PHRENOLOGY PROVED, ILLUSTRATED, AND APPLIED, ACCOMPANIED BY A CHART; EMBRACING AN ANALYSIS OF THE PRIMARY, MENTAL POWERS IN THEIR VARIOUS DEGREES OF DEVELOPMENT, THE PHENOMENA PRODUCED BY THEIR COMBINED ACTIVITY AND THE LOCATION OF THE PHRENOLOGICAL ORGANS IN THE HEABJ TOGETHER WITH A VIEW OP THE MORAL AND THEOLOGICAL BEAHING OP THE SCIENCE. BY O. S. & L. N. FOWLER, PRACTICAL PHRENOLOGISTS, ASSISTED BY SAMUEL KIRKHAM, Autbor of " English grammar in lectures," and am "k88ay on elocution." THIRTY-FIFTH EDITION. NEW YORK: EDWARD KEARNEY, 272 PEARL STREET. 1846. Entered according to the Act of Congress, in the year 1836, by L. N. FOWLER & S. KIRKHAM. in the Clerk's office of the District Court for the Southern District of New York. PREFACE. To Americanize whatever in science and the arts, is capable of improving or adorning the mind, or of otherwise benefiting mankind, is no less the duty, than it would prove the glory, of every American citizen. Americans have had the genius and the moral courage to point out to the world the landmarks of civil liberty, and the true form and principles of free government, and, also, the highroad to national prosperity by improving and promoting agriculture, com- merce, and the arts; but, with a deep sense of humility and abase- ment, it must be acknowledged, that hitherto they have rendered to foreign literature and foreign science, a far more degrading homage and submission than that demanded of our forefathers by political tyrants at the period of our Revolution. We have nobly burst the bands of despotick rule, and raised a proud beacon of liberty and in- dependence whose light has penetrated and illumined the remotest corners of the earth; and yet, it cannot be denied, that we have too generally been content to receive our literary and our scientifick sup- plies by foreign importations—that we have too long degraded our- selves by tamely submitting to the dictum of transatlantick writers, and by servilely copying their works; or, in other words, that our literary and scientifick dependence has brought a blush upon our po- In nothing has this spirit of literary servility been more strikingly manifested ttfan in the works of our countrymen upon the science of Phrenology. Hitherto, no American work has appeared upon this subject, stamped with originality of thought, or presenting new and comprehensive views, or even imbodying, to any considerable ex- tent, facts produced by the soil and climate of equal rights; but every thing phrenological in this country, has been either a reprint, or a substantial copy, of some foreign work. Why this dearth of talent in American authorship upon Phrenolo- gy! Is it because foreign writers have exhausted the subject; or be- cause it is an exotick plant which no man of genius and learning dares to touch 1 or because we have not among us, minds sufficiently gifted in logical and critical acumen, to grapple with the subject, and to imbody and analyze the enormous mass of facts presented by the peculiar condition of the country in which we live 1 Surely, if the genius of science ever demanded an advocate—if ever nature held out her hand, and invited her worshipper to sit down by her side and take her picture, here the votary of the one and the amateur of the other have inducements and allurements to step forth, which were never before proffered to mortal genius. In this land of plenty and equal rights, conscious of its liberty to exercise any and all of its powers, the human mind marches forth unfettered and free. Here human nature displays itself in all its varying haes of light and shade Here, then, if anywhere, we might expect to find, not only the greatest variety, but, also, the greatest extremes, of character and IV PREFACE. talents, as well as the most striking specimens of original genius, d all accompanied with corresponding phrenological developments. Among those who have become identified with the American soil, we find three of the five varieties of the human race, namely, the Anglo-American, the Aboriginal American, and the African; be- sides an innumerable multitude of every other nation, kindred, tongue, and people, who are every day landing upon our prolifick shores: and, in short, here we hava all the materials necessary for the most extensive, and interesting, and instructive phrenological ob- servations and experiments. Since, then, the grand basis of the phrenological system has been laid by Drs. Gall and Spurzheim, in the Old World, does it not behoove some American genius to step forward and lay hold of these ample materials thus placed by Provi- dence within his reach, and complete this beautiful structure, and thereby identify the American name with a monument which is des- tined to become the admiration of all future ages 1 Phrenology, it is true, is yet in its infancy; and its warmest advo- cates do not deny, that, for years, it must totter along in its leading- strings. They do not expect, that, like the birth of Minerva from the brain of Jupiter, a science of so vast importance can spring at once into perfect form and maturity. They do not imagine, that, in the freshness of its tender youth, it can possess all the strength, and vigour, and compactness of" manhood. They are not unaware, that centuries have rolled up their rich floods of discovery to aid in rear- ing to its present growth, the science of astronomy; and they believe that the fertilizing efforts of other centuries will be required to per- fect it: and they are sensible, too, that the same is true of botany, chym- istry, medicine, and, indeed, of all other sciences. Hence, they are not so unreasonable as to suppose, that two or three intellects, however gigantick, are capable of discovering and perfecting so comprehen- sive and profound a science as that of Phrenology; but they do be- lieve, that Phrenology is a noble and thriving plant—a germ of true science, which has already taken deep root, and which requires noth- ing more than the fostering care of men of genius and learning to increase it to a stately tree, whose branches will wave over all na- tions, and whose fruit will gladden the hearts of all people. Of all the subjects in philosophy, that which pertains to the mind of man, is undoubtedly the most interesting and important. Every discovery, therefore, in this imperfectly-explored region—every fresh ray of light cast upon this clouded tract, should be hailed with joy by every votary of science and by every friend of man. This volume is not designed to supersede the invaluable writings of Drs. Gall and Spurzheim, and of Mr. Combe, nor does it profess to be wholly original; but it does lay claim to many important improvements in the science of Phrenology. These consist mainly in presenting many new and (as the Authors conceive) useful views upon the subject; in bringing forward many new facts and the result of many observations and suc- cessful experiments, which serve as new proofs of the truth of the science and illustrations of its principles and utility; in supplying many gross deficiencies of the other writers upon the subject; ancT, above all, in presenting the subject in a far more practical form than it has been heretofore given. These several improvements, how* ever, will be more clearly understood by giving a definite, numeri- cal statement of them. PREFACE, V The present work, then, differs from all others upon the same sub- led, m the following important particulars: 1. In order to obtain a clear and distinct idea of the character and analysis of the primary mental faculties, the student in Phre- nology requires, not only that the phenomena produced by them, should be described, but that those great principles in nature, in ac- cordance with which these various faculties are constituted, and to which they adapt the human mind, should also be presented and ex- plained; for, without a knowledge of these natural laws, he could gain but a very imperfect idea of the nature and functions of the mental faculties. The faculty of Weight, for example, has to do with those great principles of weight, or gravity to which all material objects are subservient; Causality takes cognizance of the abstract principles of cause and effect, upon which, as far as we can perceive the whole natural and moral government of God proceeds; Compari- son is adapted to those laws of analogy which enter into the whole system of things; and so of the rest. The omission of a more dis- tinct reference to these fundamental laws, the Authors consider as a radical defect in other phrenological works, which defect they have attempted lo supply. 2. The organs were discovered when developed in excjss. which has led many to an almost exclusive observation of their extreme de- velopments to the neglect of the medium and more common mani- festation of the faculties, as displayed in the ordinary transac:ions of life. In applying the principles of the science, the authors have al- ways practised giving the proportionate size of all the various organs. and of describing character as deduced from the combined manifest- ations of the faculties in their various degrees of strength: and thus they have been enabled, in this work, to describe the phenomena pro- duced by the faculties in all their various degrees of development. 3. By perusing what is said of the manifestations of the various faculties in our best works upon Phrenology, the reader will find it extremely difficult to form any distinct notions of the actions and feelings which these faculties would produce in their ordinary, daily manifestations. This marked deficiency the Authors have attempted to supply by dwelling chiefly upon the incidents which result from the most common operations of the faculties, and by directing the atten- tion of the reader mainly to the precise phenomena produced by them. 4. Hitherto phrenologists have described the organs, not only when developed in excess, but, also, (which is a still greater defect,) as they manifest themselves when acting singly and alone—a thing that scarcely ever takes place: and hence the very vague and imperfect knowledge of the science acquired by those who have perused all our most able •« orks upon the subject. The most important point to be understood in Phrenology, is a knowledge of the modifications produced by the combined action of the several organs; and the prin- cipal merits of this work are believed to rest upon this point, namely the Authors have presented several thousand combinations of the facul- ties, and described their accompanying manifestations and phenome- na, which have not been noticed by any other writers. 5. Extensive observation, and long experience in applying the principles of Phrenology to the living subject, have satisfied the Au- thors, that, if a conviction of the truth and importance of the science, n PREFACE. is ever to be forced home upcn the minds of men, it will be, not so much by reasoning upon the subject, as by a practical application of its principles. What do the common people, or even scientifick men, care about the arguments adduced in support of any new subject or science 1 Before they will believe in it, or even listen to it, they must see its truth practically demonstrated. Indeed, the world will never believe, either in any new mechanical invention or improvement, or in any proposed discovery, however reasonable or useful it may be, until they see it fully and fairly tested by actual experiment. In their phrenological experiments in describing character, the Authors sel- dom fail to convince nearly all who witness them, both of the truth of the science and of its practical utility; and, by gaining converts, it gains advocates, students, and admirers, becomes known, and its usefulness is thus disseminated. The importance of this manual as a practical treatise, may be inferred from the fact, that it will enable any individual, by having the relative size of his phrenological or- gans correctly marked upon the Chart which accompanies it, to read from the different pages of the book to which the Chart will refer him, a most beautiful and accurate analysis of his own mind—a. cor- rect delineation of his own character and talents, and a perfect clas- sification of all his mental operations, and thus enable him to judge experimentally of the truth of the science. 6. The moral and theological bearing of the science is one of the most important points connected with it, and is presented in the latter part of this work, and discussed in such a manner, it is be- lieved, as to wipe out the disgraceful stigma heretofore cast upon Phrenology by branding it as a science whose doctrines lead to infi- delity, fatalism, and so forth. The Authors trust that they have en- tirely scraped off from it this moral fungus, and clearly shown, that, so far from its being a legitimate shoot springing naturally from the phrenological slock, it is a vile and baneful exotick, wholly engen- dered in the minds of immoral, misguided, or designing men: and thus, by clearing the skirts of Phrenology from every thing impure, anti-christian, or unholy, they trust they have rendered an accept- able service both to the cause of science and of pure morality and true religion. The great haste in which this volume has necessarily been nre- ared for the press, is the only reasonable apology which the Authors ave to offer for its numerous defects; and even this, it must be con- fessed, is more hackneyed than weighty. The content* will be found at the end of the work. PHRENOLOGY PROVED, ILLUSTRATED, AND APPLIED. GENERAL REMARKS IN PROOF OP PHRENOLOGY. Phrenology professes to point out a connexion between certain manifestations of the mind, and particular conditions and developments of the brain. It asserts, for example, that the feeling of benevolence or kindness, is always manifested and indicated by means of, and in proportion to, a given por- tion of the brain; (see cuts;) and that the same is true of cautiousness or circumspection, of love, hatred, and reason, and of all the other mental faculties and feelings; and, vice versa, that the relative developments and various conditions of given portions of the brain, manifest and indicate the character and talents of individuals; so that the one can be always ascertained by an observance of the other. Phrenology also claims to be a new and complete system of intellectual and moral philosophy, and professes to devel- op and illustrate the fundamental principles of human nature —principles which are inseparably connected with man's im- provement and happiness, and which embrace every thing pertaining to him as a physical, moral, and intellectual be- ing. It rests for support, in part, upon the truth of the fol- lowing propositions. I. The brain is the organ of the mind, or that corporeal instrument which the mind employs in the exercise of thought and feeling. This proposition is established by the following arguments. First. How impossible soever it may be for us to compre- hend the connexion between mind and matter, it is, neverthe- less, indisputably true, that we have no knowledge of the operations of the mind, except through the medium of its physical organ, the body. This fact admits of the most am- ple proof; but, without proof, it must be obvious to every ene 8 PHRENOLOGY PROVED. who reflects at all—obvious that we know nothing of mind, in this life, as a separate entity, or a thing that acts indepen- dently of its organick apparatus. Second. Since the body is the instrument of the mind, it follows, that the mind must act upon the physical woril, either directly through the whole body, or by means of some particular portion of it. But it would be absurd to suppose. that the mind employs the whole body as its corporeal organ; for it is well known, that the various parts of the human frame, with the exception of the brain,* such as the limbs. the lungs, the heart, the liver, the stomach, the viscera, &c. are exclusively occupied, each in performing its particular class of functions. Hence it may be inferred, analogically that some particular portion of the body is allotted to the exercise of the mental functions—a class of functions im- mensely more important than all those which fall to the lot ol the whole body besides: and inasmuch as all the other parts of the body are known to be employed in the performance ol the other functions, it follows, that the brain must be devoted to the performance of the intellectual functions. Third. Another and, perhaps, stronger evidence that the brain is the organ of the mind, may be derived from its im. portant location in the human frame, and the extreme deli- cacy of its wonderful structure. Look at its commanding position, in the superiour and crowning portion of this ma- jestick structure called man! See the matchless skill of the Divine Architect displayed in protecting, from external in- jury, this exquisitely-wrought instrument; first, by the scull so elegantly and wonderfully shaped, and so judiciously di vided into its various frontal, lateral, and occipital portions: and all these so ingeniously and so strongly joined togethei by their respective sutures! And in order still farther to strengthen this bulwark of the intellect, we find the scull again divided into its external and internal tables; and thes« tables supported and united by an intervening, spongy sub- stance called diploe, which renders it less liable to be cracked or broken. This ossifick ball is also strengthened by the scalp or skin; and this, again, is both protected and adorned by a thick coat of flowing hair. But, when we take a view of the interiour of this " dome of thought," this " palace ol the soul," and survey its beautiful chambers, so superbly • The spleen may also be considered another txception; but it is too unJm portant tc be noticed in the argument. THE BRAIN THE ORGAN OF THE MIND. 9 lined wrth the dura mater—when we look at the pia mater, which envelops the brain, and at the ingenious contrivance of that secreting membrane, the tunica arachnoidea, placed between ;he dura and the pia mater to lubricate and soften both—when we examine the partition walls of these cham- bers, formed by the falciform process of the dura mater, and the connecting fibres of the two hemispheres of the brain, styled the corpus callosum^when we scrutinize the cineri- tious substance of which the brain itself is composed, and notice the beautiful convolutions in which it is deposited— when we observe that this organ is the grand centre of all the most delicate and intricate machinery of the human frame, the finale of the spinal marrow, and of the whole nervous system, and, moreover, the recipient of, at least, one-third of the vital flood propelled by the heart—when we look at all this, the conviction is forced home upon us, that the Great Architect would not be likely to make such a display of wis- dom and skill in the formation, location, and protection of the brain, unless, in doing so, he had some important end in view—unless, in short, he designed the brain to perform the mental functions. Fourth. It has been fully proved by anatomical demonstra- tions, that the nerves of feeling, seeing, hearing, smelling, &c, have their origin in the brain, and even compose a por- tion of that organ; and the functions of these nerves, consti- tute a portion of the intellectual operations. Now, since a portion of the mental functions, is performed by a part of the brain, it is a logical induction to infer, that the remaining mental operations are performed by the remaining portions of the brain; and, without first showing by what organ or organs the other intellectual phenomena are performed, no one can logically call in question this induction. Fifth. An inflammation of the brain produces a derange- ment of the mental faculties; and its debility causes mental weakness, and sometimes even imbecility; but no such effects are produced by the inflammation or debility of any other portion of the body. A suspension of the action of the brain by pressure, or other causes, produces a suspension of the action of the mind, while the animal functions continue to operate. The destruction or injury of even a portion of the brain, (when it reaches an organ on both sides of the head,) causes a derangement of some of the mental faculties; but the mutilation of any other part of the body, such, ftr exam [0 PHRENOLOGY PROVED. pie, as the amputation of a limb, produces no such effect How can these things be accounted for on any other princi- ple than that which recognises the brain as the organ of the mind? Sixth. There is found to exist a reciprocal proportion be- tween the power and qualities of the mind, and the size, activity, and shape of the brain. An observation of the va- rious classes of animals, will illustrate this position. The worm has little or no brain, and (except sensation) little or no intellect or passion. The frog, the toad, the turtle, &c. have a contracted and_ flattened brain, and the mental powers proportionally weak. The dog, the monkey, the elephant, &c, possess a cerebral development far superiour to those animals last-named, and an intellect equally superiour. Idi- ots are found to possess brains vastly inferiour to those be- longing to men of ordinary talents; and these, again, a development of this organ far inferiour to that of a Frank- lin, a Bacon, a De Witt Clinton, a Webster, a Bonaparte, a Sir Walter Scott, &c.: in other words, as we rise in the scale of animated being from the lowest grade tothe highest, at every ascending step, we invariably find, particularly in the coronal and frontal regions of the head, (in which, according to phrenology, the intellectual and moral organs are located,) an additional amount of brain. Are these things merely the result of chance; or do they show de- sign?—are they merely accidental; or are they the result of fixed and immutable laws ? Other arguments in favour of the proposition that the brain is the organ of the mind, might easily be adduced; but, since it is generally admitted by the great naturalists, anatomists, physiologists, metaphysicians, and philosophers, it might fairly be assumed, and the burden of proof thrown upon those who call it in question. II. The mind consists of a plurality of innate ana inde- pendent faculties—a congregate of separate, primary pow- ers. The truth of this proposition may be shown by the following arguments. First. The mind performs different classes of functions or various kinds of operations, such as love, hatred, fear, reason, sensation, &c.; and, throughout all nature, different classes of functions are always performed by different in- struments. It is admitted, that seeing and hearing are men- tal operations, and, also, that they are performed by different MIND A PLURALITY OF FACULTIES. li faculties. (See second argument under this proposition.) It is likewise admitted, that the functions of love, hatred, rea- Bon, &c, are intellectual functions, differing in their nature and qualities no less than those of seeing and hearing. If, then, the economy of nature require*, that the mental opera tions of seeing and hearing, should be performed by differ ent faculties, why should not the same economy also demand, that the mental operations of loving, hating, reasoning, &c. should also be performed by as many different faculties 1 The mind, therefore, consists of as many different faculties, or primary powers, as it performs different classes of func- tions. Second. The mind is capable of doing several things at the same time—of seeing and loving a friend, of reasoning and feeling upon a subject, of talking, walking, looking, thinking, hearing, &c.,and all simultaneously ; which could not possibly be done by a single faculty. According to the theory of Dr. Thomas Brown,* the mind is but a single faculty or power, and all the various mental operations are the product of this single faculty in different states, or modes of action:—seeing, for example, is the mind, or, what is the same thing, the man, in a state of seeing; hating, the mind, or the man, in a state of hating; reasoning, the man in a state of reasoning, &c. If this is so, how can the same mind, or, what is equivalent, the same man, be in two or more different states at the same instant ? How cfti an in- dividual, at one and the same time, be wholly engrossed in seeing his friend and in loving him ? How can a speaker carry on, simultaneously, a train of thought and a process of feeling? or how can lie reason better when excited than when not excited 1 If this theory were true, while looking at a wound we could not feel its pain, but, with perfect ease, we might relieve its pain by simply looking at the wound, or at any other object, or by engaging the mind in the exer- cise of any other function; for, inasmuch as it would be im- possible for us both to see and feel at the same time, the instant we should begin to look, or think, or do any thing else, we should cease to feel. But since we can see the per- forating needle whilst we feel its smart; can see our friend whilst loving him; can be, at the same instant, both devising and executing; can be walking, and talking, and seeing, and * Brown's Philosophy of the Human Mind. 12 PHRENOLOGY I'ROVED. feeling, and reasoning, &c. simultaneously, and as these require each the exercise of the mind, it follows, that these various classes of functions, and, by a parity of reasoning, that all the different classes of mental functions, are performed by as many different faculties, several of which can be in simultaneous action. The supporters of Dr. Brown's theory, maintain, indeed, that the mind can perform but one class of functions at a time; but this can easily be shown to be incorrect; for, if this position were true, the moment one should begin to walk, which requires the exercise of the mind, and all the time he is engaged in walking, he must necessarily cease to perform any and all other functions; and so of seeing, hear- ing, feeling, &c. Suppose, for example, an orator is deeply engaged in addressing an audience : according to this the- ory, he must be engaged one moment in thinking, the next, in feeling, the next, in looking at his audience, the next, in gesticulation, and so on through the whole round of mental operations which it is necessary for him to perforin, before he can recommence the circuit of the various functions en- tering into the delivery of his discourse; but, it is evident, that he may be, at one ana the same time, beholding his au- dience, gesticulating, and pouring forth a powerful current of thought commingled with deep emotion; or, in other words, at one and the same time, exercising all the various faculties*necessary to the performance of his oratorical effort. But, say the supporters of this theory, in such instances, the mind does not perform several classes of functions at the Bame time, but its transition from one class to another, is sc rapid as not to be observable. Let us look at this argument. It cannot be denied, that an organ which performs any por- tion of a class of functions, always performs the whole of that class—that, for example, the organ of vision does all the seeing, and that no seeing can be effected without its agency and action; that no digestion can be performed with- out the action of the stomach; that no sensation can take place except by the instrumentality of the nerves of feeling; no motion, except by the muscles, and so on ; and that this principle holds good throughout all the operations of nature: and hence it follows, that the action of the brain, (which has been proved to be the organ of the mind,) is just as neces- Bary in every, as in any, operation of the mind; and, conse- MIND A PLURALITY OF FACULTIES. 13 quently, that there can be no operation of the mind without a corresponding action of the brain: and, moreover, that a change in the operations of the mind, must necessarily pro- duce a change in the action of the brain. If, then, the mind were a single faculty, and, consequently, the brain a single organ, their united transition from one class of functions to another, could be no more rapid or instantaneous than that of the eye, the finger, or any, other corporeal organ, and, of course, not so instantaneous as not to be observable ; and, if not observable, (which all will admit,) it cannot exist: and, therefore, the mind cannot be a single faculty. But according to the principle, that the mind consists of a plurality of facul- ties, any, or even all, of these faculties may be in simultane- ous and harmonious action—a principle as remarkable for beauty and consistency, as the old theory is for deformity and absurdity. Third. The diversity of human character and talents, proves the plurality of the mental faculties. If the mind were a single faculty, all minds must be exactly alike in their nature, their qualities, and their modes of action, and could differ only in their strength and activity; which is by no means the case: but, if different minds possess the various faculties in different degrees of development, they must, like the primary colours mingled in various propor- tions, differ accordingly; which is the fact. If the mind were a single faculty, it could work just as well in one har- ness as in another—could perform all classes of mental op- erations with equal facility and success; and every man could succeed equally well in any and in every pursuit— equally well as a poet, a painter, a musician, a logician, an orator, a mathematician, a linguist, a mechanick, a naturalist, a divine, and, in short, in every calling, and in every department of literature and science. Partial genius, or a taste and tal- ent for doing particular things, striking instances of which frequently occur, could not then exist; but all men would be equally capable of succeeding equally well in any thing and in every thing. This, however, the experience of almost every individual, even from the very cradle, proves to be erro- neous. Those who are idiots in some things, are often re- markably gifted in other things; which proves that such, and, by a parity of reasoning, that all mankind, possess dif- ferent mental faculties, and in various degrees of strength and activity. 14 PHRENOLOGY PROVED. Fourth. According to the principle, that the mirid consists of several faculties, it is evident that, in a given time, it can perform, not only a greater number, but also, a greater vari- ety, of operations, which would render it proportionally the more perfect and useful. In order to show the force of this argument, let us suppose that the body were so constituted as to be incapable of performing more than one class of functions at a time, so that, whilst performing the function of respiration, for example, it would be incapable of exercising any other function—whilst executing the function of seeing, that of hearing, of feeling, of digestion, and of every thing else, must cease. How infinitely inferiour must such a ma- chine be, to the magnificent structure which we now pos- sess—a structure capable of proceeding, in the most easy and elegant manner, in the simultaneous performance of many widely different classes of functions ! As, in the op- erations of the body, scarcely any thing important is ever effected which does not require the cooperation of several, different organs, so is it with respect to the operations of the mind, for we rarely meet with any of its products that do not evince the combined efforts of several of its faculties. If we look into an author, for example, we can seldom proceed far without meeting with a thought that displays the com- bined action of reason, wit, fancy, and so forth. Fifth. That the mind consists of a plurality of faculties, may be proved, in the fifth place, by a reference to the men- tal exercise of memory, by which we are to understand, a reminiscence of the operations of the mind. It has been shown, that, if the mind were a single faculty, its operation would be just as powerful in all classes of functions, as in any class. In this case, it could not only remember, judge, in- vent, construct, copy, &c, with equal success, but its memory would be just as strong when exercised upon one class of facts, as when upon any other class; and, consequently, every one would be able to remember every class of facts with equal ease and tenacity. But this is seldom, if ever, the case. Almost every individual is a living witness to the opposite state of things; in proof of which, it is necessary only to appeal to observation and experience. Most persons find it as easy to remember some things, as it is difficult to remember others: they often find that their associates rec- ollect what they forget, and forget what they remember. It is both natural and easy for some persons to remembei MIND A PLURALITY OF FACULTIES. 15 feces, but to forget names; whilst others forget faces, but re- collect names. The same holds true of size, weight, col- ours, dates, tunes, places, incidents, &c. Hence, there are many kinds of memory; but this could not be the case if the mind were a single faculty: therefore, if we admit—what, indeed, the phenomena of memory compel us to admit—that there are many kinds of memory, we must also admit, that there are, at least, as nwiy separate intellectual faculties, as there are sorts of memory: ergo, the mind consists of a plurality of faculties. Sixth. A plurality of the mental faculties, is also estab- lished by the phenomena of dreaming. If the mind were a unity, it would act or repose, be asleep or awake, as a whole; that is, one portion of it could not be awake and active, whilst the remainder slept; and, consequently, all its phe- nomena, so far as produced at all, would be in perfect har- mony with each other. But this would entirely preclude the phenomena of dreaming ; or, at least, that kind of dream- ing so very common, in which numerous vivid emotions, such as joy, grief, terrour, fear, affection, &c. arise, succeed one another, and depart, without the control of the reason- ing faculties. These phenomena, however, perfectly har- monize with the doctrine of a plurality of faculties, some of which, being awake and excited to action by some stimulus which does not affect the other faculties, present those dis- ordered ideas and feelings which constitute a dream, whilst the repose of the others,, permits this disordered action. Seventh. Partial insanity, or monomania, is utterly at va- riance with the idea that the mind is a single faculty, em- ploying in its operations but a single organ. A derange- ment of the mind can be caused only by a derangement of the brain. Now, if all classes of the mental functions, were performed by a single organ, it is evident, that a derange- ment of this organ, would cause a corresponding and uni- form derangement of all the operations of the mind: whereas, cases of monomania, ox a derangement that extends to only one or two classes of the mental operations, whilst all the other classes are performed with perfect sanity and propriety, very frequently occur. This, indeed, is the most common form in which derangement appears, many instances of which have fallen under the author's own observation We often meet with persons deranged in the matter of love, of hatred, or on the subject of religion, or with respect to 16 PHRENOLOGY PROVED. prop^ty, &c, whilst they are perfectly rational on every other oiibject; but, if one and the same faculty exercised the various functions of love, and hatred, and religious feeling, &c, and, also, all the other mental functions, it would be im- possible for this single faculty to be deranged in the perform- ance of these first-named functions, whilst it was perfectly sane in the exercise of all its other functions: consequently, it is impossible for the mind to consist of only a single fac- ulty.