&'*>■ m ti& a? ;&t 'v'ii^ 1 ->: .-•*« &*** J, :ry? 5S "1 <*£ >4 ..,V*r>. :*: f< i ". ' v ,4 \ »t*v :*■!»: BS *#«& fss^e&ee(^'c^S9.9.^.^P.^.^^'^ s */>/t/]it -^/ y'........f... .vr.... 'cc/eon, N ^c;rrTn^.n^GCQGQ&'2>dQ.OQeQ& *A\ LEXICON-MEDICUM: OR pfc&fr.tl Hfetfouarj*; CONTAINING AN EXPLANATION OF THE TERMS ANATOMY, ^ MINERALOGY, BOTANY, \ PHARMACY, CHEMISTRY, $ PHYSIOLOGY, MATERIA MEDICA, i PRACTICE OF PHYSIC, MIDWIFERY, \ SURGERY, VARIOUS BRANCHES OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY CONNECTED WITH MEDICINE. SELECTED, ARRANGED, AND COMPILED, FROM THE BEST AUTHORS. BY ROBERT HOOPER, M.D. F.L.S. BACHELOR OF PHYSIC OF THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD, MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON, PHYSICIAN TO THE ST. MARYLEBONE INFIRMARY, &C. &C. "Nec aranearum sane texus ideo melior, quia ex se fda irignunt, nec noster vilior quia ex alienis libamus ut apes." Just. Lips. Monit. Polit. Lib. i. cap. THE FOURTH AMERICAN EDITION, FROM THE FIFTH LONDON, VERY CONSIDERABLY ENLARGED. NEW-YORK: \ \0/ £ /d?V PRINTED BY J. & J. HARPER,*>QR ^ _ E. DUYCKINCK, COLLINS AND HANNAY, COLLINS AND CO., O. A.'*ftW5fl!B\CH1 E. BLISS AND E. WHITE, G. LONG, AND W. B. GILLEY. I {$7 50 bound.] 1826. .H70TL iU«\v.-\j||i|5 j, (ki.i} TO WILLIAM SAUNDERS, M.D. F.R.S. FELLOW OP THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, AND OF THE ANTIQUARIAN AND OTHER SOCIETIES ; AUTHOR OF TREATISES ON THE LIVER AND ON MINERAL WATERS, AND MANY YEARS AN HONOURABLE, LIBERAL, AND SUCCESSFUL PRACTITIONER IN LONDON ; THIS WORK WAS DEDICATED AS A MARK OF RESPECT AND ESTEEM BY tlFS SINCERE FRIEND, THE AUTHOR. PREFACE The principal additions and improvements in the pre- sent edition of the Medical Dictionary, are in the intro- duction of the terms of Botany and those of Mineralogy, and the most modern discoveries in Chemistry and Physiology. The work, therefore, will now be found to contain an account of every /article connected with the study of medicine. In conducting this laborious undertaking, particular attention has been given to 1. The accentuation, in order that the proper pronun- ciation of the words may be obtained. 2. The derivation of the terms, and the declension of the words in common use. 3. The definitions, which are from the most approved sources. 4. The introduction of all the modern discoveries in the several branches of medical science. In the selection and arrangement of the most compen- dious, the most clear, and the most perfect account of the several articles of Anatomy, Biography, Botany, Chemistry, the Materia Medica, Midwifery, Mineralogy, Pathology, Pharmacy, and Physiology; the Compiler has again to acknowledge his obligations to Abernethy, Accum, Aikin, Albinus, Bell, Brande, Bergius, Blanchard, Burns, Burserius, Callisen, Casselli, Cooper, Cruick- shank, Cullen, Davy, Denman, Duncan, the Editors of the London and Edinburgh Dispensaries, and of Rees' Cyclopaedia, and Motherby's Medical Dictionary, Four- croy, Good, Haller, Henry, Hoffman, Innis, Latta, Larcv, VI PREFACE. Lavoisier, Lewis, Linnaeus, Magendie, Meyer, Murray, Nicholson, Orfila, Pott, Richerand, Richter, Saunders, Sauvage, Scarpa, Smith, Soemmering, Swediaur, Sy- monds, Thomas, Thompson, Turton, Ure, (from whose condensed and comprehensive work on chemistry large extracts have been made,) Vaughan, Vossius, Willan, Woodville, &c. &c. It was his original intention to have given to each writer the merit of the particular description selected from his work, but having occasion to consult, frequently to abridge, and sometimes to alter various passages; and finding it difficult, and in many instances impossible, to discover the original writer of several articles; and convinced at the same time it would be attended with no particular advantage, he has preferred making a general acknowledgment to particularizing the labours of each individual. If he has been so fortunate as to have com- pressed within the narrow limits of the present publica- tion much general and useful information, his object will be fully answered. Saville.Row, September, 1825. A NEW MEDICAL ABA xlc I. In composition this letter, the a in Greek, and a in Latin, signifies without: thus aphonia, without voice, acaulis, without stem, aphyllus, without a leaf, &c. 2. A. aa. (From ava, which signifies of each.) Abbreviations of ana, which word is used in pre- scriptions after the mention of two or more in- gredients, when it implies, that the quantity men- tioned of each ingredient should be taken ; thus, I},. Potasste nitratis—Sacchari albi aa 3j- Take nitrate of potassa and white sugar, of each one drachm. A'abam. An obsolete term used by some an- cient alchemists for lead. AA'RON. A physician of Alexandria, author of thirty books in the Syriac tongue, containing the whole practice of physic, chiefly collected from the Greek writings, and supposed to have been written before A. D. 620. He first mention- ed, and described the small-pox and measles, which were probably brought thither by the Ara- bians. He directed the vein under the tongue to be opened in jaundice, and noticed the white colour of the fasces in that disease. His works are lost, except some fragments, preserved by Rhazes. AA'VORA. The fruit of a species of palra- ^tree, which grows in the West Indies and Africa. It is of the size of a hen's egg, and included with several more in a large shell. In the middle of the fruit there is a hard nut, about the size of a peach-stone, which contains a wjytealrnoud, very astringent, and useful against a diarrhcea. Aba'ctus. Abigeatus. Among the ancient physicians, this term was used for a miscarriage, procured by art, or force of medicines, in contra- distinction to abottus, which meant a natural miscarriage. A'bachs. (From an Hebrew word, signifying •.lust.) A table for preparations, so called from the usage of mathematicians of drawing their figures upon tables sprinkled with dust. Abai'sir. Abasts. Ivory black; and also .•alenreous powder. ABALIENA'TIO. Abalienation ; or a decay ■•>( the bodv, or niin I. AHALIKNA'Trs. t. Corrupted. DICTIONARY. ABD 2. A part so destroyed as to require immediate extirpation. 3. The total destruction of the senses, whether external or internal, by disease. A'banet. (Hebrew. The girdle worn by the Jewish priests.) A girdle-like bandage. AbaPTi'sta. (From a, priv. ana jiairrw, to plunge.) Abaptiston. 1. The shoulders of the old trepan. 2. This term is employed by Galen, Fabricius ab Aquapendente, Scultetus, and others, to denote the conical saw with a circular edge, (otherwise called modiolus, or terebra,) which was formerly used by surgeons to perforate the cranium. Abapti'ston. See Abaptista. Abarnahas. A chemical term formerly used in the transmutation of metals, signifying luna plena, magnes, or magnesia. Aba'rtamen. Lead. AB ARTICULATION. (From ab, and arti- culus, a joint.) A species of articulation which has evident motion. See Diarthrosis. A'bas. An Arabian term for the scald-head, and also for epilepsy. Aba'sis. See Abaisir. ABBREVIATION. The principal uses of medicinal abbreviations are in prescriptions, in which they are certain marks, or half words, used by physicians for despatch and conveniency when they prescribe ; thus :—R. readily supplies the place of recipe—h. 8. that of hora somni—n. m. that of nu£ moschala—elect, that of electarium, &c. ; and in general all the names of compound medicines, with the several ingredients, are fre- quently wrote only up to their first or second syl- lable, or sometimes to their third or fourth, to make them clear and expressive. Thus Croc. Anglic, stands for Crocus Anglicanus—Conf. Aromat. for Conf echo Aromatica, &c. A'point bsing always placed at the end of such syllable, shows the word to be incomplete. ABBREVIATUS. Abbreviate; shortened. A terra often used in botany. ABDO'MEN. {Abdomen, inis. n. ; from abdo, to hide: because it hides the viscera. It is also derived from abdere, to hide, and omentum, ihe caul; r>v others onxn is said to be only a ter- ABD ABD ruination, as from lego, legumen, so from abdo, abdomen.) The belly. The largest cavity in the body, bounded superiorly by the diaphragm by which it is separated from the chest; interiorly by the bones of the pubes and ischium; on each side by various muscles, the short ribs, and ossa ilii; anteriorly by the abdominal muscles, and posteriorly by the vertebra? of the loins, the os sacrum and os coccygis. Internally it is in- vested by a smooth membrane, called peritoneum, and externally by muscles and common integu- ments. In the cavity of the belly are contained, Anteriorly and laterally, 1. The epiploon. 2. The stomach. 3. The large and small intestines. 4. The mesentery. 5. The lacteal vessels. 6. The pancreas. 7. The spleen. 8. The liver and gall-bladder. Posteriorly, without the peritoneum, 1. The kidneys. 2. The supra-renal glands. 3. The ureters. 4. The receptaculum chyli. 5. The descending aorta. 6. The ascending vena cava. Inferiorly in the pelvis, and without the peri- toneum. In men, 1. The urinary bladder. 2. The sper- matic vessels. 3. The rectum. In women, besides the urinary bladder and in- testinum rectum, there are, 1. The uterus. 2. The four ligaments of the uterus. S, The two ovaria. 4. The two Fallo- pian tubes. 5. The vagina. The fore part of this cavity, as has been men- tioned, is covered with muscles and common in- teguments, in the middle of which is the navel. It is this part of the body which is properly called abdomen ; it is distinguished, by anatomists, into regions. See Body. The posterior part of the abdomen is called the loins, and the sides the flanks. ABDOM1NALIS. (From abdomen, the belly.) Abdominal; pertaining to the belly. Abdominal hernia. See Hernia. Abdominal muscles. See Muscles. Abdominal regions. See Body. AbdominA ring. See Annulus abdominis. ABDU'CENS. See Abducent. Abducens labiorum. See Levator anguli oris. ABDUCENT. (Abducens; from ab, from, and ducere, to draw.) The name of some mus- cles which draw parts back in the opposite direc- tion to others. See Abductor. Abducent muscles. See Abductor. Abducent nerves. See Nervi abducentes. ABDUCTOR. (From abduco, todrawaway.) Abducens. A muscle, the office of which is to pull back or draw the member to which it is affix- ed from some other. The antagonist is called adductor.' Abductor auricularis. See Posterior auris. Abductor auris. See Posterior auris. Abductor brevis alter. See Abductor pollicis manus. Abductor indices manus. An internal in- terosseous muscle of the fore-fiDger, situated on the hand. Abductor of Douglas ; Semi-interos- seus indicis ol Winslow ; Abductor indicts of Cowper. It arises from the superior part ol the metacarpal bone, and the os trapezium, on its in- side, by a fleshy beginning, runs towards the me- tacarpal boneol the fore-finder, adheres to it, and is connected by a broad tendon to the superior part of the first phalanx of the fore-finger. Some- times i* arises by a double tendon. Its use is to draw the fore-finsrer from the re*t. towards the thumb, and to bend it somewhat towards the palm. Abductor indicis pedis. An internal inter- osseous muscle of the fore-toe, which arises ten- dinous and fleshy, by two origins, from the root of the inside of the metatarsal bone of the fore- toe, from the outside of the root of the metatarsal bone of the great-toe, and from the os cuneiforme internum, and is inserted tendinous into the inside of the root of the first joint of the fore-toe. Its use is to pull the fore-toe inwards, from the rest of the small toes. Abductor longus pollicis manus. bee Extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis manus. Abductor medii digiti pedis. An interos- seous muscle of the foot, which arises tendinous and fleshy, from the inside of the root of the me- tatarsal bone of the middle toe internally, and is inserted tendinous into the inside of the root of the first joint of the middle toe. Its use is to pull the middle toe inwards. Abductor minimi digiti manus. A muscle of the little finger, situated on the hand. Carpo- phalangien du petit doigt of Dumas; Extensor tertii internodii minimi digiti of Douglas ; Hy- pothenar minor of Winslow. It arises fleshy from the pisiform bone, and from that part of the ligamentum carpi annulare next it, and is insert- ed, tendinous, into the inner side of the upper end of the first bone of the little finger. Its use is to draw the little finger from the rest. Abductor minimi digiti pedis. A muscle of the little toe. Calcaneo-phalangien du petit doigt of Dumas; Adductor of Douglas; Para- thenar major of Winslow, by whom this muscle is divided into two, Parathenar major and meta- tarseus; Adductor minimi digiti of Cowper. It arises tendinous and fleshy, from the semicircu- lar edge of a cavity on the inferior part of the protuberance of the os calcis, and from the rest of the metatarsal bone of the little toe, and is insert- ed into the root of the first joint of the little toe externally. Its use is to bend the little toe, and its metatarsal bone, downwards, and to draw the little toe from the rest. Abductor ocdli. See Rectus externus oculi. Abductor pollicis manus. A muscle of the thumb, situated on the hand. Scaphosus- phalangien du pouce of Dumas; Adductor pol- licis manus, and Adductor brevis alter of Albi- nus ; Adductor thenar Riolani of Douglas, (the adductor brevis alter of Albinus is the inner portion of this muscle;) Adductor pollicis oi Cowper. It arises by a broad tendinous and fleshy beginning, from the ligamentum carpi an- nulare, and from the os trapezium, and is insert- ed tendinous into the outer side of the root of the first bone of the thumb. Its use is to draw the thumb from the fingers. Aeductor pollicis pedis. A muscle of the great toe, situated on the foot. Calcaneo-phalan- gien du pouce of Dumas. Abductor of Douglas. Thenar of Winslow. Abductor pollicis oi Cow- per. It arises fleshy, from the inside of the root of the protuberance of the os calcis, where it forms the heel, and tendinous from the same bone where it joins the os naviculare; and is inserted tendinous into the internal sesamoid bone and root of the first joint of the great toe. Its use is to pull the great toe from the rest. Abductor tertii digiti pedis. An inter- osseous muscle of the foot, that arises tendinous and fleshy from the inside and the inferior part of the root of the metatarsal bone of the third toe - and is inserted tendinous into the inside of the root of the first joint of the third toe. It« use is to pull the third toe. inwards ABU ABR Abeba'os. (Froma, neg. and j$t6aio<, firm.) Abebceu*. Weak, infirm, unsteady. A term made use of by Hippocrates, de Si^nis. Vbeb.k'US. See Abebaos. ABELMO'SCHIS. (An Arabian word.) See Hibiacu-i Abelmoschus. Abelmosch. See Hibiscus Abelmoschus. Abelmosk. See Hibiscus Abelmoschus. ABERRA'TIO (From ab and erto, to-wander from.) Formerly applied to some deviations from what was natural, as a dislocation, and monstrosi- ties. Abe'ssi. (An Arabian term which means filth.) The alvine excrements. A'isksum. Quicklime. , Abevacua'tio. {From ah, dim. and evacuo, to pour out.) A partial or incomplete evacuation of the peecant humours, either naturally or by art. Abicum. The thyroid cartilage. / A'BIES. (Abui, etis. fem.; from abeo, to ' proceed, because it rises to a great height: or from arnog, a wild pear, the fruit of which its cones something resemble.) The fir.' See Pinus. Abies Canadensis. See Pinus Balsamea. Abigea'tus. See Abactus. ABIO'TOS. (From*, neg. and 0iou>, to live.) Deadly. A name given to hemlock, from its deadly qualities. See Cdnium macutatum. ABLACTA'TIO. (Fjom ab, from, and lac, milk.) Ablactation, or the weaning of a child from the breast. ABLATION. (Ablatio; from aufero, to take away.) 1. The taking away from the body what- ever is hurtful. A term that is seldom use& but in its general sense, to.clothirig, diet,'exorcise, &c. In some old writings^ it expresses the interval betwixt two fits of a lever, or the time of remis- sion. 4(. 2. Formerly chemists «fnployed this term to signify the removal of any thing that is either fi- nished or else no longer necessary in a process. ABLUENT. (Abluent; from abluo, to wash away.) Abstergent. Medicines which were formerly supposed to purify or cleanse the blood. ABLUTION. (Ablufio; from abluo, to wa>h off) 1. A washing or cleansirg either of the ' body or the intestines. 2. In chemistry it signifies the purifying of a body, by repeated effusions of a proper liquor. Abo'it. An Arabic term for white lead. » Aboi.i'tio. (From abolep, to destroy.) The separation or destruction of diseased parts. Aborsus. A miscarriage. ABORTIENS. Miscarrying. In botany, it is sometimes used synonymously with sterilis, sterile or barren. ABORTION. (Abortio; from aborior, to be sterile.) Aborsus ; Ambloris ; Diaphthora; Ectrosis ; Exambloma; Examblosis; Apopal- lesis; Apopalxis; Apophthora. Miscarriage, or the expulsion of the foetus from the uterus, be- fore the seventh month, after which it is called premature labour. It most commonly occurs be- (wcen the eighth and eleventh weeks of pregnan- cy, but may happen at a later period. In early gestation, the ovum sometimes comes off entire ; sometimes the lutus is first expelled, and the pla- centa afterwards. It is preceded by floodings, pains in the back, loins, and lower part of the ab- domen,* evacuation of the water, shivcrings, pal- pitation of the heart, nausea, anxiety, syncope, subsiding of the breasts and belly, pain in the in- side of the thighs, op. uinj and moisture of the os tincap. The principal causes of miscarriage are blows or falls ; great ixt-rtion or fatigue ; sudden rrisrhts :>!"< otlu r violent emotion* of the mind ; a diet too sparing or too nutritious; the at>u.-e ol spirituous liquors; other diseases, particularly fevers, and haemorrhages; likewise excessive bleeding, profuse diarrhoea or colic, particularly from accumulated fieces; immoderate venery, &c. The spontaneous vomiting) so common in pregnancy, rarely occasions this accident: but when induced and kept up by drastic medicines, it maybe very likely to have that effect. Abortion often happens without any obvious cause, from some defect in the uterus, or in the foetus itself, which we cannot satisfactorily explain. Hence it will take place repeatedly in the same female at a particular period of pregnancy ; perhaps in some measure from the influence of habit. The treatment of abortion must vary considera- bly according to the constitution of the patient, and the causes giving rise to it. If the incipient 4 symptoms should appear in a female of a plethoric habit, it may be proper to take a moderate quan- tity of blood from the arm, then clear the bowels by some mild cathartic, as the sulphas magnesia; in the infusum rosae, afterwards exhibiting small doses of nitrate of potash, directing the patient to remain quiet in a recumbent position, kept as cool as possible, with a low diet, and the antiphlogistic regimen in other respects. Should there be much flooding, cloths wetted with cold water ought to be applied to the region of the uterus, or even in- troduced into the vagina, to obstruct the escape of the blood mechanically. Where violent forcing pains attend, opium should be given by the mouth or in the form of glyster, after premising proper evacuations. Should these means not avail to ' check the discharge of the forcing pains, and par ticularly if the water be evacuated, there can be no expectation of preventing the miscarriage ; and where there is reason for believing the foetus dead, from the breasts having previously subsided, the morning sickness gone off, the motion stopped, &c. it will be proper rather to encourage it by manual assistance. • If on the other hand females of a delicate and irritable habit, rather deficient in blood, be subject to abortion, or where this accident is threatened by profuse evacuations and other debilitating causes, it may be more probably prevented by a diet nutritious, yet easy of digestion, with tonic medicines, and the use of the cold bath, attending at the same time to the state of the bowels, giv- ing opium if pain attend, and carefully ^voiding the several exciting causes. ABORTIVE. (Abortivus; from aboiior, to be sterile.) That which is capable of occasioning an abortion, or miscarriage, in pregnant women. It is now generally believed, that me medicines which produce a miscarriage, effect it by their violent operation on the system, and not by any specific action on the womb. ABORTUS. A miscarriage. Abra'sa. (From abrado, to shavfofl'.) Ul- cers attended with abrasion. ABRASION. (Abrasio; from abrado, to tear off.) This word is generally employed to signify the destruction of the natural mucus of any part, as the stomach, intestines, urinary bladdef, &c. It is also applied to any part slightly torn away by attrition, as the skin, &c. , A'brathan. Corrupted from abrotantirn, southernwood. See Artemisia abrotamim. A'brette. See Hibiscus Abelmoschus. A'bric. An Arabic term for sulphur. Abro'ma. (From a, neg. and /fywpa, food ; ■'• *■ not fit to be eaten.) A tree of New South AV.iU ». which yields a gum. YBhOTANUM. (yfrv-u.iv. from % err. AB:* and ftport,$, mortal; because it never decays: or from aflpos, soft, and roios, extension ; from the delicacy of its texture.) Common southernwood. See Artemisia. Abrotanum mas. See Artemisia. ABROTONI'TES. (From abrotanum.) A wine mentioned by Dioscorides, impregnated with abrotanum, or southernwood, in the proportion of about one hundred ounces of the dried leaves, to about seven gallons of must. ABRUPTE\ Abruptly. Applied to pinnate leaves which terminate without an odd leaf or lobe :—folia abrupt'pinnata. Abscede'ntia. (From abscedo, to separate.) Decayed parts of the body, which, in a morbid state, are separated from the sound. ABSCESS. (Abscessus; from abscedo, to depart: because parts, which were before conti- guous, become separated, or depart from each other.) Abscessio; Imposthuma. A collection of pus in the cellular membrane, or iu the viscera, or in bones, preceded by inflammation. Ab- scesses are variously denominated according to I heir seat: as empyema, when in the cavity of the pleura ; vomica, in the lungs ; panaris, in any of the fingers ; hypopyon, in the anterior cham- ber of the eye ; arthropuosis, in a joint; lumbar abscess, &c. The formation of an abscess is the result of in- flammation terminating in suppuration. This is known by a throbbing pain, which lessens by de- grees, as well as the heat, tension, and redness of the inflamed part ; and if the pus be near the sur- face, a cream-like whiteness is soon perceived, with a prominence about the middle, or at the in- ferior part, then a fluctuation may be felt, which becomes gradually more distinct, till at length the matter makes its way externally. When suppura- tiou occurs to a considerable extent, or in a part of importance to life, there are usually rigors, or sudden attacks of chilliness, followed by flushes of heat; and unless the matter be soon discharged, and the abscess healed, hectic fever generally rorues on. When abscesses form in the cellular membrane in persons of a tolerably good constitu- tion, they are usually circumscribed, in conse- quence ol coagulable lymph having been previous- ly effused, and having obliterated the communica- tion with the adjoining cells ; but in those of a weakly, and especially a scrophulous constitution, from this not occurring, the pus is very apt to dif- fuse itself, like the water in anasarca. Another circumstance, which may prevent its readily reaching the surface, is its collecting under an aponeurosis, or other part of dense structure, when the process of ulceration will rather extend in ano- t her direction; thus pus accumulating in the loins, may descend to the lower part of the thigh. When suppuration occurs, if the inflammation have not yet subsided, it may be necessary to em- ploy means calculated to moderate this, in order to limit the extent of the abscess: but evacuations must not be carried too far, or there wUl not be power in the system to heal it afterwards. If the disease be near the surface, fomentations or warm emollient poultices should be employed, to take off the tension of the skin, and promote the pro- cess of ulceration in that direction. As soon as fluctuation is obvious, it will be generally proper to make an opening, lest contiguous parts of importance should be injured; and often at an earlier period, where the matter is prevented from reaching the surface by a fascia, &c. but it is sometimes advisable to wait awhile, espe- cially in large spontaneous abscesses, where the constitution is much debilitated, till _by the jise of a nutrition* diet, with bark and other tonic. 10 ABfe mean--, this can be somewhat improved, lucre are different modes of opening abscesses. L **y incision or puncture ; this is generally the best. as being least painful, and most expeditious, and the extent of the aperture can be better regulated. 2. By caustic ; this maybe sometimes preferable when suppuration goes on very slowly in glandu- lar partsf (especially in scrophulous and venereal cases,) lessoning the subjacent tumour, giving free vent to the matter, and exciting more healthy ac- tion in the sore; but it sometimes causes much deformity, it can hardly reach deep seated ab- scesses, and the delay may be often dangerous. 3. Byseton ; this is-sometimes advantageous in super- ficial abscesses, (where suppuration is likely to continue,) about the neck and face, leaving gene- rally but a small scar; likewise when near joints, or other important parts liable to be injured by the scalpel or caustic. See Lumbar Abscess, and Ulcer. ABSCES'SUS. See Abscess. ABSCISSION. (Abscissio; from ab, and scindo, to cut.) 1. The cutting away some morbid, or other part, by an edged instrument. The abscission of the prepuce makes what we call circumcision. 2. Abscission is sometimes used by medical writers to denote the sudden termination of a dis- ease in death, before it arrives at its decline. 3. Celsus frequently uses the term abscissa vox to express a loss of voice. Absinthites. Absinthiac, or absinthiated. Something tinged or impregnated with the^rir- tues of absinthium or wormwood. ^> ABSI'NTHIUM. (Absinthium, thii. n. a$iv- 6iov; from a, neg. and \ptv6os, pleasant: so call- ed from the disagreeableness of the taste.) Wormwood. See Artemisia. Absinthium commune. Common Worm- wood. See Artemisia Absinthium. Absinthium maritimum. Sea Wormwood. See Artemisia Maritima. Absinthium ponticum. Roman Wormwood. See Artemisia Pontica. Absinthium vulgare. Common Worm- wood. See Artemisia Absinthium. ABSORBENS. See Absorbent. ABSORBENT. (Absorbens ; from absorbeo, to suck up.) 1. The small, delicate, transparent vessels, which take up substances from the sur- face of the body, or from any cavity, and carry it to the blood, are termed absorbents or absorb- ing vessels. They are denominated, according to the liquids which they convey, lacteals and lym- phatics. See Lacteal and Lymphatic. 2. Those medicines are so termed, which have no acrimony in themselves, and destroy acidities in the stomach and bowels ; such are magnesia, prepared chalk, oyster-shells, crab's claws, &c. 3. Substances are also so called by chemists which have the faculty of withdrawing moisture from the atmosphere. Absorbing vessels. See Absorbent. ABSORPTION. (Absorptio; from absorbeo, to suck up.) 1. A function in an animated body, arranged by physiologists under the head ol natu- ral actions. It signifies the taking up of sub- stances applied to the mouths of absorbing ves- sels ; thus the nutritious part of the food is ab- sorbed from the intestinal canal by the lacteals ■ thus mercury is taken into the system by the lym- phatics of the skin, &c. The principle by which this function takes place, is a power inherent iu the mouths of the absorbents, a vis insito, de- pendent on the degree of irritability of their in- ternal raembrane by which they contract andW pel their contents forwards. ' \.L A AC A 2. By this term chemists understand the con- version of a gaseous fluid into a liquid or solid, on being united with some other substance. It dif- fers from condensation in this being the effect of mechanical pressure. ABSTEMIOUS. (Abstemius; from abs, from, and temetum, wine.) Refraining absolute- ly from all use of wine; but the term is applied to a temperate mode of living, with respect to food generally. Abste'ntio. Cxlius Aurelianus uses this word to express a Suppression, or retention : thus, abstentiostercorum, a retention of the excrements, which he mentions as a symptom very frequent in a satyriasis. In a sense somewhat different, he uses the word abstenta, applying it to the pleura, where he seems to mean that the humour of the inflamed pleura is prevented, by the adjacent bones, from extending itself. ABSTERGENT. (Abstergens; from abster- go, to cleanse away.) Any application that cleanses or clears away foulness. The term is seldom employed by modern writers. ABSTRACTION. (From abstraho, to draw away.) A term employed by chemists in the process of humid distillation, to Signify that the fluid body is again drawn off from the solid, which it had dissolved. _ Abstracti'tius, (From abstraho, to draw away.) An obsolete term formerly applied to any native spirit, not produced by fermentation. A'bsus. The Egyptian lotus. Abvacua'tio. (From abvacuo, to empty.) A morbid discharge ; a large evacuation of any fluid, as of blood from a plethoric person. A term used by some old writers. Aca'ca. (kicaKos; from a, neg. and kokos, bad.) Formerly applied to those diseases which are rather troublesome than dangerous. ACA'CIA. (Acacia, a. t. ataxia; from aicafa, to sharpen.) The name of a genus of plants in the Liiuuean system. Class, Polyga- mia; Order, Monacia. The Egyptian thorn. Acacia catechu. This plant affords a drug, formerly supposed to be an earthy substance brought from Japan, and therefore called terra Japonica, or Japan earth ; afterwards it appear- ed to be an extract prepared in India, it was sup- posed till lately, from the juice of the Mimosa catechu, by boiling the wood and evaporating the decoction by the heat of the sun. But the shrub is now ascertained to be an acacia, and is termed Acacia catechu. It grows in great abun- dance in the kingdom of Bahar, and catechu comes to us principally from Bengal and Bombay. It has received the following names: Acachou; Faufel; Catchu; Caschu; Catechu; Cadtchu; Cashow ; Caitchu; Cast joe ; Cachu ; Cate; ' Kaath. The natives call it Cutt, the English Who reside there Cutch. In its purest state, it is a dry pulverable substance, outwardly of a red- dish colour, internally of a shining dark brown, tinged with a reddish hue; in the mouth it dis- covers considerable adstringency, succeeded by a -weetish mucilaginous taste. It may be advan- tageously employed for most purposes where an adstringent is indicated ; and is particularly use- ful in alvine fluxes, where astringents are re- quired. Besides this, it is employed also in ute- rine nrofluvia, in laxity and debility of the vis- cera in general; and it is an excellent topical ad- rtringent, when suffered to dissolve leisurely in the mouth, for laxities and, ulcerations of the gums, apththous ulcers in the mouth, and similar affections. This extract is the basis of several formula; in our pharmuuipuMas, particularly of a •inctilre : but one of the best forms imd*r which it can be exhibited, is that of a simple infuMon iu warm water with a proportion of cinnamon, for by this means it is at once freed of its impurities and improved by the addition of the aromatic. Fourcroy says that catechu is prepared from the seeds of a kind of palm, called areca. Sn Humphrey Davy has analysed catechu, and from his examination it appears, that from Bombay is of uniform texture, red-brown colour, and specific gravity 1.39: that from Bengal is more friable and less consistent, of a chocolate colour exter- nally, but internally chocolate streaked with red- brown, and specific gravity 1.28. The catechu from either place differs little in its properties. Its taste is astringent, leaving behind a sensation of sweetness. It is almost wholly soluble in wa- ter. Two hundred grains of picked catechu from Bombay afforded 1D9 grains of tannin. 66 extractive, matter, 13 mucilage, 10 residuum, chiefly sand and calcareous earth. The same quantity from Bengal; tannin 97 grains, extract- ive matter 73, mucilage 16, residual matter, being sand, with a small quantity of calcareous and aluminous earths, 14. Of the latter, the darkest parts appeared to afford most tannin, the lightest most extractive matter. The Hindoos prefer the lightest coloured, which has probably most sweetness, to chew with the betel-nut. Of all the astringent substances we know, cate - chu appears to contain the largest proportion oi tannin; and Mr. Purkis found, that one pound was equivalent to seven or eight of oak bark for the purpose of tanning leather. Acacia Germanica. German acacia. 1. The name of the German black-thorn oi sloe-tree, the Prunu.i spinosa of Linnxus. 2. The name of the inspissated juice of the fruit, as made in Germany; which, as well as the tree, is there called also Acacia nostras. It i> now fallen into disuse. Acacia Indica. See Tamarindus Indica. Acacia nostras. See Acacia Germanica. Acacia vera. I. The systematic name of the tree which affords gum-arabic, formerly sup- posed to be a Mimosa. Acacia :—spinis slipu- laribus patentibus,foliis bipinnatis, partialibus extimis glandula interstinctis, spicis globosii pedunculatis, of Wildenow. The Egyptian Thorn. This tree yields the true Acacia Gum, orGum-Arabic, called also Gummi acanthinum; Gummi thebaicum; Gummi scorpionis ; Gum- lamac; Gummi senega, or senica, or senega- lense. Cairo and Alexandria were the principal marta for gum-arabic, till the Dutch introduced the guar from Senegal into Europe, about the beginning ot the seventeenth century, and this source now sup- plies the greater part of the vast consumption of this article. The tree which yields the Senegal gum, grows abundantly on the sands, along the whole of the Barbary coast, and particularlv about the river Senegal. There are several spe- cies, some of which yield a red astringent juice, but others afford only a pure, nearly colourless, insipid gum, which is the great article of com- merce. These trees are from eighteen to twenty feet high, with thorny branches. The gum makes its appearance about the middle of November, when the soil has been thoroughly saturated with periodical rains. The gummy juice is seen to ooze through the trunk and branches, and, in about a fortnight, it hardens into roundish drops, of a yellowish white, which are beautifqlly brilliant where they are broken off/anl entirely so when held in the mouth for a short time, to'diissolve th- outer surface. No clefts are made, nor any artifi- cial mean< used bv the Moor\ to solicit the fl"V V ■ . ■•-* AC A of the gum. The lumps of guni-sencgal are usually about the size of partridge eggs, and the harvest continues about six weeks. This gum is a very wholesome and nutritious food; thousands of the Moors supporting themselves entirely upon it during the time of harvest. About six ounces is sufficient to support a man for a day; and it is besides mixed with milk, animul broths, and other victuals. The gum-arabic, or that which comes directly from Eirypt and the Levant, only differs from the gum-seiKgal in being of a lighter colour, and in smaller lumps; and it is also somewhat more brittle. In other respects, they resemble each other perfectly. Gum-arabic is neither soluble in spirit nor in oil; but, in twice its quantity of water, it dis- solves into a mucilaginous fluid, of the consistence of a thick syrup, and in this state answers many useful pharmaceutical purposes, by rendering oily, resinous, and pinguious substances miscible with water. The glutinous quality of gum-arabic ren- ders it preferable to other gums and mucilages as a demulcent in coughs, hoarsenesses, and other catarrhal affections. It is also" very generally employed in ardor urinx, diarrhoeas, and calcu- lous complaints. 2. The name Acacia vera has also been used to denote the expressed juice of the immature pods of the tree termed Acacia veravel. This inspis- sated juice is brought from Egypt in roundish masses, wrapped up in thin bladders. It is con- sidered as a mild astringent medicine. The Egyptians give it, in spitting of blood, in the quantity of a drachm, dissolved in any convenient liquor, and repeat this dose occasionally. * They likewise employ it in collyria, for strengthening the eyes, and in gargles, for quinsies. It is now seldom used as a medicine, being superseded by the use of catechu, or kino. Acacia veravel. See Acacia vera. Acacia Zeylonica. See Htematoxylon C'ampechianu'm. Acacia gum. See Acacia vera. Acacos. The thrush. See Aphtha. \ca'lai. (Arabian.) Common salt. Aca'lcum. Tin. AC ALYCINUS. (From a, priv. and calyx, a flower-cup.) Without a calyx. ACALYCIS. (From a, priv. and calyx, a flower-cup.) Without a calyx or flower-cup. Applied to plants which have no calyx. Aca'matos. (From a, neg. and tcauvia, to jutow weary.) A perfect rest of the muscles, or Sat disposition of a limb which is equally distinct from flexion and extension. Aca'nor. (Hebrew.) A furnace. ACA'NTHA. (Aicavda; from men, a point.) 1. A thorn ; or any thing pointed. 2. Sometimes applied to the spina dorsi. Acantha'bolus. (From aicavOa; a thorn, and jSaXXoi, to cast out.) An instrument, or for- os, smoke.) I. Common wild marjoram. 2. TTnsmoked honey. ACAROIS. The name of a genus of plants, from New South Wales. Acarois resinifera. The name of thetree which affords the Botany bay gum. See Botany bay. A'CARUS. (From aicapm, small.) The tick. An insect which breeds in the skin. A very numerous genus of minute insects which infest the skin of anirrmls, and produce various com- plaints. Those'' which are found on the human body are 1. The acarus domesticus, or domestic tick. 2. The acarus scabiei, or itch tick. 3. The acarus autumnalis, or harvest-bug. ACATALE'PSIA. (From to want.) The juniper tree: so named from the abundance of its seeds. ACATA'POSIS. (From a, neg. and Karamvio, to swallow.) Difficult deglutition. , Aca'statos. (From a, neg. and Kadiarriui, to determine.) Inconstant. 1. Fevers were so called which are anoma- lous in their appearance and irregular in their paroxysms. 2. Turbid urine without sediment. ACAULIS. (From a, priv. and caulis, a stem.) Without stem. Plants destitute of stem are Called acaules, stemless ; as Cypripedium acaule, and Carduus acaulis. This term must not be too rigidly understood. Aca'zdir. Tin. ACCELERATOR. (From acceiero, to hasten or propel.) The name of a muscle of the penis. Accelerator tjrinjE. A muscle of the penis. Ejaculator Seminis; Bulbo-syndesmo-caver- neux of Dumas ; Bulbo-cacernosus of Win- slow. It arises fleshy from the sphincter ani and membranous part of the urethra, and tendinous from the crus, near as far forwards as the begin- ning of the corpus c.avernosum penis ; the inferi- or fibres run more transversely, and the superior descend in an oblique direction. It i.- inserted into a line in the middle of the bulbous part of the urethra, where each joins with its fellow; bv which the bulb is completely closed. The use of these muscles is to drive the urine or semen forward, and by grasping the bulbous part of the urethra, to push the blood towards its c*orpu< diSTcT' and ^e glans, by which they are ACCESSION. (Accessio; from accedo, to approach. The commencement of a disease. A term mostly app!if(l l0 a fever which has parox- ysms or exacerbations: thus the acromion ol ACE ACE fever, means the commencement or approach ol the fcbrileperiod. ACCESSO'RIUS. (From accedo, to ap- proach : so called from the course it takes.) Con- nected by contact or approach. Accessorius himbalis. A muscle of the loins. See Sacro-lumbalis. Accessorius nervus. The name given by Willis to two nerves which ascend, one on each side, from the second, fourth, and fifth cervical pairs of nerves, through the gre;;t foramen of the occipital bone, and pass out again from the cranium through the foramina lacera, with the par vagum, to be distributed on the trapezius muscle. A'cciB. An obsolete term for lead. ACCT'PITER. (From accipio, to take.) 1. The hawk : so named from its rapacity. 2. A bandage which was put over the nose : so called from its likeness to the olaw of a hawk, or from the tightness of its grasp. ACCIPITRI'NA. (From aeeipiter, the hawk.) The herb hawk-weed : which Pliny says was so called because hawks are used to scratch it, and apply the juice to their eyes to prevent blindness. ACCLFVIS. A muscle of the belly, so named from the oblique ascent of its fibres. See Oliquus internus abdominis. Accouchement. The French word for the act of delivery. Accoucheur. The French for a midwife. ACCRETIO. (From ad, and cresco, to in- crease.) Accretion. 1. Nutrition ; growth. 2. The growing together of parts naturally separate, as the fingers or toes. Accuba'tio. (From accumbo, to recline.) Childbed; reclining. Ace'dia. (From a, priv. and xncoi, care.) Carelessness, neglect in the application of medi- cines. Hippocrates sometimes uses this word, iu his treatise on the Glands, to signify fatigue or trouble. ACE'PHALUS. (Acephalus, i. in. aKitpa).o;; from a, priv. and KefaXri, ahead.) Without a head. A term applied to a lusus naturae, or mon- ster, born without a head. A'CER. (Acer, eris. neut.; from acer, sharp: because of the sharpness of its juice.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnrcan system. Class, Polygamia; Order, Monacia. Acer campestre. The common maple. This tree yields a sweetish, soft, milky sap, which contains a salt with basis of lime, possess- ed, according to Sherer, of peculiar properties. It is white, seniitransparent, not altered by the air, and soluble in one hundred parts of cold, or fifty of boiling water. Acer pseudoplatanus. The maple-tree, falsely named sycamore. It is also called Plata- nus traga. This tree is common in England, though not much used in medicine. The juice, if drank while fresh, is said to be a good antiscor- butic. All its parts contain a saccharine fluid'; and if the root or branches be wounded in the spring, a large quantity of liquor is discharged, which, when^inspissated, yields a brown sort of sugar and syrup like molasses. Acersaccharinum. The sugar maple-tree. Large quantities of sugar are obtained from this tree in New-England and Canada, which is much used in France, where it is commonly known by the name of Saccharvm Canadense or Saccha- rum Acernum, maple sugar. In has been sup- posed that all Europe might be supplied from the maple of America, whichqgrows in great quantities in the western counties of all the middle States of the American Union. It is a* tall as the oak. and from two to three feet in diameter; puts f forth a white blossom in the spring, before any '<■"' appearance of leaves; its small branches afford sustenance for cattlej' and its ashes afford a large quantity of excellent potash. Twenty years are reqtured for it to attain its full growth. Tap- ping does not injure it; but, on the contrary, it affords more syrup, and of a better quality, the 'oftener it is tapped. A single tree has not only survived, but flourished, after tapping, for forty years. Five or six pounds of sugar are usually afforded by the sap of one tree ; though there are instances of the quantity exceeding twenty pounds. The sugar is separated from the sap either by freezing, by spontaneous evaporation, or by boil- . ing. The "latter method is the most used. Dr. Rush describes the process; which is simple, and practised without any difficulty by the farm- • ers. From frequent trials of this sugar, it does not appear to be in any respect inferior to that of the West Indies. It is prepared at a time of the year when neither iiisect, nor the pollen of plants, exists to vitiate it, as is the case with common / sugar. From calculations grounded on facts, it is ? ascertained, that America is now capable of pro- ducing a surplus of one-eighth more than its own ' consumption. ACERATE. Aceras. A salt formed of the acid of the Acer campestre with an alkaline, earthy, or metallic base. AGE'RATOS. From a, neg. and Kcpaw, or Ktpavvvpu, to mix.) Unmixed; uncorrupted. This term is applied sometimes to the humours of the body by Hippocrates. Paulus ^Egineta men- tions a plaster of this name. ACERB. (Arerbus; from acer, sharp.) A species of taste which consists in a degree of aci- dity, with an addition of roughness ; properties common to many immature fruits. Ace'ri;itas. Acerbness. ACERIC ACID. A peculiar acid, said to ex- ist in the juice of the common maple, Acer cam- pestre of Linnaeus. It is decomposed by heat, like the other vegetable acids. ACE'RIDES. (From a, priv. and Kcpo;, wax.) Soft plasters mude without wax. ACEROSUS. (From acus, a needle.) I. Acerose : having the shape of a needle. Applied to leaves which are so shaped, as in Pinus sylves- tris and Juniperus communis. 2. (From acus, chaff.) Chaffy: applied to coarse bread, &c. ACESCENT. (Acescens; from aceo, to be sour or tart.) Turning scur or acid. Substances which readily run into the acid fermentation, are so V said to be ; as some vegetable and animal juices and infusions. The suddenness with which this change is effected, during a thunder-storm, even in corked bottles, has not been accounted for. In some morbid states of the stomach, also, it pro- ceeds with astonishing rapidity. A'CESIS. (From a/ceo/iai, to cure.) 1. A remedy or cure. 2. The herb water-sage ; so called from its sup- posed healing qualities. ACE'STA. (From aKtopai, to cure.) Dis- tempers which are easily cured. Ace'stis. Borax. Ace'storis. (From axeo/iai, to cure. It strictly signifies a female physician, and is used for a ntidwife. ACETABULUM. (Acetabulum, i. n.; from acetum, vinegar: so called because it resembles the acetabulum, or old saucer, in which vinegar was held for the use of the table.) A name given by Latin writers to the cup-like cavity of tile o* ACE lunominatuin, which receives the head of the thigh-bone. See Innominatum os. ACETA'RIUM. (From acetum, vinegar: because it is mostly made with vinegar.) A sa- lad or pickle. ACE'TAS. (Acetas, tis ; f. from acetum, vi- negar. ) A n acetate. A salt formed by the union of the acetic acid, with a salifiable base. Those used in medicine are the acetates of ammonia, lead, potassa, and zinc. Acetas ammoni e. Acetate of ammonia. See Ammonia acetatis liquor. Acetas plumbi. Acetate of lead. See Plumbi acetas and Plumbi acetatis liquor. Acetas potass^. Acetate of potassa. See Potassa acetas. Acetas zivci. A metallic salt composed of zinc and acetic acid. It is used by some as an astringent against inflammation of the eyes, urethra, and vagina, diluted in the same propor- tion as the sulphate of zinc. Acetate. See Acetas. ACetute of Ammonia. See Ammonia acetatis liquor. Acetate of Potassa. See Potassa acetas. Acetate of Zinc. See Acetas zinci. Acetated vegetable Alcali. See Potassa ace- tas. Acetated volatile Alcali. See Ammonia ace- tatis liquor. ACETIC ACID. Acidum aceticum. The same acid which, in a very dilute and somewhat impure state, is called vinegar. Acetic acid is found combined with potassa in the juices of a great many plants ; particularly the Sambucus nigra, Phanix dactilifera, Galium Verum, and Rhus Typhinus. " Sweat, urine, and even fresh milk, contain it. It is frequently generated in the stomachs of dyspeptic patients. Almost all dry vegetable substances, and some animal, sub- jected in close vessels to a red heat, yield it co- piously. It is the result likewise of a sponta- neous fermentation, to which liquid vegetable, and animal matters are liable. Strong acids, as the sulphuric and nitric, develope the acetic by their action on vegetables. It was long supposed, on the authority of Boerhaave, that the fermen- tation which forms vinegar is uniformly preceded by the vinous. This is a mistake, cabbages sour iu water, making sour crout; starch, in starch- makers' sour waters j and dough itself, without any previous production of wine. "The varieties of acetic acid known in com- merce are four : 1. Wine vinegar. 2. Malt vine- gar. 3. Sugar vinegar. 4. Wood vinegar. ." We shall describe first the mode of making these commercial articles, and then that of ex- tracting the absolute acetic acid of the chemist, either from these vinegars or directly from che- mical compounds, of which it is a constituent. '' The following is the plan of making vinegar at present practised in Paris. The wine des- tined for vinegar is mixed in a large tun with a quantity of wine lees, and the whole being transferred into cloth-sacks, placed within a large iron bound vat, the liquid matter is ex- truded through the sacks by superincumbent pressure. What passes through is put into large /casks, set upright, having a small aperture in { their top. In these it is exposed to the heat of the sun in summer, or to that of a stove in win- ter. Fermentation supervenes in a few .days. If the heat should then rise too high, it is low- ered by cool air and the addition of fresh wine. In the skilful regulation of the fermentative tem- perature consists the art of making good wine vinegar. In summer the process is generally ACE completed in a fortnight: in winter, double the time is requisite. The vinegar is then run oil into barrels, which contain several chips of birchwood. In about a fortnight it is found to be clarified, and is then fit for the market. It must be kept in close casks. "The manufacturers at Orleans prefer wine of a year old for making vinegar. But if by age the wine has lost its extractive matter, it does not readily undergo the acetous fermentation. In this case, acetification, as the French term the process, may be determined by adding slips ojE vines, bunches of grapes, or green woods." "Almost all the vinegar of the north of France being prepared at Orleans, the manufactory of that place has acquired such celebrity, as to render their process worthy of a separate con- sideration. The Orleans' casks contain nearly 400 pints of wine. Those which have been already used are preferred. They are placed in three rows, one over another, and in the top have an aperture of two inches' diameter, kept always open. The wine for acetification is kept in ad- joining casks, containing beech shavings, to which the lees adhere. The wine thus clarified is drawn off to make vinegar. One hundred pints of good vinegar, boiling hot, are first poured into each cask, and left there for eight days. Ten pints of wine are mixed in, every eight days, till the vessels are full. The vine- far is allowed to remain in this state fifteen days efore it is exposed to sale. " The used casks called mothers, are never emptied more than half, but are successively filled again, to acetify new portions of wine. In order to judge if the mother works, the vine- gar-makers plunge a spatula into the liquid ; and according to the quantity of froth which the spa- tula shows, they add more, or less wine. In summer, the atmospheric heat is sufficient. In winter, stoves heated to about 75°. Fahr. main- tain the requisite temperature in the manufac- tory. " In some country districts, the people keep, in a place where the temperature is mild and N equable, a vinegar cask, into which they pour such wine as they wish to acetify ; and it is al- ways preserved full by replacing the vinegar drawn off, by new wine. To establish this household manufacture, it is only necessary to buy at first a small cask of good vinegar. " At Gand, a vinegar from beer is made, in which the following proportions of grain are found to be most advantageous :— 1880 Paris lbs. malted barley. 700 — wheat. 500 — buck-wheat. These grains are ground, mixed, and boiled, along with twenty-seven casks full of river wa- ter, for three hours. Eighteen casks of good beer for vinegar are obtained. By a subsequent decoction, more fermentable liquid is extracted, which is mixed with the former. The whole brewing yields 3000 English quarts. " In this country, vinegar is usually made from malt. By mashing with hot water, 100 gallons of wort are extracted in less than two hours from 1 boll of malt. When the liquor has fallen to the temperature of 75° Fahr. 4 gallons of the barm of beer are added. After thirty-six hours it is racked off into casks, which are laid on their sides, and exposed with their bung-holes loosely covered, to the influence of the sun in .«Z ffthZ1^^^ .arranSed in a stove-roon, In three months this vinegar is readv for the .«-, nufacture of sugar of leJd. To nYake 5nega for domestic use, however, the process is 3 \CE ACE •.vhat different. The above Iquor is racked off into casks placed upright, hiving a false cover, picrceil with holes fixed at about a foot from their bottom. On this a considerable quantity of rape, or the refuse from the makers of British wine, or otherwise a quantity of low-priced rai- sins, is laid. The liquor is turned into another barrel every twenty-four hours, in which time it has begun to grow warm. Sometimes, indeed, the vinegar is fully fermented, as above, without the rape, which is added towards the end, to communicate flavour. Two large casks are in this case worked together, as is described long ago by Boerhaave, as follows :— "' Take two large wooden vats, or hogs- heads ; and in each of these, place a wooden grate or hurdle, at the distance of a foot from the bottom. Set the vessel upright; and on the grate, place a moderately close layer of green twigs, or fresh cuttings of the vine. Then fill up the vessel with the footstalks of grapes, com- monly called the rape, to the top of the vessel, which must be left quite open. " ' Having thus prepared the two vessels, pour into them the wine to be converted into vinegar, so as to fill one of them quite up, and the other but half-full. Leave them thus for twenty-four hours, and then fill up the half-filled vessel with liquor from that which is quite full, and which will now in its turn only be left half-full. Four- and-twenty hours afterwards, repeat the same operation ; and thus go on, keeping the vessels altei nately full and half-full during twenty-four hours, till the vinegar be made. On the second or third day, there will arise in the half-filled vessel a fermentative motion, accompanied with a sensible heat, which will gradually increase from day to day. On the contrary, the ferment- ing motion is almost imperceptible in the full vessel; and as the two vessels are alternately full and half-full, the fermentation is by this means in some measure interrupted, and is only renewed every other day in each vessel. " ' When this motion appears to have entirely ceased, even in the half-filled vessel, it is a sign that the fermentation is finished ; and therefore the vinegar is then to be put into casks close stopped, and kept in a cool place. * " ' A greater or less degree of warmth ac- celerates or checks this, as well as the spirituous fermentation. In France, it is finished in about fifteen days, during the summer; but if the heat of the air beVery great, andexceed the twenty- fifth degree of Reaumur's thermometer (88 1-4° Fahr.) the half-filled vessel must be filled up every twelve hours; because, if the fermenta- tion "be not so checked in that time, it will be- come violent, and the liquor will be so heated, that many of the spirituous parts, on which the strength of the vinegar depends, will be dissipa- ted so that nothing will remain after the fermen- tation but a vapid liquor, sour indeed, but effete. The better to prevent the dissipation of the spi- rituous parts, it is a proper and usual precaution to close the mouth of the half-filled vessel iu which the liquor ferments, with a cover made of oak wood. As to the full vessel, it is always left open that the air may act freely on the liquor it contains : for it is not liable to the same in- conveniences, because it ferments but very slowly.' " Good vinegar may be made from a weak syrup, consi>tinjr of 18 02. of sugar to every gal- lon of water. The yeast and rape arc to be here used as above described. Whenever the vine- gar (from the taste and flavour) rs considered to •'c complete, it ousht to be decanted into titrht barrels' or bottles, and well -1 ''tired from ai'cc.v- of air. A momentary ebullition before it is bot- tled is found favourable to its preservation. In a i large manufactory of malt vinegar, a considera- ble revenue is derived from the sale of yeast to the bakers. "Vinegar obtained by the preceding methods has more or less of a brown colour, and a pecu- liar but rather grateful smell. By distillation in glass vessels the colouring matter, which resides in a mucilage, is separated, but the fragrant ' odour is generally replaced by an empyreumatic one. The best I'ltnch wine vinegars, and also some from malt, contain a little alcohol, which comes over early with the watery part, and ren- ders the first product of distillation scarcely denser, sometimes even less dense, than water.. It is accordingly rejected. Towards the end of the distillation the empyreuma increases. Hence only the intermediate portions are retained as distilled vinegar. Its specific gravity varies from 1.005 to 1.015, whilst that of common vinegar of equal strength varies from 1.010 to 1.025. " A crude vinegar has been long prepared for the calico printers, by subjecting wood in iron retorts to a strong red*heat." "The acetic acid of the chemist may be pre- pared in the following modes : 1st. Two parts of fused acetate of potassa with one of the strong* est oil of vitriol yield, by slow distillation from a glass retort into a refrigerated receiver, con- centrated acetic acid. A small portion of sul- phurous acid, which contaminates it, may be removed by re-distillation, from a little acetate of lead. 2d. Or four parts of good sugar of lead, with one part of sulphuric acid treated in the same way, afford a slightly weaker acetic acid. 3d. Gently calcined sulphate of iron, or green vitriol, mixed with sugar of lead in the proportion of 1 of the former to 2 1-2 of the latter, and carefully distilled from a porcelain retort into a cooled re- ceiver, may be also considered a good economi- cal process. Or without distillation, if lOOparts of well dried acetate of lime be cautiously added to 60 parts of strong sulphuric acid, dilutedwith 5 parts of water, and digested for 24 hours, and strained, a good acetic acid, sufficiently strong for every ordinary purpose, will be obtained. " The distillation of acetate of copper or ol lead per se, has also been employed for obtain- ing strong acid. Here, however, the product is mixed*with a portion of the fragrant pyro-acetic. spirit, which it is troublesome to get rid of. Un- doubtedly the best process for the strong acid is that first described, and the cheapest the second or third. When of the utmost possible strength its sp. gravity is 1.062. At the temperature of 50° F. it assumes the solid form, crystallising in oblong rhomboidal plate,. It has an extremely pungent odour,' affecting the nostrils and eyes even painfully, when its vapour is incautiously snurled up. Its taste is eminently acid and acrid. It excoriates and iunames the skin. " The purified wood vinegar, which is used for ' pickles and cidinary purposes, has commonly a »■ specific gravity of about 1.009 ; when it is equi- valent in acid strength to good wine or malt vine- gar of 1.014. It contains about 1--0 of its weight of absolute acetic acid, and 19-20 of water. But the vinegar of fermentation = 1.014 will become only 1.023 in acetate, from which, if 0.005 be subtracted for mucilage or extractive, the re- mainder will agree with the density of the acetate from wood. A glass hydrometer of Fahrenheit's construction is used for finding the specific gra- vities. It consists of a globe of about 3 inches' diameter, havini a little ballast ball drawn out ACE beneath, and a stem above of about 3 inches long containing a slip of paper with a transverse line in the middle, and surmounted with a little cup for receiving weights or poises. The experiments on which this instrument, called an Acetometer, is constructed, have been detailed in the sixth vo- lume of the Journal of Science." " An acetic acid of very considerable strength may also be prepared by saturating perfectly dry charcoal with common vinegar, and then distilling. The water easily comes off, and is separate at first; but a stronger heat is required to expel the acid. Or by exposing vinegar to very cold air, or to freezing mixtures, its water separates in the state of ice, the interstices of which are occupied by a strong acetic acid, which may be procured by draining. The acetic aoid or radical vinegar of the apothecaries, in which they dissolve a little camphor, or fragrant essential oil, has a specific gravity of about 1.070. It contains fully 1 part of water to 2 of the crystallised acid. The pun- gent smelling salt consists of sulphate of potash moistened with that acid. " Acetic acid acts on tin, iron, zinc, copper, and nickel; and it combines readily with the oxydes of many other metals, by mixing a solution of their sulphates with that of an acetate of lead." " Acetic acid dissolves resins, gum-resins, cam- phor, and essential oils." " Acetic acid and common vinegar are some- times fraudulently mixed with sulphuric acid to give them strength. This adulteration may be detected by the addition of a httle chalk, short of their saturation. With pure vinegar the cal- careous base forms a limpid solution, but with sul- phuric acid a white insoluble gypsum. Muriate of barytes is a still nicer test. British fermented vinegars are allowed by law to contain a little sul- phuric acid, but the quantity is frequently exceed- ed. Copper is discovered in vinegars Dy super- saturating them with ammonia, when a fine t"ic colour is produced : and lead by sulphate oi soda, hydrosulphurets, sulphuretted hydrogen, and gal- lic acid. None of these should produce any change on genuine vinegar." Sec Lead. " Salts consisting of the several bases, united in definite proportions to acetic acid, are called ace- tates. They are characterised by the pungent smell of vinegar, which they exhale on the affu- sion of sulphuric acid; and by their yielding on distillation in a moderate red heat a very light, odorous, and combustible liquid called pyro-ace- tate (spirit ;) which see. They are all soluble in water ; many of them so much so as to be un- crystalisable. About 30 different acetates have been formed, of which only a very few have been applied to the uses of life. ■. " The acetic acid unites with all the alkalies and most of the earths ; and with these b ases it forms compounds, some of which are crystal- Usable, and others have not yet been reduced to a regularity of figure. The salts it forms are distin- guished by their great solubility ; their decompo- sition by fire, which carbonises them ; the spon- taneous alteration of their solution ; and their de- composition by a great number of acids, which extricate from them the acetic acid in a concen- trated state. It unites likewise with most of the metallic oxides. " With barytes the saline mass formed by the acetic acid does not crystallise ; but, when eva- porated to dryness, it deliquesces by exposure to air. This mass is not decomposed by acid of ar- senic. By spontaneous evaporation, however, it will crystallise in fine transparent prismatic needles, of a bitterish acid taste, which do not de- Ifi ACE liquesce when exposed to the air, but rather efflor- esce. "With potassa this acid unites, and forms a •deliquescent salt scarcely crystallisable, called formerly foliated earth of tartar, and regene- rated tartar. The solution of this salt, even in closely stopped vessels, is spontaneously decom- posed : it deposits a thick, mucous, flocculent se- diment, at first gray, and at length black; till at the end of a few months nothing remains in the liquor but carbonate of potassa, rendered impure by a little coaly oil. " With soda it forms a crystallisable salt, which does not deliquesce. This salt has very impro- perly been called mineral foliated earth. Accord- ing to the new nomenclature, it is acetate of soda. " The salt formed by dissolving chalk or other calcareous earth in distilled vinegar, formerly called salt of chalk, or fixed vegetable sal am- moniac, and by Bergman calx acetata, has a sharp bitter taste, appears in the form of crystals resem- bling somewhat ears of corn, which remain dry when exposed to the air, unless the acid has been superabundant, in which case they deliquesce." Of the acetate of strontian little is known but that it has a sweet taste, is very soluble, and is easily decomposed by a strong heat. "The salt formed by uniting vinegar with am- monia, called by the various names of spirit of Mindererus, liquid sal ammoniac, acetous sal ammottiae,a.nd by Bergman alkali volatile aceta- tum, is generally in a liquid state, and is commonly believed not to be crystallisable, as in distillation it passes entirely over into the receiver." It never- theless maybe reduced into the form of small needle- shaped crystals, when ibis liquor is evaporated to the consistence of a syrup." " With magnesia the acetic acid unites, and after a perfect saturation, forms a viscid saline mass, like a solution of gum-arabic, which does . not shoot into crystals, but remains deliquescent, has a taste sweetish at first, and afterwards bitter, and is soluble in spirit of wine. The acid of this saline mass may be separated by distillation with- out addition. 'j. Glucine is readily dissolved by acetic acid. This solution, Vauquelin informs us, does not crys- tallise : but is reduced by evaporation to a gummy substance, which slowly becomes dry and brittle; retaining a kind of ductility for a long time. It has a saccharine and pretty strongly astringent taste, in which that pf vinegar however is distin- guishable. " Yttria dissolves readily in acetic acid, and the solution yields by evaporation crystals of ace- tate of yttria." " Alumine obtained by boiling alum with alkalf, and edulcorated by digesting in an alkaline lix- ivium, is dissolved by distilled vinegar in a very inconsiderable quantity." ' " Acetate of zircone may be formed by pouring acetic acid on newly precipitated zircone. It has an astringent taste." "Vinegar dissolves the true gums, and partly the gum-resms, by means of digestion. " Boerhaave observes, that vinegar by lone boiung dissolves the flesh, cartilages, bones, and lgainents of animals."—Ure's Chemical Dic- tionary. Moderately rectified pyrolignous acid has been recommended for the preservation of animal food; but the empyreumatic taint it communi- cates to bodies immersed in it, is not quite re- s'0 4 }J tJheirf?ubseq<-ent ebullition in water. See Acid, Pyrolignous. The utility of vinegar a« a condiment for pre- -jiving and seasoning both animal and vegctaMe • ubstances in various articlesrof fobd is very ge- nerally known. It affords an agreeable beve- rage, when combined with water in the propor- tion of a table spoonful of the former to half a pint of the latter. It is' often employed as a medicine in inflammatory and putrid diseases, when more active remedies cannot be procured. Relief ha, likewise been obtained in ly-pochon- ilriacal and hyjteric affections, in vomiting, fainting, and hiccough, by the application ot vinegar to the mouth. If this fliud be poured into vessels and placed over the gentle heat of a lamp in the apartments of the sick, it greatly contribute* to disperse ibul or mephitie-rapours, and consequently to purify the air. ' Hfcaoticon- tagjous powers are now little trusted to, but its odour is employed to relieve nervous headache, tainting fits, or sickness occasioned by crowded rooms. As_ an external application; vinegar proves_ highly efficacious when joined with farinaceous' substances, and applied as a cataplasm to sprain- ed joints ; it also forms an eligible lotion for,in- flammations of'the surface^ when'mi.vcj with alcohol and water in about equal proportions. Applied to burns and scalds, it is said to be highly serviceable whether there is a-loss- of substance or not, «id to quicken the exfoliation of carious bone. (Gloucester Infirmary. )--..:< !..■:- cd with an infusion of sage, or with water, it forms a popular and excellent gargle for an in- flamed throat, also for an injection to moderate the fluor allmst Applied cold to the nose in cases of hemorrhage, also to the loins and abdo- men in raenorrhagu, particularly after partuii- tion.'it is said to be very serviceable. Aa im- prudent use of vinegar internally is not without considerable inconvenieneies. I.#ige and fre- quent'doses injure the stomach, coagulate the chyle, and produce not only leanness, but an atrophy. When taken to exccsV by females to reduce a corpulent habit, tubercles in the lungs und a consumption have been the consequence* i .ACETIFICATION. (Acetificdtio; horn ace- tum, vinegar, taid'jio, to make.) The action 01 operationally which vinegar is made.A ACETOMETER. An instrument for esti- mating the strength of vinegars.^ See Acetic Acid. +, ■ >* ACETO'SA. (From accsco, to be sour.) Sorrel. A genus of plants in some systems of botany. See Rumex. ■% ACETOSE'LLA. (From acetosa, sorrel: so. called from the acidity of its leaves.) Wood- fcorrel. See Oxalis acetosella.* ACETOUS. {Acetosus; from acetum, vine- jar.) Of or belonging to^inegar^.. Acetous Acid. See Acetum. Acetous Fermentation. Sec Fermentation. ■ ACETUM. (Acetum, i.n.; fromacer,.sour.) - Vinegar. A sour liquor obtained from many ve- getable substances dissolved^ in boiling water; and from fermented and spirituous liquors, by ex- posing them to heat'and contact with air; under which circumstances they undergo the acid fer- mentation, and afford th» liquor called vinegar. Common vinegar consists of acetic acid cotn» bined with a large portion of water, and witn this are in solution portions of gluten, mucilage, si'-ar, and extractive matter, from which U.de- riv't■• h> colour, and frequently some of the ve- getable acids, particularly the malic and the tar- taric. See Acetic Acid. Acetum aiomaticum. Aromaticvincrar. A preparation oT the Edinburgh Pbannac.-'pieu, ACli thought to be an improvement of what has been named thieves'' cinegar. Take of the dried tops of rosemary, the dried leaves of sage, of each four ounces; dried laven- der flowers, two ounces; cloves, two drachms ; distilled vinegar, eight pounds. Macerate for seven days, and strain the expressed juice through paper. "Its virtues are antiseptic, and it is a use- ful composition to smell at in crowded courts of justice, hospitals, &c. 'Avhcre' the air is offen- sTve. ' .. Acetttm colchici. Vinegar of meadow-saf- fron. Take of fresh meadow-saffron root sliced, an ounce; acetfo acid, a pint; proof spirit!, a fluid ounce? MSceratc the meadow-saffron root in the acid, in a covered glass vessel, for three days ; then press out the liquor and set it by, . that the feculencies may subside ; lastly, add the spirit to the cicar liquor. The dose is from 3ss <»to 31*5- * Acetum distimlatitm. See Acidum aceti- culntmlutnhi. _ Act.vum sciLL.fi. Vinegar of squills. Take ol squills recently dried, one pound; dilute \ acetic acid, six pints ; proof spirit, half a pint. Macerate the squills with the vinegar in a glass vessel, with agentle heat for twenty-four hours ; then express tha'flquor and set it aside until the faeces subside. To the decanted liquor add the. spirit. Thi^ preparation of squills is employed as an attemumt, expectorant, and diuretic- Dose, xv. to i.x. drops. ACHEIR. (From a, neg. and xc'ijj hand.) Without hands. Aciu'colum. By this word Ccelius Aureli- anus} Acut. lib. ifi. cap. 17. expresses the suda- torium pi' the ancient baths, which was a' hot room where they used to sweat. ACHILLF/A. (ylchillea, a, f. a,y.iXX«« : from Achilles, who is said to have made bis tents with it, or to have cured Telephus with it.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Cix-s, Syngenesia; Order, Polyga- i mia superjlua. 2. The pharmaceutical name of the milfoil-. See Achillea millefolium. Achillea ageratum. Maudlin, or maudlin tansy. Balsamita famino ; Eupatorium Mt- sues. Tins plant, the ageratum of the shops, is described by Liunxus as Achillea :—foliis lance- "olatis, obtusis, aculoserratis. It is esteemed in some countries as anthelmintluc and alterative, and is given Jn hepatic obstructions. It possesses the virtues of tansy. Achillea'millefolium. The systematic name of the common yarrow, or milfoil. Achil- lea; Myriophyllon ; Chiliophyllon ; Lumbus veneris; Militaris herba; Stratiotes ; Carpen- taria} Speculum veneris. The leaves and flow- ers of this muigenous plant, Achillea—foliis bi- pinnatis nudis; laciniis linearibus dentatis: cau^ibus superne sulcatis of Linnxus, have an agreeable, weak, aromatic smell, and a bitterish, rough, and somewhat pungent taste. They are b#th directed for medicinal use in the Edinburgh Pharmacopteia; in the present practice, how- ever, they are almost wholly neglected. Achillea ptarmica. 'i'he systematic name ,pf the sneeze-wort, or"bastard pellitory. Pseu- dopyrethrum ; Pyrethrumsytvcatft, /Dracosyl- vcsiMp ; Tarchon sylvestris; Sternutamento- ria; DracuMulus pratepsis. The flowers an«t r*its of this plant, Achillea—foliis lanceolalis, acuminatis, argute serraiis, have a hot biting taste, approaching to that of pyrethrum, with which thev also agree in their pharmaceutical 17 AC 11 Af.'II pi-opcriics. Their principal use is as a mastica- tory and sternutatory. Achillea foliis pinnatis. Sec Genipi >-,-, um. ACHI'LLES. The won of 1'elens and Thetis, one of the most celebrated Grecian heroes. A tendon is named after him, and also a plant with which he is said to have cured Telephus. Achillis tendo. The tendon of the gas- irocnemii muscles. .So called, because, as fable reports, Thetis, the mother of Achilles, held him by that part when she dipped him in the river Styx, to make him invulnerable. Homer describes this tendon, and some writers suppose it was thus named by the ancients, from their custom of calling every thing Achillean, that had any extraordinary strength or virtue. Others say it was named from its action in conducing to swiftness of pace, the term importing so much. The tendon of Achilles is the strong and power- ful tendon of the heel which is formed" by the junction of the gastrocnemius mi soleus muscles, and which extends along the posterior part of the tibia from the calf to the heel. See Gas- trocnemius externus, and Gastrocnemius.inter- nus. When this tendon is unfortunately cut or rup- tured, as it may be in consequence of a violent exertion, or spasm of the muscles of'which it is a continuation, the use of the leg is immediately lost, and unless the part be afterwards success- fully united, the patient must remain a cripple for life. When the tendon has been cut, the di- vision of the skin allows the accident to be seen. When the tendon has been ruptured, the patient hears a sound like that of the smack of a whip, at the moment of the occurrence. In whatever way the tendon has been divided, there is a sud- den incapacity, or at least an extreme difficulty, either of standing or walking. Hence the pa- tient falls down, and cannot get up again. Be- sides these symptoms there is a very palpable depression between the ends of the tendon ; which depression is increased when the foot is bent, and diminished, or even quite removed when the foot is extended. The patient can spontaneously bend his foot, none of the flexor muscles being interested. The power of ex- tending the foot is still possible, as the peronei muscles, the tibialis posticus, and long flexors, remain perfect, and may perform this motion. The indications are to bring the endj of the di- vided parts together, and to keep them so, until they have become firmly united. The first ob- ject is easily fulfilled by putting the foot in a state- of complete extension ; the seeond, name- ly, that of keeping the ends of the tendon in contact, is more difficult. It seems unnecessary to enumerate the various plans devised to accom- plish these ends. The following is Default's method: After the ends of the tendon had been brought into contact by moderate flection of the knee, and complete extension of the foot, he used to fill up the hollows on each side of the tendon with soft lint and compresses. The roller applied to the limb, made as much pressure on these compresses as on the tendon, and hence this part could not be depressed too much against the subjacent parts. Desault next took a com- press about two inches broad, and long enough to reach from the toes to the middle of the thigh, and placed it under the foot, over the back of the leg and lower part of the thigh. He then began to apply a few circle s of a roller round the end of the4tot, so as to fix the lower extremity of the longitudinal compress ; after covering the whole foot with the roller, he used to make the bandage describe the figure of 8, passing it under the foot IS anil aciv.v> the place where the tuialou was rm»- . lured, and the method was finished by encircling^ the limb upward with the roller as far as the up- per end of the longitudinal compress. A'CHLYS. (AXvf.) Darkness;' cloudiness. An obsolete term, generally applied to a close, ^ foggy air, or a mist. l! Hippocrates, de Morbis Mulierum, lib. n. signifies by this word air, condensed air in the womb. 2. Galen interprets it of those, who, during sickness, lose that lustre and loveliness observed about the pupil of the eye in health. 3. Others express it by an ulcer on the pupil of the eye, or the scar left there by an ideer. 4. It metm/also an opacity of the cornea ; the same as the caligo cornea of Dr.. Cullen. Achma'jdium. Antimony. ACHMEXLA. See Spilanthus acmella. A'CHNEt An' obsolete term applied to 1. Chaff. 2. Scum or froth of the sea. 3. A white mucus in the fauces, thrown up from the hings, like froth. 4. A whitish mucilage in the eyes of those who have fevers, according to Hippocrates. 5. It signifies also lint. A'CHOLUS. (From a, priv. and xo\ij, bile.) Deficient in bile. A'CHOR. (Achor, oris. m. a^up, qu. ay^yup ; from 'axvrj, bran: according to Blanchard it is de- rived from a, priv. and xuJ")^ space, as occupying but a small compass.) Lactumen; Abas; Ac- ores ; Cerion"-; Favus ; Crusta lactea of authors. The scald-head; so called from the branny scales thrown off it. A disease which attacks the hairy scalp of the head, for the most part, of young children, forming soft and scaly eruptions. Dr. Willaii, in his description of different kinds ct pustides, defines the achor, a pustule of interme- diate size between the phlyzacium and psydracium, which contains a straw-coloured fluid, having the appearance and nearly the consistence of strained honey. It appeared most frequently about the head, and is succeeded by a dultavhite or yellowish scab. Pflstules of this kind, when so large as nearly to equal the size of phlyzacia, are termed ceria or favi, beingsucceedcd by a yellow, semi-transparent, and sometimes cellular, scab, like a honeycomb. The achor differs from the favus and tinea only in the degree of virulence. It is called favus when the perforations are large ;, and tinea when they are like those which are made by moths in cloth ; but generally by tinea is understood a dry scab on the hairy scalp of children, with thick scales and an offensive smell. When this disorder affects the face, it is called crusta lactea or milk scab. Mr. Bell, in his Treatise on Ulcers, reduces the tinea capitis and crusta lactea to some species of herpes, viz. the herpes pustulosus, differing only in situation. ACHORISTOS. Inseparable. This term was applied by the ancients, to symptoms, or signs, which are inseparable from particular things. Ihus, softness is inseparable from humiditv; hardness from fragility; and a pungent pain'in Vr'ClmSA el lnE?l)arable symptom of a pleurisy. ACHRAS. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Hexandria; Order, Monogyma. The sapota plum-tree t.A™AS £*?0T£ , Thfi sy£tematic name of £pH % T-'?h aft0rds thc °*al-fruited sapota, of t«, 1 7 ^l are, sometimes S™n *» the Yorm of cmnUion iti calculous complaints. It is a native of South America, and bears a fruit like tiffin "S W^ ***• ^cio« ^ lesembling that of the marmalade of quinces MA AM * ^rEence it is called natural marmalade. %Thebark ol this, and the Achras mammosa is very astrin- gent, and is used medicinally under the name of Cortex jamaicen sis. ACHREI'ON Useless. Applied by Hippo- crates to the limbs which, through weakness, become useless. ACHROI'A. A paleness A'CHYRON. A-xvpov. This properly signi- fies bran, or chaff, or straw. Hippocrates, de Morbis Mulierum, most probably means by this word, bran. Achyron also signifies a straw, hair, or any thing that .-.ticks upon a wall. A'CIA. (From aw, aroint.) A needle with thread in it for cliirurgical operations. A'CICYS. Weak, infirm, or faint. In this' sen^e it is used by Hippocrates, De Morb. lib. iv. ACID. (Asidum, i. n.) 1. That which im- presses upon the organs of taste a sharp or sour sensation. The word sour, which is usually em- ployed to denote the simple impression, or lively and sharp sensation produced on the tongue by certain bodies, may be regarded as synonymous to the word add. The only difference which can be established between them, is, that the one de- notes a weak sensation, whereas the other com- prehends all the degrees of force, from the least perceptible to the greatest degrees of causticity : thus we say that verjuice, gooseberries, or lemons, are«wr; but we use the word acid to express the impression which the nitric, sulphuric, or muriatic acids make upon the tongue. 2. Acids are an important ch'.ss of chemical compounds. In the generalisation of facts pre- sented by Lavoisier and the associated French chemists, it was the leading doctrine that acids resulted from the union of a peculiar combustible base called the radical, with a common principle technically called oxygen, or the acidifer. This general position was founded chiefly on the pheno- mena exhibited in the formation and decomposi- tion of sulphuric, carbonic, phosphoric, and nitric acids; and was extended by a plausible analogy to other acids, the radicals of which were unknown. " I have already shown," says Lavoisier, " that phosphorus is changed by combustion into an extremely light, white, flaky matter. Its pro- perties are likewise entirely altered by this trans- formation ; from being insoluble in water, it becomes not only soluble, but so greedy of mois- ture as to attract the humidity of the air with astonishing rapidity. By this means it is con- verted into a liquid, considerably more dense, and of more s}>ecific gravity than water. In the state of phosphorus before combustion, itj had scarcely any sensible taste; by its union with oxygen, it acquires an extremely sharp and sour taste ; in a word, from one of the class of combustible bodies, it is changed into an incombustible substance, and becomes one of those bodies called acids. ' " This property of a combustible substance, to be converted into an acid by the addition of oxygen, we shall presently find belongs to a great number of bodies. W herefore strict logic requires that we should adopt a common term for indi- cating all these operations which produce analo- gous results. This is1' the true way to simplify the study of science, as it would be quite impossible to bear all its specific details in the memory if they were not classically arranged. For this reason we shall distinguish the conversion of phosphorus into an acid by its union with oxygen, and in general every combination of oxygen with a combustible substance, by the term 'oxygena- tion ; from this I shall adopt the verb to oxygen- ale; and of consequence shall say, that iii»\ y- genatinij phosplu i .s, we convert it into an ucv*.. '•Sulphur also, iu burnin., absorbs oxygen ga~ ; the resulting acid is considerably heavier than the sulphur burnt; its weight is equal to the Ruin of the weights of the sulphur which has been burnt, and of the oxygen absorbed ; and, lastly, this acid is weighty, incombustible, and miscibfce with water in all proportions. " I might' multiply these experiments, and f-how, by a numerous succession of facts, that all acids are formed by the combustion of certain substances ; but I am prevented from doing so in tiiis place by the plan which I have laid down, of proceeding only from facts already ascertained to such as are unknown, and of drawing my examples only from circumstances already explained. In the mean time, however, the examples above cited may suffice for giving a clear and accurate con- ception of the manner in which acids are formed-. By these it may be clearly seen that oxygen is an element common to them all, and which consti- tutes or produces their acidity; and that they diffen from each other according to the several natures ofthe oxygenated or acidified substances. We must, therefore, in every acid, carefully distin- guish between ibe acidifiable base, which de Mor- veau calls the rldical, and ' the acidifying princi- ple or oxygen.' "• Elements, p. 115. " Although we have not yet been able either to compose or to decompound this acid of sea sail-, we cannot have the smallest doubt that it, like all other acids, is composed by the union of oxygen with an acidifiable base. Wc have, therefore, ealled this unknown substance the muriatic base, or muriatic radical." P. 122. 5th Edition. Berthollet maintains, that Lavoisier had given too much latitude to the idea of oxygen being the universal acidifying principle. "In fact," says he, " it is carrying the limits of analogy too far to infer, that all acidity, even that of the muriatic, fluoric, and boracic acids, arises from oxygen, be- cause it gives acidity to a great number of sub- stances. Sulphuretted hydrogen, which really possesses the properties of an acid, proves directly that acidity is not in all cases owing to oxygen. There is no better fotuidation for concluding that hydrogen is the principle of alcalinity, not only in the alcalies, properly so called, but also in magnesia, lime, strontian, and barytes, because ammonia appears to owe its alcalinity to hydro- gen. " These considerations prove that oxygen may be regarded as the most usual principle ofacidity, but that this species of affinity for the alcalies may belong to substances which do not contain oxy- gen ; that we must not, therefore, always infer, from the acidity of a substance, that it contains oxygen, although this majr be an inducement to suspect its existence in it; still less should wc conclude, because a substance contains oxygen, that it must have- acid properties; on the con- trary, the acidity of an oxygenated substance shows that the oxygen has only experienced an incomplete saturation in it, since its properties remain predominant." This generalisation of the French chemists concerning oxygen, was fir-t experimentally combated by Sir Humphry Davy, in a series of dissertations published in the Philosophical Transactions. "His first train of experiments was instituted with the view of operating by volfa;c electricity on niu-,iatic and other aciij freed from water. Substances whirl) are now known by :h -namp.s of chlorides of phosphorus an'1 t'a, but which h^ then supposed lo contain egctable, or the animal king- dom. But a more specific distribution is now re- quisite. They have also been arranged into those which have asingle, and those which have acom- ttound basis or radical. This arrangement is not only vague, but liable in other respects to consider- able objections. The chief advantage of a classi- fieatjim is to give eineral views to beginners in 20 the stud* by grouping t^ther^ch sub=tan«« ^ or compc as have analogous properties ... -—--•. . . These objects will be tolerably well attained by the following divisions and subdivisions. * " l«t. Acids from inorganic nature, or which are procurable without having recourse to animal or vegetable product . " 2d. Acids elaborated by means of organiza- " The first group is subdivided into three fami- lies : 1st. Oxygen acids; 2d. Hydrogen acids; 3d. Acids destitute of both these supposed acidi-, fiers- _ .,^ Family 1st—Oxygen acids. k Section 1st, Non-metallic, 1.' Boracic. *t 2. Carbonic. 3. Chlopc. 4. PerehloiJc ? 5. Chloro-Carbonic. 6. Nitrous. 7. Hyponitric. 8. Nitric. 9. Iodic. 10. Iodo-StUphnric. 11. Hypophosphoron=. 12. Phosphorous. 13. Phosphntic. 14. Phosphoric. 15. Hyposulphurous. Ifi. Sulphurous. 17. Hyposulphuric. 18. Sulphuric. -■ 19. Cyanic? Section 2d, Qxygen acids.—Metallic Arsenic,' fig Arsenions. Antimonious. r Antimonic. Chromic. 6. Columbic. 7. Molybdic. 8V Molybdous 9. Tuiiffstic. Farruly 2d.—Hydrogen acids. Fluoric Hydriodic. Hydrochloric, or Muriatic. Ferroprussic t>. Hydroprussic, or Hydro-cyanic. 7. Hydrosulphurous. •8. Hydrotellurous. '9. Sulphuroprussic. 6. Hydroselenic. Family 3$.—Acids without Oxygen or 4 Hydrogen. 1. Chloriodic. 3._ Fluoboric. 2. Chloropru^sic, or 4: Fluosilicic. Chloro.cyanie'.^r j ' Division 2d.' 1. Accric. 2. Acetic. 3. Amniotic. 4. Benzoic. 5. Boletic. 6. Butyric. 7. Camphoric. 8. Caseic. 9. Cevadic. 10. Cholesteric. 11. Citric. 12. Delphinic. 13. Ellagic? Formic. Eungic. ' Gallic. I°a^uric. Kinic. Laccic. Lactic. Lampic. Lithic, or Uric alic. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Acids of Organic Origin. 24. Meeonic. 25. Menispermie. 26, Marsraric. 27. Melassic? 28.- Mellitic. 69. Moroxylic. 30. Mucic. 31. Nanceic? 32. Nitroileucic. Nitro-saccharie. Oleic. Oxalic. Purpuric. Pyrolilhic. 38. Pyromalie. 39. Pyrotartaric. 40. Ilosasic. ^^- 41. Saclactie. "^ 42. Sebacie. Suberic. -* Succinic. Sulphoviuie . Tartaric. w M. 1 S3. 34. 35. 36. 37. 43. 44. 45. 46. The acids of the last division are all decompile- >le at a red heat, and affosd generally carbon. hydrogen, oxygen, and, in some few cases, also' mtrosren. 1 he mellitic is found like amber in wood coal, and, like oritrin." it. ts undotibtedlv of onramV ACI AC I Arid, actric. See, Aceric acid. Add, acetic. See Acetum. Acid, acetous. See Acetum. * Acid, aerial. See Carbonic acid. ' Acid, atherial. See jEthers. Add, aluminous. See Sulphuric acid. Acid, amniotic. See Amniotic acid. Acid, animal. See Acid. Acid, antimonic. See Antimony. Add, antimonous. See Antimony. Add of ants. See Formic acid. Acid, arsenical. See Arsenic. Acid, arsenious. See Arsenic. Acid, benzoic. See Benzoic add. Acid, boletic. See Boletic acid. Acid, boracic. See Boracic add. Ada, camphoric. See Camphoric acid. 'Add, carbonic. See Carbonic add. Acid, caseic. See Caseic add. Add, cetic. See Cetic add. Ada, chloric.'' See Chloric acid. , Acid, chloriodic. See Chloriodic acid. Acid, chlorous. Sec Chlorous acid. Add, chloro-carbonic. See Chlorocarbonous acid and Phosgene. Add, chloro-cyanic. See Chloro-cyanic.add. Ada, chloro-prussic. SeeChloro-cyanic add. Add, chromic. See Chromic acid. Add, citric. See Citric add. Ada, columbic. See Columbicadd. Acid, cyanic. See Prussic add. ■ Add, dcphlogisticatcd muriatic. Sec Chlo- rine. Add, dulcified. Now called Mther. Acid, ellegic. See Ellagic add. Acid,fvrro-chyazic. See Ferro-chyazic acid. Acid, ferro-prussic. See Ferro-prussic acid. Addfferruretted chyazic. See Fcrro-prussic add. Add, fiuoboi-ic. Sec Fltioboric acid. Add, fluoric. See Fluoric acid. Add, fluoric, silicated. See Fluoric acid. Add, fluosilidc. See Fluoric acid. Acid, formic. See Formic add. Add, fungic. See Pungic add. t •Acid, gallic. See Gallic add. Acid, hydriodic. See Hydriodic acid. Add, hydrochloric. Sec Muriatic add, Add, hydrocyanic. See Prussic add. Add, hydrofluoric. See Fluoric .add. Add, hydrophosphorous. See Phosphorous acid. Acid, hydrophtoric. Sec Fluoric acid. Add, hydrosulphuric. See Sulphuretted hy- drogen. Add, hydrothionic. Sec Sulphuretted hy- drogen. Acid, hyponitrous. See Hyponitrous acid. Add, hypophosphorus. Sec Hypophospho- rons add. Acid, hyposulpii.iric. Sec Hyposulphuric arid. Add, hyposulphurous. See Hyposulphurous add. ':•'•• Acid, igasuric. See Igasuric add. Add, imperfect. These acids are so called in the chemical nomenclature, vrhich are not fully saturated with oxygen. Their names are ended ;n Latin by osum, and in English by mis: e. g. ftcidum nitrosum, or nitrous tcid. Add, iodUq Seajfodic acid. Add, iodoniphuric. See lodosulphu.iacid. Acid, fcinic.. See Kinic acid. Add, krumcric. See Kramcric add. Acid, laedc. See Lacric acid. Add, lactic. See Ijactic acid. Arid, lampir. See Lampir acid. Acid, lethic. See Lethic add. Add, malic. See Malic addm Acid, manganesic. See Manganesic add. Add, margaritic. S (e Margaritic add. Add, meconic. See Mr conic add. Acid, mellitic. See Mellitic acid. • Acid, menispermic. See Menispermic acid, »Add of milk. See Mucic acid.. Add, mineral. Those acids which are found to exist in minerals, as the sulphuric, the nitric, &c. See Add. Add, molybdic. See Molybdic add. Acid, molybdous. .See Molybdous add. Acid, moroxylic. See Moroxylic add, Acid, muric. See Mucic acid.. Add, mucous. Sec Mucic add. r-.Add, muriatic. See Muriatic acid. "* Add, muriatic, dephlogisticated. Add, nanedc. See Nanceic acid. Acid of nitre. See Nitric acid. Acid, nitric. See Nitric add. Add, nitro-leuric. See Nitro-leucic acid. Add, nitro-murialic. See Nitro-muriatic add. Add, nitro-saccharine. See Nilro-saccharic add. Add, nitro-sulphuric. See Nitro-sulphuric acidy Add, nitrous. See Nitrous add. Add, (Enollaoiur. See (Enothionic acid. Acid, oleic. See Oleic add. Acid, oxalic. See Oxalic acid. Add, oxiodic. See Iodic acid. . -» Acid, oxychloric. See Perchloric add. Acid, oxymuriatic. See Chlorine. Add, perchloric. See Perchloric acid. Add, perfect. An acid is termed perfect in the chemical nomenclature, when it is completely saturated with oxygen. Their names are ended in Latin by team, anp in English by ic : e. g. aci- dum nitricum, or nitric add. Acid, perlate. See Perlate add. Acid, pernitrous. See Hyponitrous acid. Acid, phosphatic. See Phosphatic acid. Acid, phosphoric. See Phosphoric acid. Acid, phosphorous. See Phosphorous add. Acid, prusde. See Prussic add. Acid, purpuric. See Purpuric acid. Add, pyro-acetic. See Pyro-acctic acid. Acid, pyrodlric. See Pyrocitric acid. Acid, pyroligneous. See Pyro-ligneous acid. Add, pyromucous. See Pyro-muric acid. Add, pyrotartarous. See Pyrotartaric acid. Acid, rheumic. See Rheumic add. Acid, saccho-lactic. See Mucic add. Add, saclactic. See Mucic add. Acid, sebacic. See Sebadc add. Acid, selenic. Se"e Selenic add. Add, silicated, fluoric. Acid sorbic. See Sorbic acid. Acid, stannic. Sec Stannic add. Acid, stibic. See Stibic add. Acid, slibious. See Stibious acid. Add, suberic. See Suberic add. Acid, succinic. See Sucrinic acid. Add of sugar. See Oxalic acid. Add, sulpho-cyanic. See Sulphuro-prusdc acid. Acid, sulphovinous. See Sulphovinic acid. Add, sulphureous. See Sulphureous acid. Acid, sulphuretted chyazic. See Sulphuro- prussic add. Add, sulphuric. See Sulphuric acid. Acid of Tartar. See Tartaric acid. Acid, tartaric. See Tartaric acid. Add, telluric. See Telluric acid. Acid, tungstic. See Tungstic add. 21 AC! Acid, uric. See Lithic add. Add, vegetable. Those which are found in the vegetable kingdom, as the citric, malic, ace- tic, &c. See Acid. Add of vinegar. See Acetum. Add of vinegar, concentrated. See Acetum. Acid of vitriol. See Sulphuric add. Acid} vitriolic. See Sulphuric acid. Acid, zumic. See Zumic add. ACIDIFIABLE. Capable of being converted into an acid by an acidifying principle. Sub- stances possessing this property are called radicals and acidifiable bases. ACIDIFICATION. (Acidificatio; {com aci- dum, an acid.) The formation of an acid ; also the impregnating of any thing with acid properties. ACIDIFYING. See Acid. ACIDIMETRY. The measurement of the strength of acids. This is effected by saturating a given weight of them with an alcaline base ; the quantity of which requisite for the purpose, is the measure of their power. ACIDITY. Aciditas. Sourness. ACIDULOUS. Acidula, Latin; acidule, French. Slightly acid: applied to those salts in which the base is combined with such an excess of acid, that they manifestly exhibit acid proper- ties, as the supertartrate and the supersulphate of potassa. Addulous waters. Mineral waters, which contain so great a quantity of carbonic acid gas, as to render them acidulous, or gently tart to the taste.' See Mineral waters. ACIDULUS. Acididated. Any thing blend- ed with an acid juice in order to give it a coolness and briskness. A'CIDUM. (Acidum, i. n ; from aceo, to be sour.) An acid. See Acid. Acidum aceticum. See Acidum aceticum dilutum. Acidum aceticum dilutum. Dilute acetic acid. Take of vinegar, a gallon. Distil the acetic acid in a sand bath, from a glass retort into a receiver also of glass, and kept cold; throw away the first pint, and keep for use the six succeeding pints, which are distilled over. In this distillation, the liquor should be kept moderately boiling, and the heat should not be urged too far, otherwise the distilled acid will have an empyrc-umatic smell and taste, which it ought not to possess. If the acid be prepared correctly, it will be colourless, and of a grateful, pungent, peculiar acid taste. One fluid ounce ought to dissolve at least ten grains of carbonate of lime, or white marble. This liquor is the acetum distillatum; the acidum acetosum of the London Pharmacopoeia of 1787, and the ad- dum aceticum of that of 1822, and the acidum .aceticum dilutum of the present. The com- pounds of the acid of vinegar, directed to be used by the new London Pharmacopoeia, are acetum colchid, acetum sdllee, ceratum plumbi acetatis, liquor ammonia acetatis, liquor plumbi acetatis, liquor plumbi acetatis dilutis, oxymel, oxymel scilla, potassa acetas, and the catc.plas- ma sinapis. Acidum aceticum concentratum. When the acid of vinegar is greatly concentrated, that is, deprived of its water, it is called concentrated acid of vinegar, and radical vinegar. Distilled vinegar may* be concentrated by freezing: the congelation takes place at a tem- perature below 28 degrees, more or less, accord- ing to its strength; and the congealed part is merely ice, leaving, of course, a stronger acid. If this be exposed to a very intense cold, it hlioofs into crystals; which, being separated, liquefy, when the temperature rises; and th* h= quor is limpid as water, extremely strong, and has a highly pungent acetous odour. This is tn^, pure acid of the vinegar; the foreign matter re- maining in the uncongealed liquid. Other methods are likewise employed to obtain the pure and concentrated acid. The process of Westendorf, which has been often followed, is to saturate soda with distilled vinegar ; obtain the acetate by crystallisation ; and pour upon it, in a retort, half its weight of sulphuric acid. By ap- plying heat, the acetic acid is distilled over ; and, should there be any reason to suspect the pre- sence of any sulphuric acid, it may be distilled a second time, from a little acetate of soda. Ac- cording to Lowitz, the best way of obtaining this acid pure, is to mix three parts of the ace- tate of soda with eight of supersulphate of po- tassa ; both salts being perfectly dry, and in fine powder, and to distil from this mixture in a re- tort, with a gentle heat. It may also be obtained by distilling the verdi- gris of commerce, with a gentle heat. The con- centrated acid procured by these processes, was supposed to differ materially from the acetous acids obtained by distilling vinegar; the two acids were regarded as differing in their degree of oxygenisement, and were afterwards distin- guished by the names of acetous and acetic acids. The acid distilled from verdigris was supposed to derive a quantity of oxygen from the oxyde of copper, from which it was expelled. The expe- riments of Adet have, however, proved the two acids to be identical; the acetous acid, therefore, only differs from the acetic acid in containing more water, rendering it a weaker acid, and of a less active nature. There exists, therefore, only one of acid vinegar, which is the acetic; its compounds are termed acetates. Acidum acetosum. See Acetum. Acidum .cthereum. See Sulphuric acid. Acidum aluminosum. (So called, because it exists in alum.) See Sulphuric acid. Acidum Arsenicum. See Arsenic. Acidum benzoicum. Benzoic acid. The London Pharmacopoeia directs it to be made thus:—Take of. gum benzoin a pound and a half: fresh lime, four ounces: water, a gallon and a half: muriatic acid, four fluid ounces. Rub together the benzoin and lime; then boil them in a gallon of the water, for half an hour, constantly stirring; and, when it is cold, pour off the liquor. Boil what remains a second time, in four pints of water, ami pour off the liquor as before. Mix the liquors, and boil down to half, then strain through paper, and add the muriatic acid gradually, until it ceases to produce a pre- cipitate. Lastly, having poured off the liquor, dry the powder in a gentle heat; put it into a proper vessel, placed in a sand bath ; and by a very gentle fire, sublime the benzoic acid. In this process a solution of benzoate of lime is first obtained ; the muriatic acid then, abstracting the. eA JPrcciPitatcs the benzoic acid, which is crystallised by sublimation. The Edinburgh Pharmacopccia forms a benzo- ate of soda, precipitates the acid by sulphuric acid, and afterwards crystallises it by solution in hot water, which dissolves a larger quantity than Benzoic acid has a strong, pungent, aromatic, and peculiar odour. Its crystals are ductile, not pulvjpnsable; it sublimes i„ a moderate heat, forming a white irritating smoke. It is soluble in about twenty-four times its weight of boiling water, which, as it cools, precioitntes 19-?'>ths of what it hPd di-volvcil. It is s-ofuble in alco'i,.' VCN iJuuzoic acid is very Seldom used in tiie cure of diseases ; but now and thru it is ordered as a stimulant against convulsive coughs and difficulty of breathing. The do; e is from one grain to five. A< ii'UM boracicum. See Boracic add. Acidum cahbonicum. See Carbonic add. Acidum catholicon. See Sulphuric acid. Acidum citricc.m. See Citric acid. Acidum to', riaticum. See Muriatic acid. ACIDUM MtlRIATICHM OXVGENATUM. See Oxygenised muriatic acid. Acidum nitkicom. See Nitric, add. Aciut'M nitricum dilutum. Take of nitric acid a fluid ounce; distilled water nine fluid ounces. Mix them. Acidum nitrosum. See Nitrous acid. AciDt'M phosphoricum. See Phosphoric acid. Acidum primkenium. See Sulphuric acid. Acidum succinmcum. Sec Succinic acid. Acidum sulphimilvm. See Sulphureous acid. Acidum sulphuricum. See Sulphuric acid. Acidum sulphuricum dilutum. Acidum vitriolicum dilutum. Spiritus vitrioli tenuis'. Take of sulphuric acid a fluid ounce and a half: distilled water, .fourteen fluid ounces and a half. Add the water gradually to the acid. Acidum taktaricum. See Tartaric add. Acidum vitriolicum. See Sulphuric add. Acidum vitriolicum dilutum. See Acidum sulphuricum dilutum. A'circs. Steel. ACINACIFOllMIS. (From acinaces, a Per- sian Bcimctar, or sabre, and forma, resemblance.) Acinaciform; shaped like a sabre, applied to leaves: as those of the mysembryanthemuni acinaciforme. ACINE'SIA. (From aKtviiaia, immobility.) A loss of motion and strength. ACDSIFORMIS. (From acinus, a grape, and forma, a resemblance.) Aciniform. A name given by the ancients to some parts which resembled the colour and form of an unripe grape, as the uvea of the eye, which was called tunica acinosa, rnd the choroid membrane of the eye, which they named tunica adniforma. A'CINUS. (Acinus, i. m. ; a grape.) 1. In ahatoray, those glands which grow together in clusters arc called by some adni glandulosi. 2. In botany, a small berry, which, with se- veral others, composes the fruit of the mulberry, blackberry, &c. Acinus eiliosus. The small glandiform bodies of the liver, which separate the bile from the blood, were formerly called aciwi biliosi : they are now, however, formed penicilli. See Liver. ACMA'STICOS. A species of fever,-wherein the heat continues of the same tenor to the end. Actuarius. A'CME. (From ax/in, a point.) The height or crisis. A term applied by physicians to that Iieriod or state of a disease in which it is at its teight. The ancients distinguished diseases into four stages : 1. The Arche, the beginning or first attack. 2. Anabasis, the growth. 3. The Acme, the height. 4. Paracme, or the decline of the disease. ACMELLA. See Spilanthus. A'CNE. Aki'ij. Acna. A small pimple, or hard tubercle on the i-.ct. Foesius srtys, that it is a small pustule or pimple, which arises usually about th; time that the body is in full vigour. A< :•.' !!'9Tls. (Fi\»m a, priv. and m au, to scratch.) That part of the spine cf the 'back, which reaches from the mrtaphrenou, which is fho part betwixt tire shoulder-bl:*»U»*, to ACO ' the loin.s. This part seems to have been original- ly called so in quadrupeds only, because they can- not reach it to scratch. A'COE. Kkot). The sense of hearing. ACOE'LIUS. (From a, priv. and Koi\ia, the belly.) Without belly. It is applied to those who are so wasted, as to appear as if they had no belly. Galen. ACOE'TUS. Akoitos. An epithet for honey, mentioned by Pliny ; because it has no "sediment, which is called koitti. ACO'NION. Kkoviov. A particular form of medicine among the ancient physicians, made of powders levigated, and probably like collyria for the disorders of the eyes. ACONITA. (Aconiia, a, f.; from aconitum the name of a plant.) A poisonous vegetable principle, probably alcaline, recently extracted from the aconitum napellus, or wolfs bane, by Mons. Brandes. The details have not yet reach- ed tliis country. ACONITE. See Aconitum. ACONI'TUM . (Aconitum, i. m. Of .this name various derivations are given by etymolo- gists ; as, aKovn, a whetstone or rock, because it is usually found in barren and rocky places : ano- viroi, a, neg. and kovis, dust; because it grows without earth, or on barren situations ; agreeable to Ovid's description, " Qua; quia nascuntur dura vivacia caute, Agrestes aconita vocant:" a, to sa- tiate.) Insatiability. In Hippocrates, it meansx good appetite and digestion. ACORl'TES. (From aicopov, galangal.) Acorites vinum. A wine mentioned by Diosco- rides, made with galangal, liquorice, &c. infused with wine. ACORN. See Quercus robur. * Acortinus. A lupin. A'CORUS. (Acorus, i. m.; okodov, from Koptj,' the pupil; because it was esteemed good for the disorders of the eyes.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class," Hexandria. Order, Digyniu. Acorus calamus. The systematic name of the plant which is also called Calamus aromati- cus; Acorus verus; Calamus odoratus; Cala- mus vulgaris; Diringa; Jacerantatinga ;' Typha aromutica ; Clavarugosa. Swjeet-flag, or acorus. Acorus ; Scapi mucrone longissimo foliaceo of Linnaeus. The root has be mi long ■> employed medicinally. It has a moderately strong aromatic smell; a warm, pungent, bit- terish taste; and is deemed useful as a warm stomachic. Powdered, and mixed with fome ab- sorbent, it forms a useful and pleasantfuentifrice. Acorus paldstris. gee Iris palustris. Acorus verus. See Acorus calamus. Acorus vulgaris. See Iris palliMris, A'COS. Kk®1, from diciopat, to heal.) A re- medy or cure. « ACO'SMIA. (From a, neg. and Koop.o$, beau- tiful.) Baldness j ill-health: irregularity, rtor- fictilarlyof the critical days offerers. &4 ACR Aco'ste. (Fromoko^, barley.) An ancient food made of barley. . ** ACOTYLE'DON. (Acotyledon, onis, n. from a, priv. and kotv^uv. Without a cotyle- don ; applied in botany to a seed or plant which is not furnished with a cotyledon : Semen acoty- ledon. All the'mosses are planta acotyledones. ACOU'STIC. (Acousticus: from arauu, to hear.) 1., Belonging to the ear Oi- to sound. * 2. That which is employed with a view to re- store the sense of hearing, when wanting or di- minished. No'remedies of this kind given inter- nally, are known to produce any uniform effect. Acoustic nerve. See Portio mollis. ""• ^ Acoustic duct.- See Meatus audUorws. Acra. (An Arabian word ) Acrdi. I. Excessive venereal appetite. 2. The time of menstruation. Acrje'palos. See Acraipala. Acrai'pala. (AKoaeraAos. From a, neg. and i;pama\v, surfeit.) Remedies for the effects of a debauch. Acra'sia. (From a, and «c,jauj, to mix.) Un> {healthiness ; intemperance. ^•"Acrati'a. (From a, and Kt>a~og, strength.) Weakness or intemperance. Acrati'sma. (From aicpamv, unmixed wine. f The derivation of this word is the same as Acra- sia, because the wine used on the occasion was not mixed with water.) A breakfast among the old Greeks, consisting of a morsel of bread, soaked in pure unmixed wine. t ' > Acrato'meli. (FrAm axparoi; pure wine : and utXi, honey; Wine mixed with honey. A'CRE. (From axpos, extreme.) The ex- tremity of the nose or any other part. A'CREA. (From aKpo?, extreme.) Acroteria. The extremities : the legs, arms, nose, and ears. Acribei'a. (From uicpitins, accurate.) An exact and accurate description and diagnosis, or . distinction, of diseases. ACRID. Acris. A term employed in medi- cine to express a taste, the characteristic of which is pungency joined with heat. ACRIMONY. (Acrimonia, fromacr&j'acrid.) A quality in substances by which they irritate, corrode, or dissolve others. It has been supposed until very lately, there were acid and alkaline acri- monies in the blood, which produced certain dis- eases ; and although the humoral pathology is nearly and improperly exploded, the term vene- real acrimony, and some others, aresfiil andmu^t be retained. A'CRIS. 1. Acrid. See Acrid. 2. Any fractured extremity. Acri'sia. (From a, priv. and npivw, to judge or separate.') A turbulent state of a disease, which wUl scarcely suffer any judgment to be formed thereof. A'critus. (From a, negf and xptvu, to judge.) A disease without a regular crisis, the event of which it is hazardous to judge. ACROBY'STIA. (From a*p0j, extreme, and /Stu, to cover.)' The prepuce wliich covers the extremity of the penis. ACROCHEIRE'SIS. (From aKpos extreme, and xetp, a hand.) An exercise among the an- cients. Probably a species of'wrestling, where they only held by the hands. f- ACROCHEI'RIS. (Frbm h*pK, extreme. and ytip, a hand.) Gorroeus says, it signifies the arm from the elbow to the ends of the fingers; Xcip signifying the arm, from the scapula to the fingers' end. ACROCHO'RDON. (4m aKp^ <*tr%me, and vop<5>/, a string.) "Galen describes it "as a round excrescence on the skin, with a slender ACT ACT base ; and that it hath its name because of its sit- uation on the surface of the skin. The Greek; call that excrescence an achrorhordon, where something hard eoncretes under the skin, which is rather rough, of the same colour as the skin, slender at the base and broader above. Their size rarely exceeds that of a bean.) ACROCO'LIA. (From axpos, extreme, and kcjXov, a limb.) These are the extremities of ani- mals which are used in food, as the feet of calves, swine, sheep, oxen, or lambs, and of the broths of which jellies are frequently made. Castellus from Budteus adds, that the internal parts of ani- mals are also called by this name. Achrole'nion. Castellus says it is the same as Olecranon. ACROMA'NJA. (From aicpoc, extreme and paiia. madness.) Total or incurable madness. ACRO'MION. (From anpov, extremity, and wuos, the shoulder.) A process of the scapula or shoulder-blade. See Scapula. ACROMPHA'LIUM- (AKpop^iUv; from axpos, extreme, and op, to con- ceive. ) A defect of conception, or barrenness in women.. A'cyrus. (From «, priv. and kv/joj, authority; so named from its litde note in medicine.) The German leopard's bane. See Arnica montana. AD./EMO'NIA. (From a, priv. andcaifim; a genius of fortune.) See Ademonia. Adaiges. Sal-ammoniac. Adam's Apple. See Pomum Adami. Adam's needle. The roots of this plant, Yucca gloriosa of Linnaeus, are thick and tuber- ous, and are used by the Indians instead of bread ; being first reduced into a coarse meal. This, however, is only in times of scarcity. ADAMANTINE SPAR. A stone remarkahlt for its extreme hardness, which comes from the peninsula of Hither India, and also from China. A'DAM AS. (From a, neg. and Saaaui, to con- quer ; as not being easily broken.) The adamant or diamond, the most precious of all stones, and which was formerly supposed to possess extraor- dinary cordial virtues. Adami'ta. Adamitum. A hard stone in the bladder. Adamitum. See Adamita. ADANSO'NIA. (From Adanson who first described the ^Ethiopian sour gourd, a species of this genus.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Polyandria ; Order, Monadelphia. Mon- kies' bread. Adansonia digitata. This is the only spe- cies of the genus yet discovered. It is called the Ethiopian sour gourd and monkies' bread. Bao- bab. Bahobab. It grows mostly on the west coast of Africa, from the Niger to the kingdom of Benin. The bark is called lalo: the negroes dry it in the shade ; then powder and keep it in little cotton bags ; and put two or three pinches into their food. It is mucilaginous, and generally promotes perspiration. The mucilage obtained from this bark is a powerful remedy against the epidemic fevers of the country that produces these trees ; so is a decoction of the dried leaves. The fresh fruit is as useful as the leaves, for the same purposes. Ada'rces. (From a, neg. and cspicw, to see.) A saltish concretion found about the reeds and grass in marshy grounds in Galatia, and so called because it hides them. It is used to clear the skin with, in leprosies, tetters, &c. Dr. Plott gives an account of this production in his Natu- ral History of Oxfordshire. It "was formerly in repute for cleansing the skin from freckles. Adari'ges. An ammoniacal salt. Ada'rneck. Yellow orpiment. Adarticulation. See Arthrodia. ADDEPHA'GIA. (From abnv, abundantly, and ayw, to eat.) Insatiability. A voracious appetite. See Bulimia. ADDER. See Coluber berus. ADDITAME'NTUM. (From addo, to add.) An addition to any part, which, though not al- ways, -is sometimes found. A term formerly em- ployed as synonymous with epiphysis, but now only applied to two portions of sutures of the ADD skull. See Lambdoidal and Squamous Su- tures. Additamf.ntum coli. See Appendicula rad vermiformis. ADDUCENS. (From ad, andduco, to draw.) The name of some parts which draw those to- gether to which they arc connected. Adducp.ns oculi. See Rectus inlernus oculi. ADDUCTOR. (From ad, and duco, to draw.) A drawer or contractor. A name given to seve- ral muscles, the office of which is to bring for- wards or draw together those parts of the body to which they are annexed. ( Adductor brevis femoris. A muscle of the thigh, which, with the adductor longus and magnusfemoris, forms the triceps adductor fe- moris. Adductor femoris secundus of Douglas ; Triceps secundus of Wenslow. It is situated on the posterior part of the thigh, arising tendinous from the os pubis, neur its joining with the opposite os pubis below, and behind the adductor longus femoris, and is inserted, tendinous and fleshy, into the inner and upper part of the linea aspera, from a little below the trochanter minor, to the beginning of the insertion of the adductor longus femoris. See Triceps adductor femoris. Adductor femoris primus. See Adduc- tor longus femoris. Adductor femoris secundus. See Ad- ductor brevis femoris. Adductor femoris tertius. See Adduc- tor magnus femoris. Adductor femoris quartus. See Adduc- tor magnus femoris. Adductor inDicis pedis. An external in- terosseous muscle of the fore-toe/which arises tendinous and fleshy by two origins, from the root of the inside of the metatarsal bone of the fore-toe, from the outside of the root of the me- tatarsal bone of the great toe, and from the os cuneiforme internum. It is inserted, tendinous, into the inside of the root of the first joint of the fore-toe. Its use is to pull the fore-toe inwards from the rest of the small toes. Adductor longus femoris. A muscle situ- ated on the posterior part of the thigh, which, with the adductor brevis, and magnus femoris, forms the triceps adductor femm^is. Adductor femoris primus of Douglas. Triceps minus of Winslow. It arises by a pretty strong roundish tendon, from the upper and interior part of the os pubis, and ligament of its synchondrosis, on the inner side of the pectineus, and is inserted along the middle part of the linea aspera. See Triceps adductor femoris. Adductor magnus femoris. A muscle which, with the adductor brevis femoris, and the adductor longus femoris, forms the Triceps adductor femoris ; Adductor femoris tertius tt quartus of Douglas. Triceps magnus of Win- slow. It arises from the symphysis pubis, and all along the flat edge of die thyroid foramen, from whence it goes to be inserted into the linea aspera throughout its whole length. See Triceps adductor femoris. Adductor minimi digiti pedis. Anintcr- n:d interosseous muscle of the foot. It arises, tendinous and fleshy, from the inside of the root of the metatarsal bone of the little toe. It is inserted, tendinous, into the inside of the root of the first joint of the little toe. Its use is to pull ihe Httle toe inwards. \DDi't tor oculi. See Rectus ivternusoculi. \dductor poLLHis. See Adductorpollids man«s. \ddictor roi.LK ts masus. \ muscle of ADL Sit- the thumb, situated on the hand. Adduclu, pollicis; Adductor ad minimum digitum. It cula arises, fleshy, from almost the whole length of the metacarpal bone that sustains the middle iw.) finger; from thence its fibres are collected to- to- gether. It is inserted, tendinous, into the inner part of the root of the first bone of the thumb. mus Its use is to pull the thumb towards the fingers. Adductor tollicis pedis, a muscle of iw.) the great toe, situated on the foot. Antithenar eve- of Winslow. It arises, by a long, thin ten- for- don, from the os calcis, from the os cuboides, >ody from the os cuneiforme externum, and from the root of the metatarsal bone of the second toe. e of It is inserted into the external os sesanioideum, and and root of the metatarsal bone of the great toe, ^ fe- Its use is to bring this toe nearer to the rest. ;las; Adductor prostata. A name given by d on Sanctorini to a muscle, which he also calls Levct- jous tot4prostata, and which Winslow calls Prostati- the cus superior. Albinus, from its office, had very ctor properly called it Compressor prostata. and Adductor tertii digiti pedis. Anexter- inea nal interosseous muscle of the foot, that arises, nor, tendinous and fleshy, from the roots of the me- ctor tatarsal bones of the third and little toe. It is in- fris. serted, tendinous, into the outside of the root of iuc- the first joint of the third toe. Its use Is to pull the third toe outward. Ad- A'dec. Sour milk, or butter-milk. Ade'cia. See Adectos. Iuc- Ade'ctos. (From a, priv. and caxvu), to bite.) Adccia. An epithet of those medicines iuc- which relieve pain, by removing the uneasy situ- ation caused by the stimulus of acrimonious medi- . in- cines. •ises ADE'LPHIA. ('Afctyi't, a relation.) Hip- the pocrates calls diseases by this name that resem- the ble each other. me- ADEMO'NIA. (From a, priv. and Saipuv, a : os genius, or divinity, or fortune.) Adamonia. 9us, Hippocrates uses this word for uneasiness, rest- the lessness, or anxiety felt in acute diseases, and irds some hysteric fits. A'DEN. (Aden, enis, m. ; airjv, a gland.) itu- 1. A gland. See Gland. ich, 2. A bubo. Sec Bubo. ris, Adende'ntf.s. An epithet applied to ulcers vtor which eat and destroy the glands. » of ADE'NIFORMIS. (From aden, a gland, and lish forma, resemblance.) Adeniform. 1. Glandi- the form, or resembling a gland. , on 2. A term* sometimes applied to the prostata •ted gland. See ADENO'GRAPHY. (Adenographia; from atr/v, a gland, and ypa, to eat.) Insatiable appetite. SeeJ?it- oot limia. • t is A'DEPS. (Adeps, ipis, m. and f.) Fat. An t of oily secretion from the bjood into the cells of the mil cellular membrane. See Fat. Adeps anserinus. Goose-grease. uli. Adeps pr.eparata. Prepared lard. Cut ids the lard into small pieces, melt it over a slow fire, and press it through a linen cloth. of Adeps spill\. Hog's lard. Tin's form- the ADI ADI basis of many ointments, and is used extensively for culinary purposes. ADEPT. (From Adipiscor, to obtain.) 1. A skilful alchymist. Such are called so as pre- tend to some extraordinary skill in chemistry; but these have too often proved either enthusiasts or impostors. 2. Tne professors of the Adepta Philosophia, that philosophy the end of which is the transmu- tation of metals, and an universal remedy, were also called Adepts. 3. So Paracelsus calls that which treats of the diseases that are contracted by celestial opera- tions, or communicated from heaven. ADFLA'TUS. A blast; a kind of erysipelas, or St. Anthony's fire. ADHjESION. (Adhesio; from adhareo, to stick to.) The growing together of parts. ADHJESIVE. (Adhasivus; from adharo, to stick to.) Having the property of sticking. AdHjESIVE inflammation. That species of inflammation which terminates by an adhesion of the inflamed surfaces. Adhesive plaster. A plaster made of common litharge plaster and resin, is so called because it is used for its adhesive properties. See Emplastrum resina. Adhato'da. (A Zeylanic term, signifying expelling a dead foetus.) See Justicia aahatoda. Adiachy'tos. (From a, neg. and ^a^iw, to diffuse, scatter, or be profuse.) Decent in point of dress. Hippocrates thinks the dress of a fop derogatory from the physician, though thereby he hide his ignorance, and obtain the good opinion of his patients. ADIA'NTHUM. (Adiantum, i. n., ahavlov; from a, neg. and iiaii/ia, to grow wet: so called, because its leaves are not easily made wet.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Cryptogamia ; Order, Filices. Maiden- hair. Adianthum aureum. The golden maiden- hair. See Polytrichum. Adianthum capillus veneris. Maiden- hair. The leaves of this plant are somewhat sweet and austere to the palate, and possess mu- cilaginous qualities. A syrup, the syrop de ca- pillaire is prepared from them, which is much es- teemed in France against catarrhs. Orange- flower water and a proportion of honey, it is said, are usually added. It acts chiefly as a demulcent, sheathing the inflamed sides of the glottis. Adianthum pedatum. Adianthum cana- detise. This plant is in common use in France for the same purposes as the common adianthum capillus veneris in this country, and appears to be far superior to it. ADIAPHOROUS. Adiaphorus. A term which implies the same with neutral; and is particularly used of some spirits and salts, which are neither of an acid nor alcaline nature. ADIAPNEU'STIA. (From the privative particle a, and ita-nvcw, perspiro.) A diminu- tion or obstruction of natural perspiration, and that in which the ancients chiefly placed the cause of fevers. ADIARRHffi'A. (From a, priv. and iiafttu, to flow out or through.) A suppression of the necessary evacuations from the bowels. Adiathorosus. A spirit distilled from tar- tar. Obsolete. Adibat. Mercury. A'DICE. a0 or 36 grains of spermaceti. The separation of these matters was also remark- ably different, the spermaceti being more speedily deposited, and in a much more regular and crys- talline form. Ammonia dissolves with singular facility, and even in the cold, this concrete oil separated from the fatty matter ; and by heat it forms a transparent solution, which is a true soap. But no excess of ammonia can produce such an effect with spermaceti. Fourcroy concludes his memoir with some speculations on the charge to which animal sub- stances in peculiar circumstances are subject. In the modern chemistry, soft animal matters are considered as a composition of the oxydes of hydrogen and carbonated azote, more complicated than those of vegetable matters, and therefore more incessantly tending to alteration. If then the carbon be conceived to unite with the oxygen, either of the water which is present, or ofthe other animal matters, and thus escape in large quantities in the form of carbonic acid gas, we shall perceive the reason why this conversion is attended with so great a loss of weight, namely, about nine-tenths of the whole. The azote, a principle so abundant in animal matters, will form ammonia by combining with the hydrogen ; part of this will escape in the vaporous form, and the • rest will remain fixed in the fatty matter. The residue of the animal matters deprived of a great part of their carbon, of their oxygen, and the whole of their azote, will consist of a much greater proportion of hydrogen, together with carbon and a minute quantity of oxygen. This. ADI ADO according to the theory of Fourcroy, constitutes the waxy matter, or adipocire, which, in com- bination with ammonia, forms the animal soap, into which the dead bodies are thus converted. Muscular fibre, macerated in dilute nitric acid, and afterwards well washed in warm water, affords pure adipocire, of a fight yellow colour, nearly of the consistence of tallow, of a homogeneous tex- ture, and of course free from ammonia. This is the mode in which it is now commonly procured for chemical experiment. Ambergris appears to contain adipocire in large quantity, rather more than half of it being of this substance. Adipocire has been more recently examined by Chevreul. He found it composed of a small quantity of ammonia, potassa, and lime, united to much margarine, and to a very little of another fatty matter different from that. Weak muriatic acid seizes the three alcaline bases. On treating the residue with a solution of potassa, the mar- garine is precipitated in the form of a pearly sub- stance, while the other fat remains dissolved. Fourcroy being of opinion that the fatty matter of animal carcasses, the substance of biliary calculi, and spermaceti, were nearly identical, gave them the same name of adipocire ; but it appeal's from the researches of Chevreul that these substances are very different from each other. In the Philosophical Transactions for 1813, there is a very interesting paper on the above subject by Sir E. Home and Mr. Brande. He adduces many curious facts to prove that adipocire is form- ed by an incipient and incomplete putrefaction. Mary Howard, aged 44, died on the 12th May 1790, and was buried in a grave ten feet deep at the east end of Shoreditch church-yard, ten feet to the east of the great common sewer, which runs from north to south, and has always a current of water in it, the usual level of which is eight feet below the level of the ground, and two feet above the level of the coffins in the graves. In August 1811, the body was taken up, with some others buried near it, for the purpose of building a vault, and the flesh in all of them was converted into adipo- cire or spermaceti. At the full and new moon the tide raises water into the graves, which at other times are dry. To explain the extraordin- ary quantities of fat or adipocire formed by ani- mals of a cf rtain intestinal construction, Sir E. observe s, that the current of water which passes through their colon, while the loculated lateral parts are full of solid matter, places the solid con- tents in somewhat similar circumstances to dead bodies in the banks of a common sewer. The circumstance of ambergris, which con- tains 60 per cent, of fat, being found in immense quantities in the lower intestines of the spermaceti whales, and never higher up than seven feet from the anus, is an undeniable proof of fat being form- ed in the intestines ; and as ambergris is only met with in whales out of health, it is most probably collected there from the absorbents, under the in- fluence of disease, not acting so as to talce it into the constitution. In the human colon, solid masses of fat are sometimes met with in a diseased state of that canal. A description and analysis by Doctor Ure of a mass of ambergris, extracted in Perthshire from the rectum of a living woman, were published in a London Medical Journal in September, 1817. There is a case communicated by Dr. Babington, of fat formed in the intestines of a girl four and a half years old, and passing off by stool. Mr. Brande found, on the suggestion of Sir E. Home, that muscle digested in bile, is convertible into fat, at the temperature of about ]00°. If the substance, however, pass rapidly 32 into putrefaction, no fat is formed. Fscc*ro ded by a gouty gentleman after six days'^'P* tion, yielded, on infusion in water, a fatty film. This process of forming fat in the lower intestines by means of bile, throws considerable light upon the nourishment derived from clysters, a fact well ascertained, but which could not be explained. It also accounts for the wasting of the body, which so invariably attends all complaints of the lower bowels. It accounts too for all the varieties in the turns of the colon, which we meet with in so great a degree in different animals. This pro- perty of the bile explains likewise the formation of fatty concretions in the gall bladder so com- monly met with, and which, from these experi- ments, appear to be produced by the action of the bile on the mucus secreted in the gall bladder"; and it enables us to understand how want of the gall bladder in children, from mal-formation, is attended with excessive leanness, notwithstanding a great appetite, and leads to an early death. Fat thus appears to be formed in the intestines, and from thence received into the circulation, and deposited in almost every part of the body. And as there appears to be no direct channel by which any superabundance of it can be thrown out of the body, whenever its supply exceeds the con- sumption, its accumulation becomes a disease, and often a very distressing one. ADI'POSE. '(Adiposus; from adeps, fat.) Fatty ; as adipose membrane, &c. Adipose membrane. Membrana adiposa. The fat collected in the cells of cellular mem- brane. ADI'PSA. (From a, neg. and iid/a, thirst. 1. So the Greeks called medicines, Sue. which abate thirst. 2. Hippocrates applied this word to oxymel. ADI'PSIA. (From o, neg. and 6i\)/a, thirst.) A want of thirst. A genus of disease in the class locales, and order dysorexia of Cullen's Nosolo- gy. It is mostly symptomatic of some disease of the brain. ADI'PSOS. So called because it allays thirst.) 1. The Egyptian palm-tree, the fruit of which is said to be the Myrobalans, which quench thirst. 2. Also a name for liquorice. Adi'rige. Ammoniacal salt. ADGUTO'RIUM. (From ad and juvo, to help.) A name of the humerus, from its useful- ness in lifting up the fore-arm. ADJUVA'NTIA. Whatever assists in prevent- ing or ciuing disease. Adnata tunica. Albugineaoculi; Tunica albuginea oculi. A membrane of the eye mostly confounded with the conjunctiva. It is, how- ever, thus formed: five of the muscles wliich move the eye, take their origin from the bottom of the orbit, and the sixth arises from the edge of it; they are all inserted, by a tendinous expan- sion, into the anterior part of the tunica sclerotica, which expansion forms the adnata and gives the whiteness peculiar to the fore-part of the eye. It lies betwixt the sclerotica and conjunctiva. ADNA'TUS. (From adnescor, to grow to.) A term apphed to some parts which appear to grow to others: as tunica adnata, stipula ad- nata,folium adnatum. A'doc, Milk. ADOLESCE'NTIA. See Age. Ado'nion. (From As, modesty; or from a, dfeg. and a<5&>, to see ; as not being decent to the sight-) The pudenda, or parts of generation. .rEDOPSO'PHIA. (From atiota, pudenda; and v/.o«^«EGO'NYCHON. (From ,n£, a goat, and pvof, a hoof; because of the hardness of the seed.) See Lithospermum officinale. ^EGOPO'DIUM. (jEgopodium, i, a.; from mi1, a goat, and uiovj, a foot: from its suppossed resemblance to a goat's foot.) A genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. Goatweed. The follotsang species was formerly much esteemed. 33 ^COR ^Egopodium podagraria. Goatweed. This plant is sedative, and was formerly applied to nu- tigate pains of gout, and to relieve piles, but not now employed. In its earlier state it is tender and esculent. __ jEgcproso'pon. (From «£, a goat, and wpooanrov, a face: so called because goats are sub- ject to defects in the eyes, or from Laving in it some ingredients named after the goat.) A name of a lotion for the eyes, when inflamed. JE'G YLOPS. (JEgylops, opts, m.; from ««f, a goat, and wif, an eye.) Archil ops. A disease so named from the' supposition that goats were very subject to it. The term means a sore just under the inner angle of the eye. The best mo- dern surgeons seem to consider the tegylops only as a stage of the" fistula lacltrymalis. Paulus jEgineta calls it anchilops, before it bursts, and aegylops after. When the skin covering the I achrymal sac has been for some time infkmed, or subject to frequent returning inflammations, it most commonly happens that the nuncta laclirymalia are affected W it; and the fluid, not having an opportunity of passing off by them, distends the inflamed skin, so that at last it becomes sloughy, and bursts externally. This is that state of the ■disease which is called perfect aigylops, or agy- laps. Mgi'tt\a. muscata. See. Hibiscus abelmos- jEGYPTI'ACUM. A name given to different unguents of the detergent or corrosive kind. We meet with a black, a red, a white, a simple, a compound, and a magistral a?gyptiacum. The sim- ple segyptiacum, which is that usually found in our shops, is a composition of verdigris, yinegar, and honey, boiled to a consistence, ft is usually sup- posed to take its name from its dark colour, wherein it resembles that of the natives of Egypt. It is improperly called an unguent, as there is no oil, or rather fat, in it. JEgy'ptium pharmacum ad aures. Atitius speaks of this as excellent for deterging foetid ul- cers of the ears, which he says it cures, though the patient were born with them. Aei'gluces. (From au, always, and yXujeuy, sweet.) A sweetish wine, or must. AEIPATHEI'A. (From au, always, and fia- Qos, a disease. Diseases of long duration. jENEA. (From as, brass,"so called because it was formerly made of brass.) A catheter. ^E'ON. The spinal marrow. JEONE'SIS. A washing, or sprinkling of the whole body. jEO'NION. The common house leek. See Sempervivum tectorum. jEO'RA. (From aiwpsw, to lift up, to suspend on high.) Exercise wituout muscular action; as swinging. A species of exercise used by the an- cients, and of which Aetius gives the following account. Gestation, while it exercises the body, the body seems to be at rest. Of this motion there are several kinds. First, swinging in a ham- mock, which, at the decline of a fever, is Bene- ficial. Secondly, bei'.ig carried in a litter, in which the patient either sits or lies along. It is useful when the gout, stone, or such other disorder attends, as does not admit of violent motions. Thirdly, riding in a chariot, which is of service in most chronical disorders ; especially before the more violent exercises can be admitted. Fourth- ly, sailing in a ship or boat. This produces va- rious effects, according to the different agitation of the waters, and, in many tedious chronical dis- orders, is efficacious beyond what is observed from the most skilful adminWruWri of drags. These are instances of a passive exerci e. 34 ,i:S(. /E'pos. An excrescence, or protuberance. JEQUA'LIS. Equal. Applied by botanists to distinguish length; as, filimenta aqualia; pe- dunculiaquales, &c. JE'QJJE. Equally. The same as ana. jEQUrVALVIS. JEquivalve. A botanical term, implying, composed of equal valves. A'ER. (Aer, eris,m.; fromavp.) /nefluid which surrounds the globe. See Air and Atmos- phere. JE'ka. Darnel, or folium. JErated alkaline water. Water impregnated with carbonic acid. 'SERIAL. Belonging to air. JErial add. See Carbonic add. JErial plants. Those plants are so called which, after a certain time, do not require that their roots should be fixed to any spot in order to maintain their life, which they do by absorption from the atmosphere. Such are a curious tropical tribe of plants called cacti, the epidendrura, flos aeris, and the ficus australis. iERFTIS. The Anagallis, or pimpernell. AEROLITE. A meteoric stone. AEROLO'GICE. See Aerology. AEROLO'GY. (Aerologia, a, f.; from app, the air, and Xoyos, a discourse.) Aerologice. That part of medicine which treats of the nature and properties of air. Aero'meli. Honey dew; also a name for' manna. AEROMETER. An instrument for making the necessary corrections in pneumatic experi- ments to ascertain the mean bulk of the gases. AEROPHO'BIA. Fear of air or wind. I. Said to be a symptom of phrenitis. 2. A name of Hydrophobia. -AERO'PHOBUS. (From anp, air, and ipo6os, fear.) According to Coeiius Aurclianus, some phrenetic patients are afraid of a lucid, and others of an obscure air : and these he calls aerophobi. AERO'SIS. The aerial vital spirit of the an- cients. AEROSTATION. JErostatio. A name com- monly, but not very correctly, given to the art of raising heavy bodies into the atmosphere, by buoyancy of heated air, or gases of small specific gravity, enclosed in a bag, which from being usually of a spherical form, is called a balloon. iERO'SUS LAPIS. So Pliny calls the Lapis calaminaris, upon the supposition that it was a copper ore. -Eru'ca. Verdigris. jERU'GO. (JErugo, ginis, f.; from as, copper.) 1. The rust of any metal, particularly of copper. 2. Verdigris. See Verdigris. -SSrugo .eris. Rusts of copper or verdigris. See Verdigris. Mrvgo prjEPara'ta. See Verdigria. aES. Brass., aEschromythe'sis. The obssene language of the delirious. ° ° ^ESCULA'PnJS, said to be the son of Apollo, by the nymph Coronis, born at Epidaurus, and educated by Chiron, who taught him to cure the most dangerous diseases, and even raise the dead; worshipped by the ancients as the god of medicine. His history is so involved in fable, that it is useless to trace it minutely. His two sons, Machaon and Podalirius, who nded over a small city in Thessaly, after his death accompanied the Greeks to the siege of Troy: but Homer speaks merely of their skill in the treatment of wounds; and divine honours were not paid to their father till a latter period. In the temples raised to him, votive tablets were hung up, on which were re- aETH .ETfl t orded the diseases cured, as they imagined, by his assistance. aE'SCULUS. (JEsculus, i, m.; from esca, food.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Heptandria; Order, Monogyma. Horse-chesnut. aEsculus hippocastanum. The systematic name for the common horse-chesnut tree. Cast- anea equina, pavina. AEsculus—foliolis sep- tenis of Linnaeus. The fruit of this tree, when «dried and powdered, is recommended as an er- { rhine. The bark is highly esteemed on the C ontin- ent as a febrifuge; and is, by some, considered as being superior in quality to the Peruvian bark. The bark intended for medical use is to be taken from those branches which are neither very young nor very old, and to be exhibited under similar forms and doses, as directed with respect to the Peruvian bark. It rarely disagrees with the stomach; but its astringent effects generally re- quire the occasional administration of a laxative. During the late scarcity of grain, some attempts were made to obtain starch from the horse-ches- nut, and not without success. aEseca'vum. Brass. aESTA'TES. Freckles in the face ; sunburn- ings. aESTHE'TICA. (From aioBivouai, to feel, or perceive.) Diseases affecting the sensation. The name of an order of diseases in Good's Nosology. See Nosology. AESTIVALIS. (From astas, summer.) AEstival; belonging to summer. Diseases of animals and plants which appear in the summer. aEstivales plan tab. Plants which flower in summer. A division according to the seasons of the year. * aESTIVA'TIO. AEstivation; the action of the summer, or its influence on things. aEstphara. Incineration, or burning of the flesh, or any other part of the body. aESTUA'RIUM. A stove for conveying heat to all parts of the body at once. A kind of vapour bath. Ambrose Parey calls an instrument thus, which he describes for conveying lieat to any particular part. Palmarius, De Morbfs Con- tagiosis, gives a contrivance under this name, for sweating the whole body. aEstua'tio. The boiling up, or rather the fermenting of liquors when mixed. aE'STUS. JEstus, Us, m«.; from the Hebrew esh, heat. Heat; apphed to the feeling merely of heat, and sometimes to that of inflammation in which there is heat and redness. aEstus volaticus. 1. Sudden heat, or scorching, which soon goes off, but which 'for a time reddens the part. 2. According to Vogel, synonymous with phlo- gosis. 3. Erytliema volaticum of Sauvages. aETAS. See Age. .Etas crf.pita. Sce^g*. aEtas virilis. See Age. aE'THER. (jEther, eris, m.; from : a supposed fine suhtile fluid. AEther. , A volatile liquor, obtained by distillation, from a mixture of alcohol and a concentrated acid. The medical properties of aether, when taken internally, are antispasmodic,'cordial, and stimu- lant. Against nervous and typhoid fevers, all nervous diseases, but especially tetanic affections, soporose diseases from debility, asthma, palsy, spasmodic colic, hysteria, &c. it always enjoys some share of reputation. Regular practitioners seldom give so much as empirics^who sometimes venture upon large quantities, with incredible Ucnefit. Applied externally, it is f service in the headacbf, toolhaclie, and other painful affections. Thus employed, it is capable of producing two very opposite effects^ according to its manage- ment ; for, if it be prevented from evaporating, by covering the place to which it is applied cjosely with the hand, it proves a powerful stimulant and rubefacient, and excites a sensation of burning heat, as is the case with solutions of camphor in alkohol, or turpentine. Jn this way it is frequent- ly used for remfiving pains in the head or teeth._ On the contrary, if it»be dropped on any part of the body, exposed freely to the air, its rapid eva- poration produces an intense degree of cold ; and, as this is attended with a proportional diminution of bulk in the part, applied in this way, it has frequently contributed to the reduction of the in- testine, in cases of 6trar.gulated hernia. aEther rectificatus. JEther vitriolicus. Rectified aether. Take of sulphuric tether, four- teen fluid ounces. Fused potash, half an ounce. Distilled water, eleven fluid ounees. First dissolve the potash in two ounces of the water, and add thereto the aether, shaking them well together, until they are mixed. Next, at a temperature of abbut 200 degrees, distil over twelve fluid ounces of rectified aether, from a large retort into a cooled receiver. Then shake the distilled asther well with nine fluid ounces of water, and set the liquor by, so that the water may sub- side. Lastlj, pour off the supernatant rectified aether, and keep it in a well-stopped bottle. Sulphuric asther is impregnated with some sulphureous acid, as is evident in the smell, and with some aetherial oil: and these require a second process to separate them. Potash unites to the acid, ana requires to be added in a state of solu- tion, and m sufficient quantities, for the purpose of neutralising it; and it also forms a soap with the oil. It is advantageous also to use a less quan- tify of water than exists in the ordinary solution of potash; and therefore the above directions are adopted in the last London'Pharmacopoeia. For its virtues, see JEther. aEther sulphuricus. Naphtha vitrioli; JEther vitriolicus. Sulphuric asther. Take of rectified spirit, sulphuric acid, of each, by weight, a pound and a half. Pour the spirit into a glass retoA, then gradually add to it the acid, shaking ft after each, addition, and taking care that their temperature, during the mixture, may not exceed 120 degrees. Place the retort very cautiously into a sand bath, previously heated to 200 degrees, so that the liquor may boil as speedily as possible, and the aether may pass over into a tubulated re- ceiver, to the tulnilure of which another receiver is applied, and kept cold by immersion in ice, or water. Continue the distillation until a heavier part also begins to pass over, and appear under the aether in the bottom of the receiver. To the liquor which remains in the retort, pour twelve fluid ounces more of rectified spirit, and repeat the distillation in the same manner. It is mostly employed as an excitant, nervine, antispasmodic, and diuretic, in cases of spasms, cardialgja, euteralgia, fevers, hysteria, cephal- gia, and spasmodic asthma. The dose is from min. xx to 3\j- Externally, it cutis toothache, and violent pains in the head. See JEther. aEther vitriolicus* See JEther sulphuri- cus and JEther rectificatui. aEthe'rea herba. The plant formerly so called is supposed to be the Eryngium. aEtherial oil. See Oleum JEtherium. aE'THIOPS. A term applied formerly to ssveral preparations, because of a black colour, like the skin of an AEthiopian. F.thiops antimoxia'lis. A preparation of So AFF A*T antimony and mercury, once>in high repute, and still employed by some,practitioners in cutaneous diseases. A few grains are to be given at first, and the quantity increased as- the stomach can bear it. aEthiops martialis. A preparation of iron, formerly in repute, but now neglected. JEthiops mineral. The substance heretofore known by this name, is called by the London College, Hydrargyri sufphuretum nigrum. aETHMOID. SeeEthmmd. JEthmoid Artery. See Ethmoid Artery.' JEthmmd Bone. See Ethmoid Bone. * ' aE'thna. . A chemical furnace. aE'thoces. JEtholices. Superficial pustu- les in the skin, raised by heat, as boils, fiery pustules. ■> • aETHU'SA. (JEthusa, a, f. ; from aiOovaa, beggarly.) The name of a genus of plants of the Linnrean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. aEthusa meum. The systematic name of the meum of the Pharmacopceias. Called also Meum athamanticum; Meu; Spignel; Baldmoney. The root of this plant is recommended as a car- minative, stomachic, and for attenuating viscid humours, and appears to be nearly of the same nature as lovage, differing in its smell, being rather more agreeable, somewhat like that of parsnips, but stronger, and being in its taste less sweet, and more warm, or acrid. aETHYA. A mortar. aE'tioi phlebes. Eagle" veins. The veins which pass through the temples to the head, were so called formerly by Rufus Ephcsius. AETIOLOGY. (JEtiologia,a>,l; ainoXoyia: from ailia, a cause, and Xoyos, a discourse.) The doctrine of the causes of diseases. aETITES. Eagle stone. A stone formed of oxyde of iron, containing in itstcavity some con- cretion which rattles on snaking the stone. Eagles were said to carry them to their nest, whence their name : and superstition formerly ascribed won- derful virtues to them. AE'TIUS. A physician, called also Amiden- us, from the place of his birth. He flourished at Alexandria, about the end of the fifth century, and left sixteen books, divided into four tetrabiblia, on the practice of physic and surgery, principally collected from Galen and other, earry writers, but with some original observations. He appears very partial to the use of the cautery, both actual and potential, especially in palsy; which plan of treatment Mr. Pott revived in paraphlegia; and it has since often been adopted with success. Ae- titis is the earliest writer who 'ascribed medical efficacy to the external use of the magnet, par- ticularly in gout and convulsions; but rather on the report of others, than as what he had personally experienced. aEto'cion. JEtolium. The granum cnidium. See Daphne mezereon. aEtolium. See JEtodon. aEto'nychum. See Lithospermum. AFFECTION. (Affectio, onis, f. This is expressed in Greek by dados '• hence pathema, passio.) Any existing disorder of the whole body, or a part of it; as hysterics, leprosy, &c. Thus, by adding a •descriptive epithet to the term affection, most distempers may be expressed. And hence we say febrile affection, cutaneous affection, &c. using the word affection synony- mously with disease. AFFINITY. (Affinitas, atis,f.; a proximi- ty of relationship.) The term affinity is used indifferently with attraction. See Attraction. Affinity of aggregation. See Attraction,. 36 Affinity, appropriate. See Affinity, in- termediate. A,t„„»i£M Affinity of composition. See Aiiracwm. Affinity compound. When three or more bodies, on account of their mutual affinity, unite and form one homogeneous body, then the affinity is termed compound affinity or attraction: thus, if to a solution of sugar and water be added spirits of wine, these three bodies will form an homo- geneous liquid by compound affinity. Affinity, divellent. See Affinity, quies- cent. Affinity, double. Double elective attrac- tion. When two bodies, each consisting of two elementary parts, come into contact, and are de- composed, so that their elements become recipro- cally united, and produce two new compound bodies, the decomposition is then termed decom- position by double affinity: thus, if we add com- mon salt, which consists of muriatic acid and soda, to nitrate of silver, which is composed of nitric acid and oxyde of silver, these two bodies will be decompounded ; for the nitric acid unites with the soda, and the oxyde of silver with the muriatic acid, and thus may be obtained two new bodies. The common salt and nitrate of silver therefore mutually decompose each other by what is called double affinity. Affinity, intermediate. Appropriate affi- nity. Affinity of an intermedium is, when two substances of different kinds, that show to one another no component affinity, do, by the assist- ance of a third, combine, and unite into an homo- geneous whole: thus, oil and water are substances of different kinds, which, by means of alcali, combine and unite into a homogeneous substance: hence the theory of lixiviums, of washing, &c. See Attraction. Affinity, quiescent. Mr. Kirwan employs the term Quiescent affinity to mark that, by . virtue of which, the principles of each compound, decomposed by double affinity, adhere to each other ; and Divellent affinity, to distinguish that by which the principles of one body unite and change order with those of the other: thus, sul- phate of potash is not completely decomposed by the nitric acid or by lime, when either of these principles is separately presented; but if the nitric acid be combined with lime, this nitrate of lime will decompose the sulphate of potash. In this last case, the affinity of the sulphuric acid with the alcali is weakened by its affinity to the lime. This acid, therefore, is subject to two affi- nities, the one which retains it to the alcali, called quiescent, and the other which attracts it towards the lime, called divellent affinity. Affinity, reciprocal. When a compound of two bodies is decomposed by a third, the separated principle being in its turn capable of de- composing the new combination: thus ammonia and magnesia will separate each other from mu- riatic acid. Affinity, simple. Single elective attrac- tion. If a body, consisting of two component parts, be decomposed on the approach of a third, which has a greater affinity with one of those component parts than they have for each other, then the decomposition is termed decomposition by simple affinity: for instance, if pure potash be added to a combination of nitric acid and lime, the umon which existed between these two bodies will cease, because the potash combines with the nitric acid, and the lime, being disen°-a>>-ed, is precipitated. The reason is, that th- nitric acid has a greater affinity for the pure potash than for the lime, therefore it deserts the lime, to combine with the potash. When two bodies only enter. AFF AG A into chemical union, the affinity, which was tbe cause of it, is also termed simple or dngle elective attraction ; thus the solution of sugar in water is produced by simple affinity, because there are but two bodies. A'FFION. An Arabic name for opium. A'ffium. An Arabic name for opium. AFFLATUS. (From ad anA flare, to blow A A vapour or blast. A species of erysipelas, which attacks people suddenly, so named upon the er- roneous supposition that it was produced by some nnwholesome wind blowing on the part. AFFUSION. (Affudo; from ad, and fundo, to pour upon.) Pouring a h'quor upon something. The affusion of cold water, or pouring two or three quarts on the patient's head and body,_'is sometimes practised by physicians, but lately in- troduced by Dr. Currie, of Liverpool, in the treat- ment of typhus fever, and which appears to possess an uniformity of success, which we look for in vain in almost any other branch of medical practice. The remedy consists merely in pla- cing the patient in a bathing-tub, or other conve- nient vessel, and pouring a pailful of cold water upon his body; after which he is wiped dry, and again put to bed. It should be noted, First, That it is the low contagious fever in which the cold affusion is to be employed: the first symptoms of which are a dull head-ache, with restlessness and shivering; pains in the back, and all over the body, the tongue fouL with great prostration of strength: theliead-ache becoming more acute, the heat of the body, by the thermo- meter, 102° to 105°, or more; general restless- ness, increasing to delirium, particularly in the night. Secondly, That it is in the early stage of the disease we must employ the remedy; and generally in the state qf the greatest heat and exacerbation. Thirdly, It is affudon, not immersion, that must be employed. Since the first publication of Dr. Currie's work, the practice of affusion has been extended through- out England ; and its efficacy has been established in some stages of the disease, from which the author had originally proscribed the practice of it. One of the cautionary injunctions which had been given for the affusion of cold water in fever, was, never to employ it in cases where the patient had a sense of chiiiiness upon him, even if the thermometer, apphed to the trunk of the body, indicated a preternatural degree of heat. In his last edition of Reports, however, Dr. Currie has given the particulars of a case of this kind, in which the cold affusion was so managed as to pro- duce a successful event. In fevers aridng from, or accompanied by, topical inflammation, his experience does not justify the use of cold affusion; though, in a great variety of these cases, the warm affusion may he used with advantage. " And," says, he, " though I have used the cold affusion in some instances, so late as the twelfth or fourteenth day of contagious fever, with safety and success, yet it can only be employed, at this advanced period, in the instances in which the heat keeps up steadily above the natural standard, and the respiration continues free. In such cases, I have seen it appease agita- tion and restlessness, dissipate delirium, and, as it were, snatch the patient from impending dissolu- tion. But it is in the early stages of fever (let me again repeat) that it ought always to be em- ployed, if possible- and where, without any regard to the heat of the patient, it is had recourse to in the last stage of fever, after every other remedy has failed, and the case appears desperate, (of which I have heard several instance,) can it appear surprising that the issue should sometimes be unfavourable?" Numerous communications from various prac- titioners, in the West and East Indies, in Egypt and America, also show the efficacy of affusion in the raring fevers of hot countries. AFORA. (From a, priv. and fores, a door.) Having a door or valve: applied to plants, the seed vessel of which is not furnished with a val- vule. AFTER-BIRTH. See Placenta. A'oa cretensium. The small Spanish milk- thistle. AGALACTA'TIO. See Agalactia. AGALA'CTIA. (Ay«A•' AGRIOCOCCIME'LA. (From aypios, wild, KoKKos,a berry, andu^Aea, an apple-tree.) The Prunus spinosa of Linnaeus. AGRIOME'LA. The crab-apple. A'grion. Agriophyllon. The peucedanum "dlaus, or hog's fennel. AGRIOPASTINA'CA. (From aypios, wild, and pdstinaca, a carrot.) Wild carrot, or par- snip. AGRIOPHY'LLON. See Agrion. AGRIORI'GANUM. (From aypps, wild, and opiyavov, marjoram.) Wild marjoram. See Origanum vulgare. AGRIOSELI'NUM. (From aypios, wild, and ocXivov, parsley.) Wildparsley. See Smyrnium olusatrum. AGRIOSTA'RI. (From aypios, wild, and ?ais, wheat.) Field-corn, a species of Triticum. AGRIPA'LMA. (From aypios, wild, and Zakua, a palm-tree.) Agripalma gallis. .The herb mother-wort, or wild-palm. Agripa'lma gallis.' See Agripalma. AGRI'PPaE. Those children wliich are born with their feet foremost are so called, because that was said to be the case with Agrippa the Roman, who was named ab agro partu, from his difficult birth. A'GRIUM. An impure sort of natron. The purer sort was called halmyrhaga. AGROSTEMMA. (Aypou f this kind is carried on in a vessel out-lining atmospherical air, which is enclosed either bv inverting the vessel over mprcury or by stopping its aperture in a proper manner, it is found that tlte process ceases utter a certain time; and that the re- maining air (if a combustible lio.'y capable of solidifying the oxygen, such as phosphorus, have been employed,) has lost about a tilth part of its '•idnmr. nivHs r>{ Mjrh a nature as t', is a-ai-i restored to that fluid. In foe* 41 AIR AN! there appears as far as an estimate can be formed of the great and general operations of nature, to be at least as great an emission of oxygen as is sufficient to keep the general mass of the atmos- phere'at the same degree of purity. Thus, in volcanic eruptions, there seems to be at least as much oxygen emitted or extricated by fire from various minerals, as is sufficient to maintain the combustion, and perhaps even to meliorate the at- mosphere. And in the bodies of plants and ani- mals, which appear in a great measure to derive their sustenance and augmentation from the at- mosphere and its contents, it is found that a large proportion of nitrogen exists. Most plants emit oxygen* in the sunshine, from which it is highly probable that they imbibe and decompose the air of the atmosphere, retaining carbon, and emit- ting the vital part. Lastly, if to this we add the decomposition of water, there will be numerous occasions in which this fluid will supply us with disengaged oxygen ; while, by a very rational sup- position, its hydrogen maybe considered as having entered into the bodies of plants for the formation of oils, sugars, mucilages, &c from which it may be again extricated. To determine the respirability or purity of air, it is ♦vident that recourse must be had to its com- parative efficacy in maintaining combustion, or some other equivalent process. From the latest and most accurate experiments, the proportion of oxygen in atmospheric air is by measure about 21 per cent. ; and it appears to be very nearly the same, whether yt be in this coun- try or on the coast of Guinea, on low plains or lofty mountains, or even at the height of 7250 yards above the level of the sea, as ascertained by Gay Lussac, in his aerial voyage in September 1805. The remainder of the air is nitrogen, with a small portion of aqueous vapour, amounting to about 1 per cent, in the driest weather, and a still less portion of carbonic acid, not exceeding a thousandth part of the whole. As oxygen and nitrogen differ in specific gravi- ty in the proportion of 135 to 121, according to Kirwan, and of 139 to 120, according to Davy, it has been presumed, that the oxygen would be more abundant in the lower regions, and the nitrogen in the higher, if they constituted a mere mechani- cal mixture, which appears contrary to the fact. On the other hand, it has been urged, that they cannot be in the state of chemical combination, because they both retain their distinct properties unaltered, and no change Of temperature or den- sity takes placet,on their union. But perhaps it may be said, that, as they have no repugnance to mix with each other, as oil and wetter have, the continual agitation to which the atmosphere is exposed, may be sufficient to prevent two fluids, differing not more than oxygen and nitrogen in gravity, from separating by subsidence, though simply mixed. On the contrary, it may be argued, that to say chemical combination cannot take place without producing new properties, which did not exist before in the component parts, is merely begging the question; for though this generally appears to be the case, and often in a very striking manner, yef combination does not always produce a change of properties, as appears in M. Biot's experiments with various substances ; of which we may instance water, the refraction of which is precisely the mean of that of the oxygen and hydrogen, which are indisputably combined in it. To get rid of the difficulty, Mr. Dalton of Man- chester framed an ingenious hypothesis, that the particles of different gases neither attract nor repel each other ; so that one gas expands by the repulsion of it- own particles, without any more interruption from the presence of another gas, than < if it were in a vacuum. This would account for the state of atmospheric air, it is true ; but it does not agree with certain facts. In the case of the car- bonic acid gas in the Grotto del Cano, and over the surface of brewers' vats, why does not this gas ex- pand itself freely upward, if the supenncumbent gases do not press upon it ? Mr. Dalton himself, too, instances as an argument for his hypothesis, that oxygen and hydrogen gases, when mixed by agitation, do not separate on standing. But why should either oxygen or dydrogen require agita- tion, to diffuse it through a vacuum, in which, ac- cording Jo Mr. Dalton, it is placed? The theory of Berthollet appears consistent with all the facts, and sufficient to account for the phenomenon. If two bodies be capable of chemi- cal combination, their particles must have a mu- tual attraction for each other. This attraction, however, may be so opposed by concomitant cir- cumstances, that it may be diminished in any de- gree. Thus we know, that the affinity of aggre- gation may occasion a body to combine slowly with a substance for which it has a powerful aflini- . ty, or even entirely prevent its combining'with it; the presence of a third substance may equally pre- vent the combination; and so may the absence of a certain quantity of caloric. But in all these cases the attraction of the particles must subsist, though diminished or counteracted by opposing circumstances. Now we know that oxygen and nitrogen are capable of combination; their par- ticles, therefore, must attract each other ; but in the circumstances in which they are placed in our atmosphere, that attraction is prevented from exerting itself, to such a degree as to form them into a chemical compound, though it operates with sufficient force to prevent their separating by their difference of specific gravity. Thus the state of the. atmosphere is accounted for, and every difficulty obviated, without any new hypo- thesis. The exact specific gravity of atmospherical , air, compared to that of water, is a very nice and important problem. By reducing to 60° Fahr. and to 30 inches of the barometer, the results ob- tained with great care by Biot and Arago, the specific gravity of atmospherical air, appears to be 0.001220, water being represented by 1.090000. This relation expressed fractionally is 1-820, or water is 820 times denser than atmospherical air. Mr. Rice, in the 77th and 78th numbers of the An- nals of Philosophy, deduces from Sir George Shuckburgh's experiments 0.00120855 for the spe- cific gravity of air. This number gives water to air as 827.437 to 1. If with Mr. Rice we take the cubic inch p/ water = 252.625 gr., then 100 cnbic inches of air by Biot's experiments will weigh 30.808 grains, and by Mr. Rice's estimate 30.519. ^Ie considers with Dr. Prcutthc atmo- sphere toAe a compound of 4 volumes of nitrogen, and 1 of oxygen; the specific gravity of the first being to that of the second as 1.1111 to 0.9722. Hence 0.8 vol. nitr. sp. gr. 0.001166=0.000933 °-2 oxy. 0.001340 = 0.000268 - 0.001201 1he numbers are transposed in the Annals of Philosophy by some mistake. Biot and Arago found the specific gravity of oxygen to be - . . 1.1035SJ and that of nitrogen, - . 0.96913 air being reckoned, - . L00000 Or compared to water as unity,__ Nitrogen is 0.001182338 itrogen Oxygen 0.001346370 AIX ALA And 0.8 nitrogen = 0.00094587 0.2 oxygen = 0.00026927 0.00121514 Aid 0.79 nitrogen = 0.000934 0.21 oxygen =0.000283 0.001217 A number which approaches very nearly to the result of experiment. Many analogies, it must be confessed, favour Dr. Prout's proportions ; but the greater number of experiments on the composition and density of the atmosphere agree with Biot's results. Nothing can decide these fundamental chemical proportions, except a new, elaborate, and most minutely accurate series of experiments. We shall (then know whether the atmosphere contains in volume 20 or 21 per cent. of oxygen."—Ure's Chem. Diet. Air, alcaline. See Ammonia. Air^ azotic. See Nitrogen. ■ Air, fixed. See Carbonic acid. Air, fluoric. See Fluoric acid. Air, hepatic. See Hydrogen sulphuretted. Air, heavy inflammable. See Carburetted hydrogen. Air, inflammable. See Hydrogen. Air, marine. See Muriatic acid. Air, nitrous. See Nitrods. Air, phlogislicated. See Nitrogen. Air, phosphoric. See Hydrogen phosphur- etted. Air, sulphureous. See Sulphureous add. Air, vital. See Oxygen. AISTHETE'RIUM. (From aiodavopai, to perceive.) The sensorium commune, or common sensory, or seat, or origin of sensation. Ai'tmad. Antimony. AIX LA CHAPE'LLE. Called Aken by fhe Germans. A town in the south of France, where there is a sulphureous water, Thermae Aquis-granensis, the most striking feature of which, and what is almost peculiar to it, is the unusual quantity of sulphur it contains: the whole, however, is so far united to a gaseous basis, as to be entirely volatilized by heat; so that none is left in the residuum after evaporation. In colour it is pellucid, in smell sulphureous, and in taste saline, bitterish, and rather alcaline. The tem- perature of these waters varies considerably, ac- cording to the distance from the source and the spring itself. In the well of the hottest bath, it is, according to Lucas, 136°, Monet, 146°; at the fountain where it is drank, it is 112°. This thermal water is much resorted to on the Conti- nent for a variety of complaints. It is found es- sentially serviceable in the numerous symptoms of disorders in the stomach and biliary organs, that follow a life of high indidgence in the luxu- ries of the table ; in nephritic cases, which pro- duce pain in the loins, and thick mucous urine with difficult micturition. As the heating quali- ties of this water are as decided as in any of the mineral springs, it should be avoided in cases of a general inflammatory tendency, in hectic fever and ulceration of the lungs ; and in a disposition to active haunorrhagy. As a hot bath, this water is even more valuable and more extensively em- ployed than as an internal remedy. The baths of Aix la Chapelle may be said to be more par- ticularly medicated than any other that we are acquainted with. They possess both temperature of any degree that can be borne; and a strong impregnation with sulph ir in its most active tonus ; and a quantity of alcali, which is suffi- cient to i:';ve it a very soft soapy feel, and to ren- der it more detergent than common water. From these circumstances, these baths will be found of particular service in stiffness and rigidity of the joints and ligaments, which is left by the inflam- mation of gout and rheumatism, and in ttje de- bility of palsy, where the highest degree, of heat which the skin can bear is required. The sul- phureous ingredient renders it highly active in al- most every cutaneous eruption, and in general in every foulness of the skin; and here the internal use of the water should attend that of the bath. These waters are also much employed in the dis- tressing* debility which follows along course of mercury and excessive salivation. Aken water is one of the few natural springs that are hot enough to be employed as a vapour bath, without the addition of artificial heat. It is employed in cases in which the hot bath is used ; and is found to be a remarkably powerful auxiliary in curing some of the worst species of cutaneous disorders. With regard to the dose of this water to be begun with, or the degree of heat to bathe in, it is in all cases best to begin with small quantities and low degrees of heat, and gradually increase them, agreeably to the effects and constitution of the patient. The usual time of the year for drinking these waters is from the beginning of May to the middle of June, or from the middle of August to the latter end of September. Aizo'on. (From au, always, and feu, to live.) Aizoum. 1. An evergreen aquatic plant, hke the aloe, said to possess antiscorbutic virtues. 2. The house leek. See Sempercivum tecto- rum. Aizoum. See Aizoon. Aja'va. An Indian name of a seed used in the East as a remedy for the colic. AJUGA. (From a, priv. and £vyov, a yoke.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. 2. The pharmacopocial name of the creeping bugloss. See Ajuga pyramidalis. Ajuga ptramidalis. Consolidamedia. Bur gula. Upright bugloss. Middle consound. This plant, Ajuga—caule tetragonofoliis radicalibus maximis, of' Linnaeus, possesses subadstringent and bitter qualities : and has been recommended in phthisis,*aphtha, and cynanche. Ajura'rat. Lead. A'KENSIDE, Mark. An English physician, born at Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in 1721 ■; but more distinguished as a poet, especially for his ".Pleasures of the Imagination." After studying at Edinburgh, and graduating at Leyden, he set- tled in practice ; but though appointed physician to the Queen, as well as to St. Thomas's Hospital, he is said not to have been very successful. He died of a putrid fever, in his 49th year. He has left a Dissertation on Dysentery in Latin, ad- mired for its elegance; and several small Tracts in the Pliilosophical and London Medical Trans- actions. AL. The Arabian article, wliich signifies the; it is applied to a word by way of eminence, as the Greek o is. The Easterns express the super- lative by adding God thereto, as the mountain of God, for the highest mountain; and it is proba- ble that Al relates to the word Alia, God : so Alchemy, may be the chemistry of God, or the most exalted perfection of chemical science. A'LA. 1. The wing of a bird. 2. The arm-pit, so called because it answers to the pit under the wing of a bird. 3. An accidental part of the seed of a plant; consisting of a membraneous prolongation from the side of the seed, and distinguished by the number into •13 ALA ALB Srmina mouoli rygia: one-winged, as m Big- nonia. Dipterygia : two-winged, as in Belula. Tripterygia; three-winged. % Tetrapterygia: four-winged. Polypterigia: many-winged, or Molendina- cea: windmill-winged, for so the many-winged seeds of some umbelliferous plants arejermed. 4. The two lateral or side, petals of a papilio- naceous or butterfly-shaped flower. Ala auris. The upper part of the external ear. Ala interna minor. See Nympha. Ala nasi. 1. The cartilage of the nose which forms the outer part of the nostrils. 2. The sides of the nose are called ala nasi., Ala vespertilionis. That part of the liga- ment of the womb, which lies between the tubes and the ovarium ; so called from its resemblance to the wing of a bat. Ala'bari. Lead. ALABASTER. Among the stones which are known by the name of uiarrile, and have been dis- tinguished by a considerable variety of denomina- tions by statuaries and others, whose attention is more directed to their external character and ap- pearance than theii component parts, alabasters are those which have a greater or less degree of imperfect transparency, a granular texture, are softer, take a duller polish than marble, and are usually of a white colour. Some stones, however, of a veined and coloured appearance, have been considered as alabasters, from their possessing the first-mentioned criterion; and some transparent and yellow sparry stones have also received this appellation. A'lacar. Sal ammoniac. ALaEFO'RMIS. (Alaformis; from Ala, a wing, and forma, resemblance.) Wing-like. Any thing like a wing. A'lafi. Alafor. Alafort. Alcaline. Alai'a phthi'sis. (From aXaihs, blind, and 0iois, a wasting.) A consumption from a flux of humours from the head. A'lamad. Alamed. Antimony. Ala'mbic Mercury. Alandahla. The Arabian for bitter. The bitter apple. See Cucumis colocynlhis. Alanfu'ta. An Arabian name of a vein be- tween the chin and lower lip, which was former- ly opened to prevent foetid breath. * Alapou'li. See Bilimbi. Alaria ossa. The wing-like processes-of the sphenoid bone. ALA'RIS. (Alaris; from ala, a wing.) Formed like, or belonging to a wing. Alaris extern us. Musculus alaris exter- num. A name of the external pterygoid muscle ; mi called because it takes its rise from the wing- like process of the sphenoid bone. Alaris vena. The innermost of the three veins in the bend of the arm. Alasalet. Alaset. Ammoniacum. Alasi. Alafor. Analc;dines:.!i. Ala'strob. Lead. A'latan. Litharge. Alate'rnus. A species of rhamnus. ALATUS. (From ala, a v.ing.) .Winged. I. Applied to stems and leaf-stalks, when the edges or angles are longitudinally expanded into leaf-like borders ; as in JEnopordium acanthi- am; Lathyrus latifolius, &c. and fie leaf-stalk of the orange tribe, citrus, &c. 2. One who has prominent scapulae like the wings of birds. Al.AU'RAT. Nitre. 14 Albadai.. An Arabic name -for the sesamoid bone of the first joint of the great toe. Albage'nzi. Alimgiazt.'Arzbic names for the os sacrum. . Albagras nigra. So Avicenna names the Lepra ichthyosis, or Lepra Gracorum. ALBAME'NTUM. (From albus, white.) The white of an egg. Alba'num. Urinous salt. Alba'ka. (Chaldean.) The white leprosy. Albaras. 1. Arsenic. 2. A white pustule. Alba'tio. (From albus, white.J Albdfica- tio. The calcination or whitening of metals. A'lberas. (Arabian.) White pugtuies on the face : also, staphisagria, -because its juice was said to remove these pustules. Albe'ston. QuickTime. A'lbetad. Galbanum. A'lbi sublimati. Muriaied mercury. A'CBICANS. (From albico, to grow white.) Inclining to white. Whitish. Albica'ntia co'rpora. Corpora albicantia TVillisii. Two small round bodies or projections from the base of the brain, of a white colour. A'lbimec. Orpiment. See Arsenic. ALBIN. A mineral found in Bohemia; so called from its white colour. Albi'num. See Gnaphalium dioicum. ALBI'NUS Bernard Siegfred, son of a physician, and professor at Leyden of the same name, was born near the end of the 17th century, and prosecuted his studies with so# much zeal and success, that he was appointed, on the recommen- dation of Boerhaave, professor of anatomy and surgery, when only 20 years old. This office he filled for half a century, and acquired-a greater reputation than any of his predecessors. He has left several valuable anatomical works ; and par- ticularly very accurate descriptions, and plates of the muscles and hones, which are still hi<*hly es- teemed. A'lbor. Urine. A'LBORA. A sort of itch; or rather of le- prosy. Paracelsus says, it is a complication of the morphew, serpigo, and leprosy. When cica- trices appear in • the face like the serpigo, and then turn t6 small blisters of the nature of the morphew, it is the albora. It terminates without ulceration, but by foetid evacuations in the mouth and nostrils ; it is also seated in the root of the tongue. Albo'rea, Quicksilver. A'lbot. A crucible. Albo'tai. Turpentine. A'lbotar. Turpentine. A'lbotat. White lead. A'lbotim. Turpentine. ^TLuT°rTIS' A cutaneous phlegmon or boil. ALBTJCA'SIS, an Arabian physician and sur- geon of considerable merit, who lived about the beginning of the twelfth century. He has copied much from preceding writers, but added also many original observations ; and his works may be still perused with pleasure. He insisted on the necessity of a surgeon being skilled in ana- tomy to enable him to operate with success, as well as acquainted with the materia medica, that he may apply his remedies with propriety. He *»dZ\ ft extracted polyp, f,,^ tJ/e n0se, and performed the operation of bronchotomy. He „ >t™° eft dwtinct descriptions aid de- lineations of theinstruments used in surgery, and i8^1^' (Albuginiu; from albus. white, so called on account of its white ,-r.four.) ►< AL1! The name of a membrane of the eye and of the testicle. « A J . 4 Albih;i*ea oculi. See Adnata tunica. Albuginea testis. Tunica albuginea testis. The innermost coat of the testicle. A strong, white, and dense membrane, immediately cover- ing the body or substance of the testicle. On its outer surface it is smooth, but rough and uneven on the inner. See Testicle. ALBU'GO. A white opacity of the cornea of the eye. The Greeks name* it leucoma; the Latins, albugo, nebula, and nubecula. Some ancient writers have called it pterygium, janua oculi, onyx, unguis, and agides. It is a variety of Cullen's Caligo cornea. AlbUhar. White lead. * Aj.bum balsaijil'm. The]>alsam of copaiba. See Copaiba. Album.Gr.'Ecum. The white dung of dogs. It was formerly applied as a discutient, to the m- bide-of, the throat, in quinsies, being first mixed with honey; medicines of this kind have long since justly sunk into disuse. . • Album olus. See Valeriana locusta. ALBU'MEN. Albumine. 1. Coagulable lymph. This substance, which derives its name from the Latin for the white of an egg, in which it exists abundantly, and in its purest natural state, is one of the chief constituentprinciples of all the animal solids. Beside the white ,of egg, it abounds in the serum of blood, the vitreous and crystalline humours of the eye, and the fluid of 4ropsy. Fourcroy claims to himself the honour of having discovered it in the green feculat of plants in general, particularly in those of the cruciform order, in very young ones, and in the fresh .shoots of trees, though Rouelle appears to have detected it there long before. Vauquelin says it exists also in the mineral water of Plom- bleres. Seguin hat found it in remarkable quantity in such vegetables as ferment without yeast, and afford a vinous liquor ; and from a series of ex- periments, he infers, that albumen is the true principle of fermentation, and that its action is more powerful in proportion to its solubility, three different degrees of which he found it to possess. The chief characteristic of albumen is its co- agulability by the action of heat. If the white of an egg be exposed to a heat of about 134° F. white fibres begin to appear in it, and at 160° it coagulates into a solid mass. In a heat not ex- ceeding 212 it dries, shrinks, and assumes the ap- pearance of horn. It is soluble in cold water be- fore it has been coagulated, but not after ; and, when diluted with a very largj portion, it does not coagulate easily. Pure alcalies dissolve it, even after coagulation. It is precipitated by mu- riate of mercury, nitro-muriate of tin, acetate of lead, nitrate of silver, muriate of goll, infusion •f galls, and tannin. The acids and metallic oxydes coagulate albumen. On the addition of concentrated sulphuric acid, it becomes black, and exhales.a nauseous smell. Strong muriatic acid gives a violet tinge to the coagulum, and at length becomes saturated with ammonia. Nitric acid, at 70° F. disengages from it abundance of azotic gas; and if the heat be increased, prussic acid i* formed ; after wliich carbonic acid and carhurcttcd hydrogen are evolved, and the resi- due consists of water containing a little oxalic acid, and covered with a lemon-coloured fat oil. If dry potassa or soda be triturated with albu- men, either liqtud or solid, ammoniacal gas is evolved, aud the calcination of the residuum vielda an alcaline prussiate. , On exposure to :!ie atmosphere in a moist ALB state, albumen passes at once to the state of pu- trefaction. Solid albumen may be obtained by agitating white of egg with ten or twelve timei^tsjyeight of alcohol. This seizes the water which held the albumen in solution; and this substance is precipitated under the form of white flocks or filaments, which cohesive attraction renders in- soluble, and which consequently may be freely washed with water. Albumen thus obtained is like fibrine, solid, white, insipid, inodorous, denser than water, and without action or vegeta- ble colours. It didfeolvcs in potass* and soda more easily than fibrine ; but m acetic acid and amnfonia, with more diffitmlty. When these two animal principles are separately dissolved" in potassa, muriatic acid 'added to, the albuminous, does not disturb the solution, but it produces a cloud in the other. j Fourcroy and several other chemists have ascribed the ^characteristic coagulation of albu- men by heat to its oxygenation. But cohesive attraction is the real cause of the phenomenon. In proportion as the temperature rises, the parti- cles of water and albumen recede from each other, their affinity diminishes, and then the al- :Jg bumenprecipitates. However, by uniting albu- '3* men with a large quantity of water, we diminish '• its coagulating property to such a degree, that heat renders the solution merely opalescent. A new-laid tig yields a soft coagulum by boiling ; but when, by keeping, a portion of the water has transuded so as to leave a void space within the shell, the conceptratcd albumen affords a firm coagulum. An analogous phenomenon is exhibited by acetate of alumina, a< solution of which, being heaftd, gives a precipitate in flakes, wliich re- dissolye as the caloric wliich separated the parti- cles of acid and base escapes, or. as the .tempera- ture falls. A solution containing 1-lQ of dry al- bumen forms by heat a solid coagulum; > hut when it contains only 1-15, it gives a glary liquid. One-thousandth part, however, on applying heat, occasions opalescence. Putri4 white of egg, and the pus of ulcers, have a similar smell. Accord- ing to Dr. Bostock, a drop of a saturated solution of corrosive sublimate let fall into water contain- ing 1-2000 of albumen, occasions a milkiness and curdy precipitate. On adding a slight excess -of the mercurial solution to the albuminous liquid, and applying beat, the precipitate which falls, being dried, contains in every 7 parts 5 of albu- men. Hence that salt is the most delicate test of this animal product. The yellow pitchy precipi- tate occasioned by tannin, is brittle when dried, and not liable to.putrefaction. But tannin, or in- fusion of galls, is a much nicer test of gelatin than of albumen. The cohesive attractiottof coagulated albumen makes it resist putrefaction. In this state it may be kept for weeks under water without suffering change. By long digestion in weak nitric acid, albumen saems convertible into gelatin. By the analysis of Gay Lussacand Th<>nard, 100 parts of albumen are formed of 52.883 carbon, 23.672 oxy- gen, 7.540 hydrogen, 15.705 nitrogen; or, in other terms, of 52.883 carbon, 27.127 oxygen and hydrogen, in the proportions for constituting wa- ter, 15.'05 nitrogen, and 4.285 hydrogen in ex- cess. The negative pole of a voltaic pile in high activity coagulates albumen; but if the pile be feeble, coagulation goes on only at the positive surface. Albumen, in such a state of concentra- tion as it exists in serum of blood, can dissolve some metallic oxydes, particularly the protoxide of iron. Orfila has found white of egg to be the ALC ' beSt antidote to the poisonous effects of corrosive sublimate on the human stomach. As albumen occasions precipitates with the solutions of al- most every metallic salt, probably it may act beneficially against other species of mineral poison., , From its coagulability albumen is of great use in clarifying liquids. - It is likewise remarkable for the property of i rendering leather supple, for whichpurpose a so- lution of whites of eggs in water is used by leather- dressers.—Ure's Chcm. Diet. 2. In botany, the term alSumen is applied to a farinaceous, fleshy, or horny substance, which makes up the chief bulk of some seeds, as grapes, corn, palms, lilies, never rising out of the ground, nor assuming the office of leaves, being destined solely to nourish the germinating embryo, till its roots perform their office. In the date palm, this part is nearly as hard as stone, in mirabilis it is like wheat-ffour. It is wanting in„several tribes of plants, as those with compound or_with cruci- form flowers, and the cucumber or gourd kind, according to Gardner. Some few leguminous plants have it, and a great.number of others, which, like them, have cotyledons besides. We are not,. however, to suppose, that so important an organ is altogether wanting, even in the above-mentioned "'.plants. The farinaceous matter destined to nou- rish their embryos, is unquestionably lodged in their cotyledons, the sweet taste of which, as they begin to germinate, often evinces its presence, and that it has undergone the same, change as in bar- ley. The albumen of the nutmeg is remarkable for its eroded variegated appearance, and aromatic quality; the cotyledons of this plant are very small.—Smith. Album ejn ovi. Albugo ovi; Albumen albor ovi; Ovi albus liquor; Ovi candidum albumen- turn; Clareta. The white of an egg.'' ALBURNUM. (From albus, "white.) The soft white substance, which, in trees, is found be- tween the liber, or inner bark, and the wood. In process of time it acquires solidity, becoming it- self the wood. While soft, it performs a very im- portant part of the functions of growth, which ceases when it becomes hard. A new circle of al- burnum it annually formed over the old, so that a transverse section of the trunk presents a pretty correct register of the tree's age, each zone mark- ing one year. From its colour and comparative softness, it has been called by some writers, the adeps arborum. The alburnum is found in larg- est quantities in trees that are vigorous. In an oak six inches in diameter, this substance is nearly m equal in bulk to the wood. A'LBUS, White This term is applied to many parts from their white colour ; as linea alba, lepra alba, macula alba, &c. 0 A'LCAHEST. An Arabic word to express an universal dissolvent, which was pri-t ended to by Paracelsus and Helmont. Some say that Para- celsus first used this word, and that it is derived from the German words al and geest, i. e. all spirit: and that Van Helmont borrowed the word, and applied it to his invention, which he called the universal dissolvent. A'LCALI. (Arabian.) This word is spelt indifferently with a cor a A:. Sue Alkali. ALCALIZATION. The impregnating any spirituous fluid with an alcali. ALCANNA. (Indian word.) See Anchusa. A'lcaol. The solvent for the preparation of the philosopher's stone. ALCARRAZES. A species of porous pot- tery made in Spain. A'LCEA. (Alcoa, a. f. : fromo\kv, strength.) 46 ALD The name of a genus of plants in the ^inn*an system. Class, Monadelphia; Order, PolyUn- dria. Hollyhock. „.. . Alcea aEgiptiaca villosa. See Hibiscus Abelmoschus. ... , , Alcea Indica. See Hibiscus Abelmoschui. Alcea rosea. Common hollyhock. The flowers of this beautiful tree are said to possess adstringefet and mucilaginous virtues. They are seldom used medicinally. A'lcebar. See Lignum aloes. A'lcebris vivum. This signifies, according to Rulandus, Sulphur vivum. A'lchabric. Sulphur vivum. A'lchachil. Rosemary. A'lcharith. Quicksilver. ' Alchemia. See Alchemy. ALCHEMI'LLA. (Alchemilla, a. f. So called because it was celebrated by the old" alche- mists. ) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Tetranaria; Order, Mo- nogynia. Ladies' mantle. * 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the plant called ladies' mantle. See Alchemilla vulgaris. Alchemilla vulgaris. » Ladies' mantle. This plant, Alchemilla:—Foliis lobatis of Lin- naeus, was formerly esteemed as an adstringent in haemorrhages, fluor albus, &c. given internally. It is fallen into disuse. ALCHEMIST. One who practises the mysti- cal art of alchemy. A'LCHEMY. Alchemia; Alchimia; Alki- mav That branch of chemistry which relates to the transmutation of metals into gold ;—the form- ing a panacea or universal remedy,—an alcahest, or universal menstruum,—an universal ferment, and many other absurdities. A'lchibric. Sulphur. A'lchien. This word occursin the Theatrurn Chemicum, and seems to signify that power in nature by which all corruption and generation are effected. Alchimelec. (Hebrew.) The Egyptian melilot. Alchimia. See Alchemy. ALCHIMI'LLA. See Alchemilla. A'lchitron. 1. Oil of Juniper. 2. Also the name of a dentifrice of Messue. A'LCHLYS. A speck on the pupil of the eye, somewhat obscuring vision. A'lchute. The mulberry. A'LCHYMY: Alchemy. A'lcimad. Antimony. A'lcob. Sal-ammoniac. Alco'c alum Most probably the Indian name of the artichoke. A'lcofol. Antimony. A'LCOHOL. See Alkohol. A'lccuv.. (Hebrew.) 1. The thrush. 2. Paracelsus gives this name to tartar, or ex- crement of urine, whether it appears as sand, mucilage, &c. Alcoli'ta. Urine. Alco'ne. Brass. A'lcor. aEs ustum. A'lcte. The name of a plant mentioned bv Hippocrates, supposed to be the elder. Alou'brith. Sulphur. A LC YO'NI UM. It is difficult to say what the Greeks called by this name. Dioscorides speaks of five sorts of it. It is a spongy plant-like sub- stance, met with on the sea-shore, of different shapes and colours. This bastard sponge is cal- cined with-a httle salt, as a dentifrice, and is used to remove spots on the skin. ALDRK. Sec Betula almis. ' ALE ALG Alder, berry-bearing.[ See Rhamnus fran- zula. Alder wine. See Betula alnus. Aldrum. SeeAlzum. Aldum. See Alzum. ALE. Cerevuia; Liquor cereris; Vinum hordeaceum. A fermented liquor made from malt and hops, and cliiefly distinguished from beer, made from the same ingredients, by the quantity of hops used therein, which is greater in beer, and therefore renders the liquor more bitter, and fitter for keeping. Ale, when well fer-. mented, is a wholc-joine beverage, but seems to disagree with those subject to asthma, or any dis- order of the respiration, or irregularity in the digestive organs. Tile old'dispensatories enu- merate several medicated ales, such as cerevida oxydorica, for the eyes; cerevida antiapthritica, against the gout; cephalica, epileptica,-kc. See Beer. Aleara. A cucurbit. Ale'bria. (From alo, to nourish.) An ob- solete term for that which is nourishing. A'lec. Alech. Vitriol. < Ale'charith. Mercury? Alei'mma. (From aXcttfxo, to anoint.)^An ointment. .. ALEI'ON. (Wuov, copious.) Hippocrates uses this word as an epithet for water. ALEI'PHA. (From*a\ci(pta, to anoint.) Any medicated oil. ' ALELAI'ON. From aXs, salt, andi\aiov, oil.) Oil beat up with salt,lo apply to tumours. Ga- len frequently used it. ALE'MA. (From a, priv. and \iuts, hunger.) Meat, food, or any thing that satisfies the appetite. ALE'MBIC. (Alembicus. Some derive it from the Arabian particle al, and au6i% ; from ap- fiaivui, to ascend. Avicenna declares it to be Ara- bian.) Moorshead. A chemical utensil made t of glass, metal, or earthenware, and adapted to receive volatile products from retorts. It con- sists of a body to which is fitted a'conical head, and out of this head descends laterally a beak to be inserted into the receiver. ALE'MBROTH. (A Chaldee word, import- ing the key of art.) 1. Some explain ft as the name of a salt, sal mercurii, or sal phitmopho- rum fy artis; others say if is named alembrpt an&talfusionis or sal fixionis. Alembroth de- siccatum is said to be the sal tartari; hence this word seems to signify alkaline salt, which opens the bodies of metals by destroying their sulphurs,- and promoting their separation from the ores. From analogy, it is supposed to have the same effect in conquering obstructions and attenuating viscid fluids in the human body. 2. A peculiar earth, probably containing a fixed alkali, founiPin ,jhe island of Cyprus, has also this appellation. '9. A solution of the corrosive sublimate, to which the muriate of ammonia lias been added, is called sal alembroth. ' • Ale'mzadar. Sal ammoniac. Ale'mzadat. Sal ammoniac. Alepe'nsis. A species of ash-tree which produces manna. A'les. (From a*s, salt.) A compound salt. Ai.eu'rov. (From hXi.o, to grind.) Meal. ALEXANDERS. See N«i;,i ,,ium olusatrum. Alexanders, round-leaved. See Smyrnium perfoliatum. ALEXANDRIA. (Alexandria.) Alexan- dria. The bay-tree, or laurel, ot Alexandria. Alexa'ndriiim. Emplastrum viride.' A plaster described by Cel>u>, niado with wax, alum, &c. ALEXICA'CUM. (From a\tfa, to drive away, andkukov, evil.) An antidote or amulet, to resist poison. ALEXIPHA'RMIC. (Alexipharmicum; from aXtfu to expel, and , to sprinkle.) Little red spots in the skin, which precede the eruption of pustules in the mnaU-pox. Aliena'tio mentis. Estrangement of the mind. XLJENA'TION. (Alienatio; from alitno, to estrange.) A term applied to any wandering of the mind. ALIENA'TUS. Alienated. A leaf is so termed when the first leaves give way to others totally different from them, and the natural habit of the genus, as is the case in many of the mimosa from New Holland. ALIFO'BJVIIS. Alaeform or wing-like. A name given by anatomists and naturalists to some parts from their supposed resemblance, as aliform muscles, &c. See Alaformis. "ALIMENT. (Alimentum; from alo; to nourish.) The name of aliment is given gene- rally to every substance, which being subjected to the action of the organs of digestion, is capa- blehy itself of affording nourishment. In this sense an aliment'is extracted necessarily from Vegetables or animals : for, only those*bodies thai hav*e possessed life are capable of serving usefully in the nutrition of animals during a cer- tain time. -This manner of regarding aliments appears rather too confined. Why refuse the name of aliments to substances which, in reali-. ty, cannot of themselves afford nourishment^ but which contribute efficaciously to nutrition, since they enter into the composition of the organs, and of the animal fluids ? Such are the muriate of soda, the oxyde of iron, silicia, and particu- larly water, which is. found in such abundance in ther'bodies of animals, and is so necessary to them. It appears preferable to consider as an aliment every substance which'can serve in nu- trition; establishing, however, the important distinction between subsfances which can nourish of themselves, and those which are useful to nu- trition only in concert with the former. In respect to tlftir nature, aliments are differ- ent from each other, by the proximate principles which predominate in their composition. They may be distinguished into nine classes :— 1st, Farinaceous aliments: wheat, barley, oats, rice, rye, maize, potatoe, sago, salep, peas, haricots, lentils, &c. 2d, Mucilaginous aliments : carrots, salsafy, (goatsbeard,) beet-root, turnip, asparagus, cab- bage, lettuce, artichoke, cardoons, purapoms, melons, &c. 48 3d, Sweet aliments: the different sorts of su- + gar, figs, dates, dried grapes, apricots, «c. 4th, Acidulous aliments : oranges, gooseber- ries, cherries, peaches, strawberries, raspber- ries, mulberries, grapes, prunes, pea», apples, S°5th,'Fatty and oily aliments: cocoa, olives, sweet almonds, nuts, walnuts, the animal fats, the oils, butter, &c. 6th, Caseous aliments: the different sorts of milk, cheese, &c. . 7th, Gelatinous aliments: the tendoDS, the aponeurosis, the chorion, the^cellular membrane, young animals, &c. 8th, Albuminous aliments: the brain, the nerves, eggs, &c. 9th, Fibrindus aliments: the flesh and the blood of different animals. We might add to this list a great number of substances that are employed as medicines, but which doubtless are nutritive^ at least in some of their immediate principles : such are manna, tamarinds, the pulp of cassia, the extracts and saps of vegetables, the animal or vegetable de- coctions. Amongst aliments there are few employed such as nature presents thenj; they are gene- rally prepared, and disposed in such a manneras to be suitable for the action of the digestive or- gans. The preparations which tfiey undergo are infinitely various, according to the sort of ali- ment, the people, the climates, customs, the de- gree of civilization: evenfashion is not without its influence on the art of preparing aliments. In the hand of the skilful cook, alimentary substances almost entirely change their nature: —form, consistence, odour, taste, colour, com- position, &c, everything is so modified that it is impossible for the* most delicate tastes to recog- nise the original substance of certain dishes. . The useful object of cookery is. to render ali- ments agreeable to the senses, and of easy diges- , tion; but it rarely stops here: frequently with • people advanced in civilization its object is to excite delicate palates, of difficult tastes, or to please vanity. Then, far from being a useful-, art, it becomes a real scourge, which occasions a great "number of diseases, and has frequently brought on premature^death. We understand by ddnk, a liquid which, be- ing introduced into the digestive organs, quenches thirst, and so by this repairs the habitual losses of our fluid humours: the drjnks ought to be considered as real aliments. < The drinks are distinguished by their chemical composition:— 1st, Water of different Sorts, spring avater, ri- ver water, water of wells, &c. 2d, Whe juices and infusions of vegetables and animals, juices of lemon, of gooseberries^ whev, tea, coffee, &c. 3d, Fermented liquors: the different sorts of wine, beer, cyder, perry, &c, 4th, The alcoholic liquours: brandy, alcobok ether, rum, sack, ratafia., ALIMENTARY. Alimeniarius. Nourish- ing or belonging to food. Alimentary canal. Ganali3alimentariu\ Alimentary duct. A name given to the whole of those passages which'the food passes through from the mouth to the anus. This duct mnv be said to be the true characteristic of an animal; there being no animal without it,'and whatever has it, bein* properly ranged tinder *he cla,-; of animals. Plants receive their nourishment bv the numerous fibres of 'heir roots, but have no common receptacle for digesting the food rr ALK ALK. ceivcd, onforcarrying off the excrements. But iaalL even the lowest degree of animal life, we may observe a stomach, if not also intestines, even where we cannot perceive the least forma- tion of any organs of the senses, unless that common one of* feeling, as in oysters. Alimentary duct. 1. The alimentary canal. See Alimentary canal. 2. The thoracic duct is sometimes so called. See Thoracic duct. Alimos. ^Commonliquorice. . A'limum. A epecies of arum. ALINDE'slS. (A\tvSvaiS ; from aXw&ovuai, to be turned about.) A bodily exercise, which scenisi to>bc rolling on the ground, or rather in the dust, after beinganbfnted with oil. 'Hippo- crates says it' hath nearly the same effect as wrestling. AliPjE'NOS. (Frpm a, neg. and Xciranw, to be fat.) Alipanum; Alipmtos. An external remedy, without fat or moisture. Al'ipa'sma. (From u>, to anoint.) An ointment rubbed upon the body, to prevent sweat- ing. Alipe. Remedies for wounds in the cheek, to prevent inflammation. Alipovv. A species of turbith, found near Mount Ceti, in Languedoc. It isAa powerful purgative, used instead of senna, but is much more active.' ALPPTaE. (From aXu, to anoint.) Those who anointed persons after bathing. Alisanders. The same as Alexanders. ALI'SMA."t (Alisma; fromaXj, the sea.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnsean system. Class, Hexandria; Order, Polygynia. Water- plantain. * Alisma plantago aquatica. The systema- tic name of the water plantain, now fallen into disuse. •. * Ali'stelis. (From aXs, the sea,) Sal Am- moniac. A'lit. Alith. Asafoetida. Alkafi'al. Antimony. ' A'lkahat glaube'ri. An alkaline salt;* A'lkahest'. An imaginary universal men- struum, or solvent. See Alcahest. A'lkahest Glaube'ri. An alkaline salt. ALKALESCENT. Alkalescent.' Any sub- stance in which alkaline properties are beginning to be developed, or to predominate, is so termed. A'LKALI. (Alcali, in Arabic, signifies burnt; or from al and kali, i. e. the essence, or the whole of kali, the plant from which it was originally prepared, though now derived from plants of every kind.) Alcali; aliji; alafor; alafort, calcadis. Alkalies may be defined, those bodies which combine with acids, so as to neutralise or impair their activity, and produce salts. Acidity and alkalinity are therefore two correlative terms of one species of comlmnrion. When Lavoisier introduced oxygen as the acidifying principle, Mnrveau propnied hydrogen as the alkalifying principle, from its being a constituent of volatile alkali or ammonia. But the splendid discovery by Sir II. Davy, of the metallic basis of potassa and soda, and of their conversion into alkalies, by combination with oxygen, has- banished for ever that hypothetical conceit. It is the mode in which the constituents are combined, rather than the nature of the constituents themselves, which gives rise to the acid or alkaline condition. Some metals combined with oxygen in one proportion, produce a body possessed of alkaline properties ; in another proportion, of acid properties. And on the other hand, ammonia and prussir. acid 7 prove that both the alkaline and acid condifioi;-' can exist independent of oxygen. These obser- vations, by generalising our notions of acid* and alkalies, have rendered the definitions of them very imperfect. The difficulty of tracing a limit between ^the acids and alkalies is still in- creased, when we find a body sometimes perTorm" ing the functions of an acid, sometimes of an alkali. Nor,canwe diminish this difficulty by having recourse to the beautiful law discovered by Sir H. Davy, that oxygen and acids go to the positive pole, and hydrogen alkalies, and inflam- mable bases to the negative pole. We cannot in fact give the name of acid to all the bodies which go to tbe first of these poles, and that of alkali to those that go to the second ; and if we wished to define the alkalies by bringing into view their electric energy, it would be necessary to com- pare them with the electric energy which is op- posite to them. Thus we are always reduced to define alkalinity by the property which it has of saturating acidity, because alkalinity and acidity ■ are two correlative and inseparable terms. M. Gay Lussac conceives the alkalinity which the metallic oxides enjoy, to be the result of two op- posite properties, the alkalifying property of the metal, and the acidifying of oxygen, modified both by the combination and by the proportions. The alkalies maybe arrangedintothree classes: 1st, Those which consist of a metallic basis com- bined with oxygen. These are three in number, potassa, soda, and lithia. 2d, That which con- tains no oxygen, vk?. ammonia. Sd, Those con- taining oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. In this class we have aconita, atropia, briicia, cicuta, datura, delpfcia, hyosciama, morphia, strychnia, and perhaps some other truly vegetable alkalies. The order of vegetable alkalies may be as nume- rous as that of vegetable acids. The earths, lime, barytes, and strontites, were enrolled among the alkalies by Fourcroy, but they have been kept apart by other systematic writers,, and are called alkaline earths. Beqjdes neutralising acidity, and thereby giving hirth to salts, the first four alkalies having the following properties :— 1st, They change the purple colour of many vegetables to a green, the reds to a purple, and the yellows to a brown. If the purple have been reddened by acid, alkalies restore the purple. 2d, They possess this power on vegetable co- lours after being saturated with carbonic acid, by which criterion they are distinguishable from the alkaline earths. 3d, They have an acrid and urinous taste. 4th, They are powerful solvents or corrosives of animal matter; with which as well as with oils in general, they combine, so as to produce neu- trality. 5th^ They are decomposed, or volatilised, at a strong red heak « ' 6th, They combine witii water in every pro- portion, and also largely with alcohol. 7th, They continue to be soluble in water when neutralised with carbonic acid; while the alka- line earths thus become insoluble. It is needless to detail at length Dr. Murray's speculations on alkalinity. They seem to flow from a partial view of chemical phenomena. According to him, either oxygen or hydrogen may generate alkalinity, but the combination of both principles is necessary to give this condition its utmost energy. " Thus the class of alkalies will exhibit the same relations as the class of acids. Some are compounds of a base with oxygen; such are the greater number of the metallic oxvdes, and probably of the earths. •1i ALK Ammonia is a compound of a base with hydro- gen. Potassa, soda, barytes, strontites, and pro- bably lime, are compounds of bases with otygen and hydrogen ; and these last, like the analogous order among the acids, possess the highest power." Now, perfectly dry and caustic barytes, lime, and strontites, as well as the dry potassa and soda obtained by Gay Lussac and Thenard, are not inferior in alkaline power to the same bo- dies after they are slacked or combined with wa- ter. 100 parts of lime destitute of hydrogen, that is, pure oxyde of calcium, neutralise 78 parts of carbonic acid. But 132 parts of Dr. Murray's strongest lime, that it is the hydrate, are required to produce the same alkaline effect. If we ignite nitrate of barytes, we obtain as is well known, a perfectly dry barytes, or prot- oxyde of barium ; but if we ignite crystafhsed barytes, we obtain the same alkaline earth com- bined with a prime equivalent of water. These two different states of barytes were demonstrated by M. Berthollctin an excellent paper published in the 2d volume of the Memoirs D'Arcueil, so far back as 1809. "The first barytes," (that from crystallised barytes,) says he, "presents all the characters of a combination; it is en- gaged with a substance which diminishes its ac- tion on other bodies, which renders it more fusi- ble, and which gives it by fusion the appearance of glass. This Substance is nothing else but wa- ter ; but in fact, by adding a httle water to the second barytes (that from ignited nitrate,) and by urging it at the fire, we give it the properties of the firs*." Page 47. MO parts of barytes void of hydrogeD, or dry barytes, neutralise 28£ of dry carbonic acid. Whereas lllf-'parts of the hydrate, or what Dr. Murray has styled the most energetic, are required to produce the same ef- fect. In fact, it is not hydrogen which combines with the pure barytic earth, but hydrogen and oxygen in the state of water. The proof of this is, that when carbonic acid and that hydrate unite, the exact quantity of water is disengaged. The protoxyde of barium, or pure barytes, has never been combined with hydrogen by any che- mist.— Ure's Chem. Diet. Alkali causticum. Caustic alkali. An al- kali is so called when deprived of the carbonic aeid it usually contains, for it then becomes more caustic, and more violent in its action. Alkali, caustic volatile. See Ammonia*. Alkali, phlogisticated. Prussian alkali. When a fixed alkali is ignited with bullock's blood or other animal substances and lixiviated, it is found to be in a great measure saturated with prussic acid: from the theories formerly adopted respecting this combination, it was called phlo- gisticated alkali. Alkali fixum. Fixed alkali. Those alka- lies are so called that emit no characteristic smell, and cannot be volatilised, but with the greatest difficulty. Two kinds of fixed alkalies have only hitherto been made known, namely, potassa and soda. See Potassa and Soda. Alkali, fosdle. See Soda. Alkali, mineral. See Soda. Alkali, Prussian. See Alkali, phlogisti- cated. Alkali, vegetable. Sec Potassa. Alkali, volatile. See Ammonia. ALKALl'NA. Alkaline*. A class of sub- stances described by Cullen as comprehending the substances otherwise termed antaddu. They consist of alkalies, and other substances which neutralise acids. The principal alkalines in use, are the carbonates and subcarbonates of soda and potassa, the subcarbonate of ammo- m ALK nia, lime-water, chalk, magnesia and its car- bonate. . r*,. . ALKALIZATION. AlkaliZatU). I he im- pregnating any thirg with an alkaline salt) as spirit of wine, &c. ALKALOMETER. The name of «n instru- ment for determining the quantity 4of alkali in commercial potassa and soda. A'lkanet. (Alkanah, a reed> Arabian.) See Anchusa tinctoria. Alka'nna. See Anchusa. Alka'nna ve'ra. See Lawsonia inermis.* A'lkant. Quicksilver. Alka'nthum. Arsenic. Alkasa. A crucible. ALKEKE'NGI. (Arabia*.) The winter- cherry. See Pnysalis alkekengi. ALKE'RMES. A term borrowed frorrfthe Arabs, denoting a celebrated remedy, of the form and consistence of a confection, whereof the kermes is the basis. See Kermes. Alke'rva. (Arabian.) Castor oil. ■' A'lki plumbi. Supposed to be the sugar or acetate of lead. AlkimA. See Alchemy. A'LKOHOL. (An Arabian word, which sig- nifies antimony: so called from the usage of the Eastern ladies to paint their eyebrows with an- timony, reduced to a most subtle powder"; whence it at last came to signify any thing ex- alted to its highest perfection.) Alcohol; Al- kol; Spiritus vinosus rectificatus; SpHritus vini rectificatus; spiritus vini concentratus; Spiritus vini rectificatissimus. . , 1. This term is applied in strictness only to the pure spirit obtainable by distillation and subsequent rectification from all liquids that have undergone vinous fermentation, and from none bat such as are susceptible of it. But it is commonly used to signify this spiritmotetot less imperfectly freed from water, in the state in which it is usually met with in the shops, *fed in which, as it was first obtained from the juice of the grape, it was long distinguished by the name of spirit of wine. At present it is extracted chiefly from grain or melasses in Europe, and from the juice of the sugar cane in the West In- dies ; and in the diluted state in which it com- monly occurs in trade, constitutes the hjasis of the several spirituous liquors called brandy, rum, gin, whisky, and cordials, however variously de- nominated ot disguised. As we are not able to compound alkohol Im- mediately from its ultimate constituents, we have recourse to the process of fermentation, by which its principles are fir3t extricated from the substances in which they were combined, and then united into a new compound ; to distilla- tion, by which this new compound, the alkohol, is separated in a state of dilution with water, and contaminated with essential oil; and to rectification, by which it is ultimately freed from these. ^ 4 It appears to be essential to the fermentation oi alkohol, that the fermenting fluid should con- tain saccharine matter, which is indispensable to that species of fermentation called vinous. In France, where a great deal of wine is made, particularly at the commencement of the vin- tage, that is too weak to be a saleable comma- Oity, it is a common practice to subject this wine to distillation, in order to draw off the spirit * and as the essential oil that rises in this process is of a more pleasant flavour than that of malt or melasses, the French brandies are preferred to any other ; though even iu the fla- vour of these there is a difference, accordm- to VLK ALK lu« wine iiom which they are produced. In the West Indies a spirit is obtained from the juice r,f the/ugar-cane, which is highly imp»egnated with as essential oil, and well known, by the nane of rum. The distillers in this country uie grain, or melasses, whence they distinguish the products by the. name of malt spirits, and melasses spirits. It is said tlmt a very good spirit may be extracted from the husks of goose- berries or currants, after wine has been made from them. * As the process of malt ing develops the saccha- rine principle of grain, it would appear to render it fitter for the purpose ; though it is the com- mon practice to use about three parts of raw grain with one of malt. For this two reasons may be assigned : by using raw grain, the ex- pense of realting is saved, as well as the duty on malt; and the process of malting requires some nicety of attention, since, if it be carried too'far, part of the saccharine matter is lost, and if it be stoppedtoo soon, this matter will notibe wholly developed. Besides, if the malt be dried too quickly^ or by an unequal heat, the spirit it yields will be less in quantity, and.more unplea- sant in flavour." Another object of economical consideration is, what grain will afford the most spirit in proportjon to its price, as well as the > best in quality. Barley appears to produce less spirit than wlfeat; and if three parts of raw wheat be mixed with one of malted barley, the produce is said to be particularly fine. This is the practice of the distillers in Holland for pro- ducing a spirit of the finest quality ; but in Eng- land they are expressly prohibited from using more than one part of wheat;to two of other grain. Rye, howe«r, affords still more spirit than wheat. - ' Other articles have been employed, though not generally, for the fabrication of spirit, as car- rot* and potatoes ; and we are lately informed by Professor Proust, that from the fruit of the carob tree he has obtained good brandy in the proportion of a pint fijom five pounds of the dried fruit. To obtain pure alkohol, different processes have been recommended; but the purest recti- fied spirit obtained as above described, being that which is least contaminated with foreign matter, should be employed. Rouplle recommends to draw off half the spirit in a water bath ; to rec- tify this twice more, drawing off two-thirds each time; to add water to this-alkohol, which will turn it milky by separating the. essential oil re- maining in it; to distil the spirit from this wa- ter ; and finally rectify it "by one more distilla- tion. " ■ - Baume sets apart the first runsing, when about a fourth is come over, and continues the distillation till he has drawn off about as much more, or till the liquor runs off milky. The list running he puts into the stilj again, and mixes the first half of what comes over with the pre- ceding first product. This process is again re- peated, and all the first products being mixed together, are distilled afresh. When about half the liquor is come over, this is to be set apart as pure alkohol. * Alkohol in tliis state, however, is not so pure as when, to use the language of the old chemists, it has been dephlegmated, or still further freed from water, by means of some alkaline salt. Boerhaave recommended, for this purpose, the muriatn of soda, deprived of its water of crystal- lisation by heat, and added hot to the spirit. But the subcarbonate of potassa is preferable. \bout a third of the weight of five alkohol should be added to it in a gio* vessel, well shaken, and then suffered to subside. The salt will be moist- ened by the water absorbed from the alkohol; which being d.ecauted, mure of the saH is to be added, and tliis is to be continued till the salt falls dry to the bottom of the vessel. The alkohol in this state will be reddened by a portion of the pure potassa, which it will hold in solution, from which it must be freed by distillation in a water hath. Dry muriate of lime may be substituted advantageously for the alkali. As alkohol is much lighter than water, its spe- cific gravity is adopted as the test of its purity. Fourcroy considers it as rectified to the highest point when its specific gravity is 829, that of wa- ter being 1000 ; and perhaps this is nearly as far as it can be carried by the process of Rouelle or Baum? simply. Bories found the first measure that came over from twenty of spirit at 836 to be 820, at the temperature of 71° F. Sir Charles Blagden, by the addition of alkali, brought it to 813, at 60° F. Chauasier professes to have re- duced it to 798 ; but he gives 998.35 as the spe- cific gravity of water. Lowitz asserts that he has obtained it at 791, by adding as much alkali as nearly to absorb the spirit; but the temperattue is not indicated. In the shops, it is about 835 or 840: according to the London College it should be 815. It is by no means an easy undertaking to deter- mine tlje strength or relative value of spirits, even with suficient accuracy for commercial purposes. yThe following requisites must be obtained before tliis can be well done: the specific gravity of a certain number of mixtures of alkohol and water must be taken so near each other, as that the in- termediate specific gravities may not perceptibly differ from those deduced from the supposition of a mere mixture of the fluids ; the expansions or variations of specific gravity in these mixtures must be determined at different temperatures; some easy method must, be contrived of determi- ning the presence and quantity of saccharine or oleaginous matter which the spirit may hold in solution, and the. effect of such solution on the specific gravity!*.and lastly, the, specific gravity of the fluid muWbe ascertained by a proper float- ing instrument with a graduated stem or set of weights; or, whicli may be more convenient, with both. The most remarkable characteristic property of alkohol, is its solubility or combination in all proportions with water; a property possessed by no other combustible substance, except the acetic spirit obtained by distilling the dry acetates. When it is .burned in a chimney wliich communi- cates with the worm^pipe of a distilling appara- tus, the product, which is condensed, is found to consist of water, which exceeds the spirit In weight about one-eighth part; or more accurate- ly, 100 parts of alkohol, by combustion, yield 136 of water. If alcohol be burned in closed vessels with vital air, the product is found to be water and carb&nic acid. Whence it is inferred that alkohol consists of hydrogen, united either to carbonic acid, or its acidifiable base; and that the oxygen tinning on the one part with the hydrogen, forms water; and on the other with the base of the car- bonic acid, foims that acid. The most exact experiments on this subject are those recently made by De Saussure. The alko- hol he ussd had, at 62.8°, a specific gravity of 0.8302 ; and by Richter's proportions, it consists of 13.8 water, and 8o.2 of absolute alkohol. The vapour of alkohol was made to traverse a narrow porcelain tube, ignited; from which the products passed along a glass tube about six feet in length, 51 ALK ALK refrigerated by ice. A little charcoal was deposit- ed in the norcelain, and a trace of oil in the" glass tube. The resulting gas beingianalysed in an ex- ploding eudiometer, with oxygen* was foundifo resolve itself into carbonic acid and water. Three volumes of oxygen disappeared for every two volumes of carbonic acid produced ; a proportion which obtains in the analysis by oxygenation of olefiant gas. Now, as nothing resulted but a com- i bustible gas of this peculiar constitution, and con- densed water equal to 1000-4064 of the original weight of the alkohol, we may conclude that vapour of water; and olefiantgas are the soleTfconstituents of alkohol. Subtracting the 13.8 per cent, of water in the alkohol at.the beginning of the experiment, the absolute alkohot of Richter will consist of 13.7 hydrogen, 51.98 carbon, and 34.32 oxygen. Hence Gay Lussac infers, that alkohol, in vapour, is composed of one volume olefiant gas, and one volume of the vapour of water, condensed by chemical affinity into one volume. The sp. gr. of olefiant gas is 0.97804 Of aqueous vapour is 0.62500 Sum = 1.60304 AVnd alkoholic vapour is = 1.6133 These numbers approach nearly to those which would result from two prime equivalents of olefi- ant gas, combined with one of water; or ulti- mately, three of hydrogen, two of carbon, and one of oxygen. ■- • , The mutual action between alkohol and acids produces a light, volatile, and inflammable sub- stance, called ether. Pure alkalies,, unite with spirit of wine, and form alkaline tinctures. Few of the neutral salts unite with this fluid, except: such as contain ammonia. The carbonated fixed alkalies are not soluble in it. From the strong at- traction which exists between alkohol and water, it unites with this last in saline solutions, and in most ca?es precipitates the salt. Tliis is a plea- sing experiment, which never fails to surprise those who are unacquainted with chemical effects. If, for example, a saturated solution of nitre in water be taken, and an equal quantity of strong spirit of v/ine be poured upon it, the mixture will constitute a weaker spirit, which is incapable of holding the nitre in solution ; it therefore falls to the bottom instantly, in the form of minute crys- tals. The degree of solubdity of many neutral salts in alkohol have been ascertained by experiments t made by Macquer, of which an account is pub- lished in the Memoirs of the Turin Academy. All deliquescent salts are soluble in alkohol. Alkohol holding the strontitic salts in solution, gives a flame of a rich purple. The cifpreous salts and boracic acid give a green ; the soluble calcareous, a reddish ; the barytic, a yellowish. The alkohol of 0.825 has been subjected to a cold of — 91° without congealing. When potassium and sodiumare put in contact with the strongest alkohol, hydrogen is evolyed. When chlorine is made to pass through alkohol in aWoolfe's apparatus, there is a mutual action. Water, an oily-looking substance, muriatic acid, a little carbonic acid, and carbonaceous matter, are the products. This oily substance does not redden turnsole, though Its analysis by heat shows it to contain muriatic, acid. It is white, denser than water, has a cooling taste analogous to mint, aud a peculiar, but not ethereous odour. It is very soluble in alkohol, but scarcely in water. The strongest alkalies hardly operate on it. It was at one time maintained, that alkohol did not exist in wines, but was generated and evolved bv the heat of distillation. On this subject Gay 5*2 Lussac made some decisive experiments. He agitated wine with litharge in fine powder, till the liquid became as limpid as water, and then sa- turated k with subcarbonate of potassa. 1 he al- kohol immediately separated and floated on the top. He distilled another portion of wine jw va- cuo, at 59° Fahr. a temperature considerably be- low that of fermentation. Alkohol came over. Mr. Brande proved the same position by satura- ting wine with subacetate of lead, and adding po- tassa. 1 Adem and Duportal have substituted for the re- distillations used in converting wine or beer into alkohol, a single process of great elegance. From the capital of the still a tube is led into a large copper recipient. This is joined by a second tube to a second recipient, and so on through a series of four vessels, arranged hke a Woolfe's appara- tus. The last vessel communicates with the worm of the first refrigeratory. This, the body of the stiU, and the two recipients nearest it, are charged with the wine or fermented liquor. When ebullition takes place in the still, the vapour issu- ing from it communicates soon the boiling tempe- rature to the liquor in the two recipients. From these the volatilised alkohol will rise and pass intq the third vessel, which is empty. After com- municating a certain heat to it,, a portion of the finer or less condensable spirit will pass into the fourth, and thence, in a little, info the worm of the first refrigeratory. The wine round the worm will likewise acquire heat, but more slowly. The vapour that in that event may pass uncondensed through the first worm, is conducted into a se- cond, surrounded with cold water. Whenever the still is worked^off, it is replenished by a stop- cock from the nearest recipient, which, in its turn, is filled from the second, and the second from the first worm tub. It is evident, from this arrangement, that by keeping .the third and fourth recipients at a certain temperature, we may cause alkohol, of any degree of lightness, to form directly at the remote extremity of ,the. appara- tus. The utmost economy of fuel and time is also secured, and a better flavoured spirit is obtained. The arriere gout of. bad spirit can scarcely be destroyed by infusion with charcoal and redistil- lation. I4 this mode of operating, the taste and smell are excellent, from the first. Several stills on the above principle have been constructed at Glasgow for the West India distillers, and have been found extremely advantageous. The excise laws do not permit their employment in the home trade. If sulphur in sublimation meet with tlje vapour of alkohol, a very small portion combines with it, wMch communicates a hydrosulphurous smell to the fluid. The increased surface of the two sub* stances appears to favour the combination. It had been supposed, that this was the only way in which they could be united; but Favre has lately asserted, that having digested two drams of flowers of sulphur in an ounce of alkohol, over a gentle fire not sufficient to make it boil, for twelve hours, he obtained a solution that gave twenty- three grains of precipitate. A similar mixture left to stand for a mouth in a place exposed to the sdlar rays, afforded sixteen grains of precipitate ; and another from which the light was excluded, gave thirteen grains. If alkohol be boiled with one-fourth of its weight of sulphur for an hour, and filtered hot, a small quantity of minute crys- tals will be deposited on cooling ; and the clear fluid will assume an opaline hue on being diluted with an equal quantity of water, in which state it will pass the filter, nor will any sediment be de- posited for several hours. The alkohol used in ALK ALL the last-mentioned experiment did not exceed 940. Phosphorus is sparingly soluble in alkohol, but in greater quantity by heat than in cold. The addition of water to tliis solution affords an opaque inilky fluid, which becomes clear by the subsi- dence of the phosphorus. Earths seem to have scarcely any action upon alkohol. Quicklime, however, produces some al- teration in this fluid, by changing its flavour, and rendering it of a yellow colour. A portion is probably taken up. Soaps are dissolved with great facility in alko- hol, with which they combine more readily than with water. None of the metals, or their oxydes, are acted upon by this fluid. Resins, essential oils, camphor, bitumen, and various other sub- stances, are dissolved with great facility in alko- hol, from which they may be precipitated by the addition of; water. From its property of dissolv- ing resins^ it becomes the menstruum of some varnishes. Camphor is not only extremely soluble in alko- hol, but assists the solution of resins in it. Fixed oils, when rendered drying by metallic oxydes, are soluble in it, as well as when combined with alkalies. Wax, spermaceti, biliary calculi, urea, and all the animal substances of a resinous nature, are soluble in alkohol: but it curdles milk, coagulates albumen, and hardens the muscular fibre and co- agulum of tht^ilood. > • The uses of alkohol are various. As a solvent of resinous substances and essential oils, rt,is em- ployed both in pharmacy and- by the perfumer. When diluted with an equar quantity of water, constituting what is called proof spirit, it is used potassa, previously heated to 300°, to the spurt, and macerate for'twenty-four hours, frequently stirring them ; then pour off the spirit, and add to it the rest of. the subcarbonate of potassa heat- ed to the same degree ; lastly, with the aid of a warm bath, let the alkohol distil over, keep it in a well-stopped bottle. The specific gravity ot alkohol is to the specific gravity of distilled water, as 815 to 1,000. . A'lkosor. Camphire. Alksoal. A crucible. Alkymia. Powder of basilisk. A'llabor. Lead. ALLAGITE. A carbosilicate of manganese. ALLANITE. A mineral, first recognised as a distinct species by Mr. Allan of Edinburgh. It is massive and of a brownish black colour. Allantoi'des. (From aXXas, a hog's pud- ding, and uSos, likeness : because in some brutal animals it is long and thick.) Membrana allan- toides A membrane of the. foetus, peculiar to brutes, which contains the. urine discharged from ' the bladder. ALLELUIA. (Hebrew. Praise the Lord.) So named for its many virtues. See Oxalis ace- tosella. ALL-GOOD. See Chenopodium bonushen- ricus. ALL-HEAL. See Heraclium and Stadhys. ALLIA'CEOUS. (Aljiaceus; from allium, garlick.) Pertaining.to garlick. , ALLIA'RIA. (From allium; garlick: from its smell resembling garlick. J vSee Erysimum ' alliaria. » A'llicar. Vinegar. Alli'coa. Petroleum. . Alligatu'ra. A ligature, or bandage. ALLIO'TICUM. (From aXXiou, to alter, or for extracting tinctures from vegetable and other (substances, the alkohol dissolving the resinous* vary.) An alterative medicine, consisting of va- , parts, and the water the gumjny. From giving rious antiscorbutic^.—Galen a steady heat without smoke when burnt in a lamp, it was formerly much employed to keep water boiling on the tea-table. , In thermometers, for measuring great degrees of cold, it isjprefera- ble to mercury, as we cannot bring.it to freeze. It is in common use for preserving many anatomi- cal preparations, and certain subjects of natural history ; but to some it is injurious, the niolluscae for instance, the calcareous covering of which it in time corrodes. It is. of considerable use, too, in chemical analysis, as appears under the differ- ent articles to which it is applicable, f? ' From the great expansive powe| of alcohol, it, A'LLIUM. (Allium, i. a.; from oleo, to smell; because it stinks : or from aXuo, to avoid; as beinsr unpleasant to most neople.y- Garlick. 1. Tne name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system* Class, Hexandria; Order, Mo- nogyma. 2. The pharmacopttial name of garlick. See Allium sativum. Allium cepa- Cepa.xAllium:—scaponudo inftrnc vevtricoso Iongiore", foliis teretibus, of ^Linnaeus. The Onion.. Dr. Cullen says, onions are acrid and srimulating,Tand possess very httle nutriment. With bpious constitutions they gene- andfe- has been made a question,,whether it might not rally produce flatulency, thirst,head-ache, be, applied with advantage in the working of, steam " brile symptoms: but where the tempera engines. From a series of experiments made by Betancourt, it appears, that the steam of alkohol has, in all cases of equal temperature, more than double the force at that of water ; and that the steam of alkohol at 174° F is equal to that of wa- ter 212° : thus there is a considerable diminution of the consuiuptioh of fuel, and where this is so expensive as to be an object of great importance, by Contriving the machinery so as to prevent the alkohol from being lost, it may possibly at some future time be used with advantage, if some other fluid of great expansive power, and inferior price, be not found more economical. temperament is phlegmatic, they are of infinite service, by stimu- lating tuo ha"bit and promoting the natural secre- tions, particularly expectoration and urine. Jliey are recommended in scorbutic cases, as possess- ing antiscorbutic properties. Externally, onions are employed'ini suppurating poultices, and sup- pression of urine in^cliildren is said to be relieved by applying them, roasted to the pTubes. Allium porrum. „The Leek or Porret. Porrum. Every part of this plant, but more particularly the root, abounds with a peculiar odour. The expressed juice possesses diuretic qualities, and is given in the^cure of dropsical Vlkohol may be decomposed by transmission . diseases, and calculous romptepts, asthma, and through^ red-not tube : it is also decomposable by the sfrons acids,- and thus affords that remark- able product, Ethkr, and Oleum ViNi.j-E/re'* Chem. Diet. 2. The alkohol of the London Pharmacopeia is directed to be made thus:—Take of rectified spirit, a gallon; subcarbonate of potassa, three pound*. Add a pound of the subcarbonate of scurvy. The fresh root is much employed for culinary purposes. i Allium sativum. Allium; Theriaca rus- ticorum. Garlick, Allium :—cajkje planifolio bulbifero, bulbo Compoaito, xtmninibus Iricus- pidatis, of Linnaeus. This species of garlick, according to Linnaeus, grows spontaneously in Sicily; but, as it is much employed for culinary 53 ALL mid medicinal purposes, it has been long very ge- nerally cultivated in gardens. Every part of the plant, but more especially the root, has a pungent acrimonious taste, and a peculiarly offensive strong smell. This odour is extremely penetra- ting and diffusive; for, on the root being taken into the stomach, the alli&ceous scent impregnates the whole system, and is 'discoverable in the va- rious excretions, as in the urine, perspiration, milk, &c. Garlick is generally allied to the onion, from wliich it seems only to differ in being more powerful in its effects, and in its active mat- ter, being in a more fixed state. By stimulating the stomach, they both favour digestion, and, as a stimulus, are readily diffused over the system. They may, therefore, be considered as useful con- diments with the food of phlegmatic people, or those whose circulation is languid, and secretions interrupted; but with those subject to inflamma- tory complaints, or where great irritability pre- vails, these roots, in their acrid state, may prove very hurtful, The medicinal uses of garlick are various ; it has been long: in estimation as an ex- pectorant in pituitous asthmas, and other pulmo- nary affections, unattended with inflammation. In hot bilious constitutions, therefore, garlick is improper : for it frequently produces flatulence, head-ache, thirst, heat, and other inflammatory symptoms. A free use of it is said to promote the piles in habits disposed to this complaint. Its utility as a diuretic in dropsies is attested by un- questionable authorities ; and its febrifuge power has not only been experienced in preventing the paroxysms of intermittents, but even in subduing the plague. Bergius says quartans have been cured by it; and he begins by giving one bulb, or clove, morning and evening, adding "every day one more, till four or five cloves be taken at a dose: if the fever then vanishes, the dose is to be diminished, and it will be sufficient to take one or two cloves, twice a day, for some weeks. Ano- ther virtue of garlick is that of an anthelminthic.'" It has likewise been found of great advantage in scorbutic cases, and in calculous disorders, acting' in these not only as a diuretic, but, in several* in- stances, manifesting a lithontriptic power. That the juice of alliaceous plants, In general, has con- siderable effects upon human calculi, is to be in- ferred from the experiments ot Lobb; and we are abundantly warranted in asserting that a de- coction of the beards of leeks, taken liberally, and its use persevered in for a length of time, has been found remarkably successful in calculous and gravelly complaints. The penetrating and diffu- sive acrimony of garlicft, renders its external ap- plication useful in many disorders, as a rubefa- cient, and more especially as applied to the soles of the feet, to cause a revulsion from the head,or breast, as was successfully prasti^cd and recom- mended by Sydenham. As soon as an inflamma- tion appeal's, the garlick cataplasm should be re- moved, and one of bread and milk be applied* to obviate excessive pain. Garlick has also been variously employed externally, to tumours and cutaneous diseases : and, in certain cases of deaf- ness, a clove, or small bulb of this root, wrapt'in gauze or muslin, and introduced into the meatus auditorius, has been found an efficacious remedy. Garlick may be administered in different forms ; swallowing the clove entire, after being tupped in oil, is recommended as the most effectual^ where this cannot be done, cutting it into pieces without bruising it, and swallowing these may be found to answer equally well, producing thereby no uneasi- ness in the fauces. On being beaten up and formed into pills, the active parts of this medicine soon evaporate: this Dr. Woodville, in his Medical 54 ALL Botany, notices, on the authority of Cullen, who thinks that Lewis has fallen into a gross error, in supposing dried garlick more active than fresh. The syrup and oxymel of garlick, which former- ly hatf a place in the British Pharmacopoeias, are now expunged. The cloves of garlick are by some bruised, and applied to the wrists, to cure agues, and to the bend of the arm, to cure the toothache : when held in the hand, they are said to relieve hiccough; when beat with common oil into a poultice, they resolve sluggish humours; and, if laid on the navels of children, they are supposed to destroy worms in the intestines. Allium victorialr. Victorialis longa. The root, wliich when dried loses its alliaceous smell and taste, is said to be efficacious in allay- ing the abdominal spasms of gravid females. ALLO'CHOOS. (From aXXos, another, and Xto), to pour.) Hippocrates uses this word to mean delirious. ALLOCHROITE. A massive opaque mineral of a grayish, yellowish, or reddish colour. ALLOEO'SIS. (FromaXXos, another.) Al- teration in the state of a disease. Alloeo'tica. (From aXXos, another.) Al- teratives. Medicines which change the appear- ance of the disease. ALLOGNO'SIS. (From «XXoj, another, and yivowKta, to know.) Deliriumi perversion of the judgment; incapability of distinguishing persons. ALLOPHANE. A mineral of a blue, and sometimes a green or brown colour. ALLO'PHASIS. (From «XX»r, another, and d>ata, to speak.) According to Hippocrates, a de- lirium, where the patient is not able to distinguish one thing from another. ALLOTRIOPHA'GIA. (From aXXorpios, to* reign, and r°se water and rectified spirits, equal parts, as much as is sufficient. Almonds of the. Ears. A popular name for the tensils, which have been so called from their resemblance to an almond in shape. See Ton- sils. Almonds of the Throat. A vulgar name for the tonsils. See Tonsils. Alnabati. In Avicenna and Serapion, tliis word means the siliqua dulcie, a gentle laxative. See Ceratonia siliqua. A'lnec. Tin. A'lneric. Sulphur vivum. A'LNUS. (Alno, Italian.) The alder. The pharmacopoeia! name of two plants, sometimes used in medicine, though^ rarely employed in the present practice. 1. Alnus rotundifolia ; glulinosa ; viridis. The common alder-free. See Betula alnus. 2. Alnus nigra. Thetolack or berry-bearing alder. See Rhamnus Frangula. A'LOE. (Aloe, is. fr./rom ahlah, a Hebrew word, signifying growing near the sea.) The name of a genus of plants of the Linnaean system. Class, Hexandria; Order, Monogyhia. The Aloe. '« Aloe Caballina. See Aio'i perfoliata. Aloe Guineensis. See Aloe perfoliata. Aloe perfoliata. Aloe Succolorina; Ahc Zocotorina. Succotorine aloes is obtained from a variety of the^Aloe perfoliata of Linnaeus :— foliis caulinis dentdtis, amplexvcq/tlibus vagi- nantibus, floribus corymbosis cernuis, pedun- culatis subcylindricis. It is brought over wrapt in skins, from the Island of Socotora, in the In- dian Ocean ; Jt is of a bright surface and in some degree pellucid; in the lump of a yellowish red colour, with a purplish cast: when reduced into powder, it is of-a golden colour. It is hard-and friable in very cola weather ; _but in summerrit softens very easily betwixt the fingers. It is ex- tremely bitter, and also accompanied'with an aromatic flavour, but not so much as to cover its disagreeable taste. Its scent is rather agreeable, being somewhat similar to that offmyrrh^ Of late this sort has been very scarce, and its place in a great measure supplied by-ancther variety, brought from the Cape of Goqd Hope, *which is said to be obtained from the Aloe spicata of Linnaeus, by inspissating the expressed juice of the leaves, whence it is termed in the London Pharmacopoeia Extractum.aloe's spicata. The Aloe hepdtica, *vel Barbadcnsix, the common or Barbadoes or hepatic aloes, was thought to come from a variety of the Aloi per- foliata described :—floribus pedunnulatis^cer- nuis corymbosis, subcylindricif, foliis xpinosis, confertis, dentatis, vaginanlibus„planis, macu- latis: but Dr. Smith has announced, that it will be shown in Sibthorp's Flora Graeca, to be from a distinct species, the Aloe vulgfiris, or £rue «a7, the aloe.) Cam- pound purging medicines : so called from having aloes as the chief ingredient. Aloephangina. Medicines formed by a combination of aloes and aromatics. ALOES. Fel natura. The inspissated juice of the aloe plant. Aloes is distinguished into three species, socotorine, hepatic, and caballine; of which the two first are directed for officinal use in our pharmacopoeias. See Alo'e perfoliata. Aloes lignum. See Lignum Alois. ALOE'TIC. A medicine wherein aloes is the chief or fundamental ingredient. Alogotro'phia. (From aXoyos, dispropor- tionate, and Tpubia, to nourish.) Unequid nour- ishment, as in the rickets. A'i.ohar. (Arabian.) Alohoc. Mercury. Alo'mba. (Arabian.) Alooc. L- ad. ALO'PECES. (From aXv^, the fox.) The psoas muscles are so calledhy FaUjroius and Vesalius, because in the fox they are particularly strong. ALOPE'CIA. (From aXwirrf, a fox : because the fov is subject to a distemper that resembles 8 it; or, as some say, because the fox's urine will occasion baldness.) Baldness, or the falling off of the hair. A genus of disease in Sauvages' Nosology. ALOPECUROIDEA. (Fromalopecurus, the fox-tail grass.) Resembling the alopecurus. The name of a division of grasses. Alo'sa. (From aXioicio, to take: because it is ravenous.) See Clupea alosa. Alo^a'ntiu. (From aXs, salt, and avOos, a flower.) Alosanthum. Flowers of salt. A'LbSAT. Quicksilver. Alosohoc. Quicksilver. Alphabe'tum ciitmicum. Raymond Lully hath given the world this alphabet, but to what end is difficult to say:— A dgnificat Deum, — Mer curium. — Salis Petram. — Vitriolum. — Menstruate. — Lunam claram. — Mercurium nostrum. — Salem purum. — Compositum Luna. — Compodtum Solis. — Terram compodti Luna. — Aquam compositi Luna. — JErem compodti Luna. — Terram compositi SjUs. — Aquam compositi Solis. — JErem compositi Solis. — Ignem compositi Solis., — Lapidem album. — Medicinam corporis rubet- — Caloremfumi secreti. — Ignem siccum rineris. — Calorem balnei. — Separationem liquorum. — Alembicum cum cucurbita. A'lphanic. Alphenic. An Arabian_word, signifying tender, for barley-sugar, or sugar- candy. A'LPHITA. (Alphita, the plural of aXtpirov, the meal of barley in general.) By Hippocrates this term is applied to barley-meal either toasted or fried. Galen says that xptpva is coarse meal, aXcvpov is fine meal, and aX^ira is a middling sort. Alphi'tidon. Alphitedum. It is when a bone is broken into small fragments like alphite or bran. Alpho'nsin. The name of an instrument for extracting balls. It is so called from the name of its inventor, Alphonso Ferrier, a NeapoUtan physician. It consists of three branches, which separate from each other by their elasticity, but are capable of being closed by means of a tube in which they are included. ALPHOSIS. The specific name of a disease in the genus Epichrosis of Good's Nosology. A'LPHUS. (kXipos; from aXipnivw, to change : because it changes the colour of the skin.) A species of leprosy, called by the ancients viti- lago, and which they divided into alphus, melas, and leuce. See Lepra. A'LPiNi balsamum. Balm of Gilead. ALPI'NUS, Prosper, a Venetian, born in 1553, celebrated for his skill in medicine and botany. After graduating at Padua, he went to Egypt, and during three years carefully studied the plants of that country, and the modes of treat- ing diseases there ; of which he afterwards pub- lished a very learned account. He has left also some other less important works. He was ap- pointed physician to the celebrated Andrew Doria ; and subsequently botanical professor al B C — D — E — F — G — H — I — K — L — M — N — O — P — Q- R — S — T — U — X — Y — Z — Z — ALT ALL Padua, which office he retained till his death in 1616. A'lrachas. Lead. Alra'tica. An Arabic word used by Albu- casis, to signify a partial or a total imperloration of the vagina. Alsa'mach. An Arabic name for the great hole in the os petrosum. A'LSINE. (Alsine, es. f.; from aXaos, a grove : so called because it grows in great abun- dance in woods and shady places.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria ; Order, Trigyniu. Cluck- weed. Alsine medi\. Morsus gallina centuncu- lus. The systematic name for the plant, called chickweed, which, if boiled tender, may be eaten like spinach, and forms also an excellent emol- lient poultice. ALSTON, Charles, born in Scotland in 1683, was early attached to the study of botany, and distinguished himself by opposing the sexual system of Linnaeus. He afterwards studied under Boerhaave at Leyden; then returning to his native country, was materially instrumental, in conjunction with the celebrated Alexander Monro, in establishing the medical school at Edinburgh, where he was appointed professor of botany and materia medica. He died in 1760. His "Lectures on the Materia Medica," a pos- thumous work, abound in curious and useful tacts, which will long preserve their reputation. A'ltafor. Camphire. A'LTERATIVE. (Ailerons ; from altero, to change.) Alterative medicines are those re- medies which are given with a view to re-establish the healthy functions of the animal economy, without producing any sensible evacution. Alterna: plant.e . Alternate leaved plants. The name of a class of plants in Sauvages' Me- thodus foliorum. ALTERNANS. Alternate; placed alter- nately. A term applied by botanists to leaves, gems, &c. ALTERNUS. Alternate. In botany, this term is applied to branches and leaves when they stand singly on each side, in such a manner that between every two on one side there 'is but one on the opposite side, as on the branches of the Althaa officinalis, Rhamnus catharticut,, and leaves of the Malva rotundifolia. ALTHiE'A. (Althaa, a. f. ; from aX&cw, to heal: so called from its supposed qualities in healing.) 1. The name of a genus of plants of the Linnaean system. Class, Monadelphia; Order, Polyandria. Mar3h-mallow. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the marsh- mallow. See Althea Offidnalis. Althaa officinalis. The systematic name of the marsh-mallow. Malvaviscus; Aristalthaa. Althaa:—foliis simplicibus to- mentosis. The mucilaginous matter with which this plant abounds, is the medicinal part of the plant; it is commonly employed for its Emol- lient and demulcent qualities in tickling coughs, hoarseness, and catarrhs, in dysentery, and diffi- culty and heat of urine. The leaves and root are generally selected tor use. They relax the passages in nephritic complaints, in which last case a decoction is the best preparation. Two or three ounces of the fresh roots may be boiled in a sufficient quantity of water to a quart, to which one ounce of gum-arabic may be added. The following is given where it is required that large quantities should be used. An ounce of the dried roots is to be boiled in water, enough to leave two or three pints to be poured 58 off for use: if more of the root be used, the liquor will be disagreeably slimy. If sweetened, by adding a littfe more of the root of liquorice, it will be very palatable: The root had formerly a place in many of the compounds in the pharma- copoeias, but now it is only directed in the form of syrup. . Aitha'naca. Althanacha. Orpiment. Althebe'gium. An Arabian name for a sort of swelling, such as is observed in cachectic and leuco-phlegmatic habits. Althe'xiS. (From aXOuv, to cure, or heal.) Hippocrates often uses this word to signify the cure of a distemper. Altihit. So Avicenna calls the Laserpitium of the ancients. A'lud. Arabian Aloes. ALUDEL. A hollow sphere of stone, glass, or earthenware, with a short neck projecting at each end, by means of which one globe might be set upon the other. The uppermost has no opening at the top. They were used in former times for the sublimation of several substances. ALUM. See Alumen. Alum earth. A massive mineral of a black- ish brown colour, a dull lustre, an earthy and somewhat slaty fracture, sectile and rather soft, containing charcoal silica, alumina, oxyde of iron, sulphur, sulphates of lime, potassa, and iron, magnesia, muriate of potassa, and water. Alum slate. A massive mineral of a bluish black colour. ALU'MEN. (Alum, an Arabian word.) Assos ; Azub ; Aseb ; Elanula ; Sulphas alu- mina aridulus cum potassa; Super-sulphas alumina etpotassa; Argilla vitriolata. Alum. This important salt has been the object of innu- merable researches both with regard to its fabri- cation and composition. It is produced, but in a very small quantity, in the native state ; and this is mixed with heterogeneous matters. It effloresces in various forms upon ores during cal- cination, but it seldom occurs crystallised. The greater part of this salt is factitious, being ex- tracted from minerals called alum ores, such as, 1. Sulphuretted clay. This constitutes the purest of all ^aluminous ores, namely, that of La Tolfa, near Civita Vecchia, in Italy. It is white, compact, and as hard as indurated clay, whence it is called petra aluminaris. It is taste- less and mealy ; one hundred parts of this ore contain above forty of sulphur and fifty of clay, a small quantity of potassa, and' a little iron. Bergman says it contains forty-three of sulphur in one hundred, thirty-five of clay, and twenty- two of siliceous earth. This ore is first torre- fied to acidify the sulphur, which then acts on the clay, and forms the alum. 2. The pyritaceous clay, which is found at Schwemsal, in Saxony, at the depth of ten or twelve feet. It is a black aud hard, but brittle substance, consisting of clay, pyrites, and bitu- men. It is exposed to the air for two years, by which means the pyrites are decomposed, and the alum is formed. The alum ores of Hesse and Liege are of this kind; but they are first torrefieu, which is said to be a disadvantageous method. ° 3. The schistus aluminaris contains a variable proportion of petroleum and pyrites intimately mixed with it. When the last are in a very arge quantity, this ore is rejected as containing too much iron. Professor Bergman very proper- ly suggested, that by adding a proportion of clay, this ore may turn out advantageously for produ- cing alum. But if the petrol he considerable, it must be torrefied:. The-mines of Bcckct in N-■<■■■■ ALt AU" m»ndy, and those of Whitby in Yorkshire, ate of this species. 4. Volcanic aluminous ore. Such is that of Solfaterra uear Naples. It is in the form of a white saline earth, after it has effloresced in the air; or eUv. it is in a stony form. 5. Bituminous alum ore is called shale, and is in the form of a schist us, impregnated with so much oily matter, or bitumen, as to be inflamma- ble. It is found in Sweden, and also in the coal mines at Whitehaven, and elsewhere. Chaptal has fabricated alum on a large scale from its component parts. For this purpose he constructed a chamber 91 feet long, 48 wide, and 31 high in the middle. The walls are of com- mon masonry, lined with a pretty thick coating of plaster. The floor is paved with bricks, bed- ded in a mixture of raw and burnt clay; and this pavement is covered with another, the joints of which overlap those of the first, and instead of mortar, the bricks are. joined with a cement of equal parts of pitch, turpentine, and wax, which, after having been boiled till it ceases to swell, is used hot. The roof is of wood, but the beams are very close together, and grooved lengthwise, the intermediate space being filled up by planks fitted into the grooves, so that the whole is put to- gether without a nail. Lastly, the whole of the in- side is covered with three or four successive coat- ings of the cement above mentioned, the first being laid on as hot as possible ; and the outside of the wooden roof was varnished in the same manner. The purest and whitest clay being made into a paste with water, and formed into balls half a loot in diameter, these are calcined iu a furnace, broken to pieces, and a stratum of the fragments laid on the floor. A due proportion of sulphur is then ignited in the chamber, in the same man- ner as for the fabrication of sulphuric acid; and the fragments of burnt clay, imbibing this as it forms, begin after a few days to crack and open, and exhibit an efflorescence of sulphate of alu- mina. When the earth has completely effloresced, it is taken out of the chamber, exposed for some time in an open shed, that it may be the more in- timately penetrated by the acid, and is then lixi- viated and crystallised in the usual manner. The cement answers the purpose of lead on this occa- sion very effectually, and, according to Chaptal, costs no more than lead would at three farthings pound. Curaudau has lately recommended a process for making alum without evaporation. One hundred parts of clay and five of muriate of soda are kneaded into a paste wilh water, and formed into loaves. With these a reverberatory furnace is filled, and a brisk fire is kept up for two hours. Being powdered, and put into a sound cask, one- fourth of their weight of sulphuric acid is poured over them by degrees, stirring the mixture well at each addition. As soon as the muriatic gas is dissipated, a quantity of water equal to the acid is added, and the mixture stirred as before. When the heat is abated, a little more water is poured in ; and this is repeated till eight or ten times as much water as there was acid is added. When the whole has settled, the clear liquor is drawn off into leaden vessels, and a quantity of water equal to this liquor is poured on the sedi- ment. The two liquors being ihixed, a solution of potassa is added to them, the alkali in which is equal to one-fourth of the weight of the sul- phuric acid. Sulpliate of potassa may be used, but twice as much of this as of the alkali is ne- cessary. After a certain time, the liquor, by cooling, affords crystals of alum equal to three Limes the weight of the acid used. It is refined by dissolving it in the smallest possible quantity of boiling water. The residue may be washed with more water, to be employed in lixiviating a freslLportion of the ingredients. Its sp. gravity is about 1.71. It reddens the vegetable "blues. It is soluble in 16 parts of wa- ter at 60°, and in % of its weight at 212°. It effloresces superficially on exposure to air, but the interior remains long unchanged. Its water ot crystallization is sufficient at a gentle heat to fuse it. If the heat be increased it froths up, and loses fully 45 per cent, of its weight in water. The spongy residue is called burnt or calcined alum, and is used by surgeons as a mild escharotic. A violent heat separates a great portion of its acid. Alum was thus analysed by Berzelius: 1st, 20 parts (grammes) of pure alum lost, by the heat of a spirit lamp, 9 parts, which gives45per cent. of water. The dry salt was dissolved in water, and its acid precipitated by muriate of barytes ; the sulphate of which, obtained after ignition, weighed 20 parts ; indicating in 100 parts 34.3 of dry sulphuric acid. 2d, Ten parts of alum were dissolved in water, and digested with an ex- cess of ammonia. Alumina, well washed and burnt, equivalent to 10.67 percent, was obtained. In another experiment, 10.86 per cent, resulted. Sd, Ten parts of alum dissolved in water, were digested with carbonate of strontites, till the earth was completely separated. The sulphate of potassa, after ignition, weighed 1.815, cor- responding to 0.981 potassa, or in 100 parts to 9.81. Alum, therefore, consists of Sulphuric acid, 34.33 Alumina, 10.86 Potassa, 9.81 Water, 45.00 100.00 or, Sulphate of alumina, 36.85 Sulphate of potassa, 18.15 Water, 45.00 100.00 Thenard's analysis, Ann. de Chimie, vol. 69, or Nicholson's Journal, vol. 18, coincides per- fectly with that of Berzelius in the product of sulphate of barytes. From 400 parts of alum, be obtained 490 of the ignited barytic salt; but the alumina was in greater proportion, equal to 12.54 per cent, and the sulphate of potassa less, or 15.7 in 100 parts. Vauquelin, in his last analysis, found 48.58 water; and by Thenard's statement there are indicated 34.23 dry acid, 7.14 potassa, 12.54 alumina, 46.09 water, 100.00 If we rectify Vauquelin's erroneous estimate of the sulphate of barytes, his analysis will also coincide with the above. Alum, therefore, differs from the simple sulphate of alumina previously described, which consisted of 3 prime equivalents of acid and 2 of earth, merely by its assumption of a prime of sulphate of potassa. It is probable that all the aluminous salts have a similar consti- tution. It is to be observed, moreover, that the number 34.36 resulting from the theoretic pro- portions, is, according to Gilbert's remarks on the Essay of Berzelius, the just representation of the dry acid in 100 of sulphate ot barytes, by a corrected analysis, whicli makes the prime of barytes 9.57. "' ALL Should ammonia be suspected in alum, it may be detected, and its quantity estimated by mixing quicklime with the saline solution, and exposing the mixture to heat in a retort, connected with a Woolfe's apparatus. The water of ammonia be- ing afterwards saturated with an acid, and evapo- rated to a dry salt, will indicate the quantity of pure ammonia in tbe alum. A variety of alum, containing both potassa and ammonia, may also be found. This will occur where urine has been used, as well as muriate of potassa, in its fabrica- tion. If any of these bisulphates of alumina and potassa be acted on in a watery solution, by gela- tinous alumina, a neutral triple salt is formed, which precipitates in a nearly insoluble state. When alum in powder is mixed with flour or sugar, and calcined, it forms the pyrophorus of Homberg. Mr. Y\ inter first mentioned, that another va- riety of alum can be made with soda, instead of potassa. This salt, which crystallizes in octa- hedrons, has been also made with pure muriate of .soda, and bisulphate of alumina, at the laboratory of Hurlett, by Mr. W. Wilson. It is extremely difficult to form, and effloresces like the sulphate of soda. On the subject of soda-alum, Dr. Ure publish- ed a short paper in the Journal of Science for July, 1822. The form and taste of this salt are exact- ly the same as those of common alum ; but it is less hard, being easily crushed between the fin- gers, to which it imparts an appearance of mois- ture. Its specific gravity is 1.6. 100 parts of water at 60" F. dissolve 110 of it; forming a so- lution, whose sp. gravity is 1.296. -In this re- spect, potassa alum is very different. For 100 parts of water dissolve only from 8 to 9 parts, forming a saturated solution, the specific gravity of which is no more than 1.0465. Its constituents are by Dr. Ure's analysis,— Sulphuric acid, 34.00 4 primes, 33.96 Alumina, 10.75 3 — 10.82 Soda, 6.48 1 — 6.79 Water, 49.00 25 — 48.43 100.23 100.00 Or it consists of 3 primes sulphate of alumina + 1 sulphate of soda. To each of the former, 5 primes of water may be assigned, and to the lat- ter 10, as in Glauber's salts. The only injurious contamination of alum is sulphate of iron. It is detected by ferro-prus- siate of potassa. Oxymuriate of alumina, or the chloride, has been proposed by Mr. Wilson of Dublin, as pre- ferable to solution of chlorine, for discharging the turkey-red die. Alum is used in large quantities in many manu- factories. When added to tallow, it renders it harder. Printer's cushions, and the blocks used in the calico manufactory, are rubbed with burnt alum to remove any greasiness, which might prevent the ink or colour from sticking. Wood sufficiently soaked in a solution of alum does not easily take fire : and the same is true of paper impregnated with it, which is fitter to keep gun- powder, as it also excludes moisture. Paper im- pregnated with alum is useful in whitening silver, and in silvering brass without heat. Alum mixed in milk helps the separation of its butter. If added in a very small quantity to turbid water, in a few minutes it renders it perfectly limpid, without any bad taste or quality ; while the sul- phuric acid imparts to it a very sensible acidity, and does not precipitate as soon, or so well, the opaque earthy mixtures that render it turbid. It is used in making pyrophorus, in tanning, and 60 ALU many other manufactories, particularly in the art of dieing, in which it is of the greatest and most important use, by cleansing and opening the pores on the surface of the substance to be died, ren- dering it fit for receiving the colouring particles, (by which the alum is generaUy decomposed,) aAd at the same time making the colour fixed. Crayons generally consist of the earth of alum, powdered, and tinged for the purpose.—Ure's Chem. Diet. In medicine it is employed internally as a pow- erful astringent in cases of passive haemorrhages from the womb, intestines, nose, and sometimes lungs. In bleedings of an active nature, i. e. at- tended with fever, and a plethoric state of the system, it is highly improper. Dr. Percival re- commends it in the colica pictonum and other chronic disorders of the bowels, attended with obstinate constipation. (See Percival's Essays.) The dose advised in these cases is from 5 to 20 grains, to be repeated every four, eight, or twelve hours. When duly persisted in, this re- medy proves gently laxative, and mitigates the pain. Alum Ls also powerfully tonic, and is given with this view in the dose of 10 grains made into a bolus three times a day, in such cases as re- quire powerful tonic and astringent remedies. Another mode of administering it is in the form of whey made by boiling a drachm of powdered alum in a pint of milk for a few minutes, and to be taken in the quantity of a tea-cup full three times a day. Dr. Cullen thinks it ought to be employed with other astringents in diarrhoeas. In aetive hxmorrhagies, as was observed, it is not useful, though a powerful medicine in those which are passive. It should be given in small doses, and graduaUy-increased. It has been tried in the diabetes without success ; though, joined with nutmeg, it has been more successful in in- termittents, given in a large dose, an hour or a. little longer, before the approach of the parox- ysm. In gargles, in relaxation of the uvula, and other swellings of the mucous membrane of the fauces, divested of acute inflammation, it has been used with advantage. Externally, alum is much employed by sur- geons as a lotion for the eyes, and is said to be preferable to sulphate of zinc or acetate of lead in the ophthalmia membranarum. From two to five grains dissolved in an ounce of rose wa- ter, forms a proper collyrium. It is also applied as a styptic to bleeding vessels, and to ulcers, where there is too copious a secretion of pus. It has proved successful in inflammation of the eyes, in the form of cataplasm, which is made by stirring or shaking a lump of alum in the whites of two eggs, till they form a coagulunV which is applied to the eye between two pieces of thin linen rag. Alum is also employed as an injection in cases of gleet or fluor albus. When deprived of its humidity, by placing it in an earthen pan over a gentle fire, it is termed burnt alum, alumen exsiccatum, and is sometimes employed by surgeons to destroy^fungous flesh, and is a principal ingredient in most styptic powders. Alum is also applied to many purposes of life; in this country, bakers mix a quantity with the bread, to render it white; this mixture makes the bread better adapted for weak and relaxed bowels; but in opposite states of the alimentary canal, this practice is highly pernicious. The officinal preparations of alum are : I. Alumen exsiccatum. 2. Solutio sulphatis cupri ammoniati. 3. Liquor aluminis compositus. ALL ALV 4. Pulvis sulpbatis aluminis compositus. Alumen catinum. A name of potassa. Alumen commune. See Alumen. Alumen crtstallinum. See Alumen. Alumen exsiccatum. Dried alum. Ex- pose alum in an earthen vessel to the fire so that It may dissolve and boil, and let the heat be con- tinued and increased until the boiling ceases. See Alumen. Alumen factitium. See Alumen. Alumen romanum. See Alumen. Alumen rubrum. See Alumen. Alumen rupeum. See Alumen. Alumen rutilum. See Alumen. Alumen ustum. See Alumen. ALU'MINA. Alumine. Terra Alumina. Earth of alum. Pure clay. One of the primi- tive earths, which, as constituting the plastic principle of all clays, loams, and boles, was call- ed argil or the argillaceous earth, but now, as be- ing obtained in greatest purity from alum, is styled alumina, ft was deemed elementary mat- ter till Sir II. Davy's celebrated electro-chemical researches led to the belief of its being, like ba- rytes and lime, a metallic oxyde. The purest native alumina is found in the ori- ental gems, the sapphire and ruby. They con- sist ofnothing but this earth, and a small portion of colouring matter. The native porcelain clays or kaolins, however white and soft, can never be regarded as pure alumina. They usually con- tain fully half their weight of silica, and fre- quently other earths. To obtain pure alumina we dissolve alum in 20 times its weight of water, and add to it a little of the solution of carbonate of soda, to throw down any iron which may be present. We then drop the supernatant liquid into a quantity of the water of ammonia, taking care not to add so much of the aluminous solu- tion as will saturate the ammonia. The volatile alkali unites with the sulphuric acid of the alum, and the earthy basis of the latter is separated in a white spongy precipitate. This must he thrown on a filter, washed, or edidcorated, as the old chemists expressed it, by repeated affusions of water, and then dried. Or if an alum, made with ammonia instead of potassa, as is the case with some French alums, can be got, simple ig- nition dissipates its acid and alkaline constitu- ents, leaving pure alumina. Alumina prepared by the first process is white, pulverulent, soft to the touch, adheres to the tongue, forms a smooth paste without grittiness in the mouth, insipid, inodorous, produces no change in vegetable colours, insoluble in water, but mixes with it readily in every proportion, and retains a small quantity with considerable force ; is infusible in the strongest heat of a furnace, ex- periencing merely a condensation of volume and consequent hardness, but is in small quantities melted by the oxyhydrogen blowpipe. Its spe- cific gravity is. 2.000 in the state of powder, but by ignition it is augmented.. Every analogy leads to the belief that alumina .• fracture. It consists'of sulphuric acid, alumina', contains a peculiar metal, whjch may be called# water, silka, lime, and oxyde of iron. ALUMINOUS. Pertaining to alum. mass with that part of the alumina not decom- pounded ; and in this mass there were numerous gray particles, having the metallic lustre, and which became white when heated in the air, and which slowly effervesced in water. In a similar experiment made by the same illustrious che- mist, a strong red heat only being applied to the alumina, a mass was obtained, which took fire spontaneously by exposure to air, and which ef- fervesced violently in water. This mass was probably an alloy of aluminum and potassium. The conversion of potassium into its deutoxyde, dry potassa, by alumina, proves the presence of oxygen in the latter. When regarded as an oxyde, Sir H. Davy estimates its oxygen and basis to be to one another as 15 to 33 ; or as 10 to, 22. The prime equivalent of alumina would thus appear to be 1.0+2.2 = 3.2. But Berze- lius's analysis of sulphate of alumina seems to indicate 2.136 as the quantity of the earth which combines with 5 of the acid. Hence aluminum will come to be represented by 2.136— 1 = 1.136. Alumina which has lost its plasticity by igni- tion, recovers it by being dissolved in an acid or alkaline menstruum, and then precipitated. In this state it is called a hydrate, for when dried in a steam heat it retains much water; and there- fore resembles in composition wavellite, a beau- tiful mineral, consisting almost entirely of alu- mina, with about 28 per cent, of water. Alumina is widely diffused in nature. It is a constituent of every soil, and of almost every rock. It is the basis of porcelain, pottery, bricks, and crucibles. Its affinity for vegetable colouring matter, is made use of in the prepara- tion of lakes, and in the arts of dieing and calico printing. Native combinations of alumina, con- stitute the fullers' earth, ochres, boles, pipe- clays, &c. The salts of alumina have the following gene- ral characters : 1. Most of them are very soluble in water, and their solutions have a sweetish acerb taste. 2. Ammonia throws down their earthy base, even though they have been previously acidu- lated with muriatic acid. 3. At a strong red heat they give out a portion of their acid. 4. Phosphate of ammonia gives a white preci- pitate. 6. Hydriodate of potassa produces a flocculent precipitate of a white colour, passing into a per- manent yellow. 6. They are not affected by oxalate of ammo- nia, tartaric acid, ferroprussiate of potassa, or tincture of galls : by the first two tests they arc distinguishable from yttria; and by the last two, from that earth and glucina. 7. If bisulnhate of potassa be added to a solu- tion of an aluminous salt moderately concen- trated, octahedral crystals of alum will form. ALi.'AUNITE. A mineral of a snow white colour*, dull, opaque, and having a fine earthy aluminum. The first evidences obtaineifof.this position are presented in Sir II. Dayy's research- es. Iron negatively electrified by a very high power being fused in contact with pure alumina, formed a globule whiter than pure iron which effervesced slowly in water, becoming covered ivith a white powder. The solution of this in muriatic acid, decomposed by an alkali, afforded alumina and oxyde of iron. By passing potas- sium in vapour through alumina heated to wliite- >uss, the greatest part of the potassium became converted into potassa, which formed a coherent Aluminous waters. Wateis impregnated with particles of alum. ALUMLNUM. See Alumina. A lusar. Manna, ALUSIA. (FromaXvai$ a wandering.) Aly- sis; Illusion; Hallucination. A term used by Good to a species of his genus Empathemata. See Nosology. ALVEAR'IUM. (From alveare, abec-hiye.) That part of the meatus auditorium externus is sen called, which contains the wax of the ear. 61 AM A A.MA ALVEOLUS. (A diminutive of alveus, a cavity.) The socket of a tooth. A'LVEUS. (Alveus, i. m., a cavity.) A cavity. Alveus ampullescens. That part of the duct conveying the chyle to the subclavian vein, which swells out. Alveus communis. The common duct, or communication of the ampullae of the membrana- ceous semicircular canals in the internal ear, is so termed by Scarpa. ALVIDU'CA. (From alvus, the belly, and duco, to draw.) Purging medicines. ALVIFLUXUS. (From alvus, andfluo, to flow.) A diarrhoea, or purging. ALVUS. (Alvus, i. f. and sometimes m. ab alluendo, qua sordes alluuntur.) The belly, stomach, and entrails. A'LYCe. (From aXvw, to be anxious.) That anxiety which attends low fevers. ALY'PIA. (From a, neg. «nd Xvvri, pain.) Without pain ; applied to a purgation of the humours without pain. ALY'PIAS. Alypum. A species of turbith, the globularia alypum; so called because it purges without pain. ALYSIS. See Alusia. ALY'SMUS. (From aXvoi, to be restless.) Restlessness. ALY'SSUM. (From a, neg. and Xvaira, the bite of a mad dog ; so called because it was fool- ishly thought to be a specific in the cure of the bite of a mad dog.) Mad-wort. See Marru- bium alyssum. Alyssum Galeni. See Marrubium verticil- la turn. Alyssum Plinii. See Galium album. Altssum verticillatum. The Marru- bium verticillatum. Alzf.'mafor. Cinnabar. A'lzum. Aldum; Aldrum. The name of the tree which produces gum bdellium, according to some ancient authors. A'MA. (Apa, together.) A word used in composition. AMADINE. A substance, the properties of which are intermediate between those of starch and gum. See Starch. AMADOU. A variety of the boletus ignia- rius, found on old ash and other trees. It is boiled in water to extract its soluble parts, then dried and beat with a mallet to loosen its texture. It has now the appearance of very spongy doe- skin leather. It is lastly impregnated with a so- lution of nitre, and dried, when it is called spunk, or German tinder; a substance much used on the continent for lighting fires, either from the colli- sion of flint and steel, or from the sudden con- densation of air in the atmospheric'pyrophorus. AMA'LGAM. (Amalgama; from apa, and yauuv, to marry.) A substance produced by mixing mercury with a metal, the two being thereby incorporated. See Alloy. Amame'lis. (From apa, and uriXtn, an ap- ple.) The bastard medlar of Hippocrates. „ AMANI'T-fljj. (From a, priv. and pnvia, madness; so called, because they are eatable and not poisonous, like some others,) A tribe of fungous productions, called mushrooms, truffles, and morells, and by the French, champignons. Amara dulcis. See Solanum dulcamara. Ama'racus. (From a, neg. and papaivta, to decay: because it keeps its virtues along time.) Marjoram. ' Amaranth, esculent. See Amaranlhus olc- rareus. AMARA'NTHUS. (Amaranthus, i. m.; n from a, neg. and papain, to decay : because the flower, when cut, does not soon decay.) ine name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean sys- tem. Class, Monacia; Order, Pentandna. Amaranthus oleraceus. Esculent ama- ranth. The leaves of this, and several other species, are eaten in India the same as cabbage is here. AMA'RUS. Bitter. See Bitter. The prin- cipal bitters used medicinally are, 1. The pure bitters; gentiana lutea, humulus lupulus, and quassia amara. 2. Styptic bitters ; cinchona officinalis, croton cascarilla, quassia simarouba. 3. Aromatic bitters; artemisia absinthium, anthemis nobilis, hyssopus, &c. . Amatoria febris. (From amo, to love.) See Chlorosis. Amatoria veneficia. (From amo, to love, and venefidum, witchcraft.) Philters. Love powders. Amato'rius. A term given to a muscle of the eye, by which that organ is moved in ogling. See Rectus inferior oculi. Amatzqui'ti. An Indian term. See Arbu- tus unedo. AMAURO'SIS. (Amauroses, is. f. kpavpta- uis; from apavpow, to darken or obscure.) Gut- ta serena; Amblyopia. A disease of the eye attended with a diminution or total loss of sight, without any visible injury to (he organ, and arising from a paralytic affection of the retina and optic nerve. A genus of disease in the class locales, and order dysastheda of Cullen. It arises generally from compression of the optic nerves; amaurosis compresdonis ; from debility, amaurods atonica; from spasm, amaurosis spas- modica; or from poisons, amaurosis venenata. The symptoms of amaurosis are noted for be- ing veiy irregular. In many cases, the pupil is very much dilated, immoveable and of its natu- f ral black, colour. Sometimes, however, in the most complete and' incurable cases, the pupil is of its natural size, and the iris capable of free motion. In some cases, the pupil has a dull, glassy, or horny appearance. Sometimes its colour is greenish, occasionally whitish and opaque, so as to be liable to be mistaken for an incipient cataract. Richter mentions a degree of strabismus, as the only symptom, except the loss of sight, as invariably attendant on amau- rosis. The blindness produced by amaurosis, is gene- rally preceded by an imaginary appearance of numerous insects, or substances like cobwebs, interposing themselves between objects and the eye. The origin of a cataract, on the other hand, is usually attended with a simple cloudi- ness of vision. t Violent contusions of the head, apoplectic fits, f! ashes of lightning, frequent exposure to the rays of the sun, severe exercise, strong passions, drunkenness, and other causes of paralytic affec- tions, are enumerated as producing this com- t plaint. Sometimes tumours within the cranium, bony projections, &c. have been found coin- pressing the optic nerves ; but in many instances no morbid appearance could be traced, to ac- count for the blindness. The disorder is generally difficult to be re- moved : but is sometimes much benefited by general and local stimulants, persevered in for a considerable time. If there arc marks of con- gestion in the head, local bleeding, active purg- ing and other evacuations would be proper in the first instance. Blisters and issues behind the ear or neck should also be tried. Richter AMB AMB« speaks of much success from the use of medi- cines acting steadily on the bowels, after pre- mising an emetic. Mr. Ware observes, that in some cases the pupil is contracted, indicating probably, internal inflammation ; and then the internal use of mercury, especially the oxymu- riate, will be most beneficial. Electricity has been sometimes serviceable, taking the aura or sparks, or even gentle shocks; but galvanism is certainly preferable. Errhines are often useful, as the compound powder of asarabacca; Mr. Ware particularly recommends the hydrargyrus vitriolatus of the former London Pharmacopreia. Stimulants have been sometimes usefully applied to the eye itself, as the vapour of oil of turpen- tine, an infusion of capsicum, &c. Where the intention of a blister is to stimulate, it is best ap- plied to the temp'e on the affected side. A'MBE. (kp6v, the edge of a rock; from au6aivw, to ascend.) An old chirurgical machine for reducing dislocations of the shoulder, and so called, because its extremity projects like the prominence of a rock. Its invention is imputed to Hippocrates. The auibe is the most ancient mechanical contrivance for the above purpose, but is not used at present. A'mbela. (Arabian.) The cornered hazle- nut, the bark of which is purgative. AMBER. Succinum. A beautiful bitumin- ous substance, which takes a good polish, and, after a slight rubbing, becomes so electric, as to attract straws and small bodies ; it was called rfXtKTpov, electrum, by the ancients, and hence the word electricity. " Amber is a hard, brit- tle, tasteless substance, sometimes perfectly transparent, but mostly semitransparent or opaque, and of a glossy surface: it is found of all colours, but chiefly yellow or orange, and of- ten contains leaves or insects ; its specific gra- vity is from 1.065 to 1.100 ; its fracture is even, smooth, and glossy ; it is capable of a fine polish, and becomes electric by friction ; when rubbed or heated, it gives a peculiar agreeable smell, particularly when it melts, that is at 550° of Fahrenheit, but it then loses its transparency ; projected on burning coals, it burns with a whitish flame, and a whitish-yellow smoke, but gives very little soot, and leaves brownish ashes ; it is insoluble in water and alcohol, though the latter, when highly rectified, extracts a reddish colour from it ; but it is soluble in the sulphuric acid, which then acquires a reddish-purple co- lour, and is precipitable from it by water. No other acid dissolves it, nor is it soluble in essen- tial or expressed oils, without some decomposi- tion and long digestion ; but pure alkali dissolves it. By distillation it affords a small quantity of water, with a little acetous acid, an oil, and a Eeculiar acid. The oil rises at first colourless ; Ut, as the heat increases, becomes brown, thick, aud empyreumatic. Tlie oil may be rectified by successive distillations, or it may be obtained very light and limpid at once, if it be put into a glass alembic with water, as the elder Rouelle directs, and distilled at a heat not greater than -' I ^° K:ihr. It requires to be kept in stone bot- ilcs, however, to retain this state ; for in glass ves-teli it becomes brown by the action of light. Amber is met with plentifully in re^dar mines in some parts of Prussia. The upper surface is composed of sand, under vvhich is a stratum of loam, tuid under this a b<-d of wood, partly en- tire, but chiufly mouldered or Changed into a bituminous substance. I'nder the wood is a stratum of sulphuric or rather aluminous mine- ral, iu which the amber is found. Strong sul- phureous exhalation* are often perceived in the pits. Detached pieces are abo found occasionally on the sea-coast in -various countries. It ha») been found in gravel beds near London. In the Royal Cabinet at Berlin there is a mass of 181bs. weight, supposed to be the largest ever found. Jussieu asserts, that the delicate insects in am- ber, which prove the tranquillity of its forma- tion, are not European. Hauy has pointed out the following distinctions between mellite and copal, the bodies which most closely resemble amber. Mellite is infusible by heat. A bit of - copal heated at the end cf a knife takes fire, melting into drops, which flatten as they fall; whereas amber burns with spitting and frothing; and when its liquefied particles drop, they re- bound from the plane which receives them. The origin of amber is at present involved in perfect obscurity, though the rapid progress of vegetable chemistry promises soon to throw light on it. Various frauds are practised with this substance. Neumann states as the common practices of workmen, the two following: The one consists in surrounding the amber with sand in an iron pot, and cementing it with a gradual fire for for- ty hours, some small pieces placed near the sides of the vessel being occasionally taken out for judging of the effect of the operation: the second method, which he says is that most generally practised, is by digesting and boiling the amber about twenty hours with rapeseed oil, by whicli it is rendered both clear and hard. Werner has divided it into two sub-species, the white and the yellow; but there is little advantage in the distinction. Its ultimate con- stituents are the same with those of vegetable bodies in general; viz. carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. In the second volume of the Edinburgh Philo- sophical Journal, Dr. Brewster has given an ac- count of some optical properties of amber, from which he considers it established beyond a doubt that amber is an indurated vegetable juice ; and that the traces of a regular structure, indicated by its action upon polarized light, are not the ef- fect of the ordinary laws of crystallization by which mellite has been formed, but are produced by the same causes which influence the mechani- cal condition of gum-arabic, and other gums, which are known to be formed by the successive deposition and induration of vegetable fluids.'V- Ure's Chem. Diet. See Oleum Succini,andSuc- cinic Acid. AMBER SEED. See Hibiscus abelmos- chus. AMBERGRIS. (Ambragrisea, a. j f.) A concrete, found in very irregular masses, float- ing on the sea near the Molucca islands, Mada- gascar, Sumatra, on the coast of Coromandel, brazil, America, China, and Japan. It has also been taken out of the intestines of the Physeter macrucephalus, the spermaceti whale. As it has not been found in any whales but such as are dead or sick, its production is generally supposed to be owing to disease, though some have a little hm peremptorily affirmed it to be the cause of the morbid affection. As no large piece has ever been found without a greater or le ss quantity of the beaks of the Sepia octopodiu, the common food of the spermaceti whale, interspersed throughout its substance, there can be little doubt of its originating in the intestines of the whale; for if it were occasionally swallowed by it only, and then caused disease, it would be frequently found without these, when it is met with floating or throw n upon the shore. Ambergris is found of various sizes, generally i'i -mall fnignient-, but sometimes solar^c as to • AMB AME weigh near two hundred pounds. When taken from the whale it is not so hard as it becomes af- terward on exposure to the air. Its specific «Ta- yity ranges from 780 to 926. If good, it adheres like wax to the edge of a knife with which it is scraped, retains the impression of the teeth or nails, and emits a fat odoriferous liquid on being penetrated with a hot needle. It is generally brittle; but, on rubbing it with the nail, it be- comes smooth like hard soap. Its colour is ei- £ieri •\hite' black' ash-coloured, yellow, or blackish; or it is variegated, namely, gray with black specks, or gray with yellow specks. Its smell is peculiar, and not easy to be counterfeited. At 144° it melts, and at 212b is volatilised in the form of a white vapour. But, on a red-hot coal, it burns, and is entirely dissipated. Water has no action on it; acids, except nitric, act feebly on it; alkalies combine with it, and form a soap; aether and the volatile oils dissolve it; so do the fixed oils, and also ammonia, when assist- ed by heat; alcohol dissolves a portion of it, and is of great use in analysing it, by separa- ting its constituent parts. According to Bouillon la Grange, who has given the latest analysis of it, 3820 parts of ambergris consist of adipocire 2016 parts, a resinous substance 1167, benzoic acid 425, and coal 212. But Bucholtz could find no ben- zoic acid in it. Dr. Ure examined two different specimens with considerable attention. The one yielded benzoic acid, the other, equally genuine to all appearance, afforded none. An alcoholic solution of ambergris, added in minute quantity to lavender water, tooth powder, hair powder, wash balls, &c. communicates its peculiar fragrance. Its retail price being in Lon- don so high as a guinea per oz. leads to many adulterations. These consist of various mix- tures of benzoin, labdanum, meal, &c. scented with musk. The greasy appearance and smell which heated ambergris exhibits, afford good criteria, joined to its solubility in hot arther and alcohol. It has occasionally been employed in medicine, but its use is mostly confined to the perfumer. Dr. Swediaur took thirty grains of it without perceiving any sensible effect. A sailor, who took half an ounce of it, found it a good purga- tive.— Ure's Chem. Diet. & The medical qualities of ambergris are sto- machic, cordial, and antispasmodic. It is very seldom used in this country. AMBLO'SIS. (ApSXiaois; from ap.6Xou, to cause abortion.) A miscarriage. Amblo'tica. (AuSXuriKa; from apflXoia, to cause abortion.) Medicines which were supposed to occasion abortion. AMBLYGONITE. A greenish-coloured mine- ral that occurs in granite, along with green topaz and tourmaline, near Pinig in Saxony. It seems to be a species of spoduroine. AMBLYO'PIA. (Amblyopia, a. f.; from apSXos, dull, and wxp, the eye.) Amblyosmus ; Amblytes. Hippocrates means by this word, dimness of sight to which old people are subject. Paulus Actuarius, and the best modern writers, seem to think that amblyopia me«ns the same thing as the incomplete amaurosis. See Amau- rosis. Amblyo'smus. See Amblyopia. Amblttes. See Amblyopia. A'mbo. An Indian name of the mango. A'mbon. (From cytfatvo), to' ascend.) Celsus uses this term to signify the margin cr tip of the sockets in which the heads-of the large bones are lodged. v" A'mbone. The same r.s ambc. 64 AMBRA. Amber. Also an aromatic gum. Ambra cineracea. Ambergris and gray amber. Ambra grisea. Ambergris. A'mbram. Amber. Ambre'tte. See Hibiscus abelmoschus. Ambulati'va. (From ambulo, to walk.) A species of herpes; so called because it walks or creeps, as it were, about the body. A'mbulo. (From apfiaXXui, to cast forth.) Flatusfuriosus. A periodical flatulent disease caused, according to Michaelis, by vapours shooting through various parts of the body. AMBU'STIO. (Ambustio, onis. f.; from amburo, to burn.) See Burn. AMBUSTUM. A burn or scald. Ame'lla. The same as achmella. AMENORRH03A. (Amenorrhaa, a. f.; from a, priv. ur/v, a month, and puo, to flow.) A partial or total obstruction of the menses in women from other causes than pregnancy and old age. The menses should be regular as to quantity and quality; and that this discharge should observe the monthly period, is essential to health. When it is obstructed, nature makes her efforts to obtain for it some other outlet. When these efforts of nature fail, the conse- quence may be, pyrexia, pulmonic diseases, spasmodic affections, hysteria, epilepsia, mania, apoplexia, chlorosis, according to the general habit and disposition of the patient. Dr. Cullen places this genus in the class locales, and order epischeses. His species are, 1. Emansio men- sifim ; that is, when the menses do not appear so early as is usually expected. See Chlorosis. 2. Suppressio mensium, when, after the menses appearing and continuing as usual for some time, they cease without pregnancy, occurring. 3. Amenorrhaa difficilis, vet Menorrhagia aiffici- lis, when this flux is too small in quantity, and attended with great pain, &c. The causes of a suppression of the menses ap- pear mostly to operate by inducing a constriction of the extreme vessels; such as cold, fear, and other depressing passions, an indolent life, the abuse of acids, &c. It is sometimes symptomatic of other diseases, in which considerable debility occurs, as phthisis pulmonalis. When the dis- charge has been some time interrupted, particu- larly in persons previously healthy, haemorrhages will often happen from other outlets, the nose, stomach, lungs, &c. even in some instances a periodical discharge of blood from an ulcer has occurred. The patient generally becomes ob- stinately costive, often dyspeptic ; colicy pains, and various hysterical symptoms likewise are apt to attend. 1 he means of chief efficacy in re- storing the uterine function are those calculated to relax spasm, assisted sometimes by such as.in- " crease arterial action, particularly in protracted cases. The former will be employed with most probability of success, when symptoms of a men- strual effort appear. They are, especially the hipbath, fomentations tothehypogastrium, sitting over a vessel of hot water, so that the vapour may be applied to the pudenda; -with antispasmodic medicines, as the compound galbanum pill, cas- tor, &c. but especially opium. If the patient be plethoric, venisection should be premised. In cases of long standing, the object will be to bring about a determination of blood to the uterus. 1 his may be accomplished by emmenagogues, of which savme and cantharis are most to be relied upon; though the latter would be improper, if hcMnatuna had occurred. Certain cathartics are also very useful, particularly aloes, which appear to operate especially on the rectum, and thus AMI sympathetically .influence the uterus. Electric shocks passed through the hypogastric region, may likewise contribute to the cure.' In cases of scanty and painful menstruation, the means pointed out above as calculated to take off constriction of the uterine vessels, should be resorted to; especially the hip-bath, and the free use of opium. Amentai e.e plant.e. Amentaceous plants. A division of plants in natural arrangements of botanists. AMENTA'CEUS. Having an amentum or catkin, as the willow, birch, beech, poplar, &c. AME'NTIA. (Amentia, a. f.; from a, priv. and mens, the mind.) Imbecility of intellect, by which the relations of things are either not per- ceived, or not recollected. .. A disease in the class neuroses, and order vexania of Cullen. When it originates at birth, it is called amentia congenita, natural stupidity; when from the in- firmities of age, amentia senilis, dotage or child- ishness ; and when from some accidental cause, amentia acquisita. AME'NTUM (Derived from its fancied re- semblance toacat's-tail, and byFestus, from the Greek uppn, a bond or thong.) Julus; Nucamen- tum; Calulus. Catkin. A species of inflores- cence, considered by some as a species of calyxv It is a simple peduncle covered with numerous chaffy scales, under which are the flowers or parts of fructification. The distinctions of cat- kins arc into, 1. Cylindrical: as in Corylus avellana; Beta alba; Alnus. 2. Globose: as in Fagus sylvatica; Plala- nus orientalis;. Urtica pilulifera. 3. Ovate : as in the Female Pinus sylvestris. 4. Filiform: seen in Fagus pumila and Cus- tanea pumila. 5. Attenuate, slender towards the end : as in Fagus castanea. 6. Thick: in Juglans rcgia. 7. Imbrecate, scaly: as in Juniperus commu- nis and Salix fusca. 8. Paleaceous, chaffy: asm Pinus sylvestris. 9. Naked.- the scales being so small or want- ing, that the parts of fructification appear naked, as in Excoccwi iu. American balsam. See Myroxylon Perui- ferum. America'num tuberosum. The potatoe. See Solanum tuberosum. Amethy'sta pharmaca. (Froma, neg.and ptdv, wine.) Medicines which were said either to prevent or remove the effects of wine.—Galen. AMETHY'STUS. (From ,, neg. and pt- OvaKu, to be inebriated: so called, Decause iu former times, according to Plutarch, it was thought to prevent drunkenness.—Ruland. in /.ci. Chem.) The amethyst. "A gem of a violet colour, and great brilliancy, said to be as hard as the ruby or sapphire, from which it only differs in colour. This is called the oriental amethyst, and is very rare. When it inclines to the purple or rosy colour, it is more esteemed than when it is nearer to the blue. These ame- thysts have the same figure, hardness, specific gravity, and other qualities, as the best sapphires or rubies, and come from the same places, par- ticularly from Persia, Arabia, Armenia, and the \\ est Indies. The occidental amethysts arc merely coloured crystals or quartz." AMIANTHUS. See Asbestos. Ami'i ULI'M. A little short cloak. It is the ► aim- as the amnios, but anciently meant a cover- ing for the pulics of boys, when they exercised in tin- ny\\\\\.\A\\n\.—Rkr c \ .uuination. Ammonia is a transparent, colourless, and consequently invisible gas, possessed of elasticity, and the other mechanical properties of the at- mospherical ur. Its specific gravity is an impor- tant datum in chemical researches, and has been rather differently stated. Now as no aeriform body is more easily obtained in a pure state than ammonia, this diversity, among accurate experi- mentalists, shows the nicety of this statical ope- ration. Biot ai.il Arago make it = 0.59669 by experiment, and by calculation from its elemen- tary gases, they make it = 0.59438. Kirwan s!\sthat 100 cubic inches weigh 18.16 gr. at 30 inches of bar. and 6IUF., vvhich compared to air reckoned 30.519, gives 0.59540. Sir H. Davy determines its density to he =■ 0.590, with which i stimate the theoret^ calculations of Dr. Prout, 65 AMM AMM in the sixth volume of the Annals of Philosophy, agree. This gas has an exceedingly pungent smell, well known by the old name of spirits of harts- horn. Ananimal plunged into it speedily dies. It extinguishes combustion, but being itself to a certain degree combustible, the flame of a taper immersed in it is enlarged before going out. It has a very acrid taste. Water condenses it very rapidly. Water is capable of dissolving easily about one-third of its weight of ammoniacal gas, or 460 times its bulk. Hence, when placed in contact with a tube filled with this gas, water rushes into it with explosive velocity. Ammoniacal gas, perfectly dry, when mixed with oxygen, explodes with the electric spark, and is converted into w;it<-r and nitrogen, as has been shown in an ingenious paper by Dr. Henry. But the simplest, and perhaps most accurate mode of resolving ammonia into its elementary consti- tuents, is that first practised by Berthollet, the celebrated discoverer of its composition. This consists in making the pure gas traverse very slowly an ignited porcelain tube of a small dia- meter. The alkaline nature of ammonia is demon- strated, not only by its neutralising acidity, and changing the vegetable reds to purple or green, but also by its Deing attracted to the negative pole of a'voltaic arrangement. When a pretty strong electric power is applied to ammonia in its liquid or solid combinations, simple decom- position is effected ; but in contact with mercury, very mysterious phenomena occur. If a globule of mercury be surrounded with a little water of ammonia, or placed in a little cavity in a piece, of sal ammoniac, and then subjected to the vol- taic power by two wires, the negative touching the mercury, and the positive the ammoniacal compound, the globule is instantly covered with a circulating film, a white smoke rises from it, and its volume enlarges, whilst it shoots out ramifications of a semi-solid consistence over the salt. The amalgam has the consistence of soft butter, and may be cut vvith a knife. Whenever the electrization is suspended, the crab-like fibres retract towards the central mass, which soon, by the constant formation of white saline films, re- sumes its pristine globular shape and size. The enlargement of volume seems to amount occa- sionally to ten times that of the mercury, when a small globule is employed. Sir H. Davy, Ber- zelius, and Gay Lu=sac and Thenard, have stu- died this singular phenomenon with great care. They produced the very same substance by put- ting an amalgam of mercury and potassium into the moistened cupel of sal ammoniac. It be- comes five or six times larger, assumes the con- sistence of butter, whilst it retains its metallic lustre. What takes place in these experiments ? In the second case, the substance of metallic aspect wliich we obtain is an ammoniacal hydruret of mercury and potassium. There is formed, be- sides, muriate of potassa. Consequently a por- tion of the potassium of the amalgam decomposes the water, becomes potassa, which itself decom- poses the muriate of ammonia. Thence result hydrogen and ammonia, which, in the nascent state, unite to the undecomposed amalgam. In the first experiment, the substance which, as in the second, presents the metallic aspect, is only an ammoniacal hydruret of mercury; its forma- tion is accompanied by the perceptible evolution of a certain quantity of chlorine at the positive pole. It is obvious, therefore, that the salt is de- 66 composed by the electricity. The hydrogen of the muriatic acid, and the ammonia, both combine with the mercury. , , Ammonia is not affected by a chirry-red heat. According to Guyton de Morveau, it becomes a liquid at about 40o—0", or at 0° the freezing point of mercury ; but it is uncertain whether the appearances he observed may not have been owing to hygrometric water, as happens with chlorine gas. The ammoniacal liquid loses its pungent smell as its temperature sinks, till at __50° it gelatinizes, if suddenly cooled ; but if slowly cooled it crystallises. Oxygen, by means of electricity, or a mere red heat, resolves ammonia into water and nitro- gen. When there is a considerable excess of oxygen, it acidifies a portion of the nitrogen into nitrous acid, whence many fallacies in analysis have arisen. Chlorine and ammonia exercise so powerful an action on each other, that when mix- ed suddenly, a sheet of white flame pervades them. The simplest way of making this fine ex- periment, is to invert a matrass, with a wide mouth and conical neck, over another with a taper neck, containing a mixture of sal ammoniac and lime, heated by a lamp. As soon as the upper vessel seems to be full of ammonia, by the over- flow of the pungent gas, it is to be cautiously lift- ed up, and inserted, in a perpendicular direction, into a wide-mouthed glass decanter or flask, fill- ed with chlorine. On seizing the two vessels thus joined with the two hands covered with gloves, and suddenly inverting them, like a sand- glass, the heavy chlorine and light ammonia, rushing in opposite directions, unite, with the evolution of name. As one volume of ammonia contains, in a condensed state, one and a half of hydrogen, which requires for its saturation just one and a half of chlorine, this quantity should resolve the mixture into muriatic acid and nitro- fen, and thereby give a ready analysis of the al- aline gas. If the proportion of chlorine be less, sal ammoniac and nitrogen are the results. The same thing happens en mixing the aqueous solutions of ammonia and chlorine. But if large bubbles of chlorine be let up in ammoniacal wa- ter of moderate strength, luminous streaks are seen in the dark to pervade tne liquid, and the same reciprocal change of the ingredients is ef- fected. Gay Lussac and Thenard state, that when 3 parts of ammoniacal gas and 1 of chlorine are mixed together, they condense into sal ammo- niac, and azote, equal to 1-10 the whole vo- lume, is given out. Iodine has an analogous action on ammonia ; seizing a portion of its hydrogen to form hydrio- dic acid, whence hydriodate of ammonia results; while another portion of iodine unites with the liberated nitrogen to form the explosive pulveru- lent iodine. Cyanogen and ammoniacal gas be "in to act upon each other whenever they come into con- tact, but some hours are requisite to render the effect complete. They unite in the proportion nearly of 1 to 1£, forming a compound which gives a dark orange-brown colour to water, but dissolves in only a very small quantity of water. The solution does not produce prussian blue with the salts of iron. By transmitting ammoniacal gas through char- coal ignited in a tube, prussic or hydrocyanic acid is formed. The action of the alkaline metals on gaseous ammonia, is very curious. When potassium is fused in that gas, a very fusible olive-green sub- stance, consisting of potassium, nitrogen, and AMM AMM ammonia, i* formed ; and a volume of hydngen remains, exactly equal to what would result from the action on water of the quantity of po- tassium employed. Hence, according to The- nard, the ammonia is divided into two portions. One is decomposed, so that its nitrogen combines with the potassium, and its hydrogen remains free, whilst the other is absorbed in whole or in part by the nitroguret ol ,potas>iuni. Soduim acts in the same manner. The olive substance is opaque, and it is only when in plates of ex- treme thinness that it appears semitransparent; it hr> nothing of the rof tallic appearance ; it is heavier than water; and, on minute inspection, seems imperfectly crystallised. When it is ex- posed to a heat progressively increased, it melts, rlisjnerages arumonia, and hydrogen, and nitro- \:< n, in the propi'rti""!-- constituting ammonia ; tie u it becomes solid, still preserving its green colour, and is converted into a nitroguret of po- tassium or sodium. Exposed to the air at the ordinary temperature, it attracts only it- humi- dity, but not its oxygen, and is slowly transform- ed into ammoniacal gas, and potassa or soda. It burns vividly when projected into a hot crucible, or when heated in a vessel containing oxygen. Water and acids produce also sudden decompo- sition, with the extrication of heat. Alkalies or alkaline salts are produced. Alcohol likewise decomposes it with similar results. The pre- ceding description of the compound of ammonia with potassium, :r. prepared by Gay Lussac and Thenard, was controverted by Sir H. Davy. The experiments of this accurate chemist led to the conclusion, that the presence of moisture had modified their results. In proportion as more precautions are taken to keep every thing abso- solutely dry, so in proportion is less ammonia re- generated. He seldom obtained as much as i-10 of the quantity absorbed; and lie never could procure hydrogen and nitrogen in the pro- portions constituting ammonia; there was al- ways an excess of nitrogen. The following ex- periment was conducted with the utmost nicety. 3$ gr. of potassium were heated in 12 cubic inches of ammoniacal gas ; 7.5 were absorbed, and 3.-2 of hydrogen evolved. On distilling the olive-coloured solid in :i tube of platina, 9 cubical inches of gas were given off, and half a cubical inch remained in the tube and adapters. Of the 9 cubical inches, one-fii'th of a cubical inch only v. as ammonia ; 10 measmes of the permanent gas mixed with 7.5 of oxygen, and acted upon by the electrical spark, left a residuum of 7.5. He in- fers that the results of the analysis of ammonia, by electricity and potassium, are the same. On the whole we may legitimately infer, that there is something yet unexplained in these phe- nomena. The potassium separates from ammo- nia as much hydrogen, as an equal weight of it would from water. If two volumes of hydrogen be thus detached from the alkaline gas, the re- maining volume, with the volume of nitrogen, will be left to combine with the potassium, form- ing a triple compound, somewhat analogous to the cyanides, a compound capable of condensing ammonia. When ammoniacal gas is transmitted over ig- nited wives of iron, copper, platina, &c. it is de- composed completely, and though the metals are not increased in weight, they have become cx- trenuly brittle. Iron, at the same temperature, decomposes the ammonia, with double the rapi- ditv that platinum does. At a high temperature, the protoxyde of nitrogen decomposes ammonia. Of the ordinary metals, zinc is the only one which liquid ammonia oxvdizes and then dis- solves. But it acts on many of the metallic oxydes. At a high temperature the gas deoxv- dize- all those which an- reducible by hydrogen. The oxydes soluble in liquid ammonia, are the oxyde of zinc ; the protoxyde and peroxyde of copper; the Oxyde of silver; the third and fourth oxydes of antimony ; the oxyde of tellu- rium ; the protoxydes of nickel, cobalt, and iron, the peroxyde of tin, mercury, g.ild, and platinum. The first five are very soluble, the rest less so. These combinations can be obtained by evapora- tion, in the djry state, only with copper, antimo- ny, mercury, gold, platinum, and silver ; the lour last of which are very remarkable for their detonating property. See the particular metals. All thp acids are susceptible of combining with ammonia, and they almost all form with it neu- tral compounds. Gay Lussac made the impor- tant discovery, that whenever the acid is gaseous, its combination with ammoniacal gas takes place in a simple ratio of determinate volumes, whether a neutral or a subsalt be formed. Ammoniacal salts have the following general characters :— 1st, When treated with a caustic fixed alkali or earth, they exhale the peculiar smell of am- monia. 2d, They are generally soluble in water, and crystallisable. 3J, They are all decomposed at a moderate red heat; and if the acid be fixed, as the phos- phoric or boracic, the ammonia comes away pure. 4th, When they are dropped into a solution of muriate of platina, a yellow precipitate falls."— Ure's VUvm. Die. The preparations of ammonia in use are, 1. Liquor ammonia;. See Ammonia liquor. 2. The sub-corbonate of ammonia. See Am- monia subcarbonus, and ammonia subcarbona- tis liquor. 3. The acetate of ammonia. See Ammonia acetatis liquor. 4. The muriate of ammonia. See Sal am- moniac. 5. FeiTinn ammoniatum. 6. Several tinctures and spirits, holding am- monia in solution. Ammonia, argentate of. Fidminating silver. A>im )nia acetata. See Liquor ammonia acetatis. Ammonia muriata. See Sal ammoniac. Ammonia prjeparata. See Ammonia sub- carboaas. Ammoniac, sal. See Sal Ammoniac. AMMONT'ACUM. (AppoviaKov; so called from A ,'monia, whence it was brought.) Gum- ammoniac. A concrete gummy resinous juice, composed of little lumps, or tears, of a strong and somewhat ungrateftd smell, and nauseous taste, followed by a bitterness. There has, hitherto, been no information had concerning the plant which affords tliis drug ; but Wildenow considers it to be the Heracleum gummiferum, having raised that plant from the seeds, which are some- times found in the drug. It is imported here from Turkey, and from the East Indies. It consists, accentiug to Braconnot, of 70 resin, 18.4 gum, 4.4 glutinous matter, 6 water, and 1.2 loss in 100 parts. Gum ammoniacum is principally em- ployed as an expectorant, and is frequently pre- scribed in asthma and chronic catarrh. Its dose is from 10 to 30 grains. It is given in the form of pill or diffused in water, and is frequently combined with squill, or tartarised antimony. In large doses, it proves purgative. Externally, it is applied as a divutk-nt, under the form of plas- 67 AMM ler, to white swellings of the knee, and to indo- lent tumours. The official preparations are Am- m -liacum ourificatum; Emplastrum ammoniaci; Empl. ammoniaci cum hydrargyro ; Mistura am- moniaci. Ammonia acetatis liquor. A solution of acetate of ammonia; formerly called Aqua am- monia acetata. Take of sub-carbonate of am- monia, two ounces; dilute acetic acid, four pints. Add the acid to the salt, until bubbles of gas shall no longer arise, and mix. The efferves- cence is occasioned by the escape of carbonic acid gas, which the acetic acid expels, and neu- tralises the ammonia. If the acid rather predominate, the solution is more grateful to the taste ; and provided that acid be correctly prepared, the proportions here given will be found sufficient; where the acid cannot be depended on, it will be right to be regulated rather by the cessation of effervescence than by quantity. This preparation was formerly known in the shops under the name of spirit of Mindererus. When assisted by a warm regimen, it proves an excellent and powerful sudorific.; and, as it ope- rates without quickening the circulation, or in- creasing the heat of the body, it is admissible in febrile and inflammatory diseases, in which the use of stimulating sudorific* are attended with danger. Its action may likewise be determined to the kidney3, by walking about in the cool air. The common dose is half an ounce, either by it- self, or along with other medicines, adapted to "the same intention. Ammonia carbonas. See Ammonia sub* carbonas. Ammoni.e liquor. Liquor of Ammonia. Take of muriate of ammonia eiglvt ounces ; lime newly prepared, six ounces; water, four pints. Pour on the lime a pint of the water, then cover the vessel, and set them byfor an hour ; then add the muriate of ammonia, and tbe remaining wa- ter previously made boding hot, and cover the vessel again ; strain the liquor when it has cool- ed ; then distil from it twelve fluid ounces of the solution of ammonia into a receiver cooled to the temperature of 50°. The specific gravity of this solution should be to that of distilled water, as 4.960 to 1000. Lime is capable of decomposing muriate of ammonia at a temperature much below that of boiling water; so that when the materials are mixed, a solution of ammonia and of muriate of lime is obtained. This being submitted to dis- tillation, the'ammonia passes over with a certain portion of the water, leaving behind the muriate of lime dissolved in the rest. The proportion of water directed seems, however, unnecessarily great, which obliges the operator to employ larger vessels than would otherwise suffice. But the process now directed is certainly much easier, more economical, and more uniform in its results, than that of former Pharmacopoeias. This preparation is colourless and transparent with a strong peculiar smell ; it parts with the ammonia in the form of gas, if heated to 130 de- grees, and requires to be kept, with a cautious ex- clusion of atmospherical air, with the carbonic acid of which it readUy unites : on this latter ac- count, the propriety of keeping it in small bottles instead of a large one, ha6 been suggested. This is the aqua ammonia pura of the shops, and the alcali volatile causticum. Water of ammonia is very rarely given inter- nally, although it may be used in doses of ten or twenty drops, largely diluted, as a powerful stim- ulant in asphyxia and similar diseases. Exter- 68 \MN naUy, it is applied to the skin as a rubefacient, and in the form of gas to the nostrils, and to the eyes as a stimulant: in cases of torpor, paralysis, rheumatism, syncope, hysteria, and chrome oph- thalmia. Ammonije murias. See Sal ammoniaca. Ammonia; nitras. Alcali volatile mtra- tum; Sal ammoniacue nitrosus ; Ammonia nt- trata. A salt composed of the nitric acid and ammonia, the virtues of which are internally diu- retic and deobstruent, and externally resolvent and sialogogue. Ammonije subcarbonas. Subcarbonate of ammonia. This preparation was formerly called ammonia praparata, and sal volatilis salis am- moniad, and .sal volatilis. It is made thus:— Take of muriate of ammonia, a pound: of prepar- ed chalk, dried, a pound and a half. Reduce them separately to powder ; then mix them to- gether, and sublime in a heat gradually raised, till the retort becomes red. In this preparation a double decomposition takes place, the carbonic acid of the chalk uniting with the ammonia, and forming subcarbonate ot ammonia, which is vol- atilised while muriate of lime remains in the vessel. This salt possesses nervine and stimulating powers, and is highly beneficial in the dose of from two to eight grains, in nervous affections, debilities, flatulency, and acidity from dyspepsia. Ammonite subcarbonatis liquor. Liquor ammonia carbonatis. Solution of subcarbonate of ammonia. Take of subcarbonate of ammonia, four ounces ; distilled water a pint. Dissolve the subcarbonate of ammonia in the water, and filter the solution through paper. This preparation possesses the properties of ammonia in its action on the human body. See Ammonia subcar- bonas. Ammonicated copper, liquor of. See Cupri ammoniati liquor. Ammo'nion. (From aupos, sand.) Aetius uses this term to denote a collyritim of great vir- tue in many diseases of the eye, which was said to remove sand or gravel from the eyes. AMMONT'TES. Petrifactions, which have likewise been distinguished by the name oicornua ammonis, and are called snake-stones by the vulgar, consist chiefly of lime-stone. They are found of all sizes, from the breadth of half an inch to more than two feet in diameter ; some of them rounded, others greatly compressed, and lodged in different strata of stones and clays. They appear to owe thcir«origin to shells of the nautilus kind. AMMO'NIUM. Berzelius first gave this name to a supposed metal which with oxygen he conceives to form the alkali called ammonia. It is now generally'used by .all chemists. See- Am- monia. AMNE'SIA. (From a, priv. and uvnois, memory.) Amnestia. Forgetfulness ; mostly a symptomatic affection. Amne'stia. See Amnesia. A'MNIOS. (From apvos a lamb, or lamb's skin A Amnion. The soft internal membrane which surrounds the foetus. It is very thin and pellucid in the early stage'of pregnancy, but ac- quires considerable^thickness and strength in the .latter months. T' V amnios contains a thin wa- tery fluid, in wrd* ^ die foetus is suspended. See Liquor amnii. *" AMNIOTIC. (Amnioticus; from amnios: so called because it is obtained from the mem- brane of that name.) Of or belonging to the amnios. Amniotic acid. Acidum. ar.tiioticum. A A.MP AMU pccuhar acid found in the liquor of the amnios of the cow. It exists in the form of a white pulver- ulent powder. It is slightly acid to the taste, but sensibly reddens vegetable blues. It is with dif- ficulty soluble in cold, but readily soluble in boil- ing water, and in alcohol. When exposed to a strong heat, it exhales an odour of ammonia and of prussic acid. AssistecLhy heat, it decomposes carbonate of potassa, soda, and ammonia. It pro- duces no change in the solutions of silver, lead, or mercury, in mtric acid. Amniotic acid may be obtained by evaporating the liquor of the amnios of the cow to a fourth part, and suffering it to cool; crystals of amniotic acid will be obtained in con- siderable quantity. Whether this acid exists in the liquor of the. amnios of other animals, is not yet known. AMO'.MUM. (Amomum, i. n. ; from an Arabian word, signifying a p.iins, vita.) An amphibious animal, or one that lives 'u.thon land and in the water. The amphibious innuals, according to Linmcus, are a class, the heart of vvhich is furnished with one ventricle and one auricle, in which respiration is iu a consi- derable degree voluntary. AMPHIBLESTROI'DEfV (From npAtSXr,?- ,i/m, a net, audei^u,-, aresem XeKTu>, to connect.) According to Rufus Ephe- sius, the part situated between the scrotum and anus, and which is connected with the thighs. Amphipneu'ma. (From ap&i about, and iovevpa, breath.) A difficulty of breathing.— Hippocrates. AMPHI'POLOS. (From auipi, about, and SioXeii), to attend. (Amphipolus. One who attends the bed of a sick person, and administers to him. —Hippocrates. Amphismi'la. (From apfi, on both sides, and apiXti, an incision-knife.) A dissecting knife, with an edge on both sides. Galen. AMPLECTENS. Embracing, clasping. AMPLEXICAULIS. (From ampleclor, to surround, and caulis, a stein.) Embracing or clasping the stem. Folium amplexicaule is a leaf, the base of which surrounds the stem, as in Papaver somniferum and Carduus marianus; and the Senecio hirsutus, has a leafstalk which .. embraces the stem at its base. AMPU'LLA. AjifiuXAa; from uva6aXXu, to swell out.) A bottle." I. All b.-llied vessels are so called in chemistry, as bolt-heads, receivers, cucurbits, &c. 2. In anatomy this term is applied by Scarpa to the dilated portions of the membranaceous semi- circular canals, just within the vestibulum of the ear. 3. In botany ; it is a small membranaceous bag attached to the roots and the emersed leaves of some aquatic plants, rendering them buoyant.— Thompson. AMPLXLE'SCENS. ^(From ampulla, a bottle.) The most tumid part of the thoracic duct is called alveus ampullescens. AMPUTA'TIO. (From amputo, to cut off.) Eclome. Amputation; a surgical operation, which consists in the removal of a limb or vis- cus : thus we say, a leg, a finger, the penis, &c. when cut off, are amputated ; but when speaking of a tumour or excrescence, it is said to be re- moved, or dissected out. AMULE'TUM. (From appa, a bond.; be- cause it was tied round the person's neck; or rather from apvt*u>, to defend.) An amulet, or charm ; by wearing which the person was sup- posed to be defended from the admission of all evil: in particular, an antidote against the plague. Amu'rca. (From apepyu, to press out.) Amorge. 1. A small herb, whose exprtssid juice is used in dieing. 2. The sediment of the olive, after the oil has been pressed from it; recommended by Hippo- crates and Galen as an application to ulcers. C9 AMY IMV Amu'tica. (From apvrlu,, to scratch.) Me- dicines that, by vellicating or scratching, as it were, the bronchia, stimulate it to the discharge of whatever is to be thrown off the lun»s. A'myche. (From apxaou, to scratch.) LA superficial laceration or exidceration of the skin: a slight wound.— Hippocrates. 2. Scarification.—Galen. Amy'ctcia. (From afivircia, to vellicate.) Medicines which stiroulUe and vellicate the skin, according to Caelius Aurelianus. AMY'GDALA. (Amygdala, a. f. ; Apvy- SaXti; from apvaaw, to lancinate : so called, be- cause after the green husk is removed from the fruit, there appear upon the shell certain fissures, as it were lacerations.) 1. The fruit calledthe almond. See Amygda- lus communis. _ 2. The tonsil glands of the throat are some- times termed, from their resemblance, Amyg- dala. Amygdala amara. The bitter almond. See Amygdalus communis. Amygdala dulcis. The sweet almond. See Amygdalus communis. Amygdalae oleum. See Amygdalus com- munis. AMYGDALOID. (Amygdaloides; from amygdalus, an almond, and utioi, resemblance.) Almond-like. 1. A name given to some parts of the body and to parts of vegetables and minerals, which resemble almonds. 2. A compound mineral consisting of spheroi- dal particles or vesicles of lithomarge, green earth, calc spar, steatite imbedded in a basis of fine-grained green-stone or wacke, containing sometimes, also, crystals of hornblende. AMYGDALUS. (Amygdalus, i. m. ; from amygdala, the derivation of which look to.) The name of a genus of plants in the Lirmrean system. Class, Icosandria ; Order, Monogynia. The almond-tree. .Amtgdalus communis. The systematic name of the plant which affords the common al- mond. Amygdalus—foliis serratis infimis glan- dulosis, floribus sesailibus geminis of Limrxus. The almond is a native of Barbary. The same tree produces either bitter or sweet. Sweet al- monds are more in use as food than medicine ; but they are said to be difficult of digestion, un- less extremely well comminuted. Their medi- cinal qualities depend upon the oil which they contain in the farinaceous matur, and which they afford on exprc- ion, nearly in the propor- tion of half their weight. It is very similar to olive oil; perhaps rather purer, and is used for the same purposes. The oil thus obtained is more agreeable to the palate than most of the other expressed oils, and is therefore preferred for in- ternal use, being generally employed with a view to obtund acrid juices, and to soften and relax the solids, in tickling coughs, hoarseness, costive- ness, nephritic pains, &c. Externally, it is ap- plied against tension and rigidity of particular parts. The milky solutions of almonds in watery liquors, usually called emulsions, possess, in a ' certain degree, the emollient qualities of the oil, and have this advantage over pure oil, that they may be given in acute or inflammatory disorders, without danger of the ill effects which the oil might sometimes produce by turning, rancii. The officinal preparations of almonds are the ex- pressed oil, the confection, and the emulsion ; to the latter, the addition of gum-arabic is sometimes directed, which renders it a still more useful de- mulcent in catarrhal affections, stranguries, &c. Bitter almonds yield a large quantity of oil, perfectly similar to that obtained from sweet af- monds, but the matter remaining after the ex- pression of the oil, is more powerfully bitter than the almond in its entire state. Great part of the bitter matter dissolves by the assistance of heat, both in water and rectified spirit; and a part arises also with both menstrua in distillation. Bitter almonds have been long known to be poi- sonous to various brute animals ; and some au- thors have alleged that they are also deleterious to the human species ; but the facts recorded upon tliis point appear to want further proof. However, as the noxious quality seems to reside in that matter which gives it the bitterness and flavour, it is very probable, that when this is se- parated by distillation, and taken in a sufficiently concentrated state, it may prove a poison to man, as is the case with the common laurel, to which it appears extremely analogous. Bergius tells us, that bitter almonds, in the form of emulsion, cured obstinate iutermittents, after the bark had failed. A simple water is distilled from bitter almonds, after the oil is pressed out, which pos- sesses the same qualities, and in the same degree, as that drawn from cherry-stones. These afford- ed, formerly, the now-exploded aqua cerasorum nigrorum, or black cherry-water. Amygdalus persica. The systematic name of the common peach-tree. The fruit is known to be grateful and wholesome, seldom disagreeing with the stomach, unless this organ is not in a healthy state, or the fruit has been eaten to ex- cess, when effects similar to tliose of the other dulco-acid summer fruits may be produced. The flowers, including the calyx as well as the corolla, are the parts of the persica used for medicinal purposes. These have an agreeable but weak smell, and a bitterish taste. J3oulduc observes, " that when distilled, without addition, by the heat of a water-bath, they yield one-sixth their weight, or more, of a whitish liquid, vvhich com- municates to a considerable quantity of other liquids a flavour like that of the kernels of fruits. These flowers have a cathartic effect, and, espe- cially to children, have been successfully given in the character of a vermifuge ; for this purpose, an infusion of a dram of the flowers dried, or half an ounce in their recent state, is the requi- site dose. The leaves of the peach are ..'so found to possess anthelmintic power, and from a great number of experiments appear to have been given rtith invariable success both to chihlren and adults. However, as the leaves and flowers of this plant manifest, in some degree, the quality of those of the laurocerasus, they ought to be used with caution." A'myla. (From amylum, starch.) This term has been applied to some chemical faecula, or highly pulverized residuum. Obsolete. Amy'leon. Amylion. Starch. A'MYLUM. (Amylum, i. n. kpvXov ; from a, priv. and pvXn, a mill; because it was former- ly made from wheat, without the assistance of a mill.) Amyleon; Amylion. See Starch. AMY'RIS. (From a, intensive, and uvpov, ointment, or balm ; so called from its use, or smell.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Octandria; Order, Monogynia, of which two species are used in medicine. Amyris elemifera. The systematic name ot the plant from which it is supposed we obtain the resin called gum-elemi. The plant is de- scribed by Linnams: Amyris:—foliis ternis qumatopinnatisque subtus tomentosis. Elemi is brought here from the Spanish West indies ANA ANA it is most esteemed when softish, somewhat iransparent, of a pale whitish colour, inclining a little to green, and of a strong, though not un- pleasant smell. It is only used in ointments and plasters, and is a powerful digestive. Amyris gileadensis. The systematic name of the plant from which the opobalsamum is ob- tained. It has been called by a variety of names, as Balsamum genuinum antiquorum ; Balsame- laon; JEgyptiacum balsamum; Bahamum Asiaticum; Balsamum Judaicum ; Balsamum Syriacum; Balsamum e Mecca; Balsamum Alpini; Oleum balsami; Carpobalsamum ; Xylobalsamum. Balsam, or balm of Gilead ; Balsam of Mecca. A resinous juice, obtained by making incisions into the bark of the Amyris .-— foliis trrvatis integerrimis, pedunculisunifloris lateralibus of Linnxus. This tree grows spon- taneously, particularly near to Mecca, on the Asiatic side of the Red Sea. The juice of the fruit is termed carpobalsamum in the pharmaco- Jioeias, and that of the wood and branches xylo- mlsamum. The best sort is a spontaneous exu- dation from the tree, and is held in so high esti- mation by the Turks, that it is rarely, if ever, to be met with geniune among us. The medicinal virtues of the genuine balsam of Gilead, have been highly rated, undoubtedly with much exag- geration. The common balsam of Mecca is scarcely used ; but its qualities seem to be very similar to those of the balsam of Tola, with per- liaps more acrimony. The dose is from 15 to 50 drops. A'myum. (From a, priv. andpvs, muscle.) A limb so emaciated that the muscles scarcely ap- pear. ANA. In medical prescriptions it means " of each." See A. Ana'basis. (FromavaSaivw, to ascend.) 1. An ascension, augmentation, or increase of a disease, or paroxysm. It is usually meant of fevers.—Galen. 2. A species of the equisetum or horse-tail plant. AnaBa'tica. (From avaSaivio, to ascend.) An epithet formerly applied to a continual fever, when it increases in malignity. ANABE'XIS. (From avaSvrro), to cough up.) An expectoration of matter by coughing. ANABLE'PSIS. (From ava and fiXevo), to see again.) The recovery of sight after it has been lost. Anablysis. (From ava and j3Xu£, to bring up.) It is apphed to. a person who spits blood.—Gor- ANAPHORY'XIS. (From uvafopvoau, to grind down.) The reducing of any thing to dust, or a very fine powder. ANAPHRODFSIA. (Anaphrodida, a. f.; from a, priv. and acppoSiaia, the feast of Venus.) Impotence. A genus of disease in the class Lo- cales, and order Dysorexia of Cullen. It either arises from paralysis, anaphrodisia paralytica; or from gonorrhoea, anaphrodisia gonorrhoica. Anaphro'meli. (From a, neg. a}>ocrat!s. A'NAS. (Ana*, tis. f. ; from vtta, to swim, a nando.) A genus of birds in the Linnaan system. * Anas cygnus. The swan. The flesh of the young swan or cygnet is tender, and a gr* at deli- cacy. Anas domestic a. The tame duck. The flesh of flus bird is difficult of digestion, and re- quires that warm and stimulating condiments be taken with it to enable the stomach to digest it. ANASA'RCA. Anasarca, a. f.; from ava, I V 1 ANA throdgu, and aapi, flesh.) Sardtes. A species of dropsy from a serous humour, spread between the skin and flesh, or rather a general accumula- tion of lymph in the cellular system. Dr. Cul- len ranks this genus of disease in the class Ca- chexia, and the order Inlumescentia. He enu- merates the following species, viz. 1. Anasarca serosa: as when the due discharge of serum is suppressed, &c. 2. Anasarca oppilata: as when the blood-vessels are considerably pressed, which happens to many pregnant women, &c. 3. Anasarca exanthematica : this happens after ' ulcers, various eruptive disorders, and particularly after the erysipelas. 4. Anasarca anamia hap- pens when the blood is rendered extremely poor from considerable losses of it. 5. Anasarca debilium: as when feebleness is induced by long illness, &c. This species of dropsy shows itself at first with a swelling of the feet and ancles towards the evening, which, for a time, disappears again in the morn- ing. The tumefaction is soft and inelastic, and, when pressed upon by the finger, retains its mark for some time, the skin becoming much paler than usual. By degrees the swelling ascends upwards, and occupies the trunk of the body; and at last, even the face and eyelids appear full and bloated ; the breathing then becomes difficult, the urine is small in quantity, high-coloured, and deposites a reddish sediment; the belly is costive, the perspi- ration much obstructed, the countenance yellow, and a considerable degree of thirst, with emacia- tion of the whole body, prevails. To these symp- toms succeed torpor, heaviness, a troublesome cough, and a slow fever. In some cases the water oozes out, through the pores of the cuticle ; in others, being too gross to pass by these, it raises the cuticle in small blisters ; and sometimes the skin, not allowing the water to escape through it, is compressed and hardened, and is at the same time, so much distended as to give the tumour a considerable degree of firmness. For the causes of this disease, see Hydrops. In those who have died of Anasarca, the whole of the cellular membrane has been distended with a fluid, mostly of a serous character. Various or- ganic diseases have occurred ; s*ui the blood is said to be altered in consistence, according to the degree of the disease. In general a cure can he more readily affected when it arises from topi- cal or general debility, than when occasioned by visceral obstruction ; and in recent cases, than in those of long continuance! The skin becoming somewhat moist, with a diminution of thirst, and increased flow of urine, are very favourable. In some few cases the disease goes off by a sponta- neous crisis by vomiting, purging, &c. The in- dications of treatment in anasarca are, 1. To eva- cuate the fluid already collected. 2. To prevent its returning again. The first object may be at- tained mechanically by an operation ; or by the use of those means, which increase the action of the absorbents : the second by removing any ex- erting causes, which may still continue to operate; and at the same time endeavouring to invigorate the system. Where the quantity of fluid collect- ed is such, as to disturb the more important func- tions, the best mode of relieving the patient is to make a few small incisions with a lancet, not too near eacb other, through the integuments on the fore and upper part of each thigh ; the discharge may be assisted by pressure, and when a sufficient quantity has been evacuated, it is better to heal them by the first intention. In the use of issues or blisters, there is some risk of inducing gan- grene, especially if applied to the legs : and the s.me has happened iroiu scarifications with the 10 ANA cupping instrument. Absorption may be pro moted by friction, and bandaging the parts, which will at the same time obviate farther effusion ; but most powerfully by the use of different evacuating remedies, especially those which occasion a sud- den considerable discharge of fluids. Emetics have been often employed with advantage; bnt it is necessary to guard against weakening the sto- mach by the frequent repetition of those which produce much nausea; and perhaps the benefit results not so much from the evacuation produced by the mouth, as from their promoting other ex- cretions ; antimonials in particular inducing per- spiration, and squill increasing the flow of urine, &c.; for which purpose they may be more safely given in smaller doses: in very torpid habits, mustard may claim the preference. Cathartics are of much greater and more general utility; where the bowels are not particularly irritable, tbe more drastic purgatives should be employed and repeated as often as the strength will allow ; giving, for example, every second or third morn- ing jalap, scammony, colocynth or gamboge, joined with calomel or the supertartrate of potassa and some aromatic, to obviate their griping. Ela- tcrium is perhaps the most powerful, generally vomiting as well as purging the patient, but pre- carious in its strength, and therefore better given in divided doses, till a sufficient effect is produced. Diuretics are universally proper, and may be given in the intervals, where purgatives can be borne, otherwise constantly persevered in ; but un- fortunately the effects of most of them are uncer- tain. Saline substances in general appear to stimulate the kidneys, whether acid, alkaline, or neutral; but the acetate, and supertartrate of potassa, are chiefly resorted to in dropsy. Dr. Ferriar, of Manchester, has made an important remark of the latter salt, that its diuretic power is much promoted by a previous operation on the bowels, which encourages the more liberal use of it; indeed, if much relied upon, a drachm or two should be given three times or oftener in the day. It is obviously, therefore, best adapted to those cases, in which the strength is not greatly impaired ; and the same holds with the nauseating diuretics, squill, colchicum, and tobacco. The latter has been strongly recommended by Dr. Fowler of York, in the form of tincture; tbe colchicum, as an oxymel by some German physi- cians ; but the squill is most in use, though certain- ly very precarious if given alone. In languid and debilitated habits, we prefer the more stimulant diuretics, as juniper, horseradish, mustard, garlic, the spiritus aetheris nitrici, &c. ; even turpentine, or the tinctura cantharidis, may be proper, where milder means have failed. Digitalis is often a very powerful remedy, from the utility of which in inflammatory diseases we might expect it to answer best in persons of.great natural strength, and not much exhausted by the disor- der ; but Dr. Withering expressly states that its diuretic effects appear most certainly and benefi- cially, where the pulse is feeble or intermitting, the countenance pale, the skin cold, and the tu- mours readily pitting on pressure ; which has been since confirmed by other practitioners: it should be begun with in small doses two or three times a day, and progressively increased till the desired operation on the kidneys ensues, un- less alarming symptoms appear in the meantime. Opium and some -other narcotics have been occasionally useful as diuretics in dropsy, but should be only regarded as adjuvants, from their uncertain effects. In the use of diuretics, a very important rule is, not to restrict the patient from drinking freely. This wa<5 formerly thought ne- AN.v thirst was aggravated to a distressing degree, and the operation of remedies often prevented, espe- cially on the kidneys. Sir Francis Milman first taught the impropriety of this practice, which is now generally abandoned: at least so long as the flow of urine is increased in proportion to the drink taken, it is considered proper to indulge the patient with it. Another evacuation, which it is very desirable to promote in anasarca, is that by the skin, but this is with difficulty accomplished : nauseating emetics are the most powerful means, but transient in their effect, and their frequent use cannot be born. If a gentle diaphoresis can be excited, it is as much as we could expect; aud perhaps on the whole most beneficial to the pa- tient. For" this purpose the compound powder of ipecacuanha, saline substances, and antimonials in small doses, assisted by tepid drink, and warmth applied to the surface, may be had re- course to. Sometimes much relief is obtained by promoting perspiration locally by means of the vapour-bath. Mercury has been much employed in dropsy, and certainly appears often materially to promote the operation of other evacuants, par- ticularly squill and digitalis ; but its chief utility is where there are obstructions of the viscera, especially the liver, of which, however, ascites is usually the first result: its power of increasing absorption hardly appears, unless it is carried so far as to affect the mouth, when it is apt to weak- en the system so much as greatly to limit its use. The other indication of invigorating the constitu- tion, and particularly the exhalant arteries, may be accomplished by tonic medicines, as the seve- ral vegetable bitters, chalybeatcs in those who are remarkably pale, and, if there be a languid circulation, stimulants may be joined with them: a similar modification will be proper in the diet, which should be always as nutritious as the pa- tient can well digest; directing also in torpid ha- bits pungent articles, as garlic, onions, mustard, horseradish, &c. to be freely taken, which will be farther useful by promoting the urine. Rhen- ish wine, or punch made with hollands and su- pertartrate of potassa, may be allowed for the drinlc. Regular exercise, such as the patient can bear, (the limbs being properly supported, espe- cially by a well-contrived laced stocking,) ought to be enjoined, or diligent friction of the skin, particularly of the affected parts, employed when the tumefaction is usually least, namely, in the morning. The cold bath, duly regulated, may also, when the patient is convalescent, materially contribute to obviate a relapse. ANASPA'SIS. (From ava, and cnaio, to draw together.) Hippocrates uses this word to signify a contraction of the stomach. Ana'ssytos. (From ava, upwards, and atvouai, to agitate.) Anassytus. Driven forci- bly upwards. Hippocrates applies this epithet to air rushing violently upwards, as in hysteric fits. Anasta'ltica. (From ava?cXXw, to contract.) Styptic or refrigerating medicines. ANA'STASIS. (From avampi, to cause to rise.) 1. A recovery from sickness; a restora- tion of health. 2. It likewise signifies a migration of humours, when expelled from one place and obliged to re- move to another.—Hippocrates. ANASTOMO'SIS. (From ava, through, and 7opa, a mouth.) The communication of vessels with one another. ANASTOMOTIC. (Anastomoticus; from ,«(a, through, and$op.a, tbemeuth.) That which .-(pens the pores- and mouths of the vessels, as ANf cathartics, diuretics, deobstrnents and sudoritics. ANATASE. A mineral found only in Dau- phiny and Norway. , Ana'tes. (From nates, the buttocks.) A disease of the anus. Festus, &c. ANATO'MIA. See Anatomy. ANA'TOMY. (Avartpia, or avaroptf, Anato- mia, a. f. and Anatome, es ; from ava, and rcuvto, to cut up.) Androtomy. The dissection or di- viding of organised substances to expose the struc- ture, situation, and uses of parts. Anatomy is di- vided into that of animals strictly so called, also, denominated zootomy, and that of vegetables or phytotomy. The anatomy of brute animals and vegetables is comprised under the term comparative anatomy, because their dissection was instituted to illus. trate or compare by analogy tlieir structure and functions with those of the human body. Anatomy comparative. Zootomy. The dissection of brutes, fishes, polypi, plants, &c. to illustrate, or compare them with the structure and functions of the human body. ANATRE'SIS. (From ava, and Tirpau, to perforate.) A perforation like that which i-i made upon the skull by trepanning. ANATRI BE. (From avarpi6u>, to rub.) Friction all over the body. ANATRi'rsis. Friction all over the body.—: Moschion de Morb. Mulieb. and Galen. • Ana'tris. Mercury.—Ruland. An a'tron. (Arabian.) The name of a lake in Egypt, where it was produced. See Soda. Ana'trope. (From avarpenw, to subvert.) Anatrophe ; Anatropha. A relaxation, or sub- version of the stomach, with loss of appetite and nausea. Vomiting ; indigestion.—Galen. Ana'trum. Soda. ANAU'DIA. (From o, priv. and av6i), the speech.) Dumbness; privation of voice ; cata- lepsy.—Hippocrates. Ana'xyris. (From avafapts, the sole.) The herb sorrel; so called because its leaf is shaped like the sole of the shoe. ANCEPS. (Anceps,ipitis. adjective.) Two edged; that is, compressed, having the edges sharp like a twolfedged sword ; apphed to stems and leaves of plants, as in the Sisyrinchium striatum, Iris graminea and leaves of the Typha latifOlia. A'NCHA. (Arabian, to press upon, as being the support of the body.) The thigh.—Avicenna, Forestius, &c. A'NCHILOPS. (From ayXi, near, and a>^, the eye.) A disease in the inward corner of the eye. See JEgilops. ANCHORA'LIS. (From ayitwv, the elbow.) The projecting part of the elbow on which we lean, called generally the olecranon. See Ulna. Anchoralis processus. The olecranon, a process of the ulna. ANCHOVY. See Clupea encrasicolus. Anchovy Pear. See Grias cauliflora. ANCHU'SA. (Anchusa, a. f.; from ayvM, to strangle : from its supposed constringent quali- ty ; or, as others say, because it strangles ser- pents.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaan system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The name in some pharmacopoeias for the alkanet root and bugloss. See Anchusa offici- nalis, and Anchusa tincturia. Anchusa officinalis. The officinal bugloss. In some pharmacopoeias it k called Buglossa; Buglossum angustifolium majus ; Buglossum vulgare majus ; Buglossum sylvettre; Buglos- sum sativum. Anchusa—foliis lanceolatis singotts, spicis sccundis imbricatis, calycibus quinque partitis, of Linnaeus: it was formerly esteemed as a cordial in melancholic and hypo- chondriacal diseases. It is seldom used in mo- dern practice, and then only as an aperient and re- frigerant. Anchcsa tinctoria. The systematic name for the anchusa or alkanna of the pharmacopoeias. This plant grows wild in France, but is cultivated iu our gardens. The root is externally of a deep purple colour. To oil, wax. turpentine, aud al- cohol, it imparts a beautiful deep red colour, for which purpose it is used. Its medicinal proper- ties arc scarcely perceptible. A'nchyle. See Ancyle. ANCHYLOMERI'SMA. (From oyjpAo/iai, to bend.) Sagar uses this term to express a concre- tion, or growing together of the soft parts. ANCHYLO'SIS. (From ay^uAo^ai, to bend.) A stiff joint. It is divided into the true and spu- rious, according as the motion is entirely or but partly lost. This state may arise from various causes, as tumefaction of the ends of tbe bones, caries, fracture, dislocation, &c. also dropsy of the joint, fleshy excrescences, aneurisms, and other tumours. It may also be owing to the mor- bid contraction of the flexor muscles, induced by the limb being long kept in a particular position, as a relief to pain, after burns, mechanical inju- ries, &c. The rickets, white swellings, gout, rheumatism, palsy, from lead particularly, and some other disorders, often lay the foundation of anchylosis : and the joints are very apt to become stiff in advanced life. Where the joint is perfectly immoveable, little can be done for the patient; but in the spurious form of the complaint, we must first endeavour to remove any cause me- chanically obstructing the motion of the joint, and then to get rid ofthe morbid contraction of the muscles. If inflammation exist, this must be first subdued by proper means. Where extra- neous matters have been deposited, the absorbents must be excited to remove them : and where the parts are prcternaturally rigid, emollient applica- tions will be serviceable. Fomentations, gentle friction of the joint and of the muscles, which appear rigid, with the camphor liniment, &c. continued for half an hour or more two or three times a day; and frequent attempts to move the joint to a greater extent, especially by the patient exerting the proper muscles, not with violence, but steadily for some time,, are the most success- ful means: but no rapid improvement is to be expected in general. Sometimes, in obstinate cases, rubbing the part with warm brine oc- casionally, or applying stimulant plasters of am- moniacum, &c. may expedite the cure; and in some instances, particularly as following rheu- matism, pumping cold water on the part every morning has proved remarkably beneficial. Where there is a great tendency to contraction of the muscles, it will be useful to obviate this by some mechanical contrivance. It is proper to bear in mind, where, from the nature ofthe case, complete anchylosis cannot be prevented, that the patient may be much less inconvenienced by its being made to occur in a particular position ; (hat is in the upper extremities generally a bent, but in the hip or knee an extended one. A'nci. A term formerly applied to those who have u distorted elbow. A'ncinar. Borax. A N CIP1TIU S. (From Anceps.) Two-edged: applied to a leaf which is compressed and sharp at both edges as that ofthe Typha latifolia. Ancirome'le. See Ancylomele. A'N'CON. iFrom uai, to embrace : am tju ayKttabai crtpto oftv to ofeov: because the bones meeting and there uniting, are folded one into another.) The elbow. ANCONEUS. (From ay***, tbe elbow.) A small triangular muscle, situated on the back part of the elbow. Anconeus minor of Winslow ; Anconeus vel cubitalis Riolani of Douglas, tt arises from the ridge, and from tbe external con- dyle of the humerus, by a thick, strong, and short tendon : from this it becomes fleshy, and, after running about three inches obliquely back- wards, it is inserted by its oblique fleshy fibres into the back part or ridge of the ulua. Its use is to extend the fore-arm. Anconeus externus. See Triceps extensor cubiti. Anconeus internus. See Triceps extensor cubiti. Anconeus major. SeeTriceps extensor cubiti. Anconeus minor. See Anconeus. ANCONOID. (Anconoideus; from ayum; the elbow.) Belonging to the elbow. Ancono.d process. See Ulna. A'NCTER. (kytcrnp, a bond, or button.) A fibula, or button, by which the lips of wounds are held together.—Gorraus. ANCTERIA'S.MUS. (From ayKrvp, a but- ton.) The operation of closing the lips of wounds together by loops, or buttons.—Galen. Ancu'bitus. A disease of the eyes with a sensation as if sand were in them.—Joh. Anglic. Ros. An%. A'NC YLE. (From ayxvXos, crooked.) An - chyle. A species of contraction, called a stiff joint.—Galen. Ancylion. See Ancyloglossum. ANKYLOBLEPHARON. (Ancyloblepha- rum,i. n.; from ay/ctXi;, a hook, and ffXupapm; an eyelid.) A disease of the eye, by which the eyelids are closed together.—A'etius. ANCYLOGLO'SSUM. {Ancyloglossum, i. n.; from aynvXn, a hook, and yXiaaaa, the tongue.) Ancylion of iEgineta. Tongue-tied. A con- traction ofthe frenulum ofthe tongue. ANCYLOME'LE. (From aynvXoc, crooked, and pijXn, a probe.) Ancyromele; Andromele. A crooked probe, or a probe with a hook, with which surgeons searched wounds.—Galen, &c. ANCYLO'SIS. See Anchylosis. Ancylo'tomus. (From ayxvXv, a hook, and rrpvu, to cut.) A crooked chirurgical knife, or bistoury. A knife for loosening the tongue, not now used. A'ncyra. (AyKvpa, an anchor.) A chirurgi- cal hook. Epicharmus uses this word for tbe membrum virile, according to Gorraus. ANCYROI'DES. (Ancyroidcs processus; from ayKvpa, an anchor, and uaos, a likeness.) A process of the scapula was so called, from its likeness to the beak of an anchor. The coracoid process ofthe scapula. See Scapula. Ancyr,ome'le. See Ancylomele. ANDALUSITE. A massive mineral, of a flesh, and sometimes rose-red, colour, belonging to primitive countries, and first found in Andalu- sia in Spain. Anderson's pills. These consist of Barbadoes aloes, with a proportion of jalap, and oil of ani- seed. Andi'ra. A tree of Brazil, the fruit of which is bitter and astringent, and used as a ver- mifuge. ANDRANATO'MIA. (From avr,p, a nan. and rcjuvu, to cut.) Andranatome. The dissec- tion ofthe human body, particularly ofthe male. —M. Aur. Severinus, Zootome Democrit. ANDRAPonocAPF/Lr«. (From aripomiav, a ANE ANE slave, and Ka->;Xoc, a dealer.) A crimp. Galen calls by this name the person whose office it was to anoint and slightly to wipe the body, to cleanse the skin from foulness. ANDREOLITE. A species of crop-stone. ANDROCfJETE'SIS. (From avr,p, a man, Ind koitcii), to cohabit with.) 1. The venereal act. 2. The infamous act of sodomy.—Moschion, &c. ANDRO'GYNUS. (From avep, a man, and ywt, a woman.) I. An hermaphrodite. 2. An effeminate person.—Hippocrates. 3. A plant is said to be androgeuous, wliich pro- duces both male and female flowers from the same root, as the walnut, beech, horn-beam, nettle, &c. ANDRO'MACHUS, of Crete, was physician to the emperor Nero. He invented a composi- tion, supposed to be an antidote against poison, called after him, Theriaca Andromachi, which he dedicated to that Emperor in a copy of Greek verses still preserved. This complicated prepa- ration lone retained its reputation, but is now de- servedly abandoned. Andro'nion. AndroniUm. A kind of plas- ter used by .JSgineta for carbuncles, invented by Andron. ANDROPO'GON. (From avnp, a man, and ■niayoiv, a beard.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Polygamia: Order, Monada. Andropogon nartJus. The systematic name of Indian nard or spikenard. Spica nar- di ; Spica Indica. The root of this plant is an ingredient in the mithridate and theriaca; it is moderately warm and pungent, accompanied with a flavour not disagreeable. It is said to be used by the Orientals as a spice. Andropogon sch.enanthus. The syste- matic name of the Camel-hay, or Sweet-rush. Juncus odoratus ; Fanum camelorum ; Juncus aromaticus. The dried plant is imported into this country from Turkey and Arabia. It has unagreeable smell, and a warm, bitterish, not unpleasant taste. It was formerly employed as a stomachic and deobatruent. ANDROTOMIA. Androtomc. Human dis- section, particularly ofthe male. ANDRY, Nicholas, a physician, born at Ly- ons in 1658. He was made professor of medi- cine at Paris in 1701, and lived to the age of 84. Besides a Treatise on Worms, and other minor publications, and contributions in the Medical and Philosophical Journals, he was author of a work, still esteemed, called "Orthopedic," or the art of preventing and removing deformities in children; which he proposed to effect by re- gimen, exercise, and various mechanical contri- vances. Ane'bium. (From uvaSatvia, to ascend.) The herb alkanet, so called from its quick growth. See Anchusa. ANEILE'SIS. (From avuXw, to roll up.) Andlema. An involution of the guts, such as is caused by flatulence and gripes.—Hippocrates. ANE'MIA. (From avtuos, wind.) Flatu- lence. ANE'MONE. (From avtpos, wind ; so named, because it does not open its flowers till blown upon by the wind.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Polyandria; Order, Polygynia. The wind flower. Anemone hepatica. The systematic name for the hepatica nobilis of the pharmacopoeias. Herba trinitatis. Hepatica, or herb trinity. This plant possesses mildly adstringent and cor- roborant virtues, with which intentions infusions of it have been drunk as tea, or the powder of the dry leaves given to the quantity of halt nspoonful at a time. .. Anemone nemorosa. The systematic name ofthe ranunculus albus of the pharmacopoeias. The bruised leaves and flowers are said to cure tinea capitis applied to the part. The inhabitants of Kamskatka, it is believed, poison their arrows with the root of this plant. Anemone pratensis. The systematic name for the Pulsatilla nigricans of the pharmaco- poeias. This plant, Anemone—pedunculo invo- lucrato, petalis apice reflexis, foliis bipinnatis, of Linnaeus, has been received into the Edinburgh pharmacopoeia upon the authority of Baron Stoerck, who recommended it as an effectual re- medy for most of the chronic diseases affecting the eye, particularly amaurosis, cataract, and opacity of the cornea, proceeding from various causes. He likewise found it ot great service in venereal nodes, nocturnal pains, ulcers, caries, indurated glands, suppressed menses, serpiginous eruptions, melancholy and palsy. The plant, in its recent state, has scarcely any smell; but its taste is extremely acrid, and, when chewed, it corrodes the tongue and fauces. ANENCE'PHALUS. (From a, priv. and tyneipaXos, the brain.) A monster without brains. Foolish.—Galen de Hippocrate. A'neos. A loss of voice and reason. ANEPITHY'MIA. (From o, priv. and tn- Qvpia, desire.) Loss of appetite. A'neric. Anerit. Sulphur vivum. A'NESIS. (From aviripn, to relax.) A re- mission, or relaxation, of a disease, or symptom. Aitius, &c. Ane'sum. See Anisum. ANE'THUM. (Anethum, i. n. AvcOov; from avtv, afar, and $-ua, to run: so called be- cause its roots run out a great way.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- noean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Di- gynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the common dill. See Anethum graveolens. Anethum Fcsniculum. The systematic name for the faniculum of the shops. Sweet fennel, Anethum—fi~uctibus ovatis of Linnxus. The seeds and roots of this indigenous plant are directed by the colleges of London and Edin- burgh. The seeds have an aromatic smell, and a warm sweetish taste, and contain a large pro- portion of essential oil. They are stomachic and carminative. The root has a sweet taste, but very little aromatic warmth, and is said to be pectoral and diuretic. Anethum graveolens. The systematic name for the Anethum of the shops. Anethum —fructibus compressis, of Linnaeus.—Dill. Anet. This plant is a native of Spain, but cul- tivated in several parts of England. The seeds are directed for use by the London and Edinburgh Pharmacopoeias : they have a moderately warm, pungent taste, and an aromatic, but sickly smell. There is an essential oil, and a distilled water prepared from them, which are given in flatulent colics and dyspepsia. They are also said to promote the secretion of milk- ANE'TICA. (Aneticus; from annual, to re- lax.) Medicines which assuage pain, according to Andr. Tiraquell. 3 Anetus. (From avitjpi, remitto.) A name given by Good, in his Study of Medicine, to a genus of diseases which embraces intermittent fevers. See Nosology. \NEURI'SMA. (Aneurisma, matis, pent AN'E AXE \.,tvpocpa; from avtvpwu, to dilate.) An aneu- rism ; a preternatural tumour formed by the di- latation of an artery. A genus of disease rank- ed by Cullen in the class Locales, and order Tu- mor**. There are three species of aneurism : 1. The true aneurism, aneurisma verum, which is known by the presence of a pulsating tumour. The artery cither seems only enlarged at a small part of its tract, and the tumour has a determi- nate border, or it seems dilated for a considera- ble length, in which circumstance the swelling is oblong, and loses itself so gradually in the surrounding parts, that its margin cannot be ex- actly ascertained. The first which is the most common, is termed drcumscribed true aneurism; the last, the diffused true aneurism. The symp- toms of the circumscribed true aneurism, take place as follows : the first thing the patient per- ceives is an extraordinary throbbing in some par- ticular situation, and, on paying a little more at- tention, he discovers there a small pulsating tu- mour, which entirely disappears when compress- ed, but returns again as soon as the pressure is removed. It is commonly unattended with pain or change in the colour of the skin. When once the tumour has originated, it continually grows larger, and at length attains a very consi- derable size. In proportion as it becomes larger, its pulsation becomes weaker, and, indeed, it is almost quite lost, when the disease has acquired much magnitude. The diminution of the pulsa- tion has been ascribed to the coats of the artery, losing their dilatable and elastic quality, in pro- portion as they arc distended and indurated ; and, consequently, the aneurismal sac being no longer capable of an alternate diastole and systole from the action of the heart. The fact is also imputed to the coagulated blood, deposited on the inner surface of the sac, particularly in large aneurisms, in which some of the blood is always interrupt- ed in its motion. In true aneurisms, however, the blood does not coagulate so soon, nor so often, as in false ones. Whenever such coagulated blood lodges in the sac, pressure can only pro- duce a partial disappearance of the swelling. In proportion as the aneurismal sac grows larger, the communication into the artery beyond the tu- mour is lessened. Hence, in this state, the pulse below the swelling becomes weak and small, and the limb frequently cold and edematous. On dissection, the lower continuation of the artery is found preternaturally small, and contracted. The pressure of the tumour on the adjacent parts also produces a variety of symptoms, ulcerations, caries, &c. Sometimes an accidental contusion, or concussion, may detach a piece of coagulum from tbe inner surlacc of the cyst, and the circu- lation through the sac be obstructed by it. The coagulum may possibly be impelled quite into the artery below, so as to induce important changes. The danger of an aneurism arrives when it is on the point of bursting, by which occurrence the patient usually bleeds to death ; and this some- times happens in a few seconds. The fatal event may generally be foreseen, as the part about to give way becomes particularly tense, elevated, t hin, soft, and of a dark purple colour. 2. The false or spurious aneurism, aneurisma spurium, is always owing to an aperture in the artery, from which the blood gushes into the cellular substance. It may arise from an arteiy being lacerated in violent exertions: but the most com- mon occasional cause is a wound. Tliis is par- ticularly apt to occur at tbe bend of the arm, where the artery is exposed to be injured in at- tempting to bleed. \\ hen this happens, as soon ti the puncture has been made, the blood eushes out with unusual force, of a bright scarlet colour and in an irregular stream, corresponding to the pulsation of the artery. It flows out, however, in an even and less rapid stream when pressure is apphed higher up than the wound. These last are the most decisive marks of the artery being opened ; for blood often flows from a vein with great rapidity, and in a broken current; when the vessel is very turgid and situated immediately over the artery, which imparts its motion to it. The surgeon endeavours precipitately to stop the haemorrhage by pressure ; and he commonly oc- casions a diffused false aneurism. The external wound in the skin is closed, so that the blood cannot escape from it; but insinuates itself into the cellular substance. The swelling thus pro- duced is uneven, often knotty, and extends up- wards and downwards, along the tract of the vessel. The skin is also usually of a dark purple colour. Its size increases as long as the internal haemorrhage continues, and, if this should proceed above a certain pitch, mortification of the limb ensues. 3. The varicose aneurism, aneurisma varicosum: this was first described by Dr. W. Hunter. It happens when the brachial artery is punctured in opening a vein: the blood then rushes into the vein, which becomes varicose. Aneurisms may happen in any part of the body, except the latter species, which can only take place where a vein runs over an arteiy. When an artery has been punctured, the tourniquet should be applied, so as to stop the flow of blood by compressing the vessel above ; then the most likely plan of obviating the production of spu- rious aneurism appears to be applying a firm compress immediately over the woimd, and se- curing it by a bandage, or in any ether way, so as effectually to close the orifice, yet not prevent the circulation through other vessels : afterwards keeping the limb as quiet as possible, enjoining the antiphlogistic regimen, and examining daily that no extravasation has happened, which would require the compress being fixed more se- curely, previously applying the tourniquet, and pressing the effused blood as much as possible into the vessel. If there should be much cold- ness or swelling of the limb below, it will be pro- per to rub it frequently with some spirituous or other stimulant embrocation. It is only by trial that it can be certainly determined when the wound is closed; but always better not to dis- continue the pressure prematurely. The same plan may answer, when the disease has already come on, if the blood can be entirely, or even mostly, pressed into the arteiy again ; at any rate, by determining tbe circulation on collateral branches, it will give greater chance of success to a subsequent operation. There is another mode, stated to have sometimes succeeded, even when there was much coagulated blood ; name- ly, making strong pressure over the whole limb, by a bandage applied uniformly, and moistened to make it sit closer, as well as to obviate in- flammation ; but this does not appear so good a plan, at least in slighter cases. If however the tumour be very large, and threatens to burst, or continues spreading, the operation should not be delayed. The tourniquet being applied, a free incision is to be made into the tumour, the extra- vasated blood removed, and the artery tied both above and below the wound, as near to it as may be safe ; and if any branch be given off between, this must be also secured. It is better not to make the ligatures tighter, than may be necessary to stop the flow of blood ; and to avoid including any nerve if possible. Sometimes, where ex- tensive suppuration or caries has occurred, or ANG gangrene is to bo apprehended, amputation will be necessary : but this must not be prematurely resolved upon, for often after several weeks the pulse has returned in the limb below. In the true aneurism, when small and recent, cold and astrin- gent applications are sometimes useful; or making pressure on the tumour, or on tbe artery above, may succeed ; otherwise an operation becomes necessary to save the patient's life ; though un- fortunately it ofteuer fails in this than in the spu- rious kind ; gangrene ensuing, or haemorrhage ; this chiefly arises from the arteries being often extensively diseased, so that they are more likely to give way, and there is less vital power in the limb. A great improvement has been made in the mode of operating in these cases by Mr. John Hunter, and other modern surgeons, namely, in- stead of proceeding as already explained in the spurious aneurism, securing the artery some way above, and leaving the rest in a great measure to the powers of nature. It has been now proved by many instances, that when the current of the blood is thus interrupted, the tumour will cease to enlarge, and often be considerably diminished by absorption. There is reason for believing too, that the cures effected spontaneously, or by pres- sure, have been usually owing to the trunk above being obliterated. There are many obvious ad- vantages in this mode of proceeding ; it is more easy, sooner performed, and disorders the system less, particularly as you avoid having a large un- healthy sore to he healed; besides there is less probability of the vessel being diseased at some distance Irom the tumour. In the popliteal aneu- rism, for example, the artery may be secured rather below the middle of the thigh, where it is easily come at. The tourniquet therefore being applied, and the vessel exposed, a strong ligature is to be passed round it; or, which is perhaps preferable, two ligatures a little distant, subse- quently cutting through the artery between them, when the two portions contract among the sur- rounding flesh. It is proper to avoid including the nerve or vein, but not unnecessarily detach the vessel from its attachments. For greater se- curity one end of each ligature, after being tied, may be passed through the intercepted portion of artery, that they may not be forced off. Then the wound is to be closed by adhesive plaster, merely leaving the ends of the ligatures hanging out, which will after some time come away. However it roust be remembered that haemorrhage is liable to occur, when this happens, even three or four weeks after the operation ; so that proper precau- tions are required, to check it as soon as possible ; likewise the system should be lowered previously, and kept so during the cure. When a true aneu- rism changes into the spurious form, which is known by the tumour spreading, becoming hard- er, and with a less distinct pulsation, the operation becomes immediately necessary. When an aneu- rism is out of the reach of an operation, life may be prolonged by occasional bleeding, a spare diet, &c. ; and when the tumour becomes apparent ex- ternally, carefully guarding it from injury. In the varicose aneurism an operation will be very sel- dom if ever required, the growth of the tumour being limited. Aneurisma spurium. See Aneurisma. Aneurisma varicosum. See Aneurisma. Aneurisma verum. See Aneurisma. ANE'XIS. (From avex*, to project.) A swelling, or protuberance. ANGEIOLO'GY. (Angdologia, a. f.; from ayytiov, a vessel, and Xoyos, a discourse.) A dis- sertation, or reasoning, upon the vessels of the body. 73 ANG ANGEIOTI'SMUS. (From ayytiov, a vessel, and riuvta, to cut) An angeiotomist, or skilful dissector of the vessels. ANGEIO'TOMY. (Angdotomia; from ay- yuov, a vessel, and rcuvu, to cut.) The dissection of the blood vessels of an animal body; also the opening of a vein, or an artery. ANGE'LICA. (So called from its supposed angelic virtues.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnssan system. Class Pentan- dria; Order, Digynia. Angelica. 2. The pharraacopoeial name of the garden an- gelica. See Angelica archangelica. Angelica archangelica. The systematic name for the angelica of the shops. Milzadella Angelica—foliorum impart lobato of Linnius. A plant, a native of Lapland, but cultivated in our gardens. The roots of angelica have a fragrant, agreeable smell, and a bitterish, pungent taste. The stalk, leaves, and seeds, which are also di- rected in the pharmacopeias, possess the same qualities, though in an inferior degree. Their virtues arc aromatic and carminative. A sweet- meat is made, by the confectioners, of this root, which is extremely agreeable to the stomach, and is surpassed only by that of ginger. Angelica, garden. See Angelica archan- gelica. Angelica pilula. Anderson's Scots pill. Angelica sativa. See Angelica sylvestris. Angelica sylvestris. Angelica sativa. Wild angelica. Angelica—foliis aqualibus ova- to-lanceolatis serratis, of Linnaeus. This spe- cies of angelica possesses similar properties to the garden species, but in a much inferior degree. It is only used when the latter cannot be obtained. The seeds, powdered and put in the hair, kill lice. Angelica, wild. See Angelica sylvestris. ANGELICUS. (From angelus, an angel.) Some plants, &c. are so called, from their sup- posed superior virtues. Angelicus pulvis. Submuriate of mercury. ANGELFNA. Angelina zanoni acosta. A tree of vast size, sometimes above sixteen feet thick, growing in rocky and sandy places in Ma- labar in the East Indies. It bears ripe fruit in December. The dried leaves heated are said to alleviate pains and stiffness of the joints, and dis- miss swelling of the testes caused by external violence; and arc also said to be useful in the cure of venereal complaints. Angelina cortex. The name of the tree from which the Cortex Angelina is procured. It is a native of Grenada. This bark has been re- commended as an anthelmintic for children. Angeloca'cos. The purging Indian plum. See Myrobalanus. A'nc.i. (From angor, anguish; because of their pain.) Buboes in the groin.—-Fallopius de Morbo Gallico. ANGIGLO'SSUS. (From aytvXv, a -hook, and yXwoca, the tongue.) A person who stam- mers. ANGPNA. (Angina, a. f.; from ayvm, to strangle; because it is often attended with a sense of strangulation.) A sore throat. See C«- nanche. Angina lixi. A name used by some of the later Greek writers to express what the more ancient writers of this nation called linozostres, and the Latins epilinum : which is the cuscuta or dodder, growing on the linum or flax, as that on the thyme was called epithymum. See Cuscuta. Angina maligna. Malignant or putrid sore throat. See Cynanche maligna. Angina parotidea. The mumps. See C>;- nanche parotidea. ANp, water.) Without water. Anice'ton. (From a, priv. and vikt), victory.) A name of a plaster invented by Crito, and so called because it was thought an infallible or in- vincible remedy for achores, or scald-head. It was composed of litharge, alum, and turpentine, and is described by Galen. Anil. The name of the Indigo plant. A'NIMA. A soul: whether rational, sensitive or vegetative. The word is pure Latin, formed of avcuos, breath. It is sometimes used by phy- sicians to denote the principle of life in the body, in which sense Willis calls the blood anima bru- talis. By chemists it was used figuratively for the volatile principle in bodies, whereby they were capable of being raised by the fire ; and by the old writers oh botany, materia medica, and pharmacy, it was frequently employed to denote its great efficacy: hence anima hepates, aloes, rhaoarbari, &c. Anima aloes. Refined aloes. Anima articulorum. A name of the Her- modactyles. See Hermodactylus. Anima hepatis. Sal martis. Anima pulmonum. The soul of the lungs. A name given to saffron, on account of its use in asthmas. Anima rhabarbari. The best rhubarb. Anima satcrni. A preparation of lead. Anima venaris. A preparation of copper. ANIMAL. An organized body endowed with life and voluntary motion. The elements which enter into the composition of the bodies of ani- mals are solid, liquid, gaseous, and inconfinable. Solid Elements. Phosphorus, sulphur, carbon, iron, manganese, potassium, lime, soda, magne- sia, silica, and alumina. Liquid Elements. Muriatic acid; water, which in this case may be considered as an ele- ment, enters into the organization, and constitutes three-fourths of the bodies of animals. Gaseous Elements. Oxygen, hydrogen, azote. Inconfinable Elements. Caloric, light, elec- tric and magnetic fluids. These diverse elements, united with each other, three and three, four and four, &c. according to laws still unexplained, form what we name the proximate principles of animals. Proximate Materials, or Prindples. These are divided into azotised, and non-azotised. The azotised principles are: albumen, fibrin, gelatin, mucus, cheese-curd principle, urea, uric acid, osmazome, colouring matter of the blood. The non-azotised principles are: the acetic, benzoic, lactic, formic, oxalic, rosacic, acids; sugar of milk, sugar of diabetic urine, picromel, yellow colouring matter of bile, and of other li- quids or solids which become yellow accidentally, the blistering principle of cantharides, sperma- ceti, biliary calculus, the odoriferous principles of 80 ambergris, musk, castor, civet, &c. which aro scarcely known, except for their faculty of acting on the organ of smell. Animal fat9 are not immediate, simple, proxi- mate principles. It is proved that human fat, that of the pig, of the sheep, &e. are principally formed by two fatty bodies, stearin, and elain, which present very different characters that may be easily separated. Neither is the butter of the cow a simple body : it contains acetic acid, a yellow colouring princi- ple, an odorous principle, which is very manifest in fermented cheese. We must not reckon among these substances, adipocire, a matter which is seen in bodies long buried in the earth ; it is composed of margarine, of a fluid acid fat, of an orange colouring princi- ple, and of a peculiar odorous substance. Nor must this substance be confounded with sperma- ceti, and the biliary calculus, which are them- selves very different from each other. It does not contain a single principle analogous to them. Organic Elements. The materials or princi- ples above mentioned combine among themselves, and from their combination arise the organic ele- ments, which are solid or liquid. The laws or forces that govern these combinations arc entirely unknown. Organic Solids. The solids have sometimes the form of canals, sometimes that of large or small plates, at other times they assume that of membranes. In man the total weight of solids is generally eight or nine times less than that of liquids. This proportion is nevertheless variable according to many circumstances. The ancients believed that all the organic solids might be reduced by ultimate anlaysis to simple fibres, which they supposed were formed of earth, oil, and iron. Haller, who admitted this idea of the ancients, owns that this fibre is visible only to the eye of the mind. Invidbilis est eafibra sola; mentis ade distinguimus. This is just the same as if he had said that it does not exist at all, which nobody at present doubts. The ancients also admitted secondary fibres, which they supposed to be formed by particular modifications ofthe simple fibre.' Thence, the ner- vous, muscular, parenchymatous, osseous fibre. Chaussier has lately proposed to admit four sorts of fibres, which he calls laminary, nerval, muscular, and albuginous. Science was nearly in this state when Pinel conceived the idea of distinguishing the organic solids, not by fibres, but by tissues or systems. Bichat applied it to all the solid parts of the bo- dies of animals: The classification of Bichat has been perfected by Dupuytren, and Richerand. Classification of the Tissues. I. Cellular.............. ( Arterial. 2. Vascular I Venous. f. Lymphatic. 3. Nervous \ Cerebral. \ Ganglaic. , 4. Osseous...........'. . . t Fibrous. 5. Fibrous < Fibro-cartilaginous. f Dermoid. 6. Muscular \ Vol«"*»y- (Involuntary. 7. Erectile.............. 8. Mucous..........'.'.'. 9. Serous........... " \ ' 10. Horny or j Hairy. Epidemic ) Epidermoid. II. Parenchymatous, Glandular. a ANN ANO These system*, associated with each other and with tl» fluids, compose the oigans or instru- ment* of life. When many organs tend by their action towards a common end, wc name them, collectively considered, an apparatus. The number of apparatus, and their disposition, con- stitute the differences of animals.—Magendie. Animal actions. Actiones animates. Those actions, or functions, are so termed, which are performed through the means of the mind. To this class belong the external and in- ternal senses, the voluntary action of muscles, voice, speech, watching, and sleep. See Action. Animal Heat. See Heat Animal. Animal GSconomy. See OUconomy animal. Animal Oil. Oleum animate. Oleum ani- mate Dippolii. An empyreumatic oil, obtained Irom the bones of animals, recommended as an anodyne and antispasmodic. A'nime gummi. The substance which bear- this name in the shops is a resin. See Hypie- naa courbaril. A'nimi deliquium. (From animus, the mind, and delinquo, to leave.) Fainting. See Syncope. AlrtMDS. This word is to be distinguished from anima; which generally expresses the facul- ty of reasoning, and animus, the being in wliich that faculty resides. Anin'ga. A root which grows in the Antilles islands, and is used by sugar-bakers for refining their sugar. ANISCA'LPTOR. (From anus, the breech, and scalpo, to scratch.) The latissimus dorsi is so called, because it is the muscle chiefly instru- mental in performing this office.—Bartholin. Anisotachys. (From avians, unequal, and ra^uj, quick.) A quick and unequal pulse.— Gorraus. ANI'SUM. (From a, neg. and toos, equal.) See Pimpinella anisum. Anisum sinense. See Illidum anisalum. Anisum stellatum. See Illicium. Anisum vulgare. See Pimpinella anisum. ANNEAL. We know too little of the arrange- ment of particles to determine what it is that constitutes or produces brittleness iu any sub- stance. In a considerable number of instances of bodies which arc capable of undergoing ignition, it is found that sudden cooling renders them hard and brittle. Thi s is a real inconvenience in glass, and also in steel, when this metallic substance is required to be soft and flexible. The inconveni- ences are avoided by cooling them very gradually, and this process is called annealing. Glass ves- sels, or other articles, are carried into an oven or apartment near the great furnace, called the leer, where they are permitted to cool, in a greater or less time, according to their thickness and bulk. The annealing of steel, or other metallic bodies, consists simply in heating them and suffering them to cool again, either upon the hearth of thefnrnace, or in any other situation where the heat is mode- rate, or at least the temperature is not very cold. . Imtoto. See Bixa orleana. ANNUAL. (Annuus, yearly.) A term ap- plied in botany to plants and roots, which are produced from the seed, grow to their full extent, and die in one year or season, as Papavir somnijinim, Ilelianlhus annuus, Hordeum Triticum, &c. ANNt tt'NTES. (From annuo, to nod.) Some muscles of the bend were formerly so call- ed, because they perform the office of nodding, or bending the head dowm^actls.—Cmcper, &c. ANNI LAI.'. (Annularis; from Annttliis, a ring, because it is rmg-likc, or the ring is worn 11 on it, or it surrounds any thing like a ring; thus, annular bone, &.c. : Annular bone. Circulus osseus. A ring- like bone, placed before the cavity of the tympa- num in the foetus. ., Annifiarcgftilagi* See Trachaa. ; ANNULARIS. Annularis digitus. The ring-fineer. The one between the httle and mid- dle fingejs. Annularis processus. See Pons varolii. ■ A'NNULUS. (Annujus, i, m., a ring.) A ring. In botany applied to the slender membrane surrotinflingfhe stem ofthe fungi. Ann#lus abdominis. The abdominal ring. An oblong separation of tendinous fibres, called an penj|e;, in each groin, through which the sper- maoewjhord in men, and the round ligament of the uterus in women, pass. It is through this part that the abdominal viscera fajl in that species of hernia, which is called bubonocele. See Obli- quus externus abdominis. A'NO. (Avw, upwards; in opposition to Karw, downwards.) TJpwdrds. ANOCATHA'RTIC. (From ava, upwards, and Kadaipu), to purge.) Emetic, or that which purges upwards. ANOCHEI'LON. (From avu, upwards, and y/iXoy, the lip.) The upper lip. Ano'dia. (From a, neg. and olos, the way.) Hippocrates uses this wojfipl for inaccuracy and irregularity in the description and treatment of a disease. - ANO'DYNA. See AncUyne. •> ANODYNE. (Anodynes; from a, priv. and &)(5t)*F7, pain.) ^ghose medicines are termed Ano- dynesj which ease pain and procure sleep. They are divided into three sorts; paregorics, or such as assuage pain; hypnotics, or such as relieve by procuring sJcep; and narcotics, or such as ease the patient by stupifyinjpum. Ano'dtnum martiale. Ferrum ammonia- turn precipitated f/om water by potassa. Ano'dtnum minerale. Sal prunella. ANOMALOUS. (From a, priv. and vou®1, a law.) This term is often applied to those dis- eases, the symptoms of which do not appear with that regularity which is generally observed in diseases. A disease is also said to be anomalous, when the symptojns are so varied as not to bribg it under the description of any known affection. ANO'MPHALOS. (From a, priv. and optpaXos, the navel.) Anomphalus. Without a navel. ANO'NYMUS. (Anonymus, from a, priv. and ovoaa, name.) Nameless ; some eminences ofthe brain are called columna anonyma ; and if was formerly applied to one of the cricoid muscles. ANO'RCHIDES. (Fjom a, priv. and opXis, the testicle.) ( hildren are so termed which come into the world without testicles. This is a very common occurrence. The testicles of mams* male infants a^Jhe time of birth are within the ab- domen. The time of their descent is very uncer- tain, and instances have occurred where they have notreached the* scrotum at the age often or fifteen. ANORE'XIA. (Anorexia, a, f.; from a, priv. and opr£, to enter.) A coalescence, or union of bone.—Galen. 82 Antemetic. See Antiemetic. Antenea'sMI's. (From avn, against, and mvurw, implacable.) That species of mad- ness in which the patient endeavours to destroy himself. , . . Antephia'ltic. See Anliphialac. Antepile'ptic. See Antiepileptic. ANTE'RIOR. Before. A term applied to what may be situated before another of the same kind, as a muscle, a projection, eminence, lobe, artery, &c. Anterior auris. Musculus anterior auris. One of the common muscles of the ear, situated before the external ear. It arises thin and mem- branous, near the posterior part of the zygoma, and is inserted into a small eminence on the back of the helix, opposite to the concha, which it draws a little forwards and upwards. Anterior intercostal. Nervus intercos- talui anterior. Splanchnic nerve. A branch of the great intercostal that is given off in the thorax. Anterior mallei. See Laxator tympani. ANTHE'LIX. See Aiitihelix. Anthe'lmia. (From avn, against, andeXptvs, a worm; so called, because it was thought of great virtue in expelling worms.) See Spigeliu anthelmia and Marilandica. ANTHELMINTIC. (Anthelminticus; from avn, against, and eXuivs, a worm.) Whatever procures the evacuation of worms from the sto- mach and intestines. The greater number of anthelmintics act mechanically, dislodging the worms, by the sharpness or roughness of their particles, or by their cathartic operation. Some seem to have no other qualities than those of powerful bitters by which they either prove nox- ious to these animals, or remove that debility of the digestive organs, by which the food is net properly assimilated, or the secreted fluids poured into the intestines are not properly prepared; cir- cumstances from which it has been supposed the generation of worms may arise. The principal medicines belonging to this class, are, mercury, amboge, Geoffraja inermis, tanacetum, polypo- ium filix mas, spigelia marilandica, artemisia santonica, olea Europaea, stannum pulverisatum, ferri limaturoe, and dolichos pruriens.; which see under their respective heads. A'NTHEMIS. (Anthemis, midis. foem.; from avBtiit, floreo; because it bears an abundance of flowers.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnrean system. Class, Syngenesia; Or- der, Polygamia superfl.ua. 2. The name in the London Pharmacopoeia for chamomile. See Anthemis nobilis. Anthemis cotula. The systematic name for the plant called Cotula fmiida; Chamame- lum fatidum, in the pharmacopoeias. Mayweed. Stinking chamomile. This plant, Anthemis :— receptaculis conicis paleis sttaceis, seminibus nudis, of Linnaeus, has a very disagreeable smell; the leaves, a strong, acrid, bitterish taste ; the flowers, however, are. almost insipid. It is said to have been useful in hysterical affections, but is very seldom employed. Anthemis nobilis. The systematic name for the Chamamelum; Chamamelum nobile; Chamomilla romana; Euanthemon of Galen. Anthemis of the last London pharmacopoeia. Common chamomile. Anthemis—foliis pinnato- compositis linearibus acutis subvillosis, of Lin- naeus. Both the leaves and flowers of this indi- genous plant have a strong though not ungrateful smell, and a very bitter, nauseous taste: but tbe latter are the bitterer, and considerably more aro- matic. They possess tonic and stomachic quali- AM ANT lie , ;tnd arc much employed to restore tone tn the stomach and intestines, and as a pleasant and cheap bitter. They have been long successfully used for the cure of intermittents, as well as of fever-of the irregular nervous kind, accompanied with visceral obstructions. The flowers have been found useful in hysterical affections, flatul- lent or spasmodic colics, and dysentery; but, from their laxative quality, Dr. Cullen tells us they proved hurtful in diarrhoeas. A simple in- fusion is frequently taken to excite vomiting, or for promoting the operation of emetics. Exter- nally they are used in the decoctum pro fomtnto, and are an ingredient in the decoctum malva com- positum. Anthemis pyp.ethrum. The plant from . which we obtain the pyrethrum of the pharmaco- poeias ; Asterantium; Buphthalmum creticum; Bel lis montana putescens acris; Dentaria; Herba salwaris; Pes Alexandrinus. Spanish Chamomile; pellitory of Spain. Anthemis:— caulibus nmplidbus unifloris decumbentibus— foliispinnato-multifidis, of Linnaeus. This root, though cultivated in this country, is generally im- ported from Spain. Its taste is hot and acrid,/ its acrimony residing in a resinous principle. The ancient Romans, it is said, employed the root of this plant as a pickle. In its recent state, it is not so pungent as when dried, and yet, if ap- phed to the skin, it produces inflammation. Its qualities are stimulant; but itls never used, ex- cept as a masticatory, for relieving toothaches, rheumatic affections of the face, and paralysis of the tongue, in vvhich it affords relief by stimulat- ing the excretory ducts of the salival glands. ANTHERA. (From avOos, a flower.) 1. A compound medicine used by the ancients; , so called from its florid colour.—Galen. JEgi- neta. 2. The male part of the frutification of plants : —so called by Linnaeus, by way of eminence. The male genital organ of plants consists of three parts, the filament, anther, and pollen. The an- thcra is the little head or extremity whichfrests on the filament. Different terms are applied W the anthers from their figure : I, Oblong; as in Lilium candidum. 2. Globose; as in .1Jerrurialis annua. 3. Semilunar; as in Fragaria vesca. • 4. Angular;, as in Tulipa gesneriana. 5. Linear; as in the grasses and Protea. 6. Didymous; as in Digitalis purpurea. 7. Arrow-shaped; as in Crocus sativus. 8. Bifid, parted half way down in two; as in the grasses and Erica. 9. Shield-like or peltate, of a round shape ; as in Taxus baccala. 10. Dentate, with a tooth-like margin; as in Taxus baccata. 11. Hairy; as in Lamium album. 12. Bicoru, witlvtwo divisions like horns :.as with Arbutus uva ursi and Vacdniummyrtimts. 13. Cristate, having cartilaginous points. 14. Crucial; as inMellitis. I.j. Double or twin-like; as hi Callisia and Hura. IC. Rostrate ; as in Osbeckia. 17. Subulate,or awl-shaped; as in the genus Roella. 18. Cordate; as in Cupraria. 1!). RenU'orm, kidney-shaped ; as in Trakes- ranlia and Ginora. 20. Trigonal, or,three-cornered;" as in the Rose. 21, Tetragonal, or four-cornered ; a* in Can- nabis and Dictamnus. From their situation : 22. Erect, with its base upon the apex of the filament; as in Tulipa gesneriana. 23. Incumbent, lyingnorizontaHy upon the fila- m ent, gain Amarylll«formossima. 24. JPersattUt~\vbr\t the incumbent anther ad- heres so loosely to the filament, that the least agi- tation of the plant puts it in motion ; as in Se- cale cereale. 25. Lateral, adhering laterally to the filiment; as in Di anther a. 26. Sessile, the filament almost wanting; as in ArfMolochia clematitis. 27. Free, hot united to any other anther. 28. Connate, united together; as in Viola odorata. ANTHODIUM." A species of calyx, which contains many flowers being common to them all. It. is:distinguished from its structure into, 1. Moncyfinyllous, consisting of 6ne leaflet per- fect at its b'asU, but cut at its limb or margin; as in TfafOpogon. 2. Poljgphyllous, consisting of several leaflets; as in Carmius antyCentaurea. 3. Simpler Cftpsisting of one series of leaflets; as in' Cacalia podophyllum. 4. Equal, when all the leaves of the Antho- dium. simplex are of the same length, as in Ethu- lia. 5. Imbrecate or squamose, as in Centaurea cyanus. 6. Squanose,' the leaflets bent backward at their extremities. * 7. Scabrous, rough, consisting of dry leaflets; as in Centaurea glcuitifolia and jacea. 8. Spinous, the leaflets having thorns ; as in Cynaa scolymus qnd Centaurea sonchifolia. 9. 1'urbinate; as in Tarconanthus campho- ratus. * , - 10. Globose; as in Centaurea calcitrapa. 11. Hemispherical, round below and flat above ; as in'Anthemis and Chrysocoma. 12. Cylindrical, long and round; as with Eu- patorium. 13. Cjalyculate, the basis surrounded by ano- ther small leafy anthodium; as in Leontodon taraxacum, Senecio, and Crepis. • ANTHOPHYLL1TE. A massive mineral, of a brown colour found at Kordgsberg, in Norway. ANTHOPHY'LLUS. (From avdos, a flower, and , to write.) De- scription of the structure of man, ANT ANTIDOTARIUM. (Antidotarium, i. n.; from avnSoros, an antidote.) A term used by former writers, for what we now call a dispensa- tory ; a place where antidotes are prescribed and prepared. There are antidotaries extant of se- veral authors, as those of Nicholaus, Mesue, Myrepsus, &c. ANTI'DOTUS. (From avn, against, and dioiapu, to give.) 1. An antidote. 2.' A preservative against sickness. 3. A remedy.—Galen. ANTIDYSENTE'RIC. (Anlidysentericus; from avn, against, and ivaevrepia, a flux.) Me- ANTHROPOLO'GY. LAnthropologia; from dicines against a dysentery. avOp ovos, a man, and Xoyos, a discourse.) The ANTIEMETIC. (Antiemeticus; from avn, against, and epeia, to vomit.) Antemetic. That which prevents or stops vomiting. ANTIEPHIALTIC. (Antiephialticus; from avn, against, and upiaXrris, the night-mare.) An- tephialtic. Against the night-mare. ANTIEPILEPTIC. (AnttepUepticus; from avn, against, and titiXn^is, the epilepsy.) An- The description of man. ANTHYPNO'TIC. (Anthypnoticus; from av}i, against, .and mvos, sleep.) That which prevents sleep or drowsiness. ANTHYPOCHONDRI'AC, (Anthypochon- driacus; from avjt, against, and C^oxovSpia, the hypochondria.) That which is adapted to cure low-spiritedness or disorders of the hypochon(hia._ tepileptic. Against epilepsy, ANTHYSTE'RIC. (AnWysteriMs; from ANTIFEBRI'LE. (Antifebrilis; from avn, avjt, against, and v, to take hold.of) The securing of bandages or ligatures* from slipping.—Hippocrates. '» ANTILO'BIUM. (From avn, opposite, and XoBos, the bottom of the ear.) The tragus or that part ofthe ear which is opposite the lobe. ANTILOI'MIC. (Antiloimicus ; from avn,' against, and Xoipos, the plague.) Remedies or' preventives against the plague. ANTI'LOPUS. The antelope. An African - beast resembling a deer, the hoofs and horns of? which were formerly given in hysteric and epileptic cases. ANTLLY'SSUS. (From avn, against, and Xvcaa, the bite of a mad dog.) A medicine or remedyagainst the bite of a mad dog. ANTOMONIA'L. (Antimonialis ; from an- timonium, antimony.) An antimonial or compo- sition in which antimony is a chief ingredient. A preparation of antimony. Antimonial powder. See Antimonialis pulvis. Antimonia'lis pulvis. Antimonial pow- der. Take of sulphuret of antimony, powdered, a pound; hartshorn shavings, two pounds. Mix and throw them into a broad iron pot heated to a white heat, and stir the mixture constantly until it acquires an ash colour. Having taken it out, reduce it to powder, and put it into a coated cm- distinction of one disease, or symptom, irom cible, upon which another inverted crucible another. - having a small hgle in its bottom, is to be luted! ANTIDI'NIC. (From avn, against, and Then raise the fire by degrees to a white heat 3ivos, circumgyration.) Medicines against a ver- and keep it *o for two hours. Reduce the resi- tigo, or giddiness.— Blanchard. duary mass to a veryfine powder. The dose is 84 ANT VNT from five to ten grains. It is in high esteem as a febrifu^, sudorific, and antispasmodic. The di»e«"cs in which it is mostly exhibited are, most »ui'cifs of asthenic and exanthematous fevers, acute rheumatism, gout, diseases arising from obstructed perspiration, dysuria, nervous affec- tion!, and spasms. This preparation was introduced into the for- mer London pharmacopoeia as a substitute for a medicine of extensive celebrity, Dr. James's pow- der ; to which, however, the present form more neatly assimilates in its dose, and it is more man- ageable in its administration, by the reduction of the proportion of antimony to one-half. Antimonic acid. See Antimony. Antimonious acid. See Antimony. Antimonii oxydum. Oxyde of Antimony.i This preparation is now directed to be made by dissolving am ounce of tartarised antimony, and two drams of subcarbonate of ammonia, separate- ly in distilled water, mixing the solutions and boding, till the oxyde of antimony is precipitated, which is to be washed with water, and dried. This must not be confounded with the old calcined or diaphoretic antimony, being a much more active preparation. See Antimony. In its effects, it will be found to agree pretty much with the antimonium tartarisatum; but it is very little employed, Antimonii sulphuretum prjecipitatum. Sulphur antimonii pracipitatum. Precipitated sulpburet of antimony. This preparation of anti- mony appears to have rendered that called ker- mes mineral unnecessary. It is made thus :— Take of sulphuretof antimony, in powder, two pounds;—ofthe solution of potassa, four pints:. —of distilled water,;three pints. Mix; and boil the mixture over a slow fire for three hours, stirring it well, and occasionally adding distilled water, so that the same measure may be preserved. Strain the solution quickly through a double linen cloth, and while it is yet hot, drop in, gradually, as much sulphuric acid as may be required to precipitate the powder; then wash away the sulphate of potassa by hot water; dry the precipitated sulphuretof antimony, and reduce it to powder. In this process part of the water is decomposed, and its oxygen unites partly with the antimony ; the oxyde of antimony, as well as the potassa, combines with sulphur and hydrogen, forming hydrosulphuret of antimony and hydroguretted sulphuret of potassa: if the so- lution be allowed to cool, the former of these partly precipitates, constituting the kermes min- eral ; but the addition of the sulphuric acid throws down the whole of it at once, nrixed with some sulphur, furnished by the decomposi- tion of the nydrogurctted sulphuret of potassa. As nn alterative and sudorific, it is in high es- timation, and given in diseases of the skin and glands; and, ioined with calomel, it is one ofthe most powet fid and penetrating alteratives we are in possession of. Antimonii tartaui/.ati vinum. Wine of tartarized antimony. Take of tartarized antimo- ny, one scruple; boiling distilled water, eight fluid ounces; rectified spirit, two flcid ounfles.1 Dissolve the tartarised antimony in the beiliug distjlled water, anil add the spirit to the filtered liquor. Four fluid drachms of this contain one grain of tartarised antimony. ANTIMONITE. A salt formed by the com- bination of the antioionous acid with alkaline and other bases. See Antimony. ANTIMO'NIUM. Sec Antimony. Antimoniu* calcinatum. An ox^de oi antimony. Antimonilm diaphoreticdm. An old nam ( for an oxyde ol" antimony. Antimonium tartarizatum. Tartaruseme- ticus; Tartarum emeticum ; Tartarus antimo- nialis ; Tartris antimonii cum potassa; Tarta- rum slibiatum. Tartar emetic. It is obtained by boiling the fusible oxyde of antimony with super- tartrate of potassa, the excess of tartaric acid dis- solves the oxyde, and a triple salt is obtained by crystallisation. The London Pharmacopoeia di- rects thus : Take of glass of antimony finely levi- gated, supertartrate of potassa in powder, of each a pound; boiling distilled water a gallon; mix the glass of antimony and the supertartrate of potassa well together, and then add them by degrees to the distilled water, which is to be kept boiling and constantly stirred; boil the whole for a quarter of an hour, and then set it by. FUter it when cold, and evaporate the filtered liquor so that crystals may form in it. A solution of this salt in dilute wine is ordered in the Pharmacopoeia. See An- timonii tartarizati vinum. Tartar emetic is the most useful of all the anti- monial preparations. Its action is not dependent on the state of the stomach, and, being soluble in water, its dose is easily managed, while it also acts more speedily. In doses of from one to three, four, or five grains, it generally acts pow- erfully as an emetic, and is employed whenever we wish to obtain the effects which result from full vomiting. As patients are differently affected by this medicine, the safest mode of exhibiting it is: R.. Antimonii tartarizati, gr. iii. Aqua distillates, ^iv. Misce et cola. Dosis ^ss. omni horae quadrante, donee supervenerit vomitus. For children, emetic tartar is not so safe for an emetic as ipecacuanha powder: when great debi- lity of the system is present, even a small dose has been known to prove fatal. Sometimes it proves cathartic. In smaller doses it excites nau- sea, and proves a powerful diaphoretic and ex- pectorant. As an emetic it is chiefly given in the beginning of fevers and febrile diseases ; when great deoility is present, and in the advanced stages of typhoid fever, its use is improper, and even sometimes fatal. As a diaphoretic, it is given in small doses, of from an eighth to a quar- ter of a grain; and as an expectorant, in doses still smaller. Emetic tartar, in small doses, com- bined with calomel, has been found a powerful yet safe alterative in obstinate eruptions of the skin. R.. Antimonii tartarizati, gr. iv. Hydrargyri submuriatis, gr. xvi. Confeclionis rosa gal- lica, q. s. Divide in pil. xxiv. Capiat i. mane nocteque ex thea sassafras. In the form of powder, or dissolved in water, it is applied by a pencil to warts and obstinate ul- cers : it is also given in the form of clyster, with a view to produce irritation in soporose diseases, apoplexy, ileus, and strangulated hernia. Tho powder mixed with any fluid, and rubbed on the scrobiculus cordis, excites vomiting. Another property which tartar emetic has, when rubbed on the skin, is that of producing a crop of pus- tules verv like lo the small-pox, and with this view it isTried against rheumatic pains, white, and other obstinate swellings. The best antidote against the bad effects of too large a quantity of this and other antimonial preparations, is a decoc- tion of the bark of cinchona : in defect of which, to* and other astringents may be used. In a larger dose, thi-- salt iis capable of acting as u violent poison. The best antidotes are demulcent drinks, infusions of bark, tea, and sulphuretted hydrogen water, which instantly converts the energetic saft into a relatively mild sulphuret: anodynes are useful afterwards. 8J ANT ANT Antimonium vitrifactum. Glass of anti- mony. An oxyde of antimony, with a little sul- phuret. ANTIMONY. (Antimonium, i. n. Avnpo- viov. The origin of this word is very obscure. The most received etymology is, from avn, against, and povos, a monk; because Valentine, by an injudicious administration of it, poisoned his brother monks.) Stibium. A metal found native, but very rarely; it has, in that state, a metallic lustre, and is found in masses of different shapes ; its colour is white, between those of tin and silver. It generally contains a small portion of arsenic. It is likewise met with in the state of an oxyde, antimonial ochre. The most abun- dant ore of it is that in which it is combined with sulphur, the gray ore of antimony, or sulphuret of antimony. The colour of this ore is bluish, or steel-gray, of a metallic lustre, and often ex- tremely beautifully variegated. Its texture is ei- ther compact, foliated, or striated. The striated is found both crystallised, massive, and dissemi- nated : there are many varieties of this ore. Properties of Antimony.—Antimony is a me- *al of a grayish white, having a slight bluish .shade, and very brilliant. Its texture is lamella- ted, and exhibits plates crossing each other in every direction. Its surface is covered with her- barisations and foliage. Its specific gravity is 6.702. It is sufficiently hard to scratch all the soft metals. It is very brittle, easily broken, and pulverisable. It fuses at 810° Fahr. It can be volatilised, and burns by a strong heat. When perfectly fused, and suffered to cool gradually, it crystallises in octahedra. It unites with sulphur and phosphorus. It decomposes water strongly at a red heat. It is soluble in alkaline sulphu- rets. Sulphuric acid, boiled upon antimony, is feebly decomposed. Nitric acid dissolves it in the cold. Muriatic acid scarcely acts upon it. The oxygenated muriatic acid gas inflames it, and the liquid acid dissolves it with facility. Arsenic acid dissolves it by heat with difficulty. It unites, by fusion, with gold, and renders it pale and brittle. Platina, sUver, lead, bismuth, nickel, copper, arsenic, iron, cobalt, tin, and zinc, unite with antimony by fusion, and form with it com- pounds, more or less brittle. Mercury does not alloy with it easily unless very pure. We are little acquainted with the action of alkalies upon it. Nitrate of potassa is decomposed by it. It fulminates by percussion with oxygenated muriate of potassa. Antimony forms three, probably four, distinct combinations with oxygen : 1. The protoxyde, a blackish gray powder ob- tained from a mixture of powder of antimony and water at the positive pole of a voltaic circuit. 2. The deutoxyde, obtained by digesting the metal in powder in muriatic acid, and pouring the solution in water of potassa. Wash and dry the precipitate. It is a powder of a dirty white co- lour which melts it a moderate red heat, and crys- tallises as it cools. 3. The tritoxyde, or antimonious acid, which as immediately produced by- the combustion of the metal, called formerly.-from its fine white co-^ lour, the argentine flowers of .antimony*' It forms the salts called antimonites with the differ- ent bases. 4. The peroxyde, or antimonic acid. This is formed when the metal in powder is ignited along with six times its^eight of nitre in a silver cru- cible. The excess of potassa and nitre being af- terwards separated by hot water, the antimoniate of potassa is then to be decomposed by muriatic acid,%rhen the insoluble antimonic acid of a straw colour will be obtained. 86 Methods of obtaining antimony.— L To oh- tain antimony, heat 32 parts of filings of iron to redness, and project on them, by degrees, 100 parts of antimony ; when the whole is in fusion, throw on it, by degrees, 20 parts of nitrate of po- tassa, and alter a few minutes quiet fusion, pour it into an iron milting cone, previously heated and greased. 2. It may also be obtained by melting eight parts of the ore mixed with six of nitrate of po- tassa, and three of supertartrate of potassa, gra- dually projected into a red-hot crucible, and fused. To obtain perfectly pure antimony, Margraaf melted some pounds ofthe sulphuret in a luted crucible, and thus scorified any metals it might contain. Of the antimony thus purified, which lay at the bottom, he took sixteen ounces, which he oxydised cautiously, first with a slow, and af- terwards with a strong heat, until it ceased to smell of sulphur, and acquired a grayish-white colour. Of this gray powder he took four ounces, mixed them with six drachms of supertartrate of potassa, and three of charcoal, and kept them in fusion in a well-covered and luted crucible, for one hour, and thus obtained a metallic button that weighed one ounce, seven drachms, and twenty grains. The metal, thus obtained, he mixed with half its weight of desiccated subcarbonate of soda, and covered the mixture with the same quantity of the subcarbonate. He then melted it in a well- covered and luted crucible, in a very strong heat, for half an hour, and thus obtained a button which weighed one ounce, six drachms, and seven grains, much whiter and more beautiful than the former. This he again treated with one and a half ounce of subcarbonate of soda, and obtained a button, weighing one ounce, five drachms, and six grains. This button was still purer than the foregoing. Repeating these fusions with equal weights of subcarbonate of soda three times more, and an hour and a half each time, he at last ob- tained a button so pure as to amalgamate with mercury with ease, very hard, and in some degree malleable; the scoriae formed in the last fusion were transparent, which indicated that they con- tained no sulphur, and hence it is the obstinate ad- herence of the sulphur that renders the purifica- tion of this metal so difficult. " Chlorine gas and antimony combine with combustion, and a. bichloride results. This was formerly prepared by distilling a mixtiue of two parts of corrosive sublimate with one of anti- ' mony. The substance which came over having a fatty consistence, was called butter of anti- mony. It is frequently crystallised in four-sided prisms. It is fusible and volatile at a moderate heat; and is resolved by water alone into the white oxyde and muriatic acid. Being a bichlo- ride, it is eminently corrosive, like the bichloride of mercury, from which it is formed. It consists of 45.7 chlorine + 54.3 antimony, according to Dr. John Davy's analysis, when the composition of the sulphuret is corrected by its recent exact analysis by Berzelius. But 11 antimony +'*2 primes chfcrine = 9.0, give, the proportion per cent, of 44.1 + 55.5; a good coincidence, if we consider the circuitous process by which Dr.* Davy's analysis was performed. Three parts of ;cprrosive sublimate, and one of metallic anti- mony, are the equivalent proportions for making butter of antimony. - Iodine and antimony combine by the aid of heat into a solid iodine, of a dark red colour. , The phosphuret of this metal is obtained by fusing it with solid phosphoric acid. It is a white ANT ANT scmicrystallinc substance. The sulphuretof an- timony exists abundantly in nature. It consists, according to Berzelius, of 100 antimony + 37.25 sulphur. Theproportion given by the equivalent ratio is 100 -4- 36.5. The only important alloys of antimony are those of lead and tin ; the former constitutes type-metal, and contains about one- sixteenth of antimony ; the latter alloy is em- ployed for making the plates on which music is engraved. The salts of antimony are of two different or- ders ; m the first, the deutoxyde acts the part of a salifiable base ; in the second, the tritoxyde and peroxyde act the part of acids, neutralizing the alkaline and other bases, to constitute the anti- monites and antimoniates. The only distinct combination of the first or- der cntided to our attention, is the triple salt call- ed tart rule of potassa and antimony, or tartar emetic, and which, by Gay Lussac's new views, would be styled cream-tartrate of antimony. This constitutes a valuable and powerful medi- cine, and therefore the mode of preparing it should be correctly and clearly defined. As the dull white deutoxyde of antimony is the true ba- sis of this compound salt, and as that oxyde rea- dily passes by mismanagement into the tritoxyde or antimonious acid, which is altogether unfit for the purpose, adequate pains should be taken to guard against so capital an error. In the British Pharmacopoeias, the glass of antimony is now di- rected as tne basis of tartar emetic. More com- plex and precarious formulae were formerly intro- duced. The new edition of the Pharmacopec Franvaischas given a recipe, vvhich appears, with a slight change of proportions, to be unexception- able. Take of the sulphuretted vitreous oxyde of antimony, levigated and acidulous tartrate of po- tassa, equal parts. From a powder, which is to be put into an earthen or silver vessel, with a sufficient quantity of pure water. Boil the mix- ture for half an hour, adding boiling water from time to time; filter the hot liquor, and evaporate to dryness in a porcelain capsule ; dissolve in boding water the result of the evaporation, eva- porate till the solution acquires the spec. grav. 1.161, and then let it repose, that crystals be ob- tained, which, by this process, will be pure. By another recipe, copied, with some alteration, from Mr. Phillips's prescription, into the appendix of the French Pharmacopoeia, a subsulphate of an- timony is formed first of all, by digesting two iiarts of sulphuret of antimony in a moderate ¥ icat, with three parts of oil of vitriol. This in- soluble subsulphate being well washed, is then di- gested in a quantity of boiling water, with its own weight of cream of tartar, and evaporated at the density 1.161, after which it is filtered hot. On cooling, crystals of the triple tartrate are obtain- ed. One might imagine, that there is a chance of obtaining by this process a mixture of sulphate of potassa, and perhaps of a triple sulphate of anti- mony, along with the tartar emetic. Probably this docs not happen, for it is said to yield crys- tals, very pure, very white, and without any mix- lure whatever. Pure tartar emetic is in colourless and trans- parent tetrahedrons or octohedrons. It reddens litmus. Its taste is nauseous and caustic. Ex- posed to the air, it effloresces slowly. Boiling water dissolves half its weight, and cold water a fifteenth part. Sulphuric, nitric, and muriatic acids, when poured into a solution of tliis salt, precipitate its cream of tartar ; and soda, potas- sa, ammonia, or their carbonates, throw down its oxyde of antimony. Barytes, strontites, and lime waters occasion not only a precipitate of oxyde of antimony, like the alkalies, but also insoluble tartrates of these earths. That pro- duced by the alkaline hydrosulphurets is wholly formed of kermes ; while that caused by sul- phuretted hydrogen, contains both kermes and cream of tartar. The decoctions of several va- rieties of cinchona, and of several bitter and as- tringent plants, equally decompose tartar emetic; and the precipitate then always consists of the oxyde of antimony, combined with the vegetable matter and cream of tartar. Physicians ought, therefore, to beware of such incompatible mix- tures. When tartar emetic is exposed to a red heat, it first blackens, like all organic compounds, and afterwards leaves a residuum of metallic an- timony and subcarbonate of potassa. From this circumstance, and the deep brownish red preci- pitate, by hydrosulphurets, this antimonial com- bination may readily be recognised. The preci- pitate may further be dried on a filter, and ignited with black flux, when a globule of metallic anti- mony will be obtained. Infusion of galls is an active precipitant of tartar emetic. The composition of this salt, according to M. Thenard, is 35.4 acid, 39.6 oxyde, 16.7 potassa, and 8.2 water. The presence of the latter in- gredient is obvious, from the undisputed pheno- menon of efflorescence. If we adopt the new views of M. Gay Lussac, this salt may be a com- pound of a prime equivalent of tartar =23.825, with a prime equivalent of deutoxyde of antimo- ny = 13. On this hypothesis, we would have the following proportions: 2 primes acid, = 16.75 45.4 1 prime potassa, = 5.95 16.2 1 prime water, = 1.125 3.1 1 oxyde of antimony, = 13.00 35.3 36.825 100.0 But very little confidence can be reposed in such atomical representations. The deutoxyde seems to have the property of combining with sulphur in various proportions. To this species of compound must be referred the liver of antimony, glass of antimony, and crocus metallorum of the ancient apothecaries. Sulphuretted hydrogen forms, with the deutoxyde of antimdny, a compound which possessed at one time great celebrity in medicine, and of which a modification has lately been introduced into the art of calico printing. By dropping hydrosul- phuret of potassa, or of ammonia, into the cream tartrate, or into mild muriate of antimony, the hydrosulphurct of the metallic oxyde precipitates of a beautiful deep orange colour. This is kermes mineral. Cluzel's process for obtaining a fine kermes, light, velvety, and of a deep purple- brown, is the following: one part of pulverised sulphuret of antimony, 22£ parts of crystallised subcarbonate of soda, and 200 parts of water, are to be boiled together in an iron pot. Filter the hot liquor into warm earthen pans, and allow them to cool very slowly. At the end of 24 hours, the kermes is deposited. Throw it on a filter, wash it with water which had been boiled and then cooled out of contact with air. Dry the kermes at a temperature of 85°, and preserve in corked phials. Whatever may be the process employed, by boiling the liquor, after cooling and filtration, on new sulphuret of aidimony, or upon that which was left in the former operation, this new liquid will deposit on cooling, a new quan- tity of kermes. Besides the hyurosulphuretted oxyde of antimony, there is formed a sulphuret- ted hydrosulphurct of potassa or soda. Consc- ?|uently, the alkali seizes a portion of the sulphuv rom the antim'o.iial sulphuret, water is decom- ANT ANT posed; and, whilst a portion of its hydrogen unites to the alkaline sulphuret, its oxygen, and the other portion of its hydrogen, combine with the sulphuretted antimony. It seems, that the resulting kermes remains dissolved in the sul- phuretted hydrosulphurct of potassa or soda; but as it is less soluble in the cold than the hot, it is partially precipitated by refrigeration. If we pour into the supernatant liquid, after the kermes is deposited and removed, any acid, as the dilute mtric, sulphuric, or muriatic, we decompose the sulphuretted hydrosulphuret of potassa or soda. The alkaline base being laid hold of, the sulphu- retted hydrogen and sulphur to which they were united are set at liberty ; the sulphur and kermes fall together, combine with it, and form an orange- coloured compound, called the golden sulphuret of antimcny. It is a hydroguretted sulphnret of antimony. Hence, when it is digested with warm muriatic acid, a large residuum of sulphur is ob- tained, amounting sometimes to 12 per cent. Kermes is composed, by Thenard, of 20.3 sul- phuretted hydrogen, 4.15 sulphur, 72.76 oxyde of antimony, 2.79 water and loss ; and the golden sulphuret consists of 17.87 sulphuretted hydro- gen, 68.3 oxyde of antimony, and 12 sulphur. By evaporating the supernatant kermes liquid, and cooling, crystals form, which have been lately employed by the calico printer to give a topical orange. These crystals are dissolved in water, and the solution, being thickened with paste or gum, is applied to cloth in the usual way. When the cloth is dried, it is passed through a dilute acid, when the orange precipitate is deposited and fixed on the vegetable fibres. An empirical antimonial medicine, called James's powder, has been much used in this coun- try. The inventor called it his fever powder, and was so successful in his practice with it, that it obtained very great reputation, wlu'ch it still in some measure retains. Probably, the success of Dr. James was in great measure owing to his free use of the bark, which he always gave as largely ns the stomach would bear, as soon as he nad completely evacuated the prima? via by the use of his antimonial preparation, with which at first he used to combine some mercurial. His speci- fication, lodged in Chancery, is as follows: "Take antimony, calcine it with a continued protracted heat, in a flat, unglazed, earthen vessel, adding to it from time to time a sufficient quantity of any animal oil and salt, well dephlegmated; then boil it in melted nitre for a considerable time, and separate the powder from the nitre by dissolving it in water." The real recipe has been studiously concealed, and a false one published in its stead. Different formulae have been offered for imitating it. That of Dr. Pearson furnishes a mere mix- ture of an oxyde of antimony, with phosphate of lime. The real powder of James, according to this chemist, consists of 57 oxyde of antimony, with 43 phosphate of lime. It seems highly pro- bable that superphosphate of lime would act on oxyde of antimony in a way somewhat similar to cream of tartar, and produce a more chemical com- bination than what can be derived from a preca- rious ustulation, and calcination, of hartshorn shavings and sulphuret of antimony, in ordinary hands. The antimonial medicines are powerful deobstruents, promoting particularly the cuticular discharge. The union of this metallic oxyde with sulphuretted hydrogen, ought undoubtedly to favour its medicinal agency in chronic diseases of the skin. The kermes deserves more credit than it has hitherto received from British physi- cians. The compounds, formed by the antimonious SR • and antimonic acids with the bases, have not been applied to any use. Muriate of barytes may be employed as a test for tartar emetic. " .]wll show, by a precipitate insoluble in nitric acid, if sulphate of potassa be present. If the crystals be regularly formed, more tartar need not be sus- pected."—Ure's Chem. Diet. The preparations of antimony formerly in use were very many: those now directed to be kept are :— 1. Sulphuretum antimonii. 2. Oxydum antimonii. 3. Sulphuretum antimonii pracipitatum. 4. Antimonium tartarizatum. 6. Vinum antimonii tartarizati. 6. Pulvis antimonialis. ANTFMORIS. (From avn, against, and popos, death, or disease.) A medicine to prolong life. ANTINEPHRI'TIC. (Antinephriticus; from avn, against, and vefpms, a disease of the kid- neys. ) A remedy against disorders of the kid- neys. ANTIODONTALGIC. (Antiodontalgicus; from avn, against, and oSovraXyia, the toothache.) Against the toothache. ANTIODONTA'LGICUS. An insect de- scribed by Germi in a small work pubhshed at Florence 1794, so called from its property of al- laying the toothache. It is a kind of curculio found on a species of thistle, Carduus spinosis- simus. If twelve or fifteen of these insects, in the state of larvae, or when come to perfection, be bruised and rubbed slowly between the fore- linger and thumb until they have lost their mois- ture, and if the painful tooth, where it is hollow, be touched with that finger, the pain ceases some- times instantaneously. A piece of shamoy lea- ther will answer the same purpose with the finger. If the gums are inflamed, the remedy is of no avail. Other insects possess the property of cur- ing the toothache ; such as the Scarabeus ferru- gineus of Fabricius ; tbe Coccinella septem- punctata, or lady-bird ; the Chrysomela populi, and the Chrysomela sanguinolenta. This pro- perty belongs to several kinds of the Coleoptera. ANTIPARALY'TIC. (Antiparalyticus; from avn, against, and napaXvois, the palsy.) Against the palsy. ANTIPATHY. (Anlipathia, a. f. Avnr.aQns, from avniraOtm, to have a natural repugnance or dislike ; from avn, against, and TraBos, *n affec- tion.) 1. An aversion to particular objects. 2. The name of a genus of diseases in some classifications. ANTIPERISTALTIC. Antiperistalticus; from avn, against, and ircpi$cXXo>, to contract.) Whatsoever obstructs the peristaltic motion of the intestines. Antiperi'statis. (From avn, against, and rrepi^npi, to press.) A compression on all sides. Theophrastus de igne. ANTIPHA'RMIC. (Antipharmicus; from avn, against, and is, the nose: so called because it represents the nose of a calf.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Didynamia ; Order, Angioxpermia. Antirrhinum elatine. The systematic name of the plant we call fluellen, or female sjieedwell. Elatine ofthe shops. The leaves of this plant have a roughish bitter taste, but no smell. It was formerly much used against scurvy and old ulcerations, but now wholly forgotten. Antirrhinum linaria. The systematic name for the linaria of the pharmacopoeias. Osyris ; Urinaria ; Antirrhinum—foliis lance- olalis linearibus confertis, caule erecto, spicis ferminalibus sesdlibus, floribus imbneatis of Linnaeus. Common toad-flax. A perennial in- digenous plant, Common in barren pastures, hedges, and the sides of roads, flowering from .Tidy to September. The leaves have a bitterish and somewhat saline taste, and when rubbed be- tween the fingers, have a faint smell, resembling that of elder. They are said to be diuretic and cathartic, and in both characters to act power- fully, especially in the first; hence the name urinaria. They have been recommended in dropsies and other disorders requiring powerful evacuations. The linaria has also been used as a resolvent in jaundice, and such diseases as were supposed to - arise from visceral obstructions. But the plant has been chiefly valued for its cf- fecLs when externally apphed, especially -in he- morrhoidal affections, for which both the leaves and flowers have been employed in various forms of ointment, fomentation, and poultice. Dr. Wolph first invented an ointment of this plant for tie piles. The Landgrave of Hesse, to whom he was physician, constantly interrogated him, to discover its composition; but Wolph obstinately refused, till the prince promised to give him a fat ox annually for the discovery : hence, to the following verse, which was made to distinguish the linaria from the escula, viz. " Esula lactescit, sine lacte linaria cresrit." The hereditary Marshal of Hesse, added, " Esula ml nobis, sed dot linaria taurum." ANTISCO'LIC. (Antiscolicus ; from avn, against, and )£, a worm.) Remedies against worms. See Anthelmintic. ANTISCORBUTIC. (Antiscorb»Mvrj, the voice.) A suppression ofthe voice, ivithont.either syncope or comma*, A genus of disease in the class Locales, and order Dyscine- ria, of Cullen. 1. When it takes place from a tumour of the lances, or about the glottis, it is termed aphonia gutturalis. 2. When from a disease of the trachea, aphonia trachealis. 3. And when from a paralysis, or want of ner- vous energy, aphonia atoniai. APHORIA. (Aphoria, a. f. ; from «, no»a- live, and ohata, venery.) Th:a which excites a desire for venery. Aphrodisia'sticon. (From a, to bring forth.) Parturition, or the bringing forth of a child.—Galen. Apodacry'tica. (From airo, and i5airpi>, a tear.) Medicines which, by exciting tears, re- move superfluous humours from the eyes, as on- ions, &c.—Pliriy. •• Apogeu'sis. See Ageustia. -. Apogew'stia. See Ageustia. Apoginome-sis. (From airoyivouai, to be ab- sent.) The remission or absence of a disease.— Hippocrates. Apoglacco'Sis. (From airo, and yXancos, sky-coloured; so called because of its bluish ap- pearance.) See Glaucoma. Apo'gonum. (From airo, and yivopai, to beget.) A living foetus in the womb.—Hippo- crates. Apole'psis. (From ano, and XapGavio, to take from.) An interception, suppression, or reten- tion of urine, or any other natural evacuation.— Hippocrates. Apolujo'sis. (From awo, and Xivov, flax.) The method of curing a fistula, according to JEsn- neta, by the application of raw flax. Apo'lysis. (From airo, and Xvio, to release.) The solution or termination of a disease. The removal of a bandage.—Erotian&sf APOMA'GMA. (From arr6+ and par™, to cleanse from.) Any thing used to cleanse and wipe away filth from sores, as sponge, &c— Hippocrates. Apomatiie'ma. (From airo, neg. and pavQavm, to learn.) Hippocrates expresses, by this term, a forgetfulness of all that has been learnt. Apo'meli. (From airo, from, and utXi, honey.) An oxymel, or decoction, made with honey. APONEUROSIS. (From airo, and vevpov, a nerve ; from an erroneous supposition of the an- cients, that it was formed by the expansion of a nerve.) A tendinous expansion. See Muscle. APCNIA. (From a, priv. and -ovot, pain.) t reedom from paiu. APO APO ApovitrO'SIS. (From airo, and nrpov, nitre.) The sprinkling an ulcer over with nitre. Apopalle'sis. (From oirorraXXu, to throw off iia-tily.) An abortion, or premature expulsion of a faftns.—Hippocrates. Apopalsis. See Apopallesis. Apopeda'sis. (From «iro, and rrijiaw, to jump from.) A luxation. APOPHLEGMA'SIA. (From aire, and tpXtypa, phlegm.) A discharge of phlegm or mucus. - APOPHLEGMA'TIC. (Apophlegmaticus; from tiro, and ipXtypa, phlegm.) Apophlegma- tizantia ; Apophlegmatizonta. 1. Medicines which excite the secretion of mucus from the mouth and nose. 2. Masticatories. 3. Errhines. Apophlegmatizantia. SeeApophlegtnatic. Apophlegmatizonta. SeeApophlegmatic. Apophra'xis. (From otto, and ippanau, to in- terrupt.) A suppression of the menstrual dis- charge. . Apophtha'rma. (From am, and 9apu>, to corrupt/) A medicine to procure abortion. Apophthe'gma. (From airotpdcyyopai, to speak eloquentlyt) A short maxim, or axiom ; a rule. Apo'phthora. (From a-o0tipu), to be abor- tive.) An abortion. "' Apophy'adeS. The ramifications of the veins and arteries.—Hippocrates. Apo'phyas. (From airo(j>va>, to proceed from.) Any thing which grows or adheres to another, as a wart to the finger. APOPHYLLITE. Ichthyophthahnile. Fish- eye «tone. A mineral composed of silex, potassa, 1 and water, found in the iron mine of Utoe, in Sweden. APO'PHYSIS. (From amentalis. 8. And when it is joined with catalepsy, Apo- plexia cataleptica. Apoplexy makes its attack chiefly at an ad- vanced period of life ; and most ustraUy on those who are of a corpulent habit, with a short neck, and large head; and who lead an inactive life, make use of a full diet, or drink to excess. The immediate cause of apoplexy, is a compression of the brain, produced either by an accumulation of blood in the vessels of the head, and distending them to such a degree, as to compress the medul- lary portion of the brain; or by an effusion of blood from the red vessels, or of serum from the exhalants; which fluids are accumulated in such a quantity as to occasiop compression. These states, of overdistension and of effusion, may be brought on by whatever increases the afflux, and impetus of the blood in the arteries of the head ; such as violent fits of passion, great exertions of muscular strength, severe exercise, excess in venery, stooping down for any length of time, wearing any thing too tight about the neck, over- loading the stomach, long exposure to excessive cold, or a vertical sun, the sudden suppression of any long-accustomed evacuation, the application of the fumes of certain narcotic and metallic sub- stances, such as opium, alcohol, charcoal, mer- cury, &c. and by blows, wounds, and other ex- ternal injuries : in short, apoplexy may be pro- duced by whatever determines too great a flow of blood to the brain, or prevents its free return from that organ. The young, and those of a full plethoric habit, are most liable to attacks of the sanguineous apo- plexy ; and those of a phlegmatic constitution, or who are much advanced in Ufe, to the serous. Apoplexy is sometimes preceded by headache, giddiness, dimness qf sight, loss of memory, fal- tering of the tongue" in speaking, numbness in the extremities, drowsiness, stupor, and night-mare, all denoting an affection of the brain ; but it more usually happens that," witheut much previous in- disposition, the person falls down suddenly, the countenance becomes florid, the face appears swelled and puffed up, the vessels of the head, particularly of the neck and temples, seem turgid aud distended with blood; the eyes are promi- nent and fixed, the breathing is difficult and per- formed with a snorting noise, and the pulse is strong and full. Although the whole body is af- fected with the loss of sense and motion, it nevertheless takes place often more upon one ride than the other, which is called hemiplegia, and in this case, the side least affected with palsy is somewhat convulsed. In forming an opinion as to the event, we must be guided by the violence of the symptoms. If the at is of long duration, the respiration labori- ous and stertorous, and the person much advanced in years, the disease, in all probability, will ter- minate, fatally. In some cases, it goes off en- tirely ; but it more frequently leaves a state of mental imbecility behind it, or terminates in a hemiplegia, or in death. Even when an attack is recovered from, it most frequently returns again, after a shaft period of t inie, and in the end proves fatal. jn dissections of apoplexy, blood is often found effused on the surface and in the cavities of the brain ; and in other instances, a turgidity and "distention of the blood-vessels are to be observed. In some cases, tumours have been found attached to different parts of the sub- stance ofthe brain, and iu others, no traces of any real affection of it could be observed. On an attack of sanguineous apoplexy, all com- pression should be removed from the neck, the 93 APO patient laid with his head a good deal raised, and a free admission of cool air allowed. Then blood should be taken freely from the arm or the temporal aif try, or the jugular vein; which it may be sometimes necessary to repeat, if the symptoms continue, and the patient is still ple- thoric ; or if blood can less be spared, cupping or leeches may lessen the congestion in the brain. The next object should be thoroughly to evacu- ate the bowels by some active purgative, as calo- mel joined withidap, or with extract of colocynth, or followed by infusion of senna and some neutral salt, with a little tartarized antimony or tincture of jalap repeated every two hours till it operates; or a draugjrt of tincture of senna and wine of aloes, where the bowels are very torpid, may an- swer the purpose. Stimulant glysters will also be proper, particularly if the patient cannot swallow, as common salt and syrup of buckthorn, with a proper quantity of gruel, infusion of senna or infusion of colocynth ; or a turpentine glyster in elderly torpid habits. Cold should then be apphed assiduously to the scalp, the hair being previously shaved, and a blister to the back of the neck; and diaphoretic medicines maybe ex- hibited, avoiding, however, those which contain opium. Sinapisms to the feet may also be use- ful, particularly if these are cold If under these means, the sensibility does not gradually return, some of the gentle diffusible stimulants will be proper, as ammonia, mustard, aether, camphor,.&c.: and at this period, a blister to the scalp may come in aid. By some practition- ers emetics are recommended, but their Use is hazardous, especially if sufficient evacuations be not premised: and the same may be observed of sternutatories. In the serous form ofthe dis-. ease, general bleeding is inadmissible, and even the local abstraction of blood should be very sparingly made; the bowels should be kept open, especially by aloetic or mercurial formulae, but not procuring profuse discharges; and the other secretions maintained, especially by the use of the diffusible stimulants already mentioned; blisters to the head, and errhines may be here t also useful. When apoplectic symptoms have ' been occasioned by opium, or other narcotics, the timely discharge of this by an active emetic will be the most important measure; but in a plethoric habit, bleeding should be premised; subsequently various stimulants may be employ- ed, as ammonia, vinegar, &c. endeavouring to procure a determination to the surface, and rous- ' ing the patient from his torpid state. The pre- vention of the sanguineous form of the disease will be best attempted by abstemiousness, regular moderate exercise, and keeping up the evacua- tions ; an issue or seton may also be useful; but under urgent circumstances, bleeding, especially topical, must be resorted to. In leucophlegmatic habits, a more nutritious diet will be proper. APOPNI'XlS. (From airoirviyu>, to suffo- cate.) A suffocation.—Moschion. APOPSOPHE'SIS. (From a™, and d-opru, to emit wind.) The emission of wind, by the anus or uterus, according to Hippocrates. APOPSY'CHIA. (From'oTro, from, and t^^, the mind.) The highest degree of deliquium, or fainting, according to Galen. * APO'PTOSIS.' (From airo-ur™, to fall down.) A prolapsus, or falling down of any part through relaxation.—Erotian. Apore'xis. (From airo, and optyu>, to stretch out.) A play with balls, in the gymnastic exer- cises. Apo'ria. (From a, priv. and wspoj, a duct.) Restlessness, uneasiness, occasioned by the inter- 94 ' APU ruption of perspiration, or any stoppage of the natural secretions. ApOrrhi'psis. (From «7rop>*ru>, to cast oft.) Hippocrates used this word to signify that kind of insanity where the patient tears off his clothes, and casts them from him. Aposceparni'smus. (From airo, from, and oKcrapvtZw, to strike with a hatchet.) Deasda- tio. A species of fracture, when part of a bone is chipped off.—Gorraus. Aposcha'sis'. (From airo, and o-xa^w, to scarify.) Aposchasmus. A scarification. Ve- nesection.— Hippocrates. Aposi'tia. (From airo, from, and citos, food ) Apositios. A loathing of food.—Galen. Apospa'sma. (From mrooiraw, to tear off.) A violent, irregidar fracture of a tendon, liga- ment, &c.—Galen. APflBPHACELl'SIS. (From airo, and <7a, to boil.) A decoction. Apozeu'xis. (From atro, and ^evyvv/u, to se- parate.) The separation or removal of morbid parts.—Hippocrates. Apo'zymos. (From am, and CfipTi, ferment.) Fermented. APPAUA'TUS. (From appareo, to appear, or be ready at hand.j TJvis term is applied to the instruments and the preparation and arrange- ment of every thing necessary in the performance of any operation, medical, surgical, or chemical. Apparatus altus. See Lithotomy. Apparatus major. See Lithotomy. Apparatus minor. See Lithotomy. Apparatus, pneumatic. The discovery of aeriform fluids has, in modern chemistry, occa- sioned the necessity of somepeculiar instruments, by means of which those substances may, in dis- tillations, solutions, or other operations, be caught, collected, and properly managed. The proper in- struments for this are styled the pneumatic appa- ratus. Any kind of an? is specifically lighter than any liquid ; and, therefore, if not decom- posed by it, rises through it in bubbles. On tliis principle rests the essential part of the apparatus, adapted to such operations. Its principal part is the pneumatic trough, which is a kind of reservoir for tin liquid, through which the gas is conveyed and caused to rise, and is filled either with water or with quicksilver. Some inches below its brim an horizontal shelf is fastened, in dimension about half or the third part of the trough, aud.in the water-trough this is provided on its foremost edge with a row of holes, into which, from underneath, short-nee!.ed funnels are fixed. The trough is filled with water sufficient to cover the shelf, to support the receivers, which being previously Idled with water are placed invertedly, their open end turned down upon the above-mentioned holes, through vvhich afterwards the gases, conveyed there and directed by means of the funnels, rise in the form of air bubbles. In srme cases the trough must be filled with quicksilver, because water absorbs or decomposes some kinds of air. The price and specific gravity of that metaLmake it necessary to give to the quicksilver trough smaller dimensions. It is either cut in marble, or made of wood well joined. The late Karston has contrived an apparatus, which, to the advantage of saving room, adds that of great conveniency. To disengage gases, retorts of glass, either common or tubulated, are employed, and placed in a sand-bath, or heated by a lamp. Earthen, or coated glass retorts, are put in the naked fire. If necessary, they are joined with a metallic or glass conveying pipe. When, besides the aeri- form, other fluids are to be collected, the middle or intermediate bottle finds its use ; and to pre- vent, after cooling, the rising of the water from the trough into the disengaging vessel, the tube of safety is employed. For the extrication of gases taking place in solutions, for which no external heat is. required, the bottle called disengaging bottle, or proof, may be used. For receivers, to collect disengaged airs, various cylinders of glass are used, whether graduated or not, either closed at one end or open at both ; and in this last case, they are made air-tight by a stopper fitted by grinding. Besides these, glass bells and common Dottles are employed. To combine with water, in a commodious way, some gases that are only gradually and slowly ab- sorbed by if, the glass apparatus of Parker is ser- vicG3,blc APPENDI'CULA. A httle appendage. Appendicula ca;ci vermiformis. A ver- micular process, about four inches in length, and the size of a goose-quill, which hangs to the in- testinum caecum of the human body. Appendicul.e epiploicjE. Appendices coli adiposa. The small appendices of the colon and rectum, wliich are filled with adipose substance. See Omentum. APPENDICULA'TUS. Applied to leaves, leaf-stalks, &c. that are furnished with an addi- tional organ for some particular purpose not es- sential to it; as the Dionaa musripula, the leaves of which terminate each in a pair of tooth- ed irritable lobes, that close over and imprison insects ; as also the leaf of the Nepentha distit- latorea, which bears a covered pitcher full of water ; the leaves of our Utriculum, which have numerous bladders attached to them which seem to secrete air and float them ; and the pctiolusof the Dipsacus pilosus, whichjias httle leaves at its base. * APPENDIX. 1. An appendage ; that which belongeth to any thing. 2. See Apophysis. APPLE. See Pyrus. Apple, acid of. See Malic acid. Apple, pine. See Bromelia ananus. Apple, thorn. See Datura stramonium. Appropriate affinity. See Affinity interme- diate. APRICOT. See Prunus armeniaca. APYRE'XIA. (From a, priv. and vvpt^ia, a fever.) Apyrexy. Without fever. The inter- mission of feverish heat. APYRI'NUS. (From a, priv. and irvpvv, nu- cleus, a kernel.) Without n kernel. Apyrin.e plant-E. Plants without kernels. The name in Gerard's arrangement of a class of plants. APYROUS. Bodies which sustain the action of a strong heat for a considerable time, without change of figure or other properties, have been called apyrous ; but the word is now very seldom used. It is synonymous with refractory. A'QUA. See JVuter. A«iu.t aeris fixi. Water impregnated with fixed air. This is liquid carbonic acid, or water impregnated with carbonic acid. It sparkles in the glass, has a pleasant acididous taste, and 95 AQU AQI forms an excellent beverage. It diminishes thirst, lessens the morbid heat of the body, and acts as a powerful diuretic. It is also an excellent reme- dy in increasing irritabuity of the stomach, as in advanced pregnancy, and it'is one of the best anti-emetics which we possess. Aq.ua aluminis composita. Compound so- lution of alum, formerly called aqua aluminosa bateana. See Liquor aluminis compositus. Aqua ammonle acetate. See Ammonia acetatis liqum\ Aqua ammonia PURfi. See Ammonia. Aqua ahethi. See Anethum graveolens. Aquacalcis. See Calcis liquor. Aqua carui. See Carum rami. Aqua cinnamomi. See Laurus dnnamo- mum. Aqua coclestis. A preparation of copper. Aqua cupri ammoniati. See Cupriammo- niati liquor. Aqua cupri vitriolati composita. This preparation of the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, is used externally, to stop haemorrhages of the nose, and other parts. It is made thus : J^ Cupri vi- triolati, Aluminis, sing. Zss. Aqua pura, ?iv. Addi vitrioljri, 3*j- Boil the salts in water un- til they are dissolved ; then filter the liquor, and add the acid. Aqua distii lata. Distilled water. This is made by distilUng water in clean vessels, until about two-thirds have come over. In nature, no water is found perfectly pure. Spring or river water always contains a portion of saline matter, principally sulphate of lime ; and, from this im- pregnation, is unfit for a number of pharmaceutic preparations. By distillation, a.perfectiy pure water is obtained. The London College directs ten gallons of common water; ©f which, first' distil four pints, which are to be thrown away ; then distil four gallons. This distilled water is to be kept in glass vessels. See Water. Aqua fceniculi. See Anethum faniculum. Aqua fortis. This name is given to a weak and impure nitric acid, commonly used in the arts. It is distinguished by the terms double and dngle, the single being only half the strength of the other. The artists who use these acids call the more concentrated acid, which is much strong- er even than the double aqua fortis, spirit of nitre. This distinction appears to be of some utility, and is therefore not improperly retained by chemical writers. See Nitric acid. Aqua kali pr.eparati. See Potassa sub- carbonatis liq\ior. Aqua kali puri. See Potassa liquor. Aqua lithargyri acetati. See Plumbi acetatis liquor. Aqua lithargyri acetati composita. See Plumbi acetatis liquor dilutus. Aqua marine. See Beryl. Aqua Mentha piperita. See Mentha pi- perita. Aqua Mentha sativ*. See Mentha vi- ridis. Aqua Mentha viridis. See Mentha vi- ridis. Aqua de napoli. See Aquetta. Aqua pimento. See Myrtus pimento. Aqua pulegh. See Mentha Pulegium. Aqua regia. Aquaregalis. This acid, which is a mixture of the nitric and muriatic acids, lately called nitro-muriatic, . "The spider. ARA'NTIUS, Ju'lius Cesar, a celebrated anatonpst and physician, born at Bologna, about1 tb,e year 1530. After studying under Vesalius, and others, he graduated and became professor there, and died in 1589. In his first work, " On the Human Foetus," he described the foramen ovale, and ductus arteriosus, and corrected several errors in the anatomy of the gravid uterus, which had been generally derived from the examination of brutes. He afterwards showed that the blood, after birth, could only pass from the right to the left side by the heart through the vessels of the lungs, thus preparing for the discovery of the cir- culation of Haryey. A Treatise on Tumours, and a Commentary on part of Hippocrates, were also written by him. ARA'TRUM. The plough. A plant has this for a trivial name, because its roots are found to hinder the plough: hence remora aratri. See Ononis spinosh. ' ARBOR. A tret. 1. In botany, a plant, con- sisting of one trunk which rises to a great height, is very difrable, wdBdy, and divided at its 'top into branches which do not perish in the winter ; as the oak, elm, ash, &c. 2. In anatomy, it is applied to parts which ramify like a tr^e; as the Arbor vita of the ce- rebellum. 3. In chemistry, applied to crystallisations whiefffamify like branches. Arbor diaNjE. See Silver. Arbor vita:. The tree of life. 1. The cortical substance of the cerebellum is so disposed, that, when cut transversely, it ap- pears ramified like a tree, from which circum- stance it 8 teftned arbor vita. 2. The name of a tree formerly in high esti- mation in medicine^. See Thuya occidentalis. Arbores. One of the natural divisions or families bf plants. Trees consist of a single and ■ durable woody trunk, Bearing branches, which do not perish in the winter, as Tilia, Fraxinus, Py*us, &c. ABBUSTIVA. ' (tj-om* arbustum, a copse of shrubs or trees.) The name of an order of plants in Linnaeus's natural method. ARBUTHNOT, John, a physician, born in Scotland soon after the restoration, celebrated for his wit and learning. He graduated at Aberdeen, and settling in this metropolis, had the good for- tune to be at Epsom, when Prince George of Denmark vva^ taken ill there; whom, having restdted to health, he was appointed physician to Queen Anne, but never got into very extensive practice. «>His chief medical pubUcations were " On the Choice of Aliments," and " On the Effects of Air upon Human Bodies." He died in 1735. A'RBUTUS. The name of a^nus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decwndria; Order, Monogynia. Arbutus, trailing. See ArbMus uvaursi. Arbutus unedo. Amatzquitl; Unedo pa- pyraeea. A decoction of the bark of the root of this plant is commended in fevers. Akbutus cva ursi. The systematic name for the officinal trailing Arbutus ; Bear's berry; ARC c Bear's whortle-berry ; Bear's whorts; or Bear's bilberries ; called also Vaccaria. Arbutus— caulibus procumbentibus, foliis integerrimis, of Linnaeus. This plant, though employed by the ancients in several diseases, requiring adstringent medicines, had almost entirely fallen into disuse until the 'middle of the present century, when it first drew the attention of physicians, as a useful remedy in calculous and nephritic complaints, which diseases it appears to relieve by its ad- stringent qualities. A'rca arcanorum. The mercury ofethe phi- losophers. , A'rca cordis. The pericardium. ARCA'NUM. A secret. A medicine, the preparation or efficacy of which is kept from the world, to enhance its value. With the chemists, it is a thing secret and incorporeal; it can only be known by experience, for it is the virtue of every thing, which operates a thousand times more than the thing itself. Arcanum catholicum. Bezoar, plantain, and colchicum. Arcanum duplex. Arcanum duplicatum. A name formerly given to the combination of po- tassa and sulphuric acid, more commonly called vitriolated tartar, and now sulphate of potassa. Arcanum tartari. The acetate of potassa. Arc e'rthos. Juniper. ARCHLETIS. I. The universal "archaeus, or principle of Van Helmont, was the active princi- ple of the material world. See Vis vita. 2. Good health. A'rche. (From apxi, the"beginning.) The earliest stage of a disease. Arche'nda. (Arabian.) A powder made of the leaves of the ligustrum, to ^check the foetid odour of the feet. Archeo'stis. White briony. Archil. See Lichen rocella. ♦ Archilla. See Lichen rocella. Archima'gia. (From apxm the chief, and - magaa, the Arabian for meditation.) Chemis- try, as being the chief of sciences. Archi'tholus. (From apxv, the chief, and SoXos, a chamber.) The sudatorium," 6V princi- pal room of the ancient baths. ARCHOPTO'MA. (Fromap^oj, the anus, and iri7rru, to fall down.) A Searing down of the rectum, or prolapsus ani. ' A'rchos. (From apxos, anarch.) The anils ; so called from its shape. * ARCTA'TIO. (From arcto, to make.nar- row.) Arctitudo. Narrowness. * 1. A constipation of the intestines, from in- flammation. 2. A preternatural straitness of the pudendum muliebre. A'RCTIUM. (From apici-os, a bear ; so call- ed from its roughness.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Synge- nesia; Order, Polygamia aqualis. The bur- dock. Arctium lappa. The systematic name for fhe herb clot bur, or burdock. Bardana ; Arc- tium; Britanriica; Ilaphis. The plant so call- ed in the pharmacopoeias, is the Arctium—foliis cordatis, inermibus, petiolatis, of Linnaeus. It grows wild injincultivated grounds. The seeds have a bittelWi subaend taste: they are recom- mended as yery efficacious diuretics, given either in the form owemulsion, or in powder, to the quantity of a drachm. The roots taste sweetish, with a slight austerity and bitterness: they are esteemed aperient, diuretic, and sudorific ; and are said to act without irritation, so as to be safely ventured upon in acute disorders. Decoc- 98 mUK t> * tions of them have been used, 111 rheumatic, t gouty, venereal, and other disordersy and are preferred by some to those of sarsaparilla. Two ounces of the roots are to be boiled in three pints of v/ater, to a quart; to this, twoedrachms of sulphate of potassa have been usually added. Of this decoctum, a pint should be taken every day in scorbntic and rheumatic cases, and when intended as a diuretic, in a shorter period. ARCTIZITE. The foliated •'species of sea- * polite. See Scupolile. ARCTU'RA. (From arcto, to straiten.) An inflammation .of the finger, or toe^ fromlfcurva- ture of the nail.—Linnaus. ARCUA'LIA. (From arcus, a bow.) Ar- cualis. The sutura coronalis is so named, frpm its bow-like shape ; ani, for the same reason, the tfones of the sinciput are called arcudfia onto. —Bartholin. * •>' ARCUA'TIO. (From arcus, a bow..) A gibbosity of the fore-parts, with a curvafion of 0 the sternum, of the tibia, or dorsal verftbrte".— Avicenna. "' A'rcul^e. (A dim. of area, a chest.) The orbitt or sockets of the eyes. A'RDAS. (Frorit aps, a,sen>ent: which it is«ud to resemble.) The Want which was ~ nymus europeus and Italia. 2. Cartiluginous; in Co'/ea Arabica. 3. Dimidiate, half ro-ind ; as Li 2'axus bac- cala. • ' 4. Laci-niiv, cut-like ; as in the mace of the Myristica moschata. 5. Reticulate, net-like, surrounding the seed like a net; as in the Orchis tribe. 6. Tricuspid; as in Malva coromandiliana. 7. Hirsute, hairy ; as in Geranium incanum. 8. Villous ; in Geranium dissectum. ARISTA. (From areo, to dry.) The awn; a sharp beard, or point, or bristle-like filament, .lrgentate of ammonia. Fulminating silver, which proceeds from the husk or glume of gras ses. Its distinctions are into, I. Naked, without villi; as in Stipa arguens and juncea. 2. Plumose, having white villi; as in Stipa pennata. 3. Straight, as in Bromus secalinus, ,'and mollis.' 4. Geniculate, having a knee-like bend; as Argent*, nitras. Argelttum nilratum; Causticuiilfunare. Nitrate of .sijver. Takeof 'silver an ounce ; iiitricjyM, a fluid ounce ; dis- tilled water, two fluidoune'es. Mix the nitric- acid and water, and dissolv£the silver therein on a sand bath^.thwf increasejjhe heat gradually that the nitrate of sil«cr may be dried. Melt »the salt in a crucible over a sltow fire until the * water being evaporated, it shall cease to bod; \vlth Avena saliva. then pour it quiclQy,itit6 moulds of convenient 6. Recurved, bent back ; as in Holcus lanatus, shape^ Its virtues arc cojrosive and astringent, and Agrostis Canina. Infernally it is exhibited in' very small quantities, 6. Tortile, twisted like a rope; as in Agrostis in epilepsy, chorea, and otherlnervous affections, rubra, aud Aira montana. and externally it is employed to destroy fungous 7. Terminal, fixed to the apex of the husk : it excrescences, callous, ulcers, fistulas, &c. In, is so in Agrostis ndliace.a. the latter disease* it is used as an injection ; from 8. _Dorsal, fixed to the back or outward part two grains to three oeing dissolved in an oiincc of the husk ; as in Agrostis canina;,Bromus; of distilled water. ... ^Alopecuris. ARGE'NTUM. ' (Argentum, i. m. ; from 3. Uncinate, hooked; as in Panicum hirtel- yos, white, because it is of a^ white colour.) lum. AMSTALTH.'E'A. (From api<-os, best, and aXOaia, the althaea.) The common marsh-mal- low. See Althaa officinalis. ARISTATUS. (From arista, the awn.) Awned. Applied to leaves, leaf-stalks, &c. when terminated by a long rigid spine, which in a leaf does not appear as a contraction. In Galium adsUitum, the leaf-stalk is awned. AR!STO£0'CJfIA. (Aristolochia, a. f. ; from apiazes, good, and Xo^ia or Xo^sta, parturition ; so called becafese.it was supposed to be of sove- rcignTuse in disorders incident to child-birth. I. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean mfsystegp. Class, Gynandria; Order, Hexan- suvej- See Silver. Argentuh»fusum. Chide mercury. Argentum^ mobile. Crude mercury. # Augentdw nitratum. See Argenltnitriks. Argentum vivum. See 3Iercury. A'rges. . (From ^yos, white.). A serpent, with a whitish skin, deemed by Hipocrates ex- ceedingly venomous. « ARGPLLA. (Argilla,a..f.; from apjos, white.) Argil. Wbite clay ; See Alumina. Argi£La vitbjolata. Alum. • ARGILLACEOUS. Of Or belonging to ar- gilla, or aluminous earth. Sec Alumrna. Argillaceous earth, t'-e Alumina. Argillaceous schislus. See Clay-Mute. ARGILLITJE. See Clay-slate. • 2. The pharmacopojial name of the long-rooted Arc^ri'tis. (From opyupof, silver.) Litharge, birthwort. 'See Aristolochia longa. or'spumeof silver. A kind of earth was formerly AristDlochia anguicida. Snake-kilh'ng so named, whicji is! taken from silver n1ine%aud* birthvyort. Ai'istojochiar—foliis cordatis, acu- is bespangled with many particles of silver. minatis ; caule vo'ubili, fructicoso; pedunculis ARGYltO'COME. (From apyjpos, silver, solitariis ; stipulvs cordatis, of Linnaeus. The and xopri, .hair.) A species oi" gnynhalium or juice of the root of this plant has the property of cudweed was so named from its vvmte silvery so stuptfying,serpents, that they may be handled floscules. with impunity. One or two drops are sufficient; Argvroli'banos. The wlifte olibanum. and if more be dropt into the mouth, they be- Aruyro'i'iiora. An antidote, in the cpmnp- come convulsed. So ungrateful is the smell of sition of wliich there is silver. • , the root to tliose reptiles, that it is said they irn- ARGYROTROPHE'MA. (From apyos, white, mediately turn from it. The juice is also esteem dria. and rpo^ijpu, food,) A white cooling food, made' with milk. Milk diet.—Galen. Ahhehmati'sto.. (From a, neg. and ptv- pan^u), to be afflicted with rheums.) Not beting afflicted with jroi.tv rheums. AKICY'MON.' (From apt 'and kvu>, to be quickly impregnated.) A woman who conceives quickly and olten. ARILLUS. (Frqm arire, to be dry or patch- ed. ) The seed-coat or tunic of the permanent husk that invests a seed, vvhich drying falls off spontaneously. It is a peculiar membrane, thick, and loosely surrounds the seed. The varieties of arilli are, ed as a, preventive against the effects usually pro- ducctTby the Lite of venomous serpents. Aristolochia clematitis. Aristolochia tenuis. The systematic name of the Aristolo- chia vulgaris of some pharmacopoeias. An ex- tract is ordered by the Wirtemberg Pharmaco- peia, and the pjant is retained in that of Edin- burgh. It is esteemed as possessing antipodagric virtues. Aristolochia fabacea. See Fumariabul- bosa. Aristolochia longa. The systematic name for the aristolochia of our pharmacopoeias. Aris- tolochia :—foliis cordatis, petiolatis, integerri- 99 ARM Wis, oblusiusculis; caule injirmo, floribus soli- tariis. The root of this plant only is in use ; it possesses a somewhat aromatic smell, and a warm bitterish taste, accompanied with a slight degree of pungency. The virtues ascribed to this root by tbe ancients were very considerable ; and it was frequently employed in various diseases, but particularly in promoting the discharge of the lochia; hence its name. It is now very rarely used, except in gouty affections, as an aromatic stimulant. Aristolochia rotunda. The root of tliis species of birthwort, Aristolochia—foliis corda- tis, subsesnlibus, obtusis; caule injirmo; Jlo- ribus solitaries, of Linnaeus ; is used indiscrimi- nately with that of the aristolochia longa. See Aristolochia longa. Aristolochia serpentaria. The syste- matic name for the Serpentaria Virginian a of the pharmacopoeias. Aristolochia; Colu- brina vtrginiana ; Viperina ; Viperina virgi-m niana; Pesiilochia; Contrayerva Virginian a. Virginian snake-root. The plant which affords this root is the Aristolochia—foliis cordato ob- longis planis ; caulibus infirmis flexuosis tere- tibus ; floribus solitariis. Caulus geniculate valde nodosa. Flores ad radicem of Linnaeus. Snake-root has an aromatic smell,, approaching to that of valerian, but more agreeable ; and a warm, bitterish, pungent taste. It was first re- commended as a medicine of extraordinary power in counteracting the poisonous effects of metrites of serpents ; this, however, is now,wholly disre-, garded: but as it possesses tonic and antiseptic effijl Arniea. * Arnic virtues, and is generally admitted as a powe: stimulant and diaphoretic, it is employed, in the present day, in some fevers where these effects are required. A tinctura is directed both by the London and Edinburgh Pharmacopoeias. * Aristolochia tenuis. See Aristolochia clematitis. , Aristolochia trilobata. Three-lobed birthwort. The root, and every part of this plant, Aristolochia foliis truobis,' cqptle%olu- oili, floribus maximis of Linnaeus, is diuretic, and is employed in America against the 'Bite of serpents. • Aristolochia vulgaris. - See Aristolochia clematitis. Aristophanei'on its inventor.) The name of an anci'ent^emol- &c.) Aromatics lient plaster, composed of wax, or pitch.—Gor- AROMA'TIC. raus. ARMA botany, applied to a species of armature or offen sive weapons. They are one of the seven kinds of fulcra, or props of plants enumerated by Lin- naeus in his Delineatio planta. Ijhey are pun- gent points in some part of a plant. In the pre- sent day, arma is used as a generic term embra- cing the aculeus,furca, spina, and stimulus. ARMATUTIA. 1. See^rma. - 2. The amnios or internal membrane which surrounds the foetus. ' " „ ' ARMATURE. See Arma. A'rme. (From aput, to adapt.) 1. A junc- tion of tbe lips of wounds. 2. The joining of the sutures of the head. « Armi'lla. (Diminutive of armus, the arm.) having distinguished himself less in his prWes- sion than as a poet, particularly by his "Essay on the Art of Preserving Health," in blank verse. He afterwards attcndecT the army in Germany, which brought him more into notice ns a physi- cian. He attained the age of seventy, anfl died in pretty gTiod circumstances. His professional publications are not'ofmuch note ; the principal one is entitled '^Medical "Essays." He JBsitp- pbscd, howeve* to have contributed materially to ajiseful Treatise-on the Disease's of Children, published by his brother George, who, after practising many years' as an apothecary, obtain- ed a diploma in medicine. \ A'RNICA. (Arnich, a. f. ApviKvi from aps, a lamb ; because of the likeness of the leaf of this pkmt to tjie coat^ot the''lamb.) * ArntCa. 1. The name of a^fcenus of plants in the Linnaean 1 system.—Class, Sytigenesia; Order, Polygamia superflua. « * 2. Thepharmacoptcial naroc'oLthe Mountain arnica. See Arnilu mvntana. Tr * Arnica mon*ana. The systematic name fo the arnica of the pharmacopeias. Arnica--), His ovatifcintegris ; taulimt geminis oppodt of Linnaeus. Doronicum Germanicum. Acy- rus. The flowers of this plant.arc very generally employed on the Continent. Ofthe advantages derived from theii^use, in psau'.ytic and other af- . fections, depending upon a want of nervous ener- gy, there are several proofs ; a"hd their extraor- dinary ^irtues, as a febrifugS and antiseptic, have been highly extolled by J&r. Collin, of Vienna. Pduch caution is necessary in regulating the dose, as it is a medicine very apt to produce vomitinj and much uneasiness of the stomach See suedensis. See Inula dysenterica. Sir" Se&J2ixa orleana. AllO'MAk (Aroma, matis. ncut,; from api, intensely, anuVo^w, to smell.) Spiritis rector. The odorous principle of plants, and other sub- stances, which haye their characteristic smell. This is called by the moderns, aroma. Water phargfd,wilh aroma, is called the distijjed water P of the substance made use cf: thus.lavender and peppermint"waters are water impregnated with »' %the aroma of the laverder and peppermint. (From Aristophanes, AromsjJta. (Apupara, sweet spices, herbs, (Aromaiicus; from apiopa, * „, T an odour.) A term applied to a grateful spick/ (Arma, orum. fl. n. Arms.)__ In ^sceirL and an agreeable pungent taste, as ciniu? mori"Dark, cardamoms,>&c. .. :.'.. Aromatic vinegar. See Acetum aromhfi- cum. AromatiVe plants. Odoriferous or strong and agreeable smeUinz plants. The name of al* class of plants in some natural arrangements. % *Aroma'ticus cortex. A name for canella J alba. . Cortex wvnteranus. ™ AROMATOPG'LA. (From apUpa, an odour, and TruiXto., to sell.) A druggist; a vender of drugs and spiceries. ARQUEBUSA'DE. (A French word, im- plying good for a gun-shot wound.) Aqua sclopetana; Aqua vulneraria; Aqua cata- pultarum. The name of a spirituous water, dis- The round ligament which confines the tendons * tilled, from afarra-o of aromatic nlantT Z. of the c.arnns. _ AT>t>A/r littire. It is applied to the era- niiun when naturally without sutures. * ARRUJE'A. (Fromu, neg. and^oD, toflow.) The suppression of' any natural flux, as the menses, &c. ARRHIZUS. (From a, priv. and pify ... AKS ,. nitro-muriatic acid, and then prec^jjAateiLby im- mersing into thcMtolntion a plate of zlhtv. .The ars< nic is thus precipitated in » line powder, and may be" reduced tQ a mass, by exposing itin a|eo- vered crucible to a moderate heat. " It i> among the most combustible of the me- tals, burns with a blue flame, and garlic smell, root: without root.) LApplied to paraatical and sublimes in the state of arsenious' acid. pints, which have no roots, but adhere and im- ^ Concentrated sulphuric acid does not attack bibe tneir nourishment by ainastomosing of the arsenic when cold; but if it be boiled upon frfs vessels; as Vvscum album, and Loranthus eu~ metal, sulphurous acid gas is emitted, a small roveus. quantity of sulphur subhmes, and the arsenic is ARROWHEAD. The Sagittaria sagittifo- reduced to an oxyde. Via of Linna-us. The roots of this plant are said ■ Nitrous acid readily attacks arsenic, and con- to be esculent, but it must be in limes of very verts it into arsenious acid, or, if much be era- great scarcity. ** flk ployed, into arsenic acid. ' ■Ar roiim-qet, See Maragta. Boiling muriatic acid dissolvesju;senic, but ef- See Lety. « Arrow-shaped. ARSE'NIATE. , (Arsenias, atis. m<; from arsenicum, arsCnicji A salt formed fcy a com- .bination of arseniewcid with salifiable bases ; as arscniate of ammonia, wliich is produced by the union of ammonia with arsenic acidf i'T clinin.T. sometimes lt> a green ; the "colour of the briafit as - ; perties of an acid. |t is soluble in water, and ine oxyde of arsenic will be reduced, and be found lining the ubp.r crucible in small crystals potassa,) and put the~ini>tnre into a cruciple, •nUfcing pot. Invert over this another crucible, lute the two together with a little clay ant sand, and apply A-adually axed heat to the lower one. Tie found lining the upp. of'a metallic brilliancy. The charcoal oi th? black flux fakes in this process the oxygen from the white oxyde, and forms carbonic acid gas ; which flics off during the process, and the oxyde becomes reduced to the metallic state.' This reduction of the oxyde is »rentry facilitated by the alkali of the flux. Remark.—In order to obtain arsenic in a state of absolute purity, the metal thus obtained must be reduced to a powder, dissolved by heat in its solution forms a soluble compound with po- tassa. u *^ * Arsenic combines with hydrogen into a very noxious compound, called arsenuretted hydrogeii gas. To prep-ire it, fuse ir»% covered crucible 3 parts of granuh.ted tin, and 1 of metallic arsenic in powder; and submit tins alloy, broken in pieces, to the action of muriatic acid in a gkv-s retort. On applying a moderate heat, the ar- senuretted hydrogen CTjmes over, and may be received in a mercurial' or water pneumatic titaigh. Pfbtomuriate of tin remains in the re- A prime equivalent of hydrogen is to one of arsenic as 1 to 76 ; and i consequently as I to 88. 101 *. ARS Gehlen fell a victim to his researches on this gas; and therefore the new experiments requisite to eluciftate its constitution must be conducted with circumspection. It texthiguishes flame, and in- stantly destroys an imal life. Water has no effect upon it. From the experiments of Sir H. Davy, md Gay Lussac and Thenard, there appears to and distilling in a glass retort, fitted with a re- ceiver, a violent combination will ensue, as soon as the mixture is sufficiently heated to melt the sulphur The whole mass rises almost*t once, forming a red sublimate, and sidphurous acid passes over into the receiver. , . , „1 If pure arsenic acid be diluted. with a small- be a sohd compound of hydrogen and arsenic, or-t quantity of water, and hydrogen gas, as it is a hydruret It is formed by acting with the ne- evolved by the action of sulphuric acid on irffl», gative pole of a voltaic battery on arsenic plun^ ed in water. It is reddish brown, without lustre, taste, and smell. It is not decomposed at a heat approaching to cherry-red ; but at this tempera- ture it absorbs oxygen ; while water and arsenious acid are formed, with the evolution of heat and light. The proportion of the two constituents is not known, y. Arsenic ft used in a variety of arts,> It enters into metallic comhinatiofis, wherein a white co- lour is required. Glass manufacturers use it; but its effect in, the composition of glass does not seem to be"blearly explained. 'Orpiment and re- algar arenised as pigments." L Arsenic and its various preparations are the most active of all poisons. That vvhich is mostly taken, is the white oxyde, or arsenious acid. Seeulrsenious add. ARSENIC ACID. Addum urseufcum; Aci- dum Mrsenicale. " We are indebted to the illus- trious Scheele for the discovery of tliis acid, be- received into this transparent solution, the liquor grows turbid, and a blackish precipitate is formed, which, being well washed with distilled, water, exhibits all the phenomena.*!' irsenic. Sometimes, too, a blackish-gray oxyde of arsenic" is found in thiS-process. If sulphuretted hydrogen gas be employed in- stead of simple hycbjggen gas, water and a sul- phuret of arsenic are obtained. .» With phosphorus, phosphoric acid is obtained, and.a phosphuret of arsenic,|vvhich sublimes. The arsenic aci with it By means of heat, ,but without any ma- tions. ,lt.jmay be obtained by various method: If six parts of nitric acid be poured «on one of the concrete^arsenibus acids, or white arsenic of the shops, in the pneumato-chemical apparatus, tc rial alteration in their natures. If phosphorus • acid be heated upon it for some time, it saturates itself with oxygen, and becomes phosphoric acid. T Thcarsenic acid combines with the earthy ^nd liAis >)ui/jA)y "i vnv j»jn,umiw,u vvuv»"l'iii MUiroiaiU^j J. 1AV* at a^UJl/ OVl\| IsWIUL'AU^o tfitu ijliv vh« luJ|^u and heat be applied, nitrous gas will be evolved,* alkaline bases, and forms saltsTery different from" anrl a 'urhlit.*pnnp.rf.+i* cilHdt'mpn rllffsrinir in il.- .,rn^" ttinoo Iii»r.iako^ liir ilia oiMptiinnc npiH.i. and a white'eoncrete substance, differing in it s pro perties from the arsenious acid, will remain in the retort. ' This is the arsenic acid. It inay equally be procured by means of aqueous chlorine, or by heating-concentrated nitric acid with twice its weight of the solution'of the arsenious acid in muriatic acid. 'Thejconcreteiacid should be ex- posed to a^-dull red heat for a (lew minutes. In ( either case" an acid is obtained, that'does'"not crystallise, but attracts the moisture of tiip air, has a slferp caustic taste, reddens blue vegetable colours, is fixed in the fire, and of the specific gravity of 3.391. '-sf^ £. .*'■ * a the arsenic apid be exposed Jp a red.heat in a glas3j-etort, it melts anufbecomes transparent, but assumes a milky hue on cooling. —If thehejat be increased, so that the^retort begins to melt,.the acjid boils, and sublimes into the neckjof the re- tort. If a covered crucible be used- instead of the glass retort ,«and a violent heat applied, the qcid boils strongly, and in a quarter of an hour those furnished by the arsenious acid* All these arseniates are decomposable by char- coal, which separates arseme'from them by means of heat." All itjLsalts, with the exceptfonjipf those of po- tassa, soda, and ammonia, are inanuble in water; but except arseniate of bismuth, antj one or two more, very soluble in an excess of arsenic acidr* Hence, after' barytes or oxyde of lead hai been precipitated by this acid, its farther addition re- dissolves the precipitate. This.is a useful criterion of the acid, joined to ife reductionto the metalhc state by^charcoifl, ancT'thi other characters al- ready deta^d. Sulphuric acid decomposes the arseniates at a low temperature, b.ut the sulphates aije decomposed, by arsenic acid at a red heat, owing to the greater fixity of the latter. Phospho- ric, nitric, muriatic, and fluoric acids, dissolve,' and probably convert into subsalts all the arseni- ates. The whoh; of them, as well as arsenic aeid itself when decomposed at Ared heat by charcoal, begins to emit fumes. These, on being received ^ield the characteristicg^Uc smell of the metallic in a glass belL are found to be arsenious acid; vapour. Nitrate of silver gives a pulverulent and a small quantity of a transparent glass, iU&tei cult to fuse, will be found lining the sides of the crucible. This is arseniate of alumina. Combustible "siibstangies decompose this acid. If two parts of arsenic acid be mixed with about one of charcoal, the mixture introduced into a glass retojl, coated^ and a mausiss adapted to it; and the retort then gradually rieated in a rever- beratory furnace, till the bottom is red; the mass will be inflamed violent!^, and the acid reduced, and rise to themeck of the retort.in the metallic state-, mixed with a little~ oxyde and'charcoal powder. A few drops of water, devoid of acidity, wijl be found in the receiver. With sulphur the phenomena are different.^ If a mixture of six parts of arsenic acid, and one of powdered sulphur, be digested together, no change •vilr take place; but on evaporating to dryness, 4 102 brick-coloured precipitate, with arsenic acid. The sacid itself does not. disturb the transpa- rency of a solution of sulphate of copper ; but a neutral arseniate gives with it a bluish-gtfceaj precipitate; with sulphate of cobalt, a dirty red ; and with sulphate of nickel, an apple-green precipitate. These precipitates redissolve,' on adding a small quantity of the, acid which pre- viously held them in solution. Orfila says, that arsenic acid gives, with acetate of copper, a bluish-white precipitate, but that it exercises no action either on the muriate or acetate of cobalt; but with the amnionio-muriate, it gives a rose-co- loured precipitate. Arsenic ticid ought to be ac- counted a more .yiqlent poison man even the ar- senious. The arseniate of barytes is insoluble, uncrys- tallisable, soluble in an excess of its acid, and de- ASS MIS oooipos-able by sulphuric acid, which precipitates aWphate of barytes. < The bin-arstmate of potassa is made on the gffat «caic in Saxony, by fusing together equal parts of nitre and arsenious acid ; dissolving tbe melted mass, and crystallising the salt. Of the arseniate of strontian' nothing is known, but no doubt it resembles that of barytes. With limr-iputrr this acid forms alprecipitate ot'arscniatr tf [tmc, soluble in an excess "of its base, or in an excess of its acid, though insoluble alone. The acidulous arseniate of Time affords' on evaporation little crystals, decomposable by sulphuric acid. ■ The same salt maybe formed by adding carbonate oflime to the solution of arse- nic acid. This acid does not decompose the ni- trate or muriate of lime ; but the saturated alka-' fine arseniate! decomposethem by double affinity, precipitating the insoluble calcareous arseniate. If arsenic acid be saturated with magnesia, a thick substance is formed nearthe point of satura- tion. This arseniate of magnesia is -ffnble in 'an excess of acid ; and on being evaporated takes the form of a jelly, without crystallising. Nei- ther the sulphate, nitrate, nor muriatenpt^nagne- sia is decomposed- by arseiic acid, though they are by the saturated alkaline arseniates. • Argttiic acid, saturated with potassa,*does not easily crystallise.* This arseniate, being evapo- rated to dryness, attracts the humidity o» the air, and turn* the%yrup of violets gi een^ without al- tering the Solution of litmus. It fuses into a white glass, and with a strong-fire ■is converted into a% acidule^part of the alkali being abstracted by the silex and alumina of the crucibleV^If ejrposed to a red heat with charcoal in $lose vessels, it swells uji very much, and arsenic is sublimed. It is de- composed by sulphuric "acid; but in the humid way the decomposition is not obvious, as the ar- senic acid remains in solution. On evaporation, however, this acid and sulphate* of potassa are »■ obtained. * * ■«'«.*, If arsenic acid be &dded to the preceding salt, till it ceases to have any effect on the- syrup of violets, it will redden the solutionjof litmus ; and in this state it affords very regular and wery trans- parent cfystals, of the figure of .quadrangular prisms, terminated by Ijvo tetraedral pyramids, the angles of which answer to those of- the prisms. These cristals are the arsenical neutral salt of Macqucr. As this salt differs from the preceding arseniate by its crystallisability, its reddening so- lution of litmus, its not decomposing the calca- " reouswd magnesian salts Uke it, and its capabi- lity of absorbing an additional portion oipotassa, so as to become neutral, it ought trfoe distin- guished from it by the t^im of acidulous arse- niate of potassa. With soda in sufficient quantity to saturate it, arsenie acid forms ar-salt crystallisable like the acidulous arseniate of potassa. To form the neutral awenia^c, carbonate of soda should be added to the acid, till the mixture be decidedly alkaline. This saltcrystalhses from the concen- trated solution. It is much more soluble in hot than1 in cold water, Pelletier says, that the crys- tals are hexaedral prisms^ termiimted by planes pcrpemliciilar to their axis. Tliis neutral arse- niate of soda, however, while it differs completely from that of potassa in this respect, ;md in beco- ming deliquescent instead of crystallisable on the addition of a surplus portion ot arsenic acid, re- sembles the arseniate of potassa in its decomposi- tion by charcoal, by acids, and by the earths. Combined with ammonia, arsenic acid forms a -alt affording rhomlioidal crystals analogous to those of the nitrate of soda. The arseniate of foda and ammonia is formed by mixing the two separate arseniates; and the compound salt gives crystals with brilliant fadfes. If we redissolvc the crystals, and then recrystaj^ Use, we should add a little arnMonia. otherwise the salt will be acidulous from'(he escape of some ammonia. '* Arsenic acid saturated with alumina forms a1 thick solution, which, being evapofl|led to dry- ness, yields a salt insoluble in water, and decom- posable by the sulphuric, nitric, and muriatic acids, as well as by all the other earthy and alka- line blises. The arsenic acid readily dissolves the alumina of the crucibles in which it is reduced to a state of fusion ; ^and, fhusiit attacks silex also, on which it has no effect in the humid way. •» \ * By the assistance of a strong ifere, as'FourciSy as%rts, arsenic acid decomposes the alkaline and earthy sulphates, even that of barytes; the sul- phuric icid flyjpg off in vapour, and the arseniate remaining in the retort. It acts in the same man- ner on "the nitrate, frfflh wliich it expels the pure acid. It hkewisC*decomposes the muriates at a higtftempcrature, the muriatic acid being evolved in the form of gfts, and the arsenic acid combining with their bases, winch it saturates.; while the arsenious acid is too volatile to have thilf effect. It acts in the same manner on the fluates, and still more easily'on the carbonates, with which, by the assistance qt' heat, it excites a brislceffervfes- cence. Lagrange, however, denies that it "acts on any of the neutral salts, except* the sulphate of pntassa and soda,'the nitrate of potassap qpd the muriates of soda and ammonia, and this by means of heat. - I* does not act on the phosphates}- but precipitates the'horacic acids from solutions t of borates when beaten'. Arsenic acid does not act on gold or platina; neither idoes it on mercury or^ilveij witiiout the aid of a strong heat; but it oxydises copper, iron, lead, tin, zinc, bismutn, antimon*, cobalt, nickel, manganese, and arsenic. - This aoid is not used in the arts, at least direct- ly, though indirectly it forms a part bf some corn- positions Used iu dyeing. It is likewise one of the mineralising acids combined by nature with some of the' metallic oxydes."—Ure's Chem. Diet. Arsenic, oxyde of. See Arsenious add. Arsenic, ichite. See Arsenious acid]. Akse'nical catstic. A species of caustic said to possess useful properties, independent of those of destroying morbid parts to which it is applied. It is composed of two parts of levigated antimony to one of white arsenic. This is the caustic so extensively employed under the name of arsenical caustic, by the late Mr. Justamond, in his treatment of cancers. Ar*ekica'irs liquor. ArseMcal solution. Take of sublimed oxyde of arseiile, in very fine (Jowder, subcarbonate of potassa from tartar, of each 64 grains * distil led water a pint. Boil them together in a glass vessel, until the arsenic be en- tirely dissolved. When the sortition is cold, add compound spirit of lavender, four fluid drachms. Then add as much distilled water as may exacdy fill a pint measure.. Tliis preparation accords with the formula of Dr. Fowler, of Stafl'ord, who first introduced it in imitation of a celebrated popular remedy for intermittents, sold under the name ol the tasteless ague-drop. The compound spirit of lavender is only intended to give some colour and taste, without vvhich it would be more liable to mistakes. Where the dose is small, and the ef- fects' so powerful, the most minute attention to its proportion and preparation becomes necessary. Each ounce contain^ four grains of the oxyde, 103 ' » ARS ARb and each^lraclmi half a grain ; but i{ will rarely be proper to go beyond one-sixteenth of a grain . as a dose. . + Ax Arsenical solittmn., See Arsenicalis liquor. AuLrsenici oxydugipraparutum. See Ar.n r.iti oxydum sublimatum. -» . Arsenicum album*SArsenid oxydum sub- limatum; AisenicLoajjaum praparatum. Re- duce vyhite arsenic into powder, then put it into a crucible and expose it,to the fire, so as to sub-* , lime,it into, pother crucible inverted over >he J former. This is intended to render the. arsenic more pure. Arsenicum album. White arsenic. See Ar- senious add. up Arsenicum sAtstallinum- See Anenioti&M acid. ? .. . ^ .ARSE'NiDUS ACID. Vtgiite arsenic. Oxyde of arsenic. Arsenicum ci-ystallinum^ridgal- lum, aquala, arfar, aquila, zarkiqfo affaneck. Rat's bane. The earliest chemists were, embar- rassed in tbe determination of the nature of the poisonous white substance known in commerce by the name of white arsenic. '' Fourcroy was^he first who distinguished bwthis name the white fersenicof the shops, whjph Scheelc improved to, be a compound of the metal arsenic with oxy- gen, and which the authorspf the ne^chemieal no- menclature had consequently termed oxyde ofrrse- nfc. As, however, it manuestly^Hchibits the pro- perties of anacid,at has a (air claim to the title; for m^ny oxydes and acid%jnre similar in tliis, that both consis^ of a bane united with oxygon, and the onjy difference between them is, that the compound in which the acid .papperties are manifest is termed an acidptuidthat k vvhich.thcy are not is called, aruoxyde. Tuts acid, which is one of the most vifuj£nt poisons .known, frequently 'occurs in/a native » state, if Jnot very abundantly; and it is obtained m roasting sevenal ores, particularly those of co- balt. „In the chimneys of (lie furnaces where this nperationjui^onducted, it genially condenses in thick semitransparent masses.;^hjough sometimes it assumes the form of a powder, or oi little, nee- dles, in wliich state it was foAnerly espied flowers ofiktrsenic. m The arsenious acid reddens the most sensible blue vegetable colours, though it turns the syrup of violets green. Oi? exposure to the air it be- comes opgque, and covered with a slight efflores- cence. Thrown on incandescent coals, it eva- porates in white fumes, with a •strong'smell of garlic. In olose vessels it is volatilised; and, if ► tlte heat be strong, vitrified. The result of this vitrification is a transparent glass, capable of crys- tallising in tetraedra, the angles of which^ are truncated. It^is easily»altered by hydrogen and carbon, which deprive it of its oxygen at a red heat, and reduce the metal, the one forming wa- ter, the other carbonic acid, with the oxygen taken from it; as it is by phosphorus, and by sulphur, whicli jire in part converted into acids l«y its oxygen, and in part form an arsenical phos- phuret or sulphuret with the arsenic reduced to the metallic state. Hence Margraaf rind Pellc- tier, who particularly examined the phosphurets of metals, assert they might be formed with arse- nious acid. Its specific, gravity is 3.7. It is soluble in thirteen times its weight of boil- ing water,4 but requires eighty times its weight of cold. The solution crystallises, and the acid as- sumes the form of regular letrac.drons, according "to Fourcroy : but, according to Lagrange, of oc- taedrons, and thc.-e frequently varying in figure; by different laws of decrement, it c/y.-tr.lli.-cs lot much better by slow evaporation than by simple C°Thegsolution is very acrid, reddens blue colojs, unites with the earthy bases, and decomposes the alkaline sulpburets. Araenious acid is also solu- ble in oils, spirits, and alcohol; the last taking up from 1 to t pei- cent. It is composed oi 9.,5 ot metal =3 oxygen; and its prime equivalentis therefore 12.5. Dr. Wollaston first obseirfl, that when a mixture qf it with quicklime is heated in a glass tube, at a certain temperature, ignition suddenly pervades the mass, and an tallic arsenic sublimes. As arseniate of lime is found at the bottom of the tube, we perceive.that a portjgjjiof the arsenious acid is lobbed of its oxygen, ttfl^m- plete the acidification of the rest. There are even some metals, which act upon the solution, and, have a tendenc^Jto decompose tne acid so as to form a blackish precipitate, in} which the arsenic«is very slightly oxydised. The action of the other acids upon the ai»e- nious'fe very different from, that which they ex* ert on the metal ansenic. py boiling, sulphuric acidfdissolv^BS a small portion of it, which is pre- cipitated as' the. solution cools. The nitric acid does not dissolve it, but by the help of heat con- verts it(into arsenic acid. Neither the phospho- ric nov the carbonic acid acts upon it; yet it en- ters infq a vitreous combination with the phos- phoric and boracic acids. The muriatic acid dis- solves it bjaauaus of heat, and forms with U a volatile"' compound, which water precipitate^ * fend aqueous aklonue -acidifies it Completely,' so- as to cgnvertritjnto arsenic acid. ♦ The arsenious acid combines with the earthy and alkaline bases; forming Arsenif.es. The enrtlrji arseniates possess little* solubility •; and hence the solutions of barytes, strontian, and lime, form precipitates with thaPof arsenious acid. « This acjd enter_s into another kinjd of combina- tion with the earths, that formed by vitrification jt Though a part of ibis volatile acid suMjmes be- fore the §}ass enters into fusion,partreiffains fix- ed in the vitrped substance, to which it impart* transparency, a homogeneous densjjty^and cons* derable gravity. The arsenical glasses ajmearto contain a kind of triple- salt, since the salt and. alkalies enter into an intimate combination at the instant of fusion, and remain afteiavard perfectly mixed. ' All of them have the inconvenience of quickly growing dull by exposure to the air. >With< the fixed alkalies the arsenious frcid forms j&ick arsenites, which do not crystallise ; which Agp. decomposable by %e, the arsenious acid being volatilised by the heat; and from which nll.^ie other.acids precipitate this in pow- der. These saline compounds were formerly termed livers, because they were supposeoTto be analogous to the combindrioas of sulphut with the alkalies. With ammonia it forms, a saltscapam'e of»crys- tallisatien. If this be heated a little, the ammo- nia is decomposed, the nitrogen is evolved, "while the hydrogen, uniting with part of the oxygen of the acid, forms water- Neither the earthy, nor alkaline arsenites have yet been much examined; what is known of them being only sufficient to distinguish them from the nrseniates. The arsenious acid is used in numerous in- stances in the arts, under the name of white ar- senic, or of arsenic simply. In many cases it is reduced, and acts in its metallic state. Many attempts have been made to introduce if into medicine ; but as it is known to be one of . Alt;- \u^ the most violent poisons, it is probable that the fear of its bad effects may deprive society of the advantages it might afford in this way. An ar- seniate of potassa was" extensively used by the late Dr. Fowler of York, who published a trea- tise on it, in intermittent and remittent fevers. He likewise assured the writer, that he had found it extremely efficacious in, periodical .headache, and as a touic in nervous'and other disorders ; and that he never saw the least ill effect from its use, due precaution being employed in preparing and administering it. Externally it has been em- ployed as a caustic to extirpate cancer, combined wfth sulphur, with bale, with antimony, and with the leaves of crowfoot: but it always gives great pain, and is not unattended with danger, f'cbvre's remedy was water one pint, extract of hemlock Zj. Goulard's extract Ziij. tincture of opium jj. arsenious acid gr. x. With this the cancer was wetted morning and evening ; and at *he same time a imall quantity of a weak solution was ad- ministered internally. A still milder application of this kind has been made from a solution of one grain in a quart of water, formed into a poultice with crumb of bread7 It has been more lately used as an alterative with advantage in chronic 'rheumatism. The symptoms which showHhe system to be arseni- fted are. thickness, redness, and stiffness of the palpebra. soreness of the gums, ptyalism, itch- ing over tiie* surface of the body, restlessness, coujrli, pain at stomafch, and headache. When the latter symptoms supervene, the admiiustra- tion of the medicine ought to be immediately =uspen*low and unequal; palpitation of the heart; swiejfpe; unextinguishable thirst; burning sen- sation over the whole body, resembling a con- suming fire ; at times an icy coldness ; difficult respiration; cold sweats ; scanty urine, of a red or Bloody appearance; ajAred expression of countenance ; a livid circle round the eye-lids; swelling and itching of (Ik whole body, which becomes covered with Uvid spots, or with a mili- ary eruption : prostration of strength; loss of feeling, especially in the feet and hands; deliri- um, convulsions, sometimes accompanied with an insupportable priapism ; loss of the hair ; se- paration of the epidermis ; horrible convulsions f .u, to cut.) The opening of an artery. This operation is fre- queutly performed on the temporal artery. ATtTERY. Arteria. A membraneous pul- sating canal, that arises from the heart and gra- dually becomes less a3 it proceeds from it. Arteries .arc composed of three membranes ; a common, or external ; a muscular; and an in- ternal one, wliich is very smooth. They are only two in number, the pulmonary artery, and the aorta, and these originate from the heart ; the ^pulmonary artery from the right ventricle, and the aorta from the left: the other arteries are all branches of the aorta. Their termination is either in the veins, or in capillary exhaling ves- sels, or they, anastomose with one another. It is by their means that the blood is carried from the heart to every part ofthe body, for nutrition, preservation of Ufe, generation of heat, and the secretion of the different fluids. The action of the arteries, called the pulse, corresponds with that of the heart, and is effected by the contrac- tion of their muscular, and great elasticity of their outermost coat. A table of the Arteries. All .the arteries originate from the pulmonary artery and the aorta. <~ . * The pulmonary artery emerges from the right ventricle of the'heart, 30011 "divides into srright' and left branch, which are distributed by innu- merable ramifications through the lungs. r The aorta arises from the left ventricle of the heart, and supplies every part of the body with blood, in the following order. a. It first forms an arch. b. It then descends along the spine ; and, c. It divides into the two iUacs. a. The arch of the aorta gives off three branches. 1. The arteria innominata, which divides into the right carotid and right subclavian. 2. The left carotid. 3. The left subclavian. I. The carotids are divided into external and internal. The external carotids give oft', 1. The thyroid. 2. The Ungual, 3. The labiab, 4. The inferior pharyngeal, 5. The ocdpital, 6. The posterior auris, 7. The internal maxillary, from which the spi- nous artery of the dura mater, the lomer maxillary, and several branches about the palate and orbit arise, S. The temporal. The internal carotid affords, 1. The ophthalmic, 2. The middle cerebral, 3. The communicans, which inosculates with the vertebral. II. The subclavians give off the following branches : J. The internal mammary, from which the thy- 9 mic, comes phrenici, pericardiac, and phreni- co-pericardiac artenes arise, 2. The inferior thyrmd, which gives off the tra- cheal, ascending thyroid, and transversalis humeri, 3. The vertebral, wliich proceeds within the vertebrae, and forms within the cranium the badlary urtery,from which the anterior cere- belli, the posterior cerebri, and many branch- es about the brain are given off, 4. The cervicalis profunda, 5. The cervicalis superfidalis, ■ , 6. The superior intercostal, 7. The supra-scapular. As soon as the subclavian arrives.at the arm- pit, tt is called the axillary artery ; and when the latter reaches the arm, it is ,caUgd the bra- chial. The axillary artery gives off, I. Four mammary arteries, 2. The sub-scapular, S-. The posterior drcumflex, 4. The anterior circumflex, which ramify about the shoulder-joint. The brachial artery gives off, 1. Many lateral branches, . 2. The profunda humeri superior, 3. The profunda humeri inferior, 4. The great anastomosing artery, which rami- fies about the elbow-joint, t The brachial artery then divides, about the bend of the. arm, into the u%nar and radial arte- ries, which are ramified to the ends of the fin- gers. The ulnar artery gives off, 1. Several.t^purrent branches, 2. The common interosseal, of which the dorsal ulnar, the palmaris prof undo, the palmary arch, and the digitals, are branches. The Radial artery gives off, 1. The radial recurrent, 2. The superficial** vola, and then divides into the palmaris profunda, and the digitals. ^b. The descending aorta giyes off, In th? breast, ., ^ » 1. The bronchia/, ' 4 2. The asophageal, 3. The intercostals, 4. The inferior diaphragmatic. Within the abdomen, 1. The caliac, which divides into three branches : 1. The hepatic, from which are given off, be- fore it reaches the liver, a. The duodeno-gastric, which sends,. off * the right gastro-epiploic and the pancre- atico-duodenal, /?. The pylorica superior hepat&a; 2. The coronaria ventriculi, ; 3. The splenic, vvhich emits the-great and small pancreatics, ike posterior gastric, the left gastro-epiploic, and the vasa brevia; 2. The superior mesenteric, 3. The emulgents, 4. The spermatics, 5. The inferior mesenteric, 6. The lumbar arteries, 7. The middle sacral. c. The aorta then bifurcates into the iliacs, each of which divide into external and internal. The internal iliac, called also hypogastric, gives off, , 1. The lateral sacrals, 2. The gluteal, 3. The ischiatic, 4. The pudica, from which the external hamor- rhoidal, the perineal, and the arteria penis arise, 5. The obturatory, The external iliac gives off, in the groin, 1. The epigastric, 2. The drcumflexia iliaca; It then passes under Poupart's ligament, and is called the femoral artery ; and sends off, 109 ART ARU I. The profunda, 2. The ramus anastomoticus magnus, which runs about the knee-joint; Having reached the ham, where it gives off some small branches, it is termed the popliteal. It then divides into the anterior and posterior tibial. The tibialis antica gives off, 1. The recurrent, 2. The internal malleolar, , 3. The external malleolar, 4. The tarsal, fi. The metatarsal, 6. The dorsalis externa halicis. The posterior tibial sends off, 1. The nutritia tibia, 2. Many small branches, 3. The internal plantar, 4. The external plantar, from which an arch is , formed, that gives off the digitals of the toes. ARTHANI'TA. (From apros, bread ; be- cause it is the food of swine.) The herb sow- bread. See Cyclamen Europeum. Arthre'mbohts. (From,ap0poi>, a joint, and tpSaXXio, to impel.) An instrument for reducing luxated bones. ARTHIU'TIC. (Arlhriticus; from apOpins, the gout.) Pertaining to,the gout. Arthritica herba. The JEgopodium po- dagraria, and several other plants, were so called ARTHRI'TIS. (Arthritis, tidis. fcem.; from apOpov, a joint: because it is commonly confined to the joints.) The gout. Dr. Cullen, in his Nosology, gives it the name of podagra, because he considers the foot to be the seat of idiopathic gout. It is arranged in the class Pyrexia, and order phlegmasia, and is divided into four spe- cies, the regular, atonic, retrocedent, and mis- placed, gee Podagra. ARTHROCA/CE. (From afipov, a joint, and ica'ai, a 'disease.) An ulcer of the cavity of the bone. ARTHRO'DIA. Arthrodia, a. f.; from apOpuu, to articulate.) A species of diarthrosis, or moveable connexion of bones, in which the head of one bone is received into the superficial cavity of another, so as to admit of motion hi every direction, as the head of the humerus with the glenoid cavity of the scapula. ARTHRODY'NIA. (Arthrodynia, a. f.; from apdpov, a joint, and oEvvq, pain.) Pain in a joint' It is one of the terminations of acute rheumatism. See Rheumatismus. ARTHROPUO'SIS. (Arthropuosis, is. f.; from apOpov, a joint, and irvov, pus.) Arthropy- osis. A collection of pus in a joint. It is how- ever frequently apphed to other affections. See Lumber abscess. ARTHROSIA. (Arthrosis; from apdpom, to articulate : whence artkrods, arthrites.) The name of a genus of disease in Good's new classi- fication, which embraces rheumatism, gout, and white swelling. See Nosology. ARTHRO'SIS. (From apdpou, to articulate, or join together.) Articulation. ARTICHOKE. See Ct'nora scolymus. Artichoke, French. See Cinara scolymus. Artichoke, Jerusalem. See Helianthus tube- rosus. ARTICULA'R. (Articularis; from articu- luSj a joint.) Belonging to a joint. Articularis morbus. A name given to a disease which more immediately infests the arri- culi, or joints. The morbus articularis is sy- nonymous with the Greek word arthritis, and our "OUt. 110 Articularis vena. A branch of the ba-.i- lie vein is so called because it passes under the joint, of the shoulder. . ARTICULATION. (Articulatio; from arh- culus, a joint.) The skeleton is composed ofa great number of bones, which are all so admi- rably constructed, and with so much affinity to each other, that the extremity of every bone is perfectly adjusted to the end of the bone with which it is connected; and this connexion is termed their articulation. Anatomists distin- guish three kinds of articulation; the. first they name Diarthrosis; the second, Synarthrosis; and the third, Amphiarthrosis; which see. un- der their respective heads. ARTICULA'TUS. Articulate; jointed A term applied to roots, stems, leaves, &c. when they are apparently formsd of distinct pieces united as if one piece grew out of another, so as to form a jointed, but connected whole : in the Radix articulata, radicles shoot out from each joint, as in the Oxalis acetosella, wood sorreL The Caulis articulata is exemplified in the C«c- tns flagelliformis and Lathyrus sylvestris; the Cactus opunlia and Cactus ficus indica have ar- ticulate leaves. The Oxalis acetosella articulate leafstalks. ARTICULUS. (From artus, a joint; from a'p&pov.) 1. A joint. See Articulation. 2^Botanists apply this term to that part of the stalk of grasses which is intercepted, or lies be- tween, two knots ; and also to the knot itself. , Arti'scus. (Fromapros, bread.) A^troch; so called because it is made like a little loaf. Arto'creas. (From apros, bread, anfl xpsas, flesh.) A nourishing food, made of bread and various meats, boiled together.—Galen. Arto'gala. (Framapros, bread,'and ydXa, milk.) A cooling food made of bread and milk. A poultice. Arto'mf.i.i. (From apros, bread, and piXt, honey.) A cataplasm made of bread and honey. —Galen. A'RUM. (Arum, i. n.; from the Hebrew word jaron, which signifies a dart; so named because itsjleave sare shaped like a dart; or from apa, in- jury. )„1. The .name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Gynandria; Order, Polyandria. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the common arum. See Arum maculatum. Arum dracunculus. The systematic name of the plant called, in English; dragon's wort, and many-leaved arum ; Dracunculus polyphyl- lus; Colubrina dracontia; Serpentaria galle- rum; Erva de Sancta Maria; Gigarus ser- pentaria; Arum polyphyllum. The roots and leaves of this plant are extremely acrimonious, more so than the Arum maculatum, with which it agrees in medicinal virtues. Arum maculatum. The systematic name for common arum, or wake-robin ; the arum of the pharmacopoeias. Arum—acaule; foliis has- tatis, in4egerrimis ; spadice claoato of Linnaeus. Corampn arum or wake-robin. The root is the medicinal part of this plant, which, when recent, is very acrimonious ; and, upon being chewed, excites an intolerable sensation of burning and prickling in the tongue, which continues for se- veral hours. When cut in slices and applied to the skin, it has been known to produce blisters^ This acrimony, however, is gradually lost bf drying, and may be so far dissipated by the ap- plication of heat, as to leave the root a bland fa- rinaceous aliment. In this state, it has been made into a wholesome bread. It has also been pre- pared as starch. Its medicinal quality, therefore, ARV ASB resides 'iijholly in th • active volatile matter, and consvs, clear, so called by reason of their minuteness.) An interctitangpus disorder, generated in. the pores, like' worms with black heads. Asa'phia. (From a, neg. and ca+r&, clear.) A defect in utterance or pronunciation. ASARABACCA. See Asarum Europaum. A'SARUM. (Asarum, i. n.; from a, neg, and oaipia, to adorn ; because it was not admitted into the ancient coronal wreaths.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Dodecandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeia! name of the asarabacca. See Asarum Europaum. Asarum europium. The systematic name .pf'the asarabacca of tne shops. Nardus mon- tana; Nardus rustica; Asarum—foliis reni- formibus, obtusis, binis of Linnaeus. This plant is a Native of England, but not very common. Its leaves are extremely acrid, and are occasionally used, when powdered, as V sternutatory. For this purpose, the leaves, asr being less acrid than the roots, are preferred, and in moderate doses not exceeding a few grains? snuffed up the nose, for several evenings, produce a pretty large wa- tery discharge, which continues for several days together, by which headache, toothache, oph- thalmia, and some paralytic and soporific com- plaints have Leen effectually relieved. Prior to the introduction of ipecacuanha, the leaves and root of this plant were frequently em- ployed on account of their emetic power : the dose of the dried leaves was 20 grains; of the dried roots 10 grains. As they were occasionally violent in their operation, they have fallen into disuse. Asarum hypocistis. A parasitical plant which grows in warm climates, from the roots of the Cistus. The juice, succus hypocistidis, is a mild astringent, of no particular smell nor flavour. It has- fallen into disuse. ASBESTOS. Asbestus. A mineral of which there are five varieties, all more or less flexible and fibrous. 1. Amian thuswoccurs in very long, fine, flexible, elastic fibres, of a white, greenish, or reddish colour. It is somewhat unctuous to the touch, has a silky or pearly lustre, and is slightly translucent. Scctile; tough; sp. grav. from ! to 2.8. Ill AS( A SO The ancients manufa^nred cloth out of the fibres of asbestos, for the purpose, it is said, of wrapping up the bodies ofthe dead, when exposed on the funeral pile. Several moderns have like- wise succeeded in making this cloth, the chief artifice of which seems to consist in the admix- ture of flax and a liberal use of oil; both which substances are afterwards consumed by exposing the cloth for a certain time to a red heat. Although the cloth of asbestos, when soiled, is restored to its primitive whiteness by heating in the fire, it is found, nevertheless, by several authentic experi- ments, that its weight diminishes by such treatment. The fibres of asbestos, exposed to the violent heat of the blowpipe, exhibit slight indications of fu- sion ; though the parts, instead of running together, moulder away, and part fall down, while the rest seem to disappear before the current of air. Igni- tion impairs the flexibility of asbestos in a slight degree. 2. Common Asbestos occurs in masses of fibres of a dull greenish colour, and of a somewhat pearly lustre. Fragments splintery. It is scarcely flexible, and greatly denser than amianthus, ft is more abundant than amianthus, and' is found usually in serpentine, as at Portsoy,' the Isle of Anglesea, and the Lizard in Cornwall. It was found in the limestone of Glentilt, by Dr. M'Cul- loch, in a pasty state, but it soon hardened by exposure to air. 3. Mountain leather consists not of parallel fibres like the preceding, but interwoven and in- terlaced so as to become tough. When in very thin pieces it is called mountain paper. Its co- lour is yellowish-white, and its touch meagre. It is found at Wanlockhead, in Lanarkshire. Its specific gravity is uncertain. 4. Mountain Cork, or Elastic Asbestoses, hke the preceding, of an interlaced fibrous tex- ture ; is opaque, has a meagre feel and appearance, not unlike common cork, and like it, too, is some- what elastic. It swims on water. Its colours are white, gray, and yellowish-brown; receives an impression from the nail; very tough; cracks when handled, and melts with difficulty before the blowpipe. 5. Mountain Wood, or Ligniform asbestos, is usually massive, of a brown colour, and having the aspect of wood. Internal lustre glimmering. Soft, sectile, and tough ; opaque ; feels meagre ; fusible into a black slag. Sp. grav. 2.0. It is found in the Tyrol; Dauphiny; and in Scotland, at Glentilt, Portsoy, and Kildrumie. Ascaloni'tes. A species of onion. ASCA'RIDES. The plural of ascaris. A'SCARIS. (Ascaris, idis; from annua, to move about; so called from its continued trou- blesome motion.) The name of a genus of in- testinal worms. There are several species of this genus. Those which belong to the human body are:— 1. Ascaris vermicularis, the thread or maw worm, which is very small and slender, not ex- ceeding half an inch in length; it inhabits the rectum. 2. Ascaris bumbricoides, the long and round worm, which is a foot in length, and about the breadth of a goose-quill. ASCE'NDENS. (From ad and scando, to ascend.) Adscendens. Ascending. Applied to muscles, leaves, stalks, &c. from their direc- tion; as musculus'obliquus ascendens, folium ascendens, caulis ascendens, the leaves of the geranium vitifolium, and steins of the hedysarum onobrychis, &c. Ascendens obliquus. See Obliqnus inter- ims abdominus. m A'scia. Anaxeorchfeel. A simple bandage; so called from its shape in position.—Galen. ASCIDIATUS. (Fromoaci'dium.) Ascidiate or pitcherform : a term applied to a leaf and other parts of plants which are so formed; the folium asddidtum is seen in the Nepen thes Distillatoria, and in Saracenia. ASCIDIUM. (From aamiiov, a small bottle.) The pitcher. A term introduced by Willdenow into botany to express a hollow foliaceous appen- dage, resembling a small pitcher. It is of rare occurrence, but nas been found as a cauliltur, foliar, and a peduncular or floral appendage. I. The caulinar belongs to the Austauiian plant Cephalotus follicularis': 2. The foliar is peculiar to the genus Nepen- thes. 3. The peduncular on the Surubea quia" nends. ASCI'TES. (Ascites, a. m.; from aaicot, a sack, or bottle ; so called from its' botde-likc protubrrancy.) Dropsy of the belly. A tense, but scarcely elastic, swelling ofthe abdomen from accumulation of water. Cullen ranks this genus of disease in the class Cachexia, and order. Intu- mescentia. He enumerates two species: 1. Ascites abdominaHs, when the water is hi the cavity of thejieritonaeum; which is known by the equal swelling of theparietes of the1"abdomen. 2. Asdtes saccatus, or encysted dropsy, in which the water is encysted, as in the ovarium,; the fluctuation is here less evident, and the swelling is at first partial. Ascites is often preceded by loss of appetite, sluggishness, dryness of the skin, oppression at the chest, cough, diminution of the natural dis- charge of urine, and costivencss. Shortly after the appearance of these symptoms, a protube- rance is perceived in the hypogastrium, which extends, gradually^ and keeps on increasing, until thg whole abdomen becomes at length uniformly swelled and tense. The distension and sense of weight, although considerable, vary somewhat according to the posture of the body, the weight being felt the most on that side on which the pa-» tient lies, whilst, at the same time, the distention becomes somewhat less on the opposite side., In general, the practitioner maybe sensible ofthe fluc- tuation of the water, by applying his left hand on one side of the abdomen, and then striking on the other side with his right. In some cases, it will be obvious to the ear. As the collection of water becomes more considerable, the difficulty of breathing is much increased, the countenance exhibits a pale and bloated appearance, an immo- derate thirst, the skin is dry and parched, and the urine is very scanty, thick, high coloured, and deposits a lateritious sediment. With respect to the pulse, it is variable, being sometimes consi- derably quickened, and, at other times, slower than natural. The principal difficulty, which prevails in ascites, is the being able to distinguish, with certainty, when the water is in the cavity of the abdomen, or when it is in the different states of encysted dropsy. To form a just judgment, wc should attend to the following circumstances : —When the preceding symptoms gave suspicion of a general hydropic diathesis ; when, at the same time, some degree of dropsy appears in other parts of the body; and when, from its first appearance, the swelling has been equally diffused over the whole belly, we may generally presume that the water is in the cavity of the abdomen. But when an ascites has not been preceded by any remarkable cachectic state of the system, and when, at.its beginning, the tumour and tension had appeared m one part of the bellv more than AM A*P • uotliti, there is reason to suspect an t-ncysted dropsy. Even when the tension and tumour of the oelly have become general, yet, if the system or the body in general appear to be little affected; if the patient's strength be little impaired; if the appetite continue pretty entire, and the na- tjini sleep be little interrupted; if the menses iu females continue to flow as usual; if there be yet no anasarca, or, though it may have already taken place, if it be still confined to the lower extremities, and there be no leucophlcgmatic paleness or sallow colour in the countenance ; if there be no fever, nor so much thirst and scarcity of urine as oefcur in a more general affection: then according as more of these different circum- stances take place, there will be the stronger grounds for supposing the ascites to be of the en- cysted kind. The .encysted form of the disease scarcely admits of a perfect cure, though its pro- gress to a fatal termination is generally very slow; and the peritoneal dropsy is mostly very obstinate, depending usually on organic disease in the liver, or other abdominal viscera. The plan of treat- ment agrees very much with that of anasarca ; which see. The operation of paracente sis should only be performed where the distension is very great, and the respiration or other important junctions impeded; and it will often be better not to draw off the whole of the fluid at once; great care must be taken, too, to keep Up sufficient pressure by a broad bandage over the abdomen ; for even fatal syncope bus arisen from the neglect of this. The contraction of the muscles will be promoted by friction. C athartics are found more decidedly beneficial than in anasarca, where the bowels will bear their liberal use. Diuretics too are of great importance in the treatment; and, among other means of increasing the flow of urine, long-continued gentle friction of the abdo- men with oil has been sometimes very successful, probably by promoting absorption in the first in- stance ; the only use of the oil seems to be that the friction is thereby better borne. In cases where visceral obstructions have led to the effu- sion, these must be removed,, before a cure can be accomplished: and for this purpose mercury is the remedy most to be depended upon, besides that, in combination with squill, or digitalis, it will often prove powerfully diuretic. Tonic me- dicines, a nutritious diet, #nd, if the complaint appears giving way, such exercise as the patient can take, without fatigue, with other means of improving the general health, ought not to be neglected. ASCLEPFADES, a celebrated physician, born at Prusa, in Bithynia, who flourished somewhat before the time of Pompey. He originally taught rhetoric, but not meeting with success, applied himself to the study of medicine, in which he soon became famous from the novelty of his theory and practice. He supposed disease to arise from the motion of the particles ot the blood and other fluids being obstructed by tj»e straitness of the vessels, whence pain, fever, &c. ensued. He deprecated the use of violent remedies, as emetics aud purgatives, but frequently employed glisters, when costiveness attended. In fevers, he chiefly relied on a complete abstinence from food or drink far three days or more ; but when their violence abated, allowed animal food and wine. In pleu- risies, and other complaints attended with violent paiu, he prescribed bleeding; but in those of a chronic nature, depended principally on absti- nence, exercise, baths, and frictions. Nonsf^W his works remain at present. He it said to have ledged his reputation on the preservation of his 15 own health, which he retained to a gicat a^c and died at length from a fall. ASC LE'PI A S. (From Asclepias udis. f. j so named after its discoverer ; or from Aisculapiuf the god of medicine.) The name of a genus ot plants in the Linnrean system. Class, Pent an ■ dria ; Order, Digynia. Asclepias syriaca. Syrian dog's bane. Tliis plant is particularly poisonous to dogs, and also to the human species. Boiling appears to destroy the poison in the young shoots, which are then said to be esculent, and flavoured like .asparagus. Asclepias vincetoxicum. The systematic name for the vincetoxicum ofthe pharmacopoeias. Hermidinuria; Asclepias. Swallow-wort; Tame poison. The root of this plant smells, when fresh, somewhat of valerian ; chewed, it imparts at first a considerable sweetness, which is soon succeeded by an unpleasant subacrid bitterness. It is given in some countries in the cure of glandu- lar obstructions. Ascle'pios. (From Asclepias, its inventor.) A dried smegma and collyrium described by Galen. Asco'ma. (From aonos, a bottle.) The emi- - nence of the pubes at the years of maturity, so called from its shape. ASCYROIDEiE. A name given by Scoipoli to a class of plants which resemble the Ascyrum. St. Peter's worth. ' , A'sef. A pustule like a millet seed. A'segon. Ascgen; Asogen. Dragon's blood. See Calamus rotang. ASE'LLIUS, Gas par, of Cremona, born about the year 1580, taught anatomy at Paris with great reputation. In 1622, he discovered the lacteals in a dog opened soon after a meal, and noticed their valves, but supposed they went to the liver. These vessels, he candidly observes, had been mentioned by some of the earliest me- dical writers, but not described, nor their function stated; and not being noticed by any modern anatomist previously, the discovery is properly attributed to him. His death took place four years after, subsequent to which his dissertation on the subject was published by his friends. ASH. See Fraxinus excelsior. Asiaticum balsamum. Balm of Gilead. A'SINUS. The ass. A species of the genus Equus. Its milk is preferred to cow's and other kinds of milk, injphthisical cases, and where the stomach is weak; as containing less oleafmous particles, and being more easily converted into chyle. See Milk, Asses. Asini'num lac. Asses'milk. Asi'ti. (Froma,neg. andoitos, food.) Adtia. Tliose are so called who talce no food, for want of appetite. A'sjogam. (Indian.) A tree growing in Ma- labar and the East Inches, the juice of which is used against the colic. Aso'des. (From a<5&>, to nauseate.) A nausea or loathing, ot a fever with much sense of heat and nausea.—Aretaus. Aspadia'lis. A suppression of urine from an imperforated urethra. Aspalathum. See Lignum aloes. ASPALATHJJS. (From a, and airau, because the thorns were not easily drawn out of the wounds they made.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diadelphia; Order, Detandria. Aspalathus canariensis. The systematic name^of.the rosewood tree, or lignum rhodium of the ancients. An essential oil is obtained from the roots, whifb is u ^'principally as a perfume, ASP but is an excellent cordial and carminative given internally. The best preparation is a tincture, made by macerating four ounces of the wood in a pint of rectified spirit. ASPARAGIN. White transparent crystals, of a peculiar vegetable principle, which sponta- neously form in asparagus juice which has been evaporated to the consistence of syrup. They are in the form of rhoraboidal prisms, hard and brittle, having a cool and slightly nauseous taste. They dissolve, in hot water, but sparingly in cold water, and not at all in alcohol. On being heated, they swell and emit penetrating vapours, which affect the eyes and nose like wood-smoke. Their solution does not change vegetable blues; nor is it affected by hydro-sulphuret of potassa, oxalate of ammonia, acetate of lead, or infusion of galls. Lime disengages ammonia from it; though none is evolved by triturating it with potassa. The asparagus juice should be first heated to coagulate the albumen, then filtered and left to spontaneous evaporation for 15 or 20 days. Along with the asparagin crystals, others in needles of little con- sistency appear, analogous to mannite, from which the first can be easily picked out.—Vau- quelin and Robiquet. Annates de Chimie, vol. lv. and Nicholson's Journa1,15. ASPA'RAGUS. (Asparagus, i. m. Aoirapa- yosjji young shoot, before it unfolds its leaves.) 1» The name of a genus of plants fn the Linnaean system. Class, Hexandria ; Order, Monogynia. Asparagus. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the sparage. See Asparagus officinalis. Asparagus officinalis. The systematic name of the asparagus, the root of which has been esteemed as a diuretic. It is mostly em- ployed as a food, but it contains very little nou- rishment. A pecnliar vegetable principle, called asparagin, has been found in tliis plant. See Asparagin. Aspa'sia. (From a, for apa, together, and c-au>, to draw.) A constrictive medicine for the pudendum muliebre. Capivac. • ASPER. Rough. Applied to parts which are rough, as linea aspera, &c. In the language of botany, scaber and asper are used synonymously. Asper caulis. Caulis scaber. Scabrous stem ; is when it is thickly covered with papilhe vvhich are not visible, bnt can. be felt when run- nina*the finger along it; as in Galium aperine, Lithospermum arvense, Centaurea, nigra, &c. Aspera arteria. (So called from the ine- quality of its cartilages.) See Trachea. ASPERIFOLIjE!; (Wfom asper, rough.) Rough-leaved plants. The name of a class add of an order of plants given by Boerhaave, Ray, Linnaeus, &c. ASPE'RULA. (A diminutive of asper, the seeds being rough.) The name of a genus of plants m the Linnaean system. Class, Tetran- dria; Order, Monogynia. Asperula odorata. The systematic name for the officinal matritylva. Woodroof. It is a low umbelliferous plant, growing wild in woods and copses, and flowering in May. It hath an agreeable odour, which is much improved by moderate drying: the taste is a little austere.. It imparts its flavour to vinous liquors; and is commended as a cordial and deobstriient remedy. Asphalti'tis. 1. A kind of trefoil. 2. The last vertebra of the loins. ASPHALTUM. Asphaltus. This substance, likewise called Bitumen Judaicum, or Jews' Pitch, is a smooth, hard, brittle, black or brown 114 Va'F substance, which breaks with a polish, melts easily when heated, and when pure burns without leav- ing any ashes. It is found in a soft or liquid state on tbe surface of the Dead Sea, but by age grows dry and hard. The same kind of bitumen is like- wise found in the earth in other parts of the world ; in China; America, particularly in the island of Trinidad; and some parts of Europe, as the Car- pathian hills, France, Neufchatel, &c. According to Neumann, the asphaltum of the shops is a very different compound from the na- tive bitumen ; and varies, of course, in its pro- perties, according to the nature of the ingredients made use of in forming it. On this account, and probably from other reasons, the use of asphal- tum, as an article ofthe materia medica, is totally laid aside. The Egyptians used asphaltum in embalming, under the name of muraia mineralis, for which it is well adapted. It was used for mortar at Ba- bylon. ASPIIO'DELUS. (Asphodelus, i. m. from asms, a serpent, and SuXos, fearful; because it destroys the venom'of serpents : orfrorao-oScXos, ashes, because it was formerly sown upon the graves of the dead.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Hexandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the daffodil. See Asphodelus ramosus. Asphodelus ramosus. The systematic name for the officinal, or branched asphodel. Aspho- delus :—caulenudo ; foliis enciformibus, cori- natis, lavibus, of Linnaeus.. The plant was formerly supposed to be efficacious in the cure of sordid ulcers. It is now wholly laid aside. ASPHY'XIA. (Asphyxia, a. f.; from o, prir. and ofv^ts, a pulse.) The state of the body, during life, in which the pulsation of the heart and arteries camiot be perceived. There are several specie3 of asphyxia enumerated by differ- ent authors. See Syncope. Aspidi'scus. (From aa-is, a buckler.) The spincter muscle of the anus was formerly so calli ed from its shape.—Calius Aurelianus. ASPLE'NIUM. (Asplenium, ii. n.; from «, priv. and airXriv, the spleen; because it was sup- posed to remove disorders of the spleen.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Cryptogamia; Order, Filices. Asplenium ceterach. The systematic name of the herb spleenwort. Miltwaste. Scoloptn- dria vera; LXorodilla. This small bushy plant, Asplenium—frondibuspinnatifidis, lobi* alter- nis confluentibns obtuds of Linnaeus, grows upon old walls and rocks. It has an herbaceous, mucilaginous, roughish taste, and is recommend- ed as a pectoral. In Spain it is given, with great success, in nephritic and calculous diseases. Asplenium rutamuraria. The systematic name for the ruta muraria ofthe pharmacopoeias. It* supposed by some to possess specific virtues m the cure of ulce^ of the lungs, and i3 exhibited in the form of decoction. . Asplenium scolopendrium. The syste- matic name for the scolopendrium of the phn*- macopoeias. Phillitis; Linguacervina. Harts- tongue. This indigenous plant, Asplenium— frondtbus dmplidbus, cordate lingulatis, in- tegerrimis; stipitihus hirsutis of Linnaeus: grows on most shady banks, walls, &c. It has a slightly astringent and mucilaginous sweetish taste. When fresh and rubbed, it imparts a dis- agreeable smell, narts-tpngue, which is one of the five capillary herbs, was formerly much used to sfrrnsrthen the viscera, restrain ha-morrhaees Afti \>l kni aivine fluxes, and to open obstructions ol the liver and spleen, and for the general purposes of demulcents and pectorals. Asplenium trichomanes. The systematic name for the trichomanes of the pharmacopoeias. Common maiden-hair or spleenwort. Asple- nium—frondibus pinnatis, pinnii subrotundis, crenatts of Linnaeus. This plant is admitted into the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia : the leaves have a mucilaginous, sweetish, subastringent taste, with- out any particular flavour: they are esteemed useful in disorders of the breast, being supposed to promote the expectoration of tough phlegm, and to open obstructions of the viscera. ASS. See Annus. Ass's milk. See Annus. Assaba. A shrub found on the coast of Gui- nea, the leaves of which are supposed to disperse buboes. A'ssac. (Arabian.) Gum ammoniacttm. ASSAFfE'TIDA. See Ferula assafcetida. A'ssala. The nutmeg. A ssanus. The name of an old weight, con- sisting of two drachms. ASSARABA'CCA. See Asarum Europeum. Assa'rium. A Roman measure of twelve ounces. Assarthro'sis. Articulation. ASSAY. Essay. This operation consists in determining the quantity of valuable or precious metal contained in any mineral or metallic mix- ture, by analysing a small part thereof. The practical difference between the analysis and the as- say of an ore, consists in this: The analysis, if properly made, determines the nature and quantities of all the parts of the compound; whereas the object of the assay consists in ascer- taining how much of the particular metal in question may be contained in a certain determi- nate quantity of the material under examination. Thus, in the assay of gold or silver, the baser metals are considered as of no value or conse- quence ; and the problem to be resolved is simply, how much of each is contained in the ingot or piece of metal intended to be assayed. A'sse. A loathing of food, from a conflux of humours.—Hippocrates. ASSIMULA'TION. (Asdmilalio, from ad, and similis, to make like to.) The conversion of the food into nutriment. Assibte'ntes. (From ad, aud nslo, to stand near.) A name of the prostrate glands, so called because they he near the bladder. ASSO'DES. (From aouopat, to nauseate, or from assure, to bum.) Anodes. A continual lever, attended with a loathing of food. A'asjos. A name given formerly to alumen. A'STACUS. (Astacus, i. m.; from a, neg. and svi{y some called arancus. Astera'ntium. (Fromapjp, a star.) The pellitory ; so called from its star-like form. See Anthemis pyrethrum. Astericum. (From the star-like appearance jf the flowei^.) Tne peilitorv. Sec Anthemis 1'itrrthrum. AbTHEMA. (From a, pin. and cti., . strength.) Extreme debility. Thcasthenicxlis- eases form one great branch of the Bmnonian ar- rangement. ASTHENOLOGY. (Asthenologia, a. f. : from a, priv. and cBtvos, strength, and Jkyoy, a treatise.) The doctrine of diseases arising from debility. The disciples ofthe Bru nonian school, as they denominate themselves, maintain peculiar opinions on this subject. A'STHMA. (Asthma, matis. neut.; from acdpa£a, to breathe with difficulty.) Difficult respiration, returning at intervals, with a sense of stricture across the breast, and in the lungs; a wheezing, hard cough, at first, but more free to- wards the close of each paroxysm, with a dis- charge of mucus, followed by a remission.' It is ranked by Cullen in the class Neurosis, and order Spasmi. There arc, according to him, three species of asthma:— 1. Asthma spontaneum, when without any manifest cause. 2. Asthma plcthoricum, when it arises from plethora. 3. Asthma exanlhematicum, originating from the repulsion of some acrid humour. Asthma rarely appears before the age of puber-- ty, and seems to attack men more frequently than women, particularly those of a full habit, in whom it never fails, by frequent repetition, to oc- casion some degree of emaciation. In some in- stances, it arises from an hereditary predisposi- tion, and in many others, it seems to depend upon a particular constitution of the lungs. Dyspep- sia always prevails, and appears to be a very prominent feature in the predisposition. ■ Iu at- tacks are most frequent during the heats of sum- mer, in the dog-days, and in general commence about midnight. On the evening preceding an attack of asthma, the spirits are often much af- fected, and the person experiences a sense of ful- ness about the stomach, with lassitnde, drowsi- ness, and a pain in tlieTiead. On the approach of the succeeding evening, he perceives a sense of tightness and stricture across the breast, and a sense of straitness in the lungs, impeding res- piration. The difficulty of breathing continuing to increase for some length of time, Doth inspi- ration and expiration are performed slowly, and with a wheezing noise ; the speech becomes dif- ficult and uneasy, a propensity to coughing suc- ceeds, and the patient can no longer remain in a horizontal position, being as it were threatened with immediate suffocation. These symptoms usually continue till towards the approach of morning, and then a remission commonly takes place ; the breathing becomes less laborious and more full, and the person speaks and coughs with greater ease'. If the cough is attended with :»n expectoration of mucus, he experiences much relief, and soon falls asleep. When he awakes in the morning, he still feels some degree of .tight- ness across his breast, although his breathing is probably more free and easy, and he cannot bear Hie least motion, without rendering this more dif- ficult and uneasy; neither can he continue in bed, unless his head and shoulders are raised toa considerable height. Towards evening, he again becomes drowsy, is much troubled with flatulency in th% stomach, and perceives, a return of the difficulty of breathing, which continues to in- crease gradually, till it becomes as violent as on the night before. After some nights passed in this way, the fits at length moderate, and suffer more considerable remissions, particularly when they are attended by a copious expectoration in Uic mommas, and this continues from time to AS'l .^Sl wnc throughout the day ; and the disease coin ■ iff at last, the patient enjoys his usual rest bv night, without further disturbance. Thepulse is not necessarily affected in this disease, though often quickened by the difficulty of breathing ; and sometimes slight pyrexia attends. In ple- thoric habits, the countenance is flushed and tur- gid during the fit; but in others rather pale and shrunk: in the former, too, some difficulty of breathing and wheezing usually remain in the in- terval ; in others the recovery is more complete. On this is founded the common distinction of asthma into the humid, pituitous, or catarrhal, and the dry, spasmodic or nervous forms. The exciting causes are various ;—accumulation of blood, or viscid ioucii9 in the lungs, noxious va- pours, a cold and foggy atmosphere, or a close hot air, the repulsion of eruptions, or other me- tastatic diseases, flatulence, accumulated faeces, violent passions, organic diseases in the thoracic viscera, &c. Sometimes the fits return at pretty regular periods ; and it is generally difficult to obviate future attacks, when it has once occurred: but it often continues to recur for many years, and seldom moves fatal, except as inducing hy- drothoraxjvjuvthisis, fie. The treatment must vary according to the form of the disease. In young persons of a plethoric habit, with great dyspnea, a flushed countenance, accelerated pulste, &c. the abstraction of blood will be found to afford marked relief; but under opposite cir- cumstances, it might be highly injurious, and we should always avoid repeating it unnecessarily. In ambiguous cases, cupping may be preferred, or leeches to the chest, with blisters. Mild ca- thartics, should also be employed ; or where cos- tiveness appears to induce the fits, those of a more active nature. Nauseating emetics are of consi- derable service, especially where the patient is distressed With viscid mucus, not only by pro- moting perspiration and expectoration, but also by their antispasmodic power, the return of a paroxysm may often be prevented by their time- ly use. Squill combined with ipecacuanha is one of the best forms. Where the disease is of the uirely spasmodic character, opium will be found the most powerful palliative remedy, especially if combined with aether, though it unfortunately loses some of its power by repetition; the foetid gum resins are also useful, particularly where the bowels ' are torpid ; and other antispasmodics may be occasionally employed. The practice of smoking, or chewing tobacco, has sometimes ap- peared extremely beneficial; and a cup of strong coffee has often afforded speedy relief. Means ahould also be employed for strengthening the system ;■ and where there appears a tendency to serous effusion, digitalis may be very useful. But by far the most important part of flic treatment consists in obviating or removing the several ex- citing causer, whether operating on the lungs im- mediately, or through the medium of the primae viee, &c. Individual experience can alone ascer- tain what state of the atmosphere as to tem- perature, dryness, purity j &c. 6hall be most be- neficial to asthmatics, though a good deal de- pends on habit in this respect: but a due regula- tion of this, as well as of the diet, and other parts of regimen, will usually afford more per- manent relief than any medicines we can em- ploy. A'STITES. (From ad, and sto, to stand r.ear.)' A name given by the ancients to the prostate glands, because they are situated near the bladder. ASTRA'GALUS. (Astragalus, i. m.; As~ vyiiAoy, a cockle, or die: because it is shaped like tne die used in ancient games.) 1. The; ancle-bone; a bone of the tarsus, upon which the tibia moves. Also called the sling bone, or first bone of the foot. Ballista os; aristrios; talus; quatrio; tetroros; cavicula; cavilla; diabebos ; peza. It is placed posteriorly and su- periorly in the tarsus, and is formed of two parts, one large, which is called its body, the other small, Eke a process. The part where these two unite is termed the neck. 2. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- Hasan system. Class, Diadelpkia; Order, De- candria. Astragalus excapus. Stemless milk-vetch. The root of this plant, Astragalus acaulis exca- pus;—leguminibus lunatis; foliis villotia of Linnaeus, is said to cure confirmed syphilis, espe- cially when in the form of nodes and nocturnal pains. Astragalus tragacantha. The former systematic name for the plant which affords the gum tragacanth. See Astragalus verus. Astragalus verus. Goat's thorn. Milk- vetch. Spina hird; Astragalus tragacantha; Astragalus aculeatus. We are indebted to a French traveller, of the name of Olivier, for the discovery that the gum tragacanth of commerce, is the produce of a species of astragalus not be- fore known. He describes it under the name of astragalus \erus, being different both from A. tragacantha of Linnaeus, and from the A. gum- mifera of Labillardiere. It grows in the North of Persia. Gum tragacanth, or gum dragant, or dragon, (which is fore'ed from this plant by the intensity of the solar rays, is concreted into irre- gular lumps or vermicular pieces, bent into a variety of shapes, and larger or smaller propor- tions, according to the size of the wound from which it issues,) is brought chiefly from Turkey, in irregular lumps, or long vermicular pieces bent into a variety of shapes : the best sprt is white, semitransparent, dry, yet somewhat soft to the touch. Gum-tragacanth differs from all the other known gums, in giving a thick consistence to a much larger quantity of water; and in being much more difficultly soluble, or rather dissolve ins only imperfectly. Put into water, it slowly imbibes a greatquantity of the liquid, swells into a large volume, and forms -a soft but not fluid mucilage; if more water be added, a fluid solu- tion may be obtained by agitation; but the liquor looks turbid and wheyish, and on standing, the mucilage subsides, the limpid water on the sur- • face retaining little of the gum. Nor does the admixture ofthe preceding more soluble gums promote its union with the water, or.reiuler ils dissolution more diir-able : when goro-U-agacanth* ^nd gum-arabic are dissolved together in water,- the tragacanth separates from the mixture more speedily than when dissolved by itself. Tragacanth is usually preferred io the other gums for making up troches, and other like pur- poses, and is supposed likewise to be the most effectual as a medicine ; but on account of its imperfect solubility, is unfit for liquid forms. It is commonly given in ptrmkrjyith the addition of other materials of similar intention ; thus, to one part of gum-tragacanth are added one of gum- arabic, one of starch, and six of sugar- According to Bucholtz, gum-tragacantii is com- posed of 57 parts of a matter similar to gum- arabic, and 43 parts of a peculiar substance, ca- pable of swelling in cold water without dissolv- ing, and assuming the appearance of a thick jelly. It is soluble in boiling water, and t»ien forms'* mucilaginous solution. A Til Ail. The demulcent qualities of this gum are to be . onsidered as similar to those of gum-arabic. It is seldom given alone, but frequently in combina- tion with more powerful medicines, especially ia the form of troches, for which it is peculiarly well adapted: it gives name to an officinal com- pound powder, and was an ingredient in the com- poandpowder of cerusse. ASTRA'NTIA. (From aarpov, aslrum, a star; so called from the star-like shape of its flowers.) The name of a *enus ot plants in the Linnaean system, Class, Pentandrif., Order, Digynia. Astrantia major. Astrantia vulgaris. Astrantia nigra. The herb sanicle master- wort. A rustic purge in the time of Gerard. A'strape. (From arpav]w, to corruscate.) Lightning. Galen reckons it among the remote causes of epilepsy. ASTRI'CTUS. (From astringo, to bind.) When applied to the belly, it signifies costive- ncss • thus, alvus astricta. ASTRI'NGENT. (Astringens; from astrin- go, to constringe.) Adstringent. That which, when applied to the body, renders the solids den- ser and firmer, by contracting their fibres, inde- pendently of their living, or muscular power. Astringents thus serve to diminish excessive dis- charges ; and by causing greater compression of the nervous fibrilrae, may lessen morbid sensibility or irritability. Hence they may tend indirectly to restore the strength, when impaired by these causes. The chief articles of this class are the acids, alum, lime-water, chalk, certain prepara- tions of copper, zinc, iron, and lead; the gallic acid, which is commonly found united with the true astringent principle, was long mistaken for it. Seguin first distinguished them, and, from the use of this principle in tanning skins, has given it the name of tannin. Their character- istic differences are, the gallic acid forms a black precipitate with iron ; tbe astringent principle forms an insoluble compound with albumen. ASTRONO'MY. (Astronomia; from a$pov, a star, and vopos, a law.) The knowledge of the heavenly bodies. Hippocrates ranks this and astrology among the necessary studies of a phy- sician. ASTRUC, Jou.v, a learned physician, born in France, 1684. He studied and took his degrees at Montpelier, and became afterwards a profes- sor there. In 1729, he was appointed physician to the king of Poland, but soon returned to his native country, was made consulting physician to the French king, and professor of medicine at Paris, where he attained great celebrity. He was author of numerous medical and philosophical works, but especially one "on Venereal Dis- eases," which deservedly became extremely po- pular, and was translated into various modern languages. He lived to the advanced age of Si. A'suar. Indian myrobalans, or purging nut. A'sugar. Verdigris. \stT'oLi. Soot." . «< A'tac. Nitre. ATA'XIA. (From a, neg. and rac, to wr- iter.) Want of regularity in the symptoms of a •■Vriift, or ofthe functions of an animal body. Ata'xih. (Arabian.) 1. A tenesmus. 2. A di-ease of the eyes. Ata'x.mir. (Arabian.) Removal of preter- natural hairs growing under the natural ones of the eye-lid-. r. .Vtf.i k as. A chemical subliming vessel. ATE'CM A. (From a, wx. and tktw, to bring forth.) Venereal iu,potency: inabdiry to rrnereate children. ' ATIMM\NT\ -Vh;£, debilis, weak.) 1. Weakness. 2. (From a, priv. and dpi%, a pair.) Bald- ness. ATHY'MI A. (From a, neg. and Sopos, cour- age.) 1. Pusillanimity. 2. Despondency or melancholy. Ati'ncar. (Arabian.) Borax. A'TLAS. (Alias, untis, m. ; from AtXoho, to sustain, because it sustains the head ; or from the fable of Atlas, who was supposed to support the world upon his shoulders.) The name of the first vertebra. This vertebra differs very much from the others. See Vertebra. It has no spinous process which would prevent the neck from being bent backwards, but in its place it has a small eminence. Tbe great foramen of this is much larger than that of any other vertebra. Its body, wliich is small and thin, is nevertheless firm and hard. It is somewhat like a ring, and is dfttintruL-hed in'o its great i-rch, which serve 117 ATM ATM in the place of its body, and its small post a iu. arch. The atlas is joined superiorly to the head by ginglymus; and inferlorly, to the second cervical vertebra, by means of the inferior oblique pro- cesses and the odontoid process by trochoides. ATMOMETER. The name of an instrument to measure the quantity of exhalation from a hu- mid surface in a given time. A'TMOSPHERE. (Atmosphera, a. f.; from arpos, vapour, and oipaipa, a globe.) The elastic invisible fluid which surrounds the earth to an unknown height, and encloses it on all sides. Neither the properties nor the composition of the atmosphere, seem to have occupied much the at- tention of the ancients. Aristotle considered it as one of the four elements, situated between the regions of water and fire, and mingled with two exhalations, the dry and the moist; the first of which occasioned thunder, lightning, and wind ; while the second produced rain, snow, and hail. The opinions of the ancients were vague con- jectures, until the matter was explained by the sagacity of Hales, and of those philosophers who followed bis career. Boyle proved beyond a doubt, that the atmos- phere contained two distinct substances :— 1. An elastic fluid distinguished by the name of air. 2. Water in a state of vapour. . Besides these two bodies, it was supposed that the atmosphere contained a great variety of other substances which were continually mixing with it from the earth, and which often altered its properties, and rendered it noxious or fatal. Since the discovery of carbonic acid gas by Dr. Black, it has been ascertained that this elastic fluid always constitutes a part of the atmosphere. The constituent parts of the atmosphere, there- fore, are:— 1. Air. 2. Water. 3. Carbonic acid gas. 4. Unknown bodies. I. For the properties, composition, and ac- count of the first, see Air. 2. Water.—That the atmosphere contains water, has been always known. The rain and dew which so often precipitate from it, the clouds and fogs with which it is often obscured, and which deposit moisture on all bodies exposed to them, have demonstrated its existence in every age. Even when the atmosphere is perfectly transparent, water may be extracted from it in abundance by certain substances. Thus, if con- centrated sulphuric acid be exposed to air, it gradually attracts so much moisture, that its weight is increased more than three times: it is converted into diluted acid, from which the wa- ter may be separated by distillation. Substances which have the property of abstracting water from the atmosphere, have received the epithet of hygroscopic, because they point out the pre- sence of that water. Sulphuric acid, the fixed alkalies, muriate of lime, nitrate of lime, and, in general, all deliquescent salts, possess this pro- perty. The greater number of animal and ve- getable bodies likewise possess it. Many of them take water from moist air, but give it out again to the air when dry. These bodies augment in bulk when they receive moisture, and diminish again when they part widi it. Hence some of them have been employed as hygrometers, or measures ofthe quantity of moisture contain- ed in the air around them. This they do by means of the increase or diminution of their length, occasioned by the addition or abstraction of moisture. This" change of length is precisely marked by means of an index. The most in- genious and accurate hygrometers an those of 11» Saussure and Deluc. In the first, the substance employed to mark the moisture is a human han, , which by its contractions and dilatations is made to turn round an index. In the second, instead of a hair, a very fine thin slip of whalebone is employed. The scale is divided into 100°. The beginning ofthe scale indicates extreme dryness, the end of it indicates extreme moisture. It is graduated by placing it first in air made as dry as possible by means of salts, and afterwards in air saturated with moisture. This gives the ex- tremes of the scale, «and the interval between them is divided into 100 equal parts. The water, which constitutes a component part ot' the atmosphere, appears to be in the state of vapour, and chemically combined with air in the same manner as one gas is combined with another. As the quantity of the water contained in the atmosphere varies considerably, it is im- possible to ascertain its amount with any degree of accuracy. 3. Carbonic acid gas.—The existence of car- bonic gas as a constituent part of the atmosphere, was observed by Dr. Black immediately after he had ascertained the nature of that peculiar fluid. If we expose a pure alkali or alkaline earth to the atmosphere, it is gradually converted into a carbonate by the absorption ot carbonic acid gas. This fact, which had been long known, rendered the inference that carbonic acid gas existed in the atmosphere unavoidable, as soon as the difference between a pure alkali and its carbonate had been ascertained to depend upon that acid. Not only alkalies and alkaline earths absorb carbonic acid when exposed to the air, but several of the me- tallic oxydes also. Carbonic acid gas not only forms a constituent part of the atmosphere near the surface of the earth, but at the greatest heights which the in- dustry of man has been able to penetrate. Saus- sure found it at the top of Mount Blanc, tbe highest point of the old continent; a point co- vered with eternal snow, and not exposed to the influence of vegetables or animals. Lime-wata diluted with its own weight of distilled water, formed a pellicle on its surface after an hour and three-quarters exposure to the open air on that mountain; and slips of paper moistened with pure potash, acquired the property Of effervescing with acids after being exposed an hour and a half in the same place. This was at a height no less than 15,668 feet above the level of the sea. Hum- boldt has more lately ascertained the existence of this gas in air, brought by Mr. Garnerin from a height not less than 4280 feet above the surface of the earth, to which height he had risen in an air-balloon. This fact is a sufficient proof that the presence of carbonic acM in air does not de- pend upon the vicinity of the earth. Now, as aarbonic acid gas is considerably heavier than air, it coidd not rise to great heights in the atmosphere unless it entered into combina- tion with the air. Wie are warranted, therefore, to conclude, that carbonic acid is not merely me- chanically mixed, but thsjt it is chemically com- bined with tlie other constituent parts of the at- mosphere. It is to the affinity which exists ty- tween carbonic acid and air that we are to ascribe the rapidity with which it disperses itself through the atmosphere, notwithstanding its great speci- fic gravity. Fontana mixed 20,000 cubic inches of carbonic acid gas with the air of a close room, and yet half an hour after he could not discover the traces of carbonic acid in that air. Water impregnated with carbonic acid, when, exposed to the air, very soon loses the whole of the com- bined <_'as And when ;t phial full of carbonic ATM ATM acid gas is left uncorked, the gas, as Bergman first ascertained, very soon disappears, and the phial if found filled with common air. The difficulty of separating this gas from air has Iftherto prevented the possibility of deter- minmg with accuracy the relative quantity of it in a riven bulk of air; but from the experiments which have been made, we may conclude with some degree of confidence, that it is not very dif- ferent from 0.01. From the experiments of Humboldt, it appears to vary from 0.005 to 0.01. This variation will by no means appear improba- ble, if we consider that immense quantities of carbonic acid gas must be constantly mixing with the atmosphere, as it is formed by the respiration of animals, by combustion, and several other pro- cesses which are going on continually. The quantity, indeed, which is daily fcrmed by these processes is so great, that at first sight it appeals astonishing that it does not increase rapidly. The consequence of such an increase would be fatal, as air containing 0.1 of carbonic acid extinguishes light, and is destructive to animals. But there is reason to conclude, that this gas is decomposed by vegetables as rapidly as it forms. 4. Bodies found in the atmosphere.-—From what has been advanced, it appears that the at- mosphere consists chiefly of three distinct elastic fluids united together by chemical affinity -} namely, air, vapour, and carbonic acid gas ; dif- fering in their proportions at different times and in different places; the average proportion of each is, 98.6 air 1.0 carbonic acid 0.4 water WX>.0 But besides these bodies, which may be consider- ed as the constituent parts of the atmosphere, the existence of several other bodies has been sus- pected in it. It is not meant in this place to in- clude among those bodies electric matter, or the substance of clouds and fogs, and those other bo- dies which are considered as the active agents in the phenomena of meteorology, but merely those foreign bodies which have been occasionally found or suspected in air. Concerning these bodies, however, very httle satisfactory is known at present, as we are not in possession of instru- ments sufficiently delicate to ascertain their pre- sence. We can indeed detect several of them actually mixing with air, but what becomes of them afterwards we are unable to say. 1. Hydrogen gas is said to have been found iu air situated near the crater of volcanoes, and it is very possible that it may exist always in a very small proportion in the atmosphere; but this eannot be ascertained till some method of de- tecting the presence of hydrogen combined with a great proportion of air be discovered. '-. Carburetted hydrogen gas is often emitted by marshes in considerable quantities during hot weather. But its presence has never been de- tected in air: so that in all probability it is again decomposed by some unknown process. o. Oxygen gas is emitted abundantly by plants during the day. There is some reason to con- clude that this is in consequence of the property which plants have of absorbing and decomposing carbonic acid gas. Now as tliis carbonic acid jras is formed at the expense of the oxygen ofthe atmosphere, as this oxygen is again restored to the air by the decomposition of the acid, and as (he nature of atmospheric air remains unaltered, " m clear that thf-ro mu.,( l>e an equilibrium be- tween these two processes; that is to say, all the. carbonic acid formed by combustion must be again decomposed, and all the oxygen abstracted must be again restored. The oxygen gas which is thus continually returning to the air by com- bining with it, makes its component parts always to continue in the same ratio. 4. The smoke and other bodies which are con- tinually carried into the air by evaporation, &c. are probably soon deposited again, and cannot therefore be considered with propriety as forming parts ofthe atmosphere. 5. There is another set of bodies, which are occasionally combined with air, and which on account of the powerful action which they pro- duce on the human body, have attracted a great deal of attention. These are known by the name of contagions. That there is a difference between the atmo- sphere in different places, as far as respects its effects upon the human body, has been consider- ed as an established'point in all ages. Hence some places have been celebrated as healthy, and others avoided as pernicious, to the human con- stitution. It is well known that in pits and mines the air is often in such a state as to suffocate almost instantaneously those who attempt to breathe it. Some places are frequented by pe- culiar diseases. It is known that those who are much in the apartments of persons ill of certain maladies, are extremely apt to catch the infec- tion ; and in prisons and other places, where crowds of people are confined together, when' diseases once commence, they are wont to make dreadful havoc. In all these cases, it has been supposed that a certain noxious matter is dis- solved by the air, and that it is the action of this matter which produces the mischief. This noxious matter is, in many cases, readily distinguished by the peculiarly disagreeable smelt which it communicates to the air. No doubt tliis matter differs according to the diseases which it communicates, and the substance from whicli it has originated. Morveau lately attempted to ascertain its nature; but he soon found the chemi- cal tests hitherto discovered altogether insuffi- cient for that purpose. He has put it beyond a doubt, however, that this contagious matter is of a compound nature, and that it is destroyed alto- gether by certain agents. He exposed infected air to the action of various bodies, and he judged of the rcsidt by the effect wliich these bodies bad in destroying the foetid smell of the air. The following is the result of his experiments: I. Odorous bodies, such as. benzoin, aromatic plants, &c. have no effect whatever. 2. Neither have the solutions of myrrh, benzoin, &c. in al- cbhol, though agitated in infected air. 3. Pyro- ligneous acid is equally inert. 4. Gunpowder, when fired in infected air, displaces a portion of it; but what remains, still retains its foetid odour. 5. Sulphuric acid has no effect; sulphurous acid weakens the odour, but does not destroy it. Dis- tilled vinegar diminishes the odour, but its action is slow and incomplete. 7. Strong acetic acid acts instantly, and destroys the foetid odour of in- fected air completely. 8. The fumes of nitric acid, first employed by Dr. Carmichael Smith, are equally efficacious. 9. Muriatic acid gas-,- first uoiuted out as aproper agent by Morvean himself, is equally effectual. H). But the most powerful agent is oxymuriatic acid gas, first pro- posed by Mr. Cruickshanlcs, and now employed with the greatest success in the British navy and military hospitals. Tims there arc four substances which have the proii'Ttv ol ''estinvmg contagious matter, and ot ATO ATO purifying the air ; but acetic acid cannot easily be obtained in sufficient quantity, and in a state of sufficient concentration to be employed with advantage. Nitric acid is attended with incon- venience, because it is almost always contamina- ted with nitrous gas. Muriatic acid and oxy- muriatic acid are not attended with these incon- veniences ; the last deserves the preference, be- onuse it acts with greater energy and rapidity. All that is necessary is to mix together two parts of salt with one part of the black oxyde of man- ganese, to place the mixture in an open vessel in the infected chamber, and to pour upon it two parts of sulphuric acid. The fumes of oxymuri- atic acid are immediately exhaled, fill the cham- ber, and destroy the contagion. Ato'chia. (Froma, neg. and tokos, offspring; from tiktio, to bring forth.) 1. Inability to bring forth children. 2. Difficult labour. ATOMIC THEORY. In the chemical com- bination of bodies with each other, it is observed that .some unite in all proportions ; others in nil proportions as far as a certain point, beyond which combination no longer takes place: there are also many examples, in whicli bodies unite in one proportion only, and others in several pro- portions ; and these proportions are definite, and in the intermediate ones no combination ensues. And it is remarkable, that when one body enters into combination with another, in several, dif- ferent proportions, the numbers indicating the greater proportions are exact simple multiples of that denoting the smallest proportion. In other words, if the smallest portion in which B coin- bines with A, be denoted by 10, A may combine with twice 10 of B? or with three times 10, and so on; but with no intermediate quantities. Ex- amples of this kind have of late so much increased in number, that the law of simple .multiples bids fair to become universal with respect at least to chemical compounds, the propTBrtions of which are definite. Mr. Dalton has founded what may be termed the atomic theory ofthe chemical con- stitution of bodies. Till this theory was pro- posed, we had no adequate explanation of the uniformity of the proportions of chemical com- pounds ; or of the nature of the cause which ren- ders combination in other proportions impossible. The following is a brief illustration: of the theory. Though wc appear, when we effect the chemical union of bodies, to operate on masses, yet it is consistent with the most rational view of the con- stitution of bodies, to believe, that it is only be- tween their ultimate particles, or atoms, that combination takes iplace. By the term atoms, it has been already stated, we are to understand the smallest parts of which bodies are composed. An atom, therefore, must be mechanically indivisi- ble, and of course a fraction of an atom cannot exist, and is a contradiction in terms. Whether tlie atoms of different bodies be of the same size, or of different sizes, we have no sufficient evi- dence. The probability is, that the atoms of dif- ferent bodies are of unequal sizes ; but it cannot be determined whether their sizes bear any regu- lar proportion to their relative weights. We are equally ignorant of their shape ; but it is proba- ble, though not essential to the theory, that they are sphencal. This, however, requires a httle qualification. The atoms of all bodies, probably, consist of a solid corpuscle, forming a nucleus, and of an atmosphere of heat, by which that cor- puscle is surrounded, for absolute contact is never supposed to take place between the atoms of bo- dies. The figure of a single atom may therefore be supposed to be spherical. But in compound atoms, consisting ot a single central atom sur- rounded by other atoms of a different kind, it is obvious that the figure (contemplating the solid corpuscles only) cannot be spherical; yet if we include the atmosphere of heat, the figure of a compound atom may be spherical, or some shape approaching to a sphere. Taking for granted that combination takes place between the atoms of bodies only, Mr. Dalton has deduced from the relative weights in which bodies unite, the rela- tive weights of their ultimate particles or atoms. When only one combination of any two elementa- ry bodies exists, he assumes, unless the contrary can be proved, that its elements are united atom to atom: single combinations of this sort he call* binary. But if several compounds can be ob- tained from the same elements, they combine, he supposes, in proportions expressed by some sim- ple multiple of the number'of atoms. The fol- lowing table exhibits aview of these combina- tions: 1 Atom of A+l atom of B=l atom of C, binary. 1 Atom of A+2 atoms of B=l atom of D, ternary. 2 Atoms of A+l atom of B=l atom of E, ternary. 1 Atom of A+3 atoms of B=l atom of F, quaternary. 3 Atoms of A-j-1 atom of B=I atom of G, quaternary. A different classification of atoms has been pro- posed by Berzelius, viz. into 1. Elementary atoms. 2. Compound atoms. The compound atoms he divides again into three different spe- cies ; namely; 1st, Atoms formed of only two elementary substances, united or compound atoms of the first'order. 2dly, Atoms composed of more than two elementary substances, and these as they are only found in organic bodies, or bodies obtained by the destruction of organic matter, he calls organic, atoms. Sdly, Atoms formed by the union of two or more compound attuns ; as, for example, the salts. These he calls compound atoms of the second order. If elementary atoms of different kinds were of the same size, the freatest number of atoms of it that could be com- ined with an atom of B would be 12; for this is the greatest number of spherical bodies that can be arranged in contact with a sphere of the same diameter. But this equality of size, though idopted by Berzelius, is not necessary to the hv- l?0 pothesis of Mr. Dalton, and is, indeed, supposed by him not to exist. As an illustration of the mode in which the weight ftf the atoms of bodies is determinea, let us suppose that any two elementary substan- ces, A and B, form a binary compound, and that they have been "proved experimentally to unite in the proportion by weight, of Jive to the former, to four of the latter, then since (according to the hypothesis) they unite particle to particle, those numbers will express the relative weight of their atoms. But besides combining atom-to atom 8mEly, 1 atom of A may combine with 2 of B, or with 3, 4, &c. or one atom of B may combine with 2 of A, or with 3. 4, &c. When such a series of compounds exists, the relative propor- tion of their elements ought necessarily on ana- lysis to be proved to be 5 of A to 4 of B, or 5 to (4+4=) 8 or 5 to (4+4+4b=) 12, &c, or contra- riwise, 4 of B to 5 of A, or 4 to (5+5=) 10 or 4 to (5-4--+r,—) 15. Between these there oueht ATu 10 be no mtennediate compounds, and the ex- istence of any such (as 5 of A to 6 of B, or 4 of B to 7j of A) would, if clearly established, mili- tate against the hypothesis. To verify these numbers, it may be proper to examine the com- ' binations of A and B with some third substance, for example, with C. Let us suppose that A and C form a binary compound, in which analysis discovers 5 parts of A, and 3 of C. Then if C and B are also capable of forming a binary com- pound, the relative proportion of its elements ought to be 4 of B to 3 of C, for these numbers denote the relative weights of their atoms. Now this is precisely the method by which Mr. Dalton has deduced tne relative weights of oxygen, hy- drogen, and nitrogen, the two first from the known composition of water, and the two last from the proportion of the elements of ammonia. Ex- tending the comparison to a variety of other bo- dies, he has obtained a scale of the relative weights of their atoms. In several instances ad- ditional evidence is acquired of the accuracy of the weight assigned to an element, by our ob- taining the same number from an investigation of several of its compounds. For example, 1. In water, the hydrogen is to the oxygen as 1 to 8. 2. In olefiant gas, the hydrogen is to the carbon as 1 to 8. S. In carbonic acid, the oxygen is to the car- bon as 8 to 6. Whether, therefore, wc determine the weight of the atom of carbon from the proportion in which it combines with hydrogen, or with oxy- gen, we arrive at the same number 6, an agree- ment which, as it occurs in various other instan- ces, can scarcely be an accidental coincidence. In similar manner, 8 is deducible, as representing the atom of oxygen, both from the combination of that base with hydrogen, and with carbon, and 1 is referred to be the relative weight of the atom of hydrogen, from the two principal com- Iiounds into which it enters. In selecting the tody which should be assumed as unity, Mr. Dalton has been induced to fix on hydrogen, be- cause it is that body which unites with others in the smallest proportion. Thus in water, we have 1 of hydrogen, by weight, to 8 of oxygen; in ammonia, 1 of hydrogen to 14 of nitrogen ; in carburetted hydrogen, 1 of hydrogen to 6 of car- bon ; and in sulphuretted hydrogen, 1 of hydro- gen to 16 of sulphur. Taking for granted that all these bodies are binary compounds, we have the following scale of numbers expressive of the relative weights of the atoms of their elements: Hydrogen - - 1 Oxygen 8 Nitrogen - - 14 Carbon 6 Sulphur - . - - 16 Drs. Wollaston and Thomas, and Professor Berzelius, on the other hand, have assumed oxy- gen as the decimal unit, (the first making it 10, the second 1, and the third 100,) chiefly with a view to facilitate the estimation of its numerous compounds with other bodies. This perhaps is to be regretted, even though the change may be in some respects eligible, because it is extremely desirable that chemical writers should employ an universal standard of comparison for the weights of the atoms of bodies. It is easy, however, to reduce the number to Mr. Dalton's by the rule of, Jiroportion. Thus, as 8, Mr. Dalton's number or oxygen, corrected by the latest experiments, is to I, his number for hydrogen, so is 10, Dr. Wollaston's number for oxyzen, 1.25 the number "t hvdro^ii'. Sir U P vv b?s turned with 7fi a ro Air. Dalton, the atom of hydrogen as unity ; bill that philosophor and Berzelius also have modi- fied the theory, by taking for granted that water is a compound of one proportion (atom) of oxy- gen and two proportions (atoms) of hydrogen. This is founded on the fact that two measures of hydrogen gas and one of oxygen gas are neces- sary to form water ; and on the supposition that equal measures of different gases contain equal numbers of atoms. And as in water the hydro- gen is to the oxygen by weight as 1 to 8, two atoms or volumes of hydrogen must, on this hy- pothesis, weigh 1, and 1 atom of volume of hy- drogen 8; or if we denote a single atom of dydro- fen by 1, we must express an atom of oxygen by 6. It is objectionable, however, to this modifi- cation of the atomic theory, that ft contradicts a fundamental proposition of Mr. Dalton, the con- sistency of which with mechanical principles he has fully shown ; namely, that that compound of any two elements wliich is with most difficulty decomposed must be presumed, unless the con- trary can be proved, to be a binary one. It is easy to determine, in the manner already explain- ed, the relative weights of the atoms of two ele- mentary bodies which unite only in one proportion; but when one body*unites in different proportions with another, it is necessary in order to ascertain the weight of its atom, that we should know the smallest proportion in which the former combines with the latter. Thus if we have a body A, 100 parts of which by weight combine with not less than 32 of £xygen, the relative weight of its atom will be to that of oxygen as 100 to 32 ; or reducing these numbers to their lowest terms, as 25 to 8; and the number 25 will therefore ex- press the relative weight ofthe atom of A. But if, in the progress of science, it should be found that 100 parts of A are capable of uniting with 16 parts of oxygen, then the relative weight of the atom of A must be doubled; for as 100 is to 16, so is 50 to 8. This example will serve to explain the changes that have been sometimes made in assigning the weights of the atoms of certain bo- dies, changes which it must be observed always consist either in a multiplication or division ofthe original weight by some simple number. There are, it must be acknowledged, a few cases in which one body combines with another in differ- ent proportions ; and yet the greater proportions are not multiples of the less by any entire num- ber. For example, we have two oxydes of iron, the first of which consists of 100 iron and about 30 oxygen ; the second of 100 iron and about 45 oxygen. But the numbers 30 and 45 are to each other as 1 to 1£. It will, however, render these numbers 1 and 1 -J consistent with the law of sim- ple multiples ; if we multiply each of them by 2, it will change them to 2 and 3; and if we sup- pose that there is an oxyde of iron, though it has not yet been obtained experimentally, consisting of 100 iron and 15 oxygen; for the* multiplication of this last number by 2 and 3 will then give us the known oxydes of iron. In some cases where we have the apparent anomaly of 1 atom of one substance united with 1| of another, it has been proposed by Dr. Thomson to remove the difficulty by multiplying both numbers by 2, and by assum- ing that in such compounds we have two atoms of the one combined with 3 atoms of the other. Such combinations, it is true, are exceptions to a law deduced by Berzelius, that in all inorganic compounds one of the constituents is in the state of a single atom ; but they are in no respect in- consistent with the views of Mr. Dalton, and are indeed expressly admitted by him to be compati- ble -ivitji thishypethesi'-. as well as confirmed '■& ATI! ATR experience. Thus, it will appear in the sequel, that some of the compounds of oxygen with ni- trogen are constituted in this way. Several ob- jections have been proposed to the theory of Mr. Dalton ; of these it is only necessary to notice the most important. It has been contended that wc have no evidence when one combination only of two elements exists, that it must be a binary one, and that we might equally well suppose it to be a compound of 2 atoms ofthe one body with 1 atom of the other. In answer to this objection, we may urge the probability, that when two ele- mentary bodies A and B unite, the most energetic combination will be that in which one atom of A is combined with one atom of B; for an addi- tional atom of B will introduce a new force, di- minishing the* attraction of these elements for each other, namely, the mutual repulsion of the atoms of B ; and this repidsion will be greater in proportion as we increase the number of the atoms of B. 2dly, It has been said, that when more than one compound of two elements exists, we have no proof which of them is the binary compound, and which the ternary. For example, that we might suppose carbonic acid to be a com- pound of an atom of charcoal, and an atom of oxygen ; and carbonic oxydetof an atom of oxy- gen, with two atoms of charcoal. To this objec- tion, however, it is a satisfactory answer that such a constitution of carbonic acid and carbonic oxyde would be directly contradictory of a law of chemical combination ; namely, that it is at- tended, in most cases, with an inyease of specific gravity. It would be absurd, therefore, to sup- pose carbonic acid, which is the heavier body, to be only once compounded, and carbonic oxyde, which is the lighter, to be twice compounded. Moreover, it is universally observed, that of chemical compounds, the most simple are the most difficult to be decomposed; and this being the case with carbonic oxyde, we may naturally suppose it to be more simple than carbonic acid. 3dly, It has been remarked, that instead of sup- posing water to consist of an atom of oxygen united with an atom of hydrogen, and that the atom of the former is 7 ± times heavier than that of the latter, we might with equal probability con- clude, that in water we have Ih times more atoms in number of oxygen than of hydrogen. But this, if admitted, would involve the absurdity that in a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gases so contrived that the ultimate atoms of each should be equal in number, 7 atoms of oxygen would desert all the proximate atoms of hydrogen in order to unite with one at a distance, for which they must have naturally a le3s affinity. ATONIC. Atonicus. Having a diminution of strength. A'TONY. (Atonia, from a, neg. and retvu, to extend.) Weakness, or a defect of muscular power. ATRABI'LIS. (Atrabilis, from atra black, and bilis, bile.) 1. Black bile. 2. Melancholy. Artraeiliar.'e capsui..e. (From atra, black, and bilis.) Se Renal glands. • ATRACHE'LUS. (From a, priv. and TpaX- >/Xos, the neck.) Short-necked. Atrage'ne. See Clematis vitalba. Atrame'ntum sutorium. A name of green vitriol. Atra'sia. (From a, neg. and nrpaoi, to per- forate.) Atresia. 1. Imperforate. 2. A disease where the natural openings, as the anus or vagina, have not their usual orifice. Atreta'rum. (From «. ncs. and r.viw, to r22 perforate.) A suppression of urine from the menses being retained in the vagina. A'TRICES. (From a, priv. and V|, hair.) Small tubercles about the anus upon which hairs will not grow.—Vaselius. A'trici. Small sinuses in the rectum, which do not reach so far up as to perforate into its cavity. A'TRIPLEX. (Atriplex. ids. f.; said to be named from its dark colour, whence it was called Atrum olus.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Polygamia; Order, Monada. Atriplex fostida. See Chenopodium vul- varia. Atriplex hortens s. See Atriplex sativa. Atriplex sativa. The systematic name for the atriplex hortensis of tne pharmacopoeias. Orache, the herb and seed of this plant, Atriplex —caule erecto herbuceo, foliis triangulartbtu, of Linnaeus, have been exhibited medicinally as antiscorbutics, but the practice of the present day appears to have totally rejected them. ATROPA. (Atropa, a. f.; from Arpoiros, the goddess of destiny: so called from its fatal ef- fects. ) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. Atropa belladonna. The systematic name for the belladonna of the pharmacopoeias. So- lanum mclonocerasus; Solanum lethale. Deadly night-shade or dwale. Atropa—caule herbaceo; foliis ovatis integris of Linnaeus. This plant has been long known as a strong poison of the narcotic kind, and the berries have furnished many instances of their fatal effects, particularly upon children that have been tempted to eat them. The activity of this plant depends on a principle sui generis, called Atropia. (See Atropia.) The leaves were first used internally, to discus scirrhous and cancerous tumours; and from the good effects attending their use, physicians were induced to employ them internally, for the same disorders ; and there are a considerable number of well-authenticated facts, which prove them a very serviceable and important remedy. The dose, at first, should be small; and gradually and cau- tiously increased. Five grams are considered a powerful dose, and apt to produce dimness ef sight, vertigo, &c. Atropa man dragora. The systematic name for the plant which affords the radix mandta- gora ofthe pharmacopoeias. Mandrake. The boiled root is employed in the form of poultice, to discuss indolent tumours. ATROPHIA. (Atrophia, a. f.; from a, neg. and rpt, to nourish.) Marasmus. Atrophy; Nervous consumption. This disease is marked by a gradual wasting ofthe body, unaccompanied either by a difficulty of breathing, cough, or any evident fever, but usually attended with a loss (if appetite and impaired digestion. It is arranged by Cullen in the class Cachexia', and order Mar- cores. There are four species :— 1. When it takes place from too copious eva- cuations, it is termed atrophia inanitorum) and tabes nutneum;—sudatoria ;—d sanguifluxu, 2. When from famine, atrophia famelico- rum. 3. When from corrupted nutriment, atrophia cacachymica. ^ r 4. And when from an interrnption in the diges- tive organs, atrophia debilium. The atrophy of children is called paidatro- phia. The cause? which commonly zive rise to AIR ATI atrophy, are a poor diet, unwholesome air, ex- cess in venery, fluor albus, severe evacuations, continuing to give suck too long, a free use of hpiritBOtisliquors, mental uneasiness, and worms ; but it frequently comes on without any evident cause. Along with the loss of appetite and im- paired digestion, there is a diminution of strength, the face is pale and bloated, the natural heat of the body is somewhat diminished, and the lower extremities arc osdematous. Atrophy, arise from whatever cause it may, is usually very diffi- cult to cure, and not unfrequently terminates in dropsy. A'TROPHY. See Atrophia. ATROPIA. A poisonous vegetable principle, probably alkaline, recently extracted from the Atropa belladonna, or deadly nightshade, by Brandes. He boiled two pounds of dried leaves of atropa belladonna in a sufficient quantity of water, pressed the decoction out, and boiled the remaining leaves again in water. The decoctions were mixed, and some sulphuric acid was added, in order to throw down the albumen and similar bodies ; the solution is thus rendered thinnsr, and passes more readily through the filter. The de- coction was then supersaturated with potassa,' by which he obtained a precipitate that, when washed with pure water and dried, weighed 89 grains. It consisted of small crystals, from which by solution in acids, and precipitation by alka- lies, the new alkaline substance, atropia, was ob- tained in a state of purity. The external appearance of atropia varies con- siderably, according to tbe. different methods by which it is obtained. When precipitated from the decoction of the herb by a solution of potassa, it appears iu the form of very small short crys- tals, constituting a sandy powder. When thrown down by ammonia from an aqueous solution of its salts, it appears in flakes tike wax, if the so- lution is much diluted ; if concentrated, it is ge- latinous hke precipitated alumina; when obtained by the cooling of a hot solution in alcohol, it crystallises in long, acicular, transparent, bril- liant crystals, often exceeding one inch in length, which are sometimes feathery, at other times star-like in appearance, and sometimes they are single crystals. Atropia, however, is obtained in such a crystalline state only when rendered perfectly pure by repeated solution in muriatic acid, and precipitation by ammonia. When pure, it has no taste. Cold water has hardly any effect upon dried atropia, but it dissolves a suifjl quantity when it is recently precipitated; and boding water dissolves still more. Cold alcohol dissolves but a minute portion of atropia ; but when boiling, it readily dissolves it. Ether and oil of turpentine, even when boiling, have little effect on atropia. Sulphate of atropia crystallises in rhomboidal tables and prisms with square bases. It is solu- ble in four or five parts of cold water. It seems to effloresce in the air, when freed as much as possible from adhering sulphuric acid, by pres- sure between the folds of blotting paper. Its composition by Brandes seems to be, Atropia, 38.93 , Sulphuric acid, 36.52 Water, 24.5.' 100.00 This analysis would make the prime equivalent of atropia so low as 6.3, oxygen being 1. Muri- ate of atropia appears in beautiful white brilliant crystals, which :ire cither cubes or square plates similar to the muriate of daturia. He makes the composition of this rait to be. Atropia, 39.19 Muriatic acid, 25.40 Water, 35.41 100.00 This analysis was so conducted as to be enti- tled to little attention. Nitric, acetic, and oxalic acids dissolve atropia, and form acicular salts, all soluble in water and alcohol. Mr. Brandes was obliged to discontinue his experiments on the properties of this alkali. The violent headaches, pains in the back, and giddiness, with frequent nausea, which the vapour of atropia occasioned while be was working on it, had such a bad effect on his weak health, that he has entirely abstained from any further experiments. He once tasted a small quantity of sidphate of atropia. The taste was not bitter, but merely saline ; but there soon followed violent headach, shaking in the limbs, alternate sensations of heat and cold, oppression of the chest and difficulty in breathing, and diminished circulation of the blood. The violence of these symptoms ceased in half an hour. Even the vapour of the different salts of atropia produces giddiness. When ex- posed for a long time to the vapours of a solution of nitrate, phosphate, or sulphate of atropia, the pupil of the eye is dilated. This happened fre- quently to him, and when he tasted the salt of atropia, it occurred to such a degree, that it re- mained so for twelve hours, and the different de- grees of light had no influence. Schweigger's Journal, xxviii. 1. We may observe on the above, that it is highly improbable that atropia should have a saturating power, intermediate between potassa and soda. ATTE'NUANT. (Attenuans ; from attenuo, to make thin. An attenuent or diluent is that which possesses the power of imparting to the blood a more thin and more fluid consistence than it had, previous to its exhibition; such are, water, whey, and all aqueous fluids. ATTO'LLENS. (Attollens; from atlollo,, to lift up. Lifting up : a term apphed to some muscles, the office of which is to lift up the parts they are affixed to. Attollevs aurem. A common muscle of the ear. Attollens auricula of Albinus and Douglas ; Superior auris of Winslow ; and At- tollens auriculam of Cowper. It arises, thin, broad, and tendinous, from the tendon of the oc- cipito-frontalis, from which it is almost insepara- ble, where it covers the aponeurosis of the tem- poral muscle : and is inserted into the upper part of the ear, opposite to the antihelix. Its use is to draw tbe ear upwards, and to make the parts into which it is inserted, tense. Attollens occcli. One of the muscles which pulls up the eye. See Rutus .superior occuii. AtTo'nitus morbus. (From attono, to sur- prise ; so called because the person falls down suddenly.) Attonitus stupor. The apoplexy and epilepsy. ATTRACTION. (Attractio; from attraho, to attract.) Affinity. The terms attraction, or affinity, and repulsion, in the language of mo- dem philosophers, are employed merely as the expression of the general facts, that the masses or particles of matter have a tendency to approach and unite to, or to recede from one another, under certain circumstances. The term attraction is used synonymously with affinity. See Affinity. All bodies have a tendency or power to attract each other more or less, and it is this power which is called attraction. Attraction is mutual : it extends to indefinite distances. Ml bodies whatever, as well as their XL T ATT component elementary particles, arc endued Willi it. It is not annihilated, at how great a distance soever we suppose them to be placed from each other; neither does it disappear thouerh they be arranged ever so near each other. The nature of this reciprocal attraction, or at least the cause which produces it, is altogether unknown to us. Whether it be inherent in all matter, or whether it be the consequence of some other agent, arc questions beyond the reach of human understanding; but its existence is never- theless certain. " The instances of attraction which are exhi- bited by the phenomena around us, are exceed- ingly numerous, and continually present them- selves to our observation. The effect of gravity, which causes the weight of bodies, is so universal, that we can scarcely form an idea how the uni- verse could subsist without it. Other attractions, such as those of magnetism and electricity, are likewise observable ; and every experiment in chemistry tends to show, that bodies are com- posed of various principles or substances, which adhere to each other with various degrees of force, and may be separated by known methods. It is a question among philosophers, whether all the attractions which obtain between bodies be referrible to one general cause modified by cir- cumstances, or whether various original and dis- tinct causes act upon the particles of bodies at one and the same time. The philosophers at the beginning of the present century, were disposed to consider the several attractions as essentially different, because the laws of their action differ from each other; but the moderns appear dis- posed to generalise this subject, and to consider all the attractions which exist between bodies, or at least those which are permanent, as depending upon one and the same cause, whatever it maybe, which regulates at once the motions of the im- mense bodies that circulate through the celestial spaces, and those minute particles that are trans- ferred from one combination to another in the operations of chemistry. The earlier philoso- phers observed, for example, that the attraction ef gravitation acts upon bodies with a force whicli is inversely as the squares of the distances ; and from mathematical deduction they have inferred, that the law of attraction between the particles themselves follows the same ratio; but when their observations were applied to bodies very near each other, or in contact, an adhesion took place, which is found to be much greater than could be deduced from that law applied to the centres of gravity. Hence they concluded, that the cohesive attraction is governed by a much higher ratio, and probably the cubes of the dis- tances. The moderns, on the contrary, have re- marked, that these deductions are too general, because, for the most part, drawn from the consi- deration of spherical bodies, which admit of no contact but such as is indefinitely small, and exert the same powers on each other, whichever side may be obverted. They remark, likewise, that the consequence depending on the sum of the attractions in bodies not spherical, and at minute distances from each other, will not follow the inverted ratio of the square of the distance taken from any point assumed as the centre of gravity, admitting the particles to be governed by that law; but that it will greatly differ, according to the sides of the solid which are presented to each other, and their respective distances ; insomuch that the attractions of certain particles indefinitely near each other will be indefinitely increased, though the ratio of the powers acting upon the jrmoter particles mav continue nearly the same. That the parts of bodies do attract each other, is evident from that adhesion which produces so- lidity, and requires a certain force to overcome it. For the sake of perspicuity, the various effects of attraction have been considered as different kinds of affinity or powers. That power which physical writers call the attraction of cohesion, is generally called the attraction of aggregation by chemists. Aggregation is considered as the adhesion of parts of the same kind. Thus a number of pieces of brimstone, united by fusion, form an aggregate, the parts of which may be separated again by mechanical means. These parts have been called integrant parts ; that is to say, the minutest parts into which a body can be divided, either really or by the imagination, so as not to change its nature, are called integrant parts. Thus, if sulphur and an alkali be com- bined together, and form fiver of sulphur, wc may conceive the mass to be divided and subdi- vided to an extreme degree, until at length the mass consists of merely a particle of brimstone and a particle of alkali. This then is an inte- grant part ; and if it be divided further, the effect which chemists call decomposition will take place ; and the particles, consisting no longer of liver of sulphur, but ot sulphur alone, and alkali alone, will be what chemists call component parts or principles. The union of bodies • in a gross way is called mixture. Thus sand and an alkali may be mixed together. But when the very minute parts of a body unite with those of another so intimately as to form a body which has prftperties different from those of either of them, the union is called combination or compodtion. Thus, if sand and an alkali be exposed to a strong heat, the minute parts of the mixture combine and form glass. If two solid bodies, disposed to combine together, be brought into contact with each other, the par- ticles which touch will combine, and form a com- pound ; and if the temperature at which this new- compound assumes the fluid form be higher than the temperature of the experiment, the process will go no farther, because this new compound, being interposed between the "two bodies, will prevent their further access to each other ; but if, on the contrary, the freezing point of the com- poundbe lower than this temperature, liquefaction will ensue; and the fluid particles being at liberty to arrange themselves' according to the law of their attractions, the process will go on, and the vvq^ole mass will gradually be converted into a new compound, in the fluid state. An instance of this may be exhibited by mixing common salt and perfectly dry pounded ice together. The crystals of the salt alone will not liquefy unless very much heated; the crystals of the water, that is to say, the ice, will not liquefy unless heated as high as thirty-two degrees of Fahren- heit ; and wc have, of course, supposed the tem- perature of the experiment to be lower than this, because our water is in the solid state. Now it is a well-known fact, that brine, or the saturated so- lution of sea-salt in water, cannot be frozen unless it be cooled thirty-eight degrees lower than the freezing .point of pure water. It follows then, that if the temperature of the experiment be higher than this, the first combinations of salt and ice will produce a fluid brine, and the combina- tion will proceed until the temperature of the mass has gradually sunk as low as the freezing point of brine ; after which it would cease if it were not that surrounding bodies continually tend to raise the temperature. And accordingly it is found by experiment, that if the ice and the salt be previously cooled below the. temperature ol 111 ATT 111(/.iii"brine, the combination and liquelaction will not take place. The instances in which solid bodies thus com- bine together not being very numerous, and the fluidity which ensues immediately after the com- mencement of this kind of experiment, have in- duced several chemists to consider fluidity in one or both of the bodies apphed to each other, to'be a necessary circumstance, in order that they may produce chemical action upon each other. Cor- pora non agunt nisi sinlfluida. If one of two bodies apphed to each other be. fluid at the temperature of the experiment, its parts will successively unite with the parts of the solid, which will by that means be suspended in the fluid, and disappear. Such a fluid is called a solvent or menstruum; and the solid body is said to be dissolved. Some substances unite together in all propor- tions. In this way the acids unite with water. But there are likewise many substances which cannot be dissolved in a fluid, at a settled tem- perature, in any quantity beyond a certain por- tion. Thus, water will dissolve only about one- third of its weight of common salt; and if more salt be added, it will remain solid. A fluid which holds in solution as much of any substance as it can dissolve, is said to be saturated with it. But saturation with one substance is so far from pre- venting a fluid from dissolving another body,- that it very frequently happens, that the solvent power ofthe compound exceeds that ofthe original fluid itself. Chemists likewise use the word saturation in another sense; in which it denotes, such a union of two bodies as produces a compound the most remote in its properties from the properties of the component parts themselves. In combi- nations where one of the principles predominate, the one is said to be supersaturated, and the other principle is said to be subsaturated. Heat in general increases the solvent power of fluids, probably by preventing part of the dis- solved substance from congealing or assuming the solid form. It often happens, that bodies which have no tendency to unite are made to combine together by means of a third, which is then called the me- dium. Thus water and fat oils are made to unite by tin medium of an alkali, in the combi- nation called soap. Some writers, who seem desirous of multiplying terms, call this tendency to unite the affinity of intermedium. This case has likewise been called disposing affinity ; but Berthollet more properly styles it redprocal affinity. He likewise distinguishes affinity into elementary, when it is between the elementary parts of bodies; and resulting, when it is a com- pound only, and would not take place with the elements of that compound. It very frequently happens, on the contrary, that the tendency of two bodies to unite, or re- main in combination together, is weakened or destroyed by the addition of a third. Thus al- cohol unites with water in.such a manner as to separate most salts from it. A striking instance of this is seen in a saturated or strong solution of nitre in water. If to this there be added an equal measure of alcohol, the greater part of the nitre instantly falls down. Thus magnesia is separated from a solution of Epsom salt, by the addition of an alkali, which combines with the sulphuric acid, and separates the earth. The principle which falls down is said to be predpi- tated, and in many instances is called a predpi- tate. Some modern chemists use the term pre- cipitation in a more extended, and rather forced • insc; for they apply it to all substances thus separated. In this enunciation, therefore, they would say, that potassa precipitates soda from a solution of common salt, though no visible sepa- ration or precipitation takes place ; for the soda, when disengaged from its acid, is still suspended in the water by reason of its solubility. From a great number of facts of this nature, it is clearly ascertained, not as a probable hypo- thesis, but as simple matter of fact, that some bodies have a stronger tendency to unite than others; and that the union of any substance with another will exclude, or separate, a third sub- stance, which might have been previously united with one of them ; excepting only in those cases) wherein the new compound has a tendency to unite with that third substance, and form a triple compound. This preference of uniting, which a given substance is found to exhibit with regard to other bodies, is by an easy metaphor called elec- tive attraction, and is subject to a variety of cases, according to the number and the powers of the principles which are respectively presented to each other. The cases which have been most frequently observed by chemists, are those called simple elective attractions, and double elective attractions. When a simple substance is presented or ap- plied to another substance compounded of two principles, and unites with one of these two prin- ciples so as to separate or exclude the other, this effect is said to be produced by dmple elective at- traction. It may be doubted whether any of our opera- tions have been carried to this degree of simpli- city. All the chemical principles we are ac- quainted with are simple only with respect to our power of decomposing them ; and the daily dis- coveries of our contemporaries tend to decom- pose those substances, which chemists a few years ago considered as simple. Without insisting, however, upon this difficulty, we may observe, that water is concerned in all the operations which are called humid, and beyond a doubt modifies all the effects of such bodies as are suspended in it; and the variations of temperature, whether arising from an actual igneous fluid, or from a mere modi- fication of the parts of bodies, also tend greatly to disturb the effects of" elective attraction. These causes render it difficult to point out an ex- ample of simple elective attraction, which may in strictness be reckoned as such. Double elective attraction takes place when two bodies, each consisting of two principles, are presented to each other, and mutually exchange a principle of each; by which means two new bo- dies, or compounds, are produced of a different nature from the original compounds. I'ndcr the same limitations as were pointed out in speaking of simple elective attraction, we may offer instances of double elective attraction. Let oxyde of mercury be dissolved to saturation in the nitric acid, the water will then contain nitrate of mercury. Again, let potassa be dissolved to saturation in the sulphuric acid, and the result will be a solution of sulphate of potassa. If mer- cury were added to the latter solution, it would indeed tend to unite with the acid, but, would pro- duce no decomposition; because the elective at- traction of the acid to the alkali is the strongest. So likewise, if the nitric acid alone be added to it, its tendency to unite with the alkali, strong as it is, will not effect any change, because the al- kali is already in combination with a stronger acid. But if the nitrate of mercury be added to the solution of sidphate of potassa, a change of principles will take place; the sulphuric acid will quit the alkali, and unite with the mercury, ATT AH while the nitric acid combines with the alkali • and these two new salts, namely, nitrate of po^ tassa, and sulphate of mercury, may be obtained separately by crystallization. The most remark- able circumstance in this process, is that the joint effects of the attractions of the sulphuric acid to mercury, and the nitric acid to alkali, prove to be stronger than the sum of the attrac- tions between the sulphuric acid and the alkali, and between the nitrous acid and the mercury; for if the sum of these two last had not been weaker, the original combinations would not have been broken. Mr. Kirvan, who first, in the year 1782 con- sidered this subject with that attention it deserves, called the affinities which tend to preserve the original combinations, the quiescent affinities. He distinguished the affinities or attractions which tend to produce a change of principles, by the name of the divellent affinities. Some eminent chemists are disposed to consider as effects of double affinities, those changes of principles only which would not have taken place without the assistance of a fourth princi- ple. Thus, the mutual decomposition of sul- phate of soda and nitrate of potassa, in which the alkalies are changed, and sulphate of potassa and nitrate of soda are produced, is not consider- ed by them as an instance of double decomposi- tion ; because the nitre would have been decom- posed by simple elective attraction, upon the addition of the acid only. There are various circumstances which modify the effects of elective attraction, and have from time to time misled chemists in their deductions. The chief of these is the temperature, which, acting differently upon the several parts of compounded bodies, seldom fails to alter, and frequently re- verses the effects of the affinities. Thus, if al- cohol be added to a solution of nitrate of potassa, it unites with the water, and precipitates the salt at a common temperature. But if the temperature be raised, the alcohol rises on account of its volatility, and the salt is again dissolved. Thus again, if sulphuric acid be added, in a common temperature, so a combination of phosphoric acid and lime, it will decompose the salt, and disen- gage the phosphoric acid ; but if this same mix- ture of these principles be exposed to a consider- able heat, the sulphuric acid will have its attrac- tion to the lime so much diminished, that it will rise, and give place again to the phosphoric, which will combine with the lime. Again, mer- cury kept in a degree of heat very nearly equal to volatilising it. will absorb oxygen, and become converted into the red oxyde formerly called precipitate per se ; but if the heat be augmented still more, the oxygen will assume the elastic state, and fly off, leaving the mercury in its original state. Numberless instances of the like nature continually present themselves to the ob- servation of chemists, which are sufficient to establish the conclusion, that the elective attrac- tions are not constant but at one and the same temperature. Many philosophers are of opinion, that the variations produced by change of temperature arise from the elective attraction of the matter of heat itself. But there are no decisive experi- ments either in confirmation or refutation of this hypothesis. If we except the operation of heat, which really produces a change in the elective attrac- tions, we shall find, that most of the other diffi- culties at! ending tliis subject arise from the im- perfect stale of chemical science. If to a com- pound of two principles a third be added, the 126 effect of this must necessarily be different ac- cording to its quality, and likewise according to the state of saturation of the two princi- ples of the compounded body. If the third principle which is added be in excess, it may dis- solve and suspend the compound which may be newly formed, and likewise that which might have been precipitated. The metallic solutions, decomposed by the addition of an alkali, afford no precipitate in various cases when the alkali i3 in excess ; because this excess dissolves the pre- cipitate, which would else have fallen down. If, on the other hand, one of ^e two principles of the compound body be in excess, the addition of a third substance may combine with that excess, and leave a neutral substance, exhibiting very different properties from the former. Thus, if cream of tartar, which is a salt of difficult solu- bility, consisting of potassa united to an excess of the acid of tartar, be dissolved in water, and chalk be added, the excess unites with part of the lime of the chalk, and forms a scarcely soluble salt; and the neutral compound, which remains after the privation of this excess of acid, is a very soluble salt, greatly differing in taste and properties from the cream of tartar. The metals and the acids likewise afford various phenomena, according to their degree of oxydation. A de- terminate oxydation is in general necessary for the solution of metals in acids; and the acids themselves act very differently, accordingly on they we more or less acidified. Thus, the ni- trous acid gives place to acids which are weaker than the nitric acid; the sulphurous acid gives place to acids greatly inferior in attractive power or affinity to the sulphuric acid. The deception arising from effects of this nature is in a great measure produced by the want of discrimination on the part of chemical philosophers ; it being evident that the properties of any compound substance depend as much upon the proportion of its ingredients, as upon their respective nature. The presence and quantity of water is proba- bly of more consequence than is yet supposed. Thus, bismuth is dissolved in nitrous acid, but falls when the water is much in quantity. The power of double elective attractions, too, is disturbed by this circumstance : If muriate of lime be added to a solution of carbonate of soda, they are both decomposed, and the results are muriate of soda and carbonate of lime. But if lime and muriate of soda be mixed with just water sufficient to make them into a paste, and this be exposed to the action of carbonic acid gas, a sa- line efflorescence, consisting of carbonate of soda, will be formed on the surface, and the bottom of the vessel will be occupied by muriate of lime in a state of deliquescence. Berthollet made a great number of experiments, from which he deduced the following law:—that in elective attractions the power exerted is not in the ratio of the affinity simple, but in a ratio com- pounded of the foice of affinity and the quantity of the agent; so that quantity may compensate for weaker affinity. Thus an acid which has a weaker affinity than another for a given base, if it be employed in a certain quantity, is capable of taking part of that base from the acid which has a stronger affinity for it; so that the base will be divided between them in the compound ratio of their iffinity and quantity. This division of one substance between two others, for which it has different affiiities, always takes place, according to him, when three such are present under cir- cumstances in wliich they can mutually act on each other. And hence it is, that the foice of affinity acts most powerfully when two subs-tanee= Atn AUR iir.t come into contact, and continues to de- crease in power as either approaches the point of saturation. For the same reason it is so difficult to separate the last portions of any substance ad- hering to another. Hence, if the doctrine laid down by M. Berthollet be true, to its utmost ex- tent, it must be impossible ever to free a com- pound completely from any one of its constituent parts by the agency of elective attraction; so that all our best established analyses are more or lets inaccurate. 'I Tie solubility or insolubility of principles, at the temperature of any experiment, has likewise tended to mislead chemists, who have deduced consequences from the first effects of their expe- riments. It is evident, that many separations may ensue without precipitation; because this circumstance does not take place unless the se- parated principle be insoluble, or nearly so. The soda cannot be precipitated from a solution of sulphate of soda, by the addition of potassa, be- cause of its great solubility -. but, on the contra- ry, the new compound itself, cr sulphate of po- tassa, which is much less soluble, may fall down, if there be not enough of water present to suspend it. No certain knowledge can therefore be de- rived from the appearance or the want of preci- pitation, unless the products be carefully exa- mined. In some instances all the products re- main suspended; and in others, they all fall down, as hiay be instanced in the decomposition of sulphate of iron by time. Here the acid unites with the lime, and forms sulphate of lime, which is scarcely at all soluble ; and the still less solu- ble oxyde of iron, which was disengaged, falls down along with it. Many instances present themselves, in wlu'ch decomposition docs not take place, but a sort of equilibrium of affinity is perceived. Thus, soda, added to the supertartrate of potassa, forms a triple salt by combining with its excess of acid. So likewise ammonia combines with a portion of the acid of muriate of mercury, and forms the triple compound formerly distinguished by the barbarous name of sal alembroth." Attraction, double elective. See Affinity, double. Aua'ntf.. (From avaivui, to dry.) A dry disease, proceeding from, a fermentation in the stomach, described by Hippocrates de Morbis. Aua'pse. Tbe same. Au'chen. (From au^£w, to be proud.) The neck, which in the posture of pride, is made stiff and erect. AUDITORY. (Auditotius; from audio, to hear.) Belonging to the organ of hearing ; as auditory nerve, passage, &c. Auditory nerve. See Portio mollis. Auditory passage. See Ear, and Meatus auditorius internus. AUGITE. Pyroxene of Haiiy. A green, brovvn? or black mineral, found crystallised, and in grains in volcanic rocks in basaltes. It con- sists of silica, lime,_ oxyde of iron, magnesia, alumina and manganese. Augu'stum. An epithet formerly given to several compound medicines. Aoi.i'scos. (From avXos, a pipe.) A catheter, or clyster-pipe. AU'LOS. (AuXoj, a pipe.) A catheter, ca- liulu, or clyster-pipe. AU'RA. (Aura, a. f. ; from™, to breathe.) Any subtile vapour or exhalation. Aura BJ'ileftica. A sensation which is felt by epileptic patients, as if a blast of cold air ascended from the lower parts towards the heart and head. Alra semims. The extremely subtile and vivifying portion ofthe semen virile, that ascends through the Fallopian tubes, to impregnate the ovum in the ovarium. Aura vitalis. So Helmont calls the vital heat. AURA'NTIUM. (Aurantium, i. n. ; socaJl- . ed, ab aureo colore, fr^m its golden colour, or from Arantium, a town of Achaia.) The orange. See Citrus aurantium. Aurantium curassavente. The Curas- soa, or Curassao apple, or orange. The fruit so called seems to be the immature oranges, that by some accident have been checked in their growth. They are a grateful aromatic bitter, of a flavour very different from that of the peel of the ripe- fruit, and without any acid ; what little tartness they have when fresh, is lost in drying. Infused in wine, or brandy, they afford a good bitter for the stomach. They are used to promote the dis- charge in issues, whence their name of issue peas, and to give tSP flavour of hops to beer. Aurantii bacce. See Citrus aurantium. Aurantii cortex. See Citrus auranium. Aurichalcum. Brass. AURI'CULA. (Auricula, a. f. dim. of auris, the ear.) 1. An auricle or httle ear. 2. The external ear, upon which are several eminences and depressions ; as the helix, antihe- lix, tragus, antiragus, concha auricula, sea- pha and lobulus. See Ear. 3. Apphed to some parts which resemble a little ear, as the auricles of the heart. 4. In botany, applied to parts of plants, which resemble an ear in figure, as Auricula juda, and Auricula maris, fyc. Auricula jud.e. See Peliza auricula. Auricula muris. See Hieracium. Auricul.e cordis. The auricles of the heart. See Heart. AURICULA'RIS. (Auricularis; from auris, the ear.) Pertaining to the ear. Auricularis digitus. The httle finger; so called because people generally put it into the ear, when the hearing is obstructed. AURIC ULATUS. Auricled. A leaf is said to be so, when furnished at its base with a pair of leaflets, properly distinct, but occasionally liable to be joined to it, as in Citrus aurantium. Auri'ga. •• (Auriga, a wagoner.) A ban- dage for the sides is so called because it is made like the traces of a wagon-horse.—Galen. AURPGO. (Ab aureo colore; from its yel- low colour.) The jaundice. See Icterus. AURIPI'GMENTUM. (From aurum, gold, and pigmentum, paint; so called from its colour and its use to painters.) Yellow orpiment. See Arsenic. AU'RIS. (Auris, is. f. ; from aura, air, as being the medium of hearing.) The ear, or or- gan of hearing.) See Ear. AURISCA'LPIUM. (From auris, the ear, and scalpo, to scrape.) An instrument for clean- sing the ear. Auru'oo. The jaundice. AURUM. 1. Gold. 2. This term was applied to many substances by alchemists and chemists, which resembled gold in colour or virtues. Aurum fulminans. The precipitate formed by putting ammonia into a solution of gold. Aurum grafhicum. An ore of gold. Aurum horizontale. Oil of cinnamon and sugar. Aurum leprosum. Antimony. Aurum musivum. Mosaic gold. " A com- bination of tin and sulphur, whicli is thus made AVE AVI Melt twelve ounces of tin, and add to it three ounces of mercury ; triturate this amalgam with seven ounces of sulphur, and three of muriate of ammonia. Put the'powder into a matrass, bedded rather deep in sand, and keep it for several hours in a gentle heat; which is afterward to be raised, and continued for several hours longer. If the heat have been moderate, and not continued too long, the golden-coloured scaly porous mass, called aurum mudvum, will be found at the bot- tom of the vessel; but if it have been too strong, the aurum musivum fuses to a black mass of a striated texture. This process is thus explained: as the heat increases, the tin, by stronger affinity, seizes and combines with the muriatic acid of the muriate of ammonia ; while the alkali of that salt, combining with a portion of the sulphur, flies off m the form of a sulphuret. The combination of tin and muriatic acid sublimes ; and is found adhering to the sides of the matrass. ■ The mer- cury, which served to divide the tin, combines with part of the sulphur, and foqpas cinnabar, which also sublimes ; and the remaining sulphur, with the remaining tin, forms the aurum musi- vum which occupies the lower part of the vessel. It must be admitted, however, that this explana- tion does not indicate the reasons why such an indirect and complicated process should be re- quired to form a simple combination of tin and sulphur. Aurum musivum has no taste, though some specimens exhibit a sulphureous smell. It is not soluble in water, acids, or alkaline solutions. But in the dry way it forms a yellow sulphuret, soluble in water. It deflagrates with nitre. Berg- man mentions a native aurum musivum from Siberia, containing tin, sulphur, and a small pro- portion of copper. This substance is used as a pigment for giving a golden colour to small statue or plaster figures. It is likewise said to be mixed with melted glass to imitate lapis lazuli. Aurum potabile. Gold dissolved and mixed with oil of rosemary, to be drunk. Aurus braziliensis. An obsolete name of the Calamus aromaticus. Althe'meron. (From avros, the same, and vpepa, a day.) A medicine which gives relief, or is to be administered the same day. AUTOCRATE'IA. The healing power of nature.—Hippocrates. AUTOLITHO'TOMUS. (From avros, him- self, XiOos, a stone, and rtpvu, to cut.) One who cuts himself for the stone. AUTO'PSIA. (From avros, himself, and oif]opat, to see.) Ocular evidence. Auto'ptros. (From avros, itself, and vvpos, wheat.) Bread made with the meal of wheat, from which the bran has not been removed.— Galen. AUXILIARY. Assisting. This term is ap- plied to the means wliich co-operate in curing diseases, and to parts which assist others in per- forming certain functions. The pyramidales were called auxiliary muscles. Ava'nsis. Avante. Indigestion. AVANTURINE. A variety of quartz rock containing mica spangles. It is found in Spain and Scotland. AVELLA'NA. (From Abella, or Avella, a (own in Campania where they grew.) The speci- fic name of the hazel-nut. See Corylus avellana. Avellana cathartica. A purgative seed or nut, from Barbadoes, the produce of the Jatro- pha curcas. See Jatropha curcas. Avellana mexicana. Cocoa and chocolate nut. Avellana purgatrix. Garden spurge: AVE'NA. (Avena, a. f. ; from "veoto co- vet ; because cattle are so fond of it.) The oat. I. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnssan. system. Class, Triandria; Order, Digynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the oat. Avena sativa. The systematic name for the avena of the pharmacopoeias. It is the seed which is commonly used, and called the oat. There are two kinds of oats: the black and the white. They have similar virtues, but the black are chiefly sown for horses. They are less fari- naceous, and less nourishing, than rice, or wheat; yet afford a sufficient nourishment, of easy di- gestion to such as feed constantly on them. In Scotland, and some of the northern counties of England, oats form the chief bread of the inha- bitants. They are much used in Germany; but, in Norway, oat bread is a luxury among the com- mon people. Gruels, made with the flour, or meal, called oatmeal, digest easily, have a soft mucilaginous quality, by which they obtund acri- mony, and are used for common drink and food in fevers, inflammatory disorders, coughs, hoarse- ness, roughness, and exulceration of the fauces ; and water gruels answer'all the purposes of Hip- pocrates's ptisan. Externally, poultices, with oatmeal, vinegar, and a very little oil, are good for sprains and bruises. Stimulant poultices, with the grounds of strong beer, mixed up with oatmeal, are made for tumours, &c. of a gan- grenous tendency. Avenacu. A Molucca tree, of a caustic quality. AVENS. (Avens, entis; from aves, to de- sire.) 1. The specific name of a species of dip- sosis in Good's Nosology: immoderate, thirst. 2. The name of a plant. See Geum. AVENIUS. Veinless. Without a vein. A term applied by botanists to a leaf which is with- out what they call a vein ; as in Clusia alba. AVENZOAR. A native of Seville, in Spain, who flourished about the beginning of the twelfth century; he was made physician to the king, and is said, but on imperfect evidence, to have attained the uncommon age of 135. He prepared Ins own medicines, and practised surgery, as well as physic. His principal work was a compen- dium of the practice of medicine called, " Al- Theiser," containing some diseases not elsewhere described, and numerous cases candidly related. He was called the Experimenter, from his careful investigation of the powers of medicines by ac- tual trial. AVERROES. An eminent philosopher and physician, born about the middle ofthe 12th cen- tury, at Corduba, in Spain. He studied medicine under Avenzoar, but does not appear to have been much engaged in the practice of it, his life exhibiting the most extraordinary vicissitudes of honours bestowed upon him as a magistrate, and persecutions whicli he underwent for religion. He appears to have first observed, that the small- pox occurs but once in the same person. His principal medical work, called the " Universal," is a compendium of physic, mostly collected from other authors. He died about the year 1206. J AVICENNA. A celebrated philosopher and physician, born in Chorasan, in the year 980. He studied at Bagdat, obtained a degree, and began to practise at 18; and he soon attained great. wealth and honour in the court of the caliph. But during the latter part of Ids life, residing at Ispahan, after several years spent in travelhne, he impaired his constitution by intemperance, and died of a dyscivterv in his 58th vear. Hi* AXI AZV »mei work on medicine, called " Canon Medi- cine*," though mostly borrowed from the Greek or other preceding writers, and in a very diffuse style, acquired great reputation, and was taught in tbe European colleges till near the middle of the l'th century. AVICE'NNIA. (Named after the celebrated phyrician of that name.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Didy- namia; Order, Angiospermia. Avicennia tomentosa. The systematic name for the Avicennia—foliis cordato-ovatis, subtus tomentosis, of Linnaeus, which affords the Malacca bean, or Anacat'dium orientate of the pharmacopoeias. The fruit, or nut, so called, is of a shining black colour, heart-shaped, com- pressed, and about the size of the thumb-nail. It is now deservedly forgot in this country. Avigato pear. See Laurus persea. Awl-shaped. See Leaf. AWN. See Arista. AXE-STONE. A species of nephrite, and a subspecies of jade, from which it differs in not being of so light a green, and in having a some- what slaty texture. AXI'LLA. (Axilla, a. f. Atzil, Heb. Scali- ger deduces it from ago, to act; in this manner, ago, axo, axa, axula, axilla.) 1. In anatomy, the cavity under the upper part of the arm, called the arm-pit. 2. In botany, the angle formed by the branch and stem of a plant, or by the leaf with either. AXILLARIS. (From axilla, the arm-pit.) Axillary. 1. Of or belonging to the axilla, or arm-pit. 2. In botany, leaves, &c. are said to be axil- lary which proceed from the angle formed by the stem and branch. AXILLARIS. See Axillary. Axillaris gemma. Axillary gem. Thegem which comes out ofthe axilla of a plant. It is this which bears the fruit. AXILLARY. (Axillaris; from axilla, the arm-pit.) Of or belonging to the axilla, or arm- pit. Axillary arteries. Arteria axillares. The axillary arteries are continuations of the sub- clavian, and give off, each of them, in the axilla, four mammary arteries, the subscapular, and the posterior and anterior circumflex arteries, which ramify about the joint. Axillary nerves. Nervis axillares. Ar- ticular nerve. A branch of the brachial plexus, and sometimes of the radial nerve. It runs out- wards and backwards, around the neck of the humerus, and is lost in the muscles of the sca- pula. Axillary veins. Vena axillares. The axillary veins receive the blood from the veins of the arm, and evacuate it into the subclavian vein. AXINITE. , Thumerstone. A massive or crystallised mineral, the crystals of which resem- ble an axe in the form and sharpness of then edges. It is found in beds at Thum, in Saxony, and in Cornwall. AXIS. (From ago, to act.) The second vertebra. See Dentatus. AXCNGIA. (Axungia, a. f.; from axis, an axle-tree, and unguo, to anoint.) Hog's lard. Axungia curata. Purified hog's lard. Axuxgia de mum.mia. Marrow. A'zac. (Arabian.) Gum ammoniac. Aza'gor. Verdigris. AZALJEA. (From a^aXcos, dry, from its growing in a dry soil.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentan- dria, Order Monogynia. Azaljea pontica. The Pontic azalea. Azamar. Native cinnabar. VermUion. Azed. A fine kind of camphirc. AZOTE. (From a, priv. and ftw, to live; be- cause it is unfit for respiration.) Azot. Soe Nitrogen. Azot&nc. The chloride of azote. Azote, chloride of. See Nitrogen. Azote, deutoxyde of. See Nitrogen. Azote, gaseous oxyde of. See Nitrogen. Azote, iodide of. See Nitrogen. Azote, protoxyde of. See Nitrogen. A'zoth. An imaginary universal remedy. A'zub. Alum. Azurestone. See Ltpis lazuli. Azure spar, prismatic. See Azurite. AZURITE. Prismatic azure spar. Lazulit6 of Werner. A mineral of a fine blue colour, composed of alumina, magnesia, silica, oxyde of iron, and lime. It occurs in Vorau, in Stiria, and the bishopric of Salzburg. Azu'rium. Quicksilver, sulphur, and sal- ammoniac. A'ztges. (From a, priv. and Cvyos, a yoke.) The os sphenoides was so called, because it has no fellow. A'ZYGOS. (From a, priv. and Ivyos, a yoke; because it has no fellow.) Several single mus- cles, veins, bones, &c. are so called. Aztgos processus. A process of the os sphenoides. Azygos uvul.e. A muscle of the uvula. Pa- la to-staphilinus of Douglas. Staphilinus, or Epistaphilinus of Winslow. It arises at one ex- tremity ofthe suture which joins the palate bones, runs down the whole length of the velum and uvula, resembling an earth-worm, and adhering to the tendons of the circUmflexi. It is inserted into the tip of the uvula. Its use is to raise the uvula upwards and forwards, and to shorten it. Azygos vena. Azygos vein. Vena sine pari. This vein is situated in the right cavity of the thorax, upon the dorsal vertebra. It receives the blood from the vertebral, intercostal", bronchial, pericardiac, and diaphragmatic veins, and eva- cuates it into the vena cava superior. B. 13, ►aBUZRa'kiuh. (r.atovlucapios; from (ia6ati.i, to speak inarticulately.) The incubus, or night- mare . no called, because, in it, the person is apt to make an inarticulate or confused noise. B A (' <' A. (Bare a, a. f., a berry.) A pulpy pericarpium, or seed-vessel, enclosing several naked seeds, connected by a slender membrane, 17 and dispersed through the pulp. It is distin- guished by its figure mto: 1. Bacca rotunda, round; as in Ribes rU- brum, the currant, and Grossularia, the goose- berry. 2. Bacca oblonga, oblong; as in Barbarea vulgaris, common barberry. 129 BAU BAI 3. Bacca dicocca; double, as in Jasmuuin. 4. Bacca recutita, circumcised like the pro- minent glans penis, without the prepuce • as in Taxus baccata. From the substances it is denominated, 1. Bacca succosa, juicy ; as in Ribesrubrum. 2. Bacca corticosa, covered with a hard bark; as in Garcinia mangostana. 3. Bacca exsicca, dry ; as in Hedcra helix. From the number of loculamcnts into, 1. Bacca unilocularis, with one; as in the Actaa and Cactus. 2. Bacca bilocularis, with two; as in Lo- nicera. 3. Bacca trilocularis, with three; as in As- paragus and Ruscus. 4. Bacca quadrilocularis, with four; as Ca- rls quadrifotia. 5. Bacca quinquelocularis, with five; as in Melastoma. 6. Bacca multilocularis, with many; as in Nymphaa. From the number of the seeds into, 1. Bacca monospenna, with one only; as in Daphne, Viscum, and Viburnum. 2. Bacca disperma, with two seeds; as Bar- barea vulgaris, and Coffea arabica. 3. Bacca trisperma, with three ; as in Sam- bucus, and Juniperis. 4. Dacca quadrisperma, with four; as in Li- gustrum, and Ilex. 5. Bacca polyspermia, with many seeds; as in Arbutus unedo, Ribes, and Gardenia. The Bacca is also distinguished into simple and compound, when it is composed of several berries, which are called adni; as in Rubusfru- ticosus. Bacca bermudensis. The Bermuda berry. See Sapindus saponaria. Bacca juniperi. The juniper berry. See Juniperus communis. Bacca lauri. The laurel berry. SeeLau- rus nobilis. Bacca monspeliensis. See Inula dysenlc- rica. Bacca norlandica. The shrubby straw- berry. See Rubus arcticus. Bacca piscatoria. So named because fish are caught with them. See Menispermum coc- tulus. Bacca'lia. (From baccharum copia, because it abounds in berries.) The bay, or laurel-tree. See Laurus nobilis. BA'CCHARIS. (From bacchus, wine; from its fragrance resembling that liquor.) See Inula 0'ilS€7it'€ vie a BACCIFERUS. (From bacca, a berry, and fero, to bear.) Berry bearing. Bacciferje plant.e. Plants are so called which have a berry or pulpy pericarpium. BA'CCHIA. (From bacchus, wine; because it generally proceeds from hard drinking and intemperance.) A name given by Linnaeus to the pimpled face, which results from free living. BACCILLUM. A little berry. BACCIUS, Andrew, a native of Aucnna, practised medicine at Rome towards the end of the 16th century, and became physician to Pope Sixtus V. He appears to have had great industry and learning from his humorous publications ; of which the chief, " De Therrais," gives an ex- tensive examination of natural waters. Ba'cculi. 1. Is used, by some writers, for a particular kind of lozenges, shaped into little short rolls. 2. Hildauus likewise uses it for an instrument in surgery. " Bacher's Pills. Pilula tonica Bacheru X. celebrated medicine in France, employed for the cure of dropsies. Their principal ingredient is the extract of melampodium, or black helle- bore. Ba'coba. The Banana. BACT1SHUA, George, was a celebrated physician of Chorasan, distinguished also for his literary attainments. He was successful in cur- ing the reigning caliph of a complaint of the sto- mach, which brought him into great honour; he translated several of the ancient medical authors into the Arabian language ; and many Of his ob- servations are recorded by Rhazes and other shc« ceeding physicians. His son, Gabriel, was in equal estimation with the famous Haroun Al Raschid, whom he cured of apoplexy by blood- letting, in opposition to the opinion of the other physicians. Badia'ga. A kind of sponge usually sold in Russia, the powder of which is said to take away the livid marks of blows and bruises within a few hours. It is only described by Bauxbaum, and its nature is not properly understood. Badian semen. The seed of a tree whicli grows in China, and smells like aniseed. The Chinese, and Dutch, in imitation of them, some- times use the badian to give their tea an aromatic taste. Badi'za aqua. See Bathwaters. Badranum semen. Indian aniseed. Badu'cca. The Indian name for a species of capparis. Ba'dzcher. An antidote^ B.e'os. Batos. In Hippocrates it means few; but in P. iEgineta, it is an epithet for a poultice. BAGLIVI, George, born at Ragusa in 1888, after graduating at Padua, and improving himself greatly by travelling throughout Italy, Was made professor of medicine and anatomy at Rome. In 1698, he published an excellent work on the prao* tice of physic, condemning the exclusive attach- ment to theory, and earnestly recommending the Hippocratic method of observation; which, lie maintained, assisted by the modern improve- ments in anatomy and physiology, would tend greatly to the advancement ofmedicine. He has left also several other tracts, though he died at the early age of thirty-eight. BAGNIGGE WELLS. A saline mineral spring, near Clerkenwell, in London, resenv bling the Epsom water. In most constitutions, three half-pints is considered a full dose for purg- ing. BA'GNIO. (From bagno, Italian.) A bath- ing or sweating-house. Ba'hei coyolli. Ray takes it to be the Are- ca, or Fanfel. Ba'iiel schulli. An Indian-tree. See Ge- nista spinosa indica. Bahobal. Sec Adansonia. Ba'iac. White lead. Baikalite. The asbestiform species of tie- moliie. r BA1LLIE, Matthew, born in Scotland, in the year 17G0. His mother was sister of the two celebrated Hunters, Dr. William, and Mr. John; his father, a clergyman. In the early part of his education he enjoyed great advantages. After studying at Glasgow, where his father was Pro- fessor of Divinity, he was sent to one ofthe exhi- bitions of that university at Biiiiol College, Ox- ford, where he took his degrees in Physic, by —'ty. At an early period lie c.iuh f.i London and was an inmate with W? HAI HAL UJitie Dr. William Hunter, at that time lectur- ing to a numerous class of pupils, and who had the superintendence of his education. After de- monstrating in the dissecting room with the cele- brated and learned Mr. Cruickshanks, he be- came, on the death of his uncle, joint lecturer vvitiibim, and continued to lecture until 1799. Dr. Baillie's practice as a physician was for several years extremely small, and he often com- plained of the little he had to do ; indeed, at one time he thought of leaving the metropolis. In the year 1787, lie was elected physician to St. George's Hospital; and he now began to find his practice increase. About this period he married. Dr. Denman, the celebrated accoucheur of the day, had two daughters; Mr. Croft, afterward Sir Richard, married one, Dr. Baillie, the other. The confidence which the two first obtained in the higher circles of society, was great and exten- sive ; and they lost no opportunity of requiring the opinion and attendance of their relation. Dr. Baillie's pupils had now gone yearly to every part of England, and the Indies, and were not merely enforcing the principles and doctrines of their master, whose lectures they had heard deli- vered with such lucid order, and clearness of ex- pression, as to convey information in the most simple and intellible maimer; but were sending their patients from the most distant parts to profit by his advice and experience. Two other cir- cumstances soon occurred, which at once placed Dr. Baillie in a practice before unheard of. His uncle's, and his own great friend, Dr. Pitcairn, who was in great practice, was, from ill health, obliged to leave England for a more temperate climate, and he previously introduced him to all his patients ; and Dr. Warren, who had enjoyed the greater part of the practice of the nobility was suddenly cut off. There was no practitioner left whose opportunities Iiad fitted him to take t he lead, and thus a field was opened for aspiring senilis, ability, skill, and perseverance, which Dr. Baillie soon occupied, and from which he reaped an abundant harvest for more than twenty years. Before he discontinued his lectures in 1799, he published an octavo volume, on Morbid Anatomy, in which is compressed more accurate and more useful information than is to be found in the ela- borate works of Bonctus, Morgagni, and Lieu- taud. This was followed by a large work, con- sisting; of a series of splendid engravings to illus- trate Morbid Anatomy. He also gave a descrip- tion of the gravid uterus, and many important contributions to the transactions and medical col- lections of the time. Dr. Baillie presented his collection of speci- mens of Morbid Parts to the College of Physi- cians; with a sum of money to be expended id keeping them in order. The professional and moral character of this great physician cannot be too highly appreciated. To his brethren, among whom he might, from his extensive and peculiar practice, have exercis- ed a high and reserved deportment, he was hum- ble, attentive, communicative, and kind; and he never permitted the caprice of a patient or friends to interfere with the conduct of, or injure a prac- titioner, when unjustly censured. In the exercise of his practice, he displayed a discriminating and profound knowh dre ; happy in the conception of the cause of symptoms, he distinguished diseases from those with wliich they might have been confounded, and pointed out their probable progress and termination ; and in delivering his opinion, he expressed himself with clearness, decision, and candour. His moral character was adorned by the strict- est virtues, and ample charities. He died in the year 1823, in the sixty-third yearOf his age, from a gradual decay of the powers of nature, conti- nuing to practice until about a year before his death, leaving a wife, a son, a daughter, and a sister, Miss Joanna Baillie, who has acquired a degree of eminence surpassed by none of her sex in any age. A few of his private professional friends have directed a simple tablet and bust from the chisel of Chantry, to be placed in West- minster Abbey, to perpetuate hi6 high and ho- nourable professional character, ana his many private virtues. BAILLOU, Guillaumede, commonly called Ballonius, was born in 1538, at Paris, where he graduated, and attained considerable eminence. He was very active in the contest for precedence between the physicians and surgeons, which was at length decided in favour of the former. His writings are numerous, though not now much es- teemed ; but he appears to have been the first, who properly discriminated between gout and rheumatism. Ba'la. The plaintain-trec. BALiE'NA. (BaXaua; from flaXXio, to cast, from its power in casting up water.) The name of a genus of animals. Class, Mammalia ; Or- der, Cete. Bai. kna macrocephai.a. The systematic name of a species of whale. Balais ruby. See Spinclle. BALANCE. "The beginning and end of every exact chemical process consists in weigh- ing. With imperfect instruments this operation will be tedious and inaccurate ; but with a good balance, the result will be satisfactory j and much time, wliich is so precious in experimental re- searches, will be saved. The balance is a lever, the axis of motion of which is formed with an edge like that of a knife; and the two dishes at its extremities are hung upon edges of the same kind. Th(";e edges ;>rc first made sharp, and then rounded with a fine hone, or a piece of buff leather. The excellence of the instrument depends, in a great measure, on the regular form of this rounded part. When the lever is considered as a mere line, the two outer edges are called points of suspension, and the inner the fulcrum. The points of suspension are supposed to be at equal distances from the ful- crum, and to be pressed with equal weights when loaded. 1. If the fulcrum be placed in the centre of gravity of the beam, and ^he three edges lie all m tbe same right line, the balance will have no tendency to one position more than another, but will rest in any position it may be placed in, whether the scales be on or off, empty or loaded. 2. If the centre of gravity of the beam, when level, be immediately above the fulcrum, it will overset by the smallest action; that is, the end which is lowest will dc.-cend: and it will do this with more swiftness, the higher the centre of gravity, and the less the points of suspension are loaded. 3. But if the centre of gravity cf the beam be immediately below the fulcnim, the beam will not rest in any position but when level; and, it disturbed from tliis position, and then left at liber- ty, it will vibrate, and at last come to rest on the level. Its vibrations will be quicker, and its horizontal tendency stronger, the lower the cen- tre of gravity, and the less the weights upon the points of suspension. 4. If the fulcrum be below the line joining the points of suspension. al"' these be loaded, the 131 BAf. T.eam will overset, unless prevented by the weight of the beam tending to produce a horizontal po«i - tion. In this last case, small weights will equili- brate; a certain exact weight will rest in any position of the beam ; anil all greater weight's will cause the beam to overset. Many scales are often made this way, and will overset with any considerable load. 5. If the fulcrum be above the line joining the points of suspension, the beam will come to the horizontal position, unless prevented by its own weight. If the centre of gravity of the beam be nearly in the fulcrum, all the vibrations of the loaded beam will be made in times nearly equal, unless the weights be very small, when they will be slower. The vibrations of balances are quicker, and the horizontal tendency stronger, the higher the fulcrum. 6. If the arms of a balance be unequal, the weights in equipoise will be unequal in the same proportion. It is a severe check upon a work- man to keep the arms equal, while he is making the other adjustments in a strong and inflexible beam. 7. The equality of the arms of a balance is of use, in scientific pursuits, chiefly in making weights by bisection. A balance with unequal arms will weigh as accurately as another of the same workmanship with equal arms, provided the standard weight itself be first counterpoised, then taken ont of the scale, and the thing to be weighed be put into the scale, and adjusted against the counterpoise ; or when proportional quanti- ties only arc considered, as in chemical and in other philosophical experiments, the bodies and products under examination may be weighed against the weights, taking care always to put the weights into the same scale. For then, though the bodies may not be really equal to the weights, yet their proportions among each other may be the same as if they had been accurately so. 8. But though the quality of the arms may be well dispensed with, yet it is indispensably neces- sary that their relative lengths, whatever they may be, should continue invariable. For this purpose, it is necessary, either that the three edges be all truly parallel, or that the points of suspension and support shoidd be always in the same part of tbe edge. This last requisite is the most easily obtained. The balances made in London are usually con- structed in such a manner, that the bearing parts form notches in the other parts of the edges; so that the scales being set to vibrate, all the parts naturally fall into the same bearing. The balances made in the country have the fulcrum edge straight, and confined to one constant bearing by two side plates. But the points of suspension are referred to notches in the edges, like the Lon- don balances. The balances here mentioned, which come from the country, are enclosed in a small iron japanned box; and are to be met with at Birmingham and Sheffield warehouses, though less frequently than some years ago; because a pocket contrivance for weighing guineas and half- guineas has got possession of the market. They are, in general, well made and adjusted, turn with the twentieth of a grain when empty, and will sensibly show the. tenth of a grain, with an ounce in each scale. Their price is from five shillings lo half a guinea ; but those which arc under seven shillings have not their edges hardened, and con- sequently are not durable. This may be ascer- tained by the purchaser, by passing the point of a penknife across the small piece which goes through one of the end boxes : if it make any mark or impression, the part is s-aft * 132 . UAL 1 If a i>cam be adjusted so as to have no ten- dency to any one position, and the scales be equally loaded ; then, if a small weight be added in one of the scales, that balance will turn, and the points of suspension will move with an accel- erated motion, similar to that of falling bodies, but as much slower, in proportion, very nearly, as the added weight is less than the whole weiglit borne by the fulcrum. 10. The stronger the tendency to a horizontal position in any balance, or the quicker its vibra- tions, the greater additional weight will be re- quired to cause it to turn, or incline to any given angle. ' No balance, therefore, can turn so quick as the motion deduced. Such a balance as is there described, if it were to turn with the ten thou- sandth part of the weight, would move at quick- est ten thousand times slower than falling bodies; that is, the dish containing the weight, instead of falling through sixteen feet in a second of time, would fall through only two hundred parts of an inch, and it would require four seconds to move through one-third part of an inch ; consequently all accurate weighing must be slow. If the in- dices of two balances be of equal lengths, that index which is connected with the shorter balance will move proportionally quicker than the other. Long beams are the most iu request, because they are thought to have less friction : this is doubtful"; but the quicker angular motion, greater strength, and less weight of a short balance, are certainly advantages. 11. Very delicate balances are not only useful in nice experiments, but are likewise much more expeditious than others in common weighing. If a pair of scales with a certain load be barely sen- sible to one-tenth of a grain, it will require a considerable time to ascertain the weight to that degree of accuracy, because the turn must be ob- served several times over, and is very small. But if no greater accuracy were required, and scale* were used which would turn with the hundredth of a grain, a tenth of a grain, more or less, would make so great a difference in the turn, that it would be seen immediately. 12. If a balance be found to turn with a certain addition, and is not moved by any smaller weight, a greater sensibility may be given to that balance, by producing a tremulous motion in its parts. Thus, if the edge of a blunt saw, a file, or other similar instrument, be drawn along any part of the case or support of a balance, it will produce a jarring, which will diminish the friction on th<: moving parts so much, that the turn will be evi- dent with one-third or one-fourth of the addition that would else have been required. In this way, a beam, which woidd barely turn by the addition of one-tenth of a grain, will turn with one-thir- tieth or fortieth of a grain. 13. A balance, the horizontal tendency of which depends only on its own weight, will turn with the same addition, whatever may be the load; except so far as a greater load will produce a greater friction. 14. But a balance, the horizontal tendencv of which depends only on the elevation of the" ful- crum, will be less sensible the greater the load : and the addition requisite to produce an equal turn will be in proportion to the load itself. 15. In order to regulate the horizontal tendencv in some beams, the fulcrum is placed below the points of suspension, and a sliding weight is put upon the cock or index, by means of which the centre of gravity may be raised or depressed. J his is a useful contrivance. 16. Weights are made bv a subdivision of a standard weight. If the wt-isrht be continually BAL BAL halved it willprodiice the common pile, which is the smallest number for weighing between its ex- tremes, without placing any weight in the scale with the body under examination. Granulated lead is a very convenient substance to be u-ed in this operation of halving, which, however, is very tedious. The readiest way to subdivide small weights, consists in weighing a certain quantity of small wire, and afterward cutting it into such parts, by measure, as are desired; or the wire may be wrapped close round two pins, and then cut asunder with a knife. By this means it will be divided into a great number of equal lengths, or small rings. 1 he wire ought to be so thin, as that one of these rings may barely produce a sensible effect on the beam. If any quantity (as, for example, a grain) of these rings be weighed, and the number then reckoned, the grain may be subdivided in any proportion, by dividing that number, and making the weights equal to as many of the rings as the quotient of the division denotes. Then, if 750 of the rings amounted to a grain, and it were required to di- vide the grain decimally, downwards, 9-10 would be equal to 675 rings, 8-10 would be equal to 600 rings, 7-10 to 525 rings, &c. Small weights may" be made of thin leaT brass. Jewellers' foil is a good material for weights be- below 1-10 of a grain, as low as to 1-100 of a grain; and all lower quantities may be either estimated by the position of the index, or shown by actually counting the rings of wire, the value of vvhich has been determined. 17. In philosophical experiments, it will be found very convenient to admit no more than one dimension of weight. The grain is of that mag- nitude as to deserve the preference. With regard to the number of weights the chemists ought to be provided with, writers have differed according to their habits and views. Mathematicians have computed the least possible number, with whicli all weights within certain limits might be ascer- tained ; but their determination is of little use. Because, with so small a number, it must often happen, that the scales will be heavily loaded with weights on each side, put in with a view only to determine the difference between them. It is not the least possible number of weights which it is necessary an operator should buy to effect his purpose, that we ought to inquire after, but the most convenient number for ascertaining his inquiries with accuracy and expedition. The error of adjustment is the least possible, when only one weight is in the scale ; that is, a single weight of five grains is twice as likely to be true, as two weights, one of three, and the other of two grains, put into the dish to supply the place of the single five ; because each of these last has its own probability of error in adjustment. But since it is as inconsistent with convenience to pro- vide a single weight, as it would be to have a sin- gle character for every number; and as we have nine characters, which wc use in rotation, to ex- press higher values according to their position, it will be found very serviceable to make the set of weights correspond with our numerical system. This directs us to the set of weights as follows : 1000 grains, 900 e. 800 g. 700 g. 600 g. 500 g. 400 g. 300 g. 2(V ■-. 100 g. 90g. 80 *. 70g. 60g. 50g. 40 g. 30 g. ■:<) &. 10 g. 9g. 8g. 7 g. 6 g. 5 g. 4g. 3ir. Sg. 1 u.9-10g. 8-10g. 7-10g. 6-10g. 6-10g. 1-10 g. 3-10 g. 'MO e. 1-10 g. 9-100 g. 8-100g. 7-100g. 6-100g. 5-100g. 4-100 g. 3-100g. 2-100 g. I -100 g. With these the philosopher will always have the same number of weights in his scales as there are tiguros in the number expressing the weights in grains. Tims 742. 5 erain* will be weighed by the weights 700, 40,2, and 5-10.''-- Ure's Chemical Dictionary. Balasi sum oleum. Oil of the ben-nut. Balanoca'stanum. (From fiaXaros, a nut, and h.i-wov, a chesnut; so called from its tube- rous root.) The earth-nut. See Bunium bul- bocastanum. BA'LANOS. (From QaXXia, to cast; because it sheds its fruit upon the ground.) Balanus. 1. An acorn. 2. The oak-tree. See Quercus robur. 