APPARATUS EIMER a. AMEND Revised and Enlarged CATALOGUE OF Bacteriological APPARATUS MANUFACTURED OR IMPORTED BY EIMER & AMEND 205, 207, 209, and 211 THIRD AVENUE, NEW YORK 1907 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 3 Catalogue of Bacteriological Apparatus. We herewith beg to present this to our numerous friends and customers, who, we hope, will find the desired information as to special apparatus and scientific instruments used in Bacteriological and kindred laboratories. Not caring to extend the scope of this catalogue too far, only a limited number of the best goods in their respective classes are listed, such as : Microscopes, Microtomes, Incubators, etc. of which complete lists of the respective manufacturers may be had on appli. cation. As far as the general laboratory apparatus are concerned we have listed only the most necessary ones and have to refer for a complete list of same to our GENERAL APPARATUS CATALOGUE which is about to be republished. Besides these catalogues we publish special lists on:— Assay Materials, Balances and Weights, Calorimeters, Pyrometers, etc. Chemicals, Stains, Minerals, etc. Electric Laboratory Outfits, Sugar Laboratory Furnaces, Urinary Apparatus, etc., etc. 4 EIMER A AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF Our increased facilities and addditional floor space will enable us to fill orders more promptly than heretofore. We are connected with the following well-known European and American houses : Messrs. Schott & Genossen, makers of the famous Jena Laboratory Glass Ware, Joseph Kavalier, maker of the best Bohemian Glassware, Carl Zeiss’, Microscopes, Objectives, etc. Franz Schmidt & Haensch, Polariscopes, Optical Goods, etc. F. &. M. Lautenschlaeger, Bacteriological Apparatus, Greiner & Friedrichs, German Graduated and other Glassware, Carl Schleicher & Schuell, Chemically Pure Filter Papers, E. March Sohne, German Chemical Stoneware, Fleitmann, Witte & Co., Wrought Nickel ware, G. Kern & Sohn, German Balances and Weights, Desmoutis & Co. ’s, Pure Hammered Platinum, Dr. G. Gruebler & Co. ’s Microscopic and Bacteriological Stains, C. A. F. Kahlbaum’s C. P. Chemicals and Tested Reagents, The Spencer Lens Co., Microscopes and Accessories, and Others. We can therefore assure our customers of being served with the best quality goods, at the lowest compatible prices. Educational Institutions entitled to free entry of foreign goods that desire to avail themselves of the opportunity to save on their requisitions for supplies by importing them free of duty, may be assured of our lowest prices as well as the best and quickest service in entrusting their orders to us, as we have unlimited facilities in having our orders abroad speedily executed. EIMER & AMEND. New York, August, 1907. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 5 NOTICE IN ORDERING A catalogue designation of each article, and complete shipping instruc- tions should be given, otherwise delays may occur. If shipping instructions are not given, we will exercise our own judgment. No goods will be sent to parties unknown to us, unless the order is accompanied by financial references. Orders amounting to less than $5.00 will not be sent C. O. D„ unless same are accompanied with one-half of the amount of order. In order to insure safe delivery, all goods are packed by experienced men and we cannot assume any responsibility after delivery in perfect con- dition to the Transportation Company, unless the same are insured against breakage at a cost of from 2% to 5%. No charge is made for packing. Cases will be charged at cost price. GOODS MAILED AT PURCHASER’S RISK ONLY. Whenever articles not in our line are ordered we exercise great care in their selection, but such goods cannot be exchanged. The same rule refers to goods made to order. A Denotes that the goods are imported to order only. Denotes that apparatus is illustrated. O Denotes that prices are strictly net. — Denotes that a discount of only 10% will he allowed. EIMEK & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OE B. NEW AUTOMATIC AIR PUMP. Designed by Dr. B. B. Boltwood. This Pump is simpler and more compact than any other mercury pump, the total height being 28 inches, requiring only 3 pounds of Mercury. It is operated by a small water aspirator (about 25 feet water pressure being sufficient), which keeps the mercury in continuous circulation and carries off the exhausted air. After being once started it requires no attention and will run for days without further adjustment. For almost every purpose it is quite as effective as the expensive and complicated Geissler pump, and by its use a vessel can be exhausted to a cathode-ray vacuum in a com- paratively short time. — Pump, mounted on polished mahogany support, . $20.00 — Pump, Ditto, with vacuum gauge, ........ 23.00 — Pump, Ditto, “ “ “ and drying chamber for P206, . 23.00 — Glass Aspirator for operating Pump, ........ 1.00 — Brass “ “ “ “ . 1.23 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 7 ZEISS’ MICROSCOPES Objectives and Accessories MANUFACTURED BY CARL ZEISS, JENA The Best Instruments Made SEE SPECIAL CATALOGUE For a complete line. EIMER & AMEND Selling Agents A discount of 5% allowed on ALL Zeiss’ goods if paid for within 10 days 8 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS CARL ZEISS, JENA ( V2 Size.) Stand IB, with large mechanical stage and Abbe illu- minating apparatus No 25, but without nosepiece, eye- piece or objectives, ....... $152 00 ditto, ditto, with swing-out Condenser, . . . 101 50 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 9 CARL ZEISS, JENA 04 Size.) New Photo-Micrographic Stand IC, with Berger micrometer movement with Micro-photographical Stage and accessories: Light-excluding Funnel, Adapting Rings for the Micro-Planars to screw in, Centring Stop and Dark Glass. A :—with ordinary Abbe Condenser, . . . $158.00 B:—with swing-out Abbd Condenser . . . 107.00 With large Mechanical Stage, and ordinary Abbe Condenser, 158.00 10 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF CARL ZEISS, JENA B1002. (y2 Size.) 0*B1002. Stand IIId, New, with revolving and centring vulcanite stage, Abbe’s illuminating apparatus with ordinary con- denser N.A. 1.40, but without nosepiece, eyepiece or objectives, ......... $110.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 11 CARL ZEISS, JENA Size.) stand IVA, with swing out condenser, round fixed vulcanite stage and cylinder diaphragm, but without nosepiece, eyepiece or objectives ..... $68.50 12 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF CARL ZEISS, JENA B1004. (yi Size.) Condenser. No. 27. (1.20 mm. apert.) ..... $17 10 No. 28. (1.45 mm. apert.) ..... 19.00 Micrometer Eypiece, laterally adjustable by means of a screw, $15.20 Achromatic Objec- tive, a*, 43-29 mm. focal length, $15.20 By rotating the ring RR, the upper pair of lenses (Z2) may be moved into the top- most position, as indicated by the dotted lines (Z'8). B1005. B1006. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 13 CARL ZEISS, JENA B1007. O>KB1007. Abbe Drawing Camera, large No. Ill, latest modi- fication, in case, $22.80 B1008. Bernhard's Drawing Table, No. 114, to which the microscope and drawing camera can be attached, with arrangement for inclining the microscope and the draw- ing-table together, . . . . . . $19.75 14 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF CARL ZEISS, JENA B1009. (7b Size.) b. Upper body of stand Xa (as a “ Dermatoscope ”) with vulcanite fork attached Ot-B1009a, Binocular Microscope Xa, without objectives and eyepieces, in mahagony case, . . $74.00 Dermatoscope, (upper part of stand Xa with vulca- nite fork) .... .... $45.00 Unless ordered otherwise, we supply with above 1 pair of Huyghenian Eyepieces No. 2 and 1 pair of Achromatic Objectives for , . . $22.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 15 CARL ZEISS, JENA New Laboratory Stand V, with rack and pinion movement, fixed large round stage, new convenient handle for carrying, in polished alderwood case, fitted with lock and key, without objectives, eyepieces and revolving nosepieces : A :—with fixed stage and cylinder diaphragm, No. 21 $38.00 C :—with fixed stage and condenser, num. Ap. 1.20, in addition to an iris-diaphragm .... 48.00 16 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF CARL ZEISS, JENA B1010 Braus-Druener Binocular Microscope Xb, with universally movable stand, without objectives and eyepieces, in alderwood cabinet, ..... $99.00 Unless ordered otherwise we supply with above 1 pair of Huyghenian Eyepieces No. 2 and 1 pair of Achromatic Objectives for . . . $22.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 17 CARL ZEISS, JENA. HUYGHENIAN EYE-PIECES. Eye-piece No 1 2 3 4 5 Equivalent focus in mm 50 40 30 25 20 Eye-piece magnification 3 4 5.5 7 9 Price O $ Each 2.30 Huyghenian Eye-pieces in pairs for Binocular stands, numbers as above, each pair . O $5-30 In addition to above a so-called Orthomorphic Eye-piece is supplied for use with binocular microscopes, each pair . . . . . . . • O $5-3° COMPENSATING EYE-PIECES. Searcher Eye-piece Eyepiece No 2 4 6 8 12 18 Equivalent focal length in mm 90 45 30 22.5 15 10 Price O * 7.60 11.40 9 50 ACHROMATIC OBJECTIVES. Designation a0 a, 3-2 a3 a* aa A AA B 0 D DD E F DRY SERIES. Equivalent focus in mm 45 39 37 28 43-29 26 15 17 12 7 4.2 4.3 3-8 1.8 Numerical Aperture .. 0.17 0.20 0.30 0.35 o -VI o 0.65 0.85 0.90 0.90 Price O $■ 4.55 4.55 4.55 4.55 15.20 10.25 7.60 11.40 11.40 11.40113.30 19.0022.80 28.50 Designation PI. Searcher D* H J f Water j Immersion 1/ l, /12 \ Homogenous Immersion Equivalent focus in mm 25 4.4 2.5 1.8 1.8 Numerical Aperture 0.11 0.75. 1.18 1.18 1.30 Price O $ 7.60 28.50 41.80 41.80 47.50 Assorted mounted in p pairs of Objectives for Binocular Microscopes supplied in a special for lirs on slides : m cf setting and Designation . . © © © © ! © Price $.... 17.10 20 90 Designation and equiva- lent focus in mm 16 8 4 3 2.5 3 3 2 2 1.5 Numerical Aperture 0.30 0.65 0.95 0.95 1.25 1.30 1.40 1.30 1.40 1.30 Immersion Dry Dry Dry Dry Water Ilomog. Homog. Ilomog. Ilomog, Homog. Price O $ 30.40 38.00 53.20 60.80 95.00 114.00 152.00 114.00 152.00 133.00 APOCHROMATIC OBJECTIVES. 18 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF CARL ZEISS, JENA B1011. Combined Horizontal and Vertical Photomi- crographs Camera, with one double dark slide for plates of 21x21 cm. (8£"x8J"), two focusing screens and two camera fronts, one of the latter fitted with light- tight adapter; bellows extension = lm (40") . . . A$57.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 19 CARL ZEISS, JENA B1012. O¥B1012. Large Camera, with one double dark slide for plates 24x24 cm. (9£"x9J"); two focusing screens and two camera fronts, one of the latter fitted for light-tight connection with the microscope; bellows ex- tension = l,50m (60"), cast iron stand adjustable in height by rack and pinion, rollers and leveling screws on the four feet .......... A$H8.00 For photomicrographic accesories and appliances for microscopy in ultra- violet light and ultra-microscopic particles ef 0.275 rj wave length, see special Zeiss’ list. For a complete line of Carl Zeiss’ Goods see special list, sent on application. 20 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF CARL REICHERT, VIENNA B1013. Eimer & Amend’s Special Combination. Stand IIIB. Inclinable, is provided with Abbe condenser, iris diaphragm, triple nosepiece, three objectives (one of which is a Ath inch oil immersion lens) and two Huyghenian Eyepieces, giving magnifications from 50 X to 1200 X. Specially adapted for blood and water examinations. The best stand for the general practioner. Special . . $100.00 Reichert’s special catalogue on Microscopes and Accessories sent on application. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 21 SPENCER MICROSCOPES It is claimed for the SPENCER MICROSCOPES, that they excel in all the important points of construction, in solidity and steadiness, in precision of adjustment and in all the elements of durability. They are furnished in all the usual types of Professional, Laboratory, College and School Stands and all are equipped with the famous SPENCER OBJECTIVES Every one of which is corrected and tested under the most careful scientific supervision and by special scientific methods which insure a high degree of perfection and uniformity of excellence. EIMER & AMEND NEW YORK AGENTS FOR Spencer Lens Co. Special catalogue with a complete line of Spencer Microscopes and Accessories on application. 22 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF THE SPENCER No. 26 Stand The Spencer Lens Company’s New No. 26 Stand, with special fine adjustment and handle for carrying. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 23 OKB1014. Spencer Stand No. 26. This microscope is a modification of our old No. 20, and to all outward appearances is the same. It has the rigid arm and handle for carrying it, and is provided with our new fine adjustment B;—also the improved rack and pinion. The stage is large (95 mm. broad) and the upper surface is completely covered with vulcanite. The distance from the optical axis to the base of the arm is 55 mm. The condenser is focussed by means of the quick screw substage and is held in place by the friction collar. Our new drop-swing condenser may be substituted if desired. This instrument with its moderate price places within the reach of every laboratory or individual a throughly reliable microscope with this new superior type of fine adjustment. The sales of this microscope and the satisfaction it has given have proven its worth. It is now even more desirable, because:—It has the new fine adjustment B. It has the rigid arm with handle for carrying it. It has the improved rack and pinion. It has a large vulcanite covered stage. It has a quick screw substage the threads of which are protected from dust, to which the drop-swing condenser may be added. It has in all details received the careful attention given the higher priced instruments. It is the only microscope of this type put out at a price within the reach of all desiring a first class high grade microscope. No. Abbe Condenser Nosepiece Achromatic Objectives Equiv. Foe. mm. Huyghenian Oculars Prices, Net. 26A 16, 4 8x, $51.50 26B Double No. 460 16, 4 8x, 55.50 26C 16, 4 4x, Px 58.00 26D Double No. 460 16, 4 4x, 8x 57.00 26E N. A. 1.20 Double No. 460 16, 4 8x, 63.00 26F N. A. 1.20 Double No. 460 16, 4 4x, 8x 64.50 26G N. A. 1.20 16, 4 2 Oil Im. 00 84.50 26H N. A. 1.20 Triple No. 465 16, 4 2 Oil Im. 4x, 8x 90.00 Spencer Stand, No. 20. Like No. 26 with greater working distance (68 mm from optical axes to the base of the arm.) Fitted with new drop-swing condenser. Black finish. Objectives Equiv. Foe. mm Achromatics APOCHKOMATICS No. 8 w < £ Nosepiece Huyghe- nian Oculars. Prices Net. Compens. Oculars. Prices Net 20A 16, 4 8x $69.00 6x, 9x $150.50 20B u 0) s KB1081. Compressor, Wenham’s, improved, with movable upper compressor discs, diameter of glass discs, 20 mm., $3.50 —7kB1082. Compressor, Bureau of Animal Industry design; used in all Government laboratories, for rapid and accurate meat inspection, ------- $2.00 B1083. B1084. Cover Glasses, thin, best quality, in | oz. boxes. Size, \ — | — % — lorl inch, —*B1083. Squares. No. 0 1 2 3 Price, $1.50 $1.00 .80 .60 per ounce. —*B1084. Circles. No. 0 1 2 3 Price, < $1.75 $1.25 $1.00 .80 per ounce. Special prices for quantities. Slides see page 50. B1085. Cover Glass Forceps, Kalteyer’s, of nickelplated spring-wire, for staining purposes, .25 B1086. B1087. —-)j<-B1086. Cover Glass Forceps, with flat points, - each, $ .40 Cover Glass Forceps, - - - » “ .50 —-7|<-B1087a Cover Glass Forceps, self-closing, - - “ .75 B1087a. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 41 MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES B1088. B1091. Cover Glass Forceps, Cornet’s, ends flattened, each, .50 B1089. Cover Glass Forceps, Ehrlich’s - “ 1.50 — B1090. Cover Glass Forceps, Stewart’s - - “ .15 Cover Glass Forceps, Muck’s, with glass arms and spring of brass, ------ each, 1.00 Cover Glass Forceps, Novy’s, simple form, each, $ .75 Cover Glass Forceps, Novy’s, with clasp, “ 1.25 B1092. B1093. Cover Glass Forceps, Forbes, - - each, .30 These Forceps, lately invented by Dr. Chas. Forbes of the College of Physicians and Sur- geons of Columbia University, N. Y. City, excel many in the market by their simple and practical form. B1094. For staining purposes the cover-slip is held horizontally, the forceps rest- ing on the table. For drying, the forceps, firmly grasping the cover-slip, can be hung up by the hole provided for that purpose. For examination, the cover-slip can be slid onto the wide end of the forceps and there held horizon- tally. Specimens may be manipulated with the spatula end of the forceps. The cover-slip is held in a firm grip, with but a single point touching its upper surface. A roughened space provides a surface for marking the num- ber of the specimen. — B1095. Cover Glass for determining the thickness of cover glasses, ------ each, 3.00 42 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES Dropping Bottles. See Gen. Lab. App. —B1096. Eyeshade, Dr. Ward's ----- each, $ .50 -—B1097. Eyeshade, Aubert’s Binocular - pair, 1.50 —B1098. Finger, Mechanical, Dr. Rezner’s, - each, 6.00 —B1099. Focusing Glass, for photo-micrographic work, each, 2.00 OBllOO. Heating Chamber, Zeiss’, acc. to Pfeiffer, for micro- scopes. a) for Stand IV A $26.50 b) for Stands I and III - - - - - A 38 00 c) for Stand V A 24.70 B1101. Heating Trough, Pfeiffer’s, with 3 cavities and thermo- meter, reading from 33° to 44° C. divided in V* degrees, for use with the microscope, especially for observing bacteria; by placing a small flame under the reservoir, the temperature can be kept steady, without any regu- lation, within |° for hours ------ $10.00 Single Thermometer ______ 1.50 B1104-5. B1106. —B1102. Hone, Yellow Belgian, very best quality, 234X52 mm. (9|X2"), set in wooden block with cover - $3.00 —B1103. Hone, Bluish Green, imported, 260x52 mm. (10x2"), with rubbing stone, both in wooden block with cover - 1.00 Immersion Oil Bottles, for the convenient use of the immersion oil. round with cap and glass rod, E. & A.’s - .35 0>KB1105. round with cap and glass rod, Zeiss’ make - .45 B1106. conical, according to Mach, Zeiss’ make - '65 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 43 MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES OB1107. Knife, Fritsche’s, for making thin sections of soft sub- stances -------- - $6.00 OB1108. Knife, Valentine’s, for making thin sections of soft sub- stances -------- - 6.00 OB1109. Knife or Razor Holder, acc. to length of knife - $1.00 to 1.50 OB1110. Knife or Razor Holder, adjustable - 1.50 Knives for Microtomes, of Jung’s, Schanze’s, Walb’s, Reichert’s and other makes ; imported to order. Knife, Paraffine, see No. 1143. Bllll — B1112 Bllll — B1112 0*B1111. Knife, Section, for simple microtome, detachable ebony handle, cutting edge 90 mm., in case, - $3.00 OIB1112, Knife, Section, as above, 125 mm., in case - - 6.00 B1113. 0¥B1113. Knife, Section, for mechanical microtomes, of best forged steel, in wooden case, according to Weigert. Cutting edge, 100 mm. ------ 4.75 “ “ 120 mm. - - - - - - 5.50 “ “ 160 mm. ------ 8.50 Labels, gummed, white, for slides. —B1114. round, 16 mm. - per box of 100 .10 —B1115. oval, 20X14 mm. - “ .10 —B1U6. oblong, 23X15 mm. - “ .10 —B1117. square, 22 mm. - “ .10 —XB1118. Lamps, of glass, for alcohol, with metal burner and extinguisher ; can be set in four different angles. See fig. B1129. Prices include wicking. a b c Diameter of burner 5 7 12 mm. Capacity - - 40 120 120 cm. Price - - - .70 .80 $1.00 each 44 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES —B1119. Lamp, Welsbach’s, for Microscope, with metal chimney, $8.00 —B1120. Lamp, as above, with iris diaphragm - 12.00 OB1121. Lamp, Zeiss’ microscope, with spherical flask on stand - 8.50 OBll21a. Spherical flask on stand alone - 2.75 31122. R1123. —-XB1122. Lamp, Wolz’s for Microscope, with glass rod, for use with petroleum --------- A $6.00 —*B1123. Lamp, Lassar’s for Microscope, with blue disc, for use with petroleum - -- -- -- - 10.00 B1124. Lamp, Lassar’s for Microscope, for use with gas - - 15.00 B1125. Lens Paper, Japanese, for cleaning eyepieces, objectives, etc., 18X24 inches ----- 100 sheets 1.00 B1126. ditto, 12X18 inches - - - - - 100 sheets .50 B1127. -XB1127. Life Box, on brass slip - each $2.00 Life Slide, Holman’s with cover, in box, see 1163. —B1128. Mailing Cases, reversible, for slides, gross $1.00, dozen .10 Microtome Knives, see page 43. B1128a. Mounting Blocks of vulcanized fibre, or 1"X1"X1" ------- dozen, .75 Mounting Dishes, glass and porcelain, see P. 54. Mounting Media, see Appendix. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 45 MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES B1130. B1129. Mounting Stand, with lamp and sand bath, - - $2.00 Mounting Table, Prof. Van Cott’s, - .80 Observation Slide, Dr. Cori’s reversible, see B1167 — B1131. Orientating Apparatus, complete for serial sectioning and reconstruction work, _____ 10.00 B1132. B1133. OB1132. Paraffine Bath, made of polished copper 18 cm. long, 9 cm. wide, 9 cm. deep, with space for heating slides, two nickel-plated cups 65X40 mm., and tabulations for thermometer and gas regulator, ----- $6.75 OB1133. Paraffine Bath, as above, with sheet iron base, 13 cm. high, - 7,50 46 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES Paraffine Bath, Lothar-Meyer’s, 26 cm. long, 23 cm. wide, 7 cm. high, like cut, ------ $22.50 B1134. B1135. —B1135. Paraffine Bath, large round, made of polished copper, 32 cm. diameter, 9 cm. deep, stands 18 cm. high. There are ten cups, seven being of a deep form, 6X4 cm.; three are shallow, 6X2 cm., watch-glass shape; with 7 tubulations in top, for test tubes, thermometer and gas regulator. Price of Paraffine Bath only, - $17.50 Price, complete, as per cut, - - - •• - . 20'00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 47 MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES LEWIS PARAFFINE BATH This Paraffine Bath is designed for use with either gas or Limp. The temperature of the bath is maintained by a constant convection current. The heated water enters the bath through the heating tube leading from the heating cylinder into the side of the bath, and the return pipe Irom the bottom of the bath conveys the cooler water back to the heating cylinder. Thus a constant current is maintained in the bath. The temperature of the bath is easily regulated by means of the stop-cock in the heating tube, allowing only such portion of heated water to enter the bath as is desired for the temperature needed. This permits the use of a lower or higher temperature according to the melting point of paraffine used. Where different degrees of paraffine are required, a slight turn of the stop-cock gives the temperature desired for its melting point. This obviates the necessity of the generally followed practice (too often causing hardening and shrinking) of using a B1136. carefully regulated 54°—60° for all stages from the clearing oil to hard paraffine. With the Lewis bath a 35°—40° temperature may be maintained for working out the oil and infiltrating the tissue with a low melting paraffine. A gradual turn of the stop-cock allowing a greater supply of heated water to enter the bath will cause a gradual rise in the temperature of the bath until the 52°, 54° or 60° is reached for the harder grades of paraffine. The tissue, previously infiltrated with a low melting paraffine, only needs to remain at this higher temperature for a comparatively short time. This insures a more certain result than would otherwise be obtained. Paraffine Bath, Lewis, with three deep cups, diameter 2 inches, depth 2 inches, and two shallow cups, 2 inches by yi inch, four test tube or vial receptacles and thermo- meter receptacle, ------- - $16.00 with five deep and three shallow cups - 18.75 48 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES B1137. OB1137. Paraffine Bath, improved form, 20X10X10 cm., with one shallow and one deep nickel-plated cup, 6 cm. dia., with two drawers for slides and tubulations for five test tubes, thermometer and gas regulator, - $12.00 131138 B1139 Paraffine Imbedding Box, of type metal, each of two pieces, with metal plate. Height, - - - 10 20 30 mm. Price, 45 45 45 cents each. Paraffine Imbedding Frame, Schulze’s, consisting of two ground glass angles and zinc plate, - $1.50 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 49 MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES B1140. B1142. Paraffine Imbedding (Warming) Table, 40 cm. long, with supports, two copper trays and glass covers, - - $2.00 O B1141. Paraffine Imbedding (Warming) Table, for mounting by Ehrlich’s Method, made of copper, - .80 Detachable legs, adjustable to any position, size of plate 39x10 cm.; height of legs 20 cm., - .80 —¥B1142. Paraffine Imbedding Tray, of porcelain, with 25 com- partments, each, 2.00 B1143. Paraffine Knife, for trimming paraffine blocks, etc., - .20 — B1144. Section Flattener, for preventing the curling of thin sections as they are cut, ______ 1.25 B1146-7. B1148. B1149. B1150. B1151 B1152. B1153. Section Lifters, see next page. 50 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES — B1145. Section Lifter, nickel-plated, 100 mm. long, blade 18 mm. wide, ------ each, $ .10 Section Lifter, nickel plated, improved form, with two blades 10 and 22 mm. broad respectively ; 150 mm. long, .25 —>KB1147. Section Lifter, like “No. 1146,” but with one blade 22 mm. broad ; 150 mm. long, ----- .15 Section Lifter, nickeled, ebony handle, with blades 6 and 10 mm. broad, - -- -- -- - .40 —>kB1149. Section Lifter, nickeled, ebony handle, one blade 4 mm. broad, - -- -- -- -- - .30 —>KB1150. Section Lifter, nickeled, ebony handle, flexible blade, 12 mm. broad, - -- -- -- -.35 — KB1151. Section Lifter, nickeled, ebony handle, flexible blade, 18 mm. broad, - -- -- -- - .35 —4d31152. Section Lifter, nickeled, ebony handle, flexible blade, 38 mm. broad, - - - - ____ .40 —>kB1153. Section Lifter, concave, perforated, nickeled, ebony handle, bowl 18 mm. diameter, _____ .80 (Illustrations see on page 49.) — B1154. Section Razor, best hand forged steel, - - - 1.10 — B1155. Section Razor, 75 mm. blade, good quality, - - 1.00 — B1156. Section Razor, 75 mm. blade, best quality, - - 1.25 B1157-9. Slides, white glass, for microscopical objects, 3x1 inches, in % gross boxes. With cut edges, - gross, $ .75 —-)|£B1158. “ ground edges, - - - “ 1 00 § £ —3K-B1159. “ “ “ extra thin, - “ 1 10 - cl'? — B1160. “ “ “ and concave centers, dozen, 60 5 | — B1161. “ “ “ but 3x2 inches, - gross, 3.00 £ Slides of crystal glass, 3x1 inches,with plate cemented on top, 15 mm. inside diameter, so called Moist chambers, each, .30 B1162. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 51 MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES B1163. —*B1163. Slide, Current or Life, Holman’s, with covers, in box, - $1.50 OB1164. Slide, Spinthariscope, on which Radium is mounted to show its scintillations under the microscope, - - - 4.50 B1165. —*B1165. Slide, Rafter’s, for water examination; brass cell cemented on glass slide, 3X1 inches, complete with coverglasses, - $3.25 (See also Water Examination Apparatus). B1166 Slide, Drop Culture, 3X1 inches, with cavity of 18 mm. diameter ground in, _____ each, .30 131167. B1168. Slide, Observation, Dr. Cori’s reversible - 3.00 Slide Boxes, of light wood, to hold 3x1 inch slides, tight fitting cover, index on inside, and label on outside. For 6 12 25 objects. Each, .12 .14 .15 Doz, 1.15 1.25 1.35 52 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES B1169—1169a. B1170— 1170a. Stains see Appendix. Staining Bottles, plain, 50 CC. capacity, with cork and pipette, - - each .15, - dozen, $1.50 Wooden Block with 6 8 12 Bottles. *B1169a. Price, $1.50 $2.00 $3.00 each. Staining Bottles, with ground in pipette and rubber bulb; capacity 30 CC., - each, .25 - dozen, 2.50 Wooden Block with 6 8 12 Bottles. *B1170a. Price, $3.00 $4.00 $6.00 each. B1171. B1172. Staining Box, for microscopic slides, holding 6 glass trays, - -- -- -- -- - $2.50 Staining Cylinder, with loose fitting cover and loose dish, inside, rim of jar, cover and dish polished, 70 mm. high and 35 mm. diameter, ----- .25 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 53 MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES B1173. B1174. —¥B1173. Staining Box, small, glass, with ground-in grooves, for staining preparations on the cover glass, acid- and alkali- proof. a) with 6 pairs of grooves for 18 mm. covers, - - $1.25 b) “ 8 “ “ “ “ 18 “ - - 1.50 Staining Box, Schiefiferdecker’s, of porcelain, with loose fitting glass lid and rack for holding 10 slides at a time, a great convenience for staining on the slide, - - .75 B1175. — Staining Box, of glass, with luted ribs, acid- and alkali- proof, for holding 4 5 6 slides, 3x1 inch. Price, $2.50 $3.00 $3.50 each. B1176. Staining Box, Schiefiferdecker’s, entirely of glass, with well fitting cover and removable groove parts, - - 1.00 ditto, with stationery grooves .25 54 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES B1177. B1178. Staining Case, consisting of polished wooden base with cavity for nine reagent bottles of 15 ccm. capacity, and a groove for a belljar, thus keeping the reagents dust proof. Price, complete with bottles and belljar, - $4.00 )KB1178. Staining Dish, Steinach’s, all glass, inner vessel having perforated bottom, enabling easy removal of objects, Outer dish, 6 8 10 cm. diameter. Inner vessel, 4 5.5 7 “ Price, $1.&0 1.75 2.25 each. B1179. B1180. B1181. Staining (Mounting) Dishes, Porcelain, in nests of 5 with cover, for staining of sections. a. b. c. d. Diameter, 62 68 78 91 mm. Price, .50 .60 .70 .80 per nest. Staining Jar, Coplin’s, for 10 slides ; very practical and economical as to space and reagent; made of heavy glass with ground-on cover, ------- .50 Staining Rack, Hofmeister’s, for coverglasses, - - 2.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 55 MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES B1182. B1183. Staining (Filtering) Pipette, Babe’s, for obtaining rapidly clear staining fluids, - - - - - - $ .50 Staining Pipettes, five, on stand, acc. to Heim, with five separatory funnels as reservoirs, complete, - 9.00 B1184. Staining Tray, of Royal Berlin porcelain, with 12 cavities, .60 Staining Trough, of glass, after Hellendal, with grooves to hold 16 slides for staining ; being made in one piece, without any cementing, they can therefore be used with any liquid : Acid, Alcali, Alcohol, etc., new improved form on solid glass foot, with cover, - $1.00 B1185. 56 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES — B1186. Turn Table, for ringing mounts and making cells. The slip is held on a revolving disc ; the application of varnish or cement is accurately made by a brush held above ; with stationary hand-rest and slide clips for holding down slips. Diameter of turn table, 88 mm., - $2.50 — B1187. Turn Table, as above, with three centering pins and de- tachable hand-rests - - - - - - -3.50 B1188. — Turn Table, as above, with self-centering device and de- tachable hand-rests. Diameter of turn-table, 98 mm. - $6.00 Warming Tables, see page 49. B1189. —¥B1189. Watch Glasses, (Mounting dishes), Syracuse solid, improved form, outside dia. 65 mm., inside dia. 50 mm., depth 10 mm. Beveled, plain, - dozen, $ .60 — B1190. Watch Glasses, beveled, surface ground, forming a writing surface, - dozen, .90 — B1191. Watch Glass Standard, for Syracuse Watchglasses, to hold a nest of six or less, - each, .50 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 57 MICROSCOPIC ACCESSORIES Watch Glasses, Embryological, with covers and one vertical surface ground for writing upon. — B1192. Upper and lower surface, plain, - - dozen, $ .75 — B1193. “ “ “ “ cut and polished, “ 1.50 — B1194. of black glass, _____ each, .30 B1195. concave center with small facet, dozen, .60 B1196. as designed by Dr. Minot of Harvard University; top and bottom ground true, and highly polished, superior to any in the market, plain polished, dozen, 1.00 B1197. as above, with ground faces for writing, dozen, 1.60 B1198. Wax Pencils, for writing on glass, blue or yellow, each, .15 ; dozen, 1.50 B1199. Writing Diamonds, for writing on glass, acc. to quality, $2.00 to 5.00 58 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF Sterilizers and Incubators, Etc. B1210 B1213. Steam Sterilizer, Koch’s, of tinned steel plate, with heavy copper bottom, 50 cm. high, 20 cm. diameter, having tubulure for thermometer, grating, water gauge with stopcock and interior vessel ; the whole covered with thick felt, on detachable tripod, Price, without thermometer and burner, - - $10.00 B1211. Price, with thermometer and burner, - 12.00 B1212. Steam Sterilizer, Koch’s, as above, but with larger heating surface and flame protection for rapid produc- tion of a large quantity of steam, Price, without thermometer and burner, - - 12.50 Price, with thermometer and burner, - 14.50 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 59 STERILIZERS AND INCUBATORS, Etc. B1214. B1215. Sterilizer Interior Vessels, of tinned iron, 15 cm. 21cm.dia. for Nos. 1210 to 1212, ----- $1.75 $2.00 Sterilizer Interior Vessels, of wire gauze with 4 partitions, - 2.75 3.50 B1216. B1217. tKB1216. Steam Sterilizer, Koch’s, for blood serum, double walled, cylinder of tinned steel plate, with heavy copper bottom, double walled cover with 3 brass tubulures, heat- ing tube for cover, support for burner and removable perforated partitions, water gauge and stopcock ; the whole covered with thick felt, on detachable tripod. Price, without thermometers and burners, - - $17.00 Inside vessels with four compartments, for taking test tubes, - -- -- -- - 3.00 ¥B1217. Steam Sterilizer, Koch’s improved form of B1216, with larger heating surface and flame protection, felt or asbestos covered. Price, without thermometers and burners, - - $17.50 60 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. B1219. B1220. Sterilizers and Pasteurizers, Seibert’s, for milk; “Seibert’s Graded Infant Feeder.” Apparatus consisting of 1 tray, 8, 7 or 6 bottles according to size, with vented rubber stoppers and 1 nipple, - $1.25 —*B1220. Same with special boiler, - - - - - 1.75 Aluminum milkfilter, ------ .50 Cotton discs for filtering the milk, - - per box, .25 Bottles for above No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 per doz. $0.45 .50 155 130 135 .70 Rubber stoppers for same - per doz., .25 Bottles, 8 ozs. capacity, graduated in ozs., - - .75 When ordering please state size of bottles. A Chart, containing full directions is given with each apparatus. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 61 STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. ARNOLD STERILIZERS The Sterilizers on the following pages, designated by the name ARNOLD, have a quick steaming base which is supplied automatically with water from an open pan or reservoir above. The water in this reservoir never boils, but is always exposed to view and can be replenished when needed without interrupting the steaming process. An unvarying temperature of 212° F. can be maintained indefinitely in the sterilizing chamber without requiring any attention, except replenishing the reservoir occasionally. These sterilizers are used by Boards of Health and the most prominent laboratories and institutions throughout this country. DESCRIPTION OPERATION Water is poured into the pan or reservoir whence it passes as needed through small apertures into the quick steaming base beneath, to which heat is applied. As there is only a thin layer of water to boil at a time, it is converted into steam very rapidly and rises through the funnel in the centre to the sterilizing chamber above. Here it accumulates under moderate pressure at a tem- perature of 212° F. The excess of steam escapes about the cover, becomes imprisoned under the hood and forms a steam jacket around the outside of the sterilizing chamber, therefore an even temperature is maintained in the sterilizer. As the steam is forced down from above and meets the air, it condenses and drips back into the reservoir. Patented April 20, 1897. B1221-1225. ARNOLD STERILIZERS AND PASTEURIZERS FOR MILK The sterilization or pasteurization of milk is a protection which no doctor can afford to ignore. There ought to be an efficient sterilizer in every house where a baby is fed artificially, whether the milk is given alone or with prepared food. This apparatus can be used for either sterilizing or pasteurizing; for sterilizing (212° F.) with the hood on ; for pasteurizing (150° F. to 170° F.) with the hood off. When any special low temperature is required, a thermometer adapted for the purpose can be furnished. (See page 00.) Heavy tin, copper bottom, with rack, cleaning brush and 7 bottles, - $3.00 — B1222. 8 bottles, --------- 3.50 — B1223. 10 bottles, - -- -- -- -- 4.00 — B1224. 12 bottles, --------- 4.50 — B1225. 14 bottles, --------- 5.00 Larger sizes for Infants’ Homes and Hospitals made to order. 62 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. ROCHESTER STERILIZERS FOR MILK B1226. This is a very simple and inexpensive apparatus which can be used for steam or hot water sterilizing or pasteurizing. It consists of a nicely finished tin vessel with convenient handles and cover; a rack holding eight graduated bottles and a brush for cleaning. Beads around the sterilizing chamber mark the points to which water should be filled. Price, complete, ------- $2.00 ROCHESTER FOOD WARMERS AND COOLERS These Warmers are made of copper and, unlike rubber which is very perishable, will last a life-time and are much cheaper than rubber warmers. They are covered with a removable felt-cosy which makes them complete in themselves. No blanket or other covering is required to keep them warm. Boiling water is poured into the jacket through a screwcap opening. The bottles containing food are placed in tubes and do not come in direct contact with water. They can be used for any food, but are especially adapted for sterilized milk. They hold three bottles, and will keep the food warm enough for feeding, at least eight hours. They rob bottle feeding of its worst drawbacks; parents or nurses who use them are not obliged to get up in the night to heat food for the baby, and as there is no delay, baby will not become restless by having to wait for its food after waking. Milk or other food can be kept cool instead of hot by substituting finely crushed ice or ice water in place of hot water. Price, polished copper, with felt cosy, - - - - $2 75 Bottles, - .25 B1228-1230. Patented June 6, 1899. B1227. These Sterilizers are supplied with two perforated racks; or if preferred, one perforated rack, and one zinc tray for sterilizing instruments in a 1% solution of Carbonate of Soda and water, which prevents their rusting. (For operation, see page 61.) SIZES OF OVAL STERILIZING CHAMBERS Tin, Copper, Length. Width. Height. Copper Bottom Tin-lined — 14 in. 9% in. 6 in., - - - $5 50 $15 75 — 16 in. 10}4 in. 7 in., - - - 6 50 17 50 18 in. 12 in. 8 in., - - - 10 50 25.00 Special sizes made to order ; prices on application. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 63 STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. ARNOLD STEAM STERILIZERS FOR GENERAL PURPOSES B1231—B123S. B1239—B1247. These Sterilizers are inexpensive, and maintain an unvarying temperature of 100° C. in all parts of the sterilizing chamber without needing any care or attention; for this reason they are invaluable in laboratories and hospitals, and to physicians for many purposes. SIZES OF STERILIZING CHAMBERS Height Diameter Ordinary Pattern Side Door Pattern — 7J in. 84 in. Heavy Tin, Copper Bottom, $3.00 $3 50 —10J in. 9| in. “ “ “ “ 3.75 4 25 — 114 in. 104 in. “ “ “ “ 4 50 5 00 — 12J in. 114 in. “ “ “ “ 5.00 5 50 — 1\ in. 84 in. All Copper, Polished, -)|£B1235, 8 75 9 25 —10| in. 9-| in. “ “ “ 12 75 13 75 —114 in. 104 in. “ “ “ 15 00 15 00 —124 in. 114 in. “ “ “ 16.50 17.00 Special sizes made to order, prices on application. Recommended on account of their low price, to all laboratories where a number of Sterilizers are required. The price, together with their great adaptability for general laboratory work, has led to their adoption in the leading colleges and hospitals. A constant temperature of 100° C. can be maintained indefinitely in the Steam Chamber. (For operation, see page 61.) SIDE DOOR PATTERN 64 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. ARNOLD STEAM STERILIZERS FOR LABORATORIES B1247—1248. BOSTON BOARD OF HEALTH PATTERN These Sterilizers are made of copper throughout with double w alls, double doors and two removable wire cloth shelves. They are constructed on the same principle as all Arnold Sterilizers with Rapid Steaming Generator and maintain an invariable temperature of 100° C. in the sterilizing chamber. (For operation, see page 61.) The square form, with doors opening conveniently at the side, make these Sterilizers much more desirable for laboratory purposes than other styles. Height. Width. Depth. —-)|<-B1247. 14 in. 8 in. 8 in. $35.00 16 in. 12 in. 12 in. 40.00 SIZES OF STERILIZING CHAMBERS For $10.00 extra this pattern can be arranged so that either dry heat or steam can be used the same as in the Rochester Combination Sterilizer described on page 65. Made in this form, the inside measurement is reduced one inch each way. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 65 ROCHESTER COMBINATION STERILIZERS These Sterilizers embody three sterilizing agencies—steam, hot air and boiling water—in one apparatus and was suggested by one of the most eminent surgeons in this country. The Medical Department of the United States Army, after severe tests with other apparatus, has adopted them as standard, which alone should be a sufficient guarantee of their efficiency. They are so constructed that dry heat or steam can be turned into the sterilizing chamber at will by simply turning a valve. Thus, to prevent condensation, instruments and dressings can be heated by hot air up to about 212° F., then steam can be turned in, and after the articles have been sterilized, they can be thoroughly dried off again. The Sterilizer consists of a double-walled chamber, the outer wall of which rests on a remov- able base in a groove forming a water-joint. It contains two wire-cloth racks, one for instruments and one for dressings, etc. The steam is introduced at the top of the sterilizing chamber and passes out of a tube at the bottom. The base can be utilized to sterilize instruments in a 1% soda solution and the whole upper part used for steam sterilizing at the same time. There is a corked opening at the top for a thermometer. The base, with the cover and one of the racks, can also be used separately as an instrument sterilizer. It is a well known fact that saturated steam in circulation as produced by these sterilizers is a more effective sterilizing agent than the dry steam supplied in Pressure Sterilizers. It is therefore conceded that Rochester Combination Sterilizers are not only cheaper but better. Different designs of them are illustrated on the following pages. Physicians can depend on their reliability. DESCRIPTION B1249—1257. SIZES OF STERILIZING CHAMBERS Length. Width. Height. —3KB1249. 14 in. 6 in. 6 in., Heavy Tin, Copper Bottom, $6 00 16 in. in. 7 in., “ “ “ “ 7.00 —*B1251. 18 in. in. 8 in., “ “ “ “ 8.00 lx/2, in. in. 3 in., Polished Copper, Tin-lined, 7 00 —*B1253. 10 in. in. in., “ “ “ 9 00 14 in. 6 in. 6 in., “ “ “ 15.00 16 in. in. 7 in., ‘ “ “ 17.50 18 in. in. 8 in., “ “ “ 20 00 —*B1257. 22 in. 10 in. 10 in., “ “ “ 40 00 Nickel-plating $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $5 extra according to size. 66 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. ROCHESTER COMBINATION STERILIZERS B1258—1260. Also made as shown, with deeper base and faucet from which to draw sterilized water, and a to indicate the height of the water. Length. Width. Height. Depth of Base. 14 in. 6 in. 6 in. in., Polished Copper, $18 50 — B1259. 16 in. in. 7 in. in., “ . “ 21 25 — B1260. 18 in. in. 8 in. 6}4 in., “ “ 24.00 B1261—1266. This device has received the unqualified approval of prominent medical authorities in this country as well as Germany, where the “Prometheus” system is the only practical electric heating system in use. The heater becomes a part of the base of the Sterilizer. This base may be used as a receptacle for heating water if desired. The cord may- be attached to any ordinary lamp socket. In ordering the voltage should be stated, also whether the current is continuous or alternating. Any apparatus may be equipped with the Prometheus Electric Heater. Estimates furnished on application. Length. Width. Height. —*Bl26l. in. in. 3 in., Polished Copper, Tin-lined, $18 00 — B1262. 10 in. in. 4# in., “ “ “ 22.00 — B1263. 14 in. 6 in. 6 in., “ “ “ 30 00 — B1264. 16 in. in. 7 in., “ “ “ 35 00 — B1265. 18 in. 7}4 in. 8 in., “ “ “ 40 00 — B1266. 22 in. 10 in. 10 in., “ “ “ 65 00 Nickel-plating $1, $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50 and $5 extra according to size. WITH PROMETHEUS ELECTRIC HEATING DEVICE BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 67 STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. B1267—1267a. Sterilizer, Pasteur’s, round form, for sterilizing culture media in solution of Chloride of Calcium, made of copper, with rack for 6 Flasks, - $25.00 O B1267a. “ “ “ 10 - 30.00 B1268—1269. Sterilizer, Kitasato’s, for sterilizing instruments, used for bacteriological purposes, consisting of water reser- voir with hinged cover, wire basket, and solid sup- port ; arranged for gas or alcohol lamp. Made of brass, nickel-plated, - 15.00 Made of German silver, heavily nickel-plated, - 20.00 68 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. B1270—1271. B1272. —XB1270. Sterilizer. “ Franklin,” for sterilizing instruments, etc. They are made of polished copper, nickel-plated, and are mounted on a base 9 cm. high, which rests on a metal tray. It is arranged to be heated by gas, has a valve to drain the water, and a ventilator in the lid for the escape of steam. Each sterilizer is provided with a perforated, port- able tray for immersing and lifting out the instru- ments. This tray can be further utilized for steril- ization of bandages in steam, by turning the movable supports down (as shown on cut). These supports then resting directly on the bottom of the sterilizer, avoid any possibility of the bandages becoming wet. Small size, 7.5X13X30 cm., ----- $15.00 —X'B1271. Large size, 12X10X38 cm., ----- 18.00 —3KB1272. Sterilizer, Hot Air, Koch’s, of Russian iron, double walled, for high temperature, with 2 tubulures for thermometer and thermostat; ventilator at the top for controlling the temperature, and eyelets to hang against the wall. Inside dimensions, 30X22X22 cm., - $17.50 —B1273. “ “ 30X22X22 “ asbestos covered, 22.50 Thermometer, Thermostat and Burner, - - 4.50 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 69 STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. B1274—1277. Sterilizer, Hot Air, for sterilizing instruments, band- ages, etc., in dry heat. This sterilizer is made of the best russia iron, with double walls, constructed so as to produce a uniform heat all around the inside of the oven by connected openings between the double walled door and the oven. 22 cm. high, BO cm. wide, 22 cm. deep inside. - $12.50 O B1275. 22 “ “ 37 “ “ 22 “ “ “ - 13.50 O B1276. 22 “ “ 45 “ “ 22 “ “ “ - 15.00 O B1277. 30 “ “ 60 “ “ 30 “ “ “ - 22.50 Thermometer. Thermostat and Burner, - 4.50 70 EIMER Sl AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. B1278. Sterilizer, Hot Air, Lautenschlaeger pattern. These sterilizers are made of russia iron, covered with white enameled asbestos, and have the following ad- vantages over the ordinary Hot Air Sterilizers. The sterilization is done by circulating hot air only. The heating is not done directly from the bottom, but from the sides, as indicated by arrows, thereby securing an even temperature, and not liable to take the temper out of any instrument, even if laying close to the wall ; provided with two tubulures for thermometer and thermostat. They can be heated to 150° C. in about 15 minutes. Made in two sizes of dimensions as follows : Inside, 30 cm. high, 45 cm. wide, 22 cm. deep, - $40.00 O B1279 “ 45 “ “ 60 “ “ 35 “ “ - 50.00 Larger sizes made to order. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 71 STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. B1280 B1281—1283. —XB1280. Incubator, small, cylindrical, for Physicians and others who desire to make only a small number of cultures at a time; made of polished copper with a 5 cm. water space all around ; provided with a per- forated tray, water gauge and stop cock. Inside dimensions, 20X22 cm. Outside “ 30X30 cm. Price, with sheet iron base, ----- $15.00 Incubator of polished copper, lacquered, three walls, with conical bottom, air and water space all around, and covered with insulating material, thus insuring even temperature. It is provided with two doors, the inner one of beveled glass, the outer of copper, double walled, its edges felt lined, making it air-tight. It has tubulures for thermometer, thermo-regulator, and for filling into water space, and ventilator on top. It is provided with a movable shelf, water gauge and stop cock. The base is made of sheet iron, ten inches high, with a door having a mica glass for observation of flame. This base retains the heat and also prevents the flame from being extinguished. Inside dimensions, 22X18X18 cm., - $35 00 —*B1282. “ “ 30X22X22 cm., - - - 45.00 —*B1283. “ “ 37X30X25 cm., - - - *55 00 72 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. B1284. —XB1284. Incubator, made of polished and lacquered copper throughout. It has three walls, with water and air spaces all around the oven, ventilator on top, and is covered with an insulating material. The inner and outer doors are of glass, the latter having a sliding and removable insulating cover for observation. The edges of both doors are felt-lined, making the ap- paratus air-tight. The oven has a conical bottom and is provided with a removable shelf, water gauge, drip cock and tubulures for Thermometer and Gas Regulator. The base is made of sheet iron, with a door having a mica glass for observation of flame, thus retaining the heat and at the same time preventing the flame from being blown out. Inside dimensions, 22X30X22 cm. Outside dimensions, 35X65X33 cm. The base is 25 cm. high, - Price, $45 00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 73 STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. B1286—1287. — B1285. Incubator, large size, made of copper. These Ovens are for constant low temperature, made of copper, with conical bottom and three walls, having an air and water space all around the oven to insure even temperature. The inner doors are of beveled plate glass and the outer ones of copper, double walled. The edges on both doors are feit-lined to make the oven air-tight. It is provided with removable shelves, water-gauge, drip cock and tubulations for Ther- mometer and Gas Regulator. The whole oven is covered with heavy sheet asbestos, white enameled, mounted on iron stand, 75 cm. high, with sheet iron enclosure for burner, japanned black. They are made in the following sizes : high wide deep Single door Incubator, 45X45X30 cm., - - $90 00 Double door Incubator, 45X75X35 cm., - - 130 00 —X'B1287. Double door Incubator, 60X75X45 cm., - - 175 00 Inside measurements. 74 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. O B1288. Incubator, Koch’s, new and improved form, with one inch corrugated water space, heated with a petroleum lamp; indispensable where gas is not available, pro- vided with automatic heat regulator. It has a glass- door nearly one half inch thick, in metal-frame and felt-lined, preventing the heat from escaping and in- suring uniform temperature. Prices include waterlevel and kerosene-lamp. Inside dimensions, - - 25X25X25 cm. 40X25X25 cm. Outside of wood, water jacket of zinc or lead-lined steel plate, - $25.00 $37.50A O B1289. All metal, japanned outside, water jackets as before, ------ 32.50 47.50A O B1290. Heating chamber and water jacket, of heavy copper, ----- 42.50A ' 55.00A OtKB1291. All metal, water jacket of heavy copper, outside covered with felt and oil-cloth, 50.00A 62.50A Directions are furnished with each apparatus. Above Incubators can also be arranged for Bunsen gasburners at the same prices. B1288—1291. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 75 STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. B1292. B1297—B1299. XB1292. Sterilizer, according to Dr. Schimmelbusch, combina- tion for sterilizing culture plates, instruments, bandages, etc., made of copper, nickel-plated, complete with wire- tray, two specially constructed alcohol lamps, one large wire basket and two baskets with lock; size of sterilizer: 50 cm. long X 50 cm, wide, .... - $47 50 a Ditto, but with gas burner (A) 46.50 a BL293. B1292A. —XB1293. Wall tray for above, brass, nickel-plated, with glass con- tainer, soda spoon, liter measure, 5 minutes sand-glass and match box, complete, - - - - - - $6.50 a —B1293a. Wall tray, ditto, triangular, smaller, - - - - 5.00 a DIRECTIONS FOR USING THE INSTRUMENT BOILER Fill the boiler to a height of about 4 cm. with a liter measure, adding for each liter of water one spoonful of soda, thus obtaining a 1% soda solution. After getting this solution to boiling, insert the wire trays containing the instruments and steam them 5 minutes, noting the time by the sand-glass. This done, take out the trays and place them in the cooling tray filled with a 3% Carbolic soda solution. 76 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. B1294. Sterilizer, according to Dr. Rotter, for sterilizing in- struments; compact, portable, simple and inexpensive. It is provided with three pans, with perforated trays and covers, folding stand, 7 cm. high, and wickless alcohollamp, asbestos filled. Instruments can be ster- ilized in this apparatus in four to five minutes. Made of sheet iron, heavily tinned, complete, - - $7.50 OB1295. “ “ copper, “ nickel-plated, complete, - 10 00 CB1296a. Large pan with perforated tray, alone, - - - 4 00 OB1296b. Medium “ “ “ “ “ 3 30 OB1296c. Small “ “ “ “ 2.50 —XB1297. Sterilizer, according to Dr. Schimmelbusch, for sterili- zation of instruments in 1% soda solution. It consists of box with corrugated bottom and close-fitting cover to prevent escape of steam, three wire trays with wooden handles, a cooling tray, a glass container with cover and a measuring spoon. The instrument boiler is heated by means of a heating coil for gas. The whole is of heavily nickel-plated German silver. (See illustration, page 75.) Size 25X14 cm., - $40 00a --XB1298. “ 30X20 cm., 45 00 a -XB1299. “ 40X20 cm., 50 00 a Larger sizes made to order. XB1300. Incubator, rectangular form, double walled, of lead- lined steel plate, felt covered, with glass lid, gauge and stopcock. (Illustration see page 77.) Inside dimensions. 25X25X25 cm., - $15.00 *B1801. “ “ 50X25X25 cm., - - - 20.00 These sterilizers can be arranged for alcohol or kerosine burners, steam or electric heat. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 77 STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. B1302. B1303. XB1302. Incubator, oval shape, made of corrugated copper, size 40x35x25 cm., as per illustration, - - AI100.00 B1300—1301. —XB1303. Incubator, made of polished copper, double walled, having a 5 cm. water space, provided with double doors, the inner of glass and the outer of copper, with water-gauge and stopcock with tubulations for thermometer and thermo-regulator on sheet iron bottom, with japanned iron stand, mounted on 4 detachable iron legs. Inside dimensions, 30X25X25 cm., - $28 00 78 EIMER &> AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. Incubators, electrically heated, for bacteriological work, double walled, for water filling. This incubator is heated economically by numerous tubes, con- taining the wires, evenly placed around the working space, the water circulat- ing around these tubes, thus minimizing loss of heat. It is covered with lin- oleum, has tubulations on top for water filling, thermostat, thermometer, etc., is provided with perforated removable shelves, and rests on an iron support. Height of working space, 25 40 40 cm. Width “ “ - - - 25 25 50 cm. Depth “ " - - - - 25 25 28 cm. Price, without rheostat and thermo-regulator, made of leaded russia iron, - $40.00 50.00 72.50 a working space made of corrugated copper - 80.00 100.00 140.00 a or, electric, for above, automatically working. It consists principally of a mercury interrupter, connected with the shunt-end released by an electromagnet, which is in turn connected with the interrupter. As soon as the temperature of the incubator reaches a higher degree than set the current is shut off . The main circuit is re-opened as soon as the temperature is lowered again. A signallamp is connected with this interrupter which is lighted as soon as the main current is interrupted, and extinguished when the temperature is lowered again to its required height, thus enabling the worker to watch the in- cubator even from a distance. Price of the regulator in polished wooden box with glasswindow, signallamp and mercury interrupter, ------ $42.00 A Without the interrupter, less, - 10.00 Extra signallamps, ----- each, .50 O B1306. Sterilizer, Electrically heated, with rheostat attached, inside space 20X20X20 cm, - 50.00 B1304—1305. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 79 STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. B1307. B1308. Incubator, made of copper, double Availed, with water space; it is provided with tight closing double doors, the inner ones of glass. The apparatus is covered with linoleum, and has a metal tube for the thermo-regulator. It is mounted on a heavy iron frame support, and is provided with a Koch’s safety burner, having an adjustable mica chimney, on an adjustable holder attached to the support. Size inside 38 X 25x25 cm. Price complete with burner, thermo- regulator and thermometer, - $85.00A Price of Incubator alone, - 60.00A —*B1308. Inspissator, or apparatus for coagulating bloodserum acc. to Hueppe; made of leaded sheet iron; it has a conical bottom, isolated insertion, and a complete linoleum or asbestos covering; six heating tubes and double walled door, which can be heated separately. Two wire baskets for vertical, five adjustable trays for keeping test tubes in a slanting position, two-arm burner and separate burner are furnished with this apparatus; inside measure 20x20x26 cm., - I60.0QA 80 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. B1309. —XB1309. Incubator, for smaller laboratories, entirely of copper, asbestos covered, double walls, with extra glass door and sheet iron base with burner opening on side, otherwise constructed as the incubator described on page 71; this incubator is a very good apparatus at a low price. Inside dimensions, 25X20X20 cm., - $35.00 “ “ 30X25X25 cm., - 40.00 B1310—1311 —XB1310. Inspissator, or Apparatus for simultaneously ster- ilizing and coagulating blood serum; double walls with one glass door, and one double walled metal door, the whole covered with thick felt; gauge tube and dripcock, 4 trays of tinned wire gauze in gal- vanized metal frame to take the test tubes, with stand, without gas regulator, thermometer and burner. Inside dimensions, 25X25X25 cm., - $30.00 —3KB1311. Inside dimensions, 40X25X25 cm., - 35.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 81 STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. B1312. M B1315. Inspissator, or Apparatus tor solidifying and coagulating blood serum, according to Koch. These ovens are made of copper, double walled, heavily tinned on the inside and covered with insu- lating material. The glass top is covered with heavy felt. It has two openings for thermometer and gas regulator, is provided with water level and drip cock and is supported on four legs ; the two front ones slotted and moving in grooves, allowing the oven to tilt forward. For 25 Testtubes ----- $12.50 — B1313. “50 “ - 16.00 — B1314. “100 “ ----- 20.00 If made of tinned steel plate, 20% less. Inspissator, Koch’s improved form of No. 1312-1314, with holes near the top and air vent for equal distri- bution of heat, ----- additional, 3.50 B1316a. li 1316 b. Baskets, of galvanized iron gauze, to hold test tubes during sterilization. a) Rectangular, cm., - - each, .60 b) Round, 23X23 cm , - each, .70 Any other dimensions made to order. 82 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. B1317. B1318a. B1318b. -X-B1317. Basket of copper, nickel-plated, acc. to Dr. Schimmel- busch for sterilizing various objects; cover on hinges; sterilizer arranged for locking with key; openings on side can be closed after sterilization; 20 cm. diameter, $4.50 25 cm. diameter, - 6.00 35 cm. diameter, 10.00 Larger sizes imported to order. Boxes, of sheet iron, with deep overhanging cover. a) For sterilizing culture plates, size 5X9X12 cm., 1.00 5 X12X16 cm., 1.25 7XX16X18 cm., - -. 2 00 b) For sterilizing pipettes, size 4X0X20 cm., each, 1 00 Made of copper, ------ each, 1 50 B1313. B1320. *B1319. Case, of brass, acc. to Israel, with sliding rack for ster- ilizing small instruments, like knives, forceps, scalpels, etc., $4.00 XB1320. Case, of copper, with hinged cover, for sterilizing larger instruments. 46X23X80 cm. inside dimensions, - 12.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 83 STERILIZERS, INCUBATORS, Etc. B1321a. B1321b. Case, of copper, nickel-plated, according to Dr. Pfuhl, for sterilization and sterile transportation of Petri and other glass dishes, size 18X12X12 cm. with five shelves. a) Square form, - - - - - - $6.00 b) Round form, ------- 7.50 B1322. 3KB1322. Trays, of copper, adjustable, for holding serum tubes, in sterilizers or incubators. a) Plain, low form, ------ $3.00 b) With shelf, deep form, ----- 5.00 84 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF Gaspressure and Gas- or Thermo- REGULATORS For Incubators, Sterilizers, Etc. B1323. B1324. Regulators, Gas Pressure, Giroud’s, wet rheometer, for glycerine, with two outlets, for gas and water, - $4.00 —}£B1324. Regulator, Gas Pressure, Moitessier’s, for glycerine filling, of heavy polished brass, with two manometers, regulating stopcock and leveling screws, - 18.00 B1325. B1326. 03KB1325. Regulator, Gas Pressure, Murrill’s, latest, most con- venient and cheapest form, for use with a thermostat; temperature may be held constant within 0.1° C, - $7.00 Regulator, Gas Pressure, dry, with regulating stopcock, - -- -- -- -- 7.50 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 85 GAS- OR THERMO-REGULATORS FOR INCUBATORS, STERILIZERS, Etc. Fig 1. Fig. la. B1329. B1327. 151327a. B1328. Regulators, Thermo, Prof. Novy’s latest forms, having many advantages over the earlier forms ; the gas supply can be cut down with safety; very econo- mizing. With metal set screw, - - - - $5.00 B1327a. With reservoir on side and stopcock, for refilling, 7.00 ->KB1328. Regulator, Thermo, Dr. Novy’s, improved form; works exceedingly well, especially when connected with Murrill’s gas pressure regulator. (See fig. 1325.) 5.00 Regulator, Thermo, Soxhlet’s, simple and very sensitive, - -- -- -- -- 1.00 Regulators, Thermo, Bunsen-Kemp, in metal frame, 3.50 Regulator, Thermo, a precision regulator, made en- tirely of metal, for keeping temperatures in sterilizers etc. absolutely constant within 0.1° C. Very practical, no mercury being used, needs little if any repairing, does not change and can be put to use instantly; price, A30.00 Regulator, Thermo, Dunham’s, for incubators and other purposes, where exact temperatures are required; glass parts only, ------- 2.00 Filled, ready for use, ------ 3.50 B1330—1332 illustrated on page 86. EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GAS- OR THERMO-REGULATORS FOR INCUBATORS, STERILIZERS, Etc. B1332 B1333, B1334. B1335 —7kB1333. Regulator, Thermo, Roux’s bimetallic, allowing an easy and absolute regulation of temperature without mercury or any kind of liquid; Length, 15 25 40 cm. Price, $10.00 20.00 22.50 each. the genuine American make, 25 cm. 30 cm. $7.00 $7.50 B1330. B1331. B1339. Regulator, Thermo, Reichert’s, for high temperatures, straight, - -- -- -- -- $2.50 B1336. Regulator, Thermo, Reichert’s, bent at right angle, 2.75 B1337. Regulator, Thermo, Reichert’s, for low temperatures, straight, --------- 3 25 B1338. Regulator, Thermo, Reichert’s, bent at right angle, 2.75 Regulator, Thermo, Reichert’s, with stopcock, straight, 4.00 B1340. Regulator, Thermo, with stopcock, bent at right angle, 4.25 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 87 Apparatus for the Examination of Blood B1341—1343. Haemacytometer, Thoma’s, made by Zeiss, in lined case, with instructions, With pipette for red or for white corpuscles, - - $10.90 O B1342. With both pipettes, ------- 15.10 Pipettes, mixing for above, for either red or white corpuscles, ------- each, 3.80 O B1344. Coverglasses for above, 0.4 or 0.6 mm. thick, each, .30 B1345. B1846. B1347. Counting Chambers, Thoma’s, without case, - 5.05 OTB1346. Counting Chambers, Zappert’s, without case, - 5.75 Counting Chambers, Tuerk’s, without case, - 7.15 Counting Chambers, other, than here listed, see Zeiss’ special list. O B1348. Counting Chamber Stage, for moving same slowly in one direction, ------- 5.70 O B1349. Eyepiece Crossline Micrometers, 1.0 mm. or 0.5 mm. sides, - each, 2.10 O B1350. Stops, Ehrlich’s, set of 7 graduated square openings, from 1 mm. to 10 mm. sides, - 3.80 5/q discount allowed on prices on this page, if paid within 10 days. 88 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS FOR THE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD B1351. B1353. —9KB1351. Eyepiece, Ehrlich’s, provided with an adjustable square diaphragm, facilitating the estimation of the relative numbers of red and white blood corpuscles in dry preparations, ------- AI15.00 — B1352. Haemacytometer, Gower’s, complete in case, with instructions, -------- A 30.00 0>KB1353. Haemaglobinometer, Gower’s, simple form, in case, with instructions, - 2.50 O B1353a Haemaglobinometer, Gower’s, improved form, in case, with instructions, ------ 10.00 B1354. Haemometer, Sahli’ s, 7.50 B1355. B1356. Haemometer, new pocket, for the exact determination of haemoglobin in blood. A practical instrument for the general practioner, differing from the Gowers by having a standard ruby glass plate, which does not change the color, ------- A$12.00 Haemoglobin Scale and Color Testbook, Wether- ill’s, for' the better determination of Haemoglobin Moisture, Perspiration, Urine and the color of the Feces. A pocket size book of practical tests. Price, 1.50 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 89 APPARATUS FOR THE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD B1357. Haemometer, Fleischl’s, for the accurate and rapid determination of normal haemoglobin in the blood, in velvet lined case, with instructions, - $25.00 Its advantages over similar Haemometers now in use are the following: Its manipulation is easier and requires less care. The percentage of normal haemoglobin can be read off rapidly and surely. But a small quantity (1 drop) of the blood to be examined is required. B1358. Haemometer, Fleischl’s, improved by Miescher, differ- ing from the former in being more exact, and in the direct reading of absolute Haemoglobin percentages; in velvet lined case, with instructions, - $45.00 90 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS FOR THE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD B1361. B1365. B1362. B1366. O B1359. Extra Capillary Tubes, for FleischFs Haemometer, $1.25 O B1360. Extra Mixing Pipettes, “ “ “ 2.00 — Lancet, Laker’s, for taking blood samples, - - - A 2.00 —¥B1362. Haemoglobin Scale, Tallquist’s, a very simple and practical means for testing the percentage of haemo- globin in the blood, consisting of 50 sheets of 3 each perforated strips of a standard absorbent paper, with a scale attached showing the tints of haemoglobin ranging from 10% to 100%; the whole bound in bookform, -------- - 1.50 — B1363. Haematinometer, Hoppe-Seiler’s, for measuring blood corpuscles, ------ per pair, A15.00 — B1364. Hydrometer for specific gravity determination of blood, according to the Hammerschlag method, - - - 1.50 Spectroscope, pocket, direct vision, for the spectro- scopic examination of blood, in leather cover, - 11.50 Spectroscope, pocket, direct vision, with scale, com- parison prism and illuminating mirror, and with elec- tric lighting arrangement, as illustrated, in case, - - 34 00 — B1366a. Ditto, ditto, without electric light attachment, in case, - 22.00 —*B1367. Spectroscope Stand, universal, with illuminating mirror, absorption trough and absorption tube with table support for same, clamp, and spectrum stand, as illustrated, inch 6 glass tubes with fused-in platinum wires ; in polished wooden cabinet. Price complete, 25.50 See illustration page 91. —)FB1368. Spectroscope, Kirchhoff-Bunsen, with telescope for the millimeter scale and illuminating lamp for same, with adjustable slit, 2 Bunsen burners, 12 platinum wires fused in glass and 2 stands for same, 2 spectro- scopic charts and 5 millimeter-scales, - - _ 52.00 See illustration page 91. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 91 APPARATUS FOR THE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD B1367 B1368. Centrifuges for blood examinations, see Index. Drying Ovens for blood serum, see Index. Haematocrit Attachments for Centrifuges, see Index. Warming Tables for fixing blood preparations, see page 49. Warming Chambers for microscopes, see page 42. 1369. B1370. Cell Counter, according to Drs. Einhorn and Laporte, for red corpuscles, engraved on glass, in box, - $2.50 Lovibond’s, with candle light standards, complete set in case, as illustrated, - A 45.00 — B1371. Dr. Oliver’s observation in- strument, ---------A 15.00 — B1372. Haemocytometer, complete set, consisting of lancet, standard, graded tube, 10 cmm. measuring pipette, stoppered bottle for Hyam’s solution, and two stop- pered tubes, in pocket case, - - - - - A 21.00 For blood determination, in portable case, - - 35.00 92 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS FOR THE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD 0*B1373. Sphygmomanometer, Riva-Rocci’s, modified by Dr. Cook, for measuring the pulse force; made of one p. R1Q7. c Pjec*-’ for hospital use, complete with accessories, - $6.50 u Sphygmomanometer, as above, but with jointed ma- nometer, portable form, in small plush-lined case, - 8.50 131373. B1375. Apparatus, Beckmann’s, for determining the freezing point of liquids, specially adapted for the clinical use in blood, urin, etc. examinations, complete with platinum stirrer and thermometer in Vioo° C., without support, - $32.50 Cryoscope, for same purpose, complete with 2 ther- mometers, one in Vioo°C., and one —30°+50°C. in l/i, as per illustration - - - - 15.00 131376. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 93 APPARATUS FOR THE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD —*B1377. Ferrometer, Dr. Jolles’ new clinical, for the quick and accurate determination by the colorimetric method of the percentage of iron in blood, requiring but a minimal amount of blood, made in two combinations : Combination I, with all accessories, - A$57.50 Combination II, ------- A 27.50 Phosphometer, Dr. Jolles’, for the clinical determina- tion of the percentage of phosphorous blood, also re- quiring but a minimal quantity of blood. Combination I, with all accessories, - - - A 90.00 Combination II, - - - - - - -A 60.00 The above two are accessory apparatus to v. Fleischl’s and Fleischl-Miescher’s Haemometers. B1377. B1378. B1379. Haematoscope, Henocque’s, clinical model, consisting of the Haematoscope proper, an enameled plate, needles, scale, in covered box, ------ A$13.50 94 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS FOR THE EXAMINATION OF BLOOD Clinical Apparatus Case, portable, according to Dr. Camac, for bacteriological, chemical and physical examinations at bedside. The leather case without any apparatus, - - $15.00 The case complete with the apparatus named on page 110, - - - - - - - 65.00 . (Illustration, see page 110.) B1381. Blood Work Test Solutions, according to Dr. Thomas Brown, in 2 oz. glass stoppered bottles : Acetic Acid Acid Alcohol Alcohol Chenzinsky’s Solution Dahlia (for staining basophiles) Erlich’s Triple Stain Eosine Solution (in 75% Alcohol) Ether Fixing Solution Formaldehyde Methylene Blue, Aqueous Sat. Sol. Neusser’s Triacid Stain Toison’s Solution Filter Paper Forceps for Cover Glasses Forceps, Nickel Plated Lancet 24 Cover Glasses 24 Cut Edge Slides Price, complete set in a plain wooden case, - - $5.00 B1882. Blood Examination Apparatus, stomach testing set, consisting of 1 Burette 50 cc. 1-10 with pinch-cock and tip 1-5 cc. Vol. pipette and bulb 1 ii it ti it 1-2 CC. 2 Glass funnels 2 inches 1 Hard rubber funnel 4 inches 1 Package filter paper 5 inches 1 Retort stand with burette clamp and 2 rings Y doz. Test tubes 6 inches 1 Graduate, 250 cc., conical Yi doz. Beaker glasses 100 cc. Ye doz. Tumblers 500 cc. Yi oz. l/o Ale. Solution Phenol- phthalein Yz oz. l,°o Ale. Solution Dimethyi- amidoazobenzol 1 Book blue litmus paper 1 Sheet Congo Red paper 1 Sheet Dimethyiamidoazobenzol paper 3 ft. Black rubber tubing, Y% inch diameter 1 pc. Glass tubing, Y inch diameter, 3 ft. long Y oz. 1% Solution Alizarin 8 oz. KOH Solution, 1-10 normal 1 pc. Platinum wire 2 inches long, fused in glass rod 2 oz. 1% Solution Calcium chloride 1 oz. Solution Iron trichloride 2 oz. Fehling’s Copper Solution 2 oz. Fehling’s Alkali Solution 1 oz. Lugols Solution Price per set, - - $8.25 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 95 Apparatus for the Examination and Testing of Milk B1383. 131385. B1393. tKB1383. Creamometer, Chevalier’s, with red lines, - - $ .85 Cream Tube, (see fig. 1394) - 60 cts., on foot, 1.00 Cream Tube, giving direct percentage of cream, - - .50 B1386. Cream Tube, giving direct percentage of cream, large, with glass foot, - -- -- -- - .60 B1387. Cream Tube, according to Gerber, - - - - .60 B1388. Lactodensimeter, N. Y. Board of Health, - - .50 B1389. Lactodensimeter, N. Y. Board of Health, with thermometer, - -- -- -- - 2.00 B1390. Lactodensimeter, Quevennes, with thermometer, - 2.00 3KB1391. Lactoscope, Professor Feser’s, in polished wooden case with metal foot, latest form, (See fig. 1395) - 3.40 B1392. Lactobutyrometer, Caldwell’s, graduated tube with rubber stopper, two pipettes and one cylinder, complete, 2.50 Lactobutyrometer, Soxhlet’s, with Professor Soxhlet’s guarantee of correctness, two normal hydrometers, support, rubber bulbs, cooler, 12 numbered bottles, wash-bottles, pinchcocks, etc., complete, - - - 35.00 96 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS FOR THE EXAMINATION AND TESTING OF MILK B1394. B1395. B1396. 3kB1394. Milk Testing Apparatus, Marchand’s, portable, spe- cially arranged for milk inspectors. The cream tubes, pipettes, etc., are packed inside a brass jar, with an alcohol cup for raising cold milk to the temperature desired, - -------- - $10.00 Milk Testing Apparatus, complete, for inspectors, etc., consisting of Feser’s lactoscope, lactodensimeter, thermometer, cylinder, complete with instructions, in leather case, - -- -- -- - 12.00 Milk Tester, Pioscope, Professor Heeren’s, for ap- proximate tests, - -- -- -- - .50 B1397. Hood, Stewart* s, with 20 tubes for testing milk, ac- cording to Gerber’s method ; can be attached to any centrifuge; nickel-plated, ------ $7.50 Burettes for milk analysis, see page 100. Milkwarmers, see page 62. Pipettes for milk analysis, see page 100. Sterilizers for milk, see page 60 to 61. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 97 APPARATUS FOR THE EXAMINATION AND TESTING OF MILK B1398. B1399. B1400. B1401. B1402. B1403. Milk Tester, Babcock’s. This well-known apparatus gives the exact butter value of milk within ten minutes. Full directions for using are sent with each machine. With 40 turns of the crank the bottle-head reaches a speed of 1080 revolutions per minute, and 60 turns of the crank gives 1620 revolutions of the bottle-head per minute. The required speed obtained without too great a speed of the crank. 4-bottle Tester, with 2 cream bottles and pipette, $ 5.50 4 “ only, --------- - 5.00 4-bottle Tester, with outfit, - 8.00 6 “ “ - 9.00 8 “ “ - ..... 10.00 10 “ “ - ..... 12.00 12 “ “ - 14.00 16 “ “ - 18.00 20 “ “ - 20.00 With galvanized iron castings, additional, - - - - - 1.00 All sizes fitted for belt power, “ ..... 3.00 Outfit consists of a full set of regular milk bottles, pipette, acid measure, acid sufficient for making 50 to 100 tests. We recommend the above machines with cog wheel gear as more durable than the Friction machines, but supply the latter at same prices, if preferred. See also Reg. Cat. No.2 719, Test Bottles, Babcock’s, for milk, 10%, - per doz., fl. 50 ¥B1400. Test Bottles, Babcock’s, for cream, 25%, - per doz., 4 00 Test Bottles, Babcock’s, for cream, 35%, - per doz., 5.00 Test Bottles, Babcock’s, for cream, Conn. Agricult. Expt. Station pattern, 30%, - per doz., 3.00 The latter are recommended as fitting all makes of machines and being easy to clean. Test Bottles, Babcock’s, for skim and buttermilk, doz., 4.00 98 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS FOR THE EXAMINATION AND TESTING OF MILK B1404. B1406-7. Milk Apparatus, Dr. L. E. Holt’s, for testing human milk; consisting of 2 graduated stoppered cylinders, 1 lactometer and cylinder for same ; complete in box, with instructions for use, ------ $2.00 — B1405. Milk Scale, Richmond’s, improved, - - - - 3.00 Refractometer after Wollny, made by Carl Zeiss, for the determining of the fat percentage in milk; Eye- piece scale having a value from nD = 1.33 to nD = 1.42 ; in case with correction thermometer, - - - A$74.00 Refractometer, made by Carl Zeiss, for the refractory examination of butter; also for fats, sweet oils, etc., scale reading from nD = 1.42 to nD = 1.49, divided in l/io parts ; with a bottle of “normal liquid”, thermometer 0-50°C x/z and special thermometer for butter and suet, complete in case, $7150 OB1408. Heating Spiral with water pressure regulator for same, $25.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 99 APPARATUS FOR THE EXAMINATION AND TESTING OF MILK B1410—B1411. B1410. B1412. Refractometer, Immersion, for the examination of liquids of a low refractory index, especially milk, also aqueous, alcoholic, ethereal, etc., solutions : With prism mounted so as not to come into contact with liquids hurtful to it, as acids, etc. $83.50 Tin Vessel A for same, holding 10 beakers, for quick examinations of a number of liquids at the same time; with window in the bottom of the vessel and reflecting mirrors, complete with 10 beakers, - - 10.00 Tin Vessel B, with window in the front side and mirror, - - - - - - - - - - 6.00 Thermometer, 0-50°C l/io, in nickel-plated metal tube, 9..00 O Heating Spiral, see B1408. Auxiliary Prisms for the examination of a very small quantity of liquids. O B1413a. For B1410 : Prism unmounted, 4.00 Old Model I and Prism I for tire same no longer made. (See 1905 Catalog.) 100 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS FOR THE EXAMINATION AND TESTING OF MILK B1415. B1419 B1414. Milk Acid Measure, on foot, 17.6 cc., - - - $ .20 Milk Burette, Automatic, for delivering six charges of 17.6 ccm. sulphuric acid before refilling, complete with reservoir, 5.00 B1416. Milk Burette, with Stopcock, style B1666a, for acid. For 3 6 12 25 charges of 17.6 ccm. acid. $2.00 2.50 3.00 4.50 each. B1417. Milk Pipette, 17.6 cc., ------ .25 B1418. Milk and Cream Pipette, 17.6 and 10 cc., - - .30 *B1419. Milk Pipette, automatic, 17.6 cc., complete with re- servoir and rubber bulb, for acid, - - - - 6.00 B1420. Milk Test Bottle Brushes, small, doz., - .35 large, doz., - 1.00 All graduated Milk Apparatus quoted above are made in our own shop and of assured accuracy. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 101 Apparatus for Urinary Analysis —tKB1421. Albumenometer, Esbach’s, for the quantita- tive estimation of Albumen in urine. In box, $ .60 Test-solution, per pound, with glass-stoppered bottle, - -- -- -- - _40 Albumenometer, Esbach’s, for the quanti- tative estimation of Albumen in urine. Im- proved form on glass foot. Complete in box -j. with rubber stopper and directions, - - - 1.00 B1422. B1423. B1424. B1421 3KB1423. Balance, Specific Gravity Westphal’s, for deter- mining the specific gravity of urine to the fourth decimal, $16 50 3KB1424. Fermentation Tubes, Smith’s, small size, 5 in. high, .30 Large size, 7 in. high, .40 B1425. B1427. Horismascope, particularly used and recommended for detecting traces of albumen in urine. A very de- licate instrument, indicating l/60th per cent, of albumen. Complete with directions, ------ $1.00 102 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS FOR URINARY ANALYSIS B1429. B1430. B1431. B4432. Percentage Tubes, Purdy’s, for determination of al- bumen, see under centrifuges, page 132. Polariscope, Franz Schmidt & Haensch’ make, Mit- scherlich’s half shade, with Laurent’s Polarizer, reading 0.1°, with 2 glass tubes 94.7 and 189.4 mm. and Sodium gas lamp, --------- $63.00 B1427. With Barthel’s alcohol sodium lamp, - - - -65.00 Illustrated on page 101. OB1428. Polariscope, after Mitscherlich, simple form, with one 200 millimeter tube, - - - - - - - 35.00 0*B1429. Polariscope, New, for Urine Analysis, Franz Schmidt and Haensch’ make, for the rapid and exact estimation of sugar and albumen in urine, reading to 0.1%, using common white light; complete with 3 obser- vation tubes and lamp, in mahogany case, specially constructed for physicians, 100.00 O B1429a. Ditto, with nickeline scale and protection cap, as illust’d, 120.00 Purinometer, Hall’s, for controlling the assimilation of nitrogenous food in the body, complete, - - 10.00 200 ccm. test solution, No. 1, .50 200 ccm. test solution, No. 2, .55 Saccharimeter, Ultzmann’s, improved form, for the qantitative determination of sugar in urine, for any light, with observation tube and telescope, reading from 0-10%, in mahogany box, ----- $36.00 Stand for above, ------- 5.00 —tLB1432. Saccharometer, Fermentation, after Einhorn, mo- dified by Fiebig, with glass-stopper on bulb, for quantitative determination of sugar in urine, must, etc., $1.25 —B1432a. Set of two, complete with graduated tube, in box, per set, 2.50 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 103 APPARATUS FOR URINARY ANALYSIS B1433. B1434. B1436. B1435. Saccharometer, Fermentation, Einhorn’s, for the estimation of sugar in urine, single tubes, each, $0.75 —Bl433a. Set of two saccharometers and one graduated test tube, put up in box, -------- 1.50 Saccharometer, after Einhorn, with glass stop-cock on top for easy filling of tube - each, 2.00 —Bl434a. Set of two, complete with graduated tube, in box, per set, 4.00 Saccharometer, Dr. Beck’s, for quick estimation of sugar in urine, complete as per illustration, inch wooden support for the four tubes, - - - - s.50 Urine-Test (-Sediment) Glasses, conical with lip, 30 ccm. 60 ccm. 125 ccm. 200 ccm. 250 cm. $0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 B1437. Ureometer, Bartley’s, glass parts only, with 1 cm. pipette, --------- $1.00 Fitted with Dr. Beebe’s clamp, - 1.50 104 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS FOR URINARY ANALYSIS B1438. tKB1438. Saccharometer, Precision, Dr. Lohnstein’s, for the exact determination of sugar in urine, consisting of the U shaped, stoppered tube, graduated, the test tube, also graduated, for diluting the urine and a bottle of mercury; with directions in black box, - - $2.25 This saccharometer excels all others in exactness, and has the advantage of the polariscope in giving more exact results for smaller sugar percentages. B1439. Urea Apparatus, Squibb’s, complete with directions for use, --------- $2.