drawn. Elastic bodies vary much as to the extent to which they yield without breaking, and as to the degree of perfection with which, after the bending or displacement of atoms, they regain their former state. India rubber is extensively elastic, for it yields far; but it is not perfectly elastic, for when stretched much or often, it becomes perfectly elongated. Glass, again, is perfectly elastic, for it will retain no permanent bend; but, unless in very thin plates indeed, or in fine threads, it will not bend far without breaking. All hard bodies are elastic, as steel, glass, ivory, &c, and many soft ones, as caoutchouc, silk, a harp string, &c. The aeriform bodies are all per- fectly elastic, as is rudely seen in a bladder filled with air, when squeezed, and allowed to expand again; and they will change volume to a very great extent. Liquids also are perfectly elastic, but to a small extent. A good steel sword may be bent until its ends meet, and yet when allowed will return to perfect straightness. A rod of bad steel, or of other metal, will be broken in bending, or will retain a bend. An ivory ball, let fall on a marble slab, rebounds, owing to the great elas- ticity of both bodies, nearly to the height from which it fell, and no mark is left on either. If the slab be wet, it is seen that the ivory or marble, or both had yielded considerably at the point of contact, for a circular surface of 4 38 CONSTITUTION OF MASSES. some extent on the slab is found dried by the blow. The sudden expulsion of air from between the meeting surfaces might contribute to the effect, but the result is very nearly the same when the experiment is made in a vacuum. Billiard-balls scarcely lose even their polish by long wear, although the touching parts yield at every stroke. A marble chimney piece long supported by its ends, is found at last to be bent downwards in the middle; and the bend is permanent. A steel watch spring, although so much and so constantly bent, resumes its original form whenlreed at the end of a century; but occasionally, with- out evident cause, while in action, it will suddenly give way. Elasticity is a property of bodies of great utility to man, as in his time- pieces, carriage-springs, gunlocks,