3. Theophrastus uses it sometimes to express any glandiferous tree. 4. From the similitude of form, this word is used to express suppositories and pessaries, (ia- Xavos signifying a nut. 5. A name of the glans penis. Balas ruby. See Spinelle. BALAU'STIUM. (FromliaXios, various, and avo>, to dry ; so called from the variety of its colours, and its becoming soon dry; or from ffX'a*-avht, to germinate.) Balaustia. A large rose-like flower, of a red colour, the produce of the plant from which we obtain the granate. Sec Punica granatum. BALBUTIES. (From fiaSa^u, to stammer ; or from balbeL, Heb. to stammer.) A defect of speech ; properly, that sort of stammering where the patient sometimes hesitates, and immediately after, speaks precipitately. It is the Psellismus. balbutuns of Cullen. Baldmoney. See JEthusa meum. Baldwin's phosphorus. Ignited nitrate of lime. BALISMUS. (BaXXtcpns; from fiaXXtZu, tri- pudio, pedibus plando.) The specific name of a disease in Good's genus Synclonus for shaking palsy. See Chorea and Tremor. BALI'STA. (From jiaXXw, to cast.) The astragulus, a bone of the foot, was formerly called os balistae, because the ancients used to cast it from their slings. BALLOO'N. (Ballon, or balon, French.) I. A large glass receiver in the form of a hollow- globe. For certain chemical operations balloons are made with two necks, placed opposite to each other; one to receive the neck of a retort, and the other to enter the neck of a second balloon : this apparatus is called enfiladed balloons. Then- use is to increase the whole space of the receiver, because any number of these may be adjusted to each other. The only one of these vessels which is generally used, is a small oblong balloon with two necks, which is to be luted to the retort, and to the receiver, or great balloon ; it serves to remove this receiver from the body of the furnace, and to hinder it from being too much heated. 2. A spherical bag filled with a gas of a small specific gravity, or with heated air, by the buoy- ancy of which it is raised into the atmosphere. BALLO'TE. (From (hXXut, tosendforth, and ovs, oitos, the ear ; because it sends forth flowers like ears.) Ballota. The name of a genus of plants. Class, Didynamia; Order, Gymnosper- mia. Ballots nigra. Stinking horchound. A nettle-like plant, used, when boiled, by the coun- try people against scurvy and cutaneous erup- tions. BALM. See Melissa. Balm of Gilead. See Dracocephalum. Balm of Mecca. See Amyris gileadensis. Balm, Turkey. See Dracocephalum. BA'LNEUM. (Balneum, ei. n. ?iAavcior, :» buth.) A bath, or bathing-house. See Bath. Balneum animai f.. The wrapping any pai* HAL BAL of an animal, just killed, round the body, or a limb. Balneum aren.e. A sand bath for chemical purposes. See Bath, Balneum calidum. A hot bath. See Bath. Balneum frigidum. A cold bath. See Bath. Balneum marle. Balneum maris. A warm-water bath. See Bath. Balneum medicatum. A bath impregnated with drugs. Balneum siccum. Balneum cine.e.um. A dry bath, either with ash.;, sand, or iron filings. Balneum sulphureum. A sulphurous bath. Balneum tepidum. A tepid bath. See Bath. Balneum vaporis. A vapour bath. BAL'SAM. (Balsamum; from baalsamen, Hebrew.) The term balsam was anciently appli- ed to any strong-scented, natural vegetable resin of about the fluidity of treacle, inflammable, not miscible with water, without addition, and sup- posed to be possessed of many medical virtues. All the turpentines, the Peruvian balsam, copaiba balsam. &c. are examples of natural balsams. Besides, many medicines compounded of various resins, or oils, and brought to this consistence, ob- tained the name of balsam. Latterly,-however, chemists have restricted this term to vegetable jtuces, either liquid, or which spontaneously be- come concrete, consisting of a substance of a resinous nature, combined with benzoic acid, or vvhich are capable of affording benzoic acid, by being heateii alone, or with water. They are insoluble in water, but readily dissolve in alcohol and aether. The liquid balsams are copaiva, opo- balsam, Pern, styrax, Tolu; the concrete are benzoin, dragon's blood, and storax. Balsam apple, male. The fruit of the elate- rium. See Momordica elaterium. Balsam, artificial. Compound medicines are thus termed which are made of a balsamic con- sistence and fragrance. They are generally com- posed of expressed or ethereal oils, resins, and other solid bodies, which give them the consist- ence of butter. The basis, or body of them, is expressed oil of nutmeg, and frequently wax, but- ter, &c. They are usually tinged with cinna- bar and saffron. Balsam of Canada. See Pinus Balsamea. Balsam, Canary. See Dracocephalum. Balsam of Copaiba. See Copaifera offiri- nulis. Balsam, natural. A resin which has not yet assumed the concrete form, but still continues in a fluid state, is so called, as common turpentine, balsamum copaiva, peruvianum, tolutanum, &c. Balsam, Peruvian. See Myroxylon Perui- ferum. Balsam of sulphur. See Balsamum sul- phuris. Balsa?n of Tolu. See Toluifera balsamum. Balsam, Turkey. See Dracocephalum. BALSAMA'TIO. (From balsamum, a bal- sam.) The embalming of dead bodies. Balsa'mea. (From balsamum, balsam.) The balm of Gilead fir ; so called from its odour. See Pinus balsamea. Balsamel^i'on. (From balsamum, balsam, raid zXaiov, oil.) Balm of Gilead, or true balsa- mum Judiacum. Ba'lsami oleum. Balm of Gilead. BALSA'MIC. (Balsamica, sc. medicamenta; from liaXtrapiav, balsam.) A term generally ap- plied to substances of a smooth and oily consist- ence, which possess emollient, sweet, and gene- rally aromatic qualities. Hoffman calls those 134 medicines by this name which are hot and acrid, and also the natural balsams, stimulating gums, &e. by which the vital heat is increased. Dr. Cullen speaks of them under the joint title of bal- samica et rednosa, considering that turpentine is the basis of all balsams. BALSAMI'FERA. (From balsamum, bal- sam, and fero, to bear.) Balsam berry. Balsamifera braziliensis. The copaiba tree. See Copaifera offidnalis. Balsamifera indicana. Peruvian balsam tree. See Myroxylon peruiferum. Balsamita fcsminea. See Achillea age- ratum. Balsamita lutea. See Polygonum persi- caria. Balsamita major. See Tanacetum balsa- mita. Balsamita mas. Sec Tanacetum balsa- mita. Balsamita minor. Sweet maudlin. BAL'SAMUM. (From baal samen, the He- brew for the prince of oils.) A balsam. See Balsam. Balsamum .egtptiacum. See Amyris gilea- densis. Balsamum alpinum. See Amyris gilea- densis. Balsamum americanum. See Myroxylon peruiferum. Balsamum anodtnum. A preparation made from tacamahacca, distilled with turpentine and soap liniment, and tincture of opium ; but there were a great number of balsams sold under this name formerly. Balsamum arc.ei. A preparation composed of gum-elemi and suet. Balsamum asiaticum. See Amyris gilea- densis. Balsamum braziliense. See Pinus bal- samea. Balsamum canadense. See Pinus bal- samea. Balsamum cephalicum. A distillation from oils, nutmegs, cloves, amber, &c. Balsamum commendatoris. A composition of storax, benzoe, myrrh, aloes. Balsamum copaiba. See Copaifera offi- cinalis. Balsamum emeryonum. A preparation of aniseed, fallen into disuse. Balsamum genuinum antiquorum. See Amyris gileadensis. Balsamum gileadense. See Amyris gi- leadensis. Balsamum guaiacinum. Balsam of Peru and spirits of wine. Balsamum guidonis. The same as balsamum anodynum. Balsamum hungaricum. A balsam pre- pared from a coniferous tree on the Carpathian mountains. Balsamum judaicum. See Amyris gilead- ensis. Balsamum lucatelli. (Lucatelli; so called from its inventor Lucatellus.) A preparation made of oil, turpentine, wax, and red saunders; now disused; formerly exhibited in coughs of long standing. Balsamum mas. The herb costmary. See Tanacetum balsamita. Balsamum e mecca. See Amyris gilead- ensis. Balsamum mexicanum. See Myroxylon peruiferum. Balsamum novum. A new balsam from. i red fruit in the West Indies. BAN Balsamum odoriferum. A preparation oi oiL wax, and any essential oil. Balsamum pkrsicum. A balsam composed of storax, benzoe, myrrh, and aloes. Balsamum peruvianum. See Myroxylon peruiferum. . Balsamum rackasira. This balsam, which is inodorous when cold, but of a smell approach- ing to that of Tolu balsam when heated, is brought from India in gourd shells. It is slightly bitter to the taste, and adheres to the teeth, on chewing. It is supposed to be one of the factitious balsams, and is scarcely ever prescribed in this country. Balsamum samech. A factitious balsam, composed of tartar, and spirits of wine. Balsamum saponaceum. A name given to the preparation very similar to the compound soap liniment. Balsamum baturni. The remedy so named is prepared by dissolving the acetate of lead in oil of turpentine, by digesting the mixture till it ac- quires a red colour. This is found to be a good remedy for cleansing foul ulcers ; but it is not acknowledged in our dispensatories. Balsamum sttracis benzoini. See Styrax Benzoin. Balsamum succini. Oil of amber. Balsamum sulphuris. A solution of sulphur in oil. Balsamum sulphuris anisatum. Terebin- thinated balsam of sulphur, and oil of aniseed. Balsamum sulphuris barbadense. Sul- phur boiled with Barbadoes tar. Balsamum sulphuris crassum. Thick bal- sam of sulphur. Balsamum sulphuris simplex. Sulphur boiled with oil. Balsamum sulphuris terebinthinatum. This is made by digesting the sulphur with oil of turpentine ; it is now confined to veterinary medicine. Balsamum striacum. See Amyris gilead- ensis. Balsamum tolutanum.'Scc Toluifera bal- samum. Balsamum traumaticum. Vulnerary bal- sam. A form of medicine intended to supply the place of the tincture commonly called Friatr's balsam, so famous for curing old ulcers. >The London College have named it Tinctura Benzoini composita. * Balsamum universale. The unguentum satormnum of old pharmacopoeias. See Ceratuin plumbi compositum. Balsamum verum. See Amyris gileadensis. Balsamum viride. Linseed oil, turpentine, and verdigris mixed together. Balsamum vita: hoffmanni. Beau?ne de vie. An artificial balsam, so named from its in- ventor, and composed of a great variety of the warmest and most grateful essential oils, such as nutmegs, cloves, lavender, &c. with balsam of Peru, dissolved in highly rectified spirit of wine ; but it if now greatly abridged in the number of ingredients, and but little used. Halzoi'mum. The gum-benjamin. BAMBA'LIO. (From 0a/i/Jaivw, to speak in- articulately.) A person who stammers or lisps. Bambo'o. (An Indian root.) See Arundo bambos. Ba'mia mosciiata. Sec Hibiscus. ■ Bamiek. The name of a plant common in Egypt, the husk of which they dress with meat, and, from its agreeable flavour, make great Use of it in their ragouts. Ban a'reor. The coffee-tree. Bana'na. An Indian word. S< n M>:sa sa- ui-„tt": BAR Bananlira. SecBanawc. Ba'ncia. The wild parsnip. BANDAGE. Deligalio. Fasda. ^An ap- paratus consisting of one or several pieces of linen, or flannel, and intended for covering or surrounding parts of the body for surgical pur- purposes. Bandages are either simple or com- pound. The chief of the simple are the circular, the spiral, the uniting, the retaining, the expel- lent, and the creeping. The compound bandages used in surgery, are the T bandage, the sus- pensory one, the capistrum, the eighteea-tail bandag,;, and others, to be met with in surgical treatises. Bandu'ra. A plant which grows in Ceylon, the root of which is said to be astringent. Bangu'e. Bange. A species of opiate in great use throughout the East, for its intoxicating qualities. It is the leaf of a kind of wild hemp, growing in the countries of the Levant, and made into powder, pills, or conserves. Ba'nica. The wild parsnip. Bani'las. See Epidendrum vanilla. . Bani'lia. See Epidendrum vanilla. Bao'bab. See Adansonia digitata. Ba'ptica coccus. Kermes berries. BAPTISTE'RIUM. (From (iairru, to ini- merge.) A bath, or repository of water, to wash the body. Bapti'strum. (From (iairrm, to dye.) A species of wild mustard, so called from its reddish colour. Ba'rac. (From Borak, Arabian, splendid.) Barach panis. Nitre. Ba'p.as. (Arabian.) In M. A. Severinus, it is synonymous with Alphus, or Leuce. Bara'thrum. (Arabian.) Any cavity or hol- low place. BATtBA. (From barbarus, because wild nations are usually unshaven.) 1. The beard of man. 2. In botany a species of pubescence, or down, with which the surface of some plants are covered sometimes in patches ; as in the leaves of the Mesembryanthemum barbatum. 3. Some vegetables have the specific name of barba, the ramifications of which are bushy, like a beard, as Barba jovis, &c. Barba aronis. See Arum maculatum. Barba capr.e. See Spirea utmaria. Barba hirci. See lYagopogon. Barba jovis. Jupiter's beard. This name is given to several plants, as the silver bush ; the Sempervivum majus; and of a species of am- thyllis. BARBADOES. The name of an island in the West Indies, from which we obtain a mineral tar, and several medicinal plants. Barbadoes cherry. See Malphigia glabra. Barbadoes nut. See Jatropha curcas. Barbadoes tar. See Petroleum barbadense, the use of which in medicine is limited to its ex- ternal application, at times, in paralytic cases. Barba'rea. (From St. Barbary, who is said to have found its virtues.) See Erydmum bar barea. Barba'ria. Barbaricum. An obsolete term formerly applied to rhubarb. Barbaro'ss.e pilula. Barbarossa's pill. An ancient composition of quicksilver, rhubarb, diagridium, musk, amber, &c. It was the first internal mercurial medicine vvhich obtained any real credit. Ba'rbarum. The name of a plaster in Scri- bonius Lartrus-. Barbatina. A Persian vermifuge seed. BARRA'TI's'. (From barba, a beards If? BAR CAU Bearded ; applied to a leaf which has a hairy or beard-like pubescence ; as Mescmbryanthemum barbatum, and Spananthe paniculata. BA'RBEL. Barbo. An oblong fish, resem- bling the pike, the eating ofthe roe of which often brings on the cholera. BARBERRY. See Berberis. BARBEYRAC, Charles. A French phy- sician of the 17th century, who graduated and settled at Montpelier, where he acquired great celebrity. He died in 1699, at the age of about 70, having published little, except a good account of the diseases of the chest and stomach in fe- males. Mr. Locke, who became intimate with him abroad, considered him very similar in his manners and opinions to Sydenham. His prac- tice is said to have been distinguished for sim- plicity and_ energy. Barbo'ta. The barbut. A small river-fish. It is remarkable for the size of its liver, wliich is esteemed the most delicate part of it. BARDA'NA. (From bardus, foolish; be- cause silly people are apt to throw them on the garments of passengers, having the property of sticking to whatever they touch.) Burdock. See Arctium lappa. BARE'GE. The small village of Barege, celebrated for its thermal waters, is situated on the French side of the Pyrenees, about half way between the Mediterranean and the Bay of Bis- cay.' The hot springs are four in number. They have all the same component parts, but differ somewhat in their temperature, and in the quan- tity of sulphur, the hottest being most strongly penetrated with this active ingredient. The coolest of these waters raises Fahrenheit's ther- mometer to 73 deg.: the hottest to 120 deg. Ba-, rege waters are remarkable for a very smooth soapy feel; they render the skin very supple and pliable, and dissolve perfectly well soap and ani- mal lymph ; and are resorted to as a bath in re- solving tumours of various kinds, rigidities, and contractions of the tendons, stiffness of the joints, left by rheumatic and gouty complaints, and are highly serviceable in cutaneous eruptions. Inter- nally taken, this water gives considerable relief in disorders of the stomach, especially attended with acidity and heart-burn, in obstinate colics, jaundice, and in gravel, and oth' r affections of the urinary organs. Bari'glia. See Barilla. BA'RILLA. Barillor; bariglia. The term given in commerce to the impure soda imported from Spain and the Levant. It is made by burning (o ashes different plants that grow on the sea shore, chiefly of the genus salsota, and is brought to us in hard porous masses, of a speckled brown colour. Kelp, which is made in this country by burning sea weeds, and is called British barilla, is much more impure. BARIUM. (From barytes, from which it is obtained.) The metallic basis of the earth ba- rytes, so named by Sir Humphrey Davy, who discovered it. " Take pure barytes, make it into a paste with water, and put this on a plate of platinum. Make a cavity in the middle of the barytes, into which a globule of mercury is to be placed. Touch the globule with the negative wire, and the plati- num with the positive wire, of a voltaic battery of about 100 pairs of plates in good action. In a short time an amalgam will be formed, consisting of mercury and barium. This amalgam must be introduced into a little bent tube, made of glass free from lead, sealed at one end, vvhich being filled with the vapour of naphtha, is then to be 136 hermetically sealed at the other end. Heat mtist be applied to the recurved end of the tube where the amalgam lies. The mercury will distil over, while the barium will remain. This metal is of a dark gray colour, with a lus- tre inferior to that of cast iron. It is fusible at a red heat. Its density is superior to that of sul- phuric acid ; for though surrounded with glo- bules of gas, it sinks immediately in that liquid. When exposed to air, it instantly becomes cover- ed with a crust of barytes; and when gently heated in air, burns with a deep red tight. It ef- fervesces violently in water, converting this li- quid into a solution of barytes." BARK. A term very frequently employed to signify by way of eminence, Peruvian bark. See Cinchona. Bark, Carribaan. See Cinchona Caribaa.* Bark, Jamaica. See Cinchona Caribaa. Bark, Peruvian. See Cinchona. Bark, red. See Cinchona oblongifolia. Bark, yellow. See Cinchona cordifolia. BARLEY. See Hordeum. Barley, caustic. See Cevadilla. Barley, pearl. See Hordeum. BARM. See Fermentum cerevisia. BARNET. A town near London, where there is a mineral water of a purging kind, of a similar quality to that of Epsom, and about half its strength. BARO'METER. (From (iapos, weight, and perpov, measure.) An instrument to determine the weight of the air ; it is commonly called a weather-glass. Baroltte. A carbonate of barytes. Baro'nes. Small worms; called also Nepones. Baro'ptis. A black stone, said to be an an- tidote to venomous bites. BA'ROS. (Bapos.) Gravity. 1. Hippocrates uses this word to express by it, an uneasy weight in any part. 2. It is also the Indian name for a species of camphire, which is distilled from the roots of the true cinnamon-tree# Barras. Galipot." The resinous incrustation on the wounds made in fir-trees. /' rren Flower. See Flos. V \ RRENNESS. See Sterility. i. \ RTHOLINE, Thoiuas, was born at Co- pe:, ii.-.^en in 1616. After studying in various parts of Curope, particularly Padua, and graduating at !>.nil, he became professor of anatomy in his li.dMc city; in which office he greatly distin- gu; ■ • d tujnself, as well as in many other branches of I. .rning. lie was the first who described the ly.. |'hatics with accuracy ; though some of these ves;:■> Is, as well as the lacteals and thoracic duct, had I cen before discovered by other anatomists. Besi ! '>s many learned works which he published, sevevnl others were unfortunately destroyed by fire in J670 ; and he particularly regretted a dis- sertation on the ancient practice of midwifery, of which an outline was afterwards published by his son Caspar. Of those which remain, the most i stecmed are, his epistolary correspondence with the most celebrated of his cotemporaries; his c. Ilection of cases where foetuses have been discharged by preternatural outlets; and the " Mi heal and Philosophical Transactions of Cop< uhagen," enriched by the communications of many correspondents. This last work was in four volumes, pubUshcd within the ten years pre- cedin-his death, which happened in 1680; and a filth was afterwards added by his son. Bartholin ia'n.e glandul.*. See Sub- lingual gland •< BAR BAR "BARYCOI'A. (From (lapus, heavy, and «mi,u, to hear.) Deafness, or difficulty of hearing. Baktoco'ccalon. (From 0apvs, heavy, and KoucaXos, a n"t; because it gives a deep sound. A name for the stramonium. BARYPHO'NIA. (From (iapvs, dull, and At>,r,, the voice.) A difficulty of speaking. HARYTE. See Heavy spar. BARYTES. (From (Iapvs, heavy ; so called because it is very ponderous.) Caak; Calk; Terra ponderosa; Baryta. Ponderous earth ; Heavy earth. United with the sulphuric acid, it forms the mineral called sulphate of barytes, or baroselenite. When united to carbonic acid, it is called aerated barytes, or carbonate of ba- rytes. Sec Heavy spar. Barytes is a compound of barium and oxygen. Oxygen comlnnes with two portions of barium, forming, 1. Barytes. 2. Deutoxyde of barium. 1. Barytes, or protoxyde of barium, " is best obtained by igniting, in a covered crucible, the pure crystallised nitrate of barytes. It is pro- cured in the state of hydrate, by adding caustic potassa or soda to a solution of the muriate or nitrate. And barytes, slightly coloured with charcoal, may be obtained by strongly igniting the carbonate and charcoal mixed together in fine powder. Barytes obtained from the ignited ni- trate is of a whitish-grey colour ; more caustic than strontites, or perhaps even lime. It renders the syrup of violets green, and the infusion of turmeric red. * Its specific gravity by Fourcroy is 4. When water in small quantity is poured on the dry earth, it slakes like quicklime, but per- haps with evolution of more heat. When swal- lowed it acts as a violent poison. It is destitute of smell. When pure barytes is exposed, in a porcelain tube, at a heat verging on ignition, to a stream of dry oxygen gas, it absorbs the gas rapidly, and passes to the state of deutoxyde of barium. Bat when it is calcined in contact with atmospheric air, we obtain at first this d« utoxydc and carbon- ate of barytes ; the former of vvhich passes very slowly into the latter, by ubaorption of carbonic acid from the atmosphere. 2. The deutoxyde of barium is of a greenish- grey colour, it is caustic, renders tbe syrup of violets green, and is not decomposable by heat nr light. The voltaic pile reduces it. Exposed at a moderate heat to carbonft acid, it absorbs it, emitting oxygen, and becoming carbonate of ba- rytes. The deutoxyde is probably decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen at ordinary tempera- tures. Aided by heat, almost all combustible bodies, as well as many metals, decompose it. The action of hydrogen is accompanied with re- markable phenomena. Water at 50° F. dissolves one-twentieth of its weight of barytes, and at 212° about one-half of its weight. It is colourless, acrid, and caustic. It acts powerfully on the vegetable purples and yellows. Exposed to the air, it attracts carbonic acid, and the dissolved baryU's is converted into carl onate, which falls down in insoluble crusts. .Sulphur combines with barytes, when they arc mixed together, and heated in a crucible. The same compound is more economically ob- tained by igniting a mixture of sulphate of barytes and charcoal in fine powder. This sulphuret is of a reddish yellow colour, ant when dry without smell. \\ hen this substance i» put into hot wa- ter, a powerful action is manifested. The water i>. decomposed, and two new products are formed, namely, hydrosulphuret, and bydroguretled sul- buret of bury tes. The first crystallises as the quid osob, the second remains dissolved. The 18 hythoxulplmrel is a cornponudof 9.75 ef barytr with 2.125 sulphuretted hydrogen. Its crystals should be quickly separated by filtration, and dried by pressure between the folds of porous paper. They are white scales, have a silky lus- tre, are soluble in water, and yield a solution having a greenish tinge. Its taste is acrid, sul- phureous, and when mixed with the hydroguretted sulphuret, eminently corrosive. It rapidly at- tracts oxygen from the atmosphere, and is con- verted into the sulphate of barytes. The hydro- guretted sulphuret is a compound of 9.75 barytes with 4.125 bisulphuretted hydrogen : but con- taminated with sulphite and hyposulphite in un- known proportions. The dry sulphuret consists probably of 2 sulphur-j-9.75 barytes. The rea- diest way of obtaining barytes water is to boil the solution of the sulphuret with deutoxyde of copper, which seizes the sulphur, while the hy- drogen flies oft", and the barytes remains dissolved. Phosphuret of barytes may be easily formed by exposing the constituents together to heat in a glass tube. Their reciprocal action is so intense ai to cause ignition. Like phosphuret of lime, it decomposes water, and causes the disengage- ment of phosphuretted hydrogen gas, which spontaneously inflames with contact of air. When sulphur is made to act on the deutoxyde of barytes, sulphuric acid i9 formed, which unites to a portion ofthe earth into a sulphate. The salts of barytes are white, and more Or less transparent. All the soluble sulphates cause in the soluble salts of barytes a precipitate inso- luble in nitric acid. They are all poisonous ex- cept the sulphate ; and hence the proper counter- poison is dilute sulpht^ic acid for the carbonate, and sulphate of soda for the soluble salts of barytes." Pure barytes has a much stronger affinity than any other body for sulphuric acid ; it turns blue tincture of cabbage green. It is entirely infusi- ble by heat alone, but melts when mixed with va- rious earths. Its specific gravity is 4.000. It changes quickly in the air, swells, becomes soft, and falls into a white powder, with the acqui- sition of about one-fifth of its weight. This slaking is much more active and speedy than that of lime. It combines with phosphorus, which compound decomposes water rapidly. It unites to sulphur by the dry and humid way. It has a powerful attraction for water, which it absorbs with a hissing noise, aud consolidates it strongly. It is soluble m twenty times its weigfht of cold, and twice its weight of boiling water. Its crys- tals are long four-sided prisms of a satin-like ap- pearance. It is a deadly poison to animals. Other Methods of obtaining Barytes.—I, Take native carbonate of barytes ; reduce it to a fine powder, and dissolve it in a sufficient quan- tity of diluted nitric acid ; evaporate this solu- tion till a pellicle appears, and then suffer it to crystallise in a shallow bason. The ualt obtained is nitrate of barytes ; expose this nitrate of ba- rytes to the action of heat in a china cup, or silver crucible, and keep it in a dull red heat for at least one hour ; then suffer the vessel to cool, and transfer the greenish solid contents, which are pure barytes, into a well-stopped bottle. When dissolved in a small quantity of distilled water, and evaporated, it may be obtained in a beautiful crystalline form. In this process the nif ric acid, added to the na- tive carbonate of barytes, unites to the barytes, and expels the carbonic acid, and forms nitrate ol barytes ; on exposing this nitrate to heat, it part* with its nitric acid, which b<-comes decomposed into its constituent*, leaving .the. barytes behind. BAS BAS 2. Pure barytes may likewise be obtained from its sulphate. For this purpose, boil powdered sulphate of barytes in a solution of twice or three times its weight of carbonate of potassa, in a Florence flask, for about two hours ; filter the solution, and expose what remains on the filter to the action of a violent heat. In this case, the sulphuric acid of the barytes unites to the-potassa, and the carbonic acid of the latter joins to the barytes ; hence sulphate of po- tassa and carbonate of barytes are obtained. The former is in solution, and passes through the filter ; the latter is insoluble, and remains behind. From this artificial carbonate of barytes, the car- bonic acid is driven off by heat. Bartt.e murias. Terra ponderosa salita. The muriate of barytes is a very acrid and poi- sonous preparation. In small doses it proves su- dorific, diuretic, deobstruent, and alterative ; in an over-dose, emetic, and violently purgative. The late Dr. Crawford found it very serviceable in all diseases connected with scrophula; and the Germans have employed it with great success in some diseases of the skin and viscera, and obsti- nate ulcers. The dose of the saturated solution in distilled water, is from five to fifteen drops for children, and from fifteen to twenty for adults. Basaal. (Indian.) The name of an Indian tree. A decoction of its leaves, with ginger, in water, is used as a gargle in disorders of the fau- ces. The kernels ofthe fruit kill worms.—Ray's Hist. BASA'LTES. (In the ^Ethiopic tongue, this word means tron, which is the colour of the stone.) A heavy and hard kind of stone, found standing up in the form of regular angular co- lumns, composed of a number of joints, one placed upon and nicely fitted to another as if formed by the hands of a skilful architect. It is found in beds and veins in granite and mica slate, the old red sandstone, limestone, and coal forma- tions. It is distributed over the whole world ; but no where is met with in greater variety than in Scotland. The German basalt is supposed to be a watery deposit; and that of France to be of volcanic origin. The most remarkable is the columnar basaltes, which forms immense masses, composed of co- lumns thirty, forty, or more feet in height, and of enormous thickness. Nay, those at Fairhead are two hundred and fifty feet high. These consti- tute some of the most astonishing scenes in na- ture, for the immensity and regularity of their parts. The coast of Antrim in Ireland, for the space of three miles in length, exhibits a very magnificent variety of columnar cliffs : and the Giant's Causeway consists of a point of that coast formed of similar columns, and projecting into the sea upon a descent for several hundred feet. These columns are, for the most part, hex- agonal, and fit very accurately together; but most frequently not adherent to each other, though water cannot penetrate between them. And the basaltic appearances on the Hebrides Islands on the coast ot Scotland, as described by Sir Joseph Banks, who visited them in 1772, arc upon a scale very striking for their vastness and variety. Basaltic liornblende. See Hornblende. BASAN1TE. See Flinty slate. Basani'tes. (From 6a*avi£w, to find out.) A stone t aid, by Pliny, to contain a bloody juice, and useful in diseases of the liver ; also a stone upon which, by some, the purity of gold was for- merly said to be tried, and of which medical mortars were made. BASE. Sec Bun*, 133 Base, acidifiable. See Acid. Base, acidifying. See Acid. Basia'tio. (From basio, to kiss.) VeneresI connexion between the sexes. Basia'tor. See Orbicularis oris. BASIL. See Ocimum basilicum. BASILA'RIS See Basilary. Basilaris arteria. Basilary artery. As artery of the brain ; so called, because it lies upon the basilary process of the occipital bone. It is formed by the junction of the two vertebral arteries within the skull, and runs forwards to the sella turcica along the pons varolii, which it supplies, as well as the adjacent parts, with blood. Basilaris processus. See Occipitalbone. Basilaris apophysis. See Occipital bone. BASILLA'RY. (Basilaris; from QaoiXivs, a king.) Several parts of the body, bones, arte- ries, veins, processes, &c. were so named by the ancients, from their situation being connected with or leading to the liver or brain, which they considered as the seat of the soul or royalty. Basi'lica mediana. See Basilica vena. Basilica nux. The walnut. Basilica vena. The large vein that runs ia the internal part of the arm, and evacuates its blood into the axillary vein. The branch which crosses, at the head of the arm, to join this vein, is called the basilic median. They may either of them be opened in the operation of blood- letting. Badlicon. See Basilicum unguentum. BASILICUM. (From fiaoiXiKos, royal; se called from its great virtues.) See Ocimum ba- silicum. Basilicum unguentum. Unguentum basi- licum flavum. An ointment popularly so called from its having the ocimum basilicum in its com- position. It came afterwards to be composed of wax, resin, &c. and is now called ceratum resina. BASILICUS. (From QactXevs, a king. See Basilary.) Basilic. Basilicus pulvis. The royal powder. A separation formerly composed of calomel, rhu- barb, and jalap. Many compositions, were, by the ancients, so called, from their supposed pre- eminence. Basili'dion. An itchy ointment was formerly so called by Galen.* Ba'silis. A name formerly given to colly- riums of supposed virtues, by Galen. BASILI'SCUS. (From (laaXtvs, a king.) I. The basdisk, or cockatrice, a poisonous serpent; so called from a white spot upon its head, which resembles a crown. 2. The philosopher's stone. 3. Corrosive sublimate. BASIO. Some muscles so have the first part of then- names, because they originate from the basilary process of the occipital bone. Basio-cerato-ciiondro-glossus. Seei/wo- glossus. Basio-glossum. See Hyoglossus. Basio-pharynu-Eus. See Constrictor pha- ryngis medius. BA'SIS. (From fiaivw, to go: the support of any thing, upon which it stands or goes.) Base. . X I word is frequently applied anatomically . to the body of any part, or to that part from wtuch the other parts appear, as it were, to pro- ceed, or by which they are supported. 2. In pharmacy it signifies the principal ingre- 3. In chemistry, usually applied to alkalies, earths, and metallic oxydes, in their relations to BAT BAT i he acids and salts. It is sometimes also applied to the particular constituents of an acid or oxyde, on the supposition that the substance combined with the oxygen, &c. is the basis of tbe com- pound to which it owes its particular qualities. This notion seems unphilosophical, as these qua- lities depend as much on the state of combination as on the nature of the constituent. Bassi colica. The name of a medicine in Scribonius Largus, compounded of aromatics and honey. BASSORINE. This substance is extracted from the gum resins which contain it, by treating them successively with water, alcohol, and aether. Bassorine being insoluble in these liquids, remains mixed merely with the woody particles, from which it is easy to separate it, by repeated wash- ings and decantations : because one of its charac- teristic properties is to swell extremely in the wa- fer and to become very buoyant. This substance swells up in cold as well as boiling water, with- out any of its parts dissolving. It is soluble how- ever almost completely by the aid of heat, in water sharpened with nitric or muriatic acid. If after concentrating with a gentle heat the nitric solution, we add highly rectified alcohol, there results a white precipitate, flocculent and bulky, which, washed with much alcohol and dried, does not form, at the utmost, the tenth of the quantity of bassorine employed, and which pre- sents all the properties of gum-arabic. Vauq ue- lin, Bulletin de Pharmarie, iii. 56. BASTARD. A term often employed in me- dicine, and botany, to designate a disease or plant which has the appearance of, but is not in reality what it resembles: The name of that which it rimilates is generally attached to it, as bastard peripneumony, bastard jpellitory, &c. Bastard pellitory. See Achillaa ptarmica. Bastard pleurisy. See Peripneumonia notha. Bata'tas. (So the natives of Peru call the root of a convolvulus falso.) The potatoe, which is a native of that country. See Solanum tube- rosum, and Convolvulus batata. Batatas peregrina. The purging potatoe. BATH. BaXavuov. Balneum. Abath. I. A convenient receptacle of water, for per- sons to wash or plunge in, either for health or pleasure. These are distinguished into hot and cold ; and are either natural or artificial. The natural hot baths are formed of the water of hot springs, of which there are many in different parts of the world ; especially in those countries where there are, or have evidently been, volca- noes. The artificial hot baths consist either of water, or of some other fluid, made hot by art. The cold bath consists of water, either fresh or halt, in its natural degree of heat; or it may be made colder by art, as by a mixture of nitre, sal- ammoniac, &c. The chief hot baths in our coun- try are those of Bath and Bristol, and those of Buxton and Matlock ; which latter, however, are rather warm, or tepid, than hot. The use of baths is found to be beneficial in diseases of the head, as palsies, &c. ; in cuticular diseases, as le- prosies, Btc.; obstructions and constipations of the bowels, the scurvy, and stone; and in many diseases of women and children. The cold bath, Ihouerh popularly esteemed one of the most inno- cent remedies yet discovered, is not, however, lo be adopted indiscriminately. On the contrary; if is liable to do considerable mischief in some cases of diseased viscera, and is not, in any case, proper to be used during the existence of costive- nejs. As a preventive remedy for the young, and as a general bracer for persons of a relaxed fibre, especially of the female "X, it often proven highly advantageous; and, in general, the popu- lar idea is a correct one, that the glow which succeeds the use of cold or temperate baths, is a test of their utility ; while, on the other hand, their producing; chilliness, head-ache, &c. is a proof of their being pernicious. 1. The Cold Bath. The diseases and morbid symptoms, for which the cold bath, under one form or another, may be applied with advantage, are very numerous ; and some of them deserve particular attention. One of the most important of its uses is in ardent fever ,• and, under proper management, it forms a highly valuable remedy in this dangerous disorder. It is highly important, however, to attend to the precai-.tions which the Use of this vigorous remedial process requires. " Affusion with cold water," Dr. Currie observes, " may be used whenever the heat of the body is steadily above the natural standard, when there is no sense of chdliness, and especially when there is no general nor profuse perspiration. If used during the cold stage of a fever, even though the heat be higher than natural, it brings on inter- ruption of respiration, a fluttering, weak,.and ex- tremely quick puis*, and certainly might be car- ried so far as to extinguish animation entirely." The most salutary consequence which follows the proper use of this powerful remedy, is the pro- duction of free and general perspiration. It is this circumstance that appears to give so much advantage to a general affusion of cold water in fevers, in preference to any partial application. The cold bath is better known, especially in this countryj as a general tonic remedy in various chronic diseases. The general circumstances of disorder for which cold bathing appears to be of service, according to Dr. Saunders, are a languor and weakness of circulation, accompanied with profuse sweating and fatigue, on very moderate exertion; tremors in the limbs, and many of those symptoms usually called nervous ; where the moving powers are weak, and the mind list- less and indolent; but, at the same time, where no permanent morbid obstruction, or visceral dis- ease, is present. Such a state of body is often the consequence of a long and debilitating sick- ness, or of a sedentary life, without using the ex- ercise requisite, to keep up the activity of the bo- dily powers. In all these cases, the great object to be fulfilled, is to produce a considerable re- action, from the shock of cold water, at the ex- pense of as little beat as possible ; and when cold-bathing does harm, it is precisely where the powers of the body are too languid to bring on re-action, and the chilling effects remain unop- posed. When the patient feels the shock of im- mersion very severely, and, from experience of its pain, has acquired an insuperable dread of this application ; when he has felt httle or no friendly glow to succeed the first shock, but on coming out of the bath remains cold, shivering, sick at the stomach, oppressed with head-ache, languid, drowsy, and listless, and averse to food and exer- cise during the whole of the day, we may be sure that the bath has been too cold, the shock too severe, and no re-action produced at all ade- quate to the impression on the surface of the body. There is a kind of slow, irregular fever, or rather febricula, in which Dr. Saunders has often found the cold bath of singular service. This disorder principally affects persons naturally of a sound constitution, but who lead a sedentary life, and at the same time are employed in some occu- pation which strongly engages their attention, re- quires much exertion of thought, and excites a oWrce of ;inxietv. Such persons have constant- ly BAT BAT jy a pulse rather quicker than natural, hot hands, restless nights, and an impaired appetite, but without any considerable derangement in the di- gestive organs. This disorder will continue for a long time in an irregular way, never entirely pre- venting their ordinary occupation, but rendering it more than usually anxious and fatiguing, ana often preparing the way for confirmed hypochon- driasis. Persons in this situatipn are remarkably relieved by the cold bath, and, for the most part, bear it well; and its use should also, if possible. be aided by that relaxation from business, and that diversion of the mind from its ordinary train of thinking, which are obtained by attending a watering place. The Doctor also found cold bathing hurtful in chlorosis, and observes, that it is seldom admissible in those cases of disease in the stomach which are brought on by high living, and constitute what may be termed the true dys- pepsia. The topical application of cold water, or of a cold saturnine lotion, in cases of local inflamma- tion, has become an established practice ; the effi- cacy of which is daily experienced. Burna of every description will bear a most liberal U6e of cold water, or even of ice ; and this may be apphed to a very extensive inflamed surface, without even producing tbe ordinary effects of general chilling, which would be brought on from the same appli- cation to a sound and healthy skin. Another very distressing symptom, remarkably relieved by cold water, topically applied, is that intole- rable itching of the vagina which women some- times experience, entirely unconnected with any general cause, and which appears to be a kind of herpes confined to that part. Cold water has also been used topically in tne various cases of strains, bruises, and similar injuries, in tendinous and lig- amentous parts, with success ; also in rigidity of muscles, that have been long kept at rest, in or- der to favour the union of bone, where there ap- pears to have been no organic injury, but only a deficiency of nervous energy, and in mobility of parts, or at most, only slight adhesions, which would give way to regular exercise of the weak- ened limb. Another very striking instance of the powerful effects of topical cold, in stimulating a part to action, is shown in the use of cold, or even iced water, to the vagina of parturient wo- men, during the dangerous haemorrhages that take place from the uterus, on the partial separation of the placenta. 2. The Shower Bath. A species of cold bath. A modern invention, in which the water falls through numerous apertures on the body. A proper apparatus for this purpose is to be obtain- ed at the shops. The use of the shower bath ap- plies, in every case, to the same puiposes as the cold bath, and is often attended with particular advantages. 1. From the sudden contact of the water, vvhich, in the common cold bath is only momentary, but which, in the shower bath, may be prolonged, repeated, and modified, at pleasure ; and, secondly, from the head and breast, which are exposed to some inconvenience and danger in the common bath, being here effectually secured, by receiving the first shock of the water. 3. The Tepid Bath. The range of tempera- tme, from the lowest degree of the hot bath to the highest of the cold bath, forms what may be termed the tepid. In general, the heat of water which we should term tepid, is about 90 deg. In a medicinal point of view, it produces the great- est effect in ardent fever, where the temperature is little above that of health, but the powers of the body weak, not able to bear the vigorous ap- plication of cold iinrueruon- !•> cuTar.cous dis- 110 fases, a tepid bath is often quite sufficient topro- duce a salutary relaxation, and perspirability <£ ^The Hot Bath. From 93 to 96 deg. of Fahrenheit, the hot bath has a peculiar tendency to bring on a state of repose, to alleviate any local irritation, and thereby induce sleep. It is, upon the whole, a safer remedy than the cold bath, and more peculiarly applicable to very weak and irri- table constitutions, whom the shock produced by cold immersion would overpower, and who have not sufficient vigour of circulation for an adequate re-action. In cases of topical inflammation, con- nected with a phlogistic state of body, preceded by rigor and general fever, and where the local formation of matter is the solution of the general inflammatory .symptoms, experience directs tu to the use of the warm relaxing applications, rather than those which, by exciting a general re-action, would increase the local complaint. This object is particularly to be consulted when the part af- fected is one that is essential to life. Hence it it that in fever, where there is a great determination to the lungs, and the respiration appears to be lo- cally affected, independently of tne oppression produced by mere febrile increase of circulation, practitioners have avoided the external use of cold, in order to promote the solution of the fe- ver ; and have trusted to the general antiphlogis- tic treatment along with the topically relaxing application of warm vapour, inhaled by the lungs. Warm bathing appears to be peculiarly well cal- culated to relieve those complaints that seem to depend on an irregular or diminished action of any part of the alimentary canal; and the state of the skin, produced by immersion in warm wa- ter, seems highly favourable to the healthy action of the stomach and bowels. Another very im- portant use of the warm bath, is in herpetic erup- tions, by relaxing the skin, and rendering it more pervious, and preparing it admirably for receiving the stimulant applications of tar aintment, mercu- rials, and the hke, that are intended to restore it to a healthy state. The constitutions of children seem more extensively relieved by the warm bath than those of adults; and this remedy seems more generally applicable to acute fevers in them than in persons of a more advanced age. Where toe warm bath produces its salutary operation, it is almost always followed by an easy and profound sleep. Dr. Saunders strongly recommends the use of the tepid bath, or even one of a higher temperature, in the true menorrhagia of females. In paralytic affections of particular parts, the powerful stimulus of heated water is generally allowed ; and in these cases, the effect may be assisted by any thing which will increase the sti- mulating properties of the water; as, for instance, by the addition of salt. In these cases, much be- nefit may be expected from the use of warm sea- baths. The application of the warm bath topi- cally, as in pediluvia, or fomentations to the feet, often produces the most powerful effects in quiet- ing irritation in fever, and bringing on a sound and refreshing repose. The cases in which the warm bath is likely to be attended with danger, are particularly those where there exists a strong tendency to a determination of blood to the head; and apoplexy has sometimes been thus brought on. The lowest temperature will be required for cutaneous complaints, and to bring on relaxation in the slun, during febrile irritation ; the warmer will be neccssaiy in paralysis : more heat should be employed on a deep-seated part than one that is superficial. o. The Vapour Bath. The vapour bath, call- ed abo Rahirum laconicum, thoflgh not muck BAT BAT employed in England, forms a valuable remedy in a variety of cases. In most of the hot natural water* on the Continent, the vapour bath forms a regular part of the bathing apparatus, and is there highly valued. In no country, however, is this appucation carried to so great an extent as in Russia, where it forms the principal and almost daily luxury of all the people, in every rank; and it is employed as a sovereign remedy for a great variety of disorders. The Hon. Mr. Basil Coch- rane hag lately published a Treatise on the Va- pour Bath, from which, it appears, he has brought the apparatus to such perfection, that he can ap- ply it of all degrees of temperature, partially or generally, by shower, or by steam, with a great Force or a small one ; according to the particular circumstances under which patients are so va- riously placed, who require such assistance. See Cochrane on Vapour Bath. Connected with this article, is the air-pump vapour bath; a species of vapour bath, or machine, to which the inventor has given this name. This apparatus has been found efficacious in removing paroxysms of the gout, and preventing their recurrence ; in acute and chronic rheumatism, palsy, cutaneous' diseases, ulcers, &c. It has also been proposed in chilblains, leprosy, yaws, tetanus, amenorrhea, and dropsy. B. Those applications are called dry baths, which are made of ashes, salt, sand, &c. The ancients had many ways of exciting a sweat, by means of a dry heat; as by the use of hot sand, stove rooms, or artificial bagnios; and even from certain natural hot steams of tbe earth, received under a proper arch, or hot house, as we learn from Cetsus. They had also another kind of bath by insolation, where the body was exposed to the sun for some time, in order to draw forth the superfluous moisture from the inward parts; and to this day it is a practice, in some nations, to cover the body over with horse dung, espe- cially in painful chronic diseases. In New Eng- land, they make a kind of stove of turf, wherein the sick are shut up to bathe, or sweat. It was probably from a knowledge of this practice, and of the exploded doctrines of Celsus, that the noted empiric Dr. Graham drew his notions of the sulutary effects of what he called earth ba- thing; a practice which, in the way he .used it, consigned some of lus patients to a perpetual mansion under the ground. The like name of dry bath, is sometimes also given to another kind of oath, made of kindled coals,, or burning spirit of wine. The patient being placed in a conve- nient close chair, for the reception of the fume. which rises and provokes sweat in a plentiful manner ; care being taken to keep the head out, and to secure respiration. This bath has been said to be very effectual in removing old obstinate pains in the limbs. III. Medicated baths are such as are saturated with various mineral, vegetable, or sometimes animal substances. Thus we have sulphur and iron baths, aromatic and milk baths. There can be no doubt that such ingredients, if duly mixed, and a proper temperature giv< n to the water, may, in certain corapLiits, be productive of ef- fects highly beneficial. Water, impregnated with sulphate of iruu, will abound with the bracing particles of that metal, and may be useful for strengthening the part to which it is apphed, re- invirorattng debibutcd limbs, stopping various kiuchruf bleeding, restoring the menstrual and harmorrhoidal discharges when obstructed, and, in short, as a substitute for tbe natural iron bath. There are various other medicated baths, such as ihosc prepared with alum, and quick-lime, sal- auuuoniac, &c. by boiling them together, or separately, in pure rain water. These have long been reputed as eminently serviceable in paralytic, and all other diseases arising from nervous and muscular debility. IV. A term in chemistry, when the vessels in which bodies are exposed to the action of heat, are not placed in immediate contact with the fire, but receive the required degree of heat by ano- ther intermediate body, such apparatus is termed a bath. These have been variously named, as dry, vapour, &c. Modern chemists distinguish three kinds: 1. Balneum arena, or the sand bath. This consists merely of an open iron, or baked clay sand-pot, whose bottom is mostly convex, and exposed to the furnace. Finely sifted sea-sand is put into this, aud the vessel containing the sub- stance to be heated, &c. in the sand bath, im- mersed in the middle. 2. Balneum maria, or the wather bath. This is very simple, and requires no particular appa- ratus. The object is to place the vessel contain- ing the substance to be heated, in another, con- taming water; which last must be of such a na- ture as to be fitted for the appUcation of fire, as a common still, or kettle. 3. The vapour bath. When any substance is heated by the steam, or vapour, of boiling water, chemists say it is done by means of a vapour bath. Bath waters. Bathonia aqua; Solis aqua ; Badigua aqua. Bath is the name of a city in Gloucestershire that has been celebrated, for a long series of years, for its numerous hot springs, which are of a higher temperature than any in this kingdom, (from 112° to 116°,) and, indeed, are the only natural waters which we pos- sess that are at all hot to the touch; 'all the other thermal waters being of a heat below the animal temperature, and only deserving that appellation from being invariably warmer than the general average of the heat of common springs. By the erection of elegant baths, these waters are parti- cularly adapted to the benefit of invalids, who find here a variety of establishments, contributing equally to health, convenience, and amusement. There arc three principal springs in the city of Bath, namely, those called tne King's Bath, the Cross Bath, and the Hot Bat\; al) within a short distance of each other, and emptying them- selves into the river Avon, after having passed through the several baths. Their supply is so copious, that all the large reservoirs used for bathing are filled every evening with freshwater, from their respective fountains. In their sensi- ble and medicinal properties, there is but a slight difference. According to Dr. Falconer, the former are—1. That the water, when newly drawn, appears clear and colourless, remains per- fectly inactive, without bubbles, or any sign of briskness, or effervescence. 2. After being ex- posed to the open air, for some hours, it becomes rather turbid, by the separation of a pale yellow, ochery precipitate, vvhich gradually subsides. S. No odour is perceptible from a glass of the fresh water, but a slight, pungency to the taste from a large mass of it, when fresh draw n ; which, how- ever, is neither feet id nor sulphureous. 4. When hot from the pump, it affects the mouth with a strong chalybeate impression, without being of a saline or pungent taste. And, fifthly, on growing cold, the chalybeate taste is entirely lost, leaving only a very shVht scn^t: n on the tongue, by winch it can scarcely be distinguished from com- mon hard spring-u ater The temperature of tbe King's Bath water, which is usually preferred for BAT BAT drinking, is, when fresh drawn in the glass, above 116° ; that of the Cross Bath, 112°. But, after flowing into the spacious bathing vessels, it is generally from 100 to 106° in the hotter baths, and from 92 to 94° in the Cross Bath ; a tem- perature which remains nearly stationary, and is greater than that of any other natural spring in Britain. A small quantity of gas is also dis- engaged from these waters, which Dr. Priestly first discovered to contain no more than one- twentieth part of its bulk of fixed air, or carbonic acid. The chemical properties of the Bath wa- ters, according to the most accurate analysers, Doctors Lucas, Falconer, and Gibbs, contain so small a proportion of iron, as to amount only to one-twentieth or one-thirty-eighth of a grain in the pint; and, according to Dr. Gibbs, fifteen grains and a quarter of siliceous earth in the gal- lon. Dr. Samiders estimates a gallon of the King's Bath water to contain about eight cubic inches of carbonic acid, and a similar quantity of air, nearly azotic, about eighty grains of solid ingredients, one-half of which probably consists of sulphurate and muriate of soda, fifteen grains and a half of silicious earth, and the remainder is selenite, carbonate of lime, and so small a por- tion of oxyde of iron as to be scarcely calculable. Hence he concludes, that the King's Bath water is the strongest chalybeate ; next in order, the Hot Bath water ; and lastly, that of the Cross Bath, which contains the smallest proportions of chalybeate, gaseous and saline, but considerably more of the earthy particles ; while its water, in the pump, is also two degrees lower than that of the others. It is likewise now ascertained, that these springs do'not exhibit the slightest traces of sulphur, though it was formerly believed, and er- roneously supported on the authority of Dr. Charleton, that the subtile aromatic vapour in the Bath waters, was a sulphurous principle, entirely similar to common brimstone. With regard to the effect of the Bath waters on the human system, independent of their spe- cific properties, as a medicinal remedy not to be imitated completely by any chemical process, Dr. Saunders attributes much of their salubrious in- fluence to the natural degree of warmth peculiar to these springs, which, for ages, have preserved an admirable degree of uniformity of tempera- ture. He thinkj too, that one of their most im- portant uses is that of an external application, yet supposes that, in this respect, they differ httle from common water, when heated to the same temperature, and apphed under similar circum- stances. According to Dr. Falconer, the Bath water, when drunk fresh from the spring, generally raises, or rather accelerates the pulse, increases the heat, and promotes the different secretions. These symptoms in most cases, become percepti- ble soon after drinking it, and will sometimes continue for a considerable time. It is, however, remarkable, that they are only produced in in- valids. Hence we may conclude, that these wa- ters not only possess heating properties, but their internal use is likewise attended with a pecu- liar stimulus, acting more immediately on the nerves. One of the most salutary effects of the Bath water, consists in its action on the urinary organs, even when taken in moderate doses. Its opera- tion on the bowels varies in different individuals, like that of all other waters, which do not contain any cathartic salt; but, in general, it is productive of costiveness : an effect resulting from the want of an active stimulus to the intestines, and proba- bly also from the determination this water oc- M2 casions to the skin, more than from any astrm- gency which it may possess ; for, if perspiration be suddenly checked during the use of it, a diar- rhoea is sometimes the consequence. Hence it appears that its stimulant powers are primarily, and more particularly exerted in the stomach, where it produces a variety of symptoms, some- times slight and transient, but, occasionally, so considerable and permanent, as to require it to be discontinued. In those individuals with whom it is likely to agree, and prove beneficial, the Bath waters excite, at first, an agreeable glowing sen- sation in the stomach, which is speedily followed by an increase both of appetite and spirits, as well as a quick secretion of urine. In others, when the use of them is attended with head-ache, fhirst, and constant dryness of the tongue, heavi- ness, loathing of the stomach, and sickness; or if they are not evacuated, either by urine or an increased perspiration, it may be justly inferred' that their further continuance is improper. The diseases for which these celebratedwaters are resorted to, are very numerous, and are some of the most important and difficult of cure of all that come under medical treatment. In most of. them, the bath is used along with the waters, as an internal medicine. The general indications, of the propriety of using this medicinal water, are in those cases where a gentle, gradual, and permanent stimulus, is required. Bath water may certainly be considered as a chalybeate, in which the iron is very small in quantity, but in a highly, active form ; and the degree of tempera- ture is in itself .a stimulus, often of considerable powers. These circumstances again point out the necessity of certain cautions, wliich, from a view of the mere quantity of foreign contents, might be thought superfluous. Although, in es- timating the powers of this medicine, allowance must be made for local prejudice in its favour, there can be no doubt but that its employment is hazardous, and might often do considerable mis- chief, in various cases of active inflammation, especially in irritable habits, where there exists a strong tendency to hectic fever; and even in the less inflammatory state of diseased and suppu- rating viscera ; and, in general, wherever a quick pulse and dry tongue indicate a degree of general fever. The cases, therefore, to which this water are peculiariy suited, are mostly of the chronic kind; and by a steady perseverance in this remedy, very obstinate disorders have given way. The following, Dr. Saunders, in his Treatise on Mineral Waters, considers as the principal, viz. I. Chlorosis, a disease which, at all times, is much relieved by steel, and will bear it, even where there is.a considerable degree of feverish irritation, receives particular benefit from the Bath water j and its use, as a warm bath, excel- lently contributes to remove that languor of cir- culation, and obstruction of the natural evacua- tions, which constitute the leading features of this common and troublesome disorder. 2. The complicated diseases, which are often brought on by a long residence in hot climates, affecting the secretion of bile, the functions of the stomach, and alimentary canal, and which generally pro- duce organic derangement in some part ofthe hepatic system, often receive much benefit from the Bath water, if used at a time when suppura- tive inflammation is not actually present. 3. Another and less active disease of the biliary or- gans, the jaundice, which arises from a simple obstruction of the gall-ducts, is still oftener re- moved by both the internal and external use of these waters. 4. In rheumatic complaints, the power of this water, as Dr. Charleton well ob- BAT BAU kcrve*. i* chiefly eonfined to that species of rheu- matism which is unattended with inflammation, or in which the patient's pains are not increased by the warmth of his bed. A great number ofthe patients that resort to Batb? especially those that are admitted into the hospital, are affected with rheumatism in all its stages; and it appears from the most respectable testimony, that a large pro- portion of them receive a permanent cure. (See Falconer on Bath Water in Rheumatic Cases.) 5. In gout, the greatest benefit is derived from this water, in those cases where it produces anomalous affections of the head, stomach, and bowels: and it is here a principal advantage to be able to bring, by warmth, that active local inflam- mation in any limb, which relieves all the other troublesome and dangerous symptoms. Hence it is that Bath water is commonly said to produce Ihe gout; by which is only meant that, where persons have a gouty affection, shifting from place to place, and thereby much disordering the system, the internal and external use of the Bath water will soon bring on a general increase of action, indicated by a flushing in the face, fulness in the circulating vessels, and relief of the dys- peptic symptoms; and the whole disorder will terminate in a regular fit of the gout in the ex- tremities, which is the crisis always to be wished for. 6. The colica pictonum, and the paralysis, or loss of nervous power in particular limbs, which is one of its most serious consequences, is found to be peculiarly relieved by the use of the Bath waters, more especially when applied externally, cither generally, or upon the part af- fected. The quantity of water taken daily, during a full course, and by adults, is recommended by Dr. Falconer, not to exceed a pint and a half, or two pints ; and in chlorosis, with irritable habits, not more than one pint is employed ; and when the bath is made use of, it is generally two or three times a week, in the morning. The Bath waters require a considerable time to be perse- vered in, before a full and fair trial can be made. Chronic rheumatism, habitual gout, dyspepsia, from a long course of high and intemperate living, and the like, are disorders not to be re- moved by a short course of any mineral water, and many of those who have once received benefit at the fountains, find it necessary to make an annual vi--it to them, to repair the waste in health daring the preceding year. Bath, cauteres. A sulphureous bath near Barege, which raises the mercury in Fahrenheit's thermometer to 131°. Bath, St. Saviour's. A sulphureous and alkaline bath, in the valley adjoining Barege, the latter of which raises Fahrenheit's thermo- meter as high as 131°. It is much resorted to from the South of France, and used chiefly ex- ternally, as a simple thermal water. Bath, cold. See Bath. Bath, hot. See Bath. Bath, tepid. Sec Bath. Bath, vapour. Sec Bath. Ba'thmis. (From (Juivu,to enter.) Bathmus. The seat, or base ; the cavity of a bone, with the protuberance of another, particularly those at the articulation of the humerus and ulna, according to Hippocrates and Galen. Batho'ni.*: aq.u,£. See Bathwaters. Ba'thron. (From fJoivw, to enter.) Bathrum. The same as bathmis ; also an instrument used in the extrnsiou of fractured limbs, called scamnum. —Hippocrates. It is described by Oribasius aud Sultetus. Ba'iia. A retort. Obsolete. Bati'vox-moron. (From f}ar*s, a bramble, and popov, a raspberry.) The raspberry. Batra'chium. (From /Jarpn^os, a frog ; so called from its likeness to a frog.) The herb crow's foot, or ranunculus. BA TRACHUS. (From parpaxos, a frog; so called because they who are infected with it croak hke a frog.) An inflammatory tumour under the tongue. See Ranula. Battari'smus. (From jiarros, a Cyrenasan prince, who stammered.) Stammering; a defect in pronunciation. See Psellismus. Batta'ta virginiana. See Solanum tube- rosum, and Convolvulus batatas. Batta'ta peregrin a. The cathartic potatoe • perhaps a species of ipomaa. If about two ounces of them are eaten at bed-time, they greatly move the belly the next morning. BATTIE, William, was born in Devonshire, in 1704. He graduated at Cambridge, and after practising some years successfully at Uxbridge, settled in London, and became a fellow of the College of Physicians, as well as of the Royal Society. The insufficiency of Bethlehem hos- pital to receive all the indigent objects labouring under insanity in this metropolis, naturally led to the establishment of another similar institution; and Dr. Battie having been very active in pro- moting the subscription for that purpose, he was: appointed physician to the new institution, which was called St. Luke's hospital, then situated on the north side of Moorfields. In 1757 he pub- lished a treatise on madness ; and a few years after, having exposed before tbe House of Com- mons, the abuses often committed in private mad- houses, they became the subject of legislative interference, and were at length placed under the control of the College of Physicians, and the magistrates in the country. He died at the age of 72. Bau'da. A vessel for distillation was formerly so called. BAUHIN, John, was born at Lyons, in 1541. Being greatly attached to botany, he accompanied the celebrated Gesner in his travels through se- veral countries of Europe, and collected abundant materials for his principal work, the " liistoria Plantarum," which contributed greatly to the improvement of his favourite science. He was, at the age of 32, appointed physician to the duke of Wirtembcrg, and died in 1613. A Treatise on Mineral Waters, and some other publications by him also remain. BAUHIN, Gaspard, was brother to the pre- ceding, but younger by 20 years. He graduated at Basle, after studying at several umversities, and was chosen Greek professor at the early age of 22; afterwards professor of anatomy and botany ; then of medicine, with other distin- guished honours, which he retained till his death in 1624. Besides the plants collected by himself, he received material assistance from his pupils and friends, and was enabled to add considerably to the knowledge of botany ; on which subject, as well as anatomy, he has left numerous publi- cations. Among other anatomical improvements, he claims the discovery of the valve of the colon. His "Pinax" contains the names of six thousand plants mentioned by the ancients, tolerably well arranged ; and being continually referred to by Linnaeus, must long retain its value. BAULMONEY. See JEthusa meum. BAUME, ANTiio.\Y,'an apothecary, born at Senlisin 1728. He distinguished himself at au early age by liis skill in chemistry and pharmacy: and was afterwards admitted a member of tne Royal Academy "f Sciences of Paris. He also 143 BEC BEE gave lectures on chemistry for several years with great credit. Among other works, he published "Elements of Pharmacy," and a "Manual of Chemistry," which met with considerable appro- bation : also a detailed account of the different kinds of soil, and the method of improving them for the purposes of agriculture. Bau'rach. (Arab. Bourach.) A name for- merly applied to nitre, borax, soda, and many other salts. Baxa'na. (Indian.) Rabuxit. A poisonous tree growing near Ormuz. BAY. A name of several articles; as bay- cherry, bay-leaf, bay-salt, &c. Bay-cherry. See Prunus Lauro-cerasus. Bay-leaves. See Laurus. Bay-leaved Passion-flower. See Passiflora laurifolia. Bay-salt. A very pure salt prepared from sea- water by spontaneous evaporation. Ba'zcher. A Pers-ian word for antidote. Bde'lla. (From fi&aXX, to break wind.) Any filthy and nauseous odour. BEAK. See Rostrum. BEAN. See Viciafaba. Bean, French. See Phaseolus vulgaris. Bean, Kidney. See Phaseolus vulgaris. Bean, Malacca. See Aoicennia lomentosa. Bean of Carlhagena. See Bejuio. Bean, St. Ignatius. See Ignatia amara. BEAR. Ursa. The name of a well-known animal. Several things are designated after it, or a part of it. Bear's berry. See Arbutus uva ursi. Bear's bilben^y. See Arbutus uva ursi. Bear's breech. See Acanthus. Bear's foot. See Helleborus fatidus. Bear's whortleberry. See Arbutus uva ursi. Bear's whorts. See Arbutus uva ursi. BEARD. 1. The hair growing on the chin and adjacent parts of the face, in adults of the male sex. 2. In botany. See Barba; Arista. Be'cca. A fine kind of resin from the tur- pentine and mastich trees of Greece and Syria, formerly held in great repute. BECCABU'NGA. (From bach bungen, water-herb, German, because it grows in rivu- lets.) See Veronica beccabunga. Be'cha. Sec Bechica. BF.'CHICA. (Bechicus; from fo£, a cough.) 144 Bechita. Medicines to relieve a cough. An obsolete term. The trochisri beckiri albi con- sist of starch and liquorice, with a small propor- s tion of Florentine orris root made into lozenges, with mucilage of gum tragacanth. They are a soft pleasant demulcent. The trochisd bechiti i.igri consist chiefly of the juice of liquorice, with sugar and gum-tragacanth. Be'chion. (From Prf, a cough; so called from, its supposed virtues in relieving coughs.) See Tusdlago farfara. Becui'ba nux. A large nut growing in Brasil, from which a balsam is drawn that is held in esti- mation in rheumatisms. Bede'guar. (Arabian.) ' Bedeguar. The Carduus lacteus syriacus is so called, and also the Rosa canina. Bedengian. The name of the love-apples in Avicenna. BEDSTRAW. See Galium aparine. BEE. See Apis mellifica. BEECH. See Fagus. BEER. The wine of grain made from malt and hops in the following manner. The grain k steeped for two or three days in water, until it swells, becomes somewhat tender, and tinges the water of a bright reddish-brown colour. The water being then drained away, the barley is spread about two feet thick upon a floor, where it heats spontaneously, and begins to grow, by first shooting out the radicle, in this state the germination is stopped by spreading it thinner, and turning it over for two days ; after which it is again made into a heap, and suffered to become sensibly hot, which usually happens in httle more than a day. Lastly, it is conveyed to the kiln, where, by a gradual and low heat, it is rendered dry and crisp. This is malt; and its qualities differ according as it is more or less soaked, drained, germinated, dried, and baked. In this, as in other manufactories, the intelligent opera- tors often make a mystery of tiieir processes, from views of profit; and others pretend to peculiar secrets who really possess none. Indian corn, and probably all large grain, re- quires to be suffered to grow into the blade, as well as root, before it is fit to be made into malt. For this purpose it is buried about two or three inches deep in the ground, and covered with loose earth ; and in ten or twelve days it springs up. In this state it is taken up and washed, or fanned, to clear it from its dirt; and then dried in the kiln for use. Barley, by being converted into malt, becomes one-fifth lighter, or 20 per cent.; 12 of which are owing to kiln-drying, 1.5 are carried off by the steep-water, 3 dissipated on the floor, 3 loss in cleamng the roots, and 0.5 waste or loss. The degree of heat to which the malt is ex- posed in this process, gradually changes its colour from very pale to actual blackness, as it simply dries it, or converts it to charcoal. The colour of the malt not only affects the colour of the liquor brewed from it; but, in con- sequence of the chemical operation, of the heat applied, on the principles that are developed in the grain during the process of malting, mate- rially alters the quality of the beer, especially with regard to the properties of becoming fit for drinking and growing fine. Beer is made from malt previously ground, or cut to pieces by a mill. This is placed in a tun, or tub with a false bottom ; hot water is poured upon it, and the whole stirred about with a proper in- strument. The temperature of the water in this operation, called Mashing, must not be equal to boiling ; for, in that case, the malt would be con« BEE BEL verted into a paste, from which the impregnated water could not be separated. This is called Setting. After the infusion has remained for sometime upon the malt, it is drawn off, and is then distinguished by the name of Sweet Wort. By one or more subsequent infusions of water, a quantity of weaker wort is made, which is either added to the foregoing, or kept apart, according to the intention of the operator. The wort is then boiled with hops, which gives it an aromatic bitter taste, and is supposed to render it less liable to be spoiled in keeping; after which it is cooled in shallow vessels, and suffered to ferment, with the addition of a proper quantity of yeast. The fermented liquor is beer ; and differs greatly in its quality, according to the nature of the grain, the malting, the mashing, the quantity and kind ofthe hops and the yeast, the purity or admixture- of the water made use of, the temperature and vi- cissitudes of the weather, &c. Beside the various qualities of malt liquors of a similar kind, there are certain leading features by which they are distinguished, and classed under different names, and to produce which, different modes of management must be pursued. The principal distinctions are into beer, properly so called; ale ; table or small beer; and porter, wliich is commonly termed beer in London. Beer is a strong, fine, and thin liquor ; the greater part of the mucilage having been separated by boiling the wort longer than for ale, and carrying the fermentation farther, so as to convert the sac- charine matter into alkohol. Ale is of a more syrupy consistence, and sweeter taste; more of the mucilage being retained in it, and the fer- mentation not having been carried so far as to ' decompose all the sugar. Small beer, as its name implies, is a weaker liquor ; and is made, cither by adding a large portion of water to the malt, or by mashing with a fresh quantity of water what is left after the beer or ale wort is drawn off. Porter was probably made originally from very high dried malt; but it is said, that its peculiar flavour cannot be imparted by malt and hops alone. Mr. Brande obtained the following quantities of alkohol from 100 parts of different species of beers. Burton ale, 8.88 ; Edinburgh ale, 6.2 ; Dorchester ale, 5.56; the average being = 6.87. Brown stout, 6.8; London Porter (average) 4.2; London small beer (average) 1.28. As long ago as the reign of Queen Anne, brew- ers were forbid to mix sugar, honey, Guinea pep- per, essentia bina, cocculus indicus, or any other unwholesome ingredient, in beer, under a certain penalty ; from which we may infer, that such at least was the practice of some ; and writers, who profess to discuss the secrets of the trade, mention most of these, and some other articles as essen- tially necessary. The essentia bina is sugar boiled down to a dark colour, and empyreumatic flavour. Broom tops, wormwood, and other bitter plants, were formerly used to render beer fit for keeping, before hops were introduced into this country ; but are now prohibited to be used in beer made for sale. By the present law of this country, nothing is allowed to enter into the composition of beer, except malt and hops. Quassia and wormwood are often fraudulently introduced ; both of which arc easily discoverable by their nauseous bitter taste. They form a beer which does not pre- serve so well as hop beer. Sulphate of iron, alum, and salt, are often added by the publican, under the name of beer heading, to impart a Irothiiy property to beer, when it is poured out if ono vessel into another. Molasses and extract 19 of gentian root are added with the same view. Capsicum, grains of paradise, ginger root, cori- ander seed, and oransre peel, are also employed to give pungency and flavour to weak or bad beer. The following is a list of some of the unlawful substances seized at different breweries, and brewers' druggists' laboratories, in London, as copied from tie minutes of the committee of the House of Commons. Cocculus indicus multura, (an extract of the cocculus,) colouring, honey, hartshorn shavings, Spanish juice, orange pow- der, ginger, grains of paradise, quassia, liquorice, caraway seeds, copperas, capsicum, mixed dru°-s. Sulphuric acid is very frequently added to bring beer forward, or make it hard, giving new beer instantly the taste of what is 18 months old. According to Mr. Accura, the present entire beer of the London brewer is composed of all the waste and spoiled beer of the publicans, the bot- toms of butts, the leavings of the pots, the drip- pings of the machines for drawing the beer, the remnants of beer that lay in the leaden pipes of the brewery, with a portion of brown stout, bot- tling beer, and mild beer. He says that opium, tobacco, mix vomica, and extract of poppies, have been likewise used to adulterate beer. By evaporating a portion of beer to dryness, and igniting the residuum with chlorate of potassa, the iron of the copperas will be procured in an insoluble oxyde. Muriate of barytes will throw down an abundant precipitate from beer contami- nated with sulphuric acid or copperas ; which precipitate may be collected, dried, and ignited. It will be insoluble in nitric acid. *Beer appears to have been of ancient use, as Tacitus mentions it among the Germans, and has been usually supposed to have been peculiar to the northern nations ; but the ancient Egyptians, whose country was not adapted to the culture of the grape, had also contrived this substitute for wine ; and Mr. Park has found the art of making malt, and brewing from it very good beer, among the negroes in tlio interior parts of Africa. See Wheat. Bees' wax. Sec Cera. BEET. See Beta. Beet, red. See Beta. Beet, white. A variety of red beet. The juice and powder of the root are said to be good to excite sneezing, and will bring away a considera- ble quantity of mucus. Be'gma. (From jirjatna, to cough.) A cough ; also expectorated mucus, according to Hippo- crates. BE'HEN. The Arabian for finger. Behen album. (From behen, a finger, Ara- bian. ) See Centaurea behen. Behen officin arum. See Cucubalus behen. Behen rubrum. See Statice Limonium. Beide'l.sar. Bcidellopar. A species of As- clepias, used in Africa as a remedy for fever and the bites of serpents. The caustic juice which is- sues from the roots when wounded, is used by the negroes to destroy venereal and similar swellings. Beju'io. Habilla de Carthagena. Bean of Carthagena. A kind of bean in South America, famed lor being an effectual antidote against the poison of all serpents, if a small quantity is eaten immediately. This bean is the peculiar product of the jurisdiction of Carthagena. Bela-aye. (An Indian word.) See Xerium antidysentericum. BE'LKMNOi'DES. (From fcXtpyov, a dair, and .'iu.,, form; ■> named from their dart-like shape.) Bclonoides; Beloidos. The styloid process of the temporal hone, and the lower cm» of the ulna, wre r". m,«-i-ly so <*afled. 'BEL BEN Beleson. (An Indian word.) Betilta. See Mussendafrondosa. BELL METAL. A mixture of tin and copper. BELLADOTNTNA. (From bella donna, Ita- lian, a handsome lady ; so called because the la- dies oi Italy use it, to take away the too florid colour of their faces.) See Atropa belladonna. Be'llegu. SeeMirobalanus bellirica. Bellere'gi. See Myrobalanus bellirica. Belle'rice. See Myrobalanus bellirica. Bellidioi'des. (From bellis, a daisy, and nhos, form.) See Chrysanthemum. BELLI'NI, Laurence, an ingenious physi- cian, born at Florence in 164S. He was greatly attached to the mathematics, of which he was made professor at Pisa, when only twenty years of age. He was soon after appointed professor of anatomy, which office he filled with credit for nearly thirty years. He was one of the chief supporters of the mathematical theory of medi- cine, which attempted to explain the functions of the body, the causes of diseases, and the opera- tions of medicines on mechanical principles ; and having imprudently regulated his practice accord- ingly, he was generally unsuccessful, and lost the confidence of the public, as well as of Cosmo III. of Florence, who had appointed him his phy- sician. In his anatomical researches he was more successful, having first accurately described the nervous papilla? of the tongue, and discovered them to be the organ of taste ; and also having made better known the structure of the kidney. He was author of several other publications, and died in 1704. BE'LLIS. (a bello colore, from its fair colour.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Syvgenesia ; Order, Polygamia superflua. The daisy. Bellis major. See Chrysanthemum. Bellis minor. See Bellisperennis. Bellis perennis. The systematic name of the common daisy. Bellis; Bellis minor; Bellis perennis—scapo nudo, of Linntsus, or bruise- wort, was formerly directed in pharmacopoeias by this name. Although the leaves and flowers are rather acrid, and are said to cure several spe- cies of wounds, they are never employed by mo- dern surgeons. Bello'culus. (From bellus, fair, and oculus, the eye.) A precious stone, resembling the eye, and formerly supposed to be useful in its disor- ders. Be'llon. The Colica pictonum. BELLONA'RIA. (From Bellona, the god- dess of war.) An herb which, if eaten, makes people mad, and act outrageously, like the vota- ries of Bellona. BELLOSTE, Augustin, a surgeon, born at Paris in 1654. After practising several years there, and as an army surgeon, he was invited to attend the mother of the Queen of Sardinia, and continued at Turin till his death in 1730. He was inventor of a mercurial pill, called by his name, by which he is said to have acquired a great fortune. The work by which he is princi- pally known, is called the " Hospital Surgeon," which passed through numerous editions, and was translated into most of the European languages. Among other useful observations, he recommend- ed piercing carious bones, to promote exfoliation, which indeed Celsus had advised before ; and he blamed the custom of frequently changing the dressings of wounds, as retarding the cure. Bellu'tta tsjampacam. (Indian.) A tree of Malabar, to wliich many virtues are attributed. Belmu'schus. A name of the Abelmoschus. See Hibiscus abelmoschus. 14fi Be lnileg. See Myrobalanus Bellirica. Belo'ere. (Indian.) An evergreen plant of America, the seeds of which purge moderately, but the leaves roughly. Belonoi'des. See Belemnoides. Belu'lcum. (From /JtAoj, a dart, and £a*u, to draw out.) A surgeon's instrument for ex- tracting thorns, or darts. Belu'zzar. Beluzaar. The Chaldee word for antidote. Belzo'e. See Styrax benzoin. Belzoi'num. See Styrax benzmn. Bem-ta'marA. The faba ^Egyptiaca. BEN. An Arabian word formerly very much used. See Guilandina moringa. Ben magnum. Monardus calls a species of esula, or garden spurge, by this name, which purges and vomits violently. Ben tamara. The Egyptian bean. Be'nath. (Arabian.) Small pustules pro- duced by sweating in the night. BE'NEDICT. Benedictus. A specific name prefixed to many compositions and herbs on ac- count of their supposed good qualities ; as Bent- dicta herba; Benedicta aqua, &c. Benedicta aqua. Many compound waters have been so called, especially lime-water, and a water distilled from Serpyllum. In Schroeder, it is the name for an emetic. Benedicta herba. See Geum urbanum. Benedicta laxativa. A compound of tnr- beth, scammony, and spurges, with some warm aromatics. Benedictum laxativum. Rhubarb, and sometimes the lenitive electuary. Benedictum lignum. Guaiacum. Benedictum vinum. Antimonial wine. i BENEDFCTUS. (From benedico, to blew.) See Benedict. Benedictus carduus. See Centaurea be- nedicta. Benedictus lapis. A name for the philoso- pher's stone. BENEOLE'NTIA. (From bene, welL^i olco, to smell.) Sweet-scented medicines. Beng. A name given by the Mahomedans to the leaves of hemp, formed into pills, or con- serve. They possess exhilarating and intoxica- ting powers. Bengal quince. See Erateva marmelos. BENGA'LiE radix. (From Bengal, its native place.) See Cassumuniar. Benga'lle Indorum. (From Bengal, its native place.) See Cassumuniar. Be'ngi eiri. A species of evergreen. Indian ricinus, which grows in Malabar. BENIT. See Geum urbanum. Beni'vi arbor. See Styrax benzoin. BENJAMIN. See Styrax benzoin. Benjamin flowers. See Benzoic acid. BENZO'AS. Abenzoate. A salt formed by the union of benzoic acid, with salifiable bases; as benzoate of alumine, &c. BENZO'E. See Styrax benzoin. Benzoe amygdaloides. See Styrax ben- zoin. Benzoes flores. See Benzoic add. BENZOIC ACID. See Addum benzoicum. " This acid was first described in 1608, by Blaise ' de Vigenere, in his Treatise on Fire and Salt, and has been generally known since by the name of flowers of benjanun or benzoin, because it was obtained by sublimation from the resin of this name. As it is still most commonly procured from this substance, it has preserved the epithet of benzoic, though known to be a peculiar acid, obtainable not from benzoin alone, but from dif- BEN BEN (erent vegetable balsams, vanello, cinnamon, ain- ber^ris the urine of children, frequently that of adults, and always, according to Fourcroy and Vauquelin, though Giese denies this, from that of quadrupeds living on grass and hay, particu- larly the camel, the horse, and the cow. There is reason to conjecture that many vegetables, and amnns them some of the grasses, contain it, and that d passes from them into the urine. Four- croy and Vauquelin found it combined with po- tassa and lime in the liquor of dunghills, as well as in the urine of the quadrupeds above mention- ed ; and they strongly suspect it to exist in the Anthoxanthum odor alum, or sweet-scented ver- nal-grass, from wliich hay principally derives its fragrant smell. Giese, however, could find none either in this grass or in oats. The usual method of obtaining it affords a very elegant and pleasing example of the chemical process of sublimation. For this purpose a thin stratum of powdered benzoin is spread over the bottom of a glazed earthen pot, to which a tall conical paper covering is fitted: gentle heat is then to be applied to the bottom of the pot, which fuses the. benzoin, and fills the apartment with a fragrant smell, arising from a portion of essential oil and acid of benzoin, which are dissipated into the air, at the same time the acid itself rises very suddenly in the paper head, which may be occa- sionally inspected at the top, though with some little care, because the fumes will excite coughing. This saline sublimate is condensed in the form of long needles, or straight filaments of a white colour, crossing each other in all directions. When the acid ceases to rise, the cover may be changed, a new one apphed, and the heat raised : more flowers of a yellowish colour will then rise, which require a second sublimation to deprive them of the empyreumatic oil they contain. The sublimation of the acid of benzoin may be conveniently performed by substituting an in- verted earthen pan instead of the paper cone. In this case the two pans should be made to fit, by grinding on a stone with sand, and they must be luted together with paper dipped in paste. This method seems preferable to the other, where the presence of the operator is required elsewhere ; but the paper head can be more easily inspected and changed. The heat applied must be gentle, and the vessels ought not to be separated till they have become cooi. The quantity of acid obtained in these methods differs according to the management, and proba- bly also from difference of purity, and in other respects, of the resin itself. It usually amounts to no more than about one-eighth part of the whole weight. Indeed Srheele says, not more than a tenth or twelfth. The whole acid of ben- zoin is obtained with greater certainty in the humid process of Scheele : this consists in boiling the powdered balsam with lime water, and after- wards separating the lime by the addition of muriatic acid. Twelve ounces of water are to be poured upon four ounces of slaked lime ; and, after the ebullition is over, eight pounds or nine- ty-six ounces, more of water are to be added ; a pound of finely-powdered benzoin being then put into a tin vessel, six ounces of the lime water are to be added, and mixed well with the powder; and aftcrwaids the rest of the lime water in the same gradual manner, because the benzoin would coagulate into a mass, if the whole were added at once. This mixture must be gently boiled for half an hour with constant agitation, and after- wards suffered to cool and subside during an hour. The supernatant liquor must be decanted, and the residuum boiled with eifclit pounds more ol lime water; after which the same process it to be once more repeated: the remaining powder must be edulcorated on the filter by affusions of hot water. Lastly, all the decoctions, being mixed together, must be evaporated to two pounds, and strained into a glass vessel. This fluid con- sists of the acid of benzoin combined with lime. After it is become cold, a quantity of muriatic acid must be added, with constant stirring, until the fluid tastes a little sourish. During this time the last mentioned acid unites with the lime, and forms a soluble salt, which remains suspended, while the less soluble acid of benzoin, being dis- engaged, falls to the bottom in powder. By re- peated affusions of cold water upon the filter, it may be deprived of the muriate of time and mu- riatic acid with which it may happen to be mixed. If it be required to have a shining appearance, it may be dissolved in a small quantity of boiling water, from which it will separate in silky fila- ments by cooling. By this process the benzoic acid may be procured from other substances, in which it exists. Mr. Hatchell has shown that, by digesting ben- zoin in hot sulphuric acid, very beautiful crystals are sublimed. This is perhaps the best process for extracting the acid. If we concentrate the urine of horses or cows, and pour muriatic acid into it, a copious precipitate of benzoic acid takes place. This is the cheapest source of it."— Ure's Chem. Diet. As an economical mode of obtaining this acid, Fourcroy recommends the extraction of it from the water that drains from dunghills, cowhouses, and stables, by means of the muriatic acid, which decomposes the benzoate of lime contained in them, and separates the benzoic acid, as in Scheele's process. He confesses the smell ofthe acid thus obtained differs a little from that of the acid extracted from benzoin ; but this, he says, may be remedied, by dissolving the acid in boil- ing water, filtering the solution, letting it cool, and thus suffering the acid to crystallise, and re- peating this operation a second time. The acid of benzoin is so inflammable, that it burns with a clear yellow flame without the assist- ance of a wick. The sublimed flowers in their purest state, as white as ordinary writing paper, were fused into a clear transparent yellowish fluid, at the two hundred-and-thirtieth degree of Fahrenheit's thermometer, and at the same time began to rise in sublimation. It is probable that a heat somewhat greater than this may be requir- ed to separate it from the resin. It is strongly disposed to take the crystalline form in cooling. The concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids dis- solve this concrete acid, and it is again separated without alteration, by adding water. Other acids dissolve it by the assistance of heat, from which it separates by cooling, unchanged. It is plentifully soluble in ardent spirit, from which it may likewise be separated by diluting the spirit with water. It readily dissolves in oils, and in melted tallow. If it be added in a small propor- tion to this last fluid, part of the tallow congeals before the rest, in tne form of white opaque clouds. If the quantity of acid be more consi- derable, it separates in part by cooling, in the form of needles or feathers. It did not communi- cate any considerable degree of hardness to the tallow, wliich was the object of this experiment. When the tallow was heated nearly to ebullition, it emitted fumes which affected the respiration, like those of the acid of benzoin, but did not pos- sess the peculiar and agreeable smell of that sub- stance, being probably the sebacic acid. A stra- tum ot this tallow, about one-twentieth of an inch. If BEN thick, was fused upon a plate of brass, together with other fat substances, with a view to deter- mine its relative disposition to acquire and retain the solid state. After it had cooled, it was left upon the plate, and, in the course of some weeks, it gradually became tinged throughout of a bluish- green colour. If this circumstance be not sup- posed to have arisen from a solution of the copper during the fusion, it seems a remarkable instance of the mutual action of two bodies in the solid state, contrary to that axiom of chemistry which affirms, that bodies do not act on each other, un- less one or more of them be in the fluid state. Tallow itself, however, has the same effect. Pure benzoic acid is in the form of a light pow- der, evidently crystallised in fine needles, the figure of which is difficult to be determined from their smallness. It has a white and shining ap- pearance ; but when contaminated by a portion of volatile oil, is yellow or brownish. It is not brittle as might be expected from its appearance, but has rather a kind of ductility and elasticity, and, on rubbing in a mortar, becomes a sort of paste. Its taste is acrid, hot, acidulous, and bitter. It reddens the infusion of litmus, but not syrup of violets. It has a peculiar aromatic smell, but not strong unless heated. This, however, appears not to belong to the acid ; for Mr. Giese informs us, that on dissolving the benzoic acid in as little al- kohol as possible, filtering the solution, and preci- pitating by water, the acid will be obtained pure, and void of smell, the odorous oil remaining dis- solved in the spirit. Its specific gravity is 0.667. It is not perceptibly altered by the air, and has been kept in an open vessel twenty years without losing any of its weight. None of the combusti- ble substances have any effect on it; but it may be refined by mixing it with charcoal powder and subliming, being thus rendered much whiter and better crystallised. It is not very soluble in water. Wenzel and Lichtenstein say four hun- dred parts of cold water dissolve but one, though the same quantity of boiling water dissolves twenty parts, nineteen of which separate on cool- ing- The benzoic acid unites without much difficulty with the earthy and alkaline bases. These com- pounds are called benzoales. The benzoate of barytes is soluble, crystallises tolerably well, is not affected by exposure to the air, but is decomposable by fire, and by the strong- er acids. That of lime is very soluble in water, though much less in cold than in hot, and crystal- lises on cooling. It is in like manner decomposa- ble by the acids and by barytes. The benzoate of magneda is soluble, crystallisable, a little deli- quescent, and more decomposable than the form- er. That of alumina is very soluble, crystallises in dendrites, is deliquescent, has an acerb and bit- ter taste, and is decomposable by fire, and even by most of the vegetable acids. The benzoate of potassa crystallises on cooling in little compacted needles. All the acids decompose it, and the so- lution of barytes and linie form with it a precipi- tate. The benzoate of soda is very crystallisable, very soluble, and not deliquescent like that of po- tassa, but it is decomposable by the same means. It is sometimes found native in the urine of grami- nivorous quadrupeds, but by no means so abund- antly as that of lime. The benzoate of ammonia is volatile, and decomposable by all the acids and all the bases. The solutions of all the benzoates, when drying on the sides of a vessel wetted with them, form dendritical crystallisations. Trommsdorf found in his experiments, that ben- zoic acid united readily with metallic oxydes. The benzoates are all decomposable bv heat, M8 BER which, when it is slowly applied, first separates a portion of the acid in a vapour, that condenses in crystals. The soluble benzoates are decomposed by the powerful acids, which separate their acid in a crystalline form. The benzoic acid is occasionally used in medi- cine, but not so much as formerly ; and enters into the composition of the camphorated tincture of opium of the London college, heretofore called paregoric elixir. BENZOI'FERA. See Styrax benzoin. BENZO'INUM. (From the Arabic term ben- zoah.) See Styrax benzoin. Benzoini magisterium. Magistery, or pre- cipitate of gum-benjamin. Benzoini oleum. Oil of benjamin. BERBERIA. (Origin uncertain.) Berberi. The name of a species of disease in the genus Synclonus of Good's Nosology. See Beriberia BE'RBERIS. (Berberi, wild. Arab, used by Averrhoes, and officinal writers.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Hexandria ; Order, Mono- gynia. The barberry, or pepperidge bush. 2. The pharmacopoeial name for the barberry. See Berberis vulgaris. Berberis gelatina. Barberry jelly. Bar- berries boiled in sugar. Berberis vulgaris. The systematic name for the barberry of the pharmacopoeias. Oxy- cantha Galeni; Spina adda; Crespinus. This tree, Berberis; pedunculis racemosis, spinis trip- licibus, of Linnaeus, is a native of England. The fruit, or berries, which are gratefully acid, and moderately astringent, are said to be of great use in biliary fluxes, and in all cases where heat, acri- mony, and putridity of the humours prevail. The filaments of this shrub possess a remarkable degree of irritability ; for on being touched near the base with the point of a pin, a sudden contraction is pro- duced, which may be repeated several times. Bere'drias. An ointment. BERENGA'RIUS, James, born about the end of the 15th century at Carpi, in -Modena, whence he is often called Carpus, He was one of the restorers of anatomy, of which he was professor, first at Padua, afterwards at Bologna, which he was in a few years obliged to quit, be- ing accused of having opened the bodies of two Spaniards alive. By his numerous dissections, he corrected many previous errors concerning: the structure of the human body, and paved the way for his successor Vesalius. He was among the first to use mercurial frictions in syphilis, whereby he acquired a large fortune, which he left to the Duke of Ferrara, into whose territory he retired, at his death in 1527. His principal works are an enlarged Commentary on Mundinus, and a Trea- tise on Fracture of the Cranium. Bereni secum. See Artemida vulgaris. Bereni'ce. (The city from whence it was formerly brought.) Amber. Bereni'cium. (From , to bring, and vutn, victory.) A term applied by the old Greek wri- ters to nitre, from its supposed power in healine wounds. BERGAMO'TE. A species of citron. See Citrus medica. BERGMANITE. A massive mineral of a greenish, greyish-white, or reddish colour, which fuses into a transparent glass, or a semitranspa- rent enamel. It is found in Frederickswam, in Norway, in quartz and in felspar. BERIBE'RI. (AnHindostan word signifying a sheep.) Beriberia. A species of palsy, com- mon in some parts of the East Indies, according to Bontms. In this disease, the patients lift up their BET BEX legs very much in the same manner as is usual with *heep. Bontius adds, that this palsy is a kind of trembling, in which there is deprivation of the motion and sensation of the hands and feet, and sometimes of the body. BERKENHOUT, John, born at Leeds, about the year 1730. His medical studies were com- menced late in life, having graduated at Leyden only in 1765 ; nor did he long continue the prac- tice of medicine. His " Pharmacopoeia Medica," however, was very much approved, and has since passed through many editions: his other medical publications are of little importance. He died in 1791. Bermudas berry. See Sapindus saponaria. Berna'rvi. An electuary. Berrio'nis. A name of black rosin. BERRY. See Bacca. Bers. Formerly the name of an exhilarating electuary. Be'rula. An old name for brooklime. Be'rula gallica. Upright water parsnip. BERYL. Aqua-marine. A precious mineral, harder than the emerald, of a green, or greenish- yellow colour, found in Siberia, France, Saxony, Brazil, Scotland and Ireland. Bery'tion. (From Berytius, its inventor.) A collyrium described by Galen. Bes. An eight-ounce measure. Be'sachar. A sponge. Be'sasa. Formerly applied to wild rue. Besease. An old name for mace. Bese'nna. (An Arabian word.) Muscarum fungus. Probably a sponge, which is the nidus of some sorts of flies. Bessa'nen. (An Arabian word.) A redness of the external parts, resembling that which pre- cedes the leprosy; it occupies the face and ex- tremities.—Avicenna. Bl'sto. A name in Oribasius for a species of saxifrage. BE'TA. (So called from the river Batis, in Spain, where it grows naturally; or, according to Blanchard, from the Greek letter (itjra, which it is said to resemble when turgid with seed.) The beet. I. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- noean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Di- gynia. The beet. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the common beet. S.-e Beta vulgaris. Beta hybrida. The plant which affords the root of scarcity. Mangel wurzel of the Ger- mans ; a large root. It contains much ofthe sac- charine principle, and is very nourishing. Ap- phed externally it is useful in cleaning foufulcers; and is a better application than the carrot. Beta vulgaris. The systematic name for the beet of the pharmacopoeias. Beta:—floribus congettis of Linnaeus. The root of this plant is frequently eaten by the French; it may be consi- dered as nutritious and anti-scorbutic, and forms i v cry elegant pickle with vinegar. The root and leaves, although formerly employed as laxatives and emollients, arc now forgotten. A considera- ble quantity of sugar may be obtained from the root of the beet. It is likewise said, that if beet roots be dried in the same manner as malt, after the greater part of their juice is pressed out, very good beer may be made from them. It is occa- sionally used to improve the colour of claret. Bktele. Bethle; Betle; Betelle. An orien- tal plant, like the tail of a lizard. It is chewed by flic Indians, and makes the teeth black; is cor- dial and exhilirating, and in very general use throughout the East. It is supposed to be the hwif pepper BE IONIC A. (Corrupted from Veituuiea. which is derived from the Vectones, an ancient people of Spain.) Betony. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Didynamia; Order, Gtrm- nospermia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name for the wood be- tony. See Betonica offidnalis. Betonica aquatica. See Scrophularia a- quatica. Betonica officinalis. The systematic name of the betony of the pharmacopoeias. Be- tonica purpurea; Betonica vulgaris ; Cestrum; Vetonica cordi; Betonica—spica, interrupta, corollarum labii lacinia intermedia emarginata of Linnaeus. The leaves and tops of this plant have an agreeable, but weak smell; and to the taste they discover a slight warmth, accompanied with some degree of adstringency and bitterness. The powder of the leaves of betony, snuffed up the nose, provokes sneezing ; and hence it is some- times made an ingredient in sternutatory powders. Its leaves are sometimes smoked like tobacco. The roots differ greatly, in their quality, from the other parts; then- taste is very bitter and nau- seous ; taken in a small dose, they vomit and purge violently, and are supposed to have some- what in common with the roots of hellebore. Like many other plants, formerly in high medi- cal estimation, betony is now almost entirely- neglected. Antonius Musa, physician to the em- peror Augustus, filled a whole volume with enu- merating its virtues, stating it as a remedy for no less than forty-seven disorders ; and hence in Italy the proverbial compliment, You have more vir- tues than betony. Betonica pauli. A species of veronica. Betonica vulgaris. See Betonica offici- nalis. BETONY. See Betonica. Betony, water. See Scrophularia aquatica. BE'TULA. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Monada; Order, Tetrandria. Alder and birch. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the white birch. See Betula alba. Betula alba. The systematic name of the betula of the pharmacopoeias. Betula :—foliis ovatis, acuminatis, serratis, of Linnaeus. The juice, leaves, and bark have been employed medi- cinally. If the tree be bored early in the spring, there issues, by degrees, a large quantity of limpid, watery, sweetish juice: it is said that one tree will afford from one to two gallons a day. This juice is esteemed as an antiscorbutic, deobstruent, and diuretic. When well fermented, and having a proper addition of raisins in its composition, it is frequently a rich and strong liquor; it keeps better than many of the other made-wines, often for a number of years, and was formerly supposed to possess many medical virtues; but these expe- rience does not seem to sanction ; and the virtues of the alder, like those of many other simples formerly prized, have sunk into oblivion. The leaves and bark were used externally as resolvents, detergents, and antiseptics. Betula alnus. The systematic name for the alnus of the pharmacopoeias. The common alder. BEX. (From faaota, to cough.) A cough. Dr. Good, in his Nosology, has applied this term to a genus of diseases which embraces three spe- cies, oex humida,dcca,convuldva. Bexagui'llo. A name given to the white ipecacuanha, which the Spaniards bring from Peru, as the Portusruese do the brown from Brazil. 149 BEZ Bexugo. The root of the JEmatitis peruvi- ana of Caspar Bauhin; one drachm of which is sufficient for a purge Be'zahan. The fossile bezoar. Beze'tta ccerulea. See Croton tincto- rium. BE'ZOAR. (From pa-zahar, Persian, a de- stroyer of poison.) Lapis bezoardicus. Be- zoard. _A preternatural or morbid concretion formed in the bodies of land-animals. Several of these kinds of substances were formerly cele- brated for their medicinal virtues, and distinguish- ed by the names of the countries from whence they came, or the animal in which they were found. There are eight kinds, according to Fourcroy, Vauquelin, and Berthollet. 1. Superphosphate of lime, which forms con- cretions in the intestines of many mammalia. 2. Phosphate of magnesia, semitransparent and yellowish, and of sp. grav. 2.160. 3. Phosphate of ammonia and magnesia. A concretion of a grey or brown colour, composed of radiations from a centre. It is found in the intestines of herbiverous animals, the elephant, horse, &c. 4. Biliary, colour reddish-brown, found fre- quently in the intestines and gall-bladder of oxen, , and used by painters for an orange-yellow pigment. It is inspissated bile. 5. Resinous. The oriental bezoars, procured from unknown animals, belong to this class of concretions. They consist of concentric layers, are fusible, combustible, smooth, soft, and finely polished. They are composed of bile and resin. 6. Fungous, consisting of pieces of the Boletus igniarius, swallowed by the animal. 7. Hairy. 8. Ligniform. Three bezoars sent to Bona- parte by the King of Persia, were found by Berthollet to be nothing but woody fibre agglome- rated. Bezoars were formerly considered as very pow- erful alexipharmics, so much so, indeed, that other medicines, possessed, or supposed to be possessed, of alexipharmic powers, were called oezoardics; and so efficacious were they once thought, that they were bought for ten times their weight in gold. These virtues, however, are in the present day justly denied them, as they produce no other effects than those common to the saline particles which they contain,.and which may be given to greater advantage from other sources. A composition of bezoar with absorbent powders, has been much in repute, as a popular remedy for disorders, in children, by the name of Gascoigne's powder and Gascoigne's ball; but the real bezoar was rarely, if ever, used for these, its price offering such a temptation to counterfeit it. Some have employed for this purpose, a re- sinous composition, capable of melting in the fire, and soluble in alcohol; but Newmann supposed that those nearest resembling it, were made of gypsum, chalk, or some other earth, to which the proper colour was imparted by some vegetable juice. We understand, however, that tobacco pipe clay, tinged with oxgall, is commonly em- ployed, at least for the Gascoigne's powder; this giving a yellow tint to paper, rubbed with chalk, and a green to paper rubbed over with quick- lime ; which are considered as proofs of genuine bezoar, and vvhich a vegetable juice would not effect. Bezoar bovinum. Bezoar of the ox. Bezoar germanicum. The bezoar from the alpine goat. Bezoar hystkk is. Lapis pordnus; Lapis mulacensis; Petro del porco. The bezoar of 150 BIL the Indian porcupine ; said to be found in the gall- bladder of an Indian porcujiine, particularly in the province of Malacca. This contrete differs from others: it has an intensely bitter taste; and on being steeped in water for a very little time, im- pregnates the fluid with its bitterness, and with aperient, stomachic, and, as it is supposed, with alexipharmic virtues. How far it differs in virtue from the similar concretions found in the gall- bladder of the ox, and other animals, does not appear. P ;oar microcosmicum. The caculus found in iuc human bladder. - Bezoar occidentale. Occidental bezoar. This concretion is said to be found in the stomach of an animal of the stag or goat kind, a native of Peru, &c. It is of a larger size than the oriental bezoar, and sometimes as large as a hen's egg; its surface is rough, and the colour green, grey- ish, or brown. Bezoar orientale. Lapis bezoar orienta- lis. Oriental bezoar stone. This concretion is said to be found in the pylorus, or fourth stomach of an animal of the goat kind, which inhabits the mountains of Persia. It is generally about the size of a kidney bean, of a roundish or oblong figure, smooth, and of a shining olive or dark- greenish colour. Bezoar porcinum. See Bezoar hystricis. Bezoar simile. The bezoar from the mon- key. Bezoardica radix. See Dorstenia. Bezoardicum joviale. Bezoar with tin. It differed very little from the Antihecticum Poterii. Bezoardicum lunale. A preparation of an- timony and silver. Bezoardicum martiale. A preparation of iron and antimony. Bezoardicum minerale. A preparation of antimony, made by adding nitrous acid to butter of antimony. Bezoardicum saturni. A preparation of antimony and lead. Bezo'ardicus lapis. See Bezoar. Bezoardicus Pulvis. The powder of the oriental bezoar. Bezoarticum minerals. A calx of anti- mony. Bezoas. An absolete chemical epithet. BI. (From few, twice.) In composition sig- nifies twice or double, and is frequently attached to other words in anatomy, chemistry, and botany; as biceps, having two heads ; bicuspides, two points, or fangs ; bilocular, with two cells; bi- valve, with two valves, &c. Bi.fi on. Wine made from sun-raisins, fer- mented in sea water. Bibine'lla. See Pimpinella. BIBITO'RIUS. (Bibitorius, from bibo, to drink ; because by drawing the eye inwards to- wards the nose, it causes those who drink to look into the cup.) See Rectus internus oculi. BI BULL'S. Bibulous ; attracting moisture : charta bibula, blotting paper. BICAPSULARIS. Having two capsules. Pericarpium bicapsulare. See Capsula. BI'CEPS. (From bis, twice, and caput, a headA Two heads. Applied to muscles from their having two distinct origins or heads. Biceps brachii. See Biceps flexor cubiti. Biceps cruris. See Biceps flexor cruris. Biceps cubiti. See Biceps flexor cubiti. Biceps externus. See Triceps extensor cu- biti. Biceps flexor cruris. Biceps crurisof Al- binus. Biceps of Winslow, Douglas, and Cowper; and Ischio-femoroperonien of Dumas. A mn«- BID BIL cle of the leg, situated on the hind part of the thigh. It arises by two distinct beads ; the first, called longus, arises in common with the semi- tendinosus, from the upper and posterior part of the tuberosity of the os ischium. The second, called brevis, arises from the linea aspera, a little below the termination of the glutteus maximus, by a fleshy acute beginning, which soon grows broader, as it descends to join with the first bead, a little above the external condyle of the os fe- moris. It is inserted, by a strong tendon, into the upper part of the head of the fibula. Its use is to bend the leg. This muscle forms what is called the outer hamstring ; and between it and the in- ner, the nervous popliteus, arteria and vena pop- litea, are situated. Biceps flexor cubiti. Biceps brachii of Albinus. Coraco-radialis, seu biceps of Wins- low. Biceps internus of Douglas. Biceps in- ternus humeri of Cowper. Scapulocoracora- dial of Dumas. A muscle of the tore-arm, situ- ated on the fore-part of the os humeri. It arises by two heads. The first and outermost, called longus, begins tendinous from the upper edge of the glenoid cavity of the scapula, passes over the head of the os humeri within the joint, and in its > descent without the joint, is inclosed in a groove near the head of the os humeri, by a membraneous ligament that proceeds from the capsular ligament and adjacent tendons. The second, or innermost head, called brevis, arises, tendinous and fleshy, from the coracoid process of the scapula, in com- mon with the coracobrachialis muscle. A little below the middle of the fore-part of the os hu- meri, these heads unite. It is inserted by a strong roundish tendon into the tubercle on the upper end of the radius internally. Its use is to turn the hand supine, and to bend the fore-arm. At the bending of the elbow, where it begins to grow ten- dinous, it sends off an aponeurosis, which covers all the muscles on the inside of the fore-arm, and joins with another tendinous membrane, which is sent off from the triceps extensor cubiti, and covers all the muscles on the outside of the fore- arm, and a number of the fibres, from opposite sides, decussate each other. It serves to strength- en the muscles, by keeping them from swelling too much outwardly when in action, and a num- ber of their fleshy fibres take their origin from it. Biceps internus. See Biceps flexor cubiti. Bichi'c MjE. An epithet of certain pectorals, or rather troches, described by Rhazes, which wen made of liquorice, &c. Bi'chos. A Portuguese name for the worms that get under the toe of the people in the Indies, which are destroyed by the od of cashew nut. Bici. Tbe Indian name of an intoxicating liquor, made from Turkey wheat in South Ameri- ca. See Wheat, Turkey. BI'CORNIS. (From bis, twice, and cornu, a horn.) I. An epithet sometimes applied to the os hyoides, which has two processes, or horns. 2. In former times, to muscles that had two terminations. 3. A name given to those plants, the antherae of which have the appearance ol" two horns. Bicorncs plants. The name of an order of plants in the natural method of Linnaeus and Gerard. BICI SPIDATUS. Having two points. See Bicuspis. BICUSPIS. (From bis, twice, and cuspis, a spear.) 1. The name of those teeth which have double points, or fangs. See Teeth. 2. Applied to leaves, which terminate by two point.-.; folia bicuspida or bicutpidata. Ill DENS. (From bis, twice, and dens, a tooth ; so called from its being deeply serrated, or indented.) The name of a genus of plaats in the Linnaean system. Class, Syngeneda; Order, Polygamia aqualis. Bidens tripartita. The systematic name of the hemp agrimony, formerly used as a bitter and aperient, but not in the practice of the pre- sent day. BIDLGO, Godfrey, a celebrated anatomist born at Amsterdam, in 1649. After practising several years as a surgeon, he was appointed physician to William 111., and in 1694, made pro- fessor of anatomy and surgery at Leyden. He published 105 very splendid, though rather inac- curate anatomical tables, with explanations; and several minor works. His nephew, Nicholas, was physician to the Czar Peter I. BIENNIS. Biennial. A biennial plant is one, as the term imports, of two years, duration. Of this tribe there are numerous plants, which being raised one year from the seed, generally attain perfection the same year, or within about twelve months, shooting up stalks, producing flowers, and perfecting seeds in the following spring or sum- mer, and soon after commonly perish. Bifariam. In two parts. BIFER. (From bis, twice, and/m>, to bear.) A plant is so called, which bears twice in the year, in spring and autumn, as is common between the tropics. BIFIDUS. Forked. Divided into two; as a bifid seed-vessel in Adoxa moschatellina, petala bifida in the Silene nocturna and Alyssum in- canum. BIFLORUS. Bearing two flowers; as peditn- culus biflorus. BIFORIUM. Applied to a leaf which points two vvsys. BIFORUS. (From bis, twice, and forus, a door.) Two-doored or bivalved. A class of plants is so denominated in some natural arrange- ments, constituted by those which have a pericarp, or seed vessel, furnished with two valves. BIFURCATE. (Bifurcus; from bis, twice, and furca, a fork.) A vessel, or nerve, stem, root, &c. is said to bifurcate when it divides into two branches ; thus the bifurcation of the aor- ta, &c. BIFURCATIO. Bifurcation. BI^URC ATUS. (From bis, twice, and/urea, a forn.) Forked. See Bifurcate and Dichoto- mus. BIGA'STER. (Bigaster : from bis, twice, and yawp, a belly.) A name given to muscles vvhich have two bellies. BIGEMINATUS. (From bis and gemini, twins.) Twice paired. Biconjugatus. A leaf is so called when near the apex of the common petiole there is a single pair of secondary petioles, each of which support a pair of opposite leaflets ; as in Mimosa unguis cati. BIH'ERNIUS. (From&w, double, and hernia, a disease so called.) Having a double hernia or one on each side. Bihydroguret of carbon. See Carburetted hydrogen. BIJUGUS. A winged leaf is termed folium bijugum, which bears two pairs of leaflets. BILABIATUS. Two-lipped. Often used in botany; as pericarpium bilabiatum; corolla bilabeata, &c. BILACINIATUS. Applied to a leaf, folium bilaciniatum ; when cut into two segments. Bila'den. A name of iron. BILAMELLATUS. Composed of two lamina. Bilberry bean. See Arbutus uva urd. ±y BILDSTEIV S.c Figvn stone. !'■>'■ BIL BIL BILE. (Bilis. Najvius derives it from bis, twice, and lis, contention ; as being supposed to he the cause of anger and dispute.) The gall. A bitter fluid, secreted in the glandular substance of the liver ; in part flowing into the intestines, and in part regurgitating into the gall-bladder. The secretory organs of this fluid are the penicilli of the liver, wliich terminate in very minute ca- nals, called biliary ducts. The biliary ducts pour their bile into the ductus hepaticus, which con- veys it into the ductus communis choledochus, from whence it is -in part carried into the duode- num. The other part of the bile regurgitates through the cystic duct into the gall-bladder: for hepatic bile, except during digestion, cannot flow into the duodenum, which contracts when empty; hence it necessarily regurgitates into the gall-blad- der. The branches of the vena porta contribute most to the secretion of bile ; its peculiar blood, returning from the abdominal viscera, is supposed to be, in some respects, different from other venal blood, and to answer exactly to the nature of bile. It is not yet ascertained clearly whether the florid blood, in the hepatic artery, merely nourishes the liver, or whether, at the same time, it contributes a certain principle, necessary for the formation of bile. It has been supposed, by physiologists, that cystic bile was secreted by the arterial ves- sels of the gall-bladder; but the fallacy of this opinion is proved by making a ligature on the cys- tic duct of a living animal. From what has been said, it appears that there are, as it were, two kinds of bile in the human body :— 1. Hepatic bile, which flows from the liver into the duodenum : this is thin, of a faint yel- low colour, inodorous, and very slightly bitter, otherwise the liver of animals would not be eat- able. 2. Cystic bile, which regurgitates from the he- patic duct into the gall-bladder, and there, from stagnating, becomes thicker, the aqueous part being absorbed by lymphatic vessels, and more acrid from concentration. Healthy bile is of a yellow, green colour ; of a plastic consistence, like thin od, and when very much agitated, it froths like soap and water: its smell is fatuous, somewhat like musk, especially the putrefying or evaporating bile of animals: its taste is bitter. The primary uses of this fluid, so important to the animal economy, arc : 1. To separate the chyle from the chyme: thus chyle is never observed in the duodenum before the chyme has been mixed with the bile: and thus it is that oil is extricated from linen by the bile of animals. 2. By its acridity it excites the peristaltic mo- tion of the intestines ; hence the bowels are so inactive in people with jaundice. 3. It imparts a yellow colour to the excrements; thus we observe the white colour of the faeces in jaundice, in which disease the flow of bile into the duodenum is entirely prevented. 4. It prevents the abundance of mucus and acidity in the primae viae ; hence acid, pituitous, and verminous saburra are common from deficient or inert bUe. The chemical analysis of bile has been princi- pally illustrated by Mons. Thenard. " Ox bile is usually of a greenish-yellow colour, rarely a deep green. By its colour it changes the blue of turn- sole and violet to a reddish-yellow. At once very bitter, and slightly sweet, its taste is scarcely supportable. Its smell, though feeble, is easy to recognise, and approaches somewhat to the nau- seous odour of certain fatty matters, when they are heated. Its specific gravity varies very little. It Is about 1.026 at 43° F. It is sometimes limpid, 152 and at others disturbed with a yellow matter, from which it may be easily separated by water: its consistence varies from that of a thin mucilage, to viscidity. Cadet regarded it as a kind of soap. This opinion was first refuted by Thenard. Ac- cording to this able chemist, 800 parts of ox bile, are composed of 700 water, 15 resinous matters, 69 picromel, about 4 of a yellow matter, 4 of soda, 2 phosphate of soda, 3.6 muriates of soda and po- tassa, 0.8 sulphate of soda, 1.2 phosphate of lime, and a trace of oxide of iron. When distilled to dryness, it leaves from l-8th to l-9th of solid mat- ter, which, urged with a higher heat, is resolved into the usual igneous products of animal analysis ; only with more oil and less carbonate of ammonia. Exposed for some time in an open vessel, the bile gradually corrupts, and lets fall a small quantity of a yellowish matter ; then its mucil- lage decomposes. Thus the putrefactive process is very inactive, and the odour it exhales is not insuppqrtable, but in some cases has been thought to resemble that of musk. Water and alkohol combine in all proportions with bile. When a very little acid is poured into bile, it becomes slightly turbid, and reddens litmus ; when more is added, the precipitate augments, particularly if sulphuric acid be employed. It is formed of a' yellow animal matter, with very little resin. Potassa and soda increase the thinness and trans- parency of bile. Acetate of lead precipitates the yellow matter, and the sulphuric and phosphoric acids of the bile. Tbe solution of the subacetate precipitates not only these bodies, but also the picromel and the muriatic acid, all combined with the oxyde of lead. The acetic acid remains in the liquid united to the soda. The greater num- ber of fatty substances are capable of being dis- solved by bile. This property, which made it be considered a soap, is owing to the soda, and to the triple compound of soda, resin, and picromel. Scourers sometimes prefer it to soap, for cleans- ing woollen. The bile of the calf, the dog, and the sheep, are similar to that of the ox. The bile of the sow contains no picromel. It is merely a soda-resinous soap. Human bile is peculiar/ It varies in colour, sometimes being green, gene- rally yellowish-brown, occasionally almost co- lourless. Its taste is not very bitter. In the gall- bladder it is seldom limpid, containing often, like that of the ox, a certain quantity of yellow mat- ter in suspension. At times this is in such quanti- ty, as to render the bile somewhat grumous. Fil- tered and boiled, it becomes very turbid, and dif- fuses the odour of white of egg. When evapo- rated to dryness, there results a brown extract, equal in weight to 1-1 lth of the bile. By cal- cination we obtain the same salts as from ox bile. All the acids decompose human bile, and occa- sion an abundant precipitate of albumen and resin, which are easily separable by alcohol. One part of nitric acid, sp. grav. 1.210, saturates 100 of bile. On pouring into it a solution of sugar of lead, it is changed into a liquid of a light-yellow colour, in which no picromel can be found, anil which contains only acetate of soda and some traces of animal matter. Human bile appears hence to be formed, by Thenard, in 1100 parts ; of 1000 water; from 2 to 10 yellow insoluble matter; 42 albumen; 41 resin; 5.6 soda; and 45 phosphates of soda of lime, sulphate of soda, muriate of soda, and oxyde of iron. But by Ber- zelius, its constituents are in 1000 parts: 908.4 water; 80 picromel; 3 albumen ; 4.1 soda; 0.1 phosphate of lime : 3.4 common salt; and 1 phos- phate of soda, with some phosphate of lime." BILGUER, John Ulrick, was born a' Coire, in Swisserland. He practised surgcrv «' BIO Bl>> Berlin with uicb reputation, that he was appoint- ed by the great Frederick, Surgeon-General to (he Prussian army. It was then the general prac- tice to amputate in bad compound fractures ; and being struck with the small proportion of those who recovered after the operation, he was led to fry more lenient methods ; from which meeting with much better success, he published as a thesis, on graduating at Halle, in 1761, a pretty general condemnation of amputation. This work attract- ed much notice throughout Europe, and materi- ally checked the unnecessary use of the knife. In his "Instructions for Hospital Sturgeons," which appeared soon after, he insisted farther on the same subject ; and where amputation was un- avoidable, he advised leaving a portion of the in- teguments, which is now generally adopted. BI'LIARY. (Biliaris; from bilis, the bile.) Of or belonging to the bile. Biliary duct. Ductus biliosus. The very vascular glandules, which compose almost the whole substance of the liver, terminate in very small canals, called biliary ducts, which at length form one trunk, the ductus hepaticus. Their use is to conyey the bile, secreted by the liver, into the hepatic duct: this Uniting with a duct from the gall-bladder, forms one common canal, called the ductus communis choledochus, which con- veys the bile into the intestinal canal. Bili'mbi. (Indian.) See Molus Indica. BI'LIOUS. (Biliosus, from bilis, bile.) A term very generally made use of, to express dis- eases which arise from too copious a secretion of bile : thus bilious colic, bilious diarrhoea, bilious fever, &c. BI'LIS. See Bile. Bilis atra. Black bile. The supposed cause among the ancients of melancholy. Bilis cystica. Bilis feltea. Cystic bile. The bile when in the gall-bladder is so called to distinguish it from that which is found in the liver. See Bile. Bilis hepatica. Hepatic bile. Bile that has not entered the gall-bladder. See Bile. BI'LOBUS. (From bis, double, and lobus, the end of the ear.) Having two lobes, resembling tbe tips of ears ; applied to a leaf,/ottum bilobum, when it is deeply divided into rounded segments, ns the petals of the Geranium pyrenaicum and striatum, which are bilobed. BILOCULARIS. (From bis, twice, and lo- culus, a little cell.) Two-celled; applied to a capsule which has two cells. Biloculares. Is the name of a natural order of plants. BIME'STRIS. (From bis, twice, and mends, month.) Two months old. BINATUS. Binus. Binate. A term applied to compound leaves, when consisting of a pair of leaflets only, on one foot-italk as in the great everlasting pea and other species of lathyrus. BINDWEED. Sec Convolvulus sepium. BINERVICS. Two-nerved. Having two ribs or nerves very apparent. Hence, folium bine- rium. Binoa'li.f.. See Casumuniar. BiNo'tuius. (From 6i'tiu*, double, and ocu- lus, the eye.) A bandage for securing the dressings on both eyes. Bi'nmca. A disordered mind.—Helmont. Binsica mors. The binsical, or that death which follows a disordered mind. BIN IS. (From bis, twice.) Two by two; f v couplet*; applied to leaves when there are only two upon a plant, folia bina; as in Con- ra11aria majalis, kc. Kioi t'chnivm. (From fftos, lift, and Xi^. .or, a lamp.) Vital heat: also the name of an oflici- nal nostrum. Bi'ote. (From (3,os, life.) Life. Also light food. BIOTILVNATI. (From 0ia, violence, or /Jioj, life, aud&avalos, death.) Those who die a violent death, or suddenly, as if there were no space be- tween life and death. BIPARTITl S. Bipartite. Deeply divided almost to the basis ; as calyx bipartitus ; folium biparlitum; perianthium bipartitum ; and petala bipartita. Bipemu'lla. See Pimpinella. N Bipene'li.a. See Pimpinella. BIPINATIFIDUS. Doubly pinnatifid ; as in the long rough-headed poppy, Papaver arze- mone. See Pinnatifidus. BIPINNATIFIDUS. Doubly pinnatifid ; ap- plied to a leaf. Sec Leaf. BIPINNATUS. Doubly pinnate. A compound leaf is so termed when the secondary petioles are arranged in pairs on the common petiole, and each secondary petiole is pinnate. Bi'ra. Malt liquor or beer. Bira'o. Stone parsley. BIRCH. See Betula. BIRDLIME. The best birdlime is made of the middle bark of the holly, boiled seven or eight hours in water, till it is soft and tender; then laid in heaps in pits in the ground and covered with stones, the water being previously drained from it; and in this state left for two or three weeks to ferment, till it is reduced to a kind of mucilage. This being taken from the pit is pounded in a mortar to a paste, washed in river water, and kneaded, till it is freed from extraneous matters. In this state it is left four or five days in earthen vessels, to ferment and purify itself, when it is fit for use. It may likewise be obtained from the misletoe, the Viburnum lantana, young shoots of elder, and other vegetable substances. It is sometimes adulterated with turpentine, oil, vinegar, and other matters. « Good birdlime is of a greenish colour, and sour flavour; gfory, stringy, and tenacious ; and in smell resembling linseed oil. By exposure to the air it becomes dry and brittle, so that it may be powdered ; but its viscidity is restored by wetting it. It reddens tincture of litmus. Exposed to a gentle heat it liquefies slightly, swells in bubbles, becomes grumous, emits a smell resembling that of animal oils, grows brown, but recovers its pro- perties on cooling, if not heated too much. With a greater heat it burns, giving out a brisk flame and much smoke. The residuum contains sulphate and muriate of potassa, carbonate of lime and alumina, with a small portion of iron. BIRDSTONGUE. A name given to the seeds of the Flaxinus txcelsior of Linnaeus. Bi'rsen. (Hebrew for an aperture.) A deep ulcer, or imposthume in the breast. BIRTHWORT. See Aristolochia. Birthwort, climbing. See Aristolochia cle- matitis. Birthwort, long-rooted. Sec Aristolochia longa. Birthwort, snake-killing. See Aristolochia anguirida. Birthwort, three-lobed. See Aristolochia trilobata. BISCO'CTIS. (From bis. twice, and coquo, to boil.) Twice dressed. It is chiefly applied to bread much baked as biscuit. Biscute'lla. Mustard. Bisk'rmas. A name formerly given to clary, or garden clarv. BISHOP'SVVEED. See Ammi. B1SL1NGUA. (From bis, twice, andlingua, a tongue ; so called from its appearance of being double-tongued; that is, of having upon each leaf a less leaf.) The Alexandrian laurel; Bisma'lva. (From vismalva, quasi viscum malva, from its superior viscidity.) The water, or marsh-mallow. . BISMUTH. (Bismulhum, from Bismut, Germ.) A metal which is found in the earth in very few different states, more generally native or m the metallic state. Native bismuth is met with in solid masses, and also in small particles dispersed in and frequently deposited on different stones, at Schreeberg in Saxony, Sweden, &c. Sometimes it is crystallised in four-sided tables, or indistinct cubes. It exists combined with oxy- gen in the oxide of bismuth (bismut hochre,) found in small particles, dispersed, of a bluish or yellowish-grey colour, needle-shaped and capilla- ry; sometimes laminated, forming small cells. It is also, though more seldom, united to sulphur and iron in the form of a sulphuret in the martial sulphuretted bismuth ore. This ore has a yel- lowiBh-grey appearance, resembling somewhat the martial pyrites. And, it is sometimes combined with arsenic. Bismuth is a metal of a yellowish or reddish- white colour, little subject to change in the air. It is somewhat harder than lead, and is scarcely, if at all malleable ; being easily broken, and even reduced to powder, by the hammer. The internal face, or place of fracture, exhibits large shining plates disposed in a variety of positions; thin pieces are considerably sonorous. At a tempera- ture of 480° Fahrenheit, it melts, and its surface becomes covered with a greenish-grey or brown oxide. A stronger beat ignites it, and causes it to burn with a small blue flame; at the same time that a yellowish oxide, known by the name of flowers of bismuth, is driven up. This oxide appears to rise in consequence of the combustion ; for it is very fixed, and runs into a greenish glass when exposed to heat alone. Bismuth urged by a strong heat in a closed ves- sel, sublimes entire, and crystallizes very distinct- ly when gradually cooled. The sulphuric acid has a slight action upon bis- muth, when it is concentrated" and boiling. Sul- phurous acid gas is exhaled, and part of the bismuth is converted into a white oxide. A small portion combines with the sulphuric acid, and af- fords a deliquescent salt in the form of small needles. The nitric acid dissolves bismuth with the great- est rapidity and violence; at the same time that much heat is extricated, and a large quantity of nitric oxide escapes. The solution, when saturated, affords crystals as it cools ; the salt de- tonates weakly, and leaves a yellow oxide behind, which effloresces in the air. Upon dissolving this salt in water, it renders that fluid of a milky white, and lets fall an oxide of the same colour. The nitric solution of bismuth exhibits the same property when diluted with water, most of the metal falling down in the form of a white oxide, called magistery of bismuth. This precipitation of the nitric solution, by the addition of water, is the criterion by which bismuth is distinguished from most other metals. The magistery or oxide is a very white and subtle powder ; when prepared by the addition of a large quantity of water, it is used as a paint for the complexion, and is thought gradually to impair the skin. The liberal use of any paint for the skin seems indeed likely to do this ; but there is reason to suspect, from the re- semblance between the general properties of lead and bismuth, that the oxide of this metal roav be attended with effects similar to those which the oxides of lead are known to produce. If a small portion of muriatic acid be mixed with the nitric and the precipitated oxide be washed with but a small quantity of cold water, it will appear is minute scales of a pearly lustre, consisting the pearl powder of perfumers. These paints art liable to be turned black by sulphurated hydrogen gas. The muriatic acid does not readily act upon bismuth. When bismuth is exposed to chlorine gas if takes fire, and is converted into a chloride, which, formerly prepared by heating the metal with cor- rosive sublimate, was called butter of bismuth. The chloride is of a greyish-white colour, a granular texture, and is opaque. It is fixed at i red heat. When iodine and bismuth are heated together, they readily form an iodide of an orange- yellow colour insoluble in water, but easily dis- solved in potassa ley. Alkalis likewise precipitate its oxide ; but not of so beautiful a white colour as that afforded by the affusion of pure water. The gallic acid precipitates bismuth of a green- ish-yellow, as ferroprussiate of potassa does of a yellowish colour. There appears to be two sulphurets, the first a compound of 100 bismuth to 22.34 sulphur; the second of 100 to 46.5: the second is a bisal- phuret. This metal unites with most metalhc substances, and renders them in general more fusible. When calcined with the imperfect metals, its glass dis- solves them, and produces the same effect as lead in cupellation; in which process it is even said to be preferable to lead. Bismuth is used in the composition of pewter,'' in the fabrication of printers' types, and in various.! other metallic mixtures. With an equal weighM of lead, it forms a brilliant white alloy, mueh harder than lead, and more malleable than bismuth, though not ductile ; and if the proportion of lead be increased, it is rendered still more malleable. Eight parts of bismuth, five of lead, and three of tin, constitute the fusible metal, sometimes called Newton's, from its discoverer, which melts at the heat of boiling water, and may be fused over a candle in a piece of stiff paper without burning the paper. One part of bismuth, with five of lead, > and three of tin, forms plumbers' solder. It form* the basis of a sympathetic ink. The oxide of bismuth precipitated by potassa from nitric acid, has been recommended in spasmodic disoidera of the stomach, and given in doses of four grains, four times a-day. A writer in the Jena Journal says he has known the dose carried gradually to one scruple without injury. Bismuth is easily separable, in the dry way, from its ores, on account of its great fusibility. It is usual, iu the processes at large, to throw the bismuth ore into a fire of wood ; beneath which a hole is made in the ground to receive the metal, and defend it from oxidation. The same procesi may be imitated in the small way, in the examina- tion of the ores of this metal; nothing more being necessary, than to expose it to a moderate heat in a crucible, with a quantity of reducing flux; taking care, at the same time, to perform the operation as speedily as possible, that the bismuth maybe neither oxydized nor volatilized BISMU'THUM. (From bismut, German.) See Bismuth. BISSET, Charles, was born about the ycai 1716. After studying at Edinburgh, and prac- tising some years as an Hospital-Surgeon in Jamaica, he entered the army ; but soon aftfi BIT BLA v,n>, to germinate.) A bud or shoot. Hippocrates uses it to signify a cutaneous pimple like a bud. Bla'stum mostlitum. Cassia bark kept vrith the wood. Bla'tta. (From fiXat™, to hurt.) A sort of beetle, or bookworm ; so called from its injur- ingbooks and clothes ; the kermes insect. Blatta'ria lutea. (From6/a«a; so call- ed, because, according to Pliny, it engenders the blatta.) The Verbascum blattaria, or herb yel- low mothmullein. BLEACHING. The chemical art by which the various articles used for clothing are de- prived of their natural dark colour, and rendered white. Bleaching Poiod'er. The chloride of lime. 156 Ble'chon. (From fiXix"0?"*! to bleat; ,0 called according to Pliny, because if sheen taate it they bleat.) The herb, wild penny-royal. See Mentha pulegium. , . ... , ,r BLEEDING. See Blood-letting and Hamor- rhage. BLE'MA. (From 6aXXu, to inflict.) A wound. BLE'NDE. A species of zinc ore, formed of zinc in combination with sulphur. BLE'NNA. BXewa. Blena. Mucus, athick excrementitious humour. BLENNORRHA'GIA. (From QXevva, mucus, and frew, to flow.) The discharge of mucus, from the urethra. BLENNORRHEA. (From (iXcvva, mucus, and pcu>,'to flow.) 1. A gleet; Gorcorrhaa mu- cosa. A discharge of mucus from the urethra, arising from weakness. 2. The name of a genus of diseases in Good's Nosology, embracing three species, Blennorrhea simplex, luodes, and chronica. BLE'PHARA. (Quasi fiXcmvs , to assist.) A remedy. Bof.thema'tica. (From /W>t«, to assist.) Favourable symptoms. BOG-BEAN. See Menyanthes trifoliata. Bo'cia gummi. Gamboge. BOHEA. See Thea. BOHN, John, was bom at Leipsic, in 1640; and after studying in many parts of Europe, grad- uated there, and was made successively professor of anatomy, and of therapeutics, public physician to the city, &c. Among numerous publications, he chiefly distinguished himsvlf by his " Circu- lus anatomico physiologicus," and a treatise " De officio medici clinico et forensi," which latter particularly has great merit. He also well ex- plained the judgment to be formed concerning wounds ; and recommended purging with calomel in the beginning of small-pox. He dV< d in 1718. Bois de coissi. Sec Quasda. Bolar earths. See Bole. BOLE, (fiioXos, a mass,) in chemistry, is a' massive mineral, having a perfectly conchoidal fracture, a glimmering internal lustre, and a shi- ning streak. Its colours are yellow-red, and brownish black, when it is called mountain soap. It is translucent or opaque. Soft, so as to be easily cut, and to yield to the nail. It adheres to the tongue, has a greasy feel, and falls to pieces- in water. Sp. grav. 1.4 to 2. It may be polish- ed. If it be immersed in water after it is dried, it falls asunder with a crackling noise. It occurs in wacke and basalt, in Silesia, Hessia, and Sien- na in Italy, and also in the cliffs of the Giant's* Causeway, Ireland. The black variety is found in the trap rocks of the isle of Sky. Several compounds were formerly used in medicine, par- ticularly the Armenian and French ; and in old pharmacopoeias mention is made of red boles from Armenia, Lemnos, Strigonium, Portugal, Tusca- ny, and Livonia ; yellow boles from Armenia, Tockay, Silesia, Bohemia, and Blois; white boles from Armenia, Lemnos, Nocera, Eretria, Lamos, Chio, Malta, Tuscany, and Goltberg. Several of these earths have been commonly made into little cakes or flat masses, and stamped with certain impressions; from which circumstance they received the name of terra sagillata, or seated earths. Bole, Armenian. Bolus Armenia. Bole armenic. A pale but bright red-coloured earth, which is occasionally mixed with honey, and ap- plied to children's mouths when afflicted with aphthae. It forms, like all argillaceous earths, a a good tooth-powder, when mixed with some aro- matic. BOLETIC ACID. Acidum bolelicum. An acid extracted from the expressed juice of the Boletus pseudo-igniarius. by M. Braconnot. The juice concentrated to a syrup by a very gen- tle heat, was acted on by strong alkohol. What remained was dissolved in water. When nitrate of lead was dropped into this solution, a white pre- cipitate fell, which, after being well washed with water, was decomposed by a current of sulphuret- ted hydrogen gas. Two different acids were found in the liquid after fit'ifwion and evaporation. One in permanent crystals was boletic acid ; the other was a small proportion of phosphoric acid. The former was purified by solution in alkohol, and subsequent evaporation. It consists of irregular four-sided prisms, of a white colour, and permanent in the air. Its tastR resembles cream of tartar ; at the temperature of 68° it dissolves in 180 times its weight of wat«\ and in 4'> of alkohol. Vegetable blues are red- i *>T BOM BON dened by it. Red oxide of iron, and the oxides of silver and mercury, are precipitated by it from their solutions in nitric acid; but lime and barytes waters are not affected. It sublimes when heated, in white vapours, and is condensed in a white powder.—-Ann. de Chimie, lxxx. BOLE'TUS. (From /?a>Xo$, a mass, or fiioXmis, from its globular form.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Cryptoga- mia ; Order, Fungi. Boletus; Spunk. Boletus cervi. The mushroom. Boletus igniarius. The systematic name for the agaricus of the pharmacopoeias. Aga- ricus chirurgorum; Agaricus quercus ; Fun- gus igniarius. Agaric of the oak; Touch-wood boletus ; Female agaric. This fungus Boletus : —acaulis pulvinatus levis, poris tenuissimis of Linnaeus, has been much used by surgeons as an external styptic. Though still employed on the Continent, the surgeons in tliis country hare not much confidence in it. Boletus laricis. The systematic name for the officinal agaricus albus, which is met with on old larch trees, in different parts of Europe. Seve- ral preparations, as troches, an extract, and pills, are ordered to be made with it in foreign pharma- copoeias, which are administered against phthisic- al complaints. Boletus piNi laricis. A species of agaric which grows on the larch. Boletus suaveolens. The systematic name for the fungus salicis of the pharmacopoeias. This species of fungus, Boletus—acaulis superne lavis, saliribus, oi Linnaeus, and the Boletus al- bus of Hudson, when fresh, has a suburinous smell, and at first an acid taste, followed by a bitter. It is seldom used at present, but was formerly given in phthisical complaints. Boli'smus. A voracious appetite, according to Avicenna; but most probably meant for buti- mus. BOLOGNIAN STONE. A mixture of muci- lage and powdered sulphate of barytes. BCLUS. (BaiXos, a bole or bolus.) Any medi- cine, rolled round, that is larger than an ordinary sized pea, and yet not too large to be swallowed. Bolus armena. See Bole, Armenian. Bolus armena alba. The white armenian bole. Bolus armoniac. See Bole, Armenian. Bolus blessensis. Bole of Blois. See Bole. Bolus gallica. French Bole. A pale red- coloured bolar earth, variegated with irregular specks and veins of white and yellow. It is oc- casionally administered as an absorbent and anta- cid. BOMBAX. See Gossijpium. BOMBIATE. Bombias. A salt formed by the union of the bombic acid with salifiable bases; thus, bombiate of alumine, &c. BO'MBIC ACID. Aiidum bombicum. Acid of the silk-worm. Silk-worms contain, especial- ly when in the state of chrysalis, an acid liquor in a reservoir placed near tne anus. It is obtain- ed by expressing their juice in a cloth, and pre- cipitating the mucilage by spirit of wine, and like- wise by infusing the chrysalides in that liquor. This acid is very penetrating, of a yellow amber colour, but its .nature and combinations are not yet well known. BO'MBUS. Bo^fius. 1. A resounding noise, or ringing of the ears. 2. A sonorous expulsion of flatus from the in- testines. 3. Dr. Good gives tliis name to that variety of imaginary sound, purapsis iJlusoria, which i.- characterised by a dull, heavy, intermittiiiy sound. . Bsn arbor. A name given to the coffee-tree. Bo'na. Boona. The phaseolus, or kidney- beans. -,.,,. Bo'nduch indorum. See Guilanama. BONE. Os. Bones are hard, dry, and in- sensible parts of the body, of a whitish colour, and composed of a spongy, compact, or recticular substance. They vary much in their appearances, some being long and hollow, others flat and com- pact, &c. The greater number of bones have several processes and cavities, which are distin- guished from their figure, situation, use, &c. Thus processes extended from the end of a bone, if smooth and round, are called heads ; and con- dyles, when flattened either above or laterally. That part which is beneath the head, and which exceeds the rest of the bone in smallness and levi- ty, is called the neck. Rough, unequal processes -are called tuberosities, or tubercles : but the long- er and more acute, spinous, or styloid processes, from their resemblance to a thorn. Thin broad processes, with sharp extremities, are known bj the name of crista, or sharp edges. Other pro- cesses arc distinguished by their form, and called alar, or pterygmd; mamillary, or mastoid; dentiform, or odontoid, &c. Others, from their situation, are called superior, inferior, exterior, and interior. Some have tiieir name from their direction ; as oblique, straight, transverse, &c.; and some from their use, as trochanters, rota- tors, &c. Furrows, depresdons, and cavities, axe destined either for the reception of contiguous bones, to form an articulation with them, when they are called articular cavities, which are sometimes deeper, sometimes shallower: or they receive hard parts, but do not constitute a joint with them. Cavities serve also for the transmission and attachment of soft parts. Various names are given to them, according- to the magnitude and hgurc of bones. If they be broad and large at the beginning, and not deep, but contracted at their ends, they are called fovea, or pits. Fur- rows are open canals, extending longitudinally in the surface of bonea. A hollow, circular tube, for the most part of the same diameter from begin- ning to end, and more or less crooked or straight, long or short, is named a canal. Foramina are the apertures of canals, or they are formed of the excavated margins of two bones, placed against each other. If such be the form of the margin of a bone, as if a portion were taken out of it, it is called a notch. With respect to the formation of bone, there have been various opinions. Physiologists of the present day assert, that it is from a specific action of small arteries, by which ossific matter is sepa- rated from the blood, and deposited where it is re- quired. The first thing observable in the embryo, where bone is to be formed, is a transparent jelly, which becomes gradually firmer, and is formed into cartilage. The cartilage gradually increases to a certain size, and when the process of ossifi- cation commences, vanishes as it advances. Car- tilages, previous to the ossific action, are solid, and without any cavity ; but when the ossific ac- tion of the arteries is about to commence, the ab- sorbents become very active, and form a small cavity in which the bony matter is deposited; bone continues to be separated, and the absorbents model the mass into its required shape. Theprocess of ossification is extremely rapid in utero; it ad- vances slowly after birth, and is not completed in the human body till about the twentieth year. Ossification in the flat bones, as those ofthe skull, always begin from central points, and the radi- BUN BON sited fibres meet the radii of other ossifying points, or the edges of the adjoining bone. In long bones, as those of the arm and leg, the clavical, metacarpal, and metatarsal bones, a central ring is formed in the body of the bone, the head and extremities being cartilage, in the centre of which ossification afterward begins. The central ring of the body shoots its bony fibres towards the head and extremities, which extend towards the body of the bone. The head and extremities at length come so close to the body as to be merely separated by a cartilage, which be- comes gradually thinner until the twentieth year. Thick and round bones, as those of the tarsus, carpus, sternum, and patella, are, at first, all cartilage: ossification begins in the centre of each. When the bones are deprived of their soft parts, and are hung together in their na- tural situation, by means of wire, the whole is termed an artificial skeleton ; but when they are kept together by means of their ligaments, it is called a natural skeleton.—The use of the bones are various, and are to be found in the account of each bone ; it is, therefore, only necessary to ob- serve, in this place, that they give shape to the body, contain and defend the vital viscera, and afford an attachment to all the muscles. Bones of cranium skull - the or Bones face A Table of the Bones. Frontal Parietal Occipital Temporal - Ethmoid - . Sphenoid ' Superior maxil Jugal - Nasal - i Lachrymal Palatine Inferior spongy Vomer Inferior maxil of the Dentes teeth C Incisores .? Ci the voides <■ v-uspidati t .Molares | Hy< (Malleus incus • * - Stapes - Orbiculare os f Cervical /■ Vertebrae - - -< Dorsal \ l Lumbar J Sacrum - V Coccygisos - ^ Sternum "tltibs Innominata ossa ■-|£S£ : : : Humeri os - l Ulna - I Radius - (Naviculare os Lunare os - Cuneiforme os - No. - 1 - 2 - 1 . o - 1 - 1 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 1 - 1 - 8 - 4 - 20 Bone of tongue • Bones of the ear. within The thorax • The pelvis The i The arm The fore-arm Carpus or 1 Orbiculare os wrist - ; Trapezium os Metacarpus Phalangas ITrapezoides os Magnum os Unciforme os The thigh W I The leg 41 S Femur f Patella -4 Tibia I Fibula f Calcaneus I Astragalus < Cuboides os I Naviculare os Cuneiformia ossa (Tarsus or instep - Metatarsus Phalanges - Sesamoid bones of the thumb and great toe occasionally Lund - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2 - 6 - 10 -28 ■-} Total ^248 Calcined human bones, according to Berzelius, arc composed, in 100 parts, cf 81.9 phosphate of lime, 3 fluate of lime, 10 lime, 1.1 phosphate of magnesia, 2 soda, and 2 carbonic acid. 100 parts of bones by calcination are reduced to 63. Four- croy and Vauquelin found the following to be the composition of 100 parts of ox bones : 51 solid gelatin, 37.7 phosphate of lime, 10 carbonate of lime, and 1.3 phosphate of magnesia ; but Berze- lius gives the following as their constituents: 33.3 cartilage, 65.35 phosphate of lime, 3 fluate of lime, 3.85 carbonate of lime, 2.05 phosphate of magnesia, and 2.45 soda, with a little common salt. About l-30th of phosphate of magnesia was obtained from the calcined bones of fowls, by Fourcroy and Vauquelin. When the enamel of teeth rasped down, is dissolved in muriatic acid, it leaves no albumen, like the other bones. Four- croy and Vauquelin state its components to be, 27.1 gelatin and water, 72.9 phosphate of lime. Messrs. Hatchctt and Pepys rate its composition at 78 phosphate of lime, 6 carbonate of lime, and 16 water and loss. Berzelius, on the other hand, found only 2 per cent, of combustible matter in teeth. The teeth of adults, by Mr. Pepys, con- sist of 64 phosphate of lime, 6 carbonate of lime, 20 cartilage, and 10 water or loss. The fossil bones from Gibraltar, are composed of phosphate of lime and carbonate, like burnt bones. Much difference of opinion exists with regard to the existence of fluoric acid in the teeth of animals, some of the most eminent chemists taking oppo- site sides of the question. It appears that bones buried for many centuries still retain their albu- men, with very little diminution of its quantity. Fourcroy and Vauquelin discovered-phosphate of magnesia in all the bones they examined, ex- cept human bones. The bones of the horse and sheep afford about l-3ise* with the water, and crystallises in the re- ceiver. It is more soluble in alkohol, and alkohol containing it burns with a green flame, as does paper dipped in a solution of boracic acid. Neither oxygen gas, nor the simple combusti- bles, nor the common metals, produce any change upon boracic acid, as far as is at present known. If mixed with finely powdered charcoal, it is ne- vertheless capable of vitrification; and with soot it melts into a black bitumen-like mass, which however is soluble in water, and cannot easily be burned to ashes, but sublimes in part. With the assistance of a distilling heat it dissolves in oils, especially mineral oils ; and with these it yields fluid and solid products, which impart a green colour to spirit of wine. When rubbed with phosphorus it does not prevent its inflammation, but an earthy yellow matter is left behind. It is hardly capable of oxyding or dissolving any of the metals, except iron and zinc, and perhaps copper; but it combines with most of the metallic oxydes, as it does with the alkalies, and probably with all the earths, though the greater part of its combina- tions have hitherto been little examined. It is of great use in analyzing stones that contain a fixed alkali. Crystallised boracid acid is a compound of 57 parts of acid and 43 of water. The honour of dis- covering the radical of boracic add, is divided be- tween Sir H. Davy and Gay Lussac and Thenard. The first, on applying his powerful voltaic battery to it, obtained a chocolate-coloured body in small quantity ; but the two latter chemists, by acting on it with potassium in equal quantities, at a low red heat, formed boron and sub-borate of potass. For a small experiment, a glass tube will serve, but on a greater scale a copper tube is to be pre- ferred. The potassium and boracic acid, perfectly dry, should be intimately mixed before exposing them to heat. On withdrawing the tube from the fire, allowing it to cool, and removing the cork which loosely closed its mouth, we then pour suc- cessive portions of water into ft, till we detach or dissolve the whole matter. The water ought to be heated each time. The whole collected liquids are allowed to settle; when, after washing the precipitate till the liquid ceases to affect syrup of violets, we dry the boron in a capsule, and then put it into a phial out of contact of air. Boron is solid, tasteless, inodorous, and of a greenish- brown colour. Its specific gravity is somewhat greater than water. The prime equivalent of bo- racic acid has been inferred from the borate of ammonia, to be about 2.7 or 2.8; oxygen being LO; and it probably consists of 2.0 of oxygen 4. i.8 of boron. But by Gay Lussac and Thenard, theproportions would be 2 of boron to I of oxygen. The boracic acid has a more powerful attraction for lime than for any other of the bases, though it does not readily form borate of lime, by adding a solution of it to lime water, or decomposing by lime water the soluble alkaline borates. In either case an insiped white powder, nearly insoluble, which is the borate of lime, is, however, precipi- tated. The borate of barytes is likewise an inso- luble, tasteless, white powder. Bergman has observed, that magnesia, thrown by little and little into a solution of boracic acid, dissolved slowly, and the liquor on evaporation afforded granulated crystals, without any regular form: that these crystals were fusible in the fire without being decomposed; but that alkohol was sufficient to separate the boracic acid from the magnesia. I f, however, some of the soluble mag- nesian salts be decomposed by alkaline borates in a state of solution, an insipid and insoluble borate of magnesia is thrown down. It is probable, therefore, that Bergman's salt was a borate ot magnesia dissolved in an excess of boracic acid; which acid being taken up by the alkohol, the true borate of magnesia was precipitated in a white powder, and mistaken by him for magnesia. One of the best known combinations of this acid is the native magnedo-ealcareous borate of Kalk- berg, near Lunenburg; the wurfehtein of the Germans, cubic quartz of various mineralogists, and boracite of Kirwan. The borate of potassa is but httle known, though it is said to be capable of supplying the place of that of soda in the arts ; but more direct experiments are required to establish this effect. Like that, it is capable of existing in two states, neutral and with excess of base, but it is not so crystallisable, and assumes the form of parallelo- pipeds. With soda the boracic acid forms two different salts. One, in which the alkali is more than tri- ple the quantity necessary to saturate the acid, is of considerable use in the arts, and has long been known by the name of borax; under which its history and an account of its properties wdl be given. The other is a neutral salt, not changing the syrup of violets green like the borate with ex- cess of base ; differing from it in taste and solubil- ity ; crystallising neither so readily, nor in the same manner; not efflorescent like it; but like it, fusible into a glass, and capable of being em- ployed for the same purposes. This salt may be formed by saturating the superabundant soda in borax with some other acid, and then separating the two salts ; but it is obviously more eligible to saturate the excess of soda with au additional por- tion of the boracic acid itself. Borate of ammonia forms in small rhomboids! crystals, easily decomposed by fire ; or in scales, of a pungent urinous taste, which lose the crys- talline form, and grow brown on exposure to the air. It is very difficult to combine the boracic acid with alumina, at least in the direct way. The boracic acid unites with silex by fusion, and forms with it a solid and permanent vitreous compound. This borate of dlex, however, is neither sapid nor soluble, nor perceptibly altera- ble in the air ; and cannot be formed without the assistance of a violent heat. In the same manner, triple compounds may be formed with silex and borates already saturated with other bases. The boracic acid has been found in a disengaged state in several lakes of hot minersd waters near Monte Rotondo, Berchiaio, and Castellonuovo, in Tuscany, in the proportion of nearly nine grains in a hundred of water, by Hoeffer. Mascagni also found it adhering to schistus, on the borders of lakes, of an obscure white, yellow, or greenish colour, and crystallised in the form of needles. He has likewise found it in combination with am- monia. BORACITE. Borate of magnesia. A crys- tallised mineral found in gypsum in tbe Kalberg, in Brunswick, and at Segeberg, in Holland. It is translucent, and of a shining greasy lustre, yel- lowish, greyish, or of a greenish-white colour. Vauquelin's Analysis gives 83.4 boracic acid, and 16.6 magnesia. BO'RAGE. See Borago. BORA'GO. (Formerly written Corago; from cor, the heart, and og-o, to affect: because it was supposed to comfort the heart and spirits.) Bo- rage. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the officinal borage. See Borago officinalis. 165 bob BOT Borago officinalis. The systematic name for the borage of the shops. Corrago; Buglos- sum verum; Buglossum latifolium; Borago hortends. The leaves and flowers of this plant, Borago—foliis omnibus alternis, calycibus pa- tentibus of Linnaeus, are estemed in some coun- tries as refrigerent and cordial. A syrup is pre- pared from the leaves in France, and used in pleurisies and inflammatory fevers. Their prin- cipal use in this island is in that grateful summer beverage, known by the name of cool tankard. BO'RAS. See Borate. Boras sod*.. Borate of soda. See Borax. BO'RATE. Boras. A salt formed of boracic acid with an earthy, alkaline, or metallic base ; as borate of soda, &c. BO'RAX. (Borak, Arabian.) Boras soda; Sub-boras soda. The obsolete synonyms are Chrysocolla; Capirtrvm ouri; Ancinar; Bo- rax-trion ; Acesus anucar; Antincar; Tincal; Amphitane; Baurach; Nitrum factitium; Santerna, and Nitrum nalivvm. " It does not appear that borax was known to the ancients, their chrysocolla being a very different substance, composed of the rust of copper, triturated with urine. The word borax occurs for the first time in the works of Geber. Borax is found in the East, and likewise in South America. The purification of borax by the Venetians and the Hollanders, was, for a long time, kept secret. Chaptal finds, after trying all the processes in the large way, that the simplest method consists in bofling the borax strongly and for a Ion? time, with water. This solution being filtered, affords by evaporation crystals, which are somewhat foul, but maybe purified by repeating the op oration. Purified borax is white, transparent, rather greasy in its fracture, affecting the form of six- sided prisms, terminating in three-sided or six- sided pyramids. Its taste is styptic ; it converts syrup of violets to a green ; and when exposed to heat, it swells up, boils, loses its water of crys- tallisation, and becomes converted into a porous, white opaque mass, commonly called Calcined Borax. A stronger heat brings it into a state of quiet fusion ; but the glassy substance thus afford- ed, which is transparent, and of a greenish yel- low colour, is soluble in water, and c (Boresces in the air. It requires about eighteen times its weight of water to dissolve it at the temperature of sixty degrees of Fahrenheit; but water at the bciling heat dissolves three times this quantity. Its com- ponent parts, according to Kirwan are, boracic acid 34, soda 17, water 47." Borax is rarely used internally in modern prac- tice ; and according to Murray, it dies not appear to possess any activity, although it is supposed by some to be, in doses of half a drachm or two scruples, diuretic and emmenagogue. It is occa- sionally given in cardialgia as an antacid. Its so- lution is in common use as a cooling gargle, -nd to detach mucus, kr. from the mouth in putrid fever; and mixed with an equal quantity of sugar, it is used in the form of powder to remove the aphthous crust from the tongue in children. The salts formed by the union of the acid of borax with different bases are called borates. BORBORYGMUS. (From Jhp6opv^, to make a noise.) The rumbling noise occasioned by flatus in the intestines. It frequently precedes hysterical affections. Dr. Good gives this name to that variety of his Limosis flatus, which is known by frequent rumbling of the bowels. BORDEU, Theophilus de, a French physi- cian, born in 1722. He graduated at Mcntpelier, 166 and was soon after appointed inspector of the min ral waters at Bareges, and protessor of anato- my. Subsequently he went to Pans, and was ad- mitted to the faculty there in 1754. He died of apoplexy in his 55th year. His most esteemed work is on the cellular membrane ; his distinc- tions of the puke appear too nice for practical utility. BORELLI, John Alfhonsus, v is born at Castelnuovo, in 1608. He first taugh* the mathe- matics in Sicily, then as professor at Pisa; and being soon after admitted to the celebrated acade- my del Cknento, he formed the design of explain- ing the functions of animal bodies on mathematical principles. For this purpose he applied him- self diligently to dissection. His grand work, " De Motu Animalium," was published after his death, which happened in 1679, at the expense of Christina, queen of Sweden. The imposing ap- pearance of his opinions gained them many con- verts at first, but they have been found very de- fective on maturer examination. He was author ol many other publications on different subjects. BORON. The combustible basis of boracic acid. See Boracic arid. Boro'zail. An Ethiopian word for an epidemic disease, in appearance similar to the lues venerea. Borra'go. See Borago. Bo'iiri. (Indian.) Borri-borri. Boberri. The Indian name for turmeric ; also an ointment used there, in which the roots of turmeric are a chief ingredient. * Bo'sa. An Egyptian word for an inebriating mass, made of the meal of darnel, hempseed, and water. Bo'smoros. (From Pookw, to eat, and popo;, a part ; because it is divided for food by the mill.) Bosporus. A species of meal. Bota'le foramen. A name formerly ap- plied to the foramen ovale of the heart. BOTALLUS, Leonard, an eminent physician of Piedmont, flourished about the middle of the 16th century. He graduated at Padua ; and at- tained considerable reputation, as well in surgery as in medicine ; having the honour of attending two of the French kings, and the prince of Orange ; the latter of whom he cured of a wound, in which the carotid artery had been in- jured. He published a treatise on gun-shot wounds, which long remained in high estimation. Bat that which chiefly gained him celebrity was a work on bleeding, general and local, which he recommended to be freely practised in a great variety of diseases, both acute and chronic. His opinions were adopted by many, and carried to an extravagant length, particularly in France; but more enlarged experience has tended greatly to lessen their prevalence. Bota'nicon. (From (torarri, an herb.) A plaster made of herbs, and described by Paulus j"E|rineta. BOTANIST. Botanicus. One who under- stands the nature, history, and distinction of vege- tables, on settled and certain principles, and can call every plant by a distinct, proper, and intelli- gible name. BO'TANY. (Botanica. BolaviKr,; from (iolarr,, an herb or grass, which is derived from liou>, or (iooKb), to feed, because grass is the chief food of the animals which are most useful to man.) That branch of natural history which relates to the vegetable kingdom, the second of the three grand assemblages into which all terrestrial ob- jects are divided. It is a science not confined to the description and classification of plants, as has often been represented, but it comprehends many DOT BOT i.fher important particulars. Its various objects may be conveniently arranged under the follow- ing general heads :— 1. The t. minology, or description and nomen- clature of the several parts of a plant, which are externally visiblfe. If all natural objects were simple in their form, it would not b- easy, to distinguish one from another, nor would it be possible to describe them to a* to give a clear and precise idea of them. Hence a boundless variety, connected with gene- ral resemblances, is wisely and benevolently made their universal character. Every plant is com- posed of several parts, which differ in each other from their outward appearance, and which can- not fail to strike the most careless spectator. Many of them also are themselves compound, and are obviously capable of being divided into sub- ordinate parts. 2. The classification or arrangement. A know- ledge of the different parts of a plant must neces- sarily be gained before it is described. But amidst the numerous vegetable productions of even a single country, this of itself would avail but little. To give a peculiar name to every individual would be a labour which no invention or diligence can perform ; and, if performed, would produce a burden which no memory can sustain. It is ne- cessary, therefore, to pursue resemblances and differences through a number of gradations, and to found on them primary and subordinate di- visions, either ascending from particulars to gene- rals, or descending from generals to particulars. The former is the method in which science of every kind is slowly formed and extended ; the latter that in which it is most easily taught. The number of stages through which these subdivisions should be carried is either not pointed out by na- ture, or enough of nature is not known to fix them with precision. They differ, therefore, in differ- ent systems; and, unfortunately, corresponding ones have not always been called by the same names. 3. The synonyms of plants, or the names by whHi they are distinguished in the writings of professed botanists and others, from the earliest times to the present. 4. The sensible qualities of plants or the differ- ent manner in which they severally affect the or- gans of sight, smell, taste, and touch. 5. The anatomy of plants, or description of the different visible parts of wliich their substance is composed. 6. The phydology of plants. A plant, like an animal, is a very compound, organised, living being, in which various operations, both chemical and mechanical, are continually carrying on, from its first production to its final dissolution. It springs from a seed fertilised by the pollen of its parent plant. It takes in foreign substances by its inhaling and absorbent vessels. It elaborates and assimilates to its own substance those parts of them that are nutritious, and throws off the rest. It secretes a variety of fluids by the means of glands, and other unknown organs. It gives that motion tq its sap on which a continuance of its life depends. 7. The purposes to which different plants are applied, either as articles of food, ingredients in the composition of medicine, or materials and instniiiu-uts m the useful and elegant arts; the soil ;it»d mi nation in which they are generally found, and which are mo9t favourable to their growth, the time of year in which they open their flowers, and ripen tiieir fruit, with many other in- cidental particulars, are properly within the pro- i i'ner of the botanist. Kut as a hntanis-t he is concerned with nothing more than the simple* facts. The best methods of cultivating such as are raised in considerable quantities for the special use or amusement of man ; the theory of their nutritious or medicinal properties; and the man- ner in which they are to be prepared, so as to ef- fect the intended purposes; are the province either ofthe gardener, farmer, physician, chemise, or the artist. 8. The histoiy of botany. BOTANY BAY. An English settlement in New Holland, so called because it afforded the botanist numerous plants. A yellow resin goes by the name of Botany Bay gum, which exudes- spontaneously from the trunk of the tree called Acarois resinifera, and also from the wounded bark. All the information that has been hitherto collected rcspealing the history of the yellow gum is the following :—The plant that produces it is low and small, with long grassy leaves ; but the fructification of it shoots out in a singular mannei* from the centre of the leaves, on a single straight stem, to the height of twelve or fourteen feet. Of this stem, which is strong and hght, like some of the reed class, the natives usually make their spears. The-res'in is generally dug up out ofthe soil under the tree, not collected from it, and may, perhaps, be that which Tasman calls "gum lac ofthe ground." Mr. Boles, surgeon of the Lady Penrhyn, gives a somewhat different account; and as this gentleman appears to have paid considera- ble attention to the subject, his account may cer- tainly be relied upon. After describing the tree in precisely the same manner as above, he ob- serves, that at the top of the trunk of the tree, long grassy leaves grow in great abundance. The gum is found under these leaves in considerable quantities: it commonly exudes in round tears, or drops, from the size of a large pea to that of a marble, and sometimes much larger. These are, by the beat of the sun, frequently so much soft- ened, that they fall ou the ground, and in this soft state adhere to whatever they fall upon: hence the gum is frequently found mixed with dirt, wood, the bark of the tree, and various other sub- stances ; so that one lump has been seen com- posed of many small pure pieces of various sizes, united together, which weighed nearly half a hun- dred weight. It is produced in such abundance, that one man may collect thirty or forty pounds in the space of a few hours. The convicts have another method of collecting it: they dig round the tree, and break off pieces of the roots which always have some, and frequently considerable quantities of the gum in them. This gum appears nearly, but not entirely, the same as that which exudes from the trunk of the tree ; the former is often mixed with a strong smelling resinous sub- stance of a black nature, and is so interwoven in the wood itself, that it is with difficulty separated. The latter appears a pure unmixed resinous sub- stance. Several experiments have been made, princi- pally with the view of determining what men- struum would dissolve the gum the most readily, and in the greatest quantity, from which it appears alkohol and aether dissolve the most. The diseases in which this resin is administered are those of the prima? viae, and principally such as iirise from spasm, a debility, a loss of tone, or a diminished .i -tion in the muscidar fibres of the stomach and bon e!s, such as loss of appetite, sick- ness, vomiting, flatulency, heart-burn, pains in the stomach, \c. when they were really idiopa- thic complaints, and not dependent upon any dis- ease in the stomach, or affections of other parts of the bodv communicated to the stomach. In de- BOT BRA feilities and relaxations of the bowels, and the symptoms from thence arising, such as purging and flatulency, it has been found of good effect. In certain cases of diarrhoea, however, (and it seemed those in which an unusual degree of irrita- bility prevailed,) it did not answer so well, unless given in small doses, and combined with opiates, when the patient seemed to gain greater advantage than when opiates only were had recourse to. In cases of amenorrhcea, depending on (what most of those cases do depend upon) a sluggishness, a debility, and flaccidity of the system, this medi- cine, when assisted by proper exercise and diet, has, by removing the symptoms of dyspepsia, ana by restoring the tone and action of the muscu- lar fibres, been found very serviceable. This medicine does not, in the dose of about half a drachm, appear to possess any rebiarkably sensi- ble operation. It neither vomits, purges, nor binds the belly, nor does it materially increase the secretion of urine or perspiration. It has, in- deed, sometimes been said to purge, and at others to occasion sweating; but they are not constant effects, and when they do occur, it generally de- pends on some accidental circumstance. It should seem to possess, in a very extensive degree, the property of allaying morbid irritability, and of restoring tone, strength, and action, to the debili- tated and relaxed fibre. When the gum itself is given, it should always be the pure unmixed part ; if given in the form of a draught, it should be mixed in water with mucilage of gum-arabic ; if made into pills, a small portion of Castile soap maybe employed ; it was found the lixiv. sapon. dissolved it entirely. It is commonly, however, made into a tincture by mixing equal parts of the gum and rectified spirit; one drachm of this tinc- ture (containing half a drachm of the pure gum) made into a draught with water and syrup, by the assistance of fifteen grains of gum-arabic in mucil- age, forms an elegant medicine, and at the same time very palatable. It soon solidifies by the sun, into pieces of a yellow colour of various sizes. It pulverises easily without caking; nor does it adhere to the teeth when chewed. It has a slightly sweet astringent taste. It melts at a moderate heat. When kindled, it emits a white fragrant smoke. It is insoluble in water, but imparts to it the flavour of storax. Out of nine parts, six are soluble in water, and astringent to the taste ; and two parts are woody fibre. Bo'thor. (Arabian.) Tumours; pimples in the face : also the small-pox or measles. Bo'thrion. (From (jodptov, a little pit.) Bo- trium. 1. The socket for the tooth. 2. An ulceration of the cornea. Bo'tia. A name given to scrophula. Bo'tIn. A name for turpentine. Bo'tium. Boetum. 1. A broncocele. 2. Indurated bronchial glands. Botothi'num. The most evident 9ymptom of disease. Botri'tis. (From (iorpvs, a bunch of grapes.) Botryites. A sort of burnt cadmia, collected in Ihe top of the furnace, and resembling a bunch of grapes. BOTRYOLITE. A brittle and moderately hard mineral, which occurs in mamillary concre- tions of a pearly or greyish-white colour, com- posed of silica, boracic acid, lime, oxide of iron and water. It comes from Norway. BO'TRYS. (Bolpvs, a cluster of grapes: so called because its seeds hang down like a bunch of grapes.) The oak of Jerusalem. Botrts mexicana. Sac Chenopodium am- hrosimdes. 168 Botrts vulgaris. See Chenopodium ic- trys. Bo'tus. Botia. Bolus barbatus. A cu- curbit of the chemist. Bouba'lios. See Momordica Elatenum, and Pudendum muliebre. Bou'bon. See Bubo. BOUGI'E. (French for wax candle.) Can- delacerea; Candela medicata; Cathetere> of Swediaur; .Cerd medicati of Le Dran; Cereo- lus chintrgorum. A term applied by surgeons to a long, slender instrument, that is introduced through the urethra into the bladder. Bougies made of the elastic gum are preferable to those made of wax. The caustic bougie differs from the ordinary one in having a thin roll of caustic in its middle, which destroys the stricture, or any part it comes in contact wi th. Those made of cat- gut are very seldom used, but are deserving of the attention of the surgeon. Bougies are chiefly used to overcome strictures in the urethra, and the introduction of them requires a good deal of ad- dress and caution. They should not be kept in the urethra so long at one time as to excite much pain or irritation. Before their use is disconti- nued, they should, if practicable, be carried the length of the bladder, in order to ascertain the extent of the strictures, taking care that this be performed not at once, but in a gradual manner, and after repeated trials, for much injury might arise from any hasty or violent efforts to remove the resistance that may present itself. There are bougies also for the oesophagus and rectum. BOU'LIMUS. (From (iov, greatly, and Xtpos, hunger; or from fiovXouai to desire.) A canine or voracious appetite. BOURNONITE. An antimonial sulphuret of lead. Bovey coal. Of a brownish-black colour and lamellar texture, formed of weod, penetrated with petroleum or bitumen, and found in England, France, Italy, &c. Bovi'll^e. (From bos, an ox, because cattle were supposed subject to it.)' The measles. Bovi'na fames. The same as bulimia. Bovi'sta. See Lycoperdon. BOX-TREE. See Buxus. BOYLE'S FUMING LIQUOR. The hydro- guretted sulphuret of ammonia. Brache'rium. (From brachiale, a bracelet.) A truss or bandage for hernia ; a term used by the barbarous Latin writers. BRACHLE'US. Brachial; belonging to the arm. Brachi.eus externus. See Triceps extensor cubiti. Brachijeus internus. See Brachialisin- ternus. Brachi.ec3 musculus. See Brachialis in- ternus. BRACHIAL. Brachialis. Of or belonging to the arm. Bra'chial artery. Arteria brachialis. The brachial artery is the continuation of the axillary artery, which, as it passes behind the tendon of' the pectoralis major, receives the name of bra- chial. It runs down on the inside of the arm, over the musculus coraco-brachialis, and anconeus internus, and, along the inner edge of the biceps, behind the vena basilica, giving out small branches as it goes along. Below the bend of the arm it divides into the cubitalis and radialis. Some- times, though rarely, the brachial artery is di- vided from its origin into two large branches, which run down on the arm, and afterwards on the fore-arm, where they are called cubitalis and radialis. Brai ima le. The word means a bracelet; but the ancient anatomical writers apply this i erm to the carpus, the part on which the bracelet wah worn* BltACHIA LIS. See Brachial. Brachialis externus. See Triceps exten- hot cubiti. -—. Brachialis internus. Brachiaus of Win- dow. Brachiaus internus of Cowper; and Humtro-cubital of Dumas. A muscle of the fore-arm, situated on the fore-part of the os humeri. It arises fleshy from the middle of the os humeri, at each side of the insertion of the deltoid muscle, covering all the inferior and fore- part of this bone, runs over the joint, and adheres firmly to the ligament; is inserted, by a strong short tendon, into the coronoid process of the ulna. Its use is to bend the fore-arm, and to pre- vent the capsular ligament of the joint from being pinched. BRAC HIATUS. Brachiate. Applied to branches, panicles, &c. spread in four directions, crossing each other alternately in pairs ; • com- mon mode of growth in the branches of shrubs that have opposite leaves, as the lilac, syringa, &c. Bha'chii os. See Humeri os. Brachio-cubital ligament. Ligamentum hrachio-cubitale. The expansion of the lateral ligament, which is fixed in the inner condyle of tbe os humeri, runs over the capsular, to which it closely adheres, and is inserted like radii on the side of the great sigmoid cavity of the ulna; it in covered on the inside by several tendons, which adhere closely to it, and seem to strengthen it very considerably. Brachio-radial ligament. Ligamentum brachio-radiale. The expansion of the lateral ligament, which runs over the external condyle of the os humeri, is inserted round the coronary ligament, from thence all the way down to the neck of the radius, and also in the neighbouring parts of the ulna. Through all this passage it covers the capsular ligament, and is covered by several tendons adhering closely to both. BRA'CHIUM. (Bpax'ov, the arm.) Thearm, from the shoulder to the wrist. Brachium movens ccartus. See Latisd- mus dorsi. Brachu'na. According to Avicenna, a spe- cies of furor uterinus. Brachtchro'nius. (From 0pax^s, short, and XPovos, time.) A disease which continues but a short time. Brachttncb'a. (From (ipaxvs, short, and sfpcm, to breathe.) Shortness and difficulty of breathing. Bra'chys. (From (Ipaxvs, short.) A muscle ofthe scapula. Bra'cmm. Copper. Verdigris. BRAC T K A. (Bractea, a thin leaf or plate of metal.) A floral leaf. One of the seven fulcra or props of plants, according to Linnaeus. A bractea is a little leaf-like appendage to some flowers, lying under or interspersed in the flower, but generally different in colour from the true leaves ofthe plant. I. It is green in some ; as in Ocymum badli- ntm majut. 2. CiAoured in others; as in Salvia liormi- num, &c. S. In some it is caducous, falling off before the flowers. 4. In others it remains ; as in Tibia europaa. Coma brarteata in, when the flower-stem is terminated with a number of very large bractea1, I'cseitibling a bush of hair. RRACTEAT/K. (From bractea, here mean- ing a corolla.) The name of a class of Boerhaave'*- method of plants, consisting of herbaceous vege- tables, which have petals, and the seeds of which are furnished with a single lobe or cotyledon. BRACTEATUS. (From bractea, a floral leaf.) Having a floral leaf; as pedunculus brac- teatus. BRACTEIFORMIS. Resembling a bractea or floral leaf. Bradtpf.^sja. (From (ipalvs, slow, andatir]u>, to concoct.) V^ eak digestion. Bra'ggat. A name formerly applied to a ptisan of honey and water. BRALs. See Cerebrum. Brain, little. See Cerebellum. BRAN. Furfur. The husks or shells of wheat, which remain in the boulting machine. It con- tains n portion of the farinaceous matter, and is said to have a laxative quality. Decoctions of bran, sweetened with sugar, are used by the com- mon people, and sometimes with success, against coughs, hoarseness, &c. BRA'NCA. (Branca, the Spanish for a foot, or branch.) A term apphed to some herbs, which are supposed to resemble a particular foot; as branca leonis, lion's foot; branca urdna, bear's foot. Branca leoniva. See Alchemilla. Branca leonis. See Alchemilla. Branca ursina. See Acanthus and Hero- dec m. BRA'xcn.E. (From /3/jc^w, to make moist.) Bronchi. Swelled tonsils, or glandulous tumours, of the fauces, which secrete saliva. Bra'nchus. (From /Jpe^co, to moisten.) A defluxion of humours from the fauces. BRANDY. Spiritus Gallicus. A colourless, slightly opaque, and milky fluid, of a hot and penetrating taste, and a strong and agreeable smell, obtained by distilling from wine. It consists of water, ardent spirit, and a small portion of oil, which renders it milky at first, and, after a cer- tain time, colours it yellow. It is the fluid from which rectified or ardent spirit is obtained. Its peculiar flavour depends on the nature ofthe vola- tile principles, or essential oil, which come over along with it in the distillation, and likewise, in some measure, upon the management of the fire, the wood of the cask in which it is kept, &c. It is said that our rectifiers imitate the flavour of brandy, by adding a small proportion of nitrous tether to the spirit of malt, or molasses. The utility of brandy is very considerable, butj from its pleasant taste and exhilarating property, it is too often taken to excess. It gives energy to the animal functions ; it is a powerful tonic, cordial, and antispasmodic; and its utility with camphire, in gangrenous affections, is very great. BRANKS. The name in Scotland, for the mumps. See Cynanche parotidaa. BRANKURSiNE. See Acanthus. Brasi'lia. Brazil wood. Brasiliense lignum. See Hamatoxylum campechianum. Brasiliensis radix. The ipecacuanha root is sometimes so called. Bra'mum. (From (Spaeao), to boil.) Malt, or germinated lr«rley. Bra'sma. (From fipncai*, to boil.) The un- ripe black pepper. Fermentation. Bra'smos. The same. BRASS. JEs. A combination of copper and zinc. . Brassade'lla. Brassatella. The Ophw- glossum, or herb, adder's tongue. BRA'SSICA. (Varno says, quad pradca; from prre'eco. to cut off; because it is cut frons * * ICO BRA BRE the stalk for use ; or from zspacia, a bed ia a gar- den where they are cultivated, or from Ppaoou>, to devour, because it is eagerly eaten by cattle.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class,Terradynamia ; Order, Siliquosa. Crambe. Cabbage. Colewort. Brassica alba. The white cabbage. Brassica apiana. Jagged or crimpled cole- wort. Brassica canina. Mercurialis sylvestris. See Mercurialis annua. Brassica capitata. Cabbage. There are several varieties of cabbage, all of which are gen- erally hard of digestion, producing flatulencies, and afford very little nourishment. These incon- veniences are not experienced by tho^e whose stomachs are strong and accustomed to them. Few vegetables run into a state of putrefaction so quickly as cabbages; they ought, therefore, always to be used immediately after cutting. In Holland and Germany there is a method of preserv- ingthem by cutting them into pieces and sprinkling salt and some aromatic herbs among them ; this mass is put into a tub, where it is pressed close, and left to ferment, when it is called sour crout, or sauer kraut. Thcsef and all pickles of cab- bage, are considered as wholesome and antiscor- butic, from the vinegar and spices they contain. Brassica congilodes. Turnip cabbage. Brassica cumana. Red colewort. Brassica eruca. Brassica erucastrum. Eru- ca sylvestris. The systematic name for the plant which affords the semen erucas. Garden rocket. Roman rocket. Rocket gentle. Brassica—foliis lyartis, caule hirsuto siliquis glabris, of Lin- naeus. The seeds of this plant, and of the wild rocket, have an acrid taste, and are eaten by the Italians in their pickles, &c. They are said to be good aperients and antiscorbutics, but are es- teemed by the above-mentioned people for their supposed aphrodisiac qualities. Brassica erucastrum. See Brassica eruca. Brassica Florida. The cauliflower. Brassica gontlicodes. The turnip cabbage. Brassica lacuturria. Brassicalacuturris. The Savoy plant. Brassica marina. See Convolvulus sol- danella. Brassica nat-us. The systematic name for the plant from which the semen napi is obtained. ATapu* sylvestris. Bunias. Wild navew, or rape. The seeds yield, upon expression, a large quantity of oil called rape oil, which is sometimes ordered in stimulating linaments. Brassica oleracea. The systematic name for the brasdca capitata of the shops. See Bras- dca capitata. Brassica rata. The systematic name for the plant whose root is called turnip. Rapum. Ra- pus. Napus. Napus dulcis. The turnip. Turnips arc accounted a salubrious food, demul- cent, detergent, somewhat laxative and diuretic, but liable, in weak stomachs, to produce flatulen- cies, and prove difficult of digestion. The liquor pressed out of them, after boiling, is sometimes taken medicinally in coughs and disorders of the breast. The seeds arc occasionally taken as diu- retics ; they have no smell, but a mild acrid taste. Brassica rubra. Red cabbage. A very ex- cellent test both for acids and alkalies in which it is superior to htmus, being naturally blue, turn- ing green with alkalies, and red with acids. Brassica sabauda. The Savoy plant. Brassica sativa. The common garden cab- bage. Brasmde'llic a ap.s. A way of curing wounds, no mentioned by Paracelsus, by applying the herfr Brassidella to them. Bra'thu. Bpadv. An old name for savine. BRAZIL WOOD. See Casalpina crista. BREAD. Panis. "Farinaceous vegetables arc converted into meal by trituration, or grind- ing in a mill; and when the husk or bran has been .separated by sifting or bolting, the powder is called flour. This is composed of a small quan- tity of mucilaginous saccharine matter, soluble in cold water ; much starch, which is scarcely solu- ble in cold water, but combines with that fluid by heat; and an adhesive grey substance insoluble in water, alcohol, oil, or aether, and resembling an animal substance in many of its properties. When flour is kneaded together with water, it forms a tough paste, containing these principles very little altered, and not easily digested by the stomach. The action of heat produces a consider- able change in the gluten, and probably in the starch, rendering the compound more easy to masticate, as well as to digest. Hence the first approaches towards the making of bread consisted in parching the corn, either for immediate use as food, or previous to its trituration into meal; or else in baking the flour into unleavened bread, or boiling it into masses more or less consistent; of all which we have sufficient indications in the histo- ries of the earlier nations, as well as in the various practices of the moderns. It appears likewise from the Scriptures, that the practice of making leavened bread is of very considerable antiquity; but the addition of yeast,, or the vinous ferment, now so generally used, seems to be of modern date. Unleavened bread in the form of small cakes, or buiscuit, is made for the use of shipping in large quantities ; but most of the bread used on shore is made to undergo, previous to baking;, a kind of fermentation, which appears to be ofthe same nature as the fermentation of saccharine substances ; but is checked and modified by so many circumstances, as to render it not a little difficult to speak with certainty and precision respecting it. When dough or paste is left to undergo a spon- taneous decomposition in an open vessel, the va- rious parts of the mass are differently affected, ac- cording to the humidity, the thickness or thinness of the part, the vicinity or remoteness of fire, and other circumstances less easily investigated. The saccharine part is disposed to become converted into alcohol, the mucilage has a tendency to be- come sour and mouldy, while the gluten in all probability verges toward the putrid state. An entire change in the chemical attractions of the several component parts must then take place in a progressive manner, not altogether the same in the internal and more humid parts as in the exter- nal parts, which not only become dry by simple evaporation, but are acted upon by the surround- ing air. The outside may therefore become mouldy or putrid, while the inner part may be only ad- vanced to an acid state. Occasional admixture of the mass would of course not only produce some change in the rapidity of this alteration, but likewise render it more uniform throughout the whole. The effect of this commencing fermen- tation is found to be, that the mass is rendered more digestible and light; by which last expres- sion it is understood, that it is rendered much more porous by the disengagement of elastic fluid, that separates its parts from each other, and greatly increases its bulk. The operation of baking puts a stop to this process, by evapoiatin» a great part of the moisture which is requisite to favour the chemical attraction, and probably als<< BRE BRE i»y siill farther changing the nature of the compo- nent parts. It is then bread. Bread made according to the preceding method will not possess the uniformity which is requisite, because some parts may be mouldy, while others are not yet sufficiently changed from the state of dough. The same means are used in this case as have been found effectual in promoting the uni- form fermentation of large masses. This consists in the use of a leaven or ferment, which is a small portion of some matter of the same kind, but iu a more advanced stage of the fermentation. After the leaven has been well incorporated by kneading into fresh dough, it not only brings on the fermen- tation with greater speed, but causes it to take place in the whole of the mass at the same time ; and as soon as the dough has by this means ac- quired a due increase of bulk from the carbonic. acid, which endeavours to escape, it is judged to be sufficiently fermented, and ready for the oven. The fermentation by means of leaven or sour dough is thought to be of the acetous kind, be- cause it is generally so managed, that the bread has a sour flavour and taste. But it has not been ascertained that this acidity proceeds from true vinegar. Bread raised by leaven is usually made of a mixture of wheat and rye, not very accurately cleared of the bran. It is distinguished by the name of rye-bread; and the mixture of these two kinds of grain is called bread-corn, or meslin, in many parts of the kingdom, where it is raised on one and the same piece of ground, and passes through all the processes of reaping, threshing, grinding, &c. in this mixed state. Yeast or barm is used as the ferment for the finer kinds of bread. This is the mucilaginous froth which rises to the surface of beer in its first stage of fermentation. When it is mixed with dough, it produces a much more speedy and effec- tual fermentation than that obtained by leaven, and the bread is accordingly much lighter, and scarcely ever sour. The fermentation by yeast seems to be almost certainly of the vinous or spi- rituous kind. Bread is much more uniformly misci'ole with water than dough ; and on this circumstance its good qualities most probably do in a great mea- sure depend. A very great number of processes are used by cooks, confectioners, and others, to make cakes, puddings, and other kinds of bread, in which dif- ferent qualities are required. Some cakes are rendered brittle, or as it is called short, by an ad- mixture of sugar or of starch. Another kind of britttcness is given by the addition ol' butter or fat. White of egg, gum-water, isinglass, and other adhesive substances, are used, when ii is intended that the effect of fermentation shall expand the dough into an exceedingly porous nias.s. Dr. Per- cival has recommended the addition of salep, or the nutritous powder of the orchis root. He 6ays, that an ounce ol salep, dissolved in aquart of water, and mixed with two pounds of flour, two ounces of yeast, and eighty grains of salt, produced a re- nt ukably good loaf, wcigliing three pounds two ounces ; while a loaf made of an equal quantity of the other ingredients, without the salep, weighed but two pounds twelve ounces. If the salep be in too large quantity, however, its peculiar taste will be distinguishable in the bread. The farina of po- tatoes, likewise, mixed with wheaten flour, makes very good bread. The reflecting chemist will re- ceive considerable information on this subject from an attentive inspection of the receipts to be met with in treatises of cooking and confectionary. Mr. Accum, in his late Treatise on Culinary Poisons, states, that the inferior kind of Hour which tkf London bakers generally nsf for making loaves, requires the addition of alum to give them the white appearance of bread made from fine flour. The baker's flour is very often made ofthe worst kinds of damaged foreign wheat, and other cereal grains mixed wi th them in grinding the wheat into flour. In this capital, no fewer than six distinct kinds of wheaten flour are brought into the mar- ket. They are called fine flour, seconds, mid- dlingj, fine middlings, coarse middlings, and twenty-penny flour. Common garden beans and pease are also frequently ground up among the London bread flour. ' The smallest quantity of alum that can be em- ployed with effect to produce a white, light, and porous bread from an inferior kind of flour, I have my own baker's authority to state, is from three to four ounces to a sack of flour weighing 240 pounds.' ' The following account of making a sack of five bushels of flour into bread, is taken from Dr. P. Markham's Considerations on the Ingredients used in the Adulteration of Flour and Bread, p. 21. Five bushels flour, Eight ounces of alum, Four lbs. salt, * Half a gallon of yeast mixed with abotu Three gallons of water. ' Another substance employed by fraudulent ba- kers is subcarbonate of ammonia. With this salt they realise the important consideration of pro- ducing light and porous bread from spoiled, or what is technically called sour flour. Tliis salt, which becomes wholly converted into a gaseous substance during the operation of baking, causes the dough to swell up into air-bubbles, which carry before them the siiff dough, and thus it ren- ders the dough porous ; the salt itself is at the same time totally volatilized during the operation of baking.'—' Potatoes are likewise largely, and, perhaps, constantly used by fraudulent bakers, as a cheap ingredient to enhance their profit.'— 'There are. instances of convictions on record, of bakers having used gypsum, chalk, aud pipe-clay, in the manufacture ot bread.' Mr. E. Davy, Prof, of Chemistry at the Cork Institution, has made experiments, showing that from twenty to forty grains of common carbonate of magnesia, well mixed with a pound of the worst new seconds flour, materially improved the qual- ity of the bread baked with it, The habitual and daily introduction of a portion of alum into the human stomach, however small, mu-t be prejudicial to the exercise of its functions, and particularly in persons of a bilious and costive habit. And*, besides, as the best sweet flour never stands in need of alum, the presence of this salt indicates an inferior aud highly acescent food : which cannot fail to aggravate dyspepsia, and which may generate a calculous diathesis in the urinary organs. Every precaution of science and law ought, therefore, to be employed to detect and stop such deleterious adulterations. Bread may be analysed for alum by crumbling it down when somewhat stale in distilled water, squeezing the pasty mass through a piece of cloth, and then passing the liquid through a paper filter. A limpid infusion will thus be obtained. It is difficult to procure it clear if we use new bread or hot water. A dilute solution of muriate of barytes dropped into the filtered infusion, will indicate by a white cloud, more or less heavy, the presence and quantity of alum. I find that genuine bread gives no precipitate by this treatment. The earthy adulterations are easily discovered by incinerating the bread at a red heat in a shallow earthen ves- sel, and treating the residuary a*hee with a httle -■> . _. BRI BRi nitrate of ammonia. The earths themsilres will then remain, characterised by their whiteness and insolubility. The latest chemical treatise on the art of mak- ing bread, except the account given by Mr. Ac- cum in his work on the Adulteration) of Food, is the article Baking in the Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Under Process of Baking we have the follow- ing statement: ' An ounce of alum is then dis- solved over the fire in a tin pot, and the solution poured into a large tub, called by the. bakers the seasoning-tub. Four pounds and a half of salt are likewise put into the tub, and a pailfull of hot water.' Note on this passage.—' In London, where the goodness of bread is estimated entirely by its whiteness, it is usual with those bakers who employ flour of an inferior quality, to add as much alum as common salt to the dough. Or, in other words, the quantity of salt added is diminished one-half, and the deficiency supplied by an equal Weight of alum. This improves the look of the bread very mucb, rendering it much whiter and firmer.' "—Ure's Chem. Diet. BREAD-FRUIT. The tree which affords this, grows in all the Ladrone Islands in the South Sea, in Otaheite, and now in the West Indies. The bread-fruit grows upon a tree the size of a mid- dling oak. . The fruit is about the size of a child's head, and the surface is reticulated, not much unlike the surface of a truffle. It is covered with a thin skin, and has a core about the size of a small knife. The eatable part is between the skin and the core : it is as white as snow, and some- what of the consistence of new bread. It must be toasted before it is eaten, being first divided into three or four parts. Its taste is insipid, with a slight sweetness, nearly like that of wheaten bread and artichoke together. This fruit is the constant food of the inhabitants all the year, it being in season eight months. Bread-nut. See Brosimum alicastrum. BREAST. Mamma. The two globular pro- jections, composed of common integuments, adi- pose substance, and lacteal glands and vessels, and adhering to the anterior and lateral regions of the thorax of females. On the middle of each breast is a projecting portion, termed the papilla or nipple, in which the excretory ducts of the glands terminate, and around which is a coloured orb, or disc, caned the aureola. The use of the breasts is to suckle new-born infants. BREAST-BONE. See Sternum. BRECCIA. An Italian term, frequently used by our mineralogical writers to denote such com- pound stones as are composed of agglutinated fragments of considerable size. When the agglu- tinated parts are rounded the stone is called pud- ding-stone. Breccias are denominated according to the nature of their component parts. Thus we have calcareous breccias, or marbles ; and siliceous breccias, which are still more minutely classed, according to their varieties. BRE'GMA. (From fiptyu, to moisten ; form- erly so called, because, in infants, and sometimes even in adults, they arc tender and moist.) An old name for the parietal bones. RRE'VIS. Short. Applied to distinguish parts differing only in length, and to some parts the termination of which is not far from their origin ; as brevia vasa, the branches of the sple- xu'c vein. Bret'nia. (An American plant named in - faonour of Dr. Brennius.) A species of capparis. BRIAR. See Rosa. Bri'cumum. A name wliich the Gauls gave to the herb artemisia. 172 BRIMSTONE. See Sulphur. BRISTLE. See Seta. BRISTOL HOT-WELL. Bristoliensis aqua. A pure, thermal or warm, slightly acidulated mineral spring, situated about a mile below Bristol. The fresh water is inodorous, perfectly limpid and sparlding, and sends 'forth numerous air-bubbles when poured into a glass. It is very agreeable to the palate, but without having any very decided taste, at least none that can be distinguished by a common observer. Its specific gravity is only 1.00077, which approaches so near to that of dis- tilled water, that this circumstance alone would show that it contained but a very small admixture of foreign ingredients. The temperature of these waters, taking the average ofthe most accurate ob- servations, may be reckoned at 74 deg. ; and this does not very sensibly vary during winter or sum- mer. Bristol water contains both solid and gaseous matter,and the distinction between the two requires to be attended to, as it is oSving to the very small quantity of solid matter that it deserves tne cha- racter of a very fine natural spring; and to an excess in gaseous contents that it seems to be principally indebted for its medical properties, whatever they may be, independent of those of mere water, with an increase of temperature. From the different investigations of chemists, it appears that the principal component parts of the Hot-Well water, are a large proportion of car- bonic acid gas, or fixed air, and a certain portion of magnesia and lime, in various combinations, with the muriatic, vitriolic, and carbonic acids. The general inference is, that it is considerably pure for a natural fountain, as it contains no other solid matter than is found in almost all common spring water, and in less quantity. On account of these ingredients, especially the carbonic acid gas, the Hot-Well water is effica- cious in promoting salutary discharges, in green- sickness, as well as in the blind haemorrhoids. It may be taken with advantage in obstructions, and weakness of the bowels, arising from habitual costiveness ; and, from the purity of its aqueous part, it has justly been considered as a specific in diabetes, rendering the urinary organs more fitted to receive benefit from those medicines which arc generally prescribed, and sometimes successful. But the high reputation which this spring has acquired, is chiefly in the cure of pulmonary con- sumption. From the number of unsuccessful cases among those who frequent this place, K«ny have denied any peculiar efficacy in this sj t'wr, superior to that of common water. It is not easy to determine how much may be owing to the favourable situation and mild temperate climate which Bristol enjoys; but it cannot be doubted that the Hot-Well water, though by no mean* a cure for consumption, alleviates some of the most harassing symptoms of this formidable dis- ease. It is particularly efficacious in moderating the thirst, the dry burning heat of the hands ann feet, the partial night sweats, and the symptoms that are peculiarly hectical ; and thus, in the ear- lier stages of phthisis, it may materially contri- bute to a complete re-establishment of health; and even m the latter periods, mitigate the dis- ease when the cure is doubtful, if not hopeless. lhe sensible effects of this water, when drunk warm and fresh from the spring, are a gentle glow of the stomach, succeeded sometimes by a slight and transient degree of headache and giddiness. By a continued use, in most cases it is diuretic, keeps the skin moist and perspirable, and improves the appetite and health. Its effects on the bowels are variable. On the whole, a tendency to cos- tiveness seems to be the more general consequence HRO * BRO ol a loii' course of this medicinal spring, and therefore the iue of a mild aperient is requisite. These effects, however, are applicable only to invalids, for healthy persons, who taste the water at the fountain, seldom discover any thing in it but a degree of warmth, which distinguishes it from the common element. The season for the Hot-Well is generally from the middle of May to October ; but as the medi- cinal properties of the water continue the same throughout the year, the summer months are pre- ferred merely on account of the concomitant benefits of air and exercise. It should be mentioned, that another spring, nearly resembling the Hot-Well, has been dis- covered at Clifton, which is situated on the sum- mit of the same hill, from the bottom of which the Hot-Well issues. The water of Sion-spring, as it is called, is one or two degrees colder than the Hot-Well; but in other respects it sufficiently resembles it to be employed for all similar pur- poses. Britannmca herba. See Rumex hydrolapa- thum, and Arctium lappa. BRITA'NNICUS. British. Apphed to plants which grow in this country, and to some reme- dies. BRITISH GUM. When starch is exposed to a temperature between 600° and 700° it swells, and exhales a peculiar smell: it becomes of a brown colour, and in that state is employed by calico-printers. It is soluble in cold water, and does not form a blue compound with iodine. Vauquelin found it to differ from gum in affording oxehc instead of mucous acid, when treated with nitric acid.—Brande's Manual, iii. 34. British Oil. A variety of the black species of petroleum, to which this name has been given as an empirical remedy. BROCATELLO. A calcareous stone or mar- ble, composed of fragments of four colours, white, grey, yellow, and red. BRO'CCOLI. Brasica Italica. As an arti- cle of diet, this may be considered as more deli- cious than cauliflower and cabbage. Sound stomachs digest broccoli without any inconve- nience ; but in dyspeptic stomachs, even when combined with pepper, &c. it always produces flatulency, and nauseous eructations. Brochos. (Bpoxos, a snare.) A bandage. Bro'chtiius. (From oVy,(j, to pour.) The throat; also a small kind of drinking-vessel. Bro'chus. BpoKOf. One with a prominent upper-lip, or one with a full mouth and prominent teeth. BROCKLESBY, Richard, was born in Somersetshire, though of an Irish family, in 1722. After studying at Edinburgh, he graduated at Leyden; then settled in London, but did not advance very rapidly in practice. About 1757, he was appointed physician to the army in Ger- many, and on his return after six years, published the result of his experience, in a work entitled " Economical and Medical Observations." His success now became more decided, and being prudent in his affairs, and without a family, he realised a considerable fortune. He proved him- self however sufficiently liberal by presenting 1000/. to Mr. Edmund Burke, who had been his school-fellow ; and byofferingan annuity of 100/. to Dr. Johnson, to enable him to travel, which was not however accepted. He was author of seve- ral other works, and died in 1797. Bi'.o'dium. A term in pharmacy, signifying the name with jusculum, broth, or the liquor in which any thing is boiled. Thus we sometimes read of brodium talis, or a decoction of salt. BRO'MA. (From j3p«mtu), to eat.) Food of any kind that is masticated, and not drank. Broma-theon. (From J.^okui, to eat.) Mushrooms. BROMATO'LOGY. (Bromatologia; from (Ipwpa, food, and Xoyos, a discourse.) A discourse or treatise on food. BROME'LI \. (So named in honour of Olaus Bromel, a S.ecdr, author, of Lupologia, &c. in 1687.) The name of a t'enus of plants. Class, Hexandria; Order, Monogynia. Bromelia a.vanas. The systematic name of the plant which affords the pine apple, Bromelia : —foliis ciliatospinosis, mucronatis, spica comosa of Linnaeus. It is used principally as a delicacy for the table, and is also given with advantage as a refrigerant in fevers. Bromelia karatas. The systematic name of the plant from which we obtain the fruit called penguin, which is given in the Spanish West In- dies to cool and quench thirst in fevers, dysen- teries, &c. It grows in a cluster, there being several of the size of one's finger together. Each portion is clothed with husk containing a white pulpy substance, which is the eatable part ; and if it be not perfectly ripe, its flavour resembles that of the pine-apple. The juice of the ripe fruit is very austere, and is made use of to acidu- late punch. The inhabitants of the West Indies) make a wine of the penguin, which is very intoxi- cating, and has a good flavour. BROMFIELD, William, was born in Lon- don, 1712 : and attained considerable reputation as a surgeon. At the age of twenty-nine he be- gan to give anatomical lectures, which were very well attended. About three years after, in con- junction with the Rev. Mr. Madan, he formed the plan of the Lock Hospital; and so ably enforced the advantages of such an institution, that a suffi- cient fund was raised for erecting the present building; and it has been since maintained by voluntary contributions. He was appointed sur- geon, and held that office for many years: he was also surgeon to St. George's Hospital, and to Her Majesty's household. He wrote many works; the most considerable was entitled " Chirurgical Cases and Observations," in 1773, but reckoned not to answer the expectations en- tertained of him. He attained his eightieth year. Bro'mion. (From /fyu^o;, tbe. oat.) The name of a plaster, made with oaten flour, men- tioned by Paul-is iKjrineta. BRO'MUS. (From jlpupa, food.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Triandria; Order, Dygynia. Brome-grass. Bromus sterilis. (From fipuaKm, to eat.) The wddoat. BRO'NCHIA. (Bronchia, orum. neut. plur. ; from/i^oyyos, the throat.) See Trachea. BRONCHIAL. (Bronchialis ; from oron- chia.) Appertaining to the windpipe, or bron- chia ; as bronchial gland, artery, &c. BRONCHIALIS. See Bronchial. Bronchiales ak':'Eri.k. Bronchial arteries. Branches of the aorta given off in the chest. Bronchiales glandul.e. Bronchial glands. Large blackish glands, situated about the bron- chia and trachea. BRONCHOCE'LE. (From fipoyxos, the windpipe, and KijXri, a tumour.) Botium; Her- nia gutturis; Guttur tumidum; Trachelophy- ma; Gossum; Exechebronchos; Gongrona; Hernia bronchialis ; Tracheocele. Derbyshire neck. This disease is marked by a tumour on th<; forepart of the neck, and seated between the tra- chea and skin. In general it has been supposed principally to occupy the thyroid gland. We are BRO " BRU given to understand that it is a very common dis- order in Derbyshire ; but its occurrence is by no means frequent in other parts of Great Britain, or in Ireland. Among the inhabitants of the Alps, and other mountainous countries bordering there- on, it is a disease very often met with, and isthere known by the name of goitre. The cause which gives rise to it, is by no means certain, and the observations of different writers are of very little practical utility. Dr. Saunders controverts the ■general idea ol the bronchocele being produced by the use of snow-w.iter. The swelling is at first without pain, or any evident fluctuation ; when the disease is of long standing, and the swelling considerable, we find it in general a very difficult matter to effect a cure by medicine, or any external application ; and it might be unsafe to attempt its removal with a knife, on account of the enlarged state of its arteries, and its vicinity to the carotids ; but in an early stage of the dis- ease, by the aid of medicine, a cure may be ef- fected. Although some relief has been obtained at times, and the disease probably somewhat retarded by external applications, such as blisters, discutient ■embrocations, and saponaceous and mercurial plasters, still a complete cure has seldom been effected without an internal use of medicine ; and that which has always proved the most efficacious, is burnt sponge. The form under which this is most usually exhibited, is that of a lozenge. R.. spongiae ustae 3ss. mucilag. Arab. gum. q. s. fiat trochiscus. When the tumour appears about the age of puberty, and before its structure has been too morbidly deranged, a pill consisting of a grain or two of calomel, must be given for three succes- sive nights ; aud, on ihe fourth morning, a saline purge. Every night afterwards for three weeks, one of the troches should, when the patient is in bed, be put under the tongue, suffered to dissolve gradually, and the solution swallowed. The dis- gust at first arising from this remedy soon wears off. The pills and the purge are to be repeated at the end of three weeks, and the troches had re- course to as before ; and this plan is to be pursued till the tumour is entirely dispersed. Some re- commend the burnt sponge to be administered in larger doses. Sulphuretted potassa dissolved in water, in the proportion of 30 grains to a quart daily, is a remedy wliich has been employed by Dr. Richter with success, in some cases, where calcined sponge failed. The sodae subcarbonas being the basis of burnt sponge, is now frequently ■employed instead of it, and, indeed, it is a more active medicine. BRO'NCHOS. (Bpoyyof, the windpipe.) A ca- tarrh ; a suppression of the voice from a catarrh. BRONCHO'TOMY. (Bronchoiomia; from <@P9YX0S> tne w>ndpipe, and rtuvw, to cut.) Tra- cheotomy : Laryngotomy. This is an operation in which an opening is made into the larynx, or "trachea, either for the purpose of making a pas- sage for the air into and out of the lungs, when any disease prevents the patient from breathing through the mouth and nostrils, or of extracting foreign bodies, which have accidentally fallen into the tiachea; or, lastly, in order to be able to in- flate the lungs, in cases of sudden suffocation, drowning, &c. Its practicableness, and little danger, are founded on the facility with which certain wounds of the windpipe, even of the most complicated kind, have been healed, without leaving any ill effects whatever, and on the nature of the parts cut, which are not furnished with any vessel of consequence. BRO'NCHUS. (FrompVsyw.topour.) The ancients believed that the solids were conveyed 174 into the stomach by the oesophagus, and the fluid* by the bronchia; whence its name. 1. The windpipe. 2. A defluxion from the fauces. See Catarrhm. BRONZE. A mixed metal consisting chiefly of copper, with a small portion of tin, and some- times other metals. BRONZITE. A massive metal-like mineral, frequently resembling bronze, found in large masses in beds of serpentine, in Upper Stiria, and in Pcrtshire. BROOKLIiVK See Veronica beccabunga. BROOM. See Sparlium scoparium. BROSIMUM. (From(ipiaoipos,.eatable.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Diacia; Order, Monandria. Brosimum alicastrum. The specific name of the tree, which affords the bread-nut. BROWN, John, born in the county of Ber- wick, in 1735. He made very rapid progress in his youth in the learned languages, and at the age of twenty went to Edinburgh to study theology; but before he could be ordained, became attached to free-living and free-thinking. About 1759, having translated the inaugural thesis of a medical candidate into Latin, and the performance being highly applauded, he was led to the study of me* dicine. The professors at Edinburgh allowed him to attend their lectures gratuitously ; and he maintained himself by instructing the students in Latin, and composing or translating their disser- tations. Dr. Cullen particularly encouraged him, notwithstanding his irregularities, employing him as tutor to his sons, and allowing him to repeat and enlarge upon his lectures in the evening to those pupils, who chose to attend. In 1766 he married, and his house was soon filled with board- ers ; but his imprudence brought on bankruptcy within four years after. About this period he was an unsuccessful candidate for one of the me* dical chairs ; and attributing his failure to Dr. Cullen, became his declared enemy. This pro- bably determined him to form his new system of medicine, afterwards published under the tide of " Elementa Medicinae :" in which certainly much genius is displayed, but little acquaintance with practice, or with what had been written before on the subject. His chief object seems to have been to reduce the medical art to the utmost simplicity: whence he arranged all diseases under the two divisions of sthenic and asthenic, and maintained that all agents operate on the body as stimuli; so that we had only to increase or diminish the force of these according to circumstances. At the head of his stimulant remedies he places wine, brandy, and opium, in the recommendation oi wliich he is very liberal; and especially betrayi his partiality to them by asserting, contrary to universal experience, that he found them in his own person the best preservatives against the gout. He is said to have prepared himself for his lectures by a large dose of laudanum in whiskey; and thus roused himself to a degree of enthusiasm, bordering on frenzy. After completing his work, he procured a degree from St. Andrew'i, and commenced public teacher. The novelty and imposing simplicity of his doctrines procured him at first a pretty numerous class: but being irregular in his attendance, and his habits of in- temperance increasing, they fell off by degrees: and he was at length so embarrassed, a9 to be obliged to quit Edinburgh in 1786. He then settled in London, but met with little success, and in about two years after diedi His opinions at first found many supporters, as well in this as in other countries ; but they appear now nearly fallen into deserved oblivion. BRW ** BRY BROWN SPAR. Pearl spar. Sideroculeite. A white, red, or brown, or black-spar; harder than the calcareous, but yields to the knife. BROWNE, Sir Thomas, was born in Cheap- side, 1605. After studying and practising for a short time at Oxford, he spent about three years in travelling, graduating at length at Leyden. He then came to London, and published his " Religio • Medici;" which excited great attention as a work of genius, though blemished by a few of the po- pular superstitions then prevailing. He soon af- ter settled at Norwich, and got into very good practice ; and was admitted an honorary member of the London College of Physicians. In 1646 appeared his most popular work " On Vulgar Er- rors." which added greatly to his fame ; though he injudiciously ranked the Copernican system among them. He was knighted by Charles II. ; and died at the termination of his 77th year. His son Edward was also a physician, and attained considerable eminence, having had the honour of attending Charles II. and William III., and being for three years president of the college. BRU'CEA. (So named by Sir Joseph Banks, in honour of Mr. Bruce, the traveller in Abyssi- nia, who first brought the seeds thence into Eng- land. ) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diacia; Order, Te- trandria. Brui ea antidysenterica. The systematic name of the plant from which it was erroneously supposed wo obtained the angustura bark. See Cusp aria. Brucea ff.rruginea. This plant was also supposed to afford the angustura bark. BRUCIA. Brucine. A new vegetable alkali, lately extracted from the bark of the false angus- tura, or Bruda antidysenterica, by Pellctier and Cavcntou. After being treated with sulphu- ric aether, to get rid of a fatty matter, it was sub- jected to the action of alkohol. The dry resi- duum, from the evaporated alcoholic solution, was treated with Goulard's extract, or solution of ace- tate of lead, to throw down the colouring matter, and the excess of lead was separated by a current of sulphuretted hydrogen. The nearly colour- less alkaline liquid was saturated with oxalic acid, and evaporated to dryness. The saline mass be- ing freed from its remaining colouring particles by absolute alkohol, was then decomposed by lime or magnesia, when the bruda was disengaged. It was dissolved in boiling alkohol, and obtained in crystals, by the slow evaporation of the liquid. These crystals, when obtained by very slow eva- poration, are oblique prisms, the bases of which are parallelograms. When deposited from a sa- turated solution in boiling water, by cooling, it is in bulky plates, somewhat similar to boracic acid in appearance. It is soluble in 500 times its weight of boiling water, and in 850 of cold. Its solubility is much increased by the colouring mat- ter of the bark. Its taste is exceedingly bitter, acrid, and dura- ble in the mouth. When administered in doses of a few grains, it is poisonous, acting on animals like strychnia, but much less violently. It is not affected by the air. The dry crystals fuse at a temperature a little above that of billing water, and assume the appearance of wax. At a strong heat it is resolved into carbon, hydrogen, aud oxygen ; without any trace of azote. It com- bines with the acids, and forms both neutral and super-salts. Burns k. See Brvcia. BRII^EWORT. See Saponaria. HRCMALIS. (From Brumn, winter., Hye- mnhs. Belonging to winter Brumalles plant*. Plants which flower in our winter, common about the cape. Brune'lCa. See Prunella. BRUNNER, John Conrad, was born is Switzerland in 16.53. He obtained his degree in medicine at Strasburg when only nineteen. He afterwards spent several years in improving him- self at different universities, particularly atParis; where he made many experiments on the pane reas, and found that it might be removed from a dog with impunity. On his return he was made pro- fessor of medicine at Heidelberg ; and gained great reputation, so as to be consulted by most of the princes of Germany. He discovered the mu- cous glands in the duodenum ; and was author of several inconsiderable works. He died in 1727. Brunner's glands. Brunneri glandula. Peyer's glands. The muciparous glands, situated between the villous and cellular coat of the intes- tinal canal; so named after Brunner, who discov- ered them. BRUNSWICK GREEN. An ammoniaco- muriate of copper. BRUNTKUP FERZ. Purple copper ore. Bru'nus. An erysipelatous eruption. Bru'scus. See Ruscus. Brut'a. An Arabian word which means in- stinct, and is also applied to Savine. Bru'tia. An epithet for the most resinous kind of pitch, therefore used to make the Oleum Pidnum. The Pix Bruda was so called from Brutia, a country in the extreme parts of Italy, where it was produced. Bruti'no. Turpentine. Bru'tobon. The name of an ointment used by the Greeks. Brutua. See Cissampelos Pardra. Bruxane'li. (Indian.) A tall tree in Mala- bar, the bark of which is diuretic. Bry'gmus. (From 0pvxm half a drachm to a drachm. It is said to prove a gentle purgative, and likewistto operate powerfully by urine. Of the expressed juice, a spoonful acts violently both upwards and down- wards ; but cream of tartar is said to take off its virulence. Externally, the fresh root has been employed in cataplasms, as are solvent and disou- tient; also in ischiadic and other rheumatic af- fections. Bryonia mechoachana nigricans. A name given to the jalap root. Bryonia nigra. See Tamus communis. Bryonia peruviana. Jalap. BRYONY. See Bryonia nigra. Bryony, black. See Tamus. Bryony, while. See Bryonia alba. Bry'thion. BpyQiov. Amalagma; so called and described by Paulus ^Egineta. Bry'ton. (From fipvu, to pour out.) A kind of ale, or wine, made of barley. Bubasteco'rdium. (From bubastus and cor, the heart.) A name formerly given to artemisia, or mugwort. BUBO. (From (iovBiav, the groin; because they most frequently happen in that part.) Mo- dern surgeons mean, by this term, a swelling of the lymphatic glands, particularly of those ofthe groin and axilla. The disease may arise from the mere irritation of some local disorder, when itis called sympathetic bubo ; from the absorption of some irritating matter, such as the venereal poi- son ; or from constitutional causes, as in thejies- tilential bubo, and scrophulous swellings, ofthe inguinal and axillary glands. BU'BON. (From ()ov8o>v, the groin, or a tu- mour to which that part is liable, and which it was supposed to cure.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentan- dria; Order, Digynia. Bubon galbanum. The systematic name of the plant which affords the officinal galbanum. Albetad; Chalbane ; Gcsor. The plant is also named Ferula Africana; Oreoselinum Africa- num ; Anisumfruticosum galbaniferum; Ani- sum Africanum fruticescens ; Ayborzat. The lovage-leaved bubon. Bubon; foliis rhombris dentatis striatis glabris, umbellis paucis, of Linnaeus. Galbanum is the gummi-resinous juice, obtained partly by its spontaneous exudation from the joints ofthe stem, but more generally, and in greater abundance, by making an incision in the stalk, a few inches above the root, from which it immediately issues, and soon becomes sufficiently concrete to be gathered. It is imported into Eng- land from Turkey, and the East Indies, in large, softish, ductile, pale-coloured masses, which, by age, acquire a brownish-yellow appearance: these are intermixed with distinct whitish tears, that are the most pure part of the mass. Galbanum has a strong unpleasant smell, and a warm, bitter- ish, acrid taste. Like the other gummy resins, it unites with water, by trituration into a milky liquor, but does not perfectly dissolve, as some have reported, in water, vinegar, or wine. Rec- tified spirit takes up much more than either of these menstrua, but not the whole: the tincture is of a bright golden colour. A mixture of two parts of rectified spirit, and one of water, dissolves all but the impurities, which are commonly in considerable quantity. In distillation with wa- ter, the oil separates and rises to the surface, in colour yellowish, in quantity one-twentieth of the weight ofthe galbanum. Galbanum medicinally considered, may be said to hold a middle rank Between assafoHida and ammoniacum; but its fopfidness is very inconsiderable, especially when 176 compared with the former: it is therefore account- ed less antispasmodic, nor are its expectorant qualities equal to those of the latter; it however ia esteemed more efficacious than either in hysteri- cal disorders. Externally, it is often apphed, by surgeons, to expedite the suppuration of inflam- matory and indolent tumours, and, by physicians, as a warm stimulating plaster. It is an ingredient in the pilula galbani composita, the emplaslrum galbani compositum of the London Pharmaco- poeia, and in the emplastrum gummotum of the Edinburgh. Bubon macedonicum. The systematic name of the plant which affords the semen petroselini Macedonia of the shops. Upturn petraum; Petrapium. Macedonian parsley. This plant is similar in quality to the common parsley, but weaker and less grateful. The seeds enter the celebrated compounds mithridate and theriaca. Bubo'nium. (From fiov6iav, the groin.) A name of the golden starwort; so called because it was supposed to be efficacious in diseases of the groin. BUBONOCE'LE. (From /3oveWf the groin, and ktiXti, a tumour.) Hernia ingumalis. In- guinal hernia, or rupture of the groin. A species of hernia, in which the bowels protrude, at the abdominal ring. See Hernia inguinalis. BUCCA. (Hebrew.) The cheek. The hollow inner part of the cheek, that is inflated by the act of blowing. Bpccacra'ton. (From bucca, or buccella, and Kpau>, to mix.) A morsel of bread sopped in wine, which served in old times for a breakfast. BUCCAL. (From bucca, the cheek.) Be- longing to the cheek. Buccinales gundul.r. The small glands of the mouth, under the cheek, which assist ia seereting saliva into that cavity. Bu'ccea. (From bucca, the check; as much as can be contained at one time within the cheeks.) 1. A mouthful; a morsel. 2. A polypus of the nose. Buccela'ton. (From buccella, a morsel.) A purging medicine, made op in the form of a loaf; consisting of scammony, &c. put into fer- mented flour, and then baked in an oven. Bucce'lla. Paracelsus calls the polypus in the nose by this name, because he supposes it to be a portion of flesh parting from the bucca, and insinuating itself into the nose. Buccella'tio. (From buccellalus, cut into small pieces.) Baccellatio. A method*of stop- ping an haemorrhage, by applying small pieces of lint to the vein, or artery. BU C C IN A'TOR. (From (iovnavov, a trumpet; so named from its use in forcing the breath to sound the trumpet.) Retractor anguli oris of Albinus, and alveolo-maxillaire of Dumas. The trumpeter's muscle. The buccinator was long thought to be a muscle of the lower jaw, arising from the upper alveoli, and inserted into the lower alveoli, to pull the iaw upwards ; but its origin and insertion, and the direction of its fibres, are quite the reverse of this. For this large flat mus- cle, which forms in a manner the walls of the cheek, arises chiefly from the coronoid process of the lower jaw-bone, and partly also from the end of the alveoli, or socket process ofthe upper- jaw, close Ly the pterygoid process of the sphe- noid bone ; it goes forward, with direct fihres, to be implanted into the corner of the mouth ; it i< thin and fiat, covers in the mouth, and forms the walls of the cheek, and is perforated in the mid- dle ofthe cheek by the duct ofthe parotid gland. These are its principal uses:—it flattens the cheek, and so assists in swallowing liquid*: '*- BUG BIX turns or helps to turn, the morsel in the mouth while chewing, and prevents it from getting with- out the line ofthe teeth; in blowing wind instru- ments, it both receives and expels the wind ; it dilates like a bag, so as to receive the wind in the rheeks; and it contracts upon the wind, so as to expel the wind, and to swell the note. In blow- ing the strong wind instruments, we cannot blow from the lungs, for it distresses the breathing, we reserve the air in the mouth, which we keep con- tinually full; and from this circumstance, as mentioned above, it is named buccinator, from blowing the trumpet. Bu'ccula. (Diminutive of bucca, the cheek.) The fleshy part under the chin. Bucephalon,red-fruiled. See TrophisAmeri- cana. Bu'ceras. (From/?ouy,anox, and Ktpas, a horn: so called from the horn-like appearance ofits seed.) Buccros. See Trigonnella Fanumgracum. BUCHAN, William, was born at Ancram, in 1729. After studying at Edinburgh, he set- tled in Sheffield, and was soon appointed physi- cian to the Foundling Hospital at Ackworth: but that establishment being afterwards given up, he went to practise at Edinburgh, where he remain- ed several years. During; that period he com- posed his celebrated Work, called "Domestic Medicine." on the plan of Tissot's " Avis aux Peuples ;'' which has been very extensively cir- culated, translated into other languages, and ob- tained the author a gold medal, with a commenda- tory letter, from the Empress of Russia. It has been objected, that such publications tend to de- grade and injure the medical profession ; but it noes not appear that those, who are properly qualified, can suffer permanently thereby. There seems more foundation for the opinion, that im- aginary diseases will be multiplied, and patients sometimes fall victims to their complaints, being treated by those, who do not properly understand them. Dr. Buchan afterwards practised in Lon- don, and published some other works ; and died in 1805. BUCK-BEAN. See Menyanthes trifoliata. BUCK-THORN. See Rhamnus catharticus. BUCK-WHEAT. See Polygonum fagopy- rum. Buck-wheat, eastern. See Polygonum divari- catum. BCCNEMIA. (Bucnemia; from 6ov, a Greek augment, and icvtjpr), the leg.} A name in Good's Nosology for a genus of disease characterised by a tense, diffuse, inflammatory*swelling of a lower extremity; usually commencing at the in- guinal glands, and extending in the course of the lymphatics, it embraces two species : 1. Bucne- mia sparganosis, the puerperal tumid leg. I. Bucnemia tropica, the tumid leg of hot cli- mates. Bucra'nion. (From /Sous, an ox, and upavinv, the head ; so called Irom its supposed resemblance to a calf's snout.) The Snap-dragon plant. See Antirrhinum. Bu'cton. The hymen, according to Piraeus. Buoa'ntia. Chilblains. BUGLE. See Prunella. BUGLOSS. See Anchusa offirinalis. Buglo'ssa. See Anchusa officinalis. IH'GLO'SSUM. (Buglo*sum,i. n.; from(Sovs, an ox, and yXuatra, a tonjrue : so called from the khapc and roughness of its leaf.) See Anchusa offidnalis. Buglossum ancustifolium. Sec Anchusa officinalis. Brglossum m ajus. See Anchusa officinalis. BnoLOSStM <-\Ti\UM. See Anchusa offici- B(cr.o-cM sylvestre. The stone buglos? Bu'gula. (A diminutive of buglossa.) _ See Ajuga pyramidalis. BULBIFERUS. (From bulbus, and fero, to bear.) Bulb-bearing. Having one or more bulbs ; applied to stems, Caulis bulbiferus. BULBOC A'STANUM. (From fioXSos, a bulb, and Ka$-avov, a chesnut: so.called from its bulbous appearance.) See Bunium bulbocastanum. BULBOC AVERNO'SUS. (So called from its origin and insertion.) See Accelerator urina. Bu'lbonach. See Lunaria rediviva. BULBOSUS. (From bulba, a bulb.) Bulb- ous : applied in anatomy to soft parts which are naturally enlarged, as the bulbous part of the urethra. In botany, to roots which have a bulb ; as tulip, onion, lily, &c. Bulbos.e. (From bulbus.) The name of a class of Casalpinus's systematic method, consist- ing of herbaceous vegetables, which have a bulb- ous root, and a pericarpium, divided into three cells; also the name of one of the natural orders of plants. BULBULUS. A little bulb. BUL'BUS. (BoXfas, a bulb, or somewhat rounded root.) A globular, or pyriform coated body, solid, or formed of fleshy scales or layers, constituting the lower part of some plants, and giving off radicles from the circumference of the' flattened basis. A bulb differs from a tuber, which is a farinaceous root, and sends off radicles in every direction. Bulbs are divided into, 1. The solid, which consists of a solid fleshy nutritious substance ; as in Crocus rativus Col- chicum autumnale, Tulipa gesneriana. 2. The scaly, which consists of fleshy concen- trical scales attached to a radical plate ; as in Al- lium cepa. 3. The squamose, consisting of concave, over- lapping scales; as in Uliumcandidum, and Lili- um bulbiferum. 4. The compounded, consisting of several lesser bulbs, lying close to each other; as in Allium sativum. The bulbs of the orchis tribe differ from the common bulbs in not sending off radicles from the lower part, but from between the stem and basis. These are distinguished into, 5. The testicufale, having two bulbs of a round- oblong form; as in Orchis morio, and Orchis mascula. 6. Palmate, a compressed bulb, hand-like, divided below into finger-like lobes; as in Orchis maculata. Bulbus esculentus. Such bulbous roots as are commonly eaten are so called. Bulbus vomitorius. See Hyadnthus mut- cari. BULGE-WATER-TREE. The Geoffroya jamaicensis. BULI'MIA. (From finv, a particle of excess, and Xipos, hunger.) Bulimiasis; Boulimos ; Bulimus; Bolismos of Avicenna. Fames canina; Appetitus caninus ; Phagedana ; Adephagia ; Bupeina; Cynorexia. Insatiable hunger, or ca- nine appetite. Dr. Cullen places this genus of disease in the class locales, and order Dysorexia; and dis- tinguishes three species. I. Bulimia helluonum; in which there is no other disorder of the stomach, than an excessive craving of food. 2. Bulimia syncopalis ; in which there is a frequent desire of food, and the sense of hunger is preceded by swooning. 8. Bulimia emetica, also cynorexia; in which an extraordinary appetite for food is followed by vomiting. The real causes of this disease are, perhap-T not properly understood. BUP BUR Is some cases, it has been supposed to proceed from an acid in the stomach, and in others, from a superabundance of acid in the gastric juice, and from indigested sordes, or worms. Some con- sider it as depending more frequently on monstrosi- ty than disease. An extraordinary and well-at- tested case of this disease, is related in the third volume of the Medical and Physical Journal, of a French prisoner, who in one day, consumed of raw cow's udder 4 lb., raw beef 10lbs., candles 2 lbs.; total, 16 lbs.; besides 5 bottles of porter. Bulimia addephagia. A voracious appetite. Bulimia canina. A voracious appetite, with subsequent vomiting. Bulimia cardialgica. A voracious appetite, with heartburn. Bulimia convulsorum. A voracious appe- tite, which attends some convulsive diseases. Bulimia emetica. A voracious appetite, with vomiting. Bulimia esurigio. Gluttony. Bulimia hei.luonum. Gluttony. Bulimia syncopalis. A voracious appetite, with fainting from hunger. Bulimia verminosa. A voracious appetite from worms. BULIMI'ASIS. See Bulimia. BU'LIMUS. See Bulimia. BULI'THUM. (From fiovs, an ox, and Xidos, a stone.) A bezoar, or stone found in the kidneys, or gall, or urinary bladder, of an ox, or cow. BULLA. A bubble. A clear vesicle, which arises from burns, or scalds ; or other causes. BU'LLACE. The English name of the fruit of the Prunus insitia of Linnaeus, which grows wild in our hedges. There are two varieties of bullace, the reef and the white, which are used with the same intention as the common damsons. BULLATUS. (From bulla, a bubble, or blis- ter.) Blistery. Applied to a leaf which has its veins so tight, that the intermediate space appears blistered. This appearance is frequent in the garden cabbage. Bullo's a febris. An epithet applied to the vesicular fever, because the skin is covered with little vesicles, or blisters. See Pemphigus. Buni'tes vinum. (From bunium, wild pars- ley.) Wine made of bunium and must. BU'NIUM. (From powos, a little, hill; so called from the tuberosity of its root.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean sys- tem. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. 2. The name of the wild parsley. Bunium bulbocastanum. The systematic name of a plant, the root of which is called the pig-nut. Agriocastanum; Nucula terrestris; Bulbocastaneum; Bulbocastanum majus et mi- nus. Earth-nut; Hawk-nut; Kipper-nut; and Pig-nut. The root is as large as a nutmeg; hard, tuberous, and whitish ; which is eaten raw, or roasted. It is sweetish to the taste, nourishing, and supposed to be of use against strangury and bloody urine. The roots, which are frequently ploughed up by the peasants of Burgundy, and called by them arnotla ; and those found in Scot- land, and called amots, are most probably the roots of this species' of bunium. They are roasted, and thus acquire the flavour of chesnuts. Bu'nius. A species of turnip. BU'PEINA. (From jflou, a particle of magni- tude, and Suva hunger.) A voracious appetite. BU'PHAGOS. (From fiov, a particle of ex- cess, and Aayw, to eat.) The name of an anti- dote which created a voracious appetite in Mar- cellus Empericus. BUPHTHA'LMUM. (From (iovs, an ox, and otOaXpos, an eve : so called from its flowers, 17* which are supposed to resemble an eye.) The herb, ox-eye daisy. See Crysanthemum leucan- themum. Buphthalmum creticum. Pellitory of Spain. See Anthemis pyrethrum. Buphthalmum germanicum. The common ox-eye daisy. Buphthalmum majus. Great, or ox-eye daisy. See Chrysanthemum leucanthemum. BUPHTHALMUS. (From (iovs, an ox, and o m the chemical alphabet, means nitre. Cabali'stica ars. (It is derived from the Hebrew word signifying to receive by tradition.) Cabala ; Cabula; Kabala. The cabalistic art. A term that hath been anciently used, in a very mysterious sense, among divines ; and since, some enthusiastic philosophers and chemists transplant- ed it into medicine, importing by it somewhat ma- gical ; but such unmeaning terms are now justly rejected. Cabalistic art. See Cabalistica ars. CABALLINE. (Caballinus, fromKaSaXXos, a horse.) Of, or belonging to, a horse ; applied to the coarsest aloes, because it is so drastic as to be fit only for horses. Caballine aloes. See Aloe. CABBAGE. See Brasdca. Cabbage tree. See Geoffroya jamaicensis. Cacago'ga. (From kokkij, excrement, and ayu, to expel.) 1. Cathartics. 2. Ointments which, being rubbed on the fun- dament, procure stools.—Paulus JEgineta. Caca'lia. (From kukov, bad, and Xiav, ex- ceedingly ; because it is mischievous to the soil on which it grows.) Cacamum. The herb wild chervil, or wild carraways. Ca'camum See Cacalia. CA'CAO. See Theobronia cacoa. Cacapho'nia. (From kokos, bad, and u>vrj, the voice.) Defective articulation. Cacato'uia. (From coco, to go to stool.) An epithet given by Sylvius to a kind of intermittent fever, attended with copious stools. Caccio'nde A pill recommended byBaglivi against dysenteries ; its basis is catechu. CACHE'XIA. (From kokos, bad, and i£y, a habit.) A bad habit of body, known by a de- praved or vitiated state of the solids and fluids. CACHE'XLE. (The plural of cachexia.) A class of diseases in CuUen's Nosology, embracing three orders ; viz. Marcores, Intumescentia, and Impeligines. CACHINNA'TIO. (From cachinno, to laugh loud.) A tendency to ioimodei *■..■: laughter, as in «ome hysteric and maniacal affections. Ca'chlex. A little stone, or pebble. Galen says, that the cachleccs, heated in the fire and quenched in whey, become astringents, and use- ful in dysenteries. • C ACHOLONG. A variety of quartz. Cacho're. A name of catechu. CA'CHRYS. (Kaypvs: which is used in va- rious senses.) 1. Galen says it sometimes means parched barley. 2. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. Cachrys odontalgica. A plant, the root of wliich maybe substituted for that of the pyre- thrum against toothache. Cachu. See Acacia catechu. C ACHU'NDE. A medicine highly celeb/ated among the Chinese and Indians, made of several aromatic ingredients, perfumes, medicinal earths, and precious stones. They make the whole into a stiff paste, and form out of it several figures, according to their fancy, which are dried for use. These are principally used in the East Indies, but are sometimes brought over to Portugal. In China, the principal persons usually carry a small piece in their mouths, which is a continued cor- 182 dial, and gives their breath a very sweet smell, It is highly esteemed as a medicine in nervoui complaints , and it is reckoned a prolonger of life, and a provocative to venery; the two great intentions of most of the medicines used in the East. Cachy'mia. Kaicvpta. An imperfect metal, or an immature metalline ore, according to Para- celsus. Cacoalexite'rium. (From kokos, bad, and aXctfriptu), to preserve.) An antidote to poison or against infectious diseases. CACOCHO'LIA. (From kokos, and vo*,, bile.) A vitiated or unhealthy condition of the bile. CACOCHY'LIA. (From kokos, bad, and Xvh, the chyle.) Indigestion, or depraved chylification. CACOCHY'MIA. (From kokos, bad, and X*>pos, juice, or humour.) A diseased or depraved state of the humours. CACOCNE'MUS. (From k«kos, bad, and Kvtijiti, the leg.) Having a natural defect in the tibia. CACOCORE'MA. (From kokos, bad, and Koptia, to purge or cleanse.) A medicine which purges off the vitiated humours. CACOD^E'MON. (From Kans, bad, and Satptuiv, a spirit.) An evil spirit, or genius, which was supposed to preside over the bodies of men, and afflict them with certain disorders. The night-mare. CACO'DIA. (From kokos, bad, and u£w, to smell.) A defect in the sense of smelling. C ACOE'THES. (From Kaicos, ill, and 7,9of) a word which, when applied to diseases, signifies a quality, or a disposition.) Hippocrates applied this word to malignant and difficult distempers. Galen, and some others, express by it an incura- ble ulcer, that is rendered so through the acrimony of the humours flowing to it. Linnaeus and Vogel use this term much in the same sense with Galen, and describe the ulcer as superficial, spreading, weeping, and with callous edges. CACOPA'THl A. (From /cu*oj,bad, and wOof, affection.) An ill affection ofthe body, or part. C ACOPHO'NIA. (From kokos, bad, andf*v», the voice.) 1. A defect in the organs of speech. 2. A bad pronunciation. Cacopra'gia. (From kokos, bad, and ispaT%, to perform.) Diseased viscera. Cacorry'thmus. (FromKaKos,bad,andpvBpos, order.) A disordered pulse. CACO'SIS. (From KaKos, bad.) A bad dis- position of body. CACOSI'TIA. (From kokos, and ofliov, food.) An aversion to food, or nausea. CACOSPHY'XIA. (From kokos, bad, and c, to cast out; so named because it was thought to be efficacious in expelling poisons.) See Cucu- balus bacciforum. Ca'cule. The Arabian for cardamoms. CACU'MEN. (Cacumen minis, neut.) The top or point. CADA'VER. (Cadaver veris. neut.; from cado. to fall: because the body, when deprived of life, falls to the ground.) A carcase, or body deprived of life. CA'DMIA. (Hebrew.) The lapis calaminaris. See Zinc. Cadmia metallica. Aname given, by the Germans, to cobalt. CADMIUM. " A new metal, first discovered by M. Stromeyer, in the autumn of 1817, in some carbonate of zinc which he was examining in Han- over. It has been since found in the Derbyshire silicates of zinc. The following is Dr. Wollaston's process for procuring cadmium. From the solution of the salt of zinc supposed to contain cadmium, preci- pitate all the other metallic impurities by iron ; filter and immerse a cylinder of zinc into the clear solution. If cadmium be present, it will be thrown down in the metallic state, and when redissolved in muriatic acid, will exhibit its peculiar charac- ter on the application of the proper tests. M. Stromeyer's process consists in dissolving the substance which contains cadmium in sulphu- ric acid, and passing through the acidulous solu- tion a current of sulphuretted hydrogen gas. He washes this precipitate, dissolves it in concen- trated muriatic acid, and expels the excess of acid by evaporation. Tbe residue is then dissolved in water, and precipitated by carbonate of ammo- nia, of which an excess is added, to redissolve the zinc and the copper, that may have been pre- cipitated by the sulphuretted hydrogen gas. The carbonate of cadmium being well washed, is heated, to drive off the carbonic acid, and the re- maining oxide is reduced by mixing it with lamp- black, and exposing it to a moderate red heat in a glass or earthen retort. The colour of cadmium is a fine white, with a slight shade of bluish-grey, approaching much to that of tin ; which metal it resembles in lustre and susceptibility of polish. Its texture is compact, and its fracture hackly. It crystallises easily in octohedrons, and presents on its surface, when cooling, the appearance of leaves of fern. It is flexible, and yields readily to the knife. It is harder and more tenacious than tin ; and, like it, stains paper, orthe fingers. It is ductile and mal- leable, but when long hammered, it scales off in different places. Its sp. grav. before hammering, is 8.6040; and when hammered, it is 8.6944. It melts, and i* volatilised under a red heat. Its va- pour, which has no smell, may be condensed in drops like mercury, which, on congealing, pre- sent distinct traces of crystallisation. Cadmium ia as little altered by exposure to the air as tin. When heated in the open air, it burns like that metal, passing into a smoke, which falls and forms a very fixed oxyde, of a brownish-yel- low colour. Nitric acid readily dissolves it cold ; dilute sulphuric, muriatic, and even acetic acids, act feebly on if with the disengagement of hydro- gen. The solutions are colourless, and are not precipitated by water. Cadmium forms a single oxide, in which 105 parts of the metal are combined with 14.362 of oxygen. The prime equivalent of cadmium de- duced from this compound seemstobe very nearly 7, and that of the oxide 8. This oxide varies in its appearance according to circumstances, from a brownish-yellow to a dark brown, and even a blackish colour With charcoal it is reduced with rapidity below a red heat. It gives a trans- parent colourless glass bead with borax. It is in- soluble in water, but in some circumstances forms a white hydrate, which speedily attracts carbonic acid from the air, and gives out its water when exposed to heat.''—Ure's Chem. Diet. CADOGAN, William, graduated at Oxford in 1765. Five years before, he had published a small treatise on the management of chddren, which was very much approved. In 1764 his " Dissertation on the Gout and all Chronic Dis- eases'' appeared, which attracted considerable at- tention, being written in a popular style. He re- ferred the gout principally to indolence, vexation, and intemperance , and his plan of treatment is generally judicious. He was a fellow of the Lon- don College of Physicians, and died in 1797, at an advanced age. Cadtchu. See Acacia catechu. CADU'CA. (From cado, to fall down.) See Decidua. Caduci. The name of a class in Linnaeus'* Methodus calycina. CADU'CUS. (From cado, to fall.) 1. In Botany, The falling off before the unfolding of the flower or leaf; as the perianthium of Papa- ver, the stipula of Prunus avium. This term is expressive of the shortest period of duration, and has different acceptations, according to the dif- ferent parts of the plant to which it is applied. A calyx is said to be caducous, which drops at the first opening of the petals, or even before as in the poppy. Petals are caducous, which are scarcely unfolded before they fall off, as in Tha- lictrum; and such leaves as fall off before the end of summer, have obtained this denomina- tion. See Deciduus, and Parasiticus. 2. The epilepsy or falling sickness is called morbus caducus. CjE'CITAS. (From cacus, blind.) Blind- ness. See Caligo, and Amaurosis. CrfE'CUM. (From cacus, blind: so called from its being perforated at one end only.) The caecum, or blind gut. The first portion of the large intestines, placed in the right iliac region, about four fingers' breadth in length. It is in this intestine that the ileum terminates by a valve, called the valve of the caecum. The appendicular cad vermiformis is also attached to it. See In- testines. CiE'LIUS Aurelianus, is supposed to have been born at Sicca, in Africa, and is referred by Le Clerc to the fifteenth century, from the harsh- ness of his style. He has left a Latin translation of the writings of Soranus, with additional obser- vations, partly collected from others, partly from his own experience. The work is in eight books, three on acute, the rest on chronic disorders. He treats of several diseases not mentioned by any earlier writers, and has some observations in sur- gery peculiar to himself; he appears, too, gene- rally correct in his remarks on the opinions of others. 183 CAF CAL Ce'ros. Kai/ios. Hippocrates, by this word, means the opportunity or moment in which what- ever is to be effected should be done. CESALPINI'A. (Named in honour of Cae- salpinus, chief physician to Pope Clement VIII.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decandria ; Order, Monogynia. C^eSalpinia crista. The systematic name of the tree that affords the Brazil wood. It is of the growth of the Brazils in South America, and also of the Isle of France, Japan and elsewhere. It is chiefly used as a red dye. CrESALPI/NUS, Andrew, was born in Tus- canyin 1519. He graduated at Pisa, and became professor in anatomy and medicine there ; and was afterwards made physician to Pope Clement VIII. He died in 1603.' His works are numer- ous, and evince much genius and learning. In 1571, he published a work, defending the philoso- phy of Aristotle against the doctrines of Galen, from some passages in which he appears to have approached very near to a knowledge of the cir- culation of the blood ; having explained the use of the valves of the heart, and pointed out the course which these compelled the blood to take on both sides during the contraction and dilatation of that organ. In a treatise " De Plantis," he justly compared the seeds to the eggs of animals ; and formed an arrangement of them according to the parts of fructification. On medical subjects also lie offered many judicious remarks. CjE'SARES. Casones. Children who are brought into the world as Julius Cesar is said to have been. See Casarian operation. CESA'RIAN OPERATION. (So called, because Julius Caesar is said to have been extract- ed in this manner.) Hysterotomia. Hysteroto- matocia. The operation for extracting the foetus from the uterus, by dividing the integuments of the abdomen and the uterus. There are three cases in which this operation may be necessary.—1. When the foetus is per- ceived to be alive, and the mother dies, either in labour or in the last two months. 2. When the foetus is dead, but cannot be delivered in the usual way, from the deformity of the mother, or the disproportionate size of the child. S. When both the mother and the child are living, but de- livery cannot take place, from the same causes as in the second instance. Both the mother and the child, if accounts can be credited, have often lived after the Caesarian operation, and the mo- ther even borne children afterwards. Heister gives a relation of such success, in his Institutes of Surgery ; and there are some others. In Eng- land, the Caesarian operation has almost always failed. Mr. James Barlow, of Chorley, Lan- cashire, succeeded, however, in taking a foetus out of the uterus by this bold proceeding, and the mother was perfectly restored to health. CjE'tchu. See Acacia catechu. Caf ; Cafa; Caffa. Names given by the Arabians to camphire. CAFFEIN. The name of a bitter principle procured from coffee by Chenevix, by adding muriate of tin to an infusion of unroasted coffee. From this he obtained a precipitate, which he washed and decomposed by sulphuretted hydro- gen. The supernatant liquid contained this prin- ciple, which occasioned a green precipitate in concentrated solutions of iron. When the liquid was evaporated to dryness, it was yellow and transparent, like horn. It did not attract mois- ture from the air, but was soluble in water and alkohol. The solution had a pleasant bitter taste, and assumed with alkalies a garnet-red colour. It is almost as delicate a test of iron as I'I infusion of galls is; yet gelatine occasions nu precipitate with it. Caga'Strum. A barbarous term used by Pa- racelsus, to express the morbific matter which generates diseases. Caitchu. See Acacia catechu. CAIUS, John, was born at Norwich in 1510. After studying at Cambridge, and in different parts of Italy, and distinguishing himself by his interpretations of Hippocrates, Galen, and other ancient authors, he graduated at Bologna. In 1544, he returned to this country, and for some time read lectures in anatomy to the corporation of surgeons in London. He afterwards practised at Shrewsbury, having been admitted a fellow of the College of Physicians ; and published a popu- lar account of the memorable sweating sickness, which prevailed in 1551, subsequently reprinted, much improved, in Latin. He was made physi- cian to Edward VI., to Mary and to Elizabeth. On the death of Linacre, he was chosen Presi- dent of the College of Physicians, and during the seven years, for which he held that office, performed many important services. He was also a signal benefactor to Gonvil Hall, where he studied at Cambridge, having obtained permission to erect it into a college, considerably enlarging the building, and assigning provision for three fellows and twenty scholars. He was chosen master on the completion of the improvements, and retained that office till near the period of his death, which happened in 1573. He published a dissertation " De Canibus Britanicis, which Mr. Pennant has entirely followed in his British Zoology, and some other learned works besides those already mentioned. Ca'jan. See Phaseolus creticus. Ca'jeput oil. See Melaleuca. Cala'ba. See Catophylluminophyilum. Cai.agua'l.* radix. Calaguela radix. The root so called is knotty, and somewhat like that of the polypody tribe. It has been exhibited in- ternally at Rome, with success, in dropsy; and it is said to be efficacious in pleurisy, contusions,. abscesses, &c. It was first used in America,. where it is obtained ; and Italian physicians have since written concerning it, in terms of approba- tion. Calama'corus. Indian reed. C ALAMAGRO'STIS. (From koXouos, a reed, and aypuj-ij, a sort of grass.) Reed grass. Gramen Arundinacum. The Arundo calama- grostis of Linnaeus; the root of which is said to be diuretic and emmenagogue. CALAMARI-flS. (From calamus, a reed.) The name of an order of Liunaeus's fragments of a natural method, which embraces the reed- plants. Cala'mbac. An Indian name for agalolchnm. See Lignum Aloes. Calame'don. (From KaXapos, a reed.) A sort of fracture which runs along the bone, in a straight line, like a reed, but is lunated in the ex- tremity. CAXAMINA. See Calamine. Calamina pr.kparata. Prepared calamine. Burn the calamine, and reduce it to powder; then let it be brought into the state of a very line powder, in the same manner that chalk is direct- ed to be prepared. See Calamine. CA'LAMINE. (Calamina; from calamus, a reed : so called from its reed-like appearance.) Cadmia; Cathmia; Cddmia lapidosa arosa; Cadmia fossilis; Calamina; Lapis calamin- aris. A native carbonate of zinc. A mineral, con- taining oxide of zinc and carbonic acid, united with a portion of iron, and sometime? otl^' CAI. CAU 'abstain es. It is very heavy, moderately hard and brittle, of a grey, yellowish, red, or blackish brown: found in quarries of considerable extent, in several parts of Europe, and particularly in this country, in Derbyshire, Gloucestershire, Nottinghamshire, and Somersetshire ; as also in Wales. dThe calamine of England is by the best judges, allowed to be superior in quality to that of most other countries. It seldom fics very deep, being chiefly found in clayey grounds, near the surface. In some places it is mixed with lead ores. This mineral is an article in the ma- teria medica ; but, before it comes to the shops, it is usually roasted, Or calcined, to separate some arsenical or sulphureous particles which, in its crude state, it Is supposed to contain, and in order to render it more easily reducible into a fine powder. In this state, it is employed in collyria, for weak eyes, for promoting the cicatrisation of ulcers, and healing excoriations of the skin. It is the basis of an officinal cerate, called Ceratum calaminae by the London College, formerly call- ed ceratum lapidis caliminaris, ceratum epuloti- cura ; and ceratum carbonatis zinci impuri by the Edinburgh College. These compositions form Ihe cerate which Turner strongly recommends for healing ulcerations and excoriations, and which hare been popularly distinguished by his name. The collyria in which the prepared calamine has been employed, have consisted simply of that substance added to rose-water, or elder-flower water. CALAMINT. See Melissa calamintha. Calamint, mountain. See Melissa grandi- flora. CALAMI'NTHA. (From koXos, beautiful, or KaXapos, a reed, and ptvQri, mint.) Common cala- mint. See Melissa. Calamintha anglica. See Melissa nepeta. Calamintha Humilior. The ground-ivy. See Glecoma hederacea. Calamintha magno tlorf.. See Melissa grandiflora. Calamintha Montana. See Melissa Cala- mintha. CA'LAMUS. (From Kalam, an Arabian word.) 1. A general name denoting the stalk of any plant. 2. The name c f a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Hexanaria; Order, Mo- nogynia. Calamus aromaticus. See Acorus calamus. Calamus aromaticus asiaticus. See Aco- rus calamus. Calamus odoratus. The sweet-scented rush. See Acorus calamus. Calamus rotang. The systematic name of the plant from which wc obtain the Dragon's blood. Cinnabaris gracorum Draconthama; Asegen; Asegon. Dragon's blood. The red resinous juice which is obtained by wounding the bark of the Calamus rotang;—caudice densisd- me aculeato, actleis erectis, spadice erecto. The Petrocarpus draco and Dracana draco, also afford this resin. It is chiefly obtained from the Molucca islands, Java, and other parts of the East Indies. It is generally much adulterated, and \ aried in goodness and purity. The best kind is of a dark red colour, which, when powdered, chansres to crimson : it is insoluble in water, but soluble in a great measure in alkohol; it readily melts and catches flume, has no smell, but to the taste discovers some degree of warmth and pun- gency. The ancient Greeks were well acquaint- ed with the adstringent power ol this drug ; in which character it has since been much employed in htrrmirrhasc*, and in alvinc fluxes. At present, however, it is not used internally, being super scded by more certain and effectual remedies of this numerous cla.-s. Calamus scriptorius. A furrow or kind of canal at the bottom of the fourth ventricle of the brain, so called from its resemblance to a writing pen. Calamus vulgaris. See Scoria calamus. CALATHIANA. (From KaXados, a twig bas- ket ; so called from the shape of its flowers.) The herb marsh-gentian. See Gentiana pneu- monanthe. Calih'anum. The name of a plaster in My- repsus. Calca'dinum. Vitriol. C alca'dis. An Arabian name for white vitriol CALCA'NEUM. (From calx, the heel.) Calcar pterna ; Os calcis. The largest bone of the tarsus, which forms the heel. It is situated posteriorly under the astragalus, is very regular, and divided into a body and processes. It has a large tuberosity or knob, projecting behind to form the heel. A sinuous cavity, as its fore-part, which, in the fresh subject, is filled with fat, and gives origin to several ligaments. Two promi- nences, at the inner and fore-part of the bone, with a pit between them, for the articulation of the under and fore-part of the astragalus. A de- pression, in the external surface of the bone near its fore-part, where the tendon of the pcronaens longus runs. A large cavity, at the inner side of the bone, for lodging the long flexors of the toes, together with the vessels and nerves of the sole. There are two prominences, at the under ami back part of this bone, that give origin to the aponeurosis, and several muscles of the sole. The anterior surface of the os calcis is concave, for its articulation with the os cuboides, and it ia articulated to the astragalus by ligaments. Calcan'thum. (From xa^K°Si brass, and avBos, a flower ; i. e. flowers of brass.) Calcan- thos. Copperas; Vitriol. CALCAR. (Calcar, oris. n. From calx, the heel; also from caleo, to heat.) 1. The heel-bone. 2. The furnace of a laboratory. 3. A spur. In botany, applied to a part of the ringent and personate corolla of plants. It is a tube forming an obtuse or acute sac, at the side of the receptacle. It is of rare occurrence. CALCARATUS. Spurred; apphed to the corols and nectaries of plants; as Calcarata corolla, Nectarium calcaratum, as in Aquilegia and Antirrhinum linaria. CALCAREOUS. (Calcarius ; from calx, lime.) That which partakes somewhat of the nature and qualities ot calx. Calcareems earth. See Calx and Lime. Calcareous spar. Crystallised carbonate of lime, which occurs in more than 600 different forms. It is found in veins in all rocks from granite to alluvial strata. The rarest and most beautiful crystals are found in Derbyshire, but it exists in every part of the world. Calca'ris flos. The larkspur. CALCA'UIf'S. See Calcareous. Calcarius lapis. Limestone. Ca'lcatar. A name of vitriol. Ca'lcvton. White arsenic. Troches of ar- senic. An obsolete term. Calcatri'ppa. See Ajuga pyramidalis. CALCEDONY. A mineral, so called from Calcedon, in Asia Minor, where it was found in ancient times. There are several sub-species, common ealcedony, heliotrope, cbrysoprase, pla*- rn i. onyx, sand, and sorloin * CAL CAL Common calcedony occurs of various colours; it is regarded as pure silica with a little water. Very fine stalactitical specimens have been found in Cornwall and Scotland. Calce'na. Calcenonius; Calcetus. Para- celsus uses these words to express the tartarous matter in the blood; or that the blood is impreg- nated with tartarous principles. Ca'lceum equinum. (From calceus, a shoe, and equus, a horse ; so called from the figure of its leaf.) The herb colt's-foot. See Tussilago farfara. Calchaktruh. Pliny's name for copperas. Calciii'theos. (From Ka\Yjoi>,purple.) Ver- digris. Calchoi'des. (From vaAi£, a chalk-stone, and ttSos, form.) An obsolete, name of the cunei- form bones. Calcid^cii'm. The name of a medicine in Which arsenic is an ingredient. CALCI'FRAGA. (From calx, a stone, and frango, to break ; so named from its supposed property of breaking the human calculus.) Breakstone. In Scribonius Largus, it means, the herb spleenwort, or scolopendrium; others mean by it the pimpinella saxafraga of Lin- naeus. CALCINATION. Oxydation. The fixed residues of such matters as have undergone com- bustion are called cinders, in xommon language, and calces, but now more commonly oxides, hy chemists ; and the operation, when considered with regard to these residues, is termed calcina- tion. In this general way, it has likewise been applied to bodies not really combustible, but only deprived of some of their principles by heat. Thus we hear of the calcination of chalk, to convert it into lime by driving off its carbonic acid and water; of gypsum, or plaster-stone, of alum, of borax, and other saline bodies, by which they are deprived of their water of crystallisa- tion ; of bones which lose their volatile parts by this treatment, and of various other bodies. CALCINA'TUS. Calcined. Calcinatum majus. Whatsoever is dulci- fied by the chemical art, which was not so by na- ture ; such as dulcified mercury, lead, ana the like substances, winch are very speedily consoli- dated. Calcinatum majus Poterii. Mercury dis- solved in aqua fortis, and precipitated with salt water. Poterius used it in the cure of ulcers. Calcinatum minus. Any thing which is sweet by nature, and speedily cures, as sugar, manna, tamarinds, &c. CaLCINo'nia. See Calcena. Ca'lcis ao.ua. See Calcis liquor. Ca'lcis liquor. Solution of lime, formerly called aqua culcis. Lime-water. Take of lime, half a pound ; boiling distilled water, twelve pints. Pour the water upon the lime, and stir them together ; next cover the vessel immediate- ly, and let it stand for three honrs ; then keep the solution upon the remaining lime in stopped glass bottles, and pour off the clear liquor when it is wanted for use. Lime is soluble in about 450 times its weight of'water, or little more than one grain in one fluid-ounce. It is given internally, in doses of two ounces and upwards, in cardialgia, spasms, diarrhoea, &c. and in proportionate doses in con- vulsions of children arising from acidity, or ul- cerated intestines, intermittent fevers, &c. Ex- ternally it is apphed to burns and ulcers. Calcis murias. Calx sotita; Sal ammo- niacusfixus. Muriate of lime. Take of the salt remaining after the sublimation of siibcarbo- 16tf nate of ammonia two pounds, water a pint; mm and filter through paper. Evaporate the salt to dryness: and preserve it in a closely-stopped ves- sel. This preparation is exhibited with the same views as the muriate of barytes. It possesses deobstruent, diuretic, and cathartic virtues, and is much used by the celebrated Fourcrnv against scrophula, and other analogous diseases. Six, twelve, and twenty grains are given to children three'times a day, and a drachm to adults. Calcis muriatis liquor. Take of muriate of lime two ounces, distilled water three fluid- ounces ; dissolve the salt in the water, and filter it through paper. Ca'lcis os. See Calcaneum. Calcis vivi flores. The pellicle on the sur- face of lime water. Calcita'ri. Alkaline salt. Calcite'a. Vitriol. Calciteo'sa. Litharge. Ca'lcithos. Verdigris. CALCITRA'PA. (An old botanical term ol similar meaning to tribulus, compounded of caleo, to tread or kick, and rptiro), to turn, because the caltrops are continually kicked over if they fail of their intended misohief. See Trapa.) See Cen- taurea caldtrapa. Calcitrapa officinalis. See Centaurea solstitialis. Calcitre'a. Vitriol. CALCIUM. The metallic basis of lime. Sir H. Davy, tbe discoverer of this metal, procured it by the process which he used for obtaining barium. It was in such small quantities, that little could be said concerning its nature. It appeared brighter and whiter than either barium or strontium; and burned when gently heated, producing dry lime. There is only one known combination of cal- cium and oxygen, which is the important sub- stance called lime. The nature of this substance is proved by the phenomena ofthe combustion of calcium ; the metal changing into the earth with the absorption of oxygen gas. When the amal- gam of calcium is thrown into water, hydrogen gas is disengaged, and the water becomes a solu- tion of lime. From the quantity of hydrogen evolved, compared with the quantity of lime formed in experiments of this kind, M. Berzelius endeavoured to ascertain the proportion of oxy- gen in lime. The nature of lime may also be proved by analysis. When potassium in vapour is sent through the earth ignited to whiteness, the potassium was found by Sir H. Davy to become potassa, while a dark grey substance of metallic splendour, which is calcium, either wholly or partially deprived of oxygen, is found imbedded in the potassa, for it effervesces violentiy, and forms a solution of time by the action of water. Ca'lcotar. Vitriol. CALC SINTER. Stalactitical carbonate of lime, which is continually forming by the infil- tration of carbonated lime water through the crevices of the roofs of caverns. The irregular masses on the bottoms of caves have been called stalagmites. CALCTUFF. An alluvial formation of car- bonate of time, probably deposited from calcareous springs of a yellowish dull grey colour containing impressions of vegetable matter. CALC ULI'FRAGUS. (From calculus, a stone, and frango, to break.) Stone-breaker, having the power to break stone in the human body. 1. A synonym of lithontriptic. See Lithontriptic. 2. The scolopendrium, and pimpernel. See Calcifraga. CA'LCULUS. (Diminutive of calx, a lime- stone.) Calculus hnmanus; Bezoar microcoi- CAL CM. r:.icum. Gravel; Stone. In English we under- stand by gravel, small sand-like concretions, or stones, whioh pass from the kidneys through the r.reters in a few days ; and by stone, a calcidous concretion in the kidneys, or bladder, of too largo t> size to pass, without great difficulty. Similar concretions are found occasionally in other cavi- ties, or passages. When a disposition to form minute calculi or gravel exists, we often find ni-pbritic paroxysms, as they are called, (see \ephritis,) wliich consist of pain in the back, shooting down through the pelvis to the thighs ; sometimes a numbness in one leg, and a retraction of either testicle in men, symptoms arising from the irritation of a stone passing through the ureters, as these cross the spermatic cord, on the nerves passing to the lower extremities. These pains, often violent, ore terminated by the painful dis- charge of small stones through the urethra, and the patient is for a time easy. What, however, is meant by the stone is a more serious and vio- lent disease. It is singular that these discharges of small gravel do not usually terminate in stone. Many have experienced them during a long life, without any more serious inconvenience : while the latter is a disease chiefly of the young, and depending on circumstances not easily explained. If the stone attacks persons more advanced in age, it is often the consequence of paroxysms of gout, long protracted, and terminating imperfectly. When once a stone has acquired a moderate 9ize, it usually occasions the following symp- toms :—frequent inclination to make water, ex- cessive pain in voiding it drop by drop, and some- times a sudden stoppage of it, if discharged in a stream ; after making Water, great torture in the glans penis, which lasts one, two, or three mi- nutes; and, in most constitutions, the violent straining makes the rectum contract and expel its excrements ; or, if it be empty, occasions a tenes- mus, which is sometimes accompanied with a pro- lapsus ani. The urine is often tinctured with blood, from a rupture ofthe vessels, and sometimes pure blood itself is discharged. Sometimes the urine is very clear, but frequently there are great quantities of slimy sediment deposited at the bot- tom of it, which is only a preternatural separation of the mucilage of the bladder, but has often been mistaken for pus. The stone is a disease to which both sexes and all ages are liable; and calculi have even been found in the bladders of very young children, nay of infants only six months old. Women seem less subject to this complaint than men, either owing to constitutional causes, or to the capaciousness, shortness, and straightness of their urethra, allowing the calculi to be dis- charged while small, together with the urine. The Seat and Physical Properties of Urinary Calculi. Calculi are found in different parts of the uri- nary system, in the pelvis of the kidney, in the ureters, in the bladder and urethra ; but as they, for the most part, originate in the kidney, the calculi renales make the nucleus of the greatest number of urinary stones. The calculi renales, differ greatly with respect to their external quali- ties ; for the most part, however, they consist of tmall, concrete, roundish, smooth, glossy, and crystalline bodies, of a red-yellow colour, like ihat of wood, and so hard as to admit of polishing. On account of their minuteness, they easily pass through the urinary passages in form of gravel, which being sometimes of a rough surface, cause several compluints on their passage. But in some iiifctuncc.4 they are of too great a size to be able to pass along the ureters; in which case they in- crease in the kidneys, sometimes to a great size. Calculi renales of this kind are generally of a brown, dark red, or black colour, and surrounded with several strata of coagulated blood aud pus ; they have also been observed of a yellow, reddish, and lighter colour ; and some consisting of an • homogeneous stony mass, but white or grey cal- culi renales are very rarely to be met with. Among the great number that were examined, one or two only were found of a grey or black- ish colour, and of a composition similar to those which generally bear the name of mulberry- like stones. The stones in the ureters, which, on passing into the ureters, are prevented by their size from descending into the bladder, frequently increase very much : they, however, rarely occur ; their colour is white, and they consist of phosphate of lime. The stones in the bladder are. the most frequent urinary concrements that have' been principally examined ; they draw their first origin from the kidneys, whence they descend into the bladder, where tMey increase ; or they immediately origi- nate and increase in the bladder; or they arise from a foreign body that by chance has got into the bladder, which not unfrequently happens, particularly in the female sex. Concretions of this kind differ greatly in their respective physical qualities and external form, which, however, is generally spherical, oval, or compressed on both sides ; and sometimes, when there are several stones in the bladder, they have a polyhedrous or cubical form; their extremities are frequently pointed or roundish, but they are very seldom found cylindrical, and more rarely with cylindri- cal ends. There is a great variety in the size of the cal- culi, and likewise in their colour, which is ma- terially different, according^ to their respective nature and composition. They occur, 1. of a yellowish colour, approaching nearly to red, or brown; such stones consist of lithic acid. 2. Grey, or more or less white ; these stones always contain phosphates of earths. 3. Dark grey, or blackish; stones of this colour have oxalates of earths. Many stones show brown or grey spots, on a yellow or white ground, generally raised on the surface, and consisting of oxalate of lime, which is enclosed in litliic acid, when the ground- colour of the stone is of a wood colour, or in phosphate of lime, when it is white. These spots are, in general, only to be observed in the middle ofthe stone, or at one of its extremities. All that is here stated, is the result of observa- tions on more than 600 calculi; and different other colours that are said to have been observed, either arise from heterogeneous substances, or are merely variations of the above colours. Their surface is smooth and polished in some ; in others, only smooth ; and in others uneven, and covered with rough or smooth corpuscles, which are always of a yellow colour; in some, the surface is partly smooth and partly rough. The white ones are frequently even and smooth, half trans- parent, and covered with shining crystals, that generally indicate phosphate of ammonia, with magnesia ; or they are faint, and consist of minute grains; or rough, in which case they consist ot phosphate of time. The brown and dark grey stones are, from their similarity to mulberries, called mulberry-stones, and being frequently very rugged, they cause the most pain of all. On examining the specific weight of urinary calculi in more than 600 specimens, it was found to be, in the lightest, as 1213.1000, in the heaviest, 187 CAL CAL ;.s 1976.1000. Their smell is partly strong, like urine or ammonia, partly insipi.l, and terreous; especially the white ones, which are like sawed ivory, or rasped bone. The internal- texture of calculi is but seldom guessed from their external appearance, particu- larly when they exceed the size of a pigeon's egg. On breaking them, they generally separate into two or three strata, more or less thick and even, which prove that they are formed by different precipitations, at different times. In the middle, a nucleus is generally seen, of the same mass as the rest. \Y hen the place they are broken at is finely streaked, and of a yellow or reddish colour, the lithic acid predominates ; but when they are half transparent, luminous like spar, they have ammoniacal phosphate of magnesia in them, and phosphate of lime, and then they arc brittle and friable; but when they are so hard as to resist the instrument, of a smooth surface, and a smell like ivory, they contain oxalate of linie. It frequent- ly happens, that the exterior stratum consists of white phosphate, of earth, while the nucleus is yellow lithic acid, or oxalate of lime, covered sometimes with a yellow stratum of lithic acid, in which case the nucleus appears radiant; but when it consists of lithic acid, and is covered with white phosphate of earth, it is roundish, oval, and somewhat crooked. These concretions have very seldom three strata; namely, on the outside a phosphate, towards the inside lithic acid, and quite withinside an oxalate of lime ; but still rarer these substances occur in more strata, or in another order, as before-mentioned. Stones of the urethra are seldom generated in the urethra itself; however, there are instances ef their having been formed in the fossa navicula- ris, by means of foreign bodies that have got into the urethra. We also very frequently observe stony concrements deposited between the glans and prepuce. All the concretions produced in the inside and outside the urethra consist of phos- phate of earths, which are easily precipitated from the urine. There are likewise stones in the urethra which have come out of the bladder, hav- ing been produced there, or in the kidneys ; and they generally possess the properties of stones of the kidneys. The different constituents of Urinary Calculi. " If we except Scheele's original observation concerning the uric or lithic acid, all the disco- veries relating to urinary concretions are due to Dr. Wollastcn ; discoveries so curious and impor- tant, as alone arc sufficient to entitle him to the admiration and gratitude of mankind. They have been fully verified by the subsequent researches of Fourcroy, Vauquelin, and Brande, Drs. Henry, Marcet, and Prout. Dr. Marcet, in his late va- luable essay on the chemical history and medical treatment of calculous disorders, arranges the con- cretions into nine species. 1. The lithic acid calculus. 2. The ammonia-magnesian phosphate cal- cnlus. 3. The bone earth calculus, or phosphate of lime. 4. The fusible calculus, a mixture of the 2d and 3d species. 5. The mulberry calculus, or oxalate of lime. 6. The cystic calculus ; cystic oxide of Dr. Wollaston. 7. The alternating calculus, composed of alter- nate layers of different species. 8. The compound calculus, whose ingredients are so intimately mixed, as to be separable only by chemical analysis. 9. Calculus from the prostate gland, which, bv 188 Dr. Wollaston's researches, is proved to beph«. phate of lime, not distinctly stratified, and tinged by the secretion of the prostate gland. To the above Dr. Marcet has added two new sub-species. The first seems to have some re- semblance to the cystic oxide, but it possesses also some marks of distinction. It forms a bright le- mon yellow residuum on evaporating its nitric acid solution, and is composed of laminae. But the cystic oxide is not laminated, and it leaves a white residuum from the nitric acid solution. Though they are both soluble in acids as well as alkalies, yet the oxide is more so in acids than the new calculus, whicli has been called by Dr. Marcet, from its yellow residuum, xanthic oxide. Dr. Marcet's other new calculus was fonnd to possess the properties of the fibrin ofthe blood, of which it seems to be a deposite. He terms it fibrinous calculus. Species 1. Uric acid calculi. Dr. Henry says, in his instructive paper on urinary and other morbid concretions, read before the Medical So- ciety of London, March 2, 1819, that it has never yet occurred to him to examine calculi composed of this acid in a state of absolute purity. They contain about 9-10ths of the pure acid, along with urea, and an animal matter which is not gelatin, but of an albuminous nature. This must not, however, be regarded as a cement. The calculus is aggregated by the cohesive attraction of the lithic acid itself. The colour of lithic acid cal- culi is yellowish or reddish-brown, resembling the appearance of wood. They have commonly a smooth polished surface, a lamellar or radiated structure, and consist of fine particles well com- pacted. Their sp. gravity varies from 1.3 to 1.8. They dissolve in alkaline lixivia, without evolv- ing an ammoniacal odour, and exhale the smell of horn before the blowpipe. The relative frequen- cy of lithic acid calculi will be seen from the fol- lowing statement. Of 150 examined by Mr. Brande, 16 were composed wholly of this acid, and almost all contained more or less of it. Fov- croy and Vauquelin found it in the greater num- ber of 500 which they analysed. All those exa- mined by Scheelc consisted of it alone ; and 300 analysed by Dr. Pearson, contained it in greater or smaller proportion. According to Dr. Henry's experience, it constitutes 10 urinary concretion! out of 26, exclusive of the alternating calculi. And Mr. Brande lately states, that out of 53 cases of kidney calculi, 51 were lithic acid, 6 oxalic, and 1 cystic. Species 2. Ammonia-magnerian phosphate. This calculus is white like chalk, is friable between the fingers, is often covered with dog-tooth crys- tals, and contains semi-crystalline layers. It is insoluble in alkalies, but soluble in nitric, muri- atic, and acetic acids. According to Dr. Henry, the earthy phosphates, comprehending the 2d and 3d species, were to the whole number of concre- tions, in the ratio of 10 to 85. Mr. Brande justly observes, in the 16th number of his Journuy that * he urine has at all times a tendency to deposit the triple phosphate upon any body over which it passes. Hence drains by which urine is carried off, are often incrusted with its regular crystals; and incases where extraneous bodies have got into the bladder, they have often in a very short time become considerably enlarged by deposition of the same substance. When this calculus, or those incrusted with its scmicrystalline particles, are strongly heated before the blowpipe, ammonia is evolved, and an imperfect fusion takes place. When a little of the calcareous phosphate is pre- sent, however, the concretion readily fuses. Cal- culi composed entirely of the aiumonia-magne CAL CAL fcian phosphate are very rare. Mr. Brande has s«-en only two. They were crystallised upon the >urface, and their fracture was somewhat foliated. In its pure state, it is even rare as an incrusta- tion. The jiowder of the ammonia-phosphate calculus has a brilliant white colour, a faint i-weetish taste, and is somewhat soluble in water. Fourcroy and Vauquelin suppose the above depo- sits to result from incipient putrefaction of urine in the bladder. It is certain that the triple phos- phate is copiously precipitated from mine in such circumstances out of the body. Species S. The 6one earth calculus. Its sur- face, according to Dr. Wollaston, is generally pale brown, smooth, and when sawed through it appears of a laminated texture, easily separable into concentric crusts. Sometimes, also, each lamina is striated in a direction perpendicular to the surface, as from an assemblage of crystalline needles. It is difficult to fuse this calculus by the blowpipe, but it dissolves readily in dilute muria- tic acid, from which it is precipitable by ammo- nia. This species, as described by Fourcroy and Vauquelin, was white, without lustre, friable, staining the hands, paper, and cloth. It had much of a chalky appearance, and broke under the forceps, and was intimately mixed with a gela- tinous matter, which is left in a membraneous form, when the earthy salt is withdrawn by dilute muriatic acid. Dr. Henry says, that lie has never been able to recognise a calculus of pure phos- fihate of lime in any of the collections which he las examined ; nor did he ever find the preceding species in a pure state, though a calculus in Mr. White's collection contained more than 90 per cent, of ammoma-magneeian phosphate. Species 4. The fusible calculus. Tliis is a very friable concretion, of a white colour, re- sembling chalk in appearance and texture; it often breaks into layers, and exhibits a glittering appearance internally, from intermixture of the crystals of triple phosphate. Sp. grav. from 1. 14 to 1.47. Soluble in dilute muriatic and nitric acids, but not in alkaline lixivia. The nucleus is fenerally lithic acid. In 4 instances only out of 87, did Dr. Henry find the calculus composed throughout of the earthy phosphates. The ana- lysis of fusible calculus is easily performed by distilled vinegar, which at a gentle heat dissolves the aramonia-magnesian phosphate, but not the phosphate of lime ; the latter may be taken up by dilute muriatic acid. The lithic acid present will remain, and may be recognised by its solubi- lity in the water of pure potassa or soda. Or the lithic acid may, in the first instance, be removed by the alkali, which expels the ammonia, and leaves the phosphate of magnesia and lime. Species 5. The mulberry calculus. Its sur- face is rough and tuberculated; colour deep red- dish-brown. Sometimes it is pale brown, of a crystalline texture, and covered with flat octohe- drul crystals. This calculus has commonly the density and hardness of ivory, a sp. grav. from 1.4 to 1.98, and exhales the odour of semen when sawed. A moderate red heat converts it into car- bonate of lime. It does not dissolve in alkaline lixivia, but slowly and with difficulty in acids. When the oxalate of lime is voided directly after leaving the kidney, it is of a greyish-brown co- lour, composed of small cohering spherules, sometimes with a polished surface resembling hrnipsccd. They are easily recoguised by their insolubility in muriatic acid, and their swelling up and passing into pure lime before the blowpipe. Mulberry calculi contain always an admixture of other substances besides oxalate of lime. These jre, uric arid, phosphate of lime, and animal matter in dark flocculi. The colouring matter ot these calculi is probably effused bloodTur. Henry rates the frequency of this species at 1 in 17 of the whole which he has compared; and out of 187 calculi, he found that 17 were formed round nucld of oxalate of lime. Species 6. The cystic-oxide calculus. It re- sembles a little the triple phosphate, or more ex- actly magnesian limestone. It is somewhat tough when cut, and has a peculiar greasy lustri. Its usual colour is pale brown, bordering on straw yellow ; and its texture is irregularly crystaUine. It unites in solution with acids and alktlfes crys- tallizing with both. Alkohol precipitates it from nitric acid, it does not become red with nitric acid ; and it has no effect upon vegetable blues. Neither water, alkohol, nor ether dissolves it. It is decomposed by heat into carbonate of ammonia and oil, leaving a minute residuum of phosphate of lime. This concretion is of very rare occur- rence. Dr. Henry states its frequency to the whole as 10 to 985. In two which he examined, the nucleus was the same substance with the rest of the concretion; and in a third, the nucleus of an uric acid calculus was a small spherule of cys- tic oxide. Hence, as Dr. Marcet has remarked, this oxide appears to be in reality the production of the kidneys, and not, as its name would im- port, to be generated in the bladder. It might be called with propriety renal oxide, if its eminent discoverer should think fit. Species 7. The alternating calculus. The surface of this calculus is usually white hke chalk, and friable or semicrystalline, according as the exterior coat is the calcareous or ammonia-mag- ncsian phosphate. They are frequently of a large size, and contain a nucleus of lithic acid. Some- times the two phosphates form alternate layers round the nucleus. The above are the most com- mon alternating calculi; next are those of oxa- late of time with phosphates; then oxalate of lime with lithic acid ; and lastly, those in which the three substances alternate. The alternating, taken all together, occur in 10 out of 25, in Dr. Henry's list; the lithic acid with phosphates, as 10 to 48; the oxalate of lime with phosphates, as 10 to 116; the oxalate of lime with lithic acid, as 10 to 170 ; the oxalate of lime with lithic acid and phosphates, as 10 to 265. Species 8. The compound calculus. This consists of a mixture of lithic acid with the phos- phates in variable proportions, and is consequent- ly variable in its appearance. Sometimes the al- ternating layers are so thin as to be indistinguish- able by the eye, when their nature can be deter- mined only by chemical analysis. This species, in Dr. Henry's list, forms 10 in 235. About l-40th of the calculi examined by Fourcroy and Vauquelin were compound. Species 9. has been already described. In almost all calculi, a central nucleus may be discovered, sufficiently small to have descended through the ureters into the bladder. The dis- ease of stone is to be considered, therefore, essen- tially and originally ns belonging to the kidneys. Its increase in the bladder may be occasioned, either by exposure to urine that contains an ex- cess of the same ingredient as that composing the nucleus, in whicli case it will be uniformly con- stituted throughout; or if the morbid nucleus de- posit should cease, the concretion will then ac- quire a coating of the earthy phosphates. It be- come-, therefore, highly important to ascertain the nature of the most predominant nucleus. Out of 1ST calculi examined by Dr. Henry, 17 were formed round nuclei of oxalate of lime ; 3 round nuclei of cvstic oxide; 4 round nuclei of the 189 CAL CAL earthy phosphates; 2 round extraneous sub- istances ; and in 3 the nucleus was replaced by a small cavity, occasioned probably by the shrink- ing of some animal matter, round which the in- gredients of the calculi (fusible) had been depo- sited. Ran has shown by experiment, that pus may form the nucleus of an urinary concretion. The remaining 158 calculi of Dr. Henry's list, had central nuclei composed chiefly of lithic acid. It appears also, that in a very great majority of the cases referred to by him, the disposition to se- crete an excess of Uthic acid has been the essen- tial cause of the origin of stone. Hence it be- comes a matter of great importance to enquire, what are the circumstances which contribute to its excessive production, and to ascertain by what plan of diet and medicine this morbid action of the kidneys may best be obviated or removed. A calculus in Mr. White's collection had for its nucleus a fragment of a bougie, that had slipped into the bladder. It belonged to the fusible spe- cies, consisting of, 20 phosphate of lime, 60 ammonia-magnesian phosphate, 10 lithic acid, 10 animal matter. 100 In some instances, though these are comparative- ly very few, a morbid secretion of the earthy phosphates in excess, is the cause of the formation of stone. Dr. Henry relates the cas* of a gen- tleman, who, during paroxysms of gravel, pre- ceded by severe sickness and vomiting, voided urine as opaque as milk, which deposited a great quantity of an impalpable powder, consisting of the calcareous and triple phosphate in nearly equal proportions. The weight of the body was rapidly reduced from 188 to 100 pounds, appa- rently by the abstraction of the earth of his bones ; for there was no emaciation of the mus- cles corresponding to the above diminution. The first rational views on the treatment of calculous disorders, were riven by Dr. Wollas- ton. These have been followed up lately by some very judicious observations of Mr. Brande, in the 12th, 15th, and 16th numbers of his Jour- nal ; and also by Dr. Marcet, in his excellent treatise already referred to. Of the many sub- stances contained in human urine, there are rare- ly more than three which constitute gravel; viz. calcareous phosphate, ammonia-magnesian phos- phate, and lithic acid. The former two form a white sediment; the latter, a red or brown. The urine is always an acidulous secretion. Since by this excess of acid, the earthy salts, or white matter, are held in solution, whatever disorder of the system, or impropriety of food and medicine, diminishes that acid excess, favours the formation of white deposite. The internal use of acids was 6hown by Dr. Wollaston to be the appropriate re- medy in this case. White gravel is frequently symptomatic of dis- ordered digestion, arising from excess in eating or drinking : and it is often produced by too farina- ceous a diet It is also occasioned by the indis- creet use of magnesia, soda water, or alkaline medicines in general. Medical practitioners, as well as their patients, ignorant of chemistry, have often committed fatal mistakes, by consider- ing the white gravel, passed on the administration of alkaline medicines, as the dissolution of the calculus itself; and have hence pushed a practice, which has rapidly increased the size of the stone. Magnesia, in many eases, acts more injuriously than alkali, in precipitating insoluble phosphate from the urine. The acids of urine, which, by 190 tiieir excess, hold the earths in solution, are the phosphoric, Uthic, and carbonic. Mr. Brande has uniformly obtained the latter acid, by placing urine under an exhausted receiver ; and he has formed carbonate of barytes, by dropping barytes water into urine recently voided. The appearance of white sand does jiot seem deserving of much attention, where it is merely occasional, following indigestion brought on by an accidental excess. But if it invariably follows meals, and if it be observed in the urine, not as a mere deposit, but at the time the last drops are voided, it becomes a matter of importance, as the forerunner of other and serious forms of the dis- order. It has been sometimes viewed as the ef- fect of irritable bladder, where it was in reality the cause. Acids are the proper remedy, and unless some peculiar tonic effect be sought for in sulphuric acid, the vegetable acids ought to be preferred. Tartar, or its acid, may be prescribed with advantage, but the best medicine is citric acid, in daily doses of from 6 to 30 grains. Per- sons returning from warm climates, with dyspep- tic and hepatic disorders, often void this white gravel, for which they have recourse to empyri- cal solvents, for the most part alkaline, ana are deeply injured. They ought to adopt an acidulous diet, abstaining from soda water, alkalies, malt liquor, madeira and port ; to eat salads, with acid fruits and if habit requires it, a glass of cyder, champagne, or claret, but the less of these fer- mented liquors the better. An effervescing draught is often very beneficial, made by dissolv- ing 30 grains of bicarbonate of potassa, and 20 of citric acid, in separate tea-cups of water, mix- ing the solution in a large tumbler, and drinking the whole during the effervescence. This dose may be repeated 3 or 4 times a-day. The carbo- nic acid of the above medicine enters the circula- tion, and passing off by the bladder, is useful in retaining, particularly, the triple phosphate in solution, as was first pointed out by Dr. Wallas- ton. The bowels should be kept regular by me- dicine and moderate exercise. The febrile affeiJ. tions of children are frequently attended by an apparently formidable deposit of white sand in the urine. A dose of calomel will generally car- ry off both the fever and the sand. Air, exer- cise, bark, bitters, mineral tonics, are in like manner often successful in removing the urinary complaints-of grown up persons. In considering the red gravel, it is necessary to distinguish between those cases in which the sand is actually voided, and those in which it is depo- sited, after some hours, from originally Umpid urine. In the first, the sabulous appearance is an alarming indication of a tendency to form cal- culi ; in the second, it is often merely a fleeting symptom of indigestion. Shoidd it frequently re- cur, however, it is not to be disregarded. Bicarbonate of potassa or soda is the proper re- medy for the red sand, or lithic acid deposit. The alkali may often be beneficially combined with opium. Ammonia, or its crystallised carbonate, may be resorted to with advantage, where symp- toms of indigestion are brought on by the other alkalies ; and particularly in red gravel connected with gout, in which the joints and kidneys are affected by turns. Where potassa and soda have been so long employed as to disagree with the stomach, to create nausea, flatulency, a sense of weight, pain, and other symptoms of indigestion, magnesia may be prescribed with the best effects. The tendency which it has to accumulate in dan- gerous quantities in the intestines, and to form a white sediment in urine, calls on the practitioner to look minutely after its administration. U LAI. CAL v'nould be occasionally alternated with other lax- ative medicines. Magnesia dissolved in carbonic acid, as Mr. Scheweppe used to prepare it many years ago, by the direction of Mr. Brande, is an elegant form of exhibiting this remedy. Care must be had not to push the alkaline me- dicines too far, lest they give rise to the deposi- tion of earthy phosphates in the urine. Cases occur in which the^abulous deposit con- sists of a mixture of lithie*acid with the phos- phates. The sediment of urine in inflammatory disorders is sometimes of this nature ; and of those persons who habitually indulge in excess of wine ; as also of those who, labouring under hep- atic affections, secrete much albumen in their urine. Purges, tonics, and nitric acid, which is the solvent of both the above sabulous" matters, are tbe appropriate remedies. The best diet for patients labouring under the lithic deposit, is a vegetable. Dr. WoUaston's fine observation, that Ihe excrement of birds, fed solely upon animal matter, is in a great measure lithic acid, and the curious fact since ascertained, that the excrement of the boa constrictor, fed also entirely on ani- mals, is pure lithic acid, concur in giving force to the above dietetic prescription. A week's ab- stinence from animal food has been known to re- Ueve a fit of Uthic acid gravel, where the alka- lies were of little avail. But we must not carry the vegetable system so far as to produce flatu- lency and indigestion. Such are the principal circumstances connected with the disease of gravel in its incipient or sabulous state. The calculi formed in the kidneys are, as we have said above, either Uthic, oxahc, or cystic; and very rarely indeed of the phos- phate species. An aqueous regimen, moderate exercise on horseback, when not accompanied with much irritation, cold bathing, and mild ape- rients, along with the appropriate chemical medi- cines, mustbe prescribed in kidney cases. These are particularly requisite immediately after acute pain in the region of the ureter, and inflamma- tory symptoms have led to the beUef that a nu- cleus has descended into the bladder. Purges, diuretics, and diluents, ought to be liberally en- joined. A large quantity of mucus streaked with blood, or of a purulent aspect, and haemorrhagy, arc frequent symptoms of the passage of the stone into the bladder. When a stone has once lodged in the bladder, and increased there to such a size as no longer to be capable of passing through the urethra, it is generally allowed by all who have candidly con- sidered the subject, and who are qualified by experience to be judges, that the stone can never again be dissolved; and although it is possible that it may become so loosened in its texture as to be voided piecemeal, or gradually to crumble away, the event is so rare as to be barely pro- bable. By examining collections of calculi we learn, that in by far the greater number of cases, a nu- cleus or lithic acid is enveloped in a crust of the phosphates. Our endeavours must therefore be directed towards reducing the excess of Uthic acid in the urine to its natural standard; or, on the other hand, to lessen the tendency to the de- position of tbe phosphates. The urine must be submitted to chemical examination, and a suit- able course of diet and medicines prescribed. But the chemical remedies must be regulated nicely, no as to hit the happy equilibrium, in which no deposit will be formed. Here is a powerful call on the physicians and surgeons to make them- selves thoroughly versaut in chemical science ; for they will otherwise commit the most dangef" ous blunders in calculous complaints. ' The idea ol dissolving a calculus of uric acid in the bladder, by the internal use of the caustic alkalies,' says Mr. Brande, ' appears too absurd to merit serious refutation.' In respect to the phosphates, it seems possible by keeping up an unusual acidity in the urine, so far to soften a crust of the calculus, as to make it crumble down, or admit of being abraded by the sound ; but this is the utmost that can be looked for; and the lithic nucleus will stdl remain. ' These consider- ations,' adds Mr. Brande, ' independent of more urgent reasons, show the futility of attempting the solution of a stone of the bladder by the in- jection of acid and alkaUne solutions. In respect to the alkalies, if sufficiently strong to act upon the uric crust of the calculus, they would cer- tainly injure the coats of the bladder ; they would otherwise become inactive by combination with the acids of the urine, and they would form a dangerous precipitate from the same cause.'— 'It therefore appears to me that Fourcroy and others, who have advised the plan of injection, have thought little of all these obstacles to suc- cess, and have regarded the bladder as a lifeless receptacle into wnich, as into an India rubber bottle, almost any solvent might be injected with impunity.'—Journal of Science, vol- viu. p. 216. It does not appear that the pecutarities of wa- ter in different districts, have any influence upon the production of calculous disorders. Dr. Wol- laston's discovery of the analogy between urinary and gouty concretions has led to the trial in gravel of the mnum colchici, the specific for gout. By a note to Mr. Brande's dissertation we learn, that benefit has been derived from it in a case of red gravel. Dr. Henry confirms the above precepts in the following decided language. ' These cases, and others of the same kind, which I think it unne- cessary to mention, tend to discourage all at- tempts to dissolve a stone supposed to consist of uric acid, after it has attained considerable size in the bladder; all that can be effected under such circumstances by alkaline medicines appears, as Mr. Brande has remarked, to be the precipitating upon it a coating of the earthy phosphates from the urine, a sort of concretion which, as has been observed by various practical writers, increases much more rapidly than that consisting of uric acid only. The same unfavourable inference may be drawn also from the dissections of those per- sons in whom a stone was supposed to be dis- solved by alkaline medicines ; for in these instan- ces it has been found either encysted, or placed out of the reach of the sound by an enlargement ofthe prostate gland.' The urinary calculus of a dog examined by Dr. Pearson, was found to consist principally of the phosphates of lime and ammonia, with animal matter. Several taken from horses were of a similar composition One of a rabbit consisted chiefly of carbonate of lime and animal matter, with perhaps a little phosphoric acid. A quantity of sabulous matter, neither crystallised nor con- crete, is sometimes found in the bladder of the horse: in one instance there were nearly 46 Sounds. These appear to consist of carbonate of me and animal matter. A calculus of a cat gave Fourcroy three parts of carbonate, and one of the phosphate of Ume. That of a pig, accord- ing to BerthoUet, was phosphate of lime. The reual calculus in man appears to be of the same nature as the urinary. In that of the horse. Fourcroy found 3 parts of carbonate, and one e< 191 CAL CAL phosphate of lime. Dr. Pearson, in one instance, carbonate of time and animal matter; in two others, phosphates of lime and ammonia, with animal matter. Arthritic calculi, or those formed in the joints of gouty persons, were once supposed to be car- bonate of lime, whence they were called chalk- stones ; afterward it was supposed that they were phosphate of lime ; but Dr. Wollaston has shown, that they are tithate of soda. The calcuU found sometimes in the pineal, prostate, sahvary, and bronchial glands, in the pancreas, in the corpora cavernosa penis, and between the muscles, as well as the tartar, as it is called, that incrusts the teeth, appearto be phosphate of lime. Dr. Cromp- ton, however, examined a calculus taken from the lungs of a deceased soldier, which consisted of Ume 45, carbonic acid 37, albumen and water 18. It was very hard, irregularly spheroidal, and measured about 6£ inches in circumference. It has been observed, that the lithic acid, which constitutes the chief part of most human urinary calculi, and abounds in the arthritic, has been found in no phytivorous animal; and hence has been deduced a practical inference, that absti- nence from animal food would prevent their for- mation. But we are inclined to think this con- clusion too hasty. The cat is carnivorous ; but it appeared above, that the calculus of that ani- malis equally^estitute of lithic acid. If, there- fore, we would form any deduction with respect to regimen, we must look for something used by man, exclusively of all other animals ; and this is obviously found in fermented liquors, but appa- rently in nothing else: and this practical inference is sanctioned by the most respectable medical au- thorities. The following valuable criteria of the different kinds of urinary calcnU,have been given byM.Ber- zeUus in his treatise on the use of the blowpipe : 41. We may recognise calculi formed of uric acid, from their being carbonized and smoking with an animal odour when heated by themselves on charcoal or platinum-foil. They dwindle away at the blowpipe flame. Towards the end, they burn with an increase of light; and leave a small quantity of very white alkaline ashes. 'To distinguish these concretions from other substances, which comport themselves in the above manner, we must try a portion of the cal- culus by the humid way. Thus a tenth of a grain of this calculus being put on a thin plate of glass or platinum, along with a drop of nitric acid, we must heat it at the flame of the lamp. The uric acid dissolves with effervescence. The matter, when dried with precaution to prevent it from charring, is obtained in a fine red colour. If the calculus contains but little uric acid, the substance sometimes blackens by this process. We must then take a new portion of the concretion, and after having dissolved it in nitric acid, remove it from the heat: the solution, when nearly dry, is to be allowed to cool and become dry. We then expose it, sticking to its support, to the warm vapour of caustic ammonia. (From water of am- monia heated in a tea-spoon.) This ammoniacal vapour developes a beautiful red colour in it. We may also moisten the dried matter with a little weak water of ammonia. 4 If the concretions are a mixture of uric acid, and earthy phosphate, they carbonize and con- sume like the above, but their residuum is more bulky ; it is not alkaline, nor soluble in water. They exhibit with nitric acid and ammonia, the fine red colour of uric acid. Thei r ashes contain phosphate of lime, or of lime and magnesia. «2. The calculi of urate of soda are hardly met )92 with except in the concretions round the articula tions of gonty patients. When heated alone upon charcoal, they blacken, exhaUng an empyreu- matic animal odour; they are with difficulty re- duced into ashes, which arc strongly alkaline, and are capable of vitrifying silica. When there are earthy salts (phosphates) in these concretions, they afford a whitish or opaque grey glass. *3. The calculi of urate of ammonia comport themselves at the blowpipe like those of uric acid. A drop of caustic potassa makes them exhale, at a moderate heat, much ammonia. We must not confound this odour with the slight ammoniaco- lixivial smell, which potassa disengages from the greater part of animal substances. Urate of soda is Ukewise found in these calculi. '4. Calculi of phosphate of lime. They blacken, with the exhalation of an empyreumatic animal odour, without melting of themselves at the blowpipe, but whiten into on evident calca- reous phosphate. With soda'they swell up with- out vitrifying. Dissolved in boracic acid, and fused along with a tittle iron, they yield a bead of phosphuret of iron. 4 5. Calculi of ammoniaco-magnesian phot' phate, heated alone on a plate of platinum, ex- hale the empyreumatic animal odour, at the same time blackening, swelling up, and becoming finaUy greyish-white. A kind of greyish-white enamel is in this manner obtained. With borax they melt into a glass, which is transparent, or which becomes of a milky-white on cooling. Soda in small quantity causes them to fuse into a frothy white slag, a larger quantity of soda makes them infusible. They yield, with iron and boracic acid, a bead of phosphuret of iron ; with nitrate of cobalt, a glass of a deep red or brownt' If salts of lime exist in these concretions, the mixture of them is less fusible. 4 6. Calculi of oxalate of lime, exposed to the blowpipe, exhale at first the urinous smell ; they become first of a duU colour at the flame, ami afterwards their colour brightens. What remains after a moderate ignition, effervesces with nitric acid. After a smart jet of the flame, thertf'isj- mains quick-lime on the charcoal, which reacts like an alkali on the colour of litmus, wild mal- low flower, or cabbage, and slakes with water. But this does not happen when the residuont consists of calcareous phosphate. 4 7. The dliceous calculus, heated alone, IcaTej sub-coriaceous or infusible ashes. Treated with a little soda, these dissolve with effervescence, but slowly, leaving a bead of glass of a grey colour, or of little transparency. * 8. Lastly, the cystic oxide calculi afford nearly the same results as uric acid at the blow- pipe. They readily take fire, burning with a bluish-green flame, without melting, with the dis- engagement of a Uvely and very peculiar acid odour, which has some affinity to that of cyano- gen. Their ashes, which are not alkaline, re- dissolved by a jet of the flame, into a greyish-white mass. They do not yield a red colour in their treatment with nitric acid, like the uric acid con- cretions.'" The causes of the Generation of Urinary Calculi. To enquire into the causes by which urinary concretions are produced, is both interesting and useful, however' attended with the greatest difficulties. The writings of medical authors are full of conjectures and hypotheses with regard to this subject, on which nothing could be ascertain- ed before we had acquired an accurate knowledge of the nature of urinary concretions. It is owing to this circumstance that the most enlightened CAL CAL iihyaician* acquiesced in ascribing the immediate cause of them to a superabundance of terreous matter in the urine ; and Boerhaave, as well as, particularly, Van Swieten, imagined that the urine of all men contained calculous matter in the natural state, and that, for the generation of stones, a nucleus was only required, to attract it. That this may be the case, in some instances, is proved by frequent experience ; but stones pro- duced by foreign bodies, that have accidentally got into the uret'n-i or bladder, are always white and composed of phosphates of earths, and seldom or never covered with lithic acid, a substance which is observed to form the stones that most frequently occur ; but even in these the nucleus consists of a substance formed in the body itself, as a particle descended from the kidneys, &c. which must, therefore, have necessarily origi- nated in a peculiar internal cause. A superabund- ance of uric acid in stony patients, and its more copious generation than in a sound state, though it seems to be one of the principal and most certain causes, is by no means satisfactory, as it only explains the precipitation of stony matter from the urine, but not why it unites in strata. A coagulating substance is required for separating, attracting, and, as it were, agglutinating the con- densable particles that are precipitated. This substance is undoubtedly the animal matter which wc have constantly found in all calculous masses, and which seems to constitute the basis of stones, hke the membraneous gclatina that of bones. It is known that the urine of calculous patients is generally muddy, ductile, in threads, slimy, and as if mixed with albumen, which quality it ob- tains at the moment when the ammonia is disen- gaged, or on the addition of potassa that sepa- rates it from the acid in which it was dissolved ; and in aU cases of superabundance of Uthic acid the urine contains a great quantity of that animal matter, which promotes the precipitation of it, and attracts and unites the particles thus sepa- rated. Hence it appears, that every thing ca- pable of increasing the quantity of that pituitous gluten in the urine, may be considered as the remote cause of the formation of calculi. And the old ideas on pituitous temperaments, or su- perabundant pituita, &c. which were thought to dispose people to a calculus, seem to be connect- ed with the late discoveries on the nature of urinary stones. Though the animal matter ap- pears to be different in different calculi, yet it is certain, that every calcu'ous substance contains an animal gluten, from which its concrete and solid state arises ; whence we may fairly state the superabundance of that substance as the chiel and principal cause of the formation of calculi. There are, however, other causes which seem to have a particular influence on the nature of urinary stones, and the strata in which they are formed ; but it is extremely difficult to penetrate and to explain them. We are, for instance, entirely ignorant of the manner in which urinary stones are formed from the oxalate of lime ; though, from their occurring more frequently in children than in adults, we might be entitled to ascribe them to a disposition to acor, a cause considered by Boerhaave as the general source of a great number of diseases incident to the infan- tile age. This opinion seems to be proved by the ideas of Bonhomrae, physician at Avignon, on the oxalic or saccharic acid, as the cause of mollifies ostium in tbe rickets ; by this acid be- ing discovered in a species of saliva by Brugna- telU ; and, lastly, \e. (From color, heat.) Plant* that are natives of warm cUmates. Calie'ta. (From KaXins, a nest, which i» somewhat resembles.) Calliette. A fungus grow- ing on the juniper-tree. CALI'GO. (Caligo, ginis. feem.) A disease of the eye, known by diminished or destroyed sight; and by the interposition of a dark body be- tween the object and the retina. It is arranged by Cul'en in the class Locales, and order Dytet. theda. The species of caligo are distinguished according to the situation ofthe interposed body: thus caligo lentis, caligo cornea, caligo pupille, caligo humorum, and caligo palpebrarum. C \liha'cha. The cassia-lignea, or cassia-tree of Malabar. Cali'mia. The lapis calaminaris. CA'LIX. *(Calix, ids. m.; from koXvt{]u, t» cover.) See Calyx. Cali ."e'um. (From KaXXvvu, to adorn.) Cal- laon. The gills of a cock, which Galen says, is food net to be praised or condemned. Calle'na. A kind of salt-petre. Ca'lli. Nodes in the gout.—Galen. Ca'llia. (From koXos, beautiful.) A name of the chamomile. i Callible'phara. (From xaXos, good, and (SXeipapov, the eyelid.) Medicines, or composi- tions, appropriated to the eyeUds. CALLICO'CCA. The name of a genns ef plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentan- dria; Order, Monogynia. Callicocca ipecacuanha. Theplantfron which ipeeacuan root is obtained was long on- known ; it was said by some writers to be the Psychotria emetica: Class, Pentnndria; Order, Monogynia : by others, the Violatoecacuanha, a syngenesious plant of the order Monogynia. It is m >w ascertained to be neither, but a small plant called Callicocca ipecacuanha. There are three sorts of ipeeacuan to be met with in oar shops, viz. the ash-coloured or grey, the brown, and the white. The ash-coloured is brought from Peru, and ii a small wrinkled root, bent and contorted into a great variety of figures, brought over in short pieces, full of wrinkles, and deep circular fissures, down to a small white woody fibre that runs in the middle of each piece: the cortical part i< compact, brittle, looks smooth and resinous ipoa breaking: it has very little smell; the taste is bitterish and subacrid, covering the tongue as it were, with a kind of mucilage. The brown is small, somewhat more wrinkled than the foregoing ; of a brown or blackish colour without, and white within : this is brought from Brazil. The white sort is woody, and has no wrinkles, nor any perceptible bitterness in taste. The first, the ash-coloured or grey ipeeacuan, is that usually preferred for medicinal use. The brown has been sometimes observed, even in a small dose, to pro- duce violent effects. The white, though taken in a large one, has scarcely any effect at all. Expe- rience has proved that this medicine is the safest emetic with which we are acquainted, having this peculiar advantage, that, if it does not operate by vomit, it readily passes off by the other emuncto- ries. Ipeeacuan was first introduced as an infalli- ble remedy against dysenteries, and other invete- rate fluxes, as diarrhoea, menorrhagia, leucorrhcea. &c. and also in disorders proceeding from ob- structions of long standing ; nor has it lost much of its reputation by time : its utility in these case* is thought to depend upon its restoring perspira- tion. It has jflvo heen successfully employed u> CAL CAL spasmodic asthma, catarrhal and consumptive cases. Nevertheless, its chief use is as a vomit, and in small doses joined with opium, as a dia- phoretic. The officinal preparations are the pulvis ipecacuanha composilus, and the vinum ipecacuanha. Calli'crf.as. (From KaXos, good, and Kpcas, meat; so named from its delicacy as food.) Sweet-bread. See Puncrcas. Calli'gomim. (From xaXos, beautiful, and von. a knot, or joint; so named from its being handsomely jointed, like a cane.) The polygo- num, or knot-grass. Callioma'rciio. The Gaultic name, in Mar- cellus Empiricus, of colt's foot. Ca'llion. A kind of night-shade. Callipht'llum. (From koXXos, beauty, and ^tAXov, a leaf.) See Adianthum. Callistru'thia. (From koXos, good, and s-pvOos, a sparrow; because it was said to fatten sparrows.) A fig mentioned by I'liny, of a good taste. CALLITRl'CHE. (From KaXXos, beauty, and ?pi{, hair; so named because it has the appear- ance of long, beautiful hair; or, according to Lit- tleton, because it nourishes the hair, and mak-s it beautiful.) 1. The name of a genus of plan's in the Linnaean system. Class, Monandriu; Order, Digynia. Water starwort; Water chickweed. 2. The herb maidenhair. See Adianthum. CALLO'NE. (FromkoXos, fair.) Hippocrates uses this word to signify that decency and gravity of character and deportment which it is neces- sary that all medical men should be possessed of. CALLO'SITAS. Callosity, or preternatural hardness. CALLOSITY. Calositas. Hardness. CALLOSUS. Hard. Applied in surgery to parts which are morbidly hard ; and, in botany, to seeds which are hard ; as those of the Citrus medica. CA'LLOUS. Callosut. Hardened or indu- rated ; as the callous edges of ideers. CA'LLUS. (Callus, i. m.; and Callum, i. n.) I. The bony matter deposited between the di- vided ends of broken bones, about the fourteenth day after the fracture. It is in reality nothing more than the new ossific substance formed by a process of nature, very simila. to the growth of any other part ofthe body. 2. A preternatural hardness, or induration, of any fleshy part. 3. This term is applied in Good's Nosology to that species of ecphyma, which is characterised by callous extuberant thickening of the cuticle ; • insensible to the touch. Caloi a'tanus. (From khXos, beautiful, and Ku'iaiot, a cup ; so called from the beauty of its flower and shape.) The wild poppy. See Pa- paver rhaas. CALO'MELAS. (From koXos, good, and ptXas, black ; from its virtues and colour.) The preparation caUed jElhiops mu'eral, or hydrar- gyrus cum tulphure, was formerly so named. 2. The chloride of mercury. See Hydrargyri submurias. CALORIC. (Caloricum; from color, heat.) ilrat; Igneous fluid. Heat and cold are perceptions of which we ac- quire the ideas from the senses ; they indicate only a certain state in wliich we find ourselves, independent of any exterior object. But as these sensations are for the most part produced by bo- dies around us, we consider them as causes, and judging by appearances, we apply the terms hot, or cola, to the sub»t:iDces themselves ; calling those bodies hot, which produce in us the scu.-:- tion of heat, and those cold, which communicate the contrary sensation. This ambiguity, though of little consequence in the common affairs of human life, has led una- voidably to confusion and perplexity in philoso- phical discussions. It was to prevent this, that the framers of the new nomenclature adopted the word caloric, which denotes that which produce* the sensation of heat. Theories of Heat. Two opinions have long divided the philosophi- cal world concerning the nature of heat. 1. The one is ; that the cause which produces the sensation of heat, is a real or distinct sub- stance, universally pervading nature, penetrating the particles or pores of all bodies, with more or less facility, and in different quantities. This substance, if applied to our system in a. greater proportion than it already contains, warms it, as we call it, or proddces the sensation of heat; and hence it has been called caloric or calorific. 2. The other theory concerning heat is ; that tlie cause which produces that sensation is not a separate or self-existing substance.; but that it is merely like gravity, a property of matter; and that it consists in a specific or peculiar motion, or vibration of the partieles of bodies. The arguments in favour ofthe first theory have been principally deduced from the evolution and absorption of heat during chemical combinations ; those of the latter are chiefly founded on the pro- duction of hcU. by friction. For it has been ob- served, that whatever is capable of producing motion in the particles of any mass of matter, excites heat. Count Rumford and Professor Davy have paid uncommon attention to this fact, and proved, that heat continues to be evolved from a body subjected to friction, so long as it is apptied, and the texture or form ofthe body not altered. All the effects of heat, according to this theory, depend therefore entirely on the vibratory motion of the particles of bodies. According as this is more or less intense, a higher or lower tempera- ture is produced; and as it predominates over, is nearly equal or inferior to the attraction of cohe- sion, bodies exist in the gaseous, fluid, or solid state. Different bodies are susceptible of it in differ- ent degrees, and receive and communicate it with different celerity. From the generation, commu- nication, and attraction of this repulsive motion, under these laws, aU the phenomena ascribed to heat are explicable. Each of these theories has been supported by the most able philosophers, and given occasion to the most important disputes in which chemists have been engaged ; which has contributed in a very particular manner to the advancement of the science. The obscurity of the subject, however, is such, that both parties have been able to ad- vance ino*t plausible arguments. Setting aside all enquiries concerning the me- rits of these different doctrines, we shall confine ourselves to the general effects which heat pro- duces on different bodies. For the phenomena which heat presents, and their relation to each other, may be invest i-jalcil with sufficient preci- sion, though the materiality or immateriality of it, may remain unknown to us. Nature of Heat. Those who consider heat as matter, assert that caloric exists in two states, namely, in combina- tion, or at Ubcrty. In the first state it is not sensible to our organs, nor indicated by the thermometer; it forms a J 195 CAL /eonsti'uent part of the body; but it may be brought back to the state of sensible heat. In this state it affects animals with the sensation of heat. It therefore has been caUed sensible or free heat, or fire ; and is synonymous with uncom- bmed caloric, thermometrical caloric, caloric of temperature, interposed caloric, &c. expressions now pretty generally superseded. From the diversity of opinions among chemists respecting the nature of caloric, several other ex- pressions fiave been introduced, which it is pro- per to notice. For instance, by specific heat is understood, the relative quantities of caloric con- tained in equal weights of different bodies at the same temperature. Latent heal is the expression used to denote that quantity of caloric which a body absorbs when changing its form. It is, how- ever, more properly called caloric of fluidity. The disposition, or property, by which different bodies contain certain quantities of caloric, at any temperature, is termed their capacity for heat. By the expression of absolute heat, is understood the whole quantity of caloric which any body Contains. Methods of exciting and collecting heat. Of the different methods of exciting heat, the following are the most usual : I. Percussion or Collirion. This method of producing heat is the simplest, and therefore it is generally made use of in the common purposes of life for obtaining fire. When a piece of hardened steel is struck with a flint, some particles of the metal are scraped away from the mass, and so violent is the heat which follows the stroke, that it melts and vitri- fies them. If the fragments of steel are caught upon paper, and viewed with a microscope, most of them wiU be found perfect spherules, and very highly polished. Their sphericity demonstrates that they have been in a fluid state, and the po- lish upon their surface, shows them to be vi- trified. No heat, however, has been observed to follow the percussion of liquids, nor of the softer kind of bodies which yield to a slight impulse. 2. Friction. Heat may likewise be excited by mere friction. This practice is still retained in some parts of the world. Thenatives of New Holland are said to produce fire in this manner, with great facility, and spread it in a wonderful manner. For that purpose, they take two pieces of dry wood; one is a stick, about eight or nine inches long, and the other piece is flat; the stick they bring to an obtuse point at one end, and pressing it upon the other piece, they turn it very nimbly, by holding it between both handaj'as we do a chocolate-mill, often shifting their hands up, and then moving down upon it, in order to in- crease the pressure as much as possible. By this method they get fire in a few minutes, and from the smallest spark tiny increase it with great speed and dexterity. If the irons at the axis of a coach-wheel are appUed to each other, without the interposition of some unctuous matter to.keep them from imme- diate contact, they will become so hot when the carriage runs swiftly along, as to set the wood on fire; and the fore-wheels, being smallest, and making most revolutions in a given time, wiU be most in danger. The same will happen to mill-work, or to any other machinery. it is no uncommon practice m this country, for blacksmiths to use a plwte of iron as an extempo- raneous substitute for a tinder-box; for it may be hammered on an anvil till it becomes red hot, and 196 will lire a brimstone match. A strong man «ho strikes quick, and keeps turning the iron so that both sides may be equally exposed to the force of the hammer, will perform this in less time than would be expected. If, in the coldest season, one dense iron plate be laid on another, and pressed together by a weight, and then rubbed upon each other by reci- procal motions, they will gradually grow so hot as, in a short time, to emit sparks, and at last be- come ignited. It is not necessary that the substances should be very hard ; a cord rubbed backwards and for- wards swiftly against a post or a tree will take fire. Count Rumford and Professor Pictct have made some very ingenious and valuable experiment* concerning the heat evolved by friction. 3. Chemical Action. To this belongs the heat produced by combustion. There are, besides this, many chemical processes wherein rapid che- mical action takes place, accompanied with a de- velopment of heat, or fire, and flame. 4. Solar Heat. It is well known that the solar rays, when collected by a mirror, or lens, into a focus, produce the most astonishing effects. Dr. Herschel has discovered that there are rays emitted from the sun, which have not the power of illuminating or producing vision: and that these are the rays which produce the heat of the solar light. Consequently, heat is emitted from the sun in rays, but these rays are not the same with the rays of light. 5. The Electric Spark, and Galvanism. The effects of electricity are too well known in thii point of view, to need any description. Galvanism has of late become a powerful in- strument for the purpost of exciting heat. Not only easily inflammable substances, such as phos- phorus, sulphur, &c. have been'fired, but like- wise, gold, silver, copper, tin, and the rest of the metals, have been burnt by means of galva- nism. General Effects of Heat. The first and most obvious effect which heat produces on bodies, is its expansive property. Experience has taught us that, at all times, when bodies become hot, they increase in bulk. The bodies experience a dilatation which is greaterin proportion to the accumulation of caloric, or, in other words, tc the intensity of the heat. Thii is a general law, which holds good as long as the bodies have suffered no change either in their combination or in the quantity of their chemical principles. This power, which heat possesses, consists, therefore, in a constant tendency to separate the particles of bodies. Hence philosophers consider heat as the repulsive power which acts upon all bodies whatever, and which is in constant oppo- sition to the power of attraction. The phenomena which result from these mutual actions, seem, as it were, the secret springs of nature. Heat, however, does not expand all bo- dies equally, and wc are still ignorant of the laws which it follows. 1. Expansion of Fluid Bodies. Take a glass globe, with a long slender neck (called a bold heat;) fill it up to the neck with water, ardent spirit, or any other fluid which may be colonred with red or black ink, in order to be more visible, and then immerse the globe of the instrument in a vessel of hot water ; the included fluid will in- stantly begin to mount into the neck. If'it be taken out of the water and brought near the fire, it will ascend more and more, in proportion as it becomes heated ; but, upon removing it from the source of heat, it will sink again : a clear proof that caloric dilates it, so as to moke it occupy more space when hot than when cold. These ex- periments may, therefore, serve as a demonstra- tion that heat expands fluid bodies. i. Expansion of Aeriform Bodies. Take a bladder partly filled with air, the neck of which is closely tied, so as to prevent, the inclosed air from escaping, and ft it be held near a fire. The air will soon begin to occupy more space, and the bladder will become gradually distended ; on con- tinuing the expansion of the air, by increasing the heat, the bladder will burst with a loud re- port. 3. Expansion of Solid Bodies. If we take a bai*of iron, six inches long, and put it into a fire till it becomes red-hot; and then measure it in this state accurately, it will he found l-20th of an inch longer than it was before; that is about I20th part of the whole. That the metal is pro- portionally expanded in breadth, will be seen by trying to pass it through an aperture which is fitted exactly when cold, out which will not admit it when red-hot. The bar is, therefore, increased in length and diameter. To discover the minutest changes of expansion by heat, and the relative proportions thereof, in- struments have been contrived, called Pyrome- ters, the sensibility of which is *o delicate as to show an expansion of 1-100,000th of an inch. It is owing to this expansion of metals, that the motion of time-pieces is rendered erroneous ; but the ingenuity of artists has discovered methods of obviating this inaccuracy, by employing the greater expansion of one metal, to counteract the expansion of another ; this is effected in what is called the grid-iron pendulum. Upon the same principle, a particular construction of watches has been contrived. The expansion of metals is likewise one of the principal reasons that clocks and watches vary in winter and summer, when worn in the pocket, or exposed to the open air, or when carried into a hotter or a colder climate. For the number of the vibrations of the pendulum is always in the sub-duplicate ratio of its length, and as the length is changed by heat and cohl, the times of vibra- tion will bo also changed. The quantity of alter- ation, when considered in a single vibration, is exceedingly small, but when they are often re- peated, it will be very sensible. An alteration of one-thousandth part in the time of a single vibra- tion of a penduBim which beats seconds, will make a change of eighty-six whole vibrations in twenty-four hours. As different metals expand differently with the same degree of heat; those musical instruments, whose parts are to maintain a constant true pro- portion, should never be strung with different metals. It is on this account that harpsichords, &c. are out of tune by a change of temperature. Bodies which are brittle, or which want flexi- bility, crack or break if suddenly heated. This likewise depends upon the expansive force of beat, stretching the surface to which it is applied, while the other parts, not being equally heated, do not expand in the same ratio, and are therefore torn asunder or break. Hem-, thin vessels stand heat better than thick ones. The*same holds, when they are suddeidy cooled. Measurement of Heat. Upon the expansive property of heat, which wc have considered before, is founded its artificial measurement. V:irious means have been em- ployed to assist the imperfection of our sensations in judging of the different degrees of heat, for our feelings unaided afford but verv inaccurate infor- mation concerning this matter ,r they indicate the presence of heat, only when the bodies presented to them are hotter than the actual temperature of our organs of feeling. When those bodies are precisely of the same temperature with our body, which we make the standard of comparison, wo then are not sensible of the presence of heat in them. When their temperature is less than that of our bodies, their contact gives us what is called the sensation of cold The effects of heat upon material b odies in gen- eral, which are easily visible to us, afford more precise and determinate indications of the inten- sity, than can be derived from our feeling alone. The ingenuity of the philosopher and artist has therefore furnished us with instruments of mea- suring the relative heat or temperature of bodies. These instruments are called Thermometers and Pyrometers. By these, all degrees are measura- ble, from the slightest to that ofthe most intense heat. See Thermometer and Pyrometer. Exceptions to the Expansion by Heat. Philosophers have noticed a few exceptions to the law of heat expanding bodies. For instance ; water, when cooled down within about 7° ofthe freezing point, instead of contracting on the far- ther deprivation of heat, actually expands. Another seeming exception is manifested in alumine or clay ; others occur in the case of cast- iron, and a few other metals. Alumine contracts on being heated, and cast-iron, bismuth, &c. when fully fused, arc more dense than when solid ; for, as soon as they become so, they decrease in den- sity, they expand in the act of cooling, and hence the sharpness of figures upon iron which has been cast in moulds, compared to that of many other metals. Some philosophers have persuaded themselves that these exceptions are only apparent, but not really true. They say when water freezes, it as- sumes a crystalline form, the crystals cross each other and cause numerous vacuities, and thus the ice occupies m< re space. The same is the case with fused iron, bismuth, aud antimony. The contraction of clay is considered owing to the loss of water, of which it loses a part at every in- creased degree of temperature hitherto tried; there is, therefore, a loss of matter ; and a reduc- tion of volume must follow: but others assert, that this only happens to a certain extent. Mr. Tilloch has published a brief examination of the received doctrines respecting heat and cal- oric, in which these truths are more fully con- sidered, together with many other interesting facts relative to the received notions of heat. Equal Distribution of Heat. If a number of bodies of different temperatures are placed in contact with each oth*r, they will all at a certain time acquire a temperature, which is intermediate ; the caloric of the hottest body will diffuse itself among those which are heated in a less degree, till they have aU acquired a cer- tain mean temperature. Thus, if a bar of iron, which has been made red-hot, be kept in the open air, it does not retain the heat which it had re- ceived, but Becomes gradually colder and colder, till it arrives at the temperature of the bodies in its neighbourhood. On the other hand, if we cool down the iron bar by keeping it for some time covered with snow, and then carry it into a warm room, it does not retain its low temperature, but becomes gradually hotter, till it acquires the tem- perature of the room. It is therefore obvious, 197 CA"L UALi that in tbe one instance the temperature is low- ered, and in the other it is raised. These changes of temperature occupy a longer Or a shorter time according to the nature of the body, but they always take place at last. This law itself is, indeed, familiar to every one : when we wish to heat a body, we carry it towards the hre: when we wish to cool it, we surround it by cold bodies. Propagation of Heat. We have seen, that when bodies of higher tem- perature than others are brought into contact with each other, the heat is propagated from the first to the second, or the colder body deprives the warmer of its excess of heat. We shall now see that some bodies do so much more quickly than others. Through some bodies caloric passes with undiminished velocity, through others t» passage is prodigiouslyretarded. This disposition of bodies of admitting, under equal circumstances, the refrigeration of a heated body -.vithin a shorter or a longer time, is called the power of conducting heat; and a body is said to be a better or worse conductor of heat, as it allows the refrigeration to go on quicker or slower. Those bodies, therefore, which possess the pro- perty of letting heat pass with facility, are called good conductors, those through which it passes with difficulty are called baa conductors, and those through which it is supposed not to pass at aU, are caUed non-conductors; thus we say, in common language, some bodies are ivarm, or ca- pable of preserving warmth, and from this arises the great difference in the sensation excited by different bodieS, when apphed at the same tem- perature to our organs of feeling. Hence, if we ammerse our hand in mercury, we feel a greater sensation of cold than when we immerse it in water, and a piece of metal appears to be much colder than a piece of wood, though their tem- peratures, when examined by means of the ther- mometer, are precisely the same. It is probable that all solids conduct heat in some degree, though they differ very much in their conducting power. Metals are the best conductors of heat; but the conducting powers of these sub- stances are by no means equal. Stones seem to be the next best conductors. Glass conducts heat very slowly; wood and charcoal still slower ; and feathers, silk, wool, and hair, are still worse con- ductors than any of the substances yet mentioned. The best conductors of electricity and galvanism are also the best conductors of heat. Experiment.—Take a number of straight wires, of equal diameters and lengths, but of different metals; for instance, gold, silver, copper, iron, &c.; cover each of them with a thin coat of wax, or tallow, and plunge their extremities into wa- ter, kept boiling, or into melted lead. The melt- ing of the coat of wax will show that caloric is more quickly transmitted through some metals than others. It is on this account also, that the end of a glass rod may be kept red-hot for a long time, or even melted, without any inconvenience to the hand which holds the other extremity ; though a simi- lar metallic rod, heated in tne same manner, would very soon become too hot to be held. Liquid and Aeriform Bodies convey Heat by an actual Change in the Situation of then- Particles. Count Ruiuford was the first who proved that fluids in general, and aeriform bodies, convey heat on a different principle from that observed in sotids. This opinion is pretty generally ad- mitted, though various ingenious experiments 198 have been made by different philosophers to prove the contrary. In water, for instance, the Count has proved that caloric is propagated principally in consequence of the motion which is occasioned in the particles of that fluid. All fluids are considered by him, strictly speak- ing, in a similar respect as non-conductort of caloric. They can receive it, indeed, from other substances, and can give it to other substances, but no particle can either receive it from or give it to another particle of the same kind. Before a fluid, therefore, can bt heated or cool"'!, every particle must go individually to the substance from wbich it receives or to which it gives out calorie. Heat being, therefore, only propagated in fluids, in consequence of the internal motion of their particles, which transport the heat; the more rapid these motions are, the more rapid is the communication of heat. The cause of these mo- tions is the change in the specific gravity of the fluid, occasioned by the change of temperature, and the rapidity is in proportion to the change of the specific gravity of the liquid by any given change of temperature. The following experi- ment may serve to illustrate this theory: Take a thin glass tube, eight or ten inches long, and about an inch in diameter. Pour into the bottom part, for about the depth of one inch, a little water coloured with Brazil-wood, or lit- mus, and then fill up the tube with common wa- ter, extremely gently, so as to keep the two strata quite distinct from each other. Having done this, heat the bottom part of the tube over a lamp; the coloured infusion will then ascend, and gradually tinge the whole fluid; on the contrary, il the heat be applied above, the water in the upper part of the tube may be made to boil, but the colouring matter will remain at the bottom undisturbed. The heat cannot act downwards to make it as. cend. By thus being able to make the upper part of a fluid boil without heating the bottom part, water may be kept boiling for a considerable time in a glass tube over ice, without melting it. Other experiments,'illustrating the same prn> ciple, may be found in Count Rumford's excellent Essays, especially in Essay the 7th; 1797. To this indefatigable philosopher we are wholly indebted for the above facts: he was the first who. taught us that air and water were nearly non-con- ductors. The results of his experiments, whicli are contained in the above Essay, are highly in- teresting ; they also show that the conducting power of fluids is impaired by the admixture of fibrous and glutinous matter. Count Rumford proved that ice melted more than 80 times slower, when boiUng-hot water stood on its surface, than when the ice was placed to swim on the surface of the hot water. Other experiments showed that water, only eight de- giees of Fahrenheit above the freezing point, or at the temperature of forty degrees, melts t« much ice, in any given time, as an equal volume of that fluid at any higher temperature, provided the water stands on the surface of the ice. Water, at the temperature of 41°, is found to melt more ice, when standing on its surface, than boiling water. It appears, however, that liquids are not, as he supposes, complete non-conductors of calo- ric; because if heat be applied at top, it is capable of Snaking its way downwards, through water for example, though very imperfectly and slowly. It becomes further evident, from the Count's ingenious experiments, that of the different sub- stances used in clothing, hares' fur and cider-down CAL CAL we the warmest; next to (hcse, beavers' for, raw silk, sheep's wool, cotton wool, and lastly, lint, or the ecrapings of fine linen. In fur, the air in- terposed among its particles is so engaged as not to oe driven away by the heat communicated thereto by the animal body; not being easily dis- placed, it becomes a barrier to defend the animal body from the external cold. Hence it is obvious that those skins are warmest which have the finest, longest, and thickest fur; and that the furs of the beaver, otter, and other like quadrupeds, which live much in the water, and the feathers of water- fowl, are capable of confining the heat of those animals in winter, notwith.standing the coldness of the water which they frequent. Bears, ?nd various other animals, inhabitants of cold e!i mates, wliich do not often take the water, have their fur much thicker on their backs than on their bellies. The snow which covers the surface ofthe earth in winter, in high latitudes, is doubtless designed a< a garment to defend it against the piercing winds from the polar regions, which prevail dur- ing the cold season. Without dwelling farther upon the philosophy •ef this truth, we must briefly remark that the happy application of this law, satisfactorily elu- cidates some of the most interesting facte of the economy of nature. Theory of Caloric of Fluidity, or Latent Heat. There are some bodies which, when submitted to the action of caloric, dilate to such a degree, and the power of aggregation subsisting among their particles is so much destroyed and removed to such a distance by the inteposition of caloric, that they slide over each other in every direction, and therefore appear in a fluid state. This phe- nomenon is called fusion. Bodies thus rendered fluid by means of caloric, are said to be fused, or melted; and those that are subject to it, are called fusible. The greater number of solid bodies may, by the application of heat, be converted into fluids. Thus metals may be fused; sulphur, resin, phos- phorus, may be melted ; ice may be converted into water, &c. Those bodies which cannot be rendered fluid by any degree of beat hitherto known, are caned infusible. If the effects of heat under certain circum- stances, be carried still further than is necessary to render bodies fluid, vaporization begins; the bo- dies then become converted into the vaporous or gaseous state. Vaporization, however, does not always require a previous fusion. Some bodies are capable of being converted into the vaporous state, without previously becoming fluid, and others cannot be volatilized at any temperature hitherto known: the latter are termed fixed. Fluidity is therefore by no means essential to any species of matter, but always depends on the presence of a quantity of cadoric. Solidity is the natural state of all bodies, and there can be no doubt that every fluid is capable of being ren- dered solid by a due reduction of temperature ; and every solid may be fused by the agency of caloric, if the latter does not decompose them at a temperature inferior to that which would be necessary for their fusion. Caloric of Fluidity. Dr. Black was the first who proved that, when- ever caloric combines with a solid body, the body becomes heated only, until it is rendered fluid : and that, while it is acquiring the fluid state, its temperature remains stationary, though caloric is continued to be added f<> it. The name is the cine when fluids are converted into the aeriform or J.t- porous state. From these facts the laws of latent heat have been inferred. Tbe theory may be illustrated by means of the following experiments. If a lump of ice, at a low temperature, suppose at 22°, be brought into a warm room, it will be- come gradually less cold, as may be discovereel by means of the thermometer. After a very short time, it will reach tbe temperature of 32°, (the freezing point;) but there it stops. The ice then begins to melt; but the process goes on very slowly. During the whole of that time its tem- perature continues at 32°; and as it is constantly surrounded by warm air, we have reason to believe that caloric is constantly entering into it; yet it does not become hotter till it is changed into wa- ter. Ice, therefore, is converted into water by a quantity of caloric uniting with it. It has been found by calculation, that ice ha melting absorbs 140° of caloric, the temperature of the water produced stiU remaining at 32°. This fact may be proved in a direct manner. Take one pound of ice, at 32°, reduced to a coarse powder ; put it into a wooden bowl, and pour over it one pound of water, heated to 172° ; all the ice will become melted, and the tempera- ture ofthe whole fluid, if examined by a thermom- eter, will be 32*; 140° of caloric are therefore lost, and .t is this quantity which was requisite to convert the ice into water. This experiment succeeds better, if, instead of ice, fresh fallen snow be employed. This caloric has been called latent caloric, because its presence is not measurable by the thermometer: also more properly caloric of fluidity. Dr. Black has also ascertained by experiment, that the Aridity of melted wax, tallow, sperma- ceti, metali, &c. is owing to the same cause ; and Landriani proved, that this is the case with sul- phur, alum, nitrate of potassa, &c. We consider it therefore as a general law, that whenever a. soUd is converted into a fluid, it com- bines with caloric, and that is the cause of fluidity. Conversion of Solids and Fluids into the Aeri- form or Gaseous State. We have seen before, that, in order to render solids fluid, a certain quantity of caloric is neces- sary, which combines with the body, and there- fore cannot be measured by the thermometer; we shall now endeavour to prove, that the same holds good in respect to the conversion of soUds or fluids into the vaporous or gaseous state. Take a small quantity of carbonate of ammo- nia, introduce it into a retort, the neck of which is directed under a cylinder filled with mercury and inverted in a bason of the same fluid. On applying heat to the body of the retort, the car- bonate of ammonia wiU be volatilized, it wiU ex- pel the mercury out of the cylinder, and become an invisible gas, and would remain so, if its tem- perature was not lowered. The same is the case with benzoic acid, cam- phire, and various other substances. AU fluids may, by the application of heat, be converted into an aeriform elastic state. When we consider water in a boiling state, we find that this fluid, when examined by the ther- mometer, is not hotter after boding several hours, than when it began, to boil, though to maintain it boiling a brisk fire must necessarily be kept up. What then, we may ask, becomes of the wasted caloric ? It is not perceptible in the water, nor is it manifested by the steam ; for the steam, if not compressed, upon examination, is found not to be CAL CAL hotter than boiling water. The caloric is there- fore absorbed by the steam, and although what is so absorbed, is absolutely necessary for the con- version of water into the form of steam ; it does not increase its temperature, and is therefore not appreciable by the thermometer. The conclusion is further strengthened by the heat given out by steam on its being condensed by cold. This is particularly manifested in the condensation of this fluid in the process of dis- tilling, where, upon examining the refrigeratory, it will be found that a much greater quantity of caloric is communicated to it, than could possi- bly have been transmitted by the caloric which was sensibly acting before the condensation. This may be easily ascertained by observing the quantity of caloric communicated to the water in the refrigeratory of a still, by any given quantity of liquid that passes over. , 1. Tbe boiling point, or the temperature at which the conversion of fluids into gases takes place, is different in different fluids, but constant in each, provided the pressure of the atmosphere be the same. Put any quantity of sulphuric aether into a Flo- rence flask, suspend a thermometer in it, and hold the flask over an Argand's lamp, the ajther will immediately begin to boil, and the thermometer will indicate 98°, if the aether has been highly rectified. If highly rectified ardent spirit is heated in a similar manner, the tbermometer will rise to 176°, and there remain stationary. If water is substituted, it wiU rise to 212°. If strong nitrous acid of commerce b£ made use of, it will be found to boil at 248°;—sulphuric acid and linseed-oil at 600° ;—mercury at 656°, &c. 2. The boiUng point of fluids is raisfed by pres- sure. Mr. Watt heated water under a stropg pre. sure to 400°. Yet still when the pressure wis removed, only part of the water was converted into vapour, and the temperature of this vapour, asWell as that of the remaining fluid, was no more (than 812°. There was therefore 188° of caloric sundenly lost. This caloric was carried off by the steam. Now as only about one-fifth ofthe water wis converted into steam, that steam must contain not only its own 188°, but also the 188° lost by each of the other four parts; that is to say, it must contain 188° X 5, or about 940°. Steam, therefore, is water combined with at least 940° of caloric, the presence of which is not indicated by the ther- mometer. 3. When pressure is removed from the surface of bodies, their conversion into the traseous state is greatly facilitated, or their boiling point is lowered. In proof of this the following experiments may serve: Let a small bottle be filled with highly rectified sulphuric aUher, und a piece of wetted bladder be tied over its orifice around its neck. Transfer it under the receiver of an air-pump, and take away the> 'cjflperincumbent pressure of the air in tl^e receiver. When the exhaustion is complete, pierce the bladder by means of a pointed sliding wire, passing through a collar of leather which covers the upper opening of the receiver. Having done this, the aether will instontly begin to boil, and become converted into an invisible gaseous fluid. Take a small retort or Florence flask, fill it one half or less with water, and make :t boil over a lamp ; when kept briskly boiling for about five 200 minutes, cork the mouth of the retort as expe- ditiously as possible, and remove it from the lamp. The water, on being removed from tbe source of heat, will keep boiling for a few minutes, and when the ebuUition begins to slacken, it may be renewed by dipping the retort into cold water, or pouring cold water upon it. The water, during boiling, becomes converted into vapour; this vapour expels the air of the vessel, and occupies its place; on diminishing the heat, it condenses; when the retort is stopped, a partial vacuum in formed; the pressure becomes diminished, and a less degree or heat is sufficient to cause an ebullition. For the same reason, water may be made to boil under the exhausted receiver at 94° Fahr. or even at a lower degree; alkohol at 56°; and aether at —20°. On the conversion of fluids into gases is founded the following experiment, by which water is frozen by means of sulphuric csther. Take a thin glass tube four or five inches lonj and about two or three-eighths of an inch in dia- meter, and a two-ounce bottle furnished with a capillary tube fitted to its neck. In order to make ice, pour a little water into the tube, taking care not to wet the outside, nor to leave it moist. Having done this, let a stream of sulphuric *ther fall through the capiUary tube upon that part of it containing the water, which by this means will be converted into ice in a few minutes, and this it wiU do even near a fire or in the midst of summer. If the glass tube, containing the water, be ex- posed to the brisk thorough air, or free draught of an open window, a large quantity of water may be frozen in a shorter time ; and if a thin spiral wire be introduced previous to the congela- tion of the water, the ice wiU adhere to it, and may thus be drawn out conveniently. A person might be easily frozen to death dar- ing very warm weather, by merely pouring upon his body for some time sulphuric a-thcr, end keeping him exposed to a thorough draught of air. Artificial Refrigeration. The cooling or refrigeration of rooms in th» summer season by sprinkling them with water, is on the principle of evaporation. The method of making ice artificially in the East Indies depends on the same principle. The ice-makers at Benares dig pits in large open plains, the bottom of which they strew with sugar-canes or dried stems of maize or Indian- corn. Upon tbis bed they place a nnmbrrof unglazed pans, made of so porous an earth that the water penetrates through their whole sub- stance. These pans are filled towards evening in the winter season with water that hit- boiled, and left in that situation till morning, when more or less ice is found in tl/em, according to the tem- perature and other qualities of the air; there be- ing more formed in dry and warm weather, than in that which is cloudy, though it may be colder to the human body. Every tiling in this process is calculated to produce cold by evaporation; the beds on which the pans are placed, suffer the air to have a free passage to their bottoms ; and the pans constantly oozing out water to their external surface, are cooled by the evaporation of it. In Spain, they use a kind of earthen jars,- called buxaros, wliich are only half-baked, the earth of which igjlo porous, that the outside is kept moist by the water which filters through it, and though placed in the sun, the water in the jar becomes a< cold as ice. CAL ^ It is a common practice in China to cool wine f>r other liquors by wrapping the bottle in a wet cloth, and hanging it up in the sun. The water in the cloth becomes converted into vapour, and thus cold is produced. The Blacks in Scnegambia have a simdar me- thod of cooling water by filUng tanned leather bag! with it, which they hang up in the sun; the water oozes, more or less through the leather so as to keep the outward surface wet, which by its quick and continued evaporation cools the water remarkably. The winds on the borders of the Persian Gulph are often so scorching, that travellers are suddenly suffocated unless they cover their heads with a wet cloth ; if this be too wet, they immediately feel an intolerable cold, which would prove fatal if the moisture was not speedily dissipated by the heat. Condensation of Vapour. If a cold vessel is brought into a warm room, particularly where many people are assembled, the outside of it wiU soon become covered with a sort of dew. Before some changes of weather, the stone pavements, the walls of a house, the balustrades of staircases, and other solid objects, feel clammy and damp. In frosty nights, when the air abroad is colder than the air within, the dampness of this air, for the same reason, settles on the glass panes of the windows, and is there frozen into curious and beautiful figures. Thus fogs and dews take place, and in the higher regions clouds arc formed from the con- densed vapour. The still greater condensation produces mists and rain. Capacity of Bodies for containing Heat. The property which different bodies possess, of containing at the same temperature, and in equal quantities, cither of mass or bulk, unequal quan- tities of heat, is called their capacity for heat. The capacities of bodies for heat are therefore -considered as great or small in proportion as their temperatures are either raised by the addition, or diminished by the deprivation, of equal quantities of heat, in a less or a greater degree. In Homogeneous bodies, the quantities of caloric which they contain are in the ratio of their tem- perature and mass : when, therefore, equal quan- tities of water, of oil, or of mercuiy, of unequal temperatures, arc mingled together, the tempera- ture of the whole will be the arithmetical mean between the temperatures of the two quantities that had been mixed together. It is a self-evident truth that this should be the case, for the parti- cles of different portions of the same substance being alike, their effects must be equal. For in- stance: Mix a pound of water at 172° with a pound at 32°, half the excess of heat in the hot water will quit it to go over into the colder portion ; thus the hot water will be cooled 70°, and the cold will receive 70° of temperature ; therefore 172— 70, or Si + 70 = 102, will give the heat of the mixture. To attain the arithmetical mean very exactly, several precautions, however, are neces- sary. When heterogeneous bodies of different tem- peratures are mixed together, the temperature produced ia never the arithmetical mean of the two original temperatures. In order to ascertain the comparative quantities of heat of different bodies, equal weights of them are mingled together; the experiments for this 26 CAL purpose being in general more easily executed than tliose by which they are compared from equal bulks. Thus, if one pound of mercury heated to 110° Fahr., be added to one pounMof water of 44°, the temperature of the blended fluids will not be changed to 77°, as it would be if the surplus of heat were divided among those fluids in the pro- portion of their quantities. It will be found, on examination, to be only 47°. On the contrary, if the pound of mercury be heated to 44°, and the water to 110°, tben, on stirring them together, the common temperature will be 107°. Hence, if the quicksilver loses by this distri- bution 63° of caloric, an equal weight of water gains only 3° from this loss of 63c of heat. And,. on the contrary, if the water loses 3°, the mer- cury grains 630. When, instead of comparing the quantities of caloric which equal weights of different bodies contain, we compare the quantities contained in equal volumes, we still find that an obvious dif- ference takes place. Thus it is found by experi- ment, that the quantity of caloric necessary to raise the temperature of a given volume of water any number of degrees, is, to that necessary to raise an equal volume of mercury, the same num- ber of degrees as 2 to 1. This is, therefore, the proportion between the comparative quantities of caloric wliich these two bodies contain, estimated by their volumes ;.and similar differences exist with respect to every other kind of matter. From the nature of the experiments by which the quantities of caloric which bodies contain air ascertained, it is evident that we discover merely the comparative, ni,t the absolute quantities. Hence water has been chosen as a standard, to which other bodies maybe referred ; its capacity is stated as the arbitrary term of 1000, and with this the capacities of other bodies are compared. It need not be told that pains have been takcu to estimate on these experiments that portion of heat which diffuses itself into the air, or into the vessel where the mercury and water are blended together. As however such valuations cannot be made with complete accuracy, the numbers stated above are only an approximation to truth. Radiation of Caloric. Caloric is thrown off or radiates from heated bodies in right lines, and moves through space with inconceivable velocity. It is retarded in its passage by atmospheric air, by colourless fluids, glass, and other transparent bodies. If a glass mirror be placed before a fire, the mirror transmits the rays of light, but not the rays of heat. If a plate of glass, talc, or a glass vessel filled with water be suddenly interposed between the fire and the eye, the rays of Ught pass through it, but the rays of caloric are considerably7 retarded in its passage ; for no heat is perceived until the interposed substance is saturated with heat, or has reached its maximum. It then ceases to inter- cept the rays of caloric, and allows them to pass as freely as the rays of light. It has been lately shown by Dr. Herschel, that the rays of caloric are refrangible, but less so than the rays of light; and the same philosopher has also proved by experiment, that it is not ouly the rays of caloric emitted by the sun, which are refrangible, but likewise the rays emitted by com- mon fires, by candles, by heated iron, and even by hot water. oni CAL CAL Whether the rays of caloric are differently re- fracted, in different mediums, has not yet been ascertained. We are certain, however, that they are refracted by all transparent bodies which have been employed as burning glasses. The rays of caloric are also reflected by po- lished surfaces, in the same manner as the rays of light. > This was long ago noticed by Lambert, Saus- sure, Scheele, Pictet, and lately by Dr. Hcr- schel. Professor Pictet placed two concave metaUic mirrors opposite to each other, at the distance of about twelve feet. When a hot body, an iron bullet for instance, was placed in the focus of the one, and a mercurial thermometer in that of the other, a substance radiated from the bullet; it passed with incalculable velocity through the air, it was reflected from the mirrors, it became con- centrated, and influenced the thermometer placed in the focus, according to the degree of its con- centration. An iron ball two inches in diameter, heated so that it was not luminous in the dark, raised the thermometer not less than ten and a half degrees of Reaumur's scale, in six minutes. A lighted candle occasioned a rise in the ther- mometer nearly the same. A Florence flask containing two ounces and three drachms of boiling water, raised Fahren- heit's thermometer three degrees. He blacken- ed the bulb of his thermometer^ and found that it was more speedily influenced by the radiation than before, and that it rose to a greater height. M. Pictet discovered another very singular fact; namely, the apparent radiation of cold. When, instead of a heated body, a Florence flask full of ice or snow is placed in the focus of one of the mirrors, the thermometer placed in the focus of the other immediately descends, and ascends again whenever the cold body is removed. This phenomenon may be explained on the supposition, that from every body at every tem- perature caloric radiates, but in less quantity as the temperature is low ; so that in the above ex- periment, the thermometer gives out more caloric by radiation, than it receives from the body in the opposite focus, and therefore its temperature is lowered. Or, as Pictet has supposed, when a number of bodies near to each other have the same temperature, there is no radiation of caloric, because in all of them it exists in a state of equal tension ; but as soon as a body at an inferior temperature is introduced, the balance of tension is broken, and caloric begins to radiate from ail of them, till the temperature of that body is raised to an equality with theirs. In the above experiment, therefore, the placing the snow or ice in the focus ofthe mirror causes the radiation of caloric/rom the thermometer and hence the diminution of temperature which it suffers. These experiments have been since repeated by Dr. Young and Professor Davy, at the theatre of the Royal Institution. These gentlemen in- flamed phosphorus by reflected caloric; and proved that the heat thus excited was very sen- sible to the organs of feeling. It is therefore evident, that caloric is thrown off from bodies in rays, which are invisible, or in- capable of exciting vision, but which are capable of exciting heat. These invisible rays of caloric are propagated in right Unes, with extreme velocity; and are capable of the laws of reflection and refraction. 202 The heating agency however is different iu the different coloured rays ofthe prismatic spectrum. According to Dr. Herschel's experiments, it fol- lows inversely the order of the refrangibility of the rays of light. The least refrangible possess- ing it in the greatest degree. Sir Henry Englefield has lately made a series of experiments on the same subject, from which we learn, that a thermometer having its ball blackened, rose when placed in the blue ray of the prismatic spectrum in 3' from 56° to 56°; in the green, in 3' from 54° to 5S° ; in the yellow, in 3' from 56J to 62° ; in the full red in i\' from 56° to 72° ; in the confines ofthe red, in 21' from 58° to 73* ° : and quite out of the visible light, in 21' from 61° to 79p. Between each of the observations, the thermo- meter was placed in the shade so long as to sink it below the heat to which it had risen in the pre- ceding observation ; of course, its rise above that point could only be the effect of the ray to which it was exposed. It was continued in the focus long after it had ceased to rise ; therefore the heats given are the greatest effects of the several rays on the thermometer in each observation. A ther- mometer placed constantly in the shade near the apparatus, was found scarcely to vary during the experiments. Sir Henry made other experiments with ther- mometers with naked baUs, and with others whose balls were painted white, for which we refer the reader to the interesting paper of the Baronet, from which the above experiments are transcribed. Production of Artificial Cold, by means of Frigorific Mixtures. A number of experiments have been lately made by different philosophers, especially by Pepys, Walker, and Lowitz, in order to prodnce artificial cold. And as these methods are often employed in chemistry, with a view to expose bodies to the influence of very low temperatures, we shall enumerate in a tabular form on next page the different substances which may be made use of for that purpose, and the degrees of cold which they are capable of producing. To produce the effects stated in the table, the salts must be reduced to powder, and contain their full quantity of water of crystallization. The vessel in which the freezing mixture is made, should be very thin, and just large enough to hold it, and the materials should be mixed together as expeditiously as possible, taking care to stir the mixture at the same time with a rod of glass or wood. In order to obtain the full effect, the materials ought to be first cooled to the temperature marked in the table, by introducing them into some of the other frigorific mixtures, and then mingling them together in a similar mixture. If, for in- stance, we wish to produce —46°, the snow and diluted nitric acid ought to be cooled down to 0°, by putting the vessel which contains each of them into the fifth freezing mixture in the above table, before they are mingled together. If a more intense cold be required, the materials to prodnce it are to be brought to the proper temperature by being previously placed in the second freezing mixture This process is to be continued till the required degree of cold has been procured. CA1. CAL A TABLE OF FREEZING MIXTURES. * Mixtures. 1 Thermometer Sinks. t Muriate ot ammonia titrate of potassa -Muriate of ammonia Nitrate of potassa -Sulphate of soda Sulphate of soda Diluted nitric acid - - 5 parts - 5 - 5 parts - 5 - 8 - 3 parts - 2 From 50° to 10°. From 50° to 4°. From5C°to—3°. Sulphate of soda Muriatic acid - - - - 8 parts - 5 From 50° to 0°. From 32° to 0°. --- Muriatic of soda - - - 1 Snow or pounded ice - - 2 parts Muriate of soda - - 1 Snow or pounded ice - - 12 parts Muriate of soda - - - b Muriate of ammonia and nitrate of potassa - 5 From 0° to —&°. From —5° to —18°. From —18° to —25". From 0° to —46°. Snow or pounded ice Muriate of soda Nitrate of ammonia - 12 parts - 5 - 5 Diluted nitric acid - - 2 Muriate of lime - 2 parts - 2 From 32° to —50°. Potassa -Diluted sulphuric acid Diluted nitric acid -Diluted sulphuric acid Muriate of lime Snow - - - . - 4 parts - 3 - 3 - 3 From S2° to —51°. From —10° to —56°. - 1 - 2 parts •- 1 From 20° to—60°. From 0° to —66°. --- Muriate of lime Diluted sulphuric acid -Nitrate of ammonia - 3 parts - 10 parts - 1 part From —40° to —73°. From —68° to —91°. ! From 60° to 4°. Nitrate of ammonia Carbonate of soda -Sulphate of soda -Muriate of ammonia Nitrate of potassa -Diluted nitric acid - - 1 part - 1 - 6 parts - 4 2 - 4 \ From 50° to—"3. I From 50° to —10». i Sulphate of soda Nitrate of ammonia Diluted nitric acid - - 6 parts - 5 • 4 From 50° to —14°. j From 50° to —12°. ---- Phosphate of soda -Diluted nitric acid - - 9 parts - 4 \ Phosphate of soda -1 Nitrate of ammonia 1 Diluted nitric acid -| Sulphate of soda | Diluted sulphuric acid - 9 "parts - 6 - 4 - 5 parts - 4 ,! From 50° to —21°. 1 From 50° to 3°. --- CALOKl'.METER. An instrument by which the whole quantity of absolute heat existing iu a body in chemical union can be ascertained. ('ALP. An argiUo-ferruginouslime stone. CA'LTHA. (KoAOa, corrupted from xa^X"i vellow ; from whence, savs Wsins, come calthu- la, caldula, caledula, calendula.) The man- Kold. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linmean system. Class, Polyandna ; Order, Poliisynia. , , , , ... 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the herb wild marigold, so caUed from its colour. ^ «AL Caltha arvensis. Calendula arvensis; Caltha vulgaris. The wild marigold is some- times preferred to the garden marigold. Its juice is given, from one to four ounces, in jaun- dice and cachexia ; and the leaves are commend- ed as a salad for .children afflicted with scrophu- lous humours. Caltha palustris. 'Populago. Common single marsh marigold. It is said to be caustic and deleterious: but this may be questioned. The young b«ds of this plant make, when proper- ly pickled, very good substitutes for capers. Caltha vulgaris. See Caltha arvensis. Ca'lthula. Tbecalthaisso called. CALTROPS. See Trapa natans. CA LU'MBA. The name now adopted by the London college of physicians for the root of the Cocculuspalmalus ot De Candolles, in his Sys- tema.natura. It was formerly called Colombo; Calomba; and Colombo. This root is imported from Colomba, in Ceylon, in circular, brown i knobs, wrinkled on their outer surface, yellow- ish within, and consisting of cortical, woody, and meduUary laminae. Its smell is aromatic; its taste pungent, and very bitter. From Dr. Percival's experiments 011 the root, it appears that rectified spirit of wine extracts its virtues in the greatest perfection. The watery infusion ia more perishable than that of other bitters. An ounce of the powdered root, half an ounce of orange-peel, two ounces of brandy, and fourteen oiuices of water, macerated twelve hours with- out heat, and then filtered through paper, afford a sufficiently strong and tolerably pleasant infu- sion. The extract made first by spirit and then with water, and reduced by evaporation to a pil- lular consistence, is found to be equal, if not su- perior in efficacy, to the powder. As an antisep- tic, Calumba root is inferior to the bark ; but, as a corrector of putrid bile, it is much superior to the bark; whence also it is probable, that it would be of service in the Weet-India yeUow fever. It also restrains alimentary fermentation, without impairing digestion ; in which property it resembles mustard. It does not appear to have the least heating quality, and therefore may be used in phthisis pulmonalis, and in hectic cases, to strengthen digestion. It occasions no disturb- ance, and agrees very well with a milk diet, as it abates flatulence, and is indisposed to acidity. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin colleges, direct a tincture of Calumba root. The dose of the powdered root is as far as half a drachm, which, in urgent cases, may be repeated every third or fourth hour. CA'LVA. (From calvus, bald.) The scalp or upper part of the cranium or top of the head ; so called because it often grows bald first. CALVA'RIA. (From calvus, bald.) The upper p-iit of the cranium which becomes soon bald. It comprehends all above the orbits, tem- ples, ears, and occipital eminence. CALVl'TIES. (From calvus, bald.) Cal- ritium. Baldness ; want or loss of hair, particu- larly upon the sinciput. This name is applied by Dr. Good to a species of his trichosis athrix, or baldness. CALX. (Calx, cis. fiem.; from kalah, to burn. Arabian.) 1. Chalk. Limestone. 2. Lime. Calx viva. The London CoUege directs it to be prepared thus:—Take of lime- stone one pound: break it into small pieces, and heat it in a crucible, in a strong fire, for an hour, or until the carbonic acid is entirely driven off, so that on the addition of acetic acid, no bubbles of n-as shall be extricated. Lime may be made by The same process from oyster-she IN previously <2<>t CAL washed in boiling water and cleared from extra- neous matters. See Lime. Calx antimonil. See Antimonii oxydum. Calx cum kali puro. See Potassa cum calce. Calx hydrargtri alba. See Sydrargy, rum pradpitatum album. Calx metallic. A metal which has under- gone the process of calcination, or combustion, or any other equivalent operation. Calx viva. See Calx. Caltcanthem.e. (From calyx,the flower- cup, and avBos, the flower.) The name of an order in Linnaeus's fragments of a natural method, consisting of plants, which, among other charac- teristics nave the coroUa and stamina inserted into the calyx. CALYCIFLORJS. (From calyx, and/a, a flower.) The name of an order in Linnaeus'* fragments of a natural method, consisting of plants which have the stamina inserted into the calyx. CALYCINUS. (From calyx, the flower- cup. ) Colycinolis. Belonging to the calyx of a flower ; applied to the nectary, nectarium caly- dnum, it being a production of the calyx; as in Tropaolum majus, the garden nasturtium. C ALYCULATUS. (From calyculut, a small calyx.) Calyculate. AppUed to aperianthium when there are lesser ones, like scales, about its base; as in Dianthut caryophyllut. Semina calyculota are those which are enclosed in a hard bone-like calyx, as those of the Coir lachry- ma, or Job's tears. CALYCULUS. (Diminutive of calyx.) A little calyx. A botanical term for I. The membranaceous margin surrounding the apex of a seed. The varieties are, 1. Calyculut integer, the margin perfect not incised; as in Tanacetum vulgare, and Diptaau laciniatut. 2. Calyculut palyaceus, with chaffy scales; as in Helianthus annuus. 3. Calyculut aristatus, having two or three awns at the top; as in Tagetes patula, and Bi- dens tripartita. 4. Calyculus rostratus, the style of the germ remaining; as in Sinapis, and Scandix cere- folium. 5. Calyculut cornutus, horned, the rostrum bent; as in Nigella damascena. 6. Calyculus cristatus, a dentate, or incised membrane on the top of the seed; as in Hedyta- rum crista galli. II. A little calyx exterior to another proper one. Calt'pter. (From koXvittu), to hide.) A carneous excrescence covering the hemorrhoidal vein. CALYPTRA. (From KaXvit™ to cover.) I. The veil, or covering of mosses. A kind of membraneous hood placed, on their capsule or fructification, like an extinguisher on a candle, weU seen in Bryum caspitosum. Linnaeus con- sidered it as a calyx, but other botanists, espe- cially Schreber and Smith, reckon it to be a sort of corolla. It is either, 1. Acuminate, pointed; as in Minium and Bryum. 2. Caducous, falting off yearly as in Rata- baumia. 3. Conical; as in most mosses. 4. Smooth; as in Hypnum. 5. Lavis, without any inequalities; as in Splanchnum. 6. Oblong; as inAfintum. 7. Villoxis ; as in Pnlytrifhum. CAM CAM 8. Complete, surrounding the whole of the top of the capsule. 9. Dimidiate, covering only half the capsule ; as in Bryum androgynum. 10. Dentate, toothed in the margin; as in Eucalypta dliata. In many genera it is wanting. II. The name in Toumefort, and writings of former botanists, for the proper exterior covering or coat of tie «eed, which falls off spontaneously. CALYPTRAI'L>. (From calyptra, the veil, or covering of mosses ) Calyptrate: having a covering like the calyptra of mosses. CALYX. (Calyx, ids. f. ; koXv(; from icaXwrriii, to cover.) Calix. I. The flower-cup, or, more correctly, the external covering of the flower, for the most part green, and surrounding (he corolla, or gaudy part. There are five genera of calyces, or flower- cups. I. Perianthium 2. Involucrum. 3. Amentum 4. Spatha. 6. Gluma 6. Periehatium. 7. Volvo. II. The membrane which covers the papiUae in the pelvis of the human kidney. CA'.MARA. (From xapapa, a vault.) Cama* rium. I. The fornix of the brain. 2. The vaulted part ofthe auricle ofthe heart. Cama'rium. (From xapapa, a vault.) A vault. See Comoro. CAMARO'MA. (From Kapapa, a vault.) Camarods; Camaratio. A fracture of the skull, in the shape of an arch or vault. Cambirea. So Paracelsus calls the venereal bubo. CA'MBIUM. The gelatinous substance, or matter of organisation which Du Hamel and Mirbel suppose produces the young bark, and new wood of plants. Cambium. (From cambio, to exchange.) The nutritious humour which is changed into the materials of which the body is composed. Cambo'dia. See Stalagmitis. CAMBO'GIA. (From the province of Cam- bay a, in the East Indies;) Cambodja and Cam- bogia: Cambodia; Cambogium; Gambogia; Gambogium. See Stalagmitis. Cavbogia gutta. See Stalagmitis. CAMBO'GIUM. Sec Cambogia and Stalag- mitis._ Camhro-britannica. See Rubus Cha- piirmorut. Cambu'ca Cambuta membrata. So Para- celsus calls the venereal cancer. By some it is described as a bubo, an ulcer, an abscess on the pudeirla ; also a boil in the groin Ca'mbui. The wild American myrtle of Piso and Margrave, which is said to be astrin- gent. Camel't hay. See Andropogon Schananthus. CAMELEON MINERAL. When pure po- tassa and blaek oxide of manganese are fused to- gether in a crucible, a compound is formed, whose solution m water, at first green, passes spontane- ously thri'igh the whole series of coloured rays to the red. From this latter tint, the solution may be m:»dr. to retrograde in colour to the original green, by tbe iJdition of potassa; or it may be rendered altogether colourless, by adding either sulphureous acid or chlorine to the solution, in which ense there may or may not be a precipitate, according to circumstances. CA'MEKA. A chamber or cavity. The chamber* of the eye arc termed camera. Camkiu'ik. See Camaromu. I'' mi!, Comet. Silver. Cami'nga. See Canella alba. Ca'minus. A furnace and its chimney. In Rulandus it signifies a bell. Cami'sia fcstus. (From the Arabic term kamitah, an under garment.) The shirt of the foetus. See Chorion. Camomile. Sec Chamomile. Camomi'lla. Corrupted from chamamelum. CA'MMORUM. (Kapuopov, quia homines, kokio popu, ptrimat; because if eaten, it brings men to a miserable end.) A species of monks- hood. See Aconitum napellus. CAMPA'NA. A bell. In chemistry, a re- ceptacle like a beU, for making sulphuric acid; thus the oleum sulphuris per campanum. CAMPANACE. likewise soluble in alko- hol, an'l is not precipitated from it by water ; a property that distinguishes it from the benzoic acid, it unites easily with the earths and alka- lies, and forms camphoratis. To prepare the camphorates of lime, magi, t da, and alumina, th« *e earths inu-i be diffused in \\.<- ter, and crystallised camphoric acid added. The mixture must then be boiled, filtered while hot, and the solution concentrated by evaporat on. The camphorate of barytes is prepared by dis- solving thlii» hirsutis linearibus, of Linnaeus, took its name from its smeU resembling so strongly that of cam- phor : it has been exhibited internally, in form of decoction, in dropsical and asthmatic complaints, and by some is esteemed in fomentations agaimt pain. It is rarely, if ever, used in modern prac- tice. Ca'mpter. (From/cnu^w, to bend.) An in- flexion or incurvation. Ca'mpulum. (From Kapirrm, to twist about.) A distortion of the eyelids or other parts. CA.VIPYLO'TIS. (From KapirvXos, bent.) A preternatural incurvation, or recurvation of a part; also a distortion of the eyelids. C A'MPYLUM. See Campylotit. Ca'n abil. A sort of medicinal earth. . Canaui'.n a aquatica. See Bidens. y • Ca'nabis Indica. See Bangue and t'flii- nabis. Cavabis ps.kegrina. See Cannabis. Cu'nada balsam. See Pinus balsamea. (ofiada maidenhair. See Adianthum peda- lUiH. CANADENSIS. (Brought from Canada.) Canadian. A t:ame of a balsam. See Pinu* balsamea. CAN'ALICULATUS. Channelled; having» long furrow ; applied to leaves, pods, &c. See Leaj and I^egumen. CAWLI'CULUS. (Diminutive of canalii, ( AN CAN a-channM. A little canal. See Canalis arteri- osus. „ CANALIS. (From vivos, an aperture, or rather from canna, a reecL) A canal. 1. Specifically apphed to many parts of the body; a« canalis natalis, &c. 2. The hollow of the spine. 3. A hollow round instrument Uke a reed, for embracing and holding a broken Umb. Canalis arteriosus. Canaliculus arteri- osus ; Canalis botalii. A blood-vessel peculiar to the foetus, disappearing after birth; through which the blood passes from the pulmonary artery into the aorta. Canalis na«.\i.is. A canal going from the in- ternal canthus of the eye downwards into the nose : it is situated in the superior maxUlary bone, and is lined with the pituitary membrane continued from the nose. Canalis petitianus. A triangular cavity, naturally containing a moisture between the two lamina; of the hyaloid membrane of the eye, in the anterior part, formed by the separation of the anterior lamina from the posterior. It is named after its discoverer, M. Petit. Canalis semicircul iris. Semicircular ca- ■nal. There are three in each, ear placed in the posterior part of the labyrinth. They open by five orifices into the veetibulum. See Ear. Canalis semispetro.. The half bony canal of the ear. Canalis venosus. A canal pccuUar to the ftetu«, disappearing after birth, that conveys the maternal blood from the porta of the Uver to the ascending vena cava. Cana'ry balm. See Dracocephalum. Ca'ncamum Gr.ecorcm. See Hymenaa Courbaril. CANCELLATUS. Having the reticulated appearance of the cancelli of bones. CANCE'LLI. Lattice-work ; applied to the reticular MihManeo in bonas. CANCELLIS. (From < oncer, acrab.) A species of cray-fish, called Bernard the hermit and the wrong V.eir; the Cancer cancellus of Linnxus ; supposed to cure rheumatism, if rubbed on the part. CA'NCER. 1. The common name of the crab-fish. See Cancer Astacus. 2. The name of a disease, from KupKivos, a crab ; so called by the ancients, because it exhi- bited large blue veins like crab's claws : Ukewise called Carrinomu, Carrinos, by the Greeks, Lupus by the Romans, because it eats away the flesh like a wolf. Dr. Cullen places this genus of disease in the class Locales, and order Tumores. He defines it a painful scirrhous tumour, termi- nating in a fatal ulcer. Any part of the body may be the seat of cancer, though the glands are most subject to it. It is distinguished, according to its stages, into occult and open; by the former is meant its scirrhous state, which is a hard tu- mour that sometimes remains in a quiet state for many years. When the cancerous action com- mences in it, it is attended with frequent shoot- ing pains: the skin that covers it, becomes dis- coloured, and ulceration sooner or later takes place: when the disease is denominated open can- cer. Mr. Pearson says, "When a malignant scirriius or a watery excrescence hath proceeded to a period of ulceration, attended with a constant sense <>f ardent and orcusionally shooting pains, i irregular in its figure, and presents an unequal kurface ; if it discharges sordid, s:uiiou>, or fcetid matter; if the edges of the sore be thick, indu- cted, and often exquisitely painful^sometimes in- verted, at other times retorted, and exhibit a ser- rated appearance ; and should the ulcer in its pro- gress be frequently attended with haemorrhage, in consequence of the erosion of blood-vessels; there will be little hazard of mistake in calling it a cancerous ulcer." In men, a cancer most fre- quently seizes the tongue, mouth, or penis; in women, the breasts or the uterus, particularly about the cessation of their periodical discharges ; and in children, the eyes. The foUowing de- scription of Scirrhus and Cancer, from the above writer, wiU serve to elucidate the subject. A hard unequal tumour that is indolent, and without any discoloration in the skin, is caUed a scirrhus; but when an itching is perceived in it, which is fol- lowed by a pricking, shooting, or lancinating pain, and a change of colour in the skin, it is usually denominated a cancer. It generally is small in the beginning, and increases gradually ; but though the skin changes to a red or livid ap- pearance, and the state of the tumour from an in- dolent to a painful one. it is sometimes very diffi- cult to say when the scirrhus reaUy becomes a cancer, the progrrss being quick or slow accord- ing to concurring causes. Wh^n the tumour is attended with a peculiar kind of burning, shoot- ing pains, and the skin hath acquired the dusky purple or livid hue, it may thm be deemed the malignant scirrhus or confirmed cancer. When thus far advanced in women's breasts, the tumour sometimes increases speedily to a great size, hav- ing a knotty unequal surface, more glands becom- ing obstructed, the nipple sinks in, turgid veins are conspicuous, ramtiymg around, and resem- bUng a crab's claws. These are the character- istics of an occult cancer on the external parts ; and we may suspect the existence of one inter- nally, when such pain and heat as has been de- scribed, succeed in parts where the patient hath before been sensible of a weight and pressure, attended with obtuse pain. A cancerous tumour never melts down in suppuration Uke an inflam- matory one ; but when it is ready to break open, especially in the breast, it generally becomes prominent iu some minute point, attended with an increase of the peculiar kind of burning, shooting pain, felt before at intervals, in a less degree and deeper in the body of the gland. In the promi- nent part of the tumour, in this state, a corroding ichor sometimes transudes through the skin, soon forming an ulcer: at other times a considerable quantity of a thin lymphatic fluid tinged with blood from eroded vessels is found on it. Ulcers of the cancerous nature discharge a thin, foetid, acrid sanies, which corrodes the parts, having thick, dark-coloured retorted Ups ; and fungous excrescences frequently rise from these ulcers, notwithstanding the corrosiveness of the dis^ charge. In this state they are often attended with excruciating, pungent, lancinating, burning pains, and sometimes with bleeding. Though a scirrhus may truly be deemed a can- cer, as soon as pain is perceived in it, yet every painful tumour is not a cancer; nor is it always easy to say whether a cancer is the disorder or not. Irregular hard lumps may be perceived iu the breast; but on examining the other breast, where no uneasiness is perceived, the same kind of tumours are sometimes found, which renders the diagnostic uncertain. Vet in every case after the cessation of the catamenia, hard unequal tu- mours in the breast are sin-piccus; nor, though without pain, are they to be supposed indolent or innoxious. In the treatment of this disease, our chief reli- ance must be on extirpating the part affected. Some have attempted to dispel the scirrhous tu- mour by leeches and various discutient applica- 207 CAN CAN tions, to destroy it by caustics, or to check its progress by narcotics ; but without material suc- cess. Certainly, before the disease is confirmed, should any inflammatory tendency appear, anti- phlogistic means may be employed with propri- ety ; but afterwards the operation should not be delayed: nay, where the nature ofthe tumour is doubtful, it wiU be better to remove it, than in- cur the risk of this dreadful disease. Some sur- geons, indeed, have contested the utility of the operation ; and no doubt the disease will some- times appear again; from constitutional tendencv or from the whole not having been removed: but the balance of evidence is in favour of the opera- tion being successful, if performed early, and to an adequate extent. The plan of destroying the part by caustic is much more tedious, painful, and uncertain. When the disease has arisen from some accident, not spontaneously, when the pa- tient is otherwise healthy, when no symptoms of malignancy in the cancer have appeared, and the adjacent glands and absorbents seem unaffected, we have stronger expectation of success : but un- less all the morbid parts can be removed without the risk of dividing important nerves or arteries, it should scarcely be attempted. In operating it is advisable; 1. To make the external wound suf- ficiently large, and nearly in the direction of the subjacent muscular fibres. 2. To save skin enough to cover it, unlesss diseased. 3. To tie every vessel which might endanger subsequent haemorr- hage. 4. To keep the lips of the wound in con- tact, not interposing any dressing, &c. 5. To preserve the parts in an easy and steady position for some days, before they are inspected. 6. To use only mild and cooling applications during the cure. Supposing, however, the patient will not consent to an operation, or circumstances render it inadmissible, the uterus, for example, being affected, internal remedies may somewhat retard its progress, or alleviate the sufferings of the pa- tient: those, which have appeared most benefi- cial, are, 1. Arsenic, in very small doses long continued. 2. Coniura, in doses progressively increased to a considerable.extent. 3. Opium. 4. Belladonna. 5. Solanum. 6. Ferrum ammo- niatum. 7. Hydrargyri oxymurias. 8. The juice of the galium aparine. When the part is external, topical applications may be useful to nlleviate pain, cleanse the sore, or correct the foetor; especially, 1. Fresh-bruised hemlock leaves. 2. Scraped young carrots. 3. The fer- menting poultice. 4. Finely levigated chalk. 5. Powdered charcoal. ('. Carbonic acid gas, introduced into a bladder confined round the part. 7. A watery solution of opium. 8. Li- quid tar, or tar-water. But none of these means can be relied upon for effecting a cure. 3. See Carcinus. Cancer astacus. The systematic name of the crab-fish from which the claws are selected for medical use. Crab's claws and crab's eyes, as they are caUed, which are concretions found in the stomach, are of a calcareous quality, and pos- sess antacid virtues. They are exhibited with their compounds in pyrosis, diarrhoea, and infan- tile convulsions from acidity. Cancer cancei.lus. See Cancellus. Cancer gammarus. The systematic name of the lobster. Cancer munditorium. A peculiar ulcera- tion ofthe scrotum of chimney-sweepers. Ca'nchrts. Parched-barley.—Galen. Cancre'na. Paracelsus uses this word in- stead of gangraena. Cancro'rum chelje. Crab's claws. See iJarbonas calds, and Cancer astacus. 208 Cancrorcm oculi. See Carbonas calcis, nnd Cancer astacus. C A'NC RUM. (From cancer, a spreading ul- cer.) The canker. Cancrum oris. Canker of the mouth; a fretted ulceration of the gums. CANDE'LA. (From candeo, to shine.) A candle. Candela fumalis. A candle made of odo- riferous powders and resinous matters, to purify the air and excite the spirits. Candela regia. See Verbascum. Candela'ria. (From candela, a candle; so call d from the resemblance of its stalks to a rvndle.) MuUein. See Verbascum. Candy carrot. See Athamanta cretendt. Cane'la. Sometimes used by the ancients for cinnamon, or rather cs.-iia. CANE'LLA. (Canella, diminutiveof cannc, a reed; so named because the pieces of bark are rolled up in the form of a reed.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Dodecandria; Order, Monogynia. The ca- nella-tree. Canella alba. The pharmacopoeial name of the laurel-leaved caneUa. See Winteria aro- matica. Canella cubana. See Canella alba. Canellje malabaricje cortei. See Lou- rus cassia. Canelli'fera malabarica. See Laurut casda. Caneon. (From Kawn, because it was made of split cane.) A sort of tube or instrument, men- tioned by Hippocrates, for conveying the fumes of antihysteric drugs into the womb. Ca'nick. (From canis, a dog, so called by the ancients, because it was food for dogs.) Coarse meal. Hence panis caniceus means very coarse bread. CANICFDA. (From canis, a dog, and cado, to kill; so called because dogs are destroyed by eating it.) Dog's bane. See Aconitum. CANICI'DIUM. (From canis, a dog, and cado, to kill.) The anatomical dissection of liv- ing dogs ; for the purpose of illustrating the phy- siology of parts. Canina lingua. See Cynoglossum. Canina malus. The mandragora. Canina rabies. See Hydrophobia. CANINE. Whatever partakes of, or has any relation to, the nature of a dog. Canine appetite. See Bulimia. Canine madness. See Hydrophobia. Canine teeth. Denies canini; Cynodon- tes; Cuspidati of Mr. John Hunter; because they have the two sides of their edge sloped off to a point, and this point is very sharp or cuspidated; columellares of Varo and Pliny. The four eye- teeth are so called from their resemblance to those of the dog. See Teeth. CANI'NUS. (From canis, a dog.) LA tooth is so called, because it resembles that of • dog. See Teeth. 2. The name of a muscle, because it is near the canine tooth. See Levator anguli oris. 3. A disease to which dogs are subject is called rabies canina. See Hydrophobia. Caninus sentis. Sec Rosa canina. Caniru'bus. (From can is, and rubus, abram- ble.) See Rosu canina. CA'NIS. LA dog. The white dung of this animal, called album gracum, was formerly in esteem, but now disused. 2. The fraenum of the penis. Canis interfector. Indian barley. See Veratrum sabadilla. CAN CAO Casms posticus. See Castor. CANNA- (Hebrew.) 1. A reed or hollow rane. 2. The fibula, from its resemblance to a reed. Canna fistula. See Casda fistula. Canna indica. See Sagitturiu alexiphar- mico. Canna major. The tibiu. Canna minor cruris. The fibula. Cannabi'na. (From canna, a reed, named from its reed-like stalk.) So Tournefort named■ tbe datisca. CA'NNABIS. (From Kawa, a reed. KawaSot are foul springs, wherein hemp, &c. grow natu- rally. Or from kanaba, from kanah, to mow, Arabian.) Hemp. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diacia; Order, Pentandria. 2. The phaimacopoeial name of the hotnp- plant. See Cannabis sativa. Cannabis sativa. The systematic name of fhe hemp-plant. It has a rank smell of a narco- tic kind. The effluvia from the fresh herb are said to affect the eyes and head, and that the wa- ter in whicli it has been long steeped is a sudden poison. Heing-seeds, when fresh, afford a con- siderable quantity of oil. Decoctions and emul- sions of them have been recommended against coughs, ardor urinae, &c. Their use, in general, depends on their emollient and demulcent quali- ties. The leaves of an oriental hemp, called hang or bant;ue, and by the Egyptians asds, are said to be used in eastern countries, as a narcotic and aphrodisiac. See Bangue. CA'NNULA. (Diminutive of canna, a reed.) The name of a surgical instrument. See Canula. CA'NON. Kavmv. A rule or canon, by which medicines are compounded. Cano'nial. liavoviat. Hippocrates in his book De Acre, &c. calls those persons thus, who have straight, and not prominent bellies. He would intimate that they are disposed, as it were, by a straight rule. Cano'picov. (From Kayo-ov, the flower of the elder.) 1. A sort of spurge named from its resemblance. 2. A collyrium, of which the chief ingredient was elder flowers. Canopite. The name of a collyrium men- tioned by Celsus. Cano'pum. Kavunrov. The flower or bark of the elder tree, in l'uulus .Egineta. Canta'brica. See Convolvulus. Can i a'brcm. (Fioni kanta, Hebrew.) In Crrlius Aurehanus it signifies bran. Ca'ntacov. Garden saffron. Ca'ntara. The phmt which bears the St. Ig- natius'* bean. S>e Ignaria amara. CANTERBURY. The name in history of a much celebrated tawn in Kent, in wliich there is a mineral water, Canluarieiisis uquu, strongly impregnated with iron, sulphur, anvl emhouic acid gas; i; is recommended in disorders of the sto- mach, in i;iu'y complaints, jaundice, diseases of the skin, aud chlorosis. Ca'nthari figi'livi. Earthen cucurbits. CA'NTHAUIS. (Contharis, pi. cantharidtt: lrom kuQ-ipos, a beetle, to which tribe it belongs.) Muxea Hitpanica; Lytta ve.iicatoria; The blistering; fly; SpanUh lly. These flies have a j»reen .shiniu; gold boi'.T. and are- common in S;>aiu, Italy, France, and Germany. The largest come from Italy, but the Spanish canthurides are generally preferred. The importance of these flits, by their stimulant, corrosive, andepispastic qtulities, in the practice of physic and surgeiv, is >nj Con si.Ie ruble; indeed, so much so as lo induce many to consider them as the most powerful iuc - dicine in the materia medica. When apphed on the skin, in the form of a plaster, it soon raises a blister full of serous matter, and thus relieves in- flammatory diseases, as phrenitis, pleuritis, hepa- titis, phlegmon, bubo, myositis, arthritis, &c. The tincture of these flies is also of great utiUty in several cutaneous diseases, rheumatic affections, sciatic pains, &c. but ought to be used with much. caution. See Blister, and Tinctura cantharidis. This insect is two-thirds of an inch in length, one-fourth in breadth, oblong, and of a gold shi- ning colour, with soft elytera or wing sheaths, marked with three longitudinal raised stripes, and covering brown membraneous wings. An insect of a square form, with black feet, but pos- sessed of no vesicating property, is sometimes mixed with the cantharides. They have a heavy disagreeable odour, and acrid taste. If the inspissated watery decoction of these in- sects be treated with pure alkohol, a solution of a resinous matter is obtained, which being separated by gentle evaporation to dryness, and submitted for sometime to the action of sulphuric aether, forms a yellow solution. By spontaneous evapo- ration, crystalline plates are deposited, which may be freed from some adhering colouring mat- ter by alkohol. Their appearance is like sperma- ceti. They are soluble in boiling alkohol, but precipitate as it cools. They do not dissolve in water. According to Robiquet, who first discov- ered them, these plates form the true blistering principle. They might be called Veticatoria. Besides the above peculiar body, cantharides con- lain, according to Robiquet, a green bland oil, insoluble in-water, soluble in alkohol; a black matter, soluble in water, insoluble in alkohol, without blistering properties ; a yellow viscid matter, mild, soluble in water and alkohol; the crystalline plates ; a fatty bland matter; phos- phates of lime and magnesia ; a little acetic acid, and much lithic or uric acid. Tbe blistering fly taken into the stomach in doses of a few grains, acts as a poison, occasioning horrible satyriasis, delirium, convulsions, and death. Some frightful cases are related by Orfila, vol. i. part 2d. Oils, milk, syrups, frictions on the spine, with volatile liniment and laudanum, and draughts containing musk, opium, and camphorated emulsion, are the best antidotes. Ca'nthum. Suirar-candy. CA'NTIICS. (h.,rOos, the tire or iron binding of a cart-wheel. Dr. Turton, in his glossary, supposes from its etymology, that it originally signified the circular extremity of the eyelid.) The angle or corner of the eye, where the upper and under eyelids meet. That next the nose is termed the internal or greater canthus ; and the other the external or lesser canthus. Cantion. Sugar. CANULA. (Diminutive of canna, a reed.) Ctnumla. A small tube. The term is generally applied to a tube adapted to a sharp instrument, with which it is thrust into a cavity or tumour, containing a fluid ; the perforation being made, tlie sharp instrument is withdrawn, and the canula left, in order that the fluid may pass through it. Cani s.a. Crystal. C AOUTCHOU C. The substan-c so called is obtained from the vegetable kingdom, and exists also in the mineral. I. The first known by the names Indian rubber, Elasticguin,Cavtnne resin, Cautchuc, auJCaout- choue, is prepared principally from in*- juice of the Sii>honiu eladict ;—r<'iii* teruatt* ellipti- ds inUgerrimit tubtis cams longe petiotutis (Suppl. Plant.) and alio from the Jutropha e/a«-' CAO CAP fica and Unceola elastica. The manner of ob- taining this juice is by making incisions through the bark of the lower part of the trunk of the tree, from which the fluid resin issues in great abundance, appearing of a milky whiteness as it flows into the vessel placed to receive it, and into which it is conducted by means of a tube or leaf fixed in the incision, and supported with clay. On exposure to the air, this milky juice gradually inspissates into a soft, reddish, elastic, resin. It is formed by the Indians in South America into various figures, but is commonly brought to Eu- rope in that of pear-shaped bottles, which are said to be formed by spreading the juice of the Sipho- nia over a proper mould of clay; as soon as one layer is dry, another is added, until the bottle be of the thickness desired. It is then exposed to a thick dense smoke, or to a fire, until it becomes so dry as not to stick to the fingers, when, by means of certain instruments of iron, or wood, it is ornamented on the outside with various figures. This being done, it remains only to pick out the mould, which is easily effected by softening it with water. " The elasticity of this substance is its most re- markable property : when warmed, as by immer- sion in hot water, slips of it may be drawn out to seven or eight times their original length, and wiU return to their former dimensions nearly. Cold renders it stiff and rigid, but warmth restores its original elasticity. Exposed to the fire it soft- ens, swells up, and burns with a bright flame. In Cayenne it/s used to give light as a candle. Its solvents are aether, volatile oils, and petroleum. The aether, however, requires to be washed with water repeatedly, and in this state it dissolves it completely. Pelletier recommends to boil the caoutchouc in water for an hour; then to cut it into slender threads; to boil it again about an hour; and then to put it into rectified sulphuric aether in a vessel close stopped. In this way he says it will be totally dissolved in a few days, without heat, except the impurities, which will faU to the bottom if aether enough be employed. Berniard says, the nitrous aether dissolves it better than the sulphuric. If this solution be spread on any substance, the aether evaporates very quickly, and leaves a coating of caoutchouc unaltered in its properties. Naphtha, or petroleum, rectified into a colourless Uquid, dissolves it, and likewise leaves it unchanged by evaporation. Oil of tur- pentine softens it, and forms a pasty mass, that may be spread as a varnish, but is very long in drying. A solution of caoutchouc in five times its weight of oil of turpentine, and this solution dis- solved in eight times its weight of drying linseed oil by boiling, is said to form the varnish of air- balloons. Alkalies act upon it so as in time to destroy its elasticity. Sulphuric acid is decom- posed by it; sulphurous acid being evolved, and the caoutchouc converted into charcoal. Nitric acid acts upon it with heat; nitrous gas bsing given out, and oxalic acid crystallizing from the residuum. On ■distiUation it gives out ammonia, and carburetted hydrogen. Caoutchouc may be formed into various articles without undergoing the process of solution. If it be cut into a uniform slip of a proper thickness, and wound spirally round a glass or metal rod, so that the edges shall be in close contact, and in this state be boiled for some time, the edges will adhere so as to form a tube. Pieces of it may be readily joined by touching the edges with the so- lution in aHher ; but this is not absolutely neces- sary, for, if they be merely softened by heat, and then pressed together, they wiU unite very firmly. If unseed oil be rendered very drying by di- 210 gesting it upon an oxide of lead, and afterward applied with a small brush on any surface, and dried by the sun or in the smoke, it will afford a peUicle of considerable firmness, transparent, burning like caoutchouc, and wonderfully elastic. A pound of this oil, spread upon a stone, and ex- posed to the air for six or seven months, acquired almost all the properties of caoutchouc : it was used to make catheters and bougies, to varnish balloons, and for other purposes. Of the mineral caoutchouc there are several varieties: 1. Of a blackish-brown inclining to olive, soft, exceedingly compressible, unctuous, with a slightly aromatic smell. It burns with a bright flame, leaving a black oily residuum, which does not become dry. 2. Black, dry, and crack- ed on the surface, but, when cut into, of a yellow- ish-white. A fluid resembling pyroUgnic acid exudes from it when recently cut. It is pellucid on the edges, and nearly of a hyacinthine red co- lour. 3. Similar to the preceding, but of a some- what firmer texture, and ligneous appearance, from having acquired consistency in repeated lay- ers. 4. Resembling the first variety, but of a darker colour, and adhering to grey calcareous | spar, with some grains of galaena. 5. Of a fiver- brown colour, having the aspect of the vegetable caoutchouc, but passing by gradual transition into a brittle bitumen, of vitreous lustre, and a yeUow- ish colour. 6. Dull reddish-brown, of a spongy or cork-like texture, containing blackish-grey nuclei of impure caoutchouc. Many more varie- ties are enumerated. One specimen of this caoutchouc has been found in a petrified marine shell enclosed in a rock, and another enclosed in a crystallised fluor spar. The mineral caoutchouc resists the action of solvents stiU more than the vegetable. The rec- tified oil of petreolum affects it most, particularly when by partial burning it is resolved into i pitchy viscous substance. A hundred grains of a specimen analysed in the dry way by Klaproth, afforded carburetted hydrogen gas 38 cubic in- ches, carbonic acid gas 4, bituminous oil 7S grains, acidulous phlegm 1.5, charcoal 6.25, lime 2, silex 1.5, oxide ol iron .75, sulphate of lime .5, alumina .25. CAPAIBA. See Copaifera offidnalis. CAPAIVA. See Copaifera officinalis. Capeli'na. (From capeline, French, a wo- man's hat, or bandage.) A double-headed roller put round the head. Cape'lla. A cupel or test. CAPER. See Capparit. Caper-bush. See Capparis. Ca'petus. (Kairtjos, per apharesin, pro ckottcIos ; from , to dig.) Hippocrates means by this word a foramen, which is impervi- ous, and needs the use of a chirurgical instrument to make an opening; as the anus of some new- born infants. Ca'phora. (Arabian.) Camphire. Ca'phura baros indorum. A name for cam- phire. CAPHUR.E oleum. An aromatic oil distilled from the root of the cinnamon-tree. CAPILLACEUS. CapiUary. CAPILLARIS. See Capillary. Capillares plants. CapiUary, or hair- shaped plants. Capillaris vermiculus. See CrinonettaH Dracunculus. CAPI'LLARY. (Capillaris; from capillus, a Uttle hair: so called from the resemblance t" hair or fine thread.) 1. CapUlary vessels. The very small ramifications of the arteries, which CAP CAP rnninate upon the external surface of the body, or on the surface of internal cavities, are caned capillary. 2. Capillary attraction. See Attraction. 3. Apphed to parts of plants, which are, or resemble, hairs: thus, a capillary root is one which consists of many very fine fibres, as that of Fettuca ovina, and most grasses. Capilla'tio. (From capillus, a hair.) A capillary fracture of the cranium. CAPI'LLUS. (Quasi capitis pilus, the hair of the head.) The hair. SmaU, cylindrical, transparent, insensible, and elastic filaments, which arise from the skin, and are fastened in it by means of small roots. The human hair is composed of a spongy, cellular texture, containing a coloured liquid, and a proper covering. Hair is divided into two kinds; long, which arises on the scalp, cheek, chin, breasts of men, the anterior parts of the arms and legs, the arm-pits, groins, and pelvis : and short, which is softer than the long, and is present over the whole body, except only the palm of the hand and sole of the foot. The hair originates in the adipose membrane from an oblong membraneous bulb, which has vessels pecuUar to it. The hair is distinguished by differ- ent names in certain parts ; as, capillus, on the top of the head; crinis, on the back of the head ; rircrinnut, on the temples; cilium, on the eye- lids; superdlium, on the eyebrows; vibrista, in the nostrils ; barba, on the chin; papput, on the middle ofthe cliin ; mystax, on the upper lip ; pilus, on the body. From numerous experiments Vauquelin infers, that black hair is formed of nine different sub- stances, namely:— 1. An animal matter, which constitutes the greater part. 2. A white concrete oil, in small quantity. 3. Another oil of a greyish-green co- lour, more abundant than the former. 4. Iron, the state of which in the hair is uncertain. 5. *. few particles of oxide of manganese. 6. Phos- phate of lime. 7. Carbonate of lime, in very small quantity. 8. Silex, in a conspicuous quan- tity. 9. Lastly, a considerable quantity of sul- phur. The same experiments show, that red hair dif- fers from black only in containing a red oil instead of a blackish-green oil; andfuat white hair differs from both these only in the oil being nearly colour- less, and in containing phospliate of magnesia, which is not found in them. Capillus veneris. See Adianthum. Capillus veneris canadensis. See Adi- anthum cunadense. Capiple'nium. (From caput, the head, and plenut, full; a barbarous word: but Baglivi uses it to sisruify that continual heaviness or disorder in the head, which the Greeks call Kopi):3apia.) \ catarrh. Capistra'tio. (From capittrum, a bridle : so called because the pra-puce is restrained as it were with a bridle.) See Phimods. C API'STRUM. (From caput, the head.) 1. * bandage for the head is so called. 2. In Vogel's Nosology it is the same as Trismut. CA'PITAL. Capitalis. 1. Belonging to the caput, or bead. 2. The head or upper part of an alembic. Capita'i ia. (From caput, the head.) Me- dicines which relieve pains of the head. CAPITATCS. (From caput, the head.) Headed. Si•< Vapitulum. CAPITE I.LUM. The head or seed vessels, frequently applied to mosses, &c. CAPITILU'VIUM. (From caput, the head, and lavo, to wash.) A lotion for the head. Ca'pitis obliquus inferior et major. See Obliquus inferior capitis. Capitis p,ar tertium fallopii. See Tra- chelo-mastoideus. Capitis posticus. See Rectus capitis pos- ticus major. Capitis rectus. See Rectus capitis pos- ticus minor. CAPI'TULUM. (Diminutive of caput, the head.) 1. A small head. 2. A protuberance of a bone, received into the concavity of another bone. 3. An Alembic. In botany, the term for a species of inflores- cence, called a head or tuft, formed of many flowers, in a globular form, upon a common peduncle. From the insertion of the flowers, it is caUed, 1. Pedunculated; as in Astragalus syriacus, and Eryngium maritimum. 2. Sessile ; as in Trifolium tomentosum. 3. Terminal; as in Monarda fistulosa. 4. Axillary; as in Gomphrena sessilis. From the figure, it is said to be, 1. Globose; as in Gomphrena globosa. 2. Subrolund; as in Trifolium pratense. 3. Conic; as in Trifolium montanum. 4. Dimidiate, flat on one side, round on the other; as in Trifolium lupinastcr. From its covering, 1. Naked; as in Illecebrumpolygonmdes. 2. Foliose; as in Plantogo inaico. A capitulum that is very small, and is mostly in the axilla, is called Glomerulus. ('API'VI. See Copaifera qffidnalis. CAPNELjE'UM. (From kohws, smoke, and iXaiov, oil; so named from its smoky exhalations when exposed to heat.) In Galen's works it means a resin. Ca'pnias. (From kuttvos, a smoke.) 1. A jasper of a smoky colour. 2. A vine which bears white and part black grapes. Capni'ston. (Fromkj-ios, smoke.) A pre- paration of spice and oil, made by kindUng the spices, and fumigating the oil. Capni'tis. (Fromkottvos, smoke; socalledfr.im its smoky colour.) Tutty. CAPNOI'DES. (From koitvos, fumitory, and tdos, likeness.) Resembling fumitory, CA'PNOS. (Ku-ios, smoke; so called, says Blanchard, because its juice, if applied to the eyes, produces the same effect and sensations as smoke.) Capnus. The herb fumitory. St* Fitmun'a. CAPNUS. See Capnot. *v Ca'ppa. (a capite, from the head : so called from its supposed resemblance.) The herb monk- shood. See Aconitum. CA'PPARIS. (From cabar, Arab, or rsapa ro Kairvavuv apav, from its curing madness and melancholy.) The caper plant. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnae- an system. Class, Polyundria; Order, Mono- gynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the caper plant- See Capparis spinosa. Capparis spinosa. The systematic name of the caper plant. Capparis:—pendunculis soli- tariit uniflorit, stipulis spinosit, foliis unnuit, capsulis ovalibus ot Linnaeus. The buds, or tin- expanded flowers of this plant, are in common use as a pickle, which is said to possess antiscor- butic virtues. The bark of the root was formerly in high csteemasadcobstrucnt. 211 CA1! CAP ■CAPKEOLA'RIS. (1 ron capreulus, a ten- dril. ) Capreolatus. Resembling in its contor- tions, or other appearance, the tendrils of a vine ; applied to the spermatic vessel'. CAPREOLA'TUS. See Capreolaris. CAPRE'OLUS. (Dim. of caprea, a tendril. Dr. Turton suggests its derivation from caper, a goat, the horn of which its contortions somewhat resemble.) 1. The helix or circle of the ear, from its tendril-like contortion. 2. A Tendril. See Cirrus. Caprico'rnus. Lead. CAPRIFICATION. (Caprificatio; from caprificus, a wild fig.) The very singular hus- bandry, or management of fig-trees. CAPRIFI'CUS. (From caper, a goat, and ficus, a %; because they are a chief food of goats.) The wild fig-tree. See Ficus. C apri'zans. Galen and others used this word to express an inequality in the pulse, when it .leaps, and, as it were, dances in uncertain strokes and periods. Capse'lla. (Diminutive of capsa, a chest, from its resemblance.) A name in Marcellus Empiricus for viper's bugloss; the Echium Itali- .cum, of Linnaeus. CA'PSICUM. (From Kaifjia, to bite ; on ac- count of its effect on the mouth.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- aaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order Mono- gynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the capsicum. See Capsicum annuum. Capsicum annuum. The systematic name of the plant from which we obtain Cayenne pep- per. Guinea pepper. Piper indicum; Lada chilli; Capq molago; Solanum urens; Sili- quastrum Plinii; Piper Bradlianum; Piper (tuineense; Piper Calecuticum; Piper His- panicum; Piper Lusitanicum. Cayenne per- per. This species of pepper is obtained from the Capsicum; caule herbaceo, pedunculis soli- tariis of Linnaeus. What is generaUy used un- der the name of Cayenne pepper, however, is an indiscriminate mixture of the powder of the dried pods of many species of capsicum, but es- pecially of the capsicum minimum, or bird pep- per, which is the hottest of all. These peppers have been chiefly used as condiments. They prevent flatulence from vegetable food, and give warmth to the stomach, possessing aU the virtues of the oriental spices, without producing those complaints of the head which the latter are apt to occasion. An abuse of them, however, gives rise to visceral obstructions, especially of the liver. In the practice of medicine, there can be little doubt that they furnish us with one of the purest and strongest stimulants which can be in- troduced into the stomach, and may be very use- ful in some paralytic and gouty cases. Dr. Adair, who first introduced them into practice, found them useful in the cachexia Africana, wliich he considers as a most frequent and fatal predisposi- tion to disease among the slaves. Dr. Wright says, that in dropsical and other complaints where chalybeates are indicated, a minute portion of pow- dered capsicum forms an excellent addition, and recommends its use in lethargic affections. This pepper has also been successfuUy employed in a species of cynanche maligna, which proved very fatal in the West Indies, resisting the use of Peruvian bark, wine, and other remedies com- monly employed. In tropical fevers, coma and delirium are common attendants; and in such cases, cataplasms of capsicum have a speedy and happy effect. They redden the parts, but seldom Water unless when kept on too long. In oph- 21? thalniia from relaxation, the diluted jnice of cap. sicuiri is found to be a valuable remedy. Dr. Adair gave six or eight grains for a dose, made into pills ; or else he prepared a tincture by di- gesting half an ounce of the pepper in a pound of alkohol, the dose of which was one or two drachms, diluted with n sufficient quantity of water. A tinctura capdei is now for the first time introduced into the London pharmacopoeia, CA'PSULA. (Diminutive of capsa, a chest or case.) A capsule. 1. A membraneous pro- duction enclosing a part of the body like a bag; as the capsidar ligaments, the capsule of the cry- stalline lens, &c. 2. In botany, a dry, woody, coriaceous or membraneous pericarpium, or seed-vessel, ge»e- rally splitting into severnl valves. The parts of a capsule, are, I. The valves, or external shell, into which the capsule splits. 2. The sutures, or the external surface in which the valves are joined. 3. The dissepimenta, or partitions by which the capsule is divided into several cells. 4. The loculamenta, or ceUs, the spaces be-J tween the partitions and valves. 5. The columella, or central column, or fila- ment, which unites the partitions, and to which the seeds are usually attached. From the number of the valves, a capsule is said to be, 1. Bivalved; as in Magnolia, and Capraria, 2. Three-valved ; as in Canna indica. 3. Four-valved; as in Datura stramonium and Oenothera biennis. 4. Five-valved; as in Illecebrum, and Corit. 5. Manyvalved ; as in Hura crepitant- 6. Operculate, or circumdsed, the operculum spUtting horizontally ; as in Hyotciamus niger, and Lecythis oltaria. From the number of cells, 1. Unilocular, when there is no partition; is in Parnassia palustris, and Agrostema. 2. Bilocular, two celled ; as Hyosciamtuu- ger, and Datura stramonium. 3. Trilocular, three-celled; as in JEscuht hypocastanum, and Irit Germanica. 4. Quinquelocular, five-ceUed ; as in Hibisau syriacus, and Azalea procumbens. 5. Novemlocular, nine-ceUed ; as in Punira granatum. 6. Submultilocular, when there are many celh, and the partitions do not reach the middle ofthe capsule ; as in Papaver somniferum. From the appearance of the external surface, a capsule is called, 1. Glabrous; as in Papaver somniferum. 2. Aculeate ; as in Datura stramonium. 3. Muricate ; as in Canna indica. From the number of tubercles on the external surface. 1. Capsula dicocca, or didyma; as in Spi- gelia. 2. C. tricocca; as in Euphorbia lathyrut, and Cneorum tricoccum. 3. C. tetracocca; as in Pauryirut cernutit, and Evonymus europeus. From the number of contiguous capsules, 1. C. simplex, if solitary. 2. C. duplex, two aggregated ; as in Paonia officinalis. 3. C. triplex; as in Veratrum album. 4. C. quintuple!; as in Aquilegia vulgaris, and Nigella. 5. C. multiplex; as in Sempervivum tecto- rum. From the substance, a capsule is called, CAP CAR i. Membranaceous; as in Datura ttramo- uium. 2. Corticated, the external fungous membrane receding from the capsule ; as in Ricinus com- munis. S. Woody, very hard, yet spUtting; as in Hura crepitans. 4. Baccated, when the seed is surrounded by a pulp; as Evonij'iut europeus, and Samyda. 6. Spurious, if the calyx, capsule-like, sur- rounding the seed, splits ; as in Fagus sylvatica. The number of seeds contained in the capsule, c;ives rise to the following distinctions. 1. Capsula monosperma, one-seeded; as in Gomphrenia, Herniaria, and Saltola. 2. C. ditperma, two-seeded; as in Heben- ttratia, and Buffonia. 3. C. Tritperna, three-seeded; as in Glaux and Hudtonia. 4. C. polytperma, many-seeded; as in Papa- ver somniferum. Capsii.a atrabilaris. See Renal Glands. Capsula renalis. See Renal Glands. CA'PSULAR. (Capsularis; from capsa, a bag.) Surrounding a part, like a bag : applied to a ligament whicli surrounds every moveable articulation, and contains the synovia Uke a bag. CA'PSULE. See Capsula. Capsule of glisson. Capsula Glittonii. Vagina porta, Vagina Glitsonii. A strong tunic, formed of cellular texture, which accom- panies the vena portae, and its most minute rami- fications, throughout the whole Uvcr. Ca'pi'i.um. (From Kapirrw, to bend.) A contortion of the eye-lids, or other parts. Ca'pdr. (Arabian.) Camphire. CA'PUT. (Caput, itit. neut. ; from capio, 'o take; because from it, according to Varro, the senses take their origin.) I. The head, cranium, or skull. It is situated above or upon the trunk, and united to the cervical vertebrae. It is distinguished into skull and face. On the skull are observed vertex, or crown ; sinciput, or fore parts ; oedput, or hinder part ; and the tem- plet. The parts distinguished on the face are well known ; as the forehead, nose, eyes, &c. The arteries of the head are branches of the carotids ; and the veins empty themselves into the jugulars. See Skull and Face. 2. The upper extremity of a bone ; as the head of the humerus or femur. 3. The origin of a muscle ; as the long head of the biceps. 4. A protuberance like the head of anything ; as caput gallinaginis. 5. The hefrniniiit. of a part; as caput coeci. 6. The rcmuii:.s of : found to be rendered perfectly sweet, by rubbing ;t with powdered charcoal. It is also used as tooth-powder. CA'RBON. (From carbo, coal.) Chemists apply this term to the diamond and what is com- monly called charcoal. The diamond is the purest form of it. 1. " H hen vegetable matter, particularly the more solid, as wood, is exposed to heat in close vessels, the volatile parts fly off, and have behind a blaik porous substance, which is charcoal. If this be suffered to undergo combustion in contact with oxyjreu, or with atmospheric air, much the greater p.irt of it wiU combine with the oxygen, and e:*c ipe in the form of gas; leaving about a , two-hui.riredth part, which consists chiefly of different saline and metallic substances. This pure inflammable part of the charcoal is what is commonly called carbon; and if the gas be re- ceived into proper vessels, the carbon will be found to have been converted by the oxygen into an acid, called the carbonic. See Carbonic acid. From the circumstance, that inflammable sub- stances refract Ught in a ratio greater than that of 213 CAR CAR Their densities, Newton inferred, that the dia- mond was inflammable. The quantity of the in- flammable part of charcoal, requisite to form a hundred parts of carbonic acid, was calculated by Lavoisier to be twenty-eight parts. From a care- ful experiment of Mr. Tennant, 27.6 parts of dia- mond, and 72.4 of oxygen, formed 100 of car- bonic acid; and hence he inferred the identity of diamond and the inflammable part of char- coal. Well-burned charcoal is a conductor of elec- tricity, though wood simply deprived of its mois- ture by baking is a nonconductor; but it is a very bad conductor of caloric, a property of consi- derable use on many occasions, as in lining cru- cibles. It is insoluble in water, and hence the utility of charring the surface of wood exposed to that li- quid, in order to preserve it, a circumstance not unknown to the ancients. This preparation of timber has been proposed as an effectual preven- tive of what is commonly called the dry rot. It has an attraction, however, for a certain portion of water, which it retains very forcibly. Heated red-hot, or nearly so, it decomposes water; forming with its oxygen carbonic acid, or car- bonic oxyde, according to the quantity present; and with the hydrogen a gaseous carburet, caUed carburetted hydrogen, or heavy imflamma- ble air. Charcoal is infusible by any heat. If exposed to a very high temperature in close vessels, it loses tittle or nothing of its weight, but shrinks, becomes more compact, and acquires a deeper black colour. Recently prepared charcoal has a remarkable property of absorbing different gases, and con- densing them in its pores, without any alteration of their properties or its own. Very light charcoal, such as that of cork, ab- sorbs scarcely any air; whde the pit-coal of Rastiberg, sp. gr. 1.326, absorbs ten times and a half its volume. The absorption was always completed in 24 hours. This curious faculty, which is common to all porous bodies, resembles the action of capillary tubes on liquids. When a piece of charcoal, charged with one gas, is transferred into another, it absorbs some of it, and parts with a portion of that first condensed. In the experiments of Messrs. Allen and Pepys, charcoal was found to imbibe from the atmos- phere in a day about one-eighth of its weight of water. For a general view of absorption, see Gas. When oxygen is condensed by charcoal, car- bonic acid is observed to form at the end of several months. But the most remarkable property dis- played by charcoals impregnated with gas, is that with sulphuretted hydrogen, when exposed to the iiir or oxygen gas. The. sulphuretted hydrogen is speedily destroyed, and water and sulphur re- sult, with the disengagement of considerable heat. Hydrogen alone has no such effects. When •charcoal was exposed by Sir H. Davy to intense ignition in vacuo, and in condensed azot, by means of Mr. Children's magnificent voltaic bat- tery, it slowly volatilized, and gave out a little hydrogen The remaining part was always much harder than before ; and in one case so hard ,i> ui scratch glass, while its lustre was increased. Tliis fine experiment may be regarded as a near ap- proach to the production of diamond. Charcoal has a powerful affinity for oxygen ; whi nee its use in disoxygenating metalUc oxides, and restoring their base' to its original metallic state, or reviving the metal. Thus too it de- composes several of the acids, as the phosphoric 214 and sulphuric, from which it abstracts their oxygen, and leaves the phosphorus and sulphur free. . Carbon is capable of combining with sulphur, and with hydrogen. With iron it forms steel; and it unites with copper into a carburet, as ob- served by Dr. Priestley. A singular and important property of charcoal is that of destroying the smell, colour, and taste of various substances: for the first accurate expe- riments on which we are chiefly indebted to Mr. Lowitz, of Petersburgh, though it had been lone before recommended to correct the fcetor of fonl ulcers, and as an antiseptic. On this account it is certainly the best dentifrice. Water that has become putrid by long keeping in wooden casks, is rendered sweet by filtering through charcoal powder, or by agitation with it; particularly if a few drops of sulphuric acid be added. Common vinegar boiled with charcoal powder becomes perfectly limpid. Saline solutions, that are tinged yellow or brown, are rendered colourless in the same way, so as to afford perfectly white crys- tals. The impure carbonate of ammonia obtain- ed from bones, is deprived both of its colonr and foetid smell by sublimation with an equal weight of charcoal powder. Malt spirit is freed from its disagreeable flavour by distiUation from charcoal; but if too much be used, part of the spirit is de- composed. Simple maceration, for eight or tea days, in the proportion of about 1-150th of the weight of the spirit, improves the flavour much, It is necessary that the charcoal be weU burned, brought to a red heat before it is used, and used as soon as may be, or at least be carefully excluded from the air. The proper proportion too should be ascertained by experiment on a small scale. The charcoal may be used repeatedly, by exposing it for some time to a red heat before it is again employed. Charcoal is used on particular occasions as fuel, on account of its giving a strong and steady heat without smoke, ft is employed to convert iron into steel by cementation. It enters into the com- position of gunpowder. In its finer states^ as in ivory black, lamp black, &c. it forms the basis of black paints, Indian ink, and printers' ink. The purest carbon for chemical purposes is ob- tained by strongly igniting lamp black in a co- vered crucible. This yields, like the diamond, unmixed carbonic acid by combustion in oxygen. Carbon unites with aU the common simple combustibles, and with azot, forming a series of most important compounds. With sulphur it forms a curious limpid liquid, called carburet of sulphur, or sulphuret of carbon. With phospho- rus it forms a species of compound, whose pro- perties are imperfectly ascertained. It unites with hydrogen in two definite proportions, con- stituting subcarburetted and carburetted hydrogen gases. With azot it forms prussic gas, the cya- nogen of Gay Lussac. Steel and plumbago are two different compounds of carbon with iron. In black chalk we find this combustible intimaUly associated with silica and alumina. The prinu- tive combining proportion, or prime equivalent of carbon, is 0.76 on the oxygen scale. 2. Carbon mineral. This is of a grey blackish colour. It is charcoal with various proportions of earth and iron, without bitumen. It has a silky lustre, and the fibrous texture of wood. It is found in small quantities, stratified with brown coal, slate coal, and pitch coal. Carbon, g\si'.o;'.- oxide of. Gaseous ox- ide of carbon was first described by Dr. Priestley, who mistook it for a hydrocarbonate. With the true nature of it, we haye been only lately ac- f AK CAR quainted. It was first proved to be a pecutiar gas by Mr. Cruikshank, of Woolwich, who made it known to us as such, in April, 1801, through the medium of Nicholson's Journal for that month. Several additional properties of this gas were toon afterwards noticed by Desormes, Clement, and others. Gateous oxide of carbon forms an intermediate substance between the pure hydro- rarbonates and carbonic acid gas; but not being pos >sicd of acid properties, Mr. Cruikshank called it, conformably to the rulea of the chenu- ral nomenclature, gateout oxide of carbon, for it consists of oxygen and carbon rendered gaseous by caloric. See Carbonic oxide. Carbonaceous add. See Carbonic add. CARBONAS. (Carbonat, atis. m. ; from rarbonic; acid being one of its constituents.) A carbonate. A salt, formed by the union of car- bonic acid with a salifiable basis. The carbonates employed iu medicine are: 1. The potassae carbonas. 2. The sodae carbonas. 3. The creta praeparata, and the testae prae- naratae, which are varieties of carbonate of lime. When the base is imperfectly neutralised by the carbonic acid, the salt is termed a subcar- bonate ; of which kind are employed medicin- ally : 1. The potassae subcarbonas. 2. The sodae subcarbonas, and the sodae sub- carbonas exsiccata. 3. The ammonia! subcarbonas, and the liquor ammonia; subcarbonatis. 4. The plumbi subcarbonas. 6. The ferri subcarbonas. 6. The magnesias subcarbonas. Carbonas ammonia. See Ammonia sub- tarbonas. Carbonas calcis. Carbonate of lime. Se- veral varieties of this arc used in medicine : the purest and best are the creta praeparata, testae preporatee, chelae cancrorum, testae ovorum, and oculi cancrorum. Carbonas ferri. See Ferri subcarbonas. Carbonas magnesia. See Magnesia sub- carbonas. Carbonas plumbi. Sec Plumbi tubcarbo- nat. Carbonas potass.e. See Potatta carbo- nat. Carbonas soda:. See Soda carbonas. CARBONATE. Sec Carbonat. Carbonate of barytes. Se^Heavy tpar. Carbonated-hydrogen gat. See Carburetted hydrogen gas. • CA'RBONIC ACID. Acidum carbonicum. Fixed air; Carbonaceous acid: Calcareous acid; Aerial acid. " This acid, being a compound of carbon and oxygen, may be formed by burning charcoal; but as it exists in great abundance ready fovmed, it is not necessary to have recourse to this expedient. All that is necessary is to pour sulphuric acid, diluted with five or six times its weight of water, on common chalk, which is a compound of carbonic acid and lime. An effer- vescence ensues ; carbonic acid is evolved in the state of gas, and may be received in the usual maimer. Carbonic acid abounds in great quantities in na- ture, and appears to be produced in a variety of circumstances. It composes Aj^ of the weight of limestone, marble, calcareous spar, and other natural upccinicns of calcareous earth, from which it may be i xtneated either l>j thi simple appli- ratiou of heat, or by the superior affinity ol torn* other acid; most acids having a stronger action on bodies than this. This last process doe* not require heat, because fixed air is strongly dis- posed to assume the elastic state. Water, under the common pressure ofthe atmosphere, and at a low temperature, absorbs somewhat more than Ms buik of fixed air, and then constitutes a? weak ar, '. If the pressure be greater, tbe absorption is augmented. It is to be observed, Ukewise, that more gas than water will absorb should be pre- sent. Heated water absorbs less; and if water impregnated with this acid be exposed on a brisk fire, the rapid escape of the aerial bubbles affords an appearance as if the water were at the point of boiling, when the heat is not greater than tne hand can bear. Congelation separates it readily and completely from water ; but no degree of cold or pressure has yet exhibited this acid in a dense or concentrated state of fluidity. Carbonic acid gas is much denser than common air, and for this reason occupiis the lower parts of such mines or caverns as contain materials which afford it by decomposition. The miners call it choke-damp. The Grotto del Cano, in the kingdom of Naples, has been famous for ages on account of the effects of a stratum of fixed air which covers its bottom. It is a cave or hole In the side of a mountain, near the lake Agnano, measuring not more than eighteen feet from its entrance to the inner extremity; where if a dog or other animal that holds down its head be thrust, it is immediately killed by inhaling this noxious fluid. i Carbonic acid gas is emitted in large quantities by bodies in the state of the vinous fermentation, and on account of its great weight, it occupies the apparently empty space or upper part of the vessels in which the fermenting process is going on. A variety of striking experiments may be made in this stratum of elastic fluid. Lighted paper, or a candle dipped into it is immediately extinguished ; and the smoke remaining in the carbonic acid gas renders its surface visible, which may be thrown into waves by agitation Uke water. If a dish of water be immersed in this gas, and briskly agitated, it soon becomes impregnated, and obtains the pungent taste of Pyrmont water. In consequence of the weight ofthe carbonic acid gas, it may be lifted out in a pitcher, or bottle, which, if well corked, may be used to convey it to great distances, or it may be drawn out of a vessel by a cock like a liquid. The effects produced by pouring this invisible fluid from one vessel to another, nave a very singular appearance : if a candle or small animal be placed in a deep vessel, the former becomes extinct, and the latter ex- pires in a few seconds, after the carbonic acid gas is poured upon them, though the eye is inca- pable of distinguishing any thing that is poured. If, however, it be poured into a vessel fob of air, in the sunshine, its density being so much greater than that of the air, renders it slightly visible by the undulations and streaks it forms in this fluid, as it descends through it. Carbonic acid reddens infusion of Utmus ; but the redness vanishes by exposure to the air, as the acid flies off. It has a peculiar sharp taste, which may be perceived over vats in which wine Or beer is fermenting, as also in sparkUng Champaign, and the brisker kinds of cider. Light passing through it is refracted by it, but does not effect any sensible alteration in it, though it appears, from experiment, that it favours the separation of its principles by other substances. It will not unite with an overdose of oxygen, of which it con- tains 72 parts in 100, the other 28 beinj: pure car- bon. It not only destroys life, but the heart and muscle of animals killed by it lose aU their irrita- CAR CAR Ui ■ tty, so as to be insensible to the stimulus of gal- vanism. Carbonic acid is dilated by heat, but not other- wise altered by it. It is not acted upon by oxygen, or any ofthe simple combustibles. Charcoal ab- sorbs it,^»ut gives it out again unchanged, at or- dinary temperatures; but when this gaseous acid is made to traverse charcoal ignited in a tube, it is converted into carbonic oxide. Phosphorus is insoluble in carbonic acid gas ; but, as already ob- served, is capable of decomposing it by compound affinity, when assisted by sufficient heat; and Priestley and Cruikshank have shown that iron, zinc, and several other metals, are capable of pro- ducing the same effect. If carbonic acid be mixed with sulphuretted, phosphuretted, or carburetted gas, it renders them less combustible, or destroys their combustibil/y entirely, but produces no other sensible change. Such mixtures occur in various analyses, and particularly in the products of the decomposition of vegetable and animal sub- stances. The inflammable air of marshes is fre- quently carburetted hydrogen intimately mixed with carbonic acid gas, and the sulphuretted hy- drogen gas obtained from mineral waters is very often mixed with it. Carbonic acid appears from various experiments of Ingenhousz to be of considerable utiUty in pro- moting vegetation. It is probably decomposed by the organs of plants, its base furnishing part at least of the carbon that is so abundait in the vege- table kingdom, and its oxygen contributing to replenish the atmosphere with that necessary sup- port of life, which is continually diminished by the respiration of animals and. other causes. The most exact experiments on the neutral car- bonates concur to prove, that the prime equivalent of carbonic acid is 2.75; and that it consists of one prime of carbon =0.75 + 2.0 oxygen. W ater absorbs about its volume of this acid gas, and thereby acquires a specific gravity of 1.0015. On free/.ing it, the gas is as completely expelled as by bating. By artificial pressure with forcing pumps, water maybe made to absorb two or three times its bulk of carbonic acid. When there is also added a little potassa or soda, it becomes the aerated or carbonated alkaline water, a plea- sant beverage, and a not inactive remedy in seve- ral complaints, particularly dyspepsia, hiccup, and disorders ofthe kidneys. Alkohol condenses twice its volume of carbonic acid. The most beautiful analytical experiment with carbonic acid, is the combustion of potassium in it, the forma- tion of potassa, and the deposition of charcoal. In point of affinity for the earths and alkalies, carbonic acid stands apparently low in the scale. Before its true nature was known, its compounds with them were not considered as salts, but as the earths and alkalies themselves, only distinguished by the names of mild, or effervescent, from their qualities of effervescing with acids, and wanting causticity. The carbonates are characterised by effer- vescing with almost aU the acids, even the acetic, when they evolve their gaseous acid, which, passed into Ume water by a tube, deprives it of its taste, and converts it into chalk and pure water. The carbonate of barytes, found native in Cum- berland, by Dr. Withering. From this circum- stance it has been termed Witherite. It has been likev. ise called aerated heavy spar, a. rated ba- roselenite, aerated heavy earth or barytes, baro- darbonate of strontian, found native in Scot- land, at Strontian in Argyllshire, and at LeadhiUs. Carbonate of lime exists in great abundance in nature, variously mixed with other bodies, under 216 the names of marble, chalk, limestone, stalactites, &c. in which it is of more important and exten- sive use than any other of the salts, except per- haps the muriate of soda. The carbonate, or rather *u6-car6ona<« of po- tassa, was long known by the name of vegetable alkali. It was also called fixed nitre, salt of tartar, salt of wormwood} &c. according to the different mode* in which it was procured; and was supposed to retain something of the virtues of the substance from which it was extracted. This error has been sometime exploded, but the know- ledge of its true nature is of more recent date. As water at the usual temperature of the air dis- solves rather more than its weight of this salt, we have thus a ready mode of detecting its adultera- tions in general; and as it is often of consequence to know how much alkali a particular specimen contains, this may be ascertained by the quantity of sulphuric acid it wiU saturate. This salt is deliquescent. It consists of 6 potassa + 2.75 car- bonic acid = 8.75. The bi-carbonate of potassa crystallises in square prisms, the apices of which are quadrangu- lar pyramids. It has a urinous but not caustic taste; changes the syrup of violets green: boiling water dissolves five-sixths of its weight, and cold water one-fourth; alkohol, even when hot, will not dissolve more than l-1200th. Its specific gravity is 2.012. When it is very pure and well crystallised it effloresces on exposure to a dry at- mosphere, though it was formerly considered as deUquescent. It was thought that the common salt of tartar of the shops was a compound of this carbonate and pure potassa; the latter of which, being very deUquescent, attracts the moisture of the air till the wholt is dissolved. From its smooth feel, and the manner in which it was pre- pared, the old chemists called this solution oil of tartar per deliquium. The bi-carbonate of po'assa melts with a gentle heat, loses its water of crystallisation, amounting to -j-j; 0, and gives out a portion of its carbonic acid; though no degree of heat wiU expel the whole of the acid. Thus, as the carbonic of potassa is al- ways prepared by incineration of vegetable sub- stances, and Uxiviation, it must be in the interme- diate state ; or that of a carbonate with excess of alkali: and to obtain the' true carbonate we must saturate this salt with carbonic acid, which is best done by passing the acid in the state of gas through a solution of the salt in twice its weight of water; or, if we want the potassa pure, we must have re- course to Ume, to separate that portion of acid which fire wiU not expel. The bi-carbonatet; usuaUy called supercarbo- note by the apothecaries, consists of 2 primes of carbonic acid = 5.500, one of potassa = 6, and 1 of water = 1.125, in all 12.625. The carbonate of soda has likewise been long known, and distinguished from the preceding by the name of mineral alkali. In commerce it is usually called barilla, or soda; in which state, however, it always contains a mixture of earthy bodies, and usually common salt. It may be pu- rified by dissolving it in a small portion of water, filtering the solution, evaporating at a low heat, and skimming off the crystals of muriate of soda as they form on its surface. When these cease- to form, the solution may be suffered to cool, and the carbonate of soda will crystaUise. It is found abundantly in nature. In Egypt, where it is collected from the surface ofthe earth, larticularly after the desiccation of temporary akes, it has been known from time immemorial by the name of nitrum, natron, or natrum. A great deal is prepared in Spain by incinerating CAR CAR the maritime plant salsola: and it-is manufac- tured in this country, as well as in France, from different species of sea-weeds. It is likewise found in mineral water, and also in some animal fluids. It erysfalUses in irregular or rhomboidal de- taedrons formed by two quadrangular pyramids, truncated very near their bases. Frequently it ex- hibits only rhomboidal lamina;. Its specific gravity is 1.3591. Its taste is urinous, and slightly acrid, without being caustic. It changes blue vegetable colours to a green. It is soluble in less than its weight ol boiling water and twice its weight ol cold. It ia one ofthe most efflorescent salts known, falling completely to powder in no long time. On the application of beat it is soon rendered fluid from the great quantity of its water of crystalhsation ; out is dried by a continuance of the heat, and then melt*. It is somewhat more frsible than the car- bonate of potassa, promotes the fusion of earths in a greater degree, and forms a glass of better quality. Like that, it is very tenacious of a cer- tain portion of its carbonic acid. It consists in its dry state of 4 soda, +2.75 acid, = 6.75. But the crystals contain 10 prime proportions of water. They arc composed of 22 soda, •+■ 16.3 carbonic acid, ■+■ 62.7 water in 100 parts, or of 1 prime of soda = 4.1 of carbonic acid= 2.75, and lOof water = 11.25, in whole 18. The bi-carbonate of soda may be prepared by saturating the solution of the preceding salt with carbonic acid gas, and then evaporating with a very gentle heat to dryness, when a white irregu- lar saline mass is obtained. The salt is not crys- tallisable. Its constituents arc 4 soda, + 5.50 curb. acid, + 1.125 water = 10.626; or in 100 parts 37.4 soda, 4:62 acid, + 10.6 water. The carbonate of magnesia, inxa state of im- perfect saturation with the acid, has been used in medicine for some time under the simple name of magnesia. It is prepared by precipitation from the sulphate of magnesia by means of carbonate of potassa. Equal parts of sulphate of magnesia ana carbonate of potassa, each dissolved in its own weight of boiling water, are filtered and mixed together hot; tne sulphate of potassa is separated by copious washing with water; and the carbonate of magnesia is then left to drain, and afterwards spread thin on paper, and carried to the drying stove. When once dried it will be in friable white cakes, or a fine powder. To obtain carbonate of magnesia saturated with acid, a solution of sulphate of magnesia may be mixed cold with a solution of carbonate of potassa; and at the expiration of a few hours, as the su- perfluous carbonic acid that held it in solution flies off, the carbonate of magnesia wiU crystallise in very regular transparent prisms of six equal sides. It may be equally obtained by dissolving magnesia iu water impregnated with carbonic acid, and exposing the solution to the open air. These crystals soon lose their transparency, and become covered with a white powder. Ex- posed to the lire in a crucible, they decrepitate slightly, lose their water and arid, fall to powder, and arc reduced to one-lourth of the original weight. Wli.'u the common carbonate is cal- c ued in the ureal, it appears as if boiling, from the extrication uf carbonic acid; a small portion isren.ls like a vapour, and is deposited in a white powder on the cold bodies with which it comes into contact; and in a dark place, toward the end ofthe operation, it shine* with a bluish phospho- ric li;;ht. It thus loses half its weight, and the magnesia is left ij-jite pure. As the magnrM.i of the shops is sometimes adul- terated with chalk, this may be detected by the addition of. a little sulphuric acid diluted with eight oi ten times its weight of water, as this will form with the magnesia a very soluble salt, while the sulphate of lime will remain undissolved. Calcined magnesia should dissolve in this dilute acid without any effervescence. The crystallised carbonate dissolves in forty- eight times its weight of cold water; the common carbonate requires at least ten times as much, and first forms a paste with a small quantity of the fluid. The carbonate cf ammonia, once vulgarly known by the name of volatile sal ammoniac, and abroad by that of English volatile salt, be- cause it was first prepared in this country, was commonly called mild volatile alkali, before its true nature was known. When very pure it is in a crystalUne form, but seldom very regular. Its crystals are so small, that it is difficult to determine their figure. The taste and smeU of this salt are the same with these of pure ammonia, but much weaker. It turns the colour of violets green, and that of tur- meric brown. It is soluble in rather more than twice its weight of cold water, and in its own weight of hot water; but a boiling heat volatil- izes it. When pure, and thoroughly saturated, it is not perceptibly alterable in the air ; but when it has an excess of ammonia, it so/tens and grows moist. It cannot be doubted, however, that it is soluble in air; for if left in an open vessel, it gradually diminishes in weight, and its peculiar smell is diffused to a certain distance. Heat readi- ly sublimes, but does not decompose it. It has been prepared by the destructive distilla- tion of animal substances, and some others, in large iron pots, with a fire increased by degrees to a strong red-heat, the aqueous Uquor that first comes over being removed, that the salt might not be dissolved in it. Thus we had the salt of hartshorn, salt of soot, essential salt of vipers, &c. If the salt were dissolved in the water, it was culled spirit of the substance from which it was obtained. Thus, however, it was much contami- nated by a fcetid animal oil, from which it required to be subsequently purified, and is much better fabricated by mixing one part of muriate of am- monia and two of carbonate of lime, both as dry as possible,; nd subliming in an earthen retort. Sir 11. Davy has shown that its component parts vary, according to the manner of preparing it. The lower the temperature at which it is formed, the greater the proportion of acid and water. Thus, if formed at the temperature of 300°, it contains more than fifty per cent, of al- kali ; if at 60°, not more than twenty per cent. There are three or four definite compounds of carbonic acid and ammonia. Tbe 1st is the solid sub-carbonate of the shops. It consists of 55 carbonic acid, 30 ammonia, and 15 water ; or probably of 3 primes carbonic acid, 2 ammonia, and 2 water ; in ail 14.7 for its equi- valent. 2d, Gay Lussac has shown, that when 100 vol- umes of ammoniacal gas are mixed with 50 of carbonic acid, the two £ases precipitate in a solid salt, which must consist by weight of 66J acid-f- 43$ alkali, being in the ratio of a prime equivalent of each. 3d, When *he pungent sub-carbonate is exposed in powder to the air, it becomes scentless by the evaporation of a definite portion of its ammonia- It is then a compound of about 55 or 56 carbonic acid, 21.5 ammonia, and 22.5 water. It may be represented by 2 primes of acid, I of ammonia, and 2 of water, = 9.875. Another compound, it has been supposed, may be prepared bv p .ssii.-r carbonic acid through a CAR CAR •solution of the sub-carbonate till it be saturated. This, however, may be supposed to yield the same product as the last salt. Lussac infers tbe neutral carbonate to consist of equal volumes of the two gasesy though they will not directly com- bine in these proportions. This would give 18.1 to 46.5; the very proportions in the scentless salt. For 46.5: 18.1 : : 55: 21.42. It is well known as a stimidant usually put into smeUing bottles, frequently with the addition of some odoriferous oil. Fourcroy has found, that an ammoniaco-mag- nfdancarbonate is formed on some occasions. Thus, if carbonate of ammonia be decomposed by magnesia in the moist way, leaving these two substances in contact with each other in a bottle closely stopped, a complete decomposition will not take place, but a portion of this trisalt wiUbe formed. The same will take place if a solution of carbonate of magnesia in water, impregnated with carbonic acid, "be precipitated by pure am- monia ; or if ammoniaco-magnesian sulphate, ni- trate, or muriate, be precipitated by carbonate of potassa or of soda. The properties of this triple salt arc not much known, but it crystallises differently from the car- bonate of either of its bases, and has its own laws •f solubiUty and decomposition. The carbonate of gludne is in a white, dull, clotty powder, never dry, but greasy, and soft to the feel. It is not sweet, like the other salts of glucine, but insipid. It is very light, insoluble in water, perfectly unalterable by the air, but very readily decomposed by fire. A saturated solu- tion of carbonate of ammonia takes up a cer- tain portion of this carbonate, and forms with it a triple salt. Carbonic acid does not appear to be much dis- nosed to unite with argillaceous earth. Most clays, however, afford a small quantity of this acid by heat. The snowy white substance re- sembUng chalk, and known by the name of lae luna, is found to consist almost wholly of alumina saturated with carbonic acid. A saline substance, consisting of two six-sided pyramids, joined at one common base, weighing fire or six grains, and of a taste somewhat resembling alum, was produced by leaving an ounce phial of water im- pregnated with carbonic acid, and a redundancy of alumina, exposed to spontaneous evaporation for some months. Vauquelin has found, that carbonate of zir- cone may be formed by evaporating muriate of zircone, redissolving it in water, and precipitating by the alkaline carbonate. He also adds, that it very readily combines so as to form a triple salt, with either of the three alkaline carbonates."— Ure's Chem. Diet. This gas is much esteemed in the cure of typhus fevers, and of irritability and weakness of sto- mach, producing vomiting. Against the former diseases it is given by administering yeast, bottled porter, and the like ; and for the latter it is dis» engaged from the carbonated alkali by lemon juice in a draught given while effervescing. CARBONIC OXIDE. Gaseous oxide of car- bon. " A gaseous compound of one prime equi- valent of carbon, and oneof oxygen, consisting by weight of 0.75 of the former, and LOO of the latter. Hence the prime of the compound is 1.75, the same as that of azote. This gas cannot be formed by the chemist by the direct combination of its constituents ; for at the temperature requi- site for effecting a union, the. carbon attracts its full dose of oxygen, and thus generates carbonic acid. It may be procured by exposing charcoal 218 to a long continued heat. The last prodflcU con- sist chiefly of carbonic oxide. To obtain it pure, however, our only plan is ta abstract one proportion of oxygen from carbonic acid, either in its gaseous state, or as condensed in the carbonates. If we subject to a strong heat, in a gun barrel or retort, a mixture of any dry earthy carbonate, such as chalk, or carbonate of strontites, with metalUc filings or charcoal, the combined aeid ia resolved into the gaseous oxide of carbon. The most convenient mixture is equal ports of dried chalk and iron, or zinc filings. The specific gravity of this gas is stated by Gay Lussac and Thenard, from theoretical considera- tions, to be 0.96782, though Mr. Cruikshank's ex- perimental estimate was 0.9569. This gas burns with a dark blue flame. Sir H. Davy has shown, that though carbonic oxide in its combustion produces less heat than other inflammable gases, it may be kindled at a much lower temperature. It inflames in the atmos- phere, when brought into contact with an iron wire heated to dull redness, whereas carburetted hydrogen is not inflammable by a similar wire, unless it is heated to whiteness, so as to burn with sparks. It requires, for its combustion, half its volume of oxygen gas, producing one volume of carbonic acid. It is not decomposable by any of the simple combustible*, except potassium and sodium. When potassium is heated in a portion ofthe gas, potassa is formed with the precipitation of charcoal, and the disengagement of heat and light. Perhaps iron, at a high temperature, would eondense the oxygen and carbon by its strong affinity for these substances. Water condenses 3V of its bulk of the gas. The above processes are those usually prescribed in our systematic works, for procuring the oxide of carbon, b some of them, a portion of carbonic acid is evolved, which may be withdrawn by washing the gaseous product with weak solution of potassa, or noilk of lime. We avoid the chance of this impurity by extricating the gas from a mixture of dry carbonate of barytes and iron filings, or of oxide of zinc, and previously calcined charcoal. The gaseous product from the first mixture, is pure oxide of carbon. Oxide of iron, and pure barytes, remain in the retort. Carbonic oxide, when respired, is fatal to animal Ufe. Sir H. Davy took three inspirations of it, mixed with about one-fourth of common air: the effect was a temporary loss of sensation, which was succeeded by giddiness, sickness, acute pains indifferent parts of the body, and extreme debility. Some days elapsed before he entirely recovered. Since- then, Mr. Witter of Dublin was struck down in an apoplectic condition, by breathing this gas; but he was speedily restored by the inhalation of oxygen. See an interesting account of this expe- riment, by Mr. Witter, in the Phil. Mag. vol. 43. When a mixture of it and chlorine is exposed to sunshine, a curious compound, discovered by Dr. John Davy, is formed, to which he rave the name of phosgene gas. It has been called chloro- carbonic acid, though chlorocarbonous acid seems a more appropriate name."—Ure't Chem, Did. CARBUNCLE. 1. The name of a gem highly prized by the ancients, probably the alamanivnt, a lariety of noble garnet. 2. The name of a disease. See Anthrax. CARBU'NCULUS. (Diminutive of carbo, a burning coal.) A carbuncle. See Anthrax. CARBURET. Carburetum. A combination of charcoal wifti any other substance: thus car- CAR t^AR Wetted hydrogen is hydrogen holding caxlhtu in solttion; carburetted iron is steel, &c. Carbirit of sulphur. Sulphuret of car- bon. Alkohol of sulphur. " This interesting li- quid wa*originally obtained byLampadius in dis- tilling a mixture of pulverized pyrites and charcoal in an earthen retort, and was considered by him as a peculiar compound of sulphur and hydrogen. But Clement and Desormes first ascertained its true constitution to be carburetted sulphur ; and they invented a process of great simplicity, for at once preparing it, and proving its nature. Tho- roughly calcined charcoal is to be put into a por- celain tube, that traverses a furnace at a slight angle of inctination. To the higher end of the tube, a retort of gloss, containing sulphur, is luted ; and to tbe lower end is attached an adopter tube, which enters into a bottle with two tubulures, half fall of water, and surrounded with very cold water or ice. From the other aperture of the bottle, a bent tube proceeds into the pneumatic trough. When the porcelain tube is brought into a state of ignition, heat is applied to the sulphur, which subliming into the tube, combines with the char- coal, forming the liquid carburet. The carburet of sulphur dissolves camphor. It does not unite with water; but very readily with alkohol and xther. With chloride of azot it forms a non-detonating compound. The waters of potassa, barytes, and lime, slowly decompose it, with the evolution of carbonic acid pas. It combines with ammonia and lime, forming carbo- sulphureU. The carburet, saturated with ammo- niacal gas, forms a yellow pulverulent substance, which sublimes unaltered in close vessels, but is so deliquescent that it cannot be passed from one vessel to another without absorbing moisture. When heated in that state, crystals of hydrosul- nhuret of ammonia form. The compound with lime is made by heating some quicklime in a tube, and causing the vapour of carburet to pass through it. The lime becomes incandescent at the instant of combination. When the carburet is left for some weeks in contact with nitro-muriatic acid, it is converted into a substance having very much the appearance and physical properties of camphor; being soluble ia alkohol and oils, and insoluble in water. This snbstance is, according to Berzelius, a triple acid, composed of two atoms of muriatic acid, one atom of sulphurous arid, and one atom of carbonic acid. He calls it, muriatico-sulphorous-rarbomc acid. When potassium is heated in the vapour ofthe carburet, U burns with a reddish flame, and a black film appears on the surface. On admitting water, a greenish solution of sulphuret of potassa is ob- tained, containing a mixture of charcoal. From its vapour passing through ignited muriate of sil- Tcr, without occasioning any reduction of the metal, it is demonstrated that tliis carburet is des- titute of hydrogen. When the compound of potassa, water, and carburet ol tulphur, is added to metallic solutions, precipitates of a peculiar kind, called carbo-sul- phurets, are obtained. Carburet of sulphur was found by Dr. Brew- ster to exceed all fluid bodies in refractive power, nud even the solids, flint-glass, topaz, aud tour- maline. In dispersive power it exceeds every fluid kubstance except oil of rasbia, holding an intermediate place between phosphorus and balsam of T.du."- (re. Carburetted hydrogen gas. Carbonated Hydrogen gat; Heavy inflammable air; Hy- dro-carbonate. Olefiant gas. Hydroguret, of .corbo*. " Of this compound sa* we have two species, differing in the proportions of the con- stituents. The first, consisting of 1 prime equiva* lent of each, is carburetted hydrogen ; the second, of 1 prime of carbon, and 2 of hydrogen, is siib- carburetted hydrogen. 1. Carburetted hydrogen, the percarburettefl of the French chemists, is, according to Mr. Brande, the only definite compound of these two elements. To prepare it, we mix, in a glass retort, 1 part of alkohol and 4 of sulphuric acid, and ex- pose the retort to a moderate heat. The gas is usually received over water; though De Saussure states that this Uquid absorbs more than l-7th of its volume of the gas. It is destructive of animal life. Its specific gravity is 0.978, according to Saussure. 100 cubic inches weigh 28.80 gr.° It possesses aU the mechanical projierties of air. It is invisible, and void of taste and smell, when it has been washed from a little aethereous vapour. The effect of heat ou this gas is curious. When passed through a porcelain tube, heated to a cher- ry-red, it lets faU a portion of charcoal, and near- ly doubles its volume! At a higher temperature it deposits more charcoal, and augments in bulk; till finally, at the greatest heat to which we can expose it, it lets fall almost the whole of its car- bon, and assumes a volume 3j times greater than it had at first. These remarkable results, ob- served with great care, have induced the illustrious Berthollet to conclude, with much plausibility, that hydrogen and carbon combine in many suc- cessive proportions. The transmission of a series of electric sparks through this gus produces a si- milar effect with that of simple heat. Carburetted hydrogen burns with a splendid white flame. When mixed with three times it ♦ bulk of oxygen, and kindled by a taper or the electric spark, it explodes with great violence. When this gas is mixed with its own bulk of chlorine, the gaseous mixture is condensed over water into a peculiar oily-looking compound. Hence this carburetted hydrogen was called by its discoverers, the associated Dutch chemists, ole- fiant gat. Robiquet and Colin formed this li- quid in considerable quantities, by making two currents of its constituent gases meet in a glass globe. The olefiant gas should be in rather larger quantity than the chlorine, otherwise the liqnid becomes of a green colour, and acquires acid pro- perties. When it is washed with water, and dis- tdled off dry muriate of lime, it may be regarded as pure. It is then a limpid colourless essence of a pleasant flavour, and a sharp, sweet, and not disagreeable taste. At 45° its specific gravity is 2.2201. Dr. Thompson calls this fluid chloric ather, and it may with propriety, Mr. Brande thinks, be termed hydro-chlenide of carbon. Olenant gas is elegantly analysed by heating sulphur in if over mercury. One cubic inch of it, with 2 grains of sulphur, yields 2 cubic inches of sulphuretted hydrogen, and charcoal is deposited. Now we know that the latter gas contains jnst its own volume of hydrogen. 2. SubcarburetUd hydrogen. This gas is supposed to be procured in a state of definite com- position, from the mud of stagnant pools or ditches. We have only to fill a wide-mouthed goblet with water, and inverting it in the ditch- water, stir the bottom with a stick. Gas rises into the goblet. The fire-damp of mines is a similar gas to that of ditches. There is in both cases an admixture of carbonic acid, which lime or potassa-water will remove. A proportion of air is also present, the quantity of which can be ascertained by ana- lysis. By igniting acetate of potassa in a gun- barrel, an analogous species of gas. is obtained. CAB CAR Subcarburctted hydrogen is destitute of colour, laste, and smell. It burns with a yellow flame, like I hat of a candle. As the gas of ditches and the choke-damp of mines is evidently derived from the action of wa- terondecaying vegetable or carbonaceous matter, we can understand that a similar product wiU be obtained by passing water over ignited charcoal, or by heating moistened charcoal or vegetable matter in retorts. The gases are here, however, a somewhat complex mixture, as well as what we obtain by igniting pit coal and wood in iron re- torts. The combustion of subcarburctted hydro- gen with common air takes place only when they are mixed in certain proportions. If from 6 to 12 parts of air be mixed with one of carburetted hy- drogen, we have explosive mixtures. Propor- tions beyond these limits will not explode. In Uke manner, from 1 to 2j of oxygen must be mixed with one of the combustible gas, otherwise we have no explosion. Sir H. Davy says, that this gas has a disagreeable empyreumatic smell, and that water absorbs l-3Qth of its volume of it." — Ure. CA'RCARUS. (From KapKaipw, to resound.) Varcaros. A fever in which the patient has a continual horror and trembting, with an unceas- ing sounding in his cars. Ca'rcax. (From Kapa, a head.) A species of poppy, with a very large head. Ca'rcer. A remedy, according to Paracelsus, for restraining the motions of body, the extrava- gant and tibidinous conversation in some disor- ders ; as in Chorea Sancti Viti, &c. Carche'sius. K.apxvotos. The openings at the top of a ship's mast through which the rope passes. A name of some bandages noticed by Galen, and described by Oribasius. CARCINO'MA. (Carcinoma, atis. n. From KapKiv®*, a cancer.) See Cancer. CARCINUS. (K-tpKtv®; a cancer.) Carci- nos. See Cancer. Cardama'ntica. (From xapcapov, the nas- turtium.) A species of sciatica cresses. Cardamele'um. A medicine of no note, mentioned by Galen. CARDAMFNE. (Cardamine, es. f.; from Kapiia, the heart; because it acts as a cordial and strengthener, or from its having the taste of car- daraum, that is, nasturtium, or cress.) Cuckoo- flower. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Tetradynamia; Order, Siliquosa. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the cuckoo- flower. See Cardamine pratensis. Cardamine pratensis. The systematic name of the common ladies' smock, or cuckoo- flower, called cardamine in the pharmacopoeias. Cardamantica ; Nasturtium aquaticum ; Culi flos; Iberis tophia ; Cardamine :—foliis pin- natis, foliolis, radicalibus subrotundis, caulinis lanceolatis of Linnaeus. The flower has a place in the materia medica, upon the authority of Sir George Baker, who has published five cases, two of chorea Sancti Viti, one of spasmodic asthma, pne of hemiplegia, and a case of spasmodic af- fections of the lower limbs, wherein the flores eardamines Were supposed to have been success- fuUy used. A variety of virtues have been given to this plant, but it does not deserve the attention of practitioners. CARDAMO'MUM. (From Kaphipov, and apiapov : because it partakes of the nature, and is like both the c:.rJamum and amomum.) The cardamom. See Amomum, Elettaria, and Illi- cium. 220 Cardamomum majus. See Amomum g,a. numparadisi. Cardamomum medium. The seeds corres- pond, in every respect, with the lesser, except in being twice as long, but no thicker than the Cardamomum minus. Cardamomum minus. See Elettaria carda- momum. Cardamomum piperatum. See Amomum granum parodist. Cardamomum siberiense. See Illicium stellatum. . CA'RDAMUM. (FrtSm Kapha, the heart; because it comforts and strengthens the heart.) The cardamum. See Amomum, Elatteria, and Illicium. CA'RDIA. (From Ktap, the huart.) 1. This term was applied by the Greeks to the heart. 2. The superior opening of the stomach. CABDI'AC. (Cardiacus; from Kapiia, flu heart.) A cordial. Sec Cordial. Cardiaca confectio. See Confectio aro- matica. Cardiaca herba. So named from the sup- posed relief it gives in faintings and disorders of the stomach. The pharmacopoeial name of the plant caUed Mother-wort. See Leonurus car- diaca. Cardiaca passio. The cardiac passion. An- cient writers frequently mention a disorder under this name, which consists of that oppression and distress which often accompanies fainting. Cardiacus morbus. A name by which the ancients called the typus fever. CARDIA'LGIA. (From Kapiia, the cardia, and aXyos, pain.) Pain at the stomach. The heartburn. Dr. CuUen ranks it as a symptom of dyspepsia. Heartburn is an uneasy sensation in the stomach, with anxiety, a heat more or less violent, and sometimes attended with oppression, faintness, an inclination to vomit, or a plentiful discharge of clear lymph, like saliva. This pain may arise from various and different causes; such asJioiu*; from sharp humours, either acid, bilious, or rancid; from worms gnawing and vel- Ucating the coats ofthe stomach ; from acrid and pungentfood, such as spices, aromatics, &c; as also from rheumatic and gouty humours, or sur- fdts; from too free a use of tea, or watery fluids relaxing the stomach, &c. ; from the natural mu- cus being abraded, particularly in the upper ori- fice of the stomach. Cardialgia sputatoria. See Pyrotit. Cardime'lech. (From Kapha, the heart, and meleck, Heb. a governor.) A fictitious term in Dolaeus's Encyclopedia, by which he would ex- press a particidar active principle in the heart, appointed to what we call the vital functions. Cardimo'na. Pain at the stomach. Cardinal flowers. See Lobelia. Cardiname'ntum. (From cardo, a hinge.) An articulation like a hinge. CARDIO'GMUS. (From Kaphmow, to hare a pain in the stomach.) 1. A distressing pain at the praecordia or stomach. 2. An aneurism in or near the heart, which oc- casions pain in the praecordia. 3. A variety of the Exangia aneurisma of Good's nosological arrangement CARDIO'NCHrS. (From Kapha, the heart, and oyKos, a tumour.) An aneurism in the heart, or in the aorta near the heart. Cardiotro'tus. (From Kapha, the heart, and riTpiaoKia, to wound.) One who hath a wound in his heart. CARDITIS. (From Kapha, tbe heart.) Em- prutmc carditit of Good. Inflammation of the Mart. It is a^t-nus of disease arranged by Cul- len in 1 heels* Pyrexia, and order Phlegmada. It is known by pyrexia, pain in the region of the heart, great anxiety, difficulty ef breathing, cough, irregular pulse, palpitation, and fainting, and the other symptoms of inflammation. The treatment of carditis is, in a great mea- sure, similar to that of pneumonia. It is neces- sary to take blood freely, as wcU generally as lo- cally, and apply a blister near the part. Purging may lie carried to a greater extent than in pneu ■ mnnia ; and the use of digitalis is more important, to lessen the irritability of the heart. It is equally desirable to promote diaphoresis, but expectora- tion is not so much to be looked for, unless in- deed, as very often happens, the inflammation should have extended, in some degree, to the lunirs. CA'RDO. A hinge. 1, The articulation called Ginglymuv. 2. The second vertebra of the neck. Cardo'nium. Wine medicated with herbs.— Paracelsus. Cardopa'tium. The low carlinc thistle. Most probably the Carlina acaulis of Linnaeus, j=aid to be diaphoretic. CA'RDUUS. (a carere, quasi aptus carenda lana, being fit to tease wool; or from Ktipw, to abrade ; so named from its roughness, which abrades and tears whatever it meets with.) The thistle or teasel. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Polygamia aqualis. Carduus acanthus. The bear's breech. Carduus altilis. The artichoke. Carduus arvensis. The way-thistle. See Serratula arvensis. Carduus benedictus. See Centaurea. Carduus hemorrhoidals. The common rrceping way-thistle. Serratula arvensis of Linnaeus. Carduus lacteus. See Carduus maria- nte. Carduus marie. Sec Carduus marianus. Carduus Marianus. The systematic name of the officinal Carduus maria. Common milk- thistle, or Lady's-thistle. Carduus:—foliis am- pledcaulibus, hastato-pinnatifidis, spinods; calycibus aphyllis; spinis caliculalis, dupli- eato-spinosit, of Linnaeus. The seeds of this plant, and the herb, have been employed medici- nally. The former contain a bitter oil, and are recommended as relaxants. The juice of the lat- ter is said to be salutary in dropsies, in the dose of four ounces; and, according to Miller, to be efficacious against pungent pains. The leaves when young surpass, when boiled, the finest cab- bage, and in that state are diuretic. Cardites sativus. The artichoke. Cardous solstitialis. The Caldtrapa officinalis of Linnaeus. Carduus tomentosus. The woolly thistle. See Onopordium acanthium. CAREUA'RIA. (From Kaptj, the head, and (iapos, weight.) A painful and uneasy heaviness of the head. CARE NUM. (FromKapn, the head.) Galen uses this word for the head. Cakenum unum. Strong wine. Caukcm. (From Caria, the country whence they were brought.) The caraway. ' C A' R E X. (Carex, ids. foera. from car to, not ouia viribut cartat, but because, from its rough- ness, it is fit ad rarendum, to card, tease, or pull.) S«dre. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Monttcia; Or- der, Triandria. Carex arenaria. The systematic name ol the officinal sarsaparilla germanica, which grows plentifully on the sea coast. The root has been found serviceable in some mucal affections of the trachea, in rheumatic pains, and gouty affections, These roots, and those of the carex hirta, are mixed with the true sarsapardla, which they much resemble. CA'RICA. (From Caria, the place where they were cultivated.) The fig. See Ficus carica. Cakica patata. Papaw-tree. Tliis is a na- tive of both Indies, and the Guinea coast of Afri- ca. When the roundish fruit are nearly ripe, the inhabitants of India boil and eat them with their meat, as we do turnips. They have somewhat the flavour of a pompion. Previous to boiling, they soak them for some time in salt and water, to extract the corrosive juice, unless the meat they are to be boiled with should be very salt and old, and then this juice being in them, will make them as tender as a chicken. But they mostly pickle the long fruit, and thus they make no bail succe- danetim for mango. The buds of the female flowers are gathered, and made into a sweet- meat ; and the inhabitants are such good husbands of the produce of this tree, that they boil the shells of the ripe fruit into a repast, and the in- sides are eaten with sugar in the mai ^r of mel- ons. Every part of the papaw-tree, except the ripe fruit, affords a milky juice, which is used, in the Isle of France, as an effectual remedy for the tape-worm. In Europe, however, whither it has been sent in the concrete state, it has not an- swered, perhaps from some change it had un- dergone, or not having been given in a sufficient dose. A very remarkable circumstance regarding the papaw-tree, is the extraction from its juice of a matter exactly resembling the flesh or fibre of animals, and hence called vegetable fibrin. Caricum. (From Cancut, its inventor.) Carycum. An ointment for cleansing ulcers, composed of hellebore, lead, and cantharides. CA'RIES. (From carah,C hald.) Gangre- na caries of Good. Rottenness, mortification of the bones. Cari'ma- The cassada bread. CARINA. The keel of a ship. 1. A name formerly applied to the back bone. 2. In botany, the keel, or that part of the petals which compose a papilionaceous flower, consist- ing of two, united or separate, which embrace the internal or genital organs. See Corolla. CARINATUS. Keel-shaped; applied to leaves and petals when the back is longitudinally prominent like the keel of a bout; as in the leaf of the Allium carinatum, and the petals of the Allium ampelloprasum, and Carum carui. CARINTHINE. A subspecies of mineral augite found in Carinthia. CARIOUS. When a part of a bone is deprived of its vitality, it is said to be carious, dead or rot- ten: hence carious tooth, &c. Ca'RIUM TERRA. LilllC. Carivilla'ndi. Sarsaparilla root. CARLPNA. (From Carolus, Charles the Great, or Charlemagne; because it was believed that an angel showed it to him, and that, by the use of it, his army was preserved from the plague.) Carlinc thistle. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnsan system. Class, Syngeneda; Or- der, Polygamia aqualis. The officinal name of two kinds of plant". CAH CAR CarliKa acaulis. The systematic name of s he chamaleon album. Carlina; Cardopotium. Carline thistle. Star thistle. Carlina—caule unifloro, flore breviort, of Linnaeus. The root of this plant is bitter, and said to possess diapho- retic and anthelmintic virtues. It is also extolled by foreign physicians in the cure of acute, malig- nant, and chronic disorders, particularly gravel and jaundice. Carlina gummifera. Carduus pinea; Irine. Pine thistle. This plant is the Atracty- lis gummifera of Linmeus. The root, when wounded, yields a milky, viscous juice, which concretes into tenacious masses, at first whitish, resembling wax, when much handled growing black; it is said to be chewed with the same views as mastich. Carline thistle. See Carlino acaulis. Ca'rlo sancto radix. St. Charles's root; so called by the Spaniards, on account of its great virtues. It is found in Mechoachan, a province in America. Its bark hath an aromatic flavour, with a bitter acrid taste. The root itself consists of slender fibres. The bark is sudorific, and strengthens the gums and stomach. CA'RMEN. (Carmen, inis. neut. Averse; because charms usuaUy consisted of a verse.) A charm; an amulet. Carmes. (The Carmelite friars, Fr.) Car- metite water ; so named from its inventors; com- posed of baum, lemon-peel, &c. Carmina'ntia. See Carmirtative. CARMI'NATIVE. (CarminaHvus; from carmen, a verse, or charm ; because practitioners, in ancient times, ascribed their operation to a charm or enchantment.) That which allays pain and dispels flatulencies of the prima; via;. The principal carminatives are the seroina cardamomi, anisi et carui ; olea essentiaUa carui, anisi et juniperi; confectio aromatica ; pulvis aromati- cus ; tinctura cardamomi; tinctura cinnamomi composita ; zingiber; stimulants; tonics ; bit- ters ; and astringents. CARMINE. A red pigment prepared from cochineal. CARMINIUM. The name given by the French chemists to the colouring matter of cochi- neal. See Coccus cacti. Carnaba'dium. Caraway-seed. CA'RNEA COLUMNA. A fleshy piUar or column. The name of some fleshy fasiculi in the ventricles of the heart. See Heart. CARNELIAN. A subspecies of calcedony. CARNI'CULA. (Diminutive of caro, carnis, flesh.) A small fleshy substance ; applied to the substance which surrounds the gums. CARNIFO'RMIS. (From caro, fleah, and forma, likeness.) Having the appearance of flesh. It is commonly applied to an abscess where the flesh surrounding the orifice is hardened, and of a firm consistence. CARNOSUS. Fleshy; applied to leaves, pods, &c. of a thick pulpy substance ; as in the leaves of all those plants called succulent, espe- cially tedum, crassula, frc. CA'RO. (Caro, carnis. foem.) 1. Flesh. The red part or belly of a muscle. 2. The pulp of fruit. Caroli'na. See Carlina. CAROMEL. The smell exhaled from sugar at the calcininp; heat. Caro'im. The Amomum verum. Caro'ra. A chemical vessel that resembles an Urinal. Caro'sis. See Cams. CARO T 4. SeeDaucus. CAROTID. (From *«/wi», to cause to sleep; bexausjv if li
    v, a straw.) I. In Hippocrates it signifies a mote, or any small substance. 2. A pustule of the smallest kind. 3. The herb fenugreek. CA'RPIA. (From carpo, to pluck, as lintiJ made from linen cloth.) Lint. Carpi'smus. The wrist. CARPOBA'LSAMUM. (From Kapiros, fruit, and fiaXoapov, balsam.) See Amyrit gileadentu. CARPOLO'GIA. See Carphologia. CARPOTICA. (Carpoticus; from Kaprmis, fruitio, from Kapnos, fructus.) The name of an order of diseases in the class Ge%etica of Good's Nosology; diseases afflicting the impregnation. It embraces four genera. 1. Paracyeds, morbid pregnancy. 2. Parodynia, morbid labour. 3. Eccyesis, extra-uterine fcetation. 4. Pseudocye- ds, spurious pregnancy. CA'RPUS. (Kapiros, the wrist.) The wrist, or carpus. It is situated between the fore-aim and hand. See Bone. CARROT. See Daucut carota. Carrot, candy. See Athamanta Cretentit. Carrot poultice. See Cataplasma daud. CA'RTHAMUS. (From KaOaipw, to purge.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Polygamia aqualis. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the saffron flower. Stt> Carthamus tinctorint. CAR CAR CaETHAUUS tinctorius. The systematic name of the saffron flower, or bastard saffron, called also Cnicut; Crocus taracenicut; Car- thamum offirinarum; Carduus tativus. Car- thamus—,-foliis ovatit, integrit.terrato-aculeatit of Linnaus. The seeds, freed from their shells, have been celebrated as a gentle cathartic, in the dose of one or two drachms. They are also sup- posed to be diuretic and expectorant; particularly nseful in humoral asthma, and similar complaints. The carthamus lanatut is considered in France as a febrifuge and sudorific. The dried flowers are frequently mixed with saffron, to adulterate it. The plant is cultivated in many places on account of its flowers, which are used as a dye. " In some of the deep reddish, yellpw, or •range-coloured flowers, the yeUow matter seems to be of the same kind with that of the pure yellow flowers ; but the red to be of a different kind from the pure red ones. Watery menstrua Uke up only the yeUow, and leave the red, which may afterward be extracted by alkohol. or by a weak solution of alkali. Such particularly are the saffron-coloured flowers of carthamus. These, after the yellow matter has been extracted by water, are said to give a tincture to ley ; from which, on standing at rest for some time, a deep red fecula subsides called safflower, and from the countries whence it is commonly brought to us, Spanish red and China lake. This pigment im- pregnates alkohol with a beautiful red tincture ; out communicates no colour to water. Rouge is prepared from carthamus. For this purpose the red colour is extracted by a solution of the subcarbonate of soda, and precipitated by lemon juice previously depurated by standing. This precipitate is dried on earthen plates, mix- ed with talc, or French chalk, reduced to a pow- der by means of the leaves of shave-grass, tritu- rated with it till they are both very fine, and then sifted. The fineness of the powder and propor- tion of the precipitate constitute the difference between the finer and cheaper rouge. It is like- wise spread very thin on saucers, and sold in this state for dyeing. Carthamus is used for dyeing silk of a poppy, cherry, rose, or bright oranp-e-red. After the yeUow matter is extracted as above, and the cakes opened, it is put into a deal trough, and sprinkled at different times with pearl ashes, or rather soda, well powdered and sifted, in the proportion of six pounds to a hundred, mixing the alkali well as it is nut in. The alkali should be saturated with carbonic acid. The carthamus is then put on a cloth in a trough with a grated bottom, placed on a larger trough, and cold water poured on, till the large trough is filled. And this is re- peated, with the addition of a little more alkali toward the end. yil the carthamus is exhausted nnd become yellow. Lemon juice is then poured into the bath, till it is turned of a fine cherry co- lour, and after it is well stirred, the silk is immers- ed in it. The silk is wrung, drained, and passed through fresh baths, washing and drying after every operation, till it is of a proper colour ; when his brightened in hot water and lemon juice. For a poppy or fire colour a slight annotto ground is first £iven; but the silk should not be aluincd. For a pale carnation a little soap should be put into the bath. All these baths must be used as soon ok they are made ; and cold, because heat dentroys the colour of the red ferule." CARTUEUSER, John Fri.DERicK, a pro- fessor of medicine at Francfort, on the Oder, ac- quired considerable reputation about the middle of the lu»t century, by m vend luminous works on hofanv and pharmacy; especially his " Rndimeni- ta Materia; Medicae Rationatis," and "De Gene- ricis qnibusdam Plantarum Principiis." He had two sons, Frederick Augustus and William, also of the medical profession, and authors of some less important works. Carthusia'nus. (From the Monks of that order, who first invented it.) A name of the precipitated sulphur of antimony. CARTILAGE. See Cartilago. CARTILAGINEUS. Cartilagnious. L Ap- plied, in anatomy, to parts which naturally, or from disease, have a cartilaginous consistence. 2. In botany, to leaves which have a hard or horny leaf-edge, as in several species of saxifrage. See Leaf. CARTILA'GO. (Cartilago, inis. feem. Quasi carnilago; from caro, carnit, flesh.) A white elastic, glistening substance, growing to bones, and commonly called gristle. Cartilages are divided, by anatomists, into obducent, which cover the moveable articulations of bones ; inter- articular, which are situated between the articu- lations, and uniting cartilages, which unite one bone with another. Their use is to facilitate the motions of bones, or to connect them together. The chemical analysis of cartilage affords one- third the weight of the bones, when the calcare- ous salts are removed by digestion in dilute mu- riatic acid. It resembles coagulated albumen. Nitric acid converts it into gelatin. With alka- lies it forms an animal soap. Cartilage is the primitive paste, into which the calcareous salts are deposited in the young animal. In the dis- ease rickets, the earthy matter is withdrawn by morbid absorption, and the bones return into the state nearly of flexible cartilage. Hence arise the distortions characteristic of this disease. Cartilago annularis. See Cartilago cricoidea. Cartilago aryt.enoidea. See Larynx. Cartilago cricoidea. The cricoid carti- lage belongs to the larynx, and is situated between the thyroid and arytenoid cartilages and the tra- chea ; it constitutes, as it were, the basis of the many annular cartilages of the trachea. Cartilago ensiformis. Cartilago xiphoi- dea. Ensiform cartilage. A cartilage shaped somewhat like a sword or dagger, attached to the lowermost part of the sternum, just at the pit of the stomach. Cartilago scutiformis. See Thyrmd car- tilage. Cartilago thtroidea. Sec Thyrmd car- tilage. Cartilago xiphoidea. See Cartilago en- siformis. CA'RUI. (Caruia. Arabian.) The caraway.. See Carum. CA'RUM. (Kapos ; so named from Carta, a province of Asia.) The Caraway. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the caraway plant. See Carum carui. Carum carui. The systematic name for the plant, the seeds of which are called caraways. It is also called Cai~vi; Cuminum pratense; Carus ; Caruon. The seeds are weU known to have a pleasant spicy smell, and a warm aromatic taste ; and, on this account, are used for various economical purposes. They arc esteemed to be carminative, cordial, and stomachic, and recom- mended in dyspepsia, flatulencies, and other symp- toms attending hysterical, and hypocondriacal disorders. An essential oil and distilled water are directed to be prepared from them by the London College. CAR CAS CA'RTJNCLE. (Caruncula; diminutive of euro, flesh.) Ecphynia caruncula of Good. A Utile fleshy excrescence; as the carunculae myrtiformes, carunculae lachrymales, &c. CARUNCULA. See Caruncle. Caruncula lachrtmalis. A longconoidal gland, red externally, situated in the internal can- thus of each eye, before the union of the eyeUds. It appears to be formed of numerous sebaceous glands, from which many small hairs grow. The hardened smegma observable in this part of the eye in the morning, is separated by this caruncle. Carunculae mamillares. The extremities of the tubes in the nipple. CarunculjE myrtiformes. When the hy- men has been lacerated by attrition, there remain in its place, two, three, or four caruncles, which have received the name of myrtiform. Carunculje papillares. The protuber- ances within the pelvis of the kidney, formed by the papiUous substance of the kidney. Ca'ruon. See Carum. CA'RUS. (Kaposi from Kapa, the head, as being the part affected.) Caros; Carotis. 1. insensibility and sleepiness, as in apoplexy, at- tended with quiet respiration. 2. A lethargy, or a profound sleep, without fever. 3. Dr. Good gives this name to a genus in his Nosology, embracing those diseases characterised by muscular immobility; mental or corporeal tor- pitude, or both. It has six species ; Carus as- phyxia ; ecstasis; catalepda ; lethargus; apo- plexia ; paralysis. 4. The caraway seed. Ca'rva. The cassia tignea. Cary'don. See Caryedon. Carye'don. (From Kapva, a nut.) Cory- don. A sort of fracture, where the bone is bro- ken into smaU pieces, Uke the shell of a cracked nut. CartOcosti'num. An electuary ; so named from two of its ingredients, the clove and costus. CARYOPHYLLA'TA. (From KapvoipvXXov, the caryophyllus; so named, because it smells Uke the caryophyUus, or clove July flower.) See Geum urbanum. Caryophylloi'des cortex. See Laurus culilawan. CARYOPHY'LLUM. (Kapvohyl!us. Caryophyllus vulgaris. SeeGeumwr&a- num. Caryo'tis. (From Kapuoi', a nut.) Caryota. Galen gives this name to a superior sort of date, of the shape of a nut. CASCARI'LLA. (Diminutive of cascara, the bark, or shell. Spanish.) A name given originally to smaU specimens of cinchona; but now applied to another bark. See Croton casca- rilla. Cas'chv. See Acacia catechu. Cashew-nut. See Anacardium oceidentale. 224 Cashow. See Acacia catechu. CASEIC ACID. Addum caseicum. The name given by Proust to an acid formed in cheeses, to which he ascribes their flavour. Ca'sia. See Cassia. Casmina'ris. See Cassumuniar. Ca'ssa. (Arabian.) The breast. CASSATM. See Jatropha manihot. Ca'ssamum. The fruit of the balsam of Gi- lead tree, or Amyrus ofobalsamum. Ca'ssava. See Jatropha manihot. CASSEBOHM, Frederic, a professor of anatomy at Halle in Saxony, pubUshed in 1730, a treatise on the difference between the Foetus and Adult, in which he notices the descent of the tes- ticle from the abdomen ; and four years after a very minute and exact description of the ear. He Ukewise explained in subsequent pubUcations the manner of dissecting the muscles and the viscera; but an early death prevented his completing his ce- sign of elucidating the anatomy of the whole body in the same way. CASSERIUS, Julius, was born of humble parents at Placentia in 1545. He became servant to Fabricius at Padua, who observing his talent, first taught him anatomy, then made him his as- sistant, and finally coadjutor in tne professorship in 1609. He pursued the study with uncommon zeal, expending almost all bis profits in procuring subjects, and in having drawings and prints made ofthe parts, which he discovered, or traced more accurately than his predecessors. He employed comparative anatomy, not as a substitute for, but only as a clue to that of the human subject. He Eublished an account of the organs of voice and earing, which he afterwards extended to the other senses, explaining also the uses of these parts. Some years after his death in 1616, the rest of his plates, amounting to 78, with the' explanations, were published with the works of SpigeUus. CA'SSIA. (From the Arabic katsia, wliich is from katsa, to tear off; so caUed from the act of stripping the bark from the tree.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decandria; Order, Monogynia. Casna bark. See Laurus cassia. Cassia caryophyllata. The clove-btdf tree. See Myrtus caryophyllata. Cassia fistula. Cassia nigra; Cassia fit- tularis ; Alexandrina; Chaiarxambar; Can- na ; Casda solutiva ; Tlai Xiem. The purging cassia. This tree, Cassia—foliis quivquejugii ovatis acuminatis glabris, petiolis eglandulatis of Linnaeus, is a native of both Indies. The pods of the East India cassia are of a less diameter, smoother, and afford a blacker, sweeter, and more grateful pulp, than those which are brought from the West Indies. Those pods which are the heaviest, and in which the seeds do not rattle on being shaken, are commonly the best, and contain the most pulp, which is the part medicinally em- ployed, and to be obtained in the manner de- scribed in the pharmacopoeias. The best pulp is of a bright shining black colour, and of a sweet taste, with a slight degree of acidity. It has been long Mjed as a laxtth, medicine, and beine;gende in its operation, and scldor:'' d:sturbingthebowels, is well adapted to children, and to delicate or pregnant women. Adu'ts, however, find it of little effect, unless taken in a very large dose, a» an ounce or more ; and, therefore, to them this pulp is rarely given, but usually conjoined with some of the brisker purgatives. The officinal preparation of this drug, is the confectio cassix; it is also an ingredient in the confectio senns. Cassia fistularis. See Cassia fistula. Cassia latinorum. See O.niri*. CAS CAT Cassia licvf.a. See Laurus cassia. Cassia monspki iknsium. See Osyrit. Cassm nigra. See Catsiu fistula. Cassia poetica. Poet-' rosemary; a plant which grows in the south of Europe, and is said to be astringent. Sec Otyrit. Cassia, purging. See Cassia fistula. Cassia senna. The systematic name of the plant which affords senna. Senna alexandrina; Senna italica. Senna, or Egyptian cassia. Cassia—foliis sejugis subovalit, petiolis eglan- dulatis of Linna-us. The leaves of senna, which are imported here from Alexandria for medicinal use, have a rather disagreeable smell, and a sub- acrid, bitterish, nauseous taste. Thc-y are in com- mon use as a purgative. The formula; given of the senna by the coUeges, are an infusion, a com- pound powder, a tincture, and an electuary. See Infutum senna, &c. Cassia solutiva. See Cassia fistula. Cassia aramentum. The pulp of cassia. Cassi.k flores. What are called cassia flowers in the shops, are the flowers of the true cinnamon-tree, Laurus dnnamomum of Linnae- ns. They possess aromatic and adstringent vir- tftcs, and may be successfully employed in decoc- tions. &c. in all cases where cinnamon is recom- mended. See Laurus dnnamomum. Cassia pulpa. See Casria fistula. Cattius't preripitate. The purple powder, which forms on a plate of tin immersed in a solu- tion of gold. It is used to paint in enamel. Ca'ssoii. Au obsolete term forkati. Cassoleta. Warm fumigations described by Marcellus. Cassonada. Sugar. CASSIMMU'NIAU. (Of uncertain deriva- tion; perhaps Indian.) Cctamunar; Casmina; Risagon ; Bengale Indorum. The root, occa- sionally exhibited under one of the,e names, is brought from the East Indies. It comes over in irregular slices of various forms, some cut trans- versely, others longitudinally. The cortical part is marked with circles of a dusky brown colour : the internal part is paler, and unequally yellow. It possesses moderately warm, bitter, and aroma- tic qualities, and a smell like ginger. It is recom- mended in nystcrical, epileptic, and paralytic af- fection'-. CASTA'NF.A. (Karavov; from Castana, a city in Thessaly, whence they were brought.) See Fagus castanea. Castanea EqtiNA. The horse-chesnut. See JEsctdut hippocastunum. CASTELLANUS, Peter, or Du Chatel, was born at Grammont, in Flanders, 1585. His rapid improvement in the Greek language pro- cured him the professorship, at Lovain, in 1609; but he did not graduate in medicine till nine ye:>rs nfter. At _ the same period, he published the lives of eminent physicians in Latin, written in a concise but very entertaining manner, with use- ful reference* to the original authorities. He died in 1632. CASTELI.CS, Bartholomew, an Italian physician, who practised at Messina about the end of the 16th century. He was author of two works, both for a long time extremely popular, a SyiKip.-is of Muheme, and " Lexicon Medicum Oracu-I atinuui," in which great learning and jucI'Miieut are conspicuous. O ( \srJOE. S, e Acada catechu. CASTLE I.LOD. The name of a place in- Ro»*-»hire, in Scotland, where there is a »ulphu- ni'ii* spring, celebrated for the cure of cutaneous •*.ra»e» man foul ulcer*. «. \sroff. (-CuttOr; from K.i^op, the beaver. quasi ; a* castrate himself in order to (scape the hunters.) 1. The name of a genus of animals. 2. The English name of the Castoreum of the pharmacopieias, a peculiar contrete substance obtained from the Castor fiber of Linna-us. See Castor fiber. Castor fiber. The systematic name of the beaver, an amphibious quadrupid inhabiting some parts of Prussia, Russia, Germany, &c ; but the greatest number of these animals is met wilh in Canada. The name of castoreum or castor is given to two bags, situated in the inguinal regions of the beaver, which contain a very odorous sub- stance, soft, and almost fluid when recently cut from the animal, but which dries, and assumes a resinous consistence in process of time. The best comes from Russia. It is of greyish yellow, or light brown colour. It consists of a mucilage, a bitter extract, a resin, an essential oil, in which the peculiar smeU appears to reside, and a flaky crystalline matter, much reserabting the adipocire of biliary calculi. Castor has an acrid, bitter, and nauseous1 taste ; its smell is strong and aroma- tic, yet at the same time foetid. It is used medi- cinally, as a powerful antispasmodic in hysterica and hypochondriacal affections, and in convul- sions, in doses of from 10 to 30 grains. It has- also been successfully administered in epilepsy and tetanus. It is occasionaUy adulterated with dried blood, gum-ammoniacum, or galbanum, mixed with a little of the powder of castor, and some quantity of the fat of the beaver. Castor oil. See Ricinus. Castor, Russian. See Castor fiber. CASTOKECM. See Castor fiber. Castori'um. See Castoreum. CASTRATION. (Castratio, onis. f. ; from castro, to emasculate, quia castrando vis libidi- nis extinguiturA 1. A chirurgical operation, by which a testicle is removed from the body. 2. Botanists apply this term to the removal of the anthcra of a flower, and to a plant naturaUy wanting this organ. CASTRL'.NslS. (From castra, a camp.) Belonging to a camp: applied to tliose diseases with which soldiers, encamped in marshy places, are afflicted. CATA'BASIS. (From KairaSatvu, to descend.) An operation downwards. CATABI'BASIS. (From Kara6i6a?,io, to cause to descend.) An expulsion of the humours downwards. CATABLACEU'SIS. (From KaraSXaKtvu,, to be useless.) Hippocrates uses this word to signify carelessness and negligence in the attend- ance on and administration to the sick. Catable'ma. (From Kar-iHaXXio, to throw round.) The outermost fillet, which secures the rest of the bandages. CATABKONCHE'SIS. (From Kala, and Ppoyxos, the throat ; or, Kpoy%ifa, to swal- low.) The act of swallowing. CATACAl'.MA. (From Ka~)aKaif>, to burr*.) A burn or scald. CATACAC'SIS. (From nn7mr.ru-, to burn.) .' 1. The act of combustion, or burning. 2. The name of a srenus of diseases in Dr. Good's Nosology: general combustibUity of the body. It has only one species, Catacausis thriostt. CATACECLI'MENI S. (From KalaKXivopair to lie down.) Keeping the bed, from the vio- lence of n disease. - C \T U'KOK \ MENPs (From * i7««p<"- 22o CAT CAT ► «/<(, to reduce to small particles.) Broken into small pieces : applied to fractures. Catacera'stica. (From KaloKtpawvpi, to mix together.) Medicines which obtund the ac- rimony of humours, by mixing with them and reducing them. CATACHLIDE SIS. (From KalaXUau>, to indulge in delicacies.) A gluttonous indulgence in sloth and delicacies, to the generation of dis- eases. CATACHRI'SMA. An ointment. CATACHRI'STON. (From KalaXP"», to anoint.) Anointment. CATA'CLASIS. (From KalaKXaa, to break, or distort.) Distorted eyelids. CA'TACLEIS. (From k*\h, beneath, and kXcis, the clavicle.) Catacleis. The subclavicle, or first rib, which is placed immediately under the clavicle. CATACLPNES. (From koIokXivu), to lie down.) One who, by disease, is fixed to his bed. CATA'CLISIS. (From koIokXivu, to lie down.) A lying down. Also incurvation. CATACLY'SMA. (From ko1okXv£, to grind down.) Medicines to soften and make smooth the rough edges and crust of cicatrices. CATALYSIS. (KaraXvms : from (caraXvu, to dissolve or destroy.) It signifies a palsy, or such a resolution as happens before the death of the patient; also that dissolution which constitutes death. CATAMARA'SMUS. ^ (From nafrpapaivu, to grow thin.) 1. An emaciation of the body. 2. The resolution of tumours. CATAMASSE'SIS. (From Kalapaeaopa,, to manducate.) The grinding of the teeth, and biting ofthe tongue ; common in epilepsy. CATAME'NlA. (Catamenia, orum. neut, plur.; from «ta7'- cuation from the belly, and sometimes alone it is of the same signification. Vogel applies it to a discharge of pure blood from the intestines, such as takes place in dysentery. CATARRHCECUS. (From Kalapptu, to flow from.) A disease proceeding from a discharge of phlegm. CATA'RRHOPA. (From Kalappcu, to flow down.) Tubercles tending downward ; or, as Galen states, those that have their apex on a de- pending part have received this appellation. CATA'RRHOPOS. (Karappoiros vovoos-) A remission of the disease, or its decline, opposed to the paroxysm. CATA^RRHTS. (From happen, to flow down.) Coryza. A catarrh. An increased se- cretion of mucus from the membranes of the nose, fauces, and bronchia, with fever, and attended with sneezing, cough, thirst, lassitude, and want of appetite. It is a genus of disease in the class Pyrexia, and order Profluvia of Cullen. There are two species of catarrh, viz. catarrhus d fri- gore, which is very common, and is called a cold in the head ; and catarrhus d contagio, the in- fluenza, or epidemic catarrh, which sometimes seizes a whole city. Catarrh is also symptomatic of several other diseases. Hence we have the catarrhus rubeolosus; tusds variolosa, vcr- minosa, calculosa, phthisica, hysterica, a denti- tione, gravidarum, metallicolarum, &c. Catarrh is seldom fatal, except in scrophulous habits, by laying the foundation of phthisis ; or where it is aggravated by improper treatment, of repeated exposure to cold, into some degree of peripneumony ; when there is hazard of the pa- tient, particularly if advanced in life, being suf- focated by the copious effusion of viscid matter into the air-passages. The epidemic is generaUy, but not invariably, more severe than the common form of the disease. The latter is usually left to subside spontaneously, which will commonly hap- pen in a few days, by observing the antiphlogistic regimen. If there "should be fixed pain of the chest, with any hardness of the pulse, a tittle blood may be taken from the arm, or topically, followed by a blister : the boweis rnu^t be kept regular, aud diaphoretics exhibited, with demul- cents and mild opiates to quiet the cough. When the disease hangs, about the patient in a chronic Hbrm, gentle tonics and expectorants are required, 228 as myrrh, squiU, &c. In the epidemic catarrh more active evacuations are often required, the lungs being more seriously affected ; but though these should be promptly employed, they must not be carried too far, the disease being apt to assume the typhoid character iu its progress : and as the chief danger appears to be of suffocation happen- ing from the cause above-mentioned, it is espe- cially important to promote expectoration, first by antimonials, afterwards by squill, the inhala- tion of steam, &c. not neglecting to support the strength of the patient as the disease advances. Catarrhus a frigore. The common da- fluxion from the head from cold. Catarrhus a contagio. The influenza. Catarrhus bellinsulanus. Mumps. See Cynanche parotidaa. Catarrhus suffocativus. The croup. See Cynanche truchealit. Catarrhus vesic.e. A discharge of muens from the bladder. Catarti'smus. (From Ka'Jap'ji^u}, to make perfect.) According to Galen, it is a translation of a bone from a preternatural to its natural si- tuation. CATASA'RCA. (From k,i7, tp shake.) A concussion. CATASPA'SMA. (From (co7aoiroai, to draw backwards.) A revulsion or retraction of hu- mours, or parts. CATASTA GMOS. (From Kala, and ~afr, to distil.) The name which the Greeks, in thetime of Celsus, had for distillation. CATASTA'LTICUS. (From kotocnXXo, to restrain, or contract.) Styptic, astringent, re- pressing. CATA'STASIS. Karaorams. The constitu- tion, state, or condition of any thing. Cata'tasis. (From Kalaltivw, to extend.) In Hippocrates it means the extension of a frac- tured limb, or a dislocated one, in order to re- place it. Also the actual replacing it in a proper situation. CATA'XIS. (From Kalayu, to break.) A fracture. Also a division ot parts by an in- strument. Cate. See Acacia cateehu. CATECHO'MENUS. (From k, to take away.) Purgation of the excrements, or humours, either medically or naturally. CATHA'RTIC. (Cath'articut; from KaOatpu, to purge.) That which, taken internally, in- creases the number of alvinc evacuations. These medicines have received many appeUations : purgantia; catocatharlica; catoretica; cato- teretica; dejectoria; alvidura. The different articles referred to this class are divided into five orders. 1. Stimulating cathartict, as jalap, aloes, bit- ter apple, and croton oil, which are well calcu- lated to discharge accumulations of serum, and are mostly selected for indolent and phlegmatic habits, and those who arc hard to purge. 2. Refrigerating cathartics, as sulphate of »oda, supertartrate of potassa, &c. These are better adapted for plethoric habits, and those with an inflammatory diathesis. 5. Adttringent cathartics, as rhubarb and da- mask roses, which are mostly given to those whose bowels are weak and irritable, and subject to diarrhoea. 4. Emollient cathartics, as manna, raalva, cas- ter oil, and oUvc oil, which may be given, in pre- ference to other cathartics, to infants and the very aged. b. Narcotic cathartics, as tobacco, byoscya- mus, and digitalis. This order is never iriven but to the very strong and indolent, and to maniacal patients, as their operation is very powerful. Murray, in his Materia Medica, considers the different cathartics under the two divisions of laxatives and purgativ es ; the former being mild in their operation, and merely evacuating the contents of the intestines ; the latter being more , powerful, and even extending tiieir stimulant operation to the neighbouring parts. The fol- lowing he enumerates among the principal laxa- tives :—Manna, Cassia fistula, Tamurindus indi- ca, Ricinus communis, Sulphur, Magnesia. Un- der the head of purgatives, he names Cassia senna, Rheum palmatum. Convolvulus jalapa, Hellebo- rus niger, Bryonia alba, Cucuniis colocynthis, Momordiea clatcrium, Rhamnui catharticus, Aloe perfoliata, Convolvulus scammonia, Gambogia, Submurias lmlrartryri, Sulphas magnesia, Sul- phas soike, Sulphas potassa:, Supertartras po- tasiae, Tartras potassa-, Tartras potass*, et sodae, I'hosphas sodae, Murias sodae, Tercbinthina venc- ta, Nieotiana tabacum. Cathartic Glaubers salt. See .s«<'.-. sulphas. Cathartic salt. See Sulphas magnesia, and Sulphas soda. CATHARTINK. A substance of a reddish colour, a peculiar smell, and a bitter nauseous taste, soluble in water and alkohol, but insoluble in a-tlier : obtained by Lassaigne and Feuuelle frm 11 the leaves of senna. C\THK'DR\. (From».iOi/UH,„, tosit.) The anus, or rather, the whole ot the buttocks, as being the part on whicli we sit. Cath£RE'ti< \. (From KaOmpw, to remove.) Corrosives. Applications which, by corrosion, remove superfluous flesh. CATHETER. ( Catheter, leris. m. KaBcnip ; from Kndiript, to thrust into.) A long andjhollow tube, that is introduced by surgeons into the uri- nary bladder, to remove the urine, when the person is unable to pass it. Catheters are either made of silver or of the elastic gum. That for the male urethra is much longer than that for the female, and so curved, if made of sdver, as to adapt itself to the urethra. CATHETERI'SMUS. (From KaOcmp, » catheter.) The operation of introducing the ca- theter. CATHI'DRYSIS. (From KaOitpvu, to place together.) The reduction of a fracture, or operation of setting a broken bone. Ca'thmia. A name for litharge. Ca'thodos. (From icara, an«f oJoj.) A de- scent of humours. Catho'lceus. (From Kara, and oXkcw, to draw over.) Au oblong fillet, made to draw over ami cover trie whole bandage of the head. CATHO'LICON. (From koto, and oXikos, universal.) A universal medicine : formerly ap- plied to a medicine, that was supposed to purge aU the humours. CATHY'PNIA. (From koto, and vm-os, sleep.) A profound but unhealthy sleep. Ca'tias, (From KaQivpt, to place in.) An incision knife, formerly used for opening an abscess in the uterus, aud for extracting a dead foetus. Cati'llus. See Catellus. Ca'tinum alumen. A name given to po- tassa. CA'TINUS. Kutuvov. A crucible. CAT-KIN. See Amentum. CA'TMINT. (So called, because cats are very fond of it.) See Nepeta. CATOCATHA'RTIC A. (From kotu, down- wards, and KaOmpw, to purge.) Medicines that operate by stool. Ca'toche. (From nart^tii, to detain.) See Catalepsis. CATOCHKI hill. (From karu>, beneath, and Y'riVis, the lip.) The lower lip. CATOCIH'S. (From /curt^u, to detain.) A spasmodic diseas" in which the body is rigidly held in an upright {.nature. Catomi'smus. (From Karu>, below, and topos, the shoulder.) By this word, P. ^Egineta ex- presses a method ot reducing a luxated shoulder, by raising the patient over the shoulder of a strong man, that by the weight of the body, the dislocation may be reduced. CATO'PSIS. (From KOToirropat, to see clear- ly. ) An acute and quick perception. The acute- ness of the faculties which accompanies the latter stages of consumption. Catophti.lum i.vophtllum. Calaba. The Indian mastich tree. A native of America, where the whole plant is considered as a resol- vent and anodyne. C ato'pter. (From Kara, and oirropat, to see ; by metaphor, a probe.) An instrument called a speculum aui. Catorchi'tes. (From , to burn.) The heat of the body in a fever. 2. The heat of the atmosphere in a fever. 3. The name given by Good and Young, to an inflammatory fever. Cau'nga. A name of the areca. CAU'SIS. (From Kaiu, to burn.) A burn ; or rather, the act of combustion, or burning. CAUSO'DES. (From ku«.j, to burn.) A rem appUed bv Celsus to a burning fever. 232 CAUSO'MA. (From Kaiw, to bum.) An ardent or burning heat and inflammation. A term used by Hippocrates. CAUSTIC. See Causticum. Caustic alkali. The pure alkalies are so called. See Alkali. Caustic barley. See Cevadilla. Caustic lunar. See Argenti nitras. Caustic volatile alkali. See Ammonia. CAU'STICUM. (From koiu, to burn; because ' it always produces a burning sensation.) A caus- tic. A substance which has so strong a tendency to combine with organised substances, as to de- stroy their texture. See Escharotic. Causticum americanum. The cevadilla- See Veratrum sabadilla. Causticum antimoniale. Muriate of an- timony. Causticum arsenic ale. See Arsenical caustic. Causticum commmune fortius. See Po- tassa cum calce. Causticum Lunark. See Argentinitrat. CAU'SUS. (From koiio, to burn.) A highly ardent fever. According to Hippoorates, a fiery heat, insatiable thirst, a rough and black tongue, complexion yellowish, and the saliva bilious, are its peculiar characteristics. Others also are par- ticular in describing it; but, whether ancients or moderns, from what they relate, this fever is no other than a continued ardent fever in a bilious constitution. In it the heat of the body is in- | tense; the breath is particularly fiery; the ex- tremities are cold; the pulse is frequent and smaU ; the heat is more violent internally than externally, and the whole soon ends in recovery or death. CAUTERY. (Cauterium, from koiw, to burn.) Cauteries were divided, by the ancients, into actual and potential; but the term is now given only to the red-hot iron, or actual cautery. Phis was formerly the only means of preventing haeinorrages from divided arteries, till the inven- tion of the Ugature. It was also used in diseases, with the same view as we employ a blister. Po- tential cautery was the name by which kali pa- rum, or potassa, was distinguished in former dis- pensatories. Surgeons of the present day under- stand, by this term, any caustic application. CAVA. See Cavus. CAVE'RNA. '(From cavus, hollow.) A ca- vern. The pudendum muliebre. CAVIARE. Caviarium. A food made of the hard roes of sturgeon, formed into a soft mass, or into cakes, and much esteemed by the Russians. CAvr'cuLA. (Diminutive of cavilla.) See Cavilla. Cavi'lla. (From cavus.) The ankle, or hollow of the foot. CA'VITY. (Cavitas, from cavus, hollow.) 1. Any cavity, or hollowness. 2. The auricle of the heart was formerly called cavitas innominata, the hoUow without a name. CAVUS. Hollow. 1. The name of a vein, vena cava. See Veins. 2. AppUed to the roots of plants; as that of the Fumaria cava. Cavvk. A term by which the miners dis- tinguish the opaque specimens of sulphate of barytes. Cayenne pepper. See Capsicum. Cazabi. See Jatropha. CEANCTHUS. (From KtavwSos, quia *'-'■ qi-wSev, because it pricks at the extreme part V L Kf. CE.T A rtnusof plants in the Lanmcun system. Cla-», Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. Ckanotiius amfi'.ranus. Celattrus ; Ce- lattut. Some noted Indians depend more on this plant, than on the lobelia, for the cure of syphilis, and use it in the same manner as lobelia. Cea'sma. (From «u>, to split, or divide.) Ceatmut. A fissure, or fragment. Cr.'BCR. (Arabian.) The Lignum aloes. Ab"> the capparis. Cedipi'ra. (Indian.) A free which grows in Brazil, decoctions of the bark of which are u.ed in baths and fomentations, to retievc pains in the limbs, and cutaneous diseases. CE'DAtl. S<■<■ Pinus cedrut. Ce'dma. (From mcW, to disperse.) A de- fluxion, or rheumatic affection, of the parts about the hips. Cb'iirimm lignum. See Pt'ntu cedrut. Cedri'tes. (From *-ts'r evacuotio, exiuanitin, emptiness.) The name of an order in the class genetica of Good's Noso- logy : diseases affecting the fluids, and embrac- ing para men ia, leucorr.'taa, blennorrhaa, *»«•- morrhaa, and galectca. CENTAU'REA. (So called from Chiron, the centaur, who is said to have employed one of its species to cure himself of a wound accidentally received, by letting one ofthe arrows of Hercule* full upon his foot.) The name of a genus of plum's in the Linnaean system, of the Order,. 1'cli/i.ramiufnutanea; (Muss, Syngeneda. Ckn i-AiRF.A behen. The systematic name of the officinal behen album; Jacea oricntalis putula ; Raphonticmdes lutea. Tbe true white behen of the ancients. The root possesses astrin- geut virtues. CtMU'lll'l rkmoicta. The system:''!': CEN CEP name of the blessed or holy thistle. Carduus benedictus; Cnicus sylvestris; Centaurea be- nedicta—calycibus duplicato-spinosis lanatis involucratis, foliis semi-decurrentibus denli- culato-spinosis of Linnxus. This exotic plant, a native of Spain, and some of the Archipelago islands, obtained the name of Benedictus, from its being supposed to possess extraordinary medi- cinal virtues. In loss of appetite, where the sto- mach was injured by irregularities, its good ef- fects have been frequently experienced. It is a powerful bitter tonic and adstringent. Bergius con- siders it as antacid, corroborant, stomachic, su- dorific, diuretic, and cccoprotic. Chamomile flowers are now generally substituted for the car- duus benedictus, and are thought to be of at least equal value. Centaurea calciirapa. The systematic name ofthe common star-thistle. Star-knapweed. Caleitrapa; Carduus stellatus; Jacea ramo- sisdma, stellata, rupina. The plant thus called in the pharmacopoeias, is the Centaurea-—calyci- bussubduplicato-spinods, sessilibus ; foliis pin- natifidis, linearibus dentatis; caule piloso, of Linnaeus, every part of which is bitter. The juice, or extract, or infusion, is said to cure inter- mittents ; and the bark of the root, and the seeds, hare been recommended in nephritic disorders, and in suppression of urine. It scarcely differs, in its effects, from other bitters, and is now tittle used. Centaurea centaurium. Rhaponticum vulgare; Centaurium magnum; Centaurium majus. Greater centaury. The root of this plant was formerly used as an aperient, and cor- roborant in alvine fluxes. It is now totally dis- carded from the Materia Medica of this country. Centaurea ctanus. The systematic name of the blue-bottle, or corn-flower plant. Cyani; Cyanus. The flowers of this plant, Centaurea —calydbus serratis; foliis linearibus, integer- rimis, infimis dentatis, of Linnxus, were former- ly in frequent use ; but their antiphlogistic, anti- spasmodic, cordial, aperient, diuretic, and other properties, are now, with great propriety, forgot- ten. Centaurea solstitialis. Caleitrapa offi- rinalis; Carduus stellatus luteus; Carduus solstitialis; Jacea stellata; Jacea lutea capite spinoso minori; Leucanthe veterum. St. Bar- naby's thistle. It is commended as an anticteric, anti-cachectic, and lithontriptic, but is in reality, only a weak tonic. Centaurioi'des. The gratiola. CENTAU'RIUM. (From tzvlavpos, a centaur; s» called because it was feigned that Chiron cured Hercules's foot, which he had wounded with a poisonous arrow, with"it.) Centaury. See Chi- ronia centaurium. Centaurium magnum. See Centaurea, Centaurium. Centaurium majus. See Centaurea, Cen* taurium. ' Centaurium kinus. See Chironia, cen- taurium. CENTAU'RY. See Chironia. CeNtimo'riiia. (From centum, a hundred, and morbus, a disease.) The Lysimuchia num- mularia, or moneywort, was so named, from its supposed efficacy in the cure of a multitude of disorders. Centino'dia. See Centum nodia. CENTI'PES. (From centum, a hundred, and pes, a foot.) The woodlouse, so named from the multitude of its feet. Cektra'tio. (From centrum, a centre.) The concentration and afliuitv of certain sub- 234 stances to each other. Paracelsus expresses by k the degenerating of a saline principle, and con. trading a corrosive and ex ulcerating quality. Hence "Centrum salis is said to be the principle and cause of ulcers. Ce'ntrium. (From Ktvrtia, to prick.) A plaster recommended by Galen against stitches and pains in the side. CE'NTRUM. (From kcithd, to point or prick.) 1. The middle point of a circle. 2. In chemistry it is the residence or founda- tion of matter. 3. In medicine, it is the point in which its vir- tue resides. 4. In anatomy, the middle point of some parts is so named, as centrum nerveum, the middle or tendinous part of the diaphragm. Centrum nerveum. The centre ofthe dia- phragm. See diaphragm. Centrum ovale. When the two hemi- spheres of the brain are removed on a line with a level of the corpus callosum, the internal medul- lary part presents a somewhat oval centre, which is called centrum ovale. Vieussenius supposed all the medullary fibres met at this place. Centrum tendinosum. The tendinous cen- tre of the diaphragm. See Diaphragm, CENTUMNO'DIA. (From centum, a hun- dred, and nodus, a knot; so called from its many knots or joints.) Centinodia. Common knot- grass. See Polygonum aviculare. Centu'nculus. Bastard pimpernel. CE'PA. (From Kr/iros, a wool-card, from the likeness of its roots.) The onion. See Allium cepa. Cepje'a. A species of onion. CEPHAL.«'A. (From KvpaXm the head.) 1. The flesh of the head which covers the skull. 2. A headache. Dr. Good makes this a genus of disease in his Order, Syttatica; Class, Neu- rotica. It has five species, Cephalaa, graverut, interna, hemicrania, pultatilis, nauscota. CEPHA'LALGIA. (From KifaXr,, the head, and aXyos, pain.) Cephalaa. The headache. It is symptomatic of very many diseases, but is rarely an original disease itself. When mild it is caUed cephalalgia; when inveterate, cephalea. When one side of the head only is affected, it takes the names of hemicrania, migrana, hemi- pagia, and megrim; in one of the temples only, crotaphos; and that which is fixed to a point, generally in the crown of the head, if distinguish- ed by the name of claims. Cephala'rtica. (From Kt;. (From KtibaXr,, the head, and nets, " disease.) Any disease of the head. Applied to the fcbris hungarica, in which the head is principal I v affected. CEPHALO-riiAKVNi.Ki s. (From «*aX^, the head, and ifxipvyi, the throat.) A muscle of the pharynx. See Constrictor pharyngit inferior. CE I'll ALO POM \. (From Kt, to wheeze.) Cercknus. Wheezing. Dr. Good applies it to a species of his genus Rhonchus, to designate a primary evil or disease ; rhonchus cerchnut, or wheezing. CERCHNO'DES. (From i^o, to wheeze.) Cerchodes. One who labours under a dense breathing, accompanied with a wheezing noise. CERCHO'DES. See Cerchnodes. Ce'rcis. (KtpKis literally means the spoke of a wheel, and has its name from the noise which wheels often make ; from kcpko>, to shriek.) The radical bone of the fore-arm was formerly » caUed from its shape, like a spoke. Also a pes- tle, from its shape. CERCO'SIS. (From «p«of, a tail.) I. A polypus of the uterus. 2. An enlargement of the clitoris. CE'REA. (From cera, wax.) The cerumen aurium, or wax of the ear. CEREA'LIA. (Solemn feasts to the goddess Ceres.) AU sorts of corn, of which bread or any nutritious substance is made, come under the head of cereulia, wliich term is applied bybre- matologists as a jrcntis. CER CER (ereullla urina. Paracelsus thus distin- guishes urine which is whitish, of the colour of the brain, and from which he pretended to judge of some of its disorders. CEREBE'LLUM. (Diminutive of cerebrum.) Tbe little brain. A somewhat round viseus, of the tame use as the brain ; composed, like the brain, of a cortical and medullary .substance, di- vided by a septum into a right and left 'obe, and situated under the tentorium, in the inferior occi- pital fossae. In the cerebellum arc to be observed the crura cerebelti, the fourth ventricle, the val- tula magna cerebri, and the protuberantia ver- tniformet. CE'REBRt M. (Quasicerebrum; from Kapa, the head.) The brain. A large round viseus, divided superiorly into a right and left hemitphere, and infcriorly into six lobet, two anterior, two middle, and two pqsterior; situated within the cranium, and surrounded by the dura and pia ma- ter, and tunica arachnoides. It is composed of a cortical substance, which is external; and a me- dullary, whicli is internal. It has three ratntiet, called ventricles; two anterior, or lateral, which arc divided from each other by the teptum luci- dum, and in each of which is the choroid plexut, farmed of blood-vessels ; the third ventricle is a Fpace between the thalami nervorum npticorum. The principal prominences of the brain are, the corpus caliotum, a medullary eminence, conspi- cuous upon laying aside the hemispheres of the brain; the corpora ttriata, two striated protu- berances, one in the anterior part of each lateral ventricle ; the thalami nervorum oplicorum, two whitish eminence;, behind the former, which ter- minate in the optic nerves; the corpora quadri- gemina, four medullary projections, called by the ancients natet and testet; a little cerebrine tu- bercle lying upon the nates, called the pineal gland; and, lastly, the crura cerebri, two me- dullary columns which proceed from the basis of (he brain to the medulla oblongata. The cere- bral arteries arc branches of the carotid and ver- tebral arteritis. The veins terminate in sinuses, which return their blood into the internal jugulars. The use of the brain is to give off nine pairs of nerves, and the spinal marrow, from which thirty- one pairs more proceed, through whose means tbe various senses are performed, and muscuhir motion excited. It is also considered as the or- gan of the intellectual functions. Vauquelin's analysis of the brain is in 100 parts: SO water, 4.53 white fatty matter, 0.7 reddish fatty matter, 7 albumen, 1.12 osmazome, 1.5 phosphorus, 5.15 acids, salts, and sulphur. Cerebrum elongati m. The medulla ob- longata, and medulla spinalis. CEREFO'LIUM. A corruption of charo- phyllum. See Scandir cerefolium. Cehepolium iiisi'anicu-m. Sweet-cicely. See Scandix odor at a. Cerefolium sylvestre. See Charophyl- lum tyti'i-strr. CEREL.ECM. (From Krpos, wax, and r.Xoiov, oil.) A cerate, or liniment, composed of wax and oil. Also the oil of tar. CEREOI.I'S. A wax bougie. CE'RKIJS MEDIC ATI'S.' See Bougie. CEREV 1 SIA. (From ceres, corn, of which it is made.) Any liquor made from corn, espe- cial!) ale and strong beer. Ckrivisi i cataplasma. Into the grounds of strung beer, stir a* much oatmeal as will make it ol a suitable consistence. This is sometimes employed as a «tiaiiilant and antiseptic to mortified y*r\* Cerevisia; fermextum. See Fermenturn cerevisia. Cl'ria. (From cereut, soft, pliant.) The flat worms which breed in the intestines. See Tania. CERIN. 1. Suberccrin. A peculiar substance which precipitates on evaporation from alkohol, which has been digested on cork. 2. The name given by Dr. John to the part of common wax which dissolves in alkohol. 3. The name of a variety of the mineral alla- nite. Ce'rion. (From Kijptov, ahoney-comb.) An eruptive disorder of the head. See Achor. CERITE. The siliciferous oxyde of cerium. A rare mineral of a ro.-v-red colour, found only in the copper mine of Bastnacs, in Sweden. It consists of siUca, oxide of cerium, and oxide of iron, lime, and carbonic acid. CERIUM. The name of the metal, the oxide of which exists in the mineral cerite. To obtain the oxide of the new metal, the cerite is calcined, pulverised, and dissolved in nitromu- riatic acid. The filtered solution being neutral- ized with pure potassi, is to be precipitated by tartrate of potassa; and the precipitate, well washed, and afterwards calcined, is oxide of ce- rium. Cerium is susceptible of two stages of oxidation; in the first it is white, and tliis by calcination be- comes of a fallow-red. The white oxide, exposed to the blowpipe, soon becomes red, but does not melt, or even ag- glutinate. With a large proportion of borax it fuses into a transparent globule. The white oxide becomes yellowish in the open air, but never so red as by calcination, because it absorbs carbonic acid, which prevents its satura- ting itself with oxygen, and retains a portion of water, which diminishes its colour. Alkalies do not act on it; but caustic potassa in the dry way takes part of the oxygen from the red oxide, so as to convert it into the white with- out altering its nature. The protoxide of cerium is composed, by Hi- singer, of 85.17 metal + 14.83 oxygen, and the peroxide of 79.3 metal + '20.7. The protoxide has been supposed a binary compound of cerium 5.75 + oxygen 1, and the peroxide a compound of 5.75X2 of cerium + 3 oxygen. An alloy of this metal with iron was obtained by Vauquelin. The salts of cerium are white or yeUow-co- loured, have a sweet taste, yield a white precipi- tate with hydrosulphurct of potassa, but none with sulphuretted hydrogen ; a milk-white precipitate, soluble in nitric and muriatic acids, with ferro- prussiate of uotassa, and oxalate of ammonia ; none with infusion of galls, and a white one with arseniate of potassa. CERO'MA. (From Kijpo$, wax.) Ceroniuni. Terms used by the ancient physicians for an un- guent, or cerate, though originally applied to a particular composition which the wrestlers used in their exercises. CEROPI'SSUS. (From Knpos,wax, and tsiooo, pitch.) A plaster composed of pitch and wax. Cerotum. Kteuiroi'. A cerate. ^» CERU'MEN. (Cerumen; diminutive, of cera, wax.) Wax. See Cera. Cerumen ai'Rium. Cerea; Auriumsordes; Marmoralu aurium; Vypscle; Cypse'is; Fu- gile. The waxy secretion of the ear, situated in the meatus auditorius externus. • CERU'SSA. (Arabian.) Cerussc. Sec Plumbi subcai bonus. <' eruss v acet at a. See Plumbi acetas. CILE CIIA Cervi spina. See Rhamnus eatharticus. C E RVI'C AL. (Cervicalis; from cer v ix, the neck.) Belonging to the neck ; as cervical nerves, cervical muscles, &c. Cervical artery. Arteria cervicalis. A branch of the subclavian. Cervical vertebra. The seven uppermost of the vertebrae, which form the spine. See Verte- bra. Cervica'ria. (From cervix, the neck ; so named because it was supposed to be efficacious in disorders and ailments of the throat and neck.) The herb throat-wort. CE'RVIX. (Cervix, vicis. f.; quasi cerebri via ; as being the channel of the spinal marrow.) 1. The neck. That part of the body which is between the head and shoulders. 2. Applied also to organs, or parts which have some extent, to distinguish their parts ; as the cervix uteri, neck of the uterus ; cervix vesica, neck of the bladder, neck of a bone, &c. Cespititlc plant*. (From cespes, a sod, or turf.) The name of a class of plants in Sau- vage's Mcthodus Foliorum, consisting of plants which have only radical leaves ; as primrose, &c. CESPITOSUS. (From cespes, a sod, or turf.) A plant is so called which produces many stems from one root, thereby forming a close thick car- pet on the surface of the earth. Cespitosa; paludes. Turf-bogs. Cestri'tes. (From Kt<-pov, betony.) Wine impregnated with betony. CE'STRUM. (From Ms-pa, a dart; so called from the shape of its flowers, which resemble a dart ; or because it was used to extract the bro- ken ends of darts from wounds.) See Betonica officinalis. CETA'CEUM. Spermaceti. See Physeter macrocephalus. CE'TERACH. (Blanchard says this word is corrupted from Pieryga,-a)npv\, q- v. aspeteryga, ceteryga, and ceterach.) See Asplenium cete- rach. CETIC ACID. Acidum ceticum. The name given by Chevreul to a supposed peculiar princi- ple of spermaceti, which he has lately found to be the substance he has caUed margarine, com- bined with a fatty matter. CETINE. The name given by Chevreuil to spermaceti. See Fat. CEVADIC ACID. By the action of potassa on the fat matter of the cevadilla, a plant that comes from Senegal, called by the French petite orge, there is obtained in the same way as tbe delphinic acid, an acid which is called the ce- vadic. CEVADATE. A salt formed by the combi- nation of the cevadic acid, with earthy, alkaline, and metallic bases. Cevadilla. (Dim. of ceveda, barley. Spa- nish.) See Veratrum sabatilla. Ceyenne pepper. See Capsicum. CEYLANTTE. The name of the mineral caUed pleonaste, by Haiiy, which comes from Ceylon, commonly in rcund pieces, but occasion- ally in crystals. It is of an imligo blue colour, and splendent internally. CHABASITE. The name of a mineralfound in the quarry of Alteberg, near Oberstein, in crystals, the primitive form of which is nearly a cube. It is white, or with a tinge of rose colour, and sometimes transparent. V Chacari'llj: cortex. See Croton Casca- rilla. CH.iEROFO'LlUM. See Scandix. CHiEROPHY'LLUM. (XaipoipvXXov ; from vainw, to rejoice, and 6vXXov, a leaf: so caned v 258 from the abundance of its leaves.) Chervil, 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linntean system. Class, Pentandria ; Order, Dyginia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of some plants. See Scandix, and Charophyllum sylvestre. Charophyllum sylvestre. The system- atic name of the Cicutaria, or bastard hemlock. Charophyllum; caule lavi striato; geniculit tumidiusculis, of Linnaeus. It is often mistaken for the true hemlock. It may with great proprie- ty be banished from the list of omcinals, as it possesses no remarkable property. Chs'ta. (From xm, to be diffused.) An obsolete name of the human hair. CHALA'SIS. (From ^aXaui, to relax.) Re- taxation. Chala'stica. (From ^aAaiu, to relax.) Me- dicines which relax. C H AL A'ZION. (From xa>-a^a, a hail-stone.) Chalaza; Chalazium; Grando. An indolent, moveable tubercle on the margin of the eyelid, like a hail-stone. A species of hordeolum. It is that weU-known affection of the eye, called a stye or stian. It is white, hard, and encysted, and differs from the crithe, another species, only in being moveable. Writers mention a division of Chalazion into scirrhous, cancerous, cystic, and earthy. Cha'lbane. KaXSavrj. Galbanum. Ciialca'nthum. (From ^nXicof, brass, and avBos, a flower.) Vitriol; or rather, vitriol cal- cined red. The flowers of brass. Ciialcei'on. A species of pimpinella. Chalcoi'deum os. The os cuneiforme of the tarsus. See Cuneiform bone. Chaleitis. See Colcothar. Chali'cratum. (From yaXts, an old word that signifies pure wine, and Ktpanvpi, to mix.) Wine mixed with water. Chali'nos. Chalinus. That part of the cheeks, which, on each side, is contiguous to the angles of the mouth. CHALK. A very common species of calca- reous earth, or carbonate of Ume, of a white co- lour. See Creta. Chalk, black. Drawing slate, found in pri- mitive mountains, and used in crayon drawing, whence its name. Chalk, red. A clay, coloured with oxide of iron. CHALK-STONE. A name given to the con- cretions in the hands and feet of people violently afflicted with the gout, from their resembling chalk, though chemically different. Dr. Wollas- ton first demonstrated their true composition to be uric acid combined with ammonia, and thus explained the mysterious pathological relation be- tween gout and gravel. Gouty concretions are soft and friable. They are insoluble in cold, but slightly in boiling water. An acid being added to this solution, seizes tbe soda, and the uric acid is deposited in smaU crys- tals. These concretions dissolve readily in wa- ter of potassa. An artificial compouna may be made by triturating uric acid und soda with warm water, which exactly resembles gouty concretions in its chemical constitution. CHALYBEATE. (Chalybeatus; fromcha- lybs, iron, or steel.) Of or belonging to, jron. A term given to any medicine into which iron en- ters ; as chalybeate mixture, pills, waters, &c. Chalybeate water. Any mineral water which abounds with iron; such as the water of Tunbridge, Spa, Pyrmont, Cheltenham, Scar- borough, and Hartfel; and many others. Chalybis rubigo pr.eparata. See Fern subcarbonas. CHA CHA CHALYBS. (From Chalybet, a people iu Pontes, who dug iron out of the earth.) Aciet. Steel. The best, hardest, finest, and the closest- drained forged iron. As a medicine, steel differs not from iron. See Iron. Chaltbs tartarizatus. Sec Ferrum tar- tarixatum. Cham.eba i anos. (From y/i/iai, on the ground, and 0aXavo<, a nut.) Wood pea; Earth nut. CHAMjEBC XUS. (From XiMai, on the ground, and smjof, the box-tree.) The dwarf box-tree. CHAMiECE'DRUS. (From vapai, on the ground, and xtfpot, the cedar-tree.) Chamace- arys. A specie* of dwarf abrotanum. CHAM^fXTSSCS. (From ya/iai, on the ground, and it«riTOf, ivy.) Ground-ivy. CHAMjECLE'MA. (From v^ai, on the ground, and tXrjpa, ivy.) The ground-ivy. Cham.ccrista. The Cassia chamacrista of Linnaeus, a decoction of which drank liberally is said to be serviceable against the poison of the night-shade. CHAMiCDR VS. (From yopai, on the ground, and iovs, the oak; so callca from its leaves re- sembling those of the oak.) See Tcucrium chamaarys. Cham.kdrts frutf.scens. A name for tcu- crium. Cham.t.drts incana maritima. See Teu- crium marum. Cham.kdrts palustris. See Tcucrium tcordium. Cham.«drt3 spuria. See Veronica offi- cinalit. Cham£drys sylvestris. Wild germander. The Veronica chamadryt. Chamaii.k'a. (From xaitaii on ,ne ground, and tXaia, the olive-tree.) See Daphne alpina. CHAM.ELJEA GNUS. (From j;a,, flax.) Purging flax. See Linum ca- tharticum. CHAM/KME LUM. (From Xapai, on the ground, and pi)Xn-, an apple; because it grows upon tbe ground, and has the smell of an apple.) See Anthemis nobilis. CiIamt.mki i M canariense. The Chrysan- themum frutesrens of Linnaeus. Chamamelum chrysanthemum. The Bup- thalmum germanicum of Linnaeus. Cham.v.mki.um fietidum. The Anthemis cotula of Linmt-us. CllAM.fMkLUM NOBILE. See Anthemis 110- bilit. CiiAM.f-.MRi.rM wlcark. Sec Matricaria chanunnilla. CHAM.*.MORI s. (X.ipaipopta ; from Xapai, on the ground, and poria, the mulberry-tree.') See Rubut chamamorus, CHA.M.El'KC'CE. (From xal""t on the ground, and irro«i|, Ihe pine-tree.) See Cumpho- • nmnn Montprlientit. CHAMjETTTTS. (Chamapityt, yos. i.; from yapai, the ground, and aim,, the pine-tree.) See leucrium chamapityt. Cham.epitys momhata. The French ground pine. See Teuci ium iva. CHAMiE'PLION. See Eryrimum alliaria. Cham.era'phanus. (From xafa'i on tbe ground, and paipavos, the radish.) I. The upper part of the root of apium, according to P. ^Egi- neta. The sinaliage, or parsley. 2. The dwarf radish. Cham.*:'riphes. The Chamaropt humilis, or dwarf palm. The fruit called wild dates, are adstringent. Cham.erodode'ndron. (From xaJ"*h 0H the ground, and po&oSevSpov, the rose laurel?) The Azalaa pontica of Linnaeus. Cham^rubus. (From xat"*h °n the ground, and rubut, the bramble.) See Rubut chama- morus. Cham.espa'rtium. (From xal""y on the ground, and oirapnov, Spanish broom. See Ge- nitta tinctoria. CHAMBER. Camara. The space between the capsule of the crystalline lens and the cornea of the eye, is divided by the iris into two spaces, called chambers; the space before the iris is termed the anterior chamber ; and that behind it, the posterior. They arc filled with an aqueous fluid. CHAMBERLEN, Hugh, a native of London, about the middle of the 17th century. He suc- ceeded his father as a practitioner in midwifery, and had also two brothers in the same profession. They invented among them an instrument, the ob- stetric forceps, which greatly facilitated delivery in many cases, and often saved the chUd : but to him alone, as most distinguished, the merit has been usually ascribed. In 1683, he published a translation of Mauriceau's Observations, which was much sought after The instrument procured him great celebrity, in this, asweU as other coun- tries ; and, with successive improvement* bj Smellie, &c. stdl continues to be esteemed one of the most valuable adjuvants in the obstetric art. The period of his death is not ascertained. CHAMOMILE. See Anthemis nobilis. Chamomile, stinking. See Anthemis cotula. CHAMOMILLA. (From v,^ ar,d Xovia, the lochia ; so named from its supposed usefulness to women in childbirth.) The plant mugwnrt. ^ee Artemida vulgaris. CHARLTON, Walter, was born in Somer- setshire, 1619. Afte>- graduating at Oxford, where he distinguished himself by his learning, he was appointed physician to Charles I., and admitted a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, in London. He had afterwards the honour of at- tending Charles II., and was one of the first mem- bers of the Royal Society. He was author of 240 several publications, on medical and other sub- jects ; tne former of which contained little ori- ginal matter, but had the merit of spreading the knowledge of the many improvements made about that period, particularly in anatomy and physio- logy ; the principal of them are his "Exercita- tiones Pathologicae," and his " Natural History of Nutrition, Life, and Voluntary Motion." In 1689, he was chosen president of the College, and held that office two years. He afterwards re- tired to Jersey, and died in 1707. Cha'rme. (From ^aipai, to rejoice.) CAar- mis. A cordial mentioned by Galen. Cha'rpie. The French. For scraped linen, or lint. CHA'RTA. (Chaldean.) 1. Paper. 2. The amnios, or interior fcetal membrane, was caUed the ckarta virginea, from its likeness to a piece of fine paper. Cha'rtreux, poudre de. (So called be- cause it was said to have been invented by some friars of the Carthusian order.J A name of the kermes mineral, or hydro-sulphuret of anti- mony.. Cha'sme. (From ^aivu, to gape.) Chaimui. Oscitation or gaping. CHASTE TREE. See Agnus castus. Cha'te. The Cucumus agyptia. Chay. See Oldenlandia umbeliata. Chaya. See Oldenlandia umbeliata. CHEEK-BONE. See Jugale os. CHEESE. Caseus. The coagulum of milk. When prepared from rich milk, and well made, it is very nutritious in small quantities; but most- ly indigestible when hard and ill prepared, espe- cially to weak stomachs. If any vegetable or mineral acid be mixed with milk, the cheese sepa- rates, and, if assisted by heat, coagulates into a mass. The quantity of cheese is less when i mineral acid is used. Neutral salts, and likewise all earthy and metalhc salts, separate the cheese from the whey. Sugar and gum-arabic produce the same effect. Caustic aikaUes will dissohe the curd by the assistance of a boiling heat, and acids occasion a precipitation again. Vegetable acids have very little solvent power upon curd. This accounts for a greater quantity of curd being obtained when a vegetable acid is used. But what answers best is rennet, which is made by macerating in water a piece of the last stomach of a calf, salted and dried for this purpose. Scheele observed, that cheese has a considera- ble analogy to albumen, which it resembles in being coagulable by fire and acids, soluble in am- ruonia, and affording the same products by distil- lation or treatment with nitric acid. There are, however, certain differences between them. Ron- elle observed likewise, a striking analogy between cheese and the gluten of wheat, and that found- in the feculoe of green vegetables. By kneadinr the gluten of wheat with a little salt and a small portion of a solution of starch, he gave it tbe taste, smell, and unctuosity of cheese; so that after it had been kept a certain time, it was not to be distinguished from the celebrated Rochefort cheese, of which it had all the pungency. This caseous substance from gluten, as well as the cheese of milk, appears to contain acetate of am- monia, after it has been kept long enough to have undergone the requisite fermentation, as may be proved by examining it with sulphuric acid, and with potassa. The pungency of strong cheese, too, is destroyed by alkohol. In the 11th volume of TiUoch's Magazine there is an excellent account of the mode of ruakinz Cheshire cheese, taken fron. the Agricultural Report of the country. " If the milk," says the cm; CHE reporter, "be set together very warm, the curd will be Arm; in this case, the usual mode is to take a common case-knife, and make incisions across it, to the full depth of the knife's blade, at the distance of about one inch; and again cross- ways in the same manner, the incisions intersect- ing each other at right angles. The whey rising through these incisions is of a fine pale green colour. The cheese-maker and two assistants then proceed to break the curd: this is performed by their repeatedly putting their bands down into the tab; the cheese-maker, with the skimming- dish in one hand, breaking every part of it as they catch it, raising the curd from the bottom, and still breaki.., :t. This part of the business is continued till the whole is broken uniformly small; it generally takes up about 40 minutes, and the curd is then left covered over with a cloth for about half an hour to subside. If the milk has been set cool together, the curd will be much more tender, the whey will not be so green, but rather of a milky appearance. CHEILOCA'cti. (From x«A»y, a Up, and imkov, an evil.) A swelling of the lips, ar canker in the mouth. Cheime'lton. (From x1'!"1* w'"ter-) A chilblain. See Pernio. CHEIRA'NTHUS. (From Xup, a hand, and avQos, a flower; so named from the Ukeness of its blossoms to the fingers of the hand.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Tetradynamia; Order, Siliquosa. The wall-flower. Chf.iranthus ciip.iri. The systematic name of the wall-flower. Ijeucmum luteum; Viola lutea. Common yellow waU-flower. The flow- ers of this plant. Cheiruittiiu.i; foliis lanceola- tis, acutit, glabrit; ramii angulatit; caule fruticoeo, of Linnaeus, are recommended as pos- sessing nervine and deobstruent virtues. They have a moderately strong, pleasant smell, and a nauseous, bitter, somewhat pungent taste. CHEIRA'PSIA. (Fn.m Xup, the hand, and airropai, to touch.) The act of scratching ; par- ticularly the scratching one hand with another, as in the itch. CHEI'RI. (Cfceirt,Arr.hian.) Sec Cheiran- Ihut Cheiri. CHEIRIA'TER. (From vup, the hand, and tulpof, a physician.) A Mirg< on whose office it is to remove maladies by operations of the hmd. CHEIRI'S.MA. (From yupi^opat, to labour with the band.) Handling. Also a manual ope- ration. CHEIRIX1S. (From x"P'i<>ttali t0 labour with the hand.) The art of surgery. CHEIRONO'MI \. (From Xnpn, »ptu>, to ex- ercise with Ihe hand-.) Au exercise mentioned by Hippocrates, wliich consisted of gesticulations with the hands, like our dumb-bells. CHELA. (XqXii, forceps; from ^ru, to Like.) 1. A forked probe, for drawing a polvpus out of thi- nose. 8. A lisMire in the f et, or other places. 5. Tim claw of crabs, which lays hold 1.1;; for- ceps. , Cum p. cancrorvm. See Cancer. Cnni'iKis. The bind of the arm. CHELIDO'SICM. (I, ,1U ^AnW, the swal- low. It is si) named Irnm an opinion, that it was p-> :ited out as useful for the eyes by swallows, who arc slid to open th. <■>■■» of their young by it ; or because it blossoms about the lime when •wallow* appear.) Celandine. A genus <.t' plants in ihe I^nn.rnn swrin. Class, Potyan- dna ; Order, Monogynia. There is only one species used in medicine, and that rarely. Chelidoxium majus. Papaver cornicula- tum, luteum; Curcum. Tetterwort, and great celandine. The herb and root of this plant, Chetidonium—pedunculis vmbellatis ; of Lin- nteus, have a faint, unpleasant smell, and a bitter, acrid, durable taste, which is stronger in the roots than the leaves. They are aperient and diuretic, and recommended in icterus, when not accompanied with inflammatory symptoms. The cheliclonium should be administered with caution, as it is liable to irritate the stomach and bowehv Ofthe diicd root, fiom 3ss to 3j is a dose ; ofthe fresh root, infused in water, or wine, the dose may be about ?ss. The decoction of the fresh root is used in dropsy, cachexy, and cutaneous complaints. The fresh juice is used to destroy warts, and films in the eyes; but, for the latter purpose, it is diluted with milk. Ciif.lidoxium minus. The pill-wort. See Ranunculut ficaria. CHELO'NE. XcXiovr). L The tortoise. 2. An 'instrument for extending a Umb, and so called because, in its slow motions, it repre- sent s a tortoise. This instrument is mentioned in Oribasius. Chelo'niov. (From ^rXaivj;, the tortoise; so called from its resemblance to the shell of a tortoise.) A hump, or gibbosity in the back. CHELTENHAM. The name of a village, now become a large and populous town, in Glou* cestershire. It is celebrated for its purging wa- ters, the reputation of which is daily increasing, as it possesses both a saline and chalybeate prin- ciple. When first drawn, it is clear and colour- less, but somewhat brisk ; has a saline, bitterish, chalybeate taste. It does not keep, nor bear transporting to any distance ; the chalybeate part being lost by precipitation of the iron, and in the open air it even turns foetid. The salts, however, remain. Its heat in summer, was from 50° to 65° or 59°, when the medium heat ofthe atmosphere was nearly 15°. higher. On evaporation, it is found to (-"iitiiin a calcareous earth, mixed with ochre and a purging'salt. A general survey of the component parts of this water, according to a variety of analyses, shows that it is decidedly sa- line, and contains much more salt than most mi- neral waters. By far the greater part of the salts are of a purgative kii d, and therefore an ac- tion on the bowels is a constant effect, notwith- standing the considerable quantity of selenite and earthy carbonates, which may be supposed to have a contrary tendency. Cheltenham water is, besides, one of the strongest chalybeates- we are acquainted with. The iron is suspended en- tirely by the carbonic acid, of which gas the wa- ter contains about on eighth of its bulk ; but from the abundance of earthy ea'bonales, and oxide of iron, not much of it 13 uncombined. It has, besides, a slight impregnation of sulphur, but so little as to be scarcely appreciable, except by very delicate tests. The sensible effects pro- duced by this water, are generally, on first taking it, a degree of drow9iness,'iind sometimes head- a-ne, but which soon go off spontaneously, even previo-is to the operation on the bowels. A mo- derate dose acts powerfully, and speedily, as a ratlnrlic, without occasioning griping, or leaving that f'r.intne:s and languor wCich often follow the action of the rougher cathartic*. It is principally on this account, but partly too from the salutary c;i.ration of the chalybeate, ar.d perhaps the c'ntionic arid, that the Cheltenham water may be, in most c. «-0 persevered in, for a cwii-.idcrible hie CHE length of time, uninterruptedly, without producing any inconvenience to the body; and during its use, the appetite will be improved, the digestive organs strengthened, and the whole constitution invigorated. A dose of this water, too small to operate directly on the bowels, will generally de- termine pretty powerfully to the kidneys. As a purge, this water is drank from one to three pints ; in general, from half a pint to a quart is sufficient. Half a pint will contain half a drachm of neutral PurS'ng salts, four grains of eartby carbonates, and selenite, about one-third of a grain of oxide of iron ; together with an ounce in bulk of carbonic acid, and half an ounce of common air, with a Uttle sulphuretted hydrogen. Cheltenham water is used, with considerable be- nefit, in a number of diseases, especially of the chronic kind, and particularly those called bi- tious: henee it has been found of essential service in the cure of glandular obstructions, and espe- cially those that affect the Uver, and the other or- gans connected with the functions of the alimen- tary canal. Persons who have injured their bilia- ry organs, by a long residence in hot climates, and who are suffering under the symptoms, either of excess of bile or deficiency of bile, and an irregularity in its secretion, receive remarkable benefit from a course of this water, judiciously exhibited. Its use may be here continued, even during a considerable degree of debility ; and from the great determination to the bowels, it may be employed with advantage to cheek the incipi- ent symptoms of dropsy, and general anasarca, which so often proceed fiom an obstruction of the liver. In scrophulous affections, the sea has the decided preference; in painful affections of the skin, called scorbutic eruptions, which make their appearance at stated intervals, producing a copi- ous discharge of lymph, and an abundant des- quamation, in common with other saUne purgative springs, this is found to bring relief; but it re- quires to be persevered in for a considerable time, keeping up a constant determination to the bowels, and making use of warm bathing. The season for drinking the Cheltenham water is during the whole of the summer months. CHE'LYS. (XtXvs, a shell.) The breast is so called, as resembling, in shape and office, the shell of some fishes. CHELy'iCiON. (From xc*vSi the breast.) A dry, short cough, in vvhich the muscles of the breast are very sore. Che'ma. A measure mentioned by the Greek physieians, supposed to contain two small spoon- fuls. CHE'MIA. See Chemistry. eHE'MICAL. Of or belonging to chemistry. CHEMISTRY. (Xvpia, and sometimes xn- pia : Chamia, from Chama, to burn, Arab, this science being the examination of aU substances by fire.) Chemia; Chimia; Chymia. The learned are not yet agreed as to the most proper definition of chemistry. Boerhaave seems to have ranked it among the arts. According to Mao quer, it is a science, the object of which is to discover the nature and properties of all bodies by their analyses and combinations. Dr. Black says, it is a science which teaches, by experi- ments, the effects of heat and mixture on bodies ; and Fourcroy defines it a science which teaches ' the mutual actions of aU natural bodies on each other. "Chemistry," -says Jacquin, "is that branch of natural philosophy which unfolds the nature of all material bodies, determines the num- ber and properties of their component parts, and teaches us how those parts are united, and by what means they mav be separated and recom- bincd." Mr. Heron defines it," That science whicli investigates and explains the laws of that attrac- tion which takes place between the minnte com- ponent particles of natural bodies." Dr. ijre'i definition is, " the Vjence which investigates the composition of material substances, and the per- manent changes of constitution which their mutual actions produce." The objects to which the at* tention of chemists is directed, comprehend thi whole of the substances that compose the globe. CHEMO'SIS. (From ^amo, to gape; became it gives the appearance of a gap, or aperture.) Inflammation ot the conjunctive membrane ofthe eye, in which the white of the eye is distended with blood, and elevated above the margin if the transparent cornea. In CuUen's Nosologjy^u a variety of the ophthalmia membranarum^ #r an inflammation of the membranes of the eye. Chenopodio-morus. (From chtnopodmm and morus, the mulberry ; so called because it it a sort of chenopodium, with leaves like a mul- berry.) Tbe herb mulberry-blight. The Blitm eapitatum of Linnaeus. CHENOPO'DIUM. (From Xnv, a goose, and bovs, a foot ; so called from its supposed resem- blance to a goose's foot.) The name of a genus of plants, in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentan- dria; Order, Digynia. The herb chenopody: goose's foot. Chenofodium ambrosioides. Thesystema- tic name of the Mexican tea-plant Botrti Mexican a; Botrys ambrodoiatt Mexicans; Chenopodium Mexicanum; Botryt Americana, Mexico tea; Spanish tea and Artemisian botrys. Chenopodium—foliit lanceolatit dentatis, ra- cemis foliatis simplicibus, of Linnaeus. A de- coction of this plant is recommended in paralytic cases. Formerly the infusion was drank instead of Chinese tea. Chenopodium anthelminticum. Theseedi of this plant, Chenopodium—foliit ovatc-ot- longis dentatis, racemis aphyllit, of Linueus, though in great esteem in America, for the cure of worms, are seldom exhibited in this country. They are powdered and made into an electuary, with any proper syrup, or conserve. Chenopodium bonus Henricus. The sys- tematic name of the English mercury. Bonui Henricus; Totabona; Lapathumunctwmim; Chenopodium; Chenopodium—foliit Wrong*- lari-sagittatis, integerrimis, tpicis conpotjtu aphyllis axillaribus, of Linnaeus. The plant to which these names are given, is a native of thii country, and common in waste grounds from June to August. It differs Uttle from spinach when cultivated ; and in many places the young shoots are eaten in spring like asparagus. The leaves are accounted emollient, and have been made u ingredient in decoctions for glysterr. They are applied by the common people to flesh wouuh and sores under the notion of drawing and heal- ing. Chenopodium botrts. The systematic name of the Jerusalem oak. Botrys vulgaris; Botryt; Ambrosia; Artemisia chenopodium; Atripla odorata; Atriplex suaveolens; Chenopodium- foliit oblongiit sinuatis, racemis nudit mulUjt- dis, of Linnaeus. This plant was formerly ad- ministered in form of decoction in some disease! of the chest; as humoral asthma, coughs) and catarrhs. It is now faUen into disuse. Chenopodium i-cstidum. See Chenopodiun vulvaria. Chenopodium vulvaria. The systematic name for the stinking orach. Atriplexfatidai Atriplex olida ; Vulvaria ; Garosmum; B* phec ; Chenopodiumfatidum ; Blitumfatidvm. i HE (fill I ne irTj fojtid smell of this plant, Chenopodium —foliit inteeemmit rhombeo ovai.it, floribus conglowurotu axillaribut, of Linnaeus, induced physicians to exhibit it in hysterical diseases. It is now superseded by more active preparations. Mestr*. Chevalier and Lasseigne havo detected ammonia in this plant in an uncombined state, which is probably the vehicle of the remarkably nauseous odour which it exhales, strongly re- sembling that of putrid fish. When the plant is bruised with water, and the Uquor expressed and afterwards distilled, we procure a fluid which con- tains the subcarbonate of ammonia, and an oily matter, which gives the fluid a milky appearance. If the expressed juice of the chenopodium be evaporated to the consistence of an extract, it is found to be alkaline; there seems to be acetic acid in it. Its basis is said to be of an albumin- ous nature. It is stated also to contain a small quantity of the substance which the French call namazome, a little of an aromatic resin, and a bitter matter, soluble both in alkohol and water, •s well as several saline bodies. Chf.ras. (From j^cu, to pour out.) An ob- solete name of struma, or scrophula. Cherf.fo'lium. See Scandix cerefolium. CHE'RMES. (Arabian.) A small berry, full of insects like worms: the juice of which was formerly made into a confection, called confectio alkennes, which has been long disused. The worm itself was also so called. Chermes mineralis. Hydro-sulphuret of antimony. Cherni'bu'm. Chernibion. In Hippocrates it signifies an urinal. C heron I a. (From Xtipm, the Centaur.) See Chironia centaurium. CHERRY. S«e Cerasa nigra, and Cerasa rubra. Cherry, bay. The Lauro-cerasus. Cherry-laurel. The Lauro-cerasus. Cherry, winter. The Alkekengi. CHERVI'LLUM. See Scandix cerefolium. CHESELDEN, William, was born in Lei- cestershire, 1688. After serving his apprentice- ship to a surgeon at Leicester, he came to study at St. Thomas's hospital, to which he afterwards became burgeon. He began to give lectures at the early arc of 84, and about the same period was elected fellow of the Royal Society. Two years after, he published his "Anatomical De- scription of the Human Body," with some select cases in surgery, which passed through several editions ; in one of which he detailed his success in the operation of lithotomy by the lateral me- thod, aa it is termed, which he found not so liable to failure as the high operation. He also gave in the Philosophical Transactions, an interesting accoant of a grown person whom he restored to sight after being blind from infancy; and furnish- ed some other contributions to the same work. BesidcD being honourably distinguished by some of the French societies, he was appointed princi- pal surgeon to Queen Caroline, to whom he dedi- cated bis splendid work on the bones in 1733. He was four years after chosen surgeon to Chelsea Hospital, anil retired from pubUc practice, and lived to the a.-e of 64. CHESNlT. See A^tculut and Fagus. Chttnut, hhrtt. See JEtcuhis Hippocas- tanum. Chttnut, tweet. See Fagus castanea. Chei:'si*. (From ^tui, to pour out.) Liqun- tiou. Infusion. Ciilva strk. A double-headed roller, appUed by ith middle below the chin ; then running on each side, it is dossed on the top of the head ; then passing to the nape of the neck, is there crossed: it then passes under the chin, where crossing, it is earned to the top of the head, &c. until it is all taken up. CHEYN'E, Georoe, was born in Scotland, 1670. After graduating in medicine, he came to London, at the tige of 30, and published a The- ory of Fevers, and five years after a work on Fluxions, which procured his election into the Royal Society; and this was soon foUowed by his " Philosophical Principles of Natural Reli- gion." Being naturally inclined to corpulency, and indulging in free living, he became, when only of a middle age, perfectly unwieldy, with other marks of an impaired constitution ; against which, finding medicines of little avail, he deter- mined to abstain from all fermented liquors, and confine himself to a milk and vegetable diet. This plan speedily relieved the most distressing symptoms, which led him after a while to resume his luxuries; but finding bis complaints presently returning, he resorted again to' the abstemious plan ; by a steady perseverance in which he re- tained a tolerable share of health to the advanced age of 72. In 1722, in a treatise on the gout, &c. he first inculcated this plan ; and two years after greatly enlarged on the same subject, in his cele- brated " Essay on Health and Long Life." His " English Malady, or Treatise on Nervous Dis- eases," which he regarded as especially prevalent in this country, a very popular work, published 1733, contains a candid and judicious narrative of his own case. CHEZANA'NCE. (From x'&> to go to stool, and avay/cr;, necessity.) 1. Any thing that creates a necessity to go to stool. 2. In P. -lEgineta, it is the name of an oint- ment, with which the anus is to be rubbed, for promoting stools. CHI'A. (From Xcs, an island where they were formerly propagated.) 1. A sweet fig of the island of Cyprus, Chio, or Scio. 2. An earth from the island of Chio, formerly used in fevers. 3. A species ef turpentine. See Pistachia terebinthus. Chi'acus. (From Xioj, the island of Scio.) An epithet of a collyrium, the .chief ingredient of which was wine of Chios. Chi'adus. In Paracelsus it signifies the same as furunculus. Chian turpentine. Sec Pislacia terebinthus. Chia'smus. (From xta&, *° ™Tm Uke tbe letter X, chi.) The name of a bandage, the shape of which is like the Greek letter X, chi. CHIASTOLITE. The name of a mineral found in Brittany and Spain, somewhat like steatite. Chia'stos. The name of a crucial bandage in Oribasius ; so called from its resembling the letter X, chi. Chia'stre. The name of a bandage for the temporal artery. It is a double-headed roUer, tbe middle of which is applied to the side of the head, opposite to that in which the artery is opened, and, when brought round to the part affected, it is crossed upon the compress that is laid upon tbe wound, and then, the continuation is over the co- ronal suture, and under the chin; then crossing on tbe compress, the course is, as at the first, round the head, &c. tiU the whole roUer is taken up. Chi'bou. A spurious species of gumelemi, spoken of by the faculty of Paris, but not known in England CHI CHL Chibur. Sulphur. Chichi'na. Contracted from China china:. See Cinchona. CHICKEN. The young of the gallinaceous order of birds, especially of the domestic fowl. See Phasianus gallus. CHICKEN POX. Sec Varicella. CHICKWEED. See Alsine media. CHICOYNEAU, Francis, was born at MontpeUer in 1672, the second son of a professor there, who becoming blind, he was appointed to discharge his duties, after taking his degrees in medicine. Having acquitted himself very credi- tably, he was deputed with other physicians to Marseilles in r720, to devise measures for arrest- ing the progress of the plague, which in the end almost depopulated that city. The zeal which he evinced on that occasion was rewarded by a pension; and on the death of his father-in-law, M. Chirac, in 1731, he was appointed to succeed him as first physician to the king ; and received also other honours previously to his death in 1752. He published in 1721, in conjunction with the other physicians, an account of the plague at Marseilles, in which the opinion is advanced, that the disease was not contagious: and having re- ceived orders from the king to collect all the ob- servations that had been made concerning that disease, he drew up an enlarged treatise with much candour, and containing a number of useful facts, which was made public in 1744. CHI'LBLAIN. See Pernio. Chi'li, balsamum de. Salmon speaks, but without any proof, of its being brought from ChiU. The Barbadoes tar, in which are mixed a few drops of the oU of aniseed, is usually sold for it. Chiliodt'namon. (From^tXioi, a thousand, and Swapis, virtue.) In Dioscorides, this name is given on account of its many virtues. An epithet of the herb Polemonium. Most pro- bably the wood sage, Teucrium scorodovia of Linnaeus. Chiliovhtllon. (From ^iXioi, a thousand, and lyvXXov, a leaf, because of the great number of leaflets.) A name of the milfoil. See Achil- lea millefolium. Chi'lon. XciXwv. An inflamed and swelled Up. Chilpela'gua. A variety of capsicum. Chime'thlon. A chilblain. Chi'mia. See Chemistry. Chimia'ter. (From xvll,lai chemistry, and iatcoj, a physician.) A physician who makes the science of chemistry subservient to the purposes of medicine. Chimo'lea laxa. Paracelsus means, by this word, the subUmed powder which is separated from the flowers of saline ores. CHI'NA. (So named from the country of China, from whence it was brought.) See Smi- lax China. China cmss&. A nanfe given to the Peruvian bark. China occidentalis. China spuria no- dosa; Smilax pseudo-China; Smilax Indica spinosa; American or West-Indian China. This root is chiefly brought from Jamaica, in large round pieces full of knots. In scrophulous dis- orders, it has been preferred to the oriental kind. In other cases it is of similar but inferior virtue. China sup posit a. See Senecio pseudo- china. Chinchi'na. See Cinchona. Chinchi'na Carib.ca. See Cinchona Ca- ribaa. 244 Chikchina de Santa Ft . There are >(. vera] specii s of bark sent from Santa Fe ; bat neither their particular natures, nor the trees which afford them, are yet accurately deter- mined. Chinchina Jamaicensis. See Cinchona Caribaa. Chinchina rubra. See Cinchonaoblongi. folia. Chinchina de St. Lucia. St. Luciabark. See Cinchona ftoribunda. CHINCOUGH. See Pertussis. CHINE'NSIS. See Citrus aurantium; Chinese Smilax. Sec Smilcuc China. Chio turpentine. See Pistacia terebinlhun. Chi'oli. In Paracelsus it is synonymous with furun cuius. CHIRA'GRA. (From X"P, the hand, and aypa, a seizure.) Tbe gout in the joints of Uw hand. See Arthritis. CHIRO'NES. (From Xtip, the hand.) Small pustules on the hand and feet, inclosed in which u a troublesome worm. CHIRO'NIA. (From Chiron, the Centaur, who discovered its use.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pen- tandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. (From ;££<,,, the hand.) An affection ofthe hand, where it is troubled with chirones. Chironia Centaurium. The systematic name of the officinal centaury. Centaurium minus vulgare ; Centaurium parvum ; Centau- rium minus; Libadium; Chironia—corollit quinquefidis infundibuliformibut, caule dicho- tomo, pistillo simplici, of Linnaeus. This plant is justly esteemed to be the most efficacious bitter of aU the medicinal plants indigenous to this country. It has been recommended, by CuUen, as a substitute for gentian, and by several is thought to be a more useful medicine. The tow of the centaury plant are directed for use by tne colleges of London and Edinburgh and are most commonly given in infusion; but they may also be taken in powder, or prepared into an extract. Chiro'nium. (From Xuptav, the Centaur, who is said to have been the first who healed them.) A malignant ulcer, callous on its edges, and difficult to cure. C HIROTHE'C A. (From %Up, the hand, and riBiipi, to put.) A glove of the scarfsldn, with the nails, which is brought off from the deadmb- ject, after the cuticle is loosened by putrefaction, from the parts under it. CHIR'URGIA. (From Xup, the hand, anil tpyov, a work ; because surgical operations are performed by the hand.) Clururgery, or surgery. Chi'ton. Xituv. A coat, or membrane. Chi'um. (From Xios, the island where it was produced.) An epithet of a wine made at Scio. Chlia'sma. (From ^Xiaivin, to make warm.) A warm fomentation. CHLORA'SMA. (From yXwpos, green.) See Chlorosis. CHLORATE. A compound of chloric acid with a salifiable basis. CHLORIC ACID. Acidum chloricum. «« was first eliminated from salts containing it by Gay Lussac, and described by bim in his admira- ble memoir on iodine, pubUshed in the 91st vo- lume of the Annates de Chimie. When a current of chlorine is passed for some time through a so- lution of barytic earth in warm water, a substance called hyperoxymuriate of barytes by its first dis- coverer, Chenevix, is formed, as well as some common muriate. The latter is separated, by boiling phosphate of silver in the compound so- CHL CHL I»tion. Tbe former may 'hen be obtained lor any other metal, the oxymuriatic acid is attracted from the hydrogen by the stronger affinity of the metal, and an oxymuriate, exactly similar to that formed by combustion, is produced. The action of water upon those compounds which have been usually considered as muriates, or as dry muriates, but which are properly com- binations of oxymuriatic acid with inflammable bases, may be easily explained, according to these views of the subject. When water is added in certain quantities to Libavius's liquor, a solid crystallized mass is obtained, from which oxide of tin and muriate of ammonia can be procured by ammonia. In this case, oxygen may be conceived to be suppUed to the tin, and hydrogen to the oxymuriatic acid. The compound formed by burning phosphorus in oxymuriatic acid, is in a similar relation to water. If that substance be added to it, it is re- solved into two powerful acids ; oxygen, it may be supposed, is furnished to the phosphorus to form phosphoric acid, hydrogen to the oxymuri- atic acid to form common muriatic acid gas. He caused strong explosions from an electrical jar to pass through oxymuriatic gas, by means of points of platina, for several hours in succession ; but it seemed not to undergo the slighest change. He electrized the oxymuriates of phosphorus and sulphur for some hours, by the power of the voltaic apparatus of 1000 double plates. No gas separated, but a minute quantity of hydrogen, which he was inclined to attribute to the presence of moisture in the apparatus employed; for he once obtained hydrogen from Libavius's liquor by a similar operation. But he ascertained that this was owing to the decomposition of water adhering to. the mercury: and in some late experiments made with 2000 double plates, in which the dis- charge was from platina wires, and in which the mercury used for confining the liquor was care- 248 fully boiled, there was no production of any per- manent elastic matter. Few substances, perhaps, have less claim to be considered as acid, than oxymuriatic acid. Ai yet we have no rigbt to say that it has been de- compounded ; and as its tendency of combina- tion is with pure inflammable matters, it may possibly belong to the same class of bodies u oxygen. May it not in fact be a peculiar acidifying and dissolving principle, forming compounds with combustible bodies, analogous to acids containing oxygen or oxides, in their properties and powers of combination ; but differing from them, in be- ing for the most part decomposable by water? On this idea, muriatic acid may be considered as having hydrogen for its basis, and oxymoriatie acid for its acidifying principle; and the pho?- phoric sublimate as having phosphorus for iti ba- sis, and oxymuriatic acid for its acidifying nut- ter ; and Libavius's liquor, and the compounds of arsenic with oxymuriatic acid, may be regarded as analogous bodies. The combinations of oxy- muriatic acid with lead, silver, mercury, potas- sium, and sodium, in this view, would be consi- dered as a class of bodies related more to oxidei than acids, in their powers of attraction.—Btk. Lee. 1809. On the Combinations of the Common Metah with Oxygen and Oxymuriatic Gat. Sir H. used in all cases small retorts of green glass, containing from three to six cubical inches, furnished with stop-cocks. The metalhc sub- stances were introduced, the retort exhausted and filled with the gas to be acted upon, heat was applied by means of a spirit lamp, and after cool- ing, the results were examined, and the residual gas analysed. All the metals that he tried, except silver, lead, nickel, cobalt, and gold, when heated, burnt ia the oxymuriatic gas, and the volatile metals with flame. Arsenic, antimony, tellurium, and zinc, with a white flame, mercury with a red flame. Tin became ignited to whiteness, and iron and copper to redness; tungsten and manganese te duU redness ; platina was scarcely acted npon at the heat of fusion of the glass. The product from mercury was corrosive sub- limate. That from zinc was similar in colour to that from antimony, but was much less volatile. Silver and lead produced horn-silver and horo- lcad ; and bismuth, butter of bismuth. In acting upon metallic oxides by oxymnriatit gas, he found that those of lead, silver, tin, eop- per, antimony, bismuth, and tellurium, were de- composed in a heat below redness, but the oxides of the volatile metals more readily than those of the fixed ones. The oxides of cobalt and nickel were scarcely acted upon at a dull red neat. The red oxide of iron was not affected at a strong re J heat, whilst the black oxide was readily decom- posed at a much lower temperature; arsenical acid underwent no change at the greatest heal that could be given it in the glass retort, whilst the white oxide readily decomposed. In cases where oxygen was given off, it *>* found exactly the same in quantity as that which had been absorbed by the metal. Thus, two grains of red oxide of mercury absorbed 9-10 of a cubical inch of oxymuriatic gas, and afforded 0.45 of oxygen. Two grains of dark oUve oxide from calomel decomposed by potassa, absorbed about 94-100 of oxymuriatic gas, and afforded 24-100 of oxygen, and corrosive sublimate was produced in both cases. In the decomposition of the white oxide <>\ zinc, oxygen was expelled exactly equal to hall CHL l HI. »hr volume of the oxymuriatic acid absorbed. In i he rue ot the decomposition of the black oxide of iron, and the white oxide of arsenic, the changes that occurred were of a very beautiful kind ; no oxygen wan given off in cither case, but hotter of arsenic and arsenical acid formed in one instance, and the ferruginous sublimate and red oxide of iron in the other. General Conclunont and Observations, illus- trated by Experiments. Oxymuriatic gas combines with inflammable bodies, to form simple binary comjiounds; and in these cases, when it acts upon oxides, it either produces the expulsion of their oxygen, or causes it to enter into new combinations. If it be said that the oxygen arises from the de- comp"iition of the oxymuriatic gas, and not from the oxides, it may be asked, why it is always the quantity contained in die oxide ? and why in some oases, as those of the peroxides of potassium and sodium, it bears no relation to the quantity of Bm,T If there existed any acid matter in oxymuriatic gas, combined with oxygen, it ought to be exhi- bited in the fluid compound of one proportion of phosphorus, and two of oxymuriatic gas; for (his, on such an assumption, should consist of muriatic acid (on the old hypothesis, free from water) and phosphorous acid ; but this substance has no effect on litmus paper, and does not act under common circumstances, on fixed alkaline bases, such aa dry lime or inagucsia. Oxymuri- atic gas, like oxygen, must be combined in large quantity with peculiar inflammable matter, to form acid matter. In its union with hydrogen, it instantly reddens the driest litmus paper, though a gaseous body. Contrary to acids, it expels oxygen from protoxides, and combines with pe- roxides. When potassium is burnt in oxymuriatic ga.s, a dry compound is obtained. If potassium com- bined with oxygen is employed, the whole of the oxygen is expelled, and the same compound formed. It is contrary to sound logic to say, that this exact qanntity of oxygen is given off from a body not known to be compouna, when we are certain of its existence in another; and all the cases are parallel. Scbcclc explained the bleaching powers of the oxymuriatic gas, by supposing that it destroyed colours by combining with phlogiston. Ber- thoUct considered it as acting by supplying oxy- gen. He made an experiment, which seems to prove (hat the pure gas is incapable of altering vegetable colours, anathat its operation in bleach- ing depends entirely upon its property of decom- posing water, and liberating its oxygen. He filled a glass globe, containing dry pow- dered muriate of lime, with oxymuriatic gas. He introduced some dry paper tinged with litmus that had been just heated, into another globe con- taining dry muriate of lime: after some time this globe was exhausted, and then connected with Ihe globe containing the oxymuriatic gas, and by an appropriate net of stop-cocks, the paper was rxi>o»rd to the action of the gas. No change of colour took place, and after two days there was scarcely a perceptible alteration. S.mc similar paper dried, introduced into gas that lint! not been exposed to muriate of lime, was instantly rendered white. It is generally „t;«ted in chemical books, that oxymuriatic gas is capable of being condensed and crystallised al a low temperature. He found by several experiments that this is not the case. The .nlutiou of oxymuriatic gn» in wnter freezes mure readily- than pure water, hut the purr gas dried by muriate of lime undergoes no change. whatever, at a temperature of 40 below 0° ol Fahrenheit. The mistake seems to have arisen from the exposure of the gas to cold in bottle containing moisture. He attempted to decompose boracic and phos- phoric »Hds by oxymuriatic gas, but without suc- cess ; from which it seems probable, that the at- tractions of boracium and phosphorus for oxygen nre stronger than for oxymuriatic gas. And from the experiments already detailed, iron and arsenic nre analogous in this respect, and probably some other metals. Potassium, sodium, calcium, strontium, barium.; zinc, mercury, tin, lead, and probably silverj antimony, and gold, seem to have a stronger at- traction for oxymuriatic gas than for oxygen. ' To call a body which is not known to contain oxygen, and which cannot contain muriatic acid, oxymuriatic acid, is contrary to the principles of that nomenclature in which it is adopted ; and an alteration of it seems necessity to assist the progress of discussion, and to diffuse just ideas on the subject. If the great discoverer of this sub- stance had signified it by any simple name, it would have been proper to have recurred to it; but dephlogistiratcd marine acid is a term which can hardly be adopted in the present advanced era of the science. ' After consulting some of the most eminent chemical philosophers iu this country, it has been judged most proper to suggest a name founded upon one of its obvious and characteristic pro- perties—its colour, and to call it chlorine or chlo- ric gas. • Should it hereafter be discovered to be com- pound, and even to contain oxygen, this name can imply no error, and cannot necessarily require a rhtinge. ' Most of the salts which have been called mu- riates, are not known to contain any muriatic acid, or any oxygen. Thus Libavius's liquor, though converted into a miniate by water, con- tains only tin and oxymurintic gas, and horn- silver seems- incapable of being converted into a true muriate.'—Uak. I.ec. 1811. We shall now exhibit a summary view of the preparation and properties of chlorine. Mix in a mortar 3 parts of common salt and 1 of black oxide of manganese. Introduce them into a glass retort, and add 2 parts of sulphuric acid. Gas will issue, which must be collected in the water-pneumatic trough. A gentle heat will favour its extrication. In practice, the above pasty-consistenced mixture is apt to boil over into the neck. A mixture of liquid muriatic acid and manganese is therefore more convenient for tbe production of chlorine. A very slight heat is adequate to its expulsion from the retort. In- stead of manganese, red oxide of mercury, or puro-coluur: (i oxide of lead, may be employed. Tliis gas, as we have already remarked, is of a greenish-yellow colour, easily recognized by day- light, but scarcely distinguishable by that of can- dles. Its odour and taste are disagreeable, strong, und so characteristic, that it is impossible to mis- take it for any other gas. When we breathe it, even much diluted with air, it occasions a sense of strangulation, constriction of the thorax, and a copious discharge from the nostrils. If respired in larger quantity, it excites violent coughing, with spitting of blood, and would speedily destroy the individual, amid violent distress. Its specific gravity is 2.4733. This is better inferred from the specific gravities of hydrogen and mnriatic acid gases, than from the direct weight of chlorine, from the impostibilitv of confining1 it over mrr- CHL cm. cuvy. One volume of hydrogen, added to one of cldorine, form two of the acid gas. Ilencc, if from twice the specific gravity of muriatic gas = 2.5427, we subtract that of hydrogen = 0.0694, the difference 2.4733 is the sp. gr. of chlorine. 100 cubic inches at mean pressure and temperature weigh 35^ grains. See Gas. In its perfectly dry state, it has no effect on dry vegetable .colours. With the aid of a little moist- ure, it bleaches them into a yellowish-white. Scheele first remarked this bleaching property ; Berthollet applied it to the art of bleaching in France ; and from him Mr. Watt introduced its use into Great Britain. If a lighted wax taper be immersed rapidly into this gas, it consumes very fast, with a dull reddish flame, and much smoke." The taper will not burn at the surface ofthe gas. Hence, if slowly intro- duced, it is apt to be extinguished. The alkaline metals, as well as copper, tin, arsenic, zinc, an- timony, in fine lamina; or filings, spontaneously burn in chlorine. Metallic chlorides result. Phosphorus also takes fire at ordinary tempera- tures, and is converted into a chloride. Sulphur may be melted in the gas without taking fire. It forms a liquid chloride, of a reddish colour. When dry, it is not altered by any change of tempera- ture. Enclosed in a phial with a little moisture, it concretes into crystalline needles, at 40° Fahr. According to Thenard, water condenses, at the temperature of 68° F. and at 29.92 barom. 1| times its volume of chlorine, and forms aqueous chlorine, formerly called liquid oxymuriatic acid. This combination is best made in the second bot- tle of a Woolfe's apparatus, the first being charg- ed with a little water, to intercept the muriatic acid gas, while the third bottle may contain po- tassa-water or milk of lime, to condense the su- perfluous gas. Thenard says, that a kilogramme of salt is sufficient for saturating from 10 to 12 li- tres of water. These measures correspond to 1\ lbs. avoirdupois, and to from 21 to 25 pints En- glish. There is an ingenious apparatus for making aqueous chlorine, described in Berthollet's Ele- ments of Dyeing, vol. i. ; which, however, the happy substitution of slaked lime for water, by Mr. Charles Tennant of Glasgow, has superseded, for the purposes of manufacture. It congeals by cold at 40° Fahr. and affords crystaUised plates, of a deep yellow, containing a less proportion of water than the liquid combination. Hence when chlorine is passed into water at temperatures un- der 40°, the liquid finally becomes a concrete mass, which at a gentle heat liquefies with effer- vescence, from the escape of the excess of chlo- rine. When steam and chlorine are passed to- gether through a red-hot porcelain tube, they are converted into muriatic acid and oxygen. A like result is obtained by exposing aqueous chlorine to the solar rays ; with this difference, that a little chloric acid is formed. Hence aqueous chlorine should be kept in a dark place. Aqueous chlo- rine attacks almost all the metals at an ordinary temperature, forming muriates or chlorides, and heat is evolved. It has the smell, taste, and co- lour of chlorine; aud acts, like it, on vegetable and animal colours. Its taste is somewhat astrin- gent, but not in the least degree acidulous. Whep we put in a perfectly dark place, at the ordinary temperature, a mixture of chlorine and hydrogen, it experiences no kind of alteration, even in the space of a great many days. But if, at the same low temperature, we expose the mix- ture to the diffuse light of day, by degrees the two gases enter into chemical combination, and lorm muriatic acid gas. There is no change in the vo- lume of the mixture, but the change of its nature 250 miv be proved, bv its rapid absorbability by water, its not exploding by the Ughted taper, and the disappearance ofthe chlorine hue. To pro- duce the complete discoloration, we must expose the mixture finally for a few minutes to the sun- beam. If exposed at first to this intensity id light, itexplodes with great violence, and instantly forms muriatic acid gas. The same explosive combina- tion is produced by the electric spark and the lighted taper. Thenard says, a heat of 392° is sufficient to cause the explosion. The proper proportion is an equal volume of each gas. Chlo- rine aud nitrogen combine into a remarkable de- tonating compound, by exposing the former gas to a solution of an ammoniacal salt. Chlorine is the most powerful agent for destroying contagious miasmata. The disinfecting phials of Morreau evolve this gas."—Ure. CHLORITE. A mineral usually friable or very easy to pulverize, composed of a multitude of little spangles, or shining small grains, falling to powder under the pressure of the fingers. There are four sub-species. - 1. Chlorite earth. Iu green, glimmering, and somewhat pearly scales with a shining green streak. 2. Common chlorite. A massive mineral of a blackish-green colour, a shining lustre, and a fo- liated fracture passing into earthy. 3. Chlorite slate. A massive, blackish-green mineral, with a resinous lustre, and curve slaty or scaly-foliated fracture. 4. Foliated chlorite. Colour between moun- tain and blackish-green. CHLORIODATE. A compound of the chlo- riodic acid with a salifiable basis. CHLORIODE ACID. Acidum chlorioda- tum. See Chloriodic acid. CHLORIODIC ACID. Acidum chlorodi- cum. Chloriode acid. Sir H. Davy formed it, by admitting chlorine in excess to known quan- tities of iodine, in vessels exhausted of air, and repeatedly heating the sublimate. Operating in this way, he found that iodine absorbs less than one-third of its weight of chlorine. C hloriodic acid is a very volatile substance, form- ed by the sublimation of iodine in a great exeos of chlorine, is of a bright yellow colour; when fused it becomes of a deep orange, and when ren- dered elastic, it forms a deep orange-eolouredga*' It is capable of combining with much iodine when they are heated together; its colour, becomes, in consequence, deeper, and the chloriodic acid and the iodine rise together in the elastic state. The solution of the chloriodic acid in water, likewise dissolves large quantities of iodine, so that it is possible to obtain a fluid containing very different proportions of iodine and chlorine. When two bodies so similar in their characters, and in the compounds they form, as iodine and chlorine, act upon substances at the same time, it is difficult, Sir H. observes, to form a judgment of the different parts that they play in the new che- mical arrangement produced. It appears most probable, that the acid property of the chloriodic compound depends upon the combination of the two bodies ; and its action upon solutions of tbe alkalies and the earths may be easily explained, when it is considered that chlorine has a greiter tendency than iodine to form double compounds with the metals, and that iodine has a greater ten- dency than chlorine to form triple compounds with oxygen and the metals. A triple compound of this kind with sodium may exist in sea water, and would be separated with the first crystals that are formed by its eva- poration. Hence, it may exist in common salt. CHI. CHI. Kir H. Da»y ascertained, by feeding birds with bread soaked with water, holding some of it in volution, that it is not poisonous like iodine itself. —Ure't Ch. Diet. CHLORO-CARBONOCS ACID. "The term chloro-carbonic which has been given to (hh compound is incorrect, leading to the belief of ili being a compound of chlorine and acidified charcoal, instead of being a compound of chlo- riDe and the protoxide of charcoal. Chlorine ban no immediate action on carbonic oxide, when they are exposed to each 'tlv-r in common day- light over mercury : not even when the electric spark is passed through them. Experiments made by Dr. John Davy, in the presence of his brother 8ir H. Davy, prove that they combine rapidly when exposed to tbe direct solar beams, and one volume of each is condensed into one volume of the compound. The resulting gns possesses very curious properties, approaching to those of an acid. From the peculiar potency of the sunbeam in ef- fecting this combination, Dr. Davy called it phos- gene gat. The constituent gases, dried over mu- riate of lime, ought to be introduced from sepa- rate reservoirs into nn exhausted globe, perfectly dry, and exposed for fifteen minutes to bright sun- shine, or for twelve hours to day-light. The eo- lonr of the chlorine disappears, and on opening the stop-cock belonging to the globe under mer- cury recently boiled, an absorption of one-half the gaseous volume is indicated. The resulting gas possesses properties perfectly distinct from those belonging to either carbonic oxide or chlo- rine. It docf not fume in the atmosphere. Its odour is different from that of chlorine, something like that which might be imagined to result from the smell of chlorine combined with that of ammonia. It is in fact more intolerable and suffocating than chlorine itself, and affects the eyes in a peculiar manner, producing a rapid flow of tears, and oc- casioning painful sensations. It reddens dry litmus paper; and condenses four volumes of ammonia into a white salt, while heat is evolved. This ammoniacal compound is neutral, haa no odour, but a pungent saline taste ; Is deliquescent, decomposable by the liquid mine- ral acids, dissolves without effervescing in vinegar, and sublimes unaltered in muriatic, carbonic, and sulphurous acid gases. Sulphuric acid resolves it into carbonic and muriatic acids, in the propor- tion of two in volume of the latter, and one of the former. Tin, zinc, antimony, and arsenic, heat- ed in chloro-carbonous acid, abstract the chlorine, and leave the carbonic oxide expanded to its ori- ginal volume. There is neither ignition nor ex- plosion takes place, though the action of the me- tals is rapid. Potassium acting on the compound gas produces a solid chloride aiid charcoal. White oxide of zinc, with chloro-crurbonous acid, gives a metallic chloride, and carbonic acid. Neither sulphur, phosphorus, oxygen, nor hydrogen, though aided by heat, produce any change on the acid gas. But oxygen and hydrogen together, in due proportions, explode in it; or mere ex- posure to water converts it into muriatic and car- bonic acid gases. From its completely neutralising ammonia, which carbonic acid does not; from its separating enrbnnic acid from the stibcnrbomite of this alkali™ while itielf is not separable 1>\ the ncid gases or acetic acid, Hnd its reddening vegetable blues, there con be m> hesitation in pronouncing the chlo- ro-earbonotui compound to be an acid. Its saturat- ing power* indeed surpasi every other substance. None condenses *o large u proportion of ammonia. line measure- of Mruhol condenses twelve of i-hloru-carbonons gas without decomposing i< . and acquires the peculiar odour and power ol at- fecting the < yes. To prepare the gas in a pure state, a good air- pump is required, perfectly tight stop-cocks, dry gases, and dry vessels. Its specific gravity may be inferred from the specific gravities of its con- stituents, of whic h it is the sum. Hence 2.4739 ■+■ 0.972-2= 3.4455, is the specific gravity of chlo- ro-carbonous gas ; and 100 cubic inches weigh 105.15 grains. It appears that when hydrogen, carbonic oxide, and chlorine, mixed in equal vo- lumes, are exposed to Ught, muriatic and chloro- carbonous acids are formed, in equal proportions, indicating an equality of affinity. The paper in the Phil. Trans, for 1812, from which the preceding facts are taken, does hon- our to the school of' Sir H. Davy. Gay Lussac and Thenard, as well as Dr. Murray, made con- troversial investigations on the subject at the same time, but without success. Thenard has, how- ever, recognized its distinct existence and pro- perties, by the name of carbo-muriatic acid, in the 2d volume of his System, published in 1814, where he considers it as a compound of muriatic and carbonic acids, resulting from the mutual ac- tions of the oxygenated muriatic add and carbo- nic oxide."—Ure. CHLOROCYANIC ACID. Acidum chloro- cyavicum. Chloroprussic acid. " When hydro- cyanic acid is mixed with chlorine, it acquires new properties. Its odour is much increased. It uo longer forms pru.ssian blue with solutions of iron, but a green precipitate, which becomes blue by the addition of sulphurous acid. Hydrocya- nic acid thus altered had acquired the name of oxypruttic, because it was supposed to have ac- quired oxygen. Gay Lussac subjected it to a mi- nute examination, aud found that it was a com- pound of equal volumes of chlorine and cyanogen, whence he proposed to distinguish it by the name of chlorocyanic acid. To prepare this compound, he passed a current of chlorine into solution of hydrocyanic acid, till it destroyed the colour of sulphate of indigo ; and by agitating the Uquid with mercury, he deprived it of the excess of chlorine. By distillation, afterwards, in a mo- derate heat, an elastic fluid is disengaged which possesses the properties formerly assigned to oxy- prussic acid. This, however, is not pure chloro- cyanic acid, but a mixture of it with carbonic acid, in proportions which vary so much, as to make it difficult to determine tliem. When hydrocyanic acid is supersaturated with chlorine, and the excess of this last is removed by mercury, the liquid contains ehlorocyanic and muriatic acids. Having put mercury into a glass jar until it was 3-4ths full, he tilled it completely with that acid liqnid, and inverted the jar in a ves- sel of mercury. On exhausting the receiver of an air-pump containing this vessel, the mercury s-iiik in the jar, in consequence of the elastic fluid disengaged. By degrees the Uquid itself was en- tirely expelled, and swam on the mercury on the outside. On admitting the air the liquid could not enter the tube, but only the mercury, and the whole elastic fluid condensed, except a small bub- ble. Hence it was concluded that ehlorocyanic acid was not a permanent gas, and that, in order to remain gaseous under the pressure of the air, it must be mixed with another gaseous substance. The mixture of ehlorocyanic and carbonic acids, has the following properties. It is colourless. Ps smell is very strong. A very small quantity of it irritates the nitnin ry membrane, and occasions team. It reddenslitiiius, i- not infUnimable, and docs m>t detonate when mixed with twice its bulk cur. CHL ->\ oxygen ur hydrogen. Its density, determined by calculation, is 2.111. Its aqueous solution does not precipitate nitrate of silver, nor barytes water. The alkalies absorb it rapidly, but an ex- cess of them is necessary to destroy its odour. If we then add an acid, a strong effervescence of carbonic acid is produced, and the odour of ehloro- cyanic acid is no longer perceived. If we add an excess of lime to the acid solution, ammonia is disengaged in abundance. To obtain the green precipitate from solution of iroB, we must begin by mixing ehlorocyanic acid with that solution. We then add a little potassa, and at last a little acid. If we add the alkali before the iron, we obtain no green precipitate. Chloroeyanic acid exhibits with potassium al- most the same phenomena as cyanogen. The in- flammation is equaUy slow and the gas diminishes as much iu volume."—Ure. CHLOROPHANE. A violet fluor spar found in Siberia. CHLOROPHILE. The name lately given by PcUetier and Caventou to the green mutter ofthe leaves of plants. They obtained it by pressing, and then washing in water the substance of many leaves, and .afterwards treating it with alkohol. A matter was dissolved, which, when separated by evaporation, and purified by washing in hot water, appeared as a deep gv-een resinous substance. It dissolves entirely in alkohol, aether, oils, or alka- lies ; it is not altered by exposure to air ; it is softened by heat, but does net melt; it burns with flame, and leaves a bulky coal. Hot water slightly dissolves it. Acetic aeid is the only acid that dis- solves it in great quantity. If an earthy or me- tallic salt be mixed with tbe alkoholic solution, and then alkali or alkaline subcarbonate be added, the oxide or earth is thrown down in combination with much of the green substance, forming a lake. These lakes appear moderately permanent when exposed to the air. It is supposed to be a peculiar proximate principle. CHLOROPRUSSIC ACID. See Chloro- eyanic add. CHLORO'SIS. (From x^">f">si green, pale ; from, xXoa, of, vXo>/, herba vireas.- and hence xXupaopa, and xXmpiacis, virenr, pallor ; so called from the yellow-greenish look those have who are affected with it.) Febris alba ; Febris amatoria ; Icterus albus ; Chlorasma. The green-sickness. A genus of disease in the class Cachexia, and or- der Impetigines of Cullen. It is a disease which affects young females who labour under a reten- tion or suppression ofthe menses. Heaviness, list- lessness to motion, fatigue on the least exercise, palpitations of the heart, pains in the back, loins, and hips, flatulency and acidities in the stomach and bowels, a preternatural appetite for chalk, lime, and various other absorbents, together with many dyspeptic symptoms, usually attend on this disease. As it advances in its progress, the face becomes pale, or assumes a yellowish hue ; the whole body is flaccid, and likewise pale; the feet are affected with a-deniatous swellings; the breathing is much hurried by any considerable ex- ertion ot the body ; the puke is quick, but small; and the person is apt to be affected with many of the symptoms of hysteria. To procure a flow of the menses, proves in some cases a very difficult matter; and where the disease has been of long standing, various morbid affections of tbe viscera are often brought on, which at length prove fatal. Dissections of those who have died of chlorosis, have usually rhown the ovaria to be in a m inlious, or dropsical state. In some cases, the liver, spleen, and mesenteric glands, have likewise been found in a diseased state. 252 The cure is to be attempted by increasing ton tone of the system, and exciting the action of the uterine vessels. The first may be effected by a generous nutritive diet, with the moderate use of wine ; by gentle and daily exercise, particularly on horse-back ; by agreeable company, to amnse and quiet the mind ; and by tonic medicines, es- pecially the preparations of iron, joined with myrrh, &c. Bathing will Ukewise help much to strengthen them, if the temperature of the bath be made gradually lower, a.- the patient bears it; and sometimes drinking the mineral chalybeate waters may assist. The bowels must be kept re- gular, and occasionally a gentle emetic will pre- pare for the tonic plan. 1 he other object of sti- mulating the uterine vessels may be attained by the exercises of walking and dancing; by fre- quent friction of the lower extremities ; by the pediluvium, hip-bath, &c.; by electric shocks, passed through the region of the uterus: by ac- tive purgatives, especially those formulae contain- ing aloes, which acts particularly on the rectum. These means may be resorted to with more pro- bability of success, when there appear efforts of the system to produce the discharge, the general health having been previously improved. Vari- ous remedies nave been dignified with the title of emmenagogues, though mostly little to be de- pended on, as madder, &c. In obstinate cases, the tinctura lyttae, or savine, may be tried, but with proper caution, as the most likely to avail. CHLOROUS ACID. Acidum chlorosum. See Chlorous oxide. CHLOROUS OXIDE. Euchorine. Protox- ide of chlorine. " To prepare it, put chlorate of potassa into a small retort, and pour in twice as much muriatic acid as will cover it, dilnted with an equal volume of water. By the application of a gentle heat, the gas is evolved. It most be col- lected over mercury. Its tint is much more Uvely, and more yellow than chlorine, and hence its discoverer named it euchlorine. Its smell is peculiar, and approaches to that of burnt sugar. It is not respirable. It is soluble in water, to which it gives a lemon co- lour. Water absorbs 8 or 10 times its volume of this gas. Its specific gravity is to that of common air nearly as 2.40 to 1; for 100 cubic inches weigh, according to Sir H. Davy, between 74 ud 75 grains. If the compound gas result from 4 vo- lumes of chlorine + 2 of oxygen, weighing 12.1154, which undergo a condensation of one- sixth, then the specific gravity comes out 2.42$, in accordance with Sir H. Davy's experiments. He found that 50 measures detonated in a glass tube over pure mercury, lost their brilliant co- lour, and became 60 measures, of which 40 were chlorine and 20 oxygen. This gas must be collected and examined with much prudence, and in very smaU quantities. A gentle heat, even that of the hand, will cause its explosion, with such force as to burst thin glass. From this facility of decomposition, it is not easy to ascertain the action of combustible bodies upon it. None of the metals that burn in chlorine act upon this gas at common temperatures; but when the oxygen is separated, they then inflame in the chlorine. This may be readily exhibited, bv first introducing into the protoxide a little Dutch f'oilj which will not be even tarnished; but on ap- plying a heated glass tube to the gas in the neck of the bottle, decomposition instantly takes place, and the foil burns with brilliancy. When already in chemical union, thtrefore, chlorine has a stronger attraction for oxygen than for metal*; but when insulated, its affinity for the latter i* predominant. Protoxide of chlorine hasuo action < HO oa mercury, but chlorine is rapidly condensed by this "metal into calomel. Thus, the two gases may be completely separated. When phosphorus in introduced into the protoxide, it instantly burns, at it would do in a mixture of two volumes of chlorine aud one of oxygen; and a chloride and acid of phosphorus result. Lighted taper and burning sulphur Ukewise instantly decompose it. When the protoxide freed from water is made to act on dry vegetable colours, it gradually destroys them, but first gives to the blues a tint of red; from which, from its absorbabitity by water, and the strongly acrid taste of the solution approach- ing to sour, it may be considered as approximating to an acid in its nature."—Ure. Cklorure of iodine. The chloriodic acid. CHNUS. (From xyava, to grind, or rasp.) 1. Chaff; Bran. S. Fine wool, or lint, which is, as it were, rasped from lint. Cho'an a. (Xoava, o. funnel; from x"~- to pour out.) 1. A funnel. 2. The infundibulum of the kidney and brain. Cho'anus. A furnace made Uke a funnel, for melting metals. CHO'COLATE. (Dr. Alston says this word i» compounded of two Indian words, choco, sound, and atte, water ; because of the noise made in its preparation.) An article of diet prepared from the cacao-nut -} highly nourishing, particu- larly when boiled with milk and eggs. It is fre- quently recommended as a restorative in cases of emaciation and consumption. See Theobroma cacao. Chocolate-tree. See Theobroma cocao. Choe'nicis. (From Xoivikis, the nave of a wheel.) The trepan ; so called by Galen and P. ACgineta. Cros'rades. (From Xoipos, a *wine.) The same ns scrofula. CHornADOLE'THRON. (From yoipo,, a swine, and oXtdpos, destruction ; so named from its being dangerous if eaten by hogs.) Hogbane. A name in Aetius for the Xanthium, or louse-bur. CHOPRAS. (From ^oipof, a swine ; so called because hogs are diseased with it.) See Scrofula. Choke damp. The name given by miners to a noxious air. See Carbonic add. Cho'lades. (From voXij, the bile.) So the smaller intestines arc called, because they contain bile. CHOI..ELS. • (Xo\atos, bitious.) Biliary. Choi.a'oo. SeeCholas. CHOLAGO'GA. (From x»Xv, bile, and ayu>, to evacuate.) Cholegon. By cholngogues, the ancients meant only such purging medicines as expelled the internal faeces, which resembled the cystic bile in their yellow colour, and other pro- perties. Cmo'las. (From jpX 17, the bile.) Cholago. All the cavity of the right hypochondrium and part of the neighbourhood, is so called, because it contains the liver which is the straiuer ofthe gaU. CHOI.F.. X«A„. The bile. CHOLE'DOCHI S. (From XoXn, bile, and, «ih, a tumour.) A swelling formed by the bile ac- cumulated in the gall-bladder. CHOLOLITHUS. (From x°W bile, and Xidos, a stone, gall-stone.) A name of a genus of disease in the Class, Caliaca; Order, Splanch- nica, of Good's Nosology, characterised by pain about the region of the liver, catenating with pain at the pit of the stomach ; the pube unchanged; sickness ; dyspepsy ; inactivity; bilious concre- tion in the gall-bladder, or bile ducts. It has two species, Chololithus quiescent, the quiescent gall-stone, and Cimeant, the passing of gall- stones. CHOLOLITHICUS. Of or belonging to gall- stone. Cholo'ma. (From x cartilage, and fyapvyl, the upper part of the fauces.) A muscle so named because it rises in the cartilaginous part of the tongue, and is insert- ed in the pharynx. CHO'NDROS. XovSpos. 1. A cartilage. 2. A food of the ancients, the same as alica, 3. Any grumous concretion. CHONDROSYNDE'SMUS. (From X°*¥h a cartilage, and aovhw, to tie together.) A carti- laginous ligament. Cho'ndrus. A cartilage. Cho'ne. Xiavn. The infundibulum. Cho'ra. Xupa. A region. Galen, in his book De Usu Partium, expresses by it particular- ly the cavities of the eyes ; but, in others of his writings, he intimates by it any void space. CHO'RDA. (From xoPh> which properly signifies an intestine, or gut, of which a chord may be made.) 1. A cord, or assemblage ol fibres. 2. A tendon. 3. A painful tension ofthe penis in the venereal disease. 4. Sometimes the intestines are called chorda. Chorda magna. A name of the tendoAchil- lis. • Chorda tympani. A branch of the seventh pair of nerves. The portio dura of the seventh pair of nerves, having entered the tympanum* sends a small branch to the stapes, and another more considerable one, which runs across the tympanum from behind forwards, passes between the long leg of the incus and the handle of the malleus, then goes out at the same place where the tendon of thfmterior muscle of the malleus enters. It is caned chorda tympani, because it crosses the tympanum as a cord crosses the bot- tom of a drum. Dr. Monro thinks, that the chorda tympani is formed by the second branch «■'' CHO CHR me fifth pair, as well as by the porlio dura of the te Tenth. CHORDA TENDINKA. The tendinous and cord-like substances whicli connect the cornea eolumna of the ventricles of the heart to the au- ricular valves. Chorda willisii. The -small fibres which rross tic sinuses of the dura mater. Th.ey are »o termed, because WiUis first described them. Chorda'pms. (From ywpoi;, a cord, and a7r7 t0 escape: be- cause it always escapes from the uterus with the foetus.) Shaggy chorion. The external mem- brane of the foetus in utero. , CHO'ROID. (Choroidea; from x°?'ovi the chorion, and eiSos, resemblance.) Resembling the chorion, a membrane of the foetal ovum. Choroid membrank. Membrana choroides. The second tunic of the eye, lying immediately under the sclerotica, to which it is connected by vessels. The true knowledge of this membrane is necessary to a perfect idea ofthe iris and uvea. The tunica choroidea commences at the optic nerve, and passes forwards, with the sclerotic coat, to the beginning of the cornea transparens, where it adheres very firmly to the sclerotic membrane, by means of a cellular membrane, in the form of a white fringe, called the ciliary dr- cle. It then recedes from the sclerotica and cor- nea and ciliary circle, directly downwards and inwards, forming a round disk, which is variously coloured; hence, blue, black eyes, &c. This coloured portion, reflected inwards, is termed the iris, and its posterior surface is termed uvea. The choroid n,enilir.uie is highly vascular, and its external vessi is are disposed like stars, and termed rasa vorticosa. The internal surface of this membrane is covered «ith a bl-ick pigment, caUed the pigment ofthe choroid membrane. Choroid plh.xi *.. Plexus choroideus. A ph-xes of blood vessels, situated in the lateral ventricles of the brain. Choroid tunic. See Choroid membrane. Cmri'ms. (From y,mw, to anoint.) Auinunc- tion, or anointing of mi.v part, t Christmas rose. See Helleborut niger. Christum. (From ^ptw, to 'anoint.) An unguent, or ointment of anv kind. 55o CHR CHR CHRO'MAS. A chromate, or salt, formed by the union of chromic acid, with salifiable bases ; as chromate of lead, &c. Ciiromati'smus. (From xpupalitp, to co- lour. ) The morbid discoloration of any of the secretions, as of the urine, or blood. CHRO'MIC ACID. Acidum chromicum. *' This acid was extracted from the red lead ore of Siberia, by treating this ore with carbonate of potassa, and separating the alkali by means of a more powerful acid. In this state it is a red or orange-coloured powder, of a peculiar rough me- tallic taste, which is more sensible in it than in any other metallic acid. If this powder be ex- posed to the action of light and heat, it loses its acidity, and is converted into green oxide of chrome, giving out pure oxygen gas. The chromic acid is the first that has been found to de-oxygenate itself easily by the action of heat, and afford oxy- gen gas by this simple operation. It appears that several of its properties are owing to the weak adhesion of a part at least of its oxygen. The green oxide of chrome cannot be brought back to the state of an acid, unless its oxygen be restored by treating it -with some other acid. The chromic acid is soluble in water, and crys- tallises, by cooling and evaporation, in longish prisms of a ruby red. Its taste is acrid and styp- tic. Its specific gravity is not exactly known ; but it always exceeds that of water. It power- fully reddens the tincture of turnsole. Its action on combustible substances is little known. If it be strongty heated with charcoal, it grows black, and passes to the metalhc state without melting. Of the acids, the action of the muriatic on it is the most remarkable. If this be distilled with the chromic acid, by a gentle heat, it is readily converted into chlorine' It likewise imparls to it by mixture the property of dissolving gold; in which the chromic resembles the nitric acid. This is owing to the weak adhesion of its oxygen, and it is the only one of the metallic acids that possesses this property. The extraction of chromic acid from the French ore, is performed by igniting it with its own weight of nitre in a crucible. The residue is lixiviated with water, which being then filtered, contains the chromate of potassa. On pouring into this a little nitric acid and muriate of barytes, an instantaneous precipitate of the chromate of barytes takes place. After having procured a certain quantity of this salt, it must be put in its moist state into a capsule, and dissolved in the smaUest possible quantity of weak nitric acid. The barytes is to be then precipitated by very di- lute sulphuric acid, taking care not to add an ex- cess of it. When the liquid is found by trial to contain neither sulphuric acid nor barytes, it must be filtered. It now consists of water, with nitric and chromic acids. The whole is to be evapo- rated to dryness, conducting the heat at the end so as not to endanger the decomposition of the chromic acid, which will remain in the capsule under the form of a reddish matter. It must be kept in a glass phial well corked. Chromic acid, heated with a powerful acid, becomes chromic oxide; while the latter, heated with the hydrate of an alkali, becomes chromic acid. As the solution of the oxide is green, and that of the acid yellow, these transmutations be- come very remarkable to the eye. From Berze- lius's experiments on the combinations of the chromic acid with barytes, and oxide of lead, its prime' equivalent seems to be 6.5; consisting of 3.5 chromium, and 3.0 oxygen. It readily unites with alkaUet, and is the only 256 acid that has the property of colouring its salts, whence the name of chromic has been given if. If two parts of the red lead ore of Siberia in fine powder be boiled with one of an alkaU saturated with carbonic acid, in forty parts of water, a car- bonate of lead will be precipitated, and the chro- mate remain dissolved. The solutions are of a lemon colour, and afford crystals of a somewhat deeper hue. Those of chromate of ammonia are in yellow lamina;, having the metalhc lustre of gold. The chromate of barytes is very little soluble, and that of Ume still less. They are both of a pale yeUow, and when heated give out oxygen gas, as do the alkaline chromates. If the chromic acid be mixed with filings of tin aud the muriatic acid, it becomes at first yellow- ish-brown, and afterwards assumes a bluish- green colour, which preserves the same shade after desiccation. aEther alone gives it the same dark colour. With a solution of nitrate of mer- cury, it gives a precipitate of a dark cinnabar co- lour. With a solution of nitrate of silver, it gives a precipitate, which, the moment it is formed, appears of a beautiful carmine colour, but becomes purple by exposure to the light. This combination, exposed to the heat of the blow- pipe, melts before the charcoal is inflamed, and assumes a blackish and metallic appearance. If it be then pulverized, the powder is still purple ; but after the blue flame of the lamp is Drought into contact with this powder, it assumes a green colour, and the silver appears in globules dissemi- nated through its substance. With nitrate of copper it gives a chesnut-red precipitate. With the solution of sulphate of zinc, muriate of bismuth, muriate of antimony, nitrate of nickel, and muriate of platina, it pro- duces yellowish precipitates, when the solutions do not contain an excess of acid. With muriate of gold it produces a greenish precipitate. When melted with borax, or glass, or acid of phosphorus, it communicates to it a beautiful emerald-green colour. If paper be impregnated with it, and exposed to the sun a few days, it acquires a green colour, which remains permanent in the dark. A slip of iron, or tin, put into its solution, im- parts to it the same colour. . The aqueous solution of tannin produces a floc- culent precipitate of a brown fawn colour. Sulphuric acid, when cold, produces no effect on it; bur*when warm it makes it assume a bluish- green colour."—Ure's Diet. CHROMIUM. (Chromium, ii. n. ; from XP<*pa, colour: because it is remarkable for giv- ing colour to its combinations.) The name of a metal which may be extracted either from the native chromate of lead or of iron. The latter being cheapest and most abundant, is usually em- ployed. The brown chromate of iron is not acted upon by nitric acid, but most readily by nitrate of po- tassa, with the aid of a. red heat. A chromate of potassa, soluble in water, is thus formed. The iron oxide thrown out of combination may be re- moved from the residual part of the ore by a short digestion in dilute muriatic acid. A second fusion with | of nitre, will give rise to a new portion of chromate of potassa. Having decomposed the whole ofthe ore, we saturate the alkaline excess with nitric acid, pnporate and crystallise. The pure crystals, disfolved in water, are to be added to a solution of neutral nitrate of mercury; whence, by complex affinity, red chromate of mercury precipitates. Moderate ignition expels the mercury from the chromate, and the remain- CHR " CUY inr chromic acid may be reduced to the metalhc state, by being exposed in contact of the char- coal from sig"r» ro a violent heat. Chromium thus procured, is a porous mass of agglutinated grains. It is very brittle, and of a greyish-white, intermediate between tin and steel. ft is sometimes obtained in needleform crystals, which cross each other in aU directions. Its sp. gravity is 5.9. It is susceptible of a feeble mag- netism. It resists all the acids except nitromu- riatic, which, at a boiling heat, oxidises it and forms a muriate. Thenard describes only one oxide of chromium ; but there are probably two, besides tbe acid already described. 1. The protoxide is green, infusible, indecom- posable by heat, reducible by voltaic electricity, and not acted on by oxygen or air. When heated to dull redness with the half of its weight of po- tassium or sodium, it forms a brown matter, which, cooled and exposed to the air, burns with flame, and is transformed into chromate of potassa or soda, of a canary-yellow colour. It is this oxide which is obtained by calcining the chromate of mercury in a small earthen retort for about J of an hour. The beak of the retort is to be sur- rounded with a tube of wet linen, and plunged into water, to facilitate the condensation of tbe mercury. The oxide, newly precipitated from acids, has a dark-green colour, and is easily re- dissolved ; but exposure to a dull red heat ignites it, and renders it denser, insoluble, and of a light green colour. This change arises solely from the closer aggregation of the particles, for the weight is not altered. 2. The deutoxide is procured by exposing the protonitratc to heat, till the fumes of nitrous gas cease to issue. A brilliant brown powder, inso- luble in acids, and scarcely soluble in alkalies, remains. Muriatic acid digested on it exhales chlorine, showing the increased proportion of u\ygen in this oxide. :(. The tritoxide has been already described among the acids. It may be directly procured, by adding nitrate of lead to the above nitrochro- inate of potassa, anddigestingthe beautiful orange precipitate Of chromate of lead with moderately strong muriatic acid, till its power of action be ex- hausted. The fluid produced is to be passed through a filter, and u little oxide of silver very gradually added, tiU the whole solution becomes of a deep red tint. This liquor, by slow evapo- ration, deposits small ruby-red crystals, which arc the hydrated chromic acid. The prime equi- valent of chromic acid deduced from the chro- raates of barytes and lead by Berzelius, is 6.544, if we suppose them to be neutral salts. Accord- ing to this chemist, the acid contains double the oxygen that the green oxide does. But if these rhromates be regarded as siibsalts, then the acid prime would be 13.088, consisting of 6 oxygen == 7.088 metal; while the protoxide would consist of S oxygen t 7.088 metal; and the deutoxide of an intermediate proportion. CHUO'MC. (Chronicus; from ^/iovoj, time.) A term applied to diseases which are of long con- tinuance, and mostly without fever. It is used in opiKMiiion to the term acute. See Acute. CHRU'PSIA. (Trom Xpoa, colour, and ostif, tuht ) I isut coluratus. A disease of the eyes, in which the person perceives objects of a differ- ent colour from their natural one CUUYSA NTHEMVM. (From vm ,„, gold: and avtttpoy, a flower.) 1. The name of a «erUs of plants in the Lintiiean system. Class, Aiin- genttta; Order, Polygamia. Sun-flower, oi Minrigold. 31 2. Many herbs are so caUed, the flowers of which are of a bright yeUow colour. Chrysanthemum leucanthemub*. The systematic name of the great ox-eye daisy. MaudUn-wort. Bellis-major; Buphthalmum majus; Leucanthemum vulgare; Bellidioida; Comolida media; Oculut bovit. The Chry- santhemum ;—foliis amplexicaulibus, oblongts, superne terratis, inferne dentatit, of Linnams. The flowers and herb were formerly esteemed in asthmatic and phthisical diseases, but have now deservedly fallen into disuse. Ciiri'se. (From ^pvo-oj, gold.) The name of a yellow plaster. Chrysele'ctrum. (From xPva°s> gold, and tfXtKjpov, amber.) Amber, of a golden yellow colour. Chrtsi'ppea. (From Chrysippus, its disco- verer. ) An herb enumerated by Pliny. Chrtsi'tis. (From XPvm^i S0M-) 1. Li- tharge. 2. The yellow foam of lead. 3. The herb yarrow, from the golden colour of its flower. CHRYSOBA'LANUS. (From xP™os, gold, and fiaXaves, a nut; so named because of its co- Jour, which, before it is dried, is yellow.) The nutmeg. CHRYSOBERYL. Cymophane of Haiiy. A mineral of an asparagus green colour and vi- treous lustre, found in the Brazil, and Ceylon. CHRYSOCO'LLA. (From XPva°Si gold, and koXXti, cement.) Gold solder ; Borax. CHRYSO'CCMA. (From ^putroj, gold, and Kvpv, hair; so called from its golden, nair-like appearance.) The herb milfoil, or yarrow. See Achillea millefolium. Chrtsogo'nia. (From XPvaoi> g°ld, and yivopat, to become.) A tincture of gold. Chrtsola'chanon. (From^pwirof, gold, and Xaxavov, a pot-herb ; so named from its having a yellow leaf.) The herb orach; a species of atriplex. CHRYSOLITE. (Peridot of Haiiy. Topaz of the ancients, while our topaz is their chryso- lite. The hardest of all gems of a pistachio- green colour. It comes from Egvpt and Bo- hemia. CHRYSOSPLE'NIFM. (From xfivoos, gold, and aairXtviov, spleenwort.) The name of a ge- nus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decandria; Order, Digynia. Golden saxi- frage. CHRYSOPRASE. A variety of calcedony. Chrysu'lcus. (From xpv<">s> g°ld> and cXku>, to take away.) The aqua regia which has the property of dissolving gold. CHUSITE. A yellowish-green translucent mineral, found by Saussure in the cavities of porphyries, in the environs of Limbourg. CHYAZIC ACID. See Prussic acid. Chvla'ria. (From ^uXos, chyle.) A dis- charge of a whitish mucous urine, of the colour and consistence of chvle. CHYLE. Chylus. The milk-like Uquor observ- ed some hours after eating, in the lacteal vessels of the mesentery, and in the thoracic duct. It is separated by digestion from the chyme, and is that fluid substance from which the blood is form- ed. Sec Digestion. " The chyle may be studied under two different forms: 1st, When it is mixed with chyme in the smaU intestine. -d, Under the liquid form, circulating in the ihylifi rous vessels, and the thoracic duet. CUT CHY .Vo^ person having particularly engaged in the examination of the chyle during its stay in the small intestine, our knowledge on this point is httle. The liquid chyle contained in the chyli- ferous vessels has been examined with great care. In order to procure it, the best manner con- sists in giving food to au animal, and, when the digestion is supposed to be in full activity, to strangle it, or cut the spinal marrow behind the occipital bone. The whole length of the breast is cut open ; the hand is thrust in so as to pass a ligature which embraces the aorta, the eesophagus, and the thoracic duct, the nearest to the neck possible; the ribs of the left side are then twisted or broken, and the thoracic duct is seen, closely adhering to the esophagus. The upper part is detached, and carefully" wiped to absorb the blood ; it is cut, and the chyle flows into the vessel intended to receive it. The ancients were acquainted with the exist- ence of the chyle, but their ideas of it were very inexact: it was observed anew at the beginning of the seventeenth century ; and being, in certain conditions, of an opaque white, it was compared to milk : the vessels that contain it were even named lacteal vessels, a very improper expres- sion, since there is very little other similarity be- tween chyle and milk except the colour. It is only in modern times, and by the labours of Dupuytren, Vauquelin, Emmert, and Marcet, that positive notions concerning the chyle have been acquired. We shall give the observations of these learned men, with the addition of our own. If the animal from which the chyle is extracted has eaten animal or vegetable substances of a fatty nature, the liquid drawn from the thoracic duct is of a milky white, a little heavier than dis- tilled water, of a strong spermatic odour, of a salt taste, slightly adhering to the tongue, and sensibly alcaline. Chyle, very soon after it has passed out of the vessel that contained it, becomes firm, and almost soUd: after some tune it separates into three parts ; the one solid that remains at the bottom, another liquid at the top, and a third that forms a very thin layer at the surface of the Uquids. The chyle, at the same time, assumes a vivid rose colour. When the chyle proceeds from food that con- tains no fat substance, it presents the same sort of properties, but instead of being opaque white, it is opaline, and almost transparent; the layer which forms at the top is less marked than in,the former sort of chyle. Chyle never takes the hue of the colouring sub- stances mixed in the food, as many authors have pretended. Animals that were made to eat indigo, saffron, and madder, furnished a chyle the colour of which had no relation to that of the substances. Of the three substances into which the chyle separates when abandoned to itself, that of the surface, of an opaque white colour, is a fatty body; the solid part is formed of fibrin and a little colouring matter; the liquid is like the sc- rum of the blood. The proportion of these three parts is variable according to the nature of the food. There are species, of chyle, such as that of sugar, which contain very little fibrin ; others, such as that of flesh, contain more. The same thing happens with the fat matte ,,which is very abundant when the food conlains grease or oU, whilst there is scarcely auy seen when the food is nearly de- prived of fatty bodies. The. absoqitioii ofthe chyle has been attributed lo the capillarity of the lacteal radicles, to the compression of the chyle by the sides of the small intestine, &c. Latterly it has been pre- tended that it takes place by virtue of the proper sensibility" of the absorbing mouths, and of the insensible organic contractility that they are sup- posed to possess. It first enters the threads of the lacteal vessels, it then traverses the mesenteric glands, it arrives at the thoracic duct, and at last enters the subclavian vein. The causes that determine its motion are the contractility proper to the chyliferous vessels, the unknown cause of its absorption, the pressure of the abdominal muscles, particularly in the mo- tions of respiration, and, perhaps, the pulsation of the arteries of the abdomen. If we wish to have a correct idea of the velocity with wliich the chyle flows into the thoracic duct, we must open tins canal in a living animal at the place where it opens into the subclavian vein. We find that this rapidity is not very great, and -that it increases every time that the animal com- presses the viscera of the abdomen, by the abdo- minal muscles ; a similar effect is produced by compressing the belly with the hand. However, the rapidity of the circulation of the chyle appears to me to be in proportion to the quantity formed in the small intestine; this last is in proportion to the quantity of the chyme: so that if the food is in great abundance, ana of easy digestion, the chyle will flow quickly; if, on the contrary, the food is in small quantity, or, which is the same thing, if it is of difficult digestion, as less chyle will be formed, so its progress will be more slow. It would be difficult to appreciate the quantity of chyle that would be formed during a given (in- gestion, though it ought to be considerable. In a dog of ordinary size that had eaten animal food at discretion, an incision into the thoracic duct of of the neck (the dog being alive) gave about half an ounce of liquid m five minutes, and the rui- ning was not suspended during the whole con- tinuance of the formation of the chyle, that ii, during several hours. It is not known whether there is any variation in the rapidity of the motion of the chyle during the same digestion; but supposing it uniform, there would enter six ounces of chyle per hour into the venous system. We may presume that the proportion ot chyle is more considerable in man, whose chyliferous organs are more volumi- nous, and in whom the digestion is, in general, more rapid than in the dog. Magendie's Pkui- ology. The chyle is mixed with the albuminous and gelatinous lymph in the thoracic duct, which re- ceives them from the lymphatics. The uses of the chyle are, 1. To supply the matter from which the blood and other fluids of our body are prepared; from which fluids the solid parts are formed. 