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 105 APPARATUS FOR URINARY ANALYSIS B1440. B1441. B1442. —3KB1440. Ureometer, Doremus’, for the rapid estimation of urea, complete with pipette, in box, - - - - - $ .85 Mounted on glass foot, ______ 1.00 Support with clamp for above, _____ 90 Sodium hydrate solution for use with above, - - lb. .60 Bromine for above, per oz., bottle inch, - .25 SKB1441. Ureometer, Doremus’, improved by Hinds, gives more exact results than the original form, as the 1 CC. of urine required for the test is delivered with greater accuracy and no Nitrogen escapes from the bulb, - 2.50 B1441a. On glass foot, - 3.00 Urinary Test Apparatus, Robert’s, consisting of: 1 Set of two Urinometers, with 1 Burette with Pinchcock and Test Glasses. 4 Urine Glasses. 6 Test Tubes. 1 Alcohol Lamp. 5 Bottles filled with Reagents. Burette Holder. 3 Pipettes. 3 Stirring Rods. 1 Graduate. 1 Flask with Ring to support it. 1 Box Litmus Paper. The whole arranged on a round stand of two tiers, of polished wood, especially designed to suit the wants of a physician in his office, _____ $15.00 B1443. Urinary Test Tube on foot, Murray’s, for approximate tests, - 1.25 B1444. Ureometer for estimating urea, Marshall’s, - - 3.00 106 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS FOR URINARY ANALYSIS B1451. B1445. B1446. B1447. Ureometer, Huefner’s, for estimating urea, $3.00 Ureometer, Huefner’s, improved form, on base, with graduated tube, etc., - 5.50 Urinometer, for determining speci- fic gravity of urine, according to Dr. Squibb, with thermometer, cylin- der and table for corrections, price, 1.50 Without thermometer, - - .75 B1448. Urinometer, acc. to Neubauer & Vogel, set of two, 1000-1020 and 1020-1040, with cylinder, in box, 1.00 B1449. Urinometer, single instrument of 1000-1060, with cylinder, in box, .50 B1450. Urinometer,with fine thermometer in body, with cylinder, in box, - 1.50 OtKB1451. Urino-Pycnometer, Dr. Saxe’s, for rapid determinaion of the spe- cific gravity of minimal quantities of urine, - 2.00 With cylinder and directions in box, complete, - 2.50 Urea Azotometer, Marshall’s, complete, - - - 3.00 B1452. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 107 APPARATUS FOR URINARY ANALYSIS B1453, CMB1453. Uro-Glycometer, Dr. Heinrich Stern’s, for the accur- ate determination of dextrose in urine, acc. to Robert’s fermentation process. The apparatus consists of two hydrometers in l/sth°, reading from 0.990-1.030 resp. 1.030-1.070, and one 100 ccm. and one 50 ccm. fermen- tation tube, cone-shaped at the bottom, fitted to de- tachable feet. The tubes are carefully gauged and marked, and have perforated, flat topped aluminum caps. The hydrometers can be used also to ascertain "the specific gravity of urine. Price of above apparatus, complete, with directions in case, - 4.50 Each hydrometer alone, ______ 1.25 Small cylinder with base, alone, - .80 Large cylinder with base, alone, - 1.20 Without bases, ----- .60 resp. .90 B1454. Uricometer, Ruhemann’s, for the rapid estimation of uric acid, - - - ______ $2.50 108 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS FOR URINARY ANALYSIS B1455. Urinary Apparatus Set, in polished mahogany case, with drawer; size of case, 28 x 19 x 17 cm., con- taining : 6 Reagent Bottles, Glass Stoppered. 2 Reagent Bottles, with Pipette Stoppers. 2 Salt Mouth Reagent Bottles, Glass Stoppered. 4 Beaker Glasses, Nested. 12 Test Tubes, Assorted Sizes. 1 Test Tube Rack. 1 Test Tube Holder. 1 Test Tube Brush. 1 Urinometer with Glass, in Case. 1 30-Minim Graduated Pipette. 1 Glass Spirit Lamp. 1 Porcelain Evaporating Dish. 6 Small Glass Evaporating Dishes. 2 Glass Funnels. 1 Glass Stirring Rod. 2 Wire Holders for Funnels, etc. 1 Pack White Filter Paper, 100 sheets. 1 Screw capped Vial, containing Litmus Paper, Neutral. 1 Pair Pincers for holding Litmus Paper. 1 Sheet Gummed Labels. Price, complete, - -- -- -- - $10.00 B1456. Urinary Analysis Apparatus, according to Pro- fessor Draper; a handsome wooden stand with drying points, washing bottle, urinometer, glass cylinder, 4 watch-glasses 6 test tubes, 9 labeled glass- stoppered bottles, and brass alcohol lamp, especially arranged for students, ------ 4,50 —B1457. Bottles filled with reagents, - 5.00 B1458. Same, double size, - 10.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 109 APPARATUS FOR URINARY ANALYSIS B1459. —3GB1459. Urine Test Set, Pilling’s, in oak case, containing: 8 Reagents. 2 Funnels. 12 Test Tubes. 1 Stirring Rod. 1 Graduated Pipette. Filter Paper. 1 Alcohol Lamp. 3 Evaporating Dishes. 2 Beaker Glasses. 1 Urinometer. 1 Test Tube .Holder. Red and Blue Litmiw. Paper. Price, complete, $5.00 O B1460. Urinary Analysis Reagents, acc. to Dr. Harvey Beck. Acid Acetic C. P. Acid Hydrochloric C. P. Acid Nitric C. P. Acid Nitric Fuming C. P. Acid Sulphuric C. P. Alcohol Ammonium Hydrate Ether Solut. Cupric Sulphate Solut. Fehling, Alkaline Solut. Fehling, Copper Solut. Phosphotungstic Acid Solut. Potass. Ferrocyanide Solut. Sodium Chloride Sat. Solut. Sodium Hydrate Filter Paper, White Glass Funnel Litmus Paper, Blue Litmus Paper, Red Test Tubes Test Tube Holder Urinometer Boa’s Reagent Solut. Ferric Chloride Neutral Solut. Phenolphthalein Solut. Toepfer’s STOMACH ANALYSIS. Price, per set, of Reagents for Urinary Analysis, including those for Stomach Analysis, _____ $5.00 B1461. Price, per set, of Reagents for Urinary Analysis, with Engraved Labels on bottles, - 6.50 110 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS FOR URINARY ANALYSIS B1462. Clinical Apparatus, in compact portable case, de- signed by Dr. C. N. B. Camac. Used for Bacteriological, Chemical and Physical Examinations at bedside. The filled case contains four- teen pieces of various important clinical apparatus, in- cluding Thoma-Zeiss Haemocytometer, and twelve bottles for stains and reagents, as per list below. The lid of the case is so constructed that when opened to its full extent it may be used as a table upon which instruments, specimens, etc., may be placed while making the examination. Complete in handsome leather case, - - - $65.00 Price of Case (without Apparatus), - 15.00 LIST OF APPARATUS 1 Thoma-Zeiss Haemocytometer with mixer for red blood corpuscles $10.40 1 Fleischl’s Haemoglobinometer with 3 capillary tubes - - *24.50 1 Set of 2 forceps and 1 spear - 2.75 1 Candle ------ .10 1 Brass base for same - - - - .60 1 Platinum needle in glass rod - - .35 1 Alcohol lamp, glass - - - - $0.35 2 5-in. Test tubes - - - .10 1 Stender dish 4 cm. diam. for cover slips .20 12 Slides - - - - - - .10 24 Cover slips - - - - .15 10 Bohemian tincture bottles—1 oz. cap’y. (for reagents and stains) - - .90 2 Wide-mouthed specimen bottles - - .30 1 Pocket Ophthalmoscope - - 7.50 1 Stomach tube - - - - - 1.75 2 5-in. Culture tubes I 2 Swab tubes ) New York Board .10 of Health size .10 The Lewis Stethoscope with soft rubber tubing can be accommodated in the case, but is not included regularly. From the above list the purchaser may designate such apparatus as he desires the to contain, the total cost will be the price of the case added to the prices of the appa- ratus selected. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS Apparatus and Utensils for Generating Cultures B1471 B1472. Culture Apparatus, Novy’s, for anaerobe plate cul- tures, with stopcock; for gas, pyrogallate or vacuum method, - -- -- -- -- $5.25 With three clamps and rubber band, - 6.50 TkB1472. Culture Apparatus, Novy’s, for anaerobe dish cul- tures, _________ 4.25 With rubber band and three clamps, - 5.50 B1473. B1474. Culture Apparatus, Novy’s, for tube cultures. Size, 8x16 cm., for 12-13 cm. tubes, - $2.50 “ 10x20 “ “ 15-16 ““---- 3.50 Culture Apparatus, Botkin’s, for anaerobe cultures, 6.50 112 E1MER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS AND UTENSILS FOR GENERATING CULTURES B1475a. B1475b. B1476a. B1476b. 3KB1475. Culture Apparatus, Emmerich’s, for air bacteria; shape a or b, - - - - - - - $1.25 The application is the following: The tubes are sterilized in the hot air oven, filled with the cultivating material and sterilized again with steam. The wadding stopper is then taken off and the air passed through by means of an aspirator. After this process, the tubes are shaken and the liquid is put into different bottles for examination. Culture Apparatus, after Maassen & Petri, for use with hydrogen; test tube form - each, .60 conical flask shape - - “ 1.50 B1477. B1478. B1481. Culture Dish, single, of best Bohemian glass, with flat bottom and straight sides. * Diameter, 6 8 10 12 15 20 25 cm. Price, $0.15 .20 .20 .25 .35 .50 1.00 each. ¥B1478. Culture Dish, so-called Wet or Moist Chambers, in sets of two, of heavy glass, with or without knob. Diameter, 15 20 25 cm. Price, $0.75 .90 1.25 per set. Culture Dish, in sets of two, Petri Dishes, low form. Diameter, 5 8 10 12 15 cm. Price, .20 .25 .25 .35 .55 per set. QB1479a. Porous Clay Covers, for B1479, 10 cm. size net - - .10 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 113 APPARATUS AND UTENSILS FOR GENERATING CULTURES B1480. Culture Dish, new improved Petri dish, con- sisting of a lower conical dish of colorless glass and an upper one of amber glass, with raised rim, opaque to light; thus, by shutting out the light, these dishes in- crease the growth of cultures. They can be easily and safely transported by means of the conical bottom-dish fitting into the depressed upper one, - per pair, $ .50 Culture Dish, Pasteur’s thin and shallow, 10 cm. diameter, 10 mm. deep, - per set, .25 B1482. B1483. Culture Dish, after Beck, latest form, for bacilli and anaerobe cultures, arranged to prevent the drying up of the cultures, _______ $1.00 Culture Dish, after Wakker, for fungi cultures, 80 mm. diameter, with funnel, cover ground on, - - - 1.00 B1484. Culture Dish, ventilated, for water analysis, designed by G. W. Whipple, of the Brooklyn Water Department. A Petri dish, the cover of which has depressions so as to have it rest loosely on the edge of the bottom dish, thus allowing air to circulate ; diameter 95 mm., height of lower dish 8 mm., ----- $ .35 114 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS AND UTENSILS FOR GENERATING CULTURES B1485. B1487. B1486. Culture Dish, Gabritschewski’s, for tetanus cult- ures, consisting of two shallow dishes, the upper one having two perforations and the lower one having a gutter for the alkalial pyrogallol solution; lower dish well polished, _____ per pair, $1.00 Culture Dish, Kitasato’s, for anaerobe cultures. Several of them can be joined together and used at one time with gas generator. Price, with 2 connectors, _____ 0.65 Wide connector, ----- each, .15 Narrow connector - “ .10 Culture Dish, Ahrens’, for anaerobe cultures, con- sisting of dish with rubber band, and in- and outlet tubes ground in gas-tight, - - - - - 2.00 3KB1488. Culture Filter Apparatus, Karlinsky’s, for filtering clear Agar-Agar, complete with rubber blower, - 7.00 Culture Filter for steam, Unna’s, of copper, with enameled funnel inside, for filtering pasty substances like Gelatine and Agar-Agar. Capacity of funnel, 500 ccm., - 20.00 Capacity of funnel, 1000 ccm., - - - - 25.00 Culture Filtering Apparatus, Maassen’s, can be used also for the sterile drawing of the filtered fluids; the complete apparatus consisting of glass vessel, filter cylinder, asbestos ring and rubber gasket, - - A7.00 Iron support with clamp for same, - 3.00 B1488—B1490 illustrated on page 115. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 115 APPARATUS AND UTENSILS FOR GENERATING CULTURES B1488. B1489. B1490. B1491. Culture Filtering Vessels, Maassen’s, set of 6, of porous porcelain with broad glazed flange; diameter of flange of smallest vessel, 45 mm. “ largest “ 110 mm. inside dimensions “ “ “ 50x80 mm. “ smallest “ 25 x 80 mm. with 5 porcelain rings of 110 mm. diameter to fit above, so as to make all vessels fit on the same receiver, $ 4.00 B1492. B1493. Culture Filter, Reichel’s, for bacteriological work, - $ 3.00 Bougies alone, _______ 1.00 Flasks alone, _______ 1.00 }fcB1493. Culture Filter, Pasteur’s, _____ 1.50 116 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS AND UTENSILS FOR GENERATING CULTURES B1494. B1495. Culture Filter, Pukal’s Balloon Filters. Capacity, 50 100 1000 ccm. Price, $ .60 .90 2.50 each. Culture Filter, Kitasato’s, ----- $2.50 B1496. B1497. B1498. Culture Filter, Kinyoun’s, glass parts only, - - $5.00 Culture Filter, Klebs & Tiegel’s, with bougie, - 1.50 Culture Filter, Novy’s, complete with stand and clamps, - -- -- -- -- 8.00 Bougie alone, - - - - 1.25 Cylinder alone, ------- .90 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 117 APPARATUS AND UTENSILS FOR GENERATING CULTURES B1499. B1500. Culture Filtering Apparatus, Chamberland’s, con- sisting of a copper vessel with manometer, a Chamber- land filter mounted in metal and pressure pump, com- plete, --------- A $80.00 Extra bougies with porcelain top for same, each, 1.25 For other filtering apparatus and bougies see page 169. 3KB1500. Culture Flask, Billings’, with ground stopper and cap, for gelatines and serum. Capacity, 100 200 400 CC. Price, .GO .70 .85 each. Culture Flask, of heavy glass, for shipping cultures, capacity two liters, ------- $2.50 ■>KB1502. Culture Flask, Soyka’s, flat, with parallel sides, - .25 B1501. B1502. 118 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS AND UTENSILS FOR GENERATING CULTURES B1503. B1504. Culture Flask, Pasteur’s, with long bent neck and side tube. Capacity, 100 250 500 CC. Price, .50 .65 $1.00 each. t£B1504. Culture Flask, Pasteur’s Pipette Flasks. Capacity, 100 250 500 CC. Price, .45 .65 .85 each. B1505. B1506. 351507. 7kB1505. Culture Flask, Lister’s, for serum. Capacity, 500 750 1000 CC. Price, .55 .75 .90 Culture Flask, Maassen’s, for the preservation and drawing off of sterile bouillon, serum, water, etc. Capacity, 250 500 1000 CC. Price, $ .80 1.00 1.25 each. ¥B1507. Culture Flask, Pasteur’s, for serum, etc., with neck drawn out to a point. Capacity, 100 250 500 CC. Price, .15 .20 .30 each. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 119 APPARATUS AND UTENSILS FOR GENERATING CULTURES B1508. B1509. Culture Flask, Fernbach’s Antitoxine Flasks, for diphteria cultures. Plain, capacity 2000 CC., each, $1.00 Culture Flask, for Antitoxine. With one side neck, capacity 2000 CC., - each, 1.10 Culture Flask, for Antitoxine. With two side necks, capacity 1500 CC., ----- each, 1.25 B1510. B1511. B1514. 3KB1511. Culture Flask, Chamberland’s, with cap ground on. Capacity, 50 100 200 CC. Price, .35 .40 .50 each. B1512. Culture Flask, Chamberland’s, with cap ground on and side neck, like F'ig. 1514. Capacity, 50 100 200 CC. Price, .45 .50 .60 each. B1513. Culture Flask, Freudenreich’s, with cap ground on. Capacity, 50 100 200 CC. Price, .40 .50 .65 each. Culture Flask, Freudenreich’s, with cap ground on and side neck. Capacity, 50 100 200 CC. Price, .45 .55 .70 each EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS AND UTENSILS FOR GENERATING CULTURES. B1515. B1516. B1517. XB1515. Culture Flask, Erlenmeyer’s, as used by Dr. Koch for bread cultures, gelatine, etc. Capacity, 50 75 100 cc. Price, .10 .10 .15 each. XB1516. Culture Flask, Miquel’ s, with ground on helmet with tube, 40 ccm. 70 ccm. 125 ccm. 200 ccm. $ .40 .50 .60 .85 XB1517. Culture Flask, Sternberg’s bulb. For serum; a thin flask with neck drawn to a point, and made of clearest white glass. Capacity, 25 cc., - - - - - $ .20 B1518b. B1518a. XB1518. Culture Glass Benches, for supporting culture plates. Size 13X5.5X1 cm. a. Made of one piece with bent ends, $ .20 b. With cross-pieces cemented on and polished edges, - .20 XB1519. Culture Ice Cooler, Koch’s, for pouring plate cul- tures. The apparatus is filled with ice in the middle dish during use. Complete, with wooden or iron tripod and spirit level, ______ 8.00 Heavy glass plate, polished, extra, - 2.00 With brass tripod, extra, _____ 4.50 XBl519a. Wooden or iron tripod for levelling culture dishes, etc., alone, 3.50 Illustrated on page 121. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 121 APPARATUS AND UTENSILS FOR GENERATING CULTURES B1520 B1519. B1521. Culture Levelling Tripods, see B1519. Culture Moist Chamber, Recklinghausen’s, with parallel surfaces, - -___-_$ .50 ->KB1521. Culture Moist Chamber, Klebs’, with parallel surfaces, - -- -- -- -- .35 Culture Media, see Appendix. B1522. Culture Plates, white glass, plain, 130 x 85 mm., dozen, .40 B1523. Culture Plates, white glass, edges ground, “ .50 B1524. Culture Plates, of crystal glass, with enamelled rim. Size, 100x60 mm., - - each, .30 “ 130x105 “ - “ .40 B1525. B1528. B1529. Culture Potato Borer, to prepare discs for cultures in test tubes, - -- -- -- - $1.50 B1526. Culture Potato Brush, for cleaning potatoes, - .15 B1527. Culture Potato Cutter, Ravenel’s, - 1.75 Culture Potato Kni£e, ------ .20 Culture Separator, Treskow’s, for measuring exact quantities of culture material into test tubes. Capacity, 250 500 1000 ccm. Price, $2.00 2.50 3.25 each. 122 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS AND UTENSILS FOR GENERATING CULTURES %1 %2 R*5 B1530. Sideview. Culture Test-tube Filler, Montgomery’s, specially useful for drawing oft culture preparations. It is made from a single piece of nickeled spring-wire and is bent in such a way as to make the larger of the two springs weaker than the other, which arrangement allows the jaws of one to be closed before the jaws of the other are opened. Price, ------- $2.00 B1531. B1532. B1533. B1534. Culture Tubes, Gayon’s. Form, abed Price, $ .45 .65 .75 1.25 each. Culture Tube, Buchner’s, for anaerobe cultures, con- sisting of heavy test tube with holder for the small culture tube, ,75 Culture Tube, Buchners, with bulb for pyrogallol solution - -- -- -- -- .75 tK-B1534. Culture Tube, Gruber’s, for anaerobe cultures, - .50 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 123 APPARATUS AND UTENSILS FOR GENERATING CULTURES B1535. B1536. B1537. B1538. B1539. B1540. Culture Tube, Chamberland’s, for liquid’s, - - $ .20 >KB1536. Culture Tube, Miquel’s, with 2 bulbs, - - - .75 Culture Tube, Chamberland’s, for blood, - - .30 ¥B1538. Culture Tube, Pasteur’s, with neck, - .30 *B1539. Culture Tube, Duclaux’s, with sideneck, - - .40 *B1540. Culture Tube, Pasteur’s, double tube, - - - .70 B1541. Culture Tube, Salmon’s, with ground cap, - - .65 B1542. B1543. B1544. Culture Wash Bottle, with ground cap and two stopcocks, for Anaerobiosis, ----- $4.50 Culture Water Cooler, Dahmen’s, for plate cultures, brass, nickel-plated ------- 7.00 Can also be used with ice, which can be filled in through the large side opening. Culture Water Cooler, Heidenreich’s, for culture flasks, with 6 outlet tubes. Length, 400 mm., - - 5.00 124 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF Bacteria Counting Apparatus B1551. Counting Apparatus, Mason-Miller-McPherson’s, for counting Bacteria, the latest and most convenient Bacteria counter, as described in the “Journal of the American Chemical Society,” July, 1898. Price, complete, - $12.00 Miquel Flasks for same, 70 ccm. capacity, each, .50 Engraved glassplates alone, - each, 1.50 The new apparatus illustrated above is so arranged that the ruled glassplate is a fixture, while the “Petri” dish rests upon a movable ebonite plate, raised or lowered by a wheel underneath, actuating a hollow screw. The dish may thus be kept firmly against the ruled plate, with no chance of slipping, and further- more, it will always be in focus, regardless of the depth of the dish. It is better to use a “Miquel” flask (see illustration) rather than a “Petri” dish, as the “plating” can be done in its field, obviating the transferring of the sample. Under these circumstances, the neck of the inverted flask passes through a hole in the ebonite plate and into the hollow screw, while the wheel beneath raises the bottom of the flask against the ruled plate, same as when a “ Petri ” dish is used. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 125 BACTERIA COUNTING APPARATUS B1552. B1554. Counting Apparatus, Esmarch’s, for counting Bac- teria in tube cultures, mounted on stand, - - - $6.75 - B1553. Counting Apparatus, Esmarch’s, arranged for hold- ing in the hand, ------- 4.00 -tKB1554. Counting Apparatus, Wolfhuegel’s, for counting Bacteria in plate cultures, complete with divided counting plate and a black and white plate for back- ground; with drawer for accessories, - 5.00 -3bB1555. Engraved Glass Plate alone, • 1.25 B1556. Tripod Lens for same, - .75 B1557. B1558. B1559. Counting Flask, Roszahegyi’s, with thin, parallel walls, engraved in square centimeters. Form a or b, $0.75 Counting Dish, Petri’s, bottom dish divided in square centimeters, ------- .75 7KB1559. Counting Plate for Petri Dishes, after Lafar, exactly graduated in such manner that each field equals 1 □ cm., 2.50 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF Apparatus for Air-, Soil- and Water- Analysis B1561. B1563 B1564. — Air Testing Apparatus for the examination of micro- organisms in air, acc. to Petri, consisting of air pump with oscillating cylinders, fly-wheel, automatic arrange- ment counting to 1000, two valves, 10 glass tubes for the sand filter, one wooden form with 8 dies for making gauze sieves, 2 sieves in brass frames and one square foot of fine brass gauze, complete, - AI80.00 — B1562. Air Testing Apparatus, Petri’s, as described above, but instead of the air pump with counting arrange- ment an Eimer & Amends brass filter pump, - - A17.50 —7kB1563. Air Tester, Dr. Wolpert’s, for C02; Carbacido- meter; the percentage of carbonic acid and the quality of air can be read directly on the instrument; a handy pocket apparatus; complete with solution and directions in box, ------- A6.00 Air Testing Apparatus, Ficker’s, complete on stand, with 6 filter tubes, _______ 10.00 Glass tubes alone, ------- 1.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 127 APPARATUS FOR AIR-, SOIL- AND WATER-ANALYSIS B1566. B15G5. B1567a. B1567b. Bl567c. Air Testing Apparatus, Koch’s, consisting of cylin- der, glass dish and metal holder, - $1.25 Air Absorption Tubes, Pettenkofer’s, small, - - 1.00 B1566a. medium, - 1.25 B1566b. large, . - 1.50 TkB1567. Air Absorption Apparatus, Emmerich’s, for absorb- ing micro-organisms from the air, shape a, b or c, - .75 B1568. B1569. B1570. 3kBl568. Soil-Sieve Cylinder, for determining the water ca- pacity of soil, nickel plated, _____ $1.50 7kBl569. Soil Apparatus for determining the water capacity of soils, consisting of 8 of the aforegoing cylinders, glass dish and bell jar, ------ 20.00 Soil Cylinder, of metal, Fliigge’s, for determining the volume of pores in soil, - - - - - - 7.50 128 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS FOR AIR-, SOIL- AND WATER-ANALYSIS B1572. B1571. B1573. Soil Sieves, after Muller, for soil analysis, made of brass, in sets of 3, with circular perforations of mm. diameter, with brass bottom and cover, - $5.00 Soil Borer, for taking soil samples from different depths for bacteriological investigations, consisting of steel borer, screwed to a steel rod with wooden handle. Borer of 50 105 160 mm. diameter. Price, $5.50 6.50 10.00 each. Extra lengths of rod, - per meter, 2.00 —>kB1573. Soil Borer, Frankel’s, for the same purpose. 2 meter complete with handle, ----- 18.00 Each additional meter, ------ 2.00 B1574. —>KB1574. Soil Thermometer, mounted in metal case with borer, grad. 0-60° C. in l/l0°, for taking temperature of soils at different depths. Length of body below handle, % 12 3 metres. $15.00 18.00 24.00 30.00 each. B1575. Soil Apparatus, Kjeldahl’s, for nitrogen determi- nations, in soils, etc. Digesting and Distilling Shelf, with 6 burners, $16.00 B1576. Digesting and Distilling Shelf, with 10 burners, 20.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 129 APPARATUS FOR AIR-, SOIL- AND WATER-ANALYSIS B1577. B1580. Kjeldahl Apparatus continued. Condenser, copper, tin-lined, 6 coils of pure block tin, ---------- 25.00 — B1578. Condenser, copper, tin-lined, 10 coils of pure block tin, - -- -- -- -- - 45.00 — B1579. Condenser, of zinc, 6 coils, - 20.00 O*B1580. Digesting Shelf, round form, 6 burners, - - - 16.00 For Jena Glassware see General Catalogue. B1581. B1582-3. 2KB1581. Water Cylinder, Hehner’s, for the colorimetric deter- mination of iron in water, _____ $4.00 Water Cylinder, Nessler’s, for colorimetric ammonia determination in water, graduated at 50 ccm. 100 ccm. 50 & 100 ccm. $ .50 .60 .70 3KB1583. Support with milkglass plate for 12 of above tubes, 4.50 For further Apparatus for Soil Analysis see General Catalogue. 130 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF APPARATUS FOR AIR-, SOIL- AND WATER-ANALYSIS B1586. Water Thermometer, Pettenkofer’s, for taking the temperature of water in various depths ; 0-40° C. in l/5th. The lower part of this thermometer consists of heavy metal, partly hollow, to draw the water to be tested. The thermometer is encased in a metal tube with solid ring for suspension, - A$17.50 Water-Hardness Apparatus, Hydrotimeter, acc. to Boutron & Boudet, for hardness determination of water, complete, ------- 1.50 Flxtra cylinder, stoppered, graduated up to 40 cc., .60 Extra test tube, graduated, 80 ccm. in cc. - - .60 Water Sampler, Esmarch’s, for taking samples of water at any depth, ------- 7.50 Water Apparatus for the Microscopical Ex- amination of Water as described in “The Microscopy of Drinking Water” by Geo. C. Whipple. Sedgwick-Rafter Funnel, graduated, with attach- ment and rubber stopper, ----- $2.25 Sedgwick-Rafter Funnel, plain, with attachment and rubber stopper, ------- 1.50 Berkshire Sand, - - - - - per lb., .15 Bolting Cloth Discs, - per dozen, .25 Support for Funnel, ------- 1.50 Counting Cell, ------ - 3.25 Cover Slips, - -- -- -- - .25 Eye-Piece Micrometer, ------ 3.50 Pipettes, 1 cc. and 5 cc., ------ .25 Graduated Flask, 25 cc., ------ .35 Microscope, according to selection. Illustrated on page 131. B1584 B1585. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 131 APPARATUS FOR AIR-, SOIL- AND WATER-ANALYSIS Apparatus as described in Whipple’s “The Microscopy of Drinking Water, B1588. Sedgwick-Rafter Funnel. B1587. Eyepiece Micrometer. B1587. Counting Cell. B1587. U. S. Flexible Turpidity Rod, $6.50 O B1588a. Ditto, Rigid, Folding 2.50 O B1589. Color Tubes, Aluminum, in Aluminum case, with color set of 6 mounted glasses, 30 00 Extra set of Color Glasses, 15 00 O B1590. Jackson’s Turpidimeter with candle and graduated glass, 12 00 132 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF CENTRIFUGES Percentage Tube A, for Medical Centrifuge. B1594. B1591. B1603. C»fcB1591. Centrifuge, “New High Speed Medical,” for the ex- amination of Urine, Sputum, Blood, Bus and Milk, for hand power. New High Speed Medical Centrifuge as shown in cut, with urine arm, two Aluminum Shields, one plain glass sediment tube and one graduated glass percentage tube “A,” complete for the sedimentation of Urine, $13.00 Hematocrit for examination of blood and sputum, with tubes, - -- -- -- -- $6.00 B1593. Purdy’s New Precipitating Frame for the concentration of bacteria, with two tubes, ----- 5.00 Percentage tube for blood analysis, - - - - .75 B1595. Small Sputum Tube for Hematocrit, - - - - .30 B1596. Precipitating tube with plug and 6 washers. - - .40 B1597. Urine percentage tube, - ----- .75 B1598. Plain sediment tube same as A, but without graduation, $ .25 B1599. Graduated milk bottle, ------- 75 B1600. Pipette for filling milk bottles, large or small, - - .25 B1601. Two Solutions for milk examination, - • - - .50 B1602. Aluminum Shield, - -- -- -- - 75 Concealed spear-pointed lancet, ----- 100 B1592. B1604. )j(-E1604. Constricted Dropper, .20 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 133 CENTRIFUGES Graduated Percentage Tube A. B1605. Plain Sedimentation Tube B. O*B1605. Centrifuge, “Purdy Electric,” for the examination of Urine, Sputum, Blood, Pus and Milk, to be operated by direct or alternating electric current or by galvanic or storage battery. Purdy Electric Centrifuge for examination of urine, with double urine arm carrying two tubes, two plain glass sediment tubes and two graduated percentage tubes, - -- -- -- -- - $32.00 Special arm for carrying four urine tubes will be sup- plied with the Purdy Electric Centrifuge for, extra, - 2.50 Special arm for four tubes for Purdy Centrifuge, where ordered separately, - - 4.00 When ordering, please state whether for alternate or direct current. B1606. Centrifuge, “New Medical,” for the examination of Urine, Sputum, Blood, Pus and Milk, to be operated by hand. With Hematocrit and one pair of tubes with lens front for blood analysis, one pair of tubes for sputum sedimentation ; also with holder for urinary tubes, one pair of graduated glass percentage tubes A, and one pair plain tubes B. Complete in carrying case, 25.00 Without Hematocrit, blood and sputum tubes, 20.00 For accessories see page 132. Special tubes and accessories made to order. 