* Eighth. The relief, and even refreshment, afforded to the mind by a change of thought, study, feeling, &c., furnish another evidence of a plurality of the mental faculties ; for, if the mind were but a single faculty, this single faculty would have to perform all the mental operations, and, con- sequently, would be just as much exhausted and fatigued by its exercise in performing any one class of functions, as in any other class; and, therefore, when fatigued by exercising one class of functions, it could, not only, not be relieved or refreshed, but would be still farther exhausted, by dropping that class, and taking up another. But what is the language of facts touching this subject? How is it that the mechan- ick, when fatigued by hard labour in his shop, experiences relief and refreshment by taking a smart walk to his meals ? Not, as has been intimated by some, by the mere novelty presented by the change, but, by giving rest to the fatigued organs, and by bringing into exercise another set of organs. What is here predicated of the physical phenomena, holds equally true when applied to the intellectual. The student, for example, when suffering great fatigue of mind from a long and continued pursuit of mathematicks, or metaphysicks, often turns to chymistry, history, the study of language, of geography, or, perhaps, a work of imagina- tion, with new vigour and fresh delight, although his fatigue of mind is too great any longer to continue the first study. The fact that a change of subjects or studies, affords relief and refreshment to the mind, is too familiar to need farther illustration; and the inference to be drawn from it, is pei- fectly obvious, namely, that this change which presents an- other subject of study, calls into exercise another set of fac vdties. ' For a fan her illustration of this point, seo Dr. A. Combe, and also Dr. Spurz h'jim, upon Insanity. THE BRAIN A PLURALITY OF ORGANS. IT Thus it would appear, that the various arguments under this second proposition, namely, that the mind performs dif- ferent classes of functions—that it is capable of performing several classes of functions at the same time—that different individuals possess the various mental faculties in different degrees of strength and power, constituting what is called partial genius—that the perfection of the mind requires that it should be composed of many faculties—that the phenom- ena of the various kinds of memory, could not be produced by a single faculty—that the phenomena of dreaming could not result from the operation of a single faculty—that partial insanity is inconsistent with the idea of but a single mental Dower—and that the relief which the mind experiences by a change of subject, is owing to the exercise of another set of faculties, one and all, clearly demonstrate the truth of the proposition, that the mind is a plurality of innate and inde- pendent faculties, and that this is a fundamental and consti- tutional principle of the human mind. Many other argu- ments in proof of this position, might readily be adduced; but it is believed that the foregoing are abundantly sufficient. In the general argument in proof of the truth of phrenol- ogy, this proposition is all-important, and even fundamental. It is, indeed, the test and touchstone of the truth of the sci- ence. If this proposition should be disproved, phrenology would fall, " like the baseless fabrick of a vision, and leave not a wreck behind;" but if, in connexion with the preceding proposition, it be established, there can be no such thing as evading the inference, that phrenology is true : and when we prove that phrenology is true, we sweep away, like spi- ders' webs, all the old and crude theories of mental philoso- phy, and, in their stead, establish, upon an immoveable basis, the beautiful and splendid superstructure of phrenological science. III. The brain consists of as many different portions or organs, as the mind does of faculties. Throughout all nature, different classes of functions are always performed oy different instruments; and no single organ is known to Eerform more than one class of functions. It has already een stated, that the organs of seeing, hearing, sensation; &c, have been proved each to perform its respective, intel- lectual function exclusively by means of a particular portion of the brain; and hence it follows analogically, that ah the 18 PHRENOLOGY PROVED other mental faculties must also perform their functions by means of the other portions of the brain. In support of this third proposition, innumerable facts have heretofore been brought forward by phrenologists, in addi- tion to which the author takes the liberty of presenting a few of the many that have fallen under his own observation. He once examined the head of a lady who was deranged in the matter of conscience, but perfectly sane in every other respect. He found the organ of conscientiousness to be very large, and much heated, or much warmer than any other por- tion of the head. At the request of the author, other per- sons present who were disbelievers in phrenology, applied their hands to the head, and very readily perceived, and bore testimony to, the fact. While practising phrenology in Brattleborough, Vt., a lady called upon the author, stating that she laboured under a great difficulty in expressing her ideas. He remarked that her organ of language was large, and asked if it had al- ways been so. She replied, that, until she had an inflamma- tion of the brain, which was particularly severe about the eyes, (above which, this organ is located,) causing excruci- ating pain in those parts, she could talk with fluency; but since that time, she often hesitated for words in which to ex- press the most commonplace ideas. The organ of language being situated upon the superorbiter plate, its inflammation might easily be mistaken for an inflammation of the eyes. A little girl of Washington, D. C, received a fracture of the scull in the region in which the organ of tune is located, Whilst confined with this wound, which had become irri fated, she experienced, what had never been manifested be- fore, a strong and involuntary propensity to sing. Thus the phenomena of musick was produced by what, under or- dinary circumstances, we should expect to prevent it, viz. a wound; and the only solution of the case, seems entirely to turn upon the fact, that the inflammation was connected with the phrenological organ of tune. This case was stated to the author in 1835, by Dr. Miller, at the house, and in the presence, of Dr. Sewall a distinguished physician and anti- phrenologist. Several cases of monomania, produced by wounds and in- flammation in the cerebellum, in which the feeling of ama tiveness was deranged, have been related to the author. One was that of a gentleman in the west, who had to submit to the brain a plurality of organs. 10 the discipline of the straight-jacket, and who died the ninth day of the disease, reported to the author by a Mr. C. An- other case of the same kind, was reported by Dr. Miller of Baltimore, and another by Dr. Jackson of Boston; which, together with the thousands of similar ones stated by Drs. Gall, Spurzheim, and others, all tend to confirm the truth of the proposition, that the brain consists of a plurality of or- gans. The author saw a man in Hatfield, Mass., who possesses good talents, but who is deranged in the matter of love, while he is sane in other respects. He is often complaining of a compressed sensation, and of a buzzing sound, exactly in that portion of the head in which the organ of adhesiveness is located. Many other cases in which the individuals were rational, but whose attachments had been interrupted, have fallen under the author's observation, and in all of which they complained of a soreness in the same place. In one of these instances, the individual was unable to rest the back part of the head upon a pillow, and suffered so much from the presence of pain as to call in a physician :* meanwhile the mental suffering, caused by the absence of the object of attachment, was almost insupportable. Did the proposed limits of this work permit, many more similar facts would be presented, but those given are deemed sufficiently numerous to prove a reciprocal connexion be- tween the diseased condition of certain portions of the brain, and a derangement of particular classes of the mental func tions. Here, then, we rest the argument. If the brain is a unity, a disease of any portion of it, must affect it as a whole, and, consequently, (on the supposition that the brain is the oro-an of the mind,} equally affect every function of the mind; yet, since this is not only, not borne out by facts, but even in direct opposition to them, the only remaining con- clusion is, that,, instead of the whole brain's being employed by each separate faculty of the mind, one portion of it is employed by that faculty, for example, which performs the function of anger, another portion by that which exercises fear and another by that which exercises reason, and so of all the other mental functions. The contrary supposition is • Through ignorance of the real cause cjf the disease, the mode of treetment •rfoDted in this case, was very injurious and highly reprehensible. Instead of a^ Sng the excitement, by removing the inflammation, a blister was appl.ed, which greatly increased the disease. 20 phrenology proved. as absurd, and as much opposed to all analogy, both physical and intellectual, as to suppose that the whole body should be employed in seeing, the whole in hearing, in digestion, in respiration, and in every other particular function: and if this connexion between the faculties of the mind and par- ticular portions of the brain, exists at all, it follows, that there can be no exercise of, without a reciprocal action Oi the other; or, in other words, that there can be no exercise of a faculty, without the exercise of its corresponding or- gan ; and, vice versa, no exercise of an organ, without the exercise of its corresponding faculty. The great Author of nature would not have established this mutual connexion, unless the economy of nature required it; and if this econ- omy requires it in any one instance, it must, for the same reason, equally demand it in every instance. It may also be added in this connexion, that, according to the theory of the unity of the brain, each faculty must, of necessity, use the brain as a whole in succession, which pre- cludes the possibility of that common and necessary phenom- ena of the mind, namely, its simultaneous exercise of several faculties. IV. The various faculties of the mind are possessed, orig- inally, in different degrees of strength by different indi- viduals, and also by the same individual. There exists a toto celo difference between a Shakspeare and a Franklin, a Howard and a Nero, a Raphael and a Washington, a Ben- jamin West and a Patrick Henry—a difference which nei- ther education nor circumstances could create, nor even essentially modify. So strong was the passion for painting with West, that he bid defiance both to the corrections of his school-teacher, and the frowns of his parents, and seclu- ded himself in his garret merely to indulge it; and even while a mere child, and without instruction, he conceived and executed some of his most beautiful designs. Diversi- ty and variety characterize the intellects and the feelings of men, at least, as much as they do their countenances, and that, even from the first dawn of the mind, and not unfre- quently in opposition to circumstances. This diversity ol human intellects, dispositions, predilections, talents, &c, is tco common and too striking to need illustration. Every individual, in a greater or less degree, furnishes an illustra- tion of this fact. It has even passed into a proverb, that •' a poet must be born, and not made;'' and this applies equally SIZE THE MEASURE O.F POWER. 21 to the artist, the orator, the mechanick, the divine, the natu- ralist., the accountant, and even to all who excel in any par- ticular calling. The happiness of society, and the improve- ment of mankind, absolutely demand this variety of talents and character; and, in accordance with this demand, the Creator doubtless intends, and, therefore, qualifies, one man for one sphere of action, and another, for another sphere. If this diversity and variety did not exist, it is evident from the principle, that like causes produce like effects, that, in all cases, the same circumstances would form similar char- acters, and opposite circumstances, opposite characters; or, rather, that the character and talents of men would vary in exact proportion to the variation of their education, circum- stances in life, &c, so that, the one could always be estima- ted from a knowledge of the other; but the fact is, similar circumstances often produce opposite characters and talents, and opposite circumstances, similar characters and talents. The conclusion, then, both a priori and from facts, is, that the various faculties are imparted to different individuals, and even to the same individual, originally, in different degrees of strength. The force of education, however, in impro- ving or perverting the faculties, as originally bestowed, in modifying their relative power, and in changing their direc- tion, is not intended here to be denied. V. There exists a reciprocal proportion between the rel- ative strength and power of the various mental faculties, and the size of those portions of the brain, or those organs, ty which they are severally manifested. It has already been shown, that each mental faculty is exercised, exclusively, by means of one particular portion of the brain; and, upon the principle, which holds good throughout all nature, that, other conditions being equal, size is always the measure of power*—a principle too familiar to require proof—it follows, that the stronger a faculty is, the larger must be its organ; and, vice versa, the larger an organ, the stronger its faculty. This proposition is also rendered evident from the estab- lished and familiar, physiological principle, that the exercise of any corporeal organ, causes its increase. The exercise of the arm of the blacksmith, causes its enlargement. Those who spend their lives at the oar, thereby greatly augment the size of their arms and chests, while the lower extrc -*i« " Bee Combe's System of Phrenology, pages 23 to 29, and 90 to 98. 22 phrenology proved. ties are comparatively feeble. Labouring men generally possess much larger bodies, and much smaller heads, than literary and scientifick men. Give a child no exercise, and you thereby make him a dwarf. Cease to exercise any por- tion of the body, and it diminishes in size and strength. Now, since the brain is one of the corporeal organs, it follows, (until the brain is shown to form an exception to the action of this law,) that the same common law of increase by exercise, and of decrease by inaction, which has been shown to govern the other corporeal organs, equally governs the organs of the brain, causing their increase in proportion to their exercise. And, since it has been shown, that the va- rious faculties of the mind manifest their functions by means of as many organs of the brain—that these faculties differ in their strength—that the exercise of these organs must be proportionate to that of their corresponding faculties—and that the increase of these organs must be proportionate to their exercise, it necessarily follows, that the increase of each organ, must be proportionate to the exercise of its faculty; that, for example, if, in the exercise of the function of con- scientiousness, an individual calls into action a given portion of the brain, (see cuts,) and in the exercise of benevolence, another portion, he must exercise, and, of course, increase, the organ of benevolence more than he does that of consci- entiousness, in proportion as he is more benevolent than he is conscientious; and that the same holds true with respect to all the other faculties of the mind, and their corresponding organs of the brain. Hence, a proportion between the two, must necessarily exist. VI. The shape of the brain may generally be ascertain- ed by the form of the scull; or, in other words, an increase of the various portions of the brain, causes a corresponding increase of the portions of the scull above them; for, inas- much as the scull is moulded and adapted to the brain, the conformation of the brain determines the shape of the scull, and, with a iew unimportant exceptions, corresponds with it. The scull is merely the protector of the brain, and sub- servient to it; that is, the scull is formed for the brain, and not the brain for the scull. How unreasonable, then, to suppose, that the scull should throw any obstruction in the way of the development of the brain ! This would be like assuming, that men are made for the houses they occupy, and not the houses for the men. What! one operation oj shape of the brain. 23 nature interfere with, and prevent, another operation of na- ture ! Does the bark of a tree obstruct the growth of the tree ? Does the shell of the oyster, the lobster, or the turtle, prevent the increase of, or give shape to, the body of these animals? As well might we assume, that the skin gives shape to, and prevents the growth of, the arm, the hand, or the scull, as to suppose that the scull controls the size and shape of the brain. It is brought forward as an objection to phrenology, that an enlargement of the scull can take place, only by the me- chanical pressure of the brain, and that the brain is too soft i substance to produce such an influence upon the scull. This objection is fully answered by an appeal to that general law of nature which accounts for the gradual expansion of the scull as the individual advances in years, by the anal- ogy of growth and formation as displayed in all her works. Are not the gradual growth and formation of the wood and bark of the tree, both mutual and natural ? And does not the same hold true of the hard and soft parts of the shell-fish, and of every thing analogous in nature ? Can we conceive any thing more mysterious or difficult in this, than in any other operation of nature ? Is there any thing more unac- countable in the formation and growth of the brain and scull, than in that of the wood and bark of a tree? The clear voice of facts speaks in the language of demonstration upon this subject; and from its decision, there is no appeal. Not only does the whole head, which, of course, includes the scull, and all the various parts of the head, increase up to the age of thirty or more, but the form of the head changes, more or less, " from the cradle to the grave." In children the cerebellum (organ of amativeness) is commonly very small. In middle aged persons (when the vigour of the passion is greatest) its proportionate size is greatly increased; and in aged persons, again diminished; and the scull adapts itself to this increase and decrease. The middle of the foreheads of children and youth, is, in general, extremely full and rounded, while that of men is generally lepressed. Nor is this the only class of facts bearing upon this point. Numerous instances of the increase of various portions of the scull, while other portions remained stationary, might be cited ; yet, why should we consume time upon the prop- osition, that the external surface of the brain and scull, in 24 PHRENOLOGY PROVED. general, correspond—a proposition which is not only a mat ter of observation, and which is demonstrated by almost every scull upon which we can cast our eyes, but which is already proved to our hands by such men as Cuvier, Magendie, Charles Bell,* and others of equal learning and authority, and, moreover, which is susceptible of physical demonstration? It remains, then, for the phrenologist merely to ascertain what portions of the brain are employed to manifest the vari- ous faculties, and, also, what are the indications upon thw scull of the relative size of these organs, (which, indeed, has already been done by the most critical and extensive observation,) and then he will have sufficient data from which to determine even the minutice of the character and talents, and of the various mental qualities, of any and of every individual. In this connexion may be mentioned the fact, that the thickness of the scull may be determined by its vibrations in speaking, the tones of the voice, &c. VII. The history of the discovery of phrenology, fur- nishes ample demonstration of its truth. Like all the other exact sciences,! every portion of it was discovered, and brought to its present state of perfection, entirely by induc- tion—by an observation and a classification of facts. It originated with Dr. Gall, a celebrated physician of Vienna, who noticed, in the first place, a uniform connexion between full and prominent eyes, and a talent for committing to mem- ory. By this happy circumstance, he was led to look for * In Charles Bell's Anat. II. 390, we are furnished with the following passag* • " Thus we find, that the bones of the head are moulded to the brain, and the pe- culiar shapes of the bones of the head, are determined by the original peculiari- ty in the shape of the brain." It is also added in a note, " I have seen one striking instance of the scull's decreasing with the brain. It occurred in an individual who died at the age of thirty-two, after having laboured under chronick insanity for .upwards of ten years, and whose mental weakness augmented inproportion to the diminution of the brain and the shrinking of his scull. The diminution ol his head in size, attracted his own attention during life." Cuvier is still more ex- plicit upon the same point. He says, "In all mammiferous animals, the brain is moulded in the cavity of the cranium, which it fills exactly : so that the description of the osseous part, affords us a knowledge of, at least, the external form of tht medullary mass within." Magendie says, "Theonly way of estimating the volume of the brain in a living person, is to take the dimensions of the scull," &c. Other authors might be quoted; but these are sufficient for our purpose ; so that anat- omists and physicians, at least, cannot, with any appearance of consistency, ques- tion this proposition: and no others have any right to do so. Its correctness stands, then, unshaken. t So many phrenological facts, all, like the converging rays of the concave mir- ror, tending to the same focus, all establishing and confirming the same genera] principles as the great law of nature, have been collected and classified, thot, until their opponents, upon whom the burden of proof is thus thrown, explaia these facts upon other than phrenological principles, phrenologists have an un- disputed right to number it among the " other exact sciences." DISCOVERY OF PHRENOLOGY. 2S other signs of intellect, in other portions of the head, and, accordingly, when he ascertained that a certain servant-man was pre-eminent for his kindness and goodness, he took a cast of his head, and afterwards, the casts of several other persons distinguished for the same trait of character. He then made a careful examination and comparison' of these several casts, and found, that, although they differed in every other respect, there was one protuberance, upon the upper part of the frontal portion of the head, (see cuts,) commcn to them all. The following is the method adopted by Dr. Gall in the discovery of combativeness. After collecting a promiscuous company of ordinary persons from the streets, he ascertain- ed from them which were cowardly, and which, courageous.. He then placed the former by themselves and the latter by themselves, and proceeded to examine and compare the re- spective developments of the different portions of their heads, until he ascertained, that, notwithstanding the great diver- sity of shape in other parts, yet the heads of the courageous ones all displayed a fulness and thickness just behind the top of the ear, (see cuts,) and that the heads of the cowardly were all thin and depressed in that particular region. This discovery—as well as that of benevolence—was then applied to innumerable other subjects, until its correctness was fully established. The same plan was afterwards pursued by Drs. Gall and Spurzheim, in the discovery of every other organ. They travelled through many countries in Europe, visiting the va- rious hospitals, prisons, and other places where extreme cases of character might be found, and examined the heads of all the remarkable persons within their reach, and thus, slowly but surely, confirmed the discovery and location of about thirty of the phrenological organs: and in this way they collected an amount of facts sufficient to fasten conviction upon every philosophical mind that will examine them. Thus, in the discovery of phrenology, nothing was theo- rized ; but every organ was discovered, and that by observ- ing, that certain manifestations of the mind, are always ac- companied by particular manifestations of the brain. Phre- nology rests its claims to respect and belief upon the same grounds with the sciences of chymistry, mineralogy, botany, electricity, anatomy, and all the other sciences which arc de- duced from an observance and classification of natural facts. 2 26 PHRENOLOGY PROVED. VIII. The truth of phrenology is mainly supported by an appeal to the demonstrative evidence of physical facts. In this place an allusion can be made to only a few of the innumerable facts that have already been observed in support of phrenological science. Throughout the whole animal kingdom, they abound; but, more especially, and in the most striking manner, are they found to be manifested in that most important and wonderful of the animal species—man. The human head generally presents a large development of the frontal and coronal portions of the brain; and, accord- ing to phrenology, the former of these portions, is the seat of the intellectual, and the latter, of the moral, organs; but, in the brains of animals, these portions are almost entirely wanting, as their heads manifest scarcely any traces of these organs: and does not this perfectly correspond with the mental qualities of these different classes of beings ? The European race (including their descendants in America) possess a much larger endowment of these organs, and also of their corresponding faculties, than any other portion of the,human species. Hence, their intellectual and moral su- periority over all other races of men. Franklin, Locke, Bacon, Browne, Edwards, Webster, and Drs. Richard and James Rush, and, indeed, all deep and profound reasoners, all original and powerful thinkers, without a solitary excep- tion, possess really immense causality and comparison. Among all the heads examined and noticed by the author, ■ he has never seen one with so very high, broad, and deep a forehead, or, in other words, in which the reasoning organs are developed in so extraordinary a manner, as in that of Daniel Webster ;* and where do we find his superiour for displaying those faculties of the mind which are imparted by these organs 1 (See comparison and causality very large.) Men of ordinary talent, possess a respectable endowment ol these organs. The Hindoos, Chinese, American Indians, and the African race, still less, but much more than the low- er order of animals. Idiots, scarcely any; and the lower order of animals, none, or next to none at all. (See illus- tration by cuts.) The monkey possesses immense philoprogenitiveness, * In the different parts of this work, the author occasionally takes the liberty of referring to individuals whose permission to do so, he has not had the oppor. (unity to ask. He trusts, however, that the cause of science will be subserved by this license, and that this will be received as a sufficient apology for him. PHRENOLOGY OF ANIMALS. 27 ■mativeness, and individuality, and large secretiveness, com- bativeness, &c, and but very little language, causality, com- parison,* and moral organs; which perfectly corresponds with the character of the animal. The crow has very large cautiousness and secretiveness, and large combativeness; the cat, the fox, the weasel, and all those animals which employ secrecy in catching their prey, possess large cautiousness, secretiveness, and destructiveness; the tiger, the lion, the leopard, and the panther, or the feline species generally, the bear, the wolf, the fox, the hawk, the owl, the eagle, and all animals whichj destroy other animals and live upon their flesh, possess, without an individual exception, large com- bativeness and immense destructiveness; while the deer, the calf, the sheep, the hen, the dove, the pigeon, and all those animals which eat no flesh, and are not savage in their na- ture, have small combativeness and very little destructiveness. The dog has very large locality, and, accordingly, is able to pursue the deer for successive days through the deep for- est, making almost innumerable turnings and windings, and yet, when he gives up the chase, can pursue a direct line to his home. The bear and the swine possess the same organ, and also the same faculty, in a remarkable degree. The familiar fact of tying up a pig in a bag, and of transporting him, in this condition, to a distance, is directly in point. It is well known, that as soon as he is released, if he has the opportunity, he will draw a bee-line for his home. Secre- tiveness is so extremely developed in the head of the cat and the fox, that the protuberance assumes the appearance of a little horn, while destructiveness, though large, comparatively retires; but in the dog and the bear, destructiveness is much larger than- secretiveness : and this exactly corresponds with the character of each. In the gambols of the kitten, and in the general disposition of the cat, we see a great deal more of secrecy and slyness than of destructiveness; but in the dog, we see the disposition to bite and tear in pieces without the * In the monkey, the supercrbiter plate, upon which language is located, anc the portion of the scull beneath which causality is situated, are joined together, thus indicating a want of these organs. Their want of the corresponding/acwi- lies, is equally striking. In the Indian and African races, these portions of the ecull are separated, perhaps, one inch and a half; whilst in the miniature bust of Franklin, which is probably not one-tenth the size of his head, these same por- tions are separated nearly as far as in the full grown Indian and African heads. The height of this miniature bust, from the external opening of the ear, is also nearly as great as that of the full-sized Indian head; which strictly corresponds with the moral character of each 28 PHRENOLOGY PROVED. use of artifice or cunning. In the head of the monkey, the robin, the bluebird, the partridge, and other animals which show an extreme fondness for their young, as well as in fe- males generally, the organ of philoprogenitiveness is very large; while in the male dog, which is a stranger to this feeling, no traces of it are to be found. The strength of this feeling in the female bear, which, as is well known, will fight so desperately for her cubs, corresponds exactly with the development of the organ in a scull of the bear now in the author's possession.* Facts which show the correspondence between the known characteristicks of the various classes of animals and their phrenological developments, might be added to almost any extent, and their correctness demonstrated by the author's collection of the sculls of animals. Every menagerie in the country affords numerous and striking evidences and illustrations of the truth of phrenology. All animated na- ture teems with facts in its favour: and no striking instance has been, or, the affirmation may be ventured, can be, pro- duced, through all the gradations and classes which compose the animal kingdom, from the worm up to man, and even through all the different races of men, which can show a discrepance between the known and marked characteristicks of an animal, and the phrenological developments and con- ditions of his brain; but, on the contrary, the coincidences between the two, are invariably found to be the most striking and satisfactory. Inasmuch, then, as the phrenological phenomena, from one end of the chain of animated beings to the other, are uniformly found to accord with the characters of these beings, it follows, that the same phrenological law governs all animals, and, consequently, causes this uni- formity. Yet, after all, it is the human species that furnishes the most varied, the most striking, and the most copious evi- • The following anecdote is well authenticated. Recently a farmer in Allegany Co., N. Y., on rising in the morning, discovered that a sow of his had been killed in the sty, and that her litter of pigs was missing: and from the tracks of a bear around the pen, together with copious traces of blood, he concluded that the pigs had all been eaten by the bear. Some time after, however, the farmer encoun- tered, in the woods, a large female bear, having in her charge and keeping his lost Utter of pigs. A sharp conflict ensued. The farmer, determined to recover his stolen property, displayed his combativeness in a heroick manner; and bruin, ac- .luated by the still stronger passion of philoprogenitiveness, showed unwonted wowess in defending her paternal right to her adopted offspring, until, at length, overcome by the skill of her human antagonist, she took to flight, carrying off one of the little squeakers in her mouth. This singular incident clearly shows, that the bear possessed larger philoprogenitiveness than alimentireness. INDIAN DEVELOPMENTS. 