2. By its acescent na- ture, it somewhat restrains the putrescent ten- dency of the blood : hence the dreadful putridity of the humours from starving ; and thus milk is an exceUent remedy against scurvy. 3. By its very copious aqueous latex, it prevents the thick- ening of the fluids, and thus reuders them fit for the various secretions. 4. The chyle secreted in the breasts of puerperal women, under the name of milk, forms the most excellent nutriment ul all aliments for new-born infants. CHYLIFICA'TION. (Chylificatio; from chylus, and fio, to become.) Chylif actio. The process carried on in the small intestines, and principally in the duodenum, by which the chyle is separated from the chyme. CM' C1C I WM'WA. (From £'><>$, juice.) An cx- •prc»M-d juice. ... CHYLOPOIETIC. (Chylopoteticut; from Ytitt, chyle, and tsottu, to make.) Chylopoi- etie. Any thing connected with the formation of chyle; thu» chylopoietic viscera, chylopoictic vessels, &c. ' CHYLCSIS. (From XvXo s, juice.) Chylifi- r-ation, or the changing the food into chyle. ('htloma'oma. (from xu*0f» Jmcc» an(^ fa(,i*, to distil.) The distillation or expression of any juice, or humid part from the rest. Chtlostagma diaphoreticijm. A name given by Minden-nis to a distillation of Venice treacle and mithridate. CHYLUS. (XvXos, tuccut, from ^uw, juice.) See Chyle. CHYME. (Chymut ; from Xvpns, wliich sig- nifies humour or juice.) The ingeated mass of food that passes from the stomach into the duode- num, and from which the chyle is prepared in the ■mall intestines by the admixture of the bile, &c. See iJi^cytiim. CHV'.MIA. Chemistry. CHYMIA TER. A chemical physician. CMYMIVTRIA. (From xvJiiai chemistry, and iaopai, to heal.) The art of curing diseases by the application of chemistry to the u-.es of medicine. Chtmo'sis. See Chemosis. Cint'Ni.EN radix. A cylindrical root of the thickness of a goose-quill, brought from China. It h is a bitterish taste, and imparts a yellow tinge to the saliva. The Chinese hold it in great estimation as a rtomachic, infused in wine. Cht'ms. (from vuu, to pour out.) Fusion, or the reduction of solid bodies into fluid by heat. Cht'tlon. (From ^w, to pour out.) Au anointing with oil and water. CIHA'LIS. (From cibus, food.) Of or bc- '=ome were precipi- tated by rlue, but not by the two other reagents • and, 3. That others were, on the contrary by *m»t»lb, and tartar emetic, without being affect- ed by glue. 4. And that there were some which yielded no precipitate by nutgalls, tannin, or eme- tic tartar. The cinchonas that furnished the first infusion were of excellent quality ; those that af- forded the fourth were not febrifuge ; while those that gave the second and third were febrifuge, but in a smaller degree than the first. Besides mu- cilage, kinateof lime, and woody fibre, he obtain- ed in his analyses a resinous substance, which ap- fiears not to be identic in all.the species of bark. t is very bitter, very soluble in alkohol, in acids, and alkalies ; scarcely soluble in cold water, but more soluble in hot. It is this body which gives to infusions of cinchona the property of yielding precipitates by emetic tartar, gaUs, gelatin ; and in it the febrifuge, virtue seems to reside. It is this substance in part which faUs down on cool- ing decoctions of cinchona, and from concentrated infusions. A table of precipitations by glue, tan- nin, and tartar emetic, from infusions ofdifferent barks, has been given by Vauquelin. Pelletier and Caventou analysed the Cinchona condaminaa, grey bark, and found it composed of, 1. cinchonma, united to kinic acid ; 2. green fatty matter; 3. red colouring matter, sUghtly soluble ; 4. tannin ; 5. yellow colouring matter ; 6. kinite of lime ; 7. gum; 8. starch ; 9. lig- nine. The red bark has been considered as superior to the pale, the yellow is represented, apparently with justice, as being more active than either of the others. The effects of Peruvian bark, are those of a powerful and permanent tonic, so slow in its ope- ration, that its stimulating property is scarcely perceptible by any alteration in the state of the pulse, or of the temperature of the body. In a targe dose, it occasions nausea and headache ; in some habits it operates as a laxative ; in others it occasions costiveness. It is one of those medi- cines, the efficacy of which, in removing disease, is much greater than could be expected, a priori, from its effects on the system in a healthy state. Intermittent fever js the disease, for the cure of which bark was introduced into practice, and there is still no remedy which equals it in power. The disputes respecting the mode of administer- ing it are now settled. It is given as early as pos- sible, after clearing the stomach and bowels, in the dose of from one scruple to a drachm every second or third hour, during the interval of the paroxysm ; and it may evca be given during the not fit, but it is then more apt to excite nausea. In remittent fever it is given with equal freedom, even though the remission of the fever may be obscure. In some forms of continued fever which are connected with debility, as in typhus, cynanche maligna, confluent small-pox, &c. it is regarded as one of the most valuable j-emedies. It may be prejudice ;, however, in those diseases where the brain, or its membranes are inflamed, or where there is much irritation, marked by subsultus ten- dinura, and convulsive motions of the extremities ; and in pure typhus it appears to be less useful in the beginning of the disease than in the convales- cent stage. Even in fevers of an opposite type, where there are marks of inflammatory action, particularly in acute rheumatism, bark has been found usefulaf- ter blood-letting. In erysipelas, in '^'iicrrcnc, in extensive suppuration and venereal ulceration, the free use of bark is of th.- frreatest advantage. In the various forms of passive haemorrhagy, in many other diseases of chronic* debility, dys- pepsia, hypochondriasis paralysis-, rickets, scro- fula, dropsy, and in a variety of spasmodic affee- ?6t CIS C1N lions, epilepsy*, chorea, and hysteria it is admi- nistered as a powerful and permanent tonic, either alone, or combined with other remedies suited to the particular case. The officinal preparations of bark are an infu- sion, decoction, an extract, a resinous extract, a simple tincture, an ainmoniated and a compound tincture. The usual dose is half a drachm of the powder. Theonly inconvenience of a larger dose is its sitting uneasy on the stomach. It may there- fore, if necessary, be frequently repeated, and in urgent cases may be taken to the extent of an ounce, or even two ounces in twenty-four hours. The powder is more effectual than any of the preparations ; it is given in wine, in any spiritu- ous liquor; or, if it excite nausea, combined with an aromatic. The cold infusion is the least pow- erful, but most grateful; the decoction contains much more of the active matter of the bark, and is the preparation generaUy used when the powder is rejected ; its dose is from two to four ounces. The spirituous tincture, though contain- ing still more of the bark, cannot be extensively used on account of the menstruum, but is princi- pally employed, occasionally, and in small doses of two or three drachms, as a stomachic. The extract is a preparation of considerable power, when properly prepared, aud is adapted to those cases where the remedy requires to be continued for some time. It is then given in the form of pill, in doses of from five to fifteen grains. Bark is likewise sometimes given in the form of enema; one scruple of the extract, or two di'achms of the powder, being diffused in four ounces of starch mucilage. The decoction is also sometimes applied as a fomentation to ulcers. Cinchona caribjea. The systematic name of the Caribaean bark-tree. It grows in Jamaica, where it is called the sea-side beech. According to Dr. Wright, the bark of this tree is not less efficacious than that of the cinchona of Peru, for which it will prove an useful substitute ; but by the experiments of Dr. Skeete, it appears to have less astringent power. Cinchona condaminqsa. See Cinchona and Cinchonina. Cinchona cordifolia. See Cinchona. Cinchona flava. See Cinchona. Cinchona floribunda. The systematic name of the plant which affords the Saint Luce bark. Cinchona—floribus paniculatis glabris, capsulis turhinatis kevibus, foliis elliptiris acu- minatis glabris, of Linnaeus. It has an adstrin- gent, bitter taste, somewhat like gentian. It is recommended in intermittents, putrid dysentery, and dyspepsia: it should always be joined with some aromatic. Dr. Withering considers tins bark as greatly inferior to that of the other spe- cies of this genus. In its recent state it is con- siderably emetic and cathartic, properties which in some degree it retains on being driec".: so that the stomach does not bear this bark in large doses, and in small ones its effects are not such as to give it any peculiar recommendation. Cinchona lancifolia. See Cinchona. Cinchona oblongifolia. See Cinchona. Cinchona officinalis. The name of the officinal Peruvian bark. See Cinchona. Cinchona rubra. See Cinchona. Cinchona Sancta Fe'. Several species of cinchona have been lately discovered at Sancta Fe, yielding barks both of the pale and red kind ; and which, froui" tiieir sensible qualities, are Ukely upon trial to become equally useful with those produced in the kingdom of Peru. CiNrts#NiA. See Cinchonina. CINCHONINA. Cinchonia; Quinia; Qui- 262 nina. Ciuchonine or Quinine is the salifiable base, or vegetable alkali, discovered in the Cin- chona condamincea, by Pelleticr and Caventou. The person however, who first recognized its ex- istence, though he did not ascertain its alkaline nature, or study its combinations with acids, was Gornis of Lisbon. The following process for extracting cincho- nina is that of Henry, the younger, which the above chemists approve. A kilogramme of bark reduced into a nne powder, is to be acted on twice with heat, by a dilute sulphuric acid, con- sistihg of 50 or 60 grammes, diluted with 8 kilo- grammes of water for each time. The filtered decoctions are very bitter, have a reddish colour, which assumes on cooling a yellowish tint. To discolour (blanch) these liquors, and saturate the acid, either pulverized quickUme or magnesia may be employed. The liquors, entirely deprived of colour, are to be passed through a cloth, ami the precipitate which forms is to be washed with a smaU quantity of water, to separate the excess of Ume (if this earth has been used.) The de- posit on the cloth, well drained and almost com- pletely deprived of moisture for twelve honrt, after having been put three successive times to di- gest in alkohol of 36° (0.837, J will furnish, by distilling of the Uquid alkohol, a brown viscid matter, becoming brittle on cooling. It is to be acted on with water sharpened with sulphuric acid, and the refrigerated Uquor will afford about thirty grammes of white crystals, entirely solu- ble in alkohol, scarcely soluble in cold water, but more in boiling water, particularly if this be slightly acidulated. They consist of pure sul- phate of cinchonina. They ought to he brilliant, crystallised in parallelopipeds, very hard, and of a glassy-white. It should burn without leaving any residuum. Other processes have been giver, of which a full account will be found in the 12th volume of the Journal of Science, p. 325. Fron a solution of the above salt, the cinchonina may be easily obtained by the addition of any alkali. The cinchonina falls down, and may be afterwards dissolved in alkohol, and crystallised by evapora- tion. Its form is a rhomboidal prism, of 108° and 72°, terminated by a bevelment. It has but little taste, requiring 7000 parts of water for its solu- tion ; but when dissolved in alkohol, or an acid, it has the bitter taste of bark. When heated it does not fuse before decomposition. It consists of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon, the latter being predominant. It dissolves in only very small quantities in the oils, and in sulphuric ether. The sulphate is composed of cinchonina 100 Sulphuric acid ... 13 whence the prime equivalent would appear to he 38.5. The muriate is more soluble. It consists of Cinchonina - - 100 Muriatic acid - - 7.9 The nitrate is uncrystalUsable. Gallic, oxalic, and tartaric acids, form neutral salts with cincho- nina, which are soluble only with excess of acid. Hence infusien of nut-galls gives, with a decoc- tion of good cinchona, an abundant precipitate of gal late of cinchonina. Robiquet gives as the composition of a subsul- phate of cinchonina of the first crystallisation. Sulphuric acid - - - 11.3 Cinchonina ... 79.0 The alkaUne base found in yellow barks is called Quinin*. It is extracted in exactly tbe same way. Red bark contains a mixture of these two alkalies. The febrifuge virtue of the sulphate* «• considered to be very great. Cinci'nnus. The hair on the temples. CIO CIR CINCLE M'- (From «<,». -° move.) Ciine/i>mi*». An involuntary nictitation or wink- ing. Vogel. t INKKARIUM. (From cmi», ashes.) Tbe axb-hole of a chemical instniment. (.T.NERES. (Plural of ct'liu, ashes.) Ashes. Cinkkf.s claveli.ata. See Potatsa im- jntra, CiNBa*s rtjssici. See Potasta tmpura. CINERI'TIOUS. (Cincritiut; from dnis, ashes.) Of the colour of ashes. Ajtame applied to the cortical substance of the brain, from its re- semblance to an ash-colour. CINERITIUM. (From cinis, ashes.) A cupel or test; so named froi its being commo«fy made of the ashes of vegetables or bones. Cime'rulam. A name for spodium. CINETH'A. (KiwI'kos, having the power of motion.) 1 he name of an order in tbe class Neuroses of Oood's Nosology. Diseases affect- ing the muscles, and embracing Entasia, Clonut, and Synclonus. Cinktis. The diaphragm. • ingui.a'ria. (From cingulum, a girdle; because it grows in that shape.) The lycopo- dium. CINCI'Ll'M. (From cingo, to bind.) A girdle or belt about the loins. Cingulum mercuriale. A mercurial girdle, called also cingulum sapieniia, and dngulum ttultitia. It was an invention of Rulandus's: different directions are given for making it, but the following is one of the neatest:—"Take three drachms of quicksilver; shake it with two ounces of lemon-juice until the globules disap- pear ; then separate the juice, and mix with the extinguished quicksilver, half the white of an egg ; gum-dragon, finely powdered, a scruple; ami spread the whole on a belt of flannel." Cingulum Sancti Joiiannis. A name of the artemisia. Cinifica'tum. A name for calcinatum. CINIS. (Cinit, erit.m., in the plural cine- re*. ) The ash which remains after burning any thing. CPNNABAR. (Cinnabaris, ris. f. PUny •ays the Indians call by this name a mixture of the blood of the dragon and elephant, and also many substance* which resemble it in colour, par- ticularly the minium ; bat it now denotes the red sulphuretof mercury.) 1. An ore of mercury, consisting of that mine- ral united to sulphur. A native sulphuret of mer- cury. See Hydrargyri sulphuretum rubrum. 2. An ortiiicial compound of mercury and sul- phur, called factitious cinnabar, red sulphuret of mercury, and vermiUon. See Hydrargyri sul- phuretum rubrum. Cinnabaris factitia. Factitious cinnabar. Sec Hydrargyri sulphuretum rubrum. Cinnabaris cr.«corum. The sanguis dra- coiis and cinnabar. Cinnabaris \ativa. Native cinnabar. See Hydiariryrt sulphuretum rubrui; from Kiptos, varix, or a dilatation of a vein, and ki;Xij, a tu- mour. ) Varicocele. A morbid or varicose dis- tention and enlargement of the spermatic veins; it is frequently mistaken .or a descent of a small portirm of omentum. The uneasiness which it occasions ia a kind of pain in the back, generaUy relieved by suspension of the scrotum ; and whe- ther considered on account of the pa;n, or on ac- count of the wasting of the testicle, which now and then foUows, it may truly be called a disease. It has been resembled to a collection of earth- worms. It is most frequently confined to that part of the spermatic process, which is below the opening in the abdominal tendon : and the vessels generally become rather larger as they approach the testes. There is one sure method of distin- guishing between a circocele and omental hernia; place tne patient in an horizontal posture, and empty the swelUng by pressure upon the scrotum; then put the fingers firmly upon the upper part of the abdominal ring, and desire the patient to rise ; if it is a hernia, the tumour cannot re-appear, as long as the pressure is continued at the ring : but if a circocele, the swelling returns with increased size, on account of the return of blood into the abdomen beineprevented by the pressure. Ci'rcos. (From Ktpxos, a circle.) A ring. It is sometimes used for the sphincter muscle which is-round like a ring. CIRCULATION. (Circulatio; fromdrculo, to compass about.) Circulatio sanguinis. Cir- culation of the blood. A vital action performed by the heart in the following manner: the blood is returned by the descending and ascending venae cava? into the right auricle of the heart, which, when distended, contracts, and sends its blood into the right ventricle ; from the right ventricle it is propelled through the pulmonary artery to circulate through, and undergo a change in the lungs, being prevented from returning into the right auricle by the closing of the valves, which w situated there for that purpose. Having un- dergone this change in the lungs, it is brought to the left auricle of the heart by the four pulmonary veins, and from thence it is evacuated into the left ventricle. The left ventricle, when distended, contracts and threws the blood through the aorta to every pari of the body, to be retumd by the veins into the two venae cavae. It is prevented from passing back from the left veu.ricle into the auricle by a valvular apparatus ; and t.ie pulmo- nary artery and aorta at their origin arc alsc fur- nished with similar organs, to prevent its return- ing into the ve-.tricles. This is a brief outline of the circulation, the particulars of which we shall nowdescrij". " The best informed physiologists avow that the circulation of the venous blood is still 'very Uttle understood. We si.all de- cribe here only its most apparent phenomena, leaving the ivist: deli- cate questions until wc treat of the relation of the flowing of the blood in the veins, with that in CIR C1R the arteries. We will then speak of the cause that determines the entrance of the blood into the venous radicles. To have a general, but just idea of the course of the blood in the veins, wc must consider that the sum of the small veins forms a cavity much larger than that of the larger but less numerous veins, into which they pass; that these bear the same relation to the trunks in which they termi- nate : consequently, the blood which flows in the veins from branches towards the trunks, passes always from a larger to a smaUer cavity ; now, the following principle of hydro-dynamics may here be perfectly applied: When a liquid flows in a tube which it fills completely, the quantity of this liquid which tra- verses the different sections ofthe tube in a given time ought to be every where the same : conse- quently, when the tube increases, the velocity diminishes : when the tube diminishes, the velo- city increases in rapidity. Experience confirms this principle, and its just application to the current of venous blood. If a very small vein is cut, the blood flows from it very slowly ; it flows quicker from a larger vein, and it flows with considerable rapidity from an open venous trunk. Generally there are several veins to transport the blood that has traversed an organ towards the larger trunks. On account of their anastomoses, the compressure or ligature of one or several of these veins does not prevent or diminish the quan- tity of blood that returns to the heart; it merely acquires a greater rapidity in the veins which re- main free. This happens when a Ugature is placed on the arm for the purpose of bleeding. In the ordinary state, the blood, which is carried to the fore-arm and the hand, returns to the heart by four deep veins, and at least as many superficial ones; but as soon as the Ugature is tightened, the blood passes no longer by the subcutaneous veins, and it traverses with difficulty those which are deeper seated. If one of the veins is then opened at the bend of the arm, it passes out in form of a conti- nued jet, which continues as long as the ligature remains firm, and stops as soon as it is removed. Except in particular cases, the veins are not much distended by the blood ; however, those in which it moves with the greatest rapidity are much more so: the small veins are scarcely distended at aU. For a reason very easy to be understood, aU the circumstances that accelerate the rapidity of the blood in a vein, produce also an augmenta- tion in the distention of the vessel. The introduction of blood into the veins taking place in a continued manner, every cause which arrests its course produces distention of the vein, and the stagnation of a greater or less quantity of blood in its cavity, below the obstacle. The sides of the veins seem to have but a small influence upon the motion of the blood; they easily give way when the quantity augments, anrfl return to their usual form when it diminishes; but their contraction is limited ; it is not sufficiently strong to expel the blood completely from the vein, and therefore those of dead bodies always contain some. A great number of veins, such as those of the bones, of the sinuses of the dura mater, of the testicles, of the liver, &c, the sides of which ad- here to an inflexible canal, can have evidently no influence upon the motion of the blood that flows in their cavity. However, it is to the elasticity of the sides of the veins, and not to a contraction similar to that of the muscles that we must attribute the faculty 264 which they possess of diminishing the size when the column of blood diminishes: this diminution is also much more marked in those that have the thickest sides, such as the superficial veins. If the veins themselves have very Uttle influence upon tlie motion of the blood, many other acces- sary causes exert a very evident effect. Every continued or alternate pressure upon a vein, when strong enough to flatten it, may prevent the pas- sage of the blood; if it is not so strong, it wiU oppose the dilatation of the vein by the blood, and consequently favour its motion. The con- stant pressure which the skin of the members exert upon the veins that are below it, renders the flow of the blood more easy and rapid in these vessel*. We cannot doubt this, for aU the cir- cumstances that diminish tbe contractility of the tissue of the skin, are sooner or later foUowed bj a considerable dilatation of the veins, and in cer- tain cases by varix; we know also that mechani- cal compression, exerted by a proper bandage, reduces the veins again to their ordinary dimen- sions, and also regulates the motion of the blood within them. In the abdomen, the veins are subject to the alternate pressure of the diaphragm, aud of the abdominal muscles, and this cause is equally fa- vourable to the flow of the venous blood in this- part. The veins of the brain support also a considera- ble pressure, which must produce the same result. Whenever the blood runs in the direction of its weight, it flows with greater facility; the con- trary takes place when it flows against the direc- tion of its gravity. We must not neglect to notice the relations of these accessory causes with the disposition of the veins. Where they are very marked, the veins present no valves, and their sides are very thin, as is seen in the abdomen, the chest, the cavity of the skull, &c.; where these have less influence, the veins present valves, and have thicker sides; lastly, where they are very weak, as in the sub- cutaneous veins, the valves are numerous, and the sides have a considerable thickness. We must take care, however, not to confound among the circumstances favourable to the motion of the blood in the veins, causes which act in another manner. For example, it is generally known that tie contraction of the muscles of the fore-arm and the hand, during bleeding, accelerate the motion of the blood which passes through the opening of the vein ; physiologists say that the contraction of the muscles compresses the deep veins, and ex- pels tlie blood from them, which then passes into the superficial veins. Were it thus, the accele- ration would be only instantaneous, or at least of short duration, whi't it generally continues as- long as the contraction. We shall see, farther on, how this phenomenon ought to be explained. When the feet are plunged some time in hot ■ water, the subcutaneous veins sweU, which is ge- neraUy attributed to the rarefaction of the blood; though the true cause is the augmentation of the quantity of blood in the feet, but particularly at the skin, an augmentation which ought naturally to accelerate the motion of the blood in the veins, since they are in a given time traversed by a great" quantity of blood. After what has preceded, we can easily suppose that the venous blood must be frequently stopped or hindered in its course, either by the veins suf- fering too strong a pressure in the different posi- tions of the body, or by other bodies pressing upon it, &c. : hence the necessity of the nuinerou> anastomosis that exist not only in the sraalheins. cm cat ti.il among the large, and even among the largest trunks. By these frequent communications, one iir «*ver*l of the veins being compressed in such a way that they cannot permit the passage of the blood, this fluid turns and arrives at the heart by uther directions :—one of the uses of the azygos veia appears to be to establish an easy communi- cation between tbe superior and inferior vena cava. Its principal utility, however, seems to consist in its being the common termination of most of the intercostal veins. There is no obscurity in the action of the valves of the veins : they are real valves, which prevent the return of the blood towards the venous radi- cles, and which do this so much better in propor- tion as they are large, that is to say, more suita- bly disposed to stop entirely the cavity of the rein. The friction of the blood against the sides ol the veins ; its adhesion to the sesame sides, and the want of fluidity, must modify the motion of the blood in the veins, and tend to retard it; but in the present state of physiology and hydrody- namics, it is impossible to assign the precise effect of each of these particular causes. We ought to perceive, by what has been said Upon the motion of the venous blood, that it must undergo great modifications, according to an infi- nity of circumstances. At any rate, the venous blood of every part of the body arrives at the right auricle of the heart by the trunks that we have already named ; viz. two very large, the venoe cavoe, and one very small, the coronary vein. The blood probably flows in each of these veins with different rapidity : what is certain, is, that the three columns of liquid make an effort to pass into the auricle, and that the effort must be consi- derable. If it is contracted, this effort has no effect; but as soon as it dilates, tbe blood enters its cavity, fills it completely, and even distends the sides a little ; it would immediately enter the ventricle, if it did not contract itself at this Instant. The blood then confines itself to fiUing up exactly Ihe cavity of the auricle ; but this very soon con- tracts, compresses the blood, which escapes into the place wticre there is least compression. Now it has only two issues : 1st, by the vena cava ; Sdly, by the opening which conducts into the ven- tricle. The columns of blood which are coming to the auricle present a certain resistance to its passage into the cavae or coronary veins. On the contrary, it finds every facility to enter the ven- tricle, Hincr the latter dilates itself with force, tends to produce a vacuum, and consequently draws on the blood instead of repulsing it. However, all the blood that passes out of the auricle does not enter the ventricle ; it has been long observed that, at each contraction of the auricle, a certain quantity of blood flows back into the superior and inferior vena; cavae ; the un- dulation produced by this cause is sometimes felt a* far an the external iliac veins, and into the jugu- lar* ; it has a sensible influence, as we will see, upon the flowing of the blood in several organs, and particularly in the brain. The quantity of blood which flows back in this manner, varies according to the facility with which Ibis liquid enters the ventricle. If, at the instant of it* dilatation, the ventricle still contains much blood, which ha* not passed into the pulmonary artery, it can only receive a small quantity of that of the auricle, and then the reflux will be of n-eater extent. 6 Thi» happens when the flowing of the blood in the pulmonary arteiy is retarded, either by obsta- cle* in the fungi., or liy the win' ol sufficient M force in the \ entuclc. This reflux, of which wc speak, is the cause of the beating which is seen iu the veins of certain sick persons, and which bears the name of venout pulse. Nothing similar can take place in the coronary vein, for its open- ing is furnished with a valve, which shuts on the instant of the contraction of the auricle. The instant in which the auricle ceases to con- tract, the ventricle enters into contraction, the blood it contains is strongly pressed, and tends to escape in every direction: it would return so much more easily into the auricle that, as we have already frequently said, it dilates just at this in- stant; but the tricuspid valve which shuts the auriculo-ventricular opening prevents this reflux. Being raised by the liquid introduced below it and which tends to pass into the auricle, it gives way until it has become perpendicular to the axis of the ventricle; its three divisions then shut almost completely the opening, and as the tendons of the columna cornea do not permit them to go farther, the valve resists the effort of the blood, and thus prevents it from passing into the auricle. It is not the same with the blood which during the dilatation of the ventriele corresponded to the auricular surface of the valve ; it is evident that in the motion of the ventricle it is carried forward into the auricle, where it mixes with that which comes from the vena cava and coronary veins. Not being able to overcome the resistance of the tricuspid valve, the blood of the ventricle has no other issue than the pulmonary arteryv. into which it enters by raising the three sigmoid valves that supported tne column of blood contained in the artery during the dilatation of the ventricle. Suppose the artery full of blood, and left to it- self, the Uquid will be pressed in the whole ex- tent of the vessel by the sides which tend to con- tract upon the cavity; the blood being thus press- ed will endeavour to escape in every direction .- now it has only two ways to pass, by the cardiac orifice, and by the numerous small vessels that terminate the artery in the tissue of the lungs. The orifice ofthe pulmonary artery in the heart being very large, the blood would easily pass into the ventricle, if there were not a particular appa- ratus at this orifice intended to prevent this ; the three sigmoid valves. Being pressed against the sides ofthe artery, at the instant that the ventricle sends a wave of blood that way, these folds be- come perpendicular to its axis; as soon as the blood tends to flow back into the ventricle, they place themselves so as to shut up the cavity of this vessel completely. On account of the bag-like form of the sigmoid valves, they are swelled by the blood that enters ir.to their cavity, and their margin tends to as- sume a circular figure Now, three circular por- tions, placed upon each other, necessarily leave a space between them. SVhen the valves, therefore, of the pulmonary artery are lowered by the blood, there ought to remain an opening by which this liquid may flow back into the ventricle. If each valve were alone, it would undoubtedly take a semicircular form ; hut there are three of them : being pressed by the blood, they lie all close together: and as they cannot extend as far as their fibres permit them, they press upon each other, on account of the small space in which they are contained, and wliich does not permit their extending themselves. The valves then as- sume the figure of three triangle*, whose summit is in ;'ie centre of the arteiy, and the ^ides are in jnsta position, *o as completely to intercept the cavity of tbe artery. Perhaps the knots or but" font, which are upon the «utnmit of some of the cut C.IK friangks, arc intended to shut more perfectly the centre of the artery. Finding no passage into the ventricle, the blood will pass into the radicles of the pulmonary veins, with which the small arteries that terminate the pulmonary artery form a continuation, and this passage will continue as long as the sides of the artery press the contained blood with sufficient force ; and, except in the trunk and the principal branches, this effect continues until the whole of the blood is expelled. We might suppose the smaUness of the vessels that terminate the pulmonary artery an obstacle to the flowing of the blood: that might be if they were not numerous, or if the capacity of the whole were less, or even equal to that of the trunk; but as they are innumerable, and their capacity is much greater than that of the trunk, there is no difficulty in the motion. It is true that the distension or subsidence of the lungs, renders this passage more or less easy. In order that this flowing may take place with facility, the force of contraction of the different divisions of the artery ought to be every where in relation to their size ; if, on the contrary, that of the small were greater than that of the large, as soon as the first had expelled the blood by which they were filled, they would not be suffi- ciently distended by the blood coming from the second, and the flowing of the blood would be re- tarded : now, what takes place is quite the con- trary of this supposition. If the pulmonary artery of a living animal were tied immediately above the heart, almost all the blood contained in the artery at the instant of the ligature, would pass quickly into the pulmonary veins, and arrive at the heart. This is what happens when the blood contained in the pulmonary artery is exposed to the single action of this vessel; but in the common state at each contraction of the right ventricle, a certain quantity of blood is thrown with force into the artery ; the valves are immediately raised ; the artery, and almost all its divisions, are so much more distended, in proportion as the heart is more forcibly contracted, and as the quantity of blood injected into the artery is greater. The ventricle chuates immediately after its contraction, and at this instant the sides of the artery contract also; the sigmoid valves descend and shut the pulmo- nary artery, until they are raised by a new con- traction of the ventricle. Such is tbe second cause of the motion of the blood in the artery that goes towards the lungs; we see it is intermittent; let us endeavour to ap- preciate its effects: for which purpose let us con- sider the most apparent phenomena of the flow of the blood in the pulmonary artery. It has been just observed, that in the instant the ventricle injects the blood into the artery, the trunk, and aU the divisions of a certain size, un- dergo an evident dilatation. This phenomenon is called the pulsation of the artery. The pul- sation is very sensible near the heart; it becomes feeble in proportion to its distance from it; when tVe artery, by being divided, has become very small, it ceases. .... , , Another phenomenon, which is only the conse- quence of the preceding, is observed when the artery is opened. If it be near the heart, and in a place where the beating is sensible, the blood spouts out by jerks ; if the opening be made for from the heart, and in a small division, the jet is continued and -miform; lastly, if one of the very smaU vessels that terminate the artery be oporred, the brood flows, but without forming any jet: it flows un-> formly in a sheet. We see at first in these phenomena a new ap- plication of the principle of hydro-dynamica, as already mentioned, with regard to the influence of the size of the tube upon the liquid that flows in it: the greater the tube is, tbe rapidity is the less. This capacity of the vessel increasing ac- cording as it advances towards the lungs, the quickness of the blood necessarily diminishes. With regard to the pulsation of the artery, and the jet of Blood that escapes from it when it i» open, we see plainly that these two effects depend on the contraction of the right ventricle, and the introduction of a certain quantity of blood into the artery, which takes place by this means while flowing through the small vessels that terminate the artery, and that give commencement to tbe pulmonary veins; the venous blood change* its nature by the effect of the contact of the air; it acquires the qualities of arterial blood: it is this change in the properties of the blood which essen- tially constitutes respiration. At the instant in which the venous blood tra- verses the small vessels of the pulmonary lobules, it assumes a scarlet colour; its odour becomes stronger, and its taste more distinct, its temper- ature rises about a degree; a part of its serum disappears in the form of vapour in the tissue of the lobules, and mixes with the air. Its tendency to coagulate augments considerably, which is ex- pressed by saying that its plasticity becomes stronger, its specific gravity diminishes, as well as its capacity for caloric. The venous blood, having acquired these characters, now becomes arterial blood, and enters the radicles of the pul- monary veins, which have their origin, like the veins properly so called, in the tissue of the lungs; that is, they form at first an infinite number of radicles, which appear to be the continuation of the pulmonary artery. These radicles unite to form thicker roots, which become stiU thicker. Lastly, they all terminate in four vessels, which open, after » short passage, into tbe left auricle. The pulmonary veins are different from the other veins, in their not anastomosing after they hue acquired a certain thickness: a similar dispw- tion has been seen in the divisions of the artery which is distributed to the lungs. The pulmonary veins have no valves, and their structure is similar to that of the other veins; their middle membrane is, however, a little thick- er, and it appears to possess more elasticity. The blood passes into the radicles of the pulmonary veins, and very soon reaches the trunk of these veins: in this passage it presents a gradually ac- celerated motion, in proportion as it passes from the smaU veins into the larger: finally, it doe* not at aU flow by jerks, and it appears nearly equally rapid in the four pulmonary veins. Prom the pulmonary veins the left auricle receives the blood. The mechanism by which the blood traverses the left auricle and ventricle is the same as that by which the venous blood traverses the right cavities. When the left auricle dilates, tlie blood of the four pulmonary veins enters and fiUs it; when it contracts, part of the blood passes into the ven- tricle, and part flows back into the pulmonary veins ; when the ventricle dilates, it receives the blood which comes from the auricle, and a small quantity of that of the aorta; when it contracts, the mitral valve is raised, it shuts the auricula- ventricular opening, and the blood, not hein? able to-return into the auricle, it enters into lh' OH rjLR- »oru by raising the three sigmoid valves, wluch iv<■ re ibat during the dilatation of the ventricle. It in necessary to remark, however, that the fleshy column* having no existence in the auricle, tlo-ir influence cannot exist as in the right, and the arterial ventricle being much thicker than the venous, it compresses the blood with a much greater force than the right, which was indispen- sable on account of the distance to which it has to scud this liquid. Course of the blood in the aorta, and itt di- ritiont.—Notwithstanding the differences which exint between thi* and the pulmonary artery, the phenomena of tlie motion of the blood are nearly the same in both: thus a ligature being applied upon this vessel, near the heart, in a living animal, it contracts in its whole length, and, except a small quantity that remains in the principal ar- teries, the blood passes immediately into the veins. Some authors doubt the fact of the contraction of the arteries ; tbe following experiment may be made to convince them : uncover the carotid artery of a living animal the length of several inches; take the transverse dimension of the ves- sel with compasses, tie it at two different points at the same time, and you may then have any length whatever of artery full of blood; make a ■mall opening in the sides of this portion of the artery, you wiU immediately see almost the whole of the blood pass out, and it will even spout to a certain distance. Then uk asure the breadth with the compasses, and there will be no doubt of the artery being much contracted, if the rapid expulsion of the blood has not already convinced you. This experiment also proves that the force with which the artery contracts is sufficient to expel the blood that it contains. Passage of the blood of the arteries into the veins.—When, in the dead body, an injection is thrown into an artery, it immediately returns by the corresponding vein: the same thing takes place, and with still more facility, if the injection 1* thrown into the artery of a living animal. In cold-blooded animals, fu- blood can be seen, by the aid of a microscope, passing from the arteries into the vein*. The communication between these vessels ia then direct, and very easy ; it is natural to suppose that the heart, after having forced the blood to the last arterial twigs, conti- nues to make it move into the venous radicles, and wen into the vein*. Harvey, and a great num- ber of celebrated anatomists, thought so. Lately, Birhiit has been strongly against this doctrine: lie has limited the influence of the blood ; he pre- tends thai it cease.* entirely in the place where the arterial is changed into venous blood, that is, in the numerous small vessels that terminate the arteries and commence the veins. Iu this place, according lo lu'm, the action of the small vessels ulone in tbe cause of the motion of the blood. Hemurkt on the Movements of the Heart.— A. The nulit auricle and ventricle, and the left auricle and ventricle, the action of which we have studied separately, in reality form only one or- ;r.in. whirh ia the heart. 1 lie auricle* contract and dilate together ; the same thing taken place with the ventricles, whose nicniiient« are nimultaneoiH. When the contraction ot the heart is spoken of, that ol the ventricle is understood. Their contraction is called sytole, their dilatation dia- ttolr. B. Every ione that the ventricles contract, the whole of the heart is rapidly carried forward, and ill.- |wuit of this or*™ Mrike» the kit lateral side of the chest, opposite the internal of tlie sixth and seventh true ribs. C. The number of the pulsations of the heart is considerable; it is generally greater in propor- tion as the person is younffer. At birth it is from 130 to 140 in a minute. At one year ...... 120 to 130. At two years...... 100 to 110. At three years .... 90 to 100. At seven years ... 83 to 90. At fourteen years 80 to 86. At adult age...... 7.5 to 80. At first old age ... 65 to 15. At confirmed old age 60 to 65. But these numbers vary according to an infinity of circumstances, sex, temperament, individual disposition, &c. The affections of the mind have a" great influ- ence upon the rapidity of the contractions of the heart; every one knows that even a slight emo- tion immediately modifies the contractions, and generally accelerates them. In thi3 respect great changes take plaoe also by diseases. D. Many researches have been made to deter- mine with what force the ventricles contract. In order to appreciate that of the left ventricle, an experiment has been made, which consists in crossing the legs, and placing upon one knee the ham of the other leg, with a weight of 55 pounds appended* to the extremity of the foot. This considerable weight, though placed at the extre- mity of such a long lever, is raised at each con- traction of the ventricle, on account of the ten- dency to straighten the accidental curvature of the popliteal artery, when the legs are crossed in this manner. This experiment shows that the force of con- traction ot the heart is very great; but it cannot give the exact value of it. Mechanical physiolo- gist -i have made great efforts to express it in numbers. Borclli compares the force which keeps up the circulation to that which would be necessary to raise 180,000 pounds ; Hales believes it to be 51 pounds 5 ounces ; and Keil reduces it to from 15 to 8 ounces. Where shall we find the truth in these contradictions .' It seems impossible to know exactly the force developed by the heart in its contraction ; it very probably varies according to numerous causes, such as age, the volume of the organ, the size of the individual; the particular disposition, the quantity of blood, the state of the nervous sys- tem, the action of the organs, the state of health or of sickness, &c. All that has been said of the force of the heart relates only to its contraction, its dilatation hav- ing been considered as a passive state, a sort of repose of the fibres ; however, when the ventri- cles dilate, it is wkh a very great force, for ex- ample, capable of raising a weight of twenty pounds, as maybe observed in animals recently dead. When the heart of a living animal is taken hold of by the hand, however small it may be, it is impossible by any effort to prevent the dilata- tion of the ventricles. The dilatation of the heart, then, cannot be considered as a *tate of ia- uctiou or repose. E. The heart moves from the first days of ex- istence of the embryo to the instant of death by decrepitude. Why does it move .' This question has been asked by ancient and modern philosophers and physiologists. The wherefore of phenomena is not easy to be given in physiology; almost alwavs what is taken for such is only iu other terms the expression of tbe phenomena; but i* 1 ncn cut C1R is remarkable how easily we deceive ourselves in this respect: one of the strongest proofs of it is afforded by the different explanations of the mo- lion of the heart. • The ancients said that there was a pulsific vir- tue in the heart, a concentrated fire, that gave motion to this organ. Descartes imagined that an explosion as sudden ow that of gunpowder took place in the heart. The motion of the heart was afterwards attributed to the animal spirits, to the nervous fluid, to the soul, to the process ofthe nervous system, to the archea: Haller considered it as an effect of irritability. Lately, Legallois has endeavoured to prove, by experi- ments, that the principle or cause of the motion of the heart has its seat in the spinal marrow. Remarks upon the circular Motion of the Blood, or the Circulation.—We now know all the links of the circular chain that the sanguife- rous system represents: we know how the blood is carried from the lungs towards all the other parts of the body, and how it returns from these parts to the heart. Let us examine these pheno- mena in a general manner, in order to show the most important. A. The quantity of blood contained in the sys- tem is very considerable. It has been estimated by several authors at from 24 to 30 pounds. This value cannot be at all exact, for the quantity of blood varies according to numerous causes. Tbe relation of the mass of the arterial with that of the venous blood, is somewhat better known. This last, contained in vessels larger than that of the arteries, is necessarily in greater quantity, though we cannot say exactly how much greater- its mass is than that of the arterial blood. B. The circulatory path of the blood being con- tinuous, and the capacity of the canal variable, the rapidity of this fluid must be variable also ; for the same quantity must pass through all the points in a given time : observation confirms this. The rapidity is great in the trunk, and the prin- cipal divisions of the pulmonary artery and aorta: it diminishes much in the secoudary divisions; it diminishes still more at the instant of the passage from the arteries into the veins ; it continues to augment in proportion as the blood passes from the roots of the veins into larger roots, and lastly into the large veiiw ; but the rapidity is never so great in the venae cavae as in the aorta. In the trunks and the principal arterial divisions, the course of the blood is not only continued under the influence of the contraction of the arteries, but, besides, it flows in jerks by the effect of the contraction of the ventricles. This jerking mani- fests itself in the arteries by a simple dilatation in those that are straight, and by a dilatation and tendency to straighten in those which are flexu- ous. The pulse is formed by the first of these phe- nomena, to which the second is sometimes joined. It is not easy, to study, in man or in the animals, except where the arteries are laid close upon a bone, because they do not then retire from under the finger when it is placed upon them, as hap- pens to arteries in soft parts. In general, the pulse makes known the princi- pal modification of the contraction of the left ventricle, its quickness, its intensity, its weak- ness, its regularity, its irregularity. The quan- tity of the blood is also known by the pulse. If it is great, the artery is round, thick, and resist- ing. If the blood is in small quantity, the artery js small and easily flattened. Certain dispositions in the arteries have an influence also upon the 263 pulse, and, may render it different in the principal arteries. C. The beating of the arteries is necessarily felt in the organs which are next them, and mi much more in proportion as the arteries are more voluminous, and as the organs give way with less facility. The jerk which they undergo is gene- rally considered as favourable to their action, though no positive proof of it exists. In this respect none of the organs ought to be more affected than tlie brain. The four cerebral arteries unite in circles at the base of the skull and raise the brain at each contraction of the ventricle, as it is easy to be convinced of by lay- ing bare the brain of an animal, or by observing this organ in wounds of the head. Probably, the numerous angular bendings,of the internal carotid arteries, and of the vertebrals before their en- trance into the skull, are useful for moderating this shaking ; these bendings must also necessarily retard the course of the blood in these vessels. When the arteries penetrate in a voluminous state into the parenchyma of the organs, as the Uver, the kidneys, &c, the organ must also re- ceive a jerk at each contraction of the heart. The organs into which the vessels enter, after being divided and subdivided, can suffer nothing similar. D. From the lungs to the left auricle the blood is of the same nature; however, it sometime* happens that it is not the same in the four pulmo- nary veins. For instance, if the lungs are so changed that the air cannot penetrate into the lobules, the blood which traverses them will not be changed from venous to arterial blood; it will arrive at the heart without having undergone thii change ; but in its passage through the left cavi- ties it will be intimately mixed with that ol the lungs opposite. The blood is necessarily homo- geneous from the left ventricle to the last divi- sions of the aorta; but, being arrived at theic small divisions, its elements separate; at leu) there exists a great number of parts, such as the serous membranes, the cellular tissue, the ten- dons, the aponeuroses, fbe fibrous membranes, &c, into which the red part of the blood is never seen to penetrate, and the capillaries of which contain only sernm. This separation of the elements of the blood takes place only in a state of health; when the parts that I have mentioned become diseased, it often happens that their small vessels contain blood, possessed of all its characteristic proper- ties. There have been endeavours to explain this particular analysis of the blood by the small vessels. Boerhaave, who admitted several sorts of globules of different sizes in the blood, said, that globules of a certain largeness could only pass into vessels of an appropriate size: we have seen that globules, such as they were admitted by Boerhaave, do not exist. Bichat believed that there existed in the small vessels a particular sensibility, by which they admitted only the part of the blood suitable to them. We have already frequently coniesteJ ideas of this kind; neither can tbey be admitted here, for the most irritating liquids introduced into the arteries pass immediately into the veins, without any opposition to their passage by the ca- pillaries. E. The elements of the blood separate in traversing the small vessels ; sometimes the scram escapes, and spreads upon the surface of the mem- brane : sometimes the fatty matter is deposited Sn cells; here the mucus, there the fibrine; ehe- CIK CIR ■Where are the foreign substances, which were accidentally mixed with the arterial blood. In losing these different elements, the blood as- sumes the qualities of venous blood. At the tame time tnat the arterial blood supplies these loue«, tbe small veins absorb the substances with which they are in contact. In the intestinal canal, for example, they absorb the drinks; on the other hand, 'Ik lymphatic trunks pour the lymph and the chyle into the venous system: it i* certain, then, that the venous blood cannot be homogeneous, and that its composition must be variable in the different veins; but, haying reached the heart, by the motions of the right auricle and ventricle, and the disposition of the fleshy columns, the elements all mix together, and when they are completely mixed, they pass into the pulmonary artery. F. A general law of the economy is, that no organ continues to act without receiving arterial blood ; from this results, that all the other func- tion* are dependent on the circulation ; but the circulation, in its turn, cannot continue without tbe respiration by which the arterial blood is formed, and without the action of the nervous system, which has a great influence upon the rapidity of the flowing of the blood, and upon its distribution in the organs. Indeed, under the action of the nervous system, the motions of the heart, and consequently the general quickness of tbe course of the blood, are qtnekened or retard- ed. Thus, when the organs act voluntarily or involuntarily, we learn from observation, that they receive a greater quantity of blood without the motion of the general circulation being ac- celerated on that account; and if their action predominates, the arteries which are directed there, increase considerably. If, on the contrary, the action diminishes, or ceases entirely, the ar- teries become smaller, and permit only a small quantity to reach the organ. These phenomena are manifest in the muscles : the circulation be- comes more rapid in them when they contract; if they are often contracted, the volume of their arteries increases ; if they are paralysed, the ar- teries become very small, and the pulse is scarcely felt The circulation, then, may be influenced by the nervous system in three ways : 1st, By modi- fying the motions of the heart ; 2dly, By modi- lying Ihe capillaries of the organs, so as to acce- lerate the flowing of the blood in them; 3dly, By producing the tame effects in the lungs, that is, by rendering the course of the blood more or lest easy through this organ. The acceleration of the motions of the heart becomes sensible to us by the manner in which the point of this organ strikes the walls of the chest. The difficulty ofthe capillary circulation is discovered by a feeling of numbness and a par- ticular prickling ; and when the pulmonary cir- culation is difficult, we are informed of it oy an "|ipr< »»iou or sense of suffocation, more or less stmn-. l'robably the distribution of the filaments of ihe great sympathetic on the sides of the arteries, ha* some important use ; but tliis use is entirely unknown ; we have received no light on tlie point byiany experiment."-.Magendie't Elementt of Physiology, t iiutla'tor. (From circulo. to corapas* about.) \ wandering practiser in medicine. \ quack ; a mountebank. CiiiiULATo'muii. (From circulo, to move round.) A chemical digesting vessel in which Ok- fluid performs a circulatory motion. CI/RCULUS. (Dim. of cm-cm*, a circle.) I. A circle or ring. 2. Any part of the body which is round or an- nular, as circulut oculi. 3. A round chemical instrument sometimes called abbreviatorium by the old chemists. Circulus arteriosus iridis. The artery which runs round the iris and forms a circle, is so termed. Circolis «uadjiuflex. A bandage. Circumcaulalis. A name of the adnata of the eye.. CIRCUMCI'SION. (Circumcitio, from cir- cumcido, to cut about.) The cutting off the pre- puce from the glans penis; an ancient custom, stiff practised among the Jews and rendered ne- cessary by the heat of the climate in which it was first practised, to prevent eoUections and a vi- tiated state of the sebaceous secretion from the odoriferous- glands of the part. CIRCUMFLE'XUS. (Circumflexut, sc. mutculut.) A muscle of the palate. Tensor palati of Innes. Circumflerus palati mollit of Albinus. Spheno-solpingo-ttaphilinut, teu staphilinus externut of Winslow. Musculus tuba nova of Valsalva. Palato-salpingeus of Douglas. Ptcrigo-ttaphyltnut of Cowper, and Petrotalpingo-staphilin of Dumas. It arises from the spinous process of the sphenoid bone, behind the foramen ovale, which transmits the third branch of the fifth«a*ir of nerves, and from the Eustachian tube, not far from its osseous part; it then runs down along the pterygoideus internus, passes over the hook of the internal plate of the pterygoid process by a round tendon, which soon spreads into a broad membrane. It is inserted into the velum pendulum palati, and the semi- lunar edge of the os palati, and extends as far as the suture which joins the two bones. General- ly some of its posterior fibres join with the con- strictor pharyngis superior, and palato-pharyn- gaeus. Its use is to stretch the velum, to draw it downwards, and to the side towards the hook. It hath little effect upon the tube, being chiefly connected to its osseous part. CIRCUMGYRATIO. (From circumgyro, to turn round.) Circumgyration, or the turning a Umb round in it* socket. Circumli'tio. (From drcUmlino, to anoint all over.) A medicine used as a general unction or liniment to the part. CIRCUMOSS.VLIS. (From drcum, about, and ot, a bone.) Surrounding a bone as the pe- riosteum does ; or surrounded by a bone. CIRCUMSCISUS. Circumscised. AppUed to a membranous capsule, separating into two parts by a complete circular fissure. CI'RCUS. (HipKos; from carka, a Caldean word, to surround.) 1. A circle or ring. 2. A circular bandage. Cirne'sis. (From Kipvaw, fornix.) An union of separate things. CIRRUS. (From Ktpas, a horn, because it has the appearance of a horn.) Cirrhus. A clasper or tendril. One of the fulcra or props of plants. A long, cyUndrical, slender, spiral body, issuing from various parts of plants. From their origin, Cirri are distinguished into, 1. Foliar, when they are a continuation of the midrib of a simple leaf; as in Fumaria clavicu- lota, Mimosa scandens, and Gloriota superba. 2. Petiolar, when terminating the common petiole of a compound leaf; as in Pisum sativum. This is sometimes distinguished by the number of leaflets which grow under it: hence drri diphylfi, tetrophylh, and polypkylli. CIS CAT S. Peduncular, when they proceed from the peduncle ; as in Vitis vinifera. 4. Axillary, which arise from the stem or branches in the axiUae of the leaves ; as in Pas- siflora incarnata. 5. Subaxillary, when they originate below the leaf. 6. Lateral, when at the side of it: as in Bry- onia. ° From the division of its apex, a Cirrus is, 1. Simple, consisting of one undivided piece ; as in Momordica balsaminea, Pasdflora qua* drangularis, and Bryonia dimca. 2. Compound, consisting of a stalk variously branched or divided. . **• Bifid, when it has two divisions ; as in Vi- tis mnifera, Lathyrus palustris, Ervum tetrat- permum, &c. 4. Trifid, when there are three ; as in Bigno- nia unguis, and Lathyrus hirsutus. 5. Multifid, or branched when the divisions are more numerous ; as in Lathyrus latifoliut, and Cobea scandens., < From its convolution into, 1. Convolute, when aU the gyrations are re- gular in the same direction; as in Hedera quinquefolia. 2. Revolute, winding itself irregularly, some- times on one side, sometimes on the other; as in Passiflora incarnata. CIRROSUS. Haviflg a cirrus or tendril. AppUed to a leaf tipped with a tendril; as in Gloriosa and Hagellaria, two Indian plants. Ci/rsium arvense. (From Ktpoos, a vein or swelling of a vein, which this herb was supposed to heal.) The common way thistle, or Serratula arvensis of Linnaeus. Cirsoce'le. See Circocele. CIRSOI'DES. (From Kipats, a varix, and etSos, Ukeness.) ResembUng a varix : an epithet appUed by Rufus Ephesius to the upper part ofthe brain. CI'RSOS. (Kipoos; from mpoou, to dilate.) A preternatural distention of any part of a vein. See Varix. Ci'ssa. (From Kiooa, a gluttonous bird.) A depraved appetite, proceeding from previous glut- tony and voracity. CISSA'MPELOS. (From Kioaos, ivy, and auircXos, the vine.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diaeia; Order, Monadelphia. The wild wine with leaves Uke ivy. Cissampelos pareira. The systematic name of the Pardra brava; Pareyra; Ambutua; Butua; Overo butua. The root of this plant, Cissampelos—foliis peltatis cordatis emargina- tis, of Linnaeus ; a native of South America and the West Indies, has no remarkable smell, but to the taste it manifests a notable sweetness of the Uquorice kind, together with a considerable bit- terness, and a slight roughness covered by the sweet matter. The facts adduced on the utility of the radix pareira brava in nephritic and cal- culous complaints, are principaUy by foreigners, and no remarkable instances of its efficacy are re- corded by English practitioners. Cissa'rus. See Cistus Creticus. Cissi'nom. (From kiobos, fry.) The name of a plaster mentioned by iEgineta. CI'STA. (Fromwi/iaj, to Ue.) A cyst. CISTE'RNA. (From cista, a cyst.) The fourth ventricle of the brain is so caUed from its cavity; also the lacteal vessels in the breasts of womeu. . Ci'sthorus. See Cistus Creticus. CISTIC. See Cystic. 270 Cisxiu oxyde. See Calculus. (TSTI'S. (Kiolos, the derivation of wliich is uncertain; perhaps from kit, Heb.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Polyandria; Order, Monogynia. The Cistus. Cistus creticus. The systematic name of the plant from which the ladanum of the shop* is obtained, called , also Cistus ladanifera; Cis- thorus; Cissarus; Dorycinium. Cistus—ar- borescens extipulatus, foliis spatulato-ovatis petiolatis enerviis scabris, calydnis lanceolatis of Linnsus. The resinous juice called ladanum exudes upon the leaves of this plant in Candia, where the inhabitants collect it by lightly rubbing the leaves with leather, and afterwards scraping it off, and forming it into irregular masses for ex- portation. Three sorts of ladanum have been described by authors, but only two are to be met with in the shops. The best, which is very rare is in dark-coloured masses, of the consistence of a soft plaster, and growing stiU softer on being handled; the other is in long roUs, coiled up, much harder than tbe preceding, and not so dark. The first has commonly a small, and the last a large admixture of fine sand, without Which they cannot be coUected pure, independently of de- signed abuses : the dust blown on the plant by winds, from the loose sands among which it grows, being retained by the tenacious juice. The soil kind hA an agreeable smeU, and a tightly pungent bitterish taste : the hard is much weaker. Ladanum was formerly much employed internally as a pectoral and adstringent in catarrhal affections, dysenteries, and several other diseases; at present, however, it is wholly confined to ex- ternal use, and is an ingredient in the stomachic plaster, emplastrum laaani. Cistus humilis. A name most probably of the Lichen caninus of Linnaeus. Cistus ladanifera. See Cistus creticus. Cistus ledon. See Ledum palustre. CITE'SIUS (Citois,) Francis, of Poitiers, in France, who, after graduating at Montpelier in 1596, and practising a few years in his na- tive city, went to Paris, and acquired great celebrity, being made physician to Cardinal RicheUeu. He published a treatise on the Colica Pictonum, which was much esteemed, noticing its termination in paralysis of the extremities. He also gave an account of a girl who had fasted for three years; in which case he appears to have been imposed upon. In another publication he advocates repeated bleeding, as well as purg- ing, in small-pox, and other fevers of an inflam- matory type. He died in 1652, at the advanced age of 80. Ci'tharus. (From recommended to expose the juice to a degree of cold sufficient to congeal the aqueous and mucilaginous parts. Af- ter a crust of ice is formed, the juice is poured into another vessel; and, by repeating this process several times, the remaining juice, it has been said, has been concentrated to eight time* its orig- inal strength, and kept without suffering any ma- terial change for several years. Whytt found the juice of lemon to allay hysterical palpitations of the heart, after various other medicines had been experienced ineffectual; and this juice, or that of oranges, takenio the quantity of four or six ounce* in a day, has sometimes been found a remedy in the jaundice. The exterior rind of the lemon is a very grateful aromatic bitter, not so hot as orange peel, and yielding in distillation a lew quantity of oil, which is extremely light, almost colourless, and generally brought from the south- ern parts of Europe, under the name of Essence of Lemons. The lemon-peel, though less warm, is similar in its qualities to that of the orange, and is employed with the same intentions. The pharmacopoeias direct a syrup of the juice syrupus limonis, and the peel enters into some vinous and aqueous bitter infusions; it is also ordered to be candied; and the essential oil is an ingredient in some formulae. The citron-tree is also considered as belonging to the same species, the Citrus medica ot Lin- nsus. Its fruit is called Cedromela, which is larger and less succulent than the lemon; but in all other respects the citron and lemon trees agree. The citron juice, when sweetened with sugar, is caUed by the Italians Agro di cedro. The Citrut mella rosa of Lamarck, is another variety of the Citrus medica of Linnaeus. It was produced, at first, casually, by an Italian's grafting a citron on a stock of a bergamot pear-tree ; whence the fruit produced by this union participated both of the citron-tree and the pear-tree. The essence pre- pared from this fruit is caUed essence of berga- mote and essentia de cedra. Cl'TTA. A voracious appetite. Citto'sis. See Chlorosis. CIVET-CAT. See Zibethum. CIVE'TTA. (From sebet, Arabian.) Zibe- thum. Civet: an unctuous odoriferous drug used CL\ ULA by perfumer*, collected betwixt the anus and the organ* of generation of a fierce carnivorous quad- ruped met with in China and the East and West Indies, called a civet-cat, the Viverra Zibethum of Liiuwa«, bnt bearing a greater resemblance to a fox or marten than a cat. Several of these animals have been brought into Holland, and afford a considerable branch of commerce, particularly at Amsterdam. The civet is squeezed out in summer every other day, in win- ter twice a-week : the quantity procured at once ii> from two scruples to a drachm or more. The juice thu* collected is much purer and finer than that which the animal sheds against shrubs or stones in it* native climate*. Good civet is of a clear yeUowish or brownish colour, not fluid, nor hard, but about the consist- ence of butter or honey, and uniform throughout; of a very strong smell; quite offensive when un- diluted ; but agreeable when only a small portion of civet is mixed with a large one of other sub- stances. Civet unites with oils, but not with alkohol. Its nature is therefore not resinous. CLAP. See Gonorrhaa. CLA'RET. (Claretum; from clareo, to be clear.) A French wine, that may be given with great advantage, as a tonic and antiseptic, where red port wine disagrees with the patient; and in typhoid fevers of children and delicate females, it is far preferable, as a common drink. CLARETUM. 1. The wine called claret. Sec Claret. 2. A wine impregnated with spices and sugar, called by some Vinum Hippocraticum. 3. A Claretum purgatorium, composed of a vinous infusion of glass of antimony with cinna- mon water and sugar, is mentioned by Schroeder. CLARIFICA'TIO. The depuration of any thing, or process of freeing a fluid from hetero- geneous matter, or fcculencies. CLASS. (Clasnt; from KaXtta, congngo, a clac* being nothing more than a multitude assem- bled apart.) The name of a primary division of bodies in natural history. CLARV. See Salvia. CLA'SIS. (From icXaui, to break.) Clasma. A fracture. CLAU'STRCM. (From claudo, to shut.) Cleithrum gutturit. Any aperture which has a power of contracting itself, or closing its orifice by any mean* ; as tbe passage of the throat. Ci austrum vircinitatis. The hymen. CLAUSU'RA. (From claudo, to shut.) An iraperforation of any canal or cavity in the body. Thus clautura uteri is a preternatural imperfo- ration of the uterus ; clausura tubarum Fallopi- arum, a morbid imperforation of the Fallopian * tubes, mentioned by Ruysch as one cause of infe- eundity. Clava rugosa. See Acorus calamut. • CLAVARIA. (From clava, a club.) The name of a genua of plants, Class, Cryptogamia ; Order, Fungi. Club-shaped fungus. Clav aria corolloides. The systematic name of the Fungut corollddet of old writers ; called al»o crotelm. It was once used as a strengthener and attringent. CLAVA'TIO. (From clava, a club.) A sort ..f articulation without motion, where the parts are, a* it were, driven in with a hammer, like the t* th in the sockets. See Gomphotis. CLAVATU8. Clubbed. AppUed to parts of plant*, as the Mii;m« of the Genipi. Ci.avellatus. (From clavus, a wedge. TV n-Jtue cinere« rlaveUnti originated from the Uttle wedges or billets, into which the wood wai cut to burn forpotassa.) See Potassa impura. , CLA'VICLE. (Clavicula, diminutive of da- vit ; so called from its resemblance to an ancient key.) Collar-bone.*/. Thcfclavicle is placed at the root of the neck, and at the upper part ofthe breast. It extends across, from the tip of the shoulder to the upper part of the sternum ; it is a round bone, a little flattened towards the end, which joins the scapula ; it is curved like an Italic S, having one curve turned out towards the breast: it is useful as an arch, supporting the shoulders, preventing them from falling forwards upon the breast, and making the hands strong antagonists to each other; which, without this steadying, they could not have been. 1. The thoracic end, that next the sternum, or what may be called the inner head of the clavicle, is round and flat, or button-like ; and it is received into a suitable hollow on the upper piece of the sternum. It is not only like other joints sur- rounded by a capsule or purse ; it is further pro- vided with a small moveable cartilage, which, like a friction wheel in machinery, saves the parts and faciUtates the motions, and moves continually as the clavicle moves. 2. But the outward end'of the clavicle is flat- tened, as it approaches the scapula, and the edge of that flatness is turned to the edge of the flat- tened acromion, so that they touch but in one sin- gle point. This outer end of the clavicle, and the corresponding point of the acromion, are flat- tened and covered with a crust of cartilage ; but the motion here is very slight and quite insensi- ble : they are tied firmly by strong ligaments ; and we may consider this as almost a fixed point, for there is little motion of the scapula upon the clavicle : but there is much motion of the clavicle upon the breast, for the clavicle serves as a shaft, or axis, firmly tied to the scapula, upon which the scapula moves and turns, being connected with the trunk only by this single point, viz. the articulation of the clavicle with the breast- bone. CLAVICULA. See Clavicle. CLAVI'CULUS. See Clavicle. CLA'VIS. (From claudo, to shut.) The clavicle. CLA'VUS. (A nail.) 1. A corn called cla- vus, from its resemblance to the head of a nail; Ecphyma clavus of Good. A roundish, horny, cutaneous extuberance, with a central nucleus, sensible at its base ; found chiefly on the toes from the pressure of tight shoes. 2. A painful and often an intermitting affection of tlie head, and mostly a severe pulsating pain in the forehead, which may be covered by one's thumb, giving a sensation Uke as if a nail were driven into the part. When connected with hy- sterics, it is called Clavus hystericus. 3. An artificial palate. 4. Diseased uterus. Clavus hystericus. See Clavus. Clavus oculorum. A staphyloma, or tumour on the eyelids. (LAY. Argilla. Argillaceous earth, of which there are many kinds, and being opaque and nou-crystallised bodies, of dull fracture, af- ford no good principle for determining their spe- cies; yet as they are extensively distributed in nature, and are used in many arts, they deserve particular attention. The argillaceous minerals are aU sufficiently soft to be scratched by iron; they have a duU or even earthy fracture; they exhale, when breathed on, a peculiar smell called anrulaeeoii«. The clsvs form with water a plastic 27f CLE OLI paste, possessing considerable tenacity, which hardens with heat, so as to strike fire with steel. Maries and chalks also soften iu water, but then- paste is not tenacious, nor does it acquire a siliceous hardness in the fire. The affinity of the clays for moisture is manifested by their stick- ing to the tongue, and by the intense heat neces- sary to make them perfectly dry. The odour ascribed to clays breathed upon, is due to the oxide of iron mixed with them. Absolutely pure clays emit no smeU. l-Porc.e,ain earth, the kaolin of the Chinese. —This mineral is friable, meagre to the touch, and, when pure, forms with difficulty a paste with water. 2- Potters' clay, or plastic clay.—The clays of this variety are compact, smooth, and almost unctuous to the touch, and may be polished by the finger when they are dry. They have a great affinity to water, form a tenacious paste, and ad- here strongly to the tongue. 3. Loam.—This is an impure potters' clay mixed with mica and iron ochre. 4. Variegated clay.—Is striped or spotted with white, red, or yellow colours. 5. Slate clay.—Colour, grey, or greyish- yeUow. 6. Claystone.—Colour, grey, of various shades, sometimes red, and spotted or striped. 7. Adhesive slate.—Colour, light greenish- grey. 8. Polishing slate of Werner.—Colour, cream- yellow, in alternate stripes. 9, Common c:ay may be considered to be the same as loam. Clay, pure. See Alumina. Clay-slate. Argillaceous slate. Argiitite of Kirwan. A mineral which is extensively distributed, forming a part of both primitive and transition mountains of slate, is found in many countries. CLEAVAGE. This term is applied to the mechanical division of crystals, by showing the direction in which their lamina can separate, enables us to determine the mutual incUnation of these lamina : Werner called it durchgang, but he attended only to the number of directions in which this mechanical division of the plates, or cleavage, could be effected. In the interior of many minerals, the direction of the cleavage may be frequently seen, without using any mechanical violence. CLEAVERS. See Galium aparine. CLEGHORN, George, was born near Edin- burg in 1716; and after studying in that city, went at the age of twenty to Minorca, as a regi- mental surgeon. During the thirteen years that he spent there, he sedulously studied the natural froductions of the island. In 1750, ooming to .ondon, he published his "Treatise on the Dis- eases of Minorca," which displays great observa- tion and abitity. He then went to Dublin, and gave lectures on anatomy with such success, that he was soon after appointed public professor; and in 1774, an honorary member of the CoUege of Physicians there. He died in 1789. Clei'dion. Clidion. The epithet of a pas- til, described by Galen and Paulus iEgineta; and it is the name also of an epithem described by Ae'tius. Cleido'ma. (From kXhoooj, to close.) A pastil, or troch. Abo the clavicle. CLEIDOMASTOIDE'US. (From kX«j, the clavicle, and pasouom, tbe mastoid process.J See Sterno-clrido-mastoideut. CLEISA'GRA. (From kJUij, the clavicle, 274 and u-tpu, a prey.) The gout in the articulation of the clavicles. CLEi'THnoN. (From kXci&o>, to shut.) Set Claustrum. CLE'MATIS. (From kXiipo, a tendril; so named from its climbing up trees, or any thing it can fasten upon with its tendrils.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Polyandria;. Order, Polygynia. Clematis recta. The systematic name of the upright virgin's-bower. Flammula Jovit. Clematis—foliis pinnatis, foliolis ovato lanceo- latis integerrimis, caule erecto, floribus penta- petalis tetrapetalisque of Linnaeus. More praises have been bestowed upon the virtue which the leaves of this plant are said to possess, when exhibited internally, as antivenereal, by foreign physicians than its trials in this coun- try can justify. The powdered leaves are sometimes applied externally to ulcers, as an escharotic. Clematis vitalba. The systematic name of the traveller's-joy. Vitalba; Atragene; Vi- orna; Clematis arthragene of Theophrastus. This plant is common in our hedges, and is the Clematis—foliis pinnatis, foliolis cordatis scon- dentibus of Linn*us. Its leaves, when fresh, produce a warmth on the tongue, and if the chew- ing is continued, blisters arise. The same effect follows their being rubbed on the skin. The plant has been administered internally to cure lues venerea, scrofula, and rheumatism. In France, the young sprouts are eaten, when boiled, as hoptops are in tins country. Clemati'tis. The same as clematis. Cleo'nis collyrium. The name of acoUy- rium described by Celsus. Cleonis gluten. An astringent formula of myrrh, frankincense, and white of egg mixed to- gether. Cle'psydra. (From kXcwtu), to conceal, and viiap, water.) Properly, an instrument to mea- sure time by the dropping of water through a hole, from one vessel to another; but it is used to express a chemical vessel, perforated in the same manner. It is also an instrument mentioned by Paracelsus, contrived to convey suffumigationi to the uterus in hysterical cases. CLEYER, Andrew, was born at CasseLin the beginning of the 17th century. After study- ing medicine, he went as physician to Batavia, where he resided many years. He transmitted several interesting communications to the Impe- rial Academy, of which he had been chosen a member, particularly " An Account of Hydatids found in a Human Stomach," and " Of the Cus- tom of the Indians of taking Opium;" also des- criptions and drawings of the plants indigenous in Java, especially the moxa, ginseng, and tea-plant He likewise pubUshed, in 1680, a curious speci- men of Chinese medicine. Cli'banus. (Quasi KaXtSavos; from m-f Xv7r7, to conceal.) A portable furnace, or still, in which the materials to be wrought os are shut up. CLIFTON, Francis, after studying at Ox- ford, came to London, and was admitted Fellow of the College of physicians, as weU aa of the Royal Society, about the year 1730. Two years after he published on " The State of Phytie, an- cient and modern, with a Plan for improving it;" in which a law is proposed, to compel practition- ers to send to a public institution descriptions of the several cases which come under their care. He was also author of " A plain and sure Way of practising Physic;" and trw CLI fated some parts of Hippocrates into English, with note*. Clima'cter. (From xXipiaqu, to proceed gradoaUy.) The progression of the life of men. It is usnally divided into periods of • even years. Climacteric. See Septenary. CLIMATE. The prevailing constitution of the atmosphere, relative to heat, wind and mois- ture, peculiar to any region. This depends chiefly on the latitude of die place, it* elevation above the level of the sea, and it* insular or con- tinental position. Springs which issue from a considerable depth, and caves about 50 feet under (he surface, preserve a uniform temperature through all the vicissitudes of the season. This i* the mean temperature of that country. It appears very probable, that the climates of European countries were more severe in ancient time* than they are at present. Caesar says, that the vine could not be cultivated in Gaul, on account of it* winter-cold. The rein-deer, now found only in tbe zone of Lapland, was then an inhabitant of the Pyrenees. The Tiber was fre- quently frozen over, and the ground about Rome covered with snow for several weeks together, which almost never happens in our times. The Rhine and the Danube, in the reign of Augustus, were generaUy frozen over, for several months of winter. The barbarians who overran the Roman empire a few centuries afterwards, transported their armies and waggons across the ice of these river*. The improvement that is continually taking place in the cUmate of America, proves, that the power of man extend* to phenomena, which, from the magnitude and variety of their cause*, seemed entirely beyond hi* controul. At Guiana, in South America, within five degrees of the fine, the inhabitants living amid immense for- ests, a century ago, were obliged to alleviate the severity of the cold by evening fires. Even the duration of the rainy season has been shortened by the clearing of the country, and the warmth is so increased, that a fire now would be deemed an annoyance. It thunders continually in thu woods, rarely in the cultivated parts. Drainage of the ground, and removal of forests, however, cannot be reckoned among the sources of the increased warmth of the Italian winters. riiemieal writers have omitted to notice an as- tronomical cause of the progressive amelioration of the olimates of the northern hemisphere. In consequence of the apogee portion of the terres- trial orbit being contained between our vernal and autumnal equinox, our summer half of tbe year, or the interval which elapses between the sun's crossing the equator in spring, and in au- tumn, in about seven days longer than our winter half year. Hence alio, one reason for the rela- tive coldness of the southern hemisphere. CLI'MAX. (From xXtpa^ai, to proceed.) A name of some antidotes, which, in regular pro- portion, increased or diminished the ingredients «»f wluch it iv.n composed, e. g. ft. Chamadry- ot xllj. CVniaurii vjj. Hyperici ?j. Climbing birthwort. See Aristolochia cle- matitis. Ciimdnng item. S. e Caulis. CIJMCAL. (Clinicnt; from K\un, a bed.) Any thing concerning a bed : thus clinical lec- lure*. note», a clinical physician, &c.; which lumin lectures giveu at the bedside, observations ltU.ru Iroin patient, when in bed, a physician who viml* his patients in their bed, fcc. CI.INKSTONK. A stono of an imperfectly .duty nature, which rings like metal, when struck with u hammer. CLO CLINOID. (Clinoidem; from kXw, abed, and ci6os, resemblance.) Resembling a bed. The four processes surrounding the sella turcica of the sphenoid bone are so called, of which two are anterior, and two posterior. Clinomastoide'u3. A corruption of cleido- mastoideus. See Sterno-clddo-mattoideut. CLINOMETER. An instrument for measur- ing the dip of mineral strata. Cli'ssus. A chemical term denoting mineral compound spirits ; but antimony is considered as the basis clyssi. See Clyssus. Clito'ridis musculus. See Erector clito- ridit. CLI'TORIS. (From kXciu, to enclose, or hide ; because it is bid by the labia pudendorum.) Columella. A small glandiform body, like a pe- nis in miniature, and, like it, covered with a pre- puce, or fore-skin. It is situated above the nym- phsb, and before the opening of the urinary pas- sage of women. Anatomy has discovered, that the clitoris is composed, like the penis, of a cavernous substance, and of a glans, which has no perforation, but is Uke that of the penis, ex- quisitely sensible. The clitoris is the principal seat of pleasure.- during coition it is distended with blood, and after the venereal orgasm it be- comes flaccid and falls. Instances have occurred where the clitoris was so enlarged as to enable the female to have venereal commerce with others; and, in Paris, this fact was made a pub- lic exhibition of to the faculty. Women thus formed appear to partake, in their general form, less of the female character, and are termed her- maphrodites. The clitoris in children is larger, in proportion, than in full-grown women : it often project* beyond the external labia at birth. CLITORI'SMUS. (From *A«7o/»*; the cli- toris.) An enlargement of the clitoris. CLO'NIC. (From kAovki), to more to and fro.) See Convulsion. Clono'des. (From kXovcui, to agitate.) A strong unequal pulse. CLONUS. (From kXovsv, to agitate.) The name of a genus of disease in the Class, Neuro- ses ; Order, Lenetica, of Good's Nosology. Clonic spasm, comprising six species: Clonus ringultus, sternutatio, palpilatio, nictitatio, subsultus, and pandiculatio. CLOVE. See Eugenia caryophyllata. Clove bark. See Myrtus caryophyllata. Clove gilliflower. See Dianthus caryophyl- lus. Clove pink. See Dianthus caryophyllus. Clemen leaf. See Leaf. CLOWES, William, an eminent English surgeon of the 16th century, received his educa- tion under George Keble, whose skiU he strongly commends. After serving for some time profes- sionally in the navy, he settled in London, and was made surgeon to Christ's and St. Bartholo- mew's hospitals, and appears to have had consi- derable practice. In 1586, he was sent to the Low-countries, to the assistance of the army under the Earl of Leicester; and on his return was appointed surgeon to the Queen. His works are in the English language, but evince much learning, as well as skill in nis profession. The first which he published was on the lues venerea, in 158*; in which he notices the increasing fre- quency of that disease, and states that in five years he had cured above a thousand patients m- houring under it at St. Bartholomew's hospital. But his most eel, braced publication appeared three years after, on the method of treating wounds of various kinds, the result of extensive experience, sanctioned by references to the most LSI COB approved writers. He appeals to have possessed un enlarged understanding, and was very severe on all quacks and impostors ; and he may justly be reckoned among the restorers and improvers of surgery in modern times. CLUNE'SIA. (From dunes, the buttocks.) An inflammation of the buttocks. CLU'PEA. The name of a genus of fishes, in the Linnaean system. Clupe.a alosa. The Linnaean name for the shad or chad, the flesh of which is by some com- mended as a restorative. Clupea encrasicolus. The anchovy, a little fish found in great abundance, about the island of Gorgona, near Leghorn. It is prepared for sale, by salting and pickling. It is supposed the ancient Greeks and Romans prepared a kind of garum for the table from this fish. Its princi- pal use is, as a sauce for seasoning. CLU'SIA. (So called in memory of Charles Clusius, an eminent botanist.) The name of a fenus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, 'olygamia; Order, Monacia. Balsam-tree. CLUSTER. See Racemus. CLU'TIA. (Named after Cluyt, and some- times spelt cluytia.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diada; Order, Gynandria. Clutia elutheria. The systematic name of the tree which is by some supposed to afford the cascarilla bark. Cluy'tia. See Clutia. CLY'DON. KXvSiav. A fluctuation and flat- ulency in the stomach. CLYPEA'LIS. (From clypeus, a shield.) Formed like a shield. CLY'SMUS. (From kXv&, to wash.) Clys- ma. A glyster. Cly'ssus. Clissus. A term anciently used by the chemists for medicines made by the re- union of different principles, as oil, salt, and spirit, by long digestion ; but it is not now prac- tised, and the term is almost lost. Clyssus antimonii. Clyssusmineralis. A weak acid of sulphur. Cly'ster. (Clysterium. From icXv$a>, to cleanse.) A glyster. See Enema. Cne'mia. (From Kvripi), the tibia.) Any part connected with the tibia. Cnemodactylje'us. (From Kvtipn, the tibia, and SokIvXos, a finger, or toe.) A muscle, the origin of which is in the tibia, and insertion in the toes. See Extensor longus digitorum pe- dis. CNE'SIS. (From «-aw, to scratch.) Cnis- mos. A painful itching. Cnicil^'on. (FromxriKos, cnicus, andtXaiov, oil.) Oil made of the seeds of cnicus. Its vir- tues are the same with those of the ricinus, but in an inferior degree. CNI'CUS. (Ft-0"1 Kvau, to scratch.) The plant used by Hippocrates by this name, is sup- posed to be the carthamus; but modern botanists exclude it from the species of this plant. Cnicus cernuus. The systematic name of the nodding cnicus, the tender stalks of which are, when boiled and peeled, eaten by the Sibe- rians as a food. Cnicus lanatus. Chamalim verum. The distaff thistle. Formerly used as a depuration, but now forgotten. Cnicus oleraceus. Round-leaved meadow thistle. The leaves of this plant, are boiled in the northern parts of Europe, and eaten as wc do cabbage. Cnicus sylvi^-tri*-* See Cenfiiu.rfa bene- dicta. C n i dia c ran"a. See Daphne mezejraun. Cnidii cocci. See Daphne mezereum. Cnidii grana. See Daphne mezereum. Cnido'sis. (From Kviiv, the nettle.) 1. An itching sensation, such as is perceived from the nettle. 2. A dry ophthalmy. Cnipo'tes. An itching. Cni'smos. See Cnetit. Cny'ma. (From kvoio, to scrape, or grate;) In Hippocrates it signifies a rasure, puncture, or vellication: also the same as cnesis. Coaddnat*. (From coadunare,lo join or gather together.) The name of an order of plants, in Linnams's Fragment*, of a Natural Method. COA'GULABLE. Possessing the property of coagulation. See Albumen. Coagulable lymph. See Albumen. COAGULA'NT. (Coagulant; from coagu- lo, to incrassate. or curdle.) Having the power of coagulating tne blood or juice* flowing from it. COAGULA'TION. (Coagulatio; from con, and ago, to drive together.) The separation of the coagulable particles, contained in any fluid, from the more thin and not coagulable particles : thus, when milk curdles, the coagulable particle.? form the curd; and when acids are thrown into any fluid containing coagulable particles, they form what is caUed a coagulum. COA'GULUM. A term appUed frequently to blood and other fluids, when they assume a jelly- like consistency. Coagulum aluminis. This is made by beat- ing the white of eggs with a Uttle alum, until it forms a coagulum. It is recommended as an effi- cacious application to relaxations of the conjunc- tive membrane of the eye. COAK. Charred coal. COAL. A combustible mineral, of which there are msny species. Coalte'rnje febres. (From con, and alUr- nut, alternate.) Fevers mentioned by Bellini, which he describes a* two fevers affecting the same patient, and the paroxysm of one approach- ing as that of the other subsides. COARCTA'TIO. (From coarcto, to straight- en.) The contraction, or diminution of any thing. Formerly appUed to the pulse: it meant a lessening in number. COARCTATUS. Crowded. A panicle is so called, which is dense or crowded; a* in Phltum paniculatum, the inflorescence of which, looks, at first sight, like a cylindrical spike; but when bent to either side, separates into branched lobes, constituting a real panicle. Coarticula'tio. (From con, and articula- tio, an articulation.) That sort of articulation which has manifest motion. COBALT. A brittle, somewhat soft, but dif- ficultly fusible metal, of a reddish-grey colour, of little lustre, and a sp. gr. of 8.6. Its melting point is said to be 130° Wedgewood. It is gene- raUy associated in its ores with nickel, arsenic, iron, and copper; and the cobalt of commerce usuaUy contains a proportion of these metals. To separate them, calcine with four parts of nitre, and wash away, with hot water, the soluble arseniate of potassa. Dissolve the residuum in dilute ni- tric acid, and immerse a plate of iron in the solu- tion, to precipitate the copper. Filter the liquid and evaporate to dryness. Digest the mass with water of ammonia, which will dissolve only tbe oxides of nickel and cobalt. Having expeUed the excess of alkali by a gentle heat from the clear ammoniacal solution, add cautiously water of po- tassa. whitjh will urccirnfate the oxide of nrrS'» Cot LOC Filter immediately, and boil the liquid, which WiU throw to support effectually COG COC the rectum, bladder, and womb; and yet conti- nues so moveable in women as to recede in time of labour, allowing the head of the child to pass. CO'CCYX. (KoKKvt, the cuckoo.) SeeCoc- eygis os. Also the part in which the os coccy- gis is placed. CO'CHENILIN. Carminium. The name of the colouring principle of cochineal. Co'chi a. (From Koyaw, to turn or make round.) An ancient name of some officinal pills. The piU of cochia of the shops, in the present day, is the compound colocynth pill. Co'chineal. See Coccus cacti. CO'CHLEA. (From *o^a£w, to turn round.) A cavity of the internal ear, resembling the shell of a snail, in which are the modiolus, or nucleus, extending from its basis to the apex the scala tympani, scala vestibuli, and spiral lamina. See Ear. Cochlea terrestris. Sec Umax. COCHLEA'RE. (From cochlea, a cockle, the sheU of which its bowl represents.) A spoon. Cochleare amplum or magnum is a table-spoon, calculated to hold half a fluid ounce ; cochleare medium is a dessert or pap spoon, supposed to bold two tea-spoonfuls ; ana cochleare minimum, a tea-spoon, which holds about one fluid drachm. COCHLE A'RIA. (From cochleare, a spoon; ■so called from its resemblance.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Tetradynamia; Order, Siliculosa. Cochlearia armoracia. The systematic name of the horse-radish ; Raphanus rustic anus; Armoracia; Qaphanus marinut; Raphanus sylvestris; Cochlearia—foliis radicalibus Ian- ceolatis crenatis caulinis incisis, ot Linnxus. The root of this plant has long been received into the materia medica, and is also weU known at our tables. " It affects the organs both of taste and smell with a quick penetrating pungency ; never- theless it contains in certain vessels a sweet juice, which sometimes exudes in Uttle drop* upon the surface. Its pungent matter is of a very volatile kind, being totally dissipated in drying, and car- ried off in evaporation, or distUlation by water ; as the pungency exhales, the sweet matter of the root becomes more sensible, though this also is, in a great measure, dissipated or destroyed. It impregnates both water and spirit, by infusion, or by distillation, very richly with its active matters. In distillation with water, it yields a small quan- tity of essential oil, exceedingly penetrating and pungent." Dr. CuUen has mentioned every thing neces- sary to be known respecting the medicinal virtues of horse-radish, we shall therefore transcribe all that the ingenious professor has written on this subject. "The root of this plant only is em- ployed ; and it affords one of the most acrid sub- stances of this order (Siliculosa,) and therefore proves a powerful stimulant, whether externally or internaUy employed. ExternaUy, it readily inflame* the skin, and proves a rubefacient that may be employed with advantage in palsy and rheumatism ; and if it* appUcation be long con- tinued, it produces bUsters. Taken internaUy, it may be so managed as to relieve hoarseness, by acting on the fauces. Received into the stomach, it stimulates this, and promotes digestion; and therefore is properly employed as a condiment with our animal food. If it be infused in water, and a portion of this infusion be taken with a large draught of warm water, it readily proves emetic, and may either be employed by itself to excite vomiting, or to assist the operation of other emetics. Infused in water, and taken into the stomach, it proves stimulant to the nervous s-ys- 278 tcm, and is thereby useful in palsy, and, if cm ployed in large quantity, it prove* heating to the whole body ; and thereby it proves often useful a chronic rheumatism, whether arising from scurry or other cause*. Bergius has given us a particu- lar method of exhibiting this root, which is, by cutting it down, without bruising, into smaU pieces ; and these, if swallowed without chewing may be taken down in large quantities, to that of a table-spoonful. And the author alleges, that, in this way, taken in the morning for a month together, this root has been extremely useful in arthritic cases ; which, however, I suppose to have been of tbe rheumatic kind. It would seem, in this manner employed, analogous to the use of unbruised mustard-seed ; it gives out in the sto- mach its subtle volatile, parts, that stimulate con- siderably without inflaming. The matter of horse-radish, like the same matter of the other siliquose plants carried into the blood-vessel* passes readily into the kidneys, and proves • powerful diuretic, and is therefore useful in drop- sy ; and we need not say, that, in this manner, by promoting both urine and perspiration, it ha* been long known as one of the most powerfel antiscorbutics." Cochlearia hortensis. Lemon scurry- grass. See Cochlearia officinalis. Cochlearia officinalis. The systematic name of the lemon scurvy-grass. Cochlearia hortensis; Cochlearia—foliit radicalibus cor- dato tubrotundit; caulinis oblongis subtinua- tis, of Linnaeus. This indigenous plant is culti- vated in gardens for its medicinal qualities. Its expressed juice has been long considered as the most effectual of the scorbutic plants. COCHLEATUS. Spiral, Uke the winding of a shell. Applied in botany to leaves, legumi- nous seeds, &c.; as legumen cochleatum, seen in Medicago polymorpha, and the seeds of the Salsola. Cocho'ne. (From Koxato, to turn round.) Galen explains this to be the juncture of the ischium, near the seat or breech; whence, eayi he, aU the adjacent parts about the seat are called by the same name. Hesychius says, thatcecnenr is the part of the spine which is adjacent to the OS sacrum. COCK. The male of the domestic fowl. See Phasianus galius. COCKBURN, William, was born in the latter part of the 17th century. After being some years physician to the navy, he settled in London; and soon distinguished himself to much, that he was admitted into the CoUege, is weU as the Royal Society, and made physician to King WilUam. He published a " Treatise os Sea Diseases," which was often reprinted, aad translated into French and German. He refer- red the scurvy principally to the diet of seamen, and considered fresh provisions as the chief re* medy for it. He wrote also on Alvine Fluxe*, on Gonorrhoea (which he contends may exist in- dependent of syphilis,) and on the human (Econ- omy ; which latter publication was much noticed at the time, but is since superseded by more ac- curate treatises. CO'COS. (So caued from the Portuguese coco, or coquen, the three holes at the end of the cocoa-nut sttell, giving it the resemblance of a monkey's head. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Monacia; Or- der, Hexandria. Cocos butyracea. The systematic name of the plant which affords the palm oil; Coco*— inermis, frondibus pennatis; foliolis simplici- bus, of LhtTiTiis. The oleum palma is produce! CCL COP chiefly by bruiting and dissolving tlie kernel* of the fruit in water, without the aid of heat, by which tbe oil is separated, and rise* to the sur- face and on being washed two or three times, is rtnJered fit for use. When brought into this country, it is of the consi*tence ofan ointment, and ofan orange-yeUow colour, with little taste, and of a «trou*:, though not disagreeable smeU. Its use is confined to external application* in pain*, tumours, and sprain* ; but it appears to posses* very little, if any, advantage over other bland oil*. Coco* nucifera. The systematic name of the plant, the fruit of which is the cocoa-nut. Within the nut is found a kernel, as pleasant as an almond, and also a large quantity of Uquor re- semolina milk, which the Indians greedUy drink before the fruit is ripe, it being then pleasant, but when the nut i» matured, the liquor becomes sour. Some full-grown nuts will contain a pint or more of this milk, the frequent drinking of which seem* to have no bad effect* upon the In- diana ; yet Europeans should be cautious of making too free with it at first, for when Lionel Wafer was at a small island in the South Sea, where the tree grew in plenty, some of his men were so delighted with it, that at parting they were resolved to drink their fill, which they did ; but their appetites had like to have cost them their lives, for though they were not drunk, yet they were so chilled and benumbed, that they could not stand, and were obUgcd to he carried aboard by those who had more prudence than themselves, and it was many days before they recovered. The sheUs of these nuts being hard, and capable of receiving a poUsh, they are often cut transversely, when, being mounted on standi, and having their edges sdvered, or gilt, or other- wise ornamented, they serve the purpose of drinking-cups. The leave* of the tree are used for thatching, for brooms, baskets, and other utensils; and of the reticular web. growing at their base, the Indian women make cauls and apron*. CO'CTION. (CoctiOi from coquo, to boU.) Concoction. 1. The digestion of the food in the stomach. See Digestion. 2. A boiling or.decoction. See Decoction. 3. It wa* formerly used in a medical sense, Mgnilying that alteration, whatever it be, or how- ever occasioned, which is made in the crude mut- ter of a distemper, whereby it is either fitted for a discharge, or rendered harmless to the body. This i* often brought about by nature; that is, by the vis vita?, or tbe disposition or natural ten- dency of the matter itself, or else by proper remedies, which may so alter its bulk, figure, co- hesion, or give it a particular determination, so a* to prevent any farther iU effects, or drive it quite out of the body. And that time of a dis- ease wherein this action is performing, is called it* ►Ute of coction. It i* now fallen into disuse. Cocu'stu. The name forxourbaril. CotM'OA pala. See Nerium antidysenteri- cum. C o oeo e 1.1. a. A name given by the Italians to the carbuncle. See Anthrax. Codolc'le. (From m>iia, a bulb, and KnXti, a tumour.) A bubo. COXA LIS. (From cecum, the blind gnt, through which it runs.) A vein, being a branch from the concave «ide of the vena mesaraica. Cik'i.a. (From kuXos, hollow.) Apphed to deprewion. or hollow part* on the surface of the body, a* the hollow pits above, and sometimes below the eye*: the hollow parts at the bottom of the fret. CCE'LIA. (From koiXos, hoUow.) A cavity in any part of ihe body ; as the belly, the womb, &.C. CGE'LIAC. (Caliacut, belonging to the belly, from KotXia, the belly.) Appertaining to the beUy. Celiac artery. Arteria caliaca. Tbe first branch given off from the aorta in the cavity of the abdomen. It sends branches to the dia- phragm, stomach, Uver, pylorus, duodenum, omentum, and spleen. Celiac passion. (From koiXio, the beUy.) Calica chylota; Calica lactea. There are very great differences among physicians concerning the nature of this disease. Sauvages says it is a chronic flux, in which the aliment is discharged half digested. Dr. Cullen considers it as a species of diarrhoea, and mentions it in his third and fourth species, under the terms mucosa, chylosa, lactea; making the purulenta only symptomatic. See Diarrliaa. It is attended with great pains in the stomach, resembling the pricking of pins ; rum- bling and flatus in the intestines; white stools, because deprived of bUe; while the patient be- comes weak and lean. COSLIAC A. Caliacut; from KoXaia, alvtur, venter.) Dr. Good selects this name for the first class of diseases in his Nosology ; diseases of the digestive function. It contains two orders, En- terica and Splanchnica. Ccelo'ma. (From icoiXoj, hoUow.) An nicer in the tunica cornea of the eye. Coslosto'mia. See Cmlottomia. CCENOLO'GIA. (From koivos, common, and Xoyos, discourse.) A consultation or common consideration of a disease, by two or more physi- cians. Cceno'tes. (From koivos, common.) The physicians of the methodic sect asserted that aU diseases arose from relaxation, stricture, or a mixture of both. These were caUed canotet, viz. what diseases have in common. Cosrd'leus lapis. The sulphate of copper. See Cupri sulphas. CtE'TE. (From Kttpai, to Ue down.) Abed, or couch, for a sick person. COTFEA. (From kqfuah, a mixing together, Hebrew; so called from the pleasant potation which is made from its berry: others assert that the true name is Caffe, from Caffa, a province in South America, where the tree grows sponta- neously in great abundance.) The name of a fenus of plants in the Linncan system. Class, yenlandria; Order, Monogynia. The coffee- tree. Coffea arabica. The plant which affords coffee. Jasminum Arabicum; Choava. Coffee is the seed of the Coffea—floribus quinquefidit, dispermis, of Linnaeus. The coffee-tree is cultivated in Arabia, Persia, the East Indies, the Isle of Bourbon, and several parts of America. Good Turkey coffee is by far the most salutary of aU liquors drunk at meal- time. It possesses nervine and adstringent quali- ties, and may be drunk with advantage at aU times, except when there is bile in the stomach. It is said to be a good antidote against an over- dose of opium, and to reUeve obstinate spasmodic asthmas. For the latter purpose, the coffee ought to be of the best Mocco, newly burnt, and made very strong, immediately after grinding it. Sir John Pringle commonly ordered one ounce for a dose ; which is to be repeated fresh, after the interval of a quarter or half an hour; and which he directed to be taken without milk or sugar. Besides the pccuUar bitter principle, which is CQI COJ. described under the name Caffein, coffee contains eeveral other vegetable products. According to Cadet, 64 parts of raw coffee consist of 8 gum 1 resin, 1 extractive and bitter principle 3.5 galtic acid, 0.14 albumen, 43.5 fibrous insoluble matter, and 6.86 loss. Hermann found in 1920 grains of . Levant Coffee. Mart. Coffee. Resin, 74 68 Extractive, 3S0 310 Gum, 130 144 Fibrous matter, 1335 1386 Loss, 61 12 1920 1920 The nature of the volatile fragrant principle developed in coffee by roasting, has not been as- certained. The Dutch in Surinam improve the flavour of their coffee by suspending bags of it, for two years, in a dry atmosphere. They never use new coffee. _ If coffee be drunk warm within an hour after dinner, it is of singular use to those who have headache, from weakness in the stomach, con- tracted by sedentary habits, close attention, or accidental drunkenness. It is of service when the digestion is weak; and persons afflicted with the sick headache are much benefited by its use, in some instances, though this effect is by no means uniform. Coffee is often imitated by roasting rye with a few almonds. COGAN, William, was born in Somerset- shire, about the middle ofthe 16th century. He studied, and took the degree of bachelor in medi- cine at Oxford; soon after which he was appointed master of the school at Manchester, where he also practised in his profession till his death in 1607. He. published a curious book, abounding in classi- cal quotations, entitled "The Haven of Health," in which he strongly recommends temperance and exercise. There is added an account of the sweating sickness; and of a remarkable disorder, which prevailed at Oxford in July and August 1575, before he left it, by which he states, that in thirty-seven days "there died 510 persons, all men and no women." COHE'SION. (Cohatio; from con, and hareo, to stick together.) Vis cohadonit; Vit adha- donis ; Vis attractionis. That power by which the particles of bodies are held together. See At- traction. Cohoba'tion. (A term invented by Paracel- sus.) Cohobatio; Cohobium; Cohoph. The ancient chemists use this term to signify the dis- tiUation of a fluid poured afresh upon a substance of the same kind as that upon which it was befora distilled, and repeating this operation several times, to make it more efficacious. Co'hol. (Cohol, Hebrew.) Castellus says this word is used in Avicenna, to express dry col- lyria for the eyes, in fine powder. Coi'lima. (From koiXio, the bowels.) A sud- den sweUing of the belly from wind. COILOSTO'MIA. (From koiXos, hollow, and soua, the mouth.) Calottomia. A defect of speaking, from the palate, or through the nose, the voice being so obscured as to sound as if it proceeded from a cavern. COINDICA'NTIA. (From con, and indico, to indicate.) Signs, or symptoms, are caUed coin- dicant, when, besides the usual incidental appear- ances, there occur others, as age, habit, season, &c. Coi/ra. A name for catechu. COITER, Volcher, was born at Groningenin 1534. After studying at the different universities to Italy, he attended as physician to the French 2PP army during one campaign, that he might liaie more opportunity for investigating human anato- my. He then settled at Nurcmburg, where he continued tiU his death in 1576. He made con- siderable improvements in anatomy and surgery. He found that the brain had a motion communi- cated to it by the arteries ; and that in some ani- mals the organ might be removed without destroy- ing life. He first described the corpora lutea in the ovaria; and noticed the order in which the parts of the chick are evolved. He described the frontal sinuses, and the organ of hearing, more accurately than any preceding author. He pointed out two muscles which depress the eye-brows and two which perform the same office to the lips! He observed, that injuries to the brain are more dangerous when the dura mater remains entire • and therefore he boldly divided that membrane! He was also accustomed to pare down fungi arising from the brain. He published good plates of the cartilages, ofthe foetal skeleton, and of those of various animals, &c. CO'ITUS. (From coeo, to go together.) The conjunction of the male and female in the act of procreation. CO'LA. (From (cuXov, a joint.) The joints. Colato'ria lactea. Astruc says they were formerly caUed glands, and are situated in the third and internal tunic of the uterus, and, that they are vesiculo-vascular bodies. COLATO'RIUM. (From co/o, to strain.) A strainer of any kind. COLATU'RA. (From colo, to strain.) A filtered or strained liquor. COLBATCH, John, was born in the latter part of the 17th century. He practised in London, first as a surgeon and apothecary, afterward* as a physician, and had considerable repute. He published several works: the first was " A New Light of Chirurgery," condemning the use of tents, and the injection of acrid substances into wounds; then a treatise, in which most disease! are ascribed to alkalescency, and acids strongly recommended; this in a subsequent publication he applied particularly to the gout; lastly, he highly extolled the misletoe as a remedy for epi- lepsy and other nervous diseases. COLCHESTER. The name of a sea-port oa the coast of Essex, near which is a mineral water, aqua Colcestrensis, which is of the bitter purg- ing kind, similar to that of Epsom, but not so strong. COLCHICUM. (From Colchis, a city of Armenia, where this plant is supposed to nave been common.) 1. The name of a p-enus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Hexandria; Or- der, Trigynia. Meadow-saffron. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the meadow- _ saffron. See Colchicum autumnale. Colchicum autumnale. The sytematic name of the common meadow-saffron. Colchi- cum—folits planis lanceolatis erectis, of Lin- naeus. A native of England. The sensible qualities of the fresh root are very various, ac- cording to the place of growth and season of the year. In autumn it is almost inert, but in the be- ginning of summer highly acrid: hence some nave found it to be a corrosive poison, whilst others have eaten it in considerable quantity, without experiencing any effect. When it i* pos- sessed of acrimony, this is ofthe same nature with that of garlic and some other plants, and is en- tirely destroyed by drying. The German physi- cians have celebrated its virtues as a diuretic, in hydrothorax, and other dropsies; and in France it continues to be a favourite remedy ; but it is, nevertheless, in this country unsuccessful, or at I ol. i:oL bett a very uncertain remedy. The expressed mice is used in Alsace, to destroy vermin in the head* of children. The officinal preparations of colehicrun,are syrupus colcbici autumnali*, Edin. Phann. The oxymel colchici of the former Lon- don Pharmacopoeia i* now omitted, and the ace- tum Colchici ordered in its room; as the honey may easily be added extemporaneously, if it be I hough t requisite. Tbe active ingredient of this plant ha* lately been ascertained to be an alkaU, possessing pecmiar properties. See Veratria. Colchicum illtricum. The plant supposed to afford the root called hcrmodactyl. See Her- modactylut. Colchicum zetlanicum. See Zedoana. COLCOTHAR. Chalritis ; Colcothar vttri- oK. The brown-red oxide of iron, which re- main* after the distUlation of the acid from sul- phate of iron. Colcothar vitrioli. See Colcothar. COLD. 1. A privation of heat. It is nothing pc+itn e, but somewhat of the negative kind. The human body contains within itself, as long as it is living, a pnnciple of warmth : if any other body, being in contact with it, abstracts the heat with unusual rapidity, it is said to be cold ; but if it carries off the heat more slowly than usual, or • ven communicates heat to our body, it is said to be hot. 4. A cold is a popular name also for a catarrh. See Catarrhus. Cold Affusion. See Affudon. COLE, William, studied at Oxford, and took his degree there in 1696. After practising some time at Kristol. he came to London and distin- guished himself by several pubUcations on phy- siology and medicine, which however are too theoretical. The principal are on animal secre- tion, on apoplexy, on the cause of fever, on insen- sible perspiration, &c. He published also a raic of epilepsy, cured, in his opinion by the misletoe. Co'les. (From xavXos, a stalk.) Colis. The penis. COLEWORT. Sec Brassica. CO'LICA. (From kuXov, colon, the name of one of the intestines.) The colic. The appella- tion of colic is commonly given to aU pains m the abdomen, almost indiscriminately ; but, f -em the different cause* and circumstance* of this disor- der, it is differently denominated. When the pain i* accompnnied with a vomiting of bile, or with obstinate costivencss, it is called a bilious colic ; if Hates causes the pain, that is, if attended with temporary distention, reUeved by the discharge of wind, it takes the name of flatulent or windy colic; when accompanied with heat and inflam- mation, it takes the name of inflammatory colic, or enteritii. When thi» disease arises to a violent height, and is attended with obstinate costiveness, •nd an evacuation of faeces by the mouth, it is called pasdo iliaca, or iliac passion. Dr. Cullen places this genus of disease in the rluss nii/ro*e*and orth.r tpasmi; and defines it Bin of the abdomen, particularly round the um- ilicus, attended with vomiting and costiveness. He enumerates seven species. 1. (Ulica spa-nnodica, with retraction of the navel, and spasm ofthe muscles ofthe beUy. 2. Colica pictonum. This is called from the place where it is endemial? the Poictou, the Su- rinam, the Devonshire colic ; from its victims, ihe plumbers' and the painters' colic: from its symptoms, 4he dry belly-ache, the nervous and ►pasmodir coUc. It has been attributed to the pouun of lead, arid this is undoubtedly the cause, when it occur- to 'lazier*, painters, and tliose *raployed in lead works ; but, though thu is one, it is by no means the only cause. In Devc«shire< it certainly more often arises from the early cy- der, made of harsh, unripe fruit, and in the West Indies from new rum. The characteristics of this disease are, obstinate costiveness, with a vomiting ofan acrid or porraceous bile, pains about the re- gion of the navel, shooting from thence to each side with excessive violence, strong convulsive spasms in the intestines, and a tendency to a pai« alysis of the extremities. It is occasioned by a long-continued costiveness • by an accumulation of acrid bile ; by cold applied either to the ex- tremities, or to the belly itself; by a free use of unripe fruits, and by great irregularity in the mode of tiving. From its occurring frequently in Devonshire, and other cyder countries, it has been supposed to arise from an impregnation of lead received into the stomach ; but this seems to be a mistake, as it is a very prevalent disease in the West Indies likewise, where no cyder is made, and where there is only a very small quantity of lead in the mills employed to extract the juice from the sugar-canes. One or other'of the causes just enumerated, may justly be said always to give rise to this species of colic. The disease comes on gradually, with a pain at the pit of the stomach, extending downwards to the intestines, accompanied with eructations, slight sickness at the stomach, thirst, anxiety, ob- stinate costiveness, and a quick contracted pulse. After a short time, the pains increase considera- bly in violence ; the whole region of the beUy is highly painful to the touch ; the muscles of the abdomen are contracted into hard irregular knots or lumps; the intestines themselves exhibit symp- toms of violent spasm, insomuch that a glister can hardly be injected, from the powerful contraction of the sphincter ani; and there is constant rest- lessness, with a frequent vomiting of an acrid or porraceous matter, but more particularly after taking either food or medicine. Upon a farther increase of the symptoms, ot their not being quickly alleviated, the spasms become more frequent, as well as violent; the costiveness proves invincible, and an inflammation of the intestines ensues, which soon destroys the patient by gangrene. In an advanced stage of the disease, it is no uncommon occurrence for dysuria to take place, in a very high degree. The dry belly-ache is always attended with some degree of danger; but which is ever in pro- portion to the violence of the symptoms, and the duration of the disease. Even when it does not prove fatal, it is too apt to terminate in palsy, and to leave behind it contractions of the hands and feet, with an inabiUty in their muscles to perform their office; and in this miserable state of existence, the .patient lingers out many wretched years. Dissections of this disease usually show the same morbid appearances as in common colic, only in a much higher degree ; namely, irregular contractions and distentions of the intestines, often with marks of inflammation. 3. Colica stercorea, which happens from obsti- nate and long-continued costiveness. 4. Colica aeddentalis, called also cholera sic- ca, from acrid undigested matters. 5. Colica mecomalis, in infants, from a reten- tion of meconium. » 6. Colica callosa, with a sensation of a stric- ture in some part of the colon, and frequently of previous flatulence, graduaUy passing off; the habit costive, or faeces liquid, and in small quantity. 7. t 'olica culculosa, from calculi formed in the :8I COL COL intestines, attended with a fixed hardness in some part of the abdomen. It is distinguished by the previous discharge of calcuti. 8. Colica flatulentia, may be added to these species. It is distinguished by a sudden fulness, with pain and constipation, reheved by a discharge of wind from the mouth, or anus. The colic is distinguished from inflammation of the intestines by the pain being toringing-, and not oi a burning kind; by the spasmodic contrac- tion of the abdominal muscles; by the absence or trifling degree of fever ; by the state of the pulse, and by the diminution of pain upon pres- sure, which increases it in enteritis. The flatulent and inflammatory colic are thus distinguished from each other:—In the flatulent coUc, the pain comes on by fits, flies from one part of the bowels to another, and is much abated by a discharge of wind, either upwards or down- wards ; but in the inflammatory colic the pain re- mains equable, and fixed and settled in one spot; the vomitings are severe, and frequently bilious ; the beUy is obstinately bound, and the pulse quick and feverish. The coUc should be distinguished from a fit of the gravel; stones passing through the ureters; rheumatic pains in the muscles of the belly; a beginning dysentery ; the bUnd piles ; and from a stone passing through the gall-duct. Gravel in the kidneys produces often colic pains, not easily distinguishable; but when stones pass through the ureters, the testicle on that side is often re- tracted, the leg is benumbed, a pain shoot* down the inside of the thigh ; symptoms occasioned by the stone passing through the ureter over the spermatic chord, or the sacro-sciatic nerve. Rheumatic pains in the muscles of the belly rarely affect so accurately the umbiUcal region, but dart in various directions, to the chest, or to the pelvis, and are attended with soreness, not confined to the abdomen. A beginning dysentery differs Uttle from coUc. The pain from the bliud piles is confined to the rectum : and that from a btone in the gaU-duct, is felt in the pit of the sto- mach, occasionaUy shooting tiirougn the body to the back. The treatment of this disease must vary ac- cording to its form: but the leading indications are, 1. To obviate inflammation. 2. To relax the spasm, and reUeve the pain attending. 3. To remove local irritation, espeeiaUy by evacua- ting the alvine contents. 4. By various prophy- lactic measures to guard against a relapse. 1. The chief danger arising from inflammation supervening, it may be prudent to anticipate this, where the habit and strength will allow, by taking away an adequate quantity of blood from the arm, or more generally by leeches to the abdo- men, but especially where any sign of inflamma- tion appears, this plan becomes necessary, fol- lowed by a hot bath, or fomentations, a blister to the abdomen, &c. as detailed under enteritis. 2. The means already noticed may serve to relax spasm also, though not requisite in slight cases, besides the various antispasmodic remedies, as aether, assafectida, &c, likewise aromatics, or spirituous Uquors, wiU often by their stimulus on the stomach afford reUef in flatulent colic, though their use is sometimes hurtful; but by far the most powerful remedy is opium inadequate quan- tity, which is best regulated in severe attacks, by giving divided doses at short intervals till ease is obtained. ... 3. Local irritation may sometimes be reheved by chemical remedies, as antacids, particularly magnesia, &c.; but for the most part the evacua- 292 tion of the intestines should be attempted, when the pain is relieved. To prepare for this, calomel may be given in conjunction with the opium, and when the patient has been some time at ease, this may be followed up by castor oil, sulphate of magnesia, or other mild laxative, repeated till the desired effect be produced; or where these do not presently operate, some more active cathartics, as the compound extract of colocynth, jalap, &c. should be tried. If the stomach be irritable, the effervescing saline draught may enable it to retain them; and clysters will often assist the articles taken by the mouth, particularly where there are indurated faeces. In very obstinate cases, an in- jection of tobacco smoke has often succeeded ia procuring evacuations: also putting the fett for some time into cold water, or pouring this on the abdomen and lower extremities. Sometimes it has been necessary to remove fcecal accumulations mechanically per anum. 4. The great liability of this complaint to re- turn renders it necessary for some time after care- fully to regulate the diet, to attend to the state of the bowels, as well as of the liver, to avoid the several causes, especially cold, maintaining the functions of the skin by suitable clothing, exer- cise, &c. In the coUca pictonum, stimulant ape- rients, as the pcruvian balsam, mustard, sc. steadily persisted in, wiU mostly effect a complete cure ; and mercury has been by some highly ex- tolled ; by others astringents, espeeiaUy alum, though certainly somewhat objectionable, as lia- ble to confine the bowels. Colica accidentalis. CoUc from crudities in the bowels. Colica arteria sinistra. The lower me- senteric artery. Colica arteria superior. The upper me- senteric artery. Colica biliosa. Colic from excess of bile. Colica calculosa. CoUc from stony mat- ters in the intestines. Colica callosa. CoUc from hardened and obstinate strictures. Colica Damnoniorum. CoUc peculiar to Devonshire. See Colica. Colica febricosa. CoUc with fever. Colica flatulenta* Colic from wind. Colica gravidarum. Colic in pregnant women. * Colica hysterica. Hysteric colic. . Colica lactantium. Colic peculiar to nurses. Colica Lapsonica. Colic pecutiar to Lap- landers. Colica meconialis. Colic from meconium in infants. Colica mesenterica. Colic from diseased mesentery. Colica nervosa. The nervous colic. Colica pancreatica. CoUc from diseased pancreas. Colica phlogistica. CoUc with inflam- mation. Colica pictonum. See Colica. Colica pituitosa. The spasmodic colic. Colica plethorica. The inflammatory colic. Colica plumbariorum. The coUc of lead- workers. Colica pulsatilis. The inflammatory colic. Colica saturnina. The Devonshire colic. See Colica. Colica scirrhosa. The colic from scirrhoii' tumour-. COL Colica sfasmodica. The spasmodic coUc. Colica stercorea. Colic from retained faecc*. , , - . Colica vena. A branch of the upper mesen- teric vein. Colica vena recta. The vein of tbe colon. Colica vf.rminosa. The colic from worms. COLIC E. The colic. COLIFO'RMIS. (From cola, a strainer, and forma, a likeness; so called from its having many perforations, like a strainer.) Coliforme ot. A name formerly given to the ethmoid-bone. Coli'phium. (From kuXov, a limb, and tft, strongly.) A kind of bread given to wrestlers. It was made of flour and bran together, and was thought to make men athletic. Co'lis. See Colet. COLLA'PSUS. (From collabor, to shrink down.) A wasting or shrinking of the body, or strength. Collate'nna. A specific vulnerary. Collatf.ra'les. So Spigelius calls the erec- tore* penis, from their collateial order of fibres. Colle'tica. (From koXXo, glue.) Congluti- nating medicines. Colm'cia.' (From colligo, to collect.) The union of the ducts, which convey the humours of the eyes from the puncta lachrymalia to the cavity of the nose. COLLI'CULUM. (Diminutive of collit, a hiU.) 1. A small eminence. 2. The nympha, or prominency, without the vagina of women. COLLIGA'MEN. (From coi/ig-o, to tie to- gether.) A ligament. COLLINS, Sami'el, was born in the early part of the 17th century. After studying at Cambridge and Oxford, he went to the Russian court as physician, and continued there nine years. On bis return, he was made Fellow ofthe College of Physicians in London. He afterwards published a history of the Court of Russia, and id 1685 a system of anatomy, treating of the body of man, animals, and plants, with numerous plates. The comparative anatomy, to which Dr. Tyson greatly contributed, was much admired, \ though now superseded by other publications. COLCKMJAME'NTUM. (From colliqueo, to melt.) A term fir»t made use of by Dr. Har- vey, in his application of it to the first rudinn nts of an embryo, in generation. COLLIQUATIVE. (Colliquativus, from ■ colliqueo, to melt.) Any excessive evacuation is *o called which melts down, as it were, the strength of the body : hence colliquative perspi- ration, colliquative diarrhoea, &c. COLLI SIO. (From collido, to beat together.) A contusion. Co'llix. (From koXov, food.) A. troch, or lozenge. COLLOBO !WA. (From toXXaio, to glue to- gether.) Colobroma. 1. The growing together ol the eye-lids. 2. The want of any member of the body. COLLODES. (From roXXa, glue.) Gluti- nous. CO'LLUM. (From kuXov, a member, as being one of the rhief; or diminutive of columna, as being the pillar and support of the head.) The neck. See Xrrk. ' COLLUTION. Collutio. The washing of the mouth, or any other part. COLLPTO'RfUM (From colluo, to wash.) A gargarism or wat.li for the mouth. Col.l.r VM.S. (From colluo, to elcanse.) rillh, Excrement. The di-rharge from an old ulrrr. COL CO'LLYRIS. (KoXXvpis- A little round cake , so called from its likeness to a cake.) A bump, or knob, which rises after a blow. COLLY'RIUM. (From kuXvu, to check, and (iovs, a defluxion ; because it stops the defluxion.) A medicine was formerly so caUed which was applied to check any discharge. The term is now only given to fluid applications for the eyes, or eye-waters. Coloboma. See Colloboma. Colobo'mata. In Celsus this word is ex- pressed by curta. Both the words signify a deficiency in some part of the body, particularly the ears, lips, or ake of the nostrils. Coloca'sia. (From koXov, food, and ko£u>, to adorn ; so called from its use as a food, and the custom of wearing its flowers in wreaths.) The faba jEgyptia. See Nymphaa nelumbo. C O LOC YOTHIS. (From KytXov, the colon, and kivcio, to move ; because of its great purging powers.) Coloquinteda. See Cucumis cole- CXiTtthtS COLO'MBO. See Calumba. CO'LON. (Colon, i. neut.; KioXav, quasi koiXov ; from koiXos, hollow : so caUed from its capacity, or from its generally being found empty, and full of wind in dissection.) The greater portion of the large intestine is so called, it pro- ceeds towards the liver, by the name of the ascending portion of the colon; and having reached the liver, forms a transverse arch across to the other side The colon then descends, forming what is termed its sigmoid flexure, into the pelvis, where the gut is called rectum. See Intestine. COLOPHOTVIA. (KoXo, toUe down.) In pathology, a propensity to sleep. This word anciently meant any total suppression of the powers of sense; but now it means a lethargic drowsiness. In botany, 1. A fasciculus of leaves on the top of a stem or stipe. It is said to be, a. Foliose, when formed of leaves ; as in Bro- melia ananas. b. JVonfiose,,when proceeding from the frond at the apex of the stipe ; as in Palms. c. Bracteal, formed of floral leaves ; as in La- vendula stachas. 2. Gcertner applies this term to the feathery crown of seeds furnished with a capsule. Coma somnolentum. Is when the patient continues in a profound sleep ; and, when awa- kened, immediately relapses, without being able to keep open his eyes. Coma vigil. A disease where the patients are continuaUy incUned to sleep, but cannot. CCMATA, (Comata, the plural of coma.) An order of the class Neuroses of CuUen'* No- sology, embracing diseases that are characterised by a diminution of the powers of voluntary mo- tion, with sleep, or the senses impaired. COMATOSE. Having a strong propensity to sleep. COMBINATION. The intimate union ofthe particles of different substances by chemical at- traction, so as to form a compound possessed pi new and peculiar properties. COM COM COMBUSTIBLE. Hi»ving tfac ProPerty ol uurnin*;. <<• Combustion. COMBL'STIO. (From comburo, to burn.) A burn, or »cald. Sec Bum. COMBUSTION. (Combuttio; from combu- ro to burn.) Burning. Among the various ope- ration* of chemistry, none acts a more conspicu- ou* part than combiurtion ; and in proportion to iu utitity in the science, the necessity of tho- roughly investigating it* nature and mode of ac- tion, become* more obviou* to the philosophical chemist, Lavoitier't Theory of Combuttion. Lavoisier's theory of combustion is founded upon the absorption of oxygen by a combustible body. Taking this for granted, it follows that combus- tion is only the play of affinity between oxygen, the matter of beat, and a combustible body. When an incombustible body (a brick for in- stance) is heated, it undergoes no change, except an augmentation of bulk and temperature ; and when left to itself, it soon regains its former state. But when a combustible boav is heated to a cer- tain degree, in the open air, it becomes on a sud- den intensely hot, and at last emits a copious stream of caloric and light to the surrounding bo- dies. During this emission, the burning body gradually wastes away. It either disappears en- tirely, or its physical properties become totally altered. The principal change it suffers; is that of being no longer capable of combustion. If either of these phenomena, namely, the emission of heat and tight, and the waste of substance, be wanting, wc do not say that a body is undergoing combustion, or that it is burning. It follows, there- fore, that every theory of combustion ought to explain the following facts : 1. Why a burning body is consumed, and its individuality destroyed. 2. Why, during the progress of this alteration, heat and light are emitted. For the elucidation of these objects, Lavoisier's theory has laid down the following laws : I. Combustion cannot take place without the presence of oxygen, and is more rapid in propor- tion to the quantity of this agent, in contact with tbe inflamed body. 2. In every act of combustion, the oxygen pre- sent i* consumed. 3! The weight of the products of every body ufter combustion, corresponds with the weight of the body before combustion, plus that of the oxy- gen consumed. 4. The oxygen absorbed by the combustible body may be recovered from the compound form- ed, and the weight regained wiU be equal to the weight which disappeared during the combustion. 6. In every instance of combustion, Ught and heat, or fire, are liberated. 6. In a limited quantity of air, only a certain quantity of the combustible body can be burnt. 7. The air, wherein a body has been burnt, is rendered unfit for continuing combustion, or sup- porting animal life. Thourh every case of combustion requires that light anil heat should be evolved, yet this process proceeds very differently in different circum- stancco; hence the terms ignition, or glowing heat; inflammation, or accension ; and detona- tion, or explosion. Ignition take* place when the combustible body is not iu an aeriform state. Charcoal, pyrophoroun, \.c. furnish instances i'I this kind. It kt-cnii ak if the phenomenon of glowing was peculiar to thosi Indies which require a consi- derable quantity of caloric, to become converted into the gaseous state. The disengagement of caloric and Ught is ren- dered more evident to the senses in the act of Inflammation, or accension. Here the com- bustible substances are more easdy converted into an elastic or aeriform state. Flame, therefore, consists of the inflammable matter in the act of combustion in the gaseous state. When afl cir- cumstances are favourable to the complete com- bustion of the products, the flame is perfect; if this is not the case, part of the combustible body, capable of being converted into the gaseous state, passes through the luminous flame unburnt, and exhibits the appearar-ce of smoke. Soot, there-. fore, always indicates an imperfect combustion* Hence a common lamp smokes, an Argand's lamp yields no smoke. This degree of combustion is very accurately exemplified in the Flume of candles.—Wnen a candle is first tight- ed, which must be done by the appUcation of ac- tual flame, a degree of heat is given to the wick, sufficient to destroy the affinity of its constituent parts ; part of the taUow is instantly melted, vo- latilised, and burnt. As this is destroyed by com- bustion, another portion melts, rises, and suppUes its place, and undergoes a like change. In this way combustion is maintained. The taUow is U- quified as it comes into the vicinity of the flame, and is, by the capillary attraction of the wick, drawn up to supply the place of what is burnt; the unmelted tallow, by this means, forms a kind of cup. The congeries of capillary tubes which form the wick is black, because the charcoal of the cotton becomes predominant, the circumambient air is defended by the flame from oxidising it; it therefore remains, for a considerable time, in its natural state; but when the wick, by the continual consumption of tallow, becomes too long to sup- port itself in a perpendicular position, its upper extremity projects nearly out of the cone of the flame, and there forms a support for an accumula- tion of soot, which is produced by the imperfect combustion. A candle, in this situation, affords scarcely one-tenth of the light it can otherwise give, and tallow candles, on this account, require continual snuffing. But if the candle be made of wax, the wick does not long occupy its place in the middle of the flame ; its thinness makes it bend on one side, when its length is too great for its verticle posi- tion ; its extremity comes then into contact with the air, and is completely burnt, or decomposed, except so much of it as is defended by the con- tinual afflux of the melted wax. This small wick, therefore, performs the office of snuffing itself. The difficult fusibility of wax enables us to use a thinner wick for it than can be used for taUow, which is more fusible. But wax being a substance which contains much more oxygen than taUow, or oU, the Ught it affords is not so luminous. Detonation is an instantaneous combustion, ac- companied with a loud report; it takes place ia general when the compounds resulting from the union of two or more bodies, occupy much more or less space than the substances did before their union ; a great impulse is therefore given to the surrounding air, or else a vacuum is formed, and the air rushing in from aU sides to fiU it up is the cause of the report. A mixture of oxygen and hydrogen gases de- tonates very loud. Gunpowder, fulminating gold, silver and mercury ; oxygenated muriate of po- tassa; and various other explosive compounds, arc capable of producing very loud detonation*. COM COM With respect to the disengagement of light and caloric. By the older chemists, it was universally sup- posed that the light and heat emitted during com- bustion, proceeded from the inflammable body ; and this opinion would indeed appear unquestion- able, while the composition of the atmosphere was imperfectly known. The burning'body ap- peared luminous and felt hot, and no other agent was supposed to be concerned ; the conclusion that the Ught and heat were evolved from the burning substance, was, therefore, unavoidable. But when the nature of the atmosphere was ascertained, and when it became evident that part of the air was absorbed during combustion, the former conclu- sion fell to the ground ; for when two bodies ex- ert a mutual action on each other, it becomes « priori equaUy probable that the products may be derived from either of them ; consequently, the light and heat evolved might proceed either from the one or the other. Whether they proceed from the atmosphere, or from the combustible body, they must be separat d at the part where the com- bination takes place"; that is, iipon the surface of the burning body itself;. and consequently it ap- peared luminous and heated, while the air being invisible escaped observation. When the laws of heat became known, at least when it was ascertained that bodies contain at the same temperature, and in equal quantities, either of mass or bulk, unequal quantities of heat, the conclusion became probable, that the caloric evolved in combustion* proceeded rather from the oxygen gas of the atmosphere, than from the com- bustible body ; since the former contains a much larger quantity than the latter. The caloric evolv- ed was therefore supposed to be derived from the condensation of the oxygen gas in the new com- bination int6 which it entered. Though approaching to the truth, this explana- tion is not strictly true. It is not merely from the oxygen gas being condensed that the caloric is evolved, because, in many cases of combustion, the product stiU exists in the gaseous state, and in others, the quantity of caloric evolved bears no proportion to the degree of condensation. Phi- losophers ascribed this to a change of capacity ; for, in different bodies, the difference in the pro- portion of the capacities before and after combus- tion, is by no means uniform ; and hence the differ- ence in the quantities of caloric extricated in va- rious cases of combustion. This being premised, it remains to explain the origin of the light emitted during combustion; for although we take it for granted that the caloric is evolved from the oxygen gas, we cannot infer that the light has the same origin. It is very"probable that light is a constituent part of inflammable bodies ; for it is frequently evolved in combinations when the oxygen is mere- ly transferred from one inflammable substance to another. In those cases it must proceed from the inflammable body. The accension of oils by the affusion of acids, the combustion of metals in the same way, furnish instances of the kind. It seems, therefore, probable that the light is derived from the inflammable substance ; and that the oxygen, combining with the bases of these substances, disengages the light. It may be concluded then, that light enters mto the composition of aU combustible bodies ; but as we are unable to separate the light; so as to ob- tain these bodies pure, we treat of them as simple bodies. According to this theory, the comWistion ot phosphorous in oxygen gas, is therefore, the effect of a double affinity. The basis of the oxygen gas unites with the phosphorus, to form phospho. ric acid; and the Ught disengaged from the phos- phorus, together with the heat of the oxygen gas, produces the vivid flame. ■ The quantity of light emitted by different bodies is supposed to depend on the quantity contained in them, and on the proportion in which it is united to caloric. Such is the theory of combustion of Lavoisier, modified by Gren, Leonardi, and Richter. Thomson's Theory of Combustion. Though the preceding theory of combustion is simple and beautiful, it appears, from what we are now going to state, to be by no means com- pletely satisfactory. It has misled chemists, by confining the terra combustion to the act of oxygenation, and consi- dering that aU bodies, during their combustion, combine with oxygen, without at the same time recollecting that this latter effect may take place without any of the phenomena usually attendant on combustion ; and that, though certainly all combustion presupposes the combination of oxy- gen with a base, yet this combination maybe, and repeatedly is, effected where no combustion can possibly take place. Nothing can be more evident than the difference which, in numberless instances, prevails between the act of oxygena- tion in bodies and that of combustion, inasmuch as neither the phenomena attending on, nor the re- sults arising from them, are the same. That a distinction therefore should be made between these processes is obvious; and it is on, this ac- count that Dr. Thomson has offered a theory, which considers this subject in a new point of view, and which bids fair to enable us to estimate the phenomena of combustion much better than has hitherto been done. According to Dr. Thomson's theory, all the bodies concerned in combustion are either. 1. Combustibles.—2. Supporters of combustion.— 3. Incombustibles. I. Combustible bodies are those substance* which are said, in common language, to burn. During the combustion, they appear to emit light and heat, and, at the same time, gradually waste away. When this change has reached its maxi- mum, the process of combustion is at an end. The class of combustibles is very numerous; but aU the bodies belonging to it may be subdi- vided into three sets, namely : 1. Simple combustibles. 2. Compound com- bustibles. 3. Combustible oxides, &c. Simple Combustibles. I. Sulphur. 4. Hydrogen gas. 2. Phosphorus. 5. All the metals. 3. Diamond, or 6. Boron. Carbon. Compound Combustibles. The compound, combustibles consist of com- pounds, formed by the simple combustibles unit- ing together, and are of course much more nu- merous than the simple combustibles. They may be arranged under the five following heads: 1. Sulphurets. 3. Carburets. 2. Phosphurets. 4. Alloys. 5. Sulphuretted, phosphuretted, and carburet- ted hydm-jjen. | The combustible oxides are either simple, hav- ing a single base, or compound, having more than one base. All the simple combustible ox- ides are by combustion converted into acids. The compound combustible oxides are by far the most numerous. II. The supporters op combustion are bo- dies which are not of themselves, strictly speak- ing, capable of undergoing combustion, but COM COM which are abjoUrtely necessary for the process; lor no combustible body can burn unlese some one or other of them be present. Whenever they are excluded, combustion ceases. AU the sup- porters of combustion known at present are oxy- gen, chlorine, iodine, and the compound* which tbe»e form with each other, and with azote. There are indeed certain substances besides these, which possess nearly the same properties ; these »hall be afterwards enumerated under the title of partial tupportirt. III. The incombustible bodies are neither capable oi undergoing combustion themselves, nor of supporting the combustion of those bodies that arc ; they are therefore not immediately < on- nected with combustion; though most of them appear to be the remits of that process. Azot, tne alkalies, earths, &c. come under this di- vision. Some of the alkalies and earths possess certain properties in common with combustibles, and are capable of exhibiting phenomena somewhat ana- logous to combustion which will be described afterwards under the title of temi-combuxtion In every case of combustion, there must there- fore be present a combustible body, and a tup- porter of combustion. During combustion, the combustible always unites with the supporter. It it this combination which otxationt the apparent watte and alteration of the combuttible. The new compound thus formed is a produd of com- bustion. Every product of combustion is either, 1. an add, or 2. an oride, &c It is true, in- deed, that other bodies sometimes make their appearance during combustion, but these will be found, upon examination, not to be products, nor to ba\ e undt rgoue combustion. Thus one ol the two characteristic marks which distinguish combustion, namely, the ap- parent watte and alteration of the combustible body, has been fully explained. For the expla- nation of it we are indebted to Lavoisier, as suited before. But though the combination of the combustible with oxygen, or other supporter, be a constant part of combustion, yet the facUity with which combustibles burn is not proportional to their ap- parent affinity for oxygen. Pboaphorus, for instance, burns more readUy than charcoal; yet charcoal is capable of ab- stracting oxygen from phosphorus, and of course has a grtater affinity for it. Some of the com- bustible oxides take fire more readily than some of the simple combustible* ; alkohol, aither, and otis, are exceedingly combustible, whereas all tlie metal* require very high temperatures when (he supporter is air. Thik greater combustibility of combustible ox- ide* i* probably owing to the weaker affinity by which their particles are united. Hence they aie more easily separated than homogeneous parti- cles, and of course combine more readily with oxygen ; those simple combustibles which melt eatily, or which are in the state of lastic fluids, ore alio very combustible, because the cohesion between their parth lis is easily overcome. It is owinu; to the same inferiority in the cohe- sion of heterogeneous particles, thai some ,.f the compound supporters occasion combustion in cir- curaituiifci when the combustibles would not be acted on by simple supporter*. Thus phosphorus burn* in air at the common temperature ; but it does not burn in oxygen gas, unless it* temperature be raised. Thus also oils burn rapidly when mixed with nitric acid. Ni- irou* ga* and nitrous oxide constitute exceptions to this rule. None of the products of combustion are com - bustible, according to the definition of combus- tion here given. This want of combustibility is not owing to their being saturated with oxygen- for several of them are capable of combining with an additional dose of it. But, during this com- bination, no caloric or tight is ever emitted ; and the compound formed differs essentiaUy from a product of combustion; for by this additional dose of oxygen, the product is converted into a supporter. Hence we tee that combustion ought not to be confounded with the combination of a body with oxygen, as was done formerly. Combustion, indeed, cannot take place with- out the combination of oxygen or other support- er ; but oxygen may combine with bodies in dif- ferent proportions without the phenomena of combustion , and the product obtained by com- bustion is capable of becoming converted into a mpporter of combuttion ; for instance, if lead be melted, and kept so for some time, it becomes covered with a grey pellicle, or oxide of lead, a product cons sting of oxygen and lead; but if this oxide is suffered to be heated longer, it ab- sorbs an addii ional quantity of oxygen, and be- comes converted into a yellow powder, called yellow oxide of lead. If this yeUow oxide be again exposed to heat, it absorbs stiU more oxy- ?;en, and becomes converted into red oxide of tad. When the supporters thus formed by the combination of oxygen with products, are made to support combustion, they do not lose all their oxygen, but only the additional dose which con- stituted them supporters. Of course they are again reduced to their original state of products of combustion. Hence it follows, that they owe their properties as supporters, not to the whole of the oxygen which they contain, but to the ad- ditional dose wliich constituted them supporters. We may therefore caU them partial supporters; indicating by the term, that part only of their oxygen is capable of supporting combustion, and not the whole. All the partial supporters with which we arc acquainted, contain a metallic basis; for metallic oxides are the only products at present known, capable of combining with an additional dose of oxygen. It is a circumstance highly deserving attention, that when metals are capable of com- bining with several doses of oxygen, the product, or oxide formed by combustion is seldom or never that which contains a mcuimum of oxygen. Thus it is evident that several of the products of combustion are capable of combining with oxy- gen. 77ie incombustibility qf products, there- fore, is not owing to their want of affinity for oxygen, but to «uinc other cause. No product of combustion is capable of sup- porting combustion. This is not occasioned by any want of affinity to combustible bodies; for several of them are capable of combining with aii additional dose of their basis. But by this combination, they lose their properties as pro- ducts, and are converted into combustibles. The process, therefore, differs essentially from com- bustion. Thus phosphoric acid, a product of com- bustion, is capable of combining with an additional dose of phosphorus, and forming phosphorous acid, a combustible body. When this last acid L> heated in contact with a supporter, it undergoes combustion ; but it is only the additional dose of the combustible, which burns, and the whole is converted into phosphoric acid. Hence we see that it is not the whole basis of these compounds which is combustible, but merely the additional dose. The compounds, therefore formed by the union of a product aud combustible, may b> COM COM termed partial combustibles; indicating by the name, that a part only of the base is capable of undergoing combustion. Since the products of combustion are capable of combining with oxy- gen, but never exhibit the phenomena of combus- tion, except when they are in the state of partial combustibles, combustible bodies must contain a substance which they lose in burning, and to which they owe their combustibiUty ; for, after they have lost it, they unite to oxygen without ex- hibiting the phenomena of combustion. Though the products of combustion are not ca- pable of supporting combustion, they not unfre- quently part with their oxygen just as supporters do, give it out to combustibles, and convert them into products ; but during this process, no heat nor light is ever evolved. Water, for instance, gives out its oxygen to iron, and converts it into the black oxide, a product. Thus we see that the oxygen of products is capable of converting combustibles into products, just as the oxygen of supporters; but during the combination of the last only, are heat and light emitted. The oxygen of supporters then contains something which the oxygen of products wants. Whenever the whole of the oxygen is abstracted from products, the combustibility of their base is restored as completely as before combustion ; but no substance is capable of abstracting the whole of the oxygen, except a combustible, or a jiartial combustible. Water, for instance, is a product of combustion, whose base is hydrogen. To re- store the combustibiUty of the hydrogen, we have only to mix water with iron or zinc filings, and an acid ; the metal is oxidized, and the hydrogen gas is evolved as combustible a3 ever. But no sub- stance, except a combustible, is capable of sepa- rating hydrogen gas from water, by combining with its oxygen. Thus we see that combustibles are capable of restoring the combustibility of the bases of products ; but they themselves lose their combustibiUty by the process, and are converted into products. Combustibility, therefore, may be thrown at pleasure from one body to another. From these facts it is obvious, that the pro- ducts of combustion may be formed without com- bustion ; but in these cases a new combustible is always evolved. The process is merely an inter- change of combustibility; for the combustible is converted into a product only by means of a pro- duct. Both the oxygen and the base of the pro- duct having undergone combustion, have lost something which is essential to combustion. The process is merely a double decomposition. The product yields its oxygen to the combustible, while at the same time the combustible gives out some- thing to the base of the product; the combusti- biUty of that base then is restored by the loss of its oxygen, and by the restoration of something which it receives from the other combustible thus converted into a product. There is indeed another method of forming the products of combustion without actual combustion in certain cases; but the phenomena are much more compUcated. This method is to expose them to the action of some of the supporters dis- solved in water ; especially nitric acid. Thus most of the metallic oxides may be formed with- out combustion by the action of that acid on the metals. But, in that case, a new supporter is always evolved, namely, nitrous gas ; ammonia, a new combustible, is also usually formed ; and, not unfrequently, the product is converted into a partial supporter. No supporter can be produced by combustion, or by any equivalent process. As several of the supporters consist of oxygen combined with a 288 • base, it foUows as a consequence that oxygen may combine with a base without losing that ingre- dient, which occasions combustion. The act ot combination of oxygen with a base, therefore, is by no means the same with combustion. If we take a view of the different supporter*, we shall find that all of them which can be obtained artifi. cially are procured either from other supporters or by the agency of electricity. I. Oxtgen gas maybe procured from nitric acid, and from several of the partial supporters as the black oxide of manganese, the red oxides o'f lead and of mercury. The action of heat is always necessary ; but the process is very different from combustion. II. Air, as far as is known at present, cannot be formed artificiaUy. The gas, indeed, which comes over during part of the usual distiUation of nitrate of potassa and sulphuric acid, to obtain nitric acid, resembles air very closely. But it is obtained from a supporter. HI. Nitrous oxide has hitherto been only procured from nitrous gas and nitric acid, (in ni- trate of ammonia,) born of which are supporters, IV. Nitrous gas can only be procured by the decomposition of nitric acid, a supporter. V. Oxymuriatic acid, or Chlorine, can be formed by the action of muriatic acid on the black oxide of manganese, the red oxides of lead, iron, or mercury ; all of which are partial supporters. VI. Nitric acid is formed spontaneonsly upon the surface of the earth, by processes with which we are but imperfectly acquainted; but which certainly have no resemblance to combus- tion. Its oxygen is probably furnished by the air, which is a supporter; at least, it has been observed, that nitrogen and oxygen, at high tem- peratures, are capable of forming nitric acid. This formation of nitric acid by means of elec- tricity, has been considered as a combustion, bnt for what reason it is not easy to say: the substance acted upon is not a combustible with a supporter, but a supporter alone. Electricity is so far from being equivalent to combustion, that it sometime!* acts in a manner diametrically opposite ; unburn- ing, if we may use the expression, a substance which has already undergone combustion, and converting a product into a combustible and a supporter. Thus it decomposes water, and con- verts it into oxygen and hydrogen gas; therefore it must be capable of supplying the substances which the oxygen and combustible lose when they combine by combustion, and form a product. Several of the supporters and partial supporters are capable of combining with combustibles, without undergoing decomposition, or exhibiting the phenomena of combustion. In this manner, the yellow oxide of gold combines with ammo- nia ; the red oxide of mercury with oxalic acid ; and oxymuriatic acid with ammonia. Thus also nitrate of potassa may be combined, or at least intimately mixed with several combustible bodies, as in gun-powder, fulminating powder, &c. In all these compounds, the oxyg"n o» the supporter and the combustible retain the inured'■ nt* which render them susceptible of combustion; hence the compound is still combustible. And-in An- sequence of the intimate combination of the com- ponent parts, the least alteration is apt to destroy the equilibrium which subsists between them ; tbe consequence is, combustion and the formation of a new compound. Hence these compounds burn with amazing facility, not only when heated, but when triturated, or struck smartly with a ham- mer. They have therefore received the name ot detonating or fulminating bodies. Thus we have COM COM f ulminatinggold, fulminating mercury, fulminating '"sucb'are the properties ofthe combustibles, the supporter*, and the product*; and such the phenomena which they exhibit when made to act upon each other. If we compare together the supporters and the products, wc shall find that they resemble each other in many respects. Both of them contain oxygen, or other supporter, as an essential con- stituent part; both are capable of converting com- bustibles into product*; and several of both com- bine with combustible* and with additional doses of oxygen. But they differ from each other in their effect* on combustibles. The former only produce combustion; wherea* the products con- vert combustibles into products without combus- tion. Now, as the ultimate change produced upon combustibles by both these sets of bodies is the same, and as the substance which combines with the combustibles is in both cases the same, oxygen, for instance, we must conclude that this oxygen in the supporters contains something which the oxygen ol the products wants, some- Ihing which separates during the passage of the oxygen from the product to the combustible, and occasions the combustion, or emission of fire, which accompanies this passage. The oxygen of supporters then contains some ingredient which the oxygen of products wants. Many circum- stances concur to render it probable that this in- gredient is caloric. The combustibles and the products also resem- ble each other. Both of them contain the same or a similar base; both frequently combine with combustibles, and Ukewise with oxygen; but they differ essentially in the phenomena which accompany their combination with oxygen. In the one case, fire is emitted; in the other, not. If we recollect that no substance but a combusti- ble is capable of restoring combustibiUty to the base of a product, and that at its doing so it always loses it* own combustibility; and if we recollect farther, that the base of a product does not exhi- bit the phenomena of combustion even when it combines with oxygen, we cannot avoid conclu- ding, that all combustible* contain an ingredient which they lose when converted into products, and that this loss contributes to the fire which make* it* appearance during the conversion. Many circumstances contribute to render it pro- bable that this ingredient is light. If we suppose that the oxygen of supporters contains caloric as an essential ingredient, and that light i* a component part of all combustibles, the phenomena of combustion above enumerated, numerous and intricate as they are, admit of an easy and obvious explanation. The component parts of the oxygen of supporters are two; namely, 1. a base, 2. caloric. The component parts of combustibles are likewise two ; namely, 1. a base, 2. Ught. During combustion, the base of the oxygen combines with the base of the combustible, and forms the product ; while, at the s*me time, the caloric of the oxygen com- bines with the Ught of the combustible, and the compound flies oft in the form of fire. Thus com- bu*#on is a double decomposition ; the oxygen and combustible divide themselves each into two portions, which combine in pairs ; tlie one com- pound is the product, and the other the ./ire, which escapes. Hence the r. ason that the oxygen of products i< unfit for comburtion. It wants its caloric. Hence the reason that combustion does not take place wh.n o*yr'eu combine* with products, or with tbe b.i-e of supporter*. These bodies cou- :iT tain no Ught. The caloric of the oxygen oi course is not separated, and no fire appears. And this oxygen still retaining its caloric, is capable of producing combustion whenever a body is pre- sented which contains Ught, and whose base has an affinity for oxygen. Hence also the reason why a combustible alone can restore combusti- bility to the base of a product. In all such cases, a double decomposition takes place. The oxygen of the product combines with the base of the com* bustible, whtie the light of the combustible com- bines with the base of the product. But the appUcation of this theory to all the different phenomena described above, is so ob- vious, that it is needless to give any more exam- ples. Let us rather inquire, with the author, into the evidences which can be brought forward in its support. As caloric and light are always emitted during combustion, it follows that they must have pre- viously existed in the combustible, the supporter, or in both. That the oxygen of the supporters contains either one or both of these substances, follows incontrovertibly from a fact already mentioned, namely, that the oxygen of products will not support combustion, while that of supporters will. Hence the oxygen of supporters must Con- tain something which the oxygen of the products wants, and this something must be caloric, or Ught, or both. That the oxygen of some of the supporters at least contains caloric, as an ingredient, has been proved, in a satisfactory manner, by the experi- ments of Crawford, Lavoisier, and La Place. Thus the temperature of hot-blooded animals is maintained by the decomposition of air. Now if the oxygen of one supporter contains caloric, the same ingredient must exist in the oxygen of every supporter, because all of them are obviously in the same state. Hence we conclude that the oxygen of every supporter contains caloric as an essential ingredient. The light emitted during combustion must either proceed from the combustible or the supporter. That it proceeds from the combustible, must ap- pear pretty obvious, if we recoUect that the colour of the light emitted during combustion varies, and that this variation usually depends, not upon the supporter, but upon the combustible. Thus char- coal burns with a red flame, sulphur with a blue or violet, zinc with a greenish-white, &c. The formation of combustibles in plants, ob- viously requires the presence and agency of Ught. The leaves of plants emit oxygen gas, when ex- posed to the sun's rays, but never in the shade, or in the dark. Beside* vegetation, we are acquainted with two other methods of unburning products, or of con- verting them into products and combustibles, by exposing them, in certain circumstances, to the agency of fire, or of electridty. The oxides of gold, mercury, &c. when heated to redness, are decomposed, oxygen gas is emitted, and the pure metal remains behind. In this case, the necessary caloric and light must be furnished by the fire ; a circumstance which explains why such reductions always require a red heat. When carbonic acid is made to pass repeatedly over red-hot charcoal, it combines with a portion of charcoal, and is converted into gaseous oxide of carbon. If this gas be a eombustible oxide, tbe base of the car- bonic acid and its oxygen must have been sup- plied with light and caloric from the fire ; but il it be a partial combustible, it is merely a com- pound of carbonic acid and charcoal: which of the two it is remains still to be ascertained. COM COM Electricity decomposes water, and converts it into oxygen gas and hydrogen gas; it must, there- fore, supply the heat and the Ught which these bodies lost when converted into a product. These facts, together with the exact corres- pondence of the theory given above with the phenomena of combustion, render it so probable, that Dr. Thompson has ventured to propose it as an additional step towards a full explanation of the theory of combustion. Every additional ex- periment has served to confirm it more and more. It even throws light upon the curious experiments of the accension of metals with sulphur, which suc- ceed in vacuo, under mercury, in nitrogen gas, &c. Dr. Thompson has noticed, that the same emis- sion of caloric and Ught, or of fire, takes place when melted sulphur is made to combine with potassa, or with lime, in a crucible or glass tube, and likewise when melted phosphorus is made to combine with lime heated to redness. He sup- poses that, in all probability, barytes and strontia exhibit the same phenomenon when combined with melted sulphur or phosphorus ; and perhaps some of the metals when combined with phos- phorus. The phenomena Dr. Thompson explains thus : —The sulphur and phosphorus are in the melted state, and there fore contain caloric as an ingre- dient ; the alkalies, earths, and metals which produce the phenomenon in question, contain light as an essential ingredient. The sulphur, or phos- phorus combines with the base ofthe metal, earth, or alkali; while at the same time, the caloric, to which the sulphur or phosphorus owed its fluidity, combines with the light of the metal, earth, or alkali; and the compound flies off under the form of fire. Thus the process is exactly the same with com- bustion, excepting as far as regards the product. The melted sulphur, or phosphorus, acts the part ofthe supporter, while the metal, earth, or alkali, occupies the place of the combustible. The first furnishes caloric, the second light, while the base of each combines together. Hence we see that the base of sulphurets and phosphurets resembles the base of products in being destitute of Ught; the formation of these bodies exhibiting the sepa- ration of fire Uke combustion, but the product differing from a product of combustion in being destitute of oxygen, Dr. Thompson distinguishes the process by the title of semi-combustion ; indi- cating by the term, that it possesses one-half of the characteristic marks of combustion, but is destitute of the other half. The only part of this theory which requires proof is, that light is a component part of the earths and alkalies. But as potassa and lime are the only bodies of that nature, which we are cer- tain to be capable of exhibiting the phenomena of semi-combustion, the proofs must of necessity be confined to them. That lime contains Ught as a component part, has been long known. Meyer and Pelletier observed long ago, th„t when water is poured upon Ume, not only heat but light is emitted. Light is emitted also abundantly, when sidphuric acid is poured upon magnesia, or upon lime, potassa, or soda, freed from the water of crystallisation. In all these cases, a semi-com- bustion takes place. The water and the acid being solidified, give out caloric, while the Ume or potassa gives out light. That lime, during its burning, combines with , light, and that light is a component part of Ume, is demonstrated by the following experiment, for which we are indebted to Scheele. Fluor spar (fluate of Ume) ha* the property of ihosphorescing stronglv when heated, but the "if) experiment does not succeed twice with the same specimen. After it has been once heated suffi- ciently, no subsequent heat wdl cause it to phos- phoresce. Now phosphorescence is merely the emission of light; light of course is a component part of fluor spar, and heat has the property of separating it. But the phosphorescing quality of the spar may be again recovered to it, or, which is the same thing, the Ught which the spar had lost may be restored by the following process:__ Decompose the fluate of lime by sulphuric acid and preserve the fluoric acid separate. Boil the* sulphate of lime thus formed, with a sufficient quantity of carbonate of soda ; a double decom- position takes place ; sulphate of soda remains in solution, and carbonate of lime precipitates. Ig- nite this precipitate in a crucible, till it is reduced to lime, and combine it with the fluoric acid to which it was formerly united. The fluor spar thus regenerated, phosphoresces as at first. Hence the lime, during its ignition, must have combined with light. That potassa contains light, may be proved in the same manner as the existence of that body in lime. Now as potassa is deprived of its carbonic acid by lime, the Doctor supposes that the pro. cess must be a double decomposition ; namely, that the base of the lime combines with carbonic acid, while its light combines with the potassa. These remarks on semi-combustion might easily be much enlarged upon : for it is obvious, that whenever a liquid combines with a soUd contain- ing Ught, and the product is a solid body, some- thing analogous to semi-combustion must take place. COMEDO. (From comedo, a glutton.) The comedones of old writers are a sort of worm which eats into the skin and devours the flesh. CO'MFREY. See Symphytum. Comi'sdi. The gum-arabic. Comi'ste. The epilepsy. This name arose from the frequency of persons being seized with this disorder, while in the assembUes caUed Co- mi tia. Comiti'ssa. A countess. Some preparation are distinguished by this name ; as Pulvis Com- tissa de Cantia, the Countess of Kent's powder. Also the Cinchona was called Pulvis Comititsa. Commage'num. (From Commagene, a place in Syria, whence it was brought.) Syrian oint- ment, mentioned by Galen. COMMANDUCA'TIO. (From commanduco, to eat.) The act of mastication, or chewing. Comma'nsum. (From commando, to eat.) A masticatory. A medicine put into the mouth and chewed, to promote a discharge of phlegm, or saliva. Commendato'rius. (From commendo, to recommend.) An epithet of the traumatic bal- sam, tinctura Benzoes composita, from its singu- lar virtues and usefulness. C o'mmi. Gum. When alone it signifies gum- arabic. The Koppi Xcvkov, mentioned by Hippo- crates in his De Morb. Mulieb., is gum-arabic. COMMISSU'RA. (From committo, to join together.) A suture, juncture, or joint. A term „ applied in anatomy to the corners of thaklips, where they meet together; and also to cfrtain parts of the brain which go across and join on* hemisphere to the other. COMMlSSURA ANTERIOR CEREBRI. The white nerve-Uke substance which crosses the an- terior part of the third ventricle of the brain, im- mediately above the infundibulum, and between the anterior crura of the fornix; uniting o"e hemisphere of the brain with the other. COMMI^URA MAGNA CT.RRBRI. The COrfll) COM CON '■allosum of the brain is so termed by some writer*. . ... COMMISSURA POSTERIOR CEREBRI. A White nerve-like substance, which passes from one hem- isphere of the brain across to the other, imme- diately over the opening of the aqueduct of Syl- via*, in the posterior part of the third ventricle of tbe brain, and above the corpora quadrige- mina. Commu'nicant. (From communico, to make partake.) A term applied by Bellini, to fevers of two kinds afflicting the same person, wherein as one goes off the other immediately succeed*. Compa'ces. (From compingo, to put toge- ther. ) A suture, or joint. A commissure. COMPA'RATIVE. That which illustrates by comparing with the human body: appUed to ana- tomy and physiology. See Anatomy. Compeba. See Piper Cubeba. Complete Flower. See Flos. Completion. A term used by the ancient writers in various acceptations; but latterly it signifies only the same as Plethora. COMPLE'XUS. (From complector, to com- prise.) Complexut teu biventer cervicit of Al- bum*. Dorto trachelon ocdpital of Dumas. A muscle situated on the back part of the neck, that draws the head backwards, and to one side : and when both act, they draw the head directly back- ward. It arises from the transverse processes of tbe seven superior vertebra? of the back, and four inferior ofthe neck, by as many distinct tendinous origin* ; in its ascent, it receives a fleshy slip from the spinous process of the first vertebra of the back: from these different origins it runs up- wards, and is every where intermixed with tendi- nous fibres. Iti* inserted, tendinous and fleshy, into the inferior edge of the protuberance in the middle of the os occipitis, and into a part of the curved line that runs forwards from that protu- berance. It draws the head backwards. Complexes minor. See Trachclo-mastoi- deut. COMPOSITUS. Compound. The result or effect of a composition of different things; or that which arises from them. It stands opposed to simple. In botany, appUed to leaves and flowers. Sac Flot, and Folium. COMPOUND. See Compositus. Compound affinity. See Attraction. COMPRESSION. (Compresdo; fromcom- primo, to press together.) A diseased state of the body, or of a part, the effect of something pressing upon it. The term is generaUy appUed to the brain. Compression of the brain should be dhrtinguished from concussion and inflamma- tion. When the brain is compressed either by bone, extravasated blood, or any other fluid, there h a general insensibility, the eyes are half open, the pupils dilated and motionless, even when a candle is brought near the eye ; the retina is insensible; the timbs relaxed; the breathing stertorous; the pulse slow, and, according to Abernethy, less subject to intermission than in case* of concussion. Nor is the patient ever sick, when the pressure on the brain, and the geuejal ium risibility, are considerable ; for the very action of vomiting betrays an irritabiUty in the stomach anil oesophagus. COMPRESSOR. (Compressor; from com- prtmo, to pre** together.) A name appUed to those muscles which pre** together the parts on which they act Compressor naris. Rinaut vel natalit of Douglas. Trait*rersalit vel myrtiformts of Winslow. Dilatores alarum nasi of Cowper ; and Maxillo narinal of Dumas. A muscle oi the nose, that compresses the alae towards the septum nasi particularly when we want to smell acutely. It also corrugates the nose, and assists in expressing certain passions. It arises, by a narrow beginning, from the root of the ala nasi externally, and spreads into a number of thin, separate fibres, which run up along the cartilage in an obUque manner towards the back of the nose, where it joins with its feUow, and is insert- ed into the narrow extremity of the os nasi, and nasal process of the superior maxillary bone. COMPRESSUS. Compressed ; flattened la- teraUy: appUed to leaves. See Leaf. COMPTONITE. A new mineral first brought into this country by Lord Compton, and found in Drusy cavities, in ejected masses, on Mount Vesuvius. Compu'nctio. (From compungo, to prick.) A puncture. CONA'RITJM. (From kwvos: so named from its conical shape.) A cone. See Pineal gland. Concau'sa. (From con, with, and causa, a cause.) A cause which co-operates with another in the production of a disease. CONCAVUS. HoUow ; depressed in the mid- dle. AppUed to leaves, petals, &c. depressed in their centre, owing, as it were, to aiword-shaned leave*. See Leaf. CONDYLE. (Condylus; from kovSo, an ancient cup, shaped Uke a joint.) A round emi- nence of a bone in any of the joints. CONDYLOMA. (Condyloma, atis. n. ; from kovovXos, a tubercle, or knot.) A soft, wart- like excrescence, that appears about the anus and pudendum of both *exes. There are several * pedes of condylomata, which have received name* from their appearances; as ficus, crysta, thymw, from their resemblance to a fig, &c. CONK. S. c Strobilut. Conei'on. (From »w,ov, to turn round.) In Hippocrates it imports hemlock. It is said to be Hiiin named, because it produces a vertigo in those who take it inwardly. See Conium. t one'ssi cortk. See Nerium antidyten- tertcum. * CONFECTION. (Confectio, oni*. f.; from ronfno, to make up.) A confection. In general it means anyj thing made up with sugar. The "i in. in the new Loudon Pharmacopeia, includes those articles which were formerly caUed electu- aries and conserves, between which there do not appear to be sufficient grounds to make a dis- tinction. Confectio amtgdalarum. Confection of almonds. Take of sweet almonds, an ounce; Acacia gum powdered, a drachm; refined sugar, half an ounce. The almonds having been previ- ously macerated in water, and their external coat removed, beat the whole together, until they are thoroughly incorporated. It has been objected to the almond mixture, which is an article of very general use, that it requires considerable time for its extemporaneous preparation, and that it spoils and cannot be kept when it is made. This will be obviated by the present form, which does keep for a sufficient length of time, and rubs down into the mixture immediately. Confectio aromatica. This preparation was formerly called Confectio cardiaca. Con- fectio Raldghana. Take of cinnamon bark, nutmegs, of each two ounces ; cloves, an ounce; cardamom seeds, half an ounce ; saffron dried, two ounces ; prepared shells, sixteen ounces; re- fined sugar powdered, two pounds; water, a pint. Reduce the dry substances, mixed together, to very fine powder ; then add the water gradually, and mix the whole, until it is incorporated. This preparation is now much simplified by the London college. It is an exceUent medicine, possessing stimulant, antispasmodic, and adstringent virtues ; and is exhibited with these views to children and adults, in a vast variety of diseases, mixed with other medicines. It may be given in doses of 10 gr. to a drachm. Confectio aurantiorum. Conserva cor- ticis exterioris aurantii hispalends. Conserva flavedinis corticum aurantiorum. Take of fresh external rind of oranges, separated by rasp- ing, a pound ; refined sugar, three pounds. Bruise the rind with a wooden pestle, in a stone mortar; then, after adding the sugar, bruise it again, until the whole is thoroughly incorporated. This is weU calculated to form the basis of a tonic and stomachic confection, and may be given alone in doses of from two to five drachms, twice or three times a-day. Confectio cardiaca. See Confectio aro- matica. Confectio cassi.e. Electuarium cassia. Electuarium e cassia. Confection of cassia. Take of fresh cassia pulp, half a pound ; manna, two ounces ; tamarind pulp, an ounce; syrup of roses, half a pint. Bruise the manna; melt it in the syrup by a water-bath ; then mix in the pulps, and evaporate down to a proper consistence. This is a very elegant, pleasant, and mild aperi- ent for the feeble, and for children. Dose from two drachms to an ounce. Confectio opii. Confectio opiata. Phi- Ionium Londinense. Philonium Romanum. Confection of opium. Take of hard opium pow- dered, six drachms; long pepper, an ounce; ginger root, two ounces; caraway-seeds, three ounces; syrup, a pint. Rub together the opium and the syrup previously heated ; then add the remaining articles reduced to powder, and mix. To the credit of modern pharmacy, this is the only one that remains of all those compUcated and confused preparations called mithridate, the- riaca, &c.; it more nearly approximates, in its composition, the philonium than any other, and may be considered as an effectual substitute for them in practice. This very warm and stimula- ting confection is admirably calculated to relieve diarrhoea, or spasms of the stomach and bowels, and is frequently ordered in doses of from lOgrs., 29S (ON CON to half a drachm. About 36 grains contain one of opium. Confectio piperis nigri. Confection of black pepper. Take of black pepper ; elecam- pane, of each a pound; fennel seeds, three pounds; honey; refined sugar, of each two pounds. Rub the dry ingredients together, so as to reduce them to a very fine powder ; then, hav- ing added the honey, rub them again so that the whole may incorporate. This confection is given internaUy against a relaxed condition of the ex- tremity of the rectum, producing partial pro- lapse, and against that piley state which results from weakness. A similar compound has been long celebrated and sold under the name of Ward's paste.' Confectio rosje canine. Conserva cy- nosbati. Conserva fructus cynosbati. Con- serve of hips. Confection of dog-rose. Take of dog-rose pulp, a pound; refined sugar powdered, twenty ounces. Expose the pulp in a water-bath to a gentle heat; then add the sugar gradually, and rub them together until they are thoroughly incorporated. This preparation is cooling and adstringent; it is seldom given alone, but mostly joined to some other medicine, in the form of Iinctus, or electuary. Confectio ros.s: gallics. Conservarosa. Conserva rosarum rubrarum. Conserve of red rose. Take of the petals of the red rose, before it is expanded, and without the claws, a pound - refined sugar, three pounds. Bruise the petals in a stone mortar; then, having added the sugar, beat them again together, until they are thorough- ly incorporated. This is an excellent sub-astrin- gent composition. Rubbed down with water, it form - an exceUent drink, with some lemon juice, in haemorrhagic complaints ; it may also be given with vkriolated zinc, in the form of an electuary. Confectio rut.*:. Electuarium e baccis lauri? Confection of rue. Take of rue leaves dried, caraway seeds, bay berries, of each an ounce and a naif; sagapenum, half an ounce ; black pepper, two drachms; clarified honey, six- teen ounces. Rub the dry articles together, into a very fine powder; then add the honey, and mix the whole. Its use is confined to clysters. Confectio scammone*. Electuarium scammonii. Electuarium e scammonio. Elec- tuarium caryocostinum. Confection of scam- mony. Take of scammony gum resin powdered, an ounce and a half; cloves bruised, ginger root powdered, of each, six drachms ; oil of caraway, half a drachm ; syrup of roses, as much as is sufficient. Rub the dry articles together, into very fine powder ; next rub them again whilst the syrup is graduaUy added; then add the oU of ca- raway, and mix the whole weU together. This is a strong stimulating cathartic, and calculated to remove worms from the prima? viae, with which view it is mostly exhibited. Dose from 3ss. to3J. Confectio senn.e. Electuarium senna. Electuarium lenitivum. Confection of senna. Take of senna leaves, eight ounces ; figs, a pound; tamarind pulp, pulp of prunes, cassia pulp, of each half a pound ; coriander seeds, four ounces; liquorice-root, three ounces; refined sugar, two pounds and a half. Powder the senna leaves with the coriander seeds, and separate, by sift- ing ten ounces of the mixed powder. Bod the remainder with the figs and the Uquorice-root, in four pints of water, until it be reduced to half; then press out and strain the liquor. Evaporate the Uquor, until a pint and a haU' only remains of the whole ; then add the sugar, to make syrup. Lastly, mix the pulps gradually with the syrup, -ind, having added the sifted powder, mix the 294 whole together. This is a mild and elegant ape- rient, well adapted for pregnant women, and those whose bowels are easily moved. Do*e,3*s. to ?ss. CONFERTUS. Clustered, or crowded to- gether : appUed to leaves. See Leaf. CONFETIVA. (From conferveo, to knit to- ? ether.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the .innajan system. Class, Cryptogamia; Order, Alga. 2. A kind of moss : named from its use former- ly in heating broken bones. Conferva helminthocortos. See Coral- lina corsicana. Conferva rivalis. This plant, Conferva; filamentis dmplicisdmus aquaiibus longittimut, of Linnaeus, has been recommended in cases of spasmodic asthma, phthisis, &c. on account ofthe great quantity of vital air it contains. CONFIRMA'NTIA. (From con, and firmo, to strengthen.) 1. Restoratives. 2. Medicines which fasten the teeth in their sockets CONFLUENT. Running together. Applied to eruptions. See Variola. C ONFLU'XION. Much used by Hippocrates, and his interpreter Galen, from a notion that parts at a distance have mutual consent with one another, and that they are all perspirable by many subtle streams. Paracelsus, according to his way, ex- pressed the former by confederation. CONFORMA'TIO. (From conformo, to shape or fashion.) Conformation. The natural shape and form of any part. Conforta'ntia. (From conforto, to strength- en.) Cordial and strengthening medicines. Confortati'va. The same. Confu'sio. (From confundo, to mix togeth- er. ) A confusion, or disorder in the eyes, pro- ceeding from a rupture of the membranes, which include the humours, by which means they are all confounded together. Congela'ti. (From congelo, to freeze.) Congelatid. Persons afflicted with a catalepsy are so called, by which aU sensation seems to be taken away. CONGELA'TION. (Congelatio; from con- gelo, to freeze.) That change of Uquid bodies which takes place when they pass to a soUd state, by losing the caloric which kept them in a state of fluidity. Congelati'va. (From congelo, to congeal.) Medicines that inspissate humours, and stop flux- ions and rheums. CO'NGENER. (From con, and genus, kind.) Of the same kind; concurring hi tbe same action. It is usually said of the muscles. CONGE'STION. (From congero, to amass.) A coUection of blood or other fluid ; thus we say a congestion of blood in the vessels when they are over distended, and the motion is slow. CONGLOBA'TE. (Conglobatus; from conglobo, to gather into abaU.) 1. A term ap- plied to a gland, Glandula conglobata, which is formed of a contortion of lymphatic vessels, con- nected together by cellular structure, having nei- ther a cavity nor any excretory duct: such are the mesenteric, inguinal, axillary glands, &c. See Gland. 2. A conglobate flower, is a compound one growing in the form of a sphere or globe. CONGLOMERATE. (Conglomeratus; from conglomero, to heap upon one.) 1. AppUed to a gland, Glandula conglomerata, which con- sists of a number of smaUer glomerate glands, the excretory ducts of which afl unite into one com- mon dnct: such are thesalival, parotid glands, &c. CON* CON 2. Conglomerate flown, are such a* are heap- ed'together on a footstalk, to which they are ir- rernlarly. but cloeely connected. See Panicula. CONOLOMERITE. A compound mineral ma**, in which angular fragments /of rocks are imbedded. The Italian term brecda, has the same meaning. Jn pudding stone, the imbedded fragment* arc round, bearing the marks of ha- ving been polished by attrition. CONGLUTINA'NTIA. (From conglutino, to glue together.) Healing medicines ; and such a* unite parts disjoined by accident. CONICUS. Conical. Applied to leaves, nec- taries, receptacles, &c.—Nectarium conicum, in the Utricularia foliota, and the receptacle of the daisy, Anthemis arvensis, cotula,and Matri- caria chamomilla. CONIFERS. Cone-bearing plants. The name of an order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a Natural Method. CO'NIS. Kovts. Dust; fine powder ; ashes ; a nit in the hair ; scurf from the head ; and some- times it signifies Ume. CONITE. 1. An ash or greenish grey colour- ed mineral^ which becomes brown on exposure to air. It 1* found in Saxony and Iceland. 2. Dr. Maccullock has given this naujf to a pulvendent mineral, a* fusible as glass into a trans- parent bead, which he found in the trap hills of Kilpatrick, and the isle of Sky. CONFIX M. (From kovio, dust, according to Linnaeus ; or from xuvaui, rircumago, on account of its nebriating and poisonous quality.) Hem- lock. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Claas, Pentandria; Order, Di- gynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the officinal hemlock. See Conium maculatum. Conium maculatum. The systematic name for the cicuta ofthe pharmacopoeias. It is called by some camaran; by others abiotos; and, accord- ing to Erotian, cambeion is an old Sicilian word for cicuu. Cicuta major fatida. Conium— teminibut ttriatis, of Linnaeus. Hemlock is found in every part of England, and is distinguishi d from those plants which bear ■orne resemblance to it by the spotted stem. It is generaUy believed to be a very active poison. In a very moderate dose it is apt to occasion Bickness and vertigo , in a larger quantity it pro- duces anxiety, cardialgia, vomiting, convulsions, coma, an-l death. Baron Sioerk was the first who brought hemlock into repute as a medicine of extraordinary efficacy : and although we have not in this country any direct facts, Uke those mentioned by Stoerk, proving that inveterate scirr- bimeK, cancer*, ulcers, and many other diseases hitherto deemed irremediable, arc to be complete- ly eurnl by the cicuta; we have however the tes- timonies of several eminent physicians, showing that some complaints which had resisted other powerful remedies, yielded to hemlock: and that even some disorders, which if not really cancer- ous , w ere at least suspected to be of that tendency, wen greatly benefited by this remedy. In chro- nic rheumatisms, some glandular swelUngs, and in varvus fixed and periodical pains, the cicuta ia now very generally employed ; and from daily ex- perience, it appears in such cases to be a very ef- ficacious remedy. It ha* also been of singular use in the hooping-cough. Nor is it less effica- cious when applied externally ; a poultice made of oatmeal and the expressed juice, (or a decoc- tion ofthe extract, when the other cannot be ob- tained, I aUays the most excruciating torturin" pains of a cancer, and thus gives rest to the dis- tracted patient. The proper method of administering conium internally, is to begin with a few grams of the powder or inspissated juice, and gradually to in- crease the dose until a giddiness affects the head, a motion is felt in the eyes as if pressed outwards, with a slight sickness and trembUng agitation of the body. One or more of these symptoms are the evidence of a full dose, which should be^con- tinued until they have ceased, and then after a few days the dose may be increased, for little ad- vantage can be expected but by a continuance of the greatest quantity the patient can bear. In some constitutions even small doses greatly offend, occasioning spasms, heat and thirst; in such in* stances it will be of no service. As the powder of the dried leaves has been thought to act, and may be depended upon with more certainty than the extract, the foUowing direction should be ob- served in the preparation :—Gather the plant about the end of June, when it is in flower ; pick off the little leaves, and throw away the leaf- stalks ; dry the small selected leaves in a hot sun, or in a tin or pewter dish before the fire. Preserve them in bags made of strong brown paper, or powder them and keep the powder in glass phials where the light is excluded ; for light dissipates the beautiful green colour very soon, and thus the medicine loses its appearance if not its efficacy : this mode is recommended by Dr. Withering. The extract should also be made of the plant gathered at this period. From 2 to 20 grains of the powder may be taken twice or thrice a day. CONJUGATUS. Conjugate or yoked : ap- plied to leaves, which are said to be conjugate or binate. They consist of one pair of leaflets ; as in the Mimosa CONJUNCTIVA. Membrana conjunctiva. The conjunctive membrane of the eye ; a thin, transparent, deUcate membrane, that lines the in- ternal superficies of one eyehd, and is reflected from thence over the anterior part of tlie bulb, then reflected again to the edge of the other eye- lid. That portion wliich covers the transparent cornea cannot, without much difficulty, be sepa- rated from it. Inflammation of this membrane is caUed ophthalmia. CONJUNCTUS. Conjoined. A botanical term applied to a tuber which is said to be con- joined when in immediate contact with another, as in many of the Orchides. CONNA'TUS. (From con, and nascor, to grow together.) 1. Born with a person; the same with congenitus. 2. In botany it is applied to leaves, which are said to be connate when united at their base ; as in Chlora perfoliata. CONNEXION. See Articulation. CONNIVENS. (From conniveo, to make as if he did not see.) In botany applied to petals of flowers, as in those of the Rumex, and to the re- ceptacle of the fig, which the fruit really is, being a fleshy connivent receptacle, enclosing and hiding the florets. Connutri'tus. (From con and nutrior, to be nourished with.) It is what becomes habitual to a person from his particular nourishment, or what breaks out into a disease in process of time, which gradually had its foundation in the first ali- ments, as from sucking a distempered nurse, or the like. Conquassa'tio. Conquassation. In phar- macy it is a species of comminution, or an opera- tion by which moist concrete substances, as recent vecctiibles, fruits, the softer narts of animals, &c. CON CON are agitated and bruised, tiU, partly by their pro- per succulence, or by the affusion of some Uquor, they are reduced to a soft pulp. CONRI'NGIDS, Herman, was born at Nor- den, in East Friesland, 1606, and graduated in medicine at Helmstat, where he soon after be- came professor in that science, and subsequently in physics, law, and politics. He was also made physician and aulic counseUor to the Queen of Sweden, the king of Denmark, and several of the German princes. He wrote numerous works in philosophy, medicine, and history, displaying great learning, and long highly esteemed. In one treatise he refers the degeneracy of the modern Germans to their altered mode of living, the use of stoves, tobacco, &c. He published also an 11 Introduction to the whole Art of Medicine, and its several Parts," containing a History and Bi- bliotheca Medica, with numerous Dissertations on particular Diseases. He died in 1681. CONSENT. Consent of parts. See Sympa- thy. CONSETtVA. (From conservo, to keep.) A conserve. A composition of some recent vege- table and sugar, beat together into an uniform mass of the consistence of honey ; as conserve of hips, orange peel, &c. Conserves are caUed con- fections in the last edition of the London Phar- macopoeia. See Confectio. Conserva absinthii Maritimi. See Arte- misia maritima. Conserva ari. This is occasionally exhibit- ed as a stimulant and diuretic. See Arum macu- latum. Conserva aurantii hispalensis. See Confectio aurantiorum. Conserva ctnosbati. See Confectio rosa canina. Conserva lujul^;. A preparation of wood- sorrel, possessing acid, cooUng, and antiseptic qualities. See Oxalis acetosella. Conserva Mentha. This preparation of mint is given occasionaUy as a stomachic, in sick- ness and weakness of the stomach. See Mentha viridis. Conserva pruni sylvestris. Astringent virtues are ascribed to this medicine, which is now seldom used but in private formulae. Conserva rosje. This conserve, rubbed down with water, to which is added some lemon juice, forms an exceUent drink in hemorrhagic complaints. See Confectio rosa gallica. Conserva scill je . A preparation of Squills, which affords an exceUent basis for an electuary, possessing expectorant and diuretic qualities. Consiste'ntia. (From consisto, to abide.) The state or acme of a disease. The appearanee or state of the humours and excrements. CONSO'LIDA. (So called, quia consolidan- di et conglutinandi vi pallet; from its power in agglutinating and joining together things broken.) See Symphytum. Consolida aurea. See Solidago virga au- rea. Consolida major. See Symphytum. Consolida media. See Ajuga pyramidalis. Consolida minor. See Prunella. Consolida regalis. See Delphinium con- solida. Consolida saracenica. See Solidago vir- ga aurea. CONSOUND. See Symphytum. Consound middle. See Ajuga pyramidalis. CONSTANTI'NUS, Africanus, was born at Carthage, towards the middle of the 11th cen- tury. He lived near forty years at Babylon, and was celebrated for his knowledge of the Eastern 296 languages. Among the sciences, medicine ap- pears to have principally occupied his attention; and two of his works were thought deserving of" being printed at Bale, about 4\ centuries after his death, which occurred in 1087. They are thought however to have been chiefly translated from Arabian writers. C ONSTIPATION. (Constipatio; from con- stipo, to crowd together.) Obstipatio. Cos- tiveness. A person is said to be costive when the alvine excrements are not expelled daily, and when the faeces are so hardened as not to receive their form from the impression of the rectum upon them. CONSTITUTION. Constitute. The general condition of the body, as evinced by the pecu- liarities in the performance of its functions: such are, the peculiar predisposition to certain dis- eases, or liability of particular organs to disease - the varieties in digestion, in muscular power and motion, in sleep, in the appetite, &c. Sonic marked peculiarities of constitution are observed to be accompanied with certain external charac- ters, such as a particular colour and texture ofthe skin, and of the hair, and also with a peculiarity of form and disposition of mind ; all of which have been observed from the earliest time, and divider) into classes : and which received names during the prevalence of the humeral pathology which they still retain. See Temperament. Constricti'va. (From constringo, to bind together.) Styptics. CONSTRI'CTOR. (From constringo, to bind together.) A name given to those muscles which contract any opening of the body. Constrictor alje nasi. See Deprmor labii superioris alaque nan. Constictor ani. See Sphincter ani. Constrictor isthmi faucium. Glosso- staphilinus of Winslow, Douglas, and Cowper j and Glosso sttaphilin of Dumas. A muscle situ- ated at the side of the entry of the fauces, that draws the velum pendulum palati towards the root of the tongue, which it raises at the same time, and with its fellow contracts the passage between the two arches, by which it shuts the opening of the fauces. Constrictor labiorum. See Orbicularit oris. Constrictor oris. See Orbicularis oris. Constrictor palpebrarum. See Orbicu- larit palpebrarum. Constrictores pharyng/EI. The muscles of the oesophagus. Constrictor pharyngis inferior. Crico pharyngeus; Thyro-pharyngeus of Douglas and Winslow. Cricothyropharyngien of Dumas. A muscle situated on the posterior part of the pharynx. It arises from the side of the thyroid cartilage, near the attachment of the sternohyoi- deus and thyrohyoideus muscles; and from tbe cricoid cartilage, near the crico-thyroideus; it is inserted into the white line, where it joins with its fellow, the superior fibres running obtiquely upwards, covering nearly one-half of the middle constrictor, and terminating in a point: the in- ferior fibres run more transversely, and cover the beginning of the oesophagus. Its use is to com- press that part of the pharynx which it covers, and to raise it with the larynx a little upwards. Constrictor pharyngis medius. Hyo- pharyngeus and cephalo-pharyngeus of Douglas and Winslow. Chondro-pharyngeus of Douguu. Syndesmo-pharyngeus of Winslow. Cephalo- pharyngeus of Winslow and Douglas. Hyo- glosso bad pharyngien of Dumas. A muscle situated on the posterior part of the pharynx. I' CON CON nine* lrom the appendix of the o* hyoides, from the cornu of that bone, and from the bgament which connect* it to the thyroid cartilage ; the fibre* of the superior part running obliquely up- wards, and covering a considerable part of the nuperior constrictor, terminate in a point; and it i* iimerted into the middle of the cuneiform pro- ceu of the os occipitis, before the foramen mag- num, and joined to its fellow at a white Une in tbe middle part of the pharynx. This muscle compreise* that part of tbe pharynx which it coven, and draw* it and the os hyoides upwards. Constrictor pharyngis superior. Glos- to-pharyngeut; Mylo-pharyngeut; Plerygo- pharyngrut of Douglas and Winslow, and Pte- rigo tyndetmo ttaphili pharyngien oi Dumas. A muscle situated on the posterior part of the pharynx. U arises above, from the cuneiform process of the o* occipitis, before the foramen magnum, from the pterygoid process of the sphe- noid bone, from the upper and under jaw, near tbe roots of the last dentes molares, and between Ihe jaw*. It is inserted in the middle of the pharynx. It* use it to compress the upper part of the pharynx, and to draw it forwards and up- wards. Con irk tor vesica urinaria. See De- trutor urina. CONSTRICTO'RICS. A disease attended with constriction, or spasm. Constkini.kn'tia. (From constringo, to bind together.) Astringent medicines. Sec Astringent. CONSUMPTION. (Fromconsumo, towaste away.) See Phthisis. Contabf.sce'ntia. (Fromcontoftesco, to pine or waste away.) An atrophy, or nervous con- sumption. CONTAGION. (Contagio; from contango, to meet or touch each other.) This word pro- perly imports the implication of any poisonous matter to the body through the medium of touch. It i* applied to those very subtile particles arising from putrid substances, or from persons labour- ing under certain diseases, which.communicate the diseases to others ; as the contagion of putrid fever, the ctlluvia of dead animal or vegetable sub- stances, tbe miasm of bogs and fens, the virus of small-pox, lues venerea, &c. &c. The principal diseases excited by poisonous miasmata arc, intermittent, remittent, and yellow fever-, d\ sx-ntery and typhus. That ofthe last i* generated in the human body itself, and is sometimes called the typhoid f'omes. The other miasmata are produced from moist vegetable matter, in some unknown state of decomposition. The contagious t-iru* of the plague, small-pox, measles, chincough, cynanche maligna, and scar- let fever, as well as of typhus and the jail fever, operate* to a much more limited distance through the intermedium of the atmosphere, than the marsh miismata. Contact of a diseased person is -aid to be necessary for the communication of plague ; and approach within 2 or 3 yards of him, lor that of typhus. The Walcheren mi i.-mata extended their pentili-ntial influence to vessels riding at anchor, fully a quarter of a mile from the shore. The chemical nature of all these poisonous i-nluyia i» little understood. They undoubtedly rtiiuut, however, of hydrogen, united with sul- phur, phos|iboru», raibon, and azot, in unknown pro|Kirti. ns, un.l unknown states of combination. The |iro|N-r neutral./en. or destroyers of these ga*ilorm poisons, ire nitric acid vapour, muriatic acid gas, and chlorine. The last two are the most ••tficariom ; but require to be used in situations !IS from which the patients can be removed at the time of the application. Nitric acid vapour may, however, be diffused in the apartments of the sick, without much inconvenience. Bed-clothes, particularly blankets, can retain the contagions tomes, in an active state, for almost any length of time. Hence, they ought to be fumigated with peculiar care. The vapour of burning sul- phur or sulphurous acid is used in the East, against the plague. It is much inferior in power to the other antUoiraic reagents. There does not appear to be any distinction commonly made between contagious and infec- tious diseases. Conte'nsio. (From contineo, to restrain.) It is sometimes used to expregs a tension or stric- ture. Co'ntinens febris. A continent fever, which proceeds regularly in the same tenor, without either exacerbation or remission. Thi* rarely, if ever, happens. Conti'nua febris. (From continuo, to per- severe.) A continued fever. See Febris con- iinua. CONTINUED. (Continuus; fromcontinuo, to persevere.) A term applied in pathology to diseases which go on with a regular tenor of symptoms, but mostly to fevers, the symptoms of which continue, without intermission, until the disease terminates : hence continual fevers in distinction to intermittent fevers. COVI'INVL'S. See Continued. CONTO'lislO. (From contorqueo, to twist about.) A contortion, or twisting. In medicine this word has various significations, and is applied to the Uiac passion, to luxation of the vertebrae, head, &c. CONTORTS. Twisted plants. The name of an order in Linnaeus'* Fragments of a Natural Method, consisting of plants which have a single petal that is twisted or bent towards the side, as Nerium, V'inca, &p. CONTORTUS. (From con, and torqueo, to twist.) Twisted. Applied to the seed-vessel of plants ; as the legumen contortum of the Medi- cago sativa. CONTRA-APERTURA. (From contra, against, and aperio, to open.) A counter-open- ing. An opening made opposite to tlie one that already exists. CONTRACTILITY. Contractilitas. A pro- perty in bodies, the effect of the cohesive power, by which their particles resume their former pro- pinquity when the force ceases which was applied to separate them. It also denotes the power, which muscular fibres possess of shortening themselves. CONTRACTION. (From contraho, to draw together.) Contractura; Beriberia. A rigid contraction of the joints. It is a genus of dis- ease in the class Locales, and order Dyscinesia of Cullen. The species are, 1. Contractura primaria, from a rigid con/ traction of the muscles, called also obstipitas ; a word that, with any other annexed, distinguishes the variety of the contraction. Of this species he forms four varieties. 1. Contractura ab in- y flammatione, when it arises from inflammation. 2. Contractura a spasmo, caUedal-'> tonic spasm and cramp, when it depends upon spasm. S. Contractura ob antagonists paraliticos, from the antagonist muscles losing their action. 4. Contractura ab arrimoniii irritante, wliich is induced by some irritating cause. 2. Contractura articularis, originating from a disease of the joint. CONTRAFlssC'RA. (Fromcontra, against, 297 CON CON and finao, to cleave.) Contre-coup of French writers. A fracture in a part opposite to that in which the blow is received; as when the frontal bone is broken by a faU on the occiput, where the bone remains sound. Contrahe*ntia. (From contraho, to con- tract.) Medicines which shorten and strengthen the fibres. Astringents are the only medicines of this nature. CONTRA-INDICATION. (Contra-indica- tto; from contra, against, and indico, to show.) A symptom attending a disease, which forbids the exhibition of a remedy which would otherwise be employed; for instance, bark and acids are usually given in putrid fevers; but if there be difficulty of breathing, or inflammation of any viseus, they are contra-indications to their use. Contra-luna'ris. (From contra, and luna, the moon.) An epithet given by Dietericus to a woman who conceives during the menstrual dis- charge. Contra-semen. See Artemisia Sanlonica. CONTRAYE'RVA. (From contra, against, and yerva, poison, Span. ; t. e. an herb good against poison.) See Dorttenia. Contrayerva alba. Contrayerva Germa- norum. A name for a species of asclepias. Contrayerva nova. Mexican contrayerva. See Ptoralea pentaphylla. Contrayerva virginiana. See Aristolo- chia serpentaria. Contre-coup. See Contrufissura. CONTRI'TIO. The act of grinding, or re- ducing to powder. CONTUSION. (Contudo'j from contundo, to knock together.) A bruise, or contused wound. CONUS. A cone. See Strobilut. CONVALESCENCE. (Convaletcentia;from r.onvalesco, to grow well.) The recovery of health after the cure of a disease. The period of convalescence is that space from the departure of a disease, to the recovery of the strength lost by it. CONVALESCENT. Recovering or return- ing to a state of health after the cure of a dis- CONVALLA'RIA. (From convallis, a val- ley ; named from its abounding in valleys and marshes.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Hexandria; Order, Monogynia. Convallaria majalis. The systematic name of thea tily of the valley. Lilium convallium; Convallaria; Maianthemum. May-Uly. The flowers of this plant. Convallaria—tcapo nudo of Linnaeus, have a penetrating bitter taste, and are given in nervous and catarrhal disorders. When dried and powdered, they prove strongly purgative. Watery or spirituous extracts made from them, given in doses of a scruple, or drachm, act as gentle stimulating aperients and laxa- tives ; and seem to partake of the purgative vir- tue, as weU as the bitterness of aloes. The roots, in the form of tincture, or infusion, act as a sternutatory when snuffed up the nose, and as a laxative or purgative when taken internally. Convallaria polygonatum. The syste- matic name of Solomon's seal. Sigillum Salo- monis; Convallaria—foliis aiternis amplexi- caulibus, caule andpiti, pedunculit, axilaribus subuniflorit, of Linnxus. The roots are applied externally as adstringent*, and are administered internally as corroborants. CONVEXUS. Convex. A term in very orneral use in anatomy, botany, &c. ° Convolu'ta ossa. See Spongiosa ossa. ?98 CONVOLU'TUS. RoUed up or folded. Ap. plied to bones, membranes, leaves, &c. CONVO'LVULUS. (From convolvo, to roll together, or entwine.) 1. A name for the iliac passion. 2. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system, so caUed from their twisting round others (Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia,) which affords the Jalapa, mechoacana, turbith and scammony. The whole genu* consist* of plants containing a milky juice strongly cathartic and caustic. Convolvulus americanus. The jalap roof See Convolvulut jalapa. Convolvulus batatas. Batatas. A na- tive of the West Indies. Its root is firm and ot a pale brown on the outside, and white within. When boiled it is sweet, like chesnuts, and is esteemed by some as an esculent. Convolvulus cantabrica. A name forthc cantabrica. Convolvulut minimus spica foliit; Convolvulus linariafolio; Convolvulut Canto. brica of Linnaeus. Lavender-leaved bind-weed. Puny says it was discovered in the time of Au- gustus, in the country of the Cantabri in Spain; whence its name. It is anthelmintic and actively cathartic. Convolvulus colubrinus. The pariera brava. See Cissampelos pareira. Convolvulus jalapa. The systematic name of the jalap plant. Jalapium mechoacanna ni- gra. Convulvulus ; caule volubli; foliit ovatit, tubcordatis, obtusis, obsolete repandit, subtui villosis ; pedunculit uniflorit of Linnaeus. It ii a native of South America. In the shops, the root is found both cut into slices and whole, of an oval shape, solid, ponderous, blackish on thi outside, but grey within, and marked with seve- ral dark veins, by the number of which, and by its hardness, heaviness, and dark colour, the goodness of the root is to be estimated. It hai scarcely any smeU, and very Uttle taste, but to the tongue, and to the throat, manifests a aught degree of pungency. The medicinal activity *f jalap resides principaUy, if not whoUy, a t* resin, which, though gi^en in smaU doses, OSti- sions violent tormina. The root powdered ii a very common, efficacious, and safe purgative, u daily experience evinces ; but, according ** it contains more or less resin, its effects must ol course vary. In large doses, or when joined with calomel, it is recommended as an anthelmintic and hydragogue. In the pharmacopoeias, thii root is ordered in the form of tincture aid ex- tract ; and the Edinburgh College directs it ab* in powder, with twice its weight of crystals of tartar. Convolvulus major albus. See Convol- vulus sepium. Convolvulus maritimus. The brassica ma- ritima, or sea colewort. Convolvulus mechoacan. iMechoocaniwt; Jalapa alba; or Bryonia alba Peruviana, Rhabarbarum album. Mechoacan. The root of this species of convolvulus is brought from Mexico. It possesses aperient properties, and was long used as the common purge of thii coun- try, but is now whoUy superseded by jalap. Convolvulus scammonia. Tne systematic name ofthe scammony plant. See >Scammoru*»i Convolvulus syriacus; Scammoniumtyriaeum; Diagrydium. This plant, Convolvulut—,fthv sagittatis pottice truncatis, pedunculit tertti«> subtifioris of Linnaeus, affords the concrete gum- mi-resinous juice termed scammony. Itpw« plentifully about Maraash, Antioch, Ealtib, mm towards Tripoli, in Syria. No part of the drftd CON CON ylaot »•***'•"''' AI17 medicinal quality, bat the root, which Dr. Basse! administered in decoction, and found it to be a pleasant and mild cathartic. It is from 'be milky juice of the root that we ob- tain tbe officinal scammony, which is procured in the following manner by the peasant*, who collect it in tho begining of June. Having cleared away the earth from about the root, they cut off the top in an oblique direction, about two inches below where the (talk* spring from it. Under the most depending part of the slope, they fix a shell, or vimc other convenient receptacle, into wliich the milky juice gradually flows. It is left there about twelve hours, which time is sufficient for drain- ing off the whole juice; this, however, is in wnall quantity, each root affording but a very few drachms. This juice from the several roots is put together, often into the leg of an old boot, for want of some more proper vessel, where in a Uttle time, it grows hard, and is the genuine scammo- ny. Tbe smeU of scammony is rather unpleas- ant, and the taste bitterish and slightly acrid. The different proportions of gum and resin, of which it consists, have been variously stated; but, a* proof spirit i* the best menstruum for It, these substance* are supposed to be nearly in equal parts. It is brought from Aleppo and Smyrna in m***es, generally of a Ught sinning grey colour, and friable texture ; of rather an unpleasant smell and bitterish and slightly acrid taste. The scam- mony of Aleppo is by far the purest. That of Smyrna is ponderous, black, ana mixed with ex- traneous matters. ' Scammony appears to have been weU known to the Greek and Arabian phy- sicians, and was exhibited internally as a purga- tive, and externally for the itch, tinea, fixed pains, Itc. It i* seldom given alone, but enters several compound*, which are administered as purgative*. Convolvulus sepium. Convolvulut major albus. The juice of this plant, Convolvulus— foliit tagittatit pottice truncatit pedunculit te- tragonit, uniflorit, of Linnaeus, is violently pur- gative, and given in dropsical affections. A poul- tice of the herb, made with oil, is recommended in white swellings of the knee joint. Convolvulus soldanella. The systematic name of the sea convolvulus. Kpap6tj SaXaoaia. Brattica marina ; Convolvulus maritimut; Soldanella. Soldanella. This plant, Convol- vulut—foliit reniformibut, pedunculit uniflorit, of Linnaeus, is a native of our coasts. The leaves are iaid to be a drastic purge. It is only used by the common people, the pharmacopoeias having now substituted more (tie and valuable remedies in it* place. Convolvulus syriacus. The scammony plant. See Convolvulut tcammonia. Convolvulus turpethum. The systematic name of the turbith plant. Turpethum. The cortical part ofthe root of a specie* of convolvu- lus, brought from the East Indies, in oblong piece*: it is of a brown or ash colour on the out- ride, and whitish within. The best is ponderous, not wrinkled, easy to break, and discovers to the cye * 1,u** Qnantity of resinous matter. When chewed, it at first impart* a sweetish taste, which i« foUowed by a naiueou* acrimony. It is consi- dered ax » purgative, Uable to much irregularity of action. CONVUL8ION. (Convulsio; from convello, to pall together.) Hieranotot; Dittentio ner- vorum; Sytpacta ronouldo of Good. Clonic spium. A diheancd action of muscular fibres known by alternate relaxations, with violent and involuntary contraction* of the muwttlar parte without sleep. Cullen arranges convulsion in the ■I.im Xrurnter, and order Spatmi. Convul- sions are universal or partial, and have obtained different names, according to the parts affeeted, or the symptoms; as the ritut tardonicut, when the muscle* of the face are affected; St. Vitus's dance, when the muscles of the arm are thrown into involuntary motions, with lameness and rota- tions. The hysterical epilepsy, or other epilep- sies, arising from different causes, are convulsive diseases of the universal kind: the muscles of the globe ofthe eye, throwing the eye into involunta- ry distortions in defiance of the direction of the will, are instances of partial convulsion. The muscles principally affected in all species of con- vulsion*, are those immediately under the direc- tion ofthe will; as those of the eyeUds, eye, face jaws, neck, superior and inferior extremities. The muscles of respiration acting both voluntarily and involuntarily, are not unfrequently convulsed ; as the diaphragm, intercostals, &c. The more immediate causes of convulsions are, 1. Either mental affection, or any irritating cause exciting a greater action in the arterial system of the brain and nerves. 2. An increase of nervous energy, which seems to hold pace or be equipotent with the increased arterial energy excited in the brain. 3. This increased energy, conveying its augment- ed effects, without the direction ofthe wiU, to any muscles destined to voluntary motion, over-irri- tates them. 4. The muscles, irritated by the in- creased nervous energy and arterial influx, con- tract more forcibly and involuntarily by their excited vis insita, conjointly with other causes, as long as the increased nervous energy continues. 5. This increased energy in the nervous system may be excited either by the mind, or by any ac- rimony in the blood, or other stimuli sufficiently irritating to increase the arterial action, nervous influence, and the vires insitae of muscles. 6. After muscles have been once accustomed to act invol- untarily, and with increased action, the same causes can readily produce the same effects on those organs. 7. All parts that have muscular fibres may be convulsed. 8. The sensations in the mind most capable of producing convulsions, are timidity, horror, anger, great sensibility of the soul, &c. Convulsio canina. A wry mouth. Convulsio cerealis. Cereal convulsion is a singular disorder of the spasmodic convulsive kind, not common to this country, but mentioned by Cartheuser under this title, from the peculiar tingling and formication perceived in the arms and legs. Motus spasmodicus of Hoffman. It is endemial in some places in Germany; but more a rural than urbanical disorder, said to arise from the use of spoiled corn. Convulsio habitualis. St. Vitus's dance. See Chorea Sancti Viti. CONY'ZA. (From kovis, dust; because its powder is sprinkled to kill fleas in places where they are troublesome.) The name of a ge- nus of plants in tbe Linnaean system. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Polygamia tuperflua. There is some difficulty in ascertaing the plante called conyzas by the older practitioners: they are either of the genus conyza, inula, gnaphalium, erigeron, or chrysocoma. Conyza jF.thiopica. The plant so called is most probably the Chrytocoma comaurea of Willdenow, a shrub which grows wtid about the Cape of Good Hope, and is cultivated in our green-houses, because it flowers the greater part of the year. Conyza ccsrulea. The Erigeron acre of Linnaeus answers to the description of this plant. Conyza major. Supposed to be the Inulu ri«cana of Linnaeu-. 299 COP COP^ Conyza major vulgaris. Sec Inuladysen- terica. Conyza media. See Inula dysenterica Conyza minor. The Inulapulicarit of Lin- naeus answers to the description given of this plant in most books. Its chief use is to de-troy fleas and gnats. Cooperto'ria. (From co-operio, to cover oyer.) The thyroid cartilage. Coo'strum. The centre of the diaphragm. COPA'IBA. (Copaiba, a. fiem. ; from copal, the American name for any odoriferous gum, and iba, or iva, a tree.) The name given by the CoUege of Physicians of London to the balsam of copaiva. See Copaifera officinalis. COPAI'FERA. (From Copaiva, the Indian name, and fero, to bear.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decan- dria ; Order, Monogynia. Copaifera officinalis. The systematic name of the plant from which the Copaiba bal- sam, Balsamum Braziliense; Balsamum co- paiba; Balsamum de copaibu ; Balsamum ; ca- pivi; Copaiba; Capevi; is obtained. Copaiba is a yeUow resinous juice, of a mode- rately agreeable smeU, and a bitterish biting taste, very permanent on the tongue. Tlie tree which affords it grows in Brazil, New Spain. It is ob- tained by making deep incisions near its trunk, when the balsam immediately issues, and, at the proper season, flows in such abundance, that sometimes, in three hours,- twelve pounds have been procured. The older trees afford the best balsam, and yield it two or three times in the same year. The balsam supplied by the young and vigorous trees, which abound with the most juice, is crude and watery, and is, therefore, ac- counted less valuable. While flowing from the tree, this balsam is a colourless fluid ; in time, however, it acquires a yellowish tinge, and the consistence of oil; but though by age it has been found thick, like honey, yet it never becomes soUd, Uke other resinous fluids. By dktiUation in water, the oil is separated from the resin ; and, in the former, the taste and smell of the balsam are concentrated. If the operation is carefully performed, about one-half of the balsam rises into the receiver, in the form of oil. The balsam unites with fixed and volatile oils, and with spirit of wine. It is given in all diseases of the urinary organs, when no inflammation is present. In gleets, and in gonorrhoea, it was once a favourite remedy, but is now disused. In diseases of the kidneys it is still employed, though less frequently than usual; and in haemorrhoids it is occasionally trusted. The dose is from 20 to 30 drops, twice or three times a day, mixed with water, by means of an egg, or any mucilage. The balsam of co- paiva is occasionally adulterated with turpentine, but its virtues are not greatly injured by the fraud. Copaiva. See Copaiba. COPAL. (The American name of ah* clear odoriferous gums.) Gum copal. This resinous substance is imported from Guinea, where it is found in the sand on the shore. It is a hard shin- ing transparent, citron-coloured, odoriferous, concrete juice of an American tree, but which has neither the solubility in water common to gums nor the solubitity in alkohol common to resins', at least in any considerable degree. By these properties it resembles amber. It maybe dissolved by digestion in Unseed oil, rendered drying by quicklime, with a heat very Uttle less than sufficient to boil or decompose the oU. This «olution, diluted with oil of turpentine, forms a beautiful transparent varnish, which, when pro- 300 peily applied, and slowly dried, is very hard, am) very durable. This varnish is applied to snuff- boxes, tea-boards, and other utensils. It pre- serves and gives lustre to paintings, and greatly restores the decayed colours of old pictures, by filling up the cracks, and rendering the surfaces capable of reflecting light more uniformly. Cotc'lla. See Cupel. Co'pher. A name for camphor. CO'PHOS. (Kuxiot, dumb.) Deaf or dumb. Also a dubness in any of the senses. COPHO'SIS. (From k^os, deaf.) A diffi- culty of hearing. It is often symptomatic of some disease. See Dysecaa. COPPER. (Cuprum, i. neut. quasi au Cy- prium; so named from tbe island of Cyprus. whence it was formerly brought.) " A metal of a peculiar reddish-brown colour; hard, sonorous very malleable and ductile ; of considerable te> nacity, and of a specific gravity from 8.6 to 8.9, At a degree of heat far below ignition, the surface of a piece of polished copper becomes covered with various ranges of prismatic colours, the red of each order being nearest the end which has been most heated ; an effect which must doubtless be attributed to oxidation, the stratum of oxide being thickest where the heat is greatest, and growing gradually thinner and thinner towards the colder part. A greater degree of heat oxidizes it more rapidly, so that it conti acts thin powdery scales on its surface, which may be easily rubbed off; the flame of the fuel becoming at the same time of a beautiful bluish-green colour. In a heat, nearly the same as is necessary to melt gold or silver, it melts, and exhibits a bluish-green flame; by a violent heat it boils, and is volatilised pardy in the metallic state. Copper rusts in the air; but tbe corroded part is very thin, and preserves the metal beneath from farther corrosion. There are two oxides of copper : 1st, The black, procurable by heat, or by dry- ing the hydratic oxide precipitated by potam from the nitrate. It consists of 8 copper + i oxygen. It is a deutodde. 2dly, The protoxide is obtained by digesting! solution of muriate of copper with copper turn- ings, in a close phial. The colour passes from green to dark brown, and grey crystalline grains are deposited. The solution of these yields, by potassa, a precipitate of an orange colour, which is the protoxyde. It consists of 8 copper + 1 oxygen. Protoxyde of copper has .been lately found by Mushet, in a mass of copper, which had been exposed to heat for a considerable time, in one of the melting furnaces of the mint under his superintendence. Copper, in filings, or thin laminae, introduced into chlorine, unite* with flame into the chloride, of which there are two varieties ; the protochlo- ride, a fixed yellow substance, and the deutoch- loride, a yellowish-brown pulverulent subli- mate. 1. The crystalline grains deposited from the above muriatic solution, are protochloride. The protochlonde is conveniently made by heating together two parts of corrosive sublimate, and one of copper filings. An amber-coloured trans- lucent substance, first discovered by Boyle, who caUed it resin of copper, is obtained. It i* fusi- ble at a heat just below redness ; and in a ckse vessel, or a vessel with a narrow orifice, i* not decomposed or sublimed by a strong red heat But if air be admitted, it is dissipated in dense white fumes. It is insoluble in water. It effer- vesces in nitric acid. It dissolves silently in mu- riatic acid, from which it may be precipitated by COP • water. By slow cooling of the fused aiau, Dr. John D*vy obtained it crystaUised, apparently in •mall plates, semi-transparent, and of a light yel- low colour. It consist", by the same ingenious rhemhrt, of Chlorine, S6 or 1 prime =4.45 35.8 Copper, 64 or 1 prime 8.00 64.2 100 12.45 100.0 2. Deutochloride is best made by slowly evap- orating to dryness, at a temperature not much above 40tr» Fahr. the deliquescent muriate of cop- per. It i* a yellow powder. By absorption of moisture from the air, it passes from yellow to white, and tbt-n green, reproducing common mu- riate. Heat converts it into protochloride, with the disengagement of chlorine. Dr. Davy ascer- tained the chemica' constitution of both these compound*, by separating the copper with iron, and the chlorine by nitrate of silver. The deu- tochloride consists of Chlorine, 53 2 primes 8.9 52.7 Copper, 47 1 do. 8.0 47.3 100 16.9 100.0 The iodide of copp'-r is formed by dropping aqueous hy'riodatt- ol potassa into a solution of any cupreous saU. It is an insoluble dark brown powder. Phon/ili'tret of copper is made by projecting phosplmi-u ,nto red-hot copper. Suljihurit of copper is formed by mixing to- gether ci;_'bt parts of copper filings, and two of sulphur, and exposing the mixture to a gentle heat. The sulphuric acid, when -onccntrated and boiling, dissolve-, copper. Nitric acid dissolves copper with great rapi.li- ty, and disengage* a large quantity nfnitrous gas. Part of the metal falls down in the form of an oxide; and the filtnteri or decunted solution, which is of a n.....h deeper blue colour than the sulphuric solution ; aft'Tils crystals by blow evap- oration. This salt is deliquescent, very soluble in water, but most plentifully when the fluid is heated. . The valine combinations of copper were form- erly < alW-d nates renerit, because Venus w.is the myilvli'gical name of copper. They have the folliiwinggcneral characters : 1. They are mostly soluble in water, and their solutif n-nave n gri. n or blue colour, or acquire one ol *iic»e colours on exposure to ;nr. 2. Ammonia added to the solutions, produces a deep blue colour. S. Ferroprussiate of potassa give* a reddish- brown precipitate, with cupreous salts. 4. (ialhc arid gives n brown precipitate. 6. llydrosulphuret of potassa gives a black pre- cipitin . 6. \ plate of iron immersed in these solutions throw* down metallic coppir, and very rapidly if there be a slight execs... of acid. The protox- ide of copper can be combined with the acids only by wry particular mai-.ageiuent. All the ordina- ry »ult* of copper have the peroxide for a base. The joint agency of iir and acetic arid, is ne- re**ary to the production of the cupreous ace- tates. By exposing copper plates to the va- pour* of vinegar, the bluuh-grccn verdi^iis is formed, which, by solution in vinegar, consti- lute* acrtatt of copper. ArxmiuU %) copper presents us with many siib- H|terje> which .ire found native. The arseniate ■ii iv be formed artificially by digestiner arseuic COP acid on copper, or by adding arseniate of potassa to a cupreous saline solution. Carbonate of copper. Of this compound there are three native varieties, the green, the blue, and the anhydrous. Chlorate of copper is a deflagrating deUques- cent green salt. Fluate of copper is in smaU blue-coloured crystals. Hydriodate of copper is a greyish-white powder. Protomuriate of copper has already been des- cribed in treating ofthe chlorides. Deutomuriate of copper, formed by dissolving the deutoxide in muriatic acid, or by heating mu- riatic acid on copper filings, yields by evapora- tion crystals of a grass-green colour. The ammonia-nitrate evaporated, yields a fulminating copper. Crystals of nitrate, mixed with phosphorus, and struck with a hammer, de- tonate. Subnitrate of copper is'the blue precipitate, orca;i;;ncd by adding a little potassa to the neu- tral nitric solution. Nitrate of copper is formed by mixing nitrate of lead with sulphate of copper. The sulphate, or blue vitriol of commerce, is a bisulphate. A mixed solution of this sulphate and sal-am- moniac, forms an ink, whose traces are invisible in the cold, but become yeUow when heatecT: and vanish again as the paper cools. Prolosulpnite of copper is formed by passing a current of sulphurous acid gas through the deu- toxide of copper diffused in water, ft is depriv- ed of a part of its oxygen, 811(1* combines with the acid. The sulphate, simultaneously produced, dissolves in the water; while tbe sulphite forms small rid crystals, from whicli merely long ebul- lition in water expels the acid. Sulphite ofpotatta and copper is made by ad- ding the sulphite of potassa to nitrate of copper. A yellow flocculent precipitate, consisting of mi- nute crystals, falls. Ammonia-sulphate of copper is the salt formed by adding water of ammonia to solution of the bisulphate It consists,, according to Berzelius, of 1 prime ofthe cupreous, and 1 ofthe ammonia- cal sulphate, combined together ; or 20.0 r 7.13-J- 14.625 of water. Subsulphate of ammonia and copper is formed by adding alkohol to the solution ofthe preceding salt, which precipitates the subsulphate. It is the cuprum ammoniacum of the pharmacopoeia. Sulphate of potassa and copper is formed by digesting bisulphate of potassa on the deutoxide or carbonate ol copper. The following acids, antimonic, antimonious, boracic, chromic, molybdic, phosphoric, tungstic, form insoluble salts with deutoxide of copper. The first two are green, the third is brown, the fourth and fifth green, and the sixth white. The benzoate is iu green crystals, sparingly soluble. The oxalate is also green. The binoxalates of potassa and soda, with oxide of copper, give triple salts, in green needle-form crystals. There are also amnionia-oxalates in different va- rieties. Tartrate of copper forms dark bluish- green crystals. Crram-tartrate of copper is a bhiish-LMecn powder, commonly c.dlcd Bruns- wick irrecn. To obtain pure copper for experiments, we precipitate it in the metallic state, by immersing a plate of iron in a solution ot the deutomuriate. The pulverulent copper must be washed with di- lute muriatic acid. This metal combines very readily with gold, COP COR silver, and mercury. It unites imperfectly with iron in the way of fusion. Tin combine* with copper, at a temperature much lower than is ne- cessary to fuse the copper alone. On this is grounded the method of tinning copper vessels. For this purpose, they are first scraped or scoured ; after which they are rubbed with sal-ammoniac. They are then heated, and sprinkled with pow- dered resin, which defends the clean surface of the copper from acquiring the slight film of oxide that would prevent the adhesion of the tin to its surface. The melted tin is then poured in, and spread about. An extremely small quantity ad- heres to the copper, which may perhaps be sup- posed insufficient to prevent the noxious effects of the copper as perfectly as might be wished. When tin is melted with copper, it composes the compound called bronze. Copper unites with bismuth, and forms a red- dish-white alloy. With arsenic it forms a white brittle compound, caUed tombac. With zinc it forms the compound called brass, and distinguished by various other names, according to the propor- tions of the two ingredients. Copper unites readily with antimqny, and affords a compound of a beautiful violet colour. It does not readily unite with manganese. With tungs- ten it forms a dark brown spongy aUoy, which is somewhat ductile. Verdigris, and other preparations of copper, act a* virulent poisons, when introduced in very small quantities into the stomachs of animals. A few grains are sufficient for this effect. Death is commonly preceded by very decided nervous dis- - orders, such as convulsive movements, tetanus, general insensibility, or a palsy of the lower ex- tremities. This event happens frequently so soon, that it could not be occasioned by inflam- mation or erosion of the prima via; and indeed, where these parts are apparently sound. It is probable that the poison is absorbed, and, through the circulation, acts on the brain and nerves. The eupreous preparations are no doubt very acrid, and if death do not follow their immediate impression on the sentient system, they will cer- tainly inflame the intestinal canal. The symp- toms produced by a dangerous dose of copper are exactly similar to those which are enumerated under arsenic, only the taste of copper is strongly felt. The only chemical antidote to cupreous selutions, whose operation is well understood, is water strongly impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen. The alkaline hydrosulphurets are acrid, and ought not to be prescribed. But we possess, in sugar, an antidote to this poison, of undoubted efficacy, though its mode of action be obscure. Duval introduced into the stomach of a dog, by means of a caoutchouc tube, a solution in acetic acid, of four French drachms of oxide of copper. Some minutes afterwards he injected into it four ounces of strong syrup. He repeated this injection every half-hour, and employed altogether 12 ounces of syrup. The animal experienced some tremblings and convulsive movements. But the last injection was followed by a perfect calm. The animal fell asleep, and awakened free from any ailment. Orfila relates several cases of individuals who had by accident or intention swallowed poisonous doses of acetate of copper, and who recovered by getting large doses of sugar. He uniformly found, that a dose of verdigris which would kill a dog in the course of an hour or two, might be swallowed with impunity, provided it was mixed with a considerable quantity of sugar. As alkohol has the power of completely neu- tralizing, in the aethers, the strongest muriatic and 302 hydriodic acids, so it would appear that sugar can neutralize the oxides of copper and lead. The neutral saccharite of lead, indeed, was employed by Berzelius in his experiments, to determine the prime equivalent of sugar. If we boil for half aa hour, in a flask, an ounce of white sugar, an ounce of water, and 10 grains of verdigris, we obtain a green liquid, which is not affected by the nicest tests of copper, such as ferroprussiate of potassa, ammonia, and the hydrosulphurets. An insoluble green carbonate of copper remains at the bottom of the flask."— Ure's Chem. Diet. Copper, ammoniated solution of. See Cupri ammoniati liquor. CO'PPERAS. A name given to blue, green, and white vitriol. Coprago'ga. (From Kmrpos, dung, and 0y«, to bring away.) Purgatives. Copragogum u the name of a gently-purging electuary, mention- ed by Rulandus. COPRIE'MESIS. (From (coirpof, excrement, and tpeu), to vomit.) Avomiting°of feces. Coprocri'tica. (From Koirpos, excrement, and Kpivta, to separate.) Mild cathartic medi- cines. Copropho'ria. (From nonpos, excrement, and Qopcw, to bring away.) A purging. CO'PROS. Koirnos. The faeces, or excrementi from the bowels. COPROSTA'SIA. (From xoirpos, faces, and f-rjpt, to remain.) Costiveness, or a constriction of the beUy. Copta'riom. (Korfn, a small cake.) Cop- tarium. A lozenge. CCPTE. (Koir7»7, a small cake.) 1. The form of a medicine used by the ancients. 2. A cataplasm generaUy made of vegetable substances, and applied externaUy to the stomach, and on many occasions given internally. Co'pula. (Quad compula; from compello, to restrain.) A name for a ligament. Coque'ntia. (From coquo, to digest.) Me- dicines which promote concoction. COR. (Cor, dis. neut.) 1. The heart. See Heart. 2. Gold. 3. An intense fire. Coraci'ne. (From wpo|, a crow; so named from its black colour.) A name for a lozenge, quoted by Galen from Asclepiades. C O RAC O. The first part of the name of some muscles which are attached to the coracoid pro- cess of the blade-bone. Coraco-brachialis. Coraco-humtral of Dumas. Coraco-brachiaus. A muscle, so called from its origin and insertion. It is situated on the humerus, before the scapula. It arises, tendinous and fleshy, from the fore-part ofthe coracoid process of the scapula, adhering, in its descent, to the short head of the biceps; insert- ed, tendinous and fleshy, about the middle of the internal part of the os humeri, near the origin of the third head of the triceps, called brachialis externus, where it sends down a thin tendinous expansion to the internal condyle of the os humeri. Its use is to raise the arm upwards and forwards. Coraco htoideus. See Omo hyoideut. CO'RACOID. (Coracoideut; from Kopal, a crow, and ti&os, resemblance: shaped Uke the beak of a crow.) Some processes of the bones are so named which were supposed to resemble the beak of a crow. Coracoid process. Processus coracoides. See Scapula. , CO'RAL. See Corallium. CORALLI'NA. (Diminutive of corallium.) COK COR Mutcut outnlxmut; Coraltina offidnaltt; Co- roJHna alba. Sea coralline ; Sea moss; White wormseed. A marine production, or fecea, re- sembling a *m*dl plant without leaves, consisting of nuwerou* brittle cretaeeout rabstanee*, friable betwixt the finger*, and crackling between the teeth. Powdered, it I* administered to. children a* an anthelminthic, in the dose of half a drachm to a drachm once or twice a day. Corallina corsicaha. BtlminthO'Corton; Conform, helmintko-cortot; Corallina rubra ; Corallina melito-corton; Lemitho-corton; Mouse de Carte. Corsican worm-weed. Fuctt* hthmUho-corton of De U Tooxrette. This plant ha* rained great repute in destroying all species of intestinal worms It* virtue* are ex- tolled by many ; but impartial experimentalists hare frequently been disappointed of its efficacy. The Geneva Pharmacopoeia directs a syrup to be made of it. Corallina melito-corton. See Corallina corticana. Corallina rubra. See Corallina corti- cana. CORALLINE. See Corallina. Coralline, Cortican. See Corallina cord- carta. CORA'LLIUM. (Corallium, i. n.; from kre Cotyledon. 4'o'rim. v c Chordm. Corda timpani. See Chordatympant. Coroa willisii. See Dura mater. CORDATLS. Heart-shaped. AppUed to leaves, petal*, ..c. which are ovate, hollowed oat at the base, according to the vulgar idea of a heart: a form very frequent in leaves; as in those of Arcticum lappa, and Tamus communis, and tbe petals of the Sium teltnum. A leaf is called obcordate, when the apex of the heart-shaped leaf is fixed to tbe petiole. CO'KDIA. (So called by Plunder in honour of Euricius Cordius and his son Valerius, two eminent German botanists.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. Coroia myxa. The systematic name of the Sebesten plant. Sebetten ; Sebettina; Cordia —foliit ovatit, supra glabrit; corymb is late- ralibut; calycibut decemstriatit of Linnaeus. The dark black fruit possesses glutinous and ape- rient qualities, and is exhibited in form of decoc- tion in various diseases of the chest, hoarseness, cough, difficult respiration, &c. CORDIAL. Cardiacus. Medicines are ge- neraUy so termed, which possess warm and sti- mulating properties, and that are given to raise the spirit*. Cordine'ma. (From tapa, the head, and&veu, to move about.) A headache attended with a vertigo. Cordo'lium. (From cor, the heart, and do- lor, pain.) A name formerly appUed to cardial- gia, or heart-burn. CORDUS, Valerius, was born in 1515, of a Hessian family. After studying in some of the German universities, he traveUed through Italy, chiefly engaged in botanical researches. He died at the early age of 29, leaving several works ; a " History of Plants," many ot them never before described; "Annotations on Dioscorides;" a Nuremberg Dispensatory, &c. CO'RE. Kopv. The pupil of tbe eye. Core'mata. (From Koptui, to cleanse.) Me- dicines for cleansing the skin. CORIACEUS. Leathery. AppUed to leaves and pod* that are thick and tough without being ' pulpy, or succulent; as in the leaves of Magno- lia grandiflora, Aucuba, & c. and the pods of the Lupin. CORIANDER. See Coriandrum. CORIANDRUM. (Coriandrum, t. n.; from Kopri, a pupil, and avnp, a man: because of its roundness, Uke the pupil of a man's eye ; or probably so called from xopis, cimex, a bug. be- cause the green herb, seed and aU, stinks intolera- bly of bugs.) Coriander. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Dy- gynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the officinal coriander. See Coriandrum tativum. Coriandrum sativum. The systematic name of the plant caUed coriandrum in the pharmaco- poeia*. Casdbor; Corianon. The Corian- drum—fructibut globosis, of Linnaeus. This plant is a native of the South of Europe, where, in some places, it is said to grow in such abun- dance as frequently to choke the growth of wheat and other grain. From being cultivated here as a medicinal plant, it has for some time become naturaUzed to this country, where it is usually found in corn fields, the sides of roads, and about dunghills. Every part of the plant, when fresh, has a very offensive odour, but upon being dried, tbe seeds have a tolerably grateful smeU, aud their taste is moderately warm and slightly pungent. Thev give out their virtue totally to rectified spi- rit. l'mt onlv partially to water. Iu distillation 303 COR con with water, they yield a smaU quantity of a yel- lowish essential oU, which smells strongly and pretty agreeably of the coriander. Dioscorides asserts, that the seeds, when taken in a considerable quantity, produce deleterious effects; and, in some parts of Spain and Egypt, where the fresh herb is eaten as a cordial, instances of fatuity, lethargy, &c. are observed to occur very frequently; but these qualities seem to have been unjustly ascribed to the coriander ; and Dr. Withering informs us, that he has known six drachms of the seeds taken at once, without any remarkable effect. These seeds, and indeed most ' of those ofthe umbeltiforous plants, possess a stomachic JP^d carminative power. They were directed in the infusum amarum, the infusum sennas tartarizatum, and some other compositions of the pharmacopoeias ; and according to Dr. Cullen, the principal use of these seeds is, "that infused along with senna, they more powerfully correct the odour and taste of this than any other aromatic that I.have employed, and are, I believe, equally powerful in obviating the griping that senna is very ready to produce." Coria'non. See Coriandrum. CO'RIS. (From Ktipia, to cleave, or cut; so called because it was said to heal wounds.) Tbe herb St. John's wort. See Hypericum. Coris cretica. See Hypericum Saxatile. Coris lutea. See Hypericum coris. Coris monspeliensis. Symphytum pa- , treum. Heath pine. This plant is intensely bitter and nauseous, but apparently, an active me- dicine, and employed, it is said, with success in syphilis. CORK. Sober. The bark of the Quercus suber of Linnaeus, formerly employed as an as- tringent, but now disused. By the action of ni- tric acid it is acidified. See Suberic acid. Cork has been recently analyzed by Chevreuil by digestion, first in water and then in alkohol. By distillation there came over an aromatic prin- ciple, and a little acetic acid. The watery ex- tract contained a yellow and a red colouring mat- ter, an undetermined acid, gaUic acid, an astrin- gent substance, a substance containing azot, a substance soluble in water and insoluble in alko- hol, gaUate of iron, lime, and traces of magnesia. 20 parts of cork treated in this way, left 17.15 of insoluble matter. The undissolved residue being treated a sufficient number of times with alkohol, yielded a variety of bodies, but which seem re- ducible to three; naniely, cerin, resin, and an oil. The ligneous portion of the cork still weigh- ed 14 parts, which are called suber. Cork, fossil. See Asbentos. CORN. Clavus. A hardened portion of cu- ticle, produced by pressure : so called because a piece can be picked out Uke a corn of barley. Corn salad. See Valeriana loeosla. Cornachini pulvis. Scammony, antimony, and cream of tartar. CORNARIUS, John, was born in Upper Sax- ony, in the year 1600. According to Ilaller his real name wao Haguenbot, or Hanbut. He is said to have been led to the study of medicine from the delicacy of his own constitution. He gra- duated at Padua, after attending several other uni- versities. Besides translating Hippocrates, and some other Greek writers into Latin, he was au- thor of several works on medicine ; and is said to nave had an extensive practice. He died in 1558, , leaving a son, Diomede, who succeeded him, and was afterwards professor of medicine at Vienna, and physician to Maximilian II. CORNARO, Lewis, of a noble Venetian fami- ly, was bornin 1467. Having impaired his consti- 304 tution by a debauched and voluptuous hie, and brought on at last a severe iUness ; on recover- ing from this, at the age of more than 40, he adopted a strict, abstemious regimen, limiting himself to twelve ounces of solid food, and four- teen of wine, daily; which quantity he rather di- minished in the latter part of his life. He care- fully avoided also the extremes of heat or cold with all violent exercise ; and took care to live in' a pure dry air. He thus preserved a considerable share of health and activity to the great age of 98. His wife," by whom he had an only child, a daugh- ter, when they were both advanced in years sur- vived him, and attained nearly the same period. When he was 83, he published a short treatise in commendation of temperance, which has been repeatedly translated, and printed in every coun- try of Europe. He then states himself to have been able to mount his horse, without assistance from any rising ground. He wrote three other discourses on similar subjects at subsequent pe- riods, the last, only three years before his death. The best English translation is said to be that of 1779. CO'RNEA. The sclerotic membrane of the eye is so called, because it is of a horny consist- ence. See Sclerotic coat. ■- Cornea opaca. See Sclerotic coat. Cornea transparens. Sclerotica ceratoi- des. The transparent portion of the sclerotie membrane, through which the rays of light pass, is so called, to distinguish it from that which is opaque. See Sclerotic coat. Corne'sta. A chemical retort. CORNFLOWER. See Centaurea Cyanus. Corni'cula. (From cornu, a horn.) Acup- ping instrument, made of horn. CORNICULA'RIS. (From cornu, a horn.) Shaped like a horn ; the coracoid process of the scapula. CORNIFORMIS. (From cornu, a horn, and forma, resemblance.) Horn-shaped : applied to the nectary of plants:—nectarium corniforme, in the orchis tribe. CO'RNU. A horn. This term is used both ii anatomy, surgery, and materia medica. 1. A wart. See Verruca. 2. A corn or horny induration of the cuticle. See Corn. 3. The horn of the stag. 4. The cavities of the Drain. Cornu ammonis. Cornu arietis. When, the pes hippocampi of the human brain is cut transversely through, the cortical substance is so disposed as to resemble a ram's horn. This is the true cornu ammonis, though the name is often applied to the pes hippocampi. Cor* i: arietis. See Cornu ammonis. Cornu cervi. Hartshorn. The horns of several species of stag, as the Cervut alcet, Cer- vus dama, Cervus elaphu s-, and Cercus taranda, are used medicina ly. Boiled, they impart to the water a nutritious jelly, which is frequently served at table. Hartshorn jelly is made thus : —Boil half a pound of the shavings of hartshorn, in six pints of water, to a quart ; to the strained liquor add one ounce of the juice ot lemon, or of Seville orange, four ounces of mountain wine and half a pound of sugar ; then boil the whole to a proper consistence. The chief use of the horns is for calcination, and to afford the liquor vola- tilis cornu cervi and subcarbonate of ammonia. Cornu cervi calcinatum. See Cornu us- turn. Cornu ustum. Cornu cervi calcinatum. Burn pieces of hartshorn in an open fire, till they beconie thoroughly white : then powder, and pre- COK uare them in the rune manner as i* directed for Hulk Burnt hartshorn shavings posses* absorb- ent, antacid, and adstringent properties, and are given in the form of decoction, as a common drink in diarrhoeas, pyrori*, &c. Coa»DA UTBRI. Plectena. In comparative anatomy, the horns of the womb: the womb being in some animal* triangular, and its angles resembling horns. Cornuml'sa. A retort CO'RNUS. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Tetrandria; Or- der, Jlfonogynta. t. The pharmacopoeial name of tbe cornel-tree. See Cornui langumea. C»rkl h sanooinea. The fruit ia moderately cooling and astringent. Cornu'ta. (From cornu; from it* resem- blance to a born.) A retort. COROLLA. (From coronula, a httle crown.) The leave* of a flower which consist of those more delicate and dilated, generally more coloured leaves, which are always internal with respect to the calyx, between it and the internal organs of the flower, and which constitute its chief beauty. It always consist* of one or more coloured leaves, which are termed petolt. A coloured calyx i* to be distinguished from a corolla, which may be readily done in the Allyt- sumalpettre, and Lamium orvala. There are four general divisions of corols. I. Monopetalout, which consist* of one petal, at in Nicotiana tabacum. 2. Polypelalout, having many ; a* in Lillium candidum. 3. Compound, consisting of many coroUa, which are not calyculated, and are on a common receptacle and calyx ; a* in Helianthut annum. 4. Aggregate, consisting of many calyculated coroUa placed on a common calyx ; as in Scabto- ta arvensis, and Echinopt tpharocephalut. A. Corolla monopetala, formed of one petal, which, for the most part, forms a cavity, and is divided into, a. Umbut, the limb, which is the margin, or horizontal spreading portion. b. Tubus, the tube, which is the cylindrical and inferior part, and is enclosed in the calyx. c. Faucet, or the orifice of the tube. From the figure of a regular or uniform limb are derived the foUowing term* : 1. Corolla campanulata, beU-shaped; as in Campanula and Atropa. 2. C. globota, globular ; as in Hyarinthut botryddet and Erua ramentacea. S. C. Tubulota, tubular, a* in Primula and Erica Mattoni. 4. C. claviculata; a* in Erica tubiflora. 5. «.'. cyatluformii, cup-shaped ; as in Sym- pathum officinale. 6. <'. infundibultformii, funnel-ahaped -} as in Nicotiana tabacum, and Datura itramontum. 7. C. kypocratertformit, salver-shaped, a flat limb noon a long tube ; aa in Vinca rosea. 8. C. rotata: wheel-shaped, that is salver- shaped, with scarcely any tube ; as in Borago- officinalit, and Phytalit alkekengi. 9. C. ureeolala, saucer-like ; us in Evolvulut alcinoidtt. 10. C. contoria, obliquely bent; as in Vinca minor, and .Vcrium oleander. II. C. ligulata, the tube very short, and end- in* suddenly in an oblong petal; as in the corol- 1 j o| the radius of tlie Helianthut annuo*. From the figure of an unequal Und): I Corolla ringent, irregular and gaping like COR the mouth of an animal; at in Lamium album, and Salvia telarea. 2. C. personata, irregular and closed by a kind of palate; a* in Antirrhinum majus. In the ringent and personate corollas are to be noticed the foUowing parts : a. Tubus, the inferior part. b. Rictus, the space between the two lips. c. Faux, the orifice of the tube in the rectos. d. Galea, the helmet or superior arched lip. e. LabeUum or barba, the inferior Up. f. Palatum, the palate, an eminence in the in- ferior lip which shuts the rictus of a personate co- roUa. g. Calcar, the spur which forms m obtuse or 0 acute bag at the side of the receptacle. 3. C. hilabiata, two-lipped, the tube divided into two irregular Ups opposite each other, with- out any visible rictus; as in Aristolochia bit a- biata. In the bilabiate coroUa are to be noticed, a. The tubut. b. The faux. c. The superior lip, formed of one or two lobes. d. The inferior lip, mostly three-lobed. e. One-lipped, the upper or lower wanting, a- in Aristolochia clematitis, and Teucrium. Corolla infera, means that it is below the ger- men, which is the most common place of the co- rolla ; and corolla tupera, above the germen, as in roses. B. Corolla polypetala, formed of many petals. In the petal of thi* division are noticed, a. The unguis, the claw, the thin inferior part. b. The lamina or border, tbe broader and su- perior part ; example, Dianthut caryophyllut. From the number of uniform petals, the Corol of this division is named, 1. Dipetalous; as in Euphorbia graminea. 2. Tnpetalout; as in Tradetcantia virginica. S. Tetrapetalous; as in Chieranthut incanui. 4. Pentapetalous ; as in Paonia offidnalit. 5. Hexupetalout; as in Lilium candidum. 6. Polypetalout; as in Rota centifolia. From the figure, 1. Malvaceous; pentapetalous, with its claws united laterally, so that it appears monopetalou*; as in Malva sylvestris, and Alcea. 2. Rosaceus, spreading like a rose, pentapeta- lous, almost destitute of claws ; as in Rota cani- na, and Paonia offidnalit. 3. Liliaceous; six-petalled, sometimes three without a calyx; as in Lilium candidum. 4. Caryophyllaceous ; five petaUed, with a long claw, spreading border, and a monophyllous tubu- lar calyx ; as in Dianthus caryophyllut, and Sa* ponarta offidnalit. 5. Crudform; three-petalled, like a cross ; as in Sinapit alba, and Lunaria alba. 6. Manifold, many corob lying one on anoth- er; as in Cactus flagelliformis. From the figure of unequal petals : 1. Orchideal, five petals, three of which arc bent backward, and two arc lateral and in the middle of these: the labeUum is bent back on the nectary. 2. Papilionaceous, four petals, irregular and spreading somewhat like a butterfly ; as in Lathy- rut latifoliui, and Robinii pteudacaria. In upapilionaceont corolla, observe, a. The vexillum, the standard or large concave one at the bark. b. Ala, the wings or two side-petals, placed in the middle. c. The carina, or keel, conrirtme of two pc- r,05 COR COR tals, united or separate, embracing the internal organs. 3. Calcarate or spurred, pentapetalous, one pe- tal formed into a spur-Uke tube. C. Compound corolla; consisting of numerous florets, not calyculate, and within a common pe- rianthium. It affords, a. The discus, disk, or middle. b. The radius, which forms the circumference. The marginal white florets ofthe daisy exempUfy the rays, and the central yellow ones the disk. From the difference in the florets of a compound flower it is said to be, a. Tubulate, when aU the florets are cyUndri- cal. b. Ligulate or semiflosculose, shaped like a strap or ribband ; as in Leontodon taraxacum. c. Radiate, if the florets in the radius are ligu- late, and those in the disk tubular. d. Semiradiate, the radius consisting of only a fewtigulate florets on one side; as in Bidens. See also Petala. COROLLULA. (A diminutive of corolla, a little wreath or crown.) The partial petal, or floret of a compound flower. CORO'NA. A crown. This term is used in anatomy to designate the basis of some parts ; and in botany, to parts of plants, from their resem- blance. In the writings of some botanists it is sy- nonymous with radius. Corona ciliaris. The ciUar ligament. Corona glandis. The margin of the glans penis. Corona imperialis. A name for crown im- perial. The Turks use it as an emetic. The whole plant is poisonous. Corona regia. The melilotus. Corona solis. See Helianthus annuus. Corona veneris. Venereal blotches on the forehead are so termed. CORONAL. (Coronalis; from corona, a crown or garland.) Belonging to a crown or garland : so named because the ancients wore their garlands in its direction Coronal suture. Sutura coronalis; Sutu- ra arcualis. The suture of the head, that ex- tends from one temple across to the other, uniting the two parietal bones with the frontal. CORONA'RIUS. See Coronary. Coron ari*. The name of an order of plants in Linnxus's Fragments of a Natural Method, consisting of such as have beautiful flowers, thus forming a floral crown. CORONARY. ( Coronarius ; from corona, a crown.) This term is applied to vessels and nerves, which supply the corona or basis of parts, or because they spread round the part like a gar- land or crown. Coronary ligaments. (From corona, a crown.) Ligaments uniting the radius and ulna. The term ligamentum coronarium is also applied to a Ugament of the Uver. Coronary vessels. Vasa coronaria. The arteries and veins of the heart and stomach. CORONATUS. Little crown-like eminences on the surface of the petal; or in Nerium olean- der. _ . Coronati. Coronations. The name of a class of plants in Linnaus's Fragments, of a Nat- ural Method, consisting of plants which have the seed-bud placed under the flower-cup which serves it for a crown. CORO'NE. (Kopuvii, a crow: so named from its supposed likeness to a crow's biU.) The acute process ofthe lower jaw-bone. CORONOID. (Coronoideus; from Kopwvv, a ftOfi crow, and ewos, likeness.) Processes of bones are so called, that have any resemblance to a crow's beak ; as coronoid process ol the ulna, jaw &c. CORONO'PUS. (From Kopuvr,, a carrion crow, and novs, a foot; the plant being said to re- semble a crow's foot.) See Plantago. CORONULA. The hem or border which sur- rounds the seeds of some flowers in the form of a crown. CO'RPUS. 1. The body. See .Body. 2. Many parts and substances are also dittin- guished by this name ; as corput callosum, cor- pus luteum, &c. Corpus albicans. Two white eminences in the basis of the brain, discovered by Willis, and called corpora albicantia Willisii. Corpus annulare. A synonym ofthe pons Varotii. See Pons Varolii. Corpus callosum. Commitsuramagna ce- rebri. The white medullary part joining the two hemispheres of the brain, and coming into view under the fafx of the duramater when the hemis- pheres are drawn from each other. On the sur- face of the corput callosum two lines are conspic- uous, caUed the raphe. Corpus cavernosus clitoridis. See Clito- ris. Corpus cavernosus penis. See Pent*. Corpus fimbriatum. The flattened termi- nations of the posterior crura ofthe fornix of the brain, which turn round into the inferior cavity of the lateral ventricle, and end in the pedes hippo- campi. Corpus glandulosum. The prostate gland. Corpus lobosum. Part of the cortical part of the kidney. Corpus luteum. A yeUow spot found in that part of the ovarium of females, from whence an ovum has proceeded ; hence their presence deter- mines that the female has been impregnated. The number of the corpora lutea correspond! with the number of impregnations. It is, how- ever, asserted by a modern writer, that corpora lutea have been detected in young virgins, where no impregnations could possibly have takes place. Corpus mucosum. See Rete mucosum. Corpus nerveo-spongiosum. The cavern- ous substance of the penis. Corpus nervosum. The cavernous substance of the cUtoris. Corpus olivare. Two external prominence! of the medulla oblongata, shaped somewhat like an olive, are called corpora oUvaria. Corpus pampiniforme. AppUed to the sper- matic chord, and thoracic duct; also to the plexus of the veins surrounding the spermatic artery in the cavity of the abdomen. Corpus ptramidale. Two internal promin- ences of the medulla oblongata, which are of a pyramidal shape, are called corpora pyramidalia. Corpus quadrigeminum. See Tubercula quadrigemina. Corpus reticulare. See Rete mucosum. Corpus sesamoideum. A Uttle prominence at the entry ofthe pulmonary arteiy. Corpus spongiosum urethrjs. Substantia spongiosa urethra. Corpus spongiosum peni*. This substance originates before the prostate gland, surrounds the urethra, and forms the bulb; then proceeds to the end of the corpora cavernosa, and terminate* in the glans penis, which it forms. Corpus striatum. So named from its ap- pearance. See Cerebrum. Corpus varicosum. The spermatic chord. Corra'go. (From cor, the heart: it hem? COR COS Mipposed to hare a good effect in comforting the heart.) See Borago offidnalit. Co'rhc. (From «ipu, to shave.) The tem- ples. That part of the jaws where the beard now), and which it is usual to shave. CORROBORANT. (Corroborant.) What- ever gives strength to the body; as bark, wine, beef, cold-bath, &c. See Tonic. CORROSIVE. (Corrotivut; from corrodo, to eat away.) See Etcharotic. Corrotive sublimate. The oxymuriate of mer- cury. See Hydrargyri oxymunat. CORRUGATOR. (From corrugo, to wrin- kle.) The name of muscles, the office of which i* to wrinkle or corrugate the parts they act on. Corrui.ator sopercilii. A small muscle ■situated on the forehead. Mutculut tupercilii ot Winslow; Mutculut frontalis verut, teu cor- rugator coiterti of Douglas ; and Cutanio tour- cillier of Dumas. When one muscle acts, it is drawn towards the other, and projects over the inner canthus of the eye. When both muscles act- they pull down the skin of the forehead, and make it wrinkle, particularly between the eye- brow*. CO'RTEX. (Cortex, ids. m. or f.) This term is generally, though improperly, given to th* Peruvian bark. It applies to any rind, or bark. Cortex Angelina:. The bark of a tree grow- ing in Grenada. A decoction of it is recom- mended a* a vermifuge. It excite* tormina, simi- lar to jalap, and operate* by purging. Cortex angustur*. See Cusparia. Cortex ANTihcORBBTicus. The canella alba. See IVinteria aromalica. Cortex aromaticus. See IVinteria aro- matica. Cortex bela-ate. See Nerium anti-dysen- tericum. Cortex canell.e malabarice. SeeZ.au- rut cassia. Cortex cardinalis de lugo. The Peru- vian bark ; »o called, because the Cardinal Lugo had testimonials of above a thousand cures per- formed by it in the year 1653. Cortex cerebri. The cortical substance of the brain. See Cerebrum. Cortex chin.« regios. See Cinchona. Cortex china surinamf.nsis. This bark is remarkably bitter, and preferable to the other species in intermittent fevers. Cortex chinciiin.k. Sec Cinchona. Cortex elutheri.c. See Croton catca- rilla. CORTEX GEOFEROY.E JAMAICKNSIS. See Gtoffroya jamaicentit. Cortex jamaicensis. See Achrat tapota. f'ORir.x 1 avola. The bark bearing this name i« Mippc*cd to be the produce of the tree which affords the Anitum tlellatum. Its virtues are i-imilar. Cortex macellanicus. See IVinteria aro- matica. Cortex massot. The produce of New Guinea, where it m beaten into a pultaceous mas* with wa- ter and rubbed upon the abdomen to allay pain of the bowels. It has the smeU and flavour of t imiamon. Cortex patrdm. Sec Cinchona. Cortex peruviamus. See Cinchona. Cortex ieruvianus klavus. See Cin- rhona. Cortex peruvianos ruber. Sec Cin- ihona. Cortex pocckreb.k. A bark *entfrom Amer- ica; said to be serviceable in diarrhoeas, and dysenteries. Cortex quassi.b. See Quasria amara. Cortex winterianus. See tVinteria aro- mctica. CO'RTICAL. Corticalit. 1. Belonging to the bark of a plant or tree. 2. Embracing or surrounding any part like the bark of a tree ; as the cortical substance of the brain, kidney, &c. CORTICO'SUS. Like bark or rind. AppUed to the hard pod ofthe Casria fistularis. Corto'sa. See Sanicula Europaa. Co'ru canarica. A quince-like tree of Mal- abar ; it is antidysenteric. CORUNDUM. A genus of minerals, which, according to Jameson, contains three species; the octahedral, rhomboidal, and prismatic. CORYDALES. (From ko;>vs, a helmet.) The name of an order of plants in Linnaeus's Frag- ments of a Natural Method, consisting of plants which have flowers somewhat resembling a hel- met or hood. CO'RYLUS. (Derivationuncertain: accord- ing to some, from Kapva, a walnut.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Monacia; Order, Polyandria. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the hazel-tree. See Corylus avellana. Corylus avellana. The hazel-nut tree. The nuts of this tree are much eaten in this coun- try ; they are hard of digestion, and often pass the bowels very little altered ; if, however, they are well chewed, they give out a nutritious oil. An oU is also obtained from the wood of this tree, Corylus avellana stipulis ovatit, obtusit, of Linnaeus ; which is efficacious against the tooth- ache, and is said to kill worms. CORYMBIFER^E. (From corymbus; a spe- cies of florescence, and fero, to bear.) Plants which bear corymbal flowers. CORYMBUS. (Kopvppov, or Kopvp0os, a branch or cluster crowning the summit of a plant; from Kopvs, a helmet.) A corymb. That species of inflorescence formed by many flowers, the partial flower-stalks of which are gradually longer, as they stand lower on the common stalk, so that all the flowers are nearly on a level; as in the Cry- tanthemum corymbotum. It is said to be dmple, when not divided into branches; as in Thlaspi arvense, and Gnaphalium dentatum : and com- pound, when it has branches; as in Gnaphalium stachas. Co'rtphe. Kopvtprj. The vertex of the head. —Galen. CORY'ZA. (KopvZa; from Kapa, the head, and £tv, to boil.) An increased discharge of mucus from the nose. See Catarrh. Dr. Good makes this a genus of disease ; running at the nose. It has two species, Coryza entonica, and atonica. Coscu'lia. The grains of kermes. COS.ME'TIC. Cosmeticus. A term appUed to remedies against blotches and freckles. Co'smos. A regular series. In Hippocrates it is the order and series of critical days. Co'ssis. A little tubercle in the face, Uke the head of a worm. Co'ssum. A malignant ulcer ofthe nose, men- tioned by Paracelsus. COSTA. A rib. 1. The rib of an animal. See Ribs. 2. The thick middle nerve-like chord of a leaf, which proceeds from its base to the apex. Sri Leaf. Costa hev.ba. The Hypocharit radicata 307 COT COX COSTALIS. (From casta, a rib.) Belong- ing to a rib: applied to muscles, arteries, nerves, &c. ' Costa pulmonaria. Very probably the Hy- pocharis radicata, or long-rooted hawkweed, which was used in pulmonary affections, and pains ofthe side. COSTA'TUS. Ribbed. AppUed to leaves, and is synonymous with nervous; the leaf having simple fines extended from the base to the point. See Leaf. Costo-htoideus. A muscle, so named, from its origin and insertion. See Omohymdeus. CO'STUS. (FromJfcasta, Arabian.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan' system. Class, Monandria ; Order, Monogynia. Costus amarus. See Costus arabicus. Costus arabicus. The systematic name of the Costus indicus; amarus; dulds; orientalis. Sweet and bitter costus. The root of this tree possesses bitter and aromatic virtues, and is con- sidered as a good stomachic. Formerly there were two other species, the bitter and sweet, dis- tinguished for use. At present the Arabic only is known, and that is seldom employed. It is, however, said to be stomachic, diaphoretic, and diuretic. Costus corticosus. The canella alba. Costus hortorum minor. The Achillaa ageratum. Costus nigra. The artichoke. CO'TULE. (KorvXi), the name of an old mea- sure.) The socket of the hip-bone. See Ace- tabulum. Cotaro'nium. A word coined by Paracelsus, implying a liquor into which all bodies, and even their elements, may be dissolved. Co'tis. (From kot)i), the head.) The back part of the head; sometimes the hollow of the neek. CO'TULA. (Cotula, diminutive of cos, a whetstone, from the resemblance of its leaves to a whetstone; or from koIvXti, a hollow.) Stink- ing chamomile. Cotula fostida. See Anthemis cotula. COTYLEDON. (Cotyledon, onis. f. ; from KtrvXti, a cavity.) Seed-lobe, or cotyledon. The r.otyleaones are the two halves of a seed, which, when germinating, become two pulpy leaves, called the seminal leaves. These leaves are of- ten of a different form from those which are about to appear; as in the Raphanus sativus; and some- times they are of another colour; as in Canna- bis sativa, the seminal leaves of which are white. Almost aU the cotyledons wither and fall off, as the plant grows up. These bodies are spoken of in the plural, because it is much doubted whether any plant can be said to have a solitary cotyledon, so that most plants are dicotyledonous. Plants without any, are Called acotyledones. Those with more than two, polycotyledonous. Between the two cotyledons of a germinating seed, is seated the embryo, or germ of the plant, called by Linnaeus, corculum, or Uttle heart, in allusion to the heart of the walnut. Mr. Knight denominates it the germen: but that term is ap- propriated to a very different part, the rudiment of the fruit. The expanding embryo, resembling a little feather, has, for that reason, been called by Linnaeus, plwnula: it soon becomes a tuft of young leaves, with which the young stem ascends. See Corculum. COTYLOID. (Cotylmdes; from kotvXti, the name ofan old measure, and uSos, resemblance.) Resembling the old measure, or cotule. 308 Cotyloid cavitt. The acetabulum. Sc. Innominatum os. COTYLOI'DES. See Cotylmd. COUCHING. A surgical operation that con- sists in removing the opaque lens out of the axii of vision, by means of a needle constructed for the purpose. Couch-grass. See Triticum repent. COUGH. Tussis. A sonorous concussion of the thorax, produced by the sudden expulsion of the air from the chest through the fauces. See Catarrh. Co'um. The meadow-saffron. COUNTER-OPENING. Contra-apertura. An opening made in any part of an abscess oppo- site to one already in it. This is often done iu order to afford a readier egress to the collected pus. Coup de soldi. The French for anerysipelai or apoplexy, or any affection produced instanta- neously from a scorching sun. Cou'rap. (Indian.) The provincial name of a disease of the skin common in Java, and other parts of the East Indies, accompanied by a per- petual itching and discharge of matter. Cou'rbaril. The tree which produces the gum anime. See Anime. Couro'ndi. An evergreen tree of India, said to be antidysenteric. Couroy moelli. A shrub of India, said to be antivenomous. Cou'scous. An African food, much used about the river Senegal. It is a composition of the flour of miUet, with some flesh, and what it there called lalo. Covola'm. See Cratava marmelot. C OWHAGE. See Dolichos prurient. COW-ITCH. See Dolichos prurient. COWPER, William, was born about tbe middle ofthe 17th century, and became distin- guished as a surgeon and anatomist in this me- tropolis. His first work, entitled " Myotomii Reformata," in 1694, far excelled any which pre- ceded it on that subject in correctness, though since surpassed by Albinus. Three years after, he published at Oxford <( the Anatomy of Humu Bodies," with splendid plates, chiefly from Bid- loo ; but forty of the figures were from drawing! made by himself; he added also some ingenioui and useful anatomical and surgical observation!. Having been accused of plagiarism by Bidioo,be wrote an apology, called " Eucharistia;" pre- ceded by a description of some glands, near tbe neck\>f the bladder, which have been called by his name. He was also author of several commu- nications to the Royal Society, and some obser- vations inserted in the anthropologic of Drake, He died in 1710. Cowper's glands. (Cowperi glandula; named from Cowper, who first described them.) Three large muciparous glands of the male, two of which are situated before the prostate gland under the accelerator muscles of the urine, and the third more forward, before the bulb of the urethra. They excrete a fluid, similar to that of the prostate gland, during the venereal orgasm. Cowpe'ri glandule. See Cowper'tglatuu. CQ'XA. The ischium is sometimes to called, and sometimes the os coccygis. COXE'NDIX. (From coxa, the hip.) The ischium • the hip-joint. Crablouse. A species of pediculus which in- fest* the axilla; and pudenda. . . Crab-yaws. A name in Jamaica for a kino ol ulcer on the soles of the feet, with caUous lips, *° hard that it is difficult to cut them. LRF. CRl CRA'MBE. (Kptptn, the name given by Dies- coride,, Galen, and otheriLto the cabbage ; the derivation is uncertain.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean *y«tem. Class, 1 etra- dvnama; Order, Siliculota. Cabbage. Crimbe maritima. The systematic name for the sea-cole, or »ea-kale. A deUciou* vege- table when forced and blanched. It is brought to tabic about Christina*, ha*a deUcate flavour, and i* much esteemed. Like to ail oleraccou* plants, it i* flatulent and watery. CRAMP. (From krempen, to contract. Germ.) See Spatm. CRANESBILI*. See Geranium. Cranetbill, bloody. See Geranium tangui- ntum. , CRAOTUM. (Kpavtov, quad Kapaviov', irom Kapa, tbe head.) The skull or superior part of - the head. See Caput. Crantf.'res. (From xpatva, to perform.) A naae given to the dente* sapientise and other mo- lares, from their office of masticating the food. CRA'PULA. (KpainvXa.) A surfeit; drunk- ennes*. CRA'SIS. (From ttpawvpi, to mix.) Mix- ture. A term appUed to the humours of the body, when there i* such an admixture of their princi- ple* a* to constitute a healthy state: hence, in dropsies, scurvy, he. the crasis, or healthy mix- ture of the principle* of the blood, is said to be destroyed. Cra'spedon. (Kpainri.<5ov, the hem of a gar- ment ; from Kptpnu. to hang down, and ncSov, the ground.) A relaxation of tbe uvula, when it hangs down in a thin, long membrane, like the hem of a garment. CRASSAME'NTUM. (Fromcrattut, thick.) See Blood. CRA'SSULA. (From cratsus, thick: so named from the thickness of its leaves.) See Sedum telephium. CRAT-rE/GUS. (From Kpalos, strength: so called from the strength and hardness of its wood.) The wtid «ervice-tree, of which there are many, are all species of the genus Prunus. The fruits are most of them astringent. CRATEVA. (So called from Cratevas, a Greek physician, celebrated by Hippocrates for his knowledge of plant*.) The name of a genus of plant*. Class, Polyandria; Order, Mono- gynia. Crateva marmelos. The fruit is astringent whilst unripe; but when ripe of a deUcious taste. The bark of the tree strengthens the stomach, and relieves hypochrondriac languors. Crati'cula. (From crates, a hurdle.) The bars or grate which covers the ash-hole in a chem- ical furnace. CRATON, John, called also Crafftheim, wan born at Breilaw in 1619. He was intended for the church, but preferring the ttudy of medi- cine, went to graduate at Patina, and then aettled at Breslaw. But after a few years he was called to Vienna, and made physician and auUc coun- cilor to the Emperor Ferdinand I.; which offices alio he held under the two succeeding emperors, and died in 1586. His work* were numerous: the principal ore, " A Commentary on Syphilis;" " A Treatise ou Contagious Fever;" another on " Therapeutic*;" and *even volumes of Epistles and Consultation*. C'tf am of tartar. Sec Potatta lupertartras. CREMA'STER. (From Kptuau, to suspend.) A raiucle of the testicle, by which it i* suspended, and drawn up and compressed, in the act of coi- tion. It arises from Poupart's Ugament, passes "ier tbe «• permatic chord, and is lost in the cel- lular membrane of the scrotum, coyering the tes- tide*. Cre'mnus. (From Kpmivof, » precipice, or shelving place.) 1. The lip of an ulcer. 2. T£e labium pudendi. CRE'MOR. 1. Cream. The oUy part of Bulk which rises to the surface of that liquid, mixed with a Uttle curd and serum. When churned, batter is obtained. See Milk. 2. Any substance floating on the top, and skimmed off. CRENATUS. Crenate or notched, applied to a leaf or petal, when the indentations are blunt- ed or rounded, and not directed towards either end ofthe leaf: a* in Glecoma hederacea. The two British species of Salvia axe examples of doubly crenate leaves. The petals ofthe Linum usitatisdmum are crenate. CRE'PITUS. (From crepo, to make a noise.) A puff or Uttle noise. The word is generaUy em- ployed to express the pathognomonic symptoms of air being collected in the ceUular membrane of the body ; for when air it in these cavities, and the part is pressed, a Uttle cracking noise, or cre- pitus, is heard. Crepitus lupi. See Lycoperdon boviita. Crescent-shaped. See Leaf. CRESS. There are several kinds of cresses eaten at the table, and used medicinaUy, as anti- scorbutics. Cress, water. See Sisymbrium nasturtium aquaticum. CRE'TA. Chalk. An impure carbonate of lime. See Creta praparata. Creta PRiErARATA. Take of chalk a pound; add a Uttle water, and nib it to a fine powder. Throw this into a large vessel fuU of water; then shake them, and after a little while pour the still turbid Uquor into another vessel, and set it by that the powder may subtide; lastly, pouring off the water, dry this powder. Prepared chalk is ab- sorbent, and possesses antacid qualities : it is ex- hibited in form of electuary, mixture, or bolus, in pyrosis, cardialgia, diarrhoea, acidities of the pri- ma: viae, rachitis, crusta lactea, &c. and is said by tome to be an antidote against white arsenic. Cretaceous acid. See Carbonic add. Crete, dittany of. See Origanum dictam- nut. CRETINISMUS. Cretinism. A species of Cyrtotis in Dr. Good's Nosology: a disease af- fecting chiefly the head and neck; countenance vacant and stupid; mental faculties feeble, or idiotic; sensibility obtuse, mostly with enlarge- ment of the thyroid gland. CRIBRIFO'RM. (Cribriformu; from cri- brum, a seive, and forma, likeness; because it is perforated Uke a seive.) Perforated Uke a seive. See Ethmoid bone. CR1CHTONITE. A mineral named after Dr. Crichton, which Jameson thinks is a new species of titanium ore. It is of a splendent velvet black colour. CRl'CO. Names compounded of this word belong to muscles which are attached to the cri- coid cartilage. CRICO-ARYTjGNOIDEUS lateralis. Crico- lateri arithenoidien of Dumas. A muscle of the glottis, that opens the rima by pulling the liga- ments from each other. Crico-aryt/Enoideus posticus. Cricocreti arithenmdien of Dumas. A muscle ofthe glot- tis, that opens the rima glottidit a little, and by pulling back the arytenoid cartilage, stretches the Ugament so as to make it tense. Crico-phartngeus. See Conttrictor pha* ryngii inferior. CRI CRO Crico-thyroideus. Crico-thyroidien of Dumas. The last of the second layer of mus- cles between the os hyoides and trunk, that pulls forwards and depresses the thyroid cartilage, or elevates and draws backwards the cricoid carti- lage. CRICOI'D. (Cricmdes; from KptKos, a ring, and tiios, resemblance.) A round ring-like cartilage of the larynx is caUed the cricoid. See Larynx. CRIMNO'DES. (From *pi/ivov, bran.) A term applied to urine, which deposits a sediment like bran. Crina'tus. (From itpivov, the lUy.) A term given to a suffumigation mentioned by P. iEgi- neta, composed chiefly of the roots of lilies. CRI'NIS. The hair. See Capillus. Crinomy'ron. (From Kpivov, a Uly, and uvpov, ointment.) An ointment composed chiefly of tilies. GR1NONES. (From crinis, the hair.) Ma- lis gondii of Good. Morbus pilaris of Horst. Malis a crinonibus of Elmuller and Sauvages. Collections of a sebaceous fluid in the cutaneous folticles upon the face and breast, which appear like black spots, and when pressed out, look Uke small worms, or, as they are commonly called, maggots. Crio'genes. An epithet for certain troches, mentioned by P. iEgineta, and which he com- mends for cleansing iucers. CRIPSO'RCHIS. (From Kpvrfa>, to conceal, and opxiii a testicle.) Having the testicle con- cealed, or not yet descended from the abdomen, into the scrotum. CRI'SIS. (From Kpivu, to judge.) TJie judg- ment. The change of symptoms in acute dis- eases, from which the recovery or death is prog- nosticated or judged of. Crispatu'ra. (From crispo, to curl.) A spasmodic contraction or curling of the mem- branes and fibres. CRISPUS. Curled. AppUed to a leaf, when the border is so much more dilated than the disk, that it necessarily becomes curled and twisted; aa in Malva crispa, &c. CRI'STA. (Quad cerista; from xepas, a horn, or carista; from Kapa, the head, as being on the top of the head.) Anything which has the appearance of a crest, or the comb upon the head of a cock. 1. In anatomy it is thus ap- pUed to a process of the ethmoid bone, christa galli, and to a part of the nympha ;~~critta clitoridis. 2. In surgery, to excrescences, like the comb of a cock, about the anus. 3. In botany, to several accessary parts or appendages, chiefly belonging to the antherae of plants; as the pod of the Hedysarum crista galli, &c. Crista galli. An eminence of the ethmoid bone, so called from its resemblance to a cock'* comb. See Ethmoid bone. CRISTATUS. Crested. Applied to several parts of plants. Cri'thamum. See Crithmum. Cri'the. (Kpi0>7, barley.) A stye or tumour on the eyelid, in the shape and of the size of a barley-corn. Crithe'rion. (From (cpivo), to judge.) The same as crisis. CRI/THMUM. (From Kptvm, to secrete; so named from its supposed virtues in promoting a discharge of the urine and menses.) Samphire or sea-fennel. Crithmum maritimum. The Linnaean name of the samphire or sea-fennel. Crithmum of the pharmacopoeias. It is a low perennial plant, and 310 grows about the sea-coast in several parts of the island. It has a spicy aromatic flavour, which induces the common people to use it a* a pot-herb. Pickled with vinegar and spice, it make* a whole- some and elegant condiment, which is in much esteem. CRITHO'DES. (From (cpiftj, barley, and tti»s resemblance.) ResembUng a barley-corn. It is appUed to small protuberances. CRITICAL. (Critical; from crist*; from kcivu), to judge.) Determining the event of a disease. Many physicians have been of opinion that there is something in the nature of fevers which generally determines them to be of a cer- tain duration , and, therefore, that their termina* tions, whether salutary or fatal, happen at certain periods of the disease, rather than at others. These periods, which were carefully marked by Hippocrates, are called critical dayt. The criti- cal days, or those on which we suppose the ter- mination of continued fevers especially to happen are the third, fifth, seventh, ninth, eleventh, four- teenth, seventeenth, and twentieth. CROCIDI'XIS. (From KooKi&ifa, to gather wool.) Floccilation. A fatal symptom in some diseases, where the patient gathers up the bed- clothes, and seems to pick up substances from them. Cro'cinum. (From kpokos, saffron.) A mix- ture of oil, myrrh, and saffron. Croco'des. (From kookos, saffron; so called from the quantity of saffron they contain.) A name of some old troches. Crocoma'gma. (From Kpoxos, saffron, and pay pa, the thick oil or dregs.) A troch made of oil of saffron and spices. CRO'CUS. (KpoKos of Theophrastus. The story of the young Crocus, turned into this flower, may be seen in the fourth book of Ovid's Metamorphoses. Some derive this name from KpoKrj, or xpoKis, a thread ; whence the stamens of flowers are called xpoxiSts. Others, again, de- rive it from Coriscus, a city and mountain of CiUcia, and others from crokin, Chald.) Saf- fron. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin. naean system. Class, Triandria; Order, Mono- gynia. Saffron. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the pre- pared stigmata of the saffron plant. See Crocus sativus. 3. A term given by the older chemists to several preparations of metallic substances, from their resemblance: thus, Crocus martis, Croon veneris. Crocus antimonii. A sulphuretted oxide of antimony. « «• Crocus germanicus. See Carthamus. Crocus indicus. See Curcuma. Crocus martis. Burnt green vitriol. Crocus metallorum. A sulphuretted oxide of antimony. Crocus officinalis. See Crocus sdtivut. Crocus saracenicus. See Carthamut. Crocus sativus. The systematic name of the saffron plant. Crocus:—spatha univalvi ra- dicali, corolla tubo longisdmo, of Linnaeus. Saffron has a powerful, penetrating, diffusive smeU, and a warm, pungent, bitterish taste. Many virtues were formerly attributed to this medicine, but little confidence is now placed in it. The Edinburgh CoUege directs a tincture, and that of London a syrup of this drug. Crocus veneris. Copper calcined to a ral powder. CRO'MMYON. (Ilapa to ras Kopaspvuv, because it makes the eyes wink.) An onion. CRO CRU Cromjitoitre'gma. (From Kpoppvov, an onion, ofts, aeirh, and pnywjii, to break out.) An acid eructation accompanied with a taste resem- bling onion*. CROONE, William, wa« born in London, where he settled as a physician, after studying at Cambridge. In I669 ne was chosen rhetoric pro- fcyior of Gresham College, and soon after regis- ». r of the Royal Society, which then assembled there. In 166t he was created doctor in medi- cine by mandate of the king, and the same year elected feUow of the Royal Society, and of the College of Physician*. In 1670 he was appointed lecturer on anatomy to the Company of Surgeons. On hi* death, in 1684, he bequeathed them 100'. ; his book* on Medicine to the College of Physi- cian*, aa *J*o the profit* of a house, for Lectures, to be read annually, on Muscular Motion; and donations to ".even of tbe college* at Cambridge, to found Mathematical Lectures. He left several fiapers on philosophical subjects, but his only pub- ication wa* a small tract, " De Ratione Motus Musculorum." CROSS-STONE. Harmotome; Pyramidal 7-eolite. A crystallised greyish-white mineral, harder than floor-spar, but not so hard a* apatite, found only in mineral vein* and agate balls in the Hartz, Norway, and Scotland. C ROT ALUS. The name of a genus of rep- tiles. Crotalushorridus. The rattle-snake; the stone out of the heaxl of which is erroneously said to be an antidote to the poison of venemous ani- mal*. A name also of tne Cobra de capeUa, the Coluber naja of Linnxus. Crota'phica arteria. The tendon of the temporal muscle. CROTAPHl'TES. (From KpolaBos, the tem- ple.) See Temporalit. Crota'phh.m. (From *po7«u, to pulsate; so named from the pulsation which in the temples is eminently discernible.) Crolaphot. Crotaphus. A pain in tbe temples. Cro'taphos. See Crotaphium. Cro'taphis. See Crotaphium. CROTCHET. A curved instrument with a ►harp hook to extract the foetus. CROTON. (From «po7tu, to beat.) I. An insert called a tick, from the noise it makes by beating it* head against wood. '2. A name of the ricinus or ca»tor-oil-berry, from it* likeness to a tick. 3. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Cla*s, Monada; Order, Monadelpnia. Croton benzoe. See Styrax benzoe. Crot*n oascarilla. The systematic name of the plant which affords the Cascarilla bark. Ciucartlta; Chocarilla; Elutheiia; Eluteria. The hark comes to us in quills, covered upon the outside with a rough, whitish matter, and brown- iih on the inner side, exhibiting, when broken, a ►mooth, clo*e. blackish-brown surface. It has a light agreeable smell, and a moderately bitter taste, accompanied with a considerable aromatic warmth. Ii is a very excellent tonic, adstringent, aud (.tomachic, and is de-< rving of a more general u*e than it ha* hitherto met with. Croton laccii i arjM. The systematic name of the plant upon which gum-lac i* deposited. See Lacca. ' Crotos ticlium. The systematic name of tin- tree »luch affor.1, the pavona wood, and ti- ke seed*. Croton--foHu ovatit glabris acumi- nata tcrratii, caule arborto of Linnseus. I. Havana wood. Lignumpavana; Lignum vot-ntnim : Lignum moluccente. The wood is of a light spongy texture, white within, but c#* vered with a greyish bark: and possesses a pmv gent, caustic taste, and a disagreeable smeU. It u said to be useful as a purgative in hydropical complants. 2. Granatiglia. Granatilli. Granatiglii. The grana tigUa are seeds of a dark-grey colour, in shape very Uke the seeds of the nanus com- munis. They abound with an oil which it far more purgative than castor-oU, which hat been lately imported from the East Indies, where it has been long used, and is now admitted into the London pharmacopoeia. One drop proves a drastic purge, but it may be so managed as to become a valuable addition to the materia me- dica. Croton tinctorium. The systematic name of the lacmus plant. Croton—foliit rhombeis repandii, capsulis pendulit, caule herbaceo, of Linnxus. Bezetta carulea. This plant yields the Succut heliotropii; Lacmut teu torna; Lacca carulea; Litmus. It is much used by chemists as a test. Croto'ne. (From Kpolov, the tick.) A fun- gus on trees produced by an insect Uke a tick; and by metaphor appUed to tumours and smaU fungous excrescences on the periosteum. Crotophus. (From xporos, pulsus.) Pain- ful pulsation. Crotophium. (From kdotos, the pulse.) Painful pulsation. CROUP. See Cynanche. Crousis. (From xpovw, to beat, or pulsate.) Pulsation. Crou'smata. (From xpovw, to pulsate.) Rheums or defluxions from the head. CROWFOOT. See Ranunculut. Crowfoot-cranetbill. See Geranium pratente. CRUCIAL. (Crudalit; from cru», the leg.) 1. Cross-like. Some parts of the body are so caUed when they cross one another, as the cru- cial ligaments of the thigh. 2. A name of the mugweed or orqsswort. CRUCIA'LIS. See CrudaLf CRUCIBLE. (Crudbulum ;./rom crucio, to torment: so named, because, la the language of old chemists, metals are tormented in it, and torturedj to yield up their powers and virtues.) A chemical vessel made mostly of earth to bear the greatest heat. They are of various shapes and composition. CRUCIFORMIS. Cross-like. AppUed to leaves, flowers, &c. which have that shape. CRU'DITAS. (From crudut, raw.) It is applied to undigested substances in the stomach, and formerly to humours in the body unprepared for concoction. CRl 1CKSHANK, William, was born at Edinburgh, in 1746. He was intended for the church, aud made great proficiency in classical learning ; but, showing a partiality to medicine, be was placed with a surgeon at Glasgow. In 1771, he came to London, and was soon after made librarian to Dr. WilUam Hunter ; and, on the se- cession of Mr. Hewson, became assistant, and then joint lecturer in anatomy, with the Doctor. He contributed largely to enrich the Museum, particularly by his curious injections of the lym- pathic vessels. He pubUshed, in 1786, a work on this subject, which is highly valued for it* correct- ness. In 1795, he communicated to the Royal Society an Account of the Regeneration of the Nerves ; and the same year published apamphlet on Insensible Perspiration ; and in 1797, an Ac- count of Appearances in the Ovaria of Rabbits in different Stages of Pregnancy. He died in 1800. Cri-'niov. (From koowos, a torrent.) A sir CRY CRY Medicine mentioned by Aethu, and named from the violence of its operation as a diuretic. CRU'OR. (From kPvos, frigut, it being that which appears Uke a coagulum as the blood cools.) The red part of the blood. See Blood. CRU'RA. The plural of crut. Crura clitoridis. See Clitorit. Crura medulla oblongata. The roots of the medulla oblongata. CRUR^ET/S. (From cms, a leg; so named, because it covers almost the whole foreside of the upper part of the leg or thigh.) Cruralis. A muscle of the leg, situated on the fore-part of the thigh. It arises, fleshy, from between the two trochanters of the os femoris, but nearer the les- ser, firmly adhering to most of the fore-part of the os femoris ; and is inserted, tendinous, into the upper part of the pateUa, behind the rectus. Its use is to assist the vasti and rectus muscles in the extension of the leg. CRURAL. (Cruralis; from crus, the leg.) Belonging to the crus, leg, or lower extremity. Crural hern ia. See Hernia cruralis. CRURA'LIS. See Cruraut. CRUS. 1. The leg. 2. The root or origin of some parts of the bo- dy, from their resemblance to a leg or root; as Crura cerebri, Crura cerebelli ; Crura of the diaphragm, &c. CRU°STA. 1. A sheU. 2. A scab. 3. The scum or surface of a fluid. Crusta lactea. A disease that mostly at- tacks some part of the face of infants at the breast. It is known by an eruption of broad pustules, fuU of a glutinous liquor, which form white scabs when they are ruptured. It is cured by mineral alteratives. Crusta villosa. The inner coat of the sto- mach and intestines has been so called. Crustula. (Dim. of crusta, a sheU.) A dis- coloration of the flesh from a bruise, where the skin is entire, and covers it over Uke a sheU. Crustumina'tum. (From Crustuminum, a town where they grew.) 1. A kind of Catha- rine pear. 2. A rob or electuary made of this pear and apples boiled up with honey. Crymo'des. (From Kpvos, cold.) An epithet for a fever, wherein the external parts are cold. CRYOLITE. A white or yeUowish brown mineral, composed of alumina, soda, and fluoric acid. It is curious and rare, and found hitherto only at West Greenland. CRYOPHORUS. (From Kpvos, cold, and^tpm, to bear.) The frost-bearer, or carrier of cold; an elegant instrument invented by Dr. WoUaston, to demonstrate the relation between evaporation at low temperatures, and the production of cold. CRYPSO'RCHIS. (From Kpvvlw, to con- ceal, andopvi;, a testicle.) A term applied to a man whose testicles are hid in the belly, or have not descended into the scrotum. CRY'PTA. (From /cpuirrw, to hide.) The little rounded appearances at the end of the small arteries of the cortical substance of the kidneys, that appear as if formed by the artery being con- voluted upon itself. CRYPTOGAMIA. (From Kpvima, to con- ceal, and yapos, a marriage.) The twenty-fourth and last class of the sexual or Linnaean system of plants, containing1 several numerous genera, in which the parts essential to their fructification have not been sufficiently ascertained to admit of their being referred to the other class. It is di- vided by Linnaeus into four orders, Filices, Mus- ci, Alga, and Fungi. 312 Cryso'rchis. Kpvoopxn- •• A retraction oi retrocession of one of the testicles. 2. See Cryptorchit. CRYSTAL. See Crystallut. CRYSTALLINE. (Crystallinui; from its crystal-like appearance.) Crystal-like. Crystalline lens. A lentiform pellucid part of the eye, enclosed in a membranous cap- sule, called the capsule of the crystalline lens, and situated in a pecuUar depression in the anterior part of the vitreous humour. Its use is to trans- mit and refract the rays of light. See Eyt. Crystalli'num. (From Kpv?aXXts, a crys- tal: so called from its transparency.) White arsenic. CRYSTALLISATION. (Cryttallizatio: from cryslallus, a crystal.) A property by which crystaUisable bodies tend to assume a regular form, when placed in circumstances favourable to that particular disposition of their particles. Al- most aU minerals possess this property, but it is most eminent in saline substances. Tne circum- stances which are favourable to the crystallisation of salts, and without which it cannot take place, are two: 1. Their particle* must be divided and separated by a fluid, in order that the correspond- ing faces of those particles may meet and unite. 2. In order that this union may take place, tbe fluid which separates the integrant parts of the salt must be gradually carried off, so that it may no longer divide them. CRYSTA'LLUS. Crystallus, i. m.; from Kpvos, cold, and *reXXu>, to contract: i. e. con- tracted by cold into ice.) 1. A crystal. " When fluid substances are suffered to pass with adequate slowness to the solid state, the attractive forces frequently arrange their ultimate particles, so a* to form regular polyhedral figure* or geometries! solids, to which the name of crystals ha* been given. Most of the soUds which compote the mineral crust of the earth are found in the crys- tallised state. Thus granite consists of crystals of quartz, felspar, and mica. Even mouotn masses Uke clay-slate, have a regular tabulated form. Perfect mobility among the corpuscles is essential to crystallisation. The chemist produce! it either by igneous fusion, or by solution in a li- quid. When the temperature is slowly lowered in the former case, or the Uquid slowly abstracted by evaporation in the latter, the attractive force* resume the ascendency, and arrange the partides in symmetrical forms. Mere approximation of the particles, however, is not alone sufficient for crystallisation. A hot saturated saUne solution, when screened from all agitation, will contract by cooling into a volume much smaller than what it occupies in the solid state, without crystaUising. Hence the molecules must not only be brought within a certain Umit of each other, for their concreting into crystals; but they must also change the direction of their poles, from the fluid collocation to their position in thesoUd state. This reversion of the poles may be effected, 1st, By contact of any part of the fluid with a point of a solid, of similar composition, previousW formed. 2d, Vibratory motions communicated, either from the atmosphere or any other roofing body, by deranging, however sUghtly, the fluw polar direction, will instantly determine* the solid polar arrangement, when the balance had bee* rendered nearly even by previous removal of the interstitial fluid. On this principle we explain the regular figures which particles of dust or irot assume, when they are placed on a ribraring plane, in the neighbourhood of electrised or mo- netised bodies. 3d, Negative or resinous voltaic electricity instantly determines the crystalline ar- CR^ UlC 1 antwnent, wliilc positive voltaic electricity coun- teraeUJt. Li(?ht also fa\iu^-crystallisation, as it exemplified with camphor dissolved in spirit*, which crystallises in bright and redissolvcs in gloornv weather. ... . , .. It mig1'" be imagined, that tbe same body would always concrct i in the same, or at least in a simi- lar crystalline form This position is true, in "eneral, for the salts crystallised in the labora- tory ; and on this uniformity of figure, one of the principal criteria between different salts depends. But even these forms are liable to many modifica- tion*, from causes apparently slight; and in na- uin- We find frequently the same chemical sub- stance crystallised in forms apparently very dis- similar. Thus, carbonate of lime assumes the mrm of a rhomboid, of a regular hexaiidraj prism, of a solid terminated by 12 scalene angles, or of a dodecahedron with pentagonal faces, &c. Bi- sulphuret of iron or martial pyrites produces tometirnes cubes and wrnetimes regular octahe- drons, at one time dodecahedrons with pentago- nal fares, at another icosahedrons with triangular face*. &c. While one and the miik- substance lends itself lo to many transformations, we meet with very different substances, which present absolutely the •ame form Thus fluate of lime, muriate of soda sulphuret of iron, sulphuret of lc.d, &c. crystaUise in cubes, under cutain circum- ■tanc<:n ; and in other cases, tlie same minerals, as well as sulphate of alumina and the diamond, as- sume the tornu of a regular octohedrou. Rom-.- de l'lsU first referred the study of crys- taltiaation to principles conformable to observa- tion, lie arranged together, as far as possible, crystal* of the #amc nature. Among the differ- ent form* relative to each species, he chose one as the most proper, from its simplicity, to be re- garded a* the primitive form ; and by supposing it truncated in (Jitler nt ways, he deduced the otlicr forms from it, and determined a gradation, a scries of transition-! between this same form and that of polyhedrons, which seem to be still further re- moved from it. To the descriptions and figures which he gave of the cbrystalline forms, he added the remits ofthe mechanical measurement of their principal ungles, and showed tliat these angles were const.mt in each variety. The illu-.irioi* Bergmann, bv endeavouring to penetrate to the mechanism ol the structure of crystals, considered the different forms relative to one and the same substance as produced by a su- perposition of planes, sometimes constant and sometime* i unable, and decreasing around one and the same primitive form. lit- applied this primary idea to a small number of crystalline forma, and i< rifled it with res; ect to a variety of calcareous spar by fractures, which enabled him to aso rtain the position of the nucleus, or ofthe primitive form, and llu- successive order of the laniiiiip covering this undent. Bergmann, how- ever, stopped here, and did not trouble himself either with determining the laws of structure, or applying calculation to it. It was a simple sketch ol the mmt prominent point of view iu mineralo- gy, but ii: which we see the hand of the same mas- ter who no successfully filled up tlie outlines of chemistry. In the researches which ll.iv undertook, about the same pnioil, on the ttiurtiuv of crystals, he pnip.Kcd combming the form and dimensions of inti grant molecules with simple and regular laws of trr.ingrihcnt, aud submitting thete laws to cal- culation. Ibis work produced a mathematical theory, which he reduced to analytic.il formula;, 'enrcentin" eicrv )>o»«ible rase, and the appli- 40 < .ition of which to known forms leads to vain.' tions of angles, constantly agreeing with observa- tion."—r'rVt Chem. Diet. 2. An eruption over the body of white transpa- rent pustules. Cte'dones. (From tfncuv, a rake.) Tbe fibres are so called from their pectinated course. Ctf.is. Krtis. A comb or rake. Ctenes, in the plural number, implies those teeth which are called incisores, from their likeness to a rake. CUBE ORE. Hcxr-dial olivenite. IVurfe- lerz of Werner. A mineral arseniate of iron, of a pi'-tv.-hio-jrnen colour. CI HE SPAR. See Anhydrite. Cl'BKB. See Piper cubeba. CUBE'BA. (From cubabah, Arab.) See Pi- per cubeba. Cubit.eus externus. An extensor muscle ofthe fingers. See Extensor digitorum commu- nis. Cubit.eijs internus. A flexor muscle of the fingers. See Flexor sublimis, and profundus. CUBITAL. ■(Cubitalis; from cubitus, the fore-arm.) Belonging to the fore-arm. Cubital artery. Arteria cubitalis ; Arte- ria ulnarit. A branch of the brachial that pro- ceeds in the fore-arm, and gives off the recurrent and inter-osscals, and forms the palmary arch, from which arise branches going to the fingers, called digitals. Cubital nerve. Nertus cubitalis; Nervus ulnaris. It arises from the brachial plexus, and proceeds along the ulna. Cubitalis musculus. An extensor muscle of the fingers See Extensor. CU'BITUS. (From cubo, to lie down; be- cause the ancients used to lie down on that part at (heir meals.) 1. The fore-arm, or that part between the elbow and wrist. 2. The larger bone ofthe fore-arm is called os cubiti. See j'/na. CUBOl'DES OS. (From *,•',-,?, a cube or die, and ei'V; likeness.) A tarsal bone of the foot, so caUed from its resemblance. CUCKOW FLOWER. See Cardamine. CUCU'BALUS. The name of an herb men- tioned by Pliuy. The name of a genus or family of plan's in the Linna.'an system. Class, Decan- dria ; Order, Trigynia. Cucudalus i acciff.ru". The systematic name of the berry-bearing chick-weed, which is sometimes used as an emollient poultice. Cvcubalus RLfiEN. The systematic name of the Behen officii!arum, or spatting poppy, for- merly used as a cordial and t-lexipharniic. CUCULLA'RIS. (Frcu cucullus, a hood : so named, because it is shaped like a hood.) See Trapezius. . CTTULLATUS. Hooded. Applied to a leaf when the edges meet in the lower r.nt, and ex- pand in the upper, forming a m.- .\th or hood, of which the'genus Sarcacenia are an example; to the nectary of the aconite tribe, &c. Cl'CU'LLVS. 1. A hood. -. An odoriferous cap for the head. CUCUMBER. See Curium?. Cucumber, bitter. See Cucumis colocynthit. Cucumber, squirting. Sec Momordica elate- rium. Cucumber, wild. See Momordica elaterium. Cl"(TMIS. (Cutvmis, mil- m.. ; also etictt- mer,ris; quasi curd meres, from their curvature.) The cucumber. 1. The name of a genus of plant•- in the Linuxan system. Class, Monada; Order, Syngenesia. Th- cucumber. 2. The pharmacopu-ial name of the garden cu- rumhrr. See Cucumis sain'mt. .in cue CUE Cucumis aukistis. S& Momordica ilatt- vi.um. Cucumis ASiN'isu-. Sec Momordica elate- rium. Cucumis coi.ocyxtihs. The systematic.name tor the officinal bitter apple. Colocynhis; Al- handula of the Arabians. Coloquintida. Bit- ter apple : Bitter gourd ; Bitter cucumber. The fruit, which is the medicinal part of this plant, C uciams—foliis multifidis, pomis globosis gla- oris, of Linnneus, is imported from Turkey. Its spongy membranous medulla or pith, is directed for u-e ; it has a nauseous, acrid, and intensely bitter taste; and is a powerful irritating cathartic. In doses often or twelve grains, it operates with great vehemence, fiequentlv producing violent gripes, bloody stools, and disordering the whole system. It is recommended in various complaints, _ as worms, mania, dropsy, epilepsy, &c. ; but is sel- dom resorted to, except where other more mild remedies have been used without success, and then only in the form of the extractum colocynthidis compodtum, and the pilula ex colocynthide cum alo' cf the pharmacopoeias. Cucumis melo. The systematic name ofthe melon plant. Melo. Musk melon. This fruit, when ripe, has a delicious refrigerating taste, but must be eaten moderately, with pepper, or some aromatic, as all this class of fruits are obnoxious to the stomachy producing spasms and cholic. The seeds possess mucilaginous qualities. Cucumis sativus. The systematic name of the cucumber plant. Cucumis. Cucumis—folio- rum angulis rectisj pomis oblongis scabris of Linnaeus. It is cooling and aperient, but very apt to disagree with bilious stomachs. It should al- ways be eaten with pepper and oil. The seeds were formerly used medicinally. Cucumis sylvestris. See Momordica elate- rium. -Cu'cupiia. A hood. An odoriferous cap for the head, composed of aromatic drugs. CUCU'RBITA. (A curvitate, according to Scaliger, the first syllable being doubled ; as in Cacula, Populus, &.C.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Monaz- cia; Order, Syngenesia. The pumpien. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the common gourd. See Cucurbita pepo. 3. A chemical distilling vessel, shaped like a gourd. Cucurbita citrullus. The systematic name of the water-melon plant. Citrullus; Angura ; face brasilientibus; Tetranguria. Sicilian cit- rul, or water-melon. The seeds of this plant, Cucurbita—foliis multipartitis of Linnaeus, were formerly used medicinally, but now only to repro- duce the plant. Water-melon is cqpling and some- what nutritious ; but so soon begins to ferment, as to prove highly noxious to some stomachs, and bring on spasms, diarrhoeas, cholera, colics, &c. Cucurbita lagenaria. The systematic name of the bottle-gourd plant. See Curbita pepo. Cucurbita fepo. The systematic name of the common pump-ion or gourd. Cucurbita. The seeds of this plant, Cucurbita—foliis lobatts pomis lavibus, arc used indifferently with those ofthe Cucurbita lagenaria—foliissubangulatis, tomentosi*, basi subtus biglandulosis ; pomis lig- nosis. They contain a large proportion of oil, wliich may be made into emulsions ; but is super- seded by that of sweet almonds. Cucurbitace*. (From cucurbita, a gourd.) The name of an order of Linnaeus'* Fragments of a Natural Method consisting of plants which re- £emble"n, Or. Black. Dr. Gregory having died the I iiouing year he continued the Medical Lecture*; 1<'in, till within a few months of his death, which happen- ed in February 1790, in his seventy-seventh year; sind he is said, even at the last, to have shown no deficiency in his delivery, nor in his memory, being accurtomed to lecture from short notes. Tfi- Lectures on the Materia Medica being sur- reptitiously printed, he obtained an injunction ag linst their being issued, until he had corrected them, which wa- accomplished in 1772 : but they were afterwards much improved, and appeared in 1789, in two quwto volumes. Fearing a similar fate to his Lectures on Medicine, he published an outline of them in 1784, in four volumes, octavo, entitled "First Lines of the Practice of Physic." He wrote also the " Institutions of Medicine," in one volume, octavo: and a " Letter to Lord Cathrart, on the Recovery of drowned Persons." But his most celebrated work is his " Synopsis Nosologia: Mcthodicae," successively improved in different editions; the fourth published in 1785, in two octavo volumes, contains the Sys- tems of other Nosologists till that period, follow- ed by his own, which certainly, as a practical arrangement of diseases, greatly surpasses them. CCLMUS. Culm. Straw. The stem of grasses, rushes, and plants nearly allied to them. It bears both leaves and flowers, and its nature is more easily understood than defined. Its varie- ties are, I. Culmus teres, roond ; as in Carex uligi- nota. 2. C tetragonut; as in Fettuca ovina. 3. ('. triangularis; as in Eriocaulon trian- gulare. 4. C. capillaris ; as in Scirpus capillaris. 5. C. prottratut; as in Agrostis canina. Ii. C. repent; as in Agrostis stolonifera. 7. <', nudat, as in Carex nlontana. 8. C. enodit, without joints; as in Juncus ronglomeratus. 9. C. articulatut, jointed ; as in Agrostis alba. 10. ('. geniculalus, bent like the knee ; as in Alnpicurus geniculatut. It is ;iNo cither solid or hollow, rough or smooth, sometimes hairy or downy, scarcely wooly. < ulmiverk. Plants which have smooth soft ^ti-nis. (TLPEPKR, .Nicholas, was the son of a clergyman, who put him apprentice to an apothe- cary ; after serving his time, he settled in Spital- tielas. London, about the year lei 12. In the troubles prevailing at that period, he appears to have favoured the Puritans ; but his decided war- fare was with the College of Physicians, whom lie accuses of keeping the people in ignorance, like the Popish clergy. He therefore published a translation of their Dispensary, with practical re- marks ; also a Herbal, pointing out, among other matters, under what planet the plants should be gathered : ami a directory to mithvives, showing the method of insuring a hc.illhy progeny, &c. Thews works were for some time popular. He died in 1654. CI'LTKU. (From com, to cultivate.) I. A knile or shear. 2. The third lobe of the liver is to called from its MippoM-d rcM-mblnnre. CI LI'S. (From miAoj.) The anus or fun- dament. Cu'mamus. See Pipricubtba. i'l MIY See litminum. CI MINI M. (From arm, to brin: forth: . -.in i i' iv.i- .-ul (o cure *teiiutv> I. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin-* na-an system. Class, Heptandria ; Order, Di- gynia. The cumin plant. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the cumin plant. See Cuminum cyminum. Ccminum jethiopiclvm. A name for the ammi verum. See Sison ammi. Cuminum cyminum. The systematic name of the cumin plant. Cuminum; Faniculum orientate. A native of Egypt and Ethiopia, but cultivated in Sicily and Malta, from whence it is- brought to us. The seeds of cumin, whicli are the only part of the plant in use, have a bitterish taste, accompanied with an aromatic flavour, but not agreeable. Tliey are generally preferred to other seeds for external use in discussing indolent tumours, as the encysted scrophulous, &c. and give name both to a plaster and cataplasm in the pharmacopoeias. Cunea'dis sutura. The suture by wliich the os sphenoides is joined to the os frontis. CUNEIFORMIS. (From cuneus, a wedge, and forma, likeness.) Cuneiform, wedge-like. Applied to bones, leaves, &c. which are broad and abrupt at the extremijer. See Sphenoid bone : Tortus, and Carpus; Ceaf; Pet alum. Cune'olus. (From cuneo, to wedge.) A, crooked tent to put into a fistula. Cup of the flower. See Calyx. CUPEL. (Kuppel, a cup, Ccrman.) C'o- pella; Catellus cinereus; Cineritium; Patella docimastica; Testa probatri.r, ccploratrix, or docimattica. A shallow earthen vessel like a cup, made of phosphate of lime, which suffers the baser metals to pass through it, when exposed to heat, and retains the pure metal. This pro- cess is termed cupellation. CUPELLATION. Cupellatio. The purify- ing of perfect metals by means of an addition of lead, which, at a due heat, becomes vitrified and promotes the vitrification and calcination of such imperfect metals us may be in the mixture, so that these last are carried off in the fusible glass that is formed, and the perfect metals are left nearly pure. The name of thi* operation is taken from the vessels made use' of, which are caUed- cupels. Cu'rHos. Kovtpos. Light. When applied to aliments, it imports their being easily digested : when to distempers, that they are mild. ITPRE'SSUS. (So called, airo rov kvcii irapicovs rovs axptpovai, because it produces equal branches.) Cypress. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- ua-an system. Class, Monacia; Order, Mona- delphia. The cypress-tree. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the cypress tree. See Cupressus sempervirens. Cupressus sempervirens. The systematic name of the cupressus of the shops. Cupressus —foliis imbricatis squamis quadrangulis, ot Linnaeus; called also cyparissut. Every part of the plant abounds with a bitter, aromatic, tere- binthiuale fluid; and is said to be a remedy against intermittents. Its wood is e\tivmel»- durable, and constitutes the cases of Egj-ptian. mummies. Cupri ammoniati liquor. Solution of am- moniated copper. Aqua cupri ammoniati of Pharm. Lond. 17S7, and formerly called Aqua. sapphiriua. Take of amuioniated copper, a drachm ; distilled water, a pint. Dissolve th'e aunruoniutcd copper in the water, and filter the solution through paper. This preparation is em- ploy ed by surgeons for cleansing foul ulcers, and, disposing them to heal. CuPRI RUBIGO. Voi'diTti*. 2K CUR CUT Cupri sulphas. Vitriolum cupri; Vitrio- him caruleum ; Vitriolum Romanian ; Cuprum ritriolatum. Sulphate of copper. It possesses acrid and 'styptic qualities ; is esteemed a.s a tonic, emetic, adstringent, and escharotic, and is exhibited internaUy m the cure of dropsies, hae- morrhages, and as a speedy emetic. Externally it is applied to stop hretnorrhages, to haemorr- hoids, leucorrhoea, phagedaenic ulcers, proud flesh, and condylomata. CU'PRUM. (Quad as Cyprium : so. called irom the island of Cyprus, whence it was for- merly brought.) See Copper Cuprum ammoniacale. See Cuprum am- moniatum. Cuprum ammoniatum. Cuprum ammonia- cale. Ammoniated copper. Ammoniacal sul- phate of copper. Take of sulphate of copper, half an ounce ; subcarbonate of ammonia, six drachms ; rub them together in a glass mortar ; till the effervescence ceases ; then dry the am- moniated copper, wrapped up in bibulous paper, by a gentle heat. In this process the carbonic .acid is expelled from the ammonia, which forms a triple compound with the sulphuric acid and oxide of copper. This preparation is much milder than the sulphate of copper. It is found to produce tonic and astringent effects on the hu- man body. Its principal internal use has been in epilepsy, and other obstinate spasmodic diseases, given in doses of half a grain, gradually increas- ed to five grains or more, two or three times a day. For its external application, see Cupri ammoniati liquor. Cuprum vitriolatum. See Cupri Sul- phas. CUPULA. An accidental part of a seed, being a rough calyculus, surrounding the lower part of a gland, as that of the oak, ot which it is the cup. Cura avanacea. A decoction of oats and succory roots, in which a little nitre and sugar were dissolved, was formerly used in fevers, and was thus named. Cu'rca?-. See Jatropha curcas. Cu'rculio. (From karkarah, Hebrew.) The throat and the aspera arteria. Cu'rcum. See* Cheledonium majus. CURCU'MA. (From the Arabic cur cum, or /Wcwm.) Turmeric. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Monan- dria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the turmeric- tree. See Curcuma longa. Curcuma longa. The systematic name of the turmeric plant. Crocus Indicus; Terra marita; Cannacorus radice croceo; Curcuma rotunda; Mayella; Kua kaha of the Indians. Curcuma—foliis lanceolatis ; nervis laieralibus numerossimis of Linnaeus. The Arabians call every root of a saffron colour by the name of curcum. The root of this plant is imported here in its dried state from the East Indies, in various forms. Externally it is of a pale yellow colour, wrinkled, solid, ponderous, and the inner sub- stance of a deep saffron or gold colour . its odour is somewhat fragrant; to the taste it is bitterish, shghtry acrid, exciting a moderate degree of warmth in the mouth, and on being chewed, it tingea the saUva yellow. It is an ingredient in the composition ot Cury powder, is valuable as a djeing drug, and furtushes a chemical test of the presence of uncombined alkaUes. It is now very seldom used medicinally, but retains a place in our pharmacopoeias. Curcuma rotunda. "See Curcuma longa. V URD. The coatrulum, which separates from 316 milk, upon the addition of acid or other sub- stances. Curled leaf. See Leaf. CU'RMI. (From Ktpaio, to mix.) Ale. A drink made of barley, according to Dioscoridcs. CURRANT. See Ribes. v Cu'rsuma. Curtuma. The Ranunculus ficaria of Linnaeus. Cursu'ta. (Corrupted from castuta, kasuth, Arabian.) The root of the Gentiana purpurea of Linnaeus. Curva'tor coccygis. A muscle bending the coccyx. See Coccygeus. CURVATUS. (From curvus, a curve.) Cur- vate, bent. Applied to the form of a pepo or gourd seed-vessel; as in Cucumi flexuosus. CUSCU'TA. (According to Linnaeus a cor- ruption from the Greek Kaovlas, or KaSvfc, which is frorh the Arabic Chessuth, or Chasuth.) Dodder. " 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Tetrandria; Order, Digynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of dodder of thyme. See Cuscuta epithymum. Cuscuta epithymum. The systematic name of dodder of thyme. Epithymum. Cuscuta— foliis sesdlibus, quinquifidis, bracteis obval- latis. A parasitical plant, possessing a strong disagreeable smell, and a pungent taste, very durable in the mouth. Recommended in melan- cholia, as cathartics. Cuscuta europ.'ea. The systematic name of a species of dodder of thyme. Cuscuta—flori- bus sessilibus, of Linnaeus. CUSPA'RIA. The name given by Messrs. Humboldt and Bonpland to a genus ot plants in which is the tree we obtain the Angustura bark from. Cusparia febrifuga. This is the tree said to yield the bark caUed Angustura—Cortex cus- paria, and imported from Angustura in South America. Its external appearances vary consi- derably. The best is not fibrous, but hard, com- pact, and of a yellowish-brown colour, and ex- ternally of a whitish hue. When reduced into powder, it resembles that of Indian rhubarb. • It is very generally employed as a febrifuge tonic, and adstringent. While some deny its virtue in curing intermittents, by many it is preferred to the Peruvian bark; and it has been found useful in diarrhoea, dyspepsia, and scrofula. It was thought to be the bark of the Brucea antidyten- terica, or ferruginea. WiUdenow suspected it to be the Magnolia plumieri; but Humboldt and Bonpland, the celebrated travellers in South America, have ascertained it to belong to a tree not before known, and which they promise to de- scribe by the name of Cusparia. febrifuga. CUSPIDA'TUS. (From cuspis, a point.) I. Four of the teeth are colled cuspidati, from then- form. See Teeth. 2. Sharp-pointed. AppUed to leaves which are tipped with a spine, as in thistles. See Leaf. CU'SPIS. (From cuspa, Chaldean, a sheU, or bone, with which spe;>.rs were formerly point- ed.) 1. The glans penis was so caUed, from its likeness to tlie point of a spear. 2. The name of a bandage. Cu'stos oculi. An instrument to fix the eye during an operation. Cuta'mbulus. (From cutis, the skin, and ambulo, to walk.) 1. A cutaneous worm. 2. Scorbutic itching. CUTANEOUS. (Cutaneus; from cutis, the skin.) Belonging to the skin. Cuta'neus musculus. See Platysma mu- oides. CVl C ¥M ( I TI6LE. Cuticula. (A diminutive of 'utit, tbe skin.) Epidermit. Scarf-skin. A thin, peUucid, insensible membrane, of a white colour, that covers and defends the true skin, with which it it connected by the hairs, exhaling .did inhaling vessels, and the rete mucosum. CUTICULA. See Cuticle. CUTIS. (Cutit, Hi. foem.) See Skin. Cutis anserina. The rough state the skin is sometimes thrown into from the action of cold, or other cause, in which it looks Uke the skin of the goose. Cutis vera. The true skin underjrhe cuticle. CYAMA. The trivial name inr Good's ar- rangement of diseases of a species called Exan- gia cyania, or blue skin. Class, Hamatica; Order, Struma. CYANIC ACID. Addum cyanicum. See Prustic acid. CYANITE. Kyanite. Disthene of Haiiy. A mineral of a Berlin blue colour, found in India and Europe. C Y ANOG EN. (From tvavos, blue, and yivopai, to form.) Production of blue. See Prutdne. CY'ANUS. (1i.vavos, caerulean, or sky-blue ; so caUed from its colour.) Blue-bottle. See Centuuria cyanus. CY'AR. (From «ou>, to make lame.) A tibia or leg bending outwards. Ci'lus. (From kvXXow, to make lame.) In Hippocrates, it is one affected with a kind of lux- ation, which bends outwards, and it holiowed inward. Such a defect in the tibia is called Cyl- losis, and the person to whom it belongs, is called by the Latins Varus, which term is opposed to Valgus. CYMA. A cyme. A species of inflorescence of plants, consisting oi several flower-stallts, aU springing from one centre or point, but each stalk is variously subdivided ; and .n this last re- spect, a cyme differs essentially from an umbel, the subdivisions of the latter being formed Uke its primary divisions, of several stalks springing from one point. This difference is of great im- portance in nature. The mode of inflorescence agrees also with a coryinbus in general aspect; but in the latter the primary stalks have no com- mon centre, though the partial ones may some- times be umbellate, which lust case is precisely the reverse of a cyme. From its division into primary stalks or branches, it is distinguished into, 1. Trifid, as in Sedum acre. 2. Quadrifid; as in Crewsula i~ubens. 3. Tripartite, hav'ng three lesser cymes; as in Samburut ebulus. 4. Quinquipcrtite; as in Sambucut nigra. 5. Sessile, or without stalk ; as in Gnjphalium frutetcent. Cotnut sanguinea and tericea afford examples of the Cyma nuda. Cyma.-o'des. Is appUed by Galen and others to an unequal fluctuating pulse. Cy'mba. (From mi/ifo.-, hollow.) A boat, pinnace, or skiff. A bone of the wrist is so called, from its supposed likeness to a skiff. Sec Navicular? os. p CYMBIFORMIS. (From cymba, a boat or tkiff, .ml forma, likeness.) Skiff or boat-like. Applied tethe seeds of the Calendula officinalis. CYMINUM. See Cuminum. C'.'MOPHVNE. See Chrysoberyl. C> mosi>. Having the character of > cynn Applied to aanrrctrate3o\'-e--. CYN CVN CYNA NCHE. (From mm; a dog, and ayvu, (o suffocate, or strangle ; so called from dogs being said to be subject to it.) Sore throat. A fenus of disease in the class Pyrexia, and order 'hlegmasia of Cullen. It is known by pain and redness of the throat, attended with a difficulty of swallowing and breathing. The species of this disease are :— 1. Cynanche trachealis; Cynanche laryngea; Suffocatw ttridula; Angina perniciosa ; Asth- ma infantum; Cynanche stridula; Morbus strangulaioiu:-; Catarrhus suffocatius ; Bar- badensis; Angina polyposa sive membrana- cea. The croup. A disease that mostly attacks infants, who are suddenly seized with a difficulty of breathing and a crouping noise : it is an in- flammation of the mucous membrane of the tra- chea that induces the secretion of a very tena- cious coagulable lymph, wliich lines the trachea and bronchia, and impedes respiration. The croup does not appear to be contagious, whatever some physicians may think to the contrary ; but it sometimes prevails epidemically. It seems, however, peculiar to some families; and a child having once been attacked, is very liable to its re- turns. It is likexvise peculiar to young children, and has never been known to attack a person ar- rived at the age of puberty. The application of cold seems to be the general cause which produces this disorder, and therefore it occurs more frequently in ihe winter and spring, than in the other seasons. It has been said, that it is most prevalent near the sea-coast; but it is frequently met with in inland situations, and par- ticularly those which are marshy. Some days previous to an attack ofthe disease, the child appears drowsy, inactive, and fretful; the eyes are somewhat suffused and heavy; 'and there is a cough, which, from the first, has a pe- culiar shrUl sound; this, in the course of two days, becomes more violent and troublesome, and likewise more shrill. Every fit of couching agitates the patient very much; the face is flush- ed and swelled, the eyes are protuberant, a gen- eral tremor takes place, and there is a kind of comulsive endeavour to renew respiration at the close of each fit. As the disease advances, a con- stant difficulty of breathing prevails, accompa- nied sometimes with a .swelling and inflammation in the tonsils, uvula, and velum pendulum palati; and the head is thrown back, in the agony of at- tempting to escape suffocation. There is not only an unusual sound produced by the cough, (some- thing between the yelping and barking of a dog,) but respiration is performed with a hissing noise, as if the trachea was closed up by some sUght spongy substance. The cough is generaUy dry; but it aLj thing is spit up, it has either a purulent appearance, or seems to consist of films resem- bUng portions of a membrane. Where great nausea and frequent retchings prevail, coagulated matter of the same nature is brought up. With these svmptoms, there is much thirst, and uneasy sense ot heat over the whole body, a continual in- cUnation to change fioin place to place, great restlessness, and frequency of the pulse. In an advanced stage of the disease, respiration becomes more stridulous, and is performed with still greater difficulty, being repeated at longer periods, and with greater exertions, until at last it ceases entirely. The croup generally proves fatal by suffoca- tion, induced either by spasm affecting the glottis, Or by a quantity of matter blocking up by the trachea or bronchia; but when it terminates in health, it is by a resolution ofthe inflammation. SIP by a ceasing of the spasms, and by a free expec- toration of the matter exuding from the trachea, or of the crusts formed there. The disease has, in a few instances, terminated fatally within twenty-four hours after its attack; but it more usuaUy happens, that where it proves fatal, it runs on to the fourth or fifth day. Where considerable portions of the membranous films, formed on the surface of the trachea, are thrown up, life is sometimes protracted for a day or two longer than would otherwise have happened. Dissections of children who have died of the croup, have mostly shown a preternatural mem- brane, lining the whole internal surface ofthe up- per part of the trachea, which may always be easily separated from the proper membrane. There is likewise usually found a good deal of mu- cus, with a mixture of pus, in the trachea and its ramifications. The treatment of this disease must be conducted on the strictly antiphlogistic plan. It wiU com- monly be proper, where the patient is not very young, to begin by taking blood from the arm, or the jugular vein; several leeches should be applied along the fore part of the neck. It will then be right to give a nauseating emetic, ipeca- cuanha with tartarized antimony, or with squill in divided doses; this may be followed up by cathartics, diaphoretics, digitahs, &c. Large bUsters ought to be appUed near the affected part, and a discharge kept 'jp by savine cerate, or other stimulant dressing. Mercury, carried speedily to salivation, has in several instances ar- rested the progress of the disease, when it appear- ed proceeding to a fatal termination. As the in- flammation is declining, it is very important that free expectoration should take place ; this may be promoted by nauseating medicines, by inhaling steam, and by stimulating gargles ; for which the decoction of seneka is particularly recommended. Where there is much wheezing, an occasional emetic may relieve the patient considerably, and under symptoms of threatening suffocation, the operation of bronchotomy has sometimes saved life. Should fits of spasmodic difficulty of breath- ing occur in the latter periods of the disease, opium joined with diaphoretics would be most likely to do good. 2. Cynanche tonsillaris. The inflammatory quincy, called also angina inflammatoria. In this complaint, the inflammation principally oc- cupies the tonsils; but often extends through the whole mucous membrane of the fauces, so as es- sentially to interrupt the speech, respiration, and deglutition of the patient. The causes wbfoh usually give rise to it arc, exposure to cold, either from sudden vicissitude? of weather, from being placed in a partial current of air, wearing damp linen, sitting in wet rooms, or getting wet in the feet; aU of which may give a sudden check to perspiration. It principally attacks those of a full and plethoric habit, and is chiefly confined to cold climates, occurring usual- ly in the spring and autumn; whereas the ul- cerated sore throat chiefly attacks those of a weak irritable habit, and is most prevalent in warm climates. The former differs from the lat- ter likewise in not being contagious. In many people there seems to be a particular tendency to this disease ; as from every considerable appti- cation of cold it is readily induced. An inflammatory sore throat discovers itself bya difficulty of swaUowing and breathing, ac- companied by a redness and tumour in one or both tonsils, dryness of the throat, foulness ofthe tongue, lancinating pains in the parts affected, a tiN OYN r-oqueht but difficult excretion of mucu>, aud some •mall degree of fever. As the disease advances, the difficulty of swallowing and breathing be- comes greater, the speech is very indistinct, the dryness of the throat and thirst increases, the tongue swells and is incrusted with a dark fur, and the pulse is full and frequent. In some cases, a few white, sloughy spots are to be observed on the tonsils. If the inflammation proceeds to such a height as to put a total stop to respiration, the face will become livid, the pulse will sink, and the patient will quickly be destroyed. The chief danger arising from this species of quincy is, the inflammation occupying both ton- sils, and proceeding to such a degree as to prevent a suffici.-nt quantity of nourishment for the sup- port of nature from being taken, or to occasion suffocation ; but this seldom happens, and its usual termination is either in resolution or suppuration. When proper steps are adopted, it will in general readily go off by the former. Where the disease has proved fatal by suffoca- tion, little more than a highly inflamed state of the parts affected, with some morbid phenomena in the head, have been observed on dissection. This is usually a complaint not requiring very active treatment. If, however, the inflammation run high, in a tolerably strong and plethoric adult, a moderate quantity of blood should be drawn from the arm, or the jugular vein: but still more frequently leeches will be required ; or scarifying the tonsils may afford more effectual relief. An emetic will often be very beneficial, sometimes apparently check the progress of the complaint : likewise cathartics must lie employ- er!, diaphoretics, and the general antiphlogistic regimen. A blister to the throat, or behind the neck, sometimes has a very excellent effect: but in milder cuses, the linimentum ammoniac, or other rubefacient application, applied every six or eight hours, and wearing llannel round the throat, may produce a sufficient determination from the part affected. The use of proper gar- gles generally contributes materially to the cure. If tin i-i; be much tension and pain in the fauces, a solution of nitrate of potassa will be best; other- wise dilute acids, a weak solution of alum, &c. Should the disease proceed to suppuration, warm emollient gargles ought to be employed, and perhaps similar external applications may be of some service : but it is particularly important to make an early opening into the abscess for the discharge of the pus. When deglutition is pre- vented by the tumefaction of the tonsils, it is re- commended to exhibit nutritious clysters ; and when suffocation is threatened, an emetic, or in- haling aether, may cause a rupture of the abscess, or this may be opened ; but if relief be not there- by obtained, bronchotomy will become necessary. 3. Cynanche pharyngea. This species is so called when the pharynx is chiefly affected. Dr. Wilson, in his treatise on Febrile Diseases, in- cludes in his definition of cynanche tonsillaris, that of cynanche pharyngea. These varieties of cynanche differ considerably when they are ex- quisitely formed. But the one is seldom present in any considerable degree, without being attend- ed with more or less of the other. Dr. Cullen declare, indeed, that he never saw a case of true cynanche pharyngea; that is, a case in which the inflammation was confined to the pharynx; it constantly spread in a greater or less degree to tbe tonsil- and neighbcuring parts, Besides, the mode of treatment is, in almost every instance, the same in both cases. And if we admit the cynanche pharyngea to be a distinct variety, wc .'riii*i ndm\t another, the cynanche a*«ophagea; for inflammation frequently attacks the oesopha- gus, and is sometimes even confined to it. 4. Cynanche parotidea. The mumps. A swelling on the cheek and under the jaw, extend- ing over the neck, from inflammation ofthe paro- tid and other salivary glands, rendering deglu- tition, or even respiration, sometimes difficult, declining the fourth day. Epidemic and conta- gious. The disease is subject to a metastasis occa- sionally, in females, to the mammae, in males to the testes; and in a few instanc s, repelled from these parts, it has affected the brain, and even proved fatal. In general, however, the disease is without danger, and scarcely calls for medical aid. Keeping a flannel over the part, and the antiphlogistic regimen, with mild laxatives, wtil be sufficient. Should the mamma-, or the testes, be affected, more active evacuations may be ne- cessary to prevent the destruction of those or- gans, bleeding general and topical, &c. but avoid- ing cold applications, lest it should be driven to the brain. And where this part is unfortunately attacked, besides the means explained under Phrenitis, it may be useful to endeavour to recall the inflammation to its former seat by warm fo- mentations, stimulant liniments, &c. 5. Cynanche maligna. The malignant, pu- trid, or ulcerous sore throat. Called also Cy- nanche gangranosa; Angina ulcerosa; Febris epidemica cum angina ulcusculosa; Angina epidemica; Angina gangranosa; Angina suf- focativa; Angina maligna. This disease is readily to be distinguished from the inflammatory quincy, by the soreness and specks which appear in the fauces, together with the great debility of the system, and small fluttering pulse, which are not to be observed in the former. In the inflam- matory sore throat there is always great difficulty of swallowing, a considerable degree of tumour, with a tendency in the parts affected to suppurate, and a hard, full pulse. Moreover in the former affection the disease is seated principally in the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat; whereas in the latter the inflammation chiefly oc- cupies the glandular parts. The putrid sore throat often arises from a pecu- liar state of the atmosphere, and so becomes epidemical; making its attacks chiefly on chU- dren, and those of a weak relaxed habit. It is produced likewise by contagion, as it is found to run through a whole family, when it has once seized any person in it; and it proves often fatal, particularly to those in an infantile state. It appears, however, that under this head two different complaints have been included ; the one, especially fatal to children, is an aggravated form of scarlatina ; the other, a combination of inflam- mation of the fauces with typhus fever ; the for- mer is perhaps always, the latter certainly often, contagious. See Scarlatina and Typhus. CYNA'NCHICA. (Cinanchicus; from kv- vayXn, the quincy.) Medicines which retieve a quincy. Cynanthro'pia. (From kvo>v, a dog, and avOpia-zos, a man.) It is used by Bellini, De Mor- bis Capitis, to express a particular kind of melan- choly, when men fancy themselves changed into dogs, and imitate their actions. Cy'sara. See Cinara. Cynarocepualus. (From Kivapo, the arti- choke, and KtaiaXv, a head.) Having a head like the Cinara, or artichoke: as the thistle, globe thistle, burdock, blue bottle. Cy'vchnis. Kt>x"«- A vessel of any kind to hold medicines in. r.YNOCR VMBE. 'From kvuv, a dog, and 119 Ci'P CVs -papSv, cabbage ; an herb of the cabbage tribe, with which dogs are said to physic themselves.) See Mercurialis perennis. Cyno'ctanum. (From kvm, adog, and kjcivu, to kiU.) A species of aconitum, said to destroy dogs. See Aconitum napellus. Cynqcy'tisis. (From kvuv, a dog, and kvJioos, the cytisue : so named because it was said to cure the distemper of dogs.) The dog-rose. See Rosa canina. ' CYNODE'CTOS. (From kvuv, a dog, and SaKvta, to bite.) So Dioscorides calls a person bit by a mad dog. Cynode'smion. (From kvuv, a dog, and Stm to bind ; so named because in dogs it is very dis- cernible and strong.) A ugature by which the prepuce is bound to the glands. See Franum. CYNODO'NTES. [Kvvoiovres■■ from kvuv, a dog, and oiovs, a tooth.) The canine teeth. See Teeth. CYNOGLO'SSUM. (From kvuv, a dog, and yXiitaca, a tongue ; so named from its supposed resemblance ) Hound's tongue. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- nsean system. Class, Pentandria ; Order, Mo- nogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the hound's tongue. See Cynoglotsum officinale. Cynoglossum officinale. The systematic name for hound's tongue. Cynoglossum; Lin- gua canina; Cynoglossum—staminibuscorolla brevioribus; foliis lato lanceolatis, tomentosis, sessilibus, of Linnaeus. It possesses narcotic powers, but is seldom employed medicinally. Acids are said to counteract the ill effects from an over-dose more speedily than any thing else, after clearing the stomacS. Cyno'lophus. (From kvwv, a dog, and Xoibos, a protuberance : so called because in dogs they are peculiarly eminent.) The asperities and pro- minences ofthe vertebrae. C YNOLY'SSA. (From kvuv, a dog, and Xvcar/, . madness.) Canine madness. CYNOMO'RIUM. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Monacia; Order, Monandria. Cynomorium coccineum. The systematic name of the Fungus melitensis; improperly called a fungus. It is a small plant which grows only on a Uttle rock adjoining Malta. A drachm of the powder is given for a dose in dysenteries and haemorrhages, and with remarkable success. CYNORE'XIA. (Fromkvu>v, adog, and opc^ts, appetite.) A voracious or canine appetite. See Bulimia. CYNO'SBATOS. See Cynosbatut. CYNO'SBATUS. (From kvuv, a dog, and fialos, a thorn : so called because dogs are said to be attracted by its smell.) The dog-rose. See Rosa canina. Cynospa'stum. (From kviov, a dog, and oiraio, to attract.) See Rosa canina. CYOPHO'RLA. (From kdos, a foetus, and , to burn.) An inflammation of the bladder. CYSTOPHLEGMA'TICUS. (From kv?is, the bladder, and , to burn, and v. These ingredients are - to be macerated for twenty-four hours, and after- wards boiled, till the fluid is reduced to half its original quantity. From one to four pints arc given daily. The late Mr. Hunter notices this, and also tbe following formula, in his treatise on the Venereal Disease. Take of sliced sarsaparilla, of the root of Chi- na, of each ~j : walnut peek dried, xx; anti- mony, j j \ ; pumice-stone, powdered ^j; dis- tiUed water, tbx. The powdered antimony and pumice-stone are to be tied in separate pieces of rag, and boiled, along with the other ingredients. This last decoction is reckoned to be the genuine Lisbon diet drink, the quaUtics of which hav e bccuuhe subject of so much encomium. DEC DEC Decoctum maly^e compositum. Decoctum pro enemate. Decoctum commune pro clystere. Compound decoction of mallows. Take of mal- lows dried, an ounce; chamomile flowers dried, half an ounce ; water, a pint. Boil for a quarter of an hour, and strain. A very excellent form for an emolUent clyster. A variety of medi- cines may be added to answer particular indica- tions. Decoctum mezerei. See Decoctum daphnes mezerei. Decoctum papaveris. Decoctum pro fo- mento. Fotus communis. Decoction of poppy. Take of white poppy capsules bruised, ^iv ; water, four pints. Boil for a quarter of an hour, and strain. This preparation possesses se- dative and antiseptic properties, and may be di-y rected with advantage in sphacelus, &c. Decoctum pro jenemate. See Decoctum malva compositum. Decoctum pro fomento. See Decoctum papaveris. Decoctum quercus. Decoction of oak bark. Take of oak bark, ^j ; water, two pints. Boil down to a pint, and strain. This astringent decoction has lately been added to the Lond. Pharm. and is chiefly used for external purposes. It is a good remedy in prolapsus ,ani, and may be used also in some cases as an injection. Decoctum sarsaparill.e. Decoction of sarsaparilla. Take of sarsaparilla root, sUced, ^iv ; boiling water, four pints. Macerate for four hours, in a vessel tightly covered, near the fire ; then take out the sarsaparilla and bruise it. After it is bruised, put it again into the Uquor, and macerate it in a similar manner for two hours more ; then boil it down to two pints, and strain. This decoction is much extolled by some prac- titioners, in phthisis, and to restore the strength after a long course of mercHry. Decoctum sarsaparilla compositum. Compound decoction of sarsaparilla. Take of decoction of sarsaparilla boiling, four pints ; sas- safras root sUced, guaiacum wood shavings, liquo- rice root bruised, of each an ounce; mezereon root bark, 3ijj- Boil for a quarter of an hour, and strain. "The alterative property of the com- pound is very great; it is generaUy given after a course of mercury, where there have been nodes and indolent ulcerations, and with great benefit. The dose is from half a pint to a pint in twenty- four hours. Decoctum seneg.e. Decoction of senega. Take of senega root, ^j ; water, two pints': Boil down to a pint, and strain. This is now first introduced into the Lond. Pharm. as being a useful medicine, especially in affections of the lungs, attended with debility and inordinate se- cretion. Decoctum ulmi. Decoction of elm bark. Take of fresh elm bark bruised, four ounces; water, four pints. Boil down to two pints, and strain. This may be employed with great advan- tage as a collyrium in chronic ophthalmia. It is given internally in some cutaneous erup- tions. Decoctum veratri. See Decoctum hellebori albi. DECOLLA'TIO. (Fromdecollo, to behead.) The loss of a part of the skuU. Decomposite. The name of a class in Sau- vage's Methodus Foliorum, consisting of such as have twice compounded leaves; that isv have a common footstalk supporting a number of lesser leaves, each of whieh is compounded; as in Fumaria, and many unbelliferous plants. 326 DECOMPOSITION. Decompositio. Ihe separation of the component parts or principles of bodies from each other. The decomposition of bodies forms a very large part of chemical science. It seems probable, from the operations we are acquainted with, that it seldom takes place but in consequence of some combinations or com- position having been effected. It would be diffi- cult to point out an instance of the separation of any of the principles of bodies which has been effected unless in consequence of some new com- bination. The only exceptions seem to consist in those separations which are made by heat, and voltaic electricity. DECOMPOS1TUS. A term applied to leaves, and means doubly compound. Sir James Smith observes, that Linnaeus, in his Philosophia Bo- tanica, gives an erroneous definition of this term, which does not agree with his own use of it. The JEgopodium poaagraria and Fulmaria clavicu- lata, afford examples of the decomposite leaves. Supra decompodtum, means thrice compound, or more; as in Caucalis anihritcut. The decom- posite flowers are such as contain within a com- mon calyx a number of lesser or partial flower- cups, each of which is composed of many florets. DECORTICATION. (Deeorticatio; from de, from, and cortex, bark.) The stripping of any thing of its bark, husk, or sheU: thus almonds, and the like, are decorticated, that is, deprived of their peUicle, when ordered for medicinal pur- poses. DECREPITATION. (Decrepitatio; from decrepo, to crackle.) A kind of crackling noise, which takes place in some bodies, when heated: it is peculiar to some kinds of salts, as muriate of soda, sulphate of barytes, &c. DECUMBENS. (From decumbo, to he down.) Drooping: a term applied to flowers which incline to one side and downwards. DECURRENS. Decurrent. A term applied by botanists to leaves wliich run down the stem or leafy border or wing; as in Onopordium aeon- thium, and many thistles, great muUein, and com- frey: and to leaf-stalks ; as in Pisum ochrus. DECURSIVE. Decurrently. AppUed to leaflets that run down the stem; as in Eryngium campestre. DECUSSATION. (Decussatio; from deeu- tio, to divide.) When nerves, or muscular fibres cross one another, they are said to decussate each other. DECUSSATUS. Decussated. Applied to leaves and spines which are in pairs, alternately crossing each other; as in Veronica decutsata, and Genista ludtanica. DECUSSO'RIUM. (From decusso, to divide.) An instrument to depress the dura mater, after trepanning. Defensi'va. (From defendo, to preserve.) Cordial medicines, or such as resist infection. DE'FERENS. (From defero, to convey; because it conveys the seamen to the vesiculat se- minales.) See Vas deferens. . DEFLAGRATION. (Deflagratio; fromd>. flagro, to burn.) A chemical term, chiefly em- ployed to express the burning or setting fire to any substance ; as nitre, sulphur, &c. DEFLUXION. (Defluxio; from• defluo, to run off.) A falling down of humours from a su- perior to an inferior part. ManMrriters mean nothing more by it than inflarornufH. DEFOLIATIO. Dephlogitlicaled air. See Oxygen ;,. Dephlogitticated muriatic acid. See. Chlo- rine. DEPILATORY. (Depilatoriut; from de, of, and ni/it», the hair.) Any application which removes the hairs from any part of the body ; thus, a pitch cap pulls the hairs of the head out by the roots. Dkpi.u'matio. (From de, and pluma, a fea- ther.) A dinease of the eyelids, which causes the hair to fall off. DEPREIIE'NSIO. (From depirhendo, to catch unawares.) The epilepsy is so caUed, from the suddenness with which persons are seized with it. DEPRESSION. (Ihpressio; from deprimo, to press down.) When the bones of the skull arc forced inwards by fracture, they are said to be depressed. DEI'liE'SSOR. (From deprimo, to press down.) A muscle is so termed, which deprives the part on which it acts. Depressor al.« nasi. See Dcpi-essor labii superiorit alaque nati. Depressor anguli oris. A muscle of the mouth and lip, situated below the under lip. Tri- angularit of Winslow. Depressor labiorum communis of Douglas. Depressor labiorum of Cowper. Sous-marillo-lubial of Dumas. It arises broad and fleshy, from the lower edge of the lower jaw, near the chin; and is inserted into the angle of the mouth, which it pulls down- wards. Depressor labii inferioris. A muscle of the mouth and lip. Quadratut of Winslow. Depretsor labii ir\ferioris propriut of Douglas and Cowper. Mentonier labial of Dumas. It pulls the under lip and skin of the side ofthe chin downwards, and a little outwards. Depressor i.aimi superioris al.eque nasi. A muscle of the mouth and lip. Deprestor ala nan of Albinus. Incisivus mediut of Winslow. Depressor labii superiorit projmus of Douglas. Conttrirtoi-es alarum nod, ac depressores labii tuperioi~is of Cowper. Marillo-alveoli nasal of Dumas. It is situated above the mouth, draws the upper lip and ala nasi downwards and back- wards. It arises, thin and fleshy, from the supe- rior maxillary bone, immediately above the join- ing of the gums, with the two incisor teeth and cuspidatus ; from thence it runs upwards, and is inserted into the upper lip and root of the ala of (he nose. Dkpressorlabii superioris proprius. See Depressor labii superioris alaque nasi. Depressor labiorum communis. See De- pretsor anguli oris. Depressor oculi. See Rectus inferior oculi. DEPRESSI'S. Depressed; flattened verti- cally, as the leaves of the Mcsembryanthemum linguiforme. Folia depressa is applied also to radical leaves which are pressed close to the ground, aa is seen in Plantago media ; but when applied to stem leaves, it regards their shape only, as being vertically flattened in opposition to com- pntta., DE'PRIMl.NS. Sec Rectus inferior oculi. DEPURA'.Yl'IV (Depuran*; from depuro, to make cleau.) Medicines which evacuate im- purities. DEPl IIA'TION. Depuratio. Thefreeinga Uquor or »olid from its foulness. DEPUBATO'RIUS. (From de, and purut, pure.) Di-puritory .- applied to fevers, which icrininute in perspirnti'ii. DERBYmIIKE SPAR. A mineral formed ol calcareous earth with fluoric acid. DE'flls. (Ar,-i«; from fepu, to excoriate.) ihe skin. DERIVATION. (Derivatio; from derivo, to-drain oil.) The doctrines of derivation and revulsion, talked of by the ancients, are now, in their sense of the terms, wholly exploded. De- rivation means the drawing away any disease from its original seat to another part. DE'R.MA. Aeppa. The skin. See Skin. DERMATO'DES. (From ieppa, skin, and tiios, a likeness.) Resembling skin, or leather ; applied to the dura mater. DEKMATOLO'GIA. (From itppa, the skin, and Xoyos, a discourse.) A discourse or treatise on the skin. De'rtron. (From ficpis, skin.) The omen- tum, and peritonxuin, are so named, from their skin-like consistence. DESAULT, Peter, was a native of Bour- deaux, where he graduated, and became distin- guished as a practitioner in medicine about the beginning of the last century. He was author of some popular and useful dissertations on medical subjects. In syphilis he maintained that a cure could be effected without salivation ; and in cal- culous complaints by the patient drinking the Bareges water, tliis being also injected into the bladder: but it probably merely palliated the symptoms. He exposed also some of the prevail- ing errors concerning hydrophobia; Us that the patient barked like a dog, and had a propensity to bite his attendants. The precise period of his death is not mentioned. DESAULT, Peter Joseph, was ehief sur- geon to the Hotel Dicu at Paris. He published several numbers of a surgical journal in 1791, &c. ; also jointly with Chopart, in 1794, "A Treatise on Chirurgical Diseases, and the Operations re- quired in their Cure ;" which is allowed to have considerable merit. He attended the young King of France, Lewis XVII., in the Temple; and died under suspicious circumstances shortly before his royal patient in 1795. DESCENSO'RIUM. (From detcendo, to move downwards.) A vessel in which the distU- lation by descent is performed. DESCENSUS. (From descendo, to move downwards.) The same chemists call it a distil- lation per detcensum, by descent, when the fire is applied at the top and round the vessel, the ori- fice of which is at the bottom. DESICCATI'VE. (Desicativus; from de- sicco, to dry up.) An application to dry up the hu- mours and moisture running from a wound or ulcer. DESIPIE'NTIA. (From dedpio, to dote.) A defect of reason. DESIRE. Will. We give the name of will to that modification of the faculty of perception by which we form desires. It is generally the effect of our judgment; but what is remarkable, our happiness or our misery is necessarily con- nected with it. When we satisfy our desires wr are happy ; but we are miserable if our desires be not fullillcd; it is then necessary to give such a direction to our de3ires that we may be enabled to obtain happiness. We ought not to desire things which cannot be obtained , we ought to avoid, even with greater care, those things which are hurtful ; for in such cases w%wust be unhap- py whether our desires arc satisfied or not. Mo- rality is a science which tends to give the best possible direction to our desires. Dksmi-.. (Fronir: , to bindup.) A baivl^grj or ligature. liEV DLV Dk-mi dion. (From fecptj, a handful.) A small bundle, or little bandage. De'smos. (From itw, to bind up.) 1. A ban- dage. 2. An inflammatory stricture of a joint, after luxation. DE'SPUMATION. (Despumatio; from des- purno, to clarify.) The clarifying a fluid, or se- parating its foul parts Irom it. DESQUAMATION. (Desquamatio; from desquamo, to scale off.) The separating of la- mina?, or scales, from a bone. Exfoliation. Desquamato'rium. (From desquamo, to scale off.) A trepan, or instrument to take a piece out of the skull. DESTILLA'TION. See Distillation. DESUDA'TIO. (From desudo, to sweat much.) An unnatural and morbid sweating. Dete'ntio. (From detineo, to stop, or hin- der. ) Epilepsy is so called, from the suddenness with which the patient is ssized. DETERGENT. (From detergo, to wipe away.) 1. A medicine which cleanses and re- moves such viscid humours as adhere to and ob- struct the vessels. 2. An application that clears away foulness from ulcers. DETERMINATE. Applied by botanists to branches and stems : determinati. ramosus is ab- ruptly branched, when each branch, after termi- nating in flowers, produces a number of fresh shoots in a circular order from just below the origin of those flowers. The term occurs fre- quently in the latter publication of Linna-us, par- ticularly the second Mantissa; but he does not appear to have any where explained its meaning. —Smith. DETONATION. (Detonatio; from detono, to make a noise.) A sudden combustion and ex- plosion. DETRA'CTOR. (From detraho, to draw.) Applied to a muscle, the office of wliich is to draw the part to which it is attached. DE'TRAHENS. (From detraho, to draw.) The name of a muscle, the office of which is to draw the part it is attached to. Dbtrahens , to pass.) An immoderate flow of urine. A genus of disease in the class Neuroses, and or- der Spasmi of CuUen. There are two species in this complaint: 1. Diabetes insipidus, in which there is a superabundant discharge of Umpid urine, of its usual urinary taste. 2. Diabetes mellitus, in which the urine is very sweet, and contains a great quantity of sugar. Great thirst, with a voracious appetite, gradual emaciation of the whole body, and a frequent dis- charge of urine, containing a large proportion of saccharine and other matter, which is voided in a quantity even exceeding that of the aliment or fluid introduced, are the characteristics of this disease. Those of a shattered constitution, and those who are in the decline of life, are most subject to its attacks. It not unfrequently attends on hysteria, hypochondriasis, dyspepsia, ami asthma; but it is always much milder when symptomatic, than when it appears as a primary affection. Diabetes may be occasioned by the use of strong diuretic medicines, intemperance of Ufe, and hard drinking; excess in venery, severe evacuations, or by any thing that tends to produce an impo- verished state ofthe blood, or general debility. It has, however, taken place, in many instances, without any obvious cause. That which immediately gives rise to the dis- ease, has ever been considered as obscure, and various theories have been advanced on the oc- casion. It has been usual to consider diabetes as the effect of relaxation ofthe kidneys or as de- peuding on a general colliquation of the fluids.. Dr. Richter, professor of medicine in the univer- sity of Gottingen, supposes the disease to be generally of a spasmodic nature, occasioned by a stimulus acting on the kidneys ; hence a secretio aucta urina, and sometimes , perversa, is the consequence. Dr. Darwin thinks that it is owing to an inverted action of the urinary branch of the lymphatics; which doctrine, al- though it did not escape the censure of the best anatomists and experienced physiologists, met, nevertheless, with a very favourable reception on its being first announced. The late Dr. Cullen offered it as his opinion, that the proximate cause of this disease might be some fault in the assimila- tory powers, or in those employed in converting alimentary matters into the proper animal fluids, which theory has since been adopted by Dr. Dobson, and still later by Dr. Rollo, surgeon- general to the royal artillery. The liver has been thought, by some, to be the chief source of the disease ; but diabetes is hardly ever attended with any affection of this organ, as has been proved by frequent dissections ; and when observed, it is to be considered as accidental. The primary seat of the disease is, however, far from being "absolutely determined in favour of any hypothesis yet advanced; and, from the most attentive consideration of all the circumstances, tbn weight of evidence appears to induce the ma- jority of practitioners to consider diabetes as de- pending on a primary affection of the kidneys. Diabetes sometimes comes on slowly and im- perceptibly, without any previous disorder ; and it now and th'en arise* to a considerable degree. Dl V D1A nn 333 IMA clialeilis.) A plaster, the chief ingredient iu which is chalcitis. • Diacha'lsis. (From SiaxaXta, to be relaxed.) 1. A relaxation. 2. The opening of the sutures ofthe head. Diacheiri'smus. (From Sta, and yrrp, the hand.) Any operation performed by the hand. Diachelido'nium. (From <5 g0,d) A plaster for fractured limbs ; so named from its yellow colour. DIA'CHYLUM. (From Sia, and yvXos, juice.) A plaster formerly made of certain juices, but it now means an emollient digestive plaster. Dia'chysis. (From Sia, and xv<», to pour out.) Fusion or melting. Diachy'tica. (From Siaxw, to dissolve.) Medicines which discuss tumours. Diacine'ma. (From Sia, and kivcio, to move.) A slight dislocation. Diaci'ssum. (From Sia, and kiooos, ivy.) An application composed of ivy leaves. Dia'clasis. (From i5ia, and ^Aaw, to break.) A small fracture. Diacly'sma. (From SiokXi^o), to wash out.) A gargle or wash for the mouth. Diacoccyme'lon. (From Sta, and kokkvpijXov, a plum.) An electuary made of prunes. Diaco'dium. (From Sia, and KioSta, a poppy head.) A composition made of the heads of pop- pies. Diacolocy'nthis. (From Sia, and koXokvvOis, the colocynth.) A preparation, the chief ingre- dient of which is colocynth. Diaco'mma. (From SiokoixIoi, to cut through.) Diacope. A deep cut or wound. Dia'cope. See Diacomma. Diacopr-k'gia.- (From Sta, Koirpos, dung, and aif, a goat.) A preparation with goat's dung. Diacora'llum. (From Sia, and KopaXXtov, coral.) A preparation in which coral is a chief ingredient. DIA'CRISIS. (From StaKpivw, to distinguish.) The distinguishing diseases one from another by their symptoms. Diacro'cium. (From Sia, and KpoKos, saffron.) A collyrium in which is saffron. Diacurcu'ma. (From Sia, and KvpKovpa, tur- meric. ) An antidote in which is turmeric or saf- fron. Diactdo'nium. (From Sia, and kvSwvio, a quince.) Marmalade of quinces. Diadaphni'dion. (From Sta, and Satpvis, the laurel tree.) A drawing plaster in which were bay-berries. DIADE'LPHIA. (From Sis, twice, and aSiX- , to interrupt.) The remission of a disease. Diale'psis. (From SiaXap&avw, to interrupt.) I. An intermission. 2. A space left between a bandage. Diali'banum. (From Sta, andXi6avov, frank- incense. ) A medicine in which frankincense is a chief ingredient. DIALLAGE. Smaragdite of Saussure. Verde di Corsica duro of artists. A species ofthe ge- nus Schiller spar. It is a mineral of a greenish colour, composed of silica, alumina, magnesia, lime, oxide of iron, oxide of copper, and oxide of chrome. It is found principally in Corsica. Dia'loes. (From Sia, and aXotj, the aloe.) A medicine chiefly composed of aloes. Dialth.c'a. (From Sia, and aXOaia, the mal- low. ) An ointment composed chiefly of marsh- mallows. DIA'LYSIS. (From SiaXvw, to dissolve.) A solution of continuity, or a destruction of parts. Dia'ltses. The plural of dialysis. The name of an order in the class Locales of CuUen's Nosology. DialVtica. (From <5iaXt>, to dissolve.) Medicines which heal wounds and fractures. Diamargari'ton. (From <*ia, and papyapiln, pearl.) An antidote in which pearls are the chief ingredient. DlAMASSE'MA. (From Sta, and paoaopai, to chew.) A masticatory, or substance put into the mouth, and chewed to excite a discharge of the saliva. Dia'mbra. (From Sta, and ap6pa, amber.) An aromatic composition in which was ambergris. Diame'lon. (From Sia, and priXov, a quince.) A composition of quinces. DiAMrVyos. (From Sia, and fiiav, misy.) A composition in which misy is an ingredient. DIAMOND. The diamond, which was well known to the ancients, is principaUy found in the western peninsula of India, on the coast of Coro- mandel, in the kingdoms of Colconda and Visa- pour, in the island of Borneo; and in the Brazils. It is the most valued of aU minerals. DIA DIA Diamonds arc generaUy found bedded in yeUow ochre or in rocks of free-stone, or quartz, and sometimes in the beds of running waters. When taken out of the earth they are incrusted with an exterior earthy covering, under which is another, consisting of carbonate <>t lime. In the Brazils, it is supposed that diamonds might be obtained in greater quantities than at present, if the sufficient working ofthe diamond- mines was not prohibited, in order to prevent that diminution of their commercial value, which a greater abundance of them might occasion. Brazilian diamonds are, in commercial estima- tion, inferior to the oriental ones. In the rough, diamonds are worth two pounds sterling the carat, or four grains, provided they are without blemish. The expense of cutting and polishing amounts to about four pounds more. The value however is far above what is now stated when they become considerable in size. The greatest sum that has been given for a sin- gle diamond is one hundred and fifty thousand pounds. The usual method of calculating the value of diamonds is by squaring the number of carats, aud then multiplying the amount by the price of a single carat: thus supposing one carat t<< be 21. a diamond of ri carats is worth 128/. beiny 6X8X2. The famous Pigot diamond weighs 188 l-8th grains. Physical Properties of Diamond. Diamond is always crystallised, but sometimes so imperfectly, that, at first sight, it might appear amorphous. Tlie figure of diamond, when per- fect, is an eight-sided prism. There are also cubical, flat, and round diamonds. It is the oriental diamond which crystallises into octohe- dra, and exhibits all the varieties of this primitive figure. The diamond of Brazil crystallises into dodecahedra. The texture ofthe diamond is lamellated, for it may be split or cleft with an instrument of well- tempered steel, by a swift blow in a particular direction. There are however some diamonds which do not appear to be formed of lamina, but of twisted and interwoven fibres, like those of knots in wood. These exceed the others greatly in hardness, they cannot be cut or polished, and arc therefore called by the lapidaries diamonds of nature. The diamond is one ofthe hardest bodies known. It resists the most highly-tempered steel file, which circumstance renders it necessary to attack it with diamond powder. It takes an exquisite and lasting polish. It has a great refractive power, and hence its lustre, when cut into the form of a regular solid, is uncommonly grcM. The usual colour of diamonds is a light grey, of- ten inclining to yellow, at times lemon colour, violet, or black, seldomer rose-red, and still more rarely ^recn or blue, but more frequently pale brown. The purest diamonds are perfectly trans- parent. The colourless diamond has a specific gravity which is in proportion to that of water, as 3.512 to 1.000, according to Brisson. This va- ries however considerably. When rubbed it be- comes positively electric, even before it has been cut by the lapidary. Diamond is not acted upon by acids, or by any chemical ;urent, oxygen excepted; and tins re- quires a very great increase of temperature to produce any effect. The diamond burns by a strong heat, with a sensible'flame, like other combustible bodies, at- tracting oxygen, and becoming wholly converted into carbonic acid gas during that proce-s. It combines with iron by fusion, and convert* it, like common charcoal, into steel; but diamond requires a much higher temperature for its com- bustion than common charcoal does, and even then it consumes but slowly, and ceases to buru the instant its temperature is lowered. " From the hign retractive power of the dia- mond, Biot and Arago supposed that it might contain hydrogen. Sir H. Davy, from the action of potassium on it, and its non-conduction of electricity, suggested in bis third Bakerian lec- ture, that a minute, portion ol oxygen might exist in it^ and in ins new experiments on the fluoric compounds, he threw out the idea, that it might be the carbonaceous principle, combined with some new, light, and subtle element of the oxy- genous and chlorine class. This unrivalled chemist, during his residence at Florence iu .March 1814, made several experi- ments on the combustion of the diamond and of plumbago, by means of the great lens in the cabi- net of natural history ; the same instrument as that employed in the first trials on the action of the solar heat on the diamond, instituted in 1694 by Cosmo III. Grand Duke of Tuscany. He subsequently made a series of researches' on the combustion of different kinds of charcoal at iUnue. His mode of investigation was peculiarly elegant, and led to the most decisive ivsults. He found that diamond, when strongly ignited by the lens, in a thin capsule of platinum, perfora- ted with many oi-itices, so as to admit a free circu- lation of air, continued to burn with a steady bril- liant red light, visible in the brightest sunshine, alter it was withdrawn from the locus. Some tune after the diamonds were removed out ol the focus, indeed, a wire of platina that attached them to the tray was fused, though their weight was only 1.84 grains. His apparatus consisted of clear glass globes of the capacity of from 14 to 40 cubic inches, having single apertures to which stop-cocks were attached. A smaU hollow cyl- inder of platinum was attached to one end ot the slop-cocK, and was mounted with the little per- loraled capsule for containing the diamond. When the cxpiriiueut was to be made, the globe containing tlie capsule and the substance to be binned was exhausted by an excellent air-pump, and pure oxygen, from chlorate of potassa, was then introduced. The change of volume in the gas after combustion was estimated by means of a line tube conuectcd with a stop-cock, adapted by a proper screw to the stop-cock of the globe, and the absorption was judged of by the quantity of mercury that entered the tube which afforded a measure so exact, that no alteration however minute could be overlooked. He had previously satisfied himself that a quantity of moisture, less than 1-100th of a grain, is rendered evident by de- position on a polished surface of glass ; for a piece ol paper weighing one grain was introduced into a tube of about four cubic inches' capacity, whose exterior was slightly heated by a candle. A dew was immediately perceptible on the inside of the glass, though the paper, when weighed in a bal- ance turning with 1- 100th of a grain, indicated no appreciable diminution. The diamonds were always heated to redness before they were introduced into the capsule. During their combustion ; the glass globe was kept cool by the application of water to that part of it immediately above the capsule, aud where the heat was greatest. From the results of his different experiments, conducted with the most unexceptionable pre- cision, it is demonstrated, that diamond affords no other substance by its combustion than pure SMS DIA carbonic acid gas ; and that the process is merely a solution of diamond in oxygen, without any change in the volume of the gas. It likewise ap- pears, that in the combustion of the different kinds of charcoal, water is produced ; and that from the diminution ofthe voiume ofthe oxygen, there is every reason to believe that the water is form- ed by the combustion of hydrogen existing in strongly ignited charcoal. As the charcoal Irom oil of turpentine felt no re. iduum, no other cause but the presence of hydiogen ...ai be assigned for the diminution occasioned in tne volume of the gas during its combustion. The only chemical difference perceptible be- tween diamond and the purest charcoal is, that the last contains a minute portion of hydrogen ; but can a quantity of an element, less m some cases than l-50,000th part of the weight of the substance, occasion so great a difference in physi- cal and chemical characters ? The opinion of Tennant, that the difference depends on crystal- lisation, seems to be correct. Transparent solid bodies ai e in general non-conductors of electrici- ty ; and it is probable that the same corpuscular arrangements which give to matter the power of transmitting and polarising light, are likewise connected with its relations to electricity. Thus water, the hydrates of the alkalies, and a number of other bodies which are conductors of electrici- ty when fluid, become non-conductors in their crystallised form. That charcoal is more inflammable than the diamond, may be explained from the looseness of its texture, and from the hydrogen it contains. But the diamond appears to burn in oxygen with as much faciUty as plumbago, so that at least one distinction supposed to exist between the diamond and common carbonaceous substances is done away by these researches. The power possessed by certain carbonaceous substances of absorbing gases, and separating colouring matters from fluids, is probably mechanical and dependent on their porous organic structure ; lor it belongs in the highest degree to vegetable and animal char- coal, and it does not exist in plumbago, coak, or anthracite. The nature of the chemical difference between the diamond and other carbonaceous substances, may be demonstrated byignitingthem in cldorine, when muriatic acid is produced from the latter, but not from the former. The visible acid va- pour is owing to the moisture present in the chlo- rine uniting to the dry muriatic gas. But char- coal, after being intensely ignited in chlorine, is not altered in its conducting power of colour. This circumstance is in favour ot the opinion, that the minute quantity of hydrogen is not the cause of the great difference between the physical pro- perties of the diamond and charcoal." See Carbon. Diamond-shaped. See Leaf. Diamo'ron. (From Sia, and pupor, a mul- berry. ) A preparation of mulberries. Diamo'schum. (From Sta, and po, to force.) 1. the forcible restoration of a luxated part into its proper place. 2. An instrument to reduce a distorted spine. DIA'NDRIA. (From Sis twice, and avnp, a man.) The name of a class in the sexual system, 336 DIA consisting of hermaphrodite plants which have flowers with two staminre. DIA'NTHUS. (From Air, Sios, Jove, and avdos, a flower : so called from the elegance and fragrance of its flower.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decandria; Order, Digynia. Dianthus cary»phtllu.s. The systematic name of the clove-pink. Caryophyllum rubrum , Tunica; Vetonica; Betonicd; Coronaria; Ca- ryophyllus hortensis. Clove gilliflower. Clove July flower. This fragrant plant, Dianthus— Jloribus solitariis, squamis calycinis subovatit, brevistimis, coroltis crenatis, of Linnaeus, grows wild in several parts of England ; but the rlow- ers, which are phannaceutically employed, are usually pro luced in gardens : they have a pleasant aromatic smell, somewhat allied to that of clove- spice ; tiieir taste is bitterish and sub-adstringent. These flowers were formerly in extensive use, but are now merely employed in form of syrup, as a useful and pleasant vehicle for other medi- cines. Diapa'sma. (From Siawacoio, to sprinkle.) A medicine reduced to powder and sprinkled over the body, or any part. DIAPEDE'SIS. ' (From Siairtfau, to leap through.) The transudation or escape of blood through the coats of an artery. Diape'gma. (From itamryww, to close to- gether.) A surgical instrument for closing to- gether broken bones. Diape'nte. (From Sia, and irtvrt, five.) A medicine composed of five ingredients. DIAPHANOUS. (Diaphanosus; from tta through, and , to shine.) A term applied to any substance wliich is transparent; as the hyaloid membrane covering the vitreous humour of the eye, which is as transparent as glass. Diaphos'nicum. (From Sia, and tpotvt^, a date.) A medicine made of dates. DIA'PHORA. (From<5ta0£po>, to distinguish.) The distinction of diseases by their characteristic marks and symptoms. DIAPHORE'SIS. (From Staipoptio, to carry through.) Perspiration. DIAPHORETIC. (Diaphoreticut; from Siacpoptu), lo carry through.) That which, from being taken internally, increases the discharge by the skin. When this is carried so far as to be condensed on the surface, it forms sweat: and the medicine producing it is named sudorific. Between diaphoretic and sudorific there is no dis- tinction ; the operation is in both cases the same, and differs only in degree from augmenfa- tion of dose, or employment of assistant means. This class of medicines comprehends five orders. I'. Pungent Diaphoretics, as the volatile salts, and essential oils, which are well adapted for the asred ; those in whose system there is little sensi- bility ; tliose who are difficultly affected by other diaphoretics ; and those whose stomachs wiU not bear large doses of medicines. 2. Caleforient diaphoretics, such as serpenta- riacontrayerva, and guaiacum : these are given in SSwes where the circulation i» low and lan- guid. 3. Stimulant diaphoretics, as antimonial and mercurial preparations, which are best fitted for the vigorous and plethoric. 4. Antispasmodic diaphoretics, as opium, musk, and camphire, which are given to produce a diaphoresis, when the momentum of the blood is increased. 5. Diluent diaphoretics, as water, whey, &c. which are best calculated for that habit in which a predisposition to sweating is wanted, and in DIA DIA wluch no diaphoresis takes place, although there be evident causes to produce it. DIAPHRAGM A. (Diaphragma, matit. n.; from Si", and , to corrupt.) An abortion where the fa-tus is corrupted in the womb. Diaphyla'ctic a. (From Siatj>vXaoau>, to pre- serve.) Medicines which resist putrefaction or prevent infection. Dia'physi*. (From Sia, to divide.) An interstice or partition between the joints. DlAPISsEi,.*;'uM. (From Sia, and maotXatov, the oil of pitch, or liquid pitch.) A composition in which is liquid pitch, Dia'plasis. (From Sia«Xaoau>, to put togeth- er. ) The replacing a luxated or fractured lione in its proper situation. Diapla'sm*. (From cWXrtirrru), to anoint.) 43 An unction or fomentation applied to the whole body or any part. Dia'pne. (From Sm-ii<,i, to blow through, or pass gently as the breath docs.) An insensible discharge of the urine. DIA'PNOE. (From Sta-nu, to breathe through.) The transpiration of vapour through the pores of the skin. DIAPNO'ICA. (From itairvtui, to transpire.) Diaphoretics or medicines which promote per- spiration. Diapore'ma. (From Sianoptui, to be ia doubt.) Nervous anxiety. Diaporon. (From Sta, and oviopa, autumnal fruits. J A composition in which are several au- tumnal fruits, as quinces, medlars, and services. Diapra'ssium. (From i5- grees, they may be more necessary : but the mild- er ones should be employed at first, the more powerful only where the patient appears sinking. Chalk and lime-water answer best where there h acidity ; otherwise the pomegranate rind, logwood extract, catechu, kino, tormentil, &c. may be given : where these fail, alum, sulphate of zinc galls, or superacetate of lead. DI ARTHRO'SIS. (From StapQpou,, to articu- late.) A moveable connection of bones. This genus has five species, viz. enarthrosis, arthro- dia, ginglymus, trochoides, and amphiarthrosis. Diasapo'nium. (From Sia, and oamav, soap.) An ointment of soap. Diasaty'rium. (From Sta, and aatvptoi; the. orchis.) An ointment of the orchis-root. Diasci'llium. (From Sta, and o-KiXXa, the squill.) Oxymel and vinegar of squills. Dia9ci'ncus. (From Sia, and oKiyKos, the crocodile.) A name for the mithridate, in the composition of which there was a part of the crocodile. Diasco'rdium. (From Sta, and exopSiov, the water germander.) Electuary of scordium. Diase'na. (From Sia, and sena.) A medi- cine in which is senna. Diasmi'rnum. (From Sta, andopvpvn, myrrh.) Diatmyrnes. A wash for the eyes composed of myrrh. Diaso'sticus. (From Siaow^tii, to preserve.) That which preserves health. Diaspe'rmatum. (From Sta, and tnreppa; seed.) A medicine composed chiefly of seeds. Dia'sphage. (From Siao-fafa, to separate.) Diasphaxit. The interstice between two veins. Diasphy'xis. (From Sia, and o-^w, to strike.) The pulsation of an artery. DIA'STASIS. (From Suartipt, to separate.) Diastema. A separation. A separation of the ends of bones ; as that which occasionally hap- pens to the bones of the cranium, in some cases of hydrocephalus. Diaste'aton. (From Sta, and *-tap, fat.) An ointment of the fat of animals. Diaste'ma. See Diastarit. DIASTOLE. (From Sta, and ctiXXu, to stretch.) The dilatation of the heart and arte- ries. See Circulation. Diastomo'si3. (From Sia$-opou>, to dilate.) Any dilatation, or dilating instrument. Diastre'mma. (From Sia$-p«pu), to turn aside.) Diasti ophe. A distortion of any limb or part. Dia'strophe. See Diastremma. Dia'tasis. (From StaTitvw, to distend.) The extension of a fractured limb, in order to reduce it. Diatecoi.i'thum. (From Sia, and IijkoXiOos, the Jew's stone.) An antidote containing lapis judiacus. DIATERE'SIS. (From Sta, and Itpm, to perforate.) A perforation or aperture. Diatere'tica. (From c5ia, and ^spni>, to pre- serve.) Medicines which preserve health and pre- vent disease. Diate^ssaron. (From Sia, and rtaoapts, four.) A. medicine compounded of four simple ingre- dients. Diate'tticum. (From S.a, and Itrftyuv, a grasshopper.) A medicine in the composition of which were grasshoppers, given as an antidote to some nephritic complaints by iEginetus. DIA'TIreSIS: (From tianOnpt,-to dispose.) DIC DIF Any particular state of the body : thus, in inflam- matory fever, there is an inflammatory diathesis, and, during putrid fever, a putrid diathesis. Diathk"smus. (From StaOcu, to run through.) A rupture through which some fluid escapes. Diatracaca^nthum. (From Sia, and -rpa- ■ iravfla, tragacanth.) A medicine composed of gum-tragacanth. Dia'trium. (From Sia, andIpcts, three.) A medicine composed of three simple ingredients. Diaxtla'i.oes. (From Sta, and fuXaXoi;, the liernum aloes.) A medicine in which is lignum aloes. Diazo'.ma. (From Sit^utvvrpi, to surround; because it surrounds the cavity of the thorax.) The diaphragm. Diazo'ster. (From Sta^wvvvpi, to surround ; because when the body is girded, the belt usually lies upon it.) A name of the twelfth vertebra of the back. Dicente'tum. (From <5ia, and Kcfltw, to stimulate.) A pungent or stimulating wash for the eyes. Dichaste'rf.s. (From ci)(a?n), to divide, be- cause they divide tlie food.) The name of the foreteeth. Dichopht'ia. (From SiXa, double, and , fo grow.) A distemper of the hairs, in which they split and grow forked. DICHOTOMUS. (Fromiij, twice, and npvm to cut; that is, cut into two.) Dichotomous or bifurcated. Applied to stems, styles, &c. which are forked or divided into two. DICHROITE. A species of iolite. DICOTYLEDONES. Two cotyledons. See Cotyledon. DICROTIC. (Dicroticus ; from Sis, twice, and Kpovw, to strike.) A term given to a pulse in which the artery rebounds after striking, so as to convey the sensation of a double pulsation. Dictamni'tes. (From StKJopvoi, dittany.) A wine medicated with dittany. DICTA'MNUS. (From Dictamnus, a city in Crete, on whose mountains it grows.) The name of a g^nus of plants in the Linnxan system. <'lass, Decandria; Order, Monogynia. Dit- tany. Dictamnus albus. White fraxinella, or bas- tard dittany. Fraxinella. Dictamnus albus— foliit pinnatit, caule timplici, of Linnaeus. The root of this plant is the part directed for medi- cinal use ; when fresh, it has a moderately strong, not disagreeable smell. Formerly it was much Used as a stomachic, tonic, and alexipharmic, and was supposed to be a medicine of much effi- cacy in removing uterine obstructions and de- stroying worms ; but its medicinal powers became so little regarded by modern physicians, that it bad fallen almost entirely into disuse, till Baron Stoerck brought it into notice, by publishing sev- eral cases of its success, viz. in tertian interniit- tents, worms, (lumbrici,) an 1 menstrual suppres- sions. In all these cases he employed the pow- dered root to the extent of a scruple twice a-day. He also made use of a tincture, prepared of two ounces of the fresh root digested in 11 ounces of spirit of wine; of this 20 to 60 drops two or three times a-day, were successfully employed in epi- lepsies, and, when joined with steel, this root, we are told, was of great service to chlorotic patients. The dictamnus undoubtedly, says Dr. Woodville, is a medicine of considerable power ; but not- withstanding the account of it given by Stoerck, who seems to have paid little attention to its modus operandi, we may still sny with Haller, " nondum autem virtt prodignitate erploralu% est,"" and it is now fallen into disuse. Dictamnts creticus. See Origanum dis'- tamnut. Didym^e'a. (From StUpos, double.) A cata- plasm; so called by Galen, from the double use to which he puts it. DI'DYMI. (From SiSvpos, double.) Twins. An old name of the testicles, and two eminences of the brain, from their double protuberance. - DIDYNAMIA. (From Stf, twice, and Swap,. power, two powers.) A name of a class in the sexual system of plants, consisting of those with hermaphrodite flowers, which have four stamina, two of which are long and two short. Diecbo'lium. (From Sta, and ckCoXXu, to cast out.) A medicine causing an abortion. Diele'ctron. (From Sia, and tXtxlpov, am- ber. ) A name of a troche, in which amber is an ingredient. DIEMERBROECK, Isbrand, was born near Utrecht, in 1609. After graduating at Angers, he went to Nimeguen in 1636, and tor some years continued freely attending those who were ill of the plague, which raged with great violence, and of which he subsequently published an account. This obtained him much credit: and in 1642 be was made professor extraordinary in medicine at Utrecht; when be gave lectures on that subject, as well as on anatomy, which rendered him very popular. He received also other distinctions at that university, and continued in high esteem till his death in 1674. He was author besides of a system of anatomy, and several other works in medicine and surgery; part of which were pub- lished after his death by his son, espeeiaUy his treatise on the measles and small-pox. DIERVILLA. (Named in honour of Mr. Dierville, who first brought it from Arcadia.) See Lonicera diervilla. DIET. Diata. The dietetic part of medi- cine is no inconsiderable branch, and seems to require a much greater share of regard than it commonly meets with. A great variety of dis- eases might be removed by the observance of a proper diet and regimen, without the assistance of medicine, were it not for the impatience of the sufferers. However, it may on all occasions come in as a proper assistant to the cure, which some- times cannot be performed without a due observ- ance of the non-naturals. That food is, in gene- ral, thought the best and most conducive to long life, which is most simple, pure, and free from irritating qualities, and such as approaches near- est to the nature of our own bodies in a healthy state, or is capable of being easiest converted into their substance by the vis vitae, after it has been didy prepared by the art of cookery ; but the na- ture, composition, virtues, and uses of particular aliments can never be learnt to satisfaction, with- out the assistance of practical chemistry. Diet drink. An alterative decoction em- ployed daily in considerable quantities, at least from a pint to a quart. The decoction of sarsa- parilla and mezereon, the Lisbon diet drink, is the most common and most useful. DIETE'TIC. Dieteticut. That part of medicine which considers the way of living with relation to food, or diet, suitable to any particu- lar case. Die'xodos. (From Sia, and rfooj, a way to pass out.) Diodos. In Hippocrates it means evacuation by stool. Diffla'tio. (From diffio, to blow away.) Perspiration. DIFFUSUS. Diffused; spreading. Applied to panicles and stems. Panicula diffusa, that is lax and spreading ; as in Saxifraga umbrosa ;. the London pride^ so common in out garden* DIG DIG and many grasses, espeeiaUy the sjpmraon culti- vated oat. The Bunias kakile, or sea rocket, has the caulis diffusus. DIGA'STRICUS. (From Sis, twice, and yniTTjip, a belly ; so called from its having two bellies.) Biventer maxilla of Albinus. Mas- toido-hygenien of Dumas. A muscle situated externally between the lower jaw and os hyoides. It arises, by a fleshy belly, from the upper part of the processus mastoideus, and descending, it contracts into a round tendon, which passes through the stylohyoideus, and an annular liga- ment which is fastened to the os hyoides : then it grows fleshy again, and ascends towards the middle of the edge of the lower jaw, where it is inserted. Its use is to open the mouth by pulling the lower jaw downwards and backwards ; and when the jaws vse shut, to raise the larynx, and consequently the pharynx, upwards, as in deglu- tition. Digere'ntia. (From digero, to digest.) Medicines which promote the secretion of proper pus in wounds and ulcers. DIGESTER. A strong and tight iron kettle or eopper, furnished with a valve of safety in which bodies may be subjected to the vapour of water, alkohol, or aHher, at a pressure above that of the atmosphere. DIGESTION. (Digestio; from digero, to dissolve.) 1. An operation in chemistry and pharmacy, in which such matters as are intended to act slowly on each other, are exposed to a heat, con- tinued for some time. 2. In physiology, the change that the food un- dergoes in the stomach, by which it is converted into chyme. " The immediate object of digestion is the for- mation of chyle, a matter destined for the repara- tion of the continual waste of the animal econ- omy. The digestive organs contribute also in many other ways to nutrition. If we judge of the importance of a function by the number and variety of its organs, digestion ought to be placed in the first rank; no other function of the animal economy presents such a complicated apparatus. There always exists an evident relation between the sort of aliment proper for an animal and the disposition of its digestive organs. If, by their nature, the aliments are very different from the elements which eomposc the animal: if, for ex- ample, it is graminivorous, the dimensions ofthe apparatus will be more complicated, and more considerable; if, on the contrary, the animal feeds on flesh, the digestive organs will be fewer and more simple, as is seen in the carnivorous animals. Men, caUed to use equally animal and vegetable aliments, keeps a mean between the graminivorous and carnivorous animals, as to the disposition and complication of his digestive ap- paratus, without deserving, on that account, to be called omnivorous. We may represent the digestive apparatus as a long canal differently twisted upon itself, wide in certain points, narrow in others, susceptible of contracting or enlarging its dimensions, and into which a great quantity of fluids are poured by means of different ducts. The canal is divided into many parts by anatomists ; 1. The mouth. 2. The pharynx. 3. The oesophagus. 4. The stomach. 5. The small intestines. 6. The great intestines. ■7. The anrrs. 340 Two membranous layers form the sides of tbe digestive canal in its whole length. The inner layer, which is intended to be in contact with the aliments, consists of a mucous membrane, the ap- pearance and structure of which vary in every one of the portions of the canal, so that it is not the same in the pharynx as in the mouth, nor is it in the stomach like what it is iu the a-sopha- gus, &c. In the lips and the anus this membrane becomes confounded with the skin. The second layer of the sides of the digestive canal is muscu- lar ; it is composed of two layers of fibres, one longitudinal, the other circular. The arrange- ment, the thickness, the nature of the fibres which enter into the composition of these strata are dif- ferent, according as they are observed in the mouth, in the cesophagus, or in the large intestine, &c. A great number of blood-vessels go to, or come from the digestive canal; but the abdomi- nal portion of this canal receives a quantity in- comparably greater than the superior parts. This presents only what are necessary for its nutrition, and the inconsiderable secretion, of which it is the seat; whilst the number and the volume of the vessels that belong to the abdominal portion show that it must be the agent of a consider- able secretion. The chyliferous vessels arise ex- clusively from the small intestine. As to the nerves, they are distributed to the digestive canal in an order inverse to that of the vessels ; that is, the cephalic parts, cervical and pectoral, receive a great deal more than the ab- dominal portion, the stomach excepted, where the two nerves of the eighth pair terminate. The other parts of the canal scarcely receive any branch of the cerebral nerves. The only nerves that are observed, proceed from the subdiaphrag- matic ganglions of the great sympathetic. We will see, farther on, the relation that exists be- tween the mode of distribution of the nerves, and the functions of the superior and inferior portions ofthe digestive canal. The bodies that pour fluids into the digestive canal, are, 1. The digestive mucous membrane. 2. Isolated follicles that are spread in great number in the whole length of this membrane. 3. The agglomerated follicles which are found at the isthmus of the throat, between the pillars of the velum of the palate, and sometimes at the junction of the oesophagus and the stomach. 4. The mucous glands which exist in a greater or less number in the sides of the cheeks, in the roof of the palate around the cesophagus. 5. The parotid, the submaxillary, and sublin- gual glands, which secrete the saliva of the mouth, the liver, and the pancreas; the first of which pours the bile, the second the pancreatic juice, by distinct canals, into the superior part of the small intestine, called duodenum. All the digestive organs contained in the ab- dominal cavity are immediately covered, more or less completely, by the serous membrane'called the peritonaeum. This membrane, by the man- ner in which it is disposed, and by its physical and vital properties, is very useful in the act of digestion, by preserving to the organs their re- spective relations, by favouring their changes of volume, by rendering easy the sliding motions which they perform upon each other, and upon the adjoining parts. The surface of the mucous digestive membrane is always lubrified by a glutinous adhesive matter, more or less abundant than is seen in greatest quantity where there exist no foUicles,—a circum- stance which seems to indicate that these are not the only secretins: organs. A part of this matte*, D1C DIG to which is given generally the name of mu- cut, continually evajiorates, so that there exists habitually a certain quantity of vapours in all the points of the digestive canal. The chemical na- ture of this substance, as taken at the intestinal surface, is still very little known. It is trans- parent, with a light grey tint; it adheres to the membrane which forms it ; its taste is salt, and its acidity is shown by the re-agents : its forma- tion still continues some time after death. That which is formed in the mouth, in the pharynx, and in the cesophagus, goes into the stomach mixed with the saliva, aud the fluids of the mu- cous glands, by movements of deglutition, which succeed each other at near intervals. According to this detail, it would appear that the stomach ought to contain, after it has been some time empty of aliments, a considerable quantity ef a mixture of mucus, of saliva, and follicular fluid. This observation is not proved, at least in the greatest number of individuals. However, in a number of persons, who are evidently in a par- ticular state, there exist, in the morning, in the stomach, many ounces of this mixture. In cer- tain cases it is foamy, slightly troubled, very Ut- tle viscous, holding suspended some flakes of mu- cus ; its taste is quite acid, not disagreeable, very sensible in the throat, acting upon the teeth, so as to diminish the polish of their surface, and ren- dering their motion upon each other more diffi- cult. This liquid reddens paper stained with turnsol. In the same individual, in other circumstances, and with the same appearances as to colour, trans- parency, and consistency, the liquid of the stom- ach had no savour, nor any acid property; it is a little salt: the solution of potassa, as well as the nitric and sulphuric acids, produced in it no apparent change. When we examine the dead bodies of persons killed by accident, the stomach not having re- ceived any aliments nor drink for some time, this organ contains only a very few acid mucosities adhering to the coats of the stomach, part of which, in the pyloric portion of that viseus, ap- pears reduced to chyme. It is, then, very pro- bable, that the liquid which ought to be in the stomach is digested by this viseus as an alimentary substance, ami that this is the reason why it does not accumulate there. In animals the organisation of which approaches to that of man, such as dogs and cats, there is no Uquid found in the stomach after one, or many days of complete abstinence; there is seen only a small quantity of viscous mucosity adhering to the sides of the organ, towards its splenic /ex- tremity. This matter has the greatest analogy, both chemical and physical, with that which is found in the stomach of man. But, if we make these animals swallow a body which is not sus- ceptible of being digested, as a pebble for exam- ple, there forms, after some time, in the cavity of the stomach, a certain quantity of an acid liquid mucous of a greyish colour, sensibly salt, which, in its composition, is nearly the same as that found sometimes in man. This Uquid, resulting from the mixture of the mucosities of the mouth, of the pharynx, of the u-sophagus and the stomach, with the liquid se- creted by tbe follicles of the same parts and with the saliva, has been called by physiologists the gastric juice, and to which they have attributed particular properties. In the small intestine there is also formed a great quantity of mucous matter, wliich rests habiruallv attached to the sides of the intestine ; it differs little from that of which we have spoken above ; it is viscid, tough, and has a salt and acid savour; it is renewed with great rapidity. If the mucous membrane of this intestine is laid bare, in a do-r, and the layer of mucous absorbed by a spoiere, it will appear again in a minute. This observation may be repeated as often as we please, until the intestine becomes inflamed by the contact of the air, and foreign bodies. The mucus of the stomach penetrates into the cavity of the small intestine only under the form of a pulpous matter, grevish and opaque, which has all the appearance of a particular chyme. It is at the surface of this same portion of the digestive canal that the bile is delivered as well as the liquid secreted by th" pancreas. In animals, such as dogs, the flowing of these liquids takes place at intervals, that is, about twice in a minute, there is seen to spring from the orifice of the duc- tus choledochus, or biliary canal, a drop of bile, which immediately spreads itself uniformly in a sheet upon the surrounding parts, which are al- ready impregnated with it; there is, also, con- stantly found a certain quantity of bile in the small intestine. The flowing of the liquid formed by the pan- creas takes place much in the same manner, but it is much slower ; sometimes a quarter of an hour passes before a drop of this fluid springs from the orifice of the canal which pours it into the intes- tine. The different fluids deposited in the smaU in- testine, which are, the chyinous matter that comes from the stomach, the mucus, the follicular fluid, the bile, and the pancreatic liquid, all mix to- gether ; but, on account of its properties, and perhaps of its proportions, the bile predominates, and gives to the mixture its proper taste and co- lour. A great part of this mixture descends to- wards the large intestine, and passes into it ; in this passage, it becomes more consistent, and the clear yellow colour which it had before becomes dark, and afterwards greenish. There are, how- ever, in this respect, strong individual differences. In the large intestine, the mucous and follicu- lar secretion appears less active than in the small intestine; the mixture of fluids which comes from the small intestine acquires in it more consist- ence ; it contracts a foetid odour, analogous to that of ordinary excrements: it has, besides, the appearance of it, by its colour, odour, &c. The knowledge of these facts enables us to un- derstand how a person who uses no aliments can continue to produce excrements, and how, in cer- tain diseases, their quantity is very considerable, though the sick person has been long deprived of every alimentary substance, eVen of a liquid kind. Round the anus exist follicles, which secrete a fatty matter of a singularly powerful odour. We find gas almost always in the intestinal ca- nal ; the stomach contains only very little. The chemical nature of these gases has not yet been examined with care ; but as the sativa that we swallow is always more or less impregnated with atmospheric air, it is probably the atmospheric air, more or less changed, which is found in the stomach. At least, it contains carbonic acid. The small intestine contains only a small quan- tity of gas ; it is a mixture of carbonic acid, of azote and hydrogen. The large intestine con- tains carbonic acid, azote, and hydrogen, some- times carbureted, sometimes sulphureted. Twen- ty-three per cent, of this gas was found in the rectum of an individual, whose large intestine contained no excrement. The muscular laver of the digestive canal dc- 311 DIG DIG serves to be remarked, in respect to the different modes of contraction it presents. The lips, the jaws, in most cases the tongue, the cheeks, are moved by a contraction, entirely like that of the muscles of locomotion. The roof of the palate, the pharynx, the oesophagus, and the tongue in certain particular circumstances, offer many mo- tions, which have a manifest analogy with muscu- lar contraction, but which are very different from it because they take place without the participa- tion of the will. This does not imply that the motions of the parts just named are beyond the influence of the nerves ; experience proves directly the contrary. If, for example, the nerves that come to the oeso- phagus are cut, this tube is deprived of its con- tractile faculty. The muscles of the velum of the palate, those of the pharynx, the superior two-thirds of the cesophagus, scarcely contract like digestive organs, but when they act in permitting substances to pass from the mouth into the stomach. The inferior third of the oesophagus presents a phenomenon which is important to be known : this is an alter- nate motion of contraction and relaxation whioh exists in a constant manner. The contraction commences at the union of the superior two- thirds of the canal with the inferior third ; it is continued, with a certain rapidity, to the inser- tion of the oesophagus into the stomach : when it is once produced, it continues for a time, which is variable ; its mean duration is, at least, thirty seconds. Being so contracted in its inferior third, the (esophagus is hard and elastic, like a cord strongly stretched. The relaxation which suc- ceeds the contraction happens all at once, and simultaneously in all the contracted fibres; in certain cases, however, it seems to take place from the superior to the inferior fibres. In the state of relaxation, the oesophagus presents a remarka- ble flaccidity, which makes a singular contrast with its state of contraction. This motion of the cesophagus depends on the nerves of the eighth pair. When these nerves of an animal are cut, the oesophagus no longer con- tracts, but neither is it in the relaxed state that we have described ; its fibres being separated from nervous influence, shorten themselves with a certain force, and the canal is found in an inter- mediate state between contraction and relaxation. The vacuity, or distention of the stomach, has an influence upon the duration and intensity of the contraction ofthe cesophagus. From the inferior extremity of the stomach to the end of the intestine rectum, the intestinal ca- nal presents a mode of contraction which differs, in almost every respect, from the contraction of the sub-diaphragmatic portion of the canal. This contraction always takes place slowly, and in an irregular manner ; sometimes an hour pass- es before any trace of it can be perceived ; at other times many intestinal portions contract at once. It appears to be very little influenced by the nervous system : for example ; it continues in the stomach after the section of the nerves of the eighth pair ; it becomes more active by the weakness of animals, and even by their death ; in some, by this cause, it becomes considerably ac- celerated ; it continues, though the intestinal ca- nal is entirely separated from the body. The py- loric portion of the stomach, the small intestine, are the points of the intestinal canal where it is presented oftenest, and most constantly. This motion, which- arises from the successive or si- multaneous contraction ofthe longitudinal or cir- cular fibres of the intestinal canal, has been differ- ently denominated bv authors: some have named 842 it vermicular, others peristaltic, others again. sensible organic contractility, &c. Whatever it is, the will appears to exert no sensible influ- ence upon it. The muscles of the anus contract voluntarily. The supra-diaphragmatic portion of the digest- ive canal is not susceptible of undergoing any con- siderable dilatation ; we may easily see, by its structure, and the mode of contraction of its mus- cular coat, that it is not intended to allow the ali- ments to remain in its cavity, but that it is rather formed to carry these substances from the mouth into the stomach : this last organ, and the large intestine, are evidently prepared to undergo a very great distention ; substances, also, which are in- troduced into the alimentary canal, accumulate, and remain for a time, more or less, in their in- terior. The diaphragm, and the abdominal muscles, produce a sort of perpetual agitation of the di- gestive organs contained in the abdominal cavity; they exert, upop them, a continual pressure, which becomes sometimes very considerable. The digestive actions which, by their union, constitute digestion, are— 1. The apprehension of aliments. 2. MastSlJation. 3. Insalivation. 4. Deglutition. 5. The action of the stomach. 6. The action of the small intestines. 7. The action of the large intestines. 8. The expulsion of the foecal matter. All the digestive actions do not equaUy contri- bute to the production of chyle ; the action of the stomach and that of the small intestines are alone absolutely necessary. The digestion of solid food requires generally the eight digestive actions; that of drinks is much more simple ; it comprehends only apprehension, deglutition, the action of the stomach, and that of the small intestine. The mastication and deglutition of the food being effected, we have now to notice the action of the stomach on the aliment: chemical altera- tions will now present themselves to our examina- tion. In the stomach the food is transformed into a matter proper to animals, which is named chyme. Before showing the changes that the food un- dergoes in the stomach, it is necessary to know the phenomena of their accumulation in this vis- eus, as well as the local and general effects that result from it. The first mouthfuls of food swallowed arc easily lodged in the stomach. This organ is not much compressed by the surrounding viscera ; its sides separate easily, and give way to the force which presses the alimentary bole ; but its distention be- comes more difficult in proportion as new food arrives, for this is accompanied by the pressing together of the abdominal viscera, and the exten- sion of the sides of the abdomen. This accumu- lation takes place particularly towards the right extremity and the middle part : the pyloric half gives way with more difficulty. Whilst the stomach is distended, its form, its relations, and even its positions, undergo altera- tions : in place of being flattened on its aspects, of occupying only the epigastrium and a part of the left hypochondrium, it assumes a round form ; its great cul de sac is thrust into this hypochon- drium, and fills it almost completely; the greater curvature descends towards the umbilicus, par- ticularly on the left side ; the pylorus, alone, fix- ed by a fold of the peritonaum, preserves its mo- tion and its relations with the surrounding parts. On account of the resistance that the vertebral DIG DiC i-uluiuu presents behind, the posterior surface of ihe stomach cannot distend itself on that side : for that reason this viseus is wholly carried forward ; and as tlie pylorus and the cesophagus cannot be displaced in this direction, it makes a motion of rotation, by which its great curve is directed a little forward ; its posterior aspect inclines down- wards, and its superior upwards. Though it undergoes these changes of position aud relation, it. nevertheless, preserves the re- curved conoid form which is proper to it. This effect depends on the manner in which the three tunics contribute to its dilatation. The two plates of the serous membrane separate and give place to the stomach. The muscular layer suffers a real distention ; its fibres are prolonged, but so as to preserve the particular form of the stomach. Lastly, the mucous membrane gives way, parti- cularly in the points where the folds are multipli- ed. It will be noticed that these are found par- ticularly along the larger curve, as well as at the splenic extremity. The dilatation of the stomach alone produces very important changes in the abdomen. The total volume of this cavity augments ; the belly juts out; the abdominal viscera are ■ ompressed with greater force ; often the necessity of passing urine, or faeces, is felt. The diaphragm is pressed towards the breast, it descends with some diffi- culty ; thence the motions of respiration, and the phenomena which depend on it, are more incom- moded, such as speech, singing, &c. In certain cases, the dilatation of the stomach may be carried so far that the sides of the abdo- men are painfully distended, and respiration be- comes difficult. To produce such effects, the contraction of the cesophagus, which presses the food in the stomach, must be very energetic. We have remarked above the considerable thickness of the muscular layer of this canal, and the great number of nerves wnich goto it; nothing less than this disposition is necessary to account for the force with which the food distends the stomach. For more cer- tainty the finger has only to be introduced into the cesophagus of an animal by the cardiac ori- fiee. and theforce of the contraction will be found striking. But if the food exerts so marked an influence upou the sides of the stomach and the abdomen, they ought themselves to suffer a proportionate re-action, and tend to escape by the two open- ings of the stomach. Why does this effect not take place ? It is generally said that the cardia and pylorus shut; but this phenomenon has not been submitted to any particular researches. Here is what Dr. Magendie's experiments have produced in this respect. The alternate motion of the cesophagus pre- vents the return ofthe food into this cavity. The more the stomach is distended, contraction be- comes tlie more intense and prolonged, and the relaxation of shorter duration. Its contraction generally coincides with the instant of inspiration, when the stomach is most forcibly compressed. Its relaxation ordinarily happens at the instant of expiration. We may have an idea of tliis mechanism by laying bare the stomach of a dog, and endeavour- ing to make the food pass into the cesophagus by compressing the stomach with both hands. It will be nearly impossible to succeed, whatever force is used, if it is done at the instant when the (esophagus is contracted: but the passage will Uke place, iu a certain degree, of itself, if the stomach is compressed at tlie instant of relax- ation. The resistance that the pylorus presents to the passage of the aliments is of another kind. In living animals, whether the stomach is empty or full, this opening is habitually shut, by the con- striction of its fibrous ring, and the contraction of its circular fibres. There is frequently seen another constriction in the stomach, at the dis- tance of one or two inches, which appears in- tended to prevent the food from reaching the pylorus ; we perceive, also, irregular and peris- taltic contractions, which commence at the duo- denum, and are continued into the pyloric por- tion of the stomach, the effect of which is to press the food towards the splenic part. Besides should the pylorus not be naturally shut, the food would have little tendency to enter it, for it only endea- vours to escape into a place where the pressure is less; and this would be equally great in the small intestine as in the stomach, since it is nearly equally distributed overall the abdominal cavity. Among the number of phenomena produced by the food in the stomach, there are several, the existence of which, though generally admitted, do not appear sufficiently demonstrated ; such is the diminution of the volume of the spleen, and that of the blood-vessels of the liver, or the omenta, &c.; such is also a motion of the sto- mach, which should preside over the reception of the food, distribute it equally by exerting upon it a gentle pressure, so that its dilatation, far from being a passive phenomenon, must be essentially active. Dr. Magendie has frequently opened animals the stomachs of which were filled with food; he has examined the bodies of executed persons, a short time after death, and has seen nothing favourable to these assertions. The accumulation of food in the stomach is ac- companied by many sensations, of which it is ne- cessary to take account:—at first, it is an agree- able feeling, or the pleasure of a want satisfied. Hunger is appeased by degrees; the general weakness that accompanied it is replaced by an active state, and a feeling of new force. It the introduction of food is continued, we experience a sensation of fulness and satiety which indicates that the stomach is suflicently replenished; and if, contrary to this instinctive information, we still persist to make use of food, disgust and nausea soon arrive, and they are very soon fol- lowed by vomiting. These different impressions must not be attributed to the volume ofthe ati- ments alone. Every thing being equal in other respects, food very nutritive occasions, more promptly, the feeling of satiety. A substance which is not very nourishing does not easily calm hunger, though it is taken in great quantity. The mucous membrane of the stomach, then, is endowed with considerable sensibility, since it distinguishes the nature of substances which come in contact with it. This property is very strongly marked if an irritating poisonous sub- stance is swallowed ; intolerable pain is then felt. We also know that the stomach is sensible to the temperature of food. We cannot doubt that the presence of the ali- ments of the stomach causes a great excitement, from the redness of the mucous membrane, from the quantity of fluid it secretes, and the volume of vessels directed there ; but this is favourable to chymification. This excitement of the stomach influences the general state of the functions-. The time that the aliments remain in the sto- mach is considerable, generally several hours; it is during this stay that they are transformed into chyme. Changes of the Alimcntt in the Stomach •— It is more than an hour before the food suffer- 3f' DIG DIG any apparent change in the stomach, more than what results from the perspiratory and mucous fluids with which they are mixed, and which arc continually renewed. The stomach is uniformly distended during this time; but the whole extent ofthe pyloric portion afterwards contracts, particularly that nearest the splenic portion, into which the food is press- ed. Afterwards, there is nothing found in the pyloric portion but. chyme, mixed with a small quantity of unchanged food. The best authors have agreed to consider the chyme as a homogeneous substance, pultaceous, greyish, of a sweetish taste, insipid, slightly acid, and preserving some of the properties of the food. This description leaves much to be explained. The result of Dr. Magendie's experiments are as foUows: A. There are as many sorts of chyme as there arediffereut sorts of food, if we judge by the co- lour, consistence, appearance, &c.; as we may easily ascertain, by giving different simple ali- mentary substances to dogs to eat, and killing them during the operation of digestion. He fre- quently found the same result in man, in the dead bodies of criminals, or persons dead by accident. B. Animal substances are generally more easily and completely changed than vegetable sub- stances. It frequently happens that these last tra- verse the whole intestinal canal without chang- ing their apparent properties. He has frequently seen in the rectum, and in the small intestine, the vegetables which are used in soup, spinage, sorrel, &c, which had preserved the most part of their properties: their colour alone appeared sensibly changed by the contact of the bile. Chyme is formed particularly in the pyloric portion. The food appears to be introduced slowly into it, and during tbe time they remain they undergo transformation. The Doctor be- lieves, however, that he has observed frequently chymous matter at the surface ofthe mass of ali- ments which fill the splenic portion; but the aliments in general preserve their properties in this part of the stomach. It would be difficult to tell why the pyloric portion is better adapted to the formation of chyme than the rest of the stomach; perhaps the great number of follicles that are seen in it mo- dify the quantity or the nature of the fluid that is there secreted. The transformation of alimenta- ry substances into chyme takes place generally from the superficies to the centre. On the sur- face of portions of food swallowed, there is form- ed a soft layer easy to be detached. The sub- stances seem to be attacked and corroded by a re- agent capable of dissolving them. The white of a hard egg, for instance, becomes in a little time as if plunged in vinegar, or in a solution of potassa. C. Whatever is the alimentary substance em- ployed, the chyme has always a sharp odour and taste, and reddens paper coloured with turnsol. D. There is only a small quantity of gas found in the stomach during the formation of chyme ; sometimes there exists none. Generally it forms a small bubble at the superior part ofthe splenic portion. Once only in the body of a criminal a short time after death, he gathered with proper precautions a quantity sufficient to be analysed. Chevreuil found it composed of : Oxygen,........11.00 Carbonic acid, .... 14.00 Pure hydrogen, . . . 3.55 Azote,.....". • • • 71-45 Total,........100.00 344 There is rarely any gas found in the stomach of a do?. We cannot then believe, with Professor Chaussier, that we swallow a bubble of air at every motion of deglutition, which is pressed into the stomach by the alimentary bole. Were it so, there ought to be found a considerable quantity of air in this organ after a meal: now the contrary is to be seen. E. There is never a great quantity of chyme accumulated in the pyloric portion: the most that the Doctor ever saw in it was scarcely equal in volume to two or three ounces of water. The contraction of the stomach appears to have an influence upon the production of chyme. The following is what he observed in this respect. After having been some time immoveable, the extremity of the duodenum contracts, the pylorus and the pyloric portion contract also ; this motion presses the chyme towards the splenic portion ; but it afterwards presses it in a contrary direction, that is, after being distended, and having permit- ted the chyme to enter again into its cavity, the pyloric portion contracts from left to right, and directs the chyme towards the duodenum, which immediately passes the pylorus and enters the intestine. The same phenomenon is repeated a certain number of times, but it stops to begin again, after a certain time. When the stomach contains much food, this motion is limited to the parts of the organ nearest the pylorus ; but in proportion as it becomes empty, the motion extends farther, and is seen even in the splenic portion when the stomach is almost entirely empty. It becomes generally more strong about tiie end of chymifica- tion. Some persons have a distinct feeling of it at this moment. The pylorus has been made to play a very im- portant part in the passage of the chyme from the stomach to the intestine. It judges, they say, of the chymification of the food ; it opens to those that have the required qualities, and shuts against those that have not. However, as we daily ob- serve substances not digestible traverse it easily, such as stones of cherries, it is added, that be- coming accustomed to a substance not chymified, which presents itself repeatedly, it at last opens a passage. These considerations, consecrated in a certain degree by the word pylorus, a porter, may please the fancy, but they are purely hy- pothetical. F. All the alimentary substances are not trans- formed into chyme with the same promptitude. Generally the fat substances, the tendons, the cartilages, the concrete albumen, the mucilagi- nous and sweet vegetables, resist more the action of the stomach than the caseous, fibrinous, and glutinous substances. Even some substances ap- pear refractory: such as the bones, the epidermis of fruits, their stones, and whole seeds, &c. In determining the digestibiUty of food, the volume of the portions swallowed ought to be taken into account. The largest pieces, of what- ever nature, remain longest in the stomach j on the contrary, a substance which is not digestible, if it is very small, such as grape stones, does not rest in the stomach, but passes quickly wifh the chyme into the intestine. in respect of the facility and quickness of the formation of chyme, it is different in every dif- ferent individual. It is evident, after what has been said, that to fix the necessary time for the chymification of all the food contained in the stomach, we ought to take into account their quantity, their chemical nature, the manner in which the mastication acts upon them, and the individual disposition. However, in four or five DIG hours after an ordinary meal, the transformation of the whole of the food into chyme is generally effected. The nature of the chemical changes that the food undergoes in the stomach is unknown. It is not because there have been no attempts at dif- ferent periods to give explanations of them more or less plausible. The ancient philosophers said that the food became putrified in the stomach ; Hippocrates attributed the digestive process to coction ; Galen assigned the stomach attractive, retentive, concoctive, expulsive faculties, and by their help he attempted to explain digestion. The doctrine of Galen reigned in the schools until the middle of the seventeenth century, when it was attacked and overturned by the fermenting che- mists, who established in the stomach an efferves- cence, a particular fermentation, by means of which the food was macerated, dissolved, pre- cipitated, &c. This system was not long in repute ; it was re- placed by ideas much less reasonable. Digestion was supposed to be only a trituration, a bruising performed by the stomach ; an innumerable quan- tity of little worms was supposed to attack and divide the food. Boerhaave thought he had found the truth by combining the different opinions that had reigned before him. Haller did not fol- low the ideas of his master ; he considered diges- tion a simple maceration. He knew that vegeta- ble and animal matters plunged into water are soon covered with soft homogeneous layer; he believed that the food underwent a like change, by macerating in the saliva and fluids secreted by the stomach. Reaumur and Spallanzani made experiments on animals, and demonstrated the falsity of the an- cient systems ; they showed that food, contained in hollow metallic balls pierced with small holes, was digested the same as if it was free in the ca- vity c/thc stomach. They proved that the sto- mach contains a particular fluid which they call gastric juice, and that this fluid was the princi- pal agent of digestion ; but they much exaggerated its properties, and they were mistaken wheu they thought to have explained digestion in con- sidering it as a solution : because, im not ex- plaining this solutioB, they did not explain the changes of food in the stomach. In the formation of chyme, it is necessary to consider, 1st, The circumstances in which the food is found in the stomach. 2dly, the chemical nature of it. The circumstances affecting the food in tlie sto- mach during its stay there arc not numerous: 1st, it suffers a pressure more or less strong either from the sides of the abdomen, or from tliose of the stomach ; 2dly, the whole is entirely moved by the motions of respiration ; Sdly, it is exposed to a temperature of thirty to thirty-two degrees of Reaumur ; 4thly, it is exposed to the action of the saliva, of the muro.sities proceeding from the mouth and the u-«ophagus, as well as tlie fluid secreted by the mucous iiu-iiihi-.iiic of the sto- mach. It vj'll be remembered that this fluid is slightly viscous, that it contains much water, mucus, suits, with a base of soda aud ammonia, and lactic acid of Berzelius. With regard to the nature of the food, we have already seen how variable it is, since all the immediate principles, animal or vegetable, may be carried into the stomach in different forms and proiMii'tions, and serve usefully in the formation of chyme. Now, making allowance for the na- ture of the food, und the circumstances in which it is placed in the «tomach, shall we be able to t-1 ' DIO account lor the known phenomena of the foruij- tion of chyme ? The temperature of thirty to thirty-two degrees, R. = 100 to 104 F. ; the pressure, and the tossing that the food sustains, cannot be considered as the principal cause of its transformation into chyme ; it is probable that they only co-operate in this; the action of the saliva and that of the. fluid secreted in the sto- mach remain ; but after the known composition of the saliva it is hardly possible that it can at- tack and change the nature of the food: at most, it can only serve to divide, to imbibe it in such a manner as to separate its particles : it must then be the action ot the fluid formed by the internal membrane of the stomach. It appears certain that this fluid, in acting chemically upon the ati- mentary snlistances, dissolv s them from Ihe sur- face towards the centre. To produce a palpable proof of it, with this fluid of which we speak, there have been attempts' made to produce what is called in physiology, artificial digestions, that is, after having macer- ated food, it is mixed with gastric juice, and then exposed in a tube or any ot'.ier vase to a temper- ature equal to that of the stomach. Spallanzani advanced that these digestions succeeded, and that the food was reduced to chyme ; but, ac- cording to the researches of de Montegrc, it appears that they are not; and that, on the contrary, the sub-.tenccs employed uudergono alteratio i analo- gous to chymification; this is agreeable to ex- periments made by Reaumur. But because the gastric juice does not dissolve the food when put with it into a tube, we ought not to conclude that the same fluid cannot dissolve the food when it is introduced into the stomach ; the circumstances are indeed far from being the same : in the sto- mach, the temperature is constant, the food is pressed and agitated, and the saliva and gastric juice are constantly renewed ; as soon as the chyme is formed, it i? ea:;:ct! away and pressed in the duodenum. Nothing <>1 tliis takes place in the tube or vase which contains the food mixed with gastric juice ; therefore, the want of success in artificial digest ions, proves nothing which tends to explain the formation of chyme. But how does it happen that the same fluid can act in a manner similar nppn the great variety of alimentai \ substances, animal and vegetable'! The acidity wliich characterizes it, though fit to dissolve certain matters, as albumen, for exam- ple, would not be suitable for dissolving fat. To this it may be answered, that nothing proves the gastric juice to continue always the same ; the small number of analyses that have been made of it demonstrate, on the contrary, that it presents considerable varieties in its pro- perties. The contact of different sorts of tbo^l upon the mucous membrane of the stomach may possibly influence its composition ; it is at least certain, that this varies in the different animals. For example, that of man is incapable of acting on bones ; it i* well known that the dog digests these substances perfectly. Generally speaking, the action by which the chyme is formed prevents the re-action of the constituent elements of the food upon each other : but this effort takes place only in p»od diges- tions ; in bad digestion, fermentation, and even putrefaction may take piace : this may be sus- pected hv the great quantity of inodorous gases that are developed in cert in cases, and the sul- phiireted hydrogen which is disengaged in others. The nervi s of the eighth pair have long been considered to direct the act of chymification : in fact, if these nerves are cut, or tied in the neck, the matters introduced info the stomach undergo D1C Dl6 ii.i ulterarfcii. But the consequence t,su\s Dr, Magendie) that is deduced from this fact does not appear to me to be rigorous. Is not the effect produced upon the stomach by the injury done to respiration, confounded here with the direct in- fluence of the section of the nerves of the eighth pair upon this organ ? I am inclined to believe it; lor, as I have many times done, ii the two-eighth pairs be cut in the breast 6e/oic the branches which go to the lungs, the food which is intro- duced afterwards into the stomach is transformed into chyme, and ultimately furnishes an abundant chyle. Some persons imagine that electricity may have an influence in the production of chyme, and that the nerves we mention may be the con- ductors: there is no established fact to justify this conjecture. The most probable use of the nerves of the eighth pair is, to establish intimate relations between the stomach and the brain, to give notice whether any noxious substances have entered along with the food, and whether they are capable of being digested. In a strong person, the operation of the forma- I ion of chyme takes place without his knowledge ; it is merely perceived that the sensation of ful- ness, and the difficulty of respiration produced by the distention of the stomach, disappear by de- grees ; but frequently, with people of a delicate temperament, digestion is accompanied with fee- bleness in the action of the senses, with a general coldness, and slight shiverings; the activity of the mind diminishes, and seems to become drow- sy, and there is a disposition to sleep. The vital powers are then said to be Concentrated in the organ that acts, and to abandon for an instant the others. To those general effects are joined the production of the gas that escapes by the mouth, a feeling of weight, of heat, of giddiness, and sometimes of burning, followed by an analo- gous sensation along the oesophagus, &c. These effects are felt particularly towards the end of the chymification. It does not appear, however, that these laborious digestions are much less beneficial than the others. From the stomach the food is received into the small intestine, which is the longest portion of the digestive canal; it establishes a communica- tion between the stomach and the large intestine. Not being susceptible of much distention, it is twisted a great many times upon itself, being much longer than the place in which it is con- tained. It is fixed to the vertebral column by a fold of the peritonaeum, which limits, yet aids its motions; its longitudinal and circular fibres are not separated as in the stomach; its mucous membrane, which presents many vtili, and a great number of mucous follicles, forms irregular cir- cular folds, the number of which are greater in proportion as the intestine is examined nearer the pyloric orifice : these folds arc called oalvula conniventes. The small intestine reeeives many blood-ves- sels ; its nerves come from the ganglions of the great sympathetic. At its internal surface the numerous orifices of the chyUferous vessels open. This intestine is divided into three parts, called the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. The mucous membrane of the small intestine, Uke that of the stomach, secretes abundance of mucus ; viscous, thready, of a salt taste, and reddens strongly turnsol paper; aU which properties are also in the liquid secreted by the stomach. Haller gave this fluid the name of intestinal juice ; the quan- tity that is formed in twenty-four hours he esti- mated at eight pounds. Not far from the gastric extreroitv of this intes- 346 tine is the common orifice of the biliary and pan- creatic canals, by which the fluid secreted by the liver and the pancreas flow into the intestinal cavity. If the formation of the chyme is still a mystery, the nature of the phenomena that take place in the small intestine are little better known. In the experiments which have been made on dogs and rabbits, the chyme is seen to pass from the stomach into the duodenum. The phenomena are thess*. At intervals, more or less distant, a contractile motion commences towards the mid- dle of the duodenum ; it is propagated rapidly to the site of the pylorus: this ring contracts it- self, as also the pyloric part of the stomach; by this motion, the matters contained in the duode- num are pressed back towards the pylorus, where they are stopped by the valve, and those that are found in the pyloric part, are partly pressed to- wards the splenic part ; but this motion, directed from the intestine towards the stomach, is very soon replaced by another in a contrary direction, that is, which propagates itself from the stomach towards the duodenum, the result of which is to make a considerable quantity of chyme pass the pylorus. This fact seems to indicate that the valve ofthe pylorus serves as much to prevent the matters con- tained in the small intestine from flowing back into tlie stomach, as to retain the chyme and the food in the cavity of this organ. The motion that we have described, is generally repeated many times foUowing, and modified as to the rapidity, the intensity of the contraction, &c. ; it then ceases to begin again after some time. It is not very marked in the first moments of the formation of the chyme; the extremity only of the pyloric part participates in it. It augments in proportion as the stomach becomes empty ; and, towards the end of chymification, it often takes place over the whole stomach. It is not suspended by the section of the nerves of the eighth pair. Thus the entrance of chyme into the small in- testine is not perpetual. According as it is re- peated, the chyme accumulates id the first por- tion of the intestine, it distends its sides a little, and presses into the intervals of the valves; its presence very soon excites the organ to contract, and by this means one part advances into the in- testine ; the other remains attached to the surface of its membrane, and afterwards takes the same direction. The same phenomenon continues down to the large intestine; but, as the duodenum receives new portions of the chyme, it happens at last that the small intestine is fiUed in its whole length with this matter. It is observed only to be much less abundant near the cacum than at the pyloric extremity. Th« motion that determines the progress ofthe chyme through the small intestine, has a great analogy with that of the pylorus: it is irregular, returns at periods which are variable, is sometimes in one direction, sometimes in another, takes place sometimes in many parts at once; it is always slow, more or less ; it causes relative changes among the intestinal circumvolutions. It is beyond the influence of the will. We should form a false idea of it were we merely to examine the intestine of an animal re- cently dead ; it has then a much greater activity than during Ufe. Nevertheless, in weak diges- tions it appears to acquire more than ordinary energy and velocity. In whatever manner this motion takes place, the chyme appears to move very slowly in the small intp*tine : the numerous valves that it con- DIG Dlti tains, the multitude of asperities that cover the mucous membrane, the many bendings of the canal, are so many circumstances that ought to contribute to retard its progress, but which ought to favour its mixture with the fluids contained in the intestine, and the production of the chyle which results from it. Changes that the chyme undergoes in the small intettine.—It is only about the height ol the ori- fice of t'.te choledochus and pancreatic canal that the. chyme begins to change its properties. Be- fore this, it preserves its colour, its semi-fluid consistence, its sharp odour, its slightly acid sa- vour ; but, in mixing with the bile and the pan- creatic juice, it assumes new qualities : its colour becomes yellowish, its taste bitter, and its shop odour diminishes much. If it proceeds from ani- mal or vegetable matters, which contained grease or oil, irregular filaments are seen to form here and there upon its surface ; they are sometimes flat, at other times rounded, attach themselves quickly to the surface of the valve, and appear to consist of crude chyle. This matter is not seen when the chyme proceeds from matter that con- tained no fat; it is a greyish layer, more or less thick, which adheres to the mucous membrane, and appears to contain the elements of chyle. The same phenomena are observed in the two superior thirds of tbe small intestine : but in the inferierr third, the. chymous matter is more con- sistent ; its yellow colour becomes more deep ; it ends sometimes by becoming of a greenish brown, which pierces through the intestinal parietes, and gives an appearance to the ileum, distinct from that of the duodenum and jejunum. When it is examined near the cacum, there are few or no whitish chylous striae seen ; it seems, in this place, to be only the remainder of the matter whicli has served in the formation of the chyle. After what has been said above, upon the va- rieties that tbe chyme presents, we may under- stand that the changes it undergoes in the small intestine are variable according to its properties; in fact, the phenomena of digestion in the small intestine, vary according to the nature of the (ood. The chyme, however, preserves its acid property; and if it contains small quantities of food or other bodies that have resisted the action of the stomach, they traverse the small intestine Without undergoing any alteration. The same phenomena appear when the same substances have been used. Dr. Magendie has ascertained this fact upon the bodies of two criminals who, two hours before death, had taken an ordinary meal, in which th"y had eaten the same food nearly in equal quantity ; the matters contained in the sto- mach, the chyme in the pyloric portion and in the small intestine, appeared to him exactly the s-.une as to consistence, colour, taste, odour, &c. There is generally gas found in the small in- testine during the formation of chyle. Drs. Ma- gendie and Chevreuil have made experiments upon the bodies of criminals opened shortly after death, anil who being young and vigorous presented the most favourable conditions for sued researches. In a subject of twenty-four years, who had eaten, two* hours bed ire his death, bread, and some Swiss cheese, and drank water reddened with wine, they found in Vie small intestine: Oxygen....... 0.00 t'lirbonie acid . . . 24.59 Purr hydros-en . . . ,riS.5J Vzote . .......20.0H lotal........100.0(1 '.•-. a seend subnet, agrd *w>n(v-three years, who had eaten of the same food at the s.inie hour. and whose punishment took place at the same time: Oxygen....... 0.00 Car-ionic, acid . . . 40.00 P-ire livdr-.j-en . . . 51.1.3 Azote"........ 8.35 Total........lO'i.OO In a third experiment, made upon a young man of twenty-eight years, who, four hours before death had eaten bread, beef, lentiles, and drank red wine, they found in the same intestine : Oxygen....... 0.00 Carbonic acid . . . 25.00 Pure hvdrogen . . . 8.40 Azote "........66.60 Total........100.00 They never observed any other gases in the small intestine. These gases might have different origins. They might possibly come from the Btomach wish the chyme ; or they were perhaps, secreted by the intestinal mucous membrane ; they might arise from the reciprocal action of the matters contained in the intestine ; or per- haps they might come from all these sources at once. However, the stomach contains oxygen, and very little hydrogen, whilst they have almost al- ways found much hydrogen in the smaU intestine, and never any oxygen. Besides, it is a daily ob- servation, that the little gas that the 3tomach contains is generally passed by the mouth towards the end of chymification, probably, because at this instant it can more easily advance into the oesophagus. The probability of the formation of gases by the secretion of the mucous membrane could not be at all admissible, except for carbonic acid, which seems to be formed in this manner in respi- ration. With regard to the action of matters contained in the intestine, Dr. Magendie says he has many times seen the chymous matter let bubbles of gas escape very rapidly. This took place from the orifice of the ductus choledochus to the commencement of the ileum; there was no trace of it perceived in this last intestine, nor in the superior part of the duodenum, nor the stomach. He made this observation again upon the body of a criminal lour hours after death ; it presented no traces of putrefaction. The alteration which chyme undergoes in the small intestine is unknown ; it is easily seen to be the result of the action of tlie bile, of the pancrea- tic juice, and of the fluid secreted by the mucous membrane, upon the chyme. But what is the play of the affinities in this real chemical opera- tion, and why is the chyle precipitated against the surface of the valvula conmventes, whilst the rest remains in the intestine to be afterwards expelled ? This is completely unknown. We have learned something more of the time that is necessary for this alteration of the chyme. The phenomenon does not take place quickly: in animals, it often happens that we do not find any chyle formed three or lour hours after the meal. Alter what has been said, we see that in the small intestine, the chyme is divided into two parts : the one which attaches itselt to the sides, and which is the chyle still impure ; the other the true refuse, which is destined to be thrown into the large intestine, and afterwards entirely carried out of the body. Tl>e manner in which drinks ncrnmulate in »hi 14' DR. DIC sioiuach differs little from that of the aliments; it is generally quicker, more equal, and more easy ; probably because the liquids spread, and distend the stomach more uniformly. In the 6ame manner as the food, they occupy more par- ticularly its left and middle portion ; the pyloric, or right extremity contains always much less. The distention of the stomach must not, how- ever, be carried to a great degree, for the liquid would be expelled by vomiting. This frequently happens to persons that swallow a great quantity of drink quickly. When we wish to excite vom- iting in persons who have taken an emetic, one of the best means is to make them drink a number of glasses of liquid quickly. The presence of drinks in the stomach produces local phenomena like those which take place from the accumulation of the aliments; the same changes in the form and position of the organ, the same distention of the abdomen, the same con- traction ofthe pylorus and the oesophagus, &c. The general phenomena are different from those produced by the aliments: this depends on the action of the liquids upon the sides of the stom- ach, and the quickness with which they are car- ried into the blood. Potations, in passing rapidly through the mouth and the oesophagus, preserve more than the food their proper temperature until they arrive in the stomach. We therefore prefer them to those, when we wish to experience in this organ a feel- ing of heat or of cold: hence arises the preference that wc give to hot drinks in winter, and cold drinks in summer. Every one knows that the drinks remain much shorter time in the stomach than the aliments; but the manner of their passage out ofthe viseus is still very Uttle known. It is generally supposed that they traverse the pylorus and pass into the small intestine, where they are absorbed with the chyle ; nevertheless a ligature applied round the pylorus in such a manner as to hinder it from penetrating into the duodenum, does not much retard its disappearance from the cavity of the stomach. Alteration of drinks in the stomach.—Fluids, in respect of the alterations that they prove in the stomach, may be divided into two classes : the one sort do not form any chyme, and the other are chymified wholly or in part. To the first class belong pure water, alkohol, sufficiently weak to be considered as a drink, the vegetable acids, &c. During its stay in the stomach, water assumes an equilibrium of tem- perature with the sides of this viseus : it mrxes at the same time with mucus, the gastric juice, and the sativa which are found in it; it becomes muddy, and afterwards disappears slowly without suffering any other transformation. One part passes into tne small intestine ; the other appears to be directly absorbed. There remains after its disappearance a certain quantity of mucus, which is very soon reduced to chyme like the aliments. By observation we know that water deprived of atmospheric air, as distiUed water, or water charged with a great quantity of salts, as well- water, remain long in the stomach and produce a feeUng of weight. Alkohol acts quite in a different manner. We know the impression of burning heat that it causes at first in its passage through the mouth, the pha- rynx, the cesophagus ; and that which it excites when it enters the stomach: the effects of this action determine the contraction of this organ, irritate the mucous membrane, and augment the secretion of which it is the seat; it coagulates at the same time aU the albuminous parts with which 3 in it is in contact ; and as the different liquids in the stomach contain a considerable proportion of this matter, it happens that a short time after al- kohol has been swaUowed, there is in this viseus a certain quantity of concrete albumen. The mucus undergoes a modification analogous to that of the albumen; it becomes hard, forms irregular clastic filaments, which preserve a certain trans- parency. In producing these phenomena, the alkohol mixes with the water that the saliva and the gas- tric juice contain ; probably it dissolves a part of the elements that enter into their composition, so that it ought to be much weakened by its stay in the stomach. It disappears very quickly; its general effects are also very rapid, and drunken- ness or death f'oUow almost immediately the in- troduction of too great a quantity of alkohol into the stomach. The matters coagulated by the action of the al- kohol are, after its disappearance, digested like solid aliments. Among the drinks that are reduced to chyme, some are reduced in part and some wholly. Oil is in this last case ; it is transformed, in the pyloric part, into a matter analogous in appear- ance with that which is drawn from the purifica- tion of oils by sulphuric acid ; this matter is evi- dently the chyme of oil. On account of this transformation, oil is perhaps, the liquid that re- mains longest in the stomach. Every one knows that milk curdles soon after it is swallowed ; this curd then becomes a solid aliment, which is digested in the ordinary man- ner. Whey only can be considered as drink. The greatest number of drinks that we use arc formed of water, or of alkohol, in which are in suspension or dissolution-, immediate animal or vegetable principles, such as gelatine, albumen, osmazome, sugar, gum, fecula, colouring or as- tringent matters, &c. These drinks contain salts of lime, of soda, of potassa, &c. The result of several experiments that have been made upon animals, and some observations that have been made on man, is, that there is a separation of the water and the alkohol in the stomach from the matters that these liquids hold in suspension or solution. These matters remain in the stomach, where they are transformed into chyme, like the aUments ; whilst the liquids with which they were united are absorbed, or pass into the small intestine ; lastly, they are conducted, as we have just now seen, in treating of water and alkohol. Salts that are in solution in water do not aban- don this liquid, and are absorbed with it. Red wine, for example, becomes muddy at first by its mixture with juices that are formed in, or carried into the stomach ; it very soon coagulates the al- bumen of these fluids, and becomes flaky; after- wards, its colouring matter, carried perhaps by the mucus and the albumen, is deposited upon the mucous membrane: there is a certain quantity of it seen at least in the pyloric portion; the watery and alkoholic parts disappear with rapidity. The broth of meat undergoes the same changes. The water that it contains is absorbed ; the gela- tine, the albumen, the fat, and probably the osma- zome, remain in the stomach, where they are re- duced into chyme. Action of lhe,small intestine upon drinks.— After what has been read, it is clear that fluids penetrate, under two forms, into the small intes- tine: 1st, under that of liquid ; 2dly, under that of chyme. The liquids that pass from the stomach into the iiites'inc remain hiit a-hurt time, eveeot undei DIG DIG particular circumstances ; they do not appear to undergo any other alteration than their mixture with tne intestinal juice, the chyme, tbe pancre- atic liquid, and the bile; they do not form any sort of chyle; they are generally absorbed in the duodenum, and the commencement of the jeju- num ; they are rarely seen in the ilium, and still more rarely in the large intestine. It appears that this last case does not happen except in the Mate of sickness ; for example, during the action of a purgative. The chyme that proceeds from drinks follows the same rule, and appears to undego the same changes as that of the food ; it therefore produces chyle. Such are the principal phenomena of the diges- tion of drinks : we see how necessary it wa» to distinguish the in from those that belong to the digestion of the aliments. But we do not always digest the aliments and the drinks separately, as we have supposed; very frequently the two digestions take place at the same time. Drink favours the digestion of the aliments; this effect is probably produced in various man- ners. Those that are watery, soften, divide, dissolve even certain foods; they aid in this man- ner their chymification and their passage through the pylorus. Wine fulfils analogous uses, but only for the substances that it is capable of dissolving; besides, it excites by its contact the mucous membrane of the stomach, and causes a greater secretion of the gastric juice. Alkohol acts much in the same manner as wine, only it is more intense. It is thus that those liquors which are used after meals, are useful in exciting the action of the stomach." —Magendie's Physiology. DIGESTIVE. (Digeslivus; from digero, to dissolve.) A term applied by surgeons to those substances which, when applied to an ulcer or wound, promote suppuration : such are the cera- tum resina, unguentum elemi, warm poultices, fomentations, &c. Digestive salt. The muriate of potassa. Digestive salt of Sylvius. The muriate of po- tassa. Digesti'vum sal. See Potassa murias. DIGITALIS. (From digitus, a finger; be- cause its flower represents a finger.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linna-an system. Class, Didynamia; Order, Angiosper- mia. Fox-glove. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the common fox-glove. See Digitalis purpurea. Digit alis purpurea. Ihe systematic name of the fox-glove. Digitalis—culycinisfoliolis oralis am tit, corollit obtusis, labio superiore integro, of Linnteus. The leaves of this plant have a bit- ter nauseous taste, but no remarkable snull; they have been long used externally to ulcers and scrophulous tumours with considerable advantage. When properly dried, their colour is a lively green. They ought to be collected when the plant begins to blossom, to be dried quickly before the fire, and preserved unpowdcred. Of all the narcotics, digitalis is that which di- minishes most powerfully the actions ofthe system ; and it does so without occasioning any previous excitement. Even in the most moderate dose it diminishes the force and frequency of the pulse, and, in a large dose, reduces it to a great extent, as from 70 beats to 40 or 35 in a minute, occasion- ing, at the same time, vertigo, indistinct vision, violent and durable sickness, with vomiting. In a still larger quantity, it induces convulsions, ••oldncss ot tlie bmlv, and iii'cti-ibility ; symp- toms which have sometimes terminated fatally. As a narcotic, fox-glove has been recommended in epilepsy, insanity, and in some acute inflamma- tory diseases. Lately it has been very extensively employed in phthisis, and the beneficial effects which it produces in that disease, are probably owing to its narcotic power, by which it reduces the force ofthe circulation through the lungs and general system. It is administered so as to pro- duce this effect. One grain of the powdered leaves, or ten drops of the saturated tincture, may be given night and morning. This dose is increased one-half every second dav, tiU its ac- tion on the syste m becomes apparent. As s.-on as the pulse begins to be diminished, the in- r ase of dose must be made with more c.-.ution . and, whenever nausea is induced, it ought rather to be reduced, or, if necessary, intermitted for a short time. If the sickness become urgent, it is best relieved by stimulants, particularly large doses of brandy, with aromatics. The tincture has been supposed to be the best form of administering digi- talis, when the remedy is designed to act as a narcotic: it is also more manageable in its dose, and more uniform in its strength, than the dried leaves. Besides its narcotic effects, digitalis acts as one of the most certain diuretics in dropsy, appa- rently from its power of promoting absorption. It has frequently succeeded where the other "diu- retics have failed. Dr. Withering has an un- doubted claim to this discovery ; and the numer- ous cases of dropsy related by him, and other practitioners of established reputation, afford in- contestable evidence of its diuretic powers, and of its practical importance in the cure of those disorders. From Dr. Withering'* extensive ex- perience of the use of the digitalis iu dropsies, he has been able to judge of its success by the following circumstances ;—" It seldom succeeds in men of great natural strength, of tense fibre, of warm skin, of florid complexion, or in those with a tight and cordy pulse. If the belly in ascites be tense, hard, and circumscribed, or the limbs in anasarca solid and resisting, we have but little hope. On the contrary, if the pulse be fee- ble, or intermitting, the countenance pale, the Ups livid, the skin cold, the swollen belly soft and fluctuating, the anasarcous Umbs readily pit- ting under the pressure of the' finger, we may expect the diuretic effects to follow in a kindly manner." Of the inferences which he deduces, the fourth is, " that if it (digitalis) fails, there is but little chance of any other medicine succeed- ing." Although the digitalis is now generally admitted to be a very powerful diuretic, yet it is but justice to acknowledge that this medicine has more frequently failed than could have been rea- sonably expected from a comparison of the tacts stated by Dr. Withering. The dose of the dried leaves in powder is from one to three grains twice a day. But if a liquid medicine be prefer- red, a drachm of the dried leaves is to be infused lor four hours, in half a pint of boiling water, adding to the strained liquor an ounce of any spirituous water. One ounce of (his infusion, given twice a day, is a medium dose. It is to be continued in these doses tiU it either acts upon the kidneys, the stomach, the pulse (which, as has been said, it has a remarkable power of low- ering,) or the bowels. The administration of this remedy inquires to be conducted with much caution. lis effects do not immediately appear; and when the &o,e> are too frequent, or too quickly augmented, it- action is concentrated so as to produce frcqu. ntly the most violent symptom- '''':•' ceiie;- 1 rules are t> DU. DIO begin with a smaU dose, to increase it gradually, tiU the action is apparent on the kidneys, sto- mach, intestines, or vascular system ; and imme- diately suspending its exhibition, when its effects on any of mus. (From Storfouat, to see through.) Dilatation of any natural passage. Dio'robum. (From Sia, and opoGos, a vetch.) A medicine, in the composition of which there are vetches. Diorrho'sis. (From Sia, aud oppos, the se- rum.) Diorosis. 1. A dissolved state of the blood. 3. A conversion of the humours into serum and water. Diorthro'sis. (From SiopOpoto, to direct.) The reduction of a fracture. DIOSCO'REA. (Named in honour*of Dios- corides.) 1'he name of a genus of plants in the Linnsean system. Class, Diada; Order, Hex- andria. Dioscorea alata. The name of the plant which affords the esculent root, called the yam. It is obtained, however, from three species ; the alata, bulbifera, and sativa. They grow spon- taneously in both Indies, and their roots are pro- miscuously eaten as tbe potatoe is with us. There is great variety in the colour, size, and shape of yams ; some are generally blue or brown, round or oblong, and weigh from one pound to two. They are esteemed when dressed as being nutritious and easy of digestion, and are preferred to wheaten bread. Their taste is somewhat like the potatoe, but more luscious. The negroes, whose common food is yams, boil and mash them. They are also ground and made into bread and puddings. When they arc to be kept for some time, they are exposed upon the ground to the sun, as we do onions, and when sufficiently withered, they are put into dry sand in casks, and placed in a dry garret, where they remain often for many seasons without losing any of their primitive goodness. Dioscorea uuleifera. See Dioscorea alata. Dioscorea sativa. See Dioscorea alata. DIOSCOR1DES, Pedacius, or Pedanius, a celebrated Greek physician and botanist of Anazarba, in Cih'eia, now Caramania, who te supposed to have lived in the time of Nero. He is said to have been originally a soldier, but soon became eminent as a physician, and travelled much to improve his knowledge. He paid parti- cular attention to the materia medica, and espe- cially to botany, as subservient to medicine. He profited much by the writings of Theophrastus, who appears to nave been a more philosophical botanist. Dioscorides has left a treatise on the materia medica, in five books, chiefly considering plants; also two books on the composition and application of medicines, an essay on antidotes, and another mi venomous animals. His works have been often printed in modem times, and commented upon, especially by Matthiolus. He notices about 600 plants, but his descriptions are often so slight and superficial, as to leave their identity a matter of conjecture ; which is perhaps of no very en at medical importance; though their virtues being generally handed down from the Greeks, it might lie useful to ascertain which particular plauts they meant. DlOSCi'iu. (i. e. &l0<, Kovpoi, the sons of Ju- piter, or Cnstor and Pollux.) The parotid glands wero so named from their twin-like equality ii shape and position. Diospy'r0s lotus. The Indian date plum. The fruit when ripe, has an agreeable taste, and is very nutritious. DioxELiE'uM. (From Sta, ofa, acid, and cXaiov, oil.) A medicine composed of oil and vinegar. Dio'xos. (From Sia, and ofc, acid.) A col- lyrium composed chiefly of vinegar. DIPH YLLUS. (From in, double, and QvXXov, a leaf.) Diphyllous, or two-leaved. Apphed to the perianthium of flowers, when there are two calyces ; as in Papaver rhaat. Diplasia'smus. (From SivXota, to 'double.) The re-exacerbation of a diseased DI'PLOE. (From Si-nXou, to double.) The spongy substance between the two tables of the skull. DIPLO'PIA. (From SiitXoos, double, and oirropat, to see.) Vitus duplicatu*. A disease of the eye, in which the person sees an object double or triple. Dr. Cullen makes it a variety of the seeond species of pseudoblepsis, which he calls mutans, in which objects appear changed from what they really are; and the disease varies according to the variety of the remote causes. Di'pnoos. (From Sis, twice, and mca, to breathe.) A wound which is perforated quite through, aud admits the air at both ends. Dipple't animal oil. See Animal oil. DPPSACUS. (From St^a, thirst: so called from the concave situation of its leaves, which hold water, by which the thirst of the traveUer may be reUeved.) Diptacum. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- nasan system. Class, Syngeneria ; Order, Poly- gamia. The teasel. 2. A diabetes, from the continual thirst attend- ing it. DIPSOSIS. (From Six}.a, thirst.) The name of a genus of diseases in Good's Nosology, known by the desire for drinking being excessive or im- paired. It has two species, Dipsods acene, and Dipsoris expers. DIPYRE. Schmelstein. A mineral found in white of reddish steatite in the Western Pyrenees, composed of silica, alumina, and Ume. Diptre'num. (From Sis, twice, and xvpriv, a berry.) 1. A berry, or kernel. 2. A probe with two buttons. Dipyri'tes. (From Sis, twice, and irvp, fire.) Dipyros. An epithet given by Hippocrates to bread twice baked, and which he recommended in dropsies. DIRE'CTOR. (From dirigo, to direct.) 1. A hoUow instrument for guiding an incisor- knife. 2. The name of a muscle. Director penis. (From dirigo, to direct.) The same as erector penis. Diri'vga. A name, in the isle of Java, for the Calamus aromaticus. See Acorus calamus. Disce'ssus. (Fromdiscedo, to depart.) The separation of any two bodies, before united, by chemical operation. DISCIFO'RMIS. (From discus, a quoit, and forma, likeness.) Resembling a disk, or quoit, in shape. It is applied to tbe knee-pan. DISCOl'DES. (From Stciros, a quoit, and uSos, resemblance.) Rese mbling a disk, or quoit, in shape. It is applied to the crystalline humour of the eye. Discri'men. 1. A small roUer. 2. The diaphragm. DISi'KS. (From Swkos, a quoit and disk, and S5I DIS DIU from its flat and round appearance Uke the cir- cumference of the sun.) The disk, or central part of a leaf, and of a compound flower. In tlie common daisy, the white leaflets of the flower surround the disk. The disk of a leaf is the whole flat surface with- in the margin. DlSCU'TlENT. (Discutiens; from discutio, to shake in pieces.) Ditcusorius; Diachyticus. A term in surgery, applied to those substances which possess a power of rcpelUng or resolving tumours. DISEASE. Morbus. Any alteration from a perfect state of health. A disease is variously termed. when it pervades the whole system, as fever does, it is called a general disease, to distin- gu-sh it from inflammation of the eye, or any other viseus, which is a partial or local one. When it does not depend on another disease, it is termed idiopathic, which may be either general or partial, to distinguish it from a symptomatic one, which depends upon another disease. See also Endemic, Epidemic, Sporadic, &c. DISK. See Discus. DISLOCATION. (Dislocatio; from dislo- co, to put out of place.) Luxation. The se- cession of a bone of a moveable articulation from its natural cavity. DISPENSARY. (Dispensarium; from dis- pendo, to distribute.) 1. The shop or place in which medicines are prepared. 2. The name of an institution, in which the poor are supplied with medicines and advice. DISPL'NSATORY. (Dispensatorium; from dispendo, to dislitabute.) Antidotarium. A book which treats of the composition of me- dicines. ^ DISSECTION. (Dissectio; from disseco, to cut asunder.) The cutting to pieces of any part of an animal, or vegetable, for the purpose of examining its structure. Sec Anatomy. DISECTUS. Cut. A term used by bota- nists synony mously with incised and laciniated, to leaves wnich are cut, as it were, into numerous irregulai portions. See Leaf. DISSEPIMENTUM. (From dissepio\ to se- parate.) A partition. Applied by botanists to partitions which separate the cells of a capsule. See Capsula. Pisse'ptum. (From dissepio, to inclose round.) The diaphragm, or membrane, which divides the cavity ofthe thorax from the abdomen. Dissolie'ntia.' (From distolvo, to loosen.) 1. Medicines which loosen and dissolve morbid concretions in the body. 2. In chemistry, it means menstrua. Dissolu'tus. (From dissolvo, to loosen.) Loose, morbus dissolutus. An epithet applied to dysentery. DISTANS. Distant. Applied to petals from their direction ; as in Cucubalus bacciferus. Diste'ntio. (From distendo, to stretch out.) 1. Distention, or dilatation. 2. A convulsion. DISTHENE. See Cyanile. Disii'chia. Sic Dittichiasis. DKTICHI'ASIS. (From rWn^ia, from Sis, double, and s-'X05' a row-) Districhiasis; Dis- tichia. A disease of the eye-lash, in which there is a double row of hairs, the one row growing outwards, the other inwards towards the eye. D1STICHUS. Two-ranked. Applied to stems, leaves, &c. when they spread, injtwo hori- zontal directions ; as the branches of the Pinus picea, or silver fur, and the leaves of the Taxus baccata, or yew. 352 DI STILL A'TION. (Distillatio ; from dit- tillo, to drop little by little.) Alsacta; Catat- tagmot. A chemical process, very similar to evaporation, instituted to separate the volatile from the fixed principles, by means of heat. Dis- tillatory vessels are either alembics or retorts; the former consist of an inferior vessel called a cucurbit designed to contain the matter to be ex- amined, and having an upper part fixed to it, called the capital, or head. In this last, the va- pours are condensed by the contact of the sur- rounding air, or, in other cases, by the assistance of cold water surrounding the head, and contained in a vessel called the refrigeratory. From the lower part of the capital proceeds a tube, called the nose, beak, or spout, through which the va- pours, after condensation, are, by a proper figure of the capital, made to flow into a vessel called the receiver, which is usually spherical. These receivers have different names, according to their figure, being called mattrasses, balloons, &c. Retorts are a kind of bottle of glass, pottery, or metal, the bottom being spherical, and the upper part gradually diminishing into a neck, which is turned on one side. Distilled vinegar. See Acetum. DISTORTION. (Distortio; from distor- queo, to wrest aside.) A term apphed to the eyes, when a person seems to turn them from the object he would look at, and is then called squint- ing, or strabismus. It also signifies the bending of a bone preternaturally to one side; as distortion of the spine, or vertibrae. DISTO'RTOR. (From distorqueo) to wrest aside.) A muscle, the office of which is to draw the mouth awry. Distortor oris. See Zygomaticus minor. Districhi'asis. See Distichiasis. DI'STRIX. (From Sis, double, and 0pi£, the hair.) A disease of the hair, when it splits and divides at the end. DITTANDER. See Lepidium sativum. DITTANY. See Dictamnus. Dittany, bastard. See Dictamnus albus. Dittany of Crete. See Origanum dictamnus. Dittany, white. See Dictamnus albus. DIURE'SIS. (From Sta, through, and ovptw, ■to make water.) An increased secretion of urine. It is also applied to a diabetes. DIURETIC. (Diureticus. AtovprjriKos; from, Siovpticts, a discharge of urine.) That which, when taken internally, augments the flow of urine from the kidneys. It is obvious that such an effect will be produced by any substance capa- ble of stimulating the secreting vessels of the kid- neys. All the saUne diuretics seem to act in this manner. They are received into the circulation; and passing off with the urine, stimulate the ves- sels, and increase the quantity secreted. There are other diuretics, the effect of which appears not to arise from direct application, but from an action excited in the stomach, and pro- pagated by nervous communication to the secret- ing urinary vessels. The diuretic operation of squill, and other ve- getables, appears to be of this kind. There is still, perhaps, another mode in which certain substances produce a diuretic effect; that is by promoting absorption. When a large quan- tity of watery fluid is introduced into the circu- lating mass, it stimulates the secreting vessels of the kidneys, and is carried off by urine. If, therefore, absorption be promoted, and if a por- tion of serous fluid, perhaps previously effused, be taken up. the quantity of fluid secreted by the kidneys will be increased. In this way digitahs seems to act: its diuretic effect, it has been said, Dl\ DOL is greater when exhibited in dropsy than it is in betJth. „ . . , On the same principle (the effect arising from stimulating the absorbent system,) may probably be explained the utility of mercury in promoting the action of several diuretics. The action of these remedies is promoted by drinking freely of mild diluents. It is also in- fluenced by tne state of the surface of the body. If external heat be applied, diuresis is frequently prevented, and diaphoresis produced. Hence the doses of them should be given in the course of the day, and the patient, if possible, be kept out of bed. The direct effects of diuretics are sufficiently evident. They discharge the watery part of the blood ; and, by that discharge, they7indirectly promote absorption over the whole system. Dropsy is the disease in which they are princi- pally employed ; and when they can be brought to act, the disease is removed with less injury to the patient than it can be by exciting any other evacuation. Their success is very precarious, the most powerful often failing : and, as the dis- ease is so frequently connected with organic af- fection, even the removal of the effused fluid, when it takes place, only palliates without effect- ing a cure. f >Sureties have been Ukewise occasionally used in calculous affections, in gonorrhoea, and with a view of diminishing plethora, or checking profuse perspiration. Murray, in his Elements of Materia Medica, classes the super-tartratc of potassa, or cream of tartar, and nitrate of potassa, or nitre, the muriate of ammonia, or crude sal-ammoniac, potassa, and the acetate of potassa, or kali acetatmn, among the saline diuretics ; and selects the following from the vegetable kingdom :—scilla maritima, digitalis purpurea, nicotiana tabacum, solanum dulcamara, lactuca virosa, colchicum autumnale, gratiola officinalis, spartium scoparium, juniperus communis, copaifera officinalis, pinus balsamea, and pinus larix ; and the lytta vesicatoria from the animal kingdom. In speaking of particular diuretics, Dr. Cullen says, the diuretic vegetables mentioned by wri- ters are of very little power, and are employed with very little success. Of the umbellatte, the medicinal power resides especially in their sefeds ; but he never found any of them very efficacious. The semen dauci sylvestris has been commended as a diuretic; but its powers as such are not very remarkable; In like manner, some of the planta stellata have been commended as diuretics; but none of them deserve our notice, except tlie rubia tinctorium, the root of which passes so much by the kidneys as to give its colour to the urine. Hence it may fairly be supposed to stimu- late the secretories; but Dr. Cullen found its diuretic powers did not always appear and never to any considerable degree ; aud as, in brute ani- mals, it has always appeared hurtful to the sys- tem, he does not think it fit to be employed to any extent in human diseases. The bardana, lithospermum, ononis, asparagus, enula carapana, are all substances which seem to pass, in some measure, by tbe kidneys ; but their diuretic pow- rrs are hurdly worth notice. The principal articles included by Dr. CuUen, in his catalogue of diuretics, are dulcamara, di- gitalis, scilla; some of the alliacea- and sili- nuosre ; the balsams and resins; cantharides, and the diuretic salts. Divapoha'tio. Evaporation. DIVARICATION, The crossing or any two tfiings : thus when tin- muscular or tendinous r, fibres intersect each other at different angles, they are said to divaricate. Divellent affinity. See Affinity quietcent. Diverso'rium. (From divertor, to resort to.) The receptaculum chyli. DIVERTICULUM. A mal-formation or dis- eased appeu-ance of a part, in which a portion goes out of the regular course; and thereby forms a diverticulum, or deviation from the usual course. It is generally applied to the ali- mentary canal. Diverticulum nuckii. The opening through which the round ligaments of the uterus pass. Nuck asserted that it lemained open a lono- time after birth ; to these openings he gave the name of diverticula. DIVTNUS. A pompous epithet of many com- positions, from their supposed exceUencc. Divu'lsio. (From divello, to pull asunder.) Urine with uneven sediment. DOCIMASTIC. Ars docimastica. The art of examining fossils, in order to discover what metals, &c. they contain. DOCK. See Rumex. Dock-cresses. See Lapsana. Dock, tour. See Rumex ucetota. Dock, water. See Rumex hydrolapathum. DODDER. See Cuscuta epithymum. Dodecada'ctilus. (From SioSiko, twelve, and SatfvXos, a finger; so named because its length is about the breadth of twelve fingers.) The duodenum, an intestine so called. It must be observed, that at the time this name was given, anatomy consisted in the dissection of brutes ; and the length was therefore probably adjudged from the gut of some animal, and not of man. DODECA'NDRLV. (From SaStxa, twelve, and avrjp, a man.) The name of a class of plants in the sexual system, embracing those with her- maphrodite flowers, and twelve stamina. Douecapha'rmaci'M. (FronicWma, twelve, and ipappnKov, a medicine.) An ointment con- sisting of twelve ingredients, for which reason it was called the ointment of the twelve apostles. Dodeca'theon. (From SwScko, twelve, and ItQripi, to put.) An antidote consisting of twelve simples. DODON.ECS, Rembf.rtus, (or Dodoens,) was born at Mechlin in 1017. He became physi- cian to two succeeding emperors, and in 1582 was appointed professor of physic in the newly- founded University of Leyden, the duties ot which he performed with credit till his death, three years after. His fame at present chiefly rests on his botanical publications, particularly his " Pcmp- tades," or 30 books of the history of plants. The " Frugum Historia," " Herbarium Belgicum," Sac. are of much inferior merit. DOG. See Canis. Dog's-bane, Syrian. See Asclepias syriace. Dog's-grass. See Triticum repens. Dog's-mercury. See Mercurialis perennis. Dog-rose. See Rosa canina. Dog-stones. See Orchis mascula. DO'GMA. (From Sokcw, to be of opinion.) A dogma, or opinion founded on reason and expe- rience. DOLERITE. WTien volcanic masses are composed of grains distinct from each other, and contain besides felspar, much pyroxene, black oxide of iron, ampibole, &c. they ait caUed by the French geologist, dolerite. DOLICHOS. (From SoXixos, long: socaUed from its long shape.) 1. The name of a jrrnus of plants in the Linmeau system. Class, Diadelphia; Order, Derandriti dor DBA 'J. The pharmacopoeial name of the cowhage. Sec Dolichos prurient. ■ Dolichos pruriens. The systematic name of the cowhage. Dolichos; Doliohos^—volubilis, leguminibus racemosis, valvulis subcarinatis hirtis, pedunculis ternis, of Linnaeus. The pods of this plant are covered with sharp hairs, which are the parts employed medicinally in form of electuary, as anthelmintics. The manner in which these hairy spicula act, seems to be purely mechanical: for neither the tincture, nor the decoction, possess the least anthelmintic power. Dolichos soja. The plant which affords the &oy. It is much cultivated in Japan, where it is called daidsu : and where the pods supply tiieir kitchens with various productions ; but the two principal are, a sort of butter, termed miso, and a pickle called sooju. DOLABRIFORMIS. (From dolabclla, a hatchet, and forma, resemblance.) Hatchet- shaped. A term appUed to a leaf, which is com- pressed With a very prominent dilated keel, and a cyUndrical base; as in Misembryanthemumdola- briforme. DOLOMITE. A calcarco-magnesian carbo- nate. DO'LOR. (Dolor, oi~is. f.) Pain. Dolor faciei. See 2Yc douloureux. DORO'NICUM. (From dorongi, Arab.) Leopard's bane. See Arnica montana. Doronicum germanicum. Sec Arnica montana. DoronicCm romanum. The pharmacopoeial name of the Roman leopard's bane. See Doroni- cum pardalianches. Doronicum pardalianches. The systema- tic name of the Roman leopard's bane. Doroni- cum romanum; Doronicum—foliis cordatis, obtusis, denticulatis; radicalibus petiolatis; caulinis amplexicaulibus, of Linnaeus. The root of this plant, if given in a full dose, possesses poisonous properties; but instances are related ©f its efficacy in cpileptical and other nervous diseases. DO'RSAL. (Dorsalis; from dorsum, the back,) Belonging to the back. Dorsalis nervus. The nerve which passes out from the vertebrae of the back. DORSTEOTA. (Named in honour of Dr. Dorsten.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Tctrandria; Order, Monogynia. Dorstenia braziliensis. The root of this plant is used by the natives of Brazil, internally and externally. They call it Caa-apia. When chewed, it has the same effects as ipecacuanha. The wounds from poisoned dirts, are said to be cured with the juice of the root, which they pour into the wound. Dorstenia contrayerva. The systematic name of the plant which affords the contrayerva root;,Contrayerva; Drakena; Cypei~us lon- gus, odorus, peruanus; Bezoardica radix. The contrayerva root was first brought into Eu- rope about the year 1581, by Sir Francis Drake, whence its name Drakena. It is the root of a small plant found in Peru, and other parts of the Spanish West Indies. Dr. Houston observes, that the roots of different species of dorstenia are promiscuously gathered and exported for those of the contrayerva, and, as all the species bear a great resemblance to each other, they are gene- raUy used for medical purposes in this country. The tuberous parts of these roots are the strong- est, and should be chosen for use. They have an agreeable aromatic smell: a rough bitter, pene- trating taste; and, when chewed, they give out » sweetish kind of acrimony. It is diaphoretic and antiseptic ; and was for- merly used in low nervous fevers, and those of the malignant kind; but its use is superseded by the cinchona. Dr. Cullen observes, that this and serpentina are powerful stimulants ; and both have been em- ployed in fevers in which debility prevailed. However, he thinks, wine may always supersede the stimulant powers of these medicines; and that debility is better remedied by the tonic and anti- septic powers of cold and Peruvian bark, than by any stimulants. By tbe assistance of heat, both spirit and water extract all its virtues ; but they carry little orno- thing in distiUation; extracts made by inspissa- ting^ the decoction, retain aU the virtues of the root. The London College forms the compound pow- der of contrayerva, by combining five ounces of contrayerva root with a pound and a half of pre- pared shells. This powder was formerly made up in balls, and called lapis contrayerva, em- ployed in the decline of ardent fevers, and through the whole course of low and nervous ones. The radix serpentaria: virginiensis, in all cases, may be substituted for the contrayerva. Drostenia drakena. The systematic name for one sort of the contrayerva. Dorstenia houstonii. See Dorstenia con- trayerva. Do'thien. A name for the furuncuhis. DOUGLAS, James, M.D. was born in Scot- land in 1675. After completing his education, be came to London, and appUed himself diligently to the study of anatomy and surgery, which he both taught and practised several years with suc- cess. HaUer has spoken very highly of his pre- parations, to show the motion of the joints, and the structure of the bones. He patronised the celebrated William Hunter; who assisted him shortly before his death in 1742. He was reader of Anatomy to the Company of Surgeons, and a Fellow of the Royal Society, to which he made several communications. He published, in 1707, a more correct description of the muscles than had before appeared ; eight years after, a tolera- ble account of preceding anatomical writers; in 1726, a History of the lateral Operation for the Stone ; and in 1730, a very accurate Description of the Peritonaeum, &c. DOUGLAS, John, brother of the preceding, was surgeon to the Westminster Infirmary, and author of several controversial pieces. In one of them, called "Remurksona late pompous Work," he censures, with no small degree of severity, Cheselden's Anatomy of the Bones ; in another, he criticises, with equal asperity, tie works of Chamberlen and Chapman ; and in a third, he decries the new forceps of Dr. SmelUe. He also wrote a work on the high operation for the stone, which he practised ; a Dissertation on the Vene- real Disease ; and an Account of the Efficacy of Bark in stopping Gangrene. DOVE'S FOOT. See Geranium rotundifo- lium. Dover's powder. See Pulvis ipecacuanha compodtus. Down of seed. See Pappus. DRA'BA. (From Spaoou. to seize : so called from its sudden effect upon the nose of those who eat it.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Tetradynamia; Order, Siliculosa. Draba verna. A common plant on most DR.\ Witt walls. The seed is hot and stimulating, and might be used for pepper. DRA'CO. (Draco, onis. m. ApaKiav, the dra- gon. ) The dragon. Draco mitioatus. The submnriate of mer- cury. Draco sylvestris. See Achillea Ptarmica. DRACOCE'PHALUM. (From Spawv, a dragon, and Ktl nostrils, an.I of tbe cavities enter- ing them, is new : u» are also the plates of the abdominal vUcvru. M.iakk'na. See Dorstenia contrayerva. DRASTIC. (Drcitirut. A/w, to remove.) Dropax. A stimulant plaster of pitch, wax, &c, to take off hair. Dro'pax. See Dropacitmut. DRO'PSY. Hydrops. A collection of a se- rous fluid in the cellular membrane ; in the viscera, and the circumscribed cavities of the body. See Hydrops, Ascites, Anasarca, Hydrocephalus, Hydrothorax, Hydrocele. Dropsy of the belly. See Ascites. Dropsy of the brain. See Hydrocephalus. Dropsy of the chest. See Hydrothorax. Dropsy of the ovary. See Ascites. Dropsy of the skin. See Anasarca. Dropsy of the testicle. See Hydrocele. DROPWORT. See CEnanthe, and Spirqia. Dropwort, hemlock. See QZnanlhe. Dropwort, water. See QZnanthe. DRO'SERA. (From Spoo-epa, dewy; which is from Spoaos, dew; drops hanging on the leaves like dew.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Piutandria; Order, Hexagynia. Sun dew. Drosera rotundif-oi.ia. The systematic name of the sun-dew. Ros solis ; Rorella. Sun dew. Drosera rotundifolia—scapis radicalis ; foliit orbiculatit of Linnaeus. This elegant little plant is said to be so acrid as to ulcerate the skin, and remove waits and corns ; and to excite a fatal coughing and delirium in sheep who eat it. It is seldom given medicinally in this country but by the lower orders, who esteem a decoction of it as serviceable in asthmas and coughs. Drosobo'tanum. (From Sptaos, dew, and 0«7ni T), au herb : so called from its being covered with an aromatic dew.) The herb betony. Nei- Bettnica. Drosso'mkli. (From Spooo,, dew, and /u.y honey.> llonev-dew. Manua. DRC'PA. (Drupa, unripe olives.) A stone fruit formed of a fleshy or coriaceous seed-vessel, enclosing a ntit. It i« distinguished into, 1. Drupa tuccosa, when oi a succulent fleshy consistence ; as the cherry, plum, peach, and nec ■ DUL DLR 2. D. fibrosa, the nut being fibrose ; as in Co- Cus nucifera. 3. D. exsicca, dry and subcoriaceous ; as the almond and horse-chesnut. 4. D. dehiscent, opening; as in Juglans re- gie, and Myristica moschata. From the number of nuts it contains, the drupa is said to be monosperma, when there is but one, as in the olive and pistachia; and disperma when there arc two, as in Styrax. DRUPACEUS. Drupaceous; resembling a drupe, or stone fruit. Apptied to the pod of Erucago and Bunias. DUCT. See Ductus. Duct, biliary. See Biliary duct. DUCTILITY. Ductilitas. A property by which bodies are elongated by repeated or con- tinued pressure. It is peculiar to metals. Most authors confound the words malleability, lamina- bihty, and ductility, together, and use them in a loose indiscriminate way ; but they are very dif- ferent. MaUeability is the property of a body which enlarges one or two of its three dimen- sions by a blow or pressure very suddenly applied. Laminability belongs to bodies extensible in di- mension by a graduaUy appUed pressure ; and ductility is properly to be attributed to such bo- dies as can be rendered longer and thinner by drawing them through a hole of less area than the transverse section of the body so drawn. DUCTUS. A canal or duct. Ductus arteriosus. A great artery-like canal found only in the foetus, and very young children, between the pulmonary artery and the aorta. In adults it is closed up. Ductus auris falatinus. The Eustachian tube. Ductus biliaris. See Choledochus ductus. Ductus communis choledochus. See Choledochus ductus. Ductus cysticus. The trunk of the biliary ducts in the liver which carries the bile from them into the gall-bladder. Ductus hefaticus. See Hepatic duct. Ductus lachrymalis. See Lachrymal ducts. Ductus lactiferus. Ductus galactopho- rus. 'The excretory ducts of the glandular sub- stance composing the female breast. The milk passes along these ducts to tbe nipple. Ductus ad nasum. See Canalis nasalis. Ductus pancreaticus. The pancreatic duct. It is white and small, and arises from the sharp extremity of the pancreas, runs through the middle of tlie gland towards the duodenum, into which it pours its contents by an opening common to it and the ductus communis choledo- chus. Ductus salivales. The excretory ducts of the salivary glands, which convey the saliva into the mouth. Ductus stenonis. The Stenonian duct, which was so called after its discoverer, Steno. It arises from all the small excretory ducts of the parotid gland, and passes transversely over the masseter muscle, penetrates the buccinator, and opens into the mouth. Ductus thoracicus. See Thoracic duct. Ductus venosus. When the vena cava passes the liver in the foetus, it sends off the ductus ve- nosus, which communicates with the sinus of the vena porta;; but, in adults, it becomes a flat Uga- ment. Ductus warthonianus. The excretory duct of the inaxiUary glauds ; so named after its discoverer. Dulca'ciuum. (From dulas, sweet, and 356 acidus, sour.) A medicine composed of a aweec and sour ingredient. DULCAMA'RA. (From dulcis, sweet, and amarus, bitter.) Bitter sweet. See Solanum dulcamara. Dumbness. See Aphonia and Paracuris. DUMOSUS. (From dumus, a bush.) Bushy. Dumosjc. The name of an order of plants in Linnasus's Fragments of a Natural Method, con- sisting of shrubby plants, which are thick set with irregular branches, and bushy. DU.NCAN, Daniel, was born at Montauban, in Languedoc, in 1649, son of a professor of phy- sic in that city, but of a family originally Scotch. Having lost both his parents in early infancy, he was taken under the protection of his maternal uncle, and at a proper age sent to study medicine at MontpelUer, where he took bis degree. He afterwards resided seven years at Paris, where he published his first work, upon the principle of motion in animal bodies. He then visited Lon- don, partly to arrange sorn family affairs, partly to obtain information concerning the plague; and intended to have settled there, but after two years he was summoned to attend his patron, the great Colbert. He soon after made public two works, in which he attempted to explain the An- nual Functions on Chemical and Mechanical Principles. On the death of Colbert, he resided for some years in his native city ; but the perse- cution of the Protestants in Ib90 drove him to Switzerland, and he was appointed Professor of Anatomy and Chemistry at Berne, where he got into considerable practice. In 1699 he was sent for to attend the Princess of Hesse-Cassel, who had symptoms of threatening consumption, induced by the excessive use of tea, and other hot tiquors; which led him to write a Treatise against that practice, published subsequently by the persua- sion of his friend, Boerhaave. He remained there three years, affording meanwhile much re- lief to the French relugees ; and the fame of his liberality procured liis invitation to the court of Berlin: but a regard to his health and to economy soon obliged him to remove to the Hague. In 1714 he accompUshed his favourite object of set- tting in London, and when he reached his 70th year, put in practice his previous resolution of giving his professional services only gratuitously: in which he steadily persevered during the remain- ing sixteen years of his life, though, in 1721, he lost the third part of his property by the South- sea scheme. DUNG. See Fax. Dung, devil's. See Ferula assafatida. DUO. (Abu, two.) Some compositions con- sisting of two ingredients, are distinguished by this term ; as pilulae ex duobus. DUODE'NU'M. (From duodenus, consisting of twelve ; so called because it was supposed not to exceed the breadth of twelve fingers : but as the ancients dissected only animals, this does not hold good in the human subject.) The first por- tion of the small intestines. See Intestines. DUPLEX. (From duo, two, and plioo, to fold.) Double or two-fold. In botany -apoUed to leaves, petals, perianths, &c. The perianthum duplex is seen in Mulva althaa and Hibiscus. Duplica'na. (From dujUex, double.) A name of the double tertian fever. DUPL1CATUS. (From duplex, double.) This term is apptied to a flower which has two series or rows of petals. DU'RA MATER. (From durus, hard, and mater, a mother: called dura, from its compara- tive hardness with the pia mater; and mater, from its being supposed to be the source of all DYS 1*YS the other membranes. Other parts have received the trivial name of dura, from their comparative hardness ; as portio dura, a branch of the seventh pair of nerves.) Dura meninx; Dermatodes. A thick and somewhat opaque and insensible mem- brane, formed of two layers, that surrounds and defends the brain, and adheres strongly to the internal surface of the cranium. It has three considerable processes, the falciform, the tento- rium, and the septum cerebelli; and several si- nuses, of which the longitudinal, lateral, and in- ferior longitudinal, are the principal. Upon the external surface of the dura mater, there are little boles, from which emerge fleshy-coloured papillae, and wliich, upon examining tbe skull-cap, will be found to have corresponding fovea;. These are the external glandula; Pacchioni. They are in number from ten to fifteen on each side, and are chiefly lateral to the course of the longitudi- nal sinus. The arteries which supply this mem- brane with vessels for its own nourishment, for that of tbe contiguous bone, and for the perpetual exudation of the fluid, or halitus rather, which moistens or bedews its internal surface, may be divided into anterior, middle, and posterior. The first proceeds from the ophthalmic and eth- moidal branches; the second from the internal maxillary and superior pharyngeal; the posterior from the occipital and vertebral arteries. The principal artery of the dura mater, named, by way of distinction, the great artery of the dura mater, is derived fiom the internal maxillary artery, a branch of the external carotid. It is called the spinalis, or spheno-spinalis, from its passing into the head through the spinous hole of the sphenoid bone, or uieninga media, Irom its relative situation, as it rises in the great middle fossa of the skull. This artery, though it some- times enters the skull in two branches, usually enters in one considerable branch, and divides, soon after it reaches the dura mater, into three or four branches, of which the anterior is the largest; and these spread their ramifications beaut ifidly upon the dura mater, over all that part which is opposite to the anterior, middle and posterior lobes of the brain. Its larger trunks run upon the internal surface of the parietal bone, and are sometimes for a considerable space buried in its substance. The extreme branches of this artery extend so as to inosculate with the anterior and posterior arteries of the dura mater ; and through the bones (chiefly parietal and temporal bones,) they inosculate with the temporal and occipital arteries. Tbe meningeal artery has been known to become aneurismal, and distended at intervals ; it has formed an aneurism, destroying the bones and causing epilepsy. Dura meninx. Sec Dura mater. DW ALE. See Atropa belladonna. Dn-arf elder. See Sambuctn ebulus. Dyo'ta. (From Sim, two, and ox s, o»7oj, an ear.) A chemical instrument with two ears, or handles. DYSiESTIlL'SlA. (From Svs, difficulty, and nifffl.n-ofiui, to feel or perceive.) Impaired teeliug. Dys.r.hTHKM e. (The plural of Dysastheda.) The name of an order in the class Locales of Dr. CuUen's Nosology, containing these diseases, in which the senses are depraved, or destroyed, from a defect of tlie external organs. DlSANACo'iius. (From Svs, with difficulty, and ai.i) u», to subdue.) Viscid expectoration. DYSCATAPOT1A. (Fromit-j, and Kalavmo, to drink.) A difficulty of swallowing liquids, which Dr. Mead thinks a more proper term thuu •hat generally used for canine madness, viz. hy- drophobia ; as it is more particularly descriptive of the affection under which the unhappy patients labour ; for, in reality, they dread water from the difficulty of swallowing it. DYSCLNE'SIA. (From <\f, bad, and «>w, to move.) Bad or imperfect motion. Dyscinesi.b. The plural of dytdneda.) AppUed to an order in the class Locales of Cul- len s Nosology; embracing diseases in which the motion is impeded,.or depraved, from an im- perfection of the organ. DYSCOPHO'SIS. (Fram Svs, with difficulty, and KiD, to be deaf.) A defect in the sense of hearing. DYSCRA'SIA. (From Svs, with difficulty, and Ktpavvvpt, to mix.) A bad habit of body. DYSECOS'A. (From Svs, difficulty, and okoV, hearing.) Cophosis. Deafness. Hearing dimin- ished, or destroyed. A genus of disease in the class Locales, and order Dysasthesia of Cullen, containing two species: Dysecaa organica, which arises from wax in the meatus, injuries of the membrane, or inflammation and obstruction of tbe tube: Dysecaa atonica, when without any discernible injury of the organ. Dyse'lcia. (From Svs, with difficulty, and sXkos, an ulcer.) An inveterate ulcer, or one dif- ficult to heal. Dyse'metus. (From Svs, with difficulty, and cpca>, to vomit.) A person not easUy made to vomit. DYSENTE'RIA. See Dysentery. DYSENTERY. (Dysenteria; from Svs, diffi- culty, and cv"]tpa, the bowels.) Ditsolutus morbus. Diarrhaa carnosa. The flux. A genus of dis- ease in the class Pyrexia, and order Profluvia of CuUen's Nosology. It is known by contagious pyrexia; frequent griping stools; tenesmus; stools, chiefly mucous, sometimes mixed with blood, the natural faeces being retained or voided' in small, compact, hard substances, known by the name of scybala, loss of appetite, and nausea. It occurs chiefly in summer and autumn, and is often occasioned by much moisture succeeding quickly intense heat, or great drought; whereby the per- spiration is suddenly checked, and a determina- tion made to the intestines. It is likewise occa- sioned by the use of unwholesome and putrid food, and by noxious exhalations and vapours ; hence it appears often in armies e-ncamped in the neigh- bourhood of low marshy grounds, and proves highly destructive ; but the cause which ost usually gives rise to it, is a specific contagion; and when it once makes its appearance, where numbers of people arc collected together, it not unfrcquently spreads with great rapidity. A pe- culiar disposition in the atmosphere seems often to predispose or give rise to the dysentery, in wliich case it prevails epidemicaUy. It frequently occurs about the same time with autumnal intermittent and remittent fevers, and with these, it is often complicated. The disease, however, is much more prevalent in warm climates than in cold ones ; and in the months of August, September, and October, which is the rainy season of the year in the West Indies, it is very apt to break out and to become very general among the negroes on the different plantations in the colonies. The body having been rendered irritable by the great heat of the sum- mer, and being exposed suddenly to much mois- ture,with open pores, the blood is thereby thrown from the exterior ve>»el* upon the interior, so as to irivc rise to dysenteries. ' An attack of dysentery is -ometimes preceded by liun'of appetite, tostivcocss, flatulency, sick- ness at the stomach, and a slight vomiting, and DkS DYS comes on with chills, succeeded by heat' in the skin, and frequency of the pnlse. These symp- toms are in general the forerunners of the griping and increased evacuations which afterwards oc- cur. When the inflammation begins to occupy the lower part of the intestinal tube, the stools become more frequent and less abundant; and, in passing through the inflamed parts, they occasion great pain, so that every evacuation is preceded by a severe griping, as also a rumbling noise. The motions vary both in colour and consist- ence, being sometinu s composed of frothy mucus, streaked with blood, and at other times of an acrid watery humour, like the washings of meat, and with a very fa-tid smell. Sometimes pure blood is voided; now and then lumps of coagulated mucus, resembling bits of cheese, are to be ob- served in the evacuations, and in some instances a quantity of purulent matter is passed. Sometimes what is voided consists merely of a mucus matter, without any appearance of blood, exhibiting that disease which is known by the name <>f dysenteria alba, or morbus mucosus. Whilst the stools consist of these various mat- ters, and are voided frequently, it is seldom that we can perceive any natural freces among them, and when we do, they appear in small hard baUs, called scybala, which being passed, the patient is sure to experience some temporary relief from the griping and tenesmus. It frequently happens, from the violent efforts which are made to discharge the irritating mat- ters, that a portion of the gut is forced beyond the verge of the anus, which, in the progress of the disease, proves a troublesome and distressing symptom ; as docs likewise th«* tenesmus, there being a constant incUnation to go to stool, with- out the ability of voiding any thing, except per- haps a little mucus. More or less pyrexia usually attends with the symptoms which have been described, through- out the whole of the disease, where it is inclined to terminate fatally ; and is either of an inflam- matory or putrid tendency. In other cases, the febrile state wholly disappears after a time, while the proper dysenteric syinptoiLS probably will be of long continuance. Hence the distinction into acute and chronic dysentery. When the symptoms run high, produce great loss of strength, and are accompanied with a pu- *.r< tendency and a foetid and involuntary dis- cnarge, the disease often terminates fatally in the course of a few days; but when they are more moderate, it is often protracted to a considerable length of time, and so goes off at last by a gentle perspiration, diffused equally over the whole body; the fever, thirst, and griping then ceasing, and the stools becoming cf a natural colour and consistence. When tbe disease is of long stand- ing, and has become habitual, it seldom admits of an easy cure ; and when it attacks a pers->n la- bouring under an advanced stage cf scurvy, or pulmonary consumption, or whose constitution has b'ien much impaired by any other disorder, it is sure throve fatal. It .oraetimes appears at the same time wftb .mtumnal intermittent and remittent ff vers, as has been observed, and is then more complicated and difficult to remove. Upcn opening the bodies of those who die of dysentery, the internal coat of the intestines (but more particularly of the colon and rectum) ap- pears to be iffbetcd with inflammation and its consequences, such as ulceration, gangrene, and conirr.ctious. The peritonaeum, and other cover- ings of the abdomen, seem likewise, in many in- stances, fo be affected Dy inflammation. 353 In the teeatmcnt ofthe acute dysenteiy, wlitsti not arising from contagion, but attended by con- siderable pyrexia and pain, in persons of a strong and full habit, it wiU be right to commence by a moderate venisection; but, in general, leeches to the abdomen will abstract a sufficient quantity of blood foUowed by fomentations, or the warm bath, which may produce a powerful determina- tion to the surface as well as counteract spasm ; also blisters or rubefacients should not be ne- glected. With regard to internal remedies, a brisk emetic will often be adviscable, particularly where the tongue is very foul, the stomach load- ed, or marks of congestion in the liver appear: it may also, by inducing diaphoresis, materially check the violence of the symptoms, nay, some- times cut short the disease at once. The next ob- ject is effectually to clear out the bowels: for which purpose calomel, joined with opium in quantity sufficient to relieve the pain may be given, and followed up by castor oil, neutral salts, &c. tiU they operate. In the mean time, muci- laginous demulcents may help to moderate the ir- ritation. When the bowels have been thoroughly evacuated, it will be important to procure a steady determination to the surface, and the com- pound powder of ipecacuanha is perhaps the best medicine; assisted by wann clothing, friction, exercise, &c. Should the liver not perform its office properly,.the continued use of mercury may be necessary; to restore the strength, and relieve dyspeptic symptoms, tonics anof antacids will be useful, with a mild nutritious diet; and great care must be taken to obviate accumulation of faeces. In the chronic form of the disease, demul- cents and sedatives may be freely employed by the mouth, or in the form of clyster; the bowels may be occasionally reUeved by rhubarb, or other mild aperients; mercury should be cau- tiously employed, where the discharge of bile is indicated, or if that cannot be borne, nitric acid may be tried ; and besides great attention to re- gimen, as in the decline of acute dysentery, mild astringents, with tonics, &c. may contribute ma- terially to the recovery of the patient. Dtsepulo'ticus. (From Svs, with difficulty, and tirvXoio, to cicatrize.) Dysepulotus. An in- veterate ulcer difficult to be healed. Dysh.emorrho'is. (From Svs, with difficulty, and atpoppots, the piles.) Suppression of the bleeding from piles. DYSLO'CHIA. (From Svs, difficulty, and Aorta, the lochia.) A suppression of the lochia. DYSMENORRHEA. (From Svs, with dif- ficulty, and prjvoppota, the menses.) A difficult or painful menstruation, accompanied with severe pains in the back, loins, and bottom ofthe belly. Dyso'des. (From Svs, bad, and o£w, to smell.) 1. A bad smell. Foetid. 2. Hippocrates appUes it to a foetid disorder of the small intestines. 3. The name of a malagma and acopon in Ga- len and Paulus iEgineta. DYSO'PIA. (From oV,-, bad, and wd», an eye.) Parorchis. Difficult signt. Sight depraved, re- quiring one certain quantity of light, one particu- lar distance, or one position. A genus of disease in the class Locales, and order Dysasthesia of CuUen, containing the five following species : 1. Dysopia tenebrarum, called also Amblyo- pia crepuscularis, requiring objects to be placed in a strong light. 2. Dysopia lummis, likewise termed Amblyo- pia meridiana, objects only discernible in a weak light. 3. Dysopia dissitorum, in which distant ob- jects are not perceived. DYs DYS 4. Dytopia pronmorum, or Dytopiu amblyo- pia, in which objects too near arc not perceived. 5. Dytopia lateralis, called also Amblyopia lutcorum, in which objects are not seen unless placed in an oblique position. DYSORE'XIA. (From Svs, bad, and ope^is, appetite.) A depraved appetite. Dtsorexi'E. (The plural of Dytorexia.) The name of an order in the class Locales of Cul- len's Nosology, which he divides into two sec- tions, appetirus erronei, and deficientes. D YSPE'PSI A. (From Svs, bad, and airfu>, to concoct.) Apeptia. Indigestion. Dr. Cullen arranges this genus of disease in the class Neuro- tet, and order Adynamia. It chiefly arises in persons between thirty and forty years of age, and is principally to be met with in those who de- vote much time to study, or who lead either a very sedentary or irregular life. A great singularity attendant on it is, that it may and often does con- tinue a great length of time, without any aggra- vation or remission of the symptoms. Great grief and uneasiness of mind, intense study, profuse evacuations, excess ia venery, hard drinking, particularly of spirituous liquors, and of tea, tobaceo, opium, and other narcotics, immoderate repletion, and over distention of the stomach, a deficiency in the secretion of the bile, or gastric juice, and the being much exposed to moist and cold air, when without exercise, are the causes which usuaUy occasion dyspepsia. A long train of nervous symptoms generaUy at- tend on this disease, such as a loss of appetite, nausea, heart-burn, flatulency, acid, foetid, or ni- dorous eructations, a gnawing in the stomach when empty, a sense of constriction and uneasi- ness in the throat, with pain in the side, or ster- num, so that the patient at times can only lie on his right side ; great costiveness, habitual chilli- ness, paleness of the countenance, languor, un- wiltingness to move about, lowness of spirits, pal- pitations, and disturbed sleep. Ihe number of these symptoms varies in differ- ent cases, with some, being felt only in part; in others, being accompanied even with additional ones, equally unpleasant, such as severe transient pains in the head and breast, and various affec- tions ofthe sight, as blindness, double vision, &c. Dyspepsia never proves fatal, unless when, by a very long continuance, it produces great gene- ral debility and weakness; and so passes into some other disease, such as dropsy; but it is at all times very difficult to remove, but more particu- larly so in warm climates. The morbid appearances to be observed on dis- sections of this disease, are principally confined to that part of the stomach which is called the py- lorus ; which is often found either in a contract- ed, scirrhous, or ulcerated state. In every in- stance, the stomach is perceived to be considera- bly distended with air. The treatment of dyspepsia consists, 1. In ob- viating the several exciting causes. 2. In reliev- ing urgent symptoms, some of which may tend to prolong the disease. 3. In restoring the tone of the stomach, or of the general system, and thus getting rid ofthe Uability to relapse. I. In fulfilling the first indication, we are often much circumscribed by the circumstances or ha- bits of the patient; and particularly when they have been accustomed to drink spirits, which they can hardly relinquish, or only in a very gradual manner. The diet most be regulated by tlie par- ticular form of the disease : in those who are tia- ble to acidity, it should be chiefly of an animal nature, with the least acescent vegetable sub- stance s. and for drink, toast and water, or soda water, adding a Uttle brandy, is really necessary; where the opposite, or septic tendency appears, which happens especially in persons of a florid complexion, it should consist principaUy of vege- table matter, particularly the ripe subacid fruits, with the meat of young animals occasionally, .md if plain water be not agreeable, table-beer, cyder, &C. may be allowed for drink ; and in those of the phlegnaatic temperam nt the most nutritious and digestible articles must be selected, mostly of an animal nature, assisted by the warmer condi- ments, and the more generous fermented liquors in moderation. It will be generally better to take food oftener, rather than to load the stomach too much at once; but more than four meals a day can hardly be requisite ; if at any other time a craving should occur, a crust of" bread or a piece of biscuit may be eaten. II. Among the symptoms requiring palliation, heart-burn is frequent, resulting from acrimony in the stomach, and to he relieved by antacid, or antiseptic remedies, according to circumstances, or diluents and demulcents w.iy answer the pur- pose. A sense of weight at the stoinacn, with nausea, may occasionally indicate a g ntle emetic; but will be less likely to occur if the bowels are kept regular. Flatulence may be re- lieved by aromatics, aether, &c. ; and these wdl be proper for spasmodic, or nervous pains; but if ineffectual, opium should be had recourse to. Vomiting is generally best checked by carbonic acid. When diarrhoea occurs, the aromatic con- fection is mostly proper, sometimes with a little opium. But the bowels are much more common- ly confined, and-mild cathartics should be fre- quently exhibited, as castor oil, rhubarb, aloes, fee.; sometimes the more active, where these do not answer. In those of a florid complexion a laxative diet, with the supertartrate of potassa, or other saline cathartic occasionally, may a°ree better: and where the liver is torpid, mercurials should be resorted to. III. The third object is to be attempted by tonics, particularly the aromatic bitters, the mineral acids, or the preparations of iron; by the cold bath prudently regulated ; by gentle exercise steadily persevered in, particularly walking or ri- ding on horseback ; by a careful attention to the diet; by seeking a pure mild air, keeping regi.lar hours, with relaxation and amusement of the mind, &c. DYSPERMATI'SMUS. (From Svs bad, and meppa, seed.) Agenesia. Slow, or impeded emission of semen, during coition, insufficient for the purpose of generation. A genus of dis- ease in the class Locales, and order Epischeset of Cullen. The species are : 1. Dyspermalismus urethrulit, when the ob- struction is in the urethra. 2. Dyspermatismus nodosus, when a tumour is formed in either corpus cavernosum penis. 3. Dyspermatismus prapulialis, when the impediment is from a straightness of the orifice of the prepuce. 4. Dyspermatismus mucosus, when the ure- thra is obstructed by a viscid mums. 5. Dyspermatismus hypertoncus, when there is an excess of erection of the penis. 6. Dyspermatismus epileplicus, from epileptic fits coming on during coition. 7. Dyspermatismus apructodts, from a want of vigour in the genitals. 8. Dyspermalismus refluut, in which the semen is thrown back into the urinary bladder. DYSPHAGIA. (From Svs, witn difficulty, and , to eat.) A difficulty of deglutition. A genus of disease in Good's Nosology, embrar S.S9 E-AR EAR ing five species, Dysphagia conttricta; atonica; globosa; uvulosa ; linguosa. DYSPHO'NIA. (From Svs, bad, and „«„,,, the voice.) A difficulty of speaking. Dissonant voice. The sound of the voice imperfect, or de- praved. A genus of disease in Good's Nosology, embracing three species, Dysphonia susurranJ, puberans, and immodulata. DYSPHORIA. (FromSvs, and ipoptw, gesto.) Restlessness. A genus of disease in Good's Nosology, it has two species, Dysphorea simplex and anxietas. DYSPNOEA. (From Svs, difficult, and *veu>, to breath.) Dyspnoon. Difficult respiration, without sense of stricture, and accompanied with cough through the whole course of the disease. A genus of disease in the class Neuroses and or- der Spasmi of Cullen. He distinguishes eight species. 1. Dyspnoea catarrhalis, when with a cough there are copious discharges of viscid mucus, called also asthma catarrhale, pneumodes, pneu- monicum, and pituitosum. 2. Dyspnaa dcca, when there is a cough with- out any considerable discharge. 8. Dyspnaa airea, when the disease is much increased by slight changes of the weather. 4. Dyspnaa terrea, when earthy or calculous matters are spit up. 5. Dyspnaa aquosa, when there is a scarcity of urine and cedematous feet, without the other symptoms of a dropsy in the chest. 6. Dyspnaa pinguedinosa, from corpulency. 7. Dyspnaa thoracica, when parts surrounding the chest are injured, or deformed. 8. Dyspnaa extrinseca, from manifest external causes. Dy/sPNOON. See Dyspnaa. Dysra'chitis. The name of a plaster. DYSTHETICA. (AvodcrtKa, an ill-condition- ed state of the body.) The name of the fourth order of the class Hamatica in Good's Nosology. Cachexies. Its genera are Plethora; Hamorr- hagia; Marasmus; Struma; Carcinus; Lues; Elephantius; Bucnemia; Catacausis; Por- phyra ; Exangia ; Gangrena ; Ulcus. DYSTHY'MIA. (From S,vS, bad, and Ovpos, mind.) Insanity. DYSTO'CHIA. (From^j, with difficulty, and tikJo), to bring forth.) Difficult labour. DYSTOSCHI'ASIS. (From Svs, bad, and fotxos, order. An irregular disposition of the hairs in the eyeUds. • DYSU'RIA. (From Svs, difficulty, and ovpor, urine.) Stillicidium; Ardor urina ; Culbicio. A suppression or difficulty indischargingthe urine. A total suppression is called ischuria; a partial E JZjagle stone. An argi'laceous iron stone. EAR. Auris. The ear is the organ of hear- ing. It is situated at the side of the head, and is divided into external and internal ear. The au- ricula, or pinna, commonly caUed the ear, consti- tutes the external part. It is of a greater or less size, according to the individual. Its external face, which, in a well-formed ear, is a little ante- rior, presents five eminences, the helix, antihelix. 3o0 suppression, dysuria : and this may be with or without heat. When there are frequent, painful, or uneasy urgings to discharge the urine, and it passes off only by drops, or in very small quanti- ties, the disease is called strangury. When a sense of pain, or heat, attends the discharge, it E asses with difficulty, and is styled ardor urinre, eat of the urine. The dysuria is acute, or chronic. Dr. Cullen places this disease in the class Locales, and order Epischeses, containing six species: 1. Dysuria ardens, with a sense of heat, with- out any manifest disorder of the bladder. 2. Dysuria spaimodica, from spasm. 3 Dysuria compretsionis, from a compression of the neighbouring parts. 4. Dysuria phlogistica, from violent inflam- mation. 5. Dysuria calculosa, from stone in the bladder. 6. Dysuria mucosa, from an abundant secret tion of mucus. The causes which give rise to these diseases are, an inflammation of the urethra, occasioned either by venereal sores, or by the use of acrid in- jections, tumour, ulcer of the prostate gland, in- flammation of the kidneys, or bladder, considera- ble enlargements of the haemorrhoids! veins, a lodgment of indurated fasces in the rectum, spasm at the neck of the bladder, the absorption ofcan- tharides, applied externally or taken internally, and excess in drinking either spirituous 6r vinous liquors ; but particles of gravel, sticking at the neck ofthe bladder, or lodging in the urethra, and thereby producing irritation, prove the most fre- quent cause. Gouty matter falling on the neck of the bladder, will sometimes occasion these complaints. In dysury, there is a frequent inclination to make water with a smarting pain, heat, and diffi- culty in voiding it, together with a s nse of ful- ness in the region of the bladder. The symptoms often vary, however, according to the cause which has given rise to it. If it proceeds from a calculus in the kidney or ureter, besides the affections mentioned, it will be accompanied with nausea, vomiting, and acute pains in the loins and region of the ureter and kidney of the side affected. When a stone in the bladder, or gravel in the ure- thra, is the cause, an acute pain will be felt at the end of the penis, particularly on voiding the last drops of urine, and the stream of water-will either be divided into two, or be discharged in a twisted manner, not unlike a cork-screw. If a scirrhus of the prostate gland has occasioned the suppression or difficulty of urine, a bard indolent tumour, unattended with any acute pain, may readily be felt in the perinamm, or by introducing the finger into the rectum. tragus, anti-tragus, lobula ; and three cavities, those of the helix, fossa, navicularis, concha. The pinna is formed of a fibrous cartilage, elastic and pliant; the skin which covers it is thin and dry; adheres to the fibro-cartilage by a cellular tissue, which is compact, and contains very little adipose substance: the lobule alone contains it in considerable quantity. There are seen under the skin a number of sebaceous folli- EAK LAK uea, which furnish a micaceous white matter, tbntproduces the polish and suppleness ofthe skin. There are also seen, upon the different projec- tions of the cartilaginous ear, certain muscular fibres, to which the name of muscles have been given, but which are only vestigia. The pinna, receiving many vessels and nerves, is very sensi- ble, and easily becomes red. It is fixed to the head by the cellular tissue, and by muscles, which are called, according to their position, anterior, tuperior, aud posterior. These muscles are much developed in many animals : in man they may be considered as simple vestiges. The meatus auditoriut extends from the con- cha to the membrane of the tympanum; its length, variable, according to age, is from ten to twelve Unes in the adult; it is narrower in the middle than at the ends ; it presents a slight curve above, and in front. Its external orifice is commonly covered with hairs, like the entrance to the other cavities. It is composed of an os- seous part, of a fibro-cartilaginous substance, which is confounded with that of the pinna, of a fibrous part, which completes it above. The skin sinks into it, becoming thinner, and termi- nates in covering the external surface of the membrane of the tympanum. Below this skin exist a great number of sebaceous foUicles, which furnish the cerumen, a yellow, bitter matter. The middle ear comprehends the cavity of the tympanum, the little bones which are con- tained in this cavity, the mastoid cells, the Eus- tachian tube, &c. The tympanum is a cavity which separates the external from the internal ear. Its form is that of a portion of a cylinder, but a little irregular. Its external partition presents, on the upper part, the fenestra ovalis, which communicates with the vestibule, and which is formed by a membrane ; immediately below, a projection which is called promontory; below this projection, a httle groove, which lodges a small nerve ; still lower, an open- ing called the fenestra rotunda, which corres- ponds to the external winding of the cochlea: and which is also shut by a membrane. The external side presents the membrani tympani. This mem- brane is directed obliquely downward and inward; it is bent, very slender and transparent, covered. on the outside "by a continuation of the skin, on the inside by tlie narrow membrane which covers the tympanum; it is also covered on this side by tne nerve called chorda tympani: its centre serves as a point of fixation for the extremity of the handle ot the malleus; its circumference is fixed to the bony extremity of tbe meatus auditc- rius.- it adheres equally in every point, and pre- sents no opening that might admit a communica- tion between the external and middle ear. Its tissue is dry, brittle, and has nothing analogous in the animal economy; there are neither fibres, vessels, nor nerves, found in it. Tbe circuml'er- mce of the tympanum presents, in the fore-part, I st, The opening of the Eustachian tube, by which the cavity communicates with the superior part of the pharynx.; 2dly, The opening by which the tendon of the iutemal muscle of the malleus en- ters. Behind are seen, Lt, The opening of the , mastoid cells,—irregular winding cavities, which are formed in the mastoid process, and wliich are always filled with air ; 2dly, The pyramid, a lit- tle hollow |Nroiection, which lodges the muscle of tlie stapes; sdly, The opening by which the chorda tympani enters into the hollow-oi the tympanum. Below, the tympanum presents a ■lit, called glenmd, by which the tendon of the antei."i urn-vie of the malleus enters, and the riio.da tympani passes out, and goes to unite it self with the lingual nerve ofthe fifth pair. Above, the circumference presents only a few smaU openings, by which blood-vessels pass. The cavity ofthe tympanum, and aU the canals which end there, nre covered with a very slender mu- cous membrane : this cavity, which is always fuU of air, contains besides four small bones, (the malleus, incus, ot orbiculare, and stapes,) which form a chain from the niembrana tympani to the fenestra ovalis, where the base of the stapes is fixed. There are some little muscles for the purpose of moving this osseous chain, of stretch- ing and slackening the membranes to which they are attached: thus, the internal muscle of the malleus draws it forward, bends the chain in this direction, and stretches the membranes ; the an- terior muscle produces the contrary effect: it is also supposed that the small muscle which is placed in the pyramid, and which is attached to the neck of the ttapet, may give a slight tension to the chain, in drawing it towards itself. The internal ear, or labyrinth, is composed of the cochlea, of the temidrcular canals, and of the vestibule. The cochlea is a bony cavity, in form of a spi- ral, from which it has taken its name. This cav- ity is divided into two others, called the gyri of the cochlea, and which are distinguished into external and internal. The partition which sepe - rates them is a plate set edgeways, and which in its whole length is partly bony, and partly mem- branous. The external gyration communicates by the fenestra rotunda with the cavity of the tympanum ; the internal gyration ends in the ves- tibule. The semidrcular canals are, three cylindrical cavities, bent in a semicircular form, two of which are disposed horizontally, and the others vertical- ly. These canals terminate by their extremities in the vestibule. They contain bodies of a grey colour, the extremities of which are terminated by swellings. The vestibule is the central cavity, the point of union of all the others. It communicates with the tympanum by the fenestra ovalis, with the in- ternal gyration of the cochlea, with the semicir- cular canals, and with the internal meatus audi- torius, by a great number of little openings. The whole of the cavities of the internal ear are hollowed out of the hardest part of the petrous portion of the temporal bone : they are covered with an extremely thin membrane, and are fuU of a very thin and Umpid fluid, called Liquor of Co- tunnius, which can flow out by two narrow aper- tures, known by the name of the aquaducts of the cochlea, and of the vestibule: they contain besides, the acoustic nerve. The acoustic nerve proceeds from the fourth ventricle; it enters into the labyrinth by the holes that the internal auditory meatus presents in its bottom. Having entered into the vestibule, it separates itself into a number of branches, one of which remains in the vestibule, another enters into the cochlea, and two go to the semicircular canals. Scarpa has very minutely described the distribution of these different branches in the cavities of the internal ear. In terminating this short description, we re- mark that the internal and middle ear are tra- versed by several nervous threads, the presence of which is, perhaps, useful to hearing. It is known that tlie facial nerve proceeds a consider- able space in a canal of the petrous portion. In thu canal it receives a small thread ot the vidian nerve; it furnishes the chorda tyinpini, which EAR ECC attaches itself to this membrane. There are two other nervous inosculations in the ear; to one of which Ribes called the attention of anatomists not long since ; the other was recently discovered by Jacobson. Ear-wax. See Cerumen aurium. Eari'tes. Haematites, or blood-stone. EARTH. Terra. Although there seems to be an almost infinite variety of earthy sub- stances scattered on the surface of this globe, yet when we examine them with a chemical eye, we find, not without surprise, that aU the earth and stones which we tread under Our feet, and which compose the largest rocks, as well as the numerous different specimens whicli adorn the cabinets of the curious, are composed of a very few simple or elementary earths. " Analysis had shown, that the various stony or pulverulent masses, which form our mountains, valleys, and plains, might be con- sidered as resulting from the combination or inter- mixture, in various numbers and proportions, of nine primitive earths, to which the following names were given : 1. Barytes. 2. Strontites. 3. Lime. 4. Mag- nesia. 6. Alumina, or clay. 6. Silica. 7. Glu- cina. 8. Zirconia. 9. Yttria. Alkalies, acids, metallic ores, and native me- tals, were supposed to be of an entirely dissimi- lar constitution. The brilUant discovery of Sir H. Davy, in 1808, of the metallic bases of potassa, soda, barytes, strontites, and lime, subverted the ancient ideas regarding the earths, and taught us to regard them as all belonging, by most probable analo- gies, to the metallic class. To the above nine earthy substances, Berzelius has lately added a tenth, which he calls thorina. Whatever may be the revolutions of chemical nomenclature, mankind wiU never cease to con- sider as earths, those solid bodies composing the mineral strata, which are incombustible, colour- less, not convertible into metals by all the ordinary methods of reduction, or when reduced by scien- tific refinements, possessing but an evanescent raetaUic existence, and wliich either alone, or at least when combined with carbonic acid, are in- sipid and insoluble in water. "Earth, absorbent. See Absorbent. J~ :rth, aluminous. See Alumina. Eurth, animal calcareous. This term is ap- plitd tr» crab's-claws, &c. which contain calca- reous earth, and are obtained from the animal kingdom. Earth, argillaceous. See Alumina. Earth-bath. A remedy recommended by some writers on the continent, as a specific in consump- tion. Earth, bolwr. See Bole. Earth, fullers'. Cimolia purpurescens. A compact bolar earth, commonly of a greyish colour. It is sometimes applied by the common people to inflamed breasts, legs, &c. with a view of cooling them. Earth, heavy. See Barytes. Earth, Japan. See Acacia catechu. Earth, mineral calcareous. Those calcareous earths which are obtained from the mineral king- dom. The term is applied in opposition to those obtained from animals. Earth-nut. See Bunium balbocuslanum. Earth, sealed. Terra sigilluta. Little cakes cf earths, which are stamped with impressions. They were formerly in high estimation as absor- bents, but now fallen into disuse. Earth-worm. See Lumbricus teirestris. Eaton's styptic. French brandy highly im- 362 preguated with calcined green vitriol. A remedy for checking hemorrhages. Eau-de-luce. See Spiritus ammonia succi- natus. Eau-de-rabel. This is composed of one part of sulphurous acid to three of rectified spirit of wine. It is much used in France, when diluted, in the cure of gonorrhoeas, leucorrhoea, &c. Ebel. The seeds of sage, or of juniper. Ebe'smech. Quicksilver. Ebi'scus. See Hibiscus abelmoschus. EnsEMECH. Quicksilver. EBULLI'TION. (Ebullitio. From ebullio, to bubble up.) Boiling. This consists in the change which a fluid undergoes from a state of liquidity to that of an elastic fluid, in consequence of the application of heat, which dUates and con- verts it into vapour. E'BULUS. (From ebullio, to make boil: so called because of its supposed use in purifying the humours of the body.) See Sambucus ebulus. Ecbo'lica. (From ckBoXXid, to cast out.) Medicines which cause abortion. Ecbo'lios. (From tA-SaAAu, to cast out.) Miscarriage. Ecbra'smata. (From eicgpo^ui, to be very hot.) Ecchymata. Painful fiery pimples in the face, or surface of the body. Ecbra'smus. (From tKBpifa, to become hot.) Fermentation. Ecbyrso'mata. (From ik, and 0vp/za; from tic*™, to pour out.) Ecchymosis ; Crustula; Sugil- latio. Extravasation. A black and blue swell- ing, either from a bruise or spontaneous extrava- sation of blood. A genus of disease in the class Locales, and order Tumores of CuUen. Ecchymoma arteriosum. The false aneu- rism. ECCHYMO SIS. See Ecchymoma. ■ E'CCLISIS. (From ckkXivio, to turn aside.) A luxation or dislocation. E'CCOPE. (From «, to judge.) Judgments formed from the secretions. ECCRINOLO'GIA. (From tKKpivui, to se- crete, and Xoyos, a discourse.) Ecciinologica. The doctrine of secretions. E'CCRISIS. (From tKKpirw, to secrete.) A secretion of any kind. ECCRIT1CA. (From tKKptvio, to secern, oi strain off.) Dr. Good applies this name to a class of diseases of the excernent system. It ha- three orders, viz. Mesotica, Catotica, Acrolicc- ECL llTP ECCYESIS. (From «r, and *,.>joi», gravidi- ty.) Extra uterine fetation. The name of a »enus of diseases in Good's Nosology. It has three species: Eccyeti* ovaria, tubalis, abdo- nunnli*. ECCYMO'SIS. See Ecchymoma. E'CDORA. (From txScpio, to excoriate.) An excoriation ; and particularly used for an excori- ation of the urethra. EcDryRiA. (From cKStpio, to excoriate.) Me- dicines which excoriate and burn through the skin. Echeco'li.on. (From t^u, to have, and roXXa, glue.) Echecollum. Any topical gluti- nous remedy. Echetro'sis. So Hippocrates calls the white briony. ECHINATUS. Bristly. Applied in botany to any thing beset with bristles, as the pod of Glycyrrhiza echinata, and to tlie gourd seed- vessel, or pepo. Ei hini'des. In Hippocrates it is mentioned as what he used for purging the womb with. ECHINOPHTHA'LMIA. (From iXivos, a hedge-hog, and o, to tick up.) A linctus, or soft medicine, like an electuary, to be licked up. ECLE'GMA. (From rn-An^u, to lick.) A linctus, or form of medicine made by the incor- poration of oils with syrups, and which is to be taken upon a liquorice stick. E'CLYSIS. (From ckXvo, to dissolve.) An universal faintness. ECMA'G.MA. (From tKiiaaam, to form to- gether. ) A mass of substances kneaded together. ECPEPIE'MENOS. (From «r,^u. to press out.) Aii ulcer with protuberating lips. ECPHLYSIS. (KKtpXvon; from tK, to press out.) A disorder of the eye, in which the globe is al- most pressed out of the socket by an alflux of hu- mours. Ecplero'ma. (From cKirXripow, to fill.) In Hippocrates they are hard balls of leather, or other substances, adapted to fill the arm-pits, while by the help of the heels, placed against the balls, and repressing the same, the foxated os hu- meri is reduced into its place. ECPLEXIS. (From ckuXvou, to terrify or astonish.) A stupor, or astonishment, from sud- den external accidents. E'cpnoe. (From wmto), to breathe A Expi- ration ; that part of respiration in which the air is expelled from the luugs. ECPTO'MA. (From «irm7w, to fall out.) 1. A luxation of a bone. 1. The expulsion of the setuudines. 363 -■*■"- KCT S. the falling off of gangrenous parts. 4. An hernia in the scrotum. 5. A faUing down of the womb. Ecpy'ctica. (From tKirvKafa, to condense.) Medicines that render the fluidsjnore solid. ECPYE'MA. (From ik, and *,•„„, pus.) A collection of pus, from the suppuration of a tu- mour. ECPYESIS. (From tKzvo), to suppurate.) 1 be name of a genus of diseases in Good's No- sology. Class, Eccritica; Order, Acrotica. Humid scalp. It has four species, Ecpyesis im- petigo, porrigo, ecthyma, scabies. Ecre'gma. (From tKpnywui, to break.) A rupture. Ecre'xis. (From tKpnywpt, to break.) A rupture. Hippocrates expresses by it a rupture or laceration of the womb. Ecrhy'thmos. (From ck, and pvOpos, harmo- ny. ) ^ A term applied to the pulse, and signifies that it is irregular. E'croe. (From cKpcu, to flow out.) An ef- flux, or the course by which any humour which requires purging is evacuated. Ecrueles. The French for scrophula. E^crysis. (From tKpeia, to flow out.) In Hippocrates it is an efflux of the semen before it receives the conformation of a foetus, and there- fore is called an efflux, to distinguish it from abortion. ECSARCO'MA. (From «, and oapi, flesh.) A fleshy excrescence. E'CSTASIS. (Ecstads, eos. f. T£.K~-aats; from rftj-a/iai, to be out of one's senses.) An ec- stasy, or trance. In Hippocrates it signifies a delirium. Ecstro'phius. (From iKspupw, to invert.) An epithet for any medicine, that makes the blind piles appear outwardly. Ecthely'nsis. (From mO^Xwoi, to render effeminate.) Softness. It is applied to the skin and flesh, when lax and soft, and to bandages, when not sufficiently tight. Ecthli'mma. (From ikSXiBw, to press out against.) An ulceration caused by pressure of the skin. Ecthli'psis. (From cks-XiBm, to press out against.) Elision, or expression. It is spoken of sweUed eyes, when they dart forth sparks of light. E'CTHYMA. (Ecthyma, atis. n. tKOvtiv, to rage, or break forth with fury.) A pustule or cutaneous eruption. Ectillo'tica. (From t^iXXia, to pull out.) Medicines which eradicate tubercles or corns, or destroy superfluous hair. ECTO'PIA. (From ttfovos, out of place.) Displaced. Ectopia. (The plural of ectopia.) Parts displaced. An order in the class locales of Cul- len's Nosology. See Nosology. ECTRAPELOGA'STROS. (From tKjptiropat, to degenerate, and yusvp, a belly.) One who has a monstrous belly, or whose appetite is voraciously e. ctri'mma. (From e/c7pi&i>? to rub off.) An excoriation. In Hippocrates it is an exulceration of the skin about the os sacrum. E'ctrope. (From tKJptrtm, to divert, pervert, or invert.) It is any duct by which the humours are diverted and drawn off. In P. ./Egineta it is the same as Ectropium. ECTRO'PIUM. (From etfpt™, to evert.) An eversion of the eyeUds, so that their internal surface is outermost. There are two species of this disease: one produced by an unnatural swelling of the lining oi the eyelids, which not only pushes their edges from the eyeball, but also presses them so forcibly, that they become everted ; the other arising from a contraction of the skin covering the eyelid, or of that in the vicinity, by which means the edge of the eyelid is first removed for some distance from the eye, and afterwards turned completely outward, together with the whole of the affected eyelid. The morbid swcUing of the lining ofthe eyeUds, which causes the first species of ectropium, arises mostly from a congenital laxity of this membrane afterwards increased by chronic ophthalmies, par- ticularly of a scrophulous nature, in relaxed, un- healthy, subjects; or else the disease originates from the sniall-pox affecting the eyes. While the disease is confined to the lower eye- lid, as it most commonly is, the lining of this part may be observed rising in the form of a semilunar fold, of a pale red colour like the fungous granu- lations of wounds, and intervening between the eye and eyetid, which latter it in some measure everts. When the swelling is afterwards occa- sioned by the lining of both the eyelids, the dis- ease assumes an annular shape, in the centre of which the eyeball seems sunk, while the circum- ference of the ring presses and everts the edges of the two eyelids, so as to cause both great un- easiness and deformity. In each of the above cases, on pressing the skin of the eyeUds with the point of the finger, it becomes manifest that they are very capable of being elongated, and would readily yield, so as entirely to cover the eyeball, were they not prevented by the intervening sweU- in» of their membranous fining. Besides the very considerable deformity whicb the disease produces, it occasions a continual dis- charge of tears over the cheek, and, what is worse, a dryness of the eyebaU, frequent exaspe- rated attacks of chronic ophthalmy, incapacity to bear the light, and, lastly, opacity and ulceration of the cornea. The second species of ectropium, or that arising from a contraction of the integuments of the eye- lids, or neighbouring parts, is not unfrequentiy a consequence of puckered scars, produced by a confluent small-pox, deep burns, or the excision of cancerous or encysted tumours, without saving a sufficient quantity of skin; or, lastly, the dis- order is the effect of malignant carbuncles, or any kind of wound attended with much loss of sub- stance. Each of these causes is quite enough to bring on such a contraction of the skin of the eyelids as to draw the parts towards the arches of the orbits, so as to remove them from the eye- ball, and turn their edges outward. No sooner has this circumstance happened, than it is often foUowed by another one equally unpleasant, namely, a swelling of the internal membrane of the affected eyelids, which afterwards has a great share in completing the eversion. The Uning of the eyeUds, though trivially everted, being con- tinually exposed to the air, and irritation of ex- traneous substances, soon swells, and rises up like fungus. One side of this fungus-like tumour co- vers a part of the eye-ball; the other pushes the eyelid so considerably outwards, that its edge is not unfrequentiy in contact with the margin ofthe orbit. The complaints induced by this second species of ectropium are the same as those brought on by the first; it being noticed, however, that in both cases, whenever the disease is very inve- terate, the fungous swelling of the inside of the eyelids becomes hard, and as it were callous. Although, in both species of ectropium, the lining of the eyeUds seems equally swollen, yet the surgeon can easily distinguish to which of tbe EGG ELA two species the disease belongs. For, in the first, the'skin of the eyeUds, and adjoining parts, is not deformed with scars ; and by pressing the everted eyeUd with the point of the finger, the part would with ease cover the eye, were it not for tbe intervening fungous sweUing. But in the second species of ectropium, besides the obvious cicatrix and contraction of the skin of tbe eye- lids, or adjacent parts, when an effort is made to cover the eye with the everted eyelid, by pressing upon the latter part with the point of the finger, it does not give way so as completely to cover tbe globe, as it ought to do, only yielding for a certain extent: or it does not move in the least from its unnatural position, by reason of the in- teguments of the eyelids having been so exten- sively destroyed, that their margin has become adherent to tne arch of the orbit. ECTRO'SIS. (E«crp<7i$; from tK,i1pu>oKio, to miscarry.) A miscarriage. Ectro'tica. (From iK)i~lpu>o-Kti>, to miscarry.) Ectyrotica; Ectylotica. Medicines which cause abortion. Ecttlo'tica. See Ectillotica. Ectyro'tica. See Ectrotica. ECZE'MA. (From ik£iw, to boil out.) Eczetma. A hot, painful eruption, or pustule. Ede'lphos. The prognosis of a disease from the nature of elements. E'df.s. Amber. Ede'ssenum. An eye-water of tragacanth, gum-arabic, opium, &c. E'detz. Amber. E'dic. Edich; Edir. Iron. E'dra. A fracture; also the lower part of the rectum. EDULCORA'NTIA. (From edulco, to make sweet.) Edulcorants. Medicines which purify the fluids, by depriving them of their acrimony. EFFERVESCENCE. (Effervetcentia; from effervesco, to grow hot.) I. That agitation which is produced by mixing substances together, which cause the evolution of a gas. 2. A smaU degree of ebuUition. E'ffides. Ceruss. E'fhla. Freckles. EFFLORESCENCE. (Efflorescentia; from effloresco, to blow as a flower.) 1. In pathology, it is used to express a morbid redness ofthe skin, and is generally synonymous with exanthema. 2. In chemistry, it means that effect which takes place when bodies spontaneously become converted into a dry powder. It is almost always occasioned by the loss of the water of crystallisa- tion in saline bodies. 3. In botany, it is applied to express the bloom- ing of flowers, and the time of flowering. EFFLUVIUM. (From effiuo, to spread abroad.) See Contagion. Effractu'ra. (From effringo, to break down.) A fracture, in which the bone is much depressed by the blow. EFFUSION. (Effurio; from effundo, to pour out.) In pathology it means the escape of any fluid out of the vessel, or viseus, naturaUy containing it, and its lodgment in another cavity, in the cellular substance, or in the substance of parts. Effusion also sometimes signifies the mor- bid secretion of fluids from the vessels ; thus phy- sicians frequently speak of coagulable lymph be- ing effused on different surfaces. V.CERAN. A sub-species of pyramidal gar- net of a reddish brown colour. Ege'rikv (From egero, to carry out.) Egettio. An excretion, or evacuation. FCC. Ovitm. The eggs of hens, and of birds in general, are composed of several distinct substances. 1. The shell or external coating, which is composed of carbonate of lime .72, phosphate of lime .2, gelatine .3. The remain- ing .23 are perhaps water 2. A thin white and strong membrane, possessing the usual characters of animal substances. 3. The white of the egg, for which, see Albumen. 4. The yolk, which appears to consist of an oil of the nature of fat oils, united with a portion of serous matter, suffi- cient to render it diffusible in cold water, in the form of an emulsion, and concrescible by heat. Yolk of egg is used as the medium for rendering resins and oils diffusible in water. The e«-e:s of poultry are chiefly used as food ; the difl'erent parte are Ukewise employed in pharmacy and in medi- cine. Tbe calcined shell is esteemed as an ab- sorbent. The oil is softening, and is used exter- nally to burns and chaps. The yolk renders oil miscible with water, and is triturated with the same view with resinous and other substances. Raw eggs have been much recommended as a popular remedy for jaundice. Egrego'rsis. (From typnyoptw, to watch.) A watchfulness, or want of sleep. Ei'lamis. (From ciXcki, to involve.) A mem- brane involvingthe brain. Eile'ma. (From uXtw, to form convolutions.) In Hippocrates, it signifies painful convolutions of the intestines from flatulence. Sometimes it signifies a covering. Vogel says, it is a fixed pain in the bowels, as if a nail was driven in. Ei'i.eon. (From eiXtui, to wind.) Gorreus says it is a name of the intestinum ileum. Ei'leos. (From ciAcu, to form convolutions.) The iliac passion. Ei'sbole. (From us, into, and ffaXXu, to cast.) It signifies strictly an injection, but is used to ex- press the access of a distemper, or ot a particu- lar paroxysm. Ei'spnoe. (From us, into, and irvtia, to breathe.) Inspiration of air. - EJACULA'NTIA. From ejaculo, to cast out.) Ejaculateyria. The vessels which convey the seminal matter secreted in the testicles to the penis. These are the epididymis, and the vasa deferentia ; the vcsiculre seminales are the re- ceptacles of the semen. EJE'CTIO. (From ejicio, to cast out.) Ejec- tion, or the discharging of any thing from the body. Elaca'lli. The Indian name of a cathartic shrub, the Euphorbia nervifolia of Linnaeus. EljEa'gnon. (From eXaiov, oU, and ayvos, chaste.) See Vitex agnus castus. El^o'meli. (From eXaiov, oil, and peXi, honey.) A sweet purging oil, like honey. EL^OS.VCCHARUM. (From eXaiov, oU, and adKX"pov, sugar.) A mixture of an essential oil with sugar. El^oseli'num. See Eleoselinum. ELAIN. The oily principle of solid fats, so named by its discoverer, Chevreuil, who dis- solves taUow in very pure hot alkohol, separates the stearin by crystallisation, and then procures the elain by evaporation of the spirit. Braconnot has adopted a simpler, and probably a more ex- act method. By squeezing tallow between the folds of porous paper, the elain soaks into it, while the stearin remains. Thep-ipci being then soak- ed in water, and pressed, yic!J> up its oily im- pregnation. Ela n has verv much the appearance and properties of vegetable oil. It i* liquid at the temperature of 60°. Its smeU and colour are derived from the sotid fats from which it is ex- tracted. Eiaisgonkk'nms. A species of palm which S65 fiLA ELE prows spontaneously on the coast of Guinea, but is much cultivated in the West Indies. It is from this tree that the oti, called in the West Indies Mackawfat, is obtained; and, according to some, the palm-oil, which is considered as an emollient and strengthener of all kinds of weakness of the limbs. It also is recommended against bruises, strains, cramps, pains, swellings, &c. Elambica/tio. A method of analysing mine- ral waters. Ela'nula. Alum. ELAOLITE. A subspecies of pyramidal fel- spar. ELAPHOBO'SCUM. (From eXatpos, a stag, and 0ooku>, to eat: so called, because deer eat them greedily.) See Pastinaca. ELAPHOSCO'RODON. (From sXatpos, the stag, and aKopoSov, garlic.) Stag's or viper's gar- Uc. E'laquir. Red vitriol. E'las maris. Burnt lead. Ela'sma. (From eXanvw, to drive.) A lami- na of any kind. A clyster-pipe. ELASTIC. (Elasticus; from tXarvs, impul- sor, or of etavvtiv, to impel, to push.) Springy ; having the power of returning to the form from whiijh it has been forced to deviate, or from which it is withheld; thus, a blade of steel is said to be elastic, because if it is bent to a certain degree, and then let go, it will of itself return to itslbrmer situation; the same will happen to the branch of a tree, a piece of Indian rubber, &c. See Elasticity. Elastic fluid. See Gas. Elastic gum. See Caoutchouc. ELASTICITY. Elasticitas. A force in bo- dies, by which they endeavour to restore them- selves to the posture from whence they were dis- placed by any external force. To solve this pro- perty, many have recourse to the universal law of nature, attraction, by which the parts of solid and firm bodies are caused to cohere together: where- by, when hard bodies are struck or bent, so that the component parts are a Uttle moved from one another, but not quite disjoined or broken off, nor separated.so far as to be out of the power of the attracting force, by which they cohere to- gether ; they certainly must, on the cessation of the external violence, spring back with a very great velocity to their former state. But in this circumstance, the atmospherical pressure wUl ac- count for it as well: because such a violence, if it be not great enough to separate the constituent particles of a body far enough to let in any foreign matter, must occasion many varuola between the separated surfaces, so that upon the removal of the external force, they will close again by the pressure of the atrial fluid upon the external parts, i. e. the body will come again into its natural posture. The included air, likewise, in most bo- dies, gives that power of resilition upon their per- cussion. If twoliodies perfectly elastic strike one against another, there wiU be or remain in each the same relative velocity as before, i. e. they will recede with the same velocity as they met together. For . the compressive force, or the magnitude of the stroke in any given bodies, arises from the relative velocity of those bodies, and is proportional to it, and bodies perfectly elastic will restore them- selves completely to the figure they had before the shock, or, in other words, the restitutive force is equal to the compressive, and therefore must be equal to the force with which they came together, and consequently they must by elasticity recede again from each other with the same ve- locity. Hence, taking equal times before and 366 alter the shock, the distances between the bodies will be equal; and therefore the distances of them from the common centre of gravity, wiU in the same times, be equal. And hence the laws of percussion of bodies perfectly elastic are easUy deduced. ELATE'RIUM. (From tXaww, to stimulate or agitate : so named from its great purgative qualities.) See Momordica elaterium. ELATHKRIA. A name for the cascarilla bark. ELATIN. The active principle of elaterium. See Momordica elaterium. ELATI'NE. (From tXalrtav, smaUer, being the smaller species.) See Antirrhinum elatine. ELATIO. Elevated, exalted. This term is applied in Good's Nosology, to a species of the genus Alusio, to designate mental extravagance. Elati'tes. Bloodstone. ELCO'SIS. (From tX/cos, an ulcer.) A dis- ease attended with fetid, carious, and chronic ulcers. The term is seldom used. ELDER. See Sambucus. Elder Dwarf. See Sambucus Ebulus. ELECAMPANE. See Inulahelenium. ELECTIVE. That which is done, or passes by election. Elective affinity, double. See Affinity dou- ble. Elective attraction. See Affinity. Elective attraction, double. See Affinity double. ELECTRICITY. (Electricitas; from elec- trum, r/XtKrpov, from rjXtKjiap, the sun, because of its bright shining colour ; or from iXku), to draw, because of its magnetic power.) A property which certain bodies possess when rubbed, heated, or otherwise excited, whereby they attract re- mote bodies, and frequently emit sparks or streams of light. The ancients first observed this property in amber, which they called Elec- trum, and hence arose the word electricity. " If a piece of seating-wax and of dry warm flannel be rubbed against each other, they both become capable of attracting and repeUing Ught bodies. A dry and warm sheet of writing-paper, rubbed with India rubber, or a 'ube of glass rub- bed upon silk, exhibit the same phenomena. In these cases, the bodies are said to be electrically exdted; and when in a dark room, they always appear luminous. If two pith-balls be electrified by touching them with the sealing-wax, or with the flannel, they repel each other; but if one pith-ball be electrified by the wax, and the other by the flannel, they attract each other. The same applies to the glass and silk : it shows a difference in the electricities of the different bodies, and the experiment leads to the conclu- sion, that bodies similarly electrified repel each other; but that when dissimilarly electrified they attract each other. The term electrical repuldon is here used merely to denote the appearance of the phenome- non, the separation being probably referrible to the new attractive power which they acquire, when electrified, for the air and other surrounding bodies. If one ball be electrified by sealing-wax rubbed by flannel, and another by silk rubbed with glass, those balls will repel each other; which proves that the electricity of the silk is the same as that of the sealing-wax. But if one ball be electri- fied by the sealing-wax and the other by the glass, they then attract each other, showing that they are oppositely electrified. These experiments are most conveniently per- formed with a large downy feather, suspended by liLE BLE a silken thread. If an excited glass tube be broaght near it, it wiU receive and retain its electricity ; it wiU be first attracted and then re- pelled ; and upon re-exciting the tube, and again approaching it, it will not again be attracted, but retain its state of repulsion ; but upon approach- ing it with excited sealing-wax, it will instantly be attracted, and remain in contact with the wax tiU it has acquired its electricity, when it will be repeUed, and in that state of repulsion it will be attracted by the glass. In these experiments, care must be taken that the feather remains free- ly suspended in the air, and touches nothing ca- pable of carrying off its electricity. The terms vitreous and resinous electricity were appUed to these two phenomena ; but Frank- lin, observing that the same electricity was not inherent in the same body, but that glass some- times exhibited the same phenomena as wax, and vice versa, adopted another term, and instead of regarding the phenomena as dependent upon two electric fluids, referred them to the presence of one fluid, in excess in some cases, and in defi- ciency in others. To represent these states, he used the terms plus and minus, positive and nega- tive. When glass is rubbed with silk, a portion of electricity leaves the silk, and enters tbe glass ; it becomes positive, therefore, and the silk neg- ative : but when sealing-wax is rubbed with flan- nel, the wax loses, and tbe flannel gains ; the former, therefore, is negative, and the latter posi- tive. All bodies in nature are thus regarded as containing tbe electric fluid, and when its equili- brium is disturbed, they exhibit the phenomena just described. The substances enumerated in the following table become positively electrified when rubbed with those which follow them in the list; but with those which precede them they become negatively electrical.—Biot, Traiti ae Phyrique, torn. ii. p. 220. Cat's-skin. Paper. Polished glass. Silk. WooUencloth. Gum lac. Feathers. Rough glass. Very delicate pith-iballs, or strips of gold leaf, are usually employed in ascertaining the pre- sence of electricity ; and by the way in which their divergence is affected by glass or sealing- wax, tbe kind or state of electricity is judged of. When properly suspended or mounted for delicate experiments, they form an electrometer or elec- trotcope. For this purpose, the slips of gold leaf are suspended by a brass cap and wire in a glass cylinder : they hang in contact when unclectrifi- cd, but when electrified they diverge. When this instrument, as usually constructed, becomes in a small degree damp, its delicacy is much diminished, audit is rendered nearly useless. The kind of electricity by which the gold leaves arc diverged may be judged of by approaching the cap of the instrument with a stick of excited seal- ing-wax; ifit be negative, the divergence will in- crease; if positive, the leaves will collapse, upon the principle of tlie mutual annihilation of the op- posite electricities, or that bodies similarly elec- trified repel each other, but that when dissimi- larly electrified, they become mutually attrac tin . Some bodies suffer electricity to pass thr< ugh their substance, and are called conductors. Others only receive it upon the spot touched, and :ure cuUed non-conductors. The former do not, iu general, become electrified by friction, and are called non-electrics ; the latter, on the contrary, are electrics, or acquire eh eti icity by friction. They are also called insulators. The metals are all conductors ; dry air, gla»s, sulphur, and re-fm, art non-conductors. Water, damp won J, spirit ol wine, damp air, and some oils, are wic perfect conductors. Rarified air admits ofthe passage of electricity; so does the JarricelUan vacuum: hence, if an elec- trified body be placed under the receiver of the air-pump, it loses its electricity during exhaus- tion. So that the air, independent of its non-con- ducting power, appears to influence the retentive properties of bodies, in respect to electricity, by its pressure. There appears to be no constant relation be- tween the state of bodies and their conducting powers: among 6olids, metais are conductors; but gums and resins are non-conductors : among liquids, strong alkaline acid, and saline solutions, are good conductors; pure water is an imperfect conductor; and oils are non-conductors; sotid wax is almost a non-conductor; but when melted a good one. Conducting powers belong to bodies in the most opposite states ; thus, tne flame of alkohol and ice are equally good conductors. Glass is a non-conductor when cold, but conducts when red- hot : the diamond is a non-conductor; but pure and well-burned charcoal is among the best con- ductors. There are many mineral substances which show signs of electricity when heated, as the tourma- lin, topaz, diamond, boracite, &c, and in these bodies the different surfaces exhibit different elec- trical states. Whenever one part of a body, or system of bo- dies, is positive, another part is invariably nega- tive ; and these opposite electrical states are al- ways such as exactly to neutralize each other. Thus, in the common electrical machine, one conductor receives the electricity of the glass- cylinder, and the other that of the silk-rubber, and the former conductor is positive, and the lat- ter negative ; but if they be connected, aU elec- trical phenomena cease. Electricians generally employ the term quantity to indicate the absolute quantity of electric power in any body, aud the term intensi- ty, to signify its power ot passing through a cer- tain stratum of air,orother ill-conducting medium. If we suppose a charged Leyden plual to fur- nish a spark, when discharged, of one inch in length, we should find that another uncharged Leyden phial, the inner and outer coating of which were communicated with those ofthe for- mer, would, upon the same quantity .of electrici- ty being thrown in, reduce the length of the spark to half an inch; here the quantity of electricity remaining the same, its intendty is diminished by one-half, by its distribution over the larger surface. It is obvious that the extension of surface al- luded to in the last paragraph wUl be attended with a greater superficial exposure to the unelec- trified air ; and hence it might be expected that a similar diminution of intensity would result from the vicinity of the electrified surface to the ground, or to any other body of sufficient magnitude in its ordinary state. That this is the oase, may be shown by diverging the leaves ot the gold leaf electrometer, and in that state approaching the in- strument with an uninsulated plate, which, wbeu within half an inch ofthe electrometer-plate, wdl cause the leaves to collapse; but, on removing the uninsulated plate, they wUl again diverge, in consequence of the electricity regaining its for- mer intensity. The same f.u-t is shown by the condensing electrometer. The power of the Leyden jar is proportioned to its surface ; but a very large jar is inconvenient and difficult to procure ; the same end is attained S67 ELE ELL, l»y arranging several jars, so that by a communi- cation existing between all their interior coatings, their exterior being also united, they may tie charged and discharged as one jar. Such a com- bination is called an electrical battery, and is use- ful for exhibiting the effect of accumulated elec- tricity. The discharge of the battery is attended by a considerable report, and if it "be passed through small animals, it instantly kills them ; if through fine metalhc wires, they are ignited, melted, and burned ; and gun-powder, cotton sprinkled with owdered resin, and a variety of other combusti- les, may be inflamed by the same means. There are many other sources of electricity than those just noticed. V\ hen glass is rubbed by mercury, it becomes electrified, and this is the cause of the luminous appearance observed when a barometor is agitated in a dark room, in which case flashes of Ught are soen to traverse the empty part of the tube. Even the friction of air upon" class is attended by electrical excitation: for Wflson found, that by blowing upon a dry plate of glass with a pair of bellows, it acquired a positive electricity. Whenever bodies change their forms, their electrical states are also alter? ed. Thus, the conversion of water into vapour, and the congelation of melted resins and sulphur are processes in which electricity is also render- ed sensible. When an insulated plate of zinc is brought into contact with one of copper or silver, it is found, after removal, to be positively electrical, and tne silver or copper is left in the opposite state. The most oxidisable metal is always positive, in relation to the least oxidisable metal, which is negative, and the more opposite the metals in these respects the greater the electrical excita- tion ; and if the metals be placed in the following order, each wtil become positive by the contact of that which precedes it, and negative by the contact of that which follows it; and the greatest effect wiU result from the contact of the most distant metals. Platinum. Mercury. Tin. Gold. Copper. Lead. Stiver. Iron. Zinc. If the nerve of a recently -killed frog be attach- ed to a silver probe, and a ]/.ece of zinc be brought into the contact of the muscular parts of the animal, violent convulsions are produced every time the metals thus connected are made to touch each other. Exactly the same effect is produced by an electric spark, or the discharge of a very small Leyden-phial. If a piece of zinc be placed upon the tongue, and a piece ol silver under it, a peculiar sensa- tion will be perceived every time the two metals are made to touch. In these cases the chemical properties of the metals are observed to be affected. If a silver and zinc wire be put into a wine glass fuU of di- lute sulphuric acid, the zinc wire wiU only evolve gas ; but upon bringing the two wires in contact with each other, the silver will also co- piously produce air bubbles. If a number of aberrations be made of copper or silver leaf, zinc leaf and thin paper, the elec- tricity excited by the contact of "the metals wtil be rendered evident to the common electrometer. If the same arrangement be made with the pa- per moistened with brine, or a weak acid, it will be found, on bringing a wire communicating with the last copper piate into contact with the first Zinc, plate, thai a spark is perceptible, and also a sught shock, provided the number of alternations 368 be sufficiently numerous. Thu is the voltaic aj/ par at us. Several modes of constructing this apparatus have been adopted, with a view to render it more convenient or active. Sometimes double plates of copper and zinc soldered together, are ce- mented into wooden troughs in regular order, the intervening ceUs being filled with water, or saline, or acid solutions. Another form consists in arranging a row of glasses, containing dilute sulphuric acid, in each of which is placed a wire, or plate of silver, or copper, and one of zinc, not touching each other, but so connected by metallic wires, that the zinc of the first cup may communicate with the cop- per of the second; the zinc of the second with the copper ofthe third ; and so on throughout the series. When the poles of the Voltaic apparatus are connected by a steel wire, it requires magnetic properties, and if by a platinum, or other metal- lic wire, that wire exhibits numerous magnetic poles, which attract and repel the common mag- netic needle. This very curious fact was first observed by Professor Oersted, of Copenhagen. On immersing the wires from the extremes of this apparatus into water, it is found that the fluid suffers decomposition, and that oxygen gas is liberated at the positive wire or pole, and hydro- gen gas at the negative pole. All other substances are decomposed with simi- lar phenomena, the inflammable element being disengaged at the negatively electrical surface; hence it would appear, upon the principle of sim ilarly electrified bodies repelling each other, and dissimilarly electrified bodies attracting each other, that the inherent or natural electrical state ofthe inflammable substances is positive, for they are attracted by the negative or oppositely elec- trified pole ; while the bodies called •supporters of combustion, or acidifying principles, are at- tracted by the positive pole, and, therefore, may be considered as possessed of the negative power. When bodies are thus under the influence of electrical decomposition, their usual chemical energies are suspended, and some very curious phenomena are observed. The most difficult decomposable compounds may be thus resolved into their component parts by the electrical agency; by a weak power the proximate elements are separated, and by a stronger power these are resolved into their ulti- mate constituents. AU bodies which exert powerful chemical agencies upon each other when freedom of mo- tion is given to their particles, render each other oppositely electrical when acting as masses, Hence Sir H. Davy, the great and successful in- vestigator of this branch of chemical philosophy, has supposed that electrical and chemical phe- nomena, though in themselves quite distinct, may be dependent upon one and the same power, act- ing in the former case upon masses of matter, in the other upon its particles. The power of the Voltaic apparatus to commu- nicate divergence to the electrometer, is most ob- served when it is weU insulated, and filled with pure water ; but its power of producing ignition and of giving shocks, and of producing the other effects observed when its poles are connected, are much augmented by the interposition of dilute acids, which act chemically upon one of the plates ; here the insulation is interfered with by the production of vapour, but the quantity of elec- tricity is much increased, a circumstance which may, perhaps, be referred to the increase of the positive energy of the most oxidnrable metal by K%-is, wild.) Wild pan,c. ELY'MUs. EXu/ioy. The herb panic, or panicum of Dioscondes, but now the name of a new genus of grasses, in the Linnaean system. ELYOT, Sir Thomas, was born of a good family in Suffolk, about the beginning of the six- teenth century. After studying at Oxford, and improving himself by travelling, he wa? introduced at court ; and Henry VlII. conferred upon him the honour of knighthood, and employed him in several embassies. He distinguished hiuiM-lf in various branches of learning, as well as by pa- tronising learned men ; and was generally beloved by his cotemporaries for his virtues anil accom- plishments. He died in 1546, and was buried in Cambridgeshire, of which he had been sheriff. Among other studies, he was partial to medicine, and made himself master of the ancient authors on that subject, though he never exercised the profession. He published a work about the year 1541, called "The Castell of Health," which was much admired, even by some of the faculty: in this he is a strong advocate for temperance, es- pecially in sexual pleasure?. He also notices, that catarrhs were muclwmorc common than they had been forty years before ; which he ascribes chiefly to free living, and keeping the head too much covered. He also wrote and translated several other works, but not on medical subjects. ELYTROCE'LE. (From cXnrpov, the vagi- na, and Kr/Xij, a tumour.) A hernia in the vagina. See Hernia vaginalis. ELYTROI'DES. (Elytroides; from eXvrpov, a sheath, and ttSos, form.) Like a sheath. The tunica vaginalis is so called by some writers, be- cause it includes the testis like a sheath. ELY'TRON. (From tXoui, to involve.) The vagina. A sheath. The membranes which .n- volve the spinal marrow are called cXv"Jpa. EMACIATION. See Atrophia and Maras- mus. Emargixa'tio. (From emargino, to cleanse the edges.) The cleansing of the , edges of wounds from scurf and filth. EMARGINATUS. Emarginate, nicked, that is, having a small acute notch at the summit; as the leaf of the bladder senna, Colutea arbores- cens, the petals of the Allium roseum, and Ag- rottema flos jovis. EMASCULA'TUS. (From emasculo, to render impotent.) Having the testicles in the belly, and not fallen into the scrotum. Emba'mma. (From cpiairlu, to emerge in.) A medicated pickle to dip the food in. E'mbole. (From cp6aXXu>, to put in.) The setting of a dislocated bone. E'MBOLUM. (From r/ipuXXw, to cast out; so named because it ejects the semen.) The penis. Embre'gma. (From ip8ptx<», to make wet.) A fluid application to anypart of the body. EMBROCATIO. (From tp6ptx*>, to moisten Or «rrak in.) Pmbrorhe. An embrocation. A S7S EME fluid apptication to rub any part of the body v.,ith. Many use the term, however, as synonymous with liniment. The foUowing embrocations are in general use. Embrocatio aluminis. g.. Aluminis 3jj. Aceti, spiritus vinosi tenu/oris, sing. fhss. For chilblains and diseased joints. Embrocatio ammonia, g. Embrocation- is ammonia1 acetatis ^jj. Aquae ammonia? purae ^jj. For sprains and bruises. Embrocatio ammomje acetatis. R- Aquse ammonia: acetatae. Solutionis saponis sing. ^j M. For bruises with inflammation. Embrocatio ammoni.e acltatis campho- rata. fj_. Solutionis saponis cum camphora, tiquas ammonia? acetatae sing. ^j. Aquae ammo- nias purae ^ss. For sprains and bruises. It is also frequently applied to disperse chilblains which have not suppurated. It is said to be the same us Steer's opodeldoc Embrocatio cantharidis cum camphora. R. Tinct. cauthari.tis. Spiritus camphora? sing. ?j M. This may be used in any-case in which the object is to stimulate the skin. The absorption of cantharides, however, may bring on a stranguary. E'mbroche. See Embrocatio. E'MBRYO. (From tp6pvu, to bud forth.) 1. The germ of a plant; called by Linnaeus the corculum. See Corculum and Cotyledon. 2. The fatus in utero is so called before the fifth month of pregnancy, because its growth re- semble.; that of the budding of a plaut. Embrtothla'stes. (From cp6pvov, the foe- tus, and 0X«w, to break.) Embryorectes. A crotchet or instrument for breaking the'bones of a dead foetus to promote its delivery. EMBRYO'TOMY. (Embryotomia; from f.p6pvov, a foetus, and tcuvio, to cut.) The separa- ting of any part of the foetus whilst in utero, to extract it. Embryu'lcus. (From tpdpvov, a foetus, and tXKia, to draw.) A blunt hook or forceps, for drawing the child from the womb. EMERALD. A beautiful genus of minerals, which contains two species. 1. The prismatic emerald, Euclase of Haiiy. This is of a green and sky-blue colour, aud is found in Peru and brazil. 2. Rhomboidal emerald, of which there are two sub species, the precious emerald and the beryl. The first is well-known by its emerald green colour. The most beautiful emeralds come irom Peru. As a gem, it is valued next to ruby. EMERSUS. (From emergo, to rise up or ap- pear out of the water.) Raised above the water, as the upper leaves accompanying the flowers of the Meriophyllum vertidliatum, while its lower ones are demersu. E'.merus. Scorpion senna. A laxative. EMERY. A sub-species of rhomboidal co- rundum, found in quantities in the isle of Naxor, and at Smyrna. Its tine powder, which is used for polishing hard minerals and metals, is made hy trituration and elutriation. „ EMESIA. (From eptu, to vomit.) Emesma; Emesit. The act of vomiting. Medicines which cause vomiting. EMETIC. (Emeticus; from tptia, to vo- mit.) That which is capable of exciting vomit- ing, independently of any effect arising from the mere quantity of matter introduced into the sto- mach, or of any nauseous taste or flavour. The susceptibitity of vomiting is very different in different individuals, and is often considerably varied by disease. Emetics are employed in many diseases. 37? EME When any morbid affection depends upon, or is connected with, over-distention of the stomach, or the presence of acrid, indigestible matters, vo- miting gives speedy relief. Hence its utility in impaired appetite, acidity in the stomach, in intoxication, and where poisons have been swal- lowed. From the pressure of the abdominal viscera in vomiting, emetics have been considered as serviceable in jaundice, arising from binary calculi obstructing the ducts. The expectorant power of emetics, and their utility in catarrh and phthisis, have been as- cribed to a similar pressure extended to the thora- cic viscera. ' In the different varieties of febrile affections, much advantage is derivedfrom exciting vomiting, especially in the very commencement of the dis- ease. In high inflammatory fever it is considered as dangerous, and in the advanced stage of typhus it is prejudicial. Emetics given in such doses, as only to excite nausea, have been found useful in restraining haemorrhage. Different species of dropsy have been cured by vomiting, from its having excited absorption. To the same effect, perhaps, is owing the disper- sion of swelled testicle, bubo, and other swellings, which has occasionally resulted from this ope- ration. The operation of vomiting is dangerous, or hurtful, in the following cases: where there is determination of the blood to the head, especial- ly in plethoric habits ; in visceral inflammation ; in the advanced stage of pregnancy; in hernia and prolapsus uteri ; and wherever there exists extreme general debility. The frequent use of emetics weakens the tone of the stomach. An emetic should always be administered in the fluid form. Its operation may be promoted by drink- ing any tepid diluent, or bitter infusion. The individual emetics may be arranged under two heads, those derived from the vegetable, and those from the mineral kingdom. From the ve- getable kingdom are numbered ipecacuanha, scil- la maritima, anthemis nobilis, sinapis alba, asarum Europaeum, nicotiana tabacum. From the mi- neral kingdom, antimony, the sulphates of zinc and copper, and the subacetate of copper. To these may be added ammonia and its hydro-sul- phuret. EMETIN. Emetine. Digest ipeeacuan root, first in aether and then in alkohol. Evaporate the alkoholic infusion to dryness, redissolve in water, and drop in acetate of lead. Wash the precipitate, and then diffusing it in water, de- compose by a current of sulphuretted hydrogen gas. Sulphuret of lead falls to the bottom, and the emetin remains in solution. By evaporating the water, this substance is obtained pure. Emetin forms transparent brownish-red scales. It has no smeU, but a bitter acrid taste. At a heat somewhat above that of boiling water, it is resolved into carbonic acid, oil, and vinegar. It affords no ammonia. It is soluble both in water and alkohol, but not in asther ; and uncrystallisa- ble. It is precipitated by protonitrate of mercury and corrosive sublimate, but not by tartar emetic. Half a grain of emetin acts as a powerful emetic, followed by sleep; six grains vomit violently, and produce stupor and death. The lungs and intestines are inflamed."—Pelletier and Magen- die. Emetine. See Emetin. EMETOCATHA'RTICUS. (From cutio, to vomit, and Kadaipw, to purge.) Purging both by vomit and «tooL EMI' LMP EMINENTLY QUADRIGE.MlNrE. bee Tuburculo quadngemina. EMMENAGOGUE. (Emmenagogus, from ipatvtm, the menses, aud aym, to move.) V\ hat- ever possesses the power of promoting that monthly discharge by the uterus, which, from a law of the animal economy, should take place in certain conditions of the female system. The articles belonging to this class may be referred to four orders :— 1. Stimulating emmenagogues, as hydrargy- rine and antimonial preparations, which are principally adapted for the young, and those with peculiar insensibility of the uterus. 2. Irritating emmenagoguet, as aloes, tavine, and Spanish fliet: these are to be preferred in torpid and chlorotic habits. 3. Tonic emmenagoguet, as ferruginous pre- paration!, cold bath, aud exercise, which are advantageously selected for the lax and phleg- matic. 4. Antispasmodic emmenagoguet, as atafalida, ecu tor, and pediluvia : the constitutions to which these are more especially suited are the deUcate, the weak, and the irritable. EMME'NIA. (Fromev, in, and^v, a month.) The menstrual flux. EIMO'LLIENT. (Emollient; from emollio, to soften.) Possessing the power of relaxing the living and animal fibre, without producing (that effect Irom any mechanical action. The differ- ent articles belonging: to this class of medicines may be comprehended under the foUowmg or- ders:— I. Humectant emollientt, as warm water, and tepid vapourt, which are fitted for the robust and those in the prime of life. 2. Relaxing emollientt, as altluea, malva, &c. These may be employed in aU constitutions, while at the same time they do not claim a pre- ference to others from any particular habit of body. 3. Lubricating emollientt, as bland oilt,fat, and lard. The same observation will hold of this order as was made of the last-mentioned. 4. Atonic emollientt, as opium and pediluvia. These are applicable to any constitution, but are to be preferred in habits where the effects of this cla^s are required over the system in general. E.MPATHEMA. ('EpiraOtK : from iraOripa, patdo, affectio.) Ungovernable [Mission. A genus of dise.ise in Good's Nosology. Class, Neurotica; Order, Phrenica. It has three species, Empathema eutonicurn, atonicum, insane, and inuutnerable varieties. Empei'ria. (From tv, and zsctpw, to endea- vour.) Professional experience. Emi'HEro'mkni's. (From cpdupio, to bear.) Urine, or other substances which have a sedi- ment. EJV1PHLYSIS. (From cp, in, and ^Xwrif, a vesicular tumour or eruption.) The name of a genus, ichorous exanthem, of Good's Nosology, whu h includes six species : Emphlytit miliaria; Aphtha; Vaccinia; Varicella; Pemphigus; Erytipelat. Emphka'ctica. (Frouu;iVliar7w, to obstruct.) Medicines which, applied to the skin, shut up tlie pores. , K.MPIIY.MA. This term, applied by Good to a genus of disease, Class, Ecciitica ; Order, Wtviotica, of his arrangement, imports (in con- tradiction to Phyma, which, in his system, is limited to cut.tn. ous tumours, accompauied with inflammation,) a tumour origLnatii.ir below the uteffiiiucut.-. and unaccompanied v itli inflamma- tion, at feast in its commencement. It embraces threi! species, viz. Emphyma tarcorna; Encyt- tis ; Lxotosit. EMPHYSE'MA. (Emphysema, atis. n.; frooa epipvoiia, to inflate.) See Pneumatosis. EjMPIRIC. (Empincus. EpircipiKOs; from tv, in, and zstipa, experience.) One who prac- tises the healing art upon experience, and not theory. This is the true meaning ol the word empiric; but it is now applied, in a very oppo- site sense, to those who deviate from the lme of conduct pursued by scientific and regular prac- titioners, and vend nostrums, or sound their own praise in the public papers. Empla'stica. (From tpvXaaaia, to obstruct.) Medicines which, spread upon the skin, stop the pores. EMPLA'STRUM. (Emplastrum, i. n. ; from cpirXaoao), to spread upon.) A plaster. Plasters are composed of unctuous substances, united either to powders or metallic oxides, &c. They ought to be of such a consistence as not to stick: to the -fingers when cold, but to become sott, so as to be spread out in a moderate degree ot heat, and in that of tbe human body, to con- tinue tenacious enough to adhere to the skin. They owe their consistence cither to metalUc ox- ides, especially those of lead, or to wax, resin, &c. They are usually kept in roUs wrapped in paper, and spread when wanted for use, upon thin leather ; if the plaster be not of itself suffi- ciently adhesive, it is to be surrounded at its mar- gin by a boundary of resin plaster. ' Emplastrum ammoniaci. Take of purified ammoniacum, five ounces; acetic acid, half a pint. Dissolve the ammoniacum in the acid, then evaporate the Uquor in an iron vessel, by means of a water-bath, constantly stirring it, until it acquires a proper consistence. This plas- ter is now first introduced into the London Phar- macopoeia ; it adheres well to the skin, without irritating it, and without producing inconvenience by its smeU. Emplastrum ammoniaci cum iitorargyro*. Take of purified ammoniacum, a pound ; puri- fied mercury, three ounces ; sulphuretted oil, a fluid drachm. Rub the mercury with the sulphu- rated oU, until the globules disappear ; then add by degrees the ammoniacum, previously melted, aud mix the whole together. This composition is said to possess resolvent virtues ; and the plaster is recommended with this view to be applied to nodes, tophs, indurated gland.-, ai.d tumours. Emplastrum asafietid.e. Emplastrum anlihystericum. Plaster of asafoati la. Take of plaster of semi-vitrified oxide of lead, asafoetida, each two parts : galbanum, yeUow wax, each one part. This plaster is said to possess anodyne and antispasmodic virtues. It is, therefore, occasion- aUy directed to be apptied to the umbilical region in hysterical cases. Emplastrum cantharidis. Blistering-fly plaster. Emplastrum vedcatorium. Take oi blistering flies, in very fine powder, a pound ; wax plaster, a pound and a half, prepared !:it, a pound. Having melted the plaster and fat toge- ther, and removed them from the fin, « I''1'1' be- fore they become solid sprinkle in tbe blistering (lies, and mix the whol<; together. See Blittei und Cantharit. ^^ Emplastrum CER.'f. Wax plaster. Em- plastrum attrahens. ' lake ol yellow wax pre- pared suet, of each three pounds ; yellow resin, a pound. Molt them together and strain. This is a gently-drawing preparation, calculated to promos a moderate d i-rharg<; from the blLti-n■<' EMP surface, with which intention it is mostly used. Where the stronger preparations irritate, this wiU be found in general to agree. Emplastrum cumini. Cuminplaster. Take of cumin-seeds, caraway-seeds, bayberries, of each three ounces ; dried pitch, three pounds ; yellow wax, three ounces. Having melted the dried pitch and wax together, add the remaining articles prewously powdered, and mix. A warm stomachic plaster, which, when applied to the stomach, expels flatulency. To indolent scrofu- lous tumours, where the object is to promote sup- puration, this is an efficacious plaster. Emplastrum galham compositum. Com- pound Galhanum plaster, formerly called emplas- trum lithargyri compositum and diachylon mag* num cum gummi. Take of galbanum gum resin purified, eight ounces ; lead plaster, three pounds; common turpentine, ten drachms ; resin of the spruce fir, three ounces. Having melted the gal- banum gum resin with the turpentine, mix in first the powdered resin of the spruce fir, and then the lead plaster, previously melted by a slow fire, and mix the whole. This plaster is used as a warm digestive and suppurative, calculated to promote maturation of indolent or scirrhous tu- mours, and to allay the pains of sciatica, arthro- dynia, &c. Emplastrum hydrargyri. Mercurial plas- ter. Emplastrum lithargyri cum hydrargyro. Take of purified mercury, three ounces ; sulphu- rated oil, a fluid drachm; lead plaster, a pound. Rub the mercury with the sulphurated oil, until the globules disappear; then add by degrees the lead plaster, melted, and mix the whole. Emplastrum lauani compositum. Take of soft labdanum, three ounces ; of frankincense, one ounce ; cinnamon and expressed oil of mace, each half an ounce ; essential oil of mint, one drachm ; add to the frankincense, melted first, the labdanum a little heated, till it becomes soft, and then the oil of mace ; afterwards mix in the cinnamon with the oil of mint, and beat them to- gether into a mass, in a warm mortar, and keep it in a vessel weU closed. This may be used with the same intentions as the cumin-plaster, to which it is in no way superior, though composed of more expensive materials. Formerly, it was considered as a very elegant stomach plaster, but is now disused. Emplastrum lithargyri. Sec Emplas- trum plumbi. Emplastrum lithargyri compositum. See Emplastrum Galbani compositum. Emplastrum lithargyri cum resi-na. See Emplastrum redna. Emplastrum lytt.£. SeeEmplastrumcan- tharidis. Emplastrum opii. Plaster of opium. Take of hard opium, powdered, half an ounce ; resin of the spruce fir, powdered, three ounces ; lead plaster, a pound. Having melted the plaster, mix in the resin of the spruce fir, and opium, and mix the whole. Opium is said to produce some- what, though in a smaller degree, its specific effect when applied externaUy. Emplastrum picis compositum. Com- pound pitch plaster. Emplastrum picis Bur- gundica. Take of dried pitch, two pounds ; re- sin of spruce fir, a pound; yellow resin, yellow wax, of each four ounces; expressed oil of nut- megs, an ounce. Having melted together the pitch, resin, and wax, add first the resin of the spruce fir, then the oil of nutmegs, and mix the whole together. From tbe slight degree of red- ness this stimulating application produces, it is adapted to gently irritate the skin, and thus re- EAII' lieve rheumatic pains. Applied to the temples if is sometimes of use in pains ofthe head. Emplastrum plumbi. Lead plaster. Em- plastrum lithargyri; Emplastrum commune; Diachylon simplex. Take of semi-vitreous oxide of lead, in very fine powder, five pounds ; olive oil, a gallon; water, two pints. Boil them with a slow fire, constantly stirring until the oil and litharge unite, so as to form a plaster. Ex- coriations of the skin, slight burns, and the like, may be covered with this plaster: but it is in more general use, as a deiensive, where the skia becomes red from lying a long time on the part. This plaster is also of great importance, as form- ing the basis, by addition to wliich many other plasters are prepared. Emplastrum resins. Resin plaster. Emplastrum adhasivum ; Emplastrum lithar- \ gyri cum resina. Take of yellow resin, half a pound ; lead plaster, three pound*. Having melt- ed the lead plaster over a slow fire, add the resin in powder, and mix. The adhesive, or sticking plaster, is chiefly used for keeping on other dress- ings, and for retaining the edges of recent wounds together. Emplastrum saponis. Soap plaster. Take of hard soap sliced, half a pound; lead plaster, three pounds. Having melted the plas- ter, mix in the soap ; then boil it down to a pro- per consistence. Discutient properties arc attri- buted to this elegant plaster, with which view, it is applied to lymphatic and other indolent tu- mours. It forms an admirable defensive and soft application, spread on linen, to surround a frac- tured Umb. Emplastrum thuris compositum. Com- pound frankincense plaster. Take of frankin- cense, half a pound; dragon's blood, three ounces; litharge plaster, two pounds. To the melted lead plaster, add the rest powdered. This plaster is said to possess strengthening, as well as adhe- sive powers. By keeping the skin firm, it may give tone to the relaxed muscles it surrounds, but cannot, in any way, impart more strength than the common adhesive plaster. Empneumato'sis. (From tv, in, and aitu, to blow.) An inflation of the stomach, or any other viseus. EMPO'RIUM. (From euzoptw, to negotiate.) A mart. The brain is so called, as being the place where all rational and sensative transactions are coUected. EMPRESMA. Good revives this term (used in its simple form both by Hippocrates and Galen, to express internal inflammation,) to designate a fenus of disease in his Class, Hamatica; Order, 'hlogotica. Visceral inflammation. It embraces inflammation of all tlie viscera: hence Em- presma cephalitis; otitis; parotitis; parislhmi- tis; laryngitis ; bronchitis ; pneumonitis; pleu- ■ritis ; carditis ; peritonitis; gastritis; enter- itis ; hepatitis; splenitis; nephritis; cystitis; hysteritis; orchitis. E'mprion. (From tv, and rzpiuv, a saw.) Serrated. Formerly applied to a pulse, in which ihe artery at different times is unequally dis- tended. EMPROSTHO'TONOS. (From tpirpoodtv, before, or forwards, and rtivu, to draw.) A clonic spasm of several muscles, so as to keep tbe body in a fixed position and bent forward. Cullen considers it as a species of tetanus. See Tetanus. E'MPTYSIS. (From ip-1uu>, to spit out.) A discharge of blood from the mouth. EMPYE'MA. (From tv, within, and avov, pus.) A collection of pus in the cavity of the 376 L.Nil (uurav ft i~ on.! of the terminations -t pleu- ritic There is reason for beliciing that mat- ter i- contained in the cavity of the che-t, when, after a pleurisy, or /inflammation in the thorax, the patient has a difficulty of breath- ing, particularly on lying on the side opposite the affected one ; and when an uidcmatous swelling is externallv perceptible. EM PVE'M AT A. (Irom , to meet.) The neai approach of ascending and descending vessels. ENAUTHRO'SIS. (From tv, in, and apOpov, a joint.) The ball and socket-joint. A --pecies of diarthrosis, or moveable connection of bones, in which the round head of one is received into the deeper cavity of another, so as to admit of motion in every direction ; a.s the head of the cs femoris with the acetabulum of the os innomina- turn. See Articulation. LNC.VNTI1IS. (From .,, and KavOos, the angle of the eve.) A disease of the cai'iinciiU laclirymalis, oi' which there are two species. Encunthis beaigna, and Encanthis maligna sir mvitc.rata. The encanthis, at its commence ment, is nothing more than a small, soft, rc('„ and sometimes rather livid excrescence, whirfc grows from the caruncula lachrymalis, and ar. the same time from the neighbouring semilunar fold of the conjunctiva. Tliis excrcsencc on its first appearance is commonly granulated, like a mulberry, or is of a ragged and fringed structure. Afterwards, when it has acquired a certain size, one part of it represents a granulated tumour, while the rest appears like a smooth, whitish, or ash-coloured substance, streaked with varicose vessels, sometimes advancing as far over the con- junctiva, covering the side of the eye next to tlij nose, as where tbe cornea and sch-roti-'a unite. The encanthis keens up a chronic ephthalmy, impedes the action of the eyelids, and prevents, in particular, the complete closure of the eye. Resides, partly by compressing and partly by dis- placing the orifices of the puncta lachrymalia, ii obstructs the free pas.-a?e of the tears into the nose. The inveterate encanthis is ordinarily of a veiy considerable magnitude ; its roots extend beyond the caruncula laclirymalis and semilunar fold to tlie membraneous lining of one or both eyelids. The patient experiences very serious in- convenience from its origin and interposition be- tween the commissure of the eyelids, which it necessarily keeps asunder on the side towards the nose. Siiinetimcs'-the disease assumes a cance- rous malignancy. This character is evinced bj the dull red, and, as it were, leaden colour of the excrescence ; by its ovcccJing hardnes-, and the lancinating pains which occur in it and extend to the forehead, the whole eye-ball .uul the temple, e: penally when the tumour has been, though. slightly, touched. It is also shown, by the pir> peii.-ity of the excrescence to bleej, by the par- tial uli-i ration, on its surface, wliich emit a I'm.- irons substance, and a thin and exceedingly acuo. discharge. KNCATALJ. PSIS. (From . , and KulaXan - .W ■. to -.i7<-.) V ca'-d-ii-y. LND EN(. j.NCATIirsMA. (From <■, iinj knt)lrWf t0 t.«i in.) A seiinciipiiMn, or hath for half the body. ENVAi'.MA. (From fl, in, and Kai t,,c hand.) Encheiria. Galen uses this word as a part of the title to one of his works, which treats of dissection. The word huports the manual treatment of any subject. Enchei'ri'a. See Encheirciis. Enchii.o'ma. See Enchtjloma. Encho'ndrus. (Fronici/, and ^ov^iof, a car- tilage.) A cartilage. Enchris'ta. (From eyxP">>> to anoint.) Ointments. Enchylo'ma. .(From tv, and ^uXoj, juice.) An inspissated juice. An elixir, according to Lemery. E'NCHYMA. (From tv, and Xz<», to infuse.) Enchysis. 1. An infusion. 2. A sanguineous plethora. Enchy'mata. (From ty^vui, to infuse.) In- jections for the eyes and ears. Enchtmo'ma, (Fromri/, and ^uw, to pout in.) In the writings of tlie ancient physicians, it is a word by which they express that, sudden effusion of blood into the cutaneous vessels, which arises from joy, anger, or shame ; and in the last in- stance is what we usually call blushing. Enchtmo'sis. Eyxvpucts. 1. Blushing. 2. An extravasation of blood, which makes the part appear livid. E'nchtsis. See Enchyma. Encly'sma. (From tv, and kXv£u>, to cleanse out.) A clyster. ENCGS'LIA. (From tv, within, and KotXia, the belly.) The abdominal viscera. Encolpi'smus. (From tyKoXirtto, toinsinnate.) An uterine injection. ENCRA'NIUM. (From «-, within, and Kpaviov, the skull.) The cerebrum and the whole con- tents of the skull. Encrasi'cholus. (From tv, in, Ktpas, the head, and Y0A17, bile ; because it is said to haye tlie gall in its head.) The anchovy. See Clupea. E'nckis. Eyxpij. A cake of meal, oil, and honey. E'ncymon. (From tv, and Kim, to conceive.) Pregnancy. E'NCYSIS. (From n, and kvu>, to bring forth.) Parturition. ENCY'STED. Saccatus. A term applied to those tumours which Consist of a fluid or other matter, enclosed in a sac or cyst. ENCY'STIS. (FroniEv, in, andxtj-is, abag.) An encysted tumour. ENDE'MIC. (Endemicus, sc. morbus; from tv, in, and Svpos, people.) A disease is so termed that is peculiar to a certain class of persons, or country : thus struma is endemial to the in- habitants of Derbyshire and the Alps ; scurvy to seafaring people ,- and the plica polonica is met prith in Poland S76 E'ndesi*. (From tv, and im>, to tie up.) A ligature. A bandage. ENDIVE. See Cichorium. ENDl VIA. (Quasi eundo via, quia passim nascitur; r.amed irom the quickness of its growth.) Sec Cichorium. Jv'M)i»sL->. (From tv, and StSups, to give.) A remission, disorder. EN EC I A. (From Hvckvs, continued.) A genus of disease in Good's Nosology. Class, Hamatica ; Order, Pyretica ; continued fever. It comprehends three species, Enecia cuuma; typhus ; synochus. Enella'cmenus. (From cvaXXarfw, to in- terchange.) An epithet applied to tin union of the joints of the vertebra;. E'NEMA. (Enema matis. neut. ; from tnqpi, to inject.) A clyster. A well-known form of conveying both nourishment and medicine to the system, under certain morbid circumstances. The former takes place where obstruction of tie passage to the stomach is so great as to render acccs to that organ impossible, such as occurs in lock-jaw, diseased oesophagus, &c. By these means the body can be supported for a few weeks, while au attempt is made at effecting a cure. It is composed, in such cases, of animal broths, gruels made of farinaceous seeds, mucilages, &c. As a form of medicine, clysters are no less useful; and according to the intention with winch they are prescribed, they are either of an emollient, anodyne, or purgative nature. The following forms are in general use. Enema anodynum. Take of starch jelly, half a pint; tincture of opium, forty to sixty drops. Mix. The whole to be injected by means of a clyster-syringe, in cases of dysentery or vio- lent purging, and pain in the bowels. Enema antispasmodicum. Take of tincture of asafoetida, half an ounce ; tincture of opium, forty drops, gruel, half a pint. Mix. For spas- modic affections of tlie bowels. Enema laxativum. Take of sulphate of magnesia, two ounces ; dissolve in three-quarters of a pint of warm gruel, or broth, with an ounce of fresh butter, or sweet oil. Enema nicotians. Take of the infusioD of tobacco from a half to a whole pint. Employed in cases of strangulated hernia. Enema nutriens. Take of strong beef tea, twelve ounces ; thicken with hartshorn shavings, or arrow-root. Enema terebinthin.e. Take of common turpentine, half an ounce ; the yolk of one egg, and half a,pint of gruel. The turpentine being first incorporated with the egg, add to them the gruel. This clyster is generally used, and with great good effect, in violent fits of the stone. Enerei'sis. (From tvtpaSui, to adhere to a compression.) A tight ligature. E'NERGY. (Energia; from tvtpytu, to act.) The degree of force exercised by any power; thus, nervous energy, muscular energy, &c. ENERVATING. The act of destroying the force, use, or office of the nerves, either by cut- ting them, or breaking them by violence or abuse of the non-naturals. Eneure'sis. See Enuresis. ENERVIS. Ribless: applied to leaves which are without lines or ribs. Engala'ctum. (From tv, and yuXa, milk; so called because it is eaten by nurses to increase their milk.) The herb saltwort. See Salsola. ENGASTRIMY'THUS. (From tv, in, ya*vp, the belly, and pvOtouai, to discourse.) A ventrilo- quist ; one who appears to speak from his belly. Engiso'ma. (From tyyt^w, to approach.) L.\ 1 KM I. An instrument for making the pails ol a broken clavicle meet. 2. A fracture of the cranium. Englith M-rcury. Sec Mercurialis. Kvi.i otto-gastor. (From n, y>«ir7»7,_tlie tongiic, and y/icua, the belly.) A ventriloquist. LNGOMPIli) Sis. (From iv, and yopfos, a hail.) I'hat species of articulation which re- sembles a nail driven into Wood, as a tooth in its socket. K-sgo'nios. (From tv, and yovia, an angle.) The flexure, or angle made by the bending of a joint. Kni'm.m pakaci.i.si. The caput morttium'of the iluti lation of nitric acid, which fe| • super* sulphate of potaisa. KN'NEANDRIA. (From twta, nine, and :a-T,p, a man.) The name of a class of plants in the sexual system, containing such as have herma- phrodite doners with nine stamina. Kwkapha'rmacum. (From men, nine, and 0 <,,/'<»«"> a medicine.) A medicine composed of \ nine -iuinle ingredients. LNNICAPHY'LUM. (From twta, nllr, ind ^vXAue, a leaf; because its flower consists of nine leau-s.) A name for Helleborastei-, or bear's-foot. i ENODIS. Without knots : apjdied to st«in- of plants, as Culmut e nod is; that is, a smooth i-iilm, as in our common rushes. Enry'thmus. (From n-, andpufyios, number.) A pulse in some respect regular. UN'S. Tliis word denoted in ancient chemistry the most efficacious part of any natural mixed body, whether animal, vegetable, or fossil, where- in all the qualities or virtues of the ingredients *' of tlie mixed are comprehended in a small com- pa-s. Lss miiTi.i. An oxide of iron. K\s ritiMir.M soi.ake. Antimony. L\s \ i:\kkis. The muriate of copper. ICNSA'IYK. (From ensit, a sword.) The name of a natural order of plants, consisting of such as have s\\ ord-sISapcd leaves. E'NSIFORM. (r.nsiforuiis; from ensis a Kword, and forma, resemblance.) Sword-like. I. A term applied to some parts 'from their re- semblance ; us the ensifonn curtilage. 2. In botany, a leaf is callcd/o/t'um endforme, which has \\\» edges, and tapers to a point, like ii sword. See /.<■<'/. Knsta'ctum. (Fromrv, and -u^io, to instil.) A liquid medicine, which is applied instillatim, or drop Ii v dr ip. KVi'ASlA. (From tvraois, intentiovehemen- tia.) A name of a genus of diseases in Good's Nosology. Class, Xcuroticc ; OrJer, Cineticu. Constrictive spasm. It has eight species, viz. I'.ntu.-ia priupismui; loxiei ; articularis ; sys- tremma; trismus; trtnittt; ly-isci; acrotiMims. Ksta'tica. (Fromtvltivm, to strain. J Pro- vocatives, or whateverexrites venereal inclination. K'NTLUA. (From r, , ,-, within.) 1. The bowels. ' 2. tlippocrates calls by this name the bars in whicli medicines for fomentations were formerly clicloMiI. F.NTLILXME NFS. (Vu-.m ,*".,„„•, an intes- tine, and .ifv. a glaud.) The int« -toial glands. I'.x-TM-.;. sciiyta. (From t^rp,,, the bowels, snd i) ya«i, to infuse into.) Au instrument for ndiiiiiiistcriiig clv-ters. A clytter-pipe. ENTKR1CA. (From oi, intetlinttm al- vut.) The name of the first order, class Caliaca, of Good's No»ology. Diseases affecting the ali- mentary cunal. It* genera are, OtlunUa ; Pty- I'luni'"-,- Dysphagia; Dipsoiis; Limoms; Co- ic:u .- iu>pi-oxia*i>i; Diarrhaa; Cnolera; Late- ral itlnn; Ifilminthia; Prorlica. ENTERITIS. (From tv",tp.. an intestine.) Iiiflammrtion ofthe infe-tines. It is a genus of disease i'i t'-.e class Pyrexia, and order Phleg- masia of CuUen, ami is known by the presence of pyrexia, fixed pain in the abdomen, costivenessy and vomiting. The i a'ises of enteritis are much the same us tLo-.- of gastritis, being occasioned by acrid substances, indurated faces, long-con- tinued and obstinate co-tivenes*, spasmodic colic, and a strangulation of any part of tl*e intestinal canal; but another very general cause is the ap- plication of cold to the lower extremities, or to the belly itself. It is a disease which is most apt to occur at an advanced period of life, and is very liable to a relapse. It comes on with an acute p...n, extending in! general over the whole of the abdomen ; but more especially round the navel, accompanied with eructations, sickness at the stomach, a vomiting of bilious matter, obstinate costiveness, thirst, heat, great anxiety, and a quick and hard smalt pulse. After a short,tine.', the pain becomes more severe, the bowels ssem drawn together by a kind of spasm, the whole region of the ab- domen is highly painful to the touch, and seems drawn together in lumpy contractions ; invinci- ble costiveness prevails, and the urine is voided with great difficulty and pain. The inflammation continuing to prnced witl< violence, terminates at last in gangrene ; or aba- ting gradually, it gAs off by resolution. . Enteritis is always attended with considerable' dinger, as it often terminates in gangrene in the space of a few hours from its commencement; wliich event is marked by the sudden remission of pain, sinking of the pulse, shrinking of the feature.?, and distention of the belly ; and it fre- quently proves fatal likewise, during the inflam- matory stage. If the pains abate gradually, if natural stools be passed, if an universal sweat, attended with a firm equal pulse, comes on, or it a copious discharge of loaded urine, with the same kind of pulse, takes place, a resolution and fa- vourable termination may be expected. Dissections of this disease show that the in- flammation pervades the intestinal tube to a very considerable extent; that.adhesions ofthe dis- eased portion to contiguous parts are formed ; and that, in some cases, the intestines are in a gangrenous state, or that ulceration have formed. They likewise show, that, besides obstinate ob- structions, introsusception, constrictions, and twistings, are often to be met with ; and that, in most cases, the peritonaeum is more or less affect- ed, and is perceived, at times, to be covered with a layer of coagulable lymph. The treatment must be begun by taking blood freely from the arm, as far as the strength of the patient will allow : but the disease occurring more frequently iu persons rather advanced in years, and of a constitution somewhat impaired, it becomes more important to limit this evacuation and rely in a great mea- sure on the effecls of a number of leeches, ap- plied to the abdomen. Another very useful step is to put tlie patient into a hot bath, which may presently in.ince faintness ; or where this cannot be procured, fomenting the abdomen assiduously. When i|.e .vnptoins are thus materially relieved, an/ainple blister should be applied. It becomes also of the nr>t importance to clew- out the bow- els: a copious laxative clyster will evacuate the inferior part of the canal, and solicit the peris- taltic motion downwards; ami the milder ca- thartics, as castor oil, neutral -alts, &u\ in divided doses, may gradually procure a passage. Bet J'.N-l Lfll ^tuio tne disease 1ms been preceded by vo-tive- ness, more active articles will probably be neces- sary, as calomel^ compound extract of colocynth, infusion of senna, with salts, kc. If the stomach be irritable, the effervescing saline draught may enable it to retain the requisite cathartics. Ano- ther plan, often very successful, is giving opium in a full dose, particularly in conjunction with calomel, taking care to follow it lip by some of the remedies above mentioned, till the bowels are :vlieved ; which effect it appears to promote by its soothing antispasmodic power. Afterwards we may endeavour to keep up diaphoresis, and .•ccmit the strength of the patient by a mild nour- ishing diet; taking care to guard "against accu- muiatL;) of faeces, exposure to cold, or any thing else liki !y to occasion a relapse. _HVi'ERO'. (From nltpoi, an intestine.) Name-; compounded of this word belong to tilings which resemble an intestine; or to parts con- nected with, or diseases of some part, of, the in- ftestiiie. ENTEROCE'LE. (From tvltpov, an intes- (<.ine, and k»?A>/, a tumour.) An intestinal rup- ture or hernia. Every hernia may be so called that is produced by the protrusion of a portion of intestine, whether it is in the groin, navel, or elsewhere. Entero-epiplocelk. (From altpov, an in- testine, t-t-Xoov, the epiploon, and kijX>i, a tu- mour.) A rupture formed by the protrusion of part ofan intestine, n:ith a portion ofthe epiploon. Entero-htdrocm.::. , (From tvrtpoi; an in- testine, vSiop, Water, and kijAv, a tumour.) This must mean a common scrotal hernia, with a good deal of water in the hernial sac ; or else a hernia congenita, (in whisjh the bowels descend into the tunica vaginalis testis,) attended with a collection of fluid in the cavity of this membrane. ENTEROLITHUS. (From tvrepov, nn intes- tine, and XtOos, a stone.) The name of a genus of disease, Class, Caliaca; Order, Entericn, in Good's Nosology. Intestinal concretion. It em- braces three species, viz. Enterolithus bezoar; calculus; scyoaJum. ENTERO'MPHALUS. (From tvrepov, an in- testine, and o'pcjaX®', the navel.) An umbilical hernia, produced by the protrusion of a portion of intestine. i ENTEROTHYTCM. (From tvltpoi; an in- testine, and tpvlov, a plant.) A plant which ■■■rows in the form of a gut, the sea-chitterling. ' ENTERORA'PHIA. (From tvrepov, an in- testine, and pa$n, a suture.) A suture of the in- testines, or the sewing together the divided edges of an intestine. ENTEROSCHEOCE'LE. (From t^tpov, an intestine, oaxtov, the scrotum, and k>)Xij, a rup- ture.) A scrotal hernia, or rupture of the intes- tines into the scrotum. Enthf.'mata. (From ev'JtOripi, to put in.) Anti-inflammatory styptics. E n thlasis. A contusion with the impression of the instrument by which it happened. Entire leaf. See Intcgcn-imus. ENTROCIH. A genus of extraneous fossils, made up of round joints, which, when separate and loose, arc called trochita. ENTRO'PIUM. (Entropium, i. n.; from tv, and rflnrai, to turn.) A disease of the eyelids, occasioned by the eyelashes and eyctid being in- verted towards the. bulb of the eye. Enttpo'sis. (From rV7i"row, to make an im- pression.) 1. The acetabulum. 2. The scapula, or conepvr bone of the ,»l:i-ulder. S?" E'NULA. (A corruption of lienulu, or Wi- lenium, from Helene, the island where it grew.) See Inula hclenium. Enui.a campana. Sec Inula hclenium. Enu'lon. (From ri', and ovXor, the gums.) The internal flesh of the gums, or that part of them which is within the mouth. ENURE SI*. (Eneuresis, is. f. • from tvovptia, to make water. An incontinency or involuntary llow of urine. This disease usually proceeds either from relaxation or a paralytic affection of the sphincter of the bladder, induced by various debilitating causes, as too free a use of spirituous liquors, raanustupration, and excess in venory; or it arises from compression on the bladder, from a diseased state of the organ, or from sonic irrita- ting .substance contained in its cavity. It is ar- ranged in the class Locales, and order Apoceno. ses of Cullen, and contains two species: 1. Enu- resis atonica, the sphincter of the bladder having. lost its tone from some previous disease. 2. Enu- resis ab irritaiione, vel compressione vesica, from an irritation or compression of the bladder. Epacma'sticus. (From tin, and aKpa£u>, to increase.) A fever which is increasing iu ma- lignity. Epa'cmb. (From ixnK/ia^u), to increase.) The increase, or exacerbation of a disease. Epago'gium. (From r-ayia, to draw over.) The prxpuce, or that part of the penis which is drawn over the glans, according to Dioscorides. Epanadido'ntes. (From tiravabiSmpi, to in- crease.) A terra applied to fevers which con- tinue to increase in their degree of heat. Epanadiplo'sis. (From arovaSmXoo), to re- duplicate. ) The reduplication of a fit of a semi- tertian fever ; that is, the return of the cold fit before the hot fit is ended. Epana'stasis. (From s-i, and uvi-npi, to excite.) A tubercle, or small pustule upon the skin. Epaxcvlo'tus. (From in, and ayKv\ts, crooked.) A sort of orookcd bandage in Ori- basius. EPANETUS. (From lE.-avttpt, to return.) The name of a genus, Class, Hamatica; Order, Pyretica, in Good's Nosology. Remittent fever. It has three species, viz. Epanet'is nutis; malig- nus ; hectica. Epa'rma. (From tvatpui, to elevate.) Epar- sis. Any kind of tumour, but frequently applied to one of the parotid gland. Epa'rsis. See Eporma. Epasma'stiga febris. A fever is so called by Bellini, and Others, while it is in its increase. See Epacmasticus. Epe'ncranis. (.From tin, tv, in, and Kpavior, the skull.) The name of the cerebellum., Epheb.e'um. (From t~i, and 17617, the groin.) The hair upon the pubes. E'phedra. (From tij,ti,opai, to sit upon.) Ephcdrana. 1. The buttocks. 2. A species of horse-tail. Ephe'draxa. See Ephedra. EpheIcis. (From tm, upon, and iXkos, a" ulcer.) 1. The crust of an ulcer. 2. Hardened purulent expectoration. EPHE'LIS. (Ephelis; from tm, and t;Xio,, the sun.) A sun spot. A solitary, or aggre- gated spot, attacking most commonly the face, back of the hand, and breast, from exposure to the sun. EPHE'MERA. (From t-i, upon, and rjjispa, a day.) 1. A disease of a day's duration. 2. A fever which begins, is perfectly formed, and nans through its course in the space of twoh r hmir^ I>P1 "EPHEME KiDES. (Ephemcns, «/<.»-. 1. ; from f'tiptpn, an almanack: so called because, like tin- moon's age, they may he foretold by the almanack.) Diseases which return at particular times of the moon. EPIHA LTES. (From cfaXXopai, to leap upon: so called because it was thought a dxmon leai«-d upon the breast.) incubus, or night-marc. See Oneirodynia. Kpiii a'lti \. (From ephialle.s,thenight-raare: -o called because it was said to cure the night- inure.) The herb peony. KPIIIDRO SIS. (From tt, to perspire.) Sudalio. Mudi'r. A violent and morbid per- spiration. A genus of disease in tiic class Lo- cally, and order Apocenoses of Cullen. EPHITPICM. A saddle, wliich it is thought lo resemble. See Sella turcica. I'.'piiodos. (From c-i, and ncos, a way.) In Hippocrates it hath three significations : 1. The duels or passages, by which the excre- ments of the body are evacuated. 2. The periodical attack of a fever, from the common use of it to express the attack of thieves. 3. The access of similar or dissimilar things, which may be useful or hurtful to the body. Epia'i rr.s. Sec 1-lphiulti.i. Epi'.w.us. (From r-iov, gently, and aXtafa, to heat.) Epinlos. An ardent fever, in which both heat and cold arc felt in the same part at the same time. Gah'n defines it to be a lever in which the patient labours under a preternatural heat and a coldness at the -anie time. The ancient Latins call it Qwrctrii. Epi'bulk. (From c-n6aXXui, to press upon.) The night-mare, or ephialtes. EpkVntiiis. (Irom tm, and koiOos, the an- gle of the eye.) The angle of the eye. Epk a'rpk m. (From r-w, upon, and Kapir^s, the wrist.) A medicine applied to the wrist. Epica'i'Ma. (From t-n, and Koto; to burn.) A burn. F.i'rir 'sis. a burn. Ki-ici'.KAs. (From en, and *:.(iiis, a horn : so '•ailed because its pods arc shaped like a horn.) See Trigonella-fanum gra-cum. Fi-icmi \'s i k \. (From ;-<, and Kipauv.pi, to mi\.) Medicines which, by mixing with acrimo- nious juices, temper them and render them U^s troublesome ; as emollients. F.ru Hi.ir.r. sis. (From i-t, and \:p, tlie hand.) A manual opi ration. Lt'i nioi t s. ^Fiwiii ,-,, and vi'", the bile.) miious. Ei-iciie ruis. (From <-ri, upon, :.i'd x°(>cii a gut.) The me.-eiitei v Ei-ii iio'rios. (From t-<, upon, and X"Pai a region.) The same as ipidermis. LPK'IIROMS. (From env/iuci;, a coloured or spotted surface.) The name of a genus of dis- ease, (lass, Ercrilica; Order, Acroticu, in Hood's Nosology. Macular skin, or simple dis- coloration of the. surface. It embraces scien species, viz. Epirlirosix leucasmus; spilus; h nticula ,• (;j/k lix ; aurigo ; pacilia ; alphosis. Epikllis. (From :-<, upon, and *joi.\i<, the eyelid.) The upper eyelid. KPICO I IF. (Epicolicu-;; from tr;, upon, and KuXor, the colon.) That part of the abdo- men which lies ovtr the head of the coxum and the sigmoid flexure of the colon, is caUed the epi- colie region. Fin opiio'st-. (From m, and Kuir>iineuts. aponeu- EPI rosis, and muacular expansion which lie upon tSs cranium. KpiciiA'xirs. See Occipitofronlalis. EPI'CRASiS. (From tm, and Ktpnvwpt, to temper.) A critical evacuation of bad humours, an attcinperation of had ones. When a cure is performed in the alterative w.iy, it is called per Epirrosin. EPICRISI-*. (From -m, and Kptvoi, to judge from.) A judgment of the termination of a dis- ease from present symptoms. EriCTE'xiiM. (From tm, about, and Kins, the pubes.) The parts above and about the pubes. Epictf.'.ma. (From cm, upon, and kvih, to conceive.) Epicyesis.- Supericetation. Epicvn'sis. See Epicyema. EPIDEMIC. (Epidemicus; from en, upon, and <:)iii&, the people.) A contagious disease is so termed, that attacks many people at the same season, and in the same place ; thus putrid fe\e:-, ph'/uc, dyscnterv, &c. are often epidemic. KPIDL'N'DRFM. '(From cm, upon,'and Stv- cpov, a tree ; because all this genus of plants wow parasitically on the trunk or branches of tV.o.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linuicaii system. Class, Gynandria; Order, Moniuulritt. Epidendrum vaxilla. The systematic name of the vanelloc plant. Vanilla; Banlia; Manilas; Aracus aromaticus; Epidendrum— scandens, foliis ovato oblongis nervods sessili- bus caulinis, cirrhis spiralibus of Linmeus. The vanelloc is a long, llattish pod, containing, under a wrinkled brittle shell, a reddish brown pulp, with small shining black seeds, which have an unctuous aromatic taste, and a fragrant smell like that of some of the finer balsams heightened with musk. Although chiefly used as perfumes, they are said to possess aphrodisiac virtues. Epi'deris. (From tm, and Stpas, the skin.) The clitoris. EPIDF.'RMIS. (From t-t, upon, and btppa-, the true skin.) The scarf-skin. See Cuticle. Epi'desis. (FrouitTi, upon, and Stw, to bind.) A bandage to stop a discharge of blood. Epide'.smus. (From tm, upon, and Seta, to bind.) A bandage by whicli splints, bolsters, tic. are secured. • EPIDIDYMIS. (From cm, upon, and™.- f/o,, a testicle.) A hard, vascular, oblong sub- stance, that lies upon the testicle, formed of a convolution of the vas deferens. It has a thick end, which is convex, and situated posteriorly ; and a thin end, which is rather flat, and situated inferiorly. The epididymis adheres to the testi- cle by its two extremities only, for its middle part is free, forming a bag, to which the tunica vagi- nalis of the testicle is attached. Kpi'dosis. (From t-iriSupi, to grow upon. ) A preternatural enlargement of any part. EPIDOTE. Pistacite of Werner. Acauli- cone from Norway. A sub-species of prisinatoi- dal augite. A compounded ore, containing silica, alumina, lime, oxide of iron, oxide of manganese found in primitive beds and veins, along with aturite. hornblende, calcareous spar, &e. Epi'drome. (From tmSptpto, to run upon.) An afllux of humours. EPIGA'STRIC. (Epigrstricut; from exi, upoq, or above, and yns-'ip, the stomach.) That part ol the abdomen that lies over the stomach, is called the epigastric region ; it reaches from the pit of the stomach to an imaginary line above the n n--1 siii>o(i>.iy- severed iu : where the patient is remarkably c\- sanguious, chalybeates may an.wer better; and, in obstinate cases, tlie arsenical solution might have a cautious trial. Iu irritable constitutions, scdativ?s are indicated, as digitalis, opium, ^.c. but the free use of opium is restricted by a Uu- dency lo congestion in the head. Where syphilis appears lo be concerned, a course of mercury is proper ; iu scrophulous habits, bark, or steei, with iodine, soda, and sca-buthing; and so on. III. The third division of remedies, comes espe- cially in us.-, where the (its are frequent, oi where their recurrence can be anticipated: eme- tics will often prevent them, or a full dose of opi- um ; also other powerful antispasmodics, as ether, musk, valerian, &c. : or strong odours, and in short any thing producing a considerable impres- sion on the system. Bark taken largely might perhaps be more successful on this principle. The disease has sometimes been cured, especially when originating from sympathy, by inspiring fear or horror ; and many frivolous charms may, no doubt, have taken effect through the medium of the imagination. Also long voyages have re- moved it, which might especially be hoped.for at the age of puberty, particularly if a considerable change in the mode of life were made in other respects ; those who had lived indolently being obliged to exert themselves the diet properly adapted to the state of the system, &c. EPILO'BH'M. (From tm Xofiov iov, a violet or beautiful flower, growing on a pod.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Octandria; Order, Monogynia. - Epilobium angustifomi! m. Rose-bay-wil- low herb. The young tender shoots cut in the spring, and dressed as asparagus^ are Uttle inferior to it. Epime'dium. The plant barren-wort. Epimo'rius. (Fioni tm, and ptipia, to divide.) An obsolete term, formerly applied to an unequal pulse. Epimy'lis. (From tm, and pvXv, the knee.) The patella or knee-bone. Epineneu'cls. (From tmvtvut, to nod or in- cline.; An unequal < ulse. Epixo'tium. (Fr mi tm, upon, and via'Jos, the back.) The shoulder-blade. EPINY'CTIS. (From cm, and vuf, night.) A pustule, which risr, in the night, forming an angry tumour on the skin ofthe arms, hands, and thighs, ofthe size of a lupine, of a dusky red, and sometimes of a livid and pile colour, with great inflammation and pain. In a few days it breaks, and sloughs away. Epipa'ctis. (From tmiraK]ow, to coagulate.) A plant mentioned by Diosc rides; and so named because its juice was said to coagulate milk. Epiparoxy'smus. (From tm, upon, and izo- pol-vcuos, a paroxysm.) An unusual frequency of febrile exacerbation. Epipa stum. (From tm, upon, and iruoou, to spnukle.) Any powdered drug sprinkled on the body. Epipf/chys. (From tm, above, and m^xys, the cubit.) That part of the arm above the cubit. Epipiilogi'sm\. (Fromtm,upon,and, to carry.) One who has the omentum morbidly large. Epiploic appendages. See Appcndicula epiploica. EPIPLOI'TIS. (From tmvXoov, the omentum.) An inflammation ofthe process ofthe peritonaeum, that forms tlie epiploon or omentum. See Peri- tonitis. EPIPLOO'MPIIALON. (From c-irXw; the omentum, and optp-iXos, the navel.) An omental hernia protruding at the navel. EPITLOON. (From tmirXou), to sail over, because it is mostly found floating, as it were, upon the intestines.) See Omentum. EPIPLOSCHEOCE'LE. (From tmirXoov, the omentum, oaxtov, the scrotum, and k\\Xi], a tumour or hernia.) A rupture of the omentum into the scrotum, or a .scrotal hernia containing omentum. Epipo'lasis. (From tmmi\a$Mt .-•. (From 1771(7™..), to draw to- gether.) A quick inspiration. EPISP.VSTIC. (Epispusticus ; from tmo-m., to draw together.) Those substances wliich are capable, wlicn applied to the surface of the body, of producing a serous or purilorm discharge, by exciting a previous state of inflammation. TLe term, though comprehending likewise issues and setons, is more commonly restricted to blisters— those applications which, exciting inflammation on the skin, occasion a thin serous fluid to be poured from the exhalants, raise the cuticle, and form tl'.c appearance ot a vesicle. This ellect arises from their strong stimulating power, am! to this stimulant operation and the pain they excite, arc to be ascribed the advantages derived from them in the treatment of disease. The evacua- tion they occasion is too inconsiderable to have any material effect.'. See Blister. Epispu.e'ria. (From cm, and ciputpa, a sphere : so called from the spherical shape of the brain.) The windings of the exterior surface of the brain ; or the winding vessels upon it. Ems ta'gmus. (From tm, and $-«£w, to trickle down.) A catarrh. Epistaphyli'nus. (From .n, and $-aia. Persons of a sanguine and plethoric habit, and not yet advanced to manhood, are very liable to be attacked with this complaint; females being much less subject to it than males, particularly after menstruation. EpLtaxis comes on at times without any pre- vious warning ; but at others, it is preceded by a pain and heaviness in the head, flushing in the face, heat and itching in the nostrils, a throbbing of the temporal arteries, and a quickness of tlie pulse. -In some instances a coldness of the feet, and shivering over the whole body, together with a costive belly, are observed to precede an attack of this hemorrhage. This complaint is to be considered as of little consequence, when occurring in young persons being never attended with any danger; but when it arises in those who are advanced in life, flows profusely, and returns frequently, it indicates too g« it fulness of the vessels of the head, and not unfrequentiy precedes apoplexy, palsy, ^c. aud, therefore, in »uch cases, is to be regarded as a dangerous disease. When this haemorrhage arises in any putrid disorder, it is to be considered as a fatal symptom. In general, we need not be very anxious to stop a -discharge ol blood from the nose, | articularly where there are marks of fulness of the vessels of the head: hut if it occurs under a debilitated state of the system, or becomes very profuse, means must be employed to mi; press it. These are chiefly of a local nature ; applying pressure to the bleeding vessels, introducing astringents into the nostrils, as solutions of alum, sulphate of zinc, sul| hate of copper, &c. applying cold to the head or to some very ensiule part cf the skin, as in the course of the spine, &c. At the same time the patient should be kept in the err et position. If the ha-morrhage be of an active character, tbe antiphlogistic regimen should be caielully rb- serv-cd : the patient kept cool and qiict; the saline cathartics, refrigerant.-, as nitrate of potassa and the acids, digitalis, diaphoretics, &c. administered internally ; and blood may be taken from the tem- ptes by leeches, or even from the arm, if the pa- EPS ERA tieut be very plethoric. Sometimes, alter the failure of other means, closing the posterior as weU as anterior outlets from the nose, and preventing the escape of the blood for some time mechanically, has been successful; and this might be particularly proper, where it was dis- charged copiously into the fauces, so as to endan- ger suffocation, on the patient falling asleep. EPISTHO'TONOS. (From tmedtv, for- wards, and rcivw, to extend.) A spasmodic af- fection of muscles drawing the body forwards. See Tetanus. Episto mion. (From tm, upon, and ?opa, a mouth.) 1. A stopper for a bottle. 2. A vent-hole of a furnace, called the register. Epistro'piulus. (From cm, upon, and -piQu,to turn about.) Epistrophia, and Epis- trophei. Applied to the first vertebra of the neck, because it turns about upon the second as upon an axis. Epi'stropiie. (From em*-pt, to invert.) 1. An inversion of any part, as when the neck is tamed round. 2. A return of a disorder which has ceased. EPISTROPHEUS. (From tiri-poipau, to turn round, because the head is turned upon it.) The second cervical vertebra. See Dentatus. Epi'strophis. See Epistrophalut. Epi'tasis. (From tm, and ruviii, to extend.) The beginning and increase of a paroxysm or disease. EPITHE'LIUM. The cuUcle on the red part of tbe lips. Epithe'ma. (From cm, upon, and TtQypt, to apply.) A term formerly applied to a lotion, fo- mentation, or any external application. Epithema'tium. The same. Ei i'thesis. (From tm, and nOnpi, to cover, or lay upon.) Tbe rectification of crooked limbs by means of instruments. EPITHYMUM. (From tm, upon, and 6v/ios, the herb thyme.) Sec Cuscuta epithy- mum. Epo'de. (From tm, over, and uSy, a song.) Epodot. The method of curing distempers by incantation. Epom'is. (From tm, upon, and utpos, tlie shoulder.) The acromion, or upper part of the shoulder. Epompiia'liiim. (From tm, upon, and op;ed as a lotion to the ulcerations after small-pox, and, it is said, with success. ERY'NGIUM. (From tpvyyavu, to eructate.) Eryngo, or sea-holly. 1. The name of a genu* of plants in the Linnaiau system. Class, Pen- tandria : Order, Digynia. ERY EKV 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the sea-holly. See Eryngium mantimum. Erin'.ium campestre. The root of this plant, Hi-yngium—foliit radicalibut, pmplex- icaulibut, pinnato-lanceolatit, of Linnaeus, is used in many places for that of the sea-eryngo. See Eryngium. » Eryngium mariumum. 1'.\<- systematic name of the sea-hoUy or eryugo. Eryngium— foliis radicalibut tubrotundit, plicatis tpinotit, capUulis pedunculatit, paleit tricutpidatit, of Linnaeus. The root of this plant is directed for medicinal use. It has no particular smell, but to the taste it manifests a grateful sweetness ; and, on being chewed for some time, it discovers a light aromatic warmth or pungency. It Was formerly celebrated for its supposed aphrodisiac powers, but it is now very rarely employed. ERYNGO. See Eryngium. Eryngo, tea. See Eryngium. Eryngo-leaved-lichen. See Lichen Mondi- al!. ' ERY'SIMUM. (From tpvin, to draw, so called from its power of drawing and producing blisters. Others derive it airo row tptiKtiv, because the leaves are much cut; others from tpirtjiov, precious.) ■1. The name of a genus ol'plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Tetradynamia; Order, Siliquosa. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the hedge mustard. See Erysimum officinale. Erysimum alliaria. The systematic name of Jack in the hedge. Alliaria; Chamaplion of Oribasius. Sauce alone, or stinking hedge- mustard. The plant to which this name is given, is the Erynmum foliit cordatit, of Linnaeus ; it is sometimes exhibited in humid asthma and dysp- noea, with success. Its virtues are powerfully diaphoretic, diuretic, and antiscorbutic. •Erykimi mbarbarea. The systematic name of the barbarea of the shops. The leaves of (bis plant, Erysimum—foliit lyratis, extimo sub- rotundo of Linnaeus, may be ranked among the antiscorbutics. They are seldom used in practice. Erysimum officinale. The systematic name of the hedge-mustard. Eryrimum—sili- quit spica adpretsis. foliis runrinatis, of Lin- naeus. It was formerly much used for its expec- torant and diuretic qualities, which are now for- gotten. The seeds are warm and pungent, and very similar to those of mustard in their sensible effects. ERVSITELAS. (From tpvia, to draw, and icXas, adjoining: named from the neighbouring parts being affected by tbe eruption.) Ignis sacer. The rose, or St. Anthony's fire. A genus of disease in the class Pyrtxue, and order Exan- themata of Cullen. It is Idlbwn by cynocha of two or three days' continuance, with drowsiness, and sometimes with delirium ; puke commonly full and hard ; then erythema of the face, or some other part, with continuance of synocha, tending either to abscess or gangrene. There arc two species of this disease, according to Cullen: 1. Fi-ytipelat vesirulosum, with large blisters : 2. Erydpelat phlyctanodrt, the sluiiglcs, orau ery- pelas with phlyctaenx, or small blisters. This disease is an inflammatory affection, prin- cipally of the skin, when it makes its appearance externally, and of the mucous meniluaiie when it is seated internally ; and is more Uable to at- tack women and children, and those of an irrita- ble habit, than those of a plethoric and robust constitution. It is remarkable that erysipelas sometimes re- turn* periodically, attacking the patient once or iMvirc n vear, or even once every month, and then by its repeated attacks it often gradually exhausts the strength, especially if he be old and of a bad habit. VVhen the inflammation is principally confined to the skin, and is unattended by any affection of the system, it is then called erythema ; but when the system is affected, it is named erysipelas. Every part of the body is equally liable to it, but it more frequently appears on the face, legs, and feet, than any where else when seated ex- ternally ; and it occurs oftener in warm climates than phlegmonous inflammation. It is brought on by all the causes that are apt to excite inflammation, such as injuries of all kinds, the external application of stimulants, ex- posure to cold/and obstructed perspiration; and it may likewise be occasioned by a certain mat- ter generated within the body, and thrown out on its surface. A particular state of the atmos- phere seems sometimes to render it epidemical. In slight cases, where it attacks tbe extremi- ties, it makes its appearance with a roughness, heat, pain, and redness of the skin, which be- comes pale when the finger is pressed upon it, and again returns to its former colour, when it is removed. There prevails likewise a small febrile disposition, and the patient is rather hot and thirsty. If the attack is mild, these symptoms will continue only for a few days, the surface of •he part affected will become yeUow, the cuticle or scarf-skin will fall off in scales, and no further inconvenience will perhaps be experienced ; but if the attack has been severe, and the inflamma- tory symptoms have run high, then there will en- sue pains in the head and back, great heat, thirst, and restlessness ; the part affected will slightly swell: the pulse will become small and frequent; and about the fourth day, a number of little vesi- cles, containing a limpid, and, in some cases a yellowish fluid, will arise. In some instances, the fluid is viscid, and instead of running out, as generally happens when the blister is broken, it adheres to and dries upon the skin. In unfavourable cases, these blisters sometimes degenerate into obstinate ulcers, which now and then become gangrenous. This, however, does not happen frequently ; for although it is not un- common for the surface of the skin, and the blis- tered places to appear lived or even blackish, yet this usually disappears with the other symptoms. The period at wliich the vesicles show them- selves is very uncertain. The same may be said of the duration of the eruption. In mild cases, it often disappears gradually, or is carried off by spontaneous sweating. In some cases it con- tinues without showing any disposition to decline for twelve or fourteen days, or longer. The trunk of the body is sometimes attacked with erysipelatous inflammation, but less fre- quently so than the extremities. It is not uncom- mon, however, for infants to be attacked in this manner a few days after birth ; and in these it makes its appearance about the genitals. The in- flamed skin is hard, and apparently very painful to the touch. The belly often becomes uniformly tense, and sphacelated spots sometimes are to be observed. From dissections made by Dr. Un- derwood, it appears, that in this form of the dis- ease the inflammation frequently spreads to the abdominal viscera. Another species of erysipelatous inflammation, which most usually attacks the trunk of the body, is that vulgarly known by the name ol shingles, being a corruption of the French word ccingle, which implies a belt. Instead of appearing an uniform inflamed surface, it consists of a number !C1 ERY ESS fk little pimples extending round the body a little above the umbiUcus, which have vesicles formed on them in a short time. Little or no danger ever attends this species of erysipelas. When erysipelas attacks the face, it comes on with chilliness, succeeded by heat, restlessness, thirst, and other febrile symptoms, with a drow- siness or tendency to coma or delirium, and the pulse is very frequent and full. At the end of two or three days, a fiery redness appears on some part of the face, and this extends at length to the scalp, and then gradually down the neck, leaving atumefaction in every part the redness has occu- pied. The whole face at length becomes turgid, and the eyeUds are so much swelled as to deprive the patient of sight. When the redness and swelling have continued for some time, blisters of different sizes, containing a thin colourless acrid liquor, arise on different parts of the face, and the skin puts on a livid appearance in the blistered places ; but in those not affected with blisters, the cuticle, towards the close of the disease, falls off in scales. No remission of the fever takes place on the 'appearance of tlie inflammation on the face ; but, on the contrary, it is increased as the latter ex- tends, and both w'll continue probably for the space of eight or ten days. In the course of the inflammation, the disposition to coma and deli- rium are sometimes so increased as to destroy the patient between the seventh and eleventh days of the disease. WThen the complaint is mild, and not leading to a fatal event, the inflam- mation and fever generaUy cease gradually with- out any evident crisis. If the disease arises in a bad habit of body, occupies a part possessed of great sensibility, is accompanied with much inflammation, fever, and delirium, and these take place at an early period, we may suppose the patient exposed to imminent danger. Where translations of the morbid matter take place, and tbe inflammation falls on either the brain, lungs, or abdominal viscera, we may entertain the same unfavourable opinion. Erysipelas never terminates in suppu- ration, unless combined with a considerable de- free of phlegmonous inflammation, which is, owever, sometimes the case ; bat in a bad habit, it is apt to terminate in gangrene, in which case there will be also great danger. When the fe- brile symptoms are mild, and unaccompanied by delirium or coma, and the inflammation does not run high, we need not be apprehensive of danger. Where the disease has occupied the face, and proves fatal, inflammation of the brain, and its consequences, are in some cases met with on dis- section, s The treatment of erysipelas must proceed on the antiphlogistic plan, varied however in its ac- tivity according to the type of the disease. When it occurs in robust plethoric constitutions, par- taking of the phlegmonous character, with severe synochal fever, it wiU be proper to begin by taking a moderate quantity of blood; then direct cooling saline purgatives, antimonial diaphoretics, a Ught vegetable diet, &c. When the disorder attacks the face, it may be better to use cupping behind the neck, and keep the head somewhat raised. But if the disease exhibits rather the typhoid type, and particularly where there is a tendency to gangrene, the patient s strength must be supported : after clearing out the primae viae, and endeavouring to promote the other secretions by mild evacuants, when the pulse begins to faU, a more nutritious diet, with a moderate quantity 388 of wine, and the decoction of bark with sulphuric acid, or other tonic medicine, may be resorted to; nay, even the bark in substance, and the more powerful stimulants, as ammonia, &c. ought to be tried, if the preceding faU. Should the in- flammation quitting the skin, attack an internal part, a blister, or some rubefacient, may help to relieve the patient; and stimulants to the lower extremities will Ukewise be proper, where the head is severely affected. To the inflamed part of the skin applications must not be too freely made : where there is much pain and heat, cool- ing it occasionally with plain water, is perhaps best; and where an acrid discharge occurs, wash- ing it away from time to time with warm milk and water. Should suppuration happen it is im- portant to make an early opening for the escape of the matter, to obviate the extensive sloughings otherwise apt to follow, and where gangrene occurs, the fermenting cataplasm may be applied ERYTHEMA. (From tpvBpos, red.) In- flammatory blush. A morbid redness of the skin as is observed upon the cheeks of hectic patients after eating, and the skin covering bubo, phlee- mon, &c. 'is Erythro'danum. (From tpvdpos, red: so called from the colour of its juice.) See Rubia tinctorum. Erythroei'des. (From tpvdpos, red, and uSos, a likeness : so caUed from its colour.) A name given to the tunica vaginalis testis. Erythro'nium. (From tpvdpos, red: so called from the red colour of its juice.) A spe- cies of satyrion. Erythro'xylum. (From tpvdpos, red, and 1-vXov, wood : so named from its colour.) Log- wood. See Hamatoxylum. E'rythrus. (From tpvdpos, red: so named from the red colour of its juice.) The sumach. See Rhus coriaria. E'saphe. (From taaipaio, to feel.) Tbe touch; or feeling the mouth of the womb, to ascertain its condition. E'SCHAR. (Eo-vapa ; from etrvapocd, to »cab over.) Eschara. The portion of flesh that is destroyed by the application of a caustic, and which sloughs away. ESCHARO'TIC. (Escharoticus; fromtaXa- poio, to scab over.) Caustic; Corrosive. A term given by surgeons to those substances whicli possess a power of destroying the texture of the various solid parts of the animal body to which they are directly appUed. The articles of this class of substances may be arranged under two orders: 1. Eroding escharotics; as blue vitriol, alu- men ustum, &c. to 2. Caustic escharotics; as lapis infernalis, argenti nitras, acidum sulphuricum, nitricum, &c. ESCULENT. Esculentus. An appeUation given to such animals, fishes, and plants, or any part of them, that may be eaten for food. E'SOX. The name of a genus of fishes. Class, Pisces ; Order, Abdominales. Esox lucius. The systematic name ofthe pike fish, from the liver of which an oil is sepa- rated spontaneously, which is termed in some pharmacopoeias oleum ludi piscis. It is used in some countries by surgeons, to destroy spots of the transparent cornea. E'SSENCE. Several of the volatile or essen- tial oils are called by this name. ESSENTIAL. Essentialis. Something that is necessary to constitute a thing, or that has such a connexion with the nature of a thing, that U LfH ETH round wherever the thing itseU is: thus the heart, brain, spinal marrow, lungs, stomach, &c. are parts essential to Ufe. In natural history it is apptied to those circum- stances which mark or distinguish an :;.iimalor pjant from all others in the same order or genus. Ksse'ntial oil. See Oil. K'SSERA. (Ettera, from Eshera, an Ara- bian word literally meaning papula.) A species of cutaneous eruption, distinguished by broad, shining, smooth, red spots, mostly without fever, aud differing from the nettle rash in not being elevated. It generally attacks the face and hands. Estiiiomknos. (From todiu, to eat.) A term formerly applied to any disease which ra- pidly destroyed, or as it were ate away the flesh, as some forms of herpes, lupus, cancer. LSI LA. (From etus, eaten, because it is eaten by some as a medicine.) Spurge. Esula major. See Euphorbia palustris. Esula minor. See Euphorbia cyparissias. E'THER. See aEther. Ether, acetic. Acetic naphtha. An ethe- rial fluid, drawn over from an equal admixture of alkohol and acetic acid, distilled with a gentle beat from a glass retort in a sand-bath. It has a grateful smell, is extremely light, volatile, and in- flammable. Ether, muriatic. Marine a?ther. Muria- tic tether is obtained by mixing and distilling al- kohol with extremely concentrated muriate of tin. It is stimulant, antiseptic, and diuretic. Ether, nitrous. Nitric naphtha. This is only a stronger preparation than the spiritus setheris nitrici of the London Pharmacopoeia; it is produced by the distillation of two parts of alkohol to one part and a half of fuming nitric acid. Ether, sulphuric. See Aether sulphu- ricui. Ether, vitriolic. See JEther tulphu- ricut. ETIIERIAL. A term applied to any highly rectified essential oU, or spirit. See Oleum alhe- rtum. Ethiopt, antimonial. See AZthiops antimo- nialis. Ethiopt, martial. The black oxide of iron. Ethiops, mineral. See Hydrargyri sulphu- retum nigrum. Ethiopt per tc. See Hydrargyri oxydum cinenum. ETHMOID. (Ethmmdet; from tdpos, a sieve, and ttSos, form : because it is perforated like a sieve.) Sieve-like. Ethmoid uone. Os ethmoideum; os ath- nwidet. Cribriform bone^ A bone of the head. This is, perhaps, one of tne most curious bones of tbe human body. It appears almost a cube, not of solid bone out exceedingly light, spongy, and cousinmg of many convoluted plates, which form a net-work, like honey-comb. It is curious- ly • nclosed in the os frontis, betwixt the orbitary proce»*es of that bone. One horizontal plate re- ceives the oUactnry nerves, which perforate that plate with such a number of small holes, that it resembles a sieve ; whence the bone is named cribriform, or . tlunoid bone. Other plates drop- ping perpendicularly from this one, receive the divided nerves, and give them an opportunity of expanding into the organ of smelling ; and these bonea, upon which the olfactory nerves are spread out, are so much convoluted as to extend the sur- face of this bense very greatly, and are named spongy bones Another flat plate Ues in the orbit ofthe eye , and being very smooth, by the rolling of the eye if is named the os planum, or smooth bone. So that the ethmoid bone supports the forepart of the brain, receives the olfactory nerves, forms the organ of smelling, and makes the chief part of the orbit of the eje ; and the spongy bones, and the os planum, are neither of them distinct bones, but parts of this ethmoid bone. The cribriform plate is exceedingly delicate and thin ; Ues horizontally over the root of the nose ; and fills up neatly the space betwixt the two orbitary plates of the frontal-bone. The olfactory nerves, like two smaU flat lobes, tie out upon this plate, and, adhering to it, shoot down like many roots through this bone, so as to perfo- rate it with numerous small holes, as if it had been dotted with the point of a pin, or like a nut- meg-grater. This plate i» horizontal; but its processes are perpendicular, one above, and three below. 