134 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF CENTRIFUGES Single Arm. B1608. Double Arm. B1607. B1609. B1610. Centrifuge, Water Motor, for the rapid and con- venient sedimentation of solids in urine and other fluids. Absolutely noiseless. The simplest and most efficient Power Centrifuge on the market. It may be attached to any ordinary faucet, the attachment being the work of a moment only. The speed is under absolute control by merely turning on or off the flow of water. Aluminum shields, four feet pressure tubing and patent hose connection included with each ap- paratus. With single Arm, one each plain and graduated 15 cc. glass tubes, $13.00 With double Arm, two plain and two graduated 15 cc. glass tubes, - - - - - - 16.50 Speed gauge, 2.00 Centrifuge, Water Motor, Heynemann’s, with four holders for test tubes ; a very convenient and cheap apparatus for use where water pressure is available, 22 50 3KB1610. Centrifugal Tubes for sedimentation purposes, after Newski, with ground-on bottom, allowing the sediment to be readily separated from the liquid in the tube. Price of tube with 2 detachable bottoms, - .75 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 135 CENTRIFUGES Centrifuge, Eimer & Amend’s New Laboratory Universal Cen- trifugal Machine, for hand and power. Height, as usually used, 60 cm.; height, if raised on legs for heating, 80 cm.; width, 60 cm. Price of machine, with 40 cm. cop- per nickel-plated pan and folding legs, without attachments, - - - $35.00 Universal Frame, for 10 bottles, as described below, - - - $2.50 Universal Frame for sieve, etc., as described below, - - - $4.50 B1611 (Fig. 1). EXTRAS: Fig. 1. For Milk-Fat Separations. Set of 10 holders for Babcock milk bottles, etc. $2.00 For Blood examinations with extra Bunsen Burner for heating from below, 2.50 Fig. 2. For Urine Analysis, Set of 10 holders for Esbach’s Albumenometers, test tubes, etc., - -- -- -- -- -- - 1.75 For Stomach Analysis, Set of 10 holders for faeculometers, etc., - - 1.50 B1611 (Fig. 2). B1611 (Fig. 3). B1611 (Figs. 4, 5). Fig. 3. For Experimental Work, small perforated porcelain vessel for drying chemical salts, ------------- - 5.00 Fig. 4. For Experimental Work, large perforated porcelain vessel for drying chem- ical salts, - -- -- -- - 6.00 Fig. 5. For Experimental Work, Centrifugal sieve, with 5 sets brass wire gauzes; mesh 20 to 100, - -- -- -- -- -- 10.00 B1611 (Fig. 6). B1611 (Fig. 7). B1611 (Fig. 8). Fig. 6. For Shaking, fitted with eccentric and two stirrups, .... - 1.50 Fig. 7. For Stirring, attachment for 5 beakers, complete with 5 centrifugal glass stirrers, 6.00 Fig. 8. For Grinding, fitted with grinding attachment, imitating the motion of the hand when grinding, a plug will be cut to suit any size agate mortar, - - 15.00 This machine is compact, manifold, and so constructed that all parts are easily accessible. The whole upper part is removable without trouble. 136 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF CENTRIFUGES Centrifuge with electric motor, can be attached to any direct current and can be fastened to the wall. Price, complete with arm for two tubes, for 65 to 110 volts, ----- £.$38.00 The same, for 120 to 220 volts, ----- £$44 50 Arm for four tubes for above, $2.00 Centrifuge, as above, but arranged for two velo- cities (about 10,000 revo- lutions per minute for blood and sputum ex- aminations and 2000 re- volutions a minute for urine-, water- and milk examinations). It has a second, adjustable and ball-bearing arm, turned by a rope from the motor. When making urine examinations the arm attached to the motor itself, has to be removed. This centrifuge can also be used as a motor for small stirring or shaking apparatus. B1612. B1613. Price, complete as per illustration, for 65 to 110 volts, - - A$44 00 The same, for 120 to 220 volts, - - - - - -A 50 50 With arm for two tubes only, less, ------ 2.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 137 General Laboratory Apparatus For a more complete list see our General Catalogue B1621. B1621. B1626. XB1621. Asbestos Airbaths, set of 4, round, for various sizes of flasks, from X to 3 L capacity, - $4.50 B1622. Asbestos Board, in sheets of about 1 square meter, for protecting table and wall, - per lb., .15 Thickness, 1 2 3 5 mm. Weight, 2 4 8 12 lbs. per sheet. B1623. Asbestos Board, 2 mm. thick, cut in □. Size, 10X10 13X13 15X15 cm. Price, .35 .50 .65 dozen. XB1624. Aspirator Bottles, with large tubulature near bottom for stopper, 125 250 500 ccm. Price, $ .30 .35 .45 1 2 4 8 12 15 20 30 L capacity .65 .85 1.40 2.40 3.75 6.00 10.00 16.00 B1625. Aspirator Bottles, with narrow outlet, for rubber connection, X 1 2 L Price, $ .'45 .65 .85 XB1626. Aspirator Bottles, with ground-in stopper and glass stopcock ground into the tubulature. X X 1 2 4 8 12 15 20 30 L Price, $1.60 1.80 2.00 2.50 3.50 5.00 7.50 10.00 14.00 18.00 Autoclaves. See page 158. XB1627. Balances, Hand Scales, with horn pans. Length of beam, 13 15 17 19 cm. Price, $1.80 2.00 2.20 2.50 each. -XB1628. Balance, Precision, for weighing Chemicals, etc., on polished mahogany box, beam has adjusting screws and pans are removable. Capacity, 75 180 300 600 1500 grms. Price, $12 00 14 00 20.00 24.50 29.00 B1627—B1628 illustrated on next page. 138 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1627. B1628. Balance, Precision, same as aforegoing, in glass case, with sliding front door. Capacity, 75 180 300 600 1500 grms. Price, $22.00 25.00 28.50 38.00 45.00 B1629. B1632. B1630. Weights for aforegoing balances, of best German make, in polished wooden block. Set of 1 mgrm. to 50 100 200 500 1000 grms. Price, $2.00 2.50 3.50 5.00 7 50 per set. B1631. Weights as above, in velvet-lined mahogany case. Set of 1 mgrm. to 50 100 200 500 1000 grms. Price, $3.50 4.50 6.00 7 50 10.00 per set. 3KB1632. Balance, Westphal’s, for determining the specific grav- ity of liquids, with Reimann’s Patent Thermometer, in polished box, ------- $16 50 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 139 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1633. Balance, Analytical, Eimer & Amend’s new aluminum short beam, carries 100 grammes in each pan and is sensitive to l/io milligramme ; agate knife edges and bearings, extra wide bows and pans to take a 4 inch dish ; improved arrest for pans, with automatic stop; in fine mahogany case, with glass top, the whole of best American workmanship. Price, $48.00 O B1634. Balance, B1633, including set of accurate, non-cor- rosive, analytical weights, from 50 grammes to 1 milli- gram, the large weights down to 1 gramme being platinum plated, and the smaller ones and riders of solid platinum, in box with hinged or loose cover. Price, 60.00 We claim for this balance that it is by far the best value ever offered for the money, and in proof of this, we have sold over 1000 since it was put on the market nine years ago, and not one has ever failed to give entire satisfaction. O B1635. Balance, B1633, with improved hangers and triple arrest, raising the hangers from knife edges, as well as the beam ; sensitive to 1/20 milligramme. This im- provement makes the balance in all respects equal to those usually listed at $95.00. - Our price, 65.00 For a full line of other domestic and imported Balances and Weights, see our General Catalogue. 140 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1636. Balance, Analytical, Eimer & Amend’s new non-corrosive short beam. This is the well- known Dutch type of balance, with important improve- ments, all the metal parts being covered with gold, so that nothing is exposed to acid fumes but gold and agate. It is also furnished with a black plate glass base, which is invaluable for locating riders and small weights when dropped. Carries 200 grammes in each pan, and is sensitive to 1/20 milligramme, - - $125.00 Including set of non-corrosive platinum plated weights, 100 grammes to 1 milligramme and riders, 140.00 Balsam Bottle, with ground glass cap and loose glass rod. Capacity, 30 cc., $ .25 Capacity, 60 cc., - - .35 Balsam Bottle, with ground glass cap and glass rod cemented in. Capacity, 15 cc., - - .30 Capacity, 30 cc., - - .40 Balsam Bottle, with ground glass cap and triangular stopper, to prevent gumming. Capacity, 30 cc., - - .60 Capacity, 60 cc., - - .70 B1637. B1638. B1639. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 141 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1640. B1642. XB1640. Beakers, ordinary form, of best Bohemian glass. Size, No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Capacity, 75 125 200 300 450 600 cc. Price, .10 .12 .17 .22 .25 .30 each. B1641. Set of 1-6 nested, Price, $1.00 XB1642. Beakers, Griffin’s, low form, with lip, of best Bohemian glass. Size, No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Capacity, 150 250 350 600 750 1000 cc. Price, ' .12 .18 .25 .30 .40 .50 each. B1643. Set of 1-6 nested, ------ Price, 1.50 For other sizes and kinds see General Catalogue B1645. B1646. B1647. B1644. Belljar, low form, with ground-in stopper, for vacuum apparatus, covering culture dishes, etc., 15 cm. high x 30 cm. diameter, - - $4.00 XB1645. Belljar, tall form, heavy, with knob and ground rim, for covering Microscopes. Dimensions, 150X300 180X380 230X450 mm. inside. Price, SI. 25 2 00 4.50 each. XB1646. Belljar, with open neck and tubulature near bottom; with broad ground flange. Inside height. Diameter 200 X 150 mm., 1.50 300 X 200 mm., 2.85 XB1647. Belljar, double walled, after Sachs, for observing plants under differently colored liquids. Dimensions, 300X120 400X150 mm. inside. Price, $5.75 7.00 each. 142 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1648a. B1648b. B1649a. B164'Jb. Bottles, narrow mouth, glass stoppered, for Solutions, i Capacity, 30 65 125 250 500 1000 cc. Price, $ .80 1.00 1.25 1.60 2.50 3.90 doz. Bottles, wide mouth, glass stoppered, of best Bo- hemian glass, for histological and other specimens, . Reagents, etc. Capacity, 30 65 125 250 500 1000 cc. Price, $1.20 1 40 1.65 2.25 3.00 4.25 doz. For a full line of other Bottles see our General Catalogue. Shape a or b. B1650. Bottles, for stock solutions, with syphon arrangement, 4 Liters capacity, ------- $2.50 REAGENT BOTTLES Bottles, Eimer & Amend’s New Reagent, heavy glass, with improved stoppers, and chemical names and symbols distinctly cut in the glass and enameled, provided with a very strong, polished stopper with projecting rim and square top. The rim protects the mouth of the bottle from dust, and che shape of the stopper makes it strong; furthermore, the shape permits it to be placed on the table, either inverted or side- ways, without the ground part touching. This is a very good and at the same tine cheap reagent bottle, and is the best and cheapest ever offered for the purpose. B1651-1654. B1651-1654. Bottles for Potassium Hydrate, and other Chemicals, where an ordinary stopper clogs, are provided with a loose fitting stopper, of which the under part and the mouth of the bottle, are ground true to prevent evaporation. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 143 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1651-1654. B1655. C»KB1651. E. & A. New Reagent Bottles, 125 ccm. cap., doz., $2.25 OKB1652. E. £t A. New Reagent Bottles, 250 ccm. cap., doz., 2.75 OkB1653. E. & A. New Reagent Bottles, 500 ccm. cap., doz., 4.00 C»kB1654. E. & A. New Reagent Bottles, 1 L cap., doz., 5.00 OkB1655. E. & A. New Reagent Bottles, saltmouth, 125 ccm. capacity, - doz., 2 50 O B1656. Set of 40 New Reagent Bottles, as per list below, consisting of five 250 ccm. tinctures, twenty-eight 125 ccm. tinctures and six 125 ccm. saltmouths and one 30 ccm. dropping bottle, like illustration, - - 9 00 O B1657. Set of 40 New Reagent Bottles, packed in ship- ping order, -------- 9.25 O B1658. Set of 40 New Reagent Bottles, filled with c. p. reagents, - - - - - - - - -17 25 O B1659. Set of 40 New Reagents Bottles, filled, sealed and packed in shipping order, - - - - - 19.25 250 ccm. Bottles. Acid Sulfuric (dil.) H2S04. Acid Hydrochloric HC1. Acid Nitric HN03. Ammonium Hydrate (NH4)HO. Blank, 1. 125 ccm. Bottles. Acid Sulfuric cone. H2S04. Ammonium Chloride (NH4)C1. Ammonium Oxalate (NH4)2C204. Ammonium Sulfocyanide (NH4)CNS. Ammonium Molybdate (NH4)2Mo04. Ammonium Carbonate (NH4)2C03. Acid Acetic HC2H302. Alcohol (C2H3)OH. Silver Nitrate AgN02 (amber). Barium Chloride BaCl2. Calcium Hydrate CaH202. Cupric Sulfate CuS04. Ferric Chloride Fe2Cl6. Hydric Sulfide H2S (amber). Ammonium Sulfide (NH4)2S (amber). Magnes Sulfate MgS04. Mercuric Chloride HgCl2. Mercurous Nitrate Hg2 (N03)2. Platin Chloride PtCl4. (30 ccm. drop’g bot.) Lead Acetate Pb(C2H302)2. Potass Acid Chromate K2Cr207. Potass Ferrocyanide K4Fe (CN)6. Potass Iodide KI. Sodium Carbonate Na2C03. Sodium Acetate NaC2H302. Sodium Phosphate Na2HP04. Uran Acetate (U0)C2H302. Ether (C2H5)20. 1 Blank. 125 ccm. Saltmouth Bottles Sodium Carbonate Na2C03. Borax. Ferrous Sulfate FeS04. Potass Cyanide KCN. Ammon. Sod. Phosphate. Na(NH4)HP04+4H20. Test Paper. 144 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS STENDER’S REAGENT BOTTLES WITH INDESTRUCTIBLE LABELS INDISPENSABLE FOR LABORATORIES J Label and \ Lettering ! B Label and Lettering B Tincture bottle Label and Lettering A Saltmouth bottle Stender Reagent Bottles with non-destructible lettering are one of the indispensable requirements of a first class bacteriological labora- tory. Heretofore it has been almost impossible to furnish such a bottle, especially one with black enamelled lettering, on a white back-ground, which would resist the corrosive action of acids and alkalies. Only one firm has succeeded in placing such a bottle on the market. We have handled and tried this special make, and after more than ten years experience, it has proved to be the only satisfactorily labelled reagent bottle. We are, therefore, pleased to announce to our patrons that we have secured the sole agency for these famous “ Stender Reagent Bottles”. A great many laboratories of prominent scientifiic and technical institutions have been equipped with these bottles and the latter have always given entire satisfaction. (Instead of black letters on a white ground we also furnish this excellent Stender Bottle with cut out letters on white background.) We import these bottles to order—reagent and stock bottles— marked with any desired Name, Nomenclature, Symbol, Num- ber, etc., in any size, for College, Hospital and Pharmaceutical use. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 145 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS PRICES “STENDER” BOTTLES WITH BLACK LETTERS ON WHITE BACK GROUND TINCTURE BOTTLES (narrow mouth) high (or flat) Stopper, NAMES ONLY Capacity. 30 50 125 200 250 400 500 750 1000 2000 ccm. Duty paid. $ .30 .35 .40 .45 .50 .60 .65 .70 .80 1.05 Duty free. $ .18 .22 .25 .28 .30 .38 .40 .45 .50 .65 Capacity. 30 50 125 200 250 400 500 750 1000 2000 ccm. Duty paid. $ .34 .38 .42 .48 .52 .65 .68 .75 .85 1.10 Duty free. $ .20 .23 .26 .30 .32 .40 .42 .45 .52 .70 SALT MOUTH BOTTLES (wide mouth) flat (or high) Stoppers, NAMES ONLY SYMBOLS extra For Bottles: up to 250 ccm. incl.; up to 500 ccm. inch; up to 2000 ccm. inch Duty paid. per bottle $ .10 .13 .15 Duty free. 1 “ $ .6 .8 .10 For Bottles: up to 250 com. in cl.; up to 500 ccm. incl.; up to 2000 ccm. incl. Duty paid. per bottle $ .5 .7 .10 Duty free. II _ “ $ .4 .5 .6 DESK NUMBER extra Bottles with Transparent Letters on White Vitrified Rack Ground, Same Prices. We keep in stock “STENDER REAGENT BOTTLES” with the following Names and Symbols : 34 Tinctures and 6 Salt-mouth, according to Fresenius. 250 ccm. Bottles. Acid Sulphuric Dil. H2 S04 Acid Hydrochloric Cone.. HC1 Acid Nitric Cone. HN03 Ammonium Hydroxide NH4 OH Acid Sulphuric H2 S04 Ammonium Chloride NH4 Cl Ammonium Oxalate (NH4)2 C2 04 Ammonium Sulphocyanide NH4 CNS Ammonium Molybdate (NH4)2 Mo04 Ammonium Carbonate (NH4)2 C03 Acetic HC2 H3 02 Alcohol C2 H5 OH Silver Nitrate Ag N03 (Amber) Barium Chloride BaCl2 Calcium Hydroxide Ca (OH)2 Cupric Sulphate CuS04 Ferric Chloride Fe2 Cl6 Hydrogen Sulphide H2 S (Amber) Ammonium Sulphide (NH4l2 S (Amber) Magnesium Sulphate MgS04 Mercuric Chloride HgCl2 Mercurous Nitrate Hg2 (N03)2 Platinic Chloride PtCl4 (30 ccm- dropper) Lead Acetate Pb (C2 H3 02)2 _ Potassium Dichromate K2 Cr2 07 ** Potassium Ferrocyanide K4 Fe (CN)6 Potassium Iodide KI Sodium Carbonate Na2 C03 Sodium Acetate NaC2 II3 02 Sodium Phosphate Na2 HP04 Uranium Acetate (UO) C2 H3 02 Ether (C2 H5)2 O 2 Blank 125 ccm. Salt mouth Bottles. Sodium Carbonate Na2 C03 0* Borax Na2 B4 O, Ferrous Sulphate FeS04 Potassium Cyanide KCN Sodium Ammonium Phosphate Na (NHJ HP04 + 4H2 O 1 Blank The above set of 40 “ STENDER BOTTLES” packed in shipping order, - $23.00 Duty free, - -- -- -- -- -- 12.00 do. filled with C. P. Reagents, according to Fresenius’ “ Qualitative Analysis,” 32.00 Duty free, - -- -- -- -- -- 21.00 When ordering please state style of letters, shape of labels and form of stoppers. 146 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1661. Brushes, for test tubes, plain, - dozen, $ .25 B1662. Brushes, for test tubes, sponge end, - dozen, .75 B1663. Brushes, for. bottles and flasks, - - dozen, 1.50 B1664. Brushes, Camel Hair, small, medium, large. Price, .20 .25 .35 dozen. B1667. Burettes, Mohr’s accurately graduated. 25 cc. 1/10 50 cc. 1/10 100 cc. 1/5 For pinchcock, .80 1.35 1.80 ->hB1666a & b. With stopcock, $1.60 2.00 2.60 For other Burettes see General Catalogue. tKB1667. Burette Clamp, Allihn’s, for 2 burettes, - $4.00 Burette Support, of iron, single, - .80 Burette Support, of iron, double, - 1.25 B1670. Burette Support, of wood, double, - 1.25 TFB1671. Burette Support. The clamp is extremely simple, and perfect in action. A pressure of the thumb opens the rubber covered V-shaped jaws which close upon the burette and hold it firm and true. It is usually sold in the form shown in the cut, single or double, hard wood base with porcelain plate, clamp of japanned spring wire on turned maple upright. Price, - double, $2.50; single, 1.50 It may be ordered attached to iron rod, to screw permanently into table, or on wooden bracket to fasten against the wall. Price, - double, $2.00single, 1.25 B1671. B1665. B1666a. B1668. B1666b. B1669. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 147 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS HEATING APPLIANCES B1672. B1673. — Burner, Bunsen's, with regulator, - - - - $ .35 Burner, Bunsen’s, low shape, - - -. - .50 B1674. B1675. Burner, Microchemical, with stopcock and chimney, $2.00 —->KB1675. Burner, Microchemical, with two flames, on adjustable stand, 5.50 B1676. B1677. 1—3KB1676. Burner, Koch’s Safety, on adjustable stand, large, - $10.00 —t£B1677. Burner, Koch’s Safety, small, 13 cm. high, - - 5.00 148 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1G78. B1679. B1680. Burner, Fletcher’s Radial, No 2 R - - - - $2.00 OKB1679. Burner, Fletcher’s Safety, with gauze top. Top diameter, 22 30 40 mm. Price, $1.60 1.85 2 40 each. —7KBI68O. Burner, Reischauer’s Microburner, - 1.00 — B1681. Burner, small, nickel-plated, 4 cm. high, - .50 — Burners, specially adapted for heating funnels, so called Ring Burners, of brass. Diameter, 75 100 125 150 mm. Price, $1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 each. With Air Regulator, - - - 75c. extra. Burner for Alcohol, Barthel’s; requires no wick, and cannot explode; complete with meters flexible metallic tubing and reservoir of 1 Litre capacity. Small size, - - - - - - - -$7 50 Large size, ________ 9 00 Tripod - .50 The small size is equal to two, and the larger to ' four ordinary Bunsen burners. B1682. B1683. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 149 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS HEATING APPLIANCES B1684. 131686. OtKB1684. Burner for Gasoline, Barthel’s. This is the most perfect gasoline burner for chemical purposes, as it is substantially constructed of brass ; it is perfectly safe and cannot leak ; it gives a flame which can be readily adjusted from a very small one to a powers ful blast of a maximum temperature of 2000° Celsius. $0 75 O B1685. Burner for Gasoline, Barthel’s, as above, instead of rubber-pressure bulb (as shown in illustration), the reservoir is provided with a small air-compressing pump and a small pressure-gauge. - - - - 8.50 Tripod for above, ------- .50 To give a variety of flames in size and shape, we supply extra burners (as shown in illustration), for larger flames, - - - each, 1.00 for smaller flames, - - - “ .50 Circular burners (as per illustration), - large, each, 1.00 small, “ 50 Burner, Primus No. 1,” to burn Kerosene without wick, 21 cm. high, 22 cm. top diameter, - 5.00 150 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS HEATING APPLIANCES B1687. B1688. B1690. Burner, E. & A.’s New form of plain Bunsen Burner, without nipple. The draft enters from the base, thus permitting ready cleaning, and avoiding the clogging of the nipple. - - - - - - - - $.30 With gauze cap, to prevent the striking back of the flame, ________ .35 —-XB1688. Burner, E. & A.’s “Universal" Burner for all fuel gases, such as gasoline, acetylene, water and regular coal gas. Will burn all of these gases with perfect satisfaction. The burner tube being rigid, it always remains in the same position. ----- 1.25 — B1689. Burner. Prof. McCay’s Safety Burner, - 1.50 OXB1690. Burner- (Blast) Lamp, Bunsen’s improved form, for gas and air, for bending glass tubes, etc., - - 3.60 — B1691. Foot Blower to operate the same, - 5.00 B1692. O—XB1692. Burner- (Heating) Plates, for gas, with stopcocks. a) Size, 29X47 cm., with 2 burners, - $5.00 b) “ 49X56 “ “ 3 - 7.50 c) “ 53X88 “ “ 5 ... iaoo BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 151 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS HEATING APPLIANCES tKB1693. Burner, new, non-corrodible Bunsen Burner. Made entirely of Royal Meissen Porcelain, with air regula- tor, 16 cm. high, _______ $2.00 Extra burner tubes, ______ .35 B1694. Burner, as above, made of Royal Berlin Porcelain, 16 cm. high, - -- -- -- - 1.75 XB1695. Burner, of Royal Berlin Porcelain, as above, with star, hood and flame-spreader, - - - - 3.00 —XB1696. Burner. I mproved form of non-corrodible Laboratory Burner, Chaddock’s. This porcelain burner is incor- rodible, the gas exit being of glass, and is supplied with flame spreader, asbestos disc and asbestos rings. Small chimney is for platinum triangles. Not con- taining any metal parts it is highly recommended for poison analysis. _______ 2.00 For other Burners see our General Catalogue B1693. B1695. B1696. ELECTRICAL HEATING APPLIANCES XB1697. Bath and Heater, electrically heated by Kryptol, the new electric resistant material. For voltages up to 250 volts. Temperature and current consumption may be regulated by massing the Kryptol in a thicker or thinner layer. Size of bath, 20X30 cm. .without cover, $12.00 Ditto, with insulated iron cover, 14.00 For other sizes of this heater, see special circular. B1697. 152 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS ELECTRICAL HEATING APPLIANCES XB1698. Bath, Metal, Electrically Heated, 15 cm. diameter, using up to 440 Watts, - - - - - - $12.00 B6199. Bath, Air, Electrically Heated, 22 cm. diameter, for three heats, _______ 10.00 Electric Coil Heaters for immersion into water, paraffin, toluol, etc., of all sizes and dimensions, from $6.50 to 25.00 Heating Plate, 24X30 cm., using up to 880 Watts, - 12.00 XB1702. Heating Plate, 30X45 cm., using up to 1500 Watts, 15.00 B1698 B1700. B1701-1702. B1703. B1704. —*B1703. Heating Apparatus for electrically heating glass ves- sels containing inflammable liquids without danger; regular Edison lamp, current of 110 volts. Size for X L flasks, ______ $3.75 Size for 1 L flasks, ______ 4.00 Heater for flasks up to half liter capacity heated electrically by Kryptol. This apparatus serves the same purpose as a water-bath. Size, 25X20 cm. 17.50 For other KRYPTOL apparatus ask for special circular. Kryptol apparatus can be attached to any current of any voltage. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 153 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS ELECTRICAL HEATING APPLIANCES B1705. —XB1705. Heating Plate, electrically heated, for flasks, beak- ers, etc. Size, 40X11 cm., - $25.00 B1706. Stove, Circular Portable, 15 cm. diameter, using up to 440 Watts, - -- -- -- - 6.00 B1707. Stove, Circular Portable, 25 cm. diameter, using up to 1100 Watts, -------- 13.00 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1708. Botanical Study Apparatus, acc. to Detmer, im- ported to order only; prices on application. B1709. B1711. XB1709. Casseroles, of best Thuringia Porcelain, with covers and wooden handles. Capacity, }i % X 1 Liter. Price, $ .50 .60 .90 1.60 each. B1710. Casseroles, of Royal Berlin Porcelain, porcelain handles. No. 3 3a 4 5 6 Capacity, 150 200 375 750 1250 cc. Price, $ .50 .70 .90 1.40 1.75 each. XB1711. Clamps, Stoddart’s, of spring wire, nickel-plated, for test tubes. Small, for tubes 5 to 25 mm. diameter, - - -10 Large, .for tubes 15 to 40 mm. diameter, - - -15 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1712. B1714. B1715. Clamps, of spring wire, nickel-plated. No. 1 B, for Beakers No. 0 to No. 2. No. 3 B, “ “ No. 2 to No. 4. No. 3 D, “ Dishes of diam. 7 cm. to 10 cm. No. 5 D, “ “ “ “ 10 cm. to 15 cm. No. 7 D, “ “ “ “ 15 cm. to 18 cm. No. 2 T, “ Test Tubes and Necks of Flasks of diam. 15 mm. to 40 mm. Price, any size, - - - - - - - $.25 B1713. Condensers, Liebig’s, of glass. Length of body, 40 50 60 80 cm. Price, $1.10 1.25 1.60 2.00 each. Condenser Support, Bunsen’s, of iron, with universal movement, .... large, $3.00; small, $2.50 Cones, Babo’s, sheet iron, lined with asbestos strips, for heating flasks evenly. 11 13 15 18 22 cm. diameter. $ .60 .75 .85 .95 1.10 each. Complete set, - 4.25 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 155 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1716. Corks, best quality, cut from selected wood, XX, regular length. No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Diameter of small end, §, i9e, ||> i£, % Price per gross, .20, .22, .24, .26, .32, .38, .50, .60, .72, .90. No. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Diameter of small end, ||, §, }§, 1, 1£, lfg, in. Price per gross, $1.00, 1.10, 1.20, 1.35, 1.50, 1.85, 2.00, 2.20, 2.40, 2.60 B1717. Corks, best quality, extra long, No. 1 to 10, 20% higher. B1718. B1719. B1721 Cork Borers, of brass, set of six, - $1.00 3KB1719. Cork Borer Sharpener, of steel, - - - - 1.00 B1720. Corkfile, with fine point, 15 cm. long, - .20 *B1721. Cork Knife, best quality, ------ .20 131723. B1722. Cork Press, flat form, ______ .25 Cork Press, Rotary, taking large corks, - - .65 156 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1724. B1726. 