29 dences and illustrations of the truth and principles of this science; because it is man alone that is capable of perform- ing the greatest number, and the most complicated kinds, of functions—man, whose mind can grasp the great, and attend to the minute—man, in short, who is lord over all other ter- restrial beings. A great number of Indian heads and sculls, from many of the different American tribes, has fallen under the author's observation and inspection ; and he has found, as a general feature common to them all, an extreme development of de- structiveness, secretiveness, and cautiousness, together with a large endowment of individuality, eventuality, tune, con- scientiousness, and veneration, and, sometimes, firmness; large approbativeness or self-esteem, and sometimes both large; moderate acquisitiveness, benevolence, causality, combativeness, amativeness, and constructiveness: and, in the female, extremely large adhesiveness and philoprogeni- tiveness ; but in the male, philoprogenitiveness moderate. This combination of organs indicates just such a character as the Indians generally possess. Their extreme destruc- tiveness would create a cruel, blood-thirsty, and revengeful disposition—a disposition common to the race—which, in connexion with their moderate or small benevolence, would make them turn a deaf ear to the cries of distress, and steel them to such acts of barbarity as they are wont to practise in torturing the hapless victims of their vengeance. Their extremely large destructiveness combined with their large secretiveness and cautiousness, and smaller combativeness, would cause them to employ " cunning and stratagem in warfare, in preference to open force;" would give them less courage than cruelty; cause them to be wary, extremely cautious in advancing upon an enemy, and to lurk in am- bush ; and, with high firmness, admirably fit them to endure privation and hardship, and even the most cruel tortures ; and, at the same time, render them unconquerable: and if to these we add large approbativeness, we may expect them to glory in dark deeds of cruelty; in scalping the fallen foe, and in butchering helpless women and children. Their large conscientiousness would make them grateful for favours, and, according to their ideas of justice, (which, in consequence of their small causality, would be contracted,) honest, upright, and faithful to their word; and these consti- tute the principal sum of their moral virtues; but when we 30 PHRENOLOGY PROVED. add their high veneration and marvellousness, we find them credulous, religious, and superstitious. Their small amount of brain in the coronal region of the head, when compared with their immense development of the animal passions and selfish feelings, would bring them chiefly under the domin- ion of the animal nature of man, and render them little sus- ceptible of becoming civilized, humanized, and educated: hence, the rugged soil which they present to the labours of the Christian missionary. Their very large individuality and locality, and full perceptive organs generally, with their large destructiveness, secretiveness, and cautiousness, would cause them to delight in the chase, and admirably qualify them to succeed in it; whilst their small causality, would render them incapable of producing many inventions and im- provements, or of reasoning profoundly. Their small ac- quisitiveness would create in them but little desire for prop- erty ; and this would result in a want of industry, and leave them, as we find them, in a state of comparative destitution as regards the comforts, and even the necessaries, of life. The very large philoprogenitiveness of their females, admira- bly qualifies them to protect and cherish their offspring under the peculiarly disadvantageous circumstances in which they are placed; whilst the small endowment of this faculty in their males, would cause them to be comparatively indiffer- ent to their children, and to throw the whole burden of taking care of them while young, upon the other sex. Their large tune, and very large destructiveness, would give them a pas- sion for war-songs and war-dances; and these combined with their large eventuality, would cause them to adopt this meth- od of perpetuating their warlike exploits. In Washington the author examined the heads of about twenty Indians of the Cherokee delegation to Congress, in which he found the animal portion of the brain relatively smaller, and the human and reasoning organs much larger, than in Indian heads generally; and this perfectly harmon- izes with, and accounts for, the fact, that this tribe is less savage, and more intellectual, than any other. Indeed, the phrenological developments of some of the half-breeds, were decisively superiour. Those examined from Indiana, pos- sessed a much larger development of destructiveness, and were less talented and civilized. Those, again, from the Osage tribe, possessed a development still more inferiour, AFRICAN HEADS. 31 and a corresponding character. A scull* from altribe of cannibals, located near the isthmus of Darien, which was examined by the author, presented altogether the worst phrenological developments of any scull he ever saw. In shape, it bore a strong resemblance to that of the monkey, except that destructiveness, secretiveness, and veneration, and, perhaps, conscientiousness, were larger. Of intellect, of course, these beings possess very little; and no descrip- tion can adequately set forth their barbarity and brutal fero- city, no pen describe their degradation. And thus it appears, that, in passing from the European race to the Indian, and from one tribe of Indians to another, we find, in every in- stance, a striking coincidence between the phrenological de- velopments of brain, and the known traits of character. The African race as found in America, furnish another instance of the striking correspondence between their known character and their phrenological developments. They pos- sess,! in general, either large, or very large, adhesiveness, philoprogenitiveness, hope, language, and approbativeness, or self-esteem, and sometimes both; large veneration, mar- vellousness, individuality, locality, and tune; with moderate causality, constructiveness, and mirthfulness. Combative- ness, destructiveness, secretiveness, acquisitiveness, and, per- haps, conscientiousness, unlike these organs in the Indian head, vary in size, being sometimes very large, and in other instances, moderate or small. The size of their heads, is generally moderate or small. Their extremely large hope, would make them very cheerful, and little anxious about the future; and, with their large approbativeness and small ac- quisitiveness, extravagant, and predisposed to lead a life of ease and idleness. Their very large hope and language, .with small secretiveness and mirthfulness, would give them hilarity and garrulity, without much pure wit. Their large, or very large, tune, which inspires them with melody, with their smaller reasoning organs, which give hem but few thoughts, and their large language, would fur- * A cast of this scull, the author believes, is for sale. t Individual exceptions to this description, are frequently to be met with, but the author is confident that its general features will be found to be characteristick. What the negroes are capable of attaining to by education and cultivation, he does not pretend to say, nor is it necessary to his argument that he should do so ; for he is merely pointing out the coincidences between their present character, andtheil phrenological developments. This, however, he has observed, that the intelleo tual organs are, in general, much better developed in coloured children than in udulU. 32 PHRENOLOGY PROVED. nisn exactly such composition as we meet with in negro songs, doggrel rhymes glowing with vivacity and melody, and containing many words and repetitions with but few ideas. Their small reasoning organs would give them but little depth and strength of intellect, and a feeble judgment, with very little talent for contriving and planning. Their very large philoprogenitiveness, adhesiveness, and inhabi- tiveness, would make them extremely attached to their fami- lies and the families of their masters, and pre-eminently social. Their excessively large approbativeness and self-esteem would create in them that fondness for dress and show, and that pride and vanity, for which they are so remarkable. Their large religious organs would produce those strong religious emotions, and that disposition to worship, for which they are distinguished, as well as those rare specimens of eminent piety sometimes found among them. Their variable selfish organs would cause those extremes of temper and character which they display, sometimes running into cun- ning, thievishness, and general viciousness and cruelty, and sometimes showing the opposite character. Their large marvellousness accounts for their belief in ghosts and super- natural events so often manifested among them ; whilst their very large language, combined with their large perceptive organs generally, would create in them a desire to learn, and enable them to succeed well in many things. The phrenological developments and characteristicks of the Hindoos, are no less striking. In them the organs of destructiveness and combativeness, are generally small; which renders them less cruel and warlike than the Amer- ican Indians, or even the European race. Their extremely large veneration and marvellousness produce that religious enthusiasm and superstition for which they are so noted; and their large acquisitiveness and small conscientiousness often make them thievish. Another important argument in favour of phrenology, may be drawn from the difference in the conformation of the heads of the two sexes. In the female character, fondness for children, and general attachment, are undoubtedly pre- dominating and controlling passions, much stronger, indeed, than the same passions in the male sex; and, accordingly, we find the organs of adhesiveness, and, particularly, philo- progenitiveness, so strongly developed in the female head as HEADS OF THE SEXES. 33 to elongate, and even deform, the middle portion of the back part of the head, affording a sure sign by which to enable the phrenologist to distinguish the female from the male head. The timidity, trepidation, and anxiety of the sex, are pro- verbial ; in accordance with which, in their heads we find the organ of cautiousness much larger than in the male, and combativeness and destructiveness much smaller: and this perfectly harmonizes with the fact, that they are more amia- ble, and less cruel, than the other sex. Man possesses more dignity, sternness, and force of character than woman, and. has less to do with trifles ; and we find in his head, not only a superiour endowment of combativeness and destructive- ness, but also of self-esteem and firmness. The moral and religious organs are generally much larger in the female, than in the male, head; and we know that women are much more inclined to religious worship than men. Ideality is commonly larger in females; and in harmony with this, we find them more refined and delicate in feeling, and possessed of better taste. The sympathy and kindness of woman are also proverbial. She will go much farther than man (with reverence, and to her everlasting honour, be it recorded) in her assiduities and unremitting attentions to the sick, the needy, and the afflict- ed ; she will do, she will suffer, she will sacrifice any thing and every thing to relieve distress, to bind up the broken- hearted, and to pour the oil of consolation into the wounds of a troubled soul: and all from pure motives of kindness, affection, love, and duty. The phrenologist alone, is capa- ble of developing and explaining this interesting mystery. He can place his finger upon her superiour organs of benev- olence, conscientiousness, adhesiveness, and philoprogeni- tiveness. But the justice of the Great Giver, would not allow the sex to lay claim to all that is superiour. The reasoning or- gans are not so strongly developed in the softer, as in the nobler, sex; (whether from a want of cultivation, or from some other cause, the author does not pretend to decide;) and, accordingly, we find the former less distinguished for originality and power of thought than the latter. If the mind were a single faculty, and the brain a single organ, and, of course, phrenology a farce, we might expect to find a uniformity in the shape of the heads of the two 2* 34 PHRENOLOGY PROVED. sexes, and, also, uniform developments in the heads of the various individuals of the same sex; that is, exactly the re- verse of what we find to exist. Now, this marked differ- ence in the conformation of the heads of the different races of men, of the sexes, and of different individuals, must either be designed for some wise purpose, or it must be accidental. That it is accidental, no rational mind can believe; but if it is the result of design in the great Author of it, the conclu- sion is obvious, that it must have a direct reference to the different qualities of mind known to be possessed by these different races, sexes, and individuals. Thus far, then, the author has presented only a few of the numerous classes of facts which go to prove the truth of phrenology. Should he descend to particulars, volumes would be required to enumerate even the striking instances which, in the course of a few years' practice in the science,* have fallen under his own observation. Many additional facts will be interspersed through the following pages of this work. Phrenology is either wholly true or wholly false. If the phenomena which support it, are fortuitous or accidental, the truth of phrenology may be doubted; but if they are the result of fixed laws—of the unalterable principles of nature, it must be true. But the uniformity and harmony observable in these phenomena, render it impossible that they are the mere product of chance: hence it is impossible that phrenol- ogy can be untrue. Phrenology, then, is consistent in the- ory, and, by an appeal to nature and to facts, susceptible of physical demonstration. Let judgment be pronounced upon it, then, at this tribunal alone, and let it stand or fall accordingly. It boldly challenges the most scrutinizing examination. They who question its truth, are called upon to disprove the foregoing propositions, and to account for the facts which support it, on other than phrenological princi- ples : and the importance of the subject, makes this call a reasonable one. The author is willing that the truth or falsity of this sci- ence, should wholly turn on his own ability to apply the principles m describing the character and talents of individ- uals by an examination of their heads. For several years * Should the present work be favourably received by the public k, it is the de- sign of the author soon to publish a larger work upon the subject, in which many more individual facts will be stated. HEADS OF THE SEXES. 35 paat, m all occasions, and under every disadvantageous cir- cumstance—even when opposed by prejudice, by envy, by malice, by ridicule—he has boldly challenged those who doubted the truth of phrenology, to test him in any and in every way which their skepticism and their ingenuity could devise: and, although, at first, whilst he lacked experience, he made some mistakes, yet, he can appeal to more than ten thousand living witnesses, who have been present at his pub lick examinations of heads, (as well as to the testimonials introduced at the close of this work,) who will bear evidence to the great and wonderful accuracy with which, in ninety- nine cases in a hundred, he has described, even in minute detail, the character and talents of those examined—notwith- standing very many of these examinations were made by the sense of touch alone, the author's eyes being covered. Obser- vation and experience, in short, have as thoroughly convinced the author of the truth of phrenology, as he is satisfied of the truth of chymistry, electricity, or any other of the natu- ral sciences, and by the same kind, and an equal amount, of evidence. Phrenology, then, demands assent to the following series of propositions, namely, that the brain is the general organ of the mind—that the mind consists of a plurality of facul- ties—that each of these faculties is exercised by means of a particular portion of the brain—that these several faculties are possessed in different degrees of power by the same in- dividual, and also by different individuals—that the size of these several portions of the brain, or organs, is proportion- ate to the power and exercise of their respective faculties— that, in general, the shape of the scull corresponds with that of the brain—that phrenology was discovered, and thus far matured, wholly by induction—and that the whole animal kingdom, and especially the human species, both prove and illustrate the truth of this science. But as phrenology claims to be supported by facts, they whose'opinions are valuable, will neither form nor express a decision upon its merits, until they have examined a suffi- cient number of these facts to decide under standingly. "Self-conviction," observes an able, phrenological writer, ■' must depend upon self-observation." As the field is open to every one, and is easy of observation, all are invited to examine and judge for themselves. In this work will be 36 temperaments. found our rules; and all, into whose hands it may fall, will be able to apply them to the characters and developments of their friends and acquaintances, and thus either prove or dis- prove phrenology. PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. TEMPERAMENTS. As the illustration and application of the principles of phrenology, necessarily combine with them much evidence of the truth of the science, it is impossible to treat these sev- eral branches of the subject in a manner wholly distinct and separate. At every succeeding step of the author's progress, therefore, he will be able to present additional proofs of the correctness and importance of the science. Since the brain is the organ of the mind, and its action necessary in every operation of the mind, we may naturally expect a most intimate relation to exist between the two, and, also, that this relation is reciprocal. Through the nerves there likewise exist a most intimate and close connexion and sympathy between the brain and every other portion of the human system; hence, it is evident, that the various conditions of the brain, and of the several parts of the body, must effect, in the most direct manner, the manifestations of thought and feeling. This, indeed, is a well-known fact; but, nevertheless, one that is not appreciated nor acted upon in any due proportion to its real value. It is well known that, after the excitement produced by drinking ardent spirits, has subsided, their effect is to lethar- gise the powers of the intellect, and leave them in a similar state of torpor with that of the body—that a given amount of opium, or calomel, or arsenick, will drive from its throne the feeling and thinking principle—that, in short, the ex- haustion and the refreshment of the body and of the mind, are proportional and reciprocal. Yet, how little are the natural laws of this mutual relation between body and mind, regard- ed or attended to! The phenomena of the earth and its surrounding elements, the mechanical principles, the laws of numbers and proportion, and of the various branches of phys- ical science, are studied with the greatest assiduity, and ap- plied with the greatest care as far as they tend to promote our physical wants and comforts, whilst the laws and condi 38 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. lions which regulate the mental manifestations, are nearly overlooked. Mens sana in corpore sano, is, to be sure, an adage often repeated, but seldom understood. Every day's observation confirms and deepens the convic- tion the author has long entertained, that much more is de- pending upon the physiology of the body and the qualities of the brain, or, what is the same thing, upon the tempera- ment, than upon the size and combinations of the organs— that the depraved manifestations of the organs, or those vices which everywhere abound, and which pour forth such a flood of corruption among men, originate not in the nature or the combinations of the organs 01 of their faculties, but in the disordered physiology of mankind. For example: it is ad- mitted that the size of the organs is not directly changed by an improper use of ardent spirits; but who does not know, that the vices of an individual, may be easily augmented a hundred-fold by habits of intemperance ? And why is this ? Simply because his physiology is deranged. Now, why should not every derangement of the body, whether brought about by the use of alcohol or wine, or an improper quality or quantity of food, or by any other cause, produce the same result? And is not the conclusion just, that the ocean of sin, and consequent misery, which swallows up nearly all that is lovely, and elevated, and desirable among men, is produced by the same cause ? This portion of the expan- sive field of phrenology, and, also, its kindred one, viz. that containing the laws of propagation and its accompanying phenomena, and which are undoubtedly the most fertile parts of the whole phrenological soil, are, as yet, compara- tively unexplored. With the open volume of nature in one hand, and the torch of truth in the other, phrenologists alone have entered upon this immense and valuable tract. The works of A. Combe upon this subject, are valuable above all praise. These digressive remarks, which, were they carried out to the extent their importance demands, wouldrre^uire volumes, will enable the reader to understand what the phrenologist means by the TEMPERAMENTS. The word Temperaments is here used to denote certan* states or conditions of the body, or the relative activity « particular classes of the corporeal organs. temperaments. 39 Other conditions being equal, the strength and power of the various faculties of the mind, are in proportion to the size of their corresponding organs of the brain. Yet, since much depends upon the quality, organization, and activity of the brain, and this upon the quality, organization, health, habits, and activity of the body, or, in other words, upon the temperament, a small brain often gains, in these respects, what it loses in size. All great men are found to possess both a favourable temperament and a large brain. The temperaments are divided into four kinds : 1. The lymphalick, or phlegmalick, in which the secreting glands are the most active portion of the system; indicated by soft and abundant flesh, and languor of the pulse, and of all the corporeal and mental functions; by a dull, ease-seek- ing, inefficient, indolent, disposition, and an aversion to cor- poreal and intellectual effort. Great excitement is necessary to arouse one with this temperament to effort, yet the action may then be a powerful one. This temperament is often found among the Pennsylvania Germans, and also in ne- groes. 2. The sanguine, in which the arterial system, and the organs which circulate the various fluids, particularly the 61ood, are most active; indicated by light or sandy hair, fair skin, a fresh and florid countenance, light or blue eyes, a strong and rapid pulse, strong animal passions, and more ar- dour, enthusiasm, activity, and zeal, than strength and power of mind or body. 3. The bilious, in which the muscular portion of the sys- tem predominates in activity; characterized by a more ath- letick form; by strong bones and muscles, black hair, a dark skin, and dark eyes; a strong and steady pulse, hardness, strength, and power of body, accompanied with considerable force and energy of mind and character. 4. The nervous, in which the brain and the nervous sys- tem are much more active than the other portions of the body, which gives rise to, and is accompanied by, the highest degree of excitability and activity of the physical and men- taf powers; vividness and intensity of emotion; clearness and rapidity of thought, perception, and conception; spright- liness of mind and body; light, fine, and thin hair; a fair. clear, and delicate skin and countenance; and more activity, vivacity, and intensity, than power and endurance, of mind and body 40 PHRENOLOGY illustrated. These temperaments are generally compounded: the ner- vous-sanguine gives the highest degree of activity and inten- sity of thought and feeling; the nervous-bilious, activity, accompanied with power and endurance, constituting one of the most favourable temperaments, especially when united with a little of the sanguine;* the bilious-lymphatick gives mental and corporeal indolence, accompanied with power under strong excitement; the sanguine-lymphatick, is less fa- vourable to intellectual, than to corporeal, manifestations, &c. But since these temperaments, and other conditions, ex- cept the size of the respective organs, are alike in the same head, it follows, that the power and energy of each faculty, are proportionate to the size of its organ; so that this work will generally present a comparison between the different faculties of the same individual, rather than between the various faculties of different individuals. INFLUENCE OF EDUCATION. The influence of education, which is admitted to be very great, is exerted chiefly in directing and modifying the op- erations and the manifestations of the various faculties, rath- er than in increasing or diminishing their strength and power, or the size of their respective organs. The function of combativeness, for example, when trained in the ruder states of society, manifests itself chiefly in physical combat, family feuds, personal prowess, and hatred as manifested by open violence and force, bodily exposures to danger, &c.: while the same amount of the same faculty, even with a similar combination of the other faculties, when the subject is educated in refined society, and placed under the restraints of law and religion, manifests itself chiefly in intellectual and moral courage and resistance, in sarcasm, hatred, &c.; and yet, the primary function of resistance and opposition, in both instances, is the same in its nature, degree, and aims. The same is true of all the other faculties; so that, in de- scribing character correctly, it is necessary for the phrenol- ogist to know under what influences, and in what circum- stances, the individual examined, has been placed. The author does not intend, in this connexion, to touch upon the influence of education in radically changing the " Henry Clay. SHAPE of the organs. 41 relative power and activity of the various mental faculties, or in moulding and materially changing the character of in- dividuals, but he will reserve, for a future chapter, some re- marks upon its importance, its influence, and the proper method of conducting it. SHAPE OF THE ORGANS. Each mental faculty, as has been already shown, is mani- fested by means of two organs, occupying a corresponding portion of each hemisphere of the brain. The same princi- ple of double organs obtains here, as is exemplified in the case of the eye, the ear, &c, and, doubtless, for the same good reason, namely, that when one organ is injured, the other may perform the function. In shape, the organs are conical, their apex being at the medulla ablongata, and their base at the skull. The medulla oblongata is situated at the base of the brain, or, rather, forms the capital of the column of the spinal marrow. A straight line drawn from the open- ing of one ear to that of the other, would pass nearly through it. A more particular account of the anatomy of the brain, as connected with phrenology, may be found in Dr. Spurzheim's Phrenological Works, and in G. Combe's " System of Phre- nology." As the limits of the present work, do not give the author sufficient space to do justice to this subject, it is left comparatively untouched, and, as it has been so fully and so ably presented by these authors, it is the less necessary that he should enter into an examination of it. It has already been shown, that the power of each faculty, and its tendency to action, are proportionate to the size of its respective organ. In order to determine the size of the or- gans, it is necessary to ascertain their length and their breadth. The length of the organs may be determined by ob- serving the distance from the external opening of the ear to that part of the skull in which they terminate; and the breadth, by the surface of the skull they occupy. It is supposed that the portion of an organ which is nearest to the skull, is chiefly used in the exercise of the mental functions. In some heads, the organs are sharper and more elongated than in others, thus presenting a greater prominence; in others, they are shorter and broader. The shape of the former, denotes greater activity and quickness, and less pow* e~; thot of the latter, greater intensity and strength. 42 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. TEST OF THE FACULTIES. Before we enter upon the classification or description of the several faculties, it will be necessary to lay down some rules by which to test each supposed faculty, that we may thus be able to decide correctly,, not only upon the claims of the faculties as now laid down by phrenologists, but also upon all that may be hereafter proposed as discoveries. What is a faculty? The test which was proposed by Spurzheim, and which is generally followed, is that 1. Which exists in one kind of animals and not in another; 2. Which varies in the sexes of the same species; 3. Which is not proportionate to the other faculties of the same individual; 4. Which does not manifest itself simultaneously with the other faculties; that is, which appears or disappears ear lier or later than they; 5. Which may act or repose singly; 6. Which individually is propagated in a distinct manner from parents to children; and, 7. Which singly may preserve its proper state of health, or be affected by disease. These seem to be descriptions of the phenomena of a fac- ulty, rather than a definition of its nature. A more simple and comprehensive test seems to be, That power of the mind which performs one, and but one, distinct and homogeneous class or kind of functions, and which is manifested by means of a given portion of the brain. When- ever, therefore, we ascertain that there is exercised a distinct class of functions, having for their end one important object, we may infer, that there exists a distinct faculty which per- forms it; and, vice versa, that the existence of a faculty pre- supposes, and necessarily implies, a corresponding sui generis class of functions which this faculty produces. Upon sub- mitting the faculties as laid down in this work, to this test, it will be found that the functions ascribed to amat, combat, acquis., benev., hope, firm., caus., and all the rest, constitute each a distinct, homogeneous class directed to a speVifick end. and exercised by so many distinct portions of the brain; an$ each supposed discovery of a faculty, which does not con- form to these requisitions, is spurious, CLASSIFICATION OF THE FACULTIES. 43 CLASSIFICATION OF THE FACULTIES. No permanent classification of the faculties has yet been generally adopted. That last adopted by Spurzheim, and followed by G. Combe, and all American phrenologists, is unquestionably the best now in use. In its general divisions and fundamental principles, it harmonizes very well with the generick character of the faculties, and the grouping together of the organs in the head. So far as this is the is per- fect ; yet, in its details, it is evidently defective, because it often groups organs together which are located in widely different parts of the head, and also classifies faculties togeth- er between which there is a generick difference. A more perfect classification of the faculties than that adopted by the great Author of nature in the respective locations of their cor- responding organs, cannot be imagined, and could have been invented only by that all-wise Being who created these fac- ulties ; and yet, to draw lines of demarcation between these organs, is often extremely difficult. Concentrativeness, for example, is sui generis in its character, and too much unlike any of the other faculties to be properly classed with any subdivision of them, whether it be the propensities, the sen- timents, or the intellectual faculties of Spurzheim and others, or the domestick, selfish, human, or intellectual faculties of the author. The function of ideality is not exclusively an emotion, nor yet wholly an intellectual operation, but is evi- lently a compound of both; and, accordingly, we find its lo- cation to be between these two classes of faculties. Still, it is evidently human, in its character, and is classed accord- The same is true, except in a degree still more striking, concerning mirthfulness, tune, imitation, and constructive- hess. Is there not quite as much intellect displayed in a truly pungent and appropriate witticism, or a splendid con- ception of the imagination, as there is in musick ? in a bon mot, nd the inspiration of poetry and oratory, as in a tune 1 and is there not quite as much emotion in a musical, as there is in a poetical, performance ? There is evidently as little generick difference between firmness and self-esteem, as there is between any other two organs. Both evidently belong to the same species; yet, Dr. Spurzheim, and all succeeding phre- nologists, have grouped firmness among the religious organs. Why should destructiveness be placed before amativeness 1 44 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. Certainly not because it comes first in the order of nature, nor in its position in the head. How much more of senti- ment is there in imitation, than there is in attachment ? Wom- en are considered even more sentimental than men, and chiefly because they manifest so much stronger attachment. What reason or philosophy is there in grouping construc- tiveness among the animal propensities, when it unquestion- ably displays as much of intellect, and as little propensity, as almost any other faculty 1 Its location also borders upon that of the intellectual faculties. Similar remarks will apply to the subdivisions of the intellectual faculties. Enough has already been said to induce the reader to suppose, that the author, in common with most other phre- nologists, considers the present classification of the faculties, if not every classification that can be made, very imperfect, For his own, though widely different from that generally adopted, and, he hopes as materially improved, he is far from claiming perfection. Phrenology is not a man-made theory. All that we can know about it, is learned from an observation of nature. Why not, then, in the classification of the fac- ulties, as well as in their phenomena and analysis, follow nature. ? or, in other words, why not let the faculties class- ify themselves according to the grouping together of their respective organs in the head ? In the classification of the faculties, the author has endeavoured, as far as his ingenuity and observation enable him, to follow this arrangement of the organs, as the fundamental principle upon which his divis- ions are based.