1. The first perpendicular process is what is called critta galli; a small perpendicular pro- jection, somewhat like a cock's comb, but ex- ceedingly small, standing directly upwards from the middle of the cribriform plate, and dividing that plate into two; so that one olfactory nerve lies upon each side of the crista galti ; and the root of the falx, or septum, betwixt the two hem- ispheres of the brain, begins from this process. The foramen caecum, or btind hole of the frontal " bone, is formed partly by the root of the crista galli, which is very smooth, and sometimes, it i;j said, hollow, or cellular. 2. Exactly opposite this, and in the same di- rection with it, . ,. perpendicular to the ethmoid plate, stands out the nasal plate of the ethmoid bone. It is sometimes called azygous, or single process of the etbmoid, and forms the beginning of that septum, or partition, which divides the two nostrils. This process is thin but firm, and composed of solid bone ; it is commonly inclined a little to one side, so as to make the nostrils of unequal size. The azygous process is united with the vomer, which forms the chief part of the partition ; so that the septum, or partition of the nose, consists of the azygous process of the ethmoid bone above? of the vomer below, and of the cartilage in the lyre or projecting part ol the nose ; but the cartilage Tots away, so that what- ever is seen ot the septum in thi skull must be part either of the ethmoid bone or vomer. 3. Upon either side of the septum, there hangs down a tpongy bone, one hanging in each nostril. They are each rolled up like a scroll ol parchment; they are very spongy; are covered with a dtU- cate and sensible membrane . and when the ol- factory nerves depart from the cribriform plate of the ethmoid bone, they attach themselves to the septum, and to these upper sponsry bones, and tx- aud upon them so that the convolutions of these ones are of material use in expanding the organ of swelling, and detaining the odorous effluvia till the impression be perfect. Their convolu- tions are more numerous in the lower animals, in proportion as they need a more acute sense. They are named spongy or turbinated bones, from their convolutions resembling the many folds of a turban. The spongy bones have a great many honey- comb-like cells connected with tl.em, vvhich be- long also to the organ of smell, anii which are useful perhaps by detaining the effluvia ol odorous bodies, and also by rcvirberating the voice. Thus, in a common cold, while the voice is burt by an affection of these cells, the sense of smell- ing is almost lost. 4. The orbitary plate, of the ethmoid bone, is a laree surface ; consisting of a very firm plate 3P9 ETJD EUD of bone, of a regular square form: exceedingly smooth and polished; it forms a great part ofthe socket for the eye, lying on its inner side. When we see it in the det ched bone, we know it to be just the flat side of the ethmoid bone ; but while it is incased in the socket ofthe eye, we shouid believe it to be a small square bone : and from this, and irom' its smoothness, it has got the distinct name of os planum. The cells of the ethmoid bone, which form so important a share of the organ of smell, are ar- ranged in great numbers along the spongy bone. They aie small neat cells, much like a honey- couit), and regulaily arranged in two rows, parted from each other by a thin partition ; so that 'he os planum seems to have one set of eel s attached to it, while another regular set of cells belongs in like manner to the spongy bones. There are thus twelve in number opening into each other, and into the nose. These cells are frequently the seat of venereal ulcers; and the spongy bones are the surface where polypi often sprout up. And from the gene- ral connections and forms of the bone, we can easily understand how the venereal ulcer, when deep n the nose, having got to these cells, cannot be cured, but undermines all the face ; how the venereal disease, having affected the nose, soon spreads to the eye, and how even the brain itself is not safe. We see the danger of a blow upon the nose, which, by a force upon the septum, or mid- " die partition, may depress the delicate cribriform plate, so as to oppress tbe brain with all the ef- fects of a fractured skull, and without any opera- tion which can give relief. And we also see the danger of (lulling aw ay polypi, which are firmly attached to the upper spongy bone. ETHMOPDES. See Ethmoid bone. ETML'LLER, Michael, was born at Leip- sic, in 1614. He graduated there at the age of twenty-four, after going through the requisite studies, and much improving himself by travel- ting through d'fterent parte of Europe. Eight years after he was appointed professor of botany hi that University, as weU as extraordinary pro- fessor of surgt ry and anatomy. He fulfilled those offices with great applause, and his death, which happened in 1683, was generally regretted by the faculty of Leij sic. He was a very volu- minous writer, and his works were considered to have sufficient merit to be translated into most European languages. E'tron. (From tSut, to eat, as containing the receptacles of the food.) The hypogastrium. Eua'nthemi.m. (Fromtu, well, and avdtuos, a flower : so named from the beauty of its flow- ers.) The chamomile. Eua'phium. (From' ev, wel, and ad>7, the touch : so called because its touch was supposed to give ease.) A medicine for the piles. EUCHLORINE. See Chlorous oxide. Euclase. The prismatic emerald. Eudialite. A brownish red-coloured mine- ral, belonging to the tessular sys em of Motis. EUDIO'METER. An instrument by which the quantity of oxygen and nitrogen in atmosphe- rical air can be ascertained. Several methods have been employed, all founded upon the princi- ple of decomposing common air by means of a body which has a greater affinity for the oxygeh. See Eudiometry EUDIOMETRY. The method of ascertain- ing the purity of atmospheric air. No sooner was the composition of the atmos- phere known, than it became an inquuy of import- ance to find out a method of ascertaining, with Facility and precision, the relative quantity of S90 oxygen gas contained in a given bulk of atmos- pheric air. v The instruments in which the oxygen gas of a determined quantity of air was ascertained, re- ceived the name of Eudiometert, because they were considered as measurers of the. purity of air. They are, however, more properly called Oximeter!. The eudiometers proposed by different chemists, are the following: 1. Priestley's Eudiometer.—The first eudiome- ter was made in consequence of Dr. Priestley's discovery, that when nitrous gas is mixed with atmospheric air over water, the bulk of the mix- ture diminishes rapidly, in consequence of the combination ofthe gas with the oxygen ofthe air, and the absorption of the nitric acid thus formed by the water. When nitrous gas is mixed with nitrogen gas, no diminution takes place ; but when it is mixed with oxygen gas, in proper proportions, the ab- sorption is complete. Hence, it is evident, that in all cases of a mixture of these two gases, the diminution wiU be proportional to the quantity of the oxygen. Of course it wiU indicate the pro- portion of oxygen in air; and by mixing it with different portions of air, it will mdicate the dif- ferent quantities of oxygen which they contain, provided the component parts of air be suscepti- ble of variation. Dr. Priestley's method was to mix together equal bulks of air and nitrous gas in a low jar, and then transfer the mixture into a narrow gra- duated glass tube about three feet long, in order to measure the diminution ot bulk. He expressed this diminution by the number of hundredth parts remaining. Thus, suppose he had mixed toge- ther equal parts of nitrous gas and air, and that the sum total was 200 (or 2.00:) suppose the re- siduum, when measured in the graduated tube, to amount to 104 (or 1.04,) and of course that 96 parts of the whole had disappeared, he denoted the purity of the air thus tried by 104. This method of analysing air by means of ni- trous gas is liable to many errors. For the water over which the experiment is made may contain more or less carbonic acid, atmospheric air, or other heterogeneous substance. The nitrous gas is not always of the same purity, and is partly ab- sorbed by the nitrous acid which is formed; the figure of the vessel, and many other circumstances are capable of occasioning considerable differ' ences in the results. Fontana, Cavendish, Ladriani, Magellan, Von Humboldt, and Dr. Falconer, have made series of laborious experiments to bring the test of ni- trous gas to a state#f complete accuracy; but, notwithstanding the exertions of these philoso- phers, the methods of analysing air by means of nitrous gas are liable to so many anomalies, that it is imnecessary to give a particular description of the different instruments invented by them. 2. Scheele,s Eudiometer.—This is merely a graduated glass cylinder, containing a given quantity of air, exposed to a mixture of iron filings and sulphur, formed into a paste with water. The substances may be made use of in the foUowing manner : Make a quantity of sulphur in powder, and iron fUings, into a paste with water, and place the mixture in a saucer, or plate, over water, on a stand raised above the fluid; then invert over it a graduated beU-glass, and allow this to stand for a few days. The air contained in the beU- glass will graduaUy diminish, as wiU appear from the ascent of the water. When no further diminution takes place, trm EUD EUB vessel containing the sulphuret must be removed, and the remaining air will be found to be nitrogen gas which was contained in that quantity of at- mospheric air. In this process, the moistened sulphuret of iron has a great affinity to oxygen, it attracts and separates it from the atmospheric air, and the ni- trogen gas is left behind : the sulphur, during tbe experiment, is converted into sulphuric acid, and the iron oxidised, and sulphate ol iron results. The air which i* exposed to moistened iron and sulphur, gradually becomes diminished, on ac- count of its oxygen combining with a portion of the sulphur ami iron, while its nitrogen remains behind. The quantity of oxygen contained in the air examined becomes thus obvious, by the diminution of bulk, which the volume of air sub- mitted to examination, has undergone. A material error to which th.s method is liable, is that the sulphuric acid which is formed, acts partly on the iron, and produces hydrogen gas, which joins to some of tne nitrogen forming am- monia ; and hence it is that the absorption amounts in general to 0.27 parts, although the true quantity of oxygen is no more than from 0.21 to 0.22. 3. De Mart Ft Eudiometer.—De Marti obvi- ated the errors to which the method of Scheele was liable. He availed himself, for that purpose, of a hydroguretted sulphuret, formed by boil.ng sulphur anrQiquid potassa, or lime water, together. These substances, when newly prepared, have the property of absorbing a minute portion of ni- trogen gas; but they lwse this property when saturated with that gas, which is easily effected by agitating them for a few minutes in contact with a small portion of atmospheric air. Tbe apparatus is merely a glass tube, ten inches long, and rather less than naif an inch in diameter, open at one end, and hermetically sealed at the other. The close end is divided into one hun- dred equal parts, having an interval of one line between each division. The use of this tube is to measure the portion of air to be employed in the experiment. The tube is filled with water; and by allowing the water to run out gradually, while the tube is inverted, and the open end kept ■hut with the finger, the graduated part is exactly fiUed with air. These hundred parts of air are introduced into a glass bottle, filled with liquid sulphuret of Ume previously saturated with nitro- gen gas, and capable of holding from two to four times the bulk ofthe air introduced. The bottle is then to be closed with a ground glass stopper, and agitated for five minutes. After this, the stopper is to be withdrawn, while the mouth of the phial is under water; and, for the greater accuracy, it may be closed and agitated again. Lastly, the air is to be again transferred to the graduated glass tube, in order to ascertain the di- minution of its bulk. 4. Humboldt1! Eudiometer—Consists in de- composing a definite quantity of atmospheric air, by means of the combustion of phosphorus, after which, the portion of gas which remains must be measured. Take a glass cylinder, closed at the top, and whose capacity must be measured into sufficiently small portions by a graduated scale fixed on it. If the instrument be destined solely for examining atmospheric air, it will be sufficient to apply the scale from the orifice ol the cylinder down to about half its length, or tu sketch that scale on a slip of paper pasted on the outside of the lube, and to varnish it over with a transparent v arnisk. This hall of tbe cudiometrical tube is divided into lti'ty equidistant parts, which in this case in- dicate hundredth parts of the whole capacity of the instrument. Into this vessel, full of atmospheric air, put a piece of dry phosphorus (one grain to every twelve cubic inches,) close it air-tight, *nd heat it gradually, first the sides near the bottom, and afterwards the bottom itself. The phosphorus will take fire and burn rapidly. Alter every thing is cold, invert the mouth of ihe eudiomt ter- tube into a basin of water, and withdraw the cork. The water will ascend in proportion to the loss of oxygen gas the air has sustained, and thus its quantity may be ascertained. Analogous to this is,' 5. Seguin's Eudiometer,—which consists of a glass tube, of about one inch in diameter and eight or ten inches high, closed at the upper ex- tremity. It is filled with mercury, and kept in- verted in this fluid in the mercurial trough. A small bit of phosphorus is introduced into it, which on account of its specific gravity being less than that of mercury, will rise up in it to tbe top. The phosphorus is then melted by means of a red-hot poker, or burning coal applied to the outside ofthe tube. When the phosphorus is lique- fied, small portions of air destined to be examined, and which have been previously measured in a vessel graduated to the cubic men, or into grains, are introduced into the tube. As soon as the air which is sent up reaches the phosphorus, a com- bustion will take place, and the mercury will rise again. The combustion com um s till the end of the operation ; but, for the greater exactness, Se- guin directs tbe residuum to be heated strongly. When cold, it is introduced into the graduated vessel to ascertain its volume. The difference of the two volumes gives the quantity of the oxygen gas contained in tbe air subjected to ex- amination. 6. Bertholleft Eudiometer.—Instead of the rapid combustion of phosphorus, Berthollet has substituted its spontaneous combustion, which absorbs the oxygen of atmospheric air com- pletely ; and, when the quantity of air operated on is small, the process is accomplished in a short time. Berthollet's apparatus consists of a narrow gra- duated glass tube, containing the air to be exam- ined, into which is introduced a cylinder, or stick of phosphorus, supported upon a glass rod, while the tube stands inverted in water. The phospho- rus should be nearly as long as the tube. Imme- diately after the introduction of the phosphorus, white vapours are formed which fill the tube; these vapours graduaUy descend, and become ab- sorbed by the water. When no more wbite va- pours appe >r, the process is at an end, for all th'e oxygen gas which was present in the confined quantity of air, has united with the phosphorus ; the residuum is the quantity of nitrogen of the air submitted to examination. This eudiometer, though exceUent of the kind, is nevertheless no*, absolutely to be depended upon ; for, as soon as the absorption of oxygen is completed the nitrogen gas exercises an action upon the phosphorus, and thus its bulk becomes increased. It has been ascertained, that the volume of nitrogen gas is increased by l-40th part; consequently the bulk of the r siduum, di- minished by 1-40, "gives us the bulk of the nitro- gen gas ofthe nir examined; which bulk sub- tracted from the original mass of air, gives us the proportion of oxygen gas contained in it. The same allowance must be made in the eudiometer of Scguin. 7 Davy's Eudiometer. LutU very lately, the prccedhis processes were the methods of deter- EUD EUP mining the relative proportions of the two gases which compose our atmosphere. Some of thescmethods, though very ingenious, are so extremely slow in their action, that ft is difficult to ascertain the precise time at which the operation ceases. Others have frequently in- volved inaccuracies, not easily removed. The eudiometer ot Davy is not only free from these objections, but the result it offers is always constant; it requires little address, and is very expeditious ; the apparatus is portable, simple, and convenient. Take a small glass tube, graduated into one hundred equi-distant parts ; fill this tube with the air to be examined, and plunge it into a bottle, or any other convenient vessel, containing a con- centrated solution of green muriate or sulphate of iron, strongly impregnated with nitrous gas. All that is necessary to be done, is to move the tube in the solution a little backwards and forwards ; under these circumstances, the oxygen gas con- tained in the air will be rapidly absorbed, and condensed by the nitrous gas in the solution, in the form of nitrous acid. N. B. The state of the greatest absorption should be ri-arked, as the mixture afterwards emits a little gas which would alter the result. This circumstance depends upon the slow de- composition of the nitrous acid (formed during the experiment.) by the oxide of iron, and the consequent production of a small quantity of ae'ri- . form fluid (chiefly nitrous gas;) which, having no affinity with the red muriate, or sulphate of iron, produced by the combination of oxygen, is graduaUy evolved and mingled with the residual nitrogen gas. However, the nitrous gas evolved might be abstracted by exposing the residuum to a fresh solution of green sulphate or muriate of iron. The impregnated solution with green muriate, is more rapid in its operation than the solution with green sulphate. In cases when these salts cannot be obtained in a state of absolute purity, the common sulphate of iron of commerce may be employed. One cubic inch of moderately im- pregnated solution, is capable of absorbing five or six cubic inches of oxygen, in common pro- cesses ; but the same quantity must never be em- ployed for more than one experiment. In all these different methods of analysing air, it is necessary to operate^on air of a determinate density, and to take care that the residuum be neither more condensed nor dilated than the air was when first operated on. If these things are not attended to, no dependence whatever can be placed upon the result of the experiments, how carefuUysoevei they may have been performed. I> is, therefore, necessary to place the air, before and alter the examination, into water of the same temperature. Ii this, and several other little cir- cumstances, have been attended to, for instance, a change in the height of the barometer, &c. we find that air is composed of about 0.21 of oxygen gas, and 0.79 of nitrogen gas by bulk. But as the weight of these two gases is not exactly the same, the proportion of the component • parts by weight will differ a little; for as the specific gravity of oxygen gas is to that of nitrogen gas as 8 to 7 nearly, it follows that lOo parts of air are composed by wdght of about 76 nitrogen gas, and 24 oxygen gas. The air of this metropoUs, examined by means of Davy's eudiometer, was found, in all the dif- ferent seasons of the year to contain 0.21 of oxy- gen ; and the same was the case with air taken at IsUngton and High-gate ; in the solitary ceUs in Cold-Bath-Fields prison, and on the river S92 ' Thames. But the quantity of water contained in a given bulk of air from these places, differed considerably. EUUALENUS, Severinus, a physician of Doccum, in Fnesland, known chiefly as the au- thor of a Treatise on the Scurvy, in 1604, which once maintained a considerable character; but the publication of Dr. Lind, pointing out his numerous errors, has entirely superseded it. EUGE'NlA. (So named by Micheli, in com- pliment to Prince Eugene of Savoy, who sent him from Germany almost all the plants described by Clusius.) The name of a genus of plant., in the Linnrean system. Class, Icosandria; Order, Monogynia. Eugenia caryophyllata. The systematic name of tlie tree which affords (he clove. Cary. ophyllus aromaticus. It grows in the East In- dies, the Moluccas, &c. The clove is the unex- panded flower, or rather the calyx; it has a strong agreeable smell, and a bitterish, hot, not very pungent taste. The oil of cloves, commonly met with in the shops, and received Irom the Dutch, is highly acrimonious and sophisticated. Clove is accounted the. hottest and most acrid of tbe aromatics ; and, by acting as a powerful stimu- lant to the muscular fibres, may, in some cases of atonic gout, paralysis, &c. supersede most others of the aromatic class ; and the foreign oil, by its great acrimony, is also well adapted for several external purposes ; it is directed by several phar- macopoeias, and the clove itself enters many offi- cinal preparations. Eugenia jambos. The systematic name of the Malabar plum-tree. The fruit smells, when ripe, like roses. On the coast of Malabar, where the trees grow plentifully, these plums are in great esteem. They are not only eaten fresh off the trees, but are preserved in sugar, in order to have them eatable all the year. Of the flowers, a con- serve is prepared, which is used medicinally as a mild adstringent. Eoge'us." (From tv, well, and y,,, the earth: so called because of its fertility.) The uterus. _ EUKAIRITE. A new mineral composed of sUver, selenium, copper? and alumina, found in the copper mine of Sknckeruru, in Swisserlarnl. Eu'le. (From evXafa, to putrefy.) A worm bred in foul and putrid ulcers. Eunu'chium. (From evvovxos, an eunuch: so called because it was formerly said to render those who eat it impotent, like an eunuch.) The lettuce. See Lactuca. Eupatoriopha'lacron. (From tvirafapiov, agrimony, and obaXaKpos, bald.) A species of agrimony with naked heads. EUPATO'RIUM. (From Eupator, its dis coverer: or quasi hepatorium, from iiirap, the liver ; because it was said to be useful in disen^ of the liver.) 3. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Polygamia aqualis. 2. The pharmacoDceial name of the £upo- torium. See Eupatorium cannabinum. Eupatorium arabicum. See Eupatorium cannabinum. Eupatorium camxabinum. The systematic name of the hemp agrimony. Eupatorium; Eupatorium arabicum. The juice of this very bitter and strong-smelling plant, Eupatorium— foliis digitatis of Linnams, proves violently emetic and purgative, if taken in sufficient quan- tity, and promotes the secretions generally. It is recommended in dropsies, jaundices, agues, kc. and is in common use in Holland among the lower orders, as a purifier of the blood in ol# ulcers, sctrvy, and anasarca ELP E\A EopaTORIDM ME9UES. See Achillea ageia- EUPE'PSIA. (From tv, weU, and -«r7w, to connect.) A good digestion. El'PE'PTIC. (Eupepticus; from tu, good, and mh<*, to digest.) That which is of easy digestion. EUPHODITE. A species of rock, composed of felspar and diaUage. EUPHO'RBIA. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Dodecan- dria; Order, Trigynta. Euphorbia antihuorum. The systematic name of a plant supposed to produce the Euphor- bium. Euphorbia canariensis. In the Canary islands this species of spurge affords the gum euphorbium. Euphorbia ciparissias. The systematic name of the Cyprus spurge. Esula minor; Tithymalus cyparitdut. This, Uke most of the spurges, is very acrimonious, inflaming the eyes and oesophagus after touching them. It is now fallen into disuse, whatever were its virtues for- merly, which, no doubt, among some others, was that of opening the bowels; for, among rustics, it was called poor man's rhubarb. Euphorbia lathtris. The systematic name of the plant which affords the lesser cataputia seeds. Cataputia minor; Euphorbia---umbella quadri* fida, dichotoma, foliis oppontis integerrimis of Linnaeus. The seeds possess purgative proper- ties ; but if exhibited in an over-dose, prove drastic and poisonous: a quatity peculiar to aU tbe Euphorbia. Euphorbia officinarum. The systematic name of the plant which affords the euphorbium in the greatest abundance. Euphorbium is an inodorous gum-resin, in yeUow tears, which have the appearance of being worm-eaten; said to be obtained from several species of euphorbias, but principally from the Euphorbia offidnarum; aculalta nuda multangularis, aculeis germi- natit of Linnaeus: it is imported from Ethiopia, Libya, and Mauritania. It contains an active resin, and is very seldom employed internally, bat as an ingredient, it enters into many resolvent and discutient plasters. Euphorbia palustris. The systematic name of the greater spurge. The officinal plant ordered by the name, Etula major, in some pharmacopoeias, is the Euphorbia palustris; umbella multifida, bifida, involucellit ovatis, foliit lanceolatit, ramit sterilibus of Linnaeus. The juice is exhibited in Russia as a common purge ; and the plant is given, in some places, in the cure of intermittents. Euphorbia paralias. Tithymalus par alios. Sea-purge. Every part of this plant is violently cathartic and irritating, inflaming the mouth and lances. It is seldom employed in the practice of this country; but where it is used vinegar is re- commended to correct its irritating power. EUPHORBIUM. (From Euphorbus, the physician of king Juba, in honour of whom it was named.) See Euphorbia offidnarum. EUPHRA'SIA. (C orrupted from Euphrotyne, ■r.iiKpoivvn, from tvfpw, joyful: so called because it exbdarates the spirits.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Didynamia ; Order, An- giotpermia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of eye-bright. See Euphrasia offidnalit. Euphrasia officinalis. The systematic name of the eye-bright. This beautiful Uttle plant, Euphrttda—foliit ovatis, lintatu. argute uintuttt of Linnsus, has been greatly esteemed by the common people, as a remedy for all dis- eases of the eyes ; yet, notwithstanding this, and the encomiums of some medical writers, is now whoUy fallen into disuse. It is an ingredient in the British herb-tobacco. Eustachian tube. Tuba euttachiana. The tube so called was discovered by the great Eustachius. It begins, one in each ear, from the anterior extremity of the tympanum, and runs forwards and inwards in a bony canal, whicb terminates with the petrous portion of the tem- poral bone. It then goes on, partly cartilaginous, and partly membranous, graduaUy becoming larger, and at length ends behind the soft palate. Through this tube the air passes to the tympanum. Eustachian valve. See Valvula Euttachii. EUSTACHIUS, Bartholomew, one of the most celebrated anatomists of the 16th century, was born at San Severino, in Italy. He studied at Rome, and made himself such a proficient in anatomy, that he was chosen professor of that branch of medicine there, where he died in 1574. He was author of several works, many of which are lost, especially his treatise " De Controver- siis Anatoinicorum," which is much regretted. He made several discoveries in anatomy; having first described the renal capsules, and the thora- cic duct; also the passage from the throat to the internal ear, named after him the Eustachian tube. A series of copper-plates, to which he al- ludes in his " Opuscuhy' were recovered by Lanciei, and published m the beginning of the 18th century. He edited the Lexicon of Erotian with a commentary. Euthypo'ria. (From EuOvy, straight, and iropos, a passage.) Euthyporot. An extension made in a straight line, to put in place a fracture, or dislocation. EVAPORATION. A chemical operation usuaUy performed by applying heat to any com- pound substance, in order to dispel the volatile parts. " It differs from distUlation in its object, which chiefly consists in preserving the more fixed matters, while the volatile substances are dissipated and lost. And the vessels are accord- ingly different: evaporation being commonly made in open shaUow vessels, and distUlation in an apparatus nearly closed from the external air. The degree of heat must be duly regulated in evaporation. When the fixed and more volatile matters do not greatly differ in their tendency to fly off, the heat must be very carefuUy adjusted; but in other cases this is less necessary. As evaporation consists in the assumption of the elastic form, its rapidity wiU be in proportion to the degree of heat, and the diminution of tlie pressure of the atmosphere. A current of air is likewise of service in this process. Barry has lately obtained a patent for an appa- ratus, by which vegetable extracts for the apothe- cary may be made at a very gentle heat, and in vacuo. From these two circumstances, ex- tracts thus prepared differ from those in common use, not only in their physical, but medicin- al properties. The taste and smeU of the ex- tract of hemlock made in this way are remarka- bly different, as is the colour both of tbe soluble and feculent parts. The form of apparatus is as follows:— The evaporatiug-pan, or still, is a hemispheri- cal dish of cast-iron, polished ou its inner surface, and furnished with an air-tight flat lid. From the centre of this a pipe rises, and bending Uke the neck of a retort, it forms a dectining tube, which terminates in a copper sphere of a capacity three (four?) times greater than that of the stili EVE EXC There is a stop-cock on that pipe, midway be- tween the stiU and the globe, and another at the under side of the latter. The manner of setting it to work is this:— The juice, or infusion, is introduced through a large opening into the polished iron still, which is then closed, made air-tight, and covered with water. The stop-cock which leads to the sphere is also shut. In order to produce the vacuum, steam from a separate apparatus is made to rush by a pipe through the sphere, till it has expelled all the air, for which five minutes are commonly sufficient. This is known to be effected, by the steam issuing uncondensed. At that instant the copper sphere is closed, the steam shut off, and cold water admitted on its external surface. The vacuum thus produced in the copper sphere, which contains four-fifths of the air oi tlie whole appara- tus, is now partially transferred to the still, by opening the intermediate stop-cock. Thus, four- fifths ol the air in the still rush into the sphere, and the stop-cock being shut again, a second ex- haustion is effected by steam in the same man- ner as the first was ; after which a momentary communication is again allowed between the iron still and the receiver; by this means, four-fifths of the air remaining after the former exhaustion, are expelled. These exhaustions, repeated five or six times, are usually found sufficient to raise the mercurial column to the height of 28 inches. The water-bath, in which the iron still is im- mersed, is now to be heated, until the fluid that is to be inspissated begins to boil, which is known by inspection through a window in the apparatus, made by fastening on, air-tight, a piece of very strong glass; and the temperature at which the boding point is kept up, is determined by a ther- mometer. Ebullition is continued until the fluid is inspissated to the proper degree of consistence, which also is tolerably judged of by its appear- ance through the glass window. The tempera- ture of the boiling fluid is usually about 100° F., but it might be reduced to nearly 90°. In the Medico-chirurgical Transactions for 1819, (vol. x.) there is a paper by J. T. Barry on a new method of preparing Pharmaceutical Ex- tracts. It consists in performing the evapora- tion in vacuo. For this purpose he employed ap- '.paratus which was found to answer so well, that, contemplating its application to other manufac- tures, he was induced to take out a patent for it, that is to say, for the apparatus. As it has been erroneously supposed that the patent is for pre- paring extracts in vacuo, it may not be improper to correct the statement by a short quotation from tlie above paper. ' On that account, I have been induced to take out a patent for it, (the appara- tus.) It is, however, lo be recollected by this society, that I have declined having a patent for its pharmaceutical products. Chemists, desirous of inspissating extracts in vacuo, are therefore at liberty to do it in any apparatus' differing from that which has been made the subject of my pa- tent ; and thus these substances may continue the object of fair competition as to quality and price.' The apparatus combines two striking improve- ments. The first consists in producing a vacuum by the agency of steam only, so that the use of air-pumps and the machinery requisite for work- ing them, is superseded. The other improvement is a contrivance for superseding the injection of water during the pro- cess of evaporation in vacuo.'" Evergreen leaf. See Sempervirens. Everricclum. (From everro, to sweep away.) A sort of spoon, used to clear the blad- dei Irom grari 1. EXACERBATION. (Exacerbatio; from exacerbo, to become violent.) An increase of the force or violence of the symptoms of a dis- ease. The term is generaUy appUed to an in- crease of febrile symptoms. EXjE'RESIS. (From t^aipeia, to remove.) One of the divisions of surgery adopted by the old surgeons ; the term implies the removal of parts. Exa'lma. (From t^aXXopai, to leap out.) Hippocrates applies it to the starting of the ver- tebrae out of their places. EXAMBLO'MA. (From e^apgXou,, to mis- carry.) An abortion. EXAMBLO'SIS. An abortion. Exanastomo'sis. (From H-avaofapw, to relax, or open.) The opening of the mouths of vessels, to discharge their contents. EXANGIA. (Exangia; from ex, and avytiov, a vessel.) The name of a genus, class, Hamatica ; order, Dysthetica, in Good's Noso- logy. It embraces three species, Exangia aneu- risma, varix, cyania. EXANTHE'MA. (Exanthema, atis. n.; from tl-avOtia, efftoresco, to effloresce, or break forth on the surface.) Exanthisma. An erup- tion of the skin, called a rash. It consists of red patches on the skin, variously figured; in general confluent, and diffused irregularly over the body, leaving interstices of a natural colour. Portions ofthe cuticle are often elevated in a rash, but the elevations are not acuminated. The eruption is usually accompanied with a general disorder of the constitution, and terminates in a few days by cuticular exfoliations. EXANTHE'MATA. (The plural of exanthe- ma. ) The name of an order of diseases of tbe class Pyrexia in CuUen's Nosology. It includes diseases, beginning with fever, and foUowed by an eruption on the skin. EXANTHEMATICA. The name of anorder of diseases, class, Hamatica, in Good's Nosology. Eruptive fevers. It comprehends four genera, viz. Exanthesis, Emphlyis, Empyesis, Anthra- cia. EXANTHESIS. (From «£, extra, and av9e., floreo.) The name of a genus of disease, class, Eccritica ; order, Acrotica, in Good's Nosology. Cutaneous blush. It affords only one species, Exanthesis roseola. Exanthi'sma. See Exantliema. Exanthro'pia. (From t£, without, and avdpioiros, a man, i. e. having lost the faculties of a man.) A species of melancholy, in which the patient fancies himself some kind of brute. Exara'gma. (From £^a/)ar7u), to break.) A fracture. Exa'rma. (From ctatpu, to lift up.) A tumour or swelling. Exarte'ma. (From tlnplaw, to suspend.) A charm, hung round the neck. Exarthre'ma. (From t^apdpou, to put out of joint.) Exarthroma; Exarthrosis. A dis- location, or luxation. Exarthro'ma. See Exarthrema. Exarthro'sis. See Exarthrema. EXARTICULA'TIO. (From ex, out of, and articulus, a joint.) A luxation, or dislocation of a bone from its socket. Exci'pulum. (From excipio, to receive.) A chemical receiver. EXCITABI'LITY. That condition of living bodies wherein they can be made to exhibit the functions and phenomena which distinguish them from inanimate matter, or the capacity of organ- ised beings to be affected by various agents called exciting powers. V"~ry50iifus:on >?.. .t • to have arisen in me:'' >,xt EM' >:ai controversies from the application oi the word stimuli, to denote the means necessary to Ihe support of Ufe; and particularly by Brown, in his celebrated attempt to reduce the varied and complicated states of the system to the reciprocal action of the exciting powers upon the excitabili- ty. By this hypothesis, instead of regarding life as a continued series of actions, which cannot go on without certain agents constantly minister- ing to them, we are to suppose a substance or quality, called excitability, which is superadded or assigned to every being upon the commence- ment of its living state. The founder ofthe Bru- nonian school considers that this substance or quality is expanded by the incessant action of the exciting powers. These are—air, food, and drink, the blood and the secretion*, as well as muscular exertion, sensation, thought, and pas- sions, or emotion, or other functions ofthe system itself; and these powers, which exhaust the ex- citability or produce excitement (according to the language ofthe school,) are strangely enough called stimuli. We are told, that it is in the due balance between the exciting powers and the ex- citability that health consists: for if the exciting powers be in excess, indirect debility is pro- duced ; and where, on the other hand, the stimuli are deficient and the excitability accumulated, there ensues a state of direct debility. EXCITATION. (Enitatio; from excito, to excite.) The act of awakening, rousing, or pro- ducing some power or action : thus we say, the excitation of motion, excitation of heat, excita- tion of the passions, &c. Iu natural philosophy, it is principally used in tbe subjects of action of living parts, and in electricity and heat. EXCITEMENT. According to the opinion of Brown, excitement is the continual exhaustion ofthe matter of life, or excitability by certain agents, which have received the name of stimuli or exciting powers. The due degree of this ex- pension or excitement is the condition necessary to health: the excessive action of stimuli causing indirect debility and generating tthenic diseases, while the opposite state of deficient excitement produces direct debility, and gives birth to asthe- nic diseases: and death is said to result equally from complete exhaustion of the excitability, and Irom total absence of the exciting powers. Ex- citement is in this view equivalent to that forced -fate which is supposed by the Brunonian school to constitute life. It has been objected to this hypothesis, that by simplifying too much the varied phenomena of healthy functions- and of diseases, it necessarily classed together conditions of the system wliich have been considered as widely diflerent, and of opposite tendencies, by the more patient observer. .\nd though gladly caught at by many as pointing out in a few general rules the mode of cure in all diseases, namely, by restoring the proper equili- brium between excitability and the action of stimuli, the Brunonian theories seem now to be considered, by those who are suspicious of bold classifications, us an example of the observation, -' that the most ingenious way of becoming foolish is by a system; and tho surest way to prevent truth, is to set up something in the room ot it." EXCITING. That which lias the power of impressing the solids, so as to alter their action, and thus produce disease. Exciting calse. That which, when applied to the body, excites a disease. EXCORIATION. (Excoriatio; from excorio, to t.dte off the skiu.) An abrasion of the skin. EXCREMENT. (Excrement urn; from ex- ■ run, to separate from ) The alvine freces. KXi ItK >C P.NCE. (Excrete*alia ; from ex- cretco, to grow from.) Any preternatural forma- tion of flesh, or any part of the body, as wens. warts, &c. EXCRE'TION. (Excrctio; from excerno, to separate from.) This term is appUed to the separation of those fluids from the blood of an animal, that are supposed to be useless, as the urine, perspiration, and alvine fieces. The pro- cess is the same with that of secretion, except with the alvine feces ; but the term excretion is applied to those substances which, when separated from the blood, are not applied to any useful pur- poses in the animal economy. EXCRETORY. (Excretorius ; from excti-no, to purge, sift, &c.) This name is applied to cer- tain little ducts or vessels in the fabric of glands; thus the tubes which convey the secretion out of the testicle into the vesicula1 seminales are called the excretory ducts. EXFKCISE. SeeyEora. EXFOLIATION. (Exfoliatio; from exfolio, to cast the leaf.) The separation of a dead piece of bone from the living. Exfoliati'vum. (From exfolio, to shed the leaf.) A raspatory or instrument, for scraping exfoliating portions of bon". Exi'scmos. (From t£, dut of, and iiryroi', the ischium.) A luxation of the thigh-bone. Exitu'rv. (From exco, to come from.) A running abscess. E'xiTt'S. (From exco, to come out.) A pro- lapsus, or falling down of a part of the womb or bowel. E'xochas. (From tly, without, and tx<>>, to have.) Exoche. A tubercle on tlie outside ol the anus. E'xoche. Sec Exochas. Exocf'sTE. See Exocystis. Exoct'stis. (From tlm, without, and kv~k, the bladder.) Exbcyste. A prolapsus of tbe inner membrane of the bladder. EXO'MPHALUS. (From. *, out, and opstoses, or nodes,are o*. 3ft-< ■ i-:xt »erved to arise Chiefly on compact bones, and »uch of these as are only superficially covered with soft parts ; as, for instance, the bones ofthe cranium, and the front surface of the tibia. EXPANSION. The increase of surface, or of bidk, to which natural bodies are susceptible. EXPE'CTORANT. (Expectorans; from ex- pectoro, to discharge from the breast.) Those medicines which increase the discharge of mucus from the lungs. The different articles referred to this class may be divided into the following orders: 1. Nauseating expectorants; as squill, ammo- niacum, and garlic, which are to be preferred for the aged and phlegmatic. 2. Stimulating expectorants; as marrubium, which is adapted to the young and irritable, and those easily affected by expectorants. S. Antispasmodic expectorants; as vesicato- ries, pediluvium, and watery vapours: these afre best calculated for the plethoric and irritable, and those liable to spasmodic affections. 4. Irritating expectorants; as fumes of tobacco and acid vapours. The constitutions to which these are chiefly adapted, are those past the period of youth, and those in whom there are evident marks of torpor, either in the system generally, or in the lungs in particular. EXPERIENCE. A kind of knowledge ac- quired by long use without any teacher. Expe- rience consists in the ideas of things we have seen or read, which the judgment has reflected on, to form for itself a rule or method. EXPERS. Wanting; destitute. The trivial name of some diseases; as dipsosis expers, in which the thirst is wanting. EXPIRATION. (Expiratio; from expiro, to breathe.) That part of respiration in which the air is thrust out from the lungs. See Respiration. Expressed oil. Such oils as are obtained by pressing the substance containing them ; as olives, which give out olive oil, almonds, &c. Exsucca'tio. (From ex, out of, and succus, humour.) An ccchymosis, or extravasation of humours, under the integuments. EXTE'NSOR. (From extendo, to stretch out.) A term given to those muscles the office of which it is to extend any part; the term is in opposition to flexor. Extensor brevis digitorum pedis. A muscle of the toes situated on the foot. Extensor brevis of Douglas. Calcanophalanginien com- mune of Dumas. It arises fleshy and tendinous from the fore and upper part of the os calcis, and soon forms a fleshy beUy, divisible into four por- tions, which send off an equal number of tendons that pass over the upper part of the foot, under the tendons of the extensor longus digitorum pedis, to be inserted into its tendinous expansion. Its office is to extend the toes. Extensor carpi radialis brevior. An ex- tensor muscle of the wrist, situated ,on the fore- arm. Radialis externus brevior of Albinus. Radialis secundus of Winslow. It arises tendi- nous from the external condyle of the humerus, and from the ligament that connects the radius to it, and runs along the outside of the radius. It is inserted by a long tendon into the upper and back part of the metacarpal bone of the middle finger. It assists in extending and bringing the liand backward. Extensor carpi radialis longior. An extensor muscle of the carpus, situated on the fore-arm, that acts in conjunction with the former. Radialis externus longior of Albinus. Radialis externus primus of Winslow. It arises thin, broad, and fleshy, from the lower part of the exter- nal ridge of the os humeri, above its external con- 396 EX1 dyle, and is inserted by a round tendon into the posterior and upper part of the metacarpal bone that sustains the fore-fingers. Extensor carpi ulnaris. Ulnaris externus of Albinus and Winslow. It arises from the outer condyle of the os humeri, and then receives an origin from the edge of the ulna; its tendon passes in a groove behind the styloid process of tlie ulna, to be inserted into the inside of the basis of the metacarpal bone of the little finger. Extensor digitorum communis. A muscle situated on the fore-arm, that extends aU the joints of the fingers. Extensor digitorum com- munis manus of Douglas and Winslow. Exten- sor digitorum communis, seu digitorum tensor of Cowper, and Epichondylo-suspha-langettitn commune of Dumas. Cum extensore proprio auricularis of Albinus. It arises from the ex- ternal protuberance of tbe humerus: and at the wrist it divides into three flat tendons, which pass under the annular ligament, to be inserted into all the bones ofthe fore, middle, and ring fingers. Extensor digitorum longus. See Exten- sor longus digitorum pedis. Extensor indicis. See Indicator. Extensor longus digitorum pedis. A muscle situated on the leg, that extends aU the joints of the four small toes. Extensor digitorum longus. Peroneo-tibisus-phalangittien com- mune of Dumas. It arises from the upper part of the tibia and fibula, and the interosseous liga- ment ; its tendon passes under the annular' ligament, and then divides into five, four of which are inserted into the second and third phalanges of the toes, and the fifth goes to the basis of the metatarsal bone. This last, Winslow reckons a distinct muscle, and calls it Peroneus brevis. Extensor longus pollicis pedis. See Extensor proprius pollicis pedis. Extensor magnus. See Gastrocnemius in- ternus. Extensor major pollicis manus. See Extensor secundi internodii. Extensor minor pollicis manus. See Extensor primi internodii. Extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis manus. An extensor muscle of the wrist situated on the fore-arm. Abductor longus pollicis manus of Albinus. Extensor primi internodii of Douglas. Extensor primus pollicis of Wins- low. Extensor primi internodii pollicis of Cowper. Cubito-radisus metacarpien du pouce of Dumas. It arises fleshy from the middle and posterior part of the ulna, from the posterior part of the middle of the radius, and from the inte- rosseous ligament, and is inserted into tb.e os trape- zium, and upper part of the metacarpal bone of the thumb. Extensor pollicis primus. See Extensor primi internodii. Extensor pollicis secundus. See .Exten- sor secundi internodii. Extensor primi internodii. A muscle of the thumb situated on the hand, that extends the first bone of the t humb obliquely outwards. Ex- tensor minor pollicis manus of Albinus. This muscle, and the Extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis manus, are called Extensor pollicis primus by Winslow ; Extentor secundi internodii by Dou- glas ; Extensor secundi internodii ossis pollicis of Cowper. Cubito-susphalangien du pouce of Dumas. It arises fleshy from the posterior part of the ulna, and from the interosseous Ugament, and is inserted tendinous into the postenor part ofthe first bone ofthe thumb. Extfn«or proprius pollicis pedis. An EX'i EXT txtenor muscle of the great toe, situated on the loot. Extentor longut of Douglas. Extensor pollidt longut of Winslow and Cowper. Pero- neo tutphalangien du pouce of Dumas. It arises by an acute, tendinous, and fleshy beginning, some way bctowthe head, and anterior part ofthe fibula, along which it runs to near its lower extremity, connected to it by a number of fleshy fibres, which descend obUquely, and form a tendon, which is inserted into the posterior part of the first and last joint of the great toe. Extensor secundi internodii. A muscle of the thumb, situated on the hand, that extends the last joint of the thumb obUquely backwards. Extensor major pollidt manut of Albinus. Ex- te ntor pollicis tecundut of Winslow. Extentor tertii internodii of Douglas. Ext enter internodii otdt pollidt of Cowper. Cubito tutphalanget- lien au pouce of Dumas. It arises tendinous and fleshy from the middle part of the ulna, and inter- osseous Ugament; it then forms a tendon, which runs through a small groove at the inner and back part of the radius, to be inserted into the last bone of the thumb. Its use is to extend the last phalanx ofthe thumb obUquely backwards. Extensor secundi internodii indicis proprius. See Indicator. Extensor tarsi minor. See Plantaris. Extensor tarsi suralis. See Gastrocne- mius internus. Extensor tertii internodii indicis. See Prior indicis. Extensor tertii internodii minimi digiti. See Abductor minimi digiti manus. Externus mallei. See Laxator tympani. EXTIPULATUS. Without stipulre. A bo- tanical term. Applied to stems. EXTIRPATION. (Extirpatio; from extirpo, to eradicate.) The complete removal or destruc- tion of any part, either by cutting instruments, or the action of caustics. E'XTRACT. Extractum. I. When chemists use this term, they generally mean the product of an aqueous decoction. 2. In pharmacy it includes all those prepara- tions from vegetables which arc separated by the agency of various liquids, and afterwards obtained from such solutions, in a solid state, by evapora- tion of the menstruum. It also includes those substances which are held in solution by the na- tural juices of fresh plants, as weU as those to which some menstruum is added at the time of preparation. Now, such soluble matters are va- rious, and mostly complicated ; so that chemical accuracy is not to be looked for in the appUca- tion of the term. Some chemists, however, have affixed this name to one peculiar modification of vegetable matter, which has been called extrac- tive, or extract, or extractive principle ; and, as this forms one constituent part of common ex- tracts, and possesses certain characters, it will be proper to mention such of them as may influence its pharmaceutical relations. The extractive prin- ciple has n strong taste, differing in different plants: it is soluble in water, and its solution speedily *runs into a state of putrefaction, by rrhich it is destroyed. Repeated evaporations and solutions render it at last insoluble, in con- sequence of its combination with oxygen from the atmosphere. It is soluble in alkohol, but in- soluble in tether. It unites with alumine, and if boiled with ncutnd salts thereof, precipitates them. It precipitates with strong acids, and with the oxides from solutions of most metallic salts, especially muriate of tin. It readily unites with -ilkalirs. and forms compounds with them, which arc soluble in water. No part, however, of thii subject, has been hitherto sufficiently examined. In the preparation of aU the extracts, the Lon- don Pharmacopoeia requires that the water ba evaporated as speedily as possible, in- a broad, shallow dish, by means of a water-bath, until they have acquired a consistence proper for ma- king pills ; and, towards the end of the inspissa- tion, that they should be constantly stirred with a wooden rod. These general rules require mi- nute and accurate attention, more particularly in the immediate evaporation of the solution, whether prepared by expression or decoction, in the manner as well as the degree of heat by which it is performed, and the promotion of it by changing the surface by constant stirring, when the liquor begins to thicken, and even by direct- ing a strong current of air over its surface, if it can conveniently be done. It is impossible to re- gulate the temperature over a naked fire, or, if it be used, to prevent the extract from burning ; the use of a water bath is, therefore, absolutely ne- cessary, and not to be dispensed with, and the beauty and precision of extracts so prepared, wtil demonstrate their superiority. EXTRACTION. (Extractio; from extraho, to draw out.) The taking extraneous substances out of the body. Thus bullets and splinters are said to be extracted from wounds ; stones from the urethra, or bladder. Surgeons also sometimes apply the term extractionto the removal of tu- mours out of cavities, as for instance, to the taking of cartilaginous tumours out ot the joints. They seldom speak of extracting any diseased ori- ginal part of the body ; though they do so in one example, viz. the cataract. EXTRACTIVE. See Extract. EXTRA'CTUM. (From extraho, to draw out.) An extract. See Extract. Extractum aconiti. Extract of aconite. Take of aconite leaves, fresh, a pound; bruise them in a stone mortar, sprinkling on a little wa- ter ; then press out the juice, and, without any separation of the sediment, evaporate it to a pro- per consistence. The dose is from one grain to five grains. For its virtues, see Aconitum. Extractum aloes purificatum. Purified extract of aloes. Take of extract of spike aloe, powdered, hatf a pound; boiling water, four pints. Macerate for three days In a gentle heat, then strain the solution, and set it by, that the dregs may subside. Pour off the clear solution, and evaporate it to a proper consistence. The dose, from five to fifteen grains. See Aloes. Extractum anthemidis. Extract of cha- momile, formerly called extractum chamremeli. Take of chamomile flowers, dried, a pound; wa- ter, a gallon ; boil down to four pints, and strain the solution while it is hot, then evaporate it to a proper consistence. The dose is ten grains to a scruple. For its virtues, see Anthemis nobilis. Extractum belladonna. Extract of bel- ladonna. Take of deadly night shade leaves, fresh, a pound. Bruise them in a stone mortar, sprinkling on a little water; then press out the juice, and without any previous separation of the sediment, evaporate it to a proper consistence. The dose is from one to five grains. For its vir- tues, see Atropa belladonna. Extractum cinchonje. Extract of bark. Take of lance-leaved cinchona bark, bruised, a pound; water a gallon ; boil down to six pints, and strain the liquor, while hot. In the same manner, with an equal quantity of water, four times boU down, and strain. Lastly consume all the liquors, mixed together, to a proper consist EXT EXT ence. This extract should be kept soft, for making pills, and hard to be reduced to powder. Extractum cinchona resinosum. Resi- nous extract of bark. Take of lance-leaved cin- chona bark, bruised, a pound; rectified spirit, four pints ; macerate for foiir days and strain. Distil the tincture in the heat of a water-bath, until the extract has acquired a proper consist- ence. This is considered by many as much more grateful to the stomach, and, at the same time, producing all the effects of bark in substance, and by the distillation of it, it is intended that the spirit which passes over shall be collected and preserved. The dose is from ten grains to half a drachm. See Cinchona. Extractum coloctnthidis. Extract of colocynth. Take of colocynth pulp, a pound ; water, a gallon ; boil down to four pints, and strain the solution while it is hot, and evaporate it to a proper consistence. The dose is from five to thirty grains. For its virtues, see Cucumis colocynthis. Extractum coloctnthidis. compositum. Compound extract of colocynth. Take of colo- cynth nulp, sliced, six drachms ; extract of spike a»oc, powdered, an ounce and half; scammony gum-resin, powdered, half an ounce ; cardamom seeds, powdered, a drachm ; proof spirit, a pint. Macerate the colocynth pulp in the spirit, for four days, in a gentle heat: strain the solution, and add it to the aloes and scammony ; then, by means of a water bath, evaporate it to a proper consistence, constantly stirring, and about the end of the inspissatiou, mix in the cardamom- seeds. The dose from five to thirty grains. Extractum conii. Extract of hemlock, formerly called succus cicuta? spissatus. Take of fresh hemlock, a pound. Bruise it in a stone mortar, sprinkling on a little water ; then press out the juice, and, without any separation to the sediment, evaporate it to a proper consistence. The dose from five grains to a scruple. Extractum elaterii. Extract of elaterium. Cut the ripe, wild cucumbers into slices, and pass the juice, very gently expressed, through a very fine hair sieve, into a glass vessel; then 'set it by for some hours, until the thicker part has sub- sided. Pour off, and throw away the thinner part, which swims at the top. Dry the thicker part which remains in a gentle heat. The dose, from half a grain to three grains. For its virtues, see Momordica elaterium. Extractum gentians. Extract of gen- tian. Take of gentian root, sliced, a pound ; boiUng water, a gallon; macerate for twenty- four hours, then boil down to four pints; strain the hot Uquor, and evaporate it to a proper consist- ence. Dose from ten to thirty grains. See Gentiana. Extractum glycyrrhizje. Extract of li- quorice. Take of liquorice root, sliced, a pound ; boiling water, a gallon; macerate for twenty-four hours, then boil down to four pints ; strain the hot liquor, and evaporate it to a proper consistence. Dose, from one drachm to half an ounce. See Glycyrrhiza. Extractum h.kmatoxtli. Extract of log- wood, formerly called extractum ligni campe- chensis. Take of logwood, powdered, a pound; boiling water, a gallon ; macerate for twenty- four hours ; then boil down to four pints ; strain the hot liquor, and evaporate it to a proper con- sistence. Dose from ten grains to half a drachm. For its virtues, see Hamatoxylon campechianum. Extractum humuli. Extract of hops. Take of hops, four ounces; boiUng water, a gal- lon ; boil down to four pints: strain the hot li- 398 quor, and evaporate it to a proper consistence. This extract is said to produce a tonic and seda- tive power combined; the dose is from five grains to one scruple. See Humulut lupulus. Extractum hyoscyami. Extract of henbane. Take of fresh henbane leaves, a pound; bruise them in a stone mortar, sprinkling on a little wa- ter; then press out the juice, ana, without sepa- rating the faeculencies, evaporate it to a proper consistence. Dose from1 five to thirty grains. For its virtues, see Hyoscyamus. Extractum jalap.e. Extract of jalap. Take of jalap-root powdered, a pound; rectified spirit, four pints ; water, ten pints ; macerate the jalap-root in the spirits for four days, and pour off the tincture ; boil the remaining powder in the water, until it be reduced to two pints; then strain the tincture and decoction separately, and let the former be distilled and the latter evapo- rated, until each begins to grow thick. Lastly, mix the extract with the resin, and reduce it to a proper consistence. Let this extract be kept in a soft state, fit for forming pills, and in a hard one, so that it may be reduced to powder. The dose from ten to twenty grains. For its virtues, sec Convolvulus jalapa. Extractum opii. Extract of opium, for- merly called extractum thebaicum. Opium cola- tum. Take of opium, sliced, half a pound; wa- ter, three pints; pour a small quantity of the water upon the opium, and macerate it for twelve hours, that it may become soft; then, adding the remaining water gradually, rub them together un- til the mixture be complete. Set it by, that the fteculencies may subside ; then strain the liquor, and evaporate it to a proper consistence. Dose, from half a grain to five grains. Extractum papaveris. Extract of white poppy. Take of white poppy capsules bruised, and freed from the seeds, a pound; boding water a gallon. Macerate for twenty-four hours? then boil down to four pints ; strain the hot liquor, and evaporate it to a proper consistence. Six grains are about equivalent to one of opium. For its virtues, see Papaver album. Extractum rhei. Extract of rhubarb. Take of rhubard root, powdered, a pound ; proof spirit, a pint; water, seven pints. Macerate for four days in a gentle heat, then strain and set it by, that the faeculencies may subside. Pour off the clear Uquor, and evaporate to a proper con- sistence. This extract possesses the purgative properties of the root, and the fibrous and earthy parts are separated ; it is therefore a useful basis for pills, as well as given separately. Dose, from ten to thirty grains. See Rheum. Extractum sarsaparilla. Extract of sar- saparilla. Take of sarsaparilla root, sliced, a pound ; boiling water, a gallon; macerate for twenty-four hours, then boil down to four pints; strain the hot liquor, and evaporate it to a proper consistence. In practice this is much used, to render the common decoction of the same root stronger and more efficacious. Dose from ten grains to a drachm. For its virtues, see Smilax sarsaparilla. . Extractum saturni. See Plumbi acetatis liquor. Extractum taraxaci. Take of dandelion root, fresh and bruised, a pound : boiling water, a gallon: macerate for twenty-four hours ; boti down to four pints, and strain the hot liquor; then evaporate it to a proper consistence. Dose, from ten grains to a drachm. For its virtues, see Le- ontodon taraxacum. EXTRAFOLIACEUS. Applied to stipula?. which are below the footstalk, and external EYE EYL' with respect to the leaf; as in Astragalus onobrichti. EXTRAVASATION. (Extravatatio; from extra, without, and vat, a vessel.) A term ap- pUed by surgeons to fluids, which are out of their proper vessels, or receptacles. Thus, when blood u effused on the surface, or in the ventricles of the brain, it is said that there is an extravasion. When blood is poured from the vessels into the cavity ofthe peritonaeum, in wounds ofthe abdo- men, surgeons call this accident extravasation. The urine is also said to be extravasated, when, in consequence of a wound, or of sloughing, or ulceration, it makes its way into the cellular sub- stance or among the abdominal viscera. When the bile spreads among the convolutions ofthe bow- els, in wounds of the gall-bladder, it is also a spe- cies of extravasation. EXTREMITIES. This term is applied to Ihe Umbs, as distinguishing them from the other divisions ofthe animal, the head and trunk. The extremities are four in number, divided in man into upper and lower; in other animals into ante- rior and posterior. Each extremity is divided into four parts ; the upper into the shoulder, the arm, the fore-arm, and the hand: the lower into the hip, the thigh, the leg, and the foot. EYE. Oculut. The parts which constitute the eye are divided into external and internal. The external parts are : 1. The eyeorowt, or supercilia, which form arches of hair above the orbit, at the lower part of the forehead. Their use is to prevent the sweat falling into the eyes, and for moderating the Ught above. 2. The eyelashes, or cilia, are the short hairs that grow on the margin of the eyelids ; they keep external bodies out of the eyes and moderate the influx of light. S. The eyelids, or palpebra, of which, one is superior or upper, and the other inferior, or under; where they join outwardly, it is caUed the external canthus; inwardly, towards the nose, the internal canthus ; they cover and de- fend the eyes. The margin of the eyelids, which is cartilagin- ous, is called tarsus. In the tarsus, and internal surface of the eye- lids, small glands are situated, caUed glandula Meibomiana, because Meibomius discovered them ; they secrete an oily or mucilaginous fluid, which prevents the attrition of the eyes and eye- lids, and facilitates their motions. 4. The lachrymal glands, or glandula lachry- malet, which are placed near the external canthus, or corner of the eyes, in a little depression of the os frontis. From these glands six or more canals issue, which are called lachrymal ducts, or ductus lach- rymales, and they open- on the internal surface of the upper eyelid. 6. The lachrymal caruncle, or caruncula lach- rymalit, which is situated in the internal angle, or canthus of the eyelids. 6. Puncta lachrymalia, are two callous ori- fices or openings, which appear at the internal angle of the tarsus of the eyeUds ; tlie one in the superior, the other in the inferior eyetid. 7. The canalis lachrymalet, or lachrymal ducts, are two small canals, which proceed from the laclirymal points into the lachrymal sac. 8. The taccut lachrymalit, or lachrymal sac, is a membranous sac, whicli is situated in the in- ternal canthus ofthe eve. 9. The ductut natalit, or nasal duct, is a mem- braneous canal, which goes from the inferior part , Irom Chrvreuil's « \pcrimcnts, that the bub- stau i- which is ihe least fusihls has m'iro ;.t'i iilv for huies tluin those wliirh ore more so. It is ob- served, that adipoceie possesses the characters of a saponified fat: it is -olu'ile in filling alkohol in all proportion*, re! tens litmu... and unit-.-« readily t.i pot&ssa, ot oi.ly without lo.Mi.g i^.s weight, but without having its fusibility or othe' properties changed. Chevreuil has shown, that hog's-lard, in its natural state, has not the property of combining' with alkalies ; but that it .acquires it by experi- encing some change in the proportion of its ele- ments. This change beir.g induced by the action of the alkali, it follows that the bodi?s ofthe new formation roust 1 .r. c a decided affinity for the species of body which has determined it. If we apply this foundation ofthe theory of saponifica- tion to the chanire into fit which bodies buried in the earth experience; we shall find that it explains the process in a very satisfactory manner. In re- ality, the fitty matter is the combination of the two adipose substances with ammonia, lime, and potassa : one of these substances has the same sensible properties with margarine procured from the soap of hog's-lard ; the other, the orange-co- loured oil, excepting its colour, appears to have a strong analogy with the fluid fat. From these circumstances, it is probable that the formation of the fatty matter may be the result of a propel saponification produced by ammonia, proceeding from the decomposition of the muscle, and by the potassa and lime, which proceed from the decom- position of certain salts. The author remarks, that he has hitherto made use of periphrases when speaking of the difl'erent bodies that he has been describing, as supposing that their nature was not sufficiently determined. He now, however, conceives, that he may apply specific names to them, whicli will both be more commodious, and, at the same time, by being made appropriate, will point out the relation which these bodies bear to each other. The following is the nomenclature which he afterwards adopted : —The crystalline matter of human biliary calculi is named cholesterine, from the Greek words X"Xri, bile, and *tptos, solid ; spermaceti is named cetine, from kt/tos, a whale ; the fatty substance and the oily substance, arc named respectively, stearine and elaine, from the words s-eap, fat, and tXatov, oil; margarine, and the fluid fat obtained after saponification, are named margaric acid and oleic acid, while the term cetic acid is applied to what was named saponified spermaceti. The margarates, oleates, and estates, will be the te neric names of the soaps or combinations which these acids are capable of forming by their union with salifiable bases. Two portions of human fat were examined, one taken from the kiduey, the other from the thigh: after some time thoy both of them manifested^ tendency to separate into two distinct substances, one of a solid, and the other of a fluid consist- ence: the two portion- dllVered in- their fluidi'.y and their melting point. These variations depend upon the different proportions of stearine and elaine ; for the concrete part of fat is a combina- tion of the two with an excess of stearine, and the fluid part is a combination with an excess ot elaine. The fat from the other animals was then examined, prim:pally uith respect to their melt- ing point and iiie.ii-solii'iili^ in nlkohol; thennit ing point was L-jt alwav.- the same in tbe fated. the same species of animal. Chevreuil next vo paroxysms every other day. The triple tertiau, W'th two paroxysms on one day, au I another on the next. The double qiurt.in, withtwoparoxv sm-onthefirst day, u 'in- on the second and third, and two again on the fourth day. The double quartan, with a narow sm on the first day another on die second, lint none on the fh.rd. I lie triple quartan, with ihrw pnroxyi'iis every fourth d*y. The triple quartun with a paivxyui evei y day, enery fourth paroxysm bei'n,; si.iiiLir. When these fevers arise in the spring of the year, they are called vernal; and when in the autumn, they are known by the name of autumnal. Intermittents often prove obstinate, and are of long duration, in warm climates; and they not unfrequentiy resist every mode of cure, so as to become very distressing to the patient ; and by the extreme debility winch they thereby induce, often give rise to other chronic complain.s. It seems to be pretty generally acknowledged, that marsh miasmata, or the effluvia, arising from stagnant water, or marshy ground, when acted upon by heat, are the most frequent exciting cause 01 this fever. In marshes, the putre taction of both vegetable and animal matter is always going forward, it is to ire presumed , and hence it has been generally conjectured, that vegetable and animal putrefaction imparted a peculiar quality to the effluvia arising from thence. VYe are not yet acquainted with all the circumstances, which are requisite to render marsh miaama productive of the intermittents ; but it may be presumed that a moist atmosphere has a considerable influence in promoting its action. A watery poor diet, great fatigue, long watching, grief, much anxiety, exposure to cold, lying in damp rooms or beds, wearing damp linen, the suppression of some long-accustomed evacuation, < r the recession of eruptions, have been ranked among the exciting causes of intermittents ; but it is more reasonable to suppose that these circumstances aci only by inducing that state of the body, which predisposes to these complaints. By some, it has been ima- gined that an intermittent fever may be commu- nicated by contagion , but tliis supposition is by no means consistent with general observation. One peculiarity of this fever is, its great suscep- tibility of a renewal Irom very slight causes, as from the prevalence of an easterly wind, even without the repetition of the original excitinc cause. It would appear that a predisposition is left in the habit, which favours the recurrence of the complaint. In this circumstance, intermittents differ from most other fevers, as it is well known that after a continued fever has once occurred, and been removed, the person so affected is by no means so liable to a fresh attack of tie disorder as one in whom it had never taken place. We have not yet attained a certain knowledge of the proximate cause ofan intermittent fever but a deranged state of the stomach and prims via; is that which is most generally ascribed. Each paroxysm of an intermittent fever is divided into three different stages, which are called the cold, the fiot, and the sweating stages, or fits. The cold stage commenc a with languor, a sense of debility and sluggishness in motion, frequent yawning and stretching, and an avers.on to food. The face and extremities bt come pale, the features shrink, the bulk of every external part is diminislied, and the skin over the whole body appeals constricted, its if cold had been ap- plied to it. At length the patient feels very cold, and universal rigors come on with pa ns m the head, back, loins, andjoiu s, nauaea and voo,.t.ng of bilious matter ; the ieapir.ition is small, fre- quent and anxious ; the m-.nr ia aiuci colourless; seiiaibiUty is greatly iin^ain J , thi tecignta aie somewhat confused", unpit .xy • out this is by no means usual. These symptoms atiating "Iter a short lime, the sccon.l stage commence* with an inert-, quasi phanes- tra.) A window, entry, or hole. Fenestr\ ovalis. An oblong or elliptical foramen, between the cavity of the tympanum and the vestibulum ofthe ear. It is shut by the stapes. Fenestra rotunda. \ round foramen, leading from the tympanum to the cochlea of the ear. It is covered by a membrane in the fresh subject. FE'NNEL. See Anethum faniculum. Funnel, hog^s. See Peucedanum. FEANUGREEK. See Trigonella fanum gracum. FE'RINE. (Ferinus, savage or brutal.) A term occasionally applied to any malignant or noxious disease. FERMENTA'TION. (Fermentatio, onit. f.; from fermento, to ferment.) When aqueous combinations of vegetable or animal substances are exposed to ordinary atmospherical tempera- tures, they speedily undergo spontaneous changes, to >• hich the generic term of fermentation has been given There are several circumstances re- quired .n order that fermentation may proceed : such are, 1. A certain degree of fluidity: thus, dry substances do notefernient at all. 2. A cer- tain degree of heat. 3. The contact of air. Che- mists, after Boerhaave, have distinguished three kinds of fermentation. 1. The vinous or spirituous, which affords ardent spirit. 2. The acetous, which affords vinegar, or acetic acid. 3. The putrid fermentation, or putrefaction, which produces volatile alkali. I. The conditions necessary for vinous fermen- tation are . 1. A saccharine mucilage. 2. A de- gree of fluidity slightly viscid. 3. A degree of heat between 55 and 66 of Fahrenheit. 4. A large mass, in which a rapid commotion may be excited. When these four conditions are united, the vinous fermentation takes place, and is known by the following characteristic phenomena: 1: An intestine motion takes place. 2. The bulk ofthe mixture then becomes augmented. 3. The transparency of the fluid is diminished by opaque filaments. 4. Heat is generated. 5. The solid parts mixed with the liquortfise and float in con- sequence of the disengagement of elastic fluid., 6. A large quantity of carbonic acid gas is disen- gaged in bubbles. All these phenomena gradual- ly cease in proportion as the liquor loses its sweet and mild taste, and it becomes brisk, penetrating, and capable of producing intoxication. In this manner, wine, beer, cider, &c. are made. All bodies which have undergone the spirituous fer- mentation are capable of passing on to the acid fermentation ; but although it is probable that the acid fermentation never takes place before the body has gone through the spirituous fermenta- tion, yet the duration of the first is frequently so short and imperceptible, that it cannot be ascer- tained. Beside*- the bodies which are proper for spirituous fern entation, this class includes all sorts of fiecula boled in water. II. The conditions required for the acid fer- mentation are, 1. A heat from 70 to 85 degrees of Fahrenheit. 2. A certain degree of liquidity. 40ft 3. The presence of atmospheric air. 4. A mode- rate quantity of fermentable matter. The phe- nomena which accompany this fermentation, are an intestine motion, and a considerable absorp- tion of air. The transparent liquor becomes tur- bid, but regains its limpidity when fermentation is over. The fermented liquor now consists, in a great measure, of a peculiar acid, called the acetic acid, or vinegar. Not a vestige of spirit remains, it being entirely decomposed, but the greater the quantity of spirit in the liquor, previous to the fermentation, the greater will be the quantity of true vinegar obtained. As the ultimate constitu- ents of vegetabte. matter are oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon ; and of animal matter, tbe same three principles with azote, we can readily understand that all the products of fermentation must be merely new compounds of these three or four ul- timate constituents. Accordingly, 100 parts of real vinegar, or acetic acid, are resolvable, by Gay Lussac and Thenard's analysis, into 50.224 carbon 46.911 hydrogen and oxygen, as they exist in water, ■+- 2.863 oxygen in excess. In like manner, wines are all resolvable into the same idtimate components, in proportions somewhat different. The aeriform results of putrefactive fermentation are in like manner found to be hy- drogen, carbon, oxygen, and azote, variously combined, and associated with minute quantities of sulphur and phosphi rus. The residuary mat- ter consists of the same principles, mixed with the saline and earthy parts of animal bodies. Lavoisier was the first philosopher who insti- tuted, on right principles, a series of experiments to investigate the phenomena of fermentation, and they were so judiciously contrived, and so accurately conducted, as to give results compar- able to those derived from the more rigid methods of the present day. Since then, Thenard and Gay Lussac have each contributed most impor- tant researches. By the labours of these three illustrious chemists, those material metamorpho- ses, formerly quite mysteriousj seem susceptible of a satisfactory explanation. As sugar is a substance of uniform and deter- minate composition, it has been made choice ol for determining the changes which arise whep its solution is fermented into wine or alkohol. La- voisier justly regarded it as a true vegetable oxide, and stated its constituents to be, 8 nydro- gen, 28 carbon, and 64 oxygen, in 100 parts. By two different analyses of Berzelius, we have, Hydrogen, 6.802 6.891 Carbon, 44.115 42.704 Oxygen, 49.083 50.405 100.000 100.000 Gay Lussac and Thenard's analyses gives, Hydrogen, 6-*|{'57.53 water, Oxygen, 60.63 \ ' Carbon, 42.17 42.47 100.00 100.00 It has been said, that sugar requires to be dis- solved in at least 4 parts of water, and to be mix- ed with some yeast, to cause its fermentation to commence. But this is a mistake. Syrup strong- er than the above will ferment in warm weather, without addition. If the temperature be low, the syrup weak, and no yeast added, acetous fer- mentation alone will take place. To deferrable the vinous, therefore, wc must mix certain pro- portions of saccharine matter, water, and yeast, and place them in a proper temperature. To observe the chemical changes which occur. FER FER we must dissolve 4 or 5 parts of pure sugar in 20 parts of water, put the solution into a matrass, and add 1 part of yeast. Into the mouth of the matrass a glass tube must be luted, which is re- curved, so as to dip into the mercury of a pneu- matic trough. If the apparatus be now placed in a temperature of from 70° to 80°, we shall speedily observe the syrup to become muddy, and a multitude of air bubbles to form aU around the ferment. These unite, and attaching them- selves to particles of the yeast, rise along with it to the surface, forming a stratum of froth. The yeasty matter will then disengage itsetf from the air, faU to tlie bottom of the vessel, to reacquire buoyancy a second time by attached air bubbles, and thus in succession. If we operate on 3 or 4 ounces of sugar, the fermentation will be very rapid during the first ten or twelve hours ; it will then slacken, and terminate in the course of a few days. At this period the matter being deposited which disturbed the transparency of the Uquor, this will become clear. The following changes have now taken place : I. The sugar is wholly, and the yeast partially, decomposed. 2. A quantity of alkohol and car- bonic acid, together nearly in weight to the su- gar, is produced. 3. A white matter is formed, composed of hydrogen, oxygen, and carbon, equivalent to about half the weight ofthe decom- posed ferment. The carbonic acid passes over into the pneumatic apparatus ; the alkohol may be separated from the vinous liquid by distillation, and the white matter falls down to the bottom of the matrass with the remainder of the yeast. The quantity of yeast decomposed is very small. 100 parts of sugar require, for complete decomposition, only two and a half of that sub- stance, supposed to be in a dry state. It is hence very probable, that the ferment, which has a strong affinity for oxygen, takes a little of it from the saccharine particles, by a part of its hydrogen and carbon, and thus the equilibrium being broken between the constituent principles ofthe -sugar, these so react on each other, as to be transformed into alkohol and carbonic acid. If we consider the composition of alkohol, we ■haU find no difficulty in tracing the steps of this transformation. Neglecting the minute products which the yeast furnishes, in the act of fermentation, let us regard only the alkohol and carbonic acid. We shall then see, on comparing the composition of sugar to that of alkohol, that to transform sugar into alkohol, wc must withdraw from it one vol- ume of vapour of carbon, and one volume of ox- ygen, which form by their union one volume of carbonic acid gas. Finally, let us reduce the vol- umes into weights, we shall find, that 100 parts of sugar ought to be converted, during fermen- tation, into 51.65 of alkohol, and 48.45 of car- bonic acid. When it is required to preserve fermented li- ?|iiors in the state produced by the first sta^e of ermentationj it is usual to put them into casks before the vinous process is completely ended; and in these closed vessels a change very slowly continues to be made for many months, and per- haps for some years. But if the fermentative process be suffered to proceed in open vessels, more especially if the temperature be raised to 90 degrees, the acetous fcrmentation comes on. In this, the oxygen of the atmosphere is absorbed; and the more speedily in proportion as the surfaces of the li- quor are often changed by lading it from one ves- sel to another. The usual method consists in ex- posing the fermented Uquor to the aiain open casks, the bung-hole of which is covered with a tile to prevent the entrance of the rain. By the absorption of oxygen, which takes place, the in- flammable spirit becomes converted into an acid. If the liquid be then exposed to distillation, pure vinegar comes over instead of ardent spirit. III. When the spontaneous decomposition is suffered to proceed beyond the acetous process, the vinegar becomes viscid and foul; air is emit- ted with an offensive smell; volatile alkati flies off; an earthy sediment is deposited ; and the remaining liquid, if any, is mere water. This is the putrefactive process. See also Putrefaction. FERME'NTUM. (Quad fermmentum, from ferveo, to work.) Yeast. Fermentum cerevisi.t.. Yeast; Barm; the scum which coUects on beer while fermenting, and has the property of exciting that process in various other substances. Medicinally it is anti- septic and tonic ; and has been found useful in- ternally in the cure of typhus fever attended with an obvious tendency to putrefaction in the system with petechia*, vibices, and the like: the best way to administer it, is to mix a fluid ounce with seven of strong beer, and give three table-spoons- ful to an adult every three or four hours. Exter- nally, it is used in the fermenting cataplasm. FERN. See Filix and Polypodium. Fern, male. See Polypodium filix mas. Fern, female. See Pteris aquilina. FERN EL, John, was born at Claremont, near the end ofthe 15th century. He went at the age of 19 to prosecute his studies at Paris, and distinguished himself so much, that, after taking the degree of master of arts, he was chosen pro- fessor of dialectics in his college. His applica- tion then became intense, till a quartan ague obliged him to seek his native air : and on his re- turn to Paris, he determined on the medical pro- fession, and taught phUosophy for his support, till in 1530, he took his doctor's degree. Soon after he married, and speedily got into extensive prac- tice ; and at length was made physician to the Dauphin, who afterwards became Henry n. He was obliged to accompany that monarch in his campaigns, yet he still, though at the age of sixty, seldom passed a day without writing. But in 1558, having lost his wife of a fever, he did not long survive her. His works are numerous on fihilosophical, as weU as medical subjects : of the after, the most esteemed were his " Medicina," dedicated to Henry II., and a posthumous treatise on fevers. Ferrame'ntum. An instrument made of iron. FERRO-CHYAZIC ACID, (Addum ferro- chyadcum ; chyazicum, from the initial letters of carbon, hydrogen, and azote.) An acid obtained by Porrett by adding to a solution of ferro-eyanite of barytes, sulphuric acid just enough to precipi- tate the barytes. It has a pale yeUow colour, no smeU, and is decomposed by gentle heat or strong light, in which case hydrocyanic acid is formed, and white hydrocyanite of iron is deposited, which becomes blue by exposure. FERRO-CYANATE. A compound of ferro- prussic acid with saUfiable bases. FERRO-CYANIC ACID. See Ferro-pruttic add. FERROPRUSSIC ACID. Addum ferro- prutticum. Addum ferro-cyanicum. Into a solution of the amber-coloured crystals, usually caUed pnissiates of potassa, pour bydro-snlphnret of barytes, as long as any precipitate faUs. Throw the whole on a filter, and wash the preci- pitate with cold water. Dry it; and having dis- solved 100 parts in cold water, add gradually thirty of concentrated sulphuric acid; agitate tho FER FER mixture, and set it aside to repose. The super- natant liquid is ferro-prussic acid, called by Por- rett, who had the merit of discovermo- it, ferruret- fed chyazic acid. It.has a pale lemon yellow colour, but no smell. Heat and light decompose it. Hydrocyanic acid is then formed,, and white ferroprussiate of iron, which soon becomes blue. Its affinity for the bases enables it to displace acetic acid, without heat, from the acetates, and to form ferro- prussiates. FE'RRUM. (Ferrum, i. neut.; the etymology uncertain.) Iron. See Iron. Ferrum ammoniatum. Ammoniated iron ; formerly known by the names of flores martiales; flores salis ammoniaci martiales ; ens martis; ens veneris Boylei ; sal martis muriuticum sub- limatum, and lately by the title of ferrum ammo- niacale. Take of subcarbonate of iron, muriate of ammonia, of each a pound. Mix them inti- mately, and sublime by immediate exposure to a strong fire ; lastly, reduce the sublimed ammo- niated iron to powder. This preparation is astringent and deobstruent, in doses from three to fifteen grains, or more in the form of bolus or pills, prepared with some srum. It is exhibited in most cases of debility, in chlorosis, asthenia, menorrhagia, intermittent fevers, &c. This or some other strong preparation of iron, as the . Tinct. ferri muriatis, Mr. Cline is wont to re- commend in scirrhous affections of the breast. See Tinctura ferri ammoniati. Ferrum tartarizatum. Tartarized iron. A tartrate of potassa and iron ; formerly called tartarus chalybeatus; mars solubilis ; ferrum potabile. Take of iron, a pound ; supertartrate of potassa, powdered, two pounds; water a pint. Rub them together - and expose them to the air in a broad glass vessel for eight days, then dry the residue in a sand bath, and reduce it to a very fine powder. Add to this powder a pint more water, and expose it for eight days longer, then dry it, and reduce it to a very fine powder. Its virtues are astringent and tonic, and it forms in solution an excellent tonic fomentation to contu- sions, lacerations, distortions, &c. Dose from ten grains to half a drachm. Ferri alealini liquor. Solution of alka- line iron. Take of iron, two drachms and a half; nitric acid, two fluid ounces ; distilled water, six fluid-ounces ; solution of subcarbonate of potassa, six fluid-ounces. Having mixed the acid and wa- ter, pour them upon the iron, and when the ef- fervescence has ceased, pour off the clear acid so- lution ; add this graduaUy, and at intervals, to the solution of subcarbonate of potassa, occasionally shaking it, until it has assumed a deep brown-reel colour, and no further effervescence takes place. Lastlyf set it by for six hours, and pour off the clear solution. This preparation was first descri- bed by Stael, and called tinctura martis alkalina, and is now introduced in the London Pharmaco- poeia as affording a combination of iron distinct from any other, and often applicable to practice. The dose is from half a drachm to a drachm. Ferri carbonas. See Ferri subcarbonas. Ferri limatura purificata. Purified iron filings. These possess tonic, astringent, and deobstruent virtues, and are calculated to relieve chlorosis and other diseases in which steel is indi- cated, where acidity in the priiuae via; abounds. Ferri rueigo. See Ferri subcarbonas. Ferri subcarbonas. Ferri carbonas; Fer- rum pracipitatum, formerly called chalybis rubigo praparata and ferri rubigo. Sub- carbonate of iron. Take of sulphate of iron, ci^ht ounces ■ subcarbonate of soda, six ounces; boiUng water, a gallon. Dissolve the sulphate of iron and subcarbonate of soda separately, each ia four pints of water; then mix the solutions to- gether and set it by, that the precipitated powder may subside ; then having poured off the superna- tant liquor, wash the subcarbonate of iron with hot water, and dry it upon bibulous paper in a gentle heat. It possesses mild corroborant and stimulating properties, and is exhibited with suc- cess in leucorrhoea, ataxia, asthenia, chlorosis, dyspepsia, rachitis, &c. Dose from two to teu grains. Ferri sulphas. Sulphate of iron; formerly called sal martis, vitriolum martis, vitriolum ferri, and ferrum vitriolatum. Green vitriol. Take of iron, sulphuric acid, of each by weight, eight ounces ; water, four pints. Mix together the sulphuric acid and water in a glass vessel, and add thereto the iron ; then after the effervescence has ceased, filter the solution through paper, and evaporate it until crystals form as it cools. Having poured away the water, dry these upon bibulous paper. This is an exceUent preparation of iron, and is exhibited, in many diseases, as a styptic, tonic, astringent, and anthelmintic. Dose from one grain to five grains. FERRURETTED CHYAZIC ACID. See Ferro-prussic acid. Fers.k. The measles. Fertile flower. See Flos. FE'RUL A. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; order, Digynia. Ferula African a galbanifera. The gal- banum plant. See Bubon galbanum. Ferula assafietida. The systematic name of the assafietida plant. Assafatida. Hingiseh of the Persians. Altiht of the Arabians. By some thought to be the otXtpiov, vel oiros otXtpw of Dioscorides, Theophrastus, and Hippocrates. Laser et laserpitium of the Latins. Ferula as- safatida—foliis alternatim sinuatis, obtusit, of Linnaeus. This plant, which affords us the assa- foetida of the shops, grows plentifully on the mountains in the provinces of Chorassan and Laar, in Persia. The process of obtaining it is as follows: the earth is cleared away from the top of the rools of the oldest plants ; the leaves and stalks are then twisted away, and made into a covering, to screen the root from tbe sun ; in this state the root is left for forty days, when the covering is removed, and the top of the root cut off transversely; it is then screened again from the sun for forty-eight hours, when the juice it exudes is scraped off, and ex- posed to the sun to harden. A second transverse section of the root is made, and the exudation suf- fered to continue for forty-eight hours, and then scraped off. In this manner it is eight times re- peatedly collected in a period of six weeks. The juice thus obtained has a bitter, acrid, pungent taste, and is well known hy its peculiar nauseous smell, the strength of which is the surest test of its goodness. This odour is extremely volatile, and of course the drug loses much of its efficacy by keeping. It is brought to us in large irregular masses, composed of various little shining lumps, or grains, which are partly of a whitish colour, partly reddish, and partly of a violet hue. Those. masses are accounted the best which are clear, of a pale reddish colour, and variegated with a great number of elegant white tears. This concrete juice consists of two-thirds of gum, and one-third of resin and volatile oil, in which its taste and smeU reside. It yields aU its virtues to alkohoL Triturated with water, it forms a milk-Uke mix- ture, the re?iu being diffused by the medium ot FIB FIB the rum. DutiUed with water, it affords a small quantity of essential oil. It is the most powerful of all the fietid gums, and is a most valuable remedy. It is most commonly employed in hysteria, hypo- chondriasis, some symptoms of dyspepsia, flatu- lent colics, and in most of those diseases termed nervous, but its chief use is derived from its antis- pasmodic effects ; and it is thought to be the most powerful remedy we possess, for those peculiar convulsive and spasmodic affections, which often recur in the first of these diseases, both taken in- to the stomach and in the way of enema. It is also recommended as an emmenagogue, anthel- mintic, antiasthmatic, and anodyne. Dr. CuUen prefers it as an expectorant to gum ammoniacum. Where we wish it to act immediately as an antis- pasmodic, it should be used in a fluid form, as that of tincture, from half a drachm to two drachms. When given in the form of a pill, or triturated with water, its usual dose is from five to twenty grains. When in the form of enema, one or two drachms are to be diffused in eight ounces of warm milk or water. It is sometimes applied ex- ternally as a plaster and stimulating remedy, in hysteria, &c. Ferula minor. All-heal of iEsculapius. This plant is said to be detergent. Ferpla'cca. See Bubon galbanum. FEVER. Sec Febris. FEV ERFF.W. See Matricaria. FI'BER. (From fiber, extreme, because it resides in the extremities of lakes and rivers.) The beaver. See Castor fiber. FIBRE. Fibra. A very simple filament. It is owing to the difference in the nature and ar- rangements of the fibres that the structure of the several parts of animals and vegetables differ: hence the barks, woods, leaves, &c. of vegeta- bles, and the cellular structure, membranes mus- cles, vessels, nerves, and, in snort, every part of the body, has its fibres variously constituted and arranged, so as to form these different parts. Fibre muscular. See Muscular fibre. FIBRIL. (Fibrita, diminutive of fibra.) A small thread-like fibre : applied to the little roots which are given off from radicles. FI'BRIN. " A peculiar organic compound found both in vcgatables and animals. Vauquelin discovered it in the juice of the papaw-tree. It is a soft solid, of a greasy appearance, insoluble in water, which softens in the air, becoming vis- cid, brown, and semi-transparent. On hot coals it melts, throws out greasy drops, crackles, and evolves the smoke and odour of roasting meat. Fibrin is procured, however, in its most charac- teristic state from animal matter. It exists in rbyle; it enters into the composition of blood ; of it, the chief part of muscular flesh is formed ; and hence it may be regarded as the most abun- dant constituent of the soft solids of animals. To obtain it, we may beat blood as it issues from the veins with a bundle of twigs. Fibrin soon attaches itself to each stem, under the form of long reddish filaments, which become colour- less by washing them with cold water. It is solid, white, insipid, without smell, denser than water, and incapable of affecting the hue of litmus or violets. When moist it possesses a species of elasticity ; by desiccation it becomes yeUowish, hard, and brittle. By distillation we can extract from it much carbonate of ammonia, some ace- fate, a fu-tid brown oiL and gaseous products ; while there remains in tne retort a very luminous charcoal, very brilliant, difficult of incineration, which leaves, after combustion, phosphate of lime, a little phosphate of magnesia, carbonate of lime, and carbonate *»f sods. Cold water has no action on fibrin. Treated with boiling water, it is so changed as to lose the property of softening and dissolving in acetic acid. The liquor filtered from it, yields precipitates with iillusion of galls, and the residue is white, dry, hard, and of an agreeable taste. When kept for some time in alkohol of 0.810, it gives rise to an adipocerous matter, having a strong and disagreeable odour. This matter re- mains dissolved in the alkohol, and may be pre- cipitated by water. JEther makes it undergo a similar alteration, but more slowly. When di- gested in weak muriatic acid, it evolves a little azote, and a compound is formed, hard, horny, and which, washed repeatedly with water, "is transformed into another gelatinous compound. This seems to be a neutral muriate, soluble in hot water ; whilst the first is an acid muriate, inso- luble even in boiling water. Sulphuric acid, di- luted with six times its weight of water, has si- milar effects. When not too concentrated, nitric acid has a very different action on fibrin. For example, when its sp. gr. is 1.25, there results from it at first a disengagement of azote, while the fibrin becomes covered with fat, and the liquid turns yellow. By digestion of twenty-four hours, the whole fibrin is attacked, and converted into a pulverulent mass of lemon-yellow colour, which seems te be composed of a mixture of fat and fibrin, altered and intimately combined with the malic and nitric or nitrous acids. In fact, if we put this mass on a filter, and wash it co- piously with water, it will part with a portion of its acid, will preserve the property of reddening litmus, and will take an orange hue. On treating it afterwards with boiling alkohol, we dissolve the fatty matter ; and putting the remainder in contact with chalk and water, an effervescence will be oc- casioned by the escape of carbonic acid, and ma- late or nitrate of lime will remain in solution. Concentrated acetic acid renders fibrin soft at ordinary temperatures, and converts it by the aid of heat into a jelly, which is soluble in hot wa- ter, with the disengagement of a small quantity of azote. Tin's solution is colourless, and pos- sesses little taste. Evaporated to dryness, it leaves a transparent residue, which reddens litmus paper, and which cannot be dissolved even in boiling water, but by the medium of more acetic acid. Sulphuric, nitric, and muriatic acids, pre- cipitate the animal matter, and form acid combi- nations. Potassa, soda, ammonia, effect likewise the precipitation of this matter, provided we do not use too great an excess of alkali; for then the precipitated matter would be redissolved. Aqueous potassa and soda gradually dissolve fibrin in the cold, without occasioning any perceptible change in its nature ; but with heat they decom- pose it, giving birth to a quantity of ammoniacal gas, and other usual animal products. Fibrin does not putrefy speedily when kept in water. It shrinks on exposure to a considerable heat, and emits the smell of burning horn. It is com- posed, according to the analysis of Gay Lussac, and Thenard, of Carbon, 63.360 Azote, 19.934 Oxygen, 19.685 122.14 water, Hydrogen, 7.021 > 4.56 hydrogen. FIBROLITE. A crystaUised mineral harder than quartz, of a white or grey colour, found in the Carnatic, and composed o (alumina, silica, and iron. FIBROSUS. (From fibre, a fibre.) Fibrous. A term frequently used in anatomy to express the texture of parts. In botany, its meaning is the same, and is applied to roots and other parts, ae. those of grasses, &c ITC FIL FIBULA. (Quasi figilula; from figo, to fasten: so named because it joins together the tibia and the muscles.) A long bone of the leg, situated on the outer side of the tibia, and which forms, at its lower end, the outer ankle. Its upper extremity is formed into an irregular head, on the inside of which is a slightly concave articulating surface, which, in the recent subjects, is covered with cartilage, and receives the circular flat sur- face under the edge of the external cavity of the tibia. This articulation is surrounded by a cap- sular Ugament, which is farther strengthened by other strong ligamentous .fibres, so as to allow only a small motion backwards and forwards.— Externally, the head of the fibula is rough and protuberant, serving for the attachment of liga- ments, and for the insertion of the biceps cruris muscle.—Immediately below it, on its inner side, is a tubercle, from which a part of the gastrocne- mius internus has its origin. Immediately below this head the body of the bone begins. It is of a triangular shape, and appears as if it were slightly twisted at each end, in a different direction. It is likewise a little curved inwards and forwards. This curvature is in part owing to the action of muscles ; and in part perhaps to the carelessness of nurses.—Of the three angles of the bone, that which is turned towards the tibia is the most pro- minent, and serves for the attachment of the inter- osseous ligament, which, in its structure and uses, resembles that of the fore-arm, and, Uke that, is a Uttle interrupted above and below. The three surfaces of the bone are variously impressed by different muscles. About the middle of the pos- terior surface is observed a passage for the me- duUary vessels, slanting downwards. The lower end of the fibula is formed into a spongy, oblong head, externaUy rough and convex, internaUy smooth and covered with a thin cartilage, where it is received by the external triangular depression at the lower end of the tibia. This articulation, which resembles that of its upper extremity, i3 furnished with a capsular Ugament, and farther strengthened by ligamentous fibres, which arc stronger and more considerable than those before described. They extend from the tibia to the fi- bula, in an oblique direction, and are more easily discernible before than behind. Below this the fibula is lengthened out, so as to form a consider- able process, caUed malleolus externus, or the outer ankle. It is smooth, and covered with car- tilage on the inside, where it is contiguous to the astragalus, or first bone of the foot. At the lower and inner part of this process, there is a spongy cavity ? fined with fat; and a little beyond this, posteriorly, is a cartilaginous groove, for the ten- dons of the peroneus longus and peroneus brevis, which are here bound down by the ligamentous fibres tfiat are extended over them. The principal uses of this bone seem to be, to afford origin and insertion to muscles, and to con- tribute to the articulation of the leg with the foot. FICA'RIA. (From ficus, a fig ; so called from its likeness.) See Ranunculus ficaria. Fica'tio. (From ficus, a fig.) A tuberculous disease, near the anus and pudenda. FICOIDE'A. Ficmdes. Resembling a fig. A name of the house-leek. See Sempervivum tectorium. FI'CUS. 1. A fleshy substance about the anus, in figure resembUng a fig. 2. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- nsean system. Class, Polygamia; Order, Dia- da. The fig-tree. Ficus carica. The systematic name of the fig-tree. Carica; Ficus; Ficus vulgaris; Fi- cus communis. Ei"f7 of the Greeks. French 412 figs are, when completely ripe, soft, succulent, and easily digested, unless eaten in immoderate quantities, when they are apt to occasion flatu- lency, pain of the bowels and diarrhoea. The dried fruit, which is sold in our shops, is pleasanter to the taste, and more wholesome and nutritive. They are directed in the decoctum hordei compo- situm, and in the confectio senna. AppUed ex- ternaUy, they promote the suppuration of tu- mours ; hence they have a place in maturating cataplasms ; and are very convenient to apply to the gums, and, when boUed with milk, to the throat. Ficus indica. See Lacca. Fiddle-shaped. See Leaf. Fidicina'les. (Fidicinalis, sc. musculus.) See Lumbricales. FIENUS, Thomas, was son of a physician of Antwerp, and born in 1567. After studying at Leyden and Bologna, he was invited at the age of 26, to be one of the medical professors at Louvaine, where he took his degrees. With the exception of one year, during which he attended the Duke of Bavaria, he remained in that office tiU his death in 1631. Besides his great abilities in medicine and surgery, he was distinguished for his knowledge of natural history, the learned languages, and the mathematics. He has left several works: the chief of which is termed " Libri Chirurgici XII." treating of the principal operations; it passed through many editions. His father, John, was author of a well received treatise, "De Flatibus." FIG. See Ficus carica. FIGURESTONE. Bildstein. Agalmatolite. A massive mineral of a grey colour, or brown flesh-red, and sometimes spotted, or with blue veins ; unctuous to the touch, and yielding to the nail. It comes from China, cut into grotesque figures. It differs from steatite in wanting the magnesia. It is also found in Transylvania, and in Wales. FIGWORT. See Ranunculus ficaria. FILA'GO. (From.fi/uin, a thread, and ago, to produce or have to do with, in allusion to the cottony web connected with every part of the plant.) Cud or cotton-weed ; formerly used as an astringent. FI'LAMENT. (Filamentum; from filum,* thread.) 1. A term appUed in anatomy to 2 smaU thread-like portion adhering to any part, and frequently synonymous with fibre. See Fibre. 2. The stamen of a flower consists of the fila- ment, anther, and pollen. The filament is the column which supports the anther. •, From its figure it is called, 1. Capillary ; as in Plantago. 2. Filiform; as in Scilla maritima. 3. Flat; as in Allium cepa. 4. Dilatate, spreading laterally; as in Orni- thogalum umbellatum. 5. Pedicellate, affixed transversely to a Uttle stalk ; as in Salvia. 6. Bifid, having two ; as in Stemodia. 1. Bifurced; as in Prunella. 8. Multifid; as in Carolina princeps. 9. Dentate; as in Rosmarinus officinalis. 10. Nicked; as in Allium cepa. 11. Lanceolate; as in Ornithogalum pyre- naicum. 12. Castrate, the anther naturaUy wanting; as in Gratiola officinalis. 13. Subulate; as in Tulipa gesneriani. From the pubescence, 1. Barbate, bearded: as in Lydum. 2. Lanate, woolly : as in Verbascum thapsut FIL FIS 3. Pilott; as in Anthericumfruleicent. 4. Gland-bearing; as in Laurut and Rheum. From its direction, 1. Erect; as in Tulipa gesneriana. 5. Incurved; curved inward, and a little bent. 3. Declinate; as in Hemerocalitfulva. 4. Connivent; as in Physalit alkekengi. From its concretion, 1. Liberate, free, no where adhering; as in Nicotiana tabacum. 2. Connate, adhering at their base; as in Malva tylvettrit, and Alcearotea. From its insertion, 1. Receptaculine, inserted into the reccptacu- Ium ; as in Papaver somniferum. 2. Corolline, as in Verbatcum thapsus, and Nerium oleander. 3. Calicine ; as in Pyrus malus, and Mespi- lut germanica. 4. Styline; as in the Orchidet. 5. Ntctorine; as in Pancratium declinatum. From its length, it is said to be very long; as in Plantago major; very thort in Jasminum and Vinca; and unequal, some long, some short; as in Cheiranthus cheiri. FIL ARI A. The name of a genus of intestinal worms. File'llum. (From .filum, a thread; because it resembles a string.) The franumof the penis and tongue. File°tum. (From filum, a thread ; named from its string-like appearance.) The franum of the tongue and penis. FILICES. (Filix, cis. f. ; from filum, a thread.) Ferns. One of the families, or natural tribes into which the whole vegetable kingdom is divided. They are defined plants which bear their flower and fruit on the back of the leaf or stalk, which is termed frons. FILI'CULA. (Dim. of filix, fern; a small tort of fern: or from filum, tt thread, which it re- sembles.) Common maiden-hair. See Adian- thum capillus veneris. FILIFORMIS. Filiform, thread-like: appUed to many parts of animals and vegetables from their resemblance. FILIPE'NDULA. (From filum, a thread, and pendeo, to hang : so named because the nu- merous bulbs of its roots hang, as it were by small threads.) See Spiraa filipendula. Filipendula aquatica. Water-dropwort; the (Enanf/iefistulosa of Linns us. Filius ANTE patrem. Any plant, the flower of which comes out before the leaf; as coltsfoot. FI'LIX. (From filum, a thread; so called from its being cut, as it were, in slender portions, like threads.) Fern. See Polypodium. Filix aculeata. See Polypodium aculea- tum. Filix Florida. See Osmunda regalis. Filix fiemina. See Pteris aquilina. Filix mas. See Poly podium filix mas. FILTRATION. (Filtratio; fromfiltrum, a strainer.) An operation, by means of which a fluid it mechanically separated from consistent particles merely mixed with it. It does not differ from straining. An apparatus fitted up for this purpose is caUed a filter. The form of this is various, according to the intention of the operator. A piece of tow, or wool, or cotton, stuffed into the pipe of a fun- nel, wiU prevent the passage of grosser particles, and by that means render the fluid clearer which comes through. Sponge is still more effectual. A strip of linen rag wetted and huni; over the side of a vessel containing a fluid, in such a man- ner as (hat one end of the rag may be immersed in the fluid, and the other end may remain with- out, below the surface, wiU act as a syphon, and carry over the clearer portion. Linen or wooUen stuffs may either be fastened over the mouths of proper vessels, or fixed to a frame, like a sieve, for the purpose of filtering. AU these are more commonly used by cooks and apothecaries than by philosophical chemists, who, for the most part, use the paper caUed cap paper, made up without size. As the filtration of considerable quantities of fluid could not be effected at once without break- ing the filter of paper, it is found requisite to use a linen cloth, upon which the paper is appUed and supported. Precipitates and other pulverulent matters are coUected more speedily by filtration than by subsi- dence. But there are many chemists who dis- claim the use of this method, and avail them- selves of the latter only, which is certainly more accurate, and liable to no objection, where the powders are such as wiU admit of edulcoration and drying in the open air. Some fluids, as turbid water, may be purified by filtering through sand. A large earthen fun- nel, or stone bottle with the bottom beaten out, may have its neck loosely stopped with small stones, over which smaUer may be placed, sup- porting layers of gravel increasing in fineness, and lastly covered to the depth of a few inches with fine sand all thoroughly cleansed by washing. This apparatus is superior to a filtering stone, as it will cleanse water in large quantities, and may readily be renewed when the passage is obstruct- ed, by taking out and washing the upper stratum of sand. A filter for corrosive Uquors may be construct- ed, on the same principles, of broken and pounded glass.—Ure's Chem. Diet. FI'LTRUM. A filter, straining or filtering instrument. FILUM. A thread or filament. Filum arsenicale. Corrosive suhtimate. .FI'MBRIA. (A fringe, quad fimbria; from finis, the extremity.) A fringe. 1. A term used by anatomists to curled membraneous produc- tions. See Fimbria. 2. In botany, it is applied to the dentate or fringe-like ring of the operculum of mosses, by the elastic power of which the operculum is dis- placed. See Peristomium. Fimbri.e. (Fimbria, a fringe. Quad fim- bria; from finis, the extremity.) The extremi- ties of the Fallopian tubes. See Uterus. FINCKLE. See Anethum faniculum. Fingered leaf. See Leaf. FIORITE. See Pearl sinter. FIR. See Pinus. Fir balsam. See Pinus balsamea. , Fir, Canada. See Pinus balsamea. Fir, Norway spruce. See Pinus abies. Fir, Scotch. See Pinus sylvestris. Fir, silver. See Pinus picea. FIRE. Ignis. A very simple and active ele- ment, the principal agent in nature to balance the power and natural efl'ect ot attraction. Tl:a most useful acceptation of the word me » ;rupre- hends heat and light. There have been -< veral theories proposed respecting fire, but no one, as yet is fully established. See Caloric and Light. Fikui'sium mineralium. Antimony. FISCHER, John Andrew, son of an apothe- cary at Erlurt, was born in 1667. He graduated there, and was appointed in succession to several professorships: but that of pathology -nit the practice i.f me licinc he-did not receive i" the age of 49. He acquired consider.hie repu:uiion FLK FLE in his profession; and he had been ten years physician to the court of Mayence when he died in 1729. Among several minor works he was author of some of greater importance; as the "Consitia Medica," in three volumes; the " Responsa Practica," and a Synopsis of Medi- cine, facetiously termed " Illias in Nuce." Fish-glue. See Ichthyocolla. FISSURA. A fissure. 1. That species of fracture in which the bone is slit, but not com- pletely divided. 2. A name given to a deep and long depression in a part. Fissura magna silvii. The anterior and middle lobes of the cerebrum on each side are parted by a deep narrow sulcus, which as ends obliquely backwards from the temporal ala of the os sphenoides, to near the middle of the os parietale. and this sulcus is thus called. FISSUS. Cleft, cloven. Applied to leaves, and pods, folia fissa, that are, as it were, cut into fissures or straight segments. See Leaf. FISTIC-NUT. See Pistachio vera. FI'STULA. (Quasi fusula; from fundo, to pour out; or from its similarity to a pipe, or reed.) Eligii morbus. A term in surgery, ap- plied to a long and sinuous ulcer that has a nar- row opening, and which sometimes leads to a larger cavity, and has no disposition to heal. FISTULA'RIA. (From fistula, a pipe so called because its stalk is hoUow.) Staves-acre. See Delphinium siaphisagria. FIXED. In chemistry, the term fixed bodies is applied to those substances which cannot be caused to pass by a strong rarefaction from the solid or liquid sfatc of an elastic fluid. Fixed air. See Carbonic add. FIXITY. The property by which bodies re- sist the action of heat, so as not to rise in vapour. FLAG. See Acorus and Iris. FLAGELLIFORM1S. Whip-like. A term applied to a stem that is long and pliant, whip- like ; as that of jasmine and blue boxthorn. See Qaulis. Flake-white. Oxide of bismuth. FLA'MMULA. (Dim. of flamma, a fire: named from the burning pungency of its taste.) See Ranunculusflammula. Flammula jovis. See Clematis recta. FLATULENT. Windy. FLAX. See Linum. Flax-leaved daphne. See Daphne gnidium. Flax, purging. See Linum catharticum. Flax, spurge. See Daphne gnidium. FLEA-WORT. See Plantago psyllium. Fle'men. (From flecto, to incline down- wards.) Flegma. A tumour about the ankles. Flere'sin. Gout. FLESH. 1. The muscles of animals. 2. A vulgar term for all the soft parts of an animal. 3. It is also applied to leaves, fruit, &c. which have the appearance or consistence of flesh. FLE'XOR. The name of several muscles, the office of which is to bend parts into which they are inserted. Flexor accessorius digitorum pedis. See Flexor longus digitorum pedis. Flexor brevis digitorum pedis, perfora- tus, sublimis. A flexor muscle ofthe toes, sit- uated on the foot. Flexor brevis digitorum pe- dis, perforatus of Albinus. Flexor brevis ol Douglas. Flexor digitorum brevis, dve perfo- ratus pedis of Winslow. Perforatus, seu flex- or secundi internodii digitorum pedis of Cow- per ; and Calcano sus-phalangettien commun of Dumas. It arises by a narrow, tendinous, and 414 J fleshy beginning, from the inferior protuberance ol the os calcis. It Ukewise derives many of its fleshy fibres from the adjacent aponeurosis, and soon forms a thick belly, which divides into four portions. Each of these portions terminates in a flat tendon, the fibres of which decussate, to afford a passage to a tendon ofthe long flexor, and after- wards re-uniting, are inserted into the second phalanx of each of the four lesser toes. This muscle serves to bend the secondjoint ofthe toes. Flexor brevis minimi digiti pedis. Para- thenar minor of Winslow. This little muscle is situated along the inferior surface and outer edge of the metatarsal bone of the little toe. It arises tendinous from the basis of that bone, and from the ligaments that connect it to the os cuboides. It soon becomes fleshy, and adheres almost the whole length of the metatarsal bone, at the ante- rior extremity of which it forms a small tendon, that is inserted into the root of the first joint of the little toe. Its use is to bend the little toe. Flexor brevis pollicis manus. Flexor secundi internodii of Douglas. Thenar of Winslow. Flexor primi et secundi ossis pollicis of Cowper; and Carpophalangein du pouce of Dumas. This muscle is divided into two por- tions by the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis. The outermost portion arises tendinous from the anterior part of the os trapezoides and internal annular I igament. The second? or innermost, and thickest portion, arises from the same bone, and likewise from the os magnum, and os cuneifor- me. Both these portions are inserted tendinous into these samoid bones of the thumb. The use of this muscle is to bend the second joint of the thumb. Flexor brevis pollicis pedis. A muscle ofthe great toe, that bends the first joint of that part. Flexor brevis of Douglas. Flexor brevis pollicis of Cowper; and Tetrsophalangien du pouce of Dumas. It is situated upon the metatar- sal bone of the great toe, arises tendinous from the under and anterior part of the os calcis, and from the under part of the os cuneiforme exter- num. It soon becomes fleshy and divisible into two portions, which do not separate from each other till they have reached the anterior extremi- ty of the metatarsal bone of the great toe, where they become tendinous, and then the innermost portion unites with the tendon of the abductor, and the outermost with that ofthe abductor polli- cis. They adhere to the external os sesamoide- nm, and are finally inserted into the root of the first joint of the great toe. These two portions, by their separation, form a groove, in which passes the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis. Flexor carpi radialis. A long thin mus- cle, situated obliquely at the inner and anterior part of the fore-arm, between the palmaris longus and the pronator teres. Radialis internus of Al- binus and Winslow; and Epitrochlo melacarpien of Dumas. It arises tendinous from the inner condyle of the os humeri, and, by many fleshy fibres, from the adjacent tendinous fascia. It de- scends along the inferior edge of the pronator teres, and terminates in a long, flat and thin tendon, which afterwards becomes narrower and thicker, and, after passing under the internal an- nular Ugament, in a groove distinct from the other tendons of the wrist, it spreads wider again, and is inserted into the fore and upper part ot the metacarpal bone that sustains the fore-finger. It serves to bend the hand, and its oblique direction may likewise enable it to assist in ts pronation. Flexor carpi ulnaris. Utnam inturnut of Winslow and Albinus. Epitrochli cubito car- jrien of Dumas. A muscle situated on the cubit- FLE FLL or lore-arm, that assists in bending the arm. It arises tendinous from the inner condyle of the os humeri, and, by a small fleshy origin, from the anterior edge ofthe olecranon. Between these two |>ortions, we find the ulnar nerve passing to the fore-arm. Some of its fibres arise likewise from the tendinous fascia that covers the muscles ofthe fore-arm. In its descent, it soon becomes tendinous, but its fleshy fibres do not entirely dis- appear till it has reached the lower extremity of the ulna, where its tendon spreads a little, and af- ter sending off a few fibres to the external and in- ternal and annular Ugaments, is inserted into the ospisiformc. Flexor longus digitorum pedis profin- dus perforans. A flexor muscle of the toes, situated along the posterior part and inner side of the leg. Perforant teu flexor profundus of Douglas. Flexor digitorum longut, dve per- forant pedis, and perforant teu flexor tertii in- ternodii digitorum pedit of Cowper : and Tibio phalangetien of Dumas. It arises fleshy from the back part ofthe tibia, and, after running down to the internal ankle, its tendon passes under a kind of annular ligament, and then through a sin- uosity at the inside of the os calcis. Soon after this it receives a small tendon from the flexor lon- gus pollicis pedis, and about tbe middle of the foot it divides into four tendons, which pass through the slits of the flexor brevis digitorum pe- dis, and are inserted into the upper part of the last bone of all the lesser toes. About the middle of the foot, this muscle unites with a fleshy por- tion, which, from the name of its first describer, has been usually called matta carnea Jacobi Syl- rii; it is also termed Flexor accetsorius digito- rum pedit. This appendage arises by a thin fleshy origin, from most part of the sinuosity of the os calcis, and likewise by a thin tendinous beginning from the anterior part of the external tubercle of that bone ; it soon becomes all fleshy, and unites to the long flexor just before it divides into its four tendons. The use of this muscle is to bend the last joint ofthe toes. Flexor longus pollicis manus. Flexor longus pollids of Albinus. Flexor tertii interno- dii of Douglas ; Flexor tertii internodii live lon- gitdmus pollicis of Cowper; and radiopha- langeticn du pouce of Dumas. A muscle of the thumb placed at the side ofthe flexor longus digi- torum, profundus, perforans, and covered by the extensores carpi radiales. It arises fleshy from the anterior surface of the radius, immediately below the insertion ofthe biceps, and is continued down along the oblique ridge, which serves for the insertion of tbe supinator brevis, as far as the oronator quadrates. Some of its fibres spring likewise from the neighbouring edge of the in- terosseous ligament. Its tendon passes under the internal annular ligament of the wrist, and, after running along the inner surface of the first bone ofthe thumb, between the two portions of the llexor brevis poUicis, goes to be inserted into the last joint of the thumb, being bound down hi its w ay by the ligamentous expansion that is spread over the second bone. In some subjects we find a tendinous portion arising from the inner con- dyle of the o» humeri, and forming a fleshy slip that commonly terminates near the upper part of the origin of this muscle from the radius. The use of this muscle is to bend the last joint of the thumb. Flexor longus poilicis pedis. A mux-h ofthe great toe, situated along the posterior part of the leg. It arises tendinous and fleshy a httle ''clowthehcadof the fibula, and its fibres" continue to adhere to that bone almost to its extremity. A Uttle above the heel it terminates in a round tendon, which, after passing in a groove formed at the posterior edge of the astragalus, and inter- nal and lateral part of the os calcis, in which it is secured by an annular ligament, goes to be in- serted into the last bone ofthe great toe, which it serves to bend. Flexor ossis metacarpi pollicis. Oppo- nent pollicii ofInnus. Opponent pollicis manus of Albinus. Flexor primi internodii of Douglas. Antithenar sive semi-interosseus pollids of Winslow; and L'arpo phalangien du pouce of Dumas. A muscle of the thumb, situated un- der the abductor brevis poUicis, which it resem- bles in its shape. It arises tendinous and fleshy from the os scaphoides, and from the anterior and inner part ofthe internal annular Ugament. It is inserted tendinous and fleshy into the under and anterior part of the first bone of the thumb. It serves to turn the first bone of the thumb upon its axis, and at the same time to bring it inwards op- posite to the other fingers. Flexor parvus minimi digiti. Abdudor minimi digiti, Hypothenar Riolani of Douglas. Hypothenar minimi digiti of Winslow : and se- cond carpo-phalangien du petit dmgt of Dumas. A muscle of the little finger, situated along the inner surlace ofthe metacarpal bone of the little finger. It arises tendinous and fleshy from the hook-like process of the unciform bone, and Uke- wise from the anterior surface of the adjacent part of the annular ligament. It terminates in a flat tendon, which is connected with that of the abductor minimi digiti, and inserted into the in- ner and anterior part ofthe upper end ofthe first bone of the little linger. It serves to bend the Uttle finger, and likewise to assist the abductor. Flexor profundus perforans. Profundus of Albinus. Perforans of Douglas. Perforans vulgo profundus of Winslow ; Flexor tertii in- ternodii digitorum manus, vel perforatus manus of Cowper; and Cubito phalangetien common of Dumas. A muscle of the fingers situated on the fore-arm, immediately under the perforatus, which it greatly resembles in its shape. It arises fleshy from the external side, and upper part of the ulna, for some way downwards, and from a large portion of the iuterossens ligament. It splits into four tendons a little before it passes under the annular ligament of the wrist, and these pass through the slit in the tendons of the flexor sublimis, to be inserted into tbe fore and upper part of the third or last bone of all the four fingers, the joint of which they bend. Flexor sublimis perforatus. This mus- cle, which is the perforatus of Cowper, Douglas, and Winslow, is, by Albinus, and others, named sublimis. It has gotten the name of perforatus, from its tendons being perforated by those of another flexor muscle of the finger, called the perforans. They who give it the appellation of sublimis, consider its situation with respect toihe latter, and which, instead of perforans, they name profundus. It is a long muscle, situated most commonly at the anterior and inner part of the fore-arm, between the palmaris longus and the flexor carpi ulnaris ; but, in some subjects, wc find it placed under the former of these muscles, between the flexor carpi ulnaris and the flexor carpi radialis. , It arises, tendinous and fleshy, from the inner condyle of the os humeri, Irom the inner edge of the coronoid process of the ulna, and from the upper and fore part of the radius, down to near the insertion of the pronator teres. V. little below tin- middle of FLO FLU the fore-arm, its fleshy belly divides into four portions, which degenerate into as many round tendons, that pass all together under the internal annular Ugament of the wrist, after which they separate from each other, become thinner and flatter, and running along the palm of the hand, under the aponeurosis palmaris, are inserted into the upper part of the second bone of each finger. Previous to this insertion, however, the fibres of each tendon decussate near the extremity of the first bone, so as to afford a passage to a tendon of the perforans. Of these four tendons, that of the middle finger is the largest, that of the fore-finger the next in size, and that of the little finger the smallest. The use of this muscle is to bend the second joint of the fingers. Flexor tertii internodii. See Flexor longus pollicis manus. FLEXUOSUS. Flexuous; fuU of turnings or windings. A stem is so named which is zigzag, forming angles alternately from right to left, and from left to right; as in Smilax aspera. FLINT. A hard stone, found in beds of chalk, and in primitive, transition, secondary, and allu- vial mountains. Its constituents are silica, lime, alumina, and oxide of iron. FLINTY SLATE. Busanite. A mineral, of wliich there are two kinds. 1. Common flinty slate, of an ash grey colour, with other colours, in flamed, striped, and spotted delineations. It is found in different parts of the great track of clay-slate and grey-wacke which extends from St. Abb's head to Portpatrick. 2. Lydian-stone of a greyish black and velvet black colour. It is found frequently along with common flinty-slate in beds of clay-slate. It oc- curs in Bohemia and the Pentland hills, near Edinburgh. It is sometimes used as a touchstone for ascertaining the purity of gold and silver. FLOATSTONE. The spongiform quartz of Jameson. FLOCCILATION. (Floccilatio ; from floc- cus, the nap of clothes.) Picking the bed-clothes. A symptom of great danger in acute diseases. FLORAL. (Foralis; from flos, a flower.) Belonging to a flower; as floral leaf. See Bractea. Flores benzoes. See Benzoic acid. Flores martiales. See Ferrum ammo- niatum. Flores salis ammoniaci. See Ammonia subcarbonas. Flores sulphuris. See Sulphur. Flores sulphuris loti. See Sulphur lotum. FLORESCENTIA. (From florxsco, to flour- ish or bloom.) The act of flowering, which Linnaeus compares to the act of generation in animals. FLORET. A little flower. FLOS. (Flos, ris. f.; a flower.) I. A flower. That part of a plant, for the most part beautifully coloured, and protecting the internal organs. Every flower has parts, which are 1. Essential, constituting properly the flower; as the pistil, stamen, aud receptacle. 2. Less essential, without which the flower is in some instances formed; as the calyx, corolla, and pedunculus. 3. Arddental, noticed in a few only; as the bractea and nectarium. A flower is said to be 1. Complete, when furnished with calyx and corolla ; as Nicotiana tabacum. 2. Incomplete, when the calyx or corolla is 3. Naked, devoid of the calyx ; as in Lilium candidum, and Tulipa gesneriana. 416 4. Apetaloid, without the corolla ; as in Gale- nia Africana, and Saururus cernuut. When the stamens and pistils are both, as usual, in one flower, that flower is called perfect, or united; when they are situated in different flowers of the same species, they are called teparated flowers; that which has the stamens being named the barren flower, as producing no fruit in itself, and that with the pistils the fertile one, as bearing the seed. The flower contains the internal or genital parts of a plant : 1. The stamen or male genital organ. 2. The pistillum or female genital organ. From their diversity, flowers are called, 1. Male, which have the stamina only. 2. Female, in which are the pistils only. 3. Hermaphrodite, which contain both stamens and pistils. 4. Neuter, naturally deficient of stamens and pistils; as the marginal flowers of the Centaurea cyanus, and Jacobea. 5. Castrate, when the anthers or the pistils are naturally wanting. The pistils, for example, are wanting in the Calendula offidnalit, and in the Viola mirabilis there are no anthers. 6. Abortive, the fecundated germens of which wither before the maturity of the fruit; as hap- pens to the florets in the radius ofthe Helianthus annuus. 7. Monstrous, when the internal organs be- come petals, as is the case with full or double flowers. Besides these distinctions Linnseus's favourite division is into, 1. Aggregate. 2. Compound. 3. Amentaceous. 4. Glumose, or chaffy, peculiar to the grasses. 5. The sheathed flower,the common receptacle of which springs from a sheath; as in Arum. 6. The umbellate. 7. The cymose. See also Inflorescence. II. A term used by former chemists to whatever had a flower-tike appearance, especially if ob- tained by sublimation, as flowers of sulphur, benjamin, zinc, &c. Flos ferri. A radiated variety of carbonate of lime. FLOSCULUS. A little flower. A term ap- pUed in botany to the small and numerous florets of a compound flower, which are all sessile on a common undivided receptacle, and enclosed in one contiguous calyx, or perianth. FLOUR. The powder of the gramineoM 966cis. FLOWER. See Flos. FLOWER-DE-LUCE. See Iris germanica. Flowers of benjamin. See Benzoic add. FLOYER, Sir John, was born at Hinters, in Staffordshire, about the year 1649, and graduated at Oxford. He then settled at Litchfield, where his attention and skill procured him extensive re- putation, insomuch that he was honoured with knighthood, as a reward for his talents. He strongly advocated the use of cold bathing, parti- cularly in chronic rheumatism, and nervous dis- orders : and he ascribed the increasing prevalence of consumption to the discontinuance of the practice of baptizing children by immersion. He published several works on this and other subjects; particularly an exceUent treatise on the Asthma, under which he himself laboured from the time of puberty, notwithstanding which he lived to be an old man. He is said to have been one of the first who reckoned the number of pulsations by ? time-piece. ILL FLU FLUATE. Flua*. A compound of the miotic acid with salifiable bases: thus, fluate of lime, &c. FLUCTUATION. Fluctuatio. Atermused by surgeons, to express the undulation of a fluid ; thus when pus is formed in an abscess, or when water accumulates in the abdomen, if the abscess nr abdomen lie Ughtly pressed with the fingers, the motion of Muctuation may be-distinctly felt. FLURLLIN. See Antirrhinum elatine. FLUID. Fluidut. A fluid \s that, the parti- cles of which so little attract each other, that when poured out, it drops guttatim, and adapts itself in every respect to the form of the vessel containing it. The lluids of animal bodies, and particularly those of the human body, are something very con- oid rrablc in proportion to the sotids ; the ratio in the adult being as nine to one. Chaussier put a dead body of 120 pounds into an oven, and found it, after many days' successive desiccation, re- duced to 12 pounds. Bodies found, after being buried for a long time in the burning sands of the Arabian deserts, present an extraordinary diminu- Uon of weight. The animal fluids are sometimes contained in vessels, wherein they move with more or less rapidity ; sometimes in little areola* or spaces, where they seem to be kept in reserve ; and at other times they are placed in the great cavities where they make only a temporary stay of longer or shorter duration. The fluids of the human body are, I. The blood. 5. The lymph. 3. The perspiratory or perspirable fluids, which comprise the liquids of cutaneous transpiration: the transpiration or exhalation ol mucous mem- branes, as also ofthe synovial, serous, and cellu- lar ; of the adipose cells, the medullary mem- branes the thyroid and thymus glands, &c. 4. The follicular fluid ; the sebaceous secretion of the skin, the cerumen, the ropy matter from the eyeUds, the mucus from the glands and folli- cles of that name from the tonsils, the cardiac glands, the prostate, the vicinity of the anus, and some other parts. 5. The glandular fluids ; the tears, the saliva, the pancreatic fluid, the bile, the urine, the secre- tion from Cowper's glands, the semen, the milk, the liquid contained in the supra-renal capsules, that of the testicles, and of the niammoe of new- born infants. 6. The chyme and the chyle. The properties of fluids, both chemical and physical, are exceedingly various. Many have some analogy to each other under these two re- lations ; but none exhibit a perfect resemblance. The w riters of aU ages have attached a consider- able degree of importance to their methodical arrangement ; and according to the doctrine then llouris'ung in the schools, they have created dif- ferent systems of classification. Thus, the an- cients, who attributed much importance to the lour elements, said that there were four principal humours, the blood, the lymph, or pituita, the yellow bile, the black bile, or afro bilit; and these four humours corresponded to the four elements, to the four seasons of the year, to the four divisions of the day, and to the four tempera- ments. AfterwHi-ds, at different periods, other divisions have been substituted to this classifica- tion of tbe ancients. Thus, some have made three classes of liquids :—I. the chyme and chyle; -. the blood ; 3. the humours emanating from the blood. s \ arietics of the lamella are, J Fin •/; as in Agaricus crinitut. 64 2. Unequal. S. Branched, when several run into one ; re- in Meruliut cantharellus. 4. Decurrint, proceeding down the stem. 5. Venous, so small that they appear like elevated veins. 6. Dimidiate, half round ; as in Agaricus mus- cariut. 7. Labyrinth-like; as in Agaricus quercinus-. The varieties of the volva are, 1. Simple. 2. Double. 3. Stellate, cut several times; as in LycopO' dium ttellatUm. The varieties of the annul us are, 1. Erect, loose above aud fixed below ; as in Agaricus conspurcatus. 2. Inverse, fixed above, free, and bell-like below ; as in Agaricus Mappa. 3. Sessile, fixed only laterally. 4. Mobile ; as in Agaricus antiquatus. 5. Persistent, remaining after the perfect for- mation of the plant. 6. Evanescent, disappearing after the complete evolution of the fungus. 7. Arachnoid, resembling a slender white web. The varieties of the stipes or stem: 1. Annulate, having a ring. -\ Naked, without any. 3. Squamose, scaly. 4. Bulbous; as in Agaricus separates. 5. Filiform; as in Agaricus crinitus. FUNGIC ACID. Acidum fungicum. The expressed juice of the boletus juglandis, boletus pteudo-igniarius, the phallus impudicut, meru- liut cantharellut, or the peziza nigra, being boiled to coagulate the albumen, then Altered, evaporated to the consistence of an extract, and acted on by pure alkohol, leaves a substance* which is called Fungic acid. It is a colourless, uncrystallisable, and deU- quescent mass, of a very sour taste. The fimgatc of potassa and soda arc uncrystallisable ; that of" ammonia forms regular six-sided prisms ; that of lime is moderately soluble, and is not affected by the air ; that of barytes is soluble in fifteen times its weight of water, and crystallises with difficulty; that of magnesia appears in soluble granular crys- tals. This acid precipitates from the acetate of lead a white flocculent fungate, which is soluble in distilled vinegar. When insolated, it does not affect solution ol nitrate of silver ; but the fungates decompose this salt. FUNGIN. The fleshy part of mushrooms deprived by alkohol and water of every thing soluble. FU'NGUS. 1. Proud-flesh. A term in sur- gery to express any luxuriant formation of flesh on an ulcer. 2. In morbid anatomy it is applied to a disease of the structure of a part'which enlarges, is soft, and excrescent ial. 3. Tbe name of an order of plants in the Liu- naean system, belonging to the Cryptogamiu class. Fungus h.ematodes. See Hamatoma. Fungus igniarius. See Boletut igniarius Fungi s laricis. See Boletus laricis. Fungus melitensis. bee Cyiiomorium. Fungus rosackus. See Bedeguar. Fungus salicis. The willow lui.gus. r^-e. Boletus suaveolens. . . Fungus sambucin us. See Peziza auricula. Fungus vinosus. The dark cobweb-like fungus, which vegetate* in dry cellars, where wme, ale, and the like are kept. . FUNICULUS. (Funiculus; diminutive o* /«-lis." s cord. ■> A little cord. GAD GAi. Funiculus umbilicalis. iscc Umbtlicui cord. The finiiculus of a seed is a little filament by whichthe immature seed adheres tothe receptacle, seen in Pisum sativum, and Lunaria annua. FU'NIS. A rope or cord. Funis umbilicalis. See Umbilical cord. FUNNEL-SHAPED. See Infundibuliformis. FURCA. A fork or species of armature of plants. See Aculeus. Furce'lla inferior. The ensiform cartilage. Fu'rcula. The clavicle. FU'RFUR. 1. Bran. 2. A disease of the skin, in which the cuticle keeps falling off in small scales like bran. FURFURA'CEOUS. (Furfuraceus; from furfur, bran.) A term applied to the bran-tike sediment occasionally deposited in the urine. FURNACE. Fumus. The furnaces em- ployed in chemical operations are of three kinds: 1. The evaporatory furnace, which has re- ceived its name from its use; it is employed to reduce substances into vapour by means of heat, in order to separate the more fixed principles from those which are more volatile. 2. The reverberatory furnace, which name it has received from its construction, the flame being prevented from rising ; it is appropriated to distillation. 3. The forge furnace, in which the current of air is determined by bellows. FUROR. Fury, rage. F-lrOr uxerinus. (From furo, to be maoy and utei-us, the womb.) See Nymphomania. FURU'NCULUS. (From furo, to rare; to named from its heat and inflammation before it suppurates.) Dothrin of Paracelsus. Chiadus; Chioli. A boil. An inflammation of a subcu- taneous gland, known by an inflammatory tumour that does not exceed the size of a pigeon's egg. Furible metal. A combination of three parts of lead with two of tin, and five of bismuth. It melts at 197° Fahr. • FUSIBILITY. The property by whioh metals and minerals assume the fluid state. FUSIFORMIS. Fusiform. Spindle-shaped or tapering. AppUed to parts of plants, as roots, &c. which penetrate perpendicularly into the earth : as the carrot, parsnep, radish, &c. FUSION. (Furio; from fundo, to pour out.) A chemical process, by which bodies are made to pass from the solid to the fluid state in conse- quence of the application of heat. The chief objects susceptible of this operation are salts, sulphur, and metals. Salts are liable to two kinds of fusion: the one which is peculiar to saline matters, is owing to water contained in them, and is caUed aqueous fusion; the other, which arises from the heat alone, is known by the name of igneous fusion. FUSUS. (From fundo, to pour out.) Poured out. Applied by Dr. Good to a species of purging diarrhaa fusa, in which the faces arc loose, copious, and of a bright yellow colour. G. (jfi Tabia'num oleum. SeePetroleuntrubrum. Gabi'rea. A fatty kind of myrrh, mentioned by Dioscorides. GADOLINITE. A hard black coloured semi- transparent mineral from Sweden, composed of silica, yttria, oxide of cerum, and oxide of iron. GADUS. The name of a genus of fishes, of the jugular tribe. The following species are brought to the European markets for the use of the table. Gadus ciliaris. The Baltic torsk. The Icelanders prepare it by salting and drying, when it becomes an article of commerce, under the name of Tetteling. Its flesh is white, tender, and well-flavoured. Gadus morhua. The cod-fish. This weU- known fish in our markets,abounds in the northern seas. Its flesh is white, tender, and delicious. When salted it is also well-flavoured, and iu general esteem. Gadus .sglefinus. The haddock. An in- habitant of the northern seas of Europe. The larger ones are much esteemed during the winter; the smaller ones for summer use. They are of easy digestion. Salted and dried they are eaten at breakfast as a delicacy. Gadus ninutus. Very small, never exceed- ing six or seven inches in length. It is found in the Mediterranean, in great abundance, where it is called a capelau or officier. Gadus merlangijs. The whiting. A deli- cate white fish in great abundance in the Irish seas and German ocean. Gadus pollacius. The whiting pollack found on the rocky coasts of Britain and other parts of Europe, and isingivnt estei.-mfbrthe.tahje. 4?fi Gadus carbon-arius. The coal-fish. Very abundant on the rocky coasts of the northern parts of this island, about the Orkneys, and the coast of Yorkshire, where they become two and three feet long, and constitute the chief support of the poor. Gadus merluccius. The hake. A native of the North and Mediterranean Seas, not much eaten, except by the poor when dried, when it ii called poor John or stock-fish. Gadus molva. The ling. This grows to the length of five or six feet. It is not so good as the morhua, when fresh ; but dried and salted is much esteemed, and is the common food of the poor in Cornwall, where it is prepared for ex- portation. Gadus lota. The burbot. The flesh of this is considered deUcious and of easy digestion. Gadus brosme. The torsk. This swarms in the seas about the Shetland islands, and forms a considerable article of commerce, either dried, or salted, or packed in barrels. GALA'CTIA. (From yaXa, lac, milk; or •aXaicruoc, lacteus, milky.) Galactirrhcea. I. An excess or overflowing ofthe milk. 2. The name of a genus of diseases, Clase, Genetica; Order, Cenotica, of Good's Nosolo- gy. Mislactation. It comprehends five species viz. Galactia pramatura ; defectura; deprava- ta; errotica; virorum. Galactina. (From yaXa, milk.) AUment prepared of milk. GALACTIRRHQL'A. (From yaXa, milk, and pto), to flow.) See Galactia. Galac-to'de*. (From ;-»>!. milk.'i In Hin- GAi GAL oocrate* -t ligiufies both milk-warm and a milky coloar. GALACTO'PHORUS. (From yaXa, milk, and Otpu, to bring or carry.) 1. That which has the property of increasing the secretion ofthe milk. 2. Tne excretory ducts of the glands of the breasts of women, which terminate in the papilla, or nipple, are so called, because they bring the Bulk to the nipple. GALACTOPOIE'TIC. (Galactopoieticut; from yaXa, milk, and iroum, to make.) Milk making, the faculty of making milk : applied to particular foods, plants, &c. GALACTOPO'SIA. (From yaXa, milk, and i, a cat, of the skin of which it was formerly made.) A helmet.. 1. In anatomy, the amnios is so called, because it sur- rounds the foetus Uke a helmet. 2. In surgery; a bandage for the head. S. A species of headache is. so called, wher it surrounds the head Uke a helmet. 4. In botany it is appUed to upper arched lip of ringent and personate corols. See Corolla. GALEANTHRO'PIA. (This term seems to be from XaXri, a cat, and avdpwzos, a man.) It is a species of madness, in which a person imagines himself to be a cat, and imitates its manners. GA'LEGA. (From yaXa, milk: so named because it increases the milk of animals which eat it) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the linnsean system. Class, Diadelphia; Order, Dteandria. 2. The pharmacopoeial name ofthe Ruta ca- praria. See Galtga offidnalit. Galega officinalis. The systematic name of the goats rue. Galega. Ruta capraria. From the little smell and taste of tliis plant, Ga- ltga leguminibut ttriclit, erectit; foliolit lan- ceolatis, itriatis, nudut, cf Linnams, it may be supposed to possess little virtues. Lu Italy, the leaves are eaten among salads. Galeow. A species of senna from the East Indies. The cassia for a of Linnsrus. GALENA. (From ynXttv, to shine.) The name ofan ore formed by the combination of lead wtih snlpfctrr. A rrrfivo ciifpburct nf tend m-*. GALENIC. That practice of medicjnr which conforms to the rules of Galen, and run.' much upon multiplying herbs and roots in the same composition, was long caUed Galenical me- dicine, after the manner of Galen. It is opposed to chemical medicine, which, by the force of fire, and a great deal of art, fetches out the virtue* of bodies, chiefly mineral, into a smaU com- pass. Gale'nium. (From yaXriw, galena.) A cataplasm ; in tbe composition of which was the galena. In Paulus l^Egineta it is considered as anodyne. GALENUS, Claudius, was born at Perga- mus, in Asia Minor, iu 131. His father, Nicon, having instructed him in the rudiments of know- ledge, sent him to attend the best schools of phi- losophy. Galen soon displayed his judgment by selecting what appeared most rational from the different sects; but he totally rejected the Epicurean system, which was then in fashion. About the age of 17, he began his attachment to the science of medicine, over which he was des- tined to preside for many centuries with oracular authority. During his youth, he traveUed much, that he might converse with the most intelligent physicians of the age, and inform himself con- cerning the drugs brought from other countries. He resided several years at Alexandria, whicli was then the great resort of men of science, and the best school of medicine in the world. At the age of 28, returning to his native place, he met with distinguished success in practice : but four Sears after he attempted to establish himself at lorae. Here he encountered much opposition from his professional brethren, who stigmatized him as a theorist, and even as a dealer in magic ; and though he gained the esteem of several men of learning and rank, yet wanting temper and experience sufficient to maintain a successful con- test with a numerous and popular party, he was obliged to return to Pergamus within five years, under the pretence of avoiding the plague, which then raged at Rome. He was however soon after sent for to attend the emperors Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, of whom the latter died ; and the former conceived so high an opinion of Galen, that subsequently during his German expedition, he committed his two sons to the care of that physician. These princes were seized with fevers, in which Galen having prognosticated a favourable issue, contrary to the opinion of all his colleagues, and having accordingly restored them to health, he attained an eminence of reputation, which enabled him to defy the power, and finally, to ruin the credit, of his former opponents. It is not certain whether he continued at Rome tiU his death, nor at what precise period this occurred; but Fabricius asserts that he attained the age of 70, which corresponds to the 7thyear of Severus ; and his writings appear to indicate, that he was still in that city in the early part of this em- peror's reign. The greatest part of Galen's life was speut in the zealous pursuit of knowledge, and especially of every thing which might have the least connection with medicine; and he is said to have comiwscd about 750 different essays on such subjects. He appears however to have been too much elated with the consciousness of his superior endowments, and to have behaved rather contemptuously towards his brethren; which may have inflamed their opposition to him. The chief object in his writing appears to be to illustrate those of Hippocrates, which he thought succeeding physicians had misunderstood or mis represented: iu this he has displayed great acute- itcos and lonrnimr. fhonsrh he his not much in- 4Tt UAL GAL r.rfiksjcd the Mock of practical information. His example, too had the unfortunate effect of intro- ducing a taste for minute distinctions and abstract speculations ; while the diligent observation of na- ture, which distinguished the father of medicine, fell into neglect. We must therefore regret that the splendour of Galen's talents so completely dazzled Ids successors, that, until about the mid- dle of the 17th century, his opinion bore almost undivided sway. Numerous coitions of his works, in the original Greek, or translated into Latin, have been printed in modern times. GALEO'BDOLON. (From yaXtr,,felis, and flSoXos, crepitus.) See Galeopsis. GALEO'PSIS. (From koXos, good, and oyis, vision : so called because it was thought good for the sight, or from yaXri, a cat, and oxpts, aspect; the flowers gaping Uke the open mouth of that animal.) Galeobdolon. See Lamium album. Galeri'culum afoneuroticum. A name in old writings for the tendinous expansion which lies over the pericranium. Galipot. See Barras. GA'LIUM. (From yaXa, milk ; some species having the property of coagulating mUk.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnsean h-ystem. Class, Tetrandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the herb cheese- rennet, or ladies' bedstraw. See Galium vei~um. 3. A name for madder. Galium album. The greater ladies' bed- straw. See Galium mollugo. Galium aparine. Tlie systematic name of the goose-grass, and cleaver's bees. Cleavers ; Goose-share; Hayriff. Aparine ; Philanthro- ■pus; Ampelocarput; Omphalocarpus ; Ixus; Asparine ; Asperula. This plant is common in our hedges and ditches : Galium—foliis octonis lanceolatis carinatis scabris retrorsum aculea- tit, geniculis venosis,fruclu hispido, of Linnaeus. The expressed juice has been given with advan- tage as an aperient and diuretic in incipient drop- sies ; but the character in which it has of late been chiefly noticed, is that of a remedy against cancer. A tea cup-fuU, internally, gradually in- creased to half a pint, two or three times a day, and the herb applied, in cataplasm, externally, has been said to cure cancers. Such beneficial results are not confirmed by the experience of others. Galium mollugo. The systematic name of the greater ladies' bedstraw. Galium album. Galium—foliis octonis, ovato-linearibut, sub- serratis, patentissimis, mucronatis; caule flac- cido, ramis patentibus of Linnaeus. This herb, with its flowers, is used medicinally. Five ounces, or more of the expressed juice, taken every evening upon an empty stomach, is said to cure epilepsy. Galium verum. The systematic namesof the true ladies' bed-straw, or cheese-rennef;» ' Qxl- yeai-1809. Dr. Lind informs us, that at JHiildle^ burg, the capital of Walchercn, a sickness gene- rally reigns towards the latter end of August or the beginning of September, wliich is always most violent after hot summers. It commences after tbe rains which fall in the end of July; the sooner it begins the longer it continues, and it is only checked by the coldness of the weather. Towards the end of August and the beginning of September, it is a continual burning fever, at- tended with a vomiting of bile, which is the gall sicknest. This fever, after continuing three or four days, intermits and assumes the form of a double tertian ; leaving the patient in a fortnight or perhaps sooner. Strangers, that have been ac- customed to breathe a dry, pure air, do pot re- cover so quickly. Foreigners in indigent circum- stances, such as the Scots and German soldiers, who were garrisoned in the adjacent places, were apt, after those fevers, to have a swelling in the legs, and a dropsy ; of which many died. These diseases are the same with the double tertians common within the tropics. Such as are seized with the gall sickness, have at first some flushes of heat over the body, a loss of appetite, a white, foul tongue, a yellow tinge in the eyes, and a pale colour of the lips. Such as live well, drink wine, and have warm clothes and a good lodging, do not suffer so much during the sickly season as the poor people ; however, these dis- eases are not infectious, and seldom prove mortal to the natives. Sir John Pringle observes, that the prevailing epidemic of autumn, in all marshy countries, is a fever of an intermitting nature, commonly of a tertian form, but of a bad kind ; wliich, in the dampest places and worst seasons, appears as a double tertian, a remitting, or even an ardent fever. But, however these may vary in their ap- pearance, according to the constitution ofthe pa- tient and other circumstances, they are all of a si- milar nature. For though, in the beginning of the epidemic, when the heat, or rather the putre- faction in the air, is the greatest, they assume a continued or a remitting form; yet, by the end of autumn, they usually terminate in regular inter- mittents. But, although, in the gaU sickness, there is both a redundance and a depravation of the bUe, still the disease cannot, with justice, be said to origi- nate wholly from that cause. It is certain, how- ever, that the disease may be continued, and the symptoms aggravated by an increased secretion and putrefaction of the bile, occasioned by the fever. In proportion to the coolness of the sea- son, or the height and dryness of the ground, this disease is milder, remits and intermits more freely, and removes further from the nature of a conti- nued fever. The higher ranks of people in gene- ral are the least liable to the diseases of the marshes ; for such countries require dry houses, Hum of the pharmacopeias. The tops of this , apartments raised above the ground, moderate plant, Galium—foliit octonis, linearibus, stUcf- exercis'c, without labour, in the sun, or evening lis; ramis florifcris, brevibus, of Linnaeus, f*damps~; a just quantity of fermented liquors, were long used as an efficacious medicine in the cure of epilepsy ; but, in the practice of the pre- sent day, they are abandoned. Indeed, from the sensible quatities of the plant, little can be ex- pected. The leaves and flowers possess the pro- perty of curdling milk; it is on that account styled cheese-rennet. GALL. See Bile. GALL SICKNESS. (See Febris remittcns.) A popular name for the remitting fever occasioned by marsh miasmata, in the Netherlands, and which proved so fatal to thousands ofthe English soldiers after the capture of Waleheren in the 4^9 plenty of vegetables and fresh meats. Without s'MrWhclps; not only strangers but the natives thciMtfce* are sickly, espeeiaUy after hot and close .smiiucrs. - The handiest constitutions arc very litile'excepted more than others ; and hence the British irr«*e Netherlands have always been subject to this fevftr>T ' < By this disease," the British'troops were ha- rassed throughout the war^from 1743 to 1747. It appeared in the month of August, 1743: the pa- roxysms came on in the evening, with great beat, thirst, a violent headache, and often a delirium. These symptoms lasted most of the night, buf GAL GAL sjiatcn tn the morning, with an imperfect sweat; sometimes with an haemorrhage of the nose, or looseness. The stomach, from the beginning, was disordered with a nausea and sense of oppres- sion ; frequently with a bilious and offensive vo- miting. If evacuations were either negleeted or too sparingly us -d, the patient feU into a conti- nued fever, and sometimes grew yeUow, as in jaundice. When the season was further ad- vanced, this fever was attended with a cough, rheumatic pains, and sizy blood. The officers, being better accommodated than the common men, and the cavalry, who bad cloaks to keep them warm, were not so subject to it; and others, who belonged to the army, but lay in quarters, were least of all affected : and the less in proportion to their being exposed to heats, night damps, and the other fatigues of the service. In this manner did the remitting fever infest the army for the remaining years of the war: and that exactly in proportion to their distance from the marshy places, of which we have several notable instances in Pringle's observations. GALL-BLADDER. Vericula fellis. An oblong membraneous receptacle, situated under the Uver, to which it is attached in the right hy- pochondrium. It is composed of three mem- branes, a common, fibrous, and villous. Its use is to retain the bile which regurgitates from the he- patic duct, there to become thicker, more acrid, and bitter, and to send it through the cystic duct, which proceeds from its neck into the ductus communis choledochus, to be sent on to the duo- denum. GALL-STONE. Calculus biliosus. Biliary concretion. Hard concrete bodies, formed in the gall-bladder of animals. Of these there are four different kinds. 1. The first has a white colour, and when broken presents crystaUine plates, or strife, bril- liant and white like mica, and having a soft, greasy feel. Sometimes its colour is yellow or greenish ; and it has constantly a nucleus of in- spissated bUe. Its specific gravity is inferior to that of water : Gren found the specific gravity of one 0.803. When exposed to a heat considerably greater than that of boiUng water, this crystal- lised calculus softens and melts, and crystallises again when the temperature is lowered. It is al- together insoluble in water ; but hot alkohol dis- solves it with faciUty. Alkohol, of the the tem- perature of 167°, dissolves one-twentieth of its weight of this substance ; but alkohol at the tem- perature of 60°, scarcely dissolves any of it. As the alkohol cools, the matter is deposited in bril- liant plates, resembling talc or boracic acid. It is soluble in oil of turpentine. When melted it has the appearance of oil, and exhales the smeU of melted wax ; when suddenly heated, it evaporates altogether in a thick smoke. It is soluble in pure alkalies, and the solution has all the properties of a soap. ' Nitric arid also dissolves it; but it is precipitated unaltered by water. This matter, which is evidently the same with tlie crystals Cadet obtained from bile, and which he considered as analogous to sugar of mtik has a »trong resemblance to spermaceti. Like that substance, it is of au oily nature, and inflam- mable ; but it differs from it in a variety of parti- culars. Since it it contained in bde, it is not dif- ficult to see how it may crystallise in the gall- bladder if it happen to be more abundant than usual; uud the consequence must be a gall-stone of this species. Fourcroy found a quantity of the cam* substance in the dried human Uver. He called it adipoceri: 2. The won! stvciee of biliary calculus is of:, round or polygonal shape, often of a gray colour externally, and brown within. It is formed of' concentric layers of a matter, which seems to be inspissated bile ; and there is usuaUy a nucleus of the white crystaUine matter at the centre. For the mostpart, there are many of this species of calculus in the gall-hladdcr together; indeed it is frequently filled with them. The calculi belong- ing to this species art- often light and friable, and of a brownish-red-colour. The gall-stones of oxen, used by painters, belong to this species. These are also adipocere. 3. The third species of calculi are most nu- merous of all. Their colour is often deep brown or green ; and when broken, a number of crystals of tbe substance resembling spermaceti are obser- vable, mixed with inspissated bile. The calculi belonging to these three species are soluble in al- kalies, in soap ley, in alkohol, and in oils. 4. Concerning the fourth species of gaU-stone, very little m known with accuracy. Dr. Saun- ders tells us, th t he has met with some gaU- stones insoluble both in alkohol and oil of tur- pentine ; some of which do not flame, but become red, and consume to ashes like charcoal. Haller quotes s-veral examples of similar calculi. Gall- stones often occur in the inferior animals, parti- cularly in cows and hogs; but the biUary concretions of these animals have not hitherto been examined with much attention. Gall-stones often lie quiet; so that until dissec- tion after death, some arc never known to exist; but when they are prevented from passing through the gall-ducts, they obstruct the passage of toe bile into the intestines, and produce also many in- convenient symptoms, particularly the jaundice. The diagnostics of this disorder are generally very obscure and uncertain : for other causes pro- duce the same kind of symptoms as those which occur in this disease. The usual symptoms are a loss of appetite, a sense of fulness in the stomach, sickness and vomiting, languor, inactivity, sleepi- ness ; and, if the obstruction continues for a time, there is wasting of the flesh ; yellowness of the eyes, skin, and urine; whitish stools; a pain in the pit ofthe stomach ; whilst the pulse remains in its natural state. The pain excited by an obstruction of the gall-ducts, in consequence of gall-stones passing through them, and this not affecting the pulse, is considered as the leading pathognomonic symptom. This pain, in some, is extremely acute, in others there is only a slight uneasiness felt about the region of the liver; but its particu- lar seat is the gati-duct, just where it enters the duodenum. In some patients there is no yellow- ness of the skin ; in others it exists for several months. There is no disease more painful than this, in some instances ; it is as frequent as any other affection ofthe liver ; it admits of much re- lief from medicine, and is not immediately dan- gerous to the patient. See Icterus. GA'LLA. (From Gallus, a river in Bithynia.) A gall. See Quercus cerris. Galla turcica. See Quercus cerris. GALLIC ACID. Acidum gallicum. An acid found in vegetable substances posscsMng astrin- gent properties, but most abundantly in the ex- crescences termed gaUs, whence it derives its name. It may be obtained by macerating galls in water, filtering, ind suffering the liquor to stand exposed to the air. It will grow mouldy, be co- vered with a thick glutinous pelhcle, abundance of glutinous flocks will fall down, and, in the course of two or three mouths, the sides of the- vessel will appear covered with small yellowish crystals, abundance of which wiU likewise be found on the under •nirface ofthe supernatant pel A»o UAL GAL iicle. These crystals may be puriued by solution in alkohol, and evaporation to dryness. Or muriate of tin may be added to the infusion of gaUs, tiU no more precipitate falls down; the excess of oxide of tin remainiMf in the solution, may then be precipitated by sulphuretted hydro- fen gas, and the liquor wiU yield crystals of gal- ic acid by evaporation. A more simple process, however, is to boil an ounce of powdered galls in tMxteen ounces of water to eight, and strain. Dissolve two ounces of alum in water, precipitate the alumina by carbonate of potassa; and after edulcorating it completely by repeated ablutions, add it to the decoction, frequently stirring the mixture with a glass rod. The next day filter the mixture, wash the precipitate with warm water, till this will no longer blacken sulphate of iron ; mix the wash- ings with the filtered Uquor, evaporate, and the gallic acid will be obtained in fine needled crystals. » These crystals obtained in any of these ways, however, are contaminated with a small portion of extractive matter; and to purify them they may be placed in a glass capsule in a sand-heat, and sublimed into another capsule inverted over this, and kept cool. The gatiic acid placed on a red-hot iron, burns with flame, and emits an aromatic smell, not un- like that of benzoic acid. It is soluble in 20 parts of cold water, and in three parts at a boiling heat. It is more soluble in alkohol, which takes up an equal weight if heated, and one-fourth of its weight cold. It has an acido-astringent taste, and reddens tincture of litmus. It does not attract humidity from the air. This acid, in its combinations with the salifia- ble bases, presents some remarkable phenomena. If we pour its aqueous solution by slow degrees into Ume, barytes, or strontites water, there wUl first be formed a greenish-white precipitate. As the quantity of acid is increased, the precipitate changes to a violet hue, and eventuaUy disap- pears. The liquid has then acquired a reddish tint. Among the salts, those only of black oxide and red oxide of iron, are decomposed by the pure gaUic acid. It forms a blue precipitate with the first, and a brown with the second. But when this acid is united with tannin, it decomposes almost all the salts ofthe permanent metals. Concentrated sulphuric acid decomposes and carbonizes it; and the nitric acid converts it into malic and oxalic acids. United with barytes, strontian, lime and mag- nesia, it forms salts of a dull yeUow colour, which are little soluble, but more so if their base be in excess. With alkalies it forms salts that are not very soluble in general. Its most distinguishing characteristic is its t the moment of establishing a communica- tion, he experienced »harp prickings, accompa- nied with a sero-sanguinous discharge. If a plate of zinc be placed under the tongue, and a flat piece of silver on its superior surface, on making them touch eaoh other, an acerb taste wiU be perceived, accompanied with a sUght trembling. The excitatory arch may be constructed with three, two, or even one metal only, with atioys, amalgams, or other metallic or mineral combi- nations, carbonated substances, &c. It is ob- served that metals which are in general the most powerful exciters, induce contractions so much the more as they have an extent of surface. Metals are all more or less excitants ; and it is observed that zinc, gold, silver, pewter, are of the highest rank; then copper, lead, nickle, an- timony, &c. Galvanic susceptibility. Uke muscular irritabil- ity, is exhausted by too long continued exercise, and is recruited by repose. Immersion of nerves and muscles in alkohol and opiate solutions dimin- ishes, and even destroys, this susceptibiUty, in the same manner, doubtless, as the immoderate use of these substances in the living man blunts, and induces paralysis in muscular action. Im- mersion in oxymuriatic acid restores the fatigued parts, to be again acted on by the stimulus. An- imals killed by the repeated discharge of an elec- tric battery, acquire an increase of Galvanic sus- cepibiUty; and this property subsists unchanged in animals destroyed by submersion in mercury, pure hydrogen gas, azote, and ammonia; and finally, it is totally annihilated in animals suffo- cated by the vapour of charcoal. Galvanic susceptibility is extinct in the muscles of animals of warm blood, in proportion as vital heat is dissipated; sometimes even when life is . terminated in convulsions, contractility cannot be put into action, although warmth be not com- pletely gone, as though the vital property were ^consumed by the convulsion, amidst which the ' animals had expired. In those of cold blood, on the contrary, it is more durable. The thighs of frogs, long after being separated from every thing, and even to the instant of incipient putrefaction, are Influenced by Galvanic stimuli; doubtless, because irritability, ia these animals, is less inti- mately connected with respiration, and life more divided among the different organs, which have less occasion to act on each other for the execu- tion of its phenomena. The Galvanic chain does not produce sensible actions (that is, contrac- tions,) until the moment it is completed, by es- tablishing a communication with the parts con- stituting it. During the time it is complete, that is, throughout the whole space of time that the communication remains estabUshed, every thing remains tranquil; nevertheless, Galvanic influ- ence is not suspended; in fact, excitability is evi- dently increased, or diminished, in muscles that liavc Men long continued in the Galvanic chain, according to the difference ofthe reciprocal situa- tion ofthe connecting metals. If silver has been applied to nerves, and zinc lo muscles, the irritability of the latter increases in proportion to the time they have remained in the chain. By this method, the thighs of frogs have b««n revivified in some degree, and afterwards become sensible to stimuli, that before had ceas- ed to act on them. By distributing the metals iu in inverse maruiT. implying ti'mc to rwnrs an-' (..Ai. silver to muscles, an effect absolutely Contrary l; observed ; and the muscles that possess the most lively irritability when placed in the chain, seem to be rendered entirely paralytic if they remain long in this situation. This difference evidently depends on the direc- tion of the Galvanic fluid, determined towards the muscles or nerves, according to the manner in which these metals are disposed, and this is of some importance toi» known for the application of Galvanic means to the cure of diseases. • Galvanic Pile.—Volta's apparatus is as fol- lows :— Raise a pile, by placing a plate of zinc, a flat piece of wet card, and a plate of silver, succes- sively ; then a second piece of zinc, &c. until the elevation is several feet high; for the effects are freater in proportion to its height; then touch oth extremities of the pile, at the same instant, with one piece of iron wire ; at the moment of contact, a ^^k is excited from the extremities of the pile, and luminous points are often per- ceived at different heights, where the zinc and silver come into mutual contact. The zinc end of this pile appears to be negatively electrified; that formed by the stiver, on the contrary, indi- cates marks ot positive electricity. If we touch both extremities of the pile, after having dipped our hands into water, or, what is better, a saline solution, a commotion, foUowed by a disagreeable prickling in the fingers and el- bow, is felt. If we place in a tube filled with water, and her- metically closed by two corks, the extremities of two wires of the same metal which are in contact at the other extremity, one with the summit, the other with the base of the pUe ; these ends, even when separated only by the space of a few lines, experience evident changes at the instant the ex- tremities of the pile are touched; the wire in contact with that part of the pile composed of sUver becomes covered with buUae of hydrogen gas ; that which touches the extremity formed by zinc, becomes oxidized, or gives off oxygen gas. Fourcroy attributes this phenomenon to tbe decomposition of water by the Galvanic fluid, which abandons the oxygen to the metal that touches the positive extremity of the pile ; then conducts the other gas invisibly to the end of the other wire, there to be disengaged. Galvanic Trough.—This is a much more con- venient apparatus. Plates of two metals, com- monly zinc and copper, are fastened together, and eemented into a wooden trough, so as to form a number of ceUs; or earthen-ware troughs with partitions being procured, the metals, connected by a slip, are suspended over these, so that in each cell, except at the ends, there is a plate of each metal; then a diluted acid, (usually the sulphuric, nitric, or muriatic, mixed with from twtjtee to twenty parts of water,) is poured into (borough. It is necessary that the metals be placed in the same order throughout, or one series will counteract another. The zinc end becomes negative, the copper positive ; and the power is in proportion to the number of the series ; and several such troughs may be connected together, so as to form a most powerful apparatus. From the number of experiments of Davy, many newand important facts have been establish- ed, and Galvanism has been found one of the most powerful agents in chemistry: by its influence. platina wire has been melted ; gold, silver, cop- per, and most of the metals, have easily been blunt; the fixed alkalies, and many ofthe earths have been made to appear as consisting ot a mc- >nllio,bn*e, and n-xvgen : "ojupourd substance CaI. -which were before extremely difficult to decom- pose, are now, by the aid of Galvanism, easily resolved into their constituents. The galvanic influence has been considered by some practitioners as likely to increase the ner- vous influence in paralyzed and debilitated states of the muscular system, and many ingenious ways of applying it have been resorted to ; but it does not seem to have been useful. Dr. Ure's observations'and experiments on this subject and on galvanism are highly interesting. The follow- ing account oi them is extracted from his Chemi- cal Dictionary. " Many experiments," he ob- serves, "have been performed, in this country and abroad, on the bodies of criminals, soon after their execution. Vassali, Julio, and Rossi, made an ample set, on several bodies decapitated at Turin. They paid particular attention to the effect of galvanic electricity on the heart, and other involuntary muscles: a subject of much previous controversy. Volta asseru^fcthat these muscles are not at all sensible to this electric power. Fowler maintained, that they were af- fected ; but with difficulty and in a slight degree. This opinion was confirmed by Vassali; who further showed, that the muscles of the stomach, and intestines, might thus also be excited. Aldi- ni, on the contrary declared, that he could not affect the heart by his most powerful galvanic ar- rangements." Most of the above experiments were however made, either without a voltaic battery, or with piles, feeble in comparison with those now em- ployed. Those indeed performed on the body of a criminal, at New-gate, in which the limbs were violently agitated; the eyes opened and shut; the mouth and jaws worked about, and the whole face thrown into frightful convulsions, were made by Aldini, with, I believe, a considerable series of voltaic plates. A circumstance of the first moment, in my opinion, has been too much overlooked in experi- ments of this kind,—that a muscular mass through which the galvanic energy is directly trjpsinitted, exhibits very weak contractile movements, in comparison with those which can be excited by passing the influence along the principai nerve of the muscle. Inattention to this important dis- tinction, I conceive to be the principal source of the slender effects hitherto produced in such ex- periments on the heart, and other muscles, inde- pendent of the will. It ought also to be observed, that too Uttle distinction has been made between the positive and negative poles of the battery ; thoiwh there are good reasons for supposing, that their powers on muscular contraction are by no means the same. According to Ritter, the electricity of tlie posi- tive pole augments, while the negative diminishes tie dctions of Ufe. Tumefaction of parts is pro- duced by the former ; depression by the latter. The pulse of the hand, he says, held a few irrrW- utes in contact with the positive pole, is strength- ened • that of the one in contact with the nega- tive is enfeebled: the former is accompanied with a sense of heat; the latter with a feeling of coldness. Objects appear "to a positively elec- trified eye, larger, brighter, and red; while to one negatively electrified, they seem smaller, less distinct, and bluish.-colonrs indicating opposite extremities of the prismatic spectrum. The acid and alkaline tastes, when the tongue is acted on ia succession by the two electricities, are well known, and have been ingeniously accounted for by Sir H. Davy, in his admirable Bakcnan Lec- tures. The smell of oxymuriatic acid, and of -immonia, are said bv Ritter to be the opposite 132 l.Ai. odours, excited by the two opposite poles ; as a fuU body of sound and a sharp tone are the cor- responding effects on the ears. These experi- ments require verification. Consonant in some respects, though not in all, with these statements, are the doctrines taught by a London practitioner, experienced in the admin- istration of medical electricity. He affirms, that the influence of the electrical fluid of our common machines, in the cure of diseases, may be referred to three distinct heads ; first, the form of radii • when projected from a point positively electrified - secondly, that of a star, or the negative fire, con- centrated on a brass ball; thirdly, the Leyden explosion. To each of these forms he assigns a specific action. The first act3 as a sedative, al- laying morbid activity ; the second as a stimulant; and the last has a deobstruent operation, in dis- persing chronic tumours. An ample narrative of cases is given in confirmation ot these general propositions. My own experience leads me to suppose, that the negative pole of a voltaic bat- tery gives more poignant sensations than the po- sitive. The most precise and interesting researches on the relation between voltaic electricity and the phenomena of life, are those contained in Dr. Wilson Philip's Dissertations in the Philosophical Transactions, as well as in his Experimental In- quiry into the Laws of the Vital Functions, more recently published. In his earlier researches he endeavoured to prove, that the circulation of the blood, and the action of the involuntary muscles, were indepen- dent of the nervous influence. In a late paper, read in January 1616, he showed the immediate dependence of the secretory functions on the ner- vous influence. The eighth pair of nerves distributed to the stomach, and subservient to digestion, were di- vided by incisions in the necks of several livin* rabbits. After the operation, the parsley which they ate remained without alteration in their stomachs ; and the animals, after evincing much difficulty of breathing, seemed to die of suffoca- tion. But when in other rabbits, similarly treated, the galvanic power was transmitted AA along the nerve, below its section, to a disc of * silver, placed closely in contact with the skin of the animal, opposite to its stomach, no difficulty of breathing occurred. The voltaic action being kept up for twenty-six hours, the rabbits were then killed, and the parsley was found in as per- fectly digested a state, as that in healthy rabbits fed at the same time; and their stomachs evolved the smell peculiar to that of a rabbit during di- gestion. These experiments were several times repeated with similar results. Hence it appears that the galvanic energy is capable of supplying the place of tbe nervous in- fluence, so that, while under it, the stomach, - otherwise inactive, digests food as usual. I am not, hovvever, willing to adopt the conclusion drawn by its ingenious author, that the ' identity of galvanic electricity, and nervous influence is established by these experiments.' They clearly show a remarkable analogy between ttiese two powers, since the one may serve as a substitute for the other. It might possibly be urged by the anatomist, that as the stomach is suppUcd by twigs of other nerves, which ccniinunicate under the place of Dr. Philip's section of the par vagum, the galvanic fluid may operate merely as a power- ful stimulus, exciting those slender twigs to per- forin such an increase of action, as may compen- sate for the want of the principal nerve. The above experiments were repeated on dogs, with CAL like results; tbe battery never being so strong as to occasion painful shocks. The removal of dyspno-a, as stated above, led him to try galvanism as a remedy in asthma. By transmitting its influence from the nape of the neck to the pit of the stomach, he gave decided relief in every one of twenty-two cases, of which foar were in private practice, and eighteen in the Worcester Infirmary. The power employed varied from ten to twenty-five pairs. The general inferences deduced by him from hi* multiplied experiments, arc, that voltaic elec- tricity is capable of effecting the formation of the secreted fluids, when applied to the blood in the same way in which the nervous influence is appUed to it; and that it is capable of occasion- ing an evolution of caloric from arterial blood. When the lungs arc deprived of the nervous in- fluence, by which their function ia impeded, and even destroyed, when digestion is interrupted, by withdrawing this influence from the stomach, these two vital functions are renewed by exposing them to the influence of a galvanic trough. 'Hence,' says he, 'galvanism seems capable of performing all tbe functions of the nervous influ- ence in the animal economy ; but obviously it cannot excite the functions of animal life, unless when acting on parts endowed with the living principle.' These results of Drr Philip have been recently confirmed by Dr. Clarke Abel, of Brighton, who employed, in one of the repetitions of the expe- riments, a comparatively weak, and in the other a considerable power of galvanism. In the former, although the galvanism was not of suffi- cient power to occasion evident digestion of the food, yet tbe efforts to vomit, and the difficulty of breathing, constant effects of dividing the eighth pair of nerves, were prevented by it. These symptoms recurred when it was discon- tinued, and vanished on its reapplication. ' The respiration of the animal,' he observes, 'continued quite free during the experiment, except when the disengagement of the nerves from the tin-foil rendered a short suspension of the galvanism ne- cessary during their readjustment.' 'The non- galvanised rabbit breathed with difficulty, wheez- ed audibly, and made frequent attempts to vomit.' In the latter experiment, in which the greater power of galvanism was employed, digestion went on as in Dr. Philip's experiments.—Jour. Sc. ix. Gallois, an eminent French physiologist, had endeavoured to prove, that the motion of the heart depends entirely upon the spinal marrow, and immediately ceases when the spinal marrow is removed or destroyed. Dr. Philip appears to have refuted this notion, by the following experi- ments. Rabbits were rendered insensible by a blow on the occiput; the spinal marrow and brain were then removed, and the respiration kept up by artificial means; the motion of tlie heart, ami the circulation, were carried on as usual. When spirit of wine, or opium, was ap- plied to the spinal marrow or brain, the late of the circulation was accelerated. A middle-sized, athletic, and extremely mus- cular man, about 30 years of age, was tbe sub- ject of the following highly interesting experi- ments. He was suspended from the gallows nearly an hour, and made no convulsive struggle after he dropped ; while a thief, executed along with him, was violently agitated for a considerable time. He was brought to the anatomical theatre of our university iu about ten minutes after he v** c-if down. His face had a perfectly natural UAL aspect, being neither liyid nor tumefied; and there was no dislocation of his neck. Dr. Jeffrey, the distinguished professor of ana- tomy, having on the preceding day requested me (says Dr. Ure) to perform the galvanic experi- ments, I sent to his theatre with this view, next morning, my minor voltaic battery, consisting of 270 pairs of four inch plates, with wires of com- munication, and pointed metallic rods with insu- lating handles, for the more commodious applica- tion of the electric power. About five minutes before the police officers arrived with the body, the battery was charged with a dilute nitro-sul- phuric acid, which speedily brought it into a state of intense action. The dissections were skilfully. executed by Mr. MarshaU, under the superintend- ence of the professor. Exp. 1. A large incision was made into the nape of the neck, close below the oedput. The posterior haJMf the alias vertebra was then re- moved by brro forceps, when the spinal marrow- was brought into view. A profuse flow of liquid blood gushed from (he wound, inundating the floor. A considerable incision was at the same time made in the left hip, through the great glu- teal muscle, so as to bring the sciatic nerve into sight; and a small cut was made in the heel. From neither of these did any blood flow. The pointed rod connected with one end of the bat- tery, was now placed in contact with the spinal marrow, while the other rod was applied to the sciatic nerve. Kvery muscle of the body was immediately agitated with convulsive movements, resembling a violent shuddering from cold. The left side was most powerfully convulsed at each renewal of the electric contact. On moving the second rod from the hip to the heel, the knee being previously bent, the leg was thrown out with such violence as nearly to overturn one of the assistants, who in vain attempted to prevent its extension. Exp. 2. The left phrenic nerve was now laid bare at the outer edge of the tterno-thyroideus muscle, from three to four inches above the cla- vicle ; the cutaneous incision having been made by the side of the sterno-cleido-mastoideus. Since this nerve is distributed to the diaphragm, and since it communicates with the heart through the eighth pair, it was expected, by transmitting the galvanic power along it, that the respiratory 'process would be renewed. Accordingly, a small incision having been made under the cartilage of the seventh no, the point of the one insulating rod was brought into contact with the great head of the diaphragm, while the,other point was ap- plied to the phrenic nerve in the neck. This muscle, the main agent of respiration, was in- stantly contracted, but with less force than was expected. S.itisfied, from ample experience on the living body, that more powerful effects can be f^pduced in galvanic excitation, by leaving the extreme communicating rods in close contact with the parts to be operated on, while the elec- tric chain or circuit is completed by running the end of tlie wires along the top of the plates in the last trough of either pole, the other wire being steadily immersed in the last cell of the opposite pole, 1 had immediate recourse to this method. The success of it was truly wonderful. Full, nay, laborious breathing, instantly commenced. The chest heaved, and fell; the belly was pro- truded, and again collapsed, with the relaxing and retiring diaphragm. Thi. process was con- tinued, without interruption, as long as I conti- nued the electric dischar-cs. In the iitdo-nient of manv scientific gentlemen 133 GAL GAL who witnessed the scene, this respiratory experi- ment was perhaps the most striking ever made with a philosophical apparatus. Let it also be remembered, that for full half an hour before this period, the body had been well nigh drained of its blood, and the spinal marrow severely lace- rated. No pulsation could be perceived mean- while at the heart or wrist; but it may be sup- posed, that but for the evacuation of the blood,— the essential stimulus of that organ,—this phe- nomenon might also have occurred. Exp. 3. The supra-orbital nerve was laid bare in the forehead, as it issues through the supra- ciliary foramen, in the eyebrow: the one con- ducting rod being applied to it, and the other to the heel, most extraordinary grimaces were ex- hibited every time that the electric discharges were made, by running the wire in my hand along the edges of the last trough, from the 220th to the 270th pair of plates: thus fifti^shocks, each greater than the preceding one, \A given in two seconds. Every muscle in his countenance was simultaneously thrown into fearful action ; rage, horror, despair, anguish, and ghastly smiles, united their hideous expression in the murderer's face, surpassing far the wildest representations of a Fuseli or a Kean. At this period several of the spectators were forced to leave the apartment from terror or sickness, and one gentleman fainted. Exp. 4. The last galvanic experiment consist- ed in trasmittihg the electric power from the spi- nal marrow to the ulnar nerve, as it passes by the internal condyle at the elbow : the fingers now moved nimbly, like those of a violin performer ; nn assistant, who tried to close the fist, found the hand to open forcibly, in spite o fhis efforts. When the one rod was applied to a slight inci- sion in the tip of the fore-finger, the fist being previously clenched, that finger extended instant- ly ; and from the convulsive agitation of the arm, he seemed to point to the different spectators, some of whom thought he had come to life. About an hour was spent in these operations. In deliberating on the above galvanic pheno- mena, we are almost willing to imagine, that if, without cutting into and wounding the spinal marrow and blood vessels in the neck, the pulmo- nary organs had been set a-playing at first (as I proposed,) by electrifying the phrenic nerve, (which may be done without any dangerous inci- sion,) there is a probability that life might have, been restored. This event, however little desira- ble with a murderer, and perhaps contrary to law, would yet have been pardonable in one in- stance, as it would have been highly honourable and useful to science. From the accurate expe- riments of Dr. Philip, it appears, that the action of the diaphragm and lungs is indispensable to- wards restoring the suspended action of the heart and great vessels, subservient to the circtdation of the blood. It is known, that cases of death-like lethargy, or suspended animation, from disease and acci- dents, have occurred, where life has returned after longer interruption of its functions than in the subject of the preceding experiments. It is probable, when apparent death supervenes from suffocation with noxious gases, &c. and when there is no organic lesion, that a judiciously di- rected galvanic experiment wiU, if any thing wiU, restore the activity of the vital functions. The plans of administering voltaic electricity hitherto pursued in such cases, are, in my hum- ble apprehension, very defective. No advantage, We perceive, is Ukely to accrue from passing electric discharges across the chest, directly {trough the heart and lungs. On the principles 434 so well developed by Dr. Philip, .'fuel now iUus. trated on Clydesdale's body, wc should transmit along the channel of the nerves, that substitute for nervous influence, or that power which may perchance awaken its dormaut faculties. Then, indeed, fair hopes may be formed of deriving ex- tensive benefit from galvanism; and of raising this wonderful agent to its expected rank among the ministers of nealth and life to man. I would, however, beg leave to suggest another nervous channel, which I conceive to be a still readier and more powerful one, to the action of the heart and lungs, than the phrenic nerve. If a longitudinal incision be made, as is frequently done for aneurism, through the integuments of the neck at the outer edge of the sterno-mastoi- deus muscle, about half-way between the clavicle and angle of the lower jaw ; then, on turning over the edge of this muscle, we bring into view the throbbing carotid, on the outside of which, the par vagum, and great sympathetic nerve, lie to- gether in one sheath. Here, therefore, they may both be directly touched and pressed by a blunt metallic conductor. These nerves communicate directly, or indirectly, with the phrenic; and the superficial nerve of the heart is sent off from the sympathetic. Should, however, the phrenic nerve be taken, that of the left side is the preferable of the two. From the position of the heart, the left phrenic differs a little in its course from the right. It passes over the pericardium, covering the apex of the heart, While the point of one metallic conductor is applied to the nervous cords above described, the other knob ought to be firmly pressed against the side of the person, immediately under the car- tilage of the seventh rib. The skin should be moistened with a solution of common salt, or, what is better, a hot saturated solution of sal-am- moniac, by which means, the electric energy will be more effectually conveyed through the cuticle so as to complete the voltaic chain. To lay bare the nerves above described, requires, ■ as I have stated, no formidable incision, nor does it demand more anatomical skill, or surgical dex- terity, than every practi'ioner of the healing art oug:it to possess. We should always bear in mind, that the subject of experiment is at least insensible to pain ; and that life is at stake, per* haps irrecoverably gone. And assuredly, if we place the risk and difficulty of the operations is competition with the blessings and glory conse- quent on success, they will weigh as nothing, with the intelligent and humane. It is possible, indeed, that two small brass knobs, covered with cloth moistened with solution of sal ammoniac, pressed above and below, on the place of the nerve, and the diaphragmatic region, may suffice, without any surgical operation : it may first be tried. immersion of the body in cold water accelerates greatly the extinction of life arising from suffoca- tion ; and hence less hopes need be entertained of recovering drowned persons after a considerable interval, than when the vital heat h,as been suffered to continue with little abatement. None of the ordinary practices judiciously enjoined by the Humane Society, should ever on such occasions be neglected. For it is surely culpable to spare any pains, which may contribute, in the slightest degree, to recall the fleeting breath of man to its cherished mansion. My attention has been again particularly di- rected to this interesting subject, by a very flat- tering letter whieh I lately received from the learned Secretary of the Royal Humane Society. In the preceding account. I had accidental!' GAJSi CAK iiiuilted to state a very essential circumstance relative to the electrisation of Clydesdale. The paper indeed was very rapidly written, at the busiest period of my public prelections, to be presented to the society, as a substitute for the essay of an absent friend, and was sent off to London the morning after it was read. Tbe positive pole or wire connected with the zinc end of the battery, was that which I applied to the nerve , and the negative, or that connected with the copper end, was that which I appUed to the muscles. This is a matter of primary import- ance, as the foUowing experiments will prove. Prepare the posterior limbs of a frog for voltaic electrisation, leaving the crural nerves connected, • as usual, to a detached portion of the spine. When the excitability has become nearly exhaust- ed, plunge the limbs into the water of one wine- glass, and the crural nerves with their pendent portion of spine into that of the other. The edges of the two glasses should be almost in con- tact. Then taking a rod of zinc in one hand, and a rod of silver (or a silver tea-spoon) in the other, plunge the former into the water of the limbs' glass, and the latter into that of the nerves' glass, without touching the frog itself, and gently strike the dry parts of the bright metals together. Feeble convulsive movements, or mere twitching of the fibres, wiU be perceived at every contact. Reverse now the position of the metalie rods, that is, plunge tlie zinc into the nerves' glass, and the silver into the other. On renewing the con- tact of the dry surfaces of the metal now, very lively convulsions will take place ; and if the Umbs are skillully disposed in a narrowish conical glass, they will probably spring out to some dis- tance. This interesting experiment may be agreeably varied in the foUowing way, with an assistant operator: let that person seize, in the moist fingers of his left hand, the spine and ner- vous cords of the prepared frog; and in those of the right hand, a silver rod ; and let the other person lay hi Id of one of the Umbs with his right band, while he holds a zinc rod in the moist fingers of the left. On making the metallic contact, feeble convulsive twitchings will be per- ceived as-before. Holding jtill the frog as above, let them merely exchange the pieces of metal. On renewing the contacts now, lively movements will take place, which become ve^y conspicuous, if one limb be held nearly horizontal, while the other hangs freely down. At each touch of the v oltaic pair, the drooping limb wiU start up, and strike the hand of the experimenter. It is evident, therefore, that for the purposes of resuscitatingdornunt irritability of nerves, or con- tractility of their subordinate muscles, the posi- tive pole must be appUed to the former, and the negative to the latter."—Ure's Chemical Dic- tionary. Gama'ndra. Sec Stalagmitis. Gambi'ense gummi. Set Kino. GAMBOGE. See Stalagmitis. li-AMBO'GIA. See Gambogia and Stalag- nntis. Gambo'cium. See Stalagmitis. (iAMBOiuea. See Stalugmitis. (. A'.MMA. (From the letter r, g-arnmi/.which it resembles.) A surgical instrument for caute- rising a hernia. GaMpiik'le. (From ja(4>,-, crooked.) The cheek. The jaw. Ga'koamon. (From yayiiipn, a fishing-net, which it was said to resemble.) 1. A name of the omentum. 3. Some Tall the contcxtiue of nerves about 'he navel by this name. GANGLION. (rayyXior, a knot.) A knot. 1. In anatomy it is applied to a natural knot-like enlargement, in the course of a nerve. 2. In surgery it is an encysted tumour, formed in the sheath of a tendon, and containing a fluid like the white of an ege. It most frequently oc- curs on the back of the hand or foot. GA'NGRENK. (TayFpatva ; from ypaa, to feed upon : so named from its eating away the flesh.) Gungrena. See Mortification. Ga'rab. An Arabic name for the disorder of the eyes. See AEgylops. G ARC I'M A. (So called in honour of Dr. Garcin, who accurately described it.) The name ol a genus o' plants in the L.i nx n system. Class, Doaecandria; Order, Monogynia. Garcima mangostana. The systematic name of the mangosteen tree. The mangosteeni ' is a fruit about the size of an orange, which grows in great abundance on this tree in Java and the Molucca islands. According to the concurring testimonies of all traveUers, it is the most ex- quisitely flavoured, and the most salubrious of all fruits, it being such a delicious mixture of the tart and sweet. The flesh is juicy, white, almost transparent, and of a more delicate and agreeable flavour than the righest grape. It is eaten in almost every disorder, and the dried bark is used medicinally in dysenteries and tenesmus, and a strong decoction of it is much esteemed as a gargle in ulcerated sore throats. Ga'rgale. YapyaXn. Gargolos; Gargalis* mos. Irritation, or stimulation. Garga'reon. (Hebrew.) The uvula, or glan- dulous body, which bangs down into the throat. GA'RGARISM. See Gargarisma. GARGARI'SMA. (Gargarisma, atit. n.; and Gargarismus,i.m.; and Gargarismum, i.n.; from yaplapi^to, to gargle.) A gargle or wash for the throat. Gargarismum. See Gargarisma. Ga'rgathum. A bed on which lunatics, &c. were formerly confined. GARGLE. See Gargarisma. GARLIC. See Allium. GARNET. Professor Jameson divides this mineral genus into three species : the pyramidal garnet, dodecahedral garnet, and prismatic garnet. 1. The Pi/ramidarcontains th. e~' sub-sj ecies; Vesuvian, Egerun, Gehlenite. 2. Tbe Dodecahedral contains nine sub-species; Pyreneite, Grossulare, Melanite, Pyrope, Gar- net, AUochroite, Colophonite, C inn am m-stone, Helvin. 3. The Piismalic; the grenatite. Of the garnet proper, there are two species : 1. The precious or noble garnet. 2. The common garnet. GARNET, Thomas, was born in 1766, at Casterton in Westmoreland. After serving his time to a surgeon and apothecary, he went to study at Edinburgh, where he took bis degree at twenty-two, and then attended the London hospi- tals for two j ears. In 1790 he settled at Bradford, and began to give private lectures on Philosophy aud Chemistry ; and here he wrote his Treatise on the Horley Green Spa. But in the following year he removed to knarcsboroueh, and soon after published an AnaJysisof the different Waters of Harrowgute, which place he visited during the summer season. About tliis period he formed the design of going to America; but whUe waiting to take his passage at Liverpool, he was solicited to deliver some lectures there, whicli were so favourably received, that he was induced to re* peat his course at various other places; and at I- ugtb the professorship at Anderson's institutioR GAS GAS in Glasgow was offered him, where he began lecturing in 1796. Two years after he made a tour to the Highlands, of which he subsequently published an account. On the formation of the Royal Institution in London, he was invited by Count Rumford to become the lecturer there ; he accepted the appointment, and the room was crowded with persons of the first distinction and fashion. He then turned his thoughts more seriously to the practice of his profession, as likely to afford the most permanent support; but % his prospects were cut short by death about the middle of the year 180:1. A posthumous volume, entitled "Zoonomia," was published for the benefit of his family. Ga'ron. Yapov. A kind of pickle prepared of fish; at first it w s made from a fish, which the Greeks call Garoi; but the best was made from mackarel. Among the moderns, garum signifies the Uquor in which fish is pickled. GAROU. See Daphne gnidium. Garrophi'llus. See Eugeniacatujophyllata. Garroti'llo. (From garottar, to bind close- ly. Spanish.) A name ofthe cynanche maligna, from its sense of strangulation, as if the throat were bound with a cord. GAS. (From Gascht, German, an eruption of wind.) Gaz. Elastic fluid ; Aeriform fluid. This term is appUed to all permanently elastic fluids, simple or compound, except the atmos- phere, to which the term air is appropriated. Some of the gases exist in nature without the aid of art, and may therefore be collected; others, on the contrary, are only producible by artificial means. All gases are combinationsof certain substances, reduced to the gaseous form by the addition of ealoric. It is, therefore, necessary to distinguish in every gas, the matter of heat which acted the part of a solvent, and the substance which forms the basis of the gas. Gases are not contained in those substances fn.m which we obtain them in the state of gas, but owe their formation to the expansive property of caloric. Formation of Gases.—The different forms under which bodies appear, depend upon a cer- tain quantity of caloric, chemically combined with them. The very formation of gases corroborates this truth. Their production totally depends upon the combination of the particular substances with caloric; and though called permanently elastic, they are only so because we cannot so far reduce their temperature, as to dispose them to part with it; otherwise they would undoubtedly become fluid or solid. Water, for instance, is a solid substance in all degrees below 32° of Fahrenheit's scale ; above this temperature it combines with caloric, and it becomes a fluid. It retains its liquid state under the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere, tiU its temperature is augmented to 212°. It then com- bines with a larger portion of caloric, and is con- verted, apparently, into gas, or at least into elastic vapour; in which state it would continue, if the temperature of our atmosphere was above 212°. Gases are therefore solid substances, be- tween the particles of which a repulsion is esta- blished by the quantity of caloric. But as in the gaseous water or steam, the calo- ric is retained with but little force, on account of its quitting the water when the vapour is merely exposed to a lower temperature, we do not admit steam among the class of gases, or permanently elastic aeriform fluids. In gases, caloric united by a very forcible affinity, and no diminution of temperature, or increase of pressure, that has 436 ever yet been effected, can separate it from them. Thus the air of our atmosphere, in the most in- tense cold, or when very strongly compressed, still remains in the aeriform state ; and hence is derived the essential character of gases, namely, that they shall remain aeriform, under all va- riations of pressure and temperature. In the modern nomenclature, the name of every substance existing in the aeriform state, is derived from its supposed solid base ; and the term gas is used to denote its existence in this state. In order to illustrate the formation of gases or to show in wbat manner caloric is combined with them, the following experiment may serve. Put into a retort, capable of holding half a pint of water, two ounces of muriate of soda, (common salt:) pour on it half its weight of sulphuric acid, and apply the heat of a lamp ; a great quantity of gas is produced, which might be collected and re* tained over mercury. But to serve the purpose of this experiment, let it pass through a glass re- ceiver, having two openings, into one of which the neck of the retort passes, whilst, from the other, a bent tube proceeds, which ends in a ves- sel of water. Before closing the apparatus, let'a thermometer be included in the receiver, to show the temperature of the gas. It will be found that the mercury in the thermometer will rise only a few degrees; whereas the water in the vessel which receives the bent tube, will soon become boiling hot. _ Explanation.—Common salt consists of muria- tic acid, united to soda ; on presenting sulphuric acid to this union, a decomposition takes place, especially when assisted by heat. The sulphuric acid unites by virtue of its great affinity to tbe soda, and forms sulphate of soda, or Glauber'i salt; the muriatic acid becomes therefore disen- gaged, and takes the gaseous form in which it is capable of existing at the common temperature. To trace the caloric during this experiment, as was our object, we must remark, that it first flows from the lamp to the disengaged, muriatic acid; and converts it into gas ; but the heat thus ex- pended is chemically united, and therefore not appreciable by the thermometer. The caloric, however, is again evolved, when the muriatic acid gas is condensed by the water, with which it forms liquid muriatic acid. In this experiment we therefore trace caloric in a chemical combination producing gas ; and from this union we again trace it in tbe condensation of the gas, producing sensible heat. Such, in general, is the cause of the formation and fixation of gases. It may be further observed, that each of these fluids loses or suffers the disen- gagement of different quantities of heat, as it be- comes more or less solid in its new combination, or as that combination is capable of retaining more or less specific heat. The discovery of aeriform gaseous fluids has occasioned the necessity of some peculiar instru- ments, by means of which those substances may be conveniently collected and submitted to exami- nation. The principal ones for that purpose are styled the pneumatic apparatus. The Pneumatic trough is made either of wood or strong sheet iron, tinned, japanned, or painted. A trough of about two feet long, sixteen inches wide, and fifteen high, has been found to be sufficient for most experiments. Two or three inches below its brim, a horizontal shelf is fast- ened, in dimension about half or one-third part of the width of the trough. In this shelf are several holes: these holes must be made in the centre of a small excavation, shaped like a funnel, which is formed in the lower part ofthe shelf. GAS GAS This trough is filled with water sufficient to cover the shelf to the height of an inch. The use of this shelf is to support receivers, I ars, or beU-glasses, which, being previously fiUed with water, are placed invertedly, their open end tnrned down upon the above-mentioned holes, through which the gases, conveyed there and di- rected by means ofthe funnel-shaped excavations, rise in the form of air bubbles into the receiver. When the gaceous fluids are capable of being absorbed by water, as is the case with some ol them, the trough must be filled with mercury. The price and gravity of this fluid make it an ob- ject of convenience and econoroyth.it the trough should be smaller than when water is used. A mercurial trough is best cut in marble, free- stone, or a solid block of wood. A trough about twelve inches long, three inches wide, and four deep, is sufficient for all private experiments. Method of collecting Gates, and transferring them from one vettel to another.—If we are desi- rous of transmitting air from one vessel to another, it is necessary that the vessel destined to receive it be full of water, or some fluid heavier than air. For that purpose, take a wide-mouthed beU-glass, or receiver ; plunge it under the water in the trough, in order to fill it; then raise it with the mouth downwards, and place it on the shelf of the trough, so as to cover one or more of the holes in it. It will now be full of water, and continue so aa long as the mouth remains below the surface of the fluid in the cistern ; for, in this case, the water is sustained in the vessel by the pressure of the at- mosphere, in the same'manner as the mercury is sustained in the barometer. It may without diffi- culty be imagined, that if common air (or any other fluid resembling common air in lightness and elasticity) be suffered to enter the inverted vessel fiUed with water, it wiU rise to tlie upper part, on account of its levity, and the surface ofthe water wiU subside. To exemplify this, take a glass, or any other vessel, in that state which is usually called empty, and plunge it into the water with its mouth downwards: scarce any of it will enter the glass, because its entrance is opposed to the elas- ticity of^the included air j .but if the vessel be turned with its mouth upwards, it immediately fills, and the air rises in bubbles to the surface. Suppose this operation be performed under one of the jars or receivers, which are filled with water, and placed upon the perforated shelf, the air will ascend in bubbles as before, but, instead of esca- ping, it wiU be caught in the part of the jar, and expel part of the water it contains. In this manner we see that air may be emptied out of one vessel into another by a kind of inverted pouring, by which means it is made to ascend trom the lower to the upper vessel. When the receiving vessel has a narrow neck, the air may be poured, in a similar manner, through an inverted funnel, inserted in its mouth. If the air is to be transferred from a vessel that is stopped like a bottle, the bottle must be un- stopped, with its orifice dbwnwards in the water; ana then inclined in such a manner that its neck may come under the perforated excavation of the khelf. The gas will escape from the bottle, and passing into the vessel destined to receive it, will ascend in it in the form of bubbles. In whatever manner this operation is performed, tbe necessity of the excavation in the lower part of the shelf may be readily conceived. It is, as mentioned before, destined to collect the gas which escapes from the vessel, and direct it in its passage towards the vessel adapted to receive it. Without thii i \cavnfion, the gas, instead of pro- ceeding to tlie place of its destination, would be dispersed and lost, unless the mouth of the re- ceiving vessel were large. The vessels, or receivers, for collecting the dis- engaged gases, should be glass cylinders, jars, or beU-glasses of various sizes ; some of them should be open at both ends, others should be fitted with necks at the top, ground perfectly level, in order that they may be stopped by around flat pieces of metal, glass, slate, &c.; others should be furnish- ed with ground stoppers. Some should be gra- duated into cubic i chi s, and sub-divided into de- cimal or other equi-distant parts. Besides these common glass-bottles, tumblers, &c. may be used. Clatrification of Gases.—All the elastic aeri- form fluids with which we are hitherto acquainted, are generally divided, by systematic writers, into two classes; namely, those that are respirable and capable of maintaining combustion, and those that are not respirable, and incapable of main- taining combustion. This division, indeed, has its advantage, but the term respirable, in its phy- siological application, has been very differently employed by different writers. Sometimes by tbe respirability of a gas has been meant its power of supporting life, when repeatedly applied to the blood in the lungs. At other times aU gases have been considered respirable which were ca- pable of introduction into the lungs by voluntary efforts, without any relation to their vitality. In the last case, the word respirable seems to us most properly employed, and in this sense it is here Used. Non-rcspirable gases are those whieh, when applied to the external organs of respiration, sti- mulate the muscles of the epiglottis in such a manner as to keep it perfectly close on the glot- tis ; thus preventing the smallest particle of gas from entering into the bronchia, in spite of vo- luntary exertions. Of respirable gases, or those which are capable of being taken into the lungs by voluntary efforts, only one has the power of uniformly supporting life, namely, atmospheric air; other gases, when respired, sooner or later impair the health of the human constitution, or perhaps occasion death ; but in different modes. Some gases effect no positive change in the blood ; animals immersed in it die of a disease produced by the privation of atmospheric air, anal'gous to that occasioned by tiieir submersion in water. Others again produce some poritive change in the blood, as appears from the experiments of Dr. Beddoes and Sir Humphrey Davy. They seem to render it incapable of supplying tbe ner- vous and macular fibres with principles essential to sensibility and irritability. These gase-, there- fore, destroy animal life on a different principle. It is obvious, therefore, that the above classifi- cation is not very precise, but capable of mis- leading the student without proper explanation. Gas, azotic. See Nitrogen. Gas, carbonic acid. See Carbonic add. Gas, heavy corbeniated hydrogen. See Car- buretted hydrogen gas. Gat,hepatic. See Hydrogen gas,sulphuretted. Gas-hydrogen. See Hydrogen. Gat, light carbonated hydrogen. See Car- buretted hydrogen gat. Gaseous oxide of carbon. See Carbon, gas- eous odde of. GA'STRIC. (Gastricus; from ya*Tip, the stomach.) Appertaining to the stomach. Gastric artery. Arteria gattrica. The right or greater srastric arterv, i« a branch of tb» <1*J7 GAS GA,S hepatic; the left, or lesser, a branch of the splenic. Gastric juice. Succusgastricus. A fluid separated by the storr^.' See Digestion. GastrInum. Potassa. GASTRI'TIS. (From yawp, the stomach.) Inflammation of the stor.ach. A -jnas of dis- ease in the class Pyrexia, and order Phlegmasia of Cullen. It is known by pyrexia, anxiety, heat, and pain in the epigastrium, increased when any thing is taken into the stomach, vomiting, hiccup, pulse small and hard, aud prostration of strength. There are two species: 1. Gastritis phlegmonodea, with acute pain and severe fever. 2. Gastritis erythematica, when the pain and fever are slighter, with an erysipelatous redness appearing in the fauces. Gastritis is produced by acrid substances of various kinds, such as arsenic, corrosive subli- mate, &c. taken into the stomach, as likewise by food of an improper nature ; by taking large draughts of any cold liquor when the body is much heated by exercise, or dancing; and by repelled exanthemata and gout. Besides these, it may arise from an inflammation ot some of the neighbouring parts being communicated to the stomach. The erysipelatous gastritis arises chiefly to- wards the close of other diseases, marking the certain approach to dissolution, and being unac- companied with any marks of general inflamma- tion, or by any burning pain in the stomach. The symptoms of phlegmonous gastritis, as observed above, are a violent burning pain in the stomach, with great soreness, distention, and flatulency ; a severe vomiting, especially after any thing is swallowed, whether it be liquid or solid; most distressing thirst; restlessness, anx- iety, and a continual tossing of the body, with great debility, constant watching, and a frequent, hard, and contracted pulse. In some cases, a severe purging attends. If the disease increases in violence, symptoms of irritation then ensue; there is a great loss of strength, with faintings; a short and interrupted respiration; cold, clammy sweats, hiccups, coldness of the extremities, an intermittent pulse, and the patient is soon cut off; The event of gastritis is seldom favourable, as (he person is usually either suddenly destroyed by the violence of the inflammation, or else it terminates in suppuration, ulceration, or gan- grene. If the symptoms are very mild, and proper re- medies have been employed at an early period of the disease, it may, however, terminate in reso-_ lution, and that in the course of the first, or, ar farthest, the second week. Its termination in suppuration may lie known by the symptoms, although moderate, exceeding the continuance rf this period, and a remission of paiii occurring, whilst a sense of weight and anxiety still remain ; and, on the formation of an abscess, cold shiverings ensue, with marked exa- cerbations in the evening, which are followed by ni-^ht sweats, and other symptoms of hectic fever; and these at length prove fatal, unless the pus is thrown up by vomiting, and the ulcer heals. Its tendency to gangrene may be dreaded, from the violence of its symptoms not yielding to pro- per remedies early in the disease ; and, when be- gun, it may be known by the sudden cessation of the pain ; by the pulse continuing its frequency, but becoming weaker; and by delirium, with other mnrks of increasing debiUty ensuing. Fatal cases of this disease show, on dissectiuu, a considerable redness of the inner coat of the stomach, having a layer of coagulable lymph lining its surface. They likewise show a partial thickening of the substance of the organ, at the inflamed part, the inflammation seldom extending ov er the whole of it. W here ulceration has taken place, the ulcers sometimes are found to penetrate through all its coats, and sometimes only through one or two of them. The cure is to be attempted by copious and re- peated bleedings, employed at an early period of the disease, not regarding the smallness of the pulse, as it usually becomes softer and fuller after the operation: also, several leeches should be applied to the epigastrium, followed by fomenta- tions or the hot bath ; after which a large blister wiU be proper. The large intestines may be in some measure evacuated by a laxative clyster; but scarcely any internal medicine can be borne by the stomach, till the violence of the disease is much abated; we may then try magnesia, or other mild cathartic, to clear out the canal effec- tually. Where acrid substances have been taken, mucilaginous drinks may be freely exhibited, to assist their evacuation and sheathe the stomach; otherwise only in small quantity: and, in the former case, according to the nature of the poi- son, other chemical remedies may come in aid, but ought never to be too much relied upon. Should suppuration occur, little can be done be- yond avoiding irritation, and supporting strength by a mild farinaceous diet, and giving opium oc- casionally to relieve pain. ' GASTRO. Names compounded with this word, have some connexion with the stomach. GASTROCE'LE. (From ya~vp, the stomach, and KtjXii, a tumour.) A hernia of the stomach, occasioned by a protrusion of that viseus through the abdominal parietes. See Hernia ventriculi. GASTROCNEMIUS. (From Xarvp, the stomach, and Kvnpii, the beg.) The calf or belly of the leg. Gastrocnemius externus. Gemellus. An extensor muscle of the foot, situated immediately under the integuments, at the back part of the leg ; sometimes called gemellus: this latter name is adopted by Albinus. "Winslow describes it as two muscles, which he caUs gastrocnemii; and Douglas considers this and the following as a quadriceps, or muscle with four heads, to which he gives the name of extensor tarsi suralis. It. is called bi femoro calcanien by Dumas. The gastrocnemius externus arises by two distinct heads. The first, which is the thickest and long- est of the two, springs by a strong thick tendon irom the upper and back part of the inner con- dyle of the os femoris, adhering strongly to the capsular ligament of the joint, between which and the tendon is a considerable bursa mucosa. The second head arises by a thinner and shorter tendon from the back part of the outer condyle of the os femoris. A little below the joint, their fleshy bellies unite in a middle tendon, and be- low the middle of the tibia they cease to be fleshy, and terminate in a broad tendon, which, a little above the lower extremity of the tibia, unite with that of the gastrocnemius internus, to form one round tendon, sometimes called chorda magna, but commonly tendo Achillis. Gastrocnemius internus. Tibio peronei calcanien of Dumas. This, which is situated immediately under the last described muscle, is sometimes named soleus, on account of its shape, which resembles that of the sole-fish. It arises by two heads. The first springs hy teBehntm- GKL GKM mtoa fleshy fibres from the posterior part of the head of the fibula, and for some way below it. The second arises from an oblique ridge at the up- per and posterior part of the tibia, which affords origin to the inferior edge of the poptiteus, con- tinuing to receive fleshy fibres from the inner edge of the tibia for some way down. This mus- cle, which is narrow at its origin, spreads wider, as it descends, as far as its middle ; after which it becomes narrower again, and begins to grow tendinous, but its fleshy fibres do not entirely disappear till it has almost reached the extremity of tne tibia, a little above which it unites with the last-described muscle, to form the tendo Achillis. This thick round chord is inserted into the lower and posterior part of the os calcis, after sliding over a cartilaginous surface on that bone, to which it is connected by a tendinous sheath that is furnished with a large bursa mu- cota. Both the gastrocnemii have the same use, viz. that of extending the foot by drawing it back- wards and downwards. GASTROCO'LIC. (Gatlrocolicus; from ya*y/p, the stomach, and ku>Xov, the colon.) A term applied to a vein which proceeds from the stomach to the colon. GASTRODY'NIA. (From yarvp, the sto- mach, and oSwn, pain.) Pain in the stomach. Gastro-epiploic artery. Arteria gastrin co-epiploica. The branch of the greater gastric artery that runs to the epiploon. GASTRORAPHY. \Gaitroraphe; from yasijp, the stomach, and pa^i;, a suture.) The sewing of wounds of the abdomen. GASTROTO'MIA. (From ya, to laugh.) An epithet for the four middle fore-teeth, because they are shown in laughter. Gela'smi's. (From ytW,, to laugh.) The Sardonic laugh. See Sardonic laugh. GE'LATIN. GeUy, or jelly. An animal substance soluble in water, but not in alkohol: capable of assuming a well-known elastic or trem- ulous consistence, by cooling, when the water is not too abundant, and liquifiable again, by increas- ing its temperature. This last property remark- s-Wv dl^tinruishfs ;t from alhnmcn. which be- comes consistent by beat. It is precipitated in an insoluble form by tannin, and it is this action of tannin on gelatin that is the foundation of the art of tanning leather. Jellies are very common in our kitchens ; they may be extracted from all the parts of animals, by boiling them in water. Hot wat- r dissolves a large quantity of this substance. Aciils likewise dissolve tbem, as do likewise more particularly the alkalies. Jelly, which has been extracted without long decoction, possesses most of 'he characters of vegetable mucilage ; hut it is seldom obtained without a mixture of albumen. Jellies, in a pure state, have scarcely any smeU or remarkable taste. By distillation, they afford an insipid and inodorous phlegm, when easily putrefies. A stronger heat causes them to swell up, become black, and emit a foetid odour, ac- companied with white acrid fumes An impure volatile alkati, together with empyreumatic oil, then passes over, leaving a spongy coal, not easily burned, and containing common salt and phos- phate of lime. The jelly of various animal substances is pre- pared for the use of sea-faring persons under the name of portable soup. The whole art of per- forming 'this operation consists in boiling the meat, and taking the scum off, as usual, until the soup possesses tne requisite flavour. It is then suffered to cool, in order that the fat may be se- parated. In the next place, it is mixed with five or six whites of eggs, and slightly boiled. This operation serves to clarify the liquid, by the re- moval of opaque particles, which unite with the white of egg at the time it becomes solid by the beat, and are consequently removed along with it. The liquor is then to be strained through fLnnel, and evaporated on the water-bath, to the consist- ence of a very thick paste ; after which it is spread, rather thin, upon a smooth stone, then cut into cakes, and, lastly, dried in a stove, until it becomes brittle. These cakes may be kept four or five years, if defended from moisture When intended to be used, nothing more is required to be done than to dissolve a sufficient quantity in boiling water, which by that means becomes con- verted into soup. Jelly is also found in vegetables, as ripe cur- rants, and other berries mixed with an acid. GELA'TIO. (From gelo, to freeze.) 1. Freezing. 2. That rigidity of the body which happens in a catalepsy, as if the person were frozen. GEM. This word is used to denote a stone which is considered as precious ; as the diamond, ruby, sapphire, topaz, chrysolite, beryl, eme- rald, &c. GEME'LLUS. (From geminus, double, having a fellow.) See Gastrocnemius and Ge- mini. GEMINI. Gemelli of Winslow. Part of the marsupialis of Cowper. Ischio spini tro- chanterien of Dumas. A muscle of the thigh, which has been a subject of dispute among ana- tomists since the dajs of Vesalius. .Some de- scribe it as two distinct muscles ; and hence the name it has gotten of gemini. Others contend that it ought to be considered as a single muscle. The truth is, that it consists of two portions, which are united together by a tendinotis and fleshy membrane, and afford a passage between them to the tendon of the obdurator internus, which they inclose as it were in a purse. These two portions are placed under the gluteus maxi- mus, between the ischium and the great tro- chanter. Tlie superior portion, which is the shortest and 439 GEM GEM thickest of the two, arises fleshy from the exter- nal surface of the spine of the ischium ; and the inferior, from the tuberosity of that bone, and Ukewise from the posterior sacro-ischiatic liga- ment. They are inserted, tendinous and fleshy, into the cavity at the root of the great trochan- ter. Between the two portions of this muscle, and the termination of the obturator internus, there is a small bursa mucosa, connected to both, and to that part of the capsular Ugament of the joint which lies-under the gemini. This muscle assists in rolling the os femoris outwards, and prevents the tendon of the obtura- tor internus from sUpping out of its place while that muscle is in action. GEMMA. 1. A precious stone or gem. 2. In botany this term is now applied exclusive- ly to the buds on the stems of plants. The an- cients used the terras germen and oculu»\o denote those buds which contain the rudiments of branches and leaves, and gemma those in which flowers only are contained ; but by the moderns, g-er- men has been applied to denote the rudiment of the fruit, or as a generic term for all buds.— Thompson. A gemma or bud contains the rudiments of a plant, or of part of a plant, for a while in a latent state, till the time of the year, and other circum- stances, favour their evolution. In the bud, therefore, the vital principle is dormant. Buds of trees or shrubs, destined for cold countries, are formed in the course of the summer in the bosoms of their leaves, and are generally solitary ; but in the Lonicera carulea, or blue-berried honey-suckle, they grow one under another for three successive seasons. The buds of the plane tree, Platanus, are concealed in the footstalk, which must be removed befort they can be seen, and which they force off by their increase ; so that no plant can have more truly and necessarily deciduous leaves. Shrubs in general have no buds, neither have the trees of hot climates. Buds are various in their forms, but very uni- form in the same species, or even genus. They consist of scales closely enveloping each other, and enfoldii.g the embryo plant or branch. Ex- ternally they (rave often an additional guard of gum, resin, or woolliness, against wet or cold. The horse-chesnut affords a fine example of large and well-formed buds. The contents of buds are different, even in different species of the same genus, as wiUows. The buds of some produce leaves only, others flowers, while in other species the same bud bears both leaves and flowers. Different causes, depending on the soil or situation, seem in one case to generate leaf-buds, in another flower-buds. In general, whatever checks the luxuriant produc- tion of leaf-buds, favours the formation of flowers and seeds.—Smith. Gems are found in all trees and shrubs in tem- perate climates. In the majority of instances they are visible from the first, in which case they are axillary, that is, seated in the axilla? of the leaves, or the angle which the upper part of the footstalk of the leaf makes with the surface of the stem ; but in some instances, as the sumachs and planes, they are latent, being hid within the base of the footstalk, and never seen until the fall of the leaf. Gems are however sometimes protruded from the trunk, long after it has ceased to produce leaves, as in the case of adventitious buds; they are also situated on roots, and on tubers, but in these cases they are usually deno- minated oculi, or eyes. Annual plants are supposed to be furnished 440 with gems ; but although they are devoid of co- vered gems, yet their lateral shoots proceed from naked buds which immediately spread into fo- liage. ^ The relative position of axillary gems is ne- cessarily regulated by that of tbe leal; and there- fore we find them, 1. Opposite, or placed exactly on the same line on opposite sides of tbe stem or the branch. 2. Alternate, or placed alternately, although on opposite sides; and, 3. Spiral, that is placed round the stem or branch in such a manner that a cord wound in a spiral manner round it would touch each gem. They are said to be simple or solitary, when one gem only is seen in the axilla of each leaf, as in the greater number of instances; and aggregate, when, as in some plants, two, three, or even more are protruded at the same time: thus we find two in the Sambucus nigra, or common elder ; three in the Aristolochia sipho, or broad- leaved birth-wort; and many in the Zanthoxy- lum fraxineum, or toothache tree. Du Hamel first noticed the fact, that stems and branches furnished with alternate axillary gems have generally one terminal gem only; and those with opposite have generally three terminal gems. ;* The gems on most trees and shrubs rise with a broad base from the furface where they are pro- truded, and consequently being in close contact with it, are said to be sessile; bat they are dis- tant or stalked on some, as the common alder, on which they are supported on a short footstalk, and are termed pedicillata or stalked. Gems differ very considerably in the number and characters of the enclosing scales, their con- tents, the folding up of the leaves within them, and the manner in which they are evolved in the spring. a. The scales differ in size and texture, even in the same gem: in the gems of different plants, they differ also in number and in the nature of their coverings ; some gems are entirely destitute of scales; as those of annual plants, and many perennials of tropical climates. The scales in some instances are besmeared with a resinous matter; in others they are entirely free from any moist exudation, but are smooth and poUshed, being covered with a dry gummy varnish; or they are externally hairy or enveloped in a velve- ty down. Gems are arranged into three species : 1. Gemma foliifera, leaf gems. 2. Gemma florifera, flower gems. 3. Gemma mixta, mixed gems. The Amygdalus persica, or peach-tree, the Daphne mezereum, aud many other plants, afford examples of distinct leaf and flower gems ; the Syringa vulgaris and JEsculus hippocastanum, of mixed gems ; and the pear and apple trees of both leaf and mixed gems. The leaves, as has already been mentioned, are variously folded up so as to occupy the smallest possible space in the gem. This regulates the expansion of the leaves when the gem opens in spring, and it is invariably the same in individual plants of the same species. This process is termed foliation, and the figures which the leaves assume at the time have received different appellations.—Thompson. 1. Foliatio involuta, involute, in which each internal margin of the leaf is rolled inwards ; as in Hamulus lupulus and Nympha lutea. 2. F. revoluta, revolute, in which the lateral margins are rolled outwards ; as in willows, and Rumex patientia. <#EN GEN S. p. obvolula, obvolutc, in which one leaf, doubled length ways, embraces within its doubling one-half of the other leaf, folded in the same manner; as in Sulda offidnalit, and Diptaeut communis. 4. F. convoluta, convolute, in which the leaf is rolled length-ways in a spiral manner, one margin forming the axis round which the other turns; as in Prunus domettica, and Prunut ar- meniaca, the cabbage, grasses, &c. 6. F. equitans, equitant, in which the leaf is ■o folded that the two sides deeply embrace the opposite leaf, which in its turn encloses the one opposed to it, and so on to the centre of the bud; this is beautifully exemplified in the Hemarocallis, or day-lily, and 8yringa vulgaris. 6. F. conduplicata, In which the two sides of the leaf lie parallel to each other ; as in Fagut tylvatica, and Quercut robur. 7. K. plicata, plaited, the leaf being folded up Uke a fan ; as in Betula alba, and Alchemilla vulgaris. 8. F. reclinata, reclinate, turned down, the leaf hanging down and wrapt round the footstalk ; as in Aconitum and Arum. 9. F. cirdnata, circinal, in which the leaf is rolled from the apex to the base ; as in all ferns. As the gems open, the leaves gradually unfold themselves, and assume their natural forms ; but the opening of the bud does not in every instance immediately set free the leaves, for in some gems each leal is separately enclosed in a membraneous cover. GEMMACEUS. A term used by botanists 'o a flower-stalk which grows out of a leaf-bud, as is seen in the Berberis vulgaris. GEMMATIO. (From gemma, a bud.) A term used by Linnaeus expressive of the origin, form, &c. of buds. Gemu'rsa. (From gemo, to groan : so called from the pain it was said to occasion in walking.) The name of an excrescence between the toes. Genei'as. (From yews, the cheek.) 1. The downy hairs which first cover the check. 2. The name of a bandage mentioned by Ga- len, which covers the cheek, and*comes lUidcr the chin. GENERATION. (Generatio; from ytivopat, to beget.) Many ingenious hypotheses have been instituted by physiologists to explain the mystery of generation : but the whole of our knowledge concerning it appears to be built upon the phe- nomena it affords, and may be seen iu the works of Haller, tiuffon, Cruickshanks, and Heighten. It is a sexual action, performed iu different ways in most animals ; many of them have different sexes, and require conjunction: such arc the human species, quadrupeds, an 1 others. The females of quadrupeds have a matrix, separated into two cavities, uterut bicornit, and a consi- derable number of teats ; they have no menstrual flux ; most of them bear several young at a time, and the period of their gestation is generally short. The generation of birds is very different. The males have a strong genital organ, which is often double. The vulva in the females is placed behind the anus ; the Ovaries have no matrices, and there is a duct for the purpose of conve-j inrr. the egg from the ovarium into the intestines ; thii liasiage is called the oviduct. The eggs of pul- lets have exhibited unexpected facts to physiolo- gists, who examined the phenomena of incuba- tion. The most important discoveries are those of the immortal Haller, who found the chicken perfectly formed in eggs which were not fecun- dated. There i« no determirste corriiinrtion be- tween fishes / the female deposits her eggs on the sands, over which the male pisses, and emits its seminal fluid, doubtless for the purpose of fecun- dating them ; these eggs are hatched after a cer- tain time. The males of several oviparious tjuadrupeds have a double or forked organ. In- sects exhibit all the varieties which are observed in other animals : there are some, indeed the greater number, which have the sexes in two separate individuals ; among others, the repro- duction is made either with or without conjunc- tion, as in the wine-frettcr; one of these insects, confined alone -beneath a gluss, produces a great number of others. The organ of the male in in- sects is usually armed with two honks to seize the female;, the place of these organs is greatly varied ; with some, it is at the upper part of the belly, near the chest, as in the female dragon-fly; in others, it is at the extremity of the antenna, as in the male spider. Most worms are herma- phrodite ; each individual has both sexes. Polypi, with respect to generation, are singular animals ; they are reproduced by buds or offsets ; a bud is separated from each vigon Us polypus, which is fixed to some neighbouring body, and grows : polypi are likewise found on their surface, in the same manner as branches issue from plants. These are the principal modes of generation in animals. In the human species, which engages our attention more particularly, the phenomena are as follow: The part of the male, in the act of reproduc- tion, is to deposit the semen in the vigina at a greater or less distance from the orifice of the uterus. The function which the female discharges is much more obscure ; some feel, at-this moment, very strong voluptuous sensations ; others appear entirely insensible; whilst others, again, expe- rience a sensation wliich is very painfu . Some of them pour out a mucous substance in considera- ble abundance, at the instant of the most vivid pleasure : whilst, in the greater pari, this pheno- menon is entirely wanting. In all these respect?, there is, perhaps, no exact resemblance between any fwo females. These difl'erent phenomena are common to the most frequent acts of copulation, that is, to those which do not produce impregnation, as well as those which arc effective. The most recent opinion is, that the uterus during impregnation opens a little, draws in the semen by aspiration, and directs it to the ovarium by means of the Fallopian tubes, the fimbriated extremity of which closely embraces that organ. The contact of the semen determines the rup- ture of one of the vesicles, and the fluid that passes from it, or the vesicle itself, passes into the uterus, where the new individual is to be developed. However satisfactory this explanation may appear, it is purely hypothetical, and ev en con- trary to the experiments of the most exact ob- servers. In the numerous attempts made upon animals by Ifirvey, DeGraaf, Valisneri, &c, the semen has never been perceived in the cavity oi the uterus; much leis has it been seen in the Fallo- pian tube nt the surface of the ov.-rium. It is quite the same with the motion which the Fallo- pian tube is supposed to have in embracing the circumference of the ovarium : it has neverbeen proved by experiment. Even if one should sup- pose that the semen penetrates into the uterus at the moment of coition, wliich is not impossible, though it has not been observed, it would stiU e very ditficnlt. to coinprehcnd how the fluid could pass ii.iotiie Fallopian tubes, and arrive at the ovarium. The uterus in the empty state is not contractible ; the uterine orifice ofthe Fallopian tubes is extremely narrow, and these canals have no known sensible motion. On account of the difficulty of conceiving the passage of the «ernen to the ovarium, some author* have imagined that this matter is not carried titers, but only the vapour which exhales from it, or the aura seminalis. Others think that the semen is absorbed in the vagina, passes into the venous system, and arrives at tbjc ovaria by the arteries. The phenomena whiebvaccompany the fecundation of women are, then, nearly unknown. An equal obscurity rests on the fecundation of other mammiferous females. Nevertheless, it would be more easy to conceive a passage of the semen to the ovaria in these, since the uterus and the Fallopian tubes possess a peristaltic motion like that of the intestines. Fecundation, how- ever, taking place by the contact of the semen with the ova, in fishes, reptiles and birds, it is not very likely that nature employs any other mode for the mammifera ; it is necessary, then, to consider it as very probable that, either at the instant of coition, or at a greater or less time afterwards, the semen arrives at the ovarium, where it exerts more especially its action upon the vessels most developed. But, even should it be out of doubt that the Semen arrives at the vesicles of the ovarium, it would still remain to be known how its contact animates the germ contained in it. Now, this phenomenon is one of those on which our senses, and even our mind, have no hold : it is one of those impenetrable mysteries of whidh we are, and, perhaps, shall ever remain ignorant. We have, however, on this subject some very ingenious experiments of Spallanzani, which have removed the difficulty as far as it seems possible. This philosopher has proved by a great number of trials, 1st, that three grains of semen, dissolved in two pounds of water, are sufficient to give to it the fecundating virtue ; 2d, that the sper- matic animalcula are not necessary to fecundation, as Buffon and other authors have thought; 3d, that the aura seminalis, or seminal vapour, has no fecundating property ; 4th, that a bitch can be impregnated by the mechanical injection of semen into her vagina, &c. &c. It is thus necessary to consider as conjectural what authors say about the general signs of fecundation. At the instance of conception, the woman feels, it is said, a universal tremor, con- tinued for some time, accompanied by a voluptu- ous sens ition; the features are discomposed, the eyes lose their brilliancy, the pupils are dilated, the visage pale, &c. No doubt, impregnation is sometimes accompanied by these signs ; but many mothers have never felt them, and reach even the third month of their pregnancy without suspect- ing their situation."—-Magendie's Physiology. 'Fecundation having thus taken place, a motion is induced in the vivified ovum, which ruptures the tender vesicle that contains it; the fimbria; of the Fallopian tube then grasp and convey it into the tube, which, by its peristaltic motion, conducts it into tlie cavity of the uterus, there to be evolved and brought to maturity, and, at the expiration of nine months,to be sent into the world. Generation, organs or. The parts sub- servient to generation in a woman are divided into external and internal. The external parts are the wions venerii, tbe labia, the perinaum, the clitoris, and the nympha. To these may be added the meatus urinarius, or orifice of the urethra. The hymen mav be esteemer! the bar- 442 GEN ricr between the external and internal parts. 1 In- internal parts of generation are the vagina and uterus, and its appendages. The parts which constitute the organs of gene- ration in men, are the penis, testes, and vestcula seminales. GENICULATUS. Geniculate ; bent like the knee : applied to the culm or straw of grasses; as in Alopecuris geniculalus. GENU). (From ytvuov, the chin.) Names compounded of tliis word belong to muscles which are attached to the chin. Genio-hyo-glossus. (From ytw.ov, the chin, vottSes, the os hyoides, and yXwna, the tongue; so called from its origin and insertion.) Genio glossus of some authors. The muscle which forms the fourth layer between the lower jaw and os hyoides. It arises from a rough pro- tuberance in the inside of the middle ofthe lower jaw ; its fibres run like a fan, forwards, upwards, and backwards, and are inserted into the tip, middle, and root of the tongue, and base of the os hyoides, near its corner. Its use is to draw «4he tip of the tongue backwards into the mouth, the middle downwards, and to render its back concave. • It also draws its root and the os hy- oides forwards, and thrusts the tongue out of the mouth. - Genio-iitoideus. (Fronf yevnov, the chin, and vottuts, the os hyoides; so called from its 4 origin in the chin, and its insertion in the os hy- oides.) The muscle which constitutes the third layer between the lower jaw and os hyoides. ft is a long, thin, and fleshy muscle, arising tendi- nous from a rough protuberance at the inside of the chin, and growing somewhat broader and thicker as it descends backward to be inserted by very short tendinous fibres into both the edges of the base of the os hyoides. It draws the os hyoides forwards to the chin. Geniopharynge'us. See Constrictor pha- ryngis superior. GE'NIPI. A term of barbarous origin applied to two plants. Genipi album. See Artemisia rupestris. Genipi verum. The plant directed for medi- cinal purposes under this title, is the Achillea— foliis pinnatis, pinnis simplidbus, glabrit, pundatit, of Haller. It has a very grateful smell, and a very bitter taste, and is exhibited in Switzerland, in epilepsy, diarrhoea, and debility of the stomach. GENI'STA. (From g-cnu, a knee; so called from the inflection and angularity of its twigs.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Diadelphia; Order, Decandria. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the common broom. See Sparhum scoparium. Genista cahariensis. This tree was sup- posed to afford the lignum Rhodium, which is now known to be an aspalathus. See Aspalathut canarienris. Genista spinosa indica. Bahel schulli. An Indian tree, a decoction of the roots of which is diuretic. The leaves, boiled and sprinkled in vinegar, have the same effect, according to Ray. Genista tinctoria. The systematic name of Chamapartium, or Dyer's broom. GENITA'LE. (From gigno, to beget.) The membrum virile. See Penis. Genita'lium. (From genitale, the mem- brum virile.) A disease of the genital parts. GENITICA. (Fromy£ivofmi,gr*'g-nor.) The name of a class of diseases, in Good's Nosology, embracing diseases of the sexual function. It has three order*, viz. Cenotica Orgattica: Cerr,- poticn. GEO GLU GEMiiiRA- (From gigno.) 1. lue male scfed. 2. The membrum virile. Ge'nok. (From y»w, the knee.) A movea- ble articulation Uke that of the knee. GENSING. ScePrtnoj;. GENTIA'NA. (From Gentiut, king of Illy- 1 ia, who first used it.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Pentan- dria ; Order, Digynia. Gentian. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the gentian root. See Gentiana lutea. Gentiana aLla. Sec iMicrpitium lali- folium. Gentiana centairium. Lesser centaury was so caUed in the Linnxan system ; but it is now Chironia centaurium. Gentiana lutea. The systematic name of the officinal gentian. Gentiana rubra. Fel- wort. The gentian met with in the shops, is the root of the Gentiana—corollit tubquinquefidit rotatit verticillatit, calycibus tpathuceit, of Linnams ; and is imported from Switzerland and Germany. It is the only medicinal part of the plant, has little or no smell, but to the taste mani- fests great bitterness, on which account it i in general use as a tonic, stomachic, anthelmintic, antiseptic, emmenagogue, and febrifuge. 1'he officinal preparations of this root are the infusum gentiana compositum, and tinctura gentiana composita, of the Loudon Phai'macopcuia, and the infutum amarum, vinum amaitim, tinctura nmara, of the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia ; and the extractum gentiana is ordered by both. Gentiana rubra. See Gentiana lutea. Gentianine. The bitter principle of the Gen- tian root. GE'NU. The knee. GENl'GRA. (From >.i., the knee, and aypa, a seizure.) A name in Paracelsus for the gout in the knee. GENUS. (From yivos, a family.) By this term is understood, in natural history, a certain analogy of a number of species, malting them agree together in tbe number, figure, and situation of tiieir parts ; in such a manner, that they arc casUy distinguished from the species of any other genus, at least by some one article. This is the proper and determinate sense of the word genus, whereby it forms a sub division of any class, or order of natural beings, whether of the animal, vegetable, or mineral kingdoms, all agreeing in certuin common and distinct characters. GEODES. A kind of retites, the hollow of which contains only loose earth, instead of a nodule. GEOFFRiE'A. (Named in honour of Dr. Geoffrey.) Geoffroya. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linna;an system. Class, Diadelphia ; Order, Decandria. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the cabbage bark-tree. See Geoffrau ineiinit. Geoffr.£a inermis. The systematic name of the cabbage bark-tree, or worm bark-tree. Geoffraa—foliit lanceolatis of Swartz. It has a mucilaginous and sweetish taste, and a disa- greeable smeU. According to Dr. Wright ol Jamaica, it is powerfully medicinal as an anthel- mintic. Geofkr.v.a JAMAHF.KS13. The systematic name of the bastard cabbage tree, or bulge-water Irce. Qeoffroma—inennit foliolit lanceolatis, of Swartz. The bark is principally used in Ja- maica, and with great success, as a vermifuge. GtoFFR.r.A m:rinamknsis. The systematic name of a tree, the bark or which is esteemed s- an anthelmintic t'l'.UKi-liOi, Stephen Francis, was beVu at Paris, in 1672. After giving him an exceUent general education, his father, who was an apothe- cary, seut him to study his own profession at Montpelier ; where he attended the several lec- tures. On his return to Paris, having already acquired considerable reputation, he was appoint- ed to attend the Duke de Ullard, on his embassy r > England, in 1698. Heie. he was very favour- ably received, and elected a member ofthe Royal Society : and he afterwards visited Holland and Italy. Ilia attention was chiefly directed to na- tural history nnd the materia medica, his father wishing him to succeed to his establishment at Paris: however he became ambitious of the higher branch of the profession, and at length graduated in 170-1. His reputation rapidly in- creased ; and he was called in consultation even by the most distinguished practitioners. In 1709 he was appointed to the professorship of medicine on the death of Tournefort. He then undertook to deliver to his pupils a complete History ofthe Materia Medica, divided into mineral, vegetable, and animal substances ; the first part of which he finished, and about half of the second : tliis was afterwards published from his papers, in La- tin, in three octavo volumes. In 1712 he was made professor of chemistry in the king's gar- den; and 14 years after, dean of the faculty. In tliis office he was led into some active dis- putes ; whence his health, naturally delicate, began to decline ; and he died in the beginning of 1731. Notwithstanding bis illness, however, he completed a work, which had been deemed ne- cessary by preceding deans, but never accoiu- plishcd; namely, a Phanuacopceia, which was published under the name of "Code Medica- mentaire de la Faculte de Paris." , GEOGNOSY. The same as geology. GEOLOGY. (Geologia ; from yn, the earth, and Xoyos, a discourse.) A description ofthe structure of the earth. This study may be di- vided, like most others, into two parts ; observa- tion and theory. By the first we learn the rela- tive positions of the great rocky or mineral ag- gregates that compose the crust of our globe ; through the second, we endeavour to penetrate into tlie causes of these collocations. A valuable work was some time since published, comprehend- ing a view of both parts of the subject, by Mr. Greenough, to which the reader is referred for much instruction, communicated in a very lively manner. Very recently tlie world has been favoured with the first part of an excellent view of this science by Messrs. Conybeare and Phillips, in their 4; Outlines of the Geology of England and Wales;" from which work, the following brief sketch of the subject is taken: The Traite de Geognotie of D'Aubuisson bears a high charac- ter on the continent. ^ Werner's Table of the different Mountain Rocks, from Jameson. Class I. Primitive rocks. 1. Granite. S. Porphyry. 2. Gneiss. 9. Syenite. S. Mica-slate. 10. Topaz-rock. 4. Clay-slate. 11. Qu ertz-rock. 5. Primitive Ume- 1-. Primitive flinty- stone, slate. 6. Primitive trap. 13. Primitive gypsum. 7. Serpentine. 14. White stone. (i vss II. Transition rocks. I. Transitkn lim - «U>uc. 1.1? 2. Transition trap '•. Grcvvacke. GEO CEO Transition flinty- 5. Transition gvp- slate. sum. Class III. Floetz rocks. Old red sandstone, or first sandstone for- mation. First or oldest floetz limestone. First or' oldest floetz gypsum. Second or variegated sandstone formation. Second floetz gypsum. Second floetz Umestone. Third floetz limestone. Rock-salt formation. Chalk formation. Floetz-trap formation. Independent coal formation. Newest floetz-trap formation. Class IV. Alluvial rocks. Peat. 6. Nagelfluh. Sand and gravel. 6. C ale-tuff. Loam. 7. Calc-sinter. Bog-iron ore. Class V. Volcanic rocks. Pseudo-volcanic rocks. Burnt clay. Porcelain jasper. Earth slag. Columnar clay ironstone. PoUer, or polishing slate. True volcanic rocks. Ejected stones and ashes. Different kinds of lava. 3. The matter of muddy eruptions. The primitive rocks lie undermost, and never contain any traces of organized beings imbedded in them. The transition rocks contain compara- tively few organic remains, and approach more nearly to the chemical structure ofthe primitive, than the mechanical of the secondary rocks. As these transition rocks were taken by Werner from among those which in his general arrange- ment were called secondary, the formation of that class xnude it necessary to abandon the latter term. To denote the mineral masses reposing in his transition series, he accordingly employed the term floetz rocks, from the idea that they were generally stratified in planes nearly horizontal, while those of the older strata were inclined to the horizon at considerable angles. But this holds good with regard to the structure of those countries only which are comparatively low ; in the Jura chain, and on the borders of the Alps and Pyre- nees, Werner's floetz formations are highly in- clined. Should we therefore persist in the use of this term, says Mr. Conybeare, we must prepare ourselves to speak of vertical beds of floetz, (i. e. horizontal,) limestone, &c. As the inquiries of geologists extended the knowledge of the various formations, Werner, or his disciples, found it ne- cessary to subdivide the bulky class of floetz rocks into floetz and newest floetz, thus comple- ting a fourfold enumeration. Some writers have bestowed the term tertiary on the newest floetz rocks of Werner. The following nynoptical view of geological arrangement is given by the Rev. Mr. Conybeare. Character. Proposed Names. Wernerian Names. Other Writers. I. Formations (chiefly of sand Superior ^^^ . Newest floetz class-and clay) above the chalk. r ' Tertiary class. 2. Comprising, a. Chalk. b. Sands and clays, beneath the chalk. c. Calcareous freestones (oolitet) and argUlaceous beds. d. New red sandstone, con-glomerate, and magne-sian limestone. i Supermedial j j^ elaSi. i Secondary class. A 3. Carboniferous rocks, com-l j Sometimes referred to the preceding, some-prising, [ itimes to the succeeding class, by writers of a. Coal measures. | Medial order, 'these schools ; very often the coal measures are b. Carboniferous limestone. .referred to the former, the subjacent limestone c. Old red sandstone. | and sandstone to the latter. 4. Roofing slate, &c. &c. 1 Submedial order; 1 Transition class. , 1 Intermediate class. 5. Mica slate, gneiss, granite, I Inferior order_ j Primitive class. 1 Primitive class. ! &c. 1 . ; 1 In aU these formations, from the lowest to the highest, we find a repetition of rocks and beds of similar chemical composition ; i. e. siUceous, ar- gillaceous, and calcareous, but with a considerable difference in texture ; those in the lowest forma- tions being compact and often crystalline, while those in the highest and most recent are loose and earthy These repetitions form what the Werne- rians call formation suites. We may mention, 1st The limestone suite. This exhibits in the inferior or primitive order, crystalline marbles; in the two next, or transition and carboniferous 441 orders, compact and subcrystalline limestones (Derbyshire Umestone;) in the supermedial or floetz order, less compact limestone (Uas,) calca- reous freestone (Portland and Bath stone,) and chalk; in the superior or newest floetz order, loose earthy limestones. 2d. The argillaceous suite presents the fol- lowing gradations ; clay-slate, shale of the coal- measures, shale of the lias, clays alternating in the oolite series, and that of the sand beneath the chalk ; and, lastly, clays above the chalk. 3d. The siliciout suite may (since many ofth* UKK LEU sandstones ot which it consists present evident traces of felspar and abundance of mica, as well as grains of quartz, and since mica is more or less Eresent in every bed of sand) perhaps deserves to are granite placed at its head, as its several members may possibly hare been derived from the detritus of that rock : it may be continued thus; quartz rock and transition sandstone, old red sandstone, millttone-grit, and coal-grits, new red sandstone, sand and sandstone beneath the chalk, and above the chalk. In all these instances a regular diminution in the degree of consolida- tion may be perceived in ascending the series. Gf.ra'MS. (From ytpavos, a crane : so caUed from its supposed resemblance to an extended crane.) A bandage for a fractured clavicle. GERA'MUM. (From ytpavos, a crane: so called because its pistil is long like the bill of a crane.) Class, Monadelphia; Order, Decan- dria. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- nxan system. Geranium, or cranes-biU. Geranium batrachioides. See Geranium pratense. Geranium columbinum. See Geranium rotundtfolium. Geranium moschatum. The adstringent property of this plant has induced practitioners to exhibit it in cases of debility and profluvia. Geranium pratense. The systematic name of the crow foot crane's-bill. Geranium batra- chimdet. A plant which possesses adstringent virtues, but in a slight degree. Gkranium robertianum. Stinking cranes- bill. Herb Robert. This common plant has been much esteemed as an external application in erysipelatous inflammations, cancer, mastodynia, and old ulcers, but is now deservedly fallen into disuse. , Geranium rotundifolium. The systematic name of the doves-foot. Geranium columbinum. This plant is slightly astringent. Geranii M sanguinarium. Sec Geranium languineum. Geranium sanguineum. The systematic name ofthe Geranium sanguinarium. Bloody crane's bill. The adstringent virtues acribed to this plant do not appear to be considerable. (JERM. See- Corculum. GERMANDER. See Teucriumchamadrys. Germander water. Sec Teucrium Scordium. GER.MEN. This is the rudiment ofthe young fruit and kced, and is found at the bottom of the pistil. See Pittillum. It appears under a va- riety of shapes and sizes. From its figure it is called, 1. Globote ; as in Rosa eglantaria, and cin- namomea. 2. Oblong ; as in S tell aria biflora. 3. Ovale; as in Rota canina, and alba. From its situation, it is distinguished into, 1. Superior, when internal between the co- roUs ; aa in I'runut. t. Inferior, below and without the coroUa ; as in Galanthut nivalit. 3. Pedicellate, upon a footstalk; as in the Euphorbia. It it of great moment for botanical distinctions, to observe whether it be superior, above the bases of the calyx, or below. GERMINATION. Gtrminatio. The vital de- velopment of a seed, when it first begins to grow. GEROCO'MIA. (From ytpuv, an aged per- son, and kouiu, to be concerned about.) That part of medicine wliich regards the regimen and treatment of old age. Gfciio> topo'gon . (From ; ^uu, an"old man 'ad • • i. a beard: so ra||pi| because itsilownv seed, wlule enclosed in the calyx, resembles the beard of an aged man.) The herb old man's beard, a species of tragopogon. Geronto'xon. (From ytpuv, an old person, and to£ov, a dart.) 1. A small ulcer, like the head of a dart, appearing sometimes in the cornea of old persons. 2. The socket of a tooth. Geropo'gon. See Gerontopogon. Ge'rton. Quicksilver. GESNER, Conrad, was born at Zurich, in 1516. His father was killed in the civil war, and left him in such poverty, that he was obliged to become a servant at Strasburg. His master al- lowed him to devote some time to study, in which he made great progress ; and having acquired a Uttle money, he went to Paris, where he im- proved rapidly in the classics and rhetoric, and then turned his attention to philosophy and medi- cine. But he was soon compelled to return to his native country, and teach the languages, &c. for a livelihood. This enabled him afterwards to resume his medical studies at MontpeUer, and he graduated at Basil in 1540. He then settled in his native city, where he was appointed professor of philosophy, which office he discharged with great reputation for twenty-four years. He had an early predilection for botany, which led him to cultivate other parts of natural history ; he was the first collector of a museum, and acquired the character of being the greatest naturalist since Aristotle, lie also founded and supported a bo- tanic garden, had numerous drawings and wood engravings made of plants, and appears to have meditated a general work on that subject. He likewise discovered the only true principles of bo- tanical arrangement in the flower and fruit. Though of a feeble and sickly constitution, he traversed the Alps, and even sometimes plunged into the waters in search of plants ; he also care- fully studied their medical properties, and fre- quently hazarded his life by experiments on him- self; indeed he was at one time reported to have been killed by the root of doronicum. His other occupations prevented his entering very exten- sively into practice, but his enlarged views ren- dered him successful; and the profits of his pro- fession enabled him to support the great expense of his favourite pursuits. He gave also many proofs of liberal and active friendship. He died of the plague, in 1565. His chief works are his "Historic Animalium," in three folio volumes, with wood cuts; and a pharmacopoeia, entitled "De Secretis Remediis Thesaurus," which passed through many editions. Gettation, uterine. See Pregnancy. GE'UM. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnasan system. Class, Icotandria; Order, Polygynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the two fol- lowing species of this genus. Geum rivale. The root is the part direeted for medicinal uses. It is inodorous, aud imparts an austere taste. In America it is in high esti- mation in the cure of intermittents, and is said to be more efficacious than the Peruvian bark. Diarrhoeas and haemorrhages are also stopped by its exhibition. Geum urbanum. The systematic name of the herb bennet, or avens. Caryophyllata; Herba benedicta; Caryophyllut vulgaris ; Ga- ryophilla; Janamunda ; Geum—floribus tree- tit, fructibus globotis villosis, aritlit unrina- tit, nudit, foliit lyratit, of Linnius. The root of this plant has been employed as a gentle styp- tic, corroborant, and stomachic. It has a mildly austere, 'ornriphnT -lnmatii- M't.-, aud a very to; GLA GLA pleasant smell, of the clove kind. It is also es- teemed on the Continent as a febrifuge. GIBBUS. Gibbous; swelled; applied to leaves when swelled on one side or both, from excessive abundance of pulp ; as in the Aloe re- tut a. GIDDINESS. See Vertigo. GILBERT, William, was born at Colches- ter in 1540. After studying at Cambridge, he went abroad for improvement, and graduated at some foreign university. He returned with a high character for philosophical and chemical know- ledge, and was admitted into the college of phy- sicians in London, where he settled about the year 1573. He was so successful in his practice, that he was at length made first physician to Queen EUzabeth, who allowed him a pension to prosecute philosophical experiments. He died in 1603, leaving his books, apparatus, and minerals to the college of physicians. His capital work on the magnet was pubUshed three years before his death ; it is not only the earliest complete system on that subject, but also one of the first specimens of philosophy founded upon experi- ments ; which method the great Lord Bacon af- terwards so strenuously recommended. Gilead, baltam. See Amyris gileadendt. GILLIFLOWER. See Dianthus caryophyl- lus. GIN. Spiritus Juniperi. Geneva. Hol- lands. The names of a spirit distiUed from malt or rye, which afterwards undergoes the same process, a second time, with juniper-berries. This is the original and most wholesome state of the spirit; but it is now prepared without juniper-ber- ries, and is distilled from turpentine, which gives it something of a similar flavour. The consump- tion of this article, especially in the metropolis, is immense, and the consequences are pernicious to the health of the inhabitants. GINGER. See Zingiber. GI'NGIBER. See Zingiber. Gingibra'chium. (Fromgingiva, the gums, and brachium, the arm.) A name for the scurvy, because the gums, arms, and legs, are affected with it. Glngi'dium. A species of Daucus. Gi'ngihil. See Zingiber. Gingipe'dium. (From gingiva, the gums, and pes, the foot.) A name for the scurvy, be- cause the gums, arms, and legs, are affected. GINGI'V^E. (From gigno, to beget; be- cause the teeth are, as it were, born in them.) The gums. See Gums. GPNGLYMUS. (TiyyXvpos, a hinge.) The hinge-like joint. A species of diarthrosis, or moveable connection of bones, which admits of flexion and extension, as the knee-joint, &c. GFNSENG. An Indian word. See Panax quinquefolium. Gir. Quick-lime. Gi'RMiR. Tartar. GITHAGO. A name used by Pliny, for the Lolium, or darnel-grass. GIZZARD. The stomach of poultry. Those from white flesh, have long been considered, in France, as medicinal. They have been recom- mended in obstructions of the urinary passages, complaints of the bladder, and nephritic pains ; but particularly as a febrifuge. BouUlon La- grange considers its principal substance as oxy- genated gelatine, with a small quantity of ex- tractive matter. Glabe'lla. (From glaber, smooth; because it is without hair.) The space betwixt the eye- brows. GLABER. Glabrous; smooth; applied to 446 stem-, leaves, s>eeds, &c. of plants, und opposed" to all kinds of hairiness and pubescence; as in tbe stem of the Euphorbia peplus, and the seeds of Galium montamim. GLACIES. Ice. GLADI'OLUS. (Diminutive of gladius, a sword; so named from the sword-like shape of its leaf.) Tbe name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Triandria; Order, Monogynia. Gladiolus luteus. See Irispteudacorus. Gla'ma. rXaua. The sordes of the eye. GLAND. Glans. Glandula. I. In ana- tomy, an organic part of the body, composed of blood vessels, nerves, aud absorbents, and des- tined for the secretion or alteration of some pecu- liar fluid. The glands of the human body are di- vided, by anatomists, into different classes, either according to their structure, or the fluid they con- tain. According to their fabric, they are distin- guished into four classes: 1. Simple glands. 2. Compounds of simple glands. 3. Conglobate glands. 4. Conglomerate glands. According to their fluid contents, they are mote properly divided into, !. Mucous glands. 2. Sebaceous glands. 3. Lymphatic glands. 4. SaUval glands. 5. Lachrymal glands. 1. Simple glands are small hollow follicles, covered with a peculiar membrane, and having a proper excretory duct, through which they eva- cuate the liquor contained in their cavity. Such are the mucous glands of the nose, tongOe, fauces, trachea, stomach, intestine and urinary bladder, the sebaceous glands about the anus, and those of the ear. These simple glands are either dis- persed here and there, or are contiguous to one another, forming a heap in such a manner that they are not covered by a common membrane, but each hath its own excretory duct, which is never joined to the excretory duct of another gland. The former are termed solitary simple glands, the latter aggregate or congregate simple glands. 2. Tlie compound glands consist of many simple glands, the excretory ducts of wliich are joined in one common excretory duct; as the se- baceous glands of the face, lips, palate, and vari- ous parts of the skin, especially about the pubes. 3. Conglobate, or, as they are also called, lymphatic glands, are tliose into which lym- phatic vessels enter, and from which they go out again: as the mesenteric, lumbar, &c. They have no excretory duct, but are composed of a texture of lymphatic vessels connected together by cellular membrane : they are the largest in the foetus. 4. Conglomerate glands are composed of n congeries of many simple glands, the excretory ducts of which open into one common trunk: as the parotid gland, thyroid gland, pancreas, and all the saUval glands. Conglomerate glands dif- fer but Uttle from the compound glands, yet they are composed of more simple glands than the compound. The excretory duct of a gland is the duct through which the fluid of the gland is excreted. The vessels and nerves of glands always come from the neighbouring parts, and the arteries ap- pear to possess a high degree of irritabiUty. The use of the glands is to separate a peculiar Uquor, or to change it. The iTsb of the conglobate glajyls is The herb wr>ad. See Itnfis tinctnrin Glauber's talt. A sulphate of soda. It is" found native in Bohemia, and is the produce of art. See Soda Sulphas. GLAUBERITE. A native erystallUed salt, composed of dry sulphate of lime, and dry sul- phate of soda, found in rock salt at ViUarnbra in Spain. GLAUCEDO. (From yXavKos, bluish, or greenish tint.) See Glaucoma. GLAU'CIUM. (So*named from its glaucous or sea-green colour. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Polyan-^ dria ; Order, Monogynia.) The horned poppy. GLAUCO'MA. (From vXovkos, blue; be- cause of the eye becoming of a blue, or sea-green colour.) Glaucedo; Glaucosis; Apoglaucosit. 1. An opacity of the vitreous humour. It is dif- ficult to ascertain, and is only to be known by a Tery attentive examination of the eye. 2. A species of cataract. See Cataract. GLAUCO'SIS. See Glaucoma. GLAUCUS. (TXovkos, sea-green.) Stems are called glaucous which are clothed with a fine sea-green mealiness, which easily rubs off; as in Chlora perfoliata. GLECO'MA. (From yArr^w*, the name of a plant in Dioscorides.) Class, Didynamia; Or- der, Gymnotpermia. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Ground-ivy. Glecoma heoeracea. The systematic name of the ground-ivy or gill. Hedera terrettrit. Glecoma—foliit reniformibut crenatis, of Lin- nams. This indigenous plant has a peculiar strong smeU, and a bitterish somewhat aromatic taste. It is one of those plants which was formerly much esteemed for possessing virtues that, in the pre- sent age, cannot be detected. In obstinate coughs, it is a favourite remedy with the poor. Gle'chon. (rX^air.) Pennyroyal. Glechoni'tes. (From yAqguy, pennyroyal.) Wine impregnated with pennyroyal. GLEET. In consequence of the repeated at- tacks of gonorrhoea, and the debUity of the part occasioned thereby, it not unfrequentiy happens, that a gleet, or constant small discharge takes place, or prmains behind, after all danger of in- fection is removed. Mr. Hunter remarks, that it differs from gonorrhoea in being uninfedious, and in the discharge consisting of globular particles, contained in a stimy mucus, instead of serum. It is unattended with pain, scalding in making of water, &c. GLE'NE. TXnvri. Strictly signifies the cavi- ty or socket of the eye ; but by some anatomists is also used for that cavity of a bone which re- ceives another within it. GLE'NOID. (Glenrides; from yXi7vi7, a ca- vity, and ciSos, resemblance.) The name of ar- ticulate cavities of bones. Gleu'cinum. (From yXtvKos, must.) An ointment, in the preparation of which was must. Gleu'xis. (From yXcvicvs, sweet.) A sweet wine. GLIADINE. See Gluten. Gli'scere. To increase gradually, properly as fire does; but, by physical writers, is some- times appUed to the natural heat and increase of spirits ; and by others to the exacerbation of fe- vers which return periodicaUy. GLISCHRO'CHOLOS. (From yXioxpos, viscid, and XoX^, the bile.) Viscid bitious excre- ment. * GLISCRA SMA. (From yXioxpain~>, to be- come glutinous.) Viscidity. Glisoma'rgo. White chalk. GLISSON, Francis, was born in Dorsetshire, V>P7. Ho studied at both the English nnivcrsi- GLU GLL ties, but took his degree of doctor in Cambridge, where he was made Regius professor of Physic, which office he held about forty years. He set- tled, however, to practise in London, and became a FeUow of the CoUege in 1635; four years after which he was chosen reader of Anatomy, and dis- tinguished himself much by his lectures " De Morbis Partiura," which he was requested to pubtish. During the civil wars he retired to Colchester, where he practised with great credit; and was there during the siege of that town by the parliamentary forces. He was one of the members of the society, which, about the year 1645, held weekly meetings in London to promote Natural Philosophy ; and which having removed ; to Oxford during the troubles, was augmented af- ter the Restoration, and became ultimately the present Royal Society. He was afterwards se- veral years president of the CoUege of Physi- cians, and died at the advanced age of 80. He left the following valuable works : 1. A Treatise on the Rickets. 2. The Anatomy of the Liver, which he described much more accurately than any one before, and particularly the capsule of the Vena Portarum, which has since been named after him. 3. A large metaphysical treatise " De Natura Substantia; Energetica," after the manner of Aristotle. 4. A Treatise oris the Stomach, Intestines, &c. a well-arranged and comprehen- sive work, with various new observations, which came out the year before his death. Glisson's Capsule. See Capsule of Glisson. GLOB ATE. See Gland. GLOBOSUS. Globose. A root is so called which is rounded, and gives off radicles in every direction ;. as that of the Cyclamen europeum. The receptacle of the Cephalanthus and Nau- clea, are so called from their form. GLOBULA'RIA. (From globus, a globe: so caUed from the shape of its flower.) The French daisy. Globula'kia altpum. The leaves of this plant are used in some parts of Spain in the cure of the venereal diseu.-e. It is. said to act also as a powerful but safe cathartic. GLO'BUS. A ball. Globus htstkricus. The air rising in the cefophagus, and prevented by spasm from reach- ing the mouth, is so called- by authors, because it mostly attends hysteria, and gives the sensation of a ball ascending in the throat. GLOCHIS. (TXioxn, cutpis teli.} A point- ed hair. A sharp point; used in botany to a feristle-like pubescence, which is turned back- wards at its point into many straight teeth. GLO'MER. A clue of thread. A term most- ly applied to glands. GLOMERATE. A gland is so called which is formed of a glomer of sanguineous vessels, having no cavity, but furnished with an excretory duct; as the lachrymal and mammary glands. GLOMERULUS. In botany, a small tuft, or * oapitulum, mostly in the axiUa of the peduncle. GLOSSA'GRA. (From yXtaooa, the tongue, and ay pa, a seizure.) A violent pain in the tongue. GLO'SSO. (From yXoiaoa, the tongue.) Names compounded with this word belong to mus- cles, nerves, or vessels, from their being attach- ed, 'or going to the tongue. Glossopharyngeal nerves. .The nmth pair of nerves.* They arise from the processes of the cerebeUam, which run to the meduUa spi- nalis, and terminate by numerous branches in the muscles of the tongue and pharynx. Glosso-phartngeu9. See Coe of gum and of sugar. It appears to be as much more remote from the valine state than gum, us gum is more remote from that state than sugar. The vegetuble gluten, thou.li ii existed before the wnshinu in the pulverulent form, and has ac- quired its tenacitv and udheMte qualities from lue wuu-i- il ha* imbibed, is noveltheless totally inso- luble in lin» liuiJ. Ii !m» kcjiei-ly wry taste. When di_\, II i. s-njih-.m-,. ,ie-nl, and icsen.bles !• iue iu it. coin.n and ;.|>|>euruin e. L u be iiraivu out Inn., when in..i ..uljiucii, ii may be- dried by I*;* ' i tl- •■ !•'.' H - . Vjio>e.l to w.iuuih ami moisture while wet, itputrilies tike. an animal substance. The dried gluten appUed to the flame of a candle, crackles, swells, and burns, exactly Uke a feather, or piece of horn. It affords the same products by destructive distil- lation as animal matters do ; is not soluble in al- kohol, oils, or asther; and is acted upon by acids* and alkalies, when heated. According to RoneUe, it is the same with the caseous substance of milk. Gluten of Wheat.—Taddey, an Italian che- mist, has lately ascertained that the gluten of wheat may be decomposed into two principles, which he has distinguished by the names, glia- dine (from yXta, gluten,) and zimome (from gvpri, ferment.) They are obtained in a separate state by kneading the fresh gluten in successive por- tions of alkohol, as long as that liquid continues to become milky, when diluted with water. The alkohol solutions being set aside, graduaUy depo- sit a whitish matter, consisting of small filaments of gluten, and become perfectly transparent. Being now left to slow evaporation, the gliadine remains behind, of the consistence of honey, and mixed with a little yellow resinous matter, from which it may be freed by digestion in sulphuric a;ther, in which gliadine is not sensibly soluble. The portion ofthe gluten not dissolved by the al» kohol is the zimome. Properties of Gliadine.—When dry, it has a straw-yellow colour, slightly transparent, and in thiu plates, brittle, having a slight smell, similar to that of honey-comb, aud, when slightly heat- ed, giving out an odour similar to that of boiled apples. In the mouth it becomes adhesive, and has a sweetish and balsamic taste. It is pretty so- luble in boiling alkohol, which loses its transpa- rency in proportion as it cools, and then retains only a small quantity in solution. It forms a kind of varnish in those bodies to which it is applied. It softens, but docs not dissolve in cold distiUed water. At a boiling heat it is converted into froth, aud the liquid remains slightly milky. It is spe- cifically heavier than water. The alkoholic solution of gUadine becomes milky when mixed with water, and is precipitated in white flocks by the alkaline carbonates. It is scarcely affected by the mineral and vegetable acids. Dry gliadine dissolves in caustic alkaties and in acids. It swells upon red-hot coals, and then contracts in the manner of animal sub- stances. It burns with a pretty lively flame, aud leaves behind it a light spongy charcoal, difficult to incinerate. Gliadine, in some respects, ap- proaches the properties of resins ; but- differs from them iu being insoluble in sulphuric, oether. It is very sensibly affected by the infusion of nut galls. It is capable of itself of undergoing a slow fermentation, aud produces fermentation in sac-" charine substances. From the flour of barley, rye, or oats, no glu- ten can be extracted as from that of wheat, pro- bably because they contain too small a quantity. The residue of wheat which is not dissolved by alkohol, is called dmome. If this be boiled re- peatedly in alkohol, it is obtained pure. Zimome thus purified has the form of small globules, or constitutes a shapeless mass, which is hard, tough, destitute ol cohesion, and ofan ash- white colour. W hen washed in water, it reco- vers part of its viscosity, and becomes quickly brown, when leu iu contact with the air. Il is specifically heavier lhan water. Its mode ot le*- luentiug is uo longer that of gluten ; lor when it purifies it exhales a la-lid urinous odour. It di»- nolve-s completely in vines-ar, and in the mineral ruiiL at u boiling temperature. With caustic po- ■ .s. i it 'DinbiU' •'!■' '.'HI'S i» klliil of so*;'. 440 GLU GNj vV faeu put into lime water, or into the solutions Of the alkaUne carbonates, it becomes harder, and assumes a new appearance without dissolving. When thrown upon red-hot coals, it exhales an odour similar to that of burning hair or hoofs, and burns with flame. Zimome is to be found in several parts of vege- tables. It produces various kinds of fermentation, according to the nature of the substance with which it comes in contact. GLUTE'US. (From yXmros, the buttocks.) The name of some muscles of the buttocks. Gluteus maximus. Gluteus magnus of Albinus. Glulaut major of Cowper ; and Ilio sacro femoral of Dumas. A broad radiated mus- cle, on which we sit, is divided into a number of strong fasciculi, is covered by a pretty thick apo- neurosis derived from the fasda lata, and is si- tuated immediately under the integuments. It arises fleshy from the outer lip of somewhat more than the posterior half of the spine of the ilium, from the ligaments that cover the two posterior spinous processes ; from the posterior sacro-is- chiatic ligament; and from the outer sides of the os sacrum and os coccygis. From these origins the fibres of the muscle run towards the great tro- chanter of the os femoris, where they form a broad and thick tendon, between which and the trochanter there is a considerable bursa mucosa. This tendon is inserted into the upper part of the linea aspera, for the space of two or three inches downwards ; and sends off fibres to the fascia lata, and to the upper extremity of the vastus externus. This muscle serves to extend the thigh, by pull- ing it directly backwards; at the same time it draws it a little outwards, and thus assists in its rotatory motion. Its origin from the coccyx seems to prevent that bone from being forced too far backwards. Gluteus medius. Ilio trochanterien of Dumas. The posterior half of this muscle is co- vered by the gluteus maximus, which it greatly resembles in shape ; but the anterior and upper part of it is covered only by the integuments, and by a tendinous membrane which belongs to the fascia lata. It arises fleshy from the outer lip of the anterior part of the spine of the ilium, from part of the posterior surface of that bone, and likewise from the fascia that covers it. From these origins its fibres run towards the great tro- chanter, into the outer and posterior part of which it is inserted by a broad tendon. Between this tendon and the trochanter there is a small thin bursa mucosa. The uses of this muscle are nearly the same as those of the gluteus maximus ; but it is not confined, like that muscle, to rolling the os femoris outwards, its anterior portion being capable of turning that bone a little in- wards. As it has no origin from the coccyx, it can have no effect on that bone. Gluteus minimus. Glutaus minor of Albi- nus and Cowper ; and Ilio ischii trochanterien of Dumas. A radiated muscle is situated under the gluteus medius. In adults, and especially in old subjects, its outer surface ia usually tendinous. It arises fleshy between the two semicircular ridges we observe on the outer surface of the iUuin, and likewise from the edge of its great niche. Its fibres run, in different directions, to- wards a thick flat tendon, which adheres to a cap- sular ligament of the joint, and is inserted into the fore and upper part of the great trochanter. A small bursa mucosa may be observed between the tendon of this muscle and the trochanter. This muscle assists the two former in drawing the thigh backwards and outwards, and in rolling it. It may likewise «erye to prevent the capsular li- 450 gamtnt from being pinched in the motions oi tic GLU'TIA. (From yXovroc, the buttocks.) The buttocks. See Nates. Gluttu'patens. (From gluttut, the throat, and pateo, to extend.) The stomach, which is an extension of the throat. GLU'TUS. (TXovtos; from yXoioj, filthy.) The buttock. See Natet. Glyca'sma. (FromyXwcus, sweet.) Asweet medicated wine. GLYCYn'cRos. (From yXvKvs, sweet, and niKpos, bitter: so called from its bitterish sweet taste.) See Solanum Dulcamara. GLYC YRRHIZA. (From yXvicvj, sweet, and pt$a, a root.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diadelphia; Order, Decandria. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of liquorice. See Glycyrrhiza glabra. Glycyrrhiza echinata. This species of liquorice is substituted in some places for the root of the glabra. Glycyrrhiza glabra. The systematic name of the officinal liquorice. Glycyrrhiza; leguminibut glabris, stipulis nullis,foliolo im- parl petiolato. A native of the south of Europe, but cultivated in Britain. The root contains a great quantity of saccharine matter, joined with some proportion of mucilage, and hence it has a viscid sweet taste. It is in common use as a pec- toral or emoUient, in catarrhall dentations on the breast, coughs, hoarsenesses, &c. Infusions, or the extract made from it, which is called Spanish liquorice, afford likewise very commodious vehi- cles for the exhibition of other medicines; the liquorice taste concealing that of unpalatable drugs more eft'ectuaUy than syrups or any of the sweets of the saccharine kind. Glycysa'ncon. (From yXvKvs, sweet, and ayKiov, the elbow: so caUed from its sweetish taste, and its inflections, or elbows at the joints.) A species of southern wood. GNAPHA'LIUM. (From yvafaXov, cotton: so named from its soft downy surface.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean sys- tem. Class, Syngeneda; Order, Polygamia superflua. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the herb cot- ton weed. See Gnaphalium dioicum. Gnaphalium arenarium. The flowers of this plant, as well as those of the gnaphalium stoechas, are called in the pharmacopceias, floret elichryri. See Gnaphalium stadias. Gnaphalium disicum. The systematic name of the pes cati. Gnaphalium albinum. Cotton weed. The flores gnaphalii of the pharmacopoei- as, called also flores hispidula, seu pedes cati, are the produce of this plant. They are now quite obsolete, but were formerly used as astrin- gents, and recommended in the cure of hooping- cough, phthisis pulmonalis, and haemoptysis. Gnaphalium stoechas. The systematic name of Goldilocks. Elichrysum; Stachas citrina. The flowers of this smaU downy plant are warm,' pungent, and bitter, and said to possess aperient and corroborant virtues. Gna'thus. (From yrair7u, to bend; so called from their curvature.) 1. The jaw, or jaw-bones. 2. The cheek. GNEISS. A compound rock, consisting of felspar, quartz, and mica, disposed in slates, from the preponderance of the mica scales. Gni'dius. A term applied by Hippocrates, and others since, to some medicinal precerts wrote in the island of Gnidos. GooVs-rue, See Galega-. GOL GON iroapt-thorn. See Astragalus verut. GOAT-WEED. See (Egopodium. GOUT-WE ED. See (Egopodium poda- graria. GODDARD, Jonathan, was born at Green- wich, in 1617. After studying at Oxford, and travelling for improvement, ne graduated at Cam- bridge, and settled to practice in London. He was elected a Fellow of the CoUege of Physi- cians in 1646, and the following year, appointed lecturer on Anatomy. He formed a Society for Experimental Enquiry, which met at his house ; and he was very assiduous in promoting its ob- jects. Having gained considerable reputation, and sided with the popular party, he was ap- pointed by Cromwell chief physician to the army, and attended him in some of his expedi- tions. Cromwell then made him warden of Mer- ton College, Oxford, afterwards sole -representa- tive of that University in the short ParUament in 1653, and in the same year one of the Council of State. On the Restoration, being driven from Oxford, he removed to Gresham College, where he had been chosen professor of Physic. Here he continued to frequent those meetings, whicli gave birth to the Royal Society, and he was nominated one of the first council of that institu- tion. He was an able and conscientious prac- titioner ; and was induced, partly from the love of experimental chemistryi but principally from doubting the competency of apothecaries, to pre- pare his own medicines: in which, however, finding numerous obstacles, he published "A Discourse, setting forth the unhappy Condition of the Practice of Physic in London ;" but this was of no avail. Two papers of his appeared in the Philosophical Transactions, and many others in Birch's History of the Royal Society. He died in 1674 of an apoplectic stroke. GOELICKE, Andrew Offon, a German physician, acquired considerable reputation in the beginning of the eighteenth century, as a medical professor, and especially as an advocate ofthe doctrines of Stahl. He left several works, which relate principally to the History of Ana- tomy, &c. particularly the " Historia Medicinx Universalis, which was published in six different portions between the years 1717 and 1720. Goitre. See Bronclwccle. GOLD. Aurum. A metal found in nature only in a metallic state; most commonly in ■trains, ramifications, leaves, or crystals, rhomboi- dal, octahedral, or pyramidal. Its matrix is ge- nerally quartz, sandstone, siliceous schistns, &c. It is found also in the sands of many rivers, par- ticularly in Africa, Hungary, and France, in minute irregular grains, called gold dust. Na- tive gold, found in compact masses, is never com- pletely pure ; it is alloyed with silver, or copper, and sometimes with iron and teUurium. The largest piece of native gold that has been hither- to discovered In Europe, was found in the county of Wicklow, in Ireland. Its weight was said to ■be twenty-two ounces, and the quantity of alloy it contained was very small. Several other pieces, exceeding one ounce, have also been dis- covered at the same place, in sand, covered with turf, and adjacent to a rivulet. Gold is also met with in a particular sort of argentiferous copper pyrites, called in Hungary llclf. This ore is found either massive, or crys- tallised in rhomboids, or other irregular quadran- gular or polygonal masses. It exists likewise in toe sulphurated ores of Vigaya in Transylvania. These all contain the metal called tellurium. BerthoUet{ and other French chemists, bave ob- GOLD-UUP. See Ranunculut. GOLDEN-ROD. See Solidagomrgaaurea. Golden maidenhair. See Polytrichum com- mune. GOLDILOCKS. See Gnaphalium stachas. GOMPHI'ASIS. (From yoiifjj, <- »»"•) Gomphiasmus. A disease of the teeth, when they are loosened from the sockets, like nails drawn out of the wood. Gomphiasmus. See Gomphiasis. Go'mphioi. (From vojitpos, a nail; so called because they are as nails driven into their sockets.) The dentes molares, or grinding teeth. Gompho'ma. See Gomphotis. GOMPHO'SIS. (From yopipou, to drive in a nail.) Gomphoma. A species of immoveable connection of bones, in which one bone is fixed in another, like a nail in a board, as the teeth in the alveoli of the jaws. GONA'LGIA. See Gonyalgia. GONA'GRA. (From yovv, the knee, and aypa, a seizure.) The gout in the knee. GO'NE. (yovt,.) L The seed. 2. In Hippocrates it is the uterus. GONG. Tam-tam. A species of cymbal which produces a very loud sound when struck. It is an alloy of about eighty parts of copper with twenty of tin. GONGRO'NA. (From yoyTpos, a hard knot.) 1. The cramp. 2. A knot in the trunk of a tree. 3. A hard round tumour of the nervous parts ; but particularly a bronchocelc, or other hard tu- mour ofthe neck. Gongt'lion. (From yoyPvXos, round.) A pill. GONIOMETER. An instrument for mea- suring the angles of crystals, GONOI'DES. tFrom yovv, seed, and aSos, form.) Resembling seed. Hippocrates often uses it as an epithet for the excrements of the belly, and for the contents of the urine, when there is something in them which resembles tlie seminal matter. GONORRHOEA. (From yovrj, the semen, and ptio, to flow; from a supposition of the an- cients, that it was a seminal flux.) A genus < f disease in the class Locales, and order Apocenc- ses of Dr. CuUen's arrangement, who defines it a preternatural flux of fluid from the urethra in males, with or without libidinous desires. Fe- males, however, are subject to the same complaint in some forms. He makes four species, viz. I. Gonorrhaa pura or benigna; a piriform discharge from the urethra, without dysuria, or lascivious inclination, and not following an impure connection. 2. Gonorrhaa impura, maligna, syphilitica, virulenta; a discharge resembling pus, from the urethra, with heat of urine, &c. after impure coition, to which often succeeds a discharge of mucus from the urethra, with little or no dysu- ry, called a gleet. This disease is also caUed Fluor albus maligntis. Blennoirhagia by Swediaur. In English, a clap, from the old French word clapises, which were public shops, kept and inhabited by single prostitutes, and gene- rally confined to a particular quarter of the town, as is even now the case in several of the great towns in Italy. In Germany, the disorder is named tripper, from dripping ; and in French, chaudpisse, from the heat and scalding in making water. .... No certain rule can be laid down with regard to the time that a clap will take before it makes its appearance, after infection has been conveyed. With some persons it wifl show itself in tiu» 431 GON GON eounse of three or four days, whilst, with others, 4here will not be the least appearance of it before the expiration of some weeks. It most usually is perceptible, however, in the space of from six to fourteen days, and in a male, begins with an uneasiness about the parts of generation, such as an itching in the glans penis, and a soreness and tingling sensation along the whole course of the urethra; soon after which, the person perceives an appearance of whitish matter at its orifice, and also some, degree of pungency upon making In the course of a few days, the discharge of matter will increase considerably ; will assume, most probably, a greenish or yellowish hue, and will become thinner, and lose its adhesiveness ; the parts will also be occupied with some degree of redness and inflammation, in consequence of which the glans will put on the appearance of a ripe cherry, the stream of urine will be smaller than usual, owing to the canal being made nar- rower by the inflamed state of its internal mem- brane, and a considerable degree of pain, and scalding-heat, will be experienced on every at- tempt to make water. Where the inflammation prevails in a very high degree, it prevents the extension of the urethra, on the taking place of any erection, so that the penis is, at that time, curved downwards, with great pain, which is much increased, if attempted to be raised towards the belly, and the stimulus occasions it often to be erected, particularly when the patient is warm in bed, and so deprives him of sleep, producing, in some cases, an involuntary emission of semen. In consequence of the inflammation, it some- times happens that, at the time of making water, owing to the rupture of some small blood vessel, a slight haemorrhage ensues, and a small quantity of blood is voided. In consequence of inflamma- tion, the prepuce likewise becomes often so swell- ed at the end that it cannot be drawn back, which symptom is called a phimosis; or, that being drawn behind the glans, it cannot be returned, which is known by the name of paraphimosis. Now and then, from the same cause, little hard swellings arise on the lower surface of the penis, along tne course of the urethra, and these per- haps suppurate and form into fistulous sores. The adjacent parts sympathising with those al- ready affected, the bladder becomes irritable, and incapable of retaining the urine for any length of time, which gives the patient a frequent incU- nation to make water, and he feels an uneasiness about the scrotum, perinreum, and fundament. Moreover, the glands of the groins grow indura- ted and enlarged, or perhaps the testicles become swelled and inflamed, in consequence of which he experiences excruciating pains, extending from the seat of the complaint up into the small of the back ; he gets hot and restless, and a small symptomatic fever arises. Where the parts are not occupied by much in- flammation, few or none of the last-mentioned symptoms wiU arise, and only a discharge with a slight heat or scalding in making water will pre- vail. If a gonorrhoea be neither irritated by any irre- gularity of the patient, nor prolonged by the want of timely and proper assistance, then, in the course of about a fortnight, or three weeks, the discharge, from having been thin and discoloured at first, wiU become thick, white, and of a ropy consist- ence : and from having graduaUy begun to di- minish in quantity, will at last cease entirely, to- gether with every inflammatory symptom what- ever • whereas, on the cpntrarv, if the patient 432 has led a tile of intemperance and sensuality, bar partaken freely of the bottle and high seasoned meats, and has, at the same time, neglected to pursue the necessary means, it may then continue for many weeks or months; and, on going off, may leave a weakness or gleet behind it, besides being accompanied with the risk of giving rise, at some distant period, to a constitutional affection, especially if there has been a neglect of proper cleanUness ; for where venereal matter has been suffered to lodge between the prepuce and glans penis for any time, so as to have occasioned either excoriation or ulceration, there will always be danger of its having been absorbed. Another risk, arising from the long continuance of a gonorrhoea, especially if it has been attended with inflammatory symptoms, or has been of fre- quent recurrence, is the taking place of one or more strictures in the urethra. These are sure to occasion a considerable degree of difficulty, as weU as pain, in making water, and, instead of its being discharged in a free and uninterrupted streamy it splits into two, or perhaps is voided drop by drop. Such affections become, from neglect, of a most serious and dangerous nature, as they not unfrequentiy block up the urethra, so as to induce a total suppression of urine. Where the gonorrhoea has been of long stand- ing, warty excrescences are likewise apt to arise about the parts of generation, owing to the mat- ter falling and lodging thereon ; and they not un- frequentiy prove both numerous and trouble- some. Having noticed every symptom which usuaUy attends on gonorrhoea, in the male sex, it will only be necessary to observe, that the same heat and soreness in making water, and the same dis- charge of discoloured mucus, together with a slight pain in walking, and an uneasiness in sit- ting, take place in females as in the former; but as the parts in women, which are most apt to be affected by the venereal poison, are less complex in their nature, and fewer in number, than in men, so of course the former are not liable to many of the symptoms which the latter are; and, from the urinary canal being much shorter, and of a more simple form, in them than in men, they are sel- dom, if ever, incommoded by the taking place of strictures. V\Jith women; it indeed often happens, that aU the symptoms of a gonorrhoea are so very sUght, they experience no other inconvenience than the discharge, except perhaps immediately after menstruation, at which period, it is no uncommon occurrence for them to perceive some degree of aggravation in the symptoms. Women of a relaxed habit, and such as have had frequent miscarriages, are apt to be afflicted with a disease known by the name of fluor albus, which it is often difficult to distinguish from go- norrhoea virulenta, as the matter discharged in both is, in many-eases, of the same colour and consistence. The surest way of forming a just conclusion, in instances of this nature, will be tew draw it from an accurate investigation, both or the symptoms which are present and those which have preceded the discharge ; as likewise from the concurring circumstances, such as the charac- ter and mode of life of the person, and the pro- bability there may be of her having had venereal infection conveyed to her by any connexion in which she may be engaged. Not long ago, it was generally supposed that gonorrhoea depended always upon ulcers in the urethra, producing a discharge of purulent mat- ter ; and such ulcers do, indeed, occur in conse. quence of a high decree of inflammsTtfon ami sirn- GOL GftA i.uration; but many dissections of persons, who hare died whilst labouring under a gonorrhoea, have clearly shown that the disease may, and often does, exi^t without any ulceration in the urethra, so that tbe discharge which appears is usually of a vitiated mucus, thrown out from the mucous follicles of the urethra. On opening this canal, in recent cases, it usually appears red and inflamed ; its raucous glands are somewhat en- larged, and its cavity is filled with matter to within a small distance from its extremity. Where the disease has been of long continuance, its surface all along, even to the bladder, is gene- rally found pale and relaxed, without any ero- sion. 3. Gonorrhaa laxorum, libidinota; a pellu- cid discbarge from the urethra, without erection of the penis, but with venereal thoughts while awake. 4. Gonorrhaa dormienlium. Ondrogonot. When, during sleep, but dreaming of venereal engagements, there is an erection of the penis, and a seminal discharge. Gonorrhoea balani. A species of gonor- rhoea affecting the glans penis only. GONYA'LGIA. (From yovv, the knee, and aXyoi, pain.) Gonialgia; Gonalgia. Gout in the knee. GOOSE. Anser. The Anier dometticut, or tame goose. GOOSE-FOOT. See Chenopodium. GOOSE-GRASS. See Galium aparine. GO'RDIUS. 1. The name of a genus ofthe Order Vermel, of animals. 2. The gordius, or hair-tail worm, of old wri- ters, which is the tela equina found in stagnant marshes and ditches in Lapland, and other places. Gordius medii»*ensis. The systematic name of a carious animal. See Medinends vena. GORGONIA. The name of a genus of corals. Gorgonia nobilis. The red coral. GOSSY'PIUM. (From gotne, whence got- tinium. Egyptian.) 1. The name of a genus of punts in the Linnaean system. Class, Monadel- phia; Order, Polyanaria. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the cotton- ♦rcr. See Gottypium herb actum. Gosstpium herbaceum. The systematic name of the cotton-plant. Gottypium; Bom- bax. Gottypium—foliit quinquelobis subtut cglandulotit, caule herbaceo, of Linnaeus. The seeds are directed for medicinal use in some fo- reign pharmacopoeias; and are administered in coughs, on account of the mucilage they contain. The cotton, the produce of this tree, is well known for domestic purposes. Goulard1! Extract. A saturated solution of acetate of lead. See Plumbi acetatis liquor. GOILSTONj Theodore, was born in North- amptonshire. After studying medicine at Oxford, he practised for a time with considerable reputa- tion at Wymondham, of which his father was rector. Having taken his doctor's degree in 1610, lie removed to London, and became a feUow of tbe CoUege of Physicians. He was much es- teemed for classical and theological learning, as well as in his profession. He died in 1632 ; and bequeathed 2001. to purchase a rent-charge for maintaining an annual Pathological Lecture, to be read at the college by one of the four junior doctors. He translated and wrote learned notes •n some of the works of Aristotle and Galen; of which the latter were not published till after his death. GOURD. Sec Cucurbita. Gjvrrt. hitter. See Cucimti* rolocunthi* GOUT, feee Arthritis, and Podagra. Gout stone. See Chalk stone. GRAAF, Ri-.inif.r de, was born at Schoon- hove in Holland, 1641. He studied physic at Leyden, where he made great progress, and at the age of 22, published his treatise " De Sucso Pancrcatico," which gained him considerable re- putation. Two years after he went to France, and graduated at Angers ; he then returned to his native country, and settled at Delft, where he was very successful in practice; but he died at the early age of 32. He pubUshed three disser- tations relative to the organs of generation in both sexes ; upon which ne had a controversy with Swammerdam. GRA'CILIS. (So named from its smallness.) Rectus interior femoris, sive gradlis interior of Winslow. Sous pubio creti tibial of Duraas. A long, straight, and slender muscle, situated im- mediately under the integuments at the inner part of the thigh. It arises by a broad and thin ten- don, fron) the anterior part ot the ischium and pubis, and soon becoming fleshy, descends nearly in a straight direction along the inside ofthe thigh. A Uttle above the knee, it terminates in a slender and roundish tendon, which afterwards becomes flatter, and is inserted into the middle of the tibia, behind and under the sartorius. Under the ten- dons of this and the rectus, there is a considerable bursa mucosa, which on one side adheres to them and to the tendon of the aemitendlnosus, and on the other to the capsular ligament of the knee. This muscle assists in bending the thigh and leg inwards. GRiECUS. The trivial name of some herbs found in or brought from Greece. GRAFTING. Budding and inoculating is the process of uniting the branches or buds of two or more separate trees. The bud or branch of one tree, accompanied by a portion of its bark, is inserted into the bark of another, and the tree which is thus engrafted upon is called the stock. By this mode different kinds of fruits, pears, ap- ples, plums, &c. each of which is only a variety accidentally raised from seed, but no further per- petuated in the same manner, are multiplied ; buds of the kind wanted to be propagated being en- grafted on so many stalks of a wild nature. GRA'MEN. (Gramen, inis. n.) Grass. Any kind of grass-like herb. Gramen arundinaceum. See Calamagros- tis. Gramen caninum. See Triticumrepens. Gramen crucis ctperioidis. Gramen agyptiacum. Egyptian cock's-foot grass, or grass of the cross. The roots and plants possess the same virtues as the dog's gra«s, and are ser- viceable in the earlier stages of dropsy. They are supposed to correct the bad smell ofthe breath, and to retieve nephritic disorders, colics, &c. although now neglected. Gramia. The sordes of the eyes. GRAMMATITE. See Tremolite. Gra'mme. (From ).«<«»,,, aline: so called from its linear appearance.) The iris of the eye. Granadi'lla. (Diminutive of granado, a pomegranate, Spanish : so called because at the top ofthe flower there are points, like the grains of a pomegranate.) The passion-flower, the fruit of which is said to possess refrigerating qualities. GRANATITE. See Grenatite. Granatri'stum. A boil or carbuncle. GRANATUM. (From granum, a grain, be- cause it is fuU of seed.) The pomegranate. See Punica granalum. fiH»snr.'HAi..v. 'Qu.-yrt in grandio. ibu GRa GRK alate naecantur, because they appear in tliose who are advanced in years.) The hairs under the arm-pits. Grandino'sum os. The os cuboides. GRA'NDO. (Grando, inis. I. Quod rimili- tudinem granorum habeat, because it is in shape and size like a grain of seed.) 1. Hail. 2. A moveable tumour on the margin ofthe eye- lid is so caUed, from its likeness to a hail-stone. GRANITE. A compound rock consisting of quartz, felspar, and mica, each crystallized, and cohering by mutual affinity without any bas.s or cement GRANULA'TION. (Granulatio; fromgra- num, a grain.) 1. In surgery: The little grainlike fleshy bodies which form on the surfaces of ulcers and suppurating wounds, and serve both for fill- ing up the cavities, and bringing nearer together and uniting their sides, are called granulations. Nature is supposed to be active in bringing parts as nearly as possible to their original state, whose disposition, action, and structure, have been altered by accident, or disease; and after having in her operations for this purpose, formed pus, she immediately sets about lorming a new matter upon surfaces, in which there has been a breach of continuity. This process is called granulating or incarnation; and the substance formed is called granulations. The colour of healthy granulations is a deep florid red. When livid, they are unhealthy, andThave only a languid cir- culation. Healthy granulations, on an exposed or flat surface, rise nearly even with the surface Ofthe surrounding skin, and often a little higher; but when they exceed this, and take on a growing disposition, they are unhealthy, become soft, spongy, and without any disposition to form skin. Healthy granulations are always prone to unite to cm-li other, so as to be the means of uniting parts. 2. In chemistry: The method of dividing metal- lic substances into grains or small particles, in br- «kr to facilitate their combination with other sub- stances, and sometimes for the purpose of readily subdividing them by weight. GRANULATUS. Granulated. Applied to ulcers and to parts of plants. A root is so called which is3ointed ; as that of the Oxalis acetocella. GRA'NUM. (Granum, i. n.) A grain or kernel* Granum cnidium. See Daphne mezereum. Granum infectorium. Kermes berries. Granum kermes. Kermes berries. Granum moschi. See Hibiscus abelmoschus. Granum paradisi. See Amomum. Granum regium. The castor-oil-seed. Granum tiglii. Sec Croton tiglium. Granum tinctorle. Kermes berries. GRAPHIC ORE. An ore of teUurium. GRAPHIOI'DES. (From ypaipis, a pencil, and tiSos, a form.) 1. The styliform process of the os temporis. ' 2. A process of the ulna. S. The digastricus was formerly so called from its supposed origin from the above-mentioned lirocess ofthe temple bone. GRAPHITE. Rhomboidal graphite of Jameson, or plumbago, or black-lead, of which he gives two sub-species, the scaly and compact. Gra'ssa. Borax. . GRATI'OLA. (Diminutive ot gratia, so nam- ed from its supposed admirable qualities.) Hyssop. I. The name of a genus of plants m the Lin- naean system. Class, Dtonrfno; Order, Mo- n f?the pharmacopoeial name of the hedge-hys- sop. See G-raHola officinalis. AZ4 Gratiola officinalis. The systematic name ofthe hedge-hyssop. Digitalis minima; Gratia dd; Gratiola centauriodes. This exotic plant, the Gratiola;—foliis lanceolatis, serratis, flori- bus pedunculatis, of Linnreus, is a native of the south of Europe ; but is raised in our gardens. The leaves have a nauseous bitter taste, but no remarkable smell; they purge and vomit briskly in the dose of half a drachm ofthe dry herb, or of a drachm infused in wine or water. This plant in small doses, has been commonly employed as a cathartic and diuretic in hydropical diseases • and instances of its good effects in ascites and anasar- ca are recorded by many respectable practitioners. Gesner and Bergius found a scruple of the pow- der a sufficient dose, as in this quantity it frequent- ly excited nausea or vomiting; others have given it to half a drachm, two scruples, a drachm, and even more. An extract of the root of this plant is said to be more efficacious than the plant itself, and exhibit- ed in the dose of half a drachm, or a drachm, in dysenteries, produces the best effect. We arc also told by Kostrzewski that in the hospitals at Vienna, three maniacal patients were perfectly recovered by its use ; ana in the most confirmed cases of lues venerea, it effected a complete cure; it usually acted by increasing the urinary cutane- ous, or salivary discharges. GRAVE'DO. (From gravis, heavy.) A ca- tarrh, or cold, with a sense of heaviness in the head. GRAVEL. See Calculus. GRAVITY. A term used by physical writers to denote the cause by which all bodies move to- ward each other, unless prevented by some other force or obstacle. Gravity, specific. The density ofthe mat- ter of which any body is composed, compared to the density of another body, assumed as the stan- dard. This standard is pure distilled water, at the temperature of 60° F. To determine the spe- cific gravity of a solid, we weigh it, first in air, and then in water. In the latter case, it loses of its weight a quantity precisely equal to the weight of its own bulk of water; and hence, by comparing this weight, with its total weight, wc find its specific gravity. The rule therefore is, Divide the total weight by the loss of weight in water, the quotient is the specific gravity. Ifit be a liquid or a gas, we weigh it in a glass or other vessel of known capacity ; and dividing that weight by the weight of the same bulk of water, the quotient is, as before, the specific gravity. GREEN-EARTH. Mountain green. A mineral of a celandine green colour, found in Saxony, Verona, and Hungary. GKEEN SICKNESS. See Chlorosis. Green vitriol. Sulphate of iron. GREENSTONE. A rock of the trap forma* tion, consisting of a hornblend, and felspar, both in tbe state of grains or small crystals. GREGORY, John, was born in 1725, his father being professor of medicine at King's Col- lege, Aberdeen ; after studying under whom, he went to Edinburgh, Leyden, and Paris. At the age of 20, he was elected professor of philosophy at Aberdeen, and was made doctor of medicine. In the year 1756 he was chosen professor of me- dicine on the death of his brother James, who had succeeded his father in that chair. But about nine years after he went to Edinburgh ; and was soon appointed professor of the practice of medi- cine there, Dr. Rutherford having resigned in his favour. The year following, on tbe death of Dr. White, he was nominated first physician to GRO sand. He also enjoyed very ex- tensive practidT?f'or ^ hi» death in 1773. He published, in 1766, "A Comparative \ lew ofthe State sad Faculties of Man with those of the Animal World," which contains many just and original remarks, and was very favourably receiv- ed. Ffre years after his " Observations on the Duties and Offices of a Physician, &c." given in his introductory lectures, were made public sur- reptitiously ; which induced him to print them in a more correct form. The work has been greatly admired. His last publication, " Elements of the Practice of Physic," was intended as a syllabus to his lectures; but he did not Uve to complete it. GRENATITE. Prismatoidal garnet. Gressura. (From gradior, to proceed.) The periMBura which goes from the pudendum to the anuf. GREW, Nehemiah, was born at Coventry; where, after graduating at some foreign university, he settled in practice. He there formed the idea of Studying tne anatomy of plants. His first es- tay on this subject was communicated to the Royal Society in 1670, and met with great ap- probation : whence he was induced to settle in London, and two years after became a fellow of that society; of which he was also at one period secretary. In 1680 he was made an honorary fel- low of the College of Physicians. He is said to have attained considerable practice, and died in 1711. His " Anatomy ot Vegetables, Roots, and Trunks," is a large collection of original and useful facts ; though his theories have been inva- tidated by subsequent discoveries. He had no correct ideas of the propulsion of direction of the sap ; but he was one ofthe first who adopted the doctrine of the sexes of plants ; nor did even the principles of methodical arrangement entirely escape his notice. In 1681, he published a des- criptive catalogue of the Museum of the l-ioyal Society ; to which were added some lectures on the comparative anatomy of the stomach and in- testines. Another pubUcation was entitled " Cosmograpliia Sacra, or a Discourse ofthe Uni- verse ; as it is the Creature and Kingdom of God." His works were soon translated into French and Latin ; but the latter very incorrectly. GREYWACKE. A mountain formation, consisting of two similar rocks, which, alternate with, and pass into each other, called greywackc, and greywacke-alate. GRIAS. (A name mentioned by Apuleius.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Polyan- dria; Order, Monogynia. Grias cauliflora. The systematic name of the tree, the fruit of which is the anchovy pear. The inhabitants of Jamaica esteem it as a plea- sant and cooling fruit. Grie'lum. A name formerly apptied to par- sley and smallage. Gripho'menos. (From yptfos, a net; be- cause it surrounds the body as with a net.) Ap- plied to pains which surround the body at the loins. CROMWELL. Sec Lithospermum. GRO88ULARE. A mineral of an asparagus- jrreen colour, of tlie garnet genus. GROSS! LA'RIA. (Diminutive of grottus, an unripe leg ; so named because its fruit resem- bles an unripe fig.) The gooseberry, or goose- berry-bush. See Ribet. Grotto del cane. (The Italian for the dog's grotto.) A grotto near Naples, in which dogs are suffocated. The carbonic acid gas rise.s about eighteeu inches. A man therefore, is not affected, but a dog forcibly held in, or that can- not rise above it. is soon Killed unless taken out, GLA lie i- recovered by plunging him in an adjoining lake. Ground ivy. See Glecoma hederacea. Ground liverwort. See Lichen caninus. Ground-nut. See Bunium bulbocastanum. Ground-pine. See Teucrium chamapityt. GROUNDSEL. See Senecio vulgaris. GRUINALES. (From grus, a crane.) The name of an order of plants in Linnaeus's Frag- ments of a Natural Method, consisting of gera- nium, or crane's-bill genus principally. GRUTUM. A hard white tubercle of the skin, resembUng in size and appearance a millet- seed. GRYLLUS. The name of an extensive genus of insects. Grtllus verrucivorus. The wart-eating ^ grasshopper. It has green wings, spotted with brown, and is caught by the common people in Sweden to destroy warts, which they do, by biting off the excrescence and discharging a cor- rosive Uquor on the wound. GRYPHCSIS. (From ypv-zou, to incurvate.) A disease of the natis, which turn inwards, and irritate the soft parts below. GUAI'ACUM. (From the Spanish Guaya- can, which is formed from the Indian Hoaxacum.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decandria; Order, Monogy- nia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the officinal guaiacum. See Guaiacum ojfirinale. Guaiacum officinale. This tree, Guaia- cum—foliis bijugis, oblusis of Linnaeus, is a na- tive of the West Indian islands. The wood, gum, bark, fruit, and even the flowers, have been found to possess medicinal qualities. The wood, which is caUed Guaiacum Americanum; Lig- num vita; Lignum sanctum; Lignum bene- dictum; Palus sanctus, is brought principally from Jamaica, in large pieces of four or five hun- dred weight each, and from its hardness and beauty is used for various articles of turnery ware. It scarcely discovers any smeU, unless heated, or while rasping, in which circumstances it yields a light aromatic one: chewed, it im- presses a sUght acrimony, biting the palate and fauces. The- gum, or rather resin, is obtained by wounding the bark in different parts of the body of the tree, or by what has been called jag- ging. It' exudes copiously from the wounds, though gradually ; and when a quantity is found accumulated upon the several wounded trees, hardened by exposure to the sun, it is gathered and packed up in small kegs for exportation: it is of a friable texture, of a deep greenish colour, and sometimes of a reddish hue ; it has a pungent acrid taste, but little or no smeU, unless heated. The oarA; contains less resinous matter than the wood, and is consequently a less powerful medi- cine, though in a recent state it is strongly cathar- tic. " The fruit," says a late author, "is pur- gative, and, for medicinal use, far excels the bark. A decoction of it has been known to cure the venereal disease, and even the yaws in its ad- vanced stage, without the use of mercury." The flowers or blossoms, are laxative, and in Ja- maica are commonly given to the children in the form of syrup. It is only the wood and resin of guaiacum which are now in general medicinal use in Europe; and as the efficacy of the former is supposed to be derived merely from the quan- tity of resinous matter wliich it contains, they niay be considered indiscriminately as the same medicine. Guaiacum was first introduced into the materia medica soon after the discovery of America ; and previous to the use of mercury in 45 *• GLA GU the lues venerea, it was the principal remedy em- ployed in the cure of that disease : its great suc- cess brought it into such repute, that it is said to have been sold fty seven gold crowns a pound : but notwithstanding the very numerous testimo- nies in its favour, it often failed in curing the pa- tient, and was at length entirely superseded by mercury ; and though it be stiU occasionally em- ployed m syphilis, it is rather with a view to cor- rect oilier di •■ ascs in the habit, than for its effects as an anti-venereal. It is now more generally employed for its virtues in curing gouty and rheumatic pains, and some cutaneous diseases. Dr. Woodville and others frequently conjoined it with mercury and soap, and in some cases with bark or steel, and found it eminently useful as aii alterative. In the Pharmacopoeia it is directed in the form of mixture and tincture: the latter is ordered to be prepared in two ways, viz. with rectified spirit, and the aromatic spirit of ammo- nia. Of these latter compounds, the dose may be from two scruples to two drachms; the gum is generally given from six grains to 20, or even more, for a dose, either in pills or in a fluid form, by means of mucilage or the yolk of an egg.. The decoctum lignorum (Pharm. Edinb.) of which guaiacum is the chief ingredient, is com- monly taken in the quantity of a pint a day. As many writers of the sixteenth century con- tended that guaiacum was a true specific for the venereal disease, and the celebrated Boerhaave maintained the same opinion, the following ob- servations are inserted : Mr. Pearson mentions, that when he was first intrusted with the care of the Lock Hospit.il, 1781, Mr. Bromfield and Mr. Williams were in the habit of reposing great conii Jence in tbe efficacy of a decoction of guai- acum wood. This was"administered to such pa- tients as had already employed the usual quantity of mercury; but who complained of nocturnal pains, or had e-ummata, nodes, ozama, and other effects of the venereal virus, connected with se- condary symptoms, as did not yield to a course of mercurial frictions. The diet consisted of raisins and hard biscuit; from 2 to 4 pints of the decoction were taken every day; the hot bath was used twice a week ; and a dose of antimonial wine and laudanum, or Dover's powder, was com- monly taken every evening. Constant confine- ment to bed was not deemed necessary ; neither was exposure to the vapour of burning spirit, with a view of exciting perspiration, often prac- tised ; as only a moist state of the skin was de- sired. This treatment was sometimes of singu- lar advantage to those whose health had sustain- ed injury from the disease, long confinement, and mercury. The strength increased ; bad ulcers healed ; exfoliations were completed; and these anomalous symptoms, which would have been exasperated by mercury, soon yielded to guaia- cum. Besides such cases, in wliich the good effects of guaiacum made it be erroneously regarded as a specific for the lues venera, the medicine was ulso formerly given, by some, on the first attack of the venerealdisease. The disorder being thus benefited, a radical cure was considered to be ac- complished: and though frequent relapses fol- lowed, yet, as these partly yielded to the same remedy, its reputation was stiU kept up. Many diseases also, which got weU, were probably not venereal cases. Pearson seems to aUow, that in syphititic affections, it may indeed operate like a true antidote, suspending, for a time, the progress of certain venereal symptoms, and removing "ther appearances altoarether: but he ol-enc 436 that experience has evinced, thai the unsubdueu virus yet remains active in the constitution. Pearson has found guaiacum of Uttle use in pains of the bones, except when it proved sudo- rific ; but that it was then inferior to antimony or volatile alkali. When the constitution has been impaired by mercury and long confinement, and there is a thickened state of the ligaments, or pe- riosteum, or foul ulcers stUl remaining, Pearson says, these effects will often subside during the exhibition of the decoction; and it wiUoftensus- pend, for a short time, the progress of certain se- condary symptoms ofthe lues venerea; tor in- stance, ulcers of the tonsils, venereal eruptions, and even nodes. Pearson, however, never knew one instance in which guaiacum eradicated the virus ; and he contends, that its being conjoined with mercury neither increases the virtue of this mineral, lessens its bad effects, nor diminishes the necessity of giving a certain quantity of it. Pear- son remarks that he has seen guaiacum produce good effects in many patients, having cutaneous diseases, the ozama, and scrofulous affections of the membranes and ligaments. GUILA'NDINA. (Named after Guilandos, a Prussian, who travelled in Palestine, Egypt, Africa, and Greece, and succeeded Fallopiiis in the botanical chair at Padua. He died in 1589.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Decan- dria; Order, Monogynia. Guilandina bonduc. The systematic name of the plant, the fruit of which is called Bon- duch indorum. Molucca or bezoar nut. It possesses warm, bitter, and carminative virtues. Guilandina moringa. This plant, Guilan- dina—inermis, foliit subpinnatis, foliolis infe- rioribus ternatis of Linnaeus, affords the ben- nut and the lignum nephriticum. 1. Bennux; Glans unguentaria; Balanus myrepsica; Coatis. The oily acorn, or ben- uut. A whitish nut, about the size of a small filberd, of a roundish triangular shape, including a kernel of the same figure, covered with a white skin.' They were formerly employed to remove obstructions of the prima; vise. The oil afforded by simple pressure, is remarkable for its not growing rancid in keeping, or, at least, not until it has stood for a number of years ; and on this account, it is used in extricating the aromatic principles of such odoriferous flowers as yield little or no essential oil in distUlation. The unal- terability of this oil would render it the most valuable substance for cerates, or liniments, were it sufficiently common. It is actually employed for this purpose in many parts of Italy. 2. Lignum nephriticum. Nephritic wood. It is brought from America in large, compact, pon- derous pieces, without knots, the outer part of a whitish, or pale yeUowish colour, the inner of a dark brown or red. When rasped, it gives out a faint aromatic smell. It is never used medicinally in this country, but stands high in reputation abroad, against difficulties of making urine, neph- ritic complaints, and most disorders of the kid- neys and urinary passages. GUINEA PEPPER. See Capsicum annuum. Guinea-worm. See Medinensis vena. GUINTERIUS, John, was born in 1487, at Andernach, in Germany. He was of obscure birth, and his real name is said to have been Win- ther. He showed very early a great zeal for knowledge, and at the age of 12 went to Utrecht to study ; but he had to struggle with great hard- ships, supported partly by his own industry, partly by the bounty of those who commiserated Liseituatioii. At length, having given strikirir GUM GUT i*oois oi his taknts, he was appointed professor of Greek at Lourain. But his incUnation being lo medicine, he went to Paris in 1525; where he was made doctor five years after. He was ap- pointed physician to the king, and practised there during several years; givine also lectures on anatomy. His reputation bad reached the north of Europe ; and he received the most advanta- geous offers to repair to the court of Denmark. But in 1537 he was compelled by the religious disturbances to retire into Germany. Ar»Stras- burgh he was received with honour by the ma- gistrates, and had a chair assigned him by the fa- culty ; he also practised very extensively and sne- ceetfuUy ; and at length letters of nobility were conferred upon him by the emperor. He lived, however, only twelve years to enjoy these ho- nour*, having died in 1674. His works are nu- merous, consisting partly of translations of the best ancient physicians, but principally of com- mentaries and illustrations of them. GUM. I. Gummi. The mucilage of vegeta- bles. It is usually transparent, more or less brit- tle when dry, though difficultly pulverable ; ofan insipid, or slightly saccharine taste j soluble in, or capable of combining with, water in all propor- tions, to which it gives a gluey adhesive consist- ence, in proportion as its quantity is greater. It is separable, or coagulates by the action of weak acids ; it is insoluble in alkohol, and in oil; and capable of the acid fermentation, when diluted with water. The destructive action'of fire causes it to emU much carbonic acid, and converts it into coal without exhibiting any flame. Distil- lation affords water, acid, a small quantity of oil, a small quantity of ammonia, and much coal. These are the leading properties of gums, rightly so called; but the inaccurate custom of former times appUed the term gum to all concrete vegetable juices, so that in common we hear of gum copal, gum sandarach, and other gums, which are either pure resins, or mixtures of re- sins with the vegetable mucilage. The principal gums are, 1. The common gums, obtained from the plum, the peach, the cherry- tree, &c. 2. Gum arable, which flows naturally from the acacia in Egypt, Arabia, and elsewhere. This forms a clear transparent mucilage with .water. 3. Gum Seneca, or Senegal. It does not greatly differ from gum arabic: the pieces are larger and clearer ; and it seems to communicate a higher degree ofthe adhesive quality to'water. It is much used by calico printers and others. The first sort of gums are frequently sold by this name, but may be known by their darker colour. 4. Gum adragant or tragacanth. It is obtained from a small plant, a species of astragalus, grow- ing in Syria, and other eastern parts. It comes to us in small white contorted pieces, resembling worms. It is usually dearer than other gums, ana forms a thicker jelly with water. Willis has found, that the root of the common blue-bell. Hyarinthus non scriptus, dried and powdered, affords a mucilage possessing all the qualities of that from gum arabic. The roots uf the vernal squill, white, Uly, and orchis, equally yield mucilaze. Lord DHndonald has ex- tracted a mucilage also from lichens. Gums treated with nitric acid afford the saclac- tic, malic, and oxalic acids. II. CutKiva, The very vascular and elastic Mibstancr that covers the alveolar arches of the tipper and undrr jaws, aud embraces the necks of the teeth. Hum acaria. See Acad a vera. Gum arabic. See Acacia vera. 'lum, elattit. Nre Caoutchouc. 38 GUM-BOIL. See Parulis. GU'MMA. A strumous tumour on the perios- teum of a bone. GUMMI. (Gummi, n. indeclin.) See Gum. Gummi acacle. See Acada vera. Gummi acanthinum. See Acacia vera. Gummi arabicum. See Acacia vera. Gummi carann.e. See Caranna. Gummi cerasorum. The juices which exude from the bark of cherry-trees. It is very similar to gum-arabic, for*which it may be substituted. Gummi chibou. A spurious kind of gum clemi, but little used. Gummi courbaril. An epithet sometimes appUed to the juice of the Hymenaa courbaril. See Anime. Gummi euphorbii. See Euphorbia. Gummi galda. See Galda. Gummi gambiense. See Kino. Gummi guttje. See Stalagmitis. Gummi heder.e. See Hedera helix. Gummi juniperinum. See Juniperus com- munis. Gummi kikekunemalo. See Kikikunemalo. Gummi rino. See Kino. Gummi lacca. See Lacca. Gummi lamac See Acada vera. Gummi lutea. See Botany Bay. Gummi myrrha. See Myrrha. Gummi rubrum astringens gambiexsl. See Kino. Gummi sagapenum. See Sagapenum. Gummi scorpionis. See Acaciavera. Gummi senega. See Acada vera. Gummi sensgalense. See Mimosa tenegaI. Gummi senica. See Acacia vera. Gummi thebaicum. See Acada vera. Gummi tragacanthje. See Astragalus. GUM-RE'SIN. Gummi resina. Gum-resins are the juices of plants that are mixed with resin, aud an extractive matter, which has been taken for a gummy substance. They seldom flow na- turally from plants, but are mostly extracted by incision in the form of white, yellow, or red fluids, which dry more or Jess quickly. Water, spirit of wine, wine or vinegar, dissolve them only in part according to the proportion they contain of resin or extract. Gum-resins may also be formed by art, by digesting the parts of vegetables containing the gum-resin in diluted al- kohol, and then evaporating the solution. For this reason most tinctares" contain gum-resin. The principal gum-resins employed medicinally are aloes, ammoniacum, asafoetida, galbanum, cam- bogia, guaiacum, myrrha, olibanum, opoponax, sagapenum, sarcocolla, scammonium, and styrax. GUNDELIA. (The name given by Tourne- fort in honour of his companion and friend, An- drew Gundelscheimer, its discoverer, in the mountains of Armenia.) A genus of plants. Class, Syngenesia ; Order, Polygamia segregata. Gun Delia tourmfortii. The young shoots of this plant arc eaten by the Indians, but the roots are emetic. GU'TTA. (Gutta, a. f.) 1. A drop. Drops are uncertain forms of admmistering medicines, and should never be trusted to. The shape ofthe bottle or of its mouth, from whence the drops faU, as well as the consistence of the fluid, occa- sion a considerable dift'erence in the quantity ad- ministered. See Minimum. 2. A name of apoplexy, from a supposition that its cause was a drop of blood falling from the brain upon the heart. Gutta gamba. Sec Stalagmitu. Gutta nigra. The black drop, occasionally called the Lancashire, or the Cheshire drop. A 45* H.T.M ILL.M secret preparation of opium said to be more active than the common tincture, and supposed to be less injurious, as seldom followed by headache. Gutta opaca. A name for the cataract. Gutta serena. (So called by the Arabians.) See Amaurosis., Guttle rosace*. Red spots upon the face and nose. GU'TTURAL. Belonging to the throat. Guttural artery. The superior thyroideal artery. The first branch of the external carotid. I GYMNA'STIC. (Gymnasticus; from yvpvos, naked, performed by naked men in the public games.) This term is appUed to a method of curing diseases by exercise, or that part of physic which treats of the rules that are to be observed in aU sorts of exercises, for the preservation of health. This is said to have been invented by one Herodicus, born at Salymbra, a city of Thrace ; or,'as some say, at Leutini in Sicily. He was first master of an academy where young gentlemen came to learn warlike and manly exercises ; and observing them to be very healthful on that ac- count, he made exercise become an art in refer- ence to the recovering of men out of diseases, as weU as preserving them from them, and called it Gymnastic, which he made a great part of ihis practice. But Hippocrates, who was his scholar, blames him sometimes for his excesses with this view. And Plato exclaims against him with some warmth, for enjoining his patients to walk from Athens to Megara, which is about 25 mUes, and to come home on foot as they went, as soon as ever they had but touched-the walls of the city. GYMNOCARPI. The seconcfdivision in Per- son's arrangement of mushrooms, such as bear seeds embedded in an appropriate, dilated, ex- posed membrane, denominated hymenium, like Helvetia, in which that part is smooth and even ; boletus, in which it is porous; and the vast genus agaricus, in which it consists of gUls. GYMNOSPERMIA. (From yvpvos, naked, and oirtf-ia, a seed.) The name of an order of tSi class Didynamia, of the sexual system of plants, embracing such as have added to the didynamiil character, four naked seeds. GynjE'cia. (From yuvij, a woman.) The menses, and also the lochia. GYNjE'CIUM. (From yvvri, a woman.) 1. A seraglio. 2. The pudendum muliebre. 3. A name for antimony. GYNECOMANIA. (From yuw,, a woman, and pavia, madness.) That species of insanity that arises from love. GyNjECOmy'stax. (From vuvij, a woman, and pvs-rai, a beard.) The hairs on the female pu- dendum. Gynj:coma'ston. (From ywn, a woman, and pas-os, a breast.) An enormous increase of the breasts of women. GYNANDRIA. (From yvvn, a woman, and. avtip, a man, or husband.) The name of a class) in the sexual system of plants. It contains those hermaphrodite flowers, the stamina of which grow upon the pistil, so that the male and female organs are united, and do not stand separate as ia other hermaphrodite flowers. GYPSATA. (From gyp*ui>li a saline body' consisting of sulphuric acid and lime.) Dr. Good denominates a species of purging diarrhaa gypsata, in which the digestions are liquid, se- rous, and compounded of earth of lime. GYPSUM. A genus of minerals, composed of Ume and sulphuric acid, containing, according to Jameson, two species: the prismatic and the axifrangible. 1. Prismatic gypsum, or anhydrite, has five sub-species: sparry anhydrite, scaly anhydrite, fibrous anhydrite, convoluted anhydrite, compact anhydrite. See Anhydrite. 2. Axifrangible gypsum contains six sub-spe- tt cies : sparry gypsum, foliated, compact, fibrooit, scaly foliated, and earthy gypsum. H. a _ J.ABE'NA. A bridle. A'bandage for keep- ing the lips of wounds together, made in the form of a bridle. Hacub. See Gundelia tournefortii. HiEMAGO'GA. (From aiua, blood, and ayio, to bring off.) Medicines which promote the menstrual and h«morrhoidal discharges. HiEMALO'PIA. (From aipa, blood, and oifltpai, to see.) A disease of the eyes, in which all things appear of a red colour. A variety of the Pseudoblepsis imaginaria. H-rE'MALOPS. (From aipa, blood, and «uV, the face.) 1. A red or tivid mark in the face or eye. 2. A blood-shot eye. H-dEMA'NTHUS. (From aipa, blood, and avBof, a flower, so caUed from its colour.) The blood-flower. HLEMATE'MESIS. (From aipa, blood, and tutu, to vomit.) Vomitus cruentus. A vomiting of blood. A vomiting of blood is readily to be distinguished from a discharge from the lungs, by its being usuatty preceded by a sense of weight, pain, or anxiety in the region of the sto- mach ; by its being rjnacOTinpaiuerlby any cough; 458 by the blood being discharged in a very consider- able quantity; by its being of a dark colour, and somewhat grumous; and by its being mixed with the other contents of the stomach. The disease may be occasioned by any thing received into the stomach, which stimulates it violently or wounds it; or may proceed from blows, bruises, or any other cause capable of ex- citing inflammation in this organ, or of determin- ing too great a flow of blood to it; but it arises more usually as a symptom of some other disease (such as a suppression of the menstrual, or he- morrhoidal flux, or obstructions in the liven spleen, and- other viscera) than as a primary af- fection. It is seldom so profuse as to destroy the patient suddenly, and the principal danger seem* to arise, either from the great debility which repeated attacks of the complaint induce, or from the lodgment of blood in the intestines, which by becoming putrid might occasion some other disagreeable disorder. This haemorrhage, being usually rather of a. passive character, does not admit of large evacua- tions. Where it arises, on the suppression of the menses in young persons, and returns periodi- II. EM UJF.il » anv, it may be useful to anticipate this by taking away a few ounces of blood j not neglecting f,roper means to help the function of the uterus. n moderate attacks, particularly where the bow- els have been confined, the infusion of roses and sulphate of magnesia may be employed : if this should not check the bleeding the sulphuric acid may be exhibited more largely, or some of the more powerful astringents and tonics, as alum, lincturc of muriate o? iron, decoction of bark, or superacetate of lead. Where pain attends, opium should be given freely, taking care that the bowels be not constipated : and a btister to the epigastrium may be useful. If depending on scirrhous tumours, these must be attacked by mercury, hemlock, &c. In all cases the food should be Ught, and easy of digestion ; but more nourishing as the patient is more exhausted. H/EMATICA. The name of a class of dis- eases in Good's Nosology, of the sanguineous system. Its orders are, Pyretica, Phlegotica, Exanthemalica, Dysthelica. H^EMATIN. The colouring matter of log- wood, and according to Chevreuil, a distinct ve- getable substance. See Hamatoxylon. H-iEMATITES. (From aipa, blood: so named from its property of stopping blood, or from its colour.) iMpit hamatitet. An elegant iron ore called bloodstone. Finely levigated, and freed from the grosser parts by frequent washings with water, it has been long recommended in haemorrhages, fluxes, uterine obstructions, &c. in doses of from one scruple to three or four. H.«mati'tinus. (Fromaipnltins, the blood- stone. ) An epithet of a collyrium, in which was the bloodstone. H^EMATOCE'LE. (From aipa, blood, and ttriXii, a tumour.) A swelling of the scrotum, or spermatic cord, proceeding from or caused by blood. The distinction of the different kinds of hematocele, though not usually made, is abso- lutely necessary toward rightly understanding the disease ; the general idea, or conception of which, appears to Pott to be somewhat erroneous, and to have produced a prognostic which is ill founded and hasty. According to this eminent surgeon, the disease, properly called hematocele, is of four kinds ; two of which have their scat within the tunica vaginalis testis; one within the albuginea ; and the fourth in the tunica communis, or common cellular membrane, investing the spermatic vessels. In the passing an instrument, in order to let out the water from an hydrocele of the vaginal coat, a vessel is sometimes wounded, which is of such size, as to tinge the fluid pretty deeply at the time of its running out: the orifice becoming close, when tbe water is all discharged, and a plaster being applied, the blood ceases to fio w from thence, but insinuates itself partly into the cavity of the vaginal coat, and partly into the cells of the scro- tum ; making in the space of a few hours, a tu- mour nearly equal in size to the original hydro- cele. This is one species. It sometimes happens in tapping an hydrocele, that although the fluid discharged by that opera- tion be perfectly clear and limpid, yet in a very •hort space of time (sometimes in a few hours,) the scrotum becomes as large as it was before, and palpably as fuU of a fluid. If a new puncture be now rnids, the discharge, instead of being limpid (as before,) is either pure blood or very Moody. This is another species ; aud, like the preceding, confined to the tunica vaginalis. The whole vascular compages of the testicle is sometimes very much enlarged, and at the came time rendered so lax and loose, that the tumour produced thereby hast, to the fingers ofan examiner, very much tbe appearance of a swelling composed of a mere fluid, supposed to be some- what thick, or viscid. This is in some measure a deception ; but not totaUy so: the greater part of the tumefaction is caused by the loosened texture of the testes ; but there is very frequently a quantity of extravasated blood also. If this be supposed to be an hydrocele, and pierced, the discharge wiU be mere blood. This is a third kind of hematocele ; and very different, in all its circumstances, from the two preceding: the fluid is shed from the vessels of the glandular part of the testicle, and contained within the tunica al- buginea. » The fourth consists in a rupture of, and an effusion of blood, from a branch of the spermatic vein, in its passage from the groin to tfce testi- cles. In which case, the extravasation is made into the tunica communis, or cellular membrane, investing the spermatic vessels. Each of these species, Pott says, he has seen so distinctly, and perfectly, that he has not the smallest doubt concerning their existence, and of their difference from each other. H-rEMATO'CHYSIS. (From aipa, blood, and xf>>> t°Pour out.) A hemorrhage or flux of. blood. H-rEMATO'DES. (From aipa, blood, and tiSos, appearance: so called from the red colour.) 1. An old name for the bloody crane's-bill; See Geranium sanguineum. 2. A fungus, which has somewhat the appear- ancc of blood. See Hamatoma. H-rEMATO'LOGY. (Hamatologia; from aiua, blood, and Xoyos, a discourse.^ The doc- trine of the blood. HEMATOMA. (From aipa, blood.) Fun- gus hamatodtt. The bleeding fungus. Spon- goid inflammation of Burns. This disease has been described also under the names of soft cancer and medullary sarcoma. It assumes a variety of forms, and attacks most parts of the body, but particularly the testicle, eye, breast, and the extremities. It begins with a soft en- largement or tumour of the part, which is ex- tremely elastic, and in some cases very painful: as it increases, it often has the feel of an encysted tumour, and at length becomes irregular, bulging out here and there, and insinuates itself between the neighbouring parts, and forms a large mass, if under an aponeurotic expansion. When it ul- cerates it bleeds, shoots up a mass of a bloody fungus, and then shows its decided character if unknown before. Most of the medicines which have been employed against cancerous diseases have been unprofitably exhibited against hema- toma ; as alteratives, both vegetable and mineral; tonics and narcotics. Extirpation, when practi- cable, is the only cure. H^ematomphaloce'le. (From aipa, blood, op, the navel, and ktiXti, a tumour.) A tu- mour about the navel, from an extravasation of blood. A species of ecchymosis. H.cmatopede'sis. (From aipa, blood, and zstSaio, a leap.) The leaping of the blood from a wounded artery. HiEMATO'SIS. (From aipa, blood.) An hemorrhage or flux of blood. H/EMATO'XYLON. (From aipa, blood, and $vXov, wood : so called from the red colour of its wood.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decandria; Order, Monogynia. Hamatoxylon campechianum. The sys- tematic name of -the logwood-tree. Acada Zeylonica. The part ordered in the Pbarmaco- pceia, is the wood, called Hamatoryli lignum; if< EM 1L-L.U t.igntfm campeehente ; Lignum eamptchiun um; Lignum campetcanum ; Lignum indicum; Lig- num tappan. Logwood. It is of a solid tex- ture and of r» dark red colour. It is imported principally as a substance for dyeing, cut into junks and logs of about three feet in length ; of these pieces the largest and thickest are pre- served, as being of the deepest colour. Logwood has a sweetish sub-adstringent taste, and no re- markable smell; it gives a purplish red tincture both to watery and spirituous infusions, and tinges the stools, and sometimes the urine, of the same colour. It is employed medicinaUy as an adstringent and corroborant. In diarrhoeas it has been found peculiarly efficacious, and has the recommendation of some of the first medical authorities; also in the latter stages of dysentery, When the obstructing causes are removed; to ob- viate the extreme laxity of the intestines usuaUy superinduced by the repeated dejections. In the form of decoction the proportion is two ounces to 2 Jfo. of fluid, reduced by boUing to one. An extract is ordered in the pharmacopceias. The dose from ten to forty grains. The colouring principle of this root is called hemetin. On the Watery extract of logwood, digest alkohol for a day, filter the solution, evaporate* add a Uttle water, evaporate gently again, and then leave the liquid at rest. Hematin is deposited in small crystals, which, after washing with alkohol, are brilliant, and of a reddish-white colour. Their taste is bitter, acrid, and slightly astringent. Hematin forms an orange-red solution with boiling water, becoming yellow as it cools, but recovering, with increase of heat, its former hue. Excess of alkali converts it first to purple, then to violet, and, lastly, to brown: in which state the hematin seems to be decomposed. Metallic oxides unite with hematin, forming a blue-co. loured compound. Gelatin throws down reddish floccuU. Peroxide of tin, and acid, merely red- den it. ' HiEMATO'XYLUM. See Hamatoxylon. HjEMATU'RIA. (From aipa, blood, and ovpov, urine.) The voiding of blood with urine. This disease is sometimes occasioned by falls, blows, bruises, or some violent exertion, such as hard riding and jumping; but it more usually arises, from a small stone lodged either in the kidney or ureter, which by its size or irregularity wounds the inner surface of the part it comes in contact with ; in which case the blood discharged is most usually somewhat coagulated, and the urine deposits a sediment of a dark 'Brown colour, resembhng the grounds of coffee. A discharge of blood by urine, when proceed- ing from the kidney or ureter, is commonly at- tended with an acute pain in the back, and some difficulty of making water, the urine which comes away fisst, being muddy and high coloured, but towards the elose of its flowing, becoming trans- parent and of a natural appearance. When the blood comes immediately from the bladder, it is usually accompanied with a sense of heat and pain at the bottom of the belly. The voiding of bloody urine is always attended with some danger, particularly when mixed with purulent matter. When it arises in the course of any maUgnant disease, it shows a highly putrid state of the blood, and always indicates a fatal termination. The appearances to be observed on dissection will accord with those usuaUy met with in the disease which ha9 givenrise to the complaint. When the disease has resulted from a mecha- nical,injury in a plethoric babit,it may be proper to takeblood, and pursue the general antipblogis- ABQ tic plan, opening the bowels occasionaUy wuu castor oil, &c. When owing to calculi, which cannot be removed, we must be chiefly content with palliative measures, giving alkaUei or acids according to the quality of the urine; likewise. mucilaginous drinks and glysters ; and opium, fo- mentations, &c. to relieve pain; uva ursi also has been found useful under these circumstances; but more decidedly where the hemorrhage is purely passive; in which case also some of the ' terebinthate remedies may be cautiously tried; 'j and means of strengthening the constitution must not be neglected. Hj^mo'dia. (From aiuiaStia, to stupefy.) A painful stupor of the teeth, caused by aerid sub- stances touching them. RiEMO'PTOE. (From a(fio, blood, and i Trivia, to spit up.) The spitting of blood. Sec Hamoptysis. H^MO'PTYSIS. ((From ai,ia, blood, and rflvu), to spit.) HamojHoe. A spitting of blood. A genus of disease arranged by Cullen in the class Pyrexia, and order Hamorrhagia. It is cha- racterised by coughing up florid or frothy blood, preceded usually by heat or pain in the chest, ir- ritation in the larynx, and a saltish taste in the < mouth. There are five species of this disease: 1. Hamoptysis plethorica, from fulness ofthe vessels. 2. Hamoptysis violenta, from some external violence. 3. Hamoptysis phthisica, from ulcers corro- ding the small vessels. 4. Hamoptysis calculosa, from calculous mat- ter in the lungs. 5. Hamoptysis mcaria, from the suppression of some customary evacuation. It is readily to be distinguished from hemate- mesis, as in this last, the blood is usuaUy thrown out in considerable quantities ; and is, moreover of a darker colour, more grumous and mixed with the other contents of the stomach; whereas blood proceeding from the lungs is usually in small quantity, of a florid colour, and mixed with a Ut- tle frothy mucus only. A spitting of blood arises most usually between the ages of sixteen and twenty-five, and may be occasioned by any violent exertion either in run- ning, jumping, wrestUng, singing loud, or blow- ing wind-instruments ; as likewise by wounds, plethora, weak vessels, hectic fever, coughs, ir- regular living, excessive drinking, or a suppres- sion of some accustomed discharge, such as the menstrual or hemorrhoidal. It may likewise be occasioned by breathing air which is too much rarefied to be able properly to expand the lungs. Persons in whom there is a faulty proportion, either in the vessels of the lungs, or in the capa- city of the chest, being distinguished by a narrow thorax and prominent shoulders, or who are of a delicate make and sanguine temperament, seem _ much predisposed to this hemorrhage; but in ' these, the complaint is often brought on by the concurrence of the various occasional and exci- ting causes before mentioned. A spitting of blood is not, however, always to be considered as a primary disease. It is often only a symptom, and in some disorders, such as pleurisies, peripneumonics, and many fevers, often arises, and is the presage of a favourable termination. Sometimes it is preceded, as has already been observed, by a sense of weight and oppression at the chest, a dry tickling cough, and some slight difficulty of breathing. Sometimes it is ushered in with shiverings, coldness at the extremities, pains in the back and loins, flatulency, costit*- HiKM IL£M ne^ and lassitude. The blood which is spit up „ generally thin, »nd of a florid red colour; but sometime.7!! is thick, and of a dark ««•*"£ cut • nothing, however, can be inferred from this circumstance, but that the blood bas lain a long- er or shorter time in the breast, before it was '' An ficuioptoe is not attended with danger, wberc no symptoms of phthisis pulmonalis have preceded or accompanied the haemorrhage, or where it leaves behind no cough, dyspnoea, or other affection of the lungs ; nor is it dangerous in a strong healthy person, of a sound constitu- tion ; but when it attacks persons of a weak lax fibre, and delicate habit, it may be difficult to re- move it. it selJom takes place to such a degree as to prow fatal at once ; but when it does, the ettu- luon is from some large vessel. The danger, therefore, wiU be in proportion as the discharge of blood comes from a large veseel, or a small one. , , . When the disease proves fatal, in consequence of the rupture of some large vessels, there is found, on dissection, a considerable quantity of clotted blood in the lungs, and there is usuaUy more or less of an inflammatory appearance at the ruptured part. Where the disease terminates id pulmonary consumption, the same morbid ap- pearances are to be met with as described under that particular head. In this hemorrhage, wliich is mostly ofthe ac- tive kind, the antiphlogistic regimen must be strictly observed; particularly avoiding heat, muscular exertion, and agitation of the mind ; and restricting the patient to a light, cooling, ve- getable diet. Acidulated drink wiU be useful to quench tbe thirst, without so much Uquid being taken. Where the blood is discharged copiously, but no great quantity has been lost already, it wiU be proper to attempt to check it by bleeding freely, if the habit will allow: and sometimes, where there is pain in the chest, local evacua- tions and blisters may be useful. The- bowels should be well cleared with some cooling saline cathartic, which may be given in the infusion of roses. Digitalis is also a proper remedy, parti- cularly where the pulse is very quick, from its sedative influence on the heart and arteries. An- timonial* in nauseating doses have sometimes an excellent effect, as weU by checking the force of the circulation, as by promoting diaphoresis ; ca- lomel also might be added with advantage ; and opium, or other narcotic, to relieve pain and quiet cough, which may perhaps keep up the bleeding. Emetics have, on some occasions, been successful; but they are not altogether free from danger. In protracted cases, internal as- tringents are given, as alum, kino, &c. but their affects are very precarious : the super-acetate of lead, however, is perhaps the most powerful me- dicine, especially combined with opium, and should always be resorted to in alarming or obsti- nate canes, though as it is liable to occasion coUc and pir-ilyiis, its use should not be indiscrimi- nate , but it acts probably rather as a sedative than astringent. Sometimes the appUcation of cold water to some sensible part of the body, pro- ducing a general refrigeration, will check the bleeding. Whtu the discharge is stopped, great attention to regimen is still required, to obviate its return, with occasional evacuations : the exer- cise of swinging, riding in an easy carriage, or on a gentle liorse, or. especially sating, may keep up a salutary determination ofThe blood to other parts: an occasional buster may be applied, where there are marks of local disease, or an issue or seton perhaps answer belter. Should hemoptysis occasionaUy exhibit rather the passive character, evacuations must be spa- ringly used, and tonic medicines wiU be proper, with a more nutritious diet. H^MORRHAGIA. (From aipa, blood, and faywut, to break out.) A hemorrhage, or flow of bfood. HjEMORRHA'GLE. Hemorrhages, or fluxes of blood. The name of an order in the class Pyrexia of CuUen's Nosology is so caUed. It is characterised by pyrexia with a discharge of blond, without any external injury ; the blood on venesection exhibiting the buffy coat. The or* der Hamorrhagia contains the foUowing genera of diseases, viz. cpistaxis hemoptysis, (of which phthisis is represented as a sequel,) hemorrhois and menorrhagia. HJEMORRHOITML. (Hamorrhoidalis; the name of the vessels which are the seat of the hemorrhoids or piles.) 1. Of or belonging to the hemorrhoidal vessels. 1 2. The trivial name of some plants which were supposed to be efficacious against pUes; as Car- iuut hamorrhmdalet, &c. Hemorrhoidal arteries. Arteria ha- norrhoidalet. The arteries ofthe rectum are so eaUed: they are sometimes two, and at other times three in number. 1. The upper hemorrhoi- dal artery, which is the great branch of the low-. er mesenteric continued into the pelvis. 2. The middle hemorrhoidal, which sometimes comes off from the hypogastric artery, and very often from fee pudical artery. It is sometimes wanting. S. The lower or external hemorrhoidal is almost ilways a branch ofthe pudical artery, or that ar- tery, which goes to the penis. Hemorrhoidal veins. Vena Hamorrhoi- iales. These are two. 1. The external, which ivacuates itself into the vena iUaca interna. 2. The internal, which conveys its blood into Ihe vena ports. HiEMO'RRHOIS. (From aipa, bl ood, and itio, to flow.) Aimorrhois. The piles. A genus of ■isease in the class Pyrexia, and order Hamor* rhagia of CuUen. They are certain excrescen- ces or tumours arising about the verge ofthe anus, or the inferior part of the intestinum rectum ; Then they discbarge blood, particularly upon the patient's going to stool, the disease is known by (he name of bleeding piles; but when there is no lischarge, it is called blind piles. The rectum, is well as the colon, is composed of several mem- branes connected to each other by an intervening * cellular substance ; and as the muscular fibres of this intestine always tend, by their contraction, to lessen its cavity, the internal membrane, which is very lax, forms itself into several rugre, or folds. In this construction nature respects the tse ofthe part, which occasionaUy gives passage lo or allows the retention of the excrements, Ihe hardness and bulk cf which might produce considerable lacerations, if this intestine were not capable of dilatation. The arteries and veins sub- servient to this part are caUed hemorrhoidal, and fee blood that returns from hence is carried to the ncseraic veins. The intestinum rectum is par- ticularly subject to the hemorrhoids, from its situation, structure, and use; for whilst the course of the blood is assisted in almost all the other veins ofthe body, by the distention of the adjacent muscles, and the pressure of the neigh- bouring parts, the blood in the hemorrhoidal veins which is to ascend against the natural ten- dency of its own weight, is not only destitute of these assistances, but is impeded in its passage : for first the large excrements which lodge in 461 HjEM H-HM this intestine dilate its sides, and the different re- sistances which they form there are so many im- pediments obstructing the return of the blood • not in the large veins, for they are placed along the external surface of the intestine, but in all the capillaries which enter into its composition. Secondly, as often as these large excrements, pro- truded by others, approached near the anus, their successive pressure upon the internal coats of the intestine, which they dilate, drives back the blood into the veins, and for so long suspends its course ; the necessary consequence of which is, a disten- tion of the veins in proportion to the quantity of blood that fills them. Thirdly, in every effort we make, either in going to stool, or npon any other occasion, the contraction of the abdominal mus- cles, and the diaphragm pressing the contents of the abdomen downwards, and these pressing upon j the parts contained in the pelvis, another obstruc- I tion is thereby opposed, to the return of the blood, 1 not only in the large veins, but also in the capilla- ries, which, being of too weak a texture to resist the impute of the blood that always tends to dilate them, may hereby become varicose. j The dilatation of nil these vessels is the prima- | ry cautt of the hemorrhoids: for the internal coat | ofthe intestine, and the clelular membrane which connects that to the muscular coat, are enlarged ; in proportion to the distention of the vessels of which they are composed. This distention not I being equal in every part, produces separate tu- mours in the gut, or at tbe verge of the anus, 1 which increases according as the venal blood 1 is obstructed in them, or circulates there more I slowly. • Whatever, then, is capable of retarding the course of the blood in the hemorrhoidal veins, may occasion this disease. Thus, persons that are generaUy costive, who are accustomed to sit | long at stool, and strain hard; pregnant wo- men, or such as have had difficult labours ; and likewise persons who have'an obstruction in their liver, are for the most part afflicted with the piles; yet every one has not the hemorrhoids, the dif- ferent causes which are mentioned above being not common to all, or at least not having in all the same effects. When the hemorrhoids are once formed, they seldom disappear entirely, and we may judge of those within the rectum by those which, being at the verge ofthe anus, are plainly to be seen. A smaU pile, that has been painful for some days, may cease to be so, and dry up; but the skin does not afterwards retain its formei firmness, being more lax and wrinkled, like the I empty skin of a grape. If this external pile I swells and sinks again several times, we may per- ceive, after each return, the remains of each pile, though shriveUedand decayed, yet still left largei than before. The case is the same with those that are situated within the rectum; they may happen indeed never to return again, if the cause that produced them is removed; but it is probable that the excrements in passing out occasion a re- turn of the swelling, to wliich the external ones are less liable: for the internal piles make a sort of knots or tumours in the intestine, which straightening the passage, the excrements in pass- ing out, occasion irritations there that are more or less painful in proportion to the efforts which the person makes in going to stool; and it is thus these tumours become gradually larger. The hemorrhoids are subject to many variations; they may become inflamed from the above irri- tations to which they are exposed, and this in- flammation cannot always be removed by art. In some, the inflammation terminates in an abscess, which arises in the middle of the tumour, and de- 462 generates into a fistula. These pUes are very painful tiU the abscess is formed. In others, the inflammation terminates by induration of the hemorrhoid, which remains in a manner scir> rhous. These never lessen, but often grow larger. This scirrhous sometimes ulcerates, and continu- ally discharges a sanies, which tie patient per-'* ceivcs by stains on his shirt, and by its occasion* ' ing a very troublesome itching about the verge of the anus. These kinds of hemorrhoids sometimes turn cancerous. There are some haemorrhoids and those of different sizes, which are covered with so fine a skin as frequently to admit blood to pass through. This fine skin is only the inter- nal coat of the rectum, greatly attenuated by the varicose distention of its vessels. The tixmoM ' rhage may proceed from two causes, namely either from an excoriation produced by the hard- ness of the excrements, or from the rupture of the tumified vessels, which break by their too great distention. In some of these, the patient voids blood almost every time he goes to stool - in others not so constantly. We sometimes meet with men who have a periodical bleeding by the piles, not unUke the menses in women ; and as this evacuation, if moderate, does not weaken the constitution, we may infer that it supplies some other evacuation which nature either ceases to carry on, or does not furnish in due quantity ; and hence also we may explain why the suppression of this discharge, to which nature had been ac- customed, is frequently attended with dangerous diseases. The hemorrhoids are sometimes dis- tended to that degree as to fill the rectum, so that if the excrements are at all hard they cannot pass. In this case the excrements force the hemor- rhoids out of the anus to procure a free passage, consequently the internal coat of the rectum, to which they are connected, yields to extension, and upon examining these patients immediately after having been at stool, a part of tbe internal coat of that gut is perceived. A difficulty will occur in the return of these, in proportion to their size, and as the verge of the anus is more or less contracted. If the bleeding pUes come out in the same manner upon going to stool, it is then they void most blood? because the verge of the anus forms a kind of ligature above them. The treatment of this complaint will vary much, ac- cording to circumstances. When the loss of blood is considerable, we should endeavour to stop it by applying cold water, or ice ; or some astringent, as a solution of alum, or sulphate of zinc: hut a more certain way is making continued pressure on the part. At the same time inter- nal astringents may be given; joined with opium, if much pain or irritation attend. Care must be taken, however, to avoid constipation ; and in all cases patients find benefit from the steady use of some mild cathartic, procuring regular loose mo- tions. Sulphur is mostly resorted to for this pur- i pose ; and especially in combination with super-1 tartrate of potassa, tamarinds, &c. in the form of electuary, usually answers very well; likewise castor oil is an excellent remedy in these cases. Should the parts be much inflamed, leeches may be appUed near the anus, and cold satunine lo- tions used; sometimes, however, fomenting with the decoction of poppy will give more relief; where symptomatic fever attends, the antiphlogis- tic regimen must be strictly observed, and be- sides clearing the Jiowels, antimonials may be given to promote .diaphoresis. Where the tu- mours areg^nsiderable and flaccid, without inflam- mation, powerful astringent or even stimulant ap- plications wiU be proper, together with similar in- ternal medicines; and the part should be support- HAL H.Vb An ointment"of gaUs.i. often very useftd,, with cpiunx to relieve pam: and some of the liquor sIuntM subacetatis may be farther added, it there bo a tendency to inflammation. In these cases of relaxed piles of some standing, the copaiba fre- quently does much good, both applied locally and Uken internally, usually keeping the bowels regular ; also the celebrated Ward's paste, a medicine of which the active tapjredient is black pepper. Sometimes where a largo tumour has been formed by extravasated blood, subsequently become organised, permanent retief can only be obtained by extirpating this. HiEMOSTA'fiU. (From mua. blood, and ic-mi, to stand.) A stagnation of blood. HJeMOSTA'TICA. (From ai/*a, blood, and yau, to stop.) Medicines which stop bernor- See Styptics thirteen, he soon tfter determined npoafhemeui cal profession. Having studied a short time at Tubingen, he was attracted to Leyden by tbe re- putation of Boerhaave, to whom he has express- ed his obligations in the most affectionate terms; but he took his degree at the former place, when about seventeen years of age. He soon after visited England and France; then returning to his native country, first acquired a taste for bo- tany, which he pursued with great zeal, making frequent excursions to the neighbouring moun- tains. He also composed a " Poem on the Alps," and other pieces, which were received with much applause. Having settled in his native city, about 17§0, he began to give lectures on anatomy, but with indifferent success ; and some detached pieces on anatomy and botany having gained him considerable reputation abroad, he was invited by- George II., in 1736, to become professor in the university, which he had recently founded at Got- haIEn""akthony de, was born in Leyden in ITO^^cYrne one of the distinguished7 pupils tingen He accepted this advantageous offer and JfThe wlebrated Boerhaave. After graduating though his arrival was rendered melancholy by a bis iistive plaoe, he settled at the Hague, where the loss of a beloved wife, from some accident be nraetiseof with considerable reputation for which occurred m toe journey, he commeneed at once the duties of his office with great zeal: he encouraged the most industrious of his pupils to institute an experimental investigation on some part of the animal economy, affording them his assistance therein. He was Ukewise himself in- defatigable in similar researches, during the se- venteen years which he spent there, having in view a grand reform in physiology, which his writings ultimately effected, dissipating the meta- Ehysical and chemical jargon, whereby it was efore obscured. He procured the establishment of a botanic garden, an anatomical theatre, a school for surgery and for midwifery, with a lying-in hospital, and other useful institutions at that university. He received also many honour- able testimonies of his fame, beingfchosen a mem- ber of the Royal Societies of Stockholm and Lon- don, made physician and counsellor to George II., and the Emperor conferred on him the title of Baron ; which, however, he declined, as it would not have been esteemed in his native country. To this he returned in 175S, and during the remain- der of his life, discharged various important pub- lic offices there. He ultimately received every testimony of the general estimation in which he was held; the learned societies of Europe, as well as several sovereigns, vying with each other in conferring honours upon him. His constitu- tion was delicate, and impatience of pain or in- terruption to his studies, led him to U6e violent remedies when Ul; however, by temperance and activity he reached an advanced age, having died towards the end of 1777. He was one of the most universally informed men in modern times. He spoke with equal faciUty the German, French, and Latin languages; and read all the other tongues of Europe except the Sclavonic; and there was scarcely any book of reputation, with which he was not acquainted. His own works were extremely numerous, on anatomy, physiology, pathology, surgery, botany, &c. be- sides his poems and political and religious pub- lications. The principal are, 1. His large work on the Botany of Switzerland, in 3 vols, folio, with many plates ; 2. Commentaries on Boer- haave's Lectures, 7 vols, octavo ; 3. Elements of Physiology, 8 vols, quarto, a work of the great- est merit; 4. His "Bibtiotheca," or Chronolo- gical Histories of Authors, with brief Analyses; .i vols, quarto on Botany, two on Surgery, two on Anatomy, and four on the Practice of Me- dicine, displaying an immense body of re- search. ■1*5:! _jrW 20 years. Baron Van Swieten, being ac quainted with the extent of his talents, invited him to Vienna, to assist in the plan of reform, which the empress had consented to support in the medical faculty of that capital. De Haen ac- cordingly repaired thither in 1754, was made pro- fessor of the practice of medicme, and fully an- swered the expectations which had been formed of him. He undertook a system of clinical edu- cation, as the best method of forming good phy- sicians : the result of this was the collection ot a great number of valuable observations, which were pubUshed in successive volumes of a work, entitled, " Ratio Medendi in Nosocomio Practi- co," amounting ultimately to 16. He left also several other works, as On the Division of Fevers, &c. and died at the age of 72. He was generally an enemy to new opinions and innovations in practice, which led him into several controver- sies ; particularly against variolous inoculation, and the use of poisonous plants in medicine ; but be exhibited much learning and practical know- ledge. Hagiospe'rmum. (From ayios, holy, and mttppa, seed : so called from its reputed virtues.) Wormseed. Hagio'xtlum. (From ayios, holy, and £uXov, wood: so named because of its medical virtues.) Guaiacum. HAIR. See Capillut. Hala'tium. (From aXs, salt.) A clyster composed chiefly of salt. Halberd-shaped leaf. See Leaf. Halche'mia. (From aXs, salt, and j^w, to pour out.) The art of fusing salts. Halki a:'um. (From aXs, salt, and tXatov, oil.) A medicine composed of salt and oil. Halica'cabum. (From aXs, the sea, and tatalioc, night shade : so called because it grows upon the banks of the sea.) See Physalit alke- l.engi. Ha'limus. (From aXipos, belonging to the sea.) The Atriplex halimut of Linnxus, or sea- purslain, said to be antispasmodic. II ai ini'tri m. (FroinuXf, the sea, and vijpov, nitre.) Nitre, or rather rock salt. HA LITUS. (From halito, to breathe out.) A vapour. HALLER, Albert, was born at Berne, where his father was an advocate, in 1709. llje display- ed at a very early age extraordinary marks of industry and talents. He was intended for the church, hut having lost bis father when only HAR HAR HALLUCINA'TIO. (From hallucinor, to err.) An erroneous imagination. Halmyro'des, (From aXpvpos, salted.) A term applied to the humours; it means acrimo- nious. It is also applied to fevers which commu- nicate such an itching sensation as is perceived from handling salt substances. HA'LO. (FromaXos, an area or circle.) The red circle surrounding the nipple, which becomes somewhat brown in old people, and is beset with many sebaceous glands. Hama'lgama. See Amalgam. HAMOSUS. Hooked. AppUed to the bristly pubescence of seeds and plants ; as the pericarpe of the Arctium lappa; the seeds of Daucus muricatus, and Alisma cordifolia. HAMPSTEAD. A village near to London, where there is an exceUent chalybeate water, not inferior to that of Tunbridge-wells in any re- spect, except being nearer to the metropolis. HA'MULUS. (Diminutive of hamut, a hook.) A term in anatomy, appUed to any hook-tike process, as the hamulus of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone. HA'MUS. A hook. A species of pubescence of plants formed of bristles, bent at their point into a hook; as in Rumex tuberosus, Caucalis daucoides, and Galium aparine, &c. HAND. Manus. The hand is composed of the carpus or wrist, metacarpus, and fingers. The arteries of the hand are the palmary arch, and the digital arteries. The veins are the digi- tal, the cephatic of the thumb, and the salvatella. The nerves are the cutaneus, externus, and in- ternus. Harde'sia. See Lapis Hibernicus. HARE. See Lepus timidus. HARE-LIP. Lagochrilus ; Lagostoma ; La- bium leporinum. A fissure or longitudinal divi- sion of one or both lips. Children are frequent- ly born with this kind of malformation, particu- larly of the upper Up. Sometimes the portions of the Up, which ought to be united, have a con- siderable space between them; in other instances they are not much apart. The cleft is occasion- aUy double, there being a little lobe, or small portion of the Up, situated between the two fis- sures. Every species of the deformity has the same appellation of hare-tip, in consequence of the imagined resemblance which the part has to the upper Up of a hare. The fissure commonly affects only the Up it- self. In many cases, however, it extends along the bones of the palate, even as far as the uvula. Sometimes these bones are totally wanting; sometimes they are only divided by a fissure. Such a malformation is always peculiarly af- flicting. In its least degree, it constantly occa- sions considerable deformity ; and when it is more marked, it frequently hinders infants from sucking, and makes it indispensable to nourish them by other means. When the lower lip alone is affected, which is more rarely the case, the child can neither retain its saliva, nor learn to speak, except with the greatest impediment. But when the fissure pervades the palate, the patient not only never articulates perfectly, but cannot masticate nor swallow, except with great diflicul- tv, on account of the food readily getting up into the nose. HARMO'NIA. (From apu>, to fit together.) Harmony. A species of synarthrosis, or im- moveable -connection of bones, in which bones are connected together by means of rough mari gins, not dentiform : in this manner most of the bones of the face are connected together. IIARMOTOME. See Cross-stone. 464 HARRIS, Walter, was born at Gloncesurr about the year 1651. He took the degree of bachelor of physic at Oxford, but having en> braced the Roman Catholic religion, he was made doctor at some French University. He settled in London in 1676, and two years alter, to evade the order that aU Catholics should quit the metropolis, he publicly adopted the Protes- tant Faith. His practice rapidly augmented, and on the accession of William III. he was appoint- ed his physician in ordinary. He died in 1725. His principal work "De Morbis Acntis Infan- tum," is said to have been published at the sug- gestion of the celebrated Sydenham: it passed through several editions. He left also a Treatise on the plague, and a collection of medical and surgical papers, which had been read before the College of Physicians. HARROGATE. The villages of High and Low Harrogate are situate in the centre of the county of York, adjoining the town of Knares- borough. The whole ofHarrogate, in particu- lar, has long enjoyed considerable reputation, by , possessing two kinds of very valuable springs; and, some years ago, the chalybeate was tbe only one that was used internaUy, whtist the sul- phureous water was confined to external use. At present, however, the latter is employed large- ly as an internal medicine. The sulphureous springs of Harrogate are four in number, of the same quality, though different in the degree of their powers. This water, when first taken up, appears perfectly clear and transparent, and sends forth a few air bubbles, but not in any quantity. It possesses a very strong sulphureous and foetid smell, precisely like that of a damp rusty gun barrel, or bilge-water. To the taste it is bitter, nauseous, and strongly sa- line, which is soon borne without any disgust In a few hours of exposure this water loses its transparency, and becomes somewhat pearly, and rather greenish to the eye ; its sulphureous smell abates, and at last the sulphur is deposited in the form of a thin film, on the bottom and sides ofthe vessel in which it is kept. The volatile produc- tions of this water show carbonic acid, sulphuretted hydrogen, and azotic gas. The sensible effects which this water excites, are often a headache and giddiness on being first drunk, foUowed by a purgative operation, which is speedy and mUd, without any attendant gripes; and this is the only apparent effect the exhibition of this water displays. The diseases in which this water is used are numerous, particularly of the alimentary canal, and irregularly of the biUous secretions. Under this water the health, appetite, and spirits im- prove ; and, from its opening effects, it cannot faU to be useful in the costive habit of hypochon- driasis. But the highest recommendation of this water has been in cutaneous diseases, and for thisl purpose it is universally employed, both as an internal medicme, and an external application: in this united form, it is of particular service in, the most obstinate and comphcated forms of cuta- neous affections ; nor is it less so in states and symptoms supposed connected with worms, espe- cially with the round worm and ascarides, when taken in such a dose as to prove a brisk purga- tive ; and in the latter case also, when used as a clyster, the ascarides being chiefly confined to the rectum, and therefore within the reach of this form of medicine. From the union of the sulphureous and saline ingredients, the benefit of its use has been long established in hemorrhoidal affections. A course of Harrogate waters should be cCfr HAR HEA ducted so as to produce sensible effects on tin bowels; half a pint taken in the morning, and repeated three or four times, will produce it, and its nauseating taste may be corrected by taking a dry biscuit, or a bit of coarse bread after it. The course must be continued, in obstinate ewes, a period of some months, before a cure can be expected. HARTFELL. The name of a place near Moffat, in Scotland. It has a mineral water which eontains iron dissolved by the sulphuric acid, and is much celebrated in scrophulous affections, and cutaneous diseases. It is used no less as an ex- ternal application, than drank internally. The effects of this water, at first, are some degree of drowsiness, vertigo, and pain in the head, which soon go on, and this may be hastened by a stight purge. It produces generally a flow of urine, and an increase of appetite. It has acquired much reputation also in old and languid ulcers, where the texture of the diseased part is very lax, and the discharge profuse and ill conditioned. The dose of this water is more limited than that of most of the mineral springs which are used medicinally. It is of importance in all cases, and especially in delicate and irritable habits, to begin with a very small quantity, for an over-dose is apt to be very soon rejected by the stomach, or to occasion griping and disturb-* ancn in the intestinal canal; and it is never as a direct purgative that this water is intended to be employed. Few patients will bear more than an English pint in the course of the day; but this quantity may be long continued. It is often ad- visable to warm the water for delicate stomachs, and this may be done without occasioning any material change in its properties. HARTLEY, David, was born in 1705, son of a clergyman in Yorkshire. He studied at Cam- bridge, and was intended for the church, but scruples about subscribing to the 39 Articles led him to change to the medical profession; for which his talents and benevolent disposition well qualified him. After practising in different parts of the country, he settled for some time in Lon- don, but finally went to Bath where he died in 1757. He published some tracts concerning the stone, especially in commendation of Mrs. Ste- phens' medicine, and appears to have been chiefly instrumental in procuring her a reward from Par- liament ; yet he is said to have died of the dis- ease after taking above two hundred pounds of soap, the principal ingredient in that nostrum. Some other papers were also written by him: but the principal work, upon which his fame securely rests, is a metaphysical treatise, entitled " Observations on .Man, his, Frame, his Duty, and his Expectations." The doctrine of vibration, indeed, on which he explained sensation, is merely gratuitous ; but his Disquisitions on the Power ol" Association, and other mental Pheno- mena, evince great subtlety and accuracy of resenrrh. HARTSHORN. See Cornu. Hart-horn thadngt. See Cornu. II ART'S-TONGUE. See Asplenium scholo- pendriutn. HART-WORT. Sec Laserpitium tiler. Hart-wort of Marteillet. See Seteli tor- tuotunl. II \RVEY, William, the iUustrioosdiscoverer of the circulation of the blood, was born at Folkstone in Kent, in 1578. After studying four years at Cambridge, he went abroad at the •ge of 19, visited France and Germany, and then fixpd himself ut Padua, which was the most cele- brated medical school in Europe, where he was ■;<♦ created Doctor in 1602. On returningto England he repeated his graduation at Cambridge, and settled in London: he became a FeUow of the CoUege of Physicians in 1603, and soon after physician to St, Bartholomew's Hospital. In 1615, he was appointed Lecturer on Anatomy and Surgery to the College, which was probably the more immediate cause of the publication of his grand discovery. He appears to have with- held his opinions from the world, until reiterated experiment had confirmed them, and enabled him to prove the whole in detail, with every evidence of which the subject will admit. The promulga- tion of this important doctrine brought on him the most; unjust opposition, some condemning it as an innovation, others pretending that it was known before ; and he complained that his prac- tice materiaUy decUned afterwards : however he had the satisfaction of Uving to see the truth fully established. He likewise received consi- derable marks of royal favour from James and Charles I., to whom he was appointed physi- cian ; and the latter particularly assisted his en- quiries concerning generation, by the opportunity of dissecting numerous females of the deer kind in different stages of pregnancy. During the civil war, when he retired to Oxford, his house in London was pillaged, and many valuable pa- pers, the result of several years labour, destroyed. He published his first work on the circulation in 1628, at Frankfort, as the best means of circula- ting his opinions throughout Europe ; after which he found it necessary to write two " Exer- citations" in refutation of his opponents. In 1651 he allowed his other great work, "DeGenera- tione Animalium," to be made public, leading to the inference of the universal prevalence of oval generation. In the year following he had the gratification of seeing his bust in marble, with a suitable inscription recording his discoveries, placed in the hall of the College of Physicians by a vote of that body; and he was soon after chosen President, but declined the office on ac- count of his age and infirmities. In return he presented to the College an elegantly furnished convocation room, and a museum filled with choice books and surgical instruments. He also gave up his paternal estate of 56 pounds per an- num for the institution of an annual feast, at which a Latin oration should be spoken, in com- memoration of the benefactors of the College, &c. He died in 1658. A splendid edition of his works was printed in 1766, by the College, in quarto, to which a Latin Life of the author was prefixed, written by Dr. Laurence. HASTATUS. Spear or halberd-shaped. Ap- plied to a triangular leaf, hollowed out at the base and sides, but with spreading lobes; as in Rumex acetocella, and Solanum dulcamara. Hatchet-shaped. See Dolabriformis. FJAUYNE. A blue-coloured mineral found imbeelded in the basalt rock of Albaco and Fres- cate, which Jameson thinks is allied to the azure stone. Hay, camePs. See Juncus odoratus. HEAD. Sec Caput. HEARING. Auditus. "The hearing is a function intended to make known to us the vibra- tory motion of bodies. Sound is to the hearing what light is to the sight. Sound is the result of an impression pro- duced upon the ear by the vibratory motion im- pressed upon the atoms of the body by percussion, or any outer cause. This word signifies also the vibratory motion itself. When the atoms of a body have been thus put in motion, they commu nicate it tejthe surrounding elastic bodies : the^r he a HEA communicate it in the same manner, and so the vibratory motion is often continued to a great distance. In general, only elastic bodies are capable of producing and propagating sound; but for the most part solid bodies produce it, and the air is generaUy the medium by which it reaches the ear. There are three things distinguished in sound, intendty, tone, and timbre or expression. The intensity of sound depends on the extent of the vibrations. The tone depends on the number of vibrations which are produced in a given time, and, in this respect, sound is distinguished into acute and grave. The grave sound arises from a small number of vibrations, the acute from a great number* The gravest sound which the ear is capable of perceivmg, is formed of thirty-two vibrations in a second. The most acute sound is formed of twelve thousand vibrations in a second. Between these two limits are contained all the distinguish- able sounds, that is, those sounds of which the ear can count the vibration. Noise differs from dis- tinguishable sound in so much as the ear cannot distinguish the number of vibrations of which it is composed. A distinguishable sound, composed of double the number of vibrations of another sound, is said to be its octave. There are intermediate sounds, between these two, which are seven in number, and which constitute the diatonic scale or gamut: they arc designated by the names, ui, re, mi, fa, sol, la, at. When a sonorous body is put in motion by per- cussion, there is at first heard a sound very dis- tinct, more or less intense, more or less acute, &c, according as it may happen; this is the fundamental sound; but with a little attention other sounds can be perceived. These are called harmonic sounds. This can be easily per- ceived in touching the string of an instrument. The timbre, or expression of sound, depends on the nature ofthe sonorous body. Sound is propagated through all elastic bodies. Its rapidity is variable according to the body which propagates it. The rapidity of sound in the air is a thousand one hundred and thirty Eng- lish feet. It is stiU more rapidly transmitted by water, stone, wood, &c. Sound loses its force in a direct proportion to the square of the distance ; this happens at least in the air. It may also be- come more intense as it proceeds ; as happens when it passes through very elastic bodies, such as metals, wood, condensed air, &c. All sorts of sounds are propagated with the same rapidity, without being confounded one with another. It is generaUy supposed that sound is propa- gated in right lines, forming cones, analogous to tnose of Ught, with this essential difference, how- ever, that, in sonorous cones, the atoms have only a motion of osciUation, whilst those of the cones of Ught have a real transitive motion. When sound meets a body that prevents its pas- gage, it is reflected in the same manner as light, its angle of reflection being equal to the angle of incidence. The form ofthe body which reflects sound has similar influence upon it. The slow- ness with which sound is propagated, produces certain phenomena, for which we can easUy ac- count. Such is the phenomenon of echo, of the mysterious chamber, &c. Apparatus of Hearing.—There are in the apparatus of hearing a number of organs,- which appear to concur in that function by their physi- cal properties; and behind them, a nerve for the purpose of receiving and transmitting impressions. 461? The apparatus of hearing is composed of the outer, middle, and internal ear ; and of the acous- tic nerve. The auricle collects the sonorous radiations, and directs them towards the meatus externus; in proportion as it is large, elastic, prominent from the bead, and directed forward. Boerhaave supposed he had proved by calculation, that all the sonorous radiations (or pulsations) which fall upon the external face of the pinna, are, ulti- mately, directed to the auditory passage. Thi» assertion is evidently erroneous, at least for those pinna; in which the antihelix is more projecting than the helix. How could those rays arrive at the concha, which fall upon the posterior surface of the antihelix ? The pinna is not indispensable to the hearing ; for, both in men and in the ani- mals, it may be removed without any inconve- nience beyond a few days. The Meatus auditor.ut transmits the sound in the same manner as any other conduit, partly by the air it contains, and partly by its parietes, until it arrives at the membrane of the tympanum. The hairs, and the cerumen with which it is pro- vided at the entrance, are intended to prevent the introduction of sand, dust, insects, &c. The Membrane of the Tympanum, receives the sound which has been transmitted by the meatus aoditorius. In what circumstances is it stretched by the internal muscle of the mal- leus? Or when is it relaxed by the contrac- tion of the anterior muscle of the malleus? —All our knowledge on this subject is merely conjectural. An opening made in this mem- brane does not much impair the faculty of hear- ing. As this membrane is dry, and elastic, it ought to transmit the sound very well, both to the air contained in the tympanum, and to the chain of little bones. The chorda tympani cannot fati to participate in the vibrations of the membrane, and transmit impressions to the brain. The contact of any foreign body upon the mem- brane is very painful, and a violent noise also gives great pain. The membrane of the tympa- num may be torn, or even totally destroyed, without deranging the hearing in any sensible de- gree. The Cavity of the Tympanum transmits the sounds from the external to the internal ear. The transmission of sound by the tympanum happens —1st, By the chain of bones which has a particu- lar action upon the membrane of the fenestra ovalis. 2d, By the air which fills it, and which acts upon the whole petrous portion, but particu- larly upon the membranum of the fenestra ovalis. 3d, By its sides. The Eustachian Tube renews the air in the tympanum ; being destroyed, it is said to cause deafness. The notion of its being capable of carrying sound to the internal ear is erroneous; there is nothing to support this assertion : it permits the air to pass in cases when the tympanum is struck by violent sounds, and it permits tbe renewal of that which fills the tympanum, and the mastoid cells. The air in the tympanum being much rarified, is very suitable for diminishing the in- tensity of the sounds it transmits. The use of the mastoid cells is not weU known: it is supposed that they help to augment the in- tensity of the sound that arises in the cavity. If they produce this effect it ought to be rather from the vibrations of the partitions which separate the ceUs than from the air which they contain. Sound may arrive in the tympanum by another way than the external meatus; the shocks re- eeived by the bones of the head are directed to HEA HEA wards the temple,, and perceived by the ear. It is well known that the movement of a watch is beard distinctly when it is placed in contact with the teeth. We know Uttle of the functioni of the internal car; we can only imagine that the sonorous vi- brations are propagated in different modes, but prineipaUy by the membrane of the fenettra ovalu, by that of the fenettra rotunda, and by the internal partition ofthe tympanum; that the liquor of Cotunnius ought to suffer vibrations wliich are transmitted to the acoustic nerve. It may be conceived how necessary it is that this liquid should give way to those vibrations which are too intense, and which might injure this nerve. Possibly, in this case, it flows into the aqueducts of the cochlea and of the vestibule, which, in this respect, would have a great deal of analogy with the Eustachian tube. The internal gyri of the cochlea ought to re- ceive the vibrations principally by the membrane ofthe fenettra ovalis ; the vestibule, by the chain of bones ; the semicircular canals, by the sides of the tympanum, and perhaps by the mastoid cells, which frequently extend beyond the canals. But the aid which is given to the hearing by each se- parate part of the internal ear is totally unknown. The osseo-membraneous partition, which sepa- rates the cochlea into two parts, has given rise to a hypothesis: which no one now admits. The impressions are received aud transmitted to the brain by the acoustic nerve; the brain per- ceives them with more or less facility and exact- ness in different individuals. Many people have a false ear, which means that they do not distin- guish sounds perfectly. There is no explanation given of the action of the acoustic nerve and ofthe brain in hearing. In order to be heard, sounds must be within cer- tain limits of intensity. Too strong a sound hurts us, whilst one too weak produces no sensation. We can perceive a great number of sounds at once. Sounds, particularly appreciable sounds, com- bined, and succeedmg each other in a certain manner, are a source of agreeable sensations. It is in such combinations, for the production of this effect, that music is employed. On the contrary, certain combinations of sound produce a disa- greeable impression; the ear is hurt by very acute sounds. Sounds which are very intense, and very grave, hurt excessively the membrane of tbe tympanum. By the absence of the liquor of Cotunniut, tbe hearing is destroyed. When a sound has been of long duration, we stiU think we hear it, though it may have been some time dis- continued. We receive two impressions, though we per- ceive only one. It has been said that we use only one ear at once, but this notion is erroneous. When the sound comes more directly to the one eur, it is in reality, distinguished with more faci- lity by that one, than by the other : therefore in thu cate we employ only one ear ; and when we listen with attention to a sound which we do not hear exactly, we place ourselves so that the rays may enter directly into the concha ; but when it is necessary to determine the direction of the *ound, that is, the iioint whence it proceeds, we are obliged to employ both tars, for it is only by comparing the intensity of the two impressions, that we are capable of deciding from whence the ■ound proceeds. Should we shut one ear per- fectly dose, and cause a slight noise to be made in a dark place, at a short distance, it would be utterly impossible to determine its direction ; in uning both ears tliis could be determined. In these cases the eye is ot' gtrr.t n«e, for even in using both ears it is frequently impossible to tell in the dark from whence a sound comes. By the sound we may also estimate the distance of the body from which it proceeds: but in order to judge exactly in this respect we ought to be per- fectly acquainted with the nature ofthe sound, for without this condition the estimation is always erroneous. The principle upon which we judge isj, that an intense sound proceeds from a body which is near, whilst a feeble sound proceeds from 'a body at a distance : if it happen that an intense sound comes from a distant body whilst a feeble sound proceeds from a body which is near, we fall into acoustic errors. We are generaUy very sub- ject to deception with regard to the point whence a sound comes : sight and reason are of great use in assisting our judgment. The different degree of convergence, and di- vergence, of the sonorous rays, do not seem to have any influence on the hearing, neither are they modified in their course, except for the pur- pose of making them enter into the ear in greater quantity : it is to produce this effect that speaking trumpets are used for those who do not hear weU. Sometimes it is necessary to diminish the inten- sity of sounds : in this case a soft and scarcely elastic body is placed in the external meatus."— Magendie1! Physiology. HEART. Cor. A hollow muscular viseus, situated in the cavity of the pericardium for the circulation of the blood. It is divided externaUy into a base, or its broad part ; a superior and au inferior surface, and an anterior and posterior margin. Internally, it is divided into a right and left ventricle. The situation of the heart is oblique, not transverse ; its base being placed on the right of the bodies of the vertebrae, and its apex obliquely to the sixth rib on the left side; so that the left ventricle is almost posterior, and the right anterior. Its inferior surface Ues upon the diaphragm. There are two cavities adhering to the base of the heart, from their resemblance called auricles. The right auricle is a muscular sac, in which are four apertures, two of the venae cavae, an opening into the right ventricle, and the opening ofthe coronary vein. The left is a simi- lar sac, in which there are five apertures, viz. those of the four pulmonary veins, and an open- ing into the left ventricle. The cavities in the heart are called ventricles : these are divided by a fleshy septum, called septum cordis, into a right and left. Each ventricle has two orifices ; the one auricular, through which the blood enters, the other arterious, through which the blood passes out. These four orifices are suppUed with valves, which are named from their resemblance; those at the arterious orifices are called the se- milunar; those at the orifice of the right auri- cle, tricuspid; and those at the orifice of the left auricle, mitral. The valve of Eustachius is situated at the termination of the vena cava inferior, just within the auricle. The substance of the heart is muscular, its exterior fibres are longitudinal, its middle transverse, and its in- terior oblique. The internal superfices of the ventricles and auricles of the heart arc invested with a strong and smooth membrane, which is extremely irritable. The vessels ofthe heart are divided into common and proper. The common are, 1. The aorta, which arises from the left ven- tricle. 2. The pulmonary artery, which origi- nates from the right ventricle. 3. The four pul- monary veins, which terminate in the left auricle. 4. The two vena cava, which evacuate them- selves into the right auricle. The proper vetsels •re, 1. The coronary arteriet, which arise from tbe aorta, and are distributed on the heart. C hea HEV - The coronary veint, which return the blood into the right auricle. The nervet of the heart are branches of the eight and great intercostal pairs. The heart of the foetus differs from that of. the adult, in having a foramen ovale, through which the blood passes from the right auricle to the left. Heart-thaped. See Cordatus. HEART'S EASE. See Viola tricolor. HEAT. See Caloric. Heat, absolute. This term is applied to the whole quantity of caloric existing in a body in chemical union. Heat, animal. " An inert body which does not change its position, being placed among other bodies, very soon assumes the same temperature, on account of the tendency of caloric to an equi- tibrium. The body of man is very different: surrounded by bodies hotter than itself, it pre- serves its inferior temperature as long as life con- tinues ; being surrounded with bodies of a lower temperature, it maintains its temperature more elevated. There are, then, in the animal econo- my, two different and distinct properties, the one of producing heat, the other of producing cold. We wUl examine these two properties. Let us first see how heat is produced. The respiration appears to be the principal, or at least the most evident source of animal heat. In fact, experience demonstrates that the heat of the blood increases nearly a degree in traversing the lungs; and as it is distributed to all the parts of the body from the lungs, it < carries the heat every where into the organs: for we have also seen that the heat of the veins is less than-that of the arteries. This development of heat in the respiration appears, as we have already said, to proceed from the formation of carbonic acid, whether it takes place directly in the lungs, or happens af- terwards in the arteries, or in the parenchyma of the organs. Some very good experiments of La- voisier, and De Laplace, lead to this conclusion : they placed animals in a calorimeter, and com- pared the quantity of acid formed by the respira- tion, with the quantity of heat produced in a given time : except a very small proportion, the heat produced was that which would have been occasioned by the quantity of carbonic acid which was formed. It has also been proved by the experiments of Brodie, ThiUage, andLegallois, that if the respi- ration of an animal is incommoded, either by putting it in a fatiguing position, or in making it respire artificiaUy, its temperature lowers, and the quantity of carbonic acid that it forms be- comes less. -In diseases when the respiration is accelerated, the heat increases, except in par- ticular circumstances. The respiration is then a focus in which caloric is developed. In considering for an instant only this source of heat in the economy, we see that the caloric must be distributed to the different parts of the body iu an unequal manner ; those farthest from the heart, those that receive least blood, or which cool more rapidly, must generally be colder than those that are differently disposed. This difference partly exists. The extremities are colder than the trunk; sometimes they pre- sent only 89° or 91° F., and often much less, whUe the cavity of the thorax is about 104° F.: but the extremities have a considerable surface relative to their mass ; they are farther from the heart, and receive less blood than most of the organs of the trunk. On account of the extent of their surface and distance from the heart, the feet and hands would probably have a temperature still lower than that 468 which is peculiar to them, if these parts did not receive a greater proportional quantity of blood. The same disposition exists for aU the exterior organs that have a very large surface, as the nose, the pavilion of the car, &c.: their temperature is also higher than their surface and distance from the heart would seem to indicate. Notwithstanding the providence of nature, those parts that have large surfaces lose their ca- loric with greater facility ; and they are not only habitually colder than the others, but their tem- perature often becomes very low: the tempera- ture of the feet and hands in winter is often near- ly as low as 32° F. It is on this account we ex- pose them so willingly to the heat of our fires. Among other means that we instinctively em- ploy to remedy or prevent coldness, are motion, walking, running, leaping, which accelerate the circulation; pressure, shocks upon the skin, which attract a great quantity of blood into the tissue of this membrane. Another equally effect- ive means consists in diminishing the surface in contact with the bodies that deprive us of caloric. Thus we bend the different parts of the limbs upon each other, we apply them forcibly to the trunk when the exterior temperature is very low. Children and weak persons often take this posi- tion when in bed. In this respect it would be very proper that young children should not be confined too much in their swathing clothes to prevent them from thus bending themselves. Our clothes preserve the heat of our bodies ; for the substance of which they are formed being bad conductors of caloric, they prevent that of the body from passing off. According to what has been said, the combina- tion of the oxygen of the air with the carbon of the blood is sufficient for the explanation of most of the phenomena presented by the produc- tion of animal heat; but there are several which, if real, could not be explained by this means. Authors worthy of credit have remarked that, in certain local diseases, the temperature of the dis- eased place rises several degrees above that of the blood, taken at the left auricle. If this is so, the continual renewal of the arterial blood is not sufficient to account for this increase of heat. This second source of heat must belong to the nutritive phenomena which take place in the dis- eased part. There is nothing forced in this supposition; for most of the chemical combinations produce elevations of temperature, and it cannot be doubt- ed that both in the secretions and in the nutri- tion, combinations of this sort take place in the organs. By means of these two sources of heat, Ufe can be maintained though the external tempera- ture is very low, as that of winter in the countries near the pole, which descends sometimes to —42" F. Generally such an excessive cold is not sup- ported without great difficulty, and it often hap- pens that the parts most easUy cooled are morti- fied : many of the military suffered these acci- dents in the wars of Russia. Nevertheless, as we easily resist a temperature much lower than our own, it is evident that we are possessed of the faculty of producing heat to a great degree. The faculty of producing cold, or, in more ex- act terms, of resisting foreign heat, which has a tendency to enter our organs, is more confined. In the forrid zone, it has happened that men have died suddenly when the temperature has approach- ed 122° F. But this property is not less real, though limit- ed. Banks, Blagden, and Fordyce, having ex- posed themselves to a heat of nearly 260°, they IIKA HED lound that their bodies had preserved nearly their own temperature. More recent experiments of Berger and Delaroche have shown that by this cause tbe heat of the body may rise several de- "rccs: for this to take place it is only necessary that the surrounding temperature should be a little elevated. Having both placed themselves in a stove of 120°, their temperature rose nearly 0.8° F. Delaroche having remained sixteen minutes in a dry stove at 176°, his temperature rose 9« F. Franklin, to whom the physical and moral sciences are indebted for many important disco- veries, and a great many ingenious views, was the first who discovered tne reason why the body thus resists such a strong heat. He showed that this effect was due to the evaporation of the cu- taneous and pulmonary transpiration, and that in this respect the bodies of animals resemble the porous vases called alcarrazat. These vessels, which are used in hot countries, allow the water that they contain to sweat through them ; their surface is always humid, and a rapid evaporation takes place which cools the liquid they contain. In order to prove this important result, Dela- roche placed animals in a hot atmosphere that was so saturated with humidity that no evapora- tion could take place. These animals could not support a heal but a little greater than their own without perishing, and they became heated, be- cause they had no longer the means of cooling themselves. Thus, there is no doubt that the cutaneous and pulmonary evaporation arc the cause which enables man and animals to resist a strong heat. This explanation is also confirmed by the considerable loss of weight that the body suffers after having been exposed to a great heat. According to these facts it is evident that the authors who have represented animal heat as fix- ed, have been very far from the truth. To judge exactly of it, it would be necessary to take into account the snrrounding temperature and humidi- ty ; the degree of heat of different parts ought to be considered, and the temperature of one part ought not to be determined by that of another. We have few correct observations upon the temperature proper to the body of man ; the latest are due to Edwards and Geulil. These authors observed that the most suitable place for judging of the heat of the body is the armpit. They noticed nearly t\ degrees of difference between the heat of a young man and that of a young girl: the heat of her hand was a little less than 971°, that of the young man was 98.4°. The same person observed great differences of heat in tht different temperaments. There are also diurnal variations ; the temperature may change about two or three degrees from morning to c\ ening."— I 're's Chem, Diet. Heat, free. If the heat which exists in any substance be from any cause forced in some de- gree p, water.) Helcydrium. A moist ulcerous pustule. Helcy'ster. (From cXku, to draw.) An nstrument for extractingthe foetus. Hele'nium. (From Helene^ the island where it grew.) See Inula helenium. HELIANTHUS. (From vXios, the sun; and ivOo;, a flower. This name originated from the resemblance which its broad golden disk and ray bear to'tnesun, and is rendered further appropri- ||B-hy its having the power of constantly present- afcrts flowers to that luminary.) The name of a renus of plants.. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Po- lygamia frustranea. The sun-flower. Helianthus annous. The systematic name of the Corona solis, and chimalatus. The seeds have been made into a nutritious bread. The whole plant when young is boiled and eaten in some countries, as being aphrodisiac. Helianthus toberosus. Jerusalem arti- choke. Although formerly in estimation for the table, this root is now neglected, it being apt to produce flatulency and dyspepsia. Hi.lica'lis major. See Helicis major. Helica'lis minor. See Helicis minor. HE'LICIS MAJOR. A proper muscle of the ear, which depresses the part of the cartilage of the ear into which it is inserted; it lies upon the upper or sharp point of the helix, or out ward ring, 470 arising from the upper and acute part ofthe heli.i anteriorly, and passing to be inserted into its car- tilage a Uttle above the tragus. Helicis minor. A proper muscle of the ear, which contracts the fissure of the ear; it is situ- ated belo-nr the helicis major, upon part of the he- lix. It arises from the inferior and anterior part ofthe helix, and is inserted into the crus of the heUx, near the fissure in the cartilage opposite to the concha. HELIOTROPE. A subspecies of rhomboidal quartz. HELIOTROPIUM. ('HXiorpowiov ™ W0) 0f Dioscorides; from iA'os, the sun, and rponj, a turning or inclination ; because, says that aacient writer, it turns its leaves round with the declin- ing sun.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. Heliotro'ph succus. See Croton tincto- rium. HE'LIX. (EXif, from tiXia, to turn about.) The external circle or border of the outer ear, that curls inwards. Helix hortensis. The garden snail. HELLEBORA'STER. (From tXXtBopts, hellebore.) See Helleborusfatidus. HELLEBORE. See Helleborus. Hellebore black. See Helleborus niger. Hellebore white. See Veratrum album. HELLE'BORUS. (EXXrSopoj: irapa to n, (logo tXXttv, because it destroys, if eaten.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Polyandiia ; Order, Polygynia. Helle- bore. Helleborus albus. See Veratrum album. Helleborus fcetidus. .Stinking heUebore, or bear's-foot. Helleboratter. Helleborus— caule multijioro folioso, foliis pedalit, of Lin- nasus. The leaves of this indigenous plant -ar« recommended by many as possessing extraordi- nary anthelmintic powers. The smell of the re- cent plant is extremely foetid, and the taste ia bitter and remarkably acrid, insomuch that, when chewed, it excoriates the mouth and fauces. It commonly operates as a cathartic, sometimes as an emetic, and, in large doses, proves highly deleterious. Helleborus nicer. Black hellebore, or Christmas rose. Melampodium. Helleborut— tcapo subbiflore subnudo, foliis pedalit of Lin- nrcus. The root of this exotic plant is the part employed medicinally: its taste, when fresh, is bitterish, and somewhat acrid: it also admits a nauseous acrid smell; but, being long kept, both its sensible qualities and medicinal activity suffer very considerable diminution. The ancients es- teemed it as a powerful remedy in maniacal cases. At present it is exhibited principally as an alterative, or, when given in a large dose, as a purgative. It often proves a very powerful emmenagogue in plethoric habits, where steel is ineffectual, or improper. It is also recommended in dropsies, and some cutaneous diseases. HELMET-FLOWER. See^ntnora. HELMI'NTHAGOGUE. (Helminthagogut, from iXptvs, a worm, and aytt, to drive out.) Whatever destroys and expels worms. Sec Anthelmintic. HELMINTHIA. The name of a genus of diseases. Class, Caliaca; Order, Enlerica, in Good's Nosology. Invermination, worms. It has three species, viz. Helminthia alvi, podicit, CTTtlticiZ HELMINTHIASIS. (ZXpivOiacis; from t>- ptvs, which signifies any species of worm.) A disease in which worms, or the Ian* of worm". HEM HEP are hied under the skin, or some external part ot the body. It is endemial to Martinique, West- nhalia. Transylvsnia, and some other places. HELMINTHOCO'RTON See Corallina rorricana. F1ELMONT, John Baptist Van, was born of a noble family at Brussels in 1677. He ex- hibited very early proofs of superior abitities, and soon became convinced how much hypothesis was ranked under the name of science and philo- sophy in books ; he seems to have perceived the necessity of experiment and induction in the discovery of real knowledge ; but did not metho- dize his ideas sufficiently, to pursue that plan with ite full advantage. After taking his degree at Louvain he travelled during ten years, and in this period acquired some practical knowledge of chemistry. On his return in 1609 he married a noble lady of large fortune, which enabled him to pursue his researches into the three kingdoms of nature with little interruption. He dechned visiting patients, but gave gratuitous advice to those who went to consult him ; and he boasts of having cured several thousands annually. He continued his investigations with astonishing dili- gence (luring thirty years, and made several dis- coveries in chemistry ; among which were cer- tain articles possessed of considerable, activity on the human body. This confirmed his opposition to the Galenical school, the absurd hypotheses, und inert practice of which he attacked with great warmth and ability. Indeed he contributed greatly to overturn their influence; but from a desire to explain every thing on chemical prin- ciples, he substituted doctrni. » equaUy gratuitous or unintelligible. He published various works from time to time, whicli brought hun considerable reputation, and he was repeatedly invited to Vien- na ; but he preferred continuing in his laboratory. lie died in 161-1. HELO'DES. (From tXoy, a marsh.) A term applied to fevers generated from marsh miasma. HELO'SIS. (From tiXw, to turn.) An eversion or turning up oi the eyelids. HELV1NE. A sub-species of dodecahedral garnet. Hk'i.xines. (From cXku, to draw: so called because it sticks to whatever it touches.) Pelli- torv of the wall. Hemalo'pia. Corruptly written for hrema- lopia. HEMATIN. The colouring principle of log- wood. See Hamatoxylon campechianum. HEMATURIA. See Hamaturia. HEMERALO'PIA. (From r,ptpa, the day, and ua), the eye.) A defect in the sight, which consists in being able to see in the day-time, but not in the evening. The following is Scarpa's description of this curious disorder. Hemarolo- pia, or nocturnal blindness, is properly nothing but a kind of imperfect periodical amaurosis, most commonly sympathetic with the stomach. Ite paroxysms come on towards the evening, and disappear in the morning. The disease is ende- mic in tome countries, and epidemic, at certain seasons of the year, in others. At sun-set, ob- jects appear to persons affected with this com- plaint an if covered with an ash-coloured veil, which gradually changes into a dense cloud, which intervenes between the eyes and surround- ing objects. Patients with heiueralopia, have Ihe pupil, both in the day and night-time, more dilated, and lens moveable than it usuaUy is in healthy eyes. The maioriiy of them, however, bavr the pupil more or h s- moveable in the day- time, und always expanded and motionless ai night. When brought into a room faintly lighted by a candle, where aU the bystanders can see tolerably weU, they cannot discern at aU, or in a very feeble manner, scarcely any one object; or they only find themselves able to distinguish light from darkness, and at moon-light their sight is still worse. At day-break they recover their sight, which continues perfect all the rest of the day till sun-set. HEMERALOPS. (From tjptpa, the day, and m(\>, the eye.) One who can see but in the day- time. Hemicerau'nios. (From nptevs, half, and Kttpui, to cut: so caUed because it was cut half way down.) A bandage for the back and breast. flEMICRA'NIA. (From vpiovs, half, and kooviov, the head.) A pain that affects only one side of the head. It is generaUy nervous or hys- terical, sometimes bilious; and in both cases sometimes comes at a regular period, like an ague. When it is accompanied by a strong pul- sation Uke that of a nail piercing the part, it is denominated clavus. HEMIO'PSIA. (From npiaus, haU, and uxf,, in eye.) A defect of vision, in which the person sees the half, but not the whole of an object. Hlmipa'gia. (From vpis, half, and irXtiaato, to strike.) A paralytic affection of one side of the body. See Partuyds. HEMLOCK. See Conium maculatum. HEMLOCK-DROPWORT. See CEnanthe crocata. Hemlock, water. See Cicuta virosa. Hemorrhage from the lungs. See Hamop- tyds. Hemorrhage from the noie. See Epistaxis. Hemorrhage from the stomach. See Hamate- mesis. Hemorrhage from the urinary organt. See Hamc.turia. Hemorrhage from the uterus. See Menorr- hagia. HEMP. See Cannabis. HEMP-AGRIMONY. See Eupatorium can- nibanum. Hemp, water. See Eupatorium. HENBANE. See Hyoscyamus. HE'PAR. (Hepar, atis. n. Hnap, the Uver.) See Liver. Hepar sulphuris. Liver of sulphur. A sulphuret made either with potassa or soda. See Sulphuretum potassa. Hepar uterinum. The placenta. HEPATA'LGIA. (From v*ap, the liver, am! aXy®1, pain.) Pain in the liver. HEPATIC. (Hepaticus; from n^ap, the Uver.) Belonging to the liver. Hepatic air. See Hydrogen sulphuretted. Hepatic artery. Arteria hepatica. The artery which nourishes the substance ofthe liver. It arises from the caeliac, where it almost touches the point of the lobulus Spigelii. Its root is covered by the pancreas ; it then turns a little forwards, and passes under the pylorus to the porta of the liver, and runs betwixt the biliary ducts and the veua portic, wheie it divides^into two large branches, one of which enters the right, and the other the left lobe of the liver. In this- place it is euclosed along with aU the other ves- sels in the capsule of Glisson. Hepatic duct. Ductus hepaticus. The ,runk ofthe biliarv pores. It runs trim thesiuu- HEP of the iiver towards the duodenum, and is joined bv the cystic duct, to form the ductus communis choledochus. See Biliary duct. Hepatic veins. See Vdn, and Vena porta. Hepatica. (Fromfyn-ap, the liver: so called because it was thought to be useful in diseases of the liver.) See Marchantia polymorpha. Hepatica nobilis. See Anemone hepatica. Hepatica terrestris. See Marchantia polymorpha. HEPATIRRHiE'A. (From i7irap, the liver, and ptu>, to flow.) 1. A purging with bilious evacuations. ' 2. A diarrhoea, in which portions of flesh, Uke liver, are voided. HEPATITE. Foetid, straight, lamellar, heavy spar. A variety of lamellar barytes, con- taining a small quantity of sulphur, in consequence of which, when it is heated or rubbed, it emits a foetid sulphureous odour. HEPATPTIS. (From jjtop, the liver.) In- flammatio hepatis. An inflammation of the liver. A genus of disease in the class Pyrexia, and order Phlegmasia of CuUen, who defines it " febrile affection, attended with tension and pain 'of the right hypochondrium, often pungent, like that of a pleurisy, but more frequently dull, or obtuse, a pain at the clavicle and at the top of ,. the shoulder of the right side ; much uneasiness in lying down on the left side ; difficulty of breathing ; a dry cough, vomiting, and hiccup." Besides the causes producing other inflamma- tions, such as the application of cold, external injuries from contusions, blows, &c. this disease may be occasioned by certain passions of the mind, by violent exercise, by intense summer heats, by long continued intermittent and remit- tent fevers, and by various solid concretions in the substance of the liver. In warm climates this viseus is more apt to be affected with in- flammation than perhaps any other part of the Ijody, probably from the increased secretion of bile which takes place when the blood is thrown on the internal parts, by an exposure to cold; or from the bile becoming acrid, and thereby ex- citing an irritation in the part. Hepatitis has generaUy been considered of two kinds; one the acute, tne other chronic. The acute species of hepatitis comes on with a pain in the right hypochondrium, extending up to the clavicle and shoulder; which is much increased by pressing upon the part, and is ac- companied with a cough, oppression of breathing, and difficulty of lying onrthe left side ; together with nausea and sickness, and often with a vo- miting of bilious matter. The urine is of a deep saffron colour, and small ba quantity; there is loss of appetite, great thirst, and costiveness, with a strong, hard, and frequent pulse ; and when the disease has continued for some days, the skin and eyes become tinged of a deep yellow. When the inflammation is in the cellular .struc- ture or substance of the liver, it is called by some , li^atites parenchymatosa, and when the gall- bladder which is attached to this organ, is the seat of the inflammation, it has been called hepa- titis cystica. . The chronic species is usually accompanied Y with -a morbid complexion, loss of appetite and flesh, costiveness, indigestion, flatulency, pains in the stomach, a yellow tinge of the skin and eyes, clay-coloured stools, high-coloured urine, depositing a red sediment and ropy mucus ; an obtuse pain in the region of the liver, extending to the shoulder, and not unfrequentiy with a con- siderable degree of asthma. These symptoms are, however, often so mild HEP and insignificant as to pass almost unnoticed ; a« t large abscesses have been found in the liver upon dissection, which in the person's life-time had created Uttle or no inconvenience, and which we may presume to have been occasioned by some previous inflammation. Hepatitis, like other inflammations, may end in resolution, suppuration, gangrene, or scirrhus ; but its termination in g.ingrene is a rare occurrence. The disease is seldom attended with fatal con- sequences of an immediate nature, and is often carried off by haemorrhage from the nose, or he- | morrhoidal vessels, and ukewise by sweating by a diarrhoea, or by an evacuation of urine, deposit- ing a c ipious sediment. In a few instance.,, j, has been observed to cease on the appearance of j erysipelas, in some external part. When suppuration takes place, as it generally before this forms an adhesion with* some neigh- bouring part, the pus is usually discharged by the different outlets with which this part is connected, as by coughing, vomiting, purging, or by an ab- scess breaking outwardly; but, in some instances, the pus has been discharged into the cavity of the abdomen, where no such adhesion had been formed. On dissection, the liver is often found much enlarged, and hard to the touch; its colour i< more of a deep purple than what is natural, and its membranes are more or less affected by in- flammation. Dissections likewise show that ad- hesions to the neighbouring parts often take place. - and large abscesses, containing a considerable I quantity of pus, are often found in its substance. The treatment of this disease must be distin- guished, as it is of the acute, or of the chronic form. In acute hepatitis, where the symptom'; rim high, and the constitution will admit, we should, in the beginning, bleed freely from the arm ; which it will seldom be necessary to repeat, if carried to the proper extent at first: in milder cases, or where there is less powerin the system, the local abstraction of blood, by cupping or leeches, may be sufficient We should next give calomel alone, or combined with opium, and fol- lowed up by infusion of senna* with neutral salts, jalap, or other cathartic, to' evacuate bile, and thoroughly clear out the intestines. When, by these means, the inflammation is materially aba- ted, we should endeavour to promote diaphoresis by suitable medicines, assisted by the warm bath; a blister may be applied; and the antiphlogistic regimen is to be duly enforced. But the dis- charge of bile, by occasional doses of calomel, must not be neglected ; and where the alvine evacuations are deficient in that secretion, it will be proper to push this, or other mercurial prepa- ration, till the mouth is in some measure affected. In India this is the remedy chiefly relied upon,. aifd exhibited often in much larger doses than appear advisable in more temperate climates. Should the disease proceed to suppuration, means must be used to support the strength; a nutri- tious diet, with a moderate quantity of wine, and decoction of bark, or other tonic medicine: fo- mentations or poultices will also be proper to pro- mote the discharge externally; but when any fluctuation is perceptible, it is better to make an- opening, lest it shoidd burst inwardly. In the chronic form of the disease mercury is the reme- dy chiefly to be reUed upon; but due caution must be observed in its use, especially in scrophu- lous subjects. It appears more effectual in re- storing the healthy action of the liver, when taken internally : but if the mildest forms, though guarded by opium, or rather sedative, cannot so ne-borne, tbe ointment may be rubbed in. In the HEK HER uiean-Ume, calumba, or other tonic, with anta- cids, and mild aperients, as rhubarb, to regulate the state of the prima: via?, iviU be proper. Where Ihe lystem will not admit the adequate use of mercury, tbe nitric acid is the most promising Mibititute. An occasional buster may be required to relieve unusual pain; or where this is very limited and continued, an issue, or eeton may an- swer better. The strength must be supported by t light nutritious diet; and gentle exercise with warm clothing, to maintain tbe perspiration stea- dily, is important, in the convalescent state: more especially a sea voyage in persons long re- sident in India has often appeared the only means of restoring perfect health. Hbpatitis parenchv.matosa. Inflammation of tbe substance of the Uver. Hepatitis pehitonjF.alis. Inflammation in the peritoneum covering the liver. HEPATOCE'LE. (from r,~ap, the liver, and KnXn, t tumour.) An hernia, in which a portion of the liver protrudes through the abdominal pa- rietes. Hbpato'hicm. The same as Eupatorium. HkpHjE'stias. (From Hai<-os, Vulcan, or fire*) A drying plaster of burnt tiles. Hbpi'alus. (From timos, gentle.) A mild quotidian fever. HEPTA'NDRIA. (From t*r-t, seven, and avtjf, * man, or husband.) The name of a class In the sexual system of plants, consisting of such hermaphrodite flowers as have seven stamens. \ Heptapha'rhacum. (From cr?a, seven, and tfrappaxov, medicine.) A medicine composed of seven ingredients, the principal of which were cerune, litharge, wax, &c. HEPTAPHY'LLUM. (From trla, seven, and ipvXXov, a leaf: so named because it consists of seven leaves.) See Tormentilla erecta. Hbptaplb'urum. (From tnjd, seven, and -Xivpa, a rib: so named from its having seven ribs upon the leaf.) The herb plantain. See Planiago major. HERA CLEA. 1. Water horehound. S. The common wild marjoram received a tri- vial name from its growing in abundance in He- racles. See Origanum vulgare. HERA'CLEUM. (From Htraclea, the city near which it grows ; or from 'HpanXitf, Hercules, being the plant sacred to him.) The name of a genu* of plants in the Linnsan system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. Hcracleum oummifbri/M. This species is supposed by Wildenow to afford the gum ammo- niacum. See Ammoniacum. Hbraclf.cm spondtlium. Branca urdna Germanica; Spondylium. Cow-parsnep. All- heal. Heracleum—foliolit pinnatifidit, lavi- but; floribut uniformibut of Linnams. The plant wliich is directed by tlie name of BranCa urtina in foreign pharmacoperias. In Siberia it Rrowi extremely high, and appears to have virtues in the cure of dysentery.which the plants of this country do not possess: HERB-BENNET. Sec Geum urbanum. HERB-OF-GIIACE. Sec Gratiola. HERB-MASTIC1L See Thymut masti- chima. Htrb-trimty. Sec Anemone Hepatica. HERBA An herb. A plant is properly so ealled which bears its flower and fruit once oulv, astd then with its root wholly perishes. There aire two kinds: annuals, which perish the same year ; and biennials, which have their leaves the first year, and their flowers and fruit the second and then die away. Rr- Xbr term herbc Linnxn* denominates that 60 portion of every vegetable whicli arises from the root, and is terminated by the fructification. Herba britan.vica. See Rumix hydrola- pathum. Herba militarise 8ee Achillaa mille- folium. Herba sacra. See Verbena trifoliata. Herba ti.ivitatis. See Anemone hepatica. HEKBACEUS. Herbaceous. Plants are so considered which have succulent steins or stalks, and die down to the root every year. HERB ARI I'M. A collection of dried or pre- served plants ; called also Hortus riccus. IIERCULESS ALL-HEAL. See Laserpi- tium chironium. Hercules bovii. Gold and mercury dis- solved in a distillation of copperas, nitre, and sea- salt. HEREDITARY. (From hares, an heir.) A disease, or predisposition to a disease, which is transferred from parents to their children. HERMAPHRODITE. (Hermaphroditus; from 'Eppris, Mercury, and AtppoSilrj, Venus, i. e. partaking of both sexes.) 1. The true herma- phrodite of the ancients was, the man with male organs of generation, and the female stature of body, that is, narrow chest and large pelvis ; or the woman with female organs of geneiation, and the male stature of body, that is, broad chest and narrow pelvis. The term is now, however, used to express any lusut natura wherein the parts of generation appear to be a mixture of both sexes. 2. In botany, an hermaphrodite flower is one which contains both the male and female organs, for the production of tbe fruit, within the same calyx and petals. 1'IERME'TIC. (From Kppr,s, Mercury.) In the language of the ancient chemists, Hermes was the father of ohemistry, and the hermetic seal was the closing the end of a glass vessel while in a state of fusion, according to the usag* of chemists. HERMODACTYL. See Hermodactylus. HERMODA'CTYLl S. ('EppoSutfvXos. Ety mologists have always derived this word from 'Epiiw, Mercury, and SokJvXos, a finger. It is, biwever, probably named from Hermus, a river in Asia, upon whose banks it- grows, and SatfvXos, a date, which it is like.) Anima articulorum. The root of a species of colchicum, not yet as- certained, but supposed to be the Colchicum illy- ricum of Linnaeus, of the shape of a heart, flat. tened on one side, with a furrow on the other, of a white colour, compact and solid, yet easy to cut or powder. This root, which has a riscoo-, sweetish, farinaceous taste, and no remarkable smeU, is imported from Turkey. Its use is total- ly laid aside in the jiractice of the present day. Formerly the roots were esteemed as ca- thartics, which power is wanting in those that reach this country. HE/RNIA. (From ipvos, a branch; from ite protruding out of its place.) A rupture. Sur- geons understand, by the term hernia, a tumour formed by the protrusion of some of the viscera of the abdomen out of that cavity into a kind of sac, composed of the portion of peritoneum, which is poshed before them. However, there are certainly some cases which wiU not be com- prehended in this definition ; either because the parts are not protruded at all, or have no hernial sac. The places in which these sweUings most frequently make their appearance, are the" groin, Ihe naval, the labia pudendi, and the upper and fore-part of the thigh; they do also occur at everv point of the anterior part of the abdomen 4~:. I1EK HER and there are several less common instances, in which hernial tumours present themselves at the foramen ovale, in the perinxum, in the vagina, at the ischiatic notch, &c. The parts which, by being thrust forth from the cavity, in which they ought naturally to remain, mostly produce hernia), are either a portion of the omentum, or a part of the intestinal canal, or both together. But the stomach, the Uver, the spleen, uterus, ovaries, bladder, &c. have been known to form the con- tents of some hernial tumours. From these two circumstances of situations and contents, are derived all the different appellations by which hernias are distinguished. If a portion of intes- tine only forms the contents of the tumour, it is called enterocele; if a piece of omentum only, epiplocele; and if both intestine and omentum contribute to the formation of a tumour, it is called entero-epiplocele. When the contents of a her- nia are protruded at the abdominal ring, but only pass as low as the groin, or labium pudendi, tlie case receives the name of bubonocele, or inguinal hernia; when the parts descend into the scro- tum, it is caUed an oscheocele, or scrotal hernia. The crural, or femoral hernia, is the name given to that which takes place below Poupart's liga- ment. When the bowels protrude at the navel, the case is named an exomphalos, or umbilical hernia; and ventral is the epithet given to the sweUing, when it occurs at any other promiscu- ous part of the front of the abdomen. The con- genital rupture is a very particular case, in which the protruded viscera are not covered with a common hernial sac of peritoneum, but are lodged in the cavity of the tunica vaginalis, in contact with the testicle; and, as mu»t be obvious, it is not named, Uke hernia in general, from its situa- tion, or contents, but from the circumstance of its existing from the time of birth. When the hernial contents lie quietly in the sac, and admit of being readily put back into the abdo- men, it is termed a reducible hernia : and when they suffer rto constriction, yet cannot be put back, owing to adhesions, or their large size in relation to the aperture, through which they have to pass, the hernia is termed irreducible. An in- caixerated, or strangulated hernia, signifies one which not only camiot be reduced, but suffers con- striction : so that, if a piece of intestine be pro- truded, the pressure to which it is subjected stops the passage of its contents onward towards the anus, makes the bowel inflame, aud brings on a train of most alarming and often fatal conse- quences. The general symptoms of a hernia, which is reducible and free from strangulation, are—an in- dolent tumour at'some point of the parietes of the abdomen ; most frequently descending out of the abdominal ring, or from just below Poupart's li- gament, or else out of the navel; but occasionally from various other situations. The swelling juostly originates suddenly, except in the circum- stances above related; and it is subject to a change of size, being smaUer when the patient lies down upon his back, and larger when he stands up, or draws in his breath. The tumour fre- quently diminishes when pressed, and grows large again when the pressure is removed, its size and tension often increase after a meal, or when the patient is flatulent. Patients with hernia are apt to be troubled with colic, constipation, and vo- miting, in consequence of the unnatural situation of the bowels. Very often, however, the func- tions of the viscera seem to suffer little or no in- terruption. % If the OKse be an enterocele, and the portion of 1 he intestine be small, the tiur.our is s:naU in pro- portion; but though small, yet, if the gut be elis. tended with wind, inflamed, or hare any degree of stricture made on it, it will be tense, resist the impression of the finger, and give pain upon being handled. On the contrary, if there be no stric- ture, and the intestine suffers no degree of inflam- mation, let the prolapsed piece be of what length it may, and the tumour of whatever size, yet the tension wiU be little, and no pain will attend the handling it; upon the patient's coughing, it will feel as if it was b>>wn into ; and, iu general it will be found very easily returnable. A guggling noise is often made when the bowel is ascending. If the hernia be an epiplocele, or one of the omental kind, the tumour has a more flabby and a more unequal feel; it is in general perfectly indo- lent, is more compressible, and (if in the scrotum) is more oblong and less round than the swelling occasioned in the same situation by an intestinal hernia ; and, if the quantity be large, and the pa- tient an adult, it is, in some measure, distiam tp*u, to creep.) A, creeping pustule, or ulcer. HESPERIDE^. (From Hesperides, whose. orchards, according to the poets, produced gold- en apples.) Golden or precious fruit. Thenanie ofan ordei- of plants in Linnams' Fragments of a Natural Method, consisting of plants which have rigid ever-green leaves ; odorous and polyandreut flowers; as the myrtle, clove, &c. HEWSON, William, was born at Hexham, in 1739. After serving an apprenticeship to hit father, he came to London at the age of twenty, and resided with Mr. John Hunter, attending also the lectures of Dr. Hunter. His assiduity and sktil were so conspicuous, tl.at he was appointed to superintend the dissecting room, when the for-t rner went abroad with the army in 1760. He then studied a year at Edinburgh, and in 1762 he be* came associated with Dr. Hunter in delivering the anatomical lectures, and he was afterwards allow- ed an ;^>artuieut in Windmill-street. Here he pursued his anatomical investigations, and his ex- perimental enquiries into the properties of the blood, of which he published an account ia 1771, He also communicated to tbe Royal Society se- veral papers concerning the lymphatic system in birds and fishes, for which he received the Cople- yan medal, and was soon after elected a fellow of that body. He began a course of lectures alone in 1772, having quitted Dr. Hunter two years be- fore, and soon became very popular. In 1774, be published his work on the Lymphatic system. But not long after, his life was terminated by a fever. HIE tilt uccusioued by a wound received in dissecting a morbid body, in the thirty-fifth year of hi? age. HEXAGirnA. (From «'(, six, and yon?, a woman, or wife.) The name of an order of plants ia the sexual system, which, besides the classic character, have six females or pistils. HEX VNDRIA. (From /(, six, and avrjp, a man, or husband.) The name cf a class of plants in the sexual system, consisting of plants with hermaphrodite flowers that are hirnished with iix stamc-..* of an equal length. HextPHA'RMACUM. (From »'(-, six, and fappuKtv, a medicine.) Any medicine in the composition of which are six ingredients. Hibe'rnicus laPih. See Lapis hibernieut. HJBI'SCUS. (From «0.4, a stork, who is said to chew it, and inject it as a clyster.) The name of a genua of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Monadelphia; Order, Polyandria. Hibiscus abelmoschus. The systematic name of the plant, the seeds of which are called musk-seed; Abelmotchut; Granum motchi; Motchut Arabum ; AVgyptia motchata; Bamia motehmta; Alcea; Alcea Indica; Alcea ASgyp- tiaca rillota; Abrttte; Abelmotch; Abelmutk. The plant is indigenous in Egypt, and in many Sails of both the Indies. These seeds have the avoir of musk. The best comes from Martini- ca. By the Arabians, they are esteemed cordial, and are mixed with their coffee, to which they im- part their fragrance. In this country, they are used by the perfumers. HICCUP. Singultus. A spasmodic affection of the diaphragm, generally arising from irritation produced by acidity in the btomacb, error of diet, &c. HIDRO'A. (From tSpus, sweat.) A pustular disrate, produced by sweating in hot weather. HIDRO'CRISIS. (From iSpus, sweat, and Kpum, to judge.) A judgment formed from the sweat ofthe patient. HIDRO'NOSOS. (From iSpus, sweat, and i oo*s, s disease.) The sweating sickness. IHDROPY'RETUS. (From tSpu>s, sweat, and Tvpc7»f, a fever.) Sweating fever. HIDRO'TICA. (From tSpus, sweat.) Medi- cines which cause perspiration. HIDROTOPOIE'TiC A. (From iSpus, sweat, and roiiu, to make.) Sudorifics. HI'ERA. (From ttpos, holy : nud from upu£, a hawk.) Holy. Also applied to some plants which hawks are said to be food of. Hiera picra. (From ttpos, holy, and nxpos, bitter. Holy bitter.) Pulvis aloeticut, former- ly called AiVra logadii, made in the form of an elecuary with honey. It is now kept in the form of dry powder, prepared by mixing Socotorme aloes, one pound, with three ounces of white canella. Hikkabo'tane. (From upos, holy, and fi»"la\tii, nn herb: so called from its supposed vir- tues. S:o Verbena trifoliata. Hif.raca'ntha. (From upa(, a hawk, and ■Wfoi, a flower: »<> named because it seize* pas- Fcngt-r* as a hawk does its prey. A sort of thistle. HIERA'CIUM. (From ,«p«f, a hawk: so colled Because hawks feed upon it, or because it wai said that hawks applied the juice of it to clraruc their eyes.) T»- Bc-> v :»'»thc?c alvantigcs, an'' 479 HIP HIP slimulatd by the fame of his ancestors, he devoted himself zealously to the cultivation of the healing art. Not content with the empirical practice, which was derived from his predecessors, be stu- died under Herodicus, who had invented the gymnastic medicine, as well as some other phi- losophers. But he appears to have judged care- fully for himself, and to have adopted only those principles, which seemed founded in sound rea- son. He was thus enabled to throw Ught on the deductions of experience, and clear away the false theories with which medicine had been load- ed by those who had no practical knowledge of diseases, and bring it into the true path of obser- vation, under the guidance of reason. Hence the physicians ofthe rational or dogmatic sect always acknowledged him as th^ir leader. The events of his life are involved in much obscurity and fa- ble. But he appears to have travelled much, re- siding at different places for some time, and prac- tising his profession there. He died at Larissa, in Thessaly, at a very advanced age, which is va- riously stated from 85 to 109 years. He left two sons, Th-ssalus and Draco, who followed the same profession, and a daughter, married to his favourite pupil Polybus, who arranged and pub- lished hs works; and he formed many other dis- ciples. He acquired a high reputation among his countrymen, which has descended to modern times; and his opinions have been respected as or- acles, not only in the schools of medicine, but even in the courts of law. He has shared with Plato the title of divine ; statues and temples have been erected to his memory, and his altars covered with incense, like those of ^Esculapius himself. Indeed, the qualifications and duties required in a physician, were never more fully exemplified than in his conduct, and more eloquently described than by his pen. He is said to have admitted no one to his instructions without tbe solemnity of an oath, in which the chief obligations are^the most religious attention to the advantages of the sick, the strictest chastity, and inviolable secrecy concerning matters which ought not to be di- vulged. Besides these characteristics, he dis- played great simplicity, candour,and benevolence, with unwearied zeal in investigating the progress and nature of disease, and in administering to their cure. The books attributed to him amount to 72, of which, however, many arc considered spurious and others have been much corrupted. The most esteemed, and generally admitted ge- nuine, are the essay " On Air, Water, and Situa- tion," the first and third books of " Epidemics," that on "Prognostics," the "Aphorisms," the treatise *' On the Diet in acute Diseases," and that "On Wounds of the Head." He wrote in the Ionic dialect, in a pure but remarkably con- cise style. He was necessarily deficient in the knowledge of anatomy, as the dissection of hu- man bodies was not then allowed ; whence his Physiology also is, in many respects, erroneous: but he, in a great measure, compensated this by unceasing observation of diseases, whereby he at- tained so much skill in pathology and therapeu- tics, that he has been regarded as the founder of medical science : and his opinions still influence the healing art in a considerable degree. He dil- igently investigated the several causes of diseases, but especially tiieir symptoms, which enabled him readily to distinguish them from each other : and very*few of those noticed by him are now un- known, mostly retaining ev. n the same names. But he is more remarkably distinguished by his Prognostics, which have been comp.j-atively little improved since, founded upon various appear- ances in the state of the. patievt but especially 1°0 upon the excretions. His attention seems tu ban been directed chiefly to these in consequence of i particular theory. He supposed that there are four humours in the body, blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile, having different degrees of heat or coldness, moisture or dryness, and that to certain changes in the quantity or quality of these all dis- eases might be referred ; and farther, that in acute disorders a concoction of the morbid humours took place, followed by a Critical discharge which he believed to happen especially on certain days. But he seems to have paid Uttle, if any, attention to the state of the pulse. He advanced another opinion, which has since very generally prevail- ed, that there is a principle, or power in the sys- tem, which he called Nature, tending to the pre- servation of health, and the removal of disease. He, therefore, advised practitioners carefully to observe and promote the efforts of nature, at the same time correcting morbid states by their op. posites, and endeavouring to bring back the fluids into their proper channels. The chief part of his treatment at first was a great restriction of the diet; in very acute diseases merely allowing the mouth to be moistened occasionaUy for three or four days, and only a more plentiful dilution during a fortnight, provided the strength would bear it: afterwards a more substantial diet was directed, but hardly any medicines, except gentle emetics, and laxatives, or glysters. Where these means failed, very active purgatives were employ- ed, as hellebore, elaterium, &c, or sometimes the sudorific T-egimen, or garUc and other diure- tics. He seems cautious in the use of narcotics, but occasionally had recourse to some ofthe pre- parations of lead, copper, silver, and iron. He bled freely in cases of extreme pain or inflamma- tion, sometimes opening two veins at once, so as to produce fainting; and also took blood often by cupping, but preferably from a remote part, with a view of producing a revulsion. Where medicines tail, he recommends the knife, Or even fire, as a last resource, and he advises trepanning, in cases of violent headache. But he wishes the more difficult operations of surgery to be per- formed only by particular persons, who might thereby acquire more expertness. HIPPOCRATIC. Relating to Hippocrates. See Fades hippocratica. Hippola'pathum. (From 'twos, a horse, and XairaOov, the lapathtim.) A species of lapa- thum; so named from its size. See Rumex pa- tientia. Hippoma'rathrum. (From lirnos, a horse, and papaOpov, fennel: so named from its size, ) See Peucedanum silaus. Hipposeli'num. (From ix-os, a horse, and otXtvov, purslane ; so named because it resembles a large kind of purslane.) See Smyrnium olu- tatrum. HIPPU'RIS. (From Imros, « horse, and ov/>«, a tail.) 1. Some herbs are thus named because they resemble a horse's tail. 2. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- nuian svstem. Class, Monandria; Order, Mo- nogynia. Mare's tail. IIippurtjs vulgaris. The systematic name of the horse's or mare's tail. Equisetum; Cau- da equina. It possesses astringent qualities, and is frequently used by the common people as tea in diarrhoeas and hemorrhages. The same virtues are also attributed to the Equisetum arvente, ftuviatile, limosum, and other species, wliich are directed indiscriminately by the term Equis- etum. m, 11IPPUS. (From imros, a horse ; because the r-yfs of those who labour under this affection ar1. 1101 HOI. cntinualiy twinkling and trembling, as is usual with thone who ride on horseback.) A repeated dilatation and alternate constriction of the pupil, arising from spasm, or convulsion of the ins. Hirf. (From X"P> the hand.) The palm of the hand. Hira. (From Mr, the palm of the hand ; because it is usually found empty.) The intesti- num jejunum. HIRCUS. Tragus. The goat. Hircus bezoarticos. (Quad hirtut; from his shaggy hair.) The goat which affords the oriental bezoar. Hi'rqii s. (From tpxos, a hedge ; because it is hedged in by the eye-lash.) The angle of the eye. 1I1R8UTIES. A trivial name in Good's No- ■■ology for a species of disease in which hair rrrows in extraneous parts, or superfluously in parts where it naturally grows. Trichosit hir- mtiet. HIRSCTUS. Hairy: applied to leaves, pe- tals, seeds, &c. of plants ; as the petab of the Menyanthet trifotiata and Atclepiat crispa: the seeds of the Scandix trichosperma. Hl'RTCS. (A contraction of hirsutut.) Hairy : applied to stems of plants, as that of the Cirattium alpinum. HIRU'DO. (Quati haurudo; from haurio, to draw out: so named from its greediness to suck blood.) See Leech. Hirudo medicinalis. See lAtech. HIRUNDINA'RIA. (From hirundo, the swallow : so called from the resemblance of its pods to a swallow.) Swallow-wort, or asclepias. Sec Ijydmachia nummularia, and Atclepiat rinceloricum. Hiro'ndo. (Ab harendo; from its sticking its nest to the eaves of houses.) I. The swallow. 2. The cavity in the bend of the arm. Hispi'ditla. (From hispidus, rough: so named from the rough, woolly surface of its stalks.) See Gnaphalium. IIISIMIMS. Bristly: applied to stems, seeds, &c. of plants. The Borago officinalis is a good example ofthe Cttulut hispidut: the seeds of the Daucut carota, and Galium boreale. HODGES, Nathaniel, son of the Dean of Hereford, was born at Kensington, and graduated :it Oxford in 1659. He then settled in London, and continued there during the plague, when liiott other physicians deserted their post. He was twice taken ill, but by timely remedies reco- vered. He afterwards published an authentic ac- count of the disease, which appears to have de- stroyed 68,596 persons in the year 1665. It is to be regretted, that a person who had performed such an important and dangerous service to his (rllow-citi/.ens, should have died in prison, con- fined for debt, in 1684. HOFFMAN, Frederic, was born at Halle, in Saxony, 16t;t). Having lost his parents from :m epidemic disease, he went to study medicine at Jena, where he graduated in 1681. The year following he published an excellent tract "De Cinnabari Antimonii," which gained him great applause, and numerous pupils to attend a course ol chemical lectures, which he deUvrred there. He then practised bin profession for two years at Mindeu with very good success ; and after tra- velling to Holland and England, where he re- ceived many marks of distinction, he was appoint- ed, on his return in 16h5, physician to the garri- ■ob, and subsequently to Frederic WiUiam, elec- tor of Rr.-indenhtir'h, and the whole principality of Mimlcn. He was, however, induced to settle in 1688 as public physician at Halberstadt; where he published a treatise, " De Insuflicientia Acidi et Viscidi." An university being founded at HaUe, by Frederic III., afterwards first King of Prussia, Hoffman was appointed in 1693, primary professor of Medicine, and composed the Statutes of that institution, and recommended Stahl as his colleague. He was most active in his profession- al duties ; and by the eloquence and learning dis- played in his lectures and pubUcations, he ex- tended his own reputation, and that of the new university. He was admitted into the scientific societies at BerUn, Petersburgh, and London; and had the honour of attending many of the German Courts as physician. Haller asserts that he acquired great wealth by the sale of various chemical nostrums. He examined many of the mineral waters in Germany, particularly those of Seidlitz, which he first introduced to pubUc no- tice in 1717. The year after he commenced the publication of his " Mcdicina Rationalis Syste- matica," which was received withgreat applause by the faculty in various parts of Europe, and is said to have occupied him nearly twenty years. He also published two volumes of "Consulta- tions," and three books of select chemical obser- vations. In 1727, he was created Count Palatine by the Prince of Swartzenburgh, whom he ear- ned through a dangerous disease. About seven years after, he attended Frederic WilUam, King of Prussia, and is said by dignified remonstrance to have secured himself against the brutal rudeness shown by that monarch to those about him; he was ultimately distinguished with great honours, and invited strongly to settle at Berlin, but de- clined it on account of his advanced age. He continued to perform his duties at Halle till 1742, in which year he died. Hoffman was a very vo- luminous writer. His works have been collected in six folio volumes, printed at Geneva. They contain a great mass of valuable practical matter, partly original, but detailed in a prolix manner, and intermixed with much hypothesis. He has the merit, however, of first turning the attention of practitioners to the morbid affections of the nervous system, instead of framing mere me- chanical or chemical theories: but he did not carry the doctrine to its fullest extent, and re- tained some of the errors of the humoral patho- logy. He pursued the study of chemistry and pharmacy with considerable ardour; but his practice was cautious, particularly in advanced age, trusting much to vegetable simples. Hog,t fennel. See Peucedanum. Ho'lcimos. (From tXicoi, to draw.) It some- times means a tumour of the liver. HO'LCUS. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Polygamia; Order, Monacia. 2. The Indian millet-seed, which is said to be nutritive. Holcus sorgtm. Guinea corn. HOLERACEUS. See Oleraceous. Hollow leaf. See Concavus. HOLLY. See Ilex. Holly, knee. See Ruscus. Holly, sea. See Eryngium. Holmi'sci's. (Dim. of oXpos, a mortar.) 1. A small mortar. 2. The cavity of the large teeth, because they pound the food as in a mortar. HOLMITE. A new mineral, composed of lime, carbonic acid, alumina, silica, oxide**f fron, and water. Hoi.ophit'ctidfs. (FromoXoj, whole, and 4RI iion HOK $\vk1is, a pustule.) Little pimples aU over the body. Holo'stes. See Holosteus. Holo'steom. See Holosteus. Holo'steus. (From oXos, whole, and oftov, a bone.) Glue-bone. See Osteocolla. Holoto'nicus. (FromoXoj, whole, andrttvv, to stretch.) A term formerly applied to diseases accompanied with universal convulsion, or rigor. HOLY THISTLE. See Centaurea bene- dicta. HOLYWELL. There is a mineral water at this place arranged under the class of simple cold waters, remarkable for its purity. It possesses similar virtues to that of Malvern. See Malvern water. Ho'ma. An anas ar cons swelling. Homberg's phosphorus. Ignited muriate of Ume. f'omberg's salt. See Boracic acid. OMOGENEOUS. (Homogeneus; from opos, Uke, and ytvos, a kind.) Uniform, of a Uke kind or species, of the same quality. A term used in contradistinction to heterogencous, when the parts of the body are of different qualities. HOMOPLA'TA. (From topos, the shoulder, and nXala, the blade.) See Scapula. HONEY. See Mel. HONEY-STONE. Mellite. Crystalhartz of Mohs. Pyramidal honey-stone of Jameson. This is of a honey colour, distinctly crystallized, and occurs on bituminous wood and earth coal, and is usually accompanied with sulphur at Ar- tern, in Thuringia. HONEY-SUCKLE. See Lonicera peridy- menum. Hooded leaf. See Cucullatus. ^ HOOPING-COUGH. See Pertussis. HOP. See Humulus lupulus. Hoplochri'sma. (From oirXov, a weapon, and xP'Wf a salve.) A salve which was ridicu- lously said to cure wounds by consent; that is, by anointing the instrument with which the wound was made. HORDE'OLUM. (Diminutive of hordeum, barley.) A little tumour on the eyelids, resem- bling a barley-corn. A stye. Scarpa remarks, the stye is strictly only a little boil, which pro- jects from the edge of the eye-Uds, mostly near the great angle ol the eye. This little tumour, like the furunculus, is of a dark red colour, much inflamed, and a great deal more painful than might be expected, considering its small size. The latter circumstance is partly owing to the vehemence of the inflammation producing the stye, and partly to the exquisite sensibility and tension of the skin, which covers the edge of the eye-lids. On this account, the hordeolum very often excites fever and restlessness in delicate, irritable constitutions ; it suppurates slowly and imperfectly; and, when suppurated, has no ten- dency to burst. The stye, like other furunculous inflammations, forms an exception to the general rule, that the best mode in which inflammatory swellings can en&i is resolution; for, whenever a furunculous inflammation extends so deeply as to destroy any of the cellular substance, the little tumour can never b« resolved, or only imperfectly so. This event, indeed, would rather be hurtful, since there would stiU remain behind a greater or smaller portion of dead celluliu- membrane ; whiA sooner or later, might bring on a renewal of tn^stye, in the same place as before, or else become converted into a hard indolent body, de- forming the edge of the eye-lid. HORDEUM. (Abhorrore arista; from the 4«2 unpleasantness of its beard to the touch.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Triandria; Order, Digynia. Barley. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the common barley. Sec Hordeum vulgare. Hordeum causticum. See Cevadilla. Hordeum distichon. This plant affords the barley in common use. See Hordeum vulgare. Hordeum perlatom. See Hordeum vul- gare. Hordeum vulgare. The systematic name of the common barley. The seed called barley is obtained from several species of hordeum, but principally from the vulgare, or common or Scotch barley, and the distichon, or hordeum gallicum vel mundatum, or French barley, of Linnams. It is extremely nutritious and muci- laginous, and in common use as a drink, when boiled, in all inflammatory diseases and affections cf tbe chest, especially where there is cough or irritation about the fauces. A decoction of bar- ley with gum, is considered a useful diluent and demulcent in dysury and strangury; the gum mixing with the urine, sheaths the urinary canal from the acrimony of the urine. Among the an- cients, decoctions of barley, Kpt&ri, were the prin- cipal medicine, as weU as aliment, in acute dis- eases. Barley is freed from its shells in mills, and in this state called Scotch and French barley. In Holland, they rub barley into small round grains, somewhat Uke pearls, which is therefore called pearl barley, or hordeum perlatum. HOREHOUND. See Marrubium. HORIZONTALS. Horizontal: applied to j leaves, roots, &c. which spread in the greatest possible degree ; as the leaves of Gentiana cam- pestris, and roots of the Lascrpitium pruteni- cum. HO'RMINUM. (From oppata, to incite. named from its supposed qualities of provoking venery.) See Salvia sclarea. HORN. An animal substance, chiefly mem* braneous, composed of coagulated albumen, with a Uttle gelatin, and about half a per cent, of phosphate of Ume. The horns of the buck and hart are of a different nature, being intermediate between bone and horn. See Cornu. Horn silver. A chloride of silver. HORNBLENDE. A sub-species of straight- edged augite. There are three varieties of it: 1. Common hornblende, which is of a green- ish black colour: is an essential ingredient of - the mountain rocks, syenite and green stone, and occurs frequently in granite, gneiss, &c. It is found abundantly in the British isles, and on the Continent. 2. Hornblende slate, of a colour intermediate between green and black. It occurs in beds of gneiss in many parts of Scotland, England, and the Continent. 3. Basaltic hornblende, of a velvet black colour. It is found embedded in basalt, along with olivine and augite, at Arthur's Seat, near Edinburgh, and in basaltic rocks of England, Ireland, and the Continent. HORNSTONE. Professor Jameson's ninth sub-species of rhomboidal quartz. HORRIPILA'TIO. Horripilation. (From horror, and pilus, a hair.) A shuddering or a sense of creeping in different parts of the tiody. A symptom of the approach of fever. Horse-chesnut. See JEsculus hippocasta- num. Horse-radkish. See Cochlearia armoraciif. A HORSE-TAIL. See Hippurut vulgaris. HORSTIUS, Gregory, was born at Torgau. HUM HUM ,n 1678. Alter studying in different parts ot Ger- many and Switzerland, he graduated at Basil in 1606 and was soon after appointed to a medical professorship at Wittenburg. But two years after he received a similar appointment at Gies- seo, and was made chief physician of Hesse; where he attained considerable reputation in his profession. In 1722 he went to Ulm, on an invi- lation from the magistracy as pubUc physician and president of the college; where his learning, skiU, and humanity, procured him general es- teem. He died in 1686. His works were collect- ed by his sons in three folio volumes. HO'RTU.S. (From orior, to rise, as being the place where vegetables grow up.) LA garden. 2. The genitals of a woman, which is the re- pository of tht human semen. Hortus siccus. A collection of dried plants. HOUNDS-TONGUE. See Cynoglottum. HOUSE-LEEK. See Sempermvum tecio- rum. HI HER, John James, was born at Basle in 1707, and graduated there at the age of 26, after studying under the celebrated Haller and other able teachers. Two years after he was appoint- ed physician to the Court of Baden Dourlach. He materially assisted Haller in his work on the Botany of Switzerland, and was consequently invited by him in 1738 to be dissector at Got- tingen. He speedily rose to considerable reputation thrre, and received different public appointments. He had likewise the honour of being elected into the most celebrated of the learned societies in Europe. He died in 1778. The chief objects of bilk research were the spinal marrow, and the nerves originating from it: he also inquired into tbe supposed influence of the imagination of the mother on the foetus, and into the cause of mis- carriages. HULME, Nathaniel, was born at Halifax, in Yorkshire, 1732, and bred to the profession of a surgeon-apothecary. After serving some time in the navy, he graduated at Edinburgh in 1765. He then settled in London, and was soon after appointed physician to the General Dispensary, the first institution of that kind established in the metropolis. About the year 1775 he was elected physician to the Charter-house. In 1807 he died, in consequence of a severe bruise by a fall. He was author of several dissertations on scurvy, puerperal fever, &c. He also made a series of experiments on the light spontaneously emitted from various bodies, published in the Philosophi- cal Transactions : and he was one of the editors of the London Practice of Physic. HL'MECTA'NTIA. (From humtcto, to make moist.) Medicines which are supposed capable of softening by making the solids of the body moist. HUMERAL. Humcralit. Belonging to the humi-nu or arm. Hi'mkral artert. Arteria humeralit. Brachial arteiy. The axillary artery, having pasml the tendon of the great pectoral muscle, chan,;ei it* name to the brachial or humeral ar- tery, which name it retains in its course down the arm to the bend, where it divides into the radial ami ulnar arteries. In this course it gives off several muscular branch, s, three of which only deserve attention: 1. The arteria prof undo su- perior, which goen round the back ol the arm to the exterior muscle, and i» often-named the upper muscular artery. 2. Another like it, called ar- teria profit.tda inferior, or the lower muscular srtrrv. $. Ramus anattomoticut major, which anastomoses round the elbow with the branches of the ulnar artery. Humeralis musculus. See Deltoidei. HU'MERUS. (From upts, the shoulder.) 1. The arm, as composed of hard and soft parts, from the shoulder to the fore-arm. 2. The shoulder. 3. The bone ofthe arm, or ot humeri, os bra* chii. A long cylindrical bone, situated between the scapula and fore-arm. Its upper extremity is formed somewhat laterally and internaUy, into a large, round, and smooth head, which is admit- ted into the glenoid cavity of the scapula. Around the ba3is of this head is observed a cir- cular fossa, deepest anteriorly and externaUy, which forms what is called the neck of the bone, and from the edge of whieh arises the capsular li- gament, which is further strengthened by a strong membraneous expansion, extending to the upper edge of the glenoid cavity, and to the co- racoid process of the scapula; and likewise by the tendinous expansions of the muscles, inserted into the head of the humerus. This capsular li- gament is sometimes torn in luxation, and be- comes an obstacle to the easy reduction of the bone. The articulating surface of the head is co- vered by a cartilage, which is thick in its middle part, and thin towards its edges; by which means it is more convex in the recent si Vect thin in the skeleton. This upper extremity, besides the round smooth head, affords two other smaller protuberances. One of these, which is the largest of the two, is of an irregular oblong shape, and is placed at the back of the head of the bone, from which it is separated by a kind of froove, that makes a part of the neck. This tu - erosity is divided, at its upper part, into three surfaces; the first of these, which is the smallest and uppermost, serves for the insertion of the supraspinatus muscle ; the second or middle most, for the insertion of the infraspinatus ; and tbe third, which is tbe fowest and hindmost, for the insertion of the teres minor. The other smaller tuberosity is situated anteriorly, between the larger one and the head of the humerus, and serves for the insertion of the subscapularis mus- cle. Between these two tuberosities there is a deep groove for lodging the tendinous head of the biceps brachii; the capsular ligament of the joint affording here a prolongation, thinner than the capsule itself, which covei s and accompanies this muscle to its fleshy portion, where it gra- dually disappears in the adjacent cellular mem- brane. Immediately below its neck, the os hu- meri begins to assume a cylindrical shape, so that here the body of the bone may be said to com- mence. At its upper part is observed a conti- nuation of the groove for the biceps, which extends downwards, about the fourth part ofthe length of the bone in an oblique direction. The edges of this groove are continuations of the greater and lesser tuberosities, and serve for the attachment ofthe pectoralis, latissimus dorsi, and teres major muscles. The groove itself is lined with a glistening substance like cartilage, but which seems to be nothing more than the remains of tendinous fibres. A little lower down, to- wards the extenuil and anterior^ side of tbe mid- dle of the bone, it is seen rising into a rough ridge for the insertion of the deltoid muscle. On each side of this ridge the bone is smooth, and flat, for the lodgment of the brachialis inter- nus muscle ; and behind the middle part of the outermost side of the ridge is a channel,, for the transmission of vessels into the substance of the bone. A little lower down, and near the inner side of the ridee, there is sometimes seen such 483 HUM IIUS another channel, which is intended for the same purpose. The os humeri, at its lower extremity, becomes gradually broader and flatter, so as to have this end nearly of a triangular shape. The bone, thus expanded, affords two surfaces, of which the anterior one is the broadest, and some- what convex; and the posterior one narrower and smoother. The bone terminates in four large pro- cesses, the two outermost of which are called con- dyles, though not designed for the articulation of the bone. These condyles, which are placed at some distance from each other, on each side of the bone, are rough and irregular protuberances, formed for the insertion of muscles and liga- ments, and differ from each other in size and shape. The external condyle, when the arm is in the most natural position, is found to be placed somewhat forwarder than the other. The internal condyle is longer, and more protuberant, than the external. From each of these processes, a ridge is continued upwards, at the side of the bone. In the interval between the two condyles are placed the two articulating processes, conti- guous to each other, and covered with cartilage. One of these, which is the smallest, is formed into a small, obtuse, smooth head, on which the radius plays. This Uttle head is placed near the external condyle, as a part of which it has been sometimes described. The other, and larger process, is composed of two lateral protuberances and a middle cavity, all of which are smooth and covered with cartilage. From the manner in which the ulna moves upon this process, it has gotten the name of trochlea, or puUey. The sides of this pulley are unequal; that which is towards the little head is the highest of the two; the other, which is contiguous to the external condyle, is more slanting, being situated obliquely from within outwards, so that when the fore-arm ie futiy extended, it does not form a straight line with the os humeri, and, for the same reason, when we bend the elbow, the hand comes not to the shoulder, as it might be expected to do, but to the forepart of the breast. There is a cavity at the root of these processes, on each of the two surfaces ofthe bone. The cavity on the anterior surface is divided by a ridge into two, the external of which receives the end of the radius, and the internal one lodges the coronoid process of the ulna in the flexions of the fore-arm. The cavity on the posterior surface, at the basis of the puUey, is much larger, and lodges the olecranon when the arm is extended. The internal struc- ture of the os humeri is similar to that of other long bones. In new-born infants, bqth the ends of the bone are cartilaginous, and the large head, with the two tubercles above, and the condyles, with the two articulating processes below, be- come epiphyses before they are entirely united to the rest ofthe bone. HU'MILIS. (From humi, on the ground : so named because it turns the eye downwards, and is expressive of humiUty.) See Rectus in- ferior oculi. HUMITE. A mineral of a reddish brown colour found near Naples, and named by Count Bournon in honour of Sir Abraham Hume, a dis- tinguished cultivator of mineralogy. HU'MOR. (Ab humo, from the ground; be- cause moisture springs from the earth.) Humour, a general name for any fluid of the body except the blood. Humor vitreus. The vitreous humour of the eye, which takes its name from the resem- blance to melted glass, is less dense than the crystalline, but more than the aqueous humour ; *■ is very considerable in tire human eve, and AM seems to be formed by the small arteries that are distributed in cells of tbe hyaoUd membrane - it is heavier than common water, sUghtly albumi- nous and saline. HUMOUR. See Humor. Humour, aqueous. See Aqueenit humour Humour, vitreous. See Humor vitreus. Humours of the Eye. See Eye. HUMUL1N. The narcotic principle of the fruit of the hop. See Humulus. HUMULUS. (From humus, the ground: so named because, without factitious support it creeps along the ground.) The name ot a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Diaeia • Order, Pentandria. The hop. ' Humulus lupulus. The systematic name of the hop-plant. Lupulus; Convolvulus perinnit. The hop is the floral leaf or bractea of this plant: it is. dried and used in various kinds of strong beer. Hops have a bitter taste, less ungrateful than most of the other strong bitters, accompa- nied with some degree of warmth and aromatic flavour, and are highly intoxicating. The hop- flower also exhales a considerable quantity of its narcotic power in drying ; hence those who sleep in the hop houses are with difficulty roused from their slumber. A pillow stuffed with these flow- ers is said to have laid our late monarch to sleep when other remedies had failed. The young sprouts, caUed hop-tops, if plucked when only a foot above the ground, and boiled, are eaten, like asparagus, and are a wholesome delicacy. The active or narcotic principle of the hop, is called humulin. HUNGER. Fames. " The want of solid ali- ments is characterised by a peculiar sensation in the region ol the stomach, and by a general fee- bleness, more or less marked. This feeling is generaUy renewed after the stomach has been for some time empty ; it is variable in its inten- sity and its nature in different individuals, and even in the same individual. In some its violence is excessive, in others it is scarcely felt; some never feel it, and eat only because the hour of re- past is come. Many persons perceive a drawing, a pressure more or less painful in the epigastric region, accompanied by yawnings, and a parti- cular noise, produced by the gases contained in the stomach, which becomes contracted. When this want is not satisfied it increases, and may be- come a severe pain : the same takes place with the sensation of weakness and general fatigue, which is felt, and which may increase, so as to render the motions difficult, or even impossible. Authors distinguish in hunger, local phenome- na, and general phenomena. This distinction is good in itself, and may be useful for study; but have not mere gra- tuitous suppositions been described as local or general phenomena of hunger, the existence of which was rendered probable by this theory'/ This point of physiology is one of those in which the want of direct experiment is the most strongly felt. The pressure and con- traction of the stomach are considered among the local phenomena of hunger: ' the sides of that viseus,' it is .said, 'become thicker; it changes its form and situation, and draws the duodenum a little towards it; its cavity contains saliva mixed with air, mucosities, bile, which has regurgitated in consequence of the dragging ofthe duodenum ; the quantity of these humours increases in the stomach in proportion as hunger is of longer continuation. The cystic bile does not flow into the duodenum ; it collects in the gall-bladder, and it becomes abundant and black according to the continuance of abstinence. '■ HUN Ill> i-iiange takes place in the order of the circulation of the digestive organs ; the stomach receives less blood, perhaps on account of the flexion of these vcMseU which is then greater; perhaps by the compression of the nerves, in consequence of this confinement, the influence of which upon the cir- culation will then be diminished. On the other hand, the liver, the spleen, the epiploon, receive more, and perform the office of diverticula : the liver and the spleen, because they are less sup- ported when the stomach is empty, and then pre- sent a more easy access to the blood ; and the epiploon, because the vessels are then less flexuout,' &c. The most of these data are mere conjectures, and nearly devoid of proof. After twenty-four, forty-eight, and even sixty hours of complete abstinence, Dr. Magendie says he never saw the contraction and pressure of the stomach of which some authors speak : this organ has always presented to him very considerable dimensions, particularly in its splenic extremity ; it was only after the fourth ana fifth day that it appeared to return upon itself, to diminish much in size, and slightly in position; even these ef- fects are not strongly marked unless fasting has been very strictly observed. Bichat thinks that the pressure sustained by the empty stomach is equal to that which it supports when distended by aUments, since, says he, the sides of the abdomen are compressed in propor- tion as the volume of the stomach diminishes. The contrary of this may be easily proved by putting one or two fingers into the abdominal cavity, after having made an incision in its sides ; it will then be easily seen that tbe pressure sus- tained by the viscera, is in a certain degree, in di- rect proportion to the distension of the stomach ; if the stomach is full, the finger wiU be stronger pressed, and the viscera will press outward to es- cape through the opening; if it is empty, the ressure will be very trifling, and the viscera will ave tittle tendency to pass out from the abdomi- nal cavity. It must be understood that in this experiment the pressure exerted by the abdominal muscles, when they are relaxed, ought not to be confounded with that which they exert when con- tracted with force. Also, when the stomach is empty, aU the reservoirs contained in the abdo- men aie more easily distended by the matters which remain some time in them. Perhaps this is the principal reason why bile then accumulates in the gall-bladder. With regard to the presence of bile in the stomach, that some persons regard as the cause of hunger, unless in certain sickly cases bile docs not cuter it, though it continues to flow into the small intestine. The quantity of mucus that tbe cavity of the stomach presents is so much greater in proportion (o the prolongation of abstinence. Relatively to the quantity of blood which goes lo the stomach when empty, in proportion to the volume of its vessels, and the mode of circulation wliich then exists, the general opinion is that it receives less of this fluid than when it is full of aliment* ; but, far from being in this respect in opposition with the other abdominal organs, this disposition appears to be common to aU the or- gans contained in the abdomen. - To the general phenomena of hunger is ascribed a weakness and diminution of the action of all the organs ; the < irculation and the respiration become slow, the heat of the body lowers, the secretions diminish, the whole of the functions are exrrted with more difficulty. The absorp- tion alone is said to become more active, but nothing is strictly demonstrated in this respect. HuuL-er. appetite itself, which h only its jir-t degree, ought to be distinguished from that feci ing which induces us to prefer one sort of food to another, from that which causes us, during a repast, to choose one dish rather than another, &c. These feelings are very different from real hun- ger, which expresses the true wants of the econo- my ; they in a great measure depend on civiliza- tion, on habits and certain ideas relative to the properties of aliments. Some of them are in unison with the season, the climate, and then they are equally legitimate as hunger itself; such is that which inclines us to a vegetable regimen in hot countries, or during the heats of summer. Certain circumstances render hunger more in- tense, and cause it to return at nearer intervals : such as a cold and dry air, winter, spring, cold baths, dry frictions upon the slrin, exercise on horse-back, wanting, bodily fatigue, and gene- raUy all the causes that put the action of the or- gans in play, and accelerate tlie nutritive process with which hunger is essentially connected. Some substances, being introduced into the sto- mach, excite a feeling Uke hunger, but which ought not to be confounded with it. There are causes which diminish the intensity of hunger, and which prolong the periods at which it habitually manifests itself: among this number are the inhabiting of hot countries, and humid places, rest of the body and mind, depres- sing passions, and indeed all the circumstances that interrupt the action of the organs, and di- minish the activity of nutrition. There are also substances which, being brought into the digestive canals, prevent hunger, or cause it to cease, as opium, hot drinks, &c. With' respect to the cause of hunger, it has been, by turns, attributed to the providence ofthe vital principle, to the frictions of the sides of the stomach against each other, to the dragging of the liver upon the diaphragm, to the action of bUe upon the stomach, to the acrimony and acidity of the gastric juice, to fatigue ofthe contracted fibres of the stomach, to compression of the nerves of this viseus, &c. &c. Hunger arises, like all other internal sensations, from the action of the nervous system ; it has no other seat than this system itself, and no other causes than the general laws of organization. What very well proves the truth of this assertion is, that it sometimes continues though the stomach is filled with food; that it cannot be produced though the stomach has been some time empty ; lastly, that it is so subject to habit as to cease spontaneously after the habitual hour of repast is over. This is true not only of the feeling which takes plaoe in the region of the stomach, but also ofthe general weakness that accompanies it, and which, consequently, cannot be considered as real, at least in the first instant in which it is manifested." HUNTER, William, was born in L718, at Kilbride in Scotland. He was educated for. the church at Glasgow ; but feeling scruples against subscription, and having become acquainted with the celebrated Cullen, he determined to pursue the medical profession. After Uving three years with that able teacher, who then practised as a surgeon apothecary at Hamilton, he went to Edinburgh in November 1740; and in the follow- ing summer came to London with a recommen- dation to Dr. James Douglas, who engaged him to assist in his dissections, and superintend the education of his son. He was also enabled by that physician's liberality to attend St. George's Hospital, and other teachers ; but death deprived him of so valuable a friend within a vear. How - 4*' HUM iiLN «ver, he remained in the family, and prosecuted nis studies with great zeal. In 1743, he commu- nicated to the Royal Society a paper on the structure and diseases of articulating cartilages, which was much admired. He now formed the design of teaching anatomy; and, after encoun- tering some difficulties, commenced by giving a course on the operations of surgery to* a society of navy surgeons in lieu of Mr. Samuel Sharpe. At first he felt considerable solicitude in speak- ing in public; but gradually this wore off, and he evinced a remarkable facility in expressing him- self with perspicuity and elegance. He gave so much satisfaction, that he was requested to extend the plan to anatomy, which he began accordingly in 1746. His success was considerable, but having somewhat embarrassed himself at first by assist- ing his friends, he was obliged to adopt proper caution in lending money; which, with his ta- lents, industry, and economy, enabled him to ac- quire an ample fortune. In 1748, he accompanied his pupil, young Douglas, on a tour, and having seen the admirable injections of Albinus at Ley- den, he was inspired with a strong emulation to excel in that branch. On his return he relin- quished the profession of surgery, and devoted himself to midwifery, to which his person and manners well adapted him ; and having been ap- pointed to the Middlesex and British lying-in hospitals, as well as favoured by other circum- stances, he made a rapid advance in practice. In 1750 he obtained a doctor's degree from Glas- gow, and was afterwards often consulted as a phy- sician in cases, which required peculiar anatomi- cal skill. Six years after he was admitted a li- centiate of the CoUege in London; and also a member of the society, by which the "Medical Observations and Enquiries" were published. He enriched that work with many valuable com- munications ; particularly an account of the dis- ease, since called Aneurismal Varix, a case of emphysema, with practical remarks, wherein he showed the fat to be deposited in distinct vesicles; and some observations on the retroversion of the uterus: and on the death of Dr. Fothergill, he was chosen president of that society. In 1762 he pubUshed his " Medical Commentaries," in which he laid claim, with much asperity, to several ana- tomical discoveries, especially relative to the ab- sorbent system, in opposition to tbe second Monro of Edinburgh. He was extremely tenacious of his rights in this respect, and would not allow them to be infringed even by his own brother. It must be very difficult, and of little importance, to decide such controversies ; especially as the principal points concerning the absorbent system had been stated as early as 1726, in a work printed at Paris by M. Noguez. About the same period, the Queen being pregnant, Dr. Hunter was consulted; and two years after he was ap- pointed her physician extraordinary. In 1767 he was chosen a fellow of the Royal Society, to which he communicated some papers ; and in the year following he was appointed by the King professor of Anatomy to the Royal Academy on its first institution; he was also elected into the society of Antiquaries, and some respectable for- eign associations. In 1775 he published a splendid work, which had occupied him for 24 years pre- viously, "The Anatomy of the Gravid Uterus," illustrated by plates, admirable for their accuracy, as weU^s elegance; among other improvements, the membrana decidua refiexa, discovered by him- self, was here first delineated. He drew up a detaUed description of the figures; which was published after his death by his nephew, Dr. BailUe. Another posthumous publication, de- 486 servedly much admired, was the "Two intro- ductory Lectures" to his anatomical course. As his wealth increased, he formed the noble design of establishing an anatomical school; and pro- posed to government, on the grant of a piece of ground, to build a proper edifice, and endow a perpetual professorship: but this not being ac- ceded to, he set about the establishment in Great Windmill-street, where he collected a most valua- ble museum of anatomical preparations, subjects of natural history, scarce books, coins, &c. to which an easy access was always given. He con- tinued to lecture and practise till near the period of his death in 1783. He bequeathed the use of his museum for 30 years to Dr. Baillie; after which it was to belong to the University of Glas- gow. HUNTER, John, was born ten years after his brother William. His early education was much neglected, and his temper injured, through his mother's indulgence. At a proper age he was put under a relation, a carpenter and cabinet- maker, who failed in his business. Hearing at this period of his brother's success, he applied to become his assistant, and accordingly came to London in the autumn of 1748. He made such proficiency in dissection, that he was capable of undertaking the demonstrations in the following season. During the summer he attended the surgical practice at difl'erent hospitals; and in 1756 he was appointed house-surgeon at St. George's. He had been admitted by his brother to a partnership in the lectures the year before. After labouring about ten years with unexampled ardour in the study of human anatomy, he turned his attention to that of other animals, with a view to elucidate physiology. His health was so much impaired by tiifcse pursuits, that in 1760 he went abroad as surgeon on the staff, and thus acquired a knowledge of gun-shot wounds. On his return after three years, he settled in London as a sur- geon, and gave instructions in dissection and the performance of operations ; and he continued, with great zealf his researches into comparative anatomy, and natural history. Several papers were communicated by him to the Royal Society of which he was elected a member in 1767. About this time, by his brother's interest, he was appointed one of the surgeons at 1st. George's Hospital; and his professional reputation was ra- pidly increasing. In 1771 he pubUshed the first part of his work on the teeth, displaying great accuracy of research: and two years after he began a course of lectures on the principles of surgery. He fell short of his brother in methodi- cal arrangement, and facility of expressing his ideas, and indeed adopted a peculiar language, perhaps in part from the deficiency of his educa- tion ; but he certainly brought forward many in- genious speculations :■ physiology and pathology, and suggested some important practical improve- ments, particularly the operation for popliteal aneurism. In 1776 he was appointed surgeon-ex- traordinary to the King; and soon after received marks of distinction from several foreign socie- ties. His emoluments increasing, he took a large house in Leicester-square, and built a spacious museum, whichahe continued to store with sub- jects in comparative anatomy, at a very great ex- pence. The post of Deputy-Surgeon-General to the army was conferred upon him in 1786 ; and in the same year his great work on the venereal disease appeared, which will ever remain a monu- ment to bis extraordinary sagacity and talent for observation. He also published at this period " Observations on the Animal QEconomy," chiefly composed of papers already printed in the Philo- I1YB HYD ,i>uicai Transaetions. In 1790 he was appointed Inspector-General of Hospitals, and Surgeon- General to the army ; when he resigned his lec- tures to Mr. Home, whose sister he had married. He had been for two years before labouring under symptoms of organic disease about the heart, which were aggravated by any sudden exertion, or agitation of his mind ; these increased pro- gressively, and in October 1793, whde at the hos- pital, being vexed by some untoward circum- stance, he suddenly expired. He left a valuable treatise on the blood, inflammation, and gun-shot wounds, which was published soon after with a Ufe prefixed, by his brother-in-law. His museum was directed to be offered to the purchase of Go- vernment : it was bought for 15,000/. and pre- sented to the coUege of Surgeons, on condition of their opening it to public inspection, and giving a set of lectures annually explanatory of its con- tents. The preparations are arranged so as to ex- hibit all the gradations of nature, from the sim- plest state of animated existence up to man, ac- cording to the different functions. It compre- hends also a large series of entire animals, skele- tons of almost every genus, and other subjects of natural history. HURTSICKLE. (So caUed because it is troublesome to cut down, and sometimes notches the sickle. Sec Centaurea cyanut. HUSK. Sec Gluma. HUXHAM, John, was born about the end of the 17th century, and practised as a physician, with considerable reputation, at Plymouth, where he died iu 1768. His writings display great learn- ing and talent for observation. He kept a regis- ter of the weather and prevailing diseases for nearly thirty years, which was published in Latin, in three volumes. He was early elected into the Royal Society, and oommunicated several papers on pathology and morbid anatomy. But his tame rests chiefly upon his " Essay on Fevers," which went through several editions; a dissertation being afterwards added on the malignant sore throat. HYACINTH. 1. A sub-species of pyramidal zircon. It comes from Ceylon, and is much es- teemed as a gem. 2. See Hyacinthut. HYACrNTHUS. (Said by tbe poets to be named from the friend of Apollo, who was turned into this flower.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Hexandria; Order, Monogynia. Hyacinthusmuscari. Mutcari. The sys- tematic name of the musk-grape flower, which, u-cording to Ray, possesses emetic and diuretic qualities, Hyacinthus son scniPTUS. Hare-bells. The systematic name of the blue-bells, so com- mon in our hedge in spring. The roots are bul- bous ; tbe flowers agreeably scented. Galen con- sidered the root as a remedy in jaundice. It is ranked among tbe astringents, but of very inferior power. HYALITE. A transparent sUecious stone, which i* otteu cut into ring-stones, found near Frankfort on the Maine. HVAI.OIDES. (Membrana hyalmdes; from i i.i., irl us, and tiSes, Ukeness^ Membrana in arhnoiata. Capsule of the vitreous humour. The transparent membrane enclosing the vitreous humour of the eye. HVHEKNU'UI.IM. This is defined by Linnams to be a part of the plant which protects the embryo herb from external injuries. An organic body which sprouts from the sur- face of difl'erent ports of a plant, enclosing the ru- diment* of the new shoot, and which is capable of evolving a new individual perfectly similar to the parent. This is a modification of the defini- tion of Grertner.—Thompson. Hyboma. A gibbosity ofthe spine. HYBRID. (Hybrida, from vSpts, an injury; because its nature is tainted.) A monstrous pro- duction of two different species of animals or plants. In the former it is called mongrel, or mule. Neither the animal nor the seeds ofhybrid plants propagate their species. HYDA'RTHRUS. (From vSwp, water, and apOpov, a joint.) Hydarthron. Hydarthrot. Spina ventota of the Arabian writers, Rhazes and Avicenna. White-swelling. The white- sweUing, in this country, is a peculiarly common and exceedingly terrible disease. The varieties of white-swelling are very numerous, and might usefully receive particular appellations. System- atic writers have generally been content with a distinction into two kinds, viz. rheumatic and scrophulous. The last species of the disease they also distinguish into such tumours as prima- rily affect the bones, and then the ligaments and suit parts ; and into other cases, in which the Ug- aments and soft parts become diseased before there is any morbid affection of the bones. These divisions, Mr. Samuel Cooper, in his Treatise on the Diseases of the Joints, proves to be not sufficiently comprehensive ; ana the pro- priety of using the term rheumatic he thinks to be very questionable. The knee, ankle, wrist, and elbow,, are the joints most subject to white-swellings. As the name ofthe disease implies, the skin is not at all altered in colour. In some instances, the swell- ing yields, in a certain degree, to pressure ; but it never pits, and is almost always sufficiently firm to make an uninformed examiner beUeve that the bones contribute to the tumour. The pain is sometimes vehement from the very first; in other instances, there is hardly the least pain in the beginning of the disease. In tbe majority of scrophulous white-swellings, let the pain be tri- vial or violent, it is particularly situated in one part of the joint, viz. either the centre of the ar- ticulation, or the head of the tibea, supposing the knee affected. Sometimes the pain contin- ues without interruption ; sometimes there are in- termissions ; and in other instances the pain re- curs at regular times, so as to have been caUed, by some writers, periodical. Almost all authors describe the patient as suffering more uneasiness in the diseased part, when he is warm, and par- ticularly when he is in this condition in bed. At the commencement of the disease, in the majority of instances, the swelling is very incon- siderable, or there is even no visible enlargement whatever. In the Uttle depressions, naturaUy situated on each side of the patella, a fulness first shows itself, and graduaUy spreads all over the af- fected joint. The patient unable to bear the weight of his body on the disordered joint, in consequence of the great increase of pain thus created, gets into the habit of only touching the ground with his toes: and the knee being generally kept a Uttle bent in this manner, soon loses the capacity of becoming extended again. When white-swell- ings have lasted a while, the knee is almost al- ways found in a permanent state of flexion. In scrophulous cases of this kind, pain constantly precedes any appearance of swelling: but the in- terval between the two symptoms differs very much in different subjects. The morbid joint, in the, course of time, ac- quires a vast magnitude. Still the integuments retain their natural colour, and remain unaffected IIYD HYD The enlargement of the articulation, however, al- ways seems greater than it really is, in conse- quence of the emaciation of the limb both above and below the disease. An appearance of blue distended veins, and a shining smoothness, are the only alterations to be noticed in the skin covering the enlarged joint. The shining smoothness seems attributable to the distension, which obUterates the natural furrows and wrinkles of the cutis. When the joint is thus swollen, the integuments cannot be pinched up into a fold, as they could in the state of health, and even in the beginning ofthe disease. As the distemper of the articulation advances, collections of matter form about the part, and at length burst. The ulcerated openings sometimes heal up; but such abscesses are generaUy foUowed by other collections, which pursue the same course. In some cases, these abscesses form a few months after the first affection of the joint; on other occasions, several years elapse, and no suppuration of this kind makes its appearance. Such terrible local mischief must necessarily produce constitutional disturbance. The patient's health becomes gradually impaired; he loses both his appetite and natural rest and sleep ; his pulse is small and frequent; and obstinate debili- tating diarrhoea and profuse nocturnal sweats ensue. Such complaints are sooner or later fol- lowed by dissolution, unless the constitution be reUeved in time, either by the amendment or re- moval ofthe diseased part. In different patients, however, the course of the disease, and its ef- fects upon the system, vary very much in relation to the rapidity with which they occur. Rheumatic white-swellings are very distinct diseases from the scrophulous distemper of large joints. In the first, the pain is said never to oc- cur without being attended with swelUng. Scro- phulous white-swellings, on the other hand, are always preceded by a pain, which is particularly confined to one point of the articulation. In rheumatic cases, the pain is more general, and diffused over the whole joint. With respect to the particular causes of aU such white-swellings as come within the class of rheumatic ones, Uttle is known. External irrita- tion, either by exposure to damp or cold, or by the application of violence, is often concerned in bringing on the disease ; but very frequently no cause of this kind can be assigned for the com- plaint. As for scrophulous white-swellings, there can be no doubt that they are under the influence of a particular kind of constitution, termed a scrophulous or strumous habit. In this sort of temperament, every cause capable of exciting in- flammation, or any morbid and irritable state of a large joint, may bring such disorder as may end in the severe disease of which we are now speaking. In a man of a sound constitution, an irritation of the kind alluded to might only induce common healthy inflammation of the affected joint. In scrophulous habits, it also .seems probable that the irritation of a joint is much more easily produced than in the other constitutions ; and no one can doubt that, when once excited in scro- phulous habits, it is much more dangerous and difficult of removal than in other patients. HYDATID. (Hydafos; from votap, water.) 1. A very singular animal,/ormed like a bladder, and distended with an aqueous fluid. These ani- mals are sometimes formed in the natural cavities of the body, as the abdomen and ventricles of the brain, but more frequently in the liver, kidney, and lungs, where they produce diseased actions of those viscera. Cullen arrawres these affections 4W in the class Locales, and order Tumoret. If the vires naturre medicatrices are not sufficient to effect a cure, the patient mostly falls a sacrifice to their ravages. Dr. Baillie gives the followint; interesting account of the hydatids, as they are sometimes found in the liver:—' There is no gland in the human body in which hydatids are so frequently found as the liver, except the kidneys, where they are still more common. Hy- datids of the liver are usually found in a cyst, which is frequently of considerable size, and is formed of tfery firm materials, so as to give to the touch almost the feeling of cartilage. This cyst, when cut into, is obviously laminated, and is much thicker in one liver than another. In some Uvers it is not thicker than a shilling, and in others it is near a quarter ofan inch in thick- ness. The lamina; which compose it are formed of a white matter, and on the inside there is a lining of a" pulpy substance, like the coagulable lymph. The cavity ofthe cyst, Lhave seen, in one instance, subdivided by a partition of this pulpy substance. In a cyst may be found one hydatid, or a greater number of them. They lie loose in the cavity, swimming in a fluid; or some of them are attached to the side of the cyst. They con- sist of a round bag, which is composed of a white, semi-opaque, pulpy matter, and contain a fluid capable of coagulation. Although the common colour of hydatids be white, yet 1 have occasion- ally seen some of a light amber colour. The bag of the hydatid consists of two laminre, and possesses a good deal of contractile power. In one hydatid this coat, or bag, is much thicker and more opaque than in another ; and even in the same hydatid, different parts of it will often differ in thickness. On the inside of an hydatid, smaller ones are sometimes found, which are commonly not larger than the heads of pins, but sometimes they are even larger in their size than a gooseberry. These are attached to the larger hydatid, either at scattered irregular dis- tances, or so as to form small clusters ; and they are also found floating loose in the liquor of the larger hydatids. Hydatids of the liver are often found unconnected with each other ; but some- times they have been said to enclose each other in a series, like pill-boxes. The most common situation of hydatids of the liver is in its sub- stance, and enclosed in a cyst; but they are oc- casionally attached to the outer surface of the liver, hanging from it, and occupying more or less of the general cavity of the abdomen. The origin and real nature ot these hydatids are not fully ascertained ; it is extremely probable, how- ever, that they are a sort of imperfect animal- cules. There is no doubt at all, that the hyda- tids in the Uvers of sheep are animalcules; they have been often seen to move when taken out of the liver and put into warm water ; and they re- tain this power of motion for a good many hours after a sheep has been killed. The analogy is great between hydatids in the liver of a sheep and those of the human subject. In both, they are con- tained in strong cysts, and in both they consist of the same white pulpy matter. There is undoubt- edly some difference between them in simpUcity of organization ; the hydatid in the human liver being a simple uniform bag, and the hydatid in that of a sheep having a neck and mouth appen- dant to the bag. This difference need be no con- siderable objection to the opinion,above stated. Life may be conceived to be attached to the most simple form of organization. In proof of this, hydatids have been found, in the brains of sheep, resembling almost exactly those in the human liver, and which have been seen to move, and tlitruure are certainly known to be animalcule*. The hydatids ofthe human liver, indeed have not, as far as I know, been found to move when taken out of the body and put inti warm water ; were rhii to have happened, no uncertainty would re- main. It is not difficult to see a good reason why there will hardly occnr any proper opportunity of ranking this experiment. Hydatids are not very often found in the liver, because it is not a very frequent disease there ; and the body is allowed to remain for so long a time after death before it is examined, that the hydatids must have lost their living principle, even if they were animalcules, and it appears even more difficult to account for their production, according to the common theory of generation, than for that of intestinal worms. We do not get rid of the difficulty by asserting, that the hydatids in the human liver are not h- vina; animals, because in sheep they arc certainly such, where the difficulty ofaccounting for their production is precisely the sani'.'." 2. The name of a tumour, the contents of which is a water-like fluid. HVDERCS. (From vicpos, ley-drops; from • cup, water.) An increased flow of urine. HY'DRAGOGUE. (Hydragogut; from ;,Su>p, water, and ay id, to drive out.) Medicines arc so termed which possess the property of increasing the secretions or excretions of the body so as to cause the removal of water from any of its cavi- ties, such as cathartics, &c. HYDRARGYRATIS. Of or belonging to mercury. HYDRARGYRUM. ('Yipapyvpos ; from vStop, water, and apyvpos, silver: so named from its having a resemblance to fluid silver.) Hydrargy- ria. The name in the London Pharmacopoeia, and other works, for mercury. See Mercury. Hydrargyrum pracipitatum album. White precipitated mercury. Calx hydrargyri alba. Take of oxymuriate of mercury, half a pound ; muriate of ammonia, four ounces ; solu- tion of subcarbonate of potassa, half a pint; dis- tilled water, four pints. First dissolve the mu- riate of ammonia, then the oxymuriate of mer- cury, in the distilled water, and add thereto the ' solution of subcarbonate of potassa. Wash the precipitated jKiwder until it becomes tasteless ; then dry it. It is only used externally, in the form of ointment, as an application in some cu- taneous affections. Hydrargyrum prniFiCATUM. Purified mer- rury. Argentum vivum purificatum. Take of mercury, by weight, six pounds • iron filings, a pound. Rub them together, and distil the mer- cury from an iron retort, by the application of heat to it. Purified quicksilver is somtimes ad- ministered in its metallic state, in doses of an ounce or more, in constipation of the bowels. Mtprarctrus acetatus. Mercuriut ace- tatut; Pilula h'eyseri. By this preparation of mercury, the celebrated Keyser acquired an im- mense fortune in curing the venereal disease. It i» nn acetate of mercury, and therefore termed hudrargyri acetas in the new chemical nomen^ clutiire. The dose is from three to five grains. Notwithstanding the encomium given to it by -omi',1t does not apper.r to be so efficacious as nome other preparations of merourv. llTDHARi.tniM ci-m crrta. Mercury with chalk. Mrrcuriut alkalizalus. Take of puri- fied incrriiiy, by weighi, three ounces ; prepared rhulk, five ounce". Rub them together, until the metallic globules disappear. This preparation is milder than any other mercurial except the snl- nliuri I, and does not so easily act upon the bow- '» it is therefore n«.-,| largelv by many practi- fi.' 11'»i' tioners, and possesses alterative properties in cutaneous and venereal complaints, in obstruc- tions of the viscera, or of the prostate gland, given in the dose of JJss to 39S» tw0 or tnree times a day. Htdp.argtrus phosphoratits. This re- medy ha; been observed to heal inveterate vene- real ulcers in a very short time, nay, in the course of a very few days, particularly those about tbe pudenda. In venereal inflammations of the eyes, chancres, rheumatisms, and chronic eruptions, it has proved of eminent service. Upon the whole, if used with necessary precau- tion, and in the hands of a judicious practitioner, it is a medicine mild and gentle in its operation. The cases in which it deserves the preference over other mercurial preparations, are these : in an inveterate stage of syphilis, particularly in persons of torpid insensible fibres; in cases of exostosis, as well as obstructions in the lym- phatic system ; in chronic complaints of the skin. The following is the formula. J^. Hy- drargyri phosphorati, gr. iv. Corticis cinnamo- rni in pulverem triti, gr. xiv. Sacchari ptirif. 3ss. Misce. The whole to be divided into eight equal parts, one of which is to be taken every morning and evening, unless salivation takes place, when it ought to be discontinued. Some patients, however, will bear from one to two grains of the phosphate of quicksilver, with- out inconvenience. HYDRARGYRUS PRECIPITATTJS CINEREt'S. This preparation is an oxide of mercury, and nearly the same with the hydrargyri oxydum cinereum of the London Pharmacopoeia. It is used as an alterative in cases of pains arising from an admixture of rheumatism with syphilis. It may be substituted for the hydrargyrus sulphura- tes ruber, in fumigating ozama, and venereal ulcerated sore throat, on account of its not yield- ing any vapour offensive to the patient. Hydrargyrus vitriolatus. Turpethum minerale; Mercurius emeticus flavut; Sulphas hydrargyri. Formerly this medicine was in more general use than in the present day. It is a very powerful and active alterative when given in small doses. Two grains act on the stomach so as to produce violent vomitings. It is recom- mended as an errhine in cases of amaurosis. In combination with antimony it acts powerfuUy on the skin. Hydrargyri nitrico-oxtdcm. Nilrico- oxydum hydrargyri; Hydrargyrus nitratus ruber; Mercurius corrosivus ruber; Mercu- riut pradpitatus corrosivus. Nitric oxide of mercury. Red precipitate. Take of purified mercury, by weight, three pounds: of nitric acid, by weight, a pound and a half: of distiUed water, two pints. Mix in a glass vessel, and boil the mixture in a sand bath, until the mercury be dissolved, the water also evaporated, and a white mass remain. Rub this into powder, and put it into another shallow vessel, then apply a mode- rate heat, and raise the fire gradually until red vapour shall cease to rise. This preparation is very extensively employed by surgnons as a sti- mulant and escharotic, but its extraordinary ac- tivity does not allow of its being given internally. Finely levigated and mixed with common cerates, it is an excellent apptication to indolent ulcers, especially those which remain after burns and scalds, and those in which the granulations arc indolent and flabby. It is also an excellent caus- tic application to chancres. Hydrargyri oxydum cinereum. Oxydum hydrargyri nigrum. The grey or black oxide of mercurv. It has received several names I UYD JElhiops per se; Pulvis mercurialis cinereut; Mercurius cinereus; Turpethum nigrum; Mercurius pracipitatus niger. Take of sub- muriate of mercury, an ounce; lime-water, a gallon. Boil the submuriate of mercury in the lime-water, constantly stirring, until a grey oxide of mercury is separated. Wash this with distil- led water, and then dry it. The dose from gr. ii. to x. There are four other preparations ot this oxide in high estimation : One made by rubbing mercury with mucilage of gum arabic. Plenk, of Vienna, has written a treatise on the superior efficacy of this medicine. It is very troublesome to make; and does not appear to possess more virtues than some other mercurial preparations. Another made by tritu- rating equal parts of sugar and mercury together. The third, composed of honey or tiquorice and purified mercury. The fourth is the blue mercu- rial ointment. All these preparations possess an- thelmintic, antisyphiUtic, alterative, sialagogue, and deobstruent virtues, and are exhibited in the cure of worms, syphilis, amenorrhcea, diseases of the skin, chronic diseases, obstructions of the viscera, &c. Hydrargyri oxydum nigrum. See Hy-- drargyri oxydum cinereum. Hydrargyri oxydum ruerum. Oxydum hydrargyri rubrum; Hydrargyrus calcinatus. Red oxide of mercury. Take of purified mer- cury, by weight, a pound. Pour the mercury into a glass mattrats, with a very narrow mouth and broad bottom. Apply a heat of 600° to this vessel, without stopping it, until the mercury has changed into red scales: then reduce these to a very fine powder. The whole process may pro- bably require an exposure of six weeks. This preparation of mercury is given with great ad- vantage in the cure of syphilis. Its action, how- ever, is such, when given alone, on the bowels, as to require the addition of opium, which totally prevents it. It is also given in conjunction with opium and camphire, as a diaphoretic, in chronic pains and diseases of long continuance. It is given as an alterative and diaphoretic from gr. ss. to ii. every night, joined with camphor and opium, each gr. one-fourth or one-half. It is violently emetic, and cathartic in the dose of gr. iv. to gr. v. Hydrargyri oxymcrias. Oxymurias hy- drargyri; Hydrargyrus muriatus. Oxymuriate of mercury. Take of purified mercury by weight two pounds, sulphuric acid by weight thirty ounces, dried muriate of soda four pounds. Boil the mercury with the sulphuric acid in a glass vessel until the sulphate of mercury shall be left dry. Rub this, when it is cold, with the muriate of soda in an earthen-ware mortar ; then sublime it in a glass cucurbit, increasing the heat gradually. An extremely acrid and violently poisonous preparation. Given internally in small doses properly di- luted, and never in the form of pill, it possesses antisyphiUtic and alterative virtues. Externally, applied in form of lotion, it facilitates the healing ofvenereal sores, and cures the itch. In gargles for venereal ulcers in the throat, the oxymuriate of mercury gr. iii. or iv., barley decoction fly., honey of roses ^jj., proves very serviceable; also in cases of tetters, from gr. v. to gr. x. in water Jfcj.; and for films and ulcerations of the cornea, gr. i. to water ?iv. Mr. Pearson remarks, that " when the subli- mate is given to cure the primary symptoms of syphiUs, it will sometimes succeed; more espe- cially, when it produces a considerable degree of soreness of the gums, and the common specific 450 UYD effects ol mercury in the animal system. Hutu will often fail of removing even a recent chancre; and where that symptom has vanished during the administration of corrosive sublimate, I have known, says he, a three month's course of that medicine fail of securing the patient from a con- stitutional affection. The result of my observa- tion is, that simple mercury, calomel or calcined mercury, are preparations more to be confided in for the cure of primary symptoms, than corrosive sublimate. The latter will often check the pro- gress of secondary symptoms very conveniently and I think it is peculiarly efficacious in relieving venereal pains, in healing ulcers of the throat", and in promoting the desquamation of eniptinu-. Yet even in these cases it never confers perma- nent benefit; for new symptoms will appear du- ring the use of it; and on many occasions it will fail of affording the least advantage to the pa- tient from first to last. I do, sometimes, indeed, employ this preparation in venereal cases; but it is either at the beginning of a mercurial course, I to bring the constitution under the influence of m mercury at an early period, or during a course of M inunction, with the intention of increasing the 9 action of simple mercury. I sometimes also ! prescribe it after the conclusion of a course of friction, to support the mercurial influence in the habit, in order to guard against the danger of a relapse. But on no occasion whatever, do I think it safe to confide in this preparation singly and uncombined for the cure of any truly vene- real symptoms." A solution oP it is ordered in the pharmaco- poeia, termed Liquor hydrargyri oxymuriatit. Solution of oxymuriate of mercury. Take of oxymuriate of mercury, eight grains; distilled -^ water, fifteen fluid ounces ; rectified spirit, a fluid ounce. Dissolve the oxymuriate of mercury in the water, and add the spirit. ,, This solution is directed in order to facilitate the administration of divisions of the grain of this active medicine. Half an ounce of it con* • tains one-fourth of a grain of the salt. The dost \ is from one drachm to half an ounce. Hydrargyri submurivs. Submuriat hy- drargyri. Submuriate of mercury. Calomelat. Calomel. Take of oxymuriate of mercury, a pound ; purified mercury, by weight, nine ounces. Rub them together until the metaltic globules dis* appear, then sublime; take out the sublimed mass, and reduce it to powder, and sublime it in the same manner twice more successively. Last- ly, bring it into the state of very fine powder by the same process which has been directed for the preparation of chalk. Submuriate, or mild mu- riate of mercury, is one of the most useful prepa- rations of mercury. As an anti-venereal it is given in the dose of a grain night and morning, its usual determination to the intestines being prevented, if necessary, by opium. It is the preparation which is perhaps most usually given in the other diseases in which mercury is em- ployed, as in affections of the liver, or neigh- bouring organs, in cutaneous diseases, chronic rheumatism, tetanus, hydrophobia? hydrocepha- lus, and febrile affections, especially those of warm climates. It is employed as a cathartic alone, in doses from v. to xii. grains, or to pro- mote the operation of other purgatives. Its an- thelmintic power is justly celebrated ; and it is perhaps superior to the other mercurials in assist- ing the operation of diuretics in dropsy. Froin its specific gravity it ought always to be given is the form of a bolus or pill. Hydrargyri sulphuretum nigrum. Hy- drargyrus cum mlphnre. -Kthiop's r.iineral' HYfJ HYD lake of purified mercury, sublimed sulphur, each a pound, by weight. Rub them together till the metallic globules disappear. Some suppose that the mercury is oxidized in this process, but that ii not confirmed by the best experiments. The mercury, by this admixture of the sulphur, is de- prived of ite salivating power, and may be admi- nistered with safety to all ages and constitutions, as an anthelmintic and alterative. Hydrargyrisulphuretum rubrum. Red -ulphuretof mercury. Hydrargyrus tulphura- tut ruber; Minium purum; Minium Graco- :um; Magnet epilepsia ; Atzemafor; Amnion; Azamar. Vitruvius calls it anthrax. A red mineral substance composed of mercury combined with sulphur. It is either native or factitious. The native is an ore of quicksilver moderately compact, and of an elegant striated red colour. It is found in the dutehy of Deuxponts, in the Palatinate, in Spain, South America, &c. It is called native vermilion, and cinnabar in flowers. The factitious is thus prepared : " Take of puri- fied mercury, by weight, forty ounces ; sublimed sulphur, eight ounces. Having melted the sul- phur over the fire, mix in the mercury, and as ooon as the mass begins to swell, remove the ves- sel from the fire, and cover it with considerable force to prevent inflammation ; then rub the mass into powder and sublime." This preparation is esteemed a mild mercurial alterative, and given to children in small doses. Hoffman greatly re- commends it as a sedative und antispasmodic. Others deny that cinnabar, taken internally, has any medicinal quality; and their opinion is grounded on the insolubility of it in any men- struum. In surgery its chief and almost only use is in tbe administration of quicksilver by fumiga- tion. Thus employed it has proved extremely serviceable in venereal cases. Ulcers and ex- crescences about the pudendum and anus in women, are particularly benefited by it ; and in these cases it is most conveniently applied by placing a red hot heater at the bottom of a night stool-pan, and after sprinkling on it a few grains of the red sulphuret of quicksilver, placing the patient on the stool. To fumigate ulcers in the throat, it is necessary to rei-e i\ e the fumes on the part affected, through the tulie of a funnel. By enclosing the patient naked in a box, it has on Mini- occasions been contrived to fumigate the whole body at once, and in this way the specific powers of the quicksilier have been very rapidly < veiled. This mode of curing the lues venerea is spoken oi as confirmed; and the subject has of late \ euri been revived in a treatise by Sabonette, and l>v trials made in Bartholomew's hospital. Mr. Pearsem, from his experiments on mercu- rial fumigation, couclules, that where checking the progress of the disease suddenly is an object •f great moment, and where the body is covered with ulcers or large and numerous eruptions, and in general to ulcers, fungi, and excrescences, the vapour of mercury is an application ol great effi- rary and utility ; but that it is apt to induce a ptyalitm rapidly, and great consequent debility, and that for the purpose of securing the constitu- tion sg.uiist a relapse, as en at a quantity of mer- cury must be introduced into the system, by in- unction, as if no fumigation had beeu employed. HYDRATE. Hydroxure. Hydro-oxide. A eompouud of oxygen, in a 'definite proportion, with water. HYDREL.F. I'M. (From viup, water, and r^io*. oil.) A mixture of oil and water. nv'DRFM I ROCF.7 r (From u'-r. water, ttlipot, an intestine, and kvXii, a tumour.) A hydrocele, or dropsy of the scrotum, attended with a rupture. HYDRIODATE. A salt consisting ofthe hy- driodic acid, combined in a definite proportion with an oxide. HYDRIODIC ACID. Acidum hydriodicum. A gaseous acid in its insulated state. "If four parts of iodine be mixed with one of phosphorus, in a small glass retort, applying a gentle heat, and adding a few drops of water from time to time, a gas comes over, which must be received in the mercurial bath. Its specific gravity is 4.4 ; 100 cubic inches, therefore, weigh 134.2 grs. It is elastic and invisible, but has a smell somewhat similar to that of muriatic acid. Mercury after some time decomposes it, seizing its iodine, and leaving its hydrogen, equal to one-half the original bulk, at liberty. Chlorine, on the other hand, unites to its hydrogen, and precipitates the iodine. From these experiments, it evidently consists of vapour of iodine and hydrogen, which combine in equal volumes, without change of their primitive bulk. Hydriodic acid is partly decomposed at a red-heat, and the decomposition is complete if it be mixed with oxygen. Water is formed, and iodine separated. We can easily obtain an aqueous hydriodic acid very economically, by passing sulphuretted hydrogen gas through a mixture of water and iodine in a Woolfe's bottle. On heating the liquid obtained, the excess of sulphur flies off, and leaves liquid hydriodic acid. At temperatures below 262°, it parts with its water; and becomes of a density=1.7. At 262" the acid distils over. When exposed to the air, it is speedily decom- ■ posed, and iodine is evolved. Concentrated sul- phuric and nitric acids also decompose it. When poured into a saline solution of lead, it throws down a fine orange precipitate. With solution of peroxide of mercury, it gives a red precipitate; and with that of silver, a white precipitate inso- luble in ammonia. Hydriodic acid may also be formed, by passing hydrogen over iodine at an el- evated temperature. The comjiounds of hydriodic acid with the sal- ifiable bases may be easily formed, either by di- rect combination, or by acting on the basis, in water, with iodine. The latter mode is most economical. Upon a determinate quantity of io- dine, pour solution of potassa or soda, till the li- quid ceases to. be coloured. Evaporate to dryness, and digest the dry salt in alkohol of the specific rravity 0.810, or 0.820. As the iodate is not so- luble in this liquid, while the hydriodate is very soluble, the two salts easily separate from each other. After having washed the iodate two or three times with alkohol, dissolve it in water, and neutralize it with acetic acid. Evaporate to dry- ness, and digest the dry salt in alcohol, to remove the acetate. After two or three washings, the iodate is pure. As for the alkohol containing the hydnodite, distil it off, and then complete the neutralir ition ofthe po assa, by means of a little hydriodic acid separately obtained. Sulphurous and muriatic acids, as well as sulphuretted hydro- gen, produce no change on the hydriodates, at the usual temperature ot the air. Chlorine, nitric acid, and concentrated sulphu- ric, instantly decompose them, and separate the, iodine. . With solution of silver, they give a white pre- cipitate insoluble in ammonia; with the pernitrate of mercury, a greenish-yeUow precipitate ; with corrosive sublimate, a precipitate of a fine orang*- red. vcrv soluble in an exec-* of bydjwdate; and 11 YD H YD «-itta nitrate of lead, a precipitate of au urange- yellow colour. They dissolve iodine, and ac- quire a deep reddish brown colour. Hydriodate of potassa, or in the dry state, iodide of potassium, yields crystals like sea-salt, which melt and sublime at a red heat. This salt is not changed by being heated in contact with air. 100 parts of water at 64°, dissolve 143 of it. It consists of 15.5 iodine, and 5 potassium. Hydriodate of soda, called in the dry state iodide of sodium, may be obtained in pretty large flat rhomboidal prisms. It consists, when dry, of 15.5iodine+3 sodium. Hydriodate of barytes crystallises in fine prisms, similar to muriate of strontites. In its dry state, it consists of 15.5 iodine -\ 8.75 barium. The hydriodates of lime and strontites are very soluble ; aud the first exceedingly deliquescent. Hydriodate of ammonia results from the com- bination of equal volumes of ammoniacal and hy- driodic gases; though it is usually prepared by saturating the liquid acid with ammonia. It is nearly as volatile as sal ammoniac; but it is more soluble and more deliquescent. It crystaltises in cubes. Hydriodate of magnesia is formed by uniting its constituents together ; it is deUquescent, and crystallises with difficulty.—It is decomposed by a strong heat. Hydriodate of zinc is easily obtained, by put- ting iodine into water with an excess of zinc, and favouring their action by heat. When dried it becomes an iodide. All the hydriodates have the property of dis- solving abundance of iodine: and thence they ac- quire a deep reddish-brown colour. They part with it on boiling, or when exposed to the air after being dried, ' HYDRO-CHLORIC ACID. Muriatic acid ; a compound of chlorine and hydrogen. See Mu- riatic arid. HYDRO-CYANIC ACID. See Prussic acid. HYDRO-FLUORIC ACID. Acidum hydro- fluoricum. This is procured by distilling, in lead or silver, a mixture of one part ofthe purest fluor spar, in fine powder, with two of sulphuric acid. The heat required is not considerable ; sulphate of lime remains in the retort, and a highly acrid and corrosive liquid passes over, which requires the assistance of ice for its condensation. HYDRO-SL'LPHURIC ACID. The aqueous solution of sulphuretted hydrogen, is so called by Gay Lussac. HYDRO-SULPHUROUS ACID. When three volumes of sulphuretted hydrogen gas and two of sulphurous acid gas, both dry, are mixed together over mercury, they are condensed into a solid orange yellow body, which Dr. Thompson calls hydro-sulphurous acid. HYDRO'A. (From oSwp, water.) A watery pustule. HYDROCARBONATE. See Caiburctted hydrogen gas. HYDROCA'RDIA. (From vSoip, water, and Kapiia, the heart.) Hydrocordis. Hydrops per- icardii. Dropsy of the heart. Dropsy of the pericardium. A coUection of fluid in the peri- cardium, which may be either coagulable lymph, serum, or a puriform fluid. It produces symptoms similar to those of hydrothorax, with violent pal- pitation of the heart, and mostly an intermittent pulse. It is incurable. HYDROCE'LE. (From vSup, water, and KrjXtj, a tumour.) The term hydrocele, used in a literal sense, means any tumour produced by Water • but surgeons have always confined it to 492 those which possess either the membranes of the scrotum, or the coats ofthe testicle and its vessels. The first of these, viz. that which has its seat in the membranes of the scrotum, anasarca integu- mentorum, is common to the whole bag, and to all the cellular substance which loosely envelopes both the testes. It is, strictly speaking, only a symptom of a disease, in which the whole habit is most frequently more or less concerned, and very seldom affects the part only. The latter, or that which occupies the coats immediately investing the testicle and its vessels, hydrocele tunic* va- ginalis, is absolutely local, very seldom affects the common membrane of the scrotum, generally attacks one side only ; and is frequently found in persons who are perfectly free from aU other com- plaints. The anasarca integumentorum retains the im- ression of the finger. The vaginal hydrocele as an undulating feel. The hydrocele ofthe tunica vaginalis testis is a morbid accumulation of the water separated on the internal surface of the tunica vaginalis, to moisten or lubricate the testicle. From its first appearance, it seldom disappears or diminishes, but, generally continues to in- crease, sometimes rapidly, at others more slow- ly. In some it grows to a painful degree of dis. tension in a few months: in others, it continues many years with little disturbance. As it en- larges, it becomes more tense, and is sometimes transparent; so that if a candle is held on the opposite side, a degree of light is perceived through the whole tumour; but the only certain distinction is the fluctuation, which is not found when the disease is a hernia of the omentum, or intestines, or an inflammatory or a scirrhous tu- mour of the testicle. Hydrocele cystata. Encysted hydrocele of the spermatic cord resembles the common hy- drocele ; but the tumour does not extend to tbe testicle, which may be felt below or behind it, while, in the hydrocele of the vaginal coat, when large, the testicle cannot be discovered. In this disease also, the penis is not buried in the tumour. Sometimes the fluid is contained in two distinct cells; and this is discovered by little contraction.* in it. It is distinguished from the anasarcous hy- drocele by a sensible fluctuation, and the want of the inelastic pitting-; from hernia, by its begin- ning below, from "its not receding in an horizon- tal position, and not enlarging by coughing and sneezing. HyDROCELE funiculi sfermatici, or hy- drocele of the spermatic cord. Anasarcous hy- drocele of the spermatic cord sometimes accom- panies ascites, and, at other times, it is found tu be confined to the cellular substance, in or about the spermatic cord. The causes of this disease may be obstructions in the lymphatics, leading from the part, in consequence of scirrhous affec- tions ofthe abdominal viscera, or the pressured a truss applied for the cure of hernia. When the affection is connected with anasarca in other parts, it is then so evident as to require no particular description. When it is local, it is attended with a colourless tumour in the course of the spermatic cord, soft and inelastic to the touch, and unaccompanied with fluctuation. In an erect position of the body it is of an oblong figure: but when the body is recumbent, it is flatter, and somewhat round. Generally it is no longer than the part of the cord which lies in the groin; though sometimes it extends as far as the testicle, and even stretches the scrotum to an uncommon size. By pressure a great part of the swelling II YD *u always lie made to recede into the abdomen. It instantly, however, returns to its former situa- tion on the pressure being withdrawn. HTDaocELE peritonei. The common dropsy of the belly. Uidrocelx spinalis. A watery swelling on the vertebra;. HYDROCEPHALUS. (From vS*p, water, and KttpaXri, the head.) Hydrocephalum; Hy- drocephalus. Dropsy of the brain. Dropsy ol the head. A genus of disease arranged by Cul- len, in the class Cachexia, and order Inlume>>- ctntia. It is distinguished by authors into ex- ternal and internal: 1. Hydrocephalus exlernut, is a collection of water between the membranes of the brain. 2. Hydrocephalus inlernut, is when a fluid is coUected in the ventricle* ofthe brain, producing dilatation of the pupils, apoplexy, &c. See Apoplexia. It is sometimes ol a chronic nature, when the water has been known to increase to au enormous quantity, effecting a diastasis of the bones of the head, and an absorption of the brain. Pain in ths head, particularly across the brow, stupor, dilatation of the pupils, nausea, vomiting, preternatural slowness of the pulse, and convul- sions, are the pathognomic symptoms of this dis- ease, which nave been laid down by the gene- rality of writers. Hydrocephalus is almost peculiar to children, being rarely known to extend beyond the age of twelve or fourteen ; and it seems more frequently 10 arise in tliose of a scrophulous and rickctty habit than in others. It is an affection which has been observed to pervade families, affecting all or the greater part of the children at a certain period of their life ; which seems to show that, in many eases, it depends more on the general habit, than on any local affection, or accidental cause. The disease has generally been supposed to arise in consequence either of injuries done to the Iirain itself, by blows, falls, &c. from scirrhous tumours or excrescences within the skull, from original laxity or weakness iu the brain, or from general debUity and an impoverished state of the blood. With respect to its proximate cause, very op- posite opinions are still entertained by medical writer*, which, in conjunction with the equivocal nature of its symptoms, prove a source of consi- derable embarrassment to the young practitioner. Some believe it lo be inflammatory, and bleed largely. Dr. Withering observes, that in n great many eases, if not iu all, congestion, or slight inflam- mation, arc the pie-cursors to the aqueous accu- mulation. Dr. Rush thinks that, instead of its being con- sidered an idiopathic dropsy, it should he consi- dered only as an flit et ot a primary inflammation >>r congestion of blood in the brain. It appears, s:iys he, that the disease, in its first stage, is tlie effect of causes which produce a less degree of I bat inflammation whicli constitutes phreuitis ; and that its second stage is a less degree of that effusion which produces serous apoplexy in adults. The former partakes of tbe nature ofthe chronic inflammation of Dr. Cullen, and the as- thenic inflammation of Dr. Hrown.—There arc others again who view the subject in a very dif- K rent bent. Dr. Darwin supposes inactivity, or torpor ofthe absorbent vessels ofthe brain, to be i lie cause of hydrocephalus internus ; but be con- I'etti'i in another part of his woi k, that the torpor ofthe absorbent vessels may often exist as a se- condary ClleCt. Or. »Vbvtf. who has published an ingenious 11 YD treatise on the disease, observes, the immediate cause of every kind of dropsy is the same ; viz. such a state of the parts as makes the exhalent arteries throw out a greater quantity of fluids than the absorbents can take up. From what he af- terwards mentions, he evidently considers this state as consisting in debility. As many cases are accompanied with an in- creased or inflammatory action of the vessels of the brain, and others again are observed to pre- vail along with general anasarca, it seems rational to allow that hydrocephalus is, in some instances, the consequence of congestion, or slight inflam- mation in the brain; and that, in others, it arises either from general debility or topical laxity. In admitting these as incontrovertible facts, Dr. Tho- mas is, at the same time, induced to suppose that the cases of it occurring from mere debility are by no means frequent. The great analogy subsisting between the symptoms which are characteristic of inflamma- tion, and those which form the first stage of the acute species of hydrocephalus, (for the disease, as already observed, has been divided into the chronic and acute by some writers,) together with the good effects often consequent on blood- letting, and the inflammatory appearance which the blood frequently exhibits, seem to point out strong proof of the disease being, in most in- stances, an active inflammation, and that it rarely occurs from mere debility, as a primary cause. The progress of the disorder has, by some, been divided into three stages. When it is accompanied by an increased or inflammatory action of the brain, as not uncom- monly happens, its first stage is marked with many of the symptoms of pyrexia, such as lan- guor, inactivity, loss of appetite, nausea, vomit- ing, parched tongue, hot, dry skin, flushing ofthe face, headache, throbbing of the temporal arte- ries, and quickened pulse; which symptoms always suffer an exacerbation in the evening, but towards morning become milder. When it is unaccompanied by any inflammatory action of the brain, many of these appearances are not to be observed. In these cases, it is marked by a dejection of countenance, loss of ap- petite, pains over the eyes, soreness of the inte- guments of the cranium to the touch, propensity to the bed, aversion to being moved, nausea, and costiveness. The disease, at length, makes a re- markable transition, which denotes the com- mencement of its second stage. The child screams out, without beiu-* able to assign any cause ; its sleep is much disturbed ; there is a considerable dilatation of the pupils of the eyes, without any contraction on their being exposed to light; lethargic torpor, with strabismus, or per- haps double vision ensues, and the pulse becomes slow aud unequal. In the third stage, the pulse returns again to the febrile state, becoming uncommonly quick and variable; and coma, with convulsions, ensue. When the accumulation of water is very great, and the child young, the sutures recede a consi- derable way from each other, and the head, to- wards the end, becomes much enlarged. When recoveries have actually taken place in hydrocephalus, we ought probably to attribute more to the efforts of nature than to the inter- ference of art. It is always to be regarded as of difficult cure. An accumulation of water in the ventricles of the brain, is one of the most common appear- ances to be observed on dissection. In different cases, this is accumulated in greater or less quan- tities. It ;iomctitne« amounts only to a few I1YD HYD ounces, and occasionally to some pints. When ' the quantity of water is considerable, the fornix is raised at its anterior extremity, in consequence of its accumulation, and an immediate opening of communication is thereby formed between the lateral ventricles. The water is of a purer colour and more limpid than what is found in the dropsy of the thorax, or abdomen. It appears, however, to be generally ofthe same nature with the water that is accumulated in these cavities. In some instances, the water in hydrocephalus, contains a very small proportion of coagulable matter, and in others it is entirely free from it. When the water is accumulated to a very large quantity in the ventricles, the substance of the brain appears to be a sort of pulpy bag, con- taining a fluid. The skull, upon such occasions, is very much enlarged in size, and altered in its shape: and it appears exceedingly large in pro- ortion to the face. On removing the scalp, the ones are found to be very thin, and there are fre- quently broad spots of membrane in the bone. These appearances are, however, only to be ob- served where the disease has been of some years' continuance. In some cases, where the quantity of water col- lected is not great, the substance of the brain has appeared to be indurated, and in others softened. At times, the organ has been found gorged with blood ; collections also of a viscid tenacious mat- ter have been discovered in cysts, upon its exter- nal surface, and tumours have been found attached to its substance. The treatment must be prompt and active to give a tolerable chance of success. The general indications are, in the first stage, to lessen the in- flammatory action, afterwards to promote absorp- tion. Should the patient be about the age of pu- berty, of a plethoric habit, and the symptoms run high at the beginning, it will be proper to take some blood, especially from the temporal artery, or the jugular vein; hut, if younger, or the disease more advanced, a sufficient quantity may be withdrawn by leeches, applied to the tem- ples, or in the direction of the sutures The bow- els must then be thoroughly evacuated by some active cathartic, as they are usually very torpid, calomel with scammony, or jalap, for example; and, in tbe progress of the complaint, this func- tion must be kept up with some degree of activity. For this purpose, calomel may be given in di- vided doses, or some other mercurial preparation, which may not run off too rapidly, producing mere watery stools, but regularly clear out the bowels, as well as the liver, and promote the Other secretions. Besides, mercury is the most powerful remedy in rousing the absorbents, and some ofthe most remarkable cures of this disease, even at an advanced period, have been effected by it; whence it would be advisable, where the disease was proceeding rapidly, and particularly if the bowels were irritable, to use mercurial fric- tions, that the system might be sooner affected. ' Another very important step, after clearing the bowels, is to apply some evaporating lotion assid- uously to the scalp, previously shared ; and the antiphlogistic regimen should be steadily observ- ed. Diaphoretics will generally be proper, as- sisted by the warm bath; and diuretics, on some occasions, may be useful; but digitalis, which has been recommended on this ground, seems more likely to avail by lessening arterial action. Blisters ni ly be applied to the temples, behind the ears, 01; to the nape of the neck, each perhaps successive'iy: and dressed with savine cerate oc- casionally., to increase the discharge, and irritation pxternalfy-: issues appear not so likely to prove 49 I beneficial. Errhines may farther contribute tu obviate internal effusion. Electricity has been proposed to rouse the absorbents in the second stage; but its efficacy, and even propriety, is very doubtful. Should the progress of the cora- laint be fortunately arrested, the strength must e established by a nutritious diet, and tonic me- dicines ; taking care to keep the bowels in good order, and the head cool: an issue, under these circumstances, may be a very useful remedy. Hydrocephalus acutus. See Hydroce- phalus. Hydrocephalus externus. Waterbetwecn the brain and its membranes. Hydrscephalus internus. WTater in the ventricles of the brain. HYDROCO'TYLE. (From vSwp, water, and KolvXri, the cotula.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan -system. Class, Pentan- dria ; Order, Digynia. 2. The name, in some pharmacopoeias, for the common marsh or water cotula, or penny-wort, which is said to possess acrid qualities. Hydrocy'stis. (From vStop, water, and kv*is, a vesicle.) An encysted dropsy. HYDROGEN. (Hydrogenium; from vSup, water, and yivopai, to become, or ytwau, to pro- duce, because with oxygen it produces water.) Base of inflammable air. Hydrogen is a substance not perceptible to our sensations in a separate state ; but its existence is not at all the less certain. Though we cannot exhibit it experimentally uncombined, we can pursue it while it passes out of one combination into another; we cannot, indeed, arrest it on its passage, but we never fail to discover it, at least if we use the proper chemical means, when it presents itself to our notice in a new compound. Hydrogen, as its name expresses, is one of the constituent elements of water, from which it can alone be procured. Its existence was unknown till lately. It is plentifully distributed in nature, and acts a very considerable part in the processei of the animal and vegetable economy. It is one of the ingredients in the varieties of bitumen, oils, fat, ardent spirit, aether, and, in fact, all the proximate, component parts of animal and vege- table bodies. It forms a constituent part of all animal and vegetable acids. It is one of the constituents of ammonia and of various other compound gases. It possesses so great an affinity for caloric,. that it can only exist separately in the state of gas ; it is consequently impossible to procure it in the concrete or Uquid state, independent of combination. Solid hydrogen, therefore, united to caloric and light, forms hydrogen gas. Properties of Hydrogen Gas. This gas, which was formerly called inflamma- ble air, was discovered by Cavendish, in the year 1768, or rather he first obtained it in a state ot purity, and ascertained its more important pro- perties, though it had been noticed long before. The famous philosophical candle attests the anti- quity of this discovery. Hydrogen gas, like oxygen gas, is a triple compound, consisting of tbe ponderable base of hydrogen, caloric, and light. It possesses aU the mechanical properties of atmospheric air. It is the lightest substance whose weight we are able to estimate: when in its purest state, and free from moisture, it is about fourteen times lighter than atmospheric air. It is not fitted for respira- tion ; animals when obliged to breathe in it, die almost instantaneously. It is decomposed by living vccrctables, and its basis become" one ofthe U»D HYO constituents of oil, resin, &c. It is inflammable. and burns rapidly when kindled, in contact with atmospheric air or oxygen gat, by means ol the electric spsrk, or by an inflamed body ; and bums, when pure, with a yeUowish lambent flame: but sU burning substances are immediate- ly extinguished when immersed in it. It is, therefore, incapable of supporting combustion. Ft is not injurious to growing vegetables. It is unabtorbable by most substances: water absorbs it very sparingly. It is capable of dissolving car- bon, milphur, phosphorus, arsenic, and many other bodies. When its basis combines with that of oxygen gas, water is formed ; with nitrogen it forms ammonia. It does not act on earthy substances. Method of obtaining Hydrogen Gat.—A ready method of obtaining hydrog. n gas consists in sub|eciuig water to the action ol a substance which is capable ot decomposing this fluid. 1. For this purpose, let sulphuric acid, pre- viously diluted with four or five times its weight of water, be poured on iron filings, or bits of zinc, in a small retort, or gas-bottle, called a pneumatic flask, or proof ; as soon as the diluted acid comes in contact with the metal, a violent effervescence takes place, and hydrogen gas es- capes without external heat being applied. It may be collected in the usual manner over water, taking care to let a certain portion escape on ac- count of the atmospheric air contained in the dis- engaging vessels. The production of hydrogen gas in the above way is owing to the decomposition of water. The iron, or zinc, when in contact with this fluid, in conjunction with sulphuric acid, has a greater affinity to oxygen than the hydrogen has ; the oxygen, therefore, unites to it, and forms an oxide oi that metal which is instantly attacked and dissolved by the acid ; the other constituent part of the water, the hydrogen, is set free, which, by uniting with caloric, assumes the form of hydrogen gas. The oxygen is, therefore, the bona of union between the metal and the acid. The hissing noise, or effervi scence, observable during the process, is owing to the rapid motion excited in the mixture by means of the great number of air-bubbles quickly disengaged and breaking at the surface of the fluid. We see, also, in this case, that two substances exert an attraction, and are even capable of de- composing jointly a third, which neither of them i* able to do singly , viz. if we present sulphuric acid alone, or iron or zinc alon£, to water, they cannot detach the oxygen from the hydrogen of that fluid: but, if both are applied, a decompo- sition is instantly effected. This experiment, therefore, proves that the agency of chemical affinity between two or more bodies may lie dormai.t, until it is called into action by the inter- position of another body, which frequently exerts no energy upon any ol them in a separate state. Instances of this kind were formerly called pre- disponing affinitiet. 2. Iron, in a red heat, has also the property of decomposing wafer, by dislodging the oxygen from its combination with hydrogen, in the fol- lowing manner .— \a-X a gun-barrel, having its touch-hole screwed up, pass through a furnace, or large crucible per- l r.ted for that purpose, taking care to incline the barrel at the narrowest part ; adjust to its upper . Miemity a retort charged with water, and let Ihe other extremity teiniin ite in a tube intro- duced under a receiver in the'pneumatic trour,h. When the apparatus <» thus disposed, and well lutetl, bring ihe sun-barrel to a red heat, nr.d, when thoroughly red-hot, make the water in trie retort boil; the vapour, when passing thiough the red-hot tube, will yield hydrogen gas abun- dantly. In this experiment, the oxygen of the water combines with the iron at a red heat, so as to convert it into an oxide, and the caloric applied combines with tbe hydrogen of the water, and forms hydrogen gas. It is, therefore, the result of a double affinity, that of the oxygen of the water for the metal, and that of its hydrogen for caloric. The more caloric is employed in the experiment of decomposing water by means of iron, &c. the sooner is the water decomposed. Hydrogen gas combined with carbon, is fre- quently found in great abundance in mines and coal-pits, where it is sometimes generated sudden- ly, and becomes mixed with the atmospheric air of these subterraneous cavities. If a lighted candle be brought in, this mixture often explodes, and produces the most dreadful effects. It is called, by miners, fire damp. It generaUy forms a cloud in the upper part of the mine, on account ol its levity, but does not mix there with atmos- pheric air, unless some agitation takes place. The miners frequently set fire to it with a candle, lying at the same time flat on their faces to escape the violence of the shock. An easier and more safe method of clearing the mine, is by leading a long tube through tbe shaft of it, to the ash-pit of a furnace ; by this means the gas wdl be con- ducted to feed the fire. Sir Humphrey Davy has invented a valuable instrument, called a tafety lamp, which will enable the miners to convey a light into such im- pure air without risk. This is founded on the im- portant discovery, made by him, that flame is in- capable of passing through minute apertures in a metalhc substance, which yet are pervious to air : the reason of which appears to be, that the ignited gas, or vapour, is so much cooled by the metal in its passage, as to cease being luminous. Hydrogen gas, in whatever manner produced, alwayt originates from water, either in conse- quence of a preceding decomposition, by which it had been combined in the state of solid or fixed hydrogen, with one of the substances employed, or from a decomposition of water actually taking place during the experiment. There are instances recorded of a vapour issuing from the stomach of dead persons, which took fire on the approach of a candle. We even find accounts, in several works, of the combustion of living human beings, which appeared to be spon- taneous. Dr. Swcdiaur has related some in- stances of porters at Warsaw, who having drank abundantly of spirit, fell down in the street, with (he smoke issuing out of their mouths ; and peo- ple came to their assistance, saying they would take fire ; to prevent which, they made them 4rink a great quantily of milk, or used a more singular expedient, by causing them to swallow the urine of the bystanders, immediately on its evacuation. However difficult it may be to give credit to such narratives, it is equally difficult to reject them entirely, without refusing to admit the nu- merous testimonies of men, who were, for the most part, worthy of credit. Citizen Lair has collected all the circumstances of this nature which he found dispersed in different books, and has rejected those which did not appear to be sup- ported by respectable testimony, to which he has added some others related by persons still tiring. These narratives arc nine in number; they were coiniiiiinicated to the Philomathic Society, al Paris, and inserted in the* bulletin, Therniidor, 11 YD HYP An. 5, No. 29. The cause of this phenomenon" has' been attributed to a development of hydro- gen gas taking place in the stomachs of these in- dividuals. Lair believes that the bodies of these people were not burned perfectly spontaneously, but it appeared to be owing to some very slight ex- ternal cause, such as the fire of a candle, taper, or pipe. Hydrogen gas, seleniuretted. This gas is colourless. It reddens litmus. Its density has not been determined by experiment. Its smell resembles, at first, that of sulphuretted hydrogen gas ; but the sensation soon changes, and another succeeds, which is at once pungent, astringent, and painful. The eyes become almost instantly red and inflamed, and the sense of smelling en- tirely disappears. A bubble of the size of a little pea is sufficient to produce these effects. Of all the bodies derived from the inorganic kingdom, seleniuretted hydrogen is that which exercises the strongest action on the animal economy. Water dissolves this gas ; but in what proportions is not known. This solution disturbs almost all the metallic solutions, producing black or brown precipitates, which assume, on rubbing with po- lished haematites, a metallic lustre. Zinc, man- ganese, and cerium, form exceptions. They yield flesh-coloured precipitates, which appear to be hydro-seleniurets of the oxides, whilst the others, for the most part, are merely metallic seleniurets. Hydrogen, sulphuretted. Sulphuretted hydrogen gas possesses the properties of an acid; for when absorbed by water, its solution reddens vegetable blues ; it combines also with alkalies, earths, and with several metallic oxides. Sul- phuretted hydrogen combined with any base, forms a hydro-tulphuret, which may be also called a hepatule, to distinguish it from an hepar, which is the union of sulphur singly with a base. Sulphuretted hydrogen gas possesses an extreme- ly offensive odour, resembling that of putrid eggs. It kills animals, and extinguishes burning bodies. When in contact with oxygen gas, or atmospheric air, it is inflammable. Al ingled with nitrous gas, it burns with a yellowish green flame. It is de- composed by ammonia, by oxy-muriatic acid gas, and by sulphurous acid gas.' It has a strong ac- tion on the greater number of metalhc oxides. Its specific gravity is about 1.18 when pure. It is composed, according to Thomson, of sixteen parts of sulphur, and one of hydrogen. It has the property of dissolving a smaU quantity of phosphorus. Sulphuretted hydrogen gas may be obtained in several ways:— I. Take dry sulphuret of potassa, put it into a tubulated retort, lodged in a sand-bath, rir sup- ported over a lamp ; direct the neck of the retort under a receiver placed in the pneumatic trough; then pour gradually upon the sulphuret diluted sulphuric, or muriatic acid ; a violent efferves- cence will take place, and sulphuretted hydrogen gaS will be liberated. When no more gas is pro- . t» duced spontaneously, urge the mixture with heat, Jk by degrees, till it boils, and gas will ag?in be liberated abundantly. The water made use of for receiving it, should be heated to about 80° or 90°; at this temperature it dissolves little of the gas: whereas, if cold water be made use of, a much greater quantity of it is absorbed. " Explanation.—Though sulphur makes no al- teration on water, which proves that sulphur has less attraction for oxygen than hydrogen has, yet if sulphur be united to an alkali, this combination deconiposes'water whenever it refmes in contact 496 with it, though the alkali itself has no attracuoe either for oxygen or hydrogen. The formation of this gas explains this truth. On adding the sulphuret of potassa to the water, this fluid becomes decomposed, part of the sul- phur robs it of its oxygen ; and forms with it sulphuric acid ; this generated acid unites to part of the alkali, and forms sulphate of potassa. The liberated hydrogen dissolves another part of the sulphur, and forms with it sulphuretted hy- drogen, the basis of this gas, which is retained by the separated portion of the alkali. The sul- phuric or muriatic acid added now extricates it from the alkali, and makes it fly off in the form of gas. Diluted muriatic acid seems best adapted for the production of sulphuretted hydrogen gas from alkaline sulphurets. If nitric acid be made use of it must be much diluted. Sulphuric acid yields little gas, unless assisted by heat. When the proportion of sulphur in the sulphuret exceeds that of the alkali, the dense sulphuric acid pour- ed upon it emits sulphurous acid gas. All the rest of the acids may be made use of for decom- posing the sulphurets. 2. When iron and sulphur are united together, they afford a large quantity of sulphuretted hy- drogen gas, on submitting them to the action of heat, in contact with diluted muriatic acid. Melt together, in a crucible, equal parts of iron fih'hgs and sulphur ; the product is a black brittle mass, called sulphuret of iron. Reduce this to powder, and put it, with a little water, into a tu- bulated retort; add diluted muriatic acid, and apply a gentle heat, till no more gas is disen- gaged. The philosophy of this experiment ii analogous to the former. Part of the oxygen of the water unites to part of the sulphur, and forms sulphuric acid; another part oxydizes the iron, which, dissolved by the acid, forms sulphate of iron: the hydrogen of the water unites to another , part of the sulphur, and forms sulphuretted hy- drogen, which becomes gaseous by the addition of caloric. ^ 3. Sulphuretted hydrogen gas may also be ob- tained by heating an alkaline sulphuret, with the addition of water, without the aid of an acid. In this case, the water is also decomposed; its hydrogen unites with part of the sulphur, and forms sulphuretted hydrogen; the oxygen of the water unites with another part of the sulphur, and produces sulphuric acid, which joins to the alkali and forms a sulphate. The sulphuretted hydro- gen becomes disengaged by heat in the gaseous form. 4. Sulphuretted hydrogen gas may be obtained by passing hydrogen gas through sulphur, in a state of fusion. For this purpose, put sulphur into a gun-barrel, or Wedgwood's tube, and place it across a fur- nace ; fit to the lower extremity a bent glass tube, which goes under a receiver placed in the pneu- matic trough, and adapt to the upper extremity a tubulated retort, or other apparatus proper for producing hydrogen gas. The sulphur must then be heated, and, when melted, the hydrogen gas evolved must be made to pass over it, which, in this manner, will dissolve part of the sulphur, and become converted into sulphuretted hydrogen gas. 6. It may likewise be procured in the following direct manner: let a small quantity of sulphur be enclosed in a jar full of hydrogen gas, and melt it by means of a burning-glass. This me- thod docs not succeed except the hydrogen g»s be as- dry as possible, for its affinity to sulphur is w-ril.-ened in proportion to it« moisture. UVU ii I'D b. The method, however, wliich affords it parent, it by tn-sting sulphuret of antimony with diluted rmrriatic acid. The explanation is similar to the preceding process*. Hydrogen, carburetted. See Carburetted Hydrogen, percarburetted. Sec Carburetted hydrogen gat. Hydrogen, subcarburetted. Sec Carburetted hydrogen gat. Hydrogen, photphuretted. See Phosphorus. Hydrogen, tubpnoiphuretted. See Photpho- rut. Hydrogen gaz, heavy, carbonated. See Carlonated hydrogen gat. Hydrogen gaz, light, carbonated. S.-c Car- buretted hydrogen gat. HYDROGl RET. See Uret. Hydroguret of carbon. See Carburetted hy- drogen gat. HYDROLA'PATIIL'M. (From vfop, water, and XarraOov, the dock.) See Rumex hydrolapa- thum. HYDKO'MELI. (From vSwp, water, and (■rXi. honey.) Multum; Aqua Multa ; Meli- 11 alum; Braggat; Hydromel. Water impreg- nated with honey. After it is fermented, it is called vinous byaromel, or mead. HYDROTHtOMC ACID. Sec Sulphuret- ted hydrogen. HYDROMETER. (Hydrometer; fromvSup, water or fluid, and pcrpov, a measure.) The best method of weighing equal quantities of corrosive volatile fluids, to determine their specific gravi- ties, appears to consist in enclosing them in a bot- tle with a conical stopper, in the side of which stopper a fine mark is cut with a file. The fluid being poured into the bottle, it is easy to put in the stopper, because the redundant fluid escapes through the notch, or mark, and may be care- 1 fully wiped off. Equal bulks of water and other fluids are by this means weighed to a great degree of accuracy, care being taken to keep the tem- perature as equal as possible, by avoiding any contact of the bottle with the hand, or otherwise. The bottle itself shows with much precision, by a rise or fall of the liquid in the notch of the stop- per, whether any such change have taken place. The hydrometer of Fahrenheit consists of a hoUow baU, with a counterpoise below, and a very slender stem above, terminating in a small dish. The middle, or half length of the stem, is distinguished by a fine line across. In this in- strument every division of the stem is rejected, and it is immersed in aU experiments to the mid- dle of the stem, by placing proper weights in the little dish above. Then, as the part immersed is constantly of the same magnitude, and the whole weight of the hydrometer is known, this last 'weight added to the weights in the dish, wiU be equal to the weight of fluid displaced by the in- strument, as all writers on hydrostatics prove. Aud accordingly, the sp. gravities for the common form of the tables will be had by the proportion : As the whole weight of the hydrometer and its load, when adjusted in distilled water, 1» to the number 1000, &c. So is the whole weight when adjusted in any other fluid To the number expressing its specific gra- vity. The hydrometers, or pest-liqueurs, of Baume, though in reality comparable with each other, are subject in part to the defect, that their re- sult*, having no independent numerical measure, require cxpianatiem to tliove who do not know tbe 'nitrumenK HYDROME'TPA. (From >-.^, water, and prirpa, the womb.) Hydropt uteri. Dropsy ol the womb. A genus of disease in the class Ca~ Chexia, and order Intumescentia, of CuUen. It produces a sweUing of the hypogastric region, slowly and gradually increasing, resembling the figure of the uterus, yielding to, or fluctuating on pressure ; without ischury or pregnancy. San- vages enumerates seven species. It must be con- sidered as a very rare disease, and one that can with difficulty be ascertained. HYDRO'MPHALUM. (From vSu>p, water, and opipaXos, the navel.) A tumour of the navel containing water. Hydro'NOSOS. (From vSiap, water, and tioirof, a disease.) The sweating-sickness. SecEpAt- drosis. HYDRO-OXIDE. See Hydrate. HYDROPEDE'SIS. (From vSu>p, water, and xriSaui, to break out.) A breaking out into a vio- lent sweat. HYDROPHANE. Oculusmundi. A variety of opal, which has the property of becoming transparent on immersion in water. HYDROPHO'BIA. (From vSwp, water, and tpo&tto, to fear.) Rabies canina; Cynanthro- pia; Cynoleria. Canine madness. This dis- ease arises in consequence of the bite of a rabid animal, as a dog or cat, and sometimes sponta- neously. It is termed hydrophobia, because per- sons tnat are tbus bitten di-cad the sight or the falling of water when first seized. CuUen has arranged it under the class Neurotet, and order Spasmi, and defines it a loathing and great dread of drinking any Uquids, from their creating a painful convulsion of the pharynx, occasioned most commonly by the bite of a mad animal. There are two species of hydrophobia. 1. Hydrophobia rabiosa, when there is a de- sire of biting. 2. Hydrophobia simplex, when there is not a desire of biting. > Dr. James observes, that this pecufiar affection properly belongs to the canine genus, viz. dogs, foxes, and wolves; in which animals only it seems to be innate and natural, scarcely ever ap- pearing in any others, except when communi- cated from these. When a dog is affected with madness, he becomes duU, solitary, and endea- vours to hide himself, seldom barking, but making a murmuring noise, and refusing aU kinds of meat and drink. He flies at strangers; but in this stage, he remembers and respects his master: his head and tail hang down; he walks as if overpowered by sleep ; and a bite, at this period, though dangerous, is not so apt to bring on the disease in the animal bitten as one inflicted at a later period. The dog at length begins to pant; he breathes quickly and heavily ; his tongue hasjgs out; his mouth is continually open, and drscharges a large quanttty of froth. Sometimes he walks slowly, as if half asleep, and then runs suddenly, but not always directly forward. At last he forgets his master; his eyes have a dull, watery, red appearance ; he grows thin and weak, often falls down, gets up, and attempts to fly at every thing, becoming very soon quite furious. The animal seldom tives in this latter state longer than thirty hours; and it is said that hi- bites to- wards the end of his existence, are the most dan- gerous. The throat of a person suffering hydro phobia is always much affected; and, it is assert- ed, the nearer the bite to thus part the more perilous. Hydrophobia may be communicated to the hu- man subject from the bites of cats, cows, and other animals, not of the canine species, to which 4T IiYD HYD the affection has been previously communicated. However, it is from the bites of those domestic ones, the dog and cat, that most cases of hydro- phobia originate. It does not appear that the bite of a person affected can communicate the disease to another; at least the records of medi- cine furnish no proof of this circumstance. In the human species, the general symptoms attendant upon the bite of a mad dog, or other rabid animal, are, at some indefinite period, and occasionally long after the bitten part seems quite weU; a sUght pain begins to be felt in it, now and then attended with itching, but generally resem- bUng a rheumatic pain. Then come on wander- ing pains, with an uneasine'ss and heaviness, dis- turbed sleep, and frightful dreams, accompanied with great restlessness, sudden stortings, and spasms, sighing, anxiety, and a love for solitude. These symptoms continuing to increase daily, pains begin to shoot from the place which was wounded, all along up to the throat with a strait- ness and sensation of choking, and a horror and dread at the sight of water, and other liquids, to- gether with a loss of appetite and tremor. The person is, however, capable of swallowing any solid substance with tolerable ease; but the mo- ment that any thing in a fluid form is brought in contact with his lips, it occasions him to start back with much dread and horror, although he labours perhaps under great thirst at the time. A vomiting of bilious matter soon comes on, in the course of the disease, and an intense hot fever ensues, attended with continual watching, great thirst,' dryness and roughness of the tongue, hoarseness of the voice, and the discharge of a viscid sativa from the mouth, which the patient is constantly spitting out; together with spasms of the genital and urinary organs, in consequence of which the evacuations are forcibly thrown out. His respiration is laborious and uneasy, but his judgment is unaffected ; and, as long as he retains the power of speech, his answers are distinct. In some few instances, a severe detirium arises, and closes the tragic scene; but it more frequent- ly happens, that the pulse becomes tremulous and irregular, that convulsions arise, and that nature being at length exhausted, sinks under the pres- sure of misery. The appearances to be observed, on dissection in hydrophobia, are -unusual aridity of the vis- cera and other parts ; marks of inflammation in the fauces, gula, and larynx; inflammatory ap- pearances in the stomach, and an accumulation or effusion of blood in the lungs. Some marks of inflammation are likewise to be observed in the brain, consisting in a serous effusion on its surface, or in a redness of the pia mater ; which appearances have also presented themselves in the dog. In some cases of dissection, not the least mor- bid appearance has been observed, either in the fauces, diaphragm, stomach, or intestines. The poison has, therefore, been conceived by some physicians to act upon the nervous system, and to he so wholly confined to it, as to make it a matter of doubt whether the qualities of the blood are altered or not. There is no known cure for this terrible disease : and the only preventive to be relied upon is the complete excision of the bitten part, wliich should be performed as soon as possible ; though it may perhaps not be too late anv time before the symptoms appear. HYDROPHOSPHOROUS ACID. SeePAos- phorous acid. HYDROPHTHA'LMIA. (From vlup, wa- ter, and ok water, and oipOaXuos, the eye.) See Hydroph- thalmia. HYDROPHTORIC ACID. Acidum As- drophtoricum. (From vSup, water, and ^fl-i/iiot, destructive.) Ampere's name for the base ofthe fluoric acid, called by Davy fluorine. Sec Hy- dro-fluoric acid. . HYDROPHYSOCE'LE. (From ufoa, water, tpvc7i, flatulence, and KriXri, a tumour.) A swell- ing formed of water and air. It was applied to a hernia, in the sac of which was a fluid and air. HYDRO'PICA. (From ufyaiik the dropsy.) Medicines which relieve or cure dropsy. HYDRO'PIPER. (From vSwp, water, and vtirtpi, pepper: so called from its biting the tongue like pepper, and growing in marshy places.) See Polygonum hydropiper. HYDROPNEUMOSA'RCA. (From vSuh water, vvtvpa, wind, and aapl, flesh.) A tumour of air, water, and solid substances. HYDROPOPDES. (From vSpiatp, a dropsy, and ttSos, likeness.) Serous or watery, former- ly applied to liquid and watery excrements. HY'DROPS. {Hydrops, pis. ro. ; from urTcup, water.) Dropsy. A preternatural collection of serous or watery fluid in the cellular substance, or different cavities of the body. It receiw different appellations, according to tbe particular situation of the fluid. When it is diffused through the cellular mem- brane, either generally or partially, it is called anasarca. W hen it is deposited in the cavity of the cranium, it is called hydrocephalus; when in the chest, hydrothorax, or hydrops pectorit; when in the abdomen, ascites. In the utero*, hydrometra, and within the scrotum, hydrocele. The causes of these diseases are a family dis- position thereto, frequent salivations, excessive and long-continued evacuations, a frpe use of spirituous liquors, (which never fail td destroy the digestive powers,) scirrhosities of the liver, spleen, pancreas, mesentery, and other abdominal viscera; preceding diseases, as the jaundice, di- arrhoea, dysentery, phthisis, asthma, gout, inter- mittents of long duration, scarlet fever, and some of the exanthemata ; a suppression of accustom- ed evacuations, the sudden striking in of eruptive humours, ossification of the valves of the heart, polypi in the right ventricle, aneurism in the ar- teries, tumours making a considerable pressure on the neighbouring parts, permanent obstruction in the lungs, rupture of the thoracic duct, exposure for a length of time to a moist atmosphere, laxity of the exhalants, defect in the absorbents, topic- al weakness, and general debility. Hydrops articuli. A white swelling of a joint is sometimes -so called. Hydrops cysticus. A dropsy enclosed in a bag, or cyst. Hydrops genu. An accumulation of syno- via, or serum, within the capsular ligament o( the knee. Hydrops ad matulam. Diabetes. Hydrops medulla spinalis. See Hydro- rachitis and Spina bifida. Hydrops ovarii. A dropsy of the ovarium- See Ascites. Hydrops pectoris. See Hydrothorax. Hydrops pericardii. See Hydrocardia. Hydrops tulmonum. Water in the cellular interstices of the lungs. HYD Hi DROPS SCROTI. Sec Hydrocele. Humors UTERI. See Hydrometra. Htdropi'rktus. (From vSup, water, and ■npi;--., fe»cr.) A sweating fever. HYUKORACIU'TIS. (From vt»p, water, and p,iXn, fhf spine.) A fluctuating tumour, moftly fitustrd on the lumbar vertebrae of new- born children. It is a genus of disease in the <-hi* Cachexia, and order Intumetcentia, of Cullen, and is always incurable. See Spina bifida. IfroRORO'SATUM. A drink made of water, honey, and the juice of roses. HYDROSA'CCHARUM. (From iS.wp, wa- ter, and oiiKxapoi, sugar.) A drink made of sugar and water. HYDKOSA'HCv. (From iSup, water, and ./,.,", the flesh.) Si■< Anasarca. II VDROSARCOCE'LE. (Fromji^p, water, rnpl,, the flesh, and njAv, a tumour.) Sarcocele, with an effusion of water into the cellular mem- brane. HYDROSELENIC ACID. The best pro- cess which we can employ for procuring this acid, consists in treating the seleniuret of iron with the liquid muriatic acid. The acid gas evolved must be collected over mercury. As in Ibis case a little of another gas, coudcmiblc neither by water nor alkaline solutions, appears, the best substencc for obtaining absolutely pure hydroselcnic acid would be seleniuret of po- tassium. HYDROSELI'NI'M. (From CSmo, water, and ctXivov, purslane.) A species of purslane growing in marshy places. HYDROSULPHURET. Hydrosulphui etum. A ciimpound of sulphuretted hydrogen with a -alitiable basis. IlrDROSIII.PHURK'TDM STIBII LUTEUM. Sec Antimonii tulphuretum pracipitatum. Hydiiosolphurktiim stibii rubrum. Ker- met mineralis. A hydro-sulphuret of antimony formerly in high estimation as an expectorant, sudorific, aud antispasmodic, in difficult respira- tion, rheumatism, diseases of the skin and glands. HYDROTIIIONIC ACID. Some German chemists distinguish sulphuretted hydrogen by this name on account of its properties resembling (hose of an acid. HYDROTHO'RAX. (From i^.u,,, water, and '* j(ia(, the chest.) Hydiopithoracis; Hydrops pn-torit. Dropsy of the chest. A genus of dis- ease in the class Cachexia, and order Intumes- rentia, of Cullen. Difficulty of breathing, par- ticularly when in an horizontal posture ; Midden starting! from sleep, with anxiety, and palpita- tions of the heart ; cough, paleness of the visage, anasarcous swellings of tne lower extremities, Ihirit, slid a scarcity of urine, are the character- istii- symptoms of hydrothorax; but the one which is more decisive than all the rest, is a fluc- tuation of water being perceived in the chest, cither by the patient himself or his medical at- tendant, on certain motions ofthe body. The causes which give rise to the disease, arc pretty much the *ame with thoje which are pro- ductive of the other series of dropsy. In some cases-, it exists without any oilier kind of dropsical affection being present; but it prevails »ery often as a part of more universal dropsy. It frequently lakes place to a considerable de- gree baton- it becomes very perceptible; and its fireience is not readily known, the symptoms, ike those of hydrocephalus,not being always very distinct. In some instances, the water is collect- ed in both sacs ofthe pleura ; but at other times, ii I* only in on<\ Sometime* it is lodged in the HYD pericardium alone; but, for the most part, it <"dy appears there when, at tbe same time, a collec- tion is present in one or both cavities of the tho- rax. Sometimes the water is effused in the cel- lular texture of the lungs, without any being de- posited in the cavity of the thorax. In a few cases, the water that is coUected is enveloped in small cysts, of a membraneous nature, known by the name of hydatides, which seem to float in the cavity; but more frequently they are connected with, and attached to. particular parts of the in- ternal surface of the pleura. Hydrothorax often comes on with a sense of un- easiness at the lower end ofthe sternum, accom- panied by a difficulty of breathing which is much increased by any exertion, and which is always most considerable during night, when the body is in an horizontal posture. Along with these symptoms there is a cough, that is at first dry, but which, after a time, is attended with an expec- toration of thin mucus. There is Ukewise a pale- ness of the complexion, and an anasarcous swell- ing ofthe feet and legs, together with a considera- ble degree of thirst and a diminished flow of urine. Under these appearances, we have just grounds to suspect that there is a collection of water in the chest; but if the fluctuation can be perceived, there can then remain no doubt as to thereaUty of its presence. During the progress of the disease, it is no un- common thing for the patient to feel a numbness, or degree of palsy, in one or both arms, and to be more than ordinarily sensible to cold. With re- gard to the pulse, it is usually quick at first, but, towards the end, becomes irregular and inter- mitting. Our prognostic in hydrothorax must, in gene- ral, be unfavourable, as- it has seldom been cured, and, in many cases, will hardly admit even of alleviation, the difficulty of breathing continuing to increase, until the action of the lungs is at last entirely impeded by the quantity of water depos- ited in the chest. In some cases, the event is sud- denly fatal; but, in others, it is preceded, for a few days previous to death, by a spitting of blood. Dissections of this disease show that, in some cases, the water is cither collected in one side of the thorax, or that there are hydatides formed iu some particular part of it; but they more fre- quently discover water in both sides ofthe chest, accompanied by a collection in the cellular texture and principal cavities ofthe body. The fluid is usually of a yellowish colour; possesses proper- ties similar to serum, and, with respect to its quantity, varies very much, being from a few ounces to several quarts. According to the quan- . tity, so are the lungs compressed by it; and, where it is very considerable, they are usually found much reduced in size. When universal an- asarca has preceded the collection in the chest, it is no uncommon occurrence to find some ofthe abdominal viscera in a scirrhous state. The treatment of this disease must be conduct- ed on the same general plan as that of anasarca. Emetics, however, are hazardous, and purgatives do not afford so much benefit; but the bowels must be kept regular, and other evacuating rem- edies may be employed in conjunction with to- mes. Squill has been chiefly resorted to, as be- ing expectorant as well as diuretic ; but its power is usually not great, unless it be carried so far as to cause nausea, which cannot usuaUy be borne to any extent. Digitalis is more to be relied upon ? but it will be better to conjoin them, adding, per- haps, some form of mercury; and employing at the same time other diuretics, as the supertartrate or acetate of potassa, juniper berries, &c. Where H¥JNi HYM iebrile Symptoms attend, diaphoretics will proba- bly be especially serviceable, as the pulvis ipeca- cuanha; composites, orantimonials, in small doses; which last may also promote expectoration. Ulisters to the chest will be proper in many cases, particularly should there be any pain or other mark of inflammatory action. Myrrh seems to answer better than most other tonics, as more de- cidedly promoting expectoration ; or the nitric acid may be given, increasing the secretion of urine, as well as supporting the strength. The inhalation of oxygen gas is stated to have been in some instances singularly beneficial. Where the fluid is collected in either ofthe sacs ofthe pleura, the operation of paracentesis of the thorax may afford relic (under urgent symptoms, and, perhaps, contribute to the recovery of the patient. HYDROXURE. See Hydrate. HYDRURET. A compound of hydrogen with ametai See Uret. HYGEIA. Hygieia. The goddess of health. One,'*, the four daughters of Esculapius. She often accompanies her father in the monuments of him now remaining, and appears like a young woman, commonly holding a serpent in one hand, and a patera in the other. Sometimes the serpent drinks out of the patera; sometimes he twines about the whole body of the goddess. HYGIE'NE. (From vyiatvw, to be well.) Hygiesis. Modern physicians have applied this term to that division of therapria which treats of the diet and non-naturals ofthe sick. Hygie'sis. • See Hygiene. Hy'gra. (From vypos, humid.) An ancient term for liquid plasters. Hygrempla'strum. (From vypos, moist, and tpnrXa*-pov, a plaster.) A liquid plaster. Hygroblf.pha'ricus. (From vypos, humid, and (SXttpapov, the eye-lid.) Applied to the emunctory ducts in the extreme edge, or inner part, ofthe eye-tid. Hygrocirsoce'le. (From vypos, moist, Ktpeos, a varix, and kijXtj, a tumour.) Dilated sper- matic veins, or circocele, with dropsy of the scro- tum. Hygrocolly'rium. (From vypos, liquid, and KoXXvptov, a collyrium.) A collyrium composed of liquids. HYGRO'LOGY. (Hygrologia; from vypos, a humour or fluid, and Xoyos, a discourse.) The doctrine of the fluids. HYGROMA. (Yypuua ; from ypos, a liquid.) An encysted tumour, tne contents of which are either serum or a fluid-like lymph. It sometimes happensthatthese tumours are filled with hydatids. Hygromatous tumours require the removal of the cyst, or the destruction of its secreting surface. HYGRO'METER. (Hygromeirum; from vypos, moist, and pitrpov, a measure.) Hydrome- ter. An instrument to measure the degrees of moisture in the atmosphere. It also means an in- firm part ofthe body, affected by moisture of the atmosphere. Hygromy'rum. (From vypos, moist, and uvpov, a liquid ointment.) A liquid ointment. HYGROSCOPIC. Substances which have the property of absorbing moisture from the at- mosphere. See Atmosphere. Hygropho'bia. See Hydrophobia. HY'LE. (' iXtj, matter.) The materia medi- ca, or matter of any kind that comes under the cognisance of a medical person. HY'MEN. (From Hymen, the god of mar- riage, because this membrane is supposed to be entire before marriage, or copulation.) The hy- men is a thin membrane, of a semilunar or circu- lar form, placed at the entrance of the vagina, 500 Which it partly closes. It has a very diffcrew appearance in different women, but it is generally it not always found, in virgins, and is very proi perly esteemed the test of virginity, being rup- tured in the first act of coition. The remnants of the hymen are called the caruncula; myrtifon. mes. The hymen is also pecuUar to the human species. There are two circumstances relating to the hymen which require medical assistance. It is sometimes of such a strong ligamentous tex- ture, that it cannot be ruptured, and prevents the connection between the sexes. It is also sometimes imperforated, whoUy closing the entrance into the vagina, and preventing any discharge from the uterus: but both these cases are extremely rare. If the hymen be of an unnaturally firm texture, but perforated, though perhaps with a yery small opening, the inconveniences thence arising will not be discovered before the time of marriage, when they may be removed by a cru- cial incision made through it, taking care not to injure the adjoining parts. The imperforation of the hymen wiU produce its inconveniences when the person begins to men- struate. For the menstruous fluid, being secreted from the uterus at each period, and not evacu- ated, the patient suffers much pain from the dis- tension of the parts, many strange symptoms and appearances are occasioned, and suspicions inju- rious to her reputation are often entertained. In a case of this kind, for which Dr. Denman was consulted, the young woman, who was twenty- two years of age, having many uterine complaints, with the abdomen enlarged, was suspected to be pregnant, though she persevered in asserting the contrary, and had never menstruated. When she was prevailed upon to submit to an examina- tion, the circumscribed tumour of the uterus was found to reach as high as the navel, and the ex- ternal parts were stretched by a round soft sob- stance at the entrance of the vagina, in such s manner as to resemble that appearance which they have when the head of a child is passing through them; but there was no entrance into the vagina. On the following morning an incis- ion was carefully made through the hymen, which had a fleshy appearance, and was thickened in proportion to its detension. Not less than four pounds of blood, of the colour and consistence of tar, were discharged ; and the tumefaction ofthe abdomen was immediately removed. Several stellated incisions were afterwards made through the divided edges/which is a very necessary part ofthe operation:/and care was taken to prevent a re-union of the hymen till the next period of menstruation, after which she suffered no incon- venience. The blood discharged was not putrid or coagulated, and seemed to have undergone no other change after its secretion, but what was occasioned by the absorption of its more fluid parts. Some caution is required when the hymen is closed in those who are in advanced age, un- less the membrane be distended by the confined menses; as Dr. Denman once saw an instance of inflammation of the peritonaeum being immediate- ly produced after the operaton, of which the pa- tient died as in the true puerperal fever; and no other reason could be assigned for the disease. The carunculre myrtiformes, by their elongation and enlargement, sometimes become very painful and troublesome. HYMEN^EA. (From Hymen, the God of marriage; because, as Linnaus informs us, its younger leaves cohere together in pairs, through- out the night.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Decandria; Order, Monogynia. Hymen^a courbaril. The systematic name iiro HYP ot tlie locust-tree wliich affords the resin caUed cum anime, which is now fallen into disuse, and is only to be found in the collections of the rmioiw. HYMKNU'M. (From 1,117V, a membrane.) The dilated exposed membrane of gymnocarpous mushrooms, in which the seed is placed. See Gymnocarpi. ' HVMENODEK. (From vpnv, a membrane, sod nrW, likeness.) An old term for such urine as is found to be full of little films and peUi- cle*. Hippocrates applies it abo to the men- strual discharges when mixed with a tough viscid phlegm. • HYO. Names compounded of this word be- long to muscles which originate from, or are inserted into, or connected with the os hyoides ; as, Hyo-glotmt, Hyo-pharyngeut, Genio-hyo- ghnsitx, , and r, to evacuate.) Medicines which purge exces- sively. Hyperine'sis. See Hypercatharsis. Hyferi'nos. See Hypercatharris. Hypero'a. (From virtp, above, and uiov, the t op of a house.) The palate. Hyperopharynge'us. (From virtp, above, and or, the roof, or palate.) A foramen in the upper part ofthe palate. Hyper oxymuriate of potassa. See Murias potassa oxygenatus. Hyperoxymuriatic acid. See Chlorine. HYPEROXYMURIATE. A salt now called a chlorate. HYPERSARCO'MA. (From virtp, in excess, and oapi, flesh.) Hypersarcoris. A fleshy ex- cressence. A polypus. Hypersarco'sis. See Hypersarcoma. HYPERSTENE. Labradore schiller spar. Found in Labradore, GveenlandL and Isle of 502 HYP Skyc. It has a beautiful copjier colour when cut and polished into rings, brooches, &c. Hyperydro'sis. (From virtp, in excess, aa] cSutp, water.) A great distension of any part from water collected in it. Hype'xodos. (From viro, under, and cfo4f passing out.) A flux of the beUy. ' HYPNO'BATES. (From virm, sleep, and 0aivtt>, to go.) Hypnobatasis. One who walks in his sleep. See Oneirodynia. HYPNOLO'GIA. (From vmos, sleep, an) Xoyos, a discourse.) A dissertation, or directions for the due regulation of sleeping and wakin? HYPNOPOIETICA. •(From v™t, sfc'ep, and irottio, to cause.) Medicines which procure sleep. See Anodyne. HYPNO'TIC. (Hipnoiicut; from.-™ sleep.) See Anodyne. ' HYPO-SULPHITE. A sulphuretted ml- phite. HYPO^F/MA. (From viro, under, and aipa, blood; because the blood is under the cornea.)ll An effusion of red blood into the chambers of the eye. Hypocaro'des. (From viro, and napos, a carus.) Hypocarothis. One who labours under a low degree of carus. Hypocatha'rsb. (From viria, under, and KaOntpti), to purge.) It is when a medicine does not work 'o much as expected, or but very little. Or a slight purging, when it is a disorder. HYPOCAU%TRUM. (From viro, under, and < koio>, to burn.) A stove, hot-house, or any ' such like contrivance, to preserve plants from cold air. Hy pocerchna'leon. (From mo, and upyro?, an asperity of the fauces.) A stridulous kind of asperity of the fauces. Hypocheo'menos. (From viro, under, and Xeu, to pour.) One who labours under a cata- ract. Hypochloro'sis. (From viro, and ^Xupssjj* i the green-sickness.) A slight degree of cfl^j'J rosis. HYPOCHO'NDRIAC. (From viro, under, and xovfyos> a cartilage.) 1. Belonging to the hypochondria. 2. A person affected with lowness of spirits. See Hypochondriasis. Hypochondriac regions. Regionet hypo- chondriaca ; Hypochondria. The spaces in the abdomen that are under the cartilages ofthe spu- rious ribs on each side of the epigastrium. HYPOCHONDRIASIS. (From viroXovSpiauK, one who is hipped.) Hypochondriasis morbw; Affectio hypochondriac a; Passio hypochon* driaca. The hypochondriac affection, vapours, spleen, &c. A genus of disease in the clan Neuroses, and order Adynamia, of Cullen, cha- racterised by dyspepsia, languor, and want of energy; sadness and fear, from uncertain causes, with a melancholic temperament. The state of mind peculiar to hypochondriacs il thus described by Cullen :—" A languor, listless- ncss, or want of resolution and activity, with res- pect to all undertakings ; a disposition to serious- ness, sadness and timidity, as to all future events, and apprehension of the worst or most unhappy state of them ; and, therefore, often upon sLght grounds, aud apprehension of great evil. Such persons are particularly attentive to the state ol their own health, to every the smallest change ol feeUng in their bodies ; and from any unusiialseii- sation, perhaps ofthe slightest bind, they appre- hend great danger, and even death itself. In res- pect to these feelings and fears, there is comraonW HYP HTP ortant, however, to gu.ird against the pa- tient getting into the habitual use of this remedy. Occasionally mild tonics apuf ar useful, especially i-iialybrate waters ; and tepid buthin.;, with fric- tion, gentle rxerci»e, and warm clothing, are im- portant to keep npthe function of the skin. The diet should b«- li^tit, and ~uHie-ieutl\ nutritions; 1'iit moderation must be enjoined to those who haw been accustomed t.. imtuU-r too much in the luxuries ul the uhle-: mid, in all cases, those arti- cles which arc ascescent, lis.1 i!, nt, or difficult of diircftfon, must be uioidt-d. .M..It liquor* do not siiallv agree so well a« wincorsfiriiw, consider- ably diluted ; but those stimuti should never be al- lowed unnecessarily. The mental treatment re- quired will be such as is calculated to restore the strength, and correct the aberrations of the judg- ment. When any false association of ideas occurs, the best mode of removing it is, by keeping up a continued train of naturally associated impressions nf superior force, which may amuse the mind, and moderately exercise, without exhausting it. A variety of titerary recreations and diversions, es- pecially in the open air, with agreeable company, wiU be therefore advisable ; frequently changing the scene, taking them to watering plaees, ana adopting other expedients, to prevent them from dwelling too much upon their own morbid feel- ings. HYPOCHCNDRIUM. (From wo, under, and Yo*ipos, a cartilage.) That part of the body which Ues under the cartilages of the spurious ribs. HYPO'CHYMA. (From v-o, and ^ou, to pour; because the ancients thought that the opacity proceeded from something running under the crystalline humour.) A cataract. HYPOCI'STIS. (From viro, under, and kis-os, the cistus.) See Asarum hypocittit and Cytinus hypocittit. Htpocle'ptcium. (From vro, under, and icXrxru, to steal.) A chemical vessel for separa- ting Uquors, particularly the essential oil of any vegetable from the water ; and named because it steals, as it were, the water from the oU. HrpocoEi.oN. (From viro, under, and koiXov, a cavity.) The cavity under the lower eye-lid. Hypocopho'sls. A trifling degree of deafness. Hypocra'nium. (From tiro, under, and xpa- vmv, the skull.) A kind of abscess, so called be- cause seated under the cranium, between it and the dura mater. HYPOCRATERIFORM1S. (From viro, Xpa- rijp, a cup, goblet or salver, and forma likeness.) Hypocratenform, salver-shaped: applied to leaves so shaped, as those of the Primula. Hypodei'ris. In Rufus Ephesius, it is the extremity of the fore-part of the neck. Hypode'rmis. (From viro, under, and Stpua, the skin.P 1. The skin over the clitoris, which covers it like a prepuce. 2. The clitoris. Hypo'desis. (From viro, under, and Sew, to bind.) Hypodetmut. An underswathe, or ban- dage. HYPO'GAL'A. (From viro. under, and }ciph- of Ajaculapiu* IATKOCHV.MUTS. (From ,..,,,„<, a ,,hy- smian. and v>"'i- chemi«trv.) Chyn'mt, ~\ \\r emaciates and loses her strength, becomes hec- tic, and sinks under colliquative sweating, or purging. Upon opening the bodies of women who have died of this disease, and where it existed in a simple state, little or no extravasated fluid is usually to be met with in the cavity of the abdo- men. In some instances, the peritonreal surfaces have been discovered free from the disease; whilst in others, that portion which covers the uterus and posterior part of the bladder, has been found partially inflamed. The inflammation has been observed, in some cases, to extend to the ovaria and Fallopian tubes, which, when cut open, are often loaded with biood. The uterus itself usually appears of a firm substance, but is larger than in its natural state, and, when cut into, a quantity of pus is often found. Gangrene is seldom, if ever, to be met with. HYSTEROCE'LE. (From vftpa, the womb, and kijXv, a tumour.) An hernia of the womb. This ia occasioned by violent muscular efforts, by blows on the abdomen at the time of gestation, and also by wounds and abscesses ofthe abdomen which permit the uterus to dilate the part. Ruysch relates the case of a woman, who, be- coming pregnant after an ulcer had been healed in the lower part of the abdomen, the tumid litems descended into a dilated sac of the perito- naeum in that weakened part, till it hung, with the included foetus, at her knees. Yet when her full time was come, the midwife reduced this wonderful hernia, and, in a natural way, she was safely delivered of a son. Hy'steron. (From vi-tpos, afterwards; so named because it comes immediately after the foetus.) The placenta. HYSTEROPHY'SA. (From v<-tpa, the womb, and ipvoa, flatus.) A swelling, or distenst sion of the womb from a collection of air in its cavity. HYSTEROTOMY. (Hysterotomia; from vs-tpa, tbe womb, and rtpvia, to cut.) See Casa- rian operation. Hysterotomatocia. See Casarian opera- tion. HYSTEROPTO'SIS. (From v*tpa, the womb, and irnrro>, to fall.) A bearing down of the womb. ^ HYSTRICI'ASIS. (From vcpi£, a hedge- hog, or porcupine.) A disease of the hairs, in which they stand erect, Uke porcupine quills. An account of this rare disease is to be seen in th<- Philosophical Transactions, No. 424. Hy'stricis lapis. See Bezoar hyslricis. HYSTRI'TIS. See Hysteritis. chemical phyician, who cures by means ot che- mical medicines. I ATROLl'PTIC E. (From inrpos, a physician, and aXtiibto, to anoint.) The method ot curing diseases by unction and friction. I ATROPHY SICl S. (From iarpos, physician, and i/ii.trit, nature.) An epithet bestowed on some writings Which treat of physical s-ibiects with m litmn to medicine. •'07 iCH IC1 [BERIS. (So named from Iberia, the place ,1 its natural growth.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Tetra- dynamia; Order, Siliculosa. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the Sdatica cresses. See Lepidium iberis. Ibira'ce. See Guaiacum. I'BIS. I/Jij. A bird much like our kihgsfisher, taken notice of by the Egyptians, because, when it was sick, it used to inject with its long bill the water of the Nile into its fundament, whence Langius, Ub. U. ep. ii. says they learned the use of clysters. IBI'SCUS. (From ifits, the stork, who was said to chew it and inject it as a clyster.) Marshmallow. Ibi'xuma. (From iSiaxos, the mallow, and i|of, glue : so named from its having a glutinous leaf, Uke the mallow.) Saponaria arbor. The soap-tree, probably the Sapindus saponaria of Linnaeus. ICE. Glades. Water made solid by the application of cold. It is frequently applied by surgeons to resolve external inflammatory dis- eases, to stop haemorrhages, and constringe re- laxed parts. Iceland spar. A calcareous spar. I'CHOR. (Ix^P-) A thin, aqueous, and acrid tl is c h & rfir © I'CTHYA. (IvOva, a fish-hook ; from i^Ouf, a fish.) 1. The skin ofthe Squatina, or monk- fish. 2. The name of an instrument like a fish-hook, for extracting the foetus. ICHTHYASIS. See Ichthyosis. ICHTHYOCO'LLA. (From tX0vs, a fish, and koXXo, glue.) Colla piscium. Isinglass. Fish-glue. This substance is almost wholly ge- latin ; 100 grains of good dry isinglass containing rather more than 98 of matter soluble in water. Isinglass is made from certain fish found in the Danube, and the rivers of Muscovy. Willough- by and others inform us, that it is made of the sound of the Beluga; and Neumann, that it is made of the Huso Germanorum, and other fish, which he has frequently seen sold in the public markets of Vienna. Jackson remarks, that the sounds of cod, properly prepared, afford this sub- stance ; and that the lakes of America abound with fish from which the very finest soi t may be obtained. Isinglass receives its different shapes in the following manner: the parts of which it is com- posed, particularly the sounds, are fallen from the fish while sweet and fresh, slit open, washed from their stimy sordes, divested of a verj thin membrane which envelopes the sound, and then exposed to stiffen a little in the air. In this state, they are formed into rolls about the thickness of a finger, and in length according to the intended size of the staple : a thin membrane is generally selected for the centre of the roU, round wliich the rest are folded alternately, and about half an inch of each extremity of the roU is turned inwards. Isinglass is best made in the summer, as frost o-ives it a disagreeable colour, deprives it of weight, and impairs its gelatinous principles. Isinglass boiled in milk forms a mild nutritious jelly, and is thus sometimes employed medicinal- ly. This, when flavoured by the art of the cook, is the blanc-manger of our tables. A solution of isinglass in water, with a very small proportion of some balsam, spread on black silk, is the court- plaster of the shops. ICHTHYOPHTHAL MITF. Fish eye-stone. See Apophyllite SOS ICHTHYOSIS. (From ivOva, the beak ol « fish; from the resemblance of the scales to those of a fish.) Ichthyosis. A genus of diseases of the second order of Dr. Wiilan's disease of the skin. The characteristic of ichthyosis is a per- manently harsh, dry, scaly, and, in some cases, almost horny texture of the integuments of the body, unconnected with internal disorder. Pso- riasis and Lepra differ from this affection, in being but partially diffused, and in having deciduous scales. The arrangement and distribution of the scales in ichthyosis are peculiar. Above and below the olecranon on the arm, says Dr. Willan and in a similar situation with respect to the patella on the thigh and leg, they are small, rounded, prominent, or papillary, and of a black colour; some of the scaly papilla; have a short, narrow neck, and broad irregular tops. On some part of the extremities, and on the trunk of the body, the scales are flat and large, often placed like tiling, or in the same order as scales on the back of a fish ; but, in a few cases, they hare ap- peared separate, being intersected by whitish furrows. There is usuaUy in this complaint a dryness and roughness of the soles of the feet; sometimes a thickened and- brittle state of the skin in the palms of the hands, with large painful fissures, and on the face an appearance of the scurf rather than of scales. The inner part of the wrists, the hams, the inside of the elbow, the furrow along the spine, the inner and upper part of the thigh, are perhaps the only portions of the skin always exempt from the scalinesi. Patients affected with ichthyosis are occasionally much harassed with inflamed pustules, or with large painful boils on different parts of the body; it is also remarkable, that they never seem to have the least perspiration or moisture of the skin. This disease did not, in any case, appear to Dr. Willan to have been transmitted hereditarily; nor was more than one child from the same pa- rents affected with it. Dr. Willan never met with an instance of the horny rigidity of the in- teguments, Ichthyosis cornea, impeding the mo- tion of the muscles or joints. It is, however, mentioned by authors as affecting the Ups, prepuce, toes, fingers, &c. and sometimes as ex- tending over nearly the whole body. ICOSA'NDRIA. (From ikooi, twenty, and avrip, a man, or husband.) The name of a class of plants in the sexual system of Linnaeus, con- sisting of those which have hermaphrodite flow- ers furnished with twenty or more stamina that are inserted into the inner side of the calyx, ot petals, or both, liy this last circumstance is thi- class distinguished from Polyandria. ICTERI'TIA. (From icterus, the jaundice.) 1. an eruption of yellowish spots. 2. A yellow discoloration of the skin. I'CTERUS. (Named from its likeness to the plumage of the golden thrush, of which Pliny re- 1 ates, that if a jaundiced person looks on one, the bird .dies, and the patient recovers.) Morbus arcuatus, or arquatus; Aurigo; Morbus re- gius; Morbus leseoli. The jaundice. A genus of disease in the class Cachexia, and order Im- petigines, of Cullen ; characterised by yeUow- ness of the skin and eyes ; faeces white, and urine of a high colour. There are six species:— 1. Icterus calculosus, acute pain in the epi- gastric region, increasing after eating; gaU-stones pass by stool. 2. Icterus spasmodicus, without pain, after spasmodic diseases and passions of the mind. 3. Icterus mucosus, without either pain, gaU stones, or spasm, and relieved by the dischare' of tough phlesrm by stool. 1C1 1CM ,. Icterut hepalirut, from an induration in the '"**'Menu gravidarum, from pregnancy, and disappearing after delivery. 6 Icterut infantum, of infants. ■ It takes place most usually in consequence of an interrupted excretion of bile, from an obstruc- tion in the ductus communis choledochus, wluch iiccaalons its absorption into the blood-vessels. In some cases it may, however, be owing to a re- dSD'lAttt secretion of the bue. The causes produ- chu; the first species are, the presence of biliary calculi in the gaU-bladder and its ducts; spasmodic constriction ofthe ducts themselves ; and, lastly, the pressure made by tumours in adjacent parts ; hence jaundice is often an attendant symptom on a »cirrhosity of the Uver, pancreas, &c. and on Chronic biUous affections are frequently brought on by drinking freely, but more particu- larly by spirituous liquors: hence they arc often to be observed in the debauchee and the drinker of drams. They are likewise frequently met with in those who lead a sedentary Ufe ; and. who indulge much in anxious thoughts. A slight degree of jaundice often proceeds from the redundant secretion of bile; and a biUous habit is therefore constitutional to some people, particularly to those who reside long in a warm climate. By attending to the various circumstances and symptoms which present themselves, we shall in general be abb- to ascertain, with much certainty, the real nature of the cause which has given rise to the disease. W<- may lie assured by the long continuance of the complaint, and by feeling the liver and other parts externally, whether or not it arises from dis- ease ofthe liver, pancreas, or adjacent parts. Where passions ofthe mind induce the disease, without any hardness or enlargement ofthe liver, or adjacent parts, and without any appearance of calculi in the fxc.es, or on dissection after death, wc are naturally induced to conclude that the dis- order was owing to a spasmodic affection of the biliary ducts. Where gaU-stones are lodged in the ducts, acute lancinating pains will be felt in the region of the parts, which will cease for a time, and then return agaiu . great irritate>u at the stomach and frequent vomiting will attend, and the patient witi experience an aggravation of the pain after eating. Such calculi are of i arious sizes, from a pea to that of h walnut; and, in some cases, are voided in a considerable number, being like the gaU, of a yellowish, brownish, or screen colour. The jaundice comes on with languor, inac- tivity, loathing of food, llatulenc , acidities in the stomach and bowels, and costiveness. As it ad- vance* in its progress, the skin and eyes become linged of a deep yeUow ; there is a bitter taste in ihe mouth, with frequent nausea and vomiting ; the urine is very high-coloured ; the stools are of u grey or clayey appearance, and a dull obtuse pom is fell in the right hypochondrium, which is much inrretued by pressure. Where the pain is vary acute, the pulse is apt to become hard and full, and other febrile symptoms to attend. The diieane, when of long continuance, and proceeding from a chronic affection of the Uver, or other uriKhbe>uruur viscera, ia often attended with ansjiarcuus swellings, and sometimes with aaciteii: al*o scorbutic symptoms frequently su- llen rue-. Where jaundice u recent, and is occasioned by coucrvtiona obstructing the biliary ducts, it is "r-bable thi' bv Ujinu proper mcai;«. we mavbe able to effect a cine ; but where it is brought on by tumours of the neighbouring parts, or has arisen in consequence ed" other diseases attended with symptoms of obstructed viscera, our endea- vours will most likely not be crowned with suc- cess. Arising during a state of pregnancy, it is of Uttle consequence, as it will cease on parturition. On opening the bodies ot those who die of jaundice, the yellow tinge appears to pervade even the most interior part of the body; it is dif- fused throughout the wnole of the cellular mem- brane, in the cartilages and bones, and even the substance ofthe brain is coloured with it. A dis- eased state of the liver, gaU-bladder, or adjacent viscera is usually to be met with. The Icterut infantum, or yellow gum, is a spe- cies of jaundice which affects children at or soon after, their birth, and which usually continues for some days. It has generally been supposed to arise from the meconium, impacted in the intes- tines, preventing the flow of bile into them. The effects produced by it, are luiguor, indolence, a yellow tinge of the skin, and a tendency to sleep, which is sometimes fatal, where the child is pre- vented from sucking. The indications in this disease are, 1. To pal- liate urgent symptoms. 2. To remove the cause of obstruction to the passage of the bile into the duodenum: this is the essential part ofthe treat- ment ; but the means will vary according to cir- cumstances. When there are appearances of in- flammation, of which perhaps the jaundice is symptomatic, or both produced by a gall-stone, the means explained under the head of hepatitis wiU be proper. If there be severe spasmodic pain, as is usual when a gall-stone is passing, the liberal use of opium and the warm bath will pro- bably relieve it. After which, in all instances,. whei e there is reason for supposing an obstructing cause within the duct, a nauseating emetic, or brisk cathartic, would be the most Ukely to force it onward: emetics, however, are hardly advi- sable, except in recent cases without inflamma- tion ; and calomel, seeming to promote the dis- charge of bile more than other cathartics, may be given in a large dose with, or after the opium. Several remedies have been recommended, 'on the idea that they may dissolve gaU-stones; which, however, is hardly probable, unless they should have advanced to the end of the common duct: the fixed alkalies, aether with oil of turpen- tine, raw eggs, &c. come under this head ; though the alkalies may be certainly beneficial by cor- recting acidity, which usuaUy results from a de- ficient supply of bUe to the intestines; and pos- sibly alter the secretion of the Uver so much as to prevent the formation of more concretions. When the compliant arises from scirrhous tu- mours, mercury is the remedy most Ukely to afford relief, particularly should the Uver itself be diseased: but it must be used with proper caution, and hemlock, or other narcotic, may sometimes enable the system to bear it better. Where this remedy is precluded, nitric acid pro- mises to be the best substitute, the taraxacum ap- pears by no means so much to be depended upon. In aU tedious cases the strength must be sup- ported by the vegetable bitters or other tonics, and a nutritious diet, easy of digestion . there Ls often a dislike of animal food, and a craving for acids, which mostly may be indulged; indeed, when scorbutic symptoms attended, the native vegetable acids have been sometimes very ser- viceable. The bowels must be kept regular, and the other secretions promoted, to get rid of the bile diffused in the syt.tcm ; as well as to obviate febrile or inflammatorv action. When accumn 509 IDE IGa Uuons of baldened fa>r.es induce the complaint, or in the icterus infantum, cathartics may be alone sufficient to afford relief: and, in that of pregnant females, we must chiefly look to the pe- riod of deUvery. Icterus albus. The white jaundice. Chlo- rosis is sometimes so called. I'CTUS. 1. A stroke or blow. 2. The pulsation of an artery. 3. The sting of a bee, or other insect. ID-iETTS. (From tSri, a mountain in Phrygia, their native place.) A name of the peony and blackberry. IDE. This terminal is affixed to oxygen, chlo- rine, and iodine, when they enter into combina- tion with each other, or with simple combustibles or metals in proportions not forming an acid, thus ox-ide of chtorine, ox-ide of nitrogen, chlor-ide of sulphur, iod-ide of iron. IDE'OLOGY. (Ideologia; from iSea, a thought, and Xoyos, a discourse.) The doctrine or study of the understanding. " Whatever be the number and the diversity of the phenomena which belong to human intelligence, however dif- ferent they appear from the oiber phenomena of life, though they evidently depend on the soul, it is absolutely necessary to consider them as the result of the action of the brain, and to make no distinction between them and the other phenome- na that depend on the actions of that organ. The functions of the brain art absolutely subject to the same laws as the other functions ; they deve- lope and go to decay in the progress of age ; they are modified by habit, sex, tempe ament, and in- dividual disposition; they become confused, weakened, or elevated in diseases ; the physical injuries of the brain weaken, or destroy them ; in a word, they are not susceptible of any explana- tion more than the other actions of the organ; and setting aside all hypothetical ideas, they are ca- pable of being studied only by observation and experience. We must also be cautious in imagining that the study of the functions of the brain is more difficult than that of the other organs, and that it apper- tains peculiarly to metaphysics. By keeping close to observation, and avoiding carefully any theory, or conjecture, this study becomes purely physiological, and perhaps it is easier than the most part of the other functions, on account of the faciUty with which the phenomena can be pro- duced and observed. The innumerable phenome- na which form the inteUect of man, are only mod- ifications of the faculty of perception. If they are examined attentively, this truth, which is well illustrated by modern metaphysicians, wiU Tbe found very clear. There are four principal modifications of the faculty of perception : 1st. Sendbility, or the action of tlie brain, by which we receive impressions, either from with- in, or from without. 2d. The Memory, or the faculty of reproducing impressions, or sensations formerly received. 3d. The faculty of perceiving the relations which sensations have to each other, or the Judg- ment. 4th. The Desires, or the Will. The study of the understanding, from whatever cause, is not at present an essential part of phys- iology ; the science which treats particularly of it is Ideology. Whoever may wish to acquire an extensive knowledge on this interesting subject, should consult the works of Bacon, Locke, Con- dillac, Cabanis, and espeeiaUy the exceUent book of Destutt Tracy, entitled " Elements of Ideo- logy." IDIOCRAailA. Sec Idiosyncrasy. IDIOPATHIC. (Idiopathic^; from lvt0( pecutiar, and iraOos, an affection.) A disease which does not depend on any other disease in which respect it is opposed to a symptomatic dis- ease, which is dependent on another. IDIOSYNCRASY. (Idiotyncrasia; from iSios, peculiar, aw, with, and xpaots, a tempera- ment. ) A peculiarity of constitution, in which a person is affected by certain agents, which if ap- plied to a hundred other persons, would produce no effect: thus some people cannot see a finger bleed without fainting ; and thus violent inflam- mation is induced on the skin of some persons by substances that are perfectly innocent toothers. Idiot'ropia. (From iSios, peculiar, and rpc-u to turn.) The same as Idiotyncrasia. IDOCRASE. See Vesuvian. IGASURIC ACID. Acidum Igusaricum. Pelletier and Caventou, in their elegant research- es in the faba Sancti Ignatii, et nux vomica, having observed that these substances contained a new vegetable base (strychnine) in combination with an acid, sought to separate the latter, inorder to determine its nature. It appeared to them to be new, and they called it igasuric acid, from the Malay name by which the natives designate in the Indies the faba Sancti Ignatii. This bean, ac- cording to these chemists, is composed of igasu- rate of strychnine, a Uttle wax, a concrete oil, a yeUow colouring matter, gum, starch, bassorine, and vegetable fibre. To extract the acid, the rasped bean must be heated in aether, in a digester, with a valve of safety. Thus the concrete oil, and a Uttle igas- urate of strychnine, are dissolved out. When the powder is no longer acted on by the aether, they subject it, at several times, to the action of boihnj alkohol, which carries off the oil which had esca- ped the aether, as also wax, which is deposited on cooling, some igasurate of strychnine, and colour* ing matter. All the alkohohc decoctions are united, filtered, and evaporated. The brownish- yeUow residuum is diffused in water: magnesia is now added, and the whole is boiled together for some minutes. By this means, the igasurate is decomposed, and from this decomposition there results free strychnine, and a sub-igasurate of magnesia, very little soluble in water. Washing with cold water removes almost completely the colouring matter, and boiling alkohol then sepa- rates the strychnine, which falls down as the liquid cools. Finally, to procure igastiric acid from the sub-igasurate of magnesia, which re- mains united to a small quantity of colouring matter, we must dissolve the magnesian salt in a great body of boiling distilled water ; concentrate the liquor, and add to it acetate of lead, which immediately throws down the acid in the state of an igasurate of lead. This compound is then de- composed, by transmitting a current of sulphu- retted hydrogen through it, diffused in 8 or 10 times its weight of boiling water. This acid, evaporated to the consistence of syrup, and left to itself, concretes in hard and granular crystals. It is very soluble in water, and in alkohol. Its taste is acid and very styptic. It combines with the alkaline and earthy bases, forming salts soluble in water and alkohol. Its combination with barytes is very soluble, and crystaUises with difficulty, and mushroora-tikc. Its combination with ammonia, when perfectly neutral, does not form a precipitate with the salts of silver, mercury, and iron; but it comports it- self with the salts of copper in a peculiar manner, and which seems to characterise the acid ol ■'trychvos (for the «smc acid is found in mix-v™- lb*. u-o, and in siuke-wood, bom de couleuvrt:) this effect consists in the decomposition of the salts of copper, by its ammoniacal compound. The*- »aJU pa»s immediately to a green colour, and gradually deposite a greenish-white salt, of ,ery »paring solubility in water. The acid of rtryehno* seems thus to resemble raeconic acid ; but il differs essentially from it, by its action with -alitor iron, which immediately assume a very deep red colour with the meconic acid ; an effect not produced by the acid of ttrychnos. The authors, after all, do not positively affirm this acid totie new ani peculiar. IGNATIA. (So named by Linnams, because th<- seedh are known in the materia medica by the name of Saint Ignatius beans.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. Ii.-satia amara. The systematic name of Ihe plant which iflonls St. Ignatius's bean ; Faba indica ; Faba Sancti Ignatii; Faba febrifuga. These beans are of a roundish figure, very irregu- lar and uneven, about the size of a middling nut- meg, semitransparent, and of a bard, homy text- ure. They have a very bjtter taste, and no con- siderable smell. They are said to be used in the Philippine islands in all diseases, acting as a vo- mit and purgative. Infusions are given in the cure of intermittents, &c. ' Ignatii faba. See Ignatia amara. IGNATH'S'S BEAN. See Ignatia amara. IGNIS. Fire. 1. Van Helmont, Paracelsus, and other alchemists, applied this term to what they considered as universal solvents. 2. In medicine, the older writers used it to ex- press teveral diseases characterised by external redness and heat. Ii.ms < alidus. A hot fire: a gangrene : also a violent inflammation, just about to degenerate into a gangrene, were formerly so called by some,. Ii.nis fatuus. A luminous appearance or flame, frequently seen in the night iu different country places, and called in England Jack with a lantern, or Will with the wisp. It seems to be movtly occasioned by the extrication of phos- phorus from rotting leaves and other vegetable matters It is probable, that the motionless ignes fatui of Italy which arc seen nightly on the same spot, ire produced by tbe slow combustion of sul- phur, emitted through clefts and apertures in the soil of that volcanic country. Intm raioiDiis. A cold fire. A sphacelus was so called, because the ports that are so af- fected become as cold as the surrounding air. Ionis per.sicus. A name of the erysipelas, also ofthe carbuncle. See Anthrax. Ignis rot.*:. Fire for fusion. It is when a vessel which contains some matter for fusion is »urrounded with live, i. e. red-hot coals. b.sis shier. A name of erysipelas, and of a . iiccies of herpes. Ignis sapientium. Heat of horse-dung. Iunis sancti antonii. See Frytipelas. Ii.nis Kill aticus. See Impetigo. li.Ms \OLAliHll s. Se-, Impetigo. Ii.nis volaticos. See Frytipelat. I kas kaiiix. A somewhat oval, oblong, com- itrcused root, brought from China. It is extreme- Is ran-, and would appear to be the reiot of some . 1 the orchis tribe. I'i.apiii-. A name in Myrepsus for the bur- di>ch. See Arctium lappa. I lech. Hy this word, Paracelsus seems to mean a first principle. li.i.i mis. Iu the Sjiaeyric language it is the tlnp«-nt.-irv air 1LI I leon crllvtum. Hippocrates describes it in lib. De Intern. Affect. In th s disease, as well as in the scurvy, the breath is foetid, the gums recede from the teeth, haemorrhages ol the nose happen, and sometimes there are ulcers ill the legs, but the patient can move about. I'LEUM. (From ttXtia, to turn about; from its convolutions.) Ileum intestinum. The last portion of the small intestines, about fifteen hands' breadth in length, which terminates at the valve of the coecum. See Intettine. ILEUS. See Iliac pasrion. FLEX. (The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Tetrandria. Order, Tetragynia.) The holly. Ilex ahuifolicm. The systematic name of the common holly. Aquifolium. The leaves of this plant, Ilex—foliis ovatis acutis spinorit, of Linnaeus, have been known to cure intermittent fevers; and an infusion of tht leaves, drank as tea, is said to be a preventive against the gont. Ilex cassine. Casdna; Apalachine gallis. This tree grows in Carolina; the leaves resem- ble those of senna, blackish when dried, with a bitter taste, and aromatic smeU. They are con- sidered as stomachic and stimulant. They are sometimes used as expectorants ; and when fresh are emetic. I'LI A. (The plural of He, tiXr,.) 1. The flanks, or that part in which are en- closed the small intestines. 2. The small intestines. I'LI AC. (Iliacus; from ileum intettrium.) Belonging to the itium, an intestine so called. Iliac arteries. Arteria iliaca. The ar- teries so called are formed by the bifurcation of the aorta, near the last lumbar vertebra. They are divided into internal and external. The internal iliac, also caUed the hypogastric artery, is distributed in the foetus into six, and in the adult mto five branches, which are divided about the pelvis, viz. the little itiac, the gluteal, the ischia- tic, the pudical, and the obturatory : and in the foetus the umbilical. The external iliac proceeds out of the pelvis through Poupart's Ugament, to form the femoral artery. Iliac passion. (EiXtos, tXtos, tiXttos, is de- scribed as a kind of nervous coUc, the seat of which is the ilium.) Pasdo iliaca; Volvulus; Miserere md; Convolvulus; Chordapsus; Tormentum. A violent vomiting, in which the faecal portion of the food is voided by the mouth. It is produced by many morbid conditions of the bowels, by inflammatory affections of the abdo- minal viscera, and by hernia?. Iliac region. The side of the abdomen, be- tween the ribs and the hips. ILI'ACUS. The name of muscles, regions or diseases, situated near to or connected with, pails about the iha or flanks. Iliacus internus. Iliacus of Winslow. 7/iaco trachanten of Dumas. A thick, broad, and radiated muscle, which is situated in the pel- vis, upon the inner surface of the ilium. It arises fleshy from the inner lip of the ilium, from most of the hollow part, and likewise from the edge of that bone, between its anterior superior spinous process and the acetabulum. It joins with the psoas magnus, where it begins to become tendi- nous, and passing under the ligamentum Falopii, is inserted in common with that muscle. The tendon of this muscle has been seen distinct from that of the psoas, and, iu some subjects, it has been found divided into two portions. The iliacus internus serves to assist the psoas magnum in bending the thigh, and in bringing it directly forwards fill Ii\ll\i INC ILI'ADUM. Iliadus. The first matter of all things, consisting of mercury, salt, and sulphur. These are Paracelsus's three principles. His iliadus is also a mineral spirit, which is contained in every element, and is the supposed cause of dis- eases. Ilia'ster. Paracelsus gives this name to the occult virtue of nature, whence aU things have their increase. ILFNGOS. (From iXiy%, a vortex.) A gid- diness, in which all things appear to turn round, and the eyes grow dim. Ili'scus. Avicenna says, it is madness caused by love. FLIUM OS. (From ilia, the small intestines ; so named because it supports the ilia.) The haunch-bone. The superior portion of the os innominatum, which, in the foetus, is a distinct bone. See Innominatum os. ILLA. See Ula. ILLE'CEBKA. (From eiXtio, to turn; be- cause its leaves resemble worms.) See Sedum acre. ILLPCIU.VI. (Illirium, ab illiciendo; de- noting an enticing plant, from its being very fra- grant and aromatic.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Polyan- dria ; Order, Polygynia. Illicium anisatum. The systematic name of the yellow-flowered aniseed-tree: the seeds of which are called the star aniseed. Anisum steltatum, Anisum sinense; Semen badian. They are used with the same views as those of the Pimpinella anisum. The same tree is sup- posed to furnish the aromatic bark, called cortex anisi stellati, or cortex lavola. ILLO'SIS. (From tXXos, the eye.) A distor- tion of the eyes. Illutame'ntum. An ancient form ofan ex- ternal medicine, like the Ceroma, with ivhich the limbs of wrestlers, and others delighting in tike exercises, were rubbed, especially after bathing; an account of which may be met with in Bactius De Therniis. Illuta'tio. (From in, and lutum, mud.) Illutation. A besmearing any part of the body with mud, and renewing it as it grows dry, with a view of heating, drying, and discussing. It was chiefly done with the mud found at the bottom of minerai springs. I'llts. (From iXXos, the eye.) A person who squints, or with distorted eyes. I'lts. (From iAu$, mud.) 1. The faeces of wine. An obsolete term. 2. The sediment in stools, which resemble fasces of wine. 3. The sediment in urine, when it resembles the same. Imbeci'llitas oculorum. Celsus speaks of the Nyctalopia by this name. Imbibi'tio. (From imbibo, to receive into.) An obsolete term, in chein^.'rj for a kind of cohobaticn, when the liquor ascends anu de- scends upon a soUd substance, till it is fixed therewith. IMBRICATUS. Imbricated: like tiles upon a house. A term applied to leaves, as those of the Euphorbia parana. IMMERSUS. Immersed: plunged under water -folia immersa: leaves which are naturally under the water, and are different from tnose which naturally float. See Leaf. It is remarked by Linuajus, th.it aquatic plants have their lower, ami mountainous ones thtir up- per, leaves most divided, by which they better resist the action ot the stream in one case, and of the wind in the other. Ml Imme rsus. A term given by Bartholine and some other anatomists, to the Subscapulars muscle, because it was hidden, or, as it were sunk. ' IMPA'TIENS. (From in, not, and patior to suffer ; because its leaves recede from the hand with a crackling noise, as impatient of the touch or from the grent elasticity of the sutures of its' seed vessel wl ich is completely impatient of the touch, curlin. up with the greatest velocity and scattering ro'un-- .lie seeds, the instant any extra- neous body comes in contact with it.) Tne name of a genus of plants. Class, Pentandria; Or- der, Monogynia. IMPERATO'RIA. (From impero, to over- come : so named because its leaves extend and overwhelm the lesser herbs which grow near it.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name ofthe master-work. See Imperatoria osthruthium. Imphratoria ostruthium. The systematic narat> of the master-wort. Imperatoria; Ma- gistrantia. The roots of this plant are imported from the Alps and Pyrenees, notwithstanding it is indigenous to this island: they have a fragrant smell, and a bitterish pungent taste. The plant, as its name imports, was formerly thought to be of singular efficacy} and its great success, it is said, caused it to be distinguished by the name ot divi- num remedium. At present, it is considered merely as .m aromatic, and consequently is super- seded by many of that class which possess supe- rior qualities. IiYJPETI'GINES. (The plural of impetigo; from impeto, to iafest.) An order in the class Cachexia of Cullen, the genera of which are characterised by cachexia deforming the ex- ternal parts of the body with tumours, erop tions, &c. IMPETFGO. Ignis tylvaticus ; Ignis vola- grius. A disease of the skin, variously described by authors, but mostly as one, in which several red, hard, dry, prurient spots arise in the lace and neck, and sometimes all over the body, and disappear by turfuraceous or tender scales. ItyPETUM FACIENis. Sec Vis vita. IMPETUSA. Force or motion. I'm pia herba. (From in, not, and pius, good ; because it grows only on barren ground.) A name given to cudweed. See Gnaphalium. IMPLICATED. Celsus, Scribonius, and some others, call those parts of physic so, which have a necessary dependence on one another; but the term has been more significantly apphed, by Bellnu, to fevers, where two at a time afflict a person, either of the same kind, as a double ter- tian; or, of different kinds, as an intermittent tertian, and a quotidian, called a Semilertian. Implu'vium. (From impluo, to shower upon.) I. The shower-bath. 2. An embrocation. IMPOSTHUMA. A term corrupted from impostem and apostem An abscess. IMPREGNATION. Impregnate. Sec Conception and Generation. INANl'TiO. (From manio, to empty.) In- anition. A.iplied to the body or vessels, it means emptines:.; i.pphed to the mind, it means a delect of its powers. INC ANTA'TION. Incantatio; Incanta- mentum. A way of curing dise;ises by charms, defended by Paracelsus, Helmont, and some other chemical enthusiasts. INC.A.MJS Hoary. Applied to stems which are cove™"d with a kind of scalv mer.line's "' tiial oi the Artemisia abdnthium, and Alrtpkx portutaeoida. Ince'stdipm. (From incendo, to burn.) A burning fever, or heat Isce'nsio. 1. A burning fever. J. A hot inflammatory tumour. Incf.rni ctlum. (From incerno, to sift.) 1. A strainer, or sieve. J. A name for the pelvis of the kidney, from its 0)lir> u* a strainer. IsxiDi. s,tia. (FrominctoV), to cut.) Medi- cines which consist of pointed and shaip particles, as acidi, and most salts, which are said to incide or cut the phlegm, when they break it so as to occasion its discharge. INCINERATION. (From indnero, to re- duce to ashes.) lnrintratio. The combustion of vegetable or animal substances, for the purpose of obtaining their ashes or fixed residue. INCISI'VI'S. (From incido, to cut.) A same given to some muscles, &c. Incisivls inferior, (see Levator labii in- feriorit. Incisivos lateralis. See Levator labii su- periorit alaque nan. Incisivus medics. See Deprcttor labii tu- periorii alaque nan. INCI'SOR. (Dentes incitoret; from incido, to cut, from their use in cutting the food.) The four front teeth of both jaws are called incisors, because they cut the food. Sec Teeth. INCISOR1UM. (From incido, to cut.) A table whereon a patient is laid for an operation. Incisoiuum foramen. A name of the fora- men, which lies behind the dentes iuciuon s of the upper jaw. INCISUS. (From incido, to cut.) Cut. A term applied in botany, synonymously with dis- tectut, to leaves; as those of the Geranium dit- tectum. INCONTINENTIA. (From in, and con- tineo, to contain.) Inability to retain the natural evacuations. Hence we say, incontinence of urine, &c. Incrassa'ntia. (Incrattant; from incrasto, to make thick.) Medicines which thicken the fluids. I'NCUBUS. (From t'neuoo, to lie upon ; be- cause the patient fancies that something lies upon his chest.) See Oneirodynia. INCURV'US. Curved inwards : appUed to leaves ; as in Erica tmpetrifolia. INCUS. (A smith's anvil; from incudo, to smite upon : so named from its likeness in shape to on anvil.) Tbe largest and strongest of the bone» of tbe ear in the tympanum, ft is divided into a body and two crura. Its body is situated anteriorly, is rather broad and thick, and has two eminences and two depressions, both covered witii cartilage, and intended for the reception of the head of the malleus. Its shorter crus extends do farther than the cells of the mastoid apophysis. Its longer crus, together with the manubrium of the malleus, to which it is connected by a liga- ment, Is of the same extent as the shorter : but its extremity is curved inwards, to receive the os orbicular*, by the intervention of which it is uniti 1 with tne stapes. INDKX. (From indico, to point out; be- cause it is generally used for such purposes ) The forr-fm««-r. ' Indian atrow-root. See Maranta. Indian crnt. Sec 7V©p*olum majus. Indian date-plum, t-vv Diospyros lotus. Indian leaf. Sec f.aurut fo.uirr. T"diav-pink. So* Spitrelia, Indian rubber. See Caoutchouc. Indian wheat. Sec Zeamayt. India'na radix. Ipecacuanha. I'ndica c a motes. Potatoes. , INDICANT. (Indicant; from indico, to show.) That from which the indication is drawn, which is in reality the proximate cause of a dis- ease. Indicating days. Critical days. INDICATION. (Indicatio; from indico, to show.) An indication is that which demonstrates in a disease what ought to be done. It is three- fold : preservative, which preserves health; cu- rative, which expels a present disease ; and vital, which respects the powers and reasons of diet. The scope from which indications are taken, or determined, is comprehended in this distich : ----Ars, alas, regio, cojnpltxio, virtus, Mos et .lymploma, repletio, tempus, et utus. INDICATOR. (From indico, to point: so named from its office of extending the index, or fore-finger.) An extensor muscle of the fore- finger, situated chiefly on the lower and posterior part of the fore-arm. Extensor indicit of Cow- per. Extensor secundii internodii indicis pro*- prius, vulgo indicator of Douglas ; and Cubi- totut phalangettien de t'indix of Dumas. Ii arises, by an acute fleshy beginning, from (he middle of the posterior part of the ulna ; its ten- don passes under the same ligament with the ex- tensor digitorum communis, with part of which it is inserted into the posterior part of the for' - finger. IVDlCDM LIGNUM. LogWOOd. Inoicus morbus. The venereal disease. INDI'GENODS. (Indigenus ; indigent! ab indu, i. e. in et geno, i. e. gigno, to beget.) Ap- plied to diseases, plants, and other objects which arc peculiar to any country. INDIGO. A blue colouring mutter extracted from the Indigofera tinctoria. Anil, or the in- digo plant. INDIGOFERA. (From indigo, and fero, to bear.) The name vi a gmus of plants. Class, Diadelphia; Order, Decandria. Indigofera tinctoria. The systematic name of the plant wliich affords indigo. INDUCIUM. (From induco, to cover, or draw over.) A covering. 1. A'hirt. 2. The name of the amnios, from its covcrini!; the foetus like a shirt. 3. Wildcnow and Swarfs name for the involu- crum, or thin membraneous covering of tiip fructification of ferns. Its varieties are, I. Inducium planum, flat: as in the genus Polypodium. 2. /. pelfatum, connected with the seed by a filament or stalk ; as in Aspidium filixmat. S. /. corniculatum, round and hoUow; as in Equisetum. Imdura'ntia. (From induro, to harden.; Medicines which harden. INEQUALIS. Unequal. Applied to a leal when the two halves are unequal in dimension*. and the base end parallel; as in Eucalyptus ri- dntfera. LNERMIS. (From tn, priv. and arma.) Un- armed: opposed, in designating leaves, to such as are spinous. Ine'ms. (From tvat-i, to evacuate.) Ine-- thus. An evacuation of the humours. INFECTION. See Contagion. INFERNAL. A name «ivcn to a causti-.s, la- pis infernalis, from its strong bnniing property: See Argenti niti---* 5TS INF 1N fibula tio. (From infibulo, to button to- gether.) An impediment to the retraction of the prepuce. INFLAMMABLE. Chemists distinguish by this term such bodies as burn with facility, and flame in an increased temperature. Inflammable air. Sec Hydrogen gas. Inflammable air, heavy. See Carburetted hydrogen gat. INFLAMMATION. (Inflammatio, onis. f.; from inflammo, to burn.) Phlogosis; Phleg- masia. A disease characterised by heat, pain, redness, attended with more or less of tumefaction and fever. Inflammation is divided into two species, viz. phlegmonous and erysipe- latous. Besides this division, inflammation is either acute or chronic, local or general, simple or complicated with other diseases. I. Phlegmonous inflammation is known by its bright red colour, tension, heat, and a circum- scribed, throbbing, painful tumefaction of the part; tending to suppuration. Phlegmon is ge- nerally used to denote an inflammatory tumour, situated in the skin or cellular membrane. When the same disease affects the viscera, it is usually called phlegmonous inflammation. 