131728. B1729. E1730. Cylinders, plain, with ground rim. Height, 15 20 25 30 40 cm. Ins. Dia. 2.5 4 4 5 6.5 cm. Price, $ .30 .40 .50 .60 .75 each. B1725. Cylinders, single graduated, with lip. Capacity, 25 50 100 200 500 1000 cc. Price, $ .35 .40 .60 .70 1.05 2.00 each. XB1726. Cylinders, double graduated, with lip. Capacity, 25 50 100 200 500 1000 cc. Price, $ .40 .50 .70 .80 1.20 2.25 each. B1727. Cylinders, single graduated, stoppered. Capacity, 25 50 100 200 500 1000 cc. Price, $ .50 .60 .80 1.00 1.50 2.35 each. Cylinders, double graduated, stoppered. Capacity, 25 50 100 200 500 1000 cc. Price, $ .60 .70 .85 1.10 1.65 2.45 each. Cylinders, of heavy white glass, with loose cover for holding test tubes for bacteriological purposes. Size, 18X6 18X8 18X10 cm. diameter. Price, $ .35 .40 .50 each. Cylinders, Hofman’s Lecture, of heavy white glass, open top and bottom, large ground flanges and a dome-shaped tubulated cover, with stopper, ground on. Height, 40 cm.; diameter, 23 cm., - A $7.50 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 157 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1732. B1733. B1734. B1735. B1731. Desiccator, Scheibler’s usual form ; 10 cm. diameter, $ .60 B1731a. 15 cm. diameter, 1.25 XB1732. Desiccator, Scheibler’s, with stopcock, 14 cm. diameter, 3.50 XB1733. Desiccator, Hempel’s, 12 cm. diameter, - - - 3 75 Desiccator, Reinhardt’s, 15X15 cm. inside, - - 4 00 8X8 cm. inside, - - 2.00 Hempel’s and Reinhardt’s Desiccators have the ad- vantage over the other forms, that the whole interior space can be used ; on Reinhardt’s, the air-tight ground cover cannot slip off, as the flange around the top is slightly turjied upward. XB1735. Dialysers, Graham’s, of heavy white glass. Diameter of Dish, 10 15 20 25 cm. Price, $1.00 1.25 1.75 2.50 each. B1736. B1737. Digesters (Autoclaves) see 158. 158 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS <0¥B1736. Digesters (Autoclaves), latest improved form, for sterilizing at high temperature, with strong cylindrical vessel of forged copper, bronze cover, iron clamp and center-screw, safety valve and gauge. Dimensions, 100 x220 mm. 125 x250 mm. 175 x300 mm. Capacity, Litres. Litres. 1% Litres. For 25 Atmospheres, $60.00 $66 00 $99.00 “ 50 “ 79.00 99 00 130.00 Digesters (Autoclaves), according to Dr. Pfungst, tube form, 350 mm. long, 40 mm. inside diameter, tested to 200 At. a) of iron, lead lined or enamelled, - $46.00 b) of Aluminum bronze, _____ 66.00 Manometer, Oil Reservoir and Thermometer, extra, - 35.00 Copper Oil Bath, on tripod, “ - 24.00 Clay Cylinders, ----- each, “ - 2.50 O B1738. Digesters (Autoclaves), Lautenschlaeger’s latest con- struction, specially arranged for bacteriological pur- poses, with strongly forged copper kettle, manometer, burner, etc. a) 150x300 mm. inside, for 2 At. pressure, - - A100.00 b) 200x300 “ “ “ 2 “■ “ - -A125.00 c) 250x400 “ “ “ 2 “ “ - -A225.00 For temperatures up to 130° C. B1736—B1737 illustrated on page 137. Digester (Autoclave), for sterilization under steam pressure. The boiler is made of extra heavy copper, tin- lined, is GO cm. deep, and 27 cm. in diameter, with a perforated rack inside. The lid is made of cast brass, tinned on the inside and nickel-plated on the outside. It is made with a ground joint, no washers being necessary to make it steam tight, and is held in position by six screw clamps. The apparatus is provided with a pressure gauge, thermometer and safety valve; the latter is set at 30 lbs., but may be increased or decreased. The apparatus is tested to stand a pressure of 50 lbs. to the sq. in. There is a small pet valve which must be kept open until the steam escapes, thereby forcing all the air out of the boiler. The boiler is supported by a sheet iron base 20 cm. high. The extreme height of the apparatus is 100 cm. It may also be used as an ordinary steam sterilizer. Price, complete, with three tube Burner, - $00.00 The same with hinged lid, additional, - 5 00 B1739. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 159 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1740. 151742. 3KB1740. Dishes, Evaporating, of best Bohemian glass. Diameter, 7 8 9 12 13 15 cm. Price .18 .20 .25 .30 .35 .45 each. Price, in nests of 6, - - - - nest, $1.50 B1741. Dishes, Evaporating, best Royal Berlin Porcelain. No. 00 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Capacity, 60 85 110 140 195 250 390 475 CC. Price, .18 .20 .30 .32 .35 .45 .55 .70 each. Dishes, Evaporating, best Thuringia Porcelain. Capacity, 60 100 150 250 350 500 CC. Price, .15 .20 .25 .35 .40 .45 each. B1743. Dishes, Evaporating, best Royal Meissen Porcelain. Capacity, 30 60 125 200 250 500 CC. Price, .15 .20 .30 .35 .50 .70 each. For larger sizes, see our General Catalogue. B1744b. B1745. B1744a. Dishes, according to Stender, of clear white glass, with top surface ground air-tight into a groove in the cover, genuine Stender make. Diameter, 4 5 6 8 10 13 16 cm. a) Low form, height, 2 3 4 5 6 cm. b) High form, height, 9 9 10 12 14 18 cm. Price, $ .18 .20 .25 .30 .35 .60 .75 O Numbering of covers and jars of above, additional, per 100, $1.00 Dishes, of clear white glass, with loosely fitting cover. Diameter, 50 60 80 100 mm. Price, .20 .25 .35 .50 each. B1746. Dishes, as above, cover ground on tight. Diameter, 50 60 80 100 mm. Price, .40 .50 .65 .75 each. EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS DISSECTING INSTRUMENTS B1747. B1748. B1749. B1750. B1751. B1752. B1753. B1754. *B1747. Dissecting Knife, Best**" Steel, ebony handle, each, $ .35 Dissecting Knife, Best*** “ “ “ “ .35 Dissecting Knife, Best*** “ “ “ “ .35 Dissecting Knife, Best*** “ “ “ “ .35 Dissecting Scalpel, Best*** “ “ “ “ .35 Dissecting Scalpel, Best *** “ “ “ “ .30 Dissecting Scalpel, Best*** “ “ “ “ .30 Dissecting Scalpel, Best*** “ “ “ “ .30 B1755-1757. Dissecting Forceps, best quality steel, fine curved serrated points, corrugated handle, heavily nickel plated, .50 Dissecting Forceps, as above, with straight points, .40 3kB1757. Dissecting Forceps, as above, without serrated points, - -- -- -- -- - .35 B1758. Dissecting Forceps, best quality steel, medium heavy serrated points, and corrugated handle, heavily nickel plated, --------- - .40 B1759. Dissecting Forceps, best quality steel, heavy serrated points, and corrugated handle, heavily nickel plated, .40 B1760. Dissecting Forceps, as above, with wider blades, .40 B1761. Dissecting Forceps, so-called “ P. R.” fine points, heavily nickeled, plain handle, - .25 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 161 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS DISSECTING INSTRUMENTS B1762. Dissecting Microscope. The lenses may be used either singly or together, are adjustable for focus on the metal post, and can be used as a hand magnifier also. They give a range of power of from five to twenty diameters. Two needle holders with a straight and a bent needle, one pair of forceps, a metal plate with one black and one white side, a stage with cell besides the plain glass stage are included. The mirror rests in a groove in one end of the case at the proper angle. All the accessories are contained in the case when closed, and the whole may be conveniently carried in the pocket. With one lense, $1.00. With two lenses, $1.25. With three lenses, - - - - - - $1.50 B1764. B1766. B1763. Dissecting* Needle Box, for sterilizing dissecting needles; round form, ------- 1.50 *B1764. Dissecting Needle Holder, of bone, holding any size of needle, ------ each, .10 B1765. Dissecting Needle Holder, as above,with four needles, .15 Dissecting Needle Holder, of bone, extra fine quality, with adjustable clamp, ------- .25 B1767. Dissecting Needle Holder, as above,with four needles, .HO B1768. Dissecting Needles, assorted, dozen, $ .08; gross, .75 B1769. Dissecting Needles, of platinum wire, 4 cm. long, fused in glass rods, -------- .do B1770. Dissecting Needles, of platinum wire, 8 cm. long, fused in glass rods, .60 162 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS DISSECTING INSTRUMENTS B1771. B1772. B1773. B1778. Dissecting Scissors, finest quality, fine points, straight, heavily nickel plated, -----$ .50 $KB1772. Dissecting Scissors, finest quality, fine points, curved sideways, heavily nickel plated, - .65 Dissecting Scissors, finest quality, fine points, curved upward, heavily nickel plated, - .65 B1774. Dissecting Scissors, finest quality, medium fine points, straight, heavily nickel plated, - .35 B1775. Dissecting Scissors, finest quality, medium fine points, curved upward, heavily nickel plated, - - .50 B1776. Dissecting Scissors, good quality, heavy, - - .25 B1777. Dissecting Instrument Set, in morocco leather case; containing one pair of forceps, one pair of scissors, dis- secting knife, needle holder ; with needles, and lense, 5.00 Dissecting Instrument Set, larger, with two lenses, 7.00 - B1779. Dissecting Instrument Set, as arranged by Dr. W. H. Birchmore, -------- 15.00 2 Pairs Forceps, fine, straight. 2 “ “ curved. 1 “ “ medium heavy, straight 1 “ “ bent blades. 1 “ “ straight blades. 1 *' “ self closing. 1 “ “ with lock. 1 Scalpel. 1 “ 1 “ 2 Sets Needles. 2 Handles for the Needles. 1 Pair Scissors. i “ l “ 1 “ 1 “ 2 Flexible Silver Probes. 1 Silver Directer. 1 Injection Syringe. 12 indies Platinum Wire, medium. The whole is packed in a leather case, and contains every tool required for any form of investigation with the microscope, except section cutting, but including pa- thology and bacteriology. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 163 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS DISTILLING APPARATUS B1780. Distilling Apparatus, Brieger’s Vacuum, for distilling and evaporating organic substances, toxines, ptomains, etc., which decompose easily or for distilling at higher temperatures, a) for 1 Liter fluid, ______ /^$90.00 b) for 3 Liters fluid, ______ /\125.00 B1781. Distilling Apparatus, Proskauer’s latest construction, for distilling in vacuum or evaporating organic sub- stances, which decompose easily ; specially adapted for chemical and bacteriological work. Price, - - /\$30.00 164 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS DISTILLING APPARATUS B1782. Distilling Apparatus, for water, consisting of a heavy, tin-lined copper still, with movable head, connected with pure block-tin condensing worm, enclosed in zinc vessel, with proper inlets and outlets : Capacity, 2 4 8 12 20 Liters. Price, $8.00 10.00 12.50 15.00 20.00 each. CBKB1783. Distilling Apparatus, James* Automatic Water Still. Convenient and econom- ical ; self-regulating, does not re- quire attention when in use and is easily cleaned. The retort has a well fitted cap which can be re- moved to admit the hand. The water supply pipe to the retort is provided with a screw cap at the elbow, which allows both tubes to be cleaned. The inner tube of the condenser can be taken out by un- screwing same, making all parts of the apparatus accessible. The retort and condenser revolve on the iron support and any scale or deposit may be removed without unfastening the clamp. It is well made of heavy copper, tin-lined throughout. The still is so ar- ranged that the water in the retort is maintained at a constant level. The quantity produced exceeds 2 liter per hour. Price, $15.00 If fitted with burner for liquid gasolene, ----- 20.00 B1783. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 165 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS DISTILLING APPARATUS B1785. B1784. B1787. Distilling Apparatus, for water, “Jewell’s Auto- matic Still,’* for gas. Size No. 3 produces 2 Liters gallon) per hour. The retort and condenser are combined in one iron casing ; the condensing tube is straight and of double tin-lined copper. Price, ------ $15.00 Size No. 4 produces 2 Liters gallon) per hour and is made of polished copper and brass throughout and nickelplated. Price, - - - - - - 24.00 With each Still is furnished a block-tin connection pipe and a bracket or shelf, which can be screwed to the wall at any elevation desired. O B1788. Size No. 2 produces 4 Liters (1 gallon) per hour. This apparatus is very substantially built and should last for years. All parts are accessible and easily gotten at. These Stills are in use in very many laboratories and institutions and give entire satisfaction. Price, - 45.00 For prices of larger sizes of Jewell Stills see Special Circular. Distilling Apparatus, for water, “ Domestic Water Still,*' working absolutely automatically with a gas burner. Size A produces 50 Liters (12 gallons) of distilled water in 24 hours. Price, _____ $15.00 Size B produces 100 Liters (24 gallons) of distilled water in 24 hours. Price, - - - - - 25.00 166 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS -tKB1788. Dropping Dottle, with pipette stopper and rubber top, 15 ccm., 30 ccm., or 50 ccm., 25 Dropping Bottle, with pipette stopper and perforated top, 15 ccm., 30 ccm., or 50 ccm., - - - - .30 Dropping Bottle, with pipette stopper and rubber bulb, 15 ccm., 30 ccm., or 50 ccm., _____ 22 Dropping Bottle, with grooved stopper and neck,. Patent T-K, 15 ccm., 30 ccm , or 50 ccm , - - * .30 Dropping Bottle, with grooved stopper and perforated neck, 15 ccm., 30 ccm , or 50 ccm., - - - - .18 B1788. B1789. B1790. B1791. B1792. DRYING OVENS B1793. 0*B1793. Drying Oven, of polished copper, single wall, on iron stand with setscrew, with extra sheet-iron bottom, with tubulations for thermometer and gas regulator and one to two removable shelves. Outside dimensions, 15x20 20x25 25x30 cm. Price, $4.50 6 50 8.50 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 167 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS DRYING OVENS OXB1794 Drying Oven, of copper, B1793 with double wall. Outside dimensions, 15X20 20X25 25X30 cm. Price, $7.00 9.00 12.50 OXB1795. Drying Oven, of copper, as above, double wall, with water-bath top, and set of copper rings. Outside dimensions, 15X20 20X25 25X30 cm. Price, $8.00 10.00 13 00 B1794. B1795. B1796. B1797. XB1796. Drying Oven, Wiesnegg’s, iron, double wall, porcelain- lined, with glass door, with adjustable gas burner and two removable, perforated porcelain shelves. Small size, 29X24X25 cm. deep inside, - - $71.50 Large size, 40X31X30 cm. deep inside, - - A 93.00 OXB1797. Drying Oven, electrically heated, provided with thermometer and arrangement for three heats, inside space 30X35X40 cm., ------ $60.00 168 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS DRYING OVENS B1798. Drying Oven, electrically heated by Kryptol. The Kryptol mass is filled into a slide drawer at the bottom of oven. Rheostat unnecessary. This oven has two perforated shelves and two hangers; top with slide ventilator and two tabulations, asbestos covered and double walled. . Size 24X18X16 cm. Made of iron, A $30.00 OMade of copper, 42 50 Iron support for same, additional, - - 2 50 For other sizes and different forms, see Special Circular. B1799. Drying Oven, electrically heated with rheostat at- tached. The oven is heated by wires, closely and evenly surrounding- the working space. With two per- forated, removable shelves, two tubulations, and air ventilator. It is double walled and asbestos covered. Height of working space, 20 20 25 cm. Width “ “ “ 20 25 40 cm. Depth “ “ “ 20 15 25 cm. Made of leaded Russia iron, A $55 00 $50.00 $110 00 Made of heavy copper, A 05.00 00.00 125.00 E, & A. ELECTRIC FURNACES. See General Catalog and Special List. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 169 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS FILTERING APPARATUS Cocks for Suspended Filters. B1800 No. 1. B1800. Filter, Pasteur-Chamberland’s germ- proof Water Filter. Style “Suspended” No. 1, nickeled, 1 tube, 12 inches high, - - $8.00 Style “Suspended” No. 3, nickeled, 3 tubes, 13 inches high, - - 20.00 Suspended Filter Cocks extra: No. 1, or Pet, nickel-plated, $1.00 No. 2, or Union Connection, nickel-plated, - - 3.00 No. 3, or Bent Nose Filler, nickel-plated, - - 2.00 By the use of the Union Connection with the Filter, unfiltered water can be drawn when desired. Any other style of Pasteur-Chamberland’s Filters furnished, and prices given upon application. B1800 No. 3. B1802-B1803. B1804-B1805. O B1801. Filter Bougie, small pencil size, 15c.; large, - $ .20 CtKB1802. Filter Bougie, Pasteur-Chamberland. Open top, Royal Berlin porcelain, .75 Filter Bougie, Pasteur-Chamberland. Open top, glazed flange, German make, ----- .05 Filter Bougie, Pasteur-Chamberland, with glazed top, German make, - - -75 Filter Bougie, Pasteur-Chamberland, with glazed top, original French make, B or F, for bacteriological or general use, - -- -- -- - 1.25 See also B1499. 170 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS FILTERING APPARATUS Filters, Berkefeld’s germ-proof House-Filters. This filter is neatly nickel-plated and especially designed to be screwed to any regu- lar inch hose bib-faucet of the main supply pipe at “a,” as shown in cut. When the water is turned on, it is forced through the walls of the filtering cylinder within, leaving all impurities, even Typhoid and Cholera Bacilli and other objectionable matter on the surface of the same, while the filtered water runs off through the outlet “b”. During the first ten minutes, the filtered water may be a little cloudy, owing to the powder or dust which is caused in boring the cylinder ; after this is out, however, the filtrate will be as clear as crystal. No. 1. Gives one gallon of filtered water in 8 to 4 min- utes by ordinary pressure of40 pounds; length, 9 inches; diameter, inches, ------- $3.50 O B1807. No. 2. Same as No. 1, but shorter and thicker; length, 6 inches; diameter, inches, ----- 5.00 No. 3. Larger filter; height, 18 inches; diameter, 3 inches, giving a gallon of filtered water in 2 minutes, at 40 pounds pressure; case of cast iron, bronzed and enameled inside. The water from the main pipe enters the filter at,“a”, as shown in cut, and after being filtered, runs off through pipe “b”; the outlet for the unfiltered water and waste is “c”. To clean the cylinder, remove top “d”, which is fastened by two swivels as shown above, - Price, 12.00 No. 4. Nickel-plated case similar to No. 2, 11}4 inches high, 2y2 inches diameter, gives 1 gallon of filtered water in 2 minutes, at 40 pounds pressure. It can be attached to faucet on supply pipe in the same manner as filters 1 and 2, so that filtration is downward, or in connection with the two-way cock, as shown in cut, so that the filtration is upward. Price for filter only, 8.00 With a two-way cock and outlet pipe, - - 10.00 B1806. B1808. B1809. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 171 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS FILTERING APPARATUS B1810. B1812 B1811. O*B1810. Filter, Berkefeld’s Medical Laboratory and Experi- mental Filters. For laboratory and medical purposes these filters are eminently suitable, sterilizing all liquids, and completely filtering beef tea, infusions, etc., contain- ing bacteria. They yield a clear blood serum, free of microbes, and from milk a perfectly clear and colorless milk serum free from fat. Glass filter mantel and filtering cylinder only, at the following prices: Filter Mantel No. I. 14 inches high x 4 inches wide, Cylinder 10 inches long x 2 inches wide, - $5.25 Filter Mantel No. II. 11 inches high x inches wide, Cylinder 8 inches long x 1 inch wide, - - 4.25 Filter Mantel No. III. 4 inches high x y inch wide, Cylinder 2inches long x $/% inch wide, - - 2.00 New Cylinders for F. M. I, 3.50 New Cylinders for F. M. II, - - - - - 3.00 New Cylinders for F. M. Ill, ----- 1.25 Filter, Berkefeld’s Drop Filter. Water is poured into top vessel and drips through the filter cylinder into the pitcher. The apparatus is of glass. Top vessel can be lifted off and the filtered water poured from pitcher into a tumbler. Filter cylinder has porcelain head piece with metal threaded screw by which it is fastened into the aperture at bottom of glass vesseb Price complete, ------- - 6.00 New Filter Cylinder (No. 10) for above, - 2.50 Filter Bougies, Nordtmeyer-Berkefeld. No. 1. 6 inches long, 1% inch diameter, - 1.50 No. 2. 3% inches long, 2 inches diameter, - - 1.50 No. 3. 10 inches long, 2 inches diameter, - 2.50 172 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS FILTERING APPARATUS B1813. B1814. B1815. Filter Flasks of heavy white glass, Bunsen’s shape. Capacity 250 500 1000 CC. Price, $ .35 .45 .60 Filter Flasks, Erlenmeyer shape, Price same as No. B1813. *B1815 Filter Flasks, Caraffe shape. Prices same as No. B1813. B1816. B1817. B1818. Filter Flasks, with ground-in funnel. Capacity, 250 500 1000 CC. Price, $1.50 2.00 2.50 Filter Flasks, Wahl’s, with stopcock on suction tube, for filtering slowly running liquids. The glass tube shown in sketch is closed at one end and is empty at a perfect vacuum, but fills with liquid, as soon as air enters. Capacity, 1 2 Liters. Price, without funnel, $2.00 2.75 Filter Flasks, Walther’s, for use with rubber rings, instead of the more expensive rubber stoppers. Capacity, 250 500 1000 CC. Price, without funnel, $ .60 .75 1.00 Rubber Rings for same, each, 10c.; dozen, $1.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 173 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS FILTERING APPARATUS B1820. B1821. B1819. Filterpaper, E. & A. white, quick filtering, smooth or embossed, in sheets, size 50X50 cm., quire, $ .30; ream, $4.80 3KB1820. Filterpaper, E. & A. white, cut round, in packages of 100. Diameter, 7 10 13 15 19 25 33 40 45 50 cm. Price per pack, .08 .13 .18 .22 .25 .35 .56 .72 .96 1.10 B1821. Filterpaper, C. S. & S. No. 595, a good light paper, free from Chlorine, tasteless and made of the best material, in sheets 47X54 cm., quire, .60; - ream, 10.00 XB1822. Filterpaper, C. S. & S. No. 595, cut round, in packages of 100. Diameter, 5.5 7 9 11 12.5 15 18.5 24 27 32 38.5 cm. Price per pack, .12 .15 .20 .23 .25 .30 .40 .60 .80 1.00 1.25 B1823. Filterpaper, C. S. & S. No. 597, a much heavier paper, filtering quickly, sheets 58X58 cm., quire, $1.00; ream, 18.00 B1824. Filterpaper, C. S. & S. No. 597, cut round, in packages of 100. Diameter, 5.5 7 9 11 12.5 15 18.5 24 27 32 38.5 50 cm. Price per pack, .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .40 .55 .75 .90 1.15 1.50 2.30 B1825. Filterpaper, C. S. & S. No. 588, cut round and folded. Diameter, 12° 15 18:’ 24 32 385 50 cm. Price per box of 100, each, .35 .40 .50 .75 1.25 1 50 2 25 Special Filtering papers are made by Carl Schleicher & Schuell for milk, fat and blood analysis. Ask for Special List with samples of C. S. & S. Filterpapers. For other Filterpapers see General Catalogue. B1826. Filter pipette, according to Babes, see page 55. 174 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS FILTERING APPARATUS —B1827. Filter Pump, E. & A., of brass, small and very powerful. No. 1 2 3 Price, $1.35 1.75 2.00 —-))fB1828. Filter Pump, Richard’s, of brass, for water pressure only, very powerful. Small. Large. Extra Large. $1 25 1.75 6.00 -t!|<-B1829. Filter Pump, Muencke’s form, of glass, $1.15 Filter Pump, Muencke’s form, of glass, with two suction tubes, 1.30 For other Filterpumps see General Catalogue. B1827. B1828. B1829. B1830. B1831. B1833. B1834. B1835. *B1831. Filter Stands, of wood, single arm for one funnel, $ .90 B1832. Filter Stands, of wood, single arm for two funnels, .70 *B1833. Filter Stands, of wood, double arm for four funnels, .90 Filter Stands, of iron, with three wood lined rings, 1.00 B1835. Filter Stands, of wire. Upper ring 5cm. dia. (height 16cm., 1.00 Lower ring 11 cm. dia.lheight 20cm., 1.25 B1836. Filter Stands, as above, height adjustable from 15 to 24 cm. Especially suitable for bacteriological work. 1.75 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 175 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1837-1838. B1839. B1840. B1841. Flasks, best Bohemian, flat bottom. Capacity, 125 250 500 1000 CC. Price, .12 .18 .25 .35 tKB1838. Flasks, best German, flat bottom. Capacity, 125 250 500 1000 CC. Price, .08 .10 .15 .20 ->hB1839. Flasks, best Bohemian, Erlenmeyer form. Capacity, 125 250 500 1000 CC. Price, .12 .18 .25 .35 *B1840. Flasks, Volumetric, plain, with one mark. Capacity, 50 100 250 500 1000 CC. Price, $ .25 .30 .40 .60 .75 *B1841. Flasks, Volumetric, stoppered, with one mark. Capacity, 50 100 250 500 1000 CC. Price, $ .30 .35 .60 .75 .90 Flasks for transportation and storing of liquid air, so- called Dewarbulbs, made by R. Burger, double-walled, evacuated. Capacity, yi 1 2 4 liters. Silvered, $3.00 4.50 7.00 12.50 17.50 Unsilvered, $2.00 3.50 6.00 Carrying and Shipping Baskets for Dewarbulbs, for flasks of 1 2 4 liter capacity. $7.50 8.50 10.00 These carrying baskets are made of a stout wire frame with thick felt bottom and thick felt lining of the shape of the flask which again is strengthened by wires. It is provided with a felt stopper which is removable so as to avoid taking out the flask while being filled or emptied ; it has a lock and key for safe keeping. Besides the above a number of other shapes of liquid air vessels will be im- ported to order. Ask for Special List. B1842. B1843. EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1845. B1846. B1847. B1848 B1849 B1844. Forceps, plain, steel, 10 11 12 15 cm. Price, $ .08 .10 .12 .18 Forceps, brass, bent, - -----$ .20 >KB1846. Forceps, brass, bent, with ivory tips, - .70 For Cover Glass Forceps, see pages 40—41. ■TkB1847. Funnels, of agate ware. Capacity, 250 500 1000 2000 cc. Price, $ .35 .40 .45 .55 7kB1848. Funnels, of best German glass, 60° angle. Diameter, 50 75 100 125 150 200 mm. Price, $ .08 .10 .15 .20 .25 .45 Funnels, of glass, ribbed, regular form. Diameter, 10 12 15 20 cm. Price, $ .12 .15 .20 .40 B1850. B1851. B1852. Funnels, of glass, latest improved form, with deep conical ribs, for quick filtering. Diameter, 7 10 16 20 24 cm. Price, $ .25 .35 .50 1.00 1.35 Funnels, Separatory, of glass, open top. Diameter, 10 15 20 24 cm. Price, $1.40 2.00 2.50 3.50 tKB1852. Funnels, Separatory, of glass, globe shape. Capacity, 125 250 500 1000 2000 cc. Price, $1.20 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 177 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1857. B1853. B1858. B1859. B1855. Funnel, Plantamour’s hot water filter, double wall, of tin, - - - - - - - - $ 1.50 O B1854. Funnel, Plantamour’s hot water filter, double wall, of copper, ________ 3.00 Funnel, Koch’s hot water filter, of copper, on three removable legs, single wall, without glass funnel, - 3.50 0)KB1856. Funnel, Koch’s hot water filter, as above, but double wall, 5.00 Funnel, or steam-filter, for use on retort stand, with steam inlet and outlet, for gelatine and agar-agar filtration and for easily inflammable substances, in- cluding glass funnel, ______ 4.00 Funnel Tubes. Conical top, stout glass, 20 in. each, . 22 Thistle top, light glass, 20 in. each, .20 Gas Generator, Kipp’s, for gen- erating gas in the laboratory. Capacity, 1 2 Liters. Price, $3 50 4.50 5.75 Two washbottles, for ditto, addi- tional, - - - . - 4.00 B1860 B1861. 178 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS We beg to dr?w the attention of the Bacteriologists, Physicians and Chemists to the fact that we have increased our facilities for to such an extent, that we are able to produce any form of complicated glass apparatus, as perfectly and accurately as the best establishments in Europe and at about the same price. B1862. Glass Plates, ground rough on one side, for covering dishes, specimen jars, etc. Size, 5 8 10 12 15 20 25 cm. square. Price, 3 5 6 8 10 15 25 cents. B1863. Glass Plates, as above, round, edges ground. Diameter, 5 8 10 12 15 18 20 cm. Price, 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 cents. B1864. Glass Rods, of German glass, 2 to 25 mm. dia., lb., $ .50 B1865. Glass Stirrers, of German glass, rounded at one end, pointed at the other, any length and diameter, lb., .60 GLASS BLOWING Glass Tubing, of best soft German glass, for general laboratory work, ------ lb., $ .50 - B1867. Glass Wool, of Bohemian glass, for filtering purposes. Coarse, - - oz., 40c. - lb., 5.00 Fine, - - oz., 60c. - lb., 8.00 B1866. B1868. B1869. Graduates, German, conical, on foot. Capacity, 25 50 100 250 500 1000 cc. Price, $ .35 .40 .50 .75 1.00 1.G5 Graduates, on foot, in ounces. Capacity, 1 2 4 6 8 12 16 32 ounces Price, $ .15 .20 .25 .30 .35 .45 .55 .90 B1870. Graduates, on foot, in grammes on one side and ounces on the other. 1 2 4 8 16 32 ounces. 30 50 100 250 500 1000 grammes. .40 .50 .75 1.00 1.50 3.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 179 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS irliM FiC 12 B1871 —XB1871. Ice Machine “Raplin.” The simplest and most reliable hand ice-machine in the market. Not dan- gerous. Will freeze a caraffe of water in three minutes, or make a block of about 1% lbs. ice in about twenty- minutes, by simply turning handle. No expensive chemicals or freezing powders are required. The only expense is for a small quantity of ordinary sulphuric acid to absorb the vapor. Price of machine, including caraffe and vessel for making block-ice, ------- $90.00 Spare absorber for acid, - - - - - 6.00 For other Ice Machines apply for Special List. B1872 B1873. XB1872. Jars, Specimen, specially adapted for microscopic, biological and museum purposes; air-tight, can be easily cleaned. 