* * It will be seen that this discrepance between the author and other phrenolo- gists, has a direct reference, not to the facts or principles which involve the truth of phrenology, nor to the nature or tbe manifestations of the faculties, but simply to the numerical arrangement and the classification of the faculties, or to the nomenclature of the science ; and cannot, therefore, be cited as an instance of a rmdical disagreement among phrenologists. CLASSIFICATION OF THE FACULTIES. 45 He will then submit the following CLASSIFICATION OP THE PHRENOLOGICAL FACULTIES AND ORGANS. The Faculties are divided into two Classes, or Orders, and these are subdivided into several Genera, and these again into various Species. ORDER I. Affective Faculties, or Feelings. From these faculties originate the propensities, desires, emotions, sentiments, and the whole range of those mental operations denominated feelings. They constitute by far the largest, most vivid, and most powerful class of the men- tal operations, and, whenever their legitimate stimuli are presented, rush into involuntary activity, and frequently without awaiting the mandate of reason, or listening to the voice of propriety; and, although the internal excitement necessarily produced by the presence of these stimuli, can- not be avoided, yet, an open expression of this excitement, need not take place; or, in other words, we are not always obliged to express all that we feel. The organs of these fac- ulties, occupy that portion of the head commonly covered by hair. GENUS I. Propensities. These embrace those mental functions which pertain to man as an animal, or to his physical relations. They stim- ulate the other faculties; impart efficiency, impetus, and phys- ical force to the whole character ; originate the various ani- mal impulses, instincts, desires, passions, and propensities to act; and are located in the inferiour posterior, or back and lower, portion of the head, (see cut No. 2. in the Sy- nopsis,) causing, when large or very large, great breadth and fulness between, behind, and over the ears, as in the cut No.; but, when small, this portion of the head is thin and narrow, as in the head of Franklin. Near- ly all the brain of animals is developed in this region, as will be seen by a reference to their heads or the cuts; and their characters are made up, chiefly of the functions peT" taining to the corresponding faculties. 46 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. Species I. Domestick propensities. They are, * Abbreviated. 1. Amativeness, amat. 2. Philoprogenitiveness, philopro, 3. Adhesiveness, adhes. 4. Inhabitiveness, inhab. These constitute man a gregarious animal; lay the found- ation for his civil institutions; make him a social and do- mestick being; create his family attachments and relations; have a direct reference to the marriage state, and originate most of its duties, its relations, and its pleasures. When large or very large, they cause an elongation and fulness in the middle and lower portion of the back part of the head; (see Domes. Propensities in cut No. 2, and, also, the female and Aurelia Chase;) but when they are small, this part of the head presents a depressed and flattened appearance, as in the skull of the male Indian represented in the cuts. 5. Concentrativeness, concent. This is sui generis, or, unique in character; and, therefore, referable to no specified class of faculties, but acts as a kind of regulator or modifier of all the other faculties. Species II. Selfish propensities. The selfish propensities are, Abbreviated f VlTATIVENESS,* vitat. 6. Combativeness, combat. 7. Destructiveness, destruct. 8. Alimentiveness, aliment. 9. Acquisitiveness, acquis. 10. Secretiveness, secret. These provide for the various animal wants; have a di rect reference to the necessities, desires, and gratification ol the individual possessing them; and terminate upon his in- terests, wants, and happiness. They are located upon the sides of the head, around the ears, and, when large or very large, give it a thick and rounded appearance, and make From the limited number of the author's experiments, he is disposed to regard the location of this organ as uncertain, yet all his experiments confirm its present location. classification of the faculties. 47 the sides of the head spherical, but when moderate or small, the head is thinner and more flattened in this region. These propensities, as will be seen by referring to the combinations of the various classes of faculties, receive their direction and their modification mainly from the relative in- fluence of the sentiments and intellect. GENUS II. Human, moral, and religious sentiments. These are feelings of a higher order than the propensi- ties ; are more elevating and ennobling in their character, and more humanizing in their influence. They are located together in the coronal or upper portion of the head, and, when large or very large, elongate, widen, elevate, and ex- pand this part of the head ; but when moderate or small, the head is lower, shorter, and narrower. See cut No. 2. Species I. Selfish sentiments. They are, Abbreviated. 11. Cautiousness, cautious. 12. Approbativeness, approbat. 13. Self-esteem, self-e. 14. Firmness, firm. These, like the selfish propensities, also terminate upon their possessor, and, by disposing him to seek his own indi- vidual interest and happiness, make him selfish; yet their character and manifestations are far superiour to those of the selfish propensities, especially when the religious and rea- soning faculties are strong. They are located together in the superiour posterior, or back part of the upper portion of the head, which is represented in the cuts by the name of the Selfish Sentiments. When these organs are large or very large, this portion of the head is extended upwards and backwards, and, when the remaining sentiments are deficient, is rendered conical, as in the cut of Black Havl.. 48 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. Species II. Moral and Religious Sentiments. ^W| Abbreviated. 15. Conscientiousness, conscien. 16. Hope, hope- 17. Marvellousness, marvel. 18. Veneration, Vfi»- 19. Benevolence, benev. These faculties create those moral, religious, and devo tional feelings and emotions which enter so largely into the human character; humanize, adorn, elevate, and soften the nature of man; constitute man a moral and accountable being, and connect him with the moral government of God; create those moral duties and relations which exist between man and his Maker, and also between man and man; and pro- duce those characteristicks commonly attributed to wigels, and (except in a vastly greater degree) to the Supreme Be- ing. They are located in the superiour anterior, or the frontal, portion of the upper part of the head, and, when large or very large, throw a proportionally large amount of brain into this region, elevating and elongating it in this di- rection, as in the case of Franklin, Herschell, and the p'ou/i female in the cuts ; but when small, this portion of the heni r> low and slopes rapidly, as in the cuts No. 8. 12. 14. 42. Species III. Semi-intellectual Sentiments They are, Abbreviated. 20. Constructiveness, construct. 21. Ideality, ideal. 22. Imitation, imitat. 23. Mirthfulness, mirth. These faculties are of a mixed nature, participating tin properties both of the human sentiments and of the intellec tual faculties. They tend to the adornment and perfectior of the human mind, by creating in it a taste and a talent foi the fine arts and polite literature, for constructing, manufac turing, copying, and the like. They are located partly be« tween the forehead and the portion of the head covered by hair, and partly within the latter, giving, when large or verj CLASSIFICATION OF THE FACULTIES. 49 large, a fulness and breadth to this portion of the head; but when small, the head where the hair begins to appear, is narrow and flattened. ORDER II. Intellectual Faculties. These faculties have to do exclusively with objects and things, their physical qualities, and abstract relations. They create a thirst for information, and furnish the ability to ac- quire knowledge in general; take cognizance of facts and conditions, and remember them, and constitute what is com- monly called the intellect, understanding, or judgment. GENUS I. Perceptive Faculties. These perceive natural objects and their physica* quali- ties, together with some of their relations. They constitute the direct medium of communication between the other fac- ulties and the material world, and convey to the mind all the physical information it is capable of acquiring. Species I. External Senses. They are, Sensation, 1 (that is, feeling or touch.) Sight, In accordance with the usage of his Hearing, >predecessors, the author has left these fac- Taste, ulties unnumbered ; but, inasmuch as they Smell. J occupy each a given portion of the brain, 5»nd are also mental faculties, there evidently exists no good reason why they should not, in like manner, be numbered. These perform the first portion of the process of observ- ing the physical qualities of material objects. The eye, for example, may be perfectly good, yet the individual be utter- ly unable to distinguish between the colours of objects, or some of their other qualities; so that, in observing a colour, the faculty of sight performs the first portion of the process, and that of colour, the second. Hence, neither, acting sepa- rately", can take cognizance of the colour of objects. This example will also furnish an idea of the difference existing between the other external senses, and the other perceptive faculties. Their perfection materially assists the other intel- lectual, and even the affective, faculties; yet, there is no ab- solute dependance of the functions of the one upon the func- tions of the other. 3 50 PHRENOLOGY illustrated. Species II. Observing and Knowing Faculties They are, Abbreviated. 24. Individuality, individ. 25. Form, form. 26. Size, size. 27. Weight, weight. 28. Colour, colour. 29. Order, order. 30. Calculation, calcu. 31. Locality, local. These store the mind with individual facts; furnish a gene ral knowledge of things, their conditions, and qualities ; collect statistical information ; create a desire and a talent propor- tionate to their size, for observing and knowing; and thus render very great assistance in doing every kind of business. They are located directly about the eyes—their principal medium of communication with the external world—and, when large or very large, cause the lower portion of the forehead above the eyes, proportionally to protrude, as in the cut of Herschell, of the Indians, of the New Zealander, the bust of Washington, &c, (see corresponding part of cut No. 2;) but when they are moderate or small, this portion is proportionally depressed, as in the cut of Franklin. Species III. Semi-perceptive Faculties. They are, Abbreviated. 32. Eventuality, event. 33. Time, time. 34. Tune, tune. 35. Language, lang. These constitute a class of faculties intermediate between those which perceive objects and their physical qualities, and those which comprehend the abstract relations of things, and have to do with a class of facts which are not necessarily ol a physical character. Some of these faculties are much stronger in children than in men, and their corresponding organs proportionally larger: hence, the depression general ly observable in the middle of the foreheads of the latter, and the fulness and roundness in that of the former. combinations of the faculties. £1 GENUS II. Reflective or Reasoning Faculties. They are, Abbreviated. 36. Causality, caus. 37. Comparison, compar. These form ideas; reason; superintend the operation ol the other faculties; perceive abstract and metaphysical rela- tions, the connexion between cause and effect, proposition and inference, &c.; form judgment; discover truth and ab- surdity, &c. They are located in the superiour and frontal portion of the forehead. When they are large, or very large, the upper portion of the forehead is very high, broad, and deep, as well as prominent, as in the cut of Franklin; but when they are small, this portion of the forehead is low, narrow, and depressed, as in the cut of the Indian. COMBINATIONS OF THE CLASSES OF FACULTIES. The back part of the head, called occipital, is exclusively occupied by the organs of the propensities and selfish senti- ments : the remaining portion is called frontal, and is de- voted to the organs of the sentiments and the intellect. The portion represented by the lower portion of cut No. 2, is called basilar, and the portion above it, coronal; the former being allotted to the organs of the selfish propensities and perceptive faculties, which constitute the principal faculties possessed by animals, and the latter, to those of the senti- ments and reasoning faculties. The influence of the various combinations of faculties upon the character, constitutes one of the most important fea- tures of phrenology; and in nothing is this influence more manifest than in those more general combinations of the va- rious classes of faculties already mentioned. One in whom the occipital region, (or the organs of the propensities and pro- pelling powers,) is much larger than the frontal, will have proportionally more of feeling than reason ; of passion, than intellect; of propelling, than directing, power ; of efficiency, than depth and strength, of intellect; of mental sail, than ballast; of zeal, and energy, and action, than judgment; of the animal, than of the intellectual and moral, qualities: but 62 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. when the occipital portion is smaller than the frontal, the char- acter will be directly the opposite. One in whom the basilar region greatly predominates over the coronal, will possess great force and efficiency of char- acter ; a ready talent for business and study ; and strong pas- sions applied to selfish purposes, but accompanied with less morality and elevation of character and feeling; less depth o/ intellect, with less of the moral, religious, and human senti ments; and yet, with full comparison and causality, may b* capable of conducting and effecting important operations This portion of the brain is generally large in men who dis- tinguish themselves in the world. One who possesses a much greater development of the moral and intellectual organs, than of the propensities, will have goodness, with less greatness or force, of character; morality and virtue, joined with want of impetus, if not of effi- ciency ; will have fine talents and a love for moral and in- tellectual pursuits, accompanied with so much modesty and dependance, if not actual tameness, of character, that he will not be likely to rise in the world, unless pushed forward by others, but may then distinguish himself; will be amiable and sentimental, if not eminently pious, yet effect but little, This organization is but poorly adapted to the exigences of the nineteenth century. One having large or very large organs of the propensities and of the religious sentiments, and reasoning faculties only moderate or full, may struggle hard against the current of his propensities, yet will be liable to be often overcome by it; may endeavour to live a virtuous, Christian life, yet will be sometimes guilty of gross inconsistencies, and apt to take contracted views of religious subjects, and indulge, alternate- ly, both classes of organs; but, with the moral and reasoning organs equally large, will be obliged to struggle hard, yet will generally struggle successfully, against " his easily be- setting sins," and, in general, be consistent in his religious belief and practice. One having the propensities well developed, with very large moral and intellectual organs, will combine great strength of mind with great energy of character, directed by the human sentiments, and applied to the advancement of moral and benevolent objects, and be a talented and useful member of society, yet have many faults. One with the propensities and the intellectual organs COMBINATIONS OF THE FACULTIES. 53 large or very large, and the moral deficient, will combine great power and energy of mind with great depravity ol character, and never lack means by which to gratify his self ish passions. One having some of each class of organs large or very large, will present seemingly contradictory phases of char- acter ; will often do what he afterwards regrets, and be sub- ject to a constant and severe " warfare between the flesh and the spirit." One having the perceptive organs generally large or very large, and the reasoning organs only full, will have a mind well stored with facts, and a desire to see and know; a thirst for general information, and a facility in acquiring it; an< ability to attend to details, and a popular, practical, business talent, but will lack depth, judgment, originality, and pene- tration of mind; may execute well, but cannot adapt means to ends, nor superintend complicated operations; may pos- sess versatility of talent, be a good scholar, and pass for a man of talents and learning, yet will not think profoundly, nor readily comprehend first principles, nor bear sounding. One with the reflecting organs large or very large, and the perceptive only moderate or small, or with the upper portion of the forehead much larger than the lower, will think more than he observes or communicates; will have much more to do with ideas than with facts; with funda- mental principles and the general bearing of things, than with their details and minutiae; with the abstract relations, than with the qualities, of things; with the analytical and demonstrative sciences, than with the natural; with thoughts than words; may have great strength, shrewdness, and pen- etration of intellect, and be a deep and profound reasoner, but will lack versatility of talent, and be unable to employ his powers to good advantage, or show what he is, except in a certain sphere, yet will wear well, have a fund of import- ant ideas, and excellent judgment, and shine in proportion as he is tried. One having the perceptive and reasoning or- gans both large or very large, and a large and an active brain, will have a universal talent, and a mind well balanced and well furnished with both facts and principles ; will be a general scholar, and, with a respectable development of the propensities, possess a decidedly superiour intellect, and be capable of ri- sing to eminence , will not only possess talents of a very high order, but also be able to use them to the best advantage, and 54 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. Doth devise and execute projects, and succeed in whatever he undertakes, even when most of those around him, fail. One with an even head, in which all the parts are re- spectably developed, will have few prominent traits of char- acter, and few excesses or deficiencies ; will do a fair busi- ness, take his character from surrounding circumstances, and pass quietly through life; but, if the brain is large and very active, and external circumstances are favourable, he will be a universal genius—great in every thing, and without any weak points of character, and capable of swaying a genera] and a commanding influence.* One with an uneven and peculiar head, will possess a sui generis character; will be notorious for his peculiarities ol talents and disposition; for his excesses and deficiencies; his strong and weak points; will often present opposite phases of character ; cut a bold and commanding figure wherever he moves; and often effect something important. The combined action of the several organs, has, also, a very important influence upon the character and the mental manifestations, particularly in directing them. Self-esteem large or very large, for example, combined with still larger moral and reasoning organs, and with smaller propensities, imparts a dignity, manliness, nobleness, elevation, and high- mindedness, which scorn every thing mean, low, and de- grading, than which no trait of character is more useful or commendable: while the same degree of self-e., joined with weaker moral and reasoning faculties, and stronger selfish propensities, makes its possessor proud, conceited, haughty, domineering, forward, impertinent, and most disagreeable. The same principle applies to amat, combat., destruct., se- cret., firm., approbat, &c.; and, in determining character, is as important, at least, as any other. The larger organs! control and direct the smaller ones, and also give the stamp and direction to the whole char- acter, while the smaller organs, in proportion to their strength, modify the action of the larger. Thus, one having combat, and destruct. large, with large or very large self-e., will employ the former to avenge personal injuries; promote selfish interests; domineer over others, &c.; but, with self-e. * Napoleon Bonaparte. tTn this work the term "organs" is often used as synonymous with "faculties," and is intended to refer to both the organs and the faculties, collectively; just M self-esteem means both the organ and the faculty of self-e. COMBINATIONS OF THE FACULTIES. 55 only moderate or full, and benev. and conscien. very large, will seldom resent personal injuries, yet will be very spirited in maintaining the cause of justice, truth, and humanity; in de- fending suffering innocence, punishing the aggressor, driv- ing forward moral and philanthropick causes, &c.; with large or very large acquis., will employ these organs in de- fending his property, and in prosecuting, with energy, his money-making projects; with large or very large intellectu- al organs, in the vigorous pursuit of intellectual acquire- ments, in spirited debate, or the fearless declaration of opinion ; with moderate self-e. and large or very large adhes. and be- nev., in the defence of friends, while he himself patiently endures oppression, &c. The combinations of the phreno- logical faculties, are almost innumerable, especially when taken in connexion with the varieties of temperament, educa- tion, habit, external circumstances, &c. of different individu- als—sufficient, at least, to produce that endless diversity and ever-changing variety which exist in the manifestations of the mind. Hence, here is opened the most extensive field im- aginable for philosophical research—a field embracing the whole range of the mental phenomena, and also every thing pertaining to human nature. 56 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. ANALYSIS OF THE FACULTIES. The leader will bear in mind that, in the following anal- ysis of the various faculties, the author has left ample room for him to exercise his own judgment and discrimination, particularly in ascertaining the influence of some of the combinations. For example: he has described the influence of the organ of amat. large, when acting in conjunction with other organs: yet as the influence of amat. very large upon the ether organs, is the same in kind with that of amat. large, and differs only in the degree or amount of that influ- ence, the reader is left to ascertain this by a reference to the combinations under amat. large. The same is true of amat. full, and of all the other organs very large or moderate. Under amat. moderate, again, the organ is described be- low par, with its combinations. Yet these same combina- tions will also apply to amat. small, after making the neces- sary allowance for the diminution of the mere quantum of fie amative feeling. ORDER I.—Affective Faculties or Feelings. GENUS I.-—Animal Propensities. SPECIES I.—Domestick and Social Propensities. AMATIVENESS. Reciprocal attachment and love of the sexes. This faculty prompts many of those kind attentions and obliging manners which the sexes are accustomed to show to each other; greatly increases their mutual attach- ment and tenderness; gives correct reciprocal ideas of taste and propriety in whatever concerns the other sex, and se- cures to them a kind and genteel treatment—thus promoting, as much as any other faculty, general politeness, urbanity, refinement, kindness, and social happiness. The proper ex- ercise and expression of this faculty, so far from being the least gross or indelicate, is as perfectly inoffensive as that of any other ; and is so far from being the least exceptionable, as to be even indispensable, to a virtuous character, especial- ly when modified by large adhes., approbat., benev., ccn- scien., ideal., mirth., and the reasoning faculties. The influ ence of this faculty in the intercourse of the sexes, is highly AMATIVENESS 57 advantageous to both, inasmuch as it has a tendency to make man civil, courteous, cleanly, and humane, condescending, polished, affable, &c.; and woman agreeable, graceful, and elegant, accomplished, sensible, and elevated in character, feeling, and purpose. Large.—One in whom amat. is large, is extremely fond of the other sex, and of their company, and alive to their charms; is a favourite with them, and readily ingrati- ates himself into their good will, even though he may be possessed of some qualities that are disagreeable; has a great influence over them; easily kindles in them the pas- sion of love, because he is himself so susceptible to the same passion; and, when in circumstances calculated to ex- cite the faculty, finds its restraint extremely difficult. One having large amat. with large or very large adhes., is an ardent and devoted lover; and, with ideal, also large, adds to his love that warmth, and fervour, and intensity which make it romantick, and kindle it to a passion; with firm. also large or very large, will be constant; but with these or- gans large or viery large, and firm, moderate or small, will be liable to be inconstant, and possess an attachment by no means exclusive: with ideal, and approbat. very large, se- cret, and destruct. large, benev., adhes., and caus. only full, and conscien. moderate or small, will sometimes act the part of the coquette, and seek the general admiration of the other sex, rather than be satisfied with individual attachment: with large or very large adhes., philopro., benev., and conscien., will be inclined to marry, and be pre-eminently qualified to en- joy the family and social relations, and will also highly ap- preciate the joys and pleasures of home, family, and friends; and, with large combat, and destruct.,will defend them with boldness, protect their rights with spirit, and punish with se- verity those who injure them: with large or very large ap- probat. and ideal., will be over-anxious to obtain the approba- tion, and avoid the disapprobation, of the other sex, and exceedingly sensitive to their praise or censure, and too eagei to follow the fashions demanded by the taste of the other sex : with moderate acquis., and large approbat. and benev., will spend money freely for their sakes: with large or very large secret, and adhes., will feel much stronger attachment than express; keep his heart much to himself; affect com- Earative indifference; and, even when the fire of love is urning fiercely within, will express it equivocally, especial- 3* 58 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. ly at first; but with secret, moderate, will express it without reserve • throw the portals of the heart wide open; and, with self-e. moderate, the more readily give up to the dominion of the passion; but, with self e. and firm, large or very large, and large intellectual organs, though he may be deeply in love, will have too much pride to be subdued by this passion: with very large adhes., ideal., approbat., and mirth., and caus, only full, will prefer the company of the beautiful, the gay, and the accomplished of the other sex, and love them best: with very large adhes., benev., ven., and conscien., will choose the virtuous, the devout, the religious, &c.: with large intellectual organs in addition, the religious, the refin ed, and the highly intellectual, and almost adore them, but be disgusted with those first described: with conscien. small, caus. only full, and acquis, and ideal, large or very large, will be less particular with regard to their moral qualities: with large Or very large ideal., approbat., mirth., hope, ali- ment., and lang., and moderate or small acquis., conscien., and marvel., is given to joke with and about the other sex ; and inclined to profligacy and revelry: with large or very large conscien., ideal., mirth., benev., and the reasoning organs large, will express this passion in a very delicate, refined, witty, and acceptable manner; but, with moderate or small ideal, and mirth., in a coarse and vulgar manner: with con- scien. large, is strongly tempted, but strongly resists; and, with firm., cautious., and caus. also large, will not yield to the solic- itations of the passion ; but, with firm., cautious., and caus. only full, may sometimes sin, yet will deeply repent of it; and, with approbat. large, suffer intolerably from shame and remorse: with conscien. small and caus. moderate, will be extremely liable to abuse and pervert this faculty, &c. Very large.—One having amat. very large, experiences at times, the goadings of the propensity to a degree almost beyond endurance; can govern it only by the aid of large or very large firm., conscien., and reasoning organs, and by avoiding the causes calculated to excite it; and possesses ex- traordinary depth, strength, and power of this passion. One having very large amat., with large or very large conscien., firm., benev., and reasoning Organs, will exercise towards the other sex, strong feelings of kindness and love; is evei ready in his attentions to them; is but ill at ease without theii society; and enjoys intercourse with them in the greatest possible degree: with conscien. moderate or small, and the AMATIVENESS. 59 reasoning organs only full, is strongly inclined and urged to profligacy, licentiousness, vulgar allusions, indelicate ex- pressions and jesting; to the relation of obscene anecdotes, &c. See combinations under amat. large. Full.—One having amat. full, with adhes. and ideal, large or very large, will place a high estimate upon the other sex; eagerly seek their company, and take great delight in it; be ardent as a lover, and not insensible to their charms; with good health and an active temperament, experience, in a high degree, the influence of this passion, yet will pos sess more activity than power. The descriptions of amat. full, when combined with the other organs, will be found much the same, except in degree, with those given under amat. large, and will be between those under amat. large and amat. moderate. Moderate.—One having amat. moderate, is not particu- larly partial to the other sex, nor very fond of their company; may enjoy the society of a few select persons of the other sex, but will dislike their promiscuous society, unless his adhes., approbat., ideal., mirth., or other organs, create attach- ment to them, and fondness for their society: with self-e. and mirth, moderate or small, large or very large secret, appro- bat., cautious., conscien., and ven., will be extremely diffident and reserved, if not awkward and affected, in their company, and ill qualified to shine in parties of amusement, and will be rather deficient in the strength and power of this passion. One having moderate amat., with large or very large adhes., benev., and conscien., and full compar. and caus., will exercise more of pure love and virtuous affection towards the opposite sex, than of the mere amative passion—of chaste Platonick affection, than of sexual love — of pure and sentimental friendship, than of merely animal feeling; and, with large or very large ideal, and conscien., will manifest this passion in a peculiarly refined and delicate manner, and be exceed ingly disgusted with vulgarity, particularly in the other sex. This is the kind of attachment generally exercised by females, in whom adhes. is commonly altogether larger than amat. When the size of these organs is reversed, they produce the opposite kind of love, or that which is less sentimental and exclusive, and more promiscuous and sexual. ■, Small.