2. Erysipelatous inflammation is considered as an inflammation of a dull red colour, vanishing upon pressure, spreading unequally, with a burn- ing pain, the tumour scarcely perceptible, ending in vesicles, or desquamation. This species of in- flammation admits of a division into erythema, when there is merely an affection of the skin, with very little of the whole system ; and ery- sipelas, when there is general affection of the system. The fever attending erysipelatous inflammation is generaUy synochus, or typhus, excepting when it affects very vigorous habits, and then it may be synocha. The fever attending phlegmonous inflammation is almost always synocha. Persons in the prime of life, and in full vigour, with a plethoric habit of body, are most liable to the attacks of phlegmonous inflammation ; whereas, those advanced in years, and those of a weak habit of body, irritable, and lean, are most apt to be attacked with erysipelatous inflammation. Phlegmonous inflammation terminates in reso- lution, suppuration, gangrene, and scirrhus, or induration. Resolution is known to be about to take place when the symptoms gradually abate ; suppuration, when the inflammation does not rea- dily yield to proper remedies, the throbbing in- creases, the tumour points externally, and rigors come on. Gangrene is about to take place when the pain abates, the pulse sinks, and cold perspi- rations come on. Scirrhus, or induration, is known by the inflammation continuing a longer time than usual; the tumefaction continues, and a considerable hardness remains. This kind of tumour gives little or no pain, and, when it takes 5dace, it is usually the sequel of inflammation af- fecting glandular parts. It sometimes, however, is accompanied with lancinating pains, ulcerates, and becomes cancerous. Erythematbus inflammation terminates in reso- lution, suppuration, or gangrene. The symp- toms of inflammation are accounted for in the fol- lowing way :— The redness arises from the dilatation of the small vessels, which become sufficiently large to admit the red oarticles in large quantities ; it ap- pears also to occur, in some cases from the gene- ration of new vessels. The swelting is caused by the dilatation of tbe vessels, the plethoric state of tie arteries and veins, the exudation of y14 coagulable lymph into the cellular membrane, arm the interruption of absorption. In regard to Ihe augmentation of heat, as the thermometer denotes very little increase of tem- perature, it appears to be accounted for from the increased sensibility of the nerves, which convey false impressions to the scnsoritiin. Tbe pain is occasioned by a deviation from the natural state of the parts, and the unusual condition into which the nerves are thrown. The throbbing depends on tbe action of the arteries. Blood taken from a person labouring under ac- tive inflammation, exhibits a yellowish white rrust on tbe surface ; this is denominated the buffy coriaceous, or inflammatory coat. This- consists of a layer of coagulable lymph, almost destitute of red particles. Blood, in this stale, is often termed sizy. The colouring part of the blood is its heaviest constituent ; and, as tho blood of a person labouring under inflammation is lenger coagulating than healthy blood, it is supposed that the red particles have an opportu- nity to descend to a considerable depth from the surface before they become entangled. The buffy coat of blood is generally the bestcriterion of in- flammation ; there are a few anomalous constitu- tions in which this state of blood is always found ; but these are rare. The occasional and exciting causes of inflam- mation are very numerous ; they, however, may generally be classed under external violence, produced either by mechanical or chemical irrita- tion, changes of temperature, and stimulating foods. Fever often seems to be a remote cause; the inflammation thus produced is generally con- sidered as critical. Spontaneous inflammation sometimes occurs when no perceptible cause- can be assigned for its production. Scrophula and syphilis may be considered as exciting causes of inflammation. With regard to the proximate cause, it has been the subject of much dispute. Galen considered phlegmon to be produced by a superabundance of the humour sanguineus. Boerhaave referred the proximate cause to an obstruction in the small vessels, occasioned by a leutor of the blood, j Cullen and others attributed it rather to an affec- ' tion of the vessels than a change of the fluids. The proximate cause, at the present period, is generally considered to be a morbid dilatation, and increased action of such arteries as lead and, are distributed to the inflamed part. Inflammation of the bladder. See Cystitis. Inflammation of the brain. See• Phrenitis. Inflammation of the eyes. See Ophthalmia. Inflammation of the intestines. See Entt-f ritit. Inflammation of the kidneys. See Nephritis.' Inflammation of the liver. See Hepatitit. Inflammation of the lungs. See Pneumonia. Inflammation of the peritonaum. See Peri- tonitis. Inflammation of the pleura. See Pleur-'tis. Inflammation erf the stomach. See Gastritis. Inflammation of the testicle. See Orchitis. Inflammation of the uterus. See Hysteritis. INFLA'TIO. (From inflo, to puff up.) A windy swelling. See Pneumatosis. Infla'tiva. (Inflativut,- from inflo, to puff up with wind.) Medicines or food which cause flatulence. INFLATUS. Inflated. In botany applied to vesiculated parts, which naturaUy certain only air; as legumen inflatum, seen in Attragalut vesicariut, :ind the distended and hollow pe- rianths of the Cucubalus hehenl and Physa'i- alkekengi in fruit. LNJ LNi ISrLkM S. Curved inward* ; fc)iinii)m"us to inrun-M, as applied to leaves, petals, *cc. See tncurrut. The petals of the I'imjnncllti, and Charophyllum, are devribed a- infltxa. INFLORESCENCE. (Infioretcentia, from i nfloreteo; to fhm cr, or blossom.) A term used by Linns-us to express the particular manner in which flowers are situated upon a plant, denomi- nated by preceding writers, modus florendt, or manner of flowering. Il is divided into simple, when solitary, and compound, when manj flowers are placed to- relhe-r in one place. The first affords the following distinctions : 1. Flo» prdunculatut, furnished with a stalk ; as in d ratiolut and Vinca. 1. F. tettilit, adhering to the plant without a flower-stalk; as in Daphne mezertum, and Ztnta liauciflora. 3. /'. caulinus, when on the stem. 4. F. runteuJt, when on the branch. 5. F. ttrmmalis, when on the apex of the stem, or branch; as Paris quadrifolia, and Chrysanthemum leucanthemum. ii. F. axillaris, in the axilla ; as in Convalla- ria multiflora. 7. F. foliarit, on the surface of the leaf; as in Phylianthut. 8. F. radicalit, on the root; as Carlina rcavlii, Crocus, and Colchicum. 9. /■'. lalitnnt, concealed in a fleshy recep- tacle ; an in Fnui carica. Again, it is said to be, 1. Alternate ; as in Polyanihes tuberota. 2. Opposite; an in Pattiflora Itirsula. '.i. I mlateral, hanging all to one side; as Erica herbaeea, and Silene umanu. 4. Solitary .- as in Campanula speculum, and Carduus tuberotut. The second, or compound inflorescence has the following kinds . 1. The verticillut, or whirl. t. The rapilulum, or tuft. 3. Tlie tpica, or spike. 4. The racemut, or cluster. 5. The corymbut, or corymb. 6. The umbella, or umbel. 7. The cyma, or cyme. 8. The fatriculus, or fascicle, 8. The panicula, or panicle. 10. The thyrtut, or bunch. It. The spodur, or .sheath. \2. flu- amentum, or catkin. IN KM E'NZA. (The Italian word for influ- ence. ) Tin; disease is -<> named because it was supposed to be produced by a peculiar influence of In- «t ns. See Catarrhut u contagione. INFU \sCAPl'LAM.s. (From infra, be- neath, and tcapula, the shoulder-blade.) A mus- cle named from its position beneath the scapula. See Sulm n\iularit. INFU \SI'INA 1'1'S. (From infra, beneath, and '/mm, the spine.) A muscle of the humerus. •iln.iteil em the tcapula. It arises fleshy, from all t! it part of the- diuvtuu scapula- which is below its (inir . and from the npine itself, as far as the cer- \ix »<■ ip..lir. The fibres run obliquely towards a iriuliin i.i ih. middle o( a muscle, which runs for- .\.inl , am! uilhi-rt-s to the capsular ligam.-ut. It i5 his' rted by a flat thick tendon, into the upper .iml outer part of the larjrc protuberance on the head ofthe oa humeri, lis use is to roll the os ■^ huiu-ri oulw.inla, toasai.t m raising and snpport- U%H ■' win u raised, ami to pull the ligament from between tlie bones. Thu muscle and the sitpia |.mains are rnvejid by sn aponeurosis, which ex- i |..|. i.rii, -m the e-o.t ■ •, and eilires ef the spine of the scapula, and gives rise to urauy of the muscu- lar fibres. INFUNDIBULTFORMIS. Funnel-shaped. AppUed to the coroUa of plants ; as in Pulmona- rii. INFUNDI'BULUM. (From infundo, to pour in.) LA canal that proceeds from the vulva of the brain to the pituitary gland in tbe sella turcica. 2. The beginnings of the excretory duct of the kidney, or cavities into which the urine is first received, from the secretory crypta?, are called infitvdibula. INFUSION. (Infusum; from infundo, to pour in.) Infudo. A process that consists in pouring water of any required degree of tempera- ture on such substances as have a loose texture, as thin bark, wood in shavings, or small pieces, leaves, flowers, &c. and suffering it to stand a cer- tain time. The liquor obtained by the above pro- cess is called an infudon. The foUowing arc among the most approved infusions. INFU'STJM. See Infudon. ' Infusum anthemidis. Infusion of camo- mile. Take of camomile-flowers, two drachms; boiling water, half a pint. Macerate for ten mi- nutes, in a covered vessel, and strain. For its virtues, see Anthemit nobilit. Infusum armoracif compositum. Com- Eound infusion of horse-radish. Take of fresh oise-radish root, sliced, mustard-seeds bruised, of each one ounce ; boiling water, a pint. Mace- rate for two hours, in a covered vessel, and strain; then add compound spirit of horse-radish, a fluid ounce. See Cochlearia armoracia. Infusum aurantii compositum. Com- pound infusion of orange-peel. Take of orange- peel, dried, two drachms ; lemon-peel, fresh, a drachm; cloves, bruised, half a drachm ; boiling water, half a pint. Macerate for a quarter of an hour, in a covered vessel, and strain. See Citrus aurantium. Infusum calumbf.. Infusion of calumba. Take of C;iiumba-root, sliced, a drachm ; boiling water, half a pint. Macerate for two hours in a covered vessel, and strain. See Calumba. Infusum cartomitllorum. Infusion of cloves. Take of cloves, bruised, a drachm ; boil- ing water, half a pint. Macerate for two hours, in a covered vessel, and strain. See Eugenia caryophyllata. Infusum cascarii.l.b. Infusion of casca- rilla. Take of cascariUa bark, bruised, half an ounce ; boiling water, half a pint. Macerate for two hours, in a covered vessel, and strain. See Croton cascariUa. Infusum cati ciiu compositum. Com- pound infusion of catechu. Take of extract of catechu, two drachms and a half; cinnamon bark, bruised, half a drachm ; boiling water, half a pint. Macerate for an hour, in a covered vessel, and strain. See Acacia catechu. I.nfusi'.m cixchonf. Infusion of cinchona. Take of Itmce-leaved cinchona bark, bruised, half an ounce ; boiling water, half a pint. Macerate for two hours, in a covered vessel, and strain. Sec Cinchona. InfusuM cusfaiu-e. Infusion of cusparia. Take of cus-paria hark, bruised, two drachms; boiling water, half a pint. Macerate for two hours, in a covered vessel, and strain. See Ci(J- paria fbrifuga. Infusum digitalis. Infusion of fox-glove. Takcof purplefox-g!o\elfuies, dried, a drachm; boiling water, half a pint. Macerate for four hours, in a covered ve.ssel, and str;iiu; thenfadd spirit of cinnamon, half a thud ounce. See Digi ■ titlit purjiii ui-. IN** iNA i.\FUSUM GENTIAN* comfositu^i. Coni- oound infusion of gentian. Take of gentian-root, .sliced, orange-peel, dried, of each a drachm; lemon-peel, fresh, two drachms ; boiling water, twelve fluid ounces. Macerate for an hour in a covered vessel, and strain. See Gentiana lutea. Infusum lini. Infusion of linseed. Take of linseed, bruised, an ounce , liquorice root, sliced, half an ounce ; boiling water, two pints. Mace- rate for two hours, near the fire, in a covered ves- sel, and strain. See Linum usitatitsimum. Infusum ouassije. Infusion of quassia. Take of quassia wood, a scruple ; boiling water, half a pint. Macerate for two hours, and strain. See Quassia amara,. Infusum rhei. Infusion of rhubarb. Take of rhubarb-root, sUced, a drachm ; boiling water* half a pint. Macerate for two hours, and strain. See Rheum. Infusum eosje. Take of the petals of red rose, dried, half an ounce; boiling water, two pints and a half; dilute sulphuric acid, three fluid drachms ; double-refined sugar; an ounce and a half. Pour the water upon the petals of the rose in a glass vessel; then add the acid, and macerate for half an hour. Lastly, strain the in- fusion, and add the sugar to it. See Rota Gallica. Infusum senn/£. Infusion of senna. Take of senna-leaves, an ounce and a half; ginger- root, sUced, a drachm; boiling water, a pint. Macerate for an hour, in a covered vessel, and strain the liquor. See Cassia senna. Infusum simaroub.«. Infusion of simarouba. Take of simarouba-bark, bruised, half a drachm ; boiling water, half a pint. Macerate for two hours, in a covered vessel, and strain. See Quas- sia simarouba. Infusum tabaci. Infusion of tobacco- Take of tobacco-leaves, a drachm; boiling water, a pint. Macerate for an hour, in a covered vessel, and strain. See Nicotiana. 1NGENHOUZ, John, was born at Breda, in 1730. Little is known of his early life; but in 1767, he came to England to learn the Suttonian, method of inoculation. In the following year he went to Vienna, to inoculate some of the impe- rial family, for which service he received ample honours ; and shortly after performed the same operation on the Grand Duke of Tuscany, when he returned to this country, and spent the re- mainder of his Ufe in scientific pursuits. In 1779, he pubUshed " Experiments on Vegetables," discovering their great power of purifying the air, in sunshine, but injuring it in the shade and m>ht. He was also author of several papers in the Philosophical Transactions, being an active member ofthe Royal Society. He died in 1799. INGLUVIES. 1. Gluttony. 2. The claw, crop, or gorge of a bird. INGRASSIAS, John Philip, was born in Sictiy, and a' 'ated at Padua in 1537 with sin- gular reput. ou whence he was invited to a professorship in several of the Italian schools; but he gave the preference to Naples, where he dis- tinguished himself greatly by his learning and judgment. At length he returned to his native island, and settled m Palermo, where he was also highly esteemed ; and in 1563 made first physician to that country by Philip 11. of Spam, to whom it then belonged. This office enabled him to intro- duce excellent regulations into the medical prac- tice ofthe island, and when the plague raged there in 1575, the judicious measures adopted by him arrested its progress; whence the magistrates decreed him a large reward, of which, however, llfc only accepted a part, and apptied that to rcli- gtous uses. He died in 1580, at the age of 7ft He cultivated anatomy with great assiduity, and is reckoned one of the improver- of that art. es- pecially in regard to the structure of the cranium, and the organ of hearing. He is said also to hart discovered the seminal vesicles. He published several works, particularly an account of the plague ; and a treatise " De Tumoribus prater Naturam," which is chiefly a commentary oa Avicenna, but is deserving of notice, as contain- ing the first modern description of Scarlatina under the name of RossaUa; and perhaps the first account of varicella, which he called crys- talli. But his principal work was published by his nephew in 1603, entitled, "Commentaries on Galen's Book concerning the Bones." Ingravidation. (From ingravidm, to be great with child.) The same as impregnation, or going with child. I'NGUEN. (Inguen, inis. n.\ The groin. The lower and lateral part of the abdomen, above tbe thigh. INGUINAL. Inguinalis. Appertaining to the groin. Inguinal hernia. See Hernia. Inguinal ligament. See Poupart's ligament. INHUMATION. (From inhumo, to put into the ground.) The burying a patient in warm or medicated earth. Some chemists have fancied thus to call that kind ot digestion which is per- formed by burying the materials in dung, or in the earth. I'nion. (From is, a nerve ; as being the place where nerves originate.) The occiput. Blan- card says it is the beginning of the spinal mar- row ; others say it is the back part ot the neck. Injacula'tio. (From injaculor, to shoot into.) So Helmont calls a disorder wliich con- sists of a violent spasmodic pain in the stomach, and an immobility of the body. INJE'CTION. (Injectio; from injicio, to cast into.) A medicated liquor to throw into a natural or preternatural cavity of the body by means of a syringe. INNOMINA'TUS. (From in, priv. and nomen, a name.) Some parts of the body art so named: thus, the pelvic bones, which iu the young subject are three in number, to which names were given, become one in the adult, which was without a name ; an artery from the arch of the aorta, and the fifth pair of nerves, because they appeared to have been forgotten by the older anatomists. Innominata arteria. The first branch given off by the arch of the aorta. It soon di- vides into the right carotid and right subclavian arteries. Innominati nervi. The fifth pair of nerves. See Trigemini. Innominatum os. So caUed because tbe three bones of which it originally was formed grew together, and formed one complete bone, which was then left nameless. A large iriegular bone, situated at the side of the pelvis. It is di- vided into three portions, viz. the Uiac, ischiatic, and pubic, which are usuaUy described as three distinct bones. The ot ilium, or haunch-bone, is of a very irregular shape. The lower part of it is thick and narrow; its superior portion is broad and thin, terminating in a ridge, called the spine of the Uium, and more commonly known by the, name of the haunch. The spine rises up hkejp, arch, being turned somewhat outward, and fr* this appearance, the upper pirt of the pelvis, when viewed together, has not been improperly compare'* to the wings of a phrcton. This spine- URN u*.\ iu the recent subject, appears as -t ••i'l"-*' wtttl cartilaze; •>"« tiat »PVintM'e is m.i: . / more 1npn the tendinous fibres of the muscles Ui it are inserted into it. Externally, this bone is une- qually prominent, and hoUowed for tne attach- ment of muscles ; and internally, at its broadest fore-pArt, it is smooi b and concave. At it s lower part, there is a considerable ridge on its inner eurfuce. This ridge, which xtend* 'rom the os sacrum, and corresponds with a similar promi- nence, both ou that bone and the- ischium, forms, with the inner part of the ossa pubis, what is called the brim of the pelvis. The whole of the internal •urlace, behind this ridge, is very une- qual. The os ilium has Ukewise a smaller sui- Uce posteriorly, by which it is articulated to the sides of tbe os sacrum. This surface has, by some, been compared to the human ear, and, by others, to the bead of a bird ; but neither of these comparisons seem to convey any just idea of it* form or appearance. Its upper part is rough and porous; lower down it is more solid. It j< firmly united to the us sacrum by a carti- laginous substance, and likewise by very strong ligamentous fibres, which are extended to that bone from the whole circumference of this irre- gular surface. The spine, of this bone, which is originally an epiphysis, ha« two considerable tu- berosities, one anteriorly, and the other posterior- ly, which is the largett of the two. I'hc ends of this spine, too, from their projecting more than the parts of the bone below them, are called spinal processed. Before the anterior spinal pro- ceed, the spine is hollowed, where part of the Sartorius n.u -le is pliccd ; and below the pos- terior spinal [irocess, there is a very large niche in the bone, which, in the recent subject, has a strong ligament stre'ehed over its lower part, from the os sacrum to the sharp-pointed process of the ischium ; so that a great hole is formed, through which pass the great sciatic nerve and the posterior crural vessels under the nyriform muscle, part of which is likewise lodged in this bole. The lowest, thickest, and narrowest part of the ilium, in conjunction with the other two portions of each os innominatum, helps to form the acetabulum for the os femoris. The ot ischium, or hip-bone, which is the lowest ol the three portions of each os innomi- natum, i* of a very irregular figure, and usually divided into its body, tuberosity, and ramus. The body externally forms the inferior portion of the acetabulum, and tends a sharp-pointed process backward, called the smut- of tne ischium. Tli.s is the process to which the Ugament is attached, which was jiut now described a* forming a great foramen for the passage of the sciatic nerve. The tuberosity is large and irregular, and is placed at the inferior part of the bone, giving origin to several muscles. In the recent subject, it seems covered with a cartilaginous crust; but this ap- pearance, an in the spine of the ilium, is nothing more than the tendinous fibres of the muscles that are inserted into it. This tuberosity, which is tbe lowest portion of the trunk, supports us when wo sit. Between the spine and the tuberosity is observed a tiuuosity, covered with a carfilsgi- nous cru»t, which serves as a pulley, on which tbe obturator muscle plays. Fromthe tuberosity, the bone becoming narrower and thinner, forms the rumiu, or branch, which pas ing forwards and upwards, makes, with the ramus of the os pubis, a large hole, of an oval shape, the fora- mt n magnum itchii, which affords, through its whole circuiuferancc, attachment to muscles. This foraim-u i» more particnlarlv notice! in de- "•ribinr the os pul>t-. The ot pubis, or share-bone, which is the smallest of the three portions of the os innomina- tum, 'n placed at the upper and fore-part of the pelvis, where the two ossa pubis meet, and are united to each other by means of a very strong cartilage, which .constitutes what is called the tymphytit pubis.' Each os pubiu may be divided info its body, ^n\rle, and ramus. The body, which is the outer part, is joined to the os itium. Th-» angle comes forward to form the sym- phisis, and trie ramus is a thin apophysis, which, uniting with the ramus of the ischium, forms tbe foramen magnum ischii, or thyroi- deum, as it has been sometimes called, from its resemblance to a door or shield. This foramen is somewhat wider above than below, and its greatest diameter is from above downwards, and obliquely from within outwards. In the recent subject, it is almost completely closed by a strong fibrous membrane called the obturator ligament. Upwards and outwards, where we observe a niche in the bone, the fibres of this ligament are sepa- rated, to allow a passage to the posterior crural nerve, an artery and vein. The great uses of this foran.en seem to be to lighten the bones of the pelvis, and to afford a convenient lodgement to the obturator muscles. The three bones now de- scribed as constituting the os innominatum on each side, all concur to form the great aceta- bulum, or cotyloid cavity, which receives the head of the thigh-bone ; the os ilium and os is- chium making each about two-fifths, and the os pubis one-fifth, of the cavity. This acetabulum which is of considerable depth, is of a spherical shape. Its brims are high, and in the recent sub- ject, it is tipped with cartilage. These brims, however, are. higher above and externally than they are internally and below, where we observe a niche in the bone (namely the ischium,) across which is stretched a Ugament, forming a bole for the transmission of blood-vessels and nerves to the cavity of the joint. The cartilage which lines the acetabulum, is thickest at its circum- ference, and thinner within, where a little bole is to be observed, in which is placed the apparatus that serves to lubricate the joint, and facilitate its motions. We are likewise able to discover the impression made by the internal ligament of the os femoris, wliich, by being attached both to this cavity and to the heaei of the o» femoris, helps to secure the latter in the acetabulum. The bones of the pelvis serve to support the spine and upper parts of the body, to lodge the intestines, urinary bladder, and other viscera ; and likewise to unite the trunk to the lower extremities. But, besides these uses, they are destined, in the female sub- ject, for other important purposes ; and the ac- coucheur finds, in the study of these bones, the foundation of all midwifery Knowledge. Several eminent writers are of opinion, that in difficult parturition, all the bones of the pelvis undergo a certain degree of separation. It has been ob- served likewise, that the cartilage uniting the ossa pubis is thicker, and of a more spongy texture, in women than in men, and therefore more likely to sweU and enlarge during pi jgnancy. That many instances of a partial separation of these bones during labour, have happeneei, there can be no doubt, such a separation, however, ougbt by no means to be considered as an uniform and salutary work of nature, as some writers seem to think, but as the effect ot disease. But there is another circumstance in regard to tliis part of osteology, which is well worthy of attention; and this is, the different capacities ot the pelvis in the male and 'emnle subject. It has been ob- s-e-v«d. that the «>s ;-"Tim is shorter and broad 5H XNw tiSo >ir in women than in men ; the ossa ilia arc also found more expanded; whence it happens, that in women the centre of gravity does not fall so directly on the upper part ofthe thigh as in men, and this seems to be the reason why, in general, they step with less firmness, and move their hips forward in walking. From these circumstances also, the brim of the female pelvis is nearly of an oral shape, being considerably wider from side to side, than from the symphysis pubis to the os sacrum; whereas, in men, it is rounder, and every where of less diameter. The inferior opening of the pelvis is like-wise proportionably larger in the female subject, the ossa ischia being more separated from each other, and the foramen ischii larger, so that, where the os ischium and os pubis are united together, they form a greater circle; the os sacrum is also more hollowed, though shorter, and the os coccygis more loosely connected, and, therefore, capable of a greater tie gree of motion than in men. INOCULATION. Inoculatio. The insertion of a poison into any part of the body. It was mostly practised with that of the small-pox, be- cause we had learnt, from experience, that by so doing, we generaUy procured fewer pustules, and a much milder disease, than when the small-pox was taken in a natural way. Although the ad- vantages were evident, yet objections were raised against inoculation, on the notion that it exposed the person to some risk, when he might have passed through life, without ever taking the ■ dis- ease naturaUy ; but it is obvious that he was ex- posed to much greater danger, from the inter- course which he must have with his fellow-crea- tures, by taking the disorder in a natural way. It has also been adduced, that a person is liable to take the smaU-pox a second time, when produced at first by artificial means; but such instances are very rare, besides not being sufficently au- thentic. We may conjecture that, in most of those cases, the matter used was not variolous, but that of some other eruptive disorder, such as the chicken-pox, which has often been mistaken ■ for the small-pox. However, since the discovery of the preventive power of the cow-pock, small- pox inoculation has been rapidly falling into dis- use. See Variola vaccina. To illustrate the benefits arising from inocula- tion, it has been calculated that a third ofthe adults die who take the disease in a natural way, and about one-seventh of the children; whe-eas of those who are inoculated, and are properly treated afterwards, the proportion is probably not greater than one in five or six hundred. Inoculation is generaUy thought to have been introduced into Britain frorr> Turkey, t y L idy Mary Wortley Montague, about the year 1721, Whose son had been inoculated at Constantino- ple, during her residence there, and whose infant daughter was the first that underwent the opera- tion in tliis country. It appears, however, to have been weU known before this period, both in the south of Wales and Highlands of Scotland. Mungo Park, in his travels into the interior of Af- rica lound that inoculation had been long practis- ed by the Negroes on the Guinea coast; and near- ly in the same manner, and at the same time of life, as in Europe. It is not dearly ascertained where inoculation really originated. It has been ascribed to the Circassians, who employed it as the means oi preserving the beauty of their wo- men. It appears more probable that accident first suggested the expedient among different na- tions, to whom the small-pox had long been known, independently of any intercourse withcach other ; and what adds to the probability of this SIP V conjecture is, that in most places where uiociuV tion can be traced back, for a considerable lenefj, of time, it seems to have-been practised chiefly by old women, before it was adopted by regular practitioners. Many physicians held inoculation in the great- est contempt at first, from its supposed oriein others again discredited the fact of its utility: while others, on the testimony of the success in distant countries, believed in the advantages it afforded, but still did not think themselves war- ranted to recommend it to the families they at- tended ; and it was not until the experiment of it had been made on six criminals (all of whom re- covered from the disease and regained their liber- ty,) that it was practised, in the year 1726 on the royal family, and afterwards adopted as a gen- eral thing. To insure success from inoculation, the follow- ing precautions should strictly be attended to. 1. That the person should be of a good habit of body, and free from any disease, apparent or la- tent, in order that he may not have the disease and a bad constitution, or perhaps another disor- der, to struggle with at the same time. 2. To enjoin a temperate diet and proper regi- men ; and, where the body is plethoric, or gross, to make use of gentle purges, together with mer- curial and antimonial medicines. 3. That the age of the person be as little ad- vanced as possible, but not younger if it can be avoided, than four months. 4. To choose a cool season of the year, and to avoid external heat, either by exposure to the sun, sitting by fires, or in warm chambers, or by going too warmly clothed, or being too much in bed. 5. To take the matter from a young subject, who has the small-pox in a favourable way, and who is otherwise healthy, and free from disease; and, when fresh matter can be procured, to grre it the preference. Where matter of a benign kind cannot be pro- cured, and the patient is evidently in danger of the casual small-pox, we should not howevel hesitate a moment to inoculate from any kind a matter that can be procured; as what has best taken in malignant kinds of smaU-pox has been found to produce a very mild disease. The mild- ness or malignity ofthe disease appears, therefore, to depend little or not at all on the inoculating matter. Variolous matter, as well as the vaccine, by being kept for a length of time, particularly in a warm place, is apt, however, «o undergo decom- position, by putrefaction; and then another kind of contagious material has been produced. Iu inoculating, the operator is to make the slightest puncture or scratch imaginable in the arm ofthe person, rubbing that part of the lancet which is besmeared with matter repeatedly over it, byway of insuring the absorption ; and in or- der to prevent its being wiped oft, the shirt sleew ought not to be pulled down until the part is dry. A sin"ular circumstance attending inocu'aiion is, that when this fails in producing the di-ease, the inoculated part nevertheless sometimes in- flame.- and suppurates, as in custb where the com- plaint is about to follow; and the matter produced in those c;.ses, is as lit for inoculation a^ that taken from a person actually labouring under the disease. The same happens very frequently in inoculation for the cow-pox. If, on the fourth or fifth day after the opera- tion, no redness or inflammation is apparent at the edge of the wound, we ought then to inocu- late in the other arm, in the same manner as be- fore ; or. for greater certainty, wc mav do it in I.Tth. INS i&T Hoine co»»ututions are incapable of having he di*ea»e iu any form. Other, do not receive the di«-a*:at one time, bowerer freely exposed to its conugion, even though repeatedly inoculated, and yet receive it afterwards by merely ap- proaching Ihose labouring under it On the corninc on of the febrile symptoms, wl..cb is generally on the seventh day in the in- oculst.-l small-pox, the patient is not to be sut- ured to lie a-bed, but should be kept cool, and partake freely of antiseptic cooling drinks. See Variola. , . INOSCL'LA'TION. (Inotculatw; from in, and oM-ii/um, k little mouth.) The running of Ihe veins and arteries into one another, or the in- u-ninion of the extremities of the arteries and veins. INSA'NIA. (From t'n, not, and tanus, sound.) Insanity, or deruii.'ed intellect. A genus of disease in the class ,Xi motet, and order Vetania, characterised by errone .us judgment, from imaginary perceptiot.s or recoUections, at- tended with agreeable emotions in persons of a sanguine t*-mperainent. See Mania. Inse'ssi-.-. (From intideo, to sit upon.) A liot-bath, simple or m< dic.atcd, over which the patient sits. . Insipie'ntia. (From in, and tapientia, wiadora.) A delirium without fever. Inaola'tio. (From in, upon, and tol, the Min.) A disease wnich arises from a too great in- fluence of the sun's heal upon the head, a coup de Mileil. INSPIRATION. (Intpiratio; from in, and intra, to breathe.) The act of drawing the air into the lungs. See Respiration. INSTINCT. (Instmctui -is. m.) Animals are not abandoned by nature to themselves : they an- all employed in a scries of actions ; whence results that murvcllous whole that is seen among organi/eil beings. To incline animals to the punctual execution of those actions which arc ne- cessary for them, nature has provided them with inttincl: that is, propensities, inclinations, wants, by which they are constantly excited, and forced to fulfil the intentions of nature. Instinct may excite in two different modes, with or without knowledge of the end. The first is enlightened instinct, the second is blind in- stinct ; the one is particularly the gift of man, the other belongs to inimals. In rvuminiug carefully the numerous phenom- ena wliich depend on instinct- we see that there is a double design in every animal:—I. The pre- servation of the in lividual. 2. The preservation of the species. F.iery animal fulfils this end in its own way, und according to its organisation ; there are therefore as many different instincts as there are different species; and as the organisa- tion varies in individuals, instinct presents indi- vidual differences sometimes strongly marked. We recognioe two sort* of instinct in man: the one depends more evidently on his organisa- tion, or his animal state : he presents it in what- ever state he is t'iund. This sort ol instinct Is nearly tlie aamc as that of animals. 'I'he other kind of inn!met springs from the social state; and. without doubt, depends on organisation: what v ital phenomenon docs not depend on it 7 Hut it i Wn not display itself except when man lives iii civilised society, and when he enjoys all the advantages of that utate. To the lirst, that may be called :.iiimal instinct, Ik-Ioui: hunger, thirst, ihe necessity of clothing, of •ir"\.Tiiii pain nnH of death ; the flesire to injure others, if there is any uanger tl> be feared from them, or any advantage to arise from hurting them ; the venereal inclinations; the interest inspired by "children , inclination to imi- tation ;to live in society, which leads man to pass through the different degrees of civilisation, &c. These different instinctive feelings incline him to concur in the established order of organised beings. Man is, of all tbe animals, the one whose natural wants are most numerous, and of the greatest variety ; which is in proportion to the extent of his inteltigence ; if he had only these wants, he would have always a marked superior- ity over the animals. When man, living in society, can easily pro- vide for all the wants which we have mentioned, he has then time, and powers of action more than his original wants require ; then new wants arise, that may be caUed social wants: such is that of a lively perception of existence ; a want which, the more it is satisfied, the more difficult it be- comes, because the sensations become blunted by habit. This want of a vivid existence, added to the continually increasing feebleness ofthe sensations, causes a mechanical restlessness, vague desires, excited by the remembrance of vivid sensations formerly telt: in order to escape from tliis state, man is continually forced to change his object, or to overstrain sensations ofthe same kind. Thence arises an inconstancy which never permits our de- sires to rest, and a progression of desires, which always annihilated by enjoyment, and irritated by remembrance, proceed forward without end ; thence arises tnnui, by which the civilised idler is incessantly tormented. The want of vivid sensations is balanced by the love of repose and idleness in the opulent classes if society. These contradictory feelings modify each other, and from their r.-eiprocal re-action results the love of power, of considera- tion, of fortune, &c. which give us the means of satisfying bote. These two instinctive sensations are not the only ones which spring from the social state ; a crowd of others arise from it, equaUy real, though less important; besides, the natural wants be- come so changed as no longer to be known; hun- ger is often replaced by a capricious taste; the venereal desires by a feeting of quite another nature, &c. The natural wants have a considerable influ- ence upon those which arise from society ; these, in their turn, modify the former ; and if we add age, temperament, sex, &c. which tend to change every sort of want, we will have an idea of the difficulty which the study of the instinct of man {iresents. This part of physiology is also scurce- y begun. We remark, however, that the social wants necessarily carry along with them the en- largement of the understanding; there is no comparison in regard to the capacity ol the mind, between a man in the higher class of society, and a man whore ph;. -teal powers are scarcely suffi- cient to provide lor his natural wants. lM'KGKK. W It. ti applied to leaves, peri- ai.tlis, petals, Kc.joiif tittc^i u, means undivided; aud is said of the simple leave-, as those of the archives and grasses. The female flower of the oak alfords an example of the perianthium inte- anim, and the petals of the Nigella, arvenns and Ni7/ni! quinquevulnera are described as petala tntigra. INTF.GERHIMI'S. Mo weut so far as to assert, that not only the ribx, but even the sternum are pulled downwards br these muscles, and constructed a particular in- strument to illustrate this doctrine. He pretend- ed likewise that the intervals of the ribs are in- creased by their elevation, and diminished by their depression: but he allowed that, while those parts of the internal intercostals that are placed between the bony part of the ribs pull them downwards, the anterior portions of the muscle which are situated between the Cartilages concur with the external intercostals in raisin; them up- wards. These opinions gave rise to a warm and ] interesting controversy, in which Hamberger and Haller were the principal disputants. The for- mer argued elderly from theoiy, and the latter from experiments on living animals, which de- monstrate the fallacy of Bamberger's argu- ments, and prove beyond a doubt, tbat the in- ternal intercostals perform the same functions as the external. . Intercostal nerve. Nervusintereottalit. \ Great intercostal nerve. Sympathetic nerve. The great intercostal nerve arises in the cavity of the cranium, from a brunch of the sixth and one of the fifth pair, uniting into one trunk, which passes out ofthe cranium through the carotid ca- nal, and descends by the sides ofthe bodies of the vertebrae of the neck, thorax, loins, and os sa- crum : in its course, it receives the small acces- sory branches from all the thirty pair of spinal nerves. In the neck, it gives off three cervical ganglions, the upper, middle, and lower; from which the cardiac and pulmonary nerves arise. In the thorax, it gives off the splanchnic or ante- rior intercostal, which perforates the diaphragm, and forms the semilunar ganglions, from which nerves pass to all the abdominal viscera. They also form in the abdomen ten pecuUar plexuses, distinguished by the name of the viseus, to which they belong, as the cceUac, splenic, hepatic, supe- rior, middle, and lower, mesenteric, two renal, ' and two spermatic plexuses. The posterior in- tercostal nerve gives accessory branches about the pelvis and ischiatic nerve, and at length ter- minates. Intercostal veins. The intercostal veins empty their blood into the vena azygos. INTKKCU'RRENT. Those fevers which happen in certain seasons only, are called sta- tionary : others are caUed, by Sydenham inter- currents. Inte'rcus. (From inter, between, and cutis, the skin.) A dropsy between the skin and the flesh. See Anasarca. INTERDE'NTIUM. (From inter, between, and dens, a tooth.) The intervals between teeth of the sanSe "order. INTERDI'GITUM. (From inter, between, and digitus, a toe, or finger.) A corn betwisf the toes, or wart betwixt the fingers. INTERFiEMFNEUM. (From inter, be- tweenvTind famen, the thigh.) The perineum, or space between the anus and pudendum. Interld'nics. (From inter, between, and luna, the moon; because it was supposed to affect those who were born in the wane of the moon.) The epilepsy. Intermediate affinity. See Affinity intermt- diate. INTERMITTENT. (Intermittens; from inter, between, and mitto, to send away.) A disease is so caUed which does not continue until it finishes one way or the other, as most diseases do, but ceases and returns again at regular or *» certain periods ; as agues. «<* LYI INT. Intertiui/'nt/rrrr. See Febrit intermittens. INTEKNODIS. AppUed to a flower-stalk or p< iliincolus, when ft proceeds from the intermedi- ate part of s branch between two leaves ; as in L'lnetta internodii. Intern' stii dibs. (From internuncio, to •at between.) Applied to critical days, or such a* stand between the increase of a disorder and its decrease. 1stkro-m.i makos. (Interosteut ; from inter, between, and o», the bone.) These are small muscles Mtuated between the i.i< tacarpal bones, and extending from the bones of tin carpus to the, fingers. They ..r. divided into internal and external, the former are to be seen only on the palm ol the hand, but the latter are conspicu- oit both on the palm and back of the hand. The intiioisii intern* are three in number The iir-t, which Alhinus names posterior indicts, arises tendinous and fleshy from the basis -.aid inner part of the metacarpal bone of the fore- firurer, and likewise from the upper part of that which supports the middle finger, its tendon raises over the articulation of tliis part of these bone* with the fore-finger, and, uniting with the ieudinnus expansion that is -nit off from the ex- tensor digitorum communis, is inserted into the posterior convex surtaee ofthe first phalanx of that finger. The mioihI and third, to which Albinus gives the names of prtoi' annularit, aud intuiomunt auricularis, arise, in the same man- ner, from the basis ot the outside* ol the meta- carpal bones that sustain the ring-finger and ttie little fiu^i r, mid are inserted into the outside of the tendinous expansion of the ixtensOr digito- rum communis that covers each of tliose fingers. These three imiscles draw the fingers into winch they .ire inserted, towards the thumb. The in- itiomri externi are four in number; for among these u included the small nvisele that is .situated on the outside of the metacarpal bone that sup- ports the fore-finger. Don-las calls it extensor tertii internodii indicts, and W ins.ow semi inter- Ofeu/, iudicit. Albinus, who describes it among tbe interossei, rives it the name of prior indicis. This first intero3seu* externus arise s by two ten- dinous and fleshy portions. One of these springs from the upper naif of the inner side of the first bone of die thumb, and the other Irom the liga- ments thai unite tlie os trapezoides to the meta- carpal hone of the lore-finger, and Ukewise from all the outside of this latter bone. These two portion* unite as they descend, and terminate in u dndon, which is inserted into the outside of that purt of the tendinous expansion trim the e\lcn„or digitorum communis that is spread over the |M»U!rior convex surface of th • lore-tinges* The second, to which Albinus gives ttie name of prior mrdii, is not quite so thick as the last-de- scribed muscle. It arises by two he-ids, one of which springs from the inner side ol the meta- carpal bom ol the fore-tinker, chiefly t> wards its •-.(invcx .url.ue, aud the other arises "from the ad- jacent hiruuienti., and from the whole outer side of the metacarpal bone that sustains the middle finger. These two portions unite as tlu-j - rr. nil, and terminate in a tendon, whicli is in- serted, in the same runner, as the preceding muscle, int.. th. oui.muY ol the tendinous expan- Mon ibai coiermh. posterior part of the middle fuig.r 1 Ii. third tic-longs likewise to the mid- dle-linger, ami is therefore named posterior medii by Albinus. It arises, hke the la»i-described muscle, h> two origins, which spring from the wots oi the nuueurpal bones of the ring and inidllr-fingrrs, and Irom the adjacent ligaments ;ud n wcrtcd into the in expansion a= the preceding muscle. Ink fourth, to which Albinus gives the name of por- terior annularit, differs from the two last only in its situation, which is between the metacarpal bones of the ring and Uttle fingers. It is inserted into the inside of the tendinous expansion of the extensor digitorum communis, that covers the posterior part of the ring-finger. All these four muscles serve to extend the fingers into which they arc inserted, and likewise to draw them inwards, towards the thumb, except the third, or potterii medii, which, from its situation and insertion, is calculated to pull the middle finger nut wards. Intrrossei pedis. These small muscles, in their situation between the met.-tarsal bones, re- semble the iuterossei of the hand, and like them, are divided into internal and external. The inferos*! i pedis interni are three in number. They arise tendinous and fleshy, from the basis and inside ofthe metatarsal bones of the middle, the third, and the little toes, in the same manner as those of the hand, and they each terminate in a tendon that runs to the inside of the first joint of these toes, and from thence to their upper surface, where it loses itself in the tendinous expansion that is sent off from the extensors. Each of these three muscles serves to draw the toe into which it is inserted towards the great toe. The interossei externi are four 0.1 number. The first arises ten- dinous and fleshy from the outside of the root of the metatarsal bom ofthe great toe, fiomthe os cunt itorme internum, and from the root ofthe in- side -if the metatarsal bone of the fore-toe. It* tendon is inserted into the inside of the tendinous expansion that covers the back part of the toes. The second is placed in a similar manner between the metatarsal bones ofthe fore and middle toes, and is inserted into the outside of the tendinous expansion on the back part ofthe fore-toe. The third and fourth are placed between tbe two next metatarsal bones, aud are inserted into the out- side of the middle and third toes. The first of these muscles draws the fore-toe inwards to- wards tbe great toe. The three others puU the toes, into which they are inserted, outwards. They all assist in extending tbe toes. INI EROSSEOUS. (Interosseus; frominter, between, and os, a bone.) A name given to muscles, Iig,ements,&c. which arc between bones. Intkkiella'tos. (From intei-jyello, to in- terrupt.) A name given by Paracelsus to a dis* e-asi attended with irregular or uncertain pa- roxysms. Interpola'tus dies. (From intcrpolo, to renew.) In Paracelsus, these are the days inter- polat d betwixt two paroxysms, INTERSCAPU'LIUM. (From inter, be- tween, and scapula, the shoulder-blade.) That part of the spine which lies between the shoul- ders. INTERSE'PTUM. (From inter, between, and septum, an inclosure.) The uvula and the septum narium. INTEKSPiNA'LIS. (From inter, between, and spina, the spine.) Muscles, ui lies, &e. are so named which are between the processes of the spine. Intermm.valrs. The fleshy portions between the spinous processes of the neck, back, and loius, distinguished by the names of interspinales colli, dorsi et lumboii'iim. Those which connect processes of the back and loins, are rather small tendons than muscles : they draw these processes nearer to each other. INTKIlTRANSVEliSA'LES. Four distinct sm-Ji imrrdk^ of floh- which ljU up the sp«ee> LNT ■tm between the transverse processes of the vertcbne of the loins, and serve to draw them towards each other. INTERTRIGO. (From inter, between, and tero, to rub.) An excoriation about the anus, groins, axiUa, or other parts of the body, attended with inflammation and moisture. It is most com- monly produced by the irritation of the urine, from riding, or some acrimony in children. INTE'STINE. (Intestinum; from intvs, within.) The convoluted membraneous tube that extends from the stomach to the anus, re- ceives the ingested food, retains it a certain time, mixes with it the bUe and pancreatic juice, pro- pels the chyle into the lacteals, and covers the faeces with mucus, is so called. The intestines are situated in the cavity of the abdomen, and are divided into the small and large, wliich have, be- sides their size, other circumstances of distinc- tion. The small intestines are suppUed internally with folds, caUed valvula conniventes, and have no bands on their external surface. The large intestines have no folds internally; are supplied externally with three strong muscular bands, which run parallel upon the surface, and give the intestines a saccated appearance ; they have also small fatty appendages, caUed appendicula epi- ploica. The first portion of the intestinal tube, for about the extent of twelve fingers' breadth, is called the duodenum ; it lies in the epigastric re- gion ; makes three turnings, and between* the first and second flexure receives, by a common opening, the pancreatic duct, and the ductus communis choledochus. If is in this portion of the intestines that chylification is chiefly per- formed. The remaining portion of the smaU in- testines is distinguished by an imaginary division into the jejunum and ileum. The jejunum, which commences where the duodenum ends, is situated in the umbilical re- gion, and is mostly found empty; hence its name : it is every where covered with red vessels, and, about an hour and a half after a meal, with dis- tended lacteals. The ileum occupies the hypogastric region and the pelvis; is of a more pallid colour than the form- er, and terminates by a transverse opening into the large intestines, which is called the valve of the ileum, valve ofthe cacum,or the valve ofTulpius. The beginning of the large intestines is firmly tied down in the right iUac region, and for the extent of about four fingers' breadth is called tbe cacum, having adhering to it a worm-like pro- cess, called the processus cad, vermiformis, or appendicula cad vermiformis. The great in- testine then commences colon, ascends to\v;irds the liver, passes across the abdomen, under the stomach, to the left side, where it is contorted Uke the letter S, and descends to the pelvis: hence it is divided in this course into the ascend- ing portion, the transverse arch, and the sig- moid flexure. When it has reached the pelvis, it is caUed the rectum, from whence it proceeds in a straight Une to the anus. The intestinal canal is composed of three mem- branes, or coats ; a common one from the perito- neum, a muscular coat, and a villous coat, the viUi being formed of the fine terminations of ar- teries and nerves, and the origins of lacteals and lymphatics. The intestines arc connected to the body by the mysentery ; the duodenum has also a peculiar connecting cellular substance, as have Ukewise the colon and rectum, by whose means the former is firmly accreted to the back, the colon to the kidneys, and the latter to the os coc- 52? cygis, and, in women, to the vagina. Hlie it. maining portion of the tube is loose in the cavity of the abdomen. The arteries of this canal are branches of the superior and inferior mesenteric and the duodenal. The veins evacuate their blood into the vena porta?. The nerves arc branches of the eight pair and intercostals. 'flu lacteal vessels, which originate principally from the jejunum, proceed to the glands in the mesen- tery. INTRAFOLIACEUS. AppUed to stipule), which are above the footstalk, and internal with respect to the leaf; as in Ficus carica, and Mo- rus nigra. Intrica'tus. (From intrico, to entangle; so called from its intricate folds.) A muscle of the ear. Intri'nseccs. (From intra, within, and seeds, towards.) A painful disorder of an inter- nal part. Introce'ssio. (From introcedo, to go in.) Depressio. A depression or sinking of any part inwards. LNTUS-SUSCE'PTION. (Intut-tutctptia and intro-tusceptio; from intut, within, and mm. cipio, to receive.) A disease of tbe intestinal tube, and most frequently ofthe small intestines; it consists in a portion of gut passing for some length within another portion. FNTYBUS. (From in, and tuba, a hollow instrument: so named from the hollowness of its stalk.) See Cichorium endivia. I'NULA. (Contracted or corrupted from he- lenium, r/Xtvtov, fabled to have sprung from the tears of Helen.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Syngene- sia; Order, Polygamiasuperfl.ua. 2. The herb inula, or elecampane. See Inula helenium. Inula, common. See Inula helenium. Inula crithmoides. Caaponga of the Bra- zilians. Trifolia spica; Crithmum marinum non spinosum. The leaves and young stalks of this plant are pickled for the use of the table; they are gently diuretic. Inula dtsenterica. The systematic name of the lesser inula, Conyza media. Arnica Suedentis, Arnica spurio, Conyza : Inula— ample.cicaulibut, cordato oblongis ; caule nil- loso, paniculato; squamis calycinit, tetaceit of Linnaeus. This indigienous plant was once con- sidered as possessing great antidysenteric virtues. The whole herb is to the taste acrid, and at the same time rather aromatic. It is now fallen into disuse. Inula helenium". The systematic name of the common inula or elecampane. Enula cam- pana; Helenium. Inula—-foliis amplexicauli- bus ovatis rugotis subtus tomentosis, calycum squamis ovatis, of Linnaeus. This plant, though a native of Britain, is seldom met with in its wild state, but mostly cultivated. The root which is the part employed medicinally, in its recent state, has a weaker and less grateful smell than when thoroughly dried ; and kept for a length of time, by which it is greatly improved, its odour then approaching to that of Florentine orris root. It was formerly in high estimation in dyspepsia, pulmonary affections, and uterine obstructions, but is now fallen into disuse. From the root of this plant, Rose first extracted the peculiar vege- table principle called inulin. Funke has since given the following as the analysis of elecampane root:—A crystallisable volatUe oU ; inulin; ex- tractive ; acetic acid; a crystaUisable resin; glu- ten ; a fibrous matter. See Inulin. 1NITLIV In examining the Inula hflemrr 10 U IOD . r.iteaaipanc, Pose imagined he discovered* ■ii-w vegetable product, to which the name of Inulin has been given. It is white and pulveru- lent lite* starch. When thrown on red-kot coal , it melts, diffusing a white smoke, with the smell of burning »ugar. It yulds, on distillation in a retort, all the products furnished by gum. It dissolves readily in hot water; and precipitates almost entirely on cooling, in the form of a white powder; but before- falling down, it gives the liquid a mucilaginous consisfnee. I' precipitates nuickly on the addition of alkohol. The above «iib«tance r, obtained by boiling the root of this plant in four times its weieht of water, and leavin-r the liquid in rejiose. Pelletier and Caveutou have found the Mine starch-like matter in abundance in the root or colchicum ; and Gau- tier in the root of pellitory. Is-iistion. (Prom in, and uro, to burn.) It is sometimes ii.-cd for hot and dry seasons; and formerly by surgeons for the operation of the cautery. ^iMVBBF.rr'xnriM OS. (From in, not, and ve- recundiu, modi st.) An obsolete name of the frontal bones, from its being regarded as the seat of impudence. IN Vi;RSION. In>•' rtio. Turned inside out- ward. INVOLl'CELLUM. A partial invohicrnm. ■see Inrulucrum. INVOLF'CRUM. (From in, and volco, to wrap up : because parts are enclosed by it.) In n.-iiomy. 1. A name of the pi rn-ardium. 2. A membrane which covers any part. In botany. A leafy ralyv, remote from the flower, applied particularly to umbeUiferous plants. From the part ofthe umbel in which it is placed, it is railed, I. Involucrum universale, being at the base of the whole umbel; as in Coriandrum sativum, Scandix cerefolium, and Cornut mascula. 2. I. partiate, called involucetlum; at the bottom of each umbelhila, or partial stalk of the umbel; as in Daucut carota. 3. I. dimidiatum, surrounding the middle of the stalk at the base of the umbel; as iu ^Ethuxa rynapium. From the number of the involucre leaves, 4. Mmiophyllous ; as in Coriander and Her- man. 6. Triphyllnut; as in Bupleurum junceum. 6. Polyp'hyllout; as in Bunium bulbocasta- num, anil Stum. 7. Pinnatifid; as in Daucut carota, and Sium angutt\f'olium. s. Reflex, turned back; ns in Selinum man- ..in i. Solitary flowers rarely have an involucrum; y< t it is found in the anemones. INVOLUTES. Involute. Untied inwards. Applied to leaves, petals, &c. when their mar- gin- are turned inward ; ns in the leaves of Pin- guimlu, ami petals of Anethum, Pastinaca, and Bupleurum. IODATE. A compound of iodine with oxy- gen, and a metallic basis. The oriodet of Davy. lonKS. (From ioj, verdigris.) Green matter thrown off by vomiting. IODIC ACID, ./tritium iodtewn. Oxiodic acid. " When barytes water is made to act on iodine, a soluble hydriodate, and an insoluble io- date oi ban tes, are formed. On the latter, well wrt'lit-ti, pi ur sulphuric acid equivalent to the ba- iyl«■» pr.-s. nt, diluted with twice its weight of •vater. and heat the mixture. The iodic acid •mirklv abandon* » portion of if* base, nml eonv bines with the water ; bnt though even less than the equivalent proportion of sulphuric acid has been used, a little of it will be found mixed with tbe liquid arid. If we endeavour to separate this portion, by adding barytes water, tbe two acids precipitate together. The above economical process is that of Gay Lussac ; but Sir II. Davy, who is the first disco- verer of this acid, invented one more elegant, and which yields a purer aciJ. Into a long glass tube, bent like the letter L inverted ('j), shut at one end, pul IW grains of chlorate of potassa, and pom over it 400 grains of muriatic acid, spe- cific gravity 1.105. Pu' -18 grains of iodine into a tlun long-necked receiver. Into the open end of the bent tube put some muriate of lime, and then connect it with the receiver. Apply a gen- tle heat to the sealed end of the former. Protox- ide of chlorine is evolved, which, as it comes in contact with the iodine, produces combustion, and two new compounds, a compound of iodine and oxygen, and one of iodine and chlorine. The latter is easily separated by heat, while the for- mer remains in a state of purity. The iodic acid of Sir H. Davy is a white semi- transparent solid. It has a strong acido-astrin- gent taste, but no smell. Its density is consider- ably greater than that of sulphuric acid, in which it rapidly sinks. It melts, and is decomposed into iodine and oxygen, at a temperature of about 620°. A grain of iodic acid gives out 178.1 grain measure of oxygen gas. It would appear from this, that iodic acid consists of 15.5 iodine, to 5 oxygen. Iodic acid deliquesces in the air, and is, of course, very soluble in water. It first reddens and then destroys the blues of vegetable infusions. It blanches other vegetable colours. Between the acid prepared by Gay Lussac, and that of Sir H. Davy, there is one important difference. The lat- ter being dissolved, may, by evaporation of the water, pass not only to the inspissated syrup state, but can !>•" made to assume a pasty consist- ence ; and, finally, by a stronger heat, yields the solid substance unaltered. When a mixture of it, with charcoal, sulphur, resin, sugar, or the com- bustible metals, in a finely divided state, is heated, detonations are produced ; and its solu- tion rapidly corrodes all the metals to which Sir 11. Davy exposed it, both gold and platinum, but much more intensely the first of these metals. It appears to form combinations with all the fluid or solid acids which it does not decompose. When sulphuric acid is drooped into a concen- trated solution of it in hot u at ,-r. a solid substance is precipitated, which consists of the acid and the compound ; for, on evaporating the solution by a gentle heat, nothing rise-, but water. On increas- ing the heat in an txpinincht of this kind, the solid substance formed fu-el ; and on cooling the mix- ture, rhomboidal crystals formed of a pale yel- low colour, which were very fusible, and which did not change at tbe heat at which the com- pound of oxygen and iodine decomposes, but sub- limed unaltered. When urged by a much strong- er heat, it partially sublimed, and partially decomposed, affording oxygen, iodine, and sul- phuric acid. With hydro-phosphoric, the compound pre- sents phenomena precisely similar, and they form together a solid, yellow, crystalline combination. With hydro-nitric acid, it yields white crys- tals in rhomboidal plates, which, at a lower heat than the preceding acid compounds, are resolved into hydro-nitric acid, oxygen, and iodine. By liquid muriatic acid, the substance is immediately deroi-'posed. and tl"- compound of chlorine and 525 WD fl>B iodine is formed. All these acid conipotirnls red- den vegetable blues, taste sour, and dissolve gold and platinum. From these curious researches Sir H. Davy infers, that Gay Lussac's iodic acid, is a sulpho-iodic acid, and probably a definite com- pound. However minute the quantity of sulphu- ric acid made to act on the iodide of barium may be, a part of it is always employed to form the compound acid; and the residual fluid contains both the compound acid and a certain quantity of the original salt."—lire. IODIDE. lode; Iodure. A compound of iodine with a metal; as Iodide of pdtatsiiim. IODINE. (lodina; from im^s, a violet co- lour, so termed from its beautiful colour.) A pe- culiar or undecompounded principle. " Iodine was accidentally discovered, in 1812, by De Courtois, a manufacturer of saltpetre at Paris. In his processes for procuring soda from the ashes of sea-weeds, he found the metallic ves- sels much corroded; and in searching for the cause of the corrosion, he made this important disco- very. But for this circumstance, nearly acci- dental, one of the most curious of substances might have remained for ages unknown, since nature has not distributed^, in either a simple or compound state, through her different kingdoms, but has confined it to what the Roman satirist considers as the most worthless of things, the vile sea-weed. Iodine derived its first illustration from Cle- ment and Desormes. In their memoir, read at a meeting ofthe Institute, these able chemists des- cribed its principal properties. They stated its sp. gr. to be about 4; that it becomes a violet-coloured gas at a temperature below that of boiling wa- ter,—whence its name ; that it combines with the metals, and with phosphorus and sulphur, and likewise with the alkalies and metallic oxides ; that it forms a detonating compound with ammo- nia ; that it is soluble in alkohol, and still more soluble in asther; and that by its action upon phos- phorus, and upon hydrogen, a substance having the characters of muriatic acid is formed. In this communication they offered no decided opi- nion respecting its nature. In 1813 Sir H. Davy happened to be on a visit to Paris, receiving, amid the political convulsions of France, the tranquil homage due to his genius. 'When Clement showed iodine to me,' says Sir H. Davy, 'he beUeved that the hydriodic acid was muriatic acid; and Gay Lussac, after his early experiments, made original y with Clement, formed the same opinion, and maintained it, when I first stated to him my belief, that it was a new and peculiar acid, and that iodine was a sub- stance analogous in its chemical relations to chlorine.' Iodine has been found in the following sea- weeds, the Alga aquatica of Lmnasus:— Fucus cartilagineus, Fucus palmatus, membranaceus, filum, filamentosus, digitatus, rubens, saccharinus, nodosus, Clva umbilicalis, serratus, pavonia, siliquosus, liuza, and in sponge. It is from the incinerated sea-weed, or kelp, that iodine in quantities is to be obtained. Dr. WoUaston first communicated a precise formula for extracting it. Dissolve the soluble part of kelp in water. Concentrate the liquid by evapo- ration, and separate all the crystals that can be i ibtained. Pour the remaining liquiJ iuto a clean vessel, and mix with it an excess of sulphuric acid. Boil this liquid for some time. Sulphuris precipitated, and muriatic acid driven off. (>s. cant off the clear liquid, and straiu it through wool. Put it into a small flask, and mix it with as much black oxide of manganese as we used before of sulphuric acid. Apply to the top of the flask a glass tube, shut at one end. Then heat the mixture in the flask. The iodine sublimes in the glass tube. None can be obtained from sea- water. Iodine is a solid, ol a greyish-black colour and metallic lustre. It is often in scales similar to those of micaceous iron ore, sometimes in rhom- boidal plates, very large and very brilliant. It has been obtained in elongated octahedron--, nearly half an inch in length ; the axes of which were shown by Dr. WoUaston to be to each other, as the numbers 2, 3, and 4, at least so nearly, that in a body so volatile, it is scarcely possible to detect an error in this estimate, by the reflec- tive goniometer. Its fracture is lameilated, and it is soft and friable to the touch. Its taste is very acrid, though it be very sparingly soluble in water. It is a deadly poison. It gives a deep brown stain to the skin, which soon vanishes by evaporation. In odour, and power of destroying vegetable co- lours, it resembles very dilute aqueous chlorine. The sp. gr. of iodine at 62^° is 4.948. It dissolve? in 7000 parts of water. The solution ft of aa orange-yellow colour, and in small quantity tinge sraw starch of a purple hue. It melts, according to Gay Lussac, at 227° F., and is volatilised under the common pressure of the atmosphere, at the temperature of 350°. It evaporates pretty quickly at ordinary tempera- tures. Boiling water aids its sublimation, as is shown in the above process of extraction. Th« sp. gr. of its violet vapour is 8.678. It is a non- conductor of electricity. When the voltaic chain is interrupted by a small fragment of it, the de- composition of water instantly ceases. Iodine is incombustible, but with azote itformi a curious detonating compound ; and in combin. ing with several bodies, the intensity of mutual action is such as to produce the phenomena of combustion. Its combinations with oxygen ani chlorine are described, under iodic and chloriodic acids. With a view of determining whether it was a simple or compound form of matter, Sir H. Davy exposed it to the action ofthe highly inflam- mable metals. When its vapour is passed over potassium heated in a glass tube, intlamniation takes place, and the potassium burns slowly with a pale blue light. There was no gas disengaged when the experiment was repeated in a mercurial apparatus. The iodide of potassium is white, fu- sible at a red heat, and soluble in water. It has a peculiar acrid taste. When acted on by sul- phuric acid, it effervesces, and iodine appears. It is evident that in this experiment there had bees no decomposition; the result depending merely on the combination of iodine with potassium. Bj passing the vapour of iodide over dry red-hot po- tassa, formed from potassium, oxygen is expelled, and the above iodine results. Hence we see, that at the temperature of ignition, the affinity between iodine and potassium is superior to that ofthe lat- ter for oxygen. But iodine in its turn is displaced by clorine, at a moderate heat, and il the latter be in excess, chloriodic acid is formed. Gay Lussac passed vapour of iodine in a red heat over melted subcarbonate of potassa; and he obtained carbon- ic acid and oxygen gases, in the proportions oi two in volume of the first, and one ol the second, precisely those wiiich exist in the salt. The oxide of sodium, and the subcarbonate of soda, arc also crmrpletely decomposed by iodine. iuS 10D > rom these experiments it would seem, that this substance ought to disengage oxygen Irom mo>t of the oxides; but this happens only in a small number of cases. The protoxides of lead and bis- muth are the only oxides, not reducible by mere heat with which it exhibited that power. Bas- tes 'strontian, and lime, combine with iodine, without riving out oxygen gas, and the oxides ol zinc sod iron undergo no alteration in this respect. From these facts we must conclude, that the de- cotgpoKition of tbe oxides by iodine depends less on the condensed state of the oxycen, than upon the affinity of tbe metal for iodine. Except ba- ryte*. strontian, and lime, no oxide can remain in combination with iodine at a red heat. For a more particular account of some iodides, see Hydriodic acid; the compounds of which, in the liquid or moist state, are hydriodates, but change, on drying, into iodides, in the same way as the muriates become chlorides. From the proportion of the constituents in hy- driodic acich 15.5 has been deduced as the prime equivalent of iodine. Iodine forms with sulphur a feeble compound, of a greyish-black colour, radiated like sulphuret of antimony. When it is distiUed with water, iodine separates. Iodine and phosphorus combine with great ra- pidity at common temperatures, producing heat without light. From the presence of a little moisture, small quantities of hydriodic acid gas are exhaled. Oxygen expels iodine from both sulphur and phosphorus. Hydrogen, whether dry or moist, did not seem to have any action on iodine al the ordinary tem- perature ; but if we expose a mixture of hydrogen and iodine to a red heat in a tube, they unite to- gether, and hydriodic acid is produced, which gives a rcddisn brown colour to water. Sir H. Davy threw the violet-coloured gas upon the flame of hydrogen, when it seemed to support its com- bustion. He also formed a compound of iodine with hydrogen, by heating to redness the two bo- dies in a glass tube. Charcoal has no action upon iodine, either at a high or low temperature. Several ofthe com- mon metals, on tbe contrary, as zinc, iron, tin, mercury, attack it readily, even at a low tem- perature, provided they be in a divided state. Though these combinations take place rapidly, they produce but little heat, and but rarefy any light. The compound of iodine and zinc, or iodide of zinc, is white. It melts readily, and is sublimed in the state of fine acicular lour-sided prisms. It is very soluble in water, and rapidly deliquesces in the air. It dissolves in water, without the evolution of any gas. The solution is slightly acid, and does not crystallise. The alkalies pre- cipitate from it white oxide of zinc ; while con- centrated sulphuric acid disengages hydriodic acid and iodine, because sulphurous acid is pro- duced. The solution is a hydriodate of oxide of zinc. When iodine and zinc are made to act on each other under water in vessels hermetically sealed, on the application of a slight heat, tbe water assumes a deep reddish-brown colour, be- cause, as soon as hydriodic acid is produced, it dissolves iodine in abundance. But by degrees the tine, supposed to be in excess, combines with the whole iodine, and the solution becomes co- lourless like water. Iron is acted on by iodine in the same way as /iuc ; and a brown iodide results, which is fusible at a red heal. It dissolve* in water, forming a |i;ht errcji solution, [ike that of muriate of iron. When the dry iodide was heated, by Sir H. Davy, iii a small reiort containing pure anmoniacal gas, it combined with the ammonia, and formed a compound which volatilised without leaving any oxide. '1 be iodide of tin is very fusible. When in powder, its colour is a dirty orange-yellow, not unlike that of glass ol antimony. When | ut into a considerable quantity ot water, it is completely decomposed. Hydriodic acid is formed, which remains in solution in the water, and the oxide of tin precipitates in white flocculi. It the quan- tity gfdUter be small, the acid, being more con- centrating retains a portion of oxide of tin, and forms a stiky orange-coloured salt, which may be almost entirely decomposed by water. Iodine and tin act very weU on each other, in water of the temperature of 212°. By employing an excess of tin, we may obtain pure hydriodic acid, or at least an acid containing only traces ot the metal. The tin must be in considerable quantity, because the oxide which precipitates on its surface, di- minishes very much its action on iodine. Antimony presents, with iodine, the same phe- nomena as tin ; so that we might employ either for the preparation of hydriodic acid, if we were not acquainted with^Pnerable methods. The iodides of lead, copper, bismuth, silver, and mercury, are insoluble in water, while the iodides ot tbe very oxidisable metals are soluble in that liquid. If we mix a hydriodate with the metal ic solutions, all the metals which do not de- compose water will give precipitates, while those which decompose that liquid will give none. This ia at least the case with the above mentioned metals. There are two iodides of mercury; the one yellow, the other red ; both are lusible and vola- ttie. The yellow or pro-tiodide, contains one-half less iodine than the deut-iodide. The latter, when crystallised, is a bright crimson. In general, there ought to be for each metal as many iodides as there are oxides and chlorides. All the iodides are decomposed by concentrated sulphuric and nitric acids. The metal is converted into an ox- ide, and iodine is disengaged. They are likewise decomposed by oxygen-at a red heat, if we except the iodides of potassium, sodium, lead, and bis- muth. Chlorine likewise separates iodine from all the iodides ; but iodine, on the other hand, de- composes most ofthe sulphurets and phosphurets. when iodine and oxides act upon each other in contact with water, very different results take place from those above described. The water is decomposed; its hydrogen unites with iodine, to form hydriodic acid; while its oxygen, on the other hand, produces with iodine, iodic acid. All the oxides, however, do not give the same results, We obtain them only with potassa, soda, barytes, strontian, lime, and magnesia. The oxide of zinc, precipitated by ammonia from its solution in sulphuric acid, and well washed, gives no trace of iodate and hydriodate. From all the above recited facts, we are war- ranted in concluding iodine to be an undecom- pounded body. In its specific gravity, lustre, and magnitude of its prime equivalent, it resem- bles the metals ; but in all its chemical agencies, it is analogous to oxygen and chlorine. It is a non-conductor of electricity, and possesses, tike these two bodies, the negative electrical energy with regard to metals, inflammable and alkaline substances; and hence when combined with these substances in aqueous solution, and elec- trised in the voltaic circuit, it separates at ihe positive surface. But it has a positive energy with respect to chlorine • tor when united to chlorine l-Vi ' 1KO •^u the chloriodic acid, it separates at the negative surface. This likewise corresponds with their relative attractive energy, since chlorine expels iodine from all its combinations. Iodine dissolves in carburet of sulphur, giving, in very minute quantities, a fine amethystine tint to the liquid. Iodide of mercury has been proposed for a pig- ment. Orfila swallowed 6 grains of iodine ; and was immediately affected with heat, constriction of the throat, nausea, eructation, salivation, and cardialgia. In ten minutes he had copious bilious vomitings, and slight colic pains. His pulse rose from 70 to about 90 beats in the minute. By swallowing large quantities of mucilage, and emolUent clysters, he recovered, and felt nothing next day but slight fatigue. About 70 or 80 trains proved a fatal dose to dogs. They usually ied on the fourth or fifth day. Dr. Coindet of Geneva has recommended the use of iodine in the form of tincture, and also hydriodate of potassa or soda, as an efficacious remedy for the cure of glandular swellings, of the goitrous and scrophulous kind. I have found _ an ointment composed of 1 oz. hog's lard, and 1 drachm of iodide of zinc, a powerful external application in -uh cases. .About a drachm of this ointment should be 'mild in friction on the .swelling once, or twice a day."—Ure's Chem. Did. IODO-SULPHURIC ACID. " When sulphu- ric acid is poure-d, drop by drop, into a concen- trated and hot aqueous solution of iodic sfcid, there immediately results a precipitate of iodo- sulphuric acid, possessed of peculiar properties. Exposed gradually to the action of a gentle heat, the iodo-sulphuric acid melts, and crystallises on cooling into rhomboids of a pale yellow colour. ~ When strongly heated, it sublimes, and is par- tiaUy decomposed ; the latter portion being con- vertedJnto oxygen, iodine, and sulphuric acid. Phosphoric and nitric acids exhibit similar phenomena. These compound acids act with great energy ou the metals. They dissolve gold and platinum." IOLITE. Dicbroite. Prismato-rliomboidal quartz of Mohs. This is of a colour intermedi- ate between black, blue, and violet blue. When viewed in the direction of the axis of the crys- tals, the colour is dark indigo blue; but perpen- dicular to the axis of the crystals, pale brownish yellow. It comes from Finland. I'onis. (From iov, a violet.) A carbuncle of a violet colour. IO'NTHUS. (From iov, a violet, and avO,n, a flower.) A pimple in the face, of a violet colour. IOTAOPSMUS. (From mra, the Greek letter <.) A defect in the tongue, or organs of speech, which renders a person incapable of pro- nouncing his letters. IPECACUA'NHA. (An Indian word.) See Callicocca ipecacuanha. IPOM02A. (So caUed by Linnams from t\p, which he unaccountably mistakes for the convol- vulus plant, whereas it means a creeping sort of worm that infests and corrodes vines, and opoios, like. By this appellation he evidently intended to express the close resemblance of Ipomaza to the genus Convolvulus, with which it agrees in habit altogether.) The name of a genus of plants in the Limvran system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. Ipomiea QUAM8CL1T. Batata peregrina. The cathartic potatoe. If about two ounces are eaten at bed time, they gently open the bowels by morning. . Iqueta'ia. The inhabitaits of the Brails V?6 give this name to the Scrophularia aquulicu which is there celebrated as a corrector of the ill flat our of senna. IRACU'NDUS. (From tm anger: s0 called because it forms the angry look.) A muscle of the eye. IRIDIUM. A metal found with another called osmium, in the black powder left after dissolvinir platinum. See Platinum. ? F:xl!S. (A rainbow : so called because of the variety of its colours.) 1. The anterior portion of the continuation of the choroid ruwnbrane of s the eye, whicli is perforated in the middle by the N pupil. It is of various colours. The posterior ™ surface of the iris is termed the uvea. See Cho- roid membrane. 2. The flower-de-luce, from the resemblance of its flowers to the rainbow. 3. The name ot a genus of plants in the Lin- i na;an system. Class, Triandria; Order, Mono- \ gynia. I Iris florentiva. Florentine orris, or im. The root of this plant, Iris—corollit barbatit • caule foliis altiore subbifloro, floribus semlibut ■' of Linnreua, which is indigenous to Italy, in its recent state is extremely acrid, and, when chewed, excites a pungent heat in the mouth, that continues several hours : on being dried, this acrimony is I almost whoUy dissipated; the taste is slighly , bitter, and the smell agreeable, and approaching to that of violets. The treshtoot is cathartic, ' and for this purpose has been employed in drop- sies. It is now chiefly used in its dried state, and ranked as a pectorai and expectorant, and hence has a place in the trochisti amyli of the pharmacopceias. Iris, Florentine. See Iris florentina. Iris germavica. The systematic name of the common iris, or orris, or flower-de-luce. Irit nostra. The fresh roots of this plant, Irit— ' corollis barbalts, caule foliis altiori muttifloro, floribus infenoribut pedunculatit, of Linnssat, have a strong disagreeable smell, and an acrid nauseous taste. They arc powerfully cathartio/ ^ and are given in dropsical diseases, where such remedies are indicated. Iris nostras. See Irit germanica. Iris palustris. See Iris pteuducorus. Iris pseddacorus. The systematic name of the yellow water-flag. Iris palustris; Gladiolus j luteus; Acorus vulgaris. This indigenous plant, Iris—imberbis, foliis ensiformibus, pi talis altei nis, stigmatibus minoribus, is common in *M marshes, and on the banks of rivers. It formerly fl had a place in the London Pharmacopoeia, under fl^ the name of Gladiolus luteins. The root is \ without smell, but has an acrid styptic taste, and_ its juice, on being snuffed up the nostrils, pro*^ fl duces a burning heat in the nose and mouth, ac- companied by a copious discharge from these or- gans : hence it is recommended both as an errhine and sialagogue. Given internally, when perfect- ly dry, its adstringent qualities are such as to cure diarrhoeas. The expressed juice is hkewise | said to be an usetul application to serpiginous eruptions and scrophulous tumours. Irish slate. See Lapis Hybernicus. IHI'TIS. (Iritis, idit. f.; from iris, tbe name of the membrane.) Inflammation of the iris: it produces the symptoms of deep-seated or in- ternal inflammation ofthe eye. See Ophthalmia. IRON. Ferrum. Of all tbe metals, there i» none which is so copiously and so variously dis- persed through nature as iron. In animals, in vegetables, and in all parts ol the mineral king- dom, we detect its presence. Mineralogists are riot agreed with respect to the existere-e of pstiv- wo art iion, ibouKU immense masses of it hare been discovered, which could not have been the pro- ducts of art ; but there is much in favour of the notion that these specimens have been extracted by subterraneous nre. A mats of native iron, ol 1600 pounds weight, was found by Pallas, on the river Denisci, in Siberia; and another mass of 300 pounds was found in Paraguay, of which specimens have been distributed every where. A piece ..f native iron, of two pounds weight, has been also met with at Kaiu-dorf, in the territories of Neustadt, which is still preserved there. These masses evidently did not originate in the places where they were found. There are a vast variety of iron ore*: they may, however, be all arranged under the follow- ing genera ; namely, Milphun-ts, carburets, oxides, and salts of iron. The sulpbureU of iron form the otvh called Pyrites, of which there are many varie-liea. Their colour is, in general, a straw- yellow, with a metallic lustre ; sometimes brown- ish, which sort it attracted by the magnet. Thev are often amorphous, and often also crystallised. Iron, in the state of a carburet, forms the gra- phite of Werner (plumbago.) This mineral oc- curs in kidney-form lumps of various sizes. Its colour u a dark iron-grey, or brownish black ; when cut, bluish-grey. It ha- a metallic lustre. Its texture is fine-grained. It is very brittle. The combination of iron with oxygen is very abundant. The common magnetic iron-stone, or load-tlone, belongs to this class: as does specular iron ore, and all the different ores railed hamalilet, or blood-stone. Iron united to • arbonic acid, exists in the tparry iron ore. Joined to arsenic acid, it exists in the ores called arteniate ef iron, and arteniate of iroM und copper. Propertiet of iron.—Iron is distinguished from every other metal by its magnetical properties. It is attracted by the magnet, and acquires, under various conditions, the property of attracting other iron. Pure iion i» of a whitish grey, or rather bluish colour, very slightly livid; but when polished, it has a great deal of brilliancy. Its texture is either fibrous, fine-grained, or m dense plates. Its specific gruvity varies from 7.6 to 7.8. It is tbe hardest and most elastic of all the metals. It is extremely ductile, and may therefore be drawn into wire as fine as a human hair; it is also more tenacious than any other metal, and yields with facility to pressure. It is extremely infusible, and when not in contact with the fuel, it cannot be melted by the h<>at which any furnace can excite ; it is, however, softened by heat, still preserving its ductility; and when thus softened, different pieces may be united ; this constitutes the valuable property of irtlding. It is very dilatable by heat. It is the only metal which takes fire by the collision of flint. Heated in coat act with air it becomes oxi- dised. If intensely and briskly heated, it takes fire with scintillation, and becomes a black oxide. It combines with carbon, and forms what is called aterl. It combines with phosphorus in a direct and an indirect manner, and unites with sulphur readily by fusion. It decomposes water in the cold slowly, but rapidly when ignited. It decom- poses most of the metallic oxides. All acids act upon iron. Very concentrated sulphuric acid has little or no effect uiion it, but when diluted it oxidises it rapidly. The nitric acid oxidises it with great vehemence. Muriate of ammonia is decomposed by it. Nitrate of potassa detonates ♦ rry vigorously with it. Iron is likewise dis- ««lvnl by alkaline •ulphnnt-. Jr |. capable of combining with a number of metals. It does not unite with lead or bismuth, and very feebly with mercury. It detonates by percussion with the oxygenated muriates. method of obtaining iron.—The general pro- cess by which iron is extracted from its ores, is Grst to roast them by a strong heat, to expel the sulphur, carbonic acid, and other raineralizers which can be separated by heat The remaining' ore, being reduced to small pieces, is mixed with charcoal, or coke ; and is then exposed to an in- tense heat- in a close furnace, excited by beUows ; the oxygen then combines with the carbon, forming carbonic acid gas during the process, and the oxide is reduced to its metallic state. There are likewise some fluxes necessary in order to facilitate the separation of the melted metal. The matrix of the iron ore is generaUy either ar- gillaceous or calcareous, or sometimes a portion of siliciotu earth; but whichever of these earths is present, the addition of one or both of the others makes a proper flux. These are therefore added in due proportion, according to the nature of the ores; and this mixture, in contact with the fuel, is exposed te^Lheat sufficient to reduce the oxide to its metakflHnte. The metal thus oflHKed, and caUed smelted, pig, or cast iron, is far from being pure, always retaining a considerable quantity of carbon and oxygen, as well as several heterogeneous ingre- dients. According as one or other of these pre- dominates, the property of the metal differs. Where the oxygen is present in a large propor- tion, the colour ofthe iron is whitish grey ; it is extremely brittle, and its fracture exhibits an ap- pearance of crystallisation : where the carbon exceeds, it is of a dark grey, inclining to blue or black, and is less brittle. The former is the white, the latter the black crude iron of com- merce. The grey is intermediate to bolbf In many of these states, the iron is much more fusi- ble than when pure: hence it can be fused and cast into any form; and when suffered to cool slowly, it crystallizes in octahedra: it is also much more brittle, and cannot therefore be either flattened under the hammer, or by the la- minating rollers. To obtain the iron more pure, or to free it from the carbon with which it is combined in this state, it must be refined by subjecting it to the opera- tions of melting and forging. By the former, in which the metal is kept in fusion for some time, and constantly kneaded and stirred, the carbon and oxygen it contains are partly combined, and the produced carbonic acid gas is expelled: the metal at length becomes viscid and stiff; it is then subjected to the action of a very large hammer, or to the raoie equal, but less forcible pressure of large rollers, by which the remaining oxide of iron, and other impurities, not consumed by the fusion, arc pressed out. The iron is now no longer granular nor crystallised in its texture; it is fibrous, soft, ductile, malleable, and totally infusible. It is termed forged, wrought, or bar iron, and is the metal in a purer state, though far from being absolutely pure. The compounds of iron arc the following: 1. Oddes, of which there are two, or per- haps, three. lit, The oxide, obtained either by digesting an excess of iron filings in water, by the combus- tion of iron wire in oxygen, or by adding pure ammonia to solution of green copperas, and dry- ing the precipitate out of contact of air, is of a black colour, becoming white by its union with water, in tb<> hrdn'e, attractable by the magnet,. mo mo hut more feebly than iron. By a mean of the ex- periments of several chemists, its composition seems to be, Iron, 100 77.82 S.5 Oxygen, 28.5 22.18 1.0 2d., Deutoxide of Gay Lussac. He forms it by exposing a coil of fine iron wire, placed in an ignited porcelain tube, to a current of steam, as long as any hydrogen comes over. There is no danger, he says, of generating peroxide in this experiment, because iron once in the state of deutoxide, has no such affinity for oxygen as to enable it to decompose water. It may also, he states, be procured by calcining strongly a mix- ture of 1 part of iron and 3 parts of the red oxyde in a stone ware crucible, to the neck of which a tube is adapted to cut off the oontact of air. But this process is less certain than the first, because a portion of peroxide may escape the reaction of the iron. But we may dispense with the trouble of making it, adds Thenard, because it is found abundantly in nature. He refers to this oxide, the crystallised specular iron ore of Elba, Corsica, Dalecarha, and Sweden. He also classes under this oxide all the magndti^Jron ores ; and says, that the above describeflHltoxide does not exist in nature. From the syntnesis of this oxide by steam, Gay Lussac has determined its composi- tion to be, Iron, 100 72.72 Oxygen, 37.5 27.28 3d, The red oxide. It may be obtained by ig- niting the nitrate, or carbonate ; by calcining iron in open vessels ; or simply by treating the metal with strong nitric acid, then washing and drying the residuum. Colcothar of vitriol, or thorough calcined copperas, may be considered as peroxide of iron. It exists abundantly native in f he red iron ores. It seems to be a compound of, Iron, 100 70=4 primes, Oxygen, 43 30=3 primes. 2. Chlorides of iron ; of which there are two, first examined in detail by Dr. John Davy. The protochloride may be procured by heating to redness, in a glass tube with a very small ori- fice, the residue which is obtained by evapora- ting to dryness the green muriate of iron. It is a fixed substance, requiring a red heat for its fusion. It has a greyish variegated colour, a me- tallic splendour, and a lamellar texture. The deutoc.hlonde may be formed by the com- bustion of iron wire in chlorine gas, or by gently heating the green muriate in a glass tube. It is the volatile compound described by Sir H. Davy in his celebrated Bakerian lecture on oxymuriatic acid. It condenses after sublimation, in the form of small brilliant iridescent plates. 3. For the iodide of iron, see Iodine. 4. Sulphurets of iron; of which, according to Porrett, there are four, though only two are usually described, his protosulphuret and persul- phuret. 5. Carburets of iron. These compounds torm steel, and probably cast-iron ; though the latter contains also some other ingredients. The latest practical researches on the constitution of these carburets, are those of Daniel. 6. Salts of iron. 1. Protacetate of iron forms small prismatic crystals, of a green colour, a sweetish styptic 2. Peracetate of iron forms a reddish-brown uncrystallisable solution, much used by the cali- co-printers, and prepared by keeping iron turn- ings, or pieces of old iron, lor six months im- mersed in redistilled pyrolignous acid. 3. Protarseniate ot iron exists native in crys- Wft tals, and may be formed in a pulverulent audi, by pouring arseniate of ammoma into sulphate of iron. 4. Perarseniate of iron may be formed by pouring arseniate of ammonia into peracetate of iron ; or by boiling nitric acid on the protarse- niate. It is insoluble. 5. Antimoniate of iron is white, becomin* yellow, insoluble. 6. Borate, pale yellow, insoluble. 7. Benzi-ate, yellow, insoluble. 8. Protocarbonate, greenish, soluble. 9. Percarbonate, brown, insoluble. 10. Chromate, blackish, do. 11. Protocitrate, brown-crystals, soluble. 12. Protoferroprusriate, white, insoluble. 13. Peiferropiitssiate, white, do. This coustitutes the beautiful pigment called prussian blue. 14. Protogallate, colourless, soluble. 15. Pergullale, purple, insoluble. 16. Protomuriate, green crystals, very soluble. 17. Permuriate, brown, uncrystallizable, very soluble. 18. Proionitrate, pale green, soluble. 19. Pemitrate, brown, do. 20. Protoxalate, green prisms, do. 21. Peroxatate, yellow, scarcely soluble. 22. Protophosphate, blue, insoluble. 23. Perphosphate, white, -, do. 24. Protosuccinate, brown crystals, soluble. 25. Persuccinate, brownish-red, insoluble. 26. Protosulphate, green vitriol, or copperas. It is generally formed by exposing native pyrites to air and moisture, when the sulphur and iron both absorb oxygen, and form the salt. 27.jPersulphate. Of this salt there seems to be four or more varieties, having a ferreous base, which consists by Porrett, of 4 primes iron 4-3 oxygen = 10 in weight, from which then- consti- tution may be learned. The tartrate and pcrtartrate of iron may also be < formed ; or by digesting cream of tartar wifal water or iron filings, a triple salt may be obtained, formerly called tartarized tincture of Mars. These salts have the foUowing general charac- ters :— I. Most of them arc soluble in water ; those with the protoxide for a base, are generally cry*. ' tallisable ; those with the peroxide, are gene* rally not; the former are insoluble, the latter so- .' luble in alkohol 2. Ferroprussiate of potassa throws down a' , blue precipitate, or one becoming blue in the air. |'a 3. Infusion of galls gives a dark purple precipi- tate, or one becoming so in the air. 4. Hydrosulphuret of potassse or ammonii gives a black precipitate ; but sulphuretted hydro- gen merely deprives the solutions of iron of their yellow-brown eolour. 5. Phosphate of soda gives a whitish preeipi: tate. 6. Benzoate of ammonia, yellow. 7. Succinate of ammonia, flesh-coloured with the peroxide. The general medicinal virtues of iron, and the several preparations of it, are to constringe the fibres, to quicken the circulation, to promote the different secretions in the remoter parts, and at the same time to repress inordinate discharges into the intestinal tube. By the use of chalybcates, the pulse is very sensibly rosed, the colour of the face, though before pale, changes to a florid red; the alvine, urinary, and cuticular excretions, are increased. When given improperly, or to excess, iron pro- duces headache, anxiety, heats the body, »! >btJ| itkflj eJM 'nen tausM bsrtnorrhaecs, or even vomiting, pa.n. in the stomach, spasms, and pains or the Iron is given in most cases of debility and re- laxation : m passive hemorrhages ; in dyspepsia, hytti-ria, and rhlorOMs ; in most of the cachexia ; and ii has latelv been recommended as a specific in cancer VVbi re either a preternatural dis- charge, or suppression of natural secretions, pro- en ds from ;i languor, or slu rsrishm »s of the fluids, and weakness of the solid-, tin- metal, by increas- ing ihe motion of the former and the strength of the latter, will suppress the fluv, or remove the suppression ; but where the circulation is already too quick, the xolids too tense and rigid, where there is any stricture, or spasmodic contraction of tbe vessels, iron, and all the preparations of it, will agsrrivate both diseases. Iron probably has no action on the body when taken into the stomach, unless it be oxidised. But during its oxidisemtnt, hydrogen gas is evolved, and ac- cordingly we find that foetid eructations and black faces are considered as proofs ot the me- dicine having taken effect. It can only be ex- hibited internally in the state of filings, which may be given in doses from five to twenty grains. Iron wire in to be preferred for pharmaceutical preparations, both because it is tne most conve- nient form, and because it is the purest iron. The medicinal preparations of iron now in use arc:— 1. SuIk irbonas ferri. Sec Ferri subcar- bonas ■ 2. Sulphas ferri. See Firn sulphas. 3. Ferrum tartarizatum. Sec Ferrum tartar- izatum. 4. Liquor ferri alkalini. See Fern alkalmit liquor. 5. Tinctura acetatis ferri. See Tinctura ferri net talis. 6. Tinctura muriatis fern. See Tinctura fer- rimunatit. 7. Tinrtura ferri ammoniati. Sec Tinctura ferri ammoniati. 8. Vinum ferri. See Vinum feiri. 9. Ferrum amuioniatum. See Ferrum ammo- , datum. 10. Oxydum ferri rubnim. Sec Oxydum ferri rubrum. II. Oxydum ferri nigrum. See Oxydum ferri nigrum. IRON-PUNT. This occurs in veins of iron- stone, and in tr.ip-rocks, near Kristol, and in many parts of < ii-i-iimuy. IRRITABILITY. (Irritabilitat; from irrito, topnooki.) Vii innita of I l.-iller. Vit viialis of l.< i ri. r. Oscillation of Boerhaave. Tonic power of stahl. Muscular power ol Bell. Inhe- rent power ol Cullen. The contractility of mus- cular fibres, or a property peculiar to muscles, by which they contract upon the application of certain stimuli, without a consciousness of action. Tins power may be seen in the tremulous con- Uiietion of muscles when lacerated, or when en- tirely separated from the body in operations. Kirn wbeu the body is dead to all appearance, und tbe nervous power is gone, this contractile power remains till the organisation yields, and begins to be dissolved. It is by this inherent power that a cut inuseli- contracts, and leaves a gap, that a cut artej-y shrinks and -Tims Mitt ai- re r death This irritability of muscles ia so far inde|M-ndent of nerves, and so httle connected with lei ling, wliich is the province ol tbe nerves, that, upon stiniuluiiii'j any inusrle by touching it with can-tic, or irritating it with a sharp point, "» driving the electric spark through it, or exci- 67 u:i; nn:; with the nv tallic conductors, as those of sil- ver, or zinc, the muscle instantly contracts, al- though the nerve of that muscle be tied; although the nerve be cut so as to separate the muscle en- tirely from all connection with the system; al- though the muscle be separated from the body; although the creature upon which the experiment is performed may have lost all sense of feeling, and have been long apparently dead. Thus a muscle, cut from the limb, trembles and palpitates a longtime after ; the heart, separated from the body, contracts when irritated ; tbe bowels, when torn from the body, continue their peristaltic mo- tion, so as to roll upon the table, ceasing to an- swer to stimuli only when they become stiff- and cold ; and too often, in the human body, the vis insita loses the exciting power of the nerves, and then palsy ensues ; or, losing all governance oi the nerves, the vis insita, acting without the regula- ting power, falls into partial or general convul- sions. Even in vegetables, asr in the sensitive plant, this contractile power lives. Thence comes the distinction between the irritability of muscles and the sensibility of nerves: for the irritability of muscles survives the animals, as when it is active al'taSjfcath : survives the life of the part, or the feeftflji ofthe whole system, as) in universal palsy, where the vital motions con- tinue entire and perfect, and where the muscles, . though not obedient to the will, are subject to ir- regular and violent actions ; and it survives the connection with the rest of the system, as when animals very tenacious of Ufe, are cut into parts ; but tendbilily, the property of the nerves, gives the .various modifications ot sense, as vision, hear- ing, and the rest; gives also the general sense of pleasure or pain, and makes the system, accord- ing to its various conditions, feel vigorous and healthy, or weary and low. And thus the eye feels and the skin feels: but their appointed stim- uli produce no emotions in these parts ; they are) sensible, but not irritable. The heart, the intes- tines, the urinary bladder, and all the muscles of voluntary motion, answer to stimuli with a quick and forcible contraction; and yet they hardly feel the stimuli by wh:ch these contractions are produced, or at least, they do not convey that feeling to the brain. There is no consciousness of present stimulus in those parts which are call- ed into action by the impulse of the nerves, and ;it the command ot the will; so that muscular parts have all the irritability of the system, with but little feeling, and that Uttle owing to the nerves which enter into their substance ; while nerves have all the sensibility of the system, but no motion. The discovery of this singular property belongs to our countryman Glisson; but Baron Haller must be considered as the first who clearly point- ed out its existence, and proved it to be the cause of muscular motion. The laws of irritability, according to Dr. Crichton, are, 1. After e,very action in an irrita- ble part, a state of rest, or cessation from motion, must take place before the irritable part can be again incited to action. If, by an act of volition, we throw any of our muscles into action, tha' ac- tion can only be continued for a certain space_ of time; the muscle becomes relaxed, notwithstanding all our endeavours to the contrary, and remains a certain time in that relaxed state, before it can be again thrown into action. 2. Each irritable part has a certain portion or quantity of the prin- ciple of initabitity which is natural to it, part ol which it loses during action, or from the applica- tion of stimuli. 3. By a process wholly unknown I* us. it regains this lostquantity duriug its repose 329 IKK oi state ol rest. In order to express the different quantities of irritability in any part, we say that it is either more or less redundant, or more or less defective. It becomes redundant in a part when the stimuli which are calculated to act on that part are withdrawn, or withheld for a certain length of time, because then no action can take place ; while, on the other nand, the application of sti- muti causes it to be exhausted, or to be deficient, not only by exciting action, but by some secret influence, the nature of which has not yet been de- tected ; for it is a circumstance extremely deser- ving of attention, that an irritable part, or body, .may be suddenly deprived of its irritability by powerful stimuli, and yet no apparent muscular or vascular action takes place al the time. A certain quantity of spirits, taken at once into the stomach, kills almost as instantaneously as light- ning does : the same thing may be observed of some poisons, as opium, distilled laurel-water, the juice of the cerbera ahovai, &c. 4. Each ir- ritable part has stimuli which are peculiar to it, and which are intended to support its natural ac- tion : thus, blood, which is tbe stimulus proper to the heart and arteries, if, by any accident it gets into the stomach, producsjajekness, or vomiting. If the gall, which is theflffiiral stimulus to tbe ducts of the liver, the gall-bladder, and the in- testines, is by any accident effused into the cavity of the peritonaeum, it excites too great action of the vessels of that part, and induces inflammation. The urine does not irritate the tender fabric of the kidneys, ureters, or bladder, except in such a degree as to preserve their healthy action ; but if it be effused into the cellular membrane, it brings on such a violent action of the vessels of these parts, as to produce gangrene. Such stimuli are caUed habitual stimuli ot parts. 5. Each irrita- ble part differs from the rest in regard to the quantity of irritability which it possesses. This* law explains tons the reason of the great diversity which we observe in the action of various irrita- ble parts: thus Ihe muscles of voluntary motion can remain a long time in a state of action, and if it be continued as long as possible, another con- siderable portion of time is required before they regain the irritability they lost; but the heart and arteries have a more short and sudden action, and their state of rest u equally so. The circular muscles of the intestines have also a quick action and short rest. The urinary bladder does not fuUy regain the irritability it loses during its con- traction for a considerable space of time ; the ves- sels which separate and throw out the menstrual discharge, net, in general, for three or four days, and do not regain the irritability they lose for a lunar month. 6. AU stimuli produce action in pro- portion to tbefr irritating powers. As a person approaches his hand to the fire, the action of all thtvvasatS*- m the skin is increased, and it glows with heat; if the hand be approached still nearer, theVaotion is increased to such an unusual degree as to occasion redness and pain; and if it be con- tinued too long, teal inflammation takes place ; but if this heat be continued, the part at last loses its imtability, and a sphacelus or gangrene ensues. 7. The action of every stimulus is in an inverse ratio to the frequency of its application. A smaU quantity of spirits taken into the stomach, in- creases the action of its muscular coat, and also of its various vessels, so that digestion is thereby facUitated. If the same quantity, however, be taken frequently, it loses its effect. In order to produce the same effect as at first, a larger quanti- ty is necessary ; and hence the origin of dram- drinking. 8. The more the, irritability of a part 580 ISC' is accumulated, the more that part is disposed to be acted upon. It is on this account that the ac- tivity of all animals, while in perfect health, is much livelier in the morning than at any other part ofthe day ; for, during tne night, the irrita- bility ofthe whole frame, and especially tti.it of the muscles destined for labour, viz. the muscles for voluntary action, is re-accumulated. The same law explains why digestion goes on more rapidly the first hour after food is swallowed than at any other time ; and it also accounts for the great danger that accrues to a famished person uporpfirst taking in food. 9. If the stimuli which keep up the action of any irritable body be with- drawn for too great a length of time, that process on which the formation of the principle depends is gradually diminished, and at last entirely de- stroyed. When the irritability of the system is too quickly exhausted by heat, as is the case in certain warm climates, the application of cold in- vigorates the frame, because cold is a mere di- minution of the overplus of that stimulus which was causing the rapid consumption nf the princi- ple. Under such or similar circumstances, there- fore, cold is a tonic remedy; but if, in a climate naturally cold, a person were to go into a cold bath, and not soon return into a warmer atmos- phere, it would destroy Ufe just in the same man- ner as many poor people who have no comfortable dwellings are often destroyed from being ton long exposed to the cold in winter. Upon the first ap- plication of cold the irritability is accumulated, and the vascular system therefore is exposed to great action ; but, after a certain time, all action is so much diminished, that the process, whatever it be, on which the formation ofthe irritable prin- ciple depends, is entirely lost. For further infor- mation on this interesting subject, see Dr. Crich- ton on Mental Derangement. -• IRRITATION. Irritatio. The action pro- duced by any stimulus. ISATIS. (\fans of Dioscorides, and Itatit of Pliny, the derivation of which is unknown.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Tetradynamia; Order, Sili- quota. * Isatis flNCTOMA. Glastum. The systema- tic name of the plant used for dyeing, called woad. It is said to be adstringent. I'sca. A sort of fungous excrescence of the oak, or of the hazel, &c. The ancients used it as the moderns used moxa. ISCRoE'MON. (From text-; to restrain, ani aipa, blood.) A name for any medicine which restrains or stops bleeding. Isch.s'mum. A species of Andropogon. I'SCHIAS. (hr^iaj; from taxiov, the hip.) A rheumatic affection of the hip-joint. See Rheumatismus. ISCHIATOCE'LE. (From h^iov, the hip, and KtjXn, a rupture.) Ischiocele. An intestinal rupture, through the sciatic ligaments. Ischio-cavernosus. See Erector penis. Ischioce'le. See Ischiatocele. PSCHIUM. (From taxis, the loin : so named because it is near the loin.) A bone of the pelvis of the foetus, and a part of the os innominatum ol the adult. See Innominatum os. 'ISCHNOPHO'NIA. (From tovvos, slender, and tptavrj, the voice.) 1. A shrillness of the voice. 2. A hesitation of speech, or a stammering. Ischure'tica. (From toxovpia, a suppression of the urine.) Medicines which relieve a sup- pression of the urine. ISCHU'RIA. (From wyu, to restrain, »** 1 «. i\l the urine,) A suppression ot urine. A ■ cm'is of disease in the (lass Ijocalet, and order Lmtchettt, of Cullen. There are four species of ischuria: , 1. hehuria renalu, coming after a disease ot th* 'kidneys, with a troublesome ense of weight ur pain in that part. 2. hehuria urtterica, after a disease of the kidneys, with a sense of pain or uneasiness in the course of the ureters. 3. hehuria r eric alii, marked by a frequent desire to make water, with a swelling of the hy- pogastrium, and pain at the m ck of the bladder. 4. Itchuria ui ethralit, marked by a frrouent desire to make water, with a swelling of the hypogastrium, and pain of some part of the urethra. When there is a frequent desire o' making wa- ter, attended with much difficulty in voiding it, the complaint is called a dysury, or strangury ; ;md when there is a total suppression of urine, it is known by the name of an ischury. Both ischuria and dysuria arc distinguish* d into acute, when arising in consequence of inflammation : .tnd chronic, when proceeding from any other cau«e, such as calculus, &c. The causes which give rise to these diseases .•re an inflammation of the urethra, occasioned either by venereal sores or by a use of acrid in- jections,'tumour or ulcer of the prostate gland, inflammation of the bladder or kidneys, consider- able enlargements of the hemorrhoidal veins, a lodgement of indurated faeces in the rectum, •pasm at the neck of the bladder, the absorption of rnnthnridcK applied externally, or taken inter- nnlly, and excess in drinking either spirituous or viiu'nis liquors ; but particles of gravel sticking at the neck of the bladder, or lodging in the ure- Ihra, and thereby producing irritation, prove the most frequent cause. Gouty matter tailing on tin- neck of the bladder, will sometimes occasion these complaints. In dysury there is a frequent inclination to make water, attended with a smarting pain, heat, and difficulty in voiding it, together with a sense of fulness in the region of the bladder. The symp- toms often vary, however, according to the cause which has given rise to it. II it proceeds from a calculus in the- kidney, or ureter, besides the affections mentioned, it will be accompanied with nausea, vomiting, and acute pains.in the loins and regions of the ureter and kidney of the side af- f.-ried. When a stone in the bladder, or gravel In {he urethra, is the cause, an acute pain will be felt at the end of die penis, particularly on void- ing tbe last drops of urine, and the stream of wa- ter will either be divided into two, or be dis- charged in a twisted manner, not unUke a cork- »crew. If a scirrhus of the prostate gland has occasioned the suppression or difficulty of urine, * hard indolent tumour, unattended with any acute pain, may readily be felt in the perineum, or !>v introducing the finger in ano. I)>suiy i» seldom attended with much danger, unless, liy in-gl. <-i, it should terminate in a total obstruction. Isi'liury may always be regarded a* a dan^i-rous complaint when it continues for any length of time, from tbe great distention ii.d often consequent inflammation which ensue. til those cues where neither a boujit- nor a ca- theter can be intioduced, the event, in all proba- bility, will be fatal, as few patients wiU submit to the only other means of drawing off the urine before a considerable degree of inflam- mation and tendency to gangrene have taken ISERINE. (So called from the river Iser, near the origin of which it is found.) An iron black-coloured ore. ISING LASS. See Ichthyocolla. ISO'CHRONOS. (From toos, equal, and Xpovos, time.) Preserving an equal distance of time between the beats ; applied to the pulse. Iso'crates. (From toos, equal, and Ktpawvpi, to mix.) Wine mixed with an equal quantity of water. ISO'DROMUS. (From taos, equal, zndSpopos, a course.) The- same as Isochronot. Isopt'rum. (From iiros, equal, and jrvp, fire : so named from its flame-coloured flower.) The Aquilef; ia vulgaris. ISOTONUS. (From uroj, equal, and roves, extension.) Applied to fevers which are of equal strength during the whole of tbe paroxysm. I'SSUE. Fontici^u. An artificial ulcer made by cutting a portiolWf the skin, and burying a pea or some other substance in it, so as to produce a discharge of purulent matter. I'STHMION. (i^rom laOiios, a narrow piece of land between two seas.) The fauces narrow pas- sage between the mouth and gullet. Isthmus vikussenii. The ridge surrounding the remains of the foramen ovale, in the right au- ricle of tbe human beart. Itiimoi'des. See Ethmoidet. Itivera'riijm. (From iter, a way.) The catheter; also a staff usee! in catting for the stone. ITIS. From the time of Boerhaave, visceral inflammations have been generaUy distinguished by anatomical terms derived from the organ af- fected, with the Greek term tHt, added as a suffix ; as cephalitis, &c. Hit is sufficiently significant of its purpose; it is immediately de- rived from upat, which is itself a ramification from no, and imports, not merely action, " put- ting or going forth," which is the strict and sim- ple meaning of tm, but action in its fullest urgency, " violent or impetuous action." When this term then is added to the genitive case of the Greek name of an organ, it means inflammation of that viseus: hence hepatitis, nephritis, gastritis, car- ditis, mean inflammation of the liver, kidney, stomach, heart.—Good. Pva pecanga. See Smilax sarsaparilla. IVORY. The tusk, or tooth of defence ofthe male elephant. It is an intermediate substance between bone and horn. The dust is occasion- ally boiled to form jelly, instead of isinglass, for which it is a bad substitute. In 100 parts there are 24 gelatin, 64 phosphate of lime, and 0.1 car- bonate of lime. IVY. See Hedera helix. 'l*y, ground. See Glecoma hederaced. Ivy-gum See Hedera helix. 1'xia. (From i|o$, glue.) 1. A name of the Carlina gummifera, from its viscous juice. 2. (From i^opat, to proceed from.) A preter- natural distention -if the veins. Ixinb. See Carlina gummifera. 'K,«s- J. a/A'CEA. (ijuta prodesl Itominibus trislilia jacentibus; because it resists sorrow; or from eaopai, to heal.) The herb pansey, or heart's-ease. See Viola tricolor. Jaceranta tinga. See Acorus calamus. Jaci'nthus. See Hyacinthus. Jack-by-the-hedge. See Erysimum alliaria. JACOBiE'A. (Named because it was dedi- cated to St. James, or because it was directed to be gathered about the feast of that saint.) See Senecio Jacobaa. JADE. See Nephrite. Jagged leaf. See Erosus. JALAP. See Convolvulus jalapa. JALA'PA. See Convolvulus jalapa. JALA'PIUM. (From Chalapa, or Xalapa, ih New Spain, whence it is brought.) See Con- volvulus jalapa. Jalappa alba. White jalap. See Convol- vulus mecoacan. tfe JAMAICA BARK. See Cinchona caribaa. JAMAICA PEPPER. See Myrtus pimento. Ja'mblichi sales. A preparation with sal- :unraoniac, some aromatic ingredients, &c. so called from Jamblichus, the inventor. JA'NITOR. (From janua, a gate.) The pylorus, so called from its being, as it were, the door or entrance of the intestines. Japan earth. See Acacia catechu. Japo'nica terra. (So called from the place it came from.) See Acacia catechu. JARGON. Sec Zircon. JA'SMINUM. (Jasminum ; from jasmen, Arab.; or from iov, a violet, and ocptj, odour, on account of the fine odour of the flowers.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Diandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the jessamine. See Jasminum officinale. Jasminum officinale. The systematic name of the jessamine-tree. The flowers of this beau- tiful plant have a very fragrant smell, and a bit- ter taste. They afford, by distillation, an essen- tial Oil, which is much esteemed in Ittly to rub paralytic Umbs, and in the cure of rheuma- 1 ic pains. JASPER. A subspecies of rhomboidal quartz, according; ' to Jameson, who enumerates five kinds: Egyptian, striped, porcelain, common, agate jasper. JA'TROPHA. (Most probably from lajpos, a physician.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Monada; Or- der, Monadelphia. Jatropha curcas. The systematic name of a plant the seeds of which resemble the castor- oil seeds. Ridnus major; Ricinoides; Pineus purgans; Pinhones indici; Faba cathartica ; Nux cathartica; Ameiicana; Nux barbaden- sis. The seed or nut so called in the pharmaco- poeias is oblong and black, the produce of the Jatropha—foliis cordatis angulatit of Linnaeus. It affords a quantity of oil, which is given, in many places, as the castor-oil is in this country, to which it is very nearly allied. The seeds of the Jatropha multifida are of an oval and trian- gular shape, of a pale brown colour, are caUed purging-nuts, and give out a simtiar oil. Jatropha elastica. The juice of this plant affords an elastic gum. See Caoutchouc. Jatropha manihot. This is the plant 5*2 wliich affords the Cassada root. Cassada ; I u- cavi; Cassave; Cassava; Pain de Madagascar- Ricinut minor; Maniot; Yucca; Manibar'; Aivi; Aipima coxera; Aipipoca; Janipha. The leaves are boiled, and eaten as we do spi- nach. The root abounds with a milky juice and every part, when raw, is a fatal poison. It is remarkable that the poisonous quality is de- stroyed by heat: hence the juice is boiled with meat, pepper, &c. into a wholesome soup, and what remains after expressingthe juice, is formed into cakes or meal, the principal fond of the in- habitants. This plant, which is a native of three quarters ofthe world, is one of the most advan- tageous gifts of Providence, entering into the composition of innumerable preparations of an economical nature. Cassada roots yield a great quantity of starch, qaUed tapioca, exported in little lumps by the Brazilians, and now well known to us as a diet for sick and weakly persons. JEBB, John, was born at London in I7S6. He was originally devoted to the church, and, after studying at Cambridge, entered into orders, and obtained a living in Norfolk in 1164. The year following, be published, in conjunction with two friends, a selection from Newton's Principia, with notes, which was highly esteemed. He soon after returned to Cambridge, and engaged warmly as an advocate for a reform in church and state, as weU as in the discipline of that uni- versity. At length, in 1775, he resigned all his offices in the church, the established doctrines of which he did not approve; and determined upon entering into the medical profession. He soon qualified himself for this, obtained a diploma from St. Andrews, and was admitted a Ucentiate of the London College of Physicians: and in the same year, 1778, he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society. In 1782, he published " Select Cases of Paralysis of the Lower Extremities ;" which tend to support the practice of Pott, of applying caustics near the spine. To this work is added, an interesting description of a very rare disease, catalepsy. The warmth of his political senti- ments, however, obstructed his professional ca- reer ; and the various fatigues, and anxieties, to which he exposed himselfj in order to further his benevolent designs, exhausted bis constitution so much, that he sunk a premature victim in 1786. Jecora'ria. (From jecur, the liver: so named from its supposed efficacy in diseases ofthe Uver.) 1. The name of a plant. See Marchan- tia polymorpha. 2. A name given to a vein in the right hand because it was usually opened in diseases of the Uver. JE'CUR. (Jecur, oris, or jednoris, neut.) The liver. See Liver. Jecur uterinum. The placenta is, by some, thus called, from the supposed similitude of its office with that of the liver. JEJU'NUM. (Froai jejunus, empty.) Jeju- num intestinum. The second portion ofthe small intestines, so called because it is mostly found empty. See Intestine. JELLY. See Gelatin. JENITE. See Lievrite. Jerusalem cowslips. See Pulmonaria offi- cinalis. fcr*'r'.dr>y.vpf, See Chenovodiutn bctrgi \ Jl-O Itru-utrm taqt. See Pulmonaria offidnalit. JESSAMINE. See Jasminum. Jesuita'sk" cortex. (From ietuita, a lesuit.) V name of the Peruvian bark, because it was fir«t introduced into Europe by Father de Lugo, a jesuit Sec Cinchona. JksCI'TICCS CORTEX. See Cinchona. .luuit'i bark. See Cinchona. JET. (So called from the river Gaza, in Lesser Asia, from whence t came.) A black bituminous coal, bard and compact, found in great abundance in various parte of France, Sweden, Germany, and Ireland. It is brilliant and vitreous in its fracture, and capable of taking a good polish by friction ; it attracts light sub- Ktances, aud appears to be electric, like amber; hence it has been caUed black amber. It has no smell, but when healed, it acquires one Uke bitu- men joduicum. Jew11 pitch. See Bitumen judaicum. JOHN'S WORT. See Hypericum. Join 11 d Icuf. See Articulatut. .11'DO >IE.NT. The judgment is the most im- portiini of the intellectual faculties. We acquire all our knowledge by this faculty ; without it our life would be merely vegetative ; we would have no idea either ofthe cxisti nee ot other bodies, or of our own: for these two sorts of notions, like our knowledge, are the consequence of our facul- ty of judging. To judge is to establish a relation between two ideas, or between two groups of ideas. When I judge of the goodness of a work, 1 feel that the idea of goodness belongs to tbe book which I have read; 1 establish a relation, I form to myself an idea of a different kind from that which arises from sens.bility and memory. A continuation ot judgments linked together form an Inference, or process of reasoning. Wc sec how important it is to judge justly, that is, to establish only those relations wliich really exist. It I judge that a poisonous substance is salutary, I am iu danger of losing my life ; my false judgment is ttierclore hurtful. It is the same with all those ot the s >me kind. Almost all the misfortunes which oppress man in a moral sense, arise from error-, of judgment; crimes, vices, bad conduct, spring from false judgment. 'Hie science of logic has fur its end the teach- ing of ju>t reasoning: but pure judgment, or good sense, and lalse judgmeut, or wrong-head- tdnttt, depend on orgauisation. We cannot change in tins respect: we must re main as oa- ten has made us. There are men endowed with flic precious gift of finding relations of things which had never been perceived belore. If these relations an very important, and beneficial to humanity, the authors arc meu ot genius : if the relations are of less importance, tbey are con- sidered men of wit, imagination. Men differ principally by their manner of feeling il'tl'ri- rnt relations, or ot judging. The judgment seems to be injured by an t xtrcme vivacity ol sensations ; hence we m-<- that faculty become more perfect with age.— Magendie'i Phynology. Ji'UiCATo'iiiis. (Iriiiii judico, to discern.) \n nlmili-te term applied to a synocha ol four days, bec-iu-e its, termination may certainly be foreseen. JH. VLE OS. (Jugalit; from jugum, a yoke ; from its reseiublance, or because it is ar- iiculaled lo the bone ol the upper jaw, Uke a yoke.) O* mala; Ot zygomatirum. The ossa malurum are the prominent square bones which form Ihe up|»er part uf ihe checks. They are iluated cIom- under ibe eyes, uml make part of «ht ort'i'. Each ol th-—.- hour; ban tbjco surfaces to be considered. One of these is cxteiior'auii somewhat convex. The second is superi'T and tvneave, serving to form the lower and lateral parts of the orbit. The third, which is posterior, is very unequal and concave, for the lodgement « the lower p;'rt ofthe temporal muscle. Each of these bones may be described as having four pro- cesses formed by their four angles. Two of these may be called orbitar processes. The su- perior one is connected with the orbitar process, of tbe os frontis ; and the inferior one with tfte " malar process ofthe maxillary bone. The third) is connected with the temporal process of the sphenoid bone , and the fourth forms a bony arch, by its connection with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone. In infants, these bones are entire and completely ossified. JH'GLANS. (Ouati Jovis glans, tbe royal fruit, from its magnitude.) 1. Tbe name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Monada , Order, Polyandria. The walnut tree. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the walnut. See Juglans regia. % •t Juglans regia. The systematic name of the walnut tree. The tree which bears the wal- nut is the Juglans—fajiolis ovalibui glabrit tub- serratit tubaqualibut of Linnams. \f. is a native of Persia, but cultivated in this country. The unripe fruit, which has an astringent bitterish taste, and has been long employed as a pickle, is tbe part*which was directed for medicinal use by the London College, on account of its anthel- mintic virtues. An extract of the green fruit is the most convenient preparation, as it may be kept for a sufficient length of time, and made agreeable to the stomach of the patient, by mix- ing it with cinnamon water. The put amen, or green rind of the walnut, has been celebrated as a powerful anti-venereal remedy, for more than a century and a half; and Petrus Borcllusjbas given directions for a decoc- tion not unlike that which is commonly caUed the Lisbon dietjdrink, injnrhicb the walnut, with its green birk, forms a principal ingredient. Ra- mazzini, whose works were pubhshed early in the present century, has likewise informed us, that in lis time, the green rind of the walnut was esteemed a good anti-venereal remedy in Eng- land. This part of the walnut has been much used in decoctions, during the last fifty years, both in the green and dried state ; it has been greatly recommended by writers on the continent, as well as by those of our own country ; and is, without doubt, a very useful addition to the de- coction of the woods. Pearson has employed it during many years, ui those cases where pains in the limbs and indurations of the membranes have remained, after the venereal disease has been cured by mercury; and be informs Us, that he has seldom directed it without manifest advan- tage. Brambilla and Girtanner also contend for the anti-venereal virtues ofthe green bark of the wal- nut: but the result ol Pearson's experience witi not permit himvto add bis testimony to theirs. I have given it, says he, in as large doses as the stomach could retain, and for as long a time as the strength of the patients, and the nature of (heir complaints would permit: but I have uni- formly observed, that if they who take it be not previously cured of luet venerea, the peculiar symptoms will appear, and proceed in their usual course, in defiance of the powers of this medi- cine. The Decoctum Lusitanicum may be given with grt at advantage in many of those cutaneous diseases, which are attended with aridity of the skin; mil J,have had. -.via- opiwrtunitieaof oh JGN ,tll\ sev^ng, that when the putaraen of the wamui uas been omiited, either intentionaUy or by accident, tf e same good effects have not followed the ta- k ng of the decoction, as when it contained this ii gredient. See Juglans. JUGULAR. (Jugularis; from jugulum, the throat.) Belonging to the throat. Jugular vbins. The veins so called run from the head down the sides of the neck, and are divided, from their situation, into external and internal. The external, or superficial jugular vein, receives the blood from the frontal, angu- lar, temporal, auricular, sublingual, or ranine, and occipital veins. The internal, or deep- seated jugular vein, receives the blood from the lateral sinuses of the dura mater, the laryngeal and pharyngeal veins. Both jugulars unite, and form with tie subclavian vein, tlie superior vena cava, which terminates in the superior part ofthe right auricle of the heart. JU'GULUM. (From jugum, a yoke; because the yoke is fastened to this part.) The throat, or anterior part of the neck. JUJUBA. (An Arabian word.) Jujube. See Rhamnus zizyphus. JU'Jl.; BE. See Rhamnus zizyphus. JULY-FLOWER. See Dianthus Caryo- phyllus. JUNCKER, Gottlob, John, was born in 1680 at Londorff, in Hesse. After the proper studies, he graduated at Halle in 1718 ; and be- came afterwards a distinguished professor there, as weU as physician to the public hospital. His works, which are chiefly compilations, have been much esteemed, and are stiU occasionally referred to ; especially as giving a compendious view of the doctrines of Stahl, which he espoused and taught. He has given a " Conspectus" of medi- cine, of surgery, of chemistry, and of several other departments of professional knowledge ; also many academical theses on medical, chi- rur-ical and philosophical subjects. He died in 175-2. JU'NCUS. (An old Latin word, ajungendo, say the etymologists, from the use of the plants which bear this mime in joining or binding things together.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Hexandria; Or- der, Monogynia. Jungus odoratus. See Andropogon scha- nanthus. JUNIPER. See Juniperus communis. Juniper gum. See Juniperus communis. JUNPPERUS. (From juvenis, young, and pario, to bring forth: so called because it pro- duces its young berries while the old ones are ripening.) 1. The name of a genus of plants. Class, Dioeda; Order, Monodelphia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the common juniper. See Juniperus communis. Juniperus communis. The systematic name of the juniper-tree. Juniperus—foliis ternis patentibus mucronatis, baccis longioribus, of Linnams. Both the tops and berries of this indigenous plant are directed in bur pharmaco- poeias, but the latter are usually preferred, and are brought chiefly from Holland and Italy. Of their efficacy as a stomachic, carminative, dia- phoretic, and diuretic, there are several relations by physicians of great authority: and medical writers have also spoken ot the utiUty of tbe jumper in nephritic cases, uterine obstructions, .-scorbutic affections, and some cutaneous dis- eases. Our pharmacopoeias direct the essential oil, and a spirituous distUlation of the berries, to be kept in the bhops. From this tree is also "btained a concrete resin, which has been caUed bandarach, or gum juniper. It exudes in what tears, more transparent than mastich. It is almost totally soluble in alkohol, with which it forms i white varnish, that dries speedily. Reduced tt powder it is caUed pounce, which prevents ink from sinking into paper from which the exterior coating ot size has been scraped away. Juniperus ltcia. The systematic name of the plant which affords the true frankincense. Olibanum, Thus. Frankincense, has received different appellations, according to its different appearances; the single tears arc called simply olwanum, or thus; when two arc joined to- gether, thus masculum; and when two are very large, thus femininum; if several adhere to tbe bark, thus corticosum; the fine powder which rubs off from the tears, mica thurit; and the coarser manna thuris. The gum-resin that is so called, is the juice of tbe Juniperus—foliit ternis undique imbricatis ovatis obtusis, and is brought from Turkey and the East Indies ; but that which comes from India is less esteemed. It is said to ooze spontaneously from the bark of the tree, appearing in drops, or tears, of a pale yellowish, and sometimes of a reddish colour. Olibanum has a moderately strong and not very agreeable smeU, and a bitterish, somewhat pungent taste: in chewing, it sticks to the teeth, becomes white, andmnders the saliva milky. Laid on a red-hot iron, it readily catches flame, and burns with a strong diffusive and not unpleasant smeU. On trituration with water, the greatest part dissolves into a milky liquor, which, on standing, deposits a portion of resinous matter. The gummy and resinous parts are nearly in equal proportions; and though rectified spirit dissolves less of the olibanum than water, it extracts nearly all its ac- tive matter. In ancient times, olibanum seem' to have been in great repute in affections of thi: head and breast, coughs, haemoptysis, and in various fluxes, both uterine and intestinal; it was also much employed externally. Recount mg is now seldom had to this medicine, which isirfl perseded by myrrh, and other articles of the re- 1 sinous kind. It is, however, esteemed'by many M as an adstringent, and though not in general use, m is considered as a valuable medicine in fluor al- | bus, and debilities of the stomach and intestines;. n applied externally in the form of plaster, it il said to be corroborant, &c. and with this inten» * tion it forms the basis of the emplastrum thurit. Juniperus saeina. The systematic name of the common or barren savin-tree. Sabina; Savina; Sabina sterilis ; Brathu. Junipem —foliis oppositis erectis decurrentibus, oppoii- tionibus pyxidatis, of Linnaeus. Savin is att- tive of the south of Europe and the Levant; it has long been cultivated in our gardens, and from producing male and female flowers on separate plants, it was formerly distinguished into the ba> ren and berry-bearing savin. The leaves and tops of this plant have a moderately strong smell of the disagreeable kind, und a hot, bitterish, acrid taste. They give out great part of their active matter to watery liquors, and the whole to rectified spirit. Distilled with water they yield a large quantity of essential oil. Decoctions of the leaves, freed from the volatile principle by inspissation to the consistence of an extract, retain a considerable share of their pungency and warmth along with their bitterness, and have some degree of smell, but not resembling that of the plant itself. On inspissating the spirituous tinc- ture, there remains an extract consisting of tws distinct substances, of which one is yellow, unc- tuous, or otiy, bitterish, and very pungent; the Other f>hck, retino'ts, less pungent, ami mb ** KMM tLAL trWem. Savin ■- a powerful and active medi- cm? and has bean long reputed the most effica- , ion'., u. the niataria medica, for producing a de- termination to toe uterus, and thereby proving rmmenagogue ; it heats and stimuUtes the whole system very considerably, and u said to promote th\ fluid secretions. The power which this plant po»»es«ss (observes Dr. Woodville) in opening uterine obstructions, U considered to be so great, that wc are told it has been frequenUy employ)-d, and with too much success, for pur- poses lb. most infamous and unnatural. It seems probable, however, tbatVs effects in this way have been somewhat over-rated, as it is found very frequently, to fail as an emmenagiigue though this, m some measure, may be ascribed to the smallness of tbe dose in which it has been usually prescribed by physicians ; for Dr.Cul- len observes, "that savin is a very acrid and beating substance, and I have been often, on ac- count of these qualities, prevented from employ- ing it in • In- quantity necessary to render it em- menagogue. I must own, however, that it shows a more powerful determination to the uterus than any other plant I have employed ; but 1 have been frequently disappointed in this, and its heat- ing qualities always require a great deal of cau- tion." Dr. Home appears to have had very great success w itb thii medicine, for in five cases of aineuorrbeca. which occurred ■<• the Royal Infirmary at Edinburgh, four were cured by tbe sabina, which be gave in powder from n scruple to a drachm twite a day. He says it is well suited to the defile, but improper in plethoric habits, and therefore *rdcrs repeated bleedings .before its exhibition/ Country people give the juice from tlie leaves and young tops of savin mixed wi'h milk to their children, in order to de- stroy tbe worms; it generally operates by sto.il, and orings them away with it The leaves cut small, and given to horses, mixed with their corn, destroy the bots. Externally savin is recom- mended as an escharoUc to foul ulcers, syphilitic warts, &c. A strong decoction of the' plant in lard and wax forms an useful ointment to keep up a constant discharge from btisters, &c. See Ceratum tabina. - ._.. JUPITER. The ancient chemical name af tin, because supposed under the government of that planet. JURIN, James, was, during several years, an active member and Secretary of tbe Royal Society, and at his death in 1750, President of the College of Physicians. He distinguished himself by a series of seventeen dissertations, printed in the Philosophical Transactions, and afterwards as a separate work, in which mathe- matical science was appUed with considerable acuteness to physiological subjects. These pa- pers, however, involved him in several philoso- phical controversies concerning the force of the heart, &c. He w:es a warm advocate for the practice of inoculation, which he proved greatly to lessen the violence of the small-pox: but he did not anticipate that it would increase the mor- tality upon the whole, by keeping up the infection, while many retained their prejudices against adopt- ing it. JISTICIA. (So named in honour of Mr. .Iii-tV.e, who published the British Gardener's Director.) The name of a genus of plants, Class, Diandria; Order, Monogynia. JUVA'KTiA. (Fromjuvo, to assist.) What- ever assists in retic- ing a disease. JIJVEXTUS. See Age. Juxtangi'na. (From juxta, near, and anrina, a qofnsy.) A disease resembling a quinsy. . K. JY \ Mil. See Acacia catechu. K.V.MIM'Eli, Engleiif.rt, was born in 1651 at l.ippe, in Westphalia. He was educated in Sweden, and being eager to travel, accompanied t he Swedish Ambassador, Fabricius, to Persia, as secretary: on whose departure from Ispahan, alter two years, he obtained the appointment of chief surgeon to tbe Dutch East India Company; and was thus enabled to penetrate as far as Siam ami Japan, md cleared up the geography of these countries, which was very imperfectly known be- fore. On bis return to Europe, in 16M, he gra- duated at Leyden, and settled in his own country; he was afterwards appointed physician to his so- vereign, and continued engaged in practice, and in composing Keveral works, till hi.-- death, in 1716. In hi* Inaugural Dissertation, among other subjects relating to medicine, he notices a me- thod of curing colic aim nr the Japanese by puncture with a needle. Hut his great work, en- titled " Anurnitates Exotica," is more especially esteemed for iu Imtwiiral information, and au- thentic detail*, relating to the history and man- ner, nf Persia, &c. His History of Japan, of which there n an English transition in folio, is high v valued for its ui curacy and fidelity. K.E.MPFE'RI.V. (Vamc.1 after K-empfer, lie Wentphalum oatirrauVt.i The name of a erenus of plants. Class, Monandria; Order, Monogynia. Kamppkuia galanga. The plant which affords the greater galangal root. Kampfkria rotunda. The systematic name of the - plant which affords the officinal zedoary. Zedoaria. Kampferia—foliit lan- ceolatit petiolatit, of Linn«u?. The roots of this plant are brought to us in long pieces, zedoa- ria longa, about the thickness ofthe little ringer, two or three inches in length, bent, rough, and angular; or in roundish pieces, zedoaria ro- tunda, about an inch in diameter, of an ash co- lour on the outside, and white within. They have an agreeable camphoraceous smell, and a bitter- ish aromatic taste. Though formerly much es- teemed against rheumatic affections, they are at present thought to possess very tittle medicinal powers, although they bad a place in the confec- tio aromatica of the London Pharmacopoeia. Ka'jeput oleum. See Melaleuca. KALI. (An Arabian word.) The vegetable alkali. See Potatta. Kali AcerArun. See Potatta acetas. Kali af.ua om. See Potas*a carbonas. Kai i irsenicatcm. A iireiiar.ition of arse- nic, composed of the Teei-uble alkali and the ac'd of scenic. arc KEY Kali cithatitm. See Potassa citras. Kali prjeparatum. See Potassa subcar- bonas. Kali pdrum. See Potassa fusa. t-m Kali sulphuratum. See Sulphuretur&'po- lassa. Kali tartarizatum See Potassa tartras. Kali vitriolatum. See Potassa sulphas. KARPHOLITE. A yellow mineral which oc« curs in thin prismatic concretions. KEEL. See Carina. Keeled leaf. See Carinatus. KEILL, James, was born in Scotland, 1673. After going through the proper studies abroad, and espeeiaUy attending to anatomy, he was enabled to lecture on that subject with great re- putation in both the English universities, and re- ceived an honorary degree at Cambridge. Du- ring this period, he published a Compendium of Anatomy, chiefly from Cowper. In 1703, he set- tled in practice at Northampton ; and three years after sent to the Royal Society an account of the dissection of a man, reputed to have been 130 years of age ; which agreed very much with what Harvey found in old Parr. He was well skilled in mathematics, which he applied to the explan- ation of the laws of the animal economy. In 1708, he published " An Account of Animal Se- cretion, the Quantity of Blood in the Human Body, and Muscular Motion." To which, in a second edition, he added an Essay on the Force of the Heart. This engaged him in a controversy with Dr. Jurin, which was carried oh in the Phi- losophical Transactions (Dr. Keill being then a member of the Royal Society) till the period of his premature death in 1719, occasioned by a cancer in the mouth, to which he had applied the cautery, but without any reMe/. ^. Kei'ri. See Cheiraniltus chmri. rm^ KELP. Incinerated sea-weed. KENEAiNGlA. (From Ktv^s, empty, and nyyttov, a vessel.) 1. A state of inaction of the blood or other vessels. . 2. A deficiency of blood in the vessels. KERATE. The third mineral order of Mohs, Keratu-pharynceos. (From Ktpas, a horn, and ipapvyt, the pharynx.) A muscle so named from its shape, and insertion in the pharynx. KE'RMES. (Chermah, Arabian.) Granum tinctorium; Coccus baphica. Round reddish grains, about the size of peas, found in Spain, Italy, and the south of France, adhering to the branches of the scarlet oak. They are the nidus of a minute red animalcule, called Coccus quer- cus ilicis. The confectio alkermet, now obso- lete, was prepared with these, which possess cor- roborant and adstringent virtues. Kermes mineralis. A preparation of anti- mony, so termed from its resemblance in colour to the insect of that name. It is now disused in medicine, and gives place to the other prepara- tions of antimony. See Hydrosulph uretum stibii rubrum. KERNEL WORT. See Scrophularia no- Ke'rva. (Kervah, Arabian.) The Ricinut communis. KETCHUP. The prepared liquor of the mushroom, made by sprinkling salt on that vege- table, and collecting the fluid which escapes. Keyser's pills. A once celebrated mercu- rial medicine, the method of preparing which was purchased by the French government, and has since been published by Richard. The hydrar- gyrus acetates is considered as an adequate^substi- tute for the more elaborate form of Keyset-. Richard concludes his account of Keyser s pills a. IN with observing, that he considers it to be, with- out exception, the most effectual remedy for tun venereal disease hitherto discovered. But fur- ther trials of this remedy do not justify the san- guine accounts of its properties ; though it may sometimes succeed when some of the other mer- curial preparations have failed. KiBes. A name for chilblains. Kioria terrestris. Barbadoe. tar. KIDNEY. (Ren, nit, m.) An abdominal viseus, shaped like a kidney-bean, that secretes the urine. There are two kidneys On, is sj. tuated in each lumbar region, near the first lum- bar vertebra, behind the peritoneum. This organ is composed of three substances; a cortical which is external, and very vascular -, a tubulous' which conssts of small tubes; and a papillous substance, which is the innermost. The kidneys are generally surrounded with more or less adi- pose membrane, and they have also a proper membrane, membrana propria, which is closely accreted to the cortical substance. The renal arteries, called also emulgents, proceed from the aorta The veins evacuate their blood into the ascending cava. The absorbents accompany the blood-vessels, and terminate in the thoracic duct. The nerves of the kidneys are branches of the eighth pair and great intercostal. The excretory , duct of this viseus is called the ureter. At the middle of the kidney, where the blood-vessels enter it, is a large membraneous bug, called the pelvis, which diminishes like a funnel, and forms a long canal, the ureter, that conveys the urine from the kidney to the bladder, which it perfo- rates obliquely. Kidney-shaped leaf. See Rtniformit. KIFFEK1LL. See Meerschaum. Kikekonemalo. A pure resin, very similar ^ to copal, but of a more beautiful whiteness and transparency! It is brought from America, where it is said to be used medicinally, in the cure of hysteria, tetanus, &c. It forms the most beau iful of all varnishes. £ KrKi. (Kike, Arabian.) See Ricinut. Ki'na kina. See Cinchona. 4 KINATE. Kinas. A compound of the Kinic nttle substance, oi a dark red colnur, brought irom tlie f.aat Indies, incrustated on the twij;» ..I the Croton larrifmun; foliit ovatis tomintotis trrmtatii prttotatit, calydbui tom- rntitnt, of l.inuaiiis, where it is deposited by a small inseel, at present not »ei« ntificallv known. Il is found in very -.-n at quantitie, <,n the uncul- 'iveled mountains on l.-tli lides the Grum. - mi! Khamekia triandria. The systematic name of the free, the root of which is called rha- tania, a substance wh>ii has been long known to the manufacsHrers of port wine ; it is the produc- tion 61 -Pei ii, and was long thought to be the root ofthe cirfehona cordifolia. It is described as ex- ternally resembling the root of the rubia tincto- rum to the taste, being aromatic, bitter, and very astringent: it- infusion or decoction tarns black with sulphate of iron, and precipitates tannin. The principal virtues appear to reside in the cor- tical part ol the root, which is thick and resinous. An opinion prevails that the substance sold in the shops under the name of foreign extract of bark is made from this root. It is well known that the medical virtues of this root are powerfully tonic. In debility of the di- gestive organs, in chronic rheumatism, fluor al- bus, and in intermittent fevers, it has been em- ployed with good effect. While given in doses similarto cinchona, it has tbe advantage of being unlv one-third the price of that substance. KRAMERIC ACID. (Addum kramericum; from krameria, the name of the plant from which it is obtained.) An acid obtained by Pesclriel- from the root of the Krameria triandria. nits, Kyasite. See Cyanile. Kyn a'jsche. See Cynanche, is of great use to the natives in various works of art, as varnish, painting, dyeing, &c. When the resinous matter is broken off the wood into small pieces or grains, it is termed seed-lac, and when melted and formed into fiat plates, shell-lac. This substance is chiefly employed for making sealing- wax. A tincture of it is recommended as an an- tiscorbutic to wash the "iims. LA'CURYMA. A tear. ' A limpid fluid se- creted by the luchrymal^land, and flowing on thr surface of the rye. See Tear. Lai hryma abiegna. See Terebinthina ar- gentoraientit. LACHRYMAL. Lachrymalit. Of or be- longing to tears or parts near where they are se- creted. Laciikymal bone. See Unguis os. Lachbtmai. duct. Ductus lachrymalit. The excrewry duct of the lachrymal gland, which <>; ns upon the internal surface of the up- per eyelid. Lachrymal gi.an-d. Glandula lachrymalit. A glomerate gland, situated above the external angle ofthe orbit, in a peculiar depression of the frontal bone. It secretes the tears, and conveys them to the eye bj its excretory ducts, which are six or eight in number. Lachrymal nerve. The fifth pair of nerves from the head is divided into several branches, the first of which is called the orbitary branch; this is divided into three more, tbe third of which is called the lachrymal branch; it goes off chiefly to the lachrymal gland. LACCIC ACID (AddumJ-iccicum; from lacca, the substance in vvhich it ULists.) "Dr. John made awateiy extract of powdered stick lac, and evaporated it to dryness. He digested alkohol on this extract, and evaporated the alko* lac LAL dolic extract to dryness. He then digested this mass in asther, and evaporated the ethereal solu- tion; when he obtained a syrupy mass of a light yellow colour, which was again dissolved in al- kohol. On adding water to this solution, a little resin fell. A peculiar acid united to potassa and lime remains in the solution, which is obtained free, by forming with acetate of lead an insoluble laccate, and decomposing this wiih the equivalent quantity of sulphuric acid. Laccic acid crystal- lises; it has a wine-yellow colour, a sour taste, and is soluble, as we have seen, in water, akohol, and aether. It precipitates lead and mercury white ; but it does not affect lime, barytes, or sil- ver, in their solutions. It throws down the salts of iron white. With time, soda, and potassa, it forms deUquescent salts, soluble in alkohol." LACINIATUS. Laciniate, fringe-like; cut into numerous irregular portions: applied to leaves, petals, &c ; as the leaves of the Ranuncu- lus parviflorus, and Geranium columbinum, the petals of the Reseda. Laco'nicum. (Because they were much used by the people of Laconia.) A stove or sweating- room. Lacq.VTF.r. A solution of lac in alkohol. LACTATE. Lactas. A definite compound formed by the union ol the acid of sour whey, or lactic acid, with salifiable bases ; thus lactate of potassa, &c. LACTATION. (Lactatio; from lacteo, to suckle.) The giving suck. LACTEAL. (Lafttus; from lac, milk; be- cause the fluid they absorb rooks like milk.) I. Milky. 2. In anatomy this term is applied to the vasa lactea. The absorbents ef the ray sentery, which originate in the small intestines, and convey the chyle from thence to the thoracic duct. They are very tender and transparent vessels, possessed ofan infinite number of valves, which, when dis- tended with chyle, a milky or lacteal fluid, give them a knotty appearance. They arise from the internal surface of the villous coat of the small in- testine, perforate the other coats, and form a kind of net-work, whilst the greater number unite one with another between the muscular and external coats. From thence they proceed between the lamina; ofthe mesentery to the conglobate glands. In their course they constitute the greater part of the gland through which they pass, being distri- buted through them several times, and curled in various directions. The lacteals having passed these glands, go to olbers^irahd at length seek those nearest the mesentery. ■ Fr/)hy these glands, whicli are only four or five, or perhaps more, the lacteals pass out and ascend with the mesenteric artery, and unite with the lymphatics of the low- er extremities, and those ofthe abdominal visce- ra, and then form a common trunk, the thoracic duct, which, in some subjects, is dilated at its or- igin, forming the receptaculum chyli. See Nu- trition. LACTESCENS. (From lac, milk.) Lac- tescent or milky. LACTIC ACID. (Addum lacticum; from Iuc, milk.) " By evaporating sour whey to one- eighth, filtering, precipitating with lime water, and separating the lime by oxalic acid, Scheele obtained an aejueous solution of what he supposed f o be a peculiar, acid, which has accordingly been termed the lactic. To procure it separate, he evaporated the solution to the consistence of ho- ney, poured on it alkohol, filtered this solution, and evaporated the alkohol. The residuum was an acid of a yellow colour, incapable of being crystallised, attracting the humidity of the air, 53? and lorming deliquescent salts with the earths and alkalies. Bouillon Lagrange since examined it more nar- rowly ; and from a series of experiments con- cluded, that it consists of acetic acid, muriate of potassa, a small portion of iron probably dissolved in the acetic acid, and au animal matter. This judgment of Lagrange was afterwards sup- ported by the opinions of Fourcroy and Vauque- lin. But since then Berzelius has investigated its nature very fully, and has obtained, by means of a long and often repeated series of different exper- iments, a complete conviction that Scheele was in the right, and that the lactic acid is a peculiar acid, very distinct from all others. The lactic acid, purified, has a brown-yellow colour, and a sharp sour taste, which is much weakened by diluting it with-water. It is with- out smell in the cold, but emits, when heated, a sharp sour smell, not unlike that of sublimed ox- alic acid. It cannot be made to crystallise, and does not exhibit the slightest Appearance- of a sa- line substance, but dries into a thick and smooth varnish, which slowly attracts moisture from the air. It is very easily soluble in alkohol. Heat- ed in a gold spoon over the flame of a candle, it first boils, and th< n its pungent acid smell be- comes very manifest, but extremely distinct from that of the acetic acid; afterwards it is charred, and has an empyreumatic, but by no means an animal smell. A porous charcoal is left bel.ind, which does not readily burn to ashes. When distilled, it gives an empyreumatic oil, water, em- pyreumatic vinegar, carbonic acid, and inflam- mable gases. With alkalies, earths, and metallic oxides, it affords peculiar salts; and these are dis- tinguished by being soluble in alkohol, and in general by not having the least disposition to crystallise, but drying into a mass like gum, whicli slowly becomes moist in the air." La'ctica. The Arabian name for the fever which the Greeks call Typhot. LACTPFUGA. (From lac, milk, and fugO,m^ to drive away.) A medicine or other means whisk J dispel milk. LACTU'CA. (From lac, milk: named from the milky juice which exudes upon its being wounded.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnsean system. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Polygamia aqualit. The lettuce. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the garden- lettuce, the Lactuca sativa. Lactuca graveolens. See Lactuca vi- rosa. Lactuca sativa. The systematic name of the lettuce. It is esteemed as a wholesome ape- rient bitter anodyne, easy of digestion, but af- fording no nutriment. Lettuces appear to agree better with hot, bilious melancholic tempera- ments, than the phlegmatic. The seeds possets a quantity of oily substance, which, triturated with water, forms an emulsion esteemed by some in ardor urina1, and some diseases of the urinary passages. Lettuce was famous for the cure of the Emperor Augustus, and formed the opiate of Galen, in his old age ; a proof that, in the warmer climates, it must acquire an exalta- tion of its virtues above what is met with in this country. Lactuca scariola. Lactuca sylvestrit: Scariola; Scariola gallorum. This species possesses a stronger degree of bitterness than the Lactuca sativa, and is said to be more aperient and laxative. It is nearly similar, in virtue as in taste, to endive unblanched. Lactuca stlvesthi?. Se°. Lactuca *c«' riola. )JU\ LAM Lactic a vmoiA. The systematic name ol the opium, or strong-scented lettuce. Isictuca ''ravtolent. Lnctwa—foliit horizontalibut ca- rino andeatit dentatis, of I.innaus. A common plant ia <>ur hedge- and ditches. It has a stiong uneratefsl smell, resembling that of opium, and a bitterish acrid taste : it abounds with a milky juice, ia which its sensible qualities seem to r> - «idr, and which appears to have been noticed bv Dioscondes, who describes the odour and taste oi tbe juice as nearly agreeing with that of the white poppy. Its iff' ck are ul-o said, according to Haller, to be powerfully narcotic. Dr. Collin, at \ u una, first brought the lactuca urn.-a into medical repute, and its character han lately in- duceil tbe Coll go of Physicians at Edinburgh, to insert it in the catalogue ol the materia medi- ca. .More than twenty-four cases of dropsy art paid, by Collin, to have been successfully treated hy erapkiyins; an extract prepared Irom the ex- pressed juice of this plant, which is stated not oaiy to be powerfully diuretic, but, by attenua- ting the viscid humours to promote all the secre- tion*, and to remove visceral obstructions. In the more simple cases, proceeding from debility, the estract, in doses of eighteen to thirty grains .1 day. proved sufficient to accomplish a cure ; but when the disease was inveterate, and accom- panied with visceral obstructions, the quantity ot extract was iocceaxcil to three drachms ; nor did lanrer doses, though they i xcitcd nausea, ever produce any other bad effect ; and the patients continued so strong under the use of this remedy, that it was seldom necessary to employ any tonic medicines. Though Dr. Collin began his experi- ments with the laetucaat the Pieman hospital, at the time be was trying the arnica, 1771, yet very few physicians, even a' Vienna, have since adopted the use of this plant. Plena';, indeed, has published a solitary instance of its efficacy, while i^uarin mlnnus us thai he never experienced any good elli cl lii'in its use ; alleging, that those who were desirous of supporting its charac- ter, mixed it with a quantity of extractum scilhe. Under tbese circumstances we -hall only sav, that the recommendation of this medicine by Dr. Collin, will be srareely thought sufficient t:> esta- blish its use in Kngland. Lai ti ck'i.i.a. (Diminutive of lactuca, the lettuce: so named from its milky juice.) The sow-thistle. 'Die Sonchut arvensis. Lactuci'misa. (Prom lacteo, to suckle : so called became they liappen chiefly to children while at the bn ast.) The thrush, and little ulcers, or crusty scabs on the .l>in, which happen during ibe lime the child is at the breast. I. AC IT'.MEN. (l-'i.in lac, milk; so named because it is cnvi rr.i with a white crust.) Tbe achor, or scald-head ; also a httle crusty •enb on the skin, affecting children at the breast. l.U'l'NA. (From lacut, a channel.) The mouth or opening of the excretory duct of a mu- ciparous gland, as those ofthe urctliru, and other parts. LA'DWTM. (From ladon, Arab.) See ilftuM CltttCUI. Ladies' brdntraw. See (ialium. Ladies' mantle. See Alchemilla, Ijidtei' smock. See Cardamine. Lt Tint a'ntia. (From Itttijico, to make glad.) This term hath been applied to many compositions uotltr the intention of cordials; but both the medicines and distinction are now quite disused. I..EVIS. Smooth and even. Applied to stems of plants, and is opposed to all roughness and inequaJitv whatever. L«vitak iMKSTiNORUM. A name ot tt* lientery. See Diarrhaa. La'garos. (Aayapos, lax: so named from its comparative laxity.) The right ventricle of the heart. LAGEN.EFOKMIS. Bottle-shaped. Ap- pli< il iothe- gourd ; as in Cucurbita lagenaria. LAGNESIS. (From )«yiijj, libidinous.) The name of a genus of diseases. Class, Gene- tica ; Order, Or^uftica ; in Good's Nosology: lust. It embraces two species, viz. Lagnesit ta- int tta.s and L. furor. LAGOPIITHA'LMIA. (From Xaywos, a hare, and oipdaXpos, an eye ; because it is believed that hares sleep with their eyes open.) Lagoph- thalmos. The hare'- eye. A disease, in which the eye cannot be shut. The following complaints may arise from it : a constant weeping of the organ, in consequence of the interruption of the alternate closure and opening of the eye-lids, which motions so materially contribute to pro- pelling the tears into the nose; blindness in a strong Ught, in consequence of the inability to moderate the rays which fall on the eye ; on the same account, the sight becomes graduaUy very much weakened ; incapacity to sleep where there is any light; irritation, pain, and redness of the eye, from this organ being e\posed to the extra- neous substances m the- atmosphere, without the eye-lids having the power oi washing them away in the natural manner. An enlargement or protrusion of the whole eye, or a staphyloma, may obviously produce lagoph- thalmos. i;,,t affectmns of the upper eye-lids are the common causes. Heistcr says he has seen the complaint originate from a disease ofthe low- er one. Now und then lagophthalmos depends on paralysis of the orbicularis muscle. A cicatrix after a wi-und ulcer, or burn, is the most frequent 'cause. L VGOPO'DIUM. (From Xaywos, a hare, and xovs, a foot: so called because it has narrow hairy leaves, like the foot of a hare.) The herb hare's-loot trefoil. LAGtPSTOMA. (From Xaywos, a hare, and ■-opa, the mouth : so called because the upper iip is divided in the middle Uke that of a hare.) See haie-lip. LAKE WEED. See Polygonum hydro- piper. LALLANS. See Lallatio. LALLATIO. That species of vicious pro- nunciation in which the letter / is rendered un- duly liquid, or gjifatjtuted for an r. The Greeks dcnorainated'itt/ctmeWKimmt(s, from the letter X, lambda. La'mac. Gum-arnbie. LA.MUDACI S.MPS. A defect in speech, which consists in an inability to pronounce cer- tain consonants ; or that stammering or diffi- culty ol' speech when the letter I is pronounced too liquid, and often in the place of r. See- Psellismus lallans. LAMBDOIDAL. (Lambdmdalit; from A, and tioSos, resemblance, because it is shaped like the letter A) Belonging to the suture so called. Lambdoidal sitore. i Sutura lambdoida- lit; because it is shaped like the letter A.) Oc- cipital suture. The suture that unites the occipital bone to the two parietal bones. LA.MBITIVr.i. (From lambo, to Ucfc up.) A linctus or medicine to be licked up.) LAME'LLA. (Dim. of lamina, a plate of metal.) 1. A thin plate of metal. 2. Tbe parallel gills or plates in the inferior surface of the agaric family only. 439 LAN LAP LA'MINA. (From tXaoi, to beat off.) A bone, or membrane, or any substance resembling a thinplateof metal. 2. The lap of the ear. 3. The parts of the corolla of a polvpetalous flower, are named the unguis, or claw, and lami- na, or border. LAMINABILITY. A property possessed by some bodies of being extended in dimensions by a gradually applied pressure. See Ductility. LA'MIUM. (From Lamium, a mountain of Ionia, where it grew ; or from lama, a ditch, oe- oause it usuaUy grows about ditches and neglected places.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Didynamia; Order, Gymnotpermia. The nettle. Lamium album. Urtica mortua; Archan- gelica; Galeobdol on; Stachys J'crtida ; Urtica inert magna fatidissima. Dead nettle; White archangel nettle. Uterine haemorrhages and fluor albus are said to be relieved by infusions of this plant, from whose sensible qualities very little benefit can be expected. LAMPIC ACID. (Acidum lampsicum; from Xapmo, to shine.) "Sir H. Davy, during his admirable researches on the nature and properties of flame, announced the singular fact, that com- bustible bodies might be made to combine rapid- ly with oxygen, at temperatures below what were necessary to their visible inflammation. Among the phenomena resulting Irom these new combi- nations, he remarked the production of a peculiar acid and pungent vapour from the-6low combus- tion of aether; and from its obvious qualities he was led to suspect, that it might be a product yet new to the chemical catalogue. Faraday, in the 3d volume of the Journal of Science and the Arts, has given some account of the proper- ties of this new acid ; but from .the very small quantities fn which he was able to collect it, was prevented from performing any decisive experi- ments upon it. In the 6th volume of the same Journal, we have a pretty copious investigation ofthe proper- ties and compounds of this new acid, by Daniell. From the slow combustion of aether during, six weeks, by means of a coil of platina wire sitting on the cotton wick of the lamp, he condensed with the head of an alembic, whose beak was in- serted in a receiver, a pint and a half of thelampic acid liquor. When first collected it is a colourless fluid of an intensely sour taste, and pungent odour. Its vapour, when heated, is extremely irritating and disagreeable, and when received into the lungs, produces an oppression at the chest, very much resembling the effect of chlorine. Its specific gravity varies according to the care with which it has been prepared, from less than 1.000 to 1.008. It may be purified, by careful evaporation ; and it is worthy of remark, that the vapour which rises from it is that of alkohol, with which it is sUghtly contaminated, and not of aether. Thus rectified, its specific gravity is 1.015. It reddens vegetable blues, and decomposes all the earthy and alkaline carbonates, forming neutral salts with their bases, which are more or less deliques- cent,"—Ure's Chem. Did.' LA'MPSANA. See Lapsana. LANA. Wool In botany applied to a species of hairy pubescence, consisting of white, long, somewhat crisp hair, like wool. It is applied to stems, leaves, seeds, &c. Lana philosophica. The snowy flakes of white oxide which rise and float in the air from the combustion of zinc, LANATUS. Woolly. AppUed to the stems, $4Q leaves, seeds, &c. of plants. The Verbasctim thapsus is a good example ofthe Caulit lanatui- the Stachys lanata of the leaves ; and the Gossv'. pium of the seed. LANCEOLATUS. Lanceolate, lance-shaped. Applied to leaves, petals, seeds, &c. of a narrow" oblong form, tapering, towards each end ; as the leaves in Planta, to empty; so named from its concave and empty'appearance.) The flank. LAPAROCE'LE. (From Xavapa, the flank, and K>]Xn, a rupture.) A rupture through the side ofthe belly. LA'PATHUM. (From Xairafa, to evacuate: so named because it purges gently.) The dock. See Rumex. Lapathum acetosum. See Rumexacetota. Lapathum acutum. See Rumex acutus. Lapathum aquaticum. See Rumex hydro-. lapathum. Lapide'llt m. (From lapis, a stone ) La- pidellus. The name of a kind of spo n, formerly used to take out small stones and fragments from the bladder. LAPIDEUS. Stony. Applied to seeds of plants ; as those of the Lithospermum and Qt\ teosperma. LAP* I..U La riDts cancrorom. See Cancer. Lapi'lli cavcrori-m. Sec Cancer. LAPIS. (Lapit, idit. m.; of uncertain deri- vation.) A stone. Laph aceratiis. See Agerutut. Lapis bezoar. Sec Bezoar. Lath ciEROLEUst. See" Lapi* lazuli. J.apih calami* aris. See Calamine. Lapis caI.careus. A carbonate of lime. Lapi-s ctancs. See Lapit lazuli. Lapii hematites. Sn Hamatilet. L\pit HiBRKMcrs. Te^iila hibemica. Ar- dtlia hibemica. Hurdmia. Irish slate. A kind of slate, or very hand stone, found in differ- ent parts of Irelan-I, in a mass of a bluish black colour, whicb stains the hands. When dried aud powdered, it i» pale, or of a whitish blue, and, by keeping, grous black. In the fire it vield* a sulphureous gas, and acquires a pale red colour, with additional hardness. It is occa- sionally powdered by the common people, and taken in spruce beer, ujtaiust inward bruises. Lapi- iitstrk is. See Bezoar hyttricit. Lapis infernalis. An old name for the iiustic potassa. See Potatta futa. I.apis lazuli. Lapit cyanut. Azure stone. A combination of 46 silica,'28 lime, 14.5 alumina, S o\ide of iron, 6.5 sulphate ot lime, and 2 water, according to Klaproili. This singular mixture forms a stone, of a beautiful azure blue, which it preserves in a strong heat, and docs not suffer any alteration by the contact of air. The finest spe- cimens come from China, Persia, and Great Bu- charia. It was formcly exhibited as a purgative and vomit, and given in epilepsy. Lapis malacf.nsis. Sec Bezoar hyttricit. Lapis »li.aris. Potstone. Lapis porcinos. See Bezoar hyttriris. I.apismmik. Sec liizoar timia. LAPPA. [Lappa airo th Xadtiv, from its seizing the garments of passengers.) See Arc- tium lappa. Eai-i-a major. Sec Arctium lappa. I.A'PS WA. ( Au^iii'v, from iMinptacut, the town near which it flourished: or from Xazn^w, to evacuate; because it was said to relax the bowels.) 'Ihe n.iine of a genus of plants. Class, Syngenesiu : Order, Polygamia aqualet. Lapsvn a communis. Lamps ana ; Napium; Papillaris herba Dock-cresses. Nipple-wort. This plant is a lactesccut bitter, and uearly simi- lar in virtues to the cichory, dandelion, and end- ive. It has been employed chiefly for external purposes, against wounds and ulcerations, whence the name ol nipple-wort and papillaris. La yi ki:s uutturis. A malignant inflam- mation of the tonsils, in which the patient appears aj if he were suffocati-d with a noose. La'rbasos." Antimony. LARCH. Se. Pinus larix. LARD. The Eivjlitdi name of hog's tat, when melted down. See Adiii* tuilla. LARYNGISMI'S. Tin name of a genus of diseases, llw. Pncumalica i Order, Pneumo- oica, in Good's Nosology. L.uv ngic suffocation. It has only one spent-.,, ttridulut, the spasmodic croup. LARYNCOTOMY. (Ijaryngotomia; Irom \apvyi, Ihe larynx, ami ri^ns, to cut.) See Bron- ehotnmu LAKYN'V ( Larynx, gu. (.; a Greek primi- tive.) A cartilaginous cavity, situated behind the tongue, in Ihe anterior part of Ihe fauces, and bind with an exquisitely sensible membrane. It is compost .1 of the annular or cricoid cartilage, the .cutifor n or thyroid, the • piglott s and two jrvtrnoid cartihucrt. The superior opening of the Hrynx is called the glottis. The laryngeal arteriet are branches of the external carotids. The laryngeal reins, evacuate their blood into the external jugulars. The nerves of the larynx are from the eighth pair. The use ofthe larynx is tu constitute the organ of voice, and to serve also for respiration. LASCI'VI.'S. -From lado, to ensnare ; upon account of it- irregular motions.) 1. Lascivious. 2. An ep thit used by Paracelsus for the cho- rea sancti viti. LA'SER. (A term used by the Cyrenians.) The herb laser-wort, or assnfeetida. LASERPITIUM. (Lac terpitium, alluding to its milkv juice.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system: Class, Pentan- dria; Order. Digynia. Laserpitium chironium. Panax. Her- cules' allheal, or wound-wort. The si eds and roots of this plant are warm, and similar in fla- vour and quality to those of the parsnep. The roots and stalks have a much stronger smell, which resembles that of opoponax ; and Boer- haave relates, that on wounding the plant in the summer, he obtained a yellow juice, which, being inspissated a little in the sun, agreed perfectly in both respects with that exotic gum resin. Laserpitium latifolium. The systematic name of the white gentian. Gentiana alba. The root of this plant, Laserpitium foliit corda- tis, inciso-terratit, of Linnaeus, possesses sto- machic, corroborant, and deobstruent virtues. Ii is seldom us* d. Laskrpitium siler. The systematic name of the heart-wort. Seseli; Siler montanum. Sermountain. The seeds and roots of this plant, which grows in the southern parts of Europe, are directed as officinals. They have an agree- able smell, and a warm, glowing, aromatic taste; and though neglected in this country, do not ap- pear to be deservedly so. LATERAL. (Lateralit; from lotus, the side ) On the side. A term in general use, ap- plied to parts (>f the body, operations, and to flower-stalks when situated on the side of a stem or stalk ; as in Erica ragans. Latf.ral operation. A name given to an operation. One mode of cutting for the stone, bemuse it is performed on the side of the pclvisi Sec Lithotomy. Latf.ral sinus. See Sinus. LATERITIOl'S. (Lateritius; from later, a brick.) A term appUed to tin brick-like sedi- ment occasionally deposited in the urine of people afflicted with fever. LATEX. (Latex, quod in rent* terra lateat.) Watir, or juice. A term sometimes applied to the blood, as being the spring or source of all the humours. La'thvris. (Prom XaOw, to forget; because it was thought to affect the memory.) A terrn K;ven by some author, to a species of tithymal or spurge, commonly known by the name of Tithy- ni'ilus latifoliui, the broad-leaved spurge, and called by some also Cataputia. LVTHYitCS. (A name adopted from Thco- plirastus, whose Xafkpos, appears evidently to be liKe ours, something of the pea or vetch kind, though it is impossible precisely to determine what.) The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- nxan system. Class, Diadelphia; Order, De- candria. The vetch. Lati'buli m. (From lotto, to lie hid.) The femes, or hidden matter of infectious diseases. LATl'S^IMI'S A term applied to a muscle from its srreat breadth. Ml LAL LAI ;»..ati3simi'S colli. See Platytma myoides. Latissimus dorsi. Anitcalptor, of Cowper. JDorri-lumba tacro humeral, of Dumas. A mus- cle of the humerus, situated on the posterior part ofthe trunk. It is a very broad, tbin, and, for the most part, fleshy muscle, which is placed im- mediately under the skin, except where it is cov- ered by the lower extremity ol the trapezius. It arises tendinous from the posterior half of the up- per edge ot the spine of the os ilium, from the spinous processes of the os sacrum and lumbar verteorae, and from five or six, and sometimes from seven, and even eight, ofthe lowermost ones of the back ; also tendinous and fleshy Irom the upper edges and external surface ofthe tour infe- rior false ribs, near their cartilages, by as many distinct slips. From these different origins the fibres of the muscle run in different directions; those from the ilium and false ribs run almost per- pendicularly upwards: those from the sacrum and lumbar vertebra?, obliquely upwards and for- wards ; and those from the vertebrae of the back, transversely outwards and forwards, over the in- ferior angle of the scapula, where they receive a small thin bundle of fleshy fibres, which arise ten- dinous from that angle, and are inserted with the rest of the muscle, by a stroig. flat, and thin ten- don, of about two inches in length, into the fore- part of tlie posterior edge of the groove observed between the t»vo tuberosities of the os humeri, for lodging the tendon of the long head of the biceps. In dissection, therefore, this muscle ought not to be followed to its insertion, till some of the other muscles ofthe os humeri have been first raised. Its use is to pull the os humeri downwards and back- wards, and to turn it upon its axis. Riolanu-, from its use on certain occasions, gave it the name of ant tertor. When we raise ourselves upon our hands, as in rising from off an ar n- chair, we may easily perceive the contraction of this muscle. A bursa mucota is found between the tendi.n of this muscle and the os humeri, into which .t is inserted. Lauca'nia. (From Xaiiu, to receive : so call- ed because it receives and convi ys food.) The oesophagus. LAU'DANUM. (From lout, praise ; so named from :ts valuable properties.) See 'Tinctura opii. LAIIVIOMTE- Diprismatic zeolite. LAUREL. See Laurus Laurel, cherry. See Pi~unut laurocerasus. Laurel, spurge. See Daphne laureola. LAURE'OLA. (Dim. of laurus, the laurel; named from its rrsemblance to the laurel.) See Daphne laureola. Lauro-cerasus. (From laurus, the laurel, ani cerasus, the cherry-tree ; so caUed because it has leaves like the laurel.) See Prunus lau- rocerasus. LaUro'sis. (So called from Mount Laurus, where there were silver mines.) The spodium of silver. LAU'RUS. (From laus, praise; because it was usual to crown the heads of eminent men with branches of it.) 1. The name of a genus of plants iu the Linnaean system. Class, Ennean- dria; Order, Monogynia. The laurel. 2 The pharmacopoeial name of the sweet-bay. See Laurus nobilis. Laurus camphora. The systematic name of the camphire-tree. Laurus—foliis tripliner- viis lanceolato-ovatis. It affords the substance called Camphora; Camphura; Caf; Cafar; Ligatura veneris; Caphora, Capur; Alkotor; Altesor. Camphire, or camphor is a peculiar concrete substance prepared by distilla- tion. The tree is indigenous and grows abun- ,142 dantly. The camphire is found to lodge every where in the interstices ofthe fibres of the woo/ pith, and knots of t he tree. The crude camphire' exported from Japan, appears in small greyish' pieces, and is intermixed with various extraneous matters ; in this state it is received by the Dutch and purified by n second sublimation; it is then formed into loaves, in which state it is sent to England. u Pur.fied camphor is a white concrete crystal- line substance, not brittle, but easily crumbled having a peculiar consistence resembling that of spermaceti, but harder. It has a strong lively smell, and an acrid taste ; is so volatile as totally to exhale when left exposed iu a warm air- is light enough to swim on water ; and is very in- flammable, burning with a very white flame and smoke, without :inj residue. The roots of zedoary, thyme, rosemary, sage the inula bellenium, the anemone, the pnsquo flower or Pulsatilla, and other vegetables, afford camphor by distillation. It is observable, that all these plants afford a much larger quantity of cam- phor, when the sap has been suffered to pass to the concrete state by several months' drying, Thyme and peppermint, slowly dried, afford much camphor ; and Acbard has observed that a smell of camphor is disengaged when volatile oil of fennel is treated with acids. Kind, a German chemist, endeavouring to in- corporate muriatic acid gas with oil of turpentine, by putting this oil into the vessels in which the gas was received when extricated, found the oil change first yeUow. then brown, and lastly, to be almost wholly coagulated into a crystalline mass, which comported itself in every rrspec.t like cam- phor. Tromsdorf and Boullay confirm this. A small quantity of camphor may be obtained from oil of turpentine by simple distillation at a very gentle heat. Other essential oils, however, afford more. By evaporation in shallow vessels, at a heat'not exceeding 57° F., Prousi obtained from oil of lavender .25, of sage .21, of marjoram .1014, of rosemary .0625. He conducted the operation on a pretty large scale. Camphor is not soluble in water in any percept- ible degrees, though it cornmunici-.tes its smell to that fluid, and may be burned as it floats on its'surface. It is said, howe-er, that a surgeon at Madrid has effected its solution in water by means ofthe carbonic acid. Camphor may be powdered by moirtening It with alkohol, and triturating it till dry. It may be formed into an emulsion by previous grinding with near three times its weight of almonds, ana afterwards gradually adding the water. Yolk of egg and mucilages are also effectual for this purpose ; but sugar does not answer well. It has been observed by Romieu, that small pieces of camphor floating on water have a rota- tory motion. Alkohol, rethers, and oils, dissolve camphor. The addition of water to the spirituous or acid solutions of camphor, instantly separates it. Hatchett has particularly examined the action of sulphuric acid on camphor A hundred grains of camphor were digested in an ounce of concen- trated sulphuric acid for two days. A gentle heat was then applied, and the digestion continu- ed for two days longer. Six ounces of water were then added, and the whole distUled to dry- ness. Three grains of an essential oil, having a mixed od >ur of lavender and peppermint, came over with the water. The residuum being treat- ed twice with two ounces of alkohol each time, fifty-three grains of a compact coal in small frag- ments remained undissolved. The alkohol. berog % LAI LAV rrvanorated iu »water bath, yielded lorty-nine. enU of a blackish-brown substance, which was- bitter, astringent, had the smell of caromeL., and fo^eJl a dark brown solution with water. 1 his •olutioo threw down very dark brown precipitates, with folphate of iron, acetate ol had, muriate of tin and nitrate of Ume. It precipitated gold in the metalhc state. Isinglass threw down tbe whole oi what was dissolved in a nearly black precipitate. . When nitric acid is distiUed repeatedly in large quantities from camphor, it converts it into a pe- culiar acid." See Camphoric arid. The use of this important medicine, in differ- ent diseases, ia very considerable. It has been much employed, with great advantage, in fevers of all kinds, particularly in nervous levers attend- ed with delirium and much watchfulness. The experienced Werlhoffhas witnessed its utility in several inflammatory diseases, and speaks highly in favour of its refrigerent qualities. The benefit derived from it in putrid evers, where bark and acids are contra-indicated, is remarkable. In spasmodic and convulsive affections it is also of much service, and even in epilepsy. In chronic diseases this medicine is likewise employed ; and against rheumatism, arthritis, and mania, we have several accounts of its efficacy. Nor is it less efficacious when applied externally in cer- tain diseases : it dissipates inflammatory tumours in a short time ; and its antiseptic quality, in re- sisting anil curing gaii-rnno, is very considerable. Another property peculiar to tin.-, medicine, must not, however, be omitted , the power it possesses of obviating tho strangury that is produced by i-aiitliarides, when sprinkled over a blister. The preparations of camphor arc, spiritut camphora, lintmentum camphota, tinctura camphora com- potita, and the mittura camphora. Camphor, dissolved in acetic acid with some essentiul oils, forms the aromatic vinegar. Laurus i issia. Cassia lignea ; i'ancUa malabarica; t'attia lignea Malabarica , Xiflo- caitia ; <'anella malabarica et Jmnnsi.s, Hur- ra, Canella cubana; Arbor judaica , I'asda canella i CanelliJ'era malabarica ; Cinnamo- mum malabaricum ; Cnlihachn canela. Wild cinnamon-tree ; Malabar cinnamon-tree, or cas- sia lignea-tree. Cassia lignca is the bark of the I Mv m tree, the foliis tripttntrviii tanceolatit, of !..n incus. The leaves are cnWcdJ'oliamataba- thri in the shops, 'lie bark and leaves abound with the flavour of cinnamon, for which (hey may be substituted : but in much larger doses, as they are considerably weaker. Laurus. ciw amomum. The systematic name ol tbe i iiiiiaiimu-trer. Cinnamomum. This tree affords the true cinnamon, which is its iunar bark. Jacquin describes the tree thus: Lauri<« dnnamomum ; foliit trinerviit ovato- oblonirit; nerris vertut apicem evane.srentibus. Cinnamon bark ia one ol the most grateful of die aromatic*; of a fragrant smeil, and a mod- erately pungent, glowing, but not liery taste, ac- companied with considerable sweetness, and some degree of adstringency. It it one ofthe best cor- dial carnnuative and restorative spices we are in Doasc««ii>n of, and is generally mixed with the diet ul the sick. The essential oil, on account of it. high price, is-seldom used; a tincture, simple- and spirituous water, are directed to be kept in Ihe shops, flu-watery infusion of cinnamon is ;;iven with a
  • r>arKi»* rrvol'itit, spicrt intcrmpta nudo, of '4.'f LfcA LEA Linnasus. A native of the southern parts of Europe, but cultivated in our gardens on account of the fragrance of its flowers. Their taste is bitter, warm, and somewhat pungent; the leaves are weaker and less grateful. The essential oil, obtained by distillation, is of a bright yellow co- lour, of a very pungent taste, and possesses, if carefully distilled, the fragrance of the lavender in perfection. Lavender has been long recom- mended in nervous debilities, and various affec- tions proceeding from a want ol energy in the animal functions. The College directs an essen- tial oil, a simple spirit, and a compound tincture, to be kept in the shops. Lavendula stiechas. The systematic name ofthe French lavender. Stachas; Stachat arabica; Spica hortulana; Stucadore. This plant is much less grateful in smell and flavour than the common lavender, to which it is allied in its properties. LA'VER. (From lavo, to wash: so named because it is found in brooks, where it is con- stantly washed by the stream.) 1. The brook-lime 2. The English name of a species of fucus whicb is eaten as a delicacy. LAVIPE'DIUM. (From lavo, to wash, and pet, the foot.) A bath for the feet. LAWSONIA. (After Mr. Lawson, a Scotch- man, who pubUshed an excellent account of his voyage to Carolina, containing much information concerning the plants of that country.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Octandria; Order, Monogynia. Lawsonia i.ntermis. The systematic name ofthe true alkanna. Alkanna vera; Alkanna orienlalit. An Oriental plani ; the Lawsonia —ramis inermibut, of Linnaeus ; principally em- ployed, in its native place, as a dye. The root is the officinal part; which, however, is rarely met with in the shops. It possesses adstringent pro- perties, and may be used as a substitute for the anchusa. LAXATPYA. (Fromlaxo, to loosen.) Gentle purgatives. LAXA'TOR. (From laxo, to loosen: so caUed from its office to relax.) A name applied to muscles, the office of which is to relax parts into which they are inserted. Laxator ttmpani. Externus mallei, of Albinus ; Anterior malld, of Winslow ; Opli- quus auris, of Douglas ; Externus auris vel laxator internus, of Cowper; and Spheni sal- pingo mallien, of Dumas. A muscle of the in- ternal ear, that draws the malleus obliquely for- wards towards its origin; consequently the membrana tympani is made less concave, or is relaxed. LAXUS. Lax or diffused. Applied by bota- nists in opposition to rectus and strictus ; as in the stem ol the Buniat cakile, or sea rocket, the stem of which is described as caulis laxus. LAZULITE. See Azurite. LA'ZULUS. (From azul, Arabian.) A pre- cious stone, of a blue colour. See Lapis lazuli. LEAD. Plumbum. A metal found in consi- derable quantity in many parts of the earth, in different states, seldom, if at all, in the metallic state. It is found in that of oxide, red lead ore, mixed with a portion of iron, clay, and other earths. The colour of this ore is aurora red, re- sembling red arsenic. It is found in small lumps, of an indetcrminatt figure, and also crystallised in four-sided rhomboidal prisms. Combined with carbonic acid, it forms the sparry lead ore, so called because it has the tex- ture and crystallisation of certain spars. There 544 are a great many varieties of this kind. It ,. lound also united with sulphuric phosphoric arsenic, molybdic, and chromic acids. Lastly lead is found mineralised by sulphur, forming what is called galena (sulphuret of lead) which is by far its most abundant ore. This ore which is very common, is found both in masses and crystals. The primitive lorm of its Crystak is a cube. Its colour is of a bluish lead grey It has a considerable metallic lustre, its texture is foliated. It stains the fingers, and often feels greasy. It contains in general a minute qnantitv oi silver. ^ " Properties of Lead.—Lead is of a blriish white colour, and very brilliant When fresh cut It is malleable. It soon tarnishes in the atmos^ phere. It may easily be cut with a knife and stains the fingers bluish-grey when rubbed It mscs at 612° Fahr. and renders other more re- fractory metals fusible. It becomes vitrified in a strorg and continued heat, and vitrifies various other metals. It is the least elastic ol all the metals. It is very laminable, but it possesse- TfJia .6 uuct,hty- LIts «Pe<»nc gravity is I , ' .U crystal,,8es by cooling in small octa- nedra. When lused in contact with air, iu sur- lace first becomes yellow, and then red It unites oy fusion with phosphorus and sulnhur I lie greater pan of the acids act upon it. The sulphuric acid requires the assistance of a boil- ing heat. Nitric acid is decomposed by it. Mu- riatic acid acts very weakly on it. Acetic acid dissolves it. Fluoric acid attacks it by heat, and slightly in the cold. It combines with other me- tals, but few of its alloys are applied to any use. When combined with mercury, it forms a crys- tallisable alloy which becomes fluid when tritu- rated with that of bismuth. Method of obtaining Lead.—In order to ob- tain lead in a great way, the ore is picked from among the extraneous matter with which it was n aurally mixed. It is then pulverised and washed. It is next roasted in a reverberator? furnace, in which it is to he agitated, in order to bring the whole in contact with the air. When the external parts begin to soften, or assume the form of a paste, it is covered with charcoal, the mixture is stirred, and the heat increased gra- dually . the lead then runs on all sides, and is collected at the bottom of the furnace, which is perforated so as to permit the metal to flow into a receptacle defended by a lining of charcoal. The scori* remaining above in the furnace still retain a considerable proportion of lead ; in order to extract it, the scoria; must be fused in a blast furnace. The lead is by that means separated, and cast into iron moul Is, each of which contains a portion called a pig of lead. These pigs are sold under the name of ore lead. In order to obtain perfectly pure lead, the lead of commerce may be dissolved in pure nitric acid, and the solution be decomposed by adding to it, gradually, a solution of sulphate of soda, so lone as a precipitate ensues. This precipitate, whicli is sulphate of lead, must then be collected on a filter, washed repeatedly in distiUed water, and then dried. In order to reduce it to its metallic state, let it be mixed with two or three times its weight of black flux, introduce the mixture into a crucible, and expose it briskly to a red heat. "There are certainly two, perhaps three oxides of lead :— 1. The powder precipitated by potassa from the solution of the nitrate of lead, being dried, forms the yellow protoxide. When some what vitrified, it constitutes litharge, and combined with carbo- nic acid, white-lead or ceruse. I E.\ LEA 2. W In u massicot has been exposed for about U hours 11 the name of a reu rberutoiy furnace, it becomes red-load, or minium. 3. If ii|K»n 100 parte of red-lead we digest ni- tric acid ufthesp. gr. 1.28,02.6 parts will be dissolved, but 7.6 of a dark brown powder will remam insoluble. This is the peroxide of lead. Chloride of leal is formed, either by placing lead in chlorine, or by exposing the muriate to a moderate heat. It is a semi-transparent greyish- wlnti mass, somewhat hke horn, whence the old name of plumbum corntum. The iodide is easily formed, by heating the two i 'iistitueuts. It has a fun- yellow colour. It pre- cipitates when we pour hydriodate of potass'a into a solution of nitrate of lead. The salts of lead have the protoxide for their base, and are distinguishable by the follow ing ge- neral characters :— 1. The salts which dissolve in water, usually gin- rnlourless solutions, which have an astringent sWeeti.li taste. '.'. Placed on charcoal they all yield, by the blowpipe, a button of lead. 3. I'l'iropiiissiate of potassa occasions in their solutions a white precipitate. ison. Tl • ei'muic-n^i'i ol had is au acetate : t,9 and Goulard's extract, made by boiling litharge, in v incgar, a subacetate. The imwer of this salt, as a coagulator of mucus, h superior to the other. If a hit of zinc be suspended by brass or iron wire, or a thread, in a mixture of water and the acetate of lead, the lead will be revived, and form an arbor Saturiii. The acetate, or sugar of lead, is usually crys- tallised in needles, which have a silky appear- ance. The subacetate crystallises in plates. The sul- phuret, sulphate, carbonate, phosphate, arseniate, and chromate of lead, are found native. When lead is aUoyed with an equal weight of tin, or perhaps even less, it ceases to be acted on by vinegar. Acetate and subacetate of lead in solution, has been used as external applications to inflamed surlaces, and scrofulous sores, and as eye-washes. In some extreme cases of hae- morrhagy from the lungs and bowels, and uterus, the former salt has been prescribed, but rarely and in minute doses, as a corrugant or astringent. The colic of the painters, and that formerly pre- valent in certain counties of England, from the lead used in the cyder presses, show the very de- leterious operation ot tbe oxide, or salts of this metal, when habitually introduced into the sys- tem in the minutest quantities at a time. Con- traction of the thumiis, paralysis of the hand, or even of the extremities, have not unfrequentiy supervened. A course of sulphuretted hydrogen waters, laxatives, of which sulphur, castor oil, sulphate of magnesia, or calomel, should be pre- ferredj a mercurial course, the hot sea-bath, and electricity, are the appropriate remedies. Dealers in wines have occasionally sweetened them, when acescent, with litharge or its salts. This deleterious adulteration may be detected by sulphuretted hydrogen water, which will throw down the lead in the state of a dark brown sulphuret. Or, subcarbonate of'ammonia, which is a very delicate test, may be employed to pre- cipitate tbe lead in the slate of a white carbon- ate ; which, on being washed and digested with sulphuretted hydrogen water, will instantly become black. If the white precipitate be gently heated, it will become > ellovv, and, on charcoal belore. the blowpipe, it will yield a globule of lead. Chromate of poiassa will throw down from satur- nine solution's a beautilul orange-yellow powder. liurgundy wine, and all such as contain tartar, will not hold lead iu solution, in conseejuence of the insolubility ol the tartrate. The propi r counter-poison for a dangerous dose of sugar of lead, is a solution ol Epsom or Glau- ber salt, liberally swallowed ; either of whicli medicines instantly converts the poisonous acetate of lead into the inert and innoxious sulphate. The sulphuret of potassa, so much extoUed by Navicr, instead of being an antidote, acts itself as a poison on the stomach. Oils dissolve the oxide of lead, and become thick and consistent; in which state they arc Used as the basis of plasters, cements for water- works, paints, &c. Sulphur readily dissolves lead in the dry way, and produces a brittle compound, of a deep grey colour und brilliant appearance, which is much less fusible than lead itsi-lf; a property which is common to all the combinations of sulphur with the more fusible metals. The phosphoric acid, exposed to beat together with charcoal aud lead, becomes couverted into phosphorus, which combines with tbe metal. Tliis combination does not gre.itiy differ Irom ordinary lead: it is malleable, aud easily cut with a LlIK : but it luses ib brutiancy more 6-la LEA LEA -utcdily than pure lead; and when fused upon charcoal with the blowpipe, the phosphorus burns, und leaves the lead behind. Litharge fused with common salt dec imposes it; the lead unites with the muriatic acid, and forms a yeUow compound, used as a pigment. The same decomposition takes place in the humid way, if common salt be macerated with litharge ; and the solution will contain caustic alkali. Lead unites with most of the metals. Gold and silver are dissolved by it in a slight red heat. Both these metals are said to be rendered brittle by a small admixture of lead, though lead itself is rendered more ductile by a small quantity of them. Platina forms a brittle compound with lead ; mercury amalgamates with it; but the lead is separated from the mercury by agitation, in the form of an impalpable black powder, oxygen being at the same time absorbed. Cop >er and lead do not unite but with a strong heat. If lead be heated so as to boil and smoke, it soon dis- solves pieces of copper thrown into it; the mix- ture, when cold, is brittle. The union of these two metals is remarkably slight; for, upon ex- posing the mass to a heat no greater than that in which lead melts, the lead almost entirely runs off by itself. This process is called eliqua- tion. The coarser sorts of lead, wliich owe their brittleness and granulated texture to an admixture of copper, throw it up to the surface on being melted by a small heat. Iron does not unite with lead, as long as both substances retain their me- tallic form. Tin unites very easily with this metal, and forms a compound, which is much more fusible than lead by itself, and is, for this reason, used as a solder for lead. Two parts of lead and one of tin, form an alloy more fusible than either metal alone : this is the solder of the plumbers. Bismuth combines readily with lead, and affords a metal of a fine close grain, brrf very brittle. A mixture of eight parts bismuth, five lead, and three tin, will melt in a heat which is not sufficient to cause water to boil. Anti- mony forms a brittle alloy with lead. Nickel, cobalt, manganese, and zinc, do not unite with lead by fusion." The preparations of lead used ia medicine are:— 1. Plumbi subcarbonas. See Plumbi subcar- bonas. 2. Oxidum plumbi rubrum. See Minium. 3. Oxidum plumbi semivitrcum. See Lithar- gyrus. 4. Acetas plumbi. See Plumbi acetas. 5. Liquor plumbi acetatis. See Plumbi ace- tatis liquor. 6. Liquor plumbi acetatis dilutes. See Plumbi acetatis liquor dilutus. Lead, white. See Plumbi subcarbonas. LEAF. Folium. A laminar expansion of a plant generally of a green colour. It is difficult, however, to define this universal und important organ of vegetables. They are considered as the respiratory organs i if plants. Leaves are, for the most part, remarkable for their expanded form ; their colour is almost uni- versally green, their internal substance pulpy and vascular, sometimes very succulent, and their up- per and under surfaces differ commonly in hue, as well in kind or degree of roughness. In discriminating the species of plants, a knowledge of the various forms of leaves is of the utmost importance. Botanists, therefore, have paid particular attention to their names, which are derived either from their origin, dis- tribution, situation, direction, insertion, form. base, point, margin, surface, distribution ol rh vessels, nerves, expansion, substance, duration, composition, &c. A leaf consists of a thin and expanded part, which in common language is named the leaf, and a stalk called the petiole or petiolut. The surface of a leaf, superficiet, or pa&ina, is distinguished into the upper part, or lace, and the under part, or back ot the leaf. The base, or ong-in of a leaf, is that part next the stem or branch; the apex is the termination of the leaf; the margin or edge, the circumference ; the disk, discum, is the middle part of the surfaces within the margin. From their origin, we have the following terms : 1. Seminal; folia seminalia, which are the first leaves of the majority of plants, proceeding from seeds that have more than one seed-lobe; they are seen in Raphanus sativus, and Cannabis sativa. 2. Radical, which spring directly from the root: as in Leontodon taraxacum, and Viola odorata. i. Cauline, or stem-leaf. The I aleriana phu has its radical leaves undivided, and the cauline leaves pinnate. 4. Ramial, or branch-leaf, which are only des cribed when they differ from those of tbe stem The Sison ammi has its radical leaves, linear; its cauline, sctous ; and its branch leaves, triion- nate. 5. Axillary, when seated on joints or axilla:; as in Parthenium integrifolium. 6. Floral, when next the flower, and like the other leaves ; as in Lonicera caprifolium. From their distribution on the stem and branches, leaves are named, 7. Alternate, when not in pairs, and are given off in various directions, one after another; as ill Malva rotunditolia. 8. Opposite, when they appear directly on op- posite sides of the stem, in pairs ; as in Lamium album, and Urtica dioica. 9. Two-ranked; folia disticha, which implies that they spread in two directions, and yet are not regularly opposite at their insertion ; as in Cupressus disticha, Taxus baccata, Pinus picea, and Lonicera symphori-carpos. 10. Bifarial, that is, two-ranked, but given off from the side only ofthe branch ; as in Carpimu betulus, and Fagus svlvatica. 11. Unilateral, looking to one side only ; as in Convallaria multiflora. 12. Scattered, irregular or without any order; as in Reseda luteola, and Sedum reflexum. 13. Decussate, crossing each other in pairs, cross-like ; as in Euphorbia lathyris, and Cras- sula tetragona. 14. Imbricate, Uke tiles upon a house; as in Cupressus sempervirens, and Aloe spiraUs. 15. Fasciculate, or tufted, when several sprint from the same point; as in Pinus larix, and Ber- beris vulgaris. 16. Stellate, star-leaved, whirled; several leaves growing in a circle round the stem, with- out any reference to the precise number; as in Rubia tinctorum, Lilium martagon, Asperula odorata. In large natural genera it is necessary to mention the number ; as m Galium. 17. Remote, when at an unusual distance from each other. 18. Clustered; crowded together; as in An- tirrhinum linaria, and Trientahs europea. 19. Binal, when there is only two on a plant; as in Galanthus nivalis, SciUa bifoUa, and Con vaUaria magalis, LEA LEA .d. Ternal, three together ; as in Verbena tri- ' 21. Qualernal Quinal, fee, when four, five, ,r more are situated together; as in various spe- cies of Erica. From their determinate direction, leaves are lisluuraished into, 82. Clote-pretted; adpretsu; when their upper surface is close to the stem ; asin Thlaspi campestris, and Xeranthemum sesamoides. t$. Erect, when Dearly perpendicular, or form- ing a very acute angle with the stem ; as in Jun- cus articulates, and Bryum unquiculatum. 24. Spreading, forming a modirately acute angle with the stem ; as in Atriplex portulaco- ides, Neriura oleander, and Veronica beccabunga. 26. Horizontal, spreading in the greatest pos- sible degree , as in Gentiana campestris, and Pelargonium patulum. 26. Atcendiiin, rising gently, so as to be some- what arched , as in Geranium nitifolium. 27. Recurved, reflexed, curved backward ; as ui Erica retorta, and Bryum pellucidum. 28. Reclined, depending, hanging downward towards the earth ; as in Cichorium intybus, and I/eonurus cardiaca. 29. Oblique, twisted, so that one part is verti- cal, Ihe other horizontal ; as Allium obliquum, and Pritallaria nbliqua. 30. Adverte, the upper surface turned to the meridian, not the sky ; as in Lactuca scariola. 31. Retupinate, or reversed, when the upper surface is turned downward; as in Alstromcria pelegnna, and Stnbe prostrate. 3'L Revolute, having a spiral apex; as Dian- thus carthusjanorum, and barbatus. 33. Rooting, st-mling rootlets into the earth ; as Asplenium rhizojihylla. 01. Floating on the surface of the water ; as in Potamogeton natans, and Nymphrea alba. 35. Submersed, demersed, immersed, under water; at flottonia palustris, and Ranunculus aquatilii. From their insertion into, 36. Petiolati, leaves on footstalks; as Prunus cerasus, and Verbascum nigrum. 37. Senile, without footstalk, lying immedi- ately on the stem ; as in Saponaria officinalis, and Pinguicula vulgaris. So. Adnutr, the upper surface adhering a little -.ray to the branch ; as in Xeranthemum vestitum. 39. Drcurrtnt, when a lamellar part of the icat runs down the stem, or branch : as iu Car- duus spinosus, and Verbascum thapsus. 40. Connate, wheu two opposite leaves era- brace, and are united at their bases ; as in Ccras- tium perfoliatum, and Dipsacus laciniatus. 41. Connato-peifoliate, when the union is in tbe whole or nearly the whole breadth of the leaves, so as to give the two leaves the appear- ance of being united into but one leaf; as in Eu- patorium perfoliatum, and Lonicera dioica. Connate leaves arc, in some instances, united by a membrane, which stretching from tbe margins of the opposed leaves, near the base, forms a kind of pitcher around the stem, in which tin rain is i cturned ; as in Dipsacus fullnnium. 42. EmbrachiK, clasping tbe stem with their base* as in Carduus marianus, and Papaver sona- nt, nun. 4.1. I iiginattx sheathing the stem at their bases, as in t anna indica, and Polygonum bistorta. 44. Peltate, when the footstalk is inserted not iito the basis, but into the disk of the leaf, as in Drosera peltata, and Troua ohun majus. 11. Prrfoliatt, when foe «tem runs through the leaf; as in Bupleurum rotundifotium, and Lvuu ria perfoliata. 46. Articulate, one leaf growing out ofthe apex of another; as ("actus opuntia, and Cactus fieri- indica. From the bads of the leaf, it is called, 47. Cordate, heart-shaped, or ovate, hollowed out at the base, as Arctium lappa, and Tamus communis. 48. Arrow-shaped, triangular, hollowed out very much at the base ; as Rumex acetosa, and Sagittaria sagittilolia. 49. Hastate, halberd-shaped, triangular, hol- lowed out at the base and sides, but with spread- ing lobes ; as in Arum maculatum, and Rumex acetosella. 50. Reniform, kidney-shaped, a short, broad, roundish leaf, the base of which is hollowed out; as Asarum Europeum, and Glecoma hederacia. 51. Auricled, furnished at its base with a pair of leaflets, properly distinct, but occasionaUy joined with it. as in Citrus aurantium. Linnxususes the term appendiculatum, which is correct. 52. Unequal, the basis larger on one side than the other ; as in Tilia Europea, and Piper tuber- culatum. The form of the apex of a leaf, gives rise to the following names: 63. Acute, sharp, ending in an acute angle, which is common to a great number of plants: example in Linum angustifolium, and Campanu- la trachelium. 54. Acuminate, pointed, having a taper, or awl-shaped point; as Arundo phragmitis, and Syringa vulgaris. 55. Cuspidate, or mucronate, sharp pointed, tipped with a rigid spine, as in the thistles, and Ficus rehglosa. 56. Obtuse, blunt, terminating in a segment of a circle; as Rumex obtusifolius, and Hypericum quadrangulum. 57. Refuse, ending in a broad shallow notch ; as in Ervum ervilia, and Rumex digynus. 58. Pramorse, jagged pointed, as if bitten off: very blunt, with various irregular notches ; as in Hibiscus prsmorsus, and Swartz's genus Aeride. 59. Truncate, an abrupt leaf, with the extrem- ity cut off, as it were, by a transverse line ; as in Liriodcndron tuhpifera. 60. Dedatemit, with a broad, incised, and crisp apex; as in Asplenium scolopendrum. 61. Emarginate, nicked, having a small notch at the summit; as HydrocotUe vulgaris, and Eu- phorbia tuberos-a. 62. Sitmmit-cut,—folia apice inrisa; as in Glinko biloba.. 63. Cirrhose, tipped with a tendril; as in La- thyrus articulates, and Gloriosa superba. 64. Tridenlate, three-toothed ; an obtuse point, beset with three teeth ; as in Buchera ^Etliiopica, ami Genista tridcutata. 65. A \cidiate, or pitcher-leaf, a cylindrical tube, filled with water ; as in Nepenthes distillatoria, and Saracenia. The names derived from the margin of the leaf, are, 66. Entire, not divided; as in Tragopogon .pratense, and porrifolium. 67. Vtiy entire, integerrima, the margin void of irregularity ; as Citrus aurantium. 68. Undulate, when the disk near the margin is waved obtusely up and down; as in Panicum hirtellum, and Reseda lutea. 69. Crenate, notched, when the teeth are rounded, and not directed towards either end ot 6*7 LEA Lea Ihe leaf; as in Betonica officinalis, and Scutella- i-ia galericulata. 70. Doubly crenate, thegreater teeth, notched with smaUar ones ; as in Salvia sclara, and Ra- nunculus auricomus. 71. Serrate, when the teeth are sharp, and re- semble those of a saw, pointing towards the ex- tremity ofthe leaf; as in Sedum telephium. 72. Acutely serrate; as in Thymus acinos. 73. Obtusely serrate; as in Ballota nigra. 74. Doubly serrate, having a series ot smaller serratures intermixed with the larger: as in Ru- bus fruticosus, and Campanula trachelium. 75. Dentate, toothed, beset with piojecting, horizontal, rather distant teeth of its own sub- stance ; as the lower leaves of the Centaurea cy- anus, and Campanula trachelium. _ 76. Jagged, irregularly cut or notched, espe- cially when otherwise also divided; as in Salvia Ethiopia, and Senecio squalidus. 77. Cartilaginous-edged, hard, and hoary ; as in Saxifraga callosa, and Yucca gloriosa. 78. Prickle-edged, beset with prickles ; as in Carduus lanceolatus, and Ilex aquifolium. 79. Fringed, bordered with soft parallel hairs ; as iu Sempervivum tectorum, and Galium cru- ciatum. From the openings, or sinuses, in the margin, 80. Sinuated, cut as it were into rounded, or wide openings ; as in Quercus robur, and Alcea rosea. 81. Repand, wavy, bordered with numerous angles and segments of circles, alternately ; as in Menyanthes nymphoides, and Erysimum alliaria. 82. Pinnatifid, cut transversely into several oblong parallel segments ; as in Centaurea calei- trapa, and Scabiosa arvensis. 83. Bipinnatifid, doubly pinnatifid ; as in Pa- paver argemone. 84. Lyrate, lyre-shaped, cut into several transverse segments, gradually larger towards the extremity of the leaf, which is rounded ; as in Geum urbanum, and Erysimum barbarea. 85. Panduriform, fiddle-shaped, oblong, broad at the two extremities, and contracted in the mid- dle ; as in Rumex pulcher, and Convolvulus pan- duratus. 86. Rnndnate, lion-toothed, cut into several transverse, acute, segments, pointing backwards; as in Leontodon taraxacum, and Erysimum offici- nale. 87. Lariniate, cut into numerous irregular portions ; as in Ranunculus parviflorus, and Ge- ranium columbinum, and Cotyledon laciniata. 88. Squarrose, the margin beset with a rough fringe ; as in Centaurea caleitrapa, and Carduus marianus. 89. Partite, deeply divided nearly to the basis; as in Helleborus viridis ; bipartite, tripartite, and multipartite, according to the number of the divisions. 90. Trifid, divided into three ; as in Bidens tripartita. 91. Quinquifid, divided into five ; as in Gera- nium maculatum. 92. Multifid, the margin of round leaves cut from the apex almost to the base, without leaving any great intermediate sinuses ; as in Aconitum napellus, and Cucumis colocynthis. From the angles in the margin ofthe leaf, 93. Rounded, the margin not having any angle. 94. Angulate, the margin having acute angles. a. Triangular; as in Chenopodium bonus henricus, and Atriplex hortensis. b. Quinqueangular; as in Geranium pelta- tirra. c. Septangular; as in Hibiscus abelmoschus. * 548 95. Rhomboid, trapeziform, or approaching to a square ; as in Chenopodium vulvaria, and Trapa natans. 96. Quadrangular, with four angles; as in Liriodendron tulipifera. 97. Deltoid, trowel-shaped, having three angles, of which the terminal one is much further from the base, than the lateral ones ; as in Mi sembryanthemum deltoideum, and Populus nigra. 98. Lobate, when the margins of deep segments are rounded, hence: a. Two-lobed; as in Bauhinia porresta. b. Three-lobed; as in Anemone hepatica. c. Five-lobed; as in Humulus lupulus, and Acer pseudo-platanus. 99. Palmate, cut into several oblong, nearly equal segments, about half way, or rather more, towards the base, leaving an entire space, like the palm of the hand ; as in Passiflora coerulca, and Alcea ficifolia. From the figure of the circumstance, arc dc- " rived the following names : 100. Orbiculate, circular, the length and breadth of which are equal, and the circumfer- ence in an even circular line ; as in Cotyledon or- biculata, and Hydrocotile vulgaris. 101. Subrotund, roundish ; as in Pyrola, and Malva rotundifolia. 102. Oblong, three or four times longer than broad ; as in Musa sapientum, and El&agniu orientalis. 103. Ovale, ofthe shape of an egg, cut length- wise, the base being rounded, and broader than the extremity ; as in Origanum vulgare, and Inula helenium. " , 104. Obovate, of the same figure, with the m broader end uppermost; as in Primula veris, and Samulus valerandi. 104. * Oval, ovate, but each end has the same. roundness ; as in Rhus catinus, and Mammea americana. 105. Elliptical, oval, the longitudinal diameter be ing greater than the transverse. 106. Parabolic, oblong, the summit narrow and round ; as in Marrubium pseudodictamnus. 107. Cunriform, wedge-shaped, broad and abrupt at the summit, and tapering down to the base ; as Saxifraga cuneifolia, and Iberis semper- florens. 108. Spatulate, of a roundish figure, tapering to an oblong base ; as in Cotyledon spuria, ana Cucubalus otites. 109. Lanceolate, of a narrow oblong form, tapering towards each end ; as in Plantago lan- ceolata. 110. Linear, narrow, with parallel sides; as in Senecio linifolius. 111. Capillary, long, fine, and flexible, resem- bling a hair ; as in Anethum foeniculum, and Gra- veolens. 112. Setaceous, bristly; a.s in Asparagus offici- nalis, and Scirpus setaceus. 113. Acerose, needle-shaped, linear and ever- green, generally acute and rigid; as in Pino*1 sylvestris, and Juniperus communis. From the difference of the surface of leaves: 114. Glabrous, smooth, without roughness; as the leaves of most plants. 115. Nilid, smooth and shining ; as in Laurus nobilis, and Canna indica. 116. Lucid, as if covered with a varnish; as in AngeUca lucida, and Royena lucida. 117. Viscid, covered with a clammy juice ; as in Senecio viscosus, and Erygeron viscosuro. 118. Naked, without bristles, or hair*; as the leaves of many plants. 119. Scabrous, or asperont, with little roneh LI.A LEA nets tisible, at well a* tangible ; as in Morns uirra, and Humulus lupulus. 120. Punctate, dotted, perforated with uttle holes ; as in Hypericum perforatum. 121. Ptrtutf, bored, naturally having large perforation- ; as in Dracontitim perfusion. 122. Maculate, spotted; as in Orchis maculate, md Pulmonaria officinalis. 123. Coloured, being of any other than a green colour ; as in Amaranthus tricolor, and Atriplex borten«is rubra. 121. Hoary, having a whitish mealy surface ; ns in Poiiulus alba. 120. I.meate. having superficial lines; as in Srirj.us uiaritimiis. lib Striate, marked with coloured lines ; as in Phalaris arundinarca. 127. Sulcate, furrowed, having broad and deep furrows ; as in Digitalis ferruginea. 12". Rugose, rugged ; as in Salvia sclara. 12!). Bullate, blistered, a greater degree ofthe last; as in Hrassica oleracea. 130. Papulous, or vedculout, covered with hollow vesicles ; as in Mesembryanthemum crys- talliiiuiu. Ul. Papillose, or Varicote, covered with solid wart-like tubercles ; as in Aloe margariti- fera. 132. Glandular, covered with small glandi- form bodies, as in Salix alba, and Prunus padus. From the dittribution of the vetselt on the sur- face ol the leaf, Nerret are white elevated chords, which origi- nate from the base of the leaf. A rib is the middle nerve, thick, and extending from the basis to the apex of the leaf. I i-ivs are anastomosing vessels which arc given off from the rosfa or rib. The greater clusters of vessels are generally railed nervi or cotta, nerves or ribs, and the - mailer vena, whether they are branched or re- ticulate, simple or otherwise. 183 A nervous or ribbed leaf is where they extend in simple lines from the base to the point ; is m the Convallaria, and Helianthut annuus. I'be Laurus camphoru is an example of a trinervc; the Smilax tetragona has five nerves; the Dios- corea septemloba, seven. 134. When a puir of large ribs branch off from the main one above the base, and run in a straight line towards the apex, as in Helianthus tuberosus, the leaf is said to lie triple nerred. 135. W hen two go from the base and four from the cost a hi a straight line, it is termed folium quintuplinrrvum. 136. Venous, veiny, when the vessels by which the leaf ia nourished are branched, subdi- vided, and more or less prominent, forming a net-work over either, or both its surfaces; as in Clusia v> nosa, and Verbascum lychritis. 137 Avenial, or veinless, when without veins; as in flu sia alba, and rosea. 138. F.mrrous, riblos, when no nerve is given off from the base ; as in Asperula levigata. The terms Irom the expansion ofthe leaves He, l.W. Flat, as most leaves are, 140. Concave, hollow, depressed in the middle; is in Saxifraga stolonifera. . 1II Convex, the reverse of the former ; as in Ocynium basilicum niajii«. 142. Canaliculate, channelled, having a lon- gitudinal liirrow ; as in Plantago maritima. 143. Cucullatt, hooded, when the edges meet in the lower parts, and expend in Ihe upper ; as in (ii raiinim rtiriillatum, and tint eunoiis ernus t*»nir»>ni-> 114. Plicate, plaited, when the disk of the lea/, especially towards the margin, is acutely folded up and down; as in the Malvas, and AlchemiUa vulgaris. 145. Undulate, waved, when the disk near the margin is waved obtusely up and down; as in Reseda lutea, and Ixia undulata. 146. Crisp, curled, when the border ofthe leaf becomes more expanded than the disk, so as to grow elegantly, curled, and twisted ; as in Malva crispa. Prom the internal subtlance : 147.' Memliranaceous, when there is scarcely any pul|fiw:tween the external membranes of the leaf; as. in Citrus aurantium, and the leaves of many plants. 148. Thick, the membranes being rather more than usually firm ; as in Sedum telephium. 149 ('arneemt, fleshy, of a thick substance, as in all those called succulent plants ; as Crassula lactea, and Sempervivum tectorum. 150. Pulpy, very thick, and of the consistence of a plumb ; as in Mesembryanthemum verrucu- latum. 151. Tubular, hollow within; as in Allium cepa. The leaf of the Lobelia dortmanna is very peculiar, in consisting of a double tube. 152. Compact, not hollow. 153. Rigid, easily broken on being bent; as in Stapelia. The thick leaves, folia cratta, afford the fol- lowing distinctions : 154. Gibbous, swelling on one side, or both, from excessive abundance of pulp ; as in Crassula cotyledon, and Aloe retusa. 155. Round, cylindrical; as in AlUum sches- noprasum, and Salsola sativa. 156. Subulate, awl-shaped, tapering from a thickisb base to a point; as in Allium ascaloni- cum, and Narcissus jonquilla. 157. Compressed, flattened laterally; as in Cacalia ficoides. 158. Depressed, flattened vertically; as in Cr.issula tetragona. 159. Triquetral, thick, and triangular; as in Butomus umbellatus. 160. Tetragonal, quadrangular and awl- shaped ; as in Gladiolus tristis. 161. Ungulate, tongue-shaped, a thick ob- long, blunt figure, and a little convex on its in- ferior surface; as in Mesembryanthemum lin- gui forme. 162. Ancipital, two-edged; as in Typha lati- folia. 16S. Entiform, sword-shaped, two edges ta- pering to a point, slightly convex on both sur- faces, neither of which can properly be called upper or under; as in Iris germanica, and Gla- diolus communis. 164. Carinate, keeled, when the bark is lon- gitudinally prominent ; as in Album carinatum, and Narcissus biilorus. 165. Adnadform, cimeter-shaped, compress- ed with one thick and straight edge, the other thin and curve! ; as in Mesembryanthemuni acioaciforme. 166. Dolabriform, hatchet-shaped, compress- ed with a very prominent dilated keel, and a cyUndncal base ; as in Mesembryanthemum dolabrifnrme. 167. Undnate, hooked, flat above, compressed at its sides, and turned back at the apex, forming a hook. When the shape of membranaceous leaves is imperfect, the particle sub is attached, as sub- sessile, sub-ovate, .vtio-pilous, &C. When the shape i« reversed, by the prefixing LEA LEC the preposition 06, as ob-cordate, when the point is inserted into the petiole, 06-ovate, &e. From the coadunution, leaves are designated by prefixing the prominent shape, aslanceolato-ovate, as in Nicotiana tabacum : and ovato-lanceolate, lanceolate, but swelling out in the middle ; as in Saponaria officinalis. - From their duration, leaves are termed, 168. Deciduous, falling off at the approach of winter, as in most Eui. >pean trees and shrubs. 169. Caducous, falling off in the middle of rummer. 170. Perennial, green' the whole -ye|ir, and falling off as the new ones appear. Jf 171. Persistant, lasting many yesfwp^ind al- ways green ; as in Pinus and Taxus. '' * All the foregoing terms belong to simple leaves, or those which have one leaf only on the.-petiole or footstalk. The following regard compound leaves, or such as consist of two or any greater number of foliola, or leaflets, connected by a common footstalk. 172. Digitate, fingered, when several leaflets proceed from the summit of a common footstalk ; as in Trifolium pratense. 173. Pinnate, when several leaflets proceed laterally from one footstalk, instead of being supported at the top ; as in Acacia pseudacacia. A digitate leaf is called after its wiotie of digi- lation, 174. Conjugate, or yoked, when there is one pair of leaflets, or pinna; as in Zygophillum fabago. 175. Bnate, when the pair of leaflets unite somewhat at their base; as in Latfiyrus syl- vestris. 176. Ternate, where there are three leaflets ; as in Trifolium pratensis, and Oxalis acetosella. 177. Quinate, there being five leaflets ; as in Potentilla reptans, and Lupinus albus. 178. Septenate, with seven; as in ^Esculus bippocastanum. 179. Nemenate, nine ; as in Sterculia foetida. 180. Pedate, a peculiar kind of leaf, being ternate, with its lateral leaflets compounded in their fore-part; or a leaf with a bifid footstalk divided into two diverging branches, with an in- termediate leaflet, and each supporting two or more lateral leaflets on their anterior edge ; as in Helleborus niger. 181. Articulate, jointed, when one, or a pair of leaflets, grows out of the summit of another, with a sort of joint; as in Cactus ficus indica, and Fagara tragodes. Pinnate leaves are called from their number of pinna, 182. Bipinnate, or duplicato-pinnate, doubly pinnate ; as in Tanacetum vulgare. 183. Tripinnate, or triplicalo-pinnate, three pinnate ; as in Scandix odorata. From the number of pairs, pinnate leaves arc termed, 184. Biguga, as in Mimosa nodosa. 185. Triguga; as in Cassia emarginata. 186. Qjiadriguga; as in Cassia longisiliqua. 187 Quinquiguga; as in Cassia occidentalis. 188. Multiguga ; as in Cassia javanica. The difference in the termination of a pinnate leaf, 189. Impari-pinnate, with an odd or termmal leaflet; as Rosa centifolia. 190. Abrupti-pinnate, with a terminal leaflet; as in Orobus tuberosus. 191. Cirrhosi-pinnate, when furnished with a tendril in place of an odd leaflet; as in the pea nnd vetch tribe. 550 From the mode -of adhesion of the leajUu arise, 192. Opporitely-pinnate, when the leaflets, are opposite, or in pairs ; as in Sium angustifo- liuni. 193. Alternately-pinnate, when alternate • as in Vicia sativa. 194. Interruptedly-pinnate, wlen the prin- cipal leaflets are arranged alternately with an intermediate series of smaller ones; as in Spinea ulmaria. 195. Decurrently-pinnate, when the leaflets are deem rent ; as in Eryngium campestre. 196. Jenntedly-pinnate, with apparent joints in tbe common footstalk ; as in Fagara tragodes. 197. Petiolato-pinnate, the leaflets on foot- stalks ; as in Robmia pseudacacia. 198. Alate-pinnate, when the footstalk has little wings between the leaflets. 199. Sessile-pinnate, with leaflets within any petiole. 200. Conjugate-pinnate, confluent; the leaflets growing somewhat together at their margins. From their bipinnation, pinnate leaves are, 201. Bigeminate, two-paired: as in Mimosa unguis cate. 202. Trigeminate, or triplicate-geminate, thrice paired ; as in Mimosa tergemina. From the tripinnation, 203. Doubly-ternate, or duplicato-ternate, when the common footstalk supports these secon- dary petioles on its apex, and each of these sup- port three leaflets , as in Epimedium alpinum. 204, Triternate, or triplicato-ternale, when tbe common petiole supports on its apex three secondiiry footstalks, each of which supports three ternary ones, and every one of these three leaflets ; as in Aquilcgia vulgaris, and Fumaria enneaphylla. 205. Multiplicato-pinnatf, there being more than three orders ; as in Ruta hortensis. Pinna, are the leaflets of pinnate leaves. 206. Pinulla, the leaflets of the double ani triple range of pinnate leaves. I .E/E'.\ A. (From Xtmva, a lioness.) 1. The lioness. 2. The name of a plaster, so called from id great power. LEAKE, John, was born in Cumberland, and after qualifying himself as a surgeon in Lon- don, travelled to Portugal and Italy. On his return he settled in the metropolis, and published a dissertation on the Lisbon Diet Drink. He not long after became a licentiate of the college of physicians, and began to lecture en Midwifery. In 1765, he originated the plan for the West- minster Lyirg-in Hospital, and purchased a piece of ground for the purpose. His death occurred in 1792. He published a volume of " Practical Observations on Child-bed Fever;" "Medical Instructions," concerning the Diseases of Women; in two volumes, which passed through several editions ; and some other works. LE CLEKC, Danikl, was born at Geneva, in 1652. His father being professor in the Grew language, instructed him in the rudiments of knowledge, and gave him a taste for researches into antiquity. He afterwards studied at differ- ent universities, and took his medical degree at Valence at the aje of 20. Returning to his native city, he soon got into considerable prac- tice; which he at length relinquished in 1704, on being appointed a member of the council of state, and that he might complete his various literary undertakings, which had already greatly distinguished him. His death occurred in 1728. He bad published in conjunction, with Mangels. i LEE L.EL a Bibiiotbeca Anatomica," in two vohimei,, 1685 But bis most celebrated work is the '• llis- toire de la Medecine," from the earliest times to that of Galen, which evinii s immense erudition. He afterwards added a plan for continuing it to the middle of the 17th century, But Dr. Friend has completed this part of the 1\>X on a much Ixttir method. Lc Clerc also published an n count of certain worms occurring in men and animals. LK DR\N, Henry Fawns, was born at Paris in 1685, and educated under his father, who had acquired reputation as an operator, particu- larly in removing cancers of the breast. The young surgeon turned his attention principally to lithotomy, which he performed in the lateral me- thod, and made some valuable improvements; which he communicated to the public in 1730, giving an accurate description of the parts : the work was favourably received, has been frequent- ly reprinted, and translated iuto most' modern languages. His surgical observations contain also much valuable practical matter: and his Trea- tise on t;tin-shot Wounds is remarkable lor the hold and successful measures which he adopted. He published likewise a Trim' ise ou Operitions, another called Surgical Con-ii.tai.ons, and sent neveral papers of considerable merit to the aca- demy ol surgeons, which appear iu their memoirs. He died in 1770. LE IU' M. (A name adopted from the Greeks, who.e Xi/oov is generally believed to be a species ul I telim.) The name of a genus of plants in ihe Linna an system. Cl.i-j, Decandna; Order, ^loitiixiinia. I.i.m m I'ai.ustiie. The systematic name of Ahc Rosmarinus xylveitits, and C is tut ledon of the shops. The plant has a bitter siibastriugent taste, and was lurmcrly used in Switzerland in the place of hops. Its medicinal use is confined to tin- Continent, where it is occasionally given in the cure of hooping-cough, sore throat, dysen- tery, and exanthomatous diseases. LEECH. Hirudo. A genus of insects of the order Vermel. The body moves either for- ward or backward. There are several species, principally distinguished by their colour; bu* (hat most known to medical men is the hirudo mtdidnalit, or medicinal leech, which grows to the length of two or thre.! inches. The body is of a blackish brown colour, marked on the back with six yellow spots, and edged with a yellow line on each side , but both the spots aud lines •■wiv faint, and almost disappear at some seasons. flu nead is smaller than the tail, which fixes iisell very firmly to any thing the creature pleases. It is viviparous, and produces but one voung one at a time, which is in the month of .lulv. It is an inhabitant of clear running waters, una is weU known for its use in bleeding. The species most nearly approaching this, and which it is necessary to distinguish, is the hirudo tan- SOtitisu, or hor-i'-lei eh. This is larger than e lornicr; its skin is smooth and glossy; the body is depressed, the back is dir-ky ; and tin inllv i-. ol a yellowish greeu, having a yeUow lateral margin. It inhabits stagnant waters. The leech's head is aroed with a sharp instru- ment that mikes three wounds at once. Tin \ ure iliree sharp tubercles, strong enough to cut through tnV »km of a man, or even of an ox, or liur»e. The mouth i», as it we re, the bexly of the pump, and the tongue, or lie shy nipple,the sucker. ily the working of this pine ol mechanism, the blood is made to rise up to the conduit which conveys it to the animal's stomach, wliich is a uirmbrajnerous skin, divided into tvetitv-fouj stnall ceUs. Ihe blood which is sucked out ii there preserved for several months, almost with- out coagulating, and proves a store of provision to the animal. The nutritious parts, absorbed after digestion by animals, need not in this to be disen- gaged from the heterogeneous substances ; nor indeed is there an anus discoverable in the leech ; mere transpiration seems to be all that it per- forms, tbe matter fixing on the surface of the body, and alterwardscoining off in smaU threads. 0 this, an experiment maybe tried, by putting a leech into oil, where it keeps alive for several days ; uoia being taken out, and put into water, there ajKar's to loosen from its body a kind of slough, Jpaped like the creature's body. The organ of5 respiration, though unascertained, seems to be situated in the mouth ; for if, like an insect, it drew' breath through vent-holes, it would not subsist in oil, as by it, these would be stopped up. The hirudo medicinalit is the only species used in medicine- ; being applied to the skin in order to draw off blood. JjVith this view, they are em- ployed to bleed young children, and for the pur- poses of topical bleeding, in cases of inflammation, fulness, or pain. They may be employed in every case where topical bleedings are thought necessary, or where venesec ion cannot be per- formed. If the leech does not fasten, a drop of sugared milk is put on the spot it is wished to fix on, or a little blood is drawn by means of a slight imnctiire : after which it immediately set- tles. The leech, when fixed, should be watched, lest it should find its way into the anus, when used for the haemorrhoids, or penetrate into the lesophagus, il employed to draw the gums; other- wise it might fix upon the stomach, or intestines. In such a case, the best and quickest remedy is to swallow some salt ; wliich is the method prac- tised to make it loose its hold, when it sucks longer than is intended. Vegetable or volatile alkali, pepper, or acids, also make it leave the part on which it was applied. Cows and horses have been known to receive leeches, when drink- ing, into the throat, and the usual remedy is to force down some salt, which makes them fall off. If it is intended that the leech shall draw a larger quantity of blood, the end ofthe tati is cut off; and it then sucks continually, to make up the loss it sustains. The etischarge occasioned by the puncture of a leech after the animal .falls off, is usually of more service than the process itself. When too abundant, it is easily stopped with brandy, vinegar, or other styptics, or with a compress of dry linen rags, bound strongly on the bleeding orifice. They are said to be very rest- less before a change of weather, if confined in glasses, and to fix themselves above the water on the approach of a line day. As these little animals are depended on for the removal of very dangerous diseases, and as they often seem capriciously determined to resist the endeavours made to cause them to adhere, the fol- lowing directions are added, by wliich their as- sistance, may, with more certainty, be obtained. The introducing a hand, to which any iU fla- voured medicine adheres; into the water, in which they are kept, wiU be often sufficient to deprive them of lite ; the application of a small quantity of any saline matter to their skin, im- mediately occasions the expulsion of the contents uf their stomach; and what is most to our pur- pose, the least flavour of any medicament that has been applied remaining on the skin, or even the accumulation of the matter of pe-rspiration, will prevent them from fastening. The skin should therefore, previous to their application, be very carcfnllv cler-med from any foulness, and mots' LEM LEN baed with a Uttle milk. The method of appiy- ,ng them is by retaining them to the skin by a pmall wine-glass, or the bottom of a large piU- box, when they wUl in general, in a Uttle time, fasten themselves to the skin. On their removal, the rejection of the blood they have drawn may be obtained by the application of salt externally : but it is to be remarked, that a few grains of salt are sufficient for this purpose ; and that covering them with it, as is sometimes done, generally destroys them. LEEK. See Allium porrum. Le'gna. (From Xtyvov, a fringed edge.) The extremities of the pudenda muliebria. m LEGU'MEN. (From lego, to gaflkr ; so called because they are usually gathered by the hand.) A legume. A peculiar solitary fruit of the pea kind, formed of two oblong valves, with- out any longitudinal partition, and bearing the seeds along one of its margins only. From the figure, the legumen is called, 1. Teres, round; as in Phaseolus radiatus. 2. Lineare; as in Phaseolus vexillatus. 3. Compressum ; as in Pisum sativum. 4. Capitatum, as in Phaseolus mungo. 6. Aciniforme; as in Phaseolus lunatus. 6. Ovatum; as in Lotus hirsutus, and gracus. 7. Infiatum, a cavity filled with air; as in Astragalus vesicarius, and exscapus. 8. Cochleatum, spiral; as in Medicago po- lymorpha, and marina. 9. Lunatum; as in Medicago falcata. 10. Obcordatum ; as in Poly gala. 11. Contortum; as in Medicago sativa. 12. Quadrangulatum; as in Dolychos tetra- gonolobus. 13. Canalicutatum, the upper suture deeply hollowed ; as in Lathyrus sativus. 14. Isthmis interceptum, as in Coronilla. 15. Echinatum ; as in Glycyrrhiza echinata. 16. Rhombeum; as in Cicer arietinum. k ''From its insertion, 1. Ifeilflulum ; as in Phaseolus vulgaris. 2, Pedicellatum; as in Viscia sapium. From its substance, 1. Jifembranaceum ; as in Phaseolus vulgaris. • 2. Carnosum ; as in Cynometra cauliflora 3. Coriaceum, dry and fleshy; as in Ceratonia siliqua, and Lupinus. From the number of seeds, 1. Monospermum, as in Medicago lupulina. 2. Dispermum; as in Glycine tomenlo^a. 3. Trispermum; as in Trifolium reflexum. 4. Tetraspermum; as in / rifolium repent. 5. Polyspermum; as in Trifolium luptnaster. LEGUMINOUS. Appertaining to a legume. Lei'chen. See Lichen. Leiente'ria. See Lienteria. LEIPOPSY'CHIA. (From Xtnrw, to leave, and uVuy^, Ufe.) A swoon. See Syncope. Leipopt'ria. (From Xttirtu, to leave, and irvp, heat.) An ardent fever, in wliich the internal parts are much heated, whUe the external parts are cold. • LEIPOTHY'MIA. (From Xuiru, to leave, and »vpos, the mind.) See Lipothymia. Le'me. (From Xa, much, and pvw, to wink.) A constant winking of the eyes. LEMERY, Nicholas, was born at Rouen in 1645, and brought up to the business of pharmacy. He went to Paris at the age of 21 to improve him- self, particularly in chemistry ; and then travel- led for some years : after which, in 1672, he be- «an to give chemical lectures at Paris, and be- came very popular. Three years after he published his " Cours de Uhvmie," which passed 5S2 rapidly tiirough numerous editions; and hi great was his reputation, that he acquired a for- tune by the sale of his preparations, some of whicli he kept secret. In 1681, he was interdicted from lecturing on account of his reUgious principles and took shelter in this country ; but shortly after obtained the degree of doctor of physic at Caen and got considerable practice in the French me- tropoUs ; the revocation of tbe edict of Nantes however, forbidding this employment also, he was reduced to such difficulties, that lie at length adopted the Catholic religion, lie then flourished again, and in 1697 published his " I'liarmacopec. UniverseUe," followed the year after by his " Dictionnaire Universel dt-s Drogues simples " which, though >vith many imperfections, proved of considerable utility. On the re-establishment of the Academy of Sciences, he was made asso- ciate chemist, and read before that body his papers on antimony, which were printed in 1707. He died in 1715. LEMERY, Louis, son of the preceding, vrx- born at P^ris in 1677, and inteuded for the law, but adopted such a partiality for his father s pur- suits, that he was allowed to indulge it, and gra- duated in his nativ e city in 1796. Two year- alter he was admitted into the Academy of Sciences, and in 1708 began to lecture on chemistry, in the royal garden : he was appointed physician to the H.tel Dieu in 1710; and twelve years after pur- chased the office of King's physician, which soon led to the appointment of consulting physician to the Queen ol Jspain. In 1731 h was appointed professor of chemistry in the royal garden ; and subsequently communicated several papers to the Academy of Sciences, which appeared in their Memoirs. He published also "Trait, den Ali- ments, " which was frequently reprinted ; "A uis- sertation on the Nourishment ol Bones, relutioe the Idea of its being effected by the Marrow;" and "Three Letters on the Generation of Worms." He did in 1743. Lemithocho'rton. See Corallina corti- cana. Le'mma. (From Xsirio, to decorticate.) 1. The bark of a tree. 2. The skin. Le'mnius. (From Lemnos, whence it it brought.) See Bole. LEMON. See Citrus. Lemon scurvy-grass. See Cochlearia offici- nalis. LEME'NTIA. (From lenio, to assuage.) Medicines vvhich abate irritation. LENITIVE. (From lenis, gentle.) Medi- cines which gently paUiatc diseases. A gentle purgative. Lenitive electuary. A preparation composed chiefly of senna and some arornatics, with the palp of tamarinds. See Confectio senna. LENS. (A lentore ; from is glutinous qua- lity.) 1. The lentil. See Ervum lens. 2. See Crystalline lens. LENTIC ULA. (Dim. of lens, a lentil.) 1. A smaller sort of lentil. 2. A freckle, or small pustule, resembling the seeds of lentil. LENTIC UL AR. (Lenlicularis; from lenli- culaire, douily convex.) A surgicalinstruiuui! employed for removing the jagged particles of bone from the edge of the perforation made in tbe cranium with the trephine. LENTICULA'RIA. (Prom lenticula.) A species of lentil. LENTl'GO. (From fens, a lentil: so named from its likeness to lcntil-sceds. > A frc :k!c on the skin. Lfcl LEP Lb. Viti An annual vegetable of lire puis* tind, much ased for improving the flavour of ..„„«•. Set Ervum lent. LENTI'SCl'S. (From lentetco, to become r.umirny: »o called from the gummincss of its tuice.) The maitieh-tree. LE'NTOK. (From lentui, clammy.) A vis- cidity or siainess of any fluid. LEOM'NUS. (From fro, the lion.) An epi- thet of that *ort ot h-prosy called leontiasis. LEONTI'ASIS. (From Xtwv, a lion: so called because it » said lions are subject to it.) A specie* of leprosy resembling the elephantiasis. LEO'NTODON. (Prom Xtuv, the lion, and oiovs, a tooth: so called from its supposed resem- blance.) Tbe name of a genus of plants in the Linncan system. Class, Syngeneda; Order, Polygamia aqualis. The dandelion. Liontooon taraxacum. Dens leonis. The dandelion or pissabed. Leontodon—caule squamis interne reflexit, foliit runcinatit, den- .'iculatii. lavibui, of Linnaeus. The young leaves of this plant in a blanched state have the taite of endive, and make an excellent addition to those plants eaten early in the spring as sa- lad.; and Murray informs us, that at Goettingen, (he roots are roasted and substituted for coffee by the poorer inhabitants, who find that an in- fusion prepared in this way can hardly be distin- guished from that of the coffee-berry. The ex- pressed juice of dandelion is bitter and somewhat acrid ; but that of the root is bitterer, and pos- sesses more medicinal power than any other part of tlie plant. It has been long in repute as a detergent and aperient, and its diuretic effects ifnay be inferred from the vulgar name it bears In most of the European languages, quad lecti minga ft urinaria herba dicitur ; and there are various proofs of its efficacy in jaundice, dropsy, consumption, and some cutaneous disorders. The leaves, roots, flowers, stalks, and juiee of dandelion, have all been separately employed for medical purposes, and seem to differ rather in degree of strength than in any essential pro- perty ; therefore the expressed juice, or a strong decoction of the roots have most commonly been prescribed, from one ounce to four, two or three times a day. The plant should be always used fresh ; even extracts prepared from it appear to lose iiiin-h of thur power by keeping. LEONTOPOIillM. (From > m; a lion, and iroe., a foot: so named from its supposed resemblance.) The herb lion's foot, or Filago IrontiyfHtdinm. I.EONI HI'S. (From Xnw. a lion, and ovpa, a tad: so named from its likeness.) 1. The name of a gtniis of plants in the Linnman system. Class, 1 hdynamia ; Order, Gymnospermia. Lion's tail. 2. The name, in some pharm.-.copu-ias, for the lion's tail. See Leon urns cardiaca. I.KONinua cakdiaca. The mother-wort. iK'iuiiimn gallit ; Mairubium; Cardiaca tritpa; Lronurut—foliit caulinis lanceolatis, trilobit of Liuna-iu. The leaves of this plant have a disagreeable smell and a bitter taste, and are said to be serviceable in disorders of the stomachs of chilelrca, to promote the uterine dis- ch-irge, and to allay palpitation of the heart. Li supposed usefulness in cleansing; the skin Irom scales and impurities.) The name ot a geuus ul plants in tbe Linnu-an system. Class, Tetra- dynamua Order, Sduulota. Li.riDii.-M ideriv limn; Cardamantica. 5;'-' iiim rrt~«.-«. 'ii,, p|„nt pr.«s.s.ses a warm, -0 dot penetrating, pungent taste, like unto other evesite- and is recommended as an antiscorbutic, antisep- tic, and stomachic. Lepidicm sativum. Nasturtium hortense Dittander. This plant possesses warm, nervine, and stimulating qualities, and is given as an an- tiscorbutic, antiseptic, and stomachic, especially by the lower orders. Lepidosarco'ma. (From Xt-is, a scale, and capi, flesh.) A scaly tumour. LEPIDOSES. (From Xtiris-oos, squamma, a scale.) The name of a genus of diseases. Class, Eccritifa Order, Acrotica; in Good's Nosolo- Sca^e-skin. It contains four species, Lepi- (otis pityriads, lepriaris, psoriasis, icthyasis. LE'PISMA. (From Xtirify, to decorticate.) Decortication. A peeling off of the skin. LEPORINUS. (From lepus, a hare.) Lepo- rine, or hare-like. Applied to some malforma- tions, diseases, and parts, from their resemblance to labium leporinum, &c. LE'PRA. {From Xnrpos, tcaber, vd aspn ex tquammatit decedentibut; named from its appearance.) The leprosy. A disease in the class Cachexia, and order Impetiginet of Cullen. Dr. Willan describes this disease as characterised by scary patches, of different sizes, but having always nearly a circular form. In this country, three varieties of the disease are observed, which he has described under the names of Lepra vulgarit, Ijipra alphas, Lepra nigricans. 1. The Jj'pra vulgarit exhibits first small dis- tinct elevations of the cuticle, which are reddish and shining, but never contain any fluid; these patches continue to enlarge gradually, till they nearly equal the dimensions of a crown-piecc. They have always an orbicular, or oval form; are covered with dry scales, and surrounded by a red bonier. The scales accumulate on them, so as to form a thick prominent crust, which is quickly re-produced, whether it fall off sponta- neously, or may have been forcibly detached. This species of lepra sometimes appears first at. the elbow, or on the fore-arm ; but more gene- rally about the knee. In the latter case, the pri- mary patch forms immediately below the patella; within a few weeks, several other scaly circles appear along the fore-part of the leg and thigh, increasing by degrees, till they come nearly into contact. The disease is then often stationary for a considerable length of time. If it advance further, the progress is towards the hip and loins.; afterwards to the sides, back, shoulders, and about the same time, to the arms and hands. In the greater number of cases, the hairy scalp is the part last affected ; -although the circles formed on it remain for some time distinct, yet they finally unite, and cover the whole surface on wluch the hair grows with a white scaly incrus- tation. This appearance is attended, more especially in hot weather, with a troublesome itching and with a watery discharge for several hours, when any portion of the crust is detached, which takes place from very slight impressions. The pubes in adults is sometimes affected in the same manner as the head: and if the subject be a female, there is usuaUy an internal pruritus pudendi. In some cases of the disorder, the nails, both of the fingers and toes, are thickened, and deeply indented longitudinally. When the lepra extends universally, it becomes highly dis- gusting in its appearance, and inconvenient from the stiffness and torpor occasioned by it in the Umbs. The disease, however, even in this ad- vanced stage, is seldom disposed to terminate spontaneously. It continues nearly in the same state for several vc;ir«. or sometimes during the LEP i.Ek *hoie life ol the person affected, not bcii.g apparently connected with any disorder of the constitution. 2. Lepra alphas. The scaly patches in the ulphos are smaller than those of the lepra . idga- ris, and also differ from them in having their cen- tral parts depressed or indented. This disorder usually begins about the elbow, with distinct, eminent asperities, of a dull red colour, and net much longer than papilla-. These, in a short time, dilate to nearly the size of a silver penny. Two or three days aftcrwaids, the central part of them suffers a depression, within whioh small white powdery scales may be observed. The surrounding border, however, still continues to ,be raised, but retains the same size and the same- red colour as at first. The whole of the fore- arm, and sometimes the back of the hand, is .spotted with similar patches : they seldom be- come confluent, excepting round the elbow, which, in that case, is covered with an uniform crust. This affection appears1 in the 6ame man- ner upon the joint of the knee, but without spreading far along tlie thigh or leg. Dr. Willan » has seldom seen it on the trunk of the body, and never on the face. It is a disease of long duration, and not les.- difficult to cure than the foregoing species of lepra : even when the scaly patches have been removed by persevering in the use of suitable applications, the cuticle still re- mains red, tender, and brittle, very slowly rer covering its usual texture. The alphos, as above described, frequently occurs in this country. 3. The Lepra nigricans differs little from the .,. -lepra vulgaris, as to its form and distribution. The most striking difference is in the colour of the patches, which arc dark and livid. They appear first on the legs and fore-arms, extending afterward to the thighs, loins, neck, and hands. Their central part is not depressed, as in the al- phos. They are somewhat smaller in size than the patches of the lepra vulgaris, and not only is the border livid or purptish, but the livid colour of the base likewise appears through the scaly incrustation, which is seldom very thick. It is further to be observed, that the scales are more easily detached than in the other forms of lepra, and that the surface remains longer excoriated, discharging lymph, often with an intermixture of blood, till a new incrustation forms, which is usually bard, brittle, and irregular. The lepra nigricans affects persons whose occupation is at- tended with much fatigue, and exposes thorn to cold or damp, and to a precarious or improper mode of diet, as soldiers, brewers, labourers, butchers, stage-coachman, scullermen, &c. ; tfoine women are also liable to it, who are habi- tuated to poor Uving and constant hard labour. Lepra gr^corum. The lepra vulgaris, al- phos, and nigricans, have aU been so denominated. See Lepra. LEPRIASIS. (From Xcirpos, scaber.) The specific name of a species of leprosis in Good's Nosology, which embraces the several kinds of leprosy. LEPROSY. See Lepra. Leptu'ntica. (FromXiirros, thin.) Attenua- ting medicines. Lepty'smus. (From Xtirros, slender.) At- tenuation, or the making a substance less solid. LEPUS. The name of a genus of animals of the order Griles, in the class Mammalia. The hare. Lepus cuniculus. The systematic name of the rabbit, the flesh of which, when young and fender, is easy of digestion. Lepus tuiiidps. The systematic name of the common hare ; the flesh of which is con»idu(4 as a delicacy, and easy of digestion. Lf.'ros. (From Xnp:w, to trifle.) A slisht delirium. LETHARG V. (Lelhargus; from Xr)0r„ for. getfulness ; so called because with it the person is forgetful.) A heavy and constant sleep, with scarcely any intervals of waking; when awaken* cd, the person answers, but ignorant or forgetful of what he said, immediately sinks into the same state of sleep. It is considered as an imperfect apoplexy, and is mostly symptomatic. Lkthe'a. The name of the poppy. LETTUCE. See Lactuca. LEUCACA'NTHA. (From Xmmj, white, and aKavOa, a thorn; so named from its whitc-blos. som.) The cotton-thistle. LEUCA'NTHEMUM. (From Am™*, white, and avdtpos, a flower: so called from its white fiont.) See Chrysanthemumleucanthemum. i LEUCASMUS. (AtvKacpos, whiteness; to named from its appearance.) The specific name, Epichroris leucasmus, veal skin, in Good's No- sology for the Vitiligo ol Willan. LEUCE. (AtvKos, white.) A species of lep- rosy. See Alphus. LEUC ELECTRUM. (From Xcvkos, white, J and i/XtKrpav, amber.) White amber. LEUCINE. (From Xcvkos, white; from Hi appearance.) The name given by Braconnot to a white pulverulent matter obtained by digesting equal parts of beef fibre and sulphuric acid to- gether, and after separating the fat, diluting lb*—., acid mixture, and saturating with chalk, ulterinra and evaporating. A substance tasting like ozma-jjj zome is thus procured, which is to be boiled indif-fl f'erent portions of alkohol. The alkohotic solu-^j tions, on cooling, deposit the white pulverulent | matter, or leucine. Leucola'chakum. (FromXtvKos, white,»nd Xa%avov, an herb: so named from its colour.) The Valeriana sylvestris. LEUCO'MA. (From XtvKos, white.) La- coma and albugo are often used synonymously, It denote a white opacity of the cornea of the eye. Both of them, according to Scarpa, arc essentially different from the nebula, for they are not the consequence of chronic ophthalmy, attended with varicose veins, and an effusion of a milky serum into the texture ofthe delicate continuation of the conjunctiva over the cornea, but are the result of violent acute ophthalmy. In this state, a dense coagulating lymph is extravasated from the arte- ries ; sometimes superficially, at other times deeply into the substance of tlie cornea. On other occasions, the disease consists of a firm cal- lous cicatrix on this membrane, the effect of an ulcer, or wound, with loss of substance. The term albugo, strictly belongs to the first form of the disease ; leucoma to the last, more partiularly when the the opacity occupies the whole, or the chief part, ofthe cornea. LEUCONYMPH^'A. (From Xcukoj, white, and wptpata, the water-Uly.) See Nymphtea alba. LEUCOPHA'GIUM. (From Xmkos, white, and tbayiii, to eat.) A medicated white food. LEUCOPHLEGMA'SIA. (From Xmw, white, and tfXtypa, phlegm.) Leucophlegtnatic. A tendency in the system to a dropsical state known by a pale colour ofthe skin, a flabby con- dition of the solids, and a redundency of serum in the blood. LEUCO'PIPER. (From Xkkos, white, and trtirtpi, pepper.) White pepper. See Piptr ni- grum. LEUCORRIICE'A. (FromXcmkoc, white, and T.EC LEV •,iw, follow.) Fluor altmr. The whites. V «cretkm of whitish or milky mucus from the va- gina of women, iri-ing from debility, and not Irom the tenere.il virus. This di-i a- i* marked bf tbe discharge of a thin white or yellow matter from Ihe uterus and vagina, attended likewise with some degree of factor, smarting in making water, ruins in the back and loins, anorexia and atrophy. n some cases, the dishar-.-e i* of -o acrid a nature, as to produce elfocU on those who are connected with the womau, soinewbat similar to venereal matter, giving rise to excoriations about the glass penis and pnepiitium, and occasioning a weeping from the urethra. 'lo distinguish leucorrha-a from gonorrhoea, it wiU be very necessary to attend to the symptoms. In the latter the running is constant, but in a small quantity : there is much ardor urinre, itching of the pudenda, swelling of the labia, increased in- clination to venery, and very frequently an en- largement of the glands in the groin ; whereas in the former the discharge is irregular, and in con- siderable quantities, and is neither preceded by, nor accompanied with, airy inflammatory affec- tion ofthe pudenda. Immoderate coition, injury done to the parts bj difficult and tedious labours, frequent inisrar- riuget, immoderate ffowings ot the mcni.es, pro- fuse evacuations, poor diet, an abuse of tea, and other causes, giving rise to general debility, or to felaxity of the parts more immediaty concerned, •ire those which usually produce the whites, vul- garly so culled, from the discharge being com- monly of a milky white colour. Fluor albus in some cases, indicates that there is a disposition to disease in the uterus, or parts connected with it, especially where the lyiuntity of the discharge is very copious, and its qu.dity highly acrimonious. By some the dis- ease has been considered as never arising from debility of the system, but as being always a pri- mary affection of the uterus. Delicate women, with lax fibres, who remove from a cold climate to a warm one, arc very apt to be attacked with it without the parts having previously sustained inv kind of injury. Tin i disease- shows itself by an irregular dis- charge from the uterus and vagina of a fluid which, in ditfe rent women, varies much in colour, being either ot' a white, green, yellow, or brown hue. I>i the beginning it is, however, most usual- ly while and pellucid, and in the progress of the complaint acquires the various discolourations, and different degrees of acrimony, from whence proceeds a slight degree of smarting in making water. Hesniu the discharge, the patient is fre- quently afflicted with severe anil constant pains in the back and loins, loss of strength, failure of ap- petite, detection of spirits-, paleness ofthe counte- nance, chilliness, and languor. \\ hi re the dis- use has been of long continuance, und very se- me, a slow lever, attended with difficult respi- ration, pslpitalions, f. ntnu , and swellings of the lower extremities, often ensues. A perfect removal ol the disorder will at all film s be a difficult mutter to procure ; but it will be much more so in cases of long standing, and where the discharge is nceompanied with a W-A\ •legree of acrimony. In these eases, many disor- ders, such as prolapsus nieri, ulcerations of the onrnn, atrophy and dropsy, are apt to take place, which iii Ihe end prove fatal. \\ here il..- disras,. t.-imiiwte, in death, the in- ternal surface of ihe uti rui appears, on dis; :or teeth and the cuspidatus, and is inserted into the under lip and skin of tiro chin. Levator Lvr.n supekioiiis al ec-uk nasi. Elevator labii superioris proprius, of Douglas; Incisirus lateralis et pyramidalis, of Winslow. A muscle ol the mouth and lips, that raises the up- per lip towards the orbit, and a little outwards; it serves also to draw the skin of the nose upwards and outwards, by whicb the nostril is dilated. It arises by two distinct origins ; the first, broad lied fleshy, from the external part of the orbitar process of the superior maxillary bone, immedi- ately above the foramen infra irbitariutn ; the second, from the nasal process of the snperioi' maxillary bone, where it joins the os frontis. The first portion is inserted into the upper lip ami orbicularis mitiapUuiiiU8, vel salpingo-slaphilihui tntei - »ih», of Winslow,- Sulpingo-staphilinus, of Val- salva ; Pterigo-staphilinus externus vulgo, of Douglas; Spheno-staphilinus, of Cowper. It arises tendinous and fleshy from the extremity of t he petrous portion of the temporal bone, where it is perforated by the Eustachian tube, and also from the membranous part of the same tube, and is inserted into tlie whole length of the velum pendulum palati, as far as the root of the uvula, and unites with its fellow. Its use is to draw the velum pendulum palati upwards and backwards, so as to shut the passage from the fauces into the mouth and nose. Levator palati mollis. See Levator pa- lati. " Levator palpebr.*: superioris. Aperiens palpebrarum rectus ; Apertor oculi. A proper muscle of the upper eyelid, that opens the eyes, by drawing the eyelid upwards. It arises from (he upper part of the foramen opticum of the spenoid bone, above the rectus superior oculi, near the trochlearis, and is inserted by a broad thin tendon into the cartilage that supports the upper eyelid. Levator parvus. See Transverus perinei. Levator scapula:. A muscle situated on the posterior part of the neck, that pulls the sca- pula upwards and a little forwards. This name, which was first given to it by Riolanus, has been adopted by Albinus. Douglas calls it elevator seu musculus patientia; and Winslow, angula- ris, vulgo levator proprius. It is a long muscle, nearly two inches in breadth, and is situated ob- liquely under the anterior edge of the trapezius. It arises tendinous and fleshy from the transverse processes of the four and sometimes five superior vertebrae colli, by so many distinct slips, which soon imite to form a muscle that runs obliquely downwards and outwards, and is inserted by a flat tendon into the upper angle of the scapula. Its use is to raise the scapula upwards and a little forwards. LEVIGATION. (Lavigalio; from lavigo, to make smooth.) The reduction of a hard sub- stance, by triture, to an impalpable powder. LEVPSTICUM. (From levo, to assuage: so called from the relief it gives in painful flatulen- cies.) See Ligusticum lecitticum. LEVRET, A\drew, a French surgeon and accoucheur, was admitted into the Royal Aca- demy of Surgery at Paris in 174:2. He obtained considerable reputation by the improvements, which he made in some of the instruments used in dirticult cases, and by tlie great number of pu- ptis whom he instructed. He was employed and honoured with official appointments by all the female branches of the Royal family. He pub- lished several works, which went through various editions and translations, mostly on obstetrical subjects; but there is one on the Radical Cure of Polypi in difl'erent parts of the body. LEXIP1LVRMACA. (From Xn%, to termi- nate, and iftappaKov, poison.) Medicines which resist or destroy the power of poison. LEXIPY'RETA. (From A./yej, to make cease, and T-vpiros, a fever.) Febrifuge medi- cines. Lira'dium. (From AieLc/d, to make moist: ,o caUed because it grows in watery places.) The lesser centaury. See Chironia centaurium. LIBANO'TiS. (From XiGavos, frankincense : o called from its resemblance in smell to frank- incense. ) Rosemary. LPBANUS. (From Libanon, a mountain in Syria, where it grows.) 1. The Pimit cedrus, th* r^'i"?'. UL UO iu the house. Alter remaining five or six days, it ia cenerilly relieved on the appearance of the eruption. This, as well as some other species of fnelichen, occurs about the beginning of sum- sner, or in autumn, more especially affecting Per- ,ons of a weak and irritable habit; hence women am more liable to it than men. Lichen simplex it also a frequent sequel of acute diseases, particu- larly fever and catarrhal inflammation, of which it seems to produce a crisis. In these cases the eruption has been termed, by medical writers, scabies critica. Many instances of it are col- lected under that title by Sauvages, Nosol. Me- thod. Class x. Order 5. Impetigines. The Lichen agnus is preceded by nausea, pain in the stomach, headache, loss of strength, and deep-seated pains in the limbs, with fits • f cold- ness and shivering ; which symptoms continue 'cvcral days, and arc sometimes relieved by the papulous eruption. The papulae are distributed in clusters, or often in large patches, chiefly on the arms, the upper part of the breast, the neck, face, back, and sides of the abdomen ; they are nf a vivid red colour, and have a redness, or some degree of inflammation, diffused round them to a considerable extent, and attended with itching, heat, and a painful tingling. Dr. Willan has ob- served, in one or two cases where it was produced from imprudent exposure to cold, that an acute disease ensued, with great quickness ofthe pulse, heat, thirst, pains of tbe bowels, frequent vomit- ing, headache, and delirium. After these symp- toms had continued ten days, or somewhat longer, the patient recovered, though the eruption did not return. The diffuse redness connecting the pa- pula), and the. tendency to become pustular distin- guish the lichen agrius from the lichen simplex, and the other varieties of this complaint, in whicb the inflammation docs not extend beyond the basis nf the papule, and terminates in scurf) or scales. Lichen pilarii. This is merely a modification of the first species of lichen, and, like it, often alternates with complaints of the head, or sto- mach, in irritable habits. The peculiarity of the eruption is, that the small tubercles or as- perities appear only at the roots of the hairs ofthe skin, being probably occasioned by an en- largement of their bulbs, or an unusual fulness nf the blood-vessels distributed to them. This affection is distinguishable from the cutis anse- rina, by its permanency, by its red papule, and by the troublesome itching or tingling which at- tends it. If a part thus affected be violently rub- bed, some of the papulae enlarge to the size of wheals, but the tumour soon subsiies again. The eruption continues more or less vivid for about tan days, and tcnuiuates, as usual, in small exfo- liations ofthe cuticle, one of which surrounds the l>:is.e of each hair. This complaint, as Ukewise Ihe lichen agrius, Inqin-ntly occurs in persons aecustoniel to drink largely of spirituous liquors undiluted. IJeUen lividut. The papula; characterising this eruption are of a dark red, or livid hue, and somewhat more permanent than in the foregoing specie* of lichen. They appear clucrlv on the :um* and leg*, but sometimes extend to other parts of the bo.lv. They are finally succeed- ed, tin ugh at very uncertain periods, by slight exfoliations of the cuticle, after which a fresh erupt;.in is not preceded nor attended by any fe- brile irmptoins. It principally affect* persons of .1 weak constitution, who live on a poor diet, and are engaged in laborious occupations. Young \*-r-«v*. rmd often children living: in confined si. tuauous, or using little exercise, are also subject: to tbe lichen lividus ; and in them, the papula are generally intermixed with petechia?, or larger purple spots, resembling vibices. This circum- stance points out the affinity of the lichen lividus with the purpura, or land-scurvy, and the con- nexion is further proved by the exciting causes, which are the same in both complaints. The same method of treatment is likewise successful in both cases. They are presently cured by nou- rishing food, moderate exercise in the open air, along with the use of Peruvian bark and vitriohc acid, or the tincture of muriated steel. Lichen tropicus. By this term is expressed the prickly heat, a papulous eruption, almost universaUy affecting Europeans settled in tropi- cal climates. The prickly heat appears witboot any preceding disorder of the constitution. It consists of numerous papula?, about the size of a small pin's head, and elevated so as to produce a considerable roughness on the skin. The papula? are of a vivid red colour, and often exhibit an irregular form, two or three of them being in many places united together; but no redness or inflammation extends to the skin in the interstices of the papula?. 2. The name of a genus of plants (applied by the Romans to a plant which was supposed by them to cure the lichen or tetter,) in the Linnaean system. Class, Cryptogamia; Order, Alga. There are several species, some of which are used in medicine. Lichen aphthosus. Mutcus camatilis. This plant is said to have a decided good effect in some complaints of the intestines, but is not used in the practice of this country. Lichen caninus. The systematic name of the ash-coloured ground liver-wort. Lichen d- nereus terrestrii; Muscus caninus. This cryptogainous plant has a weak, faint smell, and a sharpish taste. It was for a long time highly extolled as a medicine of singular virtue, in pre- venting and curing that dreadful disorder which is produced by tbe bite of rabid animals, but it is now deservedly forgotten. Lichen cinereus terrestris. See Lichen caninus. Lichen cocciferus. Sec Lichen pyxi- datut. Lichen islandicus. The medicinal qualities: of this plant have lately been so well established at Vienna, that it is now admitted into the materia medica of the London Pharmacopoeia. It is ex- tremely mucilaginous, and to tne taste bitter, and somewhat astringent. Its bitterness, as well as the purgative quality which it manifests, in its recent state, are in a great measure dissipated on drying, or may be extracted by a sUght infusion in water ; so that the inhabitants of Iceland convert it into a tolerably grateful and nutritive food. An ounce of this lichen, boiled a quarter of an hour in a pint of water, yielded seven ounces of a mucilage as thick as that pro- cured by the solution of one part of gum-arabic in turee of water. The medical virtues of this lichen were proba- bly first learned from the Icelanders, who employ it in its fresh siate as a laxative ; but when de- prived of this quality, and properly prepared, we are told that it is an efficacious remedy in con- sumptions, coughs, dysenteries, and diarrhoeas. Scopoli seems to have been the first who, of late years, called the attention of physicians to this remedy in consumptive disorders: and further instances of it> success are related by Here, Cra- mer. Tmm-dort*. Eb'-line, Pnulisky, StoJj, an*l Lit others, who bear testimony to its efficacy in most of the other complaints above-mentioned. Dr. Herz says, that since he first used the lichen in dysentery, he found it so successful, that he never had occasion to employ any other remedy; it must be observed, however, that cathartics and emetics were always repeatedly administered be fore he had recourse to the lichen, to which he also occasionally addid opium. Dr. Crichton informs us, that during seven months' residence at Vienna, he had frequent opportunities of seeing the lichen islandicus tried in phthisis puhunnalis at the general hospitals, and conlesses, "that it by no means answered t .e expectation he had formed of it." He adds, however, " from what 1 have seen, I am fully convinced in my own mind, fhat there are only two species of this disease where this sort of lichen promises a cure. The two species I hint at are the pht.iisis harmop- toica, and the phthisis pituitosa, or mucosa In several cases of these, I have seen the patients so far get the better of • their complaints as to be dismissed the hospital cured, but whether they remained long so or not I cannot take upon me to say.*' That this lichen strengthens the diges- tive powers, and proves extremely nutritious, there can be no doubt; but the great medicinal efficacy attributed to it at Vienna, will not readi- ly be credited at London. It is commonly given in the form ol a decoction : an ounce and a half of the lichen being boiled in a quart of milk. Of this, a tea-cupful is directed to be drank fre- quently in the course of the day. If milk disa- gree with the stomach, a simple decoction of the lichen in water is to be used. Care ought to be taken that it be boiled over a slow fire, and not longer than a quarter of an hour. Lichen plicatus. The systematic nam of the muscus arboreus. This plant, we are in- formed by that great botanist Linna?us, is applied by the Laplanders to parts which are excoriated by a J^ng journey. It is slightly astringent, and is apphed with that intention to bleeding vessels, Lichen pulmon arios. The systematic name of the officinal muscus pulmonarius quercinus. Pulmonaria arborea. This subastringent, and rather acid plant, was once in high estimation in the cure of diseases of the lungs, especially coughs, asthmas, and catarrhs. Its virtues are similar, .and in no way inferior to those of the lichen islandicus. Lichen pyxidatus. The systematic name of the cup-moss. Muscus pyxidaius; Muscu- lus pyxoides terrestris; Lichen pyxidatus ma- > jor. These very common little plants, Lichen cocciferus, and pyxidatus, of Linna-us, for both are used indifferently, are employed by the com- mon people in this country in the cure of hooping- cough, in the form of decoction. Lichen roccella. The systematic name of the roccella of the shops. Roccella. It has been employed medicinally with success in allay- ing the cough attendant on phthisis, and in hys- terical coughs. The principal use is as a blue dye. It is imported to us as it is gathered : those who prepare it for the use of the dyer, grind it betwixt stones, so as thoroughly to bruise, but jiot to reduce it into powder, and then moisten , it occasionally with a strong spirit of urine, or urine itself mixed with quicklime : in a lew days it acquires a purplish red, and at length a blue - colour; in the first state it is called archil, in the Vlatter lacmus or litmus. Litmus is used in chemistry as a test, either staining paper with it, or by infusing it in water, '.rhen it is verv c"mtnonlv. but with srr\t intpro- 559 LIP pnety, called tincture of turnsole. The persunj by whom this article was prepared formerly gave it the name of turnsole, pretending that it was extracted from the turnsole, heliotropium ' tricoccum, in order to keep its true source a secret. The tincture should not be too strong otherwise it will have a violet tinge, which, how- ever, may be removed by dilution. The light of the sun turns it red even in close vessels. It may be made with spirit instead ot water. This tinc- ture, or paper stained with it, is presently turned red by acids: and if it be first reddened by a small quantity of vinegar, or some weak acid its blue colour will be restored by an alkali. Lichen saxatilis. The systematic name of the muscus cranii humani. Usnea. This ranss when growing on the human skull, was former- ly in high estimation, but is now deservedly forgotten. Ll'EN. (From Xuo>, sof', or smooth.) The cph?en. See Spleen. Lien sinarum. The faba ^Egyptia. See Nymphaa nelumbo. LIENTE'RIA. (From Xtto;, smooth, and svTtpov, the intestine.) Lientery. See Di- arrhaa. LIEUTAUD, Jos-fph, was born at Aix, in Provence, in 1703. A taste for botany induced him to travel into the countries whr h Tournefort had visited: and he brought back many ujants unnoticed by that distinguished botanist: this gained him great applause, and he obtained the reversion of the chairs of Botany and Anatomy, wh'ich his maternal uncle had long filled, lb- was also appointed physician to the hospital al Aix, which led him to turn his attention chiefly > to' Anatomy. His audience soon became nume- rous, and in 1742 he published a syllabus, entitkil " Essais Anatomiques," which was many times reprinted, with improvements. He communicated also several papers on morbid anatomv, and on physiologv, to the Academy of Sciences, of which lie was elected a corresponding member. In 17'19 he went to Versailles, Scnac having obtain- i ed for him the appointment of physician to the «' Royal Infirmary ; which act of friendship is - ggt ascribed to a liberal private communication of *P some errors committed by Senac. He there con- ' tinued his investigations with great zeal, and wa< soon elected assistant anatomist to the Iloyal Academy, which he presented with many valua- ble memoirs. He a'so printed a volume, " Ele- ment.! Physiologire," composed for his class at Aix. In 1755 he was nominated physician t-> the royal family, and 20 years after first physician lo Louis XVI. In 1759 his " PrecVa de la Medecinc Pratique," appeared, which vv^nt through several editions ; and seven years after, his " Precis de la Matierc Ai.'-dicale." But his most important work, which still ranks high in the estimation of physicians, is entitled " Histnria A natoinico-Mc- dica," in 2 vols, quarto, 1767, containing nume- rous dissections of morbid bodies. His death occurred in 17.S0. LIEVRITE. Yenitc. A blacl.ish-green-cn- loured mineral, composed of silica, alumina, lime, oxide of iron, and oxide of manganese, found in primitive limestone along with ei/Mute, quart;!, &c. in the isle of Elba. LIFE. A peculiar condition or mode of ex- istence of living beings. Surrounding -matter is divided into two great classes, living and dead. The latter is subject to physical laws, which the former also obeys in a great degree. Livingmat- tcr exhibits also physical properties, which are. found equally in dead matter. But living bcidie- nr" r-rdnwrl ti'cv-is-f vvj'fh n -•»•• "f pi •one'-'i*-' '' 1.1a. Lit together uiflercnt from these, and contrasting with them in ■ very remarkable way . theki- are .-ailed eital properties, actions, powers, faculties ir forces. These animate living matter so long ai it confirmee alive, ami are the source of the various phenomena which constitute the functions of the bring animal body, and which distinguish its history from that of dead matter. The study nf life ii the object of the science of physiology, which includes an inquiry into the properties that characterise living matter, and an investigation of the functions- which the various organs by virtue of these properties are enabled to execute. Tin- vital principle diffused throughout these or- gans induces a mode of onion in the elements, widely differing from that which arises from the common laws of chemical affinity. By the aid of this principle, nature produces the animal fluids, as blood, bile, semen, and the rest, which can never be produced by tin art of chemistry. Hut if, in consequence of death, the laws of vital attraction, or affinity, cease to operate, then the elements, recovering their physical properties, become again obedient to the common laws of chemical affinity, and enter into uew combina- tions, from which new principle-, in the process of patrefaction, an- produced. Thus the hydro- gen, combining itself with the azote, forms vola- tile alkali ; arid tbe carburetted hydrogen, with Ihe axote, putrid air, into which the whole body is converted. It also appears from hence, why organised bodies alone, namely, animal and vege- table, are subject to putridity ; to which inorgan- ic or miiier.il substances are iu no degree liable, the latter not being compounded according to the , laws of vital affinity, but only according to those of ehenticfi! affinity. For the fatiscence, or re- solution of pyrites, or sulphuret of iron, in at- mospheric air, is not putrefaction, but only the oxygen, furnished by tbe air, combining with the sulphur, and forming iron and sulphate of iron. The life of an animal body appears to be three- fold : I. lit chemical life, which consists in that at- traction ofthe elements, by which the vital prin- * elple, diffused through the solids and fluids, de- fends aU tbe parts of t be body Irom putrefaction. In this sense it may be said, that every atom of our body lives chemically, and that life is destroy- ed by putrefaction alone. ". Its physical life, which consists in the irri- tability ofthe parts. This physical property re- mains for mnif time after death. Thus the heart or intestines removed from the body, whilst still warm, contract themselves on the application of a stimulus. In like manner the serpent or eel, being cut into pieces, each part moves undpalpi- t atei for a long time afterwards. Hence these part* may be said to live ph\ sicatiy, as long as liny arc warm and soft. ' fr* ptytioloKical life consists Jn the action of inorganic parts proper to eacls, at the action of the heart and vessels- to that these actions ceas- ing, the body is said to be physiologically dead. The physiological Ufe censes iii»t, next the phys- ical, and finally the rtiemical perishes. LIGAMENT. (Lit; amentum; from ligo, to bind.) An elastic und strong membrane con- ni-ltina the extremities of tin moveable bones. LigMients are divided into capsular, which sur- round joint* like a bag, and co 'netting ligaments. Th* u rM agalloohi veiii. See Lignum aloet. I.n.mm etor.s. Lignum agullochi veri; yft'ii/'ij'-; Agallugum; Lawum aquila ; Lig- num calambac , Lignum atpalathi; Xylo aloet; Agallochum: Calambac. Aloes-wood. The tree, the wood of «Inch bears this name, is not yet scientifically known. It is by some sup- posed to be the F.tco.tria agalloiha, the bark as well us the milk of wluch is purj; itive. It is im- ported from China in small, compact, ponderous piecrs, of a yellow rusty brown colour, with bLek or purplish vein>, and sometimes of a black colour. If lias a bitterish resinous taste, and a slight iir.Hiiatic smell. It is used to fuun-He- room* in 1. i-iern countrn .-. Liesi m AQ.i-iL.ff. Sir Lignum aloes. I.K.NUM asfai atiii. Mie Lignum aloet. I.ii VUM (ALAMBAl. Sie L,A i,um aloet. Lh.muj.-i CAMi-KriiEN-sr.. [Ciimptchentis: •■• e tiled brrausi it was brought from Caiupcacliv 31LIL uras.) See HamatoxyUr. campechianum. Lignum i.vdicum. Sec Guaiacum. Lignum moluccense. See Croton tiglium. Lignum nephriticum. See Guilandind moringo. Lignum pavan.«. See Croton tiglium. Lignum rhodium. See Aspalathus Cana- rientit. Lignum sanctum. See Guaiacum. Lignum s.a'ntali rubri. See Pterocarpus santalinut. Lignum sappan. See Hamatoxylon campe- chianum. Lignum serpentum. See Ophioxylum ser- penlinum. LIGULA. (Ligula, a strap.) 1. The cla- vicle. 2. The glottis. 3. The name of a measure and a weight. 4. A genus of the MoUuscaorder. 5. The small transparent membrane on the margin of the sheath and base of the leaves of grasses. UGULATUS. Shaped like a straw or rib- band : a term appUed to a kind of floret of a com- pound flower, whicb is so shaped; as those of the Tragopogon and Tar axacum. LIGUST1CUM. (AtyvfiKov of Dioscorides ; so called from Liguria, in Italy, its native coun- try.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Pentandria ; Order, Digynia. Ligustici m levisticum. The systematic name of lovage. Levisticum. The odour of this plant, Ligutticnm—foliit multiplicibut, fo* liolis tuperne incisit, of Linnaeus, is very strong, and particularly ungrateful; its taste is warm and aromatic. It abounds with a yellowish gummy resinous juice, very much resembling opoponax. Its virtues are supposed to be similar to those of angelica and master-wort, in expelling flatulen- cies, exciting sweat, and opening obstructions ; therefore it is chii fly used in hysterical disorders and uterine obstructions. The leaves, eaten in salad, are accounted emmenagogue. The root, which is less ungrateful than the leaves, is said to possess similar virtues, and may be employed in powder. LIGU'STRUM. (From ligo, to bind: so named from its use in making bands.) I. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- nsau system. Class, Diandria; Qrder, Mono- gynia. 2. The pharmacopoeia! name of the herb privet. The Ligustrum vulgare. LI LALITE. The mineral lipidolitc. LILI.iCEUS. (From lilium, a lily.) Lilia- ceous, or resembling the lily. Liliacf.l. The name of an order of plants in Linnxus's Fragments of a Natural Method, consisting of such as have liliaceous corolla?, and a three-lobed stigma ; as colchicum, tilium, cro- cus, Jv.c. LlLI.VGO. (Diminutive of lilium, the lily : so named from the resemblance of its flower to that of a lily.) Liliattrum. Spider-wort. The Anthericum liliastruntof Linnaeus, formerly said to be :ilevipliarniic and carminative. LI'LHVM. (From Xaos, smooth, graceful: ao> named from the beauty of its leaf.) The name of a geuus ol' plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Hexandria ; Order, Monogynia. The lily. Lilum allum. The white lily. See IMium candidum. Lilium candidum. The systematic name of the white lily. Lilium album. Lilium—foNit tparsis, corollis campanulatis, intus glabrit, | erties. LI VIO'N I Si. ( from Xtifiwv, a green field . so called irom the ci oui -.1 its unripe fiuit.) The kttor-trce. See Citrut medica. LLMOSIS. (FroinAi/iOf, rteugci'.) The name of a genus of diseases in Good's .Nosology. Class, Caliaca; Order, Entenea Morbid appetite. It has seven species, viz. Limoxit avent, expert, pica, cardialgia, flatus, emetit, dyspepsia. LLN ACKE, Thu has, was born at Canterbury, about tin year , «J0. After studying at Oxford, he (ravelled to Italy, where he acquired a per- fect knowledge of the Latin and Gieek lan- fuagis ; and afterwards devoted his attention to nmticiue and natural philosophy, at Rome. On bis return, lie graduated at Ox lord, and gave lee- lures there on physic, as well as taught the Greek langj. ge. His reputation foou became so high, that he was called to court by Henry VII. who not only entrusted him with the education of his children, but also appointed him his physician ; which office lie like-wist- enjoyed under his suc- cessor Henry VIII. He appears iu this monarch's rugn to have stood, above all rivalsbip, at tbe hcao of his prole-.ssio:., and evinced bis attach- ment to iu interests, as vvell as to the public good, by founding medical lectures at the two univer- sities, and obtaining the institution, in 1518, of Ihe royal coUige- of physicians in London. The practice of medicine was then occupied by illite- rate monks and empirics, who were licensed by (he bishops, whence much mi-cbief must have arisen. A corporate body ol regularly bred phy- sicians was therefore established, in whom was vested i be sole right of t tumming and admitting persons to prao'ice, as well as of examining apo- thecaries' hops. Linacre was the first president, •vim n uflii e- be retained during tin remainder of his life, and at his death, in foil, bequeathed his boti.e m the college. He had relinquished prac- tice, and entered into holy orders, about five years belore, being greatly alllicted with the stone, which was the cause of his dissolution. In his literary charactei Linacre stands eminently distinguished, having been one of the first to in- troduce tbe learning of the ancients into this country. He translated several of the most va- liubie work- of daku into Latin ; and his style is rein ii liable for its purity and elegance ; he bad indieel devoted great time to Latin composition, ■hi which he published a large philosophic 1 trca- iu>e. His professional skill was universally al- lowed among his contemporaries, as well as the honour and Immuniii with wliich he exercised Ihe medical art ; and the celebrated Erasmus has bestowed upan huu the highest commendation. He was buried m St. Paul's Cathedral, where a monument wlU afterwards erected to his memory, witu a Latin inscription, by Dr. Cams. LJVU;R(> .Ml.-,. 'Yrnta Xtvov, cotton, and •>,**>»*, gi« s. so called limn the »oftne,s of its teMW.) CottoL-urass. The Eriophorum of Luiuiru., lour species ol which are found in Bri- ' nn. I.l.NANC.IN.V. (Prom linum, 8«\, aqd ongu, lo sti angle so ailed, l<< eau.e, if il ^rows among the ilax or hemp, it mi,u rouud it, and chokes il.) The herb dodder. Tfce Cutcnta '»'opaa of I,inn»n-. Lf.WRIA. (FromHnum, flax: named front the resemblance of its leaves to those of flax.) See Antirrhinum linaria. LPNCTl v. (Linctus, ut. m.; from lingo, to lick.) Lohoc ; Eclegma; Elexii; Elegma; Eclectot; Eclritos ; flUnctus. A loch, a 1am- bative. A term in pharmacy, that is generaUy applied to a soft and somewhat oily substance, of the consistence of honey, which is licked off the spoon, it being too solid and adhesive to be taken otherwise. LI'N'^EA. (From linum, a thread.) This term is applied to some parts which have a thread or line-like appearance, as the long tendinous ap- pearance ot the muscles in the abdomen, &c. Linea alba. Linea centralis. An aponeu- rosis that extends from the scrobiculus cordis straight down to the navel, and from thence to the pubes. It is formed by the tendinous fibres of the internal oblique ascending and the external oblique descending muscles, and the transversaUs, interlaced with those of the opposite side. Line.is semilunaris. The lines which bound the outer margin of the recti muscles, formed by the union ofthe abdominal tendons. Line/e transversa. The lines which cross the recti muscles of the abdomen. LINEARIS. Linear. Applied to leaves, petals, leaf-stalks, seeds, &c. of plants, which are narrow, with parallel sides, as the leaves of most grasses, those of the Narcistui, Pseudo- narcittut, -ml the petals of the Tutdlago far- fat a, leaf-stalk of the Citrut medica, and seeds of the Crucianella. L1NEATUS. Lineate. See Linearis. Ll'NGUA. (From lingo, to lick up.) The tongue. See Tongue. Lingua avis. The seeds of the Fraxinus, or ash, are so called, from their supposed resem- blance to a bird's tongue. Lingua canina. So called from the resem- blance of its leaves to a dog's tongue. See Cy- noglossum. IjSc.va cervisa. See Asplenium Scolo- pendrium. LINGI/A'LIS. (From lingua, the tongue.) Basio-glos*us, of Cowper. A muscle of the tonjme. It arises from the root of the tongue la- ter lly, and runs forward between the hyo- glossiis and genio-glossus, to be inserted into the tip of the tongue, along with part of the stylo- glossus. It- use is to contract the substance of the tongue, and to bring it backwards. LINGUIFOUMIS. See- Lingulatus. LIN'GPLATUS. (From lingua, a tongue.) Tongue-shaped. A term apulied to a lea! of a thick, obiong, blunt figure, generally cartilaginous at the edges ; as in the Mesembryanthemum lin- glii forme. LINIMENT. See Linimentum. LINLYL'NTl M. (From lino, to anoint.) A liniment. An oily substance of a mediate con- sistence, between ■ i: ointment and oil, but so thin as to drop. The foUowing are some of the most approved forms. LiNiMr.NTUH .eruginis. Liniment of verdi- gris, formerly called oxymel ieruirinis, mil Mfjp- tiacum, and unguentum /Eg^ptiaciuu:—Take of verdigris, powdered, an ounce; vinegar, seven fluid-ounces; clarified honey, fourteen ounces. Dissolve the verdigris in the vinegar, and strain it tinough a linen cloth; having added the honey gradually, boil it down to a proper ^insistence. LlNIMr'.XTUM AM MOM.*'. FOKTII'S. Strong liniment of ammonia.—Take of solution of am- monia, a fluid-mine c ; olive oil, two fluid-ounces. Shake them together until thev unite. A more 363 LIK powerful stimulating application than the former, acting as a rubefacient. In pleurodynia, indolent tumours, stiffness ofthe joints, and arthritic pains, it is to be preferred to the milder one. LlNlMENTUM AMMONI.S SUBCARBONATIS. Liniment of subcarbonate of ammonia, formerly caUed liniment urn ammonia; and linimentum vo- latile.—Take of solution of subcarbonate of am- monia, a fluid-ounce: olive oil, three fluid- ounces. Shake them together until they unite. A stimulating liniment, mostly used to relieve rheumatic pains, bruises, and paralytic numbness. Linimentum aqu.« calcis. Liniment of lime-water. Take of lime-water, olive oil, of each eight ounces ; rectified spirit of wine, one ounce. Mix. This has been long in use as an application to burns and scalds. Linimentum camphors. Camphor lini- ment. Take of camphor, half an ounce ; olive oU, two fluid-ounces. Dissolve the camphor in the oil. In retentions of urine, rheumatic pains, distentions of the. abdomen from ascites, and ten- sion of the skin from abscess, this is an excellent appUcation. Linimentum camphor.*: compositum. Compound camphor liniment. Take of cam- phor, two ounces ; solution of ammonia, six fluid-ounces ; spirit of lavender, a pint. Mix the solution of ammonia with the spirit in a glass retort; then, by the heat of a slow fire, distil a pint. Lastly, in this distilled liquor dissolve the camphor. An elegant and useful stimulant application in paralytic, spasmodic, and rheuma- tic diseases. Also for bruises, sprains, rigidities of the joints, incipient chilblains, &c. &c. Linimentum htdrargvri. Mercurial lini- ment. Take of strong mercurial ointment, prepared lard, of each four ounces ; camphor, an ounce; rectified spirit, fifteen minims ; solu- tion of ammonia, four fluid-ounces. First pow- der the camphor, with the addition of the spirit, then rub it with the mercurial ointment and the lard; lastly, add gradually the solution of ammo- nia, and mix the whole together. An excellent formula for all surgical cases, in which the ob- ject is to quicken the action of the absorbents, and gently stimulate the surfaces of parts. It is a useful appUcation for diminishing the indurated state of particular muscles, a peculiar affection every now and then met with in practice; and it is peculiarly well calculated for lessening the stiffness and chronic thickening often noticed in the joints. If it be frequently or largely applied, it affects the mouth more rapidly than the mercu- rial ointment. Linimentum opiatum. A resolvent ano- dyne embrocation, adapted to remove indolent tumours of the joints, and those weaknesses which remain after strains and chilblains before they break. Linimentum saponis compositum. Com- pound soap Uniment. Linimentum saponis. Take of hard soap, three ounces; camphor, an ounce ; spirit of rosemary, a pint. Dissolve the camphor in the spirit, then add the soap, and ma- cerate in the heat of a sand bath, until it be melted.. The basis of thl» form was first pro- posed by Riverius. and it is now commonly used under the name of opodeldoc. This is a more pleasant preparation, to rub parts affected with rheumatic pains, swellings of the joints, &c. than any ef the foregoing, and at the same time not inferior, except where a rubefacient is re- quired. Linimentum saponis cum opio. Soap liniment, with opium. Take of compound soap ,'ktiment, six ounces; tincture of opium, two &4 LIN ounces. Mix. For dispersing indurations a&vl swellings, attended with pain, but no acute in- flammation. Linimentum terebinthin.'e. Turpcntins Uniment. Take of resin cerate, a pound ; oil of turpentine, half a pint. Add the oil of turpen- tine to the cerate, previously melted, and mix. This liniment is very commonly applied to burns and was first introduced by Mr. Kentish, of New- castle. Linimentum terebinthin.f. vitriolicum. Vitriolic liniment of turpentine. Take of olive oil, ten ounces; oil of turpentine, four ounces- vitriolic acid, thee drachms. Mix. This prepa- tion is said to be efficacious in chronic affections of the joints, and in the removal of long existing effects of sprains and bruises. Liniment of ammonia. See Linimentum am- monia. Liniment of camphire. See Linimentum camphora. Liniment of mercury. See Linimentum hy- drargyri. j Liniment of turpentine. Sec Linimentum * terebinthina. Liniment of verdigris. See Linimentum aruginis. LlNSJE'A. (So named in honour of Linct- us. ) The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Didynamia; Order, Angi- ospcrmia. Linnjea borealis. The systematic name of the plant named in honour of the immortal Lin- naeus, which has a bittter sub-astringent taste, and is used in some places in the form nf fomen- tation, to rheumatic pains, and an infusion with milk is much esteemed in Switzerland in the cure of sciatica. LISNJEUS, Charles, was born in Sweden, in 1707. He derived at a very early age from his father, that attachment to the study of nature, by which he afterwards so eminently distinguish- ed himself. He was intended for the chunk, but made so little improvement in the requisite learning, that this was soon abandoned for the profession of medicine. He appears to have had a singular inaptitude for learning languages; though he was sufficiently versed in Latin. His scanty finances much embarrassed his progress at first; but his taste for botany at length having procured him the patronage of Dr. Celsius, pro- fessor of divinity at Upsal, he was enabled to pursue his studies to more advantage. In 1730, he was appointed to give lectures in the botanic garden, and began to compose some of those works, by which he rendered his favourite science more philosophical, and more popular than it had ever been before. Two years afterwards he was commissioned to make a tour through Lapland, of which he subsequently published an interesting account; and having learnt the art of assaying metals, he gave lectures on this subject also on his return. In 1735, he took his degree in physic at Harderwyck, and in his inaugural dissertation advanced a strange hypothesis, that intermittent fevers are owing to particles of clay, taken in with the food, obstructing the minute arteries. Soon after this his Systerna Naturae first appear- ed : which was greatly enlarged and improved in numerous successive editions. In Holland, he fortunately obtained the support of a Mr. Clif- ford, an opulent banker, whereby he was enabled to visit England also ; but his great exertions- afterwards unpaired his health, and being attack- ed with a severe intermittent, he could not resist the desire, when somewhat recovered, of return- ing to his native country. Arriving there in LIN LIP - A he settled at Stockholm, where hi* reputa- lion'sono procttre-1 him some medical practice, Attd the appointment of physician to the navy, a, well a. lecturer a botany and mineralogy; a literary ffviety was alto established, or wnicti he was the first president, and by which ninne- rous volume* of transactions have since been pub- lished. In 1740, he was chosen professor of me- dicine at Ipsal, having been admitted a member of that academy on his return to Sweden ; he also shared with Dr. Rosen the botanical duties, and considerably improved the garden; he was afterwards made secretary, and on some public occasions did the honours ol the university. He received likewise marks ol distinction from seve- ral foreign societies. About the year 1746, he was appointed Archiater ; and it became an object of national interest to make additions to his collection from every part of the world. A sys- tematic treatise on the Materia Medica was pub- lished by him in 1749; and two years after his Philosophia Hntanica, composed during a severe fit of the gout, in which he supposed himself to have derived great benefit from tailing a large quantity of wood strawberries. This was soon followed by bis great work, the Species Planta- rum ; after wbieh he was honoured with the order of tbe Polar Star, never before conferred for lite- rary merit ; and having declined a splendid invi- tation to Spain, he was raised to the rank of no- hdi'y. In 1783 his ton was allowed to assist him in thi botanical duties. About this time he pub- lished his fJenera Morborum, and three years after his Clavis Medicine. IIi* medical lec- ture*, though too theoretical, were very much esteemed ; but he had declined general practice on his establishment at I7ps.il As he advanced in life, the fatiguing occupations, in which he was enframed, impaired his health, notwithstanding his temperate and regular habits ; and at length brought on his dissolution m 1778. This was re- garded as a lots to the nation, and even to the world. About ten years after a society, adopting hit name, w.is formed in this country, which bat published many valuable volumes of trans- actions, and the president purchased Linnxus's eollectionsofhis widow ; similar institutions have also been established in other parts of theworld. LinNjCan sis i km. This name is applied par- ticularly to that arrangement of plants, which Linntrus has founded on the fructification or sexes of plants. See Sexual system of plants. LINOSPK R.MUM. (From Xivoy, flax, and trtrtfiu,,, teed.) See Linum udtalistimum. I.isozostris. A name given by the ancient Greek writers to two plants, very different from one another. The one it the Mercurialt, or British mercury ; the other the Epilinum, or dodder. LINSKICI). S«e Linum utitatittimum. I .INT. S.-e Unteum. LINTKIM Lint A soft woolly substance, made by scraping old lineu cloth, and employed in surgery a* the common dressing in all cases uf mmods and uloert, either simply or covered with different unctuous substances. LI MM. (From Xuts, soft, smooth: so called Irani itt soft,1 smooth, texture.) 1. The name of ■ ft nn. nf plauts in the Linnsean tysteiu. Class, Pmtandna. Order. Pentagynia. '2. Tlie phsrmacopei-ia name uf the common lln\ Si i Linum utitatittimum. Lin cm cathaiuk I'M. Unum minimum; Chamalium. Puriiny il.ix, or mill-mountain. fhi-> -mall plant, linum—toliit opposilit ovato- l.-nrmlatit, raule dirSolcinn, rornitit acuta, of Lmnrcus, is an effectual and safe cathartic. It has a bitterish and disagreeable taste. A handful in I used in half a pint of boiling water is the dose for an adult. Linum usitatissimum. The systematic name of tbe common flax. Linum tylvettre. Linum --calycibus capsulitque mucronatis, petalit ere* natit, foliit lanceolatis alternit, caule tubtolita* no, of Linnams. The seeds of this useful plant, called linseed, have an unctuous, mucilagin6us, sweetish taste, but no remarkable smell; on ex- pression they yield a large quantity of oil, which, when carefully drawn without the application of heat, has no particular taste or flavour: boiled in water, they yield a large proportion of a strong flavourless mucilage, which is in use as an emol- lient or demulcent in cough, hoarsenesses, and pleuritic symptoms, that frequently prevail in catarrhal affections ; and it is likewise recom- mended in nephritic pains and stranguries. The meal of the seeds is also much used externally, in emollient and maturating cataplasms. Tno expressed oil is an officinal preparation, and is supposed to be of a more healing and balsamic nature than the other oils of this class : it has, therefore, been very generally employed in pul- monary complaints, and In colics and constipations nf the bowels. The cake whicb remains after the expression, of the oil, contains the farinaceous part of the seed, and is used in fattening cattle under the name of oil-cake. Lion-tooth leaf. See Runcinatv*. LI'PAUIS. (From Xtiros, fat: so named from its unctuous quality.) See Pinguicula. LIPAKOCE'LE. (From Xaros, fat, and kvXv, a tumour.) That species of sarcocele, in which the substance constituting the disease very much resembles fat. LIPO'MA. (From Xnros, fat.) A solitary, soft, unequal indolent tumour, arising from a lux- uriancy of adeps in the cellular membrane. The adipose structure forming the tumour is sometimes diseased towards its centre, and more fluid than the rest. At ether times it does not appear to dif- fer in any respect from adipose membrane, ex- cept in the enlargement of the cells containing the fat. These tumours are always many yeans before they arrive at any size. LIPOPSY'CHIA. (From Xtiiru, to leave j and i|t'Y';. the »oui. or life.) A swoon, or faint- ing. See Syncope. L1POTHY MIA. (From An™, to leave, and Svpos, the mind.) Fainting. See Syncope. LIPPITUDO. (From lippus, bitar-eyed.) Epiphora; Xerophthalmia. Blear-eyelness. Au exudation of a puriform humour from the mar- gin of the eyelids. The proximate cause is a deposition of acrimony on the glandula; nieibomi- sna> in the margin ot the eye- lids. This humour in the night glues the tarsi nf the eye-lids togeth- er. The margins of the eye-lids are red and tu- mefy, are irritated, and excite pain. An opthal- mia, fistula lachrymalis, and sometimes an ectro- fiium, are the consequences. The species of the ippitud > are, I. Lippitudo infantum, which is familiar to children, particularly of an acrimonious habit. The lippitudo of infants is mostly accompanied with tinea, or some scabby eruption, which points! out that the disease origininates, not from a local, but general or constitutional, affection. 2. Lippitudo adultorum, or senilis. This arises from various acrimonies, and is likewise common to hard drinkers. 3. lippitudo rentrea, which arises from a sup- pressed gonorrhoea, or floor albus, and isbkewisv vis ■ Ll^E observed of children born of parents with venereal comptaints. 4. Lippitudot cropkulosa, which accompanies other scrophulous sy.nptoms. 5. Lippitudo scurbuti.ee, which affects the lico-outic. Lipy'ria. (From Xunui, to leave, and mp, heat.) A sort of fever, where ihe heat is drawn to the inward parts, while the external are. cold. I iQUlDA'MBAR. From liquidum, fluid, and nmbar, a fragrant substance, generally taken for a ubergris ; alluding to the aromatic liquid gum which distils from ihis tree.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system Class, Monacia; Order, Polyandria Liqpidambar stvraciflua. The systema- tic name of the tree which affords both the liquid amber and storax hquida, or liquid storax. The liquid amber is a resinous juice of a yellow colour, inclining to red, at first about the consistence of turpentine, by age hardened into a solid brittle mass. It is obtained by wounding the bark of this tree, which is described by Linnams the Li- quidambar—foliis palmato-angulatis; foliis in- divitit, acutis. The juice has a moderately pun- gent, warm, balsamic taste, and a very fragrant smell, not unlike that of tbe Styrax culamita heightened by a little ambergris. It is seldom used m- dicinally. Th'e Styrax Hquida is also obtained from this plant by boiling. There are two sorts distinguished by authors; the one the purer part of the resinous matter, that rises to the surface in boiling, separated by a strainer of the consistence of honey, tenacious like turpentine, of a reddish or ash-brown colour, moderately transparent, of aa acrid unctuous taste and a fra- grant smell, faintly resembling that of the solid styrax, but somewhat disagreeable. The other, the more impure part which remains on the strainer, untransparent, and in smell and taste much weaker than the former. Their use is chieflv as stomachics, in the form of plaster. Li^UlF ACTION. A chemical term, in some instances synonymous withfusion, in others with the word deUquescence, and in others with the word solution. LIQUIRI'TIA. (From liquor, juiee, or from elikoris, Welsh.) See Glycyrrhiza. LI'QUOR. a liquor. This term is applied in the last editions of the London Pharmacopoeia to some preparations, before improperly called wa- ters; as the aqua ammonia, &c. Liquor acetati.s plumbi. See Plumbi ace- tatis liquor. Liquor acetatis plumbi dilutis. See Plumbi acetatis liquor dUutus. Liquor athereus vitriolicus. See JEther sulpkuricus. Liquor aluminis compositus. Compound solution of a una. Take of alum sulphate of zinc, of each half an ounce ; boiling water two pints. Dissolve at the same time tbe alum and sulphate of zinc in the water, and then strain the solution through paper. This water was long known in our shops under the title of aqua aluminosa Ba- teana. It is used for cleansing and healing ulcers and wounds, and for removing cutaneous erup- tions, the part being bathed with it hot three or four times a-day. It is sometimes likewise em- ployed as a collyrium ; and as an injection in fluor albus and gonorrhoea, when not accompanied with virulence. Liquor ammonia. Sec Ammonia. Liqcgr ammoni.e AC«TATis. See Ammonia acetatis liquor. Liquor ammonia carbonatis. ^ee Ammo- nia subcarbonanD liquor. 568 LIQ jLlQroR AMMONIA SUBCARBONATI3. Su Sxirm^r-ia subca bonatis liquor. Liipiir of Ammonia. See Ammonia. Liquor amnh. \1'that fluid which is ron. tained in the membranaceous ovum surrounding the foetus ir utero is called by the genera name ofthe waters, the water of th amnion, or ovum or liquor amnii. The quantity, in proportion to' the size of the different parts ofthe ovum is great-stbv far in early pregnancy. At the time of parturition, in some cases, it amounts to cr ex- ceeds four pints; and, in others, it is scarcely- equal to as many ounces. It is usuallv in the largest quantity when the -hild has been snme time dead, or is born in a weakly state. This fluid is generally transparent, often milky, and sometimes of a vellqw, or light brown colour' and very different iu consistence ; and these alter- ations seem to depend upon the state of the con- stitution ofthe parent. It does not coagulate with heat like'he serum of the blood ■ and, chemical- ly examined, it is found to be composed of phlegm, earthy matter, and sea-salt, in different propor- tions in different subjects, by whicb the varieties in its appearance and consistence are produced. It has been .supposed to be excrementitinns : but it is generally thought to be secreted from the in- terna! surface of the ovum, and to be circulatory as in other cavities. It was formerly imagined that tbe foetus wa-. nourished by this fluid, of which it was said to swallow some part frequently; and it was then asserted, that ♦he qualities of the fluid were adapted for its nourishment. Rut there have been many example* of children born with- out any passage to the stomach; and a few of children in which the bead was wanting, and which have nevertheless arrived at the full size. These cases fully prove that this opinion is not just, and that there must be some other medium by which the child is nourished, besides the wafers. The incontrovertible uses of this fluid are, to s>rve the purpose of affording a soft bed forth ■ residence of the fietus, to which it ullovw free motion, : '-e. t- nv external injury lu- ring pre trnancv : and ii-c'ised in tbe mer> br.mes, it pi»-"iiris the most gentle. ypt efficacious, lila- tntion r»fthe os uteri, and soft parts, at the time of partur iion. Instances have been recorded, in which the waters of the ovum are said to have been voided so early as in the sixth month of pregnancy, without prejudice either to the child or parent. The truth of these reports seems to be doubtful, because when the membranes are intentionally broken, the action ofthe uterus never fails to come nn, when all the water is evacuated. A few cases have occurred to me, says Dr. Denman, in prac- tice, which might have been construed to be of this kind • for tbi re was a daily discharge of snme colourless fluid from the vagina, for several mtnths before delivery ; but there beina no diminution ef the size ofthe1 abdomen, and rhe waters being reg- ularly discharged at thi* tine of labour, it wai judged that some lymphatic vessels near the os uteri had been ruptured, and did not close aeain till the patient was delivered. He also metwitn onecase, in which after the expulsion of the placenta, there was no sanguineous discharge, but a profusion ol ly»'ph, to the, quantity of several pints, in a lew hours after delivery ; but the patient suffered no incrnv nience except from surprise. Liquor antimomi tartarizati. See An- timonii tartarizati liquor. Liquor arsenicalis. See Arseniealit liquor. Liquor calcis. See Calcis liquor. Liquor cupri ammoniati. See Cupri am- mnnioH liquor. LIT LIT uni ok fekrj alkalim. See Fern alkali- • t liquor. LlvtOOR HTBRAHOTRI OXTMURIATI?. SCC HtirorKijn-cymuriat Luioa mineralis A.vorirvus hoffmamm. H'ffmann's anodyne liquor. Si e Spiritus atherit tnivhuria ctmip<\.ii Likcor roi a-i.c. Si Potatta liquor. Lwi OH HOBCARRoNATlS I'OTAsiJB. See Po- tatut tubcarbonatit liquor. Liquor volatilis ciriNU cervi. This pre pers^on ol the fluid volatile alkali, commonly tanned hartshorn, is in common use to smell at in fainting*, fcc See Ammonia tubcarbonai. LIQUORICE. See Glycyrrhiza. lAquoii e, Spanith. Sec Glycyrrhiza. LIRF.LL\ (A liminutive of lire, a ndge between two luiro vs.) Acharms' name for the tlack Ittter-hke receptacles of the genus Optgrapha. LISTER, Martin, was born about I63«, of a Yorkshire family, settled in Buckinghamshire, whicb producer! many medical practitioners of reputation ; and his I uncle, Sir Matthew Lister, was physician to Charles I. and president of the college. Alter studying at Cambridge, where he was made fellow of St. Johns college, by royal mandate, he travelled to the Continent for improvement. On bis return, in 1670, he set- tled at York, where he practised for many years with considerable success. Having communicated many papers on the natural history and anti- quities ot the north of England to the Royal Soci- ety, he was elected a fellow ol that body ; and he likewise enriched the Aihmolcan Museum at Ox- ford. He came, by (lie solicitation of his friends, to London in 1084, having received a diploma at Oxford; und soon after was a-lmitted a fellow of the College of Physicians. In 1698 he accom- panied the embassy to France, and published an account of this journey on his return. He was nude physician to Queen Anne about three years before his death, which happened in the begin- ning of 1712. He wrote on the Kngl'-h medicinal waters, on small-no\, and some other diseases; but bis writings, tiioi; li containing some valuable Eftical observations, arc marked by too much lothesis and attachment to ancient doctrines ; he particularly condemned the cooling plan of treatment in febrile diseases, intrn luced by the sagacious Sydenham, Hi* reputation is princi- pally lounded on bis researches in natural history and comparative anatomy, on which he publish- ed several separate works, as well as nearly forty papers in the Philosophical Transactions. LI HUGO (J A. (Prom XtBos, a stone, and ayw, to bring away ) Medicines which expel the stone. I 1THARGE. See Lithurgyrun. IMh.ige platter. See Emplattrum lithar- gyri. LITHA'RGYRI'S. (h';om Xifos, - stone, md apyvpof, silver.) IJthargyrum. Litharge. An oxide of lead, in an imperlect state of vitrifi- cation. Win u siiver ia refined by cupellation with lead, tins latter metal, which is scorified, and ruu.es the srorincitiou of the imperfect me- tal* alloyed with the silver, is transformed into a mailer . ompo.ed of small semitransparent shi- ninjc plates, rese.nbhng mica ; which i* litharge. Litharge is more ..r Ir,-, white or red. according lo the rueuli with which the silver is alloyed. The wbiti is called tithirge of silver ; and the ic ' h . »■ en improperly called litharge of gold. Si >-< ul Plumbi tubaretatit liquor. 1 '■ ' [Lithia, i iu Xitiisv, lapidi-ui.) lA'toon: lAthinet. I. *. new nit ili, J. W!l, discovered by Arfreds'-n, a young chemist 01 great mcni, employed in the fabaratory of Ber- zelius. I- waf found in a mineral from the mine of Uten in Sweden, called petaliteby D'Andrada, wbu first distinguished it Sir H. Davy demon- strated by voltaic electricity, that the basis of this alkali is a metal, to which the name of if* thivm has been given. Beruelius gives tbe loUowing simple process as a test ft r hthw in minerals ;— A fragment • f the mineral, the. size 0f a pin'f head, is to be in ated with a smsu excels of soda. ou apiece of platinum foil, by a blowpipe for a couple of minutes. The stone is decomposed, the soda Uberates tbe lithia, and the excess* of alkali preserving the whole fluid at this tempera tore, it spreads over the foil, and -urr- unds the decom- posed mineral. That part ot tne platinum near to tbe fu ed alkali becomes of a dark colour, which ia more intense, and spreads over a larger surface, in proportion as the re is more lithia in the mineral. The oxidation ofthe platinum oes not take place beneath the alkali, but only around it, where the metal is in contact with both air and lithia. Potassa destroys the reaction of the platinum on tlie lithia, if the lithia be not redun- dant. Tne platina resumes its metallic surface, after having been washed and heated. Caustic lithia has a very sharp burning taste. It destroys the cuticle ofthe tongue Uke potassa. It does not dissolve with great facility in water, and appears not to be much more soluble in hot than in cold water. In this respect it has an analogy with Ume. Heat is evolved during its solution in water. VVhen exposed to the air it does not attract. moisture, but absorbs carbonic acid, and becomes opMjue. VVhen exposed for an hour to a white heat in a covered platinum crucible, its bulk does not appear to be diminished : but it has absorbed a quantity of carbonic acid. 3. The name ot a genus of diseases in Good's Nosology. Class, Eccrilica ; Order, Catotica. Urinary calculus. LITHIAS. A lithiate or salt, formed by the union of the lithic acid, or acid of the stone sometimes found in the bladder of animals with salifiable bases , thus lithiate of ammonia, &c. LITHl'AbIS (From Ai0oy, a stone.) I. Tbe lormation of stone, or gravel. 2. A tumour of the eyelid, under whion is f hard concretion, resembling a stone. LITHIC ACID. (Actdum lithicum; from XtBos, a stone, because it is obtained from the stones of the bladder.) Addum uricum. Thir was discovered in analysing human calculi, of many of which it constitutes the greater part, and ol some, particularly that which resembles wood in appearand , ii forms almost the whole. It is likewise present in human urine, and in that ofthe camel. It is lound in those arthritic con- cretions com ionly called chalkstones. It it often caUed uric acid. The lollow:-.ig are the results of Scheele's ex- periments on calculi, which were found to con- sist almost wholly of this acid. 1. Dilute sulphuric acid produced no effect on the calculus, but the concentrated dissolved it; and the solution, distilled to dryness, left a black coal, giving off sulphurous acid fumes. 2. The muriatic acid, either diluted or concentrated, had no effect on it even with ebullition. 3. Dtiute nitric acid attacked it cold ; and with the assist- ance of beat produced an effervescence and red vapour, carbonic acid wa- evolved, and the cal- culus was entirrh iissolved. The solution was acid, even when ^ariri'tcd ^uh the ca!cums, an, to be. • away.) LiuW tryptic. From the strict sense and common ac- ceptation of the word, this class of medicine should comprehend such as possess a power ol dissolving calculi in the urinary passages. ItiS hew. ver. doubted by many, whether there be m ivt-.ire any such smVtnnco-. By thii term: ihen Lll LIT *s meant those substances which possess a power of removing a disposition in tbe body to the for- mation of calcuti. The researches of modern chemists have proved, that these calculi consist moody of a peculiar acid, named the lithic or uric Hcid. With this substance, the alkalies are capa- ble of uniting and forming a soluble compound ; and then ■ are accordingly almost the sole lithon- triptics. from the exhibition of alkaline reme- dies, the symptoms arising from stone in the bladder are very generally alleviated ; and they can be given to such an extent that the urine be- comes very sensibly alkaline, and is even capable of exerting a solvent power on these concretions. 'flii-ir administration, however, cannot be con- tinued to this extent for any length of time, from the irritation t mey produce on the stomach and urinary organ*. The use, therefore, of the alka- lies, as solvents, or lithontriptics, is now scarcely ever attempted ; they are employed merely to prevent the increase of the concretion, and to |iall'.iti: the painful symptoms, which they do ap- parently by previ nting the generation of lithic jnd, or the separation of it by the kidneys ; the urine is thus rendered less irritating, and the sur- lace of the calculus is allowed to become smooth. When tin- alkalies are employed with this view, they arc generally given neutralised, or with ex- cess of carbonic acid. This renders them much leas irritating. It at the -arm- time, indeed, di- minishes their solvent power ; for the alkaline curium it' s exert no action on urinary calculi; but they nre still capable of correcting that acidity in the prim:e via;, which is the cause- of the di position of the lithic acid from the urine, and therefore serve equally to palliate the disease. Vini when their acrimony is thus diminished, their use can be continued for any length of time. It appears from the experiments of Fourcroy, and others, that some other ingredients of calculi, as well as the lithic acid, are dissolved by the i-.aiu.tn alkali, and various i \nriiin nts have shown that most calculi yield to its power. It is obvious, however, that what i- taken by the inoutn is subject to many change-* inthe alimentary canal, and also the lymphatic and vascular sys- tems ; ami in this u'.iy it must be exceedingly dif- ficult lo get aocb Mibslanccs (even were tuey not liable to alterations) in sufficient quantity into the bladder. Indeed, there aro very few siuthctiti- cuted cases of the urine being so chang.-d as to heroine a menstruum for tin- stone. Kxccpting Ihe case of Dr. Newcnmbe, recorled by Dr. \\ hytl. the instance of .Mr. Home is almost the only erne. Though lithontriptics, however, may not in general dissulv e the stone in the bladder, yet it is au incontrovertible fact that they frequently mitigate the pain ; and, to lessen Mich torture as that of the stone in the bladder, is surely an ob- ject of no little importance. Lime was long ago known as a remedy for urinary calculi, and dif- ferent methods were employed to administer it. One of these plant fell mto the hinds of a Mrs. Steeveus, mid her success caused great anxiety for the discovery of the secret. At last Parlia- ment bought the secret for the sum of 5000/. In many instances, stones which bad bern unques- tionably ti II wri- no lonjjer to be discovered ; ■ml *% the same persons were examined by >ur- p-oni of ihe grutist skill and eminence, both before and after the exhibition of her im dicines it w.i. no wonder th.it tin conclusion was drawn that the stones re.illv were dissolved. From the cessation of such success, and from iu now being known that the stones arc orc.ision.illy protruded between the fasciculi ofthe mu-eular fibres ofthe hiadder, so as 'o be lodge,i jn a kind of cyst on the outside of the muscular coat, and cause no longer any grievances, surgeons of the present day are inclined to suspect' that this must have happened in Mrs. Steeveus' cases. This was certainly what happened in one of the cases on whom the medicine had been tried. It is evident that a stone so situated would not any longer pro- duce irritation, but would also be quite mdisco- rerable by the sound, for, in fact, it is no longer in the cavity of the bladder. As soap was, with reason, supposed to increase the virtues of the lime, it led to the use of caustic alkali, taken in mucilage, or veal broth. Take of pure potassa ?viij ; of quick lime ^rv; of distilled water, ffcij. Mix them weU togetherin a large bottle, and let them stand for twenty-four hours. Then pour off the ley, filter it through paper, and keep it in well-stopped vials for use. Of this, the dose is from thirty drops to ~ij, which is to be repeated two or three times a day, in a pint of veal broth, early in the morning, at noon, and in the evening. Continue this plan for three or four months, living, during the course, on such things as least counteract the effect of the medicine. The common fixed alkalies, or carbonated al- kali, and the acidulous soda-water, have of late been used as lithontriptics. Honey has also been given; and Mr. Home, surgeon at the Savoy, has recorded its utility in his own and in his father's cases. Bitters have likewise bein tried. Dismissing all theories, lime water, soap, aci- dulous soda-water, caustic alkali, and bitters, are useful in cases of stone. Of the soap, as much may be taken as the stomach will bear, or as much as will prove gently laxative ; but of the lime- water, few can take more than a pint daily. The acidulous soda-water may be taken in larger quantities, as it is more agreeable. There is a remedy celebrated in Holland, under the name of liquor lithontriptica Loosii, which contains, according to an accurate analysis, mu- riate of lime. This professor Hufeland recom- mends in the foll'iwinjr form : ft Calcis muriate Jl- Aqux distillate, ?ij. ft. solutio. Thirty drops are to be taken four times a day, which may be increased as far as the stomach will bear. For curing stone patients, little reliance can be placed in any lithontriptics hitherto discovered, though they may rationally be given, with a con- fident hope of procuring an alleviation of the fits of pain attending the presence of stone in the bladder. After all, fhe only certain method of getting rid of the calculus is the operation. See Lithotomy. LITHOXTRY PTIC. (From Xt8»s, a stone, and S/vrT••>, to break.) See Lithontriptic. LITHOSPK'RMUM. (From Xidos, a stone, and oir^.pa, seed ; named from the hardness of its seed.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of common grom- well. See Lithotpermum officinale. Lithospermum officinale. The system- atic name of the officinal gromwell. The seeds of this officinal plant, Lithotpermum—seminibus laribus, cor oil is vix calycem vuperantibus, foliis laneeo'atis, of Linnams, were formerly supposed, from their stony hardness, to be efficacious in cal- culous and gravelly disorders. Little credit is given to their lithontriptic character, jret they are occasionally used as diuretic for clearing the uri- nary passages, and for obviating strangury, in tbe form of emulsion. LIV LOB LITHOTOMY. (Lithotomia; from Xibos, a atone, and rejivoi, to cut.) Cystomia. The ope- ration of cutting into the bladder, in order to ex- tract a stone. Several methods have been re- commended for performing this operation, but there are only two which can be practised with any propriety. One is, where the operation is to be performed immediately above the pubes, in that part of the bladder which is not covered with peritonaeum, called the high operation. The other, where it is done in the perinamm, by laying open the neck and lateral part of the bladder, so as to allow of the extraction of the stone, called the lateral operation, from the prostate gland of the neck of the bladder being laterally cut. LITMUS. The beautiful blue prepared from a white Uchen. See Lichen roccella. Li'tron. See Nitre. Li'tus. A liniment. LI'VER. (Hepar, iirap.) A large viseus, of a deep red colour, of great size and weight, si- tuated under the diaphragm, in the right hypo- chondrium, its smaller portion occupying part of the epigastric region. In the human body, the liver is divided into two principal lobes, the right of which is by far the largest. They are divided on the upper side by a broad ligament, and on the other side by a considerable depres- sion or fossa. Between and below these two lobes is a smaller lobe, caUed lobulus Spigelii. In describing this viseus, it is necessary to attend to seven principal circumstances:—its ligaments; its surfaces ; its margins; its tubercles ; its fis« sure ; its sinus ; and the pori biliari. The ligaments of the liver are five in number, all arising from the peritonaeum. 1. The right lateral ligament, which connects the thick right lobe with the posterior part of the diaphragm. 3. The left lateral ligament, which connects the convex surface and margin of the left lobe with the diaphragm, and, in those of whom the liver is very large, with the cesophagus and spleen. 3. The broad or middle suspensory ligament, which passes from the diaphragm into the convex sur- face, and separates the right lobe of the liver from the left. ' It descends from above through the large fissure to the concave surface, and is then distributed over the whole liver. 4. The round ligament, which in adults consists of the umbilical vein, indurated into a ligament. 5. Tlie coronary ligament. The Uver has two surface?, one superior, which is convex and smooth, and one inferior, which is concave, and has holes and depressions to receive, not only the contiguous viscera, but the vessels mnning into the Uver. The margins of the Uver are also two in num- ber ; the one, whicb is posterior and superior is obtuse, the other, situated anteriorly and inferi- orly, is acute. The tubercles of the liver are likewise two in number, viz. lobulus anonymus, and lobulus caudalus, and are found near the vena portre. Upon looking on the concave surface of this viseus, a considerable fissure is obvious, known by the name of the fissure of the liver. In order tp expose the sinus, it is necessary to remove the gall-bladder, when a considerable sinus, before occupied by the gall-bladder, wUl be apparent. The blood-vessels of the liver are the hepatic artery, the vena porta, and the vena cavx hepa- tica?, which are described under their proper names. The absorbents of the liver are very numerous. The liver has nerces, from the great intercostal and eighth pair, which arise from the 570 hepatic plexus, and proceed along with the- h. patic artery and vena portse into the substance ot the Uver. With regard to the substance of the liver, various opinions have been entertained. It is, however, now pretty well ascertained to be a large gland, composed of lesser glands con- nected together by cellular structure. The small glands which thus compose the substance of the liver, are termed penicilli, from the arrangement of the minute ramifications of the vena porta composing each gland, resembling that of the hairs of a pencil. The chief use of this large viseus is to supply a fluid, named bile, to the in- testines, which is of the utmost importance in chylification. The small penicilli perform this function by a specific action on the blood they contain, by which they secrete in their very minute ends the fluid termed hepatic bile; but whether they pour it into what is called a foUicle, or not, is yet undecided, and is the cause of the difference of opinion respecting the substance of the liver. If it be secreted into a follicle, the substance is truly glandular, according to the notion of the older anatomists: but if it be se- creted merely into a small vessel, called a biliary pore (the existence of which can be demon- strated) corresponding to the end of each of the penicilli, without anv intervening follicle, its substance is then, in their opinion vascular. Ac- cording to our notions in the present day, ia either case, the liver is said to be glandular; for we have the idea of a gland when any arrange- ment of vessels performs the office of separating from the blood a fluid or substance different is its nature from the blood. The small vessels which receive the bile secreted by the penicilli, are called pori biliarii; these converge together throughout the substance of the liver towards its under surface, and, at length, form one trunk, called ductus hepaticus, whicb conveys the bile into either the ductus communis chotedochui, ot ductus cysticus. Sec Gall-bladder. Liver, inflammation of. See Hepatitis. Liver of sulphur. See Potassa sulph- return. LIVER-WORT. See Marcnontia pohj- morpha. Liver-wort, ash-coloured. See Lichen ca- ninus. Liver-wort, ground. See Lichen caninus. Liver-wort, Iceland. See Li. hen islandicus. Liver-wort, noble. See Marchantia po/jr- morjiha. LI'VOR. (From liveo, to be black and Woe.) Lividness. A black mark, from a blow. A dark circle under the eye. LIX. (From Xi$, light.) Wood-ash. LIXTVI AL. Salts are so caUed which are ex- tracted by lixiviation. LIXIVIA! ION. (Lixivialis; from lis, wood-ash.) Lessive. The process employed by chemists of dissolving, by means of warn water, the saline and soluble particles of cinders, the residues of distillation and combustion, coals and natural earths. Salts thus obtained are calW IAxivial salts. LIXI/VIUM. (From lix, wood-ash.) The liquor in which saline and soluble particles of the residues of distillation and combustion are dissolved. Lixivium saponarium. See Potatta li- quor. Lixivium tartari. See Potatta tubcar- bonaiis liquor. , LOBATUS. (From lobus, a lobe.) W*£ AppUed to leaves which have the margins oftne segments lobed, as in Anemone hepatica. antti J.Ol; LOM such as are lobed lik- the vine thistle, and man) -M-raniurns. ' I/OBB, Tiir.OPHM.us, practised as a physician in London with considerable reputation, and left several works on medical topics. He died in 1783, in the 85th year of his age. He wrote on fcven, small-pox, and some other diseases ; bat his mo>t celebrated publication was, "A Treatise on Solvent* of the Stone, and on curing the Stone and the Gout by AUments," which pasted through several editions, and was translated into Latin and French ; he consider" d tbe morbid matter of an alkaline nature, and vegetable acids a* the remedy. He was author also of " A Compendium of the Practice of Physic," and of several papers in the Gentleman's Magazine. Ijobtd leaf. See Lobulus. LOBE'LIA. (Named in honour of LobeL a botanist.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linna-an system. Class, Syngenesia; Or- der, Monogamia. 2. The phurmacopu-ial name of the blue lobe- lia. See Lobelia syphilitica. Lobelia STPIiilitica. The systematic name of tbe blue lobelia of the pharmacopceias. The root is the part directed by the Edinburgh Phar- maoopo-1 ii lor medicinal use; in teste it resem- bles tobacco, and is apt to excite vomiting. It derived the name of syphilitica from iti efficacy in the cure of »yphiii*, as experienced by the North American ludians, who considered it as a specific in that disease, and with whom it was long an important secret, which was purchased by Sir William Johnson, and since published by different authors. The method of employing this medicine is stated as follows : a decoction is niide of a handful of the roots in three measures of water. Of this half a measure is taken in the morning fasting, and repeated in the evening ; and tbe i'.'se is gradually increased, till its pur- gative effects become too violent, when the de- eoction is to be intu united for a day or two, and then renewed, until a perfect cure is effected. During the use of this medicine, a proper regi- men Is to be enjoined, and the ulcers are also to be frequently washed with the-- decoction, or if deep and foul, to be sprinkled with the powder of tlie inner bark of the New Jersey tea-tree. Ceanolhus amerkunui. Although the plant thus used ia said to cure the disease in a very short time, yrt It it not found that the antisyphi- litic powers of the lobelia have been confirmed in any instance of European practice. LO'BI'M'S. (Dim. of lobuit a lobe.) A •mall lobe, as lobulus tpigelii. Lobilus accessories. See Lobulus anon- ymut. Loin'i.rs ANOVTMi/s. Lobulus accestoriut anlrrior-quadratut. '1 Ir- anterior point of the right lobe of tbe liver. Others define it to be that space of the great lobe betwixt the fossa of the umbilical vein and gall-bladder, and extend- ing forward from the fossa for the lodgment of the vena porta.', to the anterior margin of the liver. LoRiH.ru caudatus. Procetsut cuttdatus. A Uil-like process of the liver, stretching down- ward from the middle of the great right lobe to the lobulus spin hi. It is behind the gall-bladder and betwixt the fossa vena |KJrtaruni, and the fissure for the lodgment of the vena cava. Lobuli's sriuELii. Ijobulus posterior; Loou/iu posticus papillatut. A lobe of the In er bclAixt the two greater lobes, but rather be- Ioiil;iis| let the riarbt ,-n'at lobe. From its situa- tion doep behind, and Irom its having a perpen- dicular papilla-like protection, it i« called lobulns posterior, or pnpillatns. To the left side it ha:; the fissure for the lodgment of the ductus veno- sus ; on the right, the fissure for the vena cava ; and above, it has the great transverse fissure of the liver, for the lodgment of the cylinder of the porta; obliquely to the right, and upwards, it has a connection with the lower concave sur- face ol tbe great lobe, by the processus cauda- tus, which Winslow calls one of the roots of tbe lobulus spigelii. It is received into the bosom ot the lesser curve of the stomach. LOCA'LES. (Localet, the plural of lochalis.) The fourth class of CuUen's No-ology, which comprehends morbid affections that are partial, and includes eight orders, viz. dysesthesia?, dysor- exix, dyscinesia?, apocenoses, epischeses, tu- mores, ectopia, and dialyses. LOCA'LIS. Local. Belonging to a part and not the whole. A common division of diseases is into general and local. Localis membrana. The pia mater. LO'CHIA. (From Xo)rcvu>, to bring forth.) The cleansings. The serous, and for the most. part green-coloured, discharge that takes place from the uterus and vagina ot women, during the first four days after delivery. LOCHIORRHtE'A. (From Ao^in, and ptto, to flow.) An excessive discharge of the lochia. LOCKED-JAW. See Tetanut. LOCULAMENTUM. In botany mean3 tbe space or cell between the valves and partitions of a capsule ; distinguished from their number into unilocular, bilociuar, &c. See Capsula. LOC USTA. A term sometimes applied to the spikelet of grasses. See Spicula. LOGWOOD. See Hamatoxylon campe- chianum. LOMENTACE.-E. (From lomentum; in allusion to the pulse-like nature of the plants in question, so as to keep in view their analogy with the papilionacea.) The name of an order of plants in Linnaeus's Fragments of a Natural Me- thod, consisting of such as have a bivalve pericar- pium cr legume, and not pa| ilionaceous coroUs ; us Cassia, Fumaria, Ceretonia, &c. LOMENTUM. 1. A word used by old writers on medicine, to express a rneal made of beans, or bread made of this meal, and used as a wash. 2. A bivalve pericarpium, divided into cells by very small partitions, never lateral Uke those of the legume. From its figure it is termed, 1. Articulatum, when the partitions are visi- ble externally ; as in Hedysarum argenteum. 2. Moniliforme, necklace-like, consisting of a number of little globules ; as in Hedysarum moli- ie rum. 3. Aculeatum ; as in Heelysarum onobrychis. 4. Crystatum ; as in Hedysarum caput galli. 5. Isthmis interceptum, when the cells are much narrower than the joints ; as in Hippocrepis. 6. Corticotum, the external bark being woody, and (he inside pulpy ; as in Cassia fistula. LOMMIUS, Jodocus, was born in Guclder- land, about the commencement of the 16th cen- tury. Having received from his father a good classical education, he turned his attention to medicine, wliich he t-tudied chiefly at Paris. He practised for a considerable time at Tourray, where he was pensionary-physician in 15S7 ; and three years after he removed to Brussels. The period of bis death is not known. He left three small works, which are still valued from the purity and eh game Of their Latiuity ; a Commentary on Celsus; Medicm-d Obsi nations in Three* Books ; and •■ Tnv.tNe on the Cure of continued LON Fevers; the two latter have been several times reprinted and translated. LOMONITE. Diphrismatic zeoUte. LONCHI'TIS. (From XoyXr,, a lance ; so named because the leaves resemble the head of a lance.) The herb spleenwort. The Ceterach officinalis. Longa'num. (From longus, long ; so named from its lenjrth.) The intestinum rectum. LONGING. A desirs peculiar to the female, and only during pregnancy, and those states in which )he uterine discharge is suppressed. LONGISSIMUS. The longest. Parts are so named from their length, compared to that of others ; as longissimus dorsi, &c. Longissimus dorsi. Lumbodorsotrachelien, of Dumas. This muscle, which is somewhat thicker than the sacrolumbalis, greatly resembles it, however, in its shape and extent, and arises in common with that muscle, between it and the spine. It ascends upwards along the spine, ami is inserted by small double tendons into the pos- terior and inferior part of aU the transverse pror cesses of the vertebra; of the back, and sometimes ofthe last vertebra of the neck. From its out- side it sends off several bundles of fleshy fibres, interspersed with a few tendinous filaments, which are usually inserted into the lower edge of the ten uppermost ribs, not far from their tubercles. In some subjects, however, they are found inserted into a less number, and in others, though more rarely, into every one of the ribs. Towards the upper part of thismuscle is observed a broad and thin portion of fleshy fibres, which cross and inti- mately adhere to the fibres of the longissimus dor- si. This portion arises from the upper and pos- terior part of the transverse processes of the five or six uppermost vertebra; of the back, by as many tendinous origins, and is usually inserted by six tendinous and fleshy slips, into the transverse processes ofthe six inferior vertebra; ofthe neck. This portiou is described, by Winslow and Albi- nus, as a distinct muscle ; by the former, under, the name of transversalis major colli, and by the latter, under that of transversalis cervicis. But its fibres are so intimately connected with those ofthe longissimus dorsi, that it may very proper- ly be considered as an appendage to the latter. The use of this muscle is to extend the vertebra; of the back, and to keep the trunk of the body erect; by means of its appendage, it likewise serves to turn the neck obliquely backwards, and a little to one side. Longissimus manus. Sic Flexor terlii inr ternodii pollicis. Longissimus oculi. See obliquus superior oculi. LONGITUDINAL. Longitudinalis. Parts are so named from their direction. Longitudinal sinus. Longitudinal sinus of the dura mater. A triangular canal, proceeding in the falciform process ofthe dura mater, immedi- ately under the bones ofthe skull, from the crista galli to the tentorium, where it branches into the lateral sinuses. The longitudinal sinus has a number of trabeculae or fibres crossing it. Its use is to receive the blood from the veins of the pia mater, and convey it into the lateral sinuses, to be carried through the internal jugulars to the heart. LO'NGUS. Long. Some parts are so named from their camparative length; as longus colli, &c. Longus colli. Pra dorso cervical, of Du- mas. This is a pretty considerable muscle, situ- ated close to the anterior and lateral part of the vertebra; of the neck. Its outer edge is in part covered by the rectus internus major. It arises ^ndinous and fleshy within th2 thorax, from the /i7ft L.UK bodies of the three superior vertebra; of the baet laterally; from the bottom and fore-part of the* transverse processes of the first and second verte- bra; of the back, and of the last vertebra; of the neck ; and likewise from the upper and anterior points of the transverse processes of tlie sixth fifth, fourth, and third vertebra; of the neck, by as many small distinct tendons ; and is inserted ten- dinous into the fore-part of the second vertebra of the neck, near its fellow. This muscle, when it acts singly, moves the neck to one side; but, when both act, the neck is brought directly forwards. LON PC ERA. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria • Order, Monogynia. Lonicera diervilla. The systematic name of a species of honey-suckle. Dierdlla. The- young branches of this species Ixmicer—aracemit terminalibus, foliis serratis, of Linnssus, arc em- ployed in North America as a certain remedy in fonorrhoea and suppression of urine. It has not vet een exhibited in Europe. Lonicera perici.imenum. Honeysuckle. This beautiful and common plant was formerly used in the cure of asthma, for cleansing sordid ulcers, and removing diseases of the skin, virtues it does not now appear to possess. LOOSENESS. See Diarrhaa. LO'PEZ. Radix lopeziana; Radix indica lopeziana. The root ofan unknown tree, grow- ing, according to some, at Goa. It is met with in pieces of different thickness, some at least of two inches diameter. The woody part i« whitish, and very light j softer, more spongy and whiter next the bark, including a denser, somewhat red- dish, medullary part. The bark is rough, wrin- kled, brown, soft, and, as it were, woolly, pretty thick, covered with a thin paler cuticle. Neither the woody nor cortical part has any remarkable smell or taste, nor any appearance of resinous matter. It appears that this medicine has been remarkably effectual in stopping colliquative di- arrhoeas, which had resisted the usnal remedies. Those attending the last stage of consumption! were particularly relieved by its use. It seemed to act, not by an astringent power, but by a faculty of restraining and appeasing spasmodic and inor- dinate motions of the intestines. Dr. Gaubius, who gives this account, compares its action to that of Simarouba, but thinks it more efficacious than this medicine. Lopez-root. See Lopez. Lopeziana radix. See Lopez. Lopha'dia. (From Xoipos, the hinder part of the neck.) Lophia. The first vertebra ofthe neck. LORDO'SIS. (From Xophos, curved, bent) An affection ofthe spine, in which it is bent in- wards. Lo'rica. (From lorico, to crust over.) A kind of lute with which vessels are coated before they are put into the fire. LORICA'TION. Coating. Nicholson re- commends the following composition for the coat- ing of glass vessels, to prevent their breaking when exposed to heat. Take of sand and clay, equal parts; make them into a thin paste, with fresh blood, prevented from coagulating by agitation, till it is cold, and diluted with water; add to thi-' some hair, and powdered glass; with a brush, dip- ped in this mixture, besmear the glass; and when thislayeris dry, letthe same operation be repeat- ed twice, or oftener, till the coat applied is about one-third part of an inch in thickness. LORRY, Anne-Charles, was born near Paris, in 1725. He studied and practised as a physician, with unremitting zeal and peculi'' LCD LUM modeay, and obtained a high reputation. At id he was admitted doctor of medicine at Paris, and subsequently became doctor-regentof the faculty. 1 |e was author of several works, some of which still maintained their value ; particularly bis trea- tise on Cutaneous Diseases, which combines much erudition and accurate observation, with mat clearness of arrangement, and perspicuity of language. He died in 1783. LOTION. ( Lolio ; from lavo, to wasli.) An external fluid application. Lotions are usually applied by wetting linen in them, and keeping it on the part affected. LOTUS. (From Xu, to desire.) 1. A tree the fruit of which w is said to be so delicious as to make those who tasted it forsake all other de- -irei: hence tbe proverb, Awtov t6ayov, totum guslam : I hare tasted lotus. 2. The name of a genus of plants in the Linna:- m >yitcm. Class, Diadelphia ; Order, Decan- dria. LOI.'IS, Anthony, wis born at Mctz in 1723. He attained great reputation as * surgeon, and was honoured with numerous appointments, and marks of distinction, as well in bis own, as in for- eign countries. He wrote the surgical part of the "Encyclopedic," and presented several interest- ing papers to the Royal Academy of Surgery, of which he was secretary: besides whicli, he was author of several works on anatomical, medical, and other subjects. In a memoir on the legitima- cy of retarded births, he maintains that the deten- tion of tin foetus uiorc than ten days beyond the ninth month is physic-illy impossible LOVAGE. See Liguslicuui lei isticum. LOVE-APPLE. Sei Solanum lycoperticum. LOWER, Richard, was born in Cornwall about the year 1631. (Ic graduited at Oxford, and bavin;; materially assisted the celebrated Dr. Willis in his dissections, he was introduced into practice by that physician. In 1665 he published a defence of Willis's work on Fev:r?, d'sp! r. ' tj much I anting aud ingenuity. But his most im- portant performance was entitled, "Tractate.? de Cnrdc, item de motu et calore Sanguinis, et Chyli in rum transitu," printed four years after. He demonstrated the dependence of the motions ofthe henrt upon the nervous influence, and refer- red the red colour of -irti-rial blood to the action ofthe air in the lungs ; he also gave an account of bis experiments, made at Oxford, in Febnniy 1666, on the transfusion of blood from one Ii, in.; animal to another, of which an abstract bad b.-fore appeared in the Philosophical Transactions. He afterwards practised this upon an insane person, before ihe Royal Society, of which he was admit- ted a fellow in 1667, as well aaof the College of Physic in ii-. The reputation acquired by these ami some other minor publications procure J him extensive prac'irc, particularly after the death of Dr. Willis; but bis political opinions brought him into discredit at court, and he declined considera- bly before the close of his life in 1691. The opc- mt ion of transfusion was soon exploded, experience having shown that it was attended with pernicious consequences. Loxa'rtiiros. (From Xvfof, oblique, and a.itipot, a joint.) Ijoxarthrut. An obliquity of ihe joint, without spa-.ni or luxation. LOX1V. (From; ■{»{, oblinue.) The specific name in the genus Lntasia of Good's Nosoln»y, for wry neck. l.riTLLiTE. A species of limestone. I.i'dis hkimiintii. Ludut par aceltt. The waxen vein. A stony matter said to be service- able in calculus. L!T>W|G, fnr.i-ruN Tnv.rJriiii.ns. was born in >ilesia in 1709, and educated for the me- dical profession. Having a strong bias towards natural history, he went on an'e.xpedition to the north of Africa; and soon after bis return, in 1733, he became professor of medicine at Leipsic. Th ■ first thesis defended there under his presi- dency related to the manner in which marine plants are nourished; which he showed not to be by the root, as is the case in the generality ofthe vegetable kingdom. He afterwards published several botanical works, in which he finds many objections to the Linnoean arrangement, rather preferring tb^.t of ii"ivinu»; but on very ui.satis- factory grounds. Elementary works were like- wise written by hiio on the different branches of medical knowledge. A more important work is entitled •• Adversaria Medico-practica," in three octavo volumes. He has given an account of his trials of Stramonium and Belladonna in .-pilepsy, by no means favourable to either. He died in 1773. LU'ES. (Lues, it. f. ; from Xvu, to dissolve, because it produces dissolution.) A pestilence, poison, plague. Lues dp.ifica. One of the many pompous names formerly given to epilepsy. Luts nf.uroues. A typhus fever. Lues vi.ne.rea. The plague of Venus, or the venereal disease. See Syphilis. LU!SINUS, Louis, was born at Udina, where he obtained considerable reputation about the middle of the 16th century. He ;ran; la c' Hip- pocrates's aphorisms into Latin hexameters ; and published a treatise on regulating the affec- tions of the mind by moral philosophy and the medical art: but hi* most celebrated work is en- titled w tphrodisiacus," printed at Venice, in two folio volumes : the first containing an account of preceding treatises on syphilis, the second com- prehended principally the manuscript works on the subject, which had not then been committed to the on as. LU'JULA. (Corrupted or contracted from AHelnjah, "na'.ir •'.. i. rd; ->o called from its man. lii-tucs.) Sei Oxalis acetosella. LfJMBA'GO. (From lumbut, the loin.) A rheumatic affection of the muscles about the loins. See Rlieumatismu<. LUMBAR. Lumbalis. Belonging to the loins. Li'Mbar abscess. Psoas abscess. A species of arthropuosis, that receives its name from the situation in wliich the matter is found, namely, upon the side of the psoas muscle, or betwixt that and the iliacus internus. Between these muscles, there lies a quantity of loose cellular membrane, in which an inflammation often takes place,eitiu-rspontaneously or from mechanical in- juries. 'Ibis terminates in un abscess that can pro- cure no outlet but by a circuitous course in which it generally produces irreparable mischief, with- out any violent symptoms occurring to alarm the patient. The abscess sometimes forms a swell- ing above Poupart's ligament; sometimes below it ; and frequently the matter glides under the fas- cia ofthe thigh. Occasionally, it makes its way through the sacro-ischiatic foramen, and assumes rather the appearance of a fistula in ano. The unea- siness in the loins, and the impulse communicated to the tumour by coughing, evince that the disease arises in the lumbar region ; but it must be con- fessed, that we can hardly ever know the exist- ence of the disorder, before the tumour by pre- senting itself externaUy, leads us to such informa- tion. The lumbar abscess is sometimes con- nected with diseased vertebne, which may either be a cause or effect of the collection of matte: 573 LTJN LLP The disease, however, is frequently unattended with this complication. The situation of the symptoms of lumbar ab- scess renders this affection Uable to be mistaken for some other, viz. lumbago and nephritic pains, and, towards its termination, for crural or femo- ral hernia. The first, however, is not attended with the shivering that occurs here; and nephri- tic complaints are generally discoverable by at- tention to the state of the urine. The distinction from crural hernia is more difficult. In both, a soft inelastic swelling is felt in the same situa- tion : but in hernia, it is attended with obstructed faeces, vomiting, &c. and its appearance is always sudden, while the lumbar tumour is preceded by various complaints before its appearance in the thigh. In a horizontal posture, the abscess also totaUy disappears, while the hernia does not. Lumbar region. The loins. Lumbaris externus. See Quadratus lum- borum. Lumbaris inteknus. See Psoas magnus. LUMBBICA'LIS. (Lumbricalis musculus; from its resemblance to the lumbricus, or earth- worm.) A name given to some muscles from their resemblance to a worm. Lumbricalis manus. Fidicinales. Flexor primi internodii digitorum manus, vel perfora- tus lumbricalis, of Cowper; Anuli tendino- phalangiens, of Dumas. The smell flexors of the fingers which assist the bending the fingers when the. long flexors are in full action. They arise thin and fleshy from the outside of the ten- dons of the flexor profundus, a little above the lower eMge of tho carpal Uga ' erts, and are in- serted by long slender tendons into the outer sides of the broad tendons of the interosseal muscles about the middle of the first joints of the fingers. Lumbricai.es pedis. Plantitendino-pha- langien, oi Dumas. Four muscles like the former, that increase the flexion of the toes, and draw them inwards. LUMBRI'CUS. (d Lubricitale; from ite slipperiness.) Ascaris lumbrieddts; Lumbricus teres. The long round worm. A species of worm which inhabits occasionally the human intestine; It has three nipples at its head, and a triangui.tr mouth in its middle. Its length is from four to twelve inches, and its thickness, when twelve inches long, about that of a goose-quill. They are sometimes sotitary, at other times very nu- merous. See Worms. Lumbricus terrestris. Vermis terrestris. The earth-worm. Formerly given internally when dried and pulverised as a diuretic. Lu'mbus veneris. See Achillea millefolium. LU'NA. (Luna, a. f. ; a lucendo.) 1. The moon. 2. The old alchemisticnl name of silver. Luna cornea. Muriate of silver. Luna plena. A term used by the old alche- mists in the transmutation of metals. Lunar caustic. See Argenti nitras. LUNA'RE OS. One ofthe bones ofthe wrist. Lunaria rediviva. Bulbouach of the Ger- mans. Satin and honesty. It was formerly es- teemed as a warm diuretic. LUNA'TICUS. (From luna, the moon: so called because the malady returns, or is aggra- vated, or influenced by the moon.) 1. A lunatic. 2. A disease which appears to be influenced by the moon. LUNG. Pulmo. The lungs are two viscera situated in the chest, by means of which we breathe. The lung in the right cavity of the hest is divided into three lobes, that iu the left ft 74 cavity into two. They hang in ihe chest at- tached at their superior part to the neck by means of the trachea, and are separated by the mediastinum. They are also attached to the heart by means ofthe pulmonary vessels.The sub- stance of the lungs is of four kinds, viz. vesicular vascular, bronchial, and parenchymatous. The ve- sicular substance is composed ofthe air-cells. Tbe vascular invests those cells like a net-work.' The bronchial is formed by the ramifications of the bronchia throughout the lungs, having the air cells at their extremities ; and the spongy sub- stance that connects these parts is termed the parenchyma. The lungs are covered with a fine membrane, a reflection of the pleura, called pleura pulmonalis. The internal surface of the air-cells is covered with a very fine, delicate and sensible membrane, which is continued from the larnyx through the trachea and bronchia. The arteries of the lungs are the bronchial, a branch of the aorta, which carries blood to the lungs for their nourishment; and the pulmonary, which circu- lates the blood through the air-cells to undergo a certain change. The pulmonary veins return the blood that has undergone this change, by four trunks, into the left auricle of the heart. The bronchial veins terminate in the vena azygos. The nerves of the lungs are from the eighth pair and great intercostal. The absorbents are of two orders; the superficial, and deep-seated: the former are more re adily detected than the latter. The glands of these viscera are called bronchial. They are muciparous, and situated about the bronchia. See Respiration. LUNG-iVORT. See Pulmonaria officinalis. LUNULATUS. Crescent-shaped, or half. moon-like: a term applied to leaves, pods, &c. vvhich are so shaped, whether the points are di- rected towards the stalk, or from it: as in the leaves of Passiflora lunata, and legumen of Medicago foliata. LU'PIA. (From Xvirtu, to molest.) 1.' A genus of disease, including encysted tu- mours, the contents of wi:.:. are very thick, ani sometimes solid ; as meliceris, atheroma, tlea- torn i, and ganglion. z. (From lupus, a wolf: so called because S does net cease to destroy the part it seizes.) A malignant ulcer which e jts away the soft parts on • iiich it appears, laying '.are the bones and car- tilages, and which is equally fatal with cancer. LUP'INUS. (So called by Pliny and other ancient writers. Professor Martin says the word owes its origin to Lupus, a wolf, because plants of this genus ravage th-: ground by overrunning it, after the manner of that animal. It is also de- rived from Xvvt), grief: whence Virgil's epithet, tiistet lupini; from the fanciful idea of its acrid juices, when tasted, producing a sorrowful ap- pearance on the countenance.) The name of a fenus of plants. Class, Diadelphia; Order, hcandria. 2. Under this term the white lupin is directed in some pharmacopoeias. Lupin us albus. The systematic name of the white lupin. The seed, the ordinary food of mankind in the days of Galen and Pliny, is now forgotten. Its farinaceous and bitter meal is oc- casionally exhibited to remove worms from the intestines, and made into poultices to resolve in- dolent tumours. LUPULIN. Lupuline. The name given hy Dr. Ives to an impalpable yellow powder, iu which he believes the virtue of the hop to reside, and which may be obtained by beating and sifting the hops used in brewing. It appears to be pe- culiar to the female plant, and is probably« LYC LYM r.-eled by the nectaria. In preserving beer from the acetous fermentation, and in communicating an agreeable flavour to it, lupulin was found to be '. univalent to fen tiroes its weight of hop leaves. LU'Pf LPS. (From Xvuri, dislike : so named from it- bitterness.) See Hamulus. LU'PUS. I. The wolf, so named from its ra- 2. The cancer is also so called, because it cats away the flesh like a wolf. LutUDA. The name of an order of plants in Lindens'* Fragments of a Natural Method, con- sisting of those which prove some deadly poison ; the corolla mostly monopetalous; as Datura, Solanum, Nicotiana. LtsTRA'oo. (From lustro, to expiate: so called because it was used in the ancient purifica- tions. ) Flat or ba<*c vervain. LI SI'S. A sport. Ldmi's NATun.t:. A sport of nature; a mon- ster. See Monster. LUTE. See Lutum. Lu'tea corpora. See Corput luteum. LUTE'OLA. (From lutum, mud; because it grows in muddy places, or ia ofthe colour of mud.) See Reseda luteola. LUTUM. (From Xvros, soluble.) Camen- tum. Mud. Lute. A composition with which chemical vessels are. coven d, to preserve them from the violence of the fire, and to close exactly their joinings to each other, to retain the sub- stance* which they contain when they are volatile and reduced to vapour. LUXATION. (Luxatio; from luxo,to put out ol mint.) A dislocation of a bone from its proper cavity. Lica'nche. (From Xvkos, a wolf, and av-^u, to strangle.) A species of quincy, in whicli the patient makes a noise like the howling of a %olf. Lt< antiiro'pia. (From Xvkos, a wolf, aad avdpu-os, a man.) A species of insanity, in which tbe patient* leave their houses in the night, and wander about like wolves, in unfrequented place. I.Y't'llNlV (From Xtyvot, a torch; be- eause the ancients used its leaves rolled up for torches.) 1. A name of several vegetable pro- ductions. 2. The name of a genus of plants. Class, Dtcandria; Order, Pentagynia. Ltchms skgetum. Sec Agrottemma gith- ago. LYCUNOIDES. (From iwc/mit, the name of a plant, and rn'iu, to break wind : so named because it was sup|>o*ed to spring from the dung of wolves.) I. The onmc of a genus ol plants in the Linnaean r-yftem. Class, Cryptogamia ; Order, Fungi. 2 The pharmacopeeial name of the puff-ball. See I.ycnptrdonbovvtta. LtrorranoN bovist-. The systematic name of the puff-baU. C'.i/.i.'i.s lupi. A round or egg-shapd lungua, the Lycoperdon; tubrolun- dum, later at •> dthitctnt, of Linnxus; when fresh, of a white colour, with a very short, or warn Iv anv pedicle, growing in dry pasture rrfnind*. Wain vounr, it i» sometime* covered with tubercles on the outside, and is pulpy with- in. By age it becomes smooth externally, and dries internally into a very fine, light, brownish dust, which is used by the common people to stop haemorrhages. See Lycoperdon. Lycoperdon tuber. The systematic name of the truffle. Tuber dbarium, of Or. Wither- ing. A solid fungus of a globular figure, which grows under the surface of the ground without any roots or the access of light, and attains a size from a pea to the largest potatoe. It has a rough, blackish coat, and is destitute of fibres. Coofcp are weU acquainted with its use and quali- ties. It is found in woods and pastures in some parts of Kent, but is not very common in Eng- land. In France and Spain, truffles are very frequent, and grow to a much larger size than they do here. In these places the peasants find it worth their whtie to search for them, and they train up dogs and swine for this purpose, who after they have been inured to their smell by their masters frequently placing them in their way, wiU readily scrape them up as they ramble the fields and woods. LYCOPE'RSICUM. (From Xvkos, a wolf, and rtpatKov, a peach: so called from its exci- ting a violent degree of lust.) Lycoperdcon. Wolf's peach. Love apple. See Solanum lycoperticon. LYCOPO'DIUM. (From Aus-or, a wolf, and irovs, a foot: so called from its supposed resemblance.) 1. The name of a genus of plants iu the Linnxan system. Class, Cryptogamia; Order, Musri. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the club-moss. See Lycopodium clavatum. Lycopodium clavatum. The systematic name of the club-moss. Wolf's claw. Muscus claoatut. This plant affords a great quantity of pollen, which is much esteemed in some places to sprinkle on young children, to prevent, and in the curing parts which are fretting. A decoction of the herb is said to be a specific in the cure of the plica polonica. Lycopodium selago. The systematic name of the upright club-moss. Muscus erectus. The decoction of this plant acts violently as a vomit and a purgative, and was formerly on that account employed to produce ADortioin.. LYCO'PSIS. (From Xvkos, a wolf, and o^is, an aspect: so called from its being of the colour of a wolf, or from the o.rcum.iauce ot the flowers being ringent, and having the appearance of a grinning mouth. The herbage is also furnished, says Ambrosinus, with a sort of rigid hairiness similar to the coat of a wolf.) I. The name of a genus of plants. Class, Pentandria ; Order, Monogynia. ' 2. The pharaiacopoeial name of the Wall- bugloss, Lchium agyptiacum, the Atperugo agyptiaca of Will mow LY'COPUS. (From Xvkos. a wolf, and irovs, a foot: so named from its likeness.) The name of a genu* cf plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diandria ; Order, Monogynia. Wolf's- claw, or water horehound. Ltcopus europeus. This plant is sometimes used as an astringent. Lrdian stone. A flinty slate. Lie.; -Mug. (From Auy^ui, to distort.) A dislocation. Ly'gus. (From Xi}ii>, to bend: so called from its ftexibiliiv.) The agnus ca.-tus. LYMPH. I.'i.'r.pha. The liquid contained in the lymphatic vessels. 1 wo processes may bo employed to prorun lymph. On. is to lay bare ;i lymphatic ve-sel. divide it, and receive the U- 575 LYM ijiud that flows from it; but this is a method diffi- cult to execute, and besides, as the lymphatic vessels are not always filled with lymph, it is un- certain : the other consists in letting an animal fast during four or five days, and then extracting the fluid contained in the thoracic duct. The liquid obtained in either way has at first a slightly opaline rose colour. It has a strong sper- matic odour; a salt taste ; it sometimes presents a slight yellow tinge, and at other times a red madder colour. But lymph does not long remain liquid ; it con- geals. Its rose colour becomes more deep, an im- mense number of reddish filaments are deve- loped, irregularly arborescent,,and very analo- gous in appearance to the vessels spread in the tissue of organs. When we examine carefully the mass of lymph thus coagulated, we find it formed of two parts , the one solid, and forming a great many cells, in which the other remains in a liquid state. If the solid part be separated, the liquid con- geals again. The quantity of lymph procured from one ani- mal is but small; a dog of a large size scarcely yields an ounce. It* quantity appears to increase according to the time of fasting. The solid part of the lymph, which may be called clot, has much anaiogy with that of the blood. It becomes scarlet-red by the contact of oxygen ^a», and purple when plunged in car- bonic acid. This specific gravity of lymph is to that of dis- tilled water as 1022.28: 1 fX)0.00. Chevreuil analysed the lymph of the dog : Wi.it j-...........926.4 Fibrin,..........004.2 Albumen,.........61.0 Muriate of Soda, ...... 6.1 Carbonate of Soda,...... 1.8 Phosphate of Lime,.....1 Phosphate of Magnesia, . . . S 0.5 Carbonate of Lime, •.....J Total......lOt.0.0 Its specific gravity is greater than water; in consistence, it is thin and somewhat viscid. The quantity in the human body appears to be very great, as the system of the lymphatic vessels forms no small part of it. Its constituent prin- ciples appear to be albuminous water and a little salt. The lymphatic vessels absorb this fluid from the tela cellulosa of the whole body, from all the viscera and the cavities of the viscera ; :md convey it to the thoracic duct, to be mixed with the chyle. The use of the lymph is to return the super- fluous nutritious jelly from every part, and to mix it with the cbyle in the thoracic duct, there to be further converted into the nature of the animal; and, lastly, it has mixed with it the superfluous aqueous vapour, which is elfused into the cavities of the cranium, thorax, abdomen, &c. LYMPH A TIC. (Lymphaticus; from lympha, lymph.) 1: Of the nature of lymph. 2. An absorbent vessel, that carries a trans- parent fluid, or lymph. The lymphatic vessels of the human body are small and transparent, and originate in every part of tbe body. With the lacteal vessels of the intettines, they form what is termed the absorbent system. Their termination is in the thoracic duct. See Absor- bent, Lacteal, and Thoracic duct. Lymphatics of the head and neck.— Absor- bents are found on the scalp and about the viscera of the neck, which unite into a considerable 576 JAM branch, that accompanies the jugular vein. Au sorbents have not been detected in the human brain: yet there can be no doubt of there bein» such vessels : it is probable that they pass out of the cranium through the canalis caroticus and foramen lacerum in basi cranii, on each side and join the above jugular branch, which' passes through some glands as it proceeds into the chest to the angle of the subclavian and jugular veins. The absorbents from the right side of the head and neck, and from the right arm, do not run across the neck, to unite with the great trunk of the system ; they have an equal opportunity of dropping their contents into the angle betwixt the right subclavian and the jugular vein. These vessels then uniting, form a trunk, which is little more than an inch, nay, sometimes not a quarter of an inch, in length, but which has nearly as great a diameter as the proper trunk of the left side. This vessel lies upon the right subclavian vein, and receives a very considerable number of lym- phatic vessels ; not only does it receirethe lym- phatics from the right side of the head, thy- roid gland, neck, &c. and the lymphatics of the arm, but it receives also those from the right side ' ofthe thorax and diaphragm, from the lungs ol this side, and from the parts supplied by the mamma- ry artery. Both in this and in the great trunk, there are many valves. Of the upper extremities.—The absorbents of the upper extremities are divided into superficial and deep-seated. The superfidaI absorbents as- cend under the skin ofthe baud in every direction to the wrist, from whence a branch proceeds upon the posterior surface of the fore-arm to the head of the radius, over the internal condyle of the humerus, up to the axilla, receiving several bmnchsft es as it proceeds. Another branch proceds from the wrist along the anterior part ofthe fore-anav ■ and forms a net-work, with a branch coming over the uina from the posterior part, and at'Cends- on the inside of the humerus to the glands of the ax* ill?.. The deep-sealed absorbents accompany the larger blood-vessels, and pass through two glands about the middle of the humerus, ard as- cend to the glands of the axilla. The superficial and deep-seated absorbents having passed through the axillary glands, form two trunks, which mute into one, to be inserted with the jugular absorbents into the thoracic, duct, at the angle formed by the union ofthe subclavian with the jugular vein. Lymphatics of the inferior extremities.— These are also superficial and deep-seated. The superficial ones lie between the skin and muscles. Those of the toes and foot form a branch, which ascends upon !hu back ofthe foot, over the tendon ofthe crurxus anticus, forms with other branches a plexus above the ancles, then proceeds along the tibia over the knee, sometimes passes through a gland, and proceeds up the inside of the tliigh, la the subinguinal glands. The deep-seated absorb- ents follow the course ofthe arteries, and accom- pany the lemoril artery, in which course they pass through some glanJs in the leg and above the knee, and then proceed to some deep-seated subinguinal glands. The absorbents from about the external parts of the pubes, as the perns and perineum, and from the external parts ofthe pelvis, in gene- ral, proceed (o rhe inguinal glands. The subin- guinal aLd inguinii glands send forth several branches, which pas^ through the abdominal ring into the cavity ot tbe abdomen. Of the abdominal and thoracic viscera.— The absorbents of the lower extremities accom- pany the external Uiac artery, where they are M<< MA» jo,ued by nu.nv branches from the ultrui, urinary bladder, tpermalic chord, and tome branches ac- companying the internal iliac artery ; they then a.cend to tbe sacrum, where they form a plexut, which proceeds over the psoas muscle*, and meet- ing with the lacteals ' f the mesentery, form the thoracic duct, or trunk of the absorbents, which is of a serpentine form, about the size of a crow- quill, ana runs op the rlarsal vertebrae, through the posterior opening of the diaphragm, between the aejrta and vena azygos, to the angle formed by the union of the left subclavian and jugular veins. In this course it receives :—the obsoroentt ofthe kidntyt, which arc superficial and deep- seated, and unite as they proceed towards the thoracic duct; and the aOtorbentt of the spleen, which are upon its peritoneal coat, and unite with tho» e of the pancreas:— a branch from the plexus of vessel* passing above and below the duodenum, and formed by the absorbent* of the ttomach, which come from the lesser and greater curvature, and are united about the pylorus with those ofthe pancreas and liver, which converge from the ex- ternal surface and internal parts towards the por- ta? of tbe liver, and also by several branches Irom the gall-bladder. I Ite of Ijymphatict.—The office of these vessel* is to take up substances which are applied to their mouth* ; thus the vapour of circumscribed cavi- ties, and of the cells of the cellular membrane, are removed by the lymphatics of those parts ; and thu* mercury and other substances are taken into tbe sy„tcin when rubbed on the skin. 'flu- principle by which tliis absorption takes place, is a power inherent in the mouths of ab- •orping vessels, a vis insita, dependent on the high degree of irritability of their internal mem- brane by which the vessels contract and propel thcibpd forwards. Hence the use- of this function aaJHr* to In- of the utmost importance, viz. to ■upKr the blood with chyle ; to remove the su- perfluous vapour of circumscribed cavities, other- wise dropsies, as hydrocephalus, hydrothorax, hydrooardia. ascites, hydrocele, &c. would con- stantly be taking place : to remove the superfluous vapour from the cells of the cellular membrane dispersed throughout every part of the body, that nnasarc.-i may not take place : to remove the hard and noft part* of the body, and to convey into the system medicine* which ure applied to the surface of tbe body. Li.uriiATic ci. i\DS. G1uiiti"!a lympliaU* ca. See Conglobate gland. Ltpo'ma. See lipoma. LY'RA. (From Xvpa, a lyre, or musical in- strument. ) Ptalterium. The triangular medul- lary space between tbe posterior crura of the for- nix ofthe cerebrum, which is marked with promi- nent meduUary fibre* that give the appearance of a lyre. LYRATUS. (From lyra, a musical instru- ment.) Lyrate or lyre-shaped. A leaf is so named which is cut into transverse segments, gene- rally longer towards the extremity of the leaf, which is rounded ; as in Erysimum barbaria. Ly'rus. (From lyra, the lyre ; so called be- cause its leaves are divided like tbe strings of a lyre.) See Arnica montana. Ltsigy'ia. (From Xuu, to loosen, and yvtov, a member.) The relaxation of limbs; LYSIMA'CHIA. (From Lysimachut, who first discovered it.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. Lysimaciiia nummulari*. The systematic name of the money-wort. Nummularia ; Hir- undinaria; Centimorbia. Money-wort. This plant is very common in our ditches. It was for- merly accounted vulnerary ; and was said to pos- sess antiscorbutic and restringent qualities. Boer- haave looks upon it as similar to a mixture of scurvy-grass with sorrel. Lysimaciiia purpurea. See I.ythrumtali- caria. LYSSA. (Avcaa, rabies.) The specincnarae in Good's Nosology for hydrophobia. Entada lytta. Lyssode'ctus. (From Xvoaa, canine mad- ness, and iaKwpi, to bite.) One who is mad in consequence of having been bitten by a madanimal. LYTHROOES. See Scapolite. LY'THRUM. (From Xvdpov, blood : so called from its resemblance in colour.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Dodecandria; Order, Digyttia. Ltthrum salicaria. Lysimaciiia purpurea. The systematic name of the common or purple willcw-herb. The herb, root, and flowers possess a considerable degree of astringeney, and arc used medicinally in the cure of diarrhoeas and dysente- ries, fluor albus, and haemoptysis. LYTTA. (The name of a genus of insects.) See Cantharis. itf. \[. • This letter has two significations. When herb*, flowers, chip*, or such-like substances are ordered in a prescription, and M. follows them it figninr* manipvim, a handful; and when seve- ral ingredients have been directed, it is a con- traction of autre,- thus, m.f. huust., signifies mix ami let a draught be made. Maca'vnos-. (Indian.) A tree growing in .Malabar, the fruit of which is roasted and eaten a* a cure for dy.enteries, and in cholera morbus, and othrr complaints. MacaPA'rt.i. s arviparilln. . M*r »»°k't i i r.a *. The name nf a tree in '».- U r-t Mm-,, th- fruit of which is sweet and laxative. A decoction of the talk of thin tref cures, the itch, and the powder thereof heals ulcer* . MACBRIDE, David, wm born in the county of Antrim, of an ancient Scotch family, in 1726. After serving his apprenticeship to a surgeon, he went into the navy, where he remained some years. At this period he was led to investigate particu- larly the treatment of scurvy, upon whicb he af- warils published a treatise. Alter the pea^eof Aix- la-Chapelle, he attended the lectures in Edinburgh and London ; and about the end of 1719, settled in Dublin as a surgeon and accoucheur, but his joufh and modesty greatly retarded his advance- ment at first. In 1764, he published his Experi- MAt MAO menial Essays, which were every where received with great applause; and the University of Glas- gow conferred upon him a Doctor's-degree. For several years after this he gave private lec- tures on physic; which he published in 1772: this work displayed great acuteness of observa- tion, and very philosophical views of pathology ; and contained a new arrangement of diseases, which appeared to Dr. Cullen of sufficient import- ance to be introduced into his system of nosology. His merit being thus displayed, he got into very extensive practice ; indeed, he was so jnuch har- assed, that he suffered for some time fn almost fotal incapacity for sleep; when an accidental cold brought on high fever and delirium, which terminated his existence towards the close of 1778. MACE. See Myristica mochata. Macedonian parsley. See Bubon macedoni- cum. Macedoni'sium semen. See Smyrnium olasatrum. Ma'cer. (From mosa, Hebrew.) Grecian macer or mace. The root which is imported from Barbary by this name, is supposed to be the simarouba, and is said to be anti-dysenteric. MACERA'TION. (Maceratio; from macero, to soften by w$ter.) In a pharmaceutical sense, this term implies an infusion either with or with- out heat, wherein the ingredients are intended to be almost wholly dissolved in order to extract their virtues. Macero'na. See Smyrnium olusalrum. Mach.e'rion. Macharis. Tbe amputating- knife. M ACHA'ON. The proper name of an ancient physician, said to be one of the sons of iEscula- pius ; whence some authors have fancied to dig- nify their own inventions with his name, as par- ticularly a collyrium, described by Scribonius, intituled, Asclepias, Machaonis; and hence also, medicine in general is by some called Ars Machaonia. Machiname'ntum aristionis. A machine for reducing dislocation. MA'CIES. Emaciation. See Atrophy and Tabes. MA'CIS. Mace. See Myristica. MACKAREL. This delicious fish is the Scomber scomber of Linnaeus. VVhen fresh it is of easy digestion, and very nutritious. Pickled and salted, it becomes hard and difficult for the stomach to manage. MACQUEll, Joseph, was born at Paris in 1710, where he became doctor of medicine, pro- fessor of pharmacy, and censor-royal. He was likewise a member of some foreign academies, and conducted the medical and chemical depart- ment of the Journal des Savans. He pursued chemistry, not so much with a view of raultiply- i;ig pharmaceutical, preparations, as had been mostly the case before, but, rather as a branch of natural philosophy; and gained a considerable reputation by publishing several useful and popu- lar works on the subject. The most laborious of thesa was a dictionary in two octavo volumes; subsequently translated into English by Keir, with great improvements. He pubUshed also " Formula? Medicamentorum Magistraliuni," and had a share in the composition ol the Pharmaco- poeia Parisiensis of 175S. His death occurred in 1781. MACROCfeVP-HALTJS. (From patpos, long, and KttpaXti, the head.) The name of a whale fish. See Physeter macrocephalus. MACROPHYSOCE'PHALUS. (From «a«- pos, Ions, ipvcis, nature, and Kt), the head, so cilled from the length of the hca-l.) One who S« has a head unnaturally long, and large. 'In word, according to Turton, is only used by An brose Parey. MACRO'PIPER. (From ,,01905, long, 1*1 ntirtpi, pepper.) See Piper longum. MACROPNIE'A. (From uatpos, long, tad ttisu), to breathe.) A difficulty of breathinr, where the inspirations are at long intervals. MA'CULA. A spot, a permanent discolora- tion of some portion of the skin, often with 1 change of its texture, but not connected with aav disorder of the constitution. Macula matricis. A mother's mark Navus maternus. MACULATUS. Spotted: applied in botany to stems, petals, &c. as the stem of the common hemlock, Conium maculatum; the pttalu of the Digitalis purpurea. Mad-apple. See Solanum melongtna. MADARO'SIS. (From pains, bald, without hair.) A defect or loss of eye-brow* or eye- lashes, causing a disagreeable deformity, uf painful sensation of the eyei, in a strong light, MADDER. See Rubia. MADNESS. See Melancholia, and Mania. Madness, canine. See Hydrophobia. MA'DOR. Moisture. A sweating. MADREPORA. Madrepore. 1. Agenoia natural history, ofthe class, Verr.ttt; ana order, Zoophyta. An animal resembling a Medusa. 2. A species of coral. It consists of carbonate of lime, and a Uttle animal membranaceous sub- stance. MAGATTI, Cesar, was born iu 1579, in the duchy of Reggio. He distinguished himself bj lAs early proficiency in philosophy and medicine at Bologna, where he graduated in his 18th year; and afterwards went to Rome. Returninaallia to his native country, he soon acquired iW reputation in his profession, that he was ialnw, as professor of surgery, to Ferrara; arnf after greatly distinguishing himself in that capacity, In was induced, during a severe illness, to enttti** the fraternity of Capuchins. He still coanMal however, to practise, and acquired the confideual of persons of the fir»t rank, espeeiaUy the dukeof Modena. But suffering severely from the stoat, he underwent an operation at Bologna in W. which he did not long survive. He was aatl] of a considerable improvement in the art of *>1 gery, by his work entitled "De rara Media-] tione Vulnerum," condemning the use of feitt, and recommending a simple, easy method ol dressing, without the irritation of freqaenoy cleansing and rubbing the tender granulation: and in an appendix he refutes the notion of gut- shot wounds being envenomed, or attended with cauterization, lie afterwards published a de- fence of this work against some objections of Sen- nertus. Magda'leon. (From uaaow, to knead.) A mass of plaster, or other composition, reducidt* a cylindrical form. Magella'nicus cortex. See lVinttraaro- matica. MA'GISTERY. (Magisterium; (mam- gister, a master.) An obsolete term used by aa- cient chemists to signify a pecuUar and WW method of preparing any medicine, as it were,l>J a masterly process. The term was also long ap- plied to all precipitates. MAGISTRATE A. (From maguUr,*a»- ter.) Applied by way of eminence, tosuch medi- cines as are extemporaneous, or in common**. Magistra'ntia. (From magitlro, to row so called by way of eminence, as exceeding *" others in virtue.) Sec Imperatoiia, MAC MAG '1 K OMA. (From pace*, to blend together.) Kcpif##i«. 1. A thick ointment. •£ xhe feces of an ointment after the thinner part* are strained off. S. A confection. MA'GNES (From Muzhik, ite inventor.) The magnet, or load-*tone. A muddy iron-ore, ia which the iron is modified in such a manner as to afford a passage to a fluid called the magnetic fluid. The magnet exhibits certain phenomena ; it is known by it* property of attracting steel filings, and is found in Auvergne, in Biscay, in Spain, in Sweden, and Siberia. Macnes arsenicalis. Arsenical magnet It ia a composition of equal ports of antimony, sul- phur, and ar*cnic, mixed and melted together, 60 a* to become a glassy body. M agnes kpii.epm.-k. An old and obsolete Dame of native cinnabar. MAGNE'SIA. 1. The ancient chemists gave thi* name to suth substances as they conceived to have the. power of attracting any principle from the air. Thus an earth which, on being ex- poird to the air, increased in weight, and yielded vitriol, they called Magnetia vitriclata .- and later chemists, observing in their process for ob- taining magnesia, that nitrous acid was separated, and an earth left behind, supposing it had at- tracted the acid, called it magnesia nitri, whicb, from ite colour, soon obtained the name of mag-- netia alba. 2. The name of one of the primitive earths, having a metallic basis, called magnesium. It ha* been found native in the state of hydrate. Magnesia may be obtained, by pouring into a solution of its sulpliate a solution of subcarbonate of soda, washing the precipitate, drying it, and •cpoting it to a red hent. it is usually procured in commerce, by ncting on magnesian limestone *fi|h. the impure muriate of magnesia, or bittern nTlnc tea-salt manufactories. The muriatic acid got* to the lime, forming a soluble salt, and leaves behind the magnesia of both the bittern aad limestone. Or the bittern is decomposed by a crude subcarbonate of ammonia, obtained from tlie distillation of bones in iron cylinders. Mu- riate of ammonia and subcarbonate of magnesia result. The former is evaporated to dryness, mixed with chalk and sublimed. Subcarbonate of ammonia is thus recovered, with which a new quantity of bittern may be decomposed ; and thus in reatele** repetition, forming an elegant and economical process. 100 parts of crystallised Epsom salt, require for complete decomposition 56 of subcarbonate of potassa, or 44 dry subcar- bonate of soda, and yield 16 of pure magnesia after calcination. Magnesia is a white, toft powder. Its sp. gr. ia 1.5 by Kirwan. It renders the syrup of violets, and infusion of red cabbage, green, and redden* tumeric. It is infusible, except by the hydroxy- gea blowpipe. It has scarcely any taste, and no smell. It is nearly insoluble in water ; but it ab- sorb* a quantity of that liquid with the production of heat. And when it i* thrown down from the latpbute- by a caustic alkali, it is combined with water constituting a hydrate, which, however, separate* at a red heat. It contains about one- fourth its weight of water. When magnesia ia exposed to the air, it very •lowly attracts carbonic acid. It combine* with sulphur, terming a sulphuret. The metallic basis, or magnesium, may be ob- tained in the state of amalgam with mercury, by • li-rtrisalinn. When magnesia it strongly heated in contact with two volume* "I chlorine, this gas i« ab- sorbed, and one volume of oxygen is disengaged. Hence it is evident that there exists a combina- tion of magnesium and chlorine, or a true chlo- ride. The salt called muriate of magnesia, is a compound ofthe chloride and water. When it i* acted on by a strong heat, by far the greatest part of the chlorine unites to the hydrogen of the wa- ter, and rises in the form of muriatic acid gas ; while the oxygen of the decomposed water com- bines with the. magnesium to form magnesia. Magnesia is often associated with lime in mine- rals, and their perfect separation become* an in- teresting problem in analysis. Proptrties. Pure magnesia does not form with water an adhesive ductile mass. It is in the form of a very white spongy powder, soft to the touch, and perfectly tasteless. It is very slightly solu- ble in water. It absorbs carbonic acid gradually from the atmosphere. It changes very delicate blue vegetable colours to green. Its attraction to tne acids is weaker than those ofthe alkalies. Its salts are partially decomposed by ammonia, one part ofthe magnesia being precipitated, .and the other forming a triple compound. Its specific gravity is about 2.3. It is infusible even by the most intense heat; but when mixed with seme of the other earths it becomes fusible. It combines with sulphur. It docs not unite to phosphorus or carbon. It is not dissolved by alkalies in the hu- mid way. When heated strongly, it becomes phosphorescent. With the dense acids it be- comes ignited. With all tbe acids it forms salt's of a bitter taste, mostly very soluble. The magnesia of the present London Pharma- copoeia was formerly called Magneria calcinala; iif-ta ; pura. It is directed to be made thus :— Take of carbonate of magnesia, four ounces ; burn it in a very strong fire, for two hours, or un- til acetic acid being dropped in, extricates no bubbles of gas. It is given as an absorbent, an- tacid, and cccoprotic, in cardialgia, spasms, con- vulsions, and tormina of the bowels of infants; pyrosis, flatulencies, and other diseases of the prima? vine; obstipation, leucorrhoea, rickets, scrofula, crusta lactea, and podagra. The dose is from half a drachm to a drachm. Magnesia calonata. See Magnesia. Magnesia, hydrate of. A mineral found in New Jersey, consisting of magnesia and water. Magnesia usta. See Magnesia. Magnesia vitriolata. Sec Majne.iia sulphas. Magne&iv. surcarronas. JIagnisia car- bonat; Magnedaalba. Subcarbonnte of ma»- ncslt. The London College direct it to be made as'follows:—Take of sulphate of magnesia, a pound; subcarbonate of potassa, nine ounces; water, three gallons. Dissolve the s-ubcarbonate of potassa in three pints of the water, and strain ; dissolve also the sulphate of magnesia separately in five pints of the water, and strain ; then add the rest of the water to this latter solution, apply heat; and when it boils, pour in the former solu- tion, stirring them well together; next, strain through a linen cloth; lastly, wash the powder repeatedly with boiling water, and dry it upon bibulous paper, in a heat of 200°. It is- in form of very fine powder, considerably resembling flour in its appearance and feel; it has no sensi- ble taste on the tongue ; it gives a faint greenish colour to the tincture of violets, and converts turnsole to a blue. It is employed medicinally as an absorbent, antacid, and purgative, in doses from half a drachm to two drachm*. Magnesia; sulphas. Sulphas magneda; Sulphas magnesia purificata; Magnesia vi- triolata j Salcatharticusamai tit. S'alcathar- MAI MAI, ticam amurum. Sulphate of magnesia. Epsom salt. Bitter purging salt. The sulphate of magnesia exists in several mi- neral springs, and in sea-water. It is from these saline solutions that the salt is obtained ; the method generally adopted for ob- taining it, is evaporation, which causes the salt to crystaUise in tetrahedral prisms. It has a very bitter taste, and is soluble in its own weight of water at 60°, and in three-fourths of its weight of boiUng water. Sulphate of magnesia, when perfectly pure, effloresces ; but that of commerce generally contains foreign salts, such as the mu- riate of magnesia, which renders it so deliques- cent, that it must be kept in a close vessel or bladder. By the action of heat it undergoes the watery fusion, and loses its water of crystallisa- tion, but does not part with its acid. One hun- dred parts of crystallised sulphate of magnesia consist of 29.35 parts {of acid, 17 of earth, and 53.65 of water. The alkalies, strontian, barytes, and all the salts formed by these salifiable bases, excepting the alkaUne muriates, decompose sul- phate of magnesia. It is also decomposed by the nitrate, carbonate, and muriate of lime. Epsom salt is a mild and gentle purgative, operating with sufficient efficacy, and in general with ease and safety, rarely occasioning any gripes, or the other inconveniences of resinous purgatives. Six or eight drachms may be dis- solved in a proper quantity oi common water; or four, five, or more in a pint or quart of the pur- ging mineral waters. These solutions may like- wise be so managed,'in small doses, as to produce evacuation from the other emunctories; if the pa- tient be kept warm, they increase perspiration, and by moderate exercise in the cool air, the uri- nary discharge. Some allege that this salt has a peculiar effect in allaying pain, as in coUc, even independently of evacuation. It is, however, principally used for the prepa- ration of the subcarbonate of magnesia. MAGNESITE. A yellowish grey or white mineral, composed of magnesia, carbonic acid, alumina, a ferruginous manganese, lime, and wa- ter, found in serpentine rocks, in Moravia. MAGNESIUM. The metallic basis of mag- nesia. See Magnesia. MAGNET. See Magnet. MAGNETISM. The property which iron possesses of attracting or repelling other iron, according to circumstances, that is, similar poles of magnets repel, but opposite poles attract each other. Magnetism, animal. A sympathy lately supposed, by some persons, to exist between the magnet and the human body; by means of which, the former became capable of curing many dis- eases in an unknown way, somewhat resembling the performances of the old magicians. Animal magnetism is now entirely exploded. Magnum os, The third bone of the lower row of bones of the carpus, reckoning from the thumb towards the Uttle finger. MAGNUS. The term is applied to parts from their relative size; and to diseases and remedies from their importance ; as magnum os, magnus morbus, magnum dd donum, &c. Magnum dei donum. So Dr. Mead calls the Peruvian bark. Magnus morbus. The great disease. So Hippocrates calls the epUepsy. Magt'daris. The root of the laser-wort. Muhagoni. See Swietenia. M ahaleb. A species of Prunus. Mahmou'dy. Scammonium. MAIDENHAIR. See Adianthum. Maidenhair, Canada. See Adianthum *,. datum. Maidenhair, common. See Asplenium fri- chomanet. Maidenhair, English. See Adianthum. Maidenhair, golden. See Polytrichum. Maidenhair-tree. Ginan itsio. The Gingko biloba. In China and Japan, where thii tree grows, the fruit acquires the size of a damask plum, and contains a kernel resembling that of our apricot. These kernels always make part of the desert at all pubUc feasts and entertainments. They are said to promote digestion, and to cleanse the stomach and bowels. The oil is used at the table. Majanthemum. See Convallaria majali, MAJORA'NA. (Quod mense Maio floreat because it flowers in May.) See Origanum major ana. Majorana SYRIA.CA. See Teucriummarum. MA'LA. (From malus, an apple: to called from its roundness.) A prominent part of the cheek. See Jugale ot. Mala .kthiopica. A species of love-apple. See Solanum lycoperdcum. Mala asstria. The citron. Mala aurantia. See Citrut aurantium. Mala cotonea. The quince. Mala insana nigra. See Solanum melon. gena. Malabar plum. See Eugenia jambot. Malabathri oleum. Oil of cassia. Malaba'thrinum. (From /iaXaj8lu-d into external and internal, or m \'froiu* externus and interwtu. M V I.LEI'S. (Ma!! nut quasi moll tut; from mollio, to soften; - hammer.) A bone of (he internal rar w >0 termed from its resemblance. MAL It is distinguished into a head, neck, and manu- brium. The head is round, and encrusted with a thin cartilage, and annexed to another bone of the ear, tbe incus, by ginglymus. Its neck is narrow, and situated between the head and manu- brium, or handle ; from which a long slender process arises, adheres to a furrow in the audi- tory canal, and is continued as far as the fissure in the articular cavity of the temporal bone. The manubrium is terminated by an enlarged extremity, and connected to the membrana tym- pani by a short conoid process. MALLOW. See Malva. Mallow, round-leaved. See Malva rotun- difolia. Mallow, vervain. See Malva alcea. Malograna'tum. (From malum, an apple, and granum, a grain : so named from its grain- like seeds.) The pomegranate. MALPIGHI, Marcello, was born near Bo- logna, in 1628. He went through his pretiminary studies with great eclat, and especially distin- guished himself by his zealous pursuit of ana- tomy. His merit procured him, in 1653, the degree of doctor in medicine, and three years after, the appointment^of professor o.f physic, at Bologna ; bnt he was soon invited to Pisa, by the Gpnd Duke of Tuscany. However, the air of this place injuring his health, which was naturaUy delicate, he was obliged in 1659 to return to his office at Bologna. Three years after he was tempted by the magistrates of Messina to accept the medical professorship there ; but his little de- ference to ancient authorities involved him in con- troversies with his colleagues, which forced him to return again to Bologna, in 1666. His reputa- tion rapidly extended throughout Europe as a philosophical enquirer, and he was chosen a member of the Royal Society of London, wbich afterwards printed his works at their own ex- pense. In 1691, Pope Innocent XII. on his elec- tion, chose Malpighi for his chief physician and chamberlain, when he removed to Rome; but three years after he was carried off by an apo- plectic stroke. He joined with an indefatigable pursuit of knowledge, a remarkable degree of candour and modesty ; and ranks very high among the philosophers of the physiological age in which he lived. He was the first to employ the microscope in examining the circulation of the blood; und the same instrument assisted him in exploring the minute structure of various or- §ans, as is evident from his first publication on le lungs, in 1661; and this was followed by suc- cessive treatises on many other parts. In 1669, his essay "De Formatione Pulh in Ovo," was printed at London, with his remarks on the sUk- woi-m, and on tlie conglobate glands: much Ught was thrown by these investigations on the obscure subject of generation, and other important points of physiology. He was thence led to the consi- deration of tne structure and functions of plants, and evinced himself an original, as well as a very profound observer. His " Anatome Plan- tarum" was published by the Royal Society in 1675 and 1679, with some observations on the incubation of the egg. His only medical work, " Consultatiorum Mediciualiuiu CentiM • Prima," did not appear till 1713: he was not distinguished as a practitioner, but deserves praisi for point- ing out the mischief of bleeding in the malig- nant epidemics, which prevailed in Italy in his time. MALPI'GHIA. (So named in honour of Malpiirhi, the celebrated vegetable a itomist.) The name of a genus of plants in th: Linnxan SlAL system. Class, Decandria; Order, Trigy- nia. Malpkshia glabra. The systematic name of a tree which affords an esculent cherry. MALT. Grain which has become sweet, from the conversion of its starch into sugar, by an in- cipient growth Or germination articially induced, called malting. Ma'ltha. (From paXaooui, to soften.) Mal- thatodes. 1. A medicine softened and tempered with wax. 2. The name of the mineral tallow of Kirwan, which resembles wax, and is said to have been found on the coast of Finland. Maltha'ctica. (From paX0aKi$u>, to soften.) EmolUent medicines. Maltheorum. Common salt. MA'LUM. 1. A disease. 2. An apple. Malum mortuum. A disease that appears in the form of a pustule, which soon forms a a clear smooth jelly ; a little sugar and sherry win*may be added for debilitated patients, but for infante a drop or two of essence of caraway-seeds or cim^unon, is preferable, wine being very Uable to income acescent in the stomachs of infants, and thus dis- agree with the bowels. Fresh milk, either alo*e or diluted with water may be substituted for the water. For very debiUtated frames, and espe- cially for ricketty children, this jelly blended with an animal jeUy, as that of the stag's horn (rasura cornu cerwt,) affords a more nutritious diet than arrow-root alone, which may be done in the fol- lowing manner-.—Boil half an ounce of stag's horn shavings, in a pint of water, for fifteen mi- nutes ; then strain and add two dessert-spoonsful of arrow-root powder, previously weU-mixed with a tea-cupful of water; stir them briskly to- gether, and boil them lor a few minutes. It the child should be much troubled with flatulency, two or three drops of essence of caraway-seeds, 1 586 or a little grated nutmeg may be added; but lui adults, port wine, or brandy, will answer best. Maranta oalanga. The smaller galangal. The roots of this plant are used medicinally; two kinds of galangal are mentioned in the pharma- copceias ; the greater galangal obtained Irom the Kampferia galanga ol Linnams, and the smaller galangal, the root of the j>/aranta galanga; caulino dmplicifoliis lanceolatis tubsettilibiut of Linnreus. The dried root is brought from China, in pieces from an inch to two in length scarcely half so thick, branched, full of knot! and joints, with several circular rings of a reddish- brown colour on the outside, and brownish within. It has an aromatic smell, not very grateful, and an unpleasant, bitterish, hot, biting taate. It wat formerly much used as a warm stomachic bitter, and generally ordered in bitter infusions. It is now, however, seldom employed. MARA'SMUS. (From papaiva, to grow lean.) Emaciation. 1. A wasting away of the flesh, without fever or apparent disease. See Atrophia. 2. The name of a genus of diseases in Good's Nosology. Class, Hematica; Order, Dystheti- ca. Emaciation. It embraces four species, viz. Marasmus atrophia, climactericus, tabu, phthisis. Marathri'tes. (FrompapaBpnv, fennel.) A vinous infusion of fennel; or wine impregnated with fennel. MARATHROPHY'LLUM. (From M«pa8poi>, fennel, and liquid, which crystallise* on cooling, into brilliant needles of the finest white. It is in- soluble in water, but very soluble in alkohol, sp. gr. 0.800. Cold margaric acid has no action on the colour of litmus ; DUt when heated so as to soften without melting, the blue was reddened. It combines with the salifiable bases, and forms neutral compound*. Two orders of margarates are formed,the margai atet and the tupermargaraiet, the former being converted into the latter, by pouring a large quantity of water on them. Other fats besides that of the hog yield this sub- -tanrr. That of man is obtained under three different forms. I. In very fine long needles, disposed in flat stars. 2. in very fiue and very short needles, funning waved figures, like tliose of the margaric arid of earranes. 3. In very large brilliant crys- tal" die""-el in stars, similar to the margaric acid of tin- dog. The margaric acids of man and the fin;.' it srinble each other ; as do those of the ox and tin- sheep ; and of the goose and the jaguar. Tin- compounds with the bases, are real soaps. Tin solution in alkohol affords the transparent soap of this country. MARIGOLD. See Calendula offidnalit. Marigold, marsh. Sue Caltha paluttrit. MARINE, (Marinut; from mare, the sea.) Appertaining to tin- sea. Mart iu acid. See Muriatic arid. Murine toll. See Soda murias. iMaiiii-k'sdam. A plant in the island of St. Domingo : a distilled water from the tops is held in great esteem against pains iu the stomach. MARI'SCA. An excresrence about the anus, or Ihe piles in a state of tumefaction. Mahi'skum. The Mcrcurialutfruticota. MAR HIRAM. See Origanum. MAIUORA NA. S,e Origanum. MVHI.ti. Si, • limestone. MARMALA.DE. The pulp of quinces, or any other limit, boiled into a (-niisisleiice with honey. Marmahy'cc. (From pappaipv, to shiue.) An appearance of sparks, or coruscations, flash- ing Ix-tore the rye*. Mahmdi Aim. (From marmor, marble : so liuiued because it is spotted like marble.) See Acanthus mollis. MARMOR. Mail.h-. MviiMim metaiicim. Native sulphate of Uiryte». Mar^oi; e'Ta Aiait'M. (I rom maimor, raar- ,We.) The wax of the en: Marmo reus tartap.us. The hardest spe cies of human calculut. Marmorige. An affection of the eyes, in which sparks and flashes of fire are supposed to present themselves. Maroco'stinum. A purgative extract made of the marum and costus ; originally made by Min- dererus. MARROW. Medulla. The fat substance secreted by the small arteries of its proper mem- brane ; and contained in the medullary cavities of the long cylindrical bones. See Bone. Marrow, spinal. See Medulla spinalis. Marrubia'strum. The Balote nigra, or stinking borehound. MARRUBIUM. (From marrob, a bitter juice, Heb.) Horehound. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Didyna- mia; Order, Gymnospermia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the common horehound. See Marrubium vulgare. Marrubium album. See JVJarruot'um vul- gare. Marrubium altsson. Alyssum. Galen's madwort. It is supposed to be diaphoretic. Marrubium aquaticum. Water horehound ; opening, corroborant. Marrubium hispanicum, or Spanish hore- hound. See Marrubium verticillatum. Marrubium nigrum fietidum. The black, stinking horehound, or Balote nigra. Marrubium verticillatum. Marrubium hitpanicum. The Sideritit syriaca, or base horehound. Marrubium vulgare. The systematic name of the common horehound. iWarru6t'um album; Mairubium—dentibus calydnis, tela- ceit undnatit of Linnnrus. The leaves of this indigenous plant have a moderately strong smell of the aromatic kind, but not agreeable ; which, by drying, is improved; and in keeping for some months is, in great part, dissipated; their taste is very bitter, penetrating, diffusive, and durable in the mouth. That horehound possesses some share of medicinal power, may be inferred from its sensible qualities ; but its virtues do not appear to be clearly ascertained. It is a favour- ite remedy with the common people in coughs and asthmas. The usual dose is from halt an ounce to an ounce, in infusion, two or three times a-day. The dose of tlie extract is from gr. x. to Iss. MARS. The mythological and akhemistical name of iron. Mars alkalizatvs. One of the alkalies with an admixture of iron. Mars saccharatus. Iron mixed with starch and melted s'lgar. Mars solubilis. Ferrum tartarizatum. Marssulphuratus. Iron filings, and sulphur deflagrated. Marseilles hart-wort. See Seseli tortuosum. Marth-mallow. See Althaa officinalis. Marsh trefml. See Menyanthes trifoliata. MARBUPIA'LIS. (From marsupivm, a purse: so named from its resemblance.) See Obturatur internus. Martagon lily. Set- Liliiim martagon. MARTIAL (Murtialit; from Man, iron.) Sometimes used to express preparations of iron, or such as are impregnated therewith; as the Martial Regulus of antimony, &e. Martial ethiops. The protoxyde of iron. Mrrlial salts. Salts of iron. M.w. ha'itm i ni.i'entum. Soldiers' oint- ment. Ointment of laurel, rue, marjoram, &c 687 MAS MAS Ma'ri-h limatura pr^parata. Purified filings of iron. MARTYN, John, was born in 1699. His father, being in a mercantile station in London, he was intended to succeed in this, which he does not appear to have neglected ; but his taste for literature led him to devote much of the night to study. His partiality, however, was particularly directed to botany, and he made many experiments on the germination of seeds, &c. When about 22 years of age, he became secretary of a botanical society, and proved one of its most active members: three years after, he was admitted into the Royal Society, and many of his papers appeared in the Philosophi- cal Transactions, of which he subsequently took a part in the Abridgment. At what period he changed to the medical profession is not known. In 1726, he published his tables of officinal plants, disposed according to Ray's system. Having given public lectures on botany in London with much approbation, he was thought qualified to teacli that science at Cambridge ; and according- ly, in the following year, he delivered the first course ever heard in that university. In 1730, he entered at Emanuel college, with an intention of graduating in physic; but this was soon aban- doned on his marriage, and from the necessary attendance to his profession in London. On the death of the botanical professor at Cambridge, Mr. Martyn was appointed to succeed him in the beginning of 1733; but he continued lecturing only two or three years, owing to the want of sufficient encouragement, and especially of a botanic garden there. In 1741, he published a splendid quarto edition of Virgil's Georgics, in which much new light was thrown on the natural history of that author. Dr. HaUey having assisted him in the astronomical part; this was followed by the BucoUcs, on the same plan. In 1752, he retired from practice, and about nine years after resigned his professorship in favour of his son, the Rev. Thomas Martyn; in consequence of whose election he presented his botanical library, of above 200 volumes, with his drawings, herbarium, &c. to the university. He died in 1768. MA'RUM. (From mar, Hebrew for bitter: so named from its taste.) Several species of teucrium were so named. MARUMyCRETicuM. See Teucriummarum. Marum striacum. (From mar, bitter, He- brew.) See Teucrium mai-um. Marum verum. See Teucrium marum. Marum vulgare. See Thymut mastichina. Ma'rvisum. Malmsey wine. MA'SCHALE. UaoXaXrt. The arm-pit. Maschali'ster. (From paoxaXi*yp.) The second vertebra of the back. MASCULUS. There are two sexes of ani- mals and vegetables, the male and the female. The male of animals is distinguished by his pecu- liar genital organs, and the analogy is carried to vegetables. A flower is called a male flower, wluch has stamina only, which are reckoned by the sexuaUsts to be the male organ. Ma'slach. A medicine of the opiate kind, in use among the Turks. M aspetum. The leaf of the asafoetida plant. MA'SSA. (From paoaut, to blend together.) A mass. A term generaUy applied to the com- pound out of which pills are to be formed. Massa carneajacobi silvii. See Flexor longus digitorum pedis. Ma'ssalis. An old name for mercury. MASSE'TER. (From pacoaouai, to chew ; 'ipcause it assists ia chewing.) Zigomato-max. 588 illaire, of Dumas. A muscle of the lower jinr situated on the side of the face. It is a short' thick muscle, which arises, by fleshy and tendi- nous fibres, from the lower edge of the malar process of the maxUlary bone, the lower hori- zontal edge of the os mala;, and the lower edge of the zygomatic process of the. temporal bone as far backwards as the eminence belonging to the articulation of the lower jaw. From some Uttle interruption in the fibres of this muscle at their origin, some writers describe it as ari- sing by two, and others by three distinct portions or heads. The two layers of fibres of which it seems to be composed, cross each other as they descend, the external layer extending backwards, and the internal one slanting forwards. It is in- serted into the basis of the coronoid process and into all that part of the lower jaw whicli supports the coronoid and condyloid processes. Its use is to raise the lower jaw, and, by means of the above-mentioned decussation, to move it a Uttle forwards and backwards in the act of chewing. MASSICOT. The yeUow oxide of lead. Ma'ssot cortex. See Cortex mat soy. MASTERWORT. See Imperatoria. MASTIC. See Pistachio lentitcut. MASTICATION. (Masticatio; from mat. tico, to chew.) Chewing. A natural function. It embraces the seizing, catching, or taking the food, the chewing and the insalivation. Tbe organs for taking in food are the superior extre- mities and the mouth. The mouth is the oval cavity formed above, by the palate and the upper jaw; below, by the tongue and the lower jaw; on the sides, by the cheeks; behind, by the velum of the palate and the pharynx ; and in front by the lips. The dimensions of the mouth are variable in different persons, and are susceptible of an en- largement in every direction; downwards, by lowering the tongue and separating the jam; | transversely, by the distension of the cheeks, aid from the front backward, by the motion ofth* lips, and of the velum of the palate. The jaws determine most particularly the form and dimensions of the mouth; the superior jaw makes an essential part of the face, and movei only along with the head ; on the contrary, the inferior possesses a very great mobility. The jaws are furnished with small, very hard bodies, called teeth. The edge of the socket is covered with a thick layer, fibrous, resisting, denominated gum. - We ought to consider in the parts that contri- bute to the apprehension of aliments, the musclei that move the jaws, and particularly the inferior. The same thing takes place with the tongue, the numerous motions of which have a great influence on the dimensions of the mouth. Mechanism of the taking of food.—Nothing is simpler than the taking in of aliments: it con- sists in the introduction of alimentary substances into the mouth. For this purpose the hand* seize the aliments and divide them into small por- tions susceptible of being contained in the mouth, and introduce them into it either directly or by means of proper instruments. But, in order to their being received into thi* cavity, the jaws must separate; in other words, the mouth opens. In many cases, when the food is introduced into the mouth, the jaws come together to retain it, and assist in mastication, or deglutition; but frequently the elevation of the inferior jaw con- tributes to the taking of the food. We have an example of it when one bites into fruit: then Ike MA- MAS mcMor* are thrust into the alimentary substance in oppoaite direction*, and, acting as the blades of *cis*ors, they detach a portion of the man. This motion i» produced, principally by the contraction of the. elevated muscles of the lower jaw, which represents a lever of the third kind, the power of which is at the insertion of the elevating muscle*, the point of support at the articulation temporo-maxillary, and the resistance in the substance upon which the teeth act. The volume of the body placed between the incisors ha* an influence upon the force by which it may be pressed. If it is small the power will be much greater, for all tin- elevating muscle* are in- serted perpendicularly to the jaw, and the whole of their force is employed in moving the lever that it represent* ; if tie volume of the body is such that it can hardly enter the mouth, though it presents very Uttle resistance, the incisors wiU not enter ft, for the masteter, the temporal, and the internal pterygdd muscles, are inserted very obliquely into the jaw, whence results the loss of the greater part of the force that they develope in contracting. When the efforts of the muscles of the jaws are not sufficient to detach a portion of the alimentary mass, the hand so acts upon it as to separate it from the portion retained by the teeth. On the other hand, the posterior muscles of the neck draw the head strongly back, and from the combination of these effort* results the separation of a portion of the food which remains in the mouth. In this mode tbe incisors and eye teeth are generally employed; the grinders are rarely used. By the succession of these motion* of taking food the mouth is fiUed, and on account of the suppleness of the cheeks, and the easy depression of the tongue, a con- siderable quantity of food may be accumulated in it. When the mouth i* full, the velum ofthe palate i* lowered, its inferior edge is applied upon the most distant part ofthe base of the tongue, so that all communication is intercepted between the mouth and the pharynx. Independently of what we have said of tlie mouth, in respect to taking the food, to conceive it* uses in mastication and inaaUvation, it is useful to remark that fluids abound in the mouth pro- ceeding from different source*. First, the mucous membrane which covers its aides secretes an abun- dant mucosity : numerous isolated, or agglome- rated follicles that are observed in the interior of the cheek*, at the junction ofthe Up* with the gums, upon the back of the tongue, on the ante- rior aspect of the velum and the uvula, pour con- tinuaUy the liquid that they form into the internal surface of the mouth. The same thing takes place with mucous glands, which exist in great number in the interior ofthe cheeks and palate. Lastly, there i* poured into the mouth, the sa- liva secreted by aix glands, three on each ride, and which bear the name of parotid tub-maxillary and tub-lingual. The first, placed between the external ear and the jaw, have each a secreting canal which opens on tie level of the second small superior grinder; each maxiUary gland has one which terminates on the sides of the tiea- nii-iin of the tongue, near which those of the sub- Unrual gland* open. These fluids are probably variable in their physical and chemical properties according to the organs by which they arc formed ; but the distinction has not yet been established by che- mistry by direct experiments ; the mixture under Hie name of ,alivi ha* been exacUy analysed Among the alimentary substance* deposited in tbe mouth, the one nut only traverse this cavity without suffering any change; the others, on th* contrary, remain a considerable time in it, and undergo important modification** The first are the soft sorts of food, or nearly li- quid, of which the temperature la little different from that of the body ; the second are the ali- ments, which are hard, dry, fibrous, and those whose temperature is more or less different from what is proper for the animal economy. They are both in common, however, appreciated by the organs of taste in passing through the mouth. We may attribute to three principal modifica- tions the changes that the food undergoes in the mouth: 1st, change of temperature; 2d, mixture with the fluids that are poured into the mouth, and sometimes dissolution in these fluids; 3o\ pressure more or less strong, and very often di- vision, which bruising destroys the cohesion of their parts. It is beside* easily and frequently transported from one part of this cavity to ano- ther. These three modes of change do not take place successively, but simultaneously, by mutu- ally favouring each other. The change of temperature of the food retained in the mouth is evident; the sensation which it excites in it is sufficient to prove this. If it has a low temperature, it produces a vivid impression of cold, which continues until it has absorbed the caloric necessary to bring it near to the tempera- ture of the sides of the mouth ; the contrary takes place if the temperature is higher than that ofthe mouth. It is the same with our judgment on this occa- sion, as with that which relates to the tempera- ture of bodies which touch.the skin: we join to it, unknown to us, a comparison with the tempera- ture ofthe atmosphere and with that of the bodies which have been previously in contact with the mouth; so that a body preserving the same de- gree of heat will appear to us alternately hot or cold, according to the temperature of the bodies formerly in the mouth. The change of temperature that the food un- dergoes in the mouth is only an accessary phe- nomenon ; its trituration and its mixture more or less intimate with the fluids poured into this cavity, are what merit particular attention. As soon as an aliment is introduced into the, mouth, it is pressed by the tongue, applying it against the palate, or against some other part of the sides of the mouth. If the aliment is soft, if its parts cohere but little, this simple pressure is enough to break it; if the alimentary substance is composed of liquid and solid, the liquid is ex- pressed by this pressure, and the solid part only remains in the mouth. The tongue produces the ef- fect, of which we speak, so much better in propor- tion as its membrane is muscular, and as a great number of muscles are destined to move it. It might astonish us that the tongue which is so soft could be capable of breaking a body offerin«- even small resistance ; but on the one hand, it hardens in contracting, Uke all the muscles, and, besides, it presents under the mucous membrane which covers its superior aspect, a dense and thick fibrous layer. Such are the phenomena that take place if the food has but little resistance; but if it presents a considerable resistance, it then undergoes the action of tlie masticating organs. The essential agents ot mastication are the mus- cles that move the jaws, the tongue, the cheeks, and the tips : the maxillary bones and the teeth serve only aa simple instruments. Though the motions of both jaws may contri- bute to mastication, it is produced almost always bv those of the inferior one. This bone maybe 599 MAS lowered, raised, and pressed strongly against the upper jaw ; carried forward, backward, and even directed a little towards [the sides. These differ- ent motions are produced by the numerous mus- cles which are attached to the jaw. Bu( the jaws could never have produced the necessary effect in mastication if they had not been furnished with teeth, the physical properties of which are particularly suited to this digestive action. Mechanism of mastication.—For the com- mencement of mastication, the inferior jaw must be lowered, an effect which is produced by the- relaxation of its elevating, and the contraction of its depressing muscles. The food must then be placed between the dental arches, either by the tongue or some other agent; the inferior jaw is then raised by the masseter, internal pterygoid, and temporal muscles, the intensity of whose con- traction depends upon the resistance of the food. This being pressed between two unequal surfaces whose asperities fit into each other, is divided into small portions, the number of which is in proportion to the facility with whieh they have given way. But a m°tion of this kind reaches only a part of the food contained in the mouth, and it must be all equally divided. This takes place by the suc- cessive motions of the inferior jaw, and by the contraction ofthe muscles ofthe cheeks, of those of the tongue and tips, which bring the food be- tween the teeth successively and promptly during the separation of the jaws, that it may be bruised when they come together. ^yhtn the alimentary substances are soft and easily bruised, two or three masticatory motions are sufficient to divide all that is in the mouth ; the three kinds of teeth are employed in it. A longer continued mastication is necessary when the substances are more resisting, fibrous, or tough : in this case we chew only with the mola- res, and often only with one side at a time, to al- low the other to rest. In employing the grinders there is an advantage of shortening the arm of the lever represented by the jaw, and by so doing of rendering it more advantageous for the power that moves it. In the mastication, the teeth have sometimes to support very considerable efforts, which would in- evitably shake, or else displace them, were it not for the extreme soUdity of their articidation with the jaws. Each root acts like a wedge, in trans- mitting to the sides of the sockets the force by which it is pressed. The advantage of the conical form of the roots is not doubtful. By reason of this form, the force by which the tooth is pressed, and which tends to thrust it into the jaw, is decomposed; one part tends to separate the sides of the sockets, the other to lower them ; and the transmission, instead of being carried to the extremity of the root, which could not hare failed to take place in a cylindric form, is distributed over all the sur- face of the socket. The grinders that have more considerable efforts to sustain, have a number of roots, or at least one very large. The incisors and eye teeth, that have only one small root, have never any great pressure to support. If the gums had not presented a smooth surface and a dense tissue, placed as they are round tbe neck of the teeth and filling their intervals, they v would have been torn every instant; for, in the mastication of hard and irregular substances, they are constantly exposed to the pressure of their edges and angles. This inconvenience hap- pens whenever their tissue becomes soft, as in iscorbiitic affections. 590 M*.b During the time of mastication the mouth i/ shut behind by the curtain ofthe palate, the ante- rior surface of which is pressed against the base ofthe tongue; the food is retained before by the teeth and the lips. Insalivation of the aliments.—Whenever we have an appetite, the view of food determines a considerable afflux of saliva into the mouth • in some people it is so strong as to be projected' to the distance of several I'eet. WhiUt the aUments arc bruised and triturated by the masticating organs, they imbibe, and are penetrated completely by the fluids that are poured into the mouth, and particularly by the sativa. It is easy to conceive that the division of the food and the numerous displacements that i: suffers during mastication, singularly favour iti mixture with the mucous and salivary juices. Most ofthe alimentary substances submitted fa the action of the mouth are dissolved or suspend- ed wholly or in part in the saliva, and immediate- ly they become proper for being introduced into the stomach, and are forthwith swallowed. On account of its viscosity, the 6aliva absorbi air, by which it is swept in the different motions necessary for mastication; but the quantity of air absorbed in this circumstance is inconsiderable, I and has been generally exaggerated. Of what use is the trituration of food and its ' mixture with the saUva? Is it a simple division which renders the aliments more proper for the e alterations which they undergo in the stomach, I or do they suffer the first degree of animalizatioii fl in the mouth ? On this point there is nothing certain known. _ Let us remark that mastication and insaliva- j tion change the savour and odour ofthe food; that mastication, sufficiently prolonged, generally renders digestion more quick and easy; that, on the contrary, people who do not chew their food have often on this account very painful and alow digestion.—Magendie's Physiology. MASTICATORY. (Matticatorium; Urn mastico, to chew.) A medicine intended fct I chewing. MA'STICHE. (From paocw, to express.) See Pislada lentiscus. Mastich-herb. See Thymus mastichma. Mastich, Syrian. See Teucrium marum. Mastich-tree. See Pintado lentiscus. Mastich wood. See Pistacia lentiscus. Masticiiel.e'um. (From (ins-i^ifi mastich, and iXaiov, oil.) Oil of mastich. Masti'cHina. (Diminutive of mastiche.) See Thymus mattichina. Maslicot. See Massicot. Ma'stix. See Pistacia lentiscus. MASTOD Y'NIA. (From pa-os, a breast, and o&uvy, pain.) Nacta. Phlegmon of the breast of women. This disease may take place at any period of life, but it most commonly affects those who give suck. It is characterised by tumefac- tion, tension, heat, rednes , and pain; and comes sometimes in both breasts, but most commonly in one. Pyrexia generally attends the disease. | It is sometimes very quickly formed, and in gene- ral without any thing preceding to show it; but now and then a slight shivering is the forerunner. This disease terminates either in resolution, in suppuration, or scirrhus. If the disease is left to itself, it generally terminates in suppuration. The causes which give rise to this disease, art those which give rise to most of the phlegmaai*, as cold, violent blows, &c. In women who are lying-in, or giving suck, it mostly arises either from a suppression of the lochia or a retention of milk. Mastodynia is often of long continuano': MAT MAT rt i« a very painful disease, hut it is seldom fatal, unle** when abaolutely neglected, when it may run into scirrhu*, and finally cancer. The tenm- nytion of the disease by ganrrrene is never to be apprehended, at least few, if any, have seen the tliM-ue terminate in this way. MASTOID. (Mastoideus; from pa*-*;, a bren-t, and uits, reacmblance.) 1. Those pro- eewe* of bone* arc so termed that are shaped like Mater metallorum. Quicksilver. Mater perlarum. See Margarita. MITE'RIA. A term given to a substance that is selected for a particular experiment or purpose, which is expressed by adding the name of that purpose ; hence materia medica, materia chemica, &c. Materia medica. By this term is under- thc nipple of tin breast, as the mastoid process stood a general class of substances, both natural and artificial, which arc used in the cure of dis- eases. Cartheuser, Newman, Lewis, Gleditsch, Lia- nieus, Vogel, Alston, Beigius, Cullen, Murray, Paris, in his excellent work on pharmacology, and other writers on the Materia Medica, hare been at much labour to contrive arrangements of these articles. Some have disposed them accord- ing to their natural resemblances ; others accord- of the temporal bone, Sic I. The name of a muscle. See Stemo-clrido- mastoideus. Mastoid foramen. A hole in the temporal bone of the skull. Mastoiiikis lateralis. A name for the complcxus miiK-le. Matali'sta radix. A root said to be im- ported from America, where it is given as a pur- gative, it* action being rather milder than that of ing to their real or supposed virtues ; others ac jalap. MATER (Martjp, a mother: so caUed bv the Arabians, who thought they gave origin to aU other membranes of the body.) 1. Two mem- brane* of the brain had this epithet given them. See Dura mater, and Pia mater. .'. A name of tlie herb mugwort, because of its virtue in disorders of the womb. Mater iieruari-m. Common mugwort. See Artemisia vulgarit. Dr. Cullen has arranged the Materia" Medica as follows :— {Nutriments, which are Food, Drinks, Condiments; Medicines which act on the - f Solid*, | Simple, as Astringent!, Tonics, Emollientt, Corrosives ; Living, as Stimulants, Sedatives, Narcotics, Refrigerants, Antispasmodics. _ Fluid* Producing a change of fluidity, Attenuants, Intpittantt. Mixture, Correctors of Acrimony, Demulcents, cording to their active constituent principles. These arrangements have their peculiar advan- tages. The first may be preferred by the natural historian, the second: by the physiologist, and the last by the chemist. The pharmacopceias pub- lished by the Colleges of Physicians of London, Dublin, and Edinburgh, hate the articles of the Materia Medica arranged ia alphabetical order; this plan is also adopted bj almost aU tbe conti? nental pharmacopceias. Evacuants; viz, Antacidt, Anlalkalinet, Antiteplict. Errhines, Sialai,ogues, Exptctoi ants, Emetics, Cathartict, Diuretics, Diaphoretict, T. S „ Emmenagoguet. R1MEXTSBB " ',St 0RP?£0,.which come wwer the preceding classes :- I. NITIUMEXTS. i Fruits. a. Frtth, tweet, aridulout, at Prune* Orang-ri '■eiimn. Raspberries - p; Reel and black currants /?. Oleraceous Herbs M«lb«™« Water-cresses Grape. &c. Dandelion D. Dried, nttd, acidulous, as Parsley "a,8lns Artichoke. ( l,rr»n,s y. Roots, Ml MATERIA MEDICA. Carrot GarUck Satyrion. &. Seeds and Nuts, Almonds, sweet and bitter Walnuts Olives. II. MEDICINES. 1. Astringbnts. Red rose Cinquefoil TormentU Madder Sorrel Water-dock Bistort Fern Pomegranate Oak-bark GaUs Logwood Quince Mulberry Sloe Gum-arabic Catechu Dragon's blood Alkanet Balaustine flower St. John's wort Millefoil Plantain Convallaria Bear's berry. 2. Tonics. Gentian Lesser centaury Quassia Simarouba Marsh trefoU Fumitory Camomile Tansy Wormwood Southernwood Sea-wormwood Water-germander Virginian snake-root Leopard's bane Peruvian bark. 3. Emollients. Columniferout, Marsh maUow Mallow Farinaceous, Quince-seeds Faenugreek-seed Linseed. Various emollients, PeUitory Verbascum White Uly. 4. Corrosives. 5. Stimulants. Verticellated, Lavender Balm Marjoram Sweet marjoram Syrian herb mastich Rosemary Hyssop Ivy Mint Peppermint Pennyroyal Thyme 692 Mother of thyme Sage. Umbellated, Fennel Archangel Anise Caraway Coriander Cumin DiU Saxifrage. Siliquose, Horse-radish Water-cress Mustard Scurvy-grass. Alliaceous, GarUck. Coniferous, Fir Juniper. Balsamics, Venice turpentine Common turpentine Canada balsam Copaiba balsam Tolu balsam Balm of Gilead. Rerinous, Guaiacum Ladanum Storax Benzoin. Aromatics, Cinnamon Nutmeg Mace Clove Allspice Canella CascariUa Black pepper Long pepper Indian pepper Ginger Lesser cardamom Zedoary Virginian snake-root Ginseng Aromatic reed. Acrids, Wake-robin PeUitory Stavesacre. 6. Narcotics. Rhaadaceous, White poppy Red poppy. Umbellated, Hemlock Water hemlock. Solanacetnu, Belladonna Henbane Tobacco Bitter sweet Stramonium. Varia, Laurel Camphor Saffron Wine. 7. Refrigerants. Fruits of plants Acidulous herbs and roots. 8. Antispasmodics. .Foetid herbs, Worm-wood Foetid goosefoot Cumin Pennyroyal Rue Savine. Fatid gums, Asafoetida Galbanum Opoponax Valerian. 9. Diluents. Water. 10. Attenuants. Alkalis Sugar Liquorice Dried fruits. II. Inspissants. Acids Faiinaceous and mucilagin- ous demulcents. 12. Demulcents. Mucilaginout, Gum arabic ----tragacanth. Farinaceous, as Starch Bland oils. 13. Antacids. Alkalies and earths. 14. Antalkalines. Acids. 15. Antisceptics. Acid part* of plants Acescent herbs Sugar Siliquose plants AlUaceous plant* Astringents Bitters Aromatics Essential oils Camphor Gum resins Saffron Contrayerva Valerian Opium Wine. 16. Errhines. Asarabacca White heUebore Water iris PeUitory. 17. SlALAGOGUES. Archangel Cloves Masterwort Tobacco Pepper Pelutory. 18. Expectorants. Ivy Horehound Pennyroyal Elecampane Florentine orris-root Tobacco Squill Coltsfoot Benzoin Storax Canada balsam Tolu balsam. 19. Emetics M ITER! I MEDICA. \sarabana Ipeeacuan Tobacco Squill Mustard llone-radiib Hitters. 30tC*TH4RTICU8. Milder^ Mild acid fruits Cassia pulp Tamarind Sugar Manna Sweet root* Kland oils Damask rose Violet Polypody Mustard Mitten Kalsamics. Acrid, Rhubarb Seneka Broom Elder Castor oil >enna Black hellebore Jalap Scammony Buckthorn Tobacco White heUeborc Coioquintida Elaterium. 21. Diurktks. Paraley Carrot Fennel Pimpinel Eryngo Madder Burdock Bitter sweet Wake-robin Asarabacca Foxglove Tobacco Rue Savine Snake-i-oot The following ia the arrangement of the Mate- ria Medica, according to J. Murray, in hi* Ele- ment* of Materia Medica and Pharmacy. a. General stimulants. _._ ... i Narcotics a. Diffusible > Autispasmodicg. • n . S Tonics b. Permanent j AglriDgcnts. >.. Loral stimulants. Emetics Cathartics Emmenagogucs Diuretics Diaphoretics Expectorants Sialagogucs Errhines Epispastics • . Chemical remedies. Refrigerants Antacids Lithontriptics Escharotics. ii. Mechanical remedies. Anthelmintics Demulcents Diluents Emollients. I'ndcr the head of Narcotics are includi-d— Alkohol. Ether. Camphor. l'apawr som- niferum. Hyoscyamut niger. Atrupa belladon- na. Aconitum n.-ipeluM. Conium maculatum. Digitalis piu-purea. Niiotiaiia tabacum. Lar- tueu i iro>a. Datara stramonium. Rhododen- dron chrysanthemum. Rhus toxicodendron. Arnica montana. Strychnei* nux vomica. Pru- nut lauro-cerasus. Under the second class, Antispasmodics, nre included—Moscbus. Castoreum. Oleum animate enipyri'uiuuticum. Petroleum. Ammonia. Fe- rula awifietida. Sagapenum. Bubon galba- iiii:n Valeriana officinalis. Crocus aativus. Melaleur 11> ticadc ndron. Narcolict used a* Antispasmodics— Etlu-r. Camphor. Upium. Tonici turd as Antispasmodics— Cuprum. Zincum. ilydrargyru*. Cinchona. The head of Ton us embraces— 1. From the mineral kingdom, liydrargyru*. l-'erruu. Zincum. Cuprum. Arsenicum. Bands. Calx. Acidum. rvitri- cum. C\v-njuriu* poUuur. Mpiill Bitters Balsnmii-s Siliquosx Alliacea?. 22. Diaphoretics. Saffron Bitter-sweet Opium Camphor Contrayerva Serpentaria Sage Water germander Cuaiacum Sassafras Seneka Vegetable acids Essential oil Wine Diluents. 2S. Emmenagogue^. Aloes Fietid gums 1 Foetid plants Saffron. 2. From the vegetable kingdom,' Cinchona officinalis. Cinchona caribsea. Cin- chona lloribunda. Cusparia. Aristolochia ser- pentaria. Dorstenia contrayerva^ Croton eleu- theria. Calumba. Quassia excelsa. Quassia Simarouba. Swietenia febrifuga. Swietenia mahagoni. Gentiana lutea. Anthemis nobilis. Artemisia absinthium. Chironia centaurium. Marrubium vulgare. Menyanthes trifoUata. Centaurea benedicta. Citrus aurantium. Citrus medica. Laurus cinnamomum. Laurus cassia. Canella alba. Acorus calamus. Amomum zinziber. Kaemferia rotunda. Santajum album. Pterocarpus santalinus. Myristica moschata. Caryophyllus aromaticus. Capsicum annuum. Piper nigrum. Piper longum. Piper cu- beba. Myrtus pimenta. Amomum repens. Carum carui. Coriandrum sativum. Pimpinella anisum. Anethum fieniculum. Anethum gra- veolens. Cuminum cyminum. Angelica arch- angelica. Mentha piperita. Mentha viridis. Mentha pulegium. Hysopus officinalis. The class of Astringents comprehends the following:— 1. From the vegetable kingdom, Quercus robur. Quercus cerris. Tormen- t ilia erecta. Polygonum bistorta. Anchusa tinctoria. Ilainiatoxylon campecluanum. Rosa gallica. Arbutus uva ursi. Mimosa catecbu. Kino. Pterocarpus draco. Fious indica. Pis- tachia lentiscus. 2. From the mineral kingdom, Acidum sulphuricum. Argilla. Super-sul- phas argilla? et potassae. Calx. Carbonas calcis. Plumbum. Zincum. Ferrum. Cuprum. The articles which come under the head of Emetics, are 1. From the vegetable kingdom. Caltiocca ipecacuanha. Scilla maritima. Anthemis nobilis. Sinapis alba. Asarum Euro- pxum. Nicotiana tabacum. 2. From the mineral kingdom. Antimonium. Sulphas zinci. Sulphas cupri. Subacetas cupri. Ammonia, llydio-sulphuretum ammonia:. Cathartics include Laxatives. Manna. Cassia fistula. Tamarindus. Indica. Ricinus communis. Sulphur. Magnesia. Purg-afii'ej. Cassia bCbna. Rheum palmatuat. MATERIA MEDICA. Convolvulus jalapa. Helleborus niger. Bryonia alba. Cucumis colocynthis. Momordica elate- rium. Rhamnus catharticus. Aloe perfoliata. Convolvulus scammonia. Garabojia gutta. Sub- murias hydrargyri. Sulphas magnesia:. Sulphas soda?. Sulphas potassae. Supcrtartras potassre. Tartras potassoe et sodoe. Murias soda;. Tere- binthina veneta. Nicotiana tabacum. The medicines arrang-ed under Emmenago- 6 ues, are : 1. From the class of Antispasmodics. Castoreum. Ferula asafoetida. Bubon galba- num. 2. From the class of Tonics. Ferrum. Hydrargyrus. Cinchona officinalis. 3. From the class of Cathartics. Aloe. Helleborus niger. Sinapis alba. Ros- marinus officinalis. Rubia tinctorum. Ruta graveolens. Juniperus sabina. The class of Diuretics includes, 1; SaUne diuretics. Supertartras potassae. Nitras potassa:. Murias ammonia;. Acetas potassae. Potassa. 2. From the vegetable kingdom, Scilla maritima. Digitalis purpurea. Nicotiana tabacum. Solanum dulcamara. Lactuca virosa. Colchicum autumnale. Gratiola officinalis. Spartium scoparium. Juniperus communis. Co- paifera officinalis. Pinus balsamea. Pinus larix. 3. From the animal kingdom, Meloe vesicatorius. Under the class Diaphoretics, are, Ammonia. Murias ammonias. Acetas ammo- nix. Citras ammonia:. Submurias hydrargyri. Antimonium. Opium. Camphor. Guaiacum officinale. Daphne mezereum. SmUax sarsapa- rilla. Laurus sassafras. Cochlearia armoracia. Salvia officinalis. The class Expectorants comprehends, Antimonium. Ipecacuanha. Nicotiana taba- cum. Digitalis purpurea. SciUa maritima. Al- lium sativum. Polygala senega. Ammoniacum. Myrrha. Styrax benzoin. Styrax officinalis. Toluifera balsamum. Myrroxylon peruiferum. Amyris gileadensis. The articles of the class Sialagogues air Hydrargyrus. Anthemis pyrethrum. Arum ma- culatum. Amomum zinziber. Daphne meze- reum. Nicotiana tabacum. The class of Errhines are, Iris fioreatini. jEsculus hippocastanum. Origanum majorana! Lavendula spica. Assarum Eurnpxum. Vera- trum album. Nicotiana tabacum. Euphorbia officinalis. In the class Epispastics, and Rubefacients are, Meloe vesicatorius. Ammonia. Pix Bur- gundica. Sinapis alba. Allium sativum. Refrigerants are constituted by the follow- ing articles. Citrus aurantium. Citrus medica, Tamarindus Indica. Acidum acetosum. Super- tartras potassa. Nitras potassae. Boras soda. The list of articles that come under the class Antacids are, Potassa. Soda. Ammonia. Calx. Carbonas calcis. Magnesia. In the class Lithontriptics are, Potassa. Carbonas potassae. Soda. Carbonas soda;. Sapo albus. Calx. In the class Escharotics are, Acida rainera- Ua. Potassa. Nitras argenti. Murias antimo- nii. Sulphas cupri. Acetas cupri. Morias hy- drargyri. Submtras hydrargyri. Oxydum arse- nici album. Juniperus sabina. In the class Anthelmintics are, Dolichoi pruriens. Ferri limatura. Stannum pulveratum. Olea Europaea. Artemisia santonica. Spigelia marilandica.. Polypodium filix mas. Tanacetum vulgare. Geoffroea inermis. Gambqjia gutta. Submurias hydrargyri. Demulcents are, Mimosanilotica. Astraga- lus tragacantha. Linum usitatissimum. Althta officinalis. Malva sylvestris. Glycyrrhiza gla- bra. Cycas circinalis. Orchis mascula. Ma- ranta arundinacea. Triticum hybernum. eluded. The New London Pharmacopoeia presents us with the foUowing Abietis resina Absinthium Acacia; gummi Acetosx aolia AcetoseUa Acetum Acidum aceticum fortius Acidum citricura Acidum sulphuricum Aconiti folia Adeps iErugo Allti radix Aloes spicatae extractum Althaeas foUa et radix Alumen Ammoniacum Ammonis murias Amygdala amara et dulcis Amylum Anethi semina Anisi semina AnthemieUs flores Antimonii sulphuretum Antimonii vitrum Argentum Armoraciae radix Arsenicum album Asari foUa Asafcetidce gummi resina S94 Avena; semina Aurantii baccae Aurantii cortex Balsamum Peruvianura Balsamum Tolutanum Belladonna; folia Benzoinum Bismuthum Bistorta a/tdix Cajuputi oleum Calamina Calami radix Calumba Camphora Canellae cortex Cantharis Capsici baccre Carbo ligni Cardamines flores Cardamomi semina Carica; fructus Carui semina Caryophylli Caryophyllorum oleum CascariUa: cortex Cassiae pulpa Castoreum Catechu extractum Centaurii cacumina Cera alba list for the Materia Medica :— Cera flava Cerevisiae ferment urn Cetaceum Cinchonas lancifoliae, cordifolia; et oblongifolia; cortex Cinnamomi cortex Cinnamomi oleum t» Coccus Colchici radix et semina Colocynthidis pulpa Conii foUa et semina Contrayerva radix Copaiba Coriandri semina Cornua Creta Croci stigmata • Cubeca Cumini semina Cupri sulphas Cusparia; cortex Cydoniae semina Dauci radix Dauci semina Digitalis folia et semina Dotichi pubes Dulcamara; caulis Elaterii pepones Eiemi Enphorbix gummi resina MAI V'anna Fotniculi semina Ferrum Fihci* r»du Fucus Galbani gummi resina Galls: Gentian! radix Glycyrrhiza; radix Granati cortex Guaiaci resina et lignum HcmatoxyU lignum Helenium HelU-bori foetidi folia Hellebori nigri radix Hordei cemina lluiiuili atrobiU llydragyrum Hyoscyami folia et semina Ipecacuanhas radix Jalapae radix Jumperi bacca* et semina Kino Krameria- radix Lactuca Larendula; flores Lauri bacca: et fol in Lichen Limoae* Limonum cortex et oleum Linum catharticom Lini usitatissimi semina Magnesix subcarbonas Magnesia: sulphas Malva Manna Marmor album Marrubium Maaticbe Mel Mentha piperita Mentha viridi* Menyaathes Mezerei cortex Muri bancs: Moachtn Mvrikticae nuclei tt oleum ex- preanun Myrrha Olibanum OUvxe oleum Opium Opopanacis gummi resina Origanum Ovum Papaveris capcuhe Petroleum Pimentae baccx Piperia longi fructus Piperia nign baccx Pix abietina Pix hquida Pix nigra Plumbi subcarbonas Plumbi oxydum semivitreum Porri radix Potassa impura Potassae nitras Potassae sulphas Potassae supertartras Pruna Pterocarpi lignum Pulcgium Pyrethri radix Quassias lignum Quercus cortex Resina ft ava Rhamni bacca; Rhei radix Rhaeados petala Ricini semina et oleum Rosas canina; pulpa Rosas centifoliae petala Roass gallicre petala Rosmarini cacumina Rubia; radix Rutae folia Sabina; folia Saccharum ---------purilicatum Salicis cortex Sagipenum MAT Sambuci flores Sapo dunu et moIUs SarsapariUae radix Sassafras Ugnum et radix Scammoneae gummi resina Scilias radix Senegas radix Sennas folia Serpentaria; radix Sevum Simarouba; cortex Sinapis semina Sodas murias Soda; subboras Sodae sulphas Soda impura Spartii cacumina Spigelias radix Spiritus rectificatus et tenuior Spongia Stramonii folia et semina Stannum Stapbi&agrias semina Sty racis balsamum Succinum Sulphur et sulphur sublimatum' Tabaci folia Tamarindi pulpa Taraxaci radix Tart arum Terebinthina Canadensis -----------Chia -----------vulgaris Terebinthina; oleum Testes Tiglii oleum Tormentillas radix Toxicodendri folia Tragacantha Tussilago Valerianae radix Veratri radix I'lmi cortex Uva; passes Cvas ursi folia Zincum Zingiberis radix. Materia perlata. It, instead of crystali- aing the aalts contained in the liquor separated Irom diaphoretic antimony, an acid be poured into M, a white precipitate is formed, which is nothing el*e but a very refractory calx of anti- mony. Matkriati'iia. Castellus explains morbi materialura to be diseases of intemperance. MATLOCK. A village in Derbyshire. It ■afbrd* a mineral water ol the acidulous class: which iiiuea from a limestone rock, near the bank* of the Derwent. Several of the springs posses* a temperature of 66°. Matlock water ■carvel* differ* from common pood spring water, iu satssiUe properties. It is extremely transpa- rent, and exhales no vapour, excepting in cold weather. It hold* little or no excess of aerial panicle*; it curdles soap, when first taken up, out M loose* thi* effect upon long keeping, per- haps from tne deposition ol it* calcareous salts; it appears to differ ver>-little from good spring water nlien t.urtei , and its effects *eem refi-rri- ble to it* temperature. It it from this latter circumstance that it forma a proper tepid bath for the narvim* and irritable, and those of a debili- tated const nation ; hence it it usually recom- mended after ihe use of Bath and Buxton water*, and as ineparatory to aea-bathuig. M CIRICA'l I \. t Matncmtit; from matrix, the womb. Medicines appropriated to disorders of the uterus. MATRICARIA. (From matrix, the womb : so caUed from its uses in disorders of the womb.) 1. Tbe name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Syngenesia ; Order, Polygamia superflua. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the Matricaria parth: nium. See Matricaria parthenium. Matricaria chamomilla. Chamamelum vulgare; Chamomilla nostras; Leueanthemum of Dioscorides. Common wild corn, or dog's camomile. The plant directed under this name in the pharmacopoeias, is the Matricaria—recep- taculit conicit radiit patentibus ; tquamtt caly- cinis, margine aqualibut, of Linnaeus. Its vir- tues are similar to those of the parthenium, but in a much inferior degree. Matricaria parthenium. The systematic name of the fever-few. Porthenium febrifuga. Common fever-few, or febrifuge, and often, but very improperly, feather-few. Mother's wort. The leaves and flower* of this plant, Matncaria —foliit compodtit, planit; foliolit ovatu, in- citit; pedunculit ramodt, have a strong, not agreeable «mell, and a moderately bitter taste, both which they communicate by warm infusion, to water and rectified spirit. The watery infu- sion*, inspissated, leave an extract or consider- 595 MAT able biitei'iie.ss, and which discovers also a saline matter, both to the taste, and in a more sensible manner by throwing up to the surface small crystaUine efflorescences m keeping. The pecu- liar flavour of the matricaria exhales in the evaporation, and impregnates the distiUed water, on which also a quantity of essential oil is found floating. The quantity of spirituous extract, according to Carthcuser's experiments, is only about one-sixth the weight of the t physician, and passed the re- mainder of his life in this country. He was ad- mitted to the degree of doctor in both universi- ties, and into the Colli i.'e of Physicians, and met 5H7 MEA with very general respect. He incurred some obloquy, indeed, on the death of the Prince of Wales, having differed in opinion from the other physicians, but his conduct obtained the written approbation of the king and council. He was knighted in 1624, and honoured with the ap- pointment of physician to the two succeeding monarchs • and accumulated a large fortune by his extensive practice. He died in 1655, and be- queathed his library to the College of Physicians. Several papers, written by him, were published after his death: among which are the cases of many of his distinguished patients, well drawn up. MAYOW, John, was born in Cornwall in 1645. He studied at Oxford, and took a degree in civti law, but afterwards changed to medicine, which he practised chiefly at Bath ; but he died in London at the age of 34. These are the only records of the life of a man, who went before his age in his views of chemical physiology, and an- ticipated, though obscurely, some of the most re- markable discoveries in pneumatic chemistry, which have since been made. He published at Oxford in 1669 two tracts, one on Respiration, the other on Rickets ; which were reprinted five years after with three additional dissertations, one on the Respiration of the Foetus in Utero tt Ovo, another on Muscular Motion and the Ani- mal Spirits, and the remaining one on Saltpetre and the Nitro-aerial Spirit. On this latter his claim above-mentioned chiefly rests, the exist- ence of the nitro-aerial spirit being proved by many ingenious experiments, as a constituent of air, and of nitre, the food of life and flame, agreeing with the oxygen cf modern chemists. Much vague speculation, indeed, occurs in the work: but he clearly maintains that this spirit is absorbed by the blood in the lungs, and proves the source of the animal heat, as also of the ner- vous energy and of muscular motion. He like- wise anticipated the mode of operating with aerial fluids in vessels inverted over water, and transferring them from one to another. Mays, Indian. See Zea mays. MEAD,—I. Th.- name of a physician, Dr. Richard, born near London in 1675. After stu- dying some time at Leyden, and in difl'erent parts of Italy, he graduated at Padua in 1695. Then reluming to his native country, he settled in practice, and met with considerable success. His first publication, "A Mechanical Account of Poisons," appeared in 1702, and displayed much ingenuity; though he afterwards candidly re- tracted some of his opinions, as inadequate to ex- plain the functions of a living body. He was soon after elected a member of the Royal So- ciety, and in the following year physician to St. Thomas's Hospital. In 1704, he pubUshed a trea- tise, maintaining the influence of the sun and moon on the human body, arguing from the New- tonian theory of the tides, and the changes ef- fected by those bodies in the atmosphere. In 1707, he received a diploma from Oxford, and about four years after he was appointed to read the anatomical lectures at Surgeons' Hall, which he continued for some time with great applause. In 1714, on the death of his patron, Dr. Rad- cliffe, he took his house, and being then a feUow of the College of Physicians, and having been called into consultation, in the last illness of Queen Anne, when he displayed superior judg- ment, he seems to have been regarded among the first of the profession, and soon *fter, from his extensive engagements, resigned his office at St. Thomas's Hospital. The plague raging at Mar- seilles in 1719, he was officially consulted on the means of prevention, which led to a publication 698 MEA by him, in the following year, decidedly mam taining its infectious nature, which had been questioned in France, and recommending suitable precautions: this work passed rapidly through many editions. In 1721, he superintended tie experiment of inoculating the small-pox in the persons of some criminals ; and his report being favourable, the practice was rapidly diffused. He was soon after engaged in a controversy with Dr. Middleton, concerning the condition of physi- cians among the Romans, which was, however carried on in a manner honourable to both parties'. About the same period Dr. Freind having been committed to the Tower for his political aente- j menls, Dr. Mead obtained his liberation in a ani- 1 rited manner, and presented him a considerable sum, received from his patients during hi* impri- t sonment. In 1727, he was appointed physician in ordinary to George II. and his professional occu- pations became so extensive, that he had no lei* sure for writing. It was nqf till 80 fyears after, therefore, that he printed his treatise on Small- pox and Measles, written in a pure Latin style, with a translation in the same language of Rhazes' Commentary on the former disease. Id 1749, he pubUshed a treatise on the Scurvy, as- cribing the disease to moisture and putridity, and I recommending Mr. Sutton's ventilator, which was, in consequence of his interposition, received into the navy. His " Medicina Sacra," appeared in the same year, containing remarks on the dis- i eases mentioned in the Scriptures. His last work was a summary of his experience, entitled I " Monita et Praecepta Medica," in 1751; it was frequently reprinted, and translated into English. His life terminated in 1751; and a.monument wan erected to him in Westminster Abbey. He dis- tinguished himself not oily in his profession, but he was the greatest patron of science and polite literature of his time ; and he made an ample col- lection of scarce and valuable books, manuscripts, and literary curiosities ; to which all respectable persons had free access. 2. An old English liquor made from thehoM*. combs, from which honey has been drained til by boiling in water, and then fermenting. Thir is often confounded with metheglin. Meadow crowfoot. See Ranunculus acris.- I Meadow, queen ofthe. See Spiraaulmariu. Meadow saffron. See Colchicum. Meadow saxifrage. See Peucedanum tilaut. Meadow sweet. See Spiraa ulmaria. Meadow thistle, round leaved. See Cnt'cui ol'eraceus: MEASLES. See Rubeola. MEASURE. The English measures of capa- city, are according to the following table: One quart, - - - two pints. One pint, - - 28.875 cubic inches. The pint is subdivided by chemists and apothe- caries into 16 ounces. MEA'TUS. An opening which leads to a canal or duct. Meatus auditorius externus. Tbe ex- ternal passage of the ear is lined with the common integuments, under which are a number of elands, which secrete the wax. The use of this duct is to admit the sound to the tympanum, which ia at its extremity. Meatus auditorius internus. The in- ternal auditory passage is a small bony canal, be- ginning internally by a longitudinal orifice at tbe posterior surface of the petrous portion of tbe temporal bone, running towards the vestibulem and cochlea, and there beiu-r, divided into t*'! MED MED less cavities by an eminence. The raperiof and voaller of these i» the orifice of the aqaedaet of Fallopnw, which receive* tbe portio dura of the aadiMry nerve: the other inferior and larger eavity w perforated by many small holes, through which the portio mollis of the auditory nerve pajse-s into the labyrinth. Meatus cacus. A passage in the throat to tbe ear, called Eustachian tube. Meatus cuticulares. The pore* of the •kin. Meatus cUTicug. The gall-duct. Meatus urin arius. In women, thia u situ- ated in the vaarina, immediately below the *ym- phiais of the pubea, and behind the nymphs;. In men, it ia at the end of the glans penK. Mecca balsam. Sec Amyris Gileadtntit. MECHOACAN. See Convolvulut mechoa- canna. Meciioaca'nna. (From Mechoacan, a pro- vince in Mexico, whence it i* brought.) See Convolvulut Mechoaianna. Mcciioacanna nigra. See Convolvulut jalapa. Me'con. (From priKos, bulk : so named from the largeness of its head.) The papaver, or MECONIC ACID. (Acidum meconicum; to called from utjkwv, thr poppy from which it is procured.) Tnis acid is a constituent of opium. it was discovered by Sertu.-rurr who procured it in the following way : After precipitating the morphia, from a solution of opium, by ammonia, he added to tho residual fluid a solution of the muriate of barytes. A precipitate is in this way formed, which ia tuppoaed to be a quadruple com- pound, of baryte*, morphia, extract and the me- conic acid. The extract is removed by alkohol, and the barytes by sulphuric acid ; when the mcconic acid i* left, merely in combination with a portion of the morphia ; and from tins it is pu- rified by successive solutions and evaporations. The acid, when sublimed, form* long colourless aeedlei; it ha* a strong affinity for the oxide of iron, so as to take it from the muriatic solution, and form with it a cherry-red precipitate. It forms a cryetaHisable salt with lime, which is not decompoied by sulphuric acid; and what is cu- rious, it seem* \t possess no particular power orer the human tody, when received into the stomach. The esseatial salt of opium, obtained in Derosne'* original experiments, was probably the meconiatc of morphia. Robiquet ha* made a «»efol modification of the proceas for extracting mtconic acid. He treats tbe opium with migin-sia, tn separate the morphia. while meconiate of magnesia is also formed. The magnesia ia removed by addmp; muriite nf barytes, and thr barytes iaaftcrwiris separated by dilute sulphuric acid. \ larger proportion of rneconic acid is thus obtained Me'chmv v From Mi|«i*v, the poppy: soculled oecause- its juice is -.onoritrrous, like the uonov. i The lefture. r VIJ ) MECO'NICM. (From pi/rur, the poppy.) I. TM inspissated juice ol tin-puppy. Opium. t. The Bjreen exrreiuciililiou* «u >stance th.t is found in the large intestines of the foetus. MEDIW M/dianut. Tlii* term is applied tov. vsels, fcc. from their situation between others Median m r*b. The atcond branch of the brachial plexus. Median »»in. The Mtuation of the veins of the arms i* extremely diiferent in different inli- viilual*. When .1 branch proceeds netr the bend of the arm, mwirdly from the basilic rein, it is Tmedthe bwilic median; and when a vein ia given off from the cephalic in the like manner, it is termed the cephalic median. When these two veins are present, they mostly unite just below the bend of the arm, and the common trunk proceeds to the cephalic rein. Media'num. The Mediastinum. MEDIASTINUM. (Quati in medio statu, as being in the middle.) The membraneous sep- tum, formed by the duplicature ofthe pleura, that divides the cavity of the chest into two parts. It is divided into an anterior and posterior portion. Mediastinum cerebri. The falctiorm pro- cess of the dura mater. ME'DICA. (Medicus ; from medico, to heaL) 1. Belonging to medicine. 2. (From Media, its native soil.) A sort of trefoil. MEDICA'GO. (So caUed by Tourneforte; from medica, which is indeed the proper name of the plant—piihiKr), of Dioscorides.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diadelphia ; Order, Decandria. The herb trefoil. MEDICAMENTA'RIA. Pharmacy, or the art of making and preparing medicines. MEDICAME'NTUM. (From medico, to heal.) A medicine. M EDI C A'STE R. A pretender to the know- ledge of medicine ; the same as quack. MEDICI'NA. (From medico, to heal.) Me- dicine. 1. The medical art: applied to the pro- fession generally. 2. Any » ibstance that is exhibited with a view to cure or allay the violence of a disease. It is also very frequently made use of to express the healing art, when it comprehends anatomy, phy- siology, and pathology. Medicina dijetetica. That department of medicine which regards the regulation of regimen, or the non-naturals. .vIedicina diasostica. That part of medi- cine which preserves health. Medicina gtmnastica. That part of medi- cine which relates to exercise. Medicina hermetica. The application of chemical remedies. Medicina prophtlactica. That part of medicine which relates to preservation of health. Medicina tristitia. Common saffron. MEDICINAL. (Medicinalit; from medi- dna.) Medicinal, having a power to restore health, or remove disease. Medicinal days. Such days were so called by some writers, wherein the crisis or change is expected, so as to forbid the use of medicines, in order to wait :«;ttur<- s effort, and require all the assist -.uce oi ait m help forward, or prepare the humours for such a crisis ; but it is most properly used for tliose days wherein purging or any other evacuation, is most conveniently complied with. Medicinal hours—are those wherein it is supposed that medicines may be taken to the greatest advantage, commonly reckoned in the morning fasting, about au hour before dinner, about four hours after dinner, and at going to bed: but in acute cases, the times are to be governed by the symptoms and aggravation of the dis- temper. Medina. A species of ulcer, mentioned by Paracelsus. MEDiNE'NSIS VENA. (Medinensis; so called because il is frequent at Mexiina, and im- properly called vena lor vermis ; and sometimes nervus medinensis, and no one knows why.) Dracunculus,- Gordius niedinentis, ot Linnaeus. The muscular hair-worm. A very singular animal, which, in some countries, inhabits tbe cellular 599 MET) membrane betweenvthe skin and muscles. See Dracunculus. MEDITU'LLIL.M. (From medius, the mid- dle.) See Diploe. Me'dius venter. . The middle venter, the thorax, or chest. J MEDLAR. See Mespilus. MEDU'LLA. ' (Quasi in medio ossis.) I. The marrow. See Marrow. 2. The pith or pulp of vegetables. The centre or heart of a vegetable within the wood. " This," says Dr. E. Smith, " in parts most endowed with lite, as roots and young growing stems or branches, is a tolerably firm juicy substance, of a uniform texture, and commonly a pale green or yeUowish colour. In many annual stems the petal, abun- dant and very juicy while they are growing, be- comes Uttle more than a web, lining the hollow of the complete stem; as in some thistles. Con- cerning the nature and functions of this part va- rious opinions have been held. Du Hamel con- sidered it as merely ccUular substance, connected with what is diffused through the whole plant, combining its various parts, but not performing any remarkable office in the vegetable economy. Linnaeus, on the contrary, thought it the seat of life, and source of vegetation; that its vigour was the main cause of the propulsion of the branches, and that the seeds were more especially formed from it. This latter hypothesis is not better founded than his idea of the pith adding new layers to the wood. In fact, the pith is soon obliterated in the trunk of many trees; which, nevertheless, keep increasing for a long (series of years, by layers of wood, added every year from the bark, even after the heart of the tree is become hollow from decay. Some considerations have led Sir James Smith to hold a medium opinion between these two ex- tremes. There is iu certain respects, he observes, an analogy between the medulla of plants and the nervous system of animals. It is no less assiduously protected than the spinal marrow or principal nerve. It is branched off and diffused through the plant, as nerves are through the ani- mal ; nence it is not absurd to presume that it may, in like manner, give life and vigour to the whole, though by no means any more than nerves, the organ or source of nourishment. It is certainly most vigorous and abundant in young and growing branches and must be sup- posed to be subservient, in some way or other, to their increase. Mr. Lindsay, .of Jamaica, thought he demon- strated the medulla in the leafstalk of the Mimosa pudica, or sensitive plant. Knight supposes the niedulia may be a reser- voir ol moisture, to supply the leaves whenever an excess of perspiration renders such assistance necessary, but it should be recollected that all the moisture in the medulla of a who>j plant is, in sonie cases, too little to supply one hour's perspi- ration of a single leaf, and it is not found that the moisture of the medulla varies, let the leaves be ever so flaccid. 3. The white substance of the brain is called meduUa, or the meduUary part, to distinguish it from the cortical. Medulla cassi.l. The pulp of the cassia; fistularis. See Cassia fistularis. Medulla oblongata. Cerebrum elonga* tum. The medullary substance that lies within the cranium, upon the basillary process of the occipital bone. It is formed by the connexion of tbe crura cerebri and crura cerebtlti, and ter- minates in the spinal marrow. It has several 600 MEL l eminences, viz. pons varolii, corpora pyramidalis and corpora olivaria. Medulla spinalis. Cerebrum tlongatum. sKon. The spinal marrow. A continuation of the medulla oblongata, which descends into the specus vertebralis from the foramen maguum oc- cipitale, to the third vertebra of the loin*, where it terminates in a number of nerves, which, from their resemblance, are called Cauda equina. The spinal marrow is composed, like the brain of a corticle and medullary substances the former is placed internaUy. It is covered by a continua* I tion of the dura mater, pia mater, and tunica ar- achnoidea. The use ofthe spinal marrow is to J give off, through the lateral or intervertebral fo> 1 ramina, thirty pairs of nerves, called cervicle, 4 dorsal, lumbar, and sacral nerves. ti MEDULLARY. (Medullarit; from in*. dulla, marrow.) Like unto marrow. Medullary substance. The white or in- ternal substance of the brain is to called. Sec Cerebrum. MEDULLIN. The name given by Dr. John to the porous pith of the sun-flower. MEERSCHAM. Kestedl of Kirwan. A mineral composed of silica, magnesia, h'me-water, and carbonic acid, of a yeUowish and greyish white colour, and greasy feel, and soft when first dry. It lathers Uke soap, and is used by the Tar- . j tars for washing. In Turkey they make tobacco J pipes from meerschaum, dug in Natolia and near ' Thebes. Megalospla'nchnus. (From ptyas, great, and cirXayxvov, a bowel.) Having some of tot viscera enlarged. ME'GRIM. A species of head-ache; a pain generally affecting one side of the head, towards the eye,, or temple, and arising from the state of the stomach. MEIBOMIUS, Henry, was born at Luback in 1638. After studying in different universities, he graduated at Angers, and afterwards was ap- pointed professor ol medicine at Helmstadt, trim he continued tiU his death in 1700. He puhbhtJ several works and commentaries on those of others. That which chiefly illustrates his name is entitled " De Vasis Palpebrarum*uwis," printed ■ in 1666. He seems to have contemplated a ha- I tory of medicine, and published a letter on the subject, which indeed his fatner had begun ; but j the difficulties, which he met with in investiga- ting the medicine of the Arabians, arrested nil progress. Meibomius's glands. Meibomii glandule. The small glands whicb are situated between Ik conjunctive membrane of the eye and the cartilage j of the eye-lid, first described by Meibomins. MEIONITE. Prismatico-pyramidal felspar. I This mineral occurs along with ceylanite, and nepheline, in granular limestone, at Monte Som- ma, near Naples. MEL. Honey. A substance collected by bees from the nectary of flowers, resembling sugar in its elementary properties. It has a white or yellowish colour, a soft and grained consistence, and a saccharine and aromatic smeU. It is sup- posed to consist of sugar, mucilage, and an acid. Honey is an excellent food, and a softening and slightly aperient remedy ; mixed with vinegar. it forms oxymel, and is used in various form*) m medicine and pharmacy. It is particularly «• commended to the asthmatic, and those subject to gravel complaints, from its detergent natnre. Founded upon the popular opinion ot honey,"1 pectoral remedy, Dr. HiU's balsam of honey. * quack medicine, was once in demand: but tm>. MEL mi:i. IrtMdei honey, contain* J balsam of lulu,or gum benjamin, in •olution. Mei. acktatum. Sec Oxymel. Mkl bokacis. Honey of borax.—Take of borax, powdered, a drachm ; clarified honey, an ounce. Mix. This preparation is found very useful in aphthous affection* of the fauces. Mil. desi-i matum. Clarified honey. Melt honey in a water bath, then remove the scum. Mil roi*. Rose honey.—Take of red-roi-e petals, dried, four ounces; boiling water, three pint*; clarified honey, five pounds. Macerate the ro*e petals in the water, for aix hours, and strain ; then add the honey to the strained liquor, and, by means of a water bath, boil it down to a proper consistence. An admirable preparation for the base of various gargle and collutories. It may aUo be employed with advantage, mixed with extract of bark, or other nn«iicines, for children who hare a natural disgust to medicines. Mei. hcn.i. v. Sec Oxymel scilla. jMk'la. (Frompam, to search.) A probe. MEL/E'NA, (From ptXus, black.) The black vomit. The black disease. MtXaivavovoos, of the Greeks. Hippocrates applies this name to two di*ca«e*. In the first, the patient vomits black bile, which is sometimes bloody aud aour ; sometimes he throws up a thin saliva; and at others a green bile, &c. In the second, the pa- tient is a* described in the article Morbus niger. See Morbut niger. Mei.aina nosos. See Mtlana. MELALEUCA. (From utXas, black, and Xcvkos, white : *o named by Linnams, because the principal, and indeed original, species was called leucadendron, and arbor alba ; words synony- mous with its appellation in the Malay tongue, Caja-puli, or white-tree, but it is not known why the iden of black was associated with white.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnnean system. Class, Polyandrta ; Order, Icotandria. Melaleuca leucadendron. The syste- matic ntuiio of the plant which is said to afford Ihe cajeput oil. Oleum caieputa ; Oleum Witt- nebianum; Oleum volatile melaleuca; Oleum cajeput. Thunberg says cajeput oil has the ap- pearance of inflammable spirit, is of a green co- lour, and so completely volatile, that it evaporates entirely, leaving no residuum ; its odour is of the cemphoraccoua kind, with atcrebintbinate admix- ture. Goetz says it is limpid, or rather yellowish. It i* a very powerful medicine, and in high esteem in India ana Germany, in the character of a gene- ral remedy in chronic and painful diseases: it is used for the »ame purposes for which we employ the officinal (ether*, to which it seems to hare a considerable affinity ; tlie cajeput, however, is more potent and pungent; taken into tbe stomach, in the do»e of five or «ix drops, it heats and stimu- late* the whole system, proving, at the same time, a very certain diaphoretic, by which probably the ^ood effect* it is said to have in dropsies and in- termittent fever*, ore to be explained. For its efficacy in various convulsive and spasmodic com- plaints, it is highly esteemed. It has also been used both internally and externally, with much advantage, in several other obstinate disorders : a* paLie*. hypochondriacal, and hysterical affec- tions, deafness, defective vision, tooth-ache, gout, rheumatism, tte. The doic ia from two to aix, or even twelve drop,. The tree which aft'ards this oil, by distillation of its leave*, generally was siippo^-d to be the Melaleuca leucadendron of l.iumeus, but it appear* from the specimens of I In- tree producing the true oil, sent home from ludin. bv Christopher Smith, that it is anotheT 76 species, which is therefore named Melaleuca Ca- japuti. MELAMEMA. (From ucXas, black, and aipa, blood.) A term applied to blood when it is ot a morbidly dark colour. MELAMPHY LLUM. (From utXas, black, and tpvXXov, a leaf: so named from tne blackness of its leaf) See Acanthus mollis. MELAMPO'DIUM. (From Melampus, the shepherd who first used it.) Rlack hellebore. See Helleborus niger. Mei.anaoo'ga. (From ueXas, black, andayw, to expel.) Medicines whicli purge off black bUe. Melanciilo'rus. MtXayxXtapos. 1. A Uvid colour of the skin. 2. The black jaundice. MELANCHO'LIA. (From ptXas, black, and \oXri, bile ; because the ancients supposed that it proceeded from a redundance of black bile.) Melancholy madness. A disease in the class Neuroses, and order Vesania, of Cullen, cha- racterised by erroneous judgment, but not merely respecting health, from imaginary perceptions, or recollection influencing the conduct and de- pressing the mind with ill-grounded fears; not combined with either pyrexia or comatose affec- tions ; olten appearing without dyspepsia, yet at- tended with costiveness, chiefly in persons of ri- gid fibres and torpid insensibility. See Mania. ME LANITE. A velvet-black coloured mine- ral in roundish or crystallised grains, found in a rock at Frascate near Rome. MELANO'MA. (From utXas, black.) Me- lanosit. A rare disease wnich is found under the common integuments, and in the viscera, in the form of a tubercle, of a dark soot-black colour. MELANO PIPER. (From ptXas, black, and -tirrpt, pepper.) See Piper nigrum. Melanorrhi'zon. (From ptXas, black, and (iifn, a root.) A species of hellebore with black roots. See Helleborus niger. MELANO'SIS. See Melanoma. Mel an te 'ri a. (From ptXas, black: so called because it is used for blacking leather.) Green vitriol, or sulphate of iron. Melanthelje'um. (From ptXas, black, and iXaiov, oil.) Oil expressed from tlie black seeds of the Nigella sativa. Mela'nthium. (From iieXor?, black: so named from its black seed.) The Nigella sativa, or herb fennel flower. ME'LAS. (From ptXas, black.) Vitiligo ni- gra ; Morphaa nigra ; Lepra maculosa nigra. A disease that appears upon the skin in black or brown spots, which very frequently penetrate deep, even to the bone, and do not give any pain, or uneasiness. It is a disease very frequent in, and endemial to, Arabia, where it is supposed to be produced by a peculiar miasma. MELA'SMA. (From ptXas, black.) Melas- mut. A disease that appears not unfrequentiy upon the tibia of aged persons, in form of a livid black spot, which, in a day or two, degenerates into a very foul ulcer. MELASPE'RMUM. (From ptXas, black, and errtppa, seed.) Nee Nigella sativa. MELASSES. Treacle. The black empy- reumatic syrup which exists in raw sugar. MELASSIC ACID. The acid present in melasses, which has been thought a peculiar acid by some, by others the acetic. Me'lca. (From aptXyw, to milk.) Milk. A food made of acidulated milk. Me'le. (From jiou. to search.) A probe. MELEA'GRIS. (From Meleager, whose 601 MEL sisters were fabled to have been turned into this bird.) 1. The guinea-fowl. t 2. A species of fritillaria: so caUed because its flowers are spotted Uke a guinea-fowl. Melege'ta. Grains of paradise. Meleguetta. Grains of paradise. See Amomum granumparadisi. < Melei'os. (From Meloe, the island where it is made.) A species of alum. ' MELI. MtXi. Honey. See Mel. Melice'ria. See Meliceris. MELI'CERIS. (From ptXt, honey, and Ktpos, wax.) Mdictria. An encysted tumour, the contents of which resemble honey in consistence and appearance. Meli'craton. (From piXt, honey, and Ktp- nvvvpi, to mix.) Wine impregnated with honey. Meligei'on. (From piXt, honey.) A foetid humour, discharged from ulcers attended with a caries of the bone, of the consistence of honey. MELILOT. See Melilotut. MELILO'TUS. (From utXi, honey, and Xirtros, the lotns : so called from its smell, being like that of honey.) See Trifolium melilotus offidnalis. Melime'lum. (From pfXi, honey, and prjXov, an apple : so named from its sweetness.) Para- dise apple, the produce of a dwarf wild apple-tree. Meli'num. (From ptXov, an apple.) Oil made from the flowers, or the fruit of the apple- tree. MELIPHY'LLUM. (From peXt, honey, and rfuXXov, a leaf: so called from the sweet smell of of its leaf, or because bees gather honey from it.) See Melissa. MELPSSA. (From niXtoaa, a bee ; because bees gather honey from it.) The name of a genus •f plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Didyna- mia; Order, Gymnotpermia. Balm. Melissa calamintha. The systematic name of the eommon calamint. Calamintha; tSalamintha vulgaris; Calamintha offidnarum; Melissa—pedunculit axUlaribus, dichotomit, fongitudine foliorum. of Linnaeus. This plant smells strongly like wild mint, though more agree- able ; andjs often used by the common people, in form of tea, against weakness of the stomach, flatulent colic, uterine obstructions, hysteria, &c. Melissa citrina. See Melissa officinalis. Melissa grandiflora. The systematic name of the mountain calamint. Calamintha magno flore; Calamintha montana. This plant has a moderately pungent taste, and a more agreeable aromatic smell than the common cala- mint, and appears to be more eligible as a sto- re achic. Melissa nepeta. Field calamint. Spotted calamint. Calamintha anglica; Calamintha nulegii odore ; Nepeta agretHs. It was former- ly used as an aromatic Melissa officinalis. The systematic name of balm. Citrago; Citraria ; Melissophyllum; Mellitis; Cedronella; Apiastrum; Melissa ci- trina; Erotion. A native of the southern parts of Europe, but very common in our gardens. In its recent state, it has a roughish aromatic taste, and a pleasant smell ofthe lemon kind. It was formerly much esteemedin nei-vous diseases, and very generally recommended in melancholic and hypochondriacal affections ; but, in modern prac- tice, it is only employed when prepared as tea, as a grateful diluent drink in fevers, &c. Melissa turcica. See DracocephalummoU davica. Melissopht'llum. (From ptXiaoa, baum, and AvXXoy. a leafc A .species ol melittis, with 605! leaves resembling baum. See Melittis mtHtu- phyllum. Meliti'smus. (From ptXt, honey.) A linc- tus, prepared with honey. MELI'TTIS. (From ^eXiT7a, which in the Attic dialect is the name of a bee; so that this word is, in fact, equivalent to Melissa, and was adopted by Linnaeus, therefore, for the bastard balm.) The name of a genus of plant*. Class Didynamia; Order, Gymnotpermia. Bastard balm. Melittis melissophyllum. The systema- tic name of the mountain balm, or nettle. So- phyllum. This elegant plant is seldom used in the present day ; it is said to be of service in ute- rine obstructions and calculous diseases. Melitto'ma. (From peXt, honey.) A con- fection made with honey. Honey-dew. Melizo'mum. (From ptXt, honey, and fo/mc, broth.) Honey broth. A drink prepared with honey, like mead. Mella'go. (From mei, honey.) Any me* dicine which has the consistence and sweetness of honey. ■ MELLATE. A compound of meUitic acid with salifiable bases. Melliceris. See Meliceris. Mellilo'tus. See Melilotus. Melli'na. (From mei, honey.) Mead. A sweet drinkprepared with honey. MELLI'TA. (From mei, honey.) Prepara- tions of honey. MELLITE. Mellilite. Honey-stone. A mineral of a honey yellow colour, slightly resino- clectric by friction, hitherto found only at Artern in Thuringia. MELLITIC ACID. (Acidum melliticum; from mellilite, the honey-stone, from which it is obtained.) " Klaproth discovered in the melli- lite, or honey-stone, what he conceives to be a peculiar acid of the vegetable kind, combined with alumina. This acid is easily obtained by re- ducing the stone to powder, and boiUng it in about seventy times its weight of water; when the acid will dissolve, and may be separated from the alu- mina by filtration. By evaporating the solution, it may be obtained in the form of crystals. The following are its characters :— It crystallises in fine needles or globules by tie union of these, or small prisms. Its taste is at first a sweetish-sour, which leaves a bitterness be- hind. On a plate of hot metal it ia readily de- composed, and dissipated in copious grey fumes, which affect not the smell, leaving behind a small quantity of ashes, that do not change eitherredor blue tincture of litmus. Neutralised by potassa it crystallises in groups of long prisms: by soda, in cubes, or triangular laminae, sometimes in group), sometimes single ; and by ammonia, in beantilul prisms with six planes, which soon lose their transparency, and acquire a silver-white hue. If the mellitic acid be dissolved in lime water, and* solut ion of calcined strontian or barytes be drop- ped into it, a white precipitate is thrown down, which is redissolved on adding muriatic acid. With a solution of acetate of barytes, it produce! likewise a white precipitate, which nitric acid re- dissolves. With solution of muriate of beryles, it produces no precipitate, or even cloud; but af- ter standing some time, fine transparent needly crystals are deposited. The mellitic acid pro- duces no change in a solution of nitrate of silver. From a solution of nitrate of mercury, either hot or cold, it throws down a copious white precipi- tate, which an addition of nitric acid immediately redissolvef. With nitrate of iron it gives anabun- Mfc.M MEN dant precipitate of a don yeUow colour, which may be r*die*ofred by muriatic acid. With a solution of acetate of lead, it produce* an abundant precipitate, immediately redi*solved on adding nitric acid. With acetate of copper, it give* a greyuh-green precipitate ; but it does not affect a solution of muriate of copper. Lime water pre- cipitated by it, is immediately rcdissolved on ad- ding nitric acid."—fjre'* Chem. Did. ME'LO. See Cucumitmelo. Meloca'rpcs. (From pnXov, an apple, and Ktnvnt, fruit; from its resemblance to an apple.) The fruit of the aristolochia, or its roots. ME'LOE. An insect called the blossom eater. \ genus of the order Caleoptera. Some of its ■■pecie* were formerly used medicinally. Meloe vemi atorius. See Cantharit, MELON. See Cucumitmelo. Melon, musk. See Cucumitmelo. Melon, water. See Cucurbita citrullut. Me'lo.v. MijXor. A disorder of the eye, in which the ball of the eye is pressed forward from the socket. MELO'NGENA. Mala intana. Solanum pomiferum. Mad apple. The Spaniards and Italians eat It in sauce and in sweet meats. The taste somewhat resembles citron. See Solanum melongena. MeliVsis. Mi)X»<7if. A term which frequent- ly occurs in Hippocrates, De Capitis Vulneribus, for that search into wounds which is made by sur- geons with the probe. Mblo'ti*. MijXurtr. A little probe and that particular instrument contrived to search or cleanse the car with, commonly called Auriscul- pium. MELOTHRIA. (A name borrowed by Lin- naeus in his Hortut Cliffortianus; from the ti<)Xu3pov, of Dioscorides.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Triandria; Order, Monogy- nia. Melothria pendula. The systematic name of the small creeping cucumber plant. The American bryony. The inhabitants of the West Indies picklo the berries of this plant, and use them aa we do capers. Meltssopiit'llum, (From ptXiata, balm, and ipvWov. a leaf.) See Melittis. k. MEMKR.VNA. See Memhrane.' Membrana iitaloidea. Mimbrana aradi- noidra. The transparent membrane which in- clude* the ritreou* humour ofthe eye. Mcm'ik\na PUPii.i.aris. Velum pupilla. A very delicate membrane of a thiu und vascular texture, and an ash colour, arising from the inter- nal mnrriu of the iris, and totally covering the pupil in the fotus before the sixth moalh. Membrana iii'rsi iiian.i. The celebrated anut huikI Kuyse-h discovered that the choroid uieiubr.uie of ihe eye was composed of two hum. me. lb- guve the name ofuit-uibraiia niyschi-ina to the internal lamina, leaving the oil "name of chornnle* to the cMcrn il. Ml.MBHeSA SCIINKIDEnlAN'A. Tlie very vas- i-ular pituitary membrane winch lines the nose und il* cavities ; secretes the mucus of th:it cavity, and 1* the bed ofthe olfaclori nerves. Membrana timpani. The men.Inane cov- ering the cavity of the drum ofthe ear, and sepa- i.iting it from the meatus auditorium «-xti rnus. It i» of anoral form, onvex below the middle, to- ward* the hollow of tbe tympanum, and concave toward* the meatus auditorium, and convex above the meato*, and ronr.ive toward* the hollow of ihe tympanum. According to the observation* of .hi itiiiui.stM, it consists of sit larntnie : the first ajil w>it external, is a pro Iu-tton of tlie epklct- mis; the second is a production of tbe skin tinmg the auditory passage ; the third is cellular mem- brane, in which the vessels form an elegant net- work ; the fourth is shining, thin, and transparent, arising from the periosteum of the meatus; the fifth is cellular membrane, with a plexus of vessels like the third ; and the »ixth lamina, which is the innermost, comes from the periosteum of the cavity of the tympanum. This membrane, thus composed of several lamina?, has lately been dis- covered to possess muscular fibres. MEMBRANACEUS. Membranaceous: Ap- plied to leaves, pods, &c. df a thin and pliable texture, as the leaf of the Magnolia purpurea, and several capsules, ligaments, &c. ME.MBRANOLO/GlA. (From membrana, a membrane, and Xoyos, a discourse.) Membra- nology. That which relates to the common in- teguments and membranes. MEMBRANE. Membrana. Lin anatomy. A thin expanded substance, composed of ceUu- lar texture, the elastic fibres of which are so ar- ranged and woven together, aa to allow of great pliability. The membranes of the body are va- rious, as the skin, peritoneum, pleura, dura ma- ter, he. &c. 2. In botany. See Teata. MEMBRANO'SUS. See Tensor vagina fe- moris. M e m r r a'n u s . See Tensor vagina femorit. Mkmo'bi ;: os. See Occipital bone. MEMORY. Memoria. The brain is not only capable of perceiving sensations, but it possesses the faculty of reproducing those it has already perceived. This cerebral action is called remem- brance, when the ideas are reproduced which have not been long received : it is called recollection, when the ideas are of an older date. An old man who recalls the events of his youth has recollec- tion ; he who recalls the sensations which he had last year, has memory, or remembrance. Reminiscence is an idea produced which one does not remember having bad before. In childhood and youth memory is very vivid as well as sensibility; it is therefore at this age that the greatest variety of knowledge is acquired, particularly that sort wnich does not require much, reflection; such as history, language*** the des- criptive science, &c. Memory '«nerwards weakens along with age : in adult age it dimi- nishes ; in old age it fails almost completely. There are, however, individuals who preserve their memory to a very advanbed age ; but if this docs not depend on great exercise, as happens with actors, it exists often only to the detriment ofthe other intellectual faculties. The sensations are recalled with ease in pro- portion as they are vivid. The remembrance of internal sensations ii almost always confused ; certain diseases ofthe brain destroy the memory entirely. MEN'ACH.VNITE. A mineral of a greyish black colour, found accompanied with fine quartz san-J !u the b-jd of a rivulet, which enters the vaS lev of Maiiace.ui, in Cornwall. MENAGOGUE. See Emmenagogue. MENDO'SUS. (From mendax, counterfeit.) This term is used, by some, in the same sense.** spurious, or illegitimate ; Mendosa cotftt, false or spurious ribs ; Mendosa sutura, the stmamtMaj suture or bastard suture of the skuU. MENILITE. A sub-species of indivisible quartz. It is of two kinds, the brown and the Meningo'fhylax. (From pnvtyl, a mem- brane, and dvXaoaia, to guard.) An instrument to "iiarl the membrane of the brain, while tho 60S MEN ME,V bone is cut, or rasped, after the operation of the trepan. ME'NINX. (From ptvto, to remain.) Be- fore the time of Galen, meninx was the common term of all the membranes of the body, after- wards it was appropriated to those of the brain. See Dura mater, and Pia mater. MENISPERMIC ACID. (Addum menis- permicum; from mcnispermum, the name of the plant in the berries of which it exists.) Tlie seeds of Menispermum cocculus being macerated for 14 hours in 5 times their weight of water, first cold, and then boiling hot, yield an infusion, from which solution of sub-acetate of lead throws down a menispermate of lead. This is to be washed and drained, diffused through water, and decomposed by a current of sulphuretted hydro- gen gas. The liquid thus freed from lead, is to be deprived of sulphuretted hydrogen by heat, and then forms solution of menispermic acid. By repeated evaporations and solutions in alkohol, it loses its bitter taste, and becomes a purer acid. It occasions no precipitate with lime water ; with nitrate of barytes it yields a trrey precipitate ; With nitrate of silver, a deep yellow ; and with sulphate of magnesia, a copious precipitate. MENISPE'RMUM. (From pm>v, the moon, and ottppa, seed, in allusion to the crescent-like form of the seed.) Moon-seed. The name of a genus of plants. Class, Diada; Order, Dode- candria. Menispermum eoeeuLus. The systematic name of the plant, the berries of which arc well known by the name of Cocculus indicus. In- dian berries, or Indian cockles; Coccus indicus; Coccula officinarium; Cocci orientates. The berry, the produce of the Menispermum-*-foliis cordatis, retusis, mucronatis; caule lacero, of Linnaeus, is rugous and kidney-shaped, and con- tains a white nucleus. It is brought from Mala- bar and the East Indies. It is poisonous if swal- lowed, bringing on nausea, fainting, and convul- sions. The berries possess an enebnating quality, and are supposed to impart that power to most of the London porter, Whilst green, they are used by the Indians to catch fish, which they hai e the, power of intoxicating, and killing. In the same manner they catch birds, making the berry into a paste, foaming it into small seeds, and putting these in places where they frequent. A peculiar acid called menispermic, is obtained from these berries. By recent chemical analysis this seed is found to contain, 1st, about one-half of its weight of a concrete fixed oil; 2d, an albuminous vegeto- animal substance ; 3d, a pecuUar colouring mat- ter: 4th, one-fiftieth of picrotoxia; 5th, one- IVf its weight of fibrous matter ; 6th, bimalate of lime and potassa ; 1th, sulphate of potassa ; 6th, muriate of potassa : 9th, phosphate of lime ; 10th, a Uttle iron and silica. It is poisonous ; and is frequently employed to intoxicate or poison fishes. The deleterious ingredient is the Picrotoxia. The poisonous principle caUed picrotoxia is ob- tained in the following way: " To the filtered de- coction of these berries acid acetate of lead, while any precipitate falls, Filter and evaporate the liquid cautiously to the consistence of an extract. Dissolve in alkohol of 0.817, and evaporate the solution to dryness. By repeating the solutions and evaporations, we at last obtain a substance equally soluble in water and alkohol. The co- louring matter may be removed by agitating it with a Uttle water. Crystals of pure picrotoxia now faU, which may be washed with a little al- kohol. The crystals are four-sided prisms, of a white §04 colour, and intensely bitter taste. They are solo- ble in 25 times their weight of water, and are not precipitable by any known re-agent. Alkohol, sp. gr. 0.810, dissolves one-third of its weight of picrotoxia. Pure sulphuric ither dissolves 2-5ths of its weight. Strong sulphuric acid dissolves it, but not when much diluted. Nitric acid converts it into oxalic acid. It dissolves and neutralizes in acetic acid, and falls when this is saturated with au alkali. It may therefore be regarded as a vegeto-alkali it- self. Aqueous potassa dissolves it, without evolving any smell of ammonia. It acts aa an in- toxicating poison. Sulphate of picrotoxia must be formed by dis- solving picrotoxia in dilute sulphuric acid, for tie strong acid chars and destroys it. The aolmioa crystallises on cooling. The sulphate of picro- toxia dissolves in 1:20 times its weight ol boilin« water. The solution gradually lets fall the salt in fine silky filaments disposed in bundles, and pos- sessed of great beauty. Nitrate of picrotoxia. Nitric acid, ofthe spe- cific gravity 1.38, diluted with twice its weight of water, dissolves, when assisted by heat, the fourth of its weight of picrotoxia. When this solution '» evaporated to one-half, it becomes viscid, and on cooling is converted into a transparent mass, si- milar to a solution of gum-arabic. In this state tbe nitrate of picrotoxia is acid, and exceedingly bitter. Muriate of picrotoxia. Muriatic acid, of the specific gravity 1.145, has little action on picro- toxia. ft dissolves it when assisted bv heat, but does not become entirely saturated. Vive parti of this acid, diluted with three times its weight of water, dissolve about one part of picrotoxia at a strong boiling temperature. The liquor, on cooling, is converted into a greyish crystalline mass, composed of confused crystals. When these crystals are well washed, they arc almost des- titute of taste, and feci elastic under the teeth. Acetate of picrotoxia. Acetic acid disaohti picrotoxia very well, and may be nearly satu- rated with it by the assistance of a boiUng heat. On cooling, the acetate precipitates in well-de- fined prismatic needles. This acetate is soluble in 50 times its weight of boiling water. MENORRHAGIA. (From pmta, the menses, and pjjywpt, to break out.) Hamorrhagia ute- rina. Flooding. An immoderate flow of the menses, or uterine haemorrhage. A genus of dis- eases in the class Pyrexia, and order Hamor- rhagia, of Cullen, characterised by pains in the back, loins, and belly, similar to those of labour, attended with a preternatural flux of blood from the vagina, or a discharge of menses, more copious than natural. He distinguishes six species :— 1. Menorrhagia rubra; bloody, from women neither with child nor in child-birth. 2. Menorrhagia alba, serous ; the fluor albuf. See Leucorrhaa. 3. Menorrhagia vitorium, from some local disease. ; 4. Menorrhagia lochialis, from women after delivery. See Lochia. 5. Menorrhagia abortus. See Abortion. 6. Menorrhagia nabothi, when there is a serous discharge from the vagina in pregnant women. This disease seldom occurs before the age of puberty, and is often an attendant on pregnancy. It is in general a very dangerous disease, more particularly if it occur at the latter period, as itis then often so rapid and violent as to destroy the female in a very short time, where proper mean .are not soon adopted. Abortions often five rise MEN MEN tn ikwdaV*, >»d »4 -*Y VT'loA of P'*Snancy> but more usually before tlie fifth month than at any other time Moles, in consequence of an imrwrfiet conception becoming detached, otten -ivc rise to a considerable deen-e of ha-morrbage. " The eause* which mo*t frequently give rise to floodings, are violent exertions of strength, sudden surprise* and frights, violent fits ol passion, treat uncamncsa r,f mind, uncommon longings during pregnancy, our funics* of blood, profuse evacuations, general weakness of the system, external iniuriea, as blows and bruise-, and the death of the child, in consequence oi which the placenta become* partially or wholly detached from the uterus, leaving the mouth* of the ves- sel* of the Utter, wluch anpstomosed with those ol the former, perfectly c pen. It ia necessary to diatinguinh betwem an approaching miscar- riage and a common flooding, which may be readily done by inquire" nhelliei or not the hemorrhage has proceeded from any evident cause, and whelher it flows gently, or is accom- panied with unusual pains. The former usually arise* from *ome fright, surprise, or accident, and doe* not flow gently and re gulurly; but bursti out of a sudden, anil again stops all at once, and also is attended with severe pains in the back and the bottom of the beUy ; whereas the latter is marked with no such occii mice. Tbe further a woman is advanced in pn-ii nancy, the greater will be tbe danger if flooding* take pi-re, as the mouth* of the vessel* are much enlarged during the last stage of pregnancy, anil "' nurse a quan- tity will be discharged in a short time. The treatment must differ according to the particular causes of the disease, and according to the different otutes of constitution under which it occurs. I lie hasmorrhage is more frequently of the active kind, and requires the antiphlogistic plan to be strictly enforced, especially obviating the accumulation ol heat in every way, giving cold acidulated drink, and using cold local appli- cation*; the patient muit remain quiet in the horizontal nocture ; the diet be of the lightest and least stimulant description ; and the bowels kept freely open by cooling laxatives, as the neu- tral salts, &c. It may be sometimes advisable in robust, plethoric females, particularly in the pre miaul state, to take blood at an early period, cepecially where there is much pain, with a hard pulse; digitalis and ontimoniuls in nauseating doses would ulso be proper under such circuni- •tanccs. But where the discharge is rather of-« p.f-sive charaiter, '.onic and astr.iigent medicines ought to be given : rest and the horizontal posi- tion are equally necessary, coMiiencss must be obviated, and cold astringent applications may be uatrnully ii>> lul, or the escape of the blond may be prevented nn chnuitally. In alarming cases, perhaps, the most powerful internal remedy is the tuperacetate of lead, combined with opium ; which latter i* often indicated by the irritable state of the patient. A nourishing diet, with ?colli- exercise in a carriage, and the prudent use of the cold bath, may contribute to restore the patient, when the discharge has subsided. Mess*. The second lobe of the tiler wa* so Called by the uucii nls. Ml. .Nsl.S. (from meruit, a month.) Se '/»nttrutititi.i. Menttt, immoderate flow ofthe. See Minor- i haifia. Mrnut, interruption oj. See Amenorrhaa. Mrntet, rrtmtion oj'. See Amenorrhaa. Mi.Nmi riiiLosoi-iiKis. A philosophical, i-r chemical month. Accordm* to some, it is three ilav« and nights ; others aay it is ten ; and there are who reckon it to be thirty or forty MENSTRUATION. (Menstruatio; from menses.) From the uterus of every healthy woman who is not pregnant, or who does not give suck, Iherc is a discharge of a red fluid, at certain periods, from the time of puberty to the approach of old age ; and from the periods or returns of this discharge being monthly, it is called Mentlruation. Thtre are several excep- tions to this definition. It is said that some women never menstruate ; some menstruate while they continue to give suck; and others are said to menstruate during pregnancy ; some are said to menstruate in early infancy, and others in old age ; but such discharges, Dr. Den- man is of opinion, may, with more propriety, be called morbid, or symptomatic; and certainly the definition is generally true. At whatever time ol life this discharge comes on, a woman is said to be at puberty: though of this state it is a consequence, and not a cause. The early or late appearance of the menses may depend upon the climate, the constitution, the delicacy or hardness of living, and upon the man- ners of those with whom young women converse. In Greece, and other hot countries, girl* begin to menstruate at eight, nine, and ten years of age, but, advancing to the northern climates, there is a gradual protraction of the time tiU we come to Lapland, where women do not menstruate till they arrive at maturer age, and then in sruaU quantities, at long intervals, and sometimes only in the summer. But, if they do not menstruate according to the genius of the country, it is said they sutler equal inconveniences as in warmer climates, where the quantity discharged is much greater, and the periods snorter. In this coun- try, girls begin to menstruate from tin- fourteenth to the eighteenth year of their age, and sometimes ut a later period, without any signs of disease ; but if tbey are luxuriously educated, sleeping upon down beds, and sitting in hot rooms, men- struation usuaUy commences at a more early period. Many changes in the constitution and appear- ance of women are produced at the time of their first beginning to menstruate. Their complexion is improved, their countenance is more express- ive i.n.l animated, their attitudes graceful, and tlmir conversation more intelligent and agreea- ble ; the tone of their voice becomes more har- monious, their whole frame, but particularly their br« .Ms, are expanded and enlarged, and their minds are no longer engaged in childish pursuits and amusements. Some girls begin to menstruate without any preceding indisposition ; but there are generally appearances or symptoms which indicate the change which is about to take place. These are usually more severe at the first than in the succeeding periods ; and they are similar to those produced by uterine inltation from other causes, as pains in the back and interior extremi- ties, complaints of the viscera, with various hys- teric and nervous affections. These commence with the lii-; disposition to menstruate, and con- tinue till the discharge comes on, when they abate, or disappear, returning however with considerable violence in some women, at every period during life. The cjuantity if fluid dis- charged at each evacuation, depends upon the cUmate, constitution, and manner of living; but it varies in different women in the same ob'mate. or in the same women at different pe- riods ; in this country it amounts to about five or sixouiu'i-. fin-, MEN MEN There is also a great difference in the time required for the completion of each period of menstruation. In some women th". discharge re- turns precisely to a day, or an hour, and in others there is a Variation of several days, with- out inconvenience. In some it is finished in a few hours, and in others it continues from one to ten days ; but the intermediate time, from three to six days, is most usual. There has been an opinion, probably derived from the Jewish legislature, afterwards adopted by the Arabian physicians, and credited in other countries, that the menstruous blood possessed some peculiar malignant properties. The severe regulations wliich have been made in some coun- tries for the conduct of women, at the time of menstruation ;—the expression used, Isaiah, chap. xxx. and in Ezekiel:— the disposal of the blood discharged, or of any thing contaminated with it:—the complaints of women attributed to its retention:—and the effects enumerated by grave writers, indicate the most dreadful appre hensions of its baneful influence. Under pecu- liar circumstances of health, or states of the uterus, or in hot cUmates, if the evacuation be slowly made, the menstruous blood may become more acrimonious or offensive than the common mass, or any other seeretion from it; but in this country and age no malignity is suspected, the menstruous woman mixes in society as at all other times, and there is no reason for thinking otherwise than that this discharge is of the most inoffensive nature. At the approach of old age, women cease to menstruate ; but the time of cessation is common- ly regulated by the original early or late appear- ance of the menses. With those who began to menstruate at ten or twelve years of age, the discharge will often cease before they arrive at forty ; but if the first appearance was protracted to sixteen or eighteen years of age, independent- ly of disease, such women may continue to men- struate till they have passed the fiftieth, or even approach the sixtieth year of their age. But the most frequent time of the cessation of the men- ses in this country, is between the forty-fourth and forty-eighth year; after which women never bear children. By this constitutional regulation Qf the menses, the propagation of the species is in every country confined to the most vigonus part of life ? and had it been otherwise, children might have become parents, and old women might have had children when they were unable to sup- ply them with proper or sufficient nourishment. See Catamenia. ME'NSTRUUM. Solvent. AU liquors are so called which are used as dissolvents, or to ex- tract the virtues of ingredients by infusion, de- coction, &c. The principal menttrua made use of in Pharmacy, are water, vinous spirits, oils, acid, and alkaline liquors. Water is the men- struum of all salts, of vegetable gums, and of animal jellies. Of the first it dissolves only a de- terminate quantity, though of one kind oi bait more than of another , and being thus saturated, Leaves any adukional quantity of the same salt untouched. It is never saturated with the two latter, but unites readily with any proportion of them, forming, with different quantities, liquors of different consistencies. It takes up likewise, when assisted by trituration, the vegetable gum- my resins, as ammoniacum and myrrh ; the solu- tions of which, though imperfect, that is, not transparent, but turbid and of a milky hue, are nevertheless applicable to valuable purposes in medicine. Rectified spirit of wine is the men- struum of the essential oils and resins of yegeta- 606 bles ; of the pure distiUed oils of animals, and of soaps, though it does not act upon the expressed oil, and fixed alkaline salt, of which soap i* com. posed. Hence, if soap contains any superfluous quantity of either the pit or salt, it may, by means of this menstruum, be excellently purified there- from. It dissolves, by the assistance of heat volatile alkaline salts, and more readily the neu- tral ones, composed either of fixed alkali and the acetic acid, as the sal diureticus, or of volatile alkali and the nitric acid. Oils dissolve vegeta- ble resins and balsams, wax, animal fats, mineral bitumens, sulphur, and certain metallic substances particularly lead. The expressed oils are, lor most of these bodies, more powerful menstrua than those obtained by distillation j as the former are more capable of sustaining, without injury a strong heat, which is, in moat cases, necessary to enable them to act. AU acids dissolve alka- line salts, alkaline earths, and metallic substancei. The different acids differ greatly in tiieir action upon these last: one dissolving some partieulai metal*, and another others. The vegetable aeidi dissolve a considerable* quantity of zinc, iron, copper, and tin ; and extract so much from the metallic part of antimony as to become power- fully emetic : they likewise dissolve lead, if previously calcined by fire ; but more copiously if corroded by their steam. The muriatic acid dissolves zinc, iron, and copper; and though it scarcely acts on any other metallic substance in the common way of making solutions, it may nevertheless he artfully combined with them all, The corrosive sublimate and antimonial caustic of the shops, are combinations of it with the oxides of mercury and antimony, etlected by applying the acid in the form of fume, to the subjects at the same time strongly heated. The nitric acid is the common menstruum of all me- tallic substances, except gold and antimony, which are soluble only in a rnixture of the nitric and muriatic. The sulphuric acid easily dis- solves zinc, iron, and copper; and may be made to corrode, or imperfectly dissolve most ofthe other metals. Alkaline lixivia dissolve oil*, re- sinous substanoes, and sulphur. Their power ii greatly promoted by the addition of quick lime, instances of which occur in the preparatioa of soap and in the common caustic. Thus assisted, they reduce the flesh, bones, and other solid parti of animals, into a gelatinous matter. Solutioni made in water and spirit of wine, possess fjaj virtue of the body dissolved: whilst oils gene- rally sheathe its activity, and acids and alkaUes vary its quality. Hence watery and spirituous liquors are tut- proper menstrua of the native vir- tues of vegetable and animal matters. Most of the foregoing solutions are easily effected, by pouring the menstruum on the body to be dis- solved, and suffering them to stand together for some time, exposed to a suitable wrrruth. A strong heat is generally requisite to enable oil* sad alkaliiu ..qucrs to perform their office ; nor will acui; act on some metallic bodies without its assistance. The action of watery and spirituous menstrua >* likewise expedited by a moderate heat, though the quantity which they afterward* keep dissolved, is not, as some suppose, by this means increased. All that heat occasions these to take up, more than they would do in a longer time in the cold, will, when the heat ceases, sub- side again. The action of acids on the bodies which tb»**Vlis9olvc, is generally accompanied with heft, effervescence, and a copious discharr* of fumes. The fumes which arise during tne dissolution of some metals, in the sulphnrie aew, proye inflammable; b*nce, in the preparation MEN M tbe aitit.cial titriohi of iron and zinc, the op rato? ought to be careful, especially where the ►ototionwmad* '■ anarrow-nioutned yeeaeL lest, h« the imprudent approach of a candle, the ex- heJiK vapour be set on fire. There is another u!ccie* of »olution in which the moirture o. air J. the menttruum. Fixed alkaline salts, and those of the neutral kind, composed of alkaline mJt* and certain vegetable acids, or of alkaline earths, and any acid except the sulphuric; and tome metallic aalu on being exposed lor some time tu a moist air, gradually attract its humidity, and at length become Uquid. Some substances, not dissoluble in water in it* grosser form, as the butter ol antimony, are easily liquified by thi* slow action of the aerial moisture. This pro- cess i* termed Deliquation. The cause of solu- tion assigned by some naturalists, namely, the adtnuhion of the fine particles of one body into the pore* of another, whose figure fit* them for their reception, is not ju*t, or adequate, but hy- pothetical and ill-presumed; since it is found that some bodies wiU di**olve their own quantity of other*, a* water doe* of Epsom salt, alkohol of essential oil*, mercury of metal*, one metal of another, fee. whereat the sum of the pores or \ acuities of every body must be necessarily lea* than the body iteclf, and consequently those pores cannot receive a quantity of matter equal to the body wherein they reside. How a menstruum eaa suspend bodies much heavier than itself, which very often happens, may be conceived by considering, that the parts ol no fluids can bo so < usily separated, but they will a little resist or retard the descent of any luavy bodies through them; and that thi* resist- ance ia, caterit paribus, still proportional to the surface of the descending bodie*. But the sur- faces of bodies do by no means increase or de- 'M;e*c in the same proportion as their solidities do .- for tin soliilily increatiH as tbe cube, but the surface oidy as the square of tbe diameter; wherefore it is plain, very small bodies will have much larger surfaces, in proportion to their solid content*, tbun largi r bodies will, and consequent- ly, when grown exceeding smaU, may easily be buoyed up in the liquor. riiE.Yl AGRA. (From menlum, tbe chin, Mid n>i>a, a prey.) An eruption about the chin, lorming a tenacious crust, like that on scald heads. ME .Yi'HA. (From Minthe, the harlot who wa» changed into thi* herb.) Htdyotmus of the (ireek*. The nume of a genus of plants in the l.innttau system. (Mass, Didynamia; Order, ihjmnotpei-mia. Mint. '.Mi.ntiia aquatica. Menlhatttum; Si- -ymbrtum mrntkrattrum; Mentha rotundij'olia paluttrit. VVater-mint. Thi* plant is Irequcnt m moist tneadoivs, marshes, and on the banks of livers. It is Ikm agreeable than the spear-mint, und in taste bitterer and more pungent. It may be n«ed with the same intentions as the spear- mint, to which, howeicr, it ia much inferior. M v.n i u* tAT».Ru. See Nepeta cataria. ill ntiia cehu.na. '1 lie systematic name of jl.e hart'* iM-nny-royel. Pulegium cervinum. This plant pn.sesae* the virtues of pennyroyal m a* «ry great degree; but is remarkably un- pleasant. It is seldom employed but by the country people, who substitute a for penny-royal. Mentha causra. Colymbiieia minor; Aehillta ageratum. This species of mentha ha* k »trong and fragrant smeU, iu Uateis warm, aro- matio, und slightly bitter. In flatulence of the prion*, i kb, hypochondriacal aud hysterical af- ti-ctiont, il is given with advantage. Mentha rirciiiTA. Tbe systematic and MER pharmacopoeial name of peppermint. Mentha piperitis; Mentha*—floribus capitatis, foliit ovatis petiolatii, ttaminibus corolla brevioribut, of Linnams. The spontaneous growth of this plant is said to be peculiar to Britain. It has a more penetrating smeU than any of the other mints ; a strong pungent taste, glowing like pep- per, suiting, as it were, into the tongue, and fol- lowed by a sense of coolness. The otomachic, antispasmodic, and carminative properties of pep* permint, render it useful in flatulent colics, hys- terical affections, retchings, and other dyspeptic symptoms, acting as a cordial, and often produc- ing an immediate retief. Its officinal preparations are an essential oti, a simple water, and a spirit. Mentha piperitis. See Mentha piperita. Mentha pulegium. The systematic name of the penny-royal. Pulegium; Pulegium re- gale ; Pulegium latifolium glechon. Pudding- grass. Mentha—floribut verticillatit, foliis ovatis obturis subcrenatis, caulibus subteretibue repentibus, of Linnaeus. This plant is considered as a carminative, stomachic, and emmenagogue ; and is in very common use in hysterical disor- ders. The officinal preparations of penny-royal are, a simple water, a spirit, and an essential oil. Mentha saracenica. See Tanacetum balsamita. Mentha sativa. Sec Mentha viridis. Mentha spicata. See Mentha viridis. Mentha viridis. Spear-mint. Called also Mentha vulgaris; Mentha spicata; Mentha: —spirit oblongis^ foliit tanceolatit nudit terra- lit tetdlibui, itaminibue corolla longioribut, of Linnxus. This plant grows wild in many parts of England. It is not so warm to the taste as peppermint, but has a more agreeable flavour, and is therefore preferred for culinary purposes. Its medicinal qualities are similar to those of pepper- mint ,- but the different preparations of the for- mer, though more pleasant, are, perhaps, less ef- ficacious. Tne officinal preparations of spear- mint are an essential oil, a conserve, a simple water, and a spirit. Mentha'strum. (Diminutive of mentha.) See Mentha aquatica. Me'nti levator. See Levator labii inferi- oris. ME'NTULA. (From matah, a staff, Heb.) The penis. Mentula'ora. (From mentula, the penis, and ay pa, a prey.) A disorder of the penis, in- duced by a contraction ofthe erectores muscnli, and causing impotence. MENYA'NTHES. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnrcan system. Class, Pentan- dria ; Order, Monogynia. Mentanthes trifoliata. The systematic name of the buck-bean. Trifolium paludosum ; Trifolium aquaticum; Trifolium fibrinum; Menyanthet. Water trefoil, or buck-bean. Menyanthet—foliis ternatis, of Linnams. The whole plant is so extremely bitter, that in some countries it is used as a substitute for hops, in the preparation of malt liquor. It is sometimes em- ployed in country places as an active eccoprotic bitter in hydropic and rheumatic, affections. Cases arc related of its good effects in some cuta- neous diseases ofthe herpatic and seemingly can- cerous kind. MEPillTlC. Having a disagreeable noxious smell or vapour. Mephitic add. The carbonic acid. Mephitic air. See Nitrogen. MEPHI'TIS. (From mephuhith, a blast>A Syr.) A poisonous exhalation. MERCURIALI. Girolamo, was born at 607 MER MLH Torii, in Romagna, in 1530. After taking the requisite degree, he settled as a physician in his native town ; and was delegated, at the age of 32, on some public business to Pope Pius IV. at Rome. He evinced so much talent on this occa- sion, that he was particularly invited to remain there ; which he accepted, chiefly as it enabled him to pursue his favourite studies to more advan- tage. He produced, in 1669, a learned and ele- gant work, "De Arte Gymnastica," which was many times reprinted ; and the reputation of this procured him the appointment to the first medical chair at Padua. In 1373, he was called to Vienna to attend the emperor Maximilian II., and was so successful, that he returned loaded with valuable resents, and honoured with the dignities of a night and count palatine. In 1587, he removed to Bologna, which is ascribed to a degree of self- accusation, in consequence of an error of judg- ment, into which he had been led, in pronoun- cing a disease, about which he was consulted at Venice, not contagious, whence much mischief had arisen. His reputation, however, does not appear to have materially suffered from this ; and he was invited, in 1599, by the grand duke of Tuscany, to Pisa; but shortly after, a severe cal- culous affection prevented the execution of his duties, and he retired to his native place, where his death happened in 1606. He was a volumin- ous writer, and, among many other publications, edited a classified collection of the works of Hip- pocrates, with a learned commentary; but he was too much bigoted to ancient authority and hypothesis. He wrote on the diseases of the skin, those peculiar to women and children, on poisons, and several other subjects. MERCURIA'LIS. (From Mercurius, its discoverer. I. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- nrean system. Class, Diada; Order, Enne- andria. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the French mercury. See Mercurialis annua. Mercurialis annua. The systematic name of the French mercury. The leaves of this plant have no remarkable smell, and very little taste. It is ranked among the emollient oleraceous herbs, and is said to be gently aperient. Its principal use has been in clysters. Mercurialis Montana. See Mercurialis perennis. Mercurialis perennis. The systematic name of dogs' mercury. Cynocrambe; Mercu- rialis montana sylvestris. A poisonous plant, very common in our hedges. It produces vomit- ing and purging, and the person then goes to sleep, from which he does not often awake. Mercurialis sylvestris. See Mercurialis MeuctJrius nui.cis sublimatcs. Hec IL. drargyri submurias. * Mercurius kmeticus flavus. See Hu. drargyrui vitriolatus. " Mercurius mortis. See Mercuriut dig. Mercurius trjeoipitatus albus. See//«. drargyrum pracipitatum album. Mercurius prjecipitatus ddlcis. See Hydrargyri submurias. Mercurius pr^cipitatus rdeer. Sec Hydrargyri nitroco-oxydum. Mercurius vit.k. See Algaroth. MEMCURY. Hydrargyrum; Hydrargy. rus ; Mei curius. A metal found in five different states in nature. 1. Native, (native mercury,) adhering in small globules to the surface of cinna- bar ores, or scattered through the crevices, or over the surfaces of different kinds of stones. J. It is found united to silver, in the ore called amalgam of silver, or native amalgam of silver. This ore exhibits thin places, or grains; it some- times crystallises in cubes, parallelopipeda, or pyramids. Its colour is of a silver white, or grey; its lustre is considerably metallic. 3, Combined with sulphur, it constitutes native cin- nabar, or sulphuret of mercury. This ore is the most common. It is frequently found in veini, and sometimes crystallised in tetrahedra, or three- sided pyramids. Its colour is red. Its streak metallic. 4. Mercury oxidised, and united either to muriatic or sulphuric acid, forms the ore called horn quickdlver, or corneous mercury. These ores are, in general, semi-transparent, of a grey or white colour, sometimes crystallised, but more frequently in grains. 5. United to oxygen, it constitutes the ore called native oxide of mercury. Mercurial ores particularly abound in Spain, Hungary, China, and South America. Properties.—Mercury, or quicksilver, is the only one of the metals that remains fluid at tbe ordinary temperature of the atmosphere, but when its temperature is reduced to—40 degrees below 0 on Fahrenheit's thermometer: it assumes a solid form. This is is a degree of cold, how- ever, that only occurs in high northern latitude*, and, in our climate, mercury cannot be exhibited in a solid state, but by means of artificial ©aid. When rendered solid, it possesses both ductility and malleability. It crystallises in octahedra, and contracts strongly during congelation. It ii divisible into very small globules. It presents a convex appearance in vessels to which it hai little attraction, but is concave in those to which it more strongly adheres. It becomes electric and phosphorescent by rubbing upon glass, and by agitation in a vacuum. It is a very good coa- ductor of caloric, of electricity, andol galvanism. The specific gravity of mercury is 13.663. Al- though fluid, its opacity is equal to that of any other metal, and its surface, when clean, has con- siderable lustre. Its re, oui is white, similar to silver. Exposed to the temperature of somewhat above 600° Fahr. it is volatilised. When agitated in the air, especially in contact with viacom fluids, it becomes converted into a black oxide. At a temperature nearly the same as that at which it boils, it absorbs about 14 or 15 per cent, of oxygen, and then becomes changed into a red crystallisable oxide, which is spontaneously redu- cible by light and caloric at a higher temperature. The greater number of the acids act upon nwr- cury, or are at least capable of combining with iti oxides. It combines with sulphur by trituration, but more intimately by heat. It is acted on*T the alkaline sulphurets. It combine* with many of the metals; these compounds are brittle, or soft, when the mercury is in large proportion perennis. MERCURIUS. (So called from some sup- posed relation it bears to the planet of that name.) Mercury. See Mercury. Mercurius acetatus. See Hydrargyrus acetatus. Mercurius alkalizatus. See Hydrargy- rum cum creta. Mercurius calcinatus. See Hydrargyri oxydum rubrum. Merccrus chemicorum. Quicksilver. Mercurius cinnabarinus. See Sulphure- tum hydrargyri rubrum. Mercurius corrosivus. See Hydrargyri oxymurias. Mercurius corrosivus ruber. See Hy- drargyri nitrico-oxydum. Mercurius corrosivus sublimatus. See Hydrargyri oxymurias. 608 MER i uere j, a sbght uuion between mercury and phosphuru.. It does not unite with carbon, or th*- earths. . Method of obtaining Mercury.—Mercury mar be obtained pure by decomposing cinnabar, by Beans of iron filing*, for that purpose, take two parte of red sulphuret of mercury (cinnabar,) reduce it to powder, and mix it with one of iron filing*, put the mixture into a stone retort, direct the neck of it into a bottle, or receiver, fiUed with water, and apply heat. The mercury will then be obtained in a Mate of purity. In tins process, tin- sulphuret of mercury, which oonaiat* of sulphur and mercury, is heated in contact with iron, the sulphur quits the mer- cury and unites to the iron, and the mercury be- comes disengaged ; the residue in the retort is a sulphuret of iron. Mercury i* a very useful article both in the eure of disease* and the arts. There is scarcely a disease acainst which some of its preparations arc not exhibited ; and over the venereal disease it jkisw-sm-s a specific power. It is considered to huv tir»t rained repute in curing thi3 disease, irom the good effects it produced in eruptive dis- eases. In the times immediately following the venereal disease, practitioners only attempted to employ this remedy with timorous caution, »o that, ol several of their formulas, mercury scaret ly composed a fourth part, and lew cures «nre effected. On the other hand, empirics who noticed thu little efficacy of these small doses, lan into t he opposite extreme, and exhibited mercury in such larjrc quantities, and with such little care, that most of their patient! became suddenly at- tacked with the most violent salivation*, attended with dangerous conseoueucca. From these two very oppoaite modes of practice, there originated such uncertainty respecting what could be ex- pected from mercury, and such fears' of the con- sequence* which might result from its employ- ment, that every plan was eagerly adopted which ullered the least chance of cure without having recourse to this mineral. A medicine, however, H powerful, and whose salutary ellects were seen by .itteiitive practitioners, amid all its inconve- niences, could not sink into oblivion. After ef- forts had been made to discover a substitute for it, and it was seen how Uttle confidence those means deserved >n which the highest praises had been lavished, the attempts to discover its utility were renewed. A medium was pursued, between the- too timid methods of those physicians who liad first administered it, and the inconsiderate buliliics- of the empirics. Thus the causes from which both partus failed were avoided; the character of the medicine was revived in a more dur '■'• way, and from this pe-iienl its reputation has aW\.i\* been muiuUiutd. Il wu about this i p v been externally employed, which was done in .line intuitu tv The lust, was in the form of li.ia.ei.t, or oiutment ; the second, a* a plaster; and the third, as a limitation. Of the three methods just described, only the first is at pi cM-ut much in use, aud even t.iis is very much aitered. Mer- curial plasters arc now nftly u*ed as topical dis- (-uiient applications to tumours and indurations, fumigation., as aucjently managed, were liable' lo many objections, particularly Irom its not bein<; possible to regulate the quantity of mercury tu be used, and from the effect ol the vap.-ur on the or- traus of respiration frequently occasioning trem- bling, palsies, &c. Frictions with ointini ut have alwnj ► been regarded as the most cfticacious niodi ol administering luercurv. MLR Mercury is carried into the constitution in the same way as other substances, either by being absorbed from the surface of the body, or that of the alimentary canal. -It cannot, however, in all cases, be taken into the constitution in both ways, for tometimes the absorbents of the skin wiU not readily receive it; at least no effect is produced, either on the disease or constitution, from this mode of application. On the other hand, the in- ternal absorbents wiU, sometimes, not take up the medicine, or, at least, no effect is produced either on the disease or constitution. In many persons, the bowels can hardly bear mercury at all; and k should then be given in the mildest. form possible, conjoined with such medicines as witi lessen or correct its violent effects, although not its specific ones, on the constitution. When mercury can be thrown into the constitution with propriety, by the external method, it is preferable to the internal plan; because the skin is not nearly so essential to life a* the stomach, and is therefore in itself capable of bearing much more than the stomach. The constitution is also less injured. Many courses of mercury would kill the patient if the medicine were only given in- ternaUy, because it proves hurtful to tlie stomach and intestines, when given in any form, or joined with the greatest correctors. Mercury has two effects; one as a stimulus on the constitution and particular parts, the other as a specific on a diseased action of the whole body, or of parts. The latter action can only be com-' puted by the disease disappearing. In giving mercury in the venereal disease, the first attention should be to the quantity, and its visible effects in a given time ; which, when brought to a proper pitch are only to be kept up, and the decline of the disease to be watched ; for by this we judge of the invisible or specific effects of the medicine, and know what variation in the quantity may be necessary. The visible effects of mercury all<. ; either the whole constitution, or some parts capable of secretion. In tbe first, it produces universal irritability, making" it more susceptible of all impressions. It quickens the pulse, increases its hardness, and occasions a kind of temporary fever. In some constitutions it operates like a poison. In some it produces a hectic fever; but such effects commonly diminish on the patient becoming accustomed to the medi- cine. Mercury often produces pains like those oi rheumatism, and nodes of a scrophulous nature. The quantity of mercury to be thrown in for the cure of any venereal complaint, must be propor- tioned to the violence of the disease. A small quantity used quickly, wiU have equal effects to those of a large one employed slowly ; but if these effects are merely local, that is, upon the glands of the mouth, the constitution at large not being equally stimulated, the effects upon the diseased- parts must be less, which may be known by the local disease not pivin * way in proportion to the effects of mcr»-.:ry on some particular part. If iv. be giv.n in vciv m 11 quantities, ana increased graduully. so a.s to steal in>. r inly on the consti- tution, a v.ist quantity at a lim> may at ! n^th be thrown in, without any visihle. effects at all. The constitution, or p-irts, ..re ir-Tv susceptible of mercury at first than afterw.n- is. Mercury occasionally attacks the bowels, and causes violent purging, even of blood. Tins ef- fect is remedied by intermitting the use of the luedie-ine, 111J exhibitim: opium. At other times, n is suddenly determined to the mouth, and pro- duces inflammation, ulceration, and an • Missive flow of sain.. To obtain r>!i- '■' in this circuiu- ' MLii AiLK •t.-iuic;, piii'j.iitivs, nitre, sulphur, gum-arabic, lime-water, camphor, bark, sulphuret of potassa, blisters, &c. have been advised. Pearson, how- . ver, docs not place much confidence in the effi- cacy of such means; and, the mercury being discontinued for a time, be recommends the pa- tient to be freely exposed to cold air, with the occasional use of caibartics, mineral acids, Pe- ruvian bark, and the assiduous application of as- tringent gargles. The most material objection (says Pearson) which I foresee against the me- thod of treatment I hare recommended, is the hazard to which the patient will be exposed of having the saliva suddenly checked, and of suf- fering some other disease in consequence of it. Thev hasty suppression of a ptyalism may be followed by serious inconveniences, as violent pains, vomiting, and general convulsions. Cold liquids taken into the stomach, or ex- posure of the body to the cold air, must be guard- ed against during a course of mercury. Should a suppression of the ptyalism take, place, from any act of indiscretion, a quick introduction of mercury should be had recourse to, with the oc- casional use of the warm bath. Mercury, when it falls on the mouth, some- times produces inflammation, which now and (ben terminates in mortification. The ordinary operation of mercury does not permanently in- jure the constitution; but, occasionally, the im- pairment is very material; mercury may even produce local diseases, and retard the cure of chancres, buboes, aud certain effects of the lues venerea, after the poison has been destroyed. Oc- casionally mercury acts on the system as a poi- son, quite unconnected with its agency as a re- medy, and neither proportionate to the inflanima- lion of the mouth nor actual quantity of the mi- neral absorbed. Pearson has termed this morbid state of the system crethismus ; it is charac- terised by great depression of strength, a sense of anxiety about the prrecordia, irregular action of the heart, frequent sighing, trembling, a small, quick, and sometimes intermitting pulse, occa- sional vomiting, a pale contracted countenance, a sense of coldness ; but the tongue is seldom fur- red, and neither the natural or vital functions are much disturbed. When this effect of mercury takes place, the use of mercury should be dis- continued, whatever may be the stage, extent, or violence of the venereal disease. The patient should be exposed to a dry and cool air, in such a way as not to give fatigue; in this way, the pa- tient will often recover in ten or fourteen days. In the early stage, the crethismus may often be averted by leaving off the mercury and giving camphor mixture with volatile alkali. Occa- ■ ionally, the use of mercury brings on a peculiar eruption, which has received the names of mer- curial rash, eczema mercuriale, lepra mercurialis, mercurial disease, and erythema mercuriale. In order that mercury should act on the human body, it is necessary that it should be oxidised, or combined with an acid. The mercury con- tained in the unguentum hydrargyri, is an oxide. This, however, is the most simple and least com- bined form of all its preparations, and hence, (says Mr. S. Cooper,) it not only operates with more mildness on the system, but with more spe- cific effect on the disease. Vr.rions salts of mer- cury operate more quickly when given internally than mercurial frictions; but few practitioners of the present day confide in the internal use of mercury alone ; particularly when the venereal virus has produced effects in consequence of ab- sorption. Rubbing in mercurial ointment is the mode of affecting the system with mercury in the present day ; and, as a substitute for this niuui 0/ applying mercury, Mr. Abernethy recommends the mercurial fumigation, where the patient haa not strength to rub in ointment, and whose bowels will not bear the internal exhibition of it. The preparations of mercury now in use are. 1. Nitrico-oxydum hydrargyri. 2. Oxydum hydrargyri cinereura. 3. Oxydum hydrargyri rubrum. 4. Oxy-raurias hydrargyri. 5. Submurias hydrargyri. 6. Sulphuretum hydrargyri rubrnmetnigmru. 7. Hydrargyrum cum creta. 8. Hydrargyrum precipitatum album. 9. Hydrargyrum purificatum. Mercury, dog's. See Mercurialit. Mercury, English. See Chenopodium bonus henricus. Mercury, French. See Mercurialis. Meroba'lneum. (From ptpos, a part, and (iaXavuov, a bath.) A partial bath. MEROCE'LE. (From ptpos, the tliigh, and KrjXrj, a tumour.) A femoral hernia. See Hernia. Me'ron. Unpos. The thigh. MERRET, Christopher, was born at Winch- combe in 1614. After graduating at Oxford, he settled in London, became a fellow- of tbe Col- lege of Physicians, and one ofthe original rucm bers of the PhUosophical Society, whicli, after the Restoration, was called the Royal Society. He appears to have had a considerable practice, and reached his 81st year. His first publication was a Collection of Acts of Parliament, &c.in proof of the exclusive Rights of the CoUege, printed in 1690 ; which afforded the basis of Dr. Goodall's history : this was followed nine years after by " A short View of the Frauds of Apothe- caries," which involved him in much contro- versy. He published also a Catalogue of the Natural Productions of this Island, of which the botanical part is best executed ; arid he commu- nicated several papers to the Royal Society. ME'RUS. Applied to several things in ftp same sense, as genuine or unadulterated; ■ merum vinum, neat wine. MERY, John, was bom at Vatau, in France, in 1645. His father being a surgeon, he deter- mined upon the same profession, and went ac- cordingly to the Hotel Dieu at Paris, where he studied with extraordinary ardour, even passing the night in dissection in his bed-room. In 1681 he was appointed to the office of queen's surgeon; and two years after, surgeon-major to the invalids. Soon after this he was chosen to attend the Queen of Portugal, who died, however, before bis arrival; and he refused very advantageous of- fers to detain him at that, as well as the Spanish court. He was now received into the Academy of Sciences, and shortly after sent on a secret journey to England ; then chosen to attend nnon the Duke of Burgundy, who was a chHd. But these occupations were irksome to him, and he even shunned private practice, and general so- ciety, devoting himself to the duties, oi the hos- pital of Invalids, and to the dissecting-room. In 1700 he was appointed first surgeon to the Hotel Dfi u, which gratified his utmost ambition; and he declined repeated solicitations to give lectures there on anatomy. He procured, however, th erection of a theatre for the students, where they niiht have n;ore regular instruction, it was a irreat part of the labour ol his life to form an anatomical museum, yet he did not estimate these researches too highly, and was very slow in fra- ming, or in receiving, new theories concerning the animal economy. About the age of 75, W suddenly lost the use of his legs, after which■" MES ,'aiUi declined, and he died in 1722. Resides .iiany valuable communications to the Academy of hcieace*, he published a d'-ifcription of the ear; Observations on Fmre J.-icquc-,' Method of Cutting; for the Stone, the general principle of which be approved ; a tract on the Foetal Circu- lation, controverting the received opinion, that part of the blood passes from the right to the left ventricle, through the forameu ovale, and even assigning it an opposite course ; and phy iieal pro- blems, cuni-crning the connexion of the fatus with the mother, and it* nutrition. Meiarj-.'um. (From pious, the middle, and - -. the bellv. ^ The mesentery. M KM". M UKY.VNTHEM' M. (So called from the circumstance of its flowers expanding at mid- day. The name of a east genus of [ilants. Class, Icotandria ; Order, Pentagynia. M^sKMBRTANTIU:illTMC«T-iT*I.LINUM. The i nec ill ibis pi .nt, in a dose of four spoonsful . rery two lmur<, it i* asserted, has removed an obstinate i>p-i<;qiodic affection of the neck of the bladder, which would not yield to other re-medics. MESENTERIC. Metentericut. Belonging to the mesentery. See Metentiry. Mesenteric artery. Arteriametenterica. Two branches of the aorta in the abdomen are »o ■ ailed. The superior mesenteric is the tecond brauch; it ia dutributed upon the mesentery, and give* off the superior orright colic arterv. The inferior mesenteric L.tVTuth branch of the aorta; it sends off the interni hemorrhoidal. . Mesenteric glands. Glandula metente- rica. These are conglobate, and arc situated Lere and there in the cellular membrane of the mesentery. The chyle from the intestines passes ihrouyb ibi -e glands to the thoracic duct. Mr.-en runic nerves. Nervorum plexus tnesentti ■/ u.i. The superior, middle, and lower mesenteric plexuses of nerves are formed by the branches ofthe great intercostal nerves. Mesenteric veins. Y-na metenterica. They aU mn into one trunk, that evacuates its blood into the vena portae. See Vena porta. MESENTEIM Tlv (.From ptacvltpioi, the mescal, ry. ( \n inflammation of the mesentery.) See Pir'itunitit. ME'SEM'KRY. (Metcnterium; fromfiriroc, the middle, and t/]ipov, an intestine.) A mem- brane in the cavity ofthe abdomen attached to the vertebrae of tbe loins, and to which tlie intes- tines adhere. It is formed of a duplicature of the peritouiL-uui, and contains within it adipose mem- brane, lacteals, lymphatic*, lacteal glands, mesen- teric arteries, vein*, and nerves. Its use is to sus- tain tho into tine* in such a manner that they pos- ses* both mobility and firmness ; to support and conduct with safety the" blood-vc-sels, lacteal*, and nerves ; to fix the glands, und i;ivc an exter- nal coat to the intestines. koonsiit* of three parts: one unitingthe small lutcstinci, which receives the proper name of :ne*eatery ; another connecting the colon, tenned mesocolon ; and a third attached to the rectum, termed tnaaortctum. MKSEKAIC. The . ame as mesenteric. Mk-ehion. See Daphne mezticum. Mem're. A disorder of the Uver, mentioned by Avicenna, accompanied with a sense of heavi- ness, tuaaour, inilanuu-iii-io, pungent pain, and Hackee •* ofthe tongue. MESOCOLON. (From ,,...„<, the middle, and KuXtr, the colon.) The portion of the me- sentery to which the r.-lou is attached. The me- sentery aud mesocolon are the most important of -adl the production* of Ihe pcritomruro. In the wj»i*. ib" pcrif'-riTum spreadi itself 1 pancreas, from the lower part. The lower plate of this transverse production is continued singly from the right mesocolon to the left, and serves a* an external coat to a pretty large portion of the liver, and descending part of the duodenum. But the upper plate, less simple in the course, depart-: from the lumbar peritonaeum at the kidney, anil region ofthe vena cava, farther to the right than the duodenum, to which it gives an external mem- brane, not quite to the valve of the pylorus ; and beyond this intestine, and beyond the colon, it ii joined with the lower plate, so that a large part ofthe duodenum lies within the cavity of the me- socolon. Afterwords, in the region ofthe Uver the mesocolon is inflected, and descending ovi-r tbe kidney of the same side much shorter, it in- cludes the right ofthe colon, as far as the intesti- num caecum, which rests upon tlie iliac muscle and the appendix, which is provided with a pecu- liar long curved mesentery. There .he mesoco- lon terminates, almost at the bifurcation of the aorta. The whole ofthe mesocolon and of the mesen- tery is hoUow, so that the air maybe forced in between its two lamina?, in such a manner as to expand them into a bag. At the place where it sustains the coIod, and also from part of tlie in- testinum rectum, the mesocolon, continues with the outer membrane of the intestine, forms itself into smaU slender bags, resembling the omentum, for the most part in pairs, with their loose extre- mities thicker and bifid, and capable of admitting air blown in between the plates of the mesocolon. MESOCRA-'NIUM. (From ptaos, the middle, nnd tpavinv, the skull.) The crown of the head, or icrtcx. MESOGASTHU'M. (Fromptcos, the middle, and yets~np, the stomach.) The concave part of tlie stomach, which attaches itself to the adjacent parts. MESOGLO SSUS. (From pcoac, the middle, and yXwooa, the tongue.) A muscle inserted in - the middle ofthe tongue. MESOME'RA. (Fromptcos, the middle, anil pvpts. the 'high.) The parts between the thighs. MESOMPHALIUM. (From pteos, the mid- dle, and optpaXos, the navel.) The middle of thu navel. MESO'PHRYUM (From ptoos, the middle, and oipuom, the eyebrows.) The part between the eyebrows. MESOPLEU Rl'M. (From ptaos, the middle. and irXtupoc, a rib.) The space or muscles be- tween the ribs. MESORE ( TUM. (From p:*os, the middle, andrecfum. the straight rut.) The portion of MET MET -j.eritonxum which connects the rectum to the pelvis. MESO'TIIENAR. (From ptcos, the middle, s-md Otvap, the palm of the hand.) The muscle situated in the middle ofthe palm ofthe hand. MESOTICA. (From ptaos, medius.) The name of an order of diseases in the class Eccriti- <-a, in Good's Nosology. Diseases affecting the parenchyma. Its genera are the following: Polysarcia; Emphyma; Parostia; Cyrtosis; Osthexia. MESOTTPE. Prismatic zeoUte. A species of the genus zeolite. ME'SPILUS. (Onevno pttria mXos, because it has a cap or crown in the middle of it.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Icosandria; Order, Pentagynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the medlar. See Mespilus germanica. Mespilus germanica. The systematic name ofthe medlar-tree. This fruit, and also its seeds, have been used medievally. The immature fruit is serviceable in checking diarrhoeas ; and the seeds were formerly esteemed in allaying the pain attendant on nephritic diseases. ME SUE, one of the early physicians among the Arabians, was born in the province of Khora- san, and flourished in the beginning of the ninth century. His father was an apothecary at Nisa- boar. He was educated in tiie profession of physic by Gabriel, the son of George Backtishua, and through his favour was appointed physician to the hospital of his native city. Although a Christian he was in great favour with several successive Caliphs, being reputed the ablest scholar and physician of his age. When Haroun al Raschid appointed his son viceroy of Khorasan, Mesue was nominated his body physician, and was placed by him at the head of a coUege of learned men, which he instituted there. When Almam- mon succeeded to the throne in 181S, he brought Mesne to Bagdad, and made him a professor of medicine there, as well as superintendant of the great hospital, which offices he filled a great num- ber of years. He was also employed in transfer- ring the science of the Greeks to his own country, by translating their works. He is supposed by Freind to have written in the Syriac tongue. He was author of some works, which are cited by Rhazes, and others, but appear to have perished; for those now extant in his name do not corres- pond with these citations, nor with the character given of them by Haly Abbas, besides that Rha- zes is quoted in them, who lived long after Mesue: they probably belonged to another physician of the same name, who is mentioned by Leo Afri- canus, and died in the beginning of the eleventh century. META'BASIS. (From ptraBaivo), to digress.) Metabole. A change of remedy, of practice, or disease ; or any change from one thing to another, either in the curative indications, or the symptoms of a distemper. Meta'bole. See Metabasis. METACARPAL. Belonging to the metacarpus. Metacarpal bones. The five longitudinal bones that are situated between the wrist and the fingers; they are distinguished into the metacar- pal bone of the thumb, fore-finger, &c. METACA'RPCS. (From pera, after, and Kapnos, the wrist.) Metacarpium. That part of »he hand which isbetween the wrist and the fingers. B12 Metaca'rpeus. A muscle of the cirptf. See Adductor metacarpi minimi digiti manus. Metacera'sma. (From ^tro, after, and «^. awvpi, to mix.) Cerasma. A mixture temper- ed with any additional substance. METACHEIRI'XIS. (From ptraXtipt^, to perform by the hand.) Surgery, or any manual operation. Metachore'sis. (From fifTa^oipnu, to di- gress.) The translation of a disease from one part to another. Metacine'ma. (From pera, and nvtu, to remove.) A distortion of the pupil ofthe eye. Metaco'ndtlus. (From ptra, after, and KovtvXos, a knuckle.) The last joint of a finger, which contains the nail. Meta'llage. (From ptraXXaTlu), to change.) A change in the state or treatment of a disease. METALLU'RGIA. (From ,,craXW, a metal, and spyov, work, labour.) That part of chemis- try which concerns the operations of metal*. METALS. The most numerous class of un- decompounded chemical bodies, distinguished by the following general characters:— 1. They posses a peculiar lustre, which contin- ues in the streak, and in their smallest frae-ments. 2. They are fusible by heat; and in fusion re- tain tbeir lustre and opacity. 3. They are aU, except selenium, exceUent conductors both of electricity and calorie. 4. Many of them may be extended under the J hammer, and are called malleable : or under the rolling press, and are culled laminable ; or drawn I into wire, and are called ductile. This capabili- ty of extension depends, in some measure, on n tenacity peculiar to the metals, and which exists in the different species with very different degrees of force. 5. When their saline combinations are elee- ' trised, the metals separate at the resino-electric or negative pole. 6. When exposed to the action of oxygen, chlo- rine, or iodine, at an elevated temperature, they generally take fire; and, combining with one or other of these three elementary dissolvents in de- finite proportions, are converted into earthy or saline-looking bodies, devoid of metallic lustre and ductility, caUed oxides, chlorides, or iodides. 7. They are capable of combining in their i melted state with each other, in almost every pro- portion, constituting the important order of metal- lic alloys ; in which the characteristic lustre and tenacity are preserved. 8. From this briltiancy and opacity conjoint- ly, they reflect tbe greater part of the Ught which falls on their surface, and hence form ex- cellent mirrors. 9. Most of them combine in definite pro- portions with sulphur and phosphorus, forming bodies frequently of a semi-metallic aspect; and others unite with hydrogen, carbon, and boron, giving rise to peculiar gaseous or solid compounds. 10. Many of the metals are capable of as- suming, by particular management, crystalline forms; which are, for the most part, either cubes or octohedrons. The relations of the metals to the various ob- jects of chemistry, are so complex and diversi- fied, as to render their clarsineation a task oi peculiar difficulty. MET MET General Table of the Metals. NAME*- Sp. gr. j i Precipitant*. Colour of Precipitates by Ferropruasiate of potaaaa. ~~ 0 Infuaion of gall*. Hydroaul-phuret*. Sulphuretted hydrogen. 1 Platinum Jl 17 \tiir. mnmnn. 0 I Dlack met. powd. 2 Gold 3 Silver 4 Palladium n/.o \ Bui, Ii. iron Yellowiah-white Green; met. i Yellow Yellow 10.45 11.1 l Niir. mercury fiim-nun salt. Prim ni tcury White Deep orange Yal.-brown ; i 31ack 31 ickish brown Black Black-brown S Mercury i 6 Copper | 13.6 Jommoo salt Heat Iron Pucein. soda While pawing ' to yellow Red-biown i Blue, or white Orange-yellow j Srown | Protox.0 ] 3rownish-black Black Black Black Do. 0 ^ 7 Iron 8 Tin 1 7-23 with peioi. Cor. lublim. paaaing to blue White Perox black 0 ?rotox. black ?erox. yellow Brown 8 I..ml 10 Nickel 11 rulmium U Zinc 13 Bismuth 11.35 8.4 8.6 6.9 9t8 flulph. nod a Sulph. potaiial Zinc Alk. caibonatea Water Do. Do. Do. Do. Du. White 1 lirey-wbite 0 o Yellow Black Do. Orange-yellow White 151 ck-brown Black 0 Orange-yellow Yellowish-white Black blown 14 Antimoaj 1* Manganese 16 l'..bnll 6.70 8. 1.6 S Water (Zinc Tartr. pnt. Alk. carbonates With dilute aolu-tiona white White Bri.w.i yellin White from wa-ter. 0 Yellow-while Orango Whito Black Orange Milkiness 0, IT Teburium .,,., l Water r Antimony 0 Yellow Blackiah 11 Arsenic \ 8.3.51 1 6.761 .Niir lead White Yellow Yellow tJ C romium 5T0 Do. Groen Brown Green tO Mul\btlfiium 8.6 Do. 7 Brown Deeji brown Drown il Tungsten | n.4 Mur. lime 7 Diluto acid* H Columbium 561 Zinc or kif. gain Olivo Orange Chocolate tB Helenium j 4.3 1 | Iron r Sulphite amm. Purple paaaing to !4 Osmium | 7 Mercury deep blue 13 Khoilium 10 65 Zinc.' 0 0 ■ • Indium J2 "mnium ' 1 R.i.8 9.0 Do.? Ferropr p.it. Inf. gull*. Otal. amm. 0 Kiown-red 0 Chocolate Brown-yellow 0 W Tilaiiium ■? Gruugreon Rod-brown Grnss-grecn 0 * Urium i Milk-whito 0 Whito 0 1* Potauium 0.865 | Mur. pint. j Tart. acid. 0 0 0 0 II Roilium 0.972 U Lithium JS Calcium 'M Barium 84 Strontium ' M Magnesium 17 VlUium M Ulueinum XI Aluminum 10 Thoriuuin Il /iriiiniuin 12 Siliciuin The first 12 are malleable; and so arc the 30th, Slit, and Sid in their concealed state. The fimt 16 yield oxides, which are neutral sa- lifiable have*. The- metal* 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, and 23, are acidifiable by combination with oxygen. Of the oxides of thereat, unto the dOth, little is known. The remaining metals form, with oxygen, the al- kaline and earthy banes All the metal* arc found in the bowels of the earth, though sometime* hey are on the. surface. Tin v .m met within different combination* with other nutter*. Mich as sulphur, oxygen, and acids. particularly with the carbonic, muriatic, inlpburie, and phosphoric acids. They are also found combined with each other, and sometimes, though rarely, in a pure metallic state, distinguish- able by the naked eye. In their different dates of combination, they ire *aid to be mineralised, and are called oret. The ore* of metal* are, for the most part, found ' i-ature in monntninmi* districts; and always in such as form a continued chain. There are mountains which consist entirely of iron ore, but, in general, the metallic part of a mountain bears a very inconsiderable proportion to its bulk. Ores are also met with in the cavities or crevices of rocks, forming what are termed veins, which are more easily discovered in these situations than when they lie level in plains. The metallic matter of ores is very generaUy inerusted, and intermingled with some earthy- substance, different from the rock in which the vein is situated ; which is termed its matrix. This, however, must not be confounded with the mineralising substance with which the metal is combined, such as .sulphur, &c. METAMORPHO'PSIA. (FromjitTo/iopdiwmy, a change, and oTu, sight.) Vitus defiguratut. Disfigured vision. It is a defect in vision, by which persons perceive objects changed in their figures. The species are, 1. Metamorphopda acuta, when objects ap- pear much larger than their size. 613 ^!H }lilT _, Melamorphopsia diminula, when objects appear diminished in size, arising from, the same causes as the former. 3. Metamorpnopda mutant, when objects seem to be in motion: to the vertiginous and in- toxicated persons, every thing seems to stagger. 4. Melamorphopsia torluosa seu flexuosa, ■when objects appear tortuous, or bending. 5. Metamorphopsia invcrsa, when all objects appear inverted. 6. Metamorphopsia imaginaria, is the vision of a thing not present, as may be observed in the delirious, and in maniacs. 7. Metamorphopsia from a remaining impres- sion .-_ it happens to those who very attentively examine objects, particularly in a great light, for some time after to perceive the impression. Metape'dium. (From pera, after, and ttouj, the foot.) The .ne.tatarsus. Meta'phrenum. (From ptra, after, and .Qptvts, th? diaphragm.) That part of the back which is b hind the diaphragm. Metaporopoie'sis. (From ptra, ropos, a duct, and nouio, to make.) A change in the pores of the body. Metapto'sis. (From ptTairnrru}, to digress.) A change froth one disease to another. METASTASIS. (Frtm ptOiorvpt, to change, to translate.) The translation of a disease from one place to another. Metask'ncricis. (From ptratrvyKpivw, to transmute.) Any change of constitution. METATARSAL. Belonging to the'jneta- tarsus. .{ Metatarsal bones. The five longiltdinal bones between the tarsus and the toea ■; the# are distinguished into the metatarsal bone of the great-toe, fore-toe, &c. METATA'RSUS. (From ptra, after, and raptros, the tarsus.) That part of the foot between the tarsus and toes; Mete'lla nux. See Strychnos nux vo- mica. METEORISMUS. (From ptrttopos, a va- pour. ) 1. A dropsy of the beUy accompanied by a considerable distention from wind in the bowels. 2. A tympanitic state of the abdomen, that -takes place in acute diseases suddenly and unex- pectedly, as does the appearance of a meteor in the heavens. METEOROLITE. Meteoric stone. A pe- culiar solid compound of earthy and metallic matters, of lingular aspect and composition, which occasionaUy descends from the atmos- phere; usually from the bosom of a luminous meteor. Meteo'ros. (Mtrewpoj; from pt)a, and atipw, to elevate.) Elevated, suspended, erect, sub- lime, tumid. Galen expounds pains of this sort, as being those which atfect the peritonaeum, or other more superficial parts of the body: these are opposed to the more deep-seated ones. METHE'GLIN. A drink prepared from honey by fermentation. It is often confounded with mead. Ir is made in the foUowing way. Honey, one iundred weight ; boiling water, enough to fill a thirty-two gaUon cask, or half a hogshead ; stir it well for a day or two, then ado yeast and ferment. Some boil the honey in wa- ter with one ounce of hops to each gallon, for an hour or two, but this boiling hinders its fermen- tation. Methemeri'nus. (From pera, and riptpa, a day.) A quotidian fever. Metbo'dic medicine. That practice which was conducted by rules, such as arc taught by 611 Galen and his followers, in opposition lo the en. pirical practice. ME'THODUS. (From ptra, andoioS,*^ The method, or ratio, by which any operation^ cure is conducted. Meto'pion. Mtruiriov. 1. Americanain»uj.|| a species of Rhiu. • ^^ 2. A name ot the bitter almond. 3. An oil, or an ointment, made by Diracoridw. which was thus caUed because it had <^bag*» in it, .which was collected from a plant nstu Mttopium. Meto'pium. Mcto-ioi*. An ointment mads of galbanum. Meto'pum. (From ptra, after, and wd, ik, eye.) The forehead. V,Ue Meto'sis. A kind of amaurosis, from id excess of short-sightedness. ME'TRA. (From pm-vp, a mother.) Tne womb. See Uterus. METRE'NCHYTA. (From ii^o, fe womb, ind ty%vu), to pour into.) Iniectioniinto the womb. METUE'NCHYTES. (From f„rp(1, fe womb, and ey%vto, to pour in.) A syringe to uyect fluids into the womb. METRI'TLS. (From pr,rpa, the womb.) In- □animation of the womb. See Hmteritit. METROCE'LIS. (Metrocelis,idit. f.; from primp, a mother, and Kt,Xis, a blemish.) Amuk, or mark, impreMed upon the child by the mother1! imagination. —*> METROMA'NIA. A rage for reciting veriei. In the Acta Societatis Medica? Havnieasis, pub- lished 1779, is an account of a tertian attended with remarkable symptoms ; one of which thi the metro-mania, by which the patient apes* verses extempore, having never before baa fe least taste for poetry; when the fit was off, fed patient became stupid, and remained so till fe return of the paroxysm, when the poetical pat- ers returned again. METROPTOSIS. (From unrpa, thaHtxm, and irmjio, to fall down.) Prolapsus uteri. Tke descent of the uterus through the vagina. Metrorrhagia. (From ptrpa, the worn*, and ptiympi, to break out.) An excessive da- charge from the womb. ME'U. See AEihusa meum. ME'UM. (From pciiov, less: so called. cordin»; to Minsbew, from its diminutive See AEthuta meum. Meum athamanticum. See JEthuta Mexico seed. Sec Ricinut. Mexico tea. See Chenopodium ambrotioidu. MEZEREON. See Daphne mezereum. MEZE'REUM. Ji. word of some barbarotu dialect.) Mezereon. See Daphne mntreum. Mtzkreum acetatpm. Thin slices of tha bark of fresh mezereon root are to be steeped for twenty-four hours in common vinegar. Somi practitioners direct this appUcation to issue!) when'a discharge from theiu cannot be encoo- , raged by the common means. It generaUy answers this purpose very effectually in tbe course of dhe night, the pea being removed, and a smati portion of the bark appUed over tbe opening. See Daphne gnidium. MI A'SMA. (Miasma, lis. n.; from piairu, to infect.) Miasma is a Greek word, importing poUution, corruption, or defilement generally; and contagion a Latin word, importing tbe ap- plication of such miasm or corruption to the body by the medium of touch. There is, hence, therefore, says Dr. Good, neither parallelism no' antagonism, in their respective 8ignific•*••B,5 there is nothing that nceeisarily conn' d! IbeB Mir. MIL e,iber .burnetii ely, or cnoguBctaveky. «^J" taualW at>l>ly u, the animal and vegetable worlds, offffite whatever of defttement or touch; Z,\ Zhhe?m-rb- predicated of the other; for wr ..Sr^eS!'correctly of the miasm of conta- gion, or of contagion produced by miasm. be« ^mcjT'h Mieeies of mineral which Professor Jameson »iibd'vidi* into ten sub-species, viz. mica, pinite, lepidolite, chlorite green earth, tale nairite, potatone, steatite, and figure stone. Mi-.-a come* in abundance from Siberia, where , ■ \t used for window a;las*. Mimrtto'iiMii: Bt/OAR. See Calculus. ■ Micaocnsmc salt. A triple salt of *oda, am- monia and phosphoric acid obtained from urine, and much used in assays with the blow-pi;" • MlCROI.F.rjti-STMPH*'A. (Fromfiiirpoc, ainail, ..>it.n(, wbHe, and ,,7>,ta, the water-lily.) The amall white wit'r-lilv- MICRON Y.MPH/L V (From pitpos, small, and vtpfata, the water-lily.) The *maller water- MK'ROIK MIS. (From piitr>os, amall, and tpx<-i * t'-tiele.) One whose testicle* are uiiimnallv small. MICltoSIMIY'XIA. (From ^isrpoc, small, and »flv(K, thi- pulse.) A debility and amallness of the pulse. MIDRIFF. Sep Diauhrat^ma. MI EM ITE. A mineral found at Miemo in Tu*' mv, and other place*. There axe two ki.i.l , tin- granular and prismatic. \;r«.Ms. (From piyino, to mix.) A confec- tion, or nintmiut. Mh;ra'na. A corruption of hemicrania. MILFOIL. Sec Achillea millefolium. ■ MIIJA It I K. (From milium, millet: so called fci eau*c the miibII ve*n:li ,h upon the skin resemble millct-xeed) Miliary fever. A genus of disease In the clus» Pyrrsiir, and order Ljcanthemata, of Collen, characterised by synoelius ; cold stage ronsiilnil'1' hot sta '• attended with anxiety and frequent Mghing; peri-piralinii of ;i strong ttand peculiar mih II ; eruption, preceded by a sense of nrickiiii;, lir»t on tho neck and breast, of small . red pimples, which in two days become white uMiclrs, di-Mjii imate, and tire succeeded by fresh pimple*. Miliary fever has been observed to affect bolh scxe?, ami persons of all *£,> s ami con- stitution* hut female*, of a delicate habit, are nnnt hiible to it, particularly in childbed. Moist variable weather is mont favourable to ita appear- ance, and it occurs mi -t usually in the spring and autumn. It ii by some s.iiil to he a contagious din-ate, and ha* been kuiun to prevail cpi- di lineally. \ i ry imlciit symptoms, such as coma, deli- rium, an-1 convulMit- tits, now and then attend .miliar)- trier, in which case it is apt to prove , ftital. A nun:rrou» eruption indicates more , danger than a scanty one. The eruption bei11•: -ti ady ik in be conviih rid as more favourable tbun its frequently disappearing and i uiiiii-> out a^ain, and it is more lavourable when the placi s coTircd wilh the cmptinii appear swelled and Mn-tched than whin Ibey remain flaccid. Ai - ennliii- to ihe severity of the symptoms, and ilepn s»ii>ti of spirili, n the danger greater. See alio Sudamtna. Mii.iui.um. (Diminutive at milium, millet. *| A small tumour on the eyeUds, resembling in size a millet-nt-d. MII.ITA RIS. (From miltt, a soldier: so i-illid from its efficacy in curing fresh wounds.) v' <• Achillea millefolium, Mp it mi« nr.ru \. See Achillea millefolium. MILIUM. (Frornms'ifc, a thousand. An at' cient name for a sort of corn or grass, remark- able foi the abundance of its seeds.) Tbe name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Triandria. Order, Digynia. 2. (From m*7ium, a mtilet-seed.) A very white and hard tubercle, in size and colour re- sembling a millet-seed. Its seat is immediately under the cuticle, so that, when pressed, the con- tents escape appearing of an atheromatous nature. Milii'M solis. Sec Lithotpermum. MILK. Lac. A fluid secreted by peculiar' glands, and designed to nourish animals in fl» early part of their life. It is of an opaque white* colour, a mild saccharine twste, and a slightly aro- matic smc-U. If is separated immediately from the blood, in the breasts or udders of female ani- mals. Man, quadrupeds, and cetaceous animals, are tbe only creatures which afford milk. All other animals are destitute of the organs which secrete this fluid. Milk differs greatly in the se- veral animals. The following are the general Propertiet of animal and human milk :— Milk separates spontaneously into cream, cheete, and terum of milk; and that sooner in a warm situation than in a cold>one._ In a greater temperature than that of the air^it acescesjand coagulates, but more easily and quicker by tie ad- dition nf acid salts, or coagulating plants. Lime- u-ntir .-i.a'rulati s milk imperfectly. Tt is not coagulated by pure alkali; which indeed dissolves its caseous part. With carbonated alkali the caseous ai.d cremoraceous parts of milk are changed into a liquid soap, which separates in the Ata of white flakes; such milk, by boil- ing, is changed into a yellow and then into a brown colour. Milk, distilled to dryness, gives out an ii.si,'id water, and leaves a jvhitish brown extract, called the extract of milk; which, dissolved in water, makes a milk of less value. MiiU fr'-.-h drawn, and often agitated in a warm place, !.-- uegrccs goes into the vinoui fer- mentation, so lliai aikohol may be drawn over by .lis,illation, which is called spirit of milk. It succeeds quicker if yeast be added to the milk. Mares' milk, as it contains the greatest quantity ofthe sugar of milk, is best calculated for vinous fermentation. The Prindplet of milk, or its integral parts, are, 1. The Aroma, or odorous volatile principle, which flies off from fresh drawn milk in the form of visible vapour. 2. Water, which consti utes the greatest part of milk. From one pound, eleven ounces of water may be extracted by distillation. This water, with the sugar of milk, forms the terum of the milk. 3. Bland oil, which, from its lightness, swims on tbe siirlaci. of milk after standing, and forma the cream of milk. 4. Cnce*e,separated by coagulating milk, falls to the bottom of the vessel, aud is the animal gluten. 5. Sugar, obtained from the serum of milk by evaporation. It unites the caseous and butyra- ceous part with the water of the milk. 6. Some neutral talts, as the muriate o: potassa and muriate of lime, which are uccidcinal, not being found at all times, nor in every -.iilk. These principles of milk differ widely in res, • et to quantity and quality, according to the diver- sity of the animals. The aroma of the milk is of so different an odour, that persons accustomed to the smell, and those Whose olfactory nerves are very sensible, ranensilv distinguish whether milk be that of the 615 MIL cow, goat, mare, ass, or human. The same may be said of the serum of the milk, which is pro- perly the seat of the aroma. The terum of milk is thicker and more copious in the milk of the sheep and goat, than in that of the ass, mare, or human milk. The butter of goats' and cows' milk is easUy separated, and will not again unite itself with the butter-milk. Sheep's butter is soft, and not of the consistence of that obtained from the cow and goat. Asses', mares', and hu- man butter, can only be separated in the form of eream; which cream, by the assistance of heat, is with ease again united to the milk from which it is separated. The cheete of cows' and goats' milk is soUd and elastic, that from asses and mares soft, and that from sheep's milk almost as soft as gluten. It is never separated sponta- neously from the milk of a woman but only by art, and is whoUy fluid. The serum abounds most in human, asses', and mares' milk. The milk of the cow and goat contain less, and that of the sheep least of all. The sugar of milk is in the greatest quantity in the mares' and asses', and somewhat less in the human milk. When milk is left to spontaneous decomposi- tion, at a due temperature, it is found to be capa- ble of passing through the vinous, acetous, and putrefactive fermentations. It appears, however, probably on account of the small quantity of al- kohol it affords, that the vinous fermentation lasts a very short time, and can scarcely be made to take place in every part of the fluid at once by the addition of any ferment. This seems to be the reason why the Tartars, who make a fer- mented liquor or wine, from mare's milk, called koumiss, succeed by using large quantities at a time, and agitating it very frequc.-itiy. They add as a ferment a sixth part of water, and an eighth part of the sourest cow's milk they can get, or a smaller portion of koumiss already prepared: cover the vessel with a thick cloth, and let it stand in a moderate u .-u-mth for 24 hours : then beat it with a stick, to mix the thicker and thin- ner parts, which have separated . let it ttaud again 24 hours in a high narrow vessel, and re- peat the beating, till the liquor is perfectly homo- geneous. This liquor will keep some months, in close vessels, and a cold place ; but must be well mixed by beating or shaking every time it is used. They sometimes extract a spirit from it by distUlation. The Arabs prepare a simUar li- quor by the name of leban, and the Turks by that of yaourt. Eton infinus us, that, whet properly prepared, it may be left to stand tiU it becomes quite dry : and in this state it is kept in bags, and mixed with water when wanted for use. The saccharine substance, upon which the fer- menting property of milk depends, is held in so- lution by the whey, which remains after the sepa- tion of the curd in making cheese. This is sepa- rated by evaporation in the large way, for phar- maceutical purposes, in various parts of Switzer- land. When the whey has been evaporated by heat, to the consistence of honey, it is poured into proper moulds, and exposed to dry in the sun. If this crude sugar of milk be dissolved in water, clarified with whites of eggs, and evaporated to the consistence of syrup, white crystals, in the form of rhomboidal parallelopipedons, are ob- tained. Sugar of milk has a faint saccharine taste, and is soluble in three or four parts of water. It yields by distUlation the same products that other sugars do, only in somewhat different pro- portions. It is remarkable, however, that the empyreumatic oil has a smell resembling flowers of benzoin. It contains an acid frequently called 616 ML the saccholactic ; but as it is common to all nut- , cilaginous substances, it is more generaUy termed mucic. See Mucic acid. Milk, according to BerzeUus, consists of, Water,.....928.75 Curd, with a little cream, - - 28.00 Sugar of milk, .... 35.00 ' Muriate of potassa, ... 1.70 Phosphate of potassa, ... 0.25 Lactic acid, acetate of potassa, with \ „ ^ a trace of lactate ol iron, - S "•uo I Earthy phosphates, - 0.30 1 1000.00 | Milk, asses'. Asses' milk has a very strong I resemblance to human milk in colour, smell, and I consistence. When left at rest lor a sufficient I time, a cream forms upon its surface, but by no I means in such abundance as on women's milk. 1 Asses' milk differs from cows' milk, in its cream 1 being lesh abundant and .uore insipid ; in its con- taining less curd ; and in its possessing a greater I proportion of sugar. I Milk, cows'. The milk of women, marei, j and asses nearly agree in their qualities ; that of cows, goats, and sheep, possess properties rather different. Of these, cows" milk approaches i nearest to that yielded by the female breast, but 1 differs very much in respect to the aroma ; it 1 contains a larger proportion of cream and cheese, I and less serum than hui.iun milk ; also less sugar than mares' and asses' milk. Cows' milk form a very essential part of hu- man sustenance, being adapted to every state and age of the body: but' particularly to infants, I after being .veaned. \ Milk, ewes'. This resembles almost pre- ] cisely that of the cow; its cream, however, i> , J more abundant, and yields a Dutter not so con- } sisient as cows' milk butter. It makes excellent i cheese. * Mllk, goats'. It resembles cow»', except in * its greater consistence ; lik- that milk, it throws up abundance of cream, irom which butter is easily obtained. Milk, human. The white, sweetish fluid, secreted by the glandular fabric of the breasts of women. The secretory 01 gan is constituted by the great conglomerate glands situated in the fat of both breasts, above the musculus pect.ralis major. From each acinus composing a mammary glaDd, there arises a radicle of a lacliferout or galattjt.ous uuct. All these canals gradually converging, are terraiuateu w.ui jut u:i>v."mosi*l in the papillae of the breasts, by many oritices, which, upon pressure, pour forth milk. The smell uf fresh-drawn milk is peculiar, animal, fatuous, and not disagreeable. Its taste sweetish, I soft, bland, agreeable. The specific gravity i« 1 greater than that of water, but it is lighter than 1 blood ; hence it swims on it. Its colour is white and opaque. In consistence it is oily and aqueous. ' A drop put on the naU flows slowly down, if the milk be good. 7't'me of Secretion.—The milk most frequently begins to be secreted in the lut months of preg- nancy ; but, on the third day after delivery, a serous milk, called Cotoilrum, is separated ; and at length ;iuie milk is secreted very copiously into the breasts, that from its abui.dauce olten sponta- neously drops irom tlie nipples. If the secretion of milk be daily promoted by suckhug an infant, it often continues many years, 1 unless a fresh pregnancy supervene. Tbe quan- tity usually secreted within twenty-four hours, by 1 nurses, is various, according as the nourishment MITT , nay be more or less chylous. It appear* that no: more than two pound* of milk arc obtained from live or six pounds of meat. Hut there have been known nurses who have trm-n from their breast* two, or even more than three pound*, in addition to thai whicb their child haa sucked. That the origin of the milk is derived from chyle carried with the blood of the mammary arteries into the glandular fabric of the breast*, is evident from its more copious secretion a little after meals ; ifj di- minished secretion from fasting; from the smell and taste of food or medicines in the secreted milk , 11, lastly, from its occasional spontaneous nrn.cft.ce ; for numo-o-K perfectly animal become putrid. The milk of a woman differs: 1. In respect to food. The milk of a woman who suckles, living upon vegeto-animi' food, never aceiccs nor co- agulates spontaneously, although expos- d for many wick* to the heat of a furnace. 'lut it ■. a;.'ii ..!• .' -'".illy in an open vessel, and the a-t drop •■..iii.'. is thin, sweet, and bland. The reason appear-. t.> be that the caseous ami ^rerao- ■aceous part* cohere together by means of tli«* su- gar, more intimately than in the milk of tmnals, and do not so easily scp ^ate ; hence its occurence is prevent) I It does .;;•»■.: e, if mixed or boiled with vinegar, juic> il li mons, supertartrate of potassa, dilute sulphuric -arid, or with the human stomach. It is coagulated by the acirl of salt, ot nitre, and by an aen' air juin of the infant ; lor > Unt* '.II' 'i vnn. t up tbe cnsgi l.ued milk of the nur-. Tlie milk ot a sucking woman, who In", upon vegetable food only, like cow's milk, > usily and of it* own accord accsces, and is acted iipi.n by all coagulating subi tanees like the milk I animals. 2. in rcipect if the time of diges- tion. During the first h.»ur« of digestion the chyle ia crude, and the milk less tnbactcd ; but toward* the twelfth h"iir after eating, the chyle is 'banged into blood, and then th. milk becomes yellowish aie1 nauseous, and is <.j>i( out by the in- fant. IIeiieetliebesttinieforgi.ini. suck is about tin fourth or li'tli hour after meals. 3. In re- spect of the time after delivery. The tank se- creted immediately after delivery is serous, purges the bowels of the infant, and in called colostrum. Rut in tife. following dayw it becomes thicker and more pure, mil the longer a nurse suckles, the thicker the milk is secreted ; thus new-born in fants cannot retain the miUl of a nurse who has given »uck for » twelve-month, on account of its -piiittinle. 4. In respect of food and medicinet. 1'tins ,1 a nurse eat garlic, the milk becomes lii-'.!_y impregnated with its odour, and hi disu- grceable. If kin- iit'l'ilge too freely in the use of wine or beer, Ihe infant becomes ill. From giving a pur/ini: mrdiciue to a nurse, the child also is purged; and, lasily, children affected with tor- mina of the bowel*, arising from acids, are often cured by giving the nurse animal food. 5. Ia r-sp.ct ofthe affftit.-.s ofthe mind. There are fn-quent evaiiiji'. of infants being seized with i-oii.ulsions from sucking mothers irritated by .'iii|T*r An infant of one year old, while he sueV •! milk fn in bis enraged mother, on a sudden was sei/ed with a fatal haemorrhage, and died. Infant* at the breast in a si. it time pine away, if ilie nurse be afflicted with prievous care; and there Jire also infiuiU who, after every .-oition M the mother, or cveu if she menstruate, are taken ill. Tlir use of the mother'* milk is, I. It affords ihe natural aliment to the new-born infant, as milk duties little from chyle. Those children .m the stringent who arc nourished the longest hr tbe mother'- milk. '. The colottrum sho'ild :» 31IM not be rejected ; for it relaxes the bowel*, whien in new-born infants, ought to be open, to cleat them of the meconium. 3. lactation defends the mother from a dangerous reflux of the milk into the blood, whence lacteal metastasis,, aud leucorrhaea, are so frequent in lying-in wo- men, who do not give suck. The motion of tbe ui ilk also being hastened through the breast bv the sucking of the child, prevent* the very com- iu< u induration of tlie breast, which arises in consequence of the milk being stagnated. 4. Men may live upon milk, unless they have been accustomed to the drinking of wine. For aU na- tions, th<- Japanese alone excepted, use milk, and many live upon it alone. Milk, marcs'. Tnis is thinner than that of tbe cow, but scarcely so thin a* human milk. Its cream cannot be converted into butter by agita- tion. The whey contains sugar. Milk-blotches. An eruption of white vesi- cles, which assume a dark colour, resembling the blackening of the smuU-pox, and are succeeded by scabs producing an ichorous matter, attended with considerable itching. It generally appears on the forehead and scalp, extendinc half over tlie face, and at times even proceeding Jai-tbt . The period of its attar \ i« the time of let-thin:: : and it i- probably tuc same disease as tbe cru*!* laclt*. Milk-fever. See Puerperalfettr. Milk-Ueth. See Teeth. Milk-thtstlf. Sea Carduus marianut. MILK-VETCH. See Attragalut excaput. MILK-WO/tT. See Polygala vulgaris. Milk-wort, rattlesnake root. See Polygala tenega. MILLEFOLIUM. (From mille, a thousand, and Jolium, it leaf: named from it* numerous leaves.) Sei Achillea mitle-folittm. Millemo'ubia. (From mille, a thousand, and morbut, a disease : so called from its use in many disease*.) See Scrophularia nodotm. MlLLE'FKI).*. See OnilCUl OttlllU. M1LLK l't.S. (From rnille, a thousand, and pes, a fixrl : named from their numerous feet.) See Onitrut u.-nllun. MILLKT. See I'ur.icum miliaceum. Millet, Indian. See Panicum italic not. MILL-MOl NTA1N. See Linum catharIl- eum. Mi' imio'sis. MiX^niirii. A baldness of tiie. eyebrows. Mr i.ton. MiXrec. Red-lead. MILTWASTE. Sec Asplenium ctttruch. Milzabc'iia. (From milza, tbe SpunLs.'i for the spieeu : so called Irom it* supposed vir- tues iu diseases of the spleen.) The herb arch- angel. See Angelica archangelica. MI.MO'SA. (From mimits. an actor, or iini- Utor, meaning a - "'t of imitative plant, the uiu- tini's (>' wluch inmnc the sensibility oi animal III.-.) The name uf a genus of plant* in the Lin- mean system, I'lass, Polygamia; Order, Ml. nada. The sensitive plant. Mimosa catkiih. The former name ol the ireevsiii'ihaffordscatechti. See Acacia catechu.- Mimisa nilotii a. See Acada vera. MlMosv -i.SEiiAi. The systematic name of ihe tr.:o from which the gum s ne.al •vmles. Tin- gum is brought irom the country ibron^h which Die river Sc negal runs, in loose or ingle drops, much larger than gum-arabic, li is similar in virtue and quality tothe ^nn-arabic and the gum which exudes in this climate from tbe chcrry-trer. See Acada vera. Mindcrerut spirit. •»--e Ammonia acttafu liqitoi. ' LIT MLN MINERAL. (Mineralit; from nana, a miiie •I metal.) A substance which does not possess organisation, or is not produced by an organized body, belongs to the division of the production of nature called minerals. Among this varied class nf materials, which require the attention of the chemist and manufacturer, many are compounded of such principles, and formed under such circum- stances and situations, in the earth, that it is diffi- cult to distinguish them without having recourse to the test of experiment; several are formed with considerable regularity as to the proportion of their principles, their fracture, their colour, specific gravity, and figure of crystaUisation. Mineral bodies which enter into the composition of the globe, are classed by mineralogists under four heads:—1. Earths. 2. Salts. 3. Inflam- mable fossils ; and, 4. Metals and their ores. Under the term earths are arranged stones and earths, which have no taste, ana do not burn whei heated with contact of air. Under the second, salts, or those saline sub- stances which melt in water and do not burn, they require, according to Kirwan, less than two hun- dred times their weight of water to dissolve them. By inflammable fossils are to be understood all those minerals not soluble in water, and exhibit- ing a flame more or less evident when exposed to tire in contact with air. The fourth class, or ores, are compound bo- dies. Nature has bestowed their proper metalhc appearance on some substances, and when this is the case, or they are alloyed with other metals, or semi-metals, they are called native metals. But such as are distinguished, as they commonly are, in mines, in combination with some other un- metaUic substances, are said to be mineralised. The substance that sets them in that state, is called the mineraliser, and the compound of both an ore. For example, in the common ore of copper, this metal is found oxidised, and the oxide com- bined with sulphur. The copper may be consi- dered as mineralised with oxygen and sulphur, and the compound of the three bodies forms an ore of copper. Mineral caoutchouc. See Caoutchouc. Mineral oil. Petroleum. Mineral pitch. Bitumen. Mineral poisons. See Poisons. Mineral salts. See Salts. Mineral waters. Aqua miner ales. Aqua medicinales. Waters holding minerals in solu- tion are caUed mineral waters. But as all water, in a mineral state, is impregnated, cither more or less, with some mineral substances, the name mineral waters, should be confined to such waters as are sufficiently impregnated with mineral mat- ters to produce some sensible effects on the ani- mal economy, and either to cure or prevent some ofthe diseases to which the human body is Uable. On this account, these waters might be with much more propriety called medicinal waters, were not tbe name by which they are commonly known too firmly established by long use. The mineral waters which are the most esteem- ed, and consequently the most resorted to for the cure of diseases, are those of, 618 •MIA 1. Aix. 2. Barege. & Bath. 4. Bristol. 5. Buxton. 6. Borset. 7. Cheltenham. 8. Carlsbad. 9. Epsom. 10. Harrowgate. 11. Hartfell. 12. Holywell. 13. Malvern. 14. Matlock. 15. Moffat. 16. Pyrmont. 17. Scarborough. 18. Spa. 19. Sedlitz. 20. Sea-water. 21. Seltzer. 22. Tunbridge. 23. Vichy, and others of less note. For the properties and virtues of these consult tjieir respective heads. Fourcroy divides all mineral aud medicinal waters into nine orders, viz. 1. Cold acidulous waters. 2. Hot or thermal acidulous waters-. 3. Sulphuric saline waters. 4. Muriatic saline waters. 5. Simple sulphureous waters, 6. Sulphurated gaseous waters. 7. Simple ferruginous waters. 8. Ferruginous and acidulous water.-.. 9. Sulphuric ferruginous waters. Dr. Saunders arranges mineral waters into the following classes: 1 Simple cold. 2. ------thermal. 3. ■------saline. 4. Highly carbonated alkaline. 5. Simple carbonated chalybeate. 6. Hot carbonated chalybeate. 7. Highly carbonated chalybeate. 8. Saline carbonated chalybeate. 9. Hot saline highly carbonated chalybeate. 10. Vitriolated chalybeate. 11. Cold, sulphureous. 12. Hot, alkaline, sulphureous. In_ order to present the reader, under one point of view, with the most conspicuous feature* in the composition of the mineral waters of this and some other countries, the foUowing Synoptical Table is subjoined, from Dr Saunders's work on mineral waters. The reader wiltsjilease to observe, that under the head of Neutral Purging Salts, are in- cluded the sulphates of soda and magnesia, and the muriates of Ume, soda, and magnesia. The power which the earthy muriates may possess of acting on the intestinal canal, is not quite ascer- tained, but from their great solubility, and from analogy with salts, with similar component parts, we may conclude that this forms a principal part of their operation. The reader will likewise observe, that where the spaces are left blank, it signifies that we are ignorant whether any of the substance at tbe head of the column is contained in the water; that the word none, implies a certainty of the absence of that substance ; and the term uncer- tain, means that the substance is contained, hut that the quantity is not known. A SYNOPTICAL TAIJLE, showing the Composition oi' MINERAL >VATfcIt> ci. NAME. simple C'olJ iMmple thrrir.*! Simple »ilin- ! (Highly carbonated alkaline Simple carbonated chalybeate Hot carbonatiid chalybeate . ; I lighly carbonated chalybeate ) Saline carbonated chalybeate ; Hot satine, highly carbonated ^ J chalybeate J I Vitnolateil chalybeate il'old sulphureous . Hut alkaline, julpheTOU* . * That is, t.?t containeel in the rulphate of iron, (this salt, when ci-v-talliscd cent amir; 28 percent, of oxide pf iron, ye.-tinlin'- fe Kirwan.) and 1.875 ailifitiorr.il ef rxiHr of imi' MIS MEN Or. Henry, in his epitome of chemistry, gives fhe foUowing concise and accurate account for the analysis of mineral waters : Water is never presented by nature in a state of complete purity. Even when collected as it de- scends in the form of rain, chemical tests detect it in foreign ingredients. And when it has been absorbed by the earth, has traversed its different strata, and is returned to us by springs, it is found to have acquired various impregnations. The readiest method of judging ofthe contents of na- tural waters, is by applying what are termed tests, or re-agents, i. e. substances which, 011 being added to a water, exhibit by the phenomena they produce, the nature of the saline and other ingre- dients. For example, if, on adding ah infusion of litmus to any water, its colour is changed to red, we infer that the water contains an uncombined acid ; if this change ensue even after the water has been boiled, we judge that the acid is a fixed and not a volatile one ; and if, on adding the mu- riate of barytes, a precipitate falls down, we safely conclude that the peculiar acid present in (he water is either entirely or in part the sulphu- ric acid. Dr. Henry first enumerates the tests generally employed in examining mineral waters, and describes their application, and afterwards indicates by what particular tests the substances generality found in waters may be detected. A. Infusion of Litmus. Syrup of Violets, fyc. As the infusion of litmus is apt to spoil by keeping, some solid litmus should be kept. The infusion is prepared by steeping this substance, first bruised in a mortar, and tied up in a thin rag, in distiUed water, which extracts its blue colour. If the colour of the infusion tends too much to purple, it may be amended by a drop or two of pure ammonia ; but of this no more should be added than what is barely sufficient, lest the deli- cacy of the test should be impaired. The syrup nf violets is not easily obtained pure. The genu- ine syrnp may be distinguished from the spurious by a solution of corrosive sublimate, which changes the former to green, while it reddens the latter. When it can be procured genuine, it is an excellent test of acids, and may be employed in the same manner as the infusion of litmus. Paper stained with the juice ofthe marsh violet, or with that of radishes, answers a similar purpose. In staining paper for the purpose of a test, it must be used unsized; or, if sized, it must previously be washed with warm water; because the alum which enters into the composition of the size will otherwise change the vegetable colour to a red. Infusion of litmus is a test of most uncombined acids. If the infusion redden the unboiled but not the boiled water under examination, or if the red co- lour occasioned by adding the infusion to a recent water, return to blue on boiling, we may infer that the acid is a volatile one, and most probably the carbonic acid. Sulphuretted hydrogen gas, dissolved .in water, also reddens litmus, but not after boiling. To ascertain whether the change be produced by carbonic acid, or sulphuretted hydrogen, when experiment shows that the red- dening cause is volatile, add a Uttle lime-water. This, if carbonic acid be present? will occasion a precipitate, which will dissolve with effervescence, on adding a little muriatic acid. Sulphuretted hydrogen may also be contained in the same water, wliich will be ascertained by the tests hereafter to be described. Paper tinged with Ulmus is also reddened by fhe presence of carbonic acid, but regains its blue colour by drying. The mineral and fixed acids redden it permanently. That these acitN, how- ever, may produce their effect, it is nrcessa. that they should be present in a sufficient propor- tion. Infusion of litmus reddened by vinegar—Spirit- uous tincture of Brazil-wood—Tincture of turme- ric and paper stained with each of these three sub- stances—Syrup of violets. All these different tests have one and the same object. 1. Infusion of litmus reddened by vinegar, or litmus paper reddened by vinegar, has its blue colour restored by alkalies and pure earths, and by carbonated alkalies and earths. ■-'. Turmeric paper and tincture are changed to a reddish brown by alkalies, whether pure or carbonated, and by pure earths ; but not by car- bonated earths. 3. The red infusion of Brazil wood, and paper stained with it, become blue by alkalies and earths, and even by tbe latter, when dissolved by au excess of carbonic acid. In tbe last-mention- ed case, however, the change will either cease to appear or be much less remarkable, when the water has been boiled. 4. Syrup of violets, when pure, is by the same causes turned green, as also paper stained with the juices of violets, or radishes. B. Tincture of Galls. Ti nature of galls is the test generally employed for discovering iron, with all the combinations of which it produces a black tinge, more or less intense, according to the quantity of iron. The iron, however, in order to be detected by this test, must be in the state of red oxide, or, if oxi- dated in a less degree, its effects will not be ap- parent, unless after standing some time in contact with air. By applying this test before and after evaporation or boiling, we may know whether the iron be held in solution by carbonic acid, or a fixed acid; for, 1. If it produce its effects before the applica- tion of heat, :ind not afterwards, carbonic acid is the solvent. 2. If after, as well as before, a mineral acid is the solvent. 3. If, by the boilin., a yellowish powder be precipitated, and yet galls continue to strike tbe water black afterwards, the iron, as often hap- pens, is dissolved both by carbonic acid and a fixed acid. A neat mode of applying the gall test was used by Klaproth, in his analysis of the Carlsbad water. A slice ofthe gall-nut was sus- pended by a silken thread, in a large bottle ofthe recent water; and so small was the quantity of iron, that it could only be discovered in water fresh from the spring. C. Sulphuric Acid. 1. Sulphuric acid discovers, by a slight effer- vescence, the presence of carbonic acid, whether1 uncombined or united with alkalies, or earths. 2. If lime be present, whether pure or uncom- bined, tbe addition of sulphuric acid, occasions, after a few days, a white precipitate. 3. Barytes is precipitated instantly in the form of a white powder. 4. Nitrous and muriatie salts, on adding sul- phuric acid and applying heat, are decomposed ; and if a stopper, moistened with pure ammonia, be held over the vessel, white clouds appear. For distinguishing whether nitric or muriatic acid be present, rules will be {»iven hereafter. Nitric ana! Nitrous add. These acids, if they occasion effervescence, give the same indications as the sulphuric. The nitrous acid has been rocommended as a te-t dis- tinguishing between hepatic waters that contain sulphuret of potassa, and those that only contain sulphuretted hydrogen further precij itatiou ensm s, filler the liquor, and then add pure am- monia. If any precipitation now occurs, we may infi r the prcsi nee of magnesia. I'. Ume-u-ater. i. Lime-water is applied for the purposes of a test, chiefly for detecting carbonic acid. Let uny liquor, .supposed to contain this acid, be mixed with an equal bulk of lime-water. If carbonic acid be present, either free or combined, a preci- pitate- will immediately appear, which, on adding a few drops oi • mriatic acid, will, immediately dissolve with effervescence. 2. Lime-water will immediately show the presence of corrosive sublimate, by a brickdust- eolonred sediment. If arsenic be preseit in any liquid, lime-water, when added, will occasion a precipitate, consisting of lime and arsenic, which " is very difficultly soluble in water. Thi* preci- pitate, when mixed up with oil, and laid on hot coals, yields the well-known garUc smell of arsenic. G. Pure Rarytes, and its Solution in IVater. I. A solution of pure barytes is even more ef- frctOKl than lime-water, in detecting the presence of carbonic acid, and is much more portable and convenient; since from the cry tals ol this earth, the solution may at any time he prepared. In discovering fixed air, the solution of barytes is used similarly to lime-water ; and, if this acid be present, gives, in like manner, a precipitate solu- ble with effervescence in mm iatic acid. Pure strontites has similar virtues as a test. H. Metals. 1. Of the metals, sUrer and mercury arc tests of the presence of sulphurets, and of sulphuretted hydrogen gas. If a little quicksilver be put into a bottle, containing water impregnated with either ot these substances, its surface simi. ac- quires a black film, and, on shaking, a ulue-nish powder separates from it. Silver is immediately tarnished from the same cause. 2. The met iLs also may be used is tests of ench other, and on the principle of elective affinity. Thus, for example, a potishsjd iron plate, im- mersed in a solution of "-nlphatc of copper, soon acquires a coat of this ..n-tal, aii-1 tbe same in other similar examples. \ I. Sulphate of Iron. This is the only one of the sulphates, except that of silver, applicable to the purpose* of a teat. When used in this view, it is generally employed to ascertain the presence of oxygenous gas, of which a natural water may contain :• small quan- tity. A water suspected to contain this gas, may be mixed with a little recently dissolved sulphate ot iron, and kept corked up. If an oxide ot iron be precipitated in the course of a few days, the water may be inferred to contain oxygenous gas. Sulphatt, Nitrate, and Acetate of Silver. These solutions are, in some measure, applica- ble to the same purpose. I. They are peculiarly adapted to the disco- very ol muriatic acid and muriates, for the sil- ver, quitting the nitric or other a.:id, combines ■ with the muriatic, and forms a flaky precipitate, which at first is white, but on xpt.sure to the son's Ught, acquires a violet colour. This preci- pitate, Dr. Black stales- to contain, in 1600 parts, as much ninriat ic acid as would form 425 parts and a hall of crystallised muriate of soda, which esti- mate scarcely differs at all from th-it of Klaproth. A precipitation, however, may arise from -ithev causes, which it may be proper to state. t. The solutions of silver in acids arc precipi- tated by carbonated alkal is and -arths. The agency of these may be prevented by previously adding a few drops ofthe same acid in which the silver is dissolved. ' 3. The nitrate and acetate of silver are decom- . pr>,. 1 by the sulphuric and ol) humus a-..:*: but Ibis may be prevented by .ul lm- previously a Tew drops of n.rate or acetate of barytes, and after allowing the precipitate to subside, the clear liquor may be decanted, and the solution of silver added. •^(mnM a precipitation now take place. -SlCS MLN the presence of muriatic acid, or some one of ns combinations, may be suspected. To obviate un- certainty, whether a precipitation be owing to sulphuric or muriatic acid, a solution of sulphate of silver may be employed, which is affected only by the latter acid. 4. The solutions of silver are precipitated by extractive matters; but in this case also the pre- cipitate is discoloured, and is soluble in nitrous acid. . K. Nitrate and Acetate of Lead. 1. Acetate of lead, the most eligible of these two tests, is precipitated by sulphuric and muria- tic acids ; but as, of both these, we have much better indicators, it is not necessary to enlarge on its appUcation to this purpose. 2. The acetate is also a test of sulphuretted hydrogen and sulphurets of alkalies, which occa- sion a black precipitate; and if a paper, on wliich characters are traced with a solution of acetate of lead, be held over a portion of water containing sulphuretted hydrogen, they are soon rendered visible. 3. The acetate of lead is employed in the 'dis- covery ol uncombined boracic acid, a very rare ingredient of waters. To ascertain whether this be present, some cautions are necessary. The uncombined alkalies and earths (if any be sus- pected) must be saturated with acetic acid. The sulphates must be decomposed by acetate or ni- trate of barytes, and the muriates by acetate or nitrate of silver. The filtered liquor, if boracic acid be contained in it, will give a precipitate so- luble in nitric acid of the specific gravity of 1.3. L. Nitrate of Mercury prepared with and without heat. This solution differently prepared, is sometimes employed as a test. But, since other tests answer'the-same purposes more effectually, it is uot absolutely necessary to have these tests. M. Mu. late, Nitrate, and Acetate of Barytes. 1. These solutions are all most delicate tests of sulphuric acid, and of its comhinaions, with which they give a white precipitate, insoluble in dilute, muriatic acid. They are decomposed, however, by carbonates of alkalies ; but the pre- cipitate occasioned by these is soluble in dilute muriatic and nitric acid with effervescence, and may even be prevented by adding previously a few drops of the acid contained in the barytic salt. One hundred grains of dry sulphate of barytes (according to Klaproth, p. 168.) contain about 45 one-fifth of sulphuric acid of the specific gra- vity 1850, according to Clayfield, 33 of acid of sp. gr. 2240 ; according to Thenard, after calcin- ation about 25. These estimates differ very con- siderably. From Klaproth's experiments, it ap- pears that 10u0 grains of sulphate of barytes in- dicate 595 ; desiccated sulphate of soda, or 1415 of the crystaUised sail. The same chemist has shown that 100 grains of sulphate of barytes are produced by the precipitation of 71 grains of sul- phate of lime. 2. Phosphoric salts also occasion a precipitate with these tests, which is soluble in muriatic acid without effervescence. N. Prussiates of Potassa and Lime. Of these two the prussiate of potassa is the most eligible. When pure it does not speedily assume a blue colour on the addition of acid, nor does it immediately precipitate muriatic barytes. Prussiate of potassa is avtry sensible test of iron, with the solutions of which in acids it produces a Prussian blue precipitate, in consequence of a double elective affinity. To render iis effect more certain, however, it may be proper to add previously, to any water suspected to contain iron, a little muriatic acid, with a view to thr. saturation of uncombined alkalies, or earths, which, if present, prevent the detection of any minute portions of iron. 1. If a water, after boiUng and filtration, does not afford a blue precipitate on the addition of prussiate of potassa, the solvent of the iron may be inferred to be a volatile one, and probably the carbonic acid. 2. Should the precipitation ensue in the boiled water, the solvent is a fixed acid, the nature of which must be ascertained by other tests. O. Solutions of Soap in Alkohol. This solution may be used to ascertain the com- parative hardness ol waters. With distilled water it may be mixed without producing any change ; but, if added to a hard water, it produces a milkines*T| more or less considerable as the water is less pure: and from the degree of milkiness, an experienced eye will judge of its quality. The acids, alkalies, and all earthy and metallic salts, decompose soap, and occasion that property in water termed hardness. Alkohol. Alkohol, when mixed with any water in thr proportion of about an equal bulk, precipitates all the sorts which it is not capable ol dissolving. P. Hypro-sulphuret of Ammonia. This and other sulphurets, as well as water saturated with sulphuretted hydrogen, may be employed in detecting lead anil arsenic, with the former of which they give a black, and with the latter a yellowish precipitate. As lead and ar- senic, however, are never found in natural waters, these tests are not required. MIN. RA'LIA. See Mineral. MINERALIZE Metallic substances are said to be mineralized when deprived of their usual pro- perties by combination with some other substance. MINERALOGi V: Mineralogia. That part of natural history which relates to minerals. Mi vm. See Minimum. AiiM.ilL'.M. * minim. The sixtieth part of a fluid-drachm. An nup.-rtant change has been adopted in the last London Ph. :rv <•, nir-ia, for the mensuration of liquids, and the divi-.i •.; "I the wine pint, to insure accuracy in the measurement of quantities of liquids below one drachm. The number of drops contained in one drachm has' been assumed to be sixty ; and taking water as a standard, this number, though by no means ac- curate, would still be sufficient for ordinary pur- poses ; but when other liquids of less specific gra- vity are used, a much l.irger number is required to fill the same measure, as of proof spirit, 140 drops are required to equal the bulk of 60 of water, dropped from the same vessel. If, therefore, ifi the composition of medicines, measures suited to the standard of water were used cccasionally only, and it was generally assumed that 60 drops were equal to one fluid drachm, and one fluid- drachm was substituted for 60 drops prescribed, twice the dose intended would be given. There are further objections to the use of drops ; that their bulk is influenced by the quantity of liquid contained in the be ttie from whicb they fall, by the thickness ofthe lip, and even by the inequal- ities on the surface ofthe lip of the same bottle ; that volatile liquids, to which this mode is most comm nly applied, are thus exposed with exten- sive surfaces, and their evaporation promoted ; and on all these accounts the adoption of some decisive convenient and uniform substitute be- came necessary. The sub-division of the wine pint has, therefore, been extended to the Mvtjeif MJ- M.0* i art ofthe fluid-drachm, which is termed minim ; and glas* measures expressive of such sub-division, have been adopted by the college. MI'ML'M. Bed oxide of lead. See Lead. Minium GRV.tORt'M. Native cinnabar. MINT. Sei Mentha. Mint, pepper. See Mentha piperita. Mint, water. See Mentha aquatica. MISCARRIAGE. See Abortion. Mihere'iu. mei. (Have compassion en me : 10 called from its unhappy torments.) The ihac passion. See Iliac passion. MISLAW. See Musa paradiriaca. MISLETOE. See Vitcum. Misocht'mkids. An enemy to the chemists, and their enthusiastic conceit*. MISPICKLE. Common arsenical pyrites. A white, brilliant, granulated iron ore, composed of iron in combinaUon with arsenic. * MISTU'RA. A mixture. A fluid composed of two or more ingredients. It is mostly contract- ed in prescriptimis thus, mitt. e. g.—-f. mitt. which means, let a mi .ture be made. Mistura ammoniaci. Lac 'ammoniaci. Mixture of ammoniacum.—Take of ammonia- cum, two drachma ; of water, half a pint; rub the ammoniacum with the water gradually added, tUI they arc thoroughly mixed. Mistura amygdala. Lac amygdala. Almond mixture, or emulsion.—Take of almond confection, two ounces , di.tilled u ater, a pint; gradually add the water to the almond confection, rubbing them together, till properly mixed ; then •train. Mistura assafo2tid.e. I**c astafatida. Mixture of assafietida—Talce of assafe-ti-'a, two drji :ims , water, half a pint ; rub the is-: In-- '11 w;ih 'In waier. gradually adunl, till they are tho,ou^bly mixed. *' Mis i ni'iA c*mpror.-e. Camphor mixture.— Take of camphor, half a drachm; rectified spirit, ten minims ; water, a pint. First rub tbe cara- Iihor with the spirit, then with the water gradual- y added, and strain the liquor. A very elegant preparation of camphor, for deUcate stomachs, and those who cannot bear it in substance, as an antispasmodic and nervine. There is a great loss of camphor in making it as directed by the phar- macopoeia. Water can only take up a certain quantity. For its virtues, see Laurus camphora. Mistura cornu usti. Decoctum album. Decoction of hartshorn.—Take of hartshorn, burnt and prepared, two ounces; acacia gnm, powdered, an otinuc; water, three pints. Koil down to two pints, constantly stirring, and strain. This is a much weaker absorbent than the m s- tura cretae, but is much more agreeable, to most people. It forms an excellei.t diii.k in levers at- tended with diarrhoea, and acidities of the prima; viae. Miitura cret.k. Chalk mixture.—Tike of prepared chalk, half an ounce; refined sugar, three drachma; gum arabic, powdered, half an ounce; water, a pint. Mi v. A verv useful and pleasant form of administering chalk as an ad- stringent and aniai nl. It is particular!) calcu- lated for children, in whom it allays the many de- ranged action* ofthe prima- via?, which are pro- duced by acidities. Dose, one ounce to three, frequently. See ('reta and Carbonat calcis. Mistura ff.rm composita.- lake of myrrh, |»owdered, a drachm ; aubcurhonate of potassa, twenty-five grains ; rose water, seven fluid ounce* and a half; sulphate of iron, pow- dered, a scruple ; spirit ol nutmr half a fluid ounce; refined sugar, a drachm. Rub together 'be mTirh. the si:hrarbnnatc of potassa and susrar: and, during the trituration, add gradually, first, the roae-water and spirit of nutmegs, and hurt, the sulphate of iron. Pour the mixture immedi- ately into a prop'i r glass bottle, and atop it close. This preparation is the celebrated mixture of Dr. Griffiths. A chemical decomposition is effected in forming this mixture, a subcarb mate of iron is formed, and a sulphate of potassa. Mistura guaiaci—Take of guaiacum gum- resin, a drachm and a half; refined sugar two drachms; mucilage of acacia gum, two fluid drachm*; cinnamon water, ei^ht fluid ounces. Rub the guaiacum with the sugar, then with the mucilage; and, when they are mixed, pour on the cinnamon w.ter gradually, rubbing them to- gether. For its virtues, see Guaiacum. Mistura moschi. Take of musk, acacia gum, powdered, refined sugar, of each a drachm; rose-water, six fluid ounces. Rub the musk first with the sugar, then with the gum, and add the rose-water oy degrees. An exceUent diaphore- tic and antispasmodic. It is by far the best way of administering musk, when boluses cannot be swallowed. Dose, one ounce to three, frequently. Mithridate muttard. See Thlaspi campestre. MITHRIDA'TIUM. The electuary called Mithridate, from Mithridate*, king of Pontus and Bithynia, who experiencing the virtues of the simples separately, aft erwards combined them; bat then the composition consisted of but few in- gredients, viz. twenty leaves of rue, two walnuts, two figs, and a little salt. of this he took a dose every morning, to guard himself against the ef- fects of poison. MITRAL. (Milralis ; from mitra, a mitre.) Vitre-like ; applied hi anatomists to parts which w«-.-i.- suppo-ed to resemble a bishop * mitre. Mitra:. vALVt.s. Valcula mil rales. The valves of the left ventricle of the heart. Mi'va. An ancient term for the form of a medicine, not unlike a thick syrup, now caUed Marmalade. M1VITKE. 1. See Mistura. 2. Mixture in chemistry should be distinguish- ed from solution; in the former, the aggregate particles can again be separated by mechanical means, and the proportion ofthe different parti- cles determined; but, in solution, no mechanical power whatsoever can separate them. Mocha ttone. A species of agate. Mo'cvlia. (From po-xXos, a lever.) A re- duction of the bones from an unnatural to a na- tural situation. Mo'chlica. (From poxXtvm, to move.) Vio- lent purges. MOIM'OLl'S. (Diminutive of modus, a impure.) The nucleus, as it were, of the coe.hlea of the ear is so termed. It ascends from the basis of the cochlea to the apex. Mofettc. See Nitrogen. MOFFAT. A village situated about fifty-six miles south-west of Edinburgh. It affords a cold sulphureous water, of a very simple composition ; when first drawn, it appears rather milky and bluish; the smell is exactly similar to that of Harrowgate , the smell is .sulphureous and saline, without any thing bitter. It sparkles somewhat on being poured 1 om one glass to another. According to Dr Garnett's analysis, a wine gallon if Moffat water contains thirty-six grams of muriate of soda, five cubic inchca of carbonic- acid eas, four of azotic gas, and ten ol sulphuret- ted hydrogen, makin-.' altogether nineteen cubic iuches of iras. Mollit water is, therefore, very simple in its composition, and hence it produces effects somewhat similar to those ot Harrowtrate. It is. perhaps, on thisaccoim' M©L, sUOL "■lso that it so soon loses the hepatic gas, on which depends the greatest part o( its medi- cinal power. The only sensible effect of this water is that of increasing the flow of urine ; when it purges, it apppears rather to take place from the excessive dose than from its mineral in- gredients. This water appears to be useful chiefly in cutaneous eruptions, and a» an external appli- cation at an increased temperature, scrofula in its early stage appears to be alleviated by it; it is Also used as an external appUcation to irritable ulcers, and is recommended in dyspepsia, and where there i; inaction of the alimeniaiy canal. Mogila'lia. (From poyis, difficulty,andXaXtu, to speak.) A difficulty c! speech. MO'LA. (Hebrew.') 1. The knee-pan: so named because it is shaped Uke a mill-stone. 2. A mole, or shapeless mass of flesh in the uterus. See Mole. MOLA'RIS. (From molaris, a grind-stone ; because they grind tbe food.) A double-tooth. See Teeth. Molares glandul.e. Molar glands. Two salival glands situated on each side of the mouth, between the masseter and buccinator muscles, the excretory ducts of which open near the last dens molaris. Molares dentes. See Teeth. MOI vSSES. See Sacchai~um. Molda'vica. See Dracocephalum. MOLE. Mola. By this term authors have intended to describe different productions of, or excretions from, the uterus. By some it has been used to signify every kind of fleshy substance, particularly those which are properly called polypi: by others, those only which are the consequence of imperfect concep- tion, or when the ovum is in a morbid or decayed state ; and by many, which is the most popular opinion, every coagulum of blood which con- tinues long enough in the uterus to assume some- what of an organized form, and t< have only the fibrous part, as it has been called, remaining, is denominated a mole. There is surely much impropriety, says Dr. Denman, in including, un- der one gener.d name, appearances so contrary and substances so different. 1. For an account of the first kind, see Po- lypus. 2. Of the second kind, which has been denned as an ovum deforme, as it is the consequence of conception, it might more justly be arranged under the class of monsters ; for though it has the appearance of a shapeless mass of flesh, if ex- amined carefully with a knife, various parts of a child may be discovered, lying together in appa- rent confusion, but in actual regularity. The pedi- cle also by .which it is connected to the uterus, is not o£a fleshy texture, like that of the pofypus, but has a regular series of vessels tike the umbilical cord, and there is likewise a placenta and mem- branes eu!itaiuii:i'- water. The symptoms attend- ing the i'oruation, growth, and expulsion of this apparently "'nfuseuf mass from the uterus, cor- respond with those of a well-formed child. 3. With respect to the third sort of mole, an incision into its substance will discover its true nature : for, although the external surface appears at the first view to be organized flesh, tlie internal part is composed merely of coagulated blood. As substances of this kind," which mostly occur after delivery, would always be expelled by the action of tbe uterus, there seems to be no reason for a particular inqtiiiy, if popular opinion had not an- nexed the idea of mischief to them, and attributed their formation or continuance in the uterus to the negligence or misconduct of tbe practitioner. Hence the persuasion arose of the necessity o: extracting aU the coagula of blood out of the uterus, immediately after the expulsion of the placenta, or of giving medicines to force them away : but abundant experience hath proved, that the retention of such coagula is not, under any circumstances, productive of danger, and that they are most safely expelled by the action of the uterus, though at very different periods after their formation. Mo'lle. Indian mastich. MOLLIFICA'TIO. A softening: formerly applied to a palsy of the muscles in :icy particu- lar part. MOLLI'TIE S. (From mollis, soft ) A soft- ness : applied to bones, nails, and other parts. Mollities ossium. See Malar; -teon. Moi.lities unguium. A preten. tural soft- ness of the nails : it often accompai; -.-, chlorosis. Molucce'nse lignum. See f; otontiglium. MOLYBDATE. Molybdas. A salt formed by the union of the molybdic r.cid with salifiable bases : thus, molybdale of antimony, &c. ivliJLYBDENUM. (From poXv6ios, lead.) Molybditis. A metal which exists mineralised by sulphur in the ore, called sulphuret of molyb- dena. This ore, Which is very scarce, is so simi- lar in several of its properties to plumbago, that they were long considered as. varieties "of the same substance. It is of a light lead-grey colour; its surface is smooth, and feels unctuous ; its tex- ture is lamellated ; it ». its the fingers, and marks paper blueish-black, or silver-grey. It may be cut with a knife. It is generally found in com- pact masses ; seldom in part'd' «, -r crystallised. It is met with ii Sweden, Sp;.i-i, Saxony, Siberia, and Iceland. Scheele showed that a peculiar me- tallic acid might be obtained* from it; and later chemists have succeeded in reducing this acid to the metallic state. We are indebte 1 to Hatchett for a full and accurate analysis of this ore. The native sulphuret of molybdena, is the only ore hitherto known, which contains this metal. Properties of molybdena.—Molybdena is either in an agglutinated blackish friable mass, having little metallic brilliancy, or iu a black powder. The mass stightly united, shows by a magnifying glass, small, round, brilliant grains. Its weight is about 8. It is one of the most infusible ofthe metals. It is capable of combining with a num- ber of metals by fusion. It foims with sulphur an artificial sulphuret of molybdena analogous to its ore. It unites alsrf to phosphorus. The affinity of molybdena for oxygen is very feeble, accord- ing to Hatchett. The alkalies have no action on molybdena in the moist way, but it enters readily into fusion with potassa and soda. It is oxidisa- ble by boiling sulphuric acid, and acidifiable by the nitric acid. Muriatic, acid does not act upon it. It is capable of existing in not less than four different degrees of oxygenation. Method of obtaining molyl.dcna.—To obtain molybdena is a task of the utniosi difficulty Few chemists have succeeded in produ ingthis metal, on account of its great infusibitity. The method recommended in general is the following:—Mo- lybdic acid is to be formed into a paste with oil, dried at the fire, and then*exposed to a violent heat in a crucible lined with charcoal. By this means the oxide becomes decomposed; a black agglutinated substance is obtained, very brittle under the finger, and having a metallic brilliancy. This is the rental called molybdena. MOLYBDIC ACID. (Addum molybdicum: from Molybdenum, its base.) The native sul- phuret of molybdcuum being roasted for som' MOM ,MO.\ > ime, and dissolved in water of ammonia, when nitric acid is added to this solution, the molybdic acid precipitates in fine white scales, which be- come yeUow on melting and subUming them. It change* the vegetable blues to red, but less rear dilr and powerfully than the molybdous acid. Molybdic acid has a specific gravity of 3.460. In an open vessel it sublime* into brilliant yellow scales ; 960 part* of boiling water dissolve one of it, affording a pale yellow solution, which red- dens litmus, but has no taite. Sulphur, charcoal, and several metals, decompose tbe molybdic acid. Molybdate of potassa is a colourless salt. Mo- lybdic acid gives, with nitrate of lead, a white precipitate, soluble in nitric acid ; with the ni- trate* of mercury and silver, a white flaky pre- cipitate ; with nitrate of copper, a greenish pre- cipitate ; with solutions of the neutral sulphate of zinc, muriate of bismuth, muriate of antimony, nitrate of nickel, muriates of gold and platinum, it produces white precipitates. When melted with borax, it yields a bluish colour ; and paper dipped in its solution becomes, in the sun, of a beautiful blue. The neutral alkaline molybdate* precipitate all metallic solutions. Gold, muriate of mercury, zinc, and manganese, are precipitated in the form of a white powder; iron and tin, from their solutions in muriatic acid, of a brown colour ; cobalt, of a rose colour ; copper, blue ; and the solutions of alum and quicklime, white. If a dilute solution of recent muriate of tin be pre- cipitated by a dilute solution of molybdate of potassa, a beautiful blue powder is obtained. The concentrated sulphuric acid dissolves a considerable quantity of the molybdic acid, the solution becoming of a fine blue colour as it cools, at the same time that it thickens ; the colour disappears again on the application of heat, but returns again by cooling. A strong heat expels the sulphuric acid. The nitric acid has no effect on it; but the muriatic dissolves it in considerable quantity, and leaves a dark blue residuum when distilled. With a strong heat it expels a portion of sulphuric acid from sulphate of potassa. It also disengages the acid from nitre and common salt by distillation. It ha* some action upon tbe filings oi ihe metals in the moist way. Moltbdi'tis. See Molybdenum. Molt'bdos. (On poXti as (lados; from its gravity.) Lead. MOLYBDOUS ACID. Acidum molybdotum. The deut-oxide of molybdenum is of a blue co- lour, and possesses acid properties. Triturate 2 part* of molybdic acid, with one part of the me- tal, along with a little hot water, iu a porcelain mortar, till the mixture assumes a blue colour. Digest in 10 parts of boiling water, filter and evaporate the liquid in a heat of about 120°. The blue oxide separates. It reddens vegetable blues, and forma salts with the basea. Air or water, when left for some time to act on molybdenum, convert it into this acid. It consists of about 100 metal to 34 oxygen. Molt'za. (Diminutive of/iuiXu, nioly.) Gar- lic ; the head of which, like ruoly, is not divided into clove*. Momim vs. (From uutpos, a blemish.) That part of the teeth which is next the gums, und which is usually covered with a foul tartareous r rust. MOMORDICA. (Momordica; hommordeo, fo bite; from its sharp taste.) Ihe name of a genus of plants in the Liiiinran system. Class, Monacia; Order, Syngenttia. Momordica i i aterium. The systematic uamr of tbe squirting rucum'ser. Elaterium ; Cucumit agrtttit; Cucumis admnut, Cucu* mis tylvettrit; Elaterium offidnarum; Bou- baliot; Charantia; Guarerba orba. Wild, or squirting cucumber. Momordica—pomis hitpidit cirrhitnullit of Linnaeus. The dried Bediment from the juice of this plant is the elate- rium of the shops. It has neither smell nor taste, and is the most powerful cathartic in tbe whole Materia Medica. Iu efficacy in dropsies ia said to be considerable; it, however, requires great caution in the exhibition. From the eighth to the half of a grain should be given at first, and repeated at proper intervals untU it operates. The cathartic power of this substance is de- rived from a small portion of a very active prin- ciple, which Dr. Paris, in his Pharmacologia, has caUed Elatin. From ten grains of elatenam he obtained, Water . 0.4 Extractive . 2.6 Fecula . 2.8 Gluten . 0.6 Woody matter - ■ 2.5 Elatin - 1" Bitter principle • ■ 10. MONA'RDA. (So caUed in honour of Nicholas Monardes, a Spanish physician and botanist.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diandria; Order, Monogynia. Monarda fistulosa. The systematic name of the purple monarda. The leaves of this plant have a fragrant smell, and an aromatic and somewhat bitter taste, possessing nervine, sto- machic, and deobstruent virtues. An infusion is recommended in the cure of intermittent fevers. MONADE LPHIA. (From povos, alone, and a&tXiita, a brotherhood.) The name of a class of plants in the sexual system of Linnaeus, con- sisting of plants with hermaphrodite flowers, in which all the stamina are united below into one body or cylinder, through which the pistil passes. MONA'NDRIA. (From fioro;, alone, and avrjp, a husband.) The name of a class of plant* in the sexual system of Linnaeus, consisting of plants with hermaphrodite flowers, wliich hare only one stamen. Monf'li.i. A species of Anagallit. MONEY-WORT. See Lysimachia nummu- I aria. MONILIFORMIS. (Monile, an ornament for any part ofthe body, especially a necklace or collar.) Moniliform : applied to the pod of the Hedysarum moniliferum, from it* necklace ap- pearance. Monk'1 rhubarb. See Rumex alpinut. MONKSHOOD. See Aconitum napellus. MONOCOTYLEDON. (From povot, one, and KoTvXniuv, a cotyledon.) Having one coty- ledon. MONOCOTYLEDONES. A tribe of plants which are supposed to have only one cotyledon ; as the grass and corn tribe, palms, and tbe orchis family. See Cotyledon. MJXO'C ULUS. (From povos, one, and octi- I'tt, an eye. Monopia. I. A very uncommon species of monstrosity, in which there is bui oue eye, and that mostly above the root of the nose. •-'. Inte.'tinum monoculum is the name given to the ca-curo, or blind gut, by Paracelsus, because it is perforated only at one erd. Mttt MoN MONffi CIA. (From povos, alone, and ewe-, A house.) The name of a class of plants in the ^ system of Linnaeus, consisting of those which have male and female organs in separate flowers, but on the same plant. MONOGY'NIA. (From povos, alone, and yvvn, a woman, or wife.) The name of an order of plants in the sexual system of Linnams. It contains those plants which, besides their agree- ment in the classic character, have only one style. ' J Monohe'mera. (From povos, single, and vptpa, a day.) A disease of one day's continu- ance. MONOICUS. (From povos, one, and oikio, a house.) Linnaeus calls flowers monoid, raonce- ceous, when the stamens and pistils are situated indifferent flowers, on the same individual plant; because they are confined to one house, as it were, or dwelling ; and if the barren and fertile flowers grow from separate roots, flores dioici, or dioecious flowers. Mono'machon. The intestinum c&cnra. Monope'gia. (From povos, single, and ra»;y- wpi, to compress.) A pain in only one side of the head. MONOPHYLLUS. (From povos, one, and fvXXov, a leaf.) One-leafed: having only one leaf applied to the perianthium of flowers; thus the flower-cup of the Datura stramonium is monophyllous, or formed of one leaf. Mono'pia. (From povos, single, and unp, the rye.) See Monoculus. MONO'RCHIS. (From povos, one, and opvis, a testicle.) An epithet for a person that has but one testicle. MONRO, Alexander, was born in London, of Scotch parents, in 1697. His father, who was an army surgeon, settled afterwards at Edinburgh, and took great interest in his education. At a proper age, he sent him to attend Cheselden in London, where he displayed great assiduity, and laid the foundation of his celebrated work on the bones ; he then went to Paris, and in 1718 to Leyden, where he received the particular com- mendation of Boerhaave. Returning to Edin- burgh the following year, he was appointed pro- fessor and demonstrator of anatomy to the Com- pany of Surgeons, and soon after he began to give public lectures on that subject, Dr. Alston at the same time taking up the Materia Medica and Botany. This may be regarded as the open- ing of that medical school, which has since ex- tended its fame throughout Europe, and even to America. The two lectureships were placed upon the university establishment in 1720, and others shortly added to complete the system of medical education ; but an opportunity of seeing practice being still wanting, Dr. Monro pointed out in a pamphlet the advantages of such an insti- tution ; the Royal Infirmary was therefore esta- blished, and he commenced Clinical Lectures on Surgery ; and Dr. Rutherford afterwards extend- ed Sic plan to Medical cases. None of the new professors contributed so much to the celebrity of this school as Dr. Monro, not only by the diligent and skilful execution of the duties of his office, but also by various ingenious and useful publications. He continued his lectures during upwards of six months annually for nearly forty years, and acquired such reputation, that students flocked to him from the most dis ant parts of the kingdom. His first and chief work was his " Osteologv," in 1726, intended for his pupils ; but which became very popular, passed through numerous editions, and was translated into most Enropeanlanguages : he afterwards added a com- 6-'G cise description of the nerves, and a very accu- rate account of the lacteal system and thoracic duct. He was also the father and active support- er of a society, to which the public was indebted for six volumes of " Medical Essays and Obser- vations :" -he acted as secretary, and had the chief labour in the publication of these, besides having contributed many valuable papers, espe- cially an elaborate " Essay on the Nutrition of the Foetus." The plan of the society was after- wards extended, and three volumes of " Essays Physical and Literary'" were published, in which Dr. Monro has several useful pa, era. His last fublieation was an " Account oi the Success ef noculation in Scotland." He left, however, several works in manuscript; of which a short " Treatise on Comparative Anatomy," and his oration " De Cuticula,'1 have been since given to the public. In 1759, Dr. Monro resigned his anatomical chair to his son, but continued hit Clinical lectures ; he exerted himself also in pro- moting almost every object of public utility. He was chosen a fellow of the Royal Society of London, and an honorary member of thi Ujyal Academy of Surgery at Paris. He died in 1767. MONS. A mount, or hill. Mons veneris. The triangular eminence immediately over the os pubis of women, that is covered with hair. MONSTER. Lusus natura. Dr. Denman divides minsters into, 1st, Monsters from redun- dance or multiplicity of parts ; 2d, Monsters from deficiency or want of parts; 3d, Ministers from confusion of parts. To these might per- haps be added, without impropriety, another kind, in which there is neither redundance, nor deficiency, nor contusion of parts, but an error of place, as in transposition of the viscera. But children born with diseases, as the hydrocephalus, or their effects, as in some cases of bhndness, from previous inflammation, cannot be properly considered as monsters, though they are often so denominated. Of the first order there may be two kinds-, re- dundance or multiplicity of natural parts, as of two heads and one body, of one head and two bodies, an increased number of limbs, as legs, arms, finders, and toes: or excrescences or addi- tions to parts of no certain form, as those upon the head and other parts of the body. It is not surprising that we should be ignorant of the manner in which monsters or irregular births are generated or produced; though it s probable that tlie laws by which these are governed are as regular, both as to cause and effect, as in common or natural productions. Formerly, and indeed till within these few years, it was a generally re- ceived opinion, that monsters were not primordial or aboriginal, but that the) were caused subse- quently, by the power of tne imagination of tbe mother, transferring the imperfection of some external object, or the mark ol something for which she longed, and with which she was not indulged, to the child of which she u as pre^nunt; or by some accident which happened to her during her pregnancy. Such opinions, it is rea- sonable to think, were permitted to pass current, in order to protect pregnant women from all ha- zardous and disagreeable occupations, to screen them from severe labour, and to procure for them a greater share of indulgence and tenderness than could be granted to ilium m the common oc- currences of life. The laws and customs of every civilised nation have, in some degree, esta- blished a persuasion that there was something sacred in the person of a pregnant woman : and this may be ritrht in several jioin'? of view ; b-.t MOU \10R inese only go a little way towards justifying the opinion of monsters being caused by the imagina- tion of the mother. The opinion has been disproved by common observation, and by phi- losophy, not perhaps by positive proofs, but by many strong negative facts : as the improbability of any child being born perfect, had auch a power existed; thr freedomofchildrenfroin any blemish, their mothers being in situations most exposed to objects likely to produce them; the ignorance of Ihe mother of any thing being wrong in the child, till, from information of the fact, she begins to recollect every accident which happened during her pregnancy, and assigns the worst or the most plausible, as the cause ; the organisation and colour of these adventitious substances ; the frequent occurrence of monsters in the brute creation, in which the power of the imagination <..uni.it be great; and tne analogous appearances in th* vegetable system, where it does not exist in any degree. Judging, however, from appear- ances, accidents may perhaps be allowed to have considerable influence in the production of mon- sters of some kinds, either by actual injury upon parts, or by suppressing or deranging the princi- ple of growth, because, when an arm, for in- stance, u wanting, the rudiments of the deficient parts may jrenerally be discovered. MONT.YI ARTR1TE. A mineral compound of sulphate and carbonate of lime, that stands tbe weather, which common gypsum does not. It is found at Montmartre, near Paris. MOONSTONE A variety of adularia. MOUHI'LLI. (Diminutive of morbus, a din- rate.) See Rubeola. AlORBl >. A disease. Moiibuk arquatus. Tin- jaundice. Morbus attonitus. The epilepsy, and ■ Hioplexy. .luniiu's coxariu.s. See Arthropuotit. Morbus gallicus. The venereal disease. Morbus hf.rcui.eus. The epilepsy. Morbus indicus. The venereal disease. Morhis infantilis. Tin- epilepsy. Morbus magnu-s. The epilepsy. Morbus niger. The black disease. So Hi- (i crat." named it, and thus described it. I his disorder is known by vomiting a concrete blood of a blackish red r-oLur, and ruixe;t with a lar^e quantity of in-ipli' a<-nl, or viscid phlegm. This ei:.. u.ition is giuenilly preceded by a pun- gent tensive pain, in both the hypochondria ; and Ihe appe-trance of the? disease is attended with anxiety, a compressive pain in the pra-cordia, and fainting, which last is more frequent and violent, when the blood which is evacu ited is fir lid and corrupt. The stomach and the spleen ire the principal, .1 not the proper scat of tliis disease. Morbus recius. 'I he jaundice. Morbis. mi ER. The epilepsy. MORDANT. In dyeing, the substance com- bined with the vegetable or animal fibre, in order 10 fix the dye-stuff. Morel. See Phullut esculentus. Mohe'ti-s. (From .norum, the mulberry.) \ decoctum of mulberries. MOKGAGM. Giambatista, was born at Forli in lw*i. He coiuoicnced his medical stu- rlns at Hol"iiii, and displayed such ardour a:id talent, that Valsalva availed huni-elf of his assist- ance iu Ins resia-i-hes into the or^an of bearing, and in drawiug up his memoirs on that subject. He also perfnruifd the professorial duties during the temporary absence of Valsalva, and by hi* ■kill and obliging manners procured generj es- teem He afterward* prosecuted his studies at Venice :nd Padua, ami t1 en -cttled in his nr.'in- place, lie soon however perceived, that tin* was too contracted a sphere for his abilities ; wherefore he returned to Padua, where, a va- cancy soon occurring, he was nominated in 1711 to teach the theory of physic. He had already distinguished himself by the publication five years before of the first part of his " Adversrxia Ana- tomica," a work remarkable for its accuracy, as well as originality ; of which subsequently five other parts appeared. He assisted Lancisi in preparing for publication the valuable drawings of Eitstacbius, which came out in 1714. The fol- lowing year he was appointed to the first anato- mical professorship in Padua ; and from that pe- riod ranked at the head of the anatomists of his time. He was also weU versed in general litera- ture, and other subjects not immediately con- nected with his profession: and honours were rapidly accumulated upon him from every quarter of Europe. He was distinguished by the particu- lar esteem of three successive Popes, and by the visits of all the learned and great, who came into his neighbourhood ; and his native city placed a bust ot him in their public hall during his life, with an honorary inscription. Though he bad a large family, he accumulated a considerable pro- perty by his industry and economy; and by means of a good constitution and regular habits, he attained tbe advanced age of 90. Besides tbe Adversaria be published several other work*, two quarto volumes of anatomical epistles, an essay on the proper method of acquiring medical science, which appeared on his appointment to the theoretical chair, &c. But that which has chiellv iendered his name illustrious is entitled " De SeJibus et Causis Morborum," printed at Venice in 1760. It contains a prodigious coUec- tion of dissections of morbid bodies, made by Valsalva and himself, arranged according to the organs affected. He followed the plan ot Bone- tu.-' ; but the accuracy of his details renders the collection far superior in value to any that had preceded it. MO'RIA. (From pupos, foolish.) The name of a genus of disease in Good's Nosology. Class, Neurotica; Order, I'hrenica. Miotism. Fa- tuity. It his two species, Moria imbecillit, dement. Mo'ro. ^From morum, a mulberry.) A small abscess resembling a mulberry. Moro'sis. (From pupus, loolish.) See Amentia. MOROXYLATE. A compound of mcroxylic aeid with a salifiable basis. MOROXYLIC ACID. (Acidum moroxyli- ciim; from moms, the mulberry tree, and (i>W, wood ; because it is found on the bark or wood of that tree.) In the botanic garden at Palermo, Mr. Thompson found an uncommon saline sub- stance on the trunk of a white mulberry tree, li appeared as a coating on the surface ofthe bark in little granulous drops of a yellowish and black- ish-brown colour, and had likewise penetrated its substance. Klaproth, who analysed it, found that its taste was somewhat like that of succinic acid ; on burning coals, it swelled up a little, emitted a pungent vapour scarcely visible to the eye, and [eft a alight earthy residuum. Six hundred grains of the bark loaded with it were lixiviated with water, and afforded 320 grains of a light salt, resembling in colour a light wood, and composed of short needles united in radii. It was not deli- quescent ; and though the crystals did not form tiU the solution was greatly condensed by evapo- ration, it is not verv soluble, since 1000 parts of water dissolve but So with heat, and 15 cold. Thr- -ilt wits found \- be a compound of lime H*7 MQU MOR sal a peculiar vegetable acid, with some extrac- tive matter. To obtain the acid separate, Klaproth decom- posed the calcareous salt by acetate of lead, and separated the lead by sulphuric acid. He like- wise decomposed it directly by sulphuric acid. The product was still more Uke succinic acid in taste; was not deliquescent; easily dissolved both in water and alkohol; and did not precipi- tate the metallic solutions, as it did in combina- tion with lime. Twenty grains being slightly heated in a small glass retort, a number of drops of an acid liquor first came over; next a concrete salt arose, that adhered flat against the top and part ofthe neck of the retort in the form of pris- matic crystals, colourless and transparent; and a coaly residuum remained. The acid was then washed out, and crystallised by spontaneous evaporation.—Thus sublimation appears to be the best mode of purifying the salt, but it adhered too strongly to the lime to be separated from it directly by beat without being decomposed. Not having a sufficient quantity to determine its specific characters, though he conceives it to be a peculiar acid, coming nearest to the succinic both in taste and other quaUties, Klaproth has provisionally given it the name of moroxylic, and the calcareous salt containing it, that of moroxylate of lime. MORPHE'A ALBA. (From popir,, form.) A species of cutaneous leprosy. See Lepra alphos. MORPHIA. Morphine. A new vegetable alkali, extracted from opium, of which it consti- tutes the narcotic principle. See Papaver som- niferum. MORPHINE. See Morphia. Morse'llus. A lozenge. Morsulus. An ancient name for that form of medicine which was to be chewed in the mouth, as a lozenge; the word signifying a Uttle mouthful. Mo'rsus diaboli. The fimbriae ofthe Fallo- pian tubes. Mo'rta. See Pemphigus. Mortari'olum. (Dim. of mortarium, a mortar.) In chemistry, it is a sort of mould for making cupels with ; also a little mortar. In ana- tomy, it is the sockets of the teeth. MORTIFICATION. (Mortificatio; from mors, death, and fio, to become.) Gangrena; Sphacelus. The loss of vitaUty of a part of the body. Surgeons divide mortification into two species, the one preceded by inflammation, the other without it. In inflammations that are to terminate in mortification, there is a diminution of power joined to an increased action ; this be- comes a cause of mortification, by destroying the balance of power and action, which ought to exist in every part. There are, however, cases of mortification that do not arise wholly from that a* a cause: of this kind are the carbuncle, and the slough, formed in the smaU-pox pustule. Healthy phlegmonous inflammation seldom ends in mortification, though it does so when very ve- hement and extensive. Erysipelatous inflamma- tion is observed most frequently to terminate in eanerene; and whenever phlegmon is in any de- gree conjoined with an erysipelatous affection, which it not unfrequentiy is, it seems thereby to acquire the same tendency, being more difficult to bring to resolution, or suppuration, than the 'true phlegmon, and more apt to run into a morti- fied state. . , Causes which impede the circulation of the part affected, will occasion mortification, as is r §?8 exemplified in strangulated hernia, tied polypi, or a limb being deprived of circulation from a dislocated joint. Preventing the entrance of arterial blood into a limb, is also another cause. Paralysis, con- joined with pressure, old age, and ossification of the arteries, may produce mortification; also cold, particularly if followed by the sudden ap- plication of warmth ; and likewise excessive heat applied to a part. The symptoms of mortification that take place after inflammation are various, but generally as follows :—the pain and sympathetic fever sud- denly diminish, the part affected becomes soft, and of a livid colour, losing at the same time more or less of its sensibihty. When any part of tbe body loses all motion, sensibiUty, and natural heat, and becomes of a brown livid or black colour, it is said to be af- fected with sphacelus. When the part becomes a cold, black, fibrous, senseless substance, it ii termed a slough. As long as any sensibility, mo- tion, and warmth continue, the state of the dis- order is said to be gangrene. When the part ha* become quite cold, black, fibrous, incapable of moving, and destitute of all feeling, circulation and life ; this is the second stage of mortification, termed sphacelus. When gangrene takes place, the patient is usually troubled with a kind of hiccough: the constitution always suffers an immediate dejec- tion, the countenance assumes a wild cadaverous look, the pulse becomes small, rapid, and some- times irregular; cold perspirations come on, and the patient is often affected with diarrhoea and de- Urium. MORTON, Richard, was born in Suffolk, and after taking the degree of Bachelor of Arts at Oxford, officiated for some time as a chaplain: but the intolerance of the times, and his own re- ligious scruples, compelled him to change for the medical profession. He was accordingly ad- mitted to his doctor's degree in 1670, having ac- companied the Prince of Orange to Oxford, as physician to his person. He afti rwards settled in London, became a Fellow of the Colli ee, and obtained a large share of city practice. He died in 1698. His works have had considerable repu- tation, and evince some acuteness of observation, and activity of practice. They abound, however, with the errors of the humoral pathology, which then prevailed ; and sanction a method of treat- ment in acute diseases, which his more able con- temporary, Sydenham, discountenanced, and which subsequent experience has generaUy dis- carded. His first publication was an attempt to arrange the varieties of consumption, but not very successfully. His " Pyretologia" came out in two volumes, the first in 1691, the other at an interval of three years; in this work especially the stimulant treatment of fevers is carried to an unusual extent, and a more general use of cin- chona recommended. MO'RUM. See Moras nigra. MO'RUS. (From pavpos, black; so called from the colour of its fruit when ripe.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Monacia; Order, Tetrandria. The mulberry-tree. Morcs nigra. The systematic name of the mulberry-tree. Morus—foliis cordatis tcabrit, of Linnaeus. Mulberries abound with a deep violet-coloured juice, which, in its general quali- ties, agrees with that of the fruits caUed arido- dulcet, allaying thirst, partly by refrigerating, and partly by exciting an excretion of mucus from Moir MIC the mouth and fauces ; a similar effect it also produced in the stomach, where, by correcting putreacency, a powerful cause of thirst is removed. The London College directs a tyrupus mori, which i* an agreeable vehicle for various medi- cines. Tbe bark of the root of this tree is said, by Andree, to be useful in cases of ta-nia. Mo.iaic gold. See Aurum mutivum. Moscha'ta nux. See Myristica motchata. MO'SCHUS. (Motch, Arabian.) Musk. See Mot chut moichtfei tl«. Mostiius mu-chiferus. The systematic name of tbe musk animal, a ruminating quadru- ped, resembling the antelope. An unctuous sub- stance, is contained in excretory follicle* about the navel of the male animal, the strung and per- manent smell of which is peculiar to it. It is contained in a bag placed near the umbilical re- gion. The best musk is brought from Tonquin, in China; an inferior »crt from Agria and Ben- gal, and a still worse from Russia. It is slightly unctuous, of a black colour, having a strong dura- ble smell and a bitter taste. It yields part of its active matter to water, by infusion ; by distilla- tion the water is impri gnated with its flavour ; alkohol dissolves it, its impurities excepted. Chewed, and rubbed with a knife on paper, it looks bright, yellowish, smooth, and Tree from grittinegs. Laid on a red-hot iron, it catches flame and burns almost entirely away, leaving only an exceedingly small quantity of light grey- ish ashes. If any earthy substances have been mixed with the musk, the impurities wiU dis- cover them. The medicinal and chemical proper- ties of musk and castor arc very similar: the vir- tues of the former are generally believed to be more powerful, and hence musk is preferred in case* of imminent danger. It is prescribed as a powerful antispasmodic, in doses of three grains or upwards, even to half a drachm, in the greater number of spasmodic diseases, especia ly in hys- teria and singultus, and also in diseases of debility. In typhus, it is employed to remove subsultus ten- dinum, and other symptoms of a spasmodic na- ture. In choli ra, it frequently stops vomiting ; and, combined with -minion ia, it is given to ar- rest the progi ess of gaogrene. It is best given in the form of bolus. To children it is given in the form of enema, and is an efficacious remedy in the convulsions arising from dentition. It is also jivrn in hydrophobia, and in some forms of ma;. .