SANITARY COMMISSION. INTO. 19. CAMP INSPECTION RETURN. Abbreviations.__Y, " Yes;" N, "No;" n. e., " not exact;" Q? "5b reported, but Inspector doubts if correctly.'' The answers are supposed to express the fact as believed by the Inspector, unless otherwise indicated. Where one subdivision of a question is answered, the others may be disregarded. 1. Name and locality of camp........... 2. State........................................ 3. Military department.................... 4. Date of conclusion of inspection..... 5. Name of inspector....................... 6. Designation of the body inspected ?. 7. Name of its commanding officer ? .... SL AVhere recruited?........................ 9. Predominating nativity ?............... 0. When recruiting began ?............... 1. When mustered into U. S. service?. 2. At what places stationed since, and how long at each?*...................... How strong when mustered in?. Present strength ?................... Station, of less than one week may be disregarded if the list would otherwise bo too long. 15. Who selected present camp site?......... 10. Had the site been occupied shortly be- fore for same purpose?.................. Was the selection mainly influenced by military considerations?.............. 18. 19. 20. 21. Situation of camp : upon a hill-top?........... " " hill-side ?.......... " " hill-foot? ......... in a glen ?.................... on a plain? ................. Is the site slightly elevated?........ " " unshaded?.................. " "■ in the shade of woods ?. Is it sheltered by higher land?*.... " " " wood?*............ Fiom what quarter is the prevailing wind ?....................................... As to»malaria, what is the reputation of the site?................................ unknown ?. good?---- bad?......... very bad ?. 23. Local conditions presumptive of ma- laria : near a swamp ;..... near a river delta?. near a pond?......... ♦ If bo, show on what Bide : by letters, a;, S. W. 24. Soil of camp site: sandy ? loose gravelv loose loam ? firm loam "> agglomerated pebbles, gravel, or sand, (hardpan) impervious clay' 25. Sub-soil: sandy ? loose gravel' loose loam ? firm loam' agglomerated pebbles, gravel, or sand, (hardpan) impervious clay9 26. Is the site favorable for surface drain- age? (as to inclination) 27. Is the camp arranged mainly in ac- cordance with the " army regula- tions ?" more crowded' more open ? 28. How far apart are the tents in the rows? 29. How is the artificial drainage ? systematic and complete' partial, and with no general system? entirely neglected' 30. Are the drains mainly straight' Are the drains very sinuous 31. About how deep are the drains gen- erally?...................................... 32. About how wide at the top are the drains generally?........................ 33. Are the drains kept clean?................ " foul or clogged ?.......... 34. Is there a good outlet for all the drains ? 35. Condition of the camp streets: very clean?........................... moderately clean?................. dirty or neglected?................ 36. Edges of tents and spaces between tents: very clean?........................... moderately clean?.................. neglected and littered?........... 37. In what sort of tents are the privates mostly?...................................... Sibley, or conical, with venti- lator at top ?................. regulation wall-tents regulation "servant's," "com- mon," or "wedge-shape?" if not of regulation pattern, what is the form ? conical ?. wall?.................................. wedge? .............................. what is the size* (in feet)?..... 38. Average number of men to each tent ? *Thus: "6X0X9 (h'gh-") 39. Is the ventilation of the tents looked after by any officer at night ?......... 40. Are the tents struck on certain days for the purpose of a thorough cleans- ing and airing?............................. if so, how often?.................... 41. On what do the men sleep ?............... rubber blankets ?................... wooden tent-floor ?................. straw, hay, or leaves?............ blanket laid on the bare ground ? 42. Do the men generally make any change of clothing at night?.......... 43. Are the men supplied with two shirts each ?......................................... 44. Have they blankets ?........................ 1 each?............................... 2 each?................................ 45. Of what quality are they?................. regular U. S. A. ?.................. not regular, but good ?............ not regular, poor?.................. 46. Have they overcoats ?...................... 47. Is the overcoat of fair quality, and in good condition ?....................... 48. Is the body coat or jacket of fair quality, and in good condi- tion?................................. 49. Is the pantaloons of fair quality, and in good condition?............... 50. Are they required to regularly wash their underclothing?..................... 6 51. Are they required to remove dust from and otherwise cleanse their other clothing?.................................... ... 52. Is a careful and systematic inspection with reference to these matters un- dertaken ?...................................... 53. Do you think it efficient, (judging by the appearance of the men?)............ 54. Do the men'bathe frequently ?............... 55. Are they required to bathe under the eye of an officer?............................ if so, how often each man?........ 56. Does each man (as a rule) wash his head, neck, and feet once a day ?....... 57. Is evidence of neglect of this looked for at inspection?............................ 