—One having small amat., is not partial to the oth- er sex as such; does not pay them so much attention, nor wait upon them so genteelly, nor sacrifice so much for their 6G PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. sake, nor excite their love so easily, as if possessed of full or large amat., but is rather cold, coy, distant, unacceptable, and Icfs inclined to marry, unless induced to do so by philopro., adhes., approbat., benev., acquis., the intellectual organs, or some other motive than his sexual desire. Very Small.—One having amat. very small, is incapa- ble of sexual attachment or intercourse; seldom, if ever, ex- periences the workings of this feeling; and is given to pas- sive continence. This organ is always very small in very young children, and the passion proportionally weak; it at- tains its full size in the meridian of life, when the passion is strongest; is generally larger in married, than in single, per- sons; and decreases in old age, when the passion becomes weaker. Phrenology determines the strength and power ol this passion, and. its liability to be perverted, rather than the virtue or licentiousness of the subject. Education and cir- cumstances determine this question oftener than the strength ot the faculty. The depraved exercise of this faculty, in one or another of those ten thousand forms which it assumes, is unques- tionably one of the most prolifick sources of depravity, cor- ruption, and misery, with which mankind are afflicted; and it becomes the philanthropist, the Christian, and especially the phrenologist, to inquire, why is this ? for, until we can discover the root of this tree of vice, and attack the evil there, it is in vain to attempt to lop off its branches. This faculty is found to exist in animals, as well as in man, and that, too, unrestrained by morality or intellect, and, consequently, fax more liable to perversion, than in the human species; yet. instances of its perversion in the brute creation, are exceed- ingly rare. Now, why is this ? The nature of the facuhy. and the character of the function, are the same in both, so that its depraved manifestation cannot be attributed to any natural cause. It must, then, depend upon the education, or training, of this faculty. And no wonder that it is thus perverted; for the nature and the proper function of the fac- ulty, not being generally understood, it has been regarded chiefly in its perverted manifestation. Hence, that false modesty, that sickly delicacy, that double-refined fastidious- ness which pervade every civilized community in regard to it, and which are far more detrimental to virtue and purity, than any thing and every thing else could be. It is not too much to add, that nearly all the licentiousness which per- PHILOPROGENITIVENESS. 61 vades our country, and yearly ruins scores of thousands, originates in the false training of this faculty. The question, then, becomes a most important one, How can this faculty be so trained that this growing evil may be checked and remedied? This question will be answered in a subsequent portion of the work* location.—This organ is located in the cerebellum, or between the mastoid processes behind the ear: and, when large, it causes this portion of the head to appear broad and thick; when small, the neck is thin and narrow. 2. PHILOPROGENITIVENESS. Parental affection and tenderness—love of offspring, and of children generally—fondness for pets, especially young animals, and for the infirm and helpless. If there existed no particular attachment to children as tuch, the burden of raising and of educating them, would be Intolerable, and seldom submitted to; whereas the effect of this faculty is, to make them to their parents the dearest of all objects, their richest treasure, and their greatest delight, a source of their greatest anxiety and solicitude, and, in short, the direct and main object of one of the strongest of the hu- man passions, as well as the indirect object of many others ; and this casts entirely into the shade the trouble, and pain, and expense which they cause, and induces the parent to do, and to suffer, whatever is deemed necessary, and often what is entirely unnecessary, to promote the happiness and the best interests of his child, especially the young child. While children are yet too young to be regarded as friends—the very time they require the greatest attention—they cannot be the legitimate objects of adhes., and, for a similar reason, they cannot come under the exclusive care of benev., of con- scien., of reuson, or, indeed, of any other faculty ; so that, if * When this paction of the work was stereotyped, the author intended to add to the work wme nwal hints and reflections in the form of a supplement, but, as the work progressed, it reached three times the size originally contemplated, without even then allowing room for this portion of the matter, besides crowding out many other things at first contemplated. See note at the bottom of page 404. This will also serve to explain some other references in the work to parts not yet added, but which will eventually be published in a separate volume. He is now preparing for the press a work on marriage and the domestic rela- tions, treated phvenologically, including the phrenological rules for choosing com- panions, and living agreeably with them; and also, the laws of hereditary de- scent showing the propagation of physical and mental qualities for many suc- cessive generations, than which, a more important subject could hardly be dis. cu°sed He solicits the communication of facts bearing on this uoint. 62 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. there were no faculty exclusively devoted to them, they would never receive that care, and those unnumbered attentions, which their helpless condition demands even to maintain them in existence. Without this faculty, the action of the other faculties would be less vigorous towards children than towards others; whereas, their wants demand a much more vigorous exer- cise of them in their favour. But, with philopro. to direct and stimulate their action towards children, their pro- tection and nursing, difficult and even painful as they may be, are abundantly secured. It is, moreover, evident, that the duties and the circum- stances of woman require of her a much greater endow- ment of this faculty than is required of the other sex. Ac- cordingly we find, that she possesses a much larger organ of philopro. than man. This adaptation of the organ in females to the far greater power of the passion, and of both to the far greater demand made upon them by their offspring, is cer- tainly no unimportant argument in proof of the truth of phrenology. Large.—One having large philopro., is deeply interested in children ; delighted with their company and playfulness, and even sports with them; generally notices them, and ea- sily gains their affections, by which their government and education aTe greatly facilitated; and, if a parent, willingly endures paternal care and toil; spares no pains in educating them; and considers them the richest of treasures: with adhes. very large, experiences poignant grief at the loss of children; and, with concent, large, will pour incessantly over it, but with concent, moderate or small, will feel keenly for the time being, yet frequently be relieved by a change ol the subject of feeling: with large amat. and adhes., feels powerfully the reciprocal attachment of fathers and daugh- ters, of mothers and sons, and of adults and children of op- posite sexes : with full combat, and destruct., and large or very large adhes., benev., conscien., firm., and intellectual organs, punishes children when their own good demands it; is kind, yet strict; governs them with decision mingled with mild- ness and affection, and, with self-e. full, speaks with the au- thority necessary to secure their obedience; but, with combat. and destruct. large, is by turns too indulgent and too severe; and, with self-e. moderate, fails to secure their obedience and respect, and allows them to trample upon him: with large PHILOPROGENITIVENESS. 68 M very large adhes., benev., ven., firm., conscien., hope, compar., and caus., and moderate approbat. and ideal., will regard their religious, moral, and intellectual character as of primary importance; their usefulness, rather than their dis- tinction ; and endeavour to give them a practical and sub- stantial, rather than an ornamental education. Very Large.—One having very large philopro., is pas- sionately fond of children, and has them always around him ; and, with very large benev., and moderate destruct. and caus., is in danger of spoiling them by excessive fondness and over- indulgence ; is extremely fond of pets of some description, such as pet dogs, pet horses, and the young and tender of animals generally; is willing to endure the greatest priva- tions if he can thereby promote their happiness; values them above every thing else, and almost idolizes them; and, with adhes. very large, grieves immoderately at their loss, or is overcome by it: with moderate or small destruct. and con- scien., " spares the rod and spoils the child:" with very large approbat. or self-e., and only moderate ot full conscien. and caus., indulges parental vanity and conceit; thinks his own children much smarter than those of others; delights to ex- hibit their great attainments, &c.; and, if very large ideal. be added, would be likely to educate them for show and effect —to teach them the ornamental and fashionable, to the ne- glect of the more substantial, branches of learning—the fine arts, rather than useful learning ; thus making them self-im- portant fops, and vain and guady belles, rather than useful members of society: with very large cautious., indulges a multitude of groundless fears and unfounded apprehensions about them, and borrows a world of trouble on their account: with benev. very large, and acquis, only moderate, makes them many presents ; with the moral and intellectual organs also large or very large and well-cultivated, has a happy talent for instructing them, and delights in it. £ ull.—One having philopro. full, will take, considerable interest in children, especially when they begin to walk and prattle; bear much from them, particularly when combat. and destruct. are only moderate; and, when they are pos- sessed of high intellectual charms, will often notice and play witL them, and generally please them; and, if be has chil dreL of his own, will make strenuous efforts and great sacri- fices io provide for, and to educate, them; but, with combat and \"estruct. larger than philopro., will be rather impatient 64 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. when troubleo. by them, and sometimes severe with them : with large or very large adhes., benev., conscien., firm., and reasoning organs, and self-e. and combat., at least, full, will love children, yet be far from spoiling them by over-indul- gence, and generally secure their obedience, yet seldom be harsh towards them. Moderate.—One having philopro. moderate, is not very fond of children., and cannot bear much from them; may sometimes take some interest in them, yet does not like young children; may love his own, yet does not fancy those of others. One with philopro. moderate and adhes. large, may love chil- dren as friends rather than as children ; and, with benev. and conscien. also large, will take all needful care of them from feelings of kindness and duty, without being partial to chil- dren as such. Small.—One having philopro. small, with combat, and de- struct. large, is generally severe, and easily vexed, with chil- dren; and, with self-e. also large, and benev. only mod- erate or full, is domineering, haughty, and arbitrary towards them, and thus extremely unpopular with them, and delights to torment and tease them. Very Small.—One with philopro. very small, will be a stranger to this passion, and deal with children entirely as his other organs dictate. Location.—This organ is located in the centre of the hind head, just above the sharp point of the occipital bone, and back of the top of the ears. When the lobes of adhes. are large or very large, and philopro. is moderate or small, a depression will be found between the lower portion of the two lobes of adhes., but when philopro. is also large or very large, this portion of the head will be elongated, as in the cut of Aurelia Chase. When philopro. and adhes. are both large, and inhab. is small, it assumes a sharpened appearance, running horizontally between the two lobes of adhes. 3. ADHESIVENESS. Susceptibility of attachment—propensity to associate—fond- ness for society—inclination to love, and desire to beloved. The chief office of this organ is to create those strong ties of social and, with amat., of conjugal affection, which bind mankind together in families, societies, communities. ADHESIVENESS. 66 &c., and from which probably flows as much happiness, if not virtue, as from any other source. This faculty is very strong, and generally a ruling one, in females; and its in- fluence upon society, is incalculable. Large.—One having adhes. large, exercises strong and ardent attachment; is eminently social and affectionate; seeks every opportunity to enjoy the company of friends, and feels very unhappy Avhen deprived of it; does and sacrifices much for their sake; sets much by them, and goes far to see and help them; and makes a real, true, warm-hearted, and devoted friend. One having adhes. large, with combat. and destruct. large, readily takes the part of friends; resents and retaliates their injuries; protects their rights, interests, character, &c, as readily as he does his own; and, with self-e. only moderate or full, even more so; and yet, with self-e. large or very large, will occasionally fall out with them : with acquis, large, may love strongly, and be very hos- pitable and kind, yet unwilling to give his money ; but, with approbat. and benev. also large, may be liberal among his friends, and sometimes forward to discharge the social bill, yet will be as affectionate as he is liberal; is very emulous to excel among friends, and cut to the heart by their reproach- es ; and, if approbat. or self-e. is very large, and caus. only full, is jealous of those that excel him, and forward among friends; assumes the lead; and must be first or nothing: with moderate combat., destruct., and self-e., and large or very large approbat., benev., conscien., ideal., mirth., and reasoning organs, will have many friends and few enemies ; be amiable, and gain the good will of all who know him: with large ideal., will express his affection in a refined and delicate manner, and with mirth, large, in a pleasing, jocose, and lively manner: with large or very large event., will recol- lect, with vivid emotions of delight, by-gone scenes of social cheer and friendly intercourse: with large reasoning organs, will give good advice to friends; lay excellent plans for them; rightly appreciate their character ; and, with cautious. also large, be judicious in selecting them, &c. Very large.—Those who have adhes. very large, or predominant, instinctively recognise it in each other; soon become mutually and strongly attached; desire to cling around the objects of their love; take more interest and de- light in the exercise of friendship than in any thing else; are unwilling to think or believe ill of their friends; sym- 66 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. pathize in their misfortunes; dread an interruption of friend- ship as the greatest of calamities; and willingly sacrifice ease, property, happiness, reputation, and sometimes even life for their sakes. Their friends may he few, but will be -dear, and their attachment mutual, ardent, strong, and, with firm. large, constant; their joys, hopes, fears, trials, &c. one; their social intercourse delightful beyond description ; their sepa- ration, painful, in the extreme ; their loss, agonizing, almost beyond endurance; and the interruption of friendship, a fre- quent source of partial derangement. One having very large adhes., with large or very large destruct., combat, self-e., firm., and benev., and only mode- rate or small approbat., secret., and conscien., will be a most ardent friend and an equally bitter enemy; will never forget a favour or an injury, till the one is rewarded, and the other avenged or confessed ; cannot do too much good to his friends, nor evil to his foes; and will make all his acquaintance ei- ther ardent friends, or bitter enemies: with very large phi- lopro. and large amat., sets every thing by his family, and almost idolizes them; takes more delight in home and friends than in any thing, if not in every thing, besides; cannot en- dure to be absent from home; is pre-eminently domestick; and, with very large benev. and conscien., promotes their happiness by every effort, and by every sacrifice in his pow- er, and deeply sympathizes in their distress; and, with moderate combat, and destruct., regards the peace and quiet of the fireside as the greatest of pleasures, and family dissension as the worst of evils ; and does every thing in his power to promofe domestick quiet and happiness, &c. One having large or very large adhes., loves those best, and chooses them for his friends, who most nearly resemble him- self, and gratify the largest number of his organs: with large or very large approbat., hope, ideal., and mirth., and only moderate conscien. and caus., the gay and witty, the fashionable and showy, &c.: with large or very large mor- al organs, the eminently devout and religious, the sedate and the sentimental: with large or very large ideal, and inte.lec- tual organs, those who are highly talented, intellectual, and literary, but avoids the ignorant: with very large conscien., requires, first of all, that his friends be perfectly moral and honest, but with conscien. moderate, is not particular in this respect. Full.—One having adhes. full, will make a social, com* ADHESIVENESS. &r panionable, warm-hearted friend, who will sacrifice much ai the shrine of friendship, yet sacrifice his friendship on the altar of the stronger passions; his friendship, though strong and ardent, will be less glowing and intense than that produced by large adhes. One having adhes. full, with large or very large combat., destruct., self-e., approbat., and acquis., will serve himself first, and his friends afterwards; form attachments, yet break them when they come in con- tact with the exercise of these organs; and, with large se- cret, and small conscien., will not be at all desirable as a friend, yet, after all, set considerable by his friends:, with very large benev., large conscien., approbat, and firm., only moderate or full combat, destruct., and secret., and full or large intellectual organs, will be very good company; desirable as a friend; liberal, well-disposed, true to his friends, and always ready to do them a favour. Many of the com- binations under adhes. large, will apply, except in degree, to adhes. full, in the selection of which, as in many similar cases, the reader will use his own compar. Moderate.—One having adhes. moderate, may be some- what fond of society, and exercise some attachment to his friends, yet will sacrifice it upon unimportant considerations, and, though he may have many acquaintances, will have no intimate and very dear friends: with large combat, and de- struct, will become easily offended with friends, and seldom retain a friend long: with large benev., will bestow his ser- vices, and, with moderate acquis., his money, more readily than his affections; and, with the selfish organs large, take care of himself first, making friendship subservient to sel- fish purposes^ Small.—One having adhes. small, thinks and cares little about friends; takes little delight in their company; prefers to live and act alone; is cold-hearted, unsocial, and selfish; has few friends, and, with large or very large selfish organs, a great many enemies, because he is himself so inimical to others. See combinations under adhes. moderate. Very small.—when adhes. is very small, its influence is not observable, and the subject, a perfect stranger to friendship. While amat. is generally much smaller, adhes., philopro., benev., and conscien., are commonly very much larger in fe males than in males, by which the former are qualified, in a pre-eminent degree, to enjoy the domestick and social rela- tions, and to discharge the duties of their station. 68 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. Location.—The location of this organ is outward and upward from philopro., and above amat, and its shape near- ■V oval. 4. INHABITIVENESS. Love of home and country—desire to locate and remain in one spot—attachment to the place in which one has lived. That there often exists a partiality towards particulai places, and for no other reason than that one has lived there, is a very common phenomenon, and even necessary to man's happiness and well-being. This class of functions must be produced by some faculty; and the fact that its organ is found adjoining philopro. and adhes., the objects of which it directly and essentially aids, affords presumptive and ana- logical proof both of its existence and of the correctness of its location. Large.—One having inhab. large, will have a very strong desire to locate himself in a single spot which he can call his home, and to remain there; leaves the place of his nativity and abode with the greatest reluctance, and returns to them wit h delight; soon becomes strongly attached to his house, his office, his garden, his fields, &c, and is generally satis- fied with them; thinks a great deal of his native town, state, and country, and, when away from them, of those that have lived in them, &c. One having inhab. large, with philopro., adhes., ideal., individ., and local, large or very large, will be extremely fond of travelling, yet too fond of home to absent himself long at a time; in early life, will have an insatiable desire to rove about and see the world, and afterwards to set- tle : with approbat. and self-e. large or very large, will have high ideas of his country, of national honour, national ad- vantages and privileges, &c.; and, with large or very large combat, and destruct., will be eminently patriotick and ready to sacrifice all, even life itself, in defence of his country's rights and honour, and of his own fireside; and, with large 01 very large ven., will look with great reverence to those de- parted worthies who have served and honoured their coun- try, and also to the national relicks of past ages. Very large.—One having inhab. very large, will be sometimes homesick, especially if philopro. and adhes. are also very large; will suffer almost any inconvenience, and inhabitiveness. 69 forego bright prospects of acquiring wealth, &c, sooner than leave his home; and experience, only in a proportionally higher degree, the feelings attributed to this organ large. Full.—One having this organ full, will prefer to live in one spot, yet, when his interests require it, can change the place of his abode without much regret; and, with large philopro. and adhes., will think much more of his family and his friends, than he will of his home as such. Moderate or small.—One having inhab. moderate or small, with large or very large hope, individ., ideal., and lo- cal., will be very apt to change his location either in hopes of improving it, or to see the world; will have an insatiable desire to travel in foreign parts; unless prevented by strong reasons, will be likely to live, at different times, in several dif- ferent places; and, with philopro. and adhes. large, will regard his home not for its own sake, but for the sake of family and friends, and will not, by his mere love of home, be prevented from going where his interest or business leads him, nor be likely to suffer from a want of home. Very small.—When this faculty is very small, its oper- ation has no perceptible influence upon the character. The author has seen numerous, striking developments of the organ in conjunction with a proportionate strength of the faculty; and also many other instances of the deficiency both of the organ and of the faculty. One of the most striking of the former, is the case of Judge Tucker of Williamsburgh, Va.,half-brother of the late John Randolph, who, while yet in the prime of life, left a very lucrative and honourable pro- fession for the sole purpose of living and dying where his fathers had lived and died. The organ is extremely large in his headr and also the organs of aclhes. and philopro. The author might mention hundreds of others equally in point. Between Spurzheim and Combe there exists a difference of opinion concerning this faculty and that of concent Dr. Spurzheim gives the location and analysis of inhab. similar to that contained in this work, but maintains that the organ of concent, does not exist; while Mr. Combe maintains, that the organ of concent, (which will be next analyzed) occupies near- ly the same position. But from the numerous and marked cases of a development of each organ in the absence of the other, and the perfect coincidence between the strength of these faculties and the size of their respective organs, of which, in no instance, has he seen a failwe, the author ia 70 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED, thoroughly convinced that both are substantially correct- that there are two organs as analyzed and located in this work. Location.—The location of inhab. is directly above phi- lopro., and partly between, and partly above, the two lobes of adhes. Where it is large or very large, and concent, moderate, an angle is formed near the union of the lambdoi dal sutures, between which and the occipital bone, there will be considerable distance, but when it is small, no such organ will be found. 5. CONCENTRATIVENESS. The power of mental concentration and continuity. The object of this faculty is to continue the operations ol the other faculties upon any given subject, until they have thoroughly acted upon it, and presented the result. The nature of the faculty may not yet have been fully analyzed, yet, of the phenomena ascribed to it, there can be no question. Large.—One having large concent., is thereby enabled and disposed to keep his whole mind patiently fixed, for a long time, upon a single thing; to continue the existing train of thought, feeling, &c, and to exclude every other; to im- part unity and mutual dependence to propositions, arguments, paragraphs, parts of a sentence, &c.; to dwell patiently on any subject of interest, and, with large intellectual organs, to go to the bottom of subjects; to investigate them thoroughly; to run out processes of reasoning, and chains of thought, &c, in all their bearings and consequences; to give his whole mind to one, and but one, thing at a time; and to hold his mind to a train of thought, subject of study, piece of labour, &c, till they are entirely completed. It imparts a unity and con- nectedness to all the conceptions and operations of the mind, and yet, in doing this, prevents that intensity, and rapidity, and variety which are manifested without it. One having concent, large, with large combat, and destruct., will prolong the exercise of anger: with cautious, large, that of fear: with ideal, large, flights of imagination, &c. Very large.—One having concent, very large, is con- fused if several things claim attention at once; requires a long time to fix his mind upon any particular subject, or to divert it when once fixed ; in conversation, is apt to be prolix and tedious, and wear his subjects threadbare, and, if inter- concentrativeness 71 rupted, is greatly disturbed, if not vexed: with individ. moder- ate or small, and the reasoning organs large or very large, is frequently abstract, absent minded, and so deeply buried in meditation, as to be unconscious of what is transpiring around him, and often dwells so long upon a subject as to distort it, and pursue it into absurd extremes. The style of Dr. Chalmers, and also of Dr. Thomas Brown, will serve as il- lustrations of the effect which this faculty produces upon *he manner of communicating ideas. Full.—One having concent, full, will be inclined to dwell upon a thing to which his attention has been called, and also to impart as much perfection as may be to the operations of his mind, yet, when occasion requires, can change, without much difficulty, from one subject to another, and thus attend to a variety of objects within a limited time, and will preserve a happy medium between too great prolixity, and too great brevity. Moderate or small.—One with concent, moderate or small, is able and inclined to pass rapidly and easily from one kind of study, book, conversation, thought, feeling, busi- ness, occupation, &c. to another, from point to point, in argu- ment, without connecting or arranging them; does not sys- tematically arrange his subjects; fails to impart mental de- pendence to his sentences, paragraphs, propositions, and parts of a discourse, so that many of them could be omitted without affecting the rest; throws out his thoughts in con- cise and distinct propositions, rather than in long paragraphs; stops when he has finished, and even before he has suffi- ciently illustrated, his ideas, passes to others, and again re- turns ; abridges his anecdotes and sentences by the omission of important particulars; drops one sentence, subject, anec- dote, &c. to commence another, and forgets Avhat he was be- ginning to say; Avanders, in contemplation, through a great variety of different or opposite subjects; throws off care and trouble easily, and keeps no organ long in connected action unless it is powerfully excited. One having concent, moderate or small, with adhes. large, thinks of his friends for the time being with vivid and intense emotion, but only for a short time at once, yet is not, there- fore, inconstant in his attachments: Avith combat, and des- truct. large, may get angry quickly, but, unless the injury is deep and intended, cannot retain his anger: with the intellec- tual organs generally large or very large, will be more likely 72 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED to make rather a general, than a critical, scholar, and more apt to have a smattering of all the sciences, than a profound knowledge of any; soon gets Aveary of one book, study, &c takes up another, and then returns to the first, thus studying by piecemeal; prefers short pieces upon various subjects to long ones upon any—a newspaper to a book, &c.: Avith corn- par, large or very large, may have bold and original ideas upon a variety of subjects, yet will not, without great effort, or great excitement, have a chain of connected thoughts upon any, and Avill make rather a striking and immediate, than a lasting, impression: with ideal., imitat, mirth., individ., event., lang., and the reasoning organs large or very large, "will make a betier extempore speaker than writer, may give vari- ety, but AA'ill never give copiousness, to conversation and dis- course ; will lack the requisite patience to prepare his ideas for critical reading, and yet possess great versatility of talent. For the merchant, accountant, superintendent, and those who are called upon to attend to a great many different persons and things, moderate or small concent, is indispensable, and large or very large concent., extremely detrimental. Very Small.—One having concent, very small, has so great a thirst for A'ariety, and change of occupation, and is so restless and impatient, that he cannot continue long enough at any one thing to effect much, and "will experience, only in a still greater degree, the phenomena described under the head of concent, moderate or small. In the American head this organ is generally moderate or small, which perfectly coincides with the versatility of their tal- ents, and variety of their occupations. They often pursue sev- eral kinds of business at once, while the English and Ger- mans, in whom the organ is generally large, experience the greatest difficulty in pursuing any other calling or occupa- tion than that in Avhich they Avere educated. The want of this organ constitutes a great defect in the American charac- ter, which is still farther increased by the variety of studies pressed upon the attention of each student in our schools and seminaries. This, indeed, constitutes one of the greatest de fects in the present system of education. It is generally full or large in those who spend their lives in doing a single thing, such as factory tenders: and this furnishes an impor- tant hint to those who Avish to cultivate the faculty. It is generally, though erroneously, supposed, that a large endow- ment of this faculty is necessary to great power of mind, VITATIVENESS, 73 and a transcendant genius. The fact is far "otherwise. Framdin evidently possessed but a small portion of it; and perhaps the majority of eminent men whom it has been the fortune of the author to examine, have possessed but an in- different endowment of this faculty. When it is weak, the mind seizes at once what it seizes at all, and acts with so much rapidity, that a second subject is introduced before the first is completed, or, at least, before these operations are fully presented and illustrated ; so that such persons are lia- ble to be frequently misunderstood from a Avant of sufficient explanation. Concentration of thought, style, and feeling, intensity and poAver of mind, in which there is produced, as it were, a focus of feeling or of intellect, is the result, not, as is generally supposed, of concent, large or very large, but, of concent, moderate or small, an active temperament, and large or very large intellectual faculties. Large concent, as it were, dilutes or amplifies the mental operations. The difference between concent, and firm, is this; con- cent, bears upon the particular mental operations for the time being, while large firm, has reference to the general opinions, plans, &c, of life. For example; one having con- cent, small, and firm, large or very large, will naturally pre- fer an occupation in Avhich his attention would be rapidly call- ed to successive things, all of which would have reference to his grand object of pursuit, and from which he could not easily be diverted. If he Avere a merchant, he would pursue his mercantile calling Avith perseverance, yet he would be able, without confusion, to wait upon many different custom- ers Avithin a short time, &c. Location.