35X40 mm., capacity 30 CC., - dozen, $ .65 mm., capacity 200 CC., - “ .80 100X75 mm., capacity 300 CC., - “ 100 mm., capacity 500 CC., - “ 1.25 125X100 mm., capacity 700 CC., - “ 2.00 20 per cent, discount in Gross lots. XB1873. Jars, Specimen, with ground-in stoppers. Size, 5X5 10X10 13X13 cm. Price, .70 $1.00 1.50 180 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1874. B1875. 3KB1874. Jars, Specimen, of heavy white glass, with glass-filling, all 145 mm. high. Capacity, 5 10 20 50 100 125 cc. Price, $ .35 .35 .35 .40 .50 .55 Jars, Specimen, of heavy white glass, with wide or narrow neck, all 250 mm. high. Capacity, 250 500 1000 cc. Price, $ .75 1.00 1.25 B1876. B1877. B1878. B1879. XB1876. Jars, Specimen, with overlapping covers. Size, 15X8 10X10 20X13 15X15 cm. diameter. Price, $ .80 1.00 1.60 1.75 Size, 30X20 25X25 30X30 60X30 cm. diameter. Price, $3.00 4.00 6.50 9.00 Jars, Specimen, of fine white glass, with foot, rim and ground-in stopper, air-tight. Size, 100X75 130X75 150X100 180X120 mm. Price, $ .50 .60 1.00 1.25 XB1878. Jars, Specimen, as above, wide form. Size, 80X80 100X100 100X150 150X150 mm. Price, $ .50 .80 1.50 1.75 Size, 150X200 180X180 180X240 250X250 mm. Price, $2.75 2.50 4.00 6.00 XB1879. Jars, Specimen, of best Bohemian glass, with air-tight ground-in glass stoppers, with hook. Size, 65X65 75X75 100X100 75X150 mm. high. Price, $ .40 .50 1.00 .75 Size, 110X150 150X75. 200X250 mm. high. Price, $1.25 1.50 5.00 Other sizes imported to order. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 181 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS —7KBI88O. Jars, Specimen, of improved style,- without contraction at the neck, so that the width of the mouth is the same as the inside diameter of the body of the jar. The contents are enclosed entirely in glass, with a thin rubber medium under the lid to make the jar air-tight. This lid is securely fastened down with a metallic clamp. On the under side of the lid are two glass rings, from which specimens may be suspended so that they will stay in any position. Width of Height Capacity, Mouth. without Lid. (approx.) Each. 2 yi inches.... 4 inches )4 pint ...$ .50 2 % inches • • • • % pint .55 2)4 inches - • • • 8 inches .60 2)4 inches - • • • - - - -12 inches .65 21/ inches. • • • • - - -18 inches 2)4 pints .70 3)4 inches - • • • 6 inches ... .75 3 )4 inches - • ■ ■ - .. .80 3)4 inches. • • • .95 3 )4 inches • • • • • •••18 inches • • • ■ 6 pints ... 1.10 - -. 1 40 5 inches•••• • ••■12 inches ... 1.65 5 inches•••• ....15 inches ... 1.80 5 inches - • - • • -•-18 inches ... 1.90 6% inches.••• ... 1.85 3% inches - • • ....12 inches ... 2.00 7 % inches••■- ... 2.60 7 )4 inches • • • • ... 2.80 7 )4 inches • • • • .... 12 inches ... 3.20 7inches•••• ... 3.50 7 )4 inches • • • • ... 3.75 7 % inches•••• ... 4.30 iy% inches - - • • .... 36 inches...... ... 5.60 11 )4 inches. • • • ... 6.65 11 )4 inches - • • • ....18 inches ... 8.40 11)4 inches---- .... 24 inches ... 10.50 B1880 —SfcBl881. Jars, Specimen, made of clearest flint glass, with mouths nearly as wide as the jars themselves,, and glass stoppers carefully ground in. In ordering give diameter of body and height to shoulder. Diameter Hei Height to eht to top of Width Capacity of Mouth. to Week. Price per Dozen. Price of Body. Shoulder. Stopper. Each IX inches. .2 inches. . .3/4 inches- • ix inches ■ • ■ IX ounces• $2.10.. .20 IX inches • .3 inches • ■ • 4/4 inches • • IX inches... 2X ounces.. 2.25.. .22 2 inches • • 2J4 inches■■ AY inches. •ix inches... 3 ounces. 2.45.'. .24 2 inches • ■3)4 inches.•-5/4 inches • • •ix inches... 5 ounces • 2.63.. .26 2 inches • .5 inches. • -3% inches • ..ix inches...6 ounces • 2.95.. .28 2X inches • • 3J4 inches..-5/4 inches • .2 inches... 8 ounces • 3.15.. .30 2l/2 inches • .5 inches... 7 inches • ..2 inches.•11 ounces- 3.50.. .35 2 X inches ■ .7 inches•■•9 inches • ..2 inches.-16 ounces • 3.85.. .38 3 inches• • 4 inches ■ • • 3% inches • ..2X inches..14 ounces ■ 4.00.. .40 3 inches. . .6 inches-■-8Y inches• • •2X inches - • 20 ounces. 4.55.. .45 3 inches • . .8 inches■ 10Y inches• • •2X inches..28 ounces. 5.40.. .50 3X inches ■ . -6 inches • • ■ 8/4 inches• ..3 inches • •29 ounces. 5.95.. .60 3X inches • • -8 inches-•10/4 inches• ..3 inches..40 ounces • 7.35.. .70 3/4 inches ■ .10 inches -1244 inches• . .3 inches..52 ounces. 8.75.. .85 4/4 inches • . .5 inches.■ -7Y inches• • •3X inches.. 38 ounces. 7.50.. .75 4X inches. . .8 inches••10X inches• ..3X inches.. 62 ounces. 9.45.. .95 4X inches • .12 inches • • 14X inches• • -3X inches..92 ounces. 11.00.. 1.10 6 inches• . .7 inches • • 10 inches. . .5 inches.-98 ounces. 13.25.. 1.30 6 inches. .10 inches••13 inches • . .5 inches • 140 ounces • 17.50.. 1.75 6 inches • 12 inches••15 inches ■ ..5 inches. 168 ounces. 18.90.. 1.90 6 inches • 15 inches- 18 inches • . .5 inches. 212 ounces. 21.70.. 2.10 B1881. 182 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS 3KB1882. Jars, Specimen. Styles A to F supplied in the sizes ranging from 5 cm. to 100 cm. height and 1 cm. to 33 cm. diameter. State letter and size wanted when ordering. These jars have air-tight ground stoppers or lids and are of the finest white glass. Without exception they are the best anatomical jars on the market. Prices on application. B1882. B1883. B1884. B1885. B1886. 3KB1883. Jars, Specimen, of finest white glass, on foot, lid cover with knob ground on a large broad rim ; supplied in sizes from 8 cm. to 95 cm. high and 5 cm. to 30 cm. diameter. State sizes wanted ; prices on application. tKBI.884. Jars, Specimen, of finest white glass, rectangular, on foot, with broad ground rim and ground on lid with knob ; sizes from 66 high X 55 wide x 5 cm. deep to 45 x 43 xl2 cm.; prices on application. Jars, Specimen, so-called “Brain cylinders,” of heavy, white glass, with cover loosely fitting in a gutter, to be filled with paraffine, glycerine, etc., to make jar airtight; sizes from 15x15 cm. to 30x30 cm.; prices on application. Jars, Specimen, perfectly rectangular, of heavy white glass, one of the broad sides finely ground and polished ; with ground on plate glass; sizes from 10 high x 5 wide x 25 cm. deep to 42 x 105 x 75 cm.; prices on application. B1882 to B18S6 imported to order only. A few sizes are kept in stock. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 183 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1887. B1888 ■$jfB1887. Lamps, for Petroleum, of brass, nickel-plated, especially adapted for incubators, sterilizers, drying ovens, paraffine baths, etc. Size I. for small apparatus, lasting 24 hours, - $5.00 “ II. for medium “ “ 24 “ - 7.00 “ III. for large “ “ 12 “ - 10.00 3KB1888. Lamp, for alcohol, with 6 flames, on the principle of the Bunsen Burner, ------- 4.00 Levelling Tripod, for culture dishes, etc., see page 120. B1889. B1890. B1891. B1892. Lamps, for alcohol, of glass, with side tubulus. Capacity, 60 120 200 250 CC. Price, .'38 .44 .50 .55 Lenses, Magnifying, in rubber case. a) Single, 15 mm. dia., No. 101, - - each, $ .30 b) Double, 15, 18 mm, dia., No. 102, - “ .45 c) Triple, 12, 15, 18 mm. dia., No. 103, - “ .60 Lens, Magnifying, in brass tripod, for dissecting work, .50 $KB1892. Lens, Coddington’s, very powerful, in brass case, with handle; small, $1.00; large, _____ 1.80 184 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1893. B1894. —tKB1893. Meat Chopper, for mincing meat for bouillon cultures and gelatine. a) Weighs 2 Kilos; chops x/2 Kilo per minute, - $1.50 b) Weighs 3x/2 “ “ 1 “ “ “ - 2.50 c) Weighs lx/2 “ “ lx/2 “ “ “ - 4.50 Meat Presses, with perforated zinc cylinders. Capacity, 1 2 4 8 Liters. Price, $3.50 4.50 6.50 9.00 B1895. Meat Squeezers, small, to fasten to the table; made in two sizes; small, $2.00; large, - 3.50 Mercury Air Pump, Dr. B. B. Boltwood’s Auto- matic, the most simple, most compact and most effective'pump on the mar- ket. See also page 6. Pump, on polished ma- hogany support, Pump, with Vacuum Gauge, - Pump, with Vacuum Gauge and Drying Chamber, for P206, - Glass Aspirator, for op- erating pump, - Brass Aspirator, for op- erating pump, - B1896. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 185 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS —*B1897. Mills, for grinding wet or dry substances for bacterio- logical or chemical purposes ; with grinding parts of porcelain, acid proof. Grinding surface 170 mm. for hand, - B1898. Grinding surface 250 mm. for power, - - - A 90.00 Mills, porcelain, Ball mills, for powdering bacteriologi- cal or chemical substances. a) Capacity, 0.6 Liter, with cover and clamping arrangement, ______ $3.00 b) Capacity, 5% Liter, with cover and clamping arrangement, ______ *7.00 c) Capacity, 16.5 Liter, with cover and clamping arrangement, ______ 30.00 B1900. Porcelain Balls, as above, - Kilo, .50 B1897. B1899. B1901. Mill, porcelain ball mill, capacity 6 Liter, mounted on iron frame, for hand or power, - $30.00 186 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1902. B1903. -)|<-B1902. Mortars, Agate, with pestles, superior quality. Diameter, 75 100 125 150 mm. Price, $5.00 9.50 18.00 35.00 Mortars, Porcelain, with pestles, best make. Diameter, 8 10 12 15 17 20 cm. Price, $ .35 .45 .70 .90 1.10 1.40 B1904a. B1904b. Motor, electric, for stirring, shaking or grinding purposes. Portable, on stand with base, for direct current. For alternating current, $5.00 extra, for current of 65 Volt 110 Volt 220 Volt a) horizontal movement, $26.00 28.75 35.00 b) up and down movement, for shaking, - - $43.00 46.00 52.00 Motor, electric, see also page 136. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 187 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1905. No B, S1905. No. 2. B1905. No. 1. B1906. OXB1905. Motor, “ Essex ” hot-air, for gas, for stirring, shaking and other purposes. The most convenient, most economical and best hot-air motor made. Power Rev. per Gas used Weight Space Number of in HP min. per hour in lbs. occupied cylinders Price C*No. B. 1/40 500 3 cu. ft. 10 6X18 in. 1 $7.50 CXNo. 1. 1/40 500 3 cu. ft. 18 7X18 in. 1 10.00 C*No. 2. 1/20 500 6 cu. ft. 24 9JX18 in. 2 18.00 Motor No. B and 1 fitted with 10 in. fan, additional, $1.00 These motors are also furnished with Alcohol burner at same prices. r—X-B1906. Motor, Water Turbine, after Rabe, for operating stirring, shaking or grinding apparatus in laboratories, by the ordinary water supply; diameter of wheel 60 mm.; complete, with iron holder, - - - $6.00 188 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1907. ' B1908. Mouse Holder, Kitasato’s, of nickel-plated brass, on universal stand, _______ $4.00 XB1908. Mouse or Rat Holder, Kitasato’s, as above, larger, 12.50 Holders for larger animals made or imported to order B1910. B1911 fB1909. Mouse Holders or used during inoculation. Bent or straight, _______ $2.00 XB1910. Mouse Holders or Mulder’s, cork-lined, - 2.25 -7kB1911. Mouse Jars, of glass, with wire gauze top, loaded with a heavy cast-iron knob. 13X17 cm. 15X20 cm. $1.25 1.50 Museum Jars see under “Jars” pages 179—182. B1913. — B1912. Needle, of platinum, for use in Kolle’s holder, $ .40 —¥B1913. Needle, Nuttal’s, of platinum, for vaccination, - 2.75 — B1913a. With holder according to Kolle, - 3.50 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 189 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1914. B1915. Nitrogen Determination Apparatus, or Lunge’s Nitrometer, 50 CC. in l/io CC., ----- $4.00 Complete, on stand, 7.00 tKB1915. Nitrogen Determination Apparatus, or Schiff’s Azotometer, complete, - - - - - 6.00 B1916. B1917. B1919. B1920. -)LB1916. Pinchcocks, Mohr’s. Small. Medium. Large. Price, .10 .12 .15 Pinchcocks, improved, “ .20 .25 .35 B1918. Pinchcock, Hofmann’s screw clamp, - - - $ .20 Pinchcock, “ “ “ improved, - .25 Pinchcock, Lever screw compressor, - - - .25 190 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1923. B1924. B1925. B1921. Pipettes, Volumetric, with one mark. Capacity, 1 2 5 10 20 25 50 100 CC. Price, .10 .12 .15 .20 .25 .30 .40 .50 B1922. Pipettes, Mohr’s graduated. 1 CC. l/ioo 5 CC. 1/20 10 CC. 1/20 25CC.i/io 50CC.i/io Price, .35 .45 .55 .70 $1.20 Pipette Stand, of wood, revolving, - $2.50 Plant Physiology Apparatus, according to Dettmer & Pfeffer. Imported to order. Prices on application. *B1924. Press, for general laboratory work, with two round plates, of porcelain, 18 cm. diameter, - Price, 45.00 Press, Hydraulic, Buchner’s, latest construction, for crushing bacteria, or pressing sediments under high pressure. Capacity, 1 Liter, ----- a 220.00 B1926. Rubber Caps, of best black rubber. a) For test tubes, ----- dozen, .35 b) For flasks, ------ “ .75 B1927. Rubber Stoppers, of best soft rubber, either solid or with 1 or 2 perforations, ----- lb., 2.00 B1928. Rubber Tubing, best quality, gray, vulcanized, light, for connections; or heavy, for gas burners, from yi to 1 inch bore, _______ lb., 1.50 — B1929. Rubber Tubing, best pure black Para Gum, im- ported, from yk to 1 inch bore, - lb., 4.00 — B1930. Rubber Tubing, best pure red Tara Gum, imported, from }k to 1 inch bore, - lb., 4.50 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 191 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1931. B1932. tUB1931. Support, of iron, with three rings, for flasks, retorts, etc., square or triangular base, $ .65 7kBl932. Support, of iron, Universal, with extra heavy base, four rings and four clamps, - - - - - 5.50 For a full line of other supports see General Catalogue. B1933. B1935. B1934. Syringes, Hypodermic, Koch s, sterilizable, in velvet- lined case. Capacity, 1 2 5 10 grammes. Price, $2.25 2.75 3.25 3.75 *B1934. Syringes, Hypodermic, Strohschein’s, with 2 injecting needles, in case. Capacity, 1 2 5 10 grammes. Price, $1.35 1.50 1.75 2.50 -¥B1935. Syringe, Detmers-Robinson Aseptic Hypodermic, all metal, only three pieces, no washers or packing, complete with two needles, in case, - $2.50 192 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1936. B1944. XB1936. Syringe Holder, for Koch’s Syringes, of brass, nickel- plated, with adjustable bulb holder, - $2.00 Test Glasses, on foot, conical, with lip, see page 103. B1938. Test Tubes, of best imported glass, well annealed, specially selected for Bacteriological work. Size, 130X13 150X15 150X18 180X20 mm. Price, .28 .32 .35 .50 dozen. $2.50 3.00 3.50 5.00 gross. For other sizes see our General Catalogue. B1941. Test Tube Cleaners, rattan handle, Probangs, doz. 1.00 * B1942. Test Tube Holders, of wood, with spring - - .20 B1943. Test Tube Holders, of wire, nickel plated, - - .15 —XB1944. Test Tube Holder, Babes’ form, for demonstration purposes, with lock and key. Of sheet iron, lacquered, 3.00 —XB1945. Of brass, nickel-plated, 4.00 B1946. B1946. -XB1946. Test Tube Racks, made of tinned wire, square or round form, for 80 test tubes, - - - - - .55 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 193 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1947. B1948. Test Tube Supports, of hard wood. For 6 tubes in one row, - - - - $ .30 For 12 tubes in one row, _____ .40 tKB1948. Test Tube Supports, of hard wood. For 13 tubes, with drying pins, - - - - .60 For 25 tubes, with drying pins, - - - - 1.00 Thermometers, of superior quality, made of Weber’s resistance glass, after Normal Instruments, which were tested by the German “ Reichsanstalt.” Reading up to 220 400 600°F. or to 110 200 360°C. B1949. Paper Scale, $ .60 .75 .90 each. Porcelain Scale, $1 00 1,25 1.50 “ Engraved on Stem, $1 00 1.25 1.50 B1952. Engraved on Stem, 110°C. and 220°F., double scale, - 1.60 B1953. Engraved on Stem, 360°C. and 600°F., “ “ - 2.00 B1954. Thermometers, Standard quality, engraved on stem. 0-100°C. in 1/5 0-100°C. l/io " 100-200°C. l 5 Price, $2.75 3.25 3.25 each. 3KB1955. Thermometers, for incubators, with long, narrow, lower tube to pass into the oven, with porcelain scale up to 50°C. l/io, 2.50 - B1956. Thermometers, Normal, of Jena glass, porcelain scale, with certificate of the “ Deutsche Reichsanstalt.'’ 0°-100°C. in 1/5, 11.25 100°-200°C. 1/5, 14.50 B1957. Thermometer, Maximum, engraved on stem, for disinfecting apparatus, 100°C., in 1/2°, - - - 2.00 *B1958. Thermometers, Alarm, announcing critical tempera- tures. For Incubators, giving alarm at 40°C., - 5.00 B1959. For Sterilizers, giving alarm at 100°C., - - - 5.00 For other temperatures, made to order. (Thermometers illustrated on next page.) 194 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1950. B1951. B1955 B1960. Thermometer, Alarm, Patent, for announcing any temperature of sterilizers, incubators, etc., by an electric bell; very accurate, _____ $18.00 B1961. Thermometer, filled with Pentane, to measure ex- tremely low temperatures, from -f- 50° to — 200°C. in l/i°, ------- Price, 10.00 — B19G2. Thermometer, Recording, Thermograph, Sendt- ner’s, similar to cut B1962a, in metal case, with glass front for observation; with clockwork for 8 days, and thermogramme tape for 1 year, including pens and marking ink A $50.00 — Barometer, Recording, Sendtner’s. Portable, in case, a 50.00 B1962a. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 195 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1967. B1968. B1969. B1970. B1970. B1963. Triangles, of iron, plain, - - each, .5; dozen, $ .50 B1964. Triangles, with pipestems, - each, .8; dozen, .75 B1965. Triangles, with pipestems, new form, each, .10; dozen, 1.00 B1966. Tripods, of iron, for Bunsen Burners, etc. Diameter, 10 13 15 20 25 cm. Price, plain, $ .25 .30 .40 .45 .55 Price, with rings, .30 .35 .50 .75 1.00 Tripods, with adjustable lamp bracket, 22 cm. high, 15 cm. diameter -------- 1.00 Wash Bottles, fitted with tubes and rubber stoppers. Capacity, 125 250 500 1000 cc. Price, $ .35 .40 .50 .75 Wash Bottles, with tube ground into neck of flask, for Ether, Alcohol, etc. Capacity, 125 250 500 1000 cc. Price, $ .75 1.00 1.25 1.50 Wash Bottles, Drechsel’s, for washing gases, low or high shape. Capacity, 125 250 500 cc. Price, $ .75 .90 1.25 B1971. Waste-Jars, of glazed earthenware, with handles and covers. Capacity, 4 8 12 20 Liters. Price, $ .40 .65 .80 1.25 B1972. for covering Beakers, etc. Diameter, 50 65 75 100 125 150 mm. Price, $.25 .50 .65 1 00 1.75 2.40 dozen. B1973. Watchglasses, in sets of two, ground together with clips. Diameter, 50 65 75 100 mm. Price, $ .30 .40 .50 .60 pair. 196 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1974. B1975. Waterbaths, of polished copper, tin-lined, with con centric copper rings, cover and steam escape. Diameter, 10 13 15 20 25 cm. Price, $ .80 1.00 1 25 2.25 4.50 Waterbaths, with Kekule’s constant water level. Price, $1.25 1.50 1.75 2.75 5 00 O B1975a. Waterbaths, with level and tripod. Price, $1.50 1.75 2.25 3.25 5 50 1 - • Jit to OS C r-l , K CQ I C B tn j $ B1976b. B1977. Waterbaths, cylindrical, of cast iron, enameled inside, with concentric copper rings, cover and ring for tripod. Diameter, 12 16 21 25 cm. — B1976. Bath alone, $1.25 2.00 3.00 4.00 — B1976a. With tripod, $1.75 2.75 3.75 5.00 —^B1976b. With tripod and copper rack for test tubes. $2.50 3.75 5.00 6.50 Waterbaths, cylindrical, with constant level and safety arrangement, for use with inflammable liquids; complete with burner. Diameter, 12 16 21 cm. Price, $6.50 8.00 10.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 197 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1978. B1978a. B1978. Waterbath, wrought iron, maroon enamel on the outside, white enamel on the inside. With detachable water level regulator, and improved, concentric copper rings, also enameled. Improvement consists of the inner rim of the rings bent down to an angle of 45°, thus giving greater stability to flasks, especially such with round bottoms and also insuring a better contact with less escape of heat. 16 cm. diameter, ------- $4.00 20 cm. diameter, ------- 5.00 Tripods, for above, ------ .75 B1979. B1980. 0¥B1979. Waterbath, made of pure nickel, with concentric rings and handles. 12 16 18 cm. diameter 600 1300 1800 ccm. capacity AI4.00 A5.50 6.50 Waterbaths, electrically heated, for 110 volts, com- plete with conduits, 2 plugs, 1 connector and concentric copper rings, diameter, 15 cm. 21 cm. Amperes. Cylindrical, iron, enameled, A$18.50 A22.50 7&10resp. O B1980a. Spherical, copper, A $20.00 A25.00 5 “ 7 198 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1981 Waterbath, heated by electricity, with adjustable sup- port, conical bot. dia. top dia. height a) Dimensions, 90 x llo x 7o mm., 110 volt x 4 amp. A$15.00 b) Dimensions, 90 x 125x100 mm., 220 volt x 4 amp. A 15.00 cylindrical dia. height c) Dimensions, 85 X 105 mm., 110 volt x 3 amp. A 15.00 d) Dimensions, 105 X 20 mm., 220 volt x 4 amp. A 15.00 B1982b. WATERBATH, DR. LILLIE’S PATTERN. These Baths are made in cabinet form, of heavy polished copper, with double walls, and covered with insulating material that can be easily cleaned. They contain numbered drawers, 25 cm. long, 10 cm. wide and 8 cm. deep, with sides and backs made of perforated zinc, and bottoms and fronts of polished copper with brass handles. They are provided with a water gauge and faucet and tubulations for thermometer and thermo-regulator. The Cabinet is supported on a heavy iron frame, 8 inches high, covered with sheet iron. O B1982. 8 Drawers (with 1 Door, side hinges), - $60.00 O B1982a. 16 Drawers (with 2 Doors, side hinges), - - - 80 00 03fcB1982b. 24 Drawers (with 3 Doors, hinged as illustrated above), 100.00 O Burner Thermometer, and Thermo-regulator, for above, 5.00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 199 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1983. B1984. —*B1983. Waterbath, for inoculating Gelatine Tubes, of polished copper, tin-lined, 19X8 cm., _____ $2.50 —*B1984. Waterbath, Griffin’s, of copper, tin-lined, for evapora- tion and hot filtration, with copper funnel and 13 cm. hole, with concentric rings. It is provided with a constant water level and an extra sheet-iron bottom on four detachable legs, ----- 10.00 B1985. 0*B1985. Waterbath, Mabon’s, made of polished copper, tin- lined, with extra sheet-iron bottom. It is provided with two sets of concentric rings of five each, giving openings for flasks, from 25 to 125 mm. and an extra plate with 22 holes for test tubes. The bath has tubulations for thermometer and filling. 38 cm. long, 18 cm. wide, 13 cm. high, - - $10.00 Gas Burner and Thermometer for same, - - 1.50 Price includes 20 cm. sheet-iron Base and Asbestos Mat. 200 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1987. B1988. B1986. Waterblast, Richards’, for exhausting and compressing air, for blast lamps, complete with pump, - - $8.75 Waterblast, Muencke’s latest construction, for same purpose, - - - - - - - - - 14.00 7kB1988. Waterblast, Dr. B. B. Boltwood’s new Model; much more effective than any other similar Apparatus now in the market. See page 3 of cover, - 12 00 B1989a. B1989b. B1990a. B1990b. Tubes, high shape, ground stopper. Dimensions, 50x15 75x20 100x25 mm. Form a or b, .18 .22 .25 Bottles, light, with ground stopper. Dimensions, 50x25 50X33 75x40 mm. dia. Form a or b, .25 .30 .45 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 201 GENERAL LABORATORY APPARATUS B1992. 151992a. Weights, see page 138. B1991. Wire Gauze, 10x10 13x13 15x15 cm. Price, of iron, .05 .07 .10 Price, of brass, .07 .12 .15 Wire Gauze, of tinned iron wire, with pressed-in asbestos centres. Size, 10x10 13x13 15x15 cm. Price, .12 .15 .20 Wire Gauze, as above, with pressed-in hemispherical asbestos centres. Size, 10x10 13x13 15x15 20x20 cm. Price, .35 .40 .45 .55 B1993. B1993a. Woulf Bottles, of heavy glass, 2 necks, well annealed. Capacity, 1 2 4 8 Liters. Price, $ .45 .60 .85 1.25 2.25 3.50 Woulf Bottles, of heavy glass, 3 necks, well annealed. Capacity, % % 1 2 4 8 Liters. Price, $ .50 .65 .95 1.40 2.50 4.00 202 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF X- or Roentgen-Ray Tubes and Accessories B1994—la. B1994a. B1994—2a. *B1994. Roentgen-Tubes, of the famous Gundelach make, none better made, for either see-saw-, mercury- or Wehnelt’s electrolytic interrupter, all provided with regenerative arrangement. For induction coils producing a spark of Style la Style 2a, patented 0 8—10 cm. length, $5.25 — I 10—12 cm. “ 6.50 — II 15—20 cm. “ 7.00 11.50 III 30 cm. “ 7.50 13.50 IV 40 cm. “ 8.50 15.00 V 50 cm. “ 9.50 17.50 VI 60 cm. “ 10.50 19.00 VII 70 cm. “ 11.50 21.00 VIII 100 cm. “ 20.00 27.50 )KB1994a. The X-Ray Tubes Nos. Ill, IV and V and of style la can be had with the neck pressed into the bulb, this produces a sharper outline of pictures. The outside of the pressed-in part of the neck is silvered. This arrangement increases the prices, - $2.00 Ventilating Tubes with regenerative arrangement preventing the appearance of alternating currents in X-ray tubes; it avoids their hardening, and thus increases their life. They are connected as illustrated. Price, 7.00 Illustration see next page. BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 203 X- OR ROENTGEN-RAY TUBES AND ACCESSORIES B1995 and 1998. O B1996. Screens for X-ray work, manufactured by C. A. F. Kahlbaum, Berlin. Covered with Barium-Platinum Cyanide, mounted on wooden frame. 9x12 cm., - $4 50 13x18 cm., - 8.75 18x24 cm., - 15.35 24x30 cm., - 24.40 30x40 cm., - 39 90 40x50 cm., - 68.00 Kahlbaum’s extra “C” qual- ity, the very best made, same sizes 10% higher. Fluoroscopes, with re- movable screens. These fluoroscopes are of the best make, and are provided with Kahlbaum’s screens. Size of Screen, 9x12 13x18 15x20 18x24 20x25 cm. Price, $7.00 12.00 15 00 18.00 22 00 Induction Coils, Ruhmkorff s, with automatic break, mounted on polished mahogany base; give a heavy spark. Best make. Spark about, }i % 1 in. 1% iy $3.50 4.50 9 00 13.50 18.00 22 50 27 00 Spark about, 2 3 4 5 6 * 8 10 in. $36 00 54.00 72.00 90 00 108.00 144.00 180.00 B1999. Spectacles for X-ray work, with large, round lenses from 45 to 48 mm. diameter. Impenetrable to X-rays, mounted in nickel frame, - per pair, $2.00 Complete line of X-ray work accessories supplied at lowest prices. * Induction Coils are furnished with spring interrupters ; a mercury interrupter, as illustrated, for 6-in upward, extra - $5.00 to $10.00 B1997. 204 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF We are sole Representatives for the RADIUM -SALTS made under the supervision of Mme. Curie, and can furnish these Radium-salts from 40 x to 1.800.000 x activity Subject to the limited supply, Prices on application. BRS. BRL (closed). BRL (open) —t’KBRS. Spinthariscope, illustrating the scintillations and emanations of Radium. It consists of a powerful lens mounted in a brass frame, at the bottom of which a small screen is ‘fastened. Over this a movable needle is suspended, carrying the Radium. The lens (or eyepiece) can be focussed, ----- $9.00 — BRSI. Spinthariscope Slide, to be used under the micro- scope for the same purpose as the aforegoing, - 4.50 O Calcium sulfide, phosphorescent, - lb., 2.00 O Zinc sulfide, phosphorescent, “ extremely strong,” acc. to Verneuil, - - - per bottle of 25 grm., 6.00 O Zinc sulfide, phosphorescent, “very strong,” - per bottle of 25 grm., 3.00 This zinc sulfide and calcium sulfide is used for mak- ing screens which become highly phosphorescent when excited by Radium-, Roentgen- or ultra-violet rays. . Lecture Boxes, containing six tubes filled with prepa- rations phosphorescing in various colors when ex- cited by Roentgen-, ultra-violet- or Radium rays. The cover has a board covered with calcium sulfide phosphorescent under glass, which phosphoresces in a purple hue when acted upon as above. - - 4.00 — BRSC Spinthariscope, cheap form, - - - - - 2.00 — BRSS. Spinthariscope Slide, cheap form, - - - - 1 00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 205 APPENDIX COLLECTIONS —Bacteria Preparations, ------ each, $ .85 Set of 72, in case, - -- -- -- -- 62.00 —Diatoms, test plate of 20, in case, with printed list, mounted in balsam or styrax, - -- -- -- - 5.50 —Diatoms, as above, mounted dry, ------ 6.00 —Diatoms, test plate of 60, in case, with printed list, mounted in balsam or styrax, - 10.00 —Diatoms, as above, mounted dry, ------ 12.00 —Histological Objects, a) Comparative, _______ each, .60 Set of 36 preparations, in cabinet, _____ 21.00 b) Human, ________ each, .60 Set of 48 preparations, in cabinet, _____ 30.00 CMicro-Preparations, a) Botanical, b) Zoological, c) Physiological. Single specimens, each .60 Set of 25 specimens, in cabinet, a), b), or c), - - - _ 12.00 Special Circular describing Micro-Preparations, on Application, —Pathological Objects. a) Organ Series, each, .60 Set of 36 preparations, in cabinet, _____ 21.00 b) Tumor Series, _______ each, .60 Set of 36 preparations, in cabinet, _____ 21.00 c) Nervous System, ------- each, 1.50 Set of 34 sections, in cabinet, ______ 51.50 —Vegetable Sections, illustrating structure, - - each, .60 Set of 24 preparations, in cabinet, ______ 15.00 Set of 46 preparations, in cabinet, ------ 28.50 —Nutrients or Culture Media, carefully prepared, as used in Carnegie Laboratory, New York. Agar-Agar, in test tubes, - - dozen, $1.20. 