58. Are the men infested with vermin?........ 59. If so, has any application been made to remove them ?............................. 60. Do you observe scraps of food, bones, or rubbish collected iu the edges of tents?........................................... in the drains?.......................... in the camp streets ?.................. between the tents?.................... 61. Are refuse slops and food disposed of systematically, so as not to be offen- sive ?.....................,...................... 62. Do you observe odors of decay in the camp?.......................................... 63. Do the men void their urine within the camp ?..................................... at night?................................. both day and night?................... 64. How far is the privy from the tents of the body of the camp?..................... / 65. Is there a sufficient pit or trench for the purpose ?.................................. 66. Is it provided with a sitting rail ?.......... 67. Is it provided with a screen?................ 68. Is earth regularly thrown in it daily ?..... 69. Are disinfectants used in it ?................. 70. Are the men forbidden to ease them- selves elsewhere ?........................... 71. Do you find this prohibition to have been enforced?............................... 72. Is there a separate sink for officers ?...... 73. At what distance from the tents are the cattle or horses picketed?............ 71. What number ?................................... 75. Is their dung daily removed, or so placed or covered as to be unob- noxious ?..................................... 76. From what source is water procured ? surface springs?....................... wells?............'........................ stream ?.................................. pond?...................................., ditch, slough or puddle?............. 77. Is the water clear ?.............................., 78. Does it seem to be of unwholesome quality ?......................................... 79. Has it a reputation of being of un- wholesome quality ?......................... 80. Do the captains make requisitions for the rations of their companies? *....... * See Form 13, page 228, Army Regulations. 81. Do the captains generally look after the supplies of their companies, to see that they are not used too ra- pidly, and that they are properly served and cooked?...................... 89. 82. Is any officer required to examine and taste the food of the men before it is served at any meal, or is this done generally by the captains or other officers, either by order or voluntarily? *............................. 83. Are the rations found sufficient in quantity?................................... 84. Are they generally considered good in quality, each of its kind ? If not, mention what is alleged to be poor?. 85. Are you satisfied of the justness of this allegation?.........................., 86. About how often is fresh meat served ? fresh vegetables?.................. desiccated vegetables?............ desiccated meats or soup ?........ dried fruits?......................... 87. Is the cooking in most instances done with portable stoves?................. with earth flues ? in trenches? on the unbroken ground?. 88. Is "the greatest care observed in wash- ing and scouring cooking utensils ?"f| Is most of the food of the regiment prepared by cooks who perform that duty regularly, or by men taking short terms at it, and who generally have no skill ?.............................. 90. How is it probable that the food is gen- erally cooked—well, or very badly ? J * See Army Regulations, 1: 111. page 15. f Army Regulations, ' 113, page K X See Army Reg.. 1 112, p. 15. y 91. Is the last ([uestion answered with the more confidence from personal ob- servation? .................................. 92. Is tea sometimes drawn in the ration instead of coffee?......................... 93. Is fresh bread served?...................... .t4. Is soft bread served?........................ 95. Is it baked in the regiment at a gen- eral bakery?.............................. 90. Is it generally of good quality? ......... 97. Has the company fund arrangement * been successfully established in any case?........................................ With several companies?......... With all?.............................. 98. Is there a regimental sutler?............. 99. Who appointed him ?........................ 100. Are the prices of articles on sale fixed in accordance with the army regu- lations ? *......................... ........ 101. Is ardent spirits sold?*................. Wine or beer?....................... 102. Do the men obtain spirits otherwise?. 103. Is there much intoxication?............. 104. What is about the average daily num- ber of men sent to the guard-house ? 105. Are these cases chiefly from intoxica- tion?.......................................... 100. Are pedlars of eatables or drinks al- lowed access to the men in camp ?... 107. Are the men strictly and effectively kept within the camp, except those having leave of absence?............... ', page 27. t«! 207, p. 28. !. See also Articles of War. art. 29. p. 0. end of volume of Army Reg. 1U 10«. What is the largest number of the men ever allowed to be absent from camp except on duty?.................. 109. What is the ordinary daily number of absences ?................................ 110. Are the men generally in good spirits? 111. Are means systematically used to promote cheerfulness, by games, entertainments, &c?................... 112. Is there a regimental band ?. 