-. Moso.ui'ta 'Frun mosquito, a gnat, Spa- nish.) An itching cr ; ! .he skin produced in hot climate* by the bite ol _£i>'>;>- MosViirji MoimXXoi'. The best cinnamon. Mother oj tliytni *•* Thymut terpyllum. MOTHER WATER. When sea >vater. or any other solution containing various salts, ly the muscle* which move the eye.) The tbinf pair of nerves of the brain. Tbey arise from the crura cerebri, and are distributed on the muscles of tbe bulb of the eye. Moto'rii. See Motoi et oculorum. MOULD. Sec Fontanella. Mountain cork, s, ,• Asbestos. Mountain green. Common copper green, a ■V-li"?' itr. Mountain leather. See Atbtttot. Mountain part ley, black. See Athamaniu oreoselinum. Mountain toap. Sue Soap, mountain. Mountain wood. See Atbtttot. MOUSE-EAR. See Hieracium pilotella. MOUTH. Ot. The cavity of the mouth is well known. _ The parts which constitute it are the common integuments, the lips, the muscles of the upper and under jaw, ihe palate, two alveolar arches, the gums, the tongue, the cheeks, and saliva! glands. The bones of the mouth are the two superior maxiUary, two palatine, the lower jaw, and thirty-two teeth. The arteries of the external parts of the mouth are branches of the enfrtt-orbital, inferior alveolar, and facial arteries. The vein* empty themselvc-s into the external jugulars. The nerves are branches from the fifth and seventh pair. The use of the mouth is for mastication, speech, respiration, deglutition, suc- tion and taste. MO'XA. A Japanese word. See Artemida chinentit. Moxa jafanica. See Artemisia chinentit. MUCIC ACID. (Addum mucicum; from mucus, it being obtained from gum.) "This acid has been generally known by the name of taccholactic, because it was first obtained from sugar of milk ; but as all the gums appear tor af- ford it, and the principal acid in sugar of milk is the oxalic, chemists, in general, now distinguish it by the name of mucic acid. It was discovered by Scheele. Having poured twelve ounces of diluted nitric acid on four ounces of powdered sugar of milk in a glass retort on a ■and baih, the mixture became gradually hot, and at length effervesced violently, and continued to do go for a considerable time after the retort was taken from the fire. It is necessary therefore to use a large retort, and not to lute the rec<-iver too tigbt. The effervescence having nearly subsided, the retort was again placed on the sand heat, and the nitric acid distilled off, till tbe mass had ac- quired a yellowish colour. This exhibiting no crystals, eight ounces more of the same acid were added, and the distillation repeated, tiU the yel- low colour of the fluid disappeared. As the fluid was inspissated by cooling, it was redissolved in eight ounces of water, and filtered. Tbe filtered liquor held oxalic acid in solution, and ^even drachms and a half of white powder remained on the filter. This powder was the acid under consideration. If one part of gum be heated gently with two of nitric acid, till a small quantity of nitrous gas mi! of carbonic acid is diseng-iged, the dissolved mass will deposit o.-i c -i- '.-r: '• •■ c.cicncid. Ac- cording to Fourcroy anil Vauquelin, -different gums yield from 14 to 26 hundredths of this acid. This pulverulent acid is s uble in about sixty parts of hot water, and by doling, a fourth part separates iu small shining scales, that grow while in the air. It decomposes the muriate of barytes, and both the nitrate and muriate of lime. It acts very little on the metals, but forms with their oxides salts scarcely soluble. It | i cipi- tates the nitratts of sihir, lea' an.l lercury. With prtass.-i it forms a salt soluble in eight parts of boiling water, and crystallisable by cooling. That of soda n quires but fi/e parts of water, and is equally cr\ stallisable. Boih these salt* are stiU more soluble when the acid s in excess. That of ammonia is deprived of it* base by heat. The salts of barytes, lime, and magnesia are nearly insoluble." Ml'i'ILAGE. Mudlago. An aqueoussolu. tion of gum. S--e Gum. 6?1 aUKC Ji'WR MXCILAGINOUS. Gummy. Mucilaginous extracts. Extracts that readily dissolve in water, scarcely at all in spirits of wine, and undergo spirituous fermentation MUCILA'GO. (Mudlage.) See Gum Mucilago acacia. Mucilage of acacia. Mucilago gummi arabiri.—Take of acacia gum, powdered, four ounces; boiling water, half a pint Rub the gum with the water, gradually adil-' intil it incorporates into a mucilage. A deac.i cut preparation, more frequently used to combine medicines, than in any other form. Mucilago amtli. Starch mucilage.—Take of starch, three drachms ; water, a pint. Rub the starch, gradually adding the water to it; then boil until it incorporates into a mucilage. This preparation is mostly exhibited with opium, in the form of clyster in diarrhoeas and dysenteries, where the tenesmus arises from an abrasion of the rouc.ua of the rectum. Mucilago arabici gummi. See Mucilago acacia. Mucilago seminis ctdonii. See Decoctum cydonia. Mucilago tragacanth.e. Mucilage of tragacanth, joined with syrup of mulberries, forms a pleasant demulcent, and may be exhibit- ed to children, who are fond of it. This muci- lage is omitted in the last London Pharmacopoeia, as possessing no superiority over the mucilage of acacia. Mucoca'rneus. In M. A. Severinus, it is an epithet for A tumour, and an abscess, which is partly fleshy and partly mucous. MUCOUS. Of the nature of mucus. Mucous acid. See Mucic acid. Mucous glands. Glandula mucosa. Mu- Cipalous glands. Glands that secrete mucus, such as the glands of the Schneiderian membrane of the nose, the glands of the fauces, oesophagus, stomach, intestines, bladder, urethra, &c. MUCRONATUS. (From mucro, a sharp point.) Sharp-pointed. See Cuspidatus. MUCUS. (From pvl-a, the mucus of the nose.) A name given to the two following sub- stances. 1. Mucus animal. One of the primary fluids of an animal body, perfectly distinct from gelatin, and vegetable mucus. Tannin, which is a deti- cate test for gelatin, does not affect mucus. " This fluid is transparent, glutinous, thready, and of a salt savour; it reddens paper of turnsole, contains a great deal of water, muriate of potassa and soda, lactate of lime, of soda, and phosphate of lime. According to Fourcroy and Vauquelin, the mucus is the same in all the mu- cous membranes. Oil the contrary, Berzelius thinks it variable according to the points from which it is extracted. r The mucus forms a layer of greater or less thickness at the surface ofthe mucous membranes, aud it is renewed with more or less rapidity ; the water it contains evaporates under the name of mucous exhalation , it also protects these mem- branes against the action ofthe air, of the aliment, the different glandular fluids, Stc.; it i», in fact, to these membranes nearly what the epidermis is to the skin Independently of this general use, it has others that vary according to the parts of mucous membranes. Thus, the mucus of the nose is favourable to the smell, that of the mouth p-ives lacility to the taste, that of the stomach and the intestines assists in the digestion, that of the -enital and urinary ducts serves in the generation and the secretion of the urine, &c. A great part ofthe mucus is absorbed again by (he membranes which secrete it: another rvrt jS carried outwards, either alone, as in blowing thr nose, or spitting, or mixed with the pulmonary transpiration, or else mixed with the excrementaJ matter, or the urine, &c. Animal mucus differs from that obtained from the vegetable kingdom, in not being soluble in water, swimming on its surface, nor capable of mixing oil with water, and being soluble in min- eral acids, which vegetable mucus is not. 2. Mucus vegetable. See Gum. MUGWORT. See Artemisia vulgaris. Mugwort China. See Artemida chinensis. Md'ie. Pustules contracted either by heat or cold. MULBERRY. See Morus nigra. MULLEIN. See Verbascum. Mu'lsum. See Hydromeli. MULTFFIDUS SPIRrE. (From multus, many, and findo. to divide.) Transverso-spi- nalis lumboi'um; Musculus sacer ; Semi-spina- lis internus, sive transverso spinalis dorsi; Se- mi-spinalis, sive transversospinal!! colli, part interna, ot Winslow. Transversalis lumborum vulgo sacer; Transversalis dorsi; Transversa- lis colli, of Douglas. Lumbo dorsi spinal, of Dumas. The generality of anatomical writers have unnecessarily multiplied the muscles ,ii the spine, and hence their descriptions of these parts are confused, ,->nd difficult to be understood. Un- der the name of multifidus spina, Albinus has, therefore, very properly included those portions of muscular flesh, intermixed with tendinous fibres, which lie close to the posterior part ofthe spine, and which Douglas and Winslow have des- cribed as three distinct muscles, under the names of transversales, or Iran* rerso-spinales, of the loins, back, and neck. The multifidus spina; arises tendinous and fleshy from the upper convex surface of the os sacrum, from the posterior ad- joining part of the ilium, from the oblique and transverse processes of all the lumbar vertebras, from the transverse processes of all the dorsal ver- tebra;, and from those of the cervical vertebra?, excepting the three first. From all these origins the fibres of the muscles run in an oblique direc- tion, and are inserted, by distinct tendons, into the spinous processes of all the vertrbi-v 'if the loins and back, and likewise into those of the six inferior vertebra: of the neck. When this mus- cle acts singly, it extends the b-.:V obliquely, or moves it to one side ; when both muscles act, they extend the vertebra: backwards. MULTIFLORUS. Many flowered. Appti ed to the flower-stalk of plants wlach is so called when it be>irs many flowers; as the Daphne laureola. Sec Pedunculus. Multifo'rmf. os. See Ethmmd bone. MU'LTIPES. (From multus, many, and pes. a foot.) 1. The wood-louse. 2. The polypus. 3. Any animal having more than four feet. MUMPS. See Cynanche parotidea. Mlndicati'va. (Fr.)n* mundo, to cleanse.) Mundificantia. Medicines which purify and cleanse away foulness. Mundifica'ktia. See Mundicativa. Mu'ngo;-. See Ophiorrhiza mungos. MURA'LIS. (From murus, a wall; so called because it grov-s upon walls.) PeUitory. See Parietaria. MURA'RIA. (From murus, a wall: bc-ausc it grows about walls.) A species of maiden hair: the Asplenium murale. MURIAClTi-:. Gypsum. MU'RIAS. A muriate, or salt, formed by the union of the muriatic acid with salifiable baces: as miii late of ammonia. Sic. iiu; Jlb'ri McmaS ammomue. See Sal ammoniac. Murias antimonii. Butter of antimony, Formerly u»ed as a caustic. Murias BARiT.t:. See Barytei. Murias calcis. See Calx. IMtbias ff.rri. Ferrum talitum; Oleum martit per deliquium. This preparation of iron is styptic and tonic, and may be given in chloro- sis, intermittents, rachitis, &c. Muiuas ferri ammoniacalis. See Ferrum ammoniatum. Murias htdkakotri. There are two mu- rouriate* of mercury. S< Hydrargyri tubmu- riat, and Hydrargyri oxymuriat. Ml RIAt IITDRARGTRI AMMONIACALIS. See Hydi ar^yrum pradpitatum album. Muiuas htdrari.iri oxtgenatus. See Hydrargyri oxymuriat. Mriu.ii POTA.sSiE. Alkali vegetabile tali- ■ urn, Sal digettivut; Sal febrifugus Sylvii. This salt is exhibited with the same intention aa Ihe muri at i of *<>da, and was formerly in high es- timation in the cure of intermittent*, &c. Murias potass.* oxygenatus. Chlorate of potassa. The oxygenated muriate of potassa has lately been extolled in the cure of the vene- real disease It is exhibited in doses of from fif- teen to forty grains in the course of a day. It in- creases the action of the heart and arteries, is supposed to oxygenate the blood, and prove of great service in scorbutus, asthenia, and cachec- tic diseases. Murias sod.*:. See Sodamuriat. Murias stibu. See Muriat antimonii. ML'RIATIC. (Muriaticut; from muria, brine.) Belonging to sea salt. Muriatic acid. Acidum muriaticum. The Hydrochloric of the French chemists. Let 6 parts of pure and weU dried sea salt be put ii:li> a glass retort, to the beak of which is luted, in a ho, izont d direction, a long glass tube artificially refrigerated, and containing a quantity of ignited muriate of lime. Upon tbe salt pour at interval* 6 parts of concentrated oil of vitriol, through a svphoii funnel, fixed air-tight, in the tubulure m the retort. The free end ol the long tube being recurved, so as to dip into the mercury of a pneu- matic trough, a gas \\ill issue, which, on coming in contact with the air, will form a visible cloud, or hkze, presenting when viewed in a v ivid light, prismatic colouis. Ibis gas is muriatic acid. When received in ^lass j.on over dry mercury, it is invisible, and possesses all the mechanical firoperties of air. Its odour is pungent and pecu- iar. Its taate acid and corrosive. Its specific fravity, according to Sir 11. Davy, is such, that OU cubic inches weigh 39 grains, while by esti- maimn, he says, they ought to be 38.-1 gr. If an inflamed taper be immersed in it, it is instantly extinguished. It is destructive ol animal life: but the irritation produced by it on the epiglottis scarcely permits its descent into the lungs. It is merely changed in bulk by alterations ol tempera- ture - it experiences no change of state. When potassium, tin, or zinc, is heated in contact with this gas over mercury, one-half of the volume disappear*, aud the remainder is pure hydrogen. On examining the solid residue, it is found to be a metallic chloride. Hence muriatic nil ga* consists ofcbloi'.ue ani hydrogen, united iu equal volumes. Th.s view of its nature was origimlly given by Scheele, though obscured by .enus derived Irom tbe vague aud visionary hy- pothesis of phlogiston. The French school after- wards introduce! the be-i.ef that muriatic acid gas wax a compound of au unknoi.u radical and ,.ler : and that chl'rine consisted of tbi< radical .;ud oxi»tn. Sir H. Davy has proveJ, Jy deci- sive experiments, that in the present state of our knowledge, chlorine must be regarded as a simple substance - and muriatic acid gas, as a compound of it with hydrogen. Muriatic acid, from its composition, has been termed by Lussac the hydrochloric acid : a name objected to by Sir H. Davy. It was prepared by the older chemists in a very rude manner, and was called by them spirit of salt. In the ancient method, common salt was pre- viously decrepitated, then g. uu with dried c.y, and Kneaded or wrought wwi water to a mode- rately stiff consistence, after which it was divided into balls of the size of a pigeon's eg---: these balls, ue.i'g previously wen ur.td, »<_!._ t, nto a retort, so as to nil the vessel tvvo-iu.rus mil ; distillatiou being then proceeded upon, ihe mu- riatic acid came over when tbe heat was raised to ignition. In this process eight or teu parts ol clay to one of salt are to be used. 1 he retort must be of stone-ware well coated, and the furnace must be of that kind called r.veiberatory. It was formerly thought, that tbe salt was mere- ly divided in this operation by the clay, and on this account more reauny gave out its aciu . out there can be little doubt, that the effect is pro- duced by the siliceous earth, which abounds in large proportions in all natural clays, and detains the alkali of the salt by combining witn it. Sir 11. Davy first gave tlie just explanation of this decomposition. Common salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine. The sodium may be conceived to combine with the oxygtn ot the wattr in the earth, and with the eartu ,ut:., to form a vitreous compound ; and the cbloi .in to unite with the hydrogen ol tbe water, loriumg muriatic acid gas. - It is also easy,' add* he, ' according to these new ideas, to explain the de- composition ot salt by moistened litharge, the theory ot wtnch has so much perplexed ihe most acute chemists. It may be conceived lo uc an instance of compound affinity ; the chlorine is attracted by the ieau, und the sodium combines with the oxygen of the litharge, ami mill water, to lunu hydrate of soda, wiui'ii -radual.y attracts carbonic acid from the air. When common salt is decuiui used by oil of wuiol, it was usual to ex- plain the phenomenon by saying, that tin acid by its superior affinity, aided iiy heat, expi lieu the gas, and united to the soda, but as in ui.n mu- riatic acid nor soda exists in common salt, we must now modify the explanation, by saying that the water of the oil of vitriol is first decomposed, its oxygen unites to the sodium to form soda, which is seized on by the sulphuric acid, while the chlorine combines with the hydrogen ••! the water, and exhale* in thefoimot muriatic acid gas.' As 100 parts of dry sea salt are capable of yielding 6t parts by weight of muriatic aciu gas, these ought to afford, by eci mimical manage- ment, nearly .^1 parts ol liquid acid, »pe .tic gravity l.l-li, as prescribed by the Londt.n Col- lege, or 200 parts ci acid sp. gr. LlbO, as di- rected by the Edinburgh und Dublin Pharmaco- poeias. The- ancient method of extracting the gas 'r„ ., salt is now laid aside. The English manufacturers us. iron still* for this distillation, with earthen heads : the philoso- phical chemist, in making the o«a of commerce, v.ill doubtless, preler glass. Five part* by weight of strong sulphuric acid are to be tdded to slx oi decrepitated si a salt, in a reiort, the upper part ol wlmh is furnished with a tube or neck, thron'jh which the acid is to be poured 2dVR upon the salt. The aperture of this lube must be closed with a ground stopper immediately after the pouring. The sulphuric acid immediately combines with the alkali, and expels the muri- atic acid in the form of a peculiar air, which is rapidly absorbed by water. As this combination and disengagement take place without the appli- cation of heat, and the aerial fluid escapes very rapidly, it is necessary to arrange and lute the vessels together before the sulphuric acid is added, and not to make any "«re in the furnace until the disengagement begins to slacken; at vvhich time it must be very graduaUy raised. Be- fore the modern improvements in chemistry were made, a great part of tbe acid escaped for want of water to combine with; but by the use of Woolfe's apparatus, the acid air is made to pass through water, in which it is nearly condensed, and forms muriatic acid of double the weight of the water; though the bulk of this fluid is in- creased one-half only. The acid condensed in the first, receiver, which contains no water, is of a yeUow colour, arising from the impurities of the salt. The marine acid in commerce has a straw co- lour : but this is owing to accidental impurity ; for it does not obtain in the acid produced by the impregnation of water with the aeriform acid. The muriatic acid is one of those longest known, and some of its compounds are among those salts with which we are most familiar. The muriates, when in ft state of dryness, are actuaUy chlorides, consisting of chlorine and the metal; yet they may be conveniently treated of under the title muriates. The muriate of barytes crystallises in tables bevelled at the edges, or in octahedral pyramids appUed base to base. It is soluble in five parts of water at 60°, in still less at a boiUng heat, and also in alkohol. It is not altered in the air, and but partly decomposable by heat. The sulphuric acid separates its base; and the alkaline carbo- nates and sulphates decompose it by double affi- nity. It is best prepared by dissolving the carbo- nate in dilute muriatic acid ; and if contaminated with iron or lead, which occasionally happens, these may be separated by the addition"of a small quantity of Uquid ammonia, or by boiUng and stirring the solution with a Uttle barytes. Goet- tling recommends to prepare it from the sulphate of barytes ; eight parts of which, in fine powder, are to be mixed with two of muriate of soda, and one of charcoal powder. This is to be pressed hard into a Hessian crucible,- and exposed for an hour and a half to a red heat in a wind furnace. The cold mass, being powdered, is to be boiled a minute or two in sixteen parts of water, and then filtered. To this liquor muriatic acid is to be added by little and little, tiU sulphuretted hydro- gen ceases to be evolved. It is then to be filtered, a little hot water to be poured on the residuum, the liquor evaporated to a pellicle, filtered again, and then set to crystaUise. As the muriate of soda is much more soluble than the muriate of ba- rytes, and does not separate by cooling, the mu- riate of barytes will crystaUise into a perfectly white salt, and leave the muriate of soda in the mother water, which may be evaporated repeat- edly tiU no more muriate of barytes is obtained. This salt was first employed in medicine by Dr. Crawford, chiefly in scrofulous complaints and cancer, beginning with doses of a few drops^ of the saturated solution twice a-day, and increasing it gradually, as far as forty or fifty drops in some instances. In large doses it excites nausea, and has deleterious effects. Fourcroy says it has been found very successful in scrofula in France. It has 632 MLR likewise been recommended as a vermifuge; auu it has been given with much apparent advantage even to very young children, where the usual symptoms of worms occurred, though none were ascertained to be present. As a test of sulphuric acid it is of great use. The muriate of potassa, formerly known by the names of febrifuge salt of Sylvius, diges- tive talt, and regenerated sea salt, crystallises in regular cubes, or in reel angular parallelopipe- dons ; decrepitating on the fire, without losing much of their acid, and acquiring a little moisture from damn air, and giving it out again in dry. Their taste is saline and bitter. They are soluble in thrice their weight of cold water, and in but little less of boiling water, so as to require spontaneous evapo- ration for crystallising. Fourcroy recommends, to coverthe vessel with gauze, and suspend hairs iu it, for the purose of obtaining regular crystals. It is sometimes prepared in decomposing sea salt by common potassa for the purpose of ob- taining soda; and may be formed by the direct combination of its constituent parts. It is decomposable by the sulphuric and nitric acids. Barytes decomposes it, though not com- pletely ; and both silex and alumina decomposed it partiaUy in the dry way. It decomposes the earthy nitrates, so that it might be used in saltpetre manufactories to decompose the niir-te of lime. Muriate of soda, or common salt, is of consi- derable use in the arts, as well as a necessary in- gredient in our food. It crystallises in cubes, which are sometimes grouped together in various: ways, and not unfrequentiy form hollow quadran- gular pyramids. In the fire it decrepitates, melts, and is at length volatiUsed. When pure it is not deliquescent One part is soluble in 2\ of cold water, and in Uttle less of hot, so that it cannot be crystallised but by evaporation. Common salt is found in large masses, or in rocks under the earth, in England and elsewhere. In the soUd form it is called sal gem, or rock sail. Ifit be pure and transparent, it may be immedi- ately used in the state in which it is found ; but ifit contain any impure earthy particles, it should be previously freed from them. In some countries it is found in incredible quantities, and dug up like me- tals from the bowels of the earth. In this manner has this salt been dug out of the celebrated salt mines near Bochnia and Wieliczka, in Poland, ever since the middle of the 15th century, conse- quently above these 600 years, in such amazing quantities, that sometimes there have been 20,000 tons ready for sale. In these mines, which are said to reach to the depth of several hundred fath- oms, 500 men are constantly employed. The pure and transparent salt needs no other prepara- tion than to be beaten to small pieces, or ground in a mill. BuMhatwbich is more impure must be elutriated, purified, and boiled. That which is quite impure, and full of small stones, is sold un- der the name of rock salt, and is applied tp ordi- nary uses. It may likewise be used for strength- ening weak and poor brine-springs. The waters of the ocean every-where abound with common salt, though in different propor- tions. The water of the Baltic sea is said to con- tain one sixty-fourth of its weight of salt; that ofthe sea between England and Flanders contains one thirty-second part; that on the coast of Spain une sixteenth part; and between the tropics it is said, erroneously, to contain from an eleventh to an eighth part. The water of the sea contains, beside the com- mon salt, a considerable proportion of muriate of magnesia, and some sulphate of lime, of soda, and potassa. The former is the chief ingredient ui MUR MUR «ke remaining Uquid which ia left after the extrac- tion of the common *alt, and is called the mother water. Sea water, if taken up near the surface, contain* also the putrid remains of animal ub- stance*, which render it nausioiis, and in along- continued calm cau-e the st-» lo.-ink. The whole art of extracting sa|t from waters whicb contain it, consists in evaporating the water in the cheapest and most conveijenl manner. In England, a brine composed of sea-vatir, with the addition of rock salt, is evaporate*-. jn large shallow iron boilers ; and the crystals of salt are taken out iu basket*. In llu^-n, and probably in other northern countries, the sea water is exposed to freeze : and the ice, which is almost entirely freah, being taken out, the remaining brine is much stronger, and i* evaporated by boiling. In the aoutbern parts of Europe, the salt-makers take advantage ol spontan* ous evaporation. A flat piece of ground near the sea is chosen, and banked round, to prevent its being overflowed av high water. The space within the banks is di- vided by low walls into several compartments, which successively communicate with each other. At flood tide, the first of these is filled with sea water, which, by remaining a certain time, depos- ites its impurities, aud loses part of its aqueous fluid. The residue is then suffered to run into the next compartment, and the former is a?ain filled as before. From the second compartment, after a due time, tbe water is transferred into a third, which is lined with clay, well rammed and Uv« lied. At this period, the evaporation is usu- ally brought to that degree, that a crust of salt is formed on the surface of the water, whicli the workmen break, and it immediately falls to the bott m. They continue to do this until the quan- ity is sufficient to be raked out, and dried in heaps. This is called bay salt. Beside its use in seasoning our food, and pre- serving meat both for domestic consumption and during tbe longest voyages, and m furuisluim- us with the muriatic acid and soda, salt forms a glaze for coarse pottery, bv being thrown into the oven where it is baked ; ft improves the whitei- *. IMI| clearness of glass, it gives greater hardness to soap ; in melting metals it preserves their surface from calcination, by de lending them from the air, and is employed with advantage in some assays ; it is used as a mordant, and for improving certain colours, and enters more or less into many other processes of the arts. The muriate qfttronlian has not long been known. Dr. Hope first distinguished it from mu- riate of barytes. It crystallises in very slender hexagonal prisms ; has a cool pungent taste, with- out the austerity ol the muriate of barytes, or the bitterness of the muriate of lime ; is soluble iu 0.75 of water at 60°, and to almost any amount in boiling water ; is likewise soluble in alkohol, and gives a blood-red colour to its flame. It lias never been found in nature, but may be prepared in the same wuy as the muriate of b.UVtiS. The muriate if lime has been known by the names of marine telenite, ctitcariow marine salt, muria, and fixed sal ammoniac. It cry stabi- lises in hexahedral prisms terminated by acute pyramids. Its tiute is acrid, bitter, and very dis- agreeable. It i* soluble in half its weight ol cold water, and by heat in it* own water of crystalti- aation. It is one of the most deliquescent salts known : and, when deliquesced, ha* been called ml of lime. It exists in nature, but neither very abundantly nor very pure. It is formed in che- mical laboratories, in the decomposition of mu- riate of ammonia ; and Homberg fooavi that if it were urged by a violent heat rUl it condensed, on cooling, into a vitreous mass, it emitted a phos- phoric light upon being struck by any hard body, in which state it was caUed Homoerg'i phoi- phorut. Hitherto it has been little used except for fri- gorific mixtures ; and with snow it produces a very great degree of cold. Fourcroy, indeed, says be has found it of great utility in obstruc- tions of the lymphatics, and in scrophulous affec- tions. The muriate of ammonia has long been known by the name of tal ammonia, or ammoniac. It is found native in the neighbourhood of volcanoes, where it is sublimed sometimes nearly pure, and in different parts of Asia and Africa. A great deal is carried annually to Russia and Siberia from Bucliarian Tartary ; and we formerly im- ported large quantities from Egypt, but now ma- nufacture it at home. See Sal Ammoniac. The salt is usually in the form of cakes, with a convex surface on one side, and concave on tho otVer, from being sublimed into large globular vessel* ; but by solution it may be obtained in regular quadrangular crystals. It is remarkable for possessing a certain degree of ductility, so that if is not easily pulverable. It is soluble in 3J part* of water at 60°, and in Uttle more than its own weight of boiling water. Its taste is cool, acrid, and bitterish. Its specific gravity is 1.42. It attracts moisture from the air but very slightly. Muriate of ammonia has been more employed in m dicine than it is &t present. It is sometimes useful as an auxiliary to the bark in intermittents ; in gargles it is beneficial, andexternally it is a good uiseutient. In dyeing, it improves or heightens different colours. In tinning and sol- dering, it is employed to preserve the surface of the metals from oxidation, fn assay z, it dis- covers iron, and separates it from some of its combinations. The muriate of magnesia is extremely deli- qui-scent, soluble in an equal weight of water, and difficultly crystallisable. It dissolves also in five parts of alkohol. It is decomposable by heat, which expels its acid. Its taste is in- tensely bitter. With ammonia this muriate forms a triple tall, crystallisable in little polyhedrons, which sepa- rate quickly from the water, but are not very re- fularly formed. Its taste partakes of that of oth the preceding salts. The best mode of pre- paring it is by mixing a solution of -7 parts of muriate of ammonia with a solution of 73 of muriate of magnesia; but it may be formed by a semi-decomposition of either of these muriates by the base ot the other. It is decomposable by heat, and requires six or seven times its weight of water to dissolve it. Of the muriate of glucine we know but little. It appears tu crystallise in very small crystals; to be decomposable by heat; and, dissolved in alkohol and diluted with water, to form a pleasant saccharine liquor. Muriate of alumina is scarcely crystallisable, as on evaporation it assumes the state of a thick jelly. It has an acid, styptic, acrid taste. It is extremely soluble in water, and deliquescent. Fire decomposes it. It may be prepared by di- rectly combining the muriatic acid with alumina ; but the acid always remains in excess. The muriate of zircon crystallises in small needles, which are very soluble, attract moisture, and lose their transparency in the air. It has an austere taste, with somewhat of acrimony. It w decomposable by heat. The gallic acid preci- pitate* from its solution, if it be free from iron, <14M Mm MI'S » white powder. Carbonate of ammonia, if added in excess, redissolves the precipitate it had before thrown down. Muriate of yttria does not crystalUse when evaporated, but forms a jeUy. It dries with diffi- culty, and deliquesces. Fourcroy observes, that when siUceous stones, previously fused with potassa, are treated with muriatic acid, a limpid solution is formed, wliich may be reduced to a transparent jelly by slow evaporation. But a boiUng heat decomposes the siliceous muriate, and the earth is deposited. The solution is always acid." This acid possesses active, tonic powers. In typhus, or nervous fevers, although employed on the Continent with success, it has not proved so beneficial in this country; and when freely used, it is apt to determine to the bowels. Externally, the muriatic acid has been applied in the form of a bath, to the feet, in gout. In a late publica- tion, there are accounts of its successful applica- tion as a lithontriptic. Muriatic acid, oxygenized. This supposed • acid was lately described by Thenard. He sat- iated common muriatic acid of moderate strength with deutoxide of barium, reduced it into a soft paste by trituration with water. He then pre- cipitated the barytes from the liquid, by adding the requisite quantity of sulphuric acid. He next took this oxygenised muriatic acid, and treated it with deutoxide of barium and sulphu- ric acid, to oxygenate it anew. In this way he charged it with oxygen as ofte* a* 15 times. He thus obtained a Uquid acid-which contained 32 times its volume of oxygen at the temperature of 68° Fahr. and at the ordinary atmospherical pressure, and only 4\ times its volume of muria- tic acid, which gives about 28 equivalent primes of oxygen lo one of. muriatic acid. This oxygenised acid leaves no residuum when evaporated. It is a very acid, colourless liquid, almost destitute of smeU, and powerfuUy reddens turnsole. When boiled for some time, i*s oxygen is expelled. We ought, however, to regard this apparent oxygenation of the acid irierely as the conversion of a portion of its combined water into deutoxide of hydrogen. MURICATUS. Sharp-pointed: applied to s-eeds, as those of the Ranunculus parviflorus and Sida ciliaris. i MURRAY, John Andrew, was born at Stockholm, of a Scotch family, in 1740. At 16 he'was sent to Upsal, and had the benefit of the instructions of Linnxus, for whom he ever after entertained the highest esteem. In 1759 he took u journey through the southern provinces of Sweden, and thence to Copenhagen ; and in the following year he went to Gottingen, where his brother was professor of phUosophy. In 1763 he took his degree of doctor in medicine, and by a special licence from the Hanoverian govern- ment, gave lectures in botany: and in the fol- lowing, spring he was appointed extraordinary professor of medicine in that university. From this period his reputation rapidly extended; he was elected a member in the course of a few years of most of the learned societies in Europe. In 1769 he succeeded to the actual professorship of medicine, and was made doctor of the botanic garden. He was stiU farther honoured by re- ceiving the title of the Order of Vasa from the King of Sweden in 1780: and two years after- wards by being raised to the rank of privy coun- sellor by his Britannic Majesty. In 1791 he was attacked with a spurious peripneumony, which shortly terminated his existence. He was a man 634 of sound judgment, great activity, and cxtcn- sive information. He composed a great number of tracts on various subjects in botany, natural history, medicine, pharmacy, and medical litera- ture. His principal work, which occupied a large portion of his time and attention, was on the Materia Medica, under the title of " Appa- ratus Medicamin«m," in six octavo volumes: indeed he wa» employed in correcting the last for the pres? the day before his death. In tho Transacting of the Royal Society of Gottingen, there are many valuable papers by him, chiefly botanical; and his descriptions are deemed models of elegance and accuracy. MU'SA. (This word is corrupted, or rather refined, from Mauz, the Egyptian appellation of this valuable plant; and is made classical in the works of Linnams, by an allusion to Muta, a muse; or, with much greater propriety, to Anlonius Musa, the physician of Augustus, who having written on some botanical subjects, may justly be commemorated in the above name.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Poly- gamia ; Order, Monacia. The plantain and, badana-tree. Musa paradisiac*. Musa; Palma humi- lis ; Ficus Indica; Bala; Platauus. The plantain-tree. It grows spontaneously in many parts of India, but has been imniemonally culti- vated by the Indians in every part of the conti- nent of South America. It is an herbaceous tree, growing to the height of fifteen or twenty feet. The fruit are nearly of the size and shape of ordinary cucumbers, and, when ripe, of a pale yellow colour, of a: mealy substance, a little clammy, with a sweetish taste, and will dissolve in the mouth without chewing. The whole spike of fruit often weighs forty or fifty pounds. When they are brought to table by way of des- sert, they are either raw, fried, or roasted; but, if intended for bread, they are cut before they are ripe, and are then either roasted or boiled. The trees being tall and slender, the Indians cut them down to get at the fruit ; and in doing this lii.-y suffer no loss, for the stems are only one y. ar's _r -vth, and would die if not cut; but the roots continue, and new stems soon spring up, which in a year produce ripe fruit also. From the ripe plantains they make a liquor caUed mistaw. When they make this, they roast the fruit in their husks, and, after totally beating them to a mash, they pour water upon them, ano\. as the liquor is wanted, it is drawn off. But the nature of this fruit is such, that they will not keep long without running into a state of putre- faction ; and therefore, in order to reap the advantage of them at all times, they make cakes of the pulp, and dry them over a slow fiie, and, as they stand in need of mistaw, they mash the cakes in water, and they answer all the purposes of fresh fruit. These cakes are exceedingly con- venient to make this liquor in their journeys, and they never fail to carry them for that purpose. The leaves of the tree being large and spacious serve the Indians for table-cloths and napkins. Musa sapientum. The systematic name of the banana-tree.—Banana; Bananeira, Fi- coides; Ficus indica; Musafructucutumerino breviori; Senoria; Pacaira. This and the plantain-tree are among the most important pro- ductions of the earth. The banana-tree is culti- vated, on a very extensive scale, in Jamaica; without the fruit of which, Dr. Wright says, the island would scarcely be habitable, as no species of provision would supply their place. Even flour, or bread itself, would be less agreeable, and less able to support the laborious negro, so a*«/ MLS i-iiaiile him to dolus business or to keep in health. Plantain* also fatten horses, cattle, swine, dogs, fowl*, and other domestic animals. The leave*, being smooth and aoft, are employed as dressings after blisters. The water from the soft trunk is astringent, and employed by some to check diar- rhoea*. Every other part of tbe tree is useful in different parts of rural economy. The leaves are used as napkins and table-cloths, and are food for hog*. The second sort, musa tapientum, or banana-tree, differs from the paradisaica, in having its stalks marked with dark purple stripes and snot-. The fruit is shorter, straighter, and rounder ; the pulp is softer, and of a more lus- cious ta«te. It is never eatin green; but, when ripe, it ,s very agreeable, either eaten raw or fried in slices, as fritters, and is relished by aU ranks of |ieopic in the West Indie*. Both the above plants were carried to the \Ve»t Indies from the Canary Islands; whither, it is believed, they had been brought from Guinea, where they grow naturally. Musaih. Sal ammoniac. Ml'SCI'PULA. (From mus, a mouse, and rapio, to take, being originally applied to a mouse trap; afterwards to a plant: so caller! from its viscidity, by which flies are caught, as with bird-lime.) A species of lychnis. MUSCLE. Musculus. The parts that are usually included under this name consist of dis- tinct portions of flesh, susr eptible of contraction and relaxation ; the motion* of which, in a natu- ral and healthy state, are subject to the will, aud for this reason they are called voluntary muscles. Heiides these, there are other parts of th«» body that owe their power of contraction to their muscular fibres : thus the heart is a mus- cular I vtiii' forming what is called a hollow muscle ; and th urinary bladder, stomach, intes- tines, «Vr. are cnabb d 10 .>> t upon their contents, merely because they are pr»u nl»d with muscular fibres ; these are called tuvoiuiitarif muscles, because their motions are nut depeu lent on tbe will. The muscles of respiration bein^r in smite measure influenced by the will, are sanl to have a mixed motion. The names by which the vo- luntary muscles are distinguished, are founded on their size, figure, situation, use, or the arrange- ment nf their fibres, or tiieir origin and inser- tion ; but, besides these particular distinctions, there are certain general one> that require to be noticed. Thus, if the fibre* of a muscle are placed parallel to each other, in a straight direc- tion, they form what anatomists term ar ectilinear muscle ; if the fibres cross and intersect each other, they constitute a compound muscle ; when the fibres are disposed in the tnanner of i-ivs, a radiated muscle; when they are placed obliquely with respect to the tendon, like the plume of a pen, a penniform muscle. Muscles that act in opposition to each other are called antagonittt; thus every extensor has a flexor lor its antagonist, and tuce vertn. Musrles that concur in the -ame action are termed congeneret. 'Tin- muscles being attached to the bones, the lattei may be considered as levers, that are moved in dill'i rent directions by the contraction of those organs. I'll it end of the muscle which adheres to ihe most fixed part is usually called the origin ; and that which adheres to the more umvtahlc part, the insertion of the muscle. In almost every muscle, tu > kinds of fibres are distinguish- ed ; the one soft, of a red colour, sensible, and irritable, called fleshy fibre--, see Muscular Fi- bie; tin- other of a firmer texture, of a white »Iiateniii£ colour, insensible, without irritability or the power of contracting, ami named tt ndinout fibres. They are occasionally intermixed, um the fleshy fibres generally prevaU in the belly, or middle part of the muscle, and tbe tendinous ones in the extremities. If these tendinous fibres arc formed into a round slender cord, they form what is called the V n>'on of the muscle ; on the other hand, if they are spread into a broad flat surface, it is termed an aponeurosis. Each muscle is surrounded by a very thin and delicate covering of cellular membrane, which encloses it as it were like a sheath, and, dipping down into its substance, surrounds the most mi- nute fibres we are able to trace, connecting them to each other, lubricating them by means of the fat which its ceUs contain in more or less quantitv in different subjects, and serving as a support to the blood-vessels, lymphatics, ar.d ner. <> whicli are so plentifully distributed through the mus- cles. This cellular membrane, which in no res- pect differsfrom whati* found investing and con- necting the other parts of the body, has been sometimes mistaken for a membrane, peculiar to the muscles ; and hence we often find writers giving it the name of membrana propria mus- culota. The muscles owe the red colour which so particularly distinguishes their belly part, t< an infinite number of arteries, which are even- where dispersed through the whole of their reti- cular substance; for their fibres, after having been macerated in water, are (like all other part's of the body divested of their blood) found to be of a white colour. These arteries oenally enter the muscles by several considerable branches, and ramify so minutely through tlesir substance, that we are unable, even with the lust micro- scopes, to trace their ultimate branches. Ruysch fancied that the muschlar fibre was hollow, and a production of a Capillary artery; but this was merely conjectural. The veins, for tbe most part, accompany the arteries, but are found to be larger and more numerous. The lymphatic*, likewise, arc numerous, as might be expected from the great proportion of reticular substance, which is every where found investing the muscu- lar fibres. The nerves are distributed in such abuul meo to every muscle, that tbe muscles of the thumb alone are supplied with a greater pro- portion of nerv- us influence than the largest viscera, as th> liver It - instance. They enter the irenoraliiv of muscles by several trunks, tile braneliis of which, Uke th'-se of tin blood-ves- sels, are so minute ly dispersed through the- cellu- lar substance, that llieir number and minuteness soon elude tbe eye, and the knife of the anato- mist. This has given ri-e to a conjecture, as groundless as all the other conjectures on this subject, that the muscular fibre is ulliruately nervous. A Table of the Mutclet.—Tho generality of anatomical writers have arranged muscles accord- ing to their several use*; but this method is evi- dently defective, as the same muscle may rery often have different and opposite use*. The me- thod here adopted is that more usuaUy foUowed at present; they are enumerated in tbe order in which they are situated, beginning *iih those that are placed nearest the integuments, and pro- ceeding from these to the muscles that are more deeply seated. [The reader uill observe, that all the muscle* are in pairs, except those marked thus.*] Muscles of the integuments ofjtiie cranium I. Oi-cipitofrontalit.' 2. Corrugator tupercilti. Muscles of the eye-lids. S. Orlnci.lari. palpebrarum. 1 Ltvalur v< 'iebra superiors «3o BUS mm? Muscles of the eye-baU. u. .Rectus tuperioi: 6. Rectus inferior. 7. Rectus internus. 8. Rectus externus. 9. Obliquus superior. 10. Obliquus inferior. Muscles of tbe nose and mouth : 11. Levator palpebra superioris alaque nasi. 12. Levator labii superiorit propriui. 13. Levator anguli oris. 14- Zygomaticus major. ,s- Zygomaticus minor. 16. Buccinator. 17. Depressor anguli oris. 18. Depressor labii inferioris. 19. Orbicularis oris.* 20. Depressor labii superioris alaque nasi. 21. Constrictor nad. 22. Levator menti vel labii inferioris. Muscles of the external ear : 23. Superior auris. 24. Anterior auris. 25. Posterior auris. 26. Helicis major. 27. He lieu minor. 28. Tragicus. 29. Antitragicus. SO. Tronnuersus aurus. Muscles of the internal ear ; 31. Laxator tympani. 32. Membrana tympani. 33. Tensor tympani. 34. Stapedius. Muscles of the lower jaw: 55. Temporalis. 36. Masseter. 37. Pterygoideus externus. 38. Pterygoideus internus. Muscles about the anterior part of the neck : 39. Platysma myoides. 40. Sterno-cleidomastmdeus. Muscles between the lower jaw and os hyoides: 41. Digastricus. 42. Mylo-hyoideus. ' 43. Genio-hyoideus. 44. Genio-glossus. 45. Hyo-glostus. 46. Lingualis. Muscles situated between the os hyoides and trunk : 47. Sterno-hyrideus. 48. Crico-hyrideus. 49. Sterno-thyrmdeus. 50. Thyro-hyoideus. 51. Crico-thyrmdeus. Muscles* between the lower jaw and os hyoides laterally : 52. Stylo-glossui. 53. Stylo-hymdeus. 54. Stylo-pharyngeus. 55. Circumflexus. 56. Levator palati mollis. Muscles about the entry of the fauces : 67. Constrictor isthmi faudum. 58. Palatopharyngeus. 69. Azygos uvula. * Muscles situated on the posterior part of the pha- rynx: 80. Constrictor pharyngis superior. 61. Constrictor pharyngis medius. b2. Constrictor pharyngis inferior. Muscles situated about the glottis : 63. Crico-arytanddeus posticus. 64. Crico-arytanoideus lateralis. 65. Thyro-arytanoideus. 66. Arytanoideus obliquus.' t>36 67. Arytanoideus transveriut.-' 68. Thyro-epiglottideus. 69. Arytano-epiglottideus. Muscles situated about the anterior part of tls abdomen: 70. Obliquus descendens externus. 71. Obliquus ascendent internus. 72. Transversalis abdominis. 73. Rectus abdominis. 74. Pyramidalis. Muscles about the male organs of generation: 75. Dartos.* 76. Cremaster. 77. Erector penis. 78. Accelerator urina. 79. 7Von»t'er«us perinei. Muscles of the anus. 80. Sphincter ani.* 81 Levator ani.* Muscles'of the female organs of generation.: 82. Erector clitoridis. 88. Sphincter vagina. Muscles situated within the pelvis : 84. Obturator internus. 85. Coccygeus. Muscles situated within the cavity of the abdo- men: 86. Diaphragma.* 87. Quadratus lumborum. 88. Psoas parvus. 89. Psoas magnus. 90. Iliacus internus. Muscles situated on the anterior part of the thorax : 91. Pectoralis major. 92. Subclavius. 93. Pectoralis minor. 94. Serratus major, anticus. Muscles situated between the ribs, and within the thorax: 95. Intercostales externi. 96. Intercostales interni. 97. Triangularis. Muscles situated on the anterior part of the neck, close to the vertebra; : 98. Longus colli. 99. Rectus internus capitis major. 100. Rectus capitis internus minor. 101. Rectus capitis lateralis. Muscles situated on the posterior part of the trunk: 102. Trapezius. 103. Latissimus dorri. 104. Serratus posticus inferior. 105. Rhomboideus. ' 106. Splenius. 107. Serratus superior posticus, 108. Spinalis dord. 109. Levatores costarum. 110. Sacro lumbalis. 111. Longisrimus dord. 112. Complexus. 113. Trachelo mastoideus. 114. Levator scapula. 115. Semi-spinalis dorsi. 116. Multifidus spina. 117. Semi-spinalis colli. 118. Transversalis colli. 119. Rectus capitis posticus minor. 120. Obliquus capitis superior. 121. Obliquus capitis inferior. 122. Scalenus. 123. Interspinals. 124. Intertransveisales. Muscles of the superior extremities 125. Supra-spinatus. l-'6. /ji/'/-c spinalut. M9* Mite lit. Teres iro'tior. 128. Teres major. 129. Deltddu. 130. Coracobrachialit. 131. Subtcapularit. Muscles situated on the os humeri: 132. Bicept flexor cubiti. 133. Brachialis internus. 134. Bicept extentor cubiti. 135. Anconeut. Muscles situated on the fore-arm : !36. Supinator radii longut. 187. Extentor carpi rudialit longior. 138. F.xtentor rarpi radialis brevior. 139. Extensor digitorum communis. 140. Extentor minimi digiti. 141. Extensor carpi ulnarit. \\2. Flexerr carpi ulnarit. 143. Palmarit longut. 144. Flexor carpi radialit. 145. Pronator radii teret. 146. Supinator radii brevis. 147. Extentor ostit metacarpi pollicii manut. 148. Extentor primi internodii. 149. Extensor tecundi internodii. 150. Indicator. 161 Flexor digitorum tublimit. 152. Flexor digitorum profundus.. 153. Flexor longut pollidt. . 154. Pronator radii quadratut. Muscles situated i hutly on the hand: 155 Lumbricalet. 156. Flexor brevit pollidt manus. 157. Opponent pollidt. 168. Abdw-tor pollidt manut. 159. Adductor pollicis manut. 160. Abductor indicis manut. 161. Palmarit brevit. 162. Abductor minimi digiti mantis. 163. I' Judor minimi digiti. 164. Flexor parvus minimi digiti. 165. Interottd interni. 166. Interossei externi. Muscles of the inferior extremities: 167. Pedinalit. 168. Tneepx adductor femoris. 169. Obturator externus. 170. Gluteus maximut. 111. Gluteus minimus. 172. Gluteus medius. 173. PyriJ'ormit. 174. Cfemini. 175. Quadratut femoris. Muscles situated on the thigh : 176. Tentor vagina femoris. 177. Sartorius. 178 Rectus femorit. 179. Vastus externus. 180. Vattut internus. 181. Cruralis. 182. Scmi-tendinotut. 183 s, mi-membranosus. 184. Bicept flexerr cruris. 186. Popliteut. Muscles situated on the Ic; ■ 186. Gastrocnemius exferntM. 187. (iu.itrocnemiut internus. 188. I'lantiirit. I H!i Tibialis anticus. 190. Tibialis potticut. J 91. Prroneut longut. I'ri. Peroneus brevit. 193. Extentor longut digitorum pedit. 194. Extentor proprius pollidt pedit. 196. Flexor longut digitorum pedit. 196. Flexor longus pollidt pedit. .Muscles chiefly situated on the loot, - 197. Extentor brevit digitorum pedis. 198. Flexor brevit digitorum pedis. 199. Lumbricule* pedit. 200. Flexor brevis pollicis pedis. 201. Abductor pollicis pedit. 202. dductor pollicis pedis. 203. Abductor minimi digiti pedis. 20 i. Flexor breou minimi UigUi pedis. 20j. Trun^u. /sales pedit. 20b. Interossei pedit externi. 207. Interossei pedis interni. MUSCULAk. (MiMtru/ai-is ; from mutculuf, a muscle.) Belonging to a muscle. Ml'scolar fibre. The fibres that composer the body ol a muscle are disposed in fasciculi, or bundles, which are easily distinguishable by the naked eye ; but these fasciculi are divisible into still smaller ones ; and these again are probably subdivisible ad infinitum. The most minute fibre we are able to trace seems to be somewhat plaited ; these plaits disappearing when the fibre is put upon the stretch, seem evidently to be the effect ot contraction, and have probably induced some writers to assert, that the muscular fibre is twisted or spiral. Various have been the opi- nions concerning the structure of these fibres, their form, size, positiou, and the nature of the atoms wnich compose them. A fibre is essen- tially composed of fibrine and oziuazome re- ceives a great deal of blood, and, at least, one nervous filament. The other suppositions are aU of them founded only on conjecture, and therefore we shall mention only tbe principal ones, and this with a new rather to gratny the curios.ty of the reader, than lo aff.-rd him inlorn, -lion. Bo- reih supposes thi m to be so many hollow cylin- ders, tilled with a spongy meduUary substance, which he compares to the pith of elder, spongio- ta ad instar samburi. These cylinders, he con- tends, are ii'ti rsectcd by circular fibres, which form a chain of very minute bladders. Thi* hy- pothesis has since been adopted by a great num- ber of writers, with certain variations. Thus, for instance, Bellini supposes the vesicles to be of a. T rhomboidal shape: whereas BernouiUi contends that they are oval. Cowper went so far as to persuade himself that he had filled these cells with mercury ; a mistake, no doubt, which arose from its insinuating itself into some of the lymphatics. It is observable, however, that Leeuwhenoeck says nothing of any such vesicles. Here, as well as in many other of her works, Nature seems tar have drawn a boundary to our inquiries, beyond which no human pern tration wiU probably ever extend. By chemical analysis muscle is found to consist chiefly of fibrine, with albumen, gela- tine, extractive, phosphate of soda, phosphate of ammonia, phosphate and carbonate of Ume, and sulphate of potassa. * Muscular motion. Muscular motions are of three kinds : namely, voluntary, involuntary, and mixed. The voluntary motions of muscles are such as proceed from an immediate exertion of the active powers of the wiU : thus the mind directs the arm to be raised or depressed, the knee to be bent, the tongue to move, &c. The involuntary motions of muscles are those which are performed by organs, seemingly of their own accord, without any attention of the mind, or con- sciousness of its active power ; as the contraction and dilatation of the heart, arteries, veins, absor- bents, stomach, intestines, &c. The mixed mo- tions are those which are in part under the con- troul ofthe will, but which ordinarily act without our being conscious of their acting; and is per- iUL'Js , All* fceived in the muscles of respiration, the intercos- tal*, the abdominal muscles, and the diaphragm. When a muscle acts, it oecomes shorter and thicker ; both its origin and insertion are drawn towards its middle. The sphincter muscles are always in action: and so Ukewise are antagonist muscles, even when they seem at rest. When two antagonist muscles move with equal force, the part which they are designed to move remains at rest; but if one of the antagonist muscles re- mains at rest, whtie the other acts, the part is moved towards the centre of motion. When a muscle is divided it contracts. If a Btuscle be stretched to a certain extent, it con- tracts, and endeavours to acquire its former di- mensions, as soon as the stretching cause is re- moved: this takes place in the dead body; in muscles cut out of the body, and also in parts not muscular, and is called by the immortal Haller vismortua, and by some vis elastica. It is great- er in living than in dead bodies, and is called the tone of the muscles. When a muscle is wounded, or otherwise irri- tated, it contracts independu t of the will: this power is caUed irritability, and by Haller vis insita ; it is a property peculiar to, and inherent in the muscles. Thv [ 638 cular contraction passes in the muscles ; but to .1 certrinty no action can take place without the im- mediate action of the brain and the nerves. If the brain of a man or of an animal is com- pressed, the faculty of contracting the ruuscl^ ceases ; the nerves of a muscle being cut, it loses all power. What change happens in the muscular tissue during the state of contraction ? This is totally unknown. In this'respect there is no difference between muscular contraction and the vital ac- tions, of which no explanation can be given. There is no want of attempts to explain the ac- tion of the muscles, as well as that of the nerves and the brain, in muscular contraction ; but none of the. proposed hypotheses can be received. Instead ul following such speculations, which can be easily invented or refuted, and which ought to be banished from physiology, it is ne- cessary to study in muscular contraction, 1st, the intensity of the contraction ; 2dly, its duration; 3dly, its rapidity ; 4thly, its extent. The intensity of muscular contraction, that is, the degree of power with which the fibres draw themselves together, is regulated by the action ofthe brain; it is generally regulated by the will according to certain limits, which are differ- 1.'. in different individuals, A particular or- ganization ol ihe oBus'des is favourable to the intensity of their ciniractior : t'.;s orvanization is a considerable volume ot 61 its, stung, of a deep red, and striated transversely. V\ ith an equal power of the will, these wiU produce much more powerful effects than muscles whose fibres are fine, colourless, and smooth. However, should a very powerful cerebral influence, or a great exertion of the will, be joined to such fibres, the contraction will acquire great int< nsity ; so that the cerebral influence, and the disposition of the muscular tissue, are the two elements, of the intensity of muscular contraction. A very great cerebral energy is rarely found united, in the same individual, n ith that disposi- tion of the muscular fibres which is necessary to produce intense contractions . tlnse elements are almost always in an inverse ratio. When they are united, they produce astonishing effects. Perhaps this union existed in the athleta of an- tiquity ; in our times it is observed in certain mountebanks. The muscular power may be carried to a won- derful degree by the action of the brain alone: we know tiie strength of nn enraged person, of maniacs, and ol persons n convulsions. The will governs the duration ot the contrac- tion , it cannot be carried beyond a certain time, however it may vary in different individuals. A feeling of weariness takes place, not very ;reat at first, but whicb goes on increasing until the muscle refuses contraction. The quick develop- ment of this painful feeling, depends on the inten- sity of the contraction and the weakness of the individual. To prevent this inconvenience, the motions ot the body are so calculated that the n.uscles actiu succi ssion, the duration ol each bein^ but short: our not being able to rest long in the snme posi- tion is thus explained, as an attitude wliich causes the contraction of a si.:aU number ol muscles cannot be preserved but for a very short time. The leeling of fatigue occasioned by muscular contraction soon goes off, and in a short time the muscles recover the power of contracting. The quickness of the contractions are, to a certain degree, subject to cerebral influence : we have a proof of this in our Ordinary motions; but beyond tbis degree, it depends evidently on Ml's mvs iabit. In reipeet of the rapidity of motion, there is an immense diffni nee between th;' of a roan who toaches a piano for the fir-t tin. . and that whicli the same man produces alter severa years' practice. There i», besides, a very great difference in persons, w:th regard to the quickness of contractions, cither in ordinary motions or in those which depend on habit. As to the extent of the contractions, it is di- rected by the will; but it mu -t necessarily dejiend on the length of the fibres, long fibres having a greater extent of contraction than those that are short. After what has been said, we see that the will has generally a great influence on the contraction of muscles; it is not, however, indispensable : in many circumstances motjonstake place, not only without the participation of the will, but even contrary to it: we find very striking examples of this in the effect* of habit, ofthe passions, and of diseases.'' Must i'I.ar power. See Irritability. MIFSCI'LI S. (A diminutive ol mut, a mouse ; from its resemblance to a flayed mouse.) See Muscle Mu-ci.'i.i'-i cutaneus. Sec Platytma my- ndet. Muse-'i.us fascia LATJ".. Sec Tentor va- gina femoris. Mi:si ulos patiknti.e. See levator tca- pula. Musi ui.118 stapedius. See Stapedius. MtS< ULUS SUPEKtlLII. See Coi rugator IU- perrillii. Museums tub* nov.e. See Circum- fie.cut. MUSCUS. (Muscat, i. m.; the moss of a tree.) A moss. A cryptogainous plant, which has its fructification contained in a capsule. Mos,us are distinguished, according tu the splitting of the capsule, into, 1. Mutri fronaoti, the capsule of which is operculate, having a lid and the fronds very small. 2. Mutd hepatid, liverworts ; the capsules of whicli split into valvei, aud the herbage is fron- dose and stctuless. . The parts of the capsule of frondose mosses, which an distinguished by particular names, are 1. The turculut, which bears the leaves. 2. The seta, or fmitstalk, which eoes from the Mi.i'iilu- mil u, ports the theea. 3. The Ultra, or capsule , the dry fructification adhering to the apex ofthe trondose stem. 4. The operculum or lid, found in the Iringe. 5. 'I nc peristoma, perittomium, or fringe, which iu most uiosm-s borders the opening ot the theca 6. Tlie calyptra, the veil, placed on the cap- sule like an extinguisher on a candle ; as in Bryum catpititium. 7. The penchalium, a slender or squamous membrane at the base ofthe fruitstalk. 8. The timbriu, or fringe, a dentate r.ng of the operculum, by the elastic force of which the operculum is displaced. 9- The epiphragma, a slender membrane which shuts the fringe ; a* in Polytricum. 10. The tphrongidium or columnula; the last column or filament which pastes the middle of the eap.ule, und to which the seeds are attached. Mosses are found in the hottest and coldest climates. Thes are extremely tenacious of life, and, uJ'tei bring !■ m; dvu-d, easily recover their health nnd vigour by moisture. Their beaut it'll structure cannot be too much admired. Thr-.v species nre numerous, and difficult to deter- mine. Ml'SCUS. (From poo\os, tender ; so called from i»s delicate and tender consistence.) Moss. Mr • os arboreus. See Lichen plicalus. Mi sens can in us. See Lichen caninus. Muscus clavatus. See Lycopodium. Muscus cranii humani. See Lichen saxa- tilis. \ Muncus ci'matilis. See Lichen aphthotus. Mrscus ekectus. See Lycopodium selago. Mi -cus islandicus. Iceland moss. Sec Lichen islandicus. Muagns maritimus. See Corallina. MUsCUs PULM0NAR1US quercinus. See Lichen pulmonarius. Mi stus pixidatus. Cup-moss. See Lich- en pyxidatus. MUSCUS SQUAMOSUS TERRESTRIS. Sec LlJ- copodium. .MUSGKAVE, William, was born in Somer- setshire, 1657. He went to Oxford with the in- tention of studying the law; but he afterwards adopted the medica) profession, and became a Fellow of the Royai >ocicty, of which body he was appointed secretary in 1684. In this capacity he edited the Philosophical Transactions for some timi li- likewise communicated several papers on anatomical and physiological subjects. in 1689 he took his doctor's degree, and became a fellow of tin College of Physician*. Not long after this he settled at Exet. r. where he practised his profession with considerable success, for near- ly 30 years, and died in 1721. Beyond the circle of his practice he made himself known principal- ly by hio two treatises on gout, which are valua- ble works, and were several times reprinted. He was also a distinguished antiquary, and author of several learned tracts on the subjects of bis re- searches in this way. MUSHROOM. See Agaricus campretiris. Mu'sia Pattr.*. A name for moxa. MUSK. See Motchut. Musk, artificial. Let three fluid drachms and a half of nitric acid be graduaUy dropped on one fluid drachm of rectified oU of amber, and weU mixed. Let it stand twenty-four hours, then wash it well, first in cold, und tb<-u in hot water. One drachm ul thu resinous Mitisiancr, dissolved n tour ounces ol rectified spirit, forms a good tincture, of which the mean dose is twenty min- im-!. In preparing the above, great attention should be given to the washing the resin, other* wise it is offensive to the stomach. Mi ih-craiie-bill. See >wn by the pupil always appearing of the same latitude or size in the light. The species of my- driasis are, I. Mydriasis amaurotica, which, for the mott part, but not always, accompanies an amaurosis. 2. Mydriads hydrocephalica, whicb owes its origin to an hydrocephalus internus, or dropsy of the ventricles of the cerebrum. It is not uncom- mon among children, and is the most certain diagnostic ofthe disease. 3. Mydriasis verminosa, or a dilatation of the pupil from saburra and worms in the stomach or small intestines. 4. Mydriasis a synechia, or a dilatation of the pupil, with a concretion of the uvea with the cap- sula ofthe crystalline lens. 5. Mydnasit paralytica, or a dilated pupil, Irom a paralysis of the orbicular fibres ofthe iris : it is observed in paralytic disorders, and from the application of narcotics to the eye. 6. Mydriasis spasmodicu, from a spasm ofthe rectilineal fibres of the iris, as often happens in hysteric and spasmodic diseases. 7. Mydriasis, from atony of the iris, the most frequent cause of which is a large cataract dis- tending the pupil in itspassingwhen extracted. It vanishes in a few days after the operation, iu gen- eral ; however, it may remain so from over and long-continued distension. Mvla'cris. (From uvXn,n grind-stone ; so called from its shape.) The patella, or knee-pan. Mt'le. MvXij. 1. The knee-pan. 2. A mole iu tbe uterus. MY'LO. (From pvXti, a grinder tooth.) Names compounded with this word belong to muscles, which are attached near the grinders; such as, Mvlo-glossi. Small muscles of the tongue. Mylo-hyoideus. Mylo-hyoidien, ot Dumas. This muscle, which was first described by Fallo- puis, is so called from its origin near the dentes molares, and its insertion into the os hyoides. It is a thin, flat muscle, situated between the lower jaw and the os hyoides, and is covered by the an- terior portion of the digastricus. It arises fleshy, and a little tendinous, from all the inner surface ofthe lower jaw, as far back as the insertion of the pterygoideus internus, or, iu other words, from between the last dens molaris and the middle ofthe chin, where it joins its fellow, to form one beUy, with an intermediate tendinous streak, or linea alba, which extends from the chin to the os hyoides, where Jboth muscles are inserted into the lower edge of the basis of that bone. This has induced Riolanus, Winslow, Albinus, and others, to consider it as a single penniform mus- cle. Its use is to pull the os hyoides upwards, for- wards, and to either side. Mtlo-pharyngeus. See Constrictor pha- ryngis superior. My'lon. See Staphyloma. MYOCE'PHALUM. (From pvia, a fly, and KttpaXt), a head: from its resemblance to the head of a fly.) A tumour in the uvea ofthe eye. MYOCOILI'TIS. (From pvs, a muscle, and KoiXia, a belly.) Inflammation of the mnscles ot the belrv. MYO MVR MYODESOPSIA. (From /ma, a &y, tieos, •/♦semblance, ando+is, vision.) A disease of the t-yei, in which the person aces black spots, an ap- pearance of flies, cobwebs, or black wool, before his eye*. MYOLOGY. (Myologia; from pvs, a mus- rle, and \iiy.s, a discourse.) The doctrine of the muscle .. Si e Muscle. M YO'PIA. (From pvu>, to wink, and wJ., the eye.) Near-sighted, purblind. The myopes are considered those persons who cannot see dis- tinctly above twenty inches. The myopia is Ukewise adjudged to all those who cannot sec at three, six, or nine inches. The proximate cause is the adunatiou ol the rays of light in a focus be- fore the retina. The spLe.,f - are. I. Myopia, from too great a convrvitvof the rornca. The cause of this convexity is either fr< j.-> nativity, or a greater secretion ofthe aqueous hu- mour : hence on one day there shall be a greater myopia than on another. An incipient hydroph- thalmia is the origin of this myopia. 2. Myopia, from too great a longitude of the bulb. This length of the bulb is native, or ac- quired from a congestion of the humours in the eye ; hence artificers occupied in minute objects, as the engravers of seals, and persons reading much, frequently after puberty become myopes. 3. Myopia, from too great a convexity of the anterior superficies of the crystalline lens. This is likewise from birth. The image will so much sooner In- formed as the cornea or lens is more convex. This perfectly accounts for short-sight- • •lii'rss ; but an anterior too great convexity ofthe cornea i* the most common cause. 4. Myopia, from too gn at a density of tlie cor- i nea, or humour* ofthe eye. Optics teach us, by so much sooner the rays of light are forced into a focus, as the diaphanous body is denser. 6. Myopia, from mydriasis, or too dilated a pupil. 6. Mi/tipia infantilis. Infants from the great convexity of the cornea, are often myopes ; but by degrees, as they advance in years, they per- ceive objects more remotely, by the cornea be- coming less convex. MY OI'S. (From pvo>, to wink, and uC, the eye.) One who is near-sighted. MYO'SIS. Muuirij. A disease of the eye which consists in a contraction or too small per- foration of tin- pupil. It i» known by viewing the diameter of the pupil, which is smaller than usual, and remains so in an obscure place, where, naturally, il not diseased, it dilates. It occa- sions weak sight, ir a vision that remains onlv a certain number of hours in the diiy ; but, if wholly closed, total blindness. The species of this disorder are, I. Mipisit tpatmodica, which is observed in the hysteric, hypochondriac, and in other spas- modic and nervous affections ; it arises from a spasm of Ihe orbicular fibres of the iris. 5$. Myosis paralytica arises in paralytic dis- orders. 3. Myotit inflammatoria. which arises from an iiillainmatioii ut the ins or uvea, as if) the in- ternal ophthalmia, hypApium, or wounded eye. •1. Mi/ti-iit, from an accustomed contraction of the pupil. Thi* frequently i* experienced by those who contemplate very minute objects ; by persons who write ; by the workers of fine needle-work ; and by frupient attention to mi- rroscopii al inquiries. 5. Myotit, from a defect of tbe aqueous hu- mour, as after extraction. ti. Myotit iialivit, with wbich infants are hern. «1 7. Myosis naturalit, is a coarctation of the pupil by light, or from an intense examination of the minutest objects. These coarctations of the pupil arc temporary, and spontaneously vanish. MYOSITIS. (From pis, a muscle.) In- flammation of a muscle. It is the term given by Sagar to acute rheumatism. MYOSOT1S. (Muj, a muscle, and ot>f, mros, an ear : so called because its leaves are hairy, and grow longitudinaUy like the ear of a mouse.) See Hieracium pilotella. M YOTO.M Y. (Myotomia ; from pvs, a mus- cle, and rtpvm, to cut.) The dissection «f the muscles. MY'RICA. (A name borrowed from the an- cient Greeks, whose uvpiKij, however, appears to be the Tamarix gallica.) The name of a genus or fa.n-ly of plants. Class, Diaeia; Order, Tetrandria. Myrica gale. The systematic name of the Dutch myrtle or sweet willow. Myrtut braban- tica, Myrtus anglica ; Myi tifolia belgica ; Gale ; Gagel ; Rut sylvestris ; Acaron ; E la agnus; Elaagnut cordo; Chamalaagnut; Dodonao. The leaves, flowers, and seeds of this plant, have a strong, fragrant smell, and a bitter taste. They are said to be used among the common people for destroying moths and cu- taneous insects, and the infusion is given internal- ly as a stomachic and vermifuge. MYRICIN. The ingredient of wax which remains after digestion in alkohol. It is insoluble also in water and aether; but very soluble in fixed and volatile oils. MYRIOPHY'f.I.ON. (From uvptos, infinite, and tpvXXov, a leaf, n.imed from the nmnber of it* leaves.) The milfoil plant, a species of Achillaea. See Achillea millefolium. AIYRl'STICA. The name of agenus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Diaeia ; Order, Monadelphia. Myristica aromatica. Swarfs name ol the nutmeg-tree. Myristica moschata. The systematic name of Ihe tree which produces the nutmeg and mace. 1. The nutmeg, Myrittica nucleus; Niu moschata; Narista; Nux myristica; Chryto- balanus Galeni; I'nguentaria; Attala; Nux aromatica. The seed, or kernel, of the Myrit- tica—foliit lanceolatus, fructu glubro, of Lin- nirus, It is a spice that is well known, and has been long used both for culinary and medical pur- puses. Distilled with water they yield a large quantity of essential oil, resembling in flavour the spice itself; after the distillation, an insipid sebaceous matter is found swimming on tbe water; the decoction, inspissated, gives an ex- tract ofan unctuous, very slightly bitterish taste, and with little or im astringeney. Rectified spirit extracts the whole virtue of nutmegs, by infusion, and elevates very little of it ill distillation ; hence the spirituous extract possesses the flavour of the spice in an eminent degree. Nutmegs, when heated, yield to the press a considerable quantity of limpid, yellow oil. There are three kinds of unctu us substances, called oil of mace, though really expressed from the nutmeg. The best is brought from the East Indies, in stone jars ; this* is of a thick consistence, of the colour of mace, and has an agreeable fragrant smell; the second sort, which is paler-coloured, and much inferior in quality, comes from Holland, in solid masses, generally flat, and of a square figure ; tlie third, which is the worst of aU, and usually called com- mon oil of mace, is an artificial composition of MY11 MYK met, palm-oil, and the like, flavoured with a little genuine oil of nutmeg. The medicinal qualities of nutmeg are supposed to be aromatic, anodyne, stomachic, and astringent; and hence it has been much used in diarrhoeas and dysen- teries. To many people, the aromatic flavour of nutmeg is very agreeable; they, however, should be cautioned not to use it in large quanti- ties, as it is apt to affect the head, and even to manifest an hypnotic power in such a degree as to prove extremely dangerous. Bontius speaks of this as a frequent occurrence in India ; and Dr. Cullen relates a remarkable instance of this soporific effect of nutmeg, which fell under his own observation ; and hence concludes that in apoplectic and paralytic cases, this spice may be very improper. The officinal preparations of nutmeg are a spirit and an essential oil, and the nutmeg, in substance, roasted to render it more astringent: both the spice itself and the essential oti enter several compositions, as the confectio aromatica, spiritus ammonia aromaticus, &c. 2. Mace is the middle bark of the nutmeg. A thick, tough, reticulated, unctuous membrane, of a lively, reddish-ye How-colour, approaching to that of saffron, which envelops the shell of the nutmeg. The mace, when fresh, is of a blood- red colour, and acquires its yellow hue in drying. It is dried in the sun, upon hurdles fixed above one another, and then, it is said, spinkled with sea-water, to prevent its crumbling in carrying. It has a pleasant, aromatic smell, and a warm, bitterish, moderately pungent taste. It is in com- mon use as a grateful spice, and appears to be io its general qualities nearly similar to the nut- meg. The principal difference consists in the mace being much warmer, more bitter, less unc- tuous, and sitting easier on weak stomachs. Mace possesses qualitiessimilar to those of nutmeg, but is less astringent, and its oil is supposed to be more volatile and acrid. Myristica nux. See Myristica moschata. Myrme'cia. (From pvppvt-, a pismire.) A small painful wart, of the size and shape of a pis- mire. See Myrmecium. Myrme'cium. A moist soft wart about the size of a lupine, with a broad base, deeply root- ed, and very painful. It grows on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Myro'copum. (From pvpov, an ointment, and ko-hos, Jabour.) An unguent to remove las- situde. MYROBALAN. See Myrobalanus. MYROBALANUS. (From pvpos, an unguent, and SaXavos, a nut: so caUed because it was for- merly used in ointments.) A niyrobalan. A dried fruit of the plum kind, brought from the East Indies. All the myrobalans have an un- pleasant, bitterish, very austere taste, and strike an inky blackness with a solution of steel. They are said to have a gently purgative as well as an astringent and corroborating virtue. fn this country they have been long expunged from the pharmacopceias. Of this fruit there are several species. Myrobalanus bellirica. The belUric my- robalan. The fruit is of a yeUowish-grey colour, and an irregular roundish or oblong figure, about an inch in length, and three-quarters of an inch thick. Myrobalanus chebula. The chebule my- robalan. This resembles the yellow in figure and ridges, but is larger, of a darker colour, incUning to brown or blackish, and has a thicker pulp. Myrobalanus citrina. Yellow mvrobalan. p*45 This fruit is somewhat longer than the beUinc, with generally five large longitudinal ridges, and as many smaller between them, somewhat pointed at both ends. Myrobalanus emblica. The emblic niyro- balan is of a dark blackish-grey colour, roundish, about half an inch thick, with six hexagonal faces, opening from one another. Myrobalanus indica. The Indian or black myrobalan, of a deep black colour, oblong, oc- tangular, differing from all the others in having no stone, or only the rudiments of one, from which circumstance they are supposed to have been gathered before maturity. My'ron. (From pvpw, to flow.) An oint- ment, medicated oil, or unguent. Myrophy'llum. " Millefolium aquaticum. Water-fennel. It is said to be vulnerary. MYRO'XYLON. (From pvpov, an ointment, and £vXov, wood.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Diandria; Order, Monogynia. Myroxylon peruiferum. The systematic name of the tree which gives out the Peruvian balsam. Balsamum peruvianum; Putzochill; Indian, Mexican, and American balsam; Car- bardba, is the name of the tree from which, ac- cording to Piso and Ray, it is taken. It is the Myroxylon peruiferum, of Linnams, which grows in the warmest provinces of South America, and is remarkajile for its elegant appearance. Every part of the tree abounds with a resinous juice; even the leaves being full of transparent resinons points, like those of the orange-tree. Balsam of Peru is ef three kinds; or rather, it is one and the same balsam, having three seve- ral names: 1. Tbe balsam of incision; 2. The dry balsam ; 3. The balsam of lotion. The virtues of this balsam, as a cordial, pectoral, and restorative, stimulant, and tonic, are by some thought to be very great. It is given with ad- vantage from 5 to 10 or 15 drops for a dose, in dyspepsia, atonic gout, in consumptions, asthmas-, nephritic complaints, obstructions ofthe viscera, and suppressions of the menses. It is best taken dropped upon sugar. The yolk of an egg, or mucilage of gum-arabic, will, indeed, dissolve it; it may, by that way, be made into an emulsion ; and it is less acrid in that form than when taken singly. It is often made an ingredient in boluses and electuaries, and enters into two of the offi- cinal compositions: the tinctura balsami Peru- viani composita, and the trochisci glycyrrhiza. Externally, it is recommended as an useful appU- cation to relaxed ulcers, not disposed to heal. MY'RRHA. (A Hebrew word. Also caUei! stacte, and the worst sort ergasma.) A botanical specimen of the tree which affords this gum resin has not yet been obtained ; but from the account of Bruce, who says it very much resembles the Acacia vera of Linnaeus, there can be little doubt in referring it to that genus, especially as it corresponds with the description ofthe tree given by Dioscorides. The tree that affords the myrrh, which is obtained by incision, grows on the eastern coast of Arabia Felix, and in that part of Abyssinia which is situated near the Red Sea, and is called by Bruce, Troglodyte. Good myrrh is of a turbid black-red colour, solid anil heavy, of a peculiar smell, and bitter taste. Its medicinal effects are warm, corroborant, and antiseptic ; it has been given as an emmenagogue in doses from 5 to 20 grains : it is also given in cachexies, and appUed extcrnaUy as an antisep- tic and vulnerary. In doses ot half a drachm, Dr. Cullen remarks that it heated tbe stomach, N\rE\ NAN ,'iouue.ud sweat, and agreed with the balsams in arTerting the urinary passages. It has lately tome more into use as a tonic in hectical cases, and is *aid to prove less he.it in? than most other medicine* of that class. Myr"). '-ohes almost totally in boiUng water, but liquor cools, the resinous matter subside,. Kn tided spirit dissolves less of this concrete than water; but i xtracts more perfectly that part in which its bitterness, virtues, and flavour reside ; the resi- nous matter wliich water leaves undissolved is very bitter, but the gummy matter which spirit leaves undissolved is insipid, the sp'iituous solu- tion containing all the active part of the myrrh : it is applied to ulcers, and other external affec- tions of a putrid tend ucy ; and also a.. .. !i, wbi-■ . '..ited, for the teeth and gums. There are '-I'veral preparations of this drug in the London and Edinburgh Pharmacopoeias. Myrrhi'.ne. (From pvppa, myrrh: so called because it smells like myrrh.) The common myrtle. Sec Myrtut commUnit. Mv'riims. (From pvppa, myrrh: so named from its myrrh-like smell.) Sweet cicely. See Scandii odorata. Mvrsistel.c'um. (From avpatvn, the myrtle, and iX.nov, oil.) Oil of myrtle. Myrtaca'ntha. (From pvpros, a myrtle, and imiO.i, a thorn: so called from its likeness to myrtle, and from its prickly leaves.) Butcher's broom, --see Rutcut. Mi kti'danum. (From pvpros, Ihe myrtle. An excrescence growing on the trunk of themyr- tl'-, and used as an astringent. Mijrtiform carunclet. See Caruncula myr- tijoi mes. Myrtiform glands. See Caruncula myr- hformet. AIYRTI'LLUS. See Vaccinium myrtillut. MV'TLE. See Myrtut. Myrtle, Dutch. See Myrica gale. .My it to iiiiriLiDES. (From pvprov, the clito- ris, and vtiXoj, a tip.) The nymphas of the fe- male pudenda. My'rton. The clitoris. My i.tum. (From pvpros, a myrtle.) A little prominence in tbe pudenda of women, ri scmbluig a mil tie-berry. It also means the clitoris. MY RTl'S. (From pvppa, myrrh, because of its smell, or from Myrrha, a virgin, who was fabled to have been turned into this tree.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Icosandria; Order, Mono- . t.'m'.i. J ^l» In pn inptions this letter is a contraction fjr numero, in number. V XCIUTE. See Talcite. \ v'ita. An abscess ofthe breast. N ADLESTEIN. An ore of Titanium. Witui km. A uterine mole. N .1'.'V t'S. (.Yu.-1-ua, i. ni.) A natural mark, ►pot, or blemish. N.fc'vt's matehnos. Macula matridt; Stigma, Metiocdu. A mother's mark., A murk on Ihe skin of children, which is born ' . "'• TUP pbar'nacopoMal name ofthe myrtle ' See Myrtus communis. , MrR-it j bracantica. See Myrica gale. r Myrtus caryophyllata. The systematic t name of the tree which affords the clove bark. , Casda caryophyllata. The bark of this tree, t Myrtut—pedunculit trifldo-multiflorit, foliit t ovatis, ot Linnsus, is a warm aromatic, of the i smell of clove spjC(;> hut weak»r, and with a • .little admixture of the cinnamon flavour. It may i be used with the same views as cloves, or cin- ■ namon. Myktus communis. The systematic name of the common 'nv.'K Myrtus om.m Jsitalica. Oxymyrrhir , (Jtymyrsine. The berries of this plant are re- commended in alvine and uterine fluxes, and i other disorders Irom relaxation and debility. They have a roughish, and not unpleasant .isle, I and appear to be moderately astringent and 1 corroborant, partaking also of aromatic qualities. Myrtus pimenta. The systematic name of 1 the tree which bears the Jamaica pepper, or all- j spice. Pimento , Piper caryophyllatum ; Coc- culi Indi aromatici; Piper chiapa ; Amomum , pimento; Caryophyllut aromaticus; Caryo- phyllut americanut; Piper oderratum jamai- 1 cense. Myrtut—floribus trichotoma-panicula- -> tit, foliis oblongo-lanceolatit, of Linnaeus s This spice, which was first brought over for die- tetic uses, has been long employed in the shops . as a succedaneura to tae more costly oriental - aromatics : it is moderately warm, of an agree- able flavour, somewhat resembling that of a mix- - ture of cloves, cinnamon, aud nutmegs. Both pharmacopoeias direct an aqueous and s, irituoti.■ - distillation to be made from these berries ; and the Edinburgh College orders the Oleum essen- ti ale piperit jamaicentit. MY'STAX. The hair which forms the beanl in man, on each side the upper Up. See Capillus. Myu'rus. An epithet for a sort of sinking pulse, when tl.e second stroke is less than the first, the third than the second, &c. Of this there are two kinds : the first is when the pulse ; so sinks as not to rise again ; the other, when it returns again, and rises in some degree. Both F are esteemed bad presages. i Myxosarco'ma. (From pv^a, mucus, and capi, flesh.) Mucocarneut. A tumour which i is partly fleshy and partly mucous. Mt'xtcr. (From pv$a, the mucus of th* nose.) The nose or nostril. with thrm, and which is said to be produced by the longing i f the mother for particular things, or her aversion to them; hence these marks resemble mulberries, strawberries, grapes, pines. bacon, &c. Na'i corona. A name ofthe cowage. NAIL. See Unguis. Na*kir.' According to Schenkius this meat* wandering pains nf the limb*. NANCEIC ACID. Addum naureiritm. /'mm- acid. " An acid called bv Braconnot, ir 6i;s \. NAR >.» honour of the town of Nancy, where lie U»es. He discovered it in many acescent vegetable sub- stances ; in sour rice; in putrefied juice of beet- root ; in sour decoction of carrots, peas, &c. He imagines that this acid is generated at the same time as vinegar in organic substances, when they become sour. It is without colour, does not crys- talUse, and has a very acid taste. He concentrates the soured juice of the beet- root till it becomes almost solid, digests it with alkohol, "and evaporates the alkoholic solution to the consistence of syrup. He dilutes this with water, and throws into it carbonate of zinc tiU it be saturated. He passes the liquid through a filter, and evaporates tiU a pellicle appears. The combination of the new acid with oxide of zinc crystaltises. Alter a second crystallisation, he redissolves it in water, pours in an excess of water of barytes, decomposes by sulphuric acid the barytic salt formed, separates the deposit by a filter, and obtains, by evaporation, the new acid pure. It forms with alumina a salt resenibting gum, and with magnesia one unalterable in the air, in little granular crystals, soluble in 25 parts of wa- ter at 66° Fahr.; with potassa and soda it forms uncrystallisable salts, deliquescent and soluble in alkohol; with lime and strontites, soluble granular salts ; with barytes, an uncrystallisable nondeliqucscent salt, having the aspect of gum ; with white oxide of manganese,' a salt which crystallises in tetrahedral prisms, soluble in 12 parts of water at 60° ; with oxide of zinc, a salt crystallising in square prisms, terminated by summits obliquely truncated, soluble in 50 parts of water at 66°; with iron, a salt crystallising in slender four-sided needles, of sparing solubility, and not changing in the air ; with red oxide of iron, a white noncrystaUising salt; with oxide of tin, a salt crystallising in wedge-form octahe- drons ; with oxide of lead, an uncrystallisable salt, not deliquescent, and resembling a gum ; with black oxide of mercury, a very soluble salt, which crystallises in needles." NAPE'LLUS. (A diminutive of napus : so called because it has a bulbous root like that of the napus.) See Aconitum. Na'phjK flores. Orange flowers are some- times so called. Sec Citrut aurantium. NA'PHTHA. (Naptha, a. f. ; vatpda.) A native combustible liquid of a yellowish white colour, perfectly fluid and shining. It feels greasy, and exhales an agreeable bituminous smeU. It occurs in considerable springs on the shores of the Caspian seu, in Sicily, and Italy. It is used instead of oil, and differs from petro- leum obtained by distilling coai inly by its greater purity and tightness. This fluid ^ lias been used as an external application for re- moving old pains, nervous disorders, such as cramps, contractions of the limbs, paralytic af- fections, &c. Naphtha vitrioli. See JEther sulphu- ricus. Napifo'lia. Bore cole. See Brassica. Na'pium,. See Lapsana communis. NA'PUS. See Brassica napus. Napus dulcis. See Brasdca rapa. Napus sylvestris. See Brasdca rapa. Narca'phthum. A name of the cordial con- fection. NARCI'SSUS. A genus of plants in the Linnssan system. Class, Hexandria; Order, Monogynia. NARCO'SIS. (From xapKout, to stupify.) Stupefaction, stupor, numbness. NARCOTIC. (Nurcotictis; from uipkow, ri'.t to stupiiy.) A medicine which has the power oi procuring sleep. Sec Anodyne. NARCOTINE. The active principle of nar- cotic vegetables. See Opium. NARD. See Valeriana celtica. Nard, Indian. See Andropogon nardus. Nardo'stacbtys. (From vaplos, spikenard, and raxvs, sage.) A species of wild sage resem- bling spikenard in its leaves and smell. NARDUS. (From nard, Syrian.) Spike- nard. Nardus celtica. Valeriana celtica. Nardus indica. See Andropogem nardus. Nardus italica. The lavendula spica of Linnaeus. Nardus Montana. An old name of asara- bacca. See Asarum europeum. Nardus rustica. An old name of the asara- bacca. See Asarum europeum. Narifuso'ria. (From naret, the nostrils, and fundo, to pour.) Medicines dropped into the nostrils. ( NA'RIS. The nostril. The cavity of the nos- trils is of a pyramidal figure, and is situated un- der the anterior part of the cranium, in the middle of the face. The two nostrils are composed of fourteen bones, viz. the frontal, two maxillary, two nasal, two lachrymal, two inferioi spongy, the sphenoid, the vomer, the ethmoid, and two palaline bones, which form several eminences and cavities. The eminences are the septum na- rium, the cavernous substance of the ethmoid bone, called the superior concha?, and the inferior spongy bones. The cavities are three pair of pi- tuitary sinuses, namely, the frontal, sphenoid and maxillary ; the anterior and posterior foramina of the nostrils ; the ductus nasalis, the sphenopala- tine foramina, and anterior palatine foramina. All these parts are covered with periosteum, and a pituitary membrane which secretes the n.i.cus of the nostrils. The arteries of this cavity are branches of the internal maxillary. The veins empty themselves into the internal jugulars. The nerves are branches of the olfactory, ophthalmic, and superior maxillary. The use of the nostrils is for smelling, respiration, and speech. Naris compressor. See Compressor naris. Na'rta. (Napra, ex nardi odore, from its smell.) A plant used in ointments. Narthe'cia. (From Nartheds, the island where it flourished.) Narthex. A kind of fennel. NASALIS. (From nasus, the nose.) Apper- pertaining to the nose. Nasalis labii superioris. See Orbicularis oris. Nasa'rium. (From nasus, the nose.) The mucus ofthe nose. Nasca'le. (From nasus, the nose. A wood or cotton pessary for the nose. IS.- -c v chthum. Cordial confection. Nasi dk> kk.ssok. See Depressor labii supe- rioris alaque nasi. Nasi ossa. The two siml) bones of the nose that are so termed form the bridge • ! i in- mise. In figure they are quadrangular ana oblong. NASTU'RTIUM. (Quodnasumtorqueat, be- cause the seed, when bruising, irritates the nose.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linniean system. Class, Tetradynamia; Order, Sili- quosa. Nasturtium aquaticum. See Sisymbrium nasturtium. Nasturtium hortense. See Lepidium sa- tivum. Nasturtium indicu.m. See Tropaolnn, majus. NA'SUS. Tlie i.ost. >.V1 MAT Nat*. Nalla. A species of wen with slen- der pendent neck. Linnaus speaks of it as rooted in a muscle. NA TANS. (From nafo, to swim.) Floating on the surface of the water: applied to leaves, in opposition to those which are naturally under, and different, and arc called demersed, immersed, and subiiii i-ed ; as in Potamogeton nutans. NA'TES. (From nato, to flow ; because tbe excrements are discharged from them.) 1. The buttocks, or the fleshy parts upon which we sit. 2. Two of the eminences, called tubercula quad- rigemina, of the brain, are so named from their resemblance. Nates cerebri. See Tubercula quadrige- mina. NATKOLITE. A sub-species of prismatic zeolite, or inesotypu. NA'TI.ON. (So called from Natron, a lake in Juda-a, where it was produced.) Nat rum. 1. The name formerly given to the alkali, now called soda. See Soda. 2. A native salt, which is found crystallised in Egypt, in the lake called Natron, and in other bot countries, in sands surrounding lakes of salt water. It is an impure subcarbonate of soda, and the re are two kinds of it, the common and the radiated. 3. Tin- name ofan impure subcarbonate of soda, obtained by burning various marine plants. See Soda. Natron muriatum. See Soda murias. Natron i-r ki-aratum. See Sodatub-car- bonat. Natron tarTakisatcm. See Soda tartari- zata. Natron mtriolatum. See Soda tulphat. Na'ti'l.-i'.. (Diminutive of natet, the bul- locks; so called from their resemblance.) The two iippern.-ist of four small eminences of the brain. See 7 ubercula quudrigemina. NATl'RAL. Appertaining to nature. Natural actions. Tliose functions by whicb the body is preserved ; as hunger, thirst, &c. See Actiont. Natural history. A description of the na- tural products ol the earth, water, or air ; ex. gr. beasts, birds, fish, insects, worms, plants, metals, minerals, and fossils ; together with such extraor- dinary phenomena as r.l any time appear in the material world, as meteors, monsters, &c. Natural orders. A division or arrange- ment of plants, from their external habits or char- acters. They are, 1. Conifwa. 24. Papilionacea. 2. Amentacea. 20. Tomrntacea. 3. Composita. 26. Mulltsitiqua. 4. Aggreguta. 21. Senticota. 5. Conglomerata. 28. Pomacea. 6. Umbeliata. 29. Hespenda. 7. Hederacea. 30. Succulenta. H. Sarinentacea. 31 Columnifera 9. Stellata. 32. Gruiualet. 10. I'ymosa. 33. Cm yophylla. 11. ('ucurbitacea. 3-1. Colycanthema. 12. I.uridm. 35. Asctrodea. 13. Campanacea. . 36. Coadunata. 14. Contorla. 37. Dumosa. 15. Rotacta. 'i&.Trihilata. 16 '^'piaria. 39. Tricocca. 17. h cornet. 40. Oleracea. 18. AspiriJ- lia. 41. Scabrida. la. Vtrtictltata. 42. Vapiccula. 20. Pertonata. 4i. t'ipr ta. 21. Rhoeadea. 44. Scctumineer. 22. Putaminca. 45. Liliacea. .'3. Siliquosm. -Ui. Entata. 47. Tnpctaloidea. 52. Filtce.. 48. Orchidea. 53. Mutci. 49. Culamaria. 54. Alga. 50. Gramina. 55. Fungi. 51. Palma. Natural philosophy. Physics. Tho science which considers the properties of natural bodies and their mutual actions on one another, being contrasted with moral philosophy or ethics, which treats of the phenomena of mind aud rules of morality. NATURA LI A. (From natura, nature.) The parts of generation. NATURET (Natura; from natcor, natut.) A term variously used. 1. It is most frequently employed to express the system of the world, the assemblage of all created beings, and in this case is synonymous with world, or universe. 2. That power which is said to be diffused throughout the creation, moving and acting in all bodies, and giving them certain properties. In this last sense, when a personified being is -ucant, nature is nothing else but God, acting himself, and according to certain laws which he himself has fixed. According to tbe supposition of some, however, the principle called nature is a power delegated by the Creator , as it were, a uiddle being between G-nl and created things, which has been styled Annua mundi; but it does not ap- pear that there is any foundation for this hypoth- esis, or that any t-ung is explained by referring the whole series of second causes to an interme- diate principle, instead of to one universal agent. 3. In medical writings, the expression nature is usually taken for the aggregate of powers be- longing to any body, especially a living one; as wheu physicians say that, in such a disease, na- ture, left to herself, will perform the cure. It may be proper here to observe, with regard to this phrase of leaving the cure to nature that there is a wide difference between suspending for a time all interference with the vital processes, and neglecting a disease ; although to those who are ignorant of the principles of medicine, these appear to be the same thing. It would be the perfection of this science to ascertain upon what causes healthy and diseased actions depend, and, and to what extent either can be affected by human agency; but at present the judicious physician never aims at a cure inde- pendently of the original powers of the system, but rather seeks to call them into action, or, at most, to assist when the inherent elasticity ol the vital functions is insufficient to recover them from the oppression of disease. As, for example, when. we allow a wound to heal by the first intention, or restore the digestive functions by obi-^iug a man to attend to the rules of diet and exercise, &c. upon which health depends; we caU upon the restorative powers of Nature, became art, that is to say, human ingenuity, can supply nothing equivalent. O. a-rain, when iu the treatment of a diseased joint, r« si is enjoin <1 at one period on account of inflammation, an.i perhaps motion if- ordered at another, to keep up the proper uses of the part, we show the importance of alternately interiering and looking on, as we judge it proper to check the tendency of vital actions, or to trust entirely to them. NYhile to those who are ignorant of these principles, the practitioner, when reaUy exercising his greatest skiU, is sup- posed to be idle. NAU SEA. (Nueo-tfi; from vavs, a ship : be- cause it is a sensation similar to that which people experienc* ..,- s .iliuir in a ship.) Xuusiotis; \nntia. An inclination to vomit without effect- fir NEC NEP ing it; also a disgust of food approaching to vom- iting. It is an attendant on cardialgia, and a va- riety of other disorders, pregnancy, &c. occasion- ing an aversion for food, an increase of saliva, disgusted ideas at the sight of various objects, loss of appetite, debility, &c. Nausio'sis. See Nausea. Nau'tia. See Nausea. NAU'TICUS. (Nauticus, a sailor: so called from the use which sailors make of it in climbing ropes.) A muscle of the leg, exerted in climb- ing up. NAVEW. See Brassica rapa. Navew, garden. See Brassica rapa. Navew, sweet. See Brassica rapa. NAVICULA'RE OS. Naviformis ; Namcu- laris; Os tcaphddes; Cymba. A bone of the carpus and tarsus is so caUed, from its supposed resemblance to a boat. Navicula'ris. (From navicula, a little boat.) See Nauiculare os. Navifo'k .lis. See Naviculare os. NEAPOLITAN. (From Neapolis, or Napte3, because it was said to have been first discovered at Naples, when the French wer>- in possession of it.) The venereal disease was once so called. NE'BULA. (FromvttptXij.) 1. A cloudy spot in the cornea of the eye. 2. The cloud-like appearance in the urine, af- ter it has been a little time at rest. NECK. Collum. The parts which form the neck are divided into external and internal. The external parts are the common integuments, several muscles, eight pair of cervical nerves, the eighth pair of nerves of the cerebrum, and the great intercostal nerve: the two car- otid arteries, the two external jugular veins, and the two internal; the glands of the neck, viz. the jugular, submaxillary, cervical, and thyroid. The internal parts are the fauces, pha- rynx, oesophagus, larynx, and trachea. The bones of the neck are the seven cervical vertebra?. , NECRO'SIS. (From vtKpao, to destroy.) This word, the strict meaning of which is only mortification^ is, by the general consent of sur- geons, confined to an affection of the bones. The death of parts of bones was not distinguished from c wies, by the ancients. However, necrosis and •. ji.s are essentially different; for in the first, the ltfected part of the bom is deprived of the vital principle; but this is not the case when it is simply carious. Caries is very analogous to ul- ceration, while necrosis is exactly similar to mor- tification of the soft parts. Necrosis ustilaginea. A painful convul- sive contraction ofthe Umbs. See Raphania. NE'CTAR NfKTop. A wine made of honey. NECTA'RIUM. The nectary. An acciden- tal part of a flower which does not come under the description of any of its organs. It may be defined that part of the corolla which contains or which secretes honey, though it is not neecssary to a nectary that honey be present. Scarce a flower can be found that has not more or less honey, though it is far from being univer- sally, or ever generaUy formed, by ah apparatus separate from the petals. «• In monopetalous flowers, as the Lamium al- bum, the dead nettle, the tube of the corolla con- tains, and probably secretes, the honey without any evident nectary. Sometimes the part under consideration is a production or elongation of the coroUa, as in the violet • sometimes indeed ofthe calyx as in the garden nasturtium, Trop«olii'i;r the coloured calyx of which partakes much df t >:e nature of the petals. 6IR Sometimes it is distant from both, either re- sembling the petals; as in Aquilegia; or more different, as in Epimedium, Aconitum, Hellebo- rus, Delphinium. Such at least is the mode in which Linnscus and his followers understand the four last numbered flowers. The most indubitable of all nectaries, as actu- ally secreting honey, are those of a glandular kind. In the natural order of cruciform plants, composing the class Tetradynamia, there are generally four green glands at the base of the stamens, as in Dentaria, and Sisymbrium : whilst in Pelargonium, the nectary is a tube running down one side of the flower-stalk. The elegant Parnassia has a most elaborate apparatus or nec- tary.—Smith. From the figure of the nectary it is said to be, 1. Calcarute, or spur-like ; as in Aquilegia vol- garis, Delphinium ajax, and Antirrhinum linaria. 2. Cucullate, hooded; as in Impatkns balsam- ina, Aconitum, and Asclepias viucetoxicuru. 3. Foveate, a little depression in the claw of the petal; as in Fiitillaria inipenalis. 4. Campanulate ; as in Narcissus jonquiUa and Pseudouarcissus. 5. Crown-like : as in Passiflora cxrulea. 6. Pedicellate, resting on a partial flower-stalk; as in Aconitim napellus. 7. A bilabiate tube; as in HtUcborus fcetid'.i.-, and Nigella. 8. Poriform, there being three pores in the germc-n , as in the Hyacinths. 9. Squamate, a little scale on the claw ; as in Ranunculus. 10. Glandular, little nectiferous glands be- tween the stamens and pistils ; as in Sinapis alba. 11. Stellate, a double star covering the internal organs ; as in Stapelia. 12. Pilcnis, fine hairy fascicles at the base of the stamina ; as in Parnassia palustris. 13. Bearded; as in Iris germanica. 14. Forniciform, arched : small prolonga- tions at the opening of the corolla, and covering the internal organs ; as in Symphatum officinale, and Myosotis scorpioides. 15. Bristle-like, fine horn-like filament- around the internal organs; as in Pcriploca graeca. 16. Rotate; as in Cissampelos. 17. Scrolij'orme, behind the flower; as in Satyrium. 18. Horn-like, behind the flower ; as in Orchis. 19. Sandaliform, slipper-like ; as in Cypripc- dium calceolus. 20. Globose, investing the germen ; as in Mi- rabilis jalappa. 21. Cyathiform, cup-like; as in Urtica urens. 22. Conical; as iu Utricularist-foliosa. 23. Acidiforme, pitcher-like, a membraneous tube, containing water, and behind the flower ; as in Ascium and Ruyschia. 24. Calydne, adhering to the calyx, by a spur; as in Tropseolum majus. Nedy'ia. (Nedys; from vrjoes, the belly.j The intestines. NEEDLE ORE. Acicular bismuth glance. Needle-shaped leaf. See Acerosus. Needle zeolite. See Zeolite. NEGRO CACHEXY. Cachexia africuna. A propensity for eating earth, common to raalu as well as females, in the West Indies and Africa. Nelje'ra. (From vttapos, furthermost.) The lower part ofthe belly. NEMORO'SA. (From nemut, a grove: si> called because it grows in woods.) A species oi wind-flower, the Anemone nemerosa, of Linn-1;? NEP. See Nepetu. NEP NER NhTA TittorHRASTi. Sre Spartium sco- parium. N'epe'sthos. (From vr;, neg. and atvdos, grief: so called from their exhilarating qualities.) 1. A preparation of opium. 2. A kind ol bugloss. NE'PETA. (From nepte, German.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean sys- tem. Class, Didynamia; Order, Gymnotper- mia. Nepeta cataria. The systematic name of the catmint. Herbafelit, Mentha felina; Cal- amintha ; Nepetella; Mntthu cataria. The leaves of this plant, Nepeta—floribus tpicatit; verticillit tub pedicellatit; foliis petiolatit, cor- datis, dentalo-terratis, of Linnaeus, have a mode- rately pungent aromatic taste, and a strong smell, like an admixture of spearmint and penny-royal. The herb is recommended in uterine disorders, dyspepsia, and flatulency. N'kpete'lla. (Diminutive of nepeta.) The lesser catmint. N'r. phela. (Diminutive of rtipos, a cloud.) A cloud-like spot on the cornea ofthe eye. NEPIIELOI'DES. (From vttptXi,, a cloud, and n<5of, a likeness.) Cloudy. Applied to the tuine. NEPHR VLGIA. (From vtqipos, the kidney, and aXyos, pain.) Pain in the kidney. NEPHRELINE. Rhomboidal lefspar. This occurs in drusy cavities alon^ with ceylanite, ve- siivian, and meionite, at Monte Somraa, near Na- ples, in drusy cavities, in granular limestone. NEPHRITE. Of this mineral there are two species, common nephrite, and axe-stone. The former is of a leek-green colour, and occurs in granite and gneiss, in Switzerland. The most beautiful come from Persia and Egypt. SeeAxe- stone. NEPHRITIC. (Nephriticut; from vtippos, tbe kidney.) 1. Of or belonging to the kidney. 2. A medicine i* so termed that is employed in the cure of diseases ofthe kidneys. Nephritic wood. Sec Guilandina moringa. Nepiiritica aqua. Spirituous distillation of nutmeg and hawthorn flowers. Nephriticum lignum. See Guilandina moringa. NEPHRI'TIS. (Nephritit, idit. f. ; from iffij.os, a kidney.) Inflammation of the kidney. A genus of disease in the class Pyreda, and order Phlegmatia, of Cullen ; known by pyrexia, pain in the region of the kidneys, and shootuig alon^; the course of the ureter ; drawing up of ;ii. -.-oticles ; numbness of the thigh ; vomiting ; urine lii^h-coluurcd, and frequently discharged ; costiveness, and coUc pains. Nephritis is symp- tomatic of calculus, gout, &c. Thi* inflammation may be distinguished from tbe colic by the pain being sealed very far back, and by tbe difficulty of pa-sing urine, which con- ntautly atti uds it; and it may be distinguished from rheumatism, as the pain is but little influ- enced or increased by motion. Nephritis is to be distinguished from a calculus in tbe kidney or ureter, by the symptoms of fever accompanying, or immediately, following the at- tack of pain, and these continuing without any re- markable intermission ; whereas, in a calculus of the kidney or ureter, thev do not occur until a Considerable time after violent pain has been felt. In the latter ease too, a numbness of the thigh, and a retraction ofthe testicle on the affected side, usually takes place. The cause* which give ri*e to nephritic are ex- ternal contusions, strains of the back, acrid* con- revr-d to the kidnevs in the course of tbe circula- tion, violent and severe exercise, either in riding or walking, calculous concretions lodged in the kidneys or ureters, and exposure to cold. In some habits, there is an evident predisposition to this complaint, particularly the gouty, and in these there are often translations ol the matter to tlie kidneys, which very much imitate nephritis. An inflammation of the kidney is attended with a sharp pain on the affected side, extending along the course ofthe ureter ; and there is a frequent desire to make water with much difficulty in ma- king it The body i, costive, the skin is dry and hoi, the patient feels great uneasiness when he en- deavours to walk, or sit ipright ; he lies with most ease on the affected side, and is generally troubled with nausea and frequent vomitin"-. When the disease is protracted beyond the seventh or eighth day, and the patient f.-els an ob- tuse pain in the part, ha* frequent returns of cbiU- ness and shiverings, there is reason to apprehend that matter is forming in the kidney, and that a suppuration will ensue. Dissections of nephritis show the usual effects of inflammation on the kidney ; and tbey like- wise often discover the formation of abscesses, which have destroyed its whole substance. In a few instances, the kidney has been found in a scirrhous state. Tbe disease is to be treated by bleeding gene- ral and local, the warm bath, or fomentations tu the loins, emoUient clyster, mucilaginous drinks, and the general antiphlogistic plan. The bowels should be effectuaUy cleared at first by some suf- ficiently active formula ; but the saline cathartics are considered not so proper, as they may add to the irritation of the kidney. Calomel with anti- monial powder, followed by the infusion of senna, or the ol ricini, may be given in preference, and repeated occasionally. It will be right also to endeavour to promote diaphoresis, by moderate doses of antirr-onials especially. Blisters are in- admissible in this disease ; but the linimentum am- monis, or other rubefacient application, may in some measure supply their place. Opium will often prove useful, particularly where the symptoms appear to originate from calculi, given in the form of glyster, or by the mouth ; in which latter mode of using it, however, it wiU be much better joined with other remedies, which may obviate its heat- ing effect, and determine it rather to pass off by the skin. A decoction of the dried leaves of the peach-tree is said to have been serviceable in many cases of this disease. In affections of a more chronic nature, where there is a discharge of mucus or pus, by urine, in addition to suitable torn . nifcdK-ines, the uva ui.-i in moderate doses, or some of the terebinthiuate remedies may be given with probability of relief. NE'PHROS. (From vtu, to flow, and te, to bear; as conveying the urinary fluid.) The kidney. Sec li.itney. NEPHROTOMY. (Nepiirotomia; from vtQpos, a kidney, ind rtp-.-n, to cut.) The opera- tion of extracting a stone from the kidney. A proceeding which, perhaps, has never been ac- tually put in practice. The cutting into the kid- ney, tne deep situation of this viseus, and the want of symptoms Dy which the lodgment of a stone in it can be certainly discovered, will al- ways be strong objections to the practice. NE'RIUM. (From vnpos, humid; so caUed because it grows in moist places.) The name of a genus ot plant6 in the Liuna-au system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. Nerium antidy-entericum. The system- atic name of the tree which affords the Codaga nab bark. Conetsi cortex; Codaga pala 1 W7 NER NFJR Cortex Bela-aye; Cortex profluvii. The bark of the Nerium;—foliis ovatis, acuminatis, pe- tiolatis, of Linnams. It grows on the coast of Malabar. It is of a dark black colour external- ly, and generaUy covered with a white moss, or scurf. It is very little known in the shops; has an austere, bitter taste; and is recommended in diarrhoeas, dysenteries, &c. as an adstringent. Nerium tinctorium. This tree grows in Hindostan, and, according to Dr. Roxburgh, affords indigo. Ne'roli oleum. Essential oU of orange flowers. See Citrus aurantium. Nerva'lia ossa. (From nervus, a nerve.) The bones through which the nerves pass. NERVE. (Nervus, i. m. from vtZpov.) A. In anatomy. Formerly it meant a sinew. This accounts for the opposite meanings of the word nervous, which sometimes means strong, sinewy, and sometimes weak and irritable. Nerves are long, white, medullary cords that serve for sensation. They originate from the brain and spinal marrow ; hence they are distin- guished into cerebral and spinal nerves, and dis- tributed upon the organs of sense, the viscera, vessels, muscles, and every part that is endowed with sensibiUty. The cerebral nerves are the olfactory, optic, mob .-res oculorum, pathetici, or trochleatores, trigemini, or divisi, abducent, au- ditory, or acoustic, par vagum and lingual. Heister has drawn up the use of these nerves in the two oilowing verses : Olfaciens, cernens, oculosque movens, pati- ensque, Gustans, abducens, audiensque, vagansque, loquensque. The spinal nerves are thirty pairs, and are di- vided into eight pair of cervical, twelve pair of dorsal, five pair of lumbar, and five of sacral nerves. In the course of the nerves there arc a number of knots: these are called ganglions; they are commonly of an oblong shape, and of a greyish colour, somewhat inclining to red, which is perhaps owing to their being extremely vascu- lar. Some writers have considered these little ganglions as so many little brains' Lancisi Fancied he had discovered muscular fibres in them ; but they certainly are not of an irritable nature. A late writer (Dr. Johnson) imagines they are intended to deprive us of the power of the will over certain parts, as the heart, for in- stance ; but if this hypothesis were well founded, they should be met with only in nerves leading to involuntary muscles; whereas it is certain that the voluntary muscles receive nerves through gangjions. Dr. Munro, from observing the accu- rate intermixture of the minute nerves which compose them, considers them a.s new sources of nervous energy. The r.erve3, like the blood- vessels, in their course through the body, com- municate with each other, and each of these com- ntunications constitutes what is called a plexus, from whence branches are again detached to different parts of the body. The use of the nerves is to convey impressions to the brain from all parts of the system, and the principles of motion and -etisibility from the brain to every part of the svstem. The manner in wb.ch this operation is effected is not yet determined. The inquiry has been a constant source of hypothesis in all ages, and has produced some ingenious ideas, and many erroneous positions but without having hitherto afforded much satisfactory infor- mation. Some physiologists have considered a trunk of nerves as a solid cord, capable of being divided into an infinite number of filaments, by means of which the impressions of feeling are 64-S conveyed to the common sensorium. Others have supposed each fibril to be a canal, carrying a volatile fluid, which they term the nervous fluid. Those who contend for their being solid bodies, are of opinion that feeling is occasioned by vibration ; so that, for instance, according to this hypothesis, by pricking the finger, a vibra- tion would be occasioned in the nerve distributed through its substance ; and the effects of this vibration, when extended to the sensorium, would be an excital of pain ; but the inelas- ticity, the softness, the connection, and the situation of the nerves, arc so many proofs that vibration has no share in the cause of feeting. A Table of the Nerves. J i Cerebral Nerves. 1. The first pair, called olfactory. 2. The second pair, or optic nerves. 3. The third pair, or oculorum motores. 4. The fourth pair, or pathetici. 5. The fifth pair, or trigemini, which gives off, a. The ophthalmic, or orbital nerve, which sends, 1. A branch to unite with one from the sixth pair, and form the great intercostal nerve. 2. The frontal nerve. 3. The lachrymal. 4. The nasal. b. The superior maxillary, which divide* into, 1. The spheno-palaline nerve. 2. The posterior alveolar. 3. The infra orbital. c. The inferior maxillary nerve, from which arise, 1. The internal lingual. 2. The inferior maxillary, properly so called. 6. The sixth pair, or abducentes, which send off', 1. A branch to unite with one from the fifth, and form the great intercostal. 7. The seventh pair, or auditory nerves: these arise by two separate beginnings, viz. The portio dura, a nerve going to the face. The portio mollis, which is distributed on the ear. The portio dura, or fadal nerve, gives off the chorda tympani, and then proceeds to the face. 8. The dghth pair, or par vagum, arise from the medulla oblongata, and join with the acces- sory of Willis. The par vagum gives off, 1. The right and left recurrent nerve. 2. Several branches in the chest, to form the cardiac plexus. 3. Several branches to form the pulmonic plexus. 4. Several branches to form the asophageal plexus. 5. It then forms in the abdomen the stoma- chic plexus. 6. The hepatic plexus. 7. The splenic plexus. 8. The renal plexus, receiving several branches from the great intercostal, wliich assists in their formation. 9. The ninth pair, or lingual nerves, which go from the meduUa oblongata to the tongue. Spinal Nerves. Those nerves are called spinal, whicb pas? out SER SEI! through the lateral or intervertebral loramina o tbe spine. They are divided into cervical, dorsal, lumbar, and tacral nerves. Cervical Nerves. The cervical nervet are eight pairs. The first are called the occipital; they arise from tbe beginning of the spinal marrow, pass out between the margin of the occipital foramen and atlas, form a ganglion on its transverse process, and are distributed about the occiput and neck. The second pair of cervical nerves send a branch to the accessory nerve of Willis, and proceed to the parotid gland and external car. The third cervical pair supply the integuments of tbe scapula, the cucullans, and triangularis muscles, and send a branch to form with others the diaphragmatic nerve. The fourth, fifth, rixth, teventh, and righth pair, all converge to form the brachial plexus, from which arise the six following Nerves of the upper Extremities. 1. The axillary nerve, which sometimes arises Irom the radial nerve. It runs backwards and outwards around the neck of the humerus, and ramifies in the muscles of the scapula. 2. The external cutaneal, which perforates the caraco-brachialis muscle, to the bend of the arm, where it accompanies the median vein as far as the thumb, and is tost in its integuments. 3. The internal cutaneal, which descends on the inside ofthe arm, where it bifurcates. From the bend of the arm the anterior branch accom- panies the basilic vein, to be inserted into the skin of the palm of the hand ; the posterior branch runs down the internal part of the fore- arm, to vanish in the skin of the little finger. 4. The median nerve, which accompanies the brachial artery to the cubit, then passes between the brachialis 'interim?, pronator rotundus, and the perforatus and perforans, under the ligament of the wrist to the palm of the hand, where it sends off branches in every direction to the muscles ofthe hand, and then supplies the digital nerves, which go to the extremities of the thumb, fore and middle fingers. 5. The ulnar nerve, which descends between the brachial artery and basilic vein, between the internal condyle of the humerus, and the ole- cranon, and divides in the fore-arm into an internal and external branch. The former passes over the ligament of the wrist and sesa- moid bone, to the hand where it divid'-s into three branches, two of which go to the ring and little finger, and the third forms an arch towards the thumb, in the palm of the hand, and is lost in the contiguous muscles. The latter passes over the tendon of the extensor carpi ulnaris and back of the hand, to supply also the two last fingers. 6. The radial nerve which sometimes gives off the axillary nerve. It passes backwards, about the os humeri, descends on the outside of the arm, between the brachialis externus and inter- nus muscles to the cubit; then proceeds between the supinator longus and brevis', to the superior extremity ofthe radius, giving off various branches to adjacent muscles. At this place it divides into two branches : one goes along the radius, between the supinator longus and radialis internus to the back of the hand, and terminates in the interos- seous muscles, the thumb and three first fingers ; the other passes between the supinator brevis and head of the radius, and is fort in the muscles of the fore-arm. 82 Dorsal Nerves. The dorsal nerves are twelve pairs in number- The first pair gives off a branch to the brachial plexus. All the dorsal nerves are distributed to the muscles of the back, intercostals, serrati, pec- toral, abdominal muacles, and diaphrafhi. The five inferior pairs go to the cartilages of the ribs, and are called costal. Lumbar Nerves. The five pair of lumbar nerves are bestowed about the loins and muscles, skin of the abdomen and loins, scrotum, ovaria, and diaphragm. The second, third, and fifth pair, unite and form the obturator nerve, which descends over the psoas muscle into the pelvis, and passes through the foramen thyroideum to the obturator muscle, tri- ceps, pectineus, &c. The third and fourth, with some branches of the second pair, form the crural nerve, which passes under Poupart's ligament with the fe- moral artery, sends off branches to the adjacent parts, and descends in the direction of tbe sarto- rius muscle to the internal condyle of the femur, from whence it accompanies tbe saphe.na vein to the internal ankle, to be lost in the skin of the. great toe. The fifth pair are joined to the first pair of th» sacral nerves. Sacral Nerves. There are five pair of sacral nerves, all of whicli arise from the cauda equina, or termination ol the medulla spinalis, so called from the nerves resembling the tail of a horse. The four first pair give off branches to the pelvic viscera, and are afterwards united to the last lumbar, to form a large plexus, which gives off The ischiatic nerve, the largest in the body. Tho ischiatic nerve, immediately at.its origin, sends off branches to the bladder, rectum, and parts of generation ; proceeds from the cavity of the pelvis through the ischiatic notch, between the tuberosity of the ischium and great trochanter, to the ham, wlvre it is called the popliteal nerve. In the ham it divides into two branches. 1. The peroneal, which descends on the fibula, and distributes many branches to the muscles of - the leg and back of the foot. 2. The tibial, which penetrates the gastrocne- mii muscles to the internal ankle, passes through a notch in the os calcis to the sole of the foot, where it divides into an internal and external. plantar nerve, which supply the muscles and aponeurosis of the foot and the toes. Physiology of the Nervous System. The nervous system as the organ of sense and motion, is connected with so many functions ot the animal economy, that the study of it must be of the utmost importance, and a fundamental part ofthe study of the whole economy. The ner- vous system consists of the medullary substance of the brain, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, and spinalis ; and of the same substance continued into the nerves by wliich it is distributed to many different parts of the body. The whole of this system' seems to be properly distinguished into these four parts. 1. The medullary substance contained in thp cranium and vertebral cavity ; the whole of which seems to consist of distinct fibres, but without the smaller fibres being separated from each other by any evident*nveloping membranes. 2. Connected with one part or other of tbi, substance are, the nerves, in which the same me dullary substance is continued ; but here more evidently divided into fibres, each of which is «e NER NEft parated from the others by an enveloping mem- brane, derived from the pia mater. 3. Parts of the extremities, of certain nerves, in which the medullary substance is divested of the enveloping membranes from the pia mater, and so situated as to be exposed to the action of certain external bodies, and perhaps so framed as to be affected by the action of certain bodies only ; these are named the tentient extremities of the nerves. 4. Certain extremities of the nerves, so framed as to be capable of a peculiar contractility ; and, in consequence of their situation and attachments lo be, by their contraction, capable of moving most of the solid and fluid parts of the body. These are named the moving- extremities of the nerves. These several parts of the nervous system are everywhere the same continuous medullary sub- stance, wliich is supposed to be the vital solid of animals, so constituted in liting animals, and in tivine systems only, as to admit of motions being readily propagated from any one part to every other part of tlie nervous system, so Ions as the continuity and natural living state of the medul- lary substance remains. In the living man, there is an immaterial thinking substance, or mind, constantly present, and every phenomenon of thinking is to be considered as an affection or fa- culty ot the mind alone. But this immaterial and thinking part of man is so connected with the material and corporeal part of him, and particu- larly with the nervous system, that mot'Ons ex- cited in this give occasion to thought, and thought, however occasioned, gives occasion to new mo- tions in the nervous system. This mutual com- munication, or influence, is assumed with confi- dence as a fact; but the mode of it we do not un- derstand,, nor pretend to explain ; and therefore are not bound to obviate the difficulties that attend any of the suppositions which have been made concerning it. The phenomena of the nervous system occur commonly in the following order : The impulse of external bodies acts upon ihe sen- tient extremities of the nerves; and this gives occasion to perception or thought, which, as first arising in the mind, is termed sensation. This sensation, according to its various modifi- cations, gives occasion to volition, or the willing of certain ends to be obtained by the motion of certain parts of the body; aud this volition gives oceasion to the contraction of muscular fibres, by which the motion of the part required is produced. As tbe impulse of bodies on the sentient extremities of a nerve does not occasion any sensation, unless the nerve between the sen- tient .extremity and the brain be free ; and as, in like manner, volition does not produce any con- traction of muscles, unless the nerve between the brain and muscle be also free : it is concluded, from both these facts, that sensation and volition, so far as they are connected with corporeal mo- tions, are functions of the brain alone ; and it is [■resumed, that sensation arises only in conse- quence of external impulse producing motion in the sentient extremities of the nerves, anfi of that motion being thence propagated along the nerves of the brain ; and, in like "manner, that the will operating in the brain only, by a motion begun there, and propagated along the nerves, produces the contraction of muscles. From what is now said, we perceive more distinctly the difl'erent func- tions of the several parts of the nervous system. 1. The sentient extremities seem to be particu- larly fitted to receive the impressions of external bodies ; and, according to the difference of these impressions, and of the condition of the sentient 650 extremity itself, to propagate along the nerve * motions of a determined kind, which, communi- cated to the brain, give occasion to sensation. 2. The brain seems to be a part fitted for, and sus- ceptible of, those motion- with whicb sensation, and the whole consequent operations of thought, are connected : and thereby is fitted to form a communication between the motions excitid iu the sentient, and those in consequence arising in the moving extremities i.f the nerves, which are often remote and distant from each other. 3. the moving extremities are so framed as to be ca- pable nf contraction, and of having this contraction excited by motinn propagated from the brain, and communicated to the contractile fibre. 4. The nerves, more strictlj so called, are to be consi- dered as a collection of medullary fibres, each enveloped in its proper membrane, and thereby so separated from every other, as hardly to admit of any communication of motion from any one to the others, and to. admit only of motion along the continuous medullary substance of the san.e fibre, from its origin to the extremities, or t-ontrarywise. From this view of the parts of the nervous sys- tem, of their several functions and communica- tion with each other, it appears, that the begin- ning of motion in the animal economy, is gene- rally connected with sensation: and that the ultimate effects of such motion are chiefly actions depending immediately upon the contraction of moving fibres, between which and the sentient extremities, the communication is by means of the brain. B. In botany : the term nerve is applied to a cluster of vessels that runs like a rib or chord on certain leaves ; as that of the Laurus dnnamo- mum, and Arctium lappa. Ne'rvea sfokciosa. The cavernous part of the penis. NERVINE. (Nervinus; from nervus, a nerve.) Neurotic. That which relieves disor- ders of the nerves. All lb. antispasmodics, and the various preparations ol bark and iron. Nervo'rum resolutio. Apoplexy and palsy have been so considered. NERVOSUS. Nervous. 1. Applied in me- dicine, to fevers and affections of the nervous system. 2. In anatomy : to the structure of parts being composed of, or resembling a nerve. 3. In botany : to leaves which have nerve-like cords. Nervosum os. The occipital bone. NERVOUS. See Nervosus. Nervous consumption. See Atrophia. Nervous diseases. See Neuroses. Nervous fever. See Febris nervosa. Nervous headache. See Cephalalgia. Nervous fluid. Nervous principle. The vascularity of the cortical part of the brain, and ofthe nerves themselves, their softness, pulpi- ness, and natural humid appearance, give reason to believe that between the medullary particles of which they are principally composed, a fine fluid is constantly secreted, whicb may be fitted to receive and transmit, even more readily than other fluids do, all impressions which are made on it. It appears to exhale from the extremities of the nerves. »The lassitude and debUity of muscles from too great exercise, and thedulneis ofthe sensorial organs from excessive use, would seem to prove this. It has no smell nor taste; for the cerebine medulla is insipid and inodorous. Nor has it any colour, for the cerebrum and nerves are white. It is of so subtile a consistence, us never to have been detected. Its mobility is stupendous, for in Ins th;m a moment, with th* NEl NIC -onsrnt of the mind, it is conveyed from the cerebrum to tbe muscles, like the electric matter. Whether the nervous fluid be carried from the organ of sense in the sensorial nerves to the cere- brum, and from thence in the motory nerves to Ihe muscles, cannot be positively affirmed. The constituent principles of this liquid are perfectly unknown, as they cannot be rendered visible by art, or proved by experiment. Upon making a ligature upon a nerve, the motion of the fluid is interrupted, which proves that something corpo- real flows through it It is therefore a weak ar- gnment to deny its existence because we cannot see it ; for who has seen ihe matter of heat, oxy- gen, azote, and other elementary bodies, tbe ex- istent e ot which no physician in the pres> nt day doubts? The electric matter, whose action on Ihe nerves is very great, does not appear to con- stitute the nervous fluid ; for nerves exhibit no signs of spontaneous electricity ; nor can it be the magnetic matter, as the experiment of Gavian with the magnet demonstrates: nor is it oxyg n, nor hydrogen, nor azote; for the first very much irritates tbe nerves, and ihe other two suspend their action. The nervous fluid, therefore, is an element sui generis, which exists aid is produced in the nerves only ; hence, like other elements, it is only to be known by its effects. The pulpous softness of some nerves, and their lax situation, does not allow them and the brain to act on the body and soul only by oscillation. Lastly, a tense chord, although tied, oscillates. The use ofthe nervous fluid is, 1. It appears to be an in- termediate substance between the body and the soul, by means of which the latter thinks, per- ceives, and moves the muscles subservient to the will. Hence the body act6 upon the soul, and the soul upon the body. 2. It appears to differ from the vital prindple; for parts live and are irritable which want nerves, as bones, tendons, plants, and insects. Nervous prindple. See Nervout fluid. Ne'stis. (From vn, neg. and todta, to eat: so called because it is generally found empty.) The jejunum. NETTLE. See Urtica. Nettle, dead. See Lamium album. Nettle-rash. See Urticaria. NEURALGIA. (From vtvpov, a nerve, and nXyos, pain.) 1. A pain in a nerve. 2. The name, of a genus of diseases, in Good's Nosology. Class, Neurotica ; Order, Asthelica; nerve-ache. It has three »peeies, Neuralgia faciei, pedis, mamma. Neurochondro'des (From vtvpov, a sinew, yovb'pot, a cartilage, and tibos, resemblance.) A hard substance between a sinew and a cartilage. NEUROLOGY. (Neurologia ; from vtvpov, a nerve, and Xoyos, a discourse.) The doctrine of the nerves. Neurome'tores. (From vtvpov, a nerve, and pnrpa, a matrix.) The psoas muscles are so call- ed by Fallopius, as being the repository of many small nerves. NEURO'SES. (The plural of neuroris; from vtvpov, a nerve.) Nervous diseases. The second class of CuUen's Nosology is so called ; il comprehends affections of sense and motion dis- turbed ; without either idiopathic pyrexia, or topical diseases. NEUROTICA. (From vtvpov, a nerve.) The name of a class of diseases in Good's Nosolo- gy. Diseases of the nervous sytem. It compre- hends four orders, viz. Phrenica; AEsthetica; f'inetica; Syttalica. Weuro'tica. (From vtvpov. a nerve.) Ner- vous medicine-. NEUROTOMY. (Neurolomia; from m- pov, a nerve, and rtpvu, to cut.) I. A dissection ofthe nerves. 2. A puncture of a nerve. NEUTRAL. A term applied to saline com- pounds of an acid and an alkali, which are so called, because they Ho not possess the characters of acid or alkaline salts ; such are Epsom salts, nitre, and all the compounds of the alkalies; with the scirfs NEUTRALIZATION. When acid and alka- line matter are combined in such proportions, that the compound does not-change the colour of litmus or violets, they are saidto be neutralised. Ne'xus. (From nedo, to wind.) A compli- cation of substances in one part, as the membrane which involves the foetus. NICHOLS, Frank, was born in London, where his father was a barrister in 1699. After passing through the usual academical exercises at Oxford with great assiduity, he chose medicine for his profession ; and pursued a course ot dis- sections with so much diligence and perseverance, as to render himself highly skilful in this branch of his art. Hence he was chosen reader of anat- omy in the university, where he used his utmost endeavours to introduce a zeal for this pursuit, and obtained a high reputation. At the close of his course he made a short trial of practice in Cornwall, and subsequently paid a visit to the principal schools of France and Italy. On his re- turn he resumed his anatomical and physiologi- cal lectures in London, which were frequented, not onlv by students from the universities, but also by many surgeons, apothecaries, and others. In 1728, he was chosen a fellow of the Royal So- ciety, to which he communicated several papers; and shortly after he received his doctor's degree at Oxford, and became a fellow ofthe College of Physicians. In 1734, he was appointed to read the Gulstonian lectures, and chose the Heart and Circulation, for his subjects. In 1743, he mar- ried one of the daughters of the celebrated Dr. Mead. About five years after he was appointed lecturer on surgery to the college and began his course with a learned and elegant dissertation on the "Anima Medica," which was afterwards published. On the death of Sir Hans Sloane in 1753, Dr. Niehols was appointed his successor"as one of the King's physicians ; which office he held till the death of his Majesty seven years after. To a second edition of the treatise " De Anima Medica," in 1772, he added a dissertation "De Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Homine nato et non nato." Weary at length with his profession, and wishing to superintend th& education of his son at Oxford, he removed to that city : and when the study of the law recalled his son to London, the Doctor took a house at Epsom, where he passed the remainder of his life in literary retirement. He died in 1778. Nicked leaf. See Emarginatus. NICKEL. A metal discovered by Cronstedt in 1751, though the substance from which he ex- tracted it was known in the year 1694. Nickel is found in nature generally in the metallic state, more rarely in that of an oxide. Its ores have a coppery red colour, generally covered more or less with a greenish-grey efflorescence. The most abundant ore is that termed sulphuret of nickel, orkupfernickel, which is a compound of nickle, arsenic, sulphuret of iron, and sometimes cobalt and copper. This ore occurs either massive, or disseminated, but never ciystaUised ; it is of a copper colour, sometimes yellowish, white, or grey. It exists also combined with oxygen, and a little carbonic acid, iu what is called native o.e* NIC Nl> ide of nickel (nickel ochre;) it then has an earthy appearance, and is very friable ; it is found coat- ing kupfernickel, and seems to originate from the decomposition of this ore. It is* found con- laminated with iron in the mineral substance call- ed martial nickel ; this native combination, when fresh broken, has a lamellaled texture ; when ex- posed to the air, it soon turns black, and some- times-exhibits thin rhomboidal plates placed ir- regularly over each other. It is also found united to arsenic, cobalt, and alumine in the ore, called arseniate of nickel. Nickel is a metal of great hardness, of a uni- form texture, and of a colour between silver and tin ; very difficult to be purified, and magnetical. It even acquires polarity by the touch. It is malleable, both cold and red-hol : and is scarce- ly more fusible than manganese. Its oxides, when pure, are reducible by a sufficient heat without combustible matter ; and it is little more tarnish- ed by heating in contact with air, than platina, ^old and silver. Its specific gravity, when cast, is 8.279; when forged 8.666. Nickel is commonly obtained from its sulphu- ret, the kupfernickel ofthe Germans, in which it is generally mixed also with arsenic, iron, and cobalt. This is first roasted, to drive off the sul- phur and arsenic, then mixed with two parts ol black flux, put into a crucible, covered with mu- riate of soda, and heated in a forge furnace. The metal thus obtained, which is still very impure, must be dissolved in dilute nitric acid, and then evaporated to dryness : and after this process has been repeated three or four times, the residuum must be dissolved in a solution of ammonia, per- fectly free from carbonic acid. Being again evap- orated to dryness, it is now to be well mixed with two or three parts of black flux, and exposed to a violent heat in a crucible for half an hour or more. There are two oxides of nickel; the dark ash- grey, and the black. If potassa be added to the solu- t ion of the nitrate or sulphate, and the precipitate dried, we obtain the protoxide. The peroxide was formed by Thenard, by passing chlorine through the protoxide diffused in water. A black insoluble peroxide remains at the bottom. Little is known of the chloride, iodide, sulphu- ret, or phosphuret of this metal. The salts of nickel possess the foUowing general characters. They have usuaUy a green colour, and yield a white, precipitate with ferroprussiate nf potassa. Ammonia dissolves the oxide of nickel. Sulphuretted hydrogen and infusion of galls occasion no precipitate. The hydrosulphu- ret of potassa throws down a black precipitate. Their composition has been very imperfectly as- certained. Nico'phorus. (From vikij, victory, and tptpu, to bear : so called because victors were crowned with it.) A kind of ivy. NICOTIA'NA. (From Nicott, who first brought it into Europe.) Tobacco. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnx- an system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Mono- gynia. 2. The former pharmacopoeial name of the to- bacco. See Nicotiana tabacum. Nicotiana Americana. American or Vir- ginian tobacco. See Nicotiana tabacum. Nicotiana minor. See Nicotiana rustica. Nicotiana rustica. The systematic name of the English tobacco. Nicotiana minor ; Pri- apeia; Hyoscyamus luteus. This plant is much weaker than the Virginian tobacco, the leaves are chiefly used to smoke vermin, though they promise, from their more gentle operation, to be a safer remedy in some cases than the former. 655 Nicotian a tabacum. The systematic name of the Virginian tobacco-plant. Petum, by the Indians; Tabacum; Hyoscyamus peruvianut; Picelt. Nicotiana—foliis lanceolato-ovatis ses- silibus decurrentibus florentibus aculis, of Lin- naeus, is the plant employed medicinally. It is a very active narcotic and sternutatory. A decoc- tion of the leaves is much esteemed in some dis- eases of the skin, and is by some said to be a spe- cific against the itch. The fumes and the decoc- tion are employed in obstinate constipations of the bowels, and very frequently with success ; it ia necessary, however, to caution the practitioner against an effect mostly produced by its exhibi- tion, namely, syncope, with cold sweats ; and, in some instances, death. Vauquelin has obtained a peculiar principle from this plant, in which it* active properties reside. See Nicotin. NICOTIN. A peculiar principle obtained by Vauquelin, from tobacco. It is colourless, and has the peculiar taste and smell of the plant. It dissolves both in water and alkohol: itis volatile and poisonous. NICTITATIO. Twinkling, or winking of the eyes. NIDULANS. (From nidulor, to place in a nest.) Nidulate : applied to the seeds of some fruits, which are embedded on their surface ; as those of the strawberry. NIGELLA. (Quad nigrclla; Irom niger, black : so named from its black seed.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- noean system. Class, Poly anuria; Order, Pen- tagyma. 2. The pharmacopoeial name ofthe plant called, devil in a bush, or fennel-flower. Nigella officinarum. See Agrostemma githago. Nigella sativa. The systematic name of the devil in a bush. Fennel-flower. Melunthi- um; Melaspermum. It was formerly employed medicinally as an expectorant and deobstruent, but is now fallen into disuse. Nigella'strum. (From nigella, fennel- flower.) See Agrostemma githago. NIGER. Black. Applied to some parts and diseases from their colour ; as Pigmentum ni- grum; morbus niger. NIGHT. Nox. Many diseases and plants have this for their trivial name, because of some peculiar circumstance connected with the period : as night-mare, night-shade, &c. Night-blindness. See Nyctalopia. Night-mare. See Ondrodynia gravans. NIGHTSHADE. See Solanum, Phytolacca, and Atropa. Nightshade, American. See Phytolacca de- candria. Nightshade, deadly. See Atropa belladonna. Nightshade, Palestine. See Solanum sanc- tum. Nightshade, woody. See Solanum dulcamaru. NIGRINE. An ore of titanium. Nigri'ties. (From niger^ black.) A caries is called nigritiet ossium, a blackness ofthe bone. Ni'hilum album. Nihil album. A name formerly given to the flowers, or oxide of zinc. Ni'mzi radix. See Siumnind. Ni'nzin. See Sium ninsi. NIPPLE. Papilla. The smaU projecting proportion in the middle of the breasts of men and women. It is much larger in the latter, and has several openings in it, the excretory ducts of the lacteal glands. NIPPLE-WORT. See Lapsana. NISUS FORMATIVUS. (Nitut, in. m.) A creative or formative effort. Mi NIT N1TIDUS. Polished, smoothj shining: ap- plied in botany to stems, &c. ; as in the Cha?ro- phyllum sylvestre. See Caulit. Nitras ammonia. Sec Ammonia nitras. Nitras argenti. See Argenti nitras. Nitras potassae. See Nitric acid. Nitras potass.e fusus. Sal ■prunella; Nitrum tabulatum. This salt, besides the nitric acid and potassa, contains a little sulphuric acid. See Nitric acid. Nitras sod^e. Alkali minerale nitratum ; Nitrum cubicum. Its virtues are similar to those of nitrate of potassa, for which it may be safely substituted. NITRATE. (Nitras, atis, f. ; from nitnim, nitre.) A salt formed by the union of the nitric acid, with salifiable bases ; as the nitrate of po- tassa, soda, silver, &c. Nitrate of potassa. See Nitric acid. Nitrate of silver. See Argenti nitras. NITRE. "Silpov. Nitrum; Potassa nitras; Saltpelra; Aluurat; Algali; Atac; Baurack ; Acusto; Halinitrum. The common name for salt-petre or the nitrate of potassa. A perfect neutral salt, formed by the union of the nitric acid with the vegetable alkali, thence called ni- trate of potassa. Its taste is cooling, and it does not alter the colour of the syrup of violets. Nitre exists in large quantities in the earth, and is con- tinually formed iu inhabited places ; it is found in great quantities upon walls which are sheltered from the rain. It is of great use in the arts; it is the principal ingredient in gunpowder; and, burned with different proportions ot tartar, forms the substances called fluxes. It is of considera- ble importance iu medicine, as a lebrifuge, diure- tic, and antiphlogistic remedy, in doses of from five to twenty grains. See Nitric acid. NITRIC ACID. Acidum nitricum. " The two principal constituent parts of our atmosphere, when in certain proportions, are capable, under particular circumstances, of combining chemicuUy into one of the most powerful acids, the nitric. If these gases be mixed in a proper proportion in a glass tube about a line in diameter, over mer- cury, and a series of electric shocks be passed through them for some hours, they will form ni- tric acid ; or, if a solution of potassa be present with them, nitrate of potassa will be obtained. The constitution of this acid may be further proved, analytically, by driving it through a red- hot porcelain tube, as thus it will be decomposed into oxygen and nitrogen gases. • For all practical purposes, however, the nitric acid is obtained from nitrate of potassa, from which it is expelled by sulphuric acid. Three parts of pure nitrate of potassa, coarsely powdered, are to be put into a glass retort, with two of strong sulphuric acid. This must be cau- tiously added, taking care to avoid the fumes that arise. Join to the retort a tubulated receiver of large capacity, with an adopter interposed, and lute the junctures with glazier's putty. In the tubulure fix a glass tube, terminating in another large receiver, in which is a small quantity of water; and if you wish to collect the gaseous products, let a bent glass tube from this receiver communicate with a pneumatic trough. Apply heat to the receiver by means of a sand bath. The first product that passes into the receiver is gene- rally red and fuming ; but the appearances gradu- ally diminish, till the acid comes over pale, and even colourless, if the materials used were clean. After this it again becomes more and more red and fu in in i, till tbe end of the operation ; and the whole mingled together will be of a yellow or firan^re colour. Empty the receiver, and again replace it. Then introduce by a smaU funnel, very cautiously, one part of boiling water in a slender stream, and continue the distillation. A small quantity of a weaker acid will thus be obtained, wnich can be kept apart. The first will have a specific gravity of about 1.500, if the heat have been properly regulated, and if the receiver was refrigerated by cold water or ice. Acid of that density, amount- ing to two-thirds of the weight of the nitre, may thus be procured. But commonly the heat is pushed too high, whence more or less of the acid is decomposed, andi's proportion of water uniting to the remainder, reduces its strength. It is aot| profitable to use a smaller proportion of sulphuric acid, when a concentrated nitric is required. But when only a dilute acid, called in commerce aquafortis, is required, then less sulphuric acid will suffice, provided a portion of water be added. One hundred parts of good nitre, sixty of strong sulphuric acid, and twenty of water, form econo- mical proportions. In the large way, and for the purposes of the arts, extremely thick cast iron or earthen retorts are employed, to which an earthen head is adapt- ed, and connected with a range of proper con- densers. The strength of the acid too is varied, by p itting more or less water in the receivers. The nitric acid thus made generally contains sul- phuric acid, and also muriatic, from the impurity of the nitrate employed. If the former, a solu- tion of nitrate of barytes wiU occasion a white precipitate; if the latter, nitrate of silver will render it milky. The sulphuric acid may be se- parated by a second distillation from very pure nitre, equal m weight to an ei^hih of that origi- nally employed ; or by precipitating with nitrate of barytes, decanting the clear liquid, and distil- ling it. The muriatic acid may be separated by proceeding in the same way with nitrate of silver, or with litharge, decanting the clear Uquid, and redistilling it, leaving an eighth or tenth part in the retort. The acid for the last process should be condensed as much as possible, and the redis- tillation conducted very slowly ; and if it be stop- ped when half is come over, beautiful crystals of muriate of lead will be obtained on cooling the remainder, if litharge be used, as Steinacher in- forms us; who also adds, that the vessel should be made to fit tight by grinding, as any lute is liable to contaminate tne product. As this acid stUl holds in solution more or less nitrous gas, it is not in fact nitric acid, but a kind of nitrous. It is therefore necessary to put it into a retort, to which a receiver is added, the two vessels not being luted, and to apply a very gentle heat for several hours, changing the re- ceiver as soon as it is filled with red vapours. Tlu nitrous gas will thus be expelled, and the ni- tric acid will remain in the retort as limpid and colourless as water. It should be kept in a bottle secluded from the light, otherwise it will lose part of its oxygen. What remainj in the retort is a bisulphate of potassa, from which the superfluous acid may be expelled by a pretty strong heat, and the resi- duum, being dissolved and crystallised, wiU be sulphate of potassa. As nitric acid in a fluid state is always mixed with water, different attempts have been made to ascertain its strength, or the quantity of real acid contained in it. The nitric acid is of considerable use in the arts. It i» employed for etching on copper ; as a sol- vent of tin to form with that metal a mordant for some of the finest dyes ; in metallurgy and a«- savin°': in various chemical processes, on account NIT Ml of the facility with which it parts with oxygen, and dissolves metals ; in medicine as atonic, and as i -nbstitute for mercurial preparations in sy- philis and affections of the liver, as also in form of vapour to destroy contagion. For the pur- poses of the arts it is commonly used in a diluted state, and contaminated with the sulphuric and muriatic acids, by the name of aquafortis. This is generally prepared by mixing common nitre with an equal weight of sulphate of iron, and half its weight of the same sulphate calcined, and distilling the mixture ; or by mixing nitre with twice its weight of dry powdered clay, and dis- tilling in a reverberatory furnace. Two kinds are found in the shops, one called double aqua- fortis, which is about half the strength of nitric acid ; the other simply aquafortis, which is half the strength of the double. A compound made by mixing two parts of the nitric acid with one of muriatic, known formerly by the name of aqua regia, anil now by that of nitro-muriatic acid, has the property of dissolving gold and platina. On mixing the two acids, heat is given out, an effervescence takes place, and thr mixture acquires an orange colour. This is likewise made by adding gradually to an ounce of powdered muriate of ammonia four ounces of double aquafortis, and keeping the mixture in a sand heat till the salt is dissolved ; taking care to avoid the fumes, as the vessel must be left open ; or by distilling nitric acid with an equal weight, or rather more, of common salt. On this subject we are indebted to Sir H. Davy for some exceUent observations, published by him in the first volume of the Journal of Science. If strong nitrous acid, saturated with nitrous gas, be mixed with a saturated solution of muriatic acid tras, no other effect is , r 'duced than might be expected from the action ot nitrous acid of the same strength on an equal quantity of water ; and the mixed acid so formed has no power of action on gold or platina. A^ain, if muriatic acid gas, and nitrous gas, in equal volumes, be mixed together over mercury, and half a volume of oxygen be added, the immediate condensation will be no more than might be expected from the formation of nitrous acid gas. And when this is decomposed, or absorbed by the mercury, the mu- riatic acid gas is found unaltered, mixed with a certain portion of nitrous gas. It appears then that nitrous acid, and muriatic acid gas, have no chemical action on each other. If colourless nitric acid and muriatic acid of commerce be mixed together, the mixture imme- diately becomes yellow, and gains the power of dissolving gold anil platinum. If it be gently heated, pure chlorine arises from it, and the co- lour becomes deeper. If the heat be longer con- tinued, chlorine still rises, but mixed with ni- trous acid gas. VVhen the process has been very long continued till the colour becomes very deep, no more chlorine can be procured, and it loses its pov.tr ot ictinir up--n p'atinum and gold. It is now nitrous and mur.<<(ic .n ids. It appears then from these observations, which have been very often repealed, that nitro-muriatic acid owes its peculiar properties to a mutual decom- position ofthe nitric and muriatic acids; and that water, chlorine, and nitrous acid gas, are the re- sults. Though nitrous gas and chlorine have no action on each other when perfectly dry, yet if water be piesent, there is an immediate decom- position, and nitrous acid and muriatic acid are formed 118 parts of strong liquid nitric acid being decomposed in this case, yield 67 of chlo- rine. Aqua regia does not oxidise crMd ar,d pla- 654 tina. it merely causes their combination with chlorine. A bath made of nitro-muriatic acid, diluted so much as to taste no sourer than vinegar, or of such a strength as to prick the skin a little, after being exposed to it for twenty minutes or half an hour, has been introduced by Dr. Scott ol Bom- bay as a remedy in chronic syphilis, a variety of ulcers and diseases of the skin, chronic hepatitis, bilious dispositions, general debility, and languor. He considers every trial as quite inconclusive where a ptyalism, some affection of the gums, or some very evident constitutional effect, has not arisen from it. The internal use of the same acid has been recommended to be conjoined with that of the partial or general bath. VVith the different bases the nitric acid form? nitrates. The nitrate of barytes, when perfectly pure, is in regular octahedral crystals, though it is sometimes obtained in small shining scales. The nitrate of potassa is the salt well known by the name of nitre or saltpetre It is found ready formed in the East Indies, in Spain, in the kingdom of Naples, and elsewhere, in consider- able quantities ; but nitrate of lime is still more abundant. Far the greater part of the nitrate made use of is produced by a combination of circumstances which tend to compose and con- dense nitric acid. This acid appears to be pro- duced in all situations where animal matters are completely decomposed with access of air, aud of proper substances with which it can readily combine. Grounds frequently trodden by cattle, and impregnated with their excrements, or the walls of inhabited places, u here putrid animal vapours abound, such as slaughter-houses, drains, or the like, afford nitre by long exposure to the air. Artificial nitre beds are made by an atten- tion to tbe circumstances in which this salt is produced by nature. Dry ditches are dug, anil covered with sheds, open at the side, to keep off the rain. These are filled with animal substances, such as dung, or other excrements, with the remains of vegetables, and old mortar, or other loose calcareous earth; this substance being found to be the best and most convenient recep- tacle for the acid to combine with. Occasional watering, and turning up from time to time, are necessary to accelerate the process, and increase the surfaces to which the air may apply ; but too much moisture is hurtful. When a certain portion of nitrate is formed, the process appears to go on more quickly ; but a certain quantity stops it altogether ; and after this cessation, the materials will go on to furnish more, if what is formed be extracted by lixiviation. After a suc- cession of many months, more or less, according to the management of the operation, in which the action of a regular current of fresh air is of the greatest importance, nitre is found in the mass. If the beds contained much vegetable matter, a considerable portion ol the nitrous salt will be common saltpetre ; but it otherwise, the acid will, for the most part, be combined with the calcareous earth. It consists of 6.75 acid-|-6 potassa. To extract the saltpetre from the mass of earthy matter, a number of large casks are pre- pared, with a cock at the bottom of^each, and a quantity of straw -within, to prevent its being stopped up. Into these the matter is put, together with wood-ashes, either strewed at top, or added during the filling. Boiling water is then poured on, and suffered to stand for some time ; after which it is drawn off, and another w;:ler addeil in NJT NIT the same manner, as long as any saline matter can be thus extracted. The weak brine is heated, and passed through other tubs, until it becomes of considerable strength. It is then carried to the boiler, and contains nitre and other salts; the chief of which is common culinary salt, and sometimes muriate of magnesia. It is the pro- perty of nitre to be much more soluble in hot thau cold water ; but common salt is very nearly as soluble in cold as in hot water. Whenever, therefore, the evaporation is carried by boiling to a certain point, much of the common salt will fall to the bottom, for want of water to hold it in solution, though the nitre will remain suspended by virtue of the heat. The common salt thus separated is taken out with a perforated ladle, and a small quantity of the fluid is cooled, from lime to time, that its concentration may be known by the nitre which crystallises in it. When the fluid is sufficiently evaporated, it is taken out and cooled, and great part of the nitre separates in crystals ; while the remaining common salt continues dissolved, because equally soluble in cold and in hot water. Subsequent evaporation of the residue will separate more nitre in the same manner. By the suggestion of Lavoisier, a much simpler plan was adopted ; reducing the crude nitre to powder, and washing it twice with water. This nitre, which is called nitre of the first boiling, contains some common salt, from which it may be purified by solution in a small quantity of water, and subsequent evaporation; for the crystals thus obtained are much less contaminated with common salt than before ; because tbe pro- portion of water is so much larger, with respect to the small quantity contained by the nitre, that very little of it will crystallise. For nice pur- poses, the solution and crystallisation of nitre are repeated four times. The crystals of nitre are usually of the form of six-sided flattened prisms, with dihedral summits. Its taste is penetrating; but the cold produced by placing the salt to dissolve iu the mouth, is such as to predominate over the real taste at first. Seven parts of water dissolve two of nitre, at the tempe- rature of sixty degrees ; but boiling water dis- solves its owu weight. 100 parts of alkohol, at a heat of 176°, dissolve only 2.9. On being exposed to a gentle heat, nitre fuses ; aud iu,this state, being poured into moulds, so as to form little round cakes, or balls, it is called sal prunella, or crystal mineral. This at least is the way in which this salt is now usuaUy pre- pared, conformably to the directions of Boer- haave, though in most dispensatories a twenty- fourth part of sulphur was directed to be defla- grated on the nitre before it was poured out. This salt should not be left on the fire after it has entered into fusion, otherwise it will be converted into a nitrate of potassa. If the beat be increased to redness, the acid itself is decomposed, and a considerable quantity of tolerably pure oxygen gas is evolved, succeeded by nitrogen. This salt powerfully promotes the combustion of inflammable substances. Two or three parts mixed with one of charcoal, and set on fire, burn rapidly ; azote and carbonic acid gas are given nut, and a small portion of the latter is retained by the alkaline residuum, which was formerly called clyttut of nitre. Three parts of nitre, t wo of subcarbonate of potassa, and one of sul- phur, mixed together in a warm mortar, form the fulminating powder; a small quantity of which, laid on a fire shovel, and held over the fire tUl it beiriiis to melt, explodes with a loud sharp noise. Mixed with sulphur and charcoal, it forms gunpowder. Three parts of nitre, one of sulphur, and one of fine saw-dust, well mixed, constitute what is called the powder of fusion. If a bit of base copper be folded up and covered with this powder in a walnut-shell, and the powder be set on fire with a lighted paper, it will detonate rapidly, and fuse the metal into a globule of sulphuret without burn- ing the shell. Silex, alumina, and barytes, decompose this salt in a high temperature, by uniting with its base. The alumina will effect this even after it has been made into pottery. The uses of nitre are various. Beside those already indicated, it enters into the composition of fluxes, and is extensively employed in metal- lurgy ; it serves to promote the combustion of sulphur in fabricating its acid; it is used in the art of dyeing; it is added to common salt for pre- serving meat, to which it gives a red hue ; it is an ingredient in some frigorific mixtures ; and it is prescribed iu medicine, as eooling, febrifuge, and diuretic; and some have recommended it mixed with vinegar as a very powerful remedy for the sea scurvy. Nitrate of soda, formerly called cubic or quadrangular nitre, approaches in its properties to*, the nitrate of potassa ; but differs from it in being somewhat more soluble in cold water, though less in hot, which takes up little more than its own weight; in being incUned to attract moisture from the atmosphere ; and in crystalli- sing in rhombs, or rhomboidal prisms. It may be prepared by saturating soda with the nitric acid; by precipitating nitric solutions of the me- tals, or of the earths, except barytes, by soda; by lixiviating and crystallising the residuum of common salt distilled with three-fourths its weight of nitric acid; or by saturating the mother waters of nitre with soda instead of po- tassa. Nitrate of ttrontian may be obtained in the same manner as that of barytes, with which it agrees in the shape of its crystals, and most of its properties. Nitrate of lime, the calcareous nitre of older writers, abounds in the mortar of old buildings, particularly those that have been much exposed to animal effluvia, or processes in which azote is set free. Hence it abounds in nitre beds, as was observed when treating of the nitrate of potassa. It may also be prepared artificially by pouring di- lute nitric acid on carbonate of lime. The nitrate of ammonia possesses the property of explod-ng. and being totally decomposed, at the temperature of 600° : whence it acquired the name of nitrum flammans. The readiest mode of preparing it is by adding carbonate of ammonia t.> dilute nitric acid till saturation takes place. If this solution be evaporated in a heat between 70° and 100°, and the evaporation not carried too far, it crystallises in hexahedral prisms, terminating in very acute pyramids. If the heat rise to 212°, it will afford, on cnoting, long fibrous silky crystals : if the evaporation be carried so far as for the salt to concrete imme- diately on a glass rod by cooling, it will form a compact mass. According to Sir II. Davy, these differ but little from each other, except in the water they contain. When dried as much as possible without de- composition, it consists of 6.75 acid + 2.125 am- monia -f- 1.125 water. The chief use of this salt is for affording ni- trous oxide on being decomposed by heat. Mi Nil titrate of magneda, magnedan nitre, crys- tallises in four-sided rhomboidal prisms, with ob- lique or truncated summits, and sometimes in bun- dles of small needles. Its taste is bitter, and very similar to that of nitrate of Ume, but less pungent. It is fusible, and decomposable by heat, giving out first a httle oxygen gas, then nitrous oxide, and lastly nitric acid. It deliquesces slowly. It is soluble in an equal weight of cold water, and in but little more hot, so that it is scarcely crystal- lisable but by spontaneous evaporation. ,. Tne *wo Pre9cding species are capable of com- bining into a triple salt, an ammoniaco-magnesian nitrate, either by uniting the two in solution, or by a partial decomposition of either by means of the base of the other. This is slightly inflam- mable when suddenly heated ; and by a lower heat is decomposed, giving out oxygen, azote, more water than it contained, nitrous oxide, and nitric acid. The residuum is pure magnesia. From the activity of the nitric acid as a sol- vent of earths in analysation, the nitrate of glu- cine is better known than any other of the salts. of this new earth. Its form is either pulverulent, or a tenacious or ductile mass. Its taste is at first saccharine, and afterwards astringent it grows soft by exposure to heat, soon melts, its acid is decomposed into oxygen and azote, and its base alone is left behind. It is very soluble and very deliquescent. Nitrate, or rather supemitrate of alumina, crystallises, though with difficulty, in thin, soft pliable flakes. It is of an austere and acid taste, and reddens blue vegetable colours. It may be formed by dissolving in diluted nitric acid, with the assistance of heat, fresh precipitated alumina, well washed but not dried. It is deliquescent, and soluble in a very small portion of water. Alkohol dissolves its own weight. It is easily decomposed by heat. Nitrate of zircone crystallises in small, capil- lary silky needles. Its taste is astringent. It is easily decomposed by fire, very soluble in water, and deUquescent. It may be prepared by dis- solving zircone in strong nitric acid; but, like the preceding species, the acid is always in excess. Nitrate of yttria may be prepared ic a similar manner. Its taste is sweetish and astringent. It is scarcely to be obtained in crystals ; and if it be evaporated by too strong a heat, the salt becomes soft like honey, and on cooling, concretes into a stony mass." Ure's Chem. Diet. NITRIC ACID, OXYGENISED. The ap- parent oxygenation of nitric acid by Thenard, ought to be regarded merely as the conversion of a portion of its combined water into deutoxide of hydrogen. Nitric oxide. See Nitrogen, deutoxide of. Nitric oxide of Mercury. See Hydrargyri nitrico-oxidum. Nitrico-oxidum hydrargyri. See Hydrar- gyri nitrico-oxydum. NITROGEN. (From vifpov, nitre, and ytwau, to generate: socalled because it is the generator of nitre.) Azot; Azote. "An important ele- mentary or undecomposed principle. As it con- stitutes four-fifths ofthe volume of atmospheric air, the readiest mode of procuring azote is to ab- stract its oxygenous associate, by the combustion of phosphorus or hydrogen. It may also be ob- tained from animal matters subjected in a glass re- tort to the action of nitric acid, diluted with 8 or 10 times its weight of water. Azote possesses all the physical properties of air. It extinguishes flame and animal life. It is absorbable by about 100 volumes of water Its spec, gravity is 0.9722. 100 cubic inches weigh 656 29.65 grains. It has neither taste nor smeU. It unites with oxygen in four proportions, forming four important compounds. These are, I. Protoxide of azote, called also nitrous oxide, protoxide of nitrogen, and gaseous oxide of azote. This combination of nitrogen and oxygen was formerly called thi dephlogisticated nitrous gas, but now gaseous oxide of nitrogen or nitrous ox- ide. It was first discovered by Priestley. Its na- ture and properties have since been investigated (though not very accurately) by a society of Dutch chemists. Sir Humphrey Davy has examined with uncom- mon accuracy the formation and properties of aU the substances concerned in its production. He has detected tbe sources of error in the experiments ol Priestley, and the Dutch chemists, and to him we are indebted for a thorough knowledge of this gas. We shall, therefore, exhibit the philosophy of this gaseous fluid, as we find it in his researches concerning the nitrous oxide. Properties.—It exists in the form of a perma- nent gas. A candle burns with a brilliant flame and crackling noise in it; before its extinction the white inner flame becomes surrounded with a blue one. Phosphorus introduced into it, in a state of actual inflammation, burns with increaseJ splen- dour, as in oxygen gas. Sulp;:ur introduced into it when burning with a feeble blue flame is in- stantly extinguished ; but when in a state of vivid inflammation, it burns with a rose-coloured flame. Itrnited charcoal burns in it more brilliantly than in atmospheric air. Iron .vire, with a small piece of wood affixed to it, when inflamed, and intro- duced into a vessel filled with this gas, bums vehe- mently, and throws out bright scintillating sparks. No combustible body, however, burns in it, unless it be previously brought to a state of vivid inflam- mation. Hence sulphur may be melted, and even sublimed in it, phosphorus may be liquefied in it without undergoing combustion. Nitrous oxide is pretty rapidly absorbed by water that has beenboUed ; a quintity of gas equal to rather more than half the bulk ofthe water may be thus made to disappear, the water acquires a sweetish taste, but its other properties do not differ percept- ibly from common water. The whole of the gas may be expelled again by heat. It does not change blue vegetable col urs. It has a distinctly sweet taste, and a faint but agreeable odour. It under- goes no diminution when mingled with oxygen or nitrous gas Most of the liquid inflammable bodies, such as ather, alkohol, volatile and fat oils, absorb it rapidly and injrreat quantity. Acids exert but little action on it. The affinity ofthe ncu- tro-saline solutions for gaseous oxide of nitrogen is very feeble. Green muriate and green sulphate of iron, whether holding nitrous gas in solution, or not, do not act upon it. None ofthe gases when mingled with it, suffer any perceptible change at common temperatures ; the muriatic and sulphu- rous acid gases excepted, which undergo a slight expansion. Alkalies freed from carbonic acid, exposed in the dry or solid form, have no action upon it ; they may, however, be made to com- bine with it in the nascent state, and then consti- tute saline compounds of a peculiar natiue. These combinations deflagrate when heated with charcoal, and are decomposed by acids; the gaseous oxide of nitrogen being disengaged. It undergoes no change whatever from the simple effect of light. The action of the electric spark, for a long while continued, converts it into a gas, analogous to atmospheric air and nitrous acid ; the same is the case when it is made to pass through in ignited earthen tube. It explodes with hydros-en in a variety of proportions, at very high NIT NIT •imperatures : for instance, when electric sparks are made to pass through the mixture. Sulphu- retted, heavy, and light carburetted hydrogen gases, and gaseous oxide of cuibon, likewise burn with it when a strong red h. at is applied. 100 parts by wight of nitrous oxide, contain 36.7 of oxygen and 6:1.3 of nitrogen 100 cubic inches weigh 50 grains sit 55° temperature and 10 inches atm ispheric pressure. Animals, when wholly confined in gase. n- oxide of nitrogen, give no signs of uneasimss for some moments, but they soon become restless and then die. When gase- eus oxide of nitrogen is mingled with atmospheric air, and then received into the lungs, it generates highly pleasurable sensations; tbe effects it pro- duces on the animal system are eminently distin- guished from every other chemical agent. It ex- cites every fibre to action, and rouses the faculties of tin mind, inducing a state of great exhilaration, an iTesoitiblejiripensity to laughter, a rapid flow ef vivid ideas, and unusual vigour, and. fitness for naus ular exertions, in some respects resembling those attendant on the pleasantest period of intox- ication, without any bubst-queiif languor, depres- sion of the nervous ener.y, or disagr. cable feel- ings but more generally followed by vigour, and a pie <-unable disposition to exertion, which gra- duallyisubsules. Sir i, Davy first showed, that by breathing a fcw quarts of it, contain-d in a silk bus. lor two or three minutes, effects analogous to tlio>e occa- sioned by di inking fermented liquors were pro- duced. Individuals, who differ in tempi rament, are, however, as we might expect, differently af- fected. Sir H Davy describes the <-ff ct it had upon him as follows :—' Having prev.o sly el".. I my nostrils, and ' xh -.iisti-d my lungs, 1 bre hid f.ur quarts of nitrous oxide from :md into a sili» hag. Tin first feelings were similar to those produced in the last experiment, (giddiness ,) but in less that: hall a minute, the respiration being continu- ed, they diminished gradually,and were succeeded by a -ensation analogous to gentle pressure ■ n all the muscles, attended by an highly pleasurable thrilling, particularly in the chest and the extre- mities. The objects around me becaiae dazzling, and my bearing more acute. Towards the last inspiration the thrilling increased, the sense of muscular power ecaine greater, and at last an irresistible propensity to action was indulged in. I recollect but indistinctly what followed : 1 know that my motions were various : ni violent 'These effects very S"i>n et ased after respira- tion. In ten minutes I hail recovered my natural sta'e'of mind. The thrilling ,n the extremities continued longer than the othi r sensations. 'The gas baj> been breathed by a very great number of persons, and almost every one has ob- served tbe same things. On some few, indeed, it has no effect whatever, and on others the effects are always pa nful. 'Mr. J. W. Tobin, (after the first imperfect trials,) when the air was pure, experienced some- times sublime emotions nith r.iinjuil gestures, sometimes violent muscular arte u. with sensa- tions indescribab'v exquisite . no subsequent de- bility—no exhaustion —his trials have been very numerous. Of late he has only u It sedate pleasure. In Sir H. Davy the effect is not diminished. ' Mr. James Thomson. Involuntary laughter, thrilling iu his toes and fingers, exquisite sensa- tions of pleasure. A pain in the back and knees, occasioned by fatigue the day before, recurred a few minutes afterwards. A similar observation, re think, we hare made on others ; and we im- pute it to the undoubted power of the gas to in- crease the sensibility of nervous power, beyond any other agent, and probably in a peculiar manner. ' Mr. Thomas Pople At first unpleasant feel- ings of tension : afterwards agreeable luxurious languor, with suspension of muscular power; lastly, powers increased both of body and mind. / « Mr. Stephen Hammick, surgeon ofthe Royal Hospital, Plymouth. In a small dose, yawning and languor. It should be observed that the first sensation has often been disagreeable, as giddiness; and a few persons, previously apprehensive, have left off inhalinir as soon as they felt this. Two larger doses produced a glow, unrestrainable ten- dency to" muscular action, high spirits and more vivid ideas. A bag of common air was first given to Mr. Hammick, and he observed that it pro- duced no effect. The same precaution against the delusions of imagination was of course fre- quently taken. ' Mr. Robert Southey could not distinguish be- tween the first effects and an apprehension of which he was unable to divest himself. His first definite sensations were, a fulness and dizziness in the head, such as to induce a fear of falling. This was succeeded by a laugh which was invo- luntary, but highly pleasurable, accompanied with a peculiar thrilling in the extremities ; a sensa- tion perfectly new and delightful. For many hours after this experiment, he imagined that his taste and smell were more acute, and is certain that he lilt unusually strong and cheerful. In a second experiment, he lelt pleasure still superior, and has once poetically remarked, that he sup- poses the itmo«phere of the highest of aU possi- ble heavens to be composed of this gas. ' Robert Kinirlake, M. D. Additional freedom and power ol r< spiration, succeeded by an almost delirious, but hijrhly pleasurable sensation in the head, which became universal with increased tone of the muscles. At last, an intoxicating placidity absorbed for five minutes all voluntary power, and left a cheerfulness and alacrity for several hours. A second stronger dose produced a perfect trance for about a minute ; then a glow pervaded the system. The permanent effects were an invigorated feeling of vital power, and improved spirits. By both trials, particularly by the former, old rheumatic feelings seemed to be revived for the moment. ' Mr. Wed^ewood breathed atmospheric air first, without knowing it was so. He declared it to have no effect, which confirmed him in his dis- belief of the power of the gas. After breathing this some time, however, he threw the bag from him, kept breathing on laboriously with au open mouth, holding his nose with his left hand, with- out power to take it away, though aware of the ludicrousness of his situation : all his muscles seemed to be thrown into vibrating motions; he had a violent inclination to make antie gestures, seemed I gliter than the atmosphere, and as if about to mount. Before the experiment, he was a good deal fatigued after a long ride, of which he permanently lost all sense. In a second ex- periment, nearlv the same effect, but with less pleasure. In a third, much greater pleasure.' Such are the properties" that characterise the nitrous oxide. The Dutch chemists and some French and Ger- man philosophers assert that it cannot be respired; that burning phosphorus, sulphur, and charcoal, are extinguished in it, &c. It is probable they did not examine it in a state of purity, for it is otherwise difficult to account for these and man * other erroneous opinion". t NIT NJT Method of obtaining the protoxide of nitro- gen .—Gaseous oxide of nitrogen is produced, when substances, having a strong affinity with ox- ygen, are brought into contact with nitric acid, or with nitrous gas. It may therefore be obtained by various processes, in which nitrous gas or ni- tric acid is decomposed by substances capable of attracting the greater part of their oxygen. The most commodious and expeditious, as well as the cheapest mode of obtaining it, is by decomposing nitrate of ammonia at a certain temperature in the foUowing manner:— 1. Introduce into a glass retort some pure ni- trate of ammonia, and apply the heat of an Ar- gand's lamp ; the salt will soon liquefy, and, when it begins to boil, gas wiU be evolved. Increase the heat gradually till the body and neck of tbe retor. become filled with a semi-transparent milky white vapour. In this state the temperature of the fused nitrate is between 340° and 480°. After the decomposition has proceeded for a few mi- nutes, so that the gas evolved quickly enlarges the flame of a taper held near the orifice of the retort, it may be collected over water, care being taken during the 'whole process, never to suffer the temperature ofthe fused nitrate to rise above 500° Fahr. which may easily be judged of, from the density of the vapours in the retort, and Irom the quiet ebullition of the fused nitrate ; for if the heat be increased beyond this point, the vapours in the retort acquire a reddish and more transpa- rent appearance ; and she fused nitrate begins tu rise and occupy twice the bulk it did before. The nitrous oxide, after its generation, is allowed to stand over water, for at least six hours, and is then fit for respiration or other experiments. Explanation.—Nitrate of ammonia consists of nitric acid and ammonia : nitric acid is c< mposed of nitrous gas and oxygen . and ammonia consists of hydrogen and nitrogen: At a temperature of about 480° the attractions of hydrogen for nitro- gen in ammonia, and that of nitrous gas for oxy- gen in nitric acid, are diminished . while, on the contrary, the attractions of the hydrogen of am- monia for the oxygtn of the nitric acid, and that of the nitrogen of the ammonia for the nitrous gas of the nitric acid, are increased; hence aU the former affinities are broken, and new ones produced, namely, the hydrogen of the ammonia attracts the o.xygen of the nitric acid, the result of which is water; the nitrogen of the anion nia combines with Ihe liberated nitrous gas, and forms nitrous oxide. The water and nitrons ox- ide produced, probably exist in binary combina- tion in the aeriform state, at the temperature of the decomposition. Such is the philosophy of the production of protoxide of nitrogen, by decomposing nitrate of ammonia at that temperature given by Davy. To illustrate this compUcated play of affinity more fully, the foUowing sketch may not be deemed superfluous. A Diagram exhibiting the production of Gaseous Oxide of Nitrogen, by decomposing Nitrate of Ammonia, at 480° Fahr. 25 B IU to >■» M ■ O Nitric Acid -I o c (S O p Water. Protoxide of Nitrogen. NITRATE OF AMMONIA. e V bO o 1* *a 2 Ammonia. ' U ' Sir Humphrey Davy has likewise pointed out, that, when the heat employed for decomposing nitrate of ammonia is raised above the before- stated temperature, another play ef affinities takes place, the attractions of nitrogen and hydrogen for each other and of oxygen for nitrous gas are still more diminished, whilst that of nitrogen for nitrous gas is totally destroyed, and that of hy- drogen Tor oxygen increased to a greater extent. A new attraction likewise takes place, namely, that of nitrous gas for nitric acid to form nitrous add vapour, and a new arrangement of prin- ciples is rapidly produced : the nitrogen of the ammonia having no affinity for any of the single principles at this temperature, enters into no bi- nary compound; the oxygen of the nitric acid 658 forms water with the hydrogen, and the nitrous gas combines with the nitnc acid to form nitrous add vapour. All these substances most probably exist in combination, at the temperature of their produc- tion ; and at a lower temperature assume the form- of nitrous acid, nitrous gas, nitrogen, and water; and hence we see the necessity of not heating the nitrate of ammonia above the before- stated temperature. On account of the rapid absorption of gaseous oxide of nitrogen by water, it is economical to preserve the fluid which has been used to confine this gas, and to make use of it for coUecting other quantities of it. In order to hasten its production, the nitrate of ammoma may be previously freed -Mi Ml from its water of crystaUisation by gently fusing it in i "lass or Wedgwood's bason for a lew min- utes, and then keeping it for use in a well stop- ped bottle. 2. Nitrous oxide may likewise be obtained by exposing common nitrous gas to alkaline sul- phites, particularly to sulph te of potassa contain- ing its full quantity of water of crystalUsation. The nitrous oxiii.-: produced from nitrous gas by sulphite of potassa haa all the properties of that generated from the decomposition of nitrate of ammonia. The conversion of nitrous gas into nitrous ox- ide, by these bodies, depends on tbe abstraction of a portion of its oxygen by the greater affinity of the sulphite presented to it. The nitrogen aud remaining oxygen assume a more c ndensed state of existence, and constitute nitrous oxide. 3. Vitrous o-:ide may also be obtained by min- gUng together nitrous gnsand sulphuretted hydro- gen gas. The volume of gases in this case is di- minished, sulphur deposited, ammonia., water, and nitrous oxide are formed. The change of principles which takes place in this experiment depends upon the combination of tbe hydrogen of the sulphuretted hydrogen gas, with different portions ofthe oxygen and nitrogen nf the nitrous gas, to form water and ammonia, while it deposites sulphur. The remaining oxygen and nitrogen being left in due proportion consti- tute nitrous oxide. Remark.—This singular exertion of attraction by a simple body appears highly improbable a priori ; but the formation of ammonia, and the non-oxygenation of tbe sulphur, elucidate the fact. In performing this experiment, care should be taken that the gases should be rendered as dry as possible ; for the presence of water considera- bly retards the decomposition. 4. Nitrous oxide may also be produced by pre- senting alkaline sulphurets to nitrous gas. Davy observed that a solution of sulphuret of strontian, or barytes, answers this purpose best. This decomposition of nitrous gas is not solely produced by the abstraction of oxygen from the nitrous gas, to form sulphuric acid. It depends equally on the decomposition of the sulphuretted hydrogen dissolved in the solution or liberated from it. In thisprocess, sulphur is deposited and sulphuric acid formed. - 5. Nitrous oxide is obtained in many circum- stances similar to those in which nitrous gas is produced. Dr. Priestley found that nitrous oxide was evolved, together with nitrous gas, during the solution of iron, tin, and zinc in nitric acid. It is difficult to ascertain the exact rationale of these processes, for very complicated agencies of affinities take place. Either the nascent hydro- gen arising from the decomposition of the water by the metallic substance may combine with por- tions of the oxygen and nitrogen of the nitrous gas ; and thus by forming water and ammonia, convert it into nitrous oxide ; or the metallic sub- stance may attract at the same time oxygen from the water and nitrous gas, whilst the nascent hy- drogen of the water seizes upon a portion ofthe nitrogen of the nitrous gas, to form ammonia. The analogy between this process and the decom- position of nitrons gas by sulphuretted hydrogen, renders the first opinion most probable. Such are the principal methods of obtaining nitrous oxide. There are no reasons, Davy thinks, for supposing that nitrous oxide is formed in any nf the processes of nature, and the nice equilibrium of affinity by which it is constituted forbids us to hope for thepowerof composing it from ifs simple principles. We must be content to produce i-" artificially. II. Deutoxide of azote, termed likewise nitron? gas, or nitric oxide. The name of nitrous gas is given to an aeri- form fluid, consisting of a certain quantity of ni- trogen and oxygen, combined with caloric. It is an elastic, colourless fluid, having no sensible taste ; it is neither acid nor alkaUne ; it is exceed- ingly hurtful to animals, producing instant suffo- cation whenever they attempt to breathe it. The greater number of combustible bodies refuse to burn in it. It is nevertheless capable of support- ing the combustion of some of these bodies. Phosphorus bums in nitrous gas when introduced into it in a state of inflammation; pyrophorus takes fire in it spontaneously. It is not decomposable by water, though 100 cubic inches of this fluid, when freed from air, absorb about five cubie inches of the gas. This- solution is void of taste ; it does not redden blue vegetable colours ; the gas is expelled again when the water is made to boil or suffered to freeze. Nitrous gas has no action on nitrogen gas even when assisted by heat. It is decomposed by se- veral metals at high temperatures. Its specific gravity, when perfectly pure, k to that of atmospheric air as about 1.04 to 1. Ardent spirits, saccharine matters, hydro-car- bonates, sulphurous acid, and phosphorus, have no action on it at the common temperature. It is not sensibly ehanged by the action of light. Heat dilates it. It rapidly combines with oxygen gas at common temperatures, and converts it into ni- trous acid. Atmospheric air produces the same effect, but with less intensity. It is absorbable by freen sulphatr muriate and nitrate of iron, and ecomposable by alkaline, terrene, aud metallic sulphurets, and other bodies, that have a strong affinity for oxygen ; but it is not capable of com- bining with them chemically, so as to form saline compounds. From the greatest number of bodies which absorb it, it may be again expeUed by the application of heat. It commnnicates to flame a greenish colour be- fore extinguishing it; when mixed with hydrogen gas this acquires the property of burning with a green flame. It is absorbable by nitric acid and renders it fuming. When exposed to the action of caloric in an ignited porcelain tube, it experiences no altera- tion, bnt when electric sparks are made to pass through it, it is decomposed and converted into nitrous acid, and nitrogen gas. Phosphorus does not shine in it. It is composed of about eight parts of oxygen, and seven of nitrogen. Methods of obtaining deutoxide of nitrogen —1. Put into a small proof, or retort, some cop- per wire or pieces of the same metal, and pour on it nitric acid of commerce diluted with water, an effervescence lakes place, and nitrous gas will be produced. After having suffered tbe first portions to escape on account ot the atmospheric air con- tained in the retort, collect the gas in the water- apparatus as usual. In order to obtain the gas in a pure state, it must then be shook for some time in contact with water. The water in this instance suffers no alteration ; on the contrary, tbe *rid undergoes a partial decomposition ; the metal robs some of the nitric acid of the greatest part of its oxygen and becomes oxidised ; tbe acid hav- ing lost so much of its oxygen, becomes thereby so altered, that at the usual temperature it ean ex ist no longer in the liquid state, but instantly ex- pands and assumes the form of gas : ceasing at the same time to act as an acid, and exhibiting; NTJC NIT Uitferent properties: but the acid remaining undecomposed combines with the oxide of copper, and forms nitrate of copper. Instead of presenting copper to nitric acid, iron, zinc, mercury, or silver, may be made use of. The metals best suited for the production of ni- trous gas are.sUver, mercury, and copper. 2. Deutoxide of nitrogen may likewise be ob- tained by synthesis This method olobtaining it we owe to Dr. Milner of Cambridge. Into the middle of an earthen tube about 20 inches long and three-fourths oi an inch wide, open at both ends, put as much coarsely-po der- ed manganese as is sufficient nearly U> filLit Let thii. tube traverse a furnace having two openings opposite to each other. To one end of the tube lute a retort containing water strongly impreg- nated with ammonia, and to the other adapt a bent glass tube which passes into the pneumatic trough. Let a fire be kindled in the furnace, and when the manganese may be supposed to be red hot, apply a gentle heat to the retort and drive over it the vapour of the ammonia ; the conse- quence will be that nitrous gas will be delivered at the farther end of the tube, while the ammonia enters the other end; and this effect does not take place without the presence ofthe alkali. Explanation.—Ammonia consists of hydrogen and nitrogen; its hydrogen combines with the oxygen which is given out by the ignited manga- nese, aud forms water ; its nitrogen unites at the same time to another portion ot the oxygen, and constitutes the nitrous gas. There is a cause of deception in this experi- ment, against which the operator ought to be on his guard, lest he should conclude no nitrous gas is formed, when, in reality, there is a considera ble quantity. The ammonia, notwithstanding every precaution, will frequently pass over unde- composed. If the receiver in the pneumatic trough is filled with water, great part of this will indeed be presently absorbed ; but still some por- tion of it wiU mix with the nitrous gas formed in the process. Upon admitting the atmospheric air, the nitrous gas wiU become decomposed, and the red nitrous fumes instantly unite with the alkali. The receiver is presently filled with white clouds of nitrate of ammonia; and in this manner a wrong conclusion may easily be drawn from the want of the orange colour of the nitrous fumes. A considerable quantity of nitrous gas may have been formed, and yet no orange colour appear, owing to this circumstance ; and therefore it is easy to understand how a small quantity of nitrous gas may be most effectually disguised by the same cause. Dr. Milner also obtained nitrous gas by passing ammoniacal gas over sulphate of iron deprived of its water of crystallisation. III. Nitrous acid. See Nitric acid. IV. Nitric acid. See Nitrous acid. Azote combines with chlorine and iodine, to form two very-formidable compounds:— 1. The chloride of azote was discovered about the beginning of 1812, by Dulong ; but its nature was first investigated and ascertained by Sir H. Davy. Put into an evaporating porcelain basin a solu- tion of one part of nitrate or muriate of ammonia in 10 of water, heated to about 100°, and invert into it a wide-mouthed bottle filled with chlorine. As the liquid ascends by the condensation of the gas, oily-looking drops are seen floating on its surface, which collect together, and fall to the bottom in large globules. This is chloride of azote. By puttin? a thin stratum of common salt into the bottom of the basin, we prevent the de- composition of the chloride ol azote, b\ thi am- moniacal salt. It should be formed only in very small quantities The chloride of azote thus ob- tained, is an oily-looking liquid, of a yellow co- lour, and a very pungent intolerable odour, simi- lar to that of chlorocarbonous acid. Its sp. gr. is 1.653. When tepid water is poured into a glass containing it, it expands into a volume of elastic fluid, of an orangt colour, which dimi- nishes as it passes through the water. ' I attempted,' says Sir H. Davy, ' to collect the products of the explosion of the in w sub- stance, by applying the heat of a spirit-lamp to a globule ol it, confined in ■< curved glass tube over water: a little gas was at first extricated , bnt long before the water had attained the ti mpi-ra- ture of ebullition, a violent flash of light was per- ceived, with a sharp report; the tube and glass were biokeninto small f'ra:rmeni.N and I received a severe wound in the ranspaient cornea of the eye, whu-h has produced a considerable inflam- mation of the eye, and obliges me to make this communication by an amanuensis. This expe- riment proves what extreme caution is necessary in operating on this substance, for the quantity I used was scarcely as large as a grain of mustard- seed '—It evaporates pretty rapidly in the air; and in vacuo it expands into a vapour, which still possesses the. power of exploding by heat. When it is cooled artificially in water, or the ammoniacal solution, to 40° I- , the surrounding fluid congeals; but when alone,.it may be sur- rounded with a mixture of ice and muriate of lime, without freezing It gradually disappears in water, producing azote; while the water becomes acid, acquiring the taste and smell of a weak solution of nitro- muriatic acid. With muriatic and nitric acids, it yields azote; and with dilute sulphuric acid, a mixture of azote and oxygen. In strong solutions of ammonia it detonates ; with weak ones, it affords azote. When it was exposed to pure mercury, out of the contact of water, a white powder (calomel) and azote were the results. ' The action of mer- cury on the compound,' says Sir H. ' appeared to offer a more correct and less dangerous mode of attempting its analysis; but on introducing two grains under a glass tube filled with mercury, and inverted, a violent detonation occurred, by which I was slightly wounded in the head and hands, and shoulo have been severely wounded, had not my eyes and free been defended by a plate of glass attached to a proper cap ; a pre- caution very necessary in all investigations of this body.' In using smaller quantities, and re- cently distilled mercury, he obtained tbe results of the experiments without any violence of ac- tion. A small globule of it thrown into a glass of olive oil, produced a most violent explosion - and the glass, though strong, was broken into frag- ments. Similar effects were produced by its ac- tion on oil of turpentine and naphtha. When it was thrown into aether or alkohol there was a very slight action. When a particle of it was touched under water by a particle of phosphr rus, a brilliant light was perceived under the water, and permanent gas was disengaged, having the characters of azrtte. VVhen quantities larger than a grain of mustard- seed were used for the contact with phosphorus, the explosion was always so violent as to break the vessel in which the experiment was made. On tinfoil anil zinc it exerted no action ; nor o\- xrr mt sulphur and resin. But it detonated most vio- lently when thrown into a solution of phosphorus in aether or alkohol. The mechanical force of this compound in de- tonation, seems superior to that of any other known, not even excepting tbe ammoniacal ful- minating silver. The velocity of. its action ap- pears to be likewise greater. 2. Iodide of azote. Azote does not combine directly with iodine. We obtain the combina- tion only by means of ammonia. It was disco- vered by Courtois, and carefully examined by Colin. When ammoniacal gas is passed over iodine, a viscid shining liquid is immediately form- ed of a brownish black colour, which, in propor- tion as it is saturated with ammonia, loses its lus- tre and viscosity. No gas is disengaged dur'ng the formation of this liquid, which may be c alien iodide of ammonia. It is not fulminating. When dissolved in water, a part of the ammonia is de- composed ; its hydrogen forms hydriodic acid ; and its azote combines with a portion of the iodine, and forms the fulminating powder. We may obtain the iodide of azote directly, by put- ting pulverulent iodine into common water of ammonia. This indeed is the best way of pre- paring it; for the water is not decomposed, and seems to concur in the production of this iodide, only by determining the formation of hydriodate of ammonia. The iodide of azote is pulverulent, and of a brownish-black colour. It detonates from the smallest shock, and from heat, with a feeble vio- let vapour. VVhen properly prepared, it often detonates spontaneously. Hence, after the black powder is formed, and the liquid ammonia de- Canted off, we must leave the capsule containing it in perfect repose. When this iodide is put into potassa water, azote is disengaged, and the same products are obtained as when iodine is dissolved in that alka- line lixivium. The hydriodate of ammonia, whicb has tfie property of dissolving a great deal of iodine, gradually decomposes the fulminating powder, while azote is set at liberty. Water it- self has this property, though in a much lower degree. As the elements of iodide of azote are so feebly united, it ought to be prepared with great precautions, and should not be preserved. In the act of transferring a little of it from a pla- tina capsule to a piece of paper, the whole ex- ploded in my lands, though the friction of the particles on each other was inappreciably small The strongest arguments for the compound na- ture of azote are derived from its slight tendency to combination, and from its being found abun- dantly in the organs of animals which feed on substances that do not contain it. Its uses in the economy of the globe are little understood. This is likewise favourable to the idea that the real chemical nature is as yet un- known, and leads to the hope of its being decom- posable. It would appear that the atmospheric azote and oxygen spontaneously combine iu other pro- portions, under certain circumstances, in natural operations. Thus we find, that mild calcareous or alkaline matter favours the foi mation of nitric acid, in certain regions ot the earth; and that they are essential to its production in our artificial arrangements, and forming nitre from decompo- sing animal and vegetable substances." Nitrogen, protoxide of. See Nitrogen. Nitrogew, dkutoxide of. See Nitrogen. NITROLEUCIC ACID. (Acidum nitro- leudcum • so called from its being obtained by the action of nitric acid on leucine.) Leucine is capable of uniting to nitric acid, and forming .1 com, und, which Braconnot has called the «itroa leucic acid. VVhen we dissolve leucine in n'.tric acid, and evaporate tbe solution to a certain point, it passes into a crystalline mass, without any disengagement ot nitrous vapour, or of anj gaseous matter: if we press this mass between blotting paper, and redissolve it in water, wt shall obtain from this bv concentration, fine, diver- gent, and nearly colourless needles. These con- stitute the new acid. It unites to the bases, lorm- ing salts which fuse on red-hot coals, '1 he mtro- leucutes of lime and magnesia are unalterable in the air. NITRO-MURIATIC ACID. Aqua regia. Whin nitric and mur' tic acids an mixid. ther become yellow, and acqnir- liie power of readily dissolving gold, which neither of the acids pos- sessed separately. This mixture evolves chlo- rine, a partial decomposition of both acids having taken place, and water, chlorine, and nitrous acid gas are thus produced, that is, the hydrogen of the muriatic acid abstracts oxygen from the nitric to form water. The result must be chlo- rine and nitrous acid.—Brande. NITRO-SACCHARIC ACID. Acidum ni- tro-saccharicum. JSitro-saccharine acid. When we heat the sugar of gelatine with nitric acid, they dissolve without any apparent disengage- ment of gas ; and if we evaporate this solution to a proper degree, it forms, on cooling, a crystal- line mass. On pressing this mass between the folds of blotting paper, and recrystallisirg them, we obtain beautiful prisms, colourless, transpa- rent, and slightly striated These crystals are very different from these which serve to produce them, and constitute, according to Braconnot, a true acid, which results from the combination of the nitric acid itself, with the sweet matter of which the first crystals are formed. Thenard conceives it is the nitrous acid which is pre- sent. Nitro-saccharic acid has a taste similar to that ofthe tartaric ; only it is a little sweetish. Ex- posed to the fire iu a capsule, it froths much, and is decomposed with the diffusion of a pungent smell. Thrown on burning coals it acts like salt- petre. It produces no change in saline solutions. Finally, it combines with the bases, and gives birth to s.dts which possess peculiar properties. For example, the salt which it forms with lime is not deliquescent, and is very little soluble in strong alkuhol. That which it produces with the oxide of lead detonates to a certain degree by the action of neat. Ann. de Chimie et de Phys. xiii. 1 3 NITK -SULPHURIC ACID. A compound consisting of one part nitre dissolved in about ten of sulphuric acid. NITROUS. Nilrosus. Of or belonging to nitre. Nitrous acid. Addum nitrosum. Fuming nitrous acid. It appears to form "a distinct genus of salts that may be termed nitrites. But these cannot be made by a direct union of their compo- nent parts, being obtainable only by exp> s.'ng a nitrate to a high temperature, which expels a portion of its ■" vg'ii in the state oi gas. and leaves the remainder in the state of a nitrite, if the heat be not urged so far, or continued so fomr, as to effect a complete decomposition ofthe salt. In this way the nitrites of potassa and soda may be obtained, and perhaps those of barytes, stron- tian, lime, and magnesia. The nitrites are par- ticularly characterised, by being decomposable by .11 the acids except the carbonic, even by the nitric acid itself, all of which expel them from ^ . NuS nitrous acid. We are little acquainted with any one except that of potassa, which attracts mois- ture from the air, changes blue vegetable colours to green, is somewhat acrid to the taste, and vhen powdered emits a smell of nitric oxide. The acid itself is best obtained by eVposins nitrate of lead to heat in a gla*s retort, lure nitrous acid comes over in the form of an orange- coloured Uquid. It is so volatile as to boil at the temperature of 82°. Its specific gravity is 1.450. When mixed with water it is decomposed, and nitrous gas is disengaged, occasioning efferves- cence. It is composed of one volume of oxygen untied with two of nitrous gas. It therefore ronsists ultimately, by weight, of 1.^5 nitrogen -/• 4 oxygen ; by measure, of 2 oxygen 4- 1 ni- trogen. The various coloured acids oi nitre are not nitrous acids, but nitric acid impregnated with nitrous gas, the deutoxide of nitrogen or azote. Nitrous oxide. See Nitrogen. NI'TRUM. This name was anciently given to natron, but in modern times to nitre. See Nitre. Nitrum purificatum. See Nitre. Nitrum vitriolatum. Sulphuric acid and soda. See Soda sulphas. NO'BILIS. (Quasi noscibilis; from noseo, to know.) Noble. Some parts of animals, and of plants, are so named by way of eminence ; as a valve of the heart, and the more perfect metals, as gold and silver. NOCTAMBULA'TION. (Noclambulatio; from nox, night, and ambulo, to walk.) Noc- tisurgium. Walking in the night, when asleep. See Oneirodynia aciica. Noctisu'rgium. See Nodambulation. Nocturnal emission. See Gonorrhaa dor- mientium. Nodding cnicus. See Cnicus cernuus NODE. Nodus. A hard circumseribed tu- mour, proceeding from a bone, and caused by a swelling of the periosteum ; they appear on every part of the body, but are more common on such as are thinly covered with muscles, as the os frontis, fore-part of the tibia, radius and ulna. As they increase in size, they become more painful from the distension they occasion in the periosteum. When they continue long, the bone becomes completely carious. NODOSUS. Knotty: nodose. Applied to the torm of the seed-vessel of the CucurOiU melopepo. NODUS. (From anad, to tie, Hebrew.) A node or swelling upon a bone. See Node. No'li me tangere. A species of herpes af- fecting the skin and cartilages of the nose, very difficult to cure, because it is exasperated by most applications. The disease generally com- mences with small, superficial spreading ulcera- tions on the alse of the nose, which become more or less concealed beneath furfuraceous scabs. The whole nose is frequently destroyed by the progressive ravages of this peculiar disorder, which sometimes cannot be stopped or retarded by any treatment, external or internal. NO'MA. (From vtpu, to eat.) An ulcer that sometimes atta<-l:s the cheek or vulva of voting vris. It appears in the form of red and some- what livid spots ; is not attended with pyrexia, pain, or tumour, and in a few days becomes gangrenous. NON-NATURAL. Res non-naturalet. Under this term, ancient physicians comprehend air, meat and drink, sleep and watching, motion and rest, the retentions and excretions, and the affections of the mind; or, in other words, those principal matters which do not enter into the composition of the body, but at the same time are necessary to its existence. NO'NUS. (Quasi novenus ; from novem, nine.) The ninth. Sometimes applied to the coracoid muscle of the shoulder. No'pal. Nopalnochetzth. The plant that feeds the cochineal insect. Norla'ndicjE bacc.e. See Rubus arc- ticui. NOSE. Nasus. See Nares. Nose, bleeding of. See Epistaxis. NOSOCO'MIUM. (From vooos, a disease, and Koptto, to take care of.) Nosodochium. An hospital or infirmary for tbe sick. Nosodo'chium. See Nosocomium. NOSOLOGY. (Nosologia; from vooos, '•> disease, and Xoyos, a discourse.) The doctrine of the names of diseases. Modern physicians un- derstand by nosology the arrangement of diseases in classes, orders, genera, species, &c. Tbe fol- lowing are the approved arrangements of the several nosologists. That of Dr. Cullen is gene- rally adopted in this country, and next to it the arrangement of Sauvages. Synoptical View of the Classes, Orders, and Genera, according to the Ccllenian System. Order I. FEBRES. § 1. Intermittentes. 1. Tertiana 2. Quartana • 3. Quotidiana. § 2. Continua. 4. Synocha 5. Typhus 6. Synochus. Order II. PHLEGMASIA. 7. Phlogosis 8. Ophthalmia 9. Phrenitis 10. Cynanche 11. Pneumonia 12. Carditis am CLASS I.—PYREXIA. 13. Peritonitis 14. Gastritis 15. Enteritis 16. Hepatitis 17. Splenitis 18. Nephritis 19. Cystitis 20. Hystcritis 21. Rheumatismus 22. Odontalgia 23. Podagra 24. Arthropuosis. Order III. EXANTHEMATA. 25. Variola 26. Varicella 27. Rubeola 28. Scarlatina 29. Pestis 30. Erysipelas 31. Miliaria 32. Urticaria 33. Pemphigus 34. Aphtha. Order IV. HiEMORRHAGLT. 35. Epistaxis 36. Haemoptysis 37. Hapmorrhois 38. Menorrhagia. Order V. PROFLUVI \ 39. Catarrhus 40. Dvscr.trria. NOSOLOGY. Order I. COMATA. 41. Apoplexia 43. Paralysis. Order II. ADYNAMIA. 43. Syncope 44. Dyspepsia 45. Hypochondriasis 46. Chlorosis. Order I. MARCORES. 67. Tabes 68. Atrophia. Order II. INTUMESCENTIA. § 1. Adipota. 69. Polysarcia. § 2. Flatuosa. 70. Pneumatosis 71. Tympanites Order I. DYSESTHESIA. 90. Caligo 91. Amaurosis 92. Dysopia 93. Pseudoblepsis 94. Dysecoea 96. Paracusis 96. Anosmia 97. Agheustia 98. Anaesthesia Order II. DYSOREXIA. § 1. Appetitut erronri. 99- Bulimia 100. Polydipsia 101. Pica 102. Satyriasis 103. Nymphomania 104. Nostalgia. § 2. Appetitut defidentes. 105. Anorexia 106. Adipsia 107. Anaphrodisia. Order III. DYSCINESIA. 108. Aphonia CLASS II.—NEUROSES. Order III. SPASMI. 47. Tetanus 48. Convulsio 49. Chorea 50. Raphania 51. Epilepsia 52. Palpitatio 53. Asthma 54. Dyspnoea 55. Pertussis 56. Pyrosis CLASS III.—CACHEXIA. 72. Physometra. § 3. Aquosa. 73. Anasarca 74. Hydrocephalus 75. Hydrorachitis 76. Hydrothorax 77. Ascites 78. Hydrometra 79. Hydrocele. § 4. Solida. 80. Physconia CLASS IV__LOCALES. 109. Mutitas 110. Parapl.onia Ul. Psellismus 112. Strabismus 113. Dysphagia 114. Contractura. Order IV. APOCENOSES. 115. Profusio 116. Ephidrosis 117. Epiphora 118. Ptyalismus 119. Enuresis 120. Gonorrhoea. Order V. EPISCHESES. 121. Obstipatio 122. Ischuria 123. Dysuria 124. Dyspermatismus 125. Amenorrhoea. Order VI. TUMORES. 126. Aneurisma 127. Varix 128. Ecchymoma 129 Scirrhus 57. Colica 58. Cholera 59. Diarrhoea 60. Diabetes 61. Hysteria 62. Hydrophobia. Order IV. VESANIA. 63. Amentia 64. Melancholia 65. Mania 66. Oneirodynia. 81. Rachitis. Order III. IMPETIGINES. 82. Scrophula B3. Syphilis 84. Scorbutus 85. Elephantiasis 86 Lepra 87. Fr.nnbcesia 88. Trichoma 69. Icterus. 130. Cancer 131. Bubo 132. Sarcoma 133. Verruca 134. Clavus 135. Lupia 136. Ganglion 137. Hydatis 138. Hydarthrus 139. Exostosis. Order VII. ECTOPIA. 140. Hernia 141. Prolapsus 142. Luxatio. Order VHL DYALiSES. 143. Villous 144 Ulcus 145 Herpes 14b. 'inea 147. Psora 148. Fractura 149. Caries. Synoptical View of the System of Sauvages. Order I. MACULA. Genu 1. Leucoma. 2. Vitiligo 3. Epbetis 4. Gutta rosea .. 5. Nawus 6. Ecchymoma. Order II. EFFLORESCENTIA. 7. Herpes 8. Epinyctis 9. Psydracia 10. Hydroa. Order III. PHYMATA. < I. Erythema CLASS I.-VITIA. 12. ffideuia 13. Emphysema 14. Scirrhus 15. Phlegmone 16. Bubo 17. Parotis 18. Furunculus 19. Anthrax 20 L a... ' . 21. Paronychia 22. Phimosis. Order IV. EXCRESCENTIA. 23. Sarcoma 24. Condyloma 25. Verruca 26. Pterygium 27. Hordeolum 28. Br mchocele 29. Exostosis 30. Gibbositas 31. Lordosis. Order V. CYSTIDES. 32. Aneurisma 33. Varix 34. Hydatis 35. Mansca 36. Staphyloma 37. Lupia 38. Hydarthrus 39. Apostema 40. Exomphalus 41. Oscheocele. 663 o NOSOLOGY. OrderVI. ECTOPIA. 42. Exophthalmia 43. Blt-pharopto is 44. Hypostaphyle 45. Paraglosa 46. Propioma 47. Exania 48. Exoeyste 49. Hysteroptosis 50. Enterocele 51. Kpiplocele 52. Uasti-rucele 53. Hepatocele 54. Splenocele 65. Hy.steroccle 66 C. sfocele 57. Lncephalocele 68. Hysteroloxia 59. Paroclndium 60. Exarthrema 61. Diastasis 62. Laxarthrus. Oroer VII. PLAGA. 63. Vulnus 64. Puuetura 65. Excoriatio 66. Conluifo 67. Fractura 68. Fissura 69. Kuptura 70. Amputatura 71. Ulcus 72. Exulceratio 73. Sinus 74. Fistula 76. Rhagas 76. Eschara 77. Caries 78. Arthrocace. Order I. CONilNUA. 79. Ephemera 80. Synocha 81. Synochus 82. Typhus Order I. EXANTHE.uATICA. 91. Pestis 92. Variola 93 Pemphigus 94. Rubeola 95. :uiliaris 96. Purpura 97. Eiysipelas 9H Si .u lalina 99. Essera CLASS II.—FEBRES. 83 Hectica. OllDER II. REMITTENTES. 84. \niphiiiu rina 85. irita-ophya 86. Tetartophya. CLASS III. —PHLEGMASIA. 100. Aphtha. OKDfcR II. MEMBRAJNACEA. 101.. Phrenitis 102. Par iphrenesis 103. Pleuritis 104. Gastritis - 1U5. Enteiitis 10b. Epiploitis 107. metritis. Order III. INTERMITTENTE*. 67. Quoi/diana 88. Tertiana 89. Quarlana 90. Eiratica. Order III. P AR E N C H YM ATOS A 108. Cystitis 109. Cephalitis 110. Cynanche 111. Carditis 112. Peripneumonia 113. Hepatitis 114. Splenitis 115. Nephritis. Order I. TONICI PAHTIALES. 116. Strabismus 117. Trismus lit?. Obstipitas 119. Contractura 120. Crampus 121. Priapismus. v Order II. TONICI GENERALES. 122. Tetanus CLASS IV.—SPASMI. 123. Catochus. Order HI. CLONIC1 PARTIALES. 124. Nystagmus Ho. Carphoiogia 126. Piiudici.latio 127. Apumyttosis 128. Convulsio 129. Tremor 130 Palpitatio 131. Claudicatio. Order IV. CLONICI GENERALES. 132. Rigor 133. Eclampsia 134. Epilepsia 135. Hysteria 136. Scelotyrbc 137. Beriberia. Order I. SPASMOD1CA. 138. Ephialtes 139. Sternutatio 140. O.cedo l4l. Singultus Order I. DYSASi'HESIA. 152. Cataract* ' 153. Caiigo 154. Amblyopia 155. Amaurosis 156- Anosmia 157. Agheuatia 158. Dyseceea 159. Paracusis 160. Cophosis 161. Anaesthesia. Order II. ANEPI1HYMIA. 162. Anorexia 664 CLASS V.—ANHELATIONES. 142. Tussis. Order II. ' OPPkESSIVA. 143. Stertor 141. i)yspneea 14j. Asthma CLASS VI.—DEBILITATES. 163. Adipsia 164. Anaphrodisia. Order III. DYSCINESIA. 165. Mutitas 16i>. Apii nia 167. Psellismus 168. P.iraphonia lt>4). Paralysis 170. Hemiplegia 171. Paraplexia. Order IV. LEIPOPSYCHIA. 172. Asthenia 173. Leipotbymia 146. Orthopnea 147. Angina 148. Pleurodyne 149. Rheuma 150. Hydrothorax 151. Empyema. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. Syncope Asphyxia. OiiderV. COMATA. Catalepsis Ecstasis Typhomania Lethargus Cataphora Carui Apoplexia. NOSOLOGY. Order 1. VAGI. 183. Arthritis 184. Ostocopus 185. Rheumatismus 186. Catarrhus 187. Anxietas 188. Lassitudo 189. Stupor 190. Pruritus 191. Algor 192. Ardor. Order II. CAPITIS. 193. Cephalalgia Order I. HALLUCINATIONES. 216. Vertigo 217. Suffusio 218. Diplopia 219. Syrigmos 220. Hypocondriasis 221. Somnambulismus. * Order II. MOROSITATES. 222. Pica Order I. SANGUIFLUXUS. 239. Hsemorrhagia 240. Haemoptysis 241. Stomacace 242. Haamatemesis 243. Haematuria 244. Menorrhagia 245. Abortus. Order II. ALVIFLUXUS. 246. Hepatirrhcea 247. Haemorrhois 248. Dysenteria 249. Melaena . , Order I. MACIES. 275. Tabes 276. Phthisis 277. Atrophia 278. Aridura. Order II. INTUME SC ENTIA. 279. Polysarcia 280. Pneumatosis 281. Anasarca 282. Phlegmatia 283. Physconia 284. Graviditas. Order III HYDROPES PARTIALES. 295. Hydrocephalus 286. Physocephalus 287. Hydrorachitis CLASS VII.—DOLORES. 194. Cephakea 195. Hemicrania T 196. Ophthalmia 197. Otalgia 193. Odontalgia. Order III. PECTORIS. 199. Dysphagia 200. Pyrosis 201. V. irdiogmus. Order IV. ABDOMINALES INTERNI. 202. Cardialgia 203. Gastrodynia 204. Colica 205. Hepatalgii-: 206. Splenalgia 207. Nephralgia 208. Dystocia 209. Hysteralgia. Order V. EXTERNI ET ARTULM 210. Mastodynia 211. Rachialgia 212. Lumbago 213. Ischias 214. Proctalgia 215. Pudendagra CLASS VHI.—VESANIA. 223. Bulimia 224. Polydipsia 225. Antipathia 226. Nostalgia 227. Panophobia 228. Satyriasis 229. Nymphomania 230. Tarantismus 231. Hydrophobia. Order III.—DELIRIA. 232. Paraphrosyne CLASS IX.—FLUXUS. 250. Nausea 251. Vomitus 252. Ileus 253. Cholera 254. Diarrhoea 255. Cadiaca 256. Lienteria 257. Tenesmus. Order III. SERIFLUXUS. 258. Ephidrosis 259. Epiphora 260. Coryza 261. Ptyalismus 262. Anacatharsis CLASS X.—CACHEXIA. 288. Ascites 289. Hydrometra 290. Physometra 291. Tympanites 292. Meteorismus 293. Ischuria. Order IV. TUBERA, 294. Rachitis 295. Scrophula 296. Carcinoma 297. Leontiasis 298. Malis 299. Framboesia. Order V. IMPETIGINES. 300. Syphilis 301. Scorbutus 233. Amentia 234. Melancholia 235. Mania 236. Dsemonomania. Order IV. VESANIA ANOMALA' 237. Amnesia 238. Agrypnia. 263. Diabetes 264. Enuresis 265. Dysuria 266. Pyuria 267. Leucorrhoea 268. Gonorrhoea 269. Dyspermatismus 270. Galactirrhoea 271. Otorrhoea. Order IV AERIFLUXUS. 272. Flatulen ia 273. Adopsophia 274. Dysodia. 302. Elephantiasis 303. Lepra 304. Scabies 305. Tinea. Order VI. ICTERITIA 306. Aurigo 307. Melasicterus 308. Phsenigmus 309. Chlorosis. Order VII. CACHEXIA ANOMALA 310. Phthiriasis 311. Trichoma 312. Alopecia 31S. Elcosis. 314. Gangraena 315. Necrosis Order 1. CONTAGIOSI. I. Morta 2. Pestis 3. Variola Synoptical View ofthe System 0/Linn.kus. CLASS I.—EXANTIIEMATICI. 4. Rubeola 8. Urcdo 5. Petechia 9. Aphtha. 6. Syphilis. Order III. Order II.—SPORADICI. SOLITARlf. '. Miliaria 10. Ervsipelas. 34 *•■«; NDSMLOtil. Order I. CONTINENTES. 11. Diaria 12. Synocha 13. Synochus 14. Lenta. CLASS II—CRITICI. Order II. INTERMITTENTES. 15. Quofidiana 16. Tertiana 17. Quartana 18. DupUcana 19. Errana. Or»er1U. EXACERBANTES 20. Amphimerina 21. Tritaeus 22. Tetartophia 23. Hemitritea 24. Hectica. Order I. MEMBRANACEI. 25. Phrenitis 26. Paraphrenesis 27. Pleuritis 28. Gastritis £9. Enteritis Order I. INTRINSECI. 40. Cephalalgia 41. Hemicrania 42. Gravedo 43. Ophthalmia 44. Otalgia 45. Odontalgia 46. Angina 47. Soda Order I. IDEALES. 65. Delirium 66. Paraphrosyne 67. Amentia 68. Mania 69. Dsemonia 70. Vesania 71. MelanchoUa. Order II. IMAGINARH. 72. Syringmos Order I. DEFECTIVE 90. Lassitudo 91. Languor 92. Asthenia 93. Lipothymia 94. Syncope 95. Asphyxia. Order II. SOPOROSE 96. Somnolentia 97. Typhomania 98. Lethargus Order 1. SPASTICI. 121. Spasmus 122. Priapismus 123. Borberygrnos 124. Trismos 125. Sardiasis 126. Hysteria 127. Tetanus 128. Catochus 129. Catalepsis Order I". SUFFOCATORIL 146. Raucedo €66 CLASS HI.—PHLOGISTICI. 30. Proctitis 31. Cystitis. Order II. PAUL.sCHVMATICI. 32. Sphacelisrnus S3. Cynanche 34. Peripneumonia CLASS IV.—DOLOROSI. 48. Cardialgia 49. Gastrica 50. Ci lica 51. Hepatica 52. Splenica 53. Pieuritica 54. Pneumonica 55. Hysteralgia 56. Nephritica 57. Dysuria CLASS V.—MENTALES. 73. Phantasina 74. Vertigo 75. Panophobia 76. Hypochondriasis 77. Soinnambulismus. Order III. PATHETECI. 78. Citta 79. Bulimia 80. Polydipsia 35. Hepatitis 36. Splenitis 37. Nephritis 38. Hysteritis. Order HI. ."'sCULOSI 39. Phlegmone. 58. Pudendagra 59. Proctica. Order II. EXTRINSECI 60. Arthritis 61. Ostocopus 62. Wheumatismu? 63. Volatica 64. Pruritus. 81. Satyriasis 62. Erotomania 83. Nostalgia 84. Tarantismos 85. Rabies 86. Hydrophobia 87. Cacositia 88. Antipathia 89. Anxietas. CLASS VI.—QUIETALES. 99. Cataphora 160. Carus 101. Apoplexia 102. Paraplegia 103. Hemiplegia 104. Paralysis 105. Stupor. Order III. PRIVATIVE 106. Morosis 107. Obliiio 108. Amblyopia 109. Caiaracta CLASS VII.—MOTORII. 130. Agrypnia. Order II. AGITATORII. 131. Tremor 132. Palpitatio 133. Or^asmus 134. Subsultus 135. Carpologia 136. Stridor 137. Hippos 138. Pseltismus 110. Amaurosis. 111. Scotomia 112. Cophosis 113. Anosmia 114. Ageustia 115. Aphonia 116. Anorexia 117. Adipsia 118. Anaesthesia 119. Ati cnia 120. Atonia. 139. Chorea 140. Beriberi. Order HI. AGITATORU. 141. Rigor 142. C'-nvulsio 143. Epilepsia 144. Hieranosos 145. Raphania. CLASS VIII.—SUPPRESSOR!!. 147. Vociferatio 148. Riaus 149. Fletus 150. Suspirium 151. Oscitatio 152. Paodictdati 1 NOSOLOGY. 153. Singultus 154. Sternutatie 155. Tussis 156. Stertor 157. Anhelatio 158. Suffocatio 159. Empyema Order I. CAPITIS. 172. Otorrhoea 173. Epiphora 174. Haemorrhagia 175. Coryza 176. Stomacace 177. Ptyalismus. Order II. THORACIS1., 178. Screatus 179. Expectoratio 180. Haemoptysis 181. Vomica. Order III. ABDOMINIS. 182. Ructus Order I. EMACIANTES. 209. Phthisis 210. Tabes 211. Atrophia 212. Marasmus 213. Rachitis. Order II. TUMIDOSI. 214. Polysarcia Order I. HUMOR ALIA. 227. Aridura 228. Digitium 229. Emphysema 230. Oedema 231. SugiUatio 232. Intfammatio 233. Abscessus 234. Gangrena 235. Sphacelus. Order II. DYALYTICA. 236. Fractura 237. Luxatura 238. Ruptura 239. Contusura 240. Profusio 241. Vulnus 242. Amputatura 243. Laceratura 244. Punctura 245 Morsura 246. Combustura 247. Excoriatura 248; Intertrigo 249. Rhagas. Order III. EXULCERATIONES. 250. Ulcus 251 Cacoethcs 252. Noma 253. Carcinoma 254. Ozena 255. Fistula 256. Caries '57. Arthrvcacc 160. Dyspnoea 161. Asthma 162. Orthopnoea NERALES. 228. Tetanus Order I. SPASMODICA. 245. Ephialtes 246. Sternutatio 247. Oscedo 248. Singultus. Order I. DYSASTHESIA. 258. Amblyopia 259. Caligo 260. Cataracta 261. Amaurosis 262. Anosmia 263. Agheustia 264. Dysecoea 265. Paracusis 266. Cophosis 267. Anaesthesia. OrderIL ANEPYTHYM1A. 268. Anorexia Order I. CO.; i'^UlOSA. 289. Pestis CLASS VI.—SUPPRESSIONES. 214. Aglactatio 215. Dyslochia. Order II. INGERENDORUM. 216. Dysphagia 217. Angina. CLASS VIL—SPASMI. 229. Catochus. Ordlr III. CHRONICI PARTIALES. 230. Nystagmus 231. Carphologia 232. Subsultus 233. Pandiculatio 234. Apomistosis 235. Convulsio 236. Tremor Order III. IMI VENTRIS. 218. Dysmenorrhcea 219. Dystocia 220. Dyshaemorrhois 221. Obstipatio. 237. Palpitatio 238. Claudicatio. Order IV. CRONICI GENERALLY 239. Phricasmus 240. Eclampsia 241. Epilepsia 242. Hysteria 243. Scelotyrbe 244. Beriberia. CLASS VIII.—ANHELATIONES. 249. Tussis. Order II. SUPPRESSIVA. 250. Stertor 251. Dyspnoea .. 252. Asthma y" CLASS IX.—DEBILITATES, 269. Adipsia 270. Anaphrodisia. Ordlr III. DYSCINESIA. 271. Mutitas 272. Aphonia 273. Pselhsinus 274 Cacophonia 276. Paralysis 276. Hemiphlegia 277. Paraplexia. Order IV. LEIPOPSYCHUE. 278. Asthenia 253. Orthopncea 254. Pleurodyne 255. Rheuma 256. Hydrothorax 257. Empyema. * 279. 280. 281. 282. 2a3. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. Lipotbymia Syncope Asphyxia. Order V COM ATA. Catalepsis Ectasis Typhomani.i Lethargus Cataphora Carus Apoplexia. CLASS X.—EXANTHEMATA. 290. Variola 293. Rubeola 291. P«-y ugus 294. Scarlatina 292. Puipura .NOSOLOGY. Order II. NON-CONTAGIOS^ 295. MiUares Order I. MUSCULOSA. 299. Phlegmone 300. Cynanche SOI. Myositis 302. Carditis. Order II. MEMBRANACA. SOS. Phrenitis 296. Erysipelas 297. Essera 298. Aphtha. CLASS XL—PHLEGMASIA. 304. Diaphragmitis 305. Pleuritis 306. Gastritis 307. Enteritis 308. Epiploitis 309. Cystitis. Order III. PARENCHYMATOSA. 310. Cephalitis 311. Peripneumonia 312. Hepatitis 313. Splenitis 314. Nephritis 315. Metritis. Order I. CONTINUA. S16. Judicatoria 317. Humoraria 818. Frigeraria 819. Typhus 320. Hectica. Order I. 'HALLUOINATIONES. 328. Vertigo 329. Suffusio 330. Diplopia 331. Syrigmos 332. Hypochondriasis 333. Somnambulismus. Order II. MOROSITATES. 334. Pica CLASS XII.—FEBRES. Order II REMITTENTES. S21. Amphimerina 322. Tritaeophya 323. Tetartophya. (LASS XIII.—VESANIA. 335. Bulimia 336. Polydipsia 337. Antipathia 338. Nostalgia 339. Panophobia 340. Satyriasis 341. Nymphomania 342. Tarantismus 343. Hydrophobia 344. Rabies. Order HI. 1NTERMITTENTE? 324. Quotidiana 325. Tertiana 326. Quartana 327. Erratica. Order HI. DELIRIA. 345. Paraphrosyne 346 Amentia 347. MelanchoUa 348. Daemonomania 349. Mania. Order IV. ANOMALA. 350. Amnesia 351. Agrypnia. Synoptical View of the System of Dr. Macbride. Order I. FEVERS. Continued Intermittent Remittent Eruptive Hectic. Order II. INFLAMMATIONS. External Internal. Order HI. FLUXES. Alvine Haemorrhage Humoral discharge. Order IV. PAINFUL DISEASES. Gout Rheumatism Ostocopus Headache Toothache Earache Pleurodyne CLASS I.—UNIVERSAL DISEASES. 18. Pain in the stomach 19. Colic 20. Lithiasis 21. Ischuria 22. Proctalgia. Order V. SPASMODIC DISEASES 23. Tetanus 24. Catochus 25. Locked jaw 26. Hydrophobia 27. Convulsion 28. Epilepsy 29. Eclampsia 30. Hieranosos. Order VI. WEAKNESSES and PRIVA- 46. Pnyscoma TIONS. 47. Atrophia 31. Coma 48. Osteosarcosis 32. Palsy 49. Sarcostosis 33. Fainting. • 50. Mortification Order VII. ^ 51. Scurvy ASTHMATIC DISORDERS. 52. Scrophula 34. Dyspnoea 53. Cancer 54. Lues Venerea 35. Orthopncea 36. Asthma 37. Hydrothorax 38. Empyema. Order VIII. MENTAL DISEASES 39. Mania 40. Melancholia. Order IX. CACHEXIES, or Humoral Diseases. 41. Corpulency 42. Dropsy 43. Jauudice 44. Emphysema 45. Tympany Or.DER 1. OFTHE INTERNAL SENSES. 55. Loss of memory 56. Hypochondriasis 57. Loss of judgment. Order II. OF TIIE EXTERNAL SENSES. >8. Rlindne^ CLASS II.—LOCAL DISEASES. 59. Depraved sight 60. Deafness 61. Depraved heaving 62. Los? of smell 63. Depraved smell 64. Lo»s of taste 66. Depraved taste 06. Loss of feelini:'. Order HI. OF THE APPETITES 67. Anorexia 68. Crnorexia 69. Pica "0. Polydipsia 71. Satyriasis 72. Nymphomania :.l. Anaphrodisia. NOSOLOGY 0RDERIT. 9F THE SECRETIONS and EXCRETIONS. 14. Epiphora 75. Corysa 76. Ptyalism 77. Anacatharsis 78. Otorrhoea 79. Diarrhoea 80. Incontinence of urine 81. Pyuria 82. Dysuria 83. Constipation 84. Tenesmus 85. Dysodia 86. Flatulence 37. jEdopsophia. ORDEBjV. IMPEDING DIFFERENT ACTIONS. 88. Aphonia 89. Mutitas 90. Paraphronia '91. Dpsphagia 92. Wry neck 93* Angone M. Sneezing 95. Hiccup 96. Cough 97. Vomiting 98. Palpitation of the heart 99. Chorea 100. Trismus 101. Nystagmus 102. Cramp 103. Scelotyrbe 104. Contraction 105. Paralysis 106. Anchylosis 107. Gibbositas 108. Lordosis 109. Hydarthrus. Order VI. OF THE EXTERNAL HABIT. 110. Tumour 111. Excrescence 112. Aneurism 113. Varix 114. Papulae 115. Phlyctaenre 116. Pustulae 117. Scabies, or Psora 118. Impetigo? 119. Leprosy 120. Elephantiasis 121. Frambcesia 122. Herpes 123, Maculae 124. Alopecia 125. Trichoma 126. Scald head 127. Phthiriasis. Order VII. DISLOCATIONS. 128. Hernia 129. Prolapsus 130. Luxation. Order VIII. SOLUTIONS OF CONII NUITY. 131. Wound 132. Uleer 133. Fissure 134. Fistula 135. Burn, or scald 136. Excoriation 137. Fracture 138. Caries. Order I. GENERAL> proper to Men. 13d. Febris testicularis 140. Tabes dorsalis. Order II. LOCAL, proper to Men. 141. Dyspermatismus 142. Gonorrhoea simplex 143. Gonorrhoea virulenta 144. Priapism 145. Phimosis 145. Paraphimosis 147. Crystalline CLASS HI.—SEXUAL DISEASES. 148. Hernia humoraUs 149. Hydrocele 150. Sarcocle 151. Cirsocele. Order III. GENERAL, proper to Women. 152. Amenorrhoea 153. Chlorosis 154. Leucorrhcea 155. Menorrhagia 156. Hysteralgia 157. Graviditas 158. Abortus 159. Dystochia 160. Febris puerperalis 161. Mastodynia. Order IV. LOCAL, proper to Women. 162. Hydrops ovarii 163. Scirrhus ovarii 164. Hydrometra 165. Physometra 166. Prolapsus uteri 167.--------vaginae 168. Polypus uteri. Order I. GENERAL. 169. CoUca meconialis 170. Colica lactentium 171. Diarrhoea infantum 172. Aphtha: CLASS TV.— INFANTILE DISEASES. 173. Eclampsia 174. Atrophia 175. Rachitis. Order II. LOCAL. 176. Imperforation Synoptical view of CLASS 1. CGELIACA. Diseases ofthe Di- gestive Function. Order 1. Enteric a. Affecting the alimentary canal. Genus 1. Odontia. Misdentition. Snecies 1. O. dentitionis. Teething. 2. O. dolorosa. Toothache. !>. O. stuporis. Tooth-edge. 4. O. deformis. Deformity of the teeth. 5. O. edentula. Toothlessness. . 6. O. incrustans. Tartar of the teeth. 7. O. excrescens. Excrescent gums. Genus 2. PtyalisMUS. Ptyalism. Species 1. P. acutus. Salivation. 2. P. chronicus. Chronic ptyalism. 3. P. iners. Drivelling. Genus. 3. Dysphagia. Dysphagy. Species I. D. constricta. Constrictive dysphagy. 2. D. atonica.' A tonic dysphagy. 3. D. globosa. Nervous quinsy. 4. D. uvulosa. Uvula dysphagy. 5. D. linguosa. Lingual dysphagy. Genus 4. Dipsosis. Morbid thirst. Species 1. D. avens. Immoderate thirst. 2. D. expers. Thirstlessness. Genus 5. Lmosh. Morbid appetite. G74 Dr. Good's Species 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. 7. Genus 6. Species 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Genus 7. Species 1. 2. Genus 8. Species 1. 2. 3." 4. 5. 6. 177. Anchyloglossuiii 178. Aurigo 179. Purpura 180. Crusta lactea. System. L avens. Voracity. L. expers. Long fasting. L. pica. Depraved appetite. L. cardialgica. Heartburn. Water brash. L. flatus. Flatulency. L. emesis. Sickness. Vomiting L. dyspepsia. Indigestion. Colica. Colic. C. ileus. IUac passion. C. rhachialgica. Painter's colic. C. cibaria. Surfeit. C. flatulenta. Wind-coUc. C. constipata. Constipated colic. C. constricta. Constrictive colic. Coprostatis. Costiveness. C. constipata. Constipation. C. obstipata. Obstipation. Diarrhoea. Looseness. D. fusa. Feculent looseness. D. bitiosa. Bilious looseness. D. mucosa. Mucous looseness. D. Chylosa. Chylous loosenes.- D. lienteria. Lientery. D. serosa. Serous looseness. D, tabulosa, Tubular loosen'.**. NOSOLOGY. 8. f>cnus 9. iSpecies 1. 2. 3. Genus 10. .Species I. 2. 3. Genus 11. Species 1. 2. 3. Genus 12. Species 1. 2. 4. 5. 6. Order 2. Genus 1. Species 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Genus 2. Species 1. 2. Genus 3. Species 1, 2. Genus 4. Species 1. D. gypsata. Gypseous looseness. Cholera. Cholera. C. bitiosa. Bilious cholera. C. natulenta. Flatulent cholera. C. spasmodica. Spasmodic cholera. Enterolithus. Intestinal concre- tions. E. bezoardus. Bezoar. E. calculus. Intestinal calculus. E. scybalum. Scybalum. Helminthia. Worms. II. alvi. Alvine worms. 11. podicis. Anal worms. II. erratica. Erratic worms. PrOctica. Proctica. P. simplex. Simple proctica. P. spasmodica. Spasmodic stricture of the rectum. P. caUosa. Calous stricture of the rectum. P. tenesmus. Tenesmus. P. marica. Piles. P. exania. Prolapse ofthe fundament. Splanciinica. Affecting the collati- tious viscera. Icterus. YeUow jaundice. I. chohsus. Biliary jaundice. I. chololithicus. Gallstone jaundice. I. spasmodicus. Spasmodic jaundice. I. hepaticus. Hepatic jaundice. I. infantum. Jaundice of infants. MeLjENa. Melena. M. choloea. Black or green jaundice. M. cruenta. Black vomit. Chololithus. Gall-stone. C. quiescens. Quiescent gall-stone. C. means. Passing of gall-stones. Parabisma. Visceral turgescence. P. hepaticum. Turgescence of the Uver. P. slenicum. Turgescence of the spleen. P. pancreaticum. Turgescence of the pancreas. P. mesentericum. Turgescence of the mesentery. P. intestinale. Turgescence of the in- testines. P. omentale. Turgescence of the omentum. P. complicatum. Turgescence com- pounded of various organs. CLASS II. PNEUMATICA. Diseases of ihe Respiratory Function. Order 1. Phonica. Affecting the vocal ave- nues. Genus 1. Cortza. Running at the nose. Species 1. C. entonica. Entonic coryza. 2. C. atonica. Atonic coryza. Geuus 2. Polypus. Polypus. Specios 1. P. elasticus. Compressible polypus. 2. P. coriaceus. Cartilaginous polypus. Genus 3. Rhonchus. Rattling in the throat. Species 1. R. stertor. Snoring. 2. R. cerchnus. Wheezing. Genus 4. Aphonia. Dumbness. Species 1. A. elinguium. Elingual dumbness. 2. A. atonica. Atonic dumbness. 3. A. surdorum. Deaf dumbness. Genus 5. Dysphonia. Dissonant voice. Species 1. D. susurrans. Whispering voice. 2. D. puberum. Voice of puberty. 3. D. iinmodulata. Immelodious voice. Genus 6. Psellismus. Dissonant speech. Specie* 1. P. bnmbalia. Staminerimr. Order 2. Genus 1. Species I. 2. 3. Genus 2. Species 1. Genus 3. Species 1. 2. Genus 4. Species 1. Genus 5. Species 1. 2. Genus 6. Species 1. 2. Genus 7. Species 1. 2. P. blsesitas. Misenunciatiori. Pneumonica. Affecting the lungf, their membranes, or motive power. Bex. Cough. B. humida. Common or humid cough. B. sicca. Dry cough. B- convnlsiva. Hooping-cough. Laryngismus. Laryngic suffocation. L. stridulus. Stridulus construction of the larynx. Dyspncsa. Anhelation. D. chronica. Short-breath. D. exacerbans. Exacerbating anhe* lation. ° Asthma. Asthma. A. siccum. Dry or nervous asthma.. A. humidum. Humid or common asthma. Ephialtes. Incubus. E. vigilantium. Day-mare. E. Nocturnus. Night-mare. Sternalgia. Suffocative breast- pang. S. ambulantium. Acute breast-pang. S. chronica. Chronic breast-pang. Pleuralgia. Pain in the side. P. acuta. Stitch. P. chronica. Chronic pain in the side. CLASS HI. HAMATICA. Diseases of the Sanguinous Function. Order 1. Pyretica. Fevers. Genus 1. Ephemera. Diary fever. Species 1. E. mitis. Mild diary fever. 2. E. acuta. Acute diary fever. 3. E. stidatoria. Sweating fever. Genus 2. Anetus. Intermitting fever. Ague. Species 1. A. quotidianus. Quotidian ague. 2. A. tertianus. Tertian ague. 3. A. quartanus. Quartan ague. 4. A. erraticus. Irregular ague. 5. A. complicatus. Complicated ague. Genus 3. Epanetus. Remittent fever. Species 1. E. mitis. Mild remittent. 2. E. malignus. Malignant remittent. 3. E. hectica Hectic fever. Genus 4. Enecia. Continued fever. Species 1. E. cauma. Inflammatory fever. 2. E. typhus. Typhous fever. 3. E. synochus. Synochal fever. Order 2. Phlogistica. Inflammations. Genus 1. Apostema. Aposteme. Species 1. A. commune. Common aposteme. 2. A. psoaticum. Psoas abscess. 3. A. hepaticum. Abscess ofthe liver. 4. A. empyema. Lodgment of matter in the chest. ' 5. A. vomica. Vomica. Genus 2. Phlegmone. Phlegmon. Species 1. P. communis. Common phlegmon. 2. P. parulis. Gum-boU. 3. P. auris. Imposthume of the ear. 4. P. parotidea. Parotid phlegmon. 5. P. mammae. Abscess ofthe breast. 6. P. bubo. Bubo. 7. P. phimotica. Phimotic phlegmon. Genus 3. Phyma. Tubercle. Species 1. P. hordeolum. Sty. 2. P. furunculus. Boil. 3. P. sycosis. Ficous phyma. 4. P. anthrax. Carbuncle. Genus 4. Ionthus. Whelk. Species. 1.1, varus. Stone pock. 2.1, corymbyfer. Carbttnculated face*, Rosv drop. 67.1 NOS0L0G\. Genus 5. Phlysis. Phlysis. Species 1. P. paronychia. Whitlow Genus 6. Erythema. .Inflammatory blush. Species 1. E. cedematosum. Edematous inflam- mation. 2. E. erysipelatosum. Erysipelatous in- flammation. 3. E. gangrenosum. Gangrenous inflam- mation. 4. E. vesiculare. Vesicular inflammation. 5. E. pernio. Chilblain. 6. E. entertrigo. Fret. fir'enus 7. Empresma. Visceral inflammation. Species 1. E. cephaUtes. Inflammation of the brain. 2. E. otitis. Inflammation ofthe ear. S. E. parotitis. Mumps. 4. E. parithmitis. Quinsey. 5. E. laryngitis. Inflammation of the - larynx. 6. E. bronchitis. Croup. > 7. E. pneumonitis. Peripneumony. 8. E. pleuritis. Pleurisy. 9. E. carditis. Inflammation of the heart. 10. E. peritonitis. Inflammation of the peritoneum. 11. E. gastritis. Inflammation of the stomach. 12. E. enteritis. Inflammation of the bowels. 13. E. hepatitis. Inflammation ofthe liver. 14. B. splenitis. Inflammation of the spleen. 15. E. nephritis. Inflammation of the kidney. 16. E. cystitis. Inflammation of the blad- der. 17. E. hysteritis. Inflammation of the womb. 18. E. orchitis. Inflammation of the tes- ticles. Genus S. Ophthalmia. Ophthalmy. Species 1. O. taraxis. Lachrymose ophthalmy. 2. O. iridis. Inflammation of the iris. 3.0. purulenta. Purulent ophthalmy. 4. O. glutinosa. Glutinous ophthalmy. 5. O. chronica. Lippitude. Blear-eye. Genus 9. Catarrhus. Catarrh. Species 1. C. communis. Cold in the head or chest. 2. C. epidemicus. Influenza. Genus 10. Dysenteria. Dysentery. Species 1. D. simplex. Simple dysentery. 2. D. pyrectica. Dysenteric fever. Genua 11. Bucnemia. Tumid leg. Species 1. B. sparganosis. Puerperal tumid leg. 2. B. tropica. Tumid leg of hot cUmates. Genus 12. Arthrosia. Articular inflammation. Species 1. A. acuta. Acute rheumatism. 2. A. chronica. Chronic inflammation. 3. A. podagra. Gout. 4. A. hydarthrus. White-sweUing. Order. 3. Exanthematica. Eruptive levers. Exanthems. Genus 1. Enanthesis. Rashexanthem. Species 1. E. rosalia. Scarlet fever. 2. E. rubeola. Measles. 3. E. urticaria. Nettle-rash. Genus 2. Emphlysis. Achorous exanthem. Species 1. E. miliaria. Mitiary fever. 2. E. aphtha. Thrush. 3. E. vaccinia. Cow-pox. 4. E. variceUa. Water-pox. 5. E. pemphigus. Vesicular fever. 6. E. erysipelas. St. Anthony's tire. Genus 3. Empyesis. Puslulus exanthem. Species 1. E. variola. SmaU-pox. 676 Genus 4. Amthracia. Carbuncular exanthem; Species 1. A. pestis. Plague. 2. A. rubula. Yaws. Order 4, Dysthetica. Cachexies. Genus 1. Plethora. Plethora. Species 1. P. entenica. Sanguineous plethora* 2. P. atonica. Serous plethora. Genus 2. Hjemorrhagia. Hemorrhage. Species 1. H. entonica. Entonic haemorrhage. 2. H. atonica. Atonic hemorrhage. Genus 3. Marasmus. Emaciation. Species 1. M. atrophia. Atrophy. 2. M. climactericus. Decay of nature, 3. M. tabes. DecUne. 4. M. phthisis. Consumption. Genus 4. Struma. Scrophula. Species 1. S. vulgaris. King's evil. Genus 5. Carcinus. Cancer. Species 1. C. vulgaris. Common cancer. Genus 6. Lues. Venereal disease. Species 1. L. syphilis. Pox. - 2. L. syphilodes. Bastard pox. Genus 7. Elephantiasis. Elephant-skin. Species 1. E. arabica. Arabian elephantiasis. Black leprosy. 2. E. italica. Italian elephantiasis. 3. E. asturiensis. Asturian elephantiasis, Genus 8. Catacausis. Catacausis. Species 1. C. ebriosa. Enebriate catacausis. Genus 9. Porphyra. Scurvy. Species 1. P. simplex.* Petechial scurvy. 2. P. haemorrhagica. Land-scurvy. 3. P. nautica. Sea-scurvy. Genus 10. Exangia. Exangia. Species 1. E. aneurisma. Aneurism. 2. E. varix. Varix. 3. E. cyania. Blue-skin. Genus 11. Gangr&na. Gangrene. Species 1. G. sphacelus. Mortification. 2. G. ustilaginea. Mildew-mortification. 3. G. necrosis. Dry-gangrene. 4. G. caries. Caries. Genus 12. Ulcus. Ulcer. Species 1. U. incarnans. Simple heating ulcer. 2. U. vitiorum. Depraved ulcer. Species 3. U. sinuosum. Sinuous ulcer. 4. U. tuberculosum. Wharty. Excres- cent ulcer. 5. U. cariosum. Carious ulcer. CLASS IV. NEUROTICA. Diseases of the Nervous Function. Order 1. Phrenica. Affecting the inteUect. Genus 1. Ecphronia. Insanity. Craziness. Species 1. E. melancholia. Melancholy. 2. E. mania. Madness. Genus 2. Empathema. Ungovernable passion. Species 1. E. entonicum. Empassioned excite- ment. 2. E. atonicum. Empassioned depression. 3. E. inane. Hair-brained passion. Genus 3. Alusia. Illusion. Hallucination. Species 1. A. elatio. Sentimentalism. Mental extravagance. 2. A. hypochondriasis. Hypochon- drism. Low-.sj.iritedness. Genus 4. Aphllxia. Revery. Species 1. A. socors. Absence of mind. 2. A. intenda. Abstraction of mind. 3. A. otiosa. Brown study. Genus 5. Paroniria. Sleep-disturbance. Species 1. P. ambulans. Sleep-walking. 2. P. loquens. Sleep-talking. 3. P. salax. Night poUution. Genus 6. Moria. Fatuity. Species 1. M. imbecitiis. ImbecUity. 2. M. deraens. Irrationality. OntiEr; 2. Asthetica. Affecting the sensation, NOSOLOGY. iJenus 1. PAnopsis. Morbid-sight. Species 1. P. lucUuga. Night-sight. 2. P. noctifuga. Day-sight. 3. P. longinqua. Long-sight. 4. P. propinqua. Short-sight. 5. P. lateralis. Skew-sight. 6. P. iUusoria. False-sight. 7. P. caUgo. Opaque cornea. 8, glaucosis. Humeral opacity. 9. P. cataracta. Cataract. 10. P. synizesis. Closed pupil. 11. P. amaurosis. Drop serene. 12. P. staphyloma. Protuberant eye. 13. P. stabismus. Squinting. tienus 2. Paracusis. Morbid hearing. Species 1. P. acris. Acute hearing. 2. P. obtusa. Hardness of hearing. 3. P. perversa. Perverse hearing. 4. P. dupUcata. Double hearing. 5. P. iUusoria. Imaginary sounds. 6. P. surditas. Deafness. Genus 3. Parosmis. Morbid smell. Species 1. P. acris. Acute smell. 2. P. obtusa. Obtuse smeU. 3. P. expers. Want of smeU. Genus 4. Parageusis. Morbid taste. Species 1. P. acute. Acute taste. 2. P. obtusa. Obtuse taste. 8. P. expers. Want of taste. Genus 5. Parapsis. Morbidtouch. Species 1. P. acris. Acute sense of touch or gene- ral feeUng. 2. P. expers. InsensibiUty of touch ,or general feeling. 3. P. iUusoria. Illusory sense of touch or general feeling. Genus 6. Neuralgia. Nerve-ache. Species 1. N. faciei. Nerve-ache ofthe face. 2. N. pedis. Nerve-ache of the foot. 3. N. mammae. Nerve-ache ofthe breast. Order 3. Cinetica. Affecting the muscles. Genus 1. Entasia. Constrictive spasm. Species I.E. priapismus. Priapism. 2. E. loxia. Wry neck. 3. E. articularis. Muscular stiff-joint. 4. E. systremma. Cramp. 5. E. trismus. Hooked-jaw. 6. E. tetanus. Tetanus. 7.E. lyssa. Rabies. Canine madness. 8. E. acrotismus. Suppressed pulse. Genus 2. Clonicus. Clonic spasm. Species 1. C. singultus. Hiccough. 2. C. sternutatio. Sneezing. 3. Palpitatio. Palpitation. 4. C. nectitatio. Wrinkling of the eye- lids. 5. C. subsultus. Twitching of the ten- dons. 6. C. pandiculatio. Stretching. Genus 3. Synclonus. Synclonic spasm. Species 1. S. tremor. TrembUng. 2. S. chorea. St. Vitus' dance. 3. S. balUsmus. Shaking palsy. 4. S. raphania. Raphania. 5. S. beriberia. Barbiers. Order 4. Systatica. Affecting several or all the sensorial powers, simultane- ously. Genus 1. Agrypnia. Sleeplessness. Species 1. A. excitata. Irritative wakefulness. 2. A pertesa. Chronic wakefulness. Genus 2. Dysphoria. Restlessness; Species 1. D. simplex. Fidgets. 2. D. anxietas. Anxiety. Genus 3. Antipathia. Antipathy. Species 1. A. sensitis. Sensiie antipathy. 2. A. insensilis. InsensUe antipathy. Genus 4. Cephalaa. Head-ache. 1. C gravans. Stupid head-ache. 2. C. intensa. Chronic head-ache. 3. C. hemicrania. Megrim. 4. C. piilsatihs. Throbbing head-ache .< 5. C. nauseosa. Sick head-ache. Genus 5. Dinus. Dizziness. Species 1. D. vertigo. Vertigo. Genus 6. Syncope. Syncope. Species 1. S. simplex. Swooning. 2. S. recurrens. Faintingfit. Genus 7. Sy spa sia. Comatose spasm. Species 1. S convulsio. Convulsion. 2. S. hysteria. Hysterics. 3. S. epUepsia. EpUepsy. Genus 8. Cauus. Torpor. Species 1. C. asphyxia. Asphyxy. Suspended animation. 2. C. ecstasis. Ecstasy. 3. C. catalepsia. Catalepsy. 4. C. lethargus. Lethargy. 5. C. apoplexia. Apoplexy. 6. C. paralysis. Palsy. CLASS V. GENETICA. Diseases of the Sexual Function. Order 1. Cenotica. Affecting the fluids. Genus 1. Paramenia. Mis-menstruation. Species 1. P. obstructionis. Obstructed men- struation. 2. P. difficiUs. Laborious menstruation. 3. P. superflua. Excessive menstrua- tion. 4. P. erroris. Vicarious menstruation. 5. P. cessationis. Irregular cessation of the menses. Genus 2. Leucorrh.ea. Whites. Species 1. L. communis. Common whites. 2. L. nabothi. Labour-show. 3. L. senescentium. Whites of advanced life. Genui 3. Blenorrhcea. Gonorrhoea. Species 1. B. simplex. Simple urethra run- ning. 2. B.luodes. Clap. 3. B. chronica. Gleet. Genus 4. Spermorrhcea. Seminal flux. Species 1. S. entonica. Entonic Seminal flux. 2. S. atonica. Atonic seminal flux. Genus 5. Galactia. Mislactation. Species 1. G. prematura. Premature milk- flow. 2. G. defectiva. Deficient milk-flow. 3. G. depravata. Depraved milk-flow. 4. G. erratica. Erratic milk-flow. 5. G. virorum. Milk-flow in males. Order 2. Orgastica. Affecting the orgasm. Genus 1. Chlorosis. Green-sickness. Species 1. C. entonica. Entonic green-sick- ness. 2. C. atonic. Atonic green-sickness. Genus 2. Procotia. Genital precocity. Species 1. P. mascuUna. Male precocity. 1. P. feminina. Female precocity. Genus 3. Lagne: is. Lust. Species 1. L salacitas. Salacity. 2. L. furor. Lascivious madness. Genus 4. Agenesia. Male sterility. Species 1. A. impotens. Male impotency. 2. A. dysperinia. Seminal mis-emis- sion. 3. A. incongrua. Copulative incon- gruity. Genus 5. Amphoria. Female sterility. Bar-. renness. . Species 1. A. impotens. Barrenness of impo-s tencv. NOSOLOGY. 2. A. paramchica. Barrenness of mis- menstruation. 3. A. impercita. Barrenness of irres- pondence. 4. A. incongrua. Barrenness of incon- gruity. (remit 6. Adoptosis. Genital prolapse. {Species 1. A. uteri. Falling down of the womb. 2. A. vaginae. Prolapse of tbe va- ginae. 3. A. vesicae. Prolapse of the bladder. 4. A. complicata. Complicated genital 5. Order 3. Genus 1. Species 1. 3. Genus 2. Species 1. 2. 5. 6. 7. Genus S. Species 1. 2. 3. Genus 4. 1. 2. . polyposa. Carpotica. nation. Paracyesis. P. irritativa. Genital excrescence. Affecting the impreg- Morbid pregnancy. Constitutional derange- ment of pregnancy. P. uterina. Local derangement of pregnancy. P. abortus. Abortion.' Parodynia. Morbid labour. P. atonica. Atonic labour. P. implastica. Unpliant labour. P. sympathetica. Complicated la- bour. P. perversa. Preternatural presen- tation. P. amorphica. Impracticable labour. P. pliiralis. Multiplicate labour. P. secundaria. Sequential labour. Eccyesis. Extra-uterine fcetation. P. ovaria. Ovarian exfoetation, E. tubalis. Tubal exfoetation. E. abdominalis. Abdominal exfoe- tation. Pseudocye-IS. Spurious pregnancy. P. molaris. Mole. P. inanis. False conception. CLASS VI. ECCRITICA. Diseases of the Excernent Functions. Order 1. Mesotica. Affecting the paren- chyma. Genus 1. Polysarchia. Corpulency. Species 1. P. adiposa. Obesity. Genus 2. Emphyma. Tumour. Species 1. E. sarcoma. Sarcomatous tumour. 2. E. encystis. Encysted "tumour. 3. E. exostosis. Bony tumour. Genus 3. Parostia. Mis-ossification. Species 1. P. fragilis. Fragility of the bones. 2. P. flexilis. FlexiUty of the bones. Genus 4. Cyrtosis. Contortion of the bones. Species 1. C. rhachia. Rickets. 2. C. cretinismus. Cretinismus. Genus 5. Osthexia. Osthexy. Species 1. O. infarciens. Parenchymatous or- thexy. 2. O. implexa. Vascular osthexy. Order 2. Catotica. Affecting internal sur- faces. Genus 1. Hydrops. Dropsy. Species 1. H. ceHularis. Cellular dropsy. 2. H. capitis. Dropsy of the head. 3. H. spinx. Dropsy of the spine. 4. H. thoracis. Dropsy of the chest. 5. H. abdominis. Dropsy of the belly. 6. H. ovarii. Dropsy of the ovaries. 7. H. tubalis. Dropsy of the FaUopian tubes. 8. H. uteri. Dropsy of the womb. 9. H. scroti. Dropsy of the scrotum. Genus 2. Emphysema. Inflation, wind dropsy. Species 1. E. cellulare. Cellular inflation. 678 2. E. abdominis. Tympany. Genus 3. Paruria. Mismicturitibn. Species I. P. inops. Destitution of urine. 2. P. retentionis. Stoppage of urine. 3. P. stillatitia. Strangury. 4. P. mellita. Saccharine urine. Dia« betes. 5. P. incontinens. Incontinence of urine. 6. P. incocta. Unassimulated urine. 7. P. erratica. Erratic urine. Genus 4. Lithia. Urinary calculus. Species I. L. renalis. Renti calculus. 2. L. vesicalis. Stone in the bladder. Order 3. Acrotica. Affecting the external surface. Genus I. Ephidrosis. Morbid sweat. Species 1. E. profusa. Profuse sweat. 2. E. cruenta. Bloody sweat. 8. E. partialis. Partial sweat. •{$ 4. E. discolor. Coloured sweat. 5. E. olens. Scented sweat. 6. E. arrenosa. Sandy sweat. Genus 2. Exanthesis. Cutaneous-blush. Species 1. E. roseola. Rose-rash. Genus 3. Exormia. Papulous skin. Species 1. E. strophulus. Gum-rash. 2. E. lichen. Lichenous-rash. 3. E. prurigo. Pruriginous-rash. 4. E. milium. Millet-rash. Genus 4. LePjIDosis. Scale-skin. Species I. L. pityriasis. Dandrift. 2. L. lepriasis. Leprosy. 3. L. psoriasis. Dry-scall. 4. L. icthyiasis. Fish-skin. Genus 5. Ecphlysis. Blains. Species 1. E. pompholyx. Water-blebs?, 2. E. herpes. Tetter. 3. E. rhypea. Sordid blain. 4. E. eczema. Heat eruption. Genus 6. Ecptesis. Humid scall. Species 1. E. impetigo. Running scall. 2. E. porrigo. Scabby scall. 3. E. ecthyma. Papulous scall. 4. E. scabies. Itch. Genus 7. Malis. Cutaneous termination. Species 1. M. pediculi. Lousiness. 2. M. pulicis. Flea-bites. 3. M. acari. v Tick-bite. 4. M. filatiae. Guinea-worm. 5. M. cestri. Gad-fly-bite. 6. M. gordii. Hair-worm. Genus 8. Ecphyma. Cutaneous excrescenc Species 1. E. caruncula. Caruncle. 2. E. verruca. Wart. 3. E. clavus. Corn. 4. E. callus. Callus. Genus 9. Trichosis. Morbid hair. Species 1. T. setosa. Bristly hair. 2. T. plica. Platted hair. 3. T. hirsuties. Extraneous hair. 4. T. distrix. Forky hair. 5. T poliosis. Grey hairs. 6. T. athrix. Baldness. 7. T. area. Arcated hair. 8. T. decolor. Miscoloured hair. Genus 10. Epichrosis. Macular skin. Species 1. E. leucasmus. Veal-skin." 2. E. spilus. Mole. 3. E. lenticula. Freckles. 4. E. ephelis. Sun-burn. 5; E. aurigo. Orange-skin. 6. E. paecilia. Pye-balled-skin. 7. E. alphosis. Albino-skin. NOSTALGIA. (From vos-tu, to return, and aXyos, pain.) A vehement desire for revisiting one's country. A genus of disease in the chi-- NT 1 NUT Localei, and order Dysorexia, of Cullen, known by impatience when absent from one's native home, and a vehement desire to return, attended with gloom and melancholy, loss of appetite, and want of sleep. NOSTRUM. This word means our own, and is very significantly apphed to all quack medicines, the composition of which is kept a secret from tbe public, and known only to the inventor. Notched leaf. Se* Erotut. NO'THUS. (Nedos, spurious.) Spurious. 1. Those ribs which are not attached to the sternum are called code notha, the spurious ribs. 2. Diseases are so called which only resemble others which tbey really are not: as peripneu- monia notha, &c. Notije'u*. (From vutov, the back.) An epithet of the spinal marrow. Notio'des. (From vons, moisture.) Ap- pUed to a fever, attended with a vitiation ol the iluids, or a coUiquative wasting. NOVACULITE. See Whetslate. NUBE'CILA. Dim. of n«6e*,a cloud.) A Uttle cloud. 1. A cloud in the urine. 2. A white speck in the eye. NUCAMENTUM. See Amentum. Nuces gall.e. Common galls. Nuces purgantes. See Ririnus. Nucesta. See Myrssttica moschata. NU'CHA. Nucha capitis. The hind part or nape of the neck. The part is so called where the spinal marrow begins. Nuci'sta. The nutmeg. NUCK, Antiion Y,a distinguished Dutch phy- sician and anatomist, flourished at the Hague, and subsequently at Leyden, in the latter part of the 17th century. He filled the office of pro- fessor of anatomy and surgery in the latter university, and was also president of the coUege of surgeons. He pursued his dissections with great ardour, cultivating both human and com- parative anatomy at every opportunity. He con- tributed some improvements also to the practice of surgery. He died about the year 1692. NU'CLEUS. (E nuce, from the nut.) 1. A kernel or fruit enclosed in' a hard shell. 2. When the centre of a tumour or morbid concretion, as a stone of the bladder, has an ob- vious difference from the surrounding parts, that is caUed the nucleus: thus a cherry-stone and other things have been found in calculi of the bladder, forming the nucleus of that concretion. Nu'cuLjE sapona'ri.e. See Sapindus sa- ponaria. NUDUS. Naked. Applied to flowers, leaves, stems, receptacles, seeds, &c. of plants. A flower is said to be naked when the calyx is want- ing, as in the tulip, and white lily ; and a leaf when it is destitute of all kinds of clothing or hairiness, as in the genus orchis : the stem is naked that bears no leaves, scales, or any other vesture, as Cuscuta europea : the receptacle of the Leontodon taraxacum and Lactuca, the seeds of the gymnospermal plants, &c. NUMMULA'RIA. (From nummus, money : so called because its leaves are round, and of the size ofthe old silver two-pence.) See Lysi- maciiia nummularia. NUT. See Nux. Nut, Barbadoes. See Jatropha curcas. Nut, cocoa. See Cocos nucifera. Nut, Pistachio. See Pistacia vera. Nut, purging. S«.e Jatropha curcas. NUTMEG. See Myristica moschata. NUTRITION. Nulritio. Nutrition maybe considered the completion of tiie assimilating functions. The food changed by a series of de- compositions animalised and rendered similar to the being which it is designed to nourish, applied itself to those organs, the loss of which it is to supply ; and this identification of nutritive mat- ter to our organs constitutes nutrition. The Uving body is continually losing its con- stituent parts. " From the state of the embryo to the most ad- vanced old age, the weight and volume of the body are almost continually changing j the dif- ferent organs and tissues present infinite variations in their consistence, colour, elasticity, and some- times their chemical composition. The volume of the organs augments when they are often in action ; on the contrary, their size diminishes when they remain long at rest. By the influence of' one or other of these causes, their chemical and physical properties present remarkable varia- tions. Many diseases often produce, in a very short time, remarkable changes in the exterior conformation, and in the structure of a great num- ber of organs. If madder is mixed with the food ofan animal, in fifteen or twenty days the bones present a red tint, which disappears when the use of it is left off. There exists, then, in the organs, an insensible motion of the particles which produce all these modifications. It is this that is caUed nutrition, or nutritive action. This phenomenon, which the observing spirit of the ancients had not permitted to escape, was to them the object of many ingenious suppositions that are still admitted. For example, it is said that, by means of the nutritive action, the whole body is renewed, so that, at a certain pe- riod, it does not possess a single particle of the matter that composed it formerly. Limits have even been assigned to this total renewal: some have fixed the period of three years ; others think it not complete till seven: but there is nothing to give probability to these conjectures ; on the con- trary, certain well-proved facts seem to render them of no avail. It is well known that soldiers, sailors, and seve- ral savage people colour their skins with sub- stances which they introduce into the tissue ot this membrane itself: the figures thus traced pre- serve their form and colour during then- lives, should no particular circumstances occur. How can this phenomenon agree with the renewal of the skin according to these authors ? The recent use of nitrate of silver internally, in the cure of epilepsy, furnishes a new proof of this kind. After some months use of this substance, some sick persons have had their skin coloured of a greyish blue, probably by a deposition of the salt in the tissue of this membrane, where it is immediately in contact with the air. Several individuals have been in this state for some years without tlie tint becoming weaker ; whilst in others it has dimi- nished by degrees, and disappeared in two or three years. In resting on the suppositions which we have spoken, it is admitted, in the metaphorical lan- guage now used in physiology, that the atoms of the t rgans can only serve for a certain period in their composition, that in time they wear, and become at last improper to enter into their com- position ; and that they are then absorbed and re- placed by new atoms proceeding from the food. It is added, that the animal matters of which our excretions are composed are the detritus of the organs, and that they are principally com- posed of atoms that can no longer serve m their composition, &c. &c NOT .Nil Instead of discussing these hypotheses, -we KhaU mention a few facts from which we hare tome idea of the nutritive movement. A. In respect to the rapidity with which the organs change their physical and chemical pro- perties by sickness or age, it appears that nutri- tion is more or less rapid according to the tissues. The glands, the muscles, the skin, &c, change their volume, colour, consistence, with great quickness; the tendons, the fibrous membranes, the bones, the cartilages, appear to have a much slower nutrition, for their physical properties change but slowly by the effect of age and disease. B. If we consider the quantity of food con- sumed proportionaUy to the weight of the body, the nutritive movement seems more . j H in in- fancy and youth, than in the adult and in oIj a^e ; it is accelerated by the repeated action of the organs, and retarded by repose. Indeed, children and young people consume more food than adults and old people : these last can preserve aU their faculties by the use of a very small quantity of food. AU the exercises of the body, hard la- bour, require necessarily a greater quantity, or more nutritive food ; on the contrary, perfect repose permits of longer abstinence. C. The blood appears to contain most of the principles necessary to the nutrition of the organs; the fibrine,.the albumen, the fat, the salts, &c, that enter into the composition of the tissues, arc found in the blood. They appear to be deposited in their parenchyma at the instant when the blood traverses them; the manner in which this de- posit takes place is entirely unknown. There is an evident relation between the activity of the nutrition of an organ and the quantity of blood it receives. The tissues that have a rapid nutrition have larger arteries ; when the action of an or- gan has determined an acceleration of its nutri- tion, the arteries increase in size. Many proximate principles that enter into the composition of the organs are not found in the blood : as osmazome, the cerebral matter, gelatine, &c. They are, therefore, formed from other prin- ciples in the parenchyma of the organs, in some chemical but unknown manner. D. Since chemical analysis has made known the nature of the different tissues of the animal economy, they have been all found to contain a considerable portion of azote. Our food being also partly composed of this simple body, the azote of our organs likewise probably comes from them ; but several eminent authors think that it is derived from respiration ; others believe that it is formed by the influence of life solely. Both parties insist particularly upon the example of the herbivorous animals, which are supported ex- clusively upon non-azotised matter; upon the history of certain people that live entirely upon rice and maize ; upon that of negroes who can Uve a long time without eating any thing but su- gar ; lastly, upon what is related of caravans, which, in traversing the deserts, have for a long time had only gum in place of every sort of food. Were it indeed proved by these facts, that men can live a long time without azotised food, it would be necessary to acknowledge that azote hos an origin different from the food; but the facts cited by no means prove this. In fact, almost all the vegetables upon which man and the animals feed contain more or less azote ; for example, the impure sugar that the negroes eat presents a con- siderable portion of it; and with regard to the people, as they say, who feed upon rice or maize, it is well known that they eat milk or cheese : now casein is the most azotised of all (he nutritive proximate principles. 680 E. A considerable number of tissues in ihi economy appear to have no nutrition, property sir caUed: as the epidermis, the nails, the hair, the teefh, the colouring matter of the skin, and, per- haps, the cartilages. These different parts are really secreted, by particular organs, as the teeth and the hair; or by parts which have other functions at the same time, as the nails and tht epidermis. The most ofthe parts formed in this mode wear by the fric- tion of exterior bodies, and are constantly renew- ed ; if they are entirely carried away, they are capable of reproduction. A very singular fact is, that they continue te grow several days after death."—Magendie's Phydology. Nutri'tum unguentum. A composition of Utharge, vii - .1, and oil. ' NUX. (Nux, cis. f.) A nut or fruit whicli has a hard shell. -■>%. Botanists consider this as distinct from the drupa, and define it a pericarp, the seed being contained in a hard bony shell. From the number of seeds it contains, it is called, 1. Monosperm, having one; as in Corylus avellana. 2. Disperm, with two: as in Halesia. From its loculaments: 1. Unilocular, bilocular, trilocular, with one, . two, or three: as in Corylus, Lygeum, and £1 at*. From its figure: 1. Alate, winged: as in Pinus thuja. 2.-Angulate; as in Cupressus. 3. Ovate ; as in Corylus and Carpinus. 4. Quadrangular; as in Haleda. 5. Tetragone; as in Peladium and Mesua. 6. Reniform; as in Anacardium. 7. Spinous; as in Trapanatans. Nux aquatica. See Trapa natans. Nux aromatica. Tbe nutmeg. Nux baruadensis. See Jatropha curcas. Nux basilica. The walnut. Nux ben. See Guilandina moringa. Nux cathartica. The garden spurge. Nux cathartica Americana. See Jatro- pha curcas. Nux indica. The cocoa-nut. Nux juglans. See Juglans. Nux medica. The maldivian nut. Nux metella. The mix vomica. Nux moschata. See Myridica moschata. Nux myristica. See Myristica moschata., Nux persica. The walnut. Nux pistacia. Sec Pistada vera. Nux purgaNS. See Jatropha curcas. Nux serapionis. St. Ignatius's bean. Nux\omica. See Strychnos. NYCTALO'PIA. (From ut>f, the night, aud w\p, an eye.) Imbeci'litas oculorum, of Celsus. A defect in vision, by which the patient sees lit- tle or nothing in the day, but in the evening and night sees tolerably well. The proximate cause is various : 1. From a periodical amaurosis, or gutta serena, when the blind paroxysm begins in the morning and terminates in the evening. 2. From too great a sensitiility of the retina, which cannot bear the meridian light. See Pho- tophobia. 3. From an opaque spot in the middle of the crystalline lens. When the light of the sun in the meridian contracts the pupil, there is bliml- ne?s; about evening, or in more obscure place*. the pupil dilates, hence the rays of light pa-s through the limbus of the crystalline lens. 4. From a disuse of light; thus persons who are educated in obscure prisons see nothing im- mediately in open meridian liarht: but by de- oa;i ORE grees their eyes are accustomed to distinguish objects in day-light. 5. From an immoveable mydriasis ; for in this instance the pnpil admits too great a quantity of tight, whichthe immobile pupil cannot moderate; hence the patient, in a strong light, sees little or nothing. 6. From too great a contraction of the pupil. This admits not a sufficiency of lucid rays, in bright light, but towards night tbe pupil dilates more, aud the patient sees better. 7. Nyctalopia endemica. A whole people have been nyctalopes, as the Athiopians, Afri- cans, Americans, and Asiatics. A great flow of tears are excreted all the day from their eyes ; at night they see objects. 8. From a commotion of the eye ; from which a man in the night saw all objects distinctly. Nycto'basis. (From i/u£, the night, and J3ciiv&>, to go.) Walking in the sleep. NY'MPHA. (From wptpu, a water nymph: go called bpoause it stands in the water-course.) Ala interna minores clitoridis; Colliculum; Collicula; Mytoeheiltde* ; Labia minora. The membranous fold, situated will an the labia majora, on each side ofthe entrance of the vagina uteri. NYMPH A'A. (From wpQa, a water-nymph; because it grows in watery places.) The name nf a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Polyandriu; Order, Monogynia. The . water-lily. Nymph.e alba. Leuconymphaa. Nenu* phar. Micro-leuconymphaa. The systematic name of the white water-lily. This beautiful plant was formerly employed medicinally as a demulcent, and slightly anodyne remedy. It is now laid aside. Nymph.*a glandifera. See Nymphaa nelumbo. Nymphjea lotus. The Egyptian lotus. An aquatic plant, a native of both Indies. The root 'is conical, firm, about the size Of a middling pear, covered with a blackish bark, and set round with fibres. It has a sweetish taste, and when boiled or roasted, becomes as yellow within as the yolk of an egg. The plant grows in abundance on the banks ofthe Nile, and is there -nuch sought after by the poor, who, in a short time, collect enough to supply their families with food for several days. Nymph*a lutea. Nymphaa major lutea, of Caspar Bauhin. The systematic name of the yellow water-lily. This beautiful plant was em- ployed formerly with the same intentions as the white water-lily, and, like it, is now fallen into disuse. Lindestolpe informs us, that, in some parts of Sweden, the roots, which are the strong- est part, were, in times of scarcity, used as food, and did not prove unwholesome. NYMPH.f.A nelumbo. Faba agyptiaca; Cyamus agyptiacus; Nymphaa indica; Nym- phaa glandifera. The pontic, or Agyptiaa bean. This plant grows on marshy grounds ia Egypt, and some of the neighbouring countries. The fruit is eaten either raw or boUed, and is a tonic and astringent. NYMPHOI'DES. (From wpfata, the water- Uly, and ttSos, likeness.) Resembling the water- lily: as Menyanthes nymphoides. NYMPHOMANIA. (From Vvp under the rectus, adhere s to the anterior surface of the tendon ot the transvers.dis, and is inserted into the cartilages of the first of the false, and the last of the true ribs, and likewise into the linea alba. By this structun- we may perceive that the greater part of the rectus is enclosed, as it were, in a sheath. The fibres of tht anterior porfii-n of the internal oblique, or those which arise from the spine of the ilium and the ligamentum Fallopii, likewise form a broad tendon which, instead of separating into two layers, like that of the other part of the muscle, runs over the lower part nf the rectus, and adhe- ring tn the under surface ot the tendon of the ex- terna! oblique, is inserted iuto the tore-part of the pulies. This muscle serves to assist the obli- quus i xterniis . :.u: '•■ set ms to be more evident y calculated than iliat muscle is to ilr iw the ribs downwards and backwards. It liki wise serves to separate the false ribs from the true ribs, and from e.ich other. Obliq.: s major abdominis. See Obliquus externum abdominis. Obi.iq' '-'S major capitis. See Obliquity in- ferior capitis. Obi iquus major oculi. See Obliquus su- perior oculi. Obliqi-i.s minor abdominis. See Obliquus internus abdominis Ob'.iquu's minor capitis. See Obliquus su- perio> apitis. Obi iq is mi\ok oculi. See Obhquusinje- i tor ocu'i. Obli-.ji'Us superior cafitis. Rio'anu , wl.i was the first that -z-\e particular name* to the oblique musch s nf the head, Called this muscle obliquus minor, to distinguish it from the infe- rior, which, on account of its being much larger, he naii.i-d obliquus major. SpigtTius afterwards distinguished the two, from their situation with respect to each other, into superior and inferior; and in this he is followed by Cowper and Douglas. Winslow retains both names. Dumas ■■■•ills it Irachclo-altoido-ocdpital. That used by Albinus is here adopted. This little muscle which is marly of the same shape as the recti, capitis, is situated laterally between the occiput and the first vertebra of the neck, and is covered by the complexus and the upper part of the sple- niui. It arises, by a short thick tendon, from the uppe- and posterior part of the transverse pro- cess of the first vertebra of the neck, and, as- cending obliquely inwards and backwards, be- comes broader, and is inserted, by a broad flat tendon,-«ahd some few fleshy fibres, into the os occipitis, behind the back part of the mastoid pro- cess, under the insertion of the complexus and splenitis, and a little above that of the rectus major. The use of this muscle is to draw the head backwards, and perhaps to assist in its ro- tatory motion. Obliquus superior oculi. Trochlearisj Longisdmus oculi. Obliquus major, of Win- slow ; and Optico-trochlei-scleroticien, of Du- mas. An oblique muscle of the eye, that rolls the globe of the eye, and turns the pupil down- wards and outwards. It arises like the straight muscles of the eye from the edge of the foramen opticum at the bottom of the orbit, between the rectus superior and rectus internus ; from thence runs straight along the papyraceous portion of the ethmoid bone to the upper part of the orbit, where a cartilaginous trochlea is fixed to the in- side of the internal angular process of the os frontis, through which its tendon passes, and runs a little downwards and outwards, enclosed in a loose meiiibr.-in.ict.ous sheath, to be inserted into the sclerotic membrane. Obliquus superior sive minor. See Ob- liquus superior capitis. Obliquus supf.ricr sive trochlears. See Obliquus superior oculi. OBLONGUS. In botany applied to leaves, petnls, seeds, &c. which are three or four times longer than broad. This term is used with great latitude, and serves chiefly In a specific charac- t' r to contrast a leaf, wliich has a variable, or not very decided, form, with others that are precisely round, ovate, linear, &c. The petals of the genus Citrus and Hedera, and those of the Narcissus nios-hatus, are oblong, and the seeds of the Boerhaavia diffusa. OBOVAPUS. Obovate. Used in botany to di-signate leaves, &c.' which are ovate with a broader en'! uppermost; as those cf the primrose and daisy. Linuaeus at first used the words 06- sersi ovatum. SiisSiDIVN. \ mineral, of which there are two kinds, the tr:.. s'.ucrnt and transparent. ). The translucent obsidian. This s of a vel- vet black < clour, r.i:d occurs in beds in porphyry and vaiious secon lary trap rocks in Iceland and Toll ay. 2. The transparent is of a duck-blue colour, and oceiu-s iuibt dded in pearl-stone porphyry in Sibei ' and Mi xic-... Orsidia'num. (So called from its resemblance to a !uu I of stone, which out Obsidius discovered ■n Etvopiu, of a very bhsr.k colour, though some- rimes pellucid, and of a muddy water.) 1. A speejes of glass. See Obsidian. 2. Pliny sa\* that obsidianum was a sort of colour with which vessels were glazed. Hence the name is applied, by Libavius, to glass of an- timony. i.-riSTETRIC (Obstetricus; from obstetrix, a nurse.) Belouging to midwifery. OBSTIPA'TIO. (From obshpo,to stop up.) Costiveness. A genus of disease in the class Locales, and'order Epischeses of CuUen, com- prehending three species: 693 wet: wcc ». Obstipatio debilium, in weak and commonly dyspeptic persons. .2. Obstipatio rigidorum, in persons of rigid fibres, and a melancholic temperament. 3. Obstipatio obstructorum, Irom obstructions. See Colica. Obstrue'noa. (From obstruo, to shut up.) Whatever closes the orifices of the ducts, or vessels. Obstcpefacie'ntia. (From obstupefacio, te stupefy.) Narcotics. Obtunde'ntia. (From obtundo, to make blunt.) Substances which sheath or blunt irri- tation, and are much the same as demulcents. They consist chiefly of bland, oily, or mucilagin ous matters, which form a covering on inflamed and irritable surfaces, particularly those of the stomach, lungs, and anus. OBTURA'TOR. A stopper up, or that which covers any thing. Obturator externus. Extra-pelvio-pubU trochanterien, of Dumas. This is a small flat muscle, situated obliquely at the upper and ante- rior part of the thigh, between the pectinalis and the fore-part of the foramen thyroidcum, and covered by the abductor brevis femoris. It arises tendinous and fleshy from all the inner half of the circumference of the foramen thyroideum, and likewise from part of the obturator ligament. Its radiated fibres collect and form a strong round. ish tendon, which runs outwards, and, after ad- hering to the capsular ligament of the joint, is inserted into a cavity at the inner and back part of the root of the great trochanter. The chief uses of this muscle are to turn the thigh obliquely outwards, to assist in bending the thigh, and in drawing it inwards. It likewise prevents the capsular ligament from being pinched in the mo- tions of the joint. Obturator internus. Marsupialis, seu obturator internus, of Douglas. Marsupialis seubursalis, of Cowper; and Intra-pelvio-tro- chanterien, of Dumas. A considerable muscle, a great part of which is situated within the pel- vis. It arises, by very short tendinous fibres, from somewhat more than the upper half of the internal circumference of the foramen thyroi- deum of the os innominatum. It is composed of several distinct fasciculi, which terminate in a roundish tendon that passes out of the pelvis, through the niche that is between the spine and the tuberosity of the ischium, and after running between the two portions of the gemini, which enclose it as in a sheath, is inserted into the ca- vity at the root of the great trochanter, after adhering to the adjacent part of the capsular liga raent of the joint. This muscle rolls the os femoris obliquely outwards, by pulling it to- wards the ischiatic niche, upon the cartilaginous surface of which its tenden, which is surround- ed by a membraneous sheath, moves as upon a suDey. Obturator nerve. A nerve of tlie thigh, that is lost upon the muscles situated on the in- side of the thigh. OBTUSUS. Blunt. Applied to a leaf which terminates in a segment of a circle ; as that of the Linum catharttcum. This formed leaf has a small point, obtusum cum acumine, in the Statyce Hmonium. The petals of the Tropaolum majus arc obtuse. OCCIPITAL. Occipitalis. Belonging to the occiput or back part of the head. Occipital bone. Oi oedpitis; Os memo- rial; Ot nervosum; Os badlare. This bone which formf the posterior and inferior part of the skull, is of an irregular figure, convex on the 684 outside and concave internally. Its external sur- face, which is very irregular, serves for the at- tachment of several muscles. It affords several inequalities, which sometimes form two semi- circular hollows separated by a scabrous ridge. The inferior portion of the bone is stretched for- wards in form of a wedge, and hence is called the cuneiform process, or basilary process. At the base of this process, situated obUquely on each side of the foramen magnum, are two flat, oblong protuberances, named condyles. They are covered with cartilage and serve for the arti- culation ol the head with the first vertebra ofthe neck. In the inferior portion of this bone, at the basis of the cranium, and immediately be- hind the cuneiform process, we observe a consi- derable hole, through which the medulla oblon- gata passes into the spine. The nervi accessorii, the vertebral arteries, and sometimes the verte- bral veins likewise, pass through it. Man being designed for an erect posture, this foramen mag- num is found nearly in the middle of the basis of the human cranium, and at a pretty equal dis- tance from the posterior part of the occiput, and the anterior part of the lower jaw; whereas in quadrupeds it is nearer the back part of the oc- ciput Besides this hole, there are four other smaller foramina, viz. two before, and two be- hind the condyles. The former serve for the transmission of the ninth pair of nerves, and the two latter for the veins which pass from the ex- ternal parts of the head to the lateral sinuses. On looking over the internal surface of the os occipitis, we perceive the appearance of a cross, formed by a very prominent ridge, which rises upwards from near the foramen magnum, and by two transverse sinuosities, one on each side of the ridge. This cross occasions the formation of four fossae, two above and two below the sinuosities. In the latter are placed the lobes of the cerebellum, and in the former the posterior lobes of the brain. The two sinuosities serve to receive the lateral sinuses. In the upper part of this bone is seen a continuation of the sinuosity of the If ngitudinal sinus ; and at the basis of the cranium we observe the inn«T surface of the cu- neiform process made concave, for the reception of the medulla oblongata. The occipital bone is thicker and stronger than any of the other bones of the head, except the petrous part ot the ossa ternporum ; but it 16 of unequal thickness. At its lateral and inferior parts, where it is thin- nest, it is covered by a great number of muscles. The reason for so much thickness and strength in this bone, seems to be, that it coven; the cere- bellum, in which the least wound is ot tbe ut- most consequence ; and that it is, by its situa- tion, more liable to be fractured by falls than any other bone of the cranium. For if we fall for- wards, the hands are naturally put out to prevent the forehead's touching tbe ground; and if on one side, the shoulders in a great measure pro- tect the sides of the head; but if a person fall backwards, tbe hind part of the head consequent- ly strikes against the earth, and that too with considerable violence. Nature therefore has wisely constructed this bone so as to be capable of the greatest strength at its upper part, where it is tbe most exposed to injury. The os occipitis is joined, by means of the cuneiform process, to the sphenoid bone, with which it often ossifies, and makes but one bone in those who are ad- vanced in Ufe. It is connected to the parietal bones by the lambdoidal auture, and to the tem- poral bones by the additameutum of the temporal suture. The head is likewise united to the trunk by means of this bone. The two condyles of the eo* ODO occipital bone are received into the superior ob- Uque processes of the atlas, or first vertebra of tbe neck, and it is by means of this articulation that a certain degree of motion of the head baok- wards and forwards is performed. But it allows only very little motion to either side ; and still less of a circular motion, which the head obtains principally by the circumvolution of the atlas on the second vertebra, as is described niore parti- cularly in the account of the vertebrae. In the foetus, the os occipitis is divided by an unossified cartilaginous substance into lour parts. One of these, which is the largest, constitutes all that por- tion of the bone which is above the foramen mag. num , two others, which are much smaller, com- pose the inside of the foramen niugnum, and in- clude the condyloid processes ; and the fourth is the cuneiform process. This last is sometimes not completely united with the rest, so as to form one bone, before the sixth or seventh year. OCCIPITALIS. See Occipito-frontalis, and Ocripital. OCCIPITO. Names compounded of this word belong to the occiput. Occipito-frontalis. Digastricus cranii; Epicraniut, of Albinus. Frontalis et occipita- /t*. of Winslow and Cowper ; and Occipitofron- tal, of Dumas. A single, broad, digastric mus- cle, that covers the cranium, pulls the skin of the head backwards, raises the eye-brows upwards, and at the same time, draws up and wrinkles the skin of the forehead. It arises from the posterior part of the occiput, goes over the upper part of the os parietale and os frontis, and is lost in the eye-brows. OCCIPUT. The hinder part of the head. See Caput. OCCLUSUS. Shut up. Applied to the florets of the fig .which are shut up in the fleshy recep- tacle that forms the fruit. OCCULT. Occultus. Hidden. A term that has been much used by writers that had not clear ideas of uhaf thry undertook to explain; and which served therefore only for a cover to their ignorance , hence occult cause, occult qual- ity, occult disease. Oche'ma. (From o\tia, to carry.) A vehi- cle, or thin fluid. Ocheteu'ma. (From octroi, a duct.) The nostril. O'chetus. (From o^tu, to convey ) A ca- - nalorduct. The urinary or abdominal passages. O'cheus. (From o^cm, to carry. The bagol the scrotum. O'CHRA. (From to%pos, pale;) so named be- cause it is often of a pale colour. 1. Ochre. *n argillaceous earth impregnated with iron of a red or yellow colour. The Arme- nian bole, and other earths, are often adulterated with ochre 2. The fore-part ofthe tibia. OCHROITS. See Cerite. O'chrus. (From ai^pof, pale : so c dfol fr->T the pale muddy colour in its flowers.) A leguminous plant, or kind of pulse. Ochtho'des. (From o%8os, importing the tumid lips of ulcers, callous, tumid.) Au epithet for ulcers, whose lips are callous and tumid, and consequently difficult to heal. Ocima'strum. (Diminutive of ocimum, ba- sil. ) Wild white campion, or basil. OCREA. A term used by Rottball, to the membrane that enfolds the flower stalks in Cype- rui, and which Sir J. Smith thinks is a species of bractea. Octa'na. (From octo, eight.) An erratic in- termitting fever, which returns every eighth day. OCTANDRIA. (From oktoi, eight, and ainag, a husband.) The name of a class of plants in the sexual system of Linnaeus, consisting of those which have hermaphrodite flowers, furnished with eight stamina. Octa'vus humeri. The Teret minor. Octa'vus humeri placentini. The Teres minor. Ocula'res communes. A name for the nerves called Motores oculorum. OCULA'KIA. (From oculus, the eye; so called from its uses tn disorders of the eye.) See . Euphrasia. O'CULUS. Tbe eye. See Eye. Oculus bovinus. See Hydrophthalmia. Oculus bovis. See Chrysanthemum leuean- themum. Oculus bubulus. See Hydrophthalmia. Oculu* chkisti. Austrian flea-bane . a .pe- des of Inula, sometimes used as an adstringent by continental physicians. Oculus klkphantinus. A name given to Hydrophthalmia. • Oculus genu. The knee-pan. Oculus lach. ymans. The Ephiphora. Oculus mundi. A species of Opal, general- ly of a yellowish colour. By lying in water it becomes of an amber-colour, and also trans- parent. Oculi adductor. See Rectus internus oculi. Oculi attollens. See Rectus superior oculi. Oculi cancrorum. See Cancer. Oculi depressor. See Rectus inferior oculi. Oculi elevator. See Rectus superior oculi. Oculi levator. See Rectus superior oculi. Oculi obliquus inferior. See Obliquus inferior oculi. Oculi obliquus major. See Obliquus superior oculi. <>cui.i obliquus minor. See Obliquus in- ferior oculi. O'CY.VIUM. (From uncus, swift: so called from its quick growth.) Ocymum. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Didynamia; Order, Gymnotpermia. Ocymum basilicum. The systematic name of the common or citron basil. Basilicum. Oci- mum—foliis ovatis glabris ; calyribus dliatis, of Linnaeus. This plant is supposed to pi ssess ner- vine qualities, but is seldom employed but as a condiment to season high dishes, to which it im- pirts a grateful odour and taste. Ocimum caktophtllatum. Ocimummini- mum of Caspar Bauhin. Small or bush basil. This plant is mildly balsamic. Infusions are drank as tea, in catarrhous and uterine disorders, and the dried leaves are made into cephalic, and sternutatory powders. They are, wheu fresh, very juicy, of a weak aromatic and very mucila- ginous taste, and of a strong and agreeable smell improved by drying. Odaxi'smos. (From oi5oiif, a tooth.) A biting sensation, nain, or itchinir in the gums. UDOJ\ J AGO'GOS. il'toni ooovs, a tooth, and aym, to draw.) The name of an instrument to draw teeth, one of which, made of lead, For- rest us relates to have been hungup in the temple of Apollo, denoting, that such an operation ought not to be made, but when the tooth was loose enough to draw with so slight a force as could be applied with that. ODONTA'GRA. (From oSovs, a tooth, and aypa,, a seizure.) 1. The toothache. 2. The gout in the teeth. 3. A tooth-drawer. ODONTA'LGIA. (From oSovs, a tooth, and aXy@', pain.) Odontia; Odaxismus. The ODO "h n 'he constitution has had some share in the disi ase, tin- Peruvian bark has been recommended, and pirhapswith much justi e on account of its tr-iiic and antiseptic powirs. When the pain is not fixed to one tooth, leechi - .applied to the gum are of great service. Bi.t very often ,:ll the foregoing remedies will fail sirnl *hei>nly infallible cure is to draw the teeth. OPONTIA. The name of -\ «renus of diseases in Good s Nosob gy. C is> C'-'iaca, Order, Enlerka P.i n, or derangi-meti ul the te< th or their involucres It his seven species, viz. Odon- tia dentition is, dolorosa, stu pores ; deferrmis; edentula ; incrv.-tuns, excn - ens. ODONTI'ASIS. (From ocovtiou, to put forth the teeth.) Dentition, or cutting teeth. See Dentil on and Teeth. Ol-u'ntica. (From o&ovs, a tooth.) Remedies for pains in the teeth. ODONTIRRHOE'A. (From o&ovs, a tooth, and /jiui, to flow.) Bleeding from the socket of the jaw, alter drawing a tooth. ODO'NTIS. (From oiovs, a tooth : so called 6P6 because its decoction was supposed useful in re- lieving the toothache.) A species of lychnis. ODONTI'TIS. Inflammation of a tooth. See Odontalgia. ODONTOGLY'PHUM. (From o'cjovj, a tooth, and yXvq)ta, .to scrape.) An instrument for scaling and scraping the teeth. ODONTOID. (Odontoidet; from o&ovs, a tooth, and tt&os, form : because it is shaped like a tooth.) Tooth-like. See Dentatus. ODONTOLI'THOS. 'From o&ovs, a tooth, and XiOos, a stone.) The tartar, or stony crust upon the teeth. O DO N TO PHY'I A. (From o&ovs, a tooth, and 0uoi, to grow.) Dentition, or cutting teeth. Mdontotri'mma. (From oSovs, a tooth, and rpiBii), to'wear away.) A dentrifrice, or medicine, to clean the teeth. ODORIFEROUS. (From the smell which the secretion from them has.) Some glands are so called. Odoriferous glands. Glandula odorifera. These glands are situated around the corona g I andis of the male, and under the skin of the labia ma- jora and nympha? of females. They secrete a se- baceous matter, which emits a peculiar odour. ODOUR. Smell. This, whicb is the emana- tion of an odoriferous body, is generally ascribed to a portion of the body itself, converted into va- pour : but from some experiments lately insti- tuted it would seem probable, that in many cases the odour is owing not to tbe substance itself, but to a gas or vapour resulting from its combination with an appropriate vehicle, capable of diffusion iu space. G2'a. (On?: from oio>, to bear; so named from its fruitfulness.) The service tree, Crataegus ter- minalis. Q2CO.VOMY. (QZconomia; from oikos, a house, and vopos, a law.) QSconomia animalis. The conduct < f nature in preserving bodies and following her usual order : hence animal ceconomy and vegetable ceconomy, &c. 03DE'iMA. (From oiStw, to swell.) A sy- nonym of anasarca. See Anasarca. GEDEMATO'DES (From ot&tu, to swell, and tiSos, resemblance.) Like to an oedema. CEdkmosa'rca. (From oi&tipa, aswelling, and oapi,, flesh.) A tumour mentioned by Severinus, of a middle nature, betwixt an adema and sar- coma. GSNA'NTHE. (From oivos, wine, and avQos, . flower : so called because its flowers smell like the vine.) -1. The botanical name of a genus ot the urn- belkferous plants. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of tbe hemlock dropwort. See QZnanthe crocata. CEnanthe crocata. The hemlock drop- wort. QZnanthc—charophylli foliis of Lin- naeus An n-ilve poison that has too often proved fatal, by being eaten in mistake instead of water- parsnep. The juice, nevertheless, cautiously exhibited, promises to be an cfticacious remedy in inveterate scorbutic eruptions. The root of this (ilaut is not unpleasant to the taste, and es- teemed to be most dceterious of all the vegeta- bles uhicb this country produces. Mr. Howel, surged.! at Haverfordwest, relates, that "eleven French prisoners had the liberty of walking in and about the town ot Pembroke. Three of them being in the fields a little before noon, dug up a large quantity of this plant, which they took to be wild celery, to eat with their bread and butter for dinner After washing it; they aU (ENO CESY three ate, or rather tasted of the roots. As they were entering the town, without any previous notice of sickness at the stomach, or disorder in the head., one of them was seized with convul- sions. The other two ran home, anil sent a sur- fcon to him. The surgeon endeavoured first to leed, and then to vomit him ; but those endea- vours were fruitless, and he died presently. Ig- norant of the cause of their comrade's death, and of their own danger, they gave of these roots to the other eight prisoners, who ate ot them with their dinner. A few minutes afterwards the re- maining two who gathered the plants were seized in the same manner as the first, of which one died ; the other was bled, and a vomit, with great difficulty, forced down on account of his jaws being, as it were, locked together. This operated, and he recovered, but was some time affected with dizziness in his head, though not sick, or the least disordered in the stomach. I he other eight being bled and vomited immediately, were soon well. ' At Clonmell, in Ireland, eight boys mistaking this plant for watei -parsnep, ate plen- tifully of its roots. About four or five hours after the eldest boy became suddenly convulsed, and died : and before the next morning four of the other boys died in a similar manner. Of the other three, one was maniacal several hours, an- other lost his hair and naUs, but the third escaped unhurt. Stalpaart Vander Wiel mentions two cases of the fatal effects of this root; these, however, were attended with great heat in the throat and stomach, sickness, vertigo, and purg- ing ; they both died in the course of two or three hours after eating tbe root. Allen, in his Sy- nopsis Medicina?, also relates that four -bil'lren suffered greatly by eating this poison. In these cases great agony was experienced before the convulsion supervened : vomitings likewise came on, which were encouraged by large draughts of oil and warm water, to which their recovery is ascribed. The late Sir William Watson, who refers to the instances here cited, also says, that a Dutchman was poisoned by the leaves of the plant boiled in pottage. It appears, from various authorities, that most brute animals are not less affected by this poison than man: and Lightfoot informs us, that a spoonful of the juice of this plant given to a dog, rendered him sick and stu- pid : but a goat was observed to eat the plant with impunity. Tbe great virulence of this plant has not, however, prevented it from being taken medicinally. In a letter from Dr. Poiilteney to Sir William Watson, we are told that a severe and inveterate cutaneous disorder was cureu by the juice of the root, though not without exciting the mi st alarming symptoms. Taken in the dose of a spoonful, in two hours afterwards, the head was affected in a very extraordinary manner, fol- lowed with violent sickness and vomiting, cold sweats, and rigors ; but this did not deter the pa- tient from continuing the medicine, in somewhat less doses, till it effected a cure. (En a're a. (Oivaptri: from oivapa, the cuttings of vines.) The ashes prepared of the twigs, &c. of vines. C£nel.£'um. (From ©ivos, wine, and tXmov, oil.) A mixture of oil and wine. GiNO'GALA. (From oivos, wine, and yaXa, milk.) A sort of potion made of wine and milk. According to some, it is w ine as warm as new milk. Q]no'oarum. (From oivos, wine, and yapov, garura.) A mixture of wine and garum. OSNO'MELI. (From oivos, wine, and ptXt, honey.) Mead, or wine, made of honey, or sweetened with honey. Q^no'plia. (From oivos, wine.) The great jubeb-tree. The juice ol the nut is like that of the irrape. (ENOS A'GMA. • (Fr.m aim, wine,,and j-afo), to distil.) Spirit of wine. CEno'thera. (From oivos, wine: so called because its dried roots smell like wine.) A spe- cies of lysirnachia. CENOTHIONIC ACID. ((Enothionicus; from oii'os, wine.) An acid produced during the distillation of sulphuric aether, and found in the residue according to Sertuerner. C3NUS. (From oivos, wine.) Wine. QSnus an thin os. Flowery wine. Galen says it is QSnos anlhosmias, or wine impreg- nated with flowers, in which sense it is an epithet for the Cyceon. Q3nus anthosmias. (From avdos, a flower, and 007117, a smell.) Sweet-scented wine. (JEnus apezesmenUs. A wine heated to a great degree, and prescribed with other things, as garlic, salt, milk, and vinegar. CEnus apod.ldus. Wine in which the dais, or taeda hath been boiled. GSnus deuterus. Wines of the second press- ing. GDnus diacheomenus. Wine diffused in larger vessels, cooled and strained from the lees, to render it thinner and weaker; wines thus drawn off are called saccus, and saccata, from the bag through which the} art strained. G2nus galactodes. Wine with milk, or wine made as warm as new milk. CEnus malacus. (Enus malthacus Soft wine. Sometimes il u.e,U'» weak ami thii', op- posed to strong wine ; or mild in opposition to austere. CJEnus melichroos. Wine in which is honey. OEnus osnodes. Strong wine. (JEnus straphidios leucos. White wine made from raisins. CEnus tethalasmenos. Wine mixed with sea-water. CESOPHAG/E'US. (From oiaoaiayos, the gullet.) The muscle forming the sphincter oeso- phagi. Q2sofhagi'»mus. (From oioocpayos, the gul- let.) Difficult swallowing, from spasm. CESO'PHAGUS. (Oesophagus, 1. m. ; from oibi, to carry, and ipuyto, to eat: ceeause it ear- r.es the food into the stomal h.) The membra- nous and muscular tubt that descends in the neck, from the pharynx ti. the stomach. It is composed ot three tunics, or membranes, viz. a common, muscuiar, anil mucous. Its arterii s are brio,dies of the oesophageal, whiih arises mm ihe aorta. Ihe veins empty themselves into tin vena.iz\gos. Its nerves are from the eighth pair and great in- tercostal ; and it is every where ..nJer the inter- nal or mucous membrane supplied with glands that separate the nun us ol the oesophagus, in or- der that the masticated bole may readily pass down into the stomach. ffiSTROMA'NIA. (From ot?pos, the pudenda of a tioman, and pmvopai, to rage.) A uror uterinus. Sia Nymphomania 02'STRUM. ^Froru a»lrus, a gad-bee : be- cause by its bite, or sting, it agitates cattle.) (E-tium venereum. The orgasm, or pleasant sensation, experienced during coition. CEstrum \enere m 1. The clitoris is so called, as being the seat of the sensation. 2. The sensation is also so called 03'sype. (From oij, asheep, andpvnos, sordes.) (Etypot; (Esypum ; GZsypus. It frequently is met with in the ancient Pharmacy, for a certain oily substance, boiled out of particular parte of 697 OLD OLE the fleeces of wool, as what grows on the flank, neck, and parts most used to sweat. O'ffa alba. (From phath, a fragment, He- brew. ) Van Helmont thus caUs the white coagu- lation which arises from a mixture of a rectified spirit of wine, and of urine ; but the spirit of urine must be distilled from well fermented urine; and that must be well dephlegmated, else it will not answer. OFFICINAL. (Officinalis; from offidna, a shop.) Any medicine directed by tht colleges of physicians to be kept in the shops, .s so termed. Offusca'tio. The same as A aurods. OIL. (Oleum; from olea, tbe olive: this name being at first confined t the oil expressed from the onve.) OU is defined by modern che- mists, to be a proper juice of a fat or unctuous nature, either soUd urn ud, indissoluble in water, combustible with flame and volatile in different degrees. Oils are never formed but by organic bodies; and all the substances in the mineral kingdom, which present oily characters, have originated from the action of vegetable or animal life. They are distinguished into fat and essen- tialoils ; under the former heud are -omprehend- ed oil of olives, almonds, rape? ben, Unseed, hemp, cocoa, &c. Essential oils differ from fat oils by the foUowing characters: their smell is strong and aromatic ; their volatility is such that they rise with the heat of boiling water, and their taste is very acrid ; they are likewise much more com- bustible than fat oils ; they are obtained by pres- sure, distillation, &c. from strong smelling plants, as that of peppermint, aniseed, caraway, &c. The use of fat oils in the arts, and in medicine, is very considerable ; they are medicinally pre- scribed as relaxing, softening and laxative reme- dies ; they enter into many medical compounds, such as balsams, unguents, plasters, &c. and they are often used as food on account of the mucilage they contain. See Olea. Essential oils are employed as cordial, stimulant, and antispasmo- dic remedies. Oil, atherial. See Oleum athereum. Oil, almond. See Amygdalus. Oil of allspice. See Oleum pimenta. Oil of amber. See Oleum succini. Oil of caraway. See Oleum carui. Oil, castor. See Ricinus communis. Oil of chamomile. See Oleum anthemidis. Oil of juniper. See Oleum junipen. Oil of lavender. See Oleum lavendula. Oil of linseed. See Oleum lini. Oil of mace. See Oleum mads. Oil, olive. See Olea europaa. Oil of origanum. See Oleum origani. Oil, palm. See Cocos butyracea. Oil of pennyroyal. See Oleum pulegii. Oil of peppermint. See Oleum .nentlia pipe- rita. Oil, rock. See Petroleum. Oil ofspeui-mint. See Oleunl mentha viridis. Oil, sulphurated. i>ee Oleum sulphuratum. Oil of turpentine. See Oleum terebinthina redificatum. Oil of vitriol. See Sulphuric add. OINTMENT. See Unguentum. OISANITE. Pyramidal ore ol titanium. OLDENLANDIA. (In honour of H. B. Ol- denland, a Dane, who made a visit to the Cape of Good Hope, about the year 1693, for the purpose of coUecting plants, where he soon after died. LinnsEus described many plants from his Herba- rium.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Pentandria: Order, Digynia. Oldenlandia umbellata. The roots ol this plant v uch grows wUd on the coast of Co- 688 ■ romandel, and is also cultivated there, are used by dyers and calico printers, for the same pur- poses as madder with us, giving the beautitui red so much admired in the Madras cottons. O'LriA. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Monanaria ; Or- der, Monogynia. Olea europ.ea. The systematic name of the plant from which the olive oil is obtained. Oliva; Olea sativa. Olea—foliis lanceolatis integeirimis, rucemis axillanbus coarctatis, of Linnasus. The olive-tree, in all ages, bas been gieatly celebrated, and held in peculiar estimation, as the bounteous gift of Heaven ; it was formerly exhibited in the religious ceremonies oi tbe Jews. und is still continued as emblematic ot peace ana plenty. The varieties of this tree are numerous, distinguished not only by the form of the leaves, but also by the shape, size, and colour of tbe fruit; as the large Spanish olive, the small oblong Pro- vence onve, &c. &c. Thes., when pickled, »re well known to us by the names of Spanish and French olives, .vfocn are extremely grateful to many stomachs, and said to excite appetite and promote digestion ; they are prepared from the green unripe fruit, which Is repeatedly steeped in water, to which some quicklime or alkaline salt is added, in order to shorten the operation : after this, they are washed and preserved in a pickle of common salt and water, to which an aromatic is sometimes added. The principal consumption, however, of this fruit is in the preparation ofthe common salad oil, or oleum oliva of the pharma- copoeias, which is obtained by grinding and pressing them when thoroughly ripe : the finer and purer oil issues first by gentle pressure, and the interior sorts on heating what is left, and pressing it more strongly. The best oUve oil is of a bright pale amber'colour, bland to the taste, and without any smell: it becomes rancid by age, and sooner if kept in a warm situation. W ith re- gard to its utitity, oil, in some shape, forms a considerable part of our food, both animal and vegetable, and affords much nourishment. With some, however, oily substances do not unite with the contents of the stomach, and are frequently bronght up by eructation ; this happens more es- pecially to those whose stomachs' abound with acid.—Oil, considered as a medicine, is supposed to correct acrimony, and to lubricate and relax the fibres ; and, therefore, has been recommend- ed internally to obviate the effects of various sti- muli, whicfT produce irritation, and consequent inflammation : on this ground it has been gene- rally prescribed in coughs, catarrhal affections, and erosions. The oilof olives is successfully used in Switzerland against the tania osculis su- perficiahbus, and his in very high estimation in this and other countries against nephritic pains, spasms, colic, constipation of the bowels, &c. Externally it has been found an uselul application to bites and stings of various poisonous annuals, as the mad dog, several serpents, &c. also to burns, tumours, and other affections, both by it- self, or mixed in liniments or poultices. Oil nib- bed over the body is said to be ol great service in dropsies, particularly ascites. Olive oil enters several officinal compositions, and when united with water, by the intervention of alkali, is usually given in coughs and hoarsenesses. Olea'men. (From oleum, oil.) A thin lini- ment composed of oils. Olea'nder. (Fromolea,theoSvetree, «hich it resembles.) The rose-bay. Olea'ster. (Diminutive of olea, the olive- tree. ) The wild olive. OLE'CRAXON. (From ^-i.-, iLt; ulna, and OLE OLE *.t.*wv, the head.) The elbow, or process ol the ulna, upon which a person leans. See Ulna. OLEFIANT GAS. See Carburetted hydro- gen gas. OLEIC ACID. "When potassa*and hog's lard are saponified, the margarate of the alkali separates in the form of a pearly-looking solid, while the fluid fat remains in solution, combined with the potassa. When the alkali is separated by tartaric acid, the oily principle of lat is ob- tained, which Chevreuil purifies by saponifying it again and again, recovering it two or three times ; by which means the whole of the mar- garine is separated. As this oil has the property of saturating bases and forming neutral com- pounds, he has called it oleic acid." Clene. (ftXtvri.) The cubit, or ulna. OLEOSACCHARUM. (From oleum, oil, and saccharum, sugar.) An essential oil, ground up with sugar. OLERACEUS. (From o/eo, to grow.) Ho- leraceut. Partaking ofthe nature of pot-herbs. OLERACEiE. (From olus, a pot-herb.) The name of an order of plants in Linna?us's Frag- ments of a Natural Method, consisting of such as have incomplete inelegant flowers, heaped to- gether in the calyces ; as beta, chenopodium, spinacia, &c. O'LEUM. See Oil. Oleum abietinum. The resinous juice which exudes spontaneously from the silver and red firs. It is supposed to be superior to that ob- tained by wounding the tree. Oleum jethkkeum, /Ethereal oil. Oleum vini. Alter the distillation of sulphuric aether, carry on the distillation with a less degree of heat, until a black froth begins to rise ; then im- mediately remove the retort from t.he fire. Add sufficient water to the liquor in the retort, that the oily part may float Upon the surface. Sepa- rate this, and add to it as much lime-water as may be necessary to neutralise the adherent acid, and shake them together. Lastly, collect the u-therial oil which separates. This oil is used as au ingredient in the compound spirit of a?ther. It is of a yellow colour, less volatile than aether, soluble in alkohol, and insoluble iu water. Oleum amygdalae. See Amygdalus com- munis. Oleum amyudalarum. See Amygdalus communis. Oleum animalf.. Oleum animate Dippelii. An empyreumatic oil obtained by distillation from bones and animal substances. It is some- times exhibited as an antispasmodic and diapho- retic, in the dose of from ten to forty drops. Oleum animale dippelii. See Oleum ani- mate. Oleum amsi. Formerly, Oleum essentiale anisi; Oleum e seminibus unid. Oil of anise. The essential oil of aniseed possesses all the vir- tues attributed to the anisum, aud is often given as a stimulant and carminative, in the dose of from five to eight drops mixed with an appropriate \ ehicle. See Pimpinella anisum. Oleum anthemidis. Oil of chamomile, for- merly called oleum e floribus chauiitineli. See Anthemis nobilis. Oleum camphoratum. See Linimentum camphora. Oleum carpathicum. A fine essential oil, distilled from the Iresh cones of the tree whieh affords the common turpentine. See Pinus sil- restris. Oleum carui. Formerly called Oleum es- sentiale carui ; Oleum exsentiale e seminibus urui. Tha oil ol caraways is an admirable car- minative, diluted wilh rectified spirit into an es- sence, and then mixed with any proper fluid. See Carum. Oleum cartophylli aromatici. Astimu lant and aromatic preparation ol the clove. See Eugenia caryophyllata. Oleum cedrinum. Essentia de cedro. The oil of the peel of citrons, obtained, without dis- tillation, in Italy. Oleum cinnamomi. A warm, stimulant, and delicious stomachic. Given in the dose of from one to three drops, rubbed down with some yolk of egg, in a little wine, it allays violent emotions of the stomach from morbid irritability, and is particularly serviceable in debility of the prima? via?, after cholera. Oleum cornu ckrvi. This is applied exter- nally as a stimulant to paralytic affections ofthe limbs. Oleum gabianum. See Petroleum rubrum. Oleum juniperi Formerly called Oleum essentiale juniperi bacca; Ola.rn essentiale e baccis juniperi. Oil of juniper. Oil of juniper- berries possesses stimulant, carminative, and sto- machic virtues, in the dose of from two to four drops, and in a larger dose proves highly diuretic. It is often administered in the cure ot dropsical complaints, when the indication is to provoke the urinary discharge. See Juniperus communis. Oleum lavendul.e. Formerly caUed Oleum essentiale lavendula ; Oleum essentiale e flori- bus lavendula. Oil of lavender. Though mostly used as a perfume, this essential oil may be exhibited internaUy, in the dose of from one to five drops, as a stimulant in nervous headaches, hysteria, and debility of the stomach. See Lc- venda spied. Oleum lauri. Oleum laurinum. An ano- dyne and antispasmodic application, generally rubbed on sprains and bruises unattended with inflammation. Oleum limo- is. The essential oil of lemons possesses stimulant aud stomachic powers, but is principally used externally, mixed v, ith ointments, as a perfume. Oleum lini. Linseed oil is emollient and de- mulcent, in the dose of from half an ounce to au ounce. It is frequently given in the form of clys- ter in colics and obstipation. Cold-drawn lin- seed-oil, with lime-water and extract of lead, forms, in many instances, the best application for burns and scalds. See Linum usitati-simum. Oleum lucii pisces. See Esox lucius. Oleum macis. Oleum myristira expressum. Oil of mace. A fragrant sebaceous substance, expressed in the East Indies from the nutmeg. There are two kinds. The best is brought in stone jars, is somewhat soft, of a yellow colour, and resembles iu smell the nutmeg. The other is brought from Holland, in flat square cakes. The weak smell and faint colour warrants our supposing it to be the former kind sophisticated. Their use is chiefly external, in form of plaster, unguent, or liniment. See Myristica moschata. Oleum mai.abathri. An oil similar in fla- vour to that of cloves, brought from the East In- dies, where it is said to be drawn from the leaves of the cassia tree. Oleum mf.nth.e i>iperit.t.. Formerly call- ed Oleum essentiale mentha piperitidis. Oil ol peppermint. Oil of peppernifot possesses all the active principle of the plant. It is mostly used to make the simple wiitir. Mixed with rectified spirit it forms an essence, which is put into a va- nity of compounds, as sugar drops and trm-hes. which are exhibited as stimulants, caruiiusi'ivis. and stomachics. See Mi.Uha piperita. OLE OME Oleum menthje viridis. Formerly caUed Oleum essentiale mentha sativa. Oil of spear- mint. This essential oil is mostly in use for making the simple water, but may be exhibited in the dose of from two to five drops as a car- minative, stomachic, and stimulant. Sec Mentha viridis. Oleum myristice. The essential oil of nut- meg is an excellent stimulant and aromatic, and may be exhibited in every case where such reme- dies are indicated, with advantage. See Myris- tica moschata. Oleum myristicje expressum. This is commonly called oil of mace. See Oleum mads. Oleum neroli. Essentia neroli. The es- sential oil of the flowers of the Seville orange- tree. It is brought to us from Italy and France. Oleum oliv^e. See Olea europea. Oleum origani. Formerly called Oleum essentiale origani. Oil of origanum. A very acrid and stimulating essential oil. It is employ- ed for alleviating the pain arising from caries of the teeth, and for making the simple water of marjoram. See Origanum vulgare. Olf.um palm.e. See Cocosbutyracea. Olf.um pf.tp.-je. See Petroleum. Oleum piment.f.. Oil of allspice. A stimu- lant and aromatic oil. See Myrtus pimenta. Oleum pulegii. Formerly called Oleum essentiale pulegii. Oil of penny-royal. A stimulant and antispasmodic oil, which may be exhibited in hysterical and nervous affections. See Mentha pulegium. Oleum ricini. See Ricinus communis. Oleum rosmarixi. Formerly called Oleum essentiale rosis marini. Oil of rosemary. The essential oil of rosemary is an excellent stimu- lant, and may be given with great advantage in nervous and spasmodic affections of the sto- mach. Sec Rosmarinus officinalis. Oleum sabin.k. A stimulating emmena- gogue : it is best administered with myrrh, in the form of bolus. See Juniperus communis. Oleum Sassafras. An agreeable stimulating carminative and sudorific. Oleum sinapeos. "This is an emollient oil, the acrid principle of the mustard remaining in the seed. See Sinapis alba. Oleum succini. Oleum succini rectifica- turn. Put amber in an alembic, and with the heat of a sand-bath, gradually increased, distil over an acid liquor, an oil, and a salt contam- inated with oil. Then redistil the oil a second and a third time. Oil of amber is mostly used externally, as a stimulating application to para- Ivtic limbs, or those affected with cramp and rheumatism. Hooping-cough, and other convul- sive diseases, are said to be relieved also by rub- bing the spine with this oil. See Succinum. Oleum sulphuratum. Formerly called Balsamum sulphuris simplex. Sulphurated oil. Take of washed sulphur, two ounces ; olive oil, a pint. Having heated the oil in a very large iron pot, and the sulphur gradually, stir the mix- ture after each addition, until they have united. This, which was formerly called simple balsam of sulphur, is an acrid stimulating preparation, and much praised by some in the cure ol coughs and uther phthisical complaints. Oleum syrije. A fragrant essential oil, ob- tained by distillation from the balm of Gilead plant. See Dracocephalum moldavica. Oleum templinum. Oleum templinum ve- rum. A terebinthinate oil obtained from the fresh cones of the Pinus abics of Linnxus. Oleum terebinthina p.ectificatum. Take of oil of turpentine, a pint; water, four 600 pints. Distil over the oil. Stimulant, tiiureti«, and sudorific virtues are attributed to this prepa- ration, in the dose of from ten drops to twenty, which are given in rheumatic pains of the chro- nic kind, especially sciatica. Its chief use inter- nally, however, is as an anthelmintic and styptic. Uterine, pulmonic, gastric, intestinal, and other haemorrhages, when passive, are more effectuaUy relieved by its exhibition than by any other medi- cine. Externally it is applied, mixed with oint- ments and other applications, to bruises, sprains, rheumatic pains, indolent ulcers, burns, and scalds. Oleum terr.e. See Petroleum. Oleum vini. Stimulant and anodyne in the dose of from one to four drops. Oleum vitrioli. See Sulphuric acid. OLFACTORY. (Olfaclorius ; from olfactus, the sense ol smelling.) Belonging to the organ or sense of smelling. Olfactory nerve. The first pair of nerves are so termed, because they are the organs of smelling. They arise from the corpora striata, perforate the ethmoid bone, and are distributed very numerously on the pituitary membrane of thr nose. OLI'BANUM. (From lebona, Chaldean.) See Juniperis lycia. OLIGOl RO'PHIA. (From oXiyos, small, and rpitptii, to nourish.) Deficient nourishment. OLISTHE'MA. (From oXioBaivw, to fall out.) A luxation. OLI'VA. See Olea europea. OLIVA'RIS. (From oliva, the olive.) Olivi- formis. Resembling the olive : applied to two eminences on the lower part of the medulla ob- longata, called corpora olivaria. OLIVE. See Olea europea. Olive spurge. See Daphne mezereum. Olive-tree. See Olea europea. OLIVE'NITE. An ore of copper. OLI'VILE. The name given by Pelletier to the substance which remains alter gently evapo- rating the alkoholic solution of the gum which exudes from the olive-tree. It is a white, bril- liant, starchy powder. OLI'VINE. A subspecies of prismatic chry- solite. Its colour is olive-green. It occurs in basalt, greenstone, porphyry, and lava, and ge- nerally accompanied with augite. It is found in Scotland, Ireland, France, Bohemia, &c. Olla'ris lapis. Pot-stone. Olophly'ctis. (From oXos, whole, and d>XvKTis, a pustule.) A small hot eruption cover- ing the whole body. Olusa'tuum. (Id est olut atrum, the black herb, from its black leaves.) See Smyrnium olu- satrum. OMA. This Greek final usually imports ex- ternal protuberance ; as in sarcoma, staphyloma, carcinoma, &c. OMA'GRA. (From wpos, the shoulder, and aypa, a seizure.) The gout in the shoulder. OMENTI'TIS. (Omentitis; from omentum, the caul.) Inflammation of the omentum, a spe- cies of peritonitis. OME'NTUM. (From omen, a guess: so called because the soothsayers prophesied from an inspection of this part.) Epiploon. The caul. An adipose membranous viseus ot the ab- domen, that is attached to the stomach, and Ues on the anterior surface of the intestines. It is thin and easily torn, being formed of a duplica- ture of the peritoneum, with more or less of fat interposed. It is distinguished into the great omentum and the little omentum. 1. The cmentum majus, which is also termed OME i omentum gastrocolicum, arises from the whole of the great curvature of the stomach, and even as far as the spleen, from whence it descends loosely behind the abdominal parietes, and over the intestines to the navel, and sometimes info the pi!vis. Having descended thus far, its in- ferior margin turns inwards and ascends again, and is fastened to the colon and the spleen, where its vessels enter. 2. The omentum, minus, or omentum hepitaco- gastricum, arises posteriorly from the transverse fissure of the liver. It is composed of a duplica- lure of peritoneum, passes over the duodenum and small lobe of the liver : it also passes by the lobulus spigelii and pancreas, proceeds into the colon and small curvature of the stomach, and is implanted ligamentous into the cesophagus. It is in this omentum that Winslow discovered a natu- ral opening, which goes by his name. If air be blown in at this foramen of Winslow, which is always found behind the lobulus spigchi, between the right side of the liver and hepatic vessels, the duodenum, the cavity of the omentum, and all its sacs, may be distended. The omentum is always double, and between its lamella?, closely connected by very tender cel- lular substance, the vessels arc distributed and the fat collected. Where the top of the right kid- ney, and the lobulus spigelii of the liver, with the subjacent large vessels, form an angle with the duodenum, there the external membrane of the colon, ijdiich comes from the peritoneum joining with the membrane of the duodenum, which also rises immediately from the peritoneum lying upon Ihe kidney, enters the back into the transverse fissure of the liver for a considerable space, is continuous with its external coat, contains the gall-bladder, supports the hepatic vessels, and is very yellow and slippery. Behind this mem- branous production, betwixt the right lobe of the liver, hepatic vessels, vena portarum, biliary ducts, aorta, and adjacent duodenum, there is the natural opening just mentioned, by which air may be blown extensively into all the cavity of the omentum. From thence, in a course conti- nuous with this membrane from the pyloris and the smaller curvature ofthe stomach, the external membrane of the liver joins in such a manner with that of the stomach, that the thin membrane of the Uver is continued out of the fossa of the venal duet, across the Uttle lobe into the stomach stretched before the lobe and before the pancreas. This little omentum, or omentum hepatico-gas- tricum, when inflated, resembles a cone, and, gradually becoming harder and emaciated, it changes into a trueligament, by which the ceso- phagus is connected to the diaphragm. But the larger omentum, the omentum gastrocolicum, is of a much greater extent. It begins at the first accession of the right gastro-epiploic artery to the stomach, being continued there from the upper plate of the transverse mesocolon, and then from the whole great curve of the stomach, as far as the spleen, and also from the right convex end of ihe stomach towards the spleen, until it also ter- minates in a ligament that ties the upper and back part of the spleen to the stomach. This is the anterior lamina. Being continued down- wards, sometimes to the navel, sometimes to the pelvis, it hangs before the intestines, and behind the muscles of the abdomen, until its lower edge, being reflected upon itself, ascends, leaving an in- termediate vacuity between it and the anterior lamina, and is continued to a very great extent, into the external membrane of the transverse colon, and, lastly, into the sinus of the spleen, by •rliirhrhe lnr«r* bfoorj-vrpsels are received, and it OMO ends finally on the oesophagus, under the dia- phragm. Behind the stomach, and before the pancreas, its cavity is continuous with that of the smaller omentum. To this the omentum-colicum. is connected, which arises farther to tbe right than the first origin ofthe omentum gastrocolicum from the mesocolon, with the cavity of which it is continuous, but produced solely from the colon and its external membrane, which departs double from the intestine. It is prolonged, and termi- nates by a conical extremity, sometimes of longer, sometimes of shorter extent, above the intesti- num caecum; for aU the blood whicb returns from the omentum and mesocolon goes into the vena portarum, and by that into the liver itself. The omentum gastrocolicum is furnished with blood from each of the gastro-epiploic arteries, by many descending articulated branches, of which the most lateral are the longest, and the lowest anastomose by minute twigs witii those of the colon. It also has branches from the splenic, duodenal, and adipose arteries. The omentum colicum has its arteries from the colon, as also the smaller appendices, and also from the duode- nal and right epiploic. The arteries of the small omentum come from the hepatics, and from the right and left coronaries. The omentum being fat and indolent, has very small nerves. They arise from the nerves of the eighth pair, both in the greater and lesser curvetures of the stomach. The arteries of the mesentery arc in general the same with those which go lo the intestine, and of which the smaller branches remain in the glandsv and fat of the mesentery. Various small acces- sory arteries go to both mesocolons, from the in- tercostals, spermatics, lumbars, and capsular to the transverse portion from the splenic artery, and pancreato-dnodenalis, and to the left meso- colon, from the branches of the aorta going to the lumbar glands-. The reins of the omentum in general accompany the arteries, and unite into similar trunks ; those of the left part of the gas- trocolic omentum into the splenic, and also those of the hepatico-gastric, which likewise sends its blood to the trunk of the vena portarum : those from the lr.rgcr and right part of the gastro-colic omentum, from the omentum colicum, and from the appendices epiploic* into the mesenteric. trunk. Ail the veins of the mesentery meet to- gether, and end in the vena portarum, being col- lected first into two large branches, of which the one, the mesenteric, receives the gastro-epiploic vein, the colica? mediae, the iliocolica, and all those of the small intestines, as far as the duode- num : the other, which going transeversely, in- serts itself into the former, above the origin of the duodenum, carries back the blood of the left gastric veins, and those of the rectum, except the. lowermost, which belongs partly to those of the bladder and partly to the hypogastric branches of the pelvis. The vein which is called haemorrhoi- dalis interna is sometimes inserted rather into the splenic than into the mesenteric vein. Has the omentum also lymphatic vessels? Certainly there we conglobate glands, both in the little. omentum and in the gastrocolicum ; aud ancient anatomists have observed pellucid vessels in the omentum ; and a modern has described them foe lacteals of tlie stomach. Omentum colicum. See Omentum. Omentum gastro-colicum. See Omentum. Omentum hepatico-gastricum. See Omentum. OMO. (From iap.>s, the shoulder.) Names- compounded with this word belong to muscles which are attached to the scapula. OMO'-OTYLE. (From wny, the shoulder GDI om: UNO and K0TvXv, acavity.) The cavity in the extremi- ty of the neck ofthe scapula, in which the head of th-^ humretis is articulated. OMO-HYOIDE'US. A muscle situated be- tween the os hyoides and shoulder, that pulls the os hyoides obliquely downwards. Coraco hiioi- deus of Albinus and Douglas. Scapulo hyodicn et Dumas. It arises broad, thin, and fleshy, from the superior costa ofthe scapula, near the semilu- nar notch, and from the ligament that runs across it; thence ascending obliquely, it becomes ten- ihnons below the sternoclcido-mastoideus, and, growing fleshy again, is inserted into the base of the os hyoides. OMOPLA'TA. (From upos, the shoulder, andrzXarvs, broad.) The blade-bone. See Sca- pula. Omoplato-hyoideus. The same as Omohy- oideus. Omo'tocos. (From upos, crude, and tiktu, to bring forth.) A miscarriage. Omo'tribes. (From upos, crude, and rpttfu, to bruise.) Oil expressed from unripe olives. Ompha'cinum. (From optpoKtov, the juice ol unripe grapes.) Oil expressed from unripe olives. Ompha'cion. (From oii^axoj, an unripe grape.) Omphacium. The juice of unripe grapes ; and by some applied to that of wild apples, or crabs, commonly called Verjuice. OMPHACITE. A variety of augite of a pale leek-green colour. It occurs in primitive rocks, with precious garnet, in Carinthia. Omphaci'tis. (From optpaKos, an unripe grape.) A small kind of g-ill-nut, which resem- bles an unripe grape. Omphaco'meli. (From optpaKos, an unripe grape, and ptXt, honey.) An oxymel made of the juice of unripe grapes and honey. Omphaloca'rpus. (From opQaXos, the navel, and Kapiros, fruit: so called because its fruit re- sembles a navel.) Cleavers. The Galium ape- rine, of Linnaeus. OMPHALOCE'LE. (Fromoptf-aXos, thenavel, and KriXt), a tumour.) An umbilical hernia. See Hernia. Omphalo'des. (From optpaXos, a navel, and n&os, resemblance : so named because the calyx is excavated in the middle like the human navel.) A plant resembling the navel, which the leaf of the cotyledon and hydrocotyl* does. Omphaloma'ntia. (Fromo/i^aAoi;, the navel, and pvvrtau, to prophesy.) The foolish vaticina- tion of midwives, who pretend to foretell the number ofthe future offspring irom the number of knots in the navel. OMPHALOS. (From optpuXic-Ku, to roll up.) The navel, See Umbilicus. OMPHALOTO'MIA. (From optfiaXos, the navel, and rtpvu, to cut.) The division or sepa- ration ofthe navel-string. Ona'gra. (From ovaypos, the wild ass.) 1. An American plant: so called because it is said to tame wild beasts. 2. A name for the rheumatism in the elbow. ONEIRODYNIA. (From ovttpov, a dream, and oivvn, anxiety.) Disturbed imagination dur- ing sleep. A genus of disease in the class, Neu- roses ; and order Vesania, of Cullen, contain- ing two species. 1. Oneirodynia activa, walking in the sleep. ". Ondrodynia gravans, tbe incubus, or night- mare. The nervous or indisposed persons are op- pressed during sleep with a heavy pressing sensa- tion on the chest, by which respiration is im- peded, or the circulation of blood intercepted, to ( nt, soft, and fluctuating. The species are : 1. Onyx superficialit, arising from inflamma- tion, not dangerous, for it van.shes when the in- flammation is resolved by the use ol astringent collyria. 2. Onyx profundus, or a deep abscess, which is deeper seated between the lamella? of the cor- nea, sometimes breaking internally, anil forming an hypopium: when Unpens externally, it leaves a fistula upon the cornea; whenever the pus is exsiccated, there remains a leucoma. In mineralogy, Calcedony, in which there is an alternation of white, black, and dark brown layers. Ooei'des. (From uov, an egg, and tt&os, a likeness.) An epithet for the aqueous humour of the eye. OPACITY. Opacitas. The faculty of ob- structing the passage of light. , OPAL. Of this silicious stone there are seven kinds, according to Professor Jameson. 1. Precious opal. Of a milk-white colour, inclining to blue. It occurs in small veins in clay- porphyry, in Hungiry. 2. Common opal, of a milk-white colour, found in Cornwall. 3. Fire opal: the colour of a hyacinth-red, found only in Mexico. 4. Mother of pearl opal, or caeholong, a va- riety ol calcedonj'. 6. Semi opal, of a white, brown, or grey co- lour, found in Greenland, Iceland ami Scotland. 6. Jasper opal, or ferruginous opal. This is ol a scarlet, red, or grey colour, and comes from Tokay, in Hungary. 7. Wood opal of various colours, and found in alluvial land at Zastravia, in Hungary. OPERCULUM. (Operculum, 1. "n. ; a cover or lid.) The lid or cover ofthe fringe, called peristomum, of mosses. It is either convex, ac- cuminote, flat, or permanent, never leaving the fringe ; as in I'hascum. OPHI'ASIS. (From otpts, a serpent: so called from tbe serpentine direction in which the dis- ease tlavels round the head.) A species of baldness which commences at the occiput, and winds to each car, and sometimes to the fore- head. OPHIOGLOSSOI'DES. (From oipuyXoooov, ophioglossum, and tdos, a likeness.) A fungus resembling the Ophioglossum, or adder's tongue. OPHIOGLO'.S.Sl M. (From oq>is, a serpent, and yXuova, a tongue: so called from the re- semblance of its fniit.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Cryptogamia; Order, Filicts. Adder's tongue. OPillORRHPZA. (From od«, a serpent, and pi£a, a root; because the plant, says Her- mann, is regarded in Ceylon, as a grand specific for the bite of the naja or ribband snake.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Pentandria; Order Monogynia. Ophiorrhiza mungos. The systematic name ol the plant, the root of which is called Radix serpentum in the pharmacopceias. Mungos radix. This bitter root is much esteemed in Ja- va, Sumatra, Uc. as preventing the effects which usually follow the bite of the naja, a venomous serpent, with which view it is eaten by them. It is also said to be exhibited medicinally in the cure of intestinal worms. OPHIOSCO'RODON. (From 0y cementing the eye-lids so firmly together as to render it extremely difficult to se- parate them. Ophthalmia is divided into external, when the inflammation is superficial, and internal, when the inflammation is deep-seated, and the globe of the eye is much affected. In severe ophthalmia two distinct stages are commonly observable ; the first is attended with a great deal of heat and pain in the eye, and con- siderable- febrile disorder; the second is com- paratively a chronic affection without pain and fever. The eye is merely weakened, moister than in the healthy state, and more or less red. Ophthalmia may be induced by a varitty of exciting causes, such as operate in producing in- flammation in other situations. A severe cold in which the eyes are affected at the same time with the pituitary cavities, fauces, and trachea, change of weather ; sudden transition from heat to cold ; the prevalence of cold winds ; residence in damp or sandy countries, 111 the hot season ; exposure of the eyes to the vivid rays ol the sun ; are causes usually enumerated; and considering these it dues not seem extraordinary that ophthal- mia should often make ns appearance as an epi- dernk, and afflict persons of every age and sex. Besides these exciting causes, writers also gene- rally mention the suppression of some habitual discharge, as of the menses, bleedings from the nose, from haeiuoriholds, &c. Besides which, inflammation of the eyes may be occasioned by the v enereat and scrophulous virus. OPHTHA'LMIC. Ophthalmicus. Belong- ing to the eye. Ophthalmic ganglion. Ganglion ophthal- micum. Lenticular ganglion. This ganglion is formed in the orbit, by the union of a branch of the third or fourth pan- with the first branch of the fifth pair of nerves. Ophthalmic nerve. Nervus ophthalmicus. Orbital nerve. The first branch of the ganglion or expansion of the fifth pair of nerves. It is from this nerve that a branch is given oil', to form, with a branch of the sixth, the great inter- costal nerve. Ophthalmici externi. See Motores ocu- lorum. OPHTHALMODY'NLV. (From otpdaXpos, an eye, and o&vvr), pain.) A vehement pain in the eye, without, or with very tittle redness. The sensation of pain is various, as itching, burning, or as if gravel were between the globe of the eye and lids. The species are : 1. Ophthalmodynia rheumaiica, which is a pain in the muscular expansions of the globe of the eye, without redness in the albuginea. The rheumatic inflammation is serous, and rarely pro- duces redness. 2. Opidliatinodynia periodica, is a periodical r-ain in ic eye, without redness. 3. Ophthalmodynia spasmodica, is a pressing pain in the bulb of the eye, arising from spasmo- dic contractions ofthe muscles of the eye, in nervous, hysteric, and hypochondriac persons. It is observed to terminate by a flow of tears. 4. Ophtnulmodynia from an internal inflam- mation ot the eye. In this disor for, there is a pain and sensation as if the globe was pressed out of the orbit. 5. Ophthalmodynia hydropthulmica. After a great pain in the inferior part ot the os frontis, the sight is obscu.vd, the pupil is dilated, and the bulb of the eye appears larger, pressing on the lid. This species is likewise perceived from an incipient hydroptbalmia of the vitreous hu- mour. 6. Ophthalmodynia arenosa, is an itching and sensation of pain in the eye, as if sand or gravel were lodged between the globe and Ud. 7. Ophthalmodynia symptomatica, which is a symptom of some other eye-disease, and is to be cured by removing the exciting caire. 8. Ophthalmodynia cancrosa, which arises from cancerous acrimony deposited in the eye, and is rarely curable. OPHTHALMOPO'NIA. (From otpOaXpos, the eye, and rrovtu, to labour.) An intense pain in the eye, whence the light is intolerable. OPHTHALMOPTOSIS. (From ofOaXpos, an eye, and irluois, a fall.) A falling down of the globe of the eye or. the cheek, canthus, or upwards, the globe itself being scarce altered in magnitude. The cause is a relaxation of the muscles, and ligamentous expansions of the globe of the eye. The species are : 1. Ophthalmojitosis violenta, which is gene- rated by a violent contusion or strong stroke, as happens sometimes in boxing. The eye falls out 6f the socket on the cheek or canthus of the eye, and from the elongation and extension of the op- tic nerve occasions immediate blindness. 2. Ophthalmoptosis, from a tumour within the orbit. An exostosis, toph, abscess, encysted tu- mours, as atheroma, hygroma; orschirrhus, form- ing within the orbit, or induration of the orbital adeps, may throw the bulb of the eye out of the socket upwards, downwards,' or towards either canthus. 3. Ophthalmoptosis paralytica, or the paraly- tic ophthalmoptosis, which arises from a palsy of the recti muscles, whence a stronger power in the oblique muscles of the bulb. 4. Ophthalmoptosis staphylomatica, when the staphyloma depresses the inferior eyelid, and ex- tends on the cheek. OPIATE- (Opialum; from the effects being like that of opium.) A medicine that procures sleep, &c. See Anodyne. O'PION. Ottiov. Opium. Opi'smus. (From oirior, opium.) An opiate. _ confection. Opisthf.nar. (From omodtv, backwards, and Ot&ao, the palm.) The back part of the hand. OPISTHOCRA'NIUM. (From omoOtv, back- ward, and Kpaviov, the head.) The occiput, or hinder part ofthe head. Opisthocypho'sis. (From mriaOiv, backward, and Kvtbuois, a gibbosity.) A curved spine. OPISTHOTONOS. (From omoOcv, back- wards, and rtivu, to draw.) A fixed spasm of se- veral muscles, so as to keep the body in a fixed position, and bent backwards. Cullen considers- it as a variety of tetanus. See Tetanus. O'PIUM. (Probably from otto;, juice ; or from opi, Arabian.) The inspissated juice of the pop- py. S^e Papaver somuiferum. OPOBA'LSAMUM. (From ottos, juice, and GuXoapov, balsam.) See Amyris gileadensis. OPOCA'LPASON. (From ottos, juice, and KaX-rrooov, a tree of that name.) Opocarpason. A kind of bdellium which resembles myrrh, but is poisonous. OPODELDOC. A term of no meaning, fre- quently mentioned by Paracelsus. Formerly it signified a plaster for all external injuries, but now is confined to a camphorated soap liniment. Opodeoce'le. A rupture through the foramen ischii, or into the labia pudendi. OPO'PANAX. (Opopanax, acis. f.: from ORB ORG ifr.oi, juice, and naval, the panacea.) See Pasti- naca opopanax. Opo'pia. (From ovropai, to see.) The bones of the eyes. . Opo'rice. (From oirupa, autumnal fruits.) A conserve made of ripe fruits. OPPILA'TIO. (From oppilo, to shut up.) Oppilation is a close kind of obstruction; for, according to Rhodius, it signifies, not only to shut out, but also to fill. Oppilati'va. (From oppilo, to shut up.) Medicines or substance which shut up the pores of the skin. OPPO'NENS. Opposing. A name given to some muscles from their office. Opponens pollicis. See Flexor osds meta- carpi pollidt. OPPOSITIFOLIUS. Applied to a flower- stalk, when opposite to a leaf; the Geranium mol- le, and Sium angustifoUum, afford examples of the Pedunculus oppodtifolius. OPPOSITUS. Opposite to each other; as the leaves of Saxifraga opposilifolia, and Ballole nigra. OPPRESSION. Opprestio. The catalepsy, or any pressure upon the brain. See Compres- sion. Opsi'gonos. (From oi^i, late, and yivopai, to be born.) A dens sapientire, or late cut tooth. OPTIC. (Opticus, from oir^pai, to see.) Re- lating to the eye. Optic nerve. Nervus opticus. The second pair of nerves of the brain. They arise from the thalami nervorum opticorum, perforate the bulb of the eye, and in it form the retina. OPU'NTIA. (Ab Opunte, from the city Opus, near which it flourished.) See Cactus. ORACHE. See Atriplex hortensis, and Che- nopodium. ORANGE. See Citrus aurantium. Orange, Seville. Sec Citrus aurantium. Orange, shaddock. See Shaddock. Orbicula're os. Otpisiforme. The name of a bone of the carpus. Abo a very small round bone, not larger than a pin-head, that belongs to the internal ear. ORBICULARIS. (From orbiculus, a little ring: so called from its shape.) This name is given to some muscles which surround the part Uke a ring. Orbicularis oris. Sphincter labiorum, of Douglas ; semi-orbicular is, of Winslow ; con- strictor oris, of Cowper ; and labial, of Dumas. A muscle of the mouth, formed in a great measure by those of the lips ; the fibres of the superior de- scending, those of the inferior ascending and de- cussating each other about the corner ofthe mouth, they run along the Up to join those ofthe opposite side, so that the fleshy fibres appear to surruuud the mouth like a sphincter. Its use is to shut the mouth, by contracting and drawing both lips to- gether, and to counteract aU the muscles that as- sist in opening it. Orbicularis palpebrarum. A muscle com- mon to both the eyelids. Orbicularis palpebra- rum dliaris, ot authors ; and maxillo palpebral, of Dumas. It arises by a number of fleshy fibres from the outer edge of the orbitar process of the superior maxillary bone, and from a tendon near the inner angle ofthe eye ; these fibres run a lit- tle downwards and outwards, over the upper part of the cheek, below tbe orbit, covering the under eyetid, and surround the external angle, being closely connected only to the skin and fat; they then run over the supercitiary ridge of the os fron- tis, towards the inner canthus, where they mix ■with the fibres of the occipito-frontalis and cor- rugator supercilii: then covering the upper eye- lid, ihey descend to the inner angle opposite to their inferior origin, and firmly adhere to the in- ternal angular process of the os frontis, and to the short round tendon which serves to fix the palpe- bra? and muscular fibres arising from it. It is in- serted into the nasal process ofthe superior max- illary bone, by a short round tendon, covering the anterior and upper part of the lachrymal sac, which tendon can be easily felt at the inner canthus ofthe eye. The use of this rouscb? is to shut the eye, by drawing both lids together, the fibres contracting from the outer angle towards the inner, press the eyeball, squeeze the lachry- mal gland, and convey the tears towards the puncta lachrymalia. Orbicularis palpebrarum ciliaris. See Orbicularis palpebrarum. ORBICULATUS. Orbiculate. Applied to a leaf that is circular or orbicular, the length and breadth being equal, and the circumference an even circular line. Precise examples of this arc scarcely to be found Some species of pepper approach it, and the leaf of the Hedysarum sty- racifolium is perfectly orbicular, except a notch at the base. ORBIT. Orotiam. The two cavities under the forehead, in which the eyes are situated, are termed orbits. The angles ot the orbits are caU- ed canthi. Each orbit is composed of seven bones, viz. the frontal, maxillary, jugal, lachrymal, eth- moid, palatine, and spneuoid. The use of this bony socket is to maintain and defend the organ of sight, and its adjacent parts. O'r.ciiEA. Galen says it is the scrotum. Ol.CHIDE^E. (From orchis, a plant so caU- ed.) Tlie name of an order irfLinnaeus's Frag- ments of a Natural Method, consisting of those which have fleshy roots and orchideal corolls. ORCHIDEUS. Orchideal: resembling tho orchis. ORCHIS. (Op%ts, a testicle; from optyopai, to desire.) 1. A testicle. 2. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnae- an system. Class, Gynandria; Order, Diundria. Orchis bifoli\. The systematic name ofthe butterfly orchis, the root of which is used indiffer- ently with that of the male orchis. See Orchis mascula. Orchis mascula. The systematic name of the male orchis. Dog's stones. Male orchis. Satyrion. Orchis—bulbis indivisis, nedarii labia quadrilobo crenulato, cornu obtuso petalis dorsalibus refiexus of Linnaeus. The root ha- a place iu the Materia Medica of the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, on account of the glutinous slimy juice which it contains. The root of the orchis bifolia is also collected. Satyrion root has a sweetish taste, a faint and somewhat unpleasant smell. Its mucilaginous or gelatinous quality has recommended it as a demulcent. Salep, which is imported here from the East, is a preparation of an analagous root which is considered as an arti- cle of diet, is accounted extremely nutritious, as containing, a great quantity of farinaceous matter in a small bulk. The supposed aphrodisiac quali- ties of this root,'which have been noticed ever since the days of Dioscorides, seem, says Dr, Woodville, to be founded on the fanciful doctrine of signatures ; thus, orchis, i, e. op^is, testiculus, habet radices, instar tediculoruui. Orchis morio. The systematic name of the orchis, from the root of which the salep is made. Salep is a farinaceous powder imported from Tur- key. It may be obtained from several other spe- cies of the same genus of plants, it is an insipid substance, of which a small quantity, by propev ORG OKI management, converts a large portion of water into a jelly, the nutritive powers of which have been greatly over-rated. Salep forms a consider- able part of the diet of the inhabitants of Turkey, Persia, and Syria. The method of preparing sa- lep is as follows :—the new root is to be washed in water, and the fine brown skin which covers it is to be separated by means of a small brush, or by dipping the root in warm water, and rubbing it with a coarse Unen cloth. The roots thus clean- ed are to be spread on a tin plate, and placed in an oven, heated to the usual degree, where they are to remain six or ten minutes. In this time they will have lost their milky whiteness, and acquired a transparency Uke horn, without any diminution of bulk. Being arrived at this state, they are to be removed in order to dry and harden in the air, which will require several days to effect; or they may be dried in a few hours, by using a very gen- tle heat. Salep, thus prepared, contains a great quantity of vegetable aliment; as a wholesoit.c nourishment it is much superior to rice ; and has the singular property of concealing the taste of salt water. Hence, to prevent the dreadful cala- mity of famine at sea, it has been proposed that the powder of it should constitute part of the pro- visions of every ship's company. With regard to its medicinal properties, it may be observed, that its restorative, mucilaginous, and demulcent quali- ties, render it of considerable use in various dis- eases, when employed as aliment, particularly in sea-scurvy, diarrhoea, dysentery, symptomatic fever, arising from the absorption of pus, and the stone or gravel. ORCHI'TIS. (From opXn, a testicle.) Her- nia humoralis. Swelled testicle. A very com- mon symptom attending a gonorrhoea is a swell- ing ot the testicle, which is only sympathetic, and not venereal, because the same symptoms follow every kind of irritation on the urethra, whether produced by strictures, injections, or bougies. Such symptoms are not similar to the actions arising from the application of venereal matter, for suppuration seldom occurs, and, when it does, the matter is not venereal. The swelling and nflamroation appear suddenly, and as sud- denly disappear, or go from one testicle to the other. The epididymis remains swelled, how- ever, even for a considerable turn afterwards. The first appearance of swelling is generaUy a soft pulpy fulness of the body of the testicle, which is tender to the touch ; this increases to a hard swelling, accompanied with considerable pain. The epididymis, towards the lower end of the testicle, is generally the hardest part. The hardness and sweUing, however, often pervade the whole of the epididymis. The spermatic cord, and especially the vas deferens, are often thickened, and sore to the touch. The spermatic veins sometimes become varicose. A pain in the loins, and sense of weakness there, and in the pelvis, are oiher casual symptoms. Colicky pains ; uneasiness in the stomach and bowels ; flatulency ; sickness, and even vomiting ; are not unfrequent. The whole testicle is swelled, and not merely the epididymis, as has been asserted. The inflammation of the part must probably arises from its sympathising with the urethra. The swelling ofthe testicle coming on, either removes the pain in making water, and suspends the discharge, which does not return till such swelling begins to subside, or else the irritation in the urethra, first ceasing, produces a swelling of the testicle, which continues till the pain and dischmge return ; thus rendering it doubtful which is the cause and which the effect. Occasions !l\, however, the discharge hr.s become more viol, it r,»r, though the testicle has swelled ; and such swelling has t\en been known to occur after the discharge has ceased ; yet ihe latter has returned with vio- lence, and remained as long as the hernia humo- ralis. Hernia humora'.s, with stoppage ofthe dis- charge, is apt to t„ attended with strangury. A very singular th ;.- is, that the inflammation more frequent.y n .ues 011 when the irritation in the ure- thra is going off, than when at its height. The enlargement of the testicle, from cancer and scrophula, are generally slow in their pro- gress : that ot an hernia humoralis very quick. O'rchos. (From op^oy, a plantation or or- chard , so called from the regularity with which the hairs are inserted.) The extremities of tho eye-lids, where the eye-lashes grow. ORCHOTOMY. (Orchotomia, from opyis, a testicle, and rtpvu, to cut.) Castration. Tht operation of extracting a testicle. UnDER. A term applied by naturalists anj nosologists to designate a divison that embraces a number of genera which have some circum- stances common to them all. See Genus, Plants, sexual system of, and Nosology. Orders, natural, of plants. See Natural. ORE. The mineral substance from which metals are extracted. OREOSELI'NUM. (From opoj, a mountain, and otXtvov, parsley : so named because it grows wild upon mountains.) Mountain parsley. See Athamanta. Ore'stion. (From opos, a mountain.) In Dioscorides it is the Helenium, or a kind of ele- campane growing upon mountains. OREXIA. (Fromoptyopai, to desire.) Orexis. A desire or appetite. ORE'XIS. See Orexia. ORGAN. Opy.ior. Organum. A part of the body capable of the performance of some perfect actor operation. They are distinguished by physiologists by their function, as organs of sense, organs of motion, organs of sensation, digestive organs, ice. ORGANIC. Of or belonging to an organ. In the present day this term is in general use to dis- tinguish a disease of structure from a timet loual disease ; thus, when the liver is converted into a hard tuberculated or other structure, it is called an organic disease ; but when it merely furnishes a bad bile, the disease is said to be functional. ORGASM. See Ot\;asmus. ORGAfeA.US. (From opyau, " appeto imp.a- tienter ; propne de antmaiitibus dicitur, qua? tur- gent libidine." Scapula.) Salacity. ORGASTICA. The name of an order of the class Genetica, in Good's Nosology. Diseases affecting the orgasm. Its gem ra are, chlorosis, praotia, lagnesis, agenesia, aphorta,adoptods. OiilBASIUS, an eminent physician of the 4th century, was born at Pergamus, or according to others, at Sanies, where he resided for some time. He is mentioned as one ol the most learned und accomplished men of his age, and the most skilful in his proltssion ; and he not only obtained great public reputation, but also the Ir endship ol the Emperor Julian, who appointed him quiestor of Constantinople. But after the death cf that prince he suffered a severe reverse : he was strip- ped of his property, and sent into banishment among the barbarians. He sustained his misfor- tunes, however, with great fortitude ; and the dig- liity of his character, with his professional skill and kindness, gaiued him the \ eneration ol these rude people, among whom he was adored as a tn- itLn-y g 1. At .ength he was recalle.i to the im- perial - ui't, win! rn-iined '..'.e. public favour. EI< OKI ORR was chiefly a compiler; but some valuable prac- tical remarks first occur iu his writings. He made, at the request of Julian, extensive "Col- lections" from Galen, and other preceding au- thors, in about seventy books, of which only se- venteen now remain; and afterwards made a " Synopsis" of this vast work for the use of his son in nine books: there are also extant four books, on medicines and diseases, entitled •'Euporisto- rum Libri." He praises highly focal evacuations of blood, especially by scarifications, which had been little noticed before : and he affirms, that he was himself cured of the plague by it, having lost in this way two pounds of blood from the thighs on the second day of the disease. He first described a singular species of insanity, under the name of lycanthropia, in which the patient wan- ders about by night among the tombs, as if changed into a wolf: though such a disease is noticed in the New Testament ORICHALCUM. The brass ofthe ancients. Ori'cia. (From Oricus, a city of Epirus, near which it grows.) A species of fir or tur- pentine tree, from Oricus. Orienta'lia folia. The leaves of senna were so called. ORI'GANUM. (From opos, a mountain, and yavow, to rejoice : so called because it grows upon the side of mountains.) I. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- na?an system. Class, Didynamia; Order, Gym- nospermia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the wild roa- joram. See Origanum vulgare. Origanum creticum. See Origanum dic- tamnus. Origanum dictamnus. The systematic name of the dittany of Crete. Dictamnus cre- ticus ; Origanum creticum ; Onitis. The leaves of this plant, Origanum—foliis inferioribus to- mentosis, spicis nutantibus of Linnaeus, arc now rarely used ; they have been recommended as emmenagogue and alexipharmic Origanum marjorana. The systematic name of sweet marjoram. Marjorana. This plant, Origanum—-foliis ovatis obtusis, spicis tubrotundis compactis pubescentibus of Lin- ncus, has been long cultivated in our gardens, and is in frequent use for culinary purposes. The leaves and tops have a pleasant smell, and a mo- derately warm, aromatic, bitterish taste. They yield their virtues to aqueous and spirituous li- quors, by infusion, and to water in distillation, affording a considerable quantity of essential oil. The medicinal qualities of the plant are similar to those of the wild plant (see Origanum vul- gare,) but being much more fragrant, it is thought to be more cephalic, and better adapted to those complaints known by the name of ner- vous ; and may therefore be employed with the same intentions as lavender. It was directed in the pulds tternutatoriut, by both pharmaco- poeias, with a view to the agreeable odour which it communicates to the asarabacca, rather than to its errhine power, which is very inconsiderable ; but it is now wholly omitted in the Pharm Lond. In its recent state, it is said to have been success- fully appUed to scirrhous tumours of the breast. Origanum syriacum. Tiie Syrian herb mastich. See Teucrium marum Origanum vulgare. The systematic name ofthe wild marjorr.m. Marjorana ; Mancurana; Origanum heracleoticum; Onitis; Zazarhendi herba. Origanum—tpiris tubrotundit panicu- latit conglomerate, bradis calyce longwribus ovatis of Linnams. This planfgrows wild in inanv parts of Britain. It has an agreeable aro- S8 mafic smell, approaching to that of marjoram, aim a pungent taste, much resembling thyme, to which it is likewise thought to be more allied in its medicinal qualities, and therefore deemed to be emmenagogue, tonic*, stomachic, &c. The dried leaves used instead of tea, are said to be exceedingly grateful. They are employed in medicated baths and fomentations. Oris constrictor. See Orbicularisoiis. Orleana terra. (Orleana, so named from the place where it grows.) See Bixa orleana. ORMSKIUK. The name of a place in which Hill lived, who invented a medicine for the cure of hydrophobia, and died without making known its composition. The analysis of Drs. Black and Hepburn demonstrates it to be half an ounce of powder of chalk; three drachms of Armenian bole ; ten grains of alum ; one drachm of powder of elecampane root; six drops of oil of anise. This dose is to be taken every morning for six: times in a glass of water, with a small proportion of fresh milk. ORNITHO'GALUM. (From opvis, a bird, and yaXa, milk : so called from the colour of its flowers, which are like the milk found in eggs.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Hexandria; Order, Mono- gynia. Ornithogalum M4RIT1MUM, a kind of wild onion. Sec Sdlla. ORNITHOGLO'SSUM. (From opvis, a bird, and, yXwcoa, a tongue : so called from its shape.) Bird's tongue. Ihe seeds ot the ash-tree are sometimes so called. ORNITHOLOGY. (Ornithologia; from opvis, a bird, and Xoyos, a discourse.) That part of natural history which treats of birds. ORNITHOPO'DIUM. (From opyts, a bird, and tcovs, a foot : so called from the likeness of its pods to a bird's claw.) Bird's foot; scorpion wort. The Ornithropus perpusillus, and iScoi-- pioiiles, of Linna?us, are so called. O'RNUS. (From orn. lleb.) The ash-tree which affords manna. OROBA'NCHE. (From opoSos, the wild pea, and ayyu, to suffocate: so called because it twines round the orobus and destroys it.) The name ofa genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Gynandria and Didynamia ; Order, An- giospermia. Orobry'chis. (From opo6os, the wood pea, and fipvyu, to eat.) The same as orobancc. O'ROBUS. (From tptrfu, to eat.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Diadelphia ; Order, De- candria. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the ervum. See Ervum. Orobus tuberosus. The heath-pea. The root of this plant is said to be nutritious. The Scotch islanders hold them in great esteem, and chew them like tobacco. Oroseli'num. See Athamanta. ORPIMENT. Orpimentum. A sulphuret of arsenic. Native orpiment is found in yellow, brilliant, and, as it were, talky masses, often mixed with realgar, and sometimes of a greenish colour. ' See Arsenic. ORPINE See Sedum telephium. Orrhopt'gium. (From opoj, the extremity, and TTvyri, the buttocks.) The extremity of the spine, which is terminated by the os coccygis. O'rrhos. (From ptu, to flow.) 1. Serum, whey. 2. The raphe ofthe scrotum. 3. The extremity ofthe sacrum. ORRIS. See im. cor ORY QrrityLortntinc. See Irisflorentina. Orseille. See Lichen rocella, ORTIIITE. A mineral; so named because it always occurs in straight layers, generally in fel- spar. "It resembles gadolinite. ft is found in the mine of Fimbo in Sweden. ORTHOCO'LON. (From opBos, straight, and koXov, a limb.} It is a species of stiff joint, when it cannot be bended, but remains straight. ORTHOPNEA. (From opdos, erect, and mo>], breathing.) A very quick and laborious breathing, during which the person is obliged to be in an erect posture. Orva'le. (Orvale, French.) A species of clary or horminum. Orvieta'num, a medicine that resists poisons; from a mountebank of Orvieta, in Italy, who first made himself famous by taking such things upon the stage, after doses of pretended poisons ; though some say its inventor was one Orvietanus, and that it is named after him ORY'ZA. (From orez, Arabian.) 1. The name of agenus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Triandria. Order, Digynia. The rice plant. 2. The pharmacopoeial name for rice. See Oryza sativa. Ory za sativa. The systematic name of the plant which affords the rice which is the principal food of the inhabitants in all parts of the East, where it is boiled, and eaten either alone or with their meat. Large quantities of it are annually sent into Europe, and it meets with a general esteem for family purposes. The people of Java have a method of' making puddings of i ice, which seems to be unknown here ; but it is not difficult to put in practice if it should merit attention. They take a conical earthen pot, which is open at the large end, and perforated all over. This they fill about half full with rice, and putting it into a large earthen pot of the same shape, filled with boiling water, the rice in the first pot soon swells, and stops the perforations, so as to keep out the water. By this method the rice is brought to a firm consistence, and forms a pudding, which is generally eaten with butter, oil, sugar, vinegar, and spices. The Indians eat stewed rice with good success agains! the bloody flux ; and in most inflammatory disorders they cure themselves with only a decoction of it. The spirituous liquor called arrack is made from this grain. Rice grows naturally in moist places, and will not come to perfection, when cultivated, unless the ground be sometimes overflowed, or plentifully watered. The grain is of a grey colour when first reaped ; but the growers have a method of whitening it before it is sent to market. The manner o) per- forming this, and beating it out in Egypt, is thus described by Hasselquist: They have hollow iron cyUndrical pestels, about an inch diameter, lifted by a wheel worked with oxen. A person sits be- tween the pestels, and, as they rise, pushes for- ward the rice, whilst another winnows and sup- plies fresh parcels. Thus they continue working until it is entirely free from chaff. Having in this manner cleaned it, they add one-thirtieth part of salt, and rub them both together, by which the grain acquires a whiteness; then it is passed through a sieve, to separate the salt again from it. In the island of Ceylon they have a much more expeditious method of getting out the rice ; for, in the field where it is reaped, they dig a round hole, with a level bottom, about a foot deep, and eight yards diameter, and fill it with bundles of corn. Having laid it properly, the women drive «bouthalfa dozen oxen continually round the pit; ,/ud thus they will tread out forty or fifty bushels OSM a day. This is a very ancient method of treading out corn, and is still practised in Africa upon other sorts of grain. OS. 1. (Os, otdt. n.) A bone. See Bone. 2. (Os,orit. n.) The mouth. Os externum. The entrance into the vagina is so named in opposition to the mouth ofthe womb, wliich is called the os internum. Os internum. The orifice or mouth of the uterus. Os leonis. The Antirrhinum linaria. Os spongiosum. The spongy bones are twe in number, and are called ossa spongiosainferio- ra. The ethmoid bone has two turbinated por- tions, wu.eli are sometimes called the superior spongy bones. These bones, which, from their shape, are sometimes called ossa turbmata, bare, by some anatomists, been described as belonging to the ethmoid bone ; and by others, as portions of the ossa palati. In young subjects, however, they are evidently distinct bones. Tbey consist of a spongy lamella in each nostril. The convex surface of this lamina is turned towards the sep- tum narium, and its concave part towards the maxillary bone, covering the opening of tbe lachry- mal duct into the nose. From their upper edge arise two processes : the posterior of these, which is the broadest, hangs as it were upon the. edge of the antrum highmorianum ; the anterior one joins the os unguis, and forms a part of the lachrymal duct. These bones are complete in the foetus. They ar« lined with the pituitary membrane: and, besides their connection with the ethmoid bone, are joined to the ossa inaxillari.i superiors, ossa palati, and ossa unguis, ties' ies these ossa spondosa, inferiora, there are sometimes two others, situated lower down, one in each nostril. These are very properly considered as a produc- tion of the sides of the maxillary sinus turned downwards. In many subjects, likewise, we find other smaUer bones standing out into the nostrils, which, from their shape, might also deserve the name of turbinata, but they are uncertain in their size, situation, and number. Os tincjE. See Tinea os. OSCE'DO. A yawning. Oscheoce'le. (From ooxtov, the scrotum, and 1.-17X17, a tumour.) 1. Any tumour ofthe scro- tum. 2. A scrotal hernia. O'SCHEON. Oo^eov. The scrotum. Galen gives the name to the os uteri. OSCHEO'PHYMA. (From oaXtov, the scro- tum, and tpvpa, a tumour.) A swelling of the scrotum. OSCILLATION. Vibration. See Irritability. O'SCITANS. (From osdto, to gape.) Yawn- ing. Gaping. OSCITA'TIO. (From osdto, to gape.) Yawning. Gaping. OSCULATO'RIUS. (From osculo, to kiss; so called because the action of kissing is perform- ed by it.) The sphincter muscle of the lips, O'SCULUM. (Diminutive of os, a mouth.) A little mouth. OSM AZOME. If cold water, which has been digested for a few hours on slices of raw muscular fibre, with occasional pressure, be evaporated, filtered, and then treated with pure alkohol, a pe- culiar animal principle will be dissolved, to the exclusion of the salts. By dissipating the alkohol with a gentle heat, the osmazome is obtained. It has a brownish-yellow colour, and the taste and smell of soup. Its aqueous solution affords pre- cipitates, with infusion of nut-galls, nitrate of mercury, and nitrate and acetate of lead. OSMIUM. A new metal lately discovered by OST 0*T Xennant among platina, and so called by hir.i from the pungent and peculiar smell of its oxide. OSvIUND. See Osmunda regalis. OSMU'NDA. (From Osmund, who first used it.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Cryp- togamia; Order, Filices. Osmunda regalis. Filix florida. The systematic name of the osmund-royal. Its root possesses astringent and emmenagogue virtues. O'SPHYS. Oatpvs. The loins. Ossa spongeosa. See Os spongiosum. OSSI'CULUM. A little bone. Ossicui.a auditus. The small bones of the internal ear are four in number, viz. the malleus, incus, stapes, and os orbiculare ; and are situated in the cavity of the tympanum. See Malleus, Incus, Stapes, and Orbiculare os. OSSIFICATION. (Ossificate; from os, a bone, imdfacio, to make.) See Osteogeny. OSSI'FRAGA. (Fronro.*, a bone, and frango, to break.) A petrified root, called the b me-bind- er, from its supposed virtues in uniting fractured bones. OSSI'FRAGUS. See Osttocolla. OSSI'VORUS. (From os, a bone, and voro, to devour.) Applied to a species of tumour or ulcer which destroys the bone. ' "a'gra. (From oortov, a bone, and ay pa, a laying hold of.) A forceps to take out bones with. Ostei'tf.s. (From os-£ov, a bone.) The bone- binder. See Osteocolla. OSTEOCO'LLA. (From os-tov, a bone, and koXXou, to glue.) Ossifraga ; Holosteus; Ostei- te! ; Amotteus; Osteolilhot; Stelochites. Glue- bone, stone, or bone-binder. A particular car- bonate of lime found in some parts of Germany, particularly in the March:? of Brandenburg, and in other countries. It is met with in loose ^tndy grounds, spreading from near the surface to a considerable depth, into a number of ramifications tike the roofs of a tree. It is of a whitish colour, soft whilst under the earth, friable when dry, rough on the surfoce, for the most part either hollow within, or filled with a solid wood, or with a powdery white matter. It was formerly cele- brated for promoting the coalition of fractured bones, and the formation of callus, which virtues are not attributed to it in the present day. OSTEO'COPUS. (From os-tov, a bone, and kottos, uneasiness.) A very violent fixed pain in any part of the bone. Osteoge'nica. (From o^tov, a bone, and ytwau, to beget.) Medicines which promote tbe generation of a callus. OSTEOGENY. (Osteogenin; from o?tov, a bone, and ytvtia, generation.) The growth of bones. Bones are either formed between mem- branes, or in the substance of cartilage ; and the bony deposition is effected by a determined action of arteries. The secretion of bone takes place in cartilage in the long bones, as thone of the arm, leg, &c. ; and betwixt two layers of membrane, as in the bones of the skull, where true cartilage is never seen. Often the bony matter is formed In distinct bags, and there it grows into form, as in the teeth ; for each tooth is formed in its little bag, which, by injection, can be filled and co- vered with vessels. An artery of the body can assume this action, and deposite bone, which is formed also where it should not be, in the ten- dons and in the joints, in the great arteries and in tbe valves, in the flesh of the heart itself, or even in the soft and pulpy substance of the brain. Most of the bones in the foetus are merely car- tilage before the time of birth. This cartilage is iicvpf hantpiwrl iritft bone, but from the first it is an organized mass. It has it? vessels, whicb art- at first transparent, but which soon dilate ; and whenever the red colour of the blood begins to appear in them, ossification very quickly suc- ceeds, the arteries being so far enlarged as to carry the coarser parts of the blood. The first mark of ossification is an artery which is seen running into the centre of the jelly which is formed. Other arteries soon appear, and a net- work of vessels is formed, and then a centre of ossification begins, stretching its rays according to the length of the bone, and then the cartilage begins to grow op"aque, yellow, brittle : it will no longer bend, and a bony centre may easily be discovered. Other points of ossification are suc- cessively formed, preceded by the appearance of arteries. The ossification follows the vessels, and buries and hides those vessels by which it is formed. The vessels advance towards the end of the bone, the whole body of the bone becomes opaque, and there is left a small vascular circle only at either end. The heads are separated. from the body of the bone by a thin cartilage, and the vessels of the centre, extending still to- wards the extremities of the bone, perforate the cartilage, pass into the head of the bone, and then its ossification also begins, and a small nucleus of ossification is formed in its centre. Thus the heads and the body are at first distinct bones, formed apart, joined by a cartilage, and not united till the age of fifteen or twenty years. Then the deposition of bone begins ; and while thi- bone is laid by the arteries, the cartilage is conveyed away by the absorbing vessels ; and while they convey away the superfluous carti- lage, they model the bone into its due form, shape out its cavities, cancelli and holes, remove the thinner parts of the remaining cartilage, and harden it into due consistence. The earth which constitutes the hardness of bone, and all its useful properties, is inorganized, and lies in the inter- stices of bone, where it is made up of gelatinous matter to give it consistence and strength, fur- nished with absorbents to keep it in health, and carry off its wasted parts; and pervaded by blood-vessels to supply it with new matter. During all the process of ossification, the ab- sorbents proportion their action to the stimulus which is applied to them: they carry away the serous fluid, when jelly is to take its place ; they remove the jelly as the bone is laid; they con- tinue removing the bony particles also, which (as in a circle) the arteries continually renew. This renovation and change of parts go on even in the hardest bones, so that after a bone is per- fectly formed, its older particles are confinually being removed, and new orn s are deposited in their place. The bony particles are so deposited in the fiat bones of the skull as to present a radiated structure, and the vacancies between the fibres which occasion this appearance, are found by injection to be chiefly passages for blood-vessels. As the foetus increases in size, the osseous fibres increase in number, till a lamina is produced ; and as the bone continues to grow, more lamina? are added, till the more solid part of a bone is formed. The ossification which begins in cartilage is considerably later than that which has its origin between membranes. The generality of bones are incomplete until the age of puberty, or between the fifteenth and twenti- eth years, and in some few instances not until a later period. The small bones of the ear, how- ever, are completely formed at birth. OSTEOGRAPHY. (Osteographia; from os-tov, a bone, and ypabu, to describe.) The dc scription of the bones. See Bone. 1 699 OVA OVA Osteoli'thos. (From o?tov, a bone, and >i0o$, a stone.) See Osteocolla. OSTEOLOGY. (Osteologia; from os-tov, a bone, and Xoyos, a discourse.) The doctrine of the bones. See Bone. OSTEOPEDION. (From or£0v, a bone, and zzais, psaiSos, an infant.) Lilhopadion. A term given to the mass of an extra-uterine foetus, which had become osseous, or of an almost stony consistence. OSTHEXIA. (From o$-u&>is, osseous or bony, and tl-ts, habit.) The name in Good's Nosology of a genus of diseases. Class, Eccri- tica; Order, Mesotica. Osthexy or ossific diathesis. It has two species, Osthexia infar- ciens; implexa. Ostia'rius. (From ostium, a door.) The pylorus has been so called. Osti'ola. (Diminutive of ostium, a door.) The valves or gates ot the heart. OSTIUM. A door or opening. Applied to small foramina or openings. O'strea. (From osrpuKov, a shell.) The oys- ter. The shell of this ils.li is occasionally used medicinaUy; its virtues are similar to those of the carbonate of lime. See Creta. OSTRU'THIUM. See Imperatoria. OSY'RIS. (Osvpts, of Dioscorides, which he describes as a small shrub with numerous, dark, tough branches ; and Professor Martyn conjec- tures its derivation from o£os, a branch. Some take the antirrhinum linaria for the true O-iyris.) The name of a genus of plants in the Ivinnaean system. Class, Diaeia; Order, Triandria. Osyrisalba. Cassiapoelicalobelli; Cassia latinorum; Cassia lignea monspeliensium; Cassia monspeliensium. Poet's cassia or gard- robe ; Poet's rosemary. The whole shrub is as- tringent. It grows in the southern parts of Europe. OTA'LGIA. (From ovs, the ear, and aXyos, pain.) The ear-ache. Otenchy'tes. (From uros, the genitive of oi.,, an ear, and tyxevv, to pour in.) A syringe for the ears. Otho'nna. (From o0ovij, lint: so called from the softness of its leaves.) A species of celan- dine. O'tica. (From ovs, the ear.) Medicines against diseases of the ear. ■ Oti'tes. (Fromouj, the ear.) An epithet of the little finger, because it is commouly made use of in scratching the ear. OTITIS. (From ons, the car.) Inflamma- tion of the internal ear. It is known by pyrexia, and an excruciating and throbbing pain in the internal ear, that is sometimes attended with delirium. Otopla'tos. (From ouj, the ear.) A stink- ing ulcer behind the ears. OTOPYO'SIS. (From ovs, the ear, and i-eov, pus.) A purulent discharge from the ear. OTORRHiE'A. (From ovs, the ear, and ptu, to flow.) A discharge from the ear. Ova'le foramen. See Foramen ovale. OVALIS. Oval. Some parts of animals and vegetables receive this name from being of this shape ; as foramen ovale, centrum ovale, fotium ovale, l-t-ceptaculuni ovale. OVARIAN. Ovarial. Belonging to the ova- rium. OVA'RIUM. (Diminutive of ovum, an egg.) The ovaria are two flat oval bodies, about one inch in length, and rather more than half in breadth and thickness, suspended in the broad ligaments, about the distance of one inch from the uterus behind, and a little below the Fallopian 700 tubes. To the ovaria, according to the idea oi their structure entertained by different anato- mists, various uses have been assigned, or the purpose they answer has been differently ex- plained. Some have supposed that their texture was glandular, and that they secreted a fluid equivalent to, and similar to the male semen; but others, who have examined them with more care, assert that they are ovaria in the literal acceptation of the term, and include a number of vesicles, or ova, to the amount of twenty-two of different sizes, joined to the internal surface of the ovaria by cellular threads or pedicles ; and that they contain a fluid which has ihe appearance of thin lymph. These vesicles are, in fact, to be seen in the healthy ovaria of every young wo- man. They differ very much in tiieir number in different ovaria, but are very seldom so numerous as has just been stated. AU have agreed that the ovaria prepare wh'atever the female suppUes towards the formation of the foetus ; and this is proved hy the operation of spaying, which con- sists in the extirpation of the ovaria, after which the animal not only loses the power of conceiv- ing, but desire is for ever extinguished. The outer coat of the ovaria, together with that of the uterus, is given by the peritoneum; and when- ever an ovum is passed into the Fallopian tube, a fis.-ure is observed at ihe part through which it is supposed to have been transferred. These fissures healing, leave small longitudinal cicatrices on the surface, which are said to enable us to de- termine, whenever the ovarium is examined, the number of times a woman has conceived. The corpora lutea arc oblong glandular bodies of a yellowish colour, found in the ovaria of aU ani- mals when pregnant, and, according to some, when they are.sala«ious. They are said to be calyces, fronrwhich the impregnated ovum has dropped ; and their number is always in propor- tion to the number of conceptions found in the uterus. They are largest and most conspicuous in the early state of pregnancy, and remain for some time after delivery, when they graduaUy fade and wither till they disappear. The corpora lutea are very va cular, except at their centre, which is whitish ; and in the middle of the white part is a small cavity, from which the impreg- nated ovum is thought to have immediately pro- ceeded. The ovaria are the seat of a particular kind of dropsy, which most commonly happens to women at the time ofthe final cessation ofthe menses, though not unfrequentiy at a more early period of life. It is of the encysted kind, the fluid being sometimes limpid and thin, and at others discoloured and gelatinous. In some cases it has been found contained in one cyst, often in several; and in others the whole tume- faction has been composed of hydatids not larger than grapes. The ovaria are also subject, espe- cially a short time after detivery, to inflammation, terminating in suppuration, and to scirrhous and cancerous diseases, with considerable enlarge- ment. In the former state, they generally ad- hei e to some adjoining part, as the uterus, rec- tum, bladder, or external integuments, and the matter is discharged from the vagina, by stool, by urine, or by an external abscess of the inte- guments of the abdomen. OVATUS. Ovate. Leaves, petals, seeds, &c. are so called when of the~ shape of an egg, cut lengthwise, the base being rounded, and broader than the extremity, a very common form of leaves ; .as in Vinca major, and Urtica pilulifera, and the petals of the Allium flavuni, and Narcis- sus pseudo-narcissus ; the receptacle of the Om- phalea, and seeds of the Quercus. OYU OVU OVIDUCT. (Oviductus; from ovum, au egg, and ductus, a canal. The duct or canal through wliich the ovum, or egg, passes. In the human species, the FaUopian tube is so called, which runs from the ovary to the bottom of the womb. OVIPAROUS. (From ovum, an egg, and pario, to bring forth.) Animals which exclude their young in the egg, which are afterwards batched. Ovo'rum testae. Egg-sheUs. A testaceous absorbent. OVULUM. A little egg. See Ovum. O'VUM. 1. An egg. See Egg. 2. The vesicles in the ovarium of females are called the ova, or ovula. When fecundation takes place in one or more of these, they pass, after a short time, along tbe FaUopian tube into the uterus. " Development of the ovum in the uterus.— The ovum, in the first moments of its abode in the uterus, is free and unattached ; its volume is nearly that which it had in quitting the ovarium ; but, in the course of the second month, its dimen- sions increase, it becomes covered with filaments of about a Une in length, which ramify in the manner of blood-vessels, and are implanted into the deddua. In the third month they are seen only on one side of the ovum, the others have nearly disappeared ; but those which remain have acquired a greater extent, thickness, and consis- tence, and are more deeply implanted into the de- ciduous membrane; taken together, they form the placenta. The ovum, in the rest of its sur- face, presents only a soft flocculent layer called deddua reflexa. The o* um continues to increase until the end of pregnancy, in which its volume is nearly equal to that of the uterus; but its structure suffers important changes which we wUl examine. At first its two membranes have yielded to its enlargement, whilst becoming thicker or more resisting: the exterior is caUed chorion^; the other amnion. The Uquid contained by the lat- ter augments in proportion to the volume of the ovum. In the second month of pregnancy there exists also a certain quantity of liquid between the chorion and amnion, but it disappears during the third month. Up to the end of the third week, the ovum pre- sents nothing indicative of the presence of the germ; the contained liquid is transparent, and partly coagulable as before. At this period there is seen, on the side where the ovum adheres to the uterus, something slightly opaque, gelatinous, all the parts of which appear homogeneous; in a short time, certain points become opaque, two distinct vesicles are formed, nearly equal in volume, and united by a pedicle, one of which adheres to the amnion by a small filament. Al- most at the same time a red spot is seen in the midst of this last, from which yellowish filaments are seen to take their rise: this is the heart, and the principal sanguiferous vessels. At the begin- ning of the second month, the head is very visi- ble, the eyes form two black points, very large in proportion to the volume of the head; small openings indicate the place of the ears and nos- trils ; the mouth, at first very large, is contracted afterwards by the development of the lips, which happens about the sixtieth day, with that of the cars, nose, extremities, &c. The development of all the principal organs happens successively until about the middle of the fourth month; then the state of the embryo ceases, and that of the fatus begins, which is continued till the termination of pregnancy. All during this time, and draw towards the form which they must present after birth. Before the sixth month, the lungs are very small, the heart large, but its four cavities are confounded, or at least difficult to distinguish : the liver is large, and occupies a great part of the abdomen ; the gall-bladder is not fuU of bile, but o! a colourless fluid not bitter; the small intestine, in its lower part, contains a yellowish matter, in small quan- tity, called meconium; th. testicles are placed upon the sides of the s.peiior lumbar vertebrae: the ovaria occupy the same position. At the end of the seventh luonth, the lungs assume a reddish tint which they had not before ; the cavities of the heart become distinct, the liver preserves its large dimensions, but removes a little from the umbilicus , the bile shows itself in the gaU- bladder; the meconium is more abundant, and descends lower in the great intestine ; the ovaria tend to the pelvis, the testich s art directed to the inguinal rings. Ai this oi-riod the foetus is capa- ble of lite, that is, it could live and breathe if expelled from the uterus. Every thing becomes more perfect in the eighth and ninth months. We cannot here follow the interesting details of this increase ot the organs ; they belong to anatomy : we shall consider the physiological phenomena that relate to them. Functions of the ovum, and of the fatus.— The ovum begins to grow as soon as it arrives in the cavity of the uterus ; its surface is covered with asperities that are quickly transformed into sanguiferous vessels : there is then life in the ovum. But we have no idea of this mode of ex- istence ; probably the surface of the ovum ab- sorbs the fluids with which it is in contact, and these, after having undergone a particular elabo- ration by the membranes, are afterwards poured into the cavity of the amnion. What was the germ before its appearance ? Did it exist, or was it formed at that instant ? Does the little almost opaque mass that composes it contain the rudiments of all the organs of the foetus and the adult, or are these created the in- stant they begin to show themselves ? What can be the nature of a nutrition so complicated, so important, performed without vessels, nerves, or apparent circulation ? How does the heart move before the appearance of the nervous system ? Whence comes the yellow blood that it contains at first ? &c. &c. No reply can be given to any of these questions in the present state of science. We know very little of what happens in the embryo, whose organs are only yet rudeiy de- lineated ; nevertheless, there is a kind of circula- tion recognised. The heart sends blood into the large vessels, and into the rudimentary placenta ; probably blood returns to the heart by veins, &c. —But when the new being has reached the fetal state, as most of the organs are very apparent, then it is possible to recognise some of the func- tions peculiar to that state. The circulation is the best known of the func- tions of the fetus : it is more complicated than that of the adult, and is performtd in a manner quite different. In the first place, it cannot be divided into ve- nous and arterial; for the fetal blood has sensibly every where the same appearance, that is, a brownish red tint: in other respects, it is much the same as the blood of tl e adult; it coagulates, separates into clot and serum, tkc. I do not know why some learned chemists have betieved that it does not contain fibrin. The placenta is the most singular and one of the most important organs of the circulation of the fetus; it succeeds to those filaments which 701 OVU tiover the ovum during the first months of preg- nancy. Very small at first, it soon acquires a considerable size. It adheres, by its exterior surface, to the uterus, pr» sents irregular furrows, which indicate its divisiou into several lobes or cotyledons, the number and form of which are not determined. Its fetal surface is covered by the chorion and amnion, except at its centre, into which the umbilical cord is inserted. Its paren- chyma is formed of sanguiferous vessels, divided and subdivided. They belong to the divisions of thb umbilical arteries, and to the radicles of the vein of the same name. The vessels of one lobe do not communicate with those of the adjoining lobes ; but those of the same cotyledon anasto- mose frequently, for nothing is more easy than to make injections pass from one to another. The umbilical . ord extends from near the cen- tre of the placenta to the umbilicus of the child ; its length is often near two feet ; it is formed by the two umbilical arteries and the vein, connect- ed by a very close cellular tissue, and it is cover- ed by the two membranes of the ovum. In the first months of pregnancy, a vesicle, which receives small vessels, being a prolonga- tion of the mesenteric artery and the meseraic vein, is found in the body of the cord, between the chorion and the amnion, near 'he umbi''- us. This vesicle is not analogous to the altantoid, it represents the membranes of the yolk of birds and reptiles, and the umbilical vesicle of the mammalia. It contains a yellowish fluid which seems to be absorbed by the veins of its parietes. The umbilical vein, arising from the placenta, and then arriving at the umbilicus, enters the ab- domen, and reaches the inferior surface of the liver; there it divides into two large branches, one of which is distributed to the liver, along -with the vena porta, whilst the other soon ter- minates in the vena cava under the name of ductus oenosus. Tins vein has two valves, one at the place of its bifurcation, and the other at the junction with the vena cava. The heart and the large vessels of the fetus capable of life, are very different from what they become after birth ; the valve of the vena cava is large; the partition of the auricles presents a large opening provided with a semilunar valve, called foramen ovale. The pulrarnary artery, after having sent two small branches to the lungs, terminates almost immediately in the aorta, in the concave aspect of the arch ; it is called in this place ductus arteriosus. The last character proper to-the circulating organs of the fetus, is the existence of the um- bilical arteries, which arise Irom the internal iliacs, arc directed over the sides of the bladder, attach themselves to the urachus, pass out of the abdomen by the umbilicus, and go to the pla- centa, where they are distributed as has been mentioned above. According to this disposition of the circulating apparatus of the fetus, it is evident that the mo- tion of the blood ought to be different in it from that in the adult. It we suppose that the blood sets out from the placenta, it evidently passes through the umbilical vein as far as the liver; there, one part of the blood passes into the liver, and the other into the vena cava ; these two di- rections carry it to the heart by .e inferior vena cava ; being arrived at this organ, it penetrates into the right auricle, and into the left by the foramen ovale, at the instant in which the auri- cles are dilated. At this instant, the blood of the inferior vena cava is inevitably mixed with that of the superior. How, indeed, could two liquids of the same nature, or nearly so, remain isolated OVU in a cavity in which they arrive at the samctkue, and which contracts to expel them. I am not ignorant that Sebatier, in his excellent Treatise on the Circulation of the Fatut, has maintained the contrary, but his arguments do not change my opinion in this respect. However it may be, the contraction of the auricles succeeds their di- latation ; the blood is thrown into the two ven- tricles the instant they dilate; these, in their turn, contract, and drive out the blood, the left into the aorta, and the right into the pulmonary artery ; but as this artery terminates in the aorta, it is clear that all ihe blood of the two ventricles passes into the aorta, except a very small portion that goes to the lungs. Under the influence of these two agents of impulsion, the blood is made to flow through all the divisions of the aorta, and returns to the heart by the vena? cava?. Lastly, it is carried to the placenta by the umbilical ar- teries, and returns to the fetus by the vein of the chord. It is easy to conceive tbe use of a foramen ovale, and the ductus arteriosus : the left auricle, receiv ing little or no blood from the lungs, could not furnish any to the left ventricle if it did not receive it from the opening in the partition of the auricles. On the other hand, the lungs having no functions to fulfil, if all the blood ofthe pul- monary artery were distributed in them, the im- pulsive force of the right ventricle would have been vainly consumed ; whilst, by means of the ductus arteriosus, the force of both ventricles is em- ployed to move the blood of the aorta ; without the joint action of both ventricles, probably the blood could not have rt ached the placenta, and returned again to the heart. The motions of the heart are very rapid in the fetus; they generally exceed 120 in a minute: the circulation possesses necessarily a propor- tionate rapidity. A delicate question now presents itself for ex- amination. What are the relations of the circu- lation of the mother with that of the fetus ? In order to arrive at some precise notion on this point, the mode of junction of the uterus and pla- centa must first be examined. Anatomists differ in this respect. It was long believed that the uterine arteries anastomosed directly with the radicles of the umbilical vein, and that the last divisions of the arteries ofthe placenta opened into the veins of the uterus; but the acknowledged impossibility of making matters injected into the uterine veins pass info tlie umbilical vein*, and reciprocally to cause liquid matters injected into the umbilical arteries to reach the veins of the uterus, caused this idea to be renounced It is at present generally admit- ted, that the vessels of the placenta and those of the uterus do not anastomose. Notwithstanding the high authority of Boer- haave, it cannot be admitted that the fetus con- tinually swallows the water of the amnion, and digests it for its nourishment. Its stomach, in- deed, contains a visc:il matter in considerable quantily; but it has no resemblance to the liquor amnii; it is very acid and gelatinous ; towards the pylorus, it is somewhat grey, and opaque ; it appears to be converted into chyme in the sto- mach, in order to pass into the small intestine, where, after having been acted upon by the bile, and perhaps by the pancreatic juice, it furnishes a peculiar chyle. The remainder descends afterwards into the large intestine, where it forms the meconium, which is evidently the result ot digestion during gestation. Whei ce does the digested matter come ? It is probably secreted by the stomach itself, or descends from tbe u-o- OX.A OXA phagus; there is nothing, however, to prevent the fetus from swallowing, in certain cases, a few mouthfuls of the liquor amnii; and this seems to be proved by certain hairs, like those of the skin, being found in the meconium. It is impor- tant to remark, that tbe meconium is a substance containing very little azote. Nothing is yet known regarding the use of this digestion ol the fetus ; it is probably not essential to its growth, since infants have been born without a stomach, or aay thing similar. Some persons say they have seen chyle in the thoracic duct of the former. Exhalations seem to take place in the foetus ; for all its surfaces are lubricated nearly in the name manner as afterwards ; fai is in abundance; the humours of the eye exist; cutaneous tran- spiration very probably t.ikes place also, and mixes continuaUy with the liquor amnii. vVitn regard to this last liquor, it is difficult to sa) whence it derives its oriun . no sanguiferous vessels appear to be directeJ to tbe amnion, ana is nevertheless probab!. that this menibr.oie is us seen tiu-j organ. The cutaneous and mucous tollicies are devel- oped, and seem to poss> ss an energei ic action, es- pecially from the seventh month ; the skin is then covered by a pretty thick layer of I alt) matter, secreted by the follicles: several authms li.ve improperly considered it as a deposite ol the liquor oninii. The mucus is also abundant in the two last months of gestation. All the glands employed in digestion have a considerable volume, and seem to possess some activity ; the action oi ', e others is liule known. It is not known, lor (simple, ..in ther the kid- neys form urine, or wintuer this fluid is iujected by the urethra into the cavity of the amnion. The testicles and mamma? seem to form a fluid that resembles neither uulk uor semen, ..nd which is found in the vesicula semmales and lactiferous canals. What can be said about the nutrition of the fetus ? Physiological works contain only vague conjectures on i his point, it' appears certain that Ihe placenta draws from the mother the nia>erials necessary for the development ol the organs, but what these materials are, or how they are ducted, we do not know.''—Magendie t Physiology. Ovum philosophicum. Ovum chymicum. A glass body round like ai. < ^g. Ovum ruffum. Anobsolete alcbemistic term used in the transmutation of metals. Ox-eye-daity. See Chrysanthemum leuean- themum. Ox'* tongue. See Picris echiodes. OXALATE. Oxalas A salt formed by the combination of the oxalic acid with a salifiable basis ; thus, oxalate of ammonia. OXALIC ACID. Acidumoxalicum. "This acid, which abounds in wood-sorrel, and which, combined with a small portion oi pitassa, as it exists in that plant, has been sold under the name of salt of lemons, to be used as a substitute for the juice of that fruit, particularly for discharg- ing ink-spots and iron-moulds, was long supposed to be analogous to that of tartar. In the year 1776, however, Bergman discovered that a pow- erful acid might be extracted from sugar by means ef the nitric ; and a few years afterwards Scheele found this to be identical with the acid existing naturally in sorrel. Hence the acid began to be distinguished by the name of saccharine, but has since been known in the new nomenclature by that of oxalic. It may be obtained, readily and economically from sugar in the following way; To six ounces of nitric acid in a stoppered retort, to which a large receiver is luted, add, by degrees, one ounce of lump sugar coarsely powdered. A gentle heat may be applied during the solution, and ni- tric oxide will be evolved in abundance. When the whole ot the sugar is dissolved, distil off a part of the acid, tiU what remains in the retort has a syru y consistence, and this wiU form regular crystals, amounting to 58 parts from ItiO of sugar. These crystals must be dissolved in water, re- crystalli: eJ, and dned on blotting paper. Oxalic acid crystallises in quadrilateral prisms, the sides of which are alternately broad and nar- row, and summits dihedral; or, if crystallised rapidly, in small irregular needles. They arc efflorescent in dry air, but attract a little hu- midity il it be damp ; are soluble in one part of hot and two of cold water, and are decomposa- ble by a red heal, leaving a small quantity of coaly residuum. 100 parts of alkohol take up near 06 at a boiling heat, but not above 40 cold. Then acidity is so great, that when dissolved in 36u0 times their weight of water, the solution reddtus litmus paper, and is perceptibly acid to the taste. 'l'lu oxalic acid is a good test for detecting lime, wh.ch it separates from aU the other acids, unless they a e present in excess. It has hkewise a gr> aler affinity lor lime than for any other of the bases, aud forms with it a pulverub nt insoluble salt, not cUiou.posable except by fire, and turning sy i up ot violets green. Oxalic atiJ ails as a violent poison when swal- lowed in the quantity of 2 or 3 Uiachms ; and se- veral fatal accidents have lately occurred in Lon- don, in eonsequence of its being improperly told instead of Epsom salts. Its vulgar name of salts, under which the acid is bought for the pur- pose of .whitening boot-tops, occasions these la- mentable mistakes. But the powerfully acid taste of the latter substance, joined to its prismatic or needle-formed crystallisation, are sufficient to distinguish it from every thing else. The imme- diate rejection from the stomach of this acid by an emetic, aided by copious draughts of warm water contaiuing bicarbonate of potassa, or soda, chalk, or carbonate of magnesia, are the proper remedies. With barytes it forms an insoluble salt; but this sail will dissolve in water acidulated with oxalic acid and afford angular ciy^tals 1; bow- ever, we attempt to dissolve these crystals in boU- ing water, the excess of acid will unite with the water, and leave the oxalate, which will be pre- cipitated. The oxalate of strontian too is a nearly insolu- ble compound. Oxalate of magnesia too is insoluble, unless the acid be in excess. The oxalate of potassa exists in two states, that of a neutral salt, and that of an acidule. The latter is generally obtained from the juice ofthe leaves ofthe oxalis acetosella, wood-soirel, or rumex acetosu, common sorrel. The express- ed juice, being diluted with water, should be set by for a tew days, till the feculent parts have sub- sided, and the supernatant fluid is become clear; or it may be clarified, when expi essed, with the whites of eggs. It is then to be strained off, evaporated to a pellicle, and set in a cool place to crystallise. The first product ol crystals being taken out, the liquor may be lurther evaporated, and crystallised ; and tbe same process repeated till no more can be obtained. In this way Schle- reth informs us about nine drachms of crystals may be obtained from two pounds of juice, which are generally afforded by ten pounds of wood- sorrel. Saxary however says, that ten parts of wood-sorrel in full vegetation yield five parts ol OXA OXY juice, which give little more than a two-hundredth of tolerably pure salt. He boiled down the juice, however, in the first instance, without clarifying it; and was obliged repeatedly to dissolve and recrystallise the salt to obtain it white. This salt is in small, white, needley, or lamel- lar crystals, not alterable in the air. It unites with barjtes, magnesia, soda, ammdnia, and most of th. metallic oxides, into triple salts. Yet its solution precipitates the nitric solutions of mer- cury .-nd silver in the state ot insoluble oxalates of these metals, the nitric acid in this ase com- bining with the potassa. It attacks iron, lead, tin, zinc, and antimony. This salt, beside its use in taking out ink spots, and as a test of lime, forms with sugar and water a pleasant cooling beverage ; and, according to Berthollet, it possesses considerable powers as an antiseptic. The neutral oxalate of potassa is viry soluble, and assumes a gelatinous form, but may be brought to crystallise in hexahedral prisms with dihedral summits, by adding more' potassa to the liquor than is sufficient to saturate the acid. Oxalate of soda likewise exists in two different states, those of en acidulous 'nil a neutral salt, which ii' their properties are analogous to those of potass j. The acidulous oxalate of ammonia is crystal- lisable, not very soluble, and capable, like the preceding acidules, of combining with other bases, so as to form triple salts. But if the acid be saturated with ammonia, we obtain a neutral ox- alate, which on evaporation yields very fine crystals in tetrahedral prisms with dihedral sum- mits, one of the planes of which cuts off three sides of the prism. This salt is decomposable by fire, which raises from it carbonate of ammo- nia, and leaves only some slight traces of a coaly residuum. Lime, barytes, and strontian, unite with its acid, and the ammonia flies off in the form of gas. The oxalic acid readily dissolves alumina, and the solution gives, on evaporation, a yellowish transparent mass, sweet an! i httle astringen' to the taste, deliquescent, and reddening tincture of litmus, but-not syrup of violets. This salt swells up in the fire, loses its acid, and leaves the alu- mina a little coloured." OX'ALIS. (From o£uj, sharp: so called from the sharpness of its juice.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decandria; Order, Pentagynia. Wood-sorrel. Oxalis acetosella. The systematic name of the wood-sorrel. Lujula; Alleluga. Oxalis —foliis ternatis, scapo unifluro, fiore albo, cap- sulis pentagonis elasticis, radice squamoso-ar- ticulata, of. Linnaeus. This plant grows wild in the woods, and flowers in April and May. The leaves are shaped like a heart, standing three to- gether on one stalk. The acetosella is totally in- odorous, but has a grateful acid taste, on which account it is used in sallads. Its taste is more agreeable than the common sorrel, and approach- es nearly to that of the juice of lemons, or the acid of tartar, with which it corresponds in a great measure in its medical effects, being esteem- ed refrigerant, antiscorbutic and diuretic. It is recommended by Bergius, in inflamn.atory, biUous, and putrid fevers. The principal use, however, of the acetosella, is to« allay inordinate heat, and to quench thirst; for this purpose, a pleasant whey may be formed by boiling the plant in milk, which under certain circumstances may be preferable to the conserve directed by the London College, though an extremely grateful and useful medicine. Manv have employed the 70-1 root of Lujula, probably on account of its beau- tiful red colour rather than for its superior effica- cy. A salt is prepared from this plant, known by the name of essential salt of lemons, which is an acidulous oxalate of potassa, and commonly used for talcing ink-stains out of linen. What is sold under the name of essential salt of lemons in this country, is said by some to consist of cream of tartar, with the addition of a small quantity of sulphuric acid. The leaves of wood-sorrel when employed externally in the form of poul- tices, are powerful suppurants, particularly in in- dolent scrofulous humours. Oxa'lme. (From ofus, sharp, and aXs, salt.) A mixture of vinegar and salt. Oxid. See Oxide. OXIDATION. The process of converting metals and other substances into oxides, by com- bining with them a certain portion of oxygen. It differs from acidification in the addition-of oxygen not being sufficient to form an acid with the substance oxided. OXIDE. (Oxydum, i. n. ; formed of oxygen, with the terminal trie. See Ide.) Oxyd. Oxid. Oxyde. A substance combined with oxygen without being in the state of an acid. Many substances are susceptible of several stages of oxidisement, on which account chemists have employed various terms to express the charac- teristic distinctions of the several oxides. The specific name is often derived from some external character, chiefly the colour ; thus we have the black and red oxides of iron, and of mercury: the white oxide of zinc : but in most instances the denominations proposed by Dr. Thompson are adopted. When there are several oxides of the same substance, he proposes the terms pro- toxide, dentoxyde, tritoxyde, signifying the first, second, and third stage of oxidisement. Or if two oxides only are known, he proposes the ap- pellation of protoxyde for that at the minimum, and of peroxyde for that at the maximum of oxi- dation. The compounds of oxides and water in which the water exists in a condensed state, are termed hydrates, or hydroxures. Oxide of carbon, gaseous. See Carbon ga- seous oxide of. Oride, nitric. See Nitrogen. Oxide, nitrous. See Nitrogen. OXYCA'NTHA. (From ofuj, sharp, and aKavda, a thorn: so called from the acidity of its fruit.) The barberry. Oxycantha galeni. See Berberis. OXYCE'DRUS. (From 0|w, acutely, and «- Spos, a cedar : so called from the sharp termina- tion of its leaves.) 1. A kind of cedar. 2. Spanish juniper, a species of juniperus. OXYCO'CCOS. (From o£us, acid, and kokkos, a berry : so named from its acidity.) See Vac- cinium oxycoccos. OXY'CRATUM. (From ofa, acid, and «- pavvvpi, to mix.) Oxycrates. Vinegar mixed with such a portion of water as is required, and rendered still milder by the addition of a little honey. Oxycro'ceum emplastrum. (From o{u«, acid, and KpoKos, crocus, saffron.) A plaster in which there is much saffron, but no vinegar neces- sary, unless in dissolving some gums. Oxyd. See Oxide. Oxyde. See Odde. Oxtde'rcica. (From o£u$, acute, and StpKu, to see.) Medicines which sharpen the sight. OXYDULE. Synonymous with protoxide. O'XYDUM. (So called from oxygen, which enters into its composition.) See Oxide. OxTDf.M antimonii. See Antimonii orydu»., OXV OXY OXYDUM ARSENICI album. See Arsenic. Oxydum cupri viride acetatum. See Verdigris. Oxydum ferri luteum. See Ferri subcar- bonas. Oxydum ferri nigrum. Black oxide of iron. The scales which fall from iron, when heated, consist of iron combined with oxygen. These have been employed medicinaUy, pro- ducing the general effects of chalybeates, but not very powerfully. Oxtdlm ferri rubrum. Red oxide of iron. In this the metal is more highly oxidised than in the black. It may be formed by long continued exposure to heat and air. Its properties in medi- cine are similar to other preparations of iron. It is frequently given internally. Oxydum hydrargyri cinereum. See Hy- drargyri oxydum rinereum. Oxydum hydrargyri nigrum. See Hy- drargyri oxydum rinereum. Oxydum hydrargyri rubrum. See Hy- drargyri oxydum rubrum. Oxydum plumbi album. See Plumbi sub- carbonas. Oxydum flcmbi rubrum. See Lead. Oxydum plumbi semivitreum. See Lithar- gyru*- Oxydum stibii album. See Antimonii oxy- dum. Oxydum stibii semivitreum. A vitreous ox- ide of antimony. It was formerly called Vitrum antimonii, and consists of an oxide of antimony with a little sulphur; it is employed to make antimonial wine. Oxydum stibii sulphuratum. This is an oxyde of antimony with sulphur, and was for- merly called Hepar antimonii; Crocus metal- lorum ; Crocus antimonii. It was formerly ex- hibited in the cure of fevers and atonic dis- eases of the lungs. Its principal use now is in preparing other medicines. Oxydum zinci. See Zincioxydum. Oxydum zinci sublimatum. See Zinci oxydum. OXYGARUM. (From o|uf, acid, and yapov, garum.) A composition of garurn and vinegar. OXYGEN. (Oxygenium; from o£uj, acid, and yewau, to generate ; because it is the generator of acidity.) This substance, although existing sometimes in a solid and sometimes in an aeriform •state, is never distinctly perceptible to the human senses, but in combination. We know it only in its combination, by its effects. Nature never presents it solitary ; che- mists do not know how to insulate it. It is a principle which was long unknown. It is absorb* able by combustible bodies, and converts them into oxides or acids. It is an indispensable con- dition of combustion, uniting itself always to bo- dies which burn, augmenting their weight, and changing their properties. It may be disengaged in the state of oxygen gas, from burnt bodies by a joint accumulation ofcaloric and light. It is highly necessary for the respiration of animals. It exists universally dispersed through nature, and is a constituent part of atmospheric air, of water, of acids, and of all bodies of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. One of the most remarkable combinations into which it is capable of entering, is that which it forms with light and caloric. The nature of that mysterious union has not been ascertained, but it is certain that, in that state, it constitutes the ga- seous fluid caUed oxygen gas. Properties of Oxygen Gas.—Oxygen gasps an 'luetic invisible fluid, like common air, capable of S9 indefinite expansion and compression. It has neither taste nor odour, nor does it show any traces of an acid. Its specific gravity, as deter- mined by Kirwan, is 0.00135, that of water being 1.0000; it is, therefore, 740 times lighter than the same bulk of water. Its weight is to atmo- spheric air as 1103 to 1000. One hundred and sixteen cubic inches of oxygen gas weigh 39.38 grains. It is not absorbed by water, but entirely absorbable by combustible bodies, which, at the same time, disengage its caloric and light, pro- ducing in consequence a strong heat and flame. - It rekindles almost extinct combustible bodies. It is indispensable to respiration, and is the cause of animal heat. It hastens germination. It combines with every combustible body, with aU the metals, and with the greater number of ve- getable and animal substances. It is considered as the cautc of acidity ; and from this last pro- perty is derived the name oxygen, a word de- noting the origin of acidity. The act of its combining with bodies is called oxidisement, or oxygenation ; and the bodies with which it is combined arc called oxides, or adds. Oxygen gas is the chief basis of the pneumatic doctrine of chemistry. Methods of obtaining Oxygen Gas.—We are at present acquainted with a great number of bo- dies from which we may, by art, produce oxygen gas. It is most amply obtained from the oxides of manganese, lead, or mercury ; from .nitrate of potassa ; from the green leaves of vegetables, and from oxychlorate of potassa or soda. Besides these, there are a great many other substances from which oxygen gas may be procured. 1. In order to procure oxygen gas in a state of great purity, pure oxychlorate of potassa or soda must be made use of. With this view, put some of the salt into a smaU earthen or glass retort, the neck of which is placed under the shelf of the pneumatic trough, filled with water ; and heat the retort by means of a lamp. The salt will begin to melt, and oxygen gas wUl be obtained in abun- dance, and of great purity, which maybe coUected and preserved over water. Explanation.—Oxychlorate of potassa consists of oxygen, chlorine, and potassa. At an elevated temperature, a decomposition takes place, the ox- ygen unites to the caloric, and forms oxygen gas. The oxychlorate becomes therefore converted into simple chlorate of potassa. 2. Oxygen gas may likewise be obtained from the green leaves of vegetables. For this purpose fill a beU-glass with water, introduce fresh-gathered green leaves under it, and place the beU, or receiver, inverted in a ves- sel containing the same fluid ; expose the appara- tus to the rays of the sun, and very pure oxygen gas will be liberated. The emission of oxygen gas is proportioned to the vigour of the plant and the vivacity of the light; the quantity differs in different plants and under different conditions. Explanation.—It is an established fact, that plants decompose carbonic acid, and probably wa- ter, which serve for their nourishment; they ab- sorb the hydrogen and carbon of these fluids, disengaging a part ofthe oxygen in a state of pu- rity. Light, however, favours this decomposition greatly; in proportion as the oxygen becomes disengaged, the hydrogen becomes fixed in the vegetable, and combines partly with the carbon and partly with the oxygen, to form the oil, &c. ofthe vegetable. 3. Nitrate of potassa is another substance fre- quently made use of for obtaining oxygen gas, in the followine manner: OXY OXY Take any quantity of this salt, introduce it into a coated earthen or glass retort, and fit to it a tube, which must be plunged into the pneumatic trough, under the receiver filled with water. When the apparatus has been properly adjusted, heat the retort gradually tiU it becomes red hot; the oxygen gas will then be disengaged rapidly. Explanation.—Nitrate of potassa consists of nitric acid and potassa. Nitric acid consists again of oxygen and nitrogen. On exposing the salt to ignition, a partial decomposition ofthe acid takes place; the greatest part of the oxygen of the nitric acid unites to caloric, and appears under the form of oxygen gas. The other part remains attached to the potassa in the state of nitrous acid. The residue in the retort is, therefore, nitrate of potassa, if the process has been carried only to a certain extent. Remark.—If too much heat be applied, parti- cularly towards the end of the process, a total decomposition of the nitric acid takes place : the oxygen gas, in that case, will therefore be mingled with nitrogen gas. The weight of the two gases, when collected, will be found to correspond very exactly with the weight of the acid which had been decomposed. The residue then left in the retort is potassa. 4. Black oxide of manganese, however, is ge- neraUy made use of for obtaining oxygen gas, on account of its cheapness. This native oxide is reduced to a coarse powder ; a stone, or rather an iron retort, is then charged with it and heated. As soon as the retort becomes ignited, oxygen gas is obtained plentifully. Explanation.—Black oxide of manganese is the metal called manganese fully saturated with oxygen, together with many earthy impurities ; on applying heat, part of the solid oxygen quits the metal and unites to caloric, in order to form oxygen gas ; the remainder of the oxygen remains united to the metal with a forcible affinity : the metal, therefore, approaches to the metallic state, or is found in the state of a grey oxide of man- ganese. One pound of the best manganese yields up- wards of 1400 cubic inches of oxygen gas, nearly pure. If sulphuric acid be previously added to the manganese, the gas is produced by a less heat, and in a larger quantity ; a glass retort may then be used, and the heat of a lamp is sufficient. 5. Red oxide of mercury yields oxygen gas in a manner similar to that of manganese. Explanation.—This oxide consists likewise of solid oxygen and mercury, the combination of which takes place on exposing mercury to a heat of about 610° Fahr. At this degree it at- tracts oxygen, and becomes converted into an ox- ide ; but if the .temperature be increased, the at- traction of oxygen is changed. The oxygen then attracts caloric stronger than it did the mercury; it therefore abandons it, and forms oxygen gas. The mercury then re-appears in its metallic state. 6. Red oxide of lead yields oxygen gas on the same principle. Oxygenated muriatic acid. See Chlorine. OXYGENATION. Oxygenatio. This word is often used instead of oxidation, and frequently confounded with it: but it differs in being of more n-eneral import, as every union with oxygen, whatever the product may be, is an oxygenation ; but oxidation takes place only when an oxide is formed. Oxygenized muriatic acid. See Muriatic add oxygenized. Oxygenized nitric add. See Nitric add ox- ygenized. 706 Oxygly'cum. (From o|uf, acid, and yWt,-, sweet.) Honey mixed with vinegar. OXYIODE. A term applied by Sir. H. Davy to the triple compounds ot oxygen, iodine, and the metallic bases. Lussac calls them iodates. OXYLA'PATHUM. (From o£t>s, acid, and XatraOov, the dock; so named from its acidity.) See Rumex acutus. O'XYMEL. (Oxymel, Hit. n.; from ofa, acid, and ptXt, honey.) Apomeli. Adipson. Honey and vinegar boiled to a syrup. Mel ace- tatum. Now called Oxymel rimplex. Take of clarified honey, two pounds ; acetic acid, a pint. Boil them down to a proper consistence, in a glass vessel, over a 3low fire. This preparation of ho- ney and vinegar, possesses aperient and expecto- rating virtues ; and is given, with these intentions, in the cure of humoral asthma, and other diseases ofthe chest, in doses of one or two drachms. It is also employed in the form of gargle, when di- luted with water, Oxymel ^ruginis. See Linimentum aru- ginis. Oxymel colchici Oxymel of meadow saf- fron is an acrid medicine, but is nevertheless em- ployed, for its diuretic virtues, in dropsies. Oxymel scill.e. Take of clarified honey, three pounds; vinegar of squills, two pints. Boil them in a glass vessel with a slow fire, to the proper thickness. Aperient, expectorant, and detergent virtues, are attributed to the honey of squills. It is given in doses of two or three drachms, along with some aromatic water, a* that of cinnamon, to prevent the great nausea which it would otherwise be apt to excite. In large doses it proves emetic. Oxymu'rias hydrargyri. See Hydrargyri oxymurias. OXYMURIATIC ACID. See Chlorine. Oxymyrrhi'ne. (Fromo|uf, acute, and pvp- pivrj, the myrtle: so called from its resemblance to myrtle, and its pointed leaves.) Oxymyrdne. See Myrtus communis. Oxymyrsine. See Oxymyrrhine. OXYODIC ACID. See Iodic acid. Oxyni'trum. (From ol-vs, acid, and virpov, nitre.) A composition chiefly of vinegar and nitre. OXYO'PIA. (From o£uj, acute, and u\p, the eye.) The faculty of seeing more acutely than usual. Thus there have been instances known of persons who could see tiie stars in the day-time. The proximate cau^- is ;i preternatural sensibility ofthe retina. It has ' een known to precede the gutta serena; and it has been asserted that pri- soners who have been long detained in darkness, have learned to read and write in darkened places. OXYPHLEGMA'SIA. (From ofa, acute, and tpXtyu, to burn.) An acute inflammation. Oxyphie'nicon. (From ofuj, acid, and ^oi- vii;, the tamarind; a native of Phoenicia.) See Tamarindus. OXYPHO'NIA. (From o£uf, sharp, and tpv- vi), tbe voice.) An acuteness of voice. See Paraphonia. OXYPRUSSIC ACID. See Chlorocyanic add. OXYRE'GMA. (From ofus, acid, and eptvyu, to break wind.) An acid eructation. Oxyrrho'dinon. (From o£uj, acid, and poci- vov, oil Of roses.) A composition of the oil of roses and vinegar. OXYSACCHA'RUM. (From ofuj? acid, and coKxapov, sugar.) A composition of vinegar and sugar. Oxysal DurHORETirrM. A preparation of l'At pa:o Augelo Sala. It is a fixed salt, loaded with more t acid than is necessary to saturate it. s Oxy'toca. (From ol;vs, quick, and tiktu, to ( bring forth.) Medicines which promote de- ( livery. ' OXYTRIPHY'LLUM. (From o£vs, acid, and < -rpupvXXov, trefoil; so named from its acidity. See ] Oxalis acetotella. s OYSTER. See Ottrea. i Oytter-thell. See Ostrea. ] OZ.rE'NA. (From ofr, a stench.) An ulcer 1 situated in the nose, discharging a foetid purulent ] matter, and sometimes accompanied with caries i uf the bones. Some authors have signified by the 1 term, an ill-conditioned ulcer in the antrum. The s first meaning is the original one. The disease < is described as coming on with a trifling turoefac- < tion and redness about the ala nasi, accompanied < with a discharge of mucus, with which the nostril t becomes obstructed. The matter gradually as- sumes the appearance of pus, is most copious in I A • A contraction oipugillus, a pugil, or eighth part of a handful, and sometimes a contraction of ■part or partet, a part or parts. P. JE. A contraction of partes aqualis. P. P. A contraction of pulvis patrum, Jesuit's powder ; the Cinchona lancif. Ha. PAAW, Peter, was born at Amsterdam, in 1564. After studying four years at Leyden, he went to Paris, and other celebrated schools, for improvement; and took his degree at Rostock. Thence he repaired to Padua, and attended the dissections of Fabricius ab Aquapendente ; and possessing a good memory, as well as great assi- duity, he evinced such respectable acquirements, that be was appointed to a medical professorship on his return to Leyden in 1589. His whole am- bition was centered in supporting the dignity and utility of this office ; and he obtained general es- teem. Anatomy and botany were his favourite pursuits ; aud Leyden owes to him the establish- ment of its botanic garden. He died in 1617. Besides some commentaries on parts of Hippo- crates and other ancient authors, he left a treatise on the Plague, and several other works, chiefly anatomical. PA'BULUM. (Frompasco, to feed.) Food, aliment. Pabulum VIT.E. The food of life. Suchare the different kinds of aliment. The animal heat and spirits are also so called. PACCHIOM, Anthonio, was born at Reg- gio, in 16(54. After studying there for some time he went to complete himself at Rome under the celebrated Malpighi; who subsequently intro- duced him into practice at Tivoli, where he re- sided six years with considerable reputation. He then returned to Rome, and assisted Lancisi in his explanation of the plates ol Eustachius. He devoted also great attention to dissection, par- ticularly of the inembraucs of the brain. In his first work he assigned to the dura mater a con- tractile power, whereby it acted upon the brain ; this notion obtained temporary celebrity, but it was confuted by Baglivi, and other anatomists. He afterwards announced the discovery of glands near the lonr-itudiiial sinus, from which lit- alleged the morning, and is sometimes attended witFi sneezing, and a little bleeding. The ulceration occasionally extends round the ati nasis to the cheek, but seldom far from the nose, the ala of which also it rarely destroys. The oza?na is often connected with scrophulous and venereal com- plaints. In the latter cases, portions of the ossa spongiosa often come away. After the complete cure of all venereal complaints, an exfoliating dead piece of bone will often keep up symptoms simi- lar to those of the oza?na, until it is detached. Mr. Pearson remarks, that the ozaena frequently occurs as a symptom of the cachexia syphiloidea. It may perforate the septum nasi, destroy the os- sa spongiosa, and even the ossa nasi. Such mis- chief is now more frequently the effect ofthe ca- chexia syphiloidea, than of lues venerea. The ozaena must not be confounded with abscesses in the upper jaw-bone. O'zymum. (From o$u, to smell: so called from its fragrance.) See Ocymum. lymphatics pass to the pit. mater ; this involved him in farther controversies. He was a member of several learned academies, and died in 17C6. Among his posthumous works is one on the mis- chief of epispastics in many diseases. Pacchionian glands. See Glandula Pac- chionia. Pachy'ntica. (From zsaxvvu, to incrassate.) Medicines which incrassate or thicken the fluids. Pa'chys. Uaxvs, thick. The name of a dis- order described by Hippocrates, but not known by us. PA'DUS. A name borrowed from Theophras- tus, who gives no other account of his na&os, than that it greatly delights in a shady situation, like the yew. The term is now applied to the bird- cherry. See Pi-unus padus. , P.edancho'ne. (From zsats, a child, and ay)(u, to strangulate.) A species of quinsy com- mon among children. P.-EDARTHRO'C ACE. (From zsais, a boy, apdpov, a joint, and kukov, an evil.) The joint evil. A scrofulous affection producing an ulce- ration of the bones which come ajoint. P--ENEA. See Penaa. P-.-EO'NlA. (From Paon,who first applied it to medicinal purposes.) Paeony. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Polyandria; Order, Di- gynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name cf the common peony. See Paonia officinalis. Pasonia officinalis. The systematic name of the common pieony ; male and female paeony. This plant, Paonia :—foliis oblongis, of Lin- naeus, has long been considered as a powerful me- dicine ; and, tiU lately, had a place in the cata- logue of the Materia Medica ; in which the two common varieties of this plaut are indiscrimi- nately directed for use : and, on the authority of G. Bauhin, improperly distinguished into male and female pa-uny. The roots and seeds of pa?ony have, when fresh. a faint, unpleasant smell, somewhat of the nar- cotic kind, and a mucilaginous subacrid taste. with a sli-'ht decree of bitterness andaslringtncu VXi P. PAL CAL Iu drying, they lose their smell and part oi then- taste. Extracts made from them by water are almost insipid, as well as inodorous ; but extracts made by rectified spirits are manifestly bitterish, and considerably adstringent. The flowers have rather more smell than any of the other parts of the plant, and a rough sweetish taste, which they impart, together with their colour, both to water and spirit. The roots, flowers, and seeds of pa?ony, have been esteemed in the character of an anodyne and corroborant, but more espeeiaUy the roots; which, since the days of Galen, have been very com- monly employed as a remedy for the epilepsy. For this purpose, it was usual to cut the root into thin slices, which were to be attached to a string, and suspended about the neck as an amulet; if this failed of success, the patient was to have re- course to the internal use of this root, which Wil- Us directs to be given in the form of a powder, and in the quantity of a drachm, two or three times a-day, by which, as we are informed, both infants and adults were cured of this disease. Other authors recommended the expressed juice to be given in wine, and sweetened with sugar, as the most effectual way of administering this plant. Many writers, however, especially in modern times, from repeated trials of the paeony in epileptic cases, have found it of no use what- ever ; though pfofessor Home, who gave the ra- dix paeonia? to two epileptics at the Edinburgh infirmary, declares that one received a temporary advantage from its use. Of the good effects of this plant, in other disorders, we find no instances recorded. PAIGIL. See Primula vcris, PAIN. AXy?7. O&wtj. Dolor. Any unpleasant sensation, or irritation. Painter's colic. See Colica pictonum. PAKFONG. The white copper of the Chi- nese, said to be an alloy of copper, nickel, and zinc. PALATE. See Palatum. Palati circumflexus. See Circumflexus palati. Palati levator. See Levator palati. Palati os. The palate bone. The palate is formed by two bones of very irregular figure. They are placed between the ossa maxillaria su- periora and the os sphenoides at the back part of the roof of the mouth, and extend from thence to the bottom of the orbit. Each of these bones may be divided into four parts, viz. the inferior, or square portion, the pterygoid process, the nasal lamella, and orbitar process. The first of these, or the square part of the bone, helps to form the palate of the mouth. The upper part of its in- ternal edge rises into a spine, which makes part of the septum nariura. The pterygoid process, which is smaller above than below, is so named from its being united with the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone, with which it helps to form the pterygoid fossae. It is separated from the square part of the bone, and from the nasal lamella, by an oblique fossa, which, applied to such an- other in the os maxillare, forms a passage for a branch of the fifth pair of nerves. The nasal lamella is nothing more than a very thin bony plate, which arises from the upper side of the ex- ternal edge of the square part of the bone. Its inner surfaee is concave, and furnished with a ridge, which supports the back part of the os spongiosum infenus. Externally it is convex, and firmly united to the maxillary bone. The orbitar process is more irregular than any other part of the bone. It has a smooth surface, when it helps to form the orbit; and, when viewed in 708 its place, we sec it contiguous to that pari of tht orbit which is formed by the os maxillare, and appearing as a small triangle at the inner extre- mity of tne orbitar process of this last-mentioned bone. This fourth part of the os palati likewise helps to form the zygomatic fossa on each side, and there its surface is concave. Between this orbitar process and the sphenoid bone, a hole is formed, through which an artery, vein, and nerve, are transmitted to the nostrils. The ossa palati are complete in the foetus. They are joined to the ossa maxillaria superiora, os sphenoides, os et bmoides, ossa spongiosa inferiora, and vomer. Palati tensor. See Circumflexus. PALATO. Names compounded of this word belong to muscles which are attached to the palate. Palato-pharyngeus. (So called from its origin in the palate and insertion in the pharynx.) A muscle situated at the side of the entry of the fauces. Thyro-staphilinus, of Douglas. Thy- ro-pharyngO-staphilinus, of Winslow ; and pa- lato-pharyngien, of Dumas. It arises by a broad beginning from the middle of the velum pendulum palati at the root of the uvula posteriorly, and from the tendinous expansion of the circumflexus palati. The fibres are collected within the pos- terior arch behind the tonsils, and run backwards to the top and lateral part of the pharynx, where the fibres are scattered and mixed with those of the stylo-pharyngeus. It is inserted into the edge of the upper and back part of the thyroid cartilage. Its use is to draw the uvula and velum pendulum palati downwards, and backwards, and at the same time to pull the thyroid cartilage and pharynx upwards, and shorten it; with the con- strictor superior pharyngis and tongue, it assists in shutting the passage into the nostrils ; and in swallowing, it thrusts tbe food from the fauces into the pharynx. Palato-salpwgeus. (From palatum, the palate, and eaXniyt;, a trumpet; so called from its origin in the palate, and its trumpet-like shape.) See Circumflexus. Palato-staphilinus. See Azygos uvula. PALA'TUM. (Palatum, i. n. ; from palo, to hedge in ; because it is staked in, as it were, by the teeth.) 1. The palate, or roof ofthe mouth. 2. An eminence of the inferior lip of the co- rolla of personate flowers which closes them; as in Antirrhinum. See Corolla. Palatum molle. The soft palate. This lies behind the bony palate; and from the middle of it the uvula hangs down. PALEA. (Palea,a. f. ; chaff.) Chaff, or short, linear, obtuse, dry scales. Palea de mecha. A name given by some to- the Juncus odoratus. PALEACEUS. (Frompalea,chaff.) Chaffy, or covered with chaff. Applied by botanists to the receptacles of plants ; as those of the Xe- ranthemum. Zinnia, Anthemis, &c. See Re- ceptaculum. Palimpi'ssa. (From rtaXiv, repetition and niaaa, pitch.) Dioscorides Says, that dry pitch is thus named, because it is prepared of pitch twice boUed. Palindro'mia. (noXiv, again, and Spopo;, a course.) This term is used by Hippocrates for any regurgitation of humours to the more noble parts: and sometimes for the return of a dis- temper. Paliu'rus. (From iraXXw, to move, and ovpov, urine : so called from its diuretic qualities.) The Rhamnus paliurus. PALLADIUM. A new metal, first found by Dr. WoUaston, associated with platina, among PAL. PAL the grains ol which he supposes its ores to exist, Or an aUoy of it with iridium and osmium; scarcely distinguishable from the crude platina, though it is harder and heavier. PALLAS, Peter Simon, was born at Berlin, where his father was professor of surgery, in 1741. He appUed early and assiduously to his studies, particularly to dissection, insomuch that he was enabled, at the age of 17, to read a pubUc course on anatomy. He then went to Halle, and in 1769 to Gottingen, where a severe iUness for some time interrcpted his pursuits ; but he after- wards made numerous experiments on poisons, and dissections of animals ; and composed a very ingenious treatise on those whicb are found within others, particularly the worms occurring in the human body. In the following year he took his degree at Leyden, then traveUed through Holland and England, directing his attention almost en- tirely to natural history. In 1762, his father re- called him to Berlin ; but aUowed him soon after to settle at the Hague, where he could better pro- secute his favourite studies ; the fruit of which shortly appeared in a valuable treatise on zoo- phytes, and some other publications ; and he was admitted into the Royal Society of London, and the Academy Natura? Curiosorum, to which he had sent interesting papers. About this period he meditated a voyage to the Cape of Good Hope, and other Dutch Settlements; but his father again recalled him in 1766. However, in tbe foUowing year, he was induced by Catharine II. to become professor of natural history at St. Petersburgh. Thence, in 1768, he set out, with some other philosophers, on a scientific tour, as far as. Siberia, which occupied six years. Of this he afterwards pubUshed a most interesting ac- count in five quarto volumes, comprehending every thing memorable in the several provinces whicb he had visited. This was foUowed by a particular history of the Mongul tribes, who had, at different periods, overrun the greater part of Asia, and whom he clearly proved to be a dis- tinct race from the Tartars. In 1777 he read before the academy a dissertation on the forma- tion of mountains, and the changes which this globe has undergone, particularly in the Russian empire. He also published, from time to time, numerous works relative to zoology, botany, agriculture, and geometry. About theyear 1784, he received signal proofs of the empress's favour; who not only considerably increased his salary, and conferred upon him the order of St. Vladimir, but learning that he wished to dispose of his col- lection of natural history, gave him a greater price than he had valued it at, and allowed him the use of it during his Ufe. In 1794, he travelled to the Crimea, of which he pubUshed an account on his return; and bis health now beginning to decline, the empress presented him an estate in that province, with a liberal sum for his establish- ment. Unfortunately, however, the situation was particularly unhealthy, and proved very injurious to his family. At length he determined to visit his brother, and his native city, where he died shortly after, in 1811. PALLIATIVE. (Palliativus ; from pallio, to dissemble.) A medicine given only with an intent to palUate or relieve pains in a fatal disease. Palm oil. See Cocot butyracea. Palma christi. See Ridnus. PA'LMA. (From naXXu, to move.) 1. The palm of the hand. A palm tree. See Palma. PALM.dE. (From palma, the hand: so called because the leaves are extended from the top like he finger upon the hand.) Palms. One of the natural families of plants which have trunks sinn lar to trees, but come under the term stipes, the tops being frondescent, that is, sending off leaves. Palms are the most lofty, and, in some instances, the most long-lived ot plants, and have therefore justly acquired the name of trees. Yet Sir James Smith observes, paradoxical as it may seem, they are rather perennial herbaceous plants, having no- thing in common with the growth of trees in gene- ral. Palms are formed of successive circular crowns of leaves, which spring directly from the root. These leaves and their footstalks, are furnished with bundles of large sap-vessels, and returning- vessels, Uke the leaves of trees, when one circle of them has performed its office, another is formed within it, which, being confined below, necessa- rily rises a little above the former. Thus, suc- cessive circles grow one above the other; by which the vertical increase of the plant is almost without end. Each circle of leaves is independent of its predecessor, and has its own cluster of vessels ; so that there can be no aggregation of woody circles. PALMA'RIS. (Palmaris; from palma, the hand.) Belonging to the hand. Palmaris brevis. Palmaris brevis vel ca- ro quadrata, of Douglas; and Palmare cutane, of Dumas. A smaU, thin, cutaneous, flexor mus- cle of the hand, situated between the wrist and the little finger. Fallopius tells us that it was discovered by Cananus. Wingfow rames it pal- maris cutaneus. It arises from ., srnoscd of innumerable small glands, the excretory ducts of which unite and form one duct, caUed the pan- creatic duct, which perforates the duodenum with the ductus communis choledochus, and con- veys a fluid in its nature similar to saliva, into the intestines. The pancreatic artery is a branch of the splenic. The veins evacuate themselves into the splenic vein. Its nerves are from the par vagum and great intercostal. The use of the. pancreas is to secrete the pancreatic juice, which is to be mixed with the chyle in the duodenum. The quantity of the fluid secreted is uncertain : but it must be very considerable, if we compare it with the weight of the saliva, the pancreas be- ing three times larger, and seated in a warmer place. It is expelled by the force of the circu- lating blood, and the pressure of the incumbent viscera in the full abdomen. Its great utility ap- pears from its constancy, being found in almost all animals ; nor is this refuted by the few expe- riments in which a part of it was cut out from a robust animal without occasioning death; because the whole pancreas cannot be removed without the duodenum ; for even a part of the lungs may be cut out without producing death, but they are not, therefore, useless. It seems principally to dUute the viscid cystic bile, to mitigate its acri- mony, and to mix it with the food. Hence it is poured into a place remote from the duct from the liver, as often as there is no gall-bladder. Like the rest of the intestinal humours, it dilutes and resolves the mass of aliments, and performs every other office of the saliva. PANCREATIC. (Pancreaticus; from pan- creas, the name of a viseus.) Of or belonging to the pancreas. Pancreatic dud. See Ductus pancreaticus. Pancreatic juice. See Pancreas. Pancre'ne. (From ttos, all, and i.privii, a fountain.) A name ofthe pancreas, from its great secretion. Pandali'tium. A whitlow. PANDEMIC. (Pandemitus; from vav, all, and Sijpos, the people.) A disease is so termed which attacks all or a great many persons in the same place and at the same time. A pandemic disease is one which is very general. PANDICULA'TIO. (From pandiculo, to gape and stretch.) Pandiculation, or a restless stretching and gaping, such as accompanies the cold fit ofan ague. PANDURIFORMIS. Fiddle-shaped; applied to a leal, which is oblong, broad at the two extre- mities, and contracted in the middle, as in the fiddle-dock, Rumex piilchtr. PANICULA. A panicle. A species of com- pound inflorescence which bears the flowers in a sort of loos*c. subdiii lei bunch or cluster, witheut PAP PAP tiriy order, appearing like a branched spike. The flowers of the JEtculut hippo-cattanum, Rhus cotinut, Gypsophylla paniculata, and Syringa vulgarit, are good examples of a panicle; but this species of inflorescence occurs most in grass- es, as in Poa aquatica. 1. When the stalks are distant, lax, or spread- ing, it is called Panicula patula, as in Campa- nula patula. 2. Panicula coartata, is a dense or crowded one, observed in Campanula rapunculus. 3. P. dichotoma, forked ; as in Linum flavum. 4. P. brachiata, crossing each other in pairs ; a9 in Salvia paniculata. 5. P. divaricata, a more spreading one than the patulous ; as in the Pnenanthet muralis. PA'NICUM. (A Paniculis, from its many panicles ; the spike consisting of innumerable thick seeds, disposed in many panicles.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Triandria; Order, Digynia. Panicum italicum. The systematic name of the plant which affords the Indian millet-seed, which is much esteemed in Italy, being a constant ingredient in soups, and mado into a variety of forms for the table. Panicum miliaceum. The systematic name f)f the plant which affords the millet-seed. They are esteemed as a nutritious article of diet, and are often made into puddings in this country. PA'NIS. Bread. See Bread. Panis cuculi. See Oxalis acetosella. Panis porcinus. A species of cyclamen. PANNI'CULUS. (From pannus, cloth.) 1. A piece of fine cloth. 2. The cellular and carnous membranes are so called from their resemblance to a piece of fine cloth. Panno'nica. (From pannus, a rag: so call- ed because its stalk is divided into many uneven points, like the end of a piece of rag.) Hawk- weed, or Hypocharis. PA'NNUS. (From irtvu, to labour.) 1. A piece of cloth. 2. A tent for a wound. 3. A speck in the eye, resembling a bit of rag. 4. An irregular mark upon the slun. Pano'ctia. A bubo in the groin. PANOPHO'BIA. (From nav, all, and . 'ica,- Order AZsthetica. Morbid touch, f- h:,;, races three species, Parapsis acris, expe> ■;, riusoria. Pararthre'm* (Fr^m irapa, and'apflpov, sf joint.) A slight luxauou. A tumour from pro- trusion, as in hernia. Pararthre'mata. (The plural of parar- threma.) S. T' irarthrema. Parart'th.ios. (From rrapa, and pvdaos, number.) A pulse not suitable to the age ot the person. Parascepa'stra. (From rrapa, and oKtrra^u, to cover.) A cap or bandage to go round the whole head. Para'schide. (From rrapa, and c%t$u, to cleave.) A fragment or fissure in a broken bone. Parasite. The name ot an order of plants in Linna?us's Fragments of a Natural Method, 717 PAR PAK PARASITIC. (Parasiticus; from rrapacnos, a parasite or hanger on.) An animal is so termed that receives its nourishment in the bodies of others ; as worms, polypes, hydatids, &c. A plant is so called which sends its roots into other plants, from which it draws its nourish- ment ; as the Epidendrum vanilla. See Arr- hizus. PARASITICUS. Parasitical. PAR. A SITUS. (PapafftTos, a parasite.) A parasite ; applied to animals and vegei bles which draw their nourishment from otheis ■;' the same kingdom, Uving within the inter.; ot ani- mals, or having their roots fixed in thi. barks of vegetables. Para'sphagis. (From irapa, near, and cipayi), the throat.) The part of the neck contiguous to the clavicles. » Para'stata. (From rrapis-npt, to stand near.) It signifies any thing situated near another. Para'stata. (From rraptoTripi, to stand near.) The Epididymis of Hippocrates. Herophilus and Galen called these the Varicosa, Parastata, to distinguish them from the Glandula Pa a- stata, now caUed Prostata. Lulus Ephesius caUed the tuba? FaUopiana? by the name oi Para- stata Varicosa. Parastre'mma. (From zsapaorpttpw, to dis- tort, or pervert.) A perversion, or convulsive distortion of the mouth, or any part of the face. Parasina'nche. See Paracynanche. PARA'THENAR. (From rrapa, near, and Stvap, the sole of the foot.) A muscle situated near the sole of the foot. Parathenar minor. See Flexor brevis minimi digiti pedis. PARANTHINE. See Scapolite. Parda'lium. (Fromiraprioj, the panther.) An ointment smelling like the panther. PARE', Ambrose, a French surgeon, was born at Lavel, in 1509. He commenced the study of the surgical profession early in Ufe, and practised it with great zeal both in hospitals and in the army. His reputation at length rose very high, and he was appointed surgeon in ordinary to Henry II. in 1552; which office he held also under the three succeeding kings. Charles IX. derived material assistance from his professional skill, and gave a signal proof of his gratitude; for Pare, being a Huguenot, would have been included in the horrible massacre of St. Bartho- lomew's, had not the king sent for him on the preceding night, and ordered him not to leave the royal chamber. After having beenlong esteemed as the first surgeon of his time, and beloved for bis private virtues, he died in the year 1590. He was the author of some works, which were univer- sally read, and translated into most of the lan- guages of Europe, containing a body of surgical science. He was a man of original mind, and a real improver of his art, especially in the treat- ment ot gun-shot wounds; adopting a lenient method, instead of the irritating and cauterising applications previously in use. He was also a hold and successful operator ; and displayed on many occasions all the resources of an enlighten- ed surgeon. He appears however to have bor- rowed freely from the ItaUan writers and practi- tioners, espeeiaUy in anatomy. There is also an affectation of reference to the works of the an- cients in his writings, for he was by no means weU versed in these, and indeed obtiged to request another to translate into French some of the books of Galen, which he wished to consult. PAREC'CRISES. (From rrapa, wrong, and ikkpivu, to secern or secrete.) The name ot a 71S class of diseases in Dr. Young's Nosology., Diseases of secretion. PAREGORIC. (Paregoricut; from rsapa- yoptu, to mitigate, to assuage.) That which allays pain. Paregoric Elixir. See Tinctura camphora composita. Parei'a. naptia. That part of the face whicli is between the eyes and chin. Parei'ra brava. See Cissampelos. Pare.vce'phalis. (From rsapa, near, and tyKttpaXos, the brain.) See Cerebellum. PARE'NCHYMA. (From rraotyxyu, to strain through ; because the ancients believed the blood was strained through it.) 1. The spongy and cellular substance or tissue, that conuects parts together. It is applied to the connecting medium of the substance of the viscera. 2. The green juicy layer of barks which lies immediately under the epidermis of trees. PA'RESIS. (From napiijpt, to relax.) An imperfect palsy. PARGAS1TE. Common actynolitc. PARHAEMA'SL*:. (From rrapa, wrong, and aipa, blood.) The name of a class of dis- eases in Dr. Young's Nosology. Sanguine dis- eases. Parie'ra brava. (A Spanish word.) See Cissampelos. PARIETALE OS. (Parietalit; from pa- rtes, a wall: because they defend the brain like waUs.) Ossa verticil. Ossa sincipitis. Ossa verticalia vel bregmatis. The parietal bones are two arched and somewhat quadrangular bones, situated one on each side of the superior part of the cranium. Each of these bones forms an irregular square. They are thicker above than below ; but are somewhat thinner, and at the same time more equal and smooth than the other bones of the cranium. The only foramen we observe in them, is a small one towards the upper and posterior part of each. It has been named the parietal foramen, and serves for the transmission of a small vein to the longitudinal sinus. In many subjects this foramen is wanting. On the inner surface of these bones are the marks of the vessels of the dura mater, aud of the con- voluted surface of the brain. On the inside ot their upper edge we may Likewise observe a con- siderable furrow, which corresponds with the lon- gitudinal sinus of the dura mater; and lower down, towards their posterior and inferior angle, is a smaller one for part of the lateral sinuses. These bones are joined to each other by the sagit- tal suture ; to the os sphenoides, and ossatempo- ruiu, by the squamous suture ; to the os occipitis by the lambdoidal suture ; and to the os frontis by the coronal suture. Their connection with tliis latter bone is well worthy our attention. We shall find, that in tbe middle of the suture, where the os frontis from its size and flatness is the most in danger of being injured, it rests upon the arch formed by the parietal bones ; whereas, at the sides, the parietal bones are found resting upon the os frontis, because this same arch is there in the greatest danger from pressure. In new-born infants, the ossa parietatia are separated from the middle of the divided os frontis by a portion of the cranium, then unossified. Wheu the finger is appUed to this part, the motion of the brain, and the pulsation of the arteries of tho dura mater, may he easUy distinguished. In genend, the whole of this part is completely ossi- fied before we are seven years of age. PARIETA'RIA. (From paries, a wall; be- cause it grows upon old walls, among rubbish. PAIL PAR i. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnx- an system. Class, Polygamia; Order, Mo- nacia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the wall pelli- tory. See Parietaria ojfidnalis. Parietaria officinalis. The systematic name of the wall pellitory. Parietaria; foliis lanceolato-ovatis, pedunculis dichotomit, caly- cibus diphyllis, of Linnaeus. This plant has no smell, and its taste is simply herbaceous. In the practice of the present day, it is wholly laid aside, although it was formerly in high estimation as a diuretic. PA'RIS. (So called in reference to the youth of that name, who adjudged the golden apple to Venus, this herb bearing but one seed.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Octandria; Order, Tetragynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the herb Paris. See Paris quadrifolia. Paris quadrifolia. The systematic name of the herb Paris, or true love. The colour and smell of this plant indicate its possessing narcotic powers. The leaves and berries are said to be efficacious in the cure of hooping-cough, and to act like opium. Great caution is requisite in their exhibition, as convulsions and death are caused by an overdose. The root possesses eme- tic qualities. Pari'sthmia. (From rsapa, and toOpiov, the part of the throat where the tonsils are. A part of the throat near the tonsils, or disorders of the tonsils. Paristh.mio'tomus. (From rsaptoOpia, the tonsils, and rtpvu, to cut.) An instrument with which the tonsils were formerly scarified. Paristhmitis. Inflammation of parts about the fauces. Parodo'ntis. (From rsapa, near, and o&ovs, a tooth.) A painful tubercle upon the gums. PARODYNIA. (From rsapa, male, and utu,^ or u&is, tvos, dolor parturientis.) The name of a genus of disease, in Good's Nosology. Class, Genetica; Order, Carpotica. Morbid labour. It embraces seven species, viz. Parodynia atoni- ca ; implattica; sympathetica, perversa; amorphica; pleuralis ; secundaria. PARONIRIA. (From rrapa, and ovtipov, a dream, i. e. depraved, disturbed, or morbid dreaming.) The name of a genus of diseases in Good's Nosology. Class, Neurotica; Order, Phrenica. Sleep, disturbance. It has three species, viz. Paroniria ambulans; loquens, and salax. PARONY'CIHA. (From rsapa, about, and oimf, the nail.) Panaris; Panariti-im. A whitlow, or whitloe. Any collection of pus formed in the fingers is termed by authors, pana- ris, or whitloe, and is an abscess of the same na- ture with those arising in other parts of the body. These abscesses are situated more or less deep, which has induced the writers upon the subject lo divide them into several species ; accordingly they have ranged them under four heads, agree- ably to tiie places where they are formed. The first kind of panaris is formed under the cuticle, on one side of the nail, and sometimes all round it. The second is seated in the fat lying under the skin, between that and the sheath which in- volves the flexor tendons. The third is described by authors to be formed within the sheath ; and they stiU add a fourth species, arising between the periosteum and the bone. 4 Paro'pi.*;. (From rsapa, near, and m^, the *ye.) The external angles of the eyes. PAROPSIS. (From ry Sauvages. In this, a tremor of the head and trunk of the body takes place, whicli does not happen in the pelagra. This, however, is the principal difference in the two diseases. Pela'rium. (From or/Xos, mud: so called from its muddy consistence.) A collyrium. Peleca'nus. (From weXwaw, to perforate.) I. The bird called the pelican. 2. An instrument to draw teeth: so named from PEL PEM its cui-vature at the end resembling the beak 01 a pelican. Peleci'num. (From atXticvs, a hatchet: so caUed because its seeds are shaped like a two- edged hatchet.) The hatchet-vetch. PELIOM. A blue-coloured mineral, very si- milar to iotite, found in Bodenmais, in Bohemia. Pelio'ma. (From rseXos, black.) An extra- vasation of blood of a livid colour. PELLICULA. A pellicle or slender skin. In medicine, it is appUed to such an appearance of the surface of urine, and to very delicate mem- braneous productions. In botany, to the delicate skin which covers some seeds; as the almond, &c. PELLITORY. See Parietaria. PeUitory, bastard. See Achillea ptarmica. PeUitory of Spain. See Anthemis pyrethrum. Pe'lma. (From otXo, to move forwards.) The sole of the foot, or a sock adapted to the sole of the foot. PELTA. (Pelta, a shield or buckler.) A variety of the calyculus, called the shield, which is the fruit, of an oblong, flat, and obtuse form, observed in the lichen tribe. Pelta'lis cartilago. (From pelJa, a buck- ler: so caUed from its shape.) The scutiform cartilage of the larynx. PELTATUS. (From pelta, a shield.) Pel- tate : applied to leaves which have the stalk in- serted into their middle, like the arm of a man holding a shield ; as in Tropaolum majus, and Hydrocotule vulgaris. PELVIC. (Pelvicut; from pelvis, the lower part of the trunk of the body.) Pertaining to the pelvis. Pelvic ligaments. The articulation of the os sacrum with the last lumbar vertebra, and with the ossa innominata, is strengthened by means of a strong transverse ligament, which passes from the extremity and lower edge of tbe last lumbar vertebra, to the posterior and internal surface of the spine of the ilium. Other ligaments are ex- tended posteriorly from the os sacrum to the ossa ilia on each side, and, from the direction of their fibres, may be called the lateral ligaments. Be- sides these, there are many shorter Ugamentous fibres, which are seen stretched from the whole circumference of the articulating surfaces of these two bones. But the most remarkable Ugaments of the pelvis are the two sacro-ischiatic liga- ments, which are placed towards the posterior and inferior part of the pelvis. One of these may be caUed the greater, and the other the lesser sacro-ischiatic Ugament. The first of these is at- tached to the posterior edge of the os sacrum, to the tuberosity of the ilium, and to the first ot the three divisions of the os coccygis. Its other ex- tremity is inserted into the inner surface of the tuberosity of the ischium. At its upper part it is of considerabh? breadth, after which it becomes narrower, but expands again before its insertion into tbe ischium, and extending along the tube- rosityvof that bone to the lower branch of the os pubis, where it terminates in a point, forms a kind of falx, one end of which is loose, while the other is fixed to the bone. The lesser sacro- ischiatic ligament is somewhat thicker than the former, ana is placed obliquely before it. It ex- tends from the transverse processes of the os sacrum, and the tuberosity of the spine of the ilium, on each side, to the spine of the ischium. These two ligaments not only serve to strengthen the articulation of the ossa innominata with the os sacrum, but to support the weight of the vis- cera contained in the pelvis, the back and lower part ol which is closed by these li-jaments. The p s-trrior ar 1 external surface of the greater liga- ment likewise serves for the attachment of some portions of the gluteus maximus and gemini mus- cles. The symphysis pubis is strengthened in- ternally by a transverse ligament, some of the fibres of which are extended to the obturator Ugament. PE'LVIS. (From rstXvs, a basin ; because it is shaped like a basin used in former times.) The cavity below the belly. It contains the rec- tum and urinary bladder, the internal organs of generation, and has its muscles and bones. Pelvis, bones of. The pelvis consists, in the child, of many pieces, but, in the adult, it is formed of tour bones, ot the os sacrum behind, the ossa innominata on either side, and the os coccygis b. low. See Sacrum, Innominatum os, and Coccygis os. It is wide and expanded at its upper part, and contracted at its inferior aperture. The upper part of the pelvis, properly so caUed, is bounded by an oval ring, which parts the cavity of the pelvis from the cavity of the abdomen. This circle is denominated the brim of the pelvis ; it is formed by a continued and prominent line along the upper part of the sacrum, the middle of the ilium, and the upper part, or crest, of the os pubis. The circle of the brim supports the impregnated womb ; keeps it up against the pressure of labour pains ; and sometimes this line has been " as sharp as a paper-folder, and has cut across the segment ot the womb;" and so by separating the womb from the vagina, has rendered delivery impossible; and the child escaping into the abdomen the woman has died. The lower part ot the pelvis is denominated the outlet. It is composed by the arch of the ossa pubis, nd by the sciatic Ugaments ; it is wide and dilatable, to permit the delivery of the child ; but being sometimes too wide, it permits the child's head to press so suddenly, and with such violence upon the soft parts, that the perineum is torn. The marks of the female skeleton have been sought for in the skull, as in the continuation of sagittal suture; but the truest marks are those which relate to that great function by which chiefly the sexes are distinguished , for while the male pelvis is large and strong, with a small cavi- ty, narrow openings, and bones of greater strength, the female pelvis is very shallow and wide, with a large cavity and slender bones, and every pecu- liarity which may conduce to the easy passage of the child. The office of the pelvis is to give a steady bearing to the trunk, and to connect it with the lower extremities, by a sure and firm joining, to form the centre ot all the great motions .it the body, to contain the internal organs of genera- tion, the urinary bladder, the rectum, and occa- sionally part Ot the small mtestines, and to give support to the gravid uterus. Pelvis aurium. The cochlea of the ear. Pelvis cerebri. The infundibulam. PEMPHIGO'DES. (From atufi^, a blast of wind.) A fever distinguished by flatulencies and inflations, in which a sort of aerial vapour was said to pass through the skin. PE'MPHIGUS. (From atptpt^, a bubble, or vesicle.) Febris bullosa; Exanthemata serosa; Morta; Pemphigus heiveticus ; Pemphigus major; Pemphigus minor. The vesicular fever. A fever attended by successive eruptions of vesi- cles about the size of almonds, which are filled with a yeUowish serum, and in three or four days subside. The fever may be either synoch or ty- phus. It is a genus o> disease in the Class Py- rexia, and Order Exanthemata, of Culler.. The latest writers on this disease, contend, that if i- PEM PEN Sometimes acute and sometimes a chronic affec- tion ; that the former is constantly attended with fever, the latter is constantly without; that in neither case is it an acrimonious or contagious matter thrown out by the constitution, but pure serum, secreted by the cutaneous exhalent arte- ries. So rare was the disease when Dr. Cullen wrote, that he never saw it but once, in a case which was shown to him by Dr. Home. Dr. David Stuart, then physician to the hospital of Aberdeen, published an account of it in the Edin- burgh Medical Commentaries. The patient was a private soldier of the seventy-third regiment, aged eighteen, formerly a pedlar, and naturally of a healthy constitution. About twenty days be- fore he had been seized with the meazles, when in the country; and in marching to town on the second day of their eruption, he was exposed to cold; upon which they suddenly disappeared. On his arrival at Aberdeen, he was quartered in a damp under-ground apartment. He then com- plained of sickness at stomach, great oppression about the praecordia, headache, lassitude, and weariness on the least exertion, with stiffness and rigidity of his knees and other joints. He had been purged, but with little benefit. About ten days before, he observed on the inside of his thighs, a number of very small, distinct red spots, a httle elevated above the surface of the skin, and much resembling the first appearance of the small- pox. This eruption gradually spread itself over his whole body, and the pustules continued every day to increase in size. Upon being received into the hospital, he com- plained of headache, sickness at stomach, oppres- sion about the praecordia, thirst, sore throat, with difficulty of swaUowing ; his tongue was foul, his skin felt hot and feverish: pulse from 110 to 120, rather depressed, belly costive, eyes dull and languid, but without delirium. The whoie sur- face of the skin was interspersed with vesicles, or phlyctaena?, of the size of an ordinary walnut ; many of them were larger, especially on the arms and breast. In the interstices, between the vesicles, the appearance of the skin was natural, nor was there any redness round their base ; the distance from one to another was from half an inch to a hand-breadth, or more. In some places two or three were joined together, like the pus- tules in the confluent smaU-pox. A few vesicles had burst of themselves, and formed a whitish scab, or crust. These were mostly on the neck and face; others showed a tolerable laudable pus. However, by far the greatest number were per- fectly entire, turgid, and of a bluish colour. Upon opening them, it was evident that the cuti- cle elevated above the cutis, and distended with a thin, yellowish, semi-pellucid serum, formed this appearance. Nor was the surface of the cutis ulcerated, or livid ; but of a red florid colour, as When the cuticle is separated by a blister, or su- perficial burning. No other person laboured under a similar disease, either in the part of the country from which he came, or where he resided, in Aberdeen. Since the publication of this case of pemphi- gus, bv Dr. Stuart, observations on this disease have been published by Dr. Dickson of DubUn, by Mr. Gaitskell and Mr Upton, in the Mem. of the Medical Society of London. Some sub- sequent observations on pemphigus were pubUshed in the London Med. Journal, by Mr. Thomas Christie. From a case which Mr. Christie de- scribes, he is disposed to agree with Dr. Dickson, in thinking that sometimes, at least, pemphigus is not contagious. He remarks, however, that the pemphigus described bv some foreign writers was extremely infectious ; circumstances which, he thinks, may lead to a division of the disease inte two species, the pemphigus simplex, and compli- catns, both of whichj but espeeiaUy the last, seem to vary much with respect to mildness and malignity. Pemphigus major. A title under which pemphigus is spoken of by Sauvages, who defines it an eruption of phlyctxnss, about the size of an hazel-nut, filled with a thin yeUow serum. See Pemphigus. Pemphigus minor. In this species the vesi- cles are no larger than garden peas. Pe'mphis. A species of Lythrum. PEMPHIX. A vesicle, or bubble. See Pern- phigus. Pempt^e'us. (From rstprrros, the fifth.) Au ague, the paroxysm of which returns every fifth day. PEN-iE'A. (A name given by Linnaeus iu memory of the learned Peter Pcna, a native of France, and an excellent scientific botanist.) 1. A genus of plants in tbe Class Tetrandria ; Or- der, Monogynia. 2. The name of a species of polygala. Pen.ea mucronata. The systematic name of the plant which is said to afford the sarcocolla. This is brought from Persia and Arabia in small grains of a pale yeUow colour, having also some- times mixed with them a few of a deep red colour. Its taste is bitter, but foUowed with some degree of sweetness. It has been chiefly used for exter- nal purposes, and, as its name imports, has been thought to agglutinate wounds and ulcers; but this opinion now no longer exists. PENDULUS. Pendulous. Hanging. An- plied to roots, leaves, flowers, seeds, &c. as the root ofthe Spiraafilipendula, and Paonia offi- cinalis, which consists of knobs connected by filaments ; and the seeds of the Magnolia gran- diflora, which are suspended by their filaments-. Penetra'ntia. (Froin penetro, to pierce through.) Medicines which pass through the pores and stimulate. PENICILLIFORMIS. (From penicillus, a pencil-brush, and forma, likeness.) Penicilli- form. 1. Applied to the stigma of the milium paspaliutn. 2. The extremities of the arteries which secrete the bile, are so caUed. PENICI'LLUS. (Dim. of peniculum, a brush.) Penidllum. 1. A tent, or pledget. x. The secreting extremities of the vena porta? are called penidlh. See Liver. Peni'dium. A kind of clarified sugar, with a mixture of starch, made up into small rolls. The confectioners call it barley-sugar. PE'NIS. (A pendendo, from its hanging down.) Membrum virile. The cylindrical part that hangs down, under the mons veneris, before the scrotum of males. It is divided by anatomists into the root, body, and head called the glans penis. It is composed of common integuments, twir corpora cavernosa, and one corpus spongio- sum, which surrounds a canal, the urethra, that proceeds from the bladder to the apex of the penis, where it opens by the meatus urinarius. See Urethra. The fold of the skin that covers the glans penis is termed the prepuce. The arteries of the penis are from the hypogastric and ischia- tic. The vein of the penis, vena magna ipdus penis, empties itself into the hypogastric vein. The absorbents of this organ are very numerous and run under the common integuments to the in- guinal glands : absorbents also are found in great plenty in the urethra. The glands of the penis are, Cowper's glands, the prostate, muciparous PEr PER rvnd odoriferous glands. The nerves of the penis are branches of the sacral and ischiatic. Penis cerebri. The pineal gland. Penis erector. See Erector penis. Penis muliebris. See Clitoris. PENNYROYAL. See Mentha pulegium. Pennyroyal, hurt's. See Mentha cervina. PENTADA'CTYLON. (From rstvrt, five, and iaKrvXos, a finger: so called because it has five leaves upon each stalk, Uke the fingers upon the hand.) 1. The herb cinquefoil. 2. A name for the ricinus, the leaf of which resembles a hand. PENTAGONUS. (From xevrt, five, and yuvia, an angle.) Five-sided: appUed to leaves synonymously with quinqueangular, as in Gerani- um peltatum. Pentami'rum. (From stvrc, five, and pvpov, ointment.) An ointment composed of five ingre- dients. PENTA'NDRIA. (From mint, five, and avrjs, a husband.) The name of a class of plants in the sexual system of Linnaeus, embracing those which have hermaphrodite flowers and five sta- mens. PENTANEU'RON. (From rstvrt, five, and vtvpov, a string : so called because it has five-rib- bed leaves.) Pentapleurum. Ribwort. See Plantago lanceolata. Pentapha'rmacon. (From -rtvrt, five, and fappaxov, remedium, remedy.) Any medicine consisting of five ingredients. PENTAPHYLLOI'DES. (Fromoti/r-aoJiiXXov, cinquefoil, and tt&os, likeness : so called from its resemblance to cinquefoU.) See Fragaria ster- ilis. PENTAPHY'LLUM. (From rstvrt, five, and tpvXXov, a leaf: so named because it has five leaves on each stalk.) See Potentil la rep- tans. PENTAPHYLLUS. (From rttvre, five, and tpvXXov, a leaf.) Pentaphyllous, or five-leaved: applied to leaves, calyces, &c. as the flower cup of the Ranunculus bulbosus. Pentapleurum. See Pentaneuron. Penta'to.mum. (From rstvrt, five, andrtpvu, to cut: so called because its leaves are divided into five segments.) C inquefoU. The Potentilla rcptans. Pento'robus. (From rstvrt, five, and opoSos, the wood-pea : so called because it has five seeds resembling the wood-pea.) The herb peony. See Paonia offidnalis. PEONY. See Paonia. Pepa'nsis. (From rstrraivu, to concoct.) Pepasmus. The maturation or concoction of humours. Pepa'smus. The same as pepansis. Pepa'stica. (From rstrraivu, to concoct.) Digestive medicines. PEPERINE. A fatty resinous matter obtain- ed by Pelletier from black pepper, by digesting it in alkohol, and evaporating the solution. Pe'pita nux. St. Ignatius's bean. Pe'plion. (From rstrrXos, the herb devil's- milk.) Peplos; Peplus. The Euphorbia pe- plus. PE'PO. (From aerrru, to ripen.) I. In botanical definitions, a fleshy succulent pericarpium, or seed-vessel, the seeds of which nre inserted into the sides of the fruit. From its figure, the pepo is called, I. Globosus; as in Cucumis colocynthis. 2. Oblongut; as Cucumis sativus. 3. Lagenaformis; as Cucurbita lagenaria. 4. Curvatut; as Cucumis flexiiosus. 5. Nodorut; as Cncnrais melopepo. 6. Fusiformis; as Cucumis chale. 7. Echinatus ; as Cucumis anguria. 8. Verrucosus; as Cucurbita verrucosa. 9. Scaber; as Cucumis sativus. II. See Cucurbita. PEPPER. See Piper nigrum. Pepper, black. See Piper nigrum. Pepper, Guinea. See Capricum annuum. Pepper, Jamaica. See Myrtut pimento. Pepper, long. See Piper longum. Pepper, poorman's. See Polygonum hydro- piper. Pepper, wall. See Sedum acre. Pepper, water. See Polygonum Hydropiper, PEPPERMINT. See Mentha piperita, PEPPERWORT. See Lepidium iberis. PE'PTIC. (Pepticus; from rstrrru, to ripen.) That whicb promotes digestion, or is digestive. PERACUTE. Very sharp. Diseases are thns called when very severe, or aggravated beyond measure ; as subacute is applied to such as are not very acute, or so severe as they generally are. PERCHLORIC ACID. Addum perchlori- cum. Oxychloric acid. If about 3 parts of sul- phuric acid be poured on one of chlorate of po- tassa in a retort, and after the first violent action is over, heat be gradually appUed, to separate the deutoxide of chlorine, a saline mass will retrain, consisting of bisulphate of potassa and perchlo- rate of potassa. By one or two crystallizations, the latter salt may be separated irom the former. It is a neutral salt, with a taste somewhat similar to the common muriate of potassa. It is very sparingly soluble in cold water, since at 60°, only 1-55 is dissolved ; but in boiling water it is more soluble. Its crystals are elongated octahedrons. It detonates feebly when triturated with sulphur in a mortar. At the heat of 412°, it is resolved into oxygen and muriate of potassa, in the pro- portion of 46 of the former to 54 of the latter. Sulphuric acid, at 280°, disengages the perchloric acid. For these facts science is indebted to Count Von Stadion. It seems to consist of 7 primes of oxygen, combined with 1 of chlorine, or 7.0 + 4.f>. These curious discoveries have been lately verified by Sir H. Davy. The other perchlorates are not known. Mr. Wheeler describes an ingenious method which he employed to procure chloric acid from the chlorate of potassa. He mixed a warm solution of this salt with one of fluosilicic acid. He kept the mixture moderately hot for a few minutes, and ■ to ensure the perfect decomposition of the salt, added a slight excess of the acid. Aqueous so- lution of ammonia will show, by the separation of silica, whether any of the fluosilicic acid oe left after the decomposition of the chlorate. Thus we can effect its complete decomposition. The mix'ure becomes turbid, and fluosilicate of potassa is precipitated abundantly in the form of a gelati- nous mass. The supernatant liquid wUl then con- tain nothing but chloric acid, contaminated with a small quantity of fluosilicic. This may be re- moved by the cautious addition of a small quantity of solution of chlorate. Or, after filtration, the whole acid may be neutralized by carbonate of barytes, and the chlorate of that earth, being ob- tained in crystals, is employed to procure the acid, as mrected by Gay Lussac. P* >;CIVAL, Thomas, was born at Warring- ton .11 1740. He studied for three years with great assiduity, at Edinburgh ; then came to Lon- don, and was chosen a FeUow of the Royal So- ciety ; after which he visited difl'erent places on the Continent, and took his degree at Leyden. In 1767 he settled at Manchester, and continued there tUl the period of his death, in 1804, in the PER PER tmremitting exercise of his medical duties. Dr. Percival possessed, in an eminent degree, those moral and inteUectual endowments, which arc calculated to form a distinguished physician. He has been well characterised as an author without vanity, a philosopher without pride, a scholar without pedantry, and a Christian without guUe. His earlier inquiries were directed to medical, chemical, and philosophical subjects, which he pursued with great judgment, combining the cau- tious but assiduous use ol experiment, with scien- tific observation, and much literary research. His papers were published collectively, under the title of " Essays, Medical and Experimental," in three volumes; which have passed through many editions, and obtained him considerable reputa- tion. His subsequent publications were of a moral nature, and originally conceived for the improvement of his children. But ids last work, entitled " Medical Ethics," which appeared in 1803, is adapted for the use of the profession, and wiU form a lasting monument of his integrity and wisdom. He contributed also numerous papers on various subjects to the Memoirs ofthe Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, which he had been mainly instrumental in establishing, and which did not cease to manifest a grateful sense of his merits, by the continued appointment of him to the presidency. PERCOLATION. (Percolatio, strained through ; from per, through, and colo, to strain.) It is generally applied to animal secretion, from the office of the glands being thought to resemble that of a strainer in transmitting the liquors that pass through them. Perde'tum. In Paracelsus it is the root of skirret, or Sium sisarum. Perdi'cium. (From xstp&ii-, a partridge : so caUed because partridges were said to feed upon it.) The Parietaria officinalis, or peltitory of the wall. PERENNIAL. See Perennis. PERENNIS. Perennial; lasting for years : appUed to plants in opposition to those which live only one or two yeai;s; thus the elm, oak, fir, &c. are perennial. Perennial worm-grass. See Spigelia. Perete'rion. (Fromrocpau), to dig through.) The perforating part of the trepan. PERFOLIA'TA. (From per, and folium : so called because the leaves surround the stem, like those of a cabbage.) See Bupleurum perfo- liatum. PERFOLIA'TUS. (From per, through, and folium, a leaf.) Perfoliate: applied to leaves when the stem runs through them, as in Bupleu- rum rotundifolium, and Chlora perfoliata. PE'RFORANS. Sec Flexor profundus fo- rans. Perforans, seu flexor profundus. See Flexor longus digitorum pedis profundus perfo- rans. Perforans, seu flexor tertii internodii digitorum pedis. See Flexor longut digito- rum pedis profundus perforans. Perforans, vulgo profundus. See Flex- or profundus perforans. PERFORATA. (From perforo, to pierce through : so called because its leaves are full of holes.) See Hypericum. PERFORA'TUS. See Flexor brevis digito- rum pedis, and Flexor sublimis perforatus. Pep.foratus, seu flexor secundi inter- nodii digitorum pedis. See Flexor brevis digitorum pedis perforatus sublimis. Peria'mma. (Eromrstpiarrro, tohanground.1 An amulet, or charm, which was hung round the neck to prevent infection. PERIA'NTHIUM. (From rtip, and avBos, a flower.) The calyx properly and commonly so called, when it is contiguous to and makes a part of the flower, as the five green leaves which en- compass a rose, including their urn-shaped base; the tubular part comprehending the scales in the pinks, or the globular scaly cup in Centaurea. The tutip is a naked flower, having no calyx at all. The perianth is of infinite variety of forms. From its number of leaves, it is, 1. Monophyllous, formed of one only; as in Datura stramonium. 2. Diphyllous ; as in Papaver rho»as. 3. Triphyllous; as in Canna indica. 4. Tetraphyllous ; as Lunaria annua. 5. Pentaphyllous ; as Ranunculus. From the division of its edge, 1. Undivided ; without any irregularity; as in the female of the Quercus robur. 2. Partite, or divided almost to the base; hence binartite or bilabeate, in Salvia officinalis; tripartite, fo Stratiotes aloides ; quadripartite, in Oenothera biennis; quinquepartite, in Nerium oleander; duodecempartite, in Sempervivum tedorum. 3. Cloven, cut as it were to the middle only ; hence, bifid, in Adoxa moschatellina; trijid, in Asarum canadense ; quinquefid, in OSsculus hip- pocastanum. 4. Dentate, in Marrubium vulgare ; quinque dentate, in Cucumis and Cucurbita, the female flowers. 5. Serrate, in*€!entauria cyanus. From its figure, 1. Tubulosum ; as in Datura stramonium. 2. Patens, with spreading leaflets; as in Bo- rago officinalis. 5. Reflexum, its laciniated portions turned back- ward ; as in Oenothera biennis. 4. Inflatum, pouched and hollow; as in Cucu- balus behen, and Physalis alkekengi, in fruit. From its colour, Coloratum, when of any other than green; as in Gomphrena globosa. From the disposition of the germen, 1. Superum, when the perianth and enrols are above. Hence the remains are visible on the fruit, as in roses, pears, &c. 2. Inferum, when below the geriuon ; as in the poppy and water-lily. From the number on each flower, 1. Simplex, when one; as in Nicotiana taba- cum. -• 2. Duplex, double ; as in Malva, Altha?a, Hi- biscus, &c. 3. Calyculatum, or acutum, having a lesser one, or scales down to the base ; as in Dianthus caryophyllus. Nullum, when wanting ; as in tulips. From its situation with respect to the fructifi- cation. 1. Perianthum floris, when belonging to the male. 2. P. fructus, when with the pistils. 3. P. fntctificationis, containing both stamina and pestils in the flower. From its duration, 1. Caducum, falling off early ; as in Papaver. 2. Deciduus, very late; as in Tilia Euro- pcea. 3. Peristens; as in Hyosciamus. 4. Marescent, withered, but yet conspicuous on the fruit; as in Pyrus, Mespilus, &c. PERIBLE'PSIS. (From wpiWrrw. to starr- PEK PEK i i/out.) That kind of wild look which is observed in delirious persons. PERI/BOLE. (From rstpt6aXXu, to surround.) A word used frequently by Hippocrates in differ- ent senses. Sometimes it signifies the dress of a person; at others a translation of the morbific humours from the centre to the surface of the body. PERIBRO'SIS. An ulceration or erosion, at the corners or uniting parts of the eyelids. This disorder most frequently affects the internal com- missure ofthe eyelids. The species are, 1. Peri- brosit, from the acrimony of the tears, as may be observed in the epiphora. 2. Peribrosis, from an aegylops, which some- times extends to the commissure of the eyeUds. PEKICARDI'TIS. (From rstptKopiiov, the pericardium.) Inflammation ofthe pericardium. See Carditis. PERICARDIUM. (From rstpi, about, and Kap&ta, the heart.) The membranous bag that surrounds the heart. Its use is to secrete and con- tain the vapour of the pericardium, which lubri- cates the heart, and thus preserves it from con- ereting with the pericardium. PERIC A'RPIA. (From rstpi, about, and car- put, the wrist.) Medicines that are applied to the wrist. PERIC ARPIALIS. Belonging to the pericar- pium of plants: thus the spines of the Datura stramonium en the fruit, are called pericarpial. PERICARPIUM. The seed-vessel or cover- ing of the seed of plants, which is mostly mem- branous, leathery, woody, pulpy, or succulent. The membranous are, 1. Capsula. 5. Lomentum. 2. Siliqua. 6. Folliculus. 3. Silicula. 7. Samara. 4. Legumen. The woody seed-vessels are 8. Strooulus. 9. Nux, The fleshy ones, 10. Pomum. 12. Drupa. 11. Pepo. The succulent, 13. Bacca. The seed-vessel is extremely various in different plants, and is formed ofthe germen enlarged. It is not an essential part of a plant, the seeds being frequently naked, and guarded only by the calyx, as is the case with t he plants of the order Gym- notpermia, also in the great class of compound flowers, Syngenesia. The use of the seed-vessel is to protect the seeds tilt ripe, and then, in some way or other, to promote weir dispersion, either scattering them by its elastic power, or serving for the food of an- imals, in the dung of which the seeds vegetate, or promoting the same end by various other means. The same organ which remains closed so long as it is juicy or moist, spUts or flies asunder when dry, thus scattering the seeds in weather most favour- able for their success. By an extraordinary pro- vision of nature, however, in some annual species of Mesembryanthemum, natives of sandy deserts in Africa, the seed-vessel opens only in rainy weather; otherwise the seeds might, in that country, lie long exposed before they met with sufficient moisture to vegetate. PERICrijfc'TIUM. (From rttpt, about, and ^ai7>;> a hair, or bristle.) A scaly sheath, in- vesting the fertile flower, and consequently the base of the fruit-stalk, of some mosses. In the genus Hypnum it is of great consequence, not only by its presence, constituting a part of the generic character, but by its differences in shape, proportion and >-tnirtur*\ serving frequently to discriminate species. Linnxus appears by his manuscripts, Sir James Smith informs us, to have intended adding this to the different kinds of calyx, though it is not one of the seven enumerated in his printed works. PERICHONDRIUM. (From rstpi, about, and XovSpos, a cartilage.) The membrane that covers a cartilage. PERICHRI'SIS. (From rstpi, about, and xptu, to anoint.) A liniment. Perichri'sta. (From mpi, around, and xjpiu, to anoint.) Any medicines with which the eye- lids are anointed, in an ophthalmia. Pericla'sis. (From rstpi, about, and xXau, to break.) It is a term used by Galen for such a fracture of the bone as quite divides^, and forces it through the flesh into sight. Or arracture with a great wound, wherein the bone is laid bare. PERICLY'MENUM. (From rstptKXvtu, to roll round: so called because it twists itself round whatever is near it.) The honey suckle, or wood- bine. See Lonicera. PERICNE'MIA. (Fromrstpi,, about, andKvvpii, the tibia.) The parts about the tibia. PERICRANIUM. (From -tt.i, about, and tpaviov, the cranium.) The membrane that is closely connected to the bones of the head or cra- nium. Peride'smica. (From rstpi, about, and iarpos, a ligature.) 1. Parts about a ligament. 2. A suppression of urine, from stricture in the urethra. PERIDIUM. The name given by Person to the round membranous dry case of the seeds of some of the angiosperm mushrooms. PERIDOT. See Chrysolite. Peri'dromos. (From rstpi, about, and Spopos, a course.) The extreme circumference of tbe hairs of the head. Perie'rgia. flfpupyia. Any needless caution or trouble in an operation, as rstpttpyos is one who despatches it with unnecessary circumstances . both the terms are met with in Hippocrates, and others of the Greek writers. Pf.rieste'cos. (From rztpusrvpt, to surround, or to guard.) An epithet for diseases, signs, or symptoms, importing their being salutary, ami that they prognosticate the recovery of the pa- tient. Peri'graphe. (From rstptypatpu, to circum- scribe.) 1. An inaccurate description, or delinea- tion. 2. In Vcsalius, perigraphe signifies certain white lines and impressions, observable in the musculus rectus of the abdomen. Pf.'rin. (From Wi/pa, a bag.) A testicle. Some explain it the Perineum; others say it is the Anus. PERIN-rEOCE'LE. (From rstpivaiov, the pe- rinreum, and kijXi?, a rupture.) A rupture in the perinaeum. PERINVE'UM. (From ^rpu-sio, to flow round, because that part is generally moist.) The space between the anus and organs of generation. Perin.£US transversus. See Transversa* perinai. PERINYCTIS. (Perinydis, idis, f.; from rstpi, and vu£, the night.) Little swellings like nipples ; or, as others relate, pustules, or pimples, which break out in the night. PERIO'STEUM. (From rstpi, about, and os-tov, a bone.) The membrane which invests the ex- ternal surface of all the bones, except the crown- of the teeth. It is of a fibrous texture, and well supplied with arteries, veins, nerves, and absorb- ents. It is called pericranium, on the cranium ; periorbita, on the orbits ; perichondrium, when PkU PER i covers cartilage; and peridcsmuun, when it covers ligament. Its use appears to be to dis- tribute the vessels on the external surfaces of bones. Periphimo'sis. See Phimosis. Pkripleu'monia. Sec Pneumonia. PERIPNEUMONIA. (From crpi, and rsvtv- jhuv, the lung.) Peripneumony, or inflammation of the lungs. See Pneumonia. " Perip s riMOMA notha. Bastard or spurious peripneumony. Practitioners, it would appear, i, the uvula.) A muscle which is connected with the uvula. Perkte'rium. (From rsrpi^cpos, a pigeon: so called because pigeons covet it.) See Verbena officinalis. Peristoma. See Peristomium. PERISTOMIUM. (From rrtpi, around, and $-opa, the mouth or opening of the capsule.) Peris- toma. The fringe-like membranous margin which, in many mosses, borders the orifice of the theca or capsule. It is either simple or double, and con- sists either of separate teeth, or of a plated or jagged membrane. The external fringe is mostly of the former kind ; the inner, when present, of the latter. The number of teeth remarkably con- stant in each genus and species is either four, eight, sixteen, thirty-two, or sixty-four. On these Hcdwig and his followers have placed great de- pendence. Peristro'ma. (From rstpf-vpcvwu, to strew about.) Properly signifies any covering. PERISY'STOLE. (From rstpis-tXXu, to com- press. ) The pause or time between a contrac- tion and dilatation of the heart. Perite'rion. (From aitpi, and rtfptu, to pre- serve.) The perforating part of the trepan. PeritonjEore'xis. (From nepirovaiov, the peritonaeum, and prio-ow, to break.) A bursting of the peritonaeum. PERITONEUM. (From r-roirnvv, to extend -.'in round.') A strong simple membrane, by which all the viscera of the abdomen are surrounded. It has an exceedingly smooth, exhaling, and moist internal surface. "Outwardly, it is every where surrounded by cellular substance, which, towards the kidneys, is very loose and very fat; but is very short at the lower tendon of the transverse muscles. It begins from the diaphragm, which it completely lines, and at the last fleshy fibres of the ribs, and the external lumber fibres, it com- pletes the septum, in conjunction with the pleura, with which it is continuous through the various intervals of the diaphragm. Posteriorly, it de- scends before the kidneys ; anteriorly, behind the abdominal muscles. It dips into tbe pelvis from the bones of the pubes, passes over the blad- der, and descends behind; and being again car- ried backwards at the entrance of the uterus, in two lunar folds, it rejoins upon the intestinum rectum that part of itself which invests the loins, and in this situation lies before the rectum. The cellular texture, which covers the peritonaeum on the outside, is continued into sheaths in very many places ; of which, one receives the testicle on each side, another the iliac vessels of the pelvis, viz. the obturatoria, those of the penis and bladder, and the aorta, and, ascending to the breast, ac- companies the cesophagus and vertebra? ; by means of which, there is a communication be- tween the whole body and the peritonaeum, well known in dropsical people. It has various pro- longations for covering the viscera. The shorter productions of this membrane are called ligaments; and are formed by a continuous reduplication of the peritonaeum, receding from its inner sur- face, enclosing cellular substance, and extending to some viseus, where its plates separate, ana, having diverged, embrace the viseus ; but the in- termediate cellular substance always accompanies this membranaceous coat, and joins it with the true substance of the viseus. Of this short kind of production, three belong to the liver, one or two to the spleen, and others to the kidneys, and to the sides of the uterus and vagina. By these means, the tender substance of the viscera is de- fended from injury by any motion or concussion, and their whole mass is prevented from being mis- placed by their own weight, and from injuring themselves, being securely connected with the firm sides of the peritonaeum. PERITONl'TIS. (From rstpirovai, the peri- tona?urn.) An inflammation of the peritoneum. A genus of disease in the Class Pyrexia, and Or- der Phlegmasia, of Cullen, known by the pre- sence of pyrexia, with pain in the abdomen, that is increased when in an erect position, but with- out other proper signs of inflammation of the ab- dominal viscera. When the inflammation attacks the peritonaeum of the viscera, it takes the name of the viseus : thus, peritonitis, hepatis, perito- nitis intestinalis, peritonitis omentalis, or epi- plmtis, or omentitis, peritonitis mesenterii, &c. AU these Dr. Cullen considers under the gene- ral head of peritonitis, as there are no certain signs by which they can be distinguished from each other, and the method of cure must be the same in all. He however distinguishes three species. 1. Peritonitis propria; when the peritonaeum, strictly so called, is inflamed. 2. Peritonitis omentalis. Omentitis. Epi* ploitis, when the omentum is affected. 3. Peritonitis mesenterica, when the mesentery is inflamed. Perizo'ma. (Fromai£pi£u»vvuf/i, lo gird round.) This term strictly signifies a girdle ; Dut by Hil- danus, and some other chirurgical writers, it is applied to those instruments for supporting nip- 1'L.U pei: tines, which we commonly call trusses. Some also express by it the diaphragm. PE'RLA. (Ital. and Span, perl, Welch, per* ten, Germ.) See Margarita. Perlate acid. A name given by Bergman to the acidulous phosphate of soda, Haupt having called the phosphate of soda Sal mirabile per- latum. PE'RNIO. A kibe or chilblain. A species of erythema, of CuUen. Chilblains are painful in- flammatory swellings, of a deep purple or leaden colour, to which the fingers, toes, heels, and other extreme parts of the body are subject, on being exposed to a severe degree of cold. The pain is not constant, but rather pungent and shooting af particular times, and an insupportable itching at- tends. In some instances the skin remains entire, but in others it breaks and discharges a thin fluid. When the degree of cold has been very great, or the appUcation long continued, the parts affected arc apt to mortify and slough off, leaving a foul ill-conditioned ulcer behind. Children and old people are more apt to be troubled with chilblains than those of a middle age ; and such as are of a scrophulous habit are remarked to suffer severely from them. PE'RONE. (From rrttpu, to fasten : so called because it fastens together tbe tibia and the mus- cle-.) The fibula. 1'ERONE'US. (Peroneus, rtzpovatu;; from pi rone, the fibula.) Belonging to the fibula. Peroneus anticus. See Peroneus brevis. Peroneus. brevis. This muscle is the pero- neus secundus, seu anticus, of Douglas; the peroneus medius, seu anticus, of Winsiow ; the peronaus secundus, of Cowper ; and pelil-pero- neo sus-metaiarsitn, of Dumas. It arises, by an ;cute, thin, and fleshy origin, from the anterior and outjr part of tl.* fibula, its fibres continuing to adhere to the lower half of that bone. Its round tendon passes through the groove in the malleolus externus, along with that of the pero- neus longus, after which it runs in a separate groove to be inserted into the upper and posterior part of tbe tubercle at the basis of the metatarsal bone that supports the little toe. Its use is to as- sist the peroueus longus. Peroneus longus. This muscle, which is the /.eroiuus primus, seu posticus, of Douglas ; pe- roneus maximus, seu posterior, of Winslow; peronaus primus, of Cowper; and tibi ptrroneo- larsien, ol Dunns, is situated somewhat anteri- orly along the outer side oi the leg. It arises tendinous and flesh}' from the external lateral part of the head of the tibia, and likewise from the upper anterior surface aud outer side of the perone or fibula, its fibres continuing to adhere to the miter surface of the latter, to within three or four mclies of the malleolus externus. It terminates in a iongiuupd tendon which runs obliquely be- hind the lualleolu-j interims, where it passes through a cartilaginous groove in common with the peroneus brevis, bcuii bound down by an an- nular ligament. 'H hen il has reached the os cal- cis, it quits the tendon of tne peroneus brevis, and runs obliquely inwards -along a groove in the os cuboides, under tne muscles on the sole of the loot, to be inserted into tlie outside of the po»- u-rior extremity of the metatarsal bone that sup- ports the great toe. Near the insertion uf this muscle we find a small burta mucosa. This muscle draws the foot outwards, aud likewise . ssistt in extending it. uekonlus maximus. See Peroneus longus. I'eroneus medius. See Peroneus brevis. Peroneus posticus. See Peroneus longus. ;>. ..... . , c rn>«.,.tt ■«,.,. />i.,vin»w* Irmsnit Pkro.n'ecsj riLCi n nrs. See Peroneus lire* /.-'. Peroneus ti.utius. This is the name given by Albinus to a muscle which, by some writers, is called nanus Vesalii, or Vesalius's ninth mus- cle of the foot; but by most considered in the present day as a portion of the extensor longus digitorum pedis. It is situated at the anterior, inferior, and outer part of the leg, along the outer edge of the last described muscle, to which it is intimately united. It arises fleshy from the an- terior surface of the lower half of the fibula, and from the adjacent part of ihe interosseous liga- ment. Its fibres run obliquely downwards, to- wards a tendon Which passes under the annular ligament, and then running obliquely outwards, itis inserted into the root of the metatarsal bone that supports the Uttle toe. This muscle assists in bend- ing the foot. PERPENDICULARIS. Applied to parts of plants, as the root of the Daucus carota, which goes straijht down into the earth. PE'RSICA. (From Persia, its native soil.) Tlie peach. See Amygdalus pei'sica. PERSICA'RIA. (From Persica, the peach- tree : so called because its blossoms are like those of the peach.) See Polygonum persicaria. Persicakia mitis. See Polygonum per- sicaria. Persicakia ur.ESs. See Polygonum hydro- piper. Pe'rsicus ignis. A carbuncle. Avicenna says, it is that species of carbuncle which is at- tended with pustules and vesications. PERSISTENS. Permanent. Applied to flower-cups remaining a long time after tne flower; as that of tbe Hyoseiamus niger. . Persi'bte.ns febris. A regular intermitting fever, the paroxysms of which return at constant and stated hours. Persona'ta. (From persona, a mask; be- cause, says Pliny, the ancient actors used to mask themselves with the leaves of this plant.) See Arctiu7ii lappa. PERSONA! US. Personate. A term appUed to a monopetalous corolla, when irregular, anil closed by a kind of palate ; as in Antirrhinum. PERSPIRATION. Perspirutio. The va- pour that is secreted by the extremities of the cutaneous arteries from the external surface oi the body, it is distinguished into sensible and insensible. The former is separated in the form of an invisible vapour, the latter so as to be visi- ble in the form of very tittle drops adhering to the epidermis. The secretory organ is com- posed of the extremities ofthe cutaneous arteries. The smell of the perspirable fluid, iu a healthy man, is fatuous and auimal; its taste manifestly salt and ammoniacal. In consistence it is vapo- rous or aqueous ; and its specific gravity iu the latter state is greater t han that of water. For the most part it is yellowish, from the passage of the subcutaneous oil, and sebaceous matter of the subcutaneous glands. Whatever form it takes, the liquid that escapes from the skin is composed,-according to Thenard, of a great deal of water, a small quantity of ace- tic acid, of muriate ol soda and potassa, a small quantity of earthy phosphate, an atom of oxide of iron, and a trace of animal niatier. Berzelius considers the acid of sweat not the same as acetic acid, but like the lactic acid of Scheel. The skin exhales, be iits, an oily matter, and some carbo- nic acid. Many expei iments have been made to deter- mine the quantily of transpiration wliich is form- ed in a given uiue, and the variations that this luan'itv u.rlcrrxjcs according to circumstances. PEK PER The first attempts are due to Sauctorius, who, during thirty years, weighed every day, with ex- treme care, and an indefatigable patience, his food and his drink, his solid and liquid excretions, and even himself. Sanctorins, in spite of his zeal and perseverance, arrived at results that were not very exact. Since his time, several ^philosophers and physicians have been employed on the same sub- ject with more success ; but the most remarkable labour in this way is that of Lavoisier and Seguin. These philosophers were the first who distinguish- ed the loss that takes place by pulmonary tran- spiration from that of the skin. Seguin 6hut him- self up in a bag of gummed silk, tied above his head, and presenting an opening, the edges of which were fixed round his mouth by a mixture of turpentine and pitch. In this manner only, the humour of the pulmonary transpiration passed into the air. In order to know the quantity, it was sufficient to weigh himself, with the bag, at the beginning and end of the experiment, in a very fine balance. By repeating the experiment out 6f the bag, he determined the whole quantity of humour transpired; so that, by deducting from this the quantity that he knew had passed out from the lungs, he had the quantity of humour ex- haled by the skin. Besides, he took into account the food that he had used, his excretions solid and liquid, and generally all the causes that could have any influence upon the transpiration. By follow- ing this plan, the results of Lavoisier and Seguin are these:— 1st, The greatest quantity of insensible tran- spiration (the pulmonary included) is 25.6 grains troy per minute; consequently, 3 ounces, 1 drachm, 36 grains, per hour; and S pounds, 4 ounces, 6 drachms, 24 grains, in 24 hours. 2d, The least considerable loss is 8.8 grains per minute ; consequently, 2 pounds, 2 ounces, 3 drachms, in 24 hours. 3d, It is during the digestion that the loss of weight occasioned by insensible transpiration is at its minimum. 4th, The transpiration is at its maximum im- mediately after dinner. 5th, The mean of the insensible transpiration is 14.4 grains per minute ; in the mean 144 grains, S.8 depend on cutaneous transpiration, and 5.6 upon the pulmonary. 6th, The cutaneous transpiration alone varies during and after repasts. 7th, Whatever quantity of food is taken, or whatever are the variations of the atmosphere, the same individual, after having augmented in weight by all the food that he has taken, returns, in 24 hours, to the same weight nearly that he was the day before, provided he is not growing, or has not eaten to excess. It is much to be wished that this interesting la- bour had been continued, and that authors had not limited their studies to insensible transpiration,- but had extended their observations to the sweat. Whenever the humour of transpiration is not evaporated, as soon as it is in contact with the air, it appears at the surface of the skin in the form of a layer of liquid of variable thickness. Now, this effect may happen because the transpiration is too copious, or because of the diminution of the dissolvent force of the air. We perspire in an air hot and humid, by the influence of the two causes joined ; we would perspire with more dif- ficulty in an air of the same heat, but dry. Cer- tain parts of the body transpire more copiously, und sweat with more facility, than others ; such are the hands and the feet, the arm-pits, the groins, the brow, &c. Generally the skin of these parts receives a greater proportional quantity <.f blood : and in some people, the arm-pit, the sole ot tii- foot, and the intervals between the toes, do no: come so easily in contact with the air. The sweat does not appear to have everywhere the same composition ; every one knows that its odour is variable according to the different parts of the body. It is the same with its acidity, which appears much stronger in the arm-pits and feet than elsewhere. The cutaneous transpiration has numerous uses in the animal economy, keeps up the suppleness of the epidermis, and thus favours the exercise of the tact and the touch. It is by evaporation along with that of the lungs, the principal means of cooling, by which the body maintains itself with- in certain limits of temperature ; also its expul- sion from the economy appears very important. for every time that it is diminished or suspended derangements of more or less consequence follow, and many diseases are not arrested until a consi- derable quantity of sweat is expelled. Beside water, it cannot be doubted that carbon is also emitted from the skin ; but in what state, the experiments hitherto made do not enable us to decide. Cruickshanks found, that the air of the glass vessel in which his hand and foot had been confined for an hour, contained carbonic acid gas; for a candle burned dimly in it, and it rendered lime water turbid. And Jurine found, that air which had remained for sometime in contact with the skin, consisted almost entirely of carbonic acid gas. The same conclusion may be drawn from the experiments of Ingenhousz and Milly. Trousset has lately observed, that air was sepa- rated copiously from a patient of his, while bathing. Beside water and carbon, or carbonic acid gas, the skin emits also a particular odorous substance. That every animal has a peculiar smell, is well known: the dog can discover his master, and even trace him to a distance by the scent. A dog, chained up several hours after his master had set out on a journey of some hundred miles, followed his footsteps by the smell. But it is needless to multiply instances of this fact; they are too well known tra every one. Now, this smell must be owing to some peculiar matter which is constantly ernitted ; and this matter must differ somewhat, either in quantity or some other property, as wc see that the dog easily distinguishes the individual by means of it. Cruickshanks has made it proba- ble, that this matter is an oily substance, or at least that there is an oily substance emitted by the skin. He wore repeatedly, night and day, for a month, the same under waistcoat of fleecy hosiery,- during the hottest part of the summer. At the end of this time he always found an oily substance accumulated in considerable masses on the nap of the inner surface of the waistcoat, in the form of black tears. VVhen rubbed on paper, it rendered it transparent, aud hardened on it like grease. It burned with a white flame, and left behind it a charry residuum. Berthollet has observed the perspiration acid ; and he has concluded, that the acid which is pre- sent is the phosphoric; but this has not been proved. Fourcroy and Vauquelin have ascer- tained, that the scurf which collects upon the skins of horses, consists chiefly of phosphate of lime. and urea is even sometimes mixed with it. Accordingto Thenard, however, who haslatelv endeavoured more particularly to ascertain thfs point, the acid contained in sweat is the acetous ; which, he likewise observes, is the only free acid contained in urine and in milk, this acid existing in both of them when quite fresh. His account '••' hi-? examination of it is as follov-s-: — PER PER l'he sweat is more or le3S copious in different individuals ; and its quantity is perceptibly in the inverse ratio of that of the urine. All other cir- cumstances being similar, much more is produced during digestion, than during repose. The maxi- mum of its production appears to be twenty-six grains and two-thirds in a minute; the minimum nine grains, troy weight. It is much inferior, however, to the pulmonary transpiration ; and there is Ukewise a great difference between their nature and manner of formation. The one is a product of a particular secretion, similar in some sort to that of the urine; the other, composed of a great deal of water and carbonic acid, is the product of a combustion gradually effected by the atmospheric air. The sweat, in a healthy state, very sensibly reddens litmus paper or infusion. In certain dis- eases, and particularly in putrid fevers, it is alka- line ; yet its taste is always rather saline, and more similar to that of salt, than acid. Though colourless, it stains linen. Its smell is peculiar, and insupportable when it is concentrated, which is the case in particular during distillation. But before he speaks of the trials to which he subject- ed it, and of which he had occasion for a great quantity, he describes the method he adopted for procuring it, which was similar to that of Cruick- shanks. Human sweat, acccording to Thenard, is formed of a great deal of water, free acetous acid, mu- riate of soda, an atom of phosphate of lime and oxide of iron, and an inappreciable quantity of animal matter, which approaches much nearer to gelatin than to any other substance. Perspiration varies in respect to, 1. The tem- perature of the atmosphere. Thus men have a more copious, viscid, and higher-coloured sweat in summer than in winter, ana in warm countries, than in colder regions. 2. Sex. The sweat of a man is said to smeU more acrid than that of a woman. 3. Age. The young are more sub- ject to sweat than the aged, who, during the ex- cessive heat of the summer, scarcely sweat at all. 4. Ingesta. An alliacious sweat is perceived from eating garlick ; a leguminous from peas ; an acid from acids ; a foetid from animal food only ; and a rancid sweat from fat foods, as is observed in Greenland. A long abstinence from drink causes a more acrid and coloured sweat; and the drinking a great quantity of cold water in summer, a limpid and thin sweat. 5. Medicines. The sweat of those who have taken musk, even mode- rately, and assafoetida, or sulphur', smells of their respective natures. 6. Region of the body. The sweat of the head is greasy ; on the forehead it is more aqueous ; under the axiUa? very ungui- nous ; and in the interstices of the toes, it is very foetid, forming in the most healthy man blackish sordes. 7. Disease/.. In this respect it varies very much in regard to quantity, smell, and co- lour ; for the sweat of gouty persons is said to turn blue vegetable juices to a red colour. Some men also have a lucid sweat, others a sweat ting- ing their linen of a caerulcan colour. The uses of the insensible perspiration are, 1. To liberate the blood from superfluous animal sras, azote, and water. 2. To eliminate the nox- ious and heterogeneous excrements ; hence the acrid, rancid, leguminous, or putrid perspiration of some men. 3. To moisten the external sur- lace of the body, lest the epidermis, cutis, and its nervous papillae, be dried up by the atmos- pheric air. 4. To counterbalance the suppressed pulmonary transpiration of the lungs; for when it is suppressed, the cutaneous is increased ; hence The use of the sensible perspiration, or sweat, in a healthy man, is scarcely observable, unless from an error of the non-naturals. Its first effect on the body is always prejudicial, by exhausting and drying it, although it is sometimes of advan- tage. 1. By supplying a watery excretion: thus when the mine is deficient, the sweat is often more abundant. In this manner an aqueous diarrhoea is frequently cured by sweating. 2. By eliminat- ing, at the same time, any morbid matter. Thus various miasmata are critically expelled, in acute and chronic diseases, with the sweat. PERTU'SSIS. (From per, much, and tussis, cough.) The hooping-cough. A genus of dis- ease in the Class Neuroses, and Order Spasmi, of CuUen, known by a convulsive strangulating cough, with hooping, returning by fits, that are usuaUy terminated by a vomiting; and by its being contagious. Children are most commonly the subjects of this disease, and it seems to depend on a specific contagion, which affects them but once in their Ufe. The disease being once produced, the fits of coughing are often repeated without any evident cause ; but, in many cases, the contagion may be considered as only giving the predisposi- tion, and the frequency of the fits may depend upon various exciting causes, such as violent ex- ercise, a full meal, the having taken food of diffi- cult digestion, and irritation of tbe lungs by dust, smoke, or disagreeable odours. Emotions ofthe mind may likewise prove an exciting cause. Its proximate or immediate cause seems to be a viscid matter or phlegm lodged about the bron- chia, trachea, and fauces, which sticks so close as to be expectorated with the greatest difficulty. Some have supposed it to be a morbid irritability of the stomach, with increased action of its mu- cous glands; but the affection of the stomach which takes place in the disease, is clearly only of a secondary nature, so that this opinion must be erroneous. The hooping-cough usually comes on with a difficulty cf breathing, some degree of thirst, a quick pulse, and other slight febrile symptoms, which are succeeded by a hoarseness, cough, and difficulty of expectoration. These symptoms continue perhaps for a fortnight or more, at the end of wliich time the disease puts on its peculiar and characteristic form, and is now evident, as the cough becomes convulsive, and is attended with a sound, which has been called a hoop. When the sonorous inspiration has happened, the coughing is again renewed, and continues in the same manner as before, till either a quantity of mucus is thrown up from the lungs, or the con- tents of the stomach are evacuated by vomiting. The fit is then terminated, and the patient re- mains free from any other for some time, and shortly afterwards returns to the amusements he was employed in before the fit, expresses a desire for food, and when it is given to him takes it greedily. In those cases, however, where the attack has been severe, he often seems much fatigued, makes quick inspirations, and faUs into a faint. On the first coming on of the disease, there i- little or no expectoration; or if any, it consists only of thin mucus; and as long as this .s the case the fits of coughing are frequent, and of con- siderable duration ; but on the expectoration becoming free and copious, the fits of coughing are less frequent, as well as of shorter duration. By the violence of coughing, the free trans- mission of blood through tne lungs is somewhat interrupted, as likewise the free return of the blood from the head, which produces that forges- PER I'E» rence and suffusion of the face, which commonly attend the attack, and in some instances brings on a haemorrhage either from the nose or ears. The disease having arrived at its height, usually continues for some weeks longer, and at length goes off gradually. In some cases it is, how- ever, protracted for several months, or even a yean Although the hooping-cough often proves te- dious, and is liable to return with violence on any fresh exposure to cold, when not entirely re- moved, it nevertheless is seldom fatal, except to very young children, who are always likely to suffer more from it than those of a more advanced age. The danger seems indeed always to be in proportion to tbe youth of the person, and the degree of fever, and difficulty of breathing, which accompany the disease, as likewise the state of debitity which prevails. It has been known in some instances to termi- nate in apoplexy and suffocation. Ii the fits are put an end to by vomiting, it may be regarded as u favourable symptom, as may likewise the taking place of a moderate and free expectoration, or the ensuing of a sUght haemorrhage from the nose or ears. * Dissections of those who die of the hooping- cough usually show the consequence of the or- gans of respiration being affected, and particular- ly those parts which are tiie seat of catarrh. When the disease has been long protract* d, it is apt to degenerate into pulmonary consumption, asthma, or visceral obstructions, in wliich last case the glands of the mesentery are found in a hard and enlarged state. In the treatment of this disease it must be borne in mind, that in the early period palliative mea- sures can only be employed; but when it con- tinues merely from habit, a variety ot means will often at once put a stop to it. In the first stage in mild cases very little is required, except obviating occasional irritation, keeping the bowels regu- lar, &c. But where it puts on a more serious character, the plan will differ accordingly as it is attended with inflammatory symptoms, or exhi- bits a purely spasmodic form. In the former case, it may be sometimes proper in plethoric habits to begin by a full bleeding, or leeches to the chest, if the patient be very young, then clear the bowels effectually, apply a blister, and exhibit antimonials, or squill, in nauseating doses, assisted perhaps by opium, to promote diaphore- sis and expectoration. An occasional emetic, where the breathing is much oppressed with wheezing, in young children particularly, may afford material refief. When the disorder is more of the spasmodic character, some of these means may still be useful, as blisters, and nausea- ting medicines, so far as the strength will admit; but the remedies of greatest efficacy are the nar- cotics, as opium, conium, &c. exhibited in ade- quate doses. In the chronic or habitual stage of the disease, almost any thing, which produces a considerable impression on the constitution, will occasionally succeed : but we chiefly rely on se- dative and antispasmodic, or on tonic remedies, accordingly as there are marks of irritability, or of mere debility in the system. Of the former description opium is perhaps the best, especially in conjunction with squiU, given in a full dose at night, and in small quantities swallowed slowly Irom time to time during the day. Conium, ussafoetida, &c. may however occasionally answer better in particular constitutions. Among the tonics the cinchona is often highly efficacious, where no appearances of local disease attend: some of the metallic preparations also, particu- larly sulphate of zinc, may be much rdied upon. Sometime* stimulant applications to the chest, but still more certainly opiate frictions, will be found to cure this disorder. The same is very often accomplished by a change of air, indeed occasionally after the foilure of most remedies. The cold bath also, where there is no local dis- ease, may have an exceUent effect; assisted by warm clothing, especially wearing some kind of fur over the chest. Fear and other emotions of the mind, strangury induced by the use of the lytta, &c. &c. rank also among the remedies of pertussis. Peruvian balsam. See Myroxylon perui- ferum. Peruvian bark. See Cinchona. Peruvia'nus cortex. See Cinchona. Peruvianus cortex flavus. See Cinchona cordifolia. Peruvianus cortex ruber. Sec Cinchona oblongifolia. PERVIGILIUM. (From per, much, anil vigi'.o, to watch.) Watching, or a want of sleep. See Vigilance. PERVI'NCA. (From pervincio, to tie toge- ther. ) So called because its stringy i oots were used for binding substances together. See I "inca minor. PES. (Pes, dis. m.; a foot.) The foot. Pes alexandrinus. See ulnthemis pyre- thrum. Pes capr.e. Goat's foot, a species of Oxalis; also a species of Convolvulus. Pes cati. See Gnaphalium dioicum. Pes colomeinus. See Geranium rotundi- folium. Pes hippocampi. The name of two columus at the end of the formix of the Liain, which di- verge posteriorly. Pes leonis. See Alchemilla. Pes tigridis. Tiger's foot. A species of Ipomaa. PESSARY. (Pessarium; from rstcau, to soften.) An instrument that is introduceu into the vagina to support the uterus. PESTILENCE. A plague. PESTILENTIAL. (Pestileniialis; from pestet, the piaguc.) An epidemic, malignant. and contagious disease, approaching to the nature of the plague. PESTILENTWORT. Sec Tussilago pe- tasites. Pestilochia. .'Jc-e Aristolochia virginianu. PE'STIS. The plague. A genus of disease in the C'ass Pyrexia, and Order Exanthemata, of Culleu, characterized by typhus, which is contagious in the extreme, prostration of strength, buboes, and carbuncles, petechia?, ha-rnuiihagc, and coUiquativc diarrhoja. By some writers the disease has been divided into three species; that attended with buboes ; that attended with carbuncles ; and that accom- panied with petechias. This division appiars wholly superfluous. Dr. Russel, iu his elaborate treatise on the plague, makes mention of many \ aiieties ; but when these have arisen, they seem to have depended iu i. great measure on the tem- perament and constitution of the air at the time the disease became epidemical, as likewise «.n tlie patient's habit of bodv at the time, ol his being attacked with it. The plague is by most writers considered us the consequence of it pestilential coutagion, which is propagated from one person lo another by association, or by coming near infected ma- terials. It has been observed that it perioral!'- at" <"-:- PET PET as early as the fourth or fifth day after infection : but it has not yet been ascertained how long a person who has laboured nnder the disease is capable of infecting others, nor how long the con- tagion may lurk in an unfavourable habit without producing the disease, and may yet be communi- cated, and the disease excited, in habits more sus- ceptible of the infection. It has generally been supposed, however, that a quarantine of 40 days is niuch longer than is necessary for persons, and probably for goods also. Experience has not yet determined how much of this term may be abated. " If I am not much mistaken," observes Dr. Thomas, "the Board of Trade, has, how- ever, very lately, under the sanction of the Col- lege of Physicians, somewhat abridged it." It sometimes happens that after the application of the putrid vapour, the patient experiences only a considerable degree of languor and slight head- ache for many days previous to a perfect attack of the disease: but it more usually comes to pass, that he is very soon seized with great depression of strength, anxiety, palpitations, syncope, stu- por, giddiness, violent headache, and delirium, the pulse becoming at the same time very weak and irregular. These symptoms are shortly succeeded by nausea, and a vomiting of a dark bilious matter, and in the further progress of the disease, carbuncles make their appearance ; buboes arise in different glands, such as the parotid, maxillary, cervical, axiUary and inguinal ; or petechia? ha?morrhagies and a colliquative diarrhoea, ensue, which denote a pu- trid tendency prevailing to a great degree in the mass of the blood. Such are the characteristic symptoms of this ma- lignant disease, but it seldom happens that they are all to be met with in the same person. Some, in the advanced state ofthe disease, labour under buboes, others under carbuncles, and others again are covered with petechia;. The plague is always to be considered as attend- ed with imminent danger, and when it prevailed in this country about 200 years ago, proved fatal to most of those who were attacked with it. It is probable, however, that many of them died from want of care and proper nourishment, as the infected were forsaken by their nearest friends; becanse in Turkey and other countries, where at- tention is paid to the sick, a great many recover. When the disease is unattended by buboes, il runs its course more rapidly, and is more general- ly fatal, than when accompanied by such inflamma- tions. The earlier they appear, the milder usual- ly is the disease. When they proceed kindly to suppuration, they always prove critical, and en- sure the patient's recovery. A gentle diaphoresis, arising spontaneously, has been known in many instances likewise to prove critical. When car- buncles show a disposition to gangrene, the event will be fatal. Petechia?, haemorrhagies and col- liquative diarrhoea, denote the same termination. Dissections of the plague have discovered the gall bladder full of black bile, the liver very con- siderably enlarged, the heart much increased in size, and the lungs, kidneys, and intestines beset with carbuncles. Tbcy have likewise discovered all the other appearances of putrid fever. PET ALUM. A petal. The name of the co- loured leaflets of the corolla of a flower. The great variety of form, duration, &c. of the petals, give rise to the following names. From their duration, 1. Petala patentia ; as in Rosa canina. 2. Patentiisima, very spreading. 3. Erecta ; as in Allium nigrum, •I fnhTiircnrio : a.s in Riim-cv. 5. Dittanlia ; as in Cucubalus baccifcius. From the figure of the border, 6. Acuminata; as in Saxifraga stellaris. 7. Selacea ; as in Tropaeolum minus. 8. Apice coharenlia ; as in Vitis vinifera. 9. Apice refiexa ; as in Anemone pratensis. 10. Aristata ; as in Galium aristatum. 11. Bifida ; a.s in Siiene nocturna. 12. Bipartita ; as in Alsine media. 13. Biloba ; as in Geranium striatum. 14. Carinata; as in Carum carui. 15. Concava ; as in Ruta graveolens. 16. Cordata ; as in Sium selinum. 17. Hirtula; as in Menyanthes trifoliata, 18. Ciliata ; as in Asclepias undulata. 19. Crenata ; as in Linum usitatissimum. 20. Dentata; as in Silenc lucitanica. 21. Serrata; as in Dianthus arboreus. 22. Cu.xeiforma ; as in Epidendrum cordatum. 23. Emarginata; as in Allium roseum. 24. Inflexa ; as in Pimpinella. 26. Refiexa; as in Pancratium zelanicum. 26. Involula ; as in Anethum. 27. Integra; as in Nigella arvensis. 28. Laciniata ; as in Reseda. 29. Lanceolata ; as in Nacissus minor. 30. Linearia; as in Tussilago farfara. 31. Lineata; as Scilla lucitanica. 32. Punctata; as in Melanthium eapense. 33. Maculata ; as in Digitalis purpurea. 34. Oblonga; as in Citrus and Hedera. 35. Obtusa ; as in Tropa?olum majus-. 36. Orata ; as in Allium flavum. 37. Plana; as in Pancratium maritimuni. 38. Subrotunda ; a:- -n Rosa centifolia. 89. Truncata ; as iu Hura crepitans. 40. Coronata ; as in Neriim oleander. The claw of the petal is very long, in Dianthus and Saponaria ; and connate, in Malva sylvestris and oxalis. PETALIFORMIS. Petaliform, like a petal; applied to the stigma of the Iris germanica. PETALITE. A mineral found in the mine ofUts, in Sweden, interc-stfog from its analysis having led to the knowledge oi a new alkali. PETALO'DES. (From rrtraXov a leaf, or thin scale.) This term is* by Hippocrates applied to an urine which hath in it flaky substances resem- bling leaves. PETASl'TES. (From rrcracos, a hat: so named because its leaves are shaped like a hat.) See Tussilago pelasites. PETE'CHIA. (From the Italian petechio, a flea-bite, because they resemble the bites of fleas.) A red or purple spot, which resembles flea-bite. PET10LATUS. Petiolate: applied to leaves which are formed with a stalk, whether long or short, simple or compound, as most leaves are : as in Verbascum nigrum, &c. PETIOLUS. (From pes, a foot.) A petiole. The footstalk or leafstalk of a plant. The term is appUed exclusively to the stalk of the leaf. It is distinguished into the apex, which is insert- ed into the leaf, and the base, which comes from the stem. From its figure it is called, I. Linearis, equal in breadth throughout; as in Citrus medica. 2. Alatus; as in Citrus aurantium. 3. Appendiculatus, when furnished with leaf- lets at its base ; as in Dipsacus pilosns. 4. Teres, round throughout ; as in Pisum sati- vum. 5. Semiteres, round on one side, and flat on the other. 6. Triquetrus, three-sided. 7. Angulatus, having ancles-. 7-15 PET PEU S. Cuniliculatus, channelled to its very base, .vherc it is sometimes greatly dilated and con- cave ; as in Angelica sylvestris. 9. Compressus, compressed towards its base ; as in Populus tremula. 10. Clavatus, thicker towards the apex; as in Cacalia suaveolens. 11. Spinescens, becoming a spine after the faU ofthe leaf; as in Rhamnus catharticus. From its insertion the petiolus is called, 12. Insertus, as in most trees, and the Pirns communis. 13. Articulatus ; as in Oxatis acetocella. 14. Adnatus, adhering so to the stem, that it cannot be displaced without injuring the bark. 15. Decurrens, adhering at its base, and going some little way down the stem; as in' Pisum ochrus. 16. Amplexicaulis, surrounding the stem at its base ; as in Senecio hastatus. 17. Vaginans, surrounding the stem with a perfect tube ; as in Canna indica. From its length with respect to the leaf, it is said to be brcvissimus when much shorter, and longissimus, when longer; as in Anemone hepa- tica, and Geranium terebinthinatum. It is distinguished also into simple, when not divided ; as in most leaves: and compound, when divided into lateral branches ; as in all compound .leaves. PETIT, John Lewis, was born at Paris in 1674. From his childhood he displayed a re- markable degree of penetration, which gained him the attachment of M. de Littre, a celebrated anatomist, who resided in his father's house. He took a pleasure, even at the age of seven, in wit- nessingthe process of dissection; and being allow- ed to attend the demonstrations of that gentleman, he made such progress, that when scarcely twelve years old, the superintendance of the an- atomical theatre was confided to him. He after- wards studied surgery, and was admitted master at Paris in 1700. He became, as it were, the oracle in his profession in that city, and his fame ex- tended throughout Europe. He was sent for to the kings of Poland and Spain, whom he restored to health they endeavoured to retain him near their persons by liberal offers, but he preferred his native place. He became a member of the Academy of Sciences; and was appointed Di- rector of the Academy of Surgery, and Censor and Royal Professor at the schools. He was like- wise chosen a Fellow of the Royal Society of London. He died in 1750. Many memoirs were communicated by him to the Freneh aca- demies. His only separate publication was a Treatise on the Diseases of the Bones, which passed through several editions, but involved him fn much controversy. Some posthumous works, relating to surgical diseases and operations, like- wise appeared under his name. Petra'pium. (From petra, a rock, and apium, parsley: so called because it grows in stony places.) See Bubon macedonicum. Petrel^e'um. (From r.trpa, a rock, and tyaiov, oil.) An oil or liquid bitumen which distils from rocks. PETRIFACTIONS. Stony matters deposit- ed either in the way of incrustation, or within the cavities of organized substances, are called petrifactions. Calcareous earth being universal- ly diffused and capable of solution in water, either alone or by the medium of carbonic acid or sulphu- ric acid, which are likewise very abundant, is deposited whenever the water or the acid becomes dissipated. In this way we have incrustations of limestone or of selenito in the form of stalactites 7% or dropstones from the roofs of caverns, and ia various other situations. The most remarkable observations relative to petrifactions are thus given by Kirwan : — I. That those of shells are found on, or near, the surface ofthe earth; those offish deeper; ami those of wood deepest. Shells in specie arc found in immense quantities at considerable depths. 2. That tho3e organic substances that resist putrefaction most, are frequently found petrified; such as shells, and the harder species of woods ; on the contrary, those that are aptest to putrefy arc rarely found petrified ; as fish, and the softer parts of animals, &c. 3. That they are most commonly found in strata of marie, chalk, limestone, or clay, seldom in sand- stone, still more rarely in gypsum ; but never in gneiss, granite, basaltes, or shorle ; but they sometimes occur among pyrites, and ores of iron, copper, and silver, and almost always consist of that species of earth, stone, or other mineral that surrounds them, sometimes of silex, agate, or car- nelion. 4. That they arc found in climates where their originals could not have existed. 5. That those found in slate or clay arc com- pressed and flattened. PETRO'LEUM. (From petra, a rock, anil oleum, oil.) The name of petroleum is given to a liquid bituminous substance which flows between rocks, or in different places at the surface of the earth. See Bitumen. Petroleum barbadense. Barbadoes tar. This 13 chiefly obtained from the island of Barba- does, and is sometimes employed externally in paralytic diseases. See Bitumen. Petroleum rubrum. Oleum gabianum. Red petroleum. A species of rock-oil of a black- ish red colour, of thicker consistence, with a less penetrating and more disagreeable smell than the other kinds of petroleum. It abounds about the village of Gabian in Languedoc. It is a species of bitumen. See Bitumen. Petroleum sulpiiuratum. A stimulating balsamic remedy given in coughs, asthmas, and other affections ol the chest. Petropharyng.e'us. A muscle which arises in the petrose portion of the temporal bone, and is inserted into the pharynx. Petro-salpingo staphilinus. See Leva- tor palati. PETROSELINUM. (From rrtrpa, a rock, and otXtvov, parsley.) See Apium petroselinum. Petroselinum macedonicum. See Bubon. Petroselinum vulgare. See Apium petru- PETRO'SILEX. Compact felspar. A species of coarse flint, of a deep blue or yellowish green colour. It is interspersed in veins through rocks; and from this circumstance derives its name. PEUCE'DANUM. (From vivk,,, the pine- tree : so called from its leaves resembling those of the pine-tree.) 1. The name of a genus of plants. Class Pentandria; Order, Digynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the hog's fen- nel. See Peucedanum offidnale. Peucedanum officinale. The systematic name ofthe hog's fennel. Marathrum sylvestre; Marathrophyilum; Pinastellum; Faniculum porcinum. The plant which bears these names in the pharmacopoeias is the Peucedanum .—foliis quinquepartitis, filiformibus linearibus, of Lin- naeus. The root is the officinal part; it has a strong foetid smell, somewhat resembling that of sulphureous solutions, and an acrid, unctuous, bitterish taste. Wounded when fresh, in the Pi IA PlIA •priug or autumn, particularly in the former sea- son, in which the root is most vigorous, it yields a considerable quantity of yelfow juice, which soon dries into a solid gummy resin, which retains the taste and strong suieli of the root. This, as well .is the root, is recommended us a nervine and anti- hysteric remedy. Pf.ucedanu.m silaus. The systematic name of tne meadow saxifrage. Suxtfraga vulgaris ; Saxifraga anglico ; Hippomarathrum; Fani- •■ulum erraticum. English, or meadow saxifrage. The roots, leaves, and seeds of this plant have been commended as aperients, diuretics, and car- minatives ; and appear, from their aromatic smell, and moderately warm, pungent, bitterish taste, to have some claim to these virtues. They are rarely used. PEWTER. A compound metal, the basis of which is tin. The best sort consists of tin alloyed with about a twentieth or less of copper or other metallic bodies, as the experience of the workmen has shown to be the most conducive to the im- provement of its hardness and colour, such as lead, zinc, bismuth, and antimony. There are three sorts of pewter, distinguished by the names of plate', trifle, and ley-pewter. The first was for- merly much used for plates and dishes ; of the se- cond are made the pints, quarts, and other mea- sures of beer ; and of the ley-pewter, wine mea- sures and large vessels. The best sort of pewter consists of 17 parts of antimony to 100 parts of tin; but the French add a tittle copper to this kind of pewter. A very fine silver-looking metal is composed of 100 pounds nf tin, eight of antimony, one of bismuth, and four of copper. On the contrary, the ley-pewter, by comparing its specific gravity with those of the mixtures of tin and lead, must contain more than a fifth part of its weight of lead. Pete'ri glandul.-k. Peyer's glands. The small glands situated under the villous coat ofthe intestines. PEZIZA. (Somewhat altered from the Greek -t^iKi), which is derived from irt^a, the sole of the foot. Pliny speaks of toe peziza, as the Gree.k appellation of such fungi, as grow without any stalk or apparent root.). The name of a genus of plants. Class, Cryptogamia; Order, Fungi. Peziza aukicul.-e. Auricula Juda ; Fun- gut tambucinus; Agaricus auricula forma. Jew's ears. A membranaceous fun-jus. Peziza— concava rugosa auriformis of Linunsus, which resembles the human tar. Its virtues are astrin- gent, and when employed (by some its internal use is not thought safe,) it is made into a decoc- tion, a.s a gargle for relaxed sore tliroats. PHAOIA. (ihiKta, a lentil.) A cutaneous spot or blemish, called by the Latins lentigo and lenti- cula. PHrEjNO'MEN'lN. (From tpaivu, to make appear.) An appearance which is contrary to the usual process of nature. •PHAGEDENA. (From a\ayi», to eat.) A species of ulcer that spreads very rapidly. PHAGEDENIC. (Phagedanicus; from tpayu, to eat.) 1. An ulceration which spreads very rapidly. 2. Applications that destroy fungous flesh. PiiaLacrotis. (From <■. .XaKpos, bald.) Bald- ness. Pha'lacrum. (From ipaXaKpos, bald.) A surgical instrument, with a blunt, smooth top ; as a probe. Phala'ngf.s. The plural of Phalanx. Phalangitis. (From ipaXay^, a row of sol- diers.) 1. An affection ol tbe eye-lids, where there are two or mere rews of hairs upon them. 9'> -. A morbid inversion of the eyelid.-. PHA'LANX. (Phalanx, gis. f. ; fromaAjXay;. a battalion.) The small bones ofthe fingers and toes, which are distinguished into the first, second, and third phalanx. PHA'LARIS. (From oiaXos, white, shining : so named from its white shining seed, supposed to be the tpaXapos, of Dioscorides.) The name of a genus of plants. Class Triandria; Order Digy- nia, Canary grass. I halaris canariensls. Canary grass. The seed of this plant is well known to be the common fool of canary-birds. In the Canary islands, the inhabitants grind it into meal, and make a coarse sort of bread with it. PHA'LLUS. (Named after the ipaXXos of the Greeks, to which it bears a striking resemblance.) The name of a genus, ofthe Order Fungi ; Class, Cryptogamia. Phallus esculentus. The systematic name of the morel fungus. It grows on moist banks and wet pastures, and springs rip in May. It is used in the same manner as the truffle, for gravies_and stewed dishes, but gives an inferior flavour. Phallus impudicus. The systematic name of the plant called Fungus phalloides, stink- horns. A fungus which is, at a distance, intole- rably foetid, so that it is oftener smelt than seen, being supposed to be some carrion, and therefore avoided : when near it has only the pungency of volatile alkali. It is applied to allay pain in the limbs. PHANTA'SMA. (From f^vta^u, to make appear.) Imagination. Pha'ricum. (From Pharos, the island from whence it was brought.) A violent kind of poi- son. PHARMACEUTIC. (Pharmaceutics; from ipappaKtvu, to exhibit medicines.) Belonging to pharmacy. See Pharmacy. PHARMACOCHY'MIA. (From tpappatov, a medicine, and %vpta, chemistry.) Pharmaceutic chemistry, or mat part of chemistry which re- spects the preparation of medicines. PHARMACOLITE. Native arseniate of time. PHARMACOPOEIA. (From tfiappaKov, a medicine, and rsottu, to make.) A dispensatory, or book of directions for the composition of medi- cines approved of by medical practitioners, or published by authority. The following are the most noted, viz. P. Amstelodamensis. P. Edinburgensit. P. Argentoratentis. P. Hafnientis. P. Augitoratensit. P. Londinends. P. Bateana. P. Norimbergensis. P. Brandenburgensis. P. Purisiensit. P. Brandenburgica. P. Ratisbonensis. P. Bruxellensit. P. Regia. PHARMACOPO'LA. (From tpappaKov, a me- dicine, and rsuXtu, to sell.) An apothecary, or vender of medicines. PHARMAOOPO'LIUM. (From ipappamv, a medicine, and rsuXtu, to sell.) A druggist's or apothecary's shop. Pharmacopo'sia. (From ipappaKov, a medi- cine, and rsoots, a potion.) A liquid medicine. PHARMACOTHE'CA. (From tpappoKov, a medicine, and nOnpi, to place.) A medicine-chest. PHARM AC Y. [Phurmacia; from tpappaKov, a medicine.) The art of preparing remedies for the treatment of diseases. The articles of the Materia Medica, being gene- rally unfit for administration in their original state, are subjected to various operations, mechanical or chemical, by which they become adapted to this purpose. Herein consists the practice of phar- macv, which therefore requires a previous know- PHI. PHI ledge of the sensible and chemical properties of the substances operated on. The qualities of many bodies are materially changed by heat, especially in conjunction with air and other chemical agents ; the virtues of others reside chiefly in certain parts, which may be separated by the action of various menstrua, particularly with the assistance of heat; and the joint operation of remedies on the hitman body is often very different from what would be anticipated, from that which they exert separate- ly ; hence, in the preparations and compositions of the Pharmacopoeias, we are furnished with many powerful as well as elegant forms of medi- cine. PHARYNGE'THRON. ^apvyhOpov. The pharynx, or fauces. PHARYNGE'US. (From fapvyk', the pha- rynx.) Belonging to or affecting the pharynx; thus cynanche pharyngea, &c. Phartngjstaphili'nus. A muscle origina- ting in the pharynx, and terminating in the uvula. PHARYNGOTO'MIA. (From tpapvyZ, the pharynx, and rtpvu, to cut.) The operation of Cutting the pharynx. PHA'RYNX. (Awo rov q>tpu, because it con- veys the food into the stomach.) The muscular bag at the back part of the mouth. It is shaped Uke a funnel, adheres to the fauces behind the la- rynx, and terminates in the oesophagus. Its use is to receive the masticated food, and to convey it into the oesophagus. PHASE'OLUS. (From tpaor,Xos, a little ship, or gaUiot, which its pods were supposed to resem- ble.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Diadelphia; Order, Decandria. Phaseolus creticus. A decoction of the leaves of this plant, called by the Americans Cajan and Cayan, is said to restrain the bleeding from piles when excessive.—Ray. Phaseolus vulgaris. The systematic name of the kidney-bean. This is often called the French bean: when young and well boiled it is easy of digestion, and delicately flavoured. They are less tiablc to produce flatulency than peas. Phasga'nium. (From tpogyavov, a knife: so called because its leaves are shaped Uke a knife, or sword.) The herb sword-grass. PHASIANUS. 1. The name of a genus of birds, ofthe order Gallina. 2. The pheasant. Phasianus colchicus. The common pheas- ant. Phasianus gallus. The common or wild cock. Pha'tnium. ^From tparvij, a stall.) The socket of a tooth. PHELLA'NDRIUM. (From tptXXos, the cork- tree, and av&pios, male: so called because it floats upon the water like cork.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. Phellandrium aquaticum. The system- atic name of the water-fennel, or fine-leaved water hemlock. Faniculum aquaticum; Cicu- taria aquatica. The plant which bears this name in the pharmacopoeias is the Phtllandrium— foliorum ramificationibus divaricatis, of Lin- naeus. It possesses vertiginous and poisonous qualities, which are best counteracted by acids, after clearing the prima? viae. The seeds are re- commended by some, in conjunction with Peru- vian barken the cure of pulmonary phthisis. Phe'mos. (From, to shut up.) A me- dicine against a dysentery. PHILADE'LPHUS. (From iptXtu, to love, and a&tXdioi, a brother : so called because, by its 100 roughness, it attaches itself to whatever is near it.) See Galium aparine. PHILANTHRO'PUS. (From tptXtu, to love, and avOpurtos, a man : so called from its uses.) 1, A medicine which relieves the pain of the stone. 2. The herb goose-grass, because it sticks to the garments of those who touch it. See Galium aparine. PHILO'NIUM. (From Philo, its inventor.) A warm opiate. Philonium londinense. An old name of the Confectio opii. PHI'LTRUM. (FromtpiXtu, to love.) LA philtre, or imaginary medicine, to excite love. 2. The depression on the upper lip, where lovers salute. PHILLY'RIA. (niXXupia of Dioscorides, sup- posed to be so called from Phillyria, the mother of Chiron, who first applied it medicinally.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Diandria; Order, Monogynia. Mock privet. PHIMO'SIS. (From tpipu, to bind up.) A constriction or straightness of the extremity of the prepuce, which, preventing tbe glans from being uncovered, is often the occasion of many troublesome complaints. It may arise from differ- ent causes, both in children and grown persons. Children have naturally the prepuce very long; and as it exceeds the extremity of the glans, and is not liable to be distended, it is apt to contract its orifice. This often occasions a lodgment of a small quantity of urine between that and the glans, which, if it grows corrosive, may irritate the parti so as to produce an inflammation. In this case, the extremity of the prepuce becomes more con- tracted, and consequently the urine more confined. Hence the whole inside of the prepuce exco- riates and suppurates; tbe end of it grows thick and swells, and in some months becomes callous. At other times it does not grow thick, but be- comes so strait and contracted as hardly to allow the introduction of a probe. The only way to re- move this disorder is by an operation. A phimo- sis may affect grown persons from the same cause as little children; though there are some grown Iiersons who cannot uncover their glans, or at east not without pain, and yet have not the extre- mity of the prepuce so contracted as to confine the urine from passing, we notwithstanding find them sometimes troubled with a phimosis, which might be suspected to arise from a venereal taint, but has, in reality, a much more innocent cause. There are, we know, sebaceous glands, situated in the prepuce, round the corona, which secrete an unctuous humour, which sometimes becomes acrimonious, irritates the skin that covers the glans, and the irritation extending to the internal membrane of the prepuce, they both become in- flamed, and yield a purulent serum, which can- not be discharged, because the glans is swelled, and the orifice of the prepuce contracted. We find also some grown persons,' who, though they never uncovered the glans, have been subject to phimosis from a venereal cause. In some, it is owing to gonorrhoea, where the matter lodged be- tween the prepuce and tbe glans occasioned the same excoriation as the discharge before mention- ed from the sebaceous glands. In others, it pro- ceeds from venereal chancres on the prepuce, the glans, or the fraenum ; which producing an in- flammation either on the prepuce orglans, or both, the extremity of the fore-skin contracts, and prevents the discharge of the matter. The parts, in a very little time, are greatly tumefied, anil sometimes a gangrene comes on in less than tv i days. PHI. PHLEBORRHA'GIA. (From fXty, a vein, amd pr,ywpt, to break out.) A rupture of a vein. PHLfc BO'f OMY. (Phlebotomia; from tf,Xc+, a vein, and rtpvu, to cut.) The opening of a vein. , PHLEGM. (Phlegma, atis. n.; from tpXtyu, to burn, or to excite.) In chemistry it means water from distillation, but, in the common ac- ceptation of the word, it is a thick and tenacious mucus secreted in the lungs. Phlegmago'ga. (From ^Xtypa, phlegm, and aya, to drive out.) Medicines which promote the discharge of phlegm. PHLEGMASIA. (From e>XtyXvKTaivai, small blad- ders.^ Phlyctis; Phlysis. A small pellucid vesicle, that contains a serous fluid. PHLYSIS. (From ipXv$u, to burn.) The name of a genus of diseases in Good's Nosology. Class, Hamatica; Order, Phlogotica. It has only one species, Phlysis paronychia. Whit- low. PHLYZA'CIUM. (From tpXvfa, to be hot.) A pustule on the skin, excited by fire, or heat. See Pustule. PHCENIGMUS. (From e>oiw|, red.) LA redness ofthe skin, such as is produced by stimu- lating substances. 2. That which reddens the skin when appUed to it. PHCE'NTX. (otvt$ of the ancient Greeks, the date palm-tree ; from which, as a primitive word, Phanicia, the land of palm-trees, seems to have derived its name, as likewise the red colour phoe- niceus.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Diaeia; Order, Triandria. The diite palm- tree. Phoxnix dactilifera. The systematic name ofthe dale-tree. Phanix—fron'dibutpinnatis; foliolis ensiformibus complicatis, of Linnaeus. The fruit is called dactylus or date. Dates are oblong. Before they are ripe, they are rather rough and astringent; but when perfectly ma- tured, they are much of the nature of the fig. Sec Fieus carica. Senegal dates are much esteemed, they having a more sugary, agreeable flavour than those of iEgypt and other places. PHONIC A. (Phonicus; from oWj;, the voice.) The name of the first order of the class Pneumatica, in Good's Nosology. Diseases af- fecting the vocal avenues. It has six genera, viz PHO PHO i oryza; Polypus; Rhonchus; Aphonia; Dys- phonia; Ptetlitmut. PHOSGENE GAS. (Phosgene: so called by its discoverer, Doctor John Davy, from its mode of production.) C hloro-carbonaceous acid, a combination of carbonic oxide and chlorine, made by exposing a mixture of equal volumes of chlorine, and carbonic oxide, to the action of light. It has a peculiar pungent odour, is soluble in water, and is resolved into carbonic and muriatic acid gases. PHOSPHATE. (Phosphas; from photpho- rut.) A salt formed by the union of phosphoric acid with salifiable bases ; thus, phosphate of am- monia, phosphate of lime, &c. PHOSPHATIC ACID. Acidum phosphati- cum. " This acid is obtained by the slow com- bustion of cylinders of phosphorus in the air. For which purpose it is necessary that the air be re- newed to support the combustion ; that it be hu- mid, otherwise the dry coat of phosphatic acid would screen the phosphorus from farther action ol" the oxygen ; and that the different cylinders of phosphorus be insulated, to prevent the heat from becoming too high, which would melt or inflame them, so as to produce phosphoric acid. The acid, as it is formed, must be coUected in a ves- sel, so as to lose as little of it as possible. All tiiese conditions may be thus fulfilled : We take a parcel of glass tubes, which are drawn out to a point at one end ; we introduce into each a cylin- der of phosphorus a little shorter than the tube ; we dispose of these tubes along-side of one an- other, to the amount of 30 or 40, in a glass funnel, the beak of which passes into a bottle placed on a plate, covered with water. We then cover the bottle and its funnel, with a large beU-glass, hav- ing a small hole iu its top, and another in its side. A film of phosphorus first evaporates, then Combines with the oxygen and the water ofthe air, giving birth to phosphatic acid, which collects in small drops at the end of the glass tubes, and falls through the funnel into the bottle. A little phos- phatic acid is also found on the sides of the bell- glass, and in the water ofthe plate. The process is a very slow one. The phosphatic acid thus collected is very dilute. We reduce it to a viscid consistence, by heating it gently ; and better still, by putting it, at the ordinary temperature, into a capsule over another capsule full of concentrated sulphuric acid, under the receiver of an air-pump, from which we ex- haust the air. The acid thus formed is a viscid liquid, without colour, having a faint smell of phosphorus, a strong taste, reddening strongly the tincture of lit- mus, and denser than water in a proportion not well determined. Every thing leads to the belief thiit this acid would be solid, could we deprive it of water. When it is heated in a retort, phosphu- retted hydrogen gas is evolved, and phosphoric acid remains. The oxygen and hydro£en of the water concur to this transformation. Phosphatic acid has no action, either on oxygen gas, or on the atmospheric air at ordinary temperatures. In combining with water, a slight degree of heat is occasioned. The phosphatic acid in its action on the salifiable bases is transformed into phos- phorous and phosphoric acids, whence proceed phosphites anil phosphates.^' PHOSPHITE. Photphis. A salt formed by the combination of phosphorous acid with salifiable bases ; thus, ammoniacal phosphite, &c. Phosphorated hydrogen. See Photphorut. PHOSPHORESCENCE. The luminous ap- pearance which is 'riven off bv phosphorescent bodie- PHOSPHORIC ACID. Addum phosphori- cum. " The base of this acid, or the acid itself, abounds in the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms. In the mineral kingdom it is found in combination with lead, in the green lead ore ; with iron, in the bog ores which afford cold short iron ; and more especially with calcareous earth in several kinds of stone. Whole mountains in the province of Estremadura iu Spr-iu are com- posed of this combination of phosphoric acid and lime. Bowles affirms, that the stone is whitish and tasteless, and affords a blue flame without smell when thrown upon burning coals. Prout describes it as a dense stone, not hard enough to strike fire with steel ; and says that it is found in strata, which always lie horizontally upon quartz, and which are intersected with veins of quartz. When thjs stone is scattered upon burning coals, it does not decrepitate, but burns with a beautiful green light, which lasts a considerable time. It melts into a white enamel by the blowpipe ; is soluble with heat, and some effervescence in the nitric acid, and forms sulphate of lime with the sulphuric acid, while the phosphoric acid is set at liberty in the fluid. The vegetable kingdom abounds with phospho- rus, or its acid. It is principally found in plants that grow in marshy places, in turf, and several species of the white woods. Various seeds, po- tatoes, agaric, soot, and charcoal, afford phospho- ric acid, by abstracting the nitric acid from them, and lixiviating the residue. The lixivium contains the phosphoric acid, which may either be satu- rated with lime by the addition of lime water, in which case it forms a solid compound ; or it may be tried by examination of its leading properties by other chemical methods. In the animal kingdom it is found in almost every part of the bodies of animals which arc not considerably volatile. There is not, in all probability, any part of these organized beings which is free from it. It has been obtained from blood, flesh, both of land and water animals; from cheese ; aud it' exists in large quantities in bones, combined with calcareous earth. Urine contains it, not only in a disengaged state, but also combined with ammonia, soda, and lime. It was by the evaporation and distillation of this excrementitious fluid with charcoal that phospho- rus was first made; the charcoal decomposing the disengaged acid and the ammoniacal salt. But it is more cheaply obtained by the process of Scheele, from bones, by the appUcation of au acid to their earthy residue after calcination. In this process the sulphuric acid appears to be the most convenient, because it forms a nearly insoluble compound with the Ume of the bones. Bones of beef, mutton, or veal, being calcined to whiteness in an open fire, lose almost half of their weight. This must be pounded, and sifted ; or the trouble may be spared by buying the pow- der that is sold to make cupels for the assayers, and is, in fact, the powder of burned bones ready sifted. To three pounds of the powder there may be added about two pounds of concentrated sulphuric acid. Four or five pounds of water- must be afterwards added to assist the action of the acid ; and during the whole process the ope- rator must remember to place himself and his vessels so that the fumes may be blown from him. The whole may be then left on a gentle sand bath for twelve hours or more, taking care to supply the loss of water which happens by evaporation. The next day a large quantity of water must be added, the whole strained through a sieve, and the residual matter, which is sulphate of lime, i uisf !),• edulcorated by repeated affusions of hot PHO PHO Water, till it passes tasteless. The waters con- tain phosphoric acid nearly free from lime; and by evaporation, first in glazed earthen, and then in glass vessels, or rather in vessels of platina or silver, for the hot acid acts upon glass, afford the acid in a concentrated state, which, by the force of a strong heat in a crucible, may be made to acquire the form of a transparent consistent glass, though indeed it is usually of a milky, opaque ap- pearance. For making phosphorus, it is not necessary to evaporate the water further than to bring it to the consistence of syrup ; and the small portion of lime it contains is not an impediment worth the trouble of removing, as it affects the produce very little. But when the acid is required in a purer state, it is proper to add a quantity of car- bonate of ammonia, which, by double elective attraction, precipitates the lime that was held in solution by the phosphoric acid. The fluid, being then evaporated, affords a crystallised ammonia- cal salt, which may be melted in a silver vessel, as the acid acts upon glass or earthen vessels. The ammonia is driven off by the heat, and the acid acquires the form of a compact glass as transparent as rock-crystal, acid to the taste, so- luble in water, and deliquescent in the air. This acid is commonly pure, but nevertheless may contain a small quantity of soda, originally existing in the bones, and not capable of being taken away by this process, ingenious as it is. The only unequivocal method of obtaining a pure acid appears to consist in first converting it into phosphorus by distillation of the materials with charcoal, and then converting.it again into acid by rapid combustion, at a high temperature, either iu oxygen or atmospheric air, or some other equi- valent process. Phosphorus may also be converted into the acid state by treating it with nitric acid. In this operation, a tubulated retort with a ground stop- per, must be half filled with nitric acid, and a gentle heat applied. A small piece of phosphorus being then introduced through the tnbe, will be dissolved with effervescence, produced by the escape of a large quantity of nitric oxide. The addition of phosphorus must be continued until the last piece remains undissolved. The fire being then raised to drive over the remainder of the ni- tric acid, the phosphoric acid will be found in the retort, partly in the concrete and partly in the liquid form. Sulphuric acid produces nearly the same effect as the nitric ; a large quantity of sulphurous acid flying off. But as it requires a stronger heat to drive off the last portions of this acid, it is not so well adapted to the purpose. The liquid chlorine likewise acidifies it. When phosphorus is burned by a strong heat, sufficient to cause it to flame rapidly, it is almost perfectly converted into dry acid, some of which is thrown up by the force of the combustion, and the rest remains upon the supporter. This substance has also been acidified by the direct application of oxygen gas passed through hot water, in which the phosphorus was liquefied or fused. The general characters of phosphoric acid are: I. It is soluble in water in all proportions, pro- ducing a specific gravity, which increases as the quantity of acid is greater, but does not exceed 2.687, whicli is that of the glacial acid 2. It produces heat when mixed with water, though not very considerable. 3. It has no smell when pure, and its t ,ste is sour, but not corrosive. 4. When perfectly dry, it sublimes in close vessels ; but loses this property bv the addition of water; in which circumstance it greatly differs from thr boracic acid, which is fixed when dry, but rises by the help of water. 5. When considerably diluted with water, and evaporated, the aqueous vapour carries up a small portion of the acid. 6. With charcoal or inflammable matter, in ;i strong heat, it loses its oxygen, and becomes con- verted into phosphorus. Phosphoric acid is difficult of crystallising. Though the phosphoric acid is scarcely corro- sive, yet, when concentrated, it acts upon oils, which it discolours, and at length blackens, pro- ducing heat, and a strong smell like that of rethi r and oil of turpentine ; but does not form a true acid soap. It has most effect on essential oils, less on drying oils, and least of all on fat oils. Spirit of wine and phosphoric acid have a weak action on each other. Some heat is excited by this mixture, and the product which comes over in distillation of the mixture is strongly acid, of a pungent arsenical smell, inflammable with smoke, miscible in all proportions with water, precipitating silver and mercury from their solu- tions, but not gold ; and although not an a?ther, yet it seems to be an approximation to that kind of combination. Phosphoric acid, united with barytes, produces an insoluble salt, in the form of a heavy white powder, fusible at a high temperature into a gray enamel. The best mode of preparing it is by adding an alkaline phosphate to the nitrate or muriate of barytes, The phosphate of strontian differs from the preceding in being soluble in an excess of its acid. Phosphate of lime is very r.bundant in the na- tive state. The phosphate of lime is very difficult to fuse, but in a glasshouse furnace it softens, and acquires the semi-transparency and grain of porcelain. It is insoluble in water, but when well calcined, forms a kind of paste with it, as in making cu- pels. Besides this use of it, it is employed for polishing gems and metals, for absorbing grease from cloth, linen, or paper, and for preparing phosphorus. In medicine it has been strongly recommended against the rickets by Dr. Bon- homme of Avignon, either alone or combined with phosphate of soda. The burnt hartshorn of the shops is a phosphate of lime. An acidulous phosphate of lime is found in human urine, and may be crystallised in small silky filaments, or shining scales, which unite together into something like the consistence of honey, and have a perceptibly acid taste. It may be prepared by partially decomposing the calca- reous phosphate of bones by the sulphuric, nitric, or muriatic acid, or by dissolving that phosphate in phosphoric acid. It is soluble in water, and crystallisable. Exposed to the action of heat, it softens, liquefies, swells up, becomes dry, and may be fused into a transparent glass, which is insipid, insoluble, and unalterable in the air. In these characters it differs from the glacial acid of phosphorus. It is partly decomposable by char- coal, so as to afford phosphorus. The phosphate of potassa is very deliquescent, and not crystallisable, but condensing into aJiind of jelly. Like the preceding species, it first un- dergoes the aqueous fusion, swells, dries, and may he fused into a glass ; but this glass deliquesces. It has a sweetish saline taste. The phosphate of soda was first discovered combir.ed with ammonia in urine, by Schockwitz, and was called fusible or microcosmic salt. Mar- graff obtained it alone by lixiviating the residuum left after preparing phosphorus from this triple PHO PHO rait and charcoal. Haupt, who firstdiscrimiuated the two, wave the phosphate of soda the name of sal miraUle perlatum. Rouelle very properly announced it to be a compound of soda and phos- phoric acid. Bergman considered it, or rather the acidulous phosphate, as a peculiar acid, and gave it the name of perlate add. Guyton-Mor- veau did the same, but distinguished it by the name of ouretic : at length Klaproth ascertained its real nature to be as Rouelle had affirmed. This phosphate is now commonly prepared by adding to the acidulous phosphate of lime as raucn carbonate of soda in solution as will fully saturate the acid. The carbonate of lime which precipi- tates, being separated by filtration, the liquid is duly evaporated so as to crystallise the phosphate of soda ; but if there be not a slight excess of alka- li, the crystals will not be large and regular. Funcke ol Linz recommends, as a more economi- cal and expeditious mode, to saturate the excess of lime in calcined bones by dilute sulphuric acid, and dissolve the phosphate of lime that remains in nitric acid. To this solution he adds an equal quantity of sulphate of soda, and recovers the ni- tric acid by distillation. He then separates the phosphate of soda from the sulphate of lime by elutriation and crystallisation, as usual. The crystals are rhomboidal prisms of different shapes ; efflorescent; soluble in 3 parts of cold and 1J of hot water. They are capable of being fused into an opaque white glass, which may be again dis- solved and crystallised. It may be converted into an acidulous phosphate by an addition of acid, or by either of the strong acids, which partially, but not wholly, decompose it. As its taste is sim- ply saline, without any thing disagreeable, it is much used as a purgative, chiefly-1 in broth, in which it is not distinguishable from common salt. For this elegant addition to our pharmaceutical preparations, we are indebted to Dr. Pearson. In assays with the blow-pipe it is of great uttiity; and it has been used instead of borax for soldering. The phosphate of ammonia crystallises in prisms, with four regular sides, terminating in py- ramids, and sometimes in bundles of small nee- dles, its taste is cool, saline, pungent, and urinous. On the fire it comports itself Uke the preceding species, except that the whole of its base may be driven off by a continuance of the heat, leaving only the acid behind. It is but little more soluble in hot water than in cold, which takes up a fourth of its weight. It is pretty abundant in human urine, particularly after it is become putrid. It is an excellent flux both for assays and the blow-pipe, and in the fabrication of coloured glass and artifi- cial gems. Phosphate of magnesia crystallises in irregular hcxahedral prisms, obliquely truncated; but is commonly pulverulent, as it effloresces very quick- ly. It requires fifty parts of water to dissolve it. Its taste is cool and sweetish. This salt too is found in urine. An ammoniaco-magnesian phosphate has been discovered in an intestinal calculus of a horse by Fourcroy, and since by Bartholdi, and likewise by the former in some human urinary calculi. The phosphate, of glucine has been examined by Vauquelin, who informs us, that it is a white powder, or mucilaginous mass, without any per- ceptible taste ; fusible, but not decomposable by heat; unalterable in the air, and insoluble unless in an excess of its acid. It has been observed, that the phosphoric acid, aided by heat, acts upon silex ; and we may add, that it enters into many artificial gems in the state of a siUceous phosphate."— Ure's Chemical Dictionary. PHOSPHORITE. A subspecies of apatite, 1. Common phosphoiite. This is of a yellowish white colour, when rubbed in an iron mortar, or thrown on redhot coals. It emits a green-colour- ed phosphoric light. It is found in Estremadura in Spain. 2. Earthy phosphorite. Of a grayish white colour, and consists of dull dusty particles, which phosphoresce on glowing coals. It is found in Hungary. PHOSPHOROUS ACID. Acidum phosphoro- sum. " This acid was discovered in 1812 by Sir H. Davy. When phosphorus and corrosive subli- mate act on each other at an elevated temperature, a liquid called protochloride of phosphorus is formed. Water added to this, resolves it into muriatic and phosphorous acids. A moderate heat suffices to expel the former, and the latter remains associated with water. It has a very sour taste, reddens vegetable blues, and neutralises bases. When heated strongly in open vessels, it inflames". Phosphuretted hydrogen flies off, and phosphoric acid remains Ten parts of it heated in close vessels give off one-half of bihydroguret of phos- phorus, and leave 8£ of phosphoric acid. Hence the Uquid acid consists of 80.7 acid -L-19.S water. Its | rime equivalent is 2.5." PHOSPHORUS. (From tpus, light, and o>«pu, to carry.) Autophosphorus. A simple substance which nas never been found pure in nature. It is always met with united to oxygen, or in the state of phosphoric acid. In that state it exists very plentifully, and is united to different animal, vege- table, and mineral substances. " If phosphoric acid be mixed with 1-5 of its weight of powdered charcoal, and the mixture distiUed at a moderate red heat, in a coated earthen retort, whose beak is partially immersed in a basin of water, drops of a waxy-looking substance will pass over, and, falling into the water, will con- crete into the solid called phosphorus. It must be purified, by straining it through a piece of cha- mois leather, under warm water. It is yeUow and semitransparent. It is as soft as wax, but fully more cohesive and ductile. Its sp. gr. is 1. 77. It melts at 90° F. and boils at 550°. In the atmosphere, at common temperatures, it emits a white smoke, which, in the dark, appears luminous. This smoke is acidulous, and results from the slow oxygenation of the phosphorus. In air perfectly dry, nowever, phosphorus does not smoke, because the acid which is formed is solid, and, closely incasing the combustible, screens it from the atmospherical oxygen. When phosphorus is heated in the air to about 148°, it takes fire, and burns with a splendid white light, and a copious ..ense smoke. If the combus- tion take place within a large glass receiver, the smoke becomes condensed into snowy looking particles, which fall in a successive shower, coat- ing the bottom plate with a spongy white efflo- rescence of phosphoric add. This acid snow soon liquefies by the absorption of aqueous vapour from the air. When phosphorus is inflamed in oxygen, the light and heat are incomparably more intense; the former dazzling the eye, and the latter crack- ing the glass vessel. Solid phosphoric acid re- sults ; consisting of 1.5 phosphorus + 2.0 oxygen. When phosphorus is heated in highly rarefied air, three products are formed from it: one is phosphoric acid, one is a volatile white powder; and the third is a red solid of comparative fixity, requiring a heat above that of boiling water lor its fusion. The volatile substance is soluble in water, imparting acid properties to it. It seems to be phosphorous acid. The red substance is probably PHO PHO an oxide of phosphorus, since for its conversion into phosphoric acid it requires less oxygen than phosphorus does. See Phosphoric, Phosphorous, and Hypaphosphorous Acids. Phosphorous and chlorine combine with great facility, when brought in contact with each other at common temperatures. 1. When chlorine is introduced into a retort ex- hausted of air, and containing phosphorus, the phosphorus takes fire, and burns with a pale flame, throwing off sparks; while a white sub- stance rises and condenses on the sides of the ves- sel. If the chlorine be in considerable quantity, as much as 12 cubic inches to a grain of phosphorus, the latter will entirely disappear, and nothing but the white powder will be formed, into which about 9 cubic inches of the chlorine will be condensed. No new gaseous matter is produced. The powder is a compound ot phosphorus and chlorine, first described as a peculiar body by Sir H. Davy in 1810; and various analytical and syn- thetical experiments which he made with it, prove that it consists of about 1 phosphorus, and 6.8 chlorine in weight. It is the bichloride of phos- phorus. Its properties are very peculiar. It is snow- white, extremely volatile, rising in a gaseous form at a temperature much below that ot boUing wa- ter. Under pneumatic pressure it may be fused, and then it crystallises in transparent prisms. It acts violently on water, decomposing it, whence result phosphoric and muriatic acids ; the former from the combination of the phosphorus with the oxygen, and the latter from that of tbe chlorine with the hydrogen of the water. It produces flame when exposed to a lighted taper. If it be transmitted through an ignited glass tube, along with oxygen, it is decomposed, and phos- phoric acid and chlorine are obtained. The su- perior fixity of the acid above the chloride, seems to give that ascendancy of attraction to the oxygen here, which the chlorine possesses in most other cases. Dry litmus paper exposed to its vapour in a vessel exhausted of air, is red- dened. When introduced into a vessel containing ammonia, a combination takes place, accompanied with much heat, and there results a compound, insoluble in water, undecoraposable by acid or alkaline solutions, and possessing characters ana- logous to earths. 2. The protochlori.de of phosphorus was fir.«t obtained in a pure state, by Sir H. Davy in the year 1809. If phosphorus be sublimed through corrosive sublimate, in powder in a glass tube, a limpid fluid comes over as clear as water, and having a specific gravity of 1.45. It emits acid fumes when exposed to the air, by decomposing the aqueous. vapour. If paper imbued with it be exposed to the air, it becomes acid without in- flammation. It does not redden dry litmus paper plunged into it. Its vapour burns in the flame of a candle. When mixed with water, and heated, muriatic acid flies off, and phosphorous acid re- mains. If it be introduced into a vessel contain- ing chlorine, it is converted into the bichloride ; and if made to act upon ammonia, phosphorus is produced, and the same earthy-like compound results as that formed by the bichloride ami am- monia. The compounds of iodine and phosphorus have been examined by Sir II. Davy and Gay Lussac. . Phosphorus unites to iodine with the disen- gagement of heat, but no light, One part of phosphorus and eight of iodine form a compound of a red orange-brown colour, fusible at about 212°, and volatile at a higher temperature. One part of phosphorus and 16 of iodine pro- duce a crystalline matter of a grayish black colour, fusible at 84°. One part of phosphorus, and 24 of iodine, pro- duce a black substance partially fusible at llj°. Phosphuretted hydrogen. Of this compound there are two varieties ; one consisting of a primi of each constituent, and therefore to be caUed phosphuretted hydrogen ; another, in which the relation of phosphorus is one-half less, to be call- ed therefore subphosphuretted hydrogen. 1. Phosphuretted hydrogen. Into a small re- tort filled with milk of time, or potassa water, let some fragments of phosphorus be introduced, and let the heat of an Argand flame be applied to the bottom of the retort, while its beak is immersed in tbe water of a pneumatic trough. Bubbles of gas will come over, which explode spontaneously with contact of air. It may also be procured by the action of dilute muriatic acid on phosphuret of lime. In order to obtain tlie gas pure, how-1 ever, we must receive it over mercury. Its smell is very disagreeable. Its sp. grav. is 0.9022. 100 cubic inches weigh 27.5 gr. In oxygen, it in- flames with a brilliant white light. In common air, when the gaseous bubble bursts the film of water, and explodes, there rises up a ring of white smoke, luminous in the dark. Water absorbs about l-40th of its bulk of this gas, and acquires a yellow colour, a bitter taste, and the character- istic smell of the gas. When brought in contact with chlorine it detonates with a brilliant green light; but the products have never been particu- larly examined. 2. Subphosphuretted hydrogen. It was discover- ed by Sir H. Davy in 1812. When the crystal- line hydrate of phosphorous acid is heated in a retort out of the contact of air, solid phosphoric acid is formed, and a large quantity of subphos- phuretted hydrogen is evolved. Its smell is loetid, but not so disagreeably so as that of the preced- ing gas. It does not spontaneously explode like it with oxygen; but at a temperature of 300° a violent detonation takes place. In chlorine it ex- plodes with a white flame. Water absorbs one- eighth of its volume of this gas. It is probable that phosplniretted hydrogen go* sometimes contains the subphosphuret and com- mon hydrogen mixed with it. ' There is not, perhaps,' says Sir H. Davy, ' in the whole series of chemical phenomena, a more bcautilul illustration of tbe theory of definite pro- portions, than that ottered in the decomposition of hydrophosphorous acid into phosphoric acid, and hydrophosphoric gas. ' Four proportions of the acid contain four pro- portions of phosphorous and four of oxygen ; two proportions of water contain four proportions of hydrogen and two of oxygen (all by volume.) The six proportions of oxygen unite to three propor- tions of phosphorus to form three of phosphoric acid, and the four proportions of hydrogen com- bine with one of phosphorus to form one propor- tion of hydrophosphoric gas (that is subphosphu- retted hydrogen;) and there are no other prc- ducts.'—Elements, p. 297. Phosphorus and sulphur are capable of combin- ing, 'i hey may be united by melting them to- gether in a tube exhausted of air, or under wuter. In this last case, they must be used in small quan- tities ; as, al the moment of their action, water is decomposed, sometimes with explosions. They unite in many proportions. The most fusible com- pound is that fif oiip ;ind a half of sulphur to two <•' PHO PHR phosphorus. This remains liquid at 40J Fahren- heit. When solid, its colour is yellowish-white. It is more combustible than phosphorus, and dis- tils undeconipounded at a strong heat. Had it consisted of 2 sulphur—3 phosphorus, wc should have had a definite compound of 1 prime of the first—2 ofthe second constituent. This propor- tion forms the best composition for phosphoric lire-matches or bottles. A particle of it attached to a brimstone match, inflames when gently rub- bed against a surface of cork or wood. An ox- ide made by heating phosphorus in a narrow- mouthed phial with an ignited wire, answers the same purpose. The phial must be kept closely corked, otherwise phosphorous acid is speedily formcd. Phosphorus is soluble in oils, and communi- cates to them the property of appearing luminous in the dark. Alkohol and rcther also dissolve it, but more sparingly." The earliest account we have concerning the medicinal use of phosphorus, is in the seventh volume of Haller's Collection of Theses, relating to the history and cure of diseases. The original dissertation is entitled, De Phosphori Loco Me- dicament! adsumplimrtute medica, aliquot cari- bus singul aribus confirmata, Auctore J. Gobi Menlz. There are three cases of singular cures performed by means of phosphorus, narrated in this thesis ; the history of these cases and cures was sent to Dr. Gabi Mentz, by his father. The first instance is of a man who laboured un- der a putrid fever. The second, is that of a man who laboured tinder a bilious fever. The third case is entitled a malignant ca- tarrhal fever, with petechia?. The dangerous consequences which are Ukely to follow the injudicious administration of phos- phorus cannot be impressed on the mind more strongly than by reading the cases and experi- ments which are mentioned by Weickard, in the fourth part of his miscellaneous writings, (Ver- mischte Medicinche Schrifften, von M. A. Wcickiird \ PHOSPHURET. (Phosphuretum, from phosphorus.) A combination of phosphorus, with a combustible or metallic oxide. Phosphuretted hydrogen. See Phosphorus. PHOSPHURETUM. See Phosphuret. PHOTICITE. A mixture ofthe silicate, and carbo-silicate of manganese. PHOTOPHO'BIA. (From s, light, and tbo6tu, to dread.) Such an intolerance of light, that the eye, or rather the retina, can scarcely bear its irritating rays. Such patients generaUy wink, or close their eyes in light, which they cannot bear without exquisite pain, or confused vision. The proximate cause is too great a sensibility in the n tiua. The species are, 1. Photophobia inflammatoria, or dread of light from an inflammatory cause, which is a par- ticular symptom of the internal ophthalmia. 2. Pholerphobia, from the disuse of light, which happens to persons long confined in dark places or prisons ; on the coming out of which into light the pupil contracts, and the persons cannot bear light. The depression of the cataract occasions this symptom, which appears as though fire and lightning entered the eye, not being able to bear the strong rays of light. 3. Photophobia nervea, or a nervous photopho- bia, which arises from an increased sensibility of the nervous expansion, and optic nerve. It is a symptom of the hydrophobia, and many disordei s, both acute and nervous. I. Photophobia, from too great light, as look- ing ai the sun, or at the strong light ol modern lamps. PHOTO'PSIA. (From ;»)i; the mind, or intellect.) The name of the first order of diseases of the class Neurotica, in Good's No- sology. Diseases affecting the intellect. Its genera are, Ecphoronia ; Empathema; Alusia; Aphlexia; Paroniria; Moria. PHRENTTIS. (Phrenitis, idis. f. Qptvirt* ; from tpprjv, the mind.) Phrenesis; Phrenetiasis; Phrenismus; Cephalitis; Sphacelismus; Ce- phalalgia inflammatoria. By the Arabians, karabitus. Phrenzy or inflammation of the brain. A genus of disease in the Class Pyrexia, and Order Phlegmasia, of Cullen; characterised by strong fever, violent headache, redness of the face and eyes, impatience of light and noise, watchfulness, and furious delirium. It is symp- tomatic of several diseases, as worms, hydropho- bia, &c. Phrenitis often makes its attacks with a sense of fulness in the head, flushing ofthe counte- nance, and redness of the eyes, the pulse being full, but in other respects natural. As these symptoms increase, the patient becomes restless, his sleep is disturbed, or wholly forsakes him. It sometimes comes on, as in the epidemic, of which Saalman gives an account, with pain, or a peculiar sense of uneasiness of the head, back, loins, and joints; in some cases, with tremor of the limbs, and intolerable pains of the hands, feet, and legs. It now and then attacks with stupor and rigidity of the whole body, sometimes with anxiety and a sense of tension referred to the breast, often accompanied with palpitation of the heart. Sometimes nausea and a painful sense of weight in the stomach, are among the earliest symptoms. In other cases, the patient is attack- ed with vomiting, or complains of the heart-burn, and griping pains in the bowels. When the inti- mate connexion which subsists between the brain and every part of the system is considered, the va- riety of the symptoms attending the commence- ment of phrenitis is not so surprising, nor that the stomach in particular should suffer, which so re- markably sympathizes with the brain. These symptoms assist in forming the diagnosis between phrenitis and synocha. The pain of the head soon becomes more considerable, and sometimes very acute. " If the meninges,," says Dr. For- dyce, " are affected, the pain is acute ; if the sub stance only, obtuse, and sometimes but just sensi- ble." And Dr. Cullen remarks, " I am here, ax in other analogous cases, of opinion, that the sy nap • toms above mentioned of an acute inflamrnatior 745 PHK PHK always mark inflammations of membraneous parts, and that an inflammation of parenchyma, or sub- stance of viscera, exhibits, at least commonly, a more chronic inflammation." The seat of the pain is various: sometimes it seems to occupy the whole head; sometimes, al- though more circumscribed, it is deep-seated, and ill-defined. In other cases, it is felt princi- pally in the forehead or occiput. The redness of the face and eyes generally increases with the pain, and there is often a sense of heat and throb- bing-in the head, the countenance acquiring a pe- culiar fierceness. These symptoms, for the most part, do not last long before the patient begins to talk incoherently, and to show other marks ol de- Urium. Sometimes, however, Saalman observes, delirium did not come on till the fifth, sixth, or seventh day. The delirium gradually increases, till it often arrives at a state of phrenzy. The face becomes turgid, the eyes stare, and seem as if bursting from their sockets, tears, and sometimes even blood, flowing from them: the patient, in many cases, resembling a furious maniac, from whom it is often impossible to distinguish him, except by the shorter duration of his complaint. The delirium assists in distinguishing phrenitis and synocha, as it is not a common symptom in the latter. When delirium does attend synocha, however, it is of the same kind as in phrenitis. We should, a priori, expect in phrenitis consi- derable derangement in the different organs of sense, which so immediately depend on the state of the brain. The eyes are incapable of bearing the light, and false vision, particularly that termed musca volitantts, and flashes of light seeming to dart before the eyes, are frequent symptoms. The hearing is often so acute, that the least noise is intolerable : sometimes, on the other hand, the patient becomes deaf; and the deafness, Saalman observes, and morbid acutcness of hear- ing, sometimes alternate. Affections of the smell, taste, and touch, are less observable. As the organs of sense are not frequently de- ranged in synocha, the foregoing symptoms farther assist the diagnosis between this complaint and phrenitis. The pulse is not always so much disturbed at an earlier period, as we should expect from the violence of the other symptoms, compared with what we observe in idiopathic fevers. When this circumstance is distinctly marked, it forms, perhaps, the best diagnosis between phrenitis and synocha, and gives to phrenitis more of the ap- pearance of mania. In many cases, however, the fever runs as high as the delirium ; then the case often almost exactly resembles a case of violent synocha, from which it is the more diffi- cult to distinguish it if the pulse be full and strong. In general, however, the hardness is more remarkable than in synocha, and in many cases the pulse is small and hard, which may be regarded as one of the best diagnostics between the two complaints, the pulse in synocha being always strong and full. In phrenitis it is some- times, though rarely, intermitting. The respira- tion is generally deep and slow, sometimes diffi- cult, now and then interrupted with hiccough, seldom hurried and frequent; a very unfavourable symptom. In many of the cares mentioned by Saalman, pneumonia supervened. The deglutition is often difficult, sometimes convulsive. The stomach is frequently oppressed with bile, which is an unfavourable symptom ; and complete jaundice, the skin and urine being tinged yellow, sometimes supervenes. Worms in "the. stomach and bowels are also frequent at- 'endants on phrenitis, and there is reason to be- 746 lieve, may have a share in producing it. The hydrocephalus interims, which is more allied to phrenitis than dropsy of the brain, properly so caUed, seems often, in part at least, to arise from derangement of the prima? viae, particularly from worms. We cannot otherwise account for the frequent occurrence of these complaints. Instead of a superabundance of bile in the prima? via?, there is sometimes a deficiency, which seems to afford even a worse prognosis. The alvine faeces being of a white colour, and a black cloud in the urine, are regarded by Lobb as fatal symptoms. The black cloud in the urine is owing to an admixture of blood; when unmixed with blood, it is generally pale. There is often a remarkable tondency to the worst species of haemorrhagies, towards the fatal termination of phrenitis. Ha?morrhagy from the eyes has already been mentioned. Hajmorrhagy, from the intestines also, tinging the stools with a black colour, is not uncommon. These haruor- rhagies are never favourable; but the haemor- rhagies characteristic of synocha, particularly that from the nose, sometimes occur at an earlier period, and, if copious, generaUy bring relief, More frequently, however, blood drops slowly from the nose, demonstrating the violence of the disease, without relieving it. In other cases, there is a discharge of thin mucus from the nose. Tremours of the joints, convulsions of the muscles of the face, grinding of the teeth, the face from being florid suddenly becoming pale, involuntary tears, a discharge of mucus from the nose, the urine being of a dark red or yellow colour, or black, or covered with a pellicle, the faeces being either bilious or white, and very foetid, profuse sweat of the head, neck, and shoulders, paralysis of the tongue, general con- vulsions, much derangement of the internal func- tions, and the symptoms of other visceral in- flammations, particularly of the pneumonia, su- pervening, are enumerated by Saalman as afford* ing the most unfavourable prognosis. The deli- rium changing to coma, the pulse at the same time becoming weak, and the deglutition difficult, was generally the forerunner of death. When, on the contrary, there is a copious ha?morrhagy from the hemorrhoidal vessels, from the lungs, mouth, or even from the urinary passages, when the delirium is relieved by sleep, and the patient remembers his dreams, when the sweats are free and general, the deafness is diminished or removed, and the febrile symptoms become mUder, there- are hopes of recovery. In almost all diseases, if we except those which kill suddenly, as the fatal termination approaches, nearly the same train of symptoms supervenes, viz. those denoting extreme debility of all the functions. Saalman remarks, that the blood did not always show the buffy coat. Phrenitis, like most other complaints, has some. times assumed an intermitting form, the fits coming on daily, sometimes every second day. When phrenitis terminates favourably, the ty- phus, which succeeds the increased excitement, is generally less in proportion to that excitement, than in idiopathic fevers ; a circumstance which assists in distinguishing phrenitis from synocha. The imperfect diagnosis between these com- plaints is further assisted by the effects of the remedies employed. For in phrenitis in removing the delirium and other local symptoms the febrile symptoms in general soon abate. Whereas in synocha, although the delirium and headache be removed, yet the pulse continues frequent, and other marks of indisposition remain for a much longer time. PHT Pill ll will be of use to present, at one view, the vircurastances which form the diagnosis between phrenitis and synocha. Synocha generaUy makes its attack in the same manner; its symptoms are few and little varied. The symptoms at the commencement of phrenitis are often more complicated, and differ considera- bly in different cases. Derangement of the in- ternal functions is comparatively rare in syno- cha. In phrenitis it almost constantly attends, and often appears very early. The same observa- tion applies to the derangement of the organs of sense. In synocha, the pulse from the com- mencement is frequent and strong. In phrenitis, symptoms denoting the local affection often be- come considerable before the pulse is much dis- turbed. In phrenitis, we h.-ive seen that the pulse sometimes very suddenly loses its strength, the worst species of ha?morrhagies, and other symptoms denoting extreme debility, showing themselves; and such symptoms are generally the forerunners of death: but that when the ter- mination is favourable, the degree of typhus which succeeds it is less in proportion to the preceding excitement than in synocha. Lastly, if we succeed in removing the delirium aud other symptoms affecting the head, the state of the fever is found to" partake of this favourable change more immediately and completely than in synocha, where, although we succeed in relieving tbe headache or delirium, the fever often suffers little abatement. With regard to the duration of phrenitis, EUer observes, that when it proves fatal, the patient generally dies within six or seven days. In many fatal cases, however, it is protracted for a longer time, especially where the remissions have been considerable. Upon the whole, however, the longer it is protracted, providing the symptoms do not become worse, the better is the prognosis. On the first attack of the disease we must be- gin by bleeding tbe patient as largely as his strength will permit: it may be productive of more relief to the head, where the patient cannot spare much blood, if the temporal artery, or the jugular vein be opened; and in the progress of the complaint occasional cupping or leeches may materially assist the other means employed. Active cathartics should be given directly after taking blood, calomel with jalap, foUowed by some saline compound in the infusion of senna, until the bowels are copiously evacuated. The head should be shaved, and kept constantly cool by some evaporating lotion. Antimonial and mercurial preparations may then be given to pro- mote the several discharges, and diminish arterial action : to which purpose digitalis also may powerfully concur. Blisters to the back of the neck, behind the ears, or to the temples, each perhaps successively, when the violence of the disorder is lessened by proper evacuations, may contribute very much to obviate internal mischief. The head should be kept raised, to counteract the accumulation of blood there ; and the antiphlo- gistic regimen must be observed in the fuUest extent. Stimulating the extremities by the pedi- luviura, sinapisms, &c. may be of some use in the decline of the complaint, where an irritable state of the brain appears. Phreneti'asis. See Phrenitis. PHRENSV. See Phrenitis. PHTHEIRPASIS. (From tpOeip, a louse.) See Phthiriatit. Phthei'eium. See Phtheiroctonum. PHTHEIRO'CTONUM. (From '. See Capricum an- nuum. Piper calecuticum. See Capsicum an- nuum. Piper CARroriiYLLATUJi. See Myrtus pi- mento. Piper caudatum. See Pipercubeba. Piper cueeba. The plai.t, the berries of which are called cubebs. Piper caudatum; Cumamus. Piper—foliis oblique ovatis, seu oblongis venr ■ tit acuiis, spica sulitaria ptdunculatu opposiii- folia, fructibu.* pediciVatis of Linnaeus. The dried berries are of an ash-brown colour, gene • rally wrinkled, and resembling pepper, but fur- nished each with a slender stalk. They are a warm spire, of a pleasant smell, and moderately PIS PIS pungent taste, imported from Java; and may be exhibited in all cases where warm spicy medicines are indicated, but they are inferior to pepper. Of late they have been successfully given internally in the cure of venereal gonorrhoea. Piper decorticatum. White pepper. Plper favasci. The clove-berry tree. Piper guineense. See Capsicum annuum. Piper hispanicum. See Capsicum annuum. Piper in dicum. See Capdcum annuum. Piper jamaicense. See Myrtus pimenta. Piper longum. Macropiper; Acapatli; Catu-tripali; Pimpilim. Long pepper. Piper —foliis cordatis petiolatis sessihbusque of Lin- naeus. The berries or grains of this plant are gathered while green and dried in the heat of the sun, when they change to a blackish or dark-gray colour. They possess precisely the same qualities as the Cayenne pepper, only in a weaker degree. Piper lusitanicum. See Capsicum annuum. Piper murale. See Sedum acre. Piper nigrum. Melanopiper; Molagocodi; Lada; Piper aromaticum. Black pepper. This species of pepper is obtained in the East Indies, Irom the Piper—foliis ovatis septem-nerviis gla- bris, petiolis simplicissimis of Linnaeus. Its vir- tues are similar to those of the other peppers. The black and white pepper are both obtained from the same tree, the difference depending on their preparation and degrees of maturity. Pelletier has extracted a new vegetable principle from black pepper, in which the active part of the grain resides, to which the name of piperine is given. To obtain it, black pepper was digested repeated- ly in alkohol, and the solution evaporated until a tatty resinous matter was left. This, on being washed in warm water, became of a good green colour. It had a hot and burning taste ; dissolved readily in alkohol, less so in aether. Concentrated sulphuric acid gave it a fine scarlet colour. The alkoholic solution after some days deposited crys- tals; which were purified by repeated crystalli- sation in alkohol and aether. They then formed colourless four-sided prisms, with single inclined terminations. They have scarcely any taste. , Boiling water dissolves a small portion ; but not cold water. They, are soluble in acetic acid, from which combination feather-formed crystals are obtained. This substance fuses at 212° F. The fatty matter left after extracting the piperine, is solid at a temperature near 32°, but liquefies at a slight heat. It has an extremely bitter and acrid taste, is very slightly volatile, tending rather to decompose than to rise in vapour. It may be con- sidered as composed of two oils, one volatile and balsamic; the other more fixed, and containing , the acrimony of the pepper. PIPERINE. The active principle of pepper. See Piper nigrum. Piperi'tis. (From piper,'pepper : so called because its leaves and roots are biting like pepper to the taste.) The herb dittany or lepidium and peppermint. PIPERITUS. (From piper, pepper.) Pep- pered. PIPERITA. The name ofan order of plants in Linna?us's Fragments of a Natural Method, con- sisting of the Piper, and such as, like it, have flowers in a thick spike. PiraMIDalia corpoua. See Corpus pyrami- PIRAMIDA'LIS. (So called from its form.) Of a pyramidal figuic. Piss-a-bed. See Leoniodon taraxacum. PISIFORM. (Pisiformis; frompisum, a pea, ami forma, likeness.) Pea-like. 751 PISIFO RME OS. The fourth bone of the lim row of the carpus. PISMIRE. Sec Formica rufa. Pissasfha'ltus. (From moaa, pitch, and ao■<.>•i->rea. 18. The distUled waters and oils of some of tho above plants. 19. The odorant principle of some of thorn. 20. Woorara of Guiana. 21. Camphor. 22. Cocculus indicus. 23. Several mushrooms. 24. Secale cornutum. 25. Lolium temulentum. 26. Sium latifolium. 27. Coriaria myrtifolia. VI.—Septic or putrescent poisons. 1. Sulphurretted hydrogen. 2. Putrid effluvia of animal bodies. 3. Contagious effluvia, or fomites and mias- mata. 4. Venomous animals; the viper, rattlesnake, scorpion, mad dog, &c. Antidote for vegetable poisons. Drapiez has ascertained, by numerous experiments, that the fruit of the Feuillea cordifolia is a powerful an- tidote against the vegetable poisons. He poisoned dogs with the rhns toxicodendron, hemlock, and nux vomica ; and all those which were left to the effects of the poison died, but those to which the above fruit was administered recovered complete- ly, after a short illness. To see whether the an- tidote would act in the same way, applied exter- nally to wounds, into which vegetable poisons had been introduced, he took two arrows, which had been dipped into the juice of the manchc- nille, and slightly wounded with them two cats; to one of these wounds he applied a. poultice, composed of the fruit of the feuillea cordifolia, while the other was left without any application. The former suffered no inconvenience, except from the pain of the wound, which speedily heal- ed ; while the other, in a short time, fell into convulsions, and died. This fruit loses these va- luable virtues, if it is kept two years after it is gatlrcren; Dr. Chisholm states, that the juice of the su- gar-cane is the best antidote for arsenic. Dr. Lyman Spaldmg, of New-York, announces in a small pamphlet, that for above these fifty years, the^ Scutellaria lateriflora has proved to be an infaUibLe means for the preven- tion and cure of the hydrophobia, after the bite of rabid animals. It is better appUed as a dry powder than fresh. According to the testimo- nies of several American physicians, this plant, not yef received as a remedy into any European Materia Medica, afforded perfect relief in above a thousand cases, as well in the human species as in the brute creation (dogs, swine, and oxen.) Method of detecting Poisons. " When sudden death is suspected to have beep, POI eoasioned by the adminisfration of poison, either wilfully or by accident, the testimony of the physician is occasionally required to connrm or invalidate this suspicion. He may also be sometimes caUed upon to ascertain the cause ot the noxious effects arising from the presence of poisonous substances ia articles of diet; and it may, therefore, serve an important purpose, to point out concisely the simplest and most practi- cable modes of obtaining, by experiment, the necessary information. The only poisons, however, that can be clear- ly and decisively detected by chemical means, are those of the mineral kingdom. Arsenic, and corrosive sublimate, are most likely to be exhi- bited with the view of producing death ; and lead and copper may be introduced undesignedly, in several ways into our food and drink. The con- tinued and unsuspected operation of the two last may often produce effects less sudden and vio- lent, but not less baneful to health and Ufe, than the more active poisons; and their operation "eneraUy involves, in the pernicious conse- quences, a greater number of sufferers. Method of ditcovering artenic.—When the cause of sudden death is beUeved, from the symp- toms preceding it, to be the administration of ar- senic, the contents of the stomach must be atten- tively examined. To effect this let a ligature be made at each orifice, the stomach removed en- tirely from the body, and its whole contents washed out into an earthen or glass vessel. The arsenic, on account of its greater specific gravity, wUl settle at the bottom, and may be obtained separate, after washing off the other substances by repeated effusions of cold water. These washings should not be thrown away, till the pre- sence of arsenic has been clearly ascertained. It may be expected at the bottom of the vessel in the form of a white powder, which must be care- fully coUected, dried on a filter, and submitted to experiment. A. Boil a small portion of the powder with a few ounces of distilled water, in a clean Florence flask, and filter the solution. B. To this solution add a portion of water, saturated with sulphuretted hydrogen gas. If arsenic be present, a golden yellow sediment wtil fall down, which will appear sooner, if a few drops of acetic acid be added. C. A simUar effect is produced by the addi- tion of sulphuret of ammonia, or hydrosulphu- ret of potassa. It is necessary, however, to observe, that these tests are decomposed not only by all metallic so- lutions, but by the mere addition of any acid. ■ But among these precipitates, Dr. Bostock as- sures us, the greatest part are so obviously differ- ent as not to afford a probabitity of being mis- taken ; the only two which bear a close resem- blance to it, are the precipitate from tartarised antimony, and that separated by an acid. In the latter, however, the sulphur preserves its peculiar yellow colour, while the arsenic presents a deep shade of orange ; but no obvious circumstance ^A of discrimination can be pointed out between the 9 hydro-sulphurets of arsenic and of antimony. Hence Dr. Bostock concludes that sulphuretted hydrogen and its compounds merit our confidence only as coUateral tests. They discover arsenic with great delicacy : sixty grains of water, to which one grain only of liquid sulphuret (hydro- guretted sulphuret ?) had been added, was almost instantly rendered completely opaque by one- eightieth of a grain of the white oxide of arsenic in solution. IV To a little of the solution A, add a single POI drop of a weak solution of sub-carbonate ot potassa, and afterward a few drops of a solution of sulphate of copper. The presence of arsenic will be manifested by a yellowish-green precipi- tate. Or boil a portion of the suspected powder with a dilute solution of pure potassa, and with this precipitate the sulphate of copper, when a similar appearance wiU ensue still more remarka- bly, if arsenic be present. The colour of this precipitate is perfectly characteristic. It is that of the pigment called Scheele's green. To iden- tify the arsenic with still greater certainty, it may be proper, at the time of making the experiments on a suspected substance, to perform similar ones, as a standard of comparison, on what is actually. known to be arsenic. Let the colour, therefore, produced by adding an alkaUne solution of the substance under examination, to a solution of sul- phate of copper, be compared with that obtained by a similar admixture of a solution of copper with one of real arsenic in alkali. * The proportions in which the different ingredi- ents are employed, Dr. Bostock has found to have considerable influence on the distinct exhi- bition of the effect. Those which he has observed to answer best, were one of arsenic, three of po- tassa (probably the sub-carbonate, or common salt of tartar,) and five of sulphate of copper. For instance, a solution of one grain of arsenic, and three grains of potassa. in two drachms of water, being mingled with another solution of five grains of sulphate of copper in the same quantity of water, the whole was converted into a beauti- ful grass green, from which a copious precipitate . of the same hue slowly subsided, leaving the su- pernatant Uquor transparent and nearly colourless. The same materials, except with the omission of the arsenic, being employed in the same manner, a delicate sky-blue resulted, so different from the former, as not to admit of the possibiUty of mis- take. In this way, one-fortieth of a grain of ar- senic diffused through sixty grains of water, af- forded, i; the addition of sulphate of copper and potassa in proper proportions, a distinct precipi- tate of Scheele's green. In employing this test, it is necessary to view the fluid by reflected and not by transparent Ught, and to make the exami- nation by daylight. To render the effect more apparent, a sheet of white paper may be placed behind the glass in which the mixed fluids are contained ; or the precipitation may be effected by mixing the fluids on a piece of writing-paper. E. The sediments, produced by any of the foregoing experiments, may be collected, dried, and laid on redhot charcoal. A smell of sulphur will first arise, and wiU be followed by that of garlic. F. A process for detecting arsenic has been proposed by Hume, of London, in the Philosophi- cal Magazine for May, 18C9, vol. xxxiii. The test, which he has suggested, is the fused nitrate of silver or lunar caustic, which he employs in the following manner : — Into a clean Florence oil-flask introduce two or three grains of any powder suspected to be ar- senic ; add not less than eight-ounce measures of either rain or distilled water ; and heat thi? gra- duaUy over a lamp, or a clear coal fire, till the so- lution begins to boil. Then, while it boils, fre- quently shake the flask, which may be readily done by wrapping a piece of leather round its neck, or putting a glove upon the hand. To the hot solution, add a grain or two of sub-carbonate of potassa or soda, agitating the whole to make the mixture uniform. In the next place, pour into an ounce-phial, or a small wineglass, about two table-spoonsful of POI fruis solution, and present, to the mere surface of the fluid, a stick of dry nitrate of silver or lunar caustic. If there be any arsenic present, a beau- tiful yellow precipitate witi instantly appear, which wiU proceed from the point of contact of the nitrate with the fluid ; and settle towards the bottom of the vessel as a flocculent and copious precipitate. The nitrate of silver, Hume finds, also, acts very sensibly upon arsenate of potassa, and de- cidedly distinguishes this salt from the above so- lution or arsenite of potassa; the colour of the precipitate, occasioned by the arsenate, being much darker and more inclined to brick-red. In both cases, he is of opinion that the test of nitrate of silver is greatly superior to that of sulphate of copper; inasmuch as it produces a much more co- pious precipitate, when equal quantities are sub- mitted to experiment. The tests he recommends to be employed in their dry state, in preference to that of" solution ; and that the piece of salt be held on the surface only. A modified application of this test has since been proposed by Dr. Marcet, whose directions are as follow :—Let the fluid, suspected to contain arsenic, be Altered; let the end of a glass rod, wetted with a solution of pure ammonia, be brought into contact with this fluid, and let the end of a clean rod, similarly wetted with solution of nitrate of silver, be immersed in the mixture. If the minutest quantity of arsenic be present, a precipitate of a bright yellow colour, inclining to orange, wiU appear at the point of contact, and wiU readily subside to the bottom of the vessel. As this precipitate is soluble in ammonia, the greatest care is necessary not to add an excess of that alkali. The acid of arsenic, with the same test, affords a brick-red precipitate.—Hume, it may be added, now prepares his test by dissolving a few grains, say ten, of lunar caustic in nine or ten times its weight of distilled water ; precipita- ting by liquid ammonia; and adding cautiously, and by a few drops at once, liquid ammonia, till the precipitate is re-dissolved, and no longer. To obviate the possibility of any excess of ammonia, a small quantity of the precipitate may be left un- dissolved. To apply this test, nothing more is re- quired than to dip a rod of glass into this liquor, and then touch with it the surface of a solution supposed to contain arsenic, which will be indi- cated by a yellow precipitate. Sylvester has objected to this test, that it will not produce the expected appearance, when com- mon salt is present. He has, therefore, proposed ihe red acetate of iron as a better test of arsenic, with which it forms a bright yellow deposite ; or fhe acetate of copper, which affords a green preci- pitate. Of the two, he recommends the latter in preference, but advises that both should be resort- ed Jo in doubtful cases. Dr. Marcet, however, has replied, that the objection arising from the presence of common salt is easily obviated ; for if a little diluted nitric acid be added to the supect- cd Uquid, and then nitrate of silver very cautious- ly till the precipitate ceases, the muriatic acid will be removed, but the arsenic will remain in solu- tion, and the addition of ammonia will produce the yellow precipitate in its characteristic form. It is scarcely necessary to add, that the quantity of ammonia must Ire sufficient to saturate any excess of nitric acid, which the fluid may contain. A more important objection to nitrate of silver as a test of arsenic is, that it affords, with the al- kaline phosphates, a precipitate of phosphate of silver, scarcely distinguishable by its colour from ihe arseniate of that metal. In answer to this, it is alleged by Hume, that the arsenite of silver mav be discriminated by a curdy or flocculent figure* resembliug that of fresh precipitated muriate of silver, except that its colour is yellow ; while the phosphate is smooth and homogeneous. The bet- ter to discriminate these two arsenites, he advises two parallel experiments to be made, upon sepa- rate pieces of clean writipg paper, spreading on the one a little of the iresh prepared arsenite, and on the other a little of the phosphate. When these are suffered to dry, the phosphate will graduaUy assume a black colour, or nearly so, while the arsenite will pass from its original vivid yeUow to an Indian yeUow, or nearly a fawn colour. Dr. Paris conducts the trial in the foUowing manner :—Drop the suspected fluid on a piece of white paper, making with it a broad line ; alon°; this line a stick of lunar caustic is to be slowly- drawn several times successively, when a streak wiU appear of the colour resembling that knowr by the name of Indian yellow. This is equally produced by arsenic and by an alkaline phosphate. but the one from arsenic is rough, curdy, and floc- culent, Uke that Irom a crayon ; that from a phos- phate .s homogeneous and uniform, resembling a water colour laid smoothly on with a brush. But a more important and distinctive peculiarity soon succeeds ; for in less than two minutes the phos- phoric yellow fades into a sad green, and becomes gradually darker, and ultimately quite black, while on the other hand the arsenic yellow con- tinues permament, or nearly so, lor some time, and then becomes brown. In performing this ex- periment, the sunshine should be avoided, or the change of colour will take place too rapidly. (Ann. of Phil. x. 60.) The author of the London Dispensatory adds, that the test is improved by brushing the streak lightly over with liquid ammo- nia immediately after the application of the caus- tic, when, if arsenic be present, a bright queen's yellow is produced, which remains permanent for nearly an hour ; but that when lunar caustic pro- duces a white yellow before the ammonia is ap- plied, We may inter the presence of ^mii- alkalim phosphate rather than of arsenic. G. Smithson proposes to fuse any powder sus- pected to contain arsenic with nitre ; this pro- duces arseniate of potas'sa, of which the solution affords a brick-red precipitate with nitrate of sil- ver. In cases where any sensible portion of the alkali ofthe nitre has been set free, it must be sa- turated with acetous acid, and the saline mixture dried and re-dissolved in water. So small is the quantity of arsenic required for this mode of trial. that a drop of solution of oxide of arsenic in water (which, at 54° of Fahr. may be estimated to con- tain one-eightieth its weight of the oxide,) mixed with a Uttle nitrate of potassa, and fused in a pla- tinum spoon, affords a very sensible quantity of arseniate ofsilver. (Ann. of Phil. N. S. iv. Ii7.) H. Dr. C ooper,president of C oluuibia C ollege, finds a solution of chromate of potassa to be one of the best tests of arsenic. One drop is turned green by the fourth of a gruin of arsenic, by two or three drops of Fowier's mineral solution, or any other arsenite of potassa. The arsenious acid takes oxygen from the cromic, which is converted into oxide of chrome. To exhibit the effect, take ' five watch-glasses; put on one, two or three drops of a watery solution of white arsenic ; on the second, as much arsenite of potassa; on the third, on-'-fourth of a grain of wnite arsenic in substance; on the fourth two or three drops of a solution of corrosive sublimate ; on the fifth two or thrtt drops ot a solution of copper. Add to each three or four drops of a solution of chromate of potassa. In half an hour a bright clear grass- green colour w:ll appear in numbers J. 2. 3. '41: POI changeable by ammonia ; number four will instant- ly exhibit an orange precipitate ; and number 5 a green, which a drop of ammonia will instantly change to blue. (Siiiimun's .Li^rican Journal, in.)" 1. But the most decisive mode of determining the presence of arsenic (which, though not abso- lutely indispensable, should always be resorted to, when the suspected substance can be obtained in sufficient quantity,) is by reducing it to a metal- lic state ; for its characters ar.- then clear and un- equivocal. For this purpose let a portion of the white sediment, collected irom the contents of the stomach, be di.ed and mixed with three times its weight of black flux; or, if this cannot be pro- cured, with two parts of very dry carbonate ot po- tassa itiie salt of tartar of the shops) and one of powder. A charcoal. Dr. Bostock finds that for this mixture, we may advantageously.substitute one composed of half a grain ot charcoal, and two diops of oil, to a grain ofthe sediment. Procure a ..uae eight or nine incuts long, and one-fourth or one-sixth ofan inch iu diameter, of thin glass, seab-d hermetically at one end. Then put into tne tube ihe mixture ot the powder and its flux, and if any should adhere to the inner surface, let it be wipe, off by a leather ; so tnat thu inside of all the upper part ol the tube may be quit;? clean and dry. Stop the end of the tube loosely, with a little paper, and heat the sealed end only, \v, the precipitate by sulphate of copper and carbo- nate ot potassa, will appear green, even lliougn no arseuic be present ; but mi leav.ng it to settle, ile- canliug off the fluid, and replacing it with water, it will evidently be blue without ai;^ tinge of green, being no longer seeu through a ye-.loiv ineuiuni.— (Dr. Paris.) The liquid contents of tlie stomach may also be i-.-nporateit to dryness below 250° Fahr. and the 97 POI ury um be exposed to heat at the bottom of a Fln\ nne flask, to sublime the arsenic. If dis-* solved in an oily fluid, Dr. Ure proposes lojboil the solution with distilled water, and afterwards to separate the oil by the capillary action of wick threads. The watery fluid niay£then be subjected to the usual tests. In an investigation, the event of wbich is to affect the life of an accusedjpersou, it is the duty of every one who may prepare himself to give evi- dence, not to rest satisfied with the appearanoea. produced by any one test of arsenic; but to rea- der its presence quite unequivocal by the concur- ring re ults of several. Discovery of corrosive sublimate, baryta, &c. —Corrosive sublimate (the bichloride or oxymu- riate of mercury, next to arsenic, is the most viru- lent of the metallic poisons. It may be coUected by treating the contents of the stomach in the manner already described ; but as it is more solu- ble than arsenic, viz. in about nineteen times its weight of water, no more water must be employed than is barely sufficient, and the washings must be carefully preserved for examination. If a powder should be collected, by this ope- ration, which proves, on examination, not to be arsenic, it may be known to be corrosive subUmate by the following characters: A. Expose a smaU quantity of it, without any admixture, to heat in a coated glass tube, as di- rected in the treatment of arsenic Corrosive sublimate will be ascertained by its rising to the top of the tube, lining the inner surface in the form of a sinning white crnst. B. Dissolve another portion in distilled water ; and it may be proper to observe how much of the salt the water is capable of taking up. C. To the watery solution add a Uttle time- water. A precipitate of an orange yeUow colour will instantly appear. D. To another portion of the solution add a single drop of a dilute solution of sub-carbonate of potassa (salt of tartar.) A white precipitate will appear ; but, on a still farther addition of alkali, an orange .coloured sediment wUl be formed. E The carbonate of soda has similar effects. F. Sulphuretted water throws down a dark- coloured sediment, which, when dried and strongly heated, is wholly volatilised, without any odour of garlic. 1? or the detection of corrosive sublimate, Syl- vester has recommended the application of galvan- ism, which exhibits the mercury in a metallic state. A piece of zinc wire, or if that cannot be had, of iron wire about three inches long, is to be twice bent at right angles, so as to resemble the Greek letter IT. The two legs of this figure should be distant about the diameter of a common gold wedding-ring from each other, and tbe two ends of the bent wire must afterwards be tied to a ring of this description. Let a plate of glass, not less than three inches square, be laid as nearly horizontal as possible, and on one side, drop some sulphuric acid, diluted with about six times its weigh, of water, till it spreads to the size of a halt-penny. At a little distance from this, to- wards the other side, ne-xt drop some of the so- lution supposed to contain corrosive subUmate, till the r 'xes of the two liquids join together ; and let tlTe- wire and ring prepared as above be laid in such a way that the «ire may touch the acid, while ti.e geld ring is iu contact with the. suspected liquid. If the minutest quantity of corrosive sublimate be present, the ring in a few- minutes will be covered with mercury on the pari which touched the fluid. POI POI Sinithsou remarks, that all the oxides and saline compounds of mercury, if laid in a drop of ma- rine acid on gold, with a bit of tin, quickly amal- gamate the gold. In this way, a very minute quantity of corrosive sublimate, or a drop of its solution may be tried, and no addition of muriatic acid is then required. Quantities of mercury may thus be rendered evident, which could not be so by any other means. Even the mercury of cin- nabar may be exhibited ; but it must previously be boiled with a little sulphuric acid in a platinum spoon, to convert it into sulphate. An exceeding- ly minute quantity of metallic mercury in any jwwder may be discovered by placing it in nitric acid on gold, drying, -and adding muriatic acid and tin. The only mineral poison of great virulence that has not been mentioned, and which, from its being little known to act as such, it is very im- probable we should meet with, is the carbonate of baryta. This, in the country where it is found, is employed a3 a poison for rats, and there can be no doubt would be equally destructive to hu- man life. It may be discovered by dissolving it in muriatic acid, and by the insolubility of the precipitate which this solution yields on adding sulphuric acid, or sulphate of soda. Soluble bary tic salts, if these have been the means of poi- son, will be contained in th.; water employed to wash the contents of the stomach, and will be detected, on adding sulphuric acid, by a copious precipitate. It may be proper to observe, that the failure of attempts to discover poisonous substances in the alimentary canal after death, is by no means a sufficient proof that death has not been occa- sioned by poison. For it has been clearly esta- blished, by experiments made on animals, that a poison may be so completely evacuated, that no traces of-it shall be found, and yet that death may ensue from the morbid changes which it has occasioned in the alimentary canal, or in the ge- neral system. Method of detecting copper or lead.—Copper and lead sometimes gain admission into articles of food, in consequence of the employment of kitchen utensils of these materials. 1. If copper be suspected in any liquor, its presence will be ascertained by addiug a solution of pure ammonia, which will strike a beautiful blue colour. If the solution be very diiute, it may be concentrated by evaporation ; and if the liquor contain a considerable excess of acid, like that used to preserve pickles, as much ofthe alkali must be added as is more than sufficient to saturate the acid. In this, and alt other experi- ments of the same kind, tbe fluid should be viewed by reflected, and not by transmitted light. If into a newly prepared tincture ol guaiacum wood we drop a concentrated solution of a salt of copper, the mixture instantly assumes a blue co- lour. This effect does not take place when the solution is very weak, for example, when there is not above half a grain of the salt to an ounce of water; but then, by the addition of a few drops of prussic acid, the blue colour is instantly developed of great purity and intensity. This colour is not permanent, but soon passes to a green, and at length totally disappears. For want of prussic acid, distilled laurel water may be employed. The test produces its effect, even when the proportion of the salt of copper to the water does hot exceed l-45000th. In this minute proportion no other test, whether the prussiate of potassa, soda, or ammonia, gives the least indica- tion of copper.—(Quart. Journ. x. 182.) ?.'. Lead is occasionally- fou.; I. in sufficient quantity to be injurious to health, in water tba* has passed through leaden pipes, or been kept in leaden vessels, and sometimes even in pump-wa- ter, in consequence of that metal having been used in the construction of the pump. Acetatci of lead has also been known to be fraudulently added to bad wines, with the view of concealing their defects. Lead may be discovered by adding, to a por- tion of the suspected water, about half its bulk of water impregnated with sulphuretted hydrogen gas. If lead be present, it will be manifested by a dark brown, or blackish, tinge. This test is so delicate, that water condensed by the leaden worm of a still-tub, is sensibly affected by it. Lead is also detected by a similar effect ensuing on the addition of sulphuret of ammonia, or potassa. The adequacy of this method, however, to the discovery of very minute quantities of lead, has been set aside by the experiments of Dr. Lambe, the author of a skilful analysis of the springs of Leamington Priors, near Warwick. By new methods of examination, he has detected the pre- sence of lead in several spring-waters, that mani- fest no change on the addition of the sulphuretted test; and has found that metal in the precipitate, separated from such waters by the carbonate of potassa or of soda. In operating on these waters, Dr. Lambe noticed the following appearances : a. The test forms sometimes a dark cloud, with the precipitate affected by alkaties, which has been re-dissolved in nitric acid. 6. Though it forms, in other cases, no cloud, the precipitate itself becomes darkened by th.: sulphuretted test. c. The test forms a white cloud, treated with the precipitate as in a. These two appearances may be united. d. The test neither forms a cloud, nor darkens the precipitate. c. In the cases b, c, d, heat the precipitate, in contact with an alkaline carbonate, to redness; dissolve out the carbonate by water; and treat the precipitate as in a. The sulphuretted test then forms a dark cloud with the solution of the precipitate. In these experiments, it is essential that the acid, used to re-dissolve the precipitate, shall not be in excess; and if it should so happen, that excess must be saturated before the test is ap- plied. It is better to use so little acid, that some of the precipitate may remain undissolved. .f Instead of the process e, the precipitate may be exposed, without addition, to a red heat, and then treated as in a. In this case, the test will detect the metallic matter; but with less certain- ty than the foregoing one. d The nitric acid, used in these experiments, should be perfectly pure ; and the test should be recently prepared by saturating water with sul- phuretted hydrogen gas. A few drops of nitric ■ acid added to a water containing lead, which has been reduced to l-8thor l-10th its bulk by evapo* •* ration, and then followed by the addition of a few drops of hydriodate of potassa, produces a yellow insoluble precipitate. -Another mode of analysis, employed by Dr. Lambe, consists in precipitating the lead by solu- tion of common salt; but as muriate of lead is partly soluble in water, this test cannot be ap- plied to small portions of suspected water. The precipitate must be, therefore, coUccted, from tvyo or three gaUons, and heated to redness with twice its weight of carbonate of soda. Dissolve out the soda; add nitric acid, saturating any su- perfluity ; and then apply the sulphuretted test. Sulphate of soda would be found more effectual POL POL m this process than the muriate, on account of the greater insolubitity of sulphate of lead. This property, indeed, renders sulphate of soda an ex- cellent test of the presence of lead, when held in .solution by acids, for it throws down that metal, even when present in very small quantity, in the form of a heavy white precipitate, which is not soluble by acetic acid. The third process, which is the most satisfactory of all, and is very easy, except for the trouble of collecting a large quantity of precipitate, is the actual reduction of the metal, and its exhibition in a separate form. The precipitate may be mixed with its own weight of alkaline carbonate, and exposed either with or without the addition of a small proportion of charcoal, to a heat suffi- cient to melt the alkali. On breaking the cruci- ble, a smaU globule of lead will be found reduced at the bottom. The precipitate from about fifty gallons of water yielded Dr. Lambe, in one in- stance, about two grains of lead. For discovering the presence of lead in wine, a test invented by Dr. Hahnemann, and known by the title of Hahnemann's wine test, may be em- ployed. This test is prepared by putting togeth- er, into a small phial, sixteen grains of sulphuret of lime, prepared in the dry way (by exposing to a red heat, in a covered crucible, equal weight- of jtowdered lime and sulphur, accurately mixed,) aud twenty grains of bitartrate of potassa (cream of tartar.) The phial is to be filled with water, well corked, and occasionally shaken for the space of ten minutes. When tbe powder has subsided, decant the clear liquor, and preserve it, in a well- stopped bottle, for use. The liquor, when fresh prepared, discovers lead by a dark coloured pre- cipitate. A farther proof of the presence of lead in wines is the occurrence of a precipitate, on ad- ding a solution of the sulphate of soda. Sylvester has proposed the gallic acid as an ex- cellent test of the presence of lead. The quantity of lead, which has been detected in sophisticated wine, may be estim.ited at forty grainy ofthe metal in every fifty gallons. When a considerable quantity of acetate of lead has been taken into the stomach (as sometimes, owing to its sweet taste, happens to children,) after the exhibition of an active emetic, the hydro-' sulphuret of potassi or of ammonia may be given ; or probably a solution of sulphate of soda (Glau- bers salt) would render it innoxious."—Henry's Chem. Poison-oak. See Rhus toxicodendron. POLEMO'NIUM. (An ancient name derived 1 from iroXtpos, war; because, according to Plnry, I Kngs had contended for the honour ot its disco- **ry.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. Wild sage, or Teucrium scorodonia of Lin- iwus. Polehon'iom ceupleum. The systematic name ofthe Greek valerian, or Jacob's ladder, tbe root of which is esteemed by some as-a good as- tringent against diarrhoeas and dysentery. POLEY-MOUNTA1N. See Teucrium. POLIOSIS. (From rroXos, Candidas, white or hoary.) 'I he specific name of a species of Tricho- sis in Good's arrangement, in which the hairs are prematurely gray or hoary. PO'LII'.U. (From rsoXtos, white: so called from its white capillamcnts.) Poley. Teucrium of Linnaeus. Poi.iu.m cretiitm. See Teucrium creticum. Poi.ium movtanum. See Teucrium capita- Uim. POLLEN. (Pollen, inis. n.: fine flour, or dust.) The powder which adheres to the anthers. ofthe flowers of plants, and which is contained in the anther, and is thrown out chiefly in warm dry weather, when the coat of the latter contracts and bursts. The pollen, though to the naked eye a fine powder, and light enough to be wafted along by the air, is so curiously formed, and so various in differ- ent plants, as to be an interesting and popular object for the microscope. Eaoh gram of it is commonly a membranous bag, round or angular, rough or smooth, which remains entire till it meets with any moisture, being contrary in this respect to the na- ture ofthe anther ; then it bursts with great force, discharging its subtile and vivifying vapour. In the Helianthus annuus, the pollen is eehi- natt. In Geraniums, perforate. The pollen of Symphatum is didymous. That ofthe Mallow, dentate. It is angulate in Viola odorata. Rtniforme in Narcissus; and In Borneo, convolute. POLLE NIX. The pollen of tulips has been as- certained by Professor John to contain a peculiar substance, insoluble in alkohol,"a?ther, water, oil of turpentine, nephtha, carbonated and pure alka- lies ; extremely combu-tible, burning with great rapidity and flame ; and hence used at the theatres to imitate lightning. POLLEX. The thumb, or great toe. POLYADELPICA. (From rroXvs, many, and aotXtpia, a brotherhood.} The name of a class of plants in the sexual system of Linna?us, embracing plants with hermaphrodite flowers, in which se- veral stamina are united by their filaments into three or more distinct bundles. POLYA'NDRIA. (From rroXvs, many, and avijp, n husband.) The name of a class of plants in the sexual system of Linnaeus. It consists of plants with hermaphrodite flowers, furnished with several stamina, that are inserted into the common receptacle of the flower ; by which circumstance this class is distinguished from Icosandria, in which the striking character is the situation of the stamina on the calyx or petals. POLYCHRE STUS. (From rsoXvs, much, and -^prnis-, u eful.) Having many virtues, or uses. Applied to many medicines from their ex- tensive usefulness. POLYCHROITE. The colouring matter of saffron. POLYDIPSIA. (From rsoXvs, much, and ffj-ij, thirst.) Excessive thirst. A genus of dis- ease in the Class Locales, and Order Dysorexia, of Cullen. It is mostly symptomatic of fever, dropsy, excessive discharges, or poisons. POLYGALA. (FromsoXv;, much, and yaXa, milk : so named from the abundance of its milky juice.) 1. The name ot a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. C lass, Diadelphia ; Order, Oriandria. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of ,the common milk-wort. See Polygala vulgaris. Polygala amara. This is a remarkably bitter plant, and though not used in this country, pro- mises to be as efficacious as those in greater repute. It has been given freely in phthisis pulmonalis, and, like other remedies, failed in producing a cure ; yet, as a palliative, it claims attention,. Its virtues are balsamic, demulcent, and corroborant. Polygala senega. The systematic name of the rattlesnake milk-wort. Seneka. Polygala —floribus imperbibus spicatis, caule erecto her- baceo simplicissimo, foliis ovato lanceolatis, of Linnaeus. The root of this plant was formerly much esteemed as a specific against the poison of the rattlesnake, and as an antiphlogistic in pfon / POL POL i-isy, pneumonia, &c. but it is now very much laid aside. Its dose is from ten to twenty grains ; but when employed, it is generally used in the 'form of decoction, which, when prepared according to the formula ofthe Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia, may be given every second or third hour. Polygala vulgaris. The systematic name of the common milk-wort. The root of this plant is somewhat similar in taste to that of the seneka, but much weaker. The leaves arc very bitter, and a handful of them, infused in wine, is said to be a safe and gentle purge. POLYGA'MiA. (FromiroXuf, many, andyapos, a marriage.) Polygamy. The name of a class of plants in the sexual system of Linnaeus, consisting of polygamous plants, or plants having hermaph- rodite flowers, and likewise male and female flowers, or both. The orders of this division are according to the beautiful uniformity or plan whicb runs through this ingenious system, distin- guished upon the principles ofthe Classes Mona- da, Diaeia, and Triacia. It lias the five fol- lowing orders: 1. Polygamia aqualis. The name of an order of Class Syngenesia, of the sexual system of plants. The florets are all perfect or united, that is, each furnished with perfect stamens. 2. Polygamia frustranea. Florets of the disk, with stamens and pistil: those of the radius with merely an abortive pistil, or with not even the ru- diments of any. 3. Polygamia necessaria. Florets of the disk with stamens only, those of the radius with pistils only. 4. Polygamia segregata. Several flowers, either simple or compound, but with united an- thers, and with a proper calyx, included in one common calyx. 5. Polygamia tuperfl.ua. Florets of the disk, with stamens and pistil: those of the radius with pistil only, but each, of both kinds, forming per- fect seed. POLYGONA'TUM. (From rsoXvs, many, and yovv, a joint: so named from its numerous joints or knots.) Solomon's seal. See Convallaria polygonatum. POLY'GONUM. (From rsoXvs, many, and yovv, a joint: so named from its numerous joints.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class Octandria; Order Trigynia. Knot-grass. Polygonum aviculare. The systematic name of the knot grass. Centumnodta; Poly- gonum latifolium; Polygonum mas; Sangui- naria. This plant is never used in this country; it is said to be useful in stopping haemorrhages, diarrhoeas, &c. ; but little credit is to be given to this account. Polygonum bacciferum. A species of equisetum, or horse-tail. Polygonum bistorta. The systematic name of the officinal bistort. Bistorta. Polygonum— caule simplirisdmomonostachio, foliis ovatis in petiolum decurrentibus, of Linnaeus. This plant is anative of Britain. Every part manifests a de- gree of stypticity to the taste, and the root is es- teemed to be one of the most powerful of the ve- getable astringents, and frequently made use of as such, in disorders proceeding from a laxity and debility ofthe solids, for restraining alvine fluxes, after due evacuations, and other preternatural dis- charges both serous and sanguineous. It has been sometimes given in intermitting fevers ; and sometimes also, in small doses, as a corroborant and antiseptic, in acute malignant and colUquative fevers ; in which intentions Peruvian bark has now deservedlv superseded both these and all other adstringents. The common dose of bistort root in substance, is fifteen or twenty grains: in urgent cases it is extended to a drachm. Its as- tringent matter is totally dissolved both by water and rectified spirits. Polygonum divaricatim. The systematic name of the eastern buck-wheat plant. The roots, reduced to a coarse meal, are the ordinary food of the Siberians. Polygonum fagopyrttm. The systematic nan" ofthe buck-wheat. The grain of this plant constitutes th:; principal food ofthe inhabitants of Russia, Germany, and Switzerland. Polygonum Hydropif-kk. The systematic name of the poor man's pepper. Hydiopiper. Biting arsmart; Lake-weed; Water-pepper. This plant is very common in our ditches; the leaves have an acrid burning taste, and seem to be nearly of the same nature with those of the arum. They have been recommended as pos- sessing antiseptic, aperient, diuretic virtues, and given in scurvies and cachexies, asthrn., hvpo- chondriacal and nephritic complaints, :.iu > ; Alter- ing gout. The first leaves have been applied externally, as a stimulating cataplasm. Polygonum latifolium. Common knot- grass. See Polygonum aviculare. Polygonum mas. See Polygonum aviculare. Polygonum minus. Rupture-wort. See Herniaria glabra. Polygonum persicaria. The systematic name ofthe Perricaria ofthe old pharmacopoeias. Persicaria mitis; Plumbago. Arsmart. This plant is said to possess vulnerary and antiseptic properties ; with which intentions it is given m wine to restrain the progress of gangrene. Polygonum selenoides. Parsley break- stone. POLYPO'DIUM. (From rsoXvs, many, and 77011$-, a foot: so called because it has many roots.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Cryptogamia; Order, Filices. Fern, or polypody. Polypodium aculeatum. Filix aculeata. Spear-pointed fern. Fallen into disuse. Polypodium filix mas. Aspidium filix mas, of Dr. Smith; Pteris; Blancnon; Orbasii; Lonchitit. Male polypody, or fern. The root of this plant has been greatly celebrated for its effects upon the tania otculis superficialibut. or broad tape-worm. Madame Noufer acquired great celebrity by employing it as a specific. This secret, was thought of such importance by some of the principal physicians at Paris, who were deputed to make a complete trial of its efficacy, that it was purchased by the French king, and afterwards published by his order. The method of cure is the following :—After the patient has been prepared by an emollient glyster, and a sup- per of panada, with butter and salt, he is direct- ed to take in the morning, while in bed, a dose of two or three drachms of the powdered root ofthe male fern. The powder must be washed down with a draught of water, and, two hours after, a strong cathartic, composed of calomel and scam- mony, is to be given, proportioned to the strength of the patient. If this does not operate in due time, it is to be followed by a dose of purging salts, and if the worm be not expelled in a few hours, this process is to be repeated at proper in- tervals. Of the success of this, or a similar mode of treatment, iu cases of taenia, there can be no doubt, as many proofs in this country afford suffi- cient testimony; but whether the fern-root or the strong cathartic is the principal agent in the destruction ofthe worm, may admit of a question ; and the latter opinion, Dr. Woodville believes, h POL POP the more generaUy adopted by physicians. It appears, however, from some experiments made jn Germany, that the taenia has, in several in- stances, been expelled by the repeated exhibition of the root, without the assistance of any pnrga- tive. PO'LYPUS. (From rsoXvs, many, and rsovs, a foot: from its sending off many ramifications, Uke legs.) 1. The name of a genus of zoophytes. 2. A species of sarcoma in CuUen's Nosology. A polypus is a tumour, which is generally narrow where it originates, and then becomes wider, somewhat like a pear. It is most commonly met within the nose, uterus, or vagina; and has re- ceived its name from an erroneous idea, that it usually had several roots, or feet, like zoophyte polypi. Polypi vary from each other according to the different causes that produce them, and the al- terations that happen in them. Sometimes a poly- pus ofthe nose is owing to a swelling of the pi- tuitary membrane, which swelling may possess a greater or less space ofthe membrane, as also its cellular substance, and may affect either one or both nostrils. At other tunes, it arises from an ulcer produced by a caries of some of the bones which form the internal surface of the nostrils. Polypuses are sometimes so soft, that upon the least touch they are lacerated, and bleed ; at other times they are very compact, and even scirrhous. Some continue small a great while ; others in- crease so fast as, ia a short time, to push out at the nostrils, or extend backwards towards the throat. Le Dran mentions, that he has known them fill up the space behind the uvula, and, turn- ing towards the mouth, have protruded the fleshy arch of the palate so far forwards as to make it parallel with the third dentes molares. There arc others which, though at first free from any ma • iignant disposition, become afterwards carcinoma- tous, and even highly cancerous. Of whatever nature the polypus is, it intercepts the passage of the air through the nostril, and, when large, forces the teptum narium into]the other nostrU, so that the patient is unable to breathe, unless through the mouth. A large polypus pressing in like manner upon the spongy bones, gradually forces them down upon the maxillary bones, and thus compresses and stops up the orifice of the ductus lachrymalis; nor is it impossible for the sides of the canalis nasal is to be pressed together. I n wliich case the tears, having no passage through the nose, the eye is kept constantly watering, and tbe sacchus lachrymalis, not being able to dis- charge its contents, is sometimes so much dilated as to form what is called a flat fistula. The above writer has seen instances of polypuses so much enlarged as to force down the ossa palati. The polypus ofthe uterus is of three kinds, in respect to situation. It either grows from the fundus, the inside of the cervix, or from the lower edge of the os uteri. The first case is the most frequent, the last the most uncommon. Polypi of the uterus are always shaped like a pear, and have a thin pedicle. They are almost invariably of that species which is denominated fleshy, hardly ever being scirrhous, cancerous, or ulcerated. 3. The coagulated substance which is found in the cavities of the heart of those who are some time in articulo mortis, is improperly caUed a polypus. POLVSA'RCIA. (From rsoXvs, much, and cap(, flesh.) Polytomatia; Obetitat; Corpu- lentia; Steatites. Troublesome corpulency, obe- sity, or fatness. A genus of diseases in the Class (Cachexia, and Order Intumeicentia. of Cullen. POLYSOMA'TIA. (From aoXvs, much, anS oupa, a body.) See Polytarda. Polyspa'stum. (From rsoXvs, much, and arrau, to draw.) A forcible instrument for re- 'ducins luxations. POLY 1'RPCHUM. (From -o\vs, many, and 0pi| hair: so called from its resemblance to a woman's hair, or because, in ancient times, women used to dye the hair with it, to keep it from shedding.) Polytrycon. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Cryptogamia; Order, Mutci. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the golden maideniair. See Poly tricum commune. Polytrichum CO' .u.-.E. The systematic name of the golden maidenhair. Adianthum aureum. It possesses, in an inferior dearie, as- tringent virtues: and was formerly given in dis- eases ofthe lungs and calculous complaints, POMACEiE. . (From pomum, an apple.) The name of an order of plants in Linnaeus's Fragments of a Natural Method, consisting of those which have a fruit of a pulpy, esculent, ap- ple, berry, or cherry kind. POMA'CEUM. (From pomum, an apple.) Cider, or the fermented juice of apple. POMEGRANATE. See Punica granatum. POMPHOLYGO'DES. (From Tsou. m ft wheat or maise, f Stalks of sun- ) <>.Q flower, $ M3 Vine branches, 162.6 Elm, 166 Box, 78 Sallow, 102 Oak, ' 111 Aspen, 61 Beech, 219 Fir, 132 Fern cut in Au- iigfor 125 according to gust, ( Wildenheim. Wormwood, 748 Fumitory, 360 Heath, 115 Wildenheim. On these tables Kirwan makes the foUowing re- marks : — 1. That in general weed yields more ashes, and their ashes much more salt, than woods ; and that consequently, as to salts of the vegetable alkali kind, as potassa, pearlash, cashup, &c. neither America, Trieste, nor the northern countries, have any advantage over Ireland. 2. That of all weeds fumitory produces more ialt, aud next to it wormwood. But if we attend only to the quantity of salt in a given weight of ashes, the ashes of wormwood contain most. Trifolium fibrinum also produces more ashes and -alt than fern. The process for obtaining pot and pearlash is given by Kirwan, as follows :— 1. The weeds should be cut just before they seed, then spread, well dried, and gathered clean, 2. They should be burned within doors on a srate, and the ashes laid in a chest as fast as they are produced. If any charcoal be visible, it should be picked out, and thrown back into the lire. If the weeds be moist, much coal will be found. A close smothered lire, which has been recommended by some, is very prejudicial. 3. They should be lixiviated with twelve times their weight of boiling water. A drop of the so- lution of corrosive subUmate will immediately discover when the water ceases to take up any more alkali. The earthy matter that remains is said to be a good manure for clayey soils. 4. The ley thus formed should be evaporated to dryness in iron pans. Two or three at least of these should be used, and the ley, as fast as it is i-nncreted, passed from the one to the other. Thus, much time is saved, as weak leys evaporate more quickly than the stronger. The salt thus produced is of a dark colour, and contains much extractive matter, and being formed in iron pots is called potassa. 5. This salt should then be carried to a rever- bcratory furnace, in which the extractive matter is burnt off, and much of the water dissipated . hence it generally loses Irom ten to fifteen per cent, of its weight. Particular care should be taken to prevent its melting, as the extractive matter would not then be perfectly consumed, and the alkali would form such a union with the earthy parts as could not easily be dissolved. Kirwan adds this caution, because Dr. Lewis and Dnssie have titadverfeiiflv directed the contrary. This salt thtis refined is called pearl-ash, and must be tlie same as the Dantzic pearl-asii. To obtain this alkali pure, Berthollet recom- mends, to evaporate a solution of potassa, made caustic by boiling with quicklime, till it becomes ot a thickish consistence , tb a-dd about an equal weight of alkohol, and let the mixture stand some time in a close vessel. Some solid matter, partly crystallised, will collect at the bottom ; above this will be a small quantity of a dark-coloured fluid; and on the top another lighter. The latter, sepa- rated by decantation, is to be evaporated quickly in a silver basin in a sand-heat. Glass, or almost any other metal, would be corroded by the potas- sa. Before the evaporation has been carried far, the solution is to be removed irom the fire, and suffered to stand at rest; when it will again sepa- rate into two fluids. The lighter, being poured off, is again to be evaporated with a quick heat; and on standing a day or two in a close vessel, it will deposite transparent crystals of pure po- tassa. If the Lqu-'ir be evaporated to a peUicle, the potassa will concrete without regular crystal- lisation. In both cases a high-coloured Uquor is separated, which is to be poured off; and the po- tassa must be kept carefully secluded from air. A perfectly pure solution of potassa will remain transparent on the addition of lime water, show no effervescence with dilute sulphuric acid, and not give any precipitate on blowing air from the lungs through it by means of a tube. Pure potassa for experimental purposes may most easily be obtained by igniting cream of tartar in a crucible, dissolving the residue in water, filtering, bo.ing with a quantity of quicklime, and after »u sidence, decanting the clear liquid, and evaporating in a loosely covered silver cap- sule, till it flows like oil, and then pouring it out on a clean iron plate. A soUd white cake ot pure hydrate of potassa is thus obtained, without the agency of alkohol. It must be immediately broken into fragments, and kept in a well-stop- pered phnl. As 100 parts of subcarbonate of potassa are equivalent to about 70 ol pure concentrated oU of vitriol, if into a measure tube, graduated into 100 equal parts, we introduce the 70 grains of acid, and fill up the remaining space with water, then we have an alkalimeter for estimating the value of commercial pearl-ashes, which, if pure, will re- quire for 100 grains one hundred divisions of the liquid to neutralise them. If they contain only 60 per cent, of genuine subcarbonate, then, 100 grains will require only 60 divisions, and so on. VVhen the alkalimeter indications are required in pure or absolute potassa, such as constitutes the basis of nitre, then we must use 102 grains of pure oil of vitriol, along with the requisite bulk of water to till up the volume of the graduated tube. The hydrate of potassa, as obtained by the pre- ceding process, is solid, white, and extremely caustic; in minute quantities, changing the pur- ple of violets and cabbage to a green, reddened litmus to purplt, and yellow turmeric to a red- dish-brown. It rapidly attracts humidity from the air, passing into the oil of tartar per deliquium ofthe chemists ; a name, however, also given to the deliquesced subcarbonate. Charcoal applied to tht hydrate of potassa at a cherry-red heat, gives birth to carburetted hydrogen, and an alka- line subcarbonate; but at a heat bordering on' whiteness, carburetted hydrogen, carbouous ox- ide, and potassium, are formed. Several metals decompose the hydrate ot potassa, by the aid of heat; particularly potassium, sodium, and iron. Tl p fused hvdrate of potassa consist of 6 deutoxid' POT POX of potassium-}-1.125 water==7.125, which number represents the compound prime equivalent. It is used in surgery, as the potential cautery for form- ing eschars; and it was formerly employed in medicine diluted with broths as a lithontriptic. In chemistry, it is very extensively employed, both in manufactures and as a reagent in analysis. It is the basis of all the common soft soaps. The oxides of the following metals are soluble in aque- ous potassa;—Lead, tin, nickel, arsenic, cobalt, manganese, zinc, antimony, tellurium, tungsten, molybdenum. The preparations of this alkali that are used in medicine are: 1. Potassa fusa. 2. Liquor potassa?. 