—This organ is located above inhab. and adhes., and beloAv self-e. When it is large or very large, a general fulness of this region will be observable, but no protuberance will be apparent; but when it is moderate or small, a pro- portionate semicircular depression will be very perceptible, in part encircling adhes. and inhab., and following the lamb- doidal sutures. When inhab. is also small, the depression is widened at the union of these sutures. t_VITATIVENESS. hove of life as such—unwillingness to die. It is evident that a desire to live, disconnected with any of ihe comforts of life, and, also, with all the objects to be secur- 4 74 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. ed by living, constitutes a strong passion, not only in man, but, likewise, in some classes of animals. In some, this in- stinctive love of life, and this fearful shrinking from death, amount to a passion, and nothing is regarded with more ter- rour than dying. Hence the necessity of a faculty Avhose office it is to perform this class of functions, and, also, of a portion of the brain, by means of Avhich it can manifest these functions. The author became acquainted Avith Dr. Gibson, one of the editors of the Washington Telegraph, in whom the or- gan is very small, and who, when seemingly at the point of death, in consequence of a wound he had received, not only felt very little desire to live, or fear of death, but even exer- cised his mirth., which is large, in a high degree, although in the expectation that each hour would be his last. Large.—One having vitat. large, aside from the enjoy- ment of life and the fear of death, will look upon life as one of the most desirable of all objects, and upon death as " the king of terrours." This desire to live will also be increas- ed by the desires of the other faculties. One having vitat. large, with the domestick faculties strong, will desire to live, not only because he looks upon his existence here as a most desirable object, but, likewise, on account of his family and friends: with acquis, large or very large, for the purpose of amassing wealth : with the intellectual organs large, to ac- quire knowledge: Avith approbat. and self-e. large, to gratify his ambition, &c.; but, when these organs are interrupted or disappointed—when adhes., for example, is wounded by the loss of dear friends, acquis., by the loss of property, appro- bat, by disgrace, &c, the sufferings thus caused, may be so much greater than his love of life, that the individual may wish to die, and, by the aid of destruct., seek relief in self- destruction. Very large.—To one Avith this faculty very large, even the thought of dying will be dreadful, and he will most te- naciously cling to life, even though it be most miserable. The combinations under this head, except in degree, are the same as those under vitat. large. Full.—One having vitat. full, with other organs large or very large, will desire to live, but rather as a secondary, than a primary, object; and on account of his other faculties, rather than on account of his vitat. Moderate or small.—One with vitat. moderate or COMBATIVENESS. 75 mall, will seldom think of dying, and wnen he does, will De much more affected by the consequences of death, than by a love of life; be less careful of his health, and those means calculated to lengthen life, than he would be with vitat. large. In this case, death will be preferred to trouble, and life desired rather as a means, than as an end, and for the objects sought to be accomplished. Very small.—When vitat. is very small, a. desire to live, and a shrinking from death, as such, and per sese, will never be thought of. Location.—Vitat. is located nearly beneath the mastoid process, and partly between amat. and destruct See cuts. 6. COMBATIVENESS. Propensity to defend, resist, and oppose. The influence of combat, upon the other faculties, and, indeed, upon the whole character, manifests itself, not only in physical, but also in moral and intellectual, opposition. Its action is necessary whenever, in the execution of a diffi- cult project, any thing is to be resisted or overcome. It acts upon animate, as Avell as upon inanimate, objects, and imparts to its possessor that nerve and determination which induce him to grapple with all his undertakings, as though he could and would effect his purposes. The direction of this faculty, and the character of its man- ifestations, are determined chiefly by its combinations, and the education or breeding of the individual. When it is under the control of the higher sentiments and of reason, and directed to its proper objects, no n anifestation of the mind is more virtuous or more praise-worthy; but when not thus controlled and directed, its manifestation is odious and vicious in the extreme. It Avas by this organ, directed, aided, and stimulated by conscien., self-e., the domestick faculties, reason, &c, that our ancestors achieved our ever-glorious Independence; and yet, from this organ in its perverted manifestation, originate those party strifes, family and village dissensions, bickerings and quarrels, mobs and physical combats which disgrace humanity. Large.—One having combat, large, with self-e. full, and firm, large, will be eminently qualified to meet difficulties • overcome obstacles; brave dangers; endure hardships; con- 76 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. tend for privileges; maintain and advocate opinions; resist encroachments; resent injuries and insults, &c; will defend his rights to the very last; suffer no imposition; seize upon Avhatever he undertakes with the spirit and determination re- quisite to carry it through all opposing difficulties; rather glory in opposition than shrink from it; be always readyr, if not glad, to act upon the defensive, if not upon the offensive; inclined to call in question, and oppose, the opinions and the proceedings of others, and partly from pure love of opposi- tion ; will often urge his own opinions; generally take sides upon every contested question; and, with approbat. also large, will seek to distinguish himself: with a full or large brain, will possess energy and force of character in an emi- nent degree; and, Avith an active temperament, unless restrain- ed by large benev., conscien., and caus., will be naturally too violent and too hasty in his temper, and subject to sudden ebullitions of passion. One having combat, large, with large destruct., will unite harshness, and severity, and a kind of fierceness Avith his re- sistance, and frequently show quite too much spirit, and, with an active temperament, will not only be quick tempered, but, also, very severe and vindictive Avhen roused; but, Avith de- struct. moderate or small, may be quick to resent and resist, and cool and intrepid in the onset, yet will inflict as little pain as possible; will conquer, yet spare the vanquished, and can never punish one who has surrendered, especially if conscien. and benev. are large or very large; is more courageous than cruel; more petulent than violent; more passionate than harsh; and, when anger is manifested, will not add to it that fierceness, and that spirit of revenge, Avhich give it a threat- ening aspect, and make it dreadful; Avith very large self-e., large destruct., and the selfish propensities stronger than the moral and reasoning faculties, will protect himself and his own exclusive privileges first of all; seem to claim the ser- vices of others merely upon the ground of his own superiori- ty, and without thinking of returning an equivalent, and, perhaps, abuse those who infringe upon his rights, and, with conscien. moderate or small, those also who do not render him all the service and honour he claims; will seldom evince gratitude for favours received, because he will feel that they of right belong to him; will be naturally selfish and jealous, and apt to treat his felloAv men, except those Avhom he con- descends to make his particular friends, with a kind of con- COMBATIVENESS. 77 temp., and if they cross his path, with scorn: with acquis. large or very large, self-e. large, and caus. only full, will de- fend his property; stand out for every farthing that belongs to him; and be very angry at those through whom he may have sustained any pecuniary loss; but, with acquis, only moderate, and self-e. or approbat. large or very lsrge, will permit the injury of his property with comparative impunity, yet boldly sustain his injured honour, and preserve his char- acter unsullied to the last, cost him what it may: with self-e. only moderate, and adhes. large, will suffer others to impose upon himself, yet will take the part of a friend with a great deal more readiness and warmth of feeling than he would his own part: with amat. large, will defend the other sex sooner than himself or his own sex—the character, the per- son, &c, of a lover, sooner than of himself, &c: with concent. and destruct. moderate or small, and an active temperament, will be subject to sudden bursts of passion, which will contin- ue but for a moment, and then leave him as calm as before, and, perhaps, vexed with himself because he cannot suppress his anger: with lang. and the reasoning organs large, is extremely fond of debate; very much inclined to start objec- tions to what has been said; to argue on the opposite side of the question, even in opposition to his real belief, merely from love of argument; and, with large firm., though vanquished, will argue still. Very Large.—The manifestations of combat, very large, are much the same with those under the head of combat, large, except when it is combined with large or very large self-e. or approbat., firm, and destruct., and only moderate or full conscien., secret., benev., ven., and caus., in which case it actuates one to attack and provoke others without suffi- cient cause; to dispute and quarrel with those around him ; crowd himself fonvard; push his opinions on others; create disturbance; kindle strife; encourage quarrels and engage in them; and creates a quarrelsome, combative, contentious spirit. One having very large combat., with large destruct, is terrible and desperate in the onset; and fights with fierceness and determination: with large amat., philopro., and adhes., will fight for his family, yet quarrel with them himself: with large acquis., will quarrel for a penny: with large or very large benev., conscien., and reasoning organs, will be able to regulate his anger only by turning abruptly from his op- ponent, and by avoiding every thing calculated to excite his 78 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. combative spirit; find extreme difficulty in governing hia anger, and, when really roused, be desperate. Full.—One having combat, full, is always ready, when opposition is called for, to engage in it, and, with a nervous temperament, soon excited to resent and resist, and natural- ly quick-tempered; will possess all necessary boldness and efficiency of character, and rather court opposition than shun it; yet will be far from being quarrelsome, or seeking opposition for its oAvn sake. One having combat full, with conscien., firm., benev., and caus. large or very large, though his anger is strong, will generally govern it; will be mild, kind, well- disposed, and peaceable; avoid quarrelling and contention, and yet possess a large share of moral courage, and owe the combative spirit he may manifest, more to the powerful stimu- lus he may experience, than to the natural activity and power of the passion; will show this feeling more in his business, and in moral and intellectual resistance, than in quarrelsomeness or physical combat; and seldom employ physical force, except when powerfully excited; but, with a predominance of the other selfish faculties, will possess an unenviable temper. The combinations under combat, large, will apply, except in degree, to combat, full. Moderate.—One having combat, moderate, will contend no more than the case really demands, and sometimes not even as much; will not tamely allow himself or others to be really abused and trampled upon, and yet, will bear long before he will manifest resistance, and be quite as forbearing as manliness and virtue will allow; will dislike quarrelling and avoid it as long as possible; may be irritable from the irritability ot his temperament, yet is by no means contentious ; will not be, in reality, tame and cowardly, nor yet very efficient; will exercise but little indignation, and be amiable, peaceable, easy with all, quiet, and inoffensive. One having combat, moderate, with self-e. moderate 01 small, and large or very large philopro., adhes., acquis., benev., and conscien., will contend for children, family, friends, the oppressed, his religious opinions, moral princi- pies, &c, with much spirit, and yet, suffer personal abuse with impunity: with large or very large self-e., firm., con- scien., and the reasoning organs, will maintain his opinions with stability, and pursue his plans with firmness, and yet, do it in a quiet, but firm and effectual, manner; seek to ac- complish whatever he undertakes without opposition; act COMBATIVENESS. 79 chiefly upon the defensive; make but little noise or bustle, yet hold on and persevere till his purposes and plans are carried through; and, with cautious, also large, will take the castle rather by siege than by storm; accomplish considera- ble, and in the best manner, but must take his own time for it; and will be distinguished for his stability, judgment, and success: Avith large or very large caus. and compar., and large intellectual organs generally, will not distinguish himself in argument or debate, unless when powerfully ex- cited, yet, if his head is large, will then be original and logical, and express many important ideas; be characterized more by perspicuity, and force of reason, than by passion and fervour of feeling, &c. Small.—One having combat, small, will be unable and unwilling to encounter his fellow men ; be mild, amiable, in- offensive, and rather inefficient; lack spirit, and presence of mind in time of danger; quail too quick under opposition, and shrink from it; love peace and seek it, even at a great personal sacrifice; avoid quarrelling; endeavour to reconcile the contending; surrender rights rather than contend for them; endure oppression rather than shake it off; take abuse in good part; be forbearing, and generally beloved; and, with destruct. moderate, whatever may be his other qualities, will be unable to effect any thing of importance, or cut a figure in the world; and, with large or very large domestick, moral, and intellectual organs, will seek his chief gratification in re- tirement from the noise and bustle of active and publick life, in literary and scientifick acquirements, religious exercises, &c.; and, though he may have a high endowment of natural talent, will have nothing to stimulate and bring it out; and, with cautious, large or A'ery large, will be timid, irresolute, cowardly, and easily overcome by alarm. Very Small.—One having combat, very small, with cautious, very large, is passive, tame, cowardly, chicken- hearted, Aveak, destitute of spirit, force and energy of charac- er, and may be abused with impunity; is excessively timid; does not stand his ground; never ventures; will never mani- fest anger, and be utterly unable to withstand opposition. When the author was in the town of Milton, Pa., in 1836, one of the editors of that place, who was a decided opponent of phrenology, for the purpose of testing the science, brought forward a lad who was distinguished for his talents, his shrewdness, high-toned, manly feeling, and for his apparent so PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. boldness and daring in horsemanship. To make the expen ment the more satisfactory, the author was blindfolded. The lad was described as possessed of extraordinary talent, and high moral feeling, joined with some cunning, but with small combat, and so extreme a development of cautious, as to make him timid and cowardly—too timid to run any risk, or venture near the brink of danger. All present allowed that the description, throughout, was very correct, except that the most marked feature of his character had been reversed. He was considered the most daring and reckless youth in the whole village. Many instances, however, were soon cited, of his unwillingness to mount horses Avith which he was not fully acquainted, and which were considered frac- tious. His brother also stated, that he was excessively afraid in the dark'; and only a few days previous, his father had re- marked to some one present, that, although he affected great daring, bravado, and willingness to fight, &c, yet, when brought to the sticking point, he always contrived, and some- times very ingeniously, to get out of the scrape without com- ing to blows. Still the youth affected to be as courageous and as daring as ever, until, at supper, in the evening after his examination, Avhen his mother, Avho doubtless knew best his real character, accosted him substantially as follows: M My son, you know that you are a coward: Avhy, then, do you persist in denying it? You know that I can never make you, old as you are, go to bed alone; and that, Avhenev- er you are left alone in bed, you will get up and come down." " I knoAv it, mother," replied the humbled boy, " but I did not wish the other boys to find out that I was a coward, because, when they do, they will call me out to fight." The real explanation is this. His very large self-e. and large approbat. created the demand for apparent bravery, and his very large intellect, and large secret., enabled him to devise this method of supplying his Avant of native courage with this counterfeit bravery; while his predominating cau- tious., which caused his excessive fear, kept him from expos- ing himself to any real danger; and his self-e. gave him the eelf-confidence necessary to carry out the ingenious expedient which his intellect had devised. The following anecdote was related to the author. A Mr. S., in a certain engagement with the Indians,'fought des- perately, even with a bravery which greatly astonished those who had known his father, who Avas always branded and COMBATIVENESS. 81 ridiculed as an arrant coward. He then confessed, that hia fear was a.most insupportable, and that he fought thus brave- ly only to wipe out the disgrace of his father. These facts, with ten thousand others which might easily be cited, clearly shoAv, that what is generally considered bra- very, is more frequently produced by approbat. or self-e., than by combat. Hence, great cowards often appear to be men of real courage. The way is thus opened for the remark, that the amount of combat, manifested, depends, in no small degree, upon the stimulus under Avhich it acts. For example; suppose two young men, possessed of an equal share of combat., and alike in every respect, except, that one possessed a very large share of approbat. and very small adhes., and the other only a small degree of approbat., but very large adhes. Now, under given circumstances, the former would be as much more indignant at an insult offered to him, and touching his honour, than the latter Avould be, as his approbat. Avas larger than that of the latter ; whereas, the latter v^ould take up the quarrel of a friend as much quicker than the former, and fight as much harder, as his adhes. excelled that of the form- er. This illustration presents a general principle, which applies with equal force to the combinations of any of the other faculties with that of combat., and to all the combina- tions of the organs. The application of this principle, will most satisfactorily explain, Iioav a man may be perfectly honest in some things, and quite dishonest in others, as well as ten thousand other interesting phenomena of the human mind. It will explain to us, hoAV the timid and delicate mother, in rescuing her darling child from imminent danger, can assume the boldness of the hero, nay, the fierceness of the tiger. In this last case, the phenomenon is explained thus: Very large philopro., very powerfully excites Avhat combat, there is, but for which excitement, timidity would take the place of boldness, and cowardice, that of courage. Location.—In a common sized head, combat, is located about an inch and a half behind the top of the ear, and ex- tends itself in a perpendicular direction. When it is very large, and the surrounding organs large, it will cause a thickness of this part of tfee head, Avhich may be the more easily observed by placing the thumb upon the organ on one side, and the fingers on the opposite side; but wh^n it is 4* 82 PHRENOLOGY ILI USTRATED. moderate or small, there will be little protuberance or breadth in this region. 7. DESTRUCTIVENESS. Propensity to destroy, exterminate, and inflict pain. In the economy of human society, many things are to be destroyed to make life even tolerable. Death and destruc- tion enter largely into the great law of nature. Hence, the necessity of some faculty to exercise this propensity to de- stroy. We often see it in the child, which, long before it " knows how to choose the good and refuse the evil," mani- fests an innate and strong propensity to tear in pieces, break, and destroy whatever comes in its way. As it advances in life, it even makes a pastime of tormenting and killing flies, and all such animals as fall into its power. When a little older, it delights in hunting, and indulges feelings of hatred and revenge. We, moreover, see that this same characteristick of de- struction, enters into every department of organized matter, and forms no unimportant feature, as well of the moral, as of the natural, government of God. The exercise of this function, must therefore be both right and necessary, else, why should it be exercised by the Creator? And there evi- dently exists, not only no reason why this class of functions should not be performed by a distinct mental faculty, but there certainly exists every reason for supposing that this is the case. It is homogeneous in its kind, and unlike any other in its character; and, consequently, demands a distinct faculty for its exercise, and upon the same ground with any other class of functions. Large.—One having destruct. large, with large combat, firm., and self-e., possesses that sternness and severity of char- acter, Avhich make others fear to provoke him, and that force of character Avhich enables him to prostrate and surmount whatever obstacles oppose his progress; accompanies his mandate with a threat, either implied or expressed; is point- ed and sarcastick, if not bitter, in his replies; feels strong indignation towards those that displease or injure him, and is disposed to persecute them by injuring their feelings, repu tation, or interests, or by treating them with entire contempt and neglect; experiences a feeling of revenge and bitterness DESTRUCTIVENESS. 83 which, unless restrained by secret., conscien., benev., &c., he does not fail to show. One having destruct. large, with large adhes., loves his friends dearly, yet often injures their feelings by saying bit- ter things to them, Avhich, with conscien. large, fie often afterwards regrets: with combat, moderate, is slow to wrath, but bitter and vindictive when once roused, and will have satisfaction before he can be appeased: with secret, large, and conscien. moderate or small, watches his opportunity to take vengeance, and strikes in the dark; but with secret. small, warns before he strikes: with benev. large or very large, may be sometimes harsh in his efforts to do good, and thus often cause needless pain, but will do this more by his manner than from any cruel design; will be kind, and sym- pathetic^ and sensitive to the sufferings of others, and yet, very harsh and severe when provoked; and generally exer- cise this faculty upon inanimate, rather than upon animate, objects: with conscien. and combat, large, and secret, small, is apt to find considerable fault, and that in a very harsh man- ner: with large or very large compar., applies disgusting epithets to his enemies, and compares them to some most odi- ous or disgusting object; is pre-emment for his sarcastick comparisons, Avhich always fit the one for whom they are made,* &c. Very large.—One having destruct. very large, with large or very large benev., conscien., and caus., may be en- abled so to govern and restrain his indignation, that it will seldom carry him beyond the bounds of reason and justice, or break out into ungoverned rage and violence, yet Avhen roused, Avill be dangerous, and like a chafed lion, and be obliged to avoid the causes of excitement; will be fond of teasing, and also of hunting, and the warlike array of a gen- eral muster, &c.; and, with large or very large combat, self-e., approbat, firm., and hope, will excel as a soldier, &c. For other combinations, see destruct. large. Full.—One having destruct. full, Avith large firm., and full combat, and self-e., has sufficient harshness and severity of character to keep off and punish those Avho would other- Avise injure him ; to take the rough and tumble of life, and push his OAvn way through it; and to destroy or subdue whatever is prejudicial to his happiness, yet is neither mo- ' John Randolph. »4 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. rose nor cruel; Avhen driven to it, can Avitness and inflict pain, but does it reluctantly, and causes as little suffering as he consistently can; when his anger is not highly exci- ted, is mild in his disposition; and, excepting occasional flurries of passion, which are produced by irritability of temperament, seldom shows strong indignation. One having destruct. full, Avith large benev., conscien., ideal., and adhes., Avill possess uncommon sympathy and ten- derness of feeling, mingled with little sternness and harsh- ness ; will secure obedience, and accomplish his wishes by kindness and persuasion, more than by threats and passion, and be beloved more than feared: with large or very large benev., cannot bear to see pain or punishment inflicted, ex- cept when he is angry, and then may inflict it with delight; yet.Avith large combat, and mirth., delights to tease and tan- talize others ; will not be wanton and cruel in the infliction if pain, yet will seldom allow his indignation to slumber rtrhen his own interests, or those of his friends, or the cause of justice or humanity, demand it; in ordinary circumstan- ces, will inflict but little pain, yet will manifest strong dis- pleasure towards his enemies, and, when his indignation is uilly kindled, show even more severity and bitterness than .he occasion demands ; will not readily forget the objects of his displeasure, and will be far from possessing a tame and insipid character. Moderate.—One having destruct. moderate, will mani- fest only a moderate share of indignation and severity of character; often spare what should be destroyed or punish- ed ; and, with large or very large benev., Avill be unable to witness suffering and death,much less to cause them; and will not possess sufficient force of mind or fierceness of character to drive through important undertakings: with benev. and the moral organs generally large or very large^ will be beloved more than feared; will possess an extraordinary share of sympathy, so much so as sometimes to overcome him, and amount to a weakness; and Avill secure his wishes more by persuasion and mild measures, than by threats or harshness. Small.—One having destruct small, manifests his anger in so feeble a manner, that it effects but little, and provokes a smile, rather than fear: with benev. very large, possesses too little hardness of heart to inhabit a Avorld of suffering and endure its cruelties and hardships, and cannot himself endure physical suffering. destructiveness. 85 In its perverted exercise, this faculty creates a vindictive, bitter, revengeful, over-bearing spirit; delights in tantalizing and tormentir g; produces cruelty towards beasts, and those in its power; gives a relish for hunting, killing, destroying, witnessing publick executions, and such amusements as the fighting of men, dogs, and fowls, in bull-bating, bear-bating, &c.; produces a propensity for war, murder, violence, blood- shed, &c.; instigates children and others to stone, catch, tor- ment, and destroy birds, insects, and such animals as fall in their Avay, and also to stamp, strike, tear in pieces, and ex- hibit other signs of rage, violence, &c.; and, Avith approbat. and self-e. very large, to engage in duelling, &c, and pur- sue enemies till revenge is fully satisfied. That the class of functions here described, constitutes a very extensive and a very influential portion of the mental operations, no attentive observer of human nature can enter- tain a doubt. Every page of the history of man, from that which records the murder of Abel by his own brother, to that Avhich closes Avith the wars of Florida and Texas, is Avritten in characters of violence and blood. Even the most favourite amusements of men have always been sanguinary: a specimen of which are the theatrical representations and gladiatorial shows which have always delighted mankind. Every publick execution is crowded with eager spectators ot all classes and ages, and of both sexes, who attend mainly to gratify their destruct by witnessing the violent death of a fellow mortal. Almost every neAvspaper is stained Avith the horrid details of some cold-blooded murder, duel, or suicide, or some other act of violence or destruction in some of the unnumbered forms it assumes. Jf phrenology did not make provision for this class of functions, this omission would be prima facie evidence of its destitution of truth, and inconsis- tency with nature. Its exercise is either virtuous or vicious, according to the •circumstances in which, and the objects upon Avhich, it is exercised. Perhaps no organ is more liable to be abused than this, or productive of more misery; and yet, this is by no means owing to the nature and the original character of the faculty, but solely to its perversion. Hence the import- ance of its proper education. Location.—This organ is located beneath the temporal bone, and, when large, extends from three to six eighths of an inch above the top of the ear. When it is very large, \ 86 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. thickens the middle of the base of the head, and makes the ears stand out from the head. When it is large or very large, and secret, is small, it produces a horizontal ridga which extends about half an inch above the top of the ears 8. ALIMENTIVENESS. Appetite for sustenance—desire for nutrition. This faculty creates a relish for food, drink, &c.; renders important assistance in selecting the kinds of food best calculated to nourish the body; Avhen the system needs a further supply of food and drink, produces hunger and thirst, and, when it is unperverted, and the stomach is in a healthy state, is a sure directory as to the quantity and the quality of food necessary for the purposes of nutrition and health. Large.—One having aliment, large, is very fond of the good things of this life, and frequently eats more than health and comfort require; partakes of food with a very keen rel- ish ; sets a very high value upon the luxuries of the palate; and, according to his means, is a good liver. One having aliment, large, with acquis, also large, will in- dulge his appetite, when he can do so without too great ex- pense ; but, when good eating is costly, will sometimes suffer hunger rather than pay a high price to appease it, except Avhere he is ashamed not to eat; will expend money reluctantly for sweetmeats, &c, unless his aliment is stimulated by a favourite dish, or, to him, favourite sweetmeats, but will, nev- ertheless, find it hard to keep from eating Avhatever delicacies may be in his Avay: with acquis, moderate or small, will spend his time and money freely for rich viands and rare liquors; and, if large or very large adhes. be added to this combination, Avill not only take the greatest delight at the convivial board and the social meal, but will spend money even more lavishly than is necessary to entertain his friends: with conscien. large or very large, will feel guilty whenever he over-indulges his appetite, and will endeavour to regulate his eating according to his ideas of duty, yet will be obliged to struggle hard against this as " an easily besetting sin," by which he will, nevertheless, be often overtaken: with con- scien. and ven. large or very large, will be thankful for his ALIMENTIVENESS. 87 fcod as a bountiful gift from the hand of his Maker :* with lang., mirth., and adhes. large or very large, and secret, only moderate, will be conversational, social, and humorous at the festal board: Avith the intellectual organs generally large, will prefer conversation upon rational and scientifick sub- jects : with ideal, large or very large, must have his food prepared in the nicest manner, and in elegant and fashion- able dishes; but, with ideal, moderate, thinks more of the food and of the cookery, than of the ceremonies or the style, of the table; Avith self-e. large, and acquis, only moderate or full, will be satisfied only with the first and the best table, even if he is obliged to pay a high price for it: with large approbat. and ideal., will be very ceremonious at table; but with ideal, only moderate, and self-e. and caus. large, will despise ceremony, yet, with large or very large benev., will provide bountifully, and show great hospitality at table, with- out much splendour or ceremony, &c. Very large.—One having aliment, very large, will be too much given to the indulgence of a voracious appetite; too ready to ask " what he shall eat and drink;" will think as much of his meals as of almost any thing else, and be strongly in- clined to act the epicure or the gormand. The combinations of aliment, very large, are analogous to those produced by aliment, large, except that its manifestations will be greater in degree, which the judgment of the reader will readily supply. Full.