113. Is it maintained from a regimental fund to which the men contribute ?... by the officers?..................... 114. Are there any provident or mutual benefit societies within the reg't ? ... 115. Do the men generally save or send home apart of their wages ?.......... 110. Does the general discipline of the camp appear better or worse than usual?....................................... 117. Was there a medical inspection of the men on their enlistment?.............. 118. If so, state by what official it was made?........................ ............ 119. Was it thorough?. 120. lias there been any subsequent medi- cal inspection ?............................ 121. If so, state by what official it was made?....................................... 122. Was it thorough?. 123. Has the regiment been systematically vaccinated ?................................ 124. Name of surgeon ?........................ 125. When appointed ?......................... 120. By whom?.................................. 127. At whose nomination or suggestion ?. 11 128. Was he previously examined and ap- proved of by a State or other medical board?.......................................... superior medical officer?. 129. If so, state by what?............. 130. What had been the nature of his prep- aration or previous experience ?.. general country medical practice ? (a)............. general town medical prac- tice? (b)........ ,.......... limited hospital experience ? (c) extensive? (d)................... " surgical practice? (e) qualified only as a student? (/) No valuable experience or preparation, (g)................. 131. Name of assistant surgeon. 132. By whom appointed ?....... 133. Qualifications: (Answer by repeating the letter opposite the appropriate suggestion after question 130)......., 134. Is a camp hospital organized?....... 135. Non-combatant regimental nurses ?. male ?................................ female?.............................. none?............................... 136. Is there a moderate supply of medi- cines ?....................................... 137. What important articles are wanting, if any?...................................... 138. How long since requisitions have been made for these ?.................... 12 i ■■',<.). Is there a case comprising the most essential field instruments ?............ K). What important surgical articles are wanting'!................................... I I Is there a regimental ambulance, or more than one?.......................... I 12. N3. Are there any field stretchers?. How long since requisition has been made for any of the above articles which are wanting?..................... Is the large (regulation) hospital tent appropriated to its proper pur- pose ?*..................... ................. Is the regimental hospital in a house, (temporary structure,) or tent?..... I I''.. I 17. I is. 119. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. If in a house or temporary structure, is it fairly adapted to its purpose ?.. Is it fairly well ventilated?...... If in a tent, is it well drained ?. Is it well ventilated ?.............. Is there a separate sink for hospital patients ?.................................... Is it well arranged ?. Is it carefully and adequately deo- dorized ?.................................... Are there a few sheets and suitable hospital dresses?......................... Are there any special hospital stores, (delicacies and cordials ?)............. 155. What are the prevailing diseases?. 156. How many patients from the regi- ment are now in general hospital?.. 157. How many patients arc in the regU mental hospital ?.......................... In' in^tati' r:. it has been found misused for the colon«l> headquarters, or a mess-room. i:? 158. How many "sick in quarters?" (slight cases in their own tents)..... 159. Are there any serious cases in the regimental hospital ? ................... 160. If so, has it been impracticable to re- move them to the general hospital ?.. 161. Are there any contagious or infec- tious cases ?................................ 162. Are they kept in a separate tent or house from the others ?................. 163. Are the discharges from the latter placed in the privy used by others?.. 161. What has been the daily average number on the sick list during the last two weeks?.....................;..... 165. Have there been any deaths in that time?......................................... 106. If so, are the dead buried near the camp, and at what depth ?.........."... 1 ii7. Is the general health of the regiment improving or deteriorating?........... 168. Does the surgeon understand that he is responsible for all conditions of the camp or regiment unfavorable to health, unless he has warned the commanding officer of them ?.......... 169. Does the surgeon make a daily in- spection of the camp, with refer- ence to its cleanliness ?............... 170. Does he inspect the food, and see how the cooking is done?.................... 171. Does he report on these matters, and urge remedies upon the company officers, and, when necessary, upon the commanding officer?................ 172. Is anything administered to the well men to guard against the effects of malaria ?.................................... 173. Is there a drill before breakfast?....... 171. If so, does the surgeon approve of it?. 14 175. If not, has he remonstrated against it with the commanding officer ?...... 176! What is the length of time the men are on drill daily?........................ 177. What is their arm. 178. Is there any limit placed upon the weight of the knapsack for heavy marching order?.......................... 179. If so, what?.