500 cc. flask, 3.00 Blood Serum (for diphtheria), in test tubes, ----- dozen, 1.80 “ “ “ 5.00 Bouillon, in test tubes, - “ 1.20 “ “ “ 3.00 Dunham’s Pepton Water, in test tubes, “ 1.20 “ “ “ 3.00 Gelatine, in test tubes, - “ 1.20 “ “ “ 3.00 Glucose Agar-Agar, in test tubes, “ 1.50 “ “ “ 4.00 Glucose Bouillon, in test tubes, “ 1.20 “ “ “ 3.00 Litmus Milk, in test tubes, - “ 1.50 “ “ “ 4.00 Milk, “ “ “ - “ 1.50 “ “ “ 4.00 Potatoes, “ “ “ - “ 1.80 Peptone, Witte’s, in original bottles, - 250 grm. 1.75 500 grm. 3.25 206 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF Standard Volumetric Solutions Acid hydrochloric, normal or %, normal y2 litre, $0 75 1 litre, $1 00 nitric, normal or Vio normal “ 75 “ 1 00 oxalic, normal or %> normal “ 75 “ \ 00 sulfuric, normal or 1/10 normal “ 75 “ l 00 Ammonium sulfo=cyanide, deci-normal “ 75 “ 1 25 Arsenious oxide, deci-normal “ 75 “ 1 25 Barium chloride, normal or 1/10 normal “ 75 “ 1 00 Iodine, deci-normal or V100 normal “ 75 “ 1 00 “ normal “ 2 75 “ 4 00 Mercury nitrate “ 75 “ l 25 Potassium caustic, normal or Vio normal “ 75 “ 1 25 bichromate, Vio normal “ 75 " 1 00 permanganate, deci-normal “ 75 “ 1 00 Silver nitrate, deci-normal..' “ 75 “ 1 25 Sodium caustic, normal or Vio normal “ 75 “ 1 25 “ chloride, deci-normal “ 75 “ 1 00 “ thio=sulfate, deci-normal “ 75 “ 1 00 Uranium acetate “ 75 “ 1 50 nitrate “ 75 “ 1 50 Sodium oxide, normal, made from Sodium amalgam lb, 1 15 We do not sell less than y2 litre, at 75c., including bottle. Standard solutions not enumerated above made to order promptly. Chemicals in Cubes for Generating Gases Chlorine cubes for generating chlorine gas lb. 30c. Oxygen “ “ “ oxygen gas “ 55c. Sulfide “ “ “ sulfuretted hydrogen “ 45c. Sulfite “ “ “ sulfurous acid “ 50c. . Colors, Stains and Chemical Preparations FOR USE IN MICROSCOPY Manufactured by DR. GEORGE GRUEBLER & CO. EIMER & AMEND Agents .Gms. 10 $0 25 Gms. 25 j $0 60 . “ 1 20 “ 10 1 80 . “ 10 35 “ 25 85 . “ 10 80 “ 25 2 00 . “ 10 40 “ 25 95 . “ 10 30 “ 25 70 . “ 10 35 “ 25 85 BOTTLES INCLUDED —Acid, brown — “ carminic, pure (P. Mayer).. — “ violet (Kiibne) —Alum, carmine (Gr.) —Alizarin, dry I (Rawitz) — “ blue S. (Ehrlich) —Alkali, blue BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 207 GRUEBLER’S STAINS.— Continued -—Alkanin, red, sol. in oil Gms. 10 $0 40 Gms. .. $.... —Aniline, blue, sol. in alcohol “ 10 35 “ 25 0 80 — “ “ sol. in water “ 10 35 “ 25 75 — “ blue black... “ 10 35 “ 25 80 — “ yellow “ 10 25 “ 25 60 — “ green (Strassburger) “ 10 30 “ 25 70 —Aurantia “ 10 45 “25 1 05 —Azo=blue “ 10 30 “ —Azur=blue I, Giemsa “ 1 2 50 “ 10 25 00 — “ “ II, Giemsa “ 1 1 25 “ 10 12 50 —Benzo=Azurin “ 10 35 “ 25 80 —Benzo=Purpurine (Birch-Hirschfeld) “ 10 30 “ .. 75 —Berlin=blue, la soluble in water “ 10 30 “ 25 75 —Biebrich scarlet (Griesbach) “ 10 30 “ 25 65 —Biondi=Heidenhain 3 color mixture, dry... .1 grm. 20c.. “ 10 1 50 “ 25 3 60 —Bismarck=brown (Weigert) 10 gms. 20c.. “ 25 45 “ 100 1 75 —Blue Lyon (Griesbach) 10 gms. 30c.. “ 25 75 “ 100 2 90 —Blue, Berlin, la soluble in water. 10 “ 10 30 “ 25 75 —Bordeau=red (Griesbach) “ 10 30 “ 25 70 —Brasllin, “ 1 25 “ 10 2 25 —Brillant green “ 10 30 “ — Car malum, dry (P. Mayer) “ 10 60 “ —Carmine, red, best 10 gms. 45c. “ 25 1 00 “ 100 4 00 —Carminate Ammonia (Hoyer) “ 10 1 75 “ —Carminate of Soda “ 10 1 75 “ —Chromogen “ 10 20 “ —Chrysoidine “ 10 25 “ 25 60 —Coccinine “ 10 30 “ —Congo-red (Nissl) “ 10 35 “ 25 80 —Corallin, sol. in alcohol (Strassburger) “ 10 25 “ 25 55 — “ sol. in water “ 10 25 “ 25 60 —Crystal-violet “ 10 30 “ 25 70 —Crocein (Griesbach) “ 10 30 “ 25 70 —Curcumeine “ 10 20 “ —Cyanin “ 1 75 « 10 7 00 —Dahlia “ 10 30 “ 25 65 —Diamant=Fuchsin “ 10 30 “ 25 65 —Eosin, A. G “ 10 35 “ — “ B. A “ 10 30 “ 25 70 — “ sol. in water, yellowish 10 gms. 30c.. “ 25 70 “ 100 2 50 — “ sol. in alcohol “ 10 30' “ 25 70 — “ sol. in water, bluish “ 10 25 “ 25 50 — “ true French, pure “ 10 30 “ 25 70 — Erythrosin, pure “ 10 45 “ 25 1 00 —Ethyl=violet “ 10 35 “ 25 85 —Fluorescein (Kuehne-Szaplewski) “ 10 45 “ 25 1 00 —Fuchsin, for staining bacilli “ 10 25 “ 25 55 — “ S (acid fuchsin, Weigert) “ 10 30 “ 25 65 —Galleine, paste “ 10 10 “ — Gentian.violet 10 gms. 25c.. “ 25 60 “ 100 2 25 —Green, genuine “ 10 30 “ 25 60 — “ emerald “ 10 30 “ 25 70 _ “ solid 10 gms. 30c.. “ 25 70 “ 100 2 75 208 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GRUEBLER’S STAINS.- Continued —Haemalum, dry Gms. 10 §0 70 Gms. 25 $1 50 —Haematein, c. p. (P. Mayer) “ 1 40 “ 10 3 50 — “ Ammonia (P. Mayer) “ 1 35 “ 10 3 25 —Hat matoxilin, cryst, chem. pure “ 10 70 “ 25 1 70 —Helianthin “ 10 20 “ 25 45 —Hof man violet “ 10 35 “ 25 85 —Indigo-carmine (sulfindigotate of soda) “ 10 45 “ 25 1 00 — “ “ for injection la “ 1 40 “ 5 1 80 —Indulin “ 10 35 “ 25 85 —Jenner’s stain, dry “ 1 20 “ .. .... —Jod-Eosine “ 10 45 “ 25 1 05 — Iodine-green (Griesbach) “ 10 50 “ 25 1 20 —Light-green, F. S “ 10 25 “ 25 60 — Logwood Extract “ .. .. “ 25 25 —Magdala red, true, “ 1 35 “ — “ “ com’l “ 10 40 “ 25 95 —Magenta-red “ 10 35 “ 25 85 —Malachit green...., “ 10 30 “ 25 70 —Methyl-blue “ 10 40 “ 25 95 — “ -eosin “ 10 40 “ 25 90 — “ -green 100 gms. 3 50.. “ 10 40 “ 25 90 — “ = “ cryst. OO, yellowish “ 10 50 “25 1 25 — “ -orange “ 10 25 “ 25 55 — “ -violet, IB '... “ 10 35 “ 25 75 — “ = “ 5 B “ 10 30 “ 25 70 — “ = “ 6 B (hexamethylviolet) “ 10 35 “ 25 85 —Methylene-blue, for staining bacilli (Koch) i ~~y ( “ 100 2 50 “ 500 12 00 — “ “ B. X. (S. Meyer* “ 10 45 “ 25 1 10 — “ “ (Gutman & Ehrlich) med. pure “ 10 50 “ 25 1 20 — “ “ rectif. Ehrlich, for injection “ 10 1 50 “ 25 3 60 —Naphthalin-red, pure “ 1 50 “ —Naphtylamlne-brown (O. Kaiser) “ 10 25 “ 25 60 — “ -yellow (naphtholyellow “ 10 25 “ 25 65 —Neutral red “ 10 1 00 “ 25 1 90 —Nigrosin, sol. in water “ 10 25 “ 25 60 — “ sol, in alcohol “ 10 25 “ 25 60 — “ sol. in ale “ 10 25 “ 25 60 —Orange, G 10 gms. 20c.. “ 25 50 “ 100 190 —Orcein, pure 1 gms. 20c.. “ 10 1 80 “ 25 4 60 —Picrocarmine (Cuccati) “ 1 30 “ — “ (Hoyer) “ 5 1 40 “ — “ (Ranvier) 1 gms. 30c.. “ 5 1 40 “ 10 2 60 —Ponceau-red “ 10 25 “ 25 60 —Purpurin, dry, best “ 10 4 25 “ —Pyronin, “ 10 40 “ —Rosaniline, basic “ 10 45 “ 25 1 10 — “ chlorhydrate “ 10 30 “ 25 75 — “ nitrate “ 10 35 “ — “ picrate “ 10 45 “ — “ sulfate “ 10 35 “ —Rosazurin, B. or G “ 10 50 “ 25 110 —Rose-Bengal (Griesbach) “ 10 40 “ BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 209 GRUEBLERS STAINS.- Continued —Rubin S Gms. 10 8 30 Gms. 25 $0 65 —Ruthenium-red “ 0,1 1 50 “ —Suf ranine O , sol. in water Pfitzner-Fleming “ 10 40 “ 25 70 — “ sol. in alcohol “ 10 40 “ 25 95 —Spiller’s Purple “ i 65 “ —Sudan No. 3 “ 10 30 “ 25 70 —Thionin 1 grm. 20c.. “ 10 -150 “ 25 3 60 —Toluidine=blue (Hoyer) “ 10 35 “ 25 85 —Tropaeolin 00 “ 25 60 ‘‘ —Vesuvin-brown (Koch) “ 10 25 “ 25 60 —Victoria=blue, 4 R. (Eustgarten) “ 10 40 “ 25 90 —Wool-black, for staining bacterta (Eoeffler) “ 10 25 “ 25 60 —Yellow, genuine “ 10 30 “ — “ (Martius) “ 10 25 “ 25 65 — “ Naphtylamine (Naphtol) “ 10 25 “ 25 65 Colors for Injections. — Berlin blue, la, easily sol. in dist. water... .10 gms. 30c. .Gms. 25 $0 75 Gms. 100 $2 75 —Meihylen blue, rectified (Ehrlich) “ 10 1 50 “ 25 3 60 —Neutral red (Ehrlich) “ 10 75 “ 25 1 75 —Glue Injection Compound, see below —Indigo carmine la “ 1 40 “ 10 3 50 Colors in Solutions and Various Preparations — Alum, carmine (Grenacher) Gms. 100 $0 25 Grm. 500 $1 15 —Alcohol, carmine (Grenacher) “ 100 60 “ — “ “ (P. Mayer) “ 100 75 “ —Ammonia, carmine “ 100 25 “ 500 1 15 — “ “ concentrated “ 100 75 “ 500 3 65 —Biondi, Heidenhain 3 color mixture “ 25 25 “ 100 80 —Borax, carmine (Grenacher) “ 100 25 “ 500 1 15 — “ “ alcohol (Grenacher) “ 100 60 “ 500 3 75 —Carbol fuchsin sol. (Ziehl-Neelsen) “ 25 10 “ 100 30 —Carmin, solution (Cuccati) “ 100 60 “ — “ “ (Beale) “ 100 45 “ 500 2 00 —Cochineal tincture (P. Mayer) neu, 100 gms. 55c.. “ 100 40 “ —Ehrlich’s 3 color mixture “ 25 35 “ — “ 3 Acid solution “ 50 50 “ —Einschlussfliissigkeit, after Farrant “ 100 1 40 “ —Eosin hsematoxylin glycerin, con. (Renaut) “ 100 1 25 “ .. .... — “ “ solution (Ehrlich) “ 100 60 “ 500 2 75 — “ JodUma “ 100 50 “ 500 2 25 —Gabett’s Bacilli Coloring No. 1 “ 1 00 15 “ .. .... — “ “ “ No. 2 “ 50 | 20 “ 210 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GRUEBLER’S STAINS.—Continued —llaemalum (Mayer) Gms. 50 $0 15 Gms. .. $.... —Haematoxylin sol. (Boehmer) “ 500 1 25 “ — “ “ ale. (Kleinberg) “ 500 2 75 “ — “ “ (Grenacher-Delafield) “ 100 50 “ 500 2 25 — “ double color mixture (Weigert) “ 100 40 “ 500 1 75 — “ sol. I, II, III, each “ 50 20 “ —Jenner’s stain solution “ 50 35 “ — Kernschwartz tinction . “ 50 50 “ —Leishman’s Malaria stain “ 50 55 “ —Lithiocarmine solution “ 100 50 “ —Lithion carmin (Orth) “ 50 30 “ —Loeffler’s stain for bacilli (Geisselbeize) “ 50 35 “ —Methylin blue, sulfuric acid “ 50 25 “ — “ “ ale. solut. (koeffler) “ 50 20 “ —Methylygreen=acetic acid (Strassburger) “ 50 20 “ —Nissl’s Soap solution “ 100 40 “ —Nocht=Jenner Stain for Blood Smears, Anaemias, and Malaria, acc. to Ur. C.W. Hastings of Cornell Uniyersity, made by Eimer & Amend 50 ccm. bottle 75c.. “ .. .. “ —Orseille Extract “ 25 35 “ —Paracarmin (P. Mayer) “ 50 40 “ —Picrin nigrosin (Strassburger) “ 100 30 “ —Piero carmine (Bizozzero) “ 500 2 40 “ — “ “ (Cuccati) “ 500 2 40 “ — “ “ (Weigert) “ 500 2 40 “ — “ lithion carmine (Orth) “ 100 45 “ 500 2 15 —Polycrome methylene blue Unna “ 50 30 “ —Resorcin=Fuchsin (Weigert) “ 50 40 “ — Sour, carmine (Schweigg-Seidel) “ 25 15 “ —Chlor=ZinC“Iodine solution “ 25 50 “ SUNDRIES. —Asphalt varnish, la, for cover glasses Gms. 100 $0 20 Gms. .. $.... —Cover glass cement (Selenka) “ 20 40 “ —Damar varnish (Schiefferdecker) “ 100 45 “ — “ xylol varnish “ 100 55 “ —Glue injecting compound, black “ 100 50 “ . .... — “ “ “ blue 100 40 “ — “ “ “ red, cone, solid “ 100 2 00 “ — “ “ “ yellow (Ackermann) “ 100 50 “ 500 2 40 —Maskenvarnish, black “ 100 60 “ 500 2 90 —Oil for homogenious immersion 30 1 00 “ — “ cedarwood la for ‘ “ 30 45 “ —Paraffine, pure white, m. pt. 58° C “ 500 90 “ — “ “ “ “ “ 52° C “ 500 90 “ — “ “ 45° C “ 500 90 “ — “ “ “ “ “ 36° C “ 100 30 “ 500 1 25 — “ boiled (Graf Spee) “ 250 1 10 “ 500 2 00 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 211 GRUEBLER’S STAINS.—Continued Collections of Coloring Materials, Etc. —Collection of the necessary colors for staining bacilli, in case $ 2 00 — “ of twenty-four most important colors in case 9 00 — “ of coloring material, reagents, etc., for microscopical botany acc. to Stras- burger, in case with lock and key 14 00 — “ of coloring material, etc., for physician’s use in microscopical anatomy, in case with lock and key 14 00 — “ of the most necessary coloring material, reagents and preparation masses for physicians’ use in microscopical anatomy, in case with lock and key.. 25 00 NOTE. The above named Gruebler’s colors and preparations are all kept in stock. Almost all of the other chemicals and reagents mentioned in his original catalogue and not itemized here are also on hand. Articles not in stock will be imported to order promptly. Apply for Gruebler’s Special List. MOUNTING MEDIA. 30 100 250 500cc. —Asphaltum 25 60 1 25 2 00 — ‘ ‘ quick drying 35 —Balsam, Canada, powdered 3 00 — “ “ natural, paper filtered .... 2 75 — “ “ “ “ “ in 20 cc. collapsible tubes, each 35 — “ “ dissolved in Benzol 40 1 00 2 50 4 25 — “ “ “ “ Chloroform 40 1 15 2 65 5 00 _ “ “ “ “ Xylol 40 1 15 2 65 5 00 — “ “ “ “ “ in 20 cc. collapsible tubes.. .20 — “ Damar in Benzol 40 90 1 85 3 50 —Brunswick black 25 60 1 25 2 00 —Bell’s Microscopical Cement 50 —Brown’s Transparent Rubber Cement 35 —Deane’s Medium 35 «... —Farrant’s Medium 50 —Gold Size 25 60 1 25 2 00 —Glycerine, Ether mixture 30 — “ jelly 15 —Hollis’ Glue 30 —King’s Amber Cement, 15 cc. bottle 25 _ “ White “ 25 “ Lacquer Cell and Finish, blue 50 “ “ “ “ “ “ scarlet 50 —Marine Glue, colorless 40 “ “ fluid 30 80 1 75 3 25 “ “ hard, melting point 102° C 25 —Meyer’s Albumen Fixative 25 65 1 50 2 60 —White Zinc Cement 40 AUTHORS’ INDEX GENERAL INDEX -AND- BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 215 AUTHORS’ INDEX A PAGE Abbe 13 Ahrens 114 Allihn 146 Arnold 61-66 Atwood 39 Aubert 42 B Babcock 97 Babe 55, 173, 192 Babo 154 Barthel 148, 149 Bartley 103 Beck 103, 109, 113 Beckmann 92 Berkefeld 170, 171 Bernhard 13 Billings 117 Birchmore 162 Boltwood 6, 184, 200 Botkin HI Bouton & Boudret 130 Braus-Druener 16 Brieger 163 Brown, Thos 94 Buchner 122, 190 Bunsen 85, 147, 150, 154, 172 C Caldwell 95 Camac 94, 110 Chaddock 151 Chamberland 117, 119, 123, 169 Chapman 174 Chevalier 95 Coddington 183 Cook 92 Coplin 54 Cori 38, 45, 51 Cornet 41 Curie 204 D PAGE Dahmen 123 Dettmer 190, 191 Dewar 175 Doremus 105 Draper 108 Drechsel 195 Duclaux 123 Dunham 85 E Ehrlich 41, 49, 87, 88 Einhorn 88, 102, 103 Emmerich 112, 127 Erlenmeyer 120, 172 Esbach 101 Esmarch 125, 130 F Fernbach 119 Feser 95 Ficker 126 Fiebig 102 Fleischl 89, 90 Fletcher 148 Fluegge 127 Forbes 41 Frankel 128 Freudenreich 119 Fritsche 42 G Gabritschewsky 114 Gayon 122 Gerber 95 Giroud 84 Gower 88 Graham 157 Greenough 14 Griffin 199 Gruber 122 Gruebler 206 Gudden 35 Gundelach 203 216 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF H PAGE Hall 102 Hammerschlag 90 Heeren 96 Hehner 129 Heidenreich 123 Heim 55 Hellendal 55 Hempel 157 Henocque 93 Heynemann 134 Hofmann 158, 189 Hofmeister 54 Holman 44, 51 Holt 98 Hoppe-Seiler 90 Huefner 106 Huyghens 15, 30 Hyam 91 I Israel 82 J James 164 Jewell 165 Jolles 93 J ung 36 Jackson 131 K Kalteyer 40 Karlinsky 114 Kekule 196 Kinyoun 116 Kipp 177 Kitasato 67, 114, 116, 188 Kjeldahl 128, 129 Klebs 116, 121 Koch.. 58, 59, 68, 74, 120, 127, 147,177, 191 Kolle 188 L Lafar 125 Laker 90 Laporte 91 Lassar 44 Lautenschlaeger 70, 158 Lewis 47 Liebig 154 Lillie 198 Lister 118 Lohnstein 104 Lovibond 91 Lunge 189 M PAGE McCay 150 McPherson 124 Maassen 112, 114, 115, 118 Mabon 199 Mach 42 Marchand 98 Marshall 105, 108 Mason 124 Meyer, Lothar 46 Miescher 89 Migge . 38 Miller 124 Minot 34, 35, 57 Miquel 120, 123 Mitscherlich 102 Mohr 146, 189, 190 Moitessier 84 Montgomery 122 Muck 41 Mulder 188 Muller 128 Miincke 174, 200 Murray 105 Murrill 84 N Nessler 129 Neubauer 106 Nordtmeyer 171 Novy 41, 85, 111, 116 Nuttal 188 O Oliver 91 P Pasteur 67, 113, 115, 118, 123, 169 Petri 112, 113, 125, 126 Pettenkofer 127, 130 Pfeffer 190 Pfeiffer 42 Pfuhl 83 Pfungst 158 Pilling 109 Pillsbury 39 Plantamour 177 Proskauer 163 Pukal H6 Q Quevennes . 95 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 217 R PAGE Rabe 187 Rafter 51 Ravenel 121 Recklinghausen 121 Reichel 115 Reichert 20, 30, 37, 86 Reinhardt 157 Reischauer 148 Rezner 42 Richards 174, 200 Richmond 98 Riva-Rocci 92 Roberts 105 Robinson-Detmers 191 Roentgen 202 Roszahegyi 125 Rotter 76 Roux 86 Ruhemann 107 Ruhmkorff 203 S Sachs 141 Salmon 123 Saxe 106 Schanze 33 Scheibler 157 Schiefferdecker 53 Schiff 189 Schimmelbusch 75, 76, 82 Schultze 35 Schulze 48 Seibert 60 Sendtner 194 Smith 101 Soxhlet 85 Soyka 117 Spencer 21-31 Squibb 104, 106 Steinach 54 Stender 159 Stern 107 Sternberg 120 Stewart 41, 96 Stoddart 153 Strohschein 191 T PAGE Tallquist 90 Thoma 87 Tiegel 116 Treskow 121 Tuerk 87 U Ultzmann 102 Unna 114 V Valentine 43 Van Cott 45 Verneuil 204 Vogel 106 W Wahl .172 Wakker 113 Walther 172 Ward 42 Weber 193 Welsbach 44 Wenham 39, 40 Westphal 107, 138 Wetherill 88 Whipple 113, 130, 131 Wiesnegg 167 Wolfhuegel 125 Wollny 98 Wolpert 126 Wolz 44 Woulf 201 Z Zappert 87 Zeiss 7-19, 42, 44. 87, 98, 99 218 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF GENERAL INDEX A PAGE Achromatic Objectives, Zeiss 12, 15 Spencer 29 Acid, Carbonic 38 “ Measures for Milk 100 Agate Mortars 186 Air Analysis Apparatus 126, 127 “ Absorption Tubes 127 “ “ Apparatus 127 “ Baths, Asbestos 137 “ Pump 6, 184 “ Tester 127 “ Testing Apparatus 126, 127 Alarm Thermometers 193, 194 Albumenometers 101 Alcohol Lamps 43, 183 Aluminum Shields 132 Analytical Balances 139, 140 Aniline Colors (Stains) 206 Animalculae Cage 38 Apochromatic Objectives, Zeiss 15 “ “ Spencer ... 30 Aquarium Stage 38 Asbestos Airbaths 137 Boards 137 Aspirator Bottles • • 137 Autoclaves 157, 158 Azotometers 106, 189 PAGE Bottles for General Use 142 “ , Aspirator 137 , “ , Balsam 140 “ , Dropping 166 “ , Immersion Oil 42 “ , Milk 132 “ , Milk Testing 97 “ , Reagent 142-145 “ , Staining 52 “ , Washing 123, 177, 195 “ , Weighing 200 “ , Woulf’s 201 Bow Strop 38 Boxes for Dissecting Needles 161 Paraffine Imbedding 48 “ Slides 51 “ Staining 52, 53 “ Sterilizers 82 Brushes 100, 146, 192 “ for Potatoes 121 Burettes 100, 146 Burette Clamps 146 “ Supports 146 Burners for Alcohol 148 “ “ Gas 147, 148, 150, 151 “ Gasoline 149 “ Kerosene 149 B c Cabinets for Paraffine 38 “ “ Slides 39 Cage for Animalculae 38 Calcium Sulfide Phosphorescent 204 Cameras, Drawing 13 “ Photomicrographic 18, 19 Caps, Rubber 190 Capillary Tubes for Haemometer 90 Carbacidometer 126 Carbonic Acid 38 Cases, Mailing 44 “ Staining 54 “ for Sterilizers 82, 83 Casseroles 153 Cells 39 Cell Counter 91 Centrifuges 132-136 Centrifugal Tubes 134 Chamber, Heating 42 Chemical Preparations 205, 209, 211 Chopper for Meat 184 Clamps 146, 153, 154 Cleaners for Test Tubes 192 Clinical Apparatus 94, 110 Coagulator, Bloodserum 79-81 Coil Heater, Electrical 152 Bacteria Preparations 205 Balances 101, 137, 140 Balsam Bottles 140 Barium-Platinum-Cyanide Screens 203 Baskets for Liquid Air Flasks 175 “ Sterilizers 81, 82 Baths 151, 152 “ , Paraffine 45-48 “ , Water 196-199 Beakers 141 Belljars 141 Benches 120 Binocular Microscopes 14, 16 Blasts, Water 200 Block Strop 38 Blocks for Mounting 44 Blood Apparatus 38 “ Cell Counter 91 “ Examination Apparatus 87-94 “ Work Test Solutions 94 Borers for Corks 155 “ “ Potatoes 121 “ “ Soils 128 Botanical Study Apparatus 153 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 219 PAGE Collections 205, 211 Colors, Aniline 206-210 “ for Injections 209 “ in Solution 209 Coloring Material Collections 211 Compensating Eye-pieces, Zeiss 15 Spencer .... 30 Compressors 39, 40 Condensers 129, 154 Condenser Swing-out 12 Condensers, Support for 154 Constricted Dropper 132 Cones for Heating 154 Cooler, Ice 120 “ , Water 123 Corks 155 Cork Borers 155 “ , Sharpener for 155 “ Files 155 “ Knives 155 “ Presses 155 Counting Apparatus 124, 125 Chambers 87 “ “ , Stage for 87 Dishes 125 Flasks 125 “ Plates 125 Cover Glasses 40, 87 “ , Forceps for 40, 41 “ , Gauge for 41 Cream Tubes 95 Creamometers 95 Cryoscope 92 Cubes for Generating Gases 206 Culture Apparatus 111-123 “ Cooler 120, 123 “ Dishes 112-114 “ Filters 115, 116 “ Apparatus 114-117 “ Filtering Vessels 115 “ Flasks 117-120 “ Media 205 “ Plates 121 “ Separators 121 “ Tubes 122, 123 “ Wash Bottles 123 Cutter for Potatoes 121 Cylinders 156 “ for Staining 52 “ “ Water Analysis 129 PAGE Dissecting Forceps 160 “ Instruments, Set of 162 Knives 160 “ Microscope 161 “ Needles 161 “ , Boxes for 161 “ , Holders for 161 “ Scalpels 160 “ Scissors 162 Distilling Apparatus 163-165 “ Shelves 128 Drawing Camera 13 “ Table 13 Drop Culture Slides 51 Droppers 132 Dropping Bottles 166 Drying Ovens 166-168 “ “ , Electrical 167, 168 E Electrical Heating Appliances .... 151-153 Motors 136, 186 Water-baths 197, 198 Embryological Watch Glasses 57 Errors 212 Eyepieces, Compensating, Zeiss 15 Spencer .... 30 Ehrlich’s 88 Huyghenian, Spencer 30 Zeiss 15 Micrometer 12, 87 Eyeshades 42 F Fermentation Tubes 101 Saccharometers 102 Ferrometer 93 File for Corks 155 Filters 169-171 “ Apparatus, Culture 114, 117 “ Bougies 169, 171 “ Berkefeld 170, 171 “ Flasks 172 “ Paper 173 “ Pasteur 169 “ Pumps 174 “ Stands 174 Filtering Pipettes 55 “ Vessels, Culture 115 Finger, Mechanical 42 Flasks, Counting 125 “ Culture 117-120 “ Filter ' 172 “ for Liquid Air 175 “ Spherical 44 “ Various 175 Flattener, Section 49 Fluoroscopes 203 Focusing Glass 42 Food Warmer and Cooler 62 Forceps 176 “ for Cover Glasses 40, 41 “ Dissecting 160 Frame, Paraffine Imbedding 48 Freezing Apparatus 92 Funnels 176 “ , Hot-water 177 “ , Tubes 177 D Dermatoscope 14 Desiccators 157 Diamonds for Writing 57 Dialysers 157 Diatoms 205 Digesters 157, 158 Digesting Shelves 128, 129 Dishes, Counting 125 “ Culture 112-114 “ Evaporating 159 “ Petri 112, 113 “ Staining 54 “ Stender 159 “ Specimen 159 220 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF G PAGE Gas Generators 177 “ Pressure Regulators 84 Gauge for Cover Glasses 41 Gauzes of Wire 201 Glass Cells ' 39 “ Plates 173 “ Rods 178 “ Stirrers . 178 “ Tubing 178 “ Wool 178 Glasses, Watch 195 Graduates 178 H Haematocrit 132 Haemacytometers 87, 88, 91 Haemaglobinometers 88, 91 Haemoglobin Scales 88, 90 Haemometers 88, 89 Haematoscope 93 Hand Scales 137 Heating Appliances 147-153 , Electrical .... 151-153 Chambers 42 Cones 154 “ Plates 151-153 Spiral 98 Troughs 42 Histological Objects 205 Holders for Dissecting Needles 161 “ Knives or Razors 43 “ Mice and Rats 188 “ Syringes 191 “ Test Tubes 192 Hones 42 Hoods, Centrifugal, for Milk 96 Horismascope 101 Hot-air Motors 187 Huyghenian Eyepieces, Zeiss 15 Spencer 30 Hydrometer 90 Hydrotimeter 130 I Ice Cooler 120 “ Machine 179 Imbedding Apparatus for Paraffine.. 48, 49 Immersion Oil Bottles 42 Incubators 71-81 . Electric 78 Induction Coils 203 Injection Colors 209 Inoculating Bath 199 Inspissators 79-81 Instrument Sets for Dissecting 162 J JarSj Mouse 188 “ Specimen (Museum) 179-182 “ Staining 54 “ Waste 195 K PAGE Kerosene Lamps 183 Knife Holders 43 Knives for Corks 155 “ , Dissecting 160 “ , Microtome . 43 “ , Section 43 Kryptol Apparatus 151, 152, 168 L Labels 43 Lactobutyrometers 95 Lactodensimeters 95 Lactoscopes .. 95 Lamps 43, 44, 183 Lancet 90, 132 Lecture Boxes with Phosphor. Sub- stances 204 Lenses 183 Lens Paper 44 Levelling Tripod 121 Life Boxes 44 “ Slides 51 Lifters, Section 49, 50 M Mailing Cases 44 Meat Chopper 184 “ Presses 184 “ Squeezers 184 Mechanical Stage 31 Media for Cultures 205 “ Mounting 211 Mercury Air-pump 184 Micrometer Eyepiece 12, 87 Microscopes, Zeiss 7-11, 17 Reichert 20 Spencer 21-31 Binocular 14. 16 Dissecting 161 “ Traveling 27, 28 “ Lamps for 44 Microscopic Accessories 38-57 Microtomes 32-37 , Knives for 43 Micro-Preparations 205 Milk Acid Measure 100 “ Bottles 132 “ Burettes 100 “ Pipettes 100 “ Scale 98 “ Testing Apparatus 95-100 “ “ Bottles 97 Mills 185 Mixing Pipettes for Blood 87, 90 Moist Chambers 50, 112, 121 Mortars 186 Motors, Electric 136, 186 Hot-air 187 Water 134, 187 Mounting Blocks 44 Dishes 44, 55, 56 “ Media 211 Stands 45 “ Tables 45 Mouse Holders 188 “ Jars 188 “ Tongs 188 BACTERIOLOGICAL APPARATUS 221 N PAGE Needles, Dissecting 161 “ Platinum 188 Nitrogen Determination Apparatus .... 189 Nitrometers 189 Nosepieces, Revolving 29 Nutrients for Cultures 205 O Objectives, Achromatic, Zeiss 12, 15 Spencer 29 Apochromatic, Zeiss 15 Spencer 30 Observation Slide 51 Orientating Apparatus 45 P Paper, Filter 173 “ for Lenses 44 Paraffine Baths 45-48 Cabinets ..: 38 Imbedding Boxes 48 Frames 48 “ “ Tables 49 Trays 49 Knives 49 Pathological Objects 205 Pencils, Wax 57 Percentage Tubes 132 Petri Dishes 112 Phosphometer 93 Phosphorescent Substances, Set of 204 Photomicrographic Camera 18 Pinchcocks 189 Pioscope 96 Pipettes 132, 190 “ , Filtering 55 “ for Milk 100 “ , Mixing for Blood 87, 90 “ , Staining 55 Pipette Stands 190 Plant Physiology Apparatus 190 Plates, Counting 125 “ for Cultures 121 “ Glass 178 “ for Heating 151-153 Polariscopes 102 Porcelain Mills 185 “ Mortars 186 Potato Borer 121 “ Brush 121 “ Cutter 121 “ Knife 121 Precipitating Tubes 132 Preparations, Micro 205 “ Bacteria 205 Presses 184, 190 “ for Corks 155 Prisms 99 Pumps, Filter 174 “ Mercury Air 184 Purinometer 102 R PAGE Racks, Staining 54 “ for Test Tubes 192 Radium . 204 Rat Holders 188 Razor Holders 43 “ Section 50 Reagents, Bottles for 142-145 “ for Urinary Analysis 109 Refractometers 98, 99 Reagents, Bottles for 142-145 for Urinary Analysis 109 Rods, Glass 178 ROntgen Tubes 202 Rubber Caps 190 “ Cells 39 “ Stoppers 190 “ Tubing 190 Ruhmkorff Coils 203 S Saccharimeters 102-104 Fermentation 102 Scalpels, Dissecting 160 Scissors, “ ' 162 Screens, Barium-Platinum-Cyanide .. . 203 Section Flatteners 49 “ Knives 43 “ Lifters 49, 50 “ Razors 50 Sediment Glasses 103 “ Tubes 132 Separator 121 Sharpener for Cork Borer 155 Shield, Aluminum 132 Sieve Cylinders 127 “ for Soils 128 Slides 50, 51 “ , Boxes for 51 “ , Cabinets for 39 Soil Analysis Apparatus 127-129 “ Apparatus, Kjeldahl 128 “ Borer 128 “ , Sieves for 128 “ Thermometer 128 Solutions, Colors 209 Volumetric 206 Specific Gravity Balance 101 Specimen Jars 179-182 Spectacles 203 Spectroscopes 90 , Stand for 90 Speed Gausre 134 Spherical Flask 44 Sphygmomanometer 92 Spinthariscope 204 “ Slide 51, 201 Sputum Tubes 1^2 Squeezers for Meat 194 Stage, Aquarium 98 “ Mechanical • 91 Stains, Aniline 206-210 Staining Bottles 52 “ Boxes 52, 53 “ Cases 54 “ Cylinders 52 “ Dishes 54 “ Filtering Pipette for 55 “ Jars 54 222 EIMER & AMEND’S PRICE LIST OF PAGE Staining, Mounting Dishes for 54 “ Pipettes 55 “ Racks 54 “ Trays 55 “ Troughs 55 Stands for Filtering 174 “ “ Pipettes 190 “ “ Mounting 45 “ “ Spectroscopes 90 Standard for Watch Glasses 56 Sterilizers, Baskets 81, 82 Boxes 82 Cases 82, 83 Electric 66 Hot-air 68-70 “ Milk 60-62 “ Steam .... 58, 59, 62-68, 75, 76 Trays 83 Vessels 59 Stirrers 178 Stops, Ehrlich 87 Stoves, Electric 153 Strop Block 38 “ Bow 38 Supports 146, 154, 191, 193 Swing-out Condenser 12 Syringes 191 “ , Holder for 192 T Tables for Drawing 13 “ “ Mounting 45 “ “ Paraffine Imbedding 49 “ “ Warming 49 Test Glasses 103 “ Solutions for Blood Work 94 “ Tubes 192 “ “ , Brushes for 192 “ “ , Cleaners for 192 “ “ , Fillers for 122 “ “ , Holders for 192 ‘‘ “ , Racks for 192 “ “ , Supports for 193 “ “ , Urinary 105 Thermo-Regulators 85, 86 Thermometers 99, 128, 130, 193, 194 Thermograph 194 Tongs, Mouse _188 Traveling Microscope 27, 28 Trays for Paraffine Imbedding 49 “ “ Staining 55 “ “ Sterilizers 83 Triangles 195 Tripods 195 “ for Levelling 121 Troughs for Heating 42 “ “ Staining 55 Tubes, Absorption 127 “ Capillary for Haemometer 90 “ Centrifugal 134 “ Percentage 132 “ Precipitating 132 “ Sediment 132 “ Sputum 132 PAGE Tubes for Weighing 200 “ , X-Ray (Rontgen) 202 Tubing, Glass 178 “ Rubber 190 Turbidimeter 131 Turbine, Water 187 Turn Tables 56 U Urea Apparatus 104 “ Azotometer 106 Ureometer 103, 105, 106 Uricometer 107 Urinary Apparatus (Test) Sets . .. 108, 109 Analysis, Reagents for 109 “ Test (Analysis) Apparatus, 101-110 “ Tube 105 Urine Test (Sediment) Glasses 103 Urino-Pycnometer 106 Uro-Glycometer 1(77 y Vegetable Sections 205 Volumetric Solutions 206 W Wall-tray for Sterilizers 75 Wash Bottles 123, 177, 195 Waste Jars 195 Watch Glasses 56, 57, 195 “ , Standard for 56 Water Analysis Apparatus 129-131 “ Baths 196-199 “ “ , Electrical 197, 198 “ Blasts 200 “ Coolers 123 “ Cylinders 129 “ Distilling Apparatus 164, 165 “ Filters 169-171 “ Motors 134, 187 “ Sampler 130 “ Turbine 187 Wax Pencils 57 Weights 138 Weighing Bottles 200 Tubes 200 Wet Chambers 112 Wire-gauzes 201 Woulf’s Bottles 201 Writing Diamonds 57 X X-Ray Tubes 202 Z Zinc Sulfide Phosphorescent 204 Zylonite Cells 39