—One having aliment, full, partakes of food Avith a good relish, yet is not a gormandizer, nor very particular in regard to Avhat he eats and drinks; can endure a poor diet, yet is very partial to a variety of rich dishes, and some- times overloads his stomach. The combinations of aliment. full, resemble those of aliment large, except in an inferiour degree. Moderate.—One having aliment, moderate, is by no means destitute of a relish for food, yet, when in health, is not particular as to what he eats; prefers a plain, simple diet to that which is highly seasoned and very rich, &c. One having aliment, moderate, with acquis, large, will grudge the money he pays for his meals, and frequently suf- fer hunger rather than pay the customary price for them; will prefer to take up Avith a poorer meal or a cold bite at a lower price, than to pay well for the best: with conscien. • Hence, the custom of " asking a blessing" upon food, and of " returning thanks* fat it. 88 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. targe or very large, finds little difficulty in governing his appetite, because he has so little to govern, &c. Small.—One having aliment, small, will have but an in- different or a poor appetite; Avill care little about what he eats, or when he eats; and, with acquis, large, go long Avith- out food, and live very poorly, rather than part Avith his money to pay for food. Gluttony, gormandizing, luxurious living, intemperance in all its forms, and the unnatural cravings of the stomach, are the perverted exercises of this faculty. To see the pains taken, and the preparations made, and the time and money worse than wasted, merely in gratifying this propensity, is most astonishing: and, above all, to see the monstrous per- versions of it which everywhere abound, to the reflect- ing, sober mind, is humiliating in the extreme. That man, made in the image of his God, and endowed by nature with such transcendent poAvers of thought and feeling, that man should thus " make a god of his belly," and, for the mere purpose of indulging to excess this animal passion, thus de- mean and degrade himself so far below the brute creation— thus clog the wheels of this wonderful machine which we call mind, exhibits, in a most mortifying light, the depravity into Avhich human nature is capable of being led. Yet such is the deplorable fact, and such is likely to be the character and condition of man, so long as he "lives to eat," instead of " eating to live," and thus continues to indulge his animal propensities at the expense of his moral and intellectual fac- ulties. The experience of all mankind shows that there exists a reciprocal and most intimate connexion between the faculty of aliment and the state of the stomach, and, also, between the state of the stomach and the conditions of the brain; and still further, between the state of the brain and the mental-opera- tions, or, between the state of the stomach and the operations of the mind. But this subject will be enlarged upon in a subsequent chapter upon physiology. Location.—Aliment, is located just before, anc a little beloAv, destruct, in front of the top part of the ears, above the back part of the zigomatick process, and beneath the anteri- or portion of the temporal bone. It may be distinguished from destruct., by its being situated farther forward than de. struct., and a little below it. It is generally large or very large in children. ACQUISITIVENESS. 89 9. ACQUISITIVENESS. Propensity to acquire. substance, and to appropriate it to one's self—love of property—desire to amass wealth, lay up, ewn, possess, keep, dfC This faculty loves money as an end, and not as a means; money for its own sake, and not for what it will purchase; gives ideas of exclusive right, and personal ownership and possession; creates that feeling of meum et tuum, or that im- pression that certain things are our own, and that other things belong to others, which is so universally manifestea among men, and upon which the law, and, indeed, all our claims to property, are founded, &c. This faculty, in its operation, brings within our reach most of the necessities, and all the comforts and luxuries, of life; is the great nerve of commerce, manufactures, inventions, and business in all its multifarious forms ; and is the great mov- ing cause of husbandry, trade, the arts, and the improve- ments with which mankind are blessed. We little realize how much Ave owe to this faculty. The making of books, and apparel, and houses, the cultivation of farms, the building of villages, and cities, and stores, and canals, and the possession of nearly all that prevents life from being one dreary Avaste, may be traced, through the helps afforded by the other faculties, directly to the influence of this love of money. Without this faculty, man, like those beasts which are destitute of it, Avhen he had satiated his hunger, and slaked his thirst, would Avander on till again overtaken by these cravings of his nature; Avould not provide, in health and the vigour of life, for sickness and old age, but, like the savage of our western wilderness, in whom it is generally small, would live " from hand to mouth," providing nothing for a rainy day, and idling away his life. That this feeling exists, and even manifests itself m bold relief in the human character, every observer of human nature will at once admit; and that, Avhile, in some, it amounts to a ruling passion, in others, it is scarcely perceptible. Here, then, Ave have a distinct, a sui generis, and a homogeneous class of functions ; and we must hence conclude, that there exists a distinct power of the mind which performs it Large —One having acquis, large, is stimulated by his 90 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. love of money, to use arduous and self-denying efforts in order o acquire wealth ; takes delight in accumulating prop- erty of every description; spends his money reluctantly for things to be consumed ; cannot endure to see waste; enters upon his money-making plans in good earnest, or, perhaps, makes them his main object of pursuit; unless he is accus- tomed to handling large sums of money, has a watchful and eager eye upon the small change, both in making and in spend- ing money; thinks much of becoming rich; seems to place his heart upon what property he may possess; and seeks, with avidity, to obtain all that belongs to him. One having acquis, large, with self-e. only moderate, and conscien. and caus. only full, will occasionally discover a penuriousness, littleness, and closeness in his dealings, and also banter for trifles, if not for the half-cent: with hope large or very large, not only has strong desires to accumulate prop- erty, but also views every project of acquiring it,through the magnifying medium of hope, and thus exaggerates every pros- pect for making money; and, with firm, and self-e. also large or very large, is eminently enterprising; devises bold schemes for acquiring property, and enters upon them with great determination and energy, cheered on by seemingly bright prospects of success: with the perceptive organs also large or very large, is a first rate judge of property; prone to trade and speculate; and, with secret, also large, will ex- cel in negotiating, and in conducting a trade; is seldom taken in, and generally gets the best of the bargain: with hope very large, cautious, only moderate, and concent, small, will be disposed to enter so largely into business as to endanger an entire failure; to venture beyond his means and capabili- ties ; to speculate too largely; to acquire his money by traffick, or by investing it, expecting thereby greatly to increase it; and, with large combat, and destruct. in addition, will be likely to prosecute his money-making operations with great vigour and energy; and with firm, also large or very large, to drive them through all opposing difficulties, and either to "make or break;" will be subject to reverses of fortune, and sometimes lose by imprudence what he has gained by enterprise; but, with combat., cautious., self-e., hope, and the reasoning organs large or very large, and the perceptive at least full, Avill combine uncommon energy, with uncommon prudence; may enter largely into business, yet will be so careful and judicious as generally to secure ACQUISITIVENESS. - 91 himself against losses and accidents; will generally have for- tune upon his side; and, with a large and active brain, un- less prevented by his friendship, his benev., or his conscien., or by accidents against which no carefulness or sagacity could provide, will doubtless become rich; but with hope mode- rate, and cautious, large or very large, will desire to enter largely into business, yet fear to do so; frequently be " a day after the fair ;" and deliberate so long before he decides what to do, as to lose the most favourable time for action; yet will sustain fewer losses, and, in Avhat he does undertake, will be more sure of success; will not invest his money un- less he can foresee the necessary result of the undertaking; to acquire property, saves rather tnan speculates ; and prefers an income that is more sure, though it may be more slow, to one that is more promising, yet more precarious; takes all availa- ble security against losses by fire, by accidents, by dishon- esty, or in any other way ; makes every thing as safe as pos- sible ; and is over-careful in all his pecuniary transactions, &c.: with hope very large, concent, small, and firm, only full, will be likely frequently to change his plan of operation, or, it may be, his business, hoping thereby to get rich the sooner; will never Le satisfied to "let well enough alone," nor to pursue one steady occupation long enough to reap much profit; but, with firm, large or very large, and hope less than firm., will be likely to pursue one steady business and plan of operation through life, unless literally compelled to change it by duty, or judgment, or friendship, or some oth- er powerful motive: with cautious, very large, through fear of consequences, may waArer in business, and will labour un- der the greatest anxiety about his property; and, with hope small, in the midst of wealth, friends plenty, and the fairest prospects, may really apprehend poverty and even starvation: with compar. and caus. large or very large, intuitively per- ceives what means or causes put in operation, are naturally calculated to effect certain ends ; what property will be likely to increase in value; lays judicious plans ; makes shrewd cal- culations as to what will be; and, with cautious, also large, so calculates as generally to succeed, &c.: with conscien. large or very large, though he may be very eager in his desire for money, and tax all his powers to accumulate property, yet will acquire it only by honest means; despise the " tricks of trade," and can be safely relied upon: with large or very large intellectual organs, will prefer to make 92 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. money by some intellectual, scientifick, or literary pun suit, &c. Acquis, merely desires property, but the kind of property se- lected for acquisition, is determined by the wants and the tastes of the other faculties. One having acquis, large, for example, with philopro. also large, will desire property both for its own sake, and, also, on account of children, or, with all the domes tick faculties energetick, for his family, and will spend it freely for their sake: Avith approbat. large or very large, will seek money both to lay up, and also to obtain approbation by dress, equipage, elegant furniture, &c, and expend it freely for these purposes, yet may show penuriousness in other respects: with benev. very large, will love money, yet give it freely to relieve suffering, and also to do good to his felloAv men: with large or very large moral and religious organs, will be likely to "be diligent in his business," economical and,per- haps, close in money matters, yet Avill give freely to benevo- lent, missionary, and religious objects, and for the purpose of converting men to Christianity: Avith ideal, and ven. very large, will be likely to lay up ancient coins, paintings, books, &c, and be an antiquarian: with the selfish faculties strong and vigorous, "will lay up such things as will gratify his va- rious selfish passions: with the intellectual organs large, books, philosophical apparatus, and other assistants to intel- lectual pursuits; and, with ideal, also very large, books that are elegantly bound and embossed, minerals, curious specimens of nature and art, &c.: with several of these or- gans large or very large, will desire money for its own sake, for the sake of family, for purposes of personal aggran- dizement, for benevolent and literary objects, &c, all com- bined. Hence, this universal scrambling for the " root of all evil," Avhich is the bane of human happiness and moral virtue. This analysis of " the love of money" is certainly most beautiful. Phrenology shows us not only how strong the love of money is in every man, but, also, the character of this love, and the ultimate ends sought to be reached by it. Very Large.—One having acquis, very large, makes money his idol; taxes, to the utmost, all his powers to amass wealth; makes every sacrifice, and endures every hardship to secure this object, and allows nothing to divert him from it; spends money grudgingly, and is so penurious and close- fisted as to deprive himself of many of the comforts, and of all the luxuries, of life; is covetous and miserly, unless benev. ACQUISITIVENESS. 93 and conscien. are equally large, and can never be satisfied with adding field to field, house to house, &c* One having acquis, very large, with combat, and destruct. also large, and benev. and conscien. only moderate or full, will " grind the face of the poor;" practice extortion; take every advantage of his fellow men; make all the money he can, both by fair and foul means; and is light fingered. The combinations under this head Avill coincide Avith those under the head of acquis, large, Avith the modification pro- duced by the mere increase of acquis. Full.—One having acquis, full, will be likely to be in- dustrious, frugal, anxious to acquire possessions, both from love of money, and also to secure the comforts of life; will be zealous, if not quite eager, in all his money-making pur- suits ; and unwilling to spend his money except when his stronger faculties demand it for their gratification ; will be nei- ther prodigal nor penurious, unless made so by circumstances; will be likely to save enough to live comfortably, but live well upon Avhat he has, yet, as a general thing, will find it very difficult to keep money by him, and seem to be extravagant. So far as the making of money and the class of substan- ces selected for acquisition are concerned, the selections under acquis, large, will apply to acquis, full; yet, in the spending of money, there may be a difference. One having acquis, full, with approbat, and ideal., &c, large or very large, Avill be industrious in making money, j?nd quite anxious to become rich, yet will spend it too freely for fash- ionable and ornamental articles of convenience, dress, equi- page, &c, or to make a show; Avith ideal, and local, very large, in travelling; with adhes. and benev. large or very large, for the purpose of assisting fiis friends; vrith the reli- gious organs very large, in promoting the cause of religion and advancing the benevolent objects of the day, and will take much more delight in spending his money in this way, than in laying it up; Avith large or very large intellectual 01 gans, in such things as will gratify these faculties; with several organs large, in such a manner as to gratify the greatest number of them; with amat. and adhes. large or very large, in supplying the wants, and augmenting the pleasures, of the other sex, &c. This same principle of spending money, applies to acquis. *• Stephen Gerard, of Philadelphia, whose picture shows a very large dcv*l*pment of acquis. 94 PHRENOLOGY illustrated. large, whenever the larger organs require it, at whose mandate acquis, will unlock her treasures, and may even permit extrava- gance. The additional combinations of acquis, full with the other organs, will be found to be intermediate between those under acquis, large, and acquis, moderate. Moderate.—One having acquis, moderate, desires mo- ney more as a means than as an end, more for its uses than to lay up; will pay too little attention to small sums, spend his money too freely, so that he can hardly account for the amount spent; does not grudge what he spends, or gives, or sees given ; though he may be industrious, will not be suffi- ciently economical; will as soon purchase things to consume as to keep; and prefers to take the good of his money as he goes along, instead of laying it up. One having acquis, moderate, with the domestick organs very large, will be likely to spend his money for the present, rather than reserve it for the future, Avants of his family : with the selfish faculties strong, and the moral and reasoning deficient, will spend his money upon the gratification of his passions, and seldom accumulate property: with approbat. and ideal, very large, and caus. only full, will be extrava- gant ; likely to run into debt for the purpose of dashing out; and will be foppish: Avith combat., destruct, self-e., and firm. large or very large, Avill almost throAV away money to gratify his will: with ideal, and self-e. large or very large, never purchase a poor article, and pleases his fancy, compara- tively regardless of its cost; and, Avith hope also large or very large, will be too apt to run into debt; spend money in anticipation of future income; and be too prodi- gal. One having acquis, moderate, may have a very strong desire to make money, but not upon its own account: with the domestick organs large, Avhen he comes to have a family of his own, will love money much more than before, on their account: Avith the intellectual organs generally large, will desire it to facilitate his literary pursuits, &c. Hence, the amount of one's acquis, can seldom be determined, either by the eagerness with which he seeks it, or the manner of his spending it; and hence, also, some appear to be spend- thrifts at one period of their lives, and misers at another.* * The author is acquainted with a Mr. H. who, until within five years, was accustomed to spend an annual income of several thousand dollars, laying up nothing; but who, since that time, has acted up to a determina- tion to make, and save, all the money he can, not because he loves mo- ney, per sese, any better now than he did then, but from other motivea Bis fellow citizens call him penurious. ACQUISITIVENESS. 95 Small.—One having acquis, small, holds money loosely; spends it without sufficient consideration, and often without receiving its full value; is thoughtless how his money goes, and, with hope very large, Avill live on, enjoying the present, thinking that the future will provide for itself; will spend his last dollar as freely as his first; is wasteful, or at least, does not save the fragments; and, with approbat. and ideal. very large, and caus. only full, will be a spendthrift; lay out his money to very little advantage; run into debt Avithout making a provision for payment, &c. For additional com- binations, see those under acquis, moderate. Very Small.—One having acquis, very small, neither knows or considers the value of money; cares not how it goes, nor how expensive things are, provided they take his fancy; will have no idea of laying up property and, with ideal, and approbat. very large, Avill spend all he can command ; every thing pertaining to money being determined by his other faculties. In females, this faculty is generally weaker than in males, while ideal, and approbat. are generally much larger, which accounts for the fact, that they spend money so much more freely than men, especially, for ornamental purposes. The author has observed, that the sons of rich parents generally possess the organ (as they do the faculty) develop- ed in an inferiour degree. This is doubtless owing to the fact, that, having an abundance of money at command, they have had nothing to stimulate, and thus increase, this faculty, so that, from mere want of exercise, it becomes Aveak and feeble. This likewise accounts for the fact, that the children of men who have made themselves rich, generally make a very poor use of their fathers'earnings, and often fall into dissipated habits. A deficiency of this faculty is one cause of their idleness, and this, the cause of their dissipation, and this, frequently, the cause of their ruin. Thus it is, that full acquis, is an important inducement to industry, and, therefore, highly promotive of virtue and moral worth; whilst a deficiency of this faculty leaves open the floodgates of temptation and dissipation. If this is so, the lesson thus taught mankind, by phrenology, is invalua- ble. We are thus taught the importance of a proper cultiva- tion of acquis., and, also, what that proper education is. We are farther taught, that the exercise of acquis, is virtuous or vicious, not in itself, nor in its medium exercise, but 96 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. in its extremes of manifestation. This faculty certainly needs to be educated no less than caus., event., calcu., or any other faculty of the mind. The perverted manifestations of acquis, are, theft, cheating, extortion; with construct, and imitat. large, forgery, counter- feiting, burglary jpenuriousness, meanness, a miserly, sordid, money-loving, covetous feeling, &c. Location.—This organ is located just before secret, and above aliment.; or, upon the sides of the head, and a little farther forward than the fore part of the ears; or, in the mid- dle of a line connecting the organs of cautious, and calcu. It seldom causes a protuberance, but, when it is large, the thickness of the head just in front, and a little above the tops of the ears, will be conspicuous, even to the eye. 10. SECRETIVENESS. Propensity and ability to secrete, to conceal, and to sup press the expression of the other mental operations. We often think and feel Avhat it would be very impropei for us to express. Hence, the necessity of some faculty, the office of Avhich is to suppress the open manifestation of the various mental operations, until the reasoning faculties, conscien., benev, &c, have decided upon the propriety and the utility of their expression. The legitimate office of this organ is not, as has generally been supposed, to keep the secrets intrusted to the individual, but to enable him- success- fully to keep his own secrets, and conceal his own plans from general observation. It is even unfavourable to keeping the secrets of others; because, inasmuch as it has to do Avith secrets, it creates an anxiety, not only to ascertain the secrets of others, but also to reveal them as secrets, but with the in- junction of secrecy. A good endowment of this organ is essential to prudence of character, particularly in speaking of, and exposing, one's business, &c., and also to etiquette and modern politeness. It removes the blunt, unpolished edge from the manner of ex- pression, appearance, &c; assists in covering many weak points of character; and prevents exposures, not to physical dangers, (for this is the office of cautious.,) but to the machina- tions of the designing and the envious, to the impositions of the crafty, and tha false constructions of all. Large.—One having secret, large, will generally keep SECRETIVENESS. »T bis thoughts, feelings, business, plans, opinions, &c. chiefly to himself, except when they are drawn from him ; will effect his purposes indirectly, and without detection; will govern his feelings, and restrain the open manifestation of anger, joy, grief, &c.; can banish from his countenance and appearance the indications of his real feelings, and, with imitat large, seem to feel as he does not: with firm., and 8elf-e., and destruct. also large, will suffer pain and sickness without showing or complaining much of it; is prudent about speaking; careful in Avhat he says; reserved; slow to communicate, form attachments, make acquaintances, &c; does not make the first advances to strangers; is not free in expressing his feelings, but does it equivocally, and by piece- meal ; with conscien. moderate, is suspicious of the intentions of others; wary, and always on the alert; generally ansAvers questions, expresses opinions, &c, in an ambiguous, equivocal, evasive, or indefinite manner, which will bear different interpre- tations, so that he seldom commits himself; hesitates, and re- commences his sentences as though afraid to speak out plainly just what he thinks; can employ cunning, art, management, and manoeuvre, and act the double part; says but little, yet thinks the more; pries into the secrets of others, yet keeps his OAvn to himself, or, at least, sounds others closely; gen- erally judges correctly of character, especially if individ., caus.,and compar. are large or very large, and so success- fully conceals his own character and purposes, that but little is generally known of him except by a long and intimate acquaintance. One having secret, large, with adhes. large or very large, may sometimes communicate his feelings freely to his nearest friends, yet will seldom do this, and exercise more attach- ment than he expresses: with amat. also large, may love strongly, but wnl express his love in a someAvhat doubtful and equiVocal manner: with combat, and destruct. large, unless the excitement is very sudden, and his temperament very irritable, may restrain, for a long time, the expression of anger, and cover up the fire which is burning in his bo- som, yet, Avhen he does give vent to it, will blaze forth in good earnest: with self-e., or approbat., or both, large or very large, caus. only full, and conscien. moderate or small, will be inclined to employ cunning and deception in advan- cing his reputation; operate indirectly, and through the agen- cy of others ; be given to eye-service, and will do many things 5 98 PHRENOLOGY illustrated. merely for effect and "to beseew of men:" with cautious. large or very large, Avill be very careful, not only about what he says, but also about what he does; and, with the reasoning organs large or very large, be pre-eminently dis- creet and judicious, and never venture an opinion, unless he is very certain that it is perfectly correct, and then generally with a but, an if, or a perhaps; and will drop no word, and give no clew, by means of which he can be detected: with conscien. only moderate or small, and self-e. and caus. only full, and approbat. large or very large, will be deceitful, and inclined to employ cunning and artifice in accomplishing his plans ; contrive to throw the ignominy of his evil deeds upon others; be very apt to say one thing in your presence, and quite another in your absence; cannot be confided in as a friend; and, Avith adhes. only full, and imitat. large or very large, can carry on his malicious designs under the garb of friendship : with combat., destruct, self-e., and approbat. large, benev., firm., and caus. only full, and conscien. only moderate or small, Avill be obsequious to superiours, and domineering to inferiours : with acquis, large or very large, and conscien. only moderate or full, will practise the " tricks of trade;" and make a good bargain vriienever he can, even though he is obliged to use some misrepresentations: with destruct, self-e., and firm, large or very large, will possess great fortitude, and endure severe, corporeal suffering without flinching or complaining: with conscien. large or very large, may some- times equivocate and employ deception in cases in Avhich he is under no moral obligation to communicate the facts, and, also, in Avhich his interest demands secrecy, but will never know- ingly deceive others to their injury, especially if his duty re- quires him to tell the whole truth: with adhes., benev., and conscien. large or very large, and self-e. full, will be frank and candid in telling a friend his faults, yet will never re- prove, unless his sense of duty compels him to do so : Avith firm, and self-e. very large, will seem to yield, yet will do so only in appearance; will say but little, and make very little ado about the matter, yet, in acting, will be immoveable and inflexible, &c. Very Large.—One having secret, very large, will be very apt to keep every thing pertaining to himself wrapped up in profound secrecy, and disclose his feelings to no one; be generally dark, secret, and mysterious in his movements: seldom accomplish his purposes, except in an indirect and in- secretiveness. 99 Iriguing manner; and be so crafty, reserved, and mysterious, that no one \vill knoAV much of his real character; and, with combat., destruct., and the selfish faculties generally large, the moral and reflectiAre only full, and conscien. only mode- rate, will be " a snake in the grass;" practise art, cunning, and deception, &c: with aliment, large, will steal pies, cakes, and sweatmeats: Avith acquis, large, will take and conceal money, property, clothing, &c: with approbat. and destruct. large, and conscien. only moderate, will lie in ambush, plot and execute his plans of injuring his rival, in secret; and yet, appear to be his friend, &c. For farther combinations under this head, see those under secret, large, Avhich are equally true with secret, very large, except in degree, and this the judgment of the reader will enable him to adapt to secret, very large. Full.—One having secret, full, will be able to keep his thoughts, feelings, and business to himself Avhen occasion really demands it, yet will commonly express them without reserve ; unless somewhat excited, will Hot be rash or blunt in the expression of his feelings, yet, Avhen any of the faculties that are more energetick than secret, or when those that are not, become suddenly or considerably excited, will give a full, and frank, and strong expression to them, because, al- though secret, may be sufficiently active to hold even the larger organs in check when they are but little excited, it will not be powerful enough to do so when they are roused to more energetick action, so that he will fail to preserve an equa- nimity of feeling and conduct; is generally free in conversa- tion and discourse, yet seldom commits himself;'is not hypo- critical, nor yet remarkable for saying all he thinks; and will generally govern his feelings, except when excited, but will then throw them out freely and fully; is somewhat re- served and suspicious, especially upon a first acquaintance, and yet, will generally be found to be sincere, unless strong- ly tempted by interest to act a double part, and even then, will not be really dishonest, especially if conscien. be large or very large; will knoAV well how to keep dark upon points which he may wish to conceal, and also knoAV how to ascer- tain the intentions and the secrets of others; and will be re- served to strangers and partial acquaintances, yet frank and open among his intimate friends. One having secret, full, with conscien. large, will never knowingly practise deception to the injury of another, yet 100 PHRENOLOGY illustrated. may practise it in self-preservation, and in doing business, especially when urged to it by other selfish faculties, and when it is unrestrained by the moral and intellectual facul- ties : with acquis, large or very large, and conscien. mode- rate or small, will bear, and even need, to be watched; sometimes give a false colouring to things in order to make a good bargain; and occasionally take the advantage, &c. The additional combinations under secret, full, will be inter- mediate between secret, large, and secret moderate. Moderate.—One having secret, moderate, is generally frank, candid, and openhearted in his disposition and inter- course with men, and so ingenuous and undisguised as often to expose himself to imposition and deception; chooses a plain, direct, and unequivocal manner of expressing his thoughts and feelings; has few secrets of his oAvn which he wishes to keep, and cares little about learning the secrets of others, and, when things are told him with the injunction "not to tell," he scarcely thinks of them again; and gener- ally despises secrecy Avherever he finds it. One having secret, moderate or small, Avith combat, and destruct. large or very large, tells others just what he thinks of them; expresses his hatred and his love freely; is often un- derstood as saying more than he really intended to say; and frequently expresses his anger in a harsh, blunt, and offensive manner; but, with conscien. equally large, and concent moderate or small, soon recovers his Avonted serenity of tem- per, and, if he is conscious that he has said or done any thing wrong, is soon very sorry for it, and ready, if not glad, to make any reasonable acknowledgment or reparation de manded: Avith conscien.,at least,fuli, firm., self-e., benev., and caus. large or very large, will take an open, fair, honest, hon- ourable, dignified, and high-minded course, and heartily de- spise every thing like Ioav cunning or management; employ none but fair means; and do nothing behind the curtain: Avith self-e. only moderate, or full, benev., ven., and adhes. large or very large, is naturally upright and honest himself, ana open and fair in his dealings, and thinks others equally so ; is too ready to trust others,,and especially those who cal 1 him their friend; presumes too much upon the integrity and honesty of others, and relies too implicity upon their word, so that he is extremely liable to be deceived and imposed upon: with self-e. or approbat., or both, and hope very large, or even large, is given to egotism ; apt to talk too much of him- SECRETIVENESS. 1QI self; becomes enthusiastick in telling Avhat he has done or can do; is often the hero of his own tale; and too forward to display himself: with cautious, large or very large, manifests great care and deliberation in his business, yet is very incau. tious in his manner of speaking; is judicious in laying his {ilans, and providing against a time of need, and very de» iberate and prudent in making all his arrangements, yet is very imprudent in the expression of his feelings. Small.—One having secret, small, acts just as he feels; speaks just what he thinks; is so blunt and direct in his manner of expression as often to give needless offence; speaks out his whole mind without due regard to time, circumstan- ces, or manner; communicates his ideas in plain and un- equivocal language, and prefers natural and forcible, to elegant, expressions; is natural and open in his manners, and, Avith lang. full or large, generally ready to enter into conversation with his friends, and eA-en with strangers, and to communicate to them his business, history, opinions, feel- ings, concerns, &c.; and can deceive only by means of his reasoning faculties, or by taking those steps which are cal- culated to cause deception. One having secret, small, with conscien., benev., and the reasoning organs large or very large, will be incapable of deception; abominate and censure hypocrisy, concealment, and mere outside-shoAv in all those ten thousand forms in which they are practised in society; keeps nothing back ] gives away almost entirely to his feelings unless they are checked by his other faculties; and has a window in his breast, through which ail that is passing in his heart, can be. plainly seen. Additional combinations will be found under! secret, moderate. j Very small.—One in whom this organ is very small, is a total stranger to the function and the influence of this fac- ulty. • i A deficiency of this faculty, by exposing at once whatever excesses or defects of character one may possess, is apt to Jeave, at first, a very unfavourable impression of a person up- on the minds of others, yet, if it exposes the more disagreea- ble traits of character, it equally reveals the virtues ; so that, if the agreeable traits of character greatly predominate over the more disagreeable, the individual will appear still more amiable in consequence of this deficiency ; and, vice versa, i This faculty, in its perverted exercise, pmduces lying, de- 102 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. ceit, hypocrisy, and those ten thousand artifices in dress, fur niture, equipage, &c, the chief object of which is to create false appearances, and,also, the innumerable arts and make-be- lieves which enter into the very frame-work of society as it now is. From this faculty, also, Avith large or very large appro- bat, self-e., destruct., and combat, unrestrained by the moral or intellectual organs, arises that tattling, backbiting, scan- dalizing disposition which is by no means uncommon, and which does such immense mischief. In the New England head, this organ is generally large: hence, that reserve in communicating things about them- selves, and that tact in prying into the affairs of others, for which they are so noted; but, in the Southern head, it is small, which produces that frankness and openness which characterize Southern gentlemen. Location.—Secret, is located just above the organ of de- struct., and runs nearly parallel with it, the centre of it being about an inch above the top of the ears. Or thus: let a person, standing behind one that is seated, place the third fin- ger horizontally upon the head, so that the lower side of it will just touch the tip of the ear, and it will rest upon de- struct.; then let the second or middle finger be separated from it about three eighths of an inch, and it will rest upon secret.; or, if the organ be small, fall into a depression: then let the first finger be separated from the second about five-eighths of an inch, and it will rest upon cautious., which, however, will be a little farther back than secret. When it is large or very large, with cautious, and destruct. also equally large, there will be no prominence, but all of the side-head above the ear will be full, rounded, and thick. GENUS II.—Moral, Religious, and Human Sen- timents. The character of the sentiments is much higher, more elevated, and more humanizing than that of the propensities, and, when not under the dominion of the propensities, is more virtuous and more praiseworthy than perhaps any oth- er class of the mental functions. A very correct idea of the nature and character of these sentiments, may be derived from a comparison of civilized man Avith savages and barba- rians, or of man with the brute creation. I)r. Spurzheim, George Combe, and phrenologists gener- cautiousness. 103 ally, define the sentiments as distinguishable from the pro- pensities, by their uniting a propensity to act with an emo- tion ; but the author is unable to discover the reason why the passion of love, for example, is not as much " an emotion joined with a certain propensity to act," as the function ascri- bed to benev. Nor does the distinction that the propensities "are common to men and animals," designate them with suffi- cient accuracy, because benev., approbat., imitat, and some of the other sentiments, are found to belong to some animals of the brute creation, as well as to man. SPECIES I.—Selfish Sentiments. These seem to be intermediate between the propensities and the moral sentiments, partake, in part, of the na- ture of both, taking their direction, and the character of their manifestation, from the propensities when they pre- dominate, and from the moral sentiments, in case they are the more energetick. Like the propensities, they greatly in- crease the propelling power, and the efficiency of the charac- ter ; yet they terminate upon self, being blind impulses de- signed to secure selfish interests. 11. CAUTIOUSNESS. Solicitude about consequences—apprehension of danger— instinct of fear—care—anxiety. So numerous and so great are the dangers with which man is surrounded, so many evils beset his path, and so many things are to be provided against, that, unless there were implanted in the human breast by the hand of nature, some faculty Avhich, upon the least intimation of danger should sound the tocsin of alarm, and thus save him from accident, and, also, which should give him consideration and forethought, he would be liable to be frequently overtaken by impending dangers, and, also, would make, comparatively, jittle preparation for future wants. Of the necessity of the faculty, then, there can be no question ; nor that the function of solicitude constitutes a very large class of the intellectual functions. Hence, the inevitable conclusion is, that there exists a faculty which exercises this class of the mental operations. But when we find that the strength and activity of this facul- ty, when compared with the other feelings, are proportionate .04 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. to the size of a given portion of the brain, reason and philos- ophy join in admitting cautiousness to be a separate faculty of the mind. Its office is, to provide against present danger, to cast up a bulwark of defence against danger in the dis- tance, to watch over the interests of the individual, and to ex- cite, repress, and direct the operations of the other faculties. Large.—One having cautious, large, looks at every plan and project with a careful, anxious eye before he concludes upon the course to be pursued, and hesitates long before he finally decides ; turns the whole matter over and o\rer again in his mind; is very often in suspense, and remains too long undecided; fully considers every chance against him; takes all necessary, and, often, even unnecessary, precaution; too often reconsiders, and manifests a pains-taking, careful, anx ious, provident disposition in all he does. One having cautious, large, with combat, and destruct. also large, is slow in commencing, yet when once interested in any project, pushes it with great spirit; may be timid and fearful till his courage is once excited, but will then be bold and fearless; may be nearly overcome Avith fear before he commences acting or speaking, and Avhere effort is unavail- ing, yet is full of courage, and spirit, and determination when he has once commenced, and where effort is required ; combines discretion with valour; intrepidity with carefulness; prudence with determination, &c; in cases of danger, will be perfectly self-possessed, and yet have forethought enough to do just what the occasion demands; cannot be soon Avorked up to the sticking point, but is determined, if not desperate, when once kindled; may drive forward Avith some fury, but will steer clear of every thing that can upset his vehicle or obstruct his progress; and, Avith hope also large, Avill enter so largely into business, and push his projects Avith so much energy and zeal, as to seem to be very rash, and nearly des- titute of caution, yet come out about right in the end • Avith compar. and caus. large in addition, will very seldom entire- ly fail in his projects, though he may be sometimes obliged to retrace his steps; will present seemingly contradictory points of character, sometimes appearing to be rash, and at others fearful; and, with a nervous temperament, will be either " in the garret or in the cellar ;" when circumstances are favourable, or excite his hopes, and quiet his fears, will be in high hopes and spirits, and promise himself too much; but when his fears are awakened, and nothing excites his hopes, CAUTIOUSNESS. 105 be casi down, uiscoaragea, and exceedingly anxious, and sub- |ect to extremes of hope and fear : with very large compar and caus., and large perceptive organs, will generally come to a correct decision, yet take his own time for it; will act understanding^, and make every effort tell directly on the object in view; take hold of things judiciously and in the right place ; seldom retrace his steps, change his decisions,or undo what he has done; in general, will be eminently suc- cessful, and seldom subject to accidents or disappointments ; consider well the pros and cons on both sides of all questions, and investigate the whole matter in hand thoroughly be- rbre decision or action. Very Large.—One having cautious, very large, is so doubtful, fearful, uncertain, and apprehensive, so irresolute and inefficient, that he is disqualified for prompt, enterprising, vigorous effort, and Avastes the day of action in fruitless de liberation; indulges groundless and unfounded apprehensions; anticipates danger when there is little or no cause; is unwill- ing to run any risk, and much more alarmed by sickness and trouble than the occasion really demands, &c. One haAing cautious, very large, with combat., self-e., and hope moderate, will be irresolute; easily discouraged; un- willing to engage in any important undertaking for fear of experiencing a failure ; is timid, easily frightened, destitute of decision and energy, and unable to effect any thing im- portant ; but if hope, firm., and self-e. are also very large, and combat, is large, cauti ius. will not prevent action and effort, but will simply take care, that every thing is provided for, arranged, and seen to: with hope, caus., and compar. very large, and the percepti\-e organs large, may take some seemingly bold measures, but they will be dictated by a cor- rect judgment, rendered the more acute by the strong ex- citement caused by cautious.: Avith hope and combat, mode- rate or small, looks always on the dark side of prospects j borroAvs a world of trouble, even in prosperity; apprehends the worst rather than the best; indulges gloomy, dismal, melancholy feelings, and often suffers intolerably from them; pores constantly over misfortunes; magnifies every difficulty j diminishes advantages; fears much more than hopes; does not venture, or run any risk; shrinks from difficulty, and, by his terrour and alarm, is easily overcome, so that he cannot act on occasions of danger. Full.—One having cautious, full, will possess a suffi- 5* 106 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. cient degree of this faculty to secure success, and provide against accidents in ordinary cases, yet will frequently seem to be very imprudent; does not act without care and fore- thought, yet does not consider so long as to let pass the day for action; and cannot be called rash or careless, except when rendered so by his other faculties. One having cautious, full, with hope and combat, large or very large, will not possess sufficient circumspection to regu- late and prevent the precipitate action of these faculties, and thus be hurried headlong by them into projects without suffi- cient caution or forethought, and will seem to be much less cautious than he really is. When full, large, or very large, cautious, acts with a vigour reciprocally proportionate to the power of this faculty and the strength of the desires of the other faculties. For example; one having cautious, full, large, or very large, with philopro. very large, and acquis, small, will experience but little solicitude concerning his property, but feel the greatest anxiety concerning his children ; but, with the same degree of cautious., and acquis, very large, and philopro. small, will expend his anxiety upon his property, and feel little for his children: Avith approbat. very large, will be over-anxious about his character and his standing: with conscien. very large, upon every point of duty, &c. This accounts for the phenomena, so frequently occurring, of an extreme anxiety concerning some things, and a want of it in other things—a class of phenomena which no other system of mental phi- losophy has ever accounted for, or can ever explain. Moderate.—One having cautious, moderate, will discov- er a want of forethought and discretion, yet the extent of this deficiency will be greater or less according as his other facul- ties do, or do not,expose him to danger. One having cautious. moderate, for example, Avith hope and combat, also moderate, will need but little cautious, to restrain the excesses produced by these faculties ; Avith combat, and hope large or very large, Avill be hasty, inconsiderate, and improvident; Avith caus. and compar. very large, when not blinded by passion or preju dice, may be judicious, and lay good plans; with acquis, very large, will take good care of his property, yet be careless in other respects, &c. The remaining combinations of cautious. moderate, will be intermediate between those under cautious. full, and cautious, small. Small.—One having cautious, small, will decide and act APPROBATIVENESS, 107 without due deliberation; be careless, precipitate, imprudent, and, consequently, often unlucky, and subject to frequent acci- dents ; will fail to perfect his plans, and therefore, often be obliged to undo what he has done; proceed without fore- thought or care, and thus labour to the greatest disadvantage; will sustain repeated and heavy misfortunes ; and, Avith com- bat, and destruct. large, will drive forAvard in a furious, reck- less manner, so as often to defeat his plans, and frequently be in hot water; Avill know nothing about fear; but, with large or very large reasoning organs, may proceed so habit- ually under the influence of reason as to sustain few losses, yet Avill lack solicitude, &c. Very Small.—One with cautious, very small, will be destitute of fear, of forethought, of discretion, &c, and, con- sequently, rash, heedless, headlong, regardless of consequen- ces, unfortunate, and governed by his other faculties. This faculty is generally much more active, and the organ much stronger, in females tnan in males; while combat. and destruct. are much smaller. Hence, the irresolution, fear, terrour, groundless alarms, and uncalled for anxiety, which they so often manifest: and also the superiour discreet- ness and propriety they generally possess over the other sex. In children, too, this organ is much larger than in adults, doubtless because their dangers being greater, the protection demanded is proportionally greater. Location.—This organ is located just above, and partly behind, secret. Or thus: when the head is erect, cautious. will be found upon the sides of the head, just back of a per- pendicular line passing through the opening of the ears 12. APPROBATIVENESS. hove of the approbation of men—sense of character— desire for the favourable estimation, and the good opinion, of others—ambition for distinction and popularity—love of fame, Sfc. Certain actions are considered praiseworthy, Avhile others are considered disgraceful, which proves that the mind is so constituted as to approve of some things, and disapprove of others. Hence, we infer the existence of a distinct faculty which exercises this class of functions, and the facts that the strength of this class of functions is various, being energetick in some, and weak in others—that it is manifested in propor« 103 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. lion to the development of a certain portion of the brain— and that it is an instinctive and intuitive, and not secondary exercise of the mind, and that it is unique and homogeneous in its character, establish the conclusion, that it is the pro- duct of a distinct faculty of the mind. This faculty does not decide Avhat actions are praisewor- thy and what are not, but only arraigns the actions before such a standard as may have been settled upon by custom, by the dictates of the other faculties, by the passions, &c, and praises or blames, according as they do, or do not, conform to this standard. This standard has more or less reference to the moral qualities of actions, and, doubtless, if left to act in conjunction Avith a full and equal development of the other faculties, particularly of conscien., and if it Avere not warped by education, or the customs of society, Avould approve those actions which are moral, and frown upon those that are immoral. Yet such is the influence of custom and of " the fashions" in this matter, that the decisions of this faculty are not, in the least, to be relied upon as a standard of virtue. Properly trained, it would promote decency and propriety of appearance and manners; yet, as now manifested, it oftener produces the most disagreeable, not to say, sinful, actions, under the sanction of fashion. Its influence, however, in promoting morality and refinement, and in preventing vice by censuring it, is very great. Large.—One having approbat. large, is extremely sensitive upon every point connected with his honour, his character his reputation, &c, and, in all he does, will have an eye to the approbation and the disapprobation of his fellow men; frequently asks himself, if not others, what do, or what will, people think of this or that performance, course of conduct, &c; is very desirous of being thought and spoken well of, of being noticed and commended, esteemed, praised, and ad- mired ; instinctively shrinks from Avhatever is considered disgraceful; will be affable, courteous, polite, and mindful ot appearances, and frequently experience, in a very high de- gree, the feelings of mortification and shame. One having approbat. large, with adhes. large or very large, will be extremely sensitive to the approbation and the disapprobation, particularly of his friends; and with self-e. moderate, and firm, only full, will be disposed to act in con- formity with their wishes, lest he should incur their censure or ridicule, which have a withering effect upon him; and, APPROBATIVENESS 109 with combat, and destruct. large in addition, will be too quickly offended by any coldness or apparent neglect, and too ready to construe any want of attention into dislike ; will avenge his injured honour, and never allow any disgrace to be attached to his character: with self-e. only full, benev., at east, large, combat., destruct., and secret, only full, individ., event, lang., imitat, ideal., and compar. large or very large, will be a perfect gentleman: with secret, large, and conscien. moderate or small, will do things in secret Avhich he would not, for the world, have divulged; be governed far more by the voice of publick opinion, than by the dictates of jus- tice and conscience, and make the former, rather than the latter, his code of morals; but Avith conscien. larger than ap- probat, Avill fall in Avith publick opinion so far as he con- siders it right, but no farther, and, with combat, also large, will not only breast publick opinion Avith boldness, but will glory in facing the frown of men while engaged in what he considers a righteous cause: with benev. large, will add to his strong desire to please those around him, a strong desire to make them happy, Avhich together will make him doubly obliging and attentive to the wants of others: with cautious., secret., ven., and conscien. large or very large, and self-e. small, will have a very strong desire to please, and, also, great anxiety lest he should not succeed in pleasing; feel a great deference, especially for superiours in age, talents, &c; possess a feeling of his own unworthiness and inferiority; and also of reserve, which together produce extreme diffi- dence and backwardness; a natural shrinking from exposure; and a bashful feeling, from which, when he is among stran- gers, he Avill suffer intolerably: with combat., destruct., self-e., firm., ideal., individ., event., and lang. large, and compar. and caus. very large, will possess, not only a high order of talent, but, also, that restless ambition for distinction and fame which will spur him on to use his utmost efforts to attain pre- eminence, and thus enable him to distinguish himself, par- ticularly for his intellectual qualities: with cautious, and conscien. very large, secret, full, and the intellectual organs large, will fear to be noticed, lest he should be reproached; appear before the publick with extreme reluctance ; shrink from the popular gaze; sometimes feel almost compelled to abandon any undertaking in Avhich he may be en- gaged, and shrink from the thought of publick responsibility: with self-e. full or large, hope very large, combat, ideal., m« 110 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. divid., lang., and compar. large, and conscien., ven., and caua only full, will take the other extreme; be likely to put him- self forward in conversation, debate," publick meetings, socie- ties, parties, &c, be officious, vain, and conceited, and too apt to meddle in affairs which belong to others: Avith ideal, very large, caus. only full, and a smaller sized brain, Avill be a fash- ionable dandy, who will devote himself chiefly to dress, eti- quette, and tea-table talk, which will be without sense or point, and, though he may pass well in fashionable society, will be unable to think or reason upon subjects, &c. Very large.—One having approbat. very large, will re- gard his character as the apple of his eye, and the approba- tion of his felloAV men as the idol of his heart; Avill be Avith- ered by the finger of scorn or the breath of slander; unable to bear up under ridicule, and be ever goaded by a morbid sensibility to shame and reproach. One having approbat. very large, with self-e. large, caus. only full, and a brain of only ordinary size, Avill be both proud and vain; inclined to be very ceremonious, merely for effect, and for the sake of appear- ances ; affected in his manners; excessively eager for fame, and ever fishing for popularity, yet destitute of the talents re- quisite to obtain his desires; and, with ideal, very large, will be a gay, dressy, shoAvy, affected, ceremonious fop or belle, floating upon the surface, or folloAving the wake, of popular applause and fashion, and a perfect index of both, shifting, like the weather-cock, with every changing breeze of pub- lick opinion, &c. Under approbat. large, will be found ad- ditional descriptions and combinations, which Avill apply to approbat. very large, except that they are not sufficiently in- tense. Full.—One having approbat. full, will place a high esti- mate upon his character, and be by no means indifferent as to what may be thought and said of him, yet will sacrifice his honour upon the altar of his stronger passions; will possess sufficient approbat. to create ambition, and a high sense o» honour, if not a strong desire to gain popularity, and yet, from this motive alone, Avill not materially injure himself, nor will he turn aside from the object he may be pursuing to pluck the wreaths of popular applause; may seek distinction, and, indeed, manifest a strong desire or make great sacrifices to obtain it, yet he will seek it, not chiefly as an end, but partly as an end, and partly as a means; will not be governed by the voice of publick opinion, yet will not by any means, bo APPROBATIVENESS. Ill insensible to its dictates; and will so conduct as to secure the good will of all, at least, as far as he can do so consistently with the gratification and the demands of his other faculties, yet no farther. One having approbat. full, with adhes. large, will seek to please his friends, and, to escape their displeasure, in doing this, will sometimes even go farther than he ought: with large or very large firm., self.e., and conscien., and full com- bat., will first please himself, faithfully discharge his duty, and seek honour as a secondary object; will be sufficiently condescending and affable to please all, and yet be too firm and independent ever to be enticed from the path of rectitude by the syren voice of popularity, or driven from it by the lowering frown of popular proscription, or by the hoarse voice of publick censure ; Avill not eagerly adopt all the ridic- ulous whims of " fashion," because " everybody else does so," nor yet be so inattentive to what is generally approved as to be singular, and, Avithout cause, to incur the displeasure of any one: Avith combat., destruct., amat., self-e., and ven. full, benev., conscien., ideal., adhes., mirth., imitat, lang., and the rea- soning organs large or very large, will be a favourite, go Avhere he will; will please all, and yet command respect from all; be neither stubborn nor obsequious; will be pleasing, dig- nified, and popular in his manners, and reasonably condescend- ing, yet sufficiently independent; and, without attempting to do so, will readily enlist the good Avill and the affections of all,_and especially of the other sex. The combinations under approbat. large, modified by a diminution of the influence of approbat., will apply to approbat. full. They will be inter- mediate between those under approbat. large, and approbat moderate. The direction taken by approbat. full, large, or very large, and the objects upon Avhich it fastens, are determined by its combinations, and, also, by the circumstances in which the individual has been educated. For example; approbat. full, large, or very large, combined with large or very large com- bat, and destruct., and educated in a warlike community, Avould fasten, for its object, upon warlike exploits, upon intre- pidity, bravery, and, perhaps, even upon acts of bloodshed, or create in its possessor, a desire to be considered the best boxer, pugilist, Avrestler, &c.: Avith aliment, very large, to be noted for the quantity he can eat or drink: Avith large con- struct., ideal., and imitat., to be considered the best mechan- 112 Phrenology illustrated. ick, or create a mechanical ambition: with large or very large moral organs, will create a moral ambition, and desire to be distinguished for morality, for piety, for honesty, and for a correct, if not religious, walk and conversation: with ideal, moderate, and conscien. and ven. large or very .arge, will create no desire to obtain the kind of distinction and approbation aAvarded to fine clothes, splendour of equi- page, the pomp of riches, &c, yet will place the highest es- timate upon the approbation awarded to a moral, virtuous, and religious life: with very large ideal., mirth., compar., and caus., the perceptiA-e organs generally large, and the propensities only full, will seek distinction as a wit, a poet, an orator, a scholar, a writer, or for his intellectual, rather than his physical or animal, qualities, &c. Moderate.—One having approbat. moderate, will not be materially influenced by Avhat others may think of him or his actions; will not be particularly emulous nor ambitious, nor care much for reproach and ridicule, &c. One having approbat. moderate, Avith firm, and self-e. large or very large, and ven. moderate, will be too austere and too independent to give general satisfaction, and lack the condescension requi- site to become popular and be generally beloved, andj even if his talents are such as to place him in stations of trust and publick observation, he will have many enemies, and, Avhen- ever duty, or judgment, or interest demands it, will do just what he chooses to do, whether his conduct be approved or censured, even though he knows it will bring down publick odium upon his head. Small.—One having approbat. small, will experience but little shame; be comparatively insensible to ridicule and re- proach ; and indifferent whether his conduct, appearance, ex- pressions, &c, please or displease. One having approbat. small, Avith large intellectual and simi-intellectual organs, may possess commanding talents, yet will have too little ambi- tion, and too little love of fame, to exert and apply his poAvers, &c. The combinations under approbat. small, will be the reverse of those under approbat. full, large, or very large, so far as the'se phenomena are the product of these several states of its development. Perhaps no faculty is more frequently perverted, or more injurious in its operation, especially upon the virtuous poor, than approbat. The rich, in order to gratify this passion " have sought out many inventions" by Avhich to distinguish SELF-ESTEEM. 113 themselves from the poor, and attract attention; and the poor exhaust all their powers to follow in the footsteps of the rich, and in doing this, they even take their bread out of their mouths. The rich, finding themselves partially imitated, change the fashion, and are again followed by the poor. Thus it is that a vast amount of time, and labour, and com- fort, and, it might be safely added, of virtue, too, is Avorse than wasted. This evil is daily augmenting, and the pros- pect of a reform daily diminishing. I holds an equal sway in the church and in the state, polluting the ho.y garments of the one, and destroying the liberty and the virtue of the other. The tyranny with which it rides over the necks of men, is a hundred fold more despotick than ever tyrant sway- ed over his subjects; and nowhere does it hold so cruel a des- potism, and rule Avith such an iron sceptre, as in this our boast - ed land of freedom and equal rights. Here, one must not speak out boldly his honest sentiments—must not do this, and must do that, because, forsooth, to do otherwise will be un- popular, and whatever is unpopular, is proscribed, and visited with a frown as deadly and as Avithering in its effects as the samiel winds of the Arabian desert But, so long as men will follow, and submit to, so fickle and so tyrannical a dame as fashion, they need not complain of " hard times," and of the ten thousand miseries which she heaps upon the devoted heads of her subjects. Location.—Approbat. is located between cautious, and self-e. See location of self-e. 13. SELF-ESTEEM. Self-respect—self-confidence — self-complacency and sat- isfaction—high-mindedness—independence—nobleness—love of liberty and freedom. The proper office of this faculty is to create, in the bosom of its possessor, a good opinion of himself; of his own char- acter and opinions, and of whatever belongs to, or proceeds from, himself; to beget an esteem and respect for himself; to feel satisfied with himself, and unwilling to change his identity and mental qualities for those of another; to give a manly tone to the character and turn to the conduct, and a dignified, erect attitude and bearing to the person, and thus, to exert an important influence in elevating and ennobling the character of man. And Avhat is st'il more important, it gives 114 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. that innate love of personal liberty and independence, and ol religious freedom, so deeply seated in the nature of man, and so conducive to his virtue and happiness, which constitutes the sole foundation of his free institutions, civil rights, and religious privileges, and inspires him with an aversion to every thing connected with arbitrary authority, despotick rule, or religious intolerance, and gives him that spirit of re- sistance to such things, which no despotism can destroy, no arbitrary authority crush or long subdue. The proof of the existence of this faculty, as a separate and primary mental power, is derived from the same data which establishes the existence of the other faculties. Large.—One having self-e. large, will be independent, and place a high value upon himself; feel that whatever he thinks or does, is well thought and done; throw himself back upon his own unaided resources, and rely upon his OAvn judg ment and strength; will never knowingly degrade or demean himself; aspire at something commanding; never be content to be dependent or to serve, but rather aspire to be himself a leader and commander of others; will despise and detest meanness, and shrink from it; and assume an appearance of dignity and manliness, calculated to command respect. The manifestations of self-e. take their character chiefly from the combinations of this faculty with the other facul- ties. For example ; combined with large or very large com- bat., destruct., and firm., and with only moderate or full con- scien., ven., benev., and reasoning faculties, it makes one haughty, domineering, overbearing, dogmatical, arbitrary, egotistical, arrogant, authoritative, conceited, and extremely selfish, while the same amount of self-e., combined Avithonly full combat, and destruct., and with very large benev. and reasoning organs, large conscien., ideal., ven., and perceptive faculties, and a large brain, will impart to the character a commanding dignity, a nobleness, a high-toned sense of hon- our, an elevation, and authority Avhich cannot but command universal respect and admiration; Avhich scorn a vulgar, common, or trifling act or expression; and impart an air of greatness and magnanimity to the Avhole man. One having self-e. large, with amat. and adhes. large, may love strongly and tenderly, especially Avhen his love is in harmony with his ideas of propriety, yet will never sacrifice his independence to his love, nor break down under the pre* sure of blighted affections: Avith the domestick organs gene SELF-ESTEEM. 115 raliy