3. Potassa cum calce. 4. Subcarbonas potassa?. 5. Carbonas potassae. 6. Sulphas potassa?. 7. Super-sulphas potassa?. S. Tartras potassae. 9. Acetas potassae. 10. Citras potassae. 11. Oxychloras potassae. 12. Arsenias potassae. 13. Sulphuretum , '.assa?. Potassa, acetate of. See Potassa acetas. Potassa, carbonate of. See potassa carbonas. Potassa, fused. See Potassa fusa. Potassa, solution of. See Potassa liquoi: t Potassa, subcarbonate of. See Potassa sub- carbonas. Potassa, subcarbonate of, solution of. See Potatta subcarbonatis liquor. Potassa, sulphate of. See Potassa sulphas. Potassa, sulphuret of. See Potassa sulphu- retum. i Potassa, super-sulphate of. See Potassa su- per-suiphas. Potassa, supertartrate of. See Turiarum. Potassa, tartrate of. See Potassa tartras. Potassa with lime. See Potassa cum calce. Potassa cum calce. Potassa with lime. Calx cum kali puro ; Causticum commune for- tius ; Lapis infemalis sive tepticus. Take of so- lution oi potassa three pints ; fresh lime, a pound. Boil the solution of potassa down to a pint, then add the Ume, previously slaked by tbe addition of water, and mix them together intimately. This is in common use with surgeons, as a caustic, to produce ulcerations, and to open abscesses. Potassa fusa. Fused potassa. Kali pu- rum; alkali vegetabile ftxum causticum. Take of solution of potassa a gallon. Evaporate the water in a clean iron pot, over the fire, until, when the ebulUtion has ceased, the potassa re- mains in a state of fusion ; pour it upon a clean iron plate, into pieces of convenient form. This preparation of potassa is violently caustic, destroy- ing the living animal fibre with great energy. Potassa impura. See Potassa. Potass.e acetas. Acetate of potassa. Ace- tated vegetable alkali. Kali acetatum ; Sal di- ureticus ; Terra foliala tartari; Sal sennerti. Take of subcaroonate of potassa a pound. Strong acetic acid, two pints. Distilled water, two pints. Mix the acid with the water, anu add it gradually to the subcarbonate of potassa so long as may be necessary for perfect saturation. Let the so- lution be further reduced to one-half by evapora- tion, and strain it: then by means of a water-bath evapor.':*- it, so that on being removed from the fire it shall crystallise. The acetate of potassa is esteemeel as a s..line diuretic and deobsnuent. It is given in the dose of from gr. x. to 3*-?. three *r--K times a day in any appropriate vehicle against dropsie-, hepatic obstructions, and the like. Potass.e arsenias. See Liquor ursenicalis. Potass.'e carbonas. Carbonate of potassa. This preparation, which has been long known by the name of Kali airatum, appeared in the last London Pharmacopoeia for the first time. It is made thus:—Take of subcarbonate of potassa made from tartar, a pound : subcarbonate of am- monia, three ounces; distilled water, a pint. Having previously dissolved the subcarbonate of potassa in the water, add the subcarbonate oi am- monia ; then, by means of a sand-bath, apply a heat of 180° for three hours, or until the ammonia shall be driven oft'; lastly, set the solution by, to crystallise. The remaining solution may be eva- porated in the same manner, that crystals may again form when it is set by. This process was invented by Berthollet. The potassa takes the carbonic acid from the ammonia, which is volatile, and passes off in the tempera- ture employed. It is, however, very difficult to detach the ammonia entirely. Potassa is thus saturated with carbonic acid, of which it contains double the quantity that the pure subcarbonate of potass., does; it gives out this proportion on tbe addition of muriatic acid, and may be converted into the subsalt, by heating it a short time to red- ness. It is less nauseous to the taste than the subcarbonate ; it crystallizes, and does not deli- quesce. Water, at the common temperature, dis- solves one-fourth its weight, and at 212°, five- sixths ; but this latter heat detaches some of the carbonic ac.d. The carbonate of potassa is now generally used for the purpose of imparting carbonic acid to the stomach, by giving a scruple in solution with a table-spoonful of lemon-juice, in the act of effer- vescing. Potass^: chloras. Formerly called oxymu- riate of potassa. Potass.*: liquor. Solution of potassa. Aqua kali puri; Lixivium saponarium. Take of sub- carbonate of potassa a pound, lime newly pre- pared, half a pound. Boiling distilled water, a gallon. Dissolve the potassa in two pints of the water; add the remaining water to the lime. Mix the liquors while they are hot, stir them together, then set the mixture by in a covered vessel; and after it has cooled, strain the solution through a cotton bag. If any diluted acid dropped into the solution occasion the extrication of bubbles of gas, it will be necessary to add more lime, and to strain it again. A pint of this solution ought to weigh sixteen ounces. Potass.e nitras. See Nitre. Potassae subcarbonas. Subcarbonate of potassa, formerly called Kali praparaium ; Sal abrinthii ; Sal tartari; Sal plantarum. Take of impure potassa powdered, three pounds ; boil- ing water, thrte pints and a half. Dissolve the potassa in water, and filter ; then pour the solu- tion into a clean iron pot, and evaporate the water over a moderate fire, until the liquor thickens ; then let the fire be withdrawn, and stir the liquor constantly with an iron rod, until the salt con- cretes into granular cr. stals. A purer subcarbonate of potassa may be pre- pared in the same manner from tartar, which mti.-t be first burnt until it becomes ash-coloured. This preparation of potassa is in general use to form the citrate of potassa for the saline draughts. A ssruple is generally directed to be saturated with lemon juice. I i this process, the salt which is ce>mposcd of potassa and carbonic acid is 'I' POT POT v*>nipo«ed. The citric acid having a greater affi- nity for the potassa than the carbon'c, seizes it and forms the citrate of potassa whilst the car- bonic acid flies off in the form of air. The, sub- carbonate of potassa possesses antacid virtues, and may be exhibited with advantage in convul- sions and other spasms of the intestines arising from acidity, in calculous and gouty complaints, leucorrhoea, scrophula, and aphthous affections. The dose is from ten grains to half a drachm. Potass* subcarbonatus liquor. Solution of subcarbonate of potassa. Aqua kali prapa- rati; Lixivium tartari, Oleum tartari per de- liquium. Take of subcarbonate of potassa, a pound ; distilled water, twelve fluid ounces. Dis- solve the subcarbonate of potassa in the water, and then strain the solution through paper. Potass* sulphas. Formerly called Kali vitriolatum; Alkali vegetabile vitriolatum ; Sal de duobus; Arcanum duplicatum; Sal poly- clirestus; Nitrum vitriolatum; Tartarum vi- triolatum. Take of the salt which remains after the distillation of nitric acid, two pounds ; boiling water, two gallons. Mix them that the salt may be dissolved ; next add as much subcarbonate of potassa as may be requisite for the saturation of the acid ; then boil the solution, until a pellicle appears upon the surface, and, after straining, set it by, that crystals may form. Having poured away the water, dry the crystals on bibulous pa- per. Its virtues are cathartic, diuretic, and deob- struent ; with which intentions it is administered in a great variety of diseases, as constipation, sup- pression of the lochia, fevers, icterus, dropsies, milk tumours, &c. The dose is from one scruple to half an ounce. Potass* sulphuretum. Sulphuret of pot- assa. Kali sulphuratum; Hepar sulphuris. JAver of sulphur. Take of washed sulphur, an ounce ; subcarbonate of potassa, two ounces ; rub them together, and put them in a covered cruci- ble, which is to be kept on the fire, till they unite. In this process the carbonic acid is drawn off, aud a compound formed of potassa and sulphur. This preparation has been employed in several cutane- ous diseases with advantage, both internally and in the form of bath or ointment. It has also been recommended in diabetes. The dose is from five / to twenty grains. '*"- Potass* superarsenias. See Superarte- niai potatta. Potass* supersulphas. Supersulphate of potassa. Take of the salt which remains after the distillation of nitric acid, two pounds ; boiling water four pints. Mix them together, so that the salt may be dissolved, and strain tbe solution; then boil it to one half, and set it by, that crystals may form. Having poured away the water, dry these crystals upon bibulous paper. Potass* supertartras. See Tartarum. Potass* tartras. Tartrate of potassa, lormerly called Kali tartaritatum ; Tartarum, solubile; Tartarus tartaritatus; Sal vegetabi- lis; Alkali vegetabile lartarisatum. Take of subcarbonate of potassa, sixteen ounces ; super- tartrate of potassa, three pounds ; boiling water, a gallon. Dissolve the subcarbonate of potassa in the water; next add the supertartrate of potas- sa previously reduced to powder, gradually, until bubbles of gas shall cease to arise. Strain the so- lution through paper, then boil it until a pellicle appear upon the surface, and set it by, that crys- tals may form. Having poured away the water, dry the crystals upon bibulous paper. Diuretic, deobstruent, and eccqprotic virtues are attributed to thispreparation. POTA SSIUM. The metallic basis of potassa. 98 "If a thin piece of solid hydrate of potassa be placed between two discs of platinum, connected with the extremities of a voltaic apparatus of 200 double plates, four inch square, it will sOon undergo fusion ; oxygen will separate at the posi- tive surface, and small metallic globules will ap- pear at the negative surface. These form the marvellous metal potassium, first revealed to the world by Sir H. Davy, early in October 1807. If iron turnings be heated to whiteness in a curved gun-barrel, and potassa be melted and made slowly to come in contact with the turnings, air being excluded, potassium will be formed, and will collect in the cool part of the tube. This method of procuring it was discovered by Gay Lussac and Thenard in 1808. It may likewise be produced, by igniting potassa with charcoal, as Curaudau showed the same year. Potassium is possessed of very extraordinary properties. It is lighter than water; its sp. gr. being 0.865 to water 1.0. At common tempera- tures, it is solid, soft, and easily moulded by the fingers. At 150° F. it fuses, and in a heat a little below redness it rises in vapour. It is perfectly opaque. When newly cut, its colour is splen- dent white, like that of silver, but it rapidly tar- nishes in the air. To preserve it unchanged, we must enclose it in a small phial, with pure naph- tha. It conducts electricity like the common metals. When thrown upon water, it acts with great violence, and swims upon the surface, burning with a beautiful light of a red colour, mixed with violet. The water becomes a solution of pure potassa. When moderately heated in the air, it inflames, bnrns with a red light, and throws off alkaline fumes. Placed in chlorine, it sponta- neously burns with great brilliancy. On all fluid bodies which contain water, or much oxygen or chlorine, it readily acts; and in its general powers of chemical combination, says its illustrious discoverer, potassium may be com- pared to the alkahest, or universal solvent, im- agined by the alchemists. Potassium combines with oxygen in different proportions. When potassium is gently heated in common air or in oxygen, the result of its combustion is an orange-coloured fusible sub- stance. For every grain of the metal consumed, about I 7-10 cubic inches of oxygen are con- densed. To make the experiment accurately, the metal should be burned in a tray of platina covered with a coating of fused muriate of pot- assa. The substance procured by the combustion of potassium at a low temperature, was first observed in October 1807 by Sir H. Davy, who supposed it to be the protoxide ; but Gay Lussac and The- nard, in 1810, showed that it was in reaUty the deutoxide or peroxide. When it is thrown into water, oxygen is evolved, and a solution of the protoxide results, constituting common aqueous potassa. When it is fused, and brought in contact with combustible bodies, they burn vividly, by the excess of its oxygen. Ifit be heated in carbonic acid, oxygen is disengaged, and common subcar- bonate of potassa is formed. When it is heated very strongly upon platina, oxygen gas is expelled from it, and there remains a difficultly fusible substance of a gray colour, vitreous fracture, soluble in water without effer- vescence, but with much heat. Aqueous pot- assa is produced. The above ignited solid is pro- toxide of potassium, which becomes pure potassa by combination with the equivalent quantity of water. When we produce potassium with ignited iron-turnings and potassa, much hydrogen is dis- engaged from the water of the hydrate, while the POI rox iron becomes oxidized from the residuary oxygen. By heating together pure hydrate of potassa and boracic acid, Sir H. Davy obtained from 17 to 18 of water from 100 parts of the solid alkali. By acting on potassium with a very small quan- tity of water, or by heating potassium with fused potassa, the protoxide may also be obtained. The proport: n of oxygen in the protoxide is determined by the action of potassium upon water. 8 grains of potassium produce from water about 9J cubic inches of hydrogen; and from these the metal must have fixed 4$ cubic inches of oxygen. But as 100 cubic inches of oxygen weigh 33.9 gr. 4$ will w-igh 1.61. Thus, 9.61 gr. ofthe protoxide will contain 8 of metal ; and 100 will contain R3, lb metil + 16.75 oxyuen. From these data the prime of potassium comes out 4 969 ; and that of the protoxide 5.969. Sir H. Davy adopts the number 75 for potassium, corresponding to 50 on the oxygen scale. When potassium is heated strongly in a small quantity of common air, tbe oxygen of whicb is not sufficient for its conversion into potassa, a substance is formed of a grayish colour, which, when thrown into water, effervesces without ta- king fire. It is doubtful whether it be a mixture of the protoxide and potassium, or a combina- tion of potassium with a smaller proportion of oxygen than exists in the protoxide. In this case, it would be a suboxide, consisting of 2 primes of potass um= 10 - 1 of oxygen = 11. When thin pieces ot potassium are introduced into chlorine, the inflammation is very vivid ; and when potassium is made to act on chloride of sul- phur, there is an explosion. The attraction of chlorine for potassium is much stronger than the attraction of oxygen for the metal. Both of the oxides of potassium are immediately decomposed by chlorine, with the formation of a fixed chlo- ride, and the extrication of oxygen. The combination of potassium and chlorine is the substance which has been improperly called muriate of potassa, and which, in common cases, is formed by causing liquid muriatic acid to satu- rate solution of potassa, and then evaporating the liquid to dryness and igniting the solid residuum. The hydrogen of the acid here unites to the oxy- gen ofthe alkali, lorming water, which is exhaled ; while the remaining chlorine and potassium combine. It consists ol a potassium +-4.5 chlorine. Potassiun combines with hydrogen t . form po- tassuretted hydrogen, a spontaneously inflammable gas, which comes over occasionally in the pro- duction of potassium by the gun-barrel experi- ment. Gay Lussac and Thenar! describe also a solid compound of the same two ingredients, which they call a hydruret of potassium. It is formed by beating the metal a long while in the gas, at a temperature just under ignition They describe it as a grayish solid, giving out its hy- drogen on contact with mercury. When potassium and sulphur are heated to- gether, they combine with great energy, with disengagement of heat and light even in vacuo. The resulting sulphuret of potassium, is of a dark gray colour It acts with great energy on water, pro'iUiting sulphuretted hydrogen, and burns brilliantly when heated in the air, becoming sul- phate of potassa. It consists of 2 sulphur + 6 pot issium, by Sir H. Davy's experiments. Po- tassium has so strong an attraction for sulphur, that it rapidly separates it from hydrogen. If the potassium be heated in the sulphuretted gas, it takes fire and burns with great brilliancy; sul- phuret of potassium is formed, and pure hydro- gen is set free. Potassium and phosphorus enter into union 778 with the evolution of light; but the mutual action is feebler than in the preceding compound. The phosphuret of potassium, in its common form, is a substance of a dark chocolate colour, but when heated with potassium in great excess, it becomes of a deep gps. POTATOE. The word potatoe is a degenera- tion of batatas, the provincial name ot the root in that part of Peru from which it was first ob- tained. See Solanum tuberosum. Potatoe, Spanish. See Convolvulus batatas. POTENTIAL. Potentialis. 1. Qualities which are supposed to exist in the body in poten- tia only ; by whicb they are capable, in some measure, of effecting and impressing on us the ideas of such qualities, though not really inherent in themselves ; in this sense we say, potential heat, potential cold, &c. 2. In a medical sense it is opposed to actual: hence we say, an actual and potential caustic. A redhot iron is actual caustic ; whereas potatta pura, and nitrat argentia are potentially so, though cold to the touch. Potential cautery. See Potassa fusa, and Argenti nitrat. POTENTfLLA. (A potentia, from its effi- cacy.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Icosandria; Order, Polygynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the wild tan- sy. See Potentilla anserina. Potentilla anserina. The systematic name of the silver-weed, or wild tansy. Argen- tina; Anserina. The leaves of this plant, Po- tentilla—foliis dentatis, serratis, caule repente, pedunculit unifloris, of Lnm&us, possess mild- ly adstringent and corroborant qualities ; but are seldom used except by the lower orders. Potentilla reptans. The systematic name of the common cinquefoil, or five-leaved grass. Pentaphytlum. The roots of this plant, Poten- tilla—foliis quinatis, caule repente pedunculit unifloiis, of Linnaeus-, have a bitterish styptic taste. They were used by the ancients in the cure of intermittents ; but the medicinal quality of cinquefoil is confined, in the present day, to stop diarrhoeas and other fluxes. POTE'RIUM. (From aornpiov, a cup: so named from the shape of its flowers.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Monad*; Order, Polyandria. POW PRE Poterium saNGTjiscrba. The systematic uame ofthe Burnet saxifrage, the leaves of which »re often put into cool tankards ; they have an ad- stringent quality. POTSTINE. Lapis ollaris. A greenish gray mineral, found abundantly on the shores of the lake Como, in Lombardy, in thick beds ol primi- tive slate, and fashioned into culinary vessels in Greenland.' It is a subspecies of rhomboidal mica ■A Jameson. POTT, Percival, was born in London, in 1713. It was the wish of his friends to bring him up to the church, in which he might have obtained good patronage ; but he had an irresistible inclina- tion to the surgical profession. He was accord- ingly apprenticed to Mr. Nourse, of St. Bartholo- mew's hospital, who gave anatomical lectures ; for which he was employed in preparing the sub- jects, and thus laid the best foundation for chirur- gical skill. In 1744 he was elected assistant-sur- geon, and five years after, one of the principal surgeous at the hospital. He had the merit of chiefly bringing about a great improvement in his profession, availing himself of the resources of nature under a lenient mode of treatment, and ex- ploding the frequent use of the cautery, and other severe methods formerly resorted to. In 17o6, he had the misfortune to receive a compound fracture of the leg ; but the confinement occasioned by this accident led him to compose his " Treatise on Ruptures ;" which was soon followed by an ac- count of the Hernia Congenita. In 1758 he pro- duced a judicious essay on " Fistula Lachryma- lis ;" and two years after an elaborate dissertation " On Injuries of the Head;" which wds soon fol- lowed by " Practical Remarks on the Hydro- cele," &c. In 1764 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society ; and about the same period he in- stituted a course of lectures on Surgery. In the following year his treatise "On Fistula in Ano" appeared, in which he effected a very great im- provement ; and in 1768 some remarks " On Frac- tures and Dislocations," were added to a new edi- tion of his work on Injuries of the Head. Seven years after this he published " Chirurgical Obser- vations'' on Cataract, Polypus of the Nose, Can- cer of the Scrotum, Ruptures, and Mortification of the lower Extremities . this was soon succeeded by a " Treatise ou the Necessity of Amputation in some Cases •" and by " Remarks on the palsy of the lower Limbs," from Curvature of the Spine. He had now attained the great t st eminence in his profession ; but towards the close ofthe year 1788 a severe attack of fever, neglected at first, termi- nated his active and valuable life. POUCH. 1. Sacculus. In an tomy, a morbid dilatation of any part of a canal, as the intestine. 2. In botany, see Silicula. Poupart's ligament. Ligamentum Pou- partii. Fallopian Ligament. Inguinal ligament. A strong ligament, or rather a tendinous expansion ofthe external oblique muscle, goin^ across from the inferior and anterior spinous process of the Uium, to the crista of the os pubis. It is under this ligament that the lemoral vessels pass ; and when the intestine or omentum passes underneath it, the disease is called a femoral hernia. Powder, antimonial. See Antimonialis pul- tit. Powder of burnt hartshorn with opium. See Pulvis cornu utti cum opio. Powder, compound, of aloet. See Pulvis doit compositus. Powder, compound, of chalk. See Pulvis creta compositus. Powder, compound, of chalk, with opium. *foe Pulmt creta compotitus mm opio Powder, compound, of dnnamon. See PuU vit dn n amom i compos itus. Powder, compound, of contrayerva. See Put- in's contrayerva compositus. Powder, compound, of ipecacuanha. See Pulvis ipecacuanha comporitus. Powder, compound, of kino. See Pulvis kino comporitus. Powder, compound, of scammony. See Pul- vis tcammonea compotitus. Powder, compound, of tenna. See Pulvit senna compositus. Powder, compound, of tragacanth. See Pulvis tragacantha compositus. Power, muscular. See Irritability, and Muscular motion. Power, tonic. See Irritability. ' Pracipitate, red. See Hydrargyri nitrico- oxydum. Pracipitate, white. See Hydrargyrum pra- cipitatum album. PR^ECO'RDIA. (Pracordia, orum. n. ; from pra, before, and cor, the heart.) The fore part ofthe region ofthe thorax. Pr*fu'rnium. (From pra, before, and fur- nut, a furnace.) The mouth or a chemical fur- PrLEMORSUS. (From pramordeo, to bite off.) Bitten off. In botany this term is differ- ently applied . the radix pramorsa is an abrupt root, naturally, it is supposed, inclined to a taper root, but from some decay or interruption in its descending point it becomes abrupt; or, as it were, bitten off, as in the Scabiota succisa, and Hedypnois hirta. The old opinion formed of this root is thus de- scribed in Gerald's Herbal: " The great part of the root seemeth to be bitten away : old fantas- ticke charmers report, that the divel did bite it lor envie, because it is an herbe that hath so many goodvertues, and is so beneficial to niankinde." The folium pramorsum is jagged pointed, very blunt, with various irregular notches, as in Epi- dendrum pramorsum, &c. Pr*para'ntia medicamenta. Medicines which were supposed to prepare the peccant fluid* to pass off. Pr*parantia va9a. The spermatic vessel* of the testicles. PREPUCE. See Praputium. PRiEPU'TlUM. (From praputo, to cut off before, because some nations used to cut it off in circumcision.) Epagonion of Dioscorides. Posthe. The prepuce. The membranous or cu- taneous fold that covers the glans penis and cli- toris. PRASE. A green leek-coloured mineral, found in the island of Bute, and in Borrodale. Pra'sium. (From rrpaoia, a square border: so called from its square stalks.) Horehound. Sec Marrubium vulgare. Pra'sum. (From rrpau, to burn ; because ol its hot taste.) The leek. PKA'XIS. (From rrpacou, to perform.) The practice of any thing, as of medicine. PRECIPITA'TION. (Pradpitatio; from pracipito, to cast down.) When two bodies are united, for instance, an acid and an oxide, and a third body is added, such as an alkali, which has a greater affinity with the acid than the metaUic oxide has, the consequence is, that the alkali com- bines with the acid, and the oxide thus deserted, appears in a separate state at the bottom of tha vessel in which the operation is performed. This decomposition is commonly known by the name of preripitation, and the substance that sinks it named a predpitate. The substance, by the ad- PRE PRE dition of which the phenomenon is produced, is denominated the precipitant. PREDISPOSING. (Pradisponens; from pradispono, to predispose.) Causaproigumena. That -which renders the body susceptible of dis- ease. The most frequent predisposing causes of diseases are, the temperament and habit of the body, idiosyncrasy, age, sex, and structure of the part. PREDISPOSITION. Pradispositio. That constitution, or state of the solids, or fluids, or of both, -which disposes the body to the action of disease. PREGNANCY. Utero gestation. The par- ticular manner in which pregnancy takes place has hitherto remained involved in obscurity, not- withstanding the laborious investigation of the most eminent philosophers of all ages. Although in a state which (with a few exceptions) is natu- ral to all women, it is in general the source of many disagreeable sensations, and often the cause of diseases which might be attended with the worst consequences if not properly treated. It is now, however, universally acknowledged, that those women who bear children, enjoy, usu- aUy, more certain health, and are much less liable to dangerous diseases, than those who are unmar- ried, or who prove barren. Signs of pregnancy.—The womb has a very extensive influence, by means of its nerves, on many other parts of the body ; hence, the changes which are produced on it by impregnation, must be productive of changes on the state of the gene- ral system. These constitute the signs of preg- nancy. During the first fourteen or fifteen weeks, the signs of pregnancy are very ambiguous, and can- not be depended on; for, as they proceed from the irritation of the womb on other parts, they may be occasioned by every circumstance which can alter the natural state of that organ. The first circumstance which renders pregnancy probable, is the suppression of the periodical evacuation, which is generally accompanied with fulness in the breasts, headache, flushings in the face, and heat in the palms ofthe hands. These symptoms are commonly the conse- quences of suppression, and therefore are to be re- garded as signs of pregnancy, in so far only as they depend on it. As however, the suppression of the periodical evacuation often happens from accidental exposure to cold, or from the change of life in consequence of marriage, it can never be considered as an infal- lible sign. The belly, some weeks after pregnancy, be- comes flat, from the womb sinking, and hence drawing down the intestines along with it; but this cannot be looked upon as a certain sign of pregnancy, because an enlargement of the womb from any other cause will produce the same effect. Many women, soon after they are pregnant, be- come very much altered in their looks, and have peculiar irritable feelings, inducing a disposition of mind which renders their temper easUy ruffled, and inciting an irresistible propensity to actions of which, on other occasions, they would be ashamed. In such cases, the features acquire a peculiar sharpness, the eyes appear larger, and the mouth wider than usual; and the woman has a particular appearance, which cannot be described, but with which women are weU acquainted. These breeding symptoms, as they are called, originate from the irritation produced on the womb by impregnation; and as they may proceed from any other circumstance which can irritate that 780 organ, they cannot be depended on when the wo- man is nat young, or where there is not a conti- nued suppression for at least three periods. The irritations on the parts contiguous to the womb are equally ambiguous ; and therefore the signs of pregnancy, in the first four months, are always to be considered as doubtful, unless every one enumerated be distinctly and equivocally pre- sent. From the fourth month, the signs of pregnancy are less ambiguous, especially after the womb has ascended into the cavity of the beUy. In general, about the fourth month, or a short time after, the child becomes so much enlarged, that its motions begin to be felt by the mother; and hence a sign is furnished at that period called quickening. Women very improperly consider this sign as the most unequivocal proof of preg- nancy : for though, when it occurs about the period described, preceded by the symptoms for- merly enumerated, it may be looked upon as a sure indication that the woman is with child, yet, when there is an irregularity, either in the pre- ceding symptoms or in its appearance, the situa- tion ot the woman must be doubtful. This fact will be easily understood ; for as the sensation of tbe motion of the child cannot be ex- plained, or accurately described, women may readily mistake other sensations for that of quick- ening. Flatus has often been so pent up in the bowels, that the natural pulsation of the great arteries, of which people are conscious only in certain states of the body, has frequently been mistaken for this feeling. After the fourth month, the womb rises gra- dually from the cavity of the pelvis, enlarges the belly, and pushes out the navel: hence the pro- trusion ofthe navel has been considered one ofthe most certain signs of pregnancy in the latter months. Every circumstance, however, which increases the bulk of the belly occasions this symptom ; and therefore it cannot be trusted to, unless other signs concur. The progressive increase of the belly, along with suppression, after having been formerly regular, and the consequent symptoms, together with the sensation of quickening at the proper pe- riod, afford the only true marks of pregnancy. These signs, however, are not to be entirely de- pended on; for the natural desire whicb every woman has to be a mother, will induce her to con- ceal, even from herself, every symptom which may render her situation doubtful, and to magnify every circumstance which can tend to prove that she is pregnant. Beside quickening and increase of bulk of the beUy, another symptom appears in the latter months, which, when preceded by the ordinary signs, renders pregnancy certain beyond a doubt. It is the presence of milk in the breasts. When, however, there is any irregularity in the preced- ing symptoms, this sign is no longer to be con- sidered of any consequence. As every practitioner must naturally wish to distinguish pregnancy from disease, the disorders which resemble it should be thoroughly under- stood, and also their diagnostics. It is, however, necessary to remark, that wherever any circum- stance occurs which affords the most distant rea- son to doubt the case, recourse ought to be had to the advice of an experienced practitipner, and every symptom should be unreservedly described to him. Prehe'nsio. (Fromprehendo, to surprise: so named from its sudden seizure.) The catalepsy. PREHNITE. Of prismatic prehnite there are two sub-species, the foliated, and the fibrous PR1 PRI 1 he lirst is of an apple-green colour, lound in France, the Savoy and Tyrol, and beautiful va- rieties in the interior of Southern Africa. The fibrous is of a siskin green colour, and occurs in Scotland. PRESBYOTIA. (From r:pta6vs, old, and u>\f,, the eye ; because it is frequent with old men.) That defect of the sight by which objects close are seen confusedly, but, at remoter distances, distinctly. As the myopia is common to infants, so the presbyopia is a malady common to the aged. The proximate cause is a tardy adunation of the rays in a focus, so that it faUs beyond the retina. The species are, 1. Presbyopia from a flatness of the cornea. By so much the cornea is flatter, so much the less and more tardy it refracts the rays into a focus. This evil arises, 1st, From a want of aqueous or vitreous humour, which is common to the aged ; or may arise from some disease ; 2d, From a ci- catrix, which diminishes the convexity of the cornea ; 3d, From a natural conformation of the cornea. 2. Presbyopia from too flat a crystalline lens. This evil is most common to the aged, or it may happen from a wasting ofthe crystalline lens. 3. Presbyopia from too small density of the cornea or humours ofthe eye. By so much more these humours are thin or rarefied, so much the less they refract the rays of light. Whosoever is affected from this cause is cured in older age ; for age induces a greater density of the cornea and lens. From this it is an observed fact, that the presbyopes are often cured spontaneously, and throw away their glasses, which younger persons in this disease are obUged to use. 4. Presbyopia from a custom of viewing con- tinually remote objects ; hence artificers who are occupied in remote objects are said to contract this malady. The reason of this phenomenon is not very clear. 5. Presbyopia senilis. From a multitude of causes aged persons are presbyopes ; from a penu- ry of humours, which render the cornea and lens natter, and the bulb shorter. When in senile age, from dryness, the bulb of the eye becomes flatter and shorter, and the cornea natter, those who were short-sighted or myopes before, see now without their concave glasses. 6. Presbyopia, from too close a proximity of objects. The focus is shorter of distant, but longer of nearer objects. 7. Presbyopia from a coarctated pupil. 8. Presbyopia mercurialis, which arises from the use of mercurial preparations. The patient feels a pressing pain in the eye, which, from being touched is increased, and the bulb of the eye ap- pears as if rigid, and with difficulty can be moved. Near objects the patient can scarcely distinguish, and distant only in a confused manner. Many have supposed this disorder an imperfect amau- rosis. Pre'sbtt*. See Pretbyopia. PRESBY'TIA. (From rrpttrSvs, old ; because it is usual to old people.) See Pretbyopia. Presu'ra. (From vpndu, to inflame.) In- flammation at the ends ofthe fingers from cold. Priapei'a. See Nicotiana rustica. Priapi'scus. (From irpiairos, the penis.) 1. A tent made in the form of a penis. 2. A bougie. PRIAPISM. See Priapiimut. PRIAPI'SMUS. (From rrpiarros, a heathen god, whose penis is always painted ere.ct.) Priapism. A continual erection of the penis. PRIA'PUS. (llpiarros, a heathen god, remark- able for the largeness of his genitals.) 1. The penis or membrum virile. 2. A name of the nepenthes, or wonderlul plant, from the appendages at the end ofthe leaves reseinblins an erected penis. PRICKLE. See-4cu/eu». Prickly beat. See Lichen tropicus. PRI'M-oEVLE. The first passages. The stomach and the intestinal tube are so called, be- cause they are the first passages ot what is taken into the stomach ; the lacteals the secunda via, because tlie nourishment next goes into them ; ami lastl v, the blood vessels, which are supplied by the lacteals, are called via tertia. PRIMARY. Primarius. A term in very general use in medicine and surgery. It is ap- plied to diseases, to their symptoms, causes, &c. and denotes priority in opposition to what follows, which is secondary : thus, when inflammation of the diaphragm produces furious dehrium, the primary disease is the paraphrenitis; so when gallstones produce violent pain, vomiting, &c. which are followed by jaundice, white faeces, por- ter coloured urine, etc; the pain and vomiting are primary symptoms, the jaundice and white stools are secondary, &c. Primary teeth. See Teeth. Primrose. See Primula vulgarit. PRI'MULA. (Fromprimulus, the beginning: so called because it flowers in the beginning of the spring.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. Primula vEris. (From primulus, the begin- ning : so called because it flowers in the begin- ning ofthe spring.) Verbasculum. The cow- stip, paigil, or peagle. The flowers of this plant have a moderately strong and pleasant smell, and a somewhat roughish bitter taste. Vinous liquors impregnated with their flavour by maceration or fermentation, and strong infusions of them drank as tea, are supposed to be mildly corroborant, antispasmodic, and anodyne. An infusion of three pounds of the fresh flowers in five pints of boiling water is made in the shops into a syrup of a fine yellow colour, and agreeably impregnated with the flavour of the cowslip. Primula vulgaris. The primrose. The leaves and root of this common plant possess sternutatory properties. Pri'nceps alexipharmacorum. The An- gelica was formerly so much esteemed as to ob- tain this name. PRINCIPLES. Prinripia. Primary sub- stances. Substances or particles which are com- posed of two or more elements; thus water, gelatine, sugar, fibrine, &c. are the principles of many bodies. These principles are composed of elementary bodies, as oxygen, hydrogen, azote, &c. wliich are undecomposable. PRINGLE, Sir John, was born in Scotland in 1707. Having determined to make medicine his profession, he went to Edinburgh for a year, and then to Leyden, to profit by the instructions of the celebrated Boerhaave, where he took his de- gree in 1730. Then settling at Edinburgh, he ob- tained four years after the appointment of profess- or of moral phUosophy jointly with Mr. Scott, In 1742 he was made physician to the Earl of Stair, who then commanded the British army, and soon after physician to the military hospital iu Flanders. He acquitted himself with so much credit, that the Duke of Cumberland, who suc- ceeded to the command, appointed him, in 1745, physician-general to the forces, and subsequently to the royal hospitals, in the Low Countries, when he resigned his Scotch professorship. He soon after accompanied the same nobleman in bis PRO PRO expedition against the rebels in Scotland: but in 1747, went again to the army abroad, where he continued till the treaty of Aix-la-ChapeUe. The Duke of Cumberland then appointed him his phy- sician, and he settled in London ; but the war of 1755 called him again to the army, which, how- ever, he finally quitted three years after. He had been elected a fellow ofthe Royal Society in 1746, and on settling in London contributed many papers to their Transactions, particularly his Ex- periments on Septic and Antiseptic Substances, tor which he was presented with the Copleian medal. In 1752 his " Observations on the Dis- eases of the Army," first appeared, and rapidly passed through several editions, and was translated into other languages : the utility of the work, in- deed, equalled the reputation it acquired, and which it still preserves, especially from the im- portance ofthe prophylactic measures suggested. After quitting the army, he was admitted a licen- tiate, and his fame as a physician, as weU as phi- losopher, speedily attained a high pitch; he re- ceived successively various appointments about the royal family, was elected a fellow of the Col- lege, and in 1766 raised to the dignity of a baronet. Among numerous literary honours from various academies of science in Europe, the highest was conferred upon him in 1770, being then elected president of the Royal Society ; the duties of which office he zealously fulfilled for eight years, when declining health compelled his resignation. His discourses on tbe annual presentation of the Copleian medals displayed so much learning and general information, that their publication was requested. In 1780 he went to Edinburgh for the ' improvement of his health ; but the want of his accustomed society, and the sharpness of the air, compelled him to return in the foUowing year ; he presented, however, to the College ot Physi- cians there before his departure ten folio volumes, in manuscript, of " Medical and Physical Obser- vations," with the restriction that they should not be published, nor lent out of the library. His death happened soon after his return to London, namely, in the beginning of 1782. PRlpNO'DES. (From rrpiuv, a saw.) Ser- rated : appUed in old writings to the sutures of the skull. PRl'OR. The first; a term applied to some muscles from their order. Prior annularis. Musculus prior annula- ris. Fourth interosseus, of Winslow. An in- ternal interosseus muscle of the hand. See In- terossei manus. Prior indicis. Extensor tertii internodii indicis, of Douglas. Seu-metacarpo-lateri- phalangien, of Dumas. An internal interosseal muscle of the hand, which draws the fore-finger inwards towards the thumb, and extends it ob- liquely. Prior medii. Musculus prior medii; Se- cond interosseus, of Douglas, and seu-metacarpo- lateri phalangien, of Dumas. An external in- terosseous muscle of the hand. See Interottei manus. Pro re naTA. A term frequently used in ex- temporaneous prescriptions, and implies occa- sionally, as the occasion may require; thus, an aperient dose is directed to be taken pro re nato. PROBANG. A flexible piece of whalebone with sponge fixed to the end. PROBE. (From probo, to try; because sur- geons try the depth and extent of wounds, &c. with it.) Stylus. A surgical instrument of a long and slender form. Pro'bole. (XlpoSoXri, a prominence; from -rioBaXXo), to project.) See Apophysis. 782 PROBO'SCIS. (From npo, before, and rW, to fall down.) Procidentia. A relaxation, such as that of the scrotum, of the under lip, of the breasts in fe- males, of the prapuce, or of the ears. Propte'ma. (From rzpo, before, and irvev, pus.) A premature collection of pus. PRO'RA. (From rrpupa, the prow of a vessel.) The occiput. Prosarthro'Sis. (From npos, to, and apOpou, to articulate.) The articulation which has mani- fest motion. Prospe'gma. (From irpooirtiyvvpi, to fix near.) A fixing of humours in one spot.) Pro'stasis. (From rrpois^ipi, to predominate.) An abundance of morbid humours. PROSTATE. (Glandula prostata; from npo, before, and lorvpi, to stand : because it is situated before the urinary bladder.) Corpus glandulo- tum; Adenoides. A very large, heart-like, firm gland, situated between the neck of the urinary bladder and the bulbous part of the urethra. It secretes the lacteal fluid, which is emitted into the urethra by ten or twelve ducts, that open near the verumontanuru, during coition. This gland is Uable te inflammation and its consequences. Prostate inferior muscle. See Transversut perind alter. PROSTRATUS. Prostrate. Apphed synony- mously with depressus, depressed, to a stem which ties naturaUy remarkably flat, spreading horizon- tally over the ground; as in Coldenia procumbent, and Coronopus Ruelli, swine's cress. PROTO'GALA. (From rrpuros, first, and yaXa, milk.) The first milk after deUvery. PROTOXYDE. See Odde. PROTUBERANTIA. 1. A protuberance on any part. 2. An apophysis. PROXIMATE. (Causa proximo : so caUed because when the exciting cause begins to have effect it is the proximum, or next thing that hap- pens. ) The proximate cause of a disease may be said to be in reality the disease itself. AU proxi- mate causes are either diseased actions of simple fibres, or an altered state of the fluids. PRUI'NA. (A perurendo, quod fruget pe- ruent.) The powder-like appearance after the bloom observed on ripe fruit, especially plums. PRUNA. (Pruna, a. f.; a tive coal.) The carbuncle. See Anthrax. PRUNE. See Plums. PRUNE'LLA. (From pruno, a burn; because it heals burns.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Didynamia; Order, Gymnospermia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the self-heal, See Prunella vulgaris. 3. The name used by Paracelsus for sore throat, or cynanche. Prunella vulgaris. The systematic name of the self-heal. Prunella; Consolida minor ; Symphitum minus. Prunella —foliis omnibus ovato oblongis, terratit, pe.tiolatis, of Linnaeus ; it is recommended as an adstringent in haemorrhages and fluxes, as also in gargles against aphthae and inflammation of the fauces. PRUNUM. (Prunum, t. n. ; from prunut.) A plum or prune. See Plumt. Prunelloe. See Plumt. Prunum gallicum. See Prunut domettica. Prunum sylvestre. See Prunut tpinota. PRU'NUS. (Prunut, i. f.) 1. Apium. 2. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Icosandria; Order Mono- gynia. Prunus armeniaca. Apricots which are the fruit of this plant.are, when ripe,easily digested, and PRU PRL are considered as a pleasant and nutritious deli- cacy. Prunus avium. The systematic name of the black cherry-tree. Prunus—umbellis sessilibus, foliis ovato-lanceolatis, subtut pubescentibus, conduplicatis, of Linna?us. The flavour ot the ripe fruit is esteemed by many, and if not taken in too large quantities, they are extremely salu- tary. A gum exudes from the tree, whose pro- perties are similar to those of gum-arabic. Prunus cerasus. The systematic name of the red cherry-tree. Prunus—umbellis subpe- dunculalis,foliis ovato-lanceolaUs, glabris, con- duplicatis of Linnaeus. The fruit ot this tree, Cerasa rubra, anglica, sativa, possess a pleasant, acidulated, sweet flavour, and are proper in fevers, scurvy, and bUious obstructions. Red cherries are mostly eaten as a luxury, and are very whole- some, except to those whose bowels are remarka- bly irritable. Prunus domestica. The systematic name of the plum or damson-tree. Prunus— pedui.- culis subsolitariis, foliis lanceolato ovutis con- volutis, ramis muticis, gemmafloiijera aphylla, of Linnaeus. Prunes are considered as emollient, cooling, and laxative, especially the French prunes, which are directed in the decoction of senna, and other purgatives; and the pulp is or- dered in the electuarium e senna. The Damson is only a variety, whicb, when perfectly ripe, af- fords a wholesome article for pies, tarts, &c. gently opening the body: but when damsons are not perfectly mature, they produce colicky pains, diarrhoea, and convulsions in children. See Plums. Prunus lauro-cerasus. The systematic name of the poison laurel. Lauro-cerusus. Common or cherry laurel. Prunus—floribus racemosis foliis sempervirentibus dorso biglan- dulosit, of Linnaeus. The leaves ot the lauro- cerasus have a bitter styptic taste, accompanied with a flavour resembling that of bitter-almonds, or other kernels of the drupaceous fruits: the flowers also manifest a similar flavour. The powdered leaves, appUed to the nostrils, excite sneezing, though not so strongly as tobacco. The kernel- like flavour which these leaves impart being gene- rally esteemed grateful, has sometimes caused them to be employed for culinary purposes, and especially in custards, puddings, blanemange, &c.; and as the proportion of this sapid matter of the leaf to the quantity of the milk is commonly in- considerable, bad effects have seldom ensued. But as the poisonous quality of this laurel is now in- dubitably proved and known to be the prussic acid which can be obtained in a separate form. (See Prussic add,) the public ought to be cautioned against its internal use. The following communication to the Royal Society, by Dr. Madden, of Dublin, contains the first and principal proofs ofthe deleterious effects of this vegetable upon mankind:—"A very ex- traordinary accident that teU out here some months ago, has discovered to us a most dange.ous poison, which was never before known to be so, though it has been in frequent use among us. The thing I mean is a simple water, distiUed from the leaves of the lauro-cerasus ; the water is at first milky, but the oil which comes over being, in a good mea- sure, separated from the phlegm, by passing it through a flannel bag, it becomes as clear as common water. It has the smell of bitter almonds, or peach-kernel, and has been for many years in frequent use among our housewives and cooks, to give that agreeable flavour to their creams and puddings. It has also been much in use among our drinkers of drams; and the proportion they generally use it in has been one part otlaurel-water 7«4 to four of brandy. Nor has this jiractice, however frequent, ever been attended with any apparent ill consequences, till sometime in the month of Sep- tember, 1728, when it happened that one Martha Boyse, a servant, who lived with a person who sold great quantities of this water, got a bottle of it from her mistress, and gave it to her mother. Ann Boyse made a present of it to Frances Eaton, her sister, who was a shopkeeper in town, and who, she thought, might oblige her customers with it. Accordingly, in a few days, she gave about two ounces to a woman called Mary Whaley, who drank about two-thirds of what was filled out, and went away. Frances Eaton drank the rest. In a quarter of an hour after Mary Whaley had drunk the water, (as I am informed,) she com- plaintd of a violent disorder in her stomach, soon after lost her speech, and died in about an hour, without vomiting or purging, or any convulsion. The shopkeeper, F. Eat-m, sent word to her sis- ter, Ann Boyse, of what had happened, who came to her upon the message, and affirmed that it was not possible the cordial (as she called it) could have occasioned the death of the woman ; and, to convince her of it, she filled out about three ounces and drank it. She continued talking with F. Eaton about two minutes longer, and was so earnest to persuade her of the liquor's being inof- fensive, that she drank about two spoonsful more, but wi.s hardly well seated in her chair, when she died without the least groan, or convulsion. Frances Eaton, who, as before observed had drank somewhat more than a spoonful, found no disorder in her stomach or elsewhere ; but to prevent any ill consequences, she took a vomit immediately, and has been well ever since."—Dr. Madden mentions another case, of a gentleman at Kil- kenny, who mistook a bottle of laurel-water for a bottle of ptisan. What quantity he drank is un- certain, but he died in a few minutes, complaining of a violent disorder in the stomach. In addition to this, we may refer to the unfortunate case of Sir Theodosius Boughton, whose death, in 1780, an English jury declared to be occasioned by this poison. In this case, the active principle of the lauro-cerasus was concentrated by repeated dis- tiUations, and given to the quantity of one ounce: the suddenly fatal effects of which roust be still in the recollection of the public. To brute ani- mals this poison is almost instantaneously mortal, as amply appears by the experiments of Madden, Mortimer, Nicholls, Fontana, Langrish,Vater, and others. The experiments conducted by these gen- tlemen, show that the laurel-water is destructive to animal life, not only when taken into the stomach, but also on being injected into the intestines, or applied externally to different organs ofthe body. It is remarked, by Abbe Fontana, that this poison, even "when appUed in a very small quantity to the eyes, or to the inner part of the mouth, without touching the oesophagus, or being carried into the stomach, is capable of kilting an animal in a few minutes: whilst, applied in a much greater quan- tity to wounds, it has so little activity, that the weakest animals, such as pigeons, resist its ac- tion." The poisonous quality of the species of laurel is the prussic acid ; and if we judge from its sen- sible qualities, an analogous principle seems to pervade many other vegetable substances, espe- cially the kernels of drupaceous fruits: and in various species of the amygdalus, this sapid prin- ciple extends to the flowers and leaves. It is of importance to notice, that this is much less power- ful in its action upon human subjects than upon dogs, rabbits, pigeons, and reptiles. To poison man, the essential oil of the lauro-cerasus must PRt PRU tie separated by distillation, as in the spirituous or common laurel-water ; and unless this is strongly cmbucd with the oil, or given in a large dose, it proves innocent. Dr. CuUen observes, that the sedative power of the lauro-cerasus, acts upon the nervous system in a different manner from opium and other narcotic substances, whose primary ac- tion is upon the animal functions ; for the lauro- rerasus does not occasion sleep, nor does it produce local inflammation, but seems to act directly upon the vital powers. Abbe Fontana supposes that- Ihis poison destroys animal life, by exerting its effects upon the blood ; but the experiments and observations from which he draws this opinion are evidently inconclusive. It may also be remarked, that many of the Abbe's experiments contradict each other. Thus, it appears from the citation given above, that the poison of this vegetable, when applied to wounds, does not prove fatal; but future experiments led the AbbS to assert that the oil of the lauro-cerasus, whether given internally, or applied to the wounds of animals, is one of the most terrible and deadly poisons known. Though this vegetable seems to have es- caped the notice of Stoerck, yet it is not without advocates for its medical use. Linnaeus informs us, that in Switzerland it is commonly and suc- cessfully used in pulmonary complaints. Langrish mentions its efficacy in agues ; and as Bergius found bitter almonds to have this effect, we may, by analc-ey, conclude that this power ofthe lauro- cerasus is well established. Baylies found that it possessed a remarkable power of diluting the blood, and from experience, recommended it in all cases of disease supposed to proceed from too dense a state of that fluid: adducing particular instances of its efficacy in rheumatism, asthmas, and scirrhous affections. Nor does this author seem to have been much afraid of the deleterious quality of lauro-cerasus, as he directs a pound of its leaves to be macerated in a pint of water, of which he gives from thirty to sixty drops three or four times a day. Prunus pades. Tbe systematic name ofthe wild cluster, or bird cherry-tree. Padus. The bark and berries of this shrub arc used medicinal- ly. The former, when taken from the tree, has a fragrant smell, and a bitter, subastringent taste, somewhat similar to that of bitter almonds. Made into a decoction, it cures intermittents, and it has been recommended in the cure of several forms of syphilis. The latter arc said to cure the dysentery. * Pki-nus sriNOSA. The systematic name of Ihe sloe-tree. Prunus sylvestris; Prunus— pedunculit tolilariis, foliit lanceolatis, glabris, ramit tpinoris, of Linnaeus. It is sometimes em- ployed in gargles, to tumefactions of the tonsils and uvula, and from its adstringent taste was for- merly much used in hemorrhages, &c. PRURI'GO. (From prurio, to itch.) Pru- ritus ; Scabies ; Psora ; Darta ; Libido ; Pa- ror. The prurigo is a genus of disease in the order papulous eruptions of Dr. Willan's cuta- neous diseases. As it arises from different causes, or at different periods of life, and exhibits some varieties in its form, he describes it under the titles of prurigo mitis, prurigo formicans, and prurigo senilis. In these the whole surface of the skin is usually affected ; but there are likewise many cases of local prurigo, which will be afterwards noticed according to their respective situations. 1. The prurigo mitis originates without any iircvious indisposition, generally in spring, or the eginning of summer. It is characterised by soft and smooth elevations of the cuticle, somewhat tarper than the papula? of the lichen, from which OQ they also differ by retaining tlie usual colour ot the skin ; for they seldom appear red, or much inflamed, except from violent friction. They are not, as in the other case, accompanied with tang- ling, but with a sense of itching almost incessant. This is, however, felt more particularly on un- dressing, and often prevents rest for some hours after getting into a bed. When the tops of the papula? are removed by rubbing or scratching, a ■ clear fluid oozes out from them, and gradually con- cretes into thin black scabs. This species of prurigo mostly affects young persons; and its cause may, I think, says Dr. Willan, in general, be referred to sordes collected on the skin, producing some degree of irritation, and also preventing the free discharge of the cu- taneous exhalation ; the bad consequences of wluch must necessarily be felt at that season of the year when perspiration is most copious. Those who have originally a delicate or irritable skin, must likewise, in the same circumstances, be the greatest sufferers. The eruption extends to the arms, breast, back, r.nd thighs, and often continues during two or three months of the summer, if not relieved by proper treatment. When persons affected with it neglect washing the skin, or are uncleanly in their apparel, the eruption grows more inveterate, and at length, changing its form, often terminates in the itch. Pustules arise among the papula?, some filled with lymph, others with pns. The acarus scabiei begins to breed in the furrows of the cuticle, and the disorder becomes contagious. 2. The Prurigo formicans is a much more ob- stinate and troublesome disease than the foregoing. It usually affects persons of adult age, commen- cing at all seasons of the year indifferently ; and its duration is from four months to two or three years, with occasional short intermissions. The papula? are sometimes larger, sometimes more ob- scure than in the preceding species ; but are, under every form, attended with an incessant, al- most intolerable itching. They arc diffused over the whole body, except the face, feet, and palms of the hands ; they appear, however, in greatest number on those parts which, from the mode of dress, are subjected to tight ligatures ; as about the neck, loins, and thighs. The itching is complicated with other sensa- tions, which are variously described by patients. They sometimes feel as if small insects were creeping on the skin ; sometimes as if stung all over by ants; sometimes as if hot needles were piercing the skin in divers places. On standing before a fire, or undressing, and more particular- ly on getting into bed, these sensations become most violent, and usually preclude all rest during the greater part of the night. The prurigo for- micans is by most practitioners deemed conta- gious, and confounded with the itch. In endea- vouring to ascertain the justness of this opinion, Dr. Willan has been led to make the following remarks : 1. The eruption is, for the most part, connected with internal disorder, and arises where no source of infection can be traced. 2. Persons affected may have constant intercourse with sever ral others, and yet never communicate the dis- ease to any of them. 3. Several persons of one family may have the prurigo formicans about the same time ; but he thinks this should be referred rather to a common predisposition than to conta- gion, having observed that individuals of a family are often so affected at certain seasons of th'e year, even when they reside at a distance from each other. Although the prurigo formicans is never, like the former species, converted into the itch, yet if 785 PRU PRU .does occasionally terminate in a p-.:.■/.ular disease, not contagious. 3. Prurigo senilis. This affection does not differ much in its symptoms and external appear- ances from the prurigo formicans ; but has been thought by medical writers to merit a distinct consideration, on account of its peculiar invete- racy. The prurigo is perhaps aggravated, or be- comes more permanent in old age, from the dry, condensed state of the skin and cuticle which often takes place at that period. Those who are affected with it in a high degree have little more comfort to expect during life, being incessantly tormented with a violent and universal itching. The state of the skin in tbe prurigo senilis, is favourable to the production of an insect, the pedi- culus bumanus, more especially to the variety of it usually termed body-lice. These insects, it is well known, are bred abun- dantly among tbe inhabitants of sordid dwellings, of jails, worK-houses, &c. and in such situations prey upon persons of all ages indiscriminately. But in the prurigo senilis they arise, notwithstand- ing every attention to cleanliness or regimen, and multiply so rapidly that the patient endures extreme distress, irom their perpetual irritation. The nits or eggs are deposited on the small hairs of the skin, and the pediculi are only found on the skin, or on the linen, not under the cuticle, as some authors have represented. In connexion with the foregoing series of complaints, Dr. Wil- lan mentions some pruriginous affections which are merely local. He confines his observations to the most troublesome of these, seated in the podex, praeputium, urethra, pubes, scrotum, and pudendum muliebre. Itching of the nostrils, eye- lids, lips, or of the external ear, being generally- symptomatic of other diseases, do not require a particular consideration. 1. Prurigo podicis. Ascarides in the rectum excite a frequent itching and irritation about the sphincter am, which ceases when the cause is re- moved by proper medicines. A similar complaint often arises, independently of worms, hemor- rhoidal tumours, or other obvious causes, which is mostly found to affect persons engaged in seden- tary occupations ; and may be referred to a mor- bid state of secretion in the parts, founded, per- haps, on a diminution of constitutional vigour. The itching is not always accompanied with an appearance of papulae or tubercles; it is Uttle troublesome daring the daytime, but returns eve- ry night soon after getting into bed, and precludes rest for several hours. The complaint continues in this form during three or four months, and has then an intermission, till it is produced again by hot weather, fatigue, watching, or some irregular- ity in diet. The same disease occurs at the de- cline of life, under a variety of circumstances. Women, after the cessation of the catamenia, are liable to be affected with this species of pruri- go, more especially in summer or autumn. The skin between the nates is rough and papulated, sometimes scaly, and a little humour, is discharged by violent friction. Along with this complaint, there is often an eruption of itching papulae on the neck, breast, and back ; a swelling and in- flammation of one or both ears, and a discharge of matter from behind them, and from the exter- nal meatus auditorius. The prurigo podicis some- times occurs as a symptom of the lues venerea. 2. The prurigo prapulii is owing to an alter- ed state of secretion on the glans penis, and inner surface of the /praeputium. During the heat of summer there is also, in some persons, an unusual discharge of mucus, which becomes acrimonious, and produces a troublesome itchiner, and often an 786 excoriation of these parts. Washing of them with water, or soap and water, employed from lime to time, relieves the complaint, and should indeed be practised as an ordinary point of clean- liness, where no inconvenience is immediately felt. If the fluid be secreted in too large a quan- tity, that excess may be restrained, by washes made with the liquor plumbi subacetatis, or by applying the unguentum plumbi superacetatis. 3. Prurigo urethralis. A very troublesome itching sometimes takes place at the extremity of the urethra in females, without any manifest cause. It occurs as well in young women as in those who arc uf an advanced age. On examina- tion, no stricture nor tumour has been found along the course of the urethra. Probably, however, the itching may be occasioned by a morbid state of the neck of the bladder, being in some in- stances connected with pain ana difficulty of making v.-ater. An itching at the extremity of the urethra in men is produced by calculi, and by some diseases of the bladder. In cases of stricture an itching is also felt, but near the place where the stricture is situated. Another cause of it is small broken hairs, which are sometimes drawn in from the pubes, between the praeputium and glans, and which afterwards becoming fixed in the entrance of the urethra, occasion an itching, or slight stinging, particularly on motion. J. Pearson, surgeon of the Lock Hospital, has seen five cases of this kind, and gave immediate relief by ex- tracting the small hair from the urethra. 4. Prurigo pubis. Itching papula? often arise on the pubes, and become extremely sore if their tops are removed by scratching. They arc occa- sioned sometimes by neglect of cleanliness, but more commonly by a species of pediculus, which perforates the cuticle, and thus derives its nou- rishment, remaining fixed in the same situation. These insects are termed by Linna?us, &c. pedi- culi pubis; they do not, however, affect the pnbcsi only, but often adhere to the eye-brows, eye-lids, and axillae. They are often found, also, on tbe breast, abdomen, thighs, and legs, in persons of the sanguine temperament, who have those parts covered with strong hairs. It is remarkable that they seldom or never fix upon the hairy scalp. The great irritation produced by them on the skin, solicits constantly scratching, by which they are torn from their attachments : and painful tubercles arise at the places where they had ad- hered. When the pediculi are diffused over the greater part of the surface of the body, the pa- tient's linen often appears as if sprinkled with drops of blood. 5. Prurigo scroti. The scrotum is affected with a troublesome and constant itching from as- carides within the rectum, from friction by vio- lent exercise in hot weather, and very usually from the pediculi pubis. Another and more im- portant form of the complaint appears in old men, sometimes connected with the prurigo podicis, and referrible to a morbid state of the skin, or superficial gland of the part. The scrotum, in this case, assumes a brown colour, often also be- coming thick, scaly, and wrinkled. The itching extends? to the skin covering the penis, more es- peeiaUy along the course of the urethra ; and has little respite, either by day or night. 6. The Prurigo pudendi muliebris, is some- what analogous to the prurigo scroti in men. It is often a symptomatic complaint in the lichen and lepra ; it likewise originates from ascarides irri- tating the rectum, and is in some cases connected with a discharge of the fluor albus. \ similar affection arises in consequence of a I'RU PM ■■ hange ol state in the genital organs at the time of puberty, attended with a series of most dis- tressing sensations. Dr. Willan confines his at- tention to one case of the disorder, which may be considered as idiopathic, and which usually affects women soon alter the cessation of the catamenia. It chiefly occurs in those v.-ho are of the phleg- matic temperament, and inclined to corpulency. Its seat is the labia pudendi, and entrance to the vagina. It is often accompanied with an appear- ance of tension or fulness of tliose parts, and sometimes with inflamed itching papula? on the labia and mous veneris. The distress arising from a strong and almost perpetual itching in the above situation, may be easily imagined. In or- der to allay it in some degree, the sufferers have frequent recourse to friction, and to cooling appli- cations ; whence they are necessitated to forego the enjoyment of society. An excitement of ve- nereal sensations also takes place from tbe con- stant direction of the mind to the parts affected, as weU as from the means employed to procure alleviation. The complicated distress thus ari- sing, renders existence almost insupportable, and often produces a state of mind bordering on phrensy. Deep ulcerations ofthe parts seldom take place in the prurigo pud.endi ; but the appearance of aphtha? on the labia -and nymphx, is by no means unusual. From intercourse with females under these circumstances, men are liable to be affected with aphthous ulcerations on the glans, and inside of the pra?putium, which prove troublesome for a length of time, and often excite an alarm, being mistaken for chancres. Women, after the fourth month of their preg- nancy, often suffer greatly from the prurigo pu- dendi, attended with aphthae. These, in a few cases, have been succeeded by extensive ulcera- tions, which destroyed the nymph*, and pro- duced a fatal hectic: such instances are, how- ever, extremely rare. The complaint has, in general, some intervals or remissions ; and the aphtha? usually disappear soou after delivery, whether at the full time, or by a miscarriage. PRURITUS. (From prurio, to itch.) See Prurigo. Prusrian alkali. See Alkali phlogisticated. Prussian blue. See Blue, Prussian. PRUSSIATE. A salt formed by the union of the prussic acid, or colouring matter of Prussian blue, with a salifiable basis: thus, pi in-iiate of fOlllX!.!!. tsC. PRUSSIC ACID. Acidumprusdeum. Aci- dum hydrocyanicum. Hydrocyanic acid. "The combination of this acid with iron was long known, and used as a pigment by the name of Prussian blue, before its nature was understood. Scheele's method of obtaining it is this:—Mix four ounces of Prussian blue with two of red oxide of mercury prepared by nitric acid, and boil them in twelve ounces by weight of water, till the whole becomes colourless ; filter the li- quor, and add to it one ounce of clean iron filings, and six or seven drachms of sulphuric acid. Draw off by distillation about a fourth of tbe liquor, which will be prussic acid ; though, as it is liable to be contaminated with a portion of sul- phuric, to render it pure, it may be rectified by redistilling it from carbonate of lime. This prussic acid has a strong smell of peach- blossoms, or bitter-almomls ; its taste is at first sweetish, then acrid, hot, and virulent, and ex- cites coughing ; it has a strong tendency to assume the form of gas ; it has been decomposed iu a high temperature, and by tbe contact of light, into car- bonic acid, ammonia, and carburetted hydrojen. 0 It docs not completely neutralize alkalies, and is displaced even by the carbonic acid ; it has no action upon metals, but unites with their oxides, and forms salts for the most part insoluble ; it likewise unites into triple salts with these oxides and alkalies : the oxygenated muriatic acid de- composes it. The peculiar smell of the prussic acid could scarcely fail to suggest its affinity with the dele- terious principle that rises in the distillation of the leaves of the lauro-cerasus, bitter kernels of fruits, and some other vegetable productions ; and Schrader, of Berlin, has ascertained the fact, that these vegetable substances do contain a principle capable of forming a blue precipitate with iron ; and that with lime they afford a test of the presence of iron equal to the prussiate of that earth. Dr. Bucholz, of Weimar, and Roloif, of Magdeburg, confirm this fact. The prussic acid appears to come over in the distilled oil. Prussic acid and its combinations have been lately investigated by Gay Lussac and Vauquelin in France, and Porrett in England. To a quantity of powdered Prussian blue dif- fused in boiling water, let red oxide of mercury be added in successive portions till the blue colour is destroyed. Filter the liquid, and concentrate by evaporation till a pellicle appears. On cool- ing, crystals of prussiate, or cyanide of mercury, will be formed. Dry these, and put them into a tubulated glass retort, to the beak of which is adapted a horizontal tube about two feet long, and fully half an inch wide at its middle part. The first third part of the tube next the retort is filled with small pieces of white marble, the two other thirds with fused muriate of lime. To the end of this tube is adapted a small receiver, which should be artificially refrigerated. Pour on the crystals muriatic acid, in rather less quantity than is sufficient to saturate the oxide of mercury which formed them. Apply a very gentle heat to the retort. Prussic acid, named hydrocyanic by Gay Lussac, will be evolved in vapour, and will condense in the tube. Whatever muriatic acid may pass over with it, will be abstracted by the marble, while the water will be absorbed by the muriate of lime. By means of a moderate heat applied to the tube, tiie prussic acid may be made to pass successively along ; and after being left some time in contact with the muriate of lime, it may be finally driven into the receiver. As the carbonic acid evolved from marble by the muriatic is apt to carry off some of the prussic acid, care should be taken to conduct the i-.eat so as to prevent the distillation of this mineral acid. Prussic acid thus obtained has the following properties :—It is a colourless liquid, possessing a strong odour ; and the exhalation, if incautiously snuffed up the nostrils, may produce sickness or fainting. Its taste is cooling at first, then hot, asthenic in a high degree, and a true poison. This acid, when compared with the other animal products, is distinguished by the great quantity of nitrogen it contains, by its smaU quantity of hy- drogen, and especially by the absence of oxygen. When this acid is kept in well-closed vessels. even though no air be present, it is sometimes decomposed in less than an hour. It has been occasionally kept 15 days without alteration ; but it is seldom that it can be kept longer, without exhibiting signs of decomposition. It begins by assuming a reddish-brown colour, which becomes deeper and deeper ; and it gradually deposites a considerable carbonaceous matter which gives a deep colour to both water and acids, and emits a strong smell of ammonia. If the bottle contain- ing the prussic acid be not hermetically sealed. PRU I'Kl nothing remains but a dry charry mass, whicli gives no colour to water. Thus a prussiate of ammonia is formed at the expense of a part of the acid, and an azoturet of carbon. When po- tassium is heated in prussic acid vapour mixed with hydrogen or nitrogen, there is absorption without inflammation, and the metal is converted into a gray spongy substance, which melts, and assumes a yellow colour. Supposing the quantity of potassium employed capable of disengaging from water a volume of hydrogen equal to 60 parts, we find after the action of the potassium,— 1. That the gaseous mixture has experienced a diminution of volume amounting to 50 parts. 2. On treating this mixture with potassa and analysing the residue by oxygen, that 60 parts of hydrogen have been produced. 3. And consequently that the potassium has absorbed 100 parts of prussic vapour; for there is a diminution of 50 [tarts which would obviously have been twice as great had not 60 parts of hy- drogen been disengaged. The yellow matter is prussiate of potassa; properly a prussiate of potassium, analogous in its formation to the chloride and iodide, when muriatic and hydriodic gases are made to act on potassium. The base of prussic acid thus divested ol its acidifying hydrogen, should be called, agreeably to the same chemical analogy, prussine. Gay Lussac styles it cyanogen, because it is the prin- ciple which generates blue ; or literally, the blue- maker. Like muriatic and hydriodic acids also, it con- tains half its volume of hydrogen. The only dif- ference is, that the former have in the present state of our knowledge simple radicals, cldorine and iodine, while that of the latter is a compound of one volume vapour of carbon, and half a vo- lume of nitrogen. This radical forms true prus- sides with metals. If the term cyanogen be objectionable as ally- ing it to oxygen, instead of chlorine and iodine, the term hydrocyanic acid must be equally so, as implying that it contains water. Thus we say hydronitric, hydromuriatic, and hydrophosphoric, to denote the aqueous compounds of the nitric, muriatic, and phosphoric acids. As the singular merit of Gay Lussac, however, has commanded a very general compliance among chemists with his nomenclature, we shall use the terms prussic acid and • hydrocyanic indifferently, as has long been done with the words nitrogen and azote. The prusside or cyanide of potassium gives a very alkaline solution in water, even when a great excess of hydrocyanic vapour has been pre- sent at its formation. In this respect it differs from the chlorides and iodides of that metal, which are perfectly neutral. Barytes, potassa, and soda, combine with prus- sine, forming true prussides of these alkaline ox- ides ; analogous to what are vulgarly called oxy- muriates of lime, potassa, and soda. The red oxide of mercury acts so powerfully on prussic acid vapour, when assisted by heat, that the com- pound which ought to result is destroyed by the heat disengaged. The same thing happens whin a Uttle of the concentrated acid is poured upon the oxide. A great elevation of temperature takes place, which would occasion a dangerous explo- sion if the experiment were made upon considera- ble quantities. When the acid is diluted, the ox- ide dissolves rapidly, with a considerable heat, and without the disengagement of any gas. The substauce formerly called prussiate of mercury is generated, which when moist may. like the rnn- ■7 siy nates, still retain that name ; but when dry is a prusside of the metal. When the cold oxide is placed in contact with the acid, dilated into a gaseous form by hydrogen, its vapour is absorbed in a few minutes. The hy- drogen is unchanged. When a considerable quan- tity of vapour has thus been absorbed, the oxide adheres to the side of the tube, and on applying heat, water is obtained. The hydrogen of the acid has here united with the oxygen ofthe oxide to form the water, while their two radicals com- bine. Red oxide of mercury becomes an excel- lent reagent for detecting prussic acid. By exposing the dry prusside of mercury to heat in a retort, the radical cyanogen or prus- sine is obtained. From the experiments of Magendie it appears that the pure hydrocyanic acid is the most violent of all poisons. When a rod dipped into it is brought in contact with the tongue of an animal, death ensues before the rod can he withdrawn. If a bird be held a moment over the mouth of a phial containing this acid, it dies. In the An- nates de Chimie for 1814 we find this notice:— M. B. Professor of Chemisty, left by accident on a table, a flask containing alkohol impregnated with prussic acid ; the servant, enticed by the agreeable flavour of the liquid, swallowed a small glass of it. In two minutes she dropped down dead, as if struck with apoplexy. The body was not examined. " Scharinger, a professor at Vienna," says Or- fila, " prepared six or seven months ago a pure and concentrated prussic acid ; he spread a cer- tain quantity of it on his naked arm, and died a little time thereafter." Dr. Magendie has, however, ventured to intro- duce its employment into medicine. He found it beneficial against phthisis and chronic catarrhs. His formula? is the foUowing :— Mix one part ofthe pure prussic or hydrocyanic acid of Gay Lussac with 8^ of water by weight. To this mixture he gives the name of medicinal prussic acid. Of this he takes 1 gros. or 69 grs. Troy. DistiUed water, 1 lb. or 7660 grs. Pure sugar, 1.J oz. or 708J grs. And mixing the ingredients well together, he ad- ministers a table-spconful every morning and evening. A well-written report of the use of the prussic acid in certain diseases, by Dr. Magendie, was communicated by Dr. Granville to Mr. Brande, and is inserted in the fourth volume ofthe Journal of Science. For the following ingenious and accurate pro- cess for preparing prussic acid for medicinal uses, I am indebted to Dr. Nimmo of Glasgow. " Take of the ferroprussiate of potassa 100 grains, of the protosulphate of iron 84£ grains, dissolve them separately in four ounces of-water, and mingle them. After allowing the precipitate of the protoprussiate ot iron to settle,, pour off the clear part, and add water to wash the sulphate of potassa completely away. To the protoprussiate of iron, mixed with four ounces ol pure water, add 1&> grains ofthe peroxide of mercury, and boil the whole till the oxide is dissolved. With the above proportions of peroxide of mercury, the' proto- prussiate of iron is completely decomposed. The vessel being kept warm, the oxide of iron will fall to the bottom ; the clear part may be poured off to be filtered through paper, taking care to keep the funnel covered, so that crystals may not form in it by refrigeration. The residuum may be treated with more water, and thrown upon the filter, upon which warm water ought to be ponre'l. % tKT PRU nilil all the soluble part is washed away. By evaporation, and subsequent rest in a cool place, 145 grains of crystals of the prusside, or cyan- ide of mercury will be procured in quadrangular prisms. "The following process for eUrainating the hydrocyanic acid I believe to be new:—Take of the cyanide of mercury in fine powder one ounce, diffuse it in two ounces of water, and to it, by slow degrees, add a solution of hydrosulphuret of barytes made by decomposing sulphate of barytes with charcoal in the common way. Of the sul- phuret of barytes take an ounce, boil it with six ounces of water, and niter it as hot as possible. Add this in small portions to the cyanide of mer- cury, agitating the whole very well, and allowing sufficient time for the cyanide to dissolve, while the decomposition is going on between it and the hydrosulphuret, as it is added. Continue the ad- dition of the hydrosulphuret so long as a dark precipitate of sulphuret of mercury falls down, and even aUowing a smaU excess. Let ihe wnole be thrown upon a filter, and kept warm till the fluid drops through ; add more water to wash the sul- phuret of mercury, until eight ounces of fluid have passed through the filter, and it has become taste- less. To this fluid, which contains the prussiate of barytes, with a small excess of hydrosulphuret of barytes, add sulphuric acid, diluted with an equal weight of water, and allowed to become cold, so long as sulphate of barytes faUs down. The excess of sulphuretted hydrogen wiU be re»- moved by adding a sufficient portion of carbonate of lead, and agitating very well. The whole may now be put upon a filter, which must be closely eovered; the fluid whicb passes is the hydro- cyanic acid of what is called the medical standard strength." Scheele found that prussic acid occasioned pre- cipitates with only the foUowing three metallic solutions: nitrates of sUver and mercury, and carbonate of silver. The first is white, the se- cond black, the third green, becoming blue. The hydrocyanates are all alkaline, even when a great excess of acid is employed in their forma- tion, and they are decomposed by the weakest acids."—tTre's Chem. Diet. PRUSSINE. Prussic gas. Cyanogen. Tliis is obtained by decomposing the prusside or cyan- ide of mercury by heat. When tbe simple mercurial prusside is exposed to heat in a small glass retort, or tube, shut at one extremity, it soon begins to blacken. It ap- pears to melt like an animal matter, and then the prussinc is disengaged in abundance. This gas is pure from the beginning of the process to the end, provided always that the heat be not very high ; lor if it were not sufficiently intense to melt the glass, a little azote would be evolved. Mercury is volatilised with a considerable quantity of prus- side, and there remains a charry matter of the colour of soot, and as light as lampblack. The prusside of silver gives out likewise prussine when heated ; but the mercurial prusside is preferable to every other. Prussme or cyanogen is a permanently elastic fluid. Its smell, which it is impossible to describe, is very strong and penetrating. Its solution in water has a very sharp taste. The gas burns with a bluish flame mixed with purple. Its sp. gr., compared to that of air, is 1.8064. Prussine is capable of sustaining a pretty high heat, without being decomposed. Water, agi- tated with it for some minutes, at the temperature of 68°, absorbed about 4| times its volume. Pure alkohol absorbs 23 times its volume. Sulphuric ar-tirer and oil of turpentine dissolve at least as much as water. Tincture of litmus is reddened by prussine. Tbe carbonic acid proceeds, no doubt, from the decomposition of a smuU quantity of prussine and water. It deprives the red sulphate of manganese of its colour, a property which prus- sic acnl does not possess. Phosphorus, sulphur, and iodine, may be sob- limed by the heat of a spirit-lamp in prussine, without occasioning any change ou it. Its mix- ture with hydrogen was not altered by the same temperature, or by passing electrical sparks through it. Copper and gold do not combine with it ; but iron, when hcuted almost to whiteness, decomposes it in part. In the cold, potassium acts but slowly on prus- sine, because a crust is formed on its surface, which presents an obstacle to the mutual action. On applying the spirit la up, the potassium be- comes speedily incandescent; the absorption of the gas begins, the inflamed disc gradually dimin- ishes, and when it disappears entirely, which takes place in a few seconds, the absorption is like- wise at an end. 'The compound of prussine and potassium is yeUowish. It dissolves in water without effer- vescence, and the solution is strongly alkaUne. Its taste is the same as that of hydrocyanate or simple prussiate of potassa, of which it possesses aU the properties. When a pure solution of potassa is introduced into this gas, the absorption is rapid. If the al- kali be not too concentrated, and be not quite sa- turated, it is scarcely tinged of a lemon-yeUow colour. But if the prussine be in excess, we ob- tain a brown solution, apparently carbonaceous. On pouring potassa combined with prussine into a saline solution of a black oxide of iron, and ad- ding an acid, we obtain Prussian blue. The instant an acid is poured into the solu- tion of prussine in potassa, a strong effervescence of carbonic acid is produced, and at the same time a strong smeU of prussic acid becomes per- ceptible. Ammonia is hkewise formed, which remains combined with the acid employed, and which may be rendered very sensible to the smell by the addition of quicklime. Since, therefore, we are obliged to add an acid in order to form Prussian blue, its formation occasions no farther difficulty. Soda, barytes, and strontites produce the same effect as potassa. We must, therefore, admit that prussine forms particular combinations with the alkalies, which are permanent till some circum- stance determines the formation of new products. These combinations are true salts, which may be regarded as analogous to those formed by acids. In fact, prussine possesses acid characters. Ic contains two elements, azote and carbon, the first of which is strongly acidifying, according to Gay Lussac. Prussine reddens the tincture of litmus, and neutralises the bases. On the other hand, it acts as a simple body when it combines with hy- drogen ; and it is this double function of a sim- ple and compound body, which renders its nomen- clature so embarrassing. Be this as it may, .he compounds of prussine and the alkalies, which may be distinguished by the term prussides, do not separate in water, like the alkaline chlorurets (oxymuriates,) which pro- duce chlorates and muriates. The metallic oxides do not seem capable oi producing the same changes on prussine as the alkalies. Prussine rapidly decomposes the carbonates at a dull red heat, and prussides of the oxides are obtained. When passed through tulpburet of barvtes. it combines without disengaging the sul- PSE PMJ phur, and renders it very fusible, and of a brown- ish-black colour. When put into water, we ob- tain a colourless solution, but which gives a deep brown (maroon) colour to muriate of iron. What does not dissolve contains a good deal of sulphate, which is doubtless formed during the preparation ofthe sidphuret of barytes. On dissolving prusine in the sulphuretted hy- drosulphuret of barytes, sulphur is precipitated, which is again dissolved when the liquid is satu- rated with prussine, and we obtain a solution having a very deep brown maroon colour. This gas does not decompose sulphuret of silver nor of potassa. Prussine and sulphuretted hydrogen combine slowly with each other. A yellow substance is obtained in fine needles, which dissolves in water, does not precipitate nitrate of lead, produces no Prussian blue, and is composed of 1 volume prus- sine (cyanogen,) and 1£ volume of sulphuretted hydrogen. Ammoniacal gas and prussine begin to act on each other whenever they come in contact; but some hours are requisite to render the effect com- plete. We perceive at first a white thick vapour, which soon disappears. The diminution of vo- lume is considerable, and the glass in which the mixture is made becomes opaque, its inside being covered with a solid brown matter. On mixing 90 parts of prussine, and 227 ammonia, they com- bined nearly in the proportion of 1 to 1L This compound gives a dark orange-brown colour to water, but dissolves only in a very small propor- tion. The liquid produces no Prussian blue with the salts of iron. In the first volume of the Journal of Science and the Arts, Sir H. Davy has stated some inter- esting particulars relativeto prussine. By heat- ing prusside of mercury in muriatic acid gas, he obtained pure liquid prussic acid and corrosive sublimate. By heating iodine, sulphur, and phos- phorus, in contact with prusside of mercury, compounds of these bodies with prussine or cya- nogen may be formed. That of iodine is a very curious body.. It is volatile at a very moderate heat;» and on cooling collects in flocculi, adhering together like oxide of zinc formed by combustion. It Uas a pungent smell and very acrid taste. PSALLOPDES. (From ipaXXos, a stringed in- strument, and ti&os, a likeness ; because it appears as if stringed like a dulcimer.) Applied by the ancients to the inner surface of the fornix of the brain. PSALTE'RIUM. (A harp ; because it is marked with lines that give it the appearance of a harp.) Lyra. The medullary body that unites the posterior crura ofthe fornix of the brain. PSAMMPSMUS. (From i//a/Vos, sand.) An application of hot sand to any part of the body. PSAMMO'DES. (From ^appos, sand.) Ap- plied to urine which deposites a sandy sediment. PSELLPSMUS. (From dtXXtfc, to have a he- sitation of speech.) Psellotis. Defect of speech. A genus of disease in the Class locales, and Or- der Dyscinesia, of Cullen. Psello'tis. See Psellismus. PSEUDA'CORUS. (From ^tv&tis, false, and aKopov, the acorus plant ; because it resembled and was substituted for that plant. See Iris Pseu- dacorus. PSEUDO. (-itv&ris, false.) Spurious. This word is prefixed to the name of several diseases, because they resemble them, but are not thqs«j diseases ; as Pseudo-pneumonia, Pteudo-phre! nitis. It is also prefixed to many substances which are only fictitious imitations ; as Pseudamo* mum, a spurious kind of amomum, &c. 70O PSEUDOBLE'PSIS. (From ytuo.w, false, and SXupis, sight.) Phantasma ; Saffutio.) Im- aginary vision of objects. A genus of disease in the Class Locales, and Order Dysasthetia of Cullen ; characterised by depraved sight, cre- ating objects, or representing them different from what they are. Species : 1. Ptrudoblepsis imaginaria, in which objects are perceived that are not present. 2. Pseudoblepsis mutans, in which objects that are present appear somewhat changed. PSEUDOCYESIS. (From uWiji, false, and kviiois, pregnancy.) The name of a genus ft' dis- ease in Good's Nosology. Class, Genetica; Or- der, Carpotica. False conception. It has two species, viz. Pseudocyesis molaris, and inanis. PSEUDOMELANTHIUM. (From uWw, false, and mclanthium, the name of a plant.) See Agrostemma githago. PSEUDOPYRETHRUM. (From dwcV, false, and pyrethrum, the name of a plant: so called, because when the flowers are chewed they impart a warmth somewhat like that of pyrethrum root.) See Achillaa ptarmica. PSI'DIUM. (Altered by Linnaeus from d-i&tns ofthe ancient Greeks.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Icosan- dria ; Order, Monogynia. Psidium pomiferum. The systematic name of the apple guava. This plant, and the pyrife- rum, bear fruits, the former like apples, the latter like pears. The apple kind is most cultivated in the Indies, on account of the pulp having a line acid flavour, whereas the pear species is sweet, and therefore not so agreeable in warm climates. Of the inner pulp of either, the inhabitants make jellies ; and of the outer rind they make tarts, marmalades, &c. The latter they also stew and eat with milk, and prefer them to any other stew- ed fruits. They have an astringent quality, which exists also in every part of the tree, and abun- dantly in the leaf-buds, which are occasionally boiled with barley and liquorice, as an excellent drink against diarrhoeas. A simple decoction of the leaves, used as a bath, is said to cure the itch, and most cutaneous eruptions. Psidium-pyriflri'm. The systematic nume of the pear guava. See Psidium pomiferum. Psilo'thra. (From i^iXooi, to denudate.) Ap- plications to remove the hair. Psilo'thrum. (From xptXou, to depilate : so called because it was used to remove the hair.) The white briony. Psim.mVthium. (From \ptu, to smooth; so called because of its use as a cosmetic.) Cerussc, or white lead. * PSO'iE. (*oai, the loins.) Alopcces; Nr- frometra ; Neurometeres. 1. The loins. 2. The name of two pair of muscles in the loins. PSO'AS. (From i^oai, the loins.) Belonging to the loins. Psoas abscess. See Lumbar abscess. Psoas magnus. Psoas, seu lumbaris interni!* of Winslow. Pre-lumbo-trochantin of Dumas. This is along, thick, and very considerable muscle, situated close to the fore-part and sides of tlie lumbar vertebrae. It arises from the bodies ol the last vertebrae of the back, and of all the lumbar vertebra? laterally, as well as from the anterior surfaces of their transverse processes by distinct tendinous and fleshy slips, that are gradually col- lected into one mass, which becomes thicker as it descends, till it reaches the last of the lumbar ver- tebrae, where it grows narrower again, and unjtiug its outer and posterior edge (where it bc^is to become tendinous) with the iliacus internus,*dc- I'SO rso sccnds along with that muscle under tht ligamen- tum FallopS, and goes to be inserted tendinous at the bottom of the trochanter minor, of the os femoris, and fleshy into the bone a little below that process. Between the tendon of this muscle and the ischium, we find a considerable bursa mu- cosa This muscle, at its origin, has some con- nexion with the diaphragm, and likewise with the quadratus lumborura. It is one ofthe most pow- erful flexors of the thighs forwards, and may like- wise assist in turning it outwards. When the in- ferior extremity is fixed, it may help to bend the body forwards, and in an erect posture it greatly assists in preserving the equilibrium of the trunk upon the upper part of the thigh. Psoas parvus. Pre-lumbo-pnbien of Dumas. This muscle, which was firs! described by Kiola- nus, is situated upon the psoas magnus, at the ante- rior part of the loins. The psoas parvus arises thin and fleshy from the side of the uppermost vertebra of the loins, and sometimes also from the lower edge of the last vertebra of the back, and from the transverse processes of each of these ver- tebra? : it then extends over part ofthe psoas mag- nus, and terminates in a thin flat tendon, which is inserted into that part of the brim of the pelvis, where the os pubis joins the ilium. From this tendon a great number of fibres are sent off, which form a thin fascia, that covers parts of the psoas magnus and iliacus intei-nus, and gradually loses itself on the fore-part ofthe thigh. In the human body this muscle is very often wanting; but in a dog, according to Douglas, it is never deficient. Riolanus was of opinion, that it occurs oftener in men than in women. Winslow asserts just the contrary ; but the truth seems to be, that it is as often wanting in one sex as in the other. Its use seems to be to assist the psoas magnus in bending the loins forwards ; and when we are lying upon our back, it may help to raise the pelvis. Psoas sive lumbaris internus. See Psoas magnus. PSO'KA. Vupa. Scabies. The itch. A ge- nus of disease in the Class Locales, and Order Dyalytcs, of CuUen: appearing first on the wrists, and between the fingers, in small pustules with watery heads. It is contagious. PSORALEA. (From d'upaXtos, scabby ; be- cause the calyx, and other parts of the plant, are more or less besprinkled with glandular dots, giving a sciirfv roughness.) The name of a genus of plants. Class Diadelphia; Order, Decandria. Psoralea pentaphvlla. The systematic name of the Chexicum contrayerva, Contrayerva nova, which is by many as much esteemed as the Dorstenia. It was introduced into Europe soon after the true plant, from Guiana as well as Mexico. PSORIASIS. (From duPa, the itch.) The disease to which Dr. Willan gives this title is characterised by a rough and scaly state of the cuticle, sometimes continuous, sometimes iu sepa- rate patches, of various sizes, but of an irregular figure, and for the most part accompanied with rhagades or fissures of the skin. From the lepra it may be distinguished, not only by the distribu- tion of the patches, but also by its cessation and recurrence at certain seasons et the year, and by Ihe disorder of the constitution with which it is usually attended. Dr. Wdlan gives the follow- ing varieties : 1. Psoriasis guttata. This complaint appears in small, distinct, hut irregular patches of lami- nated scales, with little or no inflammation round them. The patches very seldom extend to the size of a sixpence. They have neither an elevated '■order, nor the ovnl cr circular form bv which nil the varieties of lepra arc distinguished; but their circumference is sometimes angular, and sometimes joes into small serpentine processes. The scale formed upon each of them is thin, and may be easily detached, leaving a red shining base. The patches are often distributed over the great- est part of the body, but more particularly on the back part ol the neck, the breasts, arms, loins, thighs, and legs. They appear also upon tbe face, which rarely happens in lepra. In that situation they are red and more rrugh than the adjoining cuticle, but not covered with scales. The psoria- sis guttata often appears on children in a sudden eruption, attended with a slight disorder of the constitution, and spreads over the body within two or three days. In adults it commences with a few scaly patches on the extr mities, proceeds v« ry gradually, and has a longer duration than in chil- dren. Its first occurrence is usually in the spring season, after- violent pains in the head, stomach, and limbs. During the summer it disappears spon- taneously, or may be soon removed by proper ap- plications, but it is apt to return again early in the ensuing spring, and continues so to do for several successive years. When the scales have been re- moved, and the disease is about to go off, the small patches have a shining appearance, and they re- tain a dark red, intermixed with somewhat of a bluish colour, for many days, or even weeks, be- fore the skin is restored to its usual state. In the venereal disease there is an eruption which very much resembles the psoriasis guttata, the only difference being a slighter degree of scaliness, and a different shade of colour in the patches, ap- proaching to a livid red, or very dark rose colour. The patches vary in their extent, from the section of a pea, to the size of a silver penny, but are not exactly circular. They rise at first very little, if at all, above the cuticle. As soon, however, as the scales appear on them, they become sensibly elevated ; and sometimes the edge or circumference of the patch is higher than the little scales in its centre. This eruption is usually seen upon the forehead, breast, between the shoulders, or in the inside of the fore-arms, in the groins, about the inside of the thighs, and upon the skin covering the lower part of the abdomen. The syphilitic psoriasis guttata is attended with, or soon followed by, an ulceration ofthe throat. It appears about six or eight weeks after a chancre has been healed by an ineffectual course of mercury. A similar appearance takes place at nearly the same period, in some cases where no local symptoms had been noticed. When a venereal sere is in a discharging state, this eruption, or other secondly symp- toms, often appear much later thitri the period above mentioned. They may also be kept back three months, or even longer, by an inefficient ap- plication uf mercury. If no medicine be employ- ed, the syphilitic form ofthe psoriasis guttata wiU proceed during several months, the number ofthe spots increasing, and their bulk being somewhat enlarged, but without any other material alteration. 2. The Psoriads diffusa spreads into large patches irregularly circumscribed, reddish, rough, and chappy, with scales interspersed. It com- mences, in general, with numerous minute aspe- rities, or elevations of the cuticle, more percepti- ble by the touch than by sight. Upon these, small di.-tinct scales are soon after formed, adher- ing by a dark central point, while their edges may be seen white and detached. In the course of two or three weeks all the intervening cuticle becomes rough and chappy, appears red, and raised, and wrinkled, the lines ot the skin sinking into deep furrows. The scales which form among them are PSO PSO often slight, and repeatedly exfoliate. Sometimes, without any previous eruption of papula? a lar^e portion of the skin becomes dry, harsh, cracked, reddish, aud scaly, as above described. In other cases, the disorder commences with separate patches of an;uncertain form and size, some of them being small, like those in the psoriasis gut- tata, some much larger. The patches gradually expand till they become conflurnt, and nearly cover the part or limb affected. Both'the psoria- sis guttata and diffusa likewise occur as a sequel ofthe lichen simplex. This transition takes place more certainly alter frequent returns of the lichen. The p.irts most affected by psoriasis diffusa are the cheeks, chin, upper eyelids, and corners of the eyes, the temples, the external ear, the neck, the fleshy parts ol the lower extremities, and the fore-arm, from the elbow to the back oi the hand, along the supinator muscle of the radius. The fingers are somptimes nearly surrounded with a loose scaly incrustation ; the nails crack and ex foliate superficially. The scaly patches likewise appear, though less frequently, «>n the. forehead and scalp, on the shoulders, back, and loins, on the abdomen, and instep. This disease occasion- ally extends to all the parts above mentioned at the same time ; but, in general, it affects them successively, leaving one place free, and appear- ing in others ; sometimes again returning to its first situation. The psoriasis diffusa is attended with a sensation of heat, and with a very trouble- some itching, especially at night. It exhibits small, slight, distinct scales, having less disposi- tion than- the lepra to form thick crusts. The chaps or fissures of the skin, which usually make a part of this complaint, are very sore and painful, but seldom discharge any fluid. VVhen the scales are removed by frequent washing, or by the appli- cation of unguents, the surface, though raised and uneven, appears smooth and shining ; and the deep furrows of the cuticle are lined by a slight scali- ness. Should any portion of the diseased surface be forcibly excoriated, there issues out a thin lymph, mixed with some drops of blood, which slightly stains and stiffens the Ijnen, but soon con- cretes into a thin dry scab ; this is again succeed- ed by a white scalincss, gradually increasing, and spreading in various directions. As the complaint declines, the roughness, chaps, scales, &c. disap- pear, and a new cuticle is formed, at first red, dry, and shrivelled, but which, in two or three weeks, acquires the proper texture. The duration ofthe psoriasis diffusa is from one to four months. If, in some constitutions, it does not then disappear, but becomes, to a certain degree, pn-manent, there is, at least, an aggravation or extension of it, about the usual periods of its return. In other cases, the disease, at the vernal returns, differs much as to its extent, and also with respect to the violence of the preceding symptoms. The erup- tion is, indeed, often confined to a single scaly patch, red, itching, and chapped, of a modi-rate size, but irregularly circumscribed. This solitary patch is sometimes situated on the temple, or up- per part of the cheek, frequently on the breast, the calf of the leg, about the wrist, or within and a little below the elbow joint, but especially at the lower part of the thigh, behind. It continues in any of these situations several months, without much observable alteration. The complaint, de- nominated with us the bakers' itch, is an appear- ance of psoriasis diffusa on the back of the hand, commencing with one or two small, rough, scaly patches, and finally extending from the knuckles to the wrist. The rhagades, or chaps and fissures of the skin, are numerous about the knuckles and hall ofthe thumb, and where the back ofthe hand 792 joins the wrist. They arc often highly inflamed, and painful, but have no discharge of fluid from them. The back of the hand is a little raised or tumefied, and, at an advanced period of the dis- order, exhibits a reddish, glossy surface, without crusts or numerous scales. However, the deep fur- rows of the cuticle are, for the most part, whitened by a slight scaliness. This complaint is not general among bakers ; that it is only aggravated by their business, and affects those who are other- wise disposed to it, may be collected from the fol- lowing circumstances: 1. It disappears about midsummer, and returns in the cold weather at the beginning of the year ; 2. Persons constantly engaged in the business, after having been once affected with the eruption, sometimes enjoy arc- spite from it for two or three years; 3. When the business is discontinued, the complaint does not immediately cease. The grocers' itch has some affinity with the bakers' itch, or tetter; but being usually a pustular disease at its commence- ment, it properly belongs to another genus. Washerwomen, probably from the irritation of soap, are liable to be affected with a similar scaly disease on the hauds, and arms, sometimes on the face and neck, which, in particular constitutions, proves very troublesome, -and of long duration. 3. The Psoriasis gyrata is distributed in narrow patches or stripes, variously figured : some of them are nearly longitudinal; some circular, or semicir- cular, with vermiform appendages : some are tor- tuous, or serpentine ; others like earth-worms or leeches ; the furrows of the cuticle being deeper than usual, making the resemblance more striking, by giving to them an annulated appearance. There is a separation of slight scales from the diseased surface, but no thick incrustations are formed, The uniform disposition of these patches is singu- lar. I have seen a large circular one situated on each breast above the papillae • and two or three others of a serpentine form, in analogous situa- tions along the sides of the chest. The back is often variegated in like manner, with convoluted tetters, similarly arranged on each side of the spine. They likewise appear, in some cases, on the arms and thighs, intersecting each other in va- rious directions. A slighter kind of this complaint affects delicate young women and children in small scaly circles or rings, little discoloured; they appear on the cheeks, neck, or upper part of the breast, and are mostly confounded with the herpetic, or pustular ring-worm. The psoriasis gyrata has its remissions and returns, like the pso- riasis diffusa it also exhibits, in some cases, patch- es of the latter disorder on the face, scalp, or ex- tremities, while the trunk of the body is chequered with the singular figures above described. 4. Psoriasis palmaria. This very obstinate species of tetter is nearly confined to the palm of the hand. It commences with a small, harsh, or scaly patch, which gradually spreads over the whole palm, and sometimes appears in a slighter degree on the inside of the fingers and wrist. The surface feels rough from the detached and raised edges of tho scaly laminae ; its colour often changes to brown or black, as if dirty ; yet the most diligent washing produces no favourable effect. The cuticular furrows are deep, and cleft at the bottom longitudinally, in various places, so as to bleed on stretching the fingers. A sensa- tion of heat, pain, and stiffness in the motions of the hand, attends this complaint. It is worst in winter or spring, and occasionally disappears in autumn or summer, leaving a soft, dark red cuti- cle ; but many persons are troubled with it for a series of years, experiencing only very slight re-; missions. Evcrv return or aergravatiQiypf it i"? m PSO ., iVi' preceded by an increase of heat and dryness, with intolerable itching, shoemakers have the, psoriasis palmaria locally, from the irritation of ' the wax they so constantly employ. In braziers, tinmen, sUversmiths, &c. the complaint seems to be produced by handling cold metals. A long predisposition to it from a weak, languid, hec- tical state of the constitution may give effect to different occasional causes. Dr. Willan has observ- ed it in women after lying-in ; in some persons it is connected or alternates with arthritic com- plaints. When the palms ofthe hands are affect- ed as above stated, a similar appearance often takes place on the soles of the feet ; but with the exception of rhagades or fissures, which seem less liable to form there, the feet being usually kept warm and covered. Sometimes, also, the psoria- sis palmaria is attended with a thickness of the praeputium, with scaliness and painful cracks. These symptoms at last produce a phimosis, and render connubial intercourse difficult or impracti- i able ; so great, in some cases, is the obstinacy nf them, that remedies are of no avail, and the patient can onl/ be relieved by circumcision. This affection of the praeputium is not exactly similar to any venereal appearance ; but rhagades or fissures, and indurated patches within the palm of the hand, take place in syphilis, and somewh;-t resemble the psoriasis palmaria. The venereal patches, are however, distinct, white, and elevated, having nearly the consistence of a soft corn. From the rhagades there is a slight discharge, very offensive to the smell. The soles of the feet are likewise, in this case, affected with the patch- es, not with rhagades. When the disease yields to the operation of mercury, the indurated por- tions of cuticle separate, and a smooth new cuti- cle is found formed underneath. The fingers and toes are not affected with the patches, &c. in ve- nereal cases. 5. Psoriasis labial is. The psoriasis sometimes affects the lip without appearing on any other part of thebody. Its characteristics are, as usual, scatiness, intermixed with chaps and fisures of the skin. The scales are of a considerable magnitude, so that their edges are often loose, while the central points are attached, anew cuti- cle gradually forms beneath the scales, but is not durable. In the course of a few hours it becomes dry, shrivelled aud broken ; and, while, it exfoli- . ates, gives way to another layer of tender cuticle, whicii soon, in like manner, perishes. These ap- pearances should be distinguished from the light chaps and roughness of the lips produced by very cold or frosty weather, but easily removed. The psoriasis labialis may be a little aggravated by frost or sharp winds, yet it receives no material alleviation from an opposite temperature. It is not, indeed, confined within any certain limit, or period of duration, having, in several instances, been protracted through all the seasons. The under lip is always more affected than the upper; and the disease take- place more especially in those persons whose lips are full and prominent. 6. Psoriasis scrotalis. The skin of the scro- tum may be affected in the psoriasis diffusa like other parts of the surface of the body ; but some- times a roughness and scaliness of the scrotum ap- pears as an independent complaint attended with much heat, itching, tension, and redness. The above symptoms are succeeded by a hard, thick- ened, brittle texture of the skin, and by painful chaps or excoriations, which are not easy to be healed. This complaint is sometimes produced under the same circumstances as the prurigo scroti, and appeal's to be in some cases a sequel of it. -V species of the psoriasis scrotatis like- v.ise occurs in the lues venerea, but merits u<- particular attention, being always combined with other secondary symptoms of the disease. 7. Psoriasis infantilis. Infants between the ages of two months and two years, are occasion- ally subject to the dry tetter. Irregular, scaly patches, of various sizes, appear on the cheeks, chin, breast, back, nates, and thighs. They are sometimes red, and a little rough or elevated ; sometimes excoriated, then again covered with a thin incrustation; and, lastly, intersected by chaps or fissures. The general appearances near- ly coincide with those of tne psoriasis diffusa; but there are several pecuUaritics in the tetters of infants which require a distinct consideration. 8. The Psoriasis inveterata is characterised by an almost universal scaliness, with a harsh, dry, and thickened state of the skin. It com- mences from a few irregular, though distinct patches on the extremities. Others appear af- terwards on different parts, and becoming conflu- ent, spread at length over all the surface of the body, except a part of the face, or sometimes the palms of the hands, and soles of the feet. The skin is red, deeply furrowed, or wrinkled, stiff and rigid, so as somewhat to impede the motion of the muscles, and of the joints. So quick, like- wise, is the production and separation of scales, that large quantities of them are found in the bed on which a person affected with the disease has slept. They fall off in the same proportion by day, and being confined within the Unen, excite a troublesome and perpetual itching. Pso'rica. (From \lupa, the itch.) Medicines to cure the itch. PSOROPHTILVLIVIA. (From dapa, the itch, and oBaXpos, an eye.) An inflammation of the eye-lids, attended with ulcerations, which itch very much. By psorophthalnoy Mr. Ware means a case, in which the inflammation of the eye-lids is attended with an ulceration of their edges, upon \> hich a glutinous matter lodges, and becomes hard, so that in sleep, when they have been long in contact, they become so adherent,' that they cannot be separated without pain. The proximate cause is an acrimony deposited in the glands of the eye-lids. The species ofthe psoro plithalmia arc, 1. Psorophthalmia crustosa, which forms dry or humid crusts in the margins of the eya-lids. 2. Psorophthalmia herpetica, in which small papulae, itching extremely, and terminating in scurf, are observed. Psichago'gica. (From d-vxv, the mind, and uyu, to move.) Medicines which recover in. syncope or apoplexy. PSYCHO'TROPHUM. (From uV«Xoj, cold ; because it grows in.cold places. A name altered by Linnaeus from the Psychotropkum of Browne, which alludes to the shady place of growth of most of the species, tv^orpotpov is an ancient -iame for an herb-loving shade.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentan- dria; Order, Monogynia. Psychotria emetica. See Callicocca ipe- cacuanha. Psycho'trophum. (From \pv%os, cold, and rpetpu, to nourish : so called because it grows in places exposed to the cold.) The herb betony. See Betonici 'officinalis. Psichrolu'trum. (From uV^8s> cold, and Xotiiii, lo wash.) A cold bath. Psy'chtica. (From dii^m, to refrigerate.) Refrigerating medicines. PSYDRA'CIA. (From d>vXos, cold.) Red and somewhat elevated spots, which soon form broad and suirerficial vesicles such as those pro» 793 PiE 4uced by the stinging-nettle, the bites of insects, &c. See Pustule. PSYLLPUM. (From xpvXXos, a flea: so call- ed because it was thought to destroy fleas.) See Plantago psyllium. PTARMICA. (From rrratpu, to sneeze : so called because it irritates the nose, and provokes sneezing.) gneezwort. See Achilla a ptarmica. PTE RIS. (From nrtpov, a wing : so called from the likeness of its leaves to win^s.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean sys- tem. Class, Cryptogamia; Order, Filices. Pteris aq.uii.ina. The systematic niime cf the common brake, or female fern. Filix f ami- no. The plant which is thus caUed in the phar- macopoeias is not the Polypodium filix J annua, but the Pteris—frondibus supradecompositis, foliolis pinnatis, pinnit lanceolatis, infimis, pinnatifidis, superioribus minoribus, ol Lin- naeus. The root is esteemed as an anthelmintic, and is supposed to be as efficacious in destroying the tapeworm as tbe root of the male fern. PTEROCARPUS. (From itfepov, a wing, and Kaprros, fruit.; The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Pterocarpus santalinus. The systematic name of the red saunders tree. Santalum ru- brum. There is some reason to believe that seve- ral red woods, capable of communicating this colour to spirituous liquors, are sold as red saun- ders ; but the true officinal kind appears, on the best authority, to be of this tree, which is ex- tremely hard, of a bright garnet-red colour, and bears a fine polish. It is only the inner sub- stance of the wood that is used as a colouring matter, and the more florid red is mostly esteem- ed. On being cut, it is said to manifest a fragrant odour, which is more especially observed in old trees. According to Lewis, this wood is of a dull red, almost blackish colour on the outside, and a deep brighter red within; its fibres are now and then curled, as in knots. It has no manifest smell, and little or no taste; even of extracts made from it with water, or with spirit, the taste is not considerable. To watery liquors it communicates only a yel- lowish tinge, but to rectified spirit a fine deep red. A smaU quantity of an extract made with this menstruum, tinges a large one of fresh spirit of the same colour; though it does not, like- most other resinous bodies, dissolve in expressed oils. Of distilled oils, there are some, as that of laven- der, which receive a red tincture from the wood itself, and from its resinous extract, but the great- er number do not. Red saunders has been esteem- ed as a medicine ; but its only use attaches to its colouring property. The juice of this tree, like that of some others, affords a species of sanguis draconis. PTERY'GIUM (Illtpvl, awing.) A mem- braneous excrescence which grows upon the in- ternal canthus of the eye chiefly, and expands it- self over the albugina and cornea towards the pupil. It appears to be an extension or promul- gation of the fibres and vessels ot the caruncula lachrymalis, or semilunar membrane, appearing like a wing. The species of pterygium are four: 1. Pterygium tenue, seu ungula, is a pellucid peUicle, thin, of a cineritious colour, and unpain- ful; growing out from the caruncula lachrymalis, or membrana seinUunaris. 2. Pterygium crassum, seu pannus, differs from the ungula by its thiokness, red colour, and fulness of the red vessels on the white of the eye, and it stretches over the cornea like iascicuh of ". Pterygium malignum, is a pannus of va- 794 PTE nous colours, painful, and arising from a cauceiOiij acrimony. 4. Pterygium pingue, sen pinguicula, is a molecule like lard or tat, soft, without pain, and of a light yellow colour, which commonly is situ- ated n ti.e external angle of the eye, and rarely extends to the cornea ; but often remains through life. PTERGYO. Names compounded of tliis word belong to muscles which are connected with the pterygoid process ot the sphenoid bone ; as pte- rygo-pharyngeus, ieo. Pterygo-phartngeus. See Constrictor pharyngis superior. Pterigo-staphilinus externus. See le- vator palati. PTERYGOID. (Pterygrides; from nltpvi, a wing, and tt&os, resemblance.) Resembling the wing of a bird. Pterygoid process. A wing-like process of the sphenoid bone. Pterygoide'um os. See Ethmoid bone. Pterygoideus externus. (Pterygoideus, from its belonging to the processus pterygoides.) Pterygoideut minor, of Winslow. Pterygo- colli-maxillaire, of Dumas. Mutculut alaris externus. A muscle placed, as it were, horizon- tally along the basis of the skull, between the pterygoid process and the condyle of the lower jaw. It usually arises by two distinct heads ; one of which is thick, tendinous, and fleshy, from the outer wing of the pterygoid process of the os sphenoides, and from a small part of tbe os max- illare adjoining to it -K the other is thin and fleshy, from a ridge in the temporal process of the sphe- noid bone, just behind the slit that transmits the vessels to the eye. Sometimes this latter origin is wanting, and, in that case, part of the temporal muscle arises frcm this ridge. Now and then it affords a common origin to both these muscles. From these origins the muscle forms a strong fleshy belly, which descend* almost transversely outwards and backwards, and is inserted, tendi- nous and fleshy, into a depression in the forepart of the condyloid process of the lower jaw, and into the anterior surface of the capsular ligament that surrounds the articulation of that bone. All that part ot this muscle, which is not hid by the pterys goideus internus, is covered by a ligamen- tous expansion, which is broader than that belong- ing to the pterygoideus internus, and originates from the inner edge of the glenoid cavity of the lower jaw, immediately before the styloid pro- cess ot the temporal bone, and extends obliquely downwards, loiSvurds, and outwards, to the inner surlace of the angle of the jaw. When these muscles act together, they bring the jaw hori- zontally forwards. Y\ hen they act singly, the jaw is moved forwards, and' to the opposite side. The fibres that are inserted into the cap- sular ligament, serve likewise to bring the move- able cartilage forwards. Pteryooideus internus. Pterygoideus major, of Winslow. Pterygo-anguli-maxillaire, • of Dumas. This muscle arises tendinous and fleshy from the whole inner surface of the external ala of the pterygoid process, filling all the space- between the two wings , and from that process of the os palati that makes part of the pterygoid fossa. From thence growing larger, it descends obUquely downwards, forwards, and outwards, and is in- serted, by tendinous and fleshy fibres, into the in- side of the lower jaw, near its angle. This muscle covers a great part of the pterygoidtus externus: and along its posterior edge we observe a ligamen- tous band, which extends from the back part of the styloid process to the bottom of the an^fo of PUD * PUL i he lower iaw. The use of this muscle is to raise the lower jaw, and to pull it a little to one side. Ptertgoideus major. See Pterygddeus intermit. Pterygoideus minor. See Pterygoideus externus. PTILCVSIS. (From 7i7iXof, bald.) See Mo- darosit. PTPSANA. (From rrnaau, to decorticate, bruise, or pound.) Ptissana. 1. Barley deprived of its husks, pounded, and made into balls. 2. A drink is so called by the French, made mostly of farinaceous substances ; as barley, rice, grits, and the Uke, boiled with water, and sweet- ened to the palate. PTO'SLS. (From mxju, to fall.) Blepha- roptosis. An inability of raising the upper eye- lid. The affection may be owing to several causes, the chief of which are a redundance of the skin on the eye-lid ; a paralytic state of the levator mus- cle, and a spasm of tbe orbicularis. Ptosis iridis. Prolapsus iridit. A prolapsus of the iris through a wound of the cornea. It is known by a blackish tubercle, which projects a Uttle from the cornea in various forms. The spe- cies of the ptosis of the iris are, 1. Ptosis recens, or a recent ptosis from a side wound of the cornea, as that which happens, though rarely, in or after the extraction of the cataract. 2. Ptosis invelerata, in which the incarcerated _i. Iipsed iris is grown or attached to the wound or nicer, and has become callous or indurated. PTYALAGO'GUE. (From tt^voXov, spittle, and ayu, to excite.) Medicines which promote a discharge of the saliva, or cause salivation. PTYALPSMOS. See Ptyalismus. PTYALPSMUS. (From rrlvaXi^u, to spit.) A ptyatism or salivation, or increased secretion of saliva from the mouth. PTYALUM. (From rrlvu, to spit up.) The saliva or mucus from the bronchia. Ptyasmago'ga. (From rrlvaaiia, sputum, and ayu, to expel.) Medicines which promote the secretion of saliva. PU'BES. 1. The external part of the organs of generation of both sexes, which after puberty is covered with hair. 2. The down or pubescence on leaves, seeds, &c. of some plants. Pubes seminis. See Pappus. PUBESCENCE. Pubescentia. Under this term is included all kinds of down, hairs, and bristle-like bodies found on the surface of the leaves,' stems, pods, &c. of plants. They differ considerably in form and texture, but consist of small slender bodies, which are either soft and yielding to the slightest impression, or rigid and comparatively unyielding: the former are, pro- perly speaking, pili, or hairs ; the latter bristles, tela; and therefore, under these two heads, every kind of pubescence may be arranged. See Pilus and Seta. PUB ESC ENS. Pubescent: applied to the stigma of the genus Vicia. Pubis os. A separate bone of the foetal pelvis. See Innominatum os. PUDE'NDUM. (Frompudor, shame.) The parts of generation. PUDENDA'ORA. (From pudenda, the pri- vate parts, andaypa, a seizure.) Cedma. The \ enereal disease has been so named by some. A pain in the private parts. Pudendum muliebre. The female parts of generation. PUDI'CAL. (Pudicus; from pudor, shame.) Belonging to the pudenda. Pudical artert. Arteria pudica. Pudeii. dal artery. A branch of-the internal iliac dis- tributed on the organs of generation. Pueri'lis morbus. The epilepsy. PUERPERAL. Puerperalis. Appertaining to child-bearing; as puerperal convulsions, fever, &C. PUFFBALL. See Lycoperdon. PUG.I'LLUS. (From pugnus, the fist.) Dragmis. A pugil, or handful. PULE'GIUM. (From pulex, a flea; because the smell of its leaves, burnt, destroys fleas.) See Mentha pulegium. Pulegium cerviyum. Hart's penny-royal. The Mentha cervina, of Linnaeus. PULICA'RIA. (From pulex, a flea: so named because it was thought to destroy fleas if hung in a chamber.) See Plantago psyllium. PU'LMO. (Pulmo, onis. in. Plin. rrvtvpuv. Attice rrXtvpuv, unde, per metathesin pulmo.) Thelnng. See Lung. PULMONARIA. (From pulmo, the lung; so called because of its virtues in affections ofthe lungs.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. Lungwort. Pulmonaria arborea. See Lichen pulmo- narius. Pulmonaria maculata. See Pulmonaria offieinalit. '] Pulmonaria officinalis. The systematic name of the spotted lung-wort. Pulmonaria maculata; Symphitum maculosum. Jerusalem cowslips ; Jerusalem sage. This plant is rarely found to grow wild in England ; but is very com- monly cultivated iu gardens, where its leaves be- come broader, and approach more to a cordate shape. The leaves, which are the part medicinaUy used, have no peculiar smell ; but, in their recent state, manifest a slightly adstringent and mucila- ginous taste : hence it seems not wholly without foundation that they have been supposed to be de- mulcent and pectoral. They have been recom- mended in ha?moptoes, tickling coughs, and ca- tarrhal defluxions upon the lungs. The name pulmonaria, however, seems to have arisen rather from the speckled appearance of these leaves re- sembling that of the lungs, thknfrnm any intrinsic quality which experience discovered to be useful in pulmonary complaints. PULMONARY. Pulmonaris. Belonging to the lungs. Pulmonary artert. The pulmonary artery, arteria pulmonalit, arises from the right ventri- cle of the heart, and soon divides into the right and left, which ramify throughout the lungs, and form a beautiful net-work on the air vesicles, where they terminate in the veins, vents pulmo- nale!, whose branches at length form four trunks, whicli empty themselves into the left auricle of the heart. Pulmonary consumption. See Phthisis. Pulmonary vein. See Pulmonary artery. Pulmo'nica. (From pulmo, the lungs.) Me- dicines for the lungs. PULMONPTIS. (From pulmo, the lungs.) An inflammation of tlie lungs. Pulsatilla nigricans. (From pulso, to beat about: so called from its being perpetually agitated by the air.) See Anemone pratensis. PULSE. Pulsus. The beating of the heart and arteries. The pnlse is generaUy felt at the wrist, by pressing the radial artery with the fin- gers. The action depends upon the impulse given to the blood by the heart ; hence physicians feel the pulse, to ascertain the quickness or tardiness of the blood's motion, the strength of the heart, &c. See Circulation. 795 PWL PUL PULSILE'GIUM. (From pulsus, the pulse, ».nd lego, to tell.) An instrument for measuring the pulse. Pu lvi'n ar. (From pulvis, dust or chaff, with •vhich they arc filled.) A medicated cushion. Pulvina'rium. See Pulvinar. PU'LVIS. (Pulvis, verit. m.) A powder. Pulvinarium. This form of medicine is either coarse or very fine, simple or compound. In the compounded powders the intimate and complete admixture of the several ingredients, and more especially in those to which any of the more ac- tive substances, as opium, scammony, &c. are added, cannot be too strongly recoruraenr-'ed, and for this purpose it may be proper to pass them, after they are mixed mechanically, through a fine sieve. Pulvis aloes compositus. Compound pow- der of aloes. Formerly caUed pulvis aloes cum guaiaco. Take of extract of spiked aloe, an ounce and a half 5 guaiacum resin, an ounce ; com- pound powder of cinnamon, half an ounce. Powder the extract of aloe and guaiacum resin separately; then mix them with the compound powder of cinnamon. The dose is from gr. x. to 3j- If >s a warm, aperient, laxative powder, calculated for the aged, and those affected with dyspeptic gout, attended with costiveness and spasmodic complaints ofthe stomach and bowels. Pulvis aloes cum canblla. A cathartic, deobstruent powder, possessing stimulating and 'aloetic properties omitted in the last London Pharmacopoeia, as rather suited to the purpose of extemporaneous prescription. Pulvis aloes cum ferro. This possesses aperient and deobstruent virtues; and is mostly given in chlorosis and constipation. In the Lon- don Pharmacopoeia this prescription is omitted for the same reason as pulvis aloes cum caneUa. Pulvis aloes cum guaiaco. See Pulvis aloes compositus. Pulvis antimonialis. See Antimonialis pulvis. Pulvis aromaticus. See Pulmscinnamomi compositus. Pulvis ceruss.* compositus. This is mostly used in the form of collyrium, lotion, or injection, as a mucilaginous sedative. Pulvis chelarum cancri compositus. An antacid and adstringent powder, mostly given to children with diarrhoea and acidity ot the prima? viae. Pulvis cinnamomi compositus. Compound powder of cinnamon. Formerly called pulvis aromaticus: species aromatica: spedet diambra sine odoratis. Take of cinnamon bark, two ounces; cardamom-seeds, an ounce and half; ginger-root, an ounce; long pepper, halt an ounce. Rub them together, so as to make a very fine powder. The dose is from five to ten grains. An elegant stimulant, carminative, and stomachic powder. Pulvis cobbii. Pulvis. tunguinensis. This once celebrated powder consists of sixteen grains of musk, and forty-eight grains of cinnabar. It is directed to be mixed in a gill of arrack. Pulvis contrajerva compositus. Take of contrajerva root powdered, five ounces; pre- pared aheUs, a pound and half. Mix. A febri- fuge diaphoretic, mostly given in the dose of from one to two scruples in slight febrile affections. Pulvis cornu usti cum opio. Powder of burnt hartshorn with opium. Pulvis- opiatus. Take of hard opium, powdered, a drachm; hartshorn, burnt and prepaied, an ounce ; cochi- neal, powdered, a drachm. Mix. This prepara- tion affords a "convenient mode of exhibiting small 79(5 " ' quantities of opium, ten grains containing one of the opium. It is absorbent and anodyne. Pulvis creta compositus. Compound powder of chalk. Pulvis e bolo comporitus spine opio. Speries e scordio dne opio. IHeiscordi- um, 1720. Take of prepared chalk, half a pound; cinnamon bark, four ounces; tormentil root, acacia gum, of each three ounces; long pepper, half an ounce. Reduce them separately into a very fine powder, and then mix. The dose is from 3ss. to 3'- An astringent, carminative, and stomachic powder exhibited in the cure of diarrhoea, pyrosis, and diseases arising from acidity of the bowels, inducing much pain. Pulvis cret.-e compositus cum opio. Com- pound powder of chalk with opium. Pulvis e bolo compositus cum opio. Species e cordio cum opio. Take of compound powder of chalk, six ounces and a half. Hard opium, powdered, four scruples. Mix. The dose from one scruple to two. The above powder, with the addition of opium, in the proportion of one grain to two scruples. Pulvis ipecacuanha compositus. Com- pound powder of ipecacuanha. Take of ipeca- cuanha root, powdered, hard opium powdered, of each a drachm ; sulphate of potassa, powdered, an ounce. Mix. A diaphoretic powder, similar to that of Dr. Dover, which gained such repute in the cure of rheumatisms, and other diseases arising from obstructed perspiration and spasm. The dose is from five grains to a scruple. Pulvis kino compositus. Compound pow- der of kino. Take of kino 15 drachms ; cinna- mon bark, half an ounce ; hard opium, a drachm. Reduce them separately to a very fine powder; and then mix. The proportion of opium this as- tringent contains is one part to twenty. The dose is from five grains to a scruple. Pulvis myrrhs compositus. A stimulant, antispasmodic, and emmenagogue powder, mostly exhibited in the dose of from fifteen grains to two scruples, in utcriu-c obstructions and hysterical affections. Pulvis opiatus. See Puhis cornu usti cum opio. Pulvis scammonea compositus. Compound powder of scarrmony. Pulvis comitis Warwi- censis. Take of scammony gum resin, bard ex- tract of jalap, of each two ounces; ginger-root, half an ounce. Reduce them separately to a very fine powder, and then mix. From ten to filteen grains or a scruple are exhibited as a stimu- lating cathartic. Pulvis scammonii cum aloe. A stimu- lating cathartic, in the dose of from ten to fifteen grains. Pulvis scammonii cum calom-lane. A vermifugal cathartic, in the dose of from ten to fifteen grains. Pulvis senna compositus. Compound powder of senna. Pulvis diasenna. Take of senna leaves, supertartrate of potassa, of each two ounces; scammony gum resin, half an ounce; ginger root, two drachms. Reduce the scammony gum resin separately, the rest together, to a very fine powder; and then mix. The dose is from one scruple to one drachm. A saline stimulating cathartic. Pulvis tragacantha compositus. Com- pound powder of tragacanth. Spedes diatraga- cantha frigida. Take of tragacanth, powder- ed, acacia gum, powdered, starch, of each an ounce and half, refined sugar, three ounces. Powder the starch and sugar together: then add the tragacanth and acacia gum, and mix the whole. Tragacanth is very diflicultiy reduced PUR PUR to powder. The dose is from ten grains to a drachm. A very useful demulcent powder, which may be given in coughs, diarrhoeas, stran- Tiry, &c. PUMfCE. A mineral of which there are three species, the glossy, common, and porphyri- tic, found in the Lipari islands, and Hungary. PUMPION. See Cucurbita. PUNCTATUS. Dotted. Applied to petals of the Melanthium capense: receptacle of the Leontodon taraxacum. PU'NCTCM. A point. The opening or commencement of a duct of the eye has received this name, because its projection gives it the ap- pearance of a spot. Punctum aureum. Formerly, when a hernia of the intestines was reduced by an incision made through the skin and membrana adiposa, quite down to the upper part of the spermatic vessels, a golden wire was fixed and twisted, so as to pre- vent the descent of any thing down the tunica vaginalis. Punctum lachrimale. Lachrymal point. Two small orifices, one of which is conspicuous in each eye-lid, at the extremity of the tarsus, near the internal canthus, are called puncta lach- rymalia. PU'NICA. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Icosandria; Order, Monogynia. Punica granatum. The systematic name of the pomegranate. Granatum Punica— foliis lanceolatis, caule arboreo, of Linnans The rind of the fruit and the flowers called Balauttine flowers, are the parts directed for medicinal use. In their smell there is nothing re- markable, but to the taste they are very adstrin- gent, and have successfully been employed as such, in diseases both internal and external. PUPIL. (Pupilla; from pupa, a babe; be- cause it reflects the diminished image of the per- son who looks upon it like a puppet.) The round opening in the middle of the iris, in which we see ourselves in the eye of another. PUPILLA SeePujril. PUPILLA'RIS. Of or belonging to the pupil. Pupillaris membrana. (From pupilla, the pupil.) See Membrana pupillaris. Pupilla velum. See Membrana pupil- laris. PURGAME'NTUM. A purge. PURGATIVE. Whatever increases the peris- taltic motion of the bowels, so as to considerably increase the alvine evacuations. See Cathartic. Purging flax. See Linum -'atharticum. Purging-ntit. See Jatropha curcas. PURIFOIIM. (Puriformis; from pus, and forma, resemblance.) Like unto the secretuui called pus. PURPURA. (floptpvpa, the name of a shell of a purple colour: hence purpura, a purple colour.) Au efflorescence consisting of small distinct, purple specks and patches, attended with general debility, but not always with fever, which are caused by an extravasation of the vessels under the cuticle. It 13 divided into the five following species: I. Purpura dmplex. This has the appearance of petechiae, without much disorder of the con- stitution, except languor, pain in the limbs, and a xtllow complexion. The petechia? are most nu- merous on the breast, inside of the arms and legs, and are of various sizes, and commonly circular. There is no itching or other sensation attending the petechiae. •?. Purpura hamorrhagica is considerably more severe; the petechiae are of larger size, and interspersed with? vibices and ecchyraoses, resembling the marks left by the strokes ot a whip, or by violent bruises. They appear first on the legs, and afterwai tb> on the thighs, arms, and trunk of the bo ly ; the hands being more rarely spotted with them, and the face generally free. They are of a bright red colour when they first appear, but soon become purple or livid . and when about to disappear they change to a brown or vllnivhra hue . the cuticle over them appears stii< 'th and shining, but is not sensibly elevated ; in << lew cases, however, it has been seen raised into a sort of vesicle, containing black blood. This more particularly happens in the spots which appear on the tomrue, gums, and palate, and in- side of the cheeks and lips where the cuticle is extremely thin ; the gentlest pressure on the skin, even feeling the pulse, will often produce a purple blotch, like that which is left after a severe bruise. The same state of habit, which gives rise to these effusions under the uticle, produces like- wise copious discharges of blood, especially from the internal parts ; they are often very profuse, aud suddenly prove fatal ; but in other cases they an less copious ; sometimes returning every day at stated periods, and sometimes less frequently, and at regular intervals ; and sometimes there i- a slow and almost incessant oozing of blood. The bleeding occurs from the gums, nostrils, throat, inside ofthe cheeks, tongue, and lips, and some- times from the Uning membrane ot the eyelids, the urethra, and external ear; and also from the internal cavities of the lungs, stomach, bowels, uterus, kidneys, and bladder. This disease is often preceded by great lassi- tudArifaintness, and pains in the limbs ; but not unfrequentiy it appears suddenly in the midst of apparent good health. It is always accompanied with extreme debility and depression of spirits ; the pulse is commonly feeble, and sometimes quickened ; and heat, flushing, perspiration, and other symptoms of febrile irritation, occasionally aftend. When the disease has continued for some time, the patient becomes sallow, and much ema- ciated ; and some degree of oedema appears on the lower extremities, which afterwards extends to other parts of the body. This disease is extreme- ly uncertain in its duration ; in some instances it has terminated in a few days, while in others it h;s continued, not only for many months, but even for years. The causes of this disease are by no means clearly ascertained: it occurs at every period of lite, and in both sexes, but especially in women and in boys b< fore the age of puberty, particular- ly those who are employed in sedentary occupa- tion, and wh" live in close and crowded situations. It has sometimes occurred as a sequxla of small- pox, and of measles, and sometimes in the third or fourth week of puerperal eonfinement. It is supposed that some local visceral obstruction is the cause of the disease in different instances, as artificial bleeding, and purging, tend grt atly to relieve it. The ancient physicians attributed the haemorrhages from the nose, gums, and other parts, to the morbid enlargement of the spleen. In the slighter degrees of purpura occurring in children who are ill '« d and nursed, and who re- side in close places, or in women shut up in simi- lar situations, and debilitated by anxiety of mind, want of proper food, and by fatigue, the use of tonics, with the mineral acids, and wine, will doubtless be adequate to the cure of the disease, especially where exercise in the open air can be employed nt the same time. But when it occurs PUR in adults, especially those who already hare the benefit of exercise in the air of the country, and who have suffered no privation with respect to diet, when it is accompanied with a white and loaded tongue, a quick and somewhat small though sharp pulse, occasional chills and heats, and other symptoms of feverishness, however moderate, and if there be at the sa.-ne time fixed internal pains, a dry cough, and an irregular state of the bowels (symptoms which may be presumed to indicate some local congestion,) then the administration of tonic medicines, particularly wine, cinchona, and other warmer tonics will be found ineffica- cious, if not decidedly injurious.. In such cases, free and repeated doses oi medicines containing the submuriate of mercury, ;ind regulated by their effects ou the symptoms of theeomplaint, and by the appearance of the excretions, from the intes- tines, will be found most beneficial. If the pains are fived, the marks of febrile irri- tation considerable, and the spontaneous haemor- rhage not profuse, local or general blood-letting may be employed with great benefit, especially in robust adults. When the urgency of hemorrhagic tendency has been diminished by these means, the constitution rallies, thoui'h n t rapidly, with the assistance of the mineral acids, and cinchona or cascariUa, or >omepreparation ol iron, together with moderate exercise and nutritious diet. 3. Purpura urticans is distinguished by com- mencing in the form of rounded and reddish ele- vatu ns of the cuticle, resembling wheals, which are not accompanied like the uh< a!> of urticaria by any sensation of tingling and itching. These tumours gradually dilate, but within one or two days they subside to the 1« vel of the surrounding cuticle, iitd their hue becomes darker, and at length livid. They are most common on things where they appear with petechia?, but alsoj^- pear on the arms, thighs, breast, &c. It usually occurs in summer and autumn, and lasts from three to five weeks. Some oedema of the extremities usually accompanies it, and it is occasionally preceded by a stiffness and weight of the limbs. The same rules of treatment apply to this as tothe preceding varieties of the disease. 4. Purpura senilis appi ars principally along the outside of the fore-arm, in elderly women, in successive dark purple blotches of an irregular form, and various magnitude ; each of these con- tinues from a week to ten days, when the extrava- sated blood is absorbed. Tonics or any other expedient do not appear to exert any influence over the eruption. 5. Purpura contagiosa, is an eruption of pe- techia which occasionally accompanies typhoid fevers ; where they occur in close situations, they are merely symptomatic, and are very rarely seen. Purpura alba. Purpura rubra. Many vrtiters term the military fever, when the pustules are white, purpura alba ; and when they are red, purpura rubra. PuePUEA scorbutica. Petechial eruptions in senrvy. PURPURIC ACID. Acidum purpuricum: so called from its fine red colour. The excrements of the serpent Boa constrictor, consist of pure lithic acid. Dr. Prout found that on digesting this substance thus obtained, or from urinary cal- culi, in dilute nitric acid, an effervescence takes place, and the lithic acid is dissolved, forming a beautiful purple liquid. The excess of nitric acid being neutralised with ammonia, and the whole concentrated by slow evaporation, tlie colour of the solution becomes of a deeper purple ; and dark re-' granular crystals, sometimes-of a green- ish hue externally," sofin begin to separate in 70S ' * PUS abundance. These crystals are a compound of ammonia with the acid principle in question. The ammonia was displaced by digesting ihe salt in a solution of caustic potassa, till the red colour en- tirely disappeared. This alkaline solution was then gradually dropped into dilute sulphuric acid, which, uniting with the potassa, left the acid prin- ciple in a state of purity. This acid principle is likewise produced from lithii acid by chlorine, and also, but with more difficulty, by. iodine. Dr. Prout, the discoverer of this new acid, has, at the suggestion of Dr. WoUaston, called it purpuric acid, because its sa- line compounds have for the most part a red or purple colour. This acid, as obtained by the preceding pro- cess, usually exists in the form of a very fine pow- der, of a slightly yellowish or cream colour; and when examined with a magnifier, especially under water, appears to possess a pearly lustre. It has no smell nor taste. Its spec. grav. is considera- bly above water. It is scarcely soluble in water. One-tenth of a grain, boiled for a considerable time mi 1000 grains of water, was not entirely dis- solved. The water, however, assumed a purple tint, probably, Dr. Prout thinks, from the forma- tion of a little purpurate of ammonia. Purpuric acid is insoluble in alcohol aud a?ther. The mi- ne! al acids dissolve it only when they are concen- trated. PURSLANE. See Portulaca. PURULENT. (Purulent, from pus.) Having the appear nice of pus. PUS. flatter. A whitisii, bland, cream-like fluid, heavier than water, lound in phlegmonous abscesses, or on the surface of sores. It is dis- tinguished, according to its nature, into laudable or good pus, scrophulous, serous, and ichorous pus, &c. Pus taken from an healthy ulcer, near the source of circulation, as on the arm or breast, Sir Eve- rard Home observes, readily separates from the surface of the sore, the granulations underneath being small, pointed, and of a florid red colour, and has the following properties: it is nearly of the consistence of cream ; is of a white colour; has a mawkish taste ; and, when cold, is inodor- ous ; but, when warm, has a peculiar smell. Ex- amined in a microscope, it is found to consist of two parts, of globules, and a transparent colour- less fluid : the globules are probably white, at least they appear to have some degree of opacity. Its specific'gravity is greater than that of water. It does not readily go into putrefaction. Exposed to heat, it evaporates to dryness ; but does not coagulate. It does not unite with water in the heat of the atmosphere, but falls to the bottom; yet, if kept in a considerable degree of heat, it rises and diffuses itself through the water, and re- mains mixed with it, even after having been al- lowed to cool, the globules being decomposed. Pus varies in its appearance, according to the different circumstances which affect the ulcer that forms it; such as, the degree of violence of the inflammation, also ite nature, whether healthy nr unhealthy ; and these depend upon the state of health, and strength of the parts yielding pus. These changes arise more from indolence and ir- ritability, than from any absolute disease ; many specific diseases, in healthy constitutions, pro- ducing no change in the appearance of the matter from their specific quality. Thus, the matttr from a gonorrhoea, from tbe small-pox pustules, or .the chicken pock, has the same appearance, and seems to be made up of similar parts, consisting of globules floating in a transparent fluid, like common pus; tbe specific properties of each o* PL.- ■ hesc prisons being superadded to tliose of pus. Matter from a cancer may be considered as an exception ; but a cancerous ulcer is never in a healthy state. In indolent ulcers, whether the indolence arises from the nature of the parts, or the nature of the inflammation, the pus is made of globules and flaky particles, floating in a transparent fluid; and globules and flakes are in difl'erent propor- tions, according to the degree of indolence : this is particularly observable in scrophulous abscesses, preceded by a small degree of inflammation. That this flaky appearance is no part of true pus, is well illustrated by observing, that the proportion it bears to the globules is greatest where there is the least inflammation; and in those abscesses that sometimes occur, which have not been preceded by any inflammation at all, the con- tents are wholly made up of a curdy or flaky sub- stance of different degrees of consistence, which is not considered to be pus, from its not having the properties stated in the definition of that fluid. The constitution and par1 must be in health to form good pus; for very slight changes in the general health are capable of producing an al- teration in it, and even of preventing its being formed at aU, and substituting in its place coagu- lating lymph. This happens most readily in ulcers in the lower extremities, owing to their distance from the source of the circulation rendering them weaker. And it is curious to observe the influ- ence that distance alone has upon the appearance of pus. Pus differs from chyle in its globules being larger, not coagulating by exposure to the air, nor by neat, wliich those of chyle do. The pancreatic juice contains globules, but they are much smaller than those of pus. Milk is composed of globules, nearly of the same size as those of pus, but much mere nume- rous. Milk coagulates by runnet, which pus does not; and contains oil and sugar, which are not to be discovered in pus. The cases in which pus is formed, are, properly speaking, all reducible to one, which is, tbe state of parts consequent to inflammation. For, as far as we yet know, observes Sir E. Home, pus has in no instance been met with unless preceded by inflammation ; and although, in some cases, a fluid has been formed independent of preceding inflammation, it differs from pus in many of its properties. In considering the time required for the forma- tion of pus, it is necessary to take notice of the periods which are found, under diffeient circum- stances, to intervene between a healthy or natural state of the parts, and the presence of that fluid after the application of some irritating substance to the skin. In cases of wounds made into muscular parts, where blood-vessels are divided, the first process which takes place is the extravasation of red blood ; tbe second is the exudation ot coagulating lymph, which afterwards becomes vascular ; and the third, the formation ol matter, which last does not in common take place in less than two- days ; the precise time will, however, vary ex- ceedingly, according to the nature of the const!*, tution, and the state ot the parts at the time. * If an irritating substance is applied to a cuticu- lar surface upon which it raises a blister, pus wiU be formed in about twenty-four hours. PUSTULA. A little pustule. See Pustule. Pustula oris. See Aphtha. PUSTULE. (Pustula, a little pustule ; from put, matter.) Ecthyma; Eczema. Dr. Willan PVR defines a pustule to be an elevation of the cuticle, sometimes globate, sometimes conoidal in its form, and containing pus or a lymph which is in general discoloured. Pustules are various in their size, but the diameter of the largest seldom exceeds two lines. There are many different kinds of pustules, properly distinguished in medical au- thors, by specific appt llatii>ns , as, 1. Phlyzacium, a small pustule containing pus, and raised on a hard, circular, inflamed base of a vivid red colour. It is succeeded oy a thick, hard, dark-coloured scab. 2. Psydracium, according to Dr. Willan, a minute pustule, irregularly circumscribed, pro- ducing but a slight elevatmn of the. cuticle, and terminating in ala ninate.l scab. Many of these pustules usually appear together, and become con- fluent. When mnture, they contain pus ; and, after breaking, discharge a thin watery humour. ' PUTA'MEN (From puto, to cut.) The bark or paring of any vegetable, as the walnut. See Juglans regia. PUTA.WINE.rE. The name of an order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a Natural Method, em- bracing those which have an outer shell, or puta- men, over a hard fruit; as in Capparis and Me- risoina. PUTREFACTION. < Putrefactio; from pu- trefacio, to become rntteu, to dissolve.) Putrid fermentation. Putrefactive fermentation. The spontaneous decomposition of such animal and vegetable matters as exhale a fuetid smell. The solid and the fluid matters are resolved into ga- seous compounds and vapours which escape and unite an earthy residuum. The requisites to this process are, 1. A certain degree of humidity. 2. The access of atmospheric air. 3. A certain degree of heat: hence the abstraction of the air and water, or hu.nidlty, by drying, or its fixation by cold, by salt, sugar, spices, &c. will counteract the process of putrefaction, and favour the pre- servation of food,>oii which principle some patents have been obtained. See Fermentation. Putrid fever. See Typhus gravior. PYLORIC. (Pyloricus; from pylorus.) Be- longing to the ylorus. Pyloric artert. Arteria pylorica. A branch of the hepatic artery. PYLO'RUS. (From rrvXri, an entrance, and ovpos, a guard ; because it guards, as it were, the entrance of the bowels.) Janitor; Portora- rium ; Ostiarius. The inferior apert lire of the stomach, which opens into the intestines. Pyopoe'tic (From rrvov, pus, and rroitu, to make.) Suppurative. Pyo ;rhio citric acid carried over, nor acetic acid ; first, because on saturating it with carbonate of lime, a soluble calcareous salt was obtained ; and, secondly, because this salt,' treated vv ith sulphuric acid, evolved np odour oi acetic acid. From this calcareous salt the lime was sepa- rated by oxalic acid ; or the salt itself was decom- posed with acetate of lead, and the precipitate treated with sulphuretted hydrogen. By these two processes, this new acid was separated in a state of purity. Propei ties of the pyrociiric acid.—This ;.ciil is white, inodorous, of a strongly acid taste. It is difficult fo make it crystallise in a regular man- ner, but it is usually presented in a white mass, formed by the interlacement of very fine small needles. Proj* cted on a hot body it melts, is con- verted into white very pungent vapours, and leaves some traces of carbon. VV hen heated in a retort, it affords an oily-looking acid, and yellowish U- quid, and is partially decomposed. It is very soluble in water and in alkohol; water at the temperature of 10'-' C. (60° F.) dissolves one- third ol its weight. The watery solution has a strongly acid taste, it does not precipitate lime or barytes water, nor the greater part of metallic solutions, with the exception of acetate of lead and protonitrate of mercury. With the oxides it forms salts possessing properties different from the citrates. The pyrodtrate of potassa crystallises in small needles, which are white, and unalterable in the air. It dissolves in about 4 parts of water. Its solution gives no precipitate with the nitrate of silver, or of barytes ; whilst that ofthe citrate of barytes forms precipitates with these salts. The pyrodtrate of lime directly formed, ex- hibits a white crystalline mass, composed of nee- dles, opposed to each other, in a ramification form. This salt has a sharp taste. It dissolves in 25 parts of water at 60° Fahr. The solution of the pyrocitric acid saturated with barytes water, lets tall, at the end of some hours, a very white crystalline powder, which is pyrodtrate of barytes. Tliis salt is soluble in 150 parts of cold water, and in 50 of boiling water. The pyrodtrate of lead is easily ontaincd by pouring pyrocitrate of potassa into a solution of acetate of lead. The pyyocitrate of lead presents itself under the form of a white gelatinous semi- transparent mass,which becomes dry in the air." PYROGOM. A variety of diopside. PYROLA. (From pyrus, a pear: so named because its leaves resemble those et tbe pear-tree.) 1. 'Ihe name of a genus ol plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decandria; Order, Monogy- nia. 2. The pharmacopoeia] name of the winter- green. See Pyrola rotundifolia. Pyrola rotundifolia. The systematic name of the round-leaved wintergreen. This ele- gant little plant, common in our woods, is now forgotten in the practice of medicine. It possesses gently adstringent qualities, and has a somewhat bitter taste. <-w PYKOLIGNEOUS ACID. Acidum pyrolig- nosum; so called because it is procured by distil- ling wood.) " In the destructive distillation of any kind of wood, an acid is obtained, which was formerly called acid spirit of wood, and since, pvroligncoirs acitl. Fmirrrnv and Vauquelin 101 .■how ed that this acid was merely the acclic, arii- taminated with empyreumatic oil and bitumen. See Acetic acid. Under acetic acid will be found a full account of the production and purification of pyroUgne- ous acid. Monge discovered, about two years ago, that this acid has the property of preventing the decomposition of animul substances. Mr. \\ illiam Dinsdale, of Field Cottage, Colchester, three years prior to the date of Monge's discove- ry, teuul to 130° of Fahrenheit's. PYROPHORUS. An artificial product, which takes fire or becomes ignited, on exposure to the air. It is prepared frem alum by calcination, with the addition of various inflammable bodies. PYROPHYSA LITE. See, Physalite. PYRO'SIS. (Fromaroflow, to burn.) Pyrosis Suecica, ot Sauvages. Cardialgia sputatoria, of Linnaeus. A disease called in Scotland the water-brash; in England, black-water. A genus of disease iu the class Neuroses, and order Spasmi, if CuUen ; known by a burning pain in the stomach, attended with copious eructation, generally of a watery insipid fluid. PYROSMALITE. A liver-coloured mineral, which comes from Wermeland. PYROTARTARIC ACID. (Acidum pyro- tartaricum .- so called because obtained by the destructive distillation of tartaric acid.) "Into a coated glass retort introduce tartar, or rather tartaric acid, till it is half full, and fit to it a tubulated receiver. Apply heat, which is to be gradually raised to redm ss. Pyrotartaric acid of a brown colour, from impurity, is found in the li- quid products. We must filter these through pa- per previously wetted, to separate the oily matter. Saturate the liquid with carbonate of potassa; t*L'A QUA «;iaporaie to dryness ; redissolve, and filter through clean moistened paper. By repeating this process of evaporation, solution, and filtra- tion, several times, we succeed in separating all the oil. The dry salt is then to be treated in a glass retort, at a moderate heat, with dilute sul- phuric acid. There passes over into the receiver, first of all, a liquor containing evidently acetic acid ; but towards the end of the distiUation, there is condensed in the vault of tbe retort, a white and foliated sublimate, which is the pyro- tartaric acid, perfectly pure. It has a very sour taste, and reddens powerfully the tincture of turnsole. Heated in an open ves- sel, the acid rises in a white smoke, without leav- ing the charcoaly residuum which is left in a re- tort. It is very soluble in water, from which it is separated in crystals by spontaneous evapora- tion. The bases combine with it, forming pyro- tartarates, of which those of potassa, soda, am- monia, barytes, strontites, and lime, are very soluble. That of potassa is deliquescent, soluble in alkohol, capable of crystallising in plates, like the acetate of potassa. This pyrotartarate pre- cipitates both acetate of lead and nitrate of mer- cury, whilst the acid itself precipitates only the latter. Rose is the discoverer of this acid, which was formerly confounded with the acetic." Puro-tartarous acid. See Pyro-tartaric acid. Pyrote'ciinia. (From sup, fire, and rc^n?, an art.) Chemistry, or that art by which the properties of bodies are examined by fire. Pyro'tica. (From rsvpou, to burn.) Caus- tics. PYROXENE. See Augite. PY'RUS. The name of a genus of plants in the \atf P. An abbreviation of quantum placet, as much as you please. Q. S. The contraction for quantum sufficit, a sufficient quantity. #■ Q. V. An abbreviation of quanmm vis, as much as you will. QUADRANGULUS. Quadrangular. Often used to express form of muscles, leaves, &c. The receptacle of the Dorstenia houstonii, and contrayerva, is quadrangulani. QUADRATICS. (From quadra, square : so called from its figure.) See Depressor labii inferioris. Quadratus femoris. Tulnr-ischio-tro- chanterien, of Dumas. A muscle of the thigh, situated on the outside of the pelvis. It is a flat, thin, and fleshy muscle, but not of the shape its name would seem to indicate. It is situated im- mediately below the gemini. It arises tendinous and fleshy from the external surface and lower edge of the tuberosity of the ischium, and is in- serted by short tendinous fibres into a ridge which is seen extending from the basis of the trochanter major to that of the trochanter minor. Its use is to bring the os femoris outwards. Quadratus gen.*. See Platysma-myotdes. Quadratus labii inferioris. See Depres- sor labii inferioris. Quadratus i.umborum. Quadratus, seu LiimbariseTlirmts.ofWmslow.IHo-lumbiCOstal, Linmeau system. Class, Ieosandria; Order, Pentagynia. Pyrus communis. The pear-tree. Thefruit is analagous to that of the apple, hut more deti- cately flavoured. Its juice, when fermented, forms perry. Pyrus cydonia. The systematic name of the quince-tree. The fruit is termed Cydonium malum, or quince. The tree which affords this fruit is the Pyrus—foliis integerrimit, floribus solitariit, of Linnaeus. Quince seeds are direct- ed by, the London-College to be made into a de- coction, which is recommended in aphthous af- fections, and excoriations of the mouth and fauces. Ptrus malus. The systematic name ofthe apple-tree. The common crab-tree is the parent of all the vast variety of apples at present culti- vated. Apples, in general, when ripe, afford a pleasant and easily digestible fruit for tbe table; but, when the stomach is weak, they are very apt to remain unaltered for some days, and to produce dyspepsia. Sour fruits are to be considered as unwholesome, except when boiled or baked, and rendered soft and mellow with the addition of sugar. Pyu'lcum. (From rsvov, pus, and tXtu, to draw.) An instrument to extract the pus from the cavity of any sinuous ulcer. Pyu'ria. See Pyoturid. Pyxaca'ntha. (From rsi>£oj, box, and aKavBa, a thorn.) The barberry, or thorny box-tree. PY'XIS. (Pyxis, iais. f. ; so called because it was made with the nvfrs, or box-tree.) Pro- perly a box ; but, from its resemblance, the cavity of the hip-bone, or acetabulum, has been sometimes so called. of Dumas. A muscle situated within the cavity ofthe abdomen. This is a small, flat, and oblong muscle, that has gotten the name of quadratus, from its shape, which is that of an irregular square. It is situated laterally, at the lower part of the spine. It arises tendinous and fleshy from about two inches from the posterior part of the spine of the ilium. From this broad origin it as- cends obliquely inwards, and is inserted into the transverse processes of the four superior lumbar vertebrae, into the lower edge of the last rib, and, by a.small tendon, that passes up under the dia- phragm into the side of the last vertebra of the back. When this muscle acts singly, it draws the loins to one side ; when both muscles act, they serve to support the spine, and perhaps to bend it forwards. In laborious respiration, the quadratus lumborura may assist in pulling down the ribs. Quaratus maxili. e inferioris. See Pia- tytma-myoides. Quadratus radii. See Pronalorradn-quaa- ratu-.. . Quadri'ga. (From quatuor, four, andjugum, a yoke.) A bandage which resembles the trap- pings of a four-horse cart. QUARTANA. Febris quartana. A fourth- day ague. Of this species of ague, as well as the other kinds, there are several varieties noticed by author-. The most frequent of these arc, 1. The double quartan, with two paroxysms, or fits a. QUA QUA on the first day, none on the second and third, and two again on the fourth day. 2. i he double quartan, with a paroxysm on the first day, another on the second, but none on the third. 3. The triple quartan, with three paroxysms every fourth day. 4. The triple quartans with a slight paroxysm every day, every fourth paroxysm being similar. See abo Febris intermittens. QUARTATION. An operation, in assaying, by which the quantity of one tiling is made equal to a fourth part of the quantity ol another thing QUARTZ. This name is given to a genus of minerals which Jameson divides into two species, rhomboidal quartz, and indivisible quartz. The rhomboidal contains 14 subspecies, 1. Amethyst. 2. Rock crystal. 3. Milk quartz, which is of a rose red, and milk wnite colour. It is found in Bavaria. 4. Common quartz ol many colours, and is one of the most abundant minerals in nature. 6. Cat's eye. 7. Fibrous quartz of a grayish or yellowish white colour, found on the banks of the Moldau, in Bohemia. 8. Iron flint. 9. Hornstone. 10. Flinty slate. 11. Flint. 12. Calcedony. 13. Heliotrope. 14. Jasper. The indivisible quartz has nine subspecies. 1. Floatstone. 2. Quartz or siliceous sinter, of which there are three kinds, the common, opaline, and pearly. 3. Hyalite. 4. Opal. 5. Menilite. 6. Obsidian. 7. Pitchstone. 8. Pearlstone. 9. Puraicestone. QUA'SSIA. (From a slave of the name of Quasri, who first used it with uncommon success as a secret remedy in the malignant endemic le- vers which, frequently prevailed at Surinam.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name ofthe bitter quassi. See Quassia amara. Quassia amara. The systematic name of the bitter quassia tree. The root, bark, and wood of this tree, Quasria—floribus hermaphroditis, foliis impari-pinnatis, foliolis opporitis, sessili- bus, petiolo articulato alato, floribus racemosis, of Linnaeus, are all comprehended in the catalogues of the Materia Medica. The tree is a native of South America, particularly of Surinam, and also of some of the West India islands. The roots' are perfectly ligneous ; they may be medicinaUy considered in the same Ught as the wood, which is now most generally employed, and seems to differ from the bark in being less in- tensely bitter; the latter is therefore thought to be a more powerful medicine. Quassia has no sensible odour; its taste is that of a pure b-tter, more intense and durable than that of almost any other known substance; it imparts its virtues more completely to watery than to spirituous menstrua, and its infusions are not black- ened by the addition of sulphate of iron. The watery extract is from a sixth to a ninth of the weight of the wood, the spirituous about a twenty-fourth. Quassia, as before observed, de- rived its name from a negro named Quassi, who employed it with uncommon success as a secret remedy in the malignant endemic fevers, which frequently prevailed at Surinam. In consequence of a valuable consideration, this secret was dis- closed to Daniel Rolandar, a Swede, who brought specimens of the quassia wood to Stockholm,, in the year 1756 ; and, since then, the effects of this drug have been generally tried jn Europe, and numerous testimonies of its efficacy published by many respectable authors. Various experiments with quassia have likewise been made, with a view to ascertain its antiseptic powers; from v;hich«it appears to have considerable influence in retarding the tendency to putrefaction : and this, Professor Murray thinks, cannot be altnuuuu to its sensible qualities, as it possesses no adstrin- gency whatever ; nor can it depend upon its bit- terness, as gentian is much bitterer, yet less anti- septic. The medicinal virtues ascribed to quassia are those of a tonic, stomachic, antiseptic, and fe- brifuge. It has been found very effectual in re- storing digestion, expelling flatulencies, and re- moving habitual costiveness, produced from debil- ity of the intestines, and common to a sedentary life. Dr. Lettsom, whose extensive practice gave him an opportunity of trying the effects of quassia in a great number of cases, says, " In de- bility, succeeding febrile diseases, the Peruvian bark is most generally more tonic and salutary than any other vegetable hitherto known; but iu hysterical atony, to which the female sex is so prone, the quassia affords more vigour and relief to the system than the other, especially when united with the vitriolum album, and stiU more with the aid of some absorbent." In dyspepsia, arising from hard drinking, and also in diarrhoeas, the doctor exhibited the quassia with great success. But, with respect to the tonic and febrifuge quali- ties of quassia, he says, " I by no means subscribe to the Linnaean opinion, where the author de- clares, ' me quidem judice chinchinam longe su- perat." It is very weU known, that there are certain peculiarities of the air, and idiosyncrasies of constitution, unfavourable to the exhibition ot Peruvian bark, even in the most clear intermis- sions of fever ; and writers have repeatedly no- ticed it. But this is comparatively rare. About midsummer, 1785, Dr. L. met with several in- stances of low remittent and nervous fevers, wherein the bark uniformly aggravated the symp- toms, though given in intermissions the most fa- vourable to its success, and wherein quassia, or snakeroot, was successfuUy substituted. In such cases, he mostly observed, that there was great congestion in the hepatic system, and the debiUty at the same time discouraged copious evacuations. And in many fevers, without evident remissions to warrant the use of the bark, whilst at ihe time increasing debility began to threaten the life of the patient, the Doctor found that quassia, or snake root, singly or combined, upheld the vital powers, and prbmoted a critical intermission of fever, by which an opportunity was afforded for the bark tA effect a cure. It may be given in in- fusion, orfti pills made from the watery extract; the former, is generally preferred, in the propor- tion of three or four scruples of the wood to twelve ounces of water. Quassia simarouba. The systematic name of the simarouba quassia. Simarouba; Sima- raba; Eucn.ymus; Quassia—floribus monoids, foliis abrupte pinnatis, foliolis alternis subpe- tiolatis petiolo nudo, floribus paniculatis, of Linnaeus. The bark of this tree, which is met with in the shops, is obtained from the roots; and, according to Dr. Wright of Jamaica, it is rough, scaly, and warted; the inside, when fresh, is a full yellow, but when dried paler : it has but little smell; the taste is bitter, but not disagreea- ble. It is esteemed, in the West Indies, in dy- senteries and other fluxes, as restoring tone to the intestines, allaying their spasmodic motions, pro- moting the secretions by urine and perspiration, and removing lowness of spirits attending those diseases. It is said also that it soon disposes the patient to sleep ; takes off the gripes and tenes- mus, and changes the stools to their natural colour and consistence. Qua'trio. (From quatuor, four: so called because it has four sides.) The astragalus. Queen of thr meadow. See Spinra v.lmtrria. QLL i^ijE QuEEtt.UA. See Epialus. Quercula. (Quercula; diminutive of quer- cus, the oak: so called because it has leaves Uke the oak.) An antiquated name of the germander. See Teucrium chamadryi. QUE'RCUS. (From quero, to enquire; be- cause divinations were formerly given from oaks by the Druids.) The oak. 1. The name of a geBus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Monacia, Order, Poly- andria. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the oak. See Quercus robur. Quercus cerris. The svstematic name of the tree which affords the Nux galla. Galla maxima orbiculata. The gall-nut. By tins name is usually denoted any protuberance, tuber- cle, or tumour, produced by the puncture of in- sects on plants and trees of different kinds. These galls are of various forms and sizes, and no less different with regard to their internal structure. Some have only one cavity, and others a number of small cells, communicating with each other. Some of them are as hard as the wood of the tree they grow on, whilst others are soft and spongy ; the first being termed gall-nuts, and the latter berry-galls, or apple-galls. The gall used in medicine is thus produced :— the cynipt quercus folii, an insect of the fly-kind, deposites its eggs in the leaves and other tender parts of the tree. Around each puncture an ex- crescence is presently formed, within which the egg is hatched, and the worm passes through all the stages of its metamorphosis, until it becomes a perfect insect, when it eats its way out of its pri- son. The best oak-galls are heavy, knotted, and of a bluish colour, and are obtained from Aleppo. They arc nearly entirely soluble in water, with the assistance of heat. From 500 grains of Alep- po galls, Sir Humphry Davy obtained by infusion 185 grains of solid matter, which on analysis ap- peared to consist of tannin 130; mucilage, and matter rendered insoluble by evaporation, 12; gaUic acid with a little extractive matter, 31 ; the remainder, calcareous earth, and saline mat- ter, 12. Another sort comes from the south of Europe, of a light brownish or whitish colour, smooth, round, easily broken, less compact, and of a much larger size. The two sorts differ only in size and strength, two oi the bluejjalls being supposed equivalent in this respect tdHrec of the others. flft Oak-galls are supposed to be the wrongest ad- stringent in the vegetable kingdom. Both water and spirit take up nearly all their virtue, though the spirituous extract is the strongest preparation. The powder is, however, the best form ; and the dose is from a few grains to haU a drachm. They are not much used in medicine, though they are said to be beneficial iu intermittents. Dr. Cullen has cured agues, by giving half a drachm of the powder of galls every two or three hours during the intermission ; and by it alone, or joined with camomile flowers, has prevented the return of tbe paroxysms. But the Doctor states the amount of his results only to be this: that, "in many cases, the galls cured the intermittents : but that it failed also in many cases in which the Peruvian bark afterwards proved successful." A fomenta- tion, made by macerating half an ounce of bruised galls in a quart of boiling water for an hour, has been found useful for the piles, the prolapsus ani, aud the flnor albus, applied cold. An injection, simply adstringent, is made by diluting this fo- mentation, and used in gleets and leucorrhcea. The camphorated ointment of galls has been found aNo serviceable in piles, after the itsr of leeches: and is made by incorporating half a drachm ot camphor with one ounce of hog's lard, and adding two drachms of galls in very fine powder. In fact, galls may be employed for the same pur- poses as oak-bark, and are used under the same forms. Quercus esculus. The systematic name of the Italian oak, whose acorns are, in times of scarcity, said to afford a meal of which bread is made. Quercus marina. Sec Fucus vericulotu*. Quercus phellos. The systematic name of the willow-leaved oak, the acorns of which arc much sweeter than cuesnuts, and much eaten by the Indians. They afford, by expression, an oil little inferior to oU of almonds. Quercus robur. The oak-tree. Balanos. Quercus—foliit oblongis, glabris sinuatis, foots rotundis, glandibus oblongis, of Linnaeus. This valuable tree is indigenous to Britain. Its ad- stringent effects were sufficiently known to the ancients, but it is the bark which is now directed for medicinal use by our pharmacopoeias. Oak- bark manifests to the taste a strong adstringency, accompanied with a 'Moderate bitterness. Like other adstringents, it bus been- recommended in agues, and for restraining haemorihages, alvine fluxes, and other immoderate evacuations. A de- coction of it has likewise been advantageously employed as a gargle, and as a fomentation or lo- tion in procidentia recti et uteri. The fruit of this tree was the food of the first ages ; but when corn was cultivated, acorns were neglected. They are of little use with us, except for fattening hogs and other cattle and poultry. Among the Spaniards, the acorn, or glans iberica, is said to have long remained a delicacy, and to have been served up in the form of a dessert. In dearths, acorns have been sometimes dried, ground into meal, and baked as bread. Bartholin relates that they are used in Norway for this purpose. The inhabitants of Chio held out a long siege without any other food ; and in a time of scarcity in France, A. D. 1709, they recurred to this food. But they are said lo be hard of digestion, and to occasion headaches, flatulency, and colics. In Smoland, however, many instances occur, in which they have supplied a salutary and nutritious food. With this view they are previously boiled in water and separated from their husks, and then dried and ground; and the powder is mixed with about one-half, or one-third of corn flour. A decoction of acorns is reputed good against dy- senteries and colics ; and a pessary of them is said to be useful in immoderate fluxes of the menses. Some have recommended the powder of asorns in intermittent fever; and in Brunswick, they mix it with warm ale, and administer it for produ- cing a sweat in cases of erysipelas. Acorns roasted and bruised have restrained a violent di- arrhoea For other medical uses to which tbey have been applied, see Murray's Appar. Medic. vol. i. page 100. From some late reports of the Academy of Sciences, at Petersburgh, we learn that acorns are the best substitute to coffee that has been hitherto known. To communicate to them the oily pro- perties of coffee, the foUowing process is recom- mended. When the acorns have been toasted brown, add fresh butter in small pieces to tin m, while hot in the ladle, and stir them with care, or cover the ladle and shake it, that the whole may be well mixed. The acorns of the Holm oak 'are formed at Venice into cups about one inch and a half in diameter, and somewhat less in depth. They are used lor dressing leather, and instead <>•' -lalK for dving woollen cloth black. 805 RAC RAG Quercus suber. The systematic name oi the cork-tree. Suber. The fruit of this tree is much more nutritious than our acorns, and is sweet and often eaten when roasted in some parts of Spain. The bark, called cork, when burnt, is applied as an astringent application to bleeding piles, and to allay the pain usually attendant on haemorrhoids, when mixed with an ointment. Pessaries and other chirurgical instruments are also made of this useful bark. QUESNAY, FrXncis, was born near Paris in 1694. Though of humble parentage, and almost without education, he displayed an extraordinary zeal for knowledge, and after studying medicine in the French metropolis, he settled at M mtes. Having ably controverted the doctrines of Silva respecting blood-letting, he w^s appointed secre- tary to the Academy of Surgery ; but the duties of this office having impaired his health, he gra- duated in physic, and was made consulting physi- cian to the king. He was subsequently honoured with letters of nobility, and other marks of royal favour ; and became a member of several learned societies. He died in 1774. He left several works, which display much research and observa- tion, but with too great partiality to hypothesis. Besides the essays in favour of bleeding in many diseases, his preface to the Memoirs of the Aca- demy of Surgery, gained him considerable ap- plause : as Ukewise his Researches into the Pro- gress of Surgery in France, though the accuracy of some of his statements w»?s controverted. Quick-grass. See Triticum repens. Quick-lime. See Lime. QUICKSILVER. See Mercury. Quid pro quo. These words are applied the same as fiuccedaneum, when one thing is made use of to supply the defect of another. QUIESCENT. Quietrem. At rest. , Quiescent affinity. See Affinity quiescent. Quina quina. The Penman bark. QUINCE. See Pyrus cydonia. Quince, Bengal. See Erateva marmelot. QUINCY. See Cynanche. QUINIA. See Cinchonina. QUININA. See Cinchonina. Quinine sulphas. Sulphate of Quinine. Sulphate of cinchonina. A saline combination of sulphuric acid, with the active principle of cin- chona bark. See Cinchonina. Quinine, Sulphate of. See Quinina sulphas. QUINQUE^O'LIUM. (From quinque, five, and folium, a leaf: so called because it has five leaves on each foot-stalk.) Pentaphyllum. Cinqu foil, or five-leaved grass. See Potentillu reptans. Quinquina. See Cinchona. QUOTIDIAN. See Febris intermittens. R. R. I* or R,. This letter is placed at the begin- ning of a prescription, as a contraction of redpe, take: thus, R; Magnes. 3j, signifies, take a drachm of magnesia. " In ancient times, such was the supposed importance," says Dr. Paris, in his most excellent work on pharmacology, " of planatory influence, that it was usual to prefix a symbol of the planet under whose reign the in- gredients were to be collected ; and it is not per- haps generally known, that the character which we at this day place at the head of our prescrip- tions, and which is understood and is supposed to mean recipe, is a relict of the astrological sym- bol of Jupiter, as may be seen in many of the older works on pharmacy." RABBIT. A well known animal of the hare kind : the Lepus cuniculus of Linnaeus, the flesh of which is tender, andeasy of digestion. RA'BIES. (From rabio, to be mad.) Mad- ness. Generally applied to that disease of a dog, under which the saliva has the property of pro- ducing hydrophobia in man. See Hydrophobia. Rabies canina. See Hydrophobia. RACE'MUS. {Racemus, i. in. ; Irom ramus.) A raceme or cluster. A species of inflorescence, consisting of a cluster of flowers, rather distant from each other, each on its own proper stalk, the tops of the lower ones not coming near to the tops of the upper ones, as in a corymb, and all connected by one common stalk ; as a bunch of currants. It is therefore a kind of pedunculated spike. . . From the division of the common stalk, it is denominated, . 1. Simple, not having any branches ; ns m Ribes >-ubra, and Acer pseudo-platantts. 2. Compound, being branched; as in Vitis vi- nifera. 3. Conjugate, two clusters going from the end of the common peduncle. 4. Aggregate^ several being gathered together ; as in Actaea racemosa. 5. Unilateral, the proper stalks of the flowers proceeding from one side only of the common stalk ; as in^yrola secunda. 6. Secom^the proper stalks of the flowers come fromlHery part of the common stalk, yet they all lootf"to one side only ; as in Andromeda racemosa, Teucrium scorodonia, &c. From the direction of the racemus, 7. Ereclus; as in Chenopodium album, Ribes alpinum, and Astragalus austriacus. 8. Pendulus ; as in Cytisus laburnum. 9. Laxus, easily bent ;as in Celosia trigynia, and Solanu.n carolineuse. ' "» 10. Stridut, bent with difficulty; as in Ononis cernua. From its vesture, 11. Nudut; as in Vaccinium lcgustrinum. 1-2. Pilosus; as in Ribes nigrum. 13. Foliatus; asm Chenopodium ambrosioides. 11. firacteutus; as in Andromeda racemosa. RACHIA'tGlA. (From pa^ij, the spine, and aXyes, pain.) A pain in the spine. It was for- ' merly applied to several species of colic which induced pain in the back. RAC HIS. See Rhachis. RACHITIS. (Rachitis, idis. I.; from pu^ic, the spine of the back: so called because it was supposed to originate in a fault of the spinal mar- row.) Cyrtonosus. The English disease. The. rickets. A g-enus of disease in the (Mas-s C'a* RAD RAD rnexia, and Order Intumescentia, of Cullen ^ known by a large head, prom mint forehead, pro- truded sternum, flattened it s. big belly, ami ema- ciated limbs, with great debility. It is usually confined in its attack between the two periods of nine months and two years of age, seldom ap- pearing sooner than the former, or showing itself lor the first time after the latter period. The muscles become flaccid, the head enlarges, the carotids are distended, the limbs waste away, and their epiphyses increase in bulk. The bones and spine of the back are variously distorted ; disin- clination to muscular exertion follows ; the ab- domen swells and grows hard ; the stools are fre- quent and loose ; a slow fever succeeds, with cough and difficulty of respiration : atrophy is confirmed, and death ensues. Frequently it hap- fiens that nature restores the general health, and eaves the limbs distorted. After death, the liver and the spleen have been found enlarged and scirrbons ; the mesenteric glands indurated, and the lunjrs either' charged with vomica?, or adhering to the pleura; the bones soft, the brain flaccid, or oppressed with lymph, and the distended bowels, loaded most fre- quently with slime, sometimes with worms. It is remarkable, that in the kindred disease, which Hoffman and Sauvages call the atrophy of infants, we have many ofthe sa.nc symptoms and the same appearances nearly alter death. They who perish by this disease, says Hoffman, have the mesenteric glands enlarged and scirrhous; the liver and spleen obstructed, and increased in site ; the intestines are much inflated, and arc loaded with black and foetid matters, and the muscles, more especially of the abdomen, waste away. In the treatment.of rickets, besides altering any improprieties in tlje regimen, which may have co- operated in producing it, those means should be employed, by which the system may be invigo- rated. Tonic medicines arp tlurefore p.riper, particularly ch.il\ beates, which are easilj g ven to children ; and the cold-bath may be es-Hiiti.-liy beneficial. The child should be regularly >i-ll exercised, kept clean and dry, and a pure air se- lected ; the food nutritious and easy of digestion. When the appetite is much impaired, an occasional gentle emetic may do good ; more frequently to- nic aperients, as rhubarb, will be required to regu- late the bowels ; or sometimes a dosjt^f calomel in gross habits. Of late, certain ajuAounds of lime have been strongly recoramendiflHrticularly the phosphate, which is the earthy'Rasis of the bones ; though it does not appear likely to enter the system, unless rendered soluble by an excess of acid. Others have conceived the disease to arise from an excess of acid, and therefore recommended alkalies ; which may certainly be useful in correct- ing the morbid prevalence of acid in the prima? via?, so frequent in children. Where the bones are inclined to bend, care must be taken not to throw the weight of the body too much upon them. Racka'sira balsamum. See Balsamum rack- asira. RACO'SIS. (From paKos, a rag.) A ragged excoriation of the relaxed scrotum. RADCLIFFE, John, was bom at Wakefield, Yorkshire, in 1650. He went to Oxford at the age of 15; and having determined upon the me- dical profession, he passed rapidly through the preliminary studies, though with very little pro- foundness of research ; and having taken the de- gree of bachelor of medicine in 1675, he immediate- ly began to practise there. He professed to pay very Tittle regard to the rules gener.dly followed, which naturally drew upon him the enmity ot the old practitioners ; yet his vi'-acitv and talents pincured him a great number of patients, even oi the highest rank. Iu 1684, he removed to Lon- don, having taken his doctor's degree two years before, and his success was unusually rapid; in the second year he was appointed physician to the princess Anne ot Denmark ; and after the Revolution, he#was consulted by king William. By his rough independence of spirit and freedom of language, however, he ultimately lost all fa- vour at court ; though he is said to have been still privately consulted iu cases of emergency. In 1703, he had an attack of pleurisy, which had nearly proved fatal from his own imprudence. lie continued, after his recovery, in very extensive practice, notwithstanding the caprice which he continually displayed : but his declining to attend queen Anne in her last illness, though it does not appear that he was sent for officially, excited the popular resentment strongly against hint; and his apprehensions of the consequences are supposed to have accelerated his own death, which happen- ed about three months after, in 1711. He was bu- ried in St. .Mary's church at Oxford. He founded a noble library and infirmary at that university; and also ei.dowed two travelling medical fellow- ships, wi h an annual income of 300/. attached to each. It does not appe.i f at he ever attempted to write; and, indeed, he is believed to have been very Uttle conversant with books ; yet the uni- versal reputation which he acquired and maintain- ed, notwithstanding his capricious conduct, seem to sanction the testimony of Dr. Mead, that " he was deservedly at the head of his profession, on account of his great medical penetration and ex- perience." - R A ■ • I \ L. (Radialis; from radius, the name of a bone.) Befonjrine to the radius. Radial artery. Arteria radialis. A branch of the humeral artery that runs down the side of the radius. Raima lis externus brevior. See Exten- sor curpi radialis brevior. RaiiIai is exterm.-s longior. See Exten- soi carpi tadtult- longior. Raiiia..s e\tbkm's pkimi s. See Extensor carpi radialis longior. Radialis internu9. See Flexor carpi ra- dialis. Radialis secundus. See Extensor carpi radialis brevior. RADICAL. In chemistry, this term is applied to that which is cousidered as constituting the dis- tinguishing part of an acid, by its union with the acidifying principle or oxygen, which is common to all acids. Thus sulphur is the radical of the sulphuric and sulphurous acids. It is sometimes called the base of tlie acid; but base is a term of more extensive application. Radical vinegar. See Acetum. RADICALIS. Radical: applied to leaves. Folia radicalia are such as spring from the root, Uke those of the cowslip. RADICANS. A botanical term applied to a stem which clings to any other body for support, by means of fibres which do not imbibe nourish- ment ; as the ivy, Hedera In h\. RADI'CULA. (Diminutive of radix, a root.) 1. A radicle, rootlet, or little root. It probably means the fibres which come from tlie main root, and which are the most essential to the life ofthe plant, they only imbibing the nourishment. 2. Applied to the i rim of vessels and nerves. 3. The common i.e.lish is so sometimes called. See Raphanus sativus. RADISH. See Cochlearia aud Raphanus. Radish, garden. See Raphunus sativus. Radish, fwrse. See Cochlearia armoracit'. 807 RAD UAi) i;A DIUS. I. A bone of the fore-arm, which has gotten its name from its supposed resemblance to the spoke of a wheel, or to a weaver's beam ; and sometimes, from its supporting the hand, it has been called manubrium manus. Like th-ulna, it is of a triangular figure, hut it differs from that tone, in growing larger as 1; descends, so that its smaller part answers to ihe larger part of the ulna, and vice versd. Of its two extremities, the uppermost and smallest is formed into a small rounded head, furnished with cartilage, and hol- lowed at its summit, for an articulation with the little head at the side of the pulley ot the os hu- meri. The round border of this head, next the ulna, is formed for an articulation with the lesser sigmoid cavity of that bone. This little head o! the radius is supported by a neck, at the bottom of which, laterally, is a considerable tuberosity, into the posterior half of which is inserted the Eosierio.- tendon of the biceps, while tlie anterior all is covered with cartilage, and surrounded wit)> ii capsular ligament, so as to allow this ten- don to slide upon it as upon a pulley. Immediate- ly below this tuberosity, the body ofthe bone may be said to begin. We find it slightly curved throughout its whole length, by which means a greater space is formed for the lodgment of mus- cles, and it is enabled to cross the ulna without compressing them. Of the three surfaces to be distinguished on the body of the bone, the exter- nal aud internal ones are the broadest and flattest. The anterior surface is narrower and more con- vex. Of its angles, the external ami internal ones are rounded ; but the posterior angle, which is turned towards the ukia, is formed into a sharp spine, which serves for the attachment of the in- terosseous ligament, of which mention is made in the description of the ulna. This strong ligament, which is a tittle interrupted above and below, serves not only to connect the bones of the fore- arm to each other, but likewist . .itford a greater surface for the lodgment of uniscu s. On the fore- part of the bone, and at about one-third of its length from i;» upper end, we observe a channel for vessels, slanting obliquely upwards. Towards its lower extremity, the radius becomes broader, of an irregular shape, and somewhat flattened, affording three surfaces, of whicli the posterior one is the smallest; the second, which is a con- tinuation of the internal surface ef the body of the bone, is broader and flatter than the first; and the. third, wliich is the broadest of the three, answers to the anterior and external surface of the body of ihe bone. On this last, we observe several sinuosities, covered with a thin layer of cartilage, upon whicli slide the tendons ot several muscles of the wrist and fingers. The lowest part of the hone is formed into an oblong articulating cavity, divided into two by a slight fraiisitise rising. This cavity is formed for an articulation with the bones of the wrist. To- wards the anterior and convex surface of the bone, this cavity is defended by a remarkable eminence, called the styloid process of the radius-, which is covered with a cartilage that is extended to the lower extremity of the ulna ; a ligament is likewise stretched from it to the wrist. Besides this large cavity, the radius has another ran h smaller one, opposite its styloid process, which is lined with cartilage, and receives the rounded surface of the ulna. The articulation of the ra- dius with the lesser sigmoid cavity of the ulna, is strengthened by a circular ligament which is at- tached to the two, extremities of that cavity, and from thence surrounds the head of the radius. This ligament is narrowest, but thickest at its middle part. But, besides this ligament, whicli 808 connects the two bones of the fore-arm with cacd other, the ligaments which secure the articulation of the radius with the os humeri, are common both to it and to the ulna, and therefore cannot weU be understood till both these bones arc de- scribed. These ligaments are a capsular and two lateral ligaments. The capsular ligament is at- tached to the anterior and posterior-surface of the lower exti entity of the os humeri, to the upper edges and sides of the cavities, we remarked at the bottom of the pulley and little head, and likewise to some part of the condyles: Irom thence it is spread over the ulna, to the edges of the greater sigmoid cavity, so as to include in it the end of the olecranon and of the coronoid process ; and it is likewise fixed round the neck ol the radius, so as to include the head of that bone within it. The lateral ligaments may be distinguished into external and internal, or, ac- coriling to Winslow, into brachio-radialis and brachio-cubitalis. They both descend laterally from the lowest part of each condyle of the os humeri, and, from their fibres spreading wide as they descend, have been compared to a goose's foot. The internal ligament or brachio-cubitalis, which is the longest and thickest of the two, is attached to the coronoid process of the ulna. The external ligament, or brachio-radialis, ter- minates m the circular ligament of the radius. Both these ligaments adhere firmly to the capsular ligament, and to the tendons of some of the ad- jacent muscles. In considering the articulation of the fore-arm with the os humeri, we find that when both the bones are moved together upon the. os humeri, the motion of tbe ulna upon the pul- ley allows only of flexion and extension ; where- as, when the palm of the hand is turned down- wards or upwards, or, in other words, in pronation and supination, we see the radius moving upon its axis, and in these motions its head turns upon the little head of the os humeri at the side of the pulley, while its circular edge roUs in the lesser sigmoid cavity of the ulna. , At the lower end of the fore-arm the edge of the ulna is received into a superficial cavity at the side of the radius. This articulation, whioh is surrounded by a loose capsular ligament, concurs with the articulation above, in enabling the radius to turn with great facility upon its axis ; and it is chiefly with the assistancerfthis bone that we are enabled to turn the palmfllUie hand upwards or downwards, the ulna hav^Hbut a very inconsiderable share in these motiral. II. The term radius in botany is appUed to the marginal part of the corolla of compound flowers; thus in the daisy, the marginal, white flowrets form the rays or radius, and the yeUow central ones the discus or disk. See Discus. The radii of a peduncle of a compound umbel are the con-mon stalks of the umbel, and pedicelli arc the stalks of the flowrets. RA'DIX. (Radix, dicis. f.) A foot. I. In botany, that part of a plant which imbibes its nourishment, producing the herbaceous part and the fructification, and which consists of the caudex, or body, and radicles.—Linnaus. That part of the plant by which it attaches it- self to the soil in which it grows, or to the sub- stance on which it feeds, and is the principal or- gan of nutrition.—Keith. In all plants the primary root is a simple elon- gation of that part which, during the germination of the seed, is first protruded, and is denominated the radicle ; and as the plant continues to grow, the root gradually assumes a determinate form and structure, which differs materially in different plants, but always is found similar in all the in-. RAD RAM dividuals of the same species. From the figure, duration, direction, anil insertion, roots are ar- ranged into, From their figure, 1. Radix fusiformis, spindle-shaped, of an ob- long, tapering form, pointed at its extremity ; as in Daucut carota, the carrot; Beta vulgaris; beet; Pastinaca saliva, parsnep, &c. 2. Radix ramota, branched, wliich consists of a caudex, or main root, divided into lateral branches, which arc again subdivided ; so that it resembles in its divisions the stems and branches inverted. Most trees, shrubs, and many herba- ceous plants have this form of root. 3. Radix fibrosa, fibrous, consisting wholly of small radicles; as the Hordeum vulgare, com- mon barley, f nd most grasses. 4. Radix prarnorta, abrupt, or truncated, ap- pearing as if bitten off close to the top; as in Scabiota tucciia, the devil's bite; Plantago major, larger plantain : Hieracium pramorsum, &c. 5. Radix globosa, globose, having the caudex round, or subrotund, sending off radicles in many places; as in Cyclamen europeum, sow-bread; Brassica rapa, turnip, &c. 6. Radix tuberota, tuberose, furnished with farinaceous tubers ; as in Solanum tuberosum, the potatoe; Helianthus tuberosus, Jerusalem artichoke, &c. 7. Radix pendula, pendulous, consisting of tubers connected to the plant by thin, or filiform portions; as in Spiraa Jilipendula, common dropwort ; Paoniu offidnalit pa?ony, &c. 8. Radix gi*.iiulula, granulated, formed of many small globules ; -as in Saxifragagranulata, mellow saxifrage, &c. 9. Radix articulata, articulated, or jointed, apparently formed of distinct pieces united, as if one piece grew out of another, with radicles pro- ceeding from each joint; as in Oxalit acetocella, woodsorrel; Atarum canadente, wild ginger,' &c. 10. Radix dentata, toothed, which has a fleshy caudex, with teeth-like prolongations; as in Ophryt corallorhiza. 11. Radix tquamota, scaly, covered with fleshy scales; as in Lathraa tquamaria, tooth wort, &c. 12. Radix fascicularis, bundled, or fascicu- late ; as in Ophrys nidus avis, &c. 13. Radix cuoa, hollow ; as in Funuwria cava. There are other distinctions of uioddHbotanists derived from the form; as conicalWhbrotund, napiform, placcntiforro, filiform, capillary, tufted, fungiform, geniculate, contorted, moniliform, &c. From the direction, roots are distinguished into, 14. Radix perpendicularis, perpendicular, which descends in a strait direction ; as in Dau- cus corotn, Beta vulgaris, Scorzonira hispani- eo, &c. 15. Radix horizonlalis, horizontal, which is extended under the .earth transversely ; as in La- -.erpiliut.i prutheniitm, &c. It;. Radix obliqua, oblique, descending ob- liquely ; ns in Iris germanica, &c. 17."Radix ripens, creeping, descending trans- versely, but here and there sending off new plants; us in Sambucus ebulut; Glycyrrhiza glabra; Ranunculus ripens, Uc. The duration affords, 18. Ritdix annua, yearly, which perishes the siine year with the plant; as liraba vunu, and ..11 annuals. 19. Radix biennis, biennial, which vegetates lie first year, flowers the uc\i, und then pu- 10*2 ishes; as the Oenothera biennis, Beta vulgo* rit, &c. 20. Radix perennit, perennial, whieh Uves for many years ; as trees and shrubs. Roots are also distinguished from their dtuation into, 21. Terrena, earth-root, which grow only in the earth ; as the roots of most plants. 22. Aquatica, water-root, which grow only in the water, and perish when out of it; as Trapa natans, Nymphaa alba. 23. Paralitica, parasitical, which inserts the root into another plant; as in Epidendrum va- nilla, &c. 24. Arrhiza, which does not insert radicles, but coheres to other plants by an anastomosis of vessels; as in Vitcum album, Horanthut euro- paut, &c. II. In anatomy the term radix is appUed to some parts which are inserted into others, as the root of a plant is in the earth ; as the fangs of the teeth, the origin of some of the nerves, &c. Radix bengale. See Cassumuniar. Radix brasiliensis. See Callicocca ipeca- cuanha. Radix dulcis. See Glycyrrhiza. Radix Indiana. See Callicocca ipecacu- anha. Radix rosea. See Rhodiola. Radix rubra. See Rubia tindoi-um. Radix ursina. SeeAEthusa meum. RA'DULA. (From rado, to scrape.off.) A wooden spatula, or scraper. RAGWORT. See Senecio Jacobaa. RAISIN, See Vitit vinifera. Rama'lis vena. (From ramale, a dead bough.) AppUed to the vena porta?, from its numerous ramifications, which resemble a bough stripped of its leaves. RAMAZZLNI, Bernardin, was born at Carpi in Italy, in 1633. He graduated at Parma at the age of 26, and after studying some time longer at Rome, settled in the duchy of Castro : but ill health obliged him speedily to return to his native place. His reputation increasing he re- moved to Modena in 1671, where he met with considerable success; and in 1682 he was ap- pointed professor of the theory of medicine m the university recently established there, which office he filled for eighteen years with great cre- dit. He was then invited to a similar appoint- ment at Padua, and exerted himself with laudable ardour for three years; when he was attacked with a disease of the eyes, which ultimately de- prived him of sight. In 1708 the Senate of Venice appointed him President ofthe College of Physicians of that capital, and in the following year raised him to the first professorship of the practice of medicine. He continued to perform tlie duties of these offices with great diligence and reputation tiU his death in 1714. He was a member of many of the academies of science established in Germany, &c. ; and left several works in the Latin language, remarkable for the elegance of their style, and other merits. The principal of these, and wliich will be ever held in estimation, is entitled " De Morbis Artificum Diatriba," giving an account of the eTiseases pe- culiar to different artists and manufacturers. RAMENTCM. A species of pubescence of plants, consisting of hairs in form of flat, strap- like portions, resembling shavings, seen on the leaves of some of the genus Bigouia. See Pilus. RAMEUS. Of or belonging to a bough or branch ; applied to branch leaves, which are so distinguished, because they sometimes differ from tlros'c of the main stem : as is Ihe case in Mf RAJS UA> tampyrum arvense : and also to a ieal-stalk when it comes directly from the main branch ; as in Eugenia malaccensis. Ra'mex. (From ramus, a branch: from its pjotruding forwards, like a bud.) .An obsolete term for a rupture. RAMOSISSIMUS. Much branched. Ap- pUed to a stem wliich is repeatedly subdivided in- to a great many branches without order ; as those of the apple, pear, and gooseberry tree. RAMOSUS. Branched. Applied to the roots, and especially those of trees. RAMUS. A branch, or primary division of a stem into lateral stems. In the language of bo- tanists rami, or branches, are denominated, 1. Oppodti, when they go off, or pair oppo- site to each other, as they do in Mentha arvensis. 2. Alterui, one after another, alternately ; as in Althaea officinalis. 3. Verlidtlati, when more than two go from the stem in a whirled manner ; as in Pinus abies. 4. Sparsi, without any order. 5. Erecti, rising close to the stem ; as in Po- pulus dilatata. 6. Patentes, descending from the stalk at an obtuse angle; as in Galium mollugo, and Cistus itahcus. 7. Patentissimi, descending at a right angle ; as in Am mania ramosior. 8. Brachiati, the opposite spreading branches crossing each other; as in Pisonia aculeata, and Panisteria brachiata. 9. Deflexi, arched, with the apex downwards ; as in Pinus larix. 10. Reflexi, hanging perpendicularly from the trunk ; as in the Salix babylonica. 11. Retroflexi, turned backwards; as in So- lanum dulcamara. 12. Fastigiati, forming a kind of pyramid ; as in Chrysanthemum corymbosum. 13. Vergati, twig-like, long and weak; as in Salix vimialis. RA'NA. The name of a genus of animals. Class, Amphibia ; Order, Reptilia. The frog. Rana escolenta. The French frog. The flesh of this species of frog, very common in France, is highly nutritious and easily digested. RANCID. Oily substances are said to have become rancid, when, by keeping, they acquire a strong offensive smell, and altered taste. RANCIDITY. The change which oils under- go by exposure to air, which is probably an effect analogous to the oxidation of metals. RANINE. (Raninus; from rana, a frog.) 1, Appertaining to a frog. 2. The name of an artery, caUed also Arteria ranina. Sublingual artery. The second branch of the external carotid. RA'NULA. (From rana, a frog: so called from its resemblance to a frog, or because it makes the patient croak like a frog.) Batrachos; Hypoglossus; Hypoglossum; Rana. An in flammatory, or indolent tumour, under the tongue. These tumours are of various sizes and degrees of consistence, seated on either side of the fraenum. Children, as weU as adults, are sometimes affect- ed with tumours of this kind ; in the former, they impede the action of sucking; in tbe latter, of mastication, and even speech. The contents of them are various; in some, they resemble the saliva, in others, the glairy matter found in the cells of swelled joints. Sometimes it is said that a fatty matter has been found in them ; but from the nature and structure of the parts, we are sure that this can seldom happen ; and, in by far the greatest number of cases, we find that the con- tents resemble the saliva itself. Tins, indeed, Slfi might naturally be expected, for tlie cause ot these tumours is universally to be looked for in an ob- struction of the salivary ducts. Obstructions here may arise from a cold, inflammation, violent fits of the tooth-ache, attended with swelling in the inside ofthe mouth ; and, in not a few cases, we find the ducts obstructed by a stony matter, seemingly separated from the saliva, as the calcu- lous matter is from the urine ; but where inflam- mation has been the cause, we always find matter mixed with the other contents ofthe tumour As these tumours are not usually attended with much pain, they are sometimes neglected, till they burst of themselves, which they commonly do when arrived at the bulk of a large nut. As they were produced originally from an obstruc- tion in the salivary duct, and this obstruction can- not be removed by the bursting of the turnour, it thence happens that they leave an ulcer extreme- ly difficult to heal, nay, which cannot be healed at all till the cause is removed. RANUNCULOI'DES. (From ranunculut, and ti&os, resemblance : so named from its resem- blance to the ranunculus.) The marsh marigold. See Caltha paluttrit. RANU'NCULUS. (Diminutive of rana, a frog; because it is found in fenny places, where frogs abound.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Polyandria; Order, Polygynia. The great acrimony Of most of the species of ranunculus is such, that, on being applied to the skin, they excite itching, redness, and inflamma- tion, and even produce blisters, tumefaction and ulceration of the part. On being chewed, they corrode the tongue ; and, if taken into the stomach, bring on all the deleterious effects of an acrid poison. The corrosive acrimony which this fa- mily of plants possesses, was not unknown tothe ancients, as appears from tbe writings of Diosco- rides ; but its nature and extent had never been in- vestigated by experiments, before those instituted by C. Krapf, at Vienna, by which we learn that the most virulent of the Linnaean species are the bulbosus, sceleratus, acris, arvensis, thora, and illyricus. The effects of these were tried, either upon himself or upon dogs, and show that the acrimo- ny of the different species is often confined to cer- tain parts of the plant, manifesting itself either in the roots, stalks, leaves, flowers, or buds ; the cxpresgfckjuice, extract, decoction, and infusion of the posits, were also subjected to experiments. In addition to these species mentioned by Krapf, we may also notice the R. Flaramula, and espe- cially the R. Alpestris, which, according to Hal- ler, is the most acrid of this genus. Curtis ob- serves, that even pulling up the ranunculus acris, the common meadow species, which possesses the active principle of this tribe, in a very considera- ble degree, throughout the whole herb, and car- rying it to some little distance, excited a consid- erable inflammation in the palm of the hand in which it was held. It is necessary to remark, that the acrimonious quality of these plants is not of a fixed nature ; for it may be completely dissi- pated by heat; and the plant, on being thorough- ly dried, becomes perfectly bland. Krapf at- tempted to counteract this venomous acrimony of the ranunculus by means Of various other vegeta- bles, none of which was found to answer the pur- pose, though he thought that the juice of sorrel, and that of unripe currants, had some effect in this way ; yet these were much less availing than water ; while vinegar, honey, sugar, wine, spirit, mineral acids, oil of tartar, p. d. and other sapid substances, manifestly renderei the. acrimony RAP RAS • uoie corrosive. It may be also noticed, that the s irulency of most ofthe plants of this genus, dej .ends much upon the situation in which they grow, and is greatly diminished in the cultivated-piant. Ran u\r iii.cs abortivus. The systemaVc name of a species of ranunculus, which possesses acrid and vesicating properties. Ranunculus acris. The systematic name of the meadow crow-foot. Ranunculus praten- tit. This, and some other species of ranunculus, have, for medical purposes, been chiefly employ- ed externally as a vesicatory, and are said to have the advantage of a common blistering plaster, in producing a quicker effect, and never causing a strangury ; but, on the other hand, it has been observed, that the ranunculus is less certain in its operation, and that it sometimes occasions ulcers, which prove very troublesome and difficult to heal. Therefore their use seems to be applicable only to certain fixed pains, and such complaints as require a long continued topical stimulus or dis- charge from tbe part, in the way of an issue, which, in various cases, has been found to be a powerful remedy. Ranunculi's albus. The plant which bears this name in the pharmacopoeias is the Anemone nemorota, of Linnaeus. See Anemone nemorosa. Ranunculus bulbosus. Bulbous-rooted crow-foot. The roots anil leaves of this plant, Ranunculus—calycibus retrojlexis, pedunculit sulcatis, caule erecto multifloro, foliit compoti- tit, of Linnxus, have no considerable smell, but a highly acrid and fiery taste. Taken internally, they appear to be deleterious, even when so far freed from the caustic matter by boiling in water, as to discover no ill quality to the palate. The effluvia, likewise, when freely inspired, are said to occasion headaches, anxieties, vomitings, &c. The leaves and roots, applied externally, inflame and ulcerate, or vesicate the parts, and are liable to affect also the adjacent parts to a considerable extent. Ranunculus ficaria. The systematic name of the pilewort. Chelidonium minut; Scrophu- laria minor ; Chelidojiia rotundifolia minor ; Cursuma hamorrhmdalis herba; Ranunculus remits. Lesser celandine, and pilewort. The leaves and root of this plant, Ranunculut—foliit cordatis angulatis petiolatit, caule unifloro, of Linnaeue, are used medicinally. The leaves are deemed antiscorbutic, and tbe root reckoned a specific, if beat into cataplasms, and Applied to Ihe piles. Ranunculus flammula. The systematic name of the smaller water crow-foot, or spear- wort. Surreda alba. The roots and leaves of Ihis common plant, Ranunculus—foliit ovalis- lanceolatis, petiolatit, caule declinato, of Lin- nxus, taste very acrid and hot, and when taken in a small quantity, produce vomiting, spasms of the stomach, and delirium. Applied externally, they vesicate the skin. Tbe best antidote, after clearing the stomach, is cold water acidulated with lemon-juice, and then mucilaginous drinks. Ranunculus palustris. Water crow-foot. .^ee Ranunculus scelcrutits. Ranunculus praten.ms. Meadow crow-foot. See Ranunculus acris. Ranunculus sck.leratus. The systematic name of the marsh crow-foot. Ranunculut Pa* luttrit. The leaves of this species of crow-foot are so extremely acrid, that Ihe beggars in Swit- zerland arc said, by rubbing their logs with them, to produce a veiy foetid and acrimonious ulcera- tion. RA'PA. See Brassica rapu. RAPE. See P-nidca rnpa. RAPHANIA. (From raphanus, the ra the sheath ; the adhesions ol the rectus to the posterior layer of the internal oblique, are only by means of cellular membrane, and of a few vessels which pass from one to ano- ther. Albinus and some others have seen this muscle extending as far as the upper part ofthe sternum. The use of the rectus is to compress the fore- part of the abdomen, but more particularly the REC REC iower part: and, according to the different posi- tions of the body, it may likewise serve to bend the trunk forwards, or to raise the pelvis. Its situa- tion between the two layers of the internal ob- lique, and its adhesions to this sheath, secure it in its place, and prevent it from rising into a promi- nent form when in action ; and, lastly, its tendi- nous intersections enable it to contract at any of the intermediate spaces. Rectus abducens oculi. See Rectus ex- ternus oculi. Rectus adducens oculi. See Rectus in- ternus oculi. Rectus anterior brevis. See Rectus ca- pitis internus minor. Rectus anterior longus. See Rectus ca- pitis internus major. Rectus attollens oculi. See Rectus su- perior oculi. Rectus capitis anticus longus. See Rec- tus capitus internis major. Rectus capitis internus major. A mus- cle situated on the anterior part of the neck, close to the vertebra?. Rectus internus major, of Al- binus, Douglas, and Cowper. Trachelobasilaire, of Dumas. Rectus anterior longus, of Winslow. It was known to most of the ancient anatomists, but was not distinguished by any particular name until Cowper gave it the present appellation, and which has been adopted by most writers except Winslow. It is a long muscle, thicker and broader above than below, where it is thin, and terminates in a point. It arises, by distinct and flat tendons, from the anterior po'nts ofthe transverse processes ofthe five inferior vertebrae of the neck, and as- cending obliquely upwards is inserted into the an- terior partof the cuneiform prbcess ofthe occipital bone. The use of this muscle is to bend the head forwards. R ctus capitis internus minor. Cowper, who was the first accurate describer of this little muscle, gave it the name of rectus internus mi- nor, which has been adopted by Douglas and Al- binus. Winslow calls it rectus anterior brevis, and Dumas petit-trachelo-basilaire. It is in the part covered by the rectus major. It arises fleshy from the upper and fore-part of the body of the first vertebra of the neck, near the origin of its transverse process, and ascending obliquely in- wards, is inserted near the root of the condyloid process of the occipital bone, under the last-de- scribed muscle. It assists in bending the head forwards. Rectus capitis lateralis. Rectus late- ralii Fallopii, of Douglas. Transversalis an- ticus primus, of Winslow. Rectus lateralis, of Cowper; and Tracheli-allmdo-barilaire, of Du- mas. This muscle seems to have been first de- scribed by Fallopius. Winslow calls it transver- salis anticus primus. It is somewhat larger than the rectus minor, but resembles it in shape, anil is situated immediately behind the internal jugular vein, at its coming out of the cranium. It arises fleshy from the upper and fore-part of the trans- verse process of the first vertebra of the neck, and ascending a little obliquely upwards and outwards, is inserted into the occipital bone, opposite to the stylo-mastoid hole of the os temporis. This mus- cle serves to pull the head to one side. Rectus capitis posticus major. This mus- cle which is the rectus major of Douglas and Winslow, the rectus capitis posticus minor of Al- binus, and the spine-oxddo-occipital of Dumas, is small, short, and flat, broader above than below, and is situated, not in a straight direction, as its name would insinuate, but obliquely, between the occiput and the second vertebra ot the neck, im- «14 mediately under the complexus. It arises, by a short thick tendon, from the upper and posterior part of the spinous process of the second vertebra of the neck; it soon becomes broader, and as- cending obUquely outwards, is inserted, by a flat tendon, into the external lateral part of the lower semi-circular ridge of the os occipitis. The use of this is to extend the head, and pull it backwards. Rectus capitis posticus minor. This is the rectus minor of Douglas and Winslow, and the tuber-altoido-occipitoA of Dumas. It is smaller than the last-described muscle, but resembles it in shape, and is placed close by its fellow, in the space between the recti majores. It arises, by a short thick tendon, from the upper and lateral part of a little protuberance in the middle of the back part of the first vertebra of the neck, and, be- coming broader and thinner as it ascends, is in- serted, by a broad flat tendon, into the occipital bone, immediately under the insertion of the last- described muscle. The use of it is to assist the rectus major in drawing the head backwards. Rectus cruris. See Rectus femoris. Rectus depuimens oculi. See Rectus in- ferior oculi. Rectus externus oculi. The outer straight muscle of the eye. Abductor oculi; Iracundus; Indignabundut. It arises from the bony partition between the foramen opticum and lacerum, being the longest ofthe straight muscles ofthe eye, and is inserted into the sclerotic membrane, opposite to the outer canthus of the eye. Its use is to move the eye outwards. Rectus femoris. A straight muscle of the thigh, situated immediately at the fore-part. Rectus sive Gracilis anterior, ot Winslow. Rec- tut cruris, of Albinus ; and Ilio-rotutien, of Du- mas. It arises from the os ilium by two tendons. The foremost and shortest of these springs from the outer surface of the inferior and anterior spinous process of the ilium ; the posterior ten- don, which is thicker and longer than the other, arises from the posterior and outer part of thr: edge of the cotyloid cavity, and from the adjacent capsular ligament. These two tendons soon unite, and form an aponeurosis, which spreads over the anterior surface ofthe upper part of the muscle ; and through its whole length we observe a middle tendon, towards which its fleshy fibres run on each side in an oblique direction, so that it may be style i a penniform muscle. It is inserted ten- dinous into the upper edge and anterior surface of the patella, and from thence sends off a thin apo- neurosis, which adheres to the superior and lateral part ofthe tibia. Jts use is to extend the leg. Rectus inferior oculi. The inferior ofthe straight muscles of the eye. Depressor oculi; Deprimens; Humilis; Amatorius. It arises within the socket, from below the optic foramen, and passes forwards to be inserted into the sclerotic membrane of the bulb on the under pjirt. It pulls the eye downwards. Rectus internus femoris. See Gracilis. Rectus internus oculi. The internal straight muscle of the eye. Adducens oculi; Adductor oculi; Bibitorius. It arises from the inferior part ofthe fbramerropticum, between tlr obliquus superior, and the rectus inferior, being, from its situation, the shortest muscle of the eye, and is inserted into the sclerotic membrane oppo- site to the inner angle. Its use is to turn the eye towards the nose. Rectus lateralis fallopii. %ee Rectus capitis lateralis. Rectus major capitis. See Rectus capitis potticut major. Rectus superior ocrii. The uppermost KEG KEG »11 Aighi muscle of the eye. Attollens oculi. Ite- rator oculi. Superbus. It arises from the up- per part of the foramen opticum of the sphenoid bone below the levator palpebra- superioris, and runs forward to be inserted into the superior and fore-part of the sclerotic membrane by a broad and thin tendon. RECURRENT. (Recurrent: so named from its direction.) Reflected. Recurrent nerve. Two branches of the par vagum in the cavity of the thorax are so call- ed. The right is given off near the subclavian B. The trunk is divided into the collum, or neck ; the thorax, or chest; the abdomen, or belly. 1. Collum, the neck, which has, a. Part antica, in which is the pomum adami, or larynx. b. Part pottica, in which is the fosta, and nucha, or nape ofthe neck. 2. Thorax, the chest which is divided into, a. The front, on which is mama, the breasts, and tcrobiculut cordis, the pit of the stomach. b. The back part, or dortum. c. The sides. 3. Abdomen, is divided into the fore-part, which is strictly the abdomen or belly; the hind-part, or lumbi, the loins ; the lateral parts or sides. On the abdomen or fore-part are the following regions: The Epigastric, the sides of which are termed hypochondria. The Umbilical, the sides of which are termed the epicolic regions. The Hypogastric, the sides of which are the ilia. The Pubes is in the region below the abdomen, covered with hair; in women, termed mons ve- neris : the sides are inguina, or groins. Below the pubes, are tbe parts of generation in men, the scrotum and penis ; in women, the la- bia pudendi, and the rima vulva. The space between the genitals and anus is caUed perin«um, or fork. C. The extremities are the superior and infe- rior. The upper extremity has, 1. The shoulder or top, under which is the ax- illa, or arm-pit. 2. The brachium, or arm. S. The antibrachium, or fore-arm, in which are the bend, or flexura, and elbow. 4. The manus, or hand, which has, vola the palm ; and dorsum, the back ; and is divided into the carput, or wrist, the metacarpus and fingers. The lower extremity embraces, 1. The femur, or thigh, the upper and outer part of which is caUed coxa, or the regio ischi- adica. 2. The crus, or leg, in which are the genu, or knee, cavum popletis, or ham, and the sura, or calf. 3. The pes, or foot, which is divided into the tarsus, metatarsus, and toes. The upper part of the tarsus laterally has the malleolus externus and internus, or the innei and outer ankle. R r 'G1 US. (From rex, a king.) Royal: ap- plied to a disease, and to a chemical preparation; to the former, the jaundice, because in it the colour of the skin is like gold ; and to the latter, because it dissolves gold. REGULAR. Regularis. A term applied t& diseases, which observe their usual course, in op- position to irregular, in which the course of symp- toms deviate from what is usual, as regular gout, regular smaU-pox, &c. Regular gout. See Arthritis. RE'GULUS. (Diminutive of rex, a king: ci REN REP called because the alchemists expected to find gold, the king of metals, collected at the bottom of the crucible after fusion.) The name regulus was given by chemists to metallic matters when sepa- rated from other substances by fusion. This name was introduced by alchemists, who, expecting always to find gold in the metal collected at the bottom of their crucibles after fusion, called this metal, thus collected, regulus, as containing gold, the king of metals. It was afterwards apptied to the metal extracted from the ores of the semi- metals, which formerly bore (tie name that is now iven to the semi-metals themselves. Thus we ad regulus of antimony, regulus of arsenic, and regulus of cobalt. Regulus of antimony. See Antimony. Regulus of arsenic. See Arsenic. REME'DIUM- (A re, and medeor, to cure.) A remedy, or that which is employed with a view to prevent, palUate, or remove a disease. Remeoium divinum. See Imperatoria. REMEDY. See Remedium. REMINISCENCE. See Memory. REMITTENT. (Remittent; from remitto, to assuage Or lessen.) Any disorder, the symp- toms of which diminish very considerably, and re- turn again so as not to leave the person ever free. Remittent fever. See Febiis Intermittens. Re'mora aratri. (From remoror, to hinder, and aratrum, a plough.) See Ononis spinosa. Remote cause. See Exriting cause. , REN. (Ren, nis, m. Ren, airo rov ptiv; be- cause through them the urine flows.) The kid- ney. See Kidney. RENAL. (Renalis ; from ren, the kidney.) Appertaining to the kidney. Renal artery. See Emulgent artery. Renal gland. Glandula renalis. Renal capsule. Supra-renal gland. The supra-renal glands are two hollow bodies, like glands in fabric, and placed one on each side upon the kidney. They are covered by a double tunic, and their cavities are filled with a liquor ol a brownish red colour. Their figure is triangular ; and they are larger in the foetus than the kidneys ; but in adults, they are less than the kidneys. The right is affixed to the liver, the left to the spleen and pan- creas, and both to the diaphragm and kidneys. They have arteries, veins, lymphatics, and nerves; their arteries arise from the diaphragmatic, the aorta, and the renal arteries. The vein of the right supra-renal gland empties itself into the vena cava; that of the left into the rend vein; their lymphatic vessels go directly tothe Uoracic duct; they have nerves common aHke 10 these glands and the kidneys. They have no excretory duct, and their use is at present unknown. It is supposed they answer one use in the foetus, and another in the adult, but what these uses are is % uncertain. Boerhaave supposed their use to con- sist in their furnishing lymph to dilute the blood returned after the secretion of tbe urine in the renal vein ; but this is very improbable, since the vein of the right supra-renal gland goes to the vena cava, and the blood carried back by the renal vein wants no dilution. It has also been said, that these glands not only prepare lymph, by which the blood is fitted for the nutrition of the delicate foetus ; but that in adults they serve to restore to the blood of the vena cava the irritable parts " which it loses by the secretion of bile and urine. Some, again, have considered them as diverticula in the foetus, to divert the blood from the kidneys, and lessen the quantity of urine. The celebrated Morgagni believed their office to consist in con- -eying something to the thoracic duct. It is sin- 816 gular, that in children who are born without the cerebrum, these glands are extremely small, and sometimes wanting. Renal vein. Sec Emulgent vein. Renal vessels. See Emulgent. RENIFORMIS. Kidney-shaped. 1. In an- atomy, this term is applied to any deviations of parts assuming a kidney-like form. 2. In botany, leaves, seeds, &c. are so called from their shape; it is a short, broad, roundish leaf, the base of which is hoUowed out, as that of the Asarum europaihn, and Sibthorpia europaa, and the seeds of Beta and Phaseolus. RENNET. Runnet. The gastric juice and contents ofthe stomach of calves. It is much em- ployed in preparing cheese, and in pharmacy, for making whey. To about a pound of milk, in a stiver or earthen basin placed on hot ashes, add three or four grains of rennet, diluted with a little water ; as it becomes cold the milk curdles, and the whey, or serous part, separates itself from the caseous part. When these parts appear pcrfectly distinct, pour the whole upon a strainer, through which the whey will pass, while the curds remain behind. This whey is always rendered somewhat ■ whitish, by a very smaU and much divided por- tion ofthe caseous part; but it may be separated in such a manner, that the whey will remain lim- pid and colourless, and this is what is called clari- fying it. Put into a basin the white of an egg, a glass ofthe serum of milk, and a few grains of tar- taric acid in powder; whip the mixture with an ozier twig, and, having added the remainder of the unclarified whey, place the mixture again over the fire until it begins to boil. The tartaric acid completes the coagulation of the white part of the milk which remains; the white of egg, ns it be- comes hot, coagulates and envelopes the caseous part. When the whey is clear, filter it through paper: what passes will be perfectly limpid, and have a greenish colour. This is clarified whey. Re'nuens. (From renuo, to nod the head back in sign of refusal: so called from its office of jerking back tf c head.) A muscle of the bead. REPANDUS. Repand; wavy: a leaf is so called which is bordered with many acute angles, and small segments of circles alternately ; as that of the Menyanthes nymphaeoides. REPELLE'NT. (Repellent; from repello, to drive back.) Applications are sometimes so named which make diseases recede, as it were, from the surface of the body. REPENS. Creeping ; often used in botany: caulis repens, one that creeps along the earth, as that ofthe Ranunculus repens. Applied to a root, it means running transversely, and here and there giving off new plants ; as that of the Glycyrrhiza glabra, and Sambucus ebulus. REPULSION. All matter possesses a power which is in constant opposition to attraction. This agency, which is equally powerful and equally obvious, acts an important part in the phenomena of nature, and is called the power of repulsion. That such a force exists, which opposes the ap- proach of bodies towards each other, is evident from numberless facts. Newton has shown that when a convex lens is put upon a flat glass, it remains at a distance of the one-hundred-aud-thirty-seventh part of a:i inch, and'a very considerable pressure is require.! to diminish this distance; nor does any force which can be applied bring them into actinl mathematical contact. A force may in.leed be applied sufficient to break the glasses into pieces, but it may be demonstrated that it docs not dimin- ish their distance much beyon.l the one-thousand'!' REP RES j«ui t ot an inch. There is, therefore, a repulsive force which prevents the two glasses from touch- ing each other. Boscovich has shown that when an ivory bil- liard-ball sets another in motion by striking against it, an equal-quantity of its own motion is lost, and the ball at rest begins to move while the other is still at a distance. There (prists, therefore, a repulsion between bodies ; this repulsion takes place while they are yet at a distance from each other ; and it opposes their approach towards each other. The cause or the nature of this force is equally inscrutable with that of attraction, but its existence is undoubted : it increases, as far as has been ascer- tained, inversely as the square of the distance, consequently at the point of contact it is infinite. The following experiments will serve to prove the energy of repulsion more fully. Experiment.—When a glass tube is immersed in water, the fluid is attracted by the glass, and drawn up into the tube ; but, if we substitute mer- cury instead of water, we shall find a different ef- fect. If a glass tube of any bore be immersed in this fluid, it does not rise, but the surface of the mercury is considerably below the level of that which surrounds it when the diameter of the tube is very small. In this case, therefore, a repulsion takes place between the glass and the mercury, which is even considerably greater than the attraction existing between the particles of tbe mercury ; and hence the latter cannot rise in the tube, but is repelled, and becomes depressed. Experiment.—When we present the north pole of a magnet A, to the same pole of another mag- net B, Suspended on a pivot, aud at liberty to move, the magnet B will recede as the other approaches ; and by foUowing it with A, at a proper distance, it may be made to turn round on its pivot with con- siderable velocity. In this case there is evidently some agency which opposes the approach ofthe north poles of A and B, which acts as an antagonist, and causes the moveable magnet to retire Defore the other. There is therefore a repuldon between the two magnets, a repulsion which increases with the power of the magnets : whicli may be made so jjreat that all the force of a strong man is insuf- licient to make the two north poles touch each other. The same repulsion is equally obvious in electrical bodies, for instance : Experiment.—If two small cork balls be sus- pended from a body so as to touch one another, and if we charge the body in the usual manner with electricity, the two cork balls separate from each other, and stand at a dist.itit-e proportional to the quantity of electricity with which the body is charged ; the balls of course repel each other. Experiment.—If we nib over the surface of a sheet of paper the fine dust of lycopodium or puff ball, and then let water tall on it in small quanti- ties, the water wiU instantly be repelled, and form itself into distinct drops, which do not touch the lycopodium, but roll over it with uucomnion ra- pidity. That the drops do not touch the lycopo- dium but are actually kept at a distance above it, is obvious from the copious reflection of white light. Experiment.—If the surface of water contained in a basin be covered over with lycopodium, a soUd substance deposited at tbe bottom ofthe fluid may be taken out of it with the hand without wet- ting it. In this case the repulsion is so powerful as to defend the hand completely from the contact •>f »he fluid. 10.1 RES. A thing. Res naturales. The naturals. According to Boerhaave, these are life, the cause of life, and its effects. These, he says, remain in some de- gree, however disordered a person may be. Res non-naturales. See Non-naturals. RESE'DA. (From resedo, to appease : so called from its virtue of allaying inflammation.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnu?an system. Class, Dodecandria; Order, Trigynia. 2. The name, in some pharmacopoeias, of the dyers' weed. See Reseda luteola. Reseda luteola. The systematic name of the dyers' weed. Dioscorides mentions it as use- ful in jaundice. RESIN. Resina. The name resin is used to denote solid inflammable substances, of vegetable origin, soluble in alkohol, usually affording much soot by their combustion. They are Ukewise so- luble in oils, but not at all in water ; and are more or less acted upon by the alkalies. All the resins appear to be nothing else but volatile oils, rendered concrete by their combina- tion with oxygen. The exposure of these to the open air, and the decomposition of acids applied to them, evidently prove this conclusion. There are some among the known resins which are very pure, and perfectly soluble in alkohol, such as the balsam of Mecca and of Capivi, turpentines, tacamahaca, clemi: others are less pure, and contain a small portion of extract, whicli renders them not totally soluble in alkohol; such are mastic, sandarach, guaiacum, labdanum, and dragon's blood. The essential properties of resin are, being in the solid form, insoluble in water, perfectly solu- ble in alkohol, and in essential and expressed oils, and being incapable of being volatilised without decomposition. Resins are obtained chiefly from the vegetable kingdom, either by spontaneous exudation, or from incisions made into vegetables affording juices which contain this principle. These juices contain a portion of essential oil, which, from exposure to the air, is either volatilised or con- verted into resinous matter, or sometimes the oil is abstracted by distillation. In some plants the resin is deposited in a concrete state, in the in- terstices of the wood, or other parts of the plant. Resins, when concrete, are brittle, and have 'generally a smooth and conchoidal fracture ; their lustre is peculiar, they are more or less trans- parent, and of a colour which is usually some slu.iie of yellow, or brown ; they are of a greater specific gravity than water ; they are often odor- ous and sapid, easily fusible, anil, on cooling, be- came solid. Resin, black. See Redna nigra. Redn, elastic. See Caoutchouc. Redn tree, elastic. See Caoutchouc. Resin, white. See Resina alba. Redn, yellow. See Resina flaoa. RESI'NA. (From ptu, to flow; because it flows spontaneously from the tree.) See Redn. Resina alda. The inspissated juice of the Pinus sylvestris, &c. is so called ; and sometimes the residuum of the distillation of oil of turpen- tine. See- Resina flava. Resina elastica. See Caoutchouc. Resina flava. Resina alba. YeUow resin, what remains in the still after distilling oil of tur- pentine, by adding water to the common turpen- tine. It is of very extensive use in surgery as an active detergent, and forms the base of the un- guentum retina flava. Resina nigra. Colophonia. Whatremai' ' 917 RES in the retort after distilling the oil of turpentine from the common turpentine. This name is also given, in the London Pharmacopoeia, to pitch. Resina novi belgii. See Botany-bau. RESOLUTION. (Resolutio; from resolvo, to loosen.) A termination of inflammation in which the disease disappears without any abscess, mortification, &c. being occasioned. The term is also applied to the dispersion of swellings, indurations, &c. RESOLVENT. (Resolvens; from resolvo, to loosen.) This term is applied by surgeons to such substances as discuss inflammatory and other tumours. RESPIRATION. (Respiratio; from respiro, to take breath.) To comprehend the important function of breathing or respiration, it is not only necessary to have a knowledge of the structure of the thoracic viscera, the form of the parietes, of the chest, and to comprehend the mechanism by which the air enters and passes out of it, but also to be well acquainted with the chemical and physical properties of the air, and the circulation of the blood. The lungs are two spongy and vascidar organs, of a considerable size, situated in the lateral parts of the chest. Their parenchyma is divided and subdivided into lobes and lobules, the forms and dimensions of which it is difficult to determine. We learn, by the careful examination of a pulmonary lobule, that it is formed of a spongy tissue, the areola of which are so small that- a strong lens is necessary to observe them distinctly; these areola all communicate with each other, and they are surrounded by a thin layer of cellular tissue which separates them from the adjoining lobules. Into each lobule enters one of the divisions of the bronchia, and one of the pulmonary artery ; this last is distributed in the body of the lobule in a manner that is not well known ; it seems to be transformed into numerous radicles of the pulmo- nary veins. Dr. Magendie believes that these numerous small vessels, by which the artery ter- minates and the pulmonary veins begin, by crossing and joining in different manners, from the areola of the tissue of the lobules. The small bronchial division that ends in the lobule, does not enter into the interior of it, but breaks off as soon as it has arrived at the parenchyma. This last circumstance appears remarkable: because, since the bronchia do not penetrate into the spongy tissue of the lungs, it is not probable that the surface of the cells with which the air is in contact is covered by the mucous membrane. The most minute anatomy cannot prove its ex- istence in this place. A part of the nerve of the eighth pair, and some filaments of the sympathetic, are expended on the lungs, but it is not known how they are distribufed ; the surface of the organ is covered by the pleura, a serous membrane, similar to the peritonaum in its structure and functions. Round the bronchia, and near the place where they enter into the tissue of the lungs, a certain number of lymphatic glands exist, the colour of which is almost black, and to which the small number of lymphatic vessels which spring from the surface and from the interior of the pulmonary tissue are directed. With regard to the lungs, we receive from the art of deUcate injections some information that we ought not to neglect. If we inject mercury, or even coloured water, into the pulmonary artery, the injected matter passes immediately into the pulmonary veins, but at the same time a part enters the bronchia, and 818 RE!> goes out by the trachea. If the matter be in- jected into a pulmonary vein, it passes partly into the artery and partly into the bronchia. Lastly, _ if it be introduced into the trachea, it very soon penetrates into the artery, into the pulmonary veins, and even into the bronchial artery and vein. The lungs fill up a great part of the cavity of the chest, and enlarge and contract with it; and as they communicate with the external air by the trachea and the larynx, every time that the chest enlarges it is distended by the air, which is again expelled when the chest resumes its fornmr di- mensions. We must then necessarily stop to examine this cavity. The breast, or the thorax, is of the form of a cone, the summit of which is above, and the base below. The apparent form and dimensions of the breast are determined by the length, disposition, and motions of the ribs upon the vertebra. Tbe chest is capable of being dilated vertically, transversely, forward and backward, that is, iu the direction of its principal diameters. The principal, and almost the only agent ofthe vertical dilatation, is the diaphragm, which, in contracting, tends to lose its vaulted form, and to become a plane; a motion which cannot take place without the pectoral motion of the thorax increasing, and the abdominal portion diminishing. The sides of this muscle, which are fleshy, and correspond with the lungs, descend farther than the centre, which, being aponeurotic, can make no effort by itself, and which is, besides, retained by its union with the sternum and t he pericardium. In most cases this lowering of the diaphragm is sufficient for the dilatation of the breast ; but it often happens that the sternum -and the ribs, in changing the position between then, and the ver- tebral column, produce a sensible augmentation in the pectoral cavity. In the general elevation of the thorax, its form necessarily changes, as well as the relations of the bones of which it is composed ; the cartilages of the ribs seem particularly intended to assist these changes: as soon as they are ossified, and conse- quently lose their elasticity, the breast becomes 'immoveable. Whilst the sternum is carried upwards, its inferior extremity is directed a little forward: it thus undergoes a slight swinging motion ; the ribs become le-s oblique upon the vertebral co- lumn ; they remove a little from each other, and their inferi-.r edge is directed outward by a small tension of the cartilage. All these phenomena are not very apparent except in the superior ribs. A general enlargement of the thorax takes place by ;ts elevation, as well from front to back as transversely, and upwards. This enlargement is called inspiration. It presents three degrees : 1st, ordinary inspiration, which takes place by the depression of the dia- phragm, and an almost insensible elevation of the thorax; 2dly, the great inspiration, in which there is an evident elevation of the thorax, and at the same time, a depression of the diaphragm ; 3dly, forced inspiration, in which the dimensions of the thorax are augmented in every direction, as far as the physical disposition of this cavity will permit. Expiration succeeds to the dilatation of the thorax ; that is, the return of the thorax to its- ordinary position and dimensions. The mechanism of this motion is the reverse of what we have just described. It is produced by the elasticity of the cartilages, and by the liga- ments of the ribs, which have a tendency to re RLh RES snme their former shape, by the leiaxation of the muscles that hud raised the thorax, and by ihe contraction of a great number of muscles, so disposed that they lower and contract the chest. The contraction of the thorax, or expiration, presents also three degrees : 1st, ordinal y expira- tion ; 2d, great expiration; 3d, forced expira- tion. In ordinary expiration, the relaxation of tbe diaphragm, pressed upwards by the abdominal viscera, which are themselves urged by the an- terior muscles of this cavity, produces the dimi- nution of the vertical diameter ; vehement expi- ration is produced by the relaxation of the inspir- ing muscles, and a slight contraction of those of expiration, which permits the rms to assume their ordinary relations with ihe vertebral cnlumn. But Ihe cou;ractiou ol the chest may go still farther. If the abdominal and other expiratory muscles contract forcibly, a greater depression of the dia- phragm takes place, the ribs descend lower, the base of the co.ioid shrinks, aud there is, conse- quently, a greater diminution of the capacity of the thorax. This is called forced expiration. We shall now consider the air as an elastic fluid, which possesses the property of exerting pressure upon the bodii s it surrounds, and upon the sides of the vessels that contain it. This property sup- poses, in the particles of air, a continual ten- dency to repulse each other. Another property of the air is compressibility; that is, its volume changes with the pressure which it supports. The air expands by heat like all other bodies; its volume augments 1-480 by an increase of one degree of Fahrenheit's thermometer. The air has weight: this is ascertained by weighing a vessel full of air, and then weighing the same vessel after the air has been taken out by the air-pump. The air is more or less charged with humidity. Air, notwithstanding its thinness and transpa- rency, refracts, intercepts, and rellects the light. The air is composed of two gases that are very different in their properties. 1st, Oxygen: this gas is a little heavier than air, in the proportion of II to 10, and it combines with all the simple bodies ; it is an element of water, of vegetable and animal matters, and of almost all known bodies; it is essential for com- bustion and respiration. 2dly, Azote : this gas is a little lignter Minn air; it is an element of ammonia ana of animal substances; it extinguishes bodies in combust iou. It has been thus found that 100 parts in weight of air contain i\ pans 1.1 oxygen and 79 ot° azote. These proportions are the same in everyplace and at all heights, and have not sensibly changed for these lil'teen years, since they were positively established by chemistry. Ile>ides o.\y it n aud nz'ite, the air contains a i triable quantity of the vapour of water, as we have already observed, and a small quantity of carbonic acid, the proportion of which has not yet bi en positively fixed. i he air is decomposed by almost all combusti- ble bodies, at a temperature which is peculiar to ' each. In this decomposition they coinninc with the oxygen, and set the azote at liberty Of inspiration and /Expiration.—If we call to mind the dispusitjou of the pulmonary iobnles, the extensibility of their tissue, their communi- cation with the external air by means of the bronchia, of the trachea, and of the larynx, we will easily conceive that every time the breast di- lates, the- air immediately enters the pulmonary (issue, in a quantity proportionate to the decree of dilatation. When the breast contracts, a part of the air that it contains is expeUed, and passes out by the glottis. In order to arrive at the glottis in inspiration, or to go outwards in expiration, the air sometimes; traverses the nasal canal and sometimes the mouth : the position of the velum of the palate, in these two cases, deserves to be described. When the air traverses the nasal canals and the pharynx to enter or to pass out of the larynx, the velum ol" the palate is vertical, and placed with- its anterior surlace against the posterior part of the base of the tongue, so that the mouth has no comrauuication with the larynx. When the air traverses the mouth in inspiration or expiration, the velum ot the palate is horizontal, its posterior edge is embraced by the concave surface of the pharynx, and all communication is cut off' be- tween the inferior parts of the pharynx and the superior part of this canal, as well as with the nasal canals. Thence the necessity of raakino- the sick breathe by the mouth, if it is necessary to examine the tonsils of the pharynx. , I hese two ways for the air to arrive at the glottis were necessary, for they assist each other : thus when the mouth is full of food, the respira- tion takes place by the nose ; it takes place by the mouth when the nasal canals are obstructed by mucus, by a slight swelling of the membrane, or any other cause. 'Ihe glottis opens in the instant of inspiration, and, on the contrary, it shuts in the expiration. It appears that in a given time the number of inspirations made by one person are very different from those of another. Haller thinks there are twenty in the space of a minute. A man upon whom Mcnzies made experiments respired only fourteen times in a minute. Sir H. Davy informs' us that he respires in the same period twenty-six or twenty-seven times ; Dr. Thomson says that he respires generally nineteen times ; and Dr. Ma- gendie only respires fifteen times. Taking twenty times in a minute for the mean, this wiU give 28,800 inspirations in twenty-four hours. But this number probably varies according to many circumstances, such as the state of sleep, motion, distention of tjie stomach by food, the capacity of the chest, moral affections, £cc. What quantity of air enters the chest at each inspiration .' What quantity goes out at each expiration ? How much generally remains ? According to Meirzies, the mean quantity of air that enters the lungs at each inspiration, is 40 cubic inches.—Goodwin thinks that the quantity remaining after a complete expiration is 109 cubic inches; Menzies affirms t;iat this quantity is greater, and that it amounts to 179 cubic inches. According to Davy, after a forced expiration, his tunsrs contained -il cubic inches. Alter a natural expiration . . . 118 Alti r a natural inspiration . . . 135 Alter a forced inspiration . . . 254 By a forced expiration, after a forced inspiration, there passed out of the lungs........190 Alter a natural inspiration . . . 78.5 J* Iter a natural expiration . . . 67.5 c. i. Dr. Thomson thinks that we should not be fat from the truth in supposing that the ordinary quantity of air contained in the lungs is 280, and that there enter or go out at each inspiration, or expiration, 40 inches. Thus; supposing 20 in- spirations in a minute, the quantity of air that wonhl enter anil pass out in this time would be 800 inches ; which makes 48,000 iu the hour, and in 24 hours 1,I5J.0U0 cubic inches. A great ninnc" c\ e<"v,'v!ux-n!s hx\e lieen made by clwv ft£s mists to determine if the volume of air diminishes while it remains in the lungs. In considering the latest experiments, it appears, that in most cases there is no diminution ; that is, a volume of ex- pired air is exactly the same as one of inspired air. When this diminution takes place it appears to be only accidental. By successively traversing the mouth or the nasal cavities, the pharynx, the larynx, the tra- chea, and the bronchia, the inspired air becomes of a similar temperature with the body. It most generally becomes heated, and consequently rare- fied, so that the same quantity in weight of air occupies a much greater space in the lungs than it occupied before it entered them. Besides this change of volume, the inspired air is charged with the vapour that it carries away from the mucous membranes of the air-passages, and in this state always, hot and humid, it arrives in the pulmonary lobules; also this portion of air of which we treat mixes with that which the lungs contain- ed before. But expiration soon succeeds to inspiration: an- interval, only of a few seconds, passes in general between them ; the air contained by the lungs, pressed by the powers of expiration, escapes by the expiratory canal in a contrary direction to that of the inspired air. We must here remark that the portion of air expired is not exactly that which was inspired im- mediately before, but a portion of the mass which the lungs contained after inspiration ; and if the volume of air that the lungs usually contains is compared with that which is inspired and ex- pired at each motion of respiration, we will be in- clined to beUeve that inspiration and expiration are intended to renew in part the considerable mass of air contained by the lungs. This renewal will be-so much more considera- ble as the quantity of air expired is greater, and as the following inspiration is more complete. Physical and Chemical Changes that the Air undergoes in the Lungs.—The air, in its passage from the lungs, has a temperature nearly the same as that of the body ; there escapes with it from the breast a great quantity of vapour called pul- monary transpiration ; besides,, its chemical composition is different from that of the inspired air. The proportion of azote is much the same, but that of oxygen and carbonic acid is quite dif- ferent. In place of 0.21 of oxygen, and a trace of car- bonic acid, which the atmospheric air presents, the expired air gives 0.18 or 0.19 of ox}'gen, and 0.3 to 0.4 of carbonic acid : generally the quan- tity of carbonic acid exactly represents the quan- tity of oxygen which has disappeared ; neverthe- less the last experiments of Gay Lussac and Davy give a small excess of acid ; that is, there is a little more acid formed than the oxygen absorbed. In order to determine fhe quantity of oxygen consumed by an adult in 24 hours, we have only to know the quantity of air respired in this time. According to Lavoisier, and Sir II. Davy, 32 cubic inches are consumed in a minute, which gives for 24 hours 46,037 cubic inches. It is not difficult to appreciate the quantity of carbonic ncid that passes out of the lungs in tlie same time, since it nearly represents the volume of oxygen that disappears. Thomson values it . at 40,000 cubic inches, though he says it is proba- bly a little less : now this quantity of carbonic acid represents nearly 12 ounces avoirdupois o{ carbon. Some chemists say that a small quantity of rzote disappears during respiration ; cyI)Pr, think, S-20 RE.* on the contrary, that its quantity is sensibly aug- mented ; but there is nothing positive in this r< spect. We are informed of the degree of alteration that the air undergoes in our lungs by a feelin<* which inclines us to renew it: though this is scarcely sensible in ordinary respiration, because we always eontinue it, it nevertheless becomes very painful if we do not satisfy it quickly; car- ried to this degree, it is accompanied with anxiety and fear, and instinctive warning of the importance of respiration. Whilst the air contained in the lungs is thus modified in its physical and chemical properties, the venous blood traverses the ramifications of the pulmonary arteiy, of which the tissue of the lo- bules of the lungs is partly formed ; it passes into the radicles of the pulmonary veins, and very soon into these veins themselves ; but in passing from the one to the other, it changes its nature from venous to arterial blood. Rest harrow. See Ononis spinosa. Re'sta bovis. The plant named in Enghsh rest harrow: so called because it hinders the plough; and hence resta bovis. See Onoris spinosa. RESUPINATUS. Resupinato. Reversed: applied to leaves, &c. when the upper surface is turned downwards ; as in the leaf of the Pharut latifolius. RESUSCITATION. (Resuscitatio; from resuscito, to rouse and awake.) Revivification. The restoring of persons, apparently dead, to life. Under this head, strictly speaking, is con- sidered the restoring of those who faint, or have breathed noxious air ; yet it is chiefly confined to the restoring of those who are apparently dead from being immersed in a fluid, or by hanging. Dr. Curry has written a very valuable treatise on this subject; from which the following account is taken. "From considering," he observes, "that a drowned person is surrounded by water instead nf air, and that in this situation he makes strong and repeated efforts to breathe, we should expect that the water would enter and completely fill the lungs. This opinion, indeed, was once very ge- neral, and it still continues to prevail among the common people. Experience, however, has shown, that unless the body lies so long in the water as to have its Uving principle entirely de- stroyed, the quantity of fluid present in the lungs is inconsiderable ; and it would seem that some of this is the natural moisture of the part accu- mulated ; for, upon drowning kittens, puppies, &c. in ink, or other coloured liquors, and after- wards examining the lungs, it is found that very little of the coloured liquor has gained admittance to them. To explain the reason why the lungs of drowned animals are so free from water, it is necessary to observe, that the muscles which form the opening into the wind-pipe are exquisite- ly sensible, and contract violently upon the least irritation, as we frequently experience when any part of the food or drink happens tp touch that part. In the efforts made by a drowning person, or animal, to draw in air, the water rushes into the mouth and throat, and is applied to these parts, which immediately contract in such a man- ner as to shut up the passage into the lungs. This contracted state continues as long as the munches retain the principle of life, upon whicli Ihe power of muscular contraction depends; when that is gone, they become relaxed, and the water enters the wind-pipe, and completely fills it. On dissecting the body of a recently-drowned animal, no particular fulness of the vessels within RES RES the skull, nor any disease of the brain or its membranes, are visible. The lungs are also sound, and the branches of the wind-pipe gene- rally contain more or leas of a frothy matter, consisting chiefly of air, mixed with a small quantity of colourless fluid. Tbe right cavity of the heart, and the trunks of the large internal veins which open into it, and also the trunk and larger branches of the artery which carries the blood from this cavity through the lungs, are all distended with dark-coloured blood, approaching * almost to blackness. The left cavity of the heart, on the contrary, is nearly, or entirely empty, as are likewise the large veins of the lungs wliich supply it with blood, and the trunk and principal branches of the great artery which conveys the blood from hence to the variorls parts of the body. The external blood-vessels are empty ; and the fleshy parts are as pale as if the animal had been bled to death. When a body has lain in the water for some time, other appear- ances will also be observable ; such as, the skin livid, the eyes blood-shot, and the countenance bloated and'swoln ; but these appearances, though certainly unfavourable, do not absolutely prove that life is irrecoverably gone. It is now known, that in the case of drowning, no injury is done to any of the parts essential to life ; but that the right cavity of the heart, together with the veins and arteries leading to and from that cavity, are turgid with blood, whilst every other part is al- most drained of this fluid. The practice of holding up tbe bodies ot drowned persons by the heels, or rolling them over a cask, is unnecessary ; the lungs not being filled with any thing that can be evacuated in this way. Therefore such a practice is highly dangerous, as the violence at- tending it may readily burst some of those vessels which are already overcharged with blood, and thus convert what was only suspended animation, into absolute and permanent death. The opera- lion of inflating the lungs is a perfectly safe, and mnch more effectual method of removing any frothy matter they may contain ; and whilst it promotes the passage of the blood through them, also renders it capable of stimulating the left cavity of the heart, and exciting it to contraction. As soon as the body is taken out of the water, it should be stripped of any clothes it may have on, and be immediately well dried. It should then be wrapped in dry, warm blankets, or in the spare clothes taken from some of the by-standers, and be removed as quickly as possible to the nearest house that can be got convenient lor the purpose. The fittest will be one that has a tolerably large apartment, in which a fire is ready or can be made. The body may be carried in men's arms, or laid upon a door ; or, in case the house be at a distance from the place, if a cart can be procured, let the body be placed in it, ou one side, upon some straw, with the head and uppei part some- what raised ; and in this position a brisk motion will do no harm. Whatever be the mode of conveyance adopted, particular care should be taken that the head be neither suffered to hang backwards, nor to bend down with the chin upon the breast. When arrived at the house, lay the body on a mattress, or a double blanket, spread upon a low table, or upon a door supported by stools ; the head and chest being elevated by pil- lows. As the air of a room is very soon render- ed impure by a number of people breathing in it, for this reason, aa well as to avoid the confusion and embarrassment attending a crowd, no more. persons should be admitted into the apartment where the body is pined, than are necessary in assist immediately in the recovery : in general tu wUl be found sufficient for this purpose, and the- 822 ceed half a pint, and may be either warm negus, or water with the addition of one or other of the stimulating matters recommended above, using, ig again suspended, he was completely dead in a ew minutes. Upon the whole, then, it appears, that the same mea- sures recommended for drowned persons, are also necessary here , with this addition, that opening th« ji._rui.ir veins, or app'yin? cupping-glasses to the neck, will tend considerably to facilitate the restoration of life, by lessening the quantity of blood contained in the vessels of the head, and thereby taking oft' the pressure from the brain. Except in persons who are very full of blood, the quantity taken away need seldom exceed an or- dinary tea-cupful, which will in general be suf- ficient to unload the vessels of the head, without weakening the powers of life." RE'TE. A net. Applied to cellular mem- branes., vessels, nerves, parts of plants, kc. which are formed of meshes, tike a net. Rete mai.pic.hu. The fine net-work of the extremities of the pulmonary arteries. Rete mikabile. A net-work of blood-vessels in the basis of the brain of quadrupeds. Rete mocosum. Corput reticulare;,Corpus mucosum; Mucus Mulpighii. \ mucous sub- stance, deposited, in a net-like form, between the epidermis and cutis, which covers the sensible cu- taneous papillae, connects the epidermis with the cutis, aud gives the colour to the body : in Euro- peans it is of a white colour, in Ethiopians black. See Skin. RETICULAR. (Reticularis; from rete, a net.) Interw.ven like a net. RETIFOR.M. (Retiformis ; from rete, a net, and forma, resemblance.) Net like. RE'TINA. (From rete, a net.) Amphibles- troides. The third or innermost membrane of the eye, expanded round the choroid coat, to the citiary ligament. It is the true organ of vision, and is formed by an expansion of the pulp of the optic nerve. See Piston. Retina'culum. (From retineo, to prop or restrain.) An instrument for keeping the bowels in their place. RETIN-ASPHALTUM. See Retinite. RETiMlE. Retin-isphalt of Hatchet. A yellowish and reddish br.iwn coloured mineral, co .posed of resin, asphalt, and earth ; found at B i this, Dr. Jfo'ii-\s account unsy (who sent them from Russia,) and were supposed to be a part of that already mentioned ; and since their prosper- ous cultivation by the late professor of botany at Edinburgh, the propagation of this plant has been gradually extended to most of our English gar- dens, and with a degree of success which pro- mises, in time, to supersede the importation of tbe foreign root. Two sorts of rhubarb roots are usually imported into this country for medical use ; viz. the Chinese and the Tartary rhubarb ; the first is in oblong pieces, flatfish on one side, and convex on the other; compact, hard, heavy, internally of a dull-red colour, variegated with yellow and white, and when recently powdered, appears yellow, but on being kept becomes gradu- ally redder. The second is the most valuable, and is brought to us in roundish pieces, with a large hole through the middle of each ; it is more soft and friable than the former sort, and exhibits, when broken, many streaks of a bright red co- lour. " The marks of the goodness of rhubarb are the liveliness of its colour when cut; its be- ing firm and solid, but not flinty or hard ; its be- ing easily pulverable, and appearing when pow- dered of a fine bright yellow colour ; its impart- ing to the spittle when chewed a deep saffron tinge, and not proving slimy or mucilaginous in the mouth; its taste is subacrid, bitterish, and somewhat styptic ; the smell lightly aromatic". The purgative qualities of rhubarb are extract- ed more perfectly by water than by rectified spi- rit : the part remaining after the action of water is almost, if not wholly, inactive ; whereas after repeated digestion in spirit, it proves still very considerably purgative. The virtue of a watery infusion, on being inspissated by a gentle heafy is so much diminished, th it a drachm of the ex- tract is said to have scarcely any greater effect than a scruple of the root in substance. The spirituous tincture loses less ; half a dracl.ni of this extract proving moderately purgative. The qualities of this root, says Dr. Cullen, are ihat of a gentle purgative, and so gentle that it is often in- convenient on account of the bulk of the dose re- quired, which, in adults, must be from 3ss. to Jj. When given in a large dose it will occasion some griping, as other purgatives do ; but it is hardly ever heatitig to the system, or shows the other ef- fects of the more drastic purgatives. The pur- gative quality is accompanied with a bitterness, which is often useful in restoring the tone of the stomach when it bus been lost; aud, for the most part, its bitterness make* it sit better oh the sto- inach-iliau manv other purgatives do. Its opera- tion joins well with neutral laxatives ; :nid b.ojh RHE RHE fo«etherl,operate in a lesser dose than either of them would singly. Some degree of stypticity is always evident in this medicine ; and as this quality acts when that of the purgative has ceased, so in cases of diarrhoea, when any evacuation is proper, rhubarb has been considered as the .most proper remedy to be employed. It must, how- ever, be remarked here, that, in many cases of diarrhoea, no further evacuation than what is oc- casioned by the disease, is necessary or proper. The use ol rhubarb, in substance, for keeping the belly regular, for which it is frequently employ- ed, is by no means proper, as the astringent quality is ready to undo what the purgative has done ; but it is found that the purpose mentioned may be obtained by it, if the rhubarb is chewed in the mouth, and no more is swallowed than what the saliva has dissolved. And it must be remarked, that in this way employed it is very useful to dyspeptic persons. Analagous to this-, is the use of rhubarb in solution, in which it ap- pears to me, that the astringent quality is not so largely extracted as to operate so powerlully as when the rhubarb was employed in substance. The officinal preparations of this drug are, a watery and a vinous infusion, a simple and a com- pouna tincture. It is also an ingredient in differ- ent compositions. Rheum rhaponticum. The systematic name of the rhapontic rhubarb. Rhaponticum; Rha- barbarum dioscoridis ; Rhabarbarum antiquo- rum. The root of this species appears to have been the true rhubarb of the ancients. By some it is confounded with the modern rhubarb, though considerably different from that root in appear- ance, as well as in quality. The rhapontic is of a dusky colour on its surface, and a loose spongy texture ; is more adstringent than rhubarb, and less purgative; in this last intention, two or three drachms are required for a dose. Rheum undulatum. The systematic name of the Siberian rhubarb. The Rheum—foliis subvillo-sis undulalit petiolis aqualibut, of Lin- naeus. It possesses similar virtues to those of the palmate species, and is in common use in Russra. RHE'UMA. (From ptu, to flow.) The dis- charge from the nostrils or lungs arising from cold ; hence the foUowing lines of the school of , Salernum : Si fluit ad pectus, dicatur rheuma catarrhus, Ad fauces bronchus, ad nares esto coryza ! RHEUMATI'SMUS. (From pcvpan£u, to be afflicted with defluxions.) Dolores rheumatid et arthritid, of Hoffman. Myositis, of Sagar. This is a-"genus of disease in the Class Pyrexia, and Order Phlegmasia, of CuUen ; character- ized by pyrexia, pains in the joints, increased by the action of the muscles belonging to the joint, and heat of the part. The blood, after venisec- tion, exhibits an inflammatory crust. Rheuma- tism is distinguished into acute and chronic. The acute is preceded by shivering, heat, thirst, and frequent pulse ; after which the pain commences, and soon fixes on the joints. The chronic rheu- matism is distinguished by pain in the joints, . without pyrexia, and is divided into three spe- cies ; lumbago, affecting the loins ; sdatica, affecting the hip ; and arthrodynia, or pains in the joints. The acute rheumatism mostly termi- nates in one of these species. Rheumatism may arise at all times of the year, when there are frequent vicissitudes ofthe weath- er, from heat to cold, but the spring and autumn are the seasons in which it is most prevalent ; and it attacks persons of all ages ; but very young oeople are less subject to it than adults. Obstructed perspiration, occasioned either bv <5-?R wearing wet clothes, lying in damp linen, or damp rooms, or by being exposed to cool air when the body has been much heated by exercise, is the cause which usually produces rheumatism. Those who are much afflicted with this complaint, are very apt to be sensible of the approach of wet weather, by finding wandering pains about them at that period. Acute rheumatism usuaUy comes on with lassi- tude and rigours, succeeded by heat, thirst, anx- iety, restlessness, and a hard pulse: soon after which, excruciating pains are lelt in different parts of the body, but more particularly in the joints of the shoulder, wrist, knees, and ancles, or perhaps in the hip ; and these keep shifting from one joint to another, leaving a redness and swelling in every part they have occupied, as Ukewise a great ten- derness to the touch. Towards evening there is usually an exacerbation, or increase of fever; and during the night, the pains become more se- vere, and shift from one joint to another. Early in the course of the disease, some degree of sweating usuaUy occurs ; but it is seldom so copious as either lo remove the pains or to prove critical. In the beginning, the urine is without sediment; but as the disease advances in its pro- gress, and the l'e'-er admits of considerable remis- sions, a lateritious sediment is deposited; but this by no means proves critical. Chronic rheumatism is attended with pains in the head, shoulders, knees, and other large joints, which, at times, are confined to one particular part, and atothefs shift from one joint to another, without occasioning any fever; and in this man- ner the complaint continues often for a considera- ble time, and at length goes off. . No danger is attendant on chronic rheumatism ; but a person having been once attacked with it, is ever aftei wards more or less liable to returns of it; and an incurable anchylosis is sometimes formed, in consequence of very frequent relapses. Nei- ther is the acute rheumatism frequently accom- panied with much danger ; but in a few instances, the patient has been,dc*stroyed by general inflani-. mation, and now and then by a metastasis to some vital part, such as the head and lungs. Acute rheu- matism, although accompanied with a consider- able degree of inflammation in particular parts, has seldom been known to terminate in suppura- tion ; but a serous or gelatinous effusion takes place. Rheumatism seldom proving fatal, very few opportunities have offered tor dissections of tbe disease. In the few which have occurred, the same appearances have been observed as in in- flammatory fever, effusion within tbe cranium, and now and thin affections of some ofthe-viscera. In the acute rheumatism the general antiphlo- gistic plan ol treatment is to be pursued, so long as the febrile and inflammatory symptoms are se- vere. It may be sometimes proper to begin by a moderate abstraction of blood, where the patient is young and plethoric ; and ii the disease attacks any important part, this measure must be more actively pursued ; but in general it does not ap- pear necessary. Even the local abstraction of blood is hardly advisable, unless the affection be very much fixed to one part, and tlie symptoms argent: and it may be said, that most focal appti- cations are rather likely to drive the disease from one part to another, than to afford permanent re- lief. After freely opening the bowels, the chief object is to endeavour to procure a general and nuld diaphoresis by antimonial and mercurial pre- parations, assisted by opium, or other narcotic, which may also alleviate the pain, and occasion- allv bv the v. rm bath, where the skin i? particn- RHO una: Mirly harsh and dry. Digitalis, by moderating ihe circulation, will sometimes be usefully con- joined with these medicines. As the fever abates, and the strength appears impaired,tonics should be givento promote the convalescence ofthe patient, and obviate a relapse : and where the inflamma- tion remains fixed in a particular joint, aftpr the pyrexia has ceased, fomentations and other local measures, according to the state of the part, may be employed for its removal. In the arthrodynia, or chronic rheumatism, as it is commnnlv called, the remedies of chief efficacy are stimulant dia- phoretics in moderate doses regularly persevered in, assisted by various local moans of promoting the circulation through the affected part, ano- dynes may be also used with advantage both in- ternally and locally : and attention should be paid to support the strength, and correct any observa- ble deficiency in the several functions. RHI'.CME. (From ptu, to flow.) A deflux- ion, a common cold or catarrh. RHEUMIC ACID. An acid said to be pecu- liar to rhubarb, but not yet sufficiently examined. Rhibe'sia. (From ribes, a currant.) See Ribet. RHIN/E'US. (Phinaus, so. musculus; from (,;i, the nose.) See Compretsor narit. Riuveni hi tf.s. (From (nv, the nose, and -.yyvu, to pour in.) A syringe for the nose. RHINOPHO'NIA. (From on; the nose, and niuvn, the voice.) A nasal voice. Riuza'gha. (From pi$a, the root, and ayptvu, to seize.) An instrument for taking out the roots or stumps of teeth. RHODIA. See Rhodiola. RIIOD10LA. (\ diminutive of R/iodia; from fo&ov, a rose : so called because its root smells like the damask rose.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Diaeia; Order, Octandria. Rhodiola rosea. The radix rhodae of some pharm i- ipmias is the produce of the Rhodiola rosea, ol Liuna-us, called rosewort. When dry, it has a very pleasant smell, resembling that of the damask rose. In this odorous matter the medical virtue of the root resides. Poultices in which this root enters as a chief ingredient are said to allay violent pains of the head. RHO'DIUVl. (From po&ov, a rose; a wood which smells like roses.) 1. Rhodium, Or rose- wood. 2. A new metal discovered among the grains of crude platina, by Dr. WoUaston. The mode of obtaining it in the state of a triple salt combined with muriatic acid andsoda, has been given under the article Palladium. This may be dissolved in water, and the metal precipitated from it in a black powder by zinc. This powder, exposed to heat, continues black ; but with borax it acquires a white metallic lustre, though it remains infusible. Sulphur, or arsenic, however, renders it fusible, and may alterward be expelled by continuing the heat. The button, however, is not malleable. Its specific gravity appears not to exceed 11. Rhodium unites easily with every metal that has been tried, except mercury. With gold or silrer it forms a very malleable alloy, not oxidated by a 1 igh degree of heat, but becoming incrnsted with a black oxide when slowly cooled. One- sixth of it does not perceptibly alter the colour of gold, but renders it much less fusible. Neither nitric nor nitro-muriatic acid acts on it in either of these alloys ; but if it be fused with three parts of bismuth, lead, or copper, the alloy is entirely soluble in a mixture of nitric acid with two parts of muriatic. The oxide was colubIe in every acid Dr. Wol- f aslon tried. The solution in muriatic acid did not crystallise by evaporation. Its residuum formed a rose-coloured solution with alkohol. Muriate of ammonia and of soda, and nitrate of potassa, occasioned no precipitate in the muriatic solution, but formed with the oxide triple salts, which were insoluble in alkohol. Its solution in* nitric acid likewise did not crystallise, but silver, copper, and other metals precipitated it. The solution of the triple salt with muriate of soda was not precipitated by muriate, carbonate, or hydrosulphuret of ammonia, by carbonate or ferroprussi-jt.r of potassa, or by carbonate of soda. The caustic alkalies however throw down a yel- low oxide, soluble in excess of alkali; and a solution of platina occasions in it a yellow pre- cipitate. The title of this product to be considered as a distinct metal was at first questioned ; but the ex- periments of Dr. WoUaston have since been con- lirmed by Descotils. Rhodium lignum. See Aspulalhus canari- ensis. RHODODE'NDRON. (From po&ov, a rose, and Itvtpov, a tree: so caUed because its flowers resemble the rose.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decan- dria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the oleander. See Rhododendron chrysanthemum. Rhododendron chrysanthemum. The sys- tematic name of the oleander, rose-bay, or yellow rhododendron. This species of rhododendron, foliis oblongis impunctit supra scabris venosis- dmit, corolla rotata irregulari gemma florife- raferrugineo-tomentosa, has not yet been intro- duced in Britain ; it is a native of Siberia, affect- ing mountainous situations, and flowering in June and July. This plant and its medical virtues were first de- scribed in 1747, by Gmelin and Haller. Little attention, however, was paid to it, till the year 1779, when it was strongly recommended by Koelpin as an efficacious medicine, not only in rheumatism and gout, but even in venereal cases; and it is now very generally employed in chronic rheumatisms, in various parts of Europe. The leaves, which are the part directed for medicinal use, have a bitterish subadstringent taste. Taken in a large dose, they prove a narcotic poison; and, in moderate doses, they are^said to occasion heat, thirst, a degree of delirium, and a pecuUar sensation ofthe parts affected. As a powerful and active medicine, this shrub, says Dr. Woodville, may probably be found au addition to the materia medica. Dr. Home, who tried it unsuccessfully in some cases of acute rheu- matism, says, "It appears to be one ol the most powerful sedatives which we have, as, in roost of the trials, it made the pulse remarkably slow, andin one patient reduced it to thirty-eight beats." And in other cases, in which the rhododendron has been used at Edinburgh, it has been produc- tive of good effects, and accordingly it is now in- troduced into the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia. The manner of using this plant by the Siberians, wa« by putting two drachms ofthe dried leaves in an earthen pot, with about ten ounces of boiUng water, keeping it near a boiling heat for a night; and this they took in the morning, and by repeat- ing it three or tour times, geneially effected a cure. Rhodo'meli. (From po&ov, the rose, and -tXt, ••honey.) Honey of roses. RH03ADEA5. (From rhaas, the red poppy.) The name of an order in Linnaeus's Fragments of a Natural Method, consisting of poppy and simi- RHl KHl iav plants, the calyx of which is caducous, and the fruit a capsule or sclyna. RHffi'AS. (Rhaas, ados. m. ; from ptu, to flow.) The wild poppy is sometimes so called. See Papaver rhaas. , R1KETIZITE. A glistening and pearly white mineral, which is found m primitive rocks, with quartz Psitzsci, in the Tvrol. RHOMBOIDE'US. (From pouBos, a geome- trical figure, whose sides are equal but not right- angled, and tiSos, resemblance.) Rhombddeus major and minor. Rhomboides, of Douglas, Winslow, and Cowper ; and Ceroid dorso scapu- laire, of Dumas. This muscle, vvhich is so named from its shape, is situated immediately under the trapezius. We find it usually, though not always, divided into two portions, which Albinus describes as 'wo distinct muscles. The uppermost of these, or rhomboideus minor, arises tendinous from the spinous processes ofthe three inferior vertebrae of the neck, and from the ligamentum colli; the low- ermost, or rhomboideus major, arises tendinous from the spinous processes ofthe back: the former is inserted into the basis of the scapula, opposite to its spine ; the. latter into all the basis of the scapula, below its spine. Its use is to draw the scapula obliquely upwards, and directly back- wards. RIIOMBSPAR. See Bitterspar. RHOMBUS. Diamond-shaped, approach'ng lo a square : applied to leaves, &c. ; as those of the Chenopodium olidum, and to the pod of Cicer arietinum. RHONCHUS. (VoyK®', rhonchus, stertor.) Snoring. RHOPALO'SIS. (From powaXov,'a club.) A disorder in which the hair cleaves together, and hangs down in clusters resembling clubs. The plaited hair. See Plica. RHUBARB. See Rheum. Rhubarb, monks. See Rumex patientia. Rhubarb, rhapontic. See Rheum rhaponti- cum. RHUS. (From ptu, to flow: so called because it stops fluxes.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Trigynia. The sumach-tree. Rhus belgica. The Dutch myrtle is some- times so termed. See Myrica gale. Rhus coriaria. Sumach. Elm-leaved su- mach. This plant, Rhus—foliis pinnatis obtu- siuscule serratis ovalibus subtus villosis, of Lin- naeus, is a small tree, a native of the south of Europe. It is singular that this is the only spe- cies of the genus of rhus which is perfectly inno- cent ; the others being active poisons. Both the leaves and berries of this plant are used medi- cinally, as astringents and tonics ; the former are the most powerful, and have been long in common use, where they may be easily obtained in various complaints indicating this class of remedies. The berries, which are red, and of a roundish com- pressed figure, contain a pulpy matter, in which is lodged a brown, hard, oval seed, manifesting a considerable degree of adstringency. The pulp, even when dry, is grateful, and has been disco- vered to contain an essential salt, similar to that of wood sorrel. An infusion of the dried fruit is not rendered black by a solution of iron; hence it appears to be destitute of adstringency. But its acidity is extremely grateful; therefore, like many other fruits, these berries may be advan- tageously taken to allay febrUe heat, and to cor- rect bUious putrescency. Rhus radicans. See Rhus vernix. Rhus tifhinum. The systematic name of the Virginian sumach, the seeds of which arc said to be useful in stopping hxmorrhages. Rhus toxicodendron. Poison oak, or su- tnaoh. This plant is a native of North America. The stems, if cut, exude a milky juice, which inflames the skin. The leaves, now inserted in the pharmacopoeia, are inodorous, and have a mawkish subacrid taste. Their virtues are ex- tracted more perfectly by water than by alkohol. They prove stimulant and narcotic when taken internally. Dr. Alderson, of Hull, found them successful in several cases of paralysis. Thev excite a sense of heat and pricking, and irregular twitches in the affected limbs. They have oeen sometimes useful, also, in herpetic eruptions. The dose may be from half a grain, gradually increased to four grains, two or three times a day. Rhusvernix. Rhus radicans. Thesystem- atic name of a poisonous plant, the efficacy of which Dr. Fresnoi has endeavoured to prove, in the disease called paralysis, and herpetic affec- tions. He, in order that others should not stiffer by his experiments, began by taking an infusion of one of the three foliola of which each leaf of this plant consists ; and as this dose produced no sensible effect, he increased tbe uumber to twelve. His urine and perspiration were increased in quantity, ani he had some pains in his belly. He relates seven cases, in which he. thinks he can remove all doubt of the efficacy of this infusion, in herpetic affections. From these the foUowing are selected: "A country woman," says Dr. Fresnoi, " came to me in the month of July, 1780, to consult me about the herpes farinosa, with which her face had been covered for more than a year. She was ordered to take an infusion of this plant; and, in six weeks, was entirely free from the disease." He likewise relates five cases • Of paralysis, which were cured by the use of this plant. The leaves of this plant are to be cut when in the greatest vigour, about the month of June. " Those who cut this plant," says Dr. F. " wear leathern gloves, on account of its poisonous quali- ties." The same gentleman" observes, he saw one case in which inflammation of the eye-lids was produced by the vapour from the plant. Four pounds of the leaves being distilled with thirty-two pounds of water, give-it a slight odour, although the plant is entirely free from it. Its taste is pungent, and inflames the mouth. The decoction which remains in the still is brown, and is generally covered with a light brown peUi- cle. When strained and evaporated, it gives a shining black extract. The leaves inflame and swell the hands and arms of those who take them out of the still, and bring on an itching, which remains for several days. Forty-two pounds of the leaves afford twenty ounces of extract, of a proper consistence for pills. "A girl, in Flanders," says Dr. Fresnoi, "al- ready subject to fits, laid down some flowers in her bed-room. Next day ske told me that she had undergone a great change: that she had had no fits, and slept much better. It occurred to me," says Dr. F. " that the flowere occasioned this change. Next day, the flowers being re- moved, and the window opened, the convulsions reappeared ; on their being again introduced, the fits disappeared; which proved plainly it was the effect of the flowers. The success of the extract in tussis convulsiva exceeded my hopes; forty-two children being'cured of this disorder in Valenciennes, during the end of the year .1786. Four grains of extract are to be dissolved RIB RIB ui lour ounces of syrup, of which one table- speonlul given to the chHd every third hour, generally abates the cough, and mostly leaves th«"ni.'' RHY'VS. ('Pirns, a disease ofthe eye.) A decrease or defect of the lachrymal caruncle. The proximate cause is a nit.vi- defect; or it ma* originate fiom excision, erosion, or acri- mony. This disorder is commonly incurable, and it induces an incurable epiphora, or a continual weeping. RHYPIA. (From 'Pupof, sordes.) Foul, sordid, ill-conditioned. Rhytido'sis. See Rutidosis. RIB. Costa. The ribs are the long curved bones which are placed in an oblique direction at the sides of the chest. Their number is generally twelve on each side : but, in some subjects, it has been found to be thirteen, and in others, though more rarely, only eleven. They are distinguished into true and false ribs. The seven upper ribs, which are articulated to the sternum, are called true ribs ; and the live lower ones, which an not immediately attached to that bone, are called false ribs. At the posterior extremity of each rib we observe a small head, divided by a middle ridge into two articulating surfaces, covered with cartilage, which are received into two cavities contiguous to each other, and formed in the upper and lower part of each dorsal vertebra, as we have observed in our description of the spine. This articulation, which is secrred by a capsular ligament, is a species of ginglymus, and allows only of motion upwards and downwards. The head of each rib is supported by a short neck, and immediately beyond this we find a flattened tubercle, affording an oblong and slightly convex surface, which is articulate I with the transverse process of the lowest ofthe two dorsal vertebrae, with which its head is articulated. At some little distance from this tuberosity, the rib makes a considerable curve, which is usually called its angle. From the tubercle to tho angle the ribs are of considerable thickness, and approaching to a cylindrical shape ; but, from the angle to their anterior extremity, they become thinner and flatter. To this anterior extremity is fixed a long, broad, and strong cartilage, which, in each of the true ribs, r%aches to the sternum, where its arti- culation is secured by a capsular ligament, and by other ligamentous fibres. The cartilages of the sixth and seventh ribs being longer than the rest, are extended upwards, in order to reach the sternum, the inferior portion nf which is about on a level with the fifth rib. The cartilages of these two ribs are usually united into one, so as to leave no space between them. The false ribs are supported in a different manner; their carti- lages terminate in an acute point before they reach the sternum, th« eighth rib being attached by its cartilage to the lower edge of the cartilage of the seventh, or last of the true ribs ; the ninth in the same manner to the eighth ; and the tenth to the ninth ; the cartilages ol each rib being shorter than that of the rib above it. The eleventh aud twelfth, which are the two lower- most ribs, are not fixed at their anterior extremi- ties like the other ribs, but hang loose, and are supported only by their ligamentous fibres, and by muscles and other soft parts. The external surface of each rib is somewhat convex, and its internal surface slightly cmicave. On tne inferior and interior surface of these banes we observe a long fossa, for the lodgment of the intercostal vessels and nerves. This channel, however, does not extend through the whole 'e«ru each other in shape, length, situation, and other respects, it will be right to speak ol each rib in particular. The first rib, which is the shortest of any, ia likewise tbe most curved. It is broader than the other ribs, and, instead of being placed, as they are, obliquely, and with its edges upwards and downwards, it is situated nearly in a transverse direction, one of its edges being placed inwards, or nearly so. Of these edges, the inner one is sharp, and the outer one somewhat rounded. Its inner surface is smooth, and its superior surface is sometimes slightly depressed anterioily by the clavicle. The head of this rib, instead of being angular, is flattened, and slightly convex, being received into* a cavity, which is formed wholly in the first vertebra, anil not by two vertebrae,"as in the case with the other ribs. The secoi.-d rib is longer than the first, but shorter than the ribs below it. Its angle is placed at a small distance from its tuberosity, and its bead is articulated with two vertebrae, like the other ribs. The other ten ribs, the two last only excepted, differ from the general description we have given, chiefly in the difference of their length, which goes on gradually increasing, from the first or uppermost, to the seventh or last of the true ril. , and a's gridually.diminishing from that to the twelfth. Their obliquity, in respect to the spine, likewise increases as they descend, as does the distance between the head and angle of each rib, from the first rib to the ninth. The two lowest ribs differ from aU the rest in the following particulars ■—Their heads, like that of the. first rib, are rounded, and received into a eavity formed entirely in the body of one vertebra; they have no tuberch for their articulation with the transverse processes, to which they are only loosely fixed by ligaments, and, in this resptct, the tenth rib is sometimes found to agree with them : they are much shorter than the rest of the false ribs, and the twelfth is still shorter than the eleventh. The length ot the latter, however, is different in different subjects, and is not always found to be the same .in both sides. Anteriorly, as we have already observed, their cartilages are short and loose, not being attached to the carti- lages of the other ribs ; and this seems to be, be- cause the most considerable motions of the trunk are not performed on the lumbar vertebrae alone, but likewise on the lower vertebra; of the back ; so that if these two ribs had been confined ante- riorly, like the rest, and likewise united to the bodies of two vertebrae, and to the transverse process, this disposition would have impeded the motion of the two last vertebrae of the back, and consequently would have affected the motion of the trunk in general. The use ot the ribs is to give form to the tho- rax, and to cover and defend the lungs ; also to assist in breathing ; for they are joined to the vertebrae by regular hinges, which allow of short motions, and to the sternum by cartilages, which yield to the motion of the ribs, and return again when the muscles ci ase to act. Ribbed leaf. See Ar. rvotus. RIBES. The name of a genus of plants in tho Linnaean system. Glass, Pentandria; Order, Monotonia. The cumnt-trce, S29 RIC KIV Ribes nigrum. Black currant. This indi- genous plant, Ribes—racemis pitoris floribus oblongis, of Linnaeus, affords larger berries than those of the red, wliich are said to be peculiarly useful in sore throats, and to possess a diuretic power in a very considerable degree. The leaves ofthe black currant are extremely fragrant, and have been likewise recommended for their medi- cinal virtue, which Bergius states to be mundifi- cans, pellens, diuretica. The officinal prepara- tions ot" the berries are the syrupus ribis nigri, and the succus ribis nigri inspissatus. Ribes rubrum. Grossularia non spinosa. The red currant. Ribet—inerme; racemis gla- bris pendulit, floribus planiusculis, of Linnaeus. The white currant tree is merely a variety of the red, the fruit of both is perfectly analogous ; there- fore,what is said of the one applies to the other. The red currant is abundantly cultivated in gar- dens, and, from its grateful acidity, is universally acceptable, either as nature presents it, or vari- ously prepared by art, with the addition of sugar. Considered medicinally, it is esteemed to be mo- derately refrigerant, antiseptic, attenuant, and aperient. It may be used with considerable ad- vantage*© allay thirst, in most febrile complaints, to lessen i>n increased secretion of bile, and to correct a putrid and scorbutic state of the fluids, especially in sanguine temperaments : but, in con- stitutions of a contrary kind, it is apt to occasion flatulency and indigestion. Rl BWORT. See Plantago lanceolata. i RICE. See Oryza. RI'CINUS. (Quasi, piv kwos, a dog's nose; because they stick to the noses of dogs.) 1. The name of a genus, pf plants in the Linnaean sys- tem. Class, Monacia ; Order, Monadelphia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the plant that affords the seed from which the castor-oil is pre- pared. Ricinus communis. The systematic name of the castor-oil plant. Cataputia major; Kerva, Ricinus vulgaris ; Palma christi Ricinus—fo- liis peltatis subpalmatit serratis, of Linnaeus. This plant appears to be the Kiki, or Kporuv, of Dioscorides, who observes, that the seeds are pow- erfully cathartic ; it is also mentioned by Aetius, Paulus iEgineta, and Pliny. The ricinus was first cultivated in Englandv in the time of Turner, and is now annuaUy reared in many gardens in the neighbourhood of London; and in hi of Dr. Saunders, at Highbury, the plant grew to a state of great perfection. An on extracted , from the seeds of this plant, and known by the name of oleum ricini, palma christi, or castor oil, is the drug to which the pharmacopoeias refer, and which has lately come into frequent use, as a quick but gentle purgative. The London College directs this oil to be expressed from the seeds in the same way as that ofthe oil of almonds, and without the assistance of heat, by which the oil would seem to be obtained in the purest state. However, we have some reason to believe that this method is sel- dom practised, and that the oil usually employed here is imported from the West Indies, where it is commonly prepared in the following nr-raner : — " The seeds being freed from the husks, or pods, which are gathered upon their turning brown, and when beginning to burst open, are first bruised in a mortar, afterwards tied up in a linen bag, and then thrown into a large pot, with a sufficient Quantity of water (about eight gallons, to one gal- lon of the seeds,) and boiled till the oil is risen to the surface, when it is carefully skimmed off, strained, and kept for use. Thus prepared, the oil is entirely free from acrimony, and will stay upon the stomach when it rejects all other medi- cines." Mr. Long remarks, that the oil intended for medicinal use, is more frequently cold drawn, or extracted from the bruised seeds by means of a hand-press. But this is thought more acrimo- nious than that prepared by coction. Dr. Browne is also of this opinion, and prefers the oil prepared by coction to that by expression ; he attributes its greater mildness to the action of the fire, ob- serving that the expressed oil, as well as the,mix- ed juices ofthe seeds, are far more active and vi- olent in their operation. Dr. Cullen observes, that " this oil, when the stomach can be reconciled to it, is one ofthe most agreeable purgatives we can employ. It has this particular advantage, that it operates sooner after its exhibition than any other purgative I know of, as it commonly operates in two or three hours. It seldom gives any griping, and its operation is ge- nerally moderate, producing one, two, or three stools only. It is particularly suited to cases of costiveness, and even to cases of spasmodic colic." In the West Indies, it is found to be one of the most certain remedies in tbe dry belly-ache, or colica pictonum It is seldom found heating or irritating to the rectum ; and, therefore, is suffi- ciently well suited to haemorrhoidal persons. The only inconvenience attending the use of this medicine is, that as an oil it is nauseous to some persons ; and that, when the dose is large, it occasions sickness at the stomach for some time. after it is taken. To obviate these inconveniences, several means have been tried ; and it is found that the most effectual means is the addition of a little ardent spirit. In the West Indies, they em- ploy rum : but that I might not withdraw any part of the purgative, I employ the Tind. senna comp. This added in the proportion of one to three parts of the oil, and very intimately mixed, by being shaken together in a phial, both makes the oil less . nauseous to the taste, and makes it sit more easy on the stoma.-h. The common dose of this oil is a table spoonful, or half an ounce ; but many per- sons require a double quantity. Ricinus major. See Jatropha curcas. Ricinus vulgaris. See Ridnus. RICKETS. See Rachitis. RICTUS. This term is applied by botanists to the grinning mouth or opening between the two lips of a ringent or personate flower. • RI'GOR. A sudden coldness, attended by a shivering, more or less perfect. RI'MA. A fissure, or opening; as the rima laryngis, rima vulva. Rima glottidis. The opening of the larynx, through which the air passes in and out of the lunsrs. RI'MULA. (Diminutive of rima, a fissure.) A small fissure. RIN^F.'US. (Frompiv, the nose.) See Com- pressor naris. RING-WORM. A species of herpes. See H rpes. RINGENS. Ringent: a term applied to flow- ers or their corolla, which are irregular and gaping, like the mouth of an animal; as those of the nettle, &c. A ringent flower is also called a lipped or labi- ate by some botanists. Ri'sagon. See Cassumuniar. Risigallum. The auripigmentum was so called. See Arsenious acid. RI'SUS. Laughter; laughing. Risus caninus. A kind of laughter in which the lips are contracted, so as to show aU the teeth. Risus sardonicus. See Sardonic laugh. RIVERIUS, Lazarus, was born at Montpe- lier, in 1589. Being naturally slow in his attain- KU(, ROS riients, he failed in his first examinations for a de- cree • but this only stimulated him to redoubled exertions, so that in the foUowing epring he ac- complished his object at the age ol 22. His at- tachment to study became then very great, and eleven years after that period he was appointed to the professorship ol medicme m Ihe universi- ty , which office he filled with great honour till his death in 1665. Riveriu* published some va- luable works, espeeiaUy one, entitled "Praxis Medica ," which appeared at first in a concise form, as a sort of text-book ; but finding it very favourably received by the public, he enlarged and improve* it considerably : and it added greatly to his reputation, having passed through numerous editions, as well in the original, as tiansldted into French and English. RIVI.NUS, Augustus Quirinos, was son of a learned physician and cntic, Andrew Bachmann, whose name was Latinized into Rivinus, and bom at Leipsic, in 1652. He graduated at the age of 24, and fifteen years after obtained the professor- ships of physiology and botany in his native uni- versity ; he was also associated with many learned bodies ; and he fiUed these appointments with ho- nour to himself tiU his death, in 172j. Rivinus distinguished himself chiefly as a systematic bo- tanist ; but his arrangement was very detective, being founded on tbe number ot the petals, and tiieir being regular, or irregular, 'though by no means eminent as a practical anatomist, he is said to have discovered a new salivary duct. As a medical writer, he has the merit ol faithful obser- vation and description in his treatise " De Peste Lipsiensi," published in 1630. He wrote also on dyspepsia, on intermittents, and various other subjects. His " Censma Medicamentorum Offi- cinalium," ranks very high, on account of the freedom with which he attacked opinions, how- ever generally received, which he believed erro- neous ; and to the prevalence of this spirit we owe the great simplification, and other improve- ments^ which the Materia Medica exhibits at present. ROASTING. A chemical process, generally performed in crucibles, by which uunei.il sub- stances are divided, some ot their principles being volatilised, and others changed, so as to prepare them tor other operations. Re)B. (Rob, dense, Arabian.) An old term for an inspissated juice. ROBOKANT. (Rp&oraMs: from roboro, to strengthen.) '1 hat which is strengthening. See Tonic. ROCCE'LLA. See Lichen rocella. Rochelle-talt. See Soda turtansata. ROCKAMBOLE. The Allium scorodopra- sum, oi Linnaeus. The root is used for pickles and high-seasoned dishes. ROCK-BUTTER. A greasy mineral which oozes out of rocks that contain alum, at the Hut- let alum-work, near Paisley. Rock-cork. See Asbestos. ROCK-CKYsiTAL. A white and brown co- loured crystallised siUceous mineral, found of great size and beauty in some parts of Scotland, and Dauphiny affords most magnificent groupes. Itock-oit. See Petroleum. ROCK-SALT. Of this there are two kinds, the foliated and the fibrous The principal de- posite ol this salt in Great Britain is in Cheshire. In lUOi parts are contained, according to Henry, 983 of muriate of soda, 6 J sulphate offline, a Uttle muriate of lime and muriate of magnesia, and 10 parts insoluble matter. Rock-samphire. See Crithmum maritimum. Hock. wood. The ligniform asbp^to«. ROCKET. See Brasdca eruca. Rocket, Roman. See Brassica eruca. Rocket, wild See Brassica erucastrum'. Rore'lla. 'See Drosera rotundifolia. ROS. Dew. Ros calaerinus. The officinal manna is sometinips so termed. Ros sons. Jsec Drosera rotundifolia. RO'SA. 1. The name ot a genus »if plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Icosandria, Order, Polygynia. The rose. 2. A name sometimes given to the erysipelas, because it begins with a redness Uke that of a rose. Roia alba. The white rose. The flowers of this species possess similar but interior virtues to those of the damask. Rosa canina. Rosa Sylvestris : Cjnorrho- don ; Cynosbatos. The dog rose, or wild-brier, or hip-tree. Rota—germinibut ovatit peduncu- lisque glabris, caule petiolisque aculeatit, of Linnaeus. The fruit of this tree, caUed heps, or hips, has a sourish laste, and obtains a place in the London pharmacopoeia, in the form of conserve. It is stiilum employed but to give firm to more active renied.es, in pills, boluses, hnctuses, &c. Rosa clntifolia. The pharmacopoeial and systematic name of the damask rose. Rota da* matcena; Rosa pallida. The damask-rose. The pharmacopaeihs direct a syrup to be prepared from the petals ot this rose, Rosa—germinibut ovatis ptdunculisque hispidis, caule hispido aeuleato petiolis inermibus, of Linnaeus, which is found to be a pleasant and useful laxative for children, or to obviate costiveness in adults. Most of the roses, though much cultivated in our gardens, are far from being distinctly characterized. Those de- nominated varieties are extremely numerous, and often permanently unilorm ; and the specific dif- ferences, as hitherto pointed out, are in many re- spects so inadequate to the purpose ot satisfac- tory discrimination, that it becomes a difficult matter to distinguish which are species and v h.ch are varieties only. The danK.sk rose seems to be another species, widilj different irom the centi- folia, as appears from the description given ol it by Du Rui and Miller. The petals are din ctcd for medicinal use ; they are ol a pale red colour, and of a very fragrant odour, whicb, to most people, is extremely agree- able ; and therefore this and most of the other roses are much used as nosegays. We may re- mark, however, that, in some instances, they Live, under certain circumstances, produced alarm.ng simptoni*. ri he petals "impart their odorous matter to watery liquors, both by foiiis.on and distillation. S>ix pounds of fresh roses im- pregnate, by distillation, a gallon, or more, of water, strongly with their fine flavour. On dis- tilling large quantities, there separates from the watery fluid a small portion of a fragrant butyra- ceous oil, which liquefies by heat, and appears yellow, but concretes in the cola into a white mass. An hundred pounds of the floweis, ac- cording to the experiments ot Tachemus and Hoffman, afforded scarcely halt an ounce of oil." The smell of the oil exactly resembles that of roses, and is therefore much used as a perfume. It possesses very little pungency, and has been highly recommended for its cordial and analeptic qualities. Tlftse flowers also contain a bitterish substance, wliich is extracted by water along with the odorous principle, and remains entire in the decoction after the latter has been separated by distillation or evaporation. This fixed sapid matter ot the petals manifests ■x purgative qualitv ; and it is on this account ROS that the flowers are received in the Materia Me- dica. Rosa damascena. See Rosa centifolia. Rosa gallica. The pharmacopoeial and sys* tematic name of the red rose. Rosa rubra. The flowers of this species, Rosa—germmtbus ovatis pedunculisque hispidis, caule petioluque hispido aculeatis, of Linna;us, are \alued for their ad- stringent qualities, which are most considerable beiore the petals expand; and therefore iu this state they aie chosen lor medicinal use, and or- dered by tne pharmacopoeias in different prepara- tions, as those of a conserve, or coiilectiou, a honey, an infusion, and a »\iup. ihe mius.on ot roses is a grate! ul cooling suoatistrii.geiii, aud useful in haemoptysis, and other lueoiKirhugic complaints: its efficacy, however, depends cuieily on the sulphuric acid added. Rosa pallida. See Rot,a centifolia. Rosa rubra. See Rosa gallica. Rosa sylvestris. See Rosa canina. ROSACEUS. Rose-like. 1. Applied ta co- rolla which spread tike a rose, as those of the Dryas. Sk The term gutta rosacea is applied to little rosy-coloured spots upon the face and nose. ROSACiC ACID. There is deposited from the urine of persons labouring under gout and inflammatory levers, a sediment of a rose colour, occasionally in reddish crystals. This was first discovered to be a peculiar acid by M. Proust, and afterwards examined by M Vauquelin. This acid is soUd, of a Uvely cinnabar hue, without smeU, with a faint taste, but reddening litmus very sensibly. On burning coal it is decomposed into a pungent vapour, which has not the odour of burning animal matter. It is very soluble in water, and it even solteus in the air. It is soluble in alkohol. It forms soluble salts with potassa, soda, ammonia, barytes, strontites, and lime, tt gives a slight rose-coloured precipitate with ace- tate of lead. It also combines with lithic acid, forming so intimate a union, that tbe lithic acid in precipitating from urine, carries tlie other, though a deliquescent substance, down along with it. Ft is obtained pure by acting on the sediment of urine with alkohol. ROSALIA. A name in some authors for the measles, or a disease very like the measles. ROSE. See Rosa. Rose, damask. See Rosu centifolia. Rose, dog. See Rosa canina. Rosea radix. See Rhodiola. Rose, red. See Rosa gaiiica. ROSE-ROOT. See Rhodiola. Rose, white. See Rosa alba. Rosebay willow lierb. See Epilobium an- gustifolium. ROSEMARY. See Rosmarinus. ROSEOLA. (From rosa, a rose: so called from the colour of the rash.) A rose-coloured efflorescence, variously figured, without wheals, or papulae, and not contagious. It is mostly symp- tomatic, occurring in connexion with different febrile complaints, and requiring no deviation from the treatment respectively adapted to them. Its principal varieties are comprised under the seven following heads: 1. The Roseola astioa appears first en the fa-ce and neck, and in the course of a day or two is distributed over the Whole body* producing a considerable degree of itching and tingling. It is distributed iuloseparate small patches, of various figure, but larger and more irregular forms than in the measles. It is at first red, but soon as- sumes its deep roseate hue. The fauces are tinged 8S2 * R0S with the same colour, and a slight roughness o. the tonsils is felt in swallowing. The rash continues vivid through the second day ; after which it declines in brightness, slight specks only remaining ot a dark hue, on the fourth day; wliich with the constitutional affec- tion, wholly disappear on the filth. The efflorescence sometimes is partial, ex- tending only over portions of the lace, neck, and upper part ol the breast and shoulders, in patches, slightly elevated, and itching considerably, but in mis form the disease continues a weea or long- er, the rash appearing and disappearing several times; sometimes from taking we.riu liquors, and sometimes witnoui any apparent cause, ihe re- trocession is usually accompanied with disorder of the stomach, heanaehi, and iaibtntss; which are immediately relieved on its nt pearaiice. It commonly oecuis in ft males ol irritable consti- tution in summer. f-i-..i dieis and acidulated drinks, with occasional laxatives, palliate the symptoms. 2. lne Roseola aulumnalisoccurs in children, in the autumn, in distinct circular or oval patches, which gradually uicrease to the size of a shilling, and are ot a dark damask rose hue. It appears chiefly on the arms, sometimes desquamating, and its decline seems to be expedited by the internal use of sulphuric acid. 3. The Roseola annulata occurs on almost every part of the body, in rose-coloured rings, with central areas of the usual colour of the skin. When accompanied with fever its duration is short; at other times, without any constitutional disorder, it continues lor a considerable and un- certain period. 1 he rings are, at first, Irom a line to two lines in diameter, but gradually dilat- ing leave a larger central space, sometimes of the diameter ol hall an inch, the efflorescence is less vivid (and in the chronic form usually fades) in the morning, but increases in tlie evening or night, and produces a heat and itching in tbe skin. VV hen it becomes very taint m colour tor several days, the stomach is disordered, and' languor, giddiness, and pains of the limbs ensue, which are relieved by the us. ol the warm bath. Sea-bathing and the mineral acids afford much relief in the chronic ton-.s ot ihis rash. 4. Roseola injautilis is a Closer rash occurring in infants during tht irritation ot dentition, of dis ordered bowels, and in levers. It is very irregu- lar in its :\\ pearances, son.elinies contiuuing only for a nig ol, sometimes appearing and disappearing for several successive days wnii violent disorder, and sometimes arising in single patches m different parts of tbe body successively, it is alleviated l>y the remedies adapted to relieve bowel com- plaints, paint ul dentition, and other febrile affec- tions, with vvhich it is connected. 5. Roseola variolosa occurs previously to the eruption both ol the natural ani inoculated small- pox, but seldom belore the former. It appears in the inoculated disease, ou Ihe second day ol the eruptiye lever, which is £• neraily Ihe ninth or lenih alter inoculation, it is first seen ou the arms, breast, and lace; and on the following day- it exje'nds over the trunk, and extientities. Sometimes it is distributed in oblong irregular patches, sometimes diffused with numerous inter- stices, and some tunes it forms an almost continuous redness over the whole body, being, in some par's, slightly elevated. It continues about three days, on the second or lastot which, the variolous pus- tules may be distinguished, in thegener.il reeimss, by their rounded e.'yvation, hardness, and white ness of their tons. ROl RUB li. Roseola vacdna appears generaUy in a con- geries of dots and small patches, but sometimes diffuse Uke the former; takes place on the ninth or tenth day after vaccination, at the place of in- oculation, and at the same time with the areola that is formed round the vesicle, from whence it spreads irregularly over the whole surface of the body. It is usually attended with a very quick pulse, white tongue, and great restlessness. 7. Roteola miharit often accompanies an eruption of miliary vesicles after fever. It is sometimes connected with attacks of the gout, and of the febrile rheumatism, accompanied with considerable fever, extreme languor and depression of spirits, total loss of appetite, and torpid bowels, and terminates on the seventh day by desquama- tion. ROSEWOOD. See Rhodium lignum. ROSEWORT. See Rhodiola. ROSIN. See Retina. ROSMARINUS. (Quatirota,cpvpva,because it smells like myrrh.) I. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Dian- dria ; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the common rosemary. Rosmarinus hortensis. See Rosmarinus offidnalit. Rosmarinus officinalis. The systematic name of the common rosemary. Rosmarinus hortentit; Libanotis coronaria; Dendroliba- nus; Rosmarinus; of Linnaeus. The leaves and tops of this plant have a fragrant aromatic smell, and a bitterish pungent taste. Rosemary is reckoned one of the most powerful of those plants which stimulate and corroborate the ner- vous system ; it has therefore been recommended in various affections supposed to proceed from de- bility, or defective excitement of the brain and nerves, as in certain headaches, deafness, giddi- ness, and in seme hysterical and dyspeptic symp- toms. The officinal preparations of rosemary are an essential oU from their leaves, or from the herb in flower, a conserve of the flowers, and a spirit formerly caUed Hungary water, from the flowery tops. The tops are also used in the com- pound spirit of lavender, and soap Uniment. Rosmarinus sylvestris. See Ledum pa- lustre. ROSTELLUM. A Uttle beak. AppUed to that part of the seed which is pointed, penetrates tbe earth, and becomes the root. See Corculum. ROSTRATUS. Rostrate. AppUed to the pod of the Sinapis alba. ROSTRUM. (From rodo, to gnaw; because birds use it to tear their food with.) 1. A beak. 2. The piece of flesh which hangs between the division of the hare-lip is caUed rostrum lepori- num. 3. AppUed in botany to some elongation of a seed-vessel, originating from the permanent style; as in Geranium: though it is also used for naked seeds: as Scandix. ROTACE-iE. (From rota, a wheel.) The name of nn order of plants in Linnaeus's Frag- ments of a Natural Method, consisting of those which have one flat wheel-shaped petal. ROTACISMUS. The harsh or asperated vi- bration of the letter r or po, which is very com- mon in the northern parts of England. ROTANG. See Calamus rotang. ROTA'TOR. (From roto, to turn.) A mus- cle the office of which is to wheel about the thi eh. ROTATUS. Rotate, or wheel-Uke ; salver- «haped. Applied to the corolls, nectary, &c. • KM aa the nectary of the Cystampelas, the corolla. of the Borago officinalis. RO'TULA. (Diminutive of rota, a wheel: so called from its shape.) See Patella. ROTUNDUS. See Round. ROUGE. See Carthamus tinctorius. ROUND. Rotundas. Many parts of animals and vegetables receive this trivial name from their shape; as round ligaments, round foramen, &o. and leaves, stems, seeds, &c.; as the seeds of the Pitum, Brattica, &c. Round-leaved sorrel. See Rumex scutatus. Round ligaments. Ligamenta rotunda. A bundle of vessels and fibres contained in a du- plicature of the peritonaeum, that proceed from the sides of the uterus, through the abdominal rings, and disappear in the pudenda. RUBE'DO. (From ruber, red.) A diffused, but not spotted, redness in any part of the skin« such as that which arises from blushing. RUBEFACIENT. (Rubefacient; from ru- befacio, to make red.) That substance which, when appUed a certain time to the skin, induces a redness without blistering. RUBELITE. Red tourmalin. RUBE'OLA. (From ru6er, red; or from rubeo, to become red.) Morbili. The measles. A genus of disease in the Class Pyredte, and Order Exanthemata, of Cullen ; known by syno- cha, hoarseness, dry cough, sneezing, drowsi- ness ; about the fourth day, eruption of small red points, discernible by the touch, which, after three days, end in mealy desquamation. The blood, after venisection, exhibits an inflammatory crust. In addition to the symptoms already related, it is remarkable, that the eyes and eyelids always show tbe presence of this disease, being some- what inflamed and suffused with tears. The syno- cha continues during the whole progress of the disease. In systems of nosology, several varie- ties of measles are mentioned, but they may all be comprehended under two heads ; the one at- tended with more or less ofthe symptoms of gene- ral inflammation; the other accompanied by a putrid diathesis. The measles may prevail at all seasons of the year as an epidemic, but the middle of winter is the time they are usually most prevalent; and they attack persons of all ages, but children are most liable to them. They prove most unfavour- able to such as are of a plethoric or scrofulous habit. Like the smaU-pox, they never affect per- sons but once in their life ; their contagion ap- pears to be of a specific nature. The eruption is usually preceded by a general uneasiness, chilli- ness, and shivering, pain in the head, in grown persons ; but in children, a heaviness and sore- ness in the throat; sickness and vomiting, with other affections, such as happen in most fevers; but the chief characteristic symptoms are, a hea- viness about the eyes, with swelling, inflamma- tion, and a defluxion of sharp tears, and great acuteness of sensation, so that they cannot bear the light without pain, together with a discharge of serous humour from the nostrils, which pro- duces sneezing. The heat, and other febrile symp- toms, increase very rapidly ; to which succeeds a frequent and dry cough, a stuffing, great oppres- sion, and oftentimes retching to vomit, with vio- lent pains in the loins, aud sometimes a loose- ness ; at other times there is great sweating, the tongue foul and white, the thirst very great, and, in general, the fever runs much higher than in the iniider sort of the regular vmall-pox. The erup- tions Appear about the fourth or fifth day, and somMmcs about the end of the third. On the thirrTor fourth dscv from their first appearance,the HUB RUB redness diminishes, the spots, or very srnaU papu- lae, dry up, the cuticle peels off, and is replaced by a new one. The symptoms do not go off on the eruption, as in the smaU-pox .except the vo- miting ; the cough and headache continue, with the weakness and defluxion on the eyes, and a considerable degree of fever. On the ninth or eleventh day, no trace of redness is to be found, but the skin assumes its wonted appearance ; yet, without there have been some considerable eva- cuations either by the skin, or by vomiting, the patient will hardly recover strength, but the cough wiU continue, the fever will return with new violence, and bring on great distress and dan- ger. _ In the more alarming cases, spasms of the Umbs, subsultus,' tendinum, delirium, or what more frequently happens, coma, supervene. This last symptom so frequently attends the erap- tive fever of measles, that by some practitioners it is regarded as one of its diagnostics. In measles, as in other febrile diseases, the symp- toms generally suffer some remission towards the morning, returning however in the evening with increased severity. The measles, even when violent, are not usual- ly attended with a putrid tendency ; but it some- times happens, that such a disposition prevails both in the course of the disease and at its termi- nation. In such cases, petechiae are to be ob- served interspersed among the eruptions, and these last become livid, or assume almost a blaek co- lour. Haemorrhages break out from different parts of the body, the pulse becomes frequent, feeble, and perhaps irregular, universal debility ensues, and the patient is destroyed. In those cases where there is much fever, with great difficulty of breathing, and other symptoms of pneumonic inflammation, or where there is great debility, with a tendency to putrescency, there will always be considerable danger ; but the consequences attendant on the measles are in general more to be dreaded than the immediate disease; for although a person may get through it, and appear for a time to be recovered, still hectic symptoms and pulmonary consumption shaU afterward arise, and destroy him, or an ophthalmia shall ensue. Measles, as well as smaU-pox, not unfrequentiy call into action a disposition to scrophula, where such happens to exist in the habit. Another bad consequence of the measles is, that the bowels are often left by them in a very weak state ; a chronic diarrhoea remaining, which has some- times proved fatal. Dropsy has also been known as a consequence of measles. The morbid appearances to be observed on dissections of those who die of measles are pretty much confined to the lungs and intestines: the former of which always show strong marks of in- flammation, and sometimes a tendency to sphace- lus. Where the patient dies under the eruption,. the trachea and larger branches of the bronchia, as in the smaU-pox, are often covered with it, which may account for the increase of the cough, after the appearance of the eruption. In the treatment of this disorder, as it usually ap- pears, the object is to moderate the accompany- ing svnocha fever, and attend to the state of cer- tain organs, particularly the lungs and the bowels. When there are no urgent local symptoms, it will be commonly sufficient to pursue the general an- tiphlogistic plan, (avoiding, however, too free or sudden exposure to cold,) keeping the bowels open, and encouraging diaphoresis by mild a;.ti- :nonials, &c. Sometime-, however, in pldfrt ri-.- habits, espeeiaUy where the lungs' are weak, it will be proper to begin by a moderate abstraction of blood. Where the eruption has been impru- dently checked, much distress usually foUows, and it will be advisable to endeavour to bring it out again by the warm bath, with other means of increasing the action of the cutaneous vessels. Should an inflammatory determination to the lungs occur, more active evacuations most be practised, as explained under the head of Pneu- monia. The cough may be palliated by opium., joined with expectorants, demulcents, &c.: and an occasional emetic will be proper, when there is much wheezing. Where diarrhoea takes place, it is better not to attempt to suppress it at once ; but if troublesome, moderate it by small doses of opium, assisted perhaps by astringents. At the decline of the disorder, much attention is often required to prevent phthisis pulmonalis super- vening. Should the disorder ever put on a putrid character, the general plan pointed out under Typhut must be pursued. RU'BIA. (From ruocr, red: so called from its red roots.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Tetrandria ; Or- der, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the madder plant, Rubia tindorum. Rubia tinctorum. The systematic name of the madder plant. Erythrodanum; Rubia ma- jor; Radix rubra. Dyer's madder. Rubia— foliis annuls, caule aculeato, of Linnaeus. The roots of this plant have a bitterish, somewhat austere taste, and a slight smell, not of the agreea- ble kind. It was formerly considered as a deob- struent, detergent, and diuretic, but it is now very seldom used. RUBI'GO. (Rubigo, inis. f.; d coloreruhro, from its red colour.) Rust. Rubigo cupri. See Verdigris. Rubigo ferri. See Ferri subcarbonas: Rubi'nus. (From ruber, red: so named from its colour.) A carbuncle. See Anthrax. Rubinus verus. See Anthrax. RUBULI. (From rubus, a blackberry, or raspberry.) The specific name in Good's No- sology of the yaws. RU'BUS. (From ruber, red: so called from its red fruit.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Icosandria; Order, Pologynia. Rubus arcticus. The systematic name of the shrubby strawberry. Rubus—foliis alterna- tis, caule inermi unifloro. The berries, Bacca norlandica, are recommended by Linnaeus as pos- sessing antiseptic, refrigerant, and antiscorbutic qualities. Rubus cesius. The systematic name of the dewberry plant, the fruit of which resembles the blackberry in appearance and qualities. Rubus cham.«morus. Ths systematic name of the cloudberry-tree. Chamamorus; Cha- marubus foliis ribis Anglica; Rubus palustris humilis; Vaccinium I^ancastrense; Rubus al- pinus humilis Anglicus. Cloud-berries, and knot-berries. The ripe fruit of this plant, Rubus —foliis simplicibus (abatis, caule interno uni- floro, of Linnaeus, is prepared into a jam; and is recommended to allay thirst, &c. in fevers, phthisical diseases, haemoptysis, &c. As an anti- scorbutic, it is said to excel th'e scurvy-grass and other vegetables of that tribe in common use. Rubus fruticosus. The systematic name of the common bramble, which aflords blackberries-. The berries are eaten in abundance by children, and arc wholesome and gently aperient. T-"> RUM RUS targe quantities, however, when the stomach is weak, produce vomiting and great distention of the belly, from flatus. See Fruits, summer. Rubus id^kus. The systematic name of the raspberry. Batinon; Moron. Rubut—foliit qutnato-pinnatit tematitque, caule aculeata, pttiolii canaliculatit, ot Linnaeus. The fruit of this plant has a pleasant sweet taste, accompanied with a peculiar grateful flavour, on account of which it is chiefly valued. Its virtues consist in allaying heat and thirst, and promoting the natu- ral excretions. A grateful syrup prepared from the juice ia directed for officinal use. RUBY. See Sapphire. RU'CTUS. An eructation. RUE. See Ruta graveolens. Rue, goate. See Galega. Rufi pilulje. Rufus's pills. A compound very similar to the aloetic pills with myrrh. See Pilula aloet cum myrrha. RUFUS, tbe Ephesian, a physician and anato- mist of considerable eminence in the reign of Tra- jan, esteemed by Galen, one of the most able of his predecessors. He traced the origin of the nerves in the brain by dissecting brutes, and con- sidered some of them as contnbuting to motion, others to sensation. He even observed the cap- sule of the crystaUine lens in the eye. He con- sidered the heart as the seat of life, and of the animal heat, and as the origin of the pulse, which he ascribed to the tpirit of its left ventricle and of the arteries. There is a very respectable treatise by him on the Diseases of the Urinary Organs, and the Method of curing them. He also wrote a good work on Purgative Medicines ; and a little treatise on the Names given by the Greeks to the different Parts of the Body. Galen affirms also, that Rufus was the author of an Essay on the Materia Medica, in verse; and Suidas mentions others on the Atra bilis, &c, but these are all lost. RUGOSUS. Rugged. A term applied to a leaf, when tbe veins are tighter than the surface between them, causing the latter to swell into lit- tle inequalities, as the various species of sage. The seeds of the Lithospermum arvense are ru- gose. RUM. A spirituous liquor, weU known, the produce of the sugar-cane. RU'MEX. (Rumex, ids. m.; a sort of pike, spear, or halberd, which the shape of the leaves in various species much resembles.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Hexandria; Order, Trigynia. The dock. Rumex acetosa. The systematic name of the common sorrel. Acetosa ; Acetosa vulgarit; Acetosa protends ; Acetota arventit. Sorrel; sour-dock. Rumex—foliit, oblongit sagittatis, floribus diadit, of Linnaeus. The leaves of this plant are sour, but not the root, which is bitter. ft grows in the meadows and common fields. Rumex acutus. The systematic name ofthe sharp-pointed wild-dock. Oxylapathum; Lapa- thum. Rumex—floribut hermaphroditit; val- rulit dentatis graniferis, foliis cordato oblongis acuminatit, of Linnaeus. The decoction of the root of this plant is used in Germany to cure the itch: and it appears to have been used in the time ofDioscorides, in the cure of leprous and impetigi- nous affections, both alone and boUed in vinegar. Rumex alpinus. The systematic name of the plant which affords the monks' rhubarb. Sec Rumex patientia. Rumex ao.uaticus. See Rumex hydrolapa- thum. Rumex crispus. The systematic name ofthe crisp-leaved dock. Rumex iitdrolapathum. The systematic name of the water-dock. Hodrolapathum; Ru- mex aquuticus; Herba Britannica; Lapathum aquaticum. The water-dock. Rumex—floribus hermaphroditit, valvulit integrit graniferit, foliit lanceolatis, of Linnaeus. The leaves of this plant manifest considerable acidity, and are said to possess a laxative quality. The root is strongly adstringent, and has been much employed, both externally and internally, for the cure of some dis- eases of the skin, as scurvy, lepra, lichen, &c. The root powdered is said to be au excellent dentrifice. Rumex patientia. The systematic name of the garden patience. Rhabarbarum monacho- rum ; Hippolapathum; Patientia. Monks' rhu- barb. The root of this plant, and that of the Rumex alpinus, according to Professor Murray, is supposed to possess the virtues of rhubarb, but in an inferior degree. It is obviously more ad- stringent than rhubarb, but comes very far short of its purgative virtue. Rumex sanguineus. The systematic name ofthe bloody dock, the root of which has an au- stere and adstringent taste, and is sometimes given by tbe vulgar in the cure of dysentery. Rumex scutatus. The systematic name of the French sorrel, sometimes called acetosa ro- tundifolia, in the shops. Acetosa Romana; Acetosa rotundtfolia hortensis. Roman, or gar- den-sorrel. Rumex—foliis cordato-hastatis, ra- mis divergentibus, floribus hermaphroditit, of Linnaeus. It is common in our gardens, and in many places is known by the culinary name of Green-sauce. Its virtues are similar to those of common sorrel. See Rumex acetosa. RUNCINATUS. Runcinate : applied to leaves which are shaped like the tooth of a lion; that is cut into several transverse, acute segments, point- ing backwards : as in Leontodon taraxacum, call- ed from the shape of its leaf, dens de lion, and hence Dandelion. Rupellensis sal. (From Rupella, Rochelle, where it was first made.) Rochelle salt. See Soda tartarizata. RUPTU'RA. See Hernia. RUPTURE. See Hernia. RUPTURE-WORT. See Herniaria. RU'SCUS. (A rusvo colore, from the carna- tion colour of its berries.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diada ; Order, Syngeneda. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the butcher's broom. Ruscus aculeatus. Ruscus aculeatus. The systematic name of butchers' broom, or knee holly. Brusxus ; Oxy- myrrhine*, Oxymyrsine; Myrtacantha; Mya- cantha; Scopa regia. Wild myrtle. A small evergreen shrub, the Ruscus foliis supra florife- ris nudis, of Linnaeus. It grows in woods and thickets in this country. The root, whir h is some- what thick, knotty, and furnished with long fibres, externally brown, internally white, and of a bitter- ish taste, has been recommended as an aperient and diuretic in dropsies, urinary obstructions and nephritic cases. It is seldom used in this country. See Ruscus. Ruscus hypoglossum. The systematic name of the uvularia. This plant was formerly used against relaxation of the uvula, but is now laid aside for more adstringent remedies. RUSH. See Ai~undo. Rush-nut. See Cyperus etculentut. Ruth, sweet. See Andropogon tchanantkut, and Acorus calamy. RUSSELL, Alexander, was a native of Edinburgh, where he received his medical educa- SAB , SAB tion, and afterwards became physician to the Eng- lish factory at Aleppo, where he resided several years. He soon ohtained a proud pre-eminence above all the practitioners there, and was consult- ed by persons of every description. The pacha particularly distinguished him by his friendship, and sought his advice on every act of importance. In 1755, he published his " Natural History of Aleppo," a valuable and interesting work, con- taining especially some important observations re- lative to the Plague. On his return to England four years after, he settled in London, and was elected physician to St. Thomas's hospital, which office he retained till his death in 1770. He pre- sented several valuable communications to the Royal Society, as also to the Medical Society. RUSSELL, Patrick, was brother of the pre- ceding, and his successor a.s physician to the English factory at Aleppo. He published a copi- ous treatise on the Plague, having had ample op- portunities of treating that disease during 1760, and the two foUowing years. In this work he has fuUy discussed the important subjects of Quaran- tine, Lazarettoes, and the Police to be adopted in times of Pestilence. He Ukewise gave to the pub- lic a new edition of his brother's work on a very enlarged scale. Russia ashes. The impure potassa, as import- ed from Russia. Rust. A carbonate of iron. RU'TA. (From pvu, to preserve, because it preserves health.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decandria; Order^ Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the common rite. See Ruta graveolens. Ruta graveolens. The systematic name of the common rue. Ruta—foliis decompotitis, floribus lateralibus quadrifidis, of Linnaeus. Rue has a strong ungrateful smell, and a bitter, hot, penetrating taste; the leaves are so acrid, that by much handling they have been known to irritate and inflame the skin ; and the plant, in its natural or uncultivated state, is said to possess these sensible qualities still more powerfully. .The imaginary quality of the rue, in resisting and ex- pelling contagion, is now disregarded. It is doubt- less a powerful stimulant, and is considered, like other medicines of the foetid kind, as possessing attenuating, deobstruent, and antispasmodic pow- ers. In the former London Pharmacopoeia it was directed in the form of an extract; and was also an ingredient in the pulvis e myrrha comp., but these are now omitted. The dose ofthe leaves is from fifteen grains to two scruples. Ruta muraria. See Asplenium ruta muraria. RUTIDO'SIS. A corrugation and subsiding of the cornea of the eye. The species are, 1. Rutidosit, from a wound or puncture pene- trating the cornea. 2. Rutidosit, from a fistula penetrating the cornea. 3. Rutidosis, from a deficiency of the aqueous humour, which happens from old age, fevers, great and continued evacuations, and in extreme dry- ness of the air. 4. Rutidosis, of dead persons, when the aque- ous humour exhales through the cornea, and no fresh humour is secreted ; so that the cornea be- comes obscure and coUapsed; this is a most cer- tain sign of death. RUTILE. An ore of titanium. Rutula. (From ruta, rue.) A small species of rue. RUYSCH, Frederick,was born at the Hague, in 1638. After going through the preliminary studies with great zeal, he graduated at Leyden in 1664, and then settled in his native city. In the following year he pubUshed his treatise on the lacteal and lymphatic vessels ; in consequence of which he was invited to the chair of anatomy at Amsterdam. From that period his attention was chiefly devoted to anatomical researches, both human and comparative; and he contributed ma- terially to the improvement of the art of inject- ing, for the purpose of demonstrating minute structure, and preserving the natural appearance of parts. His museum became ultimately the most magnificent that any private individual had eve* accumulated; and being at length purchased by the czar Peter for thirty thousand florins, he im- mediately set about a new collection. He appears not to have paid sufficient attention to inform him- self of the writings of others, whence he some- times arrogated to himself what was really before known, which led him into several controversies; but his indefatigable researches in anatomy were certainly rewarded with many discoveries. In 1C85, he was appointed professor of physic, and received subsequently several marks ot distinc- tion, as well in his own as from foreign countries. In 1728, he had the misfortune to break his thigh by a fall in his chamber, and the remainder of his life, for about three years, was chiefly occupied in proceeding with his new museum, in which his youngest daughter assisted him. Besides his controversial tracts, he published several other works, chiefly anatomical; " Observationum Anat. Chirurg. Centuria:" twelve essays under the title of "Thesaurus Anatomichus," at differ- ent periods, the last containing Remarks on the Anatomy of Vegetables; a " Thesaurus Anima- lium," with plates; three decades of " Adversa- ria Anat. Chirurg. Medica," &c. Rutschiana tunica. The internal surface of the choroid membrane ofthe human eye, which this celebrated anatomist imagined, was a distinct lamina from the external surface. RtaS. See Rhaas. RYE. See Secale cereale. S. s. _S A. The contraction of secundum artem. 8, or ss. Immediately following any quantity, imports semis, or half. Sabadilla. See Cevadilla. *to SABPNA. flamed from the Sabihes, whose *.;psy, sacer ignis, erysi- pelas, &c. A bone is called the os sacrum, be- cause it was once offered in sacrifices. Sacer also means belonging to the os sacrum. SACK. A wine used by our ancestors, which some have taken to be Rhenish, and others Canary wine. Probably it was what is called dry moun- tain, or some. Spanish wine of that sort. Howell, in his French and English Dictionary, 1650, trans- lates sack by (he words vin d'Esnaerre. Vin. «ec. Sai'. SAC bACLACTATE. A combination of saccho-, lactic acid with a salifiable basis. SAC LACTIC ACID. See Mucic acid. Sacra herba. Common n-rvain. Sacra tinctura. Made of aloes, caneUa, alba, and mountain wine. - SACRAL. Of or belonging to the sacrum; as sacral arteries, veins, nerves, &c. SA'CRO. Words compounded of this belong to the sacrum. Sacro-coccygjeus. A muscle arising from the sacrum, and inserted into the os coccygis. Sacro-lumbalis. Sacro-lumbarit, of au- thors. Lumbo-costo trachelien, of Dumas. A long muscle, thicker and broader below than above, aud extending from the os sacrum to the lower part of the neck, under the serrati postici rhomboideus, trapezius, and latissimus dorsi. It arises in common with the longissimus dorsi, ten- dinous without, and fleshy within, from the pos- terior part of the os sacrum ; from the posterior edge ofthe spine of the ilium ; from all the spi- nous processes ; and from near the roots of the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae. At the bottom of the back it separates from the lon- gissimus dorsi, with which'it had before formed, as it were, only one muscle, and ascending ob- Uquely outwards, gradually diminishes in thick- ness, and terminates above in a very narrow point. From the place where it quits the longis- simus dorsi, to that of its termination, we find it fleshy at its posterior, and tendinous at its ante- rior edge. This tendinous side sends off as many ■loug and thin tendons as there are ribs. The lowermost of these tendons arc broader, thicker, and shorter than those above ; they are inserted into the inferior edge of each rib, where it begins to be curved forwards towards the sternum, ex- cepting only the uppermost and last tendon, which ends in the posterior and inferior part of the transverse process of the last vertebra of the neck. From the upper part of the five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, or eleven lower ribs, (for the number, though most commonly seven or eight, varies in different subjects,) arise as many thin bundles of fleshy fibres, whicb, after a very short progress, terminate in the inner side of this muscle, and have been mimed by Stent), musculi ad tacro lumbalem accetsorii. Besides these, we find the muscle sending off a fleshy slip from its upper part, which is inserted into the posterior and in- ferior part of the transverse processes of the five inferior vertebra; ofthe neck, by as many distinct tendons. This is generally described as a distinct muscle. Dieiuerbroeck, and Douglas, and Albi- nus after him, call it cervicalis descendens. Win- slow names it transversalis collateralis colli. Morgagni considers it as an appendage to the »a- cro lumbalis. The uses of this muscle are to as- sist in erecting the trunk of the body, in turning it upon its axis or to one side, and in drawing the ribs down i ards. By means of its tipper slip, it serves to turn the neck obliquely backwards, or to one side. Sacro-sciatic ligaments. The ligaments whicli connect the ossa innominata with the os sacrum. SACRUM. (So called from sacer, sacred; because it was formerly offered in sacrifices.) Os tacruni; Ot badlare. The os sacrum derives its name from its being offered in sacrifice by the ancients, or perhaps from its supporting the or- gans of generation, whicli they considered as sa- cred. In young subjects it is composed of five or six pieces, united by cartilage ; but in more ad- vanced age it becomes one bone, in which, how- cjex. we mav still easily distinguish the marks of theformer separation. Its shape has been sometime* compared to an irregular triangle ; and sometimes, and perhaps more properly, to a pyramid, flat- tened before and behind, with its basis placed to- wards the lumbar vertebrae, and its point termi- nating in the coccyx. We find it convex behind, and slightly concave before, with its inferior por- tion bent a little forwards. Its anterior surface is smooth, and affords four, and sometimes five transverse lines, of a colour different from the rest of the bone. These are the remains of the inter- mediate cartilages by which its several pieces were united in infancy. Its posterior convex sur- face has several prominences, the most remarka- ble of whicli 'are its spinous processes ; these are usually three in number, and gradually become- shorter, so that the third is not so long as the se- cond, nor the second as the first. This arrange- ment enables us to sit with ease. Its transverse processes are formed into one oblong process, which becomes gradually smaller as it descends. At the superior part of the bone we observe two oblique processes, of a cylindrical shape, and somewhat concave, which are articulated with the last of the lumbar vertebrae. At the base of caeh of these oblique processes is anotcb, which, with such another in the vertebra above it, forms a passage for the twenty-fourth spinal nerve. Ia viewing this bone, either before or behind, we ob- serve four, and sometimes five holes on each side, situate at each extremity of the transverse lines. which mark the divisions of the bone. Of these holes, the anterior ones, and of these again, the uppermost, are the largest, and afford a passage to the nerves. The posterior holes are smaller, co- vered with membranes, and destined for the same purpose as the former. Sometimes at the bot- tom of the bone there is only a notch, and some- times there is a hole common to it and the os coccygis. The cavity between the body of this bone and its processes, for the lodgment of the spinal marrow, is triangular, and becomes smaller as it descends, till at length it terminates obliquely on each side at the lower part of the bone. Be- low the third division of the bone, however, the cavity is no longer completely bony, as in the rest of the spine, but is defended posteriorly only by a very strong membrane ; hence a wound in this part may bo attended with the most danger- ous consequences. This bone is articulated above with the last lumbar vertebra, laterally, it is firmly uuited, by a broad irregular surface, to the ossa innominata, or hip-bones : and below it is joined to the os coccygis. In women the os sa- crum is usuaUy shorter, broader, and more curved than in men, by which means the cavity of the pelvis is more enlarged. SAFFLOWER. See Carthamus. SAFFRON. See Crocus. Saflron,i)astard. See Carthamus. Saffron, meadow. See Colchicum. Saffron of steel. A red oxide of iron. SAGAPE'NUM. (The name is derived from some eastern dialect.) Serapmum. It is con- jectured that this concrete gummi-resinous juico is the production of an oriental umbeUiferous plant. Sagapenum is brought fromfcPersia and Alexandria in large masses, externally yellowish, internally paler, and of an horny clearness. Its! taste is hot and biting, te snieU of the alliaceous and foetid kind, and its virtues are similar to those which have been ascribed to assafoetida, but weak- er, and consequently it is less powerful in its ef- fects. SAGE. See Salvia. Sage of Bethlehem. See Pulmonaria. SAL fcAL Sage of Jerusalem. See Pulmonaria offici- ttage of virtue. See Salvia hortensis minor. SAGENITE. Acicular rutile. SAGITTAL. (Sagittalis; frcm sagitta, an arrow.) Shaped like an arrow. Sagittal suture. Satura sagittalis, vir- gata, obelaa, rhabdmdes. The suture which unites the two parietal bones. It has been named sagittal, from its lying between the coronal and lambdoidal sutures, as an arrow betwixt the string and the bow. SAGITTA'RIA. (So called from sagiiia, an arrow, in allusion to the shape of the leaves in the original species and some others.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Menaria ; Order, Polyandria. Sagittaria alexipharmaca. Malacca; Canna indica ; Arundo indica. The systematic name ofthe plant cultivated with great care in the West Indies, for its root, whicb is supposed to be a remedy for the wounds if poisonous arrows. The root of this species, called radix malacca, is sometimes used medicinally. Sagittaria sagittifolia. The systematic name of the common arrow-head, the roots of which are esculent but not very nutritious. SAGITTATUS. (From sagittas, an arrow.) Arrow-shaped : applied to leaves, &c. which are triangular and hollowed out very much at the base ; as the leaves of the Sagittaria, sagittifolia. SAGO. See Cycas circinalis. Sagu. See Cycas rirrinalis. SAHLITE. Malacholite. A sub-species of oblique-edged augite, of a greenish colour, and found in Unst in Shetland, in Tiree, and Glentilt. Saint Anthony's fire. See Erisepelas. Saint Ignatius's bean. See Ignatia amara. Saint James's wort. See Senedo Jacobaa. Saint John's wort. See Hypericum. Saint Vitus's dance. See Chorea sancti Viti. SAL. (Sal. salis. m. and, rarely, neut. from the Greek oXs, salt.) Salt. See Saline. Sal absinthii. See Potassa subcarbonas. Sal acetosell-E. See Oxalis acetocella. Sal alembroth. A compound muriate of mer- cury and ammonia. Sal alkalinus fixus. See Alkali fixum. Sal alkaiinus volatilis. See Ammonia. Sal ammoniac. (So called because it was found in Egypt, near the temple of Jupiter Am- nion.) Murias ammonia. A satine concrete formed by the combination of the muriatic acid with ammonia. This salt is obtained from seve- ral sources. 1. It is found in places adjacent to volcanoes. It appears in the form of an efflorescence, or groups of needles, separate or compacted to- gether, generally of a yeUow or red colour, and mixed with arsenic and orpiment; but no use is made of that which is procured in this way. This native sal ammoniac is distinguished by mineralo- gists, into, 1. Volcanic, which occurs in efflo- rescences, imitative shapes, and crystaltised in the vicinity of burning beds of coal, both in Scot- land and England, at Solfaterra, Vesuvius, ./'Etna, &c. 2. Chonchoidal, which occurs in angular pieces, it is said, along with sulphur, in beds of indurated clay, or clay-slate, in the country of Bu- cbaria. 2. In Egypt it is made in great quantities from the soot of camel's dung, which is burnt at Cairo instead of wood. This soot is put into large round bottles, a foot and a half in diameter, and termi- nating in a neck two inches long. The bottles are fiUed up with this matter to within four inches of the neck. Each bottle holds about forty povmds 8« of soot, and affords nearly six pounds of sail. The vessels are put into a furnace in the form of an oven, so that only the necks appear above. A fire of camel's dung is kindled beneath it, and continued for three days and three nights. On the second and the third day the salt is sublimated. The bottles are then broken, and the salt is taken out in cakes. These cakes, which are sent just as they have been taken out of the bottles in Egypt, are convex, and unequal on the one side; on the middle of this side they exhibit each a tubercle corresponding to the neck of the bottle in which it was prepared. The lower side is concave, and both are sooty. 3. In this country sal ammoniac is likewise pre- pared in great quantities. The volatile alkali is obtained from soot, bones, and other substances known to contain it. To this the sulphuric acid is added, and the sulphate of ammonia so formed is decomposed by muriate of soda, or common salt, through a double affinity. The liquor ob- tained in consequence of this decomposition con- tains sulphate of soda and muriate of ammonia. The first is crystallised, and the second sublimated so as to form cakes, which arc then exposed to sale. Ammoniacal muriate has a poignant, acrid, and urinous taste. Its crystals are in the form of long hexahedral pyramids; a number of them are some- times united together in an acute angular direc- tion, so as to exhibit the form of feathers. Rome de Lille thinks the crystals of ammoniacal muriate to be octahedrons bundled together. This salt is sometimes, but not frequently, found in cubic crystals in the middle of the concave hollow part of the sublimated cakes. It possesses one singular physical property, a kind of ductiUty or elasticity, which causes it to yield under the hammer, or even the fingers, and makes it difficult to reduce to a powder. Muriate of ammonia is totally vola- tile, but a very strong fire is requisite to sublime it. It is liable to no alteration from air: it may be kept for a long time without suffering any change; • dissolves very readily in water. Six parts of cold water are sufficient to dissolve one of the salt. A considerable cold is produced as the solution takes place, and this cold is still keener when the salt is mixed with ice. This artificial cold is happily applied to produce several phe- nomena, such as the congelation of water on cer- tain occasions, the crystallisation of certain salts, the fixation and preservation of certain liquids, naturally very subject to evaporation, &c. Sal ammoniacum acetosum. See Ammonia acetatis liquor. Sal ammoniacum liquidum. See Ammonia acetatis liquor. Sal ammoniacum martiale. See Ferrum ammoniatum. Sal ammoniacum secretum glauberi. See Sulphas ammonia. Sal ammoniacum vegetabile. See Am- monia actetatit liquor. Sal ammoniacus fixus. The muriate of Ume was formerly so termed. Sal ammoniacus nitrosus. See Nitras ammonia. Sal antimonii. Tartar emetic. Sal argenti. See Argenti nitras. Sal catharticus amarus. See Magnesia sulphas. Sal catharticus anglicanus. See Mag- nesia sulphas. Sal catharticus glauberi. See Soda sulphas. Sal communis. See Soda murias. Sal cornu cervi volatile. See Ammonia: subcarbonas. SAL SAL Sal culinaris. See Soda murias. Sal of. duobus. Sec Potatta sulphas. Sal diureticus. Si-r Potatta acetas. Sal DlOESTivtis sylvii. See Murias pot- assa. Sal efsomensis. See Magnesia sulphas. Sal febrifugus sylvii. See Murias pot- atta. Sal fontium. See Soda murias. Sal fossils. See Soda murias. Sal gemm.f.. See Soda murias. Sal glauberi!. See Soda sulphas. Sal herbarum. See Potassa subcarbonas. Sal marinus. See Soda murias. Sal martis. See Ferri sulphas. Ski. martis muriaticum scblimatum. See Ferrum ammoniatum. Sal microcosmicus. The compounl satine matter obtained by inspissating human urine. Sal mirabilis glauberi. See Soda sul- phat. Sal muriaticus. See Soda murias. Sal plantarum. See Potassa subcarbonas. Sal I'olychrestus. See Potassa sulphas. Sal folychrestus glaseri. See Potassa sulphas. Sal polycurestus seignetti. See Soda tartarizata. Sal prunellje. Nitrate of potassa cast into flat cakes or round balls. Sal rupellensis. See Soda tartarizata. Sal saturni. See Plumbi acetas. Sal sedativus. See Boiacic acid. Sal seidlicensis. See Magnesia sulphas. Sal seignetti. See Soda tartarizata. Sal succini. See Succinic acid. Sal tartari. See Tartaric add. Sal thermarum carolinarum. SceJWog-- nesia sulphas. Sal vegetabilis. See Potassa tartras. Sal volatile. See Spiritus ammonia aro- maticus, and Ammonia subcarbonas. Sal volatilis salis ammoniaci. • See Am- monia subcarbonas. SALEP. Salap. See Orchis morio. SALICARIA. (From salix, a willow: from the resemblance of its leave? to those of the wil- low. ) See Li/thrum salicaria. SALIC0 11NIA. The name of a genus of plants iu the Linnaean system. Class, Monan- dria ; Ord»-r, Monogynia. Salicornia europaa. The systematic name of the jointed-glass wort, which is gathered by the country people and sold for samphire. It forms a good pickle with vinegar, and is little inferior to the samphire. SALIFIABLE. Having the property of form- ing a salt. The alkalies and those earths and metallic oxides which have the power of neutra- lising aciditv, entirely or in part, and producing salts, arc called salifiable bases. SALINE. (Salinus; from sal, salt.) Of a salt nature. The number of saline substances is very considerable; and they possess peculiar characters by which they are distinguished from other substances. These characters are founded on certain properties, which, it must be confessed, are not accurately distinctive of their true nature. All such substances, however, as possess several of the four following properties are considered as satine : 1. A strong tendency to combination, or a \ ery strong affinity of composition ; 2. A greater ir lesser degree el sapidity; 3. A greater or lesser decree of solubility iu water; 4. Perfect iiicniu- ut.tibilii v. SALINI.'S. Sec Sulim: ■*ali.\ ■ <~a. S.-e Valeriana celtica. fc>ALI VA. (SocaUed, a salino sapore, ttuiu its salt taste, or from otaXos, spittle.) The fluid which is secreted by the salivary glands into the cavity of the mouth. The secretory organ is composed of three pair of salivary glands. 1. The parotid glands, which evacuate their sativa by- means of the Stenonian duct behind the middle dens molaris of the upper jaw. 2. The submax- illary glands, which pour out their saliva through the Warthonian ducts on each side of the frenu- lum of the tongue by a narrow osculum. 3. The sublingual glandt, situated between the internal surface of the maxitia and the tongue, which pour out their saliva through numerous Rivinian ducts at the apex ofthe tongue. The saliva in the cavity of the mouth has mix- ed with it, 1. The mucus ofthe mouth, which ex- hales from the labial and genal glands. 2. A roscid vapour, from the whole surface of the cavity of the mouth. The saliva is continually swallowed with or without masticated food, and some is also spit out. It has no colour nor smell; it is tattelett, although it contains a, little salt, to which the nerves of the tongue are accustomed. Its spedfic gravity is somewhat greater than wa- ter. Its contittence is rather plastic and spumous, from the entangled atmospheric air. The quan- tity of twelve pounds is supposed to be secreted in twelve hours. During mastication and speaking. the secretion is augmented, from the mechanical pressure of the muscles upon the salivary glands. Those who are hungry secrete a great quantity, from the sight of agreeable food. It is imperfect- ly dissolved by water; somewhat coagulated by alkohol; and congealed with more difficulty than water. It is inspissated by a small dose, and dis- solved in a large dose, of mineral acids. It is also soluble in carbonated alkali. Caustic'alkali and quick lime extract volatile alkali from saliva. It corrodes copper and iron ; and precipitates silver and lead from containing muriatic acid. It assists the spirituous fermentation of farinaceous sub- stances ; hence barbarous nations prepare an inebriating drink from the chewed roots of the Jatropha manihot and Piper methisticum. It possesses an antiseptic virtue, according to the experiments of the celebrated Pringle. It easily becomes putrid in warm air, and gives off volatile alkali. Constituent Prindples. Saliva appears to consist, in a healthy state of the body, of water, which constitutes at least four-fifths of its bulk, mucilage, albumen, muriate of soda, phosphate of soda, phosphate of time, and phosphate of am- monia. ' The use of the saliva is, 1. It augments the taste of the food, by the evolution of sapid matter. 2. During mastication, it mixes with, dissolves, and resolves into its principles, the food; and changes it into a pultaceous mass, fit to be swallowed : hence it commences chymification. 3. It mode- rates thirst, by moistening the cavity of the mouth and fauces. SA LIV'AL. (Salivalis ; from saliva, the spit- tle.) Of or belonging to the saliva. Salival ducts. The excretory ducts of the saUval gltnds. That of the parotid gland is call- ed the Stenonian duct; those ofthe submaxillary glands the Warthonian ducts; and those ofthe sublingual, the Rivinian ducts. Salival glands. Those glands which secrete the saliva are -o termed. See Saliva. SALIVA NS. (From saliva, spittle.) That which excites salivation. SALIVA RIA. (From saliva, the spittle r so railed bi<\uise it excites a discharge of sabva.) ^pc A'l'h. nil piirrthltim. SAL SAL * ali varis Herba. See Anthemis pyrethrum. SALIVA'TIO. An increased secretion of saUva. See Ptyalismus. SA'LIX. (From sate, Heb.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diaeia; Order, Diandria. The wiUow. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of Salix. See Salix fragilis. Salix alba. See Salixfragilis. Salix caprea. The systematic name of a ■species of willow, the bark of the branches of which possess the same virtues with that of the fragilis. See Salixfragilis. Salix fragilis. The systematic name of the common crack willow. Salix. The bark of the branches of this species manifests a considerable degree of bitterness to the ta*te, and is very ad- stringent. It is recommended as a good substi- tute for Peruvian bark, and is said to cure inter- mittents and other diseases requiring tonic and adstringent remedies. Not only the bark of this species of salix, but those also of several others, possess similar quaUties, particularly of the Salix alba and Salix pentandria, both of whicli are recommended in the foreign pharmacopoeias. But Dr. Woodville is of opinion that the bark of the Salix triandria is more effectual than that of any Other of this genus ; at least its sensible qualities give it a decided preference. The trials Dr. Cul- len made were with the bark ofthe Salix pentan- dria, taken from its branches, the third of an inch diameter, and of four or five years' growth. Nevertheless, he adds, in intermittent fevers, Sergius always failed with this bark. Salix pentandria. Tbe bark ofthe branches of this species of wUlow possesses the same vir- tues as that of the fragilis. See Salixfragilis. Salix^vitulina. The bark of the branches of this species of willow may be substituted for ihe fragilis. See Salixfragilis. SALMO. The name of a genus of fishes of the order Abdominales. The salmon. Salmo alpinus. The red charr. This beau- tiful and delicate little fish, and the Palmo car- pia, or gilt charr, are found in our lakes of West- moreland, in Wales, and Scotland. They are very rich, and hard of digestion. Salmo eperlanus. The smelt. A beauti- ful little fish, found in great abundance in the Thames and river Dee, and in the European seas, between November and February. Salmo fario. Thecammon fresh water trout, the flesh of which is very delicate pnd rich. Salmo lacustris. The lake-trout. Salmo salar. The systematic name of the common salmon. This fish is considered as one of tbe greatest delicacies. It is rich, and of diffi- cult digestion to weak stomachs, and with some, whose stomachs are not particularly feeble, it uniformly disagrees. The pickled, sailed, and smoked, though much eaten, are only fitted for the very strong and active. Salmo salmulus. The samlet: the least of the British species of the salmo-genus. It is found hi the river Wye, and up the Severn. Salmo thymallus. The grating salmon, which is somewhat Uke our trout. It inhabits the rivers of Derbyshire, and some of the north, and near Christ-church in Hampshire. It is much esteemed for the delicacy of its flesh, which is white, firm, and of a fine flavour ; and is con- sidered as in the highest season in the depth of winter. . Salmo trutt a. The systematic name of the salroon-troutf or bill-trout. SALMON. See Salmo. SALPINGO. (From TaXmyS. buccina, a 844 trumpet.) Names compounded of this word be- long to the palate, and are connected with the Eustachian tube. Salpingo-pharyngeus. This muscle is com- posed of a few fibres of the palato-pharyngeus, which it assists in dilating the mouth of the Eus- tachian tube. Salpingo-staphilinus. See Levator palati. Salpingo-staphilinus internus. See Le- vator palati. SALSAFY. See Tragopogon pratense. SALSO'LA. (So called from its saline pro- perties ; hence the English word salt-wort, most of the species affording the fossUe alkaU-) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria ,- Order, Digynia. Sai.sola kali. Kali spinosum cochltalum; Tragus, sive Tragum Matthioli. Snail-eeeded glass-wort or salt-wort. The systematic name of a plant which affords the mineral alkali. Sec Soda. Salsola sativa. The systematic name of a plant which affords the mineral alkaU. See Soda. Salsola soda. The systematic name of a plant which affords mineral alkali. See Soda. SALT. This term has been usually employed to denote a compound, in definite proportions, of acid matter, with an alkali, earth, or metallic ox- ide. When the proportions of the, constituents are so adjusted, that the resulting substance does not affect the colour of infusion of litmns, or red cabbage, it is then called a neutral salt. When the predominance of acid is evinced by the red- dening of these infusions, the salt is said to be acidulous, and the prefix, super, or bi, is used to indicate this excess of acid. If, on the contrary, the acid matter appears to be in defect, or short of the quantity necessary for neutralizing the al- kalinity of the base, the salt is then said to be with excess of base, and the prefix sub is attached to its name. The discoveries of Sir H. Davy have however taught chemists to modify their opinions concerning saline constitution. Many- bodies, such as culinary salt, and muriate of lime, to which the appellation of salt cannot be relused, have not been proved to contain either acid or al- kaline matter ; but must, according to the strict logic of chemistry, be regarded as compounds of chlorine with metals. Salt, acid. This is distinguished by its sour taste when diluted with water. See Acid. Salt, alkaline. Possesses an urinous, burning, and caustic taste, turns the syrup ol violets to a green, has a strong affinity for acids, dissolves ani- mal substances, unites readily with water, com- bines with oils and fat, and renders them miscible with water, dissolves sulphur, and is crystallisa- ble. See Alkali. Salt, ammoniacal fixed. Muriate of lime. Salt, bitter purging. Sulphate of magnesia. Salt, cathartic. See Magnesia sulphas, and Soda sulphas. Salt, common. See Soda murias. Salt, digestive. Acetate of potassa. Salt, diuretic. Acetate of potassa. Salt, Epsom. See Magnesia sulphas. Salt,febrifuge of Sylvius. Muriate of pota6sa. Salt,fosdl. A talt found in the earth. Salt, fusible. Phosphate of ammonia. Salt, furible, of urine. Triple phosphate of. soda and ammonia. Salt, 'microcosmic. Triple phosphate of soda and ammonia. Salt, nitrous ammoniacal. Nitrate of ammo- nia. Salt, neutral. .Secondary rait. Under the isAL ■naaec 01 neutral or secondary salts are compre- hend* i animal substances, and is in frequent use among' the Chinese as atonic, in the form of tea, in de- bility of the stomach and nervous system. Salvia sclarea. The systematic name of the garden < lary, called horminum in the phar- macopoeias. Sclarea hispanica. The leaves and seeds are recommended as corroborants and asti- spasmodics, particularly iu leucorrhoeas and hys- terical weaknesses. They have a bitterish, warm taste, and a strong smell of the aromatic kind. The seeds are infused in white wine, and imitate muscadel. SAMARA. (The name, according to Pliny, of the fruit of the elm.) 1. The name of a ge- nus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Te- trandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. A species . f capsule of a compressed form, and dry ronaceous texture, with one or two cells, never bursting, hut falling off entire, and dilated into a kind of wing at the summit or sides. In Fraxinus, it goes from the summit ol the seed : in Acer and Batula, from the side,: in Ulmus campestris, it goes all round. SAMBU'CL'S. (From sabucca, Heb. a mu- sical instrument formerly made of this tree.) Elder. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Pentandria ; Order, Tri- gynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the elder-tree. See Sambucus nigra. Sambucis f.bolus. The systematic name of the dwarf elder. Ebulut; Chamaacte ; Sam- bucut humilis; Sambucus herbacea, Dwarf El- der, or dane-wort. The root, interior bark, ieaves, flowers, berries, und seeds of this herba- ceous plant, Sambucus—cymis trifidis, ttipulis foliacds, caule herbaceo, of Linnaeus, have aU been administered medicinally, in moderate doses, as resolvent s and deobstruents, and, in larger doses, .is hydragogues. The plant is chiefly em- pluyed by the poor of this country, among whom it is in common use as a purgative, but Dr. Cullen speaks of it as a violent remedy. Sambucus nigra. The systematic name of the Elder tree. Sambucus vulgaris; Sambu- cus arborea; Acte; Infelix lignum. Sambu- cus—cymis quinque-partitis, foliis pinnatis, caule carboreo, of Linnaeus. This indigenbus plant has an unpleasant narcotic smell, and some authors have reported its exhalations to be so noxious, as to render it unsafe to sleep under its shade. The parts of this tree that are proposed for medicinal use in the pharmacopoeias are the innei bark, the flowers, and the berries. The first has scarcely any smell, and very little taste ; on first chewing, it impresses a degree of sweet- ness, which is followed by a very sTight but dura- ble acrimony, in which its powers seem to reside. From its cathartic property it is recommended as an effectual hydragogue by Sydenham and Boer- haave ; the former directs three handsful of.it to be boiled in a quart of milk and water, till only a pint remains, of which one-half is to be taken night and morning, and repeated for several days; it usually operates both upwards and downwards, and upon the evacuation it produces, its utility depends. Boerhaave gave its expressed juice in doses Irom a drachm to half an ounce. In smaUer doses it is said to be an useful aperient and deob- struent in various chronic disorders. The flowers have an agreeable flavour ; and infusions of them, when fresh, are gently laxative andjtoerient. When dry, they are said to promote cniefly the cuticular excretion, and to be particularly ser- viceable in erysipelatous and eruptive disorders. Externally they are used in fomentations, izc. BAN SA.N turn ui the London Pharmacopoeia are directed in the form of an ointment. The berries in taste are somewhat sweetish, and not unpleasant; on expression they yield a fine purple juice, which proves an useful aperient and resolvent in sundry chronic diseases, gently loosening the belly, and promoting the urine and perspiration. Samphire. See Crithmum maritimum. Sampscchus. See Thymus mastichina. Sampsychum. (From oau, to preserve, and sW>7, the mind ; because of its cordial qualities.) Marjoram. SANATI'VE. (From sano, to cure.) That which heals diseases. Sancti antonii ignis. See Erysipelas. SANCTORIU.S. Sanctorius, was born in 1561. at Capo distria. He studied medicine at Padua, where he took his degree, and then set- tled at Venice, and practised with considerable success. At the age of fifty, however, he was appointed professor of the theory of medicine at Padua; in which office he distinguished himself for thirteen years. He was then allowed to retire on his salary, finding his health impaired by the fatigue of the visits, which he was frequently obliged to make in his professional capacity, to Venice, wbere he passed the remainder of his life in great reputation. On his death, in 1636, a statue of marble was raised to his memory ; and an annual oration was instituted by the Col- lege of Physicians, to whom he had bequeathed an annuity, in commemoration of his benevolence. Sanctorius first called the attention of physicians to the cutaneous and pulmonary transpiration, which he proved to exceed the other excretions considerably in weight; and he maintained that this function must have a material influence on the system, and was deserving of great consideration in the treatment of diseases. There is, no doubt, much truth in this general observation ; but in its application to practice, he appears to have gone to an extravagant length, and to have, con- tributed much to prolong the reputation of the humoral pathology. His treatise, entitled, " Ars de Statica Medicina," was first published in 1614, and passed through more than twenty editions, including translations, with various commenta- ries : it is written in an elegant and perspicuous Latin style. He was also author of a Method of avoiding Errors in Medicine, to which was after- wards added an essay " De Inventmue Remedio- rum ;" and of Commentaries on some of the an- cient physicians. Besi.les the statical chair, by which he contrived to determine the weight of the Ingesta and Egesta, be invented an instrument for measuring the force of the pulse, and several others for surgical use j\ and he was the first who attempted to' determine the temperature of the body by a thermometer, of which, indeed, he is considered as tbe inventor. Sanctum semen. The worm-seed, or san- tonicum. SA'NCTUS. Holy. A term formerly applied to diseases, herbs, &c. See Chorea, Carduus benedictus, &c. SANDALLFORMIS. Sandal or slipper-like. AppUed to the nectary of the Cypripedium cal- ceolus. SANDARA'CHA. (From Saghad narak, Arabian.) 1. A gummy resin. 2. A sort of arsenic. Sandaracha arabum. Arabian sandarach. This resinous juice appears to have been the pro- duce of a large species of juniper-tree. Sandbath. See Bath. SANDERS. See Pterocarpus santalinu->. 846 Sandrack. (An Arabian word.) SceJuni- pem.s tommunis. Sandyx. (From sani duk, red, Arabian.) Cerusse burnt till it becomes red. SANGUIFICATION. (Sanguificatio; Irom sanguis, blood, andfaceo, to make.) A natural function of the body, by which the chyle is changed into blood. ln» uses of sanguification are the generation of blood,which serve to ffll the blood-vtssels, to irritate and simulate the heart and arteries, to generate or cause heat, to secrete the humours, and to excite the vitai actions. Sanguinalis. (From sanguis, blood: so named from its use in stopping bleedings.) The Polygonum aviculare, or knot-grass, is sometimes so called. Sanguinaria. (From sanguis, blood: so named from its use in stopping bleedings.) Sec Polygonum aviculare. SANGUINEOUS. Bloody. Appertaining to the blood. Applied to certain conditions of the body and diseases, and appearances of solids and fluids ; as sanguineous temperament, sanguineous apoplexy. Sanguinecms apoplexy. See Apoplexy. Sanguipurgium. (From sanguis, blood, and purgo, to purge.) A gentle fever, or such a one as by its discharges is supposed to purify the blood. SA'NGUIS. (Sanguis, guinis. m.) See Blood. Sanguis draconis. See Calamus rotang. Sanguis herculis. A name for the crocu?. SANGUISO'RBA. (Probably so named ori- ginally from the blood-red colour of its flowers, although the juices of this plant, being astringent, the medicinal properties it possesses of stopping haemorrhages may be a better warrant for its name.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Triandria; Order, Monogynia. • Sanguisorba officinalis. The systematic name of the Italian pimpinel, which was former- ly much esteemed as an astringent, but is not now in use. SANGUISU'GA. (Fromsanguis, blood, and sugo, to suck.) The leech or blood-sucker. See Leech. SAMCLE. See Sanicula. >nnicle, Yorkshire. See Pinguicula. ■•>■ ANI'CULA. "From sano, to heal: so call- ed from its virtues in healing.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Lin- nxan system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Di gynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of saniclc. Sanici'La eboracensis. See Pinguicula vulgaris. Sanicula europea. The systematic name of tbe sanicle. Cucullata; Dodecatheon ; Sym- phytum petraum ; Sanicula mas ; Diapensiu cortusa. This herb was formerly recommended as a mild adstringent, and is supposed to have re- ceived its name from its sanative power. Its sen- sible qualities are a bitterish and somewhat -aus- tere taste, foUowed by an acrimony which chiefly affects the throat. It is only in use in the pre- sent day among the country people. Sanicula mas. See Sanicula europea. SANIES. Ichor. This term is sometimes applied to a thin, limpid, and greenish discbarge ; and at other times to a thick and bloody kind of pu». SA'NTALUM. (From zandal, Arabian.) The name ol a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Tetrandria; Order, .ltf•«»?.'»/- SAP SAF -santalum album. Tho systematic name of the yellow saunders. Santalum cttrinam; Santalum pallidum. Yellow saunders. White saunders wood is of a pale white colour, often with a yeUowish tinge, and, being destitute of taste or odour, it is superseded by the santalum citrinum, which is of a brownish yellow colour, of a bitterish aromatic taste, and of a pleasant smell, approaching to that of the rose. Both kinds are brought from the East Indies in billets, consisting of large thick pieces, which, according to Rumphius, are sometimes taken from the same, and sometimes from different trees. For though the white and yellow saunders are the wood of the same species of tree, yet the latter, which forms the central part of the tree, is not always to be found in sufficient quantity to repay the trouble and expense of procuring it, especial- ly, unless the trees be old ; while the white, whicb is tbe exterior part of the wood, is always more abundant, and is consequently much cheaper. Yellow saunders, distilled with water, yields a fragrant essential oil, which thickens in the cold into the consistence of a balsam, approaching in smell to ambergris, or a mixture of ambergris and roses ; the remaining decoction, inspissated to the consistence ofan extract, is bitterish, and slight- ly pungent. Rectified spirit extracts, by diges- tion, considerably more than water ; the colour of the tincture is a rich yellow. The distilled spirit is slightly impregnated with the flavour of the wood ; the remaining brownish extract has a weak smell, and a moderate balsamic pungency. The wood is valued highly on account "f its fra- grance ; hence the Chinese are said to fumigate their clothes with it, and to burn it in their tem- ples in honour of their gods. Though still re- tained in the Materia Medica, it cannot be thought to possess any considerable share of medicinal power. Hoffman considers its virtues as similar to those of ambergris; and some others have es- teemed it in the character of a corroborant and restorative. Santalum citp.inum. See Santalum al- bum. Santalum pallidum. See Santalum al- bum. Santalum rubrum. Red saunders. See Pterocarpus santalinus. SANTOLUNA. (From santalum, saunders ; because it smells like the saunders wood.) See Artemisia santonica. Santolina cham^-cyparissus. The sys- tematic name of the lavender cotton. Santonicum. (From Santonia, its native place.) See Artemisia santonica. SAPHE'NA. (From ontpnsr- visible.) Vena saphena. The large vein of the leg, which as- cends along the little toe over the external ancle, and evacuates part of the blood from the foot into the popliteal veins. Sapienti.i. dentes. (Sapientia, wisdom, discretion : so called because they appear when tbe person is supposed to be at years of discre- tion. ) See Teeth. SAPI'NDUS. (That is. Sapo Indus, Indian soap . the rind of the fruit serving instead of soap to cleanse linen, but not without nazard of injury to the texture of the cloth ) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Octandria; Order, Digynia. Tbe soap-tree. Sapindus saponaria. The systematic name of the plant which affords soap-nuts. Saponaria nucula; Bacca bermudentes. Soap-berries. A spherical fruit, about the size of a cherry, the cortical part of which is yellow, glossy, and so 'ransparent as to show the spherical black nut which rattles within, and which includes a whit* kernel. The tree wOWS {u Jamaica. It is said that th« cortical pan „f this fruit has a bitter taste, and «*> smell; tha. it raiees a soapy froth with water, and has sirailai effects with soap in washing; that it is » medici«, of siu°-ular and specific virtue in chlorosis. They are not known in the shops of this country. SAPO. (Sapo, nit. m.) Soap. A com- pound, in definite proportions, of certain princi- ples in oils, fats, or resin, with a salifiable base. When this base is potassa or soda, the compound is used as a detergent in washing clothes. When an alkaline earth, or oxide of a common metal, as litharge, is the salifiable base, the compound is insoluble in water. The first of these combi- nations is scarcely applied to any use, if we ex- cept that of linseed-oil with lime-water, some- times prescribed as a liniment against burns ; anj the last is known only in surgery as the basis ol certain plasters. C mcerning the chemical con- stitution of soaps and saponification, no exact ideas were entertained prior to ChevreuU's re- searches. Fats are compounds of a solid and a liquid substance ; the former called stearine, the latter resembling vegetable oil, and therefore caUed elaine. When fat is treated with a hot ley of potassa or soda, the constituents react on one another, so as to generate the solid pearly matter margaric acid, and the fluid matter oldc acid, both of which enter into a species of saline com- bination with the alkali; while the third matter that is produced, the sweet prindple, remains free. We must therefore reeard our common soap as a mixture of an alkaline margarate and oleate, in proportions determined by the relative proportions of the two acids producible from the peculiar species of fat. It is probable, ou the other hand, that the soap formed from vegetable oil is chiefly an oleate. No chemical researches have hitherto been made known, on. the compounds of resin with alkalies., though these constitute the brown soaps so extensively manufactured in this country. All oils or fats ifo not possess in an equal degree the property of saponification. Those which saponify best, are, 1. Oil of olives, and of sweet almonds. 2. Animal oils; as hog's-lard, tallow, butter, and horse-oil. 3. Oil of colza, or rape-seed oil. 4. Oil of beech-mast and poppy-seed, when mixed with olive-oil or tallow. 5. The several fish-oils, mingled like the pre- ceding. 6. Hempseed-oil. 7. Nut-oU and linseed oil. 8. Palm oil. 9. Rosin. In general, the only soaps employed in com- raerce, are those of olive-oil, tallow, lard, palm- oil, and rosin. A species of soap can also be formed by the union of bees-wax with alkali ; hut this has no detergent application, being used only for painting in encausto. The specific gravity of soap is in general greater than that of water. Its taste is faintly alkaline. When subjected to heat it speedUy fuses, swells up, and is then decomposed. Ex- posed to the air in thin sUces, it soon becomes dry; but the whole combined water does not leave it, even by careful desiccation on a sand- bath. Soap is much more soluble in hot than in cold water. This solution is instantly disturbed by the greater number ot acids, which seizing the alkali, either separate the fatty principles, or unite- SAP SAP with them into an acido-soapy emulsion. The solution is likewise decompo*=dDy anuosi all thp earthy and metaUic salts, -^nich give birth to in- soluble compounds of ih*- oleic and margaric acids, with the salifiable ba^s- Soap is soluble ifalkobol, and in large quantity by the aid ol heat. When boiling alkohol is saturated with soap, the Uquid, on cooling, forms a consistent transparent mass of a yelfow colour. When tnis mass is dried, it still retains its trans- parency, provided the soap be a compound of tal- low and soda ; and in this state it is sold by the perfumers in this country. Good soap possesses the property of removing from linen and cloth the greater part of latty sub- stances which may have been applied to them. The medicinal soap, sapo amygdalinus, is made with oU of sweet almonds, and naif its weight of caustic alkali. Common or soft soap, sapo mollis, is made of potassa and oil, or tallow. Spanish, or Castile soap, supo durus, of oil of obves and soda, or bariUa. Black soap is a com- position of train oil and an aiKali ; and green soap of hemp, linseed, or rape oil, with an alkali. The white Spanish soap, being made of the finer kinds of olive oil, is the best, aud therefore pre- ferred for internal use. Soap was iinperteet.y known to the ancients. It is mentioned by Phny as made ot fat and ashes, and as an invention of the Gauls. Aretaeus and othtrs uiiorm us, that the Greeks obtained their knowledge of its medi- cal use from the Romans. Its virtues, according to Bergius, are detergent, resolvent, and aperient, and its use recommended in jaundice, gout, cal- culous complaints, and obstruction ofthe viscera. The efficacy of soap, in the first of these diseases, was experienced by Sylvius, and since recom- mended very generally by various authors who have written on this complaint; and it has also been thought of use in supplying the pface of bUe in the primae viae. The uttiity oi tn.s medi- cine in icterical cases was inferred chiefly from its supposed powar of dissolving biliary concre- tions ; but this medicine has lost much ol its reputation in jaundice, since it is now known, that gaU-stones have been found in Inany after death who had been daily taking soap for several months, and even years. Ot its good effects in urinary calculous affections, we have, the testi- monies of several, especially when dissolved in lime-water, by which its efficacy is considerably increased ; for it thus becomes a poweriul solvent of mucus, which an ingenious modern author sup- poses to be the chiet agent in the formation of calculi: it is, however, only in the inc pient state of the disease that these remedies premise effectual benefit, though they generally abate the more violent symptoms where they cannot remove the cause. With Boerhaave, soap was a general medicine; for as he attributed most complaints to viscidity of the fluids, he, and most of the Bocr- haavian school, prescribed it, in conjunction with different resinous and other substances, in gout, rheumatism, and various visceral complaints. Soap is also externally employed as a resolvent, and gives name to several ofhcinal preparations. Sapo terebinthina. Starkey^s soap. p.. kali preparati calidi, ^j. Olei terebinth, -nf. The hot kati preparatum is to have the oil of turpentine gradually blended with it, in a heated mortar. Indolent swelUngs were formerlyrubbed with this appUcation, and perhaps some chronic affections of the joints mi^ht still be benefitted SAPONA'RIA. (From sapo, soap: so caUed because its juice, Uke soap, cleans cloths.) 1. 848 The nsiiw of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decandria, Order, Digynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the soap-wort. See Saponaria officinalis. Saponaria nucula. See Sapindus sapo- naria. Saponaria officinalis. The systematic name of the soap-wort, called also bruise-wort. Struthium ; Lanaria ; Lychnis sylvestris ; Ibtxuma. The root of this plant, Sapona. ia— calycibus cylindricts, foliit ovato-lanceolatit, of Linnaeus, is employed medicinally ; it has no peculiar smell; its taste is sweetish, glutinous, and somewhat bitter. On being chewed for some time, it is said to discover a degree of acri- mony, which continues to affect the mouth a con- siderable time. According to Neuman, two ounces of the root yielded eleven drachms of watery extract ; but Cartheuser, from a like quantity, only obtained six drachms and twenty- tour grains. This extract manifested a sweetish taste, followed by an acrid quality. The spiri- tuous extract is less in quality, out of a more penetrating acrid taste • Decoctions of the root, on being sufficiently agitated, produce a sapona- ceous froth ; a similar soapy quality is observable also in the extract, and still more manuestly in the leaves, in so mi.ch that tht y have hern used by the mendicant monks as a substitute tor soap in washing ol their clothes ; and Bergius, who made several experiments- with the saponaria, declares that it had all the effects of soap itself. From these peculiar qualities of the saponaria, there can be little doubt of its possessing a consi- derable share of medical efficacy, which Dr. Woodville says he could wish to find faithfully ascertained. The diseases for wliich the saponaria is recom- mended, as syphihs, gout, rheumatism, and jaun- dice, are not, perhaps, the complaints in which its use is most availing ; for a fancied resemblance of the roots of saponaria with those of sarsapa- rilla, seeius to have led physicians to think them similar in their effects ; and hence they have both been administered with the same intentions, par- ticularly in fixed pains, and venereal affections. Bergius says, '■ iu arthritide, cura mercuriale, &c. nullum aptiorem potiiru novi." However, accord- ing to several writers, the most inveterate cases ot syphilis were cured by a decoction of this plant, w ithout the use of mercury. Haller informs us that Boerhaave entertained an high opinion oi its efficacy in jaundices and other visceral obstructions. SAPOMLE. Saponulus. A combination of a volatile or essential oil with different bases; as saponvle of ammojna, &c. Sapota. (The West Indian name of several sorts of fruits of the plum kind.) See Acrat sapota. Sappan lignum. See Hamatoxylon cam- pechiaitum. SAPPUIKE. Telede of Haiiy. Perfect co- rundum of Bournou. The oriental ruby and topaz are sapphires. Sapphire is a subspecies of rhomboidal corundum. It is one of the esteemed precious stones, a sapphire of ten carats' weight being worth fifty guineas. Its colours are blue, red, and also gray, white, green, and yellow. It is found in blunt edged pieces, in roundish pebbles, and crystallised after the diamond. It is the hardest substance in nature. Sapphirina AtitA. (So called from its sap- phire or blue colour.) Aqua cupri ammoniati, Mad> by a solution of sal ammoniac ratime-waterj standing in a copper vessel. SAB SAR •Saractiit consound. See Solidago virga aurea. SARATOGA. The name of a county in America, in the State of New-York, celebrated for its springs of mineral water, which are nume- rous throughout a circuit of several miles near the centre of that county. The ground throughout this circuit is, generaUy speakina:, flat, and in two or three places is covered with extensive sheets of limpid water, which are. fed by streams that take their origin in the neighbouring mountains of granite and gneiss. The soil in which the springs rise is sandy, and rests upon a bed of compact limestone, or argillaceous slate, or ;>ray waike; and they are apparently more numerous wh« re these specimens of tbe transition and secondary formation are ascertained-to meet. Th' re is more variety in the degree of mineral impregnation at two points, about seven miles distant from each other, where accommodation has been more liberally provided for visiters, and which have taken the names of Saratoga and Ballston Spa. The former of these seems to have been known to the Indians before the formation of European settlements, and was pointed out by them to Sir William Johnson, in 1767. It was called in their language the Spring of Life, ami is in lempera- tnre about 50° of Fahrenheit. Most of the American chemists have made the analysis f the Saratoga w 'ter an obp ct of inquiry and put lica- tion, and though one < r two of them differ as to the existence of some of the m re trifling im- pregnations, they agree generally that it eon/ains, carbonic acid gas, muriate of soda, carbonate of soda, carbonate of lime, carbonate of iron, and carbonate of magne-ia. In two or three of the springs, there is, besides, sulphuretted hydrogen gas, and in one at least traces ol silica and alumina. These incidental varieties give rise to slight differenecs in the me- dieval effects of the springs , but, as a general rule for guiding strangers in > heir selection, it may be stated, that the more abundant the muriate of soda, and carbonates of soda, lime, and magne- sia, the more aperient and diuretic w 11 be the water ; while the greater the quantity ot carbonic acid and of iron, in proportion to the former in- gredients, the more powerful will _ be its tonic effects. The great superiority of these American mineral waters over ever> thing of the kind to be found in Europe, consists, 1st, in their containing a greater quantity of carbonic acid, or fixed air, by wliich they are capable of retaining in so ution a much larger proportion of useful saline matter, of a particular character, than any European mineral water. 2dly, In their possessing more efficient purga- tive properties than any of the springs of Europe, with the exception of Harrowgate, and perhaps Cheltenham, which are both not only destitute of the refreshing taste given by the carbonic acid, but contain (Harrowgate in particular) matters wliich render them to the palate in some degree offensive. Sdly, In containing such a combination ol ma- terials, in the most eligible form, as fit them to become at once a most refreshing beverage to all, and to those suffering fr< >in the diseases about to be mentioned in particular, a more perfect ui.ion of what is agreeable with that which is necessary and useful in the way of medicine, than any that hashitherto been provided, either by nature or art. The diseases in which the Saratoga waters have been found to be productive ol the best ef- I'c, ts, are dyspepsia, cutaneous iliseases, scrophu- lous affections, dropsy, chlorosis* and other affec- tum*- peculiar to the female sex, nephritic affec- tions and gravel. SARCI'TES. (From *ap\, flesh.) See Ana- sarca. SA'RCIUM. (Diminutive o' aapf, flesh.) A caruncle, or smali flestry excrescence. SARCOCE'LE. (From papi, flesh, and mjXr;, a tumour, i Hernia carnosa. This is a disease of the body of the testicle, and as the term im- plies, consists, in get.erai, in such an alteration1 made in the structure of it, .s produces a resem- blance to a bard fleshy substance, instead of that fine, soft, vascuar texture, of which it is, in a natural and healtoy state, composed. The ancient writers have made a great number of distinctions of the different kinds of this dis- ease, according to its differ* 11 appearances, and according to the u.ildness, or malignity of the symptoms with which it may cnance to be attend- ed. Thus, the sarcocele, the hydro-tarcocele, the scirrhus, the cancer, the caro adnata aa testem, and the caro adnata ad vasa, which are really little more than descriptions of different states and circumstances of the same disease, are reckoned as so many different complaints, requir- ing a variety of treatment, and deriving their origin from a variety of different humours. Every species Of sarcocele consists primarily^ in an enlargement, induration, and obstruction ot the vascular part of the testicle ; but this altera- tion is, in different people, attended with such a variety of circumstances, as to produce several different appearances, and to occasion the many distinctions which have been made, If the body of the testicle, though enlarged and indurated to some degree, be perfectly equal in its surface, void of pain, has no appearance of fluid in its tunica vaginalis, and produces very little uneasiness, except what is occasioned by its mere weight, it is usually called a simple sarco- cele, or an indolent scirrhus ; if, at the same time that the te-tis is enlarged and hardened, there be a palpab e accumulation of fluid in the vaginal coat, the disease has by many been named a hy- dro-sarcocde; if the lowery painful, nor frequently so, bu- at the same time hard and large, they gave it the appellation of an occult or benign cancer ; if it was ulcerated, subject to frequent acute pain, to haemorrhage, &c. it wai known by that of a malignant or confirmed can- cer. Th' se different appearances, though distin- guished by different titles, are really no more than so many stages (as it were) of the same kind of disease, and depend a great deal on several acci- dental circumstances, such as age, habit, manner of living, &c. It is- true, that many people pass several years with this disease, under its most fa- vourable appearances, and without encountering any of its worst; but, on the other hand, there are many, who, in a very short space of time, run through all its stages. They who are most conversant with it, know how very convertible its mildest symptoms are into its most dreadful ones, and how very short a space of time often inter- venes between the one and the other. There is hardly any uiseaso affecting thehnman body, wliich is subject to more variety than this is both with reaard to its first manner of appear- ance, and the changes whicli it may undergo. Sometimes the first appearance is a mere simple •>AR ;>aj enlargement and induration of the body ot tiie testicle ; void of pain, without inequality of sur- face, and producing no uneasiness, or inconve- nience, except what is occasioned by its mere weight. And some people are so forfonate as to have it remain in this state for a very considerable length of time without visible or material altera- tion. .On the other hand, it sometimes happens that very soon after its appearance in this mild manner, it suddenly becomes nnequal and knotty, and is attended with very acute pains darting up to the loins and back, but still remaining entire, that is, not bursting through the integuments. Sometimes the fury of the disease brooks no re- straint, but making its way through all the mem- branes which envelope the testicle, it either pro- duces a large, foul, stinking, phagedenic ulcer, with hard edges, or it thrusts forth a painful gleet- ing fungus, subject to frequent haemorrhage. Sometimes an accumulation of water is made iu the tunica vaginalis, producing that mixed ap- pearance, called the hydrotarcocele. Sometimes there is no fluid at all in the cavity of the tunica vaginalis; but the body of the tes- ticle itself is formed into cells, containing either a turbid kind of water, a bloody sanies, or a purulent foetid matter. Sometimes the disorder seems to be merely local, that is, confined to the testicle, not proceeding from a tainted habit, nor accompanied with diseased viscera, the patient having aU the general appearances and circum- stances of health, and deriving his local mischief from an external injury. At other times, a pallid, leaden countenance, indigestion, frequent nausea, colicky pains, sudden purgings, &c. sufficiently indicate a vitiated habit, and diseased viscera, which diseased viscera may also sometimes be dis- covered and felt. The progress also which it makes from the testis upward, toward the process, is very uncer- tain ; the disease occupying the testicle only, without affecting the spermatic process, in s< me subjects, for a great length of time; while, in others, it totally spoils the testicle very soon, and almost as soon seizes on the spermatic chord. SARCOCOLLA. (From oapi, flesh, and koXXo, glue ; because of its supposed power of gluing to- gether wounds.) A spontaneous exudation from a tree of the fir kind, which grows in Persia, sup- posed to be similar to olibanum or frankincense. SARCOEPIPLOCE'LE. Enlarged testicle, with rupture, containing omentum. SARCOLITE. A variety of analcime. SARCO'LOGY. (Sarcologia; from aapi, flesh, and Xoyos, a discourse.) The doctrine of the muscles and soft parts. SARCO'MA. (Sarcoma, atis. n. ; from cap£, flesh.) Sarcotit; Porrus; Sarcophyia; Na- vus. A fleshy excrescence. A genus of disease in tbe Class Locales, and Order 'Tumores, of Cullen. SARCt^MPHALUS. (From oapi, »esh, and nptpaXos, the navel.) A fleshy excrescence about the navel. Sarcophyia. (From cap!-, flesh, and f tbe officinal vipers' gras-s. Etc'orzonera; Vi- per aria; Serpentaria hitpanica. Goats'glass; Vipers' grass. The roots of this plant, Scorzo- nera—caule tubnudo, unifloro; foliis lato-lan- ceolatit, nervosis, plants, of Linnaeus, have been. sometimes e mployed medicinally as alexipharmics, and in hypochondriacal disorders and obstruc- tions of the viscera. The Scorzonera hispanica mostly supplies the shops, whose root is esculent; oleraceous, and against diseases inefficacious. SCOTODINE. See Scotodinus. SCOTODI/NUS. (From okotos, darkness, and iivos, a giddiness.) Scotodinia; Scotodinos ~. Scotoma; Scotodine; Scotomia. Giddiness,. with impaired sight. SCOTOMA. (From okotos, darkness.) Blind- ness. See Scotodinus. SCRIBONIUS, Largus, a Roman physician in the reign of Claudius, who wrote a treatise, " De Compositione Medicamentorum." Many of these formulae are perfectly trifling and supersti- tious ; and the whole work displays a great at- tachment to empiricism. The style is also very deficient in elegance for the time in which he lived, whence he appears to have been a person of inferior education. SCROB1CULATUS. (Scrobiculus, a ditch, or furrow.) Hollowed; having deep, round fora- mina ; appUed to the receptacle of the Hclianthxis annuut. SCROBICULUS CO'RDIS. (Diminutive of tcrobs, a ditch.) The pit of the stomach. SCRO'FULA. (From tcrofa, a swine; be- cause this animal is said to be much subject to a similar disorder.) Scrophula; Struma; Coir at; Chraas; Ecruelles, Fr. Scrophula. The king's evil. A genus of disease in the Class Cachexia, and Order Impetigines, of Cullen. He distin- guishes four species. 1. Scrophula vulgaris, when it is without other disorders external and perma- nent. 2. Scrophula mesenterica, when internal, with loss of appetite, pale countenance, swelling of the belly, and an unusual fcetor of the excre- ments. 3. Scrophula fugax. This is of the most simple kind ; it is seated only about the neck, and for the most part is caused by absorption from sores on the head. 4. Scrophula americana, when it is joined with the yaws. Scrophula con- sists in hard indolent tumours of the conglobate glands in various parts of the body; but particu- larly in the neck, behind the ears, and under the chin, wliich, after a time suppurate and degene- rate into ulcers, from which, instead of pus, a white cur lied matter, somewhat resembling the coagulym of milk, is discharged. The first appearance of the disease is most usu- ally between the third and seventh year of the child's age; but it may arise at any period be- tween this and the age of puberty ; after which it seldom makes its first attack. It most commonly affects children of a lax habit, with smooth fine skins, fair hair, and rosy cheeks. It likewise is apt to attack such children as show a disposition to rachitis, marked by a protuberant forehead, en- larged joints, and a tumid abdomen. Like this disease, it seems to be peculiar to cola aftl varia- ble climates, being rarely met with in warm ones. Scrophula is by no means a contagious disease, but, beyond all doubt, is of an hereditary nature, and is often entailed by parents on their chUdren. There are, indeed, some practitioners who wholly deny that this, or any other disease, can be ac- quired by an hereditary right; but that a pecuUar temperament of body, or predisposition in the constitution of some diseases, may extend from both father and mother to their offspring is, ob- serves Dr. Thomas, very clearly proved. For example, we very frequently meet with goot fn SCR SCR juungpersoiis of both sexes, who could never have brought it on by intemperance, sensuality, or im- proper diet, but must have acquired the predispo- sition to it in this way. Where there is any predisposition in the consti- tution to scrophula, and the person happens to con- tract a venereal taint, this frequently excites into action the causes ofthe former ; as a venereal bubo not unfrequentiy becomes scrophulous, as soon as the virus is destroyed by mercury. The late Dr. CuUen supposed scrophula to depend upon a pecu- liar constitution of the lymphatic system. • The attacks ofthe disease seein much affected or influ- enced by the periods of the seasons. They begin usually some time in the winter and spring, and often disappear, or are greatly amended, in sum- mer and autumn. The first appearance ofthe dis- order is commonly in that of small oval, or sphe- rical tumours under tbe skin unattended by any pain or discoloration. These appear, in general, upon the sides ofthe neck, below the ear or un- der the chin; but, in some cases, the joints of the elbows or ankles, or those of the fingers and toes, are the parts first affected. In these instances, we do not, however, find small moveable swell- ings ; but, on the contrary, a tumour almost uni- formly surrounding the joint, and interrupting its motion. After some length of time the tumours become larger and more fixed, the skin which covers them acquires a purple or livid colour, and, being much inflamed, they at last suppurate and break into little holes, from which, at first, a matter some- what puriform oozes out; but this changes by de- grees into a kind of viscid serous discharge, much intermixed with small pieces ol a white substance, resembling the curd of milk. The tumours subside graduaUy, whilst the ul- cers at the same time open more, and spread un- equally in various directions. Alter a time some ofthe ulcers heal; but other tumours quickly form in different parts of the body, and proceed on, in the same slow manner as the former ones, to sup- puration. In this manner the disease goes on for some years, and appearing at last to have exhaust- ed itself, all the ulcers heal up, without being suc- ceeded by any fresh sweUings; but leaving behind them an ugly puckering ofthe skin, and a scar of Considerable extent. This is the most mild form under which ^scrophula ever appears. In more virulent cases, the eyes are particularly the seat ofthe disease, and are affected with ophthalmia, giving rise to ulcerations in the tarsi, and inflam- mation of the tunica adnata, terminating not un- frequentiy in an opacity of the transparent cornea. In similar cases, the joints become affected, they swell and are incommoded by excruciating deep-seated pain, which is much increased upon the slightest motion. The swelUng and pain con- tinue to increase, the muscles of the Umb become at length much wasted. Matter is soon after- wards formed, and this is discharged at small openings made by the bursting ofthe skin. Being, however, ,of a peculiar acrimonious nature, it erodes tb» ligaments and cartilages, and produces a caries of the neighbouring bones. By an ab- sorption ofthe matter into the system, hectic fe- ver at last arises, and, in the end, often proves fatal. When scrophula is confined to the external sur- face, it is by no means attended with danger, al- though on leaving one part, it is apt to be renew- ed in others ; but when the ulcers are imbu*. 1 with a sharp acrimony, spread, erode, and become deep, without showing any disposition to heal; when deep-seated collections of matter form among tbe small bones of the hands and feet, or in the 860 joints, or tubercles in the lungs, with hectic fever. arise, the consequences will be fatal. On opening the bodies of persons "who have died of this disease, many of the viscera are usu- ally found in a diseased state, but more particu- larly the glands of the mesentery, which are not only much tumefied, but often ulcerated. The lungs are frequently discovered beset with a num- ber of tubercles or cysts, which contain matter of various kinds. Scrophulous glands, on being ex- amined by dissection, feel somewhat softer to the touch than in their natural state, and when laid open, they are usuaUy found to contain a soft cur- dy matter, mixed with pus. The treatment con- sists chiefly in the use of those means, which arc calculated to improve the general health ; a nutri- tious diet, easy of digestion, a pure dry air, gentle exercise, friction, cold bathing, especially in the sea, and strengthening medicines, as tbe prepara- tions of iron, myrrh, &c.; but, particularly the Peruvian bark, with soda. Various mineral waters, and other remedies which moderately promote the secretions, appear also to have been often useful. In irritable states of the system, hemlock has been employed with much advan- tage. Mercury is generaUy injurious to scrophu. lous persons, when carried so far as to affect the mouth ; yet they have sometimes improved under the nse of the milder preparations of that metal, determined principally towards the skin. Mode- rate antimonials also, decoctions of sarsaparilla, mezereon, guaiacum, &c, burnt sponge, muriate of lime, and other such remedies, have been ser- viceable in many cases, perhaps chiefly in the same way. The applications to scrophulous tu- mours and ulcers, must vary according to the state of the parts, whether indolent or irritable: where the tumours show no disposition to enlarge, or become inflamed, it is, perhaps, best to interfere little with them; but their inflammation must be checked by leeches, &c, and when ulcers ex- ist, stimulant lotions or dressings must be used to give them a disposition to heal; but if they are in an irritable state, a cataplasm, made, perhaps, with hemlock, or other narcotic. SCROPHULA. See Scrofula. SCROPHULARIA. (From scrofula, the king's evil: so called from the unequal tubercles npon its roots, like scrofulous tumours.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Didynamia ; Order, Angiospermia. The fig-wort. ScroPHULARiA aquatica. Betonica aqua- tica. Greater water-figwort. Water-betony. The leaves of this plant, Scrophularia—folds cordatis obtusis, petiolatis, decarreniibut; caule membranis angulato; racemi* terminalibus, of Linnaeus, are celebrated as correctors of the ill- flavour of senna. They were, also, formerly in high estimation against piles, tumours of a scro- fulous nature, inflammations, &c. Scrophularia minor. The pue-wort is sometimes so called. See Ranunculus ficaria. Scrophularia nodosa. The systematic name of the fig-wort. Scrophularia vulgarit; Millemorbia; Scrophularia. Common fig-wort or kernel-wort- The root and leaves of this plant, Scrophularia—foliis cordatis, trinervatis ; eaule obtusangulo, of Linnaeus, have been cele- brated both as an internal and external remedy against inflammations, the piles, scrophulous tu- mours and old ulcers ; but they are now only used in this country by the country people. Scrophularia vulgaris. See Scrophularia nodosa. SCROTAL. Belonging to the scrotum. Scrotal hfrnia. Scrotoceh. A protru«for SEA SEE of any part of an abdominal viseus or v i»cei a into the scrotum. See Hernia. SCROTIFORM1S. Bag-like: applied to the nectary of the genus Satyrium. SCROTOCE'LE. (From tcrolum, and Kt,Xt,, a tumour.) A rupture or hernia in the scrotum. SCROTUM. (Quasi tcortum, a skin or hide.) Bursa te*tium ; Otcheut; Otcheon ;■ Orcheu, of Galen. The common integuments which cover the testicles SCRU'PULUS. (Dim. of scrupus, a small stone.) A scruple or weight of 20 grains. SCULTETUS, John, was born at Ulm, in 1505, and, after the requisite studies graduated at Padua. He then practised with considerable re- putation in his native city, as well in surgery as in physic, and he appears to have been very bold in his operations. He was carried off by an apo- plectic stroke, in 154>. His principal work is en- titled, " Armamentarium Chirurgicum," with plates of the instruments; which vvas published after his death, and has passed through many edi- tions, and been translated into most European languages. SCURF. Furfura. Small exfoliations ofthe cuticle, which take place after some eruptions on the skin, a new cuticle being formed under- neath during the exfoliation. SCURVY. See Scorbutus. Scurvy-grass. See Cochlearia offidnalit. Scurvy-grass, lemon. See Cochlearia offid- nalis. Scurvy-grass, Scotch,. See Convolvulus tol- danella. SCUTIFORM. (Scuttformis; from okvtos, a «hield, and tt&os, resemblance.) Shield-like. See Thyroid cartilage. Scutiform cartilage. See Thyrmd carti- lage. SCUTELLA. A little dish or cup. Applied to the round, flat, or shallow fruit, of the calycu- late algae, seen in Lichen stellaris. SCUTELLARIA. (From scutella, a small dish, or saucer, apparently in allusion to the little concave .appendage which crowns the calyx. Some have thought it to be more directly derived from scutellum, a Uttle shield, to which they have compared the shield.) Tbe n-ime of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Didyna- mia ; Order, Gymnotpermia. Scutellaria galericulata. The syste- matic name of the skull-cap. Tertianaria. The Scutellaria, foliit cordato tanceolatit, erenatit; floribus axillaribui, of Linnaeus, which is com- mon in the hedges and ditches of this country. It has a bitter taste and a garlic smell, and is said to be serviceable against that species of ague which attacks the patient every other day. SCY'BALUM. ZmiSaXa. Dry hard excre- ment, rounded like nuts or marbles. Sctthicus. (From Scythia, its native soil.) An epithet of the liquorice-root, or any thing brought from Scythia. SEA. Mare. The air of the sea, the motion of the vessels, the exhalation from the tar as well as the water of the ocean, and its contents, ail come under the attention ofthe physician. 1. Sea-air is prescribed in a variety of com- plaints, being considered as more medicinal and salubrious than that on land, though not known to possess in its composition a greater quantity of oxygen. This is a most powerful and valuable remedy. It is resorted to with the happiest suc- cess against most cases of debility, and particu- larly against scrofulous diseases affecting the ex- ternal parts of the body. See Bath, cold. 0. Sen-sirknttt. A nausea or tendency to vo- mit, which varies, in respect of duration, in du - ferent persons upon their first going to sea. With some it continues only for a day or two; whUe with others it remains throughout the voyage. The diseases in which sea-sickness is principally recommended are asthma and consumption. 3. Sea-water. This is arranged among the simple saline waters. Its chemical analysis gives a proportion of one of saline' contents to about twenty-three and one-fourth of water ; but on our shores it is not greater than one of salt to about thirty of water. Sea-water on the British coast may therefore be calculated to contain in the wine pint of muriated soda 186,5 grains, of muriated magnesia fifty-one, of selenite six grains ; total 243 one-half grains, or half an ounce and three and one-half grains of saline contents. The disorders for which the internal use of sea-water has been and mav be resorted to, are in general the same for which all the simple saline waters may be used. The peculiar power of sea-water and sea- salt as a discutient, employed either internally or externally in scrofulous habits, is weU known, and is attended with considerable advantage when judiciously applied. Sea-holly. See Eryngium. Sea-mots. See Fucus helminthocorton. Sea-oak. Soe Fucus vericnlotut. Sea-onion. See Scilla. SEA-SALT. Muriate of soda. See, Soda murias. SEA-WAX. Maltha. A white, solid, tal- lowy-looking fusible substance, soluble in alkohol, found on the Baikal lake, in Siberia. Sea-wrack. See Fucus vedculotus. Sealed earths. See Sigillata terra. SEARCHING. The operation of introducing a metallic instrument through the urethra into tne bladder, for the purpose of ascertaining whether the patient has the stone or not. SEBACEOUS. (Sebaceus; from sebum, suet.) A term appUed to glands, which secrete a suety humour. SEBACIC ACID. Subject to a considerable heat 7 or 8 pounds of hog's lard, in a stoneware retort capable of holding double the quantity, and connect its beak by am adopter with a cooled re- ceiver. The condensible products are chiefly fat, altered by the fire, mixed with a little acetic and sebacic acids. Treat this product with boUing water several ti-nes, agitating the liquor, allowing it to cool, and decanting each time. Pour at last into the watery liquid, solution of acetate of lead in excess. A white flocculent precipitate of sebate of lead will instantly fall, which must be coUected on a filter, washed, and dried. Put the sebate of lead into a phial, and pour upon it its own weight of sulphuric acid, diluted with five or six times its weight of water. Expose this phial to a heat of about 212°. The sulphuric acid combines with the oxide of lead, and sets the sebacic acid at li- berty. Filter the whole while hot. As the liquid cools, the sebacic acid crystaltises, which must be washed, to free it completely from the adhering sulphuric acid. Let it be then dried at a gentle heat. The sebacic acid is inodorous ; its taste is slight, but it perceptibly r< ddens litmus paper; its specific gravity is above that of water, and its crystals are small white needles of little coherence. Exposed to heat, it melts like fat, is decomposed, and par- tially evaporated. The air has no effect upon it. It is much more soluble in hot than in cold water; hence boiling water saturated with it, assumes a nearly solid consistence on cooling. Alkohol dis- solves it abundantly at the ordinary temperature. With the alkalies it forms soluble neutral salts «fil SEC SEC but if we pour into their concentrated solutions, sulphuric, nitric, or muriatic acids, the sebacic is immediately deposited in large quantity. It af- fords precipitates with the acetates and nitrates of lead, mercury, and silver. Such is the account given by Thenard of this acid, in the 3d volume of his Traite de Chimie, published in 1815. Berzelius, in 1806, published an elaborate dissertation, to prove that Thenard's new sebacic acid was only the benzoic, contami- nated by the fat, from which, however, it may be freed, and brought to the state of common benzoic acid. Thenard takes no notice of Berzelius what- ever, but concludes his account by stating, that it has been known only lor twelve or thirteen years, and that it must not be confounded with the acid formerly cailed sebacic, which possesses a strong disgusting odour, and was merely acetic or muri- atic acid ; or fat which had been changed in some way or other, according to the process used in the preparation. Sebadilla. See Cevadilla. SEBATE. (Sebas; from sebum, suet.) The name in the neutral compound of the acid of fat, with a salifiable base. Sebesten. (An Egyptian word.) See Cor- dia myxa. SECA'LE. (Secale,, i. neut. A name in Pliny, which some etymologists, among whom is Do Tbeis, derive Irom the Celtic segal. This, says he, comes from sega, a sickle, in the same language, and thence seges, the Latin appellation of all grain that is cut with a similar instrument. Those who have looked no farther for an etymolo- gy than the Latin seco, to cut or .mow, have come to the same conclusion.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Trian- dria ; Order, Digynia. Rye. 2. The common name of the seed ofthe Secale cereale, of Linnaeus. Secai e cereale. The systematic name of the rye-plant. Rye-corn is principally used as an article of diet, and in the northern countries of Europe is employed for affording an ardent spirit. Rye-bread is common among the northern parts of Europe ; it is less nourishing than wheat, but a sufficiently nutritive and wholesome grain. It is more than any other grain strongly disposed to acescency; hence it is liable to ferment in the stomach, and to produce purging, which people on the first using it commonly experience. Secale cornutum. Secale corniculatum; Clavus secalinus. Mutlerkom kornzapfeu, of the Germans. Ergot; Sdgle ergote of the French. A black, curved, morbid excrescence, Uke the spur of a fowl, which is found in the spike of the Secale cerealis of Linnaeus, especially in hot climates, when a great heat suddenly succeeds to much moisture. The seed, which has this dis- eased growth, gives off, when powdered, an odour which excites sneezing, and titilates the nose, like tobacco. It has a mealy, and then a rancid, nau- seous, and biting taste, which remains a long time, and causes the mouth and fauces to become dry; which sensation is not removed by watery fluids, but is soon relieved by milk. The cause of this excrescential disease in rye appears to be an insect which penetrates the grain, feeds on its amylaceous part, and leaves its poison in the pa- renchyma ; hence it is fall of small foramina or perforations made by the insect. The secale cornutum has a singular effect on the animal economy. The meal or flour sprink- led on a wound coagulates the blood, excites a heat aud then a numbness in the part, and soon after in the extremities. Bread which contains some of it, does not ferment well, nor bake well, £62 and is glotinous and nauseous. The bread when eaten produces intoxication, lassitude, a sense of something creeping on the skin, weakness of the joints, with convulsive movements occurring peri- odically. This state is what is called raphania, and convuldones cerealia. Of those so affected, some can only breathe in an upright posture, some become maniacal, others epileptic, or tabid, and some have a thirst not to be quenched ; and livid eruptions and cutaneous ulcers are not uncom- mon. The disease continues from ten days to two or three months and longer. Those who have formication, pain, and numbness of the extremi- ties in the commencement, generally lose the feel- ing in these parts, and the skin, from the fingers 'to the lore-arm, or from the toes to the middle of the tibia, becomes dry, hard and black, as if cover- ed with soot. This species of mortification is called Necrosis cerealis. As a medicine, tbe secale cornutum is given in- ternally to excite the action of the uterus in an atonic state of that organ, producing amenorrhoea, &c. and during parturition. Given in the dose of ten grains, it soon produces a desire to make wa- ter, and the labour pains quickly follow ; but it is a dangerous medicine, the effect not being con- trollable. The antidote to the ill effects produced in the mouth and fauees by eating bread which has this poison, is milk. Against the convulsions, vomits, saline purgatives, glysters, submuriate of mercury as a purg-itive, are first to be given, and after the primae viae have been duly cleaned, stimulants of camphire, ammonia, and aether with opium. To the necrosis, rectified oil of turpentine is very beneficial in stopping its progress, and then warm stimulating fomentations and poultices. SECOND \RY. This term denotes something that acts as second or in subordination to another. Thus, m diseases, we have secondary symptoms. See Primary. Secondary fever. That febrile affection which arises after a crisis, or the discharge of some mor- bid matter, as after the declension of the small- pox or the measles. SECRETION. Secretio. " The generic name of s detion is given to a function, by wliich a part ot the blood escapes from the organs of circulation, and diffuses its-elf without or within ; either preserving its chemical properties, or dis- persing after its elements have undergone another order of combinations. The secretions are generally divided into three sorts ; the exhalations, the follicular secretions, and the glandular secretions. Exhalations.—The exhalations take place as well within the body as at the skin, or in the mu- cous membranes; thence their division into ex- ternal and internal. Internal Exhalations.—Wherever large or small surfaces are in contact, an exhalation takes place ; wherever fluids are accumulated in a cavi- ty without any apparent opening, they are depo- sited there by exhalations: the phenomenon of exhalation is also manifested in almost every part of the animal economy. It exists in the serous, the synovial, the mucous membranes ; in the cel- lular tissue, the interior of vessels, the adipose cells, the interior of the eye, ofthe ear, the pa- renchyma of many of the organs, such as the thy- mus, thyroid glands, the capsula suprarenale!, &c. &c. It is by exhalation that the watery hu- mour, the vitreous humour, the liquid of the laby- rinth, are formed and renewed. The fluids exhaled in these different parts have not all been analysed; among those that have been, several approach more or less to the elements of the blood, and .erisH SEC particularly to the serum ; such arc the fluids of the serous membranes oi the cellular tissue, of the chambers of the eye ; others differ more from it, as the synovia, the fat, &c. Serous Exhalation.—All the viscera of tho head, of the chest, and the abdomen, are covered with a serous membrane, which also lines the sides of these cavities, so that the viscera are not in contact with the sides, or with the adjoining viscera, except by the intermediation of this same membrane ; and as its surface is very smooth, the viscera can easily change their relation with each other, and witb the sides. The principal circum- stance which keeps up the polish ol Iheii surface is the exhalation of which they are the seat; a very thin fluid constantly passes out of every point of the membrane, and mixing with that of the adjoining parts, forms with it a humid layer that favours the frictions of the organs. It appears that this facility oi sliding upon each other is very favourable to the action of the or- gans, for as sonn as they are deprived of it by any malady ofthe serous membrane, their functions are disordered, and they sometimes cease entirety. In the state of health, the fluid secreted by the serous membranes appears to be the serum ot the blood, a certain quantity of albumen excepted. Serous Exhalation of the Cellular Tissue.— This tissue, which is called cellular, is generally distributed through animal bodies ; it is useful at once to separate and unite the different organs, and the parts of the organs. Tbe tissue is every where formed of a great number oi small thin plates, which, crossing in a thousand different ways, form a sort of felt. The size and arrange- ment of the plates vary according to the difl'erent parts of the body. In one place they are larger, thicker, and constitute large cells ; in another, they are very narrow and thin, and form extreme- ly small cells , in some points the tissue is capable of extension ; in others, it is little susceptible ol it, and presents a considerable resistance. But whatever is the disposition of the cellular tissue, its plates, by their two surfaces, exhale a fluid which has the greatest analogy with that of the serous membranes, and which appears to have the same uses ; these are to render the frictions of the plates easy upon each other, and therefore to favour the reciprocal motions of the organs, and even the relative changes of the different parts of which they are composed. Fatty Exhalation.—Independently ofthe sero- sity, a fluid is found in many parts of the cellular tissue of a very different nature, which is the (at. Under the relation of the presence of the tat, the cellular tissue may be divided into three sorts ; that which contains it always, that which eontains it sometimes, and that which never contains it. The orbit, the sole ofthe foot, the pulp of the fin- gers, that of the toes, always present fat; the sub- cutaneous cellular tissue, and that which covers the heart, the veins, &c. present il often ; lastly, that of the scrotum, of the eyelids, of the interior of the skuU, never contain it. The fat is contained in distinct cells that never communicate with the adjoining ones. It has been supposed, from this circumstance, that the tissue that contains, and that forms the tat, was not the same as that by which the serosity is form- ed; but as these fatty cells have never been shown, except when full of fat, this anatomical distinc- tion seems doubtful. The size, the form, tbe dis- position of these cells, are not less variable than the quantity of fat which they contain. In some individuals scarcely a few ounces exist, whilst in others there are several hundred pounds. According to the last researches, the human fat * composed of t\rr parts, the one fluid, the other concrete, which are themselves compounded, but in different proportions, of two new proximate principles. Synovial Exhalations.—Round the moveable articulations a thin membrane is found, which baa much analogy with the serous membranes ; but which, however, differs from them by having small reddish prolongations that contain nume- rous blood vessels. These are called synovial fringes; thev are very visible in tht great arti- culation- ol the limbs. Internal Exhalation of the Eye.—The differ- ent humours ol the t ye are also lormed by exha- lation ; they are each of them separately enve- loped in a membrane that appears intended for exhalation an I absorption. Tbe humours ot the eye are, the aqueous hu- mour, the formation of which is at present attri- buted to the ciliary processes ; the vitreous hu- mour, secreted by the hyaloid ; the chrystalline, the black matter ot the choroid, and that of the posterior sunace of the iris. Bloody Exhalation!.—In all the exhalations of which we have spoken,.it is only a part of the principle of the blood that passes out of the ves- sels ; tbe blood itself ap, ears to spread in several of the organs, and fill in them the sort of ceUular tissue w Inch forms their parenchyma; such are the cavernous bodies ol the penis and of the cli- toris, the urethra and the glans, the spleen, tbe maiuili.., &c. the anatomical examination of these different tissues seelnt. to show that they are habitual!} . td with venous blood, tlie quantity of whicb is variable according to different cir- cumstances, particularly according to the state of action or inaction of the organs. Many other interior exhalations exist also, among those of ihe cavities of the internal ear, ofthe parenchyma, ofthe thymus, ot the thyroid gland ; that ot the cavity ot the capsula suprare- nales, &c. : but the fluids founed in these differ- ent parts are scarcely understood ; they have never beon analyzed, and their uses are unknown. External Exhalations.—These are composed entirely ol the exhalations of the mucous mem- branet, and of that of the skin, or cntoneou,-! transpiration. Exhalation of the Mucout Membranet.— There are two mucous membranes ; the one co- vers the surface of the eye, the lacrymal ducts, the nasal cavities, the sinuses, the middle ear, the mouth, all the intestinal canal, the excretory ca- nals which terminate in it; lastly, the larynx, the trachea, and the bronchia. The other mucous membrane covers the organs of generation and ofthe urinary apparatus. Cutaneous Transpiration.---A transparent liquid, of an odour more or less strong, salt, acid, usually passes through the innumerable openings of the epidermis. See Pertpiration. This liquid is generally evaporated as soon as it is in contact with the air, and at other times it flows upon the surface of the skin. In the first case it is imper- ceptible, and bears the name of inxenrible trans- piration ; in the second it is called sweat. Follicular Secretion!.—The follicles are smaU hollow organs lodged in 'he skin or mucous mem- br.mes, and which on that account are divided in- to mucout and cutaneous. The follicles are, besides, divided into simple and compound. The simple raucous follicles are seen upon nearly the whole extent of the mucous membranes, where they are more or less abun- dant ; however, there are points of considerable extent of these membranes where they are not seen. The bodies that bear the name of fungous pa- pilla of the tongue, the amygdalae, the glands of the cardia, the prostate. &c. are considered by anatomists as coUections of simple follicles. Per- haps this opinion is not sufficiently supported. The fluid that they secrete is little known ; it appears analogous to tbe mucous, and to have the same uses. In almost all the points of the skin, little openings exist, which are the orifices of smaU hollow organs, with membranous sides, generally filled with an albuminous and fatty matter, the consistence, the colour, the odour, and even the savour of which are variable, according to the different parts ofthe body, and which is continu- aUy spread upon the surface ofthe skin. These small organs are called the follicles of the skin; one of them at least exists at the base of each hair, and generally the hairs traverse the cavity of a follicle in their direction outwards. The follicles form that mucous and fatty matter which is seen upon tbe skin of the cranium and on that of the pavilion of the ear; the follicles also secrete the cerumen in the auditory canal; that whitish matter, of considerable consistence, that is pressed out of the skin of the face in the form of small worms, is also contained in follicles; it is the same matter which, by its surface being in contact with the air, becomes black, and pro- duces the numerous spots that are seen upon some persons' faces, particularly on the. sides ofthe nose and cheeks. The follicles also appear to secrete that odo- rous, whitish matter, which is always renewed at the external surface of the genital parts. By spreading on the surface of the epidermis, of the hair of the head, of the skin, &c, the matter of the follicles supports the suppleness and elasti- city of those parts, renders their surface smooth and polished, favours their frictions upon one another. On account of its unctuous nature, it renders them less penetrable by humidity, &c. Glandular Secretiont.—The name ot gland is given to a secreting organ which sheds the fluid that it forms upon the surface of a mucous mem- brane, or of the skin, by one or more excretory glands. The number of glands is considerable ; the ac- tion of each bears the name of glandular secretion. There are six secretions of this sort, that of the tears, of the saliva, of tbe bile, of the pancreu-tic fluid, of the urine, of the semen, and lastly, that of the milk. We may add the action of the mu- cous glands, and of the glands of Cowper. Secretion of Tears.—The gland that forms the tears is very small; it is situated in the orbit of the eye, above and a Uttle outward; it is composed of small grains, united by ceUular tissues; its ex- cretory canals, small and numerous, open behind the external angle of the upper eyelid: it receives a small artery, a branch ofthe ophthalmic, and a nerve, a division of the fifth pair. In a state of health, the tears are in small quan- tity; the liquid that forms themis limpid, without odour, of a salt savour. Fourcroy and Vauquelin, who analysed it, found it composed of much wa- ter, of some centesimal* of mucus, muriate and phosphate of soda, and a little pure soda and lime. What are caUed tears, are not however, the fluid secreted entirely by the lachrymal gland; it is a mixture of thi 5 fluid wilh the matter secreted by the conjunctiva, and probably with that of the glands of Meibomius. The tears form a layer before the conjunctiva of the eye, and defend it from the contact of air; they facilitate the frictions of the eyelids upon the eye, favour the expulsion of foreign bodies, and prevent the action of irritating bodies upon the eonjunctiva; in tins case the quantity rapidly augments. They are also a means^of expressing .he passions: the tear* flow from ve^-Miou, pain. 8RJ isriC joy, and pleasure. The nervous system lias there fore a particular influence upon their secretion. This influence probably takes place by means of the nerve that the fifth pair of cerebral nerves *6ends to the lachrymal gland. Secretion of the Saliva—The salivary glands are, 1st, the two parotids, situated before the ear and behind the neck, and tbe branch of the jaw: 2d, the submaxillaries, situated below and on the front of the body of this bone ; Sd, lastly, the sublinguals, placed immediately below the tongue. The parotids and the submaxiUaries have only one excretory canal; the sublinguals have several. All these glands are formed by the union of the granulations of different forms and dimensions; they receive a considerable quantity of arteries relatively to their mass. Several nerves are dis- tributed to them, which proceed from the brain or the spinal marrow. The sativa which these glands secrete flows constantly into the mouth, and occupies the lower part of it; it is at first placed between the ante- rior and lateral part of the tongue and the jaw; and when the space is filled, it passes into the spaee between tbe tower lip, the cheek, and the external side of the jaw. Being thus deposited in the mouth, it mixes with the fluids secreted by tbe membranes and the mucous follicles. Secretion cf the Pancreatic Juice.—The pan- creas is situated transversely in the abdomen, be- hind the stomach. It has an excretory canal, which opens into the duodenum, beside that of the liver. The granulous structure of this gland has made it be considered a salivary gland; but it is different from them by the sraallness of the arte- ries that it receives, and by not appearing to re- ceive any cerebral nerve. It is impossible to explain the use of the pan- creatic juice. Secretion of the Bile.—The liver is the largest of all the glands ; it is also distinguished by tbe singular circumstance among the secretory or- gans, that it is constantly traversed by a great quantity of venous blood, besides the arterial blood, which it receives as well as every other part. Its parenchyma does not resemble, in any respect, that of the other glands, and the fluid formed by it is not less different from that of the other glandular fluids. The excretory canal of the liver goes to tbe duodenum ; before entering it, it communicates with a small membranous bag, called vesicula fellis, and on this account, that it is almost always filled with bile. Few fluids are so compound, and so different from the blood, as the bile. Its colour is greenish, its taste very bitter; it is viscous, thready, some- time, limpid, and sometimes muddy. It coiitain? water, albumen, a matter called resinous by 6omt- chemists, a yellow colouring principle, 6oda, and some salts, viz. muriate, phosphate, and sulphate of soihi, phosphate of lime and oxide of iron. These properties belong to the bUe contained in the gnll bladder. That which goes out directly from the liver, caUed hepatic bile, has never been analysed ; it appears to be of a less deep colour, less viscous, and less bitter than the cystic bile. The formation of the bile appears constant. The liver receiving venous blood at the same time by the vena porta, and arterial blood by the hepatic artery, physiologists have been very eago. to know which of the two it is that forms the bile. Several have said that the blood ofthe vena porta, having more carbon and hydrogen than that of the hepatic artery, is more proper for furnishing the elements ofthe bile. Bichat has successfully contested thh «nini'«e. a handful of tbe herb is directed,. SEL S>EM oy Below, to be boiled in eight pints of beer, tili they are reduced to four, of which three or four ounces are to be taken every, or every other morning. Milk has been found to answer this purpose better than beer. Not"only ulcers simply scorbutic, but those of a scrophulous or even can- cerous tendency, have been cured by the use of this plant; of which Marquet relates several in- stances. He likewise found it useful as an exter- nal application in destroying fungous flesh, and in promoting a discharge in gangrenes and carbun- cles. Another effect for which this plant is es-. teemed, is that of stopping intermittent fevers. Sedum luteum murale. Nuvelwort. Sedum majus. See Sempervivum tedorum. Sedum minus. See Sedum acre.. Sedum telephium. The systematic name of the orpine. Faba crassa; Telephium; Fabaria crassula; Anacampseros. The plant which bears these names in various pharmacopoeias, is the Se- dum—foliis planiusculis serratis, corymbo fo- lioso, caule erecto, of Linnaeus. It was formerly ranked as an antiphlogistic, but now forgotten. SEED. See -Semen. • Seed-vessel. See Pericarpium. SEEING. See Vision. Seignette's salt. A neutral salt: first pre- pared and made known by Peter Seignette, who lived at RocheUe in France, towards the end of the seventeenth century. See Soda tartarisata. SELENI'TES. (From otX^vr,, the moon.) 1. Sparry gypsum, a sulphate of lime. 2. A white stone having a figure upon it resem- bling a moon.. SELENIUM. (From otXvvv, the moon: so caUedfrom its usefulness in lunacy.) 1. A kind of peony. 2. A new elementary body, extracted by Ber- zelius from the pyrites of Fahlun, which, from its chemical properties, he places between sulphur and tellurium, though it has more properties in common with the former than with the latter sub- SELF-IIEAL. See Prunella. SELINE. (From atXyvt), the moon : because they are opaque, and look like little moons.) A disease ofthe nails, in which white spots are oc- casionally seen in their substance. SELINIC ACID. Acidum selinicum. If se- linium be heated to dryness it forms with nitric acid a volatile and crystallisable compound, called selinic acid, which unites to some of the metallic oxides producing salts, caUed seleniates. SELFNUM. (The ancient generic name of Theophrastus and Dioscorides, whose XcXtov is said to be derived from irapa to ev eXti r oth<»r bean, or srounl. in wiit°r The less essential parts ar», 1. The arillus. 4. The capsulu. 2. The pappus. 5. The ala. 3. The cauda. From the difference in the form, surface, situa tion, and number, rise the foUowing distinction- of seeds. 1. Semina arillata; as in Jasminum. 2. Papota; as in Leontodon taraxacum. 3. Caudata; as.in Clematis vitalba, 4. Colyculata, covered with a bony calyx; as in Coix lachryma. 5. Alata; as in Bignonia. 6. Hamosa, furnished with one or three hooks : as in Daucus muricatus. 7. Lanata, covered with wool; as in Bombax: GOstipium, and Anemone hortensis. 8. Rotunda; as in Pisun., and Brassica. 9. Rotundo-compressa; as Ervum'lent. 10. Oblonga; as in Boerhaavia diffusa. 11. Conica ; as in Be.llium. 12. Ovata; as in Querent robur. 13. Triquetro ; as in Rheum; and Rumex. 14. Lanceolata; as in Fraxinus. 15. Acuminata; as Cucumis sativus. 16. Rcniformia; as in Phaseolus. 17. Aculeata; as Ranunculus arvensis. 18. Cochleata; as in Salsola. 19. Cymbifomnia ; as in Calendula officinalis 20. lAnearia; as in Crucianella. 21. Aristata; as in Holcus saccharatus. 22. Echinata ; as in Verbena lapulacea. 23. Hispida ; as Daucus carota. 24. Hirsuta; as in Scandix trichosperma. 25. Muricata; as Ranunculus parriflorus. 26. Glabra; as in Galium montanum. 27. Rngosa; as in Lithospermum irvensc. 28. Callosa,- as in Citrus medica. 29. Lapidea ; as in Lithospermum. 30. Colorata; as in Charophyllum aureum. 31. Striata; as in Conium maculatum. 32. Sulcata ; as in Scandix odorata. 33. Transvrrsim sulcata ; as Picris. 34. Nuda; as in the Gyninospermial plants. 35. Teda; as in angiospermial plants. 36. Nidulantia; adhering to the external sur face ; as in Frangaria vesca. 37. Pendula, suspended by a filament external to the seed vessel; as in Magnolia glandiflora. 38. Pauca, when few in number. 39. Plurima, many ; as in Papaver. The parts of a seed when germinating are, 1. Cotyledones. 2. Corculum. The variety of forms of seeds, are not withom their uses, and the various modes by which seeds are dispersed, cannot fail to strike an observing mind with admiration. " Who has not listened, siiys Sir James Smith, " in a calm and sunny day, to the crackling of furze bushes, caused by the explosion of their Uttle elastic pods; nor watched the down of innumerable seeds floating on the summer breeze, till they are overtaken by a shower, which, moistening their wiugs, stop* their further flight, and at the same time accom- plishes its final purpose, by immediately pro- moting the germination of each seed in the moist earth? How little are children aware, as they blow away the seeds of dandelion, or stick burs, in sport, on each others clothes, that they are ful- fiilhngone ofthe greatest ends of nature ! Some- times the calyx, beset with hooks, forms the bur ; sometimes hooks encompass the fruit itself. Pulny fruits serve quadrupeds ind birds as food, while their seeds, often small, hard, and indigesti- ble, pass uninjured by them through the intestines, and -ire .teposit'-d lav from 'heir original place of S.EM SEN ,iowtt>, i!i a condition peculiariy lit for vegeta- tion. Even such seeds as are themselves eaten, like the various sorts of nuts, are hoarded up in the cracked ground, and occasionally forgotten, or the earth swells and encloses them. The ocean itself serves to waft the larger kinds of seeds from their native soil to far distant shores." Semen, adjowaen. A seed imported from the East, of a pleasant smell, a grateful aromatic taste, somewhat like savory. It possesses ex- citing, stimulating, and carminative virtues, and is given in the East in nervous weakness, dyspep- sia, flatulency, and heart-burn. Semen agave. An East Indian seed, exhi- bited there in atonic gout. Semen contra. See Artemisia santonica. Semen sanctum. See Artemisia santonica. SEMI.4 WTom th"1™' half.) Semi, in com- position, tuuirer&ally signifies half; as temicu- pium, a haft-bath, or bath up to the navel; acmt- Uinaris, in the shape ot a half-moon. SEMICIRCULAR. Semicircularis. Of the shape of half a circle. Semicircular canals. These canals are three in number, and take their name from their figure. They belong to the organ of hearing, and are situated in the petrous portion of the temporal bone, and open into the vestibulum. SEMICU'PIUM. A half-bath, or such as re- ceives only the hips, or extremities. SEMICYLINDRACEUS. Semicylindrical; flat on one side, round on the other, as the leaves of the Concilium gibbosum. Semi interosseus indicis. See Abductor indicis manus. SEMILUNAR. Semilunaris. Half-moon shaped. Semilunar valves. The three valves at the beginning of the pulmonary artery and aorta are so termed, from their half-moon shape. SEMI-MEMBIIANO'SUS. fschio-popliii- femoral, of Dumas, This muscle arises from the outer surface of the tuberosity of the ischium, by a broad flat tendon which is three inches in length. From tliis tendon it has gotten the name of semi-membranosus. It then begins to grow fleshy, and runs at first under the long head of the biceps, and afterwards between that muscle and the semi-tendinosus. At the lower part of the thigh it becomes narrower again, and terminates in a short tendon, which is inserted chiefly into the upper and back part of the head of the tibia, but some ol its fibres are spread over the posterior surface of the capsular ligament of the knee. Be- tween this capsular ligament and the tendon of the muscle, we find a small bursa mucosa. The ten- dons of this and the last-described muscle form the inner ham-string. This muscle bends the leg, and seems likewise to prevent the capsular liga- ment from being pinched. Semi-kervo.-s.us. See Semitendinosus. Seminis Cauda. See Cauda semiiiis. Seminis ejai latok. See Accelerator urina. Semiopal. See Opal. Soh-orbrularis okis. See Orbicularis oris. SEMIO'TICE. (From ci^tioii, a sign.) Se- meiosis. That part of pathology which treats on the signs ot disease?. Semi-spinalis colli. Si:,..-tpinalis sive transverso-spinalis colli, of Winslow ; Spinalis cervicis, of Albinus ; Spinalis colli, of Douglas ; Transversalis colli, ol Cowper; and Transverso- spinal, of Dumas. A muscle situated on the pos- terior part ul the neck, which turns the neck (.bliquely backward*, rtur! a little, to one side. It S6P arises from the transverse processes ol the uppti - most six vertebra of the back by as many distinct tendons, ascending obliquely under the complexus, and is inserted into the spinous processes of all the vertebrae of the neck, except the first and last. Semi-spinalis dorsi. Semi-spinalis exter- nus seu transverso-spinalis dorsi, of Winslow. Semi-spinatus, of Cowper; and IVansverto- sjrinal, of Dumas. A muscle situated on the back, which extends the spine obliquely backwards. It arises from the transverse processes of the se- venth, eighth, ninth, and tenth vertebrae of the back, by as many distinct tendons, which soon grow fleshy, and then become tendinous again, and are inserted into the spinous processes of aU the vertebrae of the back above the eighth, and into the lowermost of the neck, by as mafny ten- dons. Semi-spinalis externus. See Semi-spina- lis dorsi. Semi-spinatus. See Semi-tpinalis dorsi. Semi-tendinosus. This muscle, which is the semi-nervosus, of Douglas and Winslow; and Ischio-creti-tibial, of Dumas, is situated obliquely along the back part of the tbigh. It arises ten- dinous and fleshy from the inferior, posterior, and outer part of the tuberosity of the ischium, in common with the long head of the biceps cru- ris, to the posterior edge of which it continues to adhere, by a great number of oblique fibres, tor the space of two or three inches. Towards the lower part of the os femoris, it terminates in a round tendon, which passes behind the inner con- dyle of the thigh bone, and, becoming flat, is in- r.-rted into the upper and inner pant of , sativa, &c. and/many of the solids, the hair, epidermis, nails, &c.; but the sensible parts are the skin, eyes, tongue, ear, nose, muscles, stomach, intes- tines, &c. . SENSO'RIUM. The organ of any of the senses. See Cerebrum. Sensorium commune. See Cerebrum. SE'NSUS. (Sensus, us. m.; d sentiendo.) The senses are distinguished into external and in- ternal. The external senses are seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling. The internal, imagination, memory, judgment, attention and the passions. SENTICOS^E. (From sentis, a briar.) The name of an order of plants in Linnieus's Frag- ments of a Natural Method, consisting of such as resemble the bramble, rose, &c. SENTIENT. This terra is applied to those parts which are more susceptible of feeling than others, as the sentient extremities of the nerves, &c. Sentis caninus. (Sentis, a thorn; from its being prickly like a thorn.) See Rosu canina. Separato'rium. (From separo, to separate.) An instrument for separating the pericranium from the skull, and a chemical vessel 1< -'. separating es- sential parts of liquids. SE'PIA. The name of a genus of fish, of the Class, Vermes; Order, Molusca. The cuttle-fish. Sepia officinalis. Sepium; Pracipitans magnum. .The cuttle-fish. The systematic name ofthe fish, the shell of which is a phosphate "f lime, and i.« often mived into moth-powder" F70 bEH.t. os. Sec Sepia officiuulu. SEnARlJE. (From sepes, a hedge.) iiic name of an order of plants in Linnaeus's Frag- ments of a Natural Method, consisting of woody plants, which form a hedge-like appearance; the flowers are mostly a thymus or panicle. SE'PIUM. See Sepia officinalis. SEPTARIA. Ludi Helmontii. Spheroidal concretions that vary from a few inches to a foot in diameter. VVhen broken in a longitudinal di- rection, the interior of the mass is observed in- tersected by a number of fissures, sometimes empty, sometimes filled with calcareous spar. The body of the concretion is ferruginous marie. From these septaria is manufactured that excellent ma- terial for budding under water, called Parke's ce- ment, or Roman cement. Septenary years. Climacteric years. A pe- riod, or succession of years in human life, at which, important constitutional changes are sup- posed to take place; and the end of this period is therefore judged critical. This period is fixed at every seventh year. The grand climacteric is fixed at 6>, and, passing that time, age, it is con- "' sidered, may be protracted to 90. So general is this belief, that the passing of 60 generally gives much anxiety to most people. SEPTtrOIL. See Tormentilla. SEPTiC. (Septicus; fromor)~u, to putrefy.) Relating to putrefaction. SEPTIFO'LIA. (From septem, seven, and folium, a leaf: so named from the number of its leaves.) Coral wort, or septfoil toothwort. SEPTINE'HVIA. (From septem, seven, and nervus, a string: so called from the seven strings upon its leaf.) A species of plantain. SE'PTUM. A partition. Septum cs.rebf.lli. A process of the dura ' mater, dividing the cerebellum perpendicularly intntwo principal parts. Septum cerebri. The falciform process of the dura mater is sometimes so called. Sec Fal- dform process. Septum cordis. (Septum; from sepio, to . separate.) The partition between the two ven- tricles of the heart. Septum lucidum. Septum pellucidum. The thin and tender portion of the. brain dividing the lateral ventricles from each other. Septum xarium. Interseptum, The partis tion between the nostrils. Septum palati. The partition of the palate. Septum pellucidum. See Septumluddurn. Septum thoracis. See Mediastinum. Septum transversum. See Diaphragm. SERA'PIAS. (From Serapis, a lascivious idol: so called because it was thought to promote venery ; or from the testiculated shape of its ro.'ts.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnrean system. Class,' Gynandria; Order, Diandria. Serapi'n^m. The gum-resin sagapenum is sometimes so called. See Sagapenum. SERAPION, of Alexandria, lived about 260 years before Christ, and is affirmed by Celsus t<> have been the founder of the empiric sect of phy- sicians ; though others have attributed the ori^l . of this sect to Philiuus. SERAPION7, John, an Arabian physician who lived between the time of .Mesne aud Rhazes, to- wards the middle of the ninth century, and i;; supposed to have been the first writer on physic in the Arabic language. Haly Abbas describes- his writings as containing only the cure of dis- eases, without any precepts concerning the pre servation of health, or. relating to surgery : anil »hov are frequently quotes! bv Rha/is. lie r-. SER SER nauscnbes the remarks of Alexander Trallian, with whom the other Arabians appear to be little acquainted. Some confusion appears to exist re- specting another Serapion, who is supposed to have lived 180 years later, and to have been the author of a work on the Materia Medica, entitled 11 De Mcdicamentistam simplicibus, quarh conipo- sitis; ' in which authors are quoted, much poste- rior to Rhazes, Avenzoar tor instance, so that it must have been written towards the latter part of the eleventh century. SEKICUM. Silk. A species of hairy pube- scence of plants, which consists of a white sinn- ing silkiness : hence the leaves of the Potentilla anserina, AlchemiUa alpina, &c. are called Folia lertcca. SERI'PHIUM. (Seems to have been applied to this genus on account ol the analogy in its habit and foliage with the Artemisia pontica of Pliny, called by the Greeks Si^ii/koi. ' lie , to expe1.) Those medicines are so eall<-d. wli-.rh excite an • ncommon flow of sjm 871 sit, SJL uva: such are mercurial preparations, pyrethrum, &c. They are divided into dalagoga lopica, as sciUa, nicotiana, piper, &c.; and sialagoga in- terna, as the various preparations of mercury. SIBBENS. A disease resembling syphilis. SIBERITE. Red tourmaline. Sicca'ntia. (From st'eco, to dry.) Drying medicines. Siccha'sia. (From eiK^ps, weak, weary.) An unpleasant lassitude and debility peculiar to women with child. Si'cula. (Dim. of dca, a short sword: so caUed from its dagger-like root.) The beet. Sicte'don. (From oikvos, a cucumber.) A transverse fracture like a cucumber broken in two parts. Sicyo'n e. (From oikvos, a cucumber or gourd: so named from its resemblance to a gourd.) A cucurbit. SIDERA'TIO. (From ridus, a planet; be- cause it was thought to be produced by the in- fluence of the planets.) An apoplexy ; a blast; ■a slight erysipelas. SIDE'RIUM. (From ait.npos, iron.) An herb so called from its supposed virtues in healing wounds made by iron instruments. SIDERUM. Phosphuret of iron. SIENITE. Syenite. A compound granular aggregated rock, composed of felspar and horn- blende, and sometimes quartz and black mica. The hornblende is the characteristic ingredient, and distinguishes it perfectly from granite, with which it is often confounded; but the felspar, which is almost always red, and seldom inclines to green, forms the most abundant and essential ingredient of the rock. Some varieties contain a very considerable portion of quartz and mica, but little hornblende. This is particularly the case with the Egyptian varieties, and hence these are often confounded with real granite. SIGESBE'CKIA. (So named by Linnxus himself, in memory of his antagonist, Dr. J. G. Siegesbeck, Superiiitendant of the Physic Garden at Petersburgh, who raised various objections against the sexes of plants.) The name of a genus of plants, Class, Syngenesia; Order, Polygamia tuperflua. Sigesbeckia orientalis. The systematic name of a plant which is said to be useful in re- moving strangury, and in calculous diseases, gout, and fluor albus. SIGHT. See Vision. Sigilla'ta terra. Sealed earth ; a species of bolar earth made into cakes. SIGI'LLFM. (Diminutive of signum, a sign.) Sigillum keatjs mari.e. Black briony, or Tamus communis. Sigillum hlrmeticum. An hermetic seal, made by closing the end of a glass tube by melt- ing it. Sigillum salomonis. (Called Solomon's seal, because it has upon its root the resemblance of an impression made by a seal.) See Conval- laria potygouatum. SIGMOID. (Sigmoides ; frorc the Greek Iet- ter oiypa, anciently written C, and ttios, a like- ness.) Resembling the Greek letter sigma. Ap- pUed to several parts, as the valves of the heart, the cartilages of the trachea, the semilunar apo- physis of the bones, and the flexure or turn of the colon. Sigmoide'a fi.exura. The sigmoid flexure, or turn of the colon. Sigmoi'des processus. Valves of the heart. SlGNA critica. Sign* of the crisis of dis- 874 Sign'a diaonostica. Diagnostic or distin- guishing signs. , SI'GNUM. A sign: applied to symptoms. Sec Semiotice. Si'ler montanum. Common hart-wort. See iMterpitium tiler. SI'LICA. (Selag, Hebrew.) Silex. One of the primitive earths is the principal constituent part of a very* great number of the compound earths and stones forming the immense mass of the solid nucleus of the globe. It is the basis of almost all the scintillating stones, such as flint, rock cryttal, quartz, agate, calccdony, jasper, &c. The sand of rivers, and of the sea-shore, chiefly consist of it. It is deposited in vegetable substances forming petrified wood, &c. It is likewise precipitated from certcin springs in a* stalactical form. It has been discovered in several waters in a state of solution, and is found in many plants, particularly grasses and equisetums. Pro- fessor Davy has proved that it forms a part of the epidermis of these vegetables. It is never met with absolutely pure in nature. Properties.—Silica, when perfectly pure, exists in the form of a white powder. It is insipid and inodorous. It is rough to the touch, cuts glass, and scratches or wears away metals. Its specific gravity is about 2.66. It is unalterable by tbe simple combustible bodies. When mixed with water it does not form a cohesive mass. Its mo- leculae, when diffused in water, are precipitated with the utmost facitity. It is not acted on by any acid, except the fluoric. When in a state of extreme division it is soluble in alkalies; fused with them it forms glass. It melts with the phos- phoric and boracic acids. It is unchangeable in the air, and unalterable by oxygen and the rest of tbe gaseous fluids. It has been considered as insoluble in water, but it appears when in a state of extreme division to be soluble in a minute quantity. Method of obtaining Silex.—Silex may be obtained, tolerably pure, from flints, by the fol- lowing process: Procure some common gun- flints ; expose them in a crucible to a red heat, and then plunge them into cold water ; by this treatment they will become brittle, and easUy reducible to powder. Mix them, when pulverized, with three or four times their weight of carbonate of potassa, and let the mixture be fused, in a dull red heat, in a silver crucible. We shall thus obtain a compound of alkali and silex, called siU- ceous potassa. Dissolve this compound in water, filter the solution, and add to it dilute sulphuric or muriatic acid. An immediate precipitation now ensues, and as long as this continues, add fresh portions of acid. Let the precipitate sub- side ; pour off the fluid that floats above it; and wash the precipitate with hot water till it comes off tasteless. This powder when dry is silica. In this process the acid added to the solution of fl'nt unites to the potassa, and forms sulphate or muriate of potassa ; the siliceous e-yth is there- fore precipitated. It is necessary to add an excess of acid, in order that all the foreign earths which are .present may be separated. If the solution of flints be diluted with a great quantity of water, as for instance, in the propor- tion of 24 parts to one, and in this state an acid be poured upon it, no perceptible precipitation will ensue ; the silex continues suspended in the fluid, and is invisible on account of its transpa- rency ; but it may be made to appear by evapo- rating part of the water. The solution of flint, on account of its aftinitv mil SU. with the carbonic acid, is also in course ot time decomposed by mere contact with air. Another method of obtaining silica exceedingly pure is to separate it from fluoric acid. In conse- quence of Sir II. Davy's researches on the metal- lic bases of the alkalies and earths, this earth has been recently regarded as a compound of a pecu- liar combustible principle with oxygen. Ifweignitc powdered quartz with three parts of pure potassa in a silver crucible, dissolve the fused compound in water, add to the solution a quantity of acid, eqtiivaltnt to saturate the alkali, and evaporate to dryness, we shall obtain a fine gritty powder, which being well washed with hot water, and ignited, will leave pure silica. By passing the vapour of potassium over silica in an ignited tube, Sir II. Davy obtained a dark-coloured powder, whicli apparently contained silicon, or silicium, the basis of tbe earth. Like boron and carbon, jt is capable of sustaining a high temperature without suffering any change. SILICON*. The base of silica. 81LIC UL A. A pouch, or pod, that is scarcely longer than it is broad. It is, I. Orbiculate, in Thlatpi arvente. 2. Cordate, in Itatis armena. 'I. Obcordate, in Thlatpi bursa partoris, ulpestre, and Myagrum perfoliatum. 4. Lanceolate, in Lepedium alpinum, and I satis tinctoria. 5. Angulate, in Myagrum agyptiacum. 6. Emarginate, in Alyssum, and Cochlearia. 7. Drupaceout, if the membrane is double, soft externally, and bard within ; as in Erucago, and Bunias. SILIGO. "LtXiyvis. Fine wheat or rye. SI'LIQUA. (From silo, a nose turned up, a hooked nose.) A long, dry, membranaceous pericarpium, or seed-vessel, of two valves, sepa- rated by a linear receptacle, along the edges of each of which, the seeds are arranged alternately. The dissepiment is a partition dividing a siliqua and silicula into two localaments, or cells. Botanists distinguish, !. The round pod in Fumaria lutea, and Chei- ranthus tricus pidatut. 2. The compressed, with levelled valves, in Cheirantliut annuus. 8. The four-edged, in Erysimum; Cl.riran- pint eryrimoides, and Brassica orientalit. 4. Articulate, in Raphanus raphanittrum. 5. The tortulose, which has elevated nodes here and there, in Raphanus sativus. 6. Rostrate, having the partition very promi- nent at the apex ; as in Sinapis alba. Siliqua dulcis. See Ceratonia dliqua. Siliqua hirsuta. See Dolichos prurient. Siliqua'sTRUM. (From siliqua, a pod: named from its pods.) Judas-tree. The Capsi- cum, or Guinea-pepper, was so termed by Pliny. See Capsicum. SILIQUO'S.-E. (From siliqua, apod.) Cru- cifurmis. The name of an order of plants in Liu.iaeiis s Fragments of a Natural Method, con- sisting of such as have a .iliqua or silicula, the flower tetradynaraous and cruciate. Siliquosa indica. An American plant; its juice is alexiphiiiiine. SILK-WORM. See Bombyx. Silk-worm, acid of. See Brnnbic acid. Si'limiium. (Zataph, Arabian.) Assafoetida, or the plant which affords it. SILVER. Argentum. This metal is found both native and mineralised, and combined with lead, copper, mercury, cobalt, sulphur, arsenic, &c. The principal ores of this metal are the 'Mlowin'-" X"tivc silver; cnt'moniated silver ; saiphurel oj diver ; sulphuretted oxide of silver and antimony; muriate of diver ; native oxide of silver, &c. It is found in different parts of the earth. The mines of the Erzgeburge or the me- talliferous rocks of Mexico and Potosi, Bohemia, N or way, Transylvania, &c. aie the richest. Xuttve diver possesses all th.e properties of this metal, and it appears in series of octahedra inserted in one Another ,' in small capillary flexi- ble threads int wined together; in plates ; or in masses. The colour of native silver is white, often tarnished. Silver alloyed with gold forms the auriferous native silver ore. The colour of this ore is a yellowish white. It has much metallic lustre, ihe antimoniated silver ore belongs to this class. Silver, combined with sulphur, form* the sulphuretted oxide of silver, or vitreous di- ver ore. This ore occurs in nia-.-es, sometime'! in threads, :md sometimes crystallised in cubes or regular octahedra. Its colour is dark bluish gray, inclined to black. Its fracture is uneven, and its lustre metallic. It is soft enough to be cut with a knife. It is sometimes found alloyed with anti- mony (gray silver ore.) Silver united to muri- atic acid forms the corneous silver ore (muriate of silver) which appears under different colours and shapes. Silver united to oxygen constitute,0 the calciform silver ore, of which there are se- veral varieties. The colour of these ores is a lead gray, or grayish black. They occur massive, disseminated, and crystallised. Germany, and other countries of Europe, but more especially Peru and Mexico in South Ameri- ca, contain the principal silver mines. There are, however, silver mines in Ireland, Norway, France, and many other parts in the world. Methodof obtaining Silver.—Different methods arc employed in different countries to extract sil- ver from its ores. In Mexico Peru, &c. the mine- ral is pounded, roasted, washed, and then tritu- rated with mercury in vessels filled with water. A mill is employed to keep the whole in agita- tion. The silver combines by that means with the mercury. The alloy thus obtained is after- wards washed, to separate any foreign matters from it, and then strained and pressed through leather. This being done, heat is applied to drive off the mercury from the silver, which is then melted and cast into bars or ingots. In order to extract silver from sulphuretted or vitreous silver ore, the mineral is roasted, and then melted with lead and borax, or some other flux to assist the fusion. By the first operation the sulphur is volatilised, and by the second the silver is obtained, though for the most part alloy- ed with other metals, from which it is separated by cupellation, or fusion with lead or bismuth. " Silver is the whitest of all metals, considera- bly harder than gold, very ductile and malleable, but less malleable than gold ; for the continuity of its parts begins to break when it is hammered out into leaves of about the hundred and sixty thousandth of an inch thick, which is more than one-third thicker than gold leaf; in this state it does not transmit the light. Its specific gravity- is from 10-4 to 10.5. It iernites before melting. and requires a stiong heat to fuse it. The heal: of common furnaces is insufficient to oxidise it; but the, heat of the most powerful burning lenses vitrifies a portion oi it, ai.d cau««s it to emit fumes ; which, when received on a plate of gold, are found to be silver in th» metallic state. It has likewise been partly a«dised by twenty suc- cessive exposures to tbe heat ofthe porcelain fur- nace at Sevres. By |>assin m, strong exertions of the mind, lively and multiplied sensations, prolong it, as well as habits nf idleness, the immoderate use. of wine, and of too strong aliments. Infancy and youth, whose life of relation is very active, have need of longer repose. Riper age, more frugal of time, and tortured with cares, devotes to it but a smati portion. Very old people present two opposite modifications , either they are almost always slumbering, or their sleep is very light; but the reason of this latter is not to be found in the foresight they have of their approaching end. By uninterrupted peaceable sleep, restrained within proper limits, the powers are restored, and the organs recover the facility of action; but if -sleep is troubled by disagreeable dreams, and pain- ful impressions, or even prolonged beyond mea- sure, very far from repairing, it exhausts the strength, fatigues the organs, and sometimes be- comes the occasion of serious diseases, as idiotism and madness." SLICKENSIDES. The specular variety of galena is so called in Derbyshire. SLOE. See Prunus sylvestris. SMALLAGE. See Apium graveolens. SMALL-POX. See Variola. SMALT. See Zaffire. SMARAGDITE. See Diallage. SMARAGDUS. See Emerald. SMELLIE, William, was born in Scotland, where he practised midwifery for nineteen years, and then settled in London. He attained consi- derable reputation as a lecturer, which he appears to have merited by his assiduity and talents. He introduced many improvements in the instruments employed in that branch of the profession, and established some useful rules forthcir application. He was the first writer who, by accurately deter- mining the shape and size of the pelvis, and of the head of the foetus, and considering its true posi- tion in utero, clearly pointed out.the whole pro- gress of parturition: and his opinions were subse- quently confirmed, especially by his pupii, the celebrated Dr. W. Hunter. He abolished many superstitious notions, and erroneous customs, that prevailed in the management of parturient wo- men, and of the children; and had the satisfaction of seeing most of these . mprovements adopted, as well in this as in other coun rics of Europe. In 1752, he pubUshed the substance of his lectures in an octavo volume ; to which he added, two years after, a second volume of cases ; and a thin! ap- peared, about fiv yean, after his death, in 1*68. fn 1754, he also publishpd a set of anatomical Sdates, of a large folio size, to elucidate his doc- rines farther. SMELL. " There escapes from almost every body in nature certain particles of an extreme te- nuity, which are carried by the air often to a great distance. These particles constitute odours. There is one sense destined to perceive and ap- preciate them. Thus an important relation be- tween animals and bodies is established. All bodies of which the atoms are fixed, are called inodorous. The difference of bodies is very great relative to the manner in winch odours are developed. Some permit themrto escape only when they are heated; others only when rubbed. Some again produce very weak odours, whilst others produce only those which are highly powerful. Such is the extreme tenuitv of odoriferous parti- 880 S.Ml. cics, tnat a body may produce them for a very- long time without losing weight in any sensible degree. Every odoriferous body has an odour peculiar to itself. As these bodies are very numerous, there have been attempts made to class them, which have nevertheless all foiled. Odours can be distinguished only into weak and strong, agreeable and disagreeable. We can re- cognise"Odours which are musky, aromatic, foetid, rancid, spermatic, pungent, muriatic, &c. Some are fugitive, others tenacious. In most cases an odour cannot be distinguished but by comparing it with some known body. There have been at- tributed to odours properties whicb are nourish- ing, medical, and even venomous ; but in the cases which have given rise to these opinions, might not the influence of odours have been confounded with the effects of absorption? A man who pounds jalap for some time will be purged in the same manner as if he had actually swallowed part of it. This ought not to be attributed to the effects of odours, but rather to the particles which, being spread around, float in the air, and are introduced either with the saliva or with the breath. We ought to attribute to the same cause the drunkenness of persons who are exposed for some time to the vapours of spirituous liquors. The ais> is the only vehicle of odours; it trans- ports them to a distance ; they are also produced, however, in vacuo, and there are bodies which project odoriferous particles with a certain force. This matter has not yet been carefully studied ; it is not known if, in the propagation of odours, there be any thing analogous to the divergence, the convergence, to the reflection, or the refrac- tion of the rays of light. Odours mix or combine with many liquids, as well as solids. This is the means employed to fix or preserve them. Li- quids, gases, vapours, as well as many solid bo- dies reduced to powder, possess the property of acting on the organs of smell. Ajrparatus for Smelling.—The olfactory ap- paratus ought to be represented as a sort of sieve, placed in the passage ofthe air, as it is introduced into the chest, and intended to stop every foreign body that may be mixed with the air, particularly the odours. Th>s apparatus is extremely simple ; it uiffon essentially from that of the sight and the hearing, since it presents no part anterior to the nerve, destined for the physical mollification of the ex- ternal impulse, the nerve is to a certain degree exposed. The aj.parat.^ is composed of the pi- tuitary nic iu bran->, whicli covers the nasal cavi- ties, nf the membrane which covers the sinuses, and of the olfactory nerve. The pituitary membrane covers the whole-ex- tent of the nostrils, increases ihe thickness of the spongy bones very much, is continue 1 beyond their iM^es and their extremities, so that the air cannot traverse the nostrils but in a long narrow- direction. This membrane is thick, and adheres strongly to the bones and cartilages that it covert. Its surface presents an infinity of small projec- tions, which have been considered by some as nervous papilla, by others as mucous follicles. but wliich, according to all appearance, are vas- cular. These small projections give to the membrane an appearance of velvet. The pituitary is agree- able and soft to the touch, and it recti, ts a great number of vessels and nerves. The passages through which the air proceeds to arrive at the fauces deserve attention. These are three in number. They are dME rhed ui anatomy by the names ol inferior, mid- . and superior meatut. The inferior ia the broadest and the longest, the least oblique and least crooked; the middle one is the narrowest, almost as long, but of greater extent from top to bottom. The superior is much shorter, more oblique, and narrower. It is necessary to add to these the interval, which is very narrow, and which separates the partition of the external side of the nostrils in its whole extent. These canals are so narrow, that the least swelling of the pitui- tary renders the passage of the air in the nostrils difficult, and sometimes impossible. The two superior meatus communicate with certain cavities, of dimensions more or less con- siderable, which are hollowed out of the bones of the head, and are called sinuses. These sinuses- are the maxillary, the palatine, the sphenoidal, the frontal; and those which are hollowed out of the ethmoid bone, better known by the name of ethmoidal cells. The sinuses communicate only with the two superior meatus. The frontal, the maxillary sinus, the anterior cells of the ethmmd bone, open info the middle meatus; the sphenoidal, the palatine sinus, the posterior ceUs of the ethmoid, open into the su- perior meatus. The sinuses are covered by other soft membranes, very little adherent to the sides, and which appear to be ofthe mucous kind. It secretes more or less abimdantly a matter call- ed nasal mucus, which is continually spread over the pituitary, and seems very useful in smelling. A more considerable extent of the sinus appears to coincide with a greater perfection of the smell. This is at least one of the most positive residts of comparative physiology. The olfactory nerve springs, by three distinct roots, from the posterior, inferior, and internal parts of the anterior lobe of the brain. Prismatic at first, it proceeds towards the perforated plate of the ethmoid bone. It sweUs all at once, and then divides itself into a great number of small threads, which spread themselves upon the pitui- tary membrane, principally on the superior part of ft. It is important to remark, that the filaments of the olfactory nerves have never been traced upon the inferior spongy bones, upon the internal sur- face of the middle meatus, nor in any of the d- nuses. The pituitary membrane receives not only the nerves of the first pair, but also a great number of threads, which spring from the inter- nal aspect of the spheno-palatine ganglion. These threads are distributed in the meatus, and in the inferior part of the membrane. It covers also, for a considerable length, the ethmoidal thread ofthe nasal nerve, and receives from it a considerable number of filaments. The mem- brane which covers the sinus receives also a num- ber of nervous ramifications. The nasal fossa communicate outwardly by means of the nostrils, the form and size of which are very variable. The nostrils are covered with hair on the inside, and ure capable of being in- creased in size by muscular action. The nasal fossae open into the pharynx by the posterior nostrils. Mechanism of Smelling.—SmeU is exerted es- sentially at the moment when the air traverses the nasal fossae in proceeding towards the lungs. We very rarely perceive any odour when the air pro- ceeds from tbe lungs ; it happens sometimes, however, particularly in organic diseases of the lungs. The mechanism of smell is extremely simple. It is oulv necessary tliaf the odoriferous particles 111 should be stopped upon the pituitary Lueiiibrauc, particularly in the places where it receives the threads of the olfactory nerves. As it is exactly in the superior part of the nasal fossae, where the extremes arc 60 narrow, that they are covered with mucus, it is also natural that the particles should stop there. We may conceive the utility of mucus. Its physical properties are such that it appears to have a much greater affinity with the odoriferous particles than with air; it is also extremely im- portant to the olfactory sense, thai the nasal mucus should always preserve the same physical properties. Whenever they are changed, as it is observed in different degrees of coryza, the smell is cither not exerted at all, or in a very imperfect manner. After what has bceii s^id of the distribution ot the olfactory nerves, it is evident that the odours that reach the upper part of the nasal cavities will be perceived with greater facility and acute- ness : for this reason, when we wish to feel more acutely, and with greater exactness, the odour of any body, we modify the air in such a manner that it may be directed towards this point. For the same reason, those who take snuff endeavour also to make it reach the upper part of the nasal fossae. The internal face of the ossa spongiosa appears well disposed to stop the odours at the instant the air passes. And, as there is an extreme sensibili- ty in tliis point, wc are inclined to beUeve that here the smeU is exerted, though the filaments of the first pair have not been traced so far. Physiologists have not yet determined the use of the external nose in smelting ; it appears intended to direct the air charged with odours towards the superior part of the nasal cavities. Those persons who have their noses deformed, particularly if broken; those who have small nostrils, directed forward, have in general almost no smell. The loss of the nose, either by sick- ness or accident, causes almost entirely the loss of smell. Such people recover the benefit of this sense by the use ofan artificial nose. The only use of the sinuses which is generaUv admitted, is that of furnishing the greater part ol the nasal mucus. The other uses which are attri- buted to them are, to serve as a depot to the air charged with odoriferous particles, to augment. the extent of the surface which is sensible to odours, and to receive a portion of the air that wc inspire for the purpose of putting the power of smell in action, &c. These are far from being certain. Vapours and gases appear to act in the same manner upon the pituitary membrane as odours. Tlie mechanism of it ought, however, to be a little different. Bodies reduced to a coarse powder have a very strong action on this membrane : even their first contact is painful ; but habi- changes the pain into pleasure, as is seen iu the case of taking snuff. In medicine, this pre pertyof the pituitary membrane is employed for the purpose of exciting a sharp instantaneous pain. In the history of smell, the use of those hairs with which the nostrils and the nasal fossae are provided, must not be forgotten. Perhaps they are intended to prevent the entrance of foreign bodies along with the air into the nasal fossae. In this case, they would bear a strong analogy tothe eye-lashes, and the hairs vvith which the ear is provided. It is generally agreed that Ihe olfactory nerve is especi.iHv employed in transmitting to the brain the impressions produced by odoriferous bodies ; but »i>e<-r ;■. uothing to prove that the other nerves, m s»u tiMJ which are placed upon the pituitary, as well as those near it, may not concur in the same func- tion."—Magendie's Physiology. SMELT. See Salmo eperlanus. SMI/LAX. .(From opiXcvu, to cut: so called from the roughness "of its leaves and stalk.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diaeia; Order, Octandria. Rough bind- weed. Smilax china. The systematic name of the China root tree. China; China orientalis ; Sankira; Guaquara; Smilax aspera Chinen- ds. China root. It was formerly in esteem, as .sarsaparilla now is, in the cure of the venereal disease, and cutaneous disorders. Smilax, Chinese. See Smilax china. Smilax Sarsaparilla. The systematic name of the plant whicli aflords the sarsaparilla. Sar- saparilla; Smilax aspera Peruviana; Sarsa; Carivillandi; Ivapecanga; Macapatli, Zar- za; Zarzaparilla; Salsaparilla; Zarcapa- rilla. The root of this plant, Smilax—caule aculeato angulato, foliis inermibus ovatis retu- $o mucronatis trinerviis, of Linnaeus, has a fari- naceous, somewhat bitter taste, and no smell. About two centuries ago it was introduced into Spain, as an undoubted specific in syphiUtic dis- orders ; but owing -to difference of climate, or other causes, it has not answered the character which it had acquired in the Spanish West Indies. Jt is now considered as capable of improving the feneral habit of body, after it has been reduced y the continued use of mercury. To refute the opinion that sarsaparilla possesses antisyphiUtic virtues, Mr. Pearson, of the Lock Hospital, divides the subject into two distinct questions. 1. Is the sarsapariUa root, when given Alone, to be safely relied on in the treatment ol lues venerea ? The late Mr. Bloomfield, his pre- decessor, and during some years his colleague at the Lock Hospital, uas given a very decided an- swer to this question: "I solemnly declare," says he, " I never saw a single instance in my life where it cured that disorder without tlie assistance of mercury, either at the same time with it, or when it had been previously taken before the de- coction was directed." Pearson's experience, during many years, coincides entirely with the observations of Bloomfield. He has employed the sarsapariUa, in powder and in decoctions, in an almost infinite variety of cases, and feels himself fully authorized to assert, that this plant has not the power of curing any one form of the lues ve- nerea. The sarsaparilla, indeed, like the guaia- cum, is capable of alleviating symptoms derived from the venereal virus; and it sometimes mani- fests the power of suspending, for a time, the de- structive ravages of that contagion"*; 7»ut where the poison has not been previously subdued by mercury, the symptoms will quickly return ; and, in addition to them, we often see the most indubi- table proofs that the disease is making an actual progress, during the regular administration of the vegetable remedy. 2. When the sarsaparilla root is given in con- junction with mercury, does it render the mercu- rial course more certain and efficacious ? In re- plying to this query, it is necessary to observe, that the phrase, " to increase the efficacy of mer- cury," may imply, that a smaUer quantity of this mineral antidote wiU confer security on an infect- ed person, when sarsaparilla is added to it; or it may mean, that mercury would be sometimes un- equal to the cure, without the aid of sarsaparilla. If a decoction of this root did indeed possess so admirable a quality, that the quantity of mercury, titcxsmY to effect a care, might be safely reduced, 8& whenever it was given during a mercurial course- it would form a most valuable addition to our Ma- teria Medica. This opinion has been, however, unfortunately falsified by the most ample experi- ence, and whoever shall be so unwary as to act upon such a presumption, will be sure to find bis own and his patient's expectations egregiously disappointed. If the sarsaparilla root be a genuine antidote against the syphilitic virus, it ought to cure the disease when administered alone; but, if no direct proof can be adduced of its being equal to this, any arguments founded on histories where mer- cury has been previously given, or where both the medicines were administered at the same time, must be ambiguous and undecisive. It appears probable, that Sir WiUiam Fordyce, and some other persons, entertained a notion, that there were certain venereal symptoms which com- monly resisted the potency of mercury, and that the sarsaparUla was an appropriate remedy in these cases. This opinion, it is presumed, is not correct, for it militates against all Mr. P. has ever observed of the progress and treatment of lues venerea. Indeed those patients who have lately used a full course of mercury, often com- plain of nocturnal pains in their limbs ; they are sometimes afflicted with painful enlargements of the elbow and knee-joints ; or they have mem- branous nodes, cutaneous exulcerations, and cer- tain other symptoms, resembUng those which arc the offspring of the venereal virus. It may and does often happen, that appearances like these are mistaken for a true venereal affec- tion, and, in consequence of this error, mercury is administered, which never fads to exasperate the disease. Now, if a strong decoction ot sarsapa- rilla root be given to persons under these circum- stances, it will seldom fail of producing the mo6t beneficial effects; hence it has been contended, that symptoms derived from the contagion .of lues ve- nerea, which could not be cured by mercury, have finally yielded to this vegetable remedy. It must be acknowledged, that representations of this kind have a specious and imposing air : neverthe- less, Mr. Pearson endeavours to prove, that they are neither exact nor conclusive. If any of the above-named symptoms should appear near the conclusion of a course of mercury, when that me- dicine was operating powerfully on the whole sys- tem, it would be a strange and inexplicable thing if they could possibly be derived immediately from the uncontrolled agency of the venereal virus. This would imply something like a palpable contradiction, that the antidote should be opera- ting with sufficient efficacy to cure the venereal symptoms, for which it was directed, while, at the same time the venereal virus was proceeding to contaminate new parts, and to excite a new order of appearances. One source, and a very common one, to which some ofthe mistakes committed upon this subject may be traced, is a persuasion that every mor- bid alteration which arises in an infected person is actuaUy tainted with the venereal virus, and ought to be ascribed to it as its true cause. Every experienced surgeon must, however, be aware, that very Uttle of truth and reality exists in a representation of this kind. The contagious matter, and the mineral specific, may jointly pro- duce, in certain habits of body, a new series of symptoms, which, strictly speaking, are not vene- real, which cannot be cured by mercury, and which are sometimes more to be dreaded than the simple and natural effects of the venereal virus. Some ofthe most formidable of these appear- ances may be sometimes removed by sarsaparilla SO i.' SOD (he vcnefeal vims still remaining in the system; and, when the force of that poison has been com- pletely subdued by mercury, the same vegetable is also capable of freeing the patient from what may be called the sequelae of a mercurial course. The root of the sarsaparilla is sometimes em- ployed in rheumatic affections, scrofula, and cu- taneous complaints, where an acrimony of the fluids prevails. Smy'rnion hortense. See Imperatoria ottrulhmm. SMV'RNIUM (So called from opvpva, myrrh, the smell of the seed resembling that of myrrh very much.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Pentandria ; Order, Digynia. Smyrnium oldsatrum. The systematic name of the plant called Alexanders. Hippose- linum, Smyrnium; Maceronu;Macedonisium; Herba alexundrina; Grielum; Agrioselinum. Common Alexanders.' This plant was formerly cultivated in our gardens, for culinary use, but is now superseded by celery. The seeds arc bitter and aromatic, and the roots are more powerfully bitter. They stand recommended as resolvents, diuretics, and emmenagogues, though seldom used in medical prescriptions. Smyrnium rotundifolium. The blanched .leave* of this species, are said to be more agreea- ble than those of the olusatrum. SNAIL. See Limax. Snail-seeded glatswort. See Salsola kali. SNARE. Anguis. The flesh was formerly made into broth as a restorative. Snake, common. The Coluber natrit, of Linnaeus. Snake, rattle. See Coluber. SNAKEROOT. See Aristolochia serpenta- ria, and Polygala senega. SNAKEW EED. See Polygonum bistorta. SNAKEWOOD. See Colubrinum lignum. Snake-killing birthwort. See Aristolochia anguidda. SNAP-DRAGON. See Antirrhinum. SNEEZEWORT. (So caUell, because the dried flowers and roots, when powdered, cause sneezing when applied to the nose.) See Achillea ptarmica. SNEEZING. Sternutatio. A convulsive action of the muscles of the chest from irritation of the nostrils. SNUFF. Sec Nicotiana. SOAP. See Sapo. SOAP-BERRY. See Saponaria offidnatis. SOAP, MOUNTAIN. A pale brownish black mineral, which has a greasy feel; writes, but does not soil; and occurs in trap rocks in the Iile of Skye. It is used in crayon painting. SOAP-STONE. See Steatite. SOAP-TREE. See Saponaria. SOAP-WORT. See Saponaria. Socotorine aloes. Aloes brought from Soco- tora. See Aloe. SO'DA. (An Arabian word.) The name now universally given by chemists and physicians to the mineral alkali. It is obtained from several sources, but princi- pally from plants growing on the sea coast. It occurs in the mineral kingdom, united with sul- phuric, muriatic, and boracic acids; it is also found in large quantities in Egypt, combined with carbonic acid. It appears to be deposited in large impure masses, under the surface of the earth, in vanaus countries, from which it is ex- tracted by running waters. Thus it is found, af- ter the spontaneous evaporation of the water, mixed with sand in the bottom of lakes in Hun- gary; in the neighbourhood of BiUnin Bohemia; and in Switzerland. It occurs also in China. and near Tripoli; in Syria, Egypt, Persia, and India. It frequently oozes out of walls and crys- tallises on their surface. Like potassa, it is pro- cured by lixiviation from the ashes of burnt plants, but only from those which grow upon the sea shores. The variety of plants employed for thr* purpose is very considerable. In Spain, soda is procured from different species of the Salsola and Salicornia, and the Batis maritima. The Zottera maritima is burnt in some places on tho. borders of the Baltic. In this country we burn the various species of fud; and in France they bum the Chenopodium maritimum. See Soda impura. The alkali thus procured is more or less pure, according to the nature of the particular plant from which it is obtained. The greatest part> however, is a subcarbonate of soda. " To procure pure soda, we must boil a solution of the pure carbonate with half its weight of quick- lime, and after subsidence decant the clear ley, and evaporate in a clean iron or silver vessel, tilf the liquid flows quietly like oU. It must then be poured out on a polished iron plate. It concretes into a hard white cake, which is to be immediate- ly broken in pieces, ami put up, while still hot, in a phial, which must be well corked. If the carbonate of soda be somewhat impure, then, af- ter the action of lime, and subsequent concentra- tion of the ley, alkohol must *be digested on it, which will dissolve only the caustic pure soda, and foave the heterogeneous salts. By distilling ofthe alkohol in a silver alembic, the alkali may then be obtained pure. This white solid substance is, however, not ab- solute soda, but a hydrate, consisting of about 10D soda-H2S water ; or of nearly 77-+-23, in 100. If a piece of this soda be exposed to the air, it soft- ens and becomes pasty; but it never deliquescesi into an oily-looking liquid, ns potassa does. The soda in fact soon becomes drier, because by ab- sorption of carbonic acid from the air it passes into an efflorescent carbonate. Soda is distin- guishable from potassa by sulphuric acid, which, forms a very soluble salt with the former, and a sparingly soluble one with the latter; by muriate of platina and tartaric acid, which occasion pre- cipitates with potassa salts, but not with those of soda. The basis of soda is a peculiar metal, called so- dium, discovered by Sir H. Davy in 1807, a few days after he -discovered potassium. It may be procured in exactly the same manner as potas- sium, by electrical or chemical decomposition of the pure hydrate. A rather higher degirce of heat, and greater voltaic power, are required to decompose soda than potassa. Sodium resembles potassium in many of its characters. It is as white as silver, possesses great lustre, and is a good con- ductor of electricity. It enters into fusion at about 200° Fahr., and rises in vapour at a strong red heat. Its sp. gr. is. according to Gay Lussao and Thenard, 0.972, at the temperature of 59" Fahr. In the cold, it exercises scarcely any ac- tion on dry air, or oxygen. But when heated strongly in oxygen or chlorine, it burns with great brilliancy. When thrown upon water, it effervesces violently, but does not inflame, swims on the surface, graduaUy diminishes with great agitation, and renders the water a solution of soda. It acts upon most substances in a manner similar to potassium, but with less energy. It tarnishes in the air, but more slowly; and, hke potassium, it is best preserved under naphtha. Sodium forms two distinct combinations with oxygen; one i» pure sod3, whose hydrate ft, SOD above, described ; the other is the orange oxide of sodium, observed, like the preceding oxide, first by Sir H. Davy in 1807, but ot which the true nature was pointed out, in 1810, by Gay Lussac and Thenard. Pure soda may be formed by burning sodium in a quantity of air, containing no more oxygen than is sufficient for its conversion into this alkali; i. e. the metal must be in excess: a strong degree of beat must be employed. Pure soda is of a gray colour, it is a non-con- ductor of electricity, of a vitreous fracture, and requires a strong red heat for its fusion. When a little water is added to it, there is a violent action between the two bodies ; the soda becomes white, crystaUine in its appearance, and much more fu- sible and volatile. It is then the substance com- monly called pure or caustic soda; but properly styled the hydrate. The other oxide or peroxide of sodium may be formed by burning sodium in oxygen, in excess. It is of a deep orange colour, very fusible, and a non-conductor of electricity. When acted on by water, it gives off oxygen, and the water be- comes a solution of soda. It deflagrates when strongly heated with combustible bodies. The proportions of oxygen in soda, and in the orange peroxide of sodium, are easily learned by the action of sodium on water and on oxygen. If a given weight of sodium, in a little glass tube, be thrown by means of the finger under a graduated inverted jar filled with water, the quantity of hydrogen evolved wiU indicate the quantity of oxygen combined with the metal to form soda ; and when sodium is slowly burned in a tray of platina (lined with dry common salt,) in oxy- gen in great excess, from the quantity of oxygen absorbed the composition of the peroxide may be learned. From Sir H. Davy's experiments com- pared with those of Gay Lussac and Thenard, it appears, that the prime equivalent of sodium is 3.0, and that of dry soda or protoxide of sodium, 4.0; while the orange oxide or deutoxide, js 5.0. The numbers given by Thenard are, for the first, 100 metal4 S3.995 oxygen; and for the second, J00 metal-r-67.990 oxygen. Another oxide is described containing less oxy- gen than soda; it is therefore a sub-oxide. When sodium is kept for some time in a smaU quantity of moist air, or when sodium in excess is heated with hydra-te of soda, a dark grayish substance is formed, more inflammable than so- dium, and which affords hydrogen by its action upon water. Only one combination of sodium and chlorine is known. This is the important substance, com- mon salt. It may be formed directly by combus- tion, or by decomposing any compound of chlo- rine by sodium. Sodium has a much stronger at- traction for chlorine than for oxygen: and soda, or its hydrate, is decomposed by chlorine, oxy- gen being expelled from the first, and oxygen and water from the second. Potassium has a stronger attraction for chlorine than sodium has; and one mode of procuring sodium easily, is by heating together to redness common salt and potassium. The chloride of sodium, improperly caUed the muriate, consists of 4.5 chlorine + 3.0 sodium. There is no known action between sodium and hydrogen or azote. Sodium combines readily with sulphur and with phosphorus, presenting similar phenomena to those presented by potassium. The sulphurets and phosphurets of sodium agree in their general properties with those of potassium, except that they are rather Ifs inflammable. They form. flPf SOD by burning, acidulous compounds of sulphuric anil phosphoric acid and soda. Potassium and sodium combine with great faci- lity, and form peculiar compounds, which differ in their properties, according to the proportions of the constituents. By a small quantity of sodium, potassium is rendered fluid at common tempera- tures, and its sp. gr. is considerably diminished. Eight parts of potassium, and one of sodium, form a compound that swims in naphtha, and that is fluid at the common temperature of the air. Three parts of sodium, and one of potassium, make a compound fluid at common temperatures. A little potassium destroys the ductUity of sodium, and renders it very brittle and soft. Since the prime of potassium is to that of sodium as 5 to 3, it will require the former quantity of potassium to eliminate the latter quantity of sodium from the chloride. The attractions of potassium, for all substances that have been examined, are stronger than those of sodium. Soda is the basis of common salt, of plate and crown-glass, and of all hard soaps." The compounds of soda used in medicine are the foUowing: 1. Sodae acetas. 6. Sodae murias. 2.------boras. 7.------phosphas. 3.------carbonas.' 8.------sulphas. 4.------subcarbonas. 9.------tartras. 5.--------------ex- 10. Soda tartarisata. siccata. 11. Sapo durus. Soda acetata. A neutral salt formed of a combination of acetic acid with the mineral al- kali. Its virtues are similar to those of the ace- tate of potassa. Soda boraxata. See Borax. Soda, carbonate of. See Soda carbonas. Soda hispanica. See Soda impura. Soda hispanica purificata. See Soda subcarbonas. Soda impura. Impure soda. Soda; Ba- rilla; Bariglia; Barillor; Anatron; Natron; Anaton; Nitrum antiquorum; Aphronitrum; Baurach; Sal lalkalinus fixus fosrilis; Car- bonas soda impurus; Subcarbonas soda im- pura. Soda. BariUa is the term given, in com- merce, to the impure mineral alkali, or imperfect carbonate of soda, imported from Spain and the Levant. It is made by burning to ashes different plants that grow on the sea-shore, chiefly of the genus Salsola. Many have referred it to the Salsola kali, of Linnaeus; but various other plants, on being burned, are found to afford this alkali, and some in a greater proportion than this: these are, 1. The Salsola sativa, of Linnaeus. Salsola sonda, of Lolling. Kali hitpanicum tupinum annuum sedi-foliis brevibut. Kali d'Alicante. This grows abundantly on that part of the Spa- nish coast which is washed by the Mediterranean sea. This plant is deservedly first enumerated by Professor Murray, as it supplies all the best soda consumed in Europe, which by us is called Spanish or AUcant soda, and by .the Spanish merchants Barilla de AUcante. 2. Salsola soda, of Linnaeus. Kali majus cochleato temine; Le Salicor. This species, which grows on the French Mediterranean coast, is much used in Languedoc for the preparation of this salt, which is usually exported to SicUy and Italy. 3. Salsola tragus, of Linnaeus, affords an or- dinary kind of soda, with which the French fre- quently mix that made in Languedoc. This adulteration is also practised by the Sicilians, who distinguish the plant by the term salvaggia. 4. SnUcornia herbaceo, of'Linnaeus, is comipoB sun ,a sait marshes, and on the sea-shore all over Europe. Linnaeus prefers the soda obtained from this plant to that of all the others; but though the quantity of alkali which it yields is very considerable, it is mixed with much common salt. 5. Salicornia arabica, of Linnaeus, and also the Metembryanthemum nodiflorum, and Plan- tago squarrosa. All these, according to Alpi- nus, afford this alkali. It has also been procured from several of the fuci espeeiaUy F. vericulosus, and distinguished here by tbe name kelp. Vari- ous other marine plants might also he noticed as yielding an impure soda by combustion; but the principal are confined to the genus salsola, and that of salicornia. The salsola kali, on the au- thority of Rawolf, is the species from which the salt is usually obtained in eastern countries: which is brought to us in hard porous masses, of a speckled brown colour. Kelp, a still more im- pure alkali, made in this country by burning va- rious sea-weeds, is sometimes called British barilla. The marine plants, collected for the pur- pose of procuring barilla in this country, are the Salsola kali, Salicornia europaa. Zottera ma- ritima, Triglochen maritimum, Chenopodium maritimum, Atriplex portulacmdes et littoralit, Plantago maritima, Tamarixgallien, Ei-yngium maritimum, Sedum telephium, Dipsacus fullo- ■num, &c. &c. It is to be regretted, that the different kinds of soda which are brought to European markets, have not been sufficiently analysed to enable us to ascertain with tolerable certainty the respective value of each; and, indeed, while the practice of adulterating this salt continues, any attempts of this kind are likely to prove fruitless. The best information on this subject is to be had from Jessi- ca, MascoreUe, Cadet, Bolare, and Sestini. In those places where the preparation of soda forms a considerable branch of commerce, as on the coast of the Mediterranean, seeds of the salsola are regularly sown in a proper situation near the sea, which usually shoot above ground in the course of a fortnight. About the time, the seeds become ripe, the plants arc pulled up by the roots, and exposed in a suitable place to dry, where their seeds are collected; this beins: done, the plants are tied up in bundles, and burned in an oven constructed for the purpose, where the ashes are then, whUe hot, continually stirred with long poles. The saline matter, on becoming cold, forms a hard solid mass, which is broken in pieces of a convenient size for exportation. According to chemical analysis, the impure sodas of commerce generally contain a portion of vegetable alkali, and neutral salts, as muriate of soda and sulphate of potassa, and not unfrequentiy some portion of iron is contained in the mass; they are, therefore, to be considered as more or less a compound, and their goodness to be esti- mated accordingly. The Spanish soda, of the best sort, is in dark-coloured masses, of a bluish tinge, very ponderous, sonorous, dry to the touch, and externally abounding with small cavities, without any offensive smell, and very salt to the taste ; if long exposed to the air, it undergoes a degree of spontaneous calcination. The best French soda is also dry, sonorous, brittle, and of a deep bine colour, approaching to black. The soda which is mixed with small stones, which gives out a foetid smell on solution, and is white, soft, and deliquescent, is of the worst kind. Soda muriata. See Soda murias. Soda muriatica. See Soda murias. Soda hhosphorata. Phosphorated soda. Alkali minerale photphoratum. of Bergman. SOD This preparation is a compound of phosphoric acid and soda. It is cathartic in the dose of half an ounce to an ounce ; dissolved in gruel it is not unpleasant, and it is said to be useful in scro- phula, bronchocele, rachitis, and gout, in small doses. Soda, subcarbonate of. See Soda subcar- bonas. Soda, subcarbonate of, dried. See Soda subcarbonas exsiccata. Soda, sulphate of. See Soda sulphas. Soda tartarizata. Tartarized soda, for- merly known by the name of sal rupellensis, sal polychrestum Seignetti, and lately by that of na- tron tartarizatum. Take of subcarbonate of soda twenty ounces ; supertartrate of potassa, powdered, two pounds ; boiling water ten pints. Dissolve the subcarbonate of soda in the water, and add gradually the supertartrate of potassa ; filter the solution through paper, and evaporate it until a pellicle forms upon the surface ; then set it by that crystals may form. Having poured away the water, dry these crystals upon bibulous paper. This salt consists of tartaric acid, soda, and potassa, the soda only combining with the superabundant acid of the super salt; it is, there- fore, a triple salt, and it has been judged by the London College more convenient to express this difference by the adjective tartarizata, than to introduce the three words necessary to its de- scription. It possesses mildly cathartic, diuretic, and deobstruent virtues, and is administered in doses from one drachm to an ounce, as a cathar- tic, and in the dose of twenty to thirty grains in abdominal physconia, and torpidity of the kid- neys. Soda, tartarized. See Soda tartarizata. SodjE boras. See Borax. SodjE carbonas. Carbonate of soda. Take of subcarbonate of soda, a pound ; subcarbonate of ammonia, three ounces ; distiUed water, a pint. Having previously dissolved the soda in water, add the ammonia, then by means of a sand bath apply a heat of 180° for three hours, or until the ammonia be driven off. Lastly, set the solution by to crystaUise. The remaining solu- tion may be evaporated and set by in the same manner that crystals may again form. This salt which is called also aerated soda, and natron, bears to the subcarbonate of soda the same rela- tion that the carbonate of potassa does to its subcarbonate. It is prepared in the same way, possesses the same comparative advantages, and contains, in Uke manner, double the quantity of carbonic acid. Sod.e murias. Muriate of soda. Alkali. minerale salinum; Sal communis ; Sal culina- ris; Satfontium; Sal gemma; Salmarinus; Natron muriatum,- Soda muriata. Common culinary salt. This salt is more abundant in na- ture than any other. It is found in prodigious masses in the internal part of the earth, in Cala- bria, in Hungary, in Muscovy, and more espe- cially Weilicska, in Poland, near Mount Capax, where the mines are very large, and afford im- mense quantities of salt. It is also obtained by several artificial means from sea-water. It pos- sesses antiseptic, diuretic, and resolvent quali- ties and is frequently employed inform of clys- ter, fomentation, lotion, pendiluvium, and bath, in obstipation, against worms, gangrene, scrophu- lous tumours, herpetic eruptions, arthritis. &c. Sod.*: subboras. See Borax. Sod.e subcarbonas. Subcarbonate of soda, formerly called natron praparalum and sal soda. Take of impure soda, powdered, a pound; boiling distiUed water, half a gallon. Boil the 8R5 SOL SUE Pdda in the water for half an hour, and strain the solution ; let the solution evaporate to twopints, and be set by, that crystals may form. Throw away the remaining solution. The pure crystals, thus formed of Alicant barilla, are colourless, transparent, lameUated, of a rhomboidal figure ; and one hundred parts are found to contain twenty of alkali, sixteen of aerial acid, and sixty-four of water; but upon keeping the erystals for a length of time, if the air be not excluded, the water eva- porates, and they assume the form of a white powder. According to Islin, one ounce of water, at the temperature 62° of Fahr. dissolves five drachms and fifteen grains of tbe crystals. This salt consists of soda imperfectly saturated with carbonic acid, and is therefore, called soda subcarbonas. It is given in doses of from ten grains to half a drachm as an attcnuant and antacid; and joined with bark and aromatics, it is highly praised by some in the cure of scro- phula. It is likewise a powerful solvent of mucus, a deobstruent and diuretic; ano has been thought an antidote against oxile of arsenic and corrosive sublimate. The other diseases in which it is administered are those arising from an abundance of mucus in the priiuae viae, calculous complaints, gout, some affections of the skin, rickets, tinea capitis, crusta lactea, and worms. ExternaUy it is recommended by some in the form of lotion, to be applied to scrophulous ulcers. SoDiE subcarbonas exsiccata. Dried sub- carbonate of soda. Take of subcarbonate of soda, a pound. Apply a boiling heat to the soda in a clean iron vessel, until it becomes perfectly dry, and constantly stir it with an iron rod. . Lastly, reduce' it into powder. Its virtues are similar to those of the subcarbonate. Sodje sulphas. Sulphate of soda, commonly known by the name of natron vitriolatum, and formerly sal catharticus Glauberi. Take of the salt which remains after the distillation of muriatic acid, two pounds. Boiling water, two pints and a half. Dissolve the salt in the water, then add gradually as much subcarbonate of soda as maybe required to saturate the acid: boil the solution away until a pellicle forms upon the surface, and, after having strained it, set it by, that crystals may fprm. Having poured away the water, dry these crystals upon bibulous paper. It possesses cathartic and diuretic qualities, and is in high es- teem as a mild cathartic. It is found in the mine- ral kingdom -formed by nature, but that which is used medicinally is prepared by art. The dose is from one drachm to one ounce. SODALITE. A green coloured mineral dis- covered in a bed of mica slate in West Greenland. SODIUM. See Soda. SOL. The sun. Gold was so called by the older chemists. SOLA'MEN. (From solor, to comfort.) Anise- seed is named solamen intestinorum, from the comfort it affords in disorders of the intestines. SOLANO'IDES. (From solanum, night- shade, and ti&os, likeness.) Bastard nightshade. SOLA'NUM. (From solor, to comfort, be- cause it gives ease by its stupifying qualities.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the solanum nigrum. Solanum dulcamara. The systematic name of the bitter-sweet. Dulcamara; Solanum scandens; Glycypicros, sive amaradulcis; So- lanum lignosum. Expiry***, of Theophrastus. Woody nightshade. Solanum—caule inermi frutescente flexuosa; foliis superioribus hatta- tis; racemis cymods, of Linnaeus. The roots ftfiR and stalks of this nightshade, upon being chewed, first cause a sensation of bitterness, which is Boon foUowed by a considerable degree of sweetness • and hence the plant obtained tbe name of bitter- sweet. The berries have not yet been appUed to medical use; they seem to act powerfully upon the primae viae, exciting violent vomiting and purging. Thirty of them were given to a dog, which soon became mad, and died in the space of three hours ; and, upon opening his stomach, the berries were discovered to have undergone no change by the powers of digestion; there can, therefore, be little doubt of the deleterious effects of these berries ; and, as they are very common in the hedges, and may be easily mistaken, by children for red currants, which they somewhat resemble, this circumstance is the more worthy of notice. The stipites, or younger branches, are directed for use in the Pharm. and they may be employed either fresh or dried, making a pro- portionate allowance in the dose of the latter for some diminution of its powers by drying. In autumn, when the leaves are fallen, the sensible qualities ot the plant are said to be the strongest; and. on this account, it should be gathered in au- tumn rather than spring. Dulcamara does not manifest those strong narcotic qualities which are common to-many ot the nightshades ; it is, how- ever, very generaUy admitted to be a medicine of considerable efficacy. Murray says it promotes all the secretions ; HaUer observes, that it par- takes of the milder powers of the nightshade joined to a resolvent and saponaceous quality; and the opinion of Bergius seems to coincide with that of Murray :—" Virtus : pellens urinam, su- dorem, menses, lochia, sputa; mundificans." The diseases in which we find it recommended by different authors, are extremely various; but Bergius confines its use to rheumatisms, retentio mensium, et lochiorum. Dulcamara appears, also, by the experiments of Razoux and others, to have been used with advantage in some obsti- nate cutaneous affections. Dr. Cullen says, "We have employed only the stipites, or slender twigs of this shrub ; but, as we have collected them, they come out very unequal, some parcels of them being very mild and inert, and others of them considerably acrid. In the latter state, we havc- employed a decoction of them in the cure of rheumatism, sometimes with advantage, but at other times without anv effect. Though the dul- camara is here inserted in the catalogue of diure- tics, it has never appeared to us as powerful in this way; for, in all the trials made here, it has hardly ever been observed to be in any measure diuretic." This plant is generally given in de- coction, or infusion, and to prevent its exciting nausea, it is ordered to he diluted with milk, and to begin with small doses, as large doses have been found to produce very dangerous symptoms. Ra- 7oux directs the following : R. Stipitum. dulcam. rcc. drac. ss ina quae font. unc. 16 coquatur ad unc. 8. This was taken in the dose of three or four drachms, diluted with an equal quantity of milk, every four hours. Linnaeus directs two drachms, or half an ounce of the dried stipites, to be infused half an hour in boiling water, and then to be boiled ten minutes ; and of this decoction he gives two teacups full morning and evening. For the formula of a decoction of this plant, ac- cording to the London Pharm. See Decoctum. dulcamara. Solanum fcetidum. The thorn-apple plant. See Datura stramonium. Solanum lethale. See Atropa belladonna. Solanum licnosum. See Solanum dulca- mara. SOM stai feOLANUii ltxopersicum. The love-apple plant. The fruit of this, called Tomata and love-apple, it so much 'esteemed by the Portu- guese and the Spaniards, that it is an ingredient in almost all their soups and sauces, and is by them considered as cooling and nutritive. Solanum melongena. The systematic name of the mad apple plant. Its oblong egg-shaped fruit is often boiled in their native places, in soups and sauces, the same as the love-apple; is ac- counted very nutritive, and is much sought after by the votaries of Venus. Solanum nigrum. The systematic name of the garden nightshade, which is highly delete- rious. Solanum sanctum. The systematic name of the Palestine nightshade. The fruit of which is globular, and in Egypt much eaten by the in- habitants. Solanum tuberosum. Batatas; Solanum etculentum; Kippa, Kelengu; Papas Ameri- canus; Pappus Americanus ; Convolvulus In- dicus. The jiotatoe plant, a native of Peru, first brought into Europe by Sir Francis Drake, 1486, and planted in London. See Potatoe. Solanum vesicarium. The winter cherry plant is so called by Caspar Bauhin. See Phy- talit alkekcngi. SOLDANELLA. (A tolidando; from its uses in healing fresh wounds.) The sea convol- vulus. See Convolvulus soldanella. SO'LEN. YuXrjv. A tube or channel. A cradle for a broken limb. SOLENA'RIUM. (Diminutive of auXrjv, a tube.) A catheter. SO'LEUS. (From solea, a sole: from its shape being Uke the sole fish.) See Gastrocne- mius internus. SOLIDAGO. (From solido, to make firm: so called from its uses in consolidating wounds.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Polygamia superfl.ua. The herb comfrey. Solidago virgaurea. 1 he systematic name of the golden rod. Virga aurea; Herba do- rea; Conyza coma aurea; Symphytum; Pe- traum ; Elichrysum; Consolida saracenica and aurea. Golden rod. The leaves and flowers of this plant are recommended as aperients and cor- roborants in urinary obstructions, ulcerations of the kidneys and bladder, and it is said by some to be particularly useful in stopping internal haemor- rhages. SOLIDS. In anatomy, are the bones, liga- ments, membranes, muscles, nerves, and vessels. SOLITARIUS. Solitary. Applied to worms in the body, and to leaves, stems, footstalk, &c. when either single on a plant, or only one in the same place. SO'LIUM. (From solus, alone: so called because it infests the body singly.) The tape- worm. See Tania. Solomon's seal. See Convallaria polygona- tum. SOLSE'QUIUM. (From sol, the sun, and tequor, to follow: so caUed because it turns its flowers towards the sun.) Marigold or turnsole. See Heliotropium. SOLVENT. See Menstruum. SOLUTION. Solutio. An intimate commix- ture of soUd bodies with fluids, into one seemingly homogeneous liquor. The dissolving fluid is called a menstruum or solvent. SOLUTI'VA. „PA half their weight of juice, of the specific gravity of 1.077. This viscid juice, by remaining for about a fortnight in a warm temperature, experi- ences the vinous fermentation, and would yield a portion of alkohol. By this change, it has be- come bright, clear, and passes easily through the filter, while the sorbic acid itseti is not altered. Mix the clear juice with filtered solution of ace- tate of lead. Separate the precipitate on a filter, and wash it with cold water. A large quantity of boiUng water is then to be poured upon the fil- ter, and allowed to dram into glass jars. At the end of some hours, the solution deposites crystals of great lustre and beauty. Wash these with cold water, dissolve them in boUing water, filter, and crystallise. Collect the new crystals, and boil them for half an hour in 2.3 times their weight of sulphuric acid, specific gravity 1.090, supply- ing water as fast as it evaporates, and stirring the mixture ctitigently with a glass rod. The clear Uquor is to be decanted into a tall narrow glass jar, and while still hot, a stream of sulphuretted hydrogen is to be passed through it. When the lead has been aU thrown down in a sulphuret, the liquor is to be filtered, and then boiled in an open vessel to dissipate the adhering sulphuretted hy- drogen. It is now a solution of sorbic acid. When it is evaporated to the consistence of a syrup, it forms mammelated masses of a crystal- line structure. It still contains a considerable quantity of water, and deliquesces when exposed to the air. Its solution is transparent, colourless, void of smeU, but powerfuUy acid to the taste. Lime' and barytes waters are not precipitated by solution of the sorbic acid, although the sorbate of lime is nearly insoluble. One of the most charac- teristic properties of this acid, is the precipitate which it gives with the acetate of lead, which is at first white and flocculent, but afterwards as- sumes a brilUant crystaUine appearance. With potassa, soda, and ammonia, it forms crystalhsa- ble salts containing an excess of acid." SO'RBl S. (From sorbeo, to suck up; be- cause its fruit stops fluxes.) The name oi a ge- nus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Ico- sandria ; Order, Trigynia. The service-tree. Sorbus aUcuparia. The wild service-tree. The berries of this plant are adstringent, and, it is said, have been found serviceable in allaying the pain of calculous affections in the kidneys. SO'RDES. When the matter discharged from ulcers is rather viscid, glutinous, of a brownish- red colour, somewhat resembUng the grounds of coffee, or grumous blood mixed with water, it is thus named. Sordes, saines, and Ichor, art aU of them much more foetid than purulent matter, and none of them are altogether free from acrimony; but that which is generally termed Ichor is by much the most acrid of them, being frequently so sharp and corrosive as to destroy large quantities of the neighbouring parts. Sore, bay. A disease which Dr. Mosely con- siders as a true cancer, commencing with an ul- cer. It is endemic at the Bay of Honduras. SORE-THROAT. See Cynanche. SORREL. See Rumex acetosa. Sorrel, French. See Rumex scutatus. Sorrel, round-leaved. See Rumex scutatus. Sorrel, wood. See Oxalis acetosella. SOUND. I. An instrument which surgeons in- troduce through the urethra into the bladder, to discover whether there i9 a stone in this viseus or not. 2. See Hearing. SOUR DOCK. See Rumex acetosa. SOUTHERNWOOD. See Artemisia^mbro- tonum. 88S bOW-BREAD. See Cyclamen. SPA. A town in France, in the depariuien ofthe Ourte, famous for its mineral water, which appears to be a very strongly acidulous chaly- beate, containing more iron and carbonic acid than any other mineral spring. What appUes to the use ot chalybeates will apply to this water. SPADIX. An elongated receptacle or flower- bearing column, which emerges, mostly from a spathe or sheath, as it does in Aurum maculatum, Calla athiopica, and palustris; but the Acorus calamus has a spadix without any sheath. The inflorescence of palms, and some other plants, is a branched spadix ; as the Chamarops humilis, Musa, 4~c Spain, pellitory of. See Anthemis pyrethrum. Spanish fly. See Cantharis. Spanish liquorice. See Glycyrrhiza. Spar, fluor. See Fluor. Spar, ponderous. See Heavy-spar, and Bc- rytes. Spar, tabular. See Tabular spar. SPARGANO'SIfc. (From arrapyau, to swell.) i A milk abscess. Sparry anhydrite. A sulphate of Ume. Sec Anhydrite. SPARRY" IRON. A carbonate of iron of a pale yellowish gray colour, found in limestone in England, Scotland, and Ireland, and in large quantities in Hessia. SPARSUS. Dispersed, irregularly scattered. Frequently used in medicine, anatomy, and bota- ny, to eruptions, glands, leaves, flowerstalks. SPA'RTIUM. (-Zrrap&iov of Discorides : so* called from a-ap'jr), a rope; because of the use of the long, slender, tough branches, or bark, in ma- king cordage.) The name of a genus ot plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diadelphia; Or- der, Decandria. Spartium scoparium. The systematic name ofthe common broom. Genista. The tops and leaves of this indigenous plant, Spartium—foliit lernalis solitariisque, ramis inermibus angulatis of Linnaeus, are the parts that are employed me- dicinally ; they have a bitter taste, and are re- commended for their purgative and diuretic quali- ties, in hydropic cases. SPASMI. Spasmodic diseases. The third order of the Class, Neuroses, of Cullen; charac terised by a morbid contraction or motion of mus- cular fibres. SPASMODIC. Spasmodicus. Belonging to a spasm, or convulsion. Spasmodic colic. See Colica. Sl'ASMOLOGY. (Spasmologia; from orraopos, a spasm, and Xoyos, a discourse.) A trea- tise on convulsions. SPASMUS. (Spasmus ; from crrau, to draw.) A cramp, spasm, or convulsion. An involuntary contraction ofthe muscular fibres, or that state of the contraction of muscles which is not sponta- neously disposed to alternate with relaxation, is properly termed spasm. When the contractions alternate with relaxation, and are frequently and prcternaturaUy repeated, they are called convul- sions. Spasms are distinguished by authors into clonic and tonic spasms. In clonic spasms, which are the true convulsion?, the contractions and relaxations are alternate, as in epilepsy; but in tonic spasms the member remains rigid, as in locked jaw. See Convulsion, Tonic Spasm, and Tetanus. Spasmus cynic us. Sardonic laugh. A con- vulsive affection of the muscles of the Tace and lips on both sides, which involuntarily forces tin muscles of those parts into a species of grinning distortion. It one side only be affected, the die'- !5PE ^PH order is nominated torturaoris. U neu the mas- seter, buccinator, temporal, nasal, and labial mus- cles are involuntarily excited to action, or con- torted by contraction or relaxation, they form a species of malignant sneer. It sometimes arises from eating hemlock, or other acrid poisons, or succeeds to an apoplectic stroke. SPATHA. (From tnraQn, a slice, or ladle.) A botanical term. A sheath, or covering of an immature flower which bursts longitudinaUy, and is more or less remote from the flower. From < he number of membranes, which are caUed valves, and ofthe flowers, and their duration, it is named, 1. Spatha univalvis, having only one membra- neous leaf ; as in Arum maculatum, and Crocus tativut. 2. Bivalis, in Stratiates alioides. 3. Dimidiata, or lacera, there being only one valve, and that covering the flower only partially; as in Ixia uniflora, and africana. 4. Vaga, the common sheath enclosing several partial ones ; as in Iris germanica, and Helonica. 5. Uniflora, containing only one flower; as the Narcissus poeticut, Pseudo-narcissus, and Amarryllisformosisrima. 6. Biflora, with two; as in Alpina racemosa, and Moraa vegeta. 1. Multiflora; as in Allium, Narcissus jon- quilla, and Pancreatium carabeum. i. Spatha persistent, remaining with the fruit; as in Heliconia bibai. 9. Marcescens, withering before or soon after the flowering; as in Allia and Leucojum vemum. SPATHOME'LE. (From orradr,, a sword, and uijX/j, a probe.) An edged probe. SPA'TULA. (Diminutive of spatha, a broad instrument.) An instrument for spreading salve. Also a name of the herb spurge-wort, from its broad leaves. SPATULATUS. Spatulatc: applied to leaves, &c. of a roundish figure, tapering into an oblong base; as in Silene otites. SPEARMINT. See Mentha viridis. Spearwort, water. See Ranunculus flammula. SPECIFIC. Specificus. A remedy that has an infallible efficacy in the cure of disorders.' The existence of such remedies is doubted. Sperific gravity. See Gravity specific. SPECI'LLUM. (From specio, to examine.) A probe. SPE'CULUM. (From specio, to view.) An instrument for opening or obtaining a view of parts within each other ; as Speculum oculi, Spe- culum oris, Speculum ani, &c. Speculum ani. An instrument for distend- ing the anus, whilst aa operation is performed upon the parts within. Speculum matricis. An instrument to as- sist in any manual operation belonging to the womb. Speculum oculi. An instrument used by ocu- lists to keep the eyelids open and the eye fixed. Speculum oris. An instrument to force open the mouth. Speculum veneris. See Achillea millefo- lium. SPEECH. See Voice. SPEEDWELL. See Veronica. Speedwell, female. See Antirrhinum elatine. Speedwell, mountain. See Veronica. SPERMA-CETI. (From orrtpp.i, seed, and rete, or cetus, the whale.) See Physeter macro- cephalus. SPERMA'TIC. (Spermaticus ; from cmppa,_ seed.) Belonging tothe testicle and ovary; as (he spermatic artery, chord, and veins. .SPEBMATOCE'LE. (Prom cirWa, teed, 113 and kiiXi), a tumour.) Epididymis distenta. A, swelling ofthe testicle or epididymis from an ac- cumulation of semen. It is known by a swelUng of those organs, pain extending to the loins with- out inflammation. Spermatopoe'tica. (From orrtppa, and rroteu% to make.) Medicines which increase the genera- tion ofseed. SPERMORRHCE'A. (From orrtppa, semen, and ptu,fluo.) The name of a genus of diseases in Good's Nosology. Class, Genetica. Order, Cenotica. Seminalflux. It has two species, viz-. Spermorrhaa entonica, and atonica. SPHACELI'SMUS. (From apaKth^u, to gangrene.) 1. A gangrene. 2. A phrenitis. SPHA'CELUS. (From c^oku, to destroy.) A mortification of any part. See Gangrene, SPH^E'NOIDES. See Sphenoides. SPHiERI'TIS. (From crtpaipa, a globe: s.o called from its round head.) Spharocephalia ela* tior. Spharocephalus. The globe-thistle. SPHjEROCE'PHALUS. See Spharitis. SPH.3ERO'MA. (From cfaipa, a globe.) A fleshy globular protuberance. SPH-dERULITE. A brown and gray coloured mineral, found in embedded roundish baUs and grains in pearlstone and pitchstone porphyries, near Schemnitz. SPHE'NO. Names compounded ol this word belong to the ephenoid bone. Spheno-maxillaris. An artery, and fis- sure of the orbit of the eye, is so caUed. Spheno-salpingo-staph\ linus.' See Cir- cumflexus. Spheno-staphtlinu«. See Levator palati. SPHENOIDAL. Sphenoidalis. Belonging to the sphenoid bone. Sphenoidal suture. Sutura sphenoidalis.' The sphenoidal and ethmoidal sutures are those which surround the many irregular processes of these two bones, and join them to each other and to the rest. SPHENOI'DES OS. (From otpm>, a wedge, and ttios, a likeness ; because it is fixed in the cranium like a wedge.) Os cuneiforme ; Os mul- tiforme; Os azygos; Papillare os; Badlare os ; Os polymorphos. Pterygoid bone. The o» sphenoides or cuneiforme, as it is caUed from its wedge-like situation amidst the other bones of the head, is of a more irregular figure than any other bone. It has been compared to a bat with its wings extended. This resemblance is but faint, but It would be difficult perhaps to find any thing it resembles more. We distinguish in this bone its body or middle part, and its wings or sides, which are much more extensive than its body. Each of its wings or lateral processes is divided into two parts. Of these the uppermost and most considerable portion, helping to form the deepest part of the temporal fossa on each side, is called the temporal process. The other portion makes a part of the orbit, and is therefore named the orbitar process. The back part of each wing, from its running out sharp to meet the os petre- sum, has been caUed the spinous process; and the two processes which stand out almost per- pendicular to the basis of the skull, have been named pterygmd or aliform processes, though they may be said rather to resemble the legs than the wings of the bat. Each of these processes has two plates and a middle fossa facing back- wards ; of these plates the external one is the broadest, and the internul one the longest. The lower end of the internal plate forms a kind of hook, over which passe*; the round tendon of the. SPH SFI musculus circumflexus palati. Besides these, we observe a riiarp middle ridge, which stands nut from the middle of the hone. The fore part of it, where it joins the nasa-' InmeUa of the eth- moidal bone, is thin and straight; tlie lower part of it is thicker, and is received into the vomer. The cavities'observable on the external surface ■ f the bone, are where it bt-fos to form the tem- poral, nasal, and orbitr.r fossa-'. It has like-vise two fossae iu its pterygoid pro- cesses. Behind the edge, which separates these two fossae, we observe a small groove, made by a branch of the superior maxillary nerve in its pas- > age to the temporal rmisi.le. Besides these, it has (•ther repressions, which serve chiefly for the ori- ;in of muscles. Its foramina are four on each side. The three f.rst serve for the passage of the optic, superior maxillrrv, and inferior maxillary nerves; the fourth transmits the largest artery of the dura mater. On each side we observe a considerable fissure, which from its situation, maybe called the superior orbit:. fissure. Through it pass the third .-.nd fourth pair of nerves, a branch ofthe fifth, and likewise the sixth pair. Lastly, at the basis of each pterygoid process, we observe a foramen which is named pierygoidean, and sometimes Vidian, from Vidius, who first described it. Through it passes a branch of the external carotid, to be distributed to the nose. The os sphenoides on its internal surface affords three fossae. Two of these are considerable fines ; they are formed by the lateral processes, and u:a"ke *part of the lesser fossae of the basis of the skull. The third, which is smaller, is on the top of the body of the bone, and is called sella turcica, from its resemblance to a Turkish sad- dle. In this the pituitary gland is placed. At each of its four angles is a process. They are called the clinmd processes, and are distinguished by their rituation into anterior and posterior pro- cesses. The two latter are frequently united into -me. Within the substance of the os sphenoides, im- mediately under the sella turcica, we find two cavities, separated by a thin bony lamella. These are the sphenoidal sinuses. They arc lined with the pituitary membrane, and, like the frontal sinuses, separate a mucus which passes into the nostrils. In some subjects there is only one cavi- iy; in others, though more rarely, we find three. In infants, the os sphenoides is composed of three pieces, one of which forms the body of the bone and its pterygoid processes, and the other two its lateral processes. The clinoid processes may even then be perceived in a cartilaginous state, though some writers have asserted the con- trary ; but we observe no appearance of any sinus. This bone is connected with all the bones of the cranium, and likewise with the ossa maxillaria, ossa malarum, ossa paiati, and vomer. Its uses may be coUected from the description we have given of it. SPHI'NCTER. (From otpiyju, to shut up.) The name of several muscles, tbe office of which is to shut or close the aperture around which they are placed. Sphincter ani. Sphincter externus, of Al- binus and Douglas. Sphincter cutaneus, of Winslow ; and coccigio-cutani-sphincter, of Du- mas. A single muscle of the anus, which shuts the passage through the anus into the rectum, and pulls down the bulb of the urethra, by which it assists in ejecting the urine and semen. It arises from the skin and fat that surrounds the verge of the anus on both fides, near as far as the tuberosi- 8<>0 ty of the ischium; the fibres are graduaUy col- lected into an oval form, and surround the extre- mity of the rectum. It is inserted by a narrow point into the perineum, acceleratores urinae, and transversi perinei; and behind into the extremity of the os coccygis, by an acute termination. Sphincter ani cutaneus. See Sphincter ani. Sphincter ani externus. See Sphincter an>. Sphincter am internus. Albinus and Douglas call the circular fibres of the muscular coat <>f the rectum, which surrounds its extremity, by this name. Sphincter cutanf.us. See Sphincter ani. Sphincter externus. See Sphincter ani. Sphincter gvlje. The muscle which con- tracts the top of the throat. Sphincter labiorum. See Orbicularis oris. Sphincter oris. Sec Orbicularis oris. Sphincter vaginae Constrictor cunni, of Albinus. Second muscle of the clitoris, of Doug- las ; and anulo-syndetmo-clitoridien, of Dumas. This muscle arises from the sphincter ani and from the posterior side of the vagina near the pe- rineum ; from thence it runs up the side of the vagina, near its external orifice, opposite to the nymphae, covers the corpus cavernosum, and is inserted into the cms and body or union of the crura clitoridis. Its use is to contract the month ofthe vagina. Sphingo'nta. (From ctpiylu, to bind. As- tringent medicines. SPHONDY'LIUM. (From arrov&vXos, verte- bra ; named from the shape of its root, or proba- bly because it was used against the bite of a ser- pent, called orrovSvXis.) This is supposed to be the branckursine. See Acanthus mollis. SPHRAGIDE. A species of Lemnian earth. SPHKONGIDIUM. See Columnula. SPICA. A spike. I. A species of inflores- cence consisting of one common stalk bearing nu- merous flowers, all ranged along it without any, or having very smaU partial stalks, as the flower- stalk of the greater plantain. From its figure, the situation of the flowers, and its vesture, it is called, 1. Cylindrica; as in Plantago media, and al- bicans. 2. Ooata, in Sanguisorba officinalis. 3. Articulata, with joints; as in Salicorneu hcrbacea, and Polygonum articulatum. 4. Conjugata, two spikes going from the sum- mit of the peduncle; as in Heliotropium euro- paum and parviflorum. 5. Ramosa, divided into branches ; as in Che- nopodium bonus henricus, and Osmunda. 6. Imbricuta; as in Salvia hispanica. 7. Secunda, the flowers leaning all to one side; as in Anchusa officinalis. 8. Interrupta, in separate groupes ; as in Beto- nica officinalis, and Gomphrena interrupta. 9. Disticha, two series of spikes ; as in Gla- diolus alopecuroides. 10. Terminalis; as in Lavendula. 11. Axillares ; as in Justitia spinosa. 12. Foliota, leaflets between the flowers; as in Agrimonia eupatoria. 13. Comosa, having a leafy bundle at the apex; as in Lavendula stachas, and Bromelia ananas. 14. Ciliata, hairs between the flowers ; as in Nardus ciliaris. II. An ear of corn. III. A bandage resembling an ear of corn. Spica lrevis. The Alopecuris pratensis. Spica celtica. See Valeriana ceWcu. SPI SPI ViCA J.LAiiNA. Co.nmou iuitiider. Spica indica. Sec Ndrdiut indica. Spica inguinalis. A baudage for ruptures in the groin. Spica inguinalis duplex. Double bandage for ruptures. Spica mas. Broad-leaved lavender. Spica nardi. Sec Nardus indica. Spica simplex. A common roUer or bandage. SPICULA. A spikelet. A term applied ex- clusively to grasses that have many florets on one calyx, such florets ranged on a little stalk, consti- tuting the spikelet, which is therefore a part of the flower itself, and not of the inflorescence ; as in Brizu minor, and Poa aquatica. Locusta means the same as tpicula. SPIGE'LIA. (So called by Linnaeus in com- memoration ofan old botanist, Adrian Spigelius, who wrote Isagoge in rem herbariam, in 1006.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogy- nia. 2. The name in some pharmacopoeias for the Spigelia marilandica. SriGELiA anthelmia. The systematic name of the spigelia oi some pharmacopceias. .t is di- rected as an anthelmintic; its virtues are very similar to those of the Indian pink. See Spige- lia marilandica. Spigelia lonicera. See Spigelia mari- landica. Spigelia marilandica. Spigelia lonicera. Perennial worm-grass, or Indian pink. Spigelia —caule tetragono, foliit omnibus oppositis, of Linnaeus. The whole of this plant, but most com- monly the root, is employed as an anthelmintic by the Indians and inhabitants of America. Dr. Hope has written in favour of this plant, in continued and remitting low worm fevers. Besides its pro- perty of destroying the worms in the primae viae, it acts as a purgative. Spigelian lobe. See Liver. SPIGELIUS, Adrian, was born at Brussels, in 1578. He studied at Louvain, and afterwards at Padua, where he took his degree. He became thoroughly skilled in every branch of his profes- sion, particularly in anatomy and surgery; and after travelling some time to the different schools iu Germany, he settled in Moravia, where he was soon appointed physician to the States of the Province. In 1616 he was invited vo occupy the principal professorsliip in anatomy and surgery at Padua, where he acquitted himself with so much success, that he was created a Knight of St. Mark, and presented with a collar of gold. He died iu 1625. His writings evince him to have possessed very extensive medical knowledge. The first, which he pubUshed, contains some interesting in- formation concerning the virtues of plants, re- specting which he appears to have learnt much from the Italian peasantry. He wiote also con- cerning some diseases aud other matters. But the most valuable of his works are tliose com- posed on anatomical subjects, published after his death, by his son-in-law, Crema. SPIGNEL. See JEthusu meum. SPIKELET. See Spicitla. SPIKENARD. See Xu, das indica. SPILA'NTHUS. (From crnXos, a spot, and ovOjs, a flower ; because of its dotted or speckled flowers.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Syngeneda ; Order, Polygamia aqualis. Spilanthi'8acmella. Achmella. Achamella. The systematic name of the baim-teaved spilan- thus which possesses a glutinous bitter taste and a fragrant smell. The herb and seed are said it; be. diuretic ani <'njnicun.;r"r'ie, and wefol in dropsies, jaundice, fluor albus, and calculous eon. ■ plaints, given in infusion. SPI'NA. (Quasi spiculina, diminutive of spica.) A thorn. A. The back-bone: so called from the thorn- like processes of the vertebrae. See Vertebra, and Spine. B. The shin-bone. C. A tlrorn of a plant. A prickly armature of plants, not easily removed by the finger, and pro- ceeding from tho woody part ol the plant. It is either, 1. Culine; as in Prunus spinosa. 2. Terminal, at the end of a branch; as in Rhamnus catharticus. 3. Foliar, on the surface of theleaf; as in Car- duus marianus. 4. Marginal, on the margin of the loaf: as in Ilex aquifolinm. 5. Axillary, going from the axiUa of the leaf; as in Gleditschia triacanthos. 6. Calycine, on the calyx ; as in Carduus ma- rianus. 7. Pericarpial, on the pod ; as in Datura stra- monium. 8. Stipular, On the stipule ; as in Mimosa nil" tica, and horrida. 9. Straight; as in Mimosa nigra. 10. Recurve ; as in Costus nobilis. 11. Decussate; as in Genista lucitanica.- 12. Setaceous ; as in Cactus opuntia. 13. Subulate; as in Cactus tuna. 14. Inerm, covered with soft and not prickly spines, also called muricate; as in Convolvulus muricatus, and Mimosa muricata. 15. Simple, when not divided; as Genista an- glica. 16. Germinal; as in Limonia trifoliata. 17. Ternate; as in Zanthiom spinosum. 18. Ramose; as in Gleditschia horrida. Spina acida. See Berberis. Stina acuta. The hawthorn. Spina -Kovptiaca. The Egyptian thorn or sloe-tree. See Acacia vera. Spina alba. The white-thorn tree. Spina arabica. The char Jon, or Arabian1 thistle. Spina bifida. Hydrops medulla spinalis; Hydrocele spinalis ; Hydrorachitis spinosa. A tumour upon the spine of new-born children im- mediately about the lower vertebras ofthe loins, and upper parts of the sacrum ; at first, it is of a dark blue colour; but in proportion as it increases in size, approaches nearer and nearer to the co- 1 ur of the skin, becoming perfectly diaphanous. l'iom the surface of this tumour a pellucid wa- tery fluid sometimes exude*, and this circuca stance has been noticed by different authors. It is alivays,attended with a weakness, or, more pro- perly speaking, a paralysis oi the lower extremi- ties. The opening of it rashly has proved quick- ly fatal to the chilJ. Tul|)iie,, therefore, sU-on»ly dissuades us Irouialtiinplies: tins operation. Acit I mentions a case where a nurse rashly opene-1 a tu- mour, which, as he described it, was a blood bag on the back of the child at the time of its birth, in bigness equal to a bens egg, in two hours after which the child died. From the dissection it ap- peared that the bladder lay in the middle ol the os sacrum, and cnusisted of a 'he veins, but emitting it no where else. The veins, at length, come together into one, called the *pleni" vein, and having receive.! the larger coronary vein of the stomach, besides oihers, it constitutes the left principal branch of tlie vrna port^e The nerves of the spleen are small; they sur- round the arteries with their branches ; they come from a particular plexus, which is formed of the posterior branches of the eighth pair, and the great intercostal nerve. Lymphatic vessels are almost only seen creep- ing along the surface of the human spleen. The use of the spleen has not hitherto been de- termined ; yet if its situation and fabric be re- garded, one would imagine its use to consist chiefly in affording Some assistance to the stomach during the progress of digestion. SPLEEN-WORT. See Asplenium ceterach, ■-\nd Asplenium tricfiomanes. SPLENA'LGIA. (From enXtiv, the spleen, and aXyos, pain.) A pain in the spleen or its region. SPLENETIC. (Spleneticus ; from orrXiiv, the spleen.) Belonging to the spleen. SPLENITIS. (From arrXriv, the spleen.) Inflammation of the spleen. A genus of disease in the Class Pyrexia, and Order Phlegmada, of -CuUen ; characterised by pyrexia, tension, heat, tumour, and pain in the left hypochondrium, in- creased by pressure. This disease, according to Juncker, comes on with a remarkable shivering, succeeded by a most intense heat, and very great thirst; a pain and tumour are perceived in the left hypochondrium, and the paroxysms for the most part assume a quartan form ; when the pa- tients expose thetnsehes for a Uttle to the free air, their extremities immediately grow very iold. If au haemorrhagy happen, the blood flow.i out of the left nostril. The otaer symntoms :;re the same with tho--c of the hepatite. Like th-. Uver, the spleen is also subject to a clronic int lamina- tion, which often happens after agues, a-id is called the ague cake, though that name is also frequently given to a scirrhous tumour of the liver succeed- ing intermittents. The ciuses of this disease'are in general the same with those <>'' other inflamma- tory disorders; but those which determine tbe inflammation to that particular part :aore than another, are very much unknown, (t attacks persons of a verv plethoric and sr>T,guino habit of body rather than .thers. During -the acute stage of splenitis, w must foUow the antiphlogistic plan, bj general and to- pical bleedings, by purging frequently, anu by thfe application of blisters near the part affected. If it should terminate in suppu-atiun, we must en- deavour to discharge tbe pus externally, by fo- mentations or poultices. When the organ js in an enlarged scirrhous stite, mercury may be successful in preventing its farther progress, or even producing a diminution of the part; but proper caution is require! iu the use of it, lest tbe remedy do more harm than the disease. Sple'nium. (From rmXrrv, the spleen: so called from its efficacy in disorders of the spleen.) 1. Spleen-wort. 2. A compressed shape like the spleen. SPLE'NIUS. (From orrXiiv, the spleen: so named from its resemblance ;n shape tothe spleen, or, according to some, it derives its name from splenium, a ferula, or splint, which surgeons ap- ply to tbe sides of a fractured bone.) Splenius capitut, and splenius colli, of Albinus ; and cer- vico-dorrimastoidien et dorto-trachelien, of Dumas. The spi-enius is a flat, broad, and ob- lou-; nuscle, in part covered by »he upper part of 'V trap"-zi-e;, and ooltqitiy situated between the back of the ear, and the lower and posterior p»rt of the neck. ft arises tendinous from the four or five superior spinous processes of the dors-.il vertebrae; tendi- nous and fle-ihy from the last of th,- neck, ind tendinous from the ligamentum colli, or rather the tendons of the two spleni' unite here insepa- rably ; but about the second or third vertebrae ot *h-- neck they recede from each other, so that part of the complexus may be seen. It is inserted, by two distinct tendons, into the trans- erse processes of tbe two first vertebiae oir the neck, sending off some few fibres to the com- plexus and levator scapulae; tendinous and fleshy into the upper and po-.:--rior part of the mastoid process, and into a ridge on the occipital bone, where it joins with the ro^t of that process. This muscle may easily be separated into two parts. Euat.'.chius and F.dlopius were aw-vre of this ; Winslow has distinguished them into the superior und inferior portfous ; and Albinus has described them as two distinct muscles, calling that part which is inserted inti the mastoid pro- cess and os occipitis, tph-.vus capitis, and that which is inser»ea into the vertebrae of the neck, splenius colli. We b ive here followed Douglas, and the generality of writers, in describing thes'e two portions as one muscle, espeeiaUy as they arc intimately united near their origin. When this muscle acts singly, it dra.vs the head and upper vertebrae of tht neck obliquely back- wards ; when both act, they pull the head di- rectly backwards. Stlemiis capitis. See Splenius. Splenii < colli. See Sph'-ius. SPT.ENOCE LE. (From orrXm; the spleen, and «)),, .-»tumour.) A ' :rnia of tbe spleen. SPLINT. A long pie••■<■ of wood, tin, or strong pasteboard employed for preventing the ends of broken bones fioni moving, so os to interrupt the process h"- -.nich fractures unite. SPO'DIUM. Zrzniiov. The spodium of Di- oscorides and of G-ilen are now not known in the shops. It is said to have been produced by burn- ing cadmia alone in the furnace ; for having thrown it ^ small pieces into the fire, near tbe nozzb: of the bellows, they b:ow the most fine and subtle parts against tn.i roof of the furnace ; and what was reflected fro.n thence wa3 called tpodinm It dii'ered Irom t!v.> pompuoiyx in not beiii? so pure, anu in being more heavy. P'iny disd i.ruisnes several 'tind of it, as that of cop- per, river. :» 'd, and lead. Spodium ar.abdm. i>'irat ivory, cr irory black. S*e Abaisir. Spjdium gr.ecorjm. The white dung of dogs. SPODUMENE. Prismatic tnphane spar of Mobs. A mineral of a greenish white colour, first foundin'heisland oil ton, in Suderm inuland, and lately in the vicinity of Dublin. It contains the ne»v alkali caUed lethia. Spni i v'r»um. A private room at the baths. S9o SPO SPONDY'LIUM. (From ortov&vXos, a verte- bra : so named from the shape of its root, or pro- bably because it was used against the bite of a serpent caUed ortavivXts.) See Heracltum tpon- dylium. SPOTSTDYLUS. -Lvov&vX®: Some have thought fit to caU the spine or back-bone thus, from the shape and fitness of the vertebrae, to move every way upon one another. SPONGE. See Spongia. SPONGE-TENT. See Spongia praparata. SPO'NGIA. Vrroyhs; X-roy/ia. Sponge. See Spongia officinalis. Spongia officinalis. The systematic name ol the sponge. A sea-production ; the habitations of insects. A soft, tight, very porous, and com- pressible substance, readily imbibing water, and distending thereby. It is found adhering to rocks, particularly in the Mediterranean Sea, about the islands of the Archipelago. It was formerly sup- posed to be a vegetable production, but is now classed among the zoophytes; and analysed, it yields the same principles with animal substances in general. Burnt sponge is said to cure effec- tually the bronchocele, and to be of infinite utility in scrophulous complaints. Sponge tents are employed by surgeons to dilate fistulous ulcers, &c. Spongia praparata. Prepared sponge. Sponge tent. This is formed by dipping pieces of sponge in hot melted emplastrum cerae compo- situm, and pressing them between two iron plates.. As soon as cold, the substance thus formed may be cut into pieces of any shape. It was formerly used for dilating small openings, for whieh it was weU adapted, as when the wax melted, the elas- ticity of the sponge made it expand and distend the opening, in which it had been put. Sir Ash- ley Cooper informs us that the best modern sur- geons seldom employ it. Spongia usta. Burnt sponge. Cut the sponge into pieces, and beat it, that any extraneous mat- ters may be separated; then burn it in a close iron vessel until it becomes black and friable; lastly, rub it to a very fine powder. This prepa- ration is exhibited with bark in the cure ot scro- phulous complaints, and forms the basis of a lo- zenge, which has been known to cure the bron- chocele in many instances. The dose is from a scruple to a drachm. Spongiosa ossa. Otsa turbinata inferiora; Ossa convoluta. These bones are situated in the under part of the side of the nose ; they are of a triangular form and spongy appearance, resem- bling the os spongiosum superius ; externally they are convex ; internally they are concave; the convexity is placed towards the septum nasi, and the concavity outwards. The under edge of each bone is placed horizontally near the outer part of the nose, and ending in a sharp point behind. At the upper part of the bone are two processes, the anterior of which ascends and forms part of the lachrymal groove, and the posterior descends and forms a hook to make part of the maxillary sinus. The connexion of this bon-e is to the os maxil- lare, os palati, and os unguis, by a distinct suture in the young subject; but in the adult, by a con- cretion of substance. - The ossa spongiosa afford a large surface for ex- tending the organ of smell by allowing the mem- brane of the nose to be expanded, upon which the olfactory nerves are dispersed. In the foetus, these bones are almost complete. Spongiosum os. 1. The ethmoid bone. 2. See Spongiosa ossa. SPONGIO'SUS. Spongy. SPONGOPDES. (r.rzoyfomr. from oizoyyos, SS6 STA 4 a sponge, and ti&©-, forma, shape: so called be- cause it is hollow and porous, like a sponge or sieve.) See Ethmoid bone. SPORADIC. (Sporad'cut; from crrtipu, to sow.) An epithet for such infections, and other diseases as seize a few persons at any time ot season. Spotted lungwort. See Pulmonaria. SPRAIN. See Subluxatio. SPRAT. The Clupea sprattus, of Linnaeus. A small herring-like fish whicb comes to us be- tween November and March ; and are eaten fried, and pickled. They are strong and hard of di- gestion. SPRONGIDIUM. See Columnula. SPRUCE. 1. A particular species of fir. See Pinus abies. 2. A fermented liquor called spruce-beer pre- pared from the spruce fir. From the quantity of carbonic acid it contains, il is found a useful an- tiscorbutic. Spurge flax. See Daphne gnidium. Spurge laurel. See Daphne laureola. Spurge olive. See Daphne mezereum. SPUTA'MEN. See Sputum. SPU'TUM. (From spuo, to spit.) Sputa- men. Saliva. Any kind of expectoration. Squama'ria. (From squama, a scale: so called from its scaly roots.) The great tooth- wort, or Plumbago europea. SQUAMATUS. Scaly: applied to the nec- tary of the Ranunculut genus, &c. See Necta- rium. SQUAMOSE. (Squamosut; from squama, a scale: because the bones Ue over each other like scales.) Scaly. Squamose suture. The suture which unites the squamose portion of the temporal bone with the parietal. SQUAMOSUS. Squamose. Scaled: applied to roots which arc covered with fleshy scales : as in Lathraa squamaria. SQUARROSUS. (From squarra; rough.) Squarrose. Rough, scabby, scaly. Applied to plants, &c. ; as juncus tquarrotut. SQUILL. See Sdlla. Squi'lla. See Scilla. Squills, vinegar of. See Acetum sdlla. Squina'nthus. (From sqinanthia, the quinsy: so named from its uses in the quinsy.) See An- dropogon schananthus. STA'CHYS. (traces, a spike: so named from its spicated stalk and seed.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Didynamia; Order, Gymnospermia. 2. Some species of wild sage, and horehound, nettle, &c. were formerly so caUed. Stachys foetida. YeUow archangel. Hedge- nettle, or Ballote nigra. Stachys palustris. Clown's wound-wort or all-heal. • STA'CTE. (Stqvtjj, from *a£u, to distil.) This term signifies that kind of myrrh which distils or falls in drops from the trees. It is also used by some writers for a more liquid kind of amber than that what is commonly met with in the shops; whence in Scribonius Largus, Paulus ^Egineta, and some others, wc meet with a colly- rium, and several other forms, wherein this was the chief ingredient, distinguished by the name of Staclica. Sta'cticon. InstiUation: also an eye-water. Sta'gma. (From s-o^m, to distil.) 1. Any distiUed liquor. 2. The vitriolic acid. STAHL, George Ernest, was born at Ans>- pach, in 1660. He graduated at Jena, at the age .VIA STA of twenty-four, and immediately commenced a course of private lectures there ; and about three ▼ears after he was made physician to the duke of Saxe-Weimar. On the estabUshment of the uni- versity of Halle, in 1694, he was appointed to a medical professorship, at the solicitation of Hoff- man : and he became the leader of a sect of phy- sicians, in opposition to the mechanical theorists, in which he was followed by many eminent per- sons, as well in Germany as- in other countries, notwithstanding the very fanciful nature of the hypothesis, on which his system was founded. It had been always observed, that there is a cer- tain power in the animal body of resisting injuries, and correcting some of its disorders; and Van Helmont had ascribed some degree of intelligence to this power: but it was reserved for Stahl to refer it entirely to the rational soul, which, he affirmed, not only originally formed the body, but is the sole cause of all its motions, in the ronstant excitement of which life consists. Whence diseases were generally regarded as salu- tary efforts of the presiding soul, to avert the de- struction of the body. This hypothesis, besides its visionary character, was justly deprecated, as leading to an inert practice, and the neglect of the collateral branches of medical science, even of anatomical researches, which Stahl maintained had little or no reference to the art of healing. And in fact both he and his followers, trusting principally to the operations of nature, zealously opposed the use of some of the most efficacious remedies, as opium, cinchona, and mercury; and were extremely reserved in the employment of bleeding, vomiting, &c, although their system led them to refer most diseases to plethora. This hypothesis was maintained by Stahl with much ingennity in several publications, particularly in his " Theoria Medica vera," printed in 1708. The merits of Stahl, as a che- mical philosopher, are of a much higher charac- ter ; and the school, which be founded in this science, has only been superseded of late by far- ther discoveries. He was the inventor of the celebrated theory of phlogiston, which appeared to account for the phenomena of combustion, and was received every where with high applause. His chief chemical work was entitled " Funda- menia Chemiae dogmaticae et Experimentalis,'' first printed in 1729: but this had been preceded more than thirty years, by others, in which his doctrine was fully displayed. Stahl was elected a member of the Academy Natures Curiosorum : and he was called, in 1716, to visit the king of Prussia at Berlin, whither he went also on several subsequent occasions, and on one of these he was attacked with a disease, which proved fatal, in the 74th year of his age. STALACTITES. The calcareous substances found suspended from vaults, being formed by the oozing of water charged with calcareous particles gradually evaporating, and leaving these particles behind. STALAGMI'TIS. (From faXaypos, a drop- ping, or distillation, because the irum which it yields escapes in that manner.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Polygamia; Order, Monada. Stalagmitis cambogioides. This is now ascertained to be the tree which affords gamboge. This drug, from its supposed virtues, is also called gummi ad podagram; gummi gutta; and, by corruption, gotta; gutta gamba; ga- mon ; germandra ; catagemu ; gambcidea, &c.; and, from its gold colour, chrysopus ; and, from its purgativo quality, tuccut laxativut; ■ i^cus Inaicut purgan*; and srumwonium on- exdulc. Gamboge is a concrete vegetable juicjL, which was supposed to he the produce of two trees, both called by the Indians, Caracapulli, and by Linnaeus, Gambogia gutta; but Koenig ascertained its true source. It is partly of a gummy, and partly of a resinous nature. It ia brought to us chiefly from Gambaja, in the East Indies, either in form of orbicular masses, or of cylindrical roUs of various sizes; and is of a dense, compact, and firm texture, and of a beau- tiful yeUow colour. In medicine it is chiefly used as a drastic purge; it operates powerfully both upwards and downwards. Some condemn it as acting with too great violence, while others are of a contrary opinion. The dose is from two to four grains, as a cathartic; from four to eight grains it proves emetic and purgative. The roughness of its operation is said to be diminished, by giving it in a liquid form, sufficiently diluted. Rubbed with almonds, from its want of taste, it is a good laxative for children. It has been given in dropsy, with cream of tar* tar, to correct its operation. It has also been re- commended by some, to the extent of fifteen grains, joined with an equal quantity of vegetable alkali, to destroy the tape-worm. This dose is ordered in the morning, and if the worm is not expelled in two or three hours, it is repeated even to the third time, with safety and efficacy. It ia asserted, that it has been given to this extent even in delicate habits. This is said to be the remedy alluded to by Van Swieten, which was employed by Dr. Herenchwand, and with him proved so successful in the removal of the taenia lata. It is an ingredient, and probably the active one, in most of the nostrums for expelling taeniae. Dr. Cullen says, that, on account of the quick passage of gamboge through the intestines, he was induced to give it in small, and frequently repeated doses, as three or four grains, rubbed with a little sugar, every three hours; and thus found .t operate without griping or sickness, and, in three or four exhibitions, evacuate a great quantity of water both by stool and urine. STALA'GMUS. (From $-aXa£u, to distil.) Distillation. Sta'ltica. (From s-tXXu, to contract.) Heal- ing applications. STAMEN. The male genital organ of plants, found generally within the corolla, near the pistil. Stamens were formerly called chivet. They are various in number in different flowers, from one to some hundreds. This organ is essential to a plant, no one having yet been discovered, after the most careful research, that is destitute of it, either in the same flower with the pistils, or a separate one of the same species. A stamen consists of three parts, 1. The fllamentum, or filament, the part which supports the anther. 2. The anthera, placed on the filament, and the most essential part of all. 3. The pollen, or powder adhering to the anther. Stanni pulvis. Tin finely divided is exhi- bited internally as a vermifuge : It acts mechani- cally, and the fine filings are more effectual than the powder. STANNIC ACID. A name which has been given to the peroxide of tin, because it is soluble in alkalies. STA'NNUM. See Tin. Stape'dis musculus. See Stapedius. STAPE'DIUS. (Stapediut, sc. musculus; from stapes, one of the bonee of the ear.) Mus. cuius stapes, of Cowper; und pyramidal-steps. dien, of Duma?. A muscle of the internal ea£ S.TA STA which draws the stapes obliquely upwards to- ward- the cavern, by which the posterior part of its base is moved inwards, and the anterior part outwards. STATES. (In quo pet ttat, a stirrup.) A bone of the internal ear, so called from its resem- blance to a stirrup. STAPHILI'NUS. See Azygot uvula. Staphilinus externus. See Ctrcum- flexus. STA'PHIS. ■ZTatpis, is strictly a grape, or a bunch of grapes; whence, from their Ukeness thereunto, it is applied to • many other things, especially the glands of the body, whether natu- ral or diseased. STAPHISA'GRIA. Zratpis aypia, wild vine ; from its resemblance of its leaves to those of the vine.) See Delphinium. STAPHYLE. (ZTatpvXti. A grape or raisin: so called from its resemblance.) The uvula. STAPHYLI'NUS. (Staphylinus; from s-atpvXri, the uvula.) See Azygos uvula. Staphilinus externus. See Circum- flexus. Staphylinus gr.ecorum. Staphylinus syl- vestris. The wild carrot. STAPHYLOMA. (From fatpvXr,, a grape : so named from its being thought to resemble a grape.) Staphylosis. A disease of the eye-ball in which the cornea loses its natural transparency, rises above the level of the eye, and successively even projects beyond the eye-lids, in the form of an elongated, whitish, or pearl-coloured tumour, which is sometimes smooth, sometimes uneven, und is attended with a total loss of sight. The proximate cause is an effusion of thick humour between the lamellae of the cornea, so that the internal and external superfices of the cornea, very much protuberates. The remote causes are, an habitual ophthalmia, great contusion, and fre- quently a deposition of the variolous humour in the smaU-pox. The species are : 1st. Staphyloma totale, which occupies the whole transparent cornea; this is the most fre- quent species. The symptoms are, the opaque cornea protuberates, and if in the form of a cone, increasing in magnitude it pushes out and inverts the lower eye-lid; and sometimes the morbid cornea is so elongated, as to lie on the cheek, causing friction and excoriation. The bulb of the eye being exposed to tbe air, sordes generate, the inferior palpebra is irritated by the cilia, and very painful red and small papillae are observable. 2d. Staphyloma racemosum, is a staphyloma formed by carnous tubercles, about the size of a smaU pin's head. 3d- Staphyloma partiale, which occupies some part of the cornea : it exhibits an opaque tumour prominent from the cornea, similar to a small bluish grape. 4th. Staphyloma sclerotica is a bluish tumour attached to some part of the sclerotica, but arises from the tunica albuginea. 5th. Staphyloma pellucidum, in which the cor- nea is not thickened or inciassated, but very much extended and pellucid. 6th. Staphyloma complicatum, which is com- pUcated with an ulcer, ectropium, caruncles, or any other disorder of the eye. 7th. Staphyloma iridis. For this species, see Ptods iridis. Star thistle. See Carlina acaulis. STARCH. Amylum. A white, insipid, com- bustible substance, insoluble in cold water, but forming a jelly with boUing water. It exists chiefly in the white and brittle parts of vege- fib!rs, partictilprrv in tuberr-v '-"ot-\ and the ' #)* seeds of the gramineous plants. It may be ex- tracted by pounding these parts, and agitating them in cold water ; when the parenchyma, or fibrous parts, will first subside ; and these being removed, a fine, white powder, diffused through the water, will graduaUy subside, which is the starch. Or the pounded or grated substance, as the roots of arum, potatoes, acorns, or horse- chesnuts, for instance, may be put into a hair- sieve, and the starch washed through with cold water, leaving the grosser matters behind. Far- inaceous seeds may be ground and treated in a similar manner. Oily seeds require to have the oil expressed from them before the farina is ex- tracted. Starch is one of the constituent parts in aU mealy farinaceous seeds, fruits, roots, and other parts of plants. Our common starch is made from wheat. It is not necessary that the grain be first bruised in mills. The entire corn, well cleansed, is soaked in cold water until the husks separate; and the grains, having become quite soft, give out, by pressure, a milky fluid. The grains are then taken out of the water by means of a sieve, put into a coarse linen sack, and trans- ferred into the treading-tub, where they are trod- den, after cold water has been poured upon them. By this operation the starchy part is washed out, and mingling with the water makes it milky. The water is now drawn off, running through a sieve into the settling-tub. Fresh water is again effused upon the grains, and the same operation is continued till the water in the treading-tub is no longer rendered milky. The starch here preci- pitates by repose from the water that held it sus- pended ; during which, especially in a warm sea- son, the mucilaginous saccharine matter of the flour, that was dissolved by the water, goes into the acetous fermentation. From this cause the starch grows still purer and whiter. The water is next let off from the starch, which is several times more washed with clear fresh water; the remaining part of which is suffered to drip through linen cloths supported by hurdles, upon which the wet starch is placed. VVhen the starch has fully subsided, it is wrapt in, wrung between these cloths, or pressed, to extort still more of the re- maining liquid. It is afterwards cut into pieces, which are laid in airy places on slightly burnt bricks to be com- pletely dried, partly by the free currency of air, and partly by the bricks imbibing their moisture. Lastly, the outer crust is scraped off, and they are broken into smaller pieces. If starch be subjected to distillation, it gives out water impregnated with empyreumatic acetous acid, a Uttle. red or brown oil, a great deal of car- bonic acid, and carburetted hydrogen gas. Its coal is bulky, easily burned, and leaves a very small quantity of potassa and phosphate of lime. If when diffused in water it be exposed to a heat of 60° F., or upward, it will ferment and turn sour; but much more so if it be not freed from the gluten, extract, and colouring matter. Thus, in starch-making, the farina ferments and becomes sour, but the starch that does not undergo fer- mentation is rendered the more pure by this pro- cess. Some water already soured is mixed with the flour and water, which regulates the fermen- tation, and prevents the mixture from becoming putrid; and in this state it is left about ten days in summer, and fifteen in winter, before the scum is removed, and the water poured off. The starch is then washed out from the bran, and dried, first in the open air, and finally in an oven. With boiling water starch forms a nearly trans- parent mucihnre, Emitting a peculiar smell, neither STA S.TE, disagreeable nor very powerful. This mucilage may be dried, and wtil then be semitransparent, and much resembling gum, all the products of which it affords. When dissolved, it is much more easily digested and nutritious than before it has undergone this operation. Both acids and alkalies combined with water dissolve it. It separates the oxides of several me- tals from their solutions, and takes oxygen from many of them. It is found naturally combined with all the immediate principles of vegetables, and may easily be united with most of them by art. When starch is triturated with iodine, it forms combinations of various colours. When the pro- portion of iodine is small, these compounds are violet; when somewhat greater, blue ; and when still greater, black. We can always obtain the finest blue colour, by treating starch with an excess of iodine, dissolving the compound in liquid potassa, and precipitating by a vegetable acid. The colour is manifested even at the instant of pouring water of iodine into a liquid which contains starch diffused through it. Hence iodine becomes an excellent test for de- tecting starch ; and starch for detecting iodine. Besides these combinations, it appears that there is another of a white colour, in which the iodine exists in very small quantity. All of them pos- sess peculiar properties. Starch is not affected in the cold, by water, al- kohol, or aether. But it dissolves readily, when triturated with potassa water. Starch is convertible into sugar by dilute sul- phuric acid. To produce this change we must take 2000 parts of starch, diffuse them in 6000 parts of water, containing 40 parts of strong oil of vitriol, and boil the mixture for 36 hours in a basin of silver or lead, taking care to stir the materials with a wooden rod, during the first hour of ebul- lition. At the end of this time, tbe mass having become liquid, does not require to be stirred, ex- cept at intervals. In proportion as the water evaporates, it ought to be replaced. When the liquid has been sufficiently boiled, we must add to it chalk and animal charcoal, then clarify with white of egg, filter the mixture through a flock of wool, and then concentrate the liquid till it has acquired a syrupy consistence. After this, the basin must be removed from the fire, in order that, by cooling, the greater part of the sulphate of lime may fall down. The pure syrup is now to be decanted off, and evaporated to the proper dry- ness. The greater the quantity of acid employed, the less ebullition is required to convert the starch into the saccharine matter. The discovery of the preceding process is due to Kirchoff, of St. Petersburg!!. The presence of sulphuric acid is not indis- pensable for obtaining sugar from starch. It may also be obtained by leaving the starch to itself, either with or withi-ut contact of air, or by mix- ing it with dried gluten. At the same time, in- deed, several other products are formed. M. Theod. de Saussurc's interesting observations on this subject are published in the Annates de Chemie et de Physique, xi. 379. The starch, brought to the state of a pulpy mass, must be left to spontaneous decomposition. The products are, 1st, a sugar, like the sugar of grapes ; 2d, Gum, like that from roasted starch ; 3d, Amidine, a body whose properties are intermediate between those of starch and gum; and 4th, an insoluble substance, Uke Ugneous matter. In these expe- riments, the mass on which he operated was made by pouring 12 parts of boiling water on 1 of starch. VVhen it was fermented by dried gluten, he ob- tained— Without contact With contact of air. of air. Sl,Sai largest on the left side, and gradually diminish- es towards its lower orifice, where it is the least. Its superior orifice, where the oesophagus terminates, is caUed the cardia; the inferior orifice, where tlie intestine begins, the pylorus. The anterior surface is turned towards the abdominal muscles, and the posterior opposite the lumbar vertebrae. It has two curvatures : the first is called the great curvature ofthe stomach, and extends downwards from oue orifice to the other, having the omentum adhering to it; the second is the small curvature, which is also between both orifices, but supe- riorly and posteriorly. The stomach, Uke the in- testinal canal, is composed of three coats, or mem- branes : 1. The outermost, which is very firm, and from the peritonaeum. 2. The muscular, which is very thick, and composed of various muscular fibres ; and, 3. The innermost, or villous coat, which is covered with exhaling and inhaling vessels, and mucus. These coats are connected together by cellular membrane. The glands ofthe stomach which separate the mucus are situated between the villous and muscular coat, in the cel- lular structure. The arteries of the stomach come chiefly from the creliac artery, and are distinguish- ed into the coronary, gastro-epiploic, and short arteries ; they are accompanied by veins which have similar names, and which terminate in the vena portae. The nerves of the stomach arc very numerous, anu come from the eighth pair and in- tercostal nerves. The lymphatic vessels are dis- tributed throughout the whole substance, and proceed immediately to the thoracic duct. The use of the stomach is to excite hunger and partly thirst, to receive the food from the oesophagus, and to retain it, till, by the motion ofthe stomach, the admixture of various fluids, and many other changes, it is rendered fit to pass the right orifice ofthe stomach, and afford chyle to the intestines. Stomach, inflammation of. See Gastritis. STOMACHIC. (Stomachicus; from sropaxos> the stomach.) That which excites and strength- ens the action of the stomach. Stoma'chica passio. A disorder in which there is an aversion to food, even the thought of it begets a nausea, anxiety, cardialgia, an effusion of saliva, and ofton a vomiting. Fasting is more tolerable than eating: if obliged to eat, a pain follows that is worse than hunger itself. STO'MACHUS. See Stomach. STONE. See Calculus. STONE-CROP. See Sedum acre. STO'RAX. -Lropa^. See Styrax. Storax liquid. See Liquidambra. Storax liquida. See Liquidambra. Storax rubra officinalis. CascariUa bark was so called. Storax, white. See Myroxylon peruiferum. STORCK, Anthont, a medical professor of considerable note at Vienna, who succeeded the celebrated Van Swieten as president and director of the faculty of medicine in that university, and was also honoured with the appointment of prin- cipal consulting physician to the Empress Maria Theresa. He distinguished himself chiefly by a long and assiduous course of exjieriments, with various narcotic vegetables, as hemlock, henbane, stramonium, aconite, colchicum, &c.: of whioh, though he appears to have over-rated the efficacy, yet certainly he had the merit of calling the at- tention of practitioners to a class of active reme- dies, which may often be highly useful under pru- dent management. His various tracts on these subjects were printed between 1760 and 1771, and they have since passed through several editions and Tran-lntioi:s. lie was also author of a colic. - tion of cases which occurred under his observa- tion in the hospital at Vienna; and this wbrk was afterwards continued by his successor, Dr. Collin. STRABALl'SMUS. Sec Strabismus. '* STRABI'SMUS. (From rp*«ij SIR lar sound, but not more significant. Ihe stro" phulus intertinctus has not, in general, any ten- dency to become pustular ; a few small pustules, containing a straw-coloured, watery fluid, occa- sionally appear on the back of tne hand, but scarcely merit attention, as the fluid is always re- absorbed in a short time, without breaking the cuticle. The eruption usuaUy terminates in scurf, or exfoliation of the cuticle; its duration, how- ever, is very uncertain; the papulae and spots sometimes remain for a length of time, without an obvious alteration ; sometimes disappear and come out again daily ; but, for the most part, one eruption ofthem succeeds another, at longer in- tervals, and with more regularity. This complaint occurs chiefly within the two first months of lac- tation. It is not always accompanied with, or preceded by any disorders of the constitution, but appears occasionally in the strongest and most healthy children. Some authors connect it with aphthous ulcerations common in children, sup- posing the latter to be a part of tbe same disease diffused along the internal surfaces of the month and intestines. The fact, however, seems to be, that the two affections alternate with each other : for those infants who have the papulous eruption on the skin are less liable to aphthae; and when the aphthae take place to a considerable degree, the skin is generally pale and free from eruption. The strophulus intertinctus is, by most writers, said to originate from an acidity, or acrimonious quaUty of the milk taken into a chUd's stomach, communicated afterwards to the blood, and stimu- lating tbe cutaneous excretories. This opinion might, without difficulty, be proved to have Uttle foundation. The predisposition to the complaint may be deduced from the delicate and tender state of the skin, and from the strong determination of ' blood to the surface, which evidently takes place in infants. The papulous eruption is, in many cases, connected with a 'weak, irritable state of the alimentary canal, and consequent indigestion. For if it be by any means suddenly repelled from the surface, diarrhoea, vomiting, spasmodic affec- tions of the bowels, and often general disturbance of the constitution succeed ; but as soon as it re- appears, those internal complaints are wholly suspended. Dr. Armstrong and others have par- ticularly noted this reciprocation, which makes the red gum, at times, a disease of some import- ance, though in its usual form it is not thought to be in any respect dangerous. On their remarks a necessary caution is founded, not to expose infants to a stream of very cold air, nor to plunge them un- seasonably in a cold bath. The most violent, and even fatal symptoms, have often been the conse- quence of such imprudent conduct. 2. The Strophulus albidus, by some termed the white gum, is merely a variety of strophulus intertinctus, but deserves some notice on account of the different appearance of its papulae. In place of those described as characterising the red gum, there is a number of minute whitish specks, a Uttle elevated, and sometimes, though not con- stantly, surrounded by a sUght redness. These papulae, when their tops are, removed, do not dis- charge any fluid; it is, however, probable that - they are originally formed by the deposition of a fluid, which afteiwards concretes under the cuti- cle. They appear chiefly on the face, neck, and breast, and are more permanent than the papulae of the red gum. In other respects, they have the same nature and tendency, and require a similar Ian of treatment. Although a distinctive name as been applied to this ernption, when occurring alone, yet it is proper to observe, that, in a great number of cases, there are red papula and spot* SIR MR intermixed with it, which prove its connexion with the strophulus intertinctus. 3. The Strophulus conftrtus. An eruption of numerous papulae, varying in their size, appears on different parts of the body in infants, during dentition, and has thence been denominated the tooth-rash. It is sometimes also termed the rank red gum. About tbe fourth or fifth month after birth, an eruption of this kind usually takes place on the cheeks and sides of the nose, extending sometimes to the forehead and arms, but rarely to the trunk or body. The papulae on the face are smaller, and set more closely together than in the red-gum ; their colour is not so vivid, but they are generally more permanent. They terminate at length with slight exfoliations of the cuticle, and olten appear again in the same places, a short time afterwards. The papulae which, in this com- plaint, occasionally appear on the back or loins, are much larger, and somewhat more distant from each other, than those on the face. They are often surrounded by an extensive circle of in- flammation, and a few of them contain a semi- pellucid watery fluid, which is re-absorbed when the inflammation subsides. In the seventh or eighth month, the strophulus confertus assumes a somewhat different form ; one or two large ir- regular patches appear on the arms, shoulder, or neck; in which tne papulae are hard, of a con- siderable size, and set so close together, that the whole surface is of a high red colour. Most commonly the fore-arm is the seat of this erup- tion, the papulae rising first on the back of the hand, and gradually extending upwards along the arm. Sometimes, however, the eruption com- mences at the elbow, and proceeds a little up- wards and downwards on the outside of the arm. It arrives at its height in about a fortnight; the papula- then begin to fade, and become flat at the top; afterwards the cuticle exfoliates from the part affected, which remains discoloured, rough, und irregular, for a week or two longer. An obstinate and very painful modification of this disease takes place, though not often, on the lower extremities. The papulae spread from the calves of the legs to the thighs, nates, loins, and round the body, as high as the navel : being very numerous and close together, they produce a con- tinuous redness over all these parts. The cuticle, presently, however, shrivelled, cracks in various places, and finally separate from the skin in large pieces. During this process a new cuticle is formed, notwithstanding which the complaint recurs in a short time, and goes through the same course as before. In tbis manner Suc- cessive erujitions take place, during the course of three or four mouths, and pcrbajis do not cease till the child is one year old, or somewhat more. Children necessarily suffer great uneasiness from t he heat and irritation occasioned by so extensive an eruption, yet while they are affected with it, ihey often remain free from any internal or febrile complaint. This appearance should be distin- guished from the intertrigo of infants, which ex- hibits an uniform, red, smooth, shining surface, without papulae; and which affects only the lower part of the nates aud inside of the thighs, being produced by the stimulus of the urine, Sic. with which the child's clothes are almost con- stantly wetted. The strophulus confertus, where ihe child is otherwise healthy, is generally ascribed to a state of indigestion, or some feverish com- jilaint of the mother or nurse. Dr. Willan, how- ever, asserts that he his more frequently seen the eruption when no such cause was evident. It may, with more probability, be considered as one oi '!;c numerous symptom* of irritation, arising from the inflamed and painful state ef the gums ui dentition; since it always occurs during that pro- cess, and disappears soon after the first teeth have cut the gums. 4. The Strophulus volaticus, is characterised by an appearance of small circular patches, or clusters of jiapulae, arising successively on dif- ferent parts of the body. The number of papulae in each cluster is from six to twelve. Both the papulae and their interstices are of a high red colour. These patches continue red, with a little heat, or itching, for about four days, when they turn brown, and begin to exfoliate. As one patch declines, another ajipears at a small distance from it; and in this manner the complaint often spreads gradually over the face, body, and limbs, not terminating in less than three or four weeks. During that time the chUd has sometimes a quick pulse, a white tongue, and seems uneasy and fret- ful. In many cases, however, the eruption takes place without any symptoms of internal disorder. The above complaint has been by some writers denominated ignis volaticus infantum; under this title Astruc and Lorry have described one of the forms of crusta lactea, in whicb a successive eruption of pustules takes place on the same spot generally about the mouth or eyes, in children of different ages, and sometimes in adults. The macula volatica infantum mentioned by Witti- chius, Sennertus, and Sebizeus, agree in some re- spects with the strophulus volaticus ; but they are described by other German authors as a species of erysipelas, or as irregular efflorescences affect- ing the genitals of infants, and often proving fatal. The strophulus volaticus is a complaint by no means frequent. In most cases which have come under Dr. WiUan's observation, it appeared be- tween the third and sixth month ; in one instance, however, it occurred about ten days after birtn, and continued three weeks, being gradually dif- fused from the cheeks and forehead to the scalp, afterwards to the trunk of the body and to the extremities; when the jiatches exfoliated, a red surface was left, with a slight border of de- tached cuticle. 5. Strophulus candidal. In this form of stro phulus, the papidae are larger than in any of the foregoing species. They have no inflammation round their base ; their surface is very smooth and shining, whence they appear to be of a lighter colour than the adjoining cuticle^* They are dif- fused, at a considerable distance from each other, over the loins, shoulders, and upper part of the arms ; in any other situation they are seldom found. This eruption affects infants about a year old, and most commonly succeeds some ot the acute diseases to which they are liable. Dr. Willan has observed it on their recovery from a catarrhal fever, an drafter inflammation of the bowels, or lungs. Tlie papulae continue hard and elevated for about a week, then gradually subside and dis- appear. STRUMA. (Struma, a. f.; from ttrtio, to heap up, or, a ttruendo, because they grow in- sensibly.) This term is generally applied to scro- fula, and by some to bronckocele, or an induration ofthe thyroid gland. Stru'mfn. (From struma, a scrofulous tu- mour.) A herb so called from its uses in healin- strumous tumours. STRUMOUS. (Stritmosus ; from struma,* wen or scrofula.) Ot the nature of scrofula. Strumtjs. Au obsolete name of the berry bearing duckweed, which was supposed to be ef- ficacious, in the .-ure'•' snvOos, a spui row: 60 named from the resemblance of its flowers to an unfledged sparrow.) The master-wort. See Im- peratoria ostruthium. STRYCHNIA. Strychnine. An alkaline substance obtained from the bean of the strych- nos ignatia by the following process: The bean was rasped down as smaU as possible. It was then exposed to the action of nitric aether in a Pajvin's digester. The residue, thus dejvrived of a quantity of fatty matter, was digested in alkohol as long as that reagent was cajiable of dissolving any thing. The alkoholic solutions were evapo- rated to dryness, and the residue redir.solved in water. Caustic potassa being dropped into the solution, a white crystaUine precipitate fell, which was strychnia. It was purified by washing it in cold water, dissolving it in alkohol, and crystal- lising it. Strychnia was obtained likewise from the bean of the stryohnos ignatia, by boiling the infusion of the bean with magnesia, in the same manner as Robiquet had obtained morphia from the infusion of opium. The properties of Strychnia, when in a state of purity, are as foUows : It is crystallised in very small four-sided prisms, terminated by four-sided low jiyramids. It has a white colour; its taste is intolerably bitter, leaving a metallic impression in the mouth. It is destitute of smell. It is not altered by exposure fo the air. It is neither fusible nor volatile, ex- cept at temperatures at which it undergoes de- composition. It is charred at the temperature at which oil enters into ebullition (about 5iJ0°.) When strongly heated, it swells uj), blackens, gives out eaipyrcumatic oil, a little water and acetic acid; carbonic acid and carburetted hy- drogen gases are disengaged, and a bulky charcoal remains behind. When heated with jieroxide of copper, it gives out only carbonic acid gas and water. It is very little soluble in cold water, 100,000 parts of that liquor dissolving only 15 parts of strychnia ; but it dissolves in 2,500 times its weight of boiUng water. A cold solution of strychnia in water may be diluted with 100 times its volume of that liquid, without losing its bitter taste. When strychnia is introduced into the stomach, it acts with prodigious energy. A locked jaw is induced in a very short time, and the animal is speedily destroyed. Half a grain of strychnia blown into the throat of a rabbit proved latal in five minutes, and brought on locked jaw in two minutes. Sulphate of strychnia is a salt which crystal- lises in transparent cubes, soluble in less than ten times its weight of cold water. Its t.iste is in- tensely bitter, and the strychnia is precipitated from it by all the soluble salifiable bases. It is not altered by exposure to the air. Muriate of strychnia crystallises ir. very small needles, which are grouped together, and before the microscope exhibit the form of quadrangular prisms. When exposed to the air it becomes opaque. It is more soluble in water than the sul|)hate, has a similar taste, aud acts with the tame violence upon the animal economy as all the other salts of strychnia. Phosphate of strychnia crystallises in four- sided prisms. It can only be obtained neutral by double decomposition. Nitrate of strychnia can be obtained only by dissolving strychnia in nitric acid, diluted with a great deal of water. The saturated solution, when cautiously evaporated, yields crystals of neutral nitrate in pearly needles. This salt is much more soluble in hot than in cold water. on*; n.s tasic is exceedingly bitter, and it ucis with more violence upon the animal economy than pure strychnia. It seems capable of uniting with an excess of acid. When heated, it becomes yellow, and 'undergoes decomposition. It is slightly soluble in alkohol, but is insoluble in aether. When concentrated nitric acid is poured upon strychnia, it immediately strikes au amaranthine colour, followed by a shade similar to that of blood. To this colour succeeds a tint of yeUow, which passes afterwards into green. By this action, the strychnia seems to be altered in its properties, and to be converted into a substance still capable of uniting with acids. Carbonate of strychnia is obtained in the form of white flocks, little soluble in water, but soluble in carbonic acid. Acetic, oxalic, and tartaric acids, form with strychnia neutral salts, which are very soluble in water, and more or less capable of crystallising. They crystallise best when they contain an excess of acid. The neutral acetate is very soluble, and crystallises with difficulty. Hydrocyanic acid dissolves strychnia, and forms with it a crystaUisable salt. Strychnia combines neither with sulphur nor carbon. When boiled with iodine, a solution takes place, and iodate and hydriodate of strychnia are formed. Chlorine acts upon it precisely in the same way. j Strychnia, when dissolved in alkohol, has the property of precipitating the greater number of metallic oxides from their acid solutions. It is jirecipitated by the alkalies and alkaUne earths; but the effect of the earths proper has not been tried. STRYCHNINE. See Strychnia. STRYCHNOMANIA. (From s-pvXvosinight- shade, and pavta, madness.) So the ancients called the disorder jvroduced by eating the deadly night-shade. STRY'CHNOS. (Strychnos, i. m. ; an an- cient name which occurs in Pliny and Dioscorides, derived from orpuvwpi, to overthrow, aiid applied most probably from tbe overpowering narcotic quality of the plant to which it was assigned, orpv%vos of the Greeks being a kind of night- shade. Linnaeus adopted this name for the pre- sent genus, on account of the analogy of its nar- cotic properties with the plant of the ancients. Some derive it from fpv^io, to torment: from its properties of producing insanity.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Monogynia. Strychnos nux vomica. The systematic name of the tree, the seed of which is called the poison-nut. Nux vomica; Nux metella. The nux vomica, lignum colubrinura, and faba sancti Ignatii, have been long known in the Materia Medica as narcotic poisons, brought from the East Indies, while the vegetables which produced them were unknown, or at least not botanically ascertained. By the judicious discrimination of Linnaeus, the nux vomica was found to be the fruit of the tree described aud figured in the Hortut inalaba- ricus, under the name of Caniram cucurbitifera mala bar tenuis, of Plukenet, now called Strychnos nux vomica. To this genus also, but upon evidence less con- clusive, he likewise justly referred the colubrinuni. But the. faba sancti Ignatii he merely conjectured might belong to this family, as appears by the query, An strychni species ? which subsequent discoveries have enabled us to decide in the nega- tive : for in the Supp. Plant, it constitutes the S1K new genus Ignatia, which Loureiro has lately confirmed, changing the specific name amara to that of philippinica. The strychnos and ignatia are, however, dearly allied, and both rank under the Order Solanacea. Dr. Woodville has inquired thus far into the botanical origin of these productions, from finding that, by medical writers, they are generally treated of under the same head, and in a very confused and iruli-icriminate manner. The seed of the fruit, or berry of this tree, Strychnos nux vomica, is the officinal nux vomica : it is flat, round, about an inch broad, and near a quarter of an inch thick, with a prominence in the middle on both sides, of a gray colour, covered with a kind of woolly matter ; and internally hard and tough Uke horn. To the taste it is extremely bitter, but has no remarkable smell. It consists chiefly of a gummy matter, which is moderately bitter ; the resinous part is very inconsiderable in quantity, but intensely bitter; hence rectified spirit has been considered as its best menstruum. Nux vomica is reckoned among the most pow- erful poisons of the narcotic kind, especially to brute animals ; nor are instances wanting of its deleterious effects upon the human species. It proves fatal to dogs in a very short time, as appears by various authorities. Hillefeld and others found that it also poisoned hares, foxes, wolves, cats, rabbits, and even some birds, as crows and ducks ; and Loureiro relates, that a horse died in four hours after taking a drachm of the seed in a half-roasted state. The effects of this baneful drug upon different animals, and even upon those ofthe same species, appear to be rather uncertain, and not always in projiortion to the quantity of the poison given. With some animals it produces its effects almost instantaneously ; with others not till after several hours, when laborious resipration, followed by torpor, tremblings, coma, and convulsions, usually precede the fatal spasms, or tetanus, with which this drug commonly extinguishes life. From four cases related of its mortal effects upon human subjects, we find the symptoms cor- responded nearly with those which we have here mentioned of brutes; and these, as well as the dissections of dogs killed by this poison, not showing any injury done to the stomach or intes- tines, prove that the nux vomica acts immediately upon the nervous system, and destroys life by the virulence of its narcotic influence. The quantity of the seed necessary to produce this effect upon a strong dog, as appears by ex- periments, need not to be more than a scruple ; a rabbit was killed by five, and a cat by four, grains : and of the four persons to whom we have alluded, and who unfortunately perished by this deleterious drug, one was a girl ten years of age, to whom fifteen grains were exhibited at twice for the cure of an ague. Loss, however, tells us, that he took one or two grains of it in substance, without discovering any bad effect; and that a friend of his swallowed a whole seed without in- jury- . In Britain, where physicians seem to observe the rule Saltern non nocere, more strictly than in many other countries, the nux vomica has been rarely, if ever, employed as a medicine. On the Continent, however, and especially in Germany, they have certainly been guided more by the axiom, " What is incapable of doing much harm, is equally unable to do much good." The truth of this remark was very fully exemplified by the practice of Baron Storck, and is farther illustrated |»y the medicinal character giieuofnux vomica, which, from the tirr-e of fii^ner till that of n .STY modern date, has been recommended by a succes- sion of authors as an antidote to the plague, as a febrifuge, as a vermifuge, and as a remedy in mania, hypochondriasis, hysteria, rheumatism, gout, and canine madness. In Sweden, it has of fate years been successfully used in dysentery; but Bergius, who tried its effects in this disease, says, that it suppressed the flux for twelve hours, which afterwards returned again. A woman, who took a scruple of this drug night and morn- ing, two successive days, is said to have been seized with convulsions and vertigo, notwithstand- ing which the dysenteric symptoms returned, and the disorder was cured by other medicines ; but a pain in the stomach, the effect of the nux vomica, continued afterwards for a long time. Bergius, therefore, thinks it should only be ad- ministered in the characterof a tonic and anodyne, in small doses (from five fo ten grains,) and not till after proper laxatives have been employed. Loureiro recommends it as a valuable internal medicine in fluor albus ; for which purpose he roasts it till it becomes perfectly black and friable, which renders its medicinal use safe, without im- pairing its efficacy. It is said to have been used successfully in the cure of agues, and has also been reckoned a specific in pyrosis, or water- brash. Strychnos volubilis. The systematic name of the tree vvhich was supposed to afford the Jesuit's bean. See Ignatia amara. STUPEFACIENT. (Stupefaciens; from stupefacio. to stupify.) Of a stupifying quality. STU'PHA. (From <-vrocciS, and, descending in an oblique di- rectimi. i- inserted info the lateral aud anterie" oTV SUB part of the os hyoides, near its horn. The fleshy belly of this muscle is usually perforated on one or both sides, for the passage of the middle tendon of the digastricus. Sometimes, though not always, we find another smaller muscle placed before the stylo-hyoideus, which, from its having nearlv the same origin and insertion, and the same use, is called stylo-hyoideus-alter. It seems to have been first known to Eustachius : so that Douglas was not aware of this circumstance when he placed it among the muscles discovered by himself. It arises from the apex of the styloid process, and sometimes by a broad and" thin aponeurosis, from the inner and posterior part of the angle of the lower jaw; and is inserted into the appendix, it little horn, ofthe os hyoides. The use of these muscles is to pull the os hyoides to one side, and a little upwards. Stylo-hyoideus-alter. See Stylo-hyoi- deus. Stylo-mastoid foramen. Foramen stylo- mastoideum. A hole between the styloid and mastoid process of the temporal bone, through which the portio dura of the auditory nerve passes to the temples. Stylo-pharyngeus. Stylo-thyro-pharyn- gien, of Dumas. A muscle situated between the lower jaw and os hyoides laterally, which di- lates and raises the pharynx and thyroid cartilage upwards. It arises fleshy from the root of the styloid process, and is inserted into the side of the pharynx and back part of the thyroid cartUage. STYLUS. The style of a flower is the column which proceeds from the germen, and- bears the stigma. It is 1. Filiform, in Jasminum, and Zea mays. 2. Linear, in Orobos. 3. Subulate, thicker below than towards apex; as in Geranium. 4. Clavate, thicker at its summit than towards its base ; as in Leucojum vernum. 5. Triangular, iirfPisum. 6. Bifid, in Polygonum persicaria. 7. Trifid. in Bryonia and Momordica. 8. Dichotomous, divided into two, which again bifurcate ; as in Cordia. 9. Long, much mora so than the stamina; as in Campanula and Dianthus. 10. Persistent, not going off after the fecunda- tion of the germen ; as Synapis. STYMATO'SIS. (From , to have a pria- pism.) A violent erection of the penis, with a bloody discharge. Stypte'ria. (From s-upw, to bind : so called from its astringent properties.) Alum. STYPTIC. (StypUcus; from *vf the Styrax ca- lamita. Styrax alba. Sec Myroxylon peruiferum. Styrax benzoin. The systematic name of the tree which affords the gum benzoin. Benzot; Benjoimim; Assa dulcis; Assa odorata; Li- quor cyremacus; Balzoinum; Benzoin ; Ben- jui; Benjuin. Gum-benjamin. This substance is classed, by modern chemists, among the bal- sams. There are two kinds of benzoin ; benzoe "■mygdaloides, which i* formed of whifp tears. 90S' icsembliug almonds, united together by a brown matter; and common benzoin, which Is brown and without tears. The tree which affords this balsam, formerly called Laurus benzoin ; Ben- zoifera; Arbor benici, is the Styrax—foliit ob- longis acuminatis, tubtut tomentosut, racemit compositis longitudine foliorum, of Dryander, from which it is obtained by incisions. The benzoin of the shops is usually in very large brittle masses. When chewed it imparts very little taste, except that it impresses on tne palate a slight sweetness ; its smell, especially when rubbed or heated, is ex- tremely fragrant and agreeable. Gum benjamin was analysed by Brande. The products obtained by distillation were, from 100 grains, benzoic acid, 9 grains; acidulated water, 5.5 ; butyraceous and empyreumatic oil, 60; brittle coal, 22; and a mixture of carburetted hydrogen and carbonic acid gas, computed at 3.5. On treating the em- pyreumatic oil with water, however, 5 grains more of acid were extracted, making 14 in the whole. From 1500 grains of benzoin, Bucholz obtained 12{j0of resin; 187 benzoic acid; 25 of a sub- stance simUar to balsam of Peru ; 8 of an aromatic substance soluble in water and alkohol; and 30 of woody fibres and impurities. jEther, sulphuric, and acetic acids, dissolve benzoin; so do solutions of potassa and soda. Nitric acid acts violently on it, and a portion of artificial tannin is formed. Ammonia dissolves it sparingly. It has rarely been used medicinally in a simple state, but its preparations are much es- teemed against inveterate coughs and phthisical complaints ; unattended with much fever; it has also been used as a cosmetic, and in the way of fumigation, for the resolution of indolent tumours. The acid of benzoin is employed in the tinctura camphora composita, and a tincture is directed to be made ofthe balsam. Styrax calamita. Storax in the cane, be- cause it was formerly brought to us in reeds, or canes. See Styrax officinalis. Styrax colata. Strained storax. Styrax liquida. Liquid storax. See Liqui- dambra. Styrax officinalis. The systematic name of the tree which affords the solid storax. Officinal storax. Styrax—foliis ovatis, subtus villosis, racemis rimpliribus folio brevioribus, ot Lin- naeus. There are two kinds of storax to be found in the shops ; tbe one is usuaUy in irregular com- pact masses, free from impurities, of a reddish- brown appearance, and interspersed with whitish tears, somewhat Uke gum ammoniac, or benzoin; it is extremely fragrant, and upon the appUcation of heat readily melts. This has been called.sto- rax in lump, red storax; and, when in separate tears, storax intteart. The other kind, which is called tbe common storax, is in large masses, very light, and beirs no external resemblance what- ever to the former storax, as it seems almost wholly composed of dirty saw-dust, caked to- gether by resinous matter. Storax was formerly used in catarrhal complaints, coughs, asthmas, obstructions, &c. In the present practice it is al- most totally disregarded, notwithstanding it is an efficacious remedy in nervous diseases. Styrax rubra. Red storax, or storax in the tear. SUB. 1. In anatomy it is appUed to parts which Ue under the other word or name, which sub precedes; as subscapulars, under the sca- pula, &c. 2. In pathology, it is used to express an imper- fect disease, or a feeble rtntp of a disease : at subluxation, subacute, &c SUB SUB 3. Iu botany, when shape, or any other charac- ter, cannot be precisely defined, sub is prefixed to the term used ; as tubrotundut, roundith; tub- tetdlet, not quite destitute of a footstalk, &c. 4. In chemistry this term is appUed, when a salifiable base is predominant in a compound, there being a deficiency of the acid ; as subcarbo- nate of potassa, subcarbonate of soda. Subace'tas ctrpRi. See Verdigrit. SUBACETATE. Subacetas. An imperfect acetate. Subacetate of copper. See Verdigris. Sueola'ris vena. The vein of the axilla or arm-pit. Suecarbo'nas potass*. See Potassa tub- carbonai. Subcarbonas ferri. See Ferri tubcarbo- nai. Subcarbonas plumbi. See Plumbi tubcar- bonai. SUBCARBONATE. Subcarbonat. An im- perfect carbonate. SUBCARTILAGPNOUS. (Subcartilagino- tut; from tub, under, and cartilago, a cartilage.) Of a structure approaching to that of cartilage. SUBCLAVIAN. (Subclaviculu* ; from sub, beneath, and clavicula, the clavicle.) That which is, or passes under the clavicle. Subclavian artery. The right subclavian arises from the arteria innominata, and proceeds under the clavicle to the axilla. The left subcla- vian arises from the arch of the aorta, and ascends Under the left clavicle to the axilla. The subcla- vian in their course give off the internal mam- mary, the cervical, the vertebral, and the supe- rior intercostal arteries. Subclavian vein. This receives the blood from the veins of the arm, and runs into the vena cava stiDcnor SUBCLA'VIUS. (From tub, under, and cla- vicula, the channel bone ; as being situated un- der the clavicle, or channel bone.) Subclavianus. Costo-claviculare, of Dumas. A muscle, situated on the anterior part of the thorax, which pulls the clavicle downwards and forwards. It arises ten- dinous from the cartilage that joins the first rib to the sternum, is inserted after becoming fleshy into the inferior part ofthe clavicle, which it occupies from within an inch of the st»rnum as Tar out- wards as to its connection, by a ligament, with the coracoid process of th&scapula. SUBCRUR-rE'US. A name of two little mus- cular slips sometimes fonnd under the cruixus; they are inserted into the capsular ligament which they pull up. SUBCUTA'NEOUS. (Subcutaneus; from tub, under, and cutis, the skin.) Under the skin ; a name given to some nerves, vessels, glands, &c. which are very superficial. Subcutaneous glands. Glandula subcu- tanea. These are sebaceous glands lying under the skin, which they perforate by their excretory ducts. SUBCUTA'NEUS. See Platysma myoides. SUBER. Cork. See Quercus tuber. SUBERIC ACID. Acidumsubericum. This acid was obtained by Brugnatelli from cork, and afterwards more fully examined by Bi.uillon la Grange. To procure it, pour on cork, grated t.- powder, six times its weight of nitric acid, of the specific gravity of 1.26, in a tubulated rerort, and distil the mixture with a gentle heat as long as any red fumes arise. As the distillation advances, a yellow matter, like wax, appears on the surface of the Uquid in the retort. While its contents ■O'ltinue hot, pour them into a slass vessel, placed ou a sand heat, and keep them contmuaUy stir- ring with a glass rod ; by which means the Uquid wiU graduaUy grow thicker. As soon as white penetrating vapours appear, let it be removed from the sand heat, and kept stirring till cold. Thus an orange-coloured mass wiU be obtained, of the consistence of honey, of a strong sharp smell while hot, and a peculiar aromatic smell when cold. On this, pour twice its weight of boiling water, apply beat till it liquefies, and filter. As tbe filtered liquor cools, it deposites a powdery sediment, and acquires a thin pellicle. Sepai ate the sediment by filtration, and evaporate the fluid nearly to dryness. The mass thus ob- tained is the mberic acid, which may be purified by saturating with an alkali, and precipitating by an acid, or by boiling it with charcoal powder. Chevreuil obtained the suberic acid by mere digestion of the nitric acid on grated cork, with- out distillation, and purified it by washing with cold water. 12 parts of cork may be made to yield one of acid. When pure, it is white and pulverulent, having a feebhe taste, and Uttle action on iitmus. It is soluble in 80 parts of water at 55J° F. and in 38 parts at 140°. It is much more soluble in alkohol, from which water throws down a portion of the suberic acid. It occasions a white precipitate when poured into acetate of lead, nitrates of lead, mercury, and silver, muri- ate of tin, and protosnlphate of iron. It affords no precipitate with solutions of copper or zinc. The subeiates of potassa, soda, and ammonia, arc very soluble. The two latter may be readily crystallized. Those of barytes, Ume, magnesia, and alumina, are of sparing solubility. Sublimame'ntpm. (From sublimo, to lift up.) The pendulous substance which floats in the mid- dle of the urine. SUBLIMATE. See Hydrargyri oxymurias. Sublimate, corrosive. See Hydrargyri oxy- murta.v. SUBLIMATION. (Sublimatio; from tub- limo, to iaisc or sublime.) A process by which volatile substances are raised by heat, and again condensed in a solid form. This chemical pro- ces- differs from evaporation only in being con- fined to s-olid substances. It is usually performed either for the purpose of purifying certain sub- stances, and .iisenuagiug them from extraneous matters ; nr else to reduce into vapour, and com- bine, under that form, principles whirh would have united with greater difficulty if they had not been brought to that state of extreme division. As all fluids are volatile by heat, and conse- quently capable of being separated, in most cases, from fixed matters, so various solid bodies are subjected to a similar treatment. Fluids are said to distil, and solids to sublime, though sometimes h»th are obtained in one and the same operation. If the subliming matter concretes into a solid hard mass, it is commonly called a sublimate ; if into a powdery form, flowers. The principal subjects of this operation are, volatile alkaline salts; neutral salt-*, composed of volatile alkali und acids, as sal ammoniac ; the salt of amber, and flowers of benzoin, mercurial preparations, and sulphur. Bodies of themselves not volatile are frequently made to sublime by the mixture of volatile ones; thus iron is carried over by .al ammoniac in the jireparation of the flores martiales, or ferrum annnoniatum. The fumes of solid bodies in close vess Is ri.se but a little way, and adhere to that part of the vessel where they concrete. SUBLI'MIS. See Flexor brevit digitorum pedit, and Flcror sublimit perforatus. sue sue SUBLINGUAL. (Sublingualit; from tub, under, and lingua, the tongue.) A naaie given to parts immediately under the tongue. Sublingual glands. Glandula -fuolin- guales, vel Bartholiniana, vel RirinianaT The glands which are situated under the tongue, and secrete saliva. Their excretory ducts are caUed Rivinian from their discoverer. SUBLUXA'TIO. A sprain. SUBMERSION. (Submerrio; from sub, under, and mergo, to sink.) Drowning. A va- riety of the apoplexia suffocata. Sauvages terms it asphyxia immersorum. SUBMERSUS. Plunged under water: ap- plied to leaves which are naturally under water, whUe others of the plants are above ; as in Ra- nunculus aquatilis. Submu'rias hydrargyri. See Hydrargyri submurias. SUBMURIATE. Submurias. An imperfect muriate. Suborbita'rius. The suborbitary nerve ; a branch of the fifth pair. Subphosphuretted hydrogen. See Phospho- rus. SUBROTUNDUS. Roundish: applied to several parts of plants. The leaf of the Pyrola is subrotund. SUBSALT. A salt having an excess of base beyond what is requisite for saturating tlie acid, as supersalt is one with an excess of the acid. The sulphate of potassa is the neutral compound of sulphuric acid and potassa; subsulphate of potassa, a compound of the same ingredients, in which there is an excess of base ; supersulphate of potassa, a compound of the same acid and the same base, in which there is an excess of acid. SUBSCAPULARS. (From sub, under, and scapula, the shoulder-blade.) Sous-scapulo-tro- chinien, of Dumas. Infra-scapularis. The name of this muscle sufficiently indicates its situ- ation. It is composed uf many fasciculi of ten- dinous and fleshy fibres, the marks of which we see imprinted on the under surface of the scapula. These fasciculi, which arise from all the bases of that bone internally, and likewise from its supe- rior, as well as from one-half of its inferior costa, unite te form a considerable flat tendon which ad- heres to the capsular Ugament, and is inserted into the upper part of the lesser tuberosity at the head of the os humeri. The principal use of this muscle is to roll the arm inwards. It likewise serves to bring it close to the ribs ; and, from its adhesion to the capsular ligament, it prevents that membrane from being pinched. SUBSU^LTUS. (From subsulto, to leap.) Subsultus tendinum. Weak convulsive motions or twitchings of the tendons, mostly of tbe hands, generally observed in the extreme stages of pu- trid fever. SUBU'BERES. (From sub, under, and ubera, the breasts.) This term hath been used by some writers for those infants who yet suck, in distinc- tion from those who are weaned, and then are called exuberet. SUBULATUS. Subulate. Awl-shaped: ap- plied in botany to leaves, receptacle-;, &c. which are tapering from a thick base to a point like an awl; as the leaf of the SuAsola kali, and recep- tacle of tiie Scabiosa atropurpurea. Succa'go. The rob of any fruit. SUCCEDA'NEUM. A medicine substituted for another. Succenturia'ti Muscui.t. The pyramidal muscles of the bellv. 910 Succf.nturiati renf.s. Two glands lying above the kidneys. Su'cci scorbutici. The juice of English scurvy-grass, &c. SUCCINATE. Succinas. A salt formed by the combination of the acid of amber, or succinics acid, with a salifiable base, succinate of potassa, succinate of copper, &c. Succi'ngens membrana. The diaphragm. SUCCINIC. (Sucrinicus ; from Succinum, amber.) Of or belonging to amber. Succinic acid. Acidum sucdnicum. Sal succini. It has long been known that amber, when exposed to distillation, affords a crystallized substance, which sublimes into the upper part of the vessel. Before its nature was understood it was called salt of amber ; but it is now known to be a peculiar acid, as Boyle first discovered. The crystals are at first contaminated with a little oil, which gives them a brownish colour; but they may be purified by solution and crystallization, repeated as often as necessary, when they will become transparent and shining. Pott recom- mends to put on the filter, through which the so- lution is passed, a Uttle cotton previously wetted with oil of amber. Their figure is that of a tri- angular prism. Their taste is acid, and they red- den the blue colour of litmus, but not that of violets. They are soluble in less than two parts of boiling alkohol, in two parts of boiling water, and in twenty-five of cold water. Planche of Paris observes, that a considerable quantity might be coUected in making amber var- msh, as it sublimes while the amber is melting for this purpose, and is wasted. Several processes have been proposed for puri- fying this acid : that of Richter appears to be the best. The acid being dissolved in hot water, and filtered, is to be saturated with potassa or soda, and boiled with charcoal, which absorbs the oUy matter. The solution being filtered, nitrate of lead is added ; whence results an insoluble succi- nate of lead, from which, by digestion in the equi- valent quantity of sulphuric acid, pure succinic acid is separated. Nitrate or muriate of barytes wiU show whether any sulphuric acid remains mixed with the succinic solution; and if so, it may be withdrawn by digesting the liquid with a little more succinate of lead. Pure succinic acid may be obtained by evaporation, in white trans- parent prismatic crystals. Their taste is some- what sharp, and they redden powerfully tincture of turnsole. Heat melts and partially decomposes succinic acid. Air has no effect npon it. It is soluble in both water and alkohol, and much more so when they are heated. SU'CCINUM. (Succinum, i. n.; from sue- cus, juice : because it was thought to exude from a tree.) See Amber. Succinum cinereum. Ambergris is so call- ed by some authors. See Ambergris. Succivum gp.isf.um. Ambergris is sometimes so called. See Ambergris. Succinum oleom. See Oleum succini. Succinum preparatum. Prepared amber. Sec Amber. SUCCI'SA. (From succido, to cut: so named from its being indented, and as it were cut in pieces.) AppUed to a species of the genu? Scabiosa. SUCCORY. See Cichorium. SU'ccubus. See Incubus. SUCCULENS. Succulent, juicy, rich. Ap- plied to fruits, pods, soils, &c. SUCCULENTS. The name of an order of Lurns»*ii«'« Fragments of a Natural Method, con- SLL SUL taming tho^e wliich have fleshy and succulent leaves ; as Cactus, Sedum, Sempervivum, &c. SUCCULENTUS. Juicy : foil of juice. Ap- plied to pods, leaves, &c. SU'CCUS. Juice. Succus COCHLEARIA compositus. A warm aperient and diuretic, mostly exhibited in the cure of diseases ofthe skin arising from scurvy. Succus cyreniacus. Juice of laserwort. Succus gastricus. See Gastric juice. Succus heliotroph. See Croton tincto- rium. Succus indicus purgans Gamboge. Succus liquoritia. See Glycyrrhiza glabra. SUDA'MINA. (Sudamen, init. n. ; from sudor, sweat.) Hidroa. Boa. Vesicles resem- bling millet-seeds in form and magnitude, which appear suddenly, without fever, especially in the summer-time after much labour and sweating. SUDA'TIO. ^Erom tudor, sweat.) A sweat- ing. See Ephidrodt. SUDATORIUM. (From sudo, to sweat.) A stew or sweating-house. SUDOR. Sweat or perspiration. Sudor anglicus. Hydronosut; Gargeatio. The sweating sickness of England ; and endemic fever. Dr. CuUen thinks it a species of typhus. This disorder is thus named from its first appear- ing in this island, and acquires the title of sudor, from the patient suddenly breaking out into a pro- fuse sweat, which forms the great character ofthe disease. SUDORI'FIC. (Sudorificus; from sudor, sweat, and fado, to make.) A synonyme of dia- phoretic. See Diaphoretics. SUFFIME'NTUM. (From suffimen, a per- fume.) A perfume. SUFFI'TUS. A Perfume. SUFFOCATIO. Suffocation. Suffocatio stridula. The cronp. Suffrutices planta. Under shrubby plants. Such Ugneous or somewhat woody vegetables that are of a nature, in some degree, between that of the shrubby, and the herbaceous ; as thyme, sage, hyssop, &c. SUFFUMIGATION. (Suffumigatio; from sub, under, andfumigo, to smoke.) The burn- ing odorous substances to remove an evil smeU, or destroy miasma. SUFFU'SIO. (From suffundo, to pour down : so called because the ancients supposed the opacity proceeded from something running under the crystalline humour.) 1. A cataract. / 2. An extravasation of some humour, as tbe blood: thus we say, a suffusion of blood in the eye, when it is what is vulgarly called bloodshot.' Suffusio auriginosa. A jaundice. SUGAR. See Saccharum. Sugar of lead. See Piumbi acetas. Sugar of milk. A substance jiroduced from whey, which, if not sour, contains a saline sub- stance to which this name has been given. SUGILLATION. (Sugillatio ; from sugilh, to stain.) A bruise. A spot or mark made by a leech or cupping-eiass. SULCATUS. "Furrowed : applied to stems, leaves, seeds, &c. of j)lant.->; as the seeds of the Scandix odorata, and australis. SU'LCUS. A groove or furrow; generally applied to the bones. SU'LPHAS. (Sulphas, litis, m.; from sul- phur, brimstone.) A sulphate or salt formed by the union of the sulphuric acid with a salifiable base. Sulphas alvminosus. Alum. See Alumen. Sn.TUh* am mom/r.. Alkali volatile vitrio- latum, of Bergman. Sal ammoniacum ttcreluw, of Glauber. Vitriolum ammoniacaie. This salt has been found native in the neighbourhood of some volcanoes. It is esteemed diuretic and de- ' obstruent, and exhibited in the same diseases as the muriate of ammonia. Sulphas cupri. See Cupri sulphas. Sulphas ferri. See Ferri sulphas. Sulphas hydrargyri. See Hydrargyrus. ritriolatus. Sulphas magnesia. See Magnesia sul- phas. Sulphas potassa. See Potassa sulphas. Sulphas quinina. See Cinclumina. Sulphas soda. See Soda sulphas. Sulphas zinci. See Zinci sulphas. SULPHATE. See Sulphas. SU'LPHITE. Sulphis. A salt formed bj the combination of a definite quantity of the sul- phurous acid with a salifiable base : as sulphite of potassa, ammoniacal sulphite, &c. SULPHOVINIC ACID. Sulphovinous acid. The name given by Vogel to an acid, or a class of acids, which may be obtained by digesting alko- hol and sulphuric acid together by heat. It seems probable that this acid is merely the hy- posuljihuric, combined with a peculiar oily mat- ter.—Ure's Chem. Did. SU'LPHUR. (Sulphur, uris. n. ; from sal or sul, and mp, fire: so named from its great combustibility.) Abric ; Alcubrith ; Anpater ; Appebrioc; Aquala; Aquha; Chibur; Chy- bur, Cibur. Sulphur, which is also known by the name of brimstone, is the only simple com- bustible substance which nature offers pure and in abundance. It was the first known of all. Il is found in the earth, and exists externally in de- positions, in sublimed incrustations, and on tbe surface of certain waters, principally near burn- ing volcanoes. It is found combined with many metals. It exists in vegetable substances, and has lately been discovered in the albumen of eggs. Suljihur in the mineral kingdom is cither in a loose powder, or compact; and then either de- tached or in veins. It is found in the greatest plenty in the neighbourhood of volcanoes or pseu- do-volcanoes, whether modern or extinct, as at Solfatara, &c. and is deposited as a crust on stones contiguous to them, cither crystaltised or amorphous. It is frequently met with in mineral waters, and in caverns adjacent to volcanotf; sometimes also in coal-mines. It is f .und in com- bination with most of the metals. When united to iron it forms the mineral called martial pyrites, or fron pyrites. All the ores known by the name ol pyrites, of which there are a vast variety, art combinations of sulphur with different metals ; and hence the names of copper, tin, arsenical, &c. jiyrites. It exists Ukewise in combination with alumine and lime ; it then constitutes differ- ent kinds of schistus, or alum ores. Method of obtaining Sulphur.—A prodigious quantity of suljihur is obtained Irom Solfatara, in Italy. This volcanic country every where ex- hibits marks ofthe agency of subterraneous fires ; almost all the ground is bare, and white ; and is every where sensibly warmer than the atmos- phere, in ti-.e greatest heat of summer ; so tliat the feet of jicrsons walking there are burnt through their shoes. It is imjiossible not to observe Ihe sulphur, for a suljihurous vajiour which rises through different apertures is every where jicr- ccptiblc, and gives reason to believe that there is a subterraneous fire underneath from wliich that vapour jiroceeds. From pyrites sulphur is extracted in the large way by the following process - $11 SUL i Pyrites is broken into small pieces, and put in- to large earthen tubes which are exposed to the heat of a furnace. A square vessel of cast iron, containing water, is connected as a receiver with the tube in tbe furnace. The action of the fine' proceeds, and the sulphur, being thus melted, is graduaUy accumulated on the water in the re- ceiver. It is then removed from this receiver, and melted in large iron ladles; -in consequence of which, the earthy parts with which it was con- taminated are made to subside to the bottom of the ladle, leaving the jmrified sulphur above. It is then again melted and suffered to cool gradual- ly, in order to free it from the rest of the impu- rities. It is then tolerably pure, and constitutes the sulphur we meet with in large masses or lumps in the market. In order to form it into rolls, it is again melted and poured into cylindrical wooden moulds; in these it takes the form in which we usually see it in commerce, as roll sulphur. Flowers of sulphur, as they are called, arc form- ed by subliming purified sulplur with a gentle heat in close rooms, where the sublimed sulphur is collected, though the article met with in gene- ral under that name is nothing but sulphur finely powdered. Method of purifying sulphur.—Take one part of flowers of sulphur, boil it in twenty parts of distilled water in a glass vessel for about a quar- ter of an hour ; let the sulphur subside, decant the water, and then wash the sulphur repeatedly in distilled water. Having done this, pour over it three parts of pure nitro-muriatic acid, diluted with one part of distilled water, boil it again in a glass vessel for about a quarter of an hour, decant the acid, and wash the sulphur in distilled water till the fluid passes tasteless, or till it does not change the blue colour of tincture of cabbage, or litmus. The sulphur thus carefully treated is pure sulphur fit for philosophical experiments. Physical Properties.—" Suljihur is a combus- tible, dry, and exceedingly brittle body, of a pale lemon-yellow colour. Its specific, gravity is 1.990. It is destitute of odour excejit when rubbed or heated. It is of a peculiar faint taste. It fre- quently crystallises in entire or truncated octahe- dra, or in needles. If a piece of sulphur, of a considerable size, be very gently heated, as, for example, by holding it in the hand and squeezing it firmly, it breaks to pieces with a crackling noise. It is a non-conductor of electricity, and hence it becomes electric by friction. VVhen heated, it first softens before it melts, and its fu- sion commences at 218° Fahr. ; it is capable of subliming at a lower temperature ; and takes fire at 560°. In the beginning of fusion it is very fluid, but by continuing the heat it grows tough and its colour changes to a reddish-brown. If in this condition it be poured into water, it remains as soft as wax, and yields to any impression. In time, however, it hardens again, and recovers its former consistence. When a roll of sulphur is suddenly seized in a warm hand, it crackles, aud sometimes falls in pieces. This is owing to the unequal action of heat, on a body which conducts that power slow- ly, and which has little cohesion. If a mass of sulphur be melted in a ci"ie;'-!r and after the sur- face begins to concrete, if the liquid matter below be allowed to run cut, fine acicular crystals of sulphur will be obtained. Sulphur h insoluble in water; but in small quantity in alkohol and aether, and more largely in oil. Sulphur combines with oxygen in four definite ft!"1 SLL proportions, constituting an interesting series of acids. See Sutphmic add. Sidphur combines readily with chlorine. This compound was first made by Dr. Thomson, who passed chlorine gas through flowers of sulphur. It may be made more expeditiously by heatiu* sulphur in a retort containing chlorine. The sul- phur and chlorine unite, and form a fluid sub- stance, « hith is volatile below 200° F., and distils into the cold part of the retort. This substance, seen by reflected light, appears of a red colour, but is yeUowiah-green when seen by transmitted light. It smokes when exposed to air, and has an odour somewhat resembling that of sea-weed, but much stronger; it affects the eyes Uke the smoke oi peat. Its taste is acid, hot, and bitter. Its sp. gr. is 1.7. It does not redden perfectly dry paper tinged with litmus; when it is agitated in contact with water, the water becomes cloudy from the ap- pearance of sulphur, and strongly acid, and it it found to contain oil of vitriol. Iodide oi sulphur is easily formed by mixing tlie two ingredients in a glass tube, and exposing them to such a heat as melts the sulphur. It is grayish-biack, and has a radiated structure like that pf sulphuret of antimony. When distilled with water, iodine is disengaged. Sulphur and hydrogen combine. Their union may oe effected, by causing sulphur to sublime in dry hydrogen in a retort. There is no change of volume; but only a part of tne hydrogen can be united with the sulphur in this mode of operating. The usual way of prejiaring sulphuretted hy- drogen, is to pour a dilute sulphuric or muriatic acid on the black sulphuret of iron or antimony in a retort. For accurate experiments it should be collected over mercury, it takes fire when a lighted taper is brought in contact with it, and burns with a jiale blue flame, depositing sulphur. Its smell is extremely foetid, resembling that of rotten eggs. Its taste is sour. It reddens vege- table blues. It is absorbable by water, which lakes up more than an equal volume of the gas. Its sp. gr., according to Gay Lussac and Thenard, is to that of air as 1.1912 to 1.0. Of all the gases, sulphuretted hydrogen is per- haps the most deleterious to animal Ufe. A green- finch, plunged intoair, which contains only 1-1500 of its volume, perishes instantly. A dog of mid- dle size, is destroyed in air that contains 1-800; and a horse would tall a victim to an atmosphere containing 1-260. Dr. Chauasier proves, that to kill an animal, it is sufficient to make the sulphuretted hydrogen gas act on the surface of its body, when it'Is absor- bed by the inhalents. He took a bladder having a stop-cock at one end, and at the other an ojten- ing, into which he introduced the body of a rabbit leaving its head outside, and securing the bladder air-tight round the neck by adhesive plaster. He then sucked the air out of the bladder, and re- placed it by sulphuretted hydrogen gas. A young animal in these circumstances usually perishes in 16 or 20 minutes. Old rabbits resist the poison much longer. When potassium or sodium is heated, merely to fusion, in contact with sulphuretted hydrogen, it becomes luminous, and burns with extrication of hydrogen, while a metallic sulphuret remains. combined with sulphuretted hydrogen, or a sul- phuretted hydrosulphurct. Sulphuretted hydrogen combines with an equal volume of ammonia; and unites to alkalies and oxides, so that it has all the chaiacters ofan acid These compourife are caUed hydrosvhhure's SUL SUL A11 the hydrottllphurett, soluble in water, have an acrid and bitter taste, and, when in the liquid state, the odour of rotten eggs. All those which are insoluble are, on tbe contrary, insipid and with- out smell. There are only two coloured hydrosul- jihurets, that of iron, which is black, and of anti- mony, which is chesnut-brown. All the hydrosulphurets are decomposed by the action of fire. That of magnesia is transformed into sulphuretted hydrogen and. oxide of magne- sium ; those of potassa and soda, into sulphuret- ted hydrogen, hydrogen, and sulphuretted alka- lies ; those of manganese, zinc, iron, tin, and anti- mony, into water and metallic sulphurets. When we put in contact with the air, at the or- dinary temperature, an aqueous solution of a hy- drosulphuret, there results, in tha space of some days, 1st, water, and a sulphuretted hydrosulphu- ret, which is yellow and soluble ; 2d, water and a colourless hydrosulphite, which, if its base be potassa, soda, or ammonia, remains in solution in the water; but whicb falls down in acicular crys- tals, if its base be barytes, strontia, or lime. The acids in general combine with the base of the hydrosulphurets, and disengage sulphuretted hydrogen with a lively effervescence, without any deposition of sulphur, unless the acid be in excess, and be capable, tike the nitric and nitrous acid, of yielding a portion of its oxygen to the hydrogen of the sulphuretted hydrogen. The hydrosulphurets of potassa, soda, ammonia, lime, and magnesia, are prepared directly, by transmitting an excess of sulphuretted hydrogen gas through these bases, dissolved or diffused in water. The composition ofthe hydrosuljihurets is-such, that the hydrogen of the sulphuretted hydrogen is to the oxygen of the oxide in the same ratio as in water. Hence, when we calcine the hydro- sulphurets of iron, tin, &c. we convert them into water and sulphurets. Hydrotulphuret of potatta crystallises in four- sided prisms, terminated by four-sided jryramids. Its taste is acrid and bitter. Exposed to the air, it attracts humidity, absorbs oxygen, passes to the state of a sulphuretted hydrosulphuret, and finally to that of a hydrosulphite. It is extremely soluble in water. Its solution in this liquid oc- casions a pcrcejitible refrigeration. Subjacted to heat, it evolves much sulphuretted hydrogen, and the. hydrosulphuret passes to the state of a sub- bydrosulphuret. Hydrosulphuret eftoda crystallises with more difficulty than the preceding. Hydrotulphuret of ammonia is obtained by the direct union ofthe two gaseous constituents in a glass balloon, at a low temperature. As soon as the gases mingle, transparent white or yellow- ish crystals are formed. When a mere solution of this hydrosulphuret is wished for medicine or analysis, we jiass a current of sulphuretted hydro- gen through aqueous ammonia till saturation. The pure hydrosulphuret is white, transjiarcnt, and crystallised in needles or fine plates. It is very volatile. Hence, at ordinary temperatures, it gradually sublimes into the upper part of the phials in which we preserve it. We may also by the same means neparate it from the yellow sulphuret- ted hydrosulphuret, with which it is occasionally mixed. VVhen exposed to the air, it absorbs oxy- gen, passes to the state of a sulphuretted hydro- sulphurct, and becomes yellow. When it con- tains an excess of ammonia it dissolves speedily in water, with tlie production of a very considera- ble cold. Sub-hydrotulphuret of barytet is prepared by dissolving, in five or six parts of boiling water, 113 the sulphuret ofthe earth obtained by igniting the sulphate with charcoal. The solution being filter- ed while hot, will deposite", on cooling, a multitude of crystals, which must be drained, and speedUy dried by pressure between the folds of blotting pa- per. It crystallises in white scaly plates. It ii* much more soluble in hot than in cold water. Its solution is colourless, and capable of absorbing, at the ordinary temperature, a very large quantity of sulphuretted hydrogen. Sub-hydrotulphuret oftirontitei crystallises hi the same manner as the preceding. The crystals obtained in the same way, must be dissolved in water ; and the solution being exposed to a stream of sulphuretted hydrogen, and then concentrated by evaporation in a retort, will afford, on cooling, crystals of pure sub-hydrosulphuret. Hydt0ulphurcts of lime and magnesia have been obtained only in aqueous solutions. The me- tallic hydrosulphurets of any practical importance are treated ot under their respective metals. When we expose sulphur to the action of a so- lution of a hydrosuljihuret, saturated with sul- , phuretted hydrogen, as much more sulphuretted hydrogen is evolved as the temperature is more elevated. But when the solution of hydrosul- phuret, instead of being saturated, has a sufficient excess of alkali, it evolves no percej.itiblc quantity of suljmuretted hydrogen, even at a boiling heat; although it dissolves as much sulphur as in its state of saturation. It hence follows, 1st, That sulphuretted hydrogen, suljihur, and tbe alkalies, have the projierty of forming very variable triple combinations ; 2d, That all these combinations contain less su'jihuretted hydrogen than the hy- drosuljihurets ; and, 3d, That the quantity of sul- phuretted hydrogen is inversely as the sulphur they contain, and recijirocally. These com- pounds have been called, in general, sulphuretted hydrosulphurets; but the name of hydrogenated sulphurets is more particularly given to those combinations which are saturated with sulphur at a high temperature, because, by treating them with acids, we precipitate a peculiar compound of sulphur and hydrogen, of which wc shall now treat. This compound of hydrogen and suljihur, the proportions of the elements of which have not yet been accurately ascertained, is also called hydru- ret of sulphur. It is formed by putting flowers of sulphur in contact with nascent sulphuretted hy- drogen. With this view, we take an aqueous so- lution of the. hydrogenated sul]>huret of potassa, and pour it gradually into liquid muriatic acid, which seizes the potassa, and foruu a soluble salt, while the suljihur and suljihuretted hydrogen unite, fall dow:j together, collecting by degrees at the bottom of the vessel, as a dense oil does in water. To jireserve this hydruret of sulphur, we must fill with it a phial having a ground stojiper, cork it, and keep it inverted in a cool place. We may considi.-. this substance either as a combina- tion of suljihur and hydrogen, or of sulphur and sul|)huretted hydrogen ; but its properties, and the mode of obtaining it, render the latter the more jirobable opinion. The projiortiou of the consti- tuents is not known. The most interesting of the hydrogenated sul- phurets, is that of ammonia. It was discovered by the Hon. Robert Boyle, and called his fuming liquor. To prepare it, we take one part of muri- ate of ammonia aud of pulverised quicklime, and half a part of flowers of sulphur. After mixing them intimately, we introduce the mixture into an earthen or glass retort, taking care that none of it remains in the neck. A dry cooled receiver is connected to the retort by meaus of a long adopter- 91S SIT. SLL tube. The h^at must be urged slowly almost to redness. A yellowish liquor condenses in the re- ceiver, wliich is to be put into a phial with its own weight of flowers of sulphur, and agitated with it seven or eight minutes. The greater part of the sulphur is dissolved, the colour of the mixture deepens remarkably, and becomes thick, consti- tuting the hydrogenated sulphuret. The distilled liq:ior diffuses, for a long time, dense vapour in a jar full of oxygen or common air, but scarcely any in azote or hydrogen ; and the dryness or humidity of the gases make s no difference in the effects. It is probably owing to the oxygen converting the liquor into a hydroge- nated sulphuret, or jierhaps to the state of sul- phite, that the vapours appear. Hydrogenated -ulphurets are frequently called hydroguretted sulphurets. ff Sulphur combines with carbon, forming an in- teresting compound, to whicli the name of sul- phuret of carbon is sometimes given." Sulphur has been long an esteemed article of the Materia Medica ; it stimulates the system, loosens the belly, and promotes the insensible perspiration. It pervades the whole habit, and manifestly transpires through the pores of the skin, as appears from the suljihurous smell of per- sons who have taken it, and from silver being stained in their pockets of a blackish colour. In the stomach it is probably combined with hydro- gen. It is a celebrated remedy against cutaneous diseases, particularly psora, both given infernally and applied externally. It has likewise been re- commended in rheumatic pains, flying gout, rick- ets, atrophy, coughs, asthmas, and other disorders of the breast and lungs, and particularly in ca- tarrhs ofthe chronic kind, also inm the other band, when no water had been pre- i'l-tsiy poured into the receiver, fifty-two pouDils only of a dry concrete acid. This acid was for- merly called gladal oil of vitriol, and its con- sistence is owing to a mixture of sulphurous acid, wh'ch occasions it to become solid at a moderate temperature. It has been lately stated by Vogel, that when this fuming acid is put into a glass retort, and dis- tilled by a moderate heat into a receiver cooled with ice, the fuming portion comes over first, and may be obtained in a solid state by stopping the distillation in time. This has been supposed to constitute absolute sulphuric acid, or acid entirely void of water. It is in silky filaments, tough, dif- ficult to cut, and somewhat like asbestos. Ex- posed to the air, it fumes strongly, and gradually evaporates. It does not act on the skin so rapidly as concentrated oil of vitriol. Up to 66° it con- tinues satid, but at temperatures above this it be- comes SrTolourless vapour, which whitens on con- tact with air. Drojiped into water in small quan- tities, it excites a hissing noise, as if it were red- hot iron; in larger quantities it produces a spe- cies of explosion. It is said to be convertible into ordinary sulphuric acid, by the addition of a fifth of wafer. It dissolves sulphur, and assumes a blue, green, or brown colour, according to the proportion of sulphur dissolved. The specific gravity of the black fuming sulphuric acid, pre- ared in large, quantities from copperas, at Nord- ausen, is 1.896. Its .constitution is not well as- certained. The sulphuric acid made in Great Britain is produced by the combustion of sulphur. There are three conditions requisite in this operation. Oxygen must be present to maintain the combus- tion ; the vessel must be so close as to prevent the escape of the volatile matter which rise*, and water must be present to imbibe it. For these purposes; a mixture of eight jiarts of sulphur with one of nitre is placed in a proper vessel enclosed within a chamber of considerable size, lined on all sides with lead, and covered at bottom with a shallow stratum of w-iter. The mixture being set on fire, will burn for a considerable time by virtue of tbe supjily of oxygen vghich nitre gives out when heated, and the water imbibing the sul- phurous vajiours, becomes gradually more and more acid after repeated combustions, and the acid is afterward concentrated by distillation. Such was the account usually given of this ope- ration, till Clement and Desormes showed, in a very interesting memoir, its total inadequacy to account for the result. 100 parts of nitre, judi- ciously managed, will produce, with the requisite quantity of sulphur, 2000 parts of concentrated sulphuric acid. Now these contain 1200 parts of oxygen, while the hundred parts of nitre contain only 39£ of oxygen ; being not l-30th part of what is afterwards found in the resulting sulphu- ric acid. But after the combustion of the sulphur, the nitre is converted into sulphate and bisulphate of potassa, which mingled residuary salts contain nearly as much oxygen as the nitre originally did. Hence the origin of the 1200 parts of the oxygen iu the sulphuric acid is still to be sought for. The following ingenious theory was first given by Clement and Desormes. 1 he burning sulphur or sulphurous acid, taking from the nitre a portion of its oxygen, forms sulphuric acid, which unites with the potassa, and displaces a little nitrous and nitric acids in vajiour. These vapours are de- composed by the sulphurous acid, into nitrous gas, or deutoxide of azote. This gas, naturally little denser than air, and now expanded by tbe heat, suddenly rises to the roof of the chamber; and might be expected to escape at the aperture there, which manufacturers' were alwavs obliged to leev e bLL SLL open, otherwise they found the acidification would not proceed. But the instant that nitrous gas comes in contact with atmospherical oxygen, ni- trous acid vapour is formed, which being a very heavy aeriform body, immediately precipitates on the sulphurous flame, and converts it into sul- phuric acid ; while itself resuming the state of nitrous gas, reascends for a new charge of oxygen, again to redescend, and transfer it to the flaming sulphur. Thus we see, that a small volume of nitrous vapour, by its alternate metamorphoses into the states of oxide and acid, and its conse- quent interchanges, may be capable of acidifying a great quantity of sulphur. ' This beautiful theory received a modification from Sir H. Davy. He found that nitrous gas had no action on' sulphurous gas, to convert it into sulphuric acid, unless water be present. I'JWith a small proportion of water, four volumefof sul- phurous acid gas, and three of nitrous gas, are condensed into a crystalline solid, which is in- stantly decomposed by abundance of water; oil of vitriol is formed, and nitrous gas given off, which with contact of air becomes nitrous acid gas, as above described. The process continues, according to the same principle of combination and decomposition, till the water at the bottom of the chamber is become strongly.acid. It is first concentrated in large leaden pans, and afterwards in glass retorts heated in a sand bath. Platinum alembics, placed within pots of cast-iron of a corresponding shape and capacity, have been late- ly substituted in many manufactories for glass, arid have been found to save fuel, and quicken the process of concentration. The proper mode of burning the sulphur with the nitre, so as to produce the greatest quantity of oil of vitriol, is a problem, concerning which chemists hold a variety of opinions. Thenard describes the following as the best. Near one of the sides of the leaden chamber, and about a foot above its bottom, an iron plate, furnished with an upright border, is placed horizontally over a fur- nace, whose chimney passes across, under the bottom of the chamber, without having any con- nexion with it. On this plate, which is enclosed in ft little chamber, the mixture of sulphur and nitre is laid. The whole being shut up, and the bottom of the large cbumbcr covered with water, a gentle fire is kindled in the furnace. The sul- phur soon takes fire, and gives birth to the pro- ducts described. When the combustion is finish- ed, which is seen through a little pane adapted to the trap-door of the chamber, this is opened, the sulphate of potassa is withdrawn, and is re- placed by a mixture of sulphur and nitre. The air in the great chamber is meanwhile renewed ,by opening its lateral door, and a valve in its op- posite side. Then, after closing these openings, the furnace is lighted anew. Successive mixtures are thus burned till tbe acid acquires a specific gravity of about 1.390, taking care never to put at once on the plate more sulphur than the air of the chamber can acidify. The acid is then with- drawn by stopcocks, and concentrated. The following detaUs are extracted from a pa- per on sulphuric acid, which Dr. Ure published in the fourth volume of the Journal of Science and the Arts. "The best commercial sulphuric acid that I have been able to meet with," says he, "contains from one-half to three-quarters of a part in the hundred, of solid saline matter, foreign to its na- ture. These fractional parts- consist of sulphate of potassa and lead, in the proportion of four of the former to one of the latter. It is, I believe, ''irticuJt to manitf*ctnre it direetrv, by the nstia! methods, of a purer quality. The ordinary acid sold in the shops contains often three or four per cent, of saline matter. Even more is occasion- ally introduced, by the employment of nitre, to remove the brown colour given to the acid by car* bonaceous matter. The amount of these adulte- rations, whether accidental or fraudulent, may be readily determined by evaporating, in a small capsule of porcelain, or rather platinum, a defi- nite w right of the acid. The platinum cup placed on the red cinders of a common fire, will give an exact result in five minutes. If more than five grains of matter remain from five hundred of acid, we may pronounce it sophisticated. Distillation is the mode by which pur*- oil of vitriol is obtained. This process is described in chemical treatises as both difficult and hazardous; but since adopting the following plan, I have found it perfectly safe and convenient. I take a plain glass retort, capable of holding from two to four quarts of water, and put into it about a pint mea- sure of the sulphuric acid, (and a few fragments of glass,).connecting the retort with a large glo- bular receiver, by means of a glass tube four feet long, and from one to two inches in diameter. The tube fits very loosely at both ends. The re- tort is placed over a charcoal fire, and the flame is made to play gently on its bottom. When the acid begins to boil smartly, sudden explosions of dense vapour rush forth from time to time, which would infallibly break smaU vessels. Here, how- ever, these expansions are safely permitted, by the large capacity of the retort and receiver, as well as by tbe easy communication with the air at both ends of the adi pter tube. Should the re- tort, indeed, be exposed to a great intensity of flame, the vapour wUl no doubt be generated with incoercible rapidity, and break the apparatus. But this accident can proceed only from gross imprudence. It resembles, in suddenness, the explosion of gunpowder, and iUustrates admirably Dr. Black's observation, that, but for the great latent beat of steam, a mass of water, powerfully heated, would explode on reaching the boiUng temperature. I have ascertained, that the specific caloric of the vajiour of sulphuric acid is very small, and hence the danger to which rash ope- rators may be exposed during its distillation. Hence, also, it is unnecessary to surround the re- ceiver with cold water, as when alkohol and roost other liquids are distilled. Indeed the application of cold to the bottom of the receiver generaUy Causes it, in the present operation, to crack. By the above method, 1 have made the concentrated oil of vitriol flow over in a continuous slender stream, without the globe becoming sensibly hot. I have frequently boiled the distilled acid till only one-half remained in the retort; yet at the temperature of 60° Fahrenheit, I have never found the specific gravity of acid so concentrated, to exceed 1.8465. It is, I believe, more exactly 1.8452. The number 1.850, which it has been the fashion to assign for the density of pure oil of vitriol, is undoubtedly very erroneous, and ought to be corrected. Genuine commerrial acid should never surpass 1.8485; when it is denser, we may infer sophistication, or negligence, in the manu- facture." The sulphuric acid strongly attracts water, which it takes from the atmosphere very rapidly, and in larger quantities, if suffered to remain ia an open vessel, imbibing one-third of its weight in twenty-four hours, anil more than six times its weight in a twelvemonth. If four parts by weight bo mixed with one of water at 50°, they produce tin instantaneous heat of 300° F.; and four parts raise orre of ice to 2MQ : on the contrary, four SLL parts of ice, mixed with one of acid, sink the thermometer to 4° below 0. When pure it is co- lourless, and emits no fumes. It requires a great degree of cold to freeze it; and if diluted with half a part or more of water, unless the dilution be earned very far, it becomes more and more difficult to congeal; yet at the specific gravity of 1.78, or a few hundredths above or below this, it may be frozen by surrounding it with melting snow. Its congelation forms regular prismatic crystals with six sides. Its boiling point, accord- ing to Bergman, is 540°; according to Dalton, Pure sulphuric acid is without smell and colour, and of au oily consistence. Its action on litmus is so strong, that a single drop of acid will give to an immense quantity of water the power of reddening. It is a most violent caustic ; and has sometimes been administered with the most crimi- nal purposes. The person who unfortunately swallows it, speedily dies in dreadful agonies and convulsions. Chalk, or common carbifliate of magnesia, is the best antidote for this, as well as for the strong nitric and muriatic acids. When transmitted through an ignited porcelain tube of one-fifth of an inch diameter, it is resolved 1 into two parts of sulphurous acid gas, and one of oxygen gas, with water. Voltaic electricity causes an evolution of sulphur at the negative pole ; whilst a sulphate of the metallic wire is formed at the jiositive. Sulphuric acid has no action on oxygen gas or air. It merely abstracts their aque- ous vapour. If the oxygenised muriatic acid of Thenard be put in contact with the sulphate of silver, there is immediately formed insoluble chloride of silver, and oxygenised sulphuric acid. To obtain sulphu- ric acid in the highest degree of oxygenation, it is merely necessary to pour barytes water into the above oxygenised acid, so as to precipitate only a part of it, leaving the rest in union with the whole of the oxygen. Oxygenised sulphuric acid partially reduces the oxide of silver, occa- sioning a strong effervescence. AH the simple combustibles decompose sulphu- ric acid, with the assistance of heat. About 400° Fahr. sulphur converts sulphuric into sulphurous acid. Several metals at an elevated temperature decompose this acid, with evolution of sulphurous acid gas, oxidisement of the metal, and combina- tion of the oxide with the undecomposed portion of the acid. The sulphuric acid is of very extensive use in the • rt of chemistry, as well as in metallurgy, bleaching, and some of the processes for dyeing ; in medicine it is given as a tonic and stimulant, and is sometimes used externally as a caustic. The combinations of this acid with the various bases are called tulphatet.and most of them have long been known by various names. With barytes it is found native and nearly pure in various forms, in coarse powder, rounded masses, stalactites, and regular crystallisations, which are in some lamellar, in others needly, in others prismatic or pyramidal. This salt, if at all deleterious, is less so than the carbonate of barytes, and is more economical for preparing the muriate for medicinal jiurposes. It requires 44,000 parts of water to dissolve it at 60°. Suljihate of strontian has a considerable re- semblance to thai of barytes in its projierties. It is found native in considerable quantities at Aust Passage and other places in tbe neighbour- hood of Bristol. It requires 3840 parts of boiUng water to die'nias potassjE. Superarseniate of potassa. A compound of potassa with excess of arsenic acid. It was called Macqucr's Ar- senical Salt, from its discoverer ; and has been sometimes given in medicine, possessing similar pro|>erties to those of the white oxide of arsenic. SUPE'RBUS. See Rectus superior oculi. SUPERCi'LIUM. See Eyebrow. Supercilium veneris. The milfoil. See Achillea millefolium. SUPKUFO-JTATION. (Superfatatio; from super, above or upon, and fatus, a foetus.) The impregnation of a woman already pregnant. Supergemina'li ;. (From super, above, and gemini, the testicles.) The epididymis, or body above tbe testicles. SUPERGENUA'LIS. (From super, above, and genu, the knee.) The patella, or knee-pan, SUPERIMPREGNA'TIO. (Superimpregna* tio, from super, above, and impregnatio, a con- ception.) Superfoetation. SUPE'RIOR. Some muscles were 60 named from their relative situation. Superior auris. See Attollens aurem. SUPERLl'GULA. (From super, above and ligula, a little tongue, the glottis.) The epi- glottis. SUPERPURGA'TIO. (From super, beyond, and purgo, to purge.) An excessive evacuation by stool. S3PKRSALT. See Subs alt. SUPERSCAPULA'ftlS. (From stiver, upon, and scapula, the shoulder-blade.) A muscle seated upon the scapula. SUPEitUS. Above: applied[to the perian- thium of flowers when placed above the germen; as in roses, and the gt.uus Pyrus. SUPINATION. (Supinatio; from tupinus, jilaced upward.) The act of turning the paint of the hand upwards, by rotating the radius upon the ulna. SIPINA'TOR. (From supinus, upwards-.) 919 •SUP SUT A name given to those muscles wluch turn the hand upwards. Supinator brevis. See Supinator radii bremt. Supinator longus. See Supinator radii longut. Supinator radii brevis. A supinator mus- cle of the hand, situated on the fore-arm. ■Supi- nator brevis, sive minor, of Winslow ; and epi- condylo-radial, of Duraa3. Thfe small muscle, which is teudinous externally, is situated at the upper part of the fore-arm under the supinator longus, the extensor carpi radialis brevis, the ex- tensor carpi ulnaris, the extensor digitorum com- munis, ana the extensor minimi digiti. It arises tendinous from the lower and anterior part of the outer condyle of the os humeri, and tendinous and fleshy from the outer edge and jios- terior surface of the ulna, adhering firmly to the Ugament thatjoins the radius to that bone. From these origins its fibres descend forwards and in- wards, and are inserted into the upper, inner, and anterior part of the radius around the cartilagi- nous surface, upon which slides the tendon of the biceps, and Ukewise into a ridge that runs down- wards and outwards below this surface. It as- sists in the supination of the hand by rolling the radius outwards. Supinator radii longus. Supinator lon- gus, of Albinus. Supinator longus sive major, of Winslow; and humerosus radial, of Dumas. A long flat muscle, covered by a very thin tendi- nous fascia, and situated immediately under the in- teguments aloug the outer convex surface of the radius. It arises, by very sh£-t tendinous fibres, from the anterior surface and outer ridge of the os humeri, about two or three inches above its ex- ternal condyle, between the brachialis internus awd the triceps brachii; and likewise from the anterior surface of the external intermuscular membrane, or ligament, as it is called. About the middle of the radius, its fleshy fibres termi- nate in a flat tendon, which is inserted into the inner side of the inferior extremity of the radius, near the root of its styloid process. This muscle not only assists in rolling the radius outwards, and turning the palm of the hand up- wards, on which account Riolanus first gave it the name of supinator, but it likewise assists in pro- nation, and in bending the fore-arm. SUPPOSITO'RiUM. (From sub, under, and pono, to put.) A suppository, i. e. a substance to jmt into the rectum, there to remain and dis- solve gradually. Suppressed menses. See Amenorrhaa. SUPPURATION. (Suppuratio; from sup- puro, to suppurate.) That morbid action by which pus is deposited in iullainruatory. tumours. See Pus. SUPRA. Above. This word before any other name, imjflies its situation being above it; as supra spinatus, above the spine of the scapula, &c. Supra-costales. A portion of the intercos- tal muscles. See Intercostal muscles. Sopra-decompojITUS. See Decomporitus. Supra-spina'tus. Supra-spinatus sAi su- per-scapularis, of Cowper ; and sout-spino-sca- pulo-trochiterien, of Dumas. A muscle of the arm first so named by RioUnus, from its situation. It is of considerable thickness, wider behind than before, and fills the whole of the cavily or fossa that is above the spine of the scapula. It arises fleshy from the whole of the base ofthe scapula that is. above its spine, and Ukewise from the spine itself, and from the superior costa. Opposite to the basis of the coracoid process, it is found be- n-inning to degenerate into a tendon, vvhich is at first covered by fleshy fibres, and* then passing under the acromion, adheres to the capsular liga- ment of the os humeri, and is inserted into the upper part of the large tuberosity at the head of the os humeri. This muscle is covered by a thin fascia, which adheres to the upper edge and supe- rior part of the basis, as well as to the upper edge of the spine of the scapula. The principal use "of the supra spinatus seems to be to assist in raising the arm upwards; at the same time, by drawing the capsular ligament upwards, it prevents it from being pinched between the head of the os humeri and tint of the scapula. It may likewise serve to move the scapula ujion the humerus. SURA. (An Arabian word.) 1. The calf of the leg. 2. The fibula. SURCULUS. A term applied by botanists to the stem of mosses, or that part which bears the leaves. It is dmple, in Polytricum , branched, in Minium androgynum ; with branches turned downward, in Sphagnum palustre ; decumbent, creeping, or erect. SURDITAS. Deafness. See-Paracusis. SURFEIT. The consequence of excess Id eating or drinking, or nf something unwholesome or improper in the food. It consists in a heavy load or oppression of the stomach, with nausea, sickness, impeded perspiration, and at times erup- tions on the skin. SURGERY. Chirurgia. A branch of the healing art, having for its object the cure of ex- ternal diseases. SURTURBRAND. Fibrous brown coal, or bituminous wood, is so called in Iceland, where it occurs in great quantities. SUS. The name of a genus of animals. Class, Mammalia; Order, Bellua. The hog. The flesh called pork is considered a great delicacy, especially the young and well fed, and is much used in most countries. Salted, it affords a harder food, still very nutritious to hard-working people, whose digestion is good. Sus scrofa. The systematic name of the hog, the fat of which is caUed lard. Suspended animation. See Resuscitation. SUSPENSO'RIUM. (From tuspendeo, to hang.) A suspensory ; a bag, or bandage, to sus- pend any part. SusrENSORiUM hepatis. The broad ligament of the liver. Suspensorius testis. The cremaster mus- cle of the testicle. SUSU'RRUS. (From susurro, to murmur.) Au imaginary sound in the ear. SUTURE. (Sutura; from tuo, to join to- gether.) 1. In surgery this term signifies the uniting the lips of a wound by sewing. Clavata committura. A number of difl'erent kinds of su- tures have been recommended by writers on sur- gery, but aU of them are now reduced to two; namely, the twitted, and the interrupted, called also the knotted suture. The twisted suture is made in the following manner: having brought the divided parts nearly into contact, a pin is to be introduced from the outside inwards, and carried out through the opposite side to the same distance from the edge that it entered at on the form-jr side; a firm wax ligature is then to be passed around it, making the figure of 8, by which the wounded parts are drawn gently into contact. The number of pins is to be determined by the extent of the wound ; half au inch, or at most three-quarters, is the proper distance between two pins. The interrupted suture is practised where a number of stitches is required, and the interrup- tion is only the distance between the stitches. SW1 SYD %. In anatomy the word suture is applied to the union of bones by means of dentiform margins, as in the bones ofthe cranium. See Temporal, tphe- noidal, zygomatic, transverse, coronal, lamb- dmdal, and sagittal tuturet. S. In botany, it is applied to that part of a cap- sule, which is a kind of furrow on the external surface in which the valves are united. See C'ap- sula. SWALLOW-WORT. Sec Asclepias vince- t odeum. SWAMMERDAM, John, was born at Am- sterdam, in 1657, and displayed an early predilec- tion for natural history, jiarticularly entomology. At Leyden, where he studied physic, he was dis- tinguished by his skill and assiduity in anatomical experiments and the art of making preparations ; and on taking his degree there, in 1667, he pub- Ushed a thesis on Respiration. At this time he began to practise his invention of injecting the vessels with ceraceous matter, from whioh anato- my has derived very important advantages. In the dissection of insects, be was singularly dex- terous by the aid of instruments of his own inven- tion. The Grand Duke of Tuscany invited him about this period to Florence on very liberal terms, but he declined the offer from aversion to a court-life, and to any religious restraints. In 1669 he published in his native language " A Genera: History of Insects," afterwards reprinted and translated into French and Latin, the latter with splendid figuies. In 167C another work apjieared, entitled " Miraculura Naturae," detailing the structure of the uterus ; of which there were many subsequent editions. By intense applica- tion he became liyjiochondriacal and infatuated with mysticism, so as to abandon all his scientific pursuits ; and his constitution was worn out by his mortifications, so that he died in 1680. Seve- ral of his pajiers, which came long after into the hands of Boerhaave, were published under the title of " Biblia Naturae;" in which the history of bees is particularly esteemed. SWEAT. See Perspiration. Sweet flag. See Acorus calamus. Sweet marjoram. See Origanum majorana. Sweet navew. See Brassica rapa. Sweet ruth. See Andropogon tcanaulhus, and Acorut calamus. Sweet sultan. The Centaurea moschata. Sweet willow. See Myrica gale. SWIETEN, Gerard Van, was born at Ley- den, in 1700. From the loss of both his parents, liis early education is said to have been somewhat neglected; but being sent nt sixteen to the uni- versity of Louvain, he soon distinguished himself by his superior attainments. He then returned to his native jilace. and became a favourite pupil of the illustrious Boerhaave ; and after studying .even years, took the degree of doctor, in 1725 ; and so much had he profited by the instruction of that great master, as well as by his own unwearied researches, that he was immediately apjmintcd to a medical professorshiji, which he oecupudfor many years with great rejititation. At length, howtver, his success excited envy, and there be- ing a law which prohibi.d those not juofessing the religion of the State from holding any public appointment, Van Swieten being a Roman Catho- Uc, was obliged to resign his chair. He devoted the leisure thus acquired to the composition of lii.i excellent Commentaries on the Aphorisms of Boerhaave : and while engaged in this work, he was invited by the Empress Maria Tfu-resa to set- tle at Vienna, which he accc|>ted in the year 1745, after stipulating that be should be allowed to foj- Ir-w III" Usual mode of life, which was not well 1!K adapted lor a court. The intellectual and moral endowments of this physician qualified him in every respect for conducting the medical school at Vienna; and that science in Germany was ul- timately essentially benefited by his exertions. He executed, during eight years, the office of professor with singular zeal; and having obtained the full confidence of his royal mistress, he was enabled to reform many abuses, and procure great advantages for the study of medicine in that city. His extensive erudition gained him the farther honour of being intrusted with the interests of learning in general in the Austrian dominions ; he was ajipointed Imperial Librarian, President of the Censorship of Books, &c. ; and also created a Baron of the Empire. He wa6 likewise volun- tarily enrolled in the list of almost all tbe distin- fuished literary societies of Europe. The inflexi- ility of his character led him to maintain a long opposition to smaU-pox inoculation. He died in 1772, and a statue was erected to his memory by the Empress at Vienna. His commentaries will always maintain their reputation, from the im- mense number of facts, well selected and well ar- ranged, and the judicious summary of ancient and modern medical knowledge which they contain. He also published another useful work on the dis- eases which prevail in Armies. SWIETE'NIA. (Named after Van Swieten. i The name of a genus of plants. Class, Decan-. dria; Order, Monogynia. Swietenia mahagoni. The systematic name ofthe mahogany tree. The bark of the wood ol this tree is of a red colour internally; has an as- tringent bitter taste ; and yields its active matter to water. It has been prejiared as a substitute for Peruvian bark, and has been used as such with ad- vantage. Dose, half a drachm. SWlNE-POX. See Varicella. SWINESTONE. A variety of compact lu- cullite, a subspecies of lime-stone. SWUNG IN(.. See JEora. Sword sh'i -.irM private course of lectures at Paris, in which be sf distinguished himself, that in two years he col- lected a crowd of pupils from various parts of Europe; but the jealousy of the Parisian phy- sicians obliged him to go to Montpelier, in 1520, for the purpose of graduation. His extreme par- simony, however, would not jiermit the necessary expenses ; and he was at last successful in com- promising his differences with the Parisian facul- ty. He subsequently continued his lectures with very great success ; and in 1550 he was appointed professor of medicine at the royal college ; but his death occurred five years afterwards, ilis works were popular during the reign ot the old school, but are now obsolete. As an anatomist, he merit-; great praise, having made various discoveries, notwithstanding the few opportunities he had of human dissection. He wrote with great violence against Vesalius, his pupil, because he had pre- sumed to correct Galen. SYMBLE'PHARUM. (From avv, with, and QXttpapov, the eye-lid.) A concretion ofthe eye- lid to the globe ofthe eye. This chiefly happens in the superior, but very rarely in the inferior palpebra. The causes of this concretion are a bad conformation of the parts, or from ulcers of the cornea, the membrana conjunctiva, or internal superfices of the paljiebrae, or imprudent scarifi- cations, or burns, especially if the eye remains long closed. There are two species, the partial, or total; in the former, the adhesion is partial, in the latter, the membrana conjunctiva and cornea are concretea to the eye-lid together. St'mbol-s. (From ovpGaXXv, to knit together.) It is said either of the fitness of parts with one another, or of the consent between them by the intermediation of nerves, and the like. SYMBOLO'GIA. (From ovpSvXov, a sign, and Xoyos, a discourse.) The doctrine of the signs and symptoms of disease. SYMMETRY The exact and beautiful pro-' portion of parts to one another. SYMPATHETIC. Sympathetica. 1. Relating to sympathy. 2. See Intercostal nerve. Sympathetic nerve. See Intercostal nerve. SYMPATHY. (Sympathia ; from oxvrraoXaroxysms of the stone, in which the glans penis, after making water, be- comes very painful. But if the action be more slowly induced, and continued for a lon^ time, then this association is set aside, by a stronger and more general princi- ple of the equilibrium ot action, and the sympa- thising part is weakened. Hence violent inflam- mation ofthe end of the urethra produces a weak- ness and irritabitity of the bladder, dulncss of the testicle, &c. There is also an evident sympathy of equili- brium betwixt the stomach and lower tract of intes- tines ; which two jiortions may be said in general to balance each other in the abdomen. When the action of the intestines is increased in diar- rhoea, the stomach is often weakened, and the pa- tient tormented with nausea. This will be cured, not so easily by medicines taken into the stomach, as by anodyne clysters, which will abate the action of the intestines. When the intestines are in- flamed, as in strangulated hernia, vomiting is a never-failing attendant. When again the stomach is inflamed, the intes- tines arc affected, and obstinate costiveness takes idace • even in hysterical affections of the sto- °-J3 SYM SIM uracil, the intestines are often deranged. Injec- tions of cold water frequently reticve thesfc affec- tions of the stomach, by their action on the intes- tines. The liver and stomach are also connected with one another. When the liver is inflamed, or has its action increased, the stomach is weakened, and dyspeptic syrajitoms take place. When the stomach is weakened, as, for instance, by intoxi- cation, then the action of the liver is increased, and a greater quantity than usuil of bile is se- creted. The same takes place in warm climates, where the stomach is much debilitated. If the liver has its action thus frequently in- creased, it assumes a species of inflammation, or becomes, as it is called, scirrhous. This is ex- emplified in the habitual dram-drinkers, and in those who stay long in warm countries and use freedoms with the stomach. The liver likewise sympathises with the brain : for when this organ is injured, and its action much impaired, as in compression, inflammation and suppuration have been often known to take place in the liver. Besides this connection of the stomach with the liver, it is also very intimately dependent on the brain, being weakened when the action of the brain is increased ; as we see in an inflammation of that organ. The brain again is affected with pain when the stomach is weakened by intoxication, or other causes; and this pain will be often re- lieved by slowly renewing the action of the sto- mach, by such stimuli as are natural to it, such as small quantities of soup frequently repeated. A slight increase of action in the stomach, at least if not of a morbid kind, affects the brain so as to produce sleep, diminishingjts action. This we see in the effects of a fiuT meal, and even of a draurrht of warm water. The stomach likewise .sympathises with the throat, squeamishness and anorexia being often produced by inflammation of the tonsils. This inflammation is frequently abated by restoring or increasing the action of the stomach. Hence the throat, in slight inflam- mation, is frequently easier after dinner ; hence, likewise, the effects of emetics in cynanche. The extremities of bones and muscles also sym- pathize in the same manner. When one end of a bone is inflamed, the action of the other is lessen- ed, and pain is produced ; for a painful sensation mav result both from increased and diminished action. When the tendon of a muscle is inflamed, tbe body of that muscle often is pained, and vice versa. Lastly, the external skin sympathises with the fiarts below it. If it be inflamed, as in erysipe- as, the parts immediately beneath are weakened, or have their natural action diminished. If this inflammation affect the face, or scalp, then the brain is injured ; and headache, stupor, or deli- rium, supervene. Ifit attack the skin of the abdo- men, then the abdominal viscera are affected, and we have vomiting and purging, or obstinate costiveness, according to circumstances. This is illustrated by the disease of children, which is called by the women the bowel-hive, in which the skin is inflamed, as they suppose, from some morbid matter within. If the internal parts be inflamed, the action of ' the surface is diminished, and, by increasing this action, we can lessen or remove the disease be- low : as we see daily proved by the good effects of blisters. When the stomach, intestines, or kid- ney, have been very irritable, a Sinapism has been known to act like a charm ; and in the deep-seated inflammations ofthe breasts, bowels, or joints, no better remedy is known, after the use of the lan- cet, than blisters. Tiie utility of issues in diseases of the lungs, the liver, and thejoints, is to be explained on the same principle. In these cases we find that is- sues do little good unless they be somewhat pain- ful, or be in the state of healthy ulcers. An indo- lent flabby sore, however large the discharge (which is always thin, and accompanied with lit- tle action,) does no good, but only adds to the misery of the patient. We may, however, err on the other hand, by making the issues too pain- ful, or by keeping them active too-long, for after they have removed the inflammatory disease be- low, they will stUl operate on these parts, lessen- ing their action, and preventing the healing pro- cess from going on properly. Tnis is seen in cases of curvature ofthe spine, where at first the inflam- mation of the vertebra is diminished by the issues ; but if they be kept long open after this is removed, they do harm. We often see the patient recover rapidlv after his surgeon has healed the issue in despair, judging that it could do no far- ther service, but only increase the weakness of his patient. It is a well-established fact, that when any par- ticular action disappears suddenly from a part, it will often speedily affect that organ which sympa- thises most with the part that was originally dis- eased. This is best seen in the inflammatory ac- tion, wliich, as practical writers have well ob- served, occasionally disappears quickly from the part first affected, and then shows itself in some other. From the united testimony of all these facts, Mr. Burns, of Glasgow, maintains the doctrine just delivered, and proposes to introduce it into pathological reasonings. In the whole of the ani- mal economy, wc discover marks of the wisdom of the Creator, but perhaps in no part of it more than in this, of the existence of the sympathy of equilibrium, for if a large part of the system were, to have its action much increased, and all the other parts to continue acting in the same propor- tionate degree as formerly, the whole must be soon exhausted ; (For increased action would re- quire for its support an increased quantity of en- ergy-) But upon this principle, when action is much in- creased in one part, it is to a certain degree di- minished in some other, the general sum or de- gree of action in the body is thus less than it otherwise would be, and consequently the system suffers less. SY'MPHYSIS. (From trw, together, and SYN Symphytum petrjeum. See Coris Mcuipe- iitntis. Syna'nche. See Cynanche. Syna'nchica. (From away-jen, the quinsey: so called from its uses in that disease.) Quinsey- wort. SYNARTHROSIS. (From aw, together, and apOpov, a joint.) Immoveable connection. A genus of connection of bones, in which they are united together bj- an immoveable union. It has three species, viz.. suture, harmony, and gom- jihosis. SYNASTOMO'SIS. This is used in the same sense as Anastomosis. SYNCHONDRO'SIS. (From aw, with, and Xov&pos, a cartilage.) A species of symphysis, in which one bone is united with another by means of an intervening cartilage ; as the vertebrae and the bones of the pubes. SYNCHONDROTO'MIA. (From cmi/^ov- &puois, the symphysis of the pubes, and rtpvto, to cut.) The operation of dividing the symphysis of the pubes. SY'NCHYSUS. (From ffuJ^uw, to confound.) A solution of the vitreous humour into a fine at- tenuated aqueous fluid. In CuUen's Nosology, it is a variety of his species caligo pupilla. Synci'piti* ossa. See Parietal bones. SY'NCIPUT. (Syndput vel sinciput, itis. n.) The fore-part of tbe head or cranium. , SY'NCOPE. (From ow, with, and kottIu, to cut, or strike down.) Animi dehquium; Lei- pothymia ; Defedio animi; Dittotutio ; Exa- nimatio ; Asphyxia; Virium lapsus ; Apopsy- chia ; Apsychia; Ecchysit. Fainting or swoon- ing. A genus of disease in the Class Neuroses, and Order Adynamia, of CuUen, in which the respi- ration and action of the heart either cease, or be- come much weaker than usual, with paleness and coldness, arising from diminished energy of the brain, or from organic affections of tlie heart. Spe'cies: 1. Syncope cardiaca, the cardiac syn- cope, arising without a visible cause, and with violent palpitation of the heart, during the inter- vals, and depending generally on some organic affection of the heart or neighbouring vessels. 2. Syncope occasionally, the exciting cause being manifest. The disease is sometimes preceded by anxiety about the praecordia, a sense of fulness ascending from the stomach towards the head, vertigo or confusion of ideas, dimness of sight, and coldness of the extremities. The attacks are frequently attended with, or end in vomiting, and sometimes in epileptic or other convulsions. The causes are sudden and violent emotions of the mind, pun- gent or disagreeable odours, derangement of the Iirimae viae, debility from preceding disorders, oss of blood spontaneous or artificial, the opera- tion of paracentesis, &c. During the paroxysm the nostrUs are to be stimulated with some of the E reparations of ammonia, or these may be ex- ibited internally, if the patient is capable of swallowing : but when the disease has originated from large loss of blood such stimulants must be used cautiously. When it is connected with a dis- ordered state of the stomach, if an emetic can be given, or vomiting excited by irritating the fau- ces, it will |>robably afford relief. Sometimes sprinkling the face with cold water, will recover the patient. And when there is reason for sup- posing an accumulation about the heart, the dis- ease not having arisen from debilitating causes, a moderate abstraction of blood may be made with propriety. Between the fits we shoidd endeavour to strengthen the constitution, where debility aji- pears concerned in producing them, and the se- veral exciting causes must be carefully guarded against. When organic affections of the heart, and parts connected with it, exist, all that can be done, is, to palliate the attacks of fainting; un- less the primary disease can be removed, which is extremly rare Syncope anginosa. See Angina pectoris. SYNDESMOLO'GIA. (From aw&eapos, a ligament, and Xoyos, a discourse.) The doctrine ofthe ligaments. Syndesmo-pjaryngeus. See Constrictor pharyngit medius. SYNDESMOSIS. (From evvitopot, a Uga- ment.) That species of symphysis or mediate connection of bones in which they are united by ligament, as the radius with the ulna. SYNDE'SMUS. (From ow&eu, to bind toge- ther. ) A ligament. SYNE'CHIA. •S.wtxia. A concretion of the iris with the cornea, or with the capsule of the crystalline lens. The proximate cause is adhe- sion of these parts, the consequence of inflamma- tion. The remote causes are, a collapse of the cornea, a prolapse of the iris, a swelling or tume- fied cataract, hypopium, or original formation. The species' of this disorder are: I. Synechia anterior totalis, or a concretion of the iris with the cornea. This species is known by inspecting the parts. The pupil in this species is dilated or coarctated, or it is found concreted ; from whence various lesions of vision. 2. Synechia anterior partialis, when only some part ofthe iris is accreted. This concretion is observed in one or many places ; from hence the pupil is variously disfigured, and an inordi- nate motion of the pupil is perceived. 3. Synechia anterior composita, when not only the whole iris, but also a prolapse of the crystal- line lens, unites with the cornea. 4. Synechia posterior totalit, or a concretion of the whole uvea, with the ciliary processes and the capsule of the crystalline lens. 5. Synechia potterior partialis, when only some part ofthe capsule of the crystalline lens is concreted with the uvea and cornea. This ac- cretion is simplex, duplex, triplex, or in many places. 6. Synechia complicata, with an amaurosis, cataract, mydriasis, myosis, or synizesis. SYNEURO'SIS. (From ow, with, and vtvpov, a nerve, because the ancients included mem- branes, ligaments, and tendons, nnder the head of nerves.) A species of symphisis, in which one bone is united to another by means of an inter- vening membrane. SYNGENESIA. (From ow, together, and yeveots, generation. The name of a class of plants, in the sexual system pf Linnaeus, consisting of plants in which the anthers are united into a tube, the filaments on which they are supported being mostly separate and distinct. The flowers are compouna. SYNIZE'SIS. A perfect concretion and co- arctation of the pupil. It is known by the ab- sence of the pupil, and a total loss of vision. The species are : 1. Synizesis nativa, with which infants are sometimes born. In this case, by an error ofthe first conformation of the pupil, there is no perfo- ration ; it is very rarely found. 2. Synizesis acridenlalis, a concretion of the pupil, from an inflammation or exulceration ofthe uvea or iris, or from a defect of the aqueous or vitreous humour. 3. Synizeris, from a secession of the iris or cornea. From whatever cause it may happen, the effect is certain, for the pupil contracts its 5 SiN SYN diameter ; the longitudinal fibres, sejiarated from the circle ofthe cornea, cannot resist the orbicu- lar fibres : from hence the pupil is wholly or par- tially contracted. 4. Synizesis complicata, or that which is com- plicated with an amaurosis, r.yuechia, or other ocular disease. The amaurosis, or gutta sei ena, is known by the total absence of Ught to the re- tina. We can distinguish this not only by the pupU being closed, but likewise the eyelids ; for whether the eyelids be ojien or slut, all is dark- ness to the jiatient. The other comjilicated cases are known by viewing the eye, and considering the parti anatomically. 5. Syniztiiy spuiia, is a closing of the pupil by mucus, juts, or grurnous blood. SY'NOCHA. (From owc^m, to continue.) Febris synocha. inflammatory I ever. Asjiecies of continued fever, characterised by increased heat; pulse frequent, strong,, hard; urine high- coloured ; senses not impaired. This fever is so named from its being attended with .-yroptoms denoting general inflammation in the system, by which we shall always be able readily to distin- guish it from either the nervous or putrid. It makes its attack at all seasons of the year, but is most jirevalent in the spring ; and it seizes per-' sons of all ages and habits, but more particularly those in the vigour of life, with strong elastic fibres, and of a plethoric constitution. It is a species of fever almost jieculiar to cold and tem- perate climates, being rarely, ii ever met with in very warm ones, except among Europeans lately arrived; and even then, the inflammatory stage is of very short duration, as it very soon assumes either the nervous or putrid type. The exciting causes are sudden transitions from heat to cold, swallowing cold liquors when the body is much heated by exercise, too free a use of vinous and spirituous liquors, great intemper- ance, violent passions of the mind, the sudden suj.>pression of habitual evacuations, and the sud- den repulsion of eruptions. It may be doubted if this fever ever originates from personal infection ; but it is possible for it to appear as an epidemic among such as are of a robust habit, from a pe- culiar state of the atmosphere. It comes on with a sense of lassitude and inactivity, succeeded by vertigo, rigors, and pains over the whole body( but more particularly in the head and back; whicb symjitoms are shortly followed by redness of the face and eyes, great restlessness, iuten e heat, and unquenchable thirst, oppression cf breathing, and nausea. The skin is diy and parched ; the tongue is of a scarlet colour at the sides, and furred with white in the centre; the urine is red and scanty ; the body is costive ; and there is a quickness, with a fulness and hard- ness in the pulse, not much affected by any pres- sure made on the artery. If the febrile symptoms run very high, and proper means are not used at an early period, stupor and deUrium .come on, the imagination becomes much disturbed and hurried, and the patient raves violently. The disease usually goes through its course in about fourteen days, and terminates in a crisis, either by diaphoresis, diarrhoea, haemorrhage from the nose, or the deposite of a copious sediment in the urine; which crisis is usually preceded by some variation in the pulse. Our judgment as to the termination of the dis- ease, must be formed from the violence <»f the attack, and the nature of the symjiton:-. If the fever runs high, or continues many days with stupor or delirium, the event may be doubtful; hut if to these arc added, jurking at the bed- clothes, startings of the tendons, involuntary 126 discharges by stool and urine, and hiccoughs, it- will then certainly be fatal. On the contrary, if the febrile heat abates, the other symptoms mode- rate, and there is a tendency to a crisis, wc may then expect a recovery. In a few instances, this fever has been known to terminate in mania. On opening those who die of an inflammatory fever, an effusion is often jicrccivcd within the cranium, and now and then, tojiical affections of some of the viscera are to be observed. The chief indication in synocha is to lessen the excessive vascular actions by evacuations, and the anlijihlogistic legimen. Of the former, by far the most imjiortant is blood-letting, vvhicn should be freely jiract:sed in this disease, u.ukiug a large orifice into the vein, aud taking from ten to twenty-four Qunces of blood, according to the violence of the symjitoms, and the strength ofthe jiatient. The disorder may sometimes be cut short at oncie by this active treatment in the beginning; but if ii should continue urgent, and the strength of the pulse keep uj>, the repetition of it within more moderate limits will be from time to time advisable. Purging is next in efficacy, esjiecially with those articles which produce cojiious serous discharges, and thoroughly clear out the intes- tines, as the saline cathartics, with infusion of senna, jalap with supertartrate of potassa, &c. As the disease" advances, however, we must act less on this part, and attempt to promote the other discharges, particularly that by the skin; for which purpose calomel, antimonials, and the sa- line diaphoretics are to be exhibited. The anti- phlogistic regimen consists in obviating stimuli of every kind, so far as this can be done safely; im- pressions on the senses, particularly the sight and hearing, bodily and mental exertion, &c. must be guarded against as much as possible. The diet should be oi the most sparing kind, barley-water, or other mild liquid, with some acid, perhaps, added, or a little nitrate of potassa dissolved in it, taken in small quantities from time to time, chiefly to quench the thirst and cool the bodj-, will be the most proj.er, strictly interdicting ani- mal food, fermented liquors, and tbe like. The stimulus ot heat must be especially obviated by light clothing, or even exposing the body to the air, ventilating the apartnieut, sprinkling the floor with vinegar and water, &c. \Vhen the head is much affected, besides the general treatment, it will be proper to take blood locally, have the head shaved and cooled by some evaporating lotion, ajiply a blister to the neck, and, perhaps stimulate the lower extremities. In like manner any other organ being particularly jiressed upon, may re- quire additional means, which will be sufficiently understood by adverting to the several phlegma-, siae. SY'NOCHUS. (From ovvexu, to continue.) A mixed fever. A species of continued fever, commencing with symptoms of synocha, and ter- minating in typhus ; so that synocha and typhus, blended together in a slight degree, seem to con- stitute this species of fever, the former being.apt to preponderate at its commencement, and the lat- ter towards its termination. Every thing vvhich has a tendency to enervate the body, may be looked upon as a remote cause of this fever ; and accordingly wc find it often arising from.great bodily fatigue, too great an in- dulgence in sensual pleasures, violent exertions, iu'emperancc in drinking, and errors in diet, and now :>.iid tben likewise from the su|>pressiOn of some long accustomed discharge. Curtain pas- sions of the inind, (such" as grief, fear, anxiety, and joy,) have been cnumerutcdHnioiig the causes of fever, and in a few instances it is probable they I .-eiYN may have given rise to it; but the concurrence of some other powers «fpms generally necessary to jiroduce this effect. The roost usual and universal cause of this fever is the application of cold to the body; and its morbid effects seem to depend part- ly upon certain circumstances of the cold itself, and partly upon certain circumstances of the per- son to whom it is applied. The circumstances which seem to give the ap- plication of cold due effect, are its degree of in- tensity, the length of time which it is appUed; its being applied generally, or only in a current of air, its having a degree of moisture accompanying it, and its being a considerable or sudden change from heat to cold. The circumstances of persons rendering them more liable to be affected by cold, seem to be debility, induced either by great fa- tigue, or violent exertions, by long fasting, by the want of natural rest, by severe evacuations, by preceding disease, by errors in diet, by intempe- rance in drinking, by great sensuality, by too close an ajiplication to study, or giving way to grief, fear, or great anxiety, in depriving the body of a part of its accustomed clothing, by exposing any one particular part of it, whilst the rest is kept of its usual warmth, or by exposing it generally or suddenly to cold when heated much beyond its general temjierature ; these we may, therefore, look upon as so many causes giving an effect to cold which it otherwise might not have produced. Another frequent cause of fever s^ms to be breathing air contaminated by the vapours arising either directly or originally from tbe body of a person labouring under the disease. A peculiar matter is supposed to generate in the body of a person affected with fever, and this floating in the atmosphere, and being applied to one in health, will no doubt often cause fever to take place in him, which has induced many to suppose that this infectious matter is produced in all fevers what- ever, and that they are all, more or less, conta- gious. The effluvia arising from the human body, if long confined to one place without being diffused in the atmosphere, will, it is well known, acquire a singular virulence, and will, if applied to the bo- dies of men, become the cause of fever. Exhala- tions, arising from animal or vegetable substances in a state of jiutrefaction, have been looked ujion as another general cause of fever: marshy or moist grounds, acted ujion by heat for any length of time, usually send forth exhalations which prove a never failing source of fever, but more particularly in warm climates. Various hypothe- ses have been "maintained, with respect to the proximate cause of fever ; some supposing it to be a h ntor or viscidity prevailing in tbe mass of blood, and stagnating in the extreme vessels ; others, that it is a noxious matter introduced into or generated in the body, and that the increased action ofthe heart and arteries is an effort of na- ture to expel the morbific matter; others, that it consisted in an increased secretion of bile; and others again, that it is to be attributed to a spas- modic constriction of the extreme vessels on the surface of ihe body ; which last was the doctrine taught by the late Dr. Cullen. An attack irf this fever U generally marked by the patient's being seined with a considerable de- gree of langour or sense of debility, together with a .sluggishness in motion, and frequent yawning and stretching; the face and extremities at the same time become pale, and the skin over the whole gut-far-- of the body appears conflicted ; he then perceives a sensation of cold in his back, nnssjng from thence <^ver hi* whofo frame; and SYN this sense of cold continuing to increase, tremor* in the limbs, and rigors ofthe body succeed. With these there is a loss of appetite, want of taste in the mouth, slight pain's in the head, back, and loins, small and frequent respirations. The sense of cold and its effects after a little time be- comes less violent, and are alternated with flush- ings, and at last, going off altogethet, they arc succeeded by great heat diffused generally over the whole body ; the face looks flushed, the skin is dry, as likewise the tongue ; universal restless- ness prevails, with a violent pain in the head, op- pression at the chest, sickness at the stomach, and an inclination to vomit. There is likewise a great thirst and costiveness, and the pulse is full and frequent, beating, perhaps, 90 or 100 strokes in a minute. When the symptoms run very high, and there is a considerable determination oi blood to the head, a delirium will arise. In this fever, as well as most others, there is generally an in- crease of symptoms towards evening. If the disease is likely to prove fatal, either by its continuing a long time, or by the severity of its symptoms, then a starting of the tendons, picking at the bed-clothes, involuntary discharges ,by urine and stool, coldness of the extremities, and hiccoughs, will be observed ; where no such appearances take plate, the disease will go through its course. ' . . As a fever once produced will go on, although its cause be entirely removed, and as the continued or fresh appUcation of a cause of fever neither will increase that which is already produced, nor oc- casion a new one, there can be no certaiuty as to the duration of fever ; and it is onry by attending to certain appearances or changes which usually take place on the approach ot a crisis, that we can form any opinion or decision. The symptoms pointing out the approach of a crisis, are the pulse becoming soft, moderate, and near its natural speed ; the toDgue losing its fur and becoming clean, with an abatement of thirst; the skin being covered with a gentle moisture, and feeling soft to the touch ; the secretory organs performing their several offices ; and the urine depositing flaky crystals of a dirty red colour, and becoming turbid on being allowed to stand any time. Many jihysicians have been of opinion, that there is something in the nature of all acute dis- eases, excejit those of a prtrid kind, which usually determines them to be of a certain duration, and, therefore, that these terminations, when salutary, happen at certain periods of the disease rather than at others, unless disturbed in their progress by an improper mode of treatment, or the arising of some accidental circumstance. These periods are known by tbe appellation of critical days ; and from the time of Hippocrates down to the jiresent, have been pretty generally admitted. The truth of them, Dr. Thomas thinks, can hardly be disputed, however they maybe interrupted by va- rious causes. A great number of phenomena show ns, that both in the sound state and the diseased, nature has a tendency to observe certain periods ; for instance, the vicissitudes of sleeping and watching occurring with such regularity to every one ; the accurate periods that the menstrual flux observes, and the exact time of pregnancy in all viiijiarous animals, and many other such instances that mi.iht be adduced, ?!1 prore this law. c With rpsppct *o diseases, every one must have observed the definite periods which take place in regular intermittents, as well those universal as topical; in the course of true inflammation, v\ h'.ch at the fourth, or at the farthest the seventh il.iv is re««-'.vt?d. or after this period, changes 9?7 s>rP SYP into either abscess, gangrene, or scirrhus; in exanthematous eruptions, which, if they are favourable and regular, appear on a certain and definite day ; for example, the smaU-pox about the fourth day. All these appear to be founded on immutable laws, according to which the mo- tions of the body in health and in disease are governed. The days on whicli it is supposed the termina- tion of continued fevers principally hajipens, are the third, fifth, seventh, ninth, eleventh, four- teenth, seventeenth, and twentieth. A simple continued fever terminates always by a regular crisis in the manner before mentioned, or from the febrile matter falling on some parti- cular parts, it excites inflammation, abscess, eruption, or destroys the patient. Great anxiety, loss of strength, intense heat, stupor, delirium, irregularity in the pulse, twich- ings in the fingers and hands, picking at the bed- clothes, startings of the tendons, hiccoughs, in- voluntary evacuations by urine and stool, and such like symptoms, point out the certain ap- proach of death. On the contrary, when the senses remain clear and distinct, the febrile heat abates, the skin is soft and moist, the pulse becomes moderate and is regular, and the urine deposites flaky crystals, we may then expect a speedy and happy termina- tion to the disease. The usual ajipearances which are to be ob- served on dissection of those who die of this iever, are an effusion within the cranium, and topical affections perhaps of some viscera. This disease being of a mixed nature, the treat- ment must be modified accordingly. In the be- ginning, the same plan is to be pursued as in synocha, except that we must be more sparing in the use of the lancet, in proportion as there is less , power in the system, to maintain the increased ' action of the heart and arteries ; although if any important part should be much affected, we must act more vigorously, to prevent its disorganisa- tion, and the consequent destruction of life. When the character of the disease is changed, the means proper will be such as are pointed out un- der the head of Typhus. , SYNO'VIA. (A term of no radical meaning, coined by Paracelsus.) An unctuous fluid se- creted from certain glands in the joint in which it is contained. Its use is to lubricate the cartilagin- ous surfaces of the articulatory bones, and to fa- cilitate their motions. SYNOVIAL. Synovialis. Of our belonging to the synovia, or fluid ofthe joints. Synovial glands. Glandula synoviales. The assemblage of a fatty fimbriated structure within the cavities of some joints. SYNTENO'SIS. (From ow, with, and rtvuv, a tendon.) A species of articulation where the bones are connected together by tendons. Synte'xis. (From cvvrijyu, to dissolve.) A marasmus or wasting of the body. SY'NTHESIS. (From awnOnpi, to com- pose.) Combination. See Analysis. Syntheti'smus. (From awdtu, to concur.) The reduction of a fracture. Synulo'tica. (From cwovXou, to cicatrise.) Medicines which heal wounds. SY'PHILIS. (The name of a shepherd, who fed the flocks of king Alcithous, who, proud of their number and beauty, insulted the sun ; as a punishment for which, fable relates, that ihis d:..- ease was sent on earth ; or from aitpXos, filthy.) jLues venerea; Morbus Gallicut; Aphrodirius morbus; Morbus Indicut; Morbus Neapoljta- nus, Patursa. A genus of disease in the ("lass 928 Cacliexia, and Order Impetigines, ot Culleii. Towards the close of the memorable fifteenth century, ubout the year 1494 or 1495, the inhabi- tants of Europe were greatly alarmed by the sud- den appearance of this disease. The novelty of its symptoms, and the wonderful rapidity with whicli it was propagated throughout every part of the known world, soon made it an important ob- ject of medical inquiry. In common language, it is said a person has syphilis or is poxed, when the venereal poison has been received into, or is diffused through the systenij and there produces its peculiar effects, as ulcers of the mouth or fauces, spots, tetters, and ulcers of the skin, pains, swelUng, and caries of the bones, &c. But as long as the effects of the poison arc local and confined to or near the geni- tals, the disorder is not called syphilis, lues vene- rea, nor pox; but distinguished by some particulai name, according to its different seat or appear- ance ; such as gonorrhoea venerea, chancre, or bubo. The venereal disease is always jiroduced by a poison. Concerning the nature of this poison, we know no more than we do about that ofthe small- pox or any other contagion ; we know only thit it produces peculiar effects. The smallest particle of this poison is sufficient to bring on the most vio- lent disorder over the whole body. It seems to spread and diffuse itself by a kind of fermentation and assimilation of matter; and, like other con- '..gions, it requires some time after being apjilieil to tht human body, before it produces that effect. It is not known whether it has different degrees of acrimony and volatility, or whether it is always the same in its nature, varying only with regard to the particular part to whicb it is appliej, or according to the different habit and constitution or particular idiosyncrasy of the person who re- ceives the infection. We know that mercury pos- sesses a certain and sjiecific power of destroying the venereal virus; but we arc quite uncertain whe- ther it acts by a sedative, adstringent, or evacuant quality; or, which is not unlikely, by a chemical elective attraction whereby both substances uni- ting with one another are changed to a third, which is no more hurtful, but has some new jirojierties entirely distinct from those which any of them had belore they were -united. The variolous miasma, we know, produces its effects in about twenty or twenty-four days after the infection is received from the atmosphere, and eight or ten days it by inoculation, but the vene- real virus seems to Keep no particular period. At some times, and, perhaps, in particular per- sons, Dr. Swediaur has seen chancres arise in the space of twelve hours, nay, in a still shorter time, indeed he mentions in a few minutes, after an im- pure coition; whereas in most cases, thev make their appearance only in as many days. The ge- nerality of men feel the first symptoms of a clap between the second and fifth days after an impure coitus; but there are instances where they do not ajipear till after as many weeks or months. Dr. S. was consulted by a young man, who was seized with a violent discharge from tht glans along with a phimosis, but without any chancres, four weeks after coition ; and during all the in- terval, he felt noi the least symjitoni of the dis ca.ic. Some years ago, a gentleman went out from Lo.idon, in seeniingiy perfect health, to the Ejst ludies ; hut on his arrival in that hot climate, after a voyage of four months, a violent clap broke out "before he neut ou shore, though be could have received no infection during the voy- age, as there was not a woman on board. Thuc are ir.atarves v!"eb render i'. pr fh-it
    ison really is now and then absorbed, without any previous excoriation or ulceration whatsoever, and thus produces buboes and other venereal symp- toms in the body. It has been asserted by the earliest and even by some late writers, that it may be caught by lying in the same bed or living in the same room with or after an infected person. What may hlxr b^cn t\f rWep rft f\rr rrtTTlrm-ncWment of th* i r disease, cannot be said, but the most accurate ob- servations and experiments which have been made upon the subject, do not confirm this to be the case in our times. Nor are nurses infected in the Lock-Hosjiital, where they live night and day with patients in all stages of the distemjier. The fact seems to be, that patients in our times are apt to imjxise upon themselves, or upon physi- cians and surgeons, with regard to this matter; and the above opinion easily gains ground among the vulgar, especially in countries where people are more influenced by prejudices, superstition, servile situation in life, or other circumstances. Hence, we sometimes hear the most ri liculons accounts given in those countries by friars and common soldiers, of the manner by which they came to this disorder: such as piles, gravel, colics, contusions, fevers, little-houses, lying in suspect- ed beds, or lying in bed with a suspected person, retention of the semen, coition with a woman in menstruation, the use of cider, bad wine or beer, &c Another question undecided is, whether tbe venereal poison ever infects any fluid of our body, besides those of the mucous and lymphatic system. Does the venereal poison in an infected woman ever affect the milk, and consequently can the infection be conveyed to the infant by the milk alone, without any venereal ulcer on or about the nipples? It is equally a matterof uncertainty whether the venereal disease is ever conveyed from an infected father or mother, by coition, to the foetus, provided their genitals are sound ; or whether a child is ever affected with venereal symptoms in the uterus of an infected mother. Such infected infants as came under the observa- tion of Dr. Swediaur, or of his friends, whose jiractice afforded them frequent opportunities ot seeing new-born infants, seemed rather to militate against the opinion. Neither He nor any of them, have ever been able to observe ulcerations or other symptoms of a venereal kind upon new- born children; and such as make their appear- ance four, six, or eight, or more days afterwards, on the genitals, anus, lips, mouth, &c. may rather be supposed to arise by infection during the pas- sage from ulcers in the vagina of the mother, the skin of the infant being then nearly in as tender a state as the glans penis, or the labia -} and this perhaps at the time when an absorption of the venereal poison might more easily take place without a previous excoriation, or ulceration of the skin. All the ways, therefore, by which we see, in our days, the venereal poison communi- cated from ca unhealthy to a healthy person, may be reduced to the following heads: 1. By the coition of a healthy person with ano- ther who is infected with venereal disease of the genitals. 2. By the coition of a healthy person with ano- ther, apparently healthy, in whose genitals the poison ties concealed, without having yet pro- duced any bad symptom. Thus a woman who has perhaps received the infection from a man two or three days before, may during that time infect, and often does infect, the man or men who hare to do with her afterwards, without having any symptoms ofthe disease visible upon herself; and vice versa, a man may infect a woman in the same manner. Such i nstances occur in practice every day. S. By sucking ; in this case the nipjiles of the wet nurse may be infected by venereal ulcers in tbe mouth of the child : or, vice vena, the nip- ples of the nurse being infected, wiU occasion ve- nereal uleers in the child's nose, mouth, or tins. It is uncertain, as mentioned above, whether the ve- nerealpoison was ever proiiagated by means of fire nfflk fmm the breast. SYP S>1T 4. By exposing to the contact of venereal poi- son any part of the surface of the body, by kiss- ing, touching, &c. especially if the parts so ex- posed have been previously excoriated, wounded, or ulcerated by any cause whatever. In this man- ner we frequently see venereal ulcers arise in the scrotum and thighs ; and there are some well- attested instances where the infection took place in the fingers of midwives or surgeons. Several instances are recorded of venereal ulcers in the nostrils, eyelids, and lips of persons who had touched their own genitals, or those of others, af- fected at the time with local venereal com|>laints, and then rubbed their nostrils, &c. with the fin- gers, without previously washing the hands. There was a few years ago ii^ London, a melan- choly example of a young lady, who, after having drawn a decayed tooth, and replaced it with one taken immediately from a young woman appa- rently in perfect health, was soon after affected with an ulcer in the mouth. The sore manifested symptoms of a venereal nature ; but such was its obstinacy, that it resisted the most powerful mer- curial remedies, terminating at last in a caries of the rar.'illa, with a most shocking erosion of the mouth and face, by which the unhappy jiatient was destroyed. During all this, however, we.are informed that not the smallest venereal symptom was perceived in the woman from whom the sound tooth was procured. 5. By wounding any part of the body with a lancet or knife infected with the venereal virus. In this instance there is. a similarity between the venereal poison and that of the smaU-pox. There are several examples of the latter being produced by bleeding with a lancet which had been pre- viously employed for the purpose of inoculation, or of opening variolous pustules, without being properly cleaned afterwards. In Moravia, in the year 1577, a number of persons who assembled in a house for bathing, had themselves, according to the custom oi that time, scarified by the barber, were aU of them infected with the venereal disease, and treated accordingly. Krato, the physician, and Jordan Who gave a description of this dis- temper, are both of opinion that it was communi- cated by means ofthe scarifying instrument. And Van Swieten relates several instances where the lues was communicated by a similar carelessness in cleaning the instrument used in bleeding or scarification. The venereal poison applied to the urethra and vagina produce a clap. See Gonorrhaa. Coming into contact with other parts, it produces a chan- cre or bubo and constitutional symptoms. Chan- cre is the primary and immediate consequence of inoculation with true venereal matter iu any of the ways which have been mentioned, and may arise in any part of the human body: but it gene- raUy shows itself in the pudenda, because the in- fecting medium is there first taken up in the one sex, and communicated by contact to the other. It is not, however, peculiar to these parts, for whenever the same kind of fluid is applied to a scratch on the hand, finger, lip, or nipple, the same consequence will follow. There can be no doubt but that the slightest abrasion possible, or breach of the cuticle, is sufficient to give a speedy admission to this destructive poison. A chancre makes its appearance either with a slight inflam- mation which afterwards ulcerates, or there arises a small pimple or pustule fiUed with a transparent fluid, which soon breaks and forms into a spread- ing ulcer. The jieriod at which it makes its ap- pearance after infection is very various, being most commonly in five or six days, but in some cases not till after the expiration of as rnanv 980 weeks. There is both a local and general predi.< position to chancres: Jews and Mahommedans, from the constant exposure of the glans and loss of the prepuce, have the cuticle of the glans pe- nis of much firmer texture than those who have not been circumcised ; and they arc, from this circumstance, much less subject to chancres than the rest of mankind. For the same reason they who, from the shortness of the prepuce, generaUy keep the glans uncovered, are not so liable to the diseases as those who have long narrow preputia; for persons thus formed constantly keep the sur- face of the glans and prepuce moist and tender, and almost at every cohabitation are liable to abrasions and to excoriations. There is an intermediate state of the venereal disease between a local and constitutional affec- tion, which arises from the absorption of venereal matter from some surface to which it has been applied. The glands situated nearest the parts thus affected are apt to become swelled and in- flamed, so as to give rise to what is termed bubo; and the parts of generation usually coming first in contact with the matter, so the glands in the groin generaUy afford this particular symptom. Iu most cases the venereal virus is absorbed from a chancre or an ulcer in the urethra; but instances Ijjive occurred where a bubo has arisen without either gonorrhoea or any kind of ulceration, and where the matter appears to have been absorbed, wtiliout any erosion of the skin or mucous mem- brane. A bubo comes on with a pain in the groin, ac- companied with some degree of hardness and swelling, and is at first about the size of a kidney bean, but continuing to increase, it at length be- comes as large as an egg, occasions the person to exjierience some difficulty in walking, and is at- tended with a jmlsation and throbbing in the tu- mour, and a great redness of the skin. In some cases the suppuration is quickly completed, in others it goes on very slow, and in others again the inflammatory appearances go off without any formation of pus. In a few instances the glands have been known to become scirrhous. The fol- lowing are the characteristics of a venereal bubo. The swelling is usually confined to one gland, the colour of the skin where inflammation pre- vails is of a florid red, the pain is very acute, the progress from inflammation to suppuration and ulceration is generally very rapid, the suppuration is large in proportion to the size of the gland, and there is only one abscess. A bubo is never attended with danger, where the inflamed gland proceeds on regularly to sup- puration, but in particular cases it acquires au in- dolence after coming to a certain length, arising from a scrophuious taint, or by being combined with erysipelas it terminates in gangrene, and oc- casions a great loss of substance. This termina- tion is, however, more frequently met with in hos- pitals than in private practice, and may partly be attributed to the contaminated state of the air of the wards wherein venereal patients are lodged. A constitutional taint is the third form under which it has been mentioned, that the venereal poison is apt to show itself, and which always arises in consequence of the matter being absorb- ed and carried into the circulating mass of fluids. The absorption of it may, however, take place in three ways: 1st, It may be carried into the circulation, without producing any evident local effect on the part to which it was first applied. 2dly, It may take place in consequence of some local affection, such as cither gonorrhoea, chancre, or bubo: And, S\P SiJR 3Jly, li may ensue from an application ol the matter to a common sore or wound, similar to what happens in inoculating for the small-pox. The most general way, however, in whicli a constitutional taint is produced, is by an absorp- tion of the matter, either from a chancre or a bubo. When venereal matter gets into the system, some symptoms of it may often be observed in the course of six or eight weeks, or probably sooner; but in some cases, it will continue in the circu- lating mass of fluids for many months before any visible signs of its effects are produced. The sys- tem being completely contaminated, it then oc- casions many local effects in different |iartsof the body, and shows itself under a variety of forms, many of which jiut on the appearance of a dis- tinct disease. We may jiresume that this variety depends wholly on the difference of constitution, the different kind of jiarts affected, and the differ- ent state these parts were in at the time the matter or poison was applied? The first symptoms usually show themselves on the skin nnd in the mouth or threat. When on the skin, reddish und brownish spots appear here and there on the surface, and eruptions of a copper colour arc dispersed over difl'erent parts of the body, on the top of which there soon forms a thick scurf or scale. This scurf falls off after a short time, and is succeeded by another, aud the same hippening several times, and at length cast- ing off deep scabs, an ulcer is formed which dis- charges an acrid foetid matter. When the matter is secreted in the glands of the throat and mouth, the tongue will often be affected so as to occasion a thickness of speech, and the tonsils, palate, and uvula will become ulcerated so as to produce a soreness and difficulty of swallowing, and likewise a hoarseness in the voice. In a venereal ulcer of the tonsil, a portion of it seems as if it was dug out ; it is, moreover, very foul, and has a thick white matter adhering to it, which cannot be washed off. By these characteristic marks it may, in general, readily be distinguished from any other species of ulceration, In these parts. If the disease affects the eyes, obstinate inflam- mation, and sometimes ulceration, will also attack these organs. The matter sometimes falls on deep-seated parts, such as the tendons, ligaments, and perios- teum, and occasions hard, painful swellings to arise, known by the name of nodes. VVhen the disease is suffered to take its own course, and not counteracted by jiroper remedies, the patient will, in the course of time, be afflicted with severe pains, but more particularly in the night-time ; his countenance will become sallow, his hair will fall off, he will lose his ajipetite, strength, and flesh, his rest will be much disturb- ed by night, and a small fever of the hectic kind will arise. The ulcers in tbe mouth and throat being likewise suffered to spread, and to occasion a caries of the bones ofthe palate, an opening will be made from the mouth of the nose, and the car- tilages aud bones ofthe nose being at length cor- roded away, this will sink on a level with the face. Some constitutions will bear up for a con- siderable time against the disease, whilst others again will soon sink under a general weakness and irritation produced by it. If the disorder is recent, and the constitution not impaired by other diseases, a perfect cure may easily be effected ; but where it is of long standing, and accompanied with the symptoms of irritation which have been mentioned, the cure will prove tedious, nnd in many cases uncertain, as the constitution and strength ofthe patient may not admit of his going through a course of medicme siitffoient to destroy the poisou ; or Ins health may be iu such a stale, as that only a very small quantity of mercury can be administered even at considerable intervals. The general appearances to be observed on dis- section of those who die of lues, are, caries ofthe bones, but more particularly those ofthe cranium, often communicating ulceration tothe brain itself, together with enlargements and indurations of the lymphatic glands, scirrhus of several of the or- gans, particularly the liver and lungs, and exos- toses of many of the hardest bones. Syphilis indica. The yaws. Syphilis polonica. A variety of venereal disease. Syri.c oleum. A fragrant essential oil, ob- tained by distiliing the canary balsam plant, or moldavica. Syrian herb mastich. Sec Teucrium marum. SYRl'GMUS. See Paracusis. SYRI'NGA. (From avpiyi, a pipe ; so called because from its branches pipes were made after the removal ofthe pith.) The pipe-tree. SYRI'NGMOS. See Paracusis. Syrincio'tomum. (From avpiyl, a fistula, and rtpvu, to cut.) An instrument to cut fistulas. .fiY'iUNX. (A Hebrew word.) A pipe. A syringe. A fistula. Syrmai'smos. (From avppai^u, to evacuate.) A gentle evacuation by vomit or stool. SYRUP. See Syrupus. Syrup of ginger. See Syrupus zingiberis. Syrup of lemon. See Syrupus limonum. Syrup of marsh-mallows. See Syrupus althaa. Syrup of mulberry. See Syrupus mori. Syrup of orange. See Syrupus aurantii. Syrup of poppy. See Syi~upus papaveris. Syrup of red poppy. See Syrupus rhaados. Syrup of roset. See Syrupus rosa. Syrup of saffron. See Syrupus croci. Syrup of senna. See Syrupus senna. Syi-up of Tolu. See Syrupus Tolutanus. SYRUPUS. (Serab, a portion, Arabian.) The name syrup is given to sugar dissolved in water ; and in the present pharmacopoeia this is termed simple syrup. See Syrupus simplex. Syrujis are generally made with the juice of vegetables or fruits, or by adding vegetable extracts or other substances. To keep syrups without fermenting, it is necessary that their temperature should be attended to, and kejit as near 55° as pos- sible. A good cellar will answer this purpose, for there are few summers in whieh the tempera- tnre of such a place rises to 60°. Syuufus aceti. Sugar and vinegar. A re- frigerating syrup. See Oxymel. Syrupus althjejf.. Syrup of marsh-mallow. Syrupus ex althaa. Syrupus de althaa. Take ofthe fresh root of marsh-mallow, bruised, half a pound ; refined sugar, two pounds ; water, a gal- lon. Boil down the water with the marsh mallow- root to half, and press out the Uquor when cold. Set it by for 34 hours, that the faeculencies may subside; then pour off the liquor, and having added the sugar, boil it down to a proper consis- tence. An emollient and demulcent; mostly given to allay tickling coughs, hoarseness, &c. in conjunction with other remedies. Syrupus aurantii. Syrup of orange. Sy- rupus cortidt aurantii. Syrupus e corticibus aurantiorum. Syrupus de cortice aurantiorum. Take of fresh orange-peel, two ounces ; boiling- water, a pint; refined sugar, three pounds. Ma- cerate the orange peel in the water for 12 hours in a covered vessel; then pour off the liquor, and add the sugar. A pleasant bitter and stomachic. Syrupus cAr.roPHYLti rubri. A warm and stimulating syrup. sX£ V> ftjTuuros colchici. An acrid aud diuretic compound given in dropsies. Syrupus corticis aurantii. See Syrupus aurantii. Syrupus croci. Syrup of saffron. Take of saffron, an ounce ; boiling water, a pound ; refined sugar, two pounds and a half. Macerate the saf- fron in the water for 12 hours in a covered vessel, then strain the liquor, and add the sugar. This imparts a beautiful colour to liquids, and is some- times employed as a cordial. Among the vul- gar, syrup of saffron is in high esteem in measles, smaU-pox, &e. Syrupus limonum. Syrup of lemon. Syru- pus sued limonis. Syrupus e succo limonum. Syrupus e succo citrorum. Take of lemon-juice, strained, a pint; refined sugar, two pounds. Dis- solve the sugar in the lemon-juice in the manner directed for simple syrup. A very pleasant, cool- ing, and acid syrup which may be exhibited with advantage, iu febrile and bilious affections. Syrupus mori. Syrup of mulberry. Syrupus mororum. Take of mulberry-juice, strained, a pint ; refined sugar, two pounds. Dissolve the sugar in the mulberry-juice in the manner directed for simple syrup. Syrup of mulberries is very grateful and aperient, and may be given with such intentions to children. Syrupus papaveris. Syrupus papaveris albi. Syrupus e meconio. Syrupus de meconio, sive diacodium. Take of capsules of white poj>py, dried and bruised, the seeds being separated, 14 ounces ; refined sugar, two pounds; boiling water, two gallons and a half. Macerate the capsules in the water for 24 hours, then boil it down by means of a water-bath to one gallon, nnd press out the liquor strongly. Boil down the liquor again, after being strained, to twn pints, and strain it while hot. Set it by for 12 hours, that the fnecalencies may subside : then boil dowu the clear liquor.to a pint, and add the sugar in tbe manner directed for simple syrup. It should be kept in stone bottles, aud in a cellar. A useful anodyne preparation, which may be added with advantage to a vast variety of medicines against diseases of the bowels, coughs, &c. Syrupus papaveris erkatici. See Syrupus rkaadot. Syrupus rhamni. Syrup of buckthorn. Take ofthe fresh juice of buckthorn-berries, four pints ; ginger-root, sliced, allspice, powdered, of each naif an ounce ; refined sugar, three pounds and a half. Set by the juice for three days, that the fieculencies may subside, and strain. To a pint of the clear juice add the ginger and allspice ; then macerate in a gentle heat four hours, and strain ; boil down what remains to one pint and a half, mix the Uquors, and add the sugar in the manner directed for simple syrup. This preparation, in doses of three or four spoonsful, operates as a brisk cathartic. The principal inconvenience attending it ia, that it is very unjrleasant, and occasions a thirst and dry- ness of the mouth and fauces, and sometimes vio- lent gripes. These effects may be prevented by drinking liberally of water-gruel, or other warm liquids, .luring the ojieration. Sirupus rhieados. Syrupus papaveris er- ratici. Syrupus de papavere erratico. Syrup of red-poppy. Take of red-poppy petals, fresh, a pound; boiling water, a pint and two fluid ounces ; refined sugar, two pounds and a half. Having heated the water in a water-bath, add gradually the red-poppy petals, frequently stirring them; then having removed the vessel, macerate for twelve hours; next press out the liquor, and set it by to settle ; lastly, add the sugar as di- rected for simple svrnp. Tills is a verv nrird ano- dyne, aud used more for the cblour, than iqr its medical properties. Syrupus ribis nigri. Syrup of black cur- rants. Aperient and diuretic qualities are attri- buted to this preparation. Syrupus ros*. Syrup of rose9. Syruput rotarum tolutivut. Syruput e rods decis. Take of damask-rose petals, dried, seven ounces; refined sugar, six pounds ; boiling water, four pints. Macerate the rose-petals in the water for twelve hours, and strain ; then evaporate the strained liquor, by means of a water-bath, to two pints and a half; then add the sugar in the man- ner described for simple syrup. A useful laxative for children. From >j. to ^ss. Syrupus r'ubi idjei. Syrup of raspberry. A pleasant aperient syrup for children. Syrupus scilliticus. Expectorant and diuretic. See Oxymel sdlla. Syrupus sennje. Syrup of senna. Take ef senna-leaves, two ounces ; -fennel-seed, bruised, :.n ounce ; manna, three ounces; refined sugar, a pound ; water, boding, a pint. Macerate the senna-leaves and fennel-seeds in the water for an hour, with a gentle heat; strain the Uquor, and mix with it the manna and sugar ; then boil to the pro- per consistence. A useful purgative for children. Syrupus simplex. Syruput. Simple syrup. Take of refined sugar, two pounds and a half; water, a pint. Dissolve the sugar in the water iu a water-bath, then set it aside for twenty-four hours ; take off the scum ; and if there be any faeculencies, pour.off the clear liquor from them. Syrupus tolutanus. Syrup of Tolu. Take of balsam of Tolu, an ounce; water, boiUng, a pint; refined sugar, two pounds. Boil the bal- sam ia the water half an hour in a covered vessel, oecaaionaUy stirring it; strain the liquor when it is cold, and then add the sagar in tbe manner di- rected for simple syrup. A useful balsamic syrup, calculated to allay tickling coughs and hoarse- nesses. Syrupus violje. A pleasant laxative fol young children. Syrupus zingiberis. Syrup of ginger. Take of ginger-root, sliced, two ounces; water, boiling, a pint; refined sugar, two pounds. Macerate the ginger-root in the water for twenty-four hours, and strain ; then add the sugar in the manner di- rected for simple syrup. A carminative and sto- machic syrup. Dose from one to three drachms. SYSPASIA. (From avazato, contraho, con- vello.) The name of a genus of diseases in Good's Nosology. Class, Neurotica; Order, Sys- tatica. Comatose spasm. It has three species, viz. Syspatia convuldo, hysteria, epilepsia. SYS'SARCCSIS. (From - 'allisaLle, and consists of 52.88 strontian and 47.1:2 acid. That of magnesia forms a gelatinous or gummy mass. . Tartrate of potassa, tartarised kali, and vege- table talt of some, formerly called toluble tartar, because much more so than the supertartrate,vrys- tallises in oblong squares, bevelled at the extreml- 9B5 TAR TAS iks. It has a bitterish taste, and is decomposed by heat, as its solution is even by standing some time. It is used as a mild purgative. The supertartrate of potassa is much used a9 a cooling and gently opening medicine, as well as in several chemical and pharmaceutial preparations. Dissolved in water, with the addition of a little sugar, and a slice or two of lemon-peel, it forms an agreeable cooling drink by the name of impe- rial : and if an infusion of green balm be used instead of water, it make? one of the pleasantcst liquors of the kind with which we are acquainted. Mixed with an equal weight of nitre, and projected into a red-hot crucible, it detonates antUforms the white flux; treated in the same way with half its weight of nitre, it forms the black flux ; and sim- ply mixed with nitre in various proportions, it is called raw flux. It is likewise used in dyeing, in hat-making,in gilding, and in other arts.. The blanching of the crude tartar is aided by boiUng its solution with 1-20 of pijie clay. According to the analysis of Berzelius, it con- sists of 70.45 acid -f- 24.8 potassa -f 4.75 water = 100; or 2 primes acid, = 16.75 70.30 1 potassa, = 5.95 24.95 I water, =1.125 4.75 23.825 100.00 60 parts of water dissolve 4 of bitartrate at a boil- ing heat; and only 1 at 60° Fahr. It is quite in- soluble in alkoh'i. By saturating the superfluous acid in this super- tartrate with soda, a triple salt is formed, which crystallises in larger regular prisms of eight near- ly equal sides, of a bitter taste, efflorescent, and soluble in about five parts of water. It consists, according to Vauquelin, of 54 parts tartrate of potassa, and 46 tartrate of soda ; and was once in much rejwte as a purgative by the name of Ro- chelle salt, or Sei de Seignette. The tartrate of soda is much less soluble than this triple salt, and crystallises in slender needles or thin plates. The tartrate of ammoma is a very soluble bit- ter salt, and crystallises easily. Its solution is spontaneously decomposable. This too forms, with tartrate of potassa, a triple salt, the solution of which yields, by cooling, tine pyramidal or prismatic efflorescent crystals. Though both the neutral salts that compose it are bitter, this is not, but has a cooling taste. Take of the sujiertartrate of potassa, two pounds and a half; three gallons of boiling hot water; one pound of prepared chalk ; one. pound of sul- phuric acid. Boil the cream of tartar in two gal- lons of the water, and gradually throw in the chalk, until aU effervescence ceases; set the liquor aside that the tartrate of lime may subside ; pour off the liquor, and wash the tartrate of lime re- peatedly with distiUed water until it is tasteless. Then pour on it tbe sulphuric acid diluted with the remaining gallon of boiUng water, and set the whole aside for twenty-four hours, stirring it well new and then. Strain tlie liquor, and evaporate iit a water-bath until crystals form. The virtues of this acid are antiseptic, refrigerant, and diure- tic. It is used in acute fevers, scurvy, and hae- morrhage."—Ure's Chem. Diet. TARTARINE. The name given by Kirwan to the vegetable alkali. TA'RTARUM. (Tartarum, i. n.; from rap- lapos, infernal; because it is the sediment or dregs.) Tartar. 1. The concretion which fixes to the inside of hogsheads containing wine. It is alloyed with much extractive and colonriusr mat- ter, from which it is purified by decoction with argillaceous earths and subsequent crystallisation. By this means it becomes perfectly white, and shoots out crystals of tartar, consisting of a pecu- Uar acid called acid of tartar, imperfectly satu- rated with potassa ; it is therefore a sujiertartrate nf that alkali, which, when powdered, is the cream of tartar of the shops. Its virtues are ec- coprotic, diuretic, and refrigerant, and it is exhi- bited in abdominal physconia, dropsy, inflamma- tory and bilious fevers, dyspepsia, from rancid or fat substances, bilious diarrhoea and colic, haemor- rhoids and obstipation. 2. A name heretofore given to many officinal preparations, containing the acid of tartar; bnt in consequence of recent changes in the chemical nomenclature, superseded by appellations more expressive of the respective compositions. 3. The name of the concretion which so fre- quently incmsts the teeth, and which is apparent- ly phosphate of Ume. Tartarum emeticum. See Antimonium tartarizatum. Tartarum regeneratum. See Potatta' acetat. Tartarum solubile. See Potatta tartras. Tartarus ammoni.e. See Tartrat ammo- nia. Tartarus chalybeatus. See Ferrum tar- tarizatum. TARTRAS. (Tartras, atit, m.; the tartaric being its acid base.) A tartrate, or salt formed by the combination of tartaric acid with salifiable bases ; as tartrate of soda, potassae, &c. Tartras ammonia. Alkali volatile tartar- izatum, of Bergman. Sal ammoniacum tarta- reum ; Tartarus ammonia. A salt composed of tartaric acid and ammonia ; its virtues are dia- phoretic, dinretic, and deobstruent. It is pre- scribed in fevers, atonic exanthemata, catarrh, ar- thritic and rheumatic arthrodynia, hysteric spasms, &c. Tartras potassje. See Potassa tartras. Tartras potassje acidulus. Cream of tartar. See Potassa supertartras. Tartras potassa acidulus ferratus. Globuli martiales; Tartarus chalybeatus; Mars solubilis; Ferrum potabile. Its virtues are adstringent. It is principally used externally in the form of fomentations or bath in contusions, distortions, and luxations. Tartras potass.*: acidulus stibiatus. See Antimonium tartarizatum. Tartras sod.e. See Soda tartarizata. TASTE. Gustus. "Savours are only the impression of certain bodies upon the organ of taste. Bodies which produce it are called sapid. It has been supposed that the degree of sapidity of a body could be determined by that of its solu- bility ; but certain bodies, which are insoluble, have a very strong taste, whilst other bodies very soluble have scarcely any. The sapidity appears to bear relation to the chemical nature ol bodies, and to the peculiar efforts which they produce upon the animal economy. Tastes are very numerous, and very variable. There have been numerous endeavours made to class them, though without complete success; they are better understood, however, than the odours, no doubt owing to the impressions re- ceived by the sense of taste being less fugitive than those received by the smell. Thus we are sufficiently understood, when we speak of a body having a taste that is bitter, acid, tour, sweet, &c. There is a distinction of tastes which is suffi- ciently established, it being founded on the orga- nisation : that of agreeable nnd disasrreeablc. IAS TLA Aniu:als establish it instinctively. iiiL; is ihe most important distinction : for those things which have an agreeable taste are generally useful for nutrition, while those whose savour is disagreea- ble are, for the most part, hurtful. Apparatus of taste.—The tongue is the princi- pal organ of taste ; however, the lijis, the internal surface of the cheeks, the palate, the teeth, the velum pendulum palati, the pharynx, asophagut, and even the stomach, are susceptible of receiving impressions by the contact of sapid bodies. The salivary glands, of which the excretory ducts open into the mouth; the follicles which pour into it the mucus, which they secrete, have a powerful effect in forming the taste. Indepen- dently ofthe raucous follicles that tbe superior sur- face ofthe tongue presents, and which form upon it fungous papilla, there are also little inequali- ties seen, one sort of which, very numerous, are called villous papilla ; the others less numerous, and disposed in two rows on the sides of the tongue, are called conical papilla. All the nerves with which those parts are pro- vided that are intended to receive the impressions of sapid bodies may be considered as belonging to (he apparatus of taste. Thus the inferior maxil- lary nerves, many branches ofthe superior, among which it is necessary to notice the threads which proceed from the spheno-palatine ganglion, par- ticularly the naso-palatine nerva of Scarpo, the nerve of the ninth pair, glosso-pharyngeus, ap- pear to be employed in the exercise of taste. Tbe lingual nerve ofthe fifth pair is that which anatomists consider the jirincipal nerve of taste ; and as a reason they say that its threads are con- tinued into the villous and conical papilla of the tongue. Mechanism of taste.—For the full exercise of taste, the mucous membrane which covers the or- gans of it must be perfectly uninjured ; it must be covered with mucous fluid, and the saliva must flow freely in the mouth. When the mouth be- comes dry, the powers of taste cannot be excited. It is also necessary that these liquids undergo no change : for if the mucous become thick, yel- low, and the saliva acid, bitter, &c, the taste will be exerted but very imperfectly. Some authors have assured us that the papilla ofthe tongue become really erect during the time that tbe taste is exerted. This assertion I believe to be entirely without foundation. It is quite enough that a body be in contact with the organs ot taste, for us to appreciate its savour immediately ; but if it is solid, in most cases it is necessary to dissolve in the saliva to be tasted; this condition is not necessary for liquids and gusses. There appears to be a certain chemical action of sapid bodies upon the epidermis of the mucous membrane of the mouth ; it is seen evidently at least in some, as vinegar, the mineral acids, a great number of salts, &c. In these different cases the colour of the epidermis is changed, and becomes white, yellow, &c. By the same causes, like effects are produced upon dead bodies. Per- haps to this sort of combination may be attributed the different kinds of impressions made by sajiid bodies, as well as the variable duration of those impressions. Hitherto no one has accounted for the faculty poesessed by the teeth of being strongly influ- enced by certain sapid bodies. According to the researches of Miel, a distinguished dentist of Pa- ris, this effect ought to be attributed to imbibition. The researches of Miel |)rove that the teeth im- bibe very quickly liquids with which they nre. placed in contact. Different parts of the mouth H9 upju-ar to possess different degrees of si nsibimv for sapid bodies ; for they act sometimes on the tongue, on the gums, on the teeth ; at other times they have an exclusive action on the palate, on the pharynx, &c. Some bodies leave their taste a long time in the mouth ; these are particularly the aro- matic bodies. This after-taste is sometimes felt in the whole mouth, sometimes only in one part of it._ Bitter bodies, for example, leave an im- pression in the pharynx ; acids upon the lips and teeth; peppermint leaves an impression which exists both in the mouth and pharynx. Tastes, to be completely known, ought to re- main some time in the mouth ; when they tra- verse it rapidly, they leave scarcely any impres- sion ; for this reason we swaUow quickly those bodies which are disagreeable to us ; on the con- trary, we allow those that have an agreeable sa- vour to remain a long time in the mouth. When we taste a body which has a very strong and pertinaceous taste, such as a vegetable acid, we become insensible to others which arc feeble. This observation has been found valuable in me- dicine, in administering disagreeable drugs to the sick. We are capable of distinguishing a number of tastes at the same time, as also their different degrees of intensity; this is used by chemists, tasters of wine, &c. By this means we arrive sometimes at a tolerably exact knowledge of the chemical nature of bodies ; but such delicacy of taste is not acquired until after long practice. Is the lingual nerve that vvhich is essential to taste ? Nothing is known which can make us at- tribute this property entirely to it. The choice of food depends entirely on the taste ; joined to smell, it enables us to distinguish between substances that are hurtful and those that are useful. It is this sense which gives us the most correct knowledge of the composition of chemical bodies." TA'XIS. An operation, by which those parts which have quitted their natural situation are re- placed by the hand without the assistance of in- struments, as in redncing hernia, &c. TEA. See Thea. TEAR. Lachryma. The limpid fluid ;ilti-,h taste. ,?• p TEM TEM ■•jsily pulverised. Its sp. gr. is 0.115. It melts before ignition, requiring a tittle higher heat than lead, and less than antimony ; and, according to Gmelin, is as volatile as arsenic. When cooled without agitation, its surface has a crystalUsed appearance. Before the blowpipe on charcoal, it burns with a vivid blue light, greenish on the edges, and is dissipated in grayish-white vapours, of a pungent smell, wliich condense into a white oxide. This oxide heated on charcoal is reduced with a kind of explosion, and soon again volati- lised. Heated in a glass retort, it fuses into a straw-coloured 'striated mass. It appears to con- tain about 16 per cent, of oxygen. Tellurium is oxidised and dissolved by the principal acids. To sulphuric acid it gives a deep purple colour. Water separates it in black flocculi, and heat throws it down in a white pre- cipitate. With nitric acid it forms a colourless solution, which remains so when diluted, and affords slen- der denditric crystals by evaporation. The muriatic acid, with a small portion of ni- tric, forms a transparent solution, from which water throws down a white submuriate. This may be redissolved almost wholly by repeated affusions of water. Alkohol likewise precipi- tates it. Sulphuric acid, diluted with two or three parts of water, to which a little nitric acid has been added, dissolves a large portion of the metal, and tbe solution is not decomposed by water. The alkalies throw down from its solutions a white precipitate, which is soluble in all the acids, and by an excess of the alkalies or their carbon- ates. They are not precijiitated by prussiate of potassa. Tincture of galls gives a yellow floccu- lent precipitate with them. Tellurium is precipi- tated from them in a metallic state by zinc, iron, tin, and antimony. Tellurium fused with an equal weight of sul- phur, in a gentle heat, forms a lead-coloured striated sulphuret. Alkaline sulphurets precipi- tate it from its solutions of a brown or black colour. In this precipitate, either the metal or its oxide is combined with sulphur. Each of these sulphurets burns with a pale blue flame, and white smoke. Heated in a retort, part of the sulphur is sublimed, carrying up a little of the metal with it. It does not easily amalgamate with quicksilver. TEMPERAME'NTUM. (From tempero, to mix together.) The peculinr constitution of the humours. Temperaments have been variously distinguished: the division most generally re- ceived is into the sanguineous, jihiogmatic, chole- ric, and melancholic. TEMPERATURU. A definite degree of sensible heat, as measured by the thermometer. Thus we say a high temperature, and a low tem- perature, to denote a manifest intensity of heat or cold ; the temperature of boiling water, or 212° Fahr. ; and a range of temperatiuv, to de- signate the intermediate points of heat between two distant terms of thermometric indication. TEMPLE. (Tempora, um. n. ; and tempus,- oris, n.) The lateral and flat parts of the head above the ears. TEMPORAL. (Temporalis; from tempus.) Belonging to the tcmjWc. Temporal artp.ry. Arteria temporalis. A branch of the external carotid, which runs on the temples, and gives off the frontal artery. Temporal hone. Os temporis. Two bones situated one on each side ot the head, of a very- irregular figure. They are usually divided into two parts, one of which, from *he manner nt it« connection with the neighbouring bones, is called oi tquamotum, and the other ot petrotum, from its irregularity and hardness. In both these parts there are processes and cavi- ties to be described. Externally there are three processes; one anterior, caUed zygomatic pro- cess, which is stretched forwards to join with the os rualae, and thus forms the bony jugum under which the temporal muscle passes; one posterior, called the mastoid or mamillary process, from its resemblance to a nipple ; and one inferior, called the stylmd process, from its shape, which is said to resemble that of the ancient stylus scriptorius. In young subjects, this process is united with the bone by an intermediate cartilage, which some- times, even in adults, is not completely ossified. Three muscle* h.ive their origin from this process, and borrow half of their names from it, viz. stylo-glossus, stylo-hyoideus, and stylo-pharyn- geus. Round the root of this process there is a particular rising of the os petrosum, which some writers describe as a process, and, from its ap- pearance with the styloid, have named it vagina- lis. Others describe tbe semicircular ridge of the meatus auditorius externus as a fifth process, to which they give the name of auditory. The de- pressions and cavities are, 1. A large fossa, which serves for the articulation of the lower jaw; it is situated between the zygomatic audi- tory, and vaginal processes, and is separated in its middle by a fissure, into which the Ugament that secures the articulation of the lower jaw with this bone is fixed. The fore-part of this cavity, which receives the condyle of the jaw, is covered with cartilage; the back part only with the periosteum. 2. A long fossa behind the mastoid process, where the digastric muscle has its origin. 3. The meatus auditorius externus, the name given to a large funnel-like canal that leads to the organ of hearing. 4. The stylo- mastoid hole, so called from its situation between the styloid and mastoid processes. It is like- wise called the aqueduct of Fallopius, and af- fords a passage to the portio dura of the au- ditory, or seventh pair of nerves. 5. Below and on the fore-part of the last foramen, wc observe jiart of the jugular fossa, a thimble-like cavity, in which the beginning of the internal jugular vein is lodged. 6. Before and a little above this fossa is the orifice of a foramen, through which pass the internal carotid artery and two filaments of the intercostal nerve. This conduit runs first upward and then forward, forming a kind of elbow, and terminates at the end of the os petrosum. 7. At this part of the ossa tempo- ruin wt observe the orifice of a canal which runs outwards and backwards in a horizontal direction, till it terminates in the cavity of tlie ear called tympanum. This canal, which in the recent subject is continued from the ear to the mouth, is called the Eustachian tube. 8. A .mall hole be- hind the mastoid process, which serves for the transmission of a vein to the lateral sinus. But this, like other foramina in the skull that serve only for the transmission of vessels, is neither uni- form in its situation, nor to be met with in every subject. The internal surface of these bones may easily be divided into three parts. The first, up- permost, and largest, is the squamous part, which is slightly concave from the impression of the bsuim' its semi-circular edge is sloping, so that thr external lamella ofthe bone advances farther than the inte-nal, and thus rests more securely on the parietal bones. The second and middlemost, wliich is the petrous j art of the bone, forms a bird, craggy protuberance, nearly of a triangular «hapc tin its posteri'iv sj(|P v>, observe a largo 941 TEM TEU foramen, which is the meatus auditorius internus • it receives the double nerve of the seventh pair' viz. the portio dura and portio mollis of that pair! About the middle of its anterior surface is a small foramen, which opens into the aqueduct of Fal- lopius, and receives a twig of the portio dura of the seventh pair of nerves. This foramen having been first described by Fallopius, and by him named hiatus, is sometimes called hiatus Fallopii. Besides these, we observe other smaUer holes for the transmission of blood-vessels and nerves. Be- low this craggy protuberance is the third part, ■whicli, from its shape and connection with the os occipitis by means of the lambdoidal suture, may be caUed the lambdoidal angle of the temporal bone. It is concave from the impression of the brain; it helps to form the posterior and inferior fossae of the skuU, and has a considerable furrow, in which is lodged part ofthe lateral sinus. The temporal bones differ a little in their structure from the other bones of the cranium. At their upper parts they are very thin, and almost with- out diploe, but below they have great strength and thickness. In the foetus, the thin upper part, and the lower craggy part, are separated by a cartilaginous substance ; there is no appearance either ofthe mastoid or styloid processes, and, in- stead of a long funnel-tike meatus auditorius ex- ternus, there is only a smooth bony ring, within which the membrana tympani is fastened. Within the petrous part of these bones there are several cavities, processes, and bones, which belong alto- gether to the ear, do not enter into the formation ofthe cranium, and are described under the arti- cle Ear. The ossa temporum are connected by suture with the ossa parietalia, the os occipitis, the ossa malarum, and the os sphenoides, and are articulated with the lower jaw. TEMPORA'LIS. (From tempus, the tem- ple.) 1. See Temporal. 2. A muscle of the lower jaw, situated in the temple. Arcardi-temporo-marillaire, of Du- mas. Crotaphites, of Winslow. It arises fleshy from the lower, lateral, and anterior part of the parietal bone; from all the squamous portion of the temporal bone • from the lower and lateral part of the os frontis ; from the posterior surface of the os malae; from all the temporal process of the sphenoid bone; and sometimes from a ridge at the lower part of this process. This latter por- tion, however, is often common to this muscle and the pterygoideus externus. It is of a semicircular shape, and its radiated fibres converge, so as to form a strong middle tendon, which passes under the jugtim, and is inserted into the coronoid pro- cess ofthe lower jaw, to which it adheres on every side, but more particularly at its fore-part, where the insertion is continued down to the body of the bone. This muscle is covered by a pretty strong fascia, which some writers have erroneously de- scribed as a part ofthe aponeurosis ofthe occipito- frontalis. This fascia adheres to the bones round the whole circumference of the origin of the mus- cle, and, descending over it, is fixed below to the ridge where the zygomatic process begins, just above the meatus auditorius, to the upper edge of the zygomatic process itself, and anteriorly to the os malae. This fascia serves as a defence to the muscle, and likewise gives origin to some of its fleshy fibres. The principal use of the tem- poral muscle is to draw the lower jaw upwards, a.s in the action of biting; and as it passes a Uttle forwards to its insertion, it may at the same time pull the condyle a little backwards, though not so much as it would have done if its fibres had pass- ed in a direct line from their origin to their inser- tion, because the posterior and lower part of the muscle passes over the root of the zygomatic jiro- cess, as over a pulley. TENDO. See Muscle. Tendo achillis. See Achillis tendo. TENDON. (From tendo, to stretch.) The white and glistening extremity of a muscle. See Muscle. TENDRIL. See Cirrus. TENE'SMUS. (From retvu, to cohstringe: so called from the perception of a continual con- striction or bound state of the part.) A continual inclination to go to stool, without a discharge. TENNANTITE. A variety of grav copper ore found in Cornwall in cojiper veins, that inter- sect granite and clay slate, associated with cop- per pyrites. It is of a lead-gray or iron-black colour, and consists of copper, sulphur, arsenic, iron, and silica. TE'NSOR. (From ten do, to stretch.) A mus- cle, the office of which is to extend the part to which it is fixed. Tensor palati. See Circumflexus. Tensor tympani. Internus auris, of Doug- las and Cowper. Internus mallei, of Winslow - and salpingo-malleen, of Dumas. A muscle of tlie ear, which pulls the malleus and the mem- brane of the tympanum towards the petrous'por- tion of the temporal bone, by which the mem- brana tympani is made more concave and tense. TtNSOR vagina femoris. Faidalis. Mem- branosus, of Douglas. Membranus vel fasda lata, of Cowper; and 7/t'o aponcurosi-femoral, of Dumas. Musculus aponeurosis, vel fasda lata, of Winslow. A muscle situated on the out- side of the thigh, which stretches the membra- nous fascia of the thigh, assists in the abduction of the thigh, and somewhat in its rotation in- wards. It arises by a narrow, tendinous, and fleshy beginning from the external part of the anterior, superior, spinous process of the ilium, and is inserted a little below the great trochanter into the membranous fascia. TENT. A roll of lint for dilating openings, sinuses, &c. See Spongia praparata. TENTO'RIUM. A process of the dura mater, separating the cerebrum from the cerebellum. It extends from tbe internal horizontal spine of the occipital bone, directly forwards to the seUa tur- cica ofthe sphenoid bone. Terebf.'lla. (Diminutive of terebra, a piercer or gimblet.) A trepan or instrument for sawing out circular portions of the skull. A tre- phine. TEREBFNTHINA. (From TtptBivBos, the turpentine-tree.) Turpentine, the produce of pine-trees. See Turpentine. Terebinthina argentoratensis. Stras- burg turpentine. This species is generally more transparent and less tenacious than either the Ve- nice or Chio turpentines. It is of a yellowish- brown colour, and of a more agreeable smell than any cf the turpentines, except the Chio. It is ex- tracted in several parts of Germany, from Ihe red and silver fir, by cutting out successively, narrow •strips of the bark. In some places a resinous juice is collected from under the bark called La- chryma abiegna, and oleum abietinum. Terebinthina canadensis. Canada tur- pentine. See Pinus balsamea. Terebinthina chia. The resin obtained from the Pistaria terebinthus. Terebinthina communis. Common tur- pentine. See Pinus sylvestris. Terebintiiika ctpria. Cyprus tnrpentine. See Pistaria terebinthus. XJ-/K TER f-EliKlilN I hina veneta. Venice turpentine : so called because we are suppUed with it from the Venetians. Sec Pinus larix. Terebinthina vulgaris. Common turpen- tine. The Uquid resin of the Pinus sylvestris. See Turpentine. Terebinthina oleum. Tbe oil distiUed from the liquid resin of the Pinus sylvestris. TE'RES. Round, cylindrical. 1. The name of some muscles and ligaments. 2. The name of the ascaris lumbncoides, or round worm, which infests the intestines. See Worm*. 3. Applied to roots, stems, leaves, leaf-stalks, seeds, &c. Teres ligamentum. The ligament at the bottom of the socket of the hip-joint. Teres major. Riolanus, who was the first that distinguished this and the other muscles of the scapula by particular appellations, gave the name of teres to this and the following muscle, on account of their long and round shape. Anguli* scapulohumeral, of Dumas. This muscle, which is longer and thicker than the teres minor, is situ- ated along the inferior costa of the scapula, and is in part covered by the deltoides. It arises fleshy from the outer surface of the in- ferior angle of the scapula, (where it covers some Sart of the infra spinatus and teres minor, with oth which its fibres intermix,) and likewise from the lower and posterior half of the inferior costa of the scapula. Ascending obUquely towards the os humeri, it passes under the long head of the triceps brachii, and then becomes thinner and flatter to form a thin tendon of about an inch in breadth, and somewhat more in length, which runs immediately behind that of the latissimus dorsi, and is inserted along with it into the ridge at the inner side of the groore that lodges the long head of the biceps. These two tendons are included in a common capsula, besides which the tendon of this muscle adheres to the os humeri by two other cajisulae which we find placed one above the other. This muscle assists in the rotatory motion of the arm, and likewise in drawing it downwards and backwards; so that we may consider it as the congener of the latissimus dorsi. Teres minor. Marginisus tcapulo-trochi- tcrien, of Dumas. This muscle seems to have been first described by Fallopius. The teres mi- nor is a thin fleshy muscle, situated along the in- ferior edge of the infra-spinatus, nnd is in part covered by the posterior part of the deltoides. It arises fleshy from all the convex edge of the inferior costa of the scapula; from thence it as- cends obliquely upwards and forwards, and ter- minates in a flat tendon, whicb adheres to the lower and posterior part of the capsular ligament of the joint, and is inserted into the lower part of the great tuberosity of the os humeri, a little be- low the termination of the infra-spinatus. The tendinous membrane, which is continued from the infra-spinatus, and spread over the teres minor, likewise forms a thin sejitum between the two muscles. In some subjects, however, they are so closely united, as to be with difficulty se- parated from each other. Some of the fibres of the teres minor are intermixed with those of the teres major and subscapularis. The uses of this muscle arc similar to those of the infra-spinatus. TE'RETRUM. (From rtpeu, to pierce.) The trepan. TERMINALIS. Terminal: applied to the flow- er-stalk when it terminates a stem or branch ; as in Centmcrea tcabiota. TERMI'NTHUS. (From nppivdos, the tin pentine-tree: so called from their resemblance to the fruit of the turpentine-tree.) Albatit. Black and ardent pustules, mostly attacking the legs of females. TERNARY. C onsisting of the number three, which some chemical and mystical writers have made strange work with; but the most remarka- ble distinction of this kind, and the only one worth notice, is that of Hippocrates, who divides the parts of a human body mto continentes, contenta, and impetum facicntes, though the latter is re- solvable into the mechanism of the two former, rather than any thing distinct in itself. TERNATUS. Ternate: appUed in botany to a leaf whicb consists of three leaflets, as that of the trefoU. TERNUS. Ternate: applied to leaves, when there arc three together; as in many of the plants of ChiU and Peru, which seem particularly dis- posed to this arrangement, and in Verbena tri- phylla. TETtRA. Sec Earth. Terra cariosa. Rotten stone, a species of non-effervescent chalk, of a brown colour. Terra catechu. See Acacia catechu. Terra damnata. See Caput mortuum. Terra foliata tartari. The acetate of potassa. Terra japonica. Japan earth. See Acada catechu. Terra lemnia. See Bole. Terra livonica. See Bole. Terra marita. The curcuma, or turmeric root, is sometimes so caUed. Terra mortua. See Caput mortuum. Terra ponderosa. The heavy spar. Terra ponderosa salita. See Murias baryta. Terra sienna. A brown ochre found at Sienna, in Italy, used in painting, both raw and burnt. Terra sigii.lata. See Bole. Terra verte. An ore used in painting, which contains iron in some unknown state mixed with clay, and sometimes with chalk and pyrites. Terrje oleum. See Petroleum. Terrea absorbentia. Absorbent earths, distinguishable from other earthy and stony sub- stances by their solubiUty in acids; as chalk, crabs' claws, oyster-shells, egg-shells, pearl, co- ral, &c. TERRENUS. Terrene, earthy: applied to plants which grow in the earth only, in opposition to those which live only in water. Te'rthra. (From rtpBpov, a crane.) The middle and lateral parts of the neck. TERTIAN. A third-day ague. See Febris intermittens. Tertian ague. See Febris intermittens. TERTIA'NA. See Febris intermittens. Tertiana duplex. A tertian fever that re«- turns every day ; but the paroxysms are unequal, every other fit being alike. Tertiana duplicata. A tertian fever re- turning every other day ; but there are two pa- roxysms, in one day. Tertiana febris. See Febris intermittens-. Tertiana triplex. A tertian fever returning every day, every other day there are two parox- ysms, but one in the intermediate one. TERTIANA'RIA. (From tertiana, a species of intermittent fever, which is said to be cured by this plant.) See Scutellaria galericulata. Te'rtium sal. (From tertius, third.) A neutral salt as being the product of an acid and an alkali, making a third body different from either. 943 iET TE'l Te'sserA. (From rtaaapa, four.) A four- square bone. The cuboid bone. TEST. Any reagent which, added to a sub- stance, teaches us to discover its chemical nature or composition. See Reagent. TE'STA. (Quad totta; from torreo, to burn.) 1. A sheU. The oyster-shell. 2. In botany, it is the name of the skin which contains aU the parts of a seed, as the embryo, the lobes, the vitellus, and albumen, and which gives shape to the seed, for the skin is perfectly formed while they are but a homogeneous liquid. The testa differs in thickness and texture in differ- ent plants. It is sometimes single, but more fre- quently lined with a finer and very deUcate film, caUed by Gaertner membrana, as may be seen in a walnut, and the kernel of a peach, almond, or plum.—Smith. Testa probatrix. A cupel or test. A pot lor separating baser metals from gold and silver. TESTA'DO. (From testa, a shell; because it is covered with a shell.) I. A tortoise, also a snail. 2. An ulcev, which, like a snail, creeps under the skin. Test^: PREPARAT.S:. Prepared oyster-shells. Wash the shells, previously cleared of dirt, with boiUng water, then prepare them as is directed with chalk. Testes cerebri. See Tubercula quadrige- mina. TESTICLE. See Testis. Testicle, swelled. See Orchitis. TESTI'CULUS. (Testiculus, diminutive of testis.) 1. A smaU testicle. 2. The orchis plant; so named from the resem- blance of its roots to a testicle. Testiculus caninus. See Orchis mascula. TE'STIS. (Testis, is. m. ; a witness, the testes being the witnesses of our manhood.) The testicle. Orchis. They are also called dydimi, and by some perin. Two little oval bodies situ- ated within the scrotum, and covered by a strong, white, and dense coat, called tunica albuginea. Bach testicle is composed of smaU vessels, bent in a serpentine direction, arising from the sper- matic artery, and convoluted into Uttle heaps, Separated from one another by ceUular partitions. In each partition there is a duct receiving semen from the small vessels ; and all the ducts consti- tute a net which is attached to the tunica albugi- nea. From this net-work twenty or more vessels arise, all of which are variously contorted, and, being reflected, ascend to the' posterior margin of the testis, where they unite into one common duct, bent into serpentine windings, and forming a hard body called the epididymis. The spermatic ar- teries are branches of the aorta. The spermatic veins empty themselves into the vena cava and emulgent vein. The nerves of the testicle are branches of the lumbar and great intercostal nerve. The use of the testicle is to secrete the semen. TETANIC. Tetanicus. Appertaining to te- tanus or cramp. Tetano/mata. (From Ttravoto, to smooth.) Tetanothra. Medicines v/iiieh smooth the skin, and remove wrinlties. TE'TANUS. (Tdu.vis, i. m.; from rttvu, to stretch.) Spasm with rigidity. Coavul.io in- dica; Holotonicos; Rigor nervosum. A .euus of disease in the Class Neuroses, and Or.ler Spasmi, of Culhn ; characterised by a spasmodic rigidity of almost the whole body. The varieties ol tetanus arc, 1. Opisthotonos, where the body is thrown back by spasmodic cent;actions of the muscles. 2. Emprosthotonos, the body being &44 bent forwards. 3. Trismus, the locked jaw Tetanus is often symptomatic of syphilis and worms. These affections arise more frequently in warm climates than in cold ones, and are very apt to oc- cur when much rain or moisture quickly succeeds excessively dry and sultry weather. They at- tack persons of all ages, sexes, temperaments, and complexions, but the male sex more fre- quently than the female, and those of a robust and vigorous constitution than those of a weak habit. An idea is entertained by many, Dr. Thomas observes, that negroes are more predis- jiosed to attacks of tetanus than white people ; they certainly are more frequently affected with it, but this circumstance does not arise from any constitutional predisposition, but from their be- ing more disposed to punctures and wounds in the feet, by nails, splinters of wood, pieces of broken glass, &c. from usuaUy going bare-footed. Tetanic affections are occasioned cither by ex- posure to cold, or some irritation of the nerves, in consequence of local injury by puncture, incision, or laceration. Lacerated wounds of tendinous parts prove, in warm climates, a never-failing source of these complaints. In cold climates, as well as in warm, the locked-jaw frequently arises in consequence of the amputation of a limb. When the disease has arisen in consequence of a puncture, or any other external injury, the symptoms show themselves generally about the eighth day ; but when it proceeds from exposure to cold, they generally make their appearance much sooner. In some instances it comes on suddenly, and with great violence ; but it more usually makes its attack in a gradual m.nner ; in which case, a slight stiffness is at first perceived in the back part of the neck, which, alter a short time, be- comes ccisi.l.-iably increased, and at length ren- ders the motion of the head both difficult and pain- ful. With the rigidity of the head there is likewise an uneasy sensation at the root of the tongue, to- gether with some difficulty in swallowing, and a great lightness is perceived about the chest, with a pain at the extremity of the sternum, shooting into the back. A stiflnes- also takes jilace in the jaws, which soon increases to such a height, that the teeth become so closely set together as not to admit of the smallest ipeiiug. This is what is termed the locked jaw, or trismus. In some cases, the spasmodic affection extends no further. In others the spasms at this stage of the disease, returning with great iicquency become likewise m.ve general, and now affect not only the muscles of the neck and jaws, but likewise those ofthe vhole spine, so as to bend tbe trunk ofthe body very forcibly backwards, and this is what is named opisthotonos. Where the body is ben1 forwards the disease is called emprosthotonos. Luring the whole course of the disorder, the abdominal muscles arc violently affected with spasm, so that the belly is strongly retracted, and feels very hard, most obstinate costiveness pre- vails, and both the flexor and extensor muscles ot the fiwer extremities are commonly affected at the .u ui time so a» to keep the limbs rigidly ex- tended. The flexors of th-e heal and trunk become at length so strongly affected, as to balance the ac- tion of tlie exter.sor, and to keep the head and trunk so rigidly extended and straight, as to render it incapable of being moved in any direction. The arms, which were little affected before, are nov. likewise rigidly extended, the tongue also be comes affected with spasm, and, being convu!- ie i ILL sivi-iy darted out, is often much injured by the teeth at that moment snapping together. It is to thin state of the disease that the term tetanus has been strictly applied. The disorder continuing to advance, every or- gan of voluntary motion becomes affected ; the eyes are rigid and immoveable, the countenance is hideously distorted, and expresses great distress ; the strength is exhausted, and the pulse becomes irregular, and one universal spasm puts a period to a mort miserable state of existence. Attacks of tetanus are seldom attended with any fever, but always with violent pain, anJ the spasms do not continue for a constancy, but the muscles admit of some remission in their contrac- tion, which is frequently renewed, especially if the patient makes the least attempt to speak, drink, or alter his position. When tetanic affections arise in consequence of a wound, puncture, or laceration, in warm cli- mates, Dr. Thomas observes, they are almost sure lo prove fatal. The locked jaw in consequence of aa amputation, likewise proves usuaUy fatal, When these affections are produced by an expo- sure to cold, they may in most cases be removed by a timely use of proper remedies, although a considerable space will pro'iably elapse before the patient will be able to recover his former strength. On dissections of this disease, slight effusions within the cranium have been observed in a few instances : but in by far the greater number, no- thing has been discovered, either in the brain, or any other organ. The general indications are, 1. To remove any local irritation, which may appear to have excited the disease ; 2. To lessen the general irritability,. and spasmodic tendency ; 3. To restore the tone of the system.—If a thorn, or other extraneous substance, be lodged in any part, it must be ex- tracted ; any spicula of bone, which may have brought on the disease after amputation, should be removed ; a punctured wfcund ought to be di- lated, &c. Some have proposed dividing the nerve going to the part, or even amputating' this, to cut off the irritation ; others paralysing the nerves by powerful sedatives, or destroying them by caus- tics ; others again exciting a new action in the |>art by active stimulants ; but the efficacy, and even proju-iety of such measures, is doubtful. To fulfil the second indication, various means have been proposed. The abstraction of blood, recom- mended by Dr. Rush, might perhaps appear advi- sable in a vigorous plethoric habit in the begin- ning of the disease, but it has generally proved of little utility, or even hurtful, and is rather contra- indicated by the state ofthe blood. Purging is a less questionable measure, as costiveness generally attends the disease, and in many cases it has ap- peared very beneficial, especially when calomel was employed. It has been found also, that a sali- vation, induced by mercury, has sometimes greatly relieved the disorder ; but in other instances it has fniled altogether. The remedy, which has been oftenest employed, and with the most decided ad- vantage, is opium, and sometimes prodigious quantities of it, have been exhibited ; indeed small doses arc useless, and even large ones have only a temporary effect, so that they must be repeated, as the violence of the symptoms is renewed ; and where the patient cannot swallow, it may be tried in glyster, or freely rubbed into the skin. Other sedative and antispasmodic remedies, have been occasionaUy resorted to, as hemlock, tobacco, musk, camphor, &c. but for the most part with less satisfactory resolts. The warm bath has sometimes proved a useful auxiliary in cold cli- nifltc ; but the e^M bath i^rauchniore relied upon, especially in the West Indies, usually in conjunc- tion with the tiberal use of opium. In Germany, alkaline baths, and the internal use of the same remedies, are stated to have been decidedly ser- viceable. Others have advised the large use of bark and wine, which seem, however, rather cal- culated to be jireventives, or to fulfil the third in- dication ; yet wine may be employed rather as nourishment, since in severe cases of the disease little else can be taken. Electricity seems too hazardous a remedy to be tried in a general affec- tion, especially in the muscles of respiration ; but if confined to the jaw, it may be useful in a mild form. At the period of convalescence the strength must be restored by suitable diet and medicines, the cold bath, regular exercise, &c. : and re- moving the patient from the West Indies to a colder cUmate, till the health is fully established would be a very projier precaution. Tetai-.TjE'ds. (Teroprmoi;, fourth.) A quar- tan fever. TETRADYNAMIA. (From rtaaapts, four, and ivvapts, power.) The name of a class of plants in the sexual system of Linnaeus, containing hermaphrodite flowers, with six stamens, four of which are long, and two short. TETRAGONUS. Quadrangular, square: applied to several parts of plants, as Caulit tetra- gonut, in that ofthe Lamium album, and a mul- titude of plants ; Folium tetragonium, with four edges, or prominent angles, as that of Iris tube- rosa. TETRAYGNIA. (From rtafapts, four, and yvvri, a wife.) The name ofan order of plants in several of the classes of the sexual system of Lin- naeus, consisting of plants which, to the classic character, whatever it is, add the circumstance of having four pistils. Tetramt'rum. (From rcr/ns, four, and pvpov, an ointment.) An ointment of four ingredients. TETRANDRIA. (From rtaaapts, four,*and avrjp, a husband.) The name of a class of plants in the sexual system of Linnaeus. To it belong those which have hermaphrodite flowers with four stamina of equal length. TetRangu'ria. (From rtrpas, four, and ayTns, a cup : so called because its fruit resembles a cup divided into four parts.) The citrul. TETRAPETALOUS. Four petaled: apptied to the flower that consists of four single petals or. leaves placed around the pistil. TETRAPHA'RMACUM. (From rtrpas, four, and (pappnKov, a drug.) A medicine composed of four ingredients. TETRAPHYLLUS. (From rtrpas, four, and tpvXXov, a leaf. Four-leaved. TETTER. See Herpes. TEU'CRIUM. (Teucrium,ii. n.; from Teucer, who discovered it.) The name of a genus of plants in Ihe Linnaean system. Class, Didynamia, Or- der, Gymnospermia. The herb speedwell. Teucrium capitatum. The systematic name ofthe poley mountain of Montpeltier. Po- lium montanum. This plant bears the winter of our climate, and is generally substituted for the candy-species. Teucrium cham^drts. The systematic name of the common germander. Chamadrys ; Cha-nadrys minor repens, vulgaris; Quercula calamandrina; Tristago; Chamadrops, of Paulus JSgineta, and Oribasius. This plant, call- ed creeping germander, small germander, and English treacle ; Teucrium—foliis cuneiformi- ovatis, incisit, crcnatix, petiolatit; floribus terms, caulibus procumbentibus, subpUotit, of Linnaeus, has a moderately bitter and somewhat pivmatfo fo'te V "'us in high repute among THA iriE the ancients in intermittent fevers, rheumatism, and gout; and where an aromatic bitter is want- ing, germander maybe administered with success. The best time for gathering this herb is when the seeds are formed, and the tops are then preferable to the leaves. When dry, the dose is from 7-ss. to 3j- Either water or spirit will extract their virtue; but the watery infusion is more bitter. This plant is an ingredient in the once celebrated powder called from the Duke of Portland. Teucrium chamjepitys. The systematic name ofthe ground-pine. Chamapitys ; Artheti- ca; Arthretica; Ajuga; Abiga; Ivaarthritica; Holocyron; Ionia; Sideritis. Common ground- pine. This low hairy plant, Teucrium—foliis trifidit, linearibus, mtegerrimis; floribus tes- silibus, lateralibus, solitariis; caule diffusa, of Linnaeus, has a moderately bitter taste, and a resinous, not disagreeable smell, somewhat like that of the pine. The tops or leaves are recom- mended as aperients and corroborants of the ner- vous system, and said to be particularly service- able in female obstructions and paralytic dis- orders. Teucrium creticum. The systematic name of the poley mountain of Candy. Polium creti- cum. The tops and whole herb enter the anti- quated compounds mithridate and theriaca. The plant is obtained from the island of Candy ; has a moderately aromatic smell, and a nauseous bit- ter taste. It is placed among the aperients and corroborants. Teucrium iva. Chamapitys moschata; Iva moschata monspeliensium; Chamapityt anthyl- lus. French ground-pine. It is weaker, but of similar virtues to chamaepitys. Teucrium marum. The systematic name of the Marum tyriacum; Marum creticum ; Ma- jor ana syriaca; Marum verum; Marum cor- tusi; Chamedrys incana maritima; Marum ger- mander, or Syrian herb mastich. This shrub is the Teucrium—foliis integerrimis ovatis acutis petiolatis, subtus tomentosis; floribus racemoris lecundis, of Linnaeus. It grows plentifully in Greece, iEgypt, Crete, and Syria. The leaves and younger branches, when recent, on being rubbed betwixt the fingers, emit a volatile aromatic smell, which readily excites sneezing; to the taste they are bitterish, accompanied with a sensation of heat and acrimony. Judging from these sensi- ble qualities of the plant, it may be supposed to possess very active powers. tt is recommended as a stimulant aromatic, and deobstruent; and Linnaeus, Rosenstcin, and Bergius, speak highly of its utility. Dose, ten grains to half a drachm ofthe powdered leaves, given in wine. At pre- sent, however, marum is chiefly used as an er- rhine. Teucrium montanum. The systematic name of the common poley mountain. Teucrium polium. The systematic name of the golden poley mountain. Teucrium scordium. The systematic name of the Scordium. Tristago palustris; Cha- madrys palustris; Allium redolent. Water germander. The leaves of this plant have a smell somewhat of the garlic kind, from which circum- stance it is supposed to take its name : to the taste they are bitterish and slightly pungent. Tho plant was formerly in high estimation, but is now justly fallen into disuse, although recommended by some in antiseptic cataplasms and fomentations. TEU'THRUM. TtvOpov. The herb poUum. See Teucrium polium. THA'LAMUS. (eaXapos; Thalamus, i. m., a bed.) A bed : the term applied to what is sup- posed to be tbe origin of the optic nerve, and to 946, the receptacle of the parts of fructification of plants. Sec Receptaculum. Thalamus nervi optici. Two bodies which form in part the optic nerve, placed near to each other, iu appearance white, protruding at the base of the lateral ventricles, and running in their di- rection inwards, a Uttle downwards, and upwards: are called the Thalami nervorum opticorum. Thalasso'meli. (From OaXaaaa, the sea, and ptXt, honey.) A medicine composed of sea- water and honey. THALI'CTRUM. (Thalictrum, ri. n.; from 0«X,\w, to flourish.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Polyandria; Order, Polygynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the poor man's rhubarb. See Thalictrum flavum. Thalictrum flavum. The systematic name of the poor man's rhubarb. The root of this plant is said to be aperient and stomachic, and to come very near in its virtues to rhubarb. It is a common plant in this country, but seldom used medicinally. THALLITE. Epidotc, or Pistacitc. THALLUS. (From $aXXoS, an olive bud, or green bough; from SnXXu to be verdant, to shoot forth, or spread abroad.) A term applied by Acharius, for the frond or foliage of a Uchen, whether that part be of a leafy, fibrous, scaly, or crustaceous nature. THA'PSIA. (From Thapsus, the island where it was found.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentan- dria; Order, Digynia. Thapsia asclepias. The deadly carrot. The ■ root operates violently both upwards and down- wards, and is not used in the present practice. THA'PSUS. (From the island of Thaptus.) The great white mullein, or cows lung-wort. THE'A. Tea. The dried leaves of the tea- tree, of which there are two species, viz. 1. The Thea nigra, bohea? or black tea ; and, 2. The viridis, or green tea ; both of which are natives of China or Japan, where they attain the height of five or six feet. Great pains are taken in collecting the leaves singly, at three different times, viz. about the middle of February, in the beginning of March, and in April. Although some writers assert, that tbey are first exposed to the steam of boiling water, and then dried on copper-plates; yet it is now understood that such leaves are simply dried on iron plates, suspended over a fire, till they be- come dry and shrivelled; when cool, they are packed in tin boxes to exclude the air, and in that state exported to Europe. Teas are divided in Britain into three kinds of green, and five of bohea. The former class includes, 1. Imperial or bloom tea, having a large leaf, a faint smell, and being of a light green colour. 2. Hyson, which has small curled leaves, of a green shade inclining to blue. S. Singlo tea, thus termed from the place where it is cultivated. The boheas comprehend: 1. Souchong, which, on infusion, imparts a yellowish green colour. 2. Camho, a fine tea, emitting a fragrant violet smell, and yielding a pale shade ; it receives its name from the province where it is reared. S. Pekoe tea is known by the small white flow- ers that nre mixed with it. 4. Congo has a larger leaf than the preceding variety, and yields a deeper tint to water ; and. 5. Common bohea, the leaves of which are of a"h uniform »reMi coloui. There are b-^ides nthe: i'HE THE kinds ol u a, sold under the names ot gunpowder The following interesting results of experiments tea, &c. which differ from the preceding only in on tea by Brande, have been published by him in the minuteness of their leaves, and being dried with his Journal. additional care. 1 Soluble Soluble Prccipi. Inert 1 One hundred parts of Tea. in in with 1 Water. Alkohol. Jelly. Residue. Green Hyson, 14s. per lb. 41 41 31 56 Ditto, - - 12s. 34 43 29 57 Ditto, - - 10s. 36 43 26 57 Ditto, - - 8s. 36 42 25 58 Ditto, - - 7s. 31 41 21 69 Black Souchong, 12s. 85 36 28 64 Ditto, - - 10s. 34 37 28 63 Ditto, - -. 8s. 37 35 28 i;3 "Ditto, - - 7s. 36 35 34 64 Ditto, - - 6s. 35 31 23 65 Much has been said and written on the medi- cinal properties of tea ; in its natural state it is a narcotic plant, on whicb account the Chinese re- frain from its use till :t has been divested of this property by keeping it at least for twelve months. If, however, good tea be drunk in moderate quan- tities, with sufficient milk and sugar, it invigorates the system, and produces a temporary exhilara- tion ; but when taken too copiously, it is apt to occasion weakness, tremor, palsies, and various other symptoms arising from narcotic plants, while it contributes to aggravate hysterical and hypochondriacal complaints. Tea has also been supposed to possess considerable diuretic and su- dorific virtues, which, however, depend more on the quantity of warm water employed as a vehi- cle, than the quality of tbe tea itself. Lastly, as infusions of these leaves are the safest refreshment after undergoing great bodily fatigue or mental exertion, they afford an agreeable beverage to those who are cxjiosed to cold weather; at the same time tending to support and promote perspi- ration, which is otherwise liable to be impeded. Thea germanica. Fluellin or male speed- well. See Veronica officinalis. THEBA'ICA. (A Thebaide regions, from the country about the ancient city of Thebes in Egyjit, where it flourished.) The Egyptian poppy. TnEBESii foramina. The orifices of veins in the cavities of the heart. THE'CA. (From nOripi, to place.) A case, sheath, or box. 1. The canal of the vertebral column. 2. The capsule or dry fructification adhering to the apex of a frondose stem. Thkca vertebralis. The vertebral canal. See Spine. THELY'PTERIS. (From OriXvs, female, and -npts, fern.) The female fern. THE'NAR. See Flexor brevis pollicis manus. THEOBRO'MA. (Theobroma, a. f. ; from Beat, the gods, and fipupa, food: so called from the deliciousness of its fruit.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Pelyadclphia; Order, Decandria. Theobroma cacao. The systematic name of the tree which affords cocoa and chocolate. TilEODoiuouM. (From dtot, the gods, and cj)pov, a gift.) The pompous name of some anti- dotes. THERAPEI'A. (From depattvu, to heal.) Thcrapia. The art of heaUng diseases. See Tl**rapeutica. THERAPEUTIC A. (Prom J.^nvu, to '-'ire.) Thernpnr. MellmdV* mcjrerrTfi. Tfr<* rapeutics. That branch of medicine which treat s of the operation of the different means employed for curing diseases, and of the application of these means. THERI'AC A. (From $rrp, a viper, or venom- ous wild beast.) 1. Treacle, or molasses. 2. A medicine appropriated to the cure of the bites of venomous animals, or to resist poisons. Theriaca androm achi. The Venice or Mi- thridate treacle; a composition of sixty-one in- gredients, jircpared, jiulveriscd, and with honey formed into an electuary. Theriaca ccelkstis. Liquid laudanum. Theriaca communis. Common treacle, or molasses. Theriaca damocratis. The same prepara- tion as mithridate. See Mithridatium. Theriaca edinensis. Edinburgh theriaca. The Confectio opii. Theriaca germ inorum. A rob of juniper- berries. Theriaca lonoinensis. A cataplasm of cummin seed, bay-berries, germander, snakeroot, cloves, and honey. Theriai a kusticouum. The roots of the common garlic were so called. See Allium sa- tivum. THERIO'MA. (From 0.;p, to rage like a wild beast.) A malignant ulcer. THE'RMA. A warm bath or sjiring. See Mineral waters, and Bath. THERMOMETER. (Thermometrum; from Osppri, heat, and ptrpov, a measure.) An instru- ment for measuring the degrees of heat. A ther- mometer is a hollow tube of glass, hermetically sealed, and blown at one end in the shape of a hollow globe. The bulb ind part of the tube are filled with mercury, which is the only fluid which expands equally. When we immerse the bulb of the thermometer in a hot body, the mercury ex- jiands, and of course rises in the tube ; but when we plunge it into a cold body, the mercury con- tracts, and of course falls in the tube. The rising of the mercury indicates, therefore, an increase of heat; its falling, a diminution of it; and the quantity which it rises or falls, denotes the proportion of increase or diminution. To fa- cilitate observation, the tube i.-: divided into a number of equal parts, called degrees. Further, if we plunge a thermometer ever so often into melting snow or ice, it will always stand at the same point. Hence we learn that snow or ice always begins to melt at the same temperature. If we .plumre a thermometer repeatedly into waTr k<\»i bailing, wc had that the mercury rises 947 Till THO up to a certain point. This is therefore the point at which water always boils, provided the pres- sure of the atmosphere be the same. There are four different thermometers used at present in Europe, differing from each other in the number of degrees into which the space be- tween the freezing and boiling points is divided. These are Fahrenheit's, Reaumur's, Celsius's, and Delisle's. The thermometer uniformly used in Britain, is Fahrenheit's ; in this the freezing point is fixed at 32°—the boiling point, at 212° above 0°—or the part at which both the ascending and descending series of numbers commence. In the thermometer which was first constructed by Reaumur, the scale is divided into a smaller number of degrees upon tbe same length, and contains not more than 80° between the freezing and the boiling points. The freezing point is fixed in this thermometer precisely at 0", the term between the ascending and the descending series of numbers. Again, ICO is the number of the degrees between the freezing and the boiling points in the scale of Celsius; which has been introduced into France, since the revolution, un- der the name of the Centigrade thermometer; and the freezing point is in this, as in the thermo- meter of Reaumur, fixed at 0°. One degree on the scale of Fahrenheit, appears, from this account, to be equal to 4-9ths of a degree on tbat of Reaumur, and to 5-9ths of a degree on that of Celsius. The space in Delisle's thermometer between the freezing and boiling points is divided into 150°, but the graduation begins at the boiling point, and increases towards the freezing point. The boiling point is marked 0, the freezing point 150. Hence 180 F. = 150 D., or 6 F. = 5 D. To re- duce the degrees of Delisle's thermometer under the boiling point to those of Fahrenheit; we have F. = 212—6-5 D. ; to reduce those above the boiling point F. :,= 212 + 6-5 D. Upon the knowledge of this proportion it is easy for the student to reduce the degrees of any of these thermometers into the degrees of any other of them. Thieves -vinegar. See Acetum aromaticum. THIGH. See Femur. THIGH-BONE. See Femur. THIRST. Sitis. The sensation by which we experience a desire to drink. It is variable ac- cording to individuals, and it is rarely uniform in the same person. Generally speaking, it consists of a feeling of dryness, of heat and constriction, which reigns in the back part of the moutb, the pharynx, oesophagus, and sometimes the .stomach. Though thirst continue but for a short time, these parts swell and become red, the mucous secretion ceases almost entirely; that of the follicles changes, becomes thick and tenacious ; the flow- ing of the saliva diminishes, and its viscosity is sensibly augmented. These phenomena are accompanied by a vague inquietude, by a general heat; the eyes become red, the mind is troubled, the motion of the blood is accelerated, the respiration becomes laborious, the mouth is frequently opened wide, in order to bring the external air into contact with the irri- tated parts, and thus to produce a momentary ease. For the most part the inclination to drink is de- veloped, when by some cause, for example, heat and dryness of the atmosphere, the body has lost a great deal of fluid; but it appears under a great rauny different circumstances, such as having spoken long, having eaten certain sorts of food, or swallowed a substance which remains in the oeso- phagus, &c. The vicious habit of frequently 94? drinking, and the desire of tasting some liquids, such as brandy, wine, &c. cause the developement of a feeling which has the greatert analogy with thirst. There are people who have never felt thirst, who drink from a sort of sympathy, but who could live a long time without thinking of it, or without suffering from the want of it; there are other j>er- sous in whom thirst is often renewed, and becomes so strong as to make them drink from forty to six- ty pints of liquid in twenty-four hours ; in this respect great individual differences are remarked. Thirst is an internal sensation, an instinctive feeling ; it belongs essentially to the organisation, and admits of no explanation. THISTLE. See Carduut. Thistle, carline. See Carlina acaulis. Thistle, holy. See Centaurea benedicta. Thistle, pine. See Carlina gummifera. THLA'SPI. (Thlatpi, n.; indecUnable : from OXato, to break; because its seed appears as if it were brokpn or bruised.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Tetrady- namia ; Order, Siliculosa. 2. The pharmaceutical nr.-ne of the herb penny- cress. Two species of thlaspi arc directed in some pharmacopoeias for medicinal uses ;—the Thlaspi arvense, of Linnaeus, or treacle mustard, and Thlaspi campestre, of Linnaeus, or mithridate mustard. The seeds of both have an acrid biting taste approaching to that of common mustard, with which they agree nearly in their pharmaceu- tic qualities. They have also an unpleasant fla- vour, somewhat of the garlic or onion kind. Thlaspi arvense. The systematic name of the treacle mustard. See Thlaspi. Thlaspi campestre. The systematic name of the mithridate mustard. See Ttilatpi. THORACIC. (Thoraricus; from thorax, !.he chest.) Belonging to the thorax or chest. Thoracic duct. Ductus thoracicus. Duc- tus Pecquettii. The trunk ofthe absorbents; of a serpentine form, and about the diameter of a crow-quill. It lies upon the dorsal vertebrae, be- tween the aorta and vena azygos, and extends from the posterior opening of the diaphragm to the angle formed by the union ofthe left subclavian and jugular veins, into wliich it opens and evacu- ates its contents. In this course the thoracic duct receives the absorbent vessels from almost every part ofthe body. THORAX. (Thorax, ads. f. ; from Sopw, to leap: because in it the heart leaps.) The chest. That part of the body situated between the neck and the abdomen. The external parts of the thorax arc, the common integuments, the breasts, various muscles, and the bones of the thorax. (See Bone, and Respiration.) The parts within the cavity of the thorax are, the jileura and its jrroductions, the lungs, heart, thy- mus gland, oesophagus, thoracic duct, arch of the aorta, part of the vena cava, the vena azygos, the eighth pair of nerves, and part of the great inter- costal nerve. THORINA. An earth discovered in 1616 by Berzelius. He found it in small quantities in the gadolinite of Korarvet, and two new minerals which he calls the deutofluate of cerium, and the double, fluate of cerium and yttria. It resembles zirconia. To obtain it "from those minerals that contain protoxide of cerium and yttria, we must first sepa- rate the oxide of iron by succinate of ammonia. The new earth, indeed, may, when alone, be pre- cipitated by the succinates ; but in the analytical exjieriments in which he has obtained it, it preci- pitated in so small a quantity along with iron, that I'liU he could not separate it from that oxide. The deut- oxide of cerium is then precipitated by the sulphate nf potassa ; after which the yttria and the new earth are precipitated together by caustic ammo- nia. Dissolve them rn muriatic acid. Evaporate the solution to dryness, and pour boiling water on the residue, which wui dissolve the greatest part of the yttria; but the undissolved residue still contains a portion of it. Dissolve it in muriatic or nitric acid, and evaporate it tiU it becomes as exactly neutral as possible. Then pour water upon it, and boil it for an instant. Tbe new earth is precipitated, and the liquid contains disengaged acid. By saturating this liquid, and boiUng it a second time, we obtain a new precipitate of the new earth. This earth, when separated by the filter, has the appearance of a gelatinous, Semi-transparent mass. When washed and dried, it becomes white, absorbs carbonic acid, and dissolves with effer- vescence in acids. Though calcined, it retains its white colour; and when the heat to which it has been exposed was only moderate, it dissolves readily in muriatic acid; but if the heat has been violent, it will not dissolve till it be digested in strong muriatic acid. This solution has a yellow- ish colour; but it becomes colourless when di- luted with water, as is the case with glucina, yttria, and alumina. If it be mixed with yttria, it dissolves more readily after having been ex- Eosed to heat. The neutral solutions of this earth ave a purely astringent taste, which is neither sweet nor saline, not bitter, nor metallic. In this property it differs from aU other species of earths, except zirconia. When dissolved in sulphuric acid with a slight excess of acid, and subjected to evaporation, it yields transparent crystals, which are not altered fey exposure to the air, and which have a strong styptic taste. This earth dissolves very easily in nitric acid ; but, after being heatei- to redness, it does not dis- solve in it except by long boiling. The solution does not crystallise, but forms a mucilaginous mass, which becomes more liquid by exposure to the air,"and which, when evaporated by a mode- rate heat, leaves a white opaque mass, similar to enamel, in a great measure insoluble in water. It dissolves in muriatic acid, in the same man- ner as in nitric acid. The solution does not crys- tallise! When evaporated by a moderate heat, it is converted into a syrupy mass, which does not deliquesce in the air, but dries, becomes white Uke enamel, and afterwards dissolves only in very small quantity in water, leaving a subsalt undis- solved ; so that by spontaneous evaporation it lets the portion of muriatic acid escape to which it owed its solubitity. This earth combines with avid!./ with carbonic acid. The precipitates produced by caustic am- monia, or by boiling the neutral solutions of the earth in acids, absorb carbonic acid from the air in drying. The alkuline carbonates precipitate the earth combined with the whole of their car- bonic acid. The ferruginous prussiate of potassa poured into a solution of this earth, throws down a white jirecipitate, which is comjdetely redissolved by muriatic acid. Caustic potassa anJ ammonia have no action on this earth newly precipitated, not even at a boiling temperature. The solution of carbonate of potassa, or carbo- nate of ammonia, dissolves a small quantity of it, which precipitates again when the liquid is su- persaturated with an acid, and then neutralised THY by caustic ammonia; but this earth is much less ■DKible in the alkaline carbonates than any of the earths formerly known that dissolve in them. Thorina differs from the other earths by the following properties:—From alumina, by its in- solubility in hydrate of potassa ; from glucina, by the same property ; from yttria, by its purely as- tringent taste, without uny sweetness, and by the property which its solutions possess of being pre- cipitated by boiling when they do not contain too great an excess of acid. It differs from zirconia by the following properties:—1. After being heated to redness, it is still capable of being dis- solved in acids. 2. Sulphate of potassa does not precipitate it from its solutions, while it precipi- tates zirconia from solutions containing even a considerable excess of acid. 3. It is precipitated by oxalate of ammonia, which is not the case with zirconia. 4. Sulphate of •ihorina crystallises readily, while sulphate of zirconia, supposing it free from alkali, forms, when dried, a gelatinous, transparent mass, without any trace of crystal- lisation. THORINUM. The supposed metallic basis of thorina, not hitherto extracted. THORN. See Prunus spinosa. Thorn, ^Egyptian. See Acacia vera. THORN-APPLE. See Datura stramonium. THROMBOSIS. (Thrombosis, is., f.; from dpopSos.) The same as thrombus. THRO'MBUS. (Thrombus, i. m. ; from &potu, to disturb.) A small tumour which some- times arises after bleeding, from the blood esca- ping from the vein into the cellular structure sur- rounding it. THRUSH. See Aphtha. Thrt'ptica. (From dpvnru, to break.) Me- dicines which are said to have the power of de- stroying stones in the bladder. THULITE. A hard peach blossom coloured mineral, found at Souland, in Tellemark, in Nor- way. THUMERSTONE. See Arinite. Thu'ris cortex. The cascarilb and eluthe- ria barks were so called. See Croton cascariUa. THUS. (From 9vu, to sacrifice: so called from its great use in sacrifices.) See Juniperus tyda, and Pinus abiet. Thus judajorum. See Thymiama. Thus masculum. See Juniperut lycia. THUY'A. (From 6vov, odour: so named from its fragrant smell.) Thuja. The name of a ge- nus of plants. Class, Monaria; Order, Mona* delphia. Thuya occidentalis. The systematic name. of the tree of life. Arbor mta. Thuya—stro- bilis lavibus; squamis oblusis, of Linnaeus. Tht leaves and wood were formerly in high estimation as resolvents, stidorifics, and expectorants, and were given in phthisical affections, intermittent fevers, and dropsies. Thtlaci'tis. (From OvXokos, a seed-vessel .- so called from its large head.) The white garden poppy- THY'MBRA. (A name borrowed from Dios- corides, whose real BvpSpa, however, is a species of Satureia.) 1. The name of a genus of plants. Class, Didynamia; Order, Gymnotpermia. 2. See Satureja hortensis. Thtmhka hispanica. The name given by Tourncfort to the common herb mastich. See Thymus mastichina. THYME. S*-c Thymus. Thyme, lemon. See Thumut terpyllum. Thyme, mother of. See Thymut terpyllum. TnTMF.trr.'A. (From Ovnos, thyme, and tXav*. JM9 THY TIB aa olive : the first alluding to the leaf, and the lat- ter to the shape and oUiness of the fruit.) See Daphne gnidium. THY'MIA'MA. (From Ovpa, an odour: so called from its odoriferous smell.) Musk-wood. Thus judaorum. A bark in small brownish gray pieces, intermixed with bits of leaves, seeming as if the bark and leaves had Jeen bruised and preso- ed toge«er, brought from Syria, Cilicia, &c. and supposed to be the produce of the liquid storax tree. This bark has an agreeable balsamic smell, approaching to that of liquid storax, and a sub- acrid bitterish taste, accompanied with some slight adstringency. Thy'mium. (From 9vpos, thyme ; because it is of the colour of thyme.) A small wait upon tbe skin. Thymoxa'lme. (From Bvpos, thyme, o|uj, acid, and aAj, salt.) A composition of thyme, vinegar, and salt. THY'MUS. (Thymus, i. m. Aro rov $vpu, because it was used in faintings ; or from Svpa, an odour, because of its fragrant smell.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Didynamia; Order, Gymnotpermia. Thyme. %. The pharmacopoeial name of the common thyme. See Thymus vulgaris. 3. A small indolent carnous tubercle like a wart arising about the anus, or the pudenda, resembling tbe flowers of thyme, from whence it takes its name. Thymus citratus. See Thymus terpyllum. Thymus creticus. See Satureja capitata. Thymus gland. Qvpos. A gland of consider- able size in the foetus, situated in the anterior du- plicature or space of the mediastinum, under the superior part of the sternum. An excretory duct has not yet been detected, but lymphatic vessels have been seen going from it to the thoracic duct. Its u-:e is unknown. Thymus mastichina. The systematic name ofthe common herb mastich. Marum vulgare; Sampsuchut; Clinopodium mastichina gallo- rum; Thymbra hytpanica; Jaca indica. A low shrubby plant, a native of Spain, which is em- ployed as an errhine. It has a strong agreeable smell, Uke mastich. Its virtues are similar to those of the Marum syriacum, but less powerful. Thymus serpyllum. The systematic name of the Serpyllum; Serpillum ; Gilarum ; Ser- pyllum vulgare minus. Wild or mother of thyme. Thymus—floribus capitatis, caulibus repenlibus, foliis planis obtusit bad ciliatis, of Linnaeus. This plant has the same sensible qualities as those of the garden thyme, but has a milder and rather more grateful flavour. Lemon thyme, the Ser- pyllum citratum, is merely a variety of tliis plant. It is very pungent, and has a particularly grateful odour, approaching to that of lemons. Thymus vulgaris. The systematic name of the common thyme. This herb, the Thymus— i rectus foliit revolutis ovatis, floribus verticil- lato spicalis, of Linnaeus, has an agreeable aro- matic »mell, and a warm pungent taste. Its vir- tues are said to be resolvent, emmenagogue, tonic, and stomachic ; yet there is no disease mentioned in which its use is particulaily recommended by any writer on the materia medica. TIIYRO. Names compounded with this word belong to muscles which are attached to the thy- roid cartilage ; as, Thyro arytanoideus. A muscle situated about the glottis, which pulls the arytenoid car- tilage forwards nearer to the middle of the thy- roid, and consequently shortens and relaxes the Ifcrament of the larvnv. 950 Thtro-HYOideus. A muscle situated between the os hyoides and trunk, which pulls the os hy- oides downwards, and the thyroid cartilage up- wards. Thyro-pharyngeus. See Constrictor pha- ryngis inferior. Thyro-pharyngo-staphjlinus. SeePalato pharyngeut. TuYRO-STAraiitiNus. See Palato pharyn- geut. THYROID. (Thyroideut; from $vptos, a shield, and tt&os, resemblance ; from its supposed resemblance to a shield.) Resembling a shield. Thyroid cartilage. Cartilago thyroidta; Cartilago scutiformus. Scutiform cartilage. The cartilage which is placed perpendicular to the cricoid cartilages of the larynx, constituting the anterior, superior, and largest part of the la- rynx. It is harder and more prominent in men than in women, in whom it forms the pomum adami. Thyroid gland. Glandula thyroidea. A large gland situated upon the cricoid cartilage, trachea, and horns of the thyroid cartilage. It is uncertain whether it be conglobate or conglomer- ate, its excretory duct has never been detected, and its use is not yet known. THYRSUS. (Thyrsui, i. m.; a young sprout.) In botany, a bunch, or dense and close pannicle, more or less of an ovate form. It is oblong in Tussilago hybrida, and ovate in Tussilago pt- tadtes. TI'BIA. (Tibia, the hautboy; qu. tubia, from tuba, a tube : so called from its pipe-like shape.) Fodle majus; Arundo major; F'od- lut; and, from its resemblance to an old musical instrument, Canna major; Canna domettica crurit. The largest bone of the leg. It is of a long, thick and triangular shape, and is situated on the internal part of the leg. Its upper extremity is large, and flattened at its summit, where we observe two articulating surfaces, a little concave, and separated from each other by an intermediate irregular protuberance. Of these two cavities, the internal one is deepest, and ofan oblong shape, while the external one is rounded, and more su- perficial. Each of these, in the recent subject, is covered by a cartilage, which extends to tlie in- termediate protuberance, where it terminates. These two utile cavities receive the condyles of the os femoris, and the eminence between them is admitted into the cavity which is seen between tbe two condyles of that bone ; so that this arti- culation affords a specimen of the complete gin- glymus. Behind the intermediate protuberance, or tubercle, is a pretty deep depression, which serves for the attachment of a ligament, and like- wise to separate the two cavities from each other. Under the edge of the external cavity is a circular flat surface, covered with cartUage, which serves for the articulation ofthe fibula ; and at the fore- part of the bone is a considerable tuberosity of an inch and a half in length, to which the strong ligament of the rotula is fixed. The body of the tibia is smaller than its extre- mities, and, being of a triangular shape, affords three surfaces. Of these, the external one is broad and slightly hollowed by muscles above and be- low ; the intert al surface is broad and flat, and the posterior surlace is narrower than the other two, and nearly cylindrical. This last has a slight ridge running obliquely across it, from the outer side oi the upper end of the bone to about one-third of its length downwards. A Uttle be- low this we obser.c a passage for the meduUary vessels, which is pretty considerable, and slants obliquely downwards. Of the three angles which TIL ns reparate these surfaces, the anterior one, from its sharpness, is eaUed the spine or thin. This ridge is not strait, but describes a figure Uke an Italic,/*, turning first inwards, then outwards, and lastly inwards again. The external angle is more round- ed, and serves for the attachment of the interos- seous ligament; and the internal one is more rounded still by the pressure of muscles. The tibia enlarges again a Uttle at its lower ex- tremity, and terminates in a pretty deep cavity, by which it is articulated with the uppermost bone of the foot. This cavity, in the recent sub- ject, is lined with cartUage. Its internal side is formed into a considerable process, called malleo- lus internus, which, in its situation, resembles the styloid process of the radius. This process is broad, and of considerable thickness, and from it Ugaments are extended to the foot. At its back part we find a groove, lined with a thin layer nf cartilage, in which slide the tendons ot the flexor digitorum longus, and ofthe tibialis posticus ; and a little behind this is a smaUer groove, for the tendon of the flexor longus pollicis. On the side opposite to the malleolus internus, the cavity is interrupted, and immediately above it is a rough triangular depression, which is furnisht-i with cartUage, and receives the lower end of the fibula. The whole of this lower extremity of the bone seems to be turned somewhat outwards, so that the malleolus internus is situated more forwards than the inner border of the upper extremity of the bone. In the foetus, both ends of the tibia are cartila- ginous, and become afterwards epiphyses. TIBIAL. (Tibialis; from tibia, the bone of the leg, so called.) Belonging to the tibia. Tibial artery. Arteria tibialis. The two principal branches of the popliteal artery: the one proceeds forwards, and is called the anterior tibial; tbe other backwards, atad is called the potterior tibial; of which the external tibial, the fibular, the external and internal plantar, and the plantal arch, are branches. TIBIALIS. See Tibial. Tibialis anticus. Tibio-sus-melatarsien, of Dumas. A flexor muscle of the foot, situated on the leg, which bends the foot by drawing it up- w ards, and at the same time turns the toes inwards. Tibialis gracilis. See Plantaris. Tibialis posticus. Tibio-tarsien, of Du- mas. A flexor muscle of the foot, situated on the leg, which extends the foot, and turns the toes inwards. TIC DOULOUREUX. A painful affection of a nerve, so called from its sudden and momentary excruciating stroke. The more appropriate name is neuralgia. It mostly attacks the face, parti- cularly that branch of the fifth pair, which comes out of the infra-orbitary foramen. Ti'glia grana. See Croton tiglium. TILBURY. A smaU town in Essex, celebrated for its fort. A mineral water is found at West Tilbury. It is an aperient and chalybeate, now seldom used medicinally. TILE ORE. A species of octohedral red copper ore. TI'LIA. (Tilia, a. f.; HjiXta, ulmus, the elm-tree.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Polyandria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the Ume, or linden-tree. See Ttlia europaa. Tilia europ.t.a. The systematic name of the lime-tree. The flowers of this tree are sap- posed to possess anodyne and antispasmodic vir- ■ ■ s-. "'hey have o rnorforat'-'y <■•> «u-: sme!!. in which their virtue seems to consist, anu abouna with a strong mucilage. They are in high esteem in France. See Titta. Tilli grana. See Croton tiglium. Tl'LMUS. (From nXXu, to pluck.) Flocei- tatio, or picking of bed-clothes, observable in the- last stages of some disorders. Timac. The name of a root imported from the East Indies, which is said to possess diuretic virtues, and therefore exhibited iu dropsies. It is not known from what plant it is obtained. TIN. Stannum. Jupiter of the alchemists. It has been much doubted whether this metal is found, native. In the opinion of Kirwan, there* are sufficient authorities to determine the question in the affirmative. Tbe native oxide of tin, or tin ttone, occurs both massive and crystallised. Its colour is a dark brown, sometimes yellowish- gray. VVhen crystallised, it is somewhat trans- parent. The wood tin ore is a variety of tbe native oxide, termed so from its fibrous texture. This variety has hitherto been found only in Cornwall. It occurs in fragments, which are generally round, and its colour is brown, some- times inclining to yellow. Tin is also found mineratised by sulphur, associated always with a portion of copper, and often of iron. This ore is called tin pyritet. Its colour is yeUowieb, gray. It has a metallic lustre, and a fibrous or lameUated texture; sometimes it exhibits prismatic colours. Tin is comparatively a rare metal, as it is not found in great quantity any where but in Corn- wall or Devonshire ; though it is Ukewise met with in the mines of Bohemia, Saxony, the island oi Banca, the peninsula of Malacca, and in the East Indies. Tin is a metal of a yellowish-white colour, considerably harder than lead, scarcely at all sonorous, very maUeablc, though not very tena- cious. Under the hammer it is extended into leaves, called tin-foU, which are about one-thou- sandth of an inch thick, and might easily be beaten to less than half that thickness, if the purposes of trade required it. Its specific gravity is 7.29. It melts at about the 442° of Fahrenheit^ thermometer; and by a continuance of tbe heat it is slowly converted into a white powder by oxidation. Like lead, it is brittle when heated almost to fusion, anfpxhibits a grained or fibrous texture if broken byTbe blow of a hammer. It may also be granulated by agitation at the time of its transition from the fluid to the solid state. The oxide of tin resists fusion more strongly than that of any other metal; from which pro- perty it is useful to form an opaque white enamel when mixed with pure glass in fusion. The brightness of its surface, when scraped, soon goes off by exposure to the air; but it is not subject to rust or corrosion by exposure to the weather. To obtain pure tin, the metal should be boiled in nitric acid, and the oxide which falls down reduced by heat in contact with charcoal, ia a covered crucible. There are two definite combinations of tin and oxygen. The first or protoxide is gray ; the second or peroxide is white. The first is formed by heating tin in the air, or by dissolving tin iu muriatic acid, and adding water of potassa to the solution whilst recent, and before it has been ex- posed to air. The prcci|»itate, after being heated to whiteness to expel the water of the hydrate, is the pure protoxide. It is convertible into the peroxide by being boiled with dUute nitric acid, dried and ignited. There afe also two chlorides of tin. When tin is b-'-i '' in eh1, rv.-r a ven volatile el«;.-. i IX UN liquor is u.imed, a non-conductor of electricity, and which, when mixed with a little water, becomes a solid crystalline substance, a true mu- riate of tin, containing the peroxide ofthe metal. This, which has been called the liquor of Libavius, may be also procured by heating together tin- filings and corrosive sublimate, or an amalgam of tin and corrosive sublimate. The other com- pound of tin and chlorine is a gray semitranspa- rent crystalline solid. It may be procured by heating together an amalgam of tin and calomel. It dissolves in water, and forms a solution, which rapidly absorbs oxygen from the air, with deposi* •tion of peroxide of tin. There are two tulphurett of tin. One may be made by fusing tin and sulphur together. It is of a bluish colour, and lameUatcd texture. It consists of 7.35 tin + 2 sulphur. The other sulphuret, or the bisulphurfet, is made by heating "together the peroxide of tin and sulphur. It is of a beautiful gold colour, and appears in fine - flakes. The salts of tin are characterised by the fol- lowing general properties:— 1. Perroprussiate of potassa gives a white precipitate. £;> Hydrosuljihuret of potassa, a brown-black with the protoxide; and a golden-yellow with the peroxide. 3. GaUs do not affect the solutions of these salts. 4. Corrosive sublimate occasions a black pre- cipitate with the protoxide salts; a white with the peroxide. 5. A plate of lead frequently throws down metaUic tin, or its oxide, from the saline solu- tions. 6. Muriate of gold gives, with the protoxide solutions, the purple precipitate of Cassius. 7. Muriate ef platinum occasions an orange precipitate with the protoxide salts. Concentrated sulphuric acid, assisted by heat, dissolves half its weight of tin, at the same time that sulphurous gas escapes in great plenty. Nitric acid and tin combine together very ra- pidly without the assistance of heat. The muriatic acid dissolves tin very readily, at the same time that it becomes of a darker co- lour, and ceases to emit fdfes. Aqua regia, consisting oftwo parts nitric and one muriatic acid, combines with tin with effer- vescence, and the developcment of much heat. The acetic acid scarcely acts upon tin. The operation of other acids upon this metal has been little inquired into. Phosphate, fluate, and borate of tin, have been formed by precipitating the mu- riate with the respective neutral salts. If the crystals of the saline Combination of copper with the nitric acid be grossly powdered, moistened, and rolled up in tinfoil, the salt deli- quesces, nitrous fumes are emitted, the mass becomes hot, and suddenly takes fire. In this experiment, tlie rapid transition of the nitric acid to the tin is supposed to produce cr develope beat enough to set fire to the nitric salts; but by what particular changes of capacity, has not been shown. If small pieces of phosphorus be thrown on tin in fusion, it will take up from 15 to 20 per cent., and form a silvery white phosphuret of a foliated texture, and soft enough to be cut with a knife, though but little malleable. This phosjihu- rct maybe formed likewise by fusing tin filings with concrete phosphoric acid. Tin nuitas with bismuth by fusion, and becomes n rrder a id more brittle in proportion to the quan- tity of that metal added. With nickel it forms n white brilliant mass. It cannot easily be united in the direct way with arsenic, on account of tho volatility of this metal; but by heating it with the combination of the arsenical acid and potassa, the salt is partly decomposed; and the tin com- bining with the acid, becomes converted into a brilliant brittle compound, of a plaited texture. It has been said, that all tin contains arsenic; and that the crackling noise which is heard upon bend- ing pieces of tin, is produced by this impurity; but, from the exjieriment of Bayen, this appears not to be the fact. Cobalt unites with tin by fu- sion, and forms a grained mixture of a colour slightly inclining to violet. Zinc unites very well with tin, increasing its hardness, and diminishing its ductility, in proportion as the quantity of zinc is greater. This is one of the principal additions used in making pewter, which consists for the most part of tin. Antimony forms a very brittle hard mixture with tin. Tungsten fused with twice its weight of tin, affords a brown spongy mass, which is some- what ductile. The uses of tin are very numerous, and so well known, that they scarcely need be pointed out. The tinning of iron and copper, the silvering of looking-glasses, and the fabrication of a great variety of vessels and utensils for domestic and other uses, are among the advantages derived from this metal. TI'NCA. (Tinea, a. f.; quad tincta: so called, because it appears as if it were dyed.) The name of a genus of fishes. The tench. Tince os. The mouth of the uterus is so called by some writers, from its resemblance to a tench's mouth. TINC AL. Crude borax, as it is imported from the East Indies in yeUow greasy crystals. Sec Borax. TINCTO'RIUS. (Fromfc'ng-o, to dye.) An epithet of a species of broom used by dyers. The genista tinctoria, of Linnaeus. TINCTU'RA. (From tingo, to dye.) A tincture. A solution ef any substance in spirit of wine. Rectified spirit of wine is the direct men- struum of the resins, and essential oils of vegeta- bles, and totally extracts these active principles from sundry vegetable matters, which yield them to water not at all, or only in part. It dissolves Ukewise the sweet saccharine matter of vegeta- bles, and generally those parts of animal bodies in which their peculiar smell and taste reside. The virtues of many vegetables are extracted almost equally by water*and rectified spirit; but in the watery and spirituous tinctures of them there is this difference, thatthe active parts in the watery extractions are blended with a large proportion of inert gummy matter, on which their solubility in this menstruum in a great measure depends, while rectified spirit extracts them al- most pure from gum. Hence, when the spirit- uous tinctures are mixed with watery Uquors, a part of what the spirit had taken, nn from the sub- ject generally separates and subsides, on account of its having been freed from that matter, wliich, being blended with it in the original vegetable, made it soluble in water. This, however, is not universal, for the active parts of some vegetables, when extracted by rectified spirits, are not jireci- pitated by water, being almost soluble in both menstrua. Rectified spirit may be tinged by vegetables of all colours, except blue. The leaves of plants, in general, will gi^e out little of their natural colo'i: TIN fix to watery liquors, but communicate to spirit the whole of their green tincture, which for the most part proves elegant, though not very durable. Fixed alkaUne salts deepen the colour of spirit- uous tinctures; and hence they have been sup- posed to promote the dissolving power of the menstruum, though this does not appear from ex- perience. In the trials which have been made, no more was found to be taken up in the deep-colour- ed tinctures than in the paler ones, and often not so muoh. If the alkali be added after the extrac- tion of the tincture, it will heighten the colour as much as when mixed with the ingredients at first. The addition of these salts in making tinctures is not only needless but prejudicial, as they generaUy injure the flavour of aromatics, and superadd a quality sometimes contrary to the intention of the medicine. Volatile alkaline salts, in many cases, promote the action of the spirits. Acids generally weaken it; unless when the acid has been previously com- bined with the vinous spirit into a compound of new qualities, called dulcified spirit. Tinctura aloes. Tincture of aloes. Take of the extract of spike aloe, powdered, half an ounce ; extract of liquorice, an ounce and half; water, a pint; rectified spirit, four fluid ounces. Macerate in a sand-bath until the extracts are dissolved, and then strain. This preparation pos- sesses stomachic and purgative qualities, but should never be given where there is a tendency to haemorrhoids. In chlorotic cases and amenor- rhoea, it is preferred to other purges. The dose is from half to a whole fluid ounce. Tinctura aloes composita. Compound tincture of aloes, formerly called Ehrir aloes; Elixir proprietalis. Take of extract of spiked aloe, powdered, saffron, of each three ounces ; tincture of myrrh, two pints. Macerate for four- teen days, and strain. A metre stimulating com- pound than the former. It is a useful apjdication to old indolent ulcers. The dose is from half a fluid drachm to two. Tinctura aloes vitriolata. With the bitter infusion, a drachm or two of this elegant tincture is extremely serviceable against gouty and rheumatic affections ofthe stomach and bow- els, and also in the weaknesses of those organs which frequently attend old age. Tinctura assafo:tid«. Tincture of assa- foetida, formerly known by the name of tinctura fatida. Take of assafoetida, four omices ; recti- fied spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. Diluted with water, this is mostly given in all kinds of fits, by the vulgar. It is a useful preparation as an antispasmodic, especially in conjunction with sulphate of zinc. The dose is from half %fluid drachm to two. Tinctura aurantii. Tincture of orange- peel, formerly tinctura corticis aurantii. Take of fresh orange-peel, three ounces ; proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. A mild and pleasant stomachic bitter. Tinctura benzoini composita. Compound tincture of benzoin, formerly known by tbe names of tinctura benzoes composita, and balsamum fraumaticum. Take of benzoin, three ounces ; storax balsam, strained, two ounces ; balsam of Tolu, an ounce ; extract of -spiked aloe, half an ounce; rectified spirit, two pints. Macerate for four- teen days, and strain. This tincture is more gene- rally appUed externally to ulcers and wounds than given internally, though jiossessing expectorant, antispasmodic, and stimulating powers. Against coughs, spasmodic affections of the stomach, and bowels, and diarrhoea, produced by ulcerations of those part*, it is a very <\cpl|rnt medicine. The 120 dose, when given intern all v, is from half a fluid drachm to two. Tinctura calumb.e. Tincture of calumba, formerly called tinctura columba. Take of ca- lumba root, sliced, two ounces and a half; proof spirit, -two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. This tincture contains the active part of the root, and is generally given with the infusion of it, as a stomachic and adstringent. Tinctura camthor-e composita. Com- pound tincture of camphor, formerly called tinc- tura opii camphorata, and elirir paregoricum. lake of camphor, two scruples; opium dried and powdered, benzoic acid, ot each a drachm; proof spirits two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, nnd strain. The London college has changed the name of this preparation, because it was occasion- ally the source of mistakes under its old one, and tincture of opium was sometimes substituted for it. It differs also from the former preparation in the omission of the oil of aniseed, which was often complained of as disagreeable to the palate, and to which, as an addition, no increase of power could be affixed. The dose is from half a fluid drachm to half a fluid ounce. Tinctura cantharidis. Tinctura of blis- tering fly. Formerly called Tinctura lytta; Tinctura canthai idum. Take of blistering flies, bruised, three drachms ; proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen duys, and strain. In the last edition ofthe London Pharmacopoeia, the co- louring matter oi the former preparation is emit- ted as useless, and the proportion of the fly in- creased. It is a very acrid, diuretic, and stimu- i lating preparation, which should always be ad- ministered with great caution from its known ac- tion on the parts of generation. In chronic erup- tions on the skin, and dropsical diseases of the aged, it is often very useful when other medicines have been inert. The dose is from half a fluid drachm to two. Tinctura capsici. Tincture of capsicum, Take of capsicum berries, an ounce ; proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain, Tinctura cardamomi. Tincture of carda^ mom. Take of cardamom seeds, bruised, three ounces ; proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. A powerful stimula- ting carminative. In spasm of the stomach, an ounce, with some other diluted stimulant, is given with advantage. The dose may vary according to circumstances, from half a drachm to an ounce and upwards. Tinctura cardamomi composita. Com- ponnd tincture of cardamom, formerly called tinc- tura stomachica. Take of cardamom seeds, car- raway-seeds, cochineal, of each, powdered, two drachms ; cinnamon-bark bruised, half an ounce: raisins, stoned, four ounces ; proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. A useful and elegant carminative and cordial. The dose from half a fluid drachm to half a fluid ounce and upwards. Tinctura cascarill.e. Tincture of casca- riUa. Take of cascarilla-bark, powdered, four- ounces: proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. A stimulating aroma- tic tonic, that may be exhibited in debility of the bowels and stoniach, and in those cases of fever in which the Peruvian bark proves purgative. The dose from half a drachm to two drachms. Tinctura castorei. Tincture of castor. Take of castor, powdered, two ounces ; rectified spirit, two pint*. Macerate for seven days, and strain. A powerful stimulant and antispasmodic; mostly exhibited in hysterical affections in a dilute form. The dose is from half a fluid drachm to two, Q.Tfs 'UN ILN 1'inctuua catechu. Tincture of calecnu, formerly known by the name tinctura japonica. Take of extract of catechu, three ounces; cinna- mon-bark, bruised, two ounces; proof spirit two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. An aromatic adstringent, mostly given in pro- tracted diarrhoea. The dose is from half a fluid drachm to two. Tinctura cinchon.e. Tincture of cinchona. Formerly known by the name of tinctura corticis peruviani rimptex. Take of lance-leaved cincho- na bark, powdered, seven ounces ; proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. The dose is from a fluid drachm to half a fluid ounce. For its virtues, see Cinchona. Tinctura cinchon.e ammoniata. Aramo- niated tincture of cinchona. Volatile tincture of bark. Take of lance-leaved cinchona bark, powdered, four ounces ; aromatic spirit of ammo- nia, two pints ; macerate for ten days, and strain. Tinctura cinchona: composita. Com- pound tincture of cinchona. Take of lance-leaved cinchona bark, powdered, two ounces ; orange- jieel, dried, an ounce and a half; serpentary-root, bruised, three drachms ; saffron, a drachm ; cochi- neal, powdered, two scruples : proof spirit, twenty fluid ounces. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. The dose is from one fluid drachm to half a fluid ounce. For its virtues, see Cinchona. Tinctura cinnamomi. Tincture of cinna- mon. Formerly Called aqua rinnamomi fortis. Take of cinnamon bark bruised, three ounces ; proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. The dose is from a fluid drachm to three or more. Tinctura cinnamomi composita. Com- p.ound tincture of cinnamon. Formerly called tinctura aromatica. Take of cinnamon bark, bruised, six drachms ; cardamom seeds, bruised, three drachms; long pepper, powdered, ginger- root, sliced, of each two drachms; proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. The dose is from half a fluid drachm to two or more. Tinctura digitalis. Tincture of fox-glove. Take of fox-glove leaves, dried, four ounces; firoof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. This tincture is introduced in the London Pharmacopoeia as possessing the pro- perties of the plant in a convenient, uniform, and permanent form; it is a saturated tincture, and in the same proportions has been long used in ge- neral practice. The dose is from ten to forty mi- nims. For its virtues, see Digitalis. Tinctura ferri acetatis. This prepara- tion is directed in the Dublin Pharmacopoeia, with acetate of potassa, two ounces ; sulphate of iron, one ounce ; and rectified spirit, two pints. Tinctura ferri ammoniati. Tincture of ammoniated iron, formerly called tinctura ferri ammoniucalis; tinctura florum martialium; tinctura martis myndehti. Take of aramoniated iron, four ounces; proof spirit, a pint. Digest and strain. This is a most excellent chalybeate in all atonic affections, and may be given with cinchona in the cure of dropsical and other ca- chectic diseases. The dose is from half a fluid drachm to two. Tinctura ferri muriatis. Tincture of muriate of iron. Formerly called tinctura mar- tis in spiritu salis ; tinctura martis cum spiritu talis ; and lately known by the name of tinctura ferri muriati. Take ot subcarbonate of iron, half a pound; muriatic acid, a pint; rectified spi- rit, three pints. Pour the acid upon the sub-car- bonate of iron in a glass vessel, and shake it occa- sionally for three days. Set it by that tbe faces, 054 if there be any, may subside : then pour off tbe solution, and add tbe spirit. Cline strongly re commends this in ischuria and many diseases ot the kidneys and urinary passages. The dose is from ten to twenty drops. It is a good chaly- beate, and serviceable against most diseases of de- bility without fever. Tinctura gentian.e composita. Com- pound tincture of gentian. Formerly called tinc- tura amara. Take of gentian root, sliced, two ounces ; orange-peel, dried, an ounce; carda- mom-seeds, bruised, half an ounce ; proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, with a gentle heat, and strain. The dose is from one fluid drachm to two. For its virtues, see Gen- tiana. Tinctura guaiaci. Tincture of guaiacum. Take of guaiacum resin, powdered, half a pound ; rectified spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. This tincture, which possesses aU the active parts of this peculiar vegetable mat- ter, is now first introduced into the London Phar- macopoeia. The dose is from one fluid drachm to two. For its virtues, see Guaiacum. Tinctura guaiaci ammoniata. Ammo- niated tincture of guaiacum. Formerly called tinctura guaiadni volatilis. Take of guaiacum resin, powdered, four ounces; aromatic spirit of ammonia, a pint and a half. Macerate for four- teen days, and strain. The dose is from one fluid drachm to two. Tinctura hellebori nigra. Tincture of black hellebore. Formerly caUed tinctura me- lampodii. " Take of black hellebore-root, sliced, four ouiices ; proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain." The dose is from half to a whole fluid drachm. For its virtues, consult Helleborus niger. Tinctura humuli. Tincture of hop. Take of hojis, five ounces; proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. Various modifications of the preparations of this bitter have lately been strongly recommended by Freke. (Observationson Humulus Lupulus,) and employ- ed by many practitioners, who believe that it unites sedative and tonic powers, and thus forms a useful combination. The dose is from half to a whole fluid drachm. See Hamulus. Tinctura hyoscyami. Tincture of henbane. Take of henbane leaves, dried, four ounces, proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. That the henbane itself is nar- cotic is abundantly proved, that the same power is also found in its tincture is also certain, but to produce the same effects requires a much larger dose. In some of the statements made to the College of Physicians of London, a different opin- ion has been given, and twenty-five drops have been considered as equivalent to twenty of tinc- ture of opium; it does not produce costiveness, or the subsequent confusion of head which foUows the use of opium, and will therefore be, even if its powers be weaker, of considerable use. The dose is from ten minims to one fluid drachm. Tinctura jalaps. Tincture of jalap, for- merly called tinctura jalapii. Take of jalap- root, powdered, eight ounces; proof spirit, two Eints. Macerate for fourteen days, with a gentle eat, and strain. The dose is from one fluid drachm to half a fluid ounce. For its virtues, see Con- volvulus jalapa. Tinctura kino. Tincture of kino. Take of kino, powdered, three ounces ; proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. AU the astringeney of kino is included in this pre- paration. The dose is from half a fluid drachm to two. See Kino. I'LN IIS Iikliura 1.1 i i.e. See I ttutui a cantlia- vidit. Tinctura myrrhjs. Tincture of myrrh. Take of myrrh, bruised, four ounces; rectified spirit, two pints; water, a pint. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. The dose is from half to a whole fluid drachm. For its virtues, sec Myrrha. Tinctura opii. Tincture of opium. Take of hard opium, powdered, two ounces and a half; proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. The dose is from ten minims, or twenty drops, to half a fluid dractom. For its virtues, see Opium. Tinctura rhei. Tincture of rhubarb. For- merly known by the names of Tinctura rhabur- bari, and Tinctura rhabarbari spirituosa. Take of rhubarb-root sliced, two ounces ; cardamom seeds, bruised, half an ounce; saffron, two drachms ; proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, with a gentle heat, and strain. The dose is from half a fluid ounce to one and a half. For its virtues, see Rheum. Tinctura rhei composita. Compound tincture of rhubarb. Formerly called Tinctura rhabarbari composita. Take of rhubarb-root sliced, two ounces; liquorice-root, bruised, half an ounce ; ginger-root, sUced, saffron, of each two drachms; proof spirit, a pint; water, twelve fluid ounces. Macerate for fourteen days, with a gen- tle heat, and strain. This is a mild stomachic aperient. The dose is from half a fluid ounce to one and a half. Tinctura scilla. Tincture of squill. Take cf squill root, fresh dried, four ounces ; proof spi- rit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. The virtues of this squill (see Scilla) re- side in the tincture, which is administered in doses of from twenty drops to a fluid drachm. Tinctura senn.e. Tincture of senna. For- merly called Elixir salutis. Take of senna- leaves, three ounces; carraway-seeds, bruised, three drachms; cardamom-seeds, bruised, a drachm ; raisins, stoned, four ounces ; proof spi- rit, two jiints. Macerate for fourteen days, with a gentle heat, and strain. A carminative, aperient, and purgative, in doses from two fluid drachms to a fluid ounce. See Casda senna. Tinctura serpentari^e. Tincture of ser- pentary. Formerly called Tinctura serpentaria virginiana. Take of serpentary-root, three ounces ; proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. This tincture possesses, in addition to the virtues of the spirit, those of the serpentaria. The dose is from half a fluid drachm to two. See Aristolochia serpentaria. Tinctura valerianic. Tincture of valerian. Formerly called Tinctura Valeriana simplex. Take of valerian-root, four ounces ; proof spirit, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. A useful antispasmodic in conjunction with others. The dose from half a fluid drachm to two. Sec Valeriana. Tinctura valerian.e ammoniata. Am- moniated tincture of valerian. Formerly called Tinctura Valeriana volatilis. Take of valerian root, four ounces.; aromatic spirit of ammonia, two pints. Macerate for fourteen days, and strain. A strong antispasmodic and stimulating tincture. Tbe dose is from half a fluid drachm to two. Tinctura verairi. A very active altera- tive, recommended in the cure of epilepsy and cu- taneous eruptions. Its administration requires great caution ; the white hellebore being a jiuw- crful poison. Tinctura zingibers. Tincture of ginger. Take of ginger-root, sliced, two ounces; proof spirit, iw;* pinus. Macerate for fourteen days an.. strain. A stimulating carminative. The dose i; from a fluid drachm to three. Tincture. See Tinctura. Tincture of assafatida. See Tinctura assa- fatida. Tincture of black hellebore. See Tinctura helle.bori nigri. Tincture of blistering fly. See IHndura lytta. Tincture of calumba. See Tinctura calumba: Tincture of capdeum. See Tinctura capdd. Tincture of cardamom. See Tinctura carda- momi. Tincture of cascariUa. See Tinctura casca- riUa. Tincture of castor. See Tinctura castorri. Tincture of catechu. See Tinctura catechu. Tincture of cinchona. See Tinctura dn- chona. Tincture of cinnamon. See Tinctura rinna- momi. Tincture of fox-glove. See Tinctura digita- lis. Tincture of guaiacum. See Tinctura guai- ad. Tincture of guaiacvm, ammoniated. See Tinctura guaiaci ammoniata. Tincture of ginger. See Tinctura zingiberis Tincture of henbane. See Tinctura hyos- cyami. Tincture of hops. See Tinctura humuli. Tincture of jalap. See Tinctura jalapa. Tincture of kino. See Tinctura kino. Tincture of myrrh. See Tinctura myrrha. Tincture of opium. See Tinctura opii. Tincture of orange-peel. See Tinctura an rantii. Tincture of rhubarb. See Tinctura rhri. Tincture of senna. See Tinctura tenna. Tincture of terpentary. See Tinctura ter pentaria. Tincture of squills. See Tinctura sdlla. Tincture of valerian. See Tinctura vale riana. Tincture of valerian, ammoniated. See Tine tura Valeriana ammoniata. ■ Tincture, compound, of aloet. See Tinctura aloes composita. Tincture, compound, of benzoin. See Tinc- tura benzoini composita. Tincture, compound, of camphor. See Tinc- tura camphora composita. Tincture, compound, of cardamom. See Tinc- tura cardamomi composita. Tincture, compound, of dnchona." See Tinc- tura dnchona composita. Tincture, compound, of cinnamon. See Tinc- tura rinnamomi composita. Tincture, compound, of gentian. See Tinc- tura gentiana composita. Tincture, compound, of rhubarb. See Tinc- tura rhei composita. TI'NEA. (Tinea; from teneo, to hold.) Ti- nea capitis. The scald-head. A genus of dis- ease in the Claeople. Also gravel. ~. The pharmacopoeial name ot the upright sent foil. See Tormentilla erecta. Tormentilla krecta. The systematic name of the upright septfoil. Heptaphyllum; Conso- lida rubra ; Tormentilla—caule erectiusculo, foliis sesrilibut, of Linuaeus. The root is the only part of tne plant which is used medicinally; it has a strong styptic taste, but imparts no pecu- liar sapid flavour : it has been long held in esti- mation as a powerful adstringent; and, as a proof of its efficacy in this way, it has been substituted for oak bark in the tanning of skins for leather. Tormentil is ordered in the pulvis creta compo- situs, of the London Pharmacopoeia. TORMINA. Severe pains. TO'RPOR. A numbness, or deficient sensa- tion. TORTICO'LLIS. (From torqueo, to twistr and collum, the neck.) The wry neck. TORTULOSUS. A Uttle swelling out. Ap- plied to the knotty pod of the Rhaphanus sa- tivus. Tortu'ra ossis. The locked jaw. Tota bona. See Chenopodium bonus hen- TICUS. TOUCH. Tadus. " By touch we are ena- bled to know tbe jiroperties of bodies ; and as it is less subject to deception than the other senses, enabling us in certain cases to clear up errors into which tbe others have led us, it has been consi- dered the first, and the most exceUent oi all the senses ; but several of the advantages which have beeu attributed to it by physiologists and meta- physicians should be considerably limited. We ought to distinguish tact from touch. Tact is, with some few exceptions, generally diffused through all our organs, and particularly over the cutaneous and mucous surfaces. It exists in all animals ; whilst touch is exerted evidently only by parts that are intended particularly for this use. It docs not exist in all animals, and it is no- thing else but tact united to muscular contractions directed by the will. In the exercise of tact, we may be considered as passive, whilst we are essentially active in the exercise of touch. Physical properties of bodies which employ the action of touch.—Almost all the physical properties of bodies are susceptible of acting TO'PICAL. (From tottos, a place.) Medi- upon the organs of touch ; form, dimensions, dif- cines applied to a particular place Topina'ria. A species of tumour in the skin of the head. TO'RCULAR. (From torqueo, to twist.) The tourniquet; a bandage to check haemorrhages after wounds or amputations. Torcular herophili. Lechenon; Lenos. The press of Herophilus. That place where the four sinuses of the dura mater meet together, first accurately described by Herophilus, the anato- mist. TORDY'LIUM. (Tordylium, ii. n. Quasi tortilium; from torqueo, to twist: so named from its tortuous branches, or from the neat obi- cuiar figure of its seed, which seem as if artifi- cially wrought or turned. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentan- dria; Order, Digynia. Tordylium officinale. The s-vstematic name of the officinal seseli creticum. The seeds arc said to be diuretic. TORMENTIL. Sec Tormentilla. TORMENTILLA. (From tormentum, pain ; because it was sujijiosed to relieve i»ain in the teeth.) 1. The naiue^ of a genus of jilants in the Liuna-an system ^lonogynia. ferent degrees ot consistence, weight, tempera- ture, locomotion, vibration, &.c. are all so many circumstances that arc exactly appreciated by the touch. The organs destined to touch do not alone ex- ercise this, function , so that in this respect the touch diifrrs much from tht other senses. As in most cases it is the skin which receives the tactile impressiins produced by the bodies which su - round us, it is necessary to say something ot its structure. The skin forms the envelope of the body ; it is lost in the mucous membranes at the entrance of all the cavities ; but it is improper to say that these membranes ait a conMuatiuu of it. 'ihe skin is formed j.run i).;'!W by the cutis veia, afii>rous layer ot various i'urkucss, accord- ing to th«. part inch it cciits; it adheres by a cellular tissue, more or less dm, at other times by fibrous attachments. The cutis is almost al- ways separated from the subjacent parts '.>y a lay c:r of a greater or less thickness, which is cf use* in the exercise ot touch. 0 The external side of the cutis vera is covered by the epidermis, a solid matter secreted by the Class, ftotandria •• Order,, akin. Wc ought not to c.insider tlie epidermis as „'va membrane : it is a homogeneous layer, adheren' 0*7 lOL TOl by its internal face to the chorion, and lull oi a great number of holes, of which the one sort are for the passage of the hair, and the other for that of cutaneous perspiration ; they serve at the same time for the absorption which takes place by the skin. These last are called the pores of the skin. It is necessary to notice, with regard to the epi- dermis, that it is void of feeting; that it possesses none of the properties of life; that it is not sub- ject to putrefaction ; that it wears and is renewed continually; that its thickness augments oi lessens as it may be necessary : it is even said to be proof to the action of the digestive organs. The connection of the epidermis to the cutis vera is very close? and yet it cannot be doubted that there is a particular layer between these two parts, in which certain particular phenomena take place. The organisation of this layer is yet little known. Malpighi believed it to be formed of a particular mucus, the existence of which has been long admitted, and which bore the name of the corpus mucosum of Malpighi. Other authors have considered if, more justly, as a vascular net work. Gall makes it similar to the gray matter which is seen in many parts of the brain. Gantier, in examining attentively the external surface of the true skin, has noticed some small reddish projections, disposed in pairs; they are easily perceived when the skin is laid bare by a blister. These little bodies are regularly disposed upon the palm of the hand, and on the sole of the foot. They JlTe sensible, and are reproduced when they have been torn out. They appear to be essentially vascular. These bodies, without being understood, have been long called the pa- pilla of the skin. The epidermis is pierced by little holes, opposite their tops, through which small drops of sweat are seen to issue, when the skin is exposed to an elevated temperature. The skin contains a great number of sebaceous folli- cles ; it receives a great number of vessels and nerves, particularly at thepoints where the sense of touch is more immediately exercised. The mode in which the nerves are terminated in the skin is totally unknown; all that has been said of the cutaneous nervous papillae is entirely hypo- thetical. Tbe exercise of tact and of touch is facilitated by the thinness of the cutis vera, by a gentle ele- vation of temperature, by an abundant cutaneous perspiration, as well as by a certain thickness and flexibility of the epidermis ; when the contrary dispositions exist, the tact and the touch arc al- ways more or less imperfect. Mechanism of Tact.—The mechanism of tact is extremely simple ; it is sufficient that bodies be in contact with the skin to furnish us with data, more or less exact, of their tactile properties. By tact we judge particularly of the temperature. When bodies deprive us of caloric, we call thrni cold; when they yield it to us, we say they arc hot; and according to the quantity of caloric which they give or take, we determine their dif- ferent degrees of heat or cold. The notions that we have of temperature are, nevertheless, far from being exactly in relation to the quantity of caloric that bodies yield to us, or take from us, wc join with it unawares a comparison with the tempe- rature of the atmosphere, in such a manner that a body colder than ours, but hotter than the at- mosphere, appears hot, though it really deprive ns of caloric when we touch it. On this account, places which have a uniform temperature, such as cellars or wells, appear cold in summer and hot in winter. The capacity also of bodies for calo- ric has a great influence upon us with regard to temperature ; as an example of this we have only' i?8 to notice the great difference ot sensation pro- duced by iron and wood, though the temperature of both be the same. A body which is sufficiently hot to cause a che- mical decomposition of our organs produces the sensation of burning. A body whose temperature is so low as to absorb quickly a great portion of the caloric of any part, produces a sensation of the same sort nearly: this may be proved in touching frozen mercury. The bodies which have a chemical action upon the epidermis, those that dissolve it, as the caustic alkalies, and concentrated acids, produce an im- pression which is easy to be recognised, and by which these bodies may be known. Every part of the skin is not endowed with the same sensibility ; so that the same body applied to difl'erent points of the skin in succession, will produce a series of different impressions. The mucous membranes possess great deUcacy of tact. Every one knows the great sensibility of the lips, the tongue, of the conjunctiva, the pituitary membrane, of the mucous membrane, of the trachea, of the urethra, of the vagina, &c. The first contact of bodies, which are not destined naturally to touch these membranes, is painful at first, but this soon wears off. Mechanism of Touch.—In man the hand is the principal organ of touch; all the most suitable circumstances are united in it. The epidermis is thin, smooth, flexible; the cutaneous perspiration abundant, as well as the oily secretion. The vas- cular eminences are more numerous there than any where else. The cutis vera has but little thickness ; it receives a great number of vessels and nerves ; it adheres to the subjacent aponeu- roses by fibrous adhesions ; and it is sustained by a highly elastic cellular tissue? The extremities of tlie fingers possess all these properties in the highest degree: the motions of the hand are very numerous, and performed with facility, and it may be applied with ease to any body of whatso- ever form. As long as the hand remains immoveable at the surface of a body, it acts only as an organ of tact. To exercise touch, it must move, either by passing over the surface, to examine form, dimensions, &c, or to press it for the purpose of determining its consistence, elasticity, &c. We use the whole hand to touch a body of con - siderable dimensions ; if, on the contrary, a body is very small, we employ only the points of the fingers. This delicacy of touch in the fingers has given man a great advantage over the animals. His touch is so delicate, that it has been consider- ed the source of his intelligence. From the highest antiquity the touch has been considered of more importance than any of the. other senses , it has been supposed the cause of human reason. This idea has continued to our times ; it has been even remarkably extended in the writings of Condillac, of Buffon, and other modern physiologists. Buffon, in particular, gave such an importance to the touch, that be thought one man had little more ability than another, but only in so far as he had been in the habit of ma- king use of his bands. He said it would be well to allow children the free use of their hands from the moment of their birth. The touch does not really possess any preroga- tive over the other senses ; Rnd if in certain cases it assists the eye or the ear, it receives aid from them in others, and there is no reason to believe that it excites ideas in the brain of a higher order than those which are produced by the action of the other senses. a Of interna} Scrttations,—AH tbe organs, as TRA weU as the tkin, possess the faculty of transmit- ting impressions to the brain, when they aie touched by exterior bodies, or when they are compressed, bruised, &c. It may be said, that they generally possess tact. There must be an exception made of tbe bones, the tendons, the aponeuroses, the ligaments, &c. ; which in a healthy state are insensible, and may be cut, burned, torn, without any thing being felt by the brain. This important fact was not known to the an- cients ; they considered all the white jmrts as ner- vous, and attributed to them all those properties which we now know belong only to the nerves. These useful results, which have had a great influ- ence upon the recent progress of surgery, we owe to Haller and his disciples. All the organs are capable of transmitting spon- taneously a great number of impressions to the brain without the intervention of any external cause. They are of three sorts. The first kind take place when it is necessary for the organs to act; they are called wants, instinctive desires. Such are hunger, thirst, the necessity of making water, of respiration ; the venereal impulse, &c. The second sort take place during the action of ihe organs ; they are frequently obscure, some- times very violent. The impressions which ac- company the different excretions, as of the semen, he urine, are of this number. Such are also the impressions which inform us of our motions, of the periods of digestion :—even thought seems to belong to this kind of impression. The third kind of internal sensations are de- veloped when the organs have acted. To this kind belongs the feeling of fatigue, which is va- riable in the different sorts of functions. The impressions wliich are felt in sickness ought to be added to these three sorts : these are much more numerous than the others. The study of them is absolutely necessary to the phy- sician. All those sensations which proceed from within, and which have no dependence upon the actiou of exterior bodies, have been collectively denomi- nated internal sensations, or feelings."—Ma- gendie's Physiology. TOUCH-ME-NOT. See Nolime langere. TOUCHSTONE. Lydian stone. A variety of flinty slate. TOUCH-WOOD. See Agaricus. TOURMALINE. Rhomboidal tourmaline is divided into two subspecies, schorl and tourma- line. The latter mineral is of a green, brown, and red colour, in prismatic concretions, rolled pieces, but generally crystallise. It occurs in gneiss, mica slate, talc slate, &c. TOURNEFORT, Joseph Pitton de, was born at Aix, in Provence, in 1666. He was de- stined for the church, but a taste for natural know- ledge led him, at his father's death, to change for the profession of Physic. He, therefore, quali- fied himself thoroughly in anatomy, chemistry, and other branches of medical study, and like- wise distinguished himself as an elegant writer and lecturer; but he displayed especially an ar- dent devotion to botany, which ever after made the chief object of his life. His zeal in this pur- suit led him to encounter considerable danger in exploring the Alps, Pyrenees, &c. during several seasons, pasting the intermediate winters at Mont- pelUer; but he is said to have graduated at Orange. His merits, as a botanist, soon became conspicuous at Paris, and the superintendence of the royal garden was resigned to him by Fagon. In this school he soon drew together a crowd of ct"dents ; but anxious for farther improvements, he traveUed into the neighbouring countries, and thus greatly enriched his collections. He was ad- mitted a member of the Academy of Sciences, and of the Medical Faculty at Paris ; and was like- wise decorated with the Order of St. Michael. He published about the same period several bo- tanical works, of which the principal is entitled. " Institutiones Rei Herbariae." In the year 1700 he set out, under royal patronage, on a voyage to the Levant, with the view of investigating the plants of ancient writers, and making new dis- coveries ; and on his return, after two years, he wrote a very interesting and valuable account of the expedition in French, whicb was not pubUsh- ed, however, till alter his death. This took place in 1708, in consequence of a hurt in the breast, which he received from a carriage. He left his collection of plants to the king, who bestowed in return a pension of a thousand livres on his ne- phew. Besides the botanical works published by lum, he is said to have left several otheis in manu- script. One object, which had occupied much of his attention, was to determine the medical vir- tues of plants by a chemical analysis ; but the loss of these labours is not to be regretted, as those of Geoffrey, on the same plan, turned out to be without any solid advantage. The elegance and facility of Tonrnefort's botanical method gained him many followers at first ; but it has since been sujierseded by that of Linnaeus, which is much more systematic, and comprehensive. Still, however, it must be acknowledged, that the generic distinctions, established by the former botanist, and most accurately delineated, have been the principal foundation of subsequent im- provements. TOURNIQUET. (French ; from tourner, to turn.) An instrument used for stopping the flow of blood into a limb. TOXIC ARIA. (Toxicaria, a. f.; from to£( kov, a poison : so called from its poisonous quali- ty. ) The name of a plant. Toxicaria macassAiensis. Anlniian poi- son obtained from a tree hitherto undescribed by any medical botanist, known by the name of Roasrupas: it is a native of South America. Concerni-iL,' tliis plant, various and almost incredi- ble particulars have been related, both in ancient and mod-rn times ; some of them true, others jiro- bably founded on superstition. Rumphius testifies that he had not met with any other more dread- ful product from any vegetable. And he adds, that this poison, of which the Indians boast, was much more terrible to the Dutch than any war- like instrument. He likewise says, it is his opinion, that it is of the same natural order, if not of the same genu-, as thu cestrum. TOXICODE'NDRUM. (From to^ikov, a poison, and iev&pov, a tree.) The poison tree, which is so noxious that no insects ever come near it. Sec Rhus toxicodendron. TOXICOLOGY. (Toxicologia; from rof»i, an arrow or bow: because the darts of the an- cients were usually besmeared with some poison- ous substance ; and Xoyos, a discourse.) A dis- sertation on poisons. See Poison. TO'XICUM. (From to^ov, an arrow, which was sometimes poisoned.) A deadly poison. See Pdson. Toxite'sia. The artemisia or mugwort. TRABE'CULA. (Trabecula, a small beam., This word is mostly applied by anatomists to the small medullary fibres of the brain, which con- stitute the commissures. TRA'CHEA. (So called from its roughness ; from Tpaxvs, rough.) The windpipe. The tra- cli.-R is :> cartilaginous and membranous eanal 9^0 TRA through which the air passes into the lungs. Its upper part, which is called the larynx, is composed of five cartUages. The uppermost and smallest of these cartilages is placed over the glottis or mouth of the larynx, and is caUed epiglottis, as closing the'passage to the lungs in the act of swallowing. The sides of the larynx are com- posed of the two arytenoid cartilages, wliich are of a very complex figure, not easy to be described. The anterior and larger part of the larynx is made up of two cartilages, one of which is called thy- roides or scutiformis, from its being shaped like a buckler: and the other cricoides or annularis, from its resembUng a ring. Both these cartilages may be felt immediately under the skin, at tne fore-part of the thorax ; and the thyroides, by its convexity, forms an eminence called the pomum adami, which is usuaUy more considerable in the male than in the female subject. All these cartilages are united to each other by means of very elastic ligament, ius fibres ; and are enabled by the assistance of their several mus- cles, to dilate or contract the passage of the' la- rynx, and to perform that variety of motion which seems to point out the larynx as the principal or- gan of the voice ; for when the air passes through a wound in the trachea, it produces little or no sound. These cartUages are moistened by a mucus, which seems to be secreted by minute glands situated near them. The upper part of the tra- chea, and the cricoid and thyroid cartilages, are in some measure covered anteriorly by a consi- derable body, which is supposed to be of a glan- dular structure, and from its situation is called the thyroid gland, though its excretory duct has not yet been discovered, or its real use ascertain- ed. The glottis is entirely covered by a very fine membrane, which is moistened by a constant supply of a watery fluid. From the larynx the* canal begins to take the name of trachea, or aspera arteria, and extends from thence as far down as the fourth or filth vertebrae of the back, where it divides into two branches, which art the right and left bronchial tube. Each ef these bronchia ramifies through the substance of that lobe of the lungs, to which it is distributed by an infinite number of branches, which are formed of cartilages separated from each other like those of the trachea, by an intervening membranous and ligamentary substance. Each of these carti- lages is of an annular figure ; and as they become gradually less and less in their diameter, the lower ones are in some measure received into those above them, when the lungs, after being inflated, gradually collapse by the air being pushed out from them in expiration. As the branches of the bronchia become more minute, theii cartilages become more and more annular and membranous, till at length they become perfectly membranous, and at last become invisible. The trachea is fur- nished with fleshy or muscular fibres, some of which pass through its whole extent longitudi- nally, while the others are carri'-d round it in a cir- cular direction, so that by the contraction or re- laxation of these fibres, it is enabled to shorten or lengthen itself, and likewise to dilate or contract the diameter of its passage. The trachea and its branches, in aU their ramifications, are furnished with a great number of small glands which are lodged in their cellular substance, and discharge a mucous fluid on the inner surface of these tubes. The cartilages of the trachea, by keeping it constantly open, affbrd a free passage to the air which we are obliged to be incessantly respiring ; and its membranous part being capable ol con- traction or dilatation, enables ns to receive nnd 960 PRA expel the air in a greater or less quantity, and with more or less velocity, as may be required in singing and declamation. This membranous structure of the trachea posteriorly, seems like- wise to assist in the descent of the food by pre- venting that impediment to its passage down the oesophagus, which might be expected, if the car- tilages were complete rings. The trachea re- ceives its arteries from the carotid and subclavian arteries, and its veins pass into the jugulars. Its nerves arise from the recurrent branch of the eighth pair, and from the cervical plexus. TRACHELA'GRA. (Trachelagra, a. f.; from rpaxnXos, the throat, and aypa, a seizure.) The gout in the neck. TRACHE'LIUM. (Trachelium, ii. n.; from rpaxnXos, the throat: so called from its efficacy in diseases of the throat.) The Campanula tra- chelium, of Linnaeus, or herb throat-wort. TRACHELO. (From too^Aoj, the neck.) Names compounded of this word belong to mus- cles, &c. which are attached to the neck; as Trachtlo-mattoideus. TRACHELOCE'LE. (From TpaXtia, the wind-pi|ie, and *!jA>;, a-tumour.) A tumour upon the trachea. A bronchocele. Trachelo-mastoideus. A muscle situated on the neck, which assists the complexus, but pulls the head more to one side. It is the com- plexut minor teu mattoideut lateralis, of Win- slow. Trachelo-mastmden, of Dumas. It arises from the transverse processes of the five inferior cervical vertebrae, where it is connected with the. transversalis cervicis, and of the three superior dorsal, and it is inserted into the middle of the posterior part of the mastoid process. TRACHELO'PHYMA. (From rpaxjiXos, the throat, and i|, a hair.) Under this name Good makes a genus of disease in the Class Eccritica, Order Acrotica, of his Nosology. Morbid hair. It has eight species, viz. Trickodi tetota, plica, hir- sutus, dittrix. See Plica. TRICHU'RIS. (From tyf, a hair.) The long hair-worm. See Worms. TR1COCCUS. (From rpus, three, and kokkos, a grain.) Three-seeded. Tricocce. The name of an order in Lin- naeus 's Fragments of a Natural Method, consist- ing of those which have a triangular capsule with tlire6 needs* TRICUSPID. (Tricuspts; from tres, three, and cutpis, a point: so called from their being three-pointed.) Three-pointed. Tricuspid valve. The name ofthe valve in the right ventricle. Tnfml, water. See Menyanthes trifoliata. TRIFO'LIUM. (From tres, three, andfolium, a leaf: so called because it has three leaves on each stalk.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, il/onog-j/nia. Trefoil. Trifolium acetosum. The wood-sorrel was so called. See Oxalis acetosella. Trifolium aquaticum. See Ment/anthcs trifoliata. Trifolium arvense. Hare's-foot trefoff. Trifolium AURErM. Herb trinity; noble Hr'nvor? Trifolium caballinum. Melilotus. Trifolium cjeruleum. Sweet trefoil. Trifolium falcatum. The Auricula muris. See Hieradum pilosella. Trifolium fibrinum. See Menyanthes tri- foliata. Trifolium hepaticum. See Anemone he- patica. Trifolium melilotus officinalis. The systematic name of the officinal melilot; Meli- lotus ; Lotus sylvestris; Seratula camp an a ; Trifolium caballinum) Coroda regia; Trifo- lium odoratum. This plant has been said to be resolvent, emollient, anodyne, and to participate of the virtues of chamomile. Its taste is un- pleasant, subacrid, subsaline, but not bitter; when fresh it has scarcely any smell ; in drying it ac- quires a pretty strong one of the aromatic kind, but not agreeable. Tbe principal use of meUlot has been in clysters, fomentations, and other ex- ternal applications. Trifolium odoratum. See Trifolium me- lilotut offidnalit. TniFonuM paludosum. See Menyanthes trifoliata. TRIGE'MINI. (Trigeminut, from tret, three, and geminut, double ; uiree-fold.) Nervi inno- minati. The fifth pair of nerves, which arise from the crura of the cerebellum, and are divided within the cavity of the cranium into three branches, viz. the orbital, superior, and inferior maxillary. The orbital branch is divided into the frontal, lachrymal, and nasal nerves ; the su- perior maxillary into the spheno-palatine, poste- rior alveolar, and infra-orbital nerves; and the inferior maxillary into two branches, the internal lingual, and one more properly called the inferior maxillary. TRIGONE'LLA. (A diminutive of trigona, three-sided, alluding to its little triangular flower.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Diadel- phia; Order, Decandria. Trigonella FfENUM gr.ecum. The syste- matic name of the fcenugreek. Fanum gracum; Bucerat; JEgocerat. Trigonella—legumini- but sesrilibus ttrictis ercctiusculii tubfalcatit acuminatit, caule erecto, of Linnaeus. A native of Montpellier. The seeds are brought to us from the southern parts of France and Germany ; they have a strong disagreeable smell, and an unctuous farinaceous taste, accompanied with a slight bitterness. They are esteemed as assisting the formation of pus, in inflammatory tumours; and the meal, with that intention, is made into a poultice with milk. TRIGONUS. See Triangularis. TRLHILATjE. (From tret, three, and hilum, the scar or external mark on the seed.) The name of a class of plants in Linnaeus's Fragments of a Natural Method, consisting of plants, the seeds of which have the scar weU marked; the style has three stigmas. TRILOBUS. Three-lobed. Applied to parts of animals and plants whicb are so shaped. TRINERVIS. Three-nerved. In botany, three-ribbed ; as appUed to leaves, &c. Trinita'tis herba. See Anemone hepatica. TRINITY-HERB. See Anemone hepatica. TRIPARTITUS. Tripartite: divided into three. Tripa'strpm apellidis. Tripattrum Ar- chimedis. A surgical instrument for extending fractured limbs; so named because it resembled a machine invented by AppeUides or Archimedes, for launching of ships, and because it was workW with three cords. TRIPHANK. See Spoduwcne. 063 TRO TKO TRIPHYLLUS. (From rpus, three, and tpvXXov, a leaf.) Three-leaved. Triplinervis. Triply-ribbed : applied to a leaf, which has a pair of large ribs branching off from a main one above the base, which is the case in every species of sun-flower, and the Blakea triplinervis. TRIPOLI. Rottenstone. A grayish yellow- coloured mineral used for polishing. TRIQUE'TRA. (Triquctrut; from tres, three.) Ossicula Wormiana. The triangular- shaped bones, which are found mostiy in the course of the lambdoidal suture of the skull. TRIQUETRUS. Three-sided. Applied to some parts of plants; as the stems, flowcrstalk, leaves, seeds, &c. TRI'SMUS. (Fromrptlu, to gnash.) Lock- ed jaw. Spastic rigidity of the under jaw. Ca- pistrum, of Vogel. Dr. Cullen makes two spe- cies. 1. Trismus nascentium, attacking infants during the two first weeks from their birth. 2. Trismus traumaticus, attacking persons of all ages, and arising from cold or a wound. See Te- tanus. TRISSA'GO. (Quasi tristago; from tristis, sad : because it dispels sadness.) The common germander is sometimes so called. See Teucrium chamadryt. Trissago pallustris. The water-german- der was so called. See Teucrium scordium. TRIT^EO'PHYA. (From rp^aiog, tertian, and 0v(i>, importing a like nature or original.) Tritaus. A fever much of a nature with a ter- tian, and taking its rise from it. Some call it a continued tertian. It is remittent or intermittent. Trit-eophia causus. The fever called causus by Hippocrates. TRITiE'US. See Tritaophya. TRI'TICUM. (From tero, to thresh from the husk.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Triandria; Order, Digynia. See Wheat. Triticum repens. Gramen caninum; Gra- men Dioscoridis; Gramen repens; Loliaceum radice repente. Dog's grass ; Ceuch grass. A very common grass, the roots of which are agree- ably sweet, and possess aperient properties. The expressed juice is recommended to be given largely. TRITO'RIUM. (From tritus, beat smaU.) 1. A mortar. 2. A glass for separating the oil from the water in distilling. TRITURATION. (Trituratio ; from tero, to rub or grind.) Tritura; Tritus. The act of reducing a solid body into a subtile powder; as woods, barks, &c. It is performed mostly by tbe rotatory motiou of a pestle in metalUc, glass, or wedgewood mortars. TROCAR. (Corrupted from un troit quart, French, a three quarters ; from the three sides with which the point is made.) The name of an instrument used in tapping for the dropsy. TROCHANTER. (From TptXu, to run ; be- cause the muscles inserted into them perform the office of running.) The name of two processes of the thigh-bone, which are distinguished into the greater and lesser. See Femur. TROCHI'SCUS. (Diminutive of rpo^oj, a wheel.) A troch or round tablet. Troches and loaenges are composed of powders made up with glutinous substances into little cakes, and after- wards dried. This form is principally used for the more commodious exhibition of certain medi- cines, by fitting them to dissolve slowly in the month, so as to pass by degrees into the stomach; and hence these preparations have generally a considerable portion of sugar or other materials 961 grateful to the palate. Some powders have Uke- wise been reduced into troches, with a view to their preparation, though possibly for no very good reasons: for the moistening them and after- wards drying them in the air, must on this account be of greater injury, than any advantage accruing from this form can counterbalance. General rules for making troches : 1. If the mass proves so glutinous as to stiek to the fingers in making np, the hands may be anointed with any sweet or aromatic oil; or else sprinkled with starch, or Uquorice powder, er with flour. 2. In order to thoroughly dry the troches, put them on an inverted sieve, in a shady airy place, and frequently turn them. 3. Troches are to be kept in glass vessels, or in earthen ones well glazed. TRO'CHLEA. (TpoX>.ca, a pulley; from rptxp, to run.) A kind of cartilaginous pulley, through which the tendon of one of the muscles of the eye passes. TROCHLEA'RIS. See Obliquus superior oculi. TROCHLEATO'RES. Tbe fourth pair of nerves are so called, because they are inserted into the musculus trochlearis of the eye. See Pathetici. TROC HOFDE S. (From rpoxos, a wheel, and ti&os, resemblance. Axea commitsura. A spe- cies of diarthrosis, or moveable connection of bones, in which one bone rotates upon another; as the first cervical vertebra upon the odontoid process of the second. TRONA. The African name for the native carbonate of soda found near Fezzan. TRONCHIN, Theodore, was born at Geneva, in 1709, and went to study under Boerhaave, at Leyden, where he graduated in 1730. He then settled at Amsterdam, became a member of the College of Physicians, and an inspector of hospi- tals ; and distinguished himself as a zealous pro- moter of inoculation. In 1754, he retained to Geneva, and ranked among the most eminent practitioners in Europe; a chair of medicine was instituted in his favour, and the Society of Pastors admitted him into their body. He was employed by the Duke of Orleans, and other persons of rank at Paris, to inoculate their children; and performed the same office for the Duke of Parma. In 1766, he accepted the appointment of princi- pal physician to the Duke of Orleans ; though he had previously declined an invitation from the Empress of Russia. His practice appears to have been simple and judicious, and his conduct mark- ed by humanity and charity. He had little time for writing, but besides his inaugural dissertation, he published a treatise on the CoUca Pictonum, in 1757, and contributed several articles to the En- cyclopaedia, and to the Memoirs of the Academy of Surgery: and to an edition of the works of Baillou, he gave a Preface on the State of Medi- cine. He had the honour of being a member of the chief medical and scientific societies in Eu- rope. His death happened in 1781. TROPiE'OLUM. (A diminutive of tropaum, or rpurraiov, a warlike trophy. This fanciful but elegant name was chosen by Linnaeus for this sin- gular and striking genus, because he conceived the shield-like leaves and the brilliant flowers, shaped like golden helmets, pierced through and through, and stained with blood, might wcU justify such an allusion.) The name of a genus of plants. Class, Octandria; Order, Monogynia. Trop.eolum majcs. The systematic name of the Indian cress. Natturtium indicum; Acriviola; Flos sanguineus mimardi; Ntr*- TUB TtL turtium peruvianum; Cardamindum minus. Greater Indian cress, or Nasturtium. This plant is a native of Peru; it was first brought to France in 1684, and there called La grande capucine. In its recent state this plant, and more espeeiaUy its flowers, have a smell and taste resembling those of water-cress; and the leaves, on being bruised in a mortar, emit a pungent odour, some- what like that of horse-radish. By distillation with water they impregnate the fluid in a consi- derable degree with the smell and flavour oi the plant. Hence the antiscorbutic character of the nasturtium seems to be well founded, at least as far as we are able to judge from its sensible quali- ties : therefore in all those cases where the warm and antiscorbutic vegetables are recommended,this plant may be occasionally adopted as a pleasant and effectual variety. Patients to whom the nau- seous taste of scurvy-grass is intolerable, may find a grateful substitute in the nasturtium. The flow- ers are frequently used in salads, and the capsules are by many highly esteemed as a pickle. The flowers, in the warm summer months, about the time of sunset, have been observed to emit sparks Uke those of the electrical kind. Trophis Americana. Red fruited bucepha- lon. The fruit of the plant is a rough red berry, which is eaten in Jamaica, though not very plea- sant. TRUFFLE. See Lycoperdon tuber. TRUNCATUS. Truncate. Used in botany. A truncate leaf is an abrupt one, which has the extremity cut off, as it were, by a transverse line ; as in Liriodendrum tulipifera, and the petals of Hura crepitans. TRUNCUS. (Truncus, i. m.) The trunk. I. In anatomy, applied to the body strictly so called. It is divided into the thorax or chest, the abdomen or belly, and the pelvis. II. In botany, that part of a plant which emerges from the root, and sustains all other parts. The genera of trunks are, 1. Truncus: applied to trees and shrubs, which are thick and woody. 2. Caulit: the stem of herbs. 3. Calmut: the stem of grasses. 4. Stipes: the trunk of funguses, ferns, and palms. 5. Scopus : which is not a trunk, but a flower stalk, emerging from the root. TU'BA. (From tubus; any hoUow vessel.) 1. A tube. 2. In botany, the inferior part of a monopeta- lous corol. It is the cyUndrical part which is enclosed in the calyx of the primrose. See C'oro//a. Tuba eustachian a. Tuba Aristotelica; Aquaducus; Aquadudus Fallopii ; Meatus siccus ; Palatinus ductus; Ductus auris pala- tinut. The auditory tube. The Eustachian tube, so called because it was first described by Eustachius, arises in each ear from the anterior extremity of the tympanum by means of a bony semi-canal; runs forwards and inwards, at tne same time becoming gradually smaller; and after perforating the petrous portion of the temporal bone, terminates in a passage, partly cartilaginous and partly membranous, narrow at the beginning, but becoming gradually larger, and ending in a pouch behind the soft palate. It is through this orifice that the pituitary mem- brane of the nose enters the tympanum. It is always open, and affords a free passage for the air into the tympanum ; hence persons hear better with their mouth open. Tuba fallopiana. The Fallopian tube first described by Failopius. The uterine tube. A canal included in two laminae of the peritonae/nti, which arises at each side of the fundus of the uterus, passes transversely, and ends with it* extremity turned downwards at the ovarium. Its use is to grasp tbe ovum, and convey the prolific vapour to it, and to conduct the fertilized ovum into the cavity of the uterus. TUBER. (Tuber, eris. n. ; from tumeo, to swell.) An old name for an excrescence. I. In anatomy, applied to some parts which are rounded ; as tuber annulare, &c. 2. In surgery, a knot or swelling in any part. 3. In botany, applied to a kind of round turgid root, as a turnip ; hence these are called tuberose roots. 4. The name of a genu* of plants in the Lin- naean system. Class, Cryptogamia; Order, Fungi. Tuber cibarum. The common truffle. See Lycoperdon tuber. Tubercula quadrigemina. Corpora qua- drigemina; Eminentia quadrigemina; Na- tula. Four white oval tubercles of the brain, two of which are situated on each side over the posterior orifice of the third ventricle and the aqueduct of Sylvius. The ancients called them nates and testes, from their supposed resem- blance. TUBE'RCULUM. (Tuberculum, i. n. di- minutive of tuber.) A tubercle. In anatomy applied to several elevations, and in morbid ana- tomy to a diseased structure, which consists of a solid roundish substance ; as tubercles of the lungs, liver, &c. In botany, it is applied to the hemispherical projections, as the fruit of the Lichen caninus. Tuberculum annulare. The commence- ment of the meduUa oblongata. Tuberculum loweri. An eminence in the right auricle of the heart where the two venae cavae meet: so caUed from Lower, who first de- scribed it. TUBEROSUS. Tuberose, knobbed : appUed to parts of plants. The root so called is of many kinds. The most genuine consists of fleshy knobs, various in form, connected by common stalks or fibres; as the potatoe, and Jerusalem artichoke. TUBULARIS. Tubular. In Good's Nosology used to designate a species of purging, diarrhaa tubularis, in which membrane-like tubes pass with the motions. TUBULOSUS. Tubulose. A leaf is so called which is hollow within, as that of tbe common onion. The florets of a compound flower are called tubulod, tubular or cylindrical, to distinguish them from such as are ligulate, or riband-like. TU'BULUS. A smalt tube or duct. Tubuli lactiferi. The ducts or tubes in the nipple, through which the milk passes. TUFT. See Capitulum. TULP, Nicholas, was the son of an opulent merchant, and born at Amsterdam, in 1693. Having studied and graduated at Leyden, he set- tled in his native city, and rose to a high rank, not only in his profession, but also as a citizen. He was made burgomaster in 1652, and in that station resisted the invasion of Holland by Lewis XIV. twenty years after, and thus saved his country ; on which occasion a medal was struck to his honour. He died in 1674. His three books of Medical Observations have been several times reprinted, and contain many valu- able physiological remarks. He is said to have been among the first who observed the lacteal vessels. o«5 TUN UN TUMITE. See Thummerttone. TU'MOUR. (Tumor; from tumeo, to swell.) A swelling. Tdmo'res. Tumours. An order in the Class Localet, of CuUen's Nosology, comprehending partial swellings without inflammation. TUNBRIDGE. Tunbridge weUs is a populous village in the county of Kent, which contains many chalybeate springs, all of which resemble each other very closely in their chemical proper- ties. Two of these are chiefly used, which yield about a gallon in a minute, and therefore afford an abundant supply for the numerous invalids who yearly resort tbitber. The analysis of Tunbridge spring, proves it to be a very pure water, as to the quantity of solid mutter; ana the saline contents (the iron excepted) are such as may be found in almost any water that is used as common drink. It is only as a chalybeate, and in the quantity of carbonic acid, that it differs from common water. Of this acid it contains one twenty-second of its bulk. The general operation of this chalybeate water is to increase the power of the secretory system in a gradual, uniform manner, and to im- part tone and strength to all the functions ; hence it is asserted to be of eminent service in irregular digestion ; flatulency; in the incipient stages of those chronic disorders, which are attended with great debility; in chlorosis; and numerous other complaints incident to the female sex. The pre- scribed method of using the Tunbridge water, observes Dr. Saunders, is judicious. The whole of the quantity daily used, is taken at about two or three intervals, beginning at eight o'clock in the morning, and finishing about noon. The dose at each time varies from about one to three quar- ters of a pint; according to the age, sex, and general constitution of the patient, and espe- cially the duration of the course ; for it is found that these waters lose much of their effect by long habit. TUNGSTATE. Tumtas. A salt formed by the oombination of the tungstic acid, with salifi- able bases; as tungslate of lime, &c. TUNGSTENUM. (Tungsten, Swed. pon- derous stone.) A metal, never found but in com- bination, and by no means common. The sub- stance known to mineralogists, under the name of tungsten, was, after some time, discovered to con- sist of lime, combined with the acid of this metal. This ore is now caUed tungstate of lime, and is exceedingly scarce. It has been found in Sweden and Germany, both in masses and crystaUised, of a yeUowish-white or gray colour. It has a sparry appearance, is shining, of a lamellated texture, and semi-transparent. The same metallic acid is likewise found united to iron and manganese ; it then forms the ore called Wolfram, or tungstate of iron and manganese. This ore occurs both mas- sive aud crystaUised, and is found in Cornwall, Germany, France, and Spain. Its colour is brownish-black, and its texture foliated. It has a metallic lustre, and a lamellated texture ; it is brittle and very heavy; it is found in solid masses, in the state of layers interspersed with quartz. These two substances are therefore ores of the same metal. Properties.—Tungstenirm appears of a steel- gray colour. Itsspecific gravity is about 17.6. It is one of the hardest metals, but it is exceedingly brittle : and it is said to be almost as infusible as platina. Heated in the air it becomes converted into a yellow pulverulent oxide, which becomes blue by a strong heat, or when exposed to Ught. Tungstenum combines with phosphorus and sul- phur, and with silver, copper, iron, lead, tin, an- timony, and bisaauth: but it does nftt unite'*ith 966 gold and platiua. It is not attacked by sulphuric, nitric, or muriatic acids ; nitro-muriatic acid acts upon it very slightly. It is oxidisable and acidifi- able by the nitrates and hyperoxymuriates. It colours the vitrified earths or the vitreous fluxes, of a blue or brown colour. It is not known what its action may be on water and different oxides. Its action on the alkalies is Ukewise unknown. It is not employed yet, but promises real utility, on account of its colouring property, as a basis for pigment, since the compounds it is said to form with vegetable colouring matters, afford colours so permanent, as not to be acted on by the most concentrated oxymuriatic acid, the great enemy of vegetable colours. Methods of obtaining tungstenum.—The me- thod of obtaining metallic tungstenum is a jiroblem in chemistry. Scheele, Bergman, and Gmeliu did not succeed in their attempts to procure it. Klaproth tried to reduce the yellow oxide of this metal with a variety of combustible substances, but without success. Ruprecht and Tondy say they have obtained this metal by using combusti- ble substances alone : and by a mixture of com- bustible and alkaline matter. The following process is recommended by Richter, an ingenious German chemist. Let equal parts of tungstic acid and dried blood be exposed for some time to a red heat in a cru- cible ; press the black powder which is formed into another smaller crucible, and expose it again to a violent heat in a forge, for at least half an hour. Tungstenum will then be found, according to this chemist, in its metallic state in the cruci- ble. There are two oxides of tungstenum, the brown and the yellow, or tungstic acid. TUNGSTIC ACID has been found only in two minerals ; one of which, formerly caUed tungsten, is a tungstate of lime, and is very rare ; the other more common, is composed of tungstic acid, oxide of iron, and a little oxide of manganese. Tbe acid is separated from the latter in the foUowing way:—The wolfram cleared from its siUceous gangue, and pulverised, is heated in a matrass with five or six times its weight of muriatic acid, for half an hour. The oxides of iron and man- ganese being thus dissolved, we obtain the tungstic acid under the form of a yellow powder. After washing it repeatedly with water, it is then digest- ed in an excess of liquid ammonia, heated, which dissolves it completely. Tbe Uquor is filtered and evaporated to dryness in a capsule. The dry residue being ignited, the ammonia flies off, and pure tungstic acid remains. If the whole of the wolfram has not been decomposed in this opera- tion, it must be subjected to the muriatic acid again. It is tasteless, and does not affect vegetable co- lours. The tungstates of the alkalies and magne- sia are soluble and crystallisable, the other earthy ones are insoluble, as well as those of the metallic oxides. The acid is composed of 100 parts me- tallic tungsten, and 25 or 26.4 oxygen. TUNGSTOUS ACID. What has been thus called appears to be an oxide of tungsten. Tunic of a seed. See Arillus. TU'NICA. (A tuendo corporc, because it de- fends the body.) A membrane or covering; as the coats ofthe eye, &c. Tunica aciniformis. The uvea, or posterior lamella of the iris. Tunica albuginea oculi. See Adnata tu- nica. Tunica albuginea testis. See Albuginea testis. Tunica arachnoidea. See Arachnoid mem- brane. TUU I'YM Ionica cbllulosa ruvschii. The second coat of the intestines. Tunica choroidea. See Choroid membrane. Tunica conjunctiva. See Conjunctive membrane. Tunica cornea. See Cornea. Tunica filamentosa. The false or spongy chorion. Tunica retina. See Retina. Tunica vaginalis testis. A continuation of the peritonaeum through the inguinal ring, which loosely invests the testicle and spermatic cord. See Testis. Tunica villosa. The villous, or inner fold- ingcoat of the intestines. Turbeth, mineral. See Hydrargyrus vitrio- latut. Turbeth root. See Convolvulus turpethum. TURBINATE. (Turbinatut; from turbino, to sharpen at the top, shaped Uke a sugar loaf.) Shaped Uke a sugar-loaf. Turbinated bones. The superior spongy portion of the ethmoid bone, and the inferior spongy bones are so called by some writers. See Spongiota ossa. TURBINA'TUM. The pineal gland. TVRBINATUS. Turbinate, or sugar-loaf form. AppUed to the fig, &c. Turbith. A cathartic eastern bark; a species of cicely. Turkeystone. See Whettlate. TURMERIC. See Curcuma. TURNHOOF. A vulgar name of the ground- ivy. See Glecoma hederacea. TURNIP. See Bratrica rapa. Turnip, French. See Brassica rapa. TURNSOLE. See Heliotropium. TURPENTINE. Terebinthina. There are many kinds of turpentine. Those employed medicinally are, 1. Tbe China or Cyprus turpentine, Bee Pista- cia terebinthus. 2. The common turpentine, see Terebinthina communis. 3. The Venice turpentine, see Pinut larix. AU these have been considered as hot, stimu- lating corroborants and detergents; qualities which they possess in common. They stimulate the prim-.e viae, and prove laxative; when carried into the blood- vessels they excite the whole sys- tem, and thus prove serviceable in chronic rheu- matism and paralysis. Turpentine readily passes off by urine, which it imbues with a peculiar odour: also by perspiration and by exhalation from the lungs ; and to these respective effects are ascribed the virtues it possesses in gravelly com- plaints, scurvy, and pulmonic disorders. Turjum- tine is much used in gleets, and fluor albus, and in general with much success. The essential oU, in which the virtues of turpentine reside, is not only preferred for external use, as a rubefacient, but also internally as a diuretic and styptic; the latter of which qualities it possesses in a very high degree. Formerly turpentine was much used as a digestive appUcation to ulcers, &c.; but in the modern practice of surgery it is almost wholly exploded. l\irpeth mineral. See Hydrargyrut vitrio- latut. TURPE'THUM. (From Turpeth, Indian turbeth.) See Convolvulut turpethum. Turpethum minerale. See Hydrargyi~ut litriolatut. , TURQUOIS. Calaite. A much esteemed or- namental stone brought from Persia, of a sraalt- blne and apple-green colour. i URU'NDA. (A terendo, from its being rolN ed up.) A tent, or suppository. TUSSILAGO. (Tusdlago, inis. f.; from tussis, a cough; because it relieves coughs.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean sys- tem. Class, Syngenesia; Order, Pqlygamia tuperflua. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the colts-foot. See Tussilago farfara. Tussilago farfara. The systematic name of the Bechium; 'Bechion; Calceum equinum Chamaleuce; Filitis ahtepatrem; Farfarella; Farfara; Tutdlago tfulgarit; Farfara be- chium; Ungula caballina. Colts-foot. Tuttilago farfara—scapo unifloro imbricato, foliit tub- cordatis angulatit denticulatii. The sensible quatities of this plant are very inconsiderable ; it has a rough mucdaginous taste, but no remarkable smell. The leavesliave always been esteemed as possessing demulcent and pectoral virtues; and hence they have been exhibited in pulmonary consumptions, coughs, asthmas, and catarrhal af- fections; It is used as tea, or given in the way of infusion with liquorice-root or noney. Tussilago petasites. The systematic name of the butter-bur. Petadtes. Pestilent-wort. The roots of this plant are recommended as ape- rient and alexipharmic, and promise, though now forgotten, to be of considerable activity. They have a strong smell, and a bitterish acrid taste, of the aromatic kind, but not agreeable. TU'SSIS. A cough. A sonorous concussion of the breast, produced by the violent, and for the most part, involuntary motion of the muscles of respiration, ft is symptomatic of many diseases. Tussis convulsiva. See Pertussis. Tussis exanthematica. A cough attendant on an eruption. Tussis ferina. See Pertussis. TUTENAG. 1. The Indian name for zinc. 2. A metallic*compound brought from China. TU'TIA. (Persian.) Pompholyx; Cadmia. Tutty. A gray oxide of zinc ; it is generally: formed by fusing brass or copper, mixed with blende, when it is incrustedin the chimneys of the furnace. Mixed with any common cerate, it is applied to the eye, in debtiitated states of the con- junctive membrane. Tutia preparata. Prepared tutty is often put into collyria, to which it imparts an adstrin- gent virtue. TUTTY. See Tutia. TYLO'SIS. (From tvXos, a callus.) Tyloma. An induration of the margin ofthe eyelids. Ty'mpani membrana. Sec Membrana Tym- pani. TYMPANITES. (From rvprravtv, a drum : so called because the belly is distended with wind, and sounds like a drum when struck.) Tympany. Drum-belly. An elastic distention of the abdo- men, which sounds like a drum when struck, with costiveness and atrophy, but no fluctuation. Spe- cies : 1. 'Tympanites intestinalis, a lodgment of wind in the intestines, known by the discharge of wind giving relief. 2. Tympanites abdominalis, when the wind is in the cavity ofthe abdomen. TYMPANUM. (Tvprravov. A drum.) The drum or barrel of the ear. The hollow part of the ear in which are lodged the bones ofthe ear. It begins behind the membrane ofthe tympanum, which terminates the external auditory passage, and is surrounded by the petrous portion of the temporal bone. It terminates at the cochlea of the lauyrintb, and has opening into it four forami- na, Tiz. the orifice? of the Eustachian tube and TYP TYP mastoid sinus, the fenestra ovalis, and rotunda. It contains the four ossicula auditus. TY'PHA. (From ntpos, a lake; because it grows in marshy places.) The name of a genus of olants in the Linnaean system. The cat's tail. 1 tpha aromatica. See Acorus calamus. Tipha latifolia. The broad-leaved cat's tail, or bull-rush. The young shoots, cut before they reach the surlace of the water, eat like as- paragus when boiled. TYPHOMA'NIA. (From* n,^, to burn, and pavia, delirium.) A complication of phrensy and lethargy with fever. • TYPHUS. (From rvyos, stupor.) A species of continued fever, characterised by great debility, a tendency in the fluids to putrefaction, and the ordinary symptoms of fever. It is to be readily distinguished from the inflammatory by the small- ness of the pulse, and the sudden and great de- bility which ensues on its first attack ; and, in its more advanced stage, by the petechiae, or purple spots, which come out on various parts of the body, and the foetid stools which are discharged ; and it may be distinguished from a nervous fever by the great violence of all its symptoms on its first coming on. The most general cause that gives rise to this dis- ease, is contagion, applied either immediately from Ihe body of a person labouring under it, or con- veyed in clothes or merchandise, &c.; but it may be occasioned by the effluvia arising from either animal or vegetable substances in a decayed or putrid state ; and hence it is, that in low and marshy countries, it is apt to be prevalent when intense and sultry heat quickly succeeds any great inundation. A want of proper cleanliness and confined air are likewise causes of this fever; hence it prevails in hospitals, jails, camps, and on board ot ships, especially when such places are much crowded, and the strictest attention is not paid to a free ventilation and due cleanliness. A close state of the atmosphere, with damp wea- ther, is likewise apt to give rise to putrid fever. Those of lax fibres, and who have been weakened by any previous debilitating cause, such as poor diet, long fasting, hard labour, continued want of sleep, &c. are most Uable to it. On the first coming on of the disease, the per- son is seized with languor, dejection of spirits, amazing depression and loss oi muscular strength, universal weariness and soreness, pains in the head, back, and extremities, and rigors; the eyes appear full, heavy, yellowish, and often a little inflamed; the temporal arteries throb violently, the tongue is dry and parched, respiration is com- monly laborious, and interrupted with deep sigh- ing ; the breath is hot and offensive, the urine is crude and pale, the body is costive, and the pulse is usually quick, small, and hard, and now and then fluttering and unequal. Sometimes a great heat, load, and pain are felt at the pit of the sto- mach, and a vomiting of bilious mutter ensues. As the disease advances, the pulse increases in frequency (beating often from 100 to 130 in a mi- nute ;) there is vast debility, a great heat and dry- ness in the skin, opjircssion at the breast, with anxiety, sighing, and moaning; the thirst is great- ly increased ; the tongue, mouth, lips, and teeth, are covered over witu a brown or black tena- cious fur ; the speech is inarticulate, and scarcely intelligible ; the patient mutters much, and deli- rium ensues. The fever continuing to increase still more in violence, symptoms ot putrefaction show themselves; the breath becomes highly offensive; the urine deposites a black and foetid sediment; the stools are dark; offensive, and pass off insensibly; haemorrhages issue from the suras, P6S nostrils, mouth, and other parts of the body; livid spots or petechiae appear on its surface ; the pulse intermits and sinks ; the extremities grow cold ; hiccoughs ensue ; and death at last closes the tra- gic scene. When this fever does not terminate fatally, it generally begins, in cold climates, to diminish about the commencement of the third week, and goes off gradually towards the end of the fourth, without'any very evident crisis ; but in warm cli- mates it seldom continues above a week or ten days, if so long. Our opinion, as to the event, is to be formed by the degree of violence in the symptoms, particu- larly after petechiae appear, although in some in- stances recoveries have been effected under the most unpromising appearances. An abatement of febrile heat and thirst, a gentle moisture diffused equally over the whole surface of the body, loose stools, turbid urine, rising of the pulse, and the absence of delirium and stupor, may be regarded in a favourable light. On the contrary, petechiae, with dark, offensive, and involuntary discharges by urine and stool, foetid sweats, haemorrhages, and hiccoughs, denote the almost certain dissolu- tion of the patient. The appearances usuaUy perceived on dissec- tion, are inflammations of the brain and viscera, but more particularly of the stomach and intes- tines, which are now and then found in a gangre- nous state. In the muscular fibres there seems likewise a strong tendency to gangrene. In the very early period of typhus fever, it is often possible, by active treatment, to cut short the disease at once; but where it has established itself more firmly, we can only employ palliative measures to diminish its violence, that it may run safely through its course. Among the roost like- ly means of accomplishing the first object is an emetic ; where the fever runs high, we may give antimonials in divided doses at short intervals till full vomiting is excited; or if there be less strength in the system, ipecacuanha in a full dose at once. Attention should next be paid to clear out the bowels by some sufficiently active form of medi- cine ; and as the disease proceeds, we must keep up this function, and attempt to restore that of the ekin, and the other secretions, as the best means of moderating the violence of vascular ac- tion. Some of the preparations of mercury, or if there be tolerable strength, those of antimony, assisted by the saline compounds, may be cm- ployed for this purpose. The general antiphlo- gistic regimen is to be observed in the early part of the disease, as explained under synocha. In cases where the skin is uniformly very hot and dry, the abstraction of caloric may be more ac- tively made by means of the cold affusion, that is, throwing a quantity of cold water on the naked body of the patient; which measure has some- times arrested the disease in its first stage ; and when the power of the system is less, sponging the body occasionally with cold water, medi- cated, perhaps, with a little salt or vinegar, may be substituted as a milder proceeding. But where the evolution of heat is even deficient, such means would be highly improper ; and it may be some- times advisable to employ the tepid bath, to promote the operation of the diaphoretic medicines. If un- der the use ofthe measures already detailed, calcu- lated to lessen the violence of vascular action, the vital powers should appear materially falling off, recourse must then be had to a more nutritious diet, with a moderate quantity of wine, and cor- dial or tonic medicines. There is generally an aversion from animal food, whence the raucila- ginons vegetable substances, as arrow-root, &c. ULC ULL rendered palatable by spice, or a little wine, or vous form, with much mental anxiety, tremors, sometimes mixed with milk, may be directed as and other irregular affections of the muscles, or nourishing and easy of digestion. If, however, organs of sense, the antispasmodic medicines may there be no marked septic tendency, and the pa- be employed with more advantage, as aether, tient cloyed with these articles, the lighter animal camphor, musk, &c, but particularly opium ; preparations, as calves-foot jelly, veal broth, &c, which should be given in a full dose, sufficient to may be allowed. The extent to which wine may procure sleep, provided there be no appearances be carried, must depend nn the urgency nf the of determination of blood to the head; and it case, and tbe previous habits of tbe individual; may be useful to call a greater portion of ner- bot it will commonly not be necessary to exceed vous energy to the lower extremities by the pedi- half a pint, or a pint at most, in the twenty-four luvitira, or other mode of applying warmth, or hours; and it should be given in divided por- occasionally by sinapisms, not allowing these to tion«, properly diluted, made perhaps, into negus, produce vesication. But if there should be much whey, &c, according to the liking of the pa- increased vascular action in the brain, more ac- tient. The preference should always be given to tive means will be required, even the local ab- that which is of the soundest quality, if agreea- straction of blood, if the strength will permit; ble: but where wine cannot be afforded, good and it will be always right to have the head malt liquor, or mustard whey, may be substituted, shaved, and kept cool by some evaporating lotion, Some moderately stimulant medicines, as ammo- and a blister applied to the back of the neck. In nia, aromatics, serpentaria, &c, may often be like manner, other important parts may occasion- used with advantage, to assist in keejiing up the ally require local means of relief. Urgent vomit- circulation : also those of a tonic quality, as ca- ing may, perhaps, be checked by the effervescing luniba, cusparia, cinchona, &c., occasionally in mixture; a troublesome diarrhoea by small doses their lighter forms ; but more especially the of opium, assisted by aromatics, chalk, and other acids. These are, in several respects, useful; astringents, or sometimes by smaU doses of ipe- by promoting the secretions of the primae viae, cacuanha; profuse jierspirations by the infusum &c., they quench thirst, rvmove irritation, and rosae, a cooling regimen, &c. manifestly cool the body; and in the worst forms Typhus .egyptiacus. The plague of of typhus, where the putrescent tendency ap- Egypt. pears, they are particularly indicated from their Typhus carcerum. The jail-fever. antiseptic power ; they are also decidedly tonic, Typhus castrensis. The camp-fever. and indeed those from the mineral kingdom pow- TyphU3 gravior. The most malignant spe- erfully so. These may be given freely as medi- cics of typhus. See Typhus. cines, the carbonic acid also in the form of brisk Typhus icterodes. Typhus with symptoms fermenting liquors; and the native vegetable of jaundice. See Typhus. acids, as they exist in ripe fruits, being generally Typhus mitior. The low fever. very grateful, may constitute a considerable part Typhus nervosus. The nervous fever. of the diet. In the mean time, to obviate the Typhus petechials. Typhus with purple septic tendency, great attention should be paid spots. to clcauline.ss and ventilation, and keeping the TYRI'ASIS. Tvpiaats. A species of leprosy bowels regular by mild aperients, or clysters of in which the skin may be easily withdrawn from an emollient or antiseptic nature; and where the flesh. aphthae appear, acidulated gargles should be di- TYRO'SIS. (From rvpow, to coagulate.) A rected. It the disease inclines more to the ner- disorder of the stomach from milk curdled in it. u LCER. Ulcus, m. n.; from iXkos, a sore.) A purulent solution of continuity of the soft parts of an animal body. Ulcers may arise from a va- riety of causes, as aU those which produce in- flammation, from wounds, specific irritations of the absorbents, from scurvy, cancer, the venereal or scrophulous virus, &c. Ihe proximate or imme- diate cause is an increased action of the absor- bents, and a specific action of the arteries, by which a fluid is separated from the blood upon the ulcerated surface. They are variously de- nominated ; the following is the most frequent division: 1. The dmple ulcer, which takes place gene- rally from a superficial wound. 2. The tinuous, that runs under the integu- ments, and tbe orifice of which is narrow, but not callous. 3. The fistulous uletr, or fistula, a deep ulcer with a narrow and callous orifice. 4. The fungous ulcer, the surface of which is rovrrcd with fungous flesh. 122 Ij 5w The gangrenous, which is Uvid, foetid, and gangrenous. 6. The scorbutic, which depends on a scorbutic acrimony. 7. The venereal, arising from the venereal dis- eases 8. The cancerous ulcer, or open cancer. See Cancer. 9. The carious ulcer, depending upon a carious bone. 10. The inveterate ulcer, which is of long con- tinuance, and resists the ordinary appUcations. 11. The scrophulous ulcer, known by its hav- ing arisen from indolent tumours, its discharging a viscid, glairy matter, and its indolent nature. Ulcera serpentia oris. See Aphtha. Ulcerated sore throat. See Cynanche. ULLA. The common diminutive ulla or ilia, is, according to Dr. Good, most probably derived from the Greek, vXr,, vie or ile, materia, materiel, of the matter, make, or nature of; thus, papula Or papilla, of the matter or nature ot pappus; bt- ILN pula, of the matter or nature of lupus; pustula, of the matter or nature of pus; and so of many others. ULMA'RIA. (From ulmus, the elm: so named because it has leaves Uke the elm.) See Spiraa ulmaria. ULMIN. Dr. Thomson has given this tem- porary name to a very singular substance lately examined by Klaproth. It differs essentially from every other known body, and must therefore con- stitute a new and peculiar vegetable principle. It exuded spontaneously from the trunk of a species of elm, which Klaproth conjectures to be the ulmus nigra, and was sent to him from Palermo in 1802. 1. In its external characters it resembles gum. It was solid, hard, of a black colour, and had con- siderable lustre. Its powder was brown. It dis- solved readily in the mouth, and was insipid. 2. It dissolved speedily in a small quantity of water. The solution was transparent, of a black- ish-brown colour, iind, even when very much con- centrated by evaporation, was not in the least mu- cilaginous or ropy ; nor did it answer as a paste. In this respect uhnin differs essentially from gum. 3. It was completely insoluble both in alkohol and aether. When alkohol was poured into the aqueous solution, the greater part of the tilmin precipitated in light brown flakes. The remain- der was obtained by evaporation, and was not sen- sibly soluble in alkohol. The alkohol by this treatment acquired a sharpish taste. 4. When a few drops of nitric acid were added to the aqueous solution, it became gelatinous, lost its blackish-brown colour, and a light brown sub- stancp precijiitated. The whole solution was slowly evap'-rated to dryness, and the reddish- brown powder which remained was treated with alkohol. The alkohol assumed a golden yellow colour ; and. when cvaporatpii, left a light brown, bitter, and sharji resinous substance. 5. Oxymuriatic acid produced precisely the same effects as nitric. Thus it appears that ul- min, by the addition of a little oxygen, is convert- ed into a resinous substance. In this new state it is insoluble in water. This property is very sin- gular. Hitherto the volatile oils were the only substances known to assume the form of resins. That a substance soluble in water should assume the resinous form with such facility, is very re- markable. 6. Ulmin when burnt emitted little smoke or flame, and left a spongy but firm charcoal, which, when burnt in the open air, left only a little car- bonate of potassa behind. U'LMUS. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Order, Digynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the common elm. See Ulmus campestris. Ulmus campestris. The systematic name of the common elm. Ulmus—foliis duplicato-ser- ratis, basi inaqualibus, of Linnaeus. The inner tough bark of this tree, which is directed for use by the jiharmacnpaeias, has no remarkable smell, but a bitterish taste, and abounds with a slimy juice, which has been recommended in nephritic cases, and externaUy as a useful application to burns. It is also highlv recommended in some cutaneous affections allied to herpes and lepra. It is mostly exhibited in the form of decoction, by boiling four ounces in four pints of water to two pints; of which from four to eight ounces are given two or three times a day. U'LNA. (From uXtvri, the ulna, or cubit) Cubitus. The larger bone of the fore-arm. It is .-•mailer and shorter than the os humeri, and be- 970 * ULN comes graduaUy smaller as it descends to tin- wrist. We may divide it into its upper and lower extremities, and its body or middle part. At itj upper extremity are two considerable processes, of which the posterior one and largest is named olecranon, and the smaller and interior one the coronoid process. Between these two processes, the extremity of the bone is formed into a deep articulating cavity, whicb, from its semi-circular shape, ii called the greater sigmoid cadty, to distinguish it from another, which has been named the lesser rigmoid cavity. The olecranon, call- ed also the anconoid process, begins by a consi- derable tuberosity, which is rough, and serves for the insertion of muscles, and terminates in a kind of hook, the concave surface of which moves ujion the pulley of the os humeri. This process forms the point of the elbow. The coronoid pro- cess is sharper at its extremity than the olecranon, but is much smaller, and docs not reach so high. In bending the arm, it is received into the fossa at the fore-part of the pulley. At the external side of the coronoid process is the lesser sigmoid cavity, which is a small, semilunar articulating surface, lined with cartilage, on which the round head of the radius plays. At the forepart of the coronoid process we observe a small tuberosity, into which the tendon of the brachialis internus is inserted. The greater sigmoid cavity, the situ- ation of which we just now mentioned, is divided into four surfaces by a prominent line which is in- tersected by a small sinuosity that serves for the lodgment of mucilaginous glands. The whole of this cavity is covered with cartilage. The body, or middle part ofthe ulna, is of a prismatic or tri- angular shape, so as to afford three surfaces and as many angles. The external and internal sur- faces are flat and bioad, especially the external one, and are separated by a sharp angle, which, from its situation, may be termed the internal an- gle. This internal angle, which is turned towards the radius, serves for the attachment of the liga- ment that connects the two bones, and which is therefore called the interosseous ligament. The posterior surface is convex, and corresponds with the olecranon. The borders, or angles, which s.-parate it from the other two surfaces, are some- what rounded. At about a third of the length of this bone from the top, in its fore-part, we observe a channel for the passage of vessels. The lower extremity is smaller as it descends, nearly cyUn- drical, and slightly curved forwards and outwards. Just before it terminates, it contracts, so as to form a neck to the small head with which it ends. On the outside of this little head, answering to the olecranon, a small process, called the styldd process, stands out, from which a strong ligament is stretched to the wrist. The head has a rounded articulating surface, on its internal side, which is covered with cartilage, and received into a semi- lunar cavity formed at the lower end ofthe radius. Between it and the os cuneiforme, a moveable car- tilage is interposed, which is continued from the cartilage that covers the lower end of the radius, and is connected by ligamentous fibres to the sty- loid process of the ulna. The ulna is articulated above with the lower end of the os humeri. This articulation is ofthe species caUed ginglymus; it is articulated also both above and below to the radius, and to the carpus at its lowest extremity. Its chief use seems to be to support and regulate the motions of the radius. In children, both ex- tremities of this bone are first cartilaginous, and afterwards epiphyses, before they are completely united to the rest of the bone. ULNAR. (Ulnarit; from ulna, the bone so named.) Belonging to tbe ulna. UND vsu Ulnar artert. See Cubital artery. Ulnar nerve. See Cubital nerve. Ulna'ris externus. See Extentor carpi ulnarit. Ulnaris internus. See Flexor carpi ulna- rit. ULTRAMARINE. See Lapit lazuli. UMBELLA. (Umbella, t. f.; a little shade or umbrella.) An umbel; the rundle of some authors. A species of inflorescence in which se- veral flowerstalks of rays, nearly equal in length, spread from one common centre, their summits forming a level, convex, or even globose surface, more rarely a concave one. From the intertion of the umbel, it is distin- guished into pedunculate and sesrite. The for- mer implies that the rays or flowerstalks come from one ; and the latter, that the rays or stalklets come, not from a common peduncle, but from the stem or branch of tbe plant; as in Sium nodi- florum, and Prunus avium. From the division of the umbel it is said to be -simple, when single-flowered ; as in Allium ursi- num: and compound, when each ray or stalk bears an umbellula, or partial umbel; as in the Anethum faniculum. The umbella involucrata is supplied with in- volucra. UMBELLULA. A partial or little umbel. See Umbella. UMBER. Anoreofiron. UMBILI'CAL. (Umbilicalis; from umbili- cus, the navel.) Of or belonging to the navel. Umbilical cord. Funis umbilicalis; Funi- culus umbilicalis. The navel-string. A cord- like substance of an intestinal form, about half a yard in length, that proceeds from the navel of the foetus to the centre of the placenta. It is com- posed of a cutaneous sheath, cellular substance, one umbilical vein, and two umbilical arteries; the former conveys the blood to the child from the placenta, and the latter return it from the child to the placenta. Umbilical hernia. See Hernia umbilicalis. Umbilical region. Regio umbilicalis. The part of the abdominal parietes about two inches all round the navel. UMBILI'CUS. The navel. Umbilicus marinus. Cotyledon marina; Androsace; Acetabulum marinum; Androsace Matthioli; Fungus petraus marinus. A sub- marine production found on rocks and the shells of fishes, about the coast of Montpellier, &c. It is said to be, in the form of powder, a useful an- thelmintic and diuretic. UMBO. (The top of a buckler.) The knob or more promineut part iu the centre of the hat or pilus ofthe fungus tribe. Unceola elastica. This plant affords a juice which becomes an elastic gum. See Caout- chouc. UNCIFORM. (Unciformis; from uncus, a hook, and forma, a likeness.) Hooklike: ap- plied to bones, &c. Unciform bone. Thelast bone of the second row of the carpus or wrist: so named from its hook-like process, which projects towards the nahu of the hand, and gives origin to the great ligament by which the tendons of the wrist are bound down. UNCI.VATUS. (From uncus, a hook.) Un- cinate or hooked: ajiplicd to the stigma of the Lantanu. UNDERSTANDING. Intellectus. See Ide- ology. I NDULATUS. Undulated : applied to a leaf when the disk near the margin is waved obtusely np and down; as in Reseda lutea. Unedo papyracea. See Arbutus unedo. UNGUE'NTUM. (Unguentum, i. n. ; from ungo, to anoint.) An ointment. The usual con- sistence of ointments is about that of butter. The following are among the best formulae. Unguentum apostolorum. Dodecaphar- micum. The aspostles'ointment: so called be- cause it has twelve ingredients in it exclusive of the oil and vinegar. Not used. Unguentum cantharidis. Unguentum lytta. Ointment of the blistering-fly. Take of the blistering-fly, rubbed to a very fine powder, two ounces ; distilled water, eight fluid ounces; resin cerate, eight ounces. Boil the water with the blistering-fly to one half, and strain; mix the. cerate with the liquor, and then let it evaporate to the proper consistence. This is sometimes used to keep a blister open ; but the savine cerate is to bepreferred. Unguentum cetacei. Ointment of sperma- ceti, formerly called linimentum album, and lat- terally, unguentum spermaceti. Take of s|ierma- ci.ti, six drachms; white wax, two drachms; olive oil, three fluid ounces. Having melted them together over a slow fire, constantly stir the mix- ture until it gets cold. A simple emollient oint- ment. Unguentum cicut.e. Hemlock ointment. Take ofthe fresh leaves of hemlock, and prepared hog's lard, of each four ounces. The hemlock is to be bruised in a marble mortar, after which the lard is to be added, and the two ingredients thoroughly incorporated by beating. '1 hey- are then to be gently melted over the fire, and after being strained through a cloth, and the_ fibrous parts of the hemlock well pressed, the ointment is to be stirred till quite cold. To cancerous or scrophulous sores this ointment may be ajiplied with a prospect of success. Unguentum elemi compositum. Com- pound ointment of elemi, formerly called linimen- tum arcai, and unguentum e gummi elemi. Take of elemi, a pound; common turpentine, ten ounces; prepared suet, two pounds ; olive oil, two fluid ounces. Melt the elemi with the suet, then remove it from the fire, and immediately mix in the turpentine and oil, then strain the mix- ture through a linen cloth. Indolent ulcers, chil- blains, chronic ulcers after burns, and indolent tumours are often removed by this ointment. Unguentum hydrargyri fortius. Strong mercurial ointment, formerly called unguentum caruleum fortius. Take of purified mercury, two pounds; prepared lard, twenty-three ounces ; [irepared suet, an ounce. First rub the mercury with the suet and a little of the lard, until the globules disappear ; then add the remainder of the lanl, and mix. In very general use for mercurial frictions. It may be employed in almost all cases wl-.i-re mercury is indicated. Unguentum hydrargyri mitius. Mild mer- ourial ointment, formerly called unguentum ca- ruleum mitius. Take of strong mercurial oint- ni-'nt, apound ; prepared lard, two pounds. Mix. Weaker than the former. Unguentum hydrargyri nitratis. Un- guentum hydrargyri nitrati. Ointment oi nitrate of mercury. Take of purified mercury, an ounce ; nitric acid, eleven fluid drachms ; prepared lard, six ounces; olive oil, four fluid ounces. First dis- solve tbe mercury in the acid, then, while the li- quor is hot, mix it with the lard and oU melted together. A stimulating and detergent ointment. Tinea capitis, psorophthalmia, iudolent tumours U>"fe URA on the margin of the eyelid, and ulcers in the urethra, are cured by its ajiplication. Unguentum hydrargyri nitratis mitius. Weaker only than the former. Unguentum hydrargyri nitrico-oxidi. Ointment of nitric oxide of mercury. Take of nitric oxide of mercury, an ounce ; white wax, two ounces ; prepared lard, six ounces. Having melted together the wax and lard, add thereto the nitric oxide of mercury in very fine powder, and mix. A most excellent stimulating and escharo- tic ointment. Unguentum htduargtri pr.ecipitati albi. Ointment of white precipitate of mercury, formerly called unguentum e mercurio pracipi- tato albo, and laterally unguentum calcis hydrar- gyri alba. Take of white precijiitate of mercury a drachm; prepared lard, an ounce and halt. Having melted the lard over a slow tire, add the precipitated mercury and mix. A useful ointment to destroy vermin in the head, and to assist in the removal of scald head, venereal ulcers of children and cutaneous eruptions. Unguentum lytt^e. See Unguentum can- tharidis. Unguentum ophthalmicum. Ojihthalmic ointment of Janin. Take of jtrepared hog's-lard, half an ounce; prepared tutty, Armenian bole, of each two drachms; white jirecipitate, one drachm. Mix. This celebrated ointment may be used for the same diseases of the eye and eyelid as the ung. hydrarg. nitratis. It must be at first weakened with about twice its quantity of hog's- lard. Unguentum picis arid.e. See Unguentum redna nigra. Unguentum picis liquid.e. Tar ointment, formerly called unguentum picis ; unguentum e pice. Take of tar, jirepared suet, of each, a pound. Melt them together, and strain the mix- ture through a linen cloth. This is applicable to cases of tinea capitis, and some eruptive com- plaints ; also to some kinds o; irritable sores. Unguentum RESiNiE flavjE. Yellow basil- icon is in general use as a stimulant and detersive; it is an elegant and useful form of applying the resin. Unguentum resinje nigr£. Unguentum picis arida. Pitch ointment, formerly called ■unguentum balrilicum nigrum, vel tetrapharma- cum. Take of pitch, yellow wax, yellow resin, of each nine ounces; olive oil, a pint. Melt them together, and strain the mixture through a linen cloth. This is useful for the same purposes as the tar ointment. Unguentum sambuci. Elder ointment, for- merly caUed unguentum sambucinum. Take of elder flowers, two pounds; prejiared lard, two pounds. Boil the elder flowers in the lard until they become crisp, then strain the ointment through a linen cloth. A cooling and emollient preparation. Unguentum sulphuris. Suljihur ointment, formerly called unguentum e suiphure. Take of subtimed sulphur, three ounces; jirepared lard, half a pound. Mix. The most effectual jirej)..- ration to destroy the itch. It is also serviceable in the cure of other cutaneous eruptions. Unguentum sulphuris compositum. Com- pound sulphur ointment. Take of sublimed sul- phur, half a pound ; white hellebore root, pow- dered, two ounces; nitrate of potassa, a drachin ; soft soap, half a pound; prepared lard, a pound and a half. Mix. This preparation is introduced into the last London Pharmacopoeia as a more efficacious remedy for the itch than common sul- phur ointment. In the army, where it is seueral- 972 ly used, the sulphur vivum, or native admixture of sulphur with various heterogeneous matters, is used instead of sublimed sulphur. Unguentum veratri. White hellebore oint- ment, formerly called unguentum hellebori albi. Take of white hellebore root, powdered, two ounces ; prepared lard, eight ounces: oil of le- mons, twenty minims. Mix. Unguentum zinci. Zinc ointment, lake of the oxide of zinc, an ounce ; prepared lard, six ounces. Mix. A very useful application lo chronic ophthalmia and relaxed ulcers. U'NGUIS. (Unguis, is, in.; from ovuf, a hook.) 1. The nail. The nails are horny la- minae situated at the extremities of the fingers and toes ; composed of coagulated albumen, anJ a little phosphate of lime. 2. An abscess or coUection of pus between the lamellae of the cornea transjiarens of tlie eye : so called from its resemblance to the lunated portion of the nail of the finger. 3. The lachrymal bone is named os unguis, from its resemblance to a nail ofthe finger. 4. In botany, unguit, or the claw: applied to the thin part of the petal of a poly petalous corolla, U'ngula caballina. See Tutsilago. UNIFL' »RUS. Bearing one flower. UNIO. (Unio, pi. unionet; from unus, one : so called because there is never more than one found in the same shell, or according to others, for that many being found in one shell, not any one of them is like the other.) The pearl. See Margarita. U'RACHUS. (From ovpov, urine, and t^u, to contain.) Urinaculum. The ligamentous cord that arises from the basis of the urinary bladder, which it runs along, and terminates in the umbili- cal cord. In the foetuses of brute animals, which the ancients mostly dissected, it is a hollow tube, and conveys the urine to the allantoid membrane. Ura'gium. (From ovpayos, the hinder jiart of an army.) The apex or extreme point of the heart. URANGLIMMER. Green mica. Chalcolite. An ore of uranium. Urani'scus. (From ovpavps, the firmament: so called from its arch.) The palate. URANITE. See Uranium, URA'NIUM. Uranite. This metal was disco- vered by Klaproth in the year 1789. It xists combined with su)|ihur, and a portion of iron, lead, and silex, in the mineral termed Pechblende, or oxide of uranium. Combined with carbonic acid it forms the chalcolite, or green mica : and mixed with oxide of iron, it constitutes the ura- nilic ochre. It is always found in the state of an oxide with a greater or smaUer portion of iron, or mineralised with sulphur and cojiper. The ores of uranium are of a blackish colour, in- clining to a dark iron gray, and of a moderate splendour ; they are of a close texture, and when broken present a somewhat uneven, and iu the smallest jiarticles a conchoidal surface. They arc found in the mines of Saxony. Propertiet of Uranium.—Uranium exhibits a mass of small metallic globules, agglutinated to- gether. Its colour is a deep gray on the outside, in the inside it is a |>ale brown. It is very jioroti?, and is so soft, that it may be scraped with a kn».'_. It has but little lustre. Its specific gravity is be- tween eight and nine. It is more difficult to be fused than even manganese. When intensely heated with phosphate of soda and ammonia, or glacial phosphoric acid, it fuses with them into a grass-green glass. With soda or borax it melts only into a gray, opaque, scoriaccous bead. It is soluble in sulphuric, nitric, and muriatic acids. It URE URE combines with sulphur and phosphorus, and alloys with mercury. It has not yet been combined with . other combustible bodies. It decomposes the ni- tric acid and becomes converted into a yeUow ox- ide. The action of uranium alone upon wat< r, &c. is stiU unknown, probably on account of its extreme scarcity. Method of obtaining Uranium.—In order to obtain uranium, the pechbtende is first freed from suljihur by heat, and cleared from the adhering impurities as carelutly aspossiole. It is then di- gested in nitric acid ; the metallic matter that it contains is thus completely dissolved, while part of the sulphur remains undissolved, and |iart of it is dissipated under the form ot sulphuretted hy- drogen gas. The solution is then precijiiSited by a carbonated alkali. Tne precipitate has a lemon- yetiow colour when it is pure, i his yellow car- bonate is made into a paste with oil, and exposed to a violent heat, bedded in a crucible well lined with charcoal. Klaproth obtained a metalUc globule 28 grains in weight, by forming a ball of 50 grains of the yeUow carbonate with a little wax, and by exposing this ball in a crucible lined with char- coal to a heat equal to 170° of Wedge wood's pyrometer. Richter obtained in a single experi- ment 100 grains of this metal, which seemed to be free from all admixture. There are probably two oxides of uranium, the protoxide, which is a grayish black; and the peroxide, which is yellow. URANOCHRE. An ore of uranium. URATE. Urat. A compound of uric or lithic acid, with a salifiable basis. URCE'OLA. (From urceolut, a small pitcher : so named from its uses in scouring glazed ves- sels.) The herb fever-few. UREA. A constituent f urine. The best process for jireparing it is to evaporate urine to the consistence of syrup, taking care to regulate the heat towards the end of the evaporation; to add very gra.iually to the syru|i its volume of nitric acid (24° Baume) of 1.20; to stir the mixture, and immerse it in a bath of iced water, to harden the crystals of the acidulous nitrate of urea which precijutate ; to wash these crystals vVith ice-cold water, to drain them, and press, them between the folds of blotting paper. When we have thus separated the adhering he- terogeneous matters, we redissolve the crystals in water, and add to them a sufficient quantity of carbonate of jiotassa, to neutralise the nitric acid. We must then evaporate the new liquor, at a gentle heat, almost to dryness, and treat the residuum with a very |iure alkohol, which dissolves only the urea. On concentrating the alkoholic solution, tbe urea crystallises. The preceding is Thenard's process, which Dr. Prout has improved. He separates the nitrate of potassa by crystaUisation, makes the liquid urea into a paste with animal charcoal, digests this with cold water, filters, concentrates, then dissolves the new colourless urea in alkohol, and lastly crystallises. Urea crystallises in four-sided prisms, which arc transjiurent aud colourless, with a slight pearly lustre. It has a peculiar, but not urinous odour; it does not atfect litmus or turmeric papers ; it undergoes no change from the atmos- jihen-, except a slight deliquescence in very damp weather. In a strong heat it melts, and is partly decomposed and partly sublimed without change. The sp. gr. of the crystals is about 1.35. It is very soluble in water. Alkchol, at the tempera- ture of the atmosphere, dissolves about 20 per cent.; aud, when boiling, considerably more than its own weight, from which the urea sepa- rates, on cooling, in its crystalline form. The fixed alkalies and alkaline earths decompose it. It unites with most of the metaitic oxides, and forms crystalline compounds with the nitric and oxalic acids. Urea has been recently analysed by Dr. Prout and Berard. The following are its con- stituents :— percent, per ci.nt. per atom. Hydrogen, 10.80 6.66 2= 2.5 Carbon, 19.-10 19.99 1 = 7.5 Oxygen, 26.40 26 66 1 = 10.0 Azote, 43 40 46.66 1 = 17.5 IOO.iX) 100.00 37.5 Uric, or Uthic acid, is a.substance quite distinct from urea in its composition. This fact, accord- ing to Dr. Prout, explains, why an excess of urea g> nerally accompanies the jihosjihoric diathesis, and not the lithic. He has several times seen urea as abundant in the urine of a person where the |ihosphonc diathesis prevailed, as to crystallise spontaut ously on tbe addition of nitric acid, with- out being conceutrated by evaporation. As urea and uric acid, says Berard, are the most azotised of ail animal substances, the secre- tion ot urine appears to have for its object the separation of the excess of azote from the blood, as respiration separates from it the excess of carbon. UKE'DO. (From uro, to burn.) An itching or burning sensation of the skin, which accom- panies many diseases. The nettleTrasb is also so called. UKET. The comjiounds of simple inflamma- ble bodies with each other, and with metals, are commonly designated by this word ; as sulphuret! of phosphorus, carburet! of iron, &c The terms bisulphuret, bisulphate, &c. applied to com- pounds, imply that they contain twice the quantity of sulphur, sulphuric acid, &c. existing in the res|iective suljihuret, sulphate, &c. URETER. (Ureter, eris. m. ; from ovpov, urine.) The membranous canal which conveys the urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder. At its superior |iart it is considerably the largest, occupying the greatest portion ofthe pelvis of the kidney; it then contracts to the size of a goose- quill, aud descends over the psoas magnus mus- cle and large crural vessels into the jielvis, in which it perforates the urinary bladder very ob- liquely. Its internal surface is lubricated with mucus to defend it from the irritation of the urine in passing. URETERI'TIS. (From ovprjrtip, the ureter.) An inflammation of the ureter. URE'THRA. (From ovpov, the urine ; because it is the canal through which the urine passes.) A membranous canal running from the neck of the bladder through the inferior part of the penis to the extremity of the glans penis, in which it opens by a longitudinal orifice, called meatus urinarius. In this course, it first (lasses through the prostate gland, which portion is distinguished by the name of the prostaticul urethra; it then becomes much dilated, and is known by the name of the bulbout part, in which is situated a cuta- neous eminence called the caput gallinaginis or verumontanu.n, around which are ten or twelve orifices of the excretory ducts of the prostate gland, and two of the s|>erniatic vessels. The remaining part of the urethra contains a number of triangular mouths, which are the lacuna, or openings of the excretory ducts of the mucous "lands of the urethra. 973 L'Rl LRI URETHRITIS. (From ovpr,0pa, the ure- thra.) An inflammation in the urethra. See Gonorrhaa. Ure'tica. (From ovpov, urine.) Medicines which promote a discharge of urine. U'RIAS. (From ovpov, urine.) The ure- thra. URIC ACID. See Lithic add. URI'NA. See Urine. Urina'culum. See Urackus. Uri'n.e ardor. See Dysuria. URI'-iA'RIA. (From urina, urine : so named from ifs diuretic qualities.) The herb dandelion. See Leontodon taraxacum. URINARY. (Urinarius ; from urina, urine.) Appertaining to urine. Urinary bladder. Vedca urinaria. The bladder is a membranous pouch, capable of dila- tation and contraction, situated in the lower jiart of the abdomen, immediately behind the symphysis jiubis, and opposite to the beginning of the rec- tum. Its figure is nearly that of a short oval. It is broader on the fore and back than on the lateral parts; rounder above than below, when empty ; and broader below than above, when full. It is divided into the body, neck, and fundus, or upper part; the neck is a portion of the lower part, which is contracted by a sphincter muscle. This organ is made up of several coats ; the upper, pos- terior, and lateral parts, are covered by a reflec- tion of the peritoneum, which is connected by cellular substance to the muscular coat. This is composed of several strata of fibres, the outermost of which are mostly longitudinal, the interior be- coming gradually more transverse, connected to- gether by reticular membrane. Under this is the cellular coat, wliich is nearly of the same struc- ture with tbe tunica nervosa of the stomach. Winslow describes the internal or villous coat as somewhat granulated and glandular ; but this has been disputed by subsequent -anatomists. How- ever, a mucous fluid is poured out continually from it, which defends it from the acrimony of the urine. Sometimes the internal surface is found very irregular, and full of rugae, which appear to be occasioned merely by the strong contraction of the muscular fibres, and may be removed by dis- tending it. The sjibincter does not seem to be a distinct muscle, but merely formed by the trans- verse fibres being closely arranged about the neck. The urine is received from the ureters, which enter the posterior part ofthe bladder obliquely; and when a certain degree of distention has oc- curred, the muscular fibres are voluntarily exerted to expel it. URINE. (Urina, a. f. Ovoov; from opovu, to rush out.) The saline liqnid, secreted in the kidneys, and dropping down from them, guttatim, through the ureters, into the cavity of the urinary bladder. The secretory organ is composed of the arterious vessels of the cortical substance of the kidneys, from which the urine passes through the uriniferous tubuli and renal papillae, into the renal pelvis: whence it flows drop by drop, through the ureters, into the cavity ofthe urin-iry bladder: where it is detained some hours, and at length, when abundant, eliminated through the urethra. "Few of the apparatus of secretion are so complicated as that of t;.e urine ; it is composed ofthe two kidneys, ofthe ureters, ofthe bladder, and the urethra; besides, the abdominal mtiselcs contribute to the action of these different jiarts, among which the kidneys alone form urine : the others serve in its transjiortation and expulsion. Situated in the abdomen, upon the sides of the vertebral column, before the last false ribs and the 971 quadratut lumborum, the kidneys are of small volume relatively to the quantity of fluid they se- crete. They are generally surrounded with a great deal ot fat. Their parenchyma is composed of two substances; the one exterior, vascular, or cortical; the other called tubular, disposed in a certain number of cones, the base of which cor- responds to the surface of the organ, and their summits unite in the membranous cavity called pelvis. Its cones appear formed by a great num- ber of small hollow fibres, which are excretory canals of a particular kind, and which are gene- rally filled with urine. In resjiect of its volume, no organ receives so much blood as the kidney. The artery which is directed there is large, short, and proceeds im- mediately from the aorta ; it has easy communi- cation with the veins and the tubulous substance, as may be easily ascertained by means of the most coarse injections, which, being thrown into the renal artery, pass into the veins and into the pel- vis, after having filled the cortical substance. The filaments of the great sympathetic'alone are distributed to the kidneys. The calices, pel- vis, and ureter, form together a canal which com- mences in the kidneys, where it embraces the top of the mamillary processes, and, placed at the sides of the vertebral column, it goes in the bot- tom of the pelvis to the bladder, where it termi- nates. This last organ is an extensible and con- tractile sac, intended to hold the fluid secreted by the kidneys, and which communicates with the exterior by a canal of considerable length in man, but very short in woman, called urethra. The posterior extremity of the urethra is, only in man, surrounded by the prostate gland, which is considered by certain anatomists as a collection of mucous follicles. Two small glands placed before the anus pour a particular fluid into this canaL Two muscles which descend from the pubis towards the rectum, pass upon the sides of the part of the bladder which ends in the urethra, approach one another behind, and form a small arc which surrounds the neck of the bladder, and carries it more or less upwards. If the pelvis is cut open in a living animal, the urine is seen to pass out slowly by the summits of the excretory cones. This liquid is deposited in the pelvis of the kidney, and then by little and little it enters into the ureter, through the whole length of which it passes. It thus arrives at the bladder, into which it penetrates by a constant exudation or dribbUng. A slight compression upon the uriniferous cones makes the urine pass out in considerable quantity; but instead of being limpid, as when it passes out naturally, it is muddy and thick. It appears then to be filtered by the hollow fibres of the tubular substance. Neither the pelvis nor the ureter being con- tractile, probably the power which produces the motion of the urine is, on one hand, that by which it is poured into the pelvis; and on the other, the pressure of the abdominal muscles, to which may be added, when we stand upright, the weight of the liquid. Under the influence of these causes, the urine passes into the bladder, and slowly distends this organ, sometimes to a considerable degree ; this accumulation being permitted by the extensibility of different organs. How does the urine accumulate in the bladder? Wny does it not flow immediately by the urethra ? nnd why does it not flow back into the ureter ? The answer is easy for the ureters. These con- duits jiass a considerable distance into the sides of the bladder. In proportion as the urine dis- URI UR1 tends this organ, it flattens the ureters, and shuts them so much more firmly as it is more abundant. This takes place in the dead body as well as in the living; also, a Uquid, or even air, injected into the bladder, by the urethra, never enters the ureters. It is, then, by a mechanism analogous to that of certain valves, that the urine does not return towards the kidneys. It ia not so easy to explain why the urine does not flow by the urethra. Several causes appear to contribute to this. The sides of this canal, particularly towards the bladder, have a continual tendency to contract, and to lessen the cavity; but this cause alone would be insufficient to resist the efforts of the urine to escape, when the blad- der is full. In the dead body, in which the canal contracts nearly in the same manner, it has but a very weak resistance, and does not prevent the passage of the liquid outwards, though the bladder may be very little compressed. The angle of the bladder with the urethra, when it is strongly distended, may also present an ob- stacle to the passage of the urine ; but the prin- cipal cause, most probably, is the contraction of the elevating muscles of the anus, which, either by the disposition to contraction of the muscular fibres, or by their contraction under the influence cf the brain, press the urethra upwards, compress its sides with more or less force against each other, and thus shut its posterior orifice. Excretion of Urine.—As soon as there is a certain quantity of urine in the bladder, we feel an incUnation to discharge it. The mechanism of this expulsion deserves particular attention, and has not always been well understood. If the urine is not always expeUed, this ought not to be attributed to the want of contraction in the bladder, for this organ always tends to con- tract ; but, by the influence of the cans* s that we have noticed, the internal orifice of the urethra resists with a force that the contraction of the bladder cannot surmount. The wtil produces this expulsion, 1st. By adding the contraction of the abdominal muscles to that of the bladder; 2dly, By relaxing tbe levatoret ani, which shut the urethra. The resistance ot this canal being once overcome, the contraction of the bladder is sufficient for the complete expulsion of the urine it contained; but the action of the abdominal muscles may be added, and then the urine jiasses out with much greater force. We may also stop the flowing of the urine all at once, by con- tracting the levators of the anus. The contraction of the bladder is not voluntary, though, by acting on the abdominal muscles, and the levators of the anus, we may cause it lo con- tract when we choose. The urine that remains in the urethra after the bladder is empty, is expelled by the contraction of the muscles of the perineum, and particularly by that of the acceleratores urina. Though the quantity of urine is very copious, and though it contains several proximate principles which are not found in the blood, and consequent- ly a chemical action takes jilace in the kidneys, the secretion of tbe urine is nevertheless very rapid. The physical properties of urine are subject to great variations. If rhubarb or madder has been used, it becomes of a deep yellow, or blood red ; if one has breathed an air charged with vapours of oil of turpentine, or if a little rosin has been swallowed, it takes a violet colour. The disagree- able odour that it takes by the use of asparagus, is well known. Its chemical composition is not less variable. The more use that is made of watery beverages, the more considerable the total quantity and pro- portion of water becomes. If one drinks Uttle, the contrary happens. The uric acid becomes more abundant when the regimen is very substantial, and the exercise tri- fling. This acid diminishes, and may even dis- appear altogether, by the constant and exclusive use of unazotised food, such as sngar, gum, butter, oU, &c. Certain salts, carried into the stomach, even in small quantity, are found in a short time in the urine. The extreme rapidity with which this transla- tion takes place, has made it be supposed there is a direct communication between the stomach and the bladder. Even now there are considerable numbers of partisans in favour of this opinion. It is not yet long since a direct canal from the stomach to the bladder was supposed to exist, but this passage has no existence. Others have sup- posed, without giving any proof, that the passage took place by the cellular tissue, by the anasto- moses of the lymphatic vessels, &c. Darwin, having given to a friend several grains of nitrate of potassa, in half an hour he let blood of him, and collected his urine. The salt was found in the urine, but not in the blood. Brande made simUar observations with prussiate of po- tassa. He concluded from it that the circulation is not the only means of communication between the stomach and the urinary organs, hut without giving any explanation of the existing means. Sir Everard Home is also of this opinion. I have made experiments in order to clear up this important question, and I have found, 1st, That whenever prussiate of potassa is injected into the veins, or absorbed in the intestinal canal, or by a serous membrane, it very soon passes into the bladder, where it is easily recognised among the urine. 2dly, That if the quantity of prussiate injected is considerable, the tests can discover it in the blood ; but if the quantity is small, i'*s jire- sence cannot be recognised by tbe usual means. 3dly, That the same result takes place by mixing the prussiate and blood together in a vessel. 4thly, That the same salt is recognised in all pro- portions in the urine. It is not extraordi; ary, then, that Darwin and Brande did not find in the blood the substance that they distinctly perceived in the urine. With regard to the organs that transport the Uquids of the stomach and intestines into the cir- culating system, it is evident, according to what we have said, in speaking of the chyliferous ves- sels, and the absorption of the veins, that these liquids are directly absorbed by the veins, and transported by them to the Uver and the heart; so that the direction which these liquids follow, in order to reach the veins, is much shorter than is generally admitted, viz. by the lymphatic vessels, the mesenteric glands, and the thoracic duct."— Magendie's Phyriology. The urine of a healthy man is divided in gene- ral into, 1. Crude, or that which is emitted one or two hours after eating. This is for the most part aqueous, and often vitiated by some kinds of food. 2. Coded, which is eliminated some hours after the digestion of the food, as that which is emitted in the morning after sleejiing. This is generally in smaller quantity, thicker, more coloured, more acrid, than at any other time. Of such dieted urine, the colour is usually citrine, and not un- handsome. The degree of heat agrees with that of the blood. Hence in atmosjiheric air it is warmer, as is perceived if the hand be washed with urine. The specific gravity is greater than water, an-1 URI that emitted in the morning is always heavier than at any other time. The^smell of fresh urine is not disagreeable. The taste is saltish and nau- seous. The consistence is somewhat thicker than water. The quantity depends on that of the liquid drink, its diuretic nature, and the tempera- ture of the air. Changes of Urine in the Air.— Preserved in an open vessel, it remains pellucid for some time, and at length there is perceived at the bottom a nubecula, or little cloud, consolidated as it were from the gluten. This nubecula increases by de- grees, occupies all the urine, and renders it ojiaque. The natural smell is changed into a putrid cadave- rous one ; and the surface is now generally cover- ed with a cuticle, composed ol very minute crys- tals. At length the urine regains its transparency, and the colour is changed from a yellow to a brown ; the cadaverous smell passes into an alka- line ; and a brown, gnimous sediment falls to the bottom, filled with white particles, deliquescing in the ajr, and so conglutinated as to form, as it were, little soft calculi. Thus two sediments are distinguishable in the urine ; the one white and gelatinous, and sepa- rated in the beginning ; the other brown and gru- mous, deposited by the urine when putrid. Spontaneous Degeneration.—Of all the fluids of the body, the urine first putrefies. In summer, after a few hours it becomes turbid, and sordidly black ; then deposites a copious sediment, and ex- hales a fetor like that of putrid cancers, which at length becomes cadaverous. Putrid urine effer- vesces with acids, and, if distilled, gives off, be- fore water, an urinous volatile spirit. The properties of healthy urine are, 1. Urine reddens paper stained with turnsole and with the juice of radishes, and therefore contains an acid. This acid has been generaUy considered as tbe phosphoric, but Thenard has shown -that in reality it is the acetic. 2. If a solution of ammonia be p ured into fresh urine, a white powder precipitates, which has the properties of phosphate of lime. 3. If the phosphate of lime precipitated from urine be examined, a little magnesia will be found mixed with it. Fourcroy and Vauquelin have as- certained that this is owing to a Uttle phosphate of magnesia which urine contains, and which is decomposed by the alkali employed to precipi- tate the phosphate of lime. 4. Proust informs ns that carbonic add exists in urine, and that its separation occasions the froth which apjiears during the evaporation ol urine. 5. Proust has observed, that urine kept in new casks deposites small crystals, which effloresce in the air, and fall to powder. These crystals pos- sess the properties of the carbonate of lime. 6. When fresh urine cools, it often lets faU a brick-coloured precipitate, which Scheele first as- certained to be crystals of uric add. All urine contains this acid, even when no sensible precipi- tate ajipears when it cools. 7. During intermitting fevers, and especially during diseases ofthe liver, a copious sediment of a brick-red colour is deposited from urine. This sediment contains the rosacic add of Proust. 8. Iffreshurine.be evaporated to the consist- ence of a syrup, and muriatic acid be then jioured into it, a precipitate appears which possesses the properties of benzoic acid. 9. When an infusion of tannin is dropped into urine, a white precipitate apjiears, having the pro- perties of the combination of tannin and albumen, or gelatine. Their quantity in healthy urine is very small, often indeed not sensible. Cruick- 976 URI shanks found that the precipitate afforded by tan- nin in healthy urine amounted to l-240th part of the weight ofthe urine. 10. II urine be evaporated by a slow fire tothe consistence of a thick syrup, it assumes a deep brown colour, and exhales a foetid ammoniacal odour. When allowed to cool, it concretes into a mass of crystals composed of all the component parts of urine. If four times its weight of alkohol be poured into this mass, at intervals, and a slight beat be applied, the greatest part is dissolved. The alkohol which has acquired a brown colour is to be decanted off, and distilled in a retort in a sand bi at till the mixture has boiled forsome time, and acquired the consistence of a syrnp. By this time the whole ol the alkohol has passed off, and the matter, on cooling, crystallises in quadrangu- lar plates, which intersect each other. This sub- stance is urea, which composes 9-20ths of the urine, provided the watery part be excluded. It is this substance which characterises urine, and constitutes it what it is, and to which the greater part of the very singular phenomena of urine are to be ascribed. 11. According to Fourcroy and Vauquelin, the colour of urine depends upon the urea ; the greater the proportion of urea the deeper the colour. But Proust has detected a resinous matter in urine similar to the resin of bile, and to this substance he ascribes the colour of urine. 12. If urine be slowly evaporated to the consist- ence of a syrup, a number of crystals make their appearance on its surface, these possess the pro- perties of the muriate of soda. 13. The saline residuum which remains after the separation of urea from crystaUised urine by means of alkohol, has been long known by the names of fusible talt of urine, and microcosmic salt. When these salts are examined,\ they are found to have, the properties of phosphates. The rhomboidal prisms consist of phosphate of ammo- nia united to a little phosphate of soda, the rect- angular tables, on the contrary, are phosphate of soda united to a small quantity of phosphate of ammonia ; urine then contains phosphate of soda, and phosphate of ammonia. 14. When urine is cautiously evaporated, a few cubic crystals are often deposited among the other salts ; the crystals have the properties of muriate of ammonia. 15. When urine is boiled in a sUver basin, it blackens the basin, and if the quantity of urine be large, small crusts of sulphuret of silver may be detached. Hence we see that urine contains sul- phur. Urine then contains the foUowing substances : I. Water! 10. Albumen. 2. Acetic acid. 11. Urea. 3. Phosphate of Ume. 12. Resin. 4. Phosphate of mag- 13. Muriate of soda. nesia. 14. Phosphate of soda. 5. Carbonic acid. 15. Phosphate of ammo- 6. Carbonate of lime. nia. 7. Uric acid. 16. Muriate of ammonia. 8. Rosacic acid. 17. Sulphur. 9. - Benzoic acid. According to Berzelius, healthy human urine is composed of, water 933, urea 30.10, sulphate of potassa 3.71, sulphate ot soda 3.16, phosphate of soda 2.94, muriate of soda 4.45, phosphate of am- monia 1.65, muriate of ammonia 1.50, free acetic acid, with lactate of ammonia, animal matter so- luble in alkohol, urea adhering to the preceding, altogether 17.14, earthy phosphates with a trace of fluate of lime 1.0, uric acid 1, mucus of the bladder 0.32, sUica 0.03, in 1000.0. No Uquor in the human body, however, is so IrliT LIE , .limine, in respect to quantity and quality, as the urine; for it varies, 1. In respect to age : in the fatus it is inodo- rous, insipid, and almost aqueous ; bat as the in- fant grows, it becomes more acrid and foetid ; and in old age more particularly so. 2. 7n retpect to drink: it is secreted in greater quantity, and of a more pale colour, from cold and copious draughts. It becomes green from an infu- sion of Chinese tea. 3. In respect to food: from eating the heads of asparagus, or olives, it contracts a peculiar smeU; from the fruit of the opuntia, it becomes red ; and from fasting turbid. 4. In retpect to medicines .- from the exhibition of rhubarb root, it becomes yellow, from cassia d>, green, and from turpentine it acquires a et odour. 5. In respect to the time of the year : in the winter the urine is more copious and aqueous ; but in the summer, from the increased transpiration, it is more sparing, higher coloured, and so acrid that it sometimes occasions strangury. The cli- mate induces the same difference. 6. In resped to the muscular motion of the body : it is secreted more sparingly, and concen- trated by motion ; and is more copiously diluted, and rendered more crude by rest. 7. In respect to the affections of the mind: thus fright makes the urine pale. Use.—The urine is an excrementitious fluid, Uke lixivium, by which the human body is not only Uber.tted from the superfluous water, but also from the superfluous salts, and animal earth ; and is defended from corruption. Lastly, the vis medicatrix naturae sometimes eliminates many morbid and acrid substances with the urine; as may be observed in fevers, drop- sies, &c. Urine, retention of. A want of the ordi- nary secretion of urine. In retention of urine there is none secreted : in a suppression, the urine is tecreted but cannot be voided. Urine, tupprettion of. See Itchuria. UROCRI'SIA. (From ovpov, urine, and Kpivu, to judge.) The judgment formed of diseases by the inspection of urine. URORRH.arts are rendered very irritable, but it is by those branches which the uterus receives from the intercostal, that the intimate consent between it and various other parts is chiefly preserved. The muscular fibres ofthe uterus have been described in a very different manner by anatomists, some of whom have asserted that its substance was chiefly .Tsnscular, with fibrfs running in transverse. '».-' 179 ( cuiai, ui- reticulated order, whilst others ha\e contended that there were no muscular fibres what- ever in the uterus. In the unimpregnated uterus, when boiled for the purpose of a more perfect ex- amination, the former seems to be a true repre- sentation ; and when the uterus is distended to- wards the latter part of pregnancy, these fibres are very thinly scattered ; but they may be dis- covered in a circular direction, at the junction between the body and the cervix ofthe uterus, and surrounding the entrance of each FaUopian tube in a similar order. Yet it does not seem reason- able to attribute the time of labour to its muscular fibres only, if we are to judge of the power of a muscle by the number of fibres of which it is com- posed, unless it is presumed that those of the uterus are stronger than in common muscles. With respect to the glands of the uterus, none are discoverable dispersed through its substance upon the inner surface of the cervix ; between the rugae there are lacunae which secrete mucus, and there are small foUicies at the edge of the os uteri. These last are only observable in a state of preg- nancy, when they arc much enlarged. From the angles at the fundus of the uterus, two processes of an irregular round form originate, called from the name of the first describer, the Fallopian tubes. They are about three inches in length, and, becoming smaller in their progress from the uterus, have an uneven, fringed termination, call- ed the fimbriae. The canal which passes through these tubes is extremely small at their origin, but it is gradually enlarged, and terminates with a patulous orifice, tbe diameter of which is about one-third of an inch, surrounded by the fimbriae. It is also lined by a very fine vascular membrane, formed into serpentine plicae. Through this ca- nal the communication between the uterus and ovaria is preserved. The Fallopian tubes mv wrapped in duplicatures of the peritonaeum, which are called the broad ligaments of the uterus ; but a portion of their extremities, thus folded, hangs loose on each side of the pelvis. From each late- ral angle of the uterus, a little before and below ' the Fallopian tubes, the round ligaments arise, which are composed of arteries, veins, lym- phatics, nerves, and a fibrous structure. These are connected together by cellular membrane, and the whole is much enlarged during preg- nancy. They receive their outward covering from the peritonaeum, and pass out of the pelvis through the ring of the external oblique muscle to the groin, where the vessels subdivide into small branches, and terminate at the mons veneris and contiguous jiarts. From the insertion of these ligaments into the groin, the reason ap- pears why that part generally suffers in all the diseasrs and affections of the uterus, and why the ftiguinal glands are in women so often found in a morbid or enlarged state. The duplicatnres of the peritonaeum, in wliich the Fallopian tubes ami ovaria are involved, are called the broad liga- ments of the uterus. These prevent the entangle- ment of the parts, and are conductors of the ves- sels and nerves, as the mesentery is of those of the intestines. Boih the round and broad liga- ments alter their position during pregnancy, ap- pearing to rise lower and more forward than in the unimpregnated state. Their use is snjipoicd to be that of preventing the descent of tlie uterus, ami to regulate its direction when it ascends into the cavity of the abdomen ; but whetlier they an- swer these purposes may be much doubted. The Use of the womb is for menstruation, conception nutrition ofthe foetus, and parturition. The u! hi* is lolypcs, ul- ceration, cancer, &c. Uterus, retroversion or. By the term retroversion, such a change of the position ofthe uterus is understood, that the fundus is turned backwards and downwards ujion its cervix, be- tween the vagina and rectum, and the os uteri is turned forwards to tbe pubis, and upwards, in jiro- portion to the descent of the fundus, so that by an examination per vaginam, it cannot be felt, or not without difficulty, when the uterus is retrovertcd. By the same examination there may also be jier- ccived a large round tumour, occujiying tiie infe- rior part ofthe cavity of the pelvis, and pressing the vagina towards the pubes. By an examina- tion per anum, the same tumour may be felt, pressing the rectum to the hollow of the sacrum, and if both these examinations are made at the same time, we may readily discover that the tu- mour is confined within the vagina and rectum. Besides the knowledge of the retroversion which may be gained by these examinations, it is found to be accompanied with other very distinguishing symptoms. There is in every case, together with extreme pain, a suppression of urine ; and by the continuance of this distention of the bladder, the tumour formed by it in the abdomen often equals in size, and resembles in shape the uterus in the sixth or seventh months of pregnancy ; but it is necessary to observe, that the suppression of urine is frequently absolute only before the retro- version of the uterus, or during the time it is re- troverted ; for when the retroversion is completed, there is often a discharge of urine, so as to jueicnt an increase ofthe distention ofthe bladder, though not in a sufficient quantity to remove it. There is also an obstinate constipation of the bowels, produced by the pressure of the retrovertcd uterus upon the rectum, which renders- the injection of a clyster very difficult, or even impossible. But it ajipears that all the painful symptoms are chiefly in consequence of the suppression of urine ; for none of those parts which are apt to sympathise in affections or diseases of the uterus are disturbed by its retroversion. The retroversion of the uterus has general ly» occurred about tbe third month of pregnancy,and sometimesafterdelivery it may like- wise bap|>en, where the uterus is, from any cause, enlarged tothe size it acquires about the third month of pregnancy, but not with such facility as in the pregnant state, because the enlargement is then chiefly at the fundus. If the uterus is but little enlarged, or if it be enlarged Inyo.-iii a certain time, it cannot well be rctroveviod; f«>u» in the first case, should the canse ot' a retroversion exist, the weight at the fundus vould be wanting to jiroduce it; and in the latter tlie uterus would be raised above the projection of the sacrum, anil supported bv the spine. UrRiCA'r'iA. (From ut cr, a bottle: so called from its aj>pen,lages at the end of the leaves, re- sembling bottles, to c.nitain water.) A name ol the nepenthes, or wonderful plant. UTRI'CULUS. (Dim. of uier, a bottle: so called from its shape.) 1. The womb. 2. A little bladder. Applied by botanists to a sjiecies of capsule, which varies in thickness, never opens by any valve, and falls off with the seed, feir J. Smith believes it never contains more than one seed, of which it is most coramo- diously, in botanical language, called an external coat, rather than a cipsule. Caertner applies it to Chtenopodium and Clematis : in the former il seems to be jullicula ; in the latter, testa.—Smit h. UVA. (Uva, a, f. ; Quasi umda, from its juice.) 1. An uib-ipe grape. 2. A tumour on the eye resembling a grape. Uvalruina. Crane-berries. The berries o: the Oxycoccos erythrocarpus. They are brought from New England, and are reckoned antiscor- butic. Uva passa major. Che raisin. See 1 iti> v in if era. Uva passa minor. The dried currant. See Vitis corinthica. Uva ursi. Bear's whortle-berry. SeeArbu- tus uva ursi. U'VEA. (From uva, an unripe grape: so called because, in beasts, which the ancients chiefly dissected, it is like an unripe grape.) The posterior lamina of the iris. See Chormd mem- brane. U'VULA. (Dim. of uva, a grape.) Colu- mella; don; Gargarcon; Columna oris; Gurgulio; Inlerieptum. The small conical fleshy substance hanging in the middle of the velum pendulum palati, over the root of the tongue. It is composed of the common nicmbran'- of the mouth, nnd a smaU muscle resembling a worm which arises from the union of the palatine bone, and descends to the tip of the uvula. It was culled Palato staphilinue, by Douglas, and Staphilinus epistaphilinus, by Winslow. By its contraction, the uvula is raised up. UVULA'RIA. (From uvula, because it cured diseases of the uvula.) See Rwcus hypoglos- V. V A'CCA. The cow. See Mtlu. VACCA'RIA. (From vacca, a cow ; because it ia coveted by cows.) The herb cow's basil. VACCINATION. The insertion of the mat- ter to produce the cow-pox. See I'ariola vac- cina. VACCINIA. See Variola vaccina. VACCl'NIUM. (Quasi baccinium, from its berry.) The name of a genu* of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Octandria; Order, Monogynia. Vaccinium mirtillus. The systematic name of the mvrtle-berrv. The berries which are dirccte<: i;i pharmacopoeias 1 y the name of bacca miirlillorum, are the fruit of this plant. Prepared v, ith vinegar, they are esteemed as an- tiscorbutics, and when dry, possess astringent virtues. * Vaccinicm oxycoccos. The systematic name of the cranberry-pfont. Oxycoccos palustris; Vacdnia palustris; Vitis tdaa palustris. Moor-berry. Cranberry. These berries are in- serted in some pharmacojaias. They are about th* size of our haws, and are pleasantly acid and coating with which intention they are used me- dicinally iu Sweden. In this country they are raostifipreserved and made into tarts. ▼ 979 VAG Vaci inium vitis id.ea. The systematic name of the red whortle-bcrry. Vitis idaa. The leaves of this plant, vaccinium vitis idaa, of Linnaeus, are so adstringent as to be used in some places for tanning. They are said to mitigate the pain attendant on calculous diseases when given internally in the form of decoction. The ripe berries abound with a grateful acid juice, and are esteemed in Sweden as aperient, antiseptic, and refrigerant, and often given in putrid diseases. VAGI'NA. Vagina uteri. The canal which leads from the external orifice of the female pu- dendum to the uterus. It is somewhat of a conical form, with the narrowest part downwards, and is described as being five or six inches in length, and about two in diameter. But it would be more proper lo say, that it is capable of being extended to those dimensions; for in its common state, the os uteri is seldom found to be more than three inches from the external orifice, and the vagina is contracted as well as shortened. The vagina is composed of two coats, the first or innermost of which is villous interspersed with many excretory ducts, and contracted into plicae, or s.maU trans- verse folds, particularly at the fore and back part, but, by child-bearing these are lessened or oblite- rated. The second coat is composed of a firm membrane, in which muscular fibres are not dis- tinctly observable, but which are endowed, to a certain degree, with contractile powers like a muscle. This is surrounded by cellular membrane, whicli connects it to the neighbouring parts. A portion of the upper and posterior part of the va- gina is also covered by the peritonaeum. The en- trance of the vagina is constricted by muscular fibres originating from the rami of the pubis, which run on each side of the pudendum, sur- rounding the posterior part, and executing an equi- valent office, though they cannot be said to form a true sphincter. The upper |>art of the vagina is connected to the circumference of the os uteri, but not in a straight line, so as to render the cavity of the uterus a continuation of that of the vagina. For the latter stretches beyond the former, and, being joined to the cervix, is reflected over the os uteri, which by this mode of union, is suspended with protuberant lips in the vagina, and permitted to change its position in various ways and directions. When, therefore, these parts are distended and unfolded at the time of labour, they are continued into each other, and there is no part which can be considered as the precise beginning of the uterus or termination of the vagina. The diseases of the vagina are, first, such an abbreviation and contraction as render it unfit tor the uses for which it was designed: secondly, a cohesion of the sides in consequence of preceding ulceration: thirdly, cicatrices after an ulceration of the parts ; fourthly, excrescences ; fifthly, floor albus. This abbreviation and contraction of the vagina, wliich usually accompany each other, are produced by original defective formation, and they are seldom discovered before the time of marriage, the consummation of which they some- times prevent. The curative intentions are to relax the parts by the use of emollient applica- tions, and to dilate them to their proper size by sponge, or other tents, or, which are more effect- ual, by bougies gradually enlarged. But the cir- cumstances which attend this disorder, are some- times such as might lead us to form an erroneous opinion of the disease. A case of this lund, which was under Dr. Denman's care, fro-rathe strangury, from the heat of the parts, and the pro- fuse and inflammatory discharge, was suspected to proceed from venereal infection; and ttti that 980 VAG opinion the patient had been put upon a course o medicine composed of quicksilver, for several weeks, without relief. When she applied to the Doctor, he prevailed upon her to submit to an ex- amination, and found the vagina rigid, so much contracted as not to exceed naif an inch in dia- meter, nor more than one inch and a half in length. The repeated, though fruitless attempts which had been made to complete the act of coition, had occasioned a considerable inflamma- tion upon the parts, and all the suspicious appear- ances before mentioned. To remove the inflam- mation she was bled, took some gentle purgative medicines, used an emollient fomentation, and af- terwards some unctuous appUcations; she wan also advised to live separate from her husband for some time. The inflammation being gone, tents of various sizes were introduced^into the vagina, by which it was distended, though not very amply. She then returned to her husband, and in a few months became pregnant. Her labour, though slow, was not attended with any extraordinary difficulty. She was delivered of a full-sized child, and afterwards suffered no inconvenience. Ano- ther kind of constriction of the external parts sometimes occurs, and which seems to be a mere spasm. By the violence or long continuance of a labour, by the morbid state of the constitution, or by the negligent and improper use of instruments, an inflammation of the external parts, or vagina, is sometimes produced in such a degree as to endanger a mortification. By careful manage- ment this consequence is usually prevented; but in some cases, when the constitution of the pa- tient was prone to disease, the external parts have sloughed away, and in others, equal injury has been done to the vagina. But the effect of the inflammation is usuaUy confined to tbe internal or villous coat, which is sometimes cast off wholly or partially. An ulcerated surface being thus left, when the disposition to heal has taken place, cicatrices have been formed of difl'erent kinds, according to the depth and extent of the ulcera- tion, and there being no counteraction to the con- tractile state of the parts, the dimensions of the vagina become much reduced, or, if the ulcera- tion should not be healed, and the contractibility of the parts continue to operate, the ulcerated surfaces being brought together may cohere, and the canal of the vagina be perfectly closed. Cicatrices in the vagina very seldom become an impediment to the connection between the sexes ; when they do, the same kind of assistance is re- quired as was recommended in the natural con- traction or abbreviation of the part ; they always give way to the pressure of the head of tbe child in the time of labour, though in many cases with great difficulty. Sometimes the appearances may mislead the judgment; for the above author was called to a womaU in labour, who was thought to have become pregnant, though the hymen re- mained unbroken ; but, on making very particular inquiry, he discovered that this was her second la- bour, and that the part, which from its form and situation, was supposed to be the hymen, with a small aperture was a cicatrice, or unnatural con- traction of the entrance into the vagina, conse- quent to an ulceration of the part after her former labour. Fungous excrescences arising from any part of the vagina or uterus, have been distin- guished, though not very properly, by the general term polypus. See Polypus. Vagina of nerves. The outer covering of nerves. By some it is said to be a production of the pia mater only, and by others of the dura ma- ter, because it agree* with it in tenacity, colour and texture. VAL VAR Vagina of tendons. A loose membranous sheath, formed of cellular membrane, investing the tendons, and containing an unctuous juice, which is secreted by the vessels of its internal surface. Ganglions are nothing more than an accumulation of this juice. VAGINA'LIS TUNICA. See Tunica vagi- nalis testis. VAGINANS. Sheathing. applied to parts of animals and plants, as the tunica vaginalis or tes- ticle ; to leaves which sheath the stem, or each other, as in grasses ; and to the leafstalk of the Canna indica, which surrounds the stem like a sheath ; hence petiolut vaginant. VAGITUS. The cry of young chUdren ; also the distressing cry of persons under surgical ope- rations. VA'GUM, PAR. See Par vagum. VALERIAN. See Valeriana. Valerian, Celtic. See Valeriana celtica. Valerian, garden. See Valeriana major. Valerian, great. See Valerian major. Valerian, letter. See Valeriana. VALERIA'NA. (From Valeriut, who first particularly described it. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Trian- dria; Order, Monogynia. Valerian. 2. The pharmacopeeial name of the wild va- lerian. See Valeriana offidnalit. Valeriana celtica. The systematic name of the Nardut celtica. Spica celtica Diotcori- dis. Celtic nard. The root of this plant, a na- tive of the Alps, has been recommended as a.sto- machic, carminative, and diuretic. At present it is only used in this country in the theriaca and mi- thridate, though its sensible qualities promise some considerable medicinal powers. It has a moderately strong smell, and a warm, bitterish, subacrid taste. Valeriana locusta. Album olus. Corn ballad. This is cultivated in our gardens for an early sallad. It is a wholesome esculent plant, gently ajierient and antiscorbutic. Valeriana major. See Valeriana phu. Valeriana minor. See Valeriana offiri- 'nulis. Valeriana officinalis. The systematic name of the Valeriana minor. Valeriana tyl- vettris ; Leucho lachanum. Officinal valerian ; Wild valerian. Valeriana—floribus triandris, foliis omnibus pinnatit, of Linnaeus. The root of this plant has been long extolled as an effica- cious remedy in epilepsy, whieh caused it to be exhibited in a variety of other complaints termed nervous, in which it has been found highly ser- viceable. It is also iu very general use as an an- tisjiasmodlc, and is exhibited iu convulsive hys- terical diseases. A simple and volatile tincture are directed in the pharmacopoeias. Valeriana phu. The systematic name of the garden valerian. Valeriana major. The root of this plant is said lo be efficacious in re- moving rheumatism, especially sciatica; and also inveterate epilepsies. Valeriana sylvestris. See Valeriana offidnalit. Va'llum. (From vallus, a hedge stake: so called from the regular trench-Uke disposition of the hairs.) The eye-brows. VALSALVA, Anton. Maria, was born at Iraola, in 1666, and jilaced at a proper age under .Malpighi, at Bologna, where he applied so closely as to impair his health. He took his degree at the age of twenty-one, and connecting surgery with physic, acquired high reputation. He sim- jilifica the instruments in use, banished the prac- 'fo* of rautcririne thr- arteries after amputation. and employed manual operations in the cure o> deafness. In 1697, he was chosen professor of anatomy in the university; and under his direc- tion the. school acquired great celebrity.; among other distinguished pupils of his, Morgagni must be reckoned, whose chief work, " De Sedibus et Causis Morboruru," contains many dissections by Valsalva. As he advanced in Ufe he became corpulent and lethargic, and in 1723 was carried off by an apoplectic stroke. His museum was be- queathed to the Institute of Bologna, and his sur- gical instruments to the Hospital for Incurables. The principal of his works is a treatise "De Aure Humana ;" and after his death, three of his dissertations on Anatomical Subjects were printed by Morgagni. VALVE. (Valva; from valveo, to fold up.) A thin and transparent membrane situated within certain vessels, as arteries, veins, and absorbents. the office of which appears to be to prevent the contents of the vessel from flowing back. Valve of the colon. See Intettine. Valve, semilunar. See Semilunar valves. Valve, tricuspid. See Tricuspid valves. Valve, triglochin. See Tricuspid valves. VA'LVULA. (From valva, a valve, of which it is a diminutive.) A Uttle valve. 1. Applied to the valves of the venal and lym- phatic system of animals. 2. In botany, to the parts or halves of a cap- sule, whicli split open when the seed is ripe. Valvula coli. See Intettine. Valvula ecstachii. A membranous semi- lunar valve, which separates the right auricle from the inferior vena cava, first described by Eustachius. Valvula mitralis. See Mitral valves. Valvula semilunaris. See Semilunar valves. Valvula triglochinis. See Tricuspid valves. Vavlvula tulpii. See Intestine. Valvule conniventes. The semilunar folds formed of the villous coat of the intestinum duodenum, and jejunum. Their use appears to be to increase the internal surface of the intestines. Vanelloe. See Epidendrum vanilla. VANILLA. See Epidendrum vanilla. VAPORA'RIUM. (From vapor, vapour.) A vajwur-bath. VAPRECUL.rE. The name of an order of plants in Linnaeus's Fragments of a Natural Me- thod, consisting of such as are, and have a mono- phylous calyx, like a coloured coroUa. Varec. The French name for kelji. Va'ria. (From varius, changeable.) The smaU-pox: also small red pimples in the face. VARICE'LLA. (Dim. of varia, the small- pox : so called from its being changeable.) Va- riola lymphatica. The chicken-pox. A genus of disease in the Class Pyrexia, and Order Ex- anthemata, of Cullen, known by moderate synocha, pimples bearing some resemblance to the small pox, quickly forming pustules, which contain a fluid matter, but scarcely purulent, and after three or four days from their first appear- ance, desquamate. VARICOCE'LE. (From »om-, a distended vein, and 107X17, a tumour.) A swelling of the veins of the scrotum, or spermatic cord; hence it is divided into the scrotal varicocele,which is known by the appearance of Uvid and tumid veins on the scrotum ; and varicocele of the tpermatic cord, known by feeling hard vermiform vessels in the coarse of the tpermatic cord. Varicocele mostly arises from excessive walking, running, jumping, wcjsnn? of truces, anil the like, producing at firiT VAR VAR a slight uneasiness in the part, which, it not re- medied, continues advancing towards the loins. VARIEGATUS. Varie2ated : applied to an intermixture of colours ; as in the leaves of some plants, Mentha rotundifolia, &c. VARI'OLA. (From variut, changing colour, because it disfigures the skin.) The smaU-pox. A genus of disease in the Class Pyrexia, and Order Exanthemata, of CuUen, distinguished by synocha, eruption of red pimples on the third day, which on the eighth day contain pus, and after- wards drying, fall off in crusts. It is a disease of a very contagious nature, sup- posed to have been introduced into Europe from Arabia, and in whicb there arises a fever, that is succeeded by a number of little inflammations in the skin, which proceed to suppuration, the mat- ter formed thereby being capable of producing the disorder in another person. It makes its at- tack on people of all ages, but the young of both sexes are more liable to it than those who are much advanced in hTe ; and it may jirevail at all seasons of the y<-ar, but is most prevalent in the spring and summer. The smaU-pox is distinguished into the distinct and confluent, implying that in the former, the eruptions are perfectly separate from each other, and that in the latter they run much into one another. Both species are produced either by breathing air impregnated with the effluvia arising from the bodies of those who labour under the disease, or by the introduction of a small quantity of the va- riolous matter into the habit by inoculation ;. and it is probable that the difference of the smaU-pox is not owing to any difference in the contagion, but depends on the state of the person to whom it is applied, or on certain circumstances concurring with the application of it. A variety of opinions have been entertained re- specting the effect ofthe variolous infection on the foetus in utero; a sufficient number of instances, however, has been recorded, to ascertain that the disease may be communicated from the mother to the child. In some cases, the body of the child, at its birth, has been covered with pustules, and the nature ofthe disease has been most satisfacto- rily ascertained by inoculating with matter taken from the pustules. In other cases, there has been no appearance of the disease at the birth, but an eruption and other symptoms of the disease have appeared so early, as to ascertain that the infec- tion must have been received previously to the removal of the child from the uterus. Four different states, or stages, are to be ob- served in the small-jiox: first, the febrile ; se- cond, the eruptive ; third, the maturative ; and, fourth, that ofthe decination or scabbing. When the disease has arisen naturally, and is ofthe dis- tinct kind, the eruption is commonly preceded by a redness in the eyes, soreness in the throat, pains in the head, back, aud loins, weariness and faiutness, alternate fits of chilliness and heat, thirst, nausea, incUnation to vomit, and a quick pulse. In some instances, these symptoms prevail in a high degree, and in others they are very mode- rate and trifling. In very young children, start- ings and convulsions arc apt to take place a short time previous to the appearance of the erujition, always giving great alarm to those not conversant with the frequency of the occurrence. About the third or fourth day from the first seizure, the eruption shows itsetf in little red spots on the face, neck, and breast, and these continue to increase in number and size for three or four loD^er, at the end of which time, they are lo be 9P* 9 observed dispersed over several parts of tfo- body. If the pustules are not very numerous, the fe- brile symptoms will generally go off on tbe ap- pearance of the eruption, or then will become very moderate. It sometimes happens, that a number of little spots of an erysipelatous nature are inter- spersed among the pustules; but these generaUy go in again, as soon as the suppuration com- mences, which is usually about the fifth or sixth day, at which period, a small vesicle, containing an almost colourless fluid, may be observed upon the toj. of each pimple. Should the pustules be perfectly distinct and separate from each other tbe sup|iuration will probably be completed about the eighth or ninth day, and they will then be fill- ed with a thick yellow matter ; but should they run much into each other, it wiU not be com- pleted till some days later. When the pustules are very thick and numerous on the face, it is apt about this time to become much swelled, and the .eyelids to be closed up, previous to which, there usuaUy arises a hoarse- ness, and difficulty of swallowing, accompanied with a considerable discharge of viseid saliva. About the eleventh day, the swelling of the face usually subsides, together with the affection of the fauces, and is succeeded by the same in the hands and feet, after which the pustules break, and dis- charge their contents ; and then becoming dry, they fall in crusts, leaving the skin which they covered of a brown-red colour, which appearance continues for many days. In those cases where the pustules are large, and are late in becoming dry and falling off, they are very apt to leave pits behind them ; but where they are small, stipjiu- rafo quickly, and are few in number, tliey neither leave any marks behind them, nor do they occa- sion much affection ofthe system. In the confluent smaU-pox, the fever which pre- cedes the eruption is much more violent than in the distinct, being attended usually with great anxiety, heat, thirst, nausea, vomiting, and a fre- quent and contracted pulse, and often with coma or delirium. In infants, convulsive fits are apt to occur, which either prove fatal before any erup- tion ajipears, or they usher in a malignant species ofthe disease. . The eruption usually makes its appearance about the third day, being frequently preceded or attended with a rosy efflorescence, similar to what takes place in the measles ; but the fever, although it suffers some slight remission on the coming out of the eruption, does not go off as in the dis- tinct kind ; on the contrary, it becomes increased after the fifth or sixth day, and continues consi- derable throughout the remainder of the disease. As the eruption advances, the face, being thickly bespt with pustules, becomes very much swell- ed, the eyelids are closed up, so as to deprive the patient of sight, and a gentle salivation ensues, which, towards the eleventh day, is so viscid as to be spit up with great difficulty. Iu chUdren, a diarrhoea usually attends this stage of the disease instead of a salivation, which is to be met with only in adults. The vesicles on the top of the pimples are to be jierceived sooner in the con- fluent small-jiox than in the dbtinct; but they never rise to an eminence, being usuaUy flatted in; neither do they arrive to proper suppuration, as the fluid contained in them, instead of becom- ing yellow, turns to a brown colour. About the tenth or eleventh day, the swelling ofthe face usually subsides, and then the hands and feet begin to puff up and swell, and about the same time the vesicles break, and pour out a li- quor that forms into brown or black crusts, whioh. VAlt jpou falling off, leave deep pits behind them that continue for Ufe; and where the pustules have run much into each other, they then disfigure and scar the face very considerably. Sometimes it happens that a putrescency of the fluids takes place at an early period of the disease, and shows itself in livid spots interspersed among the pustules, and by a discharge of blood by urine, stool, and from various parts of the body. In the confluent small-pox, the fever which, per- haps, had suffered some slight remission Irom the time the eruption made its appearance to that ot maturation, is often renewed with considerable violence at this last-mentioned period which is what is called the secondary fever, and this is the most dangerous stage of the disease. It has been observed, even among the vulgar, that the small- pox is apt to apjiear immediately before or alter the prevalence of the measles. Another curioub observation has been made relating to the symp- toms of these complaints, namely, that if, while a patient labours under the smaU-pox, he is seized with the measles, the course of the former is re- tarded till the eruptiod of the measles is finished. The measles appear, for instance, on the second day ofthe eruption of smaU-pox ; the progress of this ceases, till the measles terminate by desqua- mation, and then it goes on in the usual way. Several cases are, however, recorded in the Me- dical and Physical Journal, as likewise in the third volume of the Medical Commentaries, fn which a concurrence of the small-pox and mea- sles took place without the progress of the for- mer being retarded. The distinct small-pox is not attended with danger, except when it attacks preguant women, or approaches nearly in its na- ture to that of the confluent; but this last is al- ways accompanied with considerable risk, the degree of which is ever in proportion to the vio- lence and permanence of the fever, the number of pustules on the face, and the disposition to pu- trescency which prevails. , When there is a great tendency this way, the disease usually proves fatal between the eighth and eleventh day, but, in some cases, death is pro- tracted tUl the fourteenth or sixteenth. The con- fluent sniaU-pox, although it may not prove im- mediately mortal, is very apt to induce various morbid affections. Both kinds of smaU-pox leave behind them a predisposition to inflammatory complaints, parti- cularly to ophthalmia and visceral inflammations, but more especially of the thorax ; and they not unfrequentiy excite scrophula into action" which might otherwise have lain dormant in the system. The regular swelling of the hands and feet upon that of the face subsiding, and its continuance for tlie due time, may be regarded in a favourable light. •' The dissections which have been made of con- fluent smaU-pox, have never discovered any pus- tnles internally on the viscera. From them it ■also ajijiears that Variolous pustules never attack the cavities of the body, excejit those to which the air has free access, as the nose, mouth, tra- i.hea, the larger branches ofthe bronchia^bd the outermost jiart of the meatus auditorius. In cases nf prolapsus ani, they likewise frequently attack 'hat part of the gut which is exposed to the air. They have usually shown the same morbid ap- pearances inwardly, as arc met with in putrid fe- ver, where the disease has been of the malignant kind. Where the febrile symptoms have run high, and the head ha-, been much affected with coma or delirium, the vessels of the brain appear, on-removing the cranium and diu-ii-niater, more -.ireid. ri'i'l filld "iMi i darker coloim ' Wood VaII than usual, and a greater quantity of te. ous tlua is found, particularly towards the base of the brain. Under similar circumstances, the lungs have often a darker appearance, and their moisture is more copious than usual. When no inflamma- tory affection has supervened, they are most usu- ally sound. The treatment of smaU-pox will differ mate- rially according to the species of the disease. In tlie distinct, ushered in by synochal pyrexia, it may be occasionally proper, in persons of a mid- dle age, good constitution, and jdethoric habit, to begin by taking away a moderate quantity of blood ; tiie exhibition of an emetic will be gene- rally advisable, provided there be no material tenderness of the stomach ; the bowels must then be cleared, antimonial and other diaphoretics em- ployed, and the antiphlogistic regimen strictly en- forced. It is particularly useful in this disease during the eruptive fever to expose the patient freely to cold air, as taught by the celebrated Sy- denham ; and even the cold sjfusion may be pro- per, where there is much heat and redness of the skin, unless the lungs be weak. After the erup- tion has come out, the symptoms are usually so much mitigated, that Uttle medical interference is necessary. But the confluent sraall-pox requires more management: after evacuating the primae viae, and employing other means to moderate the fever in the beginning, the several remedies adapt- ed to support the strength and counteract the septic tendency, must be resorted to, as the dis- ease advances, such as have been enumerated un- der typhus. The chief points of difference are, that bark may be more freely given to promote the jirocess of supjmration, and opium to reUeve the irritation in the skin ; when the eruption has come out, it will be generally proper to direct a full dose ol this remedy every night to procure rest, using proper precautions to obviate its con- fining the bowels, or determining to the head. Where alarming convulsions occur also, opium is the medicine chiefly to be relied upon, taking care subsequently to remove any source of irrita- tion from the primae viae. Sometimes the tepid bath may be useful under these circumstances, and favour the appearance of the eruption, where tbe skin is pale and cold, *he pulse weak, &c. Where at a more advanced period the pustules flatten, aud alarming symptoms follow, the most jiowerful cordial and antispasmodic remedies must be tried, as the confectio opii, aether, wine, &c For the relief of the brain, or other important part, particularly affected, local means may be used, as in typhus. To prevent the eyes being injured, a cooling lotion may be aj.ptied, and blis- ters behind the ears, or even leeches to the tem- ples. Variola vaccina. Vaccinia. The cow-pox Any pustulous disease affecting the cow, may be called the cow-pox: whether it arises from an over-distension of the udder, in consequence of a neglect in milking the cow, or from the sting of an insect, or any other cause. But the species which claims our particular attention, is that which wa6 recommended to the world by Dr. Jenncr, in the year 1798, as a substitute for the smaU-pox. This, which originates from the grease in the horse's heel, is called the genuine cow-pox; all other kinds arc spurious. That the vaccine fluid, fraught with such un- speakable benefits to mankind, derives its origin from this humble murce, however it may mortify human pride, or medical vanity, ii confirmed bv thc observations and experiments of competent judges. For proofs of this assertion, the reader tie?" cor !t the i\ 'ibofpr. .Irnner; the Mr YAK YAK cical and Physical Journal; and a treatise on the Mibject by Dr. Loy, of which an analysis is given n the Annals of Medicine for the year 1801; and Mr. Ring's work on this disease, which contains the whole mass of evidence that has appeared concerning it. The genuine cow-pox appears on the teats of the cow, in the form of vesicles, of a blue colour approaching to livid. These vesicles are elevated at the margin, and depress* d at the centre. They are surrounded with inflammation. The fluid they contain is limji -. The animals are in- disposed ; and the secretion of milk is lessened. Solutions of the sulphates of zinc and copper are a speedy remedy for these pustules ; otherwise they degenerate into ulcers, which are extremely troublesome. It must, however, be recollected, that much of the obstinacy attending these oases is owing to tbe friction of the pustules, in conse- quence of milking. It is probable, that a solution of the superacetate of lead would be preferable to irritating applications. Similar effects are produced in the hands of the milkers, attended with febrile symptoms, and sometimes with tumours in the axilla. Other parts, where the cuticle is abraded, or which are naturally destitute of that defence, are also liable to the same affection, provided active matter is appUed. It even appears that, in some instances, pustules have been produced by the application of vaccine virus to the sound cuticle. One case of this kind may be found in a letter from Dr. Fowler, of Salisbury, to Dr. Pearson, pub- lished in the first work of Dr. Pearson on this . subject. The spurious cow-pox is white ; and another criterion is, that both in the brute animal and in the human subject, when infected with the casual cow-pox, the sores occasioned by the genuine species are more difficult to heal than those which are occasioned by the spurious kind. It is ol the utmost importance to distinguish the genuine irom the spurious sort, which is also, in some degree, infectious ; since a want of such discri- mination would cause an idea of se< urity against the smaU-pox, which might jirove delusive. Dr. Jenner has elucidated one point ofthe first importance, relative to the genuine cow-pox it- self. It had frequently been observed, that when this disorder prevailed in a farm, some of the per- sons who contracted it by milking were rendered insusceptible of the smaU-pox, while others con- tinued liable to that infection. This is owing to the different periods at which the disease was excited in the human subject; one person, who . caught the disease while the virus was in an active state, is rendered secure from variolous contagion; while another who received the infection of the cow-pox when it had undergone a decomposition, is still susceptible of the smaU-pox. This un- ci rtainty of the prevention, the value of which i> beyond all calculation, is probably the reason why it was not before introduced into practice. From the violent opposition which vaccine in- oculation has met with, in consequence of certain apparent failures in the casual way, it may be doubted whether the public would ever have adopted the practice, had not this fallacy been detected by Dr. Jenner. To him also we aro in- debted for another discovery of the first import- ance, namely, that the jiustule excited in the hu- man subject by vaccine matter, yields a fluid of a similar nature with that which was inserted. This experiment, so essential to the general pro- pagation of the practice, and so happy in its re- sult, was never before attempted. It was reserved to <»rown the labours of Dr. Jenner. A considerable number of instances ai c on re ■ cord, to prove that farriers and others who receive infection from the heel of a horse, are either partly or totally deprived of the susceptibility of the smaU-pox. VVhen Dr. Jenner first pub- lished an account of his discoveries, this point was enveloped in some degree of obscurity. He then conceived, that the matter of grease was an imperfect preservative against the smaU-pox. This opinion was founded on the foUowing cir- cumstance : It had been remarked, that farriers either whoUy escaped the smaU-pox, or had that distemper in a milder manner than other people. This, however, is easily reconcileable to reason, if we only suppose, that in some cases the infer.- tion is communicated when the virus possesses all its prophylactic virtue; and in others, when its specific quality is in some measure lost. This variation in the effects produced by tho virus of the horse, inclined Dr. Jenner to believe that it was modified, and underwent some pecu- liar alteration in the teats of the cow. He now concludes, that it is perfect when it excites the genuine disease in the cow; yet a considerable advantage is derived from its being transferred to the latter animal, the nipples of which furnish a more obvious and a more abundant source of this inestimable fluid, than its original element the horse. This theory, that the preservative against va- riolous contagion is perfect when it issues from the fountain-head, and comes immediately from the hands of Nature, is consonant with reason, and consistent with analogy. Thus one obstacle more to the universal adaption of the practice ia removed. * Another point respecting vaccine inoculation, which has been much controverted, is the perma- nency of its effect. Instances have been known where persons have escaped the smaU-pox for a number of years, and yet have ultimately proved not insusceptible of its infection. When such persons had previously undergone the vaccine disease, their apparent security was erroneously ascribed to that cause ; but we have not even a shadow of proof, that the cow-pox possesses in the least degree the property of a temporary pro- phylactic, since it appears net even to retard the eruption of the smaU-pox, where previous infec- tion has been received. By this remark, it is not meant to be asserted, that it never supersedes or modifies the smaU-pox, for we have great reason to beUeve that such be- neficial effects often flow from vaccination ; but where an eruption of the small-pox actually takes place after vaccine inoculation, the two diseases frequently co-exist, without retarding each other in the sraaUest degree. It is, therefore, contrary to all reason and analogy, to consider the. cow- pox, as a mere temporary preservative : it is no- thing less than a perfect and permanent security against that terrible disease. A number of cases are recorded by Dr. Jenner, and other authors, who have written on this subject, in which persons who have received the cow-pQK by casual infection, twenty, thirty, forty, and fifty years before, still continued insusceptible of variolous contagion, in whatever form it was applied. As the cow-pox destroys the susceptibitity of the smaU-pox, so the small-pox destroys that of the cow-pox. To this general rule, however, a few exceptions are said to have occurred. Cer- tain it is, that a pustule has now and then been excited by the insertion of vaccine virus, in those who have had the smaU-pox, and that this pus- t'de has been known to yield tbe genuine viru« ■ VAR VAR but it is not equally certain that the pustule has been perfect in all respects. Possibly it may have been defective in point of size or duration, in respect to its areola, or the limpidity of its con- tents. That such a pustule has, in some in- stances, yielded effectual virus, is admitted; but this is no more than what has often happened, in cases where persons who have had the small- pox are a second time submitted to that infection in the same form. The artificial cow-pox in the human subject is much milder than the casual disease ; and in- comparably mildfr than the small-pox, even under the form of inoculation. It neither re- quiresMnedicine nor regimen ; it may be prac- tised at any season of the year; and, not being infectious by effluvia, one person may be inoculated without endangering the life of another. This affection produces no pustulous eruptions. When such attend vaccine inoculation, they are owing to some adventitious cause, such as tbe small-pox, which it is well known may co-exist with the cow-pox. The vaccine vesicle is con- fined to the parts where matter is inserted ; it is, therefore, entirely a local and an inoculated dis- ease. Nevertheless, it is certain, that eruptions of other kinds, in some, instances, attend vac- cine inoculation; such as nettle-rash, or an erup- tion resembling a tooth-rash, but rather larger than what is commonly called by that name. Among other singularities attending the cow- pox, the mildness of the disease, under the form of inoculation, has been urged as an argument against the practice, the cause appearing to ordi- nary comprehensions, inadequate to the effect. This, it must be allowed, is the best apology that can be offered for scepticism on that point; but it will weigh but little when put into the scale against actual observation, and incontrovertible tact. The efficacy of the cow-pox as a safe-guard against tbe small-pox, rests, perhaps, on more extensive evidence, and a more solid foundation, than any other axiom in the whole circle of medical science. That the cow-pox is not infectious by effluvia, is naturally concluded from its never being communicated from one person to another in the dairies : where the disease is casual, and appears under its worst form. The same inference may be drawn from its newer spreading in a family, when only one person is inoculated at a time. To confirm this proposition more fully, the vac- cine pustules have been rujitured, and persons who have never had the disorder have been suf- fered to inhale the effluvia several times a day, but to no purpose. This is no more than might be expected, in an affection where the pustulous appearance on the surface of the body is nearly local. # As to the constitutional indisposition, it is seldom considerable, unless there is a complication of this with some other distemper ; and when any unfavourable symptoms appear, they may in gene- ral be traced to some other cause. We have in- deed great reason to believe, that no ill conse- quence ever arises from the cow-pox itself, unless from ignorance or neglect. Butnotwithstanding the symptoms are so mild, they frequently occur at a very early period. A drowsiness which is one of the most common at- tendants of the disease, is often remarked by the parents themselves, within forty-eight hours after the matter is inserted. In a majonty of cases, a slight increase of heat is |»i rceptible, together with an acceleration of the pulse, and other sign* of pyrexia ; but not in such a degree as to alarm the most timorous mother. Sometimes the patient is Ul restless at nights; and now and then a case is met with, in which vomiting occurs, but in many cases, no constitutional indisposition can be per- ceived. Even then, the cow-pox has never failed to prove an effectual preservative against tbe sraaU- pox, provided the pustule has been perfect. This being the grand criterion of the security ofthe patient, too minute an attention cannot be paid to its rise, progress, and decline. The best mode of inoculating is by making a very small oblique puncture in the arm, near the insertion of the deltoid muscle, with the point of a lancet charged with fluid matter. In order to render in- fection more certain, the instrument may be charged again, and wiped upon the puncture. In places where the patient is likely to be ex- posed to variolous contagion, it is adviseablc to inoculate in more places than one, but unless there is danger of catching the smaU-pox,'it is better not to make more than one puncture in each arm, lest too much inflammation should ensue. The vaccine fluid may be taken for inoculation as soon as a vesicle appears; but if the vesicle is punctured at a very early period, it is more apt to be injured. When virus is wanting for inocnlating a considerable number, it is better to let the pustule remain untouched, till about the eighth day, by which time it has in general acquired a reasonable magnitude. After that day, if the pustule has made the usual progress, the matter begins to lose its virtue ; but it may, in general, be used with safety, though with less certainty of producing infection, till the areola begins to be extensive. The first sign of infection commonly appears on the third day. A small red spot, rather elevated, may be perceived at the place where the puncture was made. Sometimes, however, the mark of in- fection having succeeded is not visible till a much later period. It may be retarded, or even entirely prevented, by any otherdisorder, such as dentition, or any complaint attended with fever, or by ex- treme cold. Another frequent cause of a slow progress in the pustule, or a total failure of suc- cess, is debility. Sometimes it is impossible to discover any sign of infection for above a fortnight. In this respect the cow-pox is subject to the same laws, and liable to the same variation, as the small-pox. When a considerable inflammation ajipears within two or three days after inoculation, there is reason to suspect that infection has not taken place ; and if suppuration ensues, that suspicion ought, in general, to stand confirmed. Now and then, however, it happens;, that after the spurious pustule, or more projierly speaking, the phlegmon, has run its course, which is within a few days, a vesicle begins to appear, bearing every character- istic of the ge.iuint vaccine disease, and yiUling a limpid and efficient virus for future inoculations. In this case the patient is as perfectly secured from all danger of the small-pox, as if no festering of the punctuie had preceded. The occurrence of such a case, though rare, is worthy to be record- ed ; because some practitioners have concluded a spurious pustule to be a certain proof of failure. The areola commonly begins to be extensive on the ninth day, and to decline about the eleventh or twelfth. At this period also the pustule begins to dry ; the first sign of which is a brown spot in the centre. In proportion as this increases the surrounding efflorescence decreases, till at length nothing remains but a circular scab, of a dark- brown mahogany colour, approaching to black. Sometimes it resembles the section of a tamarind stone ; and it often retains the dejiression in the centre, which characterises this disease before exsiccation takes place. VAR VAS Instances have been known, where the vaccine pustule, though regular, and perfect in aU other respects, has been totally destitute of areola ; at least, where neither the medical practitioner, on visiting the patient, nor the attendants, have re- marked any appearance of that symptom. In these cases, the patient has proved as insusceptible of variolous infection, as if the surrounding efflo- rescence had covered the whole arm. It must, however, be Cl)nle^sed that we have no proof of the non-existence of an areola in these cases. It might have been trivial; it might have been transient; yet it might have been effectual. There is, however, greater reason to beUeve, that the surrounding efflorescence, though usually a con- comitant circumstance, is not an essential requisite to the vaccine disease. If by any accident the vesicle is ruptured, sup- puration often ensues. In this case more atten- tion than ordinary ought to be paid to the progress, and to all the phenomena of the local affoction ; both on account of the uncertainty of success in the pustule, as a prophylactic, and the greater probability of tedious ulceration. If there is room for the least doubt of the suf- ficiency of the first inoculation, a second ought to be performed without delay. This, if unnecessa- ry, is seldom attended with inconvenience, and never with danger Either no effect is produced, or a slight festering, which terminates in a few days. An exception occurs, but rarely, where a spurious, or perhaps, even a genuine pustule, takes place, in those persons who are known to have had the cow-pox or the smaU-pox already ; but this cannot be the least cause of alarm to any one who knows the benign character of the distemper. Various topical applications, both stimulant and sedative, have been recommended, in order to aUay the violenee of inflammation. If the ope- ration for the insertion of matter is not unnecessa- rily severe, nor the pustule irritated by friction, or pressure, or other violence, no such applications are necessary. Nevertheless, if either the anxiety of the professional man, or the importunity of a tender parent, should demand a deviation from this general rule, any of the following remedies may be had recourse to. The pustule may be touched with very diluted sulphuric acid ; which should be permitted to remain on the part half a minute, and than be washed off with a sponge dipped in cold water. This has been ignorantly, or artfully, called an escharotic ; but any one who tries the application will soon discover, that its operation is mild and harmless. To avoid cavil and misrepresentation, it is bet- ter to apply a saturnine lotion ; compresses, dip- ped in such a lotion, may be applied at any time whtffehflam mation runs high, and renewed as oc- casion requires. If the pustule should chance to be broken, a drop of the Uquor plumbi acetatis undiluted, may be appUed as an exsiccant; but if ulceration threatens to become obstinate, or extensive, a mild cataplasm is the best resource. Iu case the ulceration is onlv superficial, and not attended with immoderate inflammation, a bit of any adhe- sive plaster, spread on linen, will prove the most convenient dressing, and seldom fail of success. It wiU, in general, be unnecessary to renew it oftener than every other day. These minu» -. observations no one wUl despise, unless there be any person so ignorant as not to know that the care of the arm is almost the whole duty of the medical practitioner in vaccine inocu- lation ; and that nothing disgusts the public ,so much against the practice, as a sore arm, and the 986 ill consequences which, from a neglect of that symptom, too often ensue. \\ hen fluid virus cannot be procured, it is -necessary to be cautious how it is preserved in a dry state. The most improper mode is that of keeping it on a lancet; for the metal quickly rusts, and the vaccine matter becomes decomposed. This method, however, is as likely to succeed as any, when the matter is not to be kept above two or three days. If the virus be taken on glass, care must be taken not to dilute it much ; otherwise it will probably fail. Cotton thread is a very commodious vehicle. If it is intended to be sent to any considerable distance, it ought to be repeatedly dipped in the virus. No particular caution is necessary with regard to the exclusion of air ; nevertheless, as it can be done with so little trouble, and is more satisfactory to those who receive the matter, it is better to comply with the practice. On this ac- count it may be enclosed in a glass tube, or in a tobacco-jiipe sealed at each end, or between two square bits of glass, which may, if necessary, be also charged with the matter, and wrapped in gold-beater's skin. Nothing is more destructive to tbe efficacy of cow-pox matter than heat: on this account it must not be dried near the fire, nor kept in a warm place. The advantage of inserting it in a fluid state is so great, that it is to be wished every jirac- titioner would endeavour to keep a constant sup- ply for his own use, by inoculating his patients in succession, at such periods as are most Ukely to answer that purpose. The rapidity with whicb this practice now spreads in various parts of the globe, justifies our cherishing a hope, that it will ere long extinguish that most dreadful pestUcnce, and perpetual bane of human felicity, the small-pox. Va'rius. (From varus, unequal: so caUed from the irregularity of its shape.) The cuboid bone was formerly caUed os varium, from its ir- regular shape. VA'RIX. (From varus, i. e. obtortus.) A dilatation of a vein. A genus of disease in the Class Locales, and Order Tumores, of Cullen ; known by a soft tumour on a vein which does not pulsate. Varicose veins mostly become serpentine^ and often form a plexus of knots, especially in the groins and scrotum. VAROLI, Costanzo, was born at Bologna, in 1542, and became a professor of physic and surgery in his native city. At thirty he was in- vited by Pope Gregory XIII. to settle at Rome as his first physieian, and professor in the CoUege of Sapienza. He was advancing in reputation by his anatomical discoveries, as well as in nis prac- tice, when a premature death cut him off in 1573. He was particularly distinguished in ikf Anatomy of the Brain, which he described in his Work " De Nervis Opticis, &c.:" and amorfg the parts discovered, or more accurately demonstrated by him, war. that formed by the union of the crura cerebri, and cerebeUi, which has been since call- ed the Pons Varoli, and which gives origin to sever.il nerves. After his death was published " De Resolutione Corporis Humaui," an anatomi- cal compendium, chiefly according tothe ancients, but with several new observations. Va'rus. See Ionthus. VAS. (Vat, vasis. n.; from vasum: hence in the plural, vasa, orum.; a vescendo, because they convey drink.) A vessel: appUed to arte- ries, veins, ducts, &c. Vas deferens. A duct which arises from the epididymus, and passes*through the inguinal ring- VEG VEG in the spermatic cord into the cavity of the pelvis, and terminates in the vesicula seminalis. Its use is to convey the semen secreted in the testicle, and brought to it by the epididymus into the vesi- cula seminalis. Va'sa brevia. The arteries which come from the spleen, and run along the large arch of the stomach to the diaphragm. Vasa vorticosa. The contorted vessels of the choroid membrane of the eye. VASTUS. (So called from its size.) A name given only to some muscles. Vastus extern us. A large, thick, and fleshy muscle, situated on the outer side of the thigh : it arises by a broad thick tendon, from the lower and anterior part of the great trochanter, and up- per part of the linea aspera : it likewise adheres try fleshy fibres, to the whole outer edge of that rough tine. Its fibres descend obliquely forwards, and after it has run four or five inches downwards, we find it adhering to the anterior surface and outer side ofthe cruraeus, with which it continues to be connected to the lower part of the thigh, where we see it terminating in a broad tendon, which is inserted into the upper part of the patella laterally, and it sends off an aponeurosis that ad- heres to the head of the tibia, and is continued down tbe leg. Vastus internus. This muscle, which is less considerable than the vastus externus, is situ- ated at the inner side of the thigh, being sepa- rated from the preceding by the rectus. It arises tendinous and fleshy from between the fore-part of the os femoris, and the root of the lesser trochanter, below the insertion of the psoas magnus, and the iliacus internus ; and from all the inner side of the linea aspera. Like the vastus externus it is connected with the cruraeus, but it continues longer fleshy than that muscle. A little above the knee we see its outer edge uniting with the inner edge of the rectus, after which it is in - serted tendinous into the upper part and inner side of the patella, sending off an aponeurosis which adheres to the upper part of the tibia. VEGETABLE. Vegetabilis. One of the three great divisions of nature. The most obvious difference between vegetables and animals is, that the latter are, in general, capable of conveying themselves from place to place ; whereas vegeta- bles, being fixed in the same place, absorb, by means of their roots and leaves, such support as is within their reach. The nutrition or support of plants appears to re- quire water, earth, light, and air. There are various experiments which have been instituted to show, that water is the only aliment which the root draws from the earth. Van Helmont planted a willow, weighing fifty pounds, in a certain quantity flf earth covered with sheet-lead; he watered it for five years with distilled water ; and nt the enu of that time the tree weighed one hun- dred and sixty-nine pounds three ounces, and the earth in which it had vegetated was found to have suffered a loss of no more than three ounces. Boyle, repeated the same experiment upon a plant, which at the end of two years weighed fourteen pounds more, without the earth in which it had vegetated having lost any perceptible portion of its weight. Duhamel and Bonnet supported plants with moss, and fed them with mere water: they ob- served, that the vegetation was of the most vigor- ous kind; and the naturalist of Geneva observes, that the flowers were more odoriferous, and the fruit of a higher flavour. Care was taken to change the supports before they could suffer any alteration. Tillet has likewise raised plants, more espeeiaUy of the gramineous kind, in a simUar manner, with this difference only, that his sup- ports were pounded glass, or quartz in powder. Hales has observed, that a plant, which weighed three pounds, gained three ounces after a heavy dew. Do we not every day observe hyacinths and other bulbous plants, as well as gramineous plants, raised in saucers or bottles containing mere water? And Braconnet has lately found mustard-seed to germinate, grow, and produce plants, that came to maturity, flowered, and ripen- ed their seed, in lithnrge, flowers of sulphur, and very small unglazed shot. The last appeared least favourable to the growth of the plant.-, ap- parently because their roots could not penetrate between it so easily. All plants do not demand the same quantity of water; and nature has varied the organs of the several individuals conformably to the necessity of their being supplied with this food. Plants which transpire little, such as the mosses and the lichens, have no need of a considerable quantity of this fluid ; and accordingly they are fixed upon dry rocks, and have scarcely any roots ; but jdants which require a larger quantity, have roots which extend to a greater distance, and absorb humidity throughout their whole surface. The leaves of plants have likewise the property of absorbing water, and of extracting from the atmosphere the same principle which the root draws from the earth. But plants which live in the water, and as it were swim in the element which serves them for food, have no need of roots; they receive the fluid at aU their pores ; and we accordingly find, that the fucus, the ulva, &c. have no roots whatever. The dung which is mixed with earths, and de- composed, not only affords the alimentary princi- ples we have spoken of, but likewise favours the growth of the jilant by that constant and steady heat which its ulterior decomposition jiroduces. Thus it is that Fabroni affirms his having observed the developement of leaves and flowers in that art of a tree only, which was in the vicinity of a eap of dung. From the preceding circumstances it appears, that the influence of the earth in vegetation is al- most totally confined to the conveyance of water, and probably the elastic products from putrefying substances, to the plant. Vegetables cannot live without air. From the experiments of Priestley, Ingenhousz, and Sen- nebier, it is ascertained, that plants absorb the azotic part of the atmosphere; and this principle appears to be the cause of the fertility which arises from the use of putrefying matters in the form of manure. The carbonic acid is likewise absorbed by vegetables, when its quantity^smaU. If in large quantity, it is fatal to them. Chaptal has observed, that carbonic acid pre- dominates in the fungus, nnd other subterraneous plants. But, by causing these vegetables, to- gether with the body upon which they were fixed, to pass, by imperceptible gradations, from an al- most absolute darkness, into the light, the acid very nearly disappeared ; the vegetable fibres be- ing proportionally increased, at the same time that the resin and colouring principles were developed, which he ascribes to tlie oxygen of the same acid. Sennebier has observed, that the plants which he watered with water impregnated with carbonic acid, transpired an extraordinary quantity of oxy- gen, which Ukewise indicates a decomposition of the acid. Light is almost absolutely necessary to plants. In the dark they grow pale, languish, and die. The tendency of plants towards the light is r<- • 987 VEG VEG markably seen in such vegetation as is effected in a chamber or place where the light is admitted on one side ; for the plant never fails to grow in that direction. Whether the matter of light be con- densed into the substance of plants, or whether it act merely as a stimulus or agent, without which the other requisite chemical processes cannot be effected, is uncertain. It is ascertained, that the processes in plants serve, tike tliose in animals, to produce a more equable temperature, which is for the most part above that of the atmosphere. Dr. Hunter, quoted by Chaptal, observed, by keeping a ther- mometer plunged in a hole made i.-i a sound tree, that it constantly indicated a temperature several degrees above that of the atmosphere, when it was below the fifty-sixth division of Fahrenheit; whereas the vegetable heat, in hotter weather, was always several degrees below that of the at- mosphere. The same jihilosopher has likewise observed, that the sap which, out of the tree, would freeze at 32°, did not freeze in the tree un- less the cold were augmented 15° more. The vegetable heat may increase or diminish by several causes, of the nature of disease; and it may even become perceptible to the touch in very cold weather, according to Buffon. The principles of which vegetables are compo- sed, if we pursue their analysis as far as our means have hitherto allowed, are chiefly carbon, hydro- gen, and oxygen. Nitrogen is a constituent prin- ciple of several, but for the most part in small quantity. Potassa, soda, lime, magnesia, silex, alumina, sulphur, phospborus, iron, manganese, and muriatic acid, have likewise been reckoned in the number ; but some of these occur only oc- casionally, and chiefly in very small quantities ; and are scarcely more entitled to be considered as belonging to them than gold, or some other sub- stances, that have been occasionally procured from their decomposition. The following are the principal products of ve- getation :— 1. Sugar. Crystallises. Soluble in water and alkohol. Taste sweet. Soluble in nitric acid, and yields oxalic acid. 2. Sarcocol. Does not crystallise. Soluble in water and alkohol. Taste bitter sweet. Soluble in nitric acid, and yields oxatic acid. 3. Asparagin. Crystallises. Taste cooling and nauseous. Soluble in hot water. Insoluble in alkohol. Soluble in nitric acid, and converted into bitter principle and artificial tannin. 4. Gum. Does not crystallise. Taste insipid. Soluble in water, and forms mucilage. Insoluble in alkohol. Precipitated by silicated potassa. Soluble in nitric acid, and forms mucous and oxa- lic ackja. 5. ufmin. Does not crystallise. Taste insi- pid. Soluble in water, and does not form muci- lage. Precipitated by nitric and oxymuriatic acids in the state of resin. Insoluble in alkohol. 6. Inulin. A white powder. Insoluble in cold water. Soluble in boiling water; but precipitates unaltered after the solution cools. Insoluble in alkohol. Soluble in nitric acid, and yields oxalic acid. 7. Starch. A white powder. Taste insipid. Insoluble in cold water. Soluble in hot water ; opaque and glutinous. Precipitated by an infu- ' sion of nutgails ; precipitate redissolved by a heat of 120°. Insoluble in alkohol. Soluble in dilute nitric acid, and precipitated by alkohol. With nitric acid yields oxaUc acid and a waxy matter. 8. Indigo. A blue powder. Taste insipid. Insoluble in water, alkohol, aether. Soluble in 988 sulphuric acid. Soluble in nitric acid, and con- verted into bitter principle and artificial tannin. 9. Gluten. Forms a ductile elastic mass with water. Partially soluble in water ; precipitated by infusion of nutgails and oxygenised muriatic acid. Soluble in acetic acid and muriatic acid. Insoluble in alkohol. By fermentation becomes viscid and adhesive, and then assumes the proper- ties of cheese. Soluble in nitric acid and yields oxalic acid. 10. Albumen. Soluble in cold water. Coagu- lated by heat, and becomes insoluble. Insoluble in alkohol. Precipitated by infusion of nutgails. Soluble in nitric acid. Soon putrefies. 11. Fibrin. Tasteless. Insoluble in water and alkohol. Soluble in diluted alkaUes, and in nitric acid. Soon putrefies. 12. Gelatin. Insipid. Soluble in water. Docs not coagulate when heated. Precipitated by in- fusion of galls. 13. Bitter principle. Colour yellow or brown. Taste bitter. Equally soluble in water and alko- hol. Soluble in nitric acid. Precipitated by nitrate of silver. 14. Extractive. Soluble in water and alkohol. Insoluble in aether. Precipitated by oxygenised muriatic acid, muriate of tin, and muriate of alu- mina ; but not by gelatin. Dyes fawn colour. 15. Tannin. Taste astringent. Soluble in water and in alkohol of 0.810. Precipitated by gelatin, muriate of alumina, and muriate of tin. 16. Fixed oils. No smell. Insoluble in water and alkohol. Forms soaps with alkalies. Coagu- lated by earthy and metallic salts. 17. Wax. Insoluble in water. Soluble in al- kohol, aether, and oils. Forms soap with alkalies. Fusible. 18. Volatile oil. Strong smell. Insoluble in water. Soluble in alkohol. Liquid. Volatile. Oily. By nitric acid inflamed, and converted into resinous substances. 19. Camphor. Strong odour. Crystallises. Very little soluble in water. Soluble in alkohol, oils, acids. Insoluble in alkalies. Burns with a clear flame, and volatilises before melting. 20. Birdlime. Viscid. Taste insipid. Inso- luble in water. Partially soluble in alkohol. Very soluble in aether. Solution green. 21. Resins. SoUd. Melt when heated. In- soluble in water. Soluble in alkohol, aether, and alkalies. Soluble in acetic acid. By nitric acid converted into artificial tannin. 22. Guaiacum. Possesses the characters of resins ; but dissolves in nitric acid, and yields ox- alic acid and no tannin. 23. Balsams. Possesses the characters of the resins, but have a strong smell; when heated, ben- zoic acid sublimes. It sublimes also when they are dissolved in sulphuric acid. By nitric acid converted into artificial tannin. 24. Caoutchouc. Very elastic. Insoluble in water and alkohol. When steeped in aether, re- duced to a pulp, which adheres to every thing. Fusible and remains liquid. Very combustible. 25. Gum Resins. Form milky solutions with water, transparent with alkohol. Soluble in al- kalies. With nitric acid converted into tannin. Strong smell. Brittle, opaque, infusible. 26. Cotton. Composed of fibres. Tasteless. Very combustible. Insoluble in water, alkohol, and aether. Soluble in alkalies. Yields oxalic acid to nitric acid. . 27. Suber. Burns bright, and swells. Con- verted by nitric acid into suberic acid and wax. Partially soluble in water and alkohol. 28. Wood. Composed of fibres. Tasteless. VEI VEI Insoluble in water and alkohol. Soluble in wi :ik alkaline lixivium. Precipitated by acids. Leaves much charcoal when distilled in a red heat. So- luble in nitric acid, and yields oxalic acid. To the preceding we may add, emetin, fungin, hematin, nicotin, pollenin ; the new vegetable al- kaUes, aconita, atropia, brucia, cicuta, datura, delphia, hyosciama, morphia, picrotoxia, strych- nia, veratria ; and the various vegetable acids. Veil of mottet. See Calyptra. VEIN. Vena. A long membranous canal, which continually becomes wider, does not pulsate, and returns the blood from the arteries to the heart. All veins originate from the extremi- ties of arteries only, by anastomosis, and terminate in the auricles of the heart ; e. g. the venae cavae in the right, and the pulmonary veins in the left auricle. They are composed, like arteries, of three tunics, or coats, which are much more slen- der than in the arteries, and are supjilied inter- nally with semilunar membranes, or folds, called valves. Their use is to return the blood to the heart. The blood is returned from every part of the body, except the lungs, into the right auricle, from three sources: 1. The vena cava superior, which brings it from the head, neck, thorax, and superior ex- tremities. 2. The vena cava inferior, from the abdomen and inferior extremities. 3. The coronary vein receives it from the co- ronary arteries of the heart. 1. The vena cava tuperior. This vein ter- minates in the superior part of tbe right auricle, into which it evacuates the blood, from the right and left subclavian vdn, and the vena azygot. The right and left subclavian veins receive the blood from the head and upper extremities, in the following manner. The veins of the fingers, called digitals, receive the blood from the digital arteries, and empty it into The cephalic of the thumb, which runs on the back of the hand along the thumb, and evacuates itself into the external radial. The talvatella, which runs along the little fin- ger, unites with the former, and empties its blood into the internal and external cubital veins. At the bend of the fore-arm are three veins, called the great cephalic, the basilic, and the median. The great cephalic runs along the superior part of the fore-arm, and receives the blood from the external radial. The basilic ascends on the under side, and re- ceives the bload from the external and internal cubital veins, and some branches which accom pany the brachial artery, called vena satellites. The median is situated in the middle of the fore-arm. and. arises irom the uniou of several branches. These three veins all unite above the bend of the arm, and form The brachial vein, which receives all their blood, and is continued into the axilla, where it is called The axillary vein. This receives also the blood from the scapula, and superior and iuferior parts of the chest, by the superior and inferior thoracic vdn, the vena muscularis, and the sca- pularit. The axillary vein then passes under the clavi- cle, where it is called the subclavian, which unites with the external and internal jugular veins, and the vertebral vein whicli brings the blood from the vertebral sinuses; it receives also the blood from the mediastinal, pericardiac, dia- phragmatic, thymic, internal mammary and la- cipigeal veins, and then unites with its fellow, to form tne vena cava superior, or, as it is sometime J called, ixena cava detcendent. The blood from the external and internal parts of the head and face is returned in the following manner into the external and internal jugulars, which terminate in the subclavians. The frontal, angular, temporal, auricular, sublingual, and occipital veins, receive the blood from the parts after which they are named ; these all converge to each side of the neck, and form a trunk, called the external jugular vdn. The blood from the brain, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, and membranes of these parts, is re- ceived into the lateral sinuses, or veins of the dura mater, one of which empties its blood through the foramen lacerum in basi cranii on each side into the internal jugular, which descends in the neck by the carotid arteries, receives the blood from the thyroideal and internal maxillary veint, und empties itself into the subclavians within the thorax. The vena azygos receives the blood from the bronchial, tuperior asophageal, vertebral, and intercostal veint, and empties it into the superior cava. 2. Vena cava inferior. The vena cava infe- rior is the trunk of all the abdominal veins and those of the lower extremities, from which parts the blood is returned in the following manner. The veins of the toes, called the digital vdnt, receive the blood from the digital arteries, and form on the back of the foot three branches, one on the great toe, called the cephalic, another which runs along the little toe, called the vena sitphena, and a third on the back of the foot, vena dorsalis pedit; and those on the sole of the foot evacuate themselves into the plantar veint. The three veins on the upper part of the foot coming together above tbe ankle, form the ante- rior tibial; and the plantar veins with a branch from the calf of the leg, called the tural vdn, from the potterior tibial, a branch also ascends in the direction of the fibula, called tbe peroneal vein. These three branches unite before the bam, into one branch, the subpoliteal vein, which ascends through the ham, carrying all the blood from the foot: it then proceeds upon the anterior part of tiie thigh, where it is termed the crural or femoral vdn, receives several muscular branches, and passes under Poupart's ligament into the cavity of the pelvis, where it is called tbe external iliac. The arteries which are distributed about the pelvis evacuate their blood into the external ha- morrhddal veins, the hypogastric veins, the in- ternal pudendal, tbe vena magna iprius penis, and obturatory veins, all of which unite in the pelvis, and form the internal iliac vdn." The external iliac vein receives the blood from the external pudendal veins, and then unites with the internal iliac at tbe last vertebra of the loins ; after which it forms with its fellow the vena cava inferior or ascendens, which ascends on the right side of the spine, receiving the blood from the sacral, lumbar, emulgent, right tpermatic veins, and the vena cava hepatica; and having arrived at the diaphragm, it passes through the right foramen, and enters the right auricle of the heart, into which it evacuates all the blood from the ab- dominal viscera and lower extremities. Vena cava hepatica. This vein ramifies in the substance ot the liver, and brings the blood into the vena cava inferior from the branches of the vena porta, a great vein which carries the blood from tbe abdominal viscera into the sub- stance of the liver. The trunk of this vein. about the fissure of the Uver in which it is situ VEN VER aiedj is divided into the hepatic and abdominal portions. The abdominal portion is composed of the splenic, meteraic, and internal hamorrhoidal vrint. These three venous branches carry aU the blood from the stomach, spleen, pancreas, omentum, mesentery, gall-bladder, and the small and large intestines, into the sinus of the vena portae. The hepatic portion of the vena portae enters the substance of the Uver, divides into in- numerable ramifications, which secrete the bile, and the superfluous blood passes into correspond- ing branches of the vena cava hepatica. The action ofthe veint. Veins do not pulsate ; the blood which they receive from the arteries flows through them very slowly, and is conveyed to the right auricle of the heart, by the contract- ility of their coats, the pressure of the blood from the arteries, called the vis a tergo, the con- traction of the muscles, and respiration ; and it is prevented from going backwards in the vein by the valves, of which there are a great number. Vdnless leaf. See Avenius. Vdny leaf. See Venosus. Vejuca du guaco. A plant which has the power of curing and preventing the bite of venom- ous serpents. Velame'ntum bombtcinum. The interior soft membrane ofthe intestines. VE'LUM. A veil. Velum pendulum palati. Velum; Velum palatinum. The soft palate. The soft part of the palate, which forms two arches, affixed late- rally to the tongue and pharynx. Velum pupilla. See Membrana pupillaris. VENA. (From cento, to come; because the blood comes through it.) A vein. See Vein. Vena azygos. See azygos vena. Vena medinensis. See Medinensis vena. Vena portje. (Vena porta, u portando; because through it things are carried.) Vena por- tarum. The great vein, situated at the entrance ofthe liver, which receives the blood from the abdominal viscera, and carries it into the sub- stance of the liver. It is distinguished into the hepatic and abdominal portion : the former is ra- mified through the substance of the liver, and car- ries the blood destined for the formation of the bile, wliich is returned by branches to the trunk of the vena cava; the latter is composed of three branches ; viz. the splenic, mesenteric, and inter- nal hemorrhoidal veins. See Vein. Venje lacteje. The lacteal absorbents were so called. See Lacteals. VENEREAL. ( Venereut; from Venus, be- cause it belongs to acts of venery.) Of or be- longing to the sexual intercourse. Venereal disease. See Gonorrhaa, and Sy- philis. VENOSUS. Veiny. Applied by botanists to a leaf which has the vessels, by which it is nou- rished, branched, subdivided, and more or less prominent, forming a net-work over either or both its surfaces; as in Cratxgus, Pyrolus terminaUs, &c. VE'NTER. A term formerly applied to the larger circumscribed cavities of the body, as the abdomen and thorax. VENTRICLE. (Ventriculus; from venter.) A term given by anatomists to the cavites of the brain and heart. See Cerebrum, and Heart., Ventri'culus pulmonaris. The right ven- tricle of the heart. Ventriculus succenturiatus. That por- tion ofthe duodenum, which is surrounded by the jieritoneum, is sometimes so large as to resemble a second stomach, and is so called by some writers. VENTRILOQUISM. Gastriloqnism. En- 99/1 gastrimylhut. The formation of the voice with • in the mouth in such a way, as to imitate other voices than that whicb is natural to the person, and so as not to be seen to move the lips. Nothing is more easy to man than to imitate the different sounds he hears : this in fact he performs in many circumstances. Many persons imitate perfectly the voice and pronunciation of others; actors, for example. Hunters imitate the different cries of the game, and thus succeed in decoying it into their nets. This faculty of imitating the different sounds, has given rise to the art called ventriloquism ; but the persons who exercise this art, have no organi- sation different from that of other men ; they re- quire only to have tbe organs of voice and speech very perfect, in order that they may readily pro- duce the necessary sounds. The basis of this art is easily understood. We have found by experience, instinctively, that sounds are changed by many causes: for exam- ple, that they become feeble, less distinct, and that their expression changes, according as they are more distant from us ; a man who is at the bot- tom of a well wishes to speak to persons who are at the top ; but his voice will not reach their ears until it has received certain modifications, which depend upon the distance and the form of the tube through which it passes. If a person remark these modifications with care, and endeavour to imitate them, he will produce acoustic illusions, which would be equally deceiv- ing to the ear as the observation of objects through a magnifying glass is to the eye. The error wiU be complete if he employ those decep- tions which are necessary to distract the attention. These illusions will be numerous in proportion to the talents of the performer ; but we must not imagine that a ventriloquist produces vocal sounds, and articulates, differently from other people. His voice is formed in the ordinary man- ner ; only he is capable of modifying, according to his pleasure, the volume, the expression, &c. of it; and with regard to the words that he pro- nounces without moving his lips, he takes care to choose those into which no labial consonants en- ter, otherwise he would be obliged to move his lips. This art is, in certain respects, for the ear what painting is for the eye. VE'NUS. Copper was formerly so called by the chemists. VERATRIA. Vcratrine. A new vegetable alkali, discovered lately by Pelletier and Caven- tou, in the veratrum sabatilla, or cevadilla, the veratrum album, or white heUebore, and the col- chicum autumnale, or meadow saffron. The seeds of cevadiUa, after being freed from an unctuous and acrid matter by aether, were di- gested in boiling alkohol. As this infusion cool- ed, a little wax was deposited ; and the Uquid being evaporated to an extract, redissolved in water, and again concentrated by evaporation, parted with its colouring matter. Acetate of lead was now poured into the solution, and an abun- dant yellow precipitate fell, leaving the fluid nearly colourless. The excess of lead was thrown down by sulphuretted hydrogen, and the filtered liquor being concentrated by evaporation, was treated with magnesia, and again filtered. The precipitate, boiled in alkohol, gave a solution, which on evaporation, left a pulverulent matter, extremely bitter, and with decidedly alkaline characters. It was at first yellow, but by solu- tion in alkohol, and precipitation by water, was obtained in a fine white powder. The precipitate by the acetate of lead, gave, on examination, gallic acid : and hence it is con- VER VER eluded, that the new alkali existed in the seed a; agallate. Veratria was found in the other plants above mentioned. It is white, pulverulent, has no odour, but excites violent sneezing. It is very acrid, but not bitter. It produced violent vomit- ing in very small doses, and, according to some - experiments, a few grains may cause death. It is very little soluble in cold water. Boiling wa- ter dissolves about 1-1000 part, and becomes acrid to the taste. It is very soluble in alkohol, and rather less soluble in aether. VERATRLNE. See Veratria. VERA'TRUM. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Polyga- mia; Order, Monada. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of white heUe- bore. See Veratrum album. Veratrum album. Helleborus albus; Elle- borum album. White hellebore, or veratrum. Veratrum—racemo supra-decomposito, corollit erectis, of Linnaeus. This plant is a native of Italy, Switzerland, Austria, and Russia. Every part of the plant is extremely acrid and poisonous. The dried root has no particular smeU, but a dura- ble, nauseous, and bitter taste, burning the mouth and fauces : when powdered, and applied to issues, or ulcers, it produces grijiing and purging ; if snuffed up the nose, it proves a violent sternutato- ry. Gesner made an infusion of half an ounce of this root with two ounces of water; of this he took two drachms, which produced great heat about the scajiulae and in the face and head, as well as the tongue and throat, foUowed by singultus, which continued till vomiting was excited. Ber- gius also experienced very distressing symptoms, upon tasting this infusion. The root, taken in large doses, discovers such acrimony, and operates by the stomach and rectum with such violence, that blood is usually discharged ; it likemise acts Very powerfuUy upon the nervous system, produ- cing great anxiety, tremors, vertigo, syncope, aphonia, interrupted respiration, sinking of the pulse, convulsions, spasms, and death. Upon opening those who have died of the effects of this poison, the stomach discovered marks of inflam- mation, with corrosions of its internal coat. The ancients exhibited this active medicine in maniacal cases, and, it is said, with success. The expe- rience of Greding is somewhat similar: out of twenty-eight cases, in which he exhibited the bark of the root collected in the spring, five were cured. In almost every case that he relates, the medicine acted more or less upon all the excre- tions ; vomiting and purging were very generaUy produced, and the matter thrown off the stomach was constantly mixed with bUe ; a florid redness frequently ajipeared on the face, and various cuta- neous efflorescences upon the body , and in some, pleuritic symptoms, with fever, supervened, s* as to require bleeding; nor were tbe more alarming affections of spasms and convulsion!! uulrequent. Critical evacuations were also very evident, many sweating profusely, in some the urine was consi- derably increased, in others the saliva and mucous discharges : the uterine obstructions, of long du- ration, were often removed by its use. Veratrum has Ukewise been found useful in epilepsy, and other convulsive complaints : but the diseases in which its efficacy seems least equivocal, are those of the skin, as itch, and different prurient erup- tions, herpes, morbus pediculosus, lepra, -cro- phula, &c.; and in many of these it has been successfully employed both internaUy and exter- nally. As a powerful stimulant and irritating medicine, its use has been resorted to in desperate cases only, and even then it ought first to be ex- hibited in very small doses, as a grain, and in a diluted state, and to be gradually increased, ac- cording to the effects, which are generaUy of an alarming nature. The active ingredient of this plant i» an alkali lately detected. See Veratria. Veratrum nigrum. See Helleborus niger. Veraiiii'm sabadilla. Cevadilla Hitpa- norum, Sevadilla, Sabadilla , Hordeum caus- ticum; Canit interfedor Indian caustic bar- ley. The plant whose seeds are thus denominated, is a species of veratrum.- they are |>ower!uUy caustic, and are administered with very great success as a vermifuge. They are also diuretic and emetic. The dose to a child, from two to four years old, is two grains; from hence to eight, five grains; from eight to twelve, ten grains. A new alkali has been detected in the seeds of this plant. See Veratria. VERBASCUM. (Quad barbatciim, from its hairy coat.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentan- dria; Order, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacojiaeial name of the yeUow and black mullein. Verbascum nigrum. The systematic name of the black mullein. Candela regia, Taptus barb atus ; Candelaria; Lanaria. The Ver- batcum nigrum, and Verbascum thaptut ajipear to be ordered indifferently by this name in the pharmacopoeias. The flowers, leaves, and roots, are used occasionally as mild adstringents. The leaves possess a roughish taste, and promise to be ot service in diarrhoeas and other debilitated states of the intestines. Verbascum thapsus. The systematic name of the yeUow mullein. See Verbascum ni- grum. VERBE'NA. (Quest herbena, a name cf distinction for all herbs used in sacred rites.) Vervain. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Decandria; Order Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the vervain. See Verbena offidnalit. Verbena fikmina. The hedge mustard is sometimes so called. See Erysimum alliaria. Verbena officinalis. The systematic name of Verbenaca ; Peritterium; ttiero-botane; Heiba tacra , Vervain. This plant is destitute of odour, and to the taste manifests but a sUght degree of bitterness and adstringency. in former times the verbena seems to have been held sacred and was employed in celebrating the sacrificial rites ; and with a view to this, more than the na- tural power of the plant, it was worn suspended about the neck as an amulet. This practice thus founded on superstition, was, however in jirocess of time, adojited in medicine ; and, there- fore, to obtain its virtues more effectually, the vervain was directed to be bruised belore it was appended to the neck; and of its good effects thus used for inveterate headaches, Forestus re- lates a remarkable instance. In still later times it has been emjiloyed in the way ot cataplasm, by which we are told the most severe and obsti- nate cases of cephalalgia have been cured, for which we have tbe authorities of Etmuller, Hartman, and more especially De Hae-n. Not- withstanding these testimonies in favour of ver- vain, it has deservedly fallen into disuse in Bri- tain ; nor has the pamphlet of Mr. .Morley, writ- ten professedly to recommend its use in scrophu- lous affections, had the effect of restoring its medical character. This gentleman directs the root of vervain to be tied with a yard of white satin riband round tbe neck, where it is to remain till the patient recovers. He also has recourse to 991 VER VER infusions and ointments prepared from jthe leaves of the plant, and occasionally caUs in aid the most active medicines of the Materia Medica. VERDIGRIS. JErugo. An impure subace- tate of copper. It is |irepared by stratilying cop- per plates with the husks of grapes, after the exjiression of their juice, and when they have been kept for sometime imperfectly exjiosed to the air, in an apartment warm but not too dry, 60 as to pass to a state of fermentation, whence a quantity of vinegar is formed. The copper plates are placed in jars in strata, with the husks thus prepared, which are covered. At the end of twelve, fifteen, or twenty days these are opened: the jilates have an efflorescence on their surfaces of a green colour and silky lustre : they are re- peatedly moistened with water ; and at length a a crust of verdigris is formed, which is scraped off by a knife, is put into bags, and dried by exposure of these to the air and sun. It is of a green colour, with a slight tint ol blue. In this preparation the copper is oxidized, probably by the atmospheric air, aided by the affinity of the acetic acid ; and a portion of this acid remains in combination with the oxide, not sufficient, however, to produce its saturation. When acted on by water, the acid, with such a portion of oxide as it can retain in solution, are dissolved, and the remaining oxide is left undis- solved From this analysis of it by the action of water, Proust infer ed that it consists of 4o of acetate of copper, 27 of black oxide of cojiper, and 30 of water, this water not being accidental, but existing in it in intimate combination. Verdigris is used as a pigment in some of the processes ol dyeing, and in surgery it is externally applied as a mild detergent in cleansing foul ulcers, or other open wounds. On account of its virulent properties, it ought not to be used as a medicine without jirofessional advice; and in case any portion of this poison be accidently swallowed, emetics should be first given, and afterwards cold water, gently alkalized, ought to be drunk in abundance. VERHEYEN, Philip, was born in 1648 at Vesbronck, in the country of Waes, and assumed the clerical profession; but an inflammation of his leg having rendered amputation necessary, he was determined afterwards to study medicine. He accordingly graduated and settled at Louvain, where he was nominated professor of anatomy in 1689, and four years after of surgery also. His apjilication was indefatigable, so that he attained distinguished eminence, and attached to his school a great number of discijiles. His celebrity was principally the result of a work, entitled, " Ana- tomia Corporis Humani," which passed through many editions, with imjirovements, and sujier- seded the compendium of Bartholine. He pub- lished also a Compendium of Medicine, a Trea- tise on Fevers, &c. Verjuice. An acid liqnor jirepared from grapes or apples, that are unfit to be converted into wine or cyder. It is also made from crabs. It is jirincipally used in sauces and ragouts, though it sometimes forms an ingredient in medicinal compositions. VERMICULA'RIS. (From vermis, aworm.) Vermicular : shaped like or having the properties of a worm. Applied very generally in natural history. VERMIFORM. (Vermiformis ; from ver. mis, a worm, and forma, resemblance.) Worm- like. Vermiform process. . Protuberantia ver- miformis. The substance which unites the two hemispheres ofthe cerebellum like a ring, forming 992 a process. It is called vermiform, from its re- semblance to the contortions of worms. VERMIFUGE. (Vermifugus; from vermis, a woru, and fugo, to drive away. See Anthel- mintic. VERMILION. See Cinnabar. VE'RMIS. A worm. See Worm. Vermis mordicans. Vermis repens. A species of herpetic eruption on the skin. Vermis terrestris. See Earth-worm. VERNATIO. (From ver, the spring.) This term is applied, like foliatus, to the manner in which the leaves are folded or wrapt up, and ex- pand in the spring. See Germ. VERNEY, Guichard-Joseph du, was the son of a physician at Tours, and born in 1648. Alter studying at Avignon, he removed, at nine- teen, to Paris, where he acquired high reputation as an anatomical lecturer. He was admitted, nine years alter, into the Academy of Sciences, whose memoirs he enriched by his researches in natural history. In 1679 he was nominated pro- fessor of anatomy at the Royal Gardens. His work on the Organ of Hearing appeared about four years after, and was translated into various languages. He continued the pursuit of natural history with great ardour, and even to the detri- ment ot his health, yet he was enabled, by a good constitution, to reach his eighty-second year. He bequeathed his valuable anatomical prepara- tions to the academy. After his death, a treatise on the Diseases of the Bones was published from his manuscripts ; and subsequently various other jiapers, under the title of " CEuvres Ana- tomique.'' VERO'NICA. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diandria ; Order, Monogynia. Speedwell. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the male vero- nica. See Veronica officinalis. Veronica beccabunga. Beccabunga; An- agallis aquatica ; Laver germanicum ; Veroni- ca aquatica; Cepaa. Water-pimpernel and brooklirne. The plant which bears these names is the Veronica—racemis lateralibus, foliis ova- tis plunis, caule repente, of Linnaeus. It was formerly considered of much use in several dis- eases, and was applied externally to wounds and ulcers : but if it have any peculiar efficacy, it is to be derived from its antiscorbutic virtue. As a mild refrigerant juice, it is preferred where an acrimonious state of the fluids prevails, indicated by jirurient erujitions upon the ski i, or in what has been called the hot scurvy. To derive much advantage from it, the juice ought to be taken in large quantities, or the fresh plant eaten as food. Veronica officinalis. The systematic name of the plan' which is called in the jiharmacopaeias Veronica mas; Thea germanica; Betonica pauli; Chamadrys spuria. Veronica—spicis lateralibus pedunculatis; foliis opposttis; caule procumbente, of Linnaeus, is not unfrequent on dry barren grounds and heaths, as that of Hampstead, flowering in June and July. This plant was formerly used as a pectoral against coughs and asthmatic affections; but it is now justly forgotten. Verricula'ris tunica. The retina ofthe eye. VERRUCA. 1. A wart, or thickening and in- duration of the cuticle which is raised up in dif- ferent forms, mostly the size of a lentil or flat pea. 2. In botany : appUed to a small round promi- nence on the inferior surface of funguses. Verruca'ria. (From Verruca, a wart; be- cause it was supposed to destroy warts.) Tbe Heliotropium europaum, or turnsole. VER VEI! VERRUCOSUS. Warty: applied to such appearances on vegetables, as on the stem of the Euonymut verrucotut; and to the a|)j)carance on the gourd seed vessel, as in the Cucurbita ven u- cota. See Pepo. V E'RTE BRA. ( Vertebra, a. f. ; from verto, to turn.) The spine is a long bony column, which extends from the head l o the lower part ofthe trunk, and is comjiosed of irregular bones, which are called wrtebrae. The spine may be considered as being comjiosed of two irregular pyramids, which are united to each other in that part of the loins where the last of the lumbar vertebrae is united to the os .sacrum. The vertebrae, which form the upj.er and longest pyramid are called true vertebiae: and tliose which comjiose the lower pyramid, or the os sa- crum and coccyx, are termed false vertebrae, be- cause they do not in every thing resemble the others, and particularly because, in the adult state, they become perfectly immoveable, while the upjit-r ones continue to be capable of motion. For it is upon the bones of the spine that the body ruins, and the r name has its derivation from the Latin verb verto, to turn, as observed above. The true vertebrae, from their situations with respect to the neck, back, and loins, are divided into three classes, of cervical, dorsal, and lumbar vcru hi sc. We will first consider the general structure of all these, and then separately describe their difl'erent classes. In each of the vertebrae, as in other bones, we may remark the body of the bone, its jirocesses and cavities. The body may be compared to part of a cylinder cut off transversely ; convex before, and concave behind, where it makes part ol the cavity of the spine. Each vertebra has commonly seven jirocesses. The first of these is the xpinout process, which is jilaced at the back part of the vertebra, and gives the name of spine to the whole of this bony canal. Two others are called transverse processes, from their situation with respect to the spine, and are placed on each side of the spinous jirocess. The four others, which are called oblique processes, are much smaller than the other three. There are two of these on the ujijier, and two on the lower part of each vertebra, rising from near the basis of the transverse processes. They are sometimes called articular processes, because they are articulated with each'other ; that is, the two superior jirocesses of one vertebra are articu- lated with the two inferior jirocesses of the verte- bra above it; and they are called oblique pro- cesses, from their situation with respect to the processes with which they are articulated. These oblique processes are articulated to eaoh other by a species of ginglymus, and each process is covered at its articulation with cartilage. There is in evi ry vertebra, between its body and apophyses, a foramen, large enough to admit a.finger. These foramina corusjiond with each other through all the vertebrae, and form a long bony conduit, for the lodgment of the spinal marrow. Besides this great hole, there are four notches oneachside of every vertebra, between the oblique processes und the body ol Ihe vertebra. Two of these notches are at tbe upper, and two at the lower |>art of.the bone. Each of Ihe inferior notches, meeting with one of the superior notchrs of the vertebra below it, forms a foramen ; whilst the superior notches do the same with the inferior notches of the vertebra above it. These four fo- ramina form passages for blood-vessels, and for the nerves that jiass out of the spine. Th'1 vertebra; are united together by means of 125 a suliMuice, compressible like cork, which forms a kind of partition between the several vertebrae. This intervertebral substance seems, in the foetus, to ajiproach nearly tothe nature ol"ligaments ; in the adult it has a great resemblance to cartilage. When cut horizontally, it apjiears to consist of ennceutrical curved fibres : externally it is firm- est and hardest; internally it becomes thinner and softer, till at length, in the centre, wc find it in the form of a mucous substance, which facili- tates the motions of the spine. Genga, an Italian anatomist, long ago observed, that the change which takes jilace in these inter- vertebral cartilages, (as they are usually called,) in advanced life, occasions the decrease in stature, and the stooping forwards, which are usually to be observed iu old jieojile. Tbe cartilages then become shrivelled, and consequently lose, in a great measure, their elasticity. But, besides this gradual effect of old age, these cartilages are sub- ject to a temporary diminution, from the weight of the body in an erect posture, so that people who have been long standing, or who have car- ried a considerable weight, are found to be short- er than when they have been long in bed. Hence we are taller in the morning than at night. This fact, though seemingly obvious, was not ascertain- ed till of late years. The difference in such cases dt|icuds on the age and size of the subject; in tall, young jieojile, it will be nearly an inch ; but in older, or shorter persons, it will be less consi- derable. Besides the connection of the several vertebrae, by means of these cartilages, there are likewise many strong ligaments, which unite the bones of the spine to each other. Some of these ligaments are external, and others internal. Among the ex- ternal ligamentS; we observe one which is com- mon to all the vertebiae, extending in a longitudi- nal direction, from the fore |iart of the body or the second vertebra of the neck, over all the other vertebrae, and becoming broader as it descends to- wards the os sacrum, where it becomes thinner, and gradually disappears. This external longitu- dinal ligament, if we may so call it, is strength- ened by other shorter ligamentous fibres, which pass from one vertebra to another, throughout the whole spine. The internal ligament, the fibres of which, like the external one, are spread in a longitudinal direction, is extended over the back part of the bodies of the vertebrae, where they help to form the cavity of the spine, and reaches from the foramen of the occipital bone to the os sacrum. We may venture to remark, that all the verte- brae diminish in density and firmness of texture, in proportion as they increase in size, so that the lower vertebrae, though larger, are not so heavy in proportion as those above them. In conse- quence of this mode of structure, the size of the vertebrae is increased without adding to their weight; and this is an object of no little import- ance in a part of the body, which, besides flexi- bility and sujijilencss, seems to require lightness as one of its essential properties. In the ftrtus, at the ordinary time of birth, each vertebra is found to be composed of three bony |»iece«, connected by cartilages which afterwards ossify. One of th^se jiieces is the body of the bone ; the other two are the posterior and lateral |iortions, which form the foramen for the meduUa spinalis. The oblique jirocesses are at that time complete, and the transverse jirocesses beginning to be formed, but the spinous processes are totally wanting. The cervical vertebra are seven in number; their bodies are suiaUer and of a firmer texture' -- " QQft Y.LU \EH than the other bones of the spine. The trans- verse processes of these vertebrae are short, and forked for the lodgment of muscles : und, at the bottom of each of these processes, there is a fora- men, for the passage of the cervical urtei-y aud vein. The spinous process of each of these ver- tebrae is likewise shorter than the other vertebrae, and forked at its extremity ; by which means it atiows a more convenient insertion to the muscles of the neck. Theii- oblique processes are mure deserving of that name than either tko*e oi ihe dorsal or lumbar vertebrae. The ujipcrmoii oi these processes are sligioiy concave, anil the low- ermost slightly convex. This may sulliee for a general description of these vertebrae; but the first, second, and seventh, di»ci-vcto i... ajxikenof more particularly. The first, umcli .s called Atlas, from its supporting the head, differs irom all the other vertebrae of the sjiine. It form- a kind of bony ring, which may be divided into its anterior and posterior arches, and its lateral por- tions. Of these, the anterior arch is the smallest and flattest; at the middle of its convex fore-part we observe a hiuall tubercle, which is here what the body is in the other vertebrae. To this tu- bercle a ligament is attached, which helps to strengthen the articulation of the spine with the os occipitis. The back part of this anterior por- tion is concave, and covered with cartilage, where it receives the odontoid jirocess ol ihe second vertebra. The posterior portion of the vertebra, or, more properly speaking, the posterior arch, is larger than the anterior one. Instead of a spinous process, we observe a rising, 01 tubercle, larger than that which we have just now described, on the fore-part of the bone. The lateral portions of the vertebra project, so as to form what are called the transverse processes, one on each side, which are longer and larger than the transverse processes of the orher vertebrae. They terminate in a roundish tubercle, the end of which has a sUght bend downwards. Like the other trans Verse processes, they are perforated at their basis, for the passage of the cervical artery. But, be- sides these transverse processes, we observe, both on the superior and inferior surface of tfo se late- ral portions, ofthe first vertebra, an articulating surface, covered with cartilage, answering to the oblique processes in the other vertebrae. ' Tne uppermost of these are oblong, and slightly con- cave, and their external edges rise somewhat higher than their internal brims. They receive the condyloid processes of the os occipitis, with which they are articulated by a species of gin- glymus. The lowermost articulating surfaces, or the inferior obUque processes, as they aie called, are large, concave, and circular, and are formed for receiving the superior oblique processes of the second vertebrae ; so that the atlas differs from the rest of the cervical vertebrae in receiving the bones, with which it is articulated both above and below. In the foetus we find this vertebra com- posed of five, instead of three pieces, as in the other vertebrae,. One of these is the anterior arch; the other four are the posterior arch and the sides, each of the latter being composed of two pieces. The transverse process., on each side, remains long in a state of epiphysis with re- spect to the rest of the bone. The second vertebra is called dentatus, from the process on the upper part of its body, which has been, though perhaps improjierly, comjiared to a tooth. This process, which is the niost re- markable part of the vertebra, is of a cylindrical shajie, slightly flattened, however, behind and before. Anteriorly it has a convex, smooth, ar- ticulating surface, where it is received by the 994 atlas, as we observed in our description of that vertebra. It is by means of this articulation that the rotatory motion of the head is performed ; the articulation of the os occipitis with the supe- rior oblique processes of the first vertebia, allow- ing only a certain degree of motion backwards and forwards, so that when we turn the face cither to the right or left, the atlas moves upon this odontoid process of the second vertebrrtr But as the face cannot turn a quarter of a circle, that is, to the shoulder, upon this vertebra alone, with- out being liable to injure the medulla sjiinalis, wc find that all the cervical vertebrae concur in this irtatory motion, when it is in any considerable degree; and indeed we see many strong ligament-, ous fibres arising from the sides of the odontoid* process, ..iid passing over the first vertebra, tothe os occipitis, v. hich not only strengthen the articu- lation of these bones with each other, but serve 10 regulate and limit their motion. It is on this account that the name of moderators has some- times been given to these ligaments. The trans- verse processes of the vertebra dentata arc short, inclined downwards and forked at their extremi- ties. Its spinous jirocess is short atd thick. Its superior oblique processes are slightly convex, and somewhat larger than the articulating sur- iaces of the first vertebra, by vvhich mechanism the motion of that bone upon this second verte- bra is performed with greater ,-afety. Its inferior oblique processes have nothing singular in their structure. The seventh vertebra of the neck differs from the rest chiefly in having its spinous jirocess of a greater length, so that, upon this account, it has been sometimes called vertebra prominens. The dorsal vertebra, which aie twelve in num- ber, arc of a middle size, between the cervical and lumbar vertebrae; the upper ones graduaUy losing their resemblance to those ofthe neck, and the lower ones coming nearer to those of the loins. The bodies of these vertebrae are more flattened at their sides, more convex before, and more concave behind, than the other bones of the spinet Their upper and lower surfaces are hori- zontal. At their sides \i e observe two dejiressions, one at their upper, and the other at their lower edge, which, united with similar depressions in the vertebrae above and btlow, form articulating sur- faces, covered with oartilage, in which the heads of the ribs are received. These depressions, how- e\er, are not exactly alike in aU the dorsal verte- brae ; for we find the head of the first rib articu- lated solely with the first of these vertebrae, which has therefore the whole of the superior articula- ting surface within itself, independent of the vertebra above it. We may likewise observe a similarity iu this respect in tlie eh euth and twelfth of the dorsal vertebrae, with which the eleventh and twelfth ribs are articulated separate- ly. Their spinous processes are long, flattened at the sides, divided at their upper and back part into two surfaces by a middle ridge, which i» re- ceived by a small groove in the inner part of the spinous process immediately above it, and con- nected to it by a ligament. These spinous pro- cesses are terminated by a kind of round tubercle, which slopes considerably downwards, except in the three lowermost vertebrae, where they are shorter and more erect. Their transverse pro- cesses are of considerable length and thickness, and are turned obliquely backwards. Anteriorly they have an articulating surface, for receiving the tuberosity ,»: the ribs, except in the eleventh and twelfth of the dorsal vertebrae to which the ribs are articulated by their heads only. In the last oi these vertebrae the transverse processes are VER VES xery short and thick, because otherwise they would be apt to strike against the lowermost ribs, when we bend the body to either side. The lumbar vertebra, the lowest of the true vertebrae, are five in number. They are larger than the dorsal vertebrae. Th» «*d bv MB VLN his great work " De Corporis Humani Fabrica," printed at Basil in 1543, and often since in several countries. The earliest impressions of the plates are most valued, but the explanations were made subsequently more correct. In a treatise " De Radicis Chmae Usii," he severely criticised the errors of Galen, which engaged him in a contro- versy with Fallopius. His medical and surgical writings are not held in much estimation. VESA'NLE. (The jilural of vetania; from resanus, a mad man.) The fourth order in the Class Neuroses, of CuUen's nosological arrange- ment ; comprehending diseases in which the judg- ment is impaired, without cither coma or pyrexia. VESI'CA. (Diminutive of vas, a vessel.) A bladder. Vesica fei.lis. The gall-bladder. See Gall- bladder. Vesica urinaria. The urinary bladder. See Urinary bladder. VE SIC ATORY. (Vesicatorius; from vedca, a bladder: because it raises a bladder. Sec Epispattic. VESICLE. Vesicula ; a diminutive of vedca, a bladder.) An elevation of the cuticle, contain- ing a transparent watery fluid. VESI'CULA. See Vesicle. Vesicula fellis. The gaU-bladder. Vesicula div^e barbar.e. The confluent smaU-pox. Vesicul.e gingivarum. Tbe thrush. Vesicul-E r-ULMONALES. The air cells which compose the greatest part of the lungs, and arc situated at the termination of the bronchia. Vesiculje seminales. Two membranous re- ceptacles, situated on the back part of the bladder, above its neck. The excretory ducts are called ejaculatory ducts. They proceed to the urethra, into which they open by a pectiUar orifice at the top of the verumontanum. They have vessels and nerves from the neighbouring parts, and are well supplied with absorbent vessels, which pro- ceed to the lymphatic glands about the loins. The use of the vesiculae seminales is to receive the semen brought into them by the vasa deferentia, to retain, somewhat inspissate, and to excern it tub coitu into the urethra, from whence it is pro- pelled into the vagina uteri. Vesicular fever. See Pemphigus. VESTI'BULUM. A round cavity of the inter- nal ear, between the cochlea and the semicircular canals, in which are an oval opening communi- cating with the cavity of the tympanum, and the orifices of the semicircular canals. It is within this cavity and the semicircular canals, that the new apparatus, discovered by the celebrated neu- rologist Scarpa, lies. He has demonstrated mem- branous tubes, connected loosely by cellular tex- ture, within the bony semicircular canals, each of which is dilated in the cavity ofthe vestibule into an ampulla; it is upon these ampullae, which com- municate by means of an alveus communis, that branches of the portio mollis are expanded. VESUVIAN. Idocrase of Haiiy. A subspe- cies of pyramidal garnet of a green or brown colour, found in great abundance in unaltered ejected rocks in the vicinity of Vesuvius. At Naples it is cut into ring stones. Veto'nica cordi. See Betonica. VEXILLUM. (Vedllum, i. n.; a banner or standard.) The standard, or large uppermost petal at the back of a papilionaceous flower. VIA. A way or passage. Used in anatomy. See Prima via. VI'BEX. (Vibex, ids., phi. Vibices.) The large purple spot which appears under the skin in f-ertain malignant fcvir«, 096 VIBRI'SS^E. (Vibrissa; from vibro, ro qua- ver.) Hairs growing in the nostrils. See Ca- pilln ,1. Viburnum lantana. Liburnum. The pli- ant mealy tree. The berries are considered as adstringent. VICHY. The name of a town in France, in the neighbourhood of which is a tepid mineral spring. On account of its chalybeate and alka- line ingredients, it is taken internally, being re- puted to be ol great service in bilious colics, diar- rhoeas, and in disorders of the stomach, especially such as arise from a relaxed or debilitated state of that organ. These waters are likewise very useful when em- ployed as a ttpid bath, particularly in rheuma- tism, sciatica, gout, &c. By combining the in- ternal use with the external application, they have often effected a cure where other remedies had failed to afford relief. VI'CIA. ( Viscia, an old Latin name, derived by some etymologists from vincio, to bind toge- ther, as the various species of this genus twine, wilh their tendrils, round other jilants.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diadelphia ; Order, Decandria. Vicia faba. The systematic name of the common bean plant. It is a native of Egypt. There are many varieties. Beans are very whole- some and nutritious to those whose stomachs are strong, and accustomed to the coarser modes of living. In delicate stomachs they produce flatu- lency, dyspepsia, cardialgia, &c. especially when old. See Legumina. Victoria'lis longa. See Allium victorialis. VIEUSSENS, Raymond, was born at a vil- lage in Rovergne, graduated at MontpelUer, and in 1671 was chosen physician to the hospital of St. Eloy. The result of his anatomical researches in this situation was published under the title of Neurology, and gained him great reputation. His name became known at court, and Mad. de Mont- pensier made him her physician. After her death he returned to MontpelUer, and directed his at- tention to chemistry; and having found an acid in the caput mortuum of the blood, he made this the ground-work of a new medical theory. In advanced life his writings were multiplied without augmenting his reputation. He died in 1726. VIGILANCE. Pervigilium. Vigilance, when attended by anxiety, pain in the head, loss of ap- petite, and diminution of strength, is by Sauvages and Sagar, considered as a genus of disease, and is called Agrypnia. VILLOSUS. Villous, shaggy: applied in ana- tomy to a velvet-like arrangement of fibres or ves- sels, as the villous coat of the intestines ; and in botany to the stem of the Cineraria inlegrifolia, and to other parts of jilants ; as the receptacle of tlie Artemisia absynthium. VILLUS. A species of hairy pnbescens of plants, consisting of soft, slender, upright, short, and scarcely conspicuous, and for the most part white hair-like filaments. VI'NCA. (From vincio, to bind; because of its usefulness in making bands.) The name of a fenus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, 'entandria; Order, Monogynia. Vinca minor. The systematic name of the lesser periwinkle. Vinca per vine a, Clematis daphnoides major. It possesses bitter and ad- stringent virtues, and is said to be efficacious jn stopping nasal haemorrhages when bruised and put iuto the nose. Boiled it forfos a useful adstrin- gent gargle in common sore throat, and it is given by some in phthisical complaints. Vivca pervinca. See Vinca minor VI© VIR viNCETO'XICUM. (From vinco, to over- come, and toxicum, poison : so naiiied from its supposed virtue of resisting and expelling poison.) See Atclepiat vincetoxicum. VINE. See Vitis. Vine, white. See Bryonia alba. Vine, wild. See Bryonia alba. VINEGAR. See Acetum. Vinegar, aromatic. See Acetum aromaticum. Vinegar, distilled. See Acetum. Vinegar, tpiritt of. S-e Acetum. Vinegar of squills. See Acetum scilla. Vinegar, thieves'. See Acetum aromaticum. VI'NUM. See Wine. Vinum aloes. Wine of aloes. Formerly known by the names of Tinctura hiera, and Tinctura tacra. Take of extract of spiked aloe, eight ounces ; canella bark, two ounces ; wine, six pints ; jiroof spirits, two pints. Rub the aloes into powder with white sand, jireviously cleansed from any imjiurities: rub the canella bark also into powder ; and after having mixed these pow- ders together, pour on the wine and spirit. Mace- rate for fourteeu days, occasionally shaking the mixture, and afterwards strain. A stomachic purgative, calculated for the aged and phlegmatic, who are not troubled with the piles. The dose is from a half to a whole fluid ounce. Vinum antimonii. In small doses this proves alterative and diaphoretic, and a large dose emetic ; in which last intention it is the common emetic for children. Vinum antimonii tartarizati. See Anti- monium tartarizatum. Vinum ferri. Wine of iron, formerly called Vinum chalybealum. Take of iron filings, two ounces ; wine, two jiints. Mix and set the mix- ture by for a mouth, occasionally shaking it; then filter it through paper. For its virtues, see Fer- rum tartarizatum. Vinum iplcacuanh.*:. Wine of ipecacuanha. Take of ipecacuanha, root, bruised, two ounces ; wine, two pints. iVIacerate for fourteen days, and strain. The dose, when used as an emetic, is from two fluid drachms to half a fluid ounce. Vinum opii. Wine of opium, formerly known by the names of Laudanum liquidum Syden- hami, and Tinctura thebaica. Take of extract of opium, au ounce ; cinnamon bark, bruised, cloves, bruised, of each a drachm ; wine, a pint. Macerate for eight days, and strain. See Opium. Vinum veratri. Wine of white hellebore. Take of white heUebore root, sliced, eight ounces ; wine, two pints and a half; macerate for fourteen days, and strain. See Veratrum. VI'OLA. (From Iw; because it was first found in Ionia.) 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Syngene- sia ; Order, Monogynia. The violet. 2. The pharmaciijiaeial name of the sweet vio- let. See Viola odoiata. Viola canina. The dog violet. Therootof this plant possesses the power of vomiting and purging the bowels ; with which intention a scru- ple of the dried root must be exhibited. It ap- pears, though ne »lected in this country, worthy the attention of physicians. Viola ipecacuanha. The plant which was supposed to afford the ipecacuanha root. Viola lutea. See Cheiranthus cheiri. Viola odorata. The systematic name of the sweet violet. Viola—acaulit, foliit cordatis, tlolonibut repentibui, ol Linnaeus. The recent flowers of this |ilant arc received into tbe cata- logues of the Materia .Medica. They have an agreeable sweet smell, and a mucilaginous bitter- >hIi taste. Their virtues are. purcrative. or laxative, and by some they are said to possess an anodyne anil pfctoral quality The officinal preparation of this flower is a syrup, which, to young chil- dren, answers the purpose of a purgative ; it is also of considerable utility in many chemical in- quiries, to detect nn acid or an alkali; the former changing the blue colour to a red, and the latter to a green. Viola palustris. See Pinguicula. Viola tricolor. Harts-ease. Pinsies. This well-known beautiful little plant grows in corn- fields, waste and cultivated grounds, flowering all tbe summer months. It varies much by cultiva- tion ; and by the vivid colouring of its flowers often becomes extremely beautiful in gardens, where it is distinguished by various names. To the taste, this plan; in its recent state is extremely glutinous, or mucilaginous, accompanied with the common herbaceous flavour and roughness. By distillation with water, according to Haase, it af- fords a small quantity of odorous essential oil, of a somewhat acrid taste. The dried herb yields about half its weight of watery extract, the fresh plant about one-eighth. Though many of the old writers on the Materia Medica represent this plant as a powerful medicine in epilepsy, asthma, ulcers, scabies, and cutaneous complaints, yet the viola tricolor owes its present character as a me- dicine to the modern authorities of Starck, Metz- ger, Haase, and others, especially as a remedy for the crusta lactea. For this purpose, a hand- ful of the Irish herb, or half a diachm of it dried, boiled two hours in milk, is to be strained and taken night and morning. Bread, with this de- coction, is also to be formed into a poultice, and applied to the part. By this treatment, it has been observed, that the eruption, during tbe first eight days, increases, and that the urine, when the medicine succeeds, has an odour similar to that of cats ; but on continuing the use of the plant a sufficient time, this smell goes off, the scabs disappear, aud the skin recovers its natural purity. Instances of the successful exhibition of this medicine, as cited by these authors, are very numerous ; indeed this remedy, under their ma- nagement, seems rarely, if ever, to have failed. It appears, however, that Ylursinna, Akcrmann, and Henning, were less fortunate in the employ- ment of this jtlant ; the last of whom declares, that in the different cutaueous disorders in which he used it, no benefit was derived. Haase, who administered this species of violet in various forms and large dases, extended its use to many chronic disorders ; and from the great number of cases in which it |iroved successful, we are desi- rous of recommending it to a farther trial in this country. It is remarkable that Bergius speaks of this plant as a useful ai'icilaginous purgative, and takes no notice of its etficacy in the crustea lactea, or in any other disease. . VJOLA'Rl Y. See Viola. VIOLET. See Viola odorata. Violet, dog. See Viola canina. VIPER. See Vipera. VIPER-GRASS. Sec Scorzonera. VI'PERA. (Quod vi pariat, because it was thought that its young eat through the mother's bowels.) The vijier or adder. See Coluber berus. VIPERA'RIA. See Aristolochiatcrpentaria. VIPERI'NA. (From vipera, a snake: so called from the serpentine appearance of its roots.) See Ariitoiochin serpentaria. Vipf.hina viniiiMANA. See Aristolochia serpentaria. Vi'rga aurea. See Solidago drga aurea, 997 VI* Vi:s Virga'ta sdtura. The sagittal suture of the skull. VIRGIN'S BOWER. See Clematis recta. Virgin's milk. A solution of gum-benzoin. Virgina'le claustrum. The hymen. Virginian snake-root. See Aristolochia mr- giniana. Virginian tobacco. See Nicotiana. VI'RUS. See Contagion. VIS. Power. In physiology, applied to vital power and its effects : hence vis vita, vis insita, vis irritabilis, vis nervia, &C. Vis conservatrix. See Vis medicatrix na- tura. Vis elastica. Elasticity. Vis inerti.e. The propensity to rest in- herent in nature. Vis'insita. This property is defined by Hal- ler to be that power by which a muscle, when wounded, touched, or irritated, contracts, inde- pendent of the will of the animal that is the ob- ject of the experiment, and without its feeling pain. See Irritability. Vis medicatrix natur.e Vis conservatrix. A term employed by physicians to express that healing power in an animated body, by which, when diseased, the body is enabled to regain its healthy actions. Vis mortua. That property by which a muscle, after the death of the animal, or a mus- cle, immediately after having been cut out from a living body, contracts. Vis nervosa. This property is considered by Whytt to be another power of the muscles by which they act when excited by the nerves. Vis plastica. That facility of formation which spontaneously operates in animals. Vis a tergo. Any impulsive power. Vis vitjs. The natural power of the animal machine in preserving life. From the most remote antiquity, philosophers were persuaded that a great part of the pheno- mena peculiar to living bodies, did not follow the same course, nor obey the same laws, as the phe- nomena proper to brute matter. To these phenomena of living bodies, a parti- cular cause has been assigned, which has re- ceived different denominations. Hippocrates be- stows on it the appellation of physit, or nature; Aristotle calls it the moving or generating prin- ciple ; Kaw Boerhaave, the impelum faciens; Van Helmont, archaa ; Stahl, the soul; others, the vis insita. vis vita, vital force, &c. VISCIDITY. (Visdditas; from viseus.) Vis- cocity : glutinous, sticky, like the bird-lime. VISCIDUS. Viscid. I. Of the nature of ropy pulp of the viscum, or mislctoe. In genera} use to imply viscidity in fluids, &c. 2. See Lentor. VI'SCUM. (Viscum, i. n.; and Viseus, i. m. Derived from the Greek, i|o;, altered by the iEolians into/?io«to$.) 1. The fruit of the raisletoe. See Viscum album. 2. The name of a genus of parasitical plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Diaeia; Order, Te- trandria. Viscum album. Viseus guerdnus. Misletoe. Thi* singular parasitical plant most commonly grows on apple-trees, also on the pear, hawthorn, service, oak, hazel, maple, ash, lime-tree, wil- low, elm, horn-bean, &c. It is supposed to be propagated by birds, especially by the field-fare and thrush, which feed upon its berries, the seeds of which pass through the bowels unchanged; and along with the excrement adhere to the branches of trees where they vegetate. 99S The misletoe of the oak has, from the times of the ancient Druids, been always preferred to that produced on other trees; but it is now well known that the viseus quercus differs in no respect from others. This plant is the i| of the Greeks, and was in former times thought to possess many medicinal virtues; however, we learn but little concerning its efficacy from the ancient writers on the Ma- teria Medica, nor will it be deemed necessary to state the extraordinary powers ascribed to the misletoe by the crafty designs of druidical knavery. Both the leaves and branches of the plant have very little smell, and a very weak taste of the nauseous kind. In distillation they impregnate water with their faint unpleasant smell, but yield no essential oil. Extracts, made from them by water, are bitterish, roughish, and subsaline. The spirituous extract of the wood has the greatest austerity, and that of the leaves the greatest bitterness. The berries abound with an extremely tenacious and most ungrateful sweet mucilage. The viseus quercus obtained great reputation for the cure of epilepsy; and a case of this dis- ease, of a woman of quality, in which it proved remarkably successful, is mentioned by Boyle. Some years afterwards its use was strongly re- commended in various convulsive disorders by Colbich, who has related several instances of its good effects. He administered it in substance in doses of half a drachm, or a drachm, of the wood or leaves, or an infusion of an ounce. This au- thor was foUowed by others, wbo have not only given testimony of the efficacy of the raisletoe in different convulsive affections, but also in those complaints denominated nervous, in which it was supposed to act in the character of a tonic. But all that has been written in favour of this remedy, which is certainly well deserving of notice, has not prevented it from falling into general neglect; and the colleges of London and Edinburgh have, perhaps not without reason, expunged it from their catalogues of the Materia Medica. VFSCUS. (Viseus, er is. n.; pi oral, viscera.) 1. Any organ or part which has an appropriate use, as the viscera of the abdomen, &c. 2. (Viseus, i. m.) The name of the misletoe. See I iscum album. VISION. (Visus, us. m.) The function which enables us to perceive the magnitude, figure, colour, distance, &c. of bodies. The or- gans which compose the apjiaratus of vision enter into action under the influence of a particular ex- citant, or stimulus, called light. We perceive bodies, we take cognizance of many of their properties, though they are often at a great distance;—there must then be between them and our eyes some intermediate agent; this intermediate substance we denominate light. Light i? an ?xcessively subtle fluid, which ema- nates from those bodies called luminous, as the sin, the fixed stars, bodies in a state of ignit.on, phosphorescence, &c. Light is composed of atoms which move with a prodigious rnp'dity, since they pass through about eighty thousand leagues of space in a second. A series of atoms, or particles, which succeed each other in a right line without interruption arc denominated a ray of light. The atoms which compose every ray of light are separated by inter- vals, that are considerable in proportion to their mass; which circumstance permits a considerable number of rays to cross each other in the same point, without their particles coming in contact. The light that proceeds from luminous bodies forms diverging cones, which would jirolong thrnt- VIS \T> icivcs indefinitely, did they meet with no obsta- cles. Philosophers have from thence concluded, that the intensity of light in any place, is always in an inverse ratio to the square of the distance of the luminous bodies from which it proceeds. The cones that are formed by the light in passing from luminous bodies, are, in general, called pen- cUs of light, or pencils of rays, and the bodies through which the light mores' are designated by the name of media. When light happens to come in contact with certain bodies that are called opaque, it is repulsed, and its direction is modified according to the dis- position of those bodies.—The change that light suffers in its course is, in this case, called reflec- tion. The study of reflection constitutes that part of physics, which is named catoptrics. Certain bodies allow the light to pass through them; for instance glass: they are said to be transparent. In passing through these bodies, light suffers a certain change, which is called re- fraction. As the mechanism of vision rests en- tirely upon the principles of refraction, the exami- nation of these becomes, therefore, a matter of importance. The point where a ray of light enters into a medium is called the point ot immersion; and that where it goes out is called the point of emer- gence. If the ray comes in contact with a medium in a line perpendicular to its surface, the ray then continues its direction without any change; but if its direction is oblique to the sui.'. >-e of the medium, the ray is then turned out. of ;i; course, and appears broken at the point of immersion. The angle of incidence is that which the inci- dent ray makes with a perpendicular line drawn over the point of immersion upon the surface of the medium, and the angle of refraction is that which the broken ray makes with the perpen- dicular. If the ray of tight pass from a rare medium into one more dense, it inclines towards the per- pendicular at the point ot contact; but it declines from it if it pass from a dense medium into one that is rarer. The same phenomenon takes place, but in a contrary direction, when the ray enters into the first medium ; this lakes place in such a manner, that if the two surfaces of the medium traversed by the ray are parallel to each other, the ray in passing into the surrounding medium, will take a direction paraUel to that of the inci- . dent ray. Bodies refract the light in proportion lo their density and combustibility. Thus, of two bodies of equal density, one of wliich being comjiosed of more combustible elements than the other, the refractive power of the first wiU be greater than that of the second. All transparent bodies refract at the same time that they reflect the light. On account of this property these bodies are capable of being used as a sort of mirror. When their density is very inconsiderable, such as that of the air, they are not visible unless their mass he considerable." The form of a refractive body bas no influence upon its- refractive power: but it modifies tbe dis- position of the refracted rays in respect to each other In fact, the perpendiculars to the sur- lacesof the body, approaching or receding accord- ing to the form of the body, ihe refracting rays should at the same time approach or recede. When, by the effort of a refractive body, the rays tend towards each other, the point where they unite is called, the focus of the refractive body. Bodies of a lenticular form are those which present principally this phenomenon. A refractive body, with parallel surfaces, doc1 not change the dirrction ofthe rays, but it inclines them towards its axis by a sort oi transportation. A refractive body of two convex sides does not possess a greater refractive power than a body convex on one side, and plane on the other; but the point behind it in which the rays are united is much nearer. The discovery of the action of refractive bo- dies upon Ugh', has not been an object of simple curiosity; it has led to the construction of in- genious instruments, by means of which the sphere of human vision has been extended to an extraordinary degree. Apparatus of Vision.—The ajiparatus of vi- sion is composed ot three distinct parts. Tho first modifies the light. The second red-1 ,es the impression of that fluid. The third transmits this irajiression to the brain. The apparatus of visiou is of ai. extremely deU- cate texture, cajable of being deranged by the least accident. Nature has also placed before this apjiaratus a series of organs, the use ofwhich is to jirotect and maiutain it in those conditions necessary to the perfect exercise of its functions. Tliose protecting parts are the eye-brows, the eyelids, and the secreting and excreting appara- tus of the tears. The eye-brows, which are pecuUarto man, arc formed, 1. Ry hair, of a variable colour. 2. B3 the skin. 3. By sebaceous foUicles placed at the root of every hair. 4. By muscles destined for their various ate tions, viz. the frontal portion of the occipito-fron- talis, the superior edge of the orbicularis palpe- brarum, the supercilium. 5. Numerous vessels. 6. Nerves. The eye is comjiosed of parts which have very different uses in the production of vision. They may be distinguished into refractive, and non-re- fractive. The refractive pans re: A. The transparent cornea, a refractive body, convex ixnd concave, which in its traiisjiai ency, its form, and its insertion, pretty much resembles the glass that is placed before the lace of a watch. B. The aquetius humour which fills the cham- bers of the eye ; a liquid which is not purely aqueous, as its name indicates, but is essentially composed of water, and of a little albumen. C. The crystalline humour, which is impro- perly compared to a (ens. The comparison would be exact, .were it merely for the form ; but it is defective in regard to structure. The crystaltine is compost d of concentric layers, the hardness of which increases from the surface to the centre, and which probably possesses different refractive powers. The crystalline is, besides, surrounded by a membrane, which has u great effect upon vision, as experience teaches us. A lens is homo- geneous in all its parts ; at its surface, as in every point of its substance ; it possesses every where the same refractive jiower. However, it is ne- cessary to remark that the curve of ttie anterior surface of the crystalline is very fur from Ocing similar to that of the posterior asjiect. Th.s la^t belongs to a sphere, ofwhich the diameter is .Huh less than that of the sj>here to which the curve of the anterior surface belongs. Until now it has been underst00 1 that the crystalline was composed mostly of albumen: but acci riing to a new analysis of Berzelius, it does no. contain any: it is formed almost entirely of water, and of a pe- VIS VIS '■uliar matter that has a great analogy, in its che- mical properties, to the culour.ng matter of the blood. D. Behind the crystalline is the vitreous hu- mour, so called because of its resemblance to melted glass. Each ofthe parts which we have noticed is en- veloped by a very thin membrane, which is trans- parent like the |iart that it covers : thus, before the corneals the conjunctiva; behind it is the membrane ofthe aqueous humour, which lines all the anterior chamber of the eye ; that is, the an- terior surface ofthe iris, and the jiostenor surface ofthe cornea. The crystalline is surrounded by the crystalline capsule, which adheres by its circumference to the membrane that covers the vitreous humour. This, in jiassing from the circumference ol the crystaUine upon the anterior and posterior sur- faces of this part, leaves between an interval which has been called, the canal goudronne. The vitreous humour is also surrounded by a membrane called hyaloid. This membrane does not alone contain this humour, it is sent down among it, and separating, forms it into cells. The details of anatomy, with regard to the disposition of the cells have not hitherto added any thing to what is known ofthe use of the vit- reous humour. The eye is not only composed of |iarts that are refractive, but it is comjiosed also of membranes which have each a particular use ; these are : — A. The sclerotic, the exterior envelojie of the eye, which is a membrane of a fibrous nature ; it is thick and resisting, and its use is evidently to protect the interior parts of the organ ; it serves besides as a point of insertion tor many muscles that move the eye. B. The chordd, a vascular and nervous mem- brane, formed by twe distinct jihtes ;: it is im- pregnated with a dark matter which is viry im- portant to vision. C. The iris, which is seen behind the trans- parent cornea, is differently coloured in different individuals ; it is pierced in the centre by an opening Culled the pupil, which dilates or con- tracts according to certain circumstances which we shall notice. The iris adheres outwardly, and by its circumference, to the sclerotic, by a cellu- lar tissue of a particular nature, vvhich is called the ciliary, or iridian ligament. There are, be- hind the iris, a great number of white lines ar- ranged in the manner of rays, which would unite at the centre of the iris, if they were sufficiently prolonged : these are the ciliary processes. Neither the use nor the structure of these bodies has been properly d. termiued : they are believed by some to be nervous, by others to be niusciil ir, whilst others think them glandular, or vasculir. The truth is, their real structure is i.i't understood. The colour ofthe iris dejands on its structure, which is variable, and on that of the dark layer of its posterior surface, the colour of which shines through the iris. For instance, the tissue of the iris is nearly wliite in blue eyes ; in this case the dark colour behind appears almost alone, and de- termines the colour ol the eyes. Anatomists differ about the nature ol the tissue of tfo iris; some think it entirely like that of the choroid, essentially composed of vessels and of nerves ; others have imagined they saw a great many muscular fibres in it; others consider this membrane a tissue sui generis; and others confound it with the erectile structure. Edwards has shown that the iris is formed b> four layers very easy to be distinguished, two of which are a continuation ofthe laininw ofthe choroid; a third 1000 belongs to the membrane ofthe aqueous humour; and a fourth forms the projier tissue of the iris. Between the choroid and the hyaloid there ex- ists a membrane essentially nervous. This mem- brane, known by the name of the retina, is al- most transparent ; it jiresents a slight opacity, and a tint feebly inclining to lilac, it is comjiosed of the expansion of the threads wliich compose the optic 1 erve. The eye receives a great number of vessels, the ciliary arteries and veint, and many nerves, the greater jiart ofwhich come from the ophthal- mic ganglion. The optic nerve preserves the communication between the brain and the eye. Mechanism of Vision.—-In order the better te exjilain the action of light in the eye, let us sup- pose a luminous cone commencing in a jioint placed in the prolongation of the anterior-potte- rior axis of the eye. We see that only the light vvhich falls upon the cornea can be useful for vi- sion , that which falls on the white ofthe eye, the eyelids and eye-lashes, contributes nothing; it is reflected by those parts differently according to their colour. The cornea itself does not receive the light on its whole extent ; lor it is generally covered in part by the border ofthe eyelids. The cornea having a fine polish on its surface, as soon as the light reaches it, part of it is reflect- ed, which contributes to form the brilliancy of the eye. The same reflected light forms the ima- ges which one sees behind the cornea. In this case the cornea acts as a convex mirror. The form ofthe cornea indicates the influence it should have upon the light which filters the eye . on ac- count of its thickness, it only causes the rays to converge a little towards the axis of the pencil; in other words it increases the intensity of the light which jieuctrates into the anterior chamber. The rays, in traversing the cornea, jiass from a more rare to a denser medium ; consequently they ought to converge from the perpendicular to- wards the point of contact. If, on entering into the anterior chamber, they jiassed out again, they would diverge as much from the perpendicular as they had converged before ; and would, therefore, assume their former divergence ; but as they en- ter into the aqueous humour which is a medium more refi active than air—they incline less from the jicrpeuilicular, and consequently diverge less than if they had passed back into the air. Of all the light transmitted to the anterior cham- ber, only that which passes the pupil can be of use * to vision ; all that which falls upon the iris is re- flected, returns through the cornea, and exhibits the colour of the iris. In travel sing the posterior chamber the light undi rgi»«.s no new modification, as it proceeds always in the same medium (the aqueous hu- mour.) It is iu traversing the crystalline that light un- dergoes the most important modification. Philo- sophers compare the action of this body to that of a lens, the use of which would be to assemble all the rays of any cone of Ught upon a certain point of the retina. But as the crystalline i-. very far from being like a lens, we merely mention this ojiinion, whicli is generally received, to remark that it merits a Iresh investigation. Every thing jiositive which can be said on the subject is, that the crystalline ought to increase the intensity of the light which is directed towards the bottom of the eye, with an energy proportionate to the con- vexity of its posterior surface. It may be added, that the light which passes near the ircumference of the crystalline is probably reflected in a dif- ferent manner from that whieh passes through tht. VIS VIS rxntre; and that, therefore, tlie contraction and dilatation of the pupil ought to possess an influence upon the mechanism of vision, which deserves the attention of philosophers. The whole of the Ught which arrives at the anterior surface of the crystalline, does not pene- trate into the vitreous body ; it is partly reflected. One part of this reflected light traverses the aqueous humour and the cornea, and contributes to form the brilliancy of the eye ; another falls npon the post* rior surface of the iris, and is ab- sorbed by the dark matter found there. It is probable that something of this sort hap- pens at every one of the strata or layers which form the crystalline. The vitreous body possesses a less refractive power than the crystalline, consequently the rays of light which, after having passed the crystal- Une, penetrate into the vitreous body, diverge from the perpendicular at the point of contact. Its use then, with regard to the direction of the rays in the eye, is to increase their convergence. It might be said, that in order to produce the same result, nature had only to render the crys- talline a little more refractive ; but the vitreous humour has another most essential use, which is, to give a larger extent to the retina, and thus to increase the field of vision. What we said about a cone of light commencing in a point placed in the prolongation of the ante- rio-posterior axis of the eye, must be repeated for every luminous cone commencing in other Soints, and directed towards the eye ; with this ifference that, in the first case, the light tends to unite at the centre of the retina ; whilst the Ught of the other cones tend to unite in different points, according to that form which they commence. Thus the luminous cones commencing from be- low, unite at the upper part of the retina, whilst those that come from above, unite at the lower part of this membrane. The other rays follow a direction analogous ; so that there will be formed at the bottom of the eye an exact representation of every body placed before it, with this difference, that the images will be inverted, or in a position contrary to that of the objects they represent. This result is ascertained by different means. For this purpose, eyes, constructed artificially of glass, which represent the transparent cornea, and the crystalline ; and of water which repre- sent the aqueous and vitreous humours, have long been employed. Motiont of the Iris.—Some say that the pupil varies its dimensions according to the distance of the object. This fact has not been sufficiently demonstrated: hitherto the influence of the in- tensity of light is the only thing that has been correctly observed. The choroid is of use to vision, principally by the dark matter with which it is impregnated, and which absorbs the light immediately after it has traversed the retina. One may consider, as a confirmation of this opinion, what happens to some individuals in whora some parts of this mem- braue become varicote: the dilated vessels throw off the dark matter which covered them, and every time that the image of the object falls upon the point of the retina corresponding to these vessels, the object appears spotted with red. The state of vision in Albino men and animals, in which the choroid and the iris are not coloured black, supports still more this assertion ; vision is extremely imperfect in them: during the day, tbey can scarcely see sufficient to go about. Ma- riotte, Lecat, and others, have allowed to the cho- roid the faculty of perceiving light. This idea is eompletely without proof. VVe know very little, that is certain, nf the ciliary processes. They are generally sujiposed contractile ; but some think that they are destined to the motions of the iris, whilst others imagine they are intended to bring forward the crystaUine. The rays of light have now reached the retina, which receives the impression of light when it is within certain limits Of intensity. A very feeble Ught is not felt by the retina ; too strong a light hurts it, and renders it unfit for action. When the retina receives too strong a light, the impression is called dazzling; the retina is then incapable for some time of leeling the pre- sence of the light. This happens when one looks at the sun. After having been long in the dark, even a very feeble light produces dazzling.— When the light is exceedingly weak, and the eye made to observe objects narrowly, the retina be- comes fatigued, there follows a painful feeting in the orbit, and also in the head. A light, of which the intensity is not very strong, but which acts for a certain time upon a determined point of the retina, renders it at last insensible in this point. When we look for some time at a white spot upon a black ground, and afterwards carry the eye to a white ground, we seem to perceive a black spot; this happens be- cause the retina has become insensible in the point which was formerly fatigued by the white light. In the same manner, after the retina has been some time without acting in one of its points whilst the others have acted, the point which has been in repose becomes of an extreme sensibility, and on this account objects seem as if they were spotted. In this manner it is explained, why, after having looked a long time at a red spot, white bodies appear as if spotted with green ; in this case, the retina has become insensible to the red rays, and we know that a ray of white light, from which the red is subtracted, produces the sensation of green. The same sort of phenomena happen when we have looked long at a red body, or one of any other colour, and afterwards look at white, or differently coloured bodies.—We perceive with facility the direction of the light received by the retina. We believe instinctively that light pro- ceeds in a right line, and that this Une is the pro- longation of that according to which the light pe- netrated into the cornea. Therefore, whenever the light has been modified in its direction, before reaching the eye, the retina gives us nothing cer- tain. Optical illusions proceed principally from this cause. The retina can receive at the same time im- pressions in every point of its extent, but the sensations which result from them are then incor- rect. It may be affected by the image of one or two objects only, though a much greater number be impressed on it; the vision is then much more defined. The central part of the membrane appears to possess much more sensibility than the rest of its extent; we therefore make the image fall on this part when we wish to examine an object with at- tention. Does the light act upon tbe retina by simple contact only, or must it traverse this membrane ? The presence of the choroid in the eye, or rather the dark matter wliich covers it, renders this se- cond opinion the most probable. The part of the retina which corresponds with the centre of the optic nerve, has been said to be insensible to tbe impression of light. I know no- thing which can directly prove this assertion. There is no doubt that the optic nerve transmits to the brain, in an instant, the impression that 1001 VIS VIS the light makes on the retina; but by what me- chanism we are entirely ignorant. The manner in which the two optic nerves are confounded upon the sphcnmd bone, ought, doubtless, to have con- siderable influence ujion the transmission of the impressions received by the eyes ;—but this is also a point upon which it is difficult to form any pro- bable conjecture. Notwithstanding what has been said at different periods, as well as the late efforts of Gall, to jirove that we see with only one eye at a time, there seems sufficient jiroof not only that the two eyes concur at the same time in the production uf vision, but that it is absolutely necessary this should be so, for certain most important opera- tions of this function. There are however certain cases in which it is more convenient to employ only one eye ; for instance, when it is necessary to understand perfectly the direction of the light, or the situation of any body relative to us. Thus we shut one eye to take aim with a gun, or to place a number of bodies upon a level in a right line. Another case in which it is advantageous to em- ploy only one eye is, when the two organs are unequal either in refractive power or insensibility. For the same reason we shut one eye when we employ a telescope. But, except in these parti- cular cases, it is of the utmost importance to em- ploy both eyes at once. The following experi- ment proves that both eyes see the same object at the same time. Receive the image of the sun upon a plane in a dark chamber; put before your eyes two thick glasses, each of which presents one of the juris- matic colours-. If your eyes are good and both equally strong, the image of tbe sun will appear of a dirty white, whatever be the colour of the glasses employed. If one of your eyes is much stronger than the other, the image ot the sun will be seen of the same colour as the glass which is before the strongest eye. One object produces then really two impres- sions whilst the brain perceives only one. To pro- duce this the motions of the two eyes must be in unison. If, after a disease, the movement of the eyes are no longer regular, we receive two im- jiressions from the same object, which constitutes strabismus, or squinting. We may also, at plea- sure, receive two impressions from one body ; for that purpose it is only necessary to derange the harmony of the two eyes. Estimation of the Distance of Objects.—Vision is produced essentially by the action of light upon the retina, and yet we always consider the bodies from which light proceeds as being the cause of it, though they are often placed at a considerable distance. This result can be produced only by an intellectual operation. We judge differently of the distance of bodies according to the degree of that distance ; we judge correctly when the}7 are near us, but it is not the same when they are at a short distance; our judgment is then often incorrect: but when they are at a great distance, we are constantly de- ceived. The united action of the two eyes is ab- solutely necessary to determine exactly the dis- tance, as the following experiment proves. Suspend a ring by a thread, and fix a hook to the end of a long rod, of a size that wUl easily jiass the ring ; stand at a convenient distance, and try to introduce the hook: in using both eyes, you may succeed with ease in every attempt you make; but if you shut one eye, and then endea- vour to pass the hook through, you will not suc- ceed any longer ; the hook will go either too far or else not far enough, and it wiU only be after trying 1002 repeatedly that it will be got through. Those persons whose eyes are very unequal in their power, are sure to fail in this experiment, even when they use them both. When a person loses an eye by accident, it is sometimes a whole year before he can judge cor- rectly of the distance of a body placed near him. Those who have only one eye, determine distance, for the most part, very incorrectly. The size of the object, the intensity of the light that pro- ceeds from it, the presence of intermediate bodies, &c. have a great influence upon our just estimation of distance. We judge most correctly of objects that are placed ujion a level with our bodies. Thus, when we look from the top of a tower at the objects be- low, they appear much less than they would if they were placed at the same distance, on the same plane with ourselves. Hence the necessity of giving a considerable volume to objects that are intended to be placed on the tojis of buildings, and which are to be seen from a distance. The smaller the dimensions of an object are, the nearer it ought to be to the eye, in order to be distinctly seen. What is called the distinct point of view, is also very variable. A horse is seen very dis- tinctly at six yards, hut a bird could not be dis- tinctly seen at the same distance. If we wish to examine the hair or the feathers of those ani- mals, the eye requires to be much nearer. How- ever, the same object may be seen distinctly at dif- ferent distances; for example, it is quite the same to many persons whether they place the book that they are reading at one or two feet of distance from the eye. The intensity of the light which illuminates an object, has a considerable effect upon the distance at which it can be distinctly seen. Estimation of the Size of Bodies.—The man- ner in vvhich we arrive at a just determination of the size of bodies, depends more upon knowledge and habit than upon the action of the apparatus of vision. We form our judgment relative to the dimensions of bodies, from the size of the image which is formed in the eye, from the intensity of the light which proceeds from the object, from the distance at which we think it is placed, and, above all, from the habit of seeing such objects. We therefore judge with difficulty of the size of a body that we see for the first time, when we cannot appreciate the distance. A mountain which we see at a distance for the first time, ap- pears generally much less than it really is; we think it is near us when it is very far away. Beyond a distance somewhat considerable, we are so completely deceived, that judgment is un- able to correct us. Objects appear to us infinite- ly lees than they really are : as happens with the celestial bodies. Estimation of the Motion of Bodies.—We judge of the motion of a body by that of its image upon the retina, by the variations of the size of this image, < r, which is the same thing, by the change of the direction of the Ught which arrives at the eye. ' In order that we may be able to follow the mo- tion of a body, it ought not to be displaced too rapidly, for we could not then perceive it; this happens with bodies projected by tbe force of gun- powder, particularly when they pass near us. When they move at a distance from us, the light comes from them to the eye for a much longer space of time, because the field of view is much greater, and we can see them with more facility. We ought to be ourselves at rest, in order to judge correctly of the motions of bodies. When bodies are at a considerable distance vis MS rota us, we cannot easily perceive their motions to or from us. In this case, wc judge of the mo- tion of the body, only by the variation ofthe size of its image. Now this variation being infinitely small, because the body is at a great distance, it is very difficult, and frequently impossible, for us to estimate its motion. Generally we perceive with great difficulty, sometimes we cannot per- ceive at all, the motion of a body which moves extremely slow; this may be on account of the slowness of its own motion, as in the case of the hand of a watch, or it may be the result of the slow motion of the image, which happens with the stars, and objects very far from us. Of Optical tllurions.—After what we have just said, of the manner in which we estimate the distance, the size, and the motion of bodies, ,wc may easily see that we are often deceived by sight. These deceptions are known in Physics, and in Physiology, by the name of optical illu- sions. Generally we judge jiretty well of bodies placed near us; but we are most commonly de- ceived with regard to those that are distant. Thuse illusions which happen tons with regard to objects that are near us, are the result, sometimes of the reflection, sometimes of the refraction, of light before it reaches the eye ; and sometimes of the law that we establish instinctively ; namely, that light proceeds always in right lines. We must refer to this cause those illusions oc- casioned by mirrors: objects are seen in plane mirrors at the same distance behind them, as the mirrors are distant from the eye. To this cause may be attributed also the apparent increase, or diminution of bodies seen through a glass. If the glass make the rays converge, the body will ap- pear greater; ifit cause them to diverge, the body will appear less. These glasses produce still ano- ther illusion; objects appear surrounded by the colours of the solar spectrum, because their sur- faces not being parallel, they decompose light in the manner ofthe prism. We are constantly deceived by objects at a dis- tance, in a manner that we cannot prevent, be- cause those deceptions result from certain laws which govern tbe animal economy. An object seems near us in projiortion as its image occupies a greater space upon the retina ; or in jiroportion tothe intensity ofthe light whicli proceeds from it. Of two objects of a different volume, equally illuminated and placed at the same distance, the greatest will appear the nearest, should circum- stances be such as to admit of the distance being justly estimated. Of two objects of equal volume, placed at an equal distance from the eye, but un- equally illuminated, the brightest will appear the nearest; it would be the same, if the objects were at unequal distances, as can be easily seen in look- ing at a string of lamps : if there happen to be nuc of them brighter than the rest, it will appear the nearest, whilst that which is really the nearest wUl appear the farthest, if it is the least bright. An object seen without any intermedium, always appears nearer than when there happens to be be- tween it and the eye, some body that may have an influence upon the estimation that we make of its distance. When a bright object strikes the eye, whilst all the objects around it are obscured, it ajipears much nearer than it really is ; a light in the night produces this effect. Objects ajijiear always small in proportion as they arc distant; thus, the trees in a long alley, appear so much smaller, and so much nearer to- gether, in jiroportion as they arc farther from us. It is by observing these illusions, and the laws of the animal economy, upon which they are found- ed, that art has been enabled to imitate them. The art of painting, in certain cases, merely trans- fers to the canvass those optical errors into which we most habitually fall. Tho construction of optical instruments is also founded upon these principles : some of them aug- ment the intensity of the light, which proceeds from the objects observed ; others cause it to di- verge, or converge, in order to increase or dimi- nish their apparent volume, &c. By the constant exercise of the sense of sight, we are enabled to get over many optical illusions, as will be proved by the curious history of the blind youth, spoken of by Cheselden. This cele- brated surgeon, by a surgical operation, generallv said to be that for cataract, but, more probably, it was a division of the membrana pupillaris, pro- cured sight to a very intelligent person who was born blind : and he observed the manner in which this sense was developed in this young man. " When he saw the light for the first time, he knew so little how to judge of distances, that he believed the objects which he saw touched his eyes (and this was his expression) as the things which he felt touched his skin. The objects which were most pleasant to him were those whose form was regular and stum ith, though he had no idea of their form, nor could he tell why they pleased him better than the others. During the time of his blindness he had such an imperfect idea of colours, that he was then able t<> distinguish, by a very strong light ; but they had not left an irajiression sufficient by which he could again recognise them. Indeed, when he saw them, he said the colours he then saw were not the same as those he had seen formerly ; he did not know the form of any ob- ject ; nor could he distinguish one object from another, however difl'erent tiieir figure or size might be : when objects were shown to him which he had known formerly by the touch, he looked at them with attention, and observed them care- fully in order to know them again; but as he had too many objects to retain at once, he forgot the greater part of them, aud when he first learned, as he said, to see and to know objects, he forgot a thousand for one that he recollected. It was two months before he discovered that pictures repre- sent solid bodies ; until that time he had consider- ed them as planes and surfaces differently colour- ed, and diversified by a variety of shades; but when he began to conceive that these pictures represented solid bodies, in touching the canvass of a picture with his hand he expected to find in reality something solid ujion it, and he was much astonished when, upon touching those |>arts which seemed round and unequal, he found them flat and smooth like the rest ; he asked, which was the sense that deceived him,—the sight or the touch ? There was shown to him a little portrait of his father, which was in the case of his mother's watch; he said, that he knew very well it was the resemblance of his father ; but he asked with great astonishment how it was possible for so large a visage to be kept in so small a space, as that apjieared to him as impossible a.s that a bushel should be contained in a pint. He could not sup- port much light at first, and every object seemed very large to him; but after he had seen larger things he considered the first smaller: he thought there was nothing beyond the limits of his sight. The same operation was performed on the other eye about a year after the first, and it succeeded equally well. At first he saw objects with his se- cond eye much larger than with the other, but not so large, however, as he had seen them with the first eye ; and when he looked at the same object with both eves at once, he said that it ajuieared l'Ytt VIT VOI twice as large as with the first eye ; but he did not see double, at least it could not be ascertained that he saw objects double, after he had got the sight of the second eye.'*' This observation is not singular ; there exists a number of others, and they have all given results nearly alike. The conclusion that may be drawn from it is, that the exact manner in which we determine the distance, size, and form of objects, is the result of habit, or, which is the same tiling, of the education of the sense of sight. Vision, defective. See Dysopia. VI'SUS. See Vision. Visus defiguratis. Sec Metamorphopsia. VITA. (Vita, a. f.; a vivendo.) See Life. Vitm arbor. See Arbor vita. Vitje lignum. See Guaiacum. Vital actions. See Vital functions. Vital air. See Oxygen. Vital force. See Vis vita. Vital functions. See Function. Vital principle. See Life. VITA'LBA. See Clematis recta. VITELLUS. (Vitellus, i. m.; from vita, life; because the life of the chick is in it.) 1. The yolk of an egg. 2. In botany applied by Gaertner to that part of a seed which is very firmly and inseparably connected with the embryo, }ret never rising out of the integuments of the seed in germination, but absorbed, like the albumen, for the nourish- ment of the embryo. If the albumen be present, the vitellus is always situated between it and the embryo, and yet is constantly distinct from the former. It is esteemed by Gaertner to compose the bulk of the seed in the fusci, mosses, and ferns. In the natural order of grasses, the vitel- lus forms a scale between the embryo and the al- bumen. Sir J. Smith thinks the vitellus is no- thing else than a subterraneous cotyledon. See Albumen. VI'TEX. (From vieo, to bind.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Didynamia; Order, Angiospermia. Vitex agnus castus. The systematic name of the Agnus castus; Elaagnon. The chaste tree. Vitex—foliis digitutis, serratis, spicis verticillatit, of Linnaeus. The seeds are the medicinal part, which have, when fresh, a fra- grant smell, and an acrid aromatic taste. For- merly they were celebrated as antajihrodisiacs; but experience does not discover in them any degree of such virtue, and some have ascribed to them an opposite one. They are now fallen into disuse. Vi'ti saltus. See Chorea. VITILI'GO. (Vitiligo, inis. f.; from vitio, to infect.) See Alphus. VPTIS. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Pentandria; Or- der, Monogynia. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of the grape. See Vitis vinifera. Vitis alba. See Bryonia alba. Vitis corinthica. The dried fruit of this tree is the Uva passa minor; Passq corinthiaca. The virtues of the currant are similar to those of the raisin. See Vitis vinifera. Vitis idjea. See Vaccinium. Vitis sylvestris. White bryony. Vitis vinifera. The systematic name ofthe "•rape-tree Vitis—foliis lobatis sinualis nudis, of Linnaeus. Vine leaves and the tendrils have an adstringent tasfo, aud were formerly used in diarrhoeas, haemorrhages, and other disorders re- 1004 quiring refrigerant and styptic medicines, 'fl* juice or sap of the vine caUed lachryma, has been recommended in calculous disorders: and it is said to be an excellent application to weak eyes and specks of the cornea. The unripe fruit has a harsh, rough, sour taste ; its expressed juice called verjuice, was formerly much esteemed, but is now superseded by the juice of lemons; tor external use, however, particularly in bruises and pains, verjuice is still employed, and consi- dered to be a very useful application. The dried fruit is termed Uva passa major. Passula ma- jor, the raisin. Raisins are prepared by immer- sing the fresh fruit into a solution of alkaline salt and soaji-ley, made boiling hot, to whicb is added some olive oil, and a small quantity of common salty and afterwards drying them in the shade. They are Used as agreeable, lubricating, acescent sweets in pectoral decoctions, and for obtunding the acrimony in other medicines, and rendering them grateful to the palate and stomach. They are directed in the decoctum hordei compositum, tinctura senna, and tinctura cardamomi com- posita. See also Wine and Acetum. Vitra'ria. The pellitory of the wall. VITREOUS. (Vitreus; from dtrum, glass : so named from its transparency.) Glassy: ap- plied to parts of the body. Vitreous humour. Humour vitreus. The pellucid body which fills the whole bulb of ihe eye behind the crystalline lens. The vitreous substance is composed of small cells which com- municate with each other, and are distended with a transparent fluid. VITRIOL. See Vitriolum. Vitriol, acid of. See Sulphuric acid. Vitriol, blue. See Cupri sulphas. Vitriol, green. See Ferri sulphas. Vitriol, Roman. See Eupri sulphas. Vitriol, sweet spirit of. See Spiritus athtris sulphurid. Vitriol, white. See Zind sulphas. Vitriolated kali. See Potassa sulphas. VITRI'OLUM. (From vitrum, glass : so called from its likeness to glass. HoUandus says this word is fictitious, and composed from the initials of the following sentence : Vade in ter- ram rimando, invenies, optimum lapidem verum medicinam.) Calcadinum; Calcatar; Calcotar; Culcanthos; Calcanthum ; Caldtea. Vitriol, or sulphate of iron. See Ferri sulphas. Vitriolum album. See Zinci sulphas. Vitriolum cieruleum. See Cupri sulphas. Vitriolum romanum. See Cupri sulphas. Vitriolum viride. See Ferri sulphas. VT'TRUM. (Vitrum, i. n.) Glass. Vitrum antimonii. Glass of antimony. Antimony first calcined, then fused in a crucible. Vitrum antimonii ceratum. A diaphoretic compound exhibited in the «ure of dysenteries arising from checked perspiration. Vitrum hifoclepticum. A funnel to sepa- rate oil from water. VIVERRA. The name of a genus of ani- mals in the Order Fera, of the Linnaean classifi- cation. * Viverra civetta. The systematic name of the ash-coloured weazel, which, with the follow- ing species, affords the perfume called civet. Viverra zibetha. The systematic name of the civet-cat. See Civetta. VIVUM. A name variously applied : to mer- cury, because it moves about as it it were alive ; hence argentum vivum : to lime, because when moisture is added it cracks and swells, as if alive. VOICE. Vox. By voice we understand the V01 VOI ewund which is produced in the larynx, at the instant when the air traverses this organ, either to enter or go out of the trachea. In order to understand the mechanism by which the voice is produced and modified, we must say something of the manner in which sound is pro- duced, in which it is propagated and modified in wind instruments, particularly those that have most analogy with the organ of voice. A wind instrument is generally formed of a tube, either straight or bent, in which, by various pro- cesses, the air is made to vibrate. Wind instruments are of two sorts: the one sort are called mouth instruments, the other sort reed instruments. In the mouth instruments (the horn, trumpet, trombone, flageolet, flute, organ,) the column of air contained in the tube is the sonorous body. The air must be caused to vibrate in it in order to produce sounds. For this purpose, the means employed are variable, according to the sort of instrument. The length, the width, the form of the tube, the openings in its sides, or its extremi- ties, the power of the vibrations, and the manner in which they are excited, are the causes of the various sounds of this sort of instruments. The nature of the matter which forms the sounds has no influence but upon the tone. The reed instruments are the most necessary to be known, for the organ of tbe voice is of this kind. Their theory is,_ unfortunately, much more imperfect than that of the other sort. In this sort of instruments, (the clarinet, hautboy, bassoon, voice organ, &c.) we ought to distin- guish between the reed, or anche, and the body of the tube. Their mechanism is essentially different. A reed is always formed of one, and some- times of two thin plates, susceptible of a rapid motion, the alternate vibrations of which are in- tended to intercept and permit, by turns, the pas- sage of a current of air. For this reason, the sounds which they produce do not follow the same laws as the sounds formed by elastic plates, with one end fixed, and the other free, which produce sonorous undulations in the open air. In the reed instruments, the reed alone produces and modifies the sound. If the plate is long, the motions are long, slow, and consequently the sounds are grave. On the contrary, a short plate produces acute sounds, because the alternations of transmission and interception of the current of air are more rapid. When a number of different sounds are in- tended to be produced by a reed, it is necessary to vary the length of the plate. The bassoon and clarionet players do this when they wish to pro- dnce different sounds on the same instrument. We add, as an imjiortant circumstance, that the greater or less elevation of sound produced by the instrument, partly depends on the elasticity, the weight, and the form of the little tongue, or plate, and on the force of the current of air. If all these elements are not the same, the length being invariable, the tone will be different. A reed is never employed alone ; it is always fitted to a tube through which the wind passes that has been blown into the reed, and which ought, on this account, to be open at the two ex- tremities. The tube has no influence upon the tone of the music; it acts only upon the inten- sity, the timbre, and upon the power of making the reed speak. Apparatus of Voire.—The larynx ought pro- perly to be considered as the organ of voice. The size of the larynx varies according to age and sex. It is placed at the anterior part of the neck, where a small projection is seen, between the tongue and the trachea. It is small in children and women, greater in young men, and stiU larger in adult age. The larynx not only produces the voice, but it is also the agent of its principal modifications ; on which account, a perfect knowledge of the anatomy of this organ is indispensably necessary to a perfect knowledge ofthe mechanism of voice. As we cannot enter here into all the details of the structure of the larynx, we will only touch upon such as are .most necessary to be known, many of which are not yet well understood. Four cartilages and three fibro-cartilages enter into the composition of the larynx, and form the skeleton of it. The cartilages are the cricoid, the thyroid, and the two arytanoid. The thyroid joins with the cricmd by the extremity of its two inferior horns. In the living state, the thyrmd is fixed with respect to the cricmd, which is con- trary to what is generally supposed. Every ary- tanoid cartilage is articulated with the cricmd by means of a surface, which is oblong, and concave in a transverse direction. The cricmd presents a surface which is similarly disposed to 'hat of tbe arytanoid, with this difference, that it is convex in the same direction in which the other is con- cave. Round the articulation there is a synodal capsule, firm before and behind, and moveable without and within. Before tbe articulation is the thyro-arylanmd ligament ; behind is a strong ligamentous band that might be called crico-ary- tandd, on account of the manner in which it is fixed. Thus disposed, the articulation admits only of lateral movements of the arytanoid upon the cricmd cartilage. No movement forward or backward can*take place, nor a certain movement. up and down, mentioned in anatomical books, which none of the muscles is so disposed as to produce. This articulation ought to be consider- ed as a simple lateral ginglymus. The fibro- cartilages of the larynx are the epiglottis, and two small bodies that are found above the top of the arytanmd cartilages, and that have been called by Santorini, capitula cartilaginum ary- tanoidearum. There are a great many muscles attached to the larynx. These muscles are called external: they are intended to move the whole organ, either in carrying it up or down, backward or forward, &c. The larynx has also other muscles, whose use is to give a movemeut to the different |iarts in resjicct of each other. These muscles have been called internal. They are, 1st, The crico-thyrmd, the use of which is not, as has hitherto been believed, to lower the thy- roid upon the cricoid curtilage, but, on the con- trary, to lyise the cricoid towards the thyroid car- tilage, or in making it pass a little below its infe- rior edge. 2d, The muscles crico-arytanmdeus posterior, and the crico-arytanmdeus lateralis, the use of ' which is to draw outwards the arytaenoid carti- lages, in separating them from one another. 3d, The arytanoid muscle, wliich draws the arytaenoid cartilages together. 4th, The thyro-arytanmdeus, a knowledge of which is more important than that of all the mus- cles ot the larynx, berause its vibrations produce the vocal sound. I'his muscle forms the lips of the glottis, and the inferior, superior, and lateral sides of the ventricles ol the larynx. 5th, Lastly, the muscles of the epiglottis, which are the thyro-cpiglottideus, the arytano- epiglottideus, and some fibres that may be consi- dered as the vestige of the zlosso-epiglottidnis inOo VOI VOI muscle that exists in some animals, whose con- traction has an influence upon the position of the epiglottis. The larynx is covered within by a mucous membrane. This membrane, in passing from the epiglottis to the arytaenoid and thyroid cartilages, forms two folds, called lateral ligaments of the epiglottis. They concur in the formation of the superior and interior ligaments of the glottis. In the substance of the epiglottis, and behind it, are found a great number of mucous follicles, and some mucous glands. Within the mass of the ligaments of the epiglottis, there exists a collec- tion of those bodies that have been very imjiro- perly called arytanoid glands. Between the epiglottis behind, and the os hy- oides and thyroid cartilage before, there is seen a considerable quantity of the adipose cellular tit- sue, which is very elastic, and similar to that which exists near certain articulations. There has been no use assigned to this body. Dr. Ma- gendie believes it serves to facilitate the frequent movements of the thyroid cartilage upon the pos- terior face of the os hyoides, and to keep the epi- glottis separated from the ujijier |iart of this bone, whilst, at the same time, it provides it with a very elastic support, favourable, to the action of the fibro-cartilaget in the production of the voice, or in deglutition. The vessels of the larynx present nothing re- markable. It is not so with the nerves of this or- gan. Their distribution merits a careful exami- nation. There are four of these nerves, the su- perior laryngeal and the inferior. The recurrent nerve is distributed to the pos- terior crico-arytaenoid, to the lateral crico-arytae- noid, and thyro-arytaenoid. None of the ramifi- cations of this nerve go to the arytaenoid, or to the crico-thyroid, muscles. On the contrary, the superior nerve of the laiynx goes to the arytae- noid muscle, which it provides with a considerable branch; and to the crico-thyroid, to which it gives a small filament, more remarkable for the distance it proceeds than for its size. In certain Cases this filament does not exist. The external branch of the nerve of the larynx is then of a larger size. The remainder ef the filaments of the laryngeal nerves are distributed to thr epi- glottis, and to the mucous membrane which covers the entrance of the larynx. This part possesses an extraordinary sensibility. The interval which sejiarates the thyro-arytae- noid muscles, and the arvtaen'id cartiLges, is called glottis. In the dead body, the glottis pre- sents the appearance of a longitudinal slit of about eight or ten lines long, and two or three wide ; it is wider behind than before. Here the two sides meet at t;e point of their insertion into the thy- roid cirtilge. The posterior extremity ofthe glottis is formed by the arytanoid muscles. If the arytaenoid cartilages are brought together so as to touch on their internal faces, the glottis is diminished nearly a third of its length. It then presents a slit which is from five to six lines long, and fr >m half a line to a line long. The sides of this slit are called the lips of the glottis. They present a sbar|> edge turned upward and inward. They are essentially formed by the arytaenoid muscle, and by the ligament of the same name, which, as an aponeurosis, covers the muscle to which it adheres strongly, and which, being itself covered by the mucous membrane, forms the thin- nest parts or edge of the lip. These lips of the glottis vibrate in the production of the voice ; they might be called the human reed. Above the inferior lig&raents of tbe glottis are the ven- 1006 tricles of the larynx, the cavity ot which is larger than it seerns at first sight. The superior, inferior, and external sides of it are formed by the thyro-arytaenoid muscle, turned upon itself. The extremity, or anterior side, is formed by the thyroid cartilage. By means of these ventricles, the lips ot the glottis arc completely isolated upon their upper side'. Above the opening of the ventricles we see two bodies, which, in their manner of being disposed, liave a great deal of analogy with the vocal chords, and which form a sort of second glottis above the first. These bodies are called the supe- rior ligaments of the glottis. They are formed by tbe superior edge of the thyro-arytaenoid mus- cle, a little adipose cellular tissue, and the mucous membrane of the larynx, whicli covers them be- fore penetrating into the ventricles. These ob- servations are easily made upon the larynx of dead bodies. The glottis of a living person has never been examined, at least there has been no- thing written on this subject ; but when those of animals, as of dogs, are examined, they contract and enlarge alternately. The arytaenoid cartilages are directed outwards when the air penetrates into th. lungs ; and in the instant when the air passes out, they come close together. Mechanism of the Production of Voice.—If we taite the trachea and tlie larynx of an animal or of a man, and blow air strongly into the trachea, directing it towards the larynx, there is no sound produced, but only a slight noise, result- ing from the pressure of the air against the sides ol the larynx. If, in blowing, we bring together the aiyl.etioid cartilages, so that they may touch upon their internal face, a sound will be produced, something like the voice of the animal to which the larynx used in the experiment belongs. The sound will be dull ox- sharp, according as the cartilages are pressed more or less forcibly to- gether: its intensity will be more or less, accord- ing to the iiuen»ity ofthe air. It is easily seen, in this experiment, that the sound is produced by ttie vibrations of the interior ligament of the glottis. Both man and the animals are deprived of voice by making an opening below the larynx. The voice is rejiroduct d if iht ojiening is closed me- chanically. Dr. Magendie knows a person who has been in this situation lor four years. He can- not speak without jiressing a cravat strongly against a fistulous ojiening in the larynx. The same thing takes place when the larynx is opened below tbe inferior Ugaments of the glottis. But if a wound exists above the glottis, if the epiglottis and its muscles are affected, if thesujie- rior ligament of the glottis, even if the superior aspect of the arytanoid cartilages are injured, the voice continues. Lastly, the glottis of an animal being laid bare in the instant that it cries, shows very well that voice is produced by the vibrations of the vocal chords, or lips ofthe glottis. This is enough to prove, beyond all doubt, that the voice is formed in the gl.ittis by the motion of its inferior liga- ments. This fact being established, is it possible, on physical principles, to account for the formation of the voice ? The foUowing explanation ajipears the most probable. The air being pressed from the lungs, proceeds in a pipe of considerable size. This pipe very soon becomes contracted, and the air is forced to pass through a narrow slit, the two sides of which are viurating plates, which permit and intercept the air, like the plates of reeds, and which ought, vol \Wl ia the same manner, by these alternations, to pro- duce sonorous undulations in the transmitted cur- rent of air. But in blowing into the trachea of a dead body, why does it not produce a sound like that of the human voice ? Why is the palsied state of the in- ternal muscles of this organ followed by the loss ofthe voice? Why, in a word, is an act ofthe wUl necessary to jiroduce the vocal sound ! TUe answer to this is not difficult. The ligaments oi the glottis have not tbe faculty ol vibrating like the (dates of reeds, except the thyro-arytsenoid muscles are contracted ; and, therefore, in every case in which the muscles are not contracted, the voice will not be produced. Experiments performed on animals are perfect- ly in unison with this doctrine. Divide tbe two recurrent nerves, and the voice will cease. II only one is cut, the voice will be only half lost. Dr. Magendie, however, has seen a number of animals, in which the two recurrent nerves had been cut, cry very loud when they suffered severe pain. I hese sounds were very similar to the sounds that would be produced mechanically with the larynx of the animal when dead, by blowing into the trachea, and bringing together the arytaenoid cartilages. This phenomenon is easily- understood by the distribution of the nerves of the larynx. The recurrents being cut, the thyro- arytaenoid muscles do not contract, and thence results the loss of voice ; but the arytaenoid mus- cle, that receives its nerves from the superior laryngeal, contracts, and brings together, in the instant of a strong expiration, the arytaenoid car- tilages, and the slit of the glottis becomes suffi- ciently narrow for the air to throw the thyro-ary- taenoid mustles, though they are not contracted, into vibration. Intensity w Volume of the Voice.—The inten- sity of the voice, like that of all other sounds, depends upon the extent of the vibrations. The vibrations of the vocal chords will be in proportion to the force with which the air is ex- pelled from the breast; and the longer th-; chords are, that is, the more voluminous the larynx is, the more considerable will be tbe extent of the vibrations. A strong jierson, with a laige chest, and a larynx of large dimensions, presents the most advantageous condition for tlie intensity of the voice. If such a person becomes sick, his voice, on account of his weakness, loses much of its intensify, because it is no longer expelled with the same force from the chest. Children, women, and eunuchs, whose larynx is projiortionably less than that of a man in adult age, have also much less intensity of voice. In tbe ordinary produetion of the voice, it re- sults from the simultaneous motions of the two sides of the glottis. Were one of these sides to lose the faculty of causing the air to vibrate, the voice would lose, necessarily, half its intensity, the force of expiration being the same. This may be proved in cutting one of the recurrent nerves of a doe, or in jiaying attention to the voice of a jierson who has had a complete attack of hemiplegia. Tone of the vmce.—Every individual has a particular tone of voice by which he is known: there is also a particular tone which belongs to the different sexes and age. The tone ol the voice presents an infinite number of modifica- tions. Upon what circumstances do these dejiend? This is unknown. The feminine tone, however, which is found in children and eunuchs, generally agrees with the state ofthe cartilages ol the larynx. On the contrary, the masculine tone which wo- men sometimes possess, appears to be connected with the state of these cartilages, and particularly with that of the thyroids, i one is a modification of sound, ot which philosophers have by no means given an exact explanation. Of the extent of the voice.—The sounds which tbe human larynx is capable of producing are very numerous. Many celebrated authors have endeavoured to exjilain the manner of their forma- tion ; but they have rather given us comparisons than explanations. We have examined the reed of the organ of voice ; we shall now consider the tube that the vocal sound traverses af'tei having been produced. In proceeding from below upwards, the tube is composed, 1st, of the interval between the epi- glottis before, its lateral ligaments upnn the sides, and of the posterior side of the pharynx ; 2dly, of the |iharynx behind, and laterally, and of the most posterior part of the base of the tongue before ; 3dly, sometimes of the mouth, and sometimes of the nasal cavities ; at other times of these two cavities together. This tube, capable of being prolonged or short- ened, i f being made wider or narrower ; being susceptible of assuming an infinite variety of forms, ought to be very capable of performing all the functions ofthe body of a reed instrument;—that is, to be capable, of harmonizing with the larynx, and of thus favouring the production of the nume- rous tones of which the voice is susceptible ; of in- creasing the intensity ofthe vocal sound, by taking a conical form, with the base outwards ; of giving a roundness and agreeablencss to the sound, by suitably disposing its exterior opening, or by al- most entirely shutting it, &c. Until the influence of the tube of reed instru- ments has been determined with precision, it is evident that we can form only probable conjec- tures respecting the influence of the tube of the organ of voice. In this respect we can make only a small number of observations, which relate par- ticularly to the most a|>ji:u ent phenomena. A. The larynx is raised in the production of acute sounds ; it is lowered, on the contrary, in the formation of those that are grave ; consequent- ly tbe vocal tube is shortened in the first case, and lengthened in the second. We supjiose that a short tube is more favourable to the transmission ot acute sounds, whilst a long- one is more so for those that are grave. The tube changes its length at the same time that it changes its breadth; and this is remarkable, as we have seen above that the breadth of the tube has a great influence upon its facility ol transmitting sounds. When the larynx descends, that is, when the vocal tube is prol. nged, the thyroid cartilage de- scends, and removes from the os hyoides the whole height of the thyro-hyoid membrane. By this separation the gland of the opiglottis is car- ried forward, and jilaces itself in the cavity of the posterior aspect ot the os hyoides ; this gland draws after it the epiglottis : from this results a consider- able enlargement ol the inferior part of the vocal tube. The contrary phenomenon happens when the larynx is raised. The thyroid cartilage then rises, and becomes engaged behind the os hyoides, by displacing and pushing backwards the epiglot- tid gland ; this pushes the epiglottis, and the vocal tube is much contracted. By imitating the mo- tion ujion the dead body, we may easily ascertain that the narrowing may proceed to five-sixths of the breadth of the tube. Now, wc adapt a large tube to a reed for the purpose of producing grave sounds ; on tiie contrary, it is a narrow tube which is generally employed for the purpose of transmit- ting acute sounds. We can then, to a certain de« 1007 VOI VOI gree, account for the utiUty of the changes of breadth which take place in the inferior part of the vocal tube. B. The presence of the ventricles of the larynx immediately above the inferior ligaments of the glottis, appears intended to isolate those liga- ments, so that they may vibrate freely in the air. When foreign bodies enter the ventricles, or when a false membrane, or mucosities are formed, the voice is generally extinguished, or much weak- ened. C. From its form, its position, its elasticity ; from the motions which its muscles impress ujion it, the epiglottis appears to belong essentially to the apparatus of the voice; but what are its uses ? We have already seen that it contributes powerfuUy to the narrowing of the vocal tube ; it may be supposed that it has a more important function. D. The vocal tube has visibly an influence upon the intensity ofthe voice. The most intense sounds which the voice can produce cause the mouth to be opened very wide, the tongue to be drawn a little back, and the velum of the palate raised into a horizontal position, and to become elastic, closing all communication with the nos- trils. In this case the pharynx and the mouth evi- dently jierform the office of a speaking trumpet, that is to say, they represent very exactly a tube with a reed, which increases in wideness out- wards, the effect of which is to augment the in- tensity of the sound produced by the reed. If the mouth is in part closed, the lips carried forward and turned towards each other, the sound will acquire rotundity, and an agreeable expression ; but it will lose part of its intensity : this result is easily explained after what we have said of the influence of the form of tubes in reed instruments. For the same reasons, whenever the vocal sound passes into the nose, it will become dull, for the form of the cavities of the nose is well fitted for diminishing the intensity of sounds. If the mouth and nose are shut at the same time, no sound can be produced. E. We have seen, in considering the production of voice, that a great number of modifications re- lative to expression arise from changes of the thickness, and of the elasticity of the lips of the glottis. The tube may produce a number of others, according to its different degrees of length or breadth ; according to its form, the contraction of the pharynx, the position of the tongue, or of the velum of the palate ; according as the sound passes wholly or in part through the month, or the nose, or both together ; according to the indi- vidual disposition of the mouth or nose ; the ex- istence or non-existence of teeth; the size of the tongue, &c. ; the expression of the voice is con- tinuaUy modified according to all these circum- stances. For example, whenever the sound tra- verses the nasal cavities, it becomes disagreeably nasal. Those persons are mistaken, who think that the intensity of vocal sound may be augmented by repercussion, in passing through the nasal cavi- ties ; these cavities produce quite a contrary effect. Whenever the voice is introduced into them, from whatever cause, it becomes dull. F. Besides the numerous modifications which the tube of the, vocal organ causes in the intensity and the expression of the voice, in alternately permitting or intercepting its productions : there is another very important kind of modification produced by it. By means of this the vocal sound is divided into very smaU portions, each possessing 1008 a distinct character, because each of them is pro- duced by a distinct motion of the tube. This sort of influence ofthe vocal tube is called the faculty of articulating, which presents, besides, an infi- nite variety of individual differences suitable to the peculiar organisation of the vocal tube. We have hitherto treated of the human voice in a general manner; we now proceed to speak of its principal modifications: namely, the cry or native voice ; the voice properly so called, or ac- quired voice ; speech, or articulated voice,' sing- ing, or appreciable voice. T/Ve cry, or native vmce.—The cry is a sound which cannot be appreciated ; it is, like all those sounds produced by the larynx, susceptible oi variation in tone, intensity, and expression. The cry is easily distinguished from all other vocal sounds ; but as its character depends upon the ex- pression, it is impossible to account physically for the difference between it and the latter. What- ever is the condition of man, or whatever his age, he is capable of crying. The new-born child, the idiot, the person deal from birth, the savage, the civilised, the decrepit old man, all are capable of producing cries. We ought, then, to consider the cry as particularly attached to organisation ; in- deed we may be convinced of this in examining its uses. By the cry we express vivid sensations, whether they proceed from without or within ; whether they are agreeable or painful:—there are cries of pleasure and of pain. By the cry we express our most simple instinctive wants, the natural pas- sions. There is a cry of lury, another of fear, &c. The social wants and passions, not being an in- dispensable consequence of organisation, and the state of civilisation being necessary Tor their de- velopement, they have no peculiar cry. The cry comprehends, generaUy, the most intense sounds that the organ of voice can produce ; its expres- sion has often something in it which offends the ear, and it has a strong action upon those who are near it. By means of the cry, important relations are established among mankind. The cry of joy in- clines to joy ; the cry of pain excites pity ; the cry produced by terror causes fear, even in those at a distance, &c. This sort of language is found in most animals ; it is almost the only language which has been given them; the song of birds ought to be considered as a modification of their cry. Acquired Voice, or Voice properly so called.— In the usual state of man, that is, when he Uves in society, and when he is possessed of the faculty of hearing, he knows, from earUest youth, that man- kind utter sounds which are not cries ; he very soon finds that he can produce the same sort of sounds with his larynx, and immediately, what is called acquired vmce, is developed in him, by the effect of imitation, and the advantages he derives from it. A deaf child cannot make any remark with regard to sound, and therefore he never ac- quires it. There seems to be no difference be- tween the voice and the cry, except in intensity and expression, for it is hkewise formed of inappre- ciable sounds, or of sounds whose intervals are not exactly distinguished by the ear. Since the voice is the consequence of hearing, and of an intellectual process, it cannot be de- veloped if those circumstances, by which it is produced, do net exist. In fact, children born deaf, who have never had any idea of sound; idiots, that estabUsh no relation between the sounds which they hear, and those which their larynx can produce, have no voice, though the VOI Vtfl vocal apparatus of both may be fit to form and modify sounds as well as that of individuals per- fectly formed. For the same reason those whom we improperly term savages, because they have been found wan- dering in forests since their infancy, can have no voice ; the understanding not being developed in a solitary state, but only in social lite. The expression, the intensity, the tone of the voice, are susceptible of numerous modifications on the part of the larynx ; the vocal tube also exerts a powerful influence upon the voice: speech, and singing, arc only modifications of the social voice. Modifications of the Voice by age.—The la- rynx is in proportion very small in the foetus, and the new born infant; its small volume forms a contrast with that of the os hyoides, with the tongue and other organs of deglutition, which are already much developed. Besides, it is round, and the thyroid cartilage forms no projection in the neck. The lips of the glottis, the ventricles, the su- perior ligaments, are very short iu proportion to what they become afterwards; for the thyroid cartilage not being much developed, they conse- Suently occupy a small space. The cartilages are exible, and have not nearly the solidity which they possess afterwards. The larynx preserves these characters almost till puberty ; at this period a general revolution takes place in the economy. The developement of the genital organs determines a sudden increase in the nutrition of many of the organs, of which that of the voice is one. The greatest activity of nutrition is first re- marked in the muscles.; afterwards, but more slowly, it is seen in the cartilages: the general form of the larynx is then modified ; the thyroid cartilage becomes developed in its anterior part, it forms a projection in the neck, but greater in the male than in the female. From this circum- stance results a considerable prolongation of the lips of the glottis, or thyro-arythaenoid muscles ; and this phenomenon is much more worthy of re- mark than the general increase of the glottis which hapjiens at the same time. Though these changes in the larynx are rapid, they do not happen all at once; sometimes it is six or eight months before they terminate. After puberty the larynx does not suffer any other remarkable changes; its volume and tlie projection of the thyroid cartilage continue to in- crease, and become more strongly marked. The cartilages become partially ossified in manhood. In old age the ossification of the cartilages con- tinues, and becomes almost complete; the epi- glottic! gland diminishes considerably, and the in- ternal muscles, but those particularly that form the Ups of the glottis, diminish in volume, assume a colour less deep, and lose their elasticity ; in a word, they take the same modifications as the muscular system in general. The production ol voice, as it supposes the pas- sage ot air to and from the lungs to take place, cannot exist in the foetus, plunged as it is m the liquor amnii; but the child is capable of pro- ducing very acute sounds at the instant of birth. Vagitus is the name that is given to this voice, or cry of children, by which they express their wants and feetings. We must recoUect that this is the object of the cry. Towards the end of the first year, the child be- gins to form sounds that are easily distinguished from the vagitus. These sounds, at first vague and irregular, very soon become more distinct and connected; nurses then begin to make them pronounce the most simple words, and afterwards those that are more compticated. The pronunciation of children has very little resemblance to that of adults; but there is also a great difference between them. In children, the teeth have not yet quitted their alveoli ; the tongue is comparatively very large; when the Ups are closed they are larger than is necessary for covering anteriorly the gums; the nasal cavities are not much developed, &c. * ChUdren advance only by degrees, and in pro- portion as their organs of pronunciation approach those of the adult, to articulate exactly the differ- ent combinations of letters. They are not capa- ble of forming appreciable sounds, or of singing, untU long after they have acquired the faculty of speech. This sort of sounds is the voice properly so caUed, or acquired : they could not exist in the child were it deaf. They ought not to be consi- dered as the modification of the vagitus. Until the period of puberty, the larynx remains projiortionably very small, as weU as the lips of the glottis: the voice is also composed entirely of acute sounds. It is physicaUy impossible that the larynx should produce g*ve ones. At puperty, particularly in males, the voice un- dergoes a remarkable modification : it acquires in a few days, often all at once, a gravity, and a dull or deaf expression, that it was far from having be- fore. It sinks in general about an octave. The voice of a young man is said to meruit, according to the common expression. In certain cases the voice is almost entirely lost for some weeks; it fre- quently contracts a marked hoarseness. Some- times it happens that the young man produces in- voluntarily a very acute sound when he wishes to produce a grave one : it is then scarcely possible for him to produce appreciable sounds1, or to sing true. This state of things continues sometimes nearly a year, after which the voice becomes more clear, and remains so during life : but some individuals lose entirely, during the moulting of the voice, the faculty of singing; others, who having a fine and extensive voice before the moulting, have af- terwards only a very ordinary one. The gravity that the voice acquires depends evidently upon the developement ofthe larynx,and particularly on the prolongation of the lips of the glottis. As these parts cannot stretch backward, they come forward: it is also at this time that the larynx projects in the neck, and the pomum Adami appears. In the female, the lips of the glottis do not present at puberty this increase in breadth ; the voice also generally remains acute. The voice generally preserves the same charac- ters until after adult age ; at least, the modifica- tions that it undergoes in the interval are but in- considerable, and affect principally the expression, and the volume. Towards the beginning of old age, the voice changes anew, its expression alters, and its extent diminishes: singing is more diffi- cult, the sounds become noisy, and their pro- duction painful and fatiguing. The organs oi pro- nunciation being changed by the effect of age, the teeth become shorter, and frequently being lost, the pronunciation is sensibly changed. All these phenomena are more noted in confirmed old age. The voice is weak, shaking, and broken; singing has the same characters, which depend on impaired muscular contraction. Speech also undergoes remarkable modifications; the slowness of the motions of the tongue, the want of the teeth, the Ups proportionally longer, &c, necessarily influence the pronunciation."—Ma- gendie's Phyriology. VOM VU£ \OLATICLS. (Volaticus; from volo, to fly.) Volatile; that goeth or flieth, as it were, away suddenly. VOLATILE. See Volaticus. Volatile alkali. See Ammonia. Volatile caustic, alkali. See Ammonia. VOLATILITY. The property of bodies by which they are disposed to assume the vaporous or elastic state, and quit the vessels in which they are placed. VOLCANITE. See Augite. Volse'lla. A probang, or instrument to re- move bodies sticking in the throat. VOLUBILIS. Twining. Botanists apply it to stems which twine round other plants by their o-vn spiral form, either from left to right, sup- posing the observer in the centre, (or, in other words, according to the apparent motions of the sun;) as in Tamus communis, and the honey- suckle : or from right to left, contrary to the sun, as with Convolvulus sapium, the French bean, &c. VOLVA. (Volva, a. f.; from valva.) The wrapper or covering of the fungous tribe, of a membranous texture, concealing their parts of fructification, and in due time bursting a£l round, forming a ring upon the stalk, as in Agaricus cam- pestris. Such is the original meaning of this term, as explained by Linnaeus; but it has be- come more generally used by Linnaeus himself for the fleshy external covering of some other fungi, which is scarcely raised out of the ground, and enfolds the whole plant when young. It is dmple, double, or stellated, very much cut; as in Lyco- podum stellatum. VO'LVULUS. (From volvo, to roll up.) The iliac passion, or inflammation in the bowels, called twisting of the guts. See Iliac passion. Volvulus terrestris. SmaU bindweed. The Convolvulus minor. VO'MER. Named from its great resemblance to a plough-share. It is a slender thin bone, separating the nostrils from each other, consisting of two plates much compressed together, very dense and strong, yet so thin as to be transparent; these two plates seem at every edge to separate from each other, and thus a groove is formed at every side.—1. This groove on the upper edge, or, as it may be called, its base, is wide, and re- ceives into it the projecting points of the ethmoid and sphenoid bones, and thus it stands very firmly and securely on the skull, and capable of resisting blows of considerable violence.—2. The groove, upon, the lower part, is narrower, and receives the rising Une in the middle of the palate plate, where the bones join to form the palate suture. At the fore-part it is united by a ragged surface, and by something like a groove, to the middle cartilage of the nose, and as the vomer receives the other bones into its grooves, it is, as it were, locked in on aU sides, receiving support and strength from each, but more particularly from the thick and strong membrane which covers the whole and which is so continuous as to resemble a periosteum, or rather a continued ligament, from its strength; thus the slender vomer pos- sesses sufficient strength to avert from it aU those evils which must inevitably have occurred, had it been less wisely or less strongly constructed. VO'MICA. (From vomo, to spit up; because 1010 it discharges a sanies.) An abscess of the lungs. VOMITING. Vomitio. A forcible ejection of food, or any other substance, from the sto- mach, through the oesophagus and mouth. " That internal sensation which announces the necessity of vomiting is called nausea; it con- sists of a general uneasiness, with a feeling of dizziness in the head, or in the epigastric region: the lower lip trembles, and the saliva flows in abundance. Instantly, and involuntarily, convul- sive contractions of the abdominal muscles, and at the same time, ofthe diaphragm, succeed to this state ; the first are not very intense, but those that follow are more so; they at last become such, that the matters contained in the stomach surmount the resistance of the cardia, and are thus darted, as it were, into the oesophagus and mouth; the same effect is produced many times in succession; it ceases for a time, and begins again after some interval. At the instant that the matters driven from the stomach traverse the pharynx and the mouth, the glottis shuts, the velum of the palate rises, and becomes horizontal, as in deglutition ; neverthe- less, every time that one vomits, a certain quan- tity of liquid is introduced either into the larynx, or the nasal canals. Vomiting was long believed to depend upon the rapid convulsive contraction of the stomach; but it has been shown, by a series of experiments, that, in the process, this viseus is nearly passive; and that the true agents of vomiting are, on the one hand, the diaphragm, and, on the other, the large abdominal muscles. In the ordinary state, the diaphragm and the muscles of the abdomen co-operate in vomiting; but each of them can, nevertheless, produce it separately. Thus, an animal still vomits, though the diaphragm has been rendered immoveable by cutting the diaphragmatic nerves; it vomits the same, though the whole abdominal muscles have been taken away by the knife, with the pre- caution of leaving the linea alba, and the perito- naeum untouched." Vomiting of blood. See Hamatemesis. Vo'mitus cruentus. See Hamatemesis. Voradous appetite. See Bulimia. Vox abscissa. Hoarseness, and also a loss of voice. Vulga'go. The asarabacca was so caUed. See Asarum. VULNERA'RIA. (From vulnus, a wound.) Medicines which heal wounds. A herb named from its use in healing wounds. Vulnerariaao.ua. Arquebusade. VU'LNUS. A wound. Vulnus sclopeticum. A gun-shot wound. VULPENITE. A mineral of a grayish-white colour, found along with granular foliated lime- stone, at Vulpino, in Italy. VU'LVA. (Quad valva, the aperture tothe womb; or quad valva, because the foetus is wrapped up in it.) The pudendum muliebre, or parts of generation proper to women ; also a fora- men in the brain. VULVA'RIA. (From vulva, the womb; so named from its smell, or use in disorders of tbe womb.) Stinking orach. See Chenopodium vulvaria. W'A'i WAT W ACRE. A mineral substance intermediate between clay and basalt. WADD. A name of plumbago. Wadd, black. An ore of manganese: so called in Derbyshire. WAKE ROBIN. See^4rum. WALL-FLOWER. See Chriranthus chriri. WALL-PELLITORY. See Parietaria. WALL-PEPPER. See -Sedum acre. WALNUT. See Juglans. WALTHER, Augustine Frederic, a phy- sician, was appointed in 1723, professor of ana- tomy and surgery at Leyden. Several of his dis- sertations on anatomical subjects are commended, and have been reprinted by Haller. The best of his larger pieces is " De Lingua Humana Libel- las," in quarto. As a botanist he published a Catalogue of the Plants in his own garden, and a work on the Structure of Plants. He died about the year 1746. WALTON. A town, near Tewkesbury in Gloucestershire, where there is a mineral spring, containing a small portion of iron dissolved in fixed air ; of absorbent earth combined with he- patic air; of vitriolated magnesia, and muriated mineral alkali; but the proportions of these con- stituent parts have not been accurately ascertained. Walton water is chiefly efficacious in obstructions and other affections of the glands. WATER. Aqua. This fluid is so weU known, as scarcely to require any definition. It is transparent, without colour, smell, or taste; in a very slight degree compressible; when pure, not Uable to spontaneous change; liquid m the common temperature of our atmo- sphere, assuming the soUd form at 32° Fahren- heit, and the gaseous at 212°, but returning un- altered to its Uquid state on resuming any degree of heat between these points; capable of dissolv- ing a greater number of natural bodies than any other fluid whatever, and espeeiaUy those known by the name of the saline; performing the most important functions in the vegetable and animal kingdoms, and entering largely into their compo- sition as a constituent part. " Native water is seldom, if ever, found per- fectly pure. The waters that flow within or upon the surface of the earth, contain various earthy, saline, metallic, vegetable, or animal particles, according to the substances over or through which they pass. Rain and snow waters are much purer than these, althoagh they also contain what- ever floats in the air, or has been exhaled along with the watery vapours. The purity of water may be known by the fol- lowing marks or properties of pure water:— 1. Pure water is tighter than water that is not pure. 2. Pure water is more fluid than water that is not pure. 3. It has no colour, smeU, or taste. 4. It wets more easily than the waters contain- ing metalhc and earthy salts, called hard waters, and feels softer when touched. 5. Soap, or a solution of soap in alkohol, mixes easily and perfectly with it. 6. It is not rendered turbid by adding to it a so- lution of arold in aqua regia, or a solution of sil- ver, or of lead, or of mercury, iu nitric acid, or a solution of acetate of lead in water. Water was, till modern times, considered as an elementary or simple substance. Previous to the month of October 1776, the celebrated Macquer, assisted by Sigaud de la Fond, made an experiment by burning hydrogen gas in a bottle, without explosion, and holding a white china saucer over the flame. His intention appears to have been that of ascertaining whether any fuliginous smoke was produced, and he ob- serves, that the saucer remained perfectly clean and white, but was moistened with perceptible drops of a clear fluid, resembling water; and which, in fact, appeared to him and his assistant to be nothing but pure water. He does not say whether any test was applied to ascertain this purity, neither does he make any remark on the fact. In the month of September 1777, Bucquet and Lavoisier, not being acquainted with the fact which is incidentally and concisely mentioned by Macquer, made an experiment to discover what is produced by the combustion of hydrogen. They fired live or Six pints of hydrogen in an open and wide-mouthed bottle, and instantly poured two ounces of lime water through the flame, agitating the bottle during the time the combustion lasted. The result of this experiment showed, that carbonic acid was not produced. Before the month of April 1781, Mr. John Warltire, encouraged by Dr. Priestley, fired a mixture of common air and hydrogen gas in a close copper vessel, and found its weight diminished. Dr. Priestley, likewise, before the same period, fired a like mixture of hydrogen and oxygen gas in a closed glass vessel, Mr. Warltire being pre- sent. The inside of the vessel, though clean and dry before, became dewy, and was lined with a sooty substance. These experiments were after- wards repeated by Mr. Cavendish and Dr. Priestley ; and it was found, that the diminution of weight did not take jilace, neither was the sooty matter perceived. These circumstances, therefore, must have arisen from some imperfec- tion in the apparatus or materials with which the former experiments were made. It was in the summer ofthe year 1781, that Mr. Henry Cavendish was busied in examining what becomes of the air lost by combustion, and made those valuable experiments which were read be- fore the Royal Society on the 15th of January, 1784. He burned 500,000 grain measures of hy- drogen gas, with about two and a half times the quantity of common air, and by causing the burn- ed air to pass through a glass tube eight feet in length, 135 grains of pure water were condensed. He also exploded a mixture of 19,500 grain mea- sures of oxygen gas, and 37,000 of hydrogen, in a close vessel. The condensed Uquor was found to contain a smaU portion of nitric acid, when the mixture of the air was such, that the burned air still contained a considerable proportion of oxy- gen. In this case it may be presumed, that some of the oxygen combines with a portion of nitrogen present. In the mean time, Lavoisier continued his re- searches*, and during the winter of 1781-17tO. b>- 1011 WAT WAT gethcr with Gingembre, he filled a bottle of six pints with hydrogen, which being fired, and two ounces of lime water poured in, was instantly stopped with a cork, through which a flexible tube communicating with a vessel of oxygen was pass- ed. The inflammation ceased, except at the ori- fice of the tube, through which the oxygen was pressed, where a beautiful flame appeared. The combustion continued a considerable time, during which the lime water was agitated in the bottle. Neither this, nor the same experiment repeated with pure water, and with a weak solution of al- kaU instead of lime water, afforded the informa- tion sought after, for these substances were not at all altered. The inference of Mr. Warltire, respecting the moisture on the inside of the glass in which Dr. Priestley first fired hydrogen and common air, was, that these airs, by combustion, deposited the moisture they contained. Mr. Watt, however, inferred from these experiments, that water is a compound of the burned airs, which have given out their latent heat by combustion; and commu- nicated his sentiments to Dr. Priestley in a letter dated April 26, 1783. It does not appear, that the composition of wa- ter was known or admitted in France, till the summer of 1783, when Lavoisier and De la Place, on the 24th of June, repeated the experiment of burning hydrogen and oxygen in a glass vessel over mercury, in a still greater quantity than had been burned by Mr. Cavendish. The result was nearly five gross of pure water. Monge made a similar experiment at Paris nearly at the same time, or perhaps before. This assiduous and accurate jihilosopher then proceeded, in conjunction with Metisnier, to pass the steam of water through a red-hot iron tube, and found that the iron was oxidised, and hydro- gen disengaged ; and the steam of water being passed over a variety of other combustible or oxid- able substances, produced similar results, the wa- ter disappearing and hydrogen being disengaged. These capital experiments were accounted lor by Lavoisier, by supposing the water to be decom- posed into its component parts, oxygen and hy- drogen, the former of which unites with the ig- nited substance, while the latter is disengaged. The grand experiment of the composition of water by Fourcroy, Vauquelin, and Seguin, was begun on Wednesday, May 13, 1790, and was finished on Friday the 22d, of the same month. The combustion was kept up 185 hours with little interruption, during which time the machine was not quitted for a moment. The experimenters alternately refreshed themselves when fatigued, by lying for a few hours on mattresses in the labo- ratory. To obtain the hydrogen, 1. Zinc was melted and rubbed into a powder in a very hot mortar. 2. This metal was dissolved in concentrated sul- phuric acid diluted with seven parts of water. The air procured was made to pass through caustic alkaU. To obtain the oxygen, two pounds and a haff of crystallised hyperoxymuriate of potassa were distilled, and the air was transferred through caustic alkali. The volume of hydrogen employed was 25963.568 cubic inches, and the weight was 1039.358 grains. The volume of oxygen was 12570.942, and the weight was 6209.869 grains. The total weight of both elastic fluids was 7249.227. The weight of water obtained was 7244 grains, or 12 ounces 4 gros 46 grains. 1012 The weight of water which should have been obtained was 12 ounces 4 gros 49.227 grains. The deficit was 4.227 grains. The quantity of azotic air before the experi- ment was 415.256 cubic inches, and at the close of it 467. The excess after the experiment .was, consequently, 51.744 cubic inches. This aug- mentation is to be attributed, the academicians think, to the small quantity of atmospheric air in the cylinders of the gasometers at the time the other airs were introduced. These additional 51 cubic inches could not arise irom the hydrogen, for experiment showed, that it contained no azotic air. Some addition of this last fluid, the experi- menters think, cannot be avoided, on account of the construction of the machine. The water being examined, was found to be as pure as distilled water. Its specific gravity to dis- tilled water was as 18671 : 18670. The decomposition of water is most elegantly effected by electricity. The composition of water is best demonstrated by exploding 2 volumes of hydrogen and 1 of oxy- gen, in the eudiometer. They disappear totally, and pure water results. A cubic inch of this li- quid at 60°, weighs 252.52 grains, consisting of 28.06 grains hydrogen, and 224.46 oxygen. The bulk ofthe former gas is 1325 cubic inchc?. That of the latter 662 1987 Hence there is a condensation of nearly two thousand volumes into one; and one volume of water contains 662 volumes of oxygen. The prime equivalent of water is 1.125; composed of a prime of oxygen = 1.0 + a prime of hydrogen = 0.125; or 9 parts by weight of water, consist of 8 oxy- gen + 1 hydrogen." The simple waters are the following: 1. Distilled water. This is the tightest of all others, containing neither solid nor gaseous sub- stances in solution, is perfectly void of taste and smell, colourless and beautifully transparent, has a soft feel, and wets the fingers more readily than any other. It mixes uniformly with soap into a smooth opaline mixture, but may be added to a solution of soap in spirit of wine without injuring its transparency. The clearness of distilled wa- ter is not impaired by the most delicate chemical re-agents, such as lime-water, a solution of ba- rytes in any acid, nitrated silver, or acid of sugar. When evaporated in a silver vessel it leaves no re- siduum ; if preserved from access of foreign mat- ter floating in the air, it may be kept for ages un- altered in vessels upon which it has no action, as it does not possess within itself the power of de- composition. As it freezes exactly at 32° of Fah- renheit, and boils at 212° under the atmospherical pressure of 29.8 inches, these-points are made use of as the standard ones for thermometrical divi- sion; and its specific weight being always the same under the mean pressure and temperature, it is employed for the comparative standard of specific gravity. Pure distilled water can only be procured from water whieh contains no volatile matters that will rise in distUlation, and continue still in union with the vapour when condensed. Many substances are volatile during distillation, but most of the gases, such as common air, carbonic acid, and the like, are incapable of uniting with water at a high temperature : other bodies, however, such as ve- getable essential oil, and, in general, much of that which gives the peculiar odour to vegetable and • WAT animal matter, wiU remain in water alter distilla- tion. So the steam of many animal and vegetable decoctions has a certain flavour which distin- guishes it from pure water; and the aqueous exha- lation from Uving bodies, which is a kind of dis- tUlation, has a similar impregnation. To obtain distilled water perfectly pure, much stress was laid by former chemists on repeating the process a great number of times ; but it was found by Lavoisier, that rain water once distilled, rejecting the first and last products, was as pure a water as could be procured by any subsequent distillations. Distilled water appears to possess a higher power than any other as a solvent of all annual and vegetable matter, and these it holds in solu- tion as little as jiossible altered from tbe state in which they existed in the body that yielded them. Hence the great practical utility of that kind of ehemical analysis which presents the proximate constituent parts of these bodies, and which is effected particularly by the assistance of pure wa- ter. On the other hand, a saline, earthy, or other- wise impure water, will alter the texture of some of the parts, impair their solubility, produce ma- terial changes on the colouring matter, and become a less accurate analyser on account of the admix- ture of foreign contents. Distilled water is seldom employed to any ex- tent in the preparation of food, or in manufactures, on account of the trouble of procuring it in large quantities; but for preparing a great number of medicines, and in almost every one of the nicer chemical processes that are carried on in the liquid way, this water is an essential requisite. The only cases in which it has been used largely as an article of drink, have been in those important trials made of the practicability of procuring it by condensing the steam of sea water by means of a simple apparatus adapted to a ship's boilfcr; and these have fully shown the ease with which a large quantity of fresh water, of the purest kind, may be had at sea, at a moderate expense, whereby one of the most distressing of all wants may be re- lieved. There are one or two circumstances which seem to show that water, when not already (loaded with foreign matter, may become a solvent f for concretions in urinary passages. At least, we know that very material advantage has been de- rived in these cases from very pure natural springs, and hence a course of distiUed water has been re- commended as a fair subject of experiment. 2. Rain water, the next in purity to distilled water, is that which has undergone a natural dis- tillation from the earth, and is condensed in the form of rain. This is a water so nearly approaching to absolute purity as probably to be equal to distilled water for every purpose except in the nicer chemi- cal experiments. The foreign contents of rain water appear to vary according to the state of the air through which it falls. The heterogeneous atmosphere of a smoky town will give some im- pregnation to rain as it passes through, and this, though it may not be at once perceptible on chemi- cal examination, will yet render it liable to spon- taneous change ; and hence, rain water, if long kept, espeeiaUy in hot cUmates, acquires a strong smell, becomes full of animalcula, and in some degree putrid. According to Margraaff, the con- stant foreign contents of rain water appear to be some traces of the muriatic and nitric acids ; but as this water is always very soft, it is admirably adapted for dissolving soap, or for the solution of aUmentary or colouring matter, and it is accord- ingly used largely for these purposes. The sjieci- fic gravity of rain water is so nearly the same as 'hat of distilled water, that it requires the most WAT delicate instruments to ascertain the difference* Rain, that falls in towns, acquires a small quanti- ty of sulphate of lime and calcareous matter from the mortar and plaster of the houses. 3. Ice and snow water. This equals rain water in purity, and, when fresh melted, contains no air, which is expelled during freezing. In cold climates and in high latitudes, thawed snow forms the constant drink of the inhabitants during win- ter ; and the vast masses of ice which float on the polar seas afford an abundant supply to the manner. It is well known, that in* weak brine, exposed to a moderate freezing cold, it is only the watery part that congeals, leaving the un- frozen liquor proportionably stronger of the salt. The same happens with a dilute solution of ve- getable acids, w'ith fermented liquors, and the like ; and advantage is taken of this property to reduce the saline part to a more concentrated form. Snow water has long lain under the im- putation of occasioning those strumous swellings in the neck which deform the inhabitants of many of the Alpine valleys; but this opinion is not supported by any well authenticated indisputable facts, and is rendered still more improbable, if not entirely overturned, by the frequency of the disease in Sumatra, where ice and snow are never seen, and its being quite unknown in Chili and in Thibet, though the rivers of these countries are chiefly supplied by the melting of the snow, with which the mountains are covered. 4. Spring water. Under this comprehensive class are included all waters that spring from some depth beneath the soil, and are used at the fountain head, or at least before they have run any considerable distance exjiosed to the air. Tt is obvious that spring water will be as various in its contents as the substances that compose the soil through which it flows. When the ingredients are not such as to give any peculiar medical or sensible |iroperties, and the water is used for com- mon purposes, it is distinguished as a hard or soft spring, sweet or brackish, clear or turbid, and the lie. Ordinary springs insensibly pass into mineral springs, as their foreign contents be- come more notable and uncommon; though sometimes waters have acquired great medical reputation from mere purity. By far the greater number of springs are cold ; but as they take their origin at some depth from the surface, and below the influence of the exter- nal atmosphere, their temperature is, in general, pretty uniform during every vicissitude of season, and always several degrees higher than the freez- ing point. Others, again, arise constantly hot, or with a temperature always exceeding the sum- mer heat; and the warmth possessed by the water is entirely independent of that of the atmosphere, and varies little winter or summer. One of the principal inconveniences in almost every spring water, is its hardness, owing to the presence of eaithy salts, which, in by far the greater number of cases, are only the insipid substances, chalk, and selenite, which do not impair the taste of th» water; whilst the air which it contains, and its grateful coolness, render it a most agreeable, and generally a perfectly inno-, cent drink; though sometimes, in weak sto- machs, it is apt to occasion an uneasy sense of weight in that organ, followed by a degree of dys|iepsia. The quantity ot earthy salts varies considerably ; but, in general, it appears that the proportion of five grains of these in the pint will constitute a hard water, unfit for washing with soap, and for many other purposes of household use or manufactures. The water of deep wells is alwavs. ceteris paribus, much harder than that of 1'J13 WAT WED springs which overflow their channel; for much agitation and exposure to air produce a gradual deposition of the calcareous earth ; and hence spring water often incrusts to a considerable thickness the inside of any kind of tube through which it flows, as it arises from the earth. The specific gravity of these waters is also, in general, greater than that of any other kind of water, that of the sea excepted. Springs that overflow their channel, and form to themselves a limited bed, pass insensibly into the state of stream, or river water, and become thereby altered in some of their chemical properties. 5. River Water.—This is in general much softer and more free from earthy salts than the last, but contains less air of any kind: for, by the agitation of a long current, and in most cases a great increase of-temperature, it loses common air and carbonic acid, and, with this last, much of the lime which it held in solution. The speci • fie gravity thereby becomes less, 'the taste not so harsh, but less fresh and agreeable, and out of a hard spring is often made a stream of sufficient purity for most of the purposes where a soft water is required. Some streams, however, that arise from a clean siliceous rock, and flow in a sandy or stony bed, are from the outset remark- ably pure. Such are the mountain lakes and rivulets in the rocky districts of Wales, the source of the beautiful waters of the Dee, and number- less other rivers that flow through the hollow of every valley. Switzerland has long been cele- brated for the jiurity and excellence of its waters, which pour in copious streams from the moun- tains, and give rise to some of the finest rivers in Europe. An excellent observer and naturalist, the illustrious-Haller, thus speaks of the Swiss waters :—" Vulgaribus aquis Helvetia super om- nes fere Europae regiones excellit. Nusquam liquidas illas aquas et crystalli similliraas se mihi obtulisse memini postquam ex Helvetia excessi. Ex scopulis enim nostrae per puros silices per- colatae nulla terra vitiantur." Some of them never freeze in the severest winter, the cause of which is probably, as Haller conjectures, that they spring at once out of a subterraneous reser- voir so deep as to be out of the reach of frost; and during their short course, when exposed to day, they have not time to be cooled down from 53°, their original temperature, to below the freezing point. Some river waters, however, that do not take their rise from a rocky soil, and are indeed at first considerably charged with foreign matter, during a long course, even over a rich cultivated plain, become remarkably pure as to saline contents, but often fouled with mud, and vegetable or ani- mal exuviae, which are rather susjiended than held in true solution. Such is that of the Thames, which, taken up at London at low water, is a very soft and good water, and, after rest and fil- tration, it holds but a very small portion of any thing that could prove noxious or impede any manufacture. It is also exceUently fitted for sea- store t but it here undergoes a remarkable spon- taneous change. No water carried to sea becomes putrid sooner than that of the Thames. When a cask is opened after being kept a month or two, a quantity of inflammable air escapes, and the water is so black and offensive as scarcely to be borne. Upon racking it off, however, into large earthen vessels (oil jars are commonly used for the purpose,) and exposing it to the air, it gradu- ally deposites a quantity of black slimy mud, becomes clear as crystal, and remarkably sweet and palatable. The Seine has as high a reputa- tion in France, and appears from accurate experi- 101! ments to be a river of great purity. It might be expected that a river which has passed by a large town, and received all its impurities, and been used by numerous dyers, tanners, hatters, and the like, that crowd to its banks for the convenience of plenty of water, should thereby acquire such a fonlness as to be very perceptible to chemical examination for a considerable distance below the town ; but it appears, from the most accurate ex- amination, that where the stream is at all consi- derable, these kinds of impurity have but little in- fluence in permanently altering the quatity of the water, especially as they are for the most part only suspended, and not truly dissolved; and, therefore, mere rest, and especially filtration, will restore the water to its original purity. Probably, therefore, the most accurate chemist would find it difficult to distinguish water taken up at London from that procured at Hampton Court, after each has been purified by simple filtration. 6. Stagnated Waters.—The waters that pre- sent the greatest impurities to the senses, are those of stagnant pools, and low marshy countries. They are filled with the remains of animal and vegetable matter undergoing decomposition, and, during that process, becoming in part soluble in water, thereby affording a rich nutriment to the succession of living plants and insects which is sujiplying the place of those that perish. From the want of sufficient agitation in these waters, vegetation goes on undisturbed, and the surface becomes covered with conferva and other aquatic plants; and as these standing waters are in general shallow, they receive the full influence of the sun, which further promotes all the changes that are going on within them. The taste is ge- neraUy vapid, and destitute of that freshness and agreeable coolness w liicti distinguish spring water. However, it should be remarked, that stagnant waters are generally soft, and many of the impu- rities are only suspended, and therefore separable by filtration ; and perhaps the unpalatableness of this drink has caused it to be in worse credit than it deserves, on the score of salubrity. The deci- dedly noxious effects produced by the air of marshes and stagnant pools, have been often sup- posed to extend to the internal use of these wa- ters ; and often, especially in hot climates, a resi- dence near these jilaces has been as much con- demned on the one account as on the other; and in like manner, an improvement in health has been as much attributed to a change of water as of air. WATER BRASH. See Pyrosis. Water-cress. See Sisymbrium nasturtium. Water-dock. See Rumex hydrolapathum. Water-flag, yellow. See Iris pseudaaorus. Water-germander. See Teucrium scordium. Water-hemp. See Eupatorium. Water-lily, white. See Nymphaa alba. Water-lily, yellow. See Nymphaa lutea. Water-parsnep. See Sium modiflorum. Water-pepper. See Polygonum hydropiper Water zizania. See Zizania aquatica. Waters, mineral. See Mineral waters. WAVELITE. (So named after Dr. Wavell, who first discovered it at Barnstable, in Devon- shire.) A mineral of a grayish-white colour, composed of alumina, 70; lime, 1.4; water, 26.2 ; as hard as fluor spar. WAX. See Cera. WEDEL, George Wolfjgang, was born in 1645, at Golzan in Lusatia, and graduated at Jena in 1667 ; where, after a temporary exercise of his profession at Gotha, he became medical professor • in whicb station he continued with WiiE VVHE reputation lor almost half a century. He com- bined with his skill in medicine a considerable acquaintance with mathematics and philology, as weU as with the oriental and classical languages. He was an associate to the Academy Naturae Curiosorum, and to the Royal Society of Berlin, physician to several German sovereigns, a count palatine, and an imperial counsellor. Notwith- standing these high offices and numerous engage- ments, he was attentive to the poor, and assiduous in his literary labours. He is celebrated for his pharmaceutical knowledge, and his elegance of prescription, so that many of his compositions have been adopted in dispensatories. Of his works, besides his academical dissertations, the principal are " Opiologia ;" " Pharmacia in Artis form am redacta ;" " De Medicamentorum Facul- tatibus;" "De Morbis Infantum;" and " Ex- ercitationes Medico-Philologicre." WELD. Woald. The Reseda luteola of Linnaeus, which is used as a yellow dye. WEPFER, John James, was born in 1620, at Schaff hausen, and after visiting several universi- ties in Italy, graduated at Basil, and settled in his native place. His reputation was extensive there and in Germany, and he attained, by his dissec- tions and experiments, a high rank among those who have contributed to improve medical science. In 1658, he published a celebrated work, entitled " Observationes Anatomicae," &c. since often reprinted with the title of " Historia Apoplectico- rum." In an epistle "De Dubiis Anatomicis," he asserted the entire glandular structure ofthe liver, prior to Malpighi. Another valuable work is caUed " Cicutae Aquaticae Historia et Noxae." His constitution was injured by attendance, at an advanced age, on the duke of Wurtemburg, and the imperial army under his command ; and he was carried off' by a dropsy in 1695. His papers were published by two of his grandsons in a work entitled " Observationes Medico-Practicae, &c." To the Ephcmerides Naturae Curiosorum he made several valuable communications, being a member of that society. WERNERITE. Foliated scapolite. WHARTON, Thomas, was born in Yorkshire in 1610, and educated at Cambridge. He after- wards became a private tutor at Oxford : but on the commencement ofthe civil wars, he removed to London, and engaged in the practice of physic. On the surrender of Oxford to the parliament in 1646, he obtained a doctor's degree there, became a member of the College of Physicians in London, and got into considerable practice. . In 1652, he read lectures on the glands before the College ; and he afterwards published a work on that sub- ject, entitled " Adenographia." The descriptions cannot be relied upon, being chiefly taken from brutes; yet there are some useful observations on tlie diseases of those organs. His name has been affixed to the salivary ducts on the side of the tongue. WHEAT. Triticum. The seeds of the Triti- cum hibernum, and astivum, of Linnaeus, are so termed. It is to these plants therefore we are in- debted for our bread, and the various kinds of pastry. Wheat is first ground between mill- stones, and then sifted to obtain its farina or flour. The flour of wheat may be separated into its three constituent parts, in the foUowing manner. The llour is to be kneaded into a paste with water in an earthen vessel, and the water continue pouring upon it from a cock ; this liquid, as it falls upon the paste, takes up from it a very fine white pow- der, by means of which it acquires the colour and consistency of milk. The process is to be con- •intied till the water run off clear, when the flour will be separated into three distinct parts: 1» A gray elastic matter that sticks to the hand, and on account of its properties has gained the name' of the glutinous, or vegeto-animal part. 2. A white powder which falls to the bottom of the water, and is the faculum or starch. 3. A matter which remains dissolved in the water, and seems to be a sort of mucilaginous extract. Flour, from whatever species of corn obtained, is likewise disposed to vinous fermentation, on account of its saccharine contents. The aptitude for fermentation of these raealy seeds increases if they be first converted into malt; inasmuch as by this process, the gluten which forms the germ is separated, and the starchy part appears to be con- verted into saccharine matter. The making of malt, for which purpose barley and wheat are generally chosen, is as foUows: The grains are put in the malting tub, and immersed in cold wa- ter, in a temperate and warm seasons, changing tins fluid several times, espeeiaUy in hot weather, and they are thus kept soaking till they be suffi- ciently soft to the touch. Upon this they are piled up in heaps on a roomy, clean, airy floor, where, by the neat spontaneously taking place, the vegetation begins, and the grains germinate. To cause the germination to go on uniformly, the heaps are frequently turned. In this state the vegetation is suffered to continue till the germs have about two-thirds or three-fourths of the length of tbe corn. It is carried too far when the leafy germs have begun to sprout. For this reason, limits are set to the germina- tion by drying the malt, which' is effected by trans ierring it to the kiln, or by spreading it about in spacious airy lofts. Dried in the last way, it is called air-dried malt; in the first, kiln-malt. In drying tliis latter, care must be taken that it dees not receive a burnt smeU, or be in part converted into coal. From this malt, beer is made by extraction with water and fermentation. With this view, a quantity of malt freed from its germs, and sufficient for one intended brewing, is coarsely bruised by grinding, and in the mash- tub first well mixed with some cold, then scalded with hot-water, drawn upon it from the boiler. It is afterwards strongly and uniformly stirred. When the whole mass has stood quietly, for a certain time, the extract, (mash,) or sweet wort, is brought into the boiler, and the malt remaining in the tub is once more extracted by infusion with hot water. This second extract, treated in like manner, is added to the first, and both are boiled together. This clear decoction is now drawn off and caUed boiled wort. To make the beer more fit for digestion, and at the same time to deprive it cf its to« great and unpleasant sweetness, the wort is mixed with a decoction of hops, or else these are boiled with it. After which it ought to be quickly cooled, to prevent its transition into acetous fermentation, which would ensue ifit were kept too long in a high temperature. On this account the wort is transferred into the cooler, where it is exposed with a large surface to cold air, and from this to the fermenting tub, that by addition of a sufficient portion of recent yeast it may begin to ferment. When this fer- mentation has proceeded to a due degree, and the yeast ceases to rise, the beer is conveyed into casks placed in cool cellars, where it finishes its fermentation, and where it is well kept and pre- served, under the name of barrelled beer, with the precaution of filling up occasionaUy the vacancy caused in the vessels by evaporation ; or the bcer is bottled before it has done fermenting, and the WHE W1L bottles are stopped a little before the fermentation is completely over. By so doing the bottled beer is rendered sparkling. In this state it frequently bursts the bottles, by the disengagement of the carbonic acid gas which it contains, and it strong- ly froths, like champaign, when brought into con- tact with air on being poured into another vessel. Beer well prepared should be Umpid and clear, possess a due quantity of spirit, and excite no disa- greeable sweet taste, and contain no disengaged acid. By these properties it is a species oi vinous beverage, and is distinguished from wine in the strict sense, and other liquors of that kind, by tbe much greater quantity of mucilaginous matter which it has received by extraction Irom the malt- ed grains, but which also makes it morenounshing. Brown beer derives its colour from malt strongly roasted in the kiin, and its bitterish taste Irom the hops. Pule beer is brewed from malt dried in the air, or but slightly roasted, with but little or no hops at all. See Beer. Wheat, buck. See Polygonumfagopyrum. Wheat, Eastern buck. See Polygonum di- varicatum. WJvat, Indian. See Zea mays. VVKat, Turret. The Turkey wheat is a nativ?ol America, where it is much cultivated, as it is also in some parts of Europe, especially ui Italy and Germany. There are many varieties, which differ in the colour of the grain, and are frequently raised in our gardens by way ol curiosi- ty, whereby the plant is well known, it is the chief bread corn in some of the southern parts ol America, but since the introduction of rice into Carolina, it is but little used in the northern colo- nies. It makes a main part too ot the lood of the poor people in Italy and Geiraany. This is the sort of wheat mentioned in the bonk ol huth, where it is said that Boaz treated Ruth with parched ears ol corn dipped in vinegar. This method of eating the roasted ears ot Turkey wheat is still practised in the East; they gather in the ears when about ball ripe, aud having scorched them to tneir minds, eat them with as much satis- faction as we do the best flour bread. In several parts ol South America they parch the ripe corn, never making it into bread, but grinding it between two stones, mix it with water in a calabash, and so eat it. The Indians make a sort of drink from this grain, which they caU bid. This liquor is very windy and intoxicating, and has nearly the taste of sour small beer: but they do not use it in common, being too' lazy to make it often, and therefore it is chiefly kept lor the celebration of leasts and weddings, at which times they mostly get intolerably drunk with it. The manner oi making this precious beverage, is to steep a parcel ot corn in a vessel of water, till it grows sour, thtn the old women being-piovided with calabashes lor the purpose, chew some grains of the corn in their mouths, aud spitting it into the calabashes, emjity them spittle and al., into the sour liquor, having jireviously drawn off the latter into another vessel. The chewed grain soon raises a fermentation, and when this ceases, the liquor is let off from the dregs, and set by till wanted. In some of the islands in the South Sea, where each individual is his own lawgiver, it is no uncommon thing tor a near relation to excuse a murderer for a good drunken bout of ciri. WHET-SLATE. A greenish gray-coloured mineral, used to sharpen steel instruments. WHEY. The fluid part of milk which remains after the curd has been separated. It contains a saccharine matter, some butter, and a smaU por- tion of cheese. 10I« WHISKEY. A dilute alkohol obtained by dis- tilling malt. WHISPERING. A lowness of speech, caused by uttering the words so feebly, as not to produce any vibration of the larynx. White swelling. See Arthropuosis and Hy- darthrus. WHITES. See Leucorrhaa. WHITING. See Gadus. Whorlle-berry, bears. See Arbutus uva ursi. Whortle-berry, red. See Vacdnium vitis idaa. WH YTT, Robert, was born in 1714, at Edin- burgh, where he studied physic, and after visiting the medical schools at London, Paris, and Ley- den, settled in the exercise of his profession, ber came a fellow, then president of the college, and chairman of the Institutions of Medicine in that university. As a medical jiractitioner and teacher, and also as a writer, he acquired deserved cele- brity. The first of his publications was an " Es- say on the Vital and other involuntary Motions of Annuals," in 1751,in which he opposed the Stahlian Theory, and ascribed them to the operation of stimuli. Four years after his " Physiological Essays" appeared, in which he supposes the cir- culation assisted by an oscillatory motion of the minute vessels, and treats ot sensibility and irrita- bility. He also wrote on the Use of Lime-water in Calculous Complaints; and on Nervous Dis- eases ; and contributed likewise some papers to the Edinburgh Essays. The Observations on Hydrocejihalus, were published after his death, which occurred in 1766, after labouring long un- der a complication of chronic complaints. . WIDOW-WAIL. See Daphne mezereum. Wild carrot. See Daucus sylvestris. Wild cucumber. See Momordica elaterium. Wild mavew. See Brassica napus. WILLIS, Thomas, was born in Wiltshire about the year 1621, and entered at Oxford, with a view to the clerical profession ; but he after- wards changed to physic, took bis bachelor's de- gree in 164b, and commenced practice at the uni- versity. He distinguished himself by his steady attachment to the Church ot England, and also by his love of science, so that he became one of the first members of that philosophical society at Ox- ford, which laid the toundation of the Royal So- ciety ot London. He was ambitious uf excelling as a chemist, and published in 1659, a treatise on Fermentation, and another on Fever, with a Dis- sertation on the Urine. After the Restoration he was appointed to the Sedleian professorship of Natural Philosophy, and received his doctor's de- gree. In 1664, he published his celebrated work " Cerebri Anatome," with a description of the nerves ; which was followed, after three years, by his " Pathologia Cerebri et Nervosi Generis," in which he treats ol Convulsive Diseases, and the Scurvy. In the mean time he had settled in Lon- don, and being nominated a physician in ordinary to the King, was advancing to the first rank in practice. His next publication was on Hysteria and Hypochondriasis. In 1672, he produced ano- ther work, "De Anima Brutorum ;" which he supposed like the vital principle in man of a cor- poreal nature. The year following he began to print his " Pharmaceutice Rationalis," which he did not live to complete, being carried off by a pleurisy in bis fifty-fourth year. His works en- gaged great attention at first, and are still ad- mired, though modern improvements have dimi- nished their value. They are written in an elegant Latin style. WILLOW. See Salix. Willow, crack. See Salix fragilit. WIN WIN IVillow, sweet. Sec Myrica gale. Willow, white. See Salix fragilis. Willow-herb. See Lythrum talicaria. Willow-herb, rosebay. See Epilobium an- guttifolium. Willow-leaved oak. See Quercus phellos. WINE. Vinum. " Chemists give the name of wine in general to all liquors that have become spirituous by fermentation. Thiw cider, beer, hy- dromel or mead, and other similar liquors, are wines. The principles and theory of the fermentation which produces these liquors are essentially the same. All those nutritive, vegetable, and animal mat- ters which "contain sugar ready formed, are snsceptiblc ofthe spirituous fermentation. Thus wine may be made of all the juices of plants, the sap of trees, the infusions and decoctions of farina- ceous vegetables, the milk of frugiverotts animal* ; and, lastly, it may be made of all ripe succulent fruits; but all these substances are not equally proper to be changed into a good and generous wine. As the production of alkohol is the result of the spirituous fermentation, that wine may be consi- dered as essentially the best, which contains most alkohol. But of all substannes susceptible of Ihe spirituous fermentation, none is capable of be- ing converted into so good wine, as the juice of the grapes of France, or of other countries^ that are nearly in the same latitude, or in the same temperature. The grapes of hotter countries, and even those of the southern jirovinces of France, do indeed furnish wines that have a more agreea- ble, that is, more of a saccharine taste ; but these wines, though they are sufficiently strong, are not so spirituous as those of the provinces near the middle of France ; at least from these latter wines the best vinegar and brandy are made. As an example, therefore, of spirituous fermentation in general, we shall describe the method of making wine from the juice of the grapes of France. This juice, when newly expressed, and before it has begun to ferment, is called must, and in com- mon language sweet wine. It is turbid, has an agreeable and very saccharine taste. It is very laxative ; and when drunk too freely, or by per- sons disposed to diarrhoeas, it is apt to occasion these disorders. Its consistence is somewhat less fluid than that of water, and it becomes almost of a pitchy thickness when dried. When the must is pressed from the grapes, and put into a proper vessel and place, with atemjicra- ture between fifty-five and sixty degrees, very sen- sible effects are produced in it, in a shorter or longer time according to the nature of the liquor, and the exposure of the jilace. It then swells, and is so rarefied, that it frequently overflows the vessel containing it, if this be nearly full. An in- testine motion is excited among its parts, accom- panied with a small hissing noise and evident ebullition. The bubbles rise to the, surface, and at the same time is disengaged a quantity of car- bonic acid of such purity, and so subtile and dan- gerous, that it is capable of killing instantly men and animals exposed to it in a place where the air is not renewed. The skins, stones, and other grosser matters ofthe grapes, are buoyed up by the jiarticles of disengaged air that adh-re to their surface, arc variously agitated, and arc raised in form of a scum, or soft and sjiongy crust, that co- versthe whole liquor. During the fermentation, this crust is frequently raised, and broken by tbe air disengaged from tbe liquor which forces its way through it; afterward the crust subsides, and be- comes entire as before. The.se effects continue while ihe fermentation is brisk, and at hist gradually cease: then the crust, bein-e; no longer supported, falls in pieces to the bottom of the liquor. At this time, if we would have a strong and generous wine, all sen- sibfe fermentation must be stopped. This is done by putting the wine into close vessels, and carry- ing these into p. cellar or other cool place. After this first operation, an interval of repose takes place, as is indicated by the cessation of tlie sensible effects of the spirituous fermentation ; and thus enables us to preserve a liquor no less agreeable in its taste, than useful for its reviving and nutritive qualities, when drunk moderately. If we examine the wine produce 1 by this first fermentation, we shall find, that it differs entirely and essentially from the juice of grapes before fermentation. Its sweet and saccharine taste is changed into one that is very differed, though still agreeable, and somewhat spirituous and piquant. It has not the laxative quality of must, but affect-: the head, and occasions, as is well knowD, drunkenness. Lastly, ifit be distilled, it yields, instead of the insipid water obtained from must by distillation with the heat of boiling wa- ter, a volatile, spirituous, and inflammable liquor, called spirit of wine, or alkohol. This spirit is consequently a new being, produced by the kind of fermentation called the vinous or spirituous. When any liquor undergoes the spirituous fer- mentation, all its parts seem not to ferment at the same time, otherwise the fermentation would pro- bably be very quickly completed, and the appear- ances would be much more striking : hence, in a liquor much Apposed to fermentation, this motion is more quick and simultaneous than in another liquor less disposed. Experience has shown, that a wine the fermentation of whicli is very slow and tedious, is never good or very spirituous ; and therefore, when the weather is too cold, the fer- mentation is usually accelerated by heating the place in which the wine is made. A proposal has been made by a person very intelligent in econo- mical affairs, to apply a greater than the usual heat to accelerate the fermentation ofthe wine, in those years in which grapes have not been suffi- ciently ripened, and when the juice is not suffi- ciently disposed to fermentation. Atooha*:ty and violent fermentation is perhaps also hurtful, from the dissipation and loss of some of the spirit, but of this we are net certain. How- ever, we may distinguish, in the ordinary method of making wines of grapes, two periods in the fer- mentation, the first "of which lasts during the ap» pearance of the sensible effect- above mentioned, in which the greatest number of fermentable par- ticles ferment. After this first effort of fermenta- tion, these effects sensibly diminish, and ought to be stopped, for reasons hereafter to be mentioned. The fermentative motion of the liquors then cea«e-\ The heterogeneous parts that were sus- jiended in the wines by thi? motion, and render it mudtiy, are separated and forma sediment, called the lees ; after wliich the wine becomes clear; but though the operation is then considered as finished, and the fermentation ajiparently ceases, it does not really cease ; and it ought to be conti- nued in some degree, if we would have good wine'. In tin's new wine a j>art of the liquor probably remains that has not fermeuted, andwhich after- ward ferments, but so very slowly, that none of the sensible effects produced in the first fermenta- tion are here perceived. The ft mentation, there- fore, still continues in the wine, during a lrnger or shorter time, although in an imperceptible man- ner ; and this is the second period ol the spirit. uons fermentation, whivh may be called the itn- ' 1*117 WIN \w> ,'<>icepiible fernieiuatinn. Wc mav r.-mly per- cfive that the effect of'.his imperceptible firment- r.tion is the gradual increase of the quantity of al- kohol. It has alio another effect no less advan- tageous, namely, tho separation of the acid salt •ailed tartar from the wine. This matter is therefore, a second sediment, that is formed in the wine, and adheres to the sides of the contain- ing vessels. As the taste of tartar is harsh anil disagreeable, it is evident that the wine, which by means of the insensible fermentation has ac- quired more alkohol, and has disengaged itself of the greater part of its tartar, ought to be much better and more agreeable ; and for this reason chiefly old wine is universally jireferable to new wine. But insensible fermentation can only ripen and meliorate the wine, if the sensible fermentation have regularly proceeded, anil been stopped in due time. We know certainly that if a suffici nt time have not been allowed for the first period of the fermentation, the unferinented matter that re- mains, being in too large, a quantity, will theu ferment in the bottles, or close vessels, in wliich the wine is put, and will occasion effects so much more sensible, as the first fermentation shall have been sooner interrupted : hence these wines are always turbid, emit bubbles, arid sometimes break the bottles from the large quantity of air disen- gaged during the fermentation. We have an instance of these effects in the wine of Champagne, and in others of the same kind. The sensible fermentation of these wines is interrupted, or rather suppressed, that they may have this sparkling quality. It is well known that these wines make the corks fly out of the bottles ; that they sparkle and froth when they are poured into glasses; and lastly that they have a taste much more lively and more piquant than wines that do not sparkle ; but this sparkling quality, and all the effects depending on it, are only caused by a considerable quantity of carbonic acid gas which is disengaged during the confined fermen- tation that the wine has undergone in close ves- sels. This air, not having an opportunity of es- caping, and of being dissipated ns fast as it is dis- engaged, and being interposed betwixt all the parts of the wine, combines in some measure with them, and adheres in the same manner as it does to certain mineral water.-;, in which it pro- duces nearly the same effects. When this air is entirely disengaged from these wines, they no longer sparkle, they lose their piquancy of taste, become mild, and even almost insipid. Such are the qualities that wine acquires in time, when its first fermentation has not continued sufficiently long. These qualities are given pur- posely to certain kinds of wine, to indulge taste or caprice; but such wines are supposed to be unfit for daily use. Wines for daily use ought to have undergone so completely the sensible fermenta- tion, that the succeeding fermentation shall be in- sensible, or at least exceedingly tittle jierceived. Wine, in which the first fermentation has been too far advanced, is liable to worse inconven- iences than that in which the first fermentation has been too quickly suppressed : for every fermenta- ble liquor is, from its nature, in a continual intes- tine motion, more or less strong according to circumstances, from the first instant of the spirit- uous fermentation, till it is completely purified : hence, from the time of the completion of the spirituous fermentation, or even before, the wine begins to undergo the acid or acetous fermenta- tion. This acid fermentation is very slow nnd insensible, when the wine is included in very close vessels, and in a cool place ; but it gradu- 1018 ally advances, so that in a certain lime the wiiu , instead of being improved, becomes at last sour. This evil cannot be remedied ; because the fer- mentation may advance, but cannot be reverted. Wine-merchants, therefore, when their wines become sour, can only conceal or absorb this acidity by certain substances, as by alkalies and absorbent earths. But these substances give to wine a dark-greenish colour, and a taste which though not acid, is somewhat disagreeable. Be- sides, calcareous earths accelerate considerably the total destruction and putrefaction ofthe wine. Oxides of lead, having the property of forming with the acid of vinegar a salt of an agreeable saccharine taste, which does not alter the colour of the wine, and which besides has the advantage of stopping fermentation and putrefaction, might be very well employed to remedy the acidity of wine, if lead and all its preparations were not per- nicious to health, as they occasion most terrible colics, and even death, when taken internally. We cannot believe that any wine-merchant, knowing the evil consequences of lead, should, for the sake of gain, employ it for the purpose mentioned ; but if there be any such persons, they must be considered as the jioisoners and murderers ofthe public. At Alicant, where very tweet wines are made, it is the practice to mix a little lime with the grapes before they are press- ed. This, however, can only neutralise the acid already existing in the grape. If wine contain litharge, or any other oxide of lead, it may be discovered by evaporating some pints of it to dryness, and melting the residuum in a crucible, at the bottom of which a small button of lead may be found after the fusion: but an easier and more expeditious proof is by pouring into the wine some liquid sulphuret. If the pre- cipitate occasioned by this addition of the sulphu- ret be white, or only coloured by the wine, we may know that no lead is contained in it; but if the jirccipitate be dark coloured, brown, or black- ish, wc may conclude, that it contains lead or iron. The only substances that cannot absorb or de- stroy, but cover and render supjiortable the sharp- ness of wine, without any inconvenience, are, sugar, honey, and other saccharine alimentary matters ; but they can succeed only when the wine is very little acid, and when an exceeding small quantity only of these substances is suffi- cient to jiroduce'the desired effect; otherwise the wine would have a sweetish, tart, and not agreeable taste. From what is here said concerning the asccs- cency of wine, we may conclude that when this accident happens, it cannot by any good method be remedied, and that nothing remains to be done with sour wine but to sell it to vinegar-makers, as all honest wine-merchants do. As the must of the grape contains a greater proportion of tartar than our currant and goose- berry juices do, Dr. Ure has been accustomed, for many years, to recommend, in his lectures, the addition of a small portion of that salt to our must, to make it ferment into a more genuine wine. Dr. M'Culloch has lately prescribed the same addition in his popular treatise on the art of making wine. Tho following is Brande's valuable table of the quantity of spirit in different kinds of wine :— P roportions of spirit per cent. by measure. I. Lissa . . . . . . 26.47 Ditto . . ' . ... 24.35 Average . . . 25.41 WIN V\ IN 2. Raisin wine . Ditto . Ditto . Average 3. Marsala Ditto . Average 4. Madeira Ditto . Ditto (Sircial) Ditto . Average 5. Currant wine. 6. Sherry . Ditto . Ditto . Ditto . Average 7. Teneriffe 8. Colares . 9. Lachryma Christi 10. Constantia, white 11. Ditto, red 12. Lisbon . 13. Malaga (1666) 14. Buceflas 15. Red Madeira . Ditto . Average 16. Cape Muschat 17. Cape Madeira Ditto . Ditto . Average 18. Grape wine . 19. Calcavella Ditto . Average 20. Vidonia 21. Alb'a Flora . 22. Malaga . 23. White Hermitage 24. Rousillon Ditto . Average 25. Claret . Ditto . Ditto . Ditto . Average 26. Malmsey Madeira. 27. Lunel . 28. Sheraaz 29. Syracuse 30. Sauterne 31. Burgundy Ditto . Ditto . Ditto . Average 32. Hock . Ditto . Ditto (old in cask) Average 33. Nice 34. Barsac . 85. Tent . 3d. Champagne (still) . Ditto (sparkling) . Ditto (red) . Ditto (ditto) . Average 37. Red Hermitage 38. Vin de Grave Ditto Average "9. Frontignac 26.40 40. Cote Rotic.....i--'J- 2.5.77 41. Gooseberry wine .... ll.?-: 23.20 42. Orange w-i'ne—avrage of six samjiles 25.12 made by a London manufacturer 11.20 26.30 43. Tokay .....9-S8 25.05 44. Elder wine . 9-87 25.09 45. Citler, highe-t average . . • 9-87 24.42 Ditto, lowest ditto . . 5.21 23.93 46. 1 Vn -.-, average of four samples . 7.26 21.40 47. Moail . ".....7.3' 19.24 48. Ale, (Burton) . S.8S 22.27 Ditto (Edinburgh) . . . 6.20 20.55 Ditto (DorcheMt-r) . . 5.5*' 19. SI Average . . 6.S7 19.S3 49. Brown Stout .... 6.80 18.79 50. London Porter (average) . . 4.20 1S.23 51. Ditto small beer (ditto) . . 1.28 19.17 52. Brandy.....53.39 19.79 53. Rum......53.68 19.75 54. Gin......51.60 19.70 55. Scotch Whiskey .... 54.32 19.75 58. Irish ditto . . . ... 53.90'' 18.92 The wines principally used in medicine are, 18.94 the vinum album hispanicum, or sherry, vi';w»i 18.94 canarium, canary, or sack wine, the vinum rhe- 18.49 nanum, or Rhenish wine, and the vinv.m rubrum, 22.30 or Port wine. These differ from each other in 18.40 the proportion of their constituent principles, and 20.35 particularly in that of alkohol, which they con- 18.25 tain. The qualities of wine depend not only upon 22.94 the difference of the grapes, as containing more 20.50 or less of saccharine juice and the acid matter 18.11 which accompanies it, but also upon circum- 20.51 stances attending the process of fermentation. 18.11 New wines are liable to a strong degree of asces- 19.20 cency when taken into the stomach, and thereby 18.10 occasion much flatulency and eructations of acid IS.65 matter; heart-burn and violent pains in the sto- 19.25 mach from spasms arc also often produced ; ant) 17.26 the acid matter, by passing into the intestines and 17.26 mixing with the bile, is apt to occasion colics oi 17.43 excite diarrhoeas. Sweet wines are likewise more 19.00 disposed to become ascescent in the stomach than 17.26 others; but a the quantity of alkohol which they 18.13 contain is more considerable than appears sensibly 17.11 to the taste, their ascescency is thereby in a great 16.32 measure counteracted. Red port, and most of 14.08 the red wines, have an adstringent quality, by 12.91 which they strengthen the stomach, and prove 15.10 useful in restraining immoderate evacuations ; on 16.40 the contrary, those which are of an acid nature, 15.52 as Rhenish, pass freely by the kidneys, and gently 15.52 loosen the belly. But this, and jierhajis'all thi; 15.28 thin or weak wines, though of an agreeable fla- 14.22 vour, yet as containing little alkohol, are readilv 16.60 disposed to become acid in the stomach, and 15.22 thereby to aggravate all arthritic and calculou-- 14.53 complaints, as well as to jiroduce the effects ol 11.95 new wine. The general effects of wine are, to 14.57 stimulate the stomach, exhilarate the spirits, 14.37 warm the habit, quicken the circulation, promote 13.00 perspiration, and in large quantities, to prove? 8.88 intoxicating, and powerfully sedative. In manv 12.08 disorders, wine is universally admitted to be of 14.63 imjiortant service, and especially in fevers nf the 13.86 typhus kind, or of a putrid tendency ; in which it 13.30 is found to raise the pulse, support the strength. 13.80 promote a diaphoresis, and to resist putrefaction ; 12.80 and in many cases, it proves of more immediate 12.56 advantage than the Peruvian bark. Delirium, 11.SO which is the consequence of excessive irritaoihty, 12.61 and a defective state of nervous energy, is often 12.32 entirely r-nioved by the fr.-i use of wine. It is 13.9-t also a well-founded observation, that those who 12.80 induing in 'he use of wine are !*->- subject lo levels 1.1.37 of tht* malignant and intermittent kind. In lh< 12.79 putrid sore throat, in th*-small-pox, viu-n attt ntle' 101-J Wis woo with great debility and symptoms of putridity, in gangrenes, and ia the plague, wine is to be consi- dered as a principal remedy ; aud in almost all cases of languor, and of great prostration of strength, wine is experienced to be a more grate- ful and efficacious cordial than can bo furnished from the whole class of aromatics. WING. See Ala. WINSLOW7, James Benign us, was bom in 1669, in the Isle of Funen, and having studied a year under Borrichius, was sent, with a jiension from the king of Denmark, to seek improvement in the principal universities of Europe. In 1698, he became a pupil of the celebrated Duverncy, at Paris, where he was induced to abjure the Pro- testant religion ; and the patronage of Bossuet, who converted him, jirocured for him the degree of doctor in 1705. He afterwards read lectures of anatomy and surgery at the Royal gardens ; and in 1743, was promoted to the professorship in that institution. In the mean time, be communicated several papers on anatomical and physiological subjects to the Academy of Sciences, by whom, as well as by the Royal Society of Berlin, he was admitted an associate. His great work, mention- ed by Haller, as superseding all former composi- tions of anatomy, and entitled *' Exjxisition Ana- fomiquc de la Structure du Corps Humuin," first appeared at Paris in 1732, 4to. It was frequently reprinted, and translated into various languages ; and is still regarded as of standard authority. It was intended as a jilan of a larger work, which, however, he did not finish.. He reached the ad- vanced age of ninety-one. Winter bark. See Winteranus cortex. Winter cherry. See Physalis ulkekciiffi. WINTE'RA. (Named alter Cajitaiu Winter, who brought the hark from tbe straits of Magel- lan in 1579, and introduced it to the knowledge of physicians as useful in scurvy, &c.) Wintejra aromatica. The systematic name of the winter bark tree. The bark is called Cor- tex winteranus ; Cortex magellanicus; Cortex canella alba; aud the tree, IVinteranus spu- rius ; Canella cubana ; JVintcrania canella, and IVinteria aromatica—pedunculis aggrega- tes terminalibus, pittalis quatuor, of Linnaeus. It is a native of the West Indies. The bark is brought into Europe in long quills,'sonifcwhat thicker than cinnamon. Their taste is moderate- ly warm, aromatic, and bitterish, and of an agree- able smell, somewhat resembUng that of cloves. Canella alba has been supjiosed to jiossess consi- derable medicinal powers in the cure of scurvy and some other cornjilaints. It is now merely considered as a useful and cheaji aromatic, and is chiefly emjiloyed for'the jiurjiose oi correcting and rendering less disagreeable the more power- ful and nauseous drugs: with vvhich view it is used iu the tinctura amara. vinum amarum, vi- num rhai, &c. of the Edinburgh Pharmacopoeia. Wintera'nus t-oiiTKX. Sec IVinttra aro- matica. Winteranus sr-URius. Sec Canella alba. WISEMAN, Richard, was first known as a burgeon in the civil wars of Charies L, and accom- panied Prince Charles, when a fugitive, in France, Holland, and Flanders. He served for three years in the Sjianish navy, and, returning with the jirince to Scotland, was made prisoner in the bat- tle of Worcester. After his liberation in 1652, he settled in London. When Charles 11. was re- stored, he became eminent iu his profession, and was made one of the sergeant-surgeons to the king. In 1676, he appears, from the preface to his works, to have been a sufferer by ill health for rwi*»ty years: but ff> time of.l^is death is unr 1%) known. The result of his experience was j^ivt"i. in " Several Surgical Treatises on Tumours, Ul- cers, Diseases of the Anus, Scrofula, Wounds, Gunshot Wounds, Fractures and Luxations, and Syphilis." He pcems to have given a faithful ac- count of more than six hundred cases, recording his failures as well as his cures. He advocated the efficacy of the royal touch in scrofula, though the fallacy is evident even from his own narration. His writings have long been regarded as standard authority. WITHERING, William, was born in 1741, and finished his medical education at Edinburgh, where he took his degree at twenty-five. From Stafford, where he first settled and married, he removed to Birmingham, and speedily obtained u very extensive practice by his skill and assiduity, without neglecting his scientific pursuits, which were chiefly in botany and chemistry. He was author of several valuable publications : " A Bo- tanical Arrangement of British Plants," which appeared at first in 1776, in two volumes, 8ro., but progressively increased to four; a translation of Bergman's " Sciagraphia Regni Mineralis;" and some chemical and mineralogical papers con- tributed to the Royal Society, of which he was a fellow. " Account of the Scarlet Fever, &c.;" "Account of the Fox-glove," with Practical Remarks on the Dropsy and other Diseases, pub- lished in 1785. His lungs being weak, he found it necessary, in the winter of 1793, to go to Lis- bon, and afterwards to relax from his professional exertions. His death occurred in 1799. WITHERITE. See Heavy tpar. WOAD. See Itatis tinctoria. WOLFRAM. An ore of tungsten. WOLF'S-BANE. See Aconitum napellus. WOMB. See Uterus. Womb, inflammation of. See Hy iter it is. Wood-louse. Sec Omscut atellut. Wood-torrel. See Oxalit acetotella. Wood-stone. See Hornttone. WOODVILLE, William, was born at Cock- erraouth in 1752. After serving a short appren- ticeship to an apothecary, he graduated at Edin- burgh in 1775. Then passing some time on the Continent, he settled near his native place, and practised there for five or six years. He next came to London, and was soon appointed a physi- cian to the Middlesex Dispensary. In 1790, he jiublished the first part, whicb was afterwards completed in four quarto volumes, of a highly valuable work, entitled " Medical Botany." The foUowing year he was elected physician to the SmaU-pox Hospital; and in executing the duties of that office, he displayed the highest zeal. He gave a manifest proof of his attention to the sub- ject, by pubUshing in 1796 the first part of a " History of the SmaU-pox in Great Britain, &c. ;" but the discovery of vaccination super- seded the necessity of completing that work. Dr. Woodville was duly imjiressed with the ira- |iortauce of what had been announced by Dr. Jenner ; but feeling a proper degree of scepti- cism at first, he was anxious to investigate the |iractice fully, before he gave it his sanction. Unfortunately he was led into an error at the out- set, by not keeping in recollection, that the at- mosphere of the hospital was loaded with vario- lous contagion, whence some unpleasant results appeared ; but this being suggested to him, he was induced, on more mature consideration, stre- nuously to advocate the jiractice of vaccination ; and by the exceUent ojiportunities he enjoyed, he contributed very materially to its rapid success He died in 1805. WOODWARD. Joh.v, was born in Derbv- WOK WOR Mitre in 1664, and put apprentice to some trade in London ; but evincing an ardour for science, Dr. Barwick took him into his family, and for four years instructed him in medicine and anatomy ; after which he procured him the medical |irofes- sorsnip at Grcstiam CoUege. He published about this time an essay towariL a Natural History of the Earth, which, though executed without suffi- cient preparation, jin cured his election into the Royal Society. In 1695, he was created M.D. by Archbishop Teni-on, and the year after obtain- ed the same degree from Cambridge ; whence he was admitted into ihe College of Physicians as a fellow in 1702. He however pursued his inqui- ries into natural history and antiquities for some time wit.i great zeal, in 1718, he published a work entitled " The state of Physic and of Dis- eases," containing some fanciful theories, which were ably confuted by Dr. Friend, both ludicrous- ly and seriously. He died at Gre.tham College in 1727, bequeathing his personal jiroperty to the University of Cambridge, for the endowment of an annual lectureship, on some subject taken from liis own writings. Soon after his death, a cata- logue of his fossils was published, and in 1737, his " Select Cases and Consultations in Piiysic," containing some valuable observations. He sup- posed the vital principle to reside not in the nerves, but in the blood, and other parts of the body ; and he made many experiments to establish the vis insita of muscles. Woody nightshade. See Solanum dulca- mara. WORL. See Vcrlidllut. WORM. Vermit. There are several kinds of animals which infest the human body. Their usual division is into those which inhabit only the intestinal canal, us the ascarides, &c.; and tbose which are found in other parts, as hydatids, &c. Such is the nature and office of the human sto- mach and intestines, that insects and worms, or thcirovula, may not unfrequentiy be conveyt-d into that canal with those things that are continually taken as food; but such insects, or worms, do not live long, and seldom, if ever, generate in a situa- tion so different from their natural one. Besides these, there are worms that arc never found in any other situatioirthan the human stomach or in- testines, and which thtre generate and jiroduce their species. Thus it appears that the huma., stomach and intestines are the seat for anirnakula, which are translated from their natural situation, and also for worms proper to them, which live in no other situation. \ Firtt Clatt. This contains those which are generated and nourished in the human intestinal canal, and which then- propagate their spt-cies. Second Clatt comprehends those iiisi-cts or worms that accidently enter the human primae viae ab extra, and which never propagate their sjiecies in that canal, but are soon eliminated from the body. Such are several species of Scarabai, the Lumbricus terrestris, the Fas- ciola, the Gordius intestinal is, and others. The second class belongs to the jirovince of natural history. The consideration of the first class be- longs to the |ihysician, which, from the variety it affords, may be divided into different orders, ge- nera, and sjiecics. Order I. Round worms. Genut I. Intestinal ascarides. Character. Body round, head obtuse, and fur- i.ishcd with three vesicles. Speciet I. Ascaris lumbricoides. The long lound worm, or tumbricoid ascaris. Character. When fuU prown, a foot in lini-th. xI"'ifli friane-ular. IL Ascaris vermicularis. The thread or maw-worm. Character. When full grown, half an inch in length, tail terminates in a fine point. Genus II. Intestinal triehurides. Character. Body round, tail three times the length of the body, head without vesicles. Species. Triclmris vulgaris. The trichuris, or long thread-worm. Character. The head furnished with a pro- boscis. Order II. The flat worms. Genus I. Intctina! tape-worm. Character. Body flat and jointed." Species I. Tania osculit marginalibus. The long tape-worm. . Character. The oscula are situated upon the margin of the joints. II. Tania osculit superfirialibus. The broad ta|ie-worm. Character. The oscula are placed upon the flattened surface. These worms were all known to the ancients, the trichuris only excepted, and are mentioned in the works of H ppocrates, Galen, Celsus, Paulus, .rEriiiPta, and Pliny. When worms are generated in the intestines, they often |>roduce the following symptoms, viz. variable ajipetite, foetid breath, acrid eructations and pains in the stomach, grinding of the teeth during sfreji, picking of the nose, paleness of the countenance ; sometimes dizziness, hardness and fulness ot the belly ; slimy stools, with occasional riping pains, more particularly about the navel, eat and itching about the anus; short dry cough, emaciation of the body; slow fever, with evening exacerbations and irregular jiulse, and sometimes convulsive fits. Worm-bark. See Geoffraa jamaicenris. Worm-grats, perennial See Spigelia. Worm, guinea. See Dracunculus. Worm, ring See Herpet. WORMSEED. See Artemisia santonica. WORMWOOD. Spe Artemisia absinthium. Wormwood, common. See Artemisia absin- thium. Wormwood, mountain. See Artemisia gla- cialis. 'V ■••mwood, Roman. See Artemisia absin- thium tVo u.oood, sea. See Artemida maritima. W\rmwoud, Tartarian. See Artemisia san- tonica. WOiiT. An infusion of malt. This has been found useful in the cure of the scurvy. Dr. Mac- bride, in his very ingenious experimental essays, having laid down as a principle, " that the cure of the scurty depends on th.- fermentative quality in the remedies made u*e of," was led to inquire after a substance Ciijiable of being preserved during a long sea voyage, ani yet coulainiug materials by which a fermentation might occasionaUy be excited in the bowels. Such a one appeared to him to be found in malt, which is well known to be the grain of barley, brought suddenly to a germinating state by heat and moisture, and then dried, whereby its saccharine principle is de- veloped, and rendered easy of extraction by wa- tery liquors. The sweet infution of this he pro- posed to give as a dietetic article to scorbutic per- sons, expecting that it would ferment in their bowels, and give out its fixed air, by the anti- septic powers of which the strong tendency to putrefaction in this disease might be corrected. It was sometime before a fair trial of this pro- posed remedy could be obtained; and different YPS V'l'I reports were made concerning it. By some cases, however, published in a postscript of the second edition of the doctor's work in 1767, it appears that scorbutic complaints of the most dangerous kind have actually been cured at sea by the use of wort. Its general effects were to keep the patient's bowels open, and to prove highly nutritious and strengthening. It some- times purged too much, but this effect was easily obviated by the tinctura thebaica. Other un- questionable cases of its success in this disease are to be seen in the London Medical Essays and Enquiries. The use of wort has hence been adopted in other cases where a strong apd putrid disposition in the fluids appeared to prevail, as in cancerous and phagedenic ulcers ; and instances are pub- lished in the fourth volume of the work above- -/V-ALA'ppa. (From the province of Xalappa, in New Spain, whence it comes.) Jalap. XA'NTHIUM. (From iavBos, yellow: so named because it is said to make the hair yellow.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Monacia ; Order, Pentandria. The lesser burdock. Xanthium strumarium. The systematic name of the lesser burdock. This herb of Lin- naeus, was once esteemed in the cure of scrophula, but, like most other remedies against this dis- ease, proves ineffectual. The seeds are admi- nistered internally in some countries against ery- sipelas. XERA'SIA. (From frpos, dry.) An ex- cessive tenuity, or softness of the hairs, similar to down. X AM. See Dioscorea. YANOLITE. See Axinite. YARROW. See Achillea millefolium. YAWS. 1. The African name for rasjiberry. 2. The name of a disease which resembles the raspberry. See Frambasia. Tayama. The Brazitian name of the pine ap- ple. YELLOW EARTH. An ochre yeUow-co- lonred mineral, found in Upper Lusatia. Yellow fever. See Febris continua. Yellow saunders. See Santalum album. YENITE. See Lievrite. YEST. See Fermentum. Yoked leaf. See Conjugatus. YOLK. See Vitellus. Yorkshire sanicle. See Pinguicula. Ypsiloglo'ssus. (From v\piXoti&t$, the vpsi- 1022 mentioned of its remarkable good effects in these. cases. As the efficacy of the malt infusion depends upon its producing changes in the whole mass of fluids, it is obvious that it must be taken in large quantities for a considerable length of time, and rather us an article of diet than medicine. From one to four pints daily have generally been directed. The proportion recommended in pre- - paring it, is one measure of ground malt to three equal measures of boiling water. The mixture must be well stirred, and left to stand, covered three or four hours. It should be made fresh every day. WOUNDWORT. See Laserpitium chiro- nium. WRAPPER. See Valva. WRIST. See Carpi'.?. Xerocollt rium. (From &pos, dry, and KoXXvptov, a collyrium.) A dry collyrium. Xeromt'rum. (From ^pos, dry, and pvpov, an ointment.) A dry ointment. XEROPHTHALMIA. (Zvpos, dry, and otpBaXptn, an inflammation of the eye.) A dry inflammation of the eye without discharge. Xi'phium. (From ^itbos, a sword -io named from the swor J-like shape of its leaves.) Spurge- wort. XIPHOID. (Xiphoides ; from t-upos, a sword, andet&os, likeness.) A term given by anatomists to jiarts which had some resemblance to an ancient sword, as the xiphoid cartilage. Xiphoid cartilage. See Cartilago ensiformis. Xtloa'loes. See Lignum aloes. Xtloba'lsamum. See Amyris gileadensit. loid bone, and yXuoaa, the tongue.) A muscle originating in the os hyoides, and terminating in the tongue. Ypsiloi'des. (From v, the Greek letter, call- ed ypsilon, and tt&os, a likeness.) The os hyoides: so named from its likeness to the Greek letter ypsilon. YTTRIA. This is a new earth discovered in 1794 by Professor Gadolin, in a stone from Ytter- by, in Sweden. It may be obtained most readily by fusing the gadolinite with two parts of caustic potassa, wash- ing the mass with boiling water, and filtering the liquor, which is of a. fine green. This liquor is to be evaporated, till no more oxide of manganese falls down from it in a black jiowder ; after which the liquid is to be saturate.! with nitric acid. At the same time digest the sediment, that was no* dissolved, in verv dilute nitric acid, which will X Y. - ZED ZER dissolve I he earth with much heat, leaving tin; ilex, and the highly oxided iron, undissolved. "Mix the two liquors, evaporate them to dryness, redissolvc and filter, which will separate any silex or oxide of iron that may have been left. A few drops of a solution of carbonate of potassa will separate any lime that may be present, and a cau- tious addition of hydrosulphuret of potassa will throw down the oxide of manganese that may have, been left; but if too much be employed, it will throw down the yttria likewise. Lastly, the yttria ii to be precipitated by pure ammonia, well wash«*d and dried. Yttria is perfectly white, when not contami- nated with oxide of manganese, from which it is not easily freed. Its specific gravity is 4.842 It has neither taste nor smell. It is infusible alone ; but with borax melts into a transparent glass, or ojiaquc white, if the borax were in excess. It is insoluble iu water, and in caustic fixed alkalies; but it dissolves in carbonate of ammonia, though it requires five or six times as much as glucine. It is soluble in rao.t ofthe acids. The oxalic acid, or oxalate of ammonia, forms precipitates in its solutions perfectly resembling the muriate of sil- ver. Prussiate ot potassa, crj'stallised and redis- solved in water, throws it down in white grains ; phosphate of soda, in white gelatinous flakes; infusion of galls, in brown flocks. Some chemists are inclined to consider yttria rather as a metallic than as an earthy substance,: their reason* are, its snectiic gravity, its forming Z y ^-iA'cciiARUM. Sec Saccharum. ZACCHIA, Paolo, an eminent physician, was born at Rome in 1585, and became distin- guished by his learning and accomplishments, as weU as by his professional skill. He was physi- cian to Pope Innocent X., and celebrated among his contemjioraries by various jiublications, of which the principal is entitled " Quaestiones Me- dico-legales," and has been often reprinted. He was also the author, in Italian, of two esteemed works, on the Lent diet, and on hypochondriacal affections. He died in 1659. Za'ffran. (Arabian ) Saffron. ZAFFRE. Saffre. The residuum of cobalt after the sulphur, arsenic, and other volatile mat- ters of this mineral have been expelled by calci- nation. Zai'bac (Arabian.) Quicksilver. Za'rza. An ancient and provincial name of the sarsaparilla. ZE'A. (Zea, a. f. ; a name borrowed from the ancient Greeks, whose £tia appears to have been some kind of Triticum or Hordeum, agree- ing with this genus only as being a grain culti- vated for the use of man.) The maize. Zea mats. The systematic name of the In- dian wheat plant, the common maize, or Indian corn, a native of America, and cultivated ia Italy and Several jiarts of Europe, for it» grain, which is ground for the same jiurposes as our wheat, to which it is very Uttle inferior. ZEDO.VRIA. 1. The name of a genus of plants in the Linnxan system. Class, Monan- dria; Order, Monogynia. Zedoarv. coloured salts, and its property of oxygenizing muriatic acid after it has undergone a long calci- nation. When yttria is treated with potassium in the same manner as' the other earths, similar results arc obtained ; the jiotassiura becomes potassa, and the earth gains appearances of metallisation ; so that it is scarcely to be doubted, says Sir H. Davy, that yttria consists of inflammable matter, metallic in its nature, combined with oxygen. The salts of yttria have the following general cha- racters :— 1. Many of them are insoluble in water. 2. Precipitates are occasioned in those which dissolve, by phosphate of soda, carbonate of soda, oxalate of ammonia, tartrate of potassa, and fer- roprussiate of potassa. 3. If we excejit the sweet-tasted soluble sul- phate of yttria, the other salts of this earth resemble those with the base of lime in their solubitity. YTTKO-CER1TE. A mineral of a reddish, grayish-white, and violet-blue colour, consisting of oxide of cerium, yttria, lime, and fluoric acid, found hitherto only at Finbo, in Sweden. YTTRO-TANTALITE. An ore of tantalnna, from which the columbic acid is procured. YUCCA (Yucca, Yuca, or lucca, ofthe original inhabitants of America.) The name of a genus of plants in the Linnaean system. Class, Hexandria, Order, Monogynia. Yucca gloriosa. See Adam's needle. 2. The pharmacopoeial name of a Kampfera. See Kampferia rotunda. Zedoaria loxga. The long roots of the Kampferia rotundi, of Linnaeus. Zedoaria rotcm-a. The round root of the zedoary plant. See Kampferia rotunda. ZEDO'ARY. See Zedoaria. ZEINE. A yellow substance, having the ap- pearance of wax, obtained from maize or Indian corn. ZEOLITE. The name of a very extensive mineral genus, containing the following species. 1. Dodecahedral zeolite, or .cucit-. 2. Hexahedral zeolite, or analcime. 3. Rhomboidal zeolite, chabasite, or chabasie. 4. Pyramidal zeolite, or cross stone. 5. Diprismatic zeolite, or laumonite. 6. Prismatic zeolite, or raesotype, divided into three subspecies ; natrolite ; mealy zeotite, of a white colour, of various shades; and fibrous zeolite, of which there are two kinds. a. The acicular, or needle zebtife\ the meso- type of lluuy. This is of a grayish, yellowish, or reddish-white colour. It is found in Scotland. 6. Common fibrous zeolite, of a white colour. 7. Prisrnatoidal zec'.t". or stilbite, ctfmpre- hrnding a. Foliated z.'o'iic, stilbite of Haiiy, of a wliite and red colour, bt .'.utiful specimens of which are found in Stirlinsjphire. b. Radiated zeolite, of a yellowish-white, and grayish-white colour. 8. Axifrangible zeolite, or apopbylUte. Zt-.'r.NA. An ulcerated impetigo. 1023 ZIN Z1?N ZERO. The commencement of a scale maili- ed 0: thus we may say the zero of Fahrenheit, which is 32° below the melting point of ice » the zero of the centigrade scale, which coincides with the freezing of water. The absolute zero is the imaginary point in the scale of temperature, when the whole heat is exhausted : the term of absolute cold or privation of caloric. ZI'BETHUM. (From Zobeth, Arabian.) Civetta. Civet. A soft, unctuous, odoriferous substance, about the consistence ol honey or but- ter, of a whitish, yellowish, or brownish colour, sometimes blackish, contained in some excretory follicles near the anus of the Viverra zibetha, of Linnaeus. It has a grateful smell when diluted, and an unctuous subacrid taste, and j>ossesses sti- mulating, nervine, and antispasmodic virtues. ZIMMERMAN, John George, was born in 1728, at Brug, in the canton »f Bern, aud studied medicine under Haller at Gottingen, where he took his degree at 23. Having married a relation of Hallrr, at Bern, he settled as a jihysician in his native town ; the retirement of which gave him an opportunity of composing many pieces in jirosc and verse, and particularly a sketch of his popu- lar work "On Solitude." His treatise "On the Experience of Medicine," ap|-eared ;n 1763, and three years alter that on dysentery. In 1768, he accepted the post of physician to the king of England for Hanover, whither he removed. Here the accumulation of business tended in some measure to allay the irritability of his temper ; and being obliged, about three yeiirs after, to put himself under the care of a surgeon at Berlin lor some local complaint, the notice that was taken of him, even by the king, contributed much to improve his health and spirits, and of course his happiness. Having lost hi» first wife, he formed a second matrimonial connection in 1782 ; which helped much to alleviate the afflictions to which he was afterwards e.\j;osed. In 1786, he was sent for to attend the great Frederick in his last ill- ness : and he |iublished an account of tiie conver- sations which he had with that celebrated jirince. He was led, too, to delend the character of Fre- derick against the censures oi Count d«* Mirabeau, which subjected him to severe criticisms. His political and religious principles induced him also to attack those societies which paved the way to the French revolution ; and he advised «hc Emperor Leopold to suppress them by force ; and having laid an unavr-wed publication to the charge of a particular person, he .subjected himself to a prosecution for a libel. His mind had arrived to such a state of irritation, that the a|>proach of the French towards Hanover almost subverted hi- reason ; he abstained from food, and died abso- lutely worn out in 1795. ZIMOME. See Gluten, vegetable. ZINC. (Zincum, a German word.) Ametal found in nature combined with oxygen, carbonic acid, and sulphuric acid ; and mineralised by sul- phur. Native oxide of zinc is commonly called calamine. It occurs in a loose, and in a compact form, amorphous, of a white, gray, yellow, or brown colour, without lustre or transparency. Combined with carbonic acid, it is called vitreous cine ore, or native carbonate of zinc. It is found in solid masses, soiT.ctinies in six-sided compressed prisms, both endi being covered with pentagons. I*« colour is generally grayish in- clining to black. It is often transparent. Sul- phate of zinc is found efflorescent in the form of stalactites, or in rhombs. Sulphuret ofz-nc, or blende, is the most abundant ore. It is found of various colours .; brown, yellow, hyacinth, black, fcc.; and with various degrees of lustre andtrans- T024 parency. The zinc ore is contaminated with iron, lead, argillaceous and siliceous earths, &c. It occurs both in amorjihous masses and crystal- lised in a diversity of polygonal figures. It is of a bluish-white colour, somewhat brighter than lead ; of considerable hardness, and so mal- leable as not to be broken with the hammer, though it cannot be much extended in this way. It is very easily extended by the rollers of the flatting mill. Its sp. gr. is from 6.9 to 7.2. #Ina temperature between 210° and 39 ° of F., if has so much ductility that it can be drawn into wire, as well as laminated. VVhen broken by bending, its texture appears as if composed of cubical grains On account of imperfect malleability, it is difficult to reduce it into small parts by filing or hammering; but it may be granulated, like the malleable metals, by pouriug it when fused, into cold water ; or, if it be heated nearly to melting, it is then sufficiently brittle to be pulverised. It melts lung bef ire ignition, at about the 700lh degree, of Fahrenheit's thermometer ; and soon alter it becomes red-hot, it burns with a dazzling white flame, of a bluish or yellowish tinge, and is oxidised with such rajudity, that it flies up in tho form of white flowers, called the^flotocrs pf zinc, or philosophical wool. These are generated so plentifully, that the access of air is soon intercept- ed ; and the combustion ceases, unless the matter be stirred, anil a considerable heat kept up. The white oxide of zinc is not volatile, but is driven up merely by the force of the combustion. When it is again urged by a strong heat, it becomes con- verted into a clear yellow glass If zinc be heated in closed vessels, it rises without decomposition. When zinc is burned in chlorine, a solid sub- stance is formed of a whitish-gray colour, and semitransparent. This is the only chloride of zinc, as there is only one oxide of the metal. It may likewise be made by heating together zinc filings and corrosive sublimate. It is as soft as wax, fuses at a temperature a little above 212°, and rises in the gaseous form at a heat much be- low ignition. Its taste is intensely acrid, and it corrodes the skin. It acts upon water, and dis- solves in it, producing much heat; and its solu- tion decomposed, by an alkali, affords the white hydratt d oxide of zinc. This chloride has been call' d butter of rinc, and muriate of zinc. Blende is the native sulphuret of zinc. The two bodies are difficult to combine artificially. The salts of zinc possess the following general characters :— 1. They generally yield colourless solutions with water. 2. Ferroprussiatc of potassa, hydrosulphuret of potassa, hydriodate of potassa, sulphuretted hy- drogen, and alkalies, occasion white precipitates. 3. Infusion of galls produces no jvrecipitate. The diluted sulphuric acid dissolves zinc: at the same time that the temjierature ofthe solvent is increased, and much hydrogen escajies, an un- dissolved residue is left, which has been supposed to consist of plumbago. Proust, however, says, that it is a mixture of arsenic, lead, and copper. As the combination ofthe sulphuric acid and the oxide proceeds, the temperature diminishes, and the sulphate of zinc, whicli is more soluble in hot than cold water, begins to separate, and disturb the transparency of the fluid. If more water be adi'ed, the salt may be obtained in fine jirismatic four sided crystals. The white vitrol, or cop- peras, usually sold, is crystallised hastily, in the same manner as loaf-sugar, which on this account it resembles in appearance ; it is slightly efflo- rescent. The white* oxide of z;nc is soluble -ia ZVi ZLS ■«i sulphuric acid, and forms the tame salt as is afforded by zinc itself. The hydrogen gas that is extricated from water by the action of sulphuric acid, carries up with it a portion of zinc, which is apparently dissolved in it; but this is deposited spontaneously, at least in part, if not wholly, by standing. It burns with a brighter flame than common hydrogen. Sulphate of zinc is prepared in the large way from some varieties of the native sulphuret. The ore is roasted, wetted with water, and exposed to fie air. The sulphur attracts oxygen, and is con- verted into sulphuric acid ; and the metal, being at the same time oxidised, combines with the acid. Alter some time the sulphate is extracted by solution in water; and the solution being evaporated to dryness, the mass is run into moulds. Thus the white vitriol of the shops ge- neraUy contains a small jiortion of iron, and some- times of lead. Sulphurous acid dissolves zinc, and sulphuret- ted hydrogen is evolved. The solution, by expo- sure to the air, deposites needly crystals, whicb, according to Fourcroy and VauqueUn, are sul- phuretted sulphite oi zinc. By dissolving oxide of zinc in sulphurous acid, the pure sulphite is obtained. This is soluble, and crystallisable. Diluted nitric acid combines rapidly with zinc, and produces much heat, at the same time that a large quantity of nitrous air flics off. The solu- tion is very caustic, and affords crystals by eva- poration and cooling, which slightly detonate upon hot coals, and leave oxide of zinc behind. 1 bis salt is deliquesc> nt. Muriatic add acts very strongly upon zinc, and disengages much hydrogen; the solution, when evaporated, does not afford crystals, but becomes gelatinous. By a strong beat it is partly decom- posed, a portion of the acid being xcpelled, and part of the muriate sublimes and condenses in a congeries of prisms. Phosphoric acid dissolves zinc. The phosphate does not crystalUse, but becomes gelatinous, and may be fused by a strong beat. The con- crete phosphoric acid heated with zinc filings is decomposed. Fluoric acid likewise dissolves zinc. The boradc acid digested with zinc becomes milky ; and if a solution of borax be added to a solution of muriate or nitrate of zinc, an insoluble borate of zinc is thrown down. A solution of carbonic add in water dissolves a small quantity of zinc, and more readUy its oxide. If the solution be exposed to the air, a thin iridescent pellicle forms on its surface. The acetic acid readily dissolves zinc, and yields by evaporation crystals of acetate of zinc, forming rhomboidal or hexagonal plates. These are not altered by exposure to the air, ore soluble in water, and burn with a blue flame. The succinic add dissolves zinc with efferves- cence, and the solution yields long, slender, foli- ated crystals. Zinc is reauily dissolved in benzoic acid, and the solution yields needle-shaped crystals, which are soluble both in water and in alkohol. Heat decomposes them by volatilising their acid. The oxalic add attacks zinc with a violent ef- fervescence, and a white powder soon subsides, which is oxalate of zinc. If oxalic acid be dropped into a solution of sulphate, nitrate, or muriate of zinc, the same salt is precipitated; it being scarcely soluble in water unless an excess of acid be present. It eontains seventy-five per '•-ent. of metal. The tartaric add likewise dissolves zinc with 129 effervescence, and forms a salt difficult of solution in water. The citric acid attacks zinc with effervescence, and small brilliant crystals of citrate of zinc are gradually deposited, which are insoluble in water. Their taste is styptic and metallic, and they arc composed of equal parts of the acid and of oxide of zinc. The malic acid dissolves zinc, and affords beau- tiful crystals by evaporation. Lactic acid acts upon zinc with effervescence, and produces a crystallisable salt. The metallic acids likewise combine with zinc. If arsenic acid be poured on it, an effervescence takes place, arsenical hydrogen gas is emitted, and a black powder falls down, which is arsenic in tbe metallic state, the zinc having deprived a portion of the arsenic, as well as the water, of its oxygen. If one part of zinc filings, and two parts of dry arsenic acid be distilled in a retort,. a violent detonation takes place when the retort becomes red, occasioned by the sudden absorption of the oxygen of the acid by the zinc. The ar- seniate of zinc may be precipitated by pouring arsenic acid into the solution of acetate of zinc, or by mixinjM^ solution of an alkaline arseniate with that olWphate of zinc. It is a white pow- der, insoluble in water. By a similar process zinc may be combined with the molybdic acid, and with the oxide of tungsten, the tungstic acid of some, with both of which it forms a white insoluble compound ; and with the chromic acid, the result of which com- jiound is equally insoluble, but of an orange-red colour. Zinc likewise forms some triple salts. Thus, if the white oxide of zinc be boiled in a solution of muriate of ammonia, a considerable portion is dissolved ; and though part of the oxide is again deposited as the solution cools, some of it re- mains combined with the acid and alkali in the solution, and is not precipitable either by pure al- kalies cr their carbonates. This triple salt does not crystallise. If the acidulous tartrate of potassa be boiled in water with zinc filings, a triple compound wUl be formed, which is very soluble in water, but not easily crystaUised. This, like the preceding, eannot be precipitated from its solution either by pure or earbonated alkalies. A triple sulphate of zinc and iron may be form- ed by mixing together the sulphates of iron and of zinc dissolved in water, or by dissolving iron and zinc in dilute sulphuric acid. This salt crystal- Uses in rhomboids, which nearly resemble the sulphate of zinc in figure, but are of a pale green colour. In taste, and in degree of solubility, it differs little from the sulphate of zinc. In contains a much larger proportion of zinc than of iron. A triple sulphate of zinc and cobalt, as first no- ticed by Link, may be obtained by digesting zaf- fre in a solution of sulphate of zinc. On evapo- ration, large quadrilateral prisms are obtained, which effloresce on exposure to the air. Zinc is precipitated from acids by the soluble earths and the alkalies : the latter redissolve the precipitate, if they be added in excess. Zinc decomposes, or alters, the neutral sulphates .in the dry way. When fused with sulphate of potassa, it converts that salt into a sulphuret: the zinc at the same time being oxidized, and partly dissolved in the sulphuret. When pulverised zinc is added to fused nitre, or projected together with that salt into a red-hot crucible, a very violent detonation takes place ; insomuch that it is neces- sary for the operator to be careful in using only ZJN suiaU quantities, lest the burning matter should be thrown about. The zinc is oxidised, and part ofthe oxide combines with the alkali, with which it forms a compound soluble in water. Zinc decomposes common salt, and also sal am- moniac, by combining with the muriatic acid. The filings of zinc likewise decompose alum, when boiled in a solution of that salt, probably by com- bining with its excess of acid. Zinc may be combined with phosphorus, by projecting small pieces of phos|ihorus on the zinc melted in a crucible, the zinc being covered with a little resin, to prevent its oxidation. Phosphu- ret of zinc is white, with a shade of bluish-gray, has a metallic lustre, and is a Uttle malleable. When zinc and phosphorus are exposed to heat in a retort, a red sublimate rises, and likewise a bluish sublimate, in needly crystals, with a metal- lic lustre.. If zinc and phosphoric acid be heated together, with or without a little charcoal, needly crystals are sublimed, of a silvery-white colour. AU these, according to Pelletier, are phosphu- retted oxides of zinc. Most of the metallic combinations of zinc have been already treated of. It forms a brittle com- pound with antimony ; and its effq^ on manga- nese, tungsten, and molybdena, have not yet been ascertained. Zinc, vitriolated. See Zinci sulphas. Zi'nci acetas. See Acetas zinci. Zinci oxidum. Zincum calcinatum. Oxide of zinc. Flowers of zinc. Nihil album; Lxna philosophorum. " Throw gradually little pieces of zinc into a large deep crucible placed oblique- ly and made of a white heat, another crucible be- ing placed over it, so that the zinc may be ex- posed to the air, and that it may be frequently stirred with an iron spatula ; take out directly the oxide, which is formed from time to time ; then pass the white and lighter part of it through a sieve. Lastly, pour water upon this, that a very fine powder may be formed in the same manner, as chalk is directed to be prepared." The pro- perties of this oxide are analogous to those of the sulphate, (except that it is hardly active enough to excite vomiting,) if given in larger doses: but it is more precarious in its effects ; and chiefly used at present as an external astringent. Zinci sulphas. Zincum vitriolatum. Vitri- olum album. Sulphate of zinc. White vitriol. This occurs native, but not sufficiently pure for medical use. It is thus prepared in the pharma- copoeia. " Take of zinc, broken to little pieces, three ounces; sulphuric acid, by weight, five ounces; water, four pints. Mix them in a glass vessel, and when the effervescence is over, filter the solution through paper ; then boil it'do wn, till a pellicle appears, and set it by to crystallise." This preparation is given internally in the dose of from 3j to 3M» as a vomit. In sinill doses it cures dropsies, intermitting headaches, and sooie nervous diseases ; and is a powerful antispasinodic and tonic. A solution of white vitriol is also used to remove gleets, gonorrhoeas, and for cleaning foul ulcers, having an astringent or stimulant ef- fect, according to its strength. ZI'NCUM. See Zinc. Zincum calcinatum. See Zinci oxidum. Zincum vitriolatum. See Zinci sulphas. Zincum vitriolatum purificatum. See Zind sulphas. Zingi. An ancient name of the steUated ani- seed. See Illicium anisatum. ZI'NGIBER. (Zingiberis, is.f. Zingiber, cris. n. Zingiberi; indec. ZiyfiSepn, of Dios- corides, a name which the Greeks seem to have taken from the Arabians, when fbev got the plant.) 10?R zus. The name of a genus of plants, according to Roa- coe. Class, Monandria; Order, Monogynia. Zingiber album. Ginger root when de- prived of its radicles and sordes. Zingiber commune. See Zingiber offici- nale. Zingiber nigrum. The root of the zingiber officinale is so called when suffered to dry with its radicles and the sordes which usually hang to it. Zingiber officinale. The systematic name of the ginger plant. Zingiber album : Zingi- ber nigrum; Zingiber commune; Zinziber; Amomum zingiber, of Linmeus. The white and black gingei1 are both the produce of the same plant, the difference depending upon the i ov, an animal, and tpvrov, a plant.) A kind of inter- mediate body, supposed to partake both ofthe na- ture if an animal aud a vegetable. In the Lin- naean system, zoophytes constitute an order of the Class Vermes. ZOOTOMY. (Zootomia; from faov, an ani- mal, and npvu, to cut.) The dissection of ani- mals. ZO'STER. (Fromguvvv/u, to gird.) A kind of erysipelas which goes round the body Uke a girdle Zu'char. (Arabian.) Sugar. ZUMATE. A compound of the zumic acid, with a salifiable basis. ZUMIC ACID. (Addum zumicum, from typn, leaven.) An acid produced from vegetable substances which have undergone the acetous fer- mentation. Its claim to be considered as a dis- tinct compound is doubtful. See Nanceic add. ZUNDERERZ. Tinder ore. An ore of silver. ZYGO'MA. (From l,vyos, a yoke; because it transmits the tendon of the temporal muscle like a yoke.) The cavity under the zygomatic process ofthe temporal bone, and os mala;. ZYGOMATIC. (Zygomaticus; from zygo ma.) lielonging to the zygoma. Zygomatic process. An apophysis of the os jugale, and another of the temporal bone, are so called. Zygomatic suture. Sutura zygomalica. The union of the zygomatic process of the tem- poral bone to the cheek bone. Zygomaticus major. This muscle arises from the cheek bone near the zygomatic suture, taking a direction downwards and inwards to the angle of the mouth. It is a long slender muscle, which ends by mixing its fibres with the orbicu- laris oris, and the depressor ofthe lip. Zygomaticus minor. This muscle arises a little higher up than the zygomaticus major, upon the cheek bone, but nearer the nose ; it is much more slender than that muscle, and is often want- ing. It is the zygomatic muscle that marks the face with that line whicb extends from the cheek bone to the corner ofthe mouth, which is particu- larly distinguishable in some persons. The zygo- matic muscles pull the angles of the mouth uj> as in laughter, and from, in this way, rendering the face distorted, it has obtained the name of dis- tortor oris. The strong action of this muscle is more particularly seen in laughter, rage, or grin- ning. Zytbo'gala. ZvBoyaXa. Beer and milk, which make together what we commonly call posset drink ; a term often to be met with in Sy denham. ZZ. The ancients signify Myrrh by these two letters, from fyvpvt), a name for it common among them. They ha-ve also been used for Zingiber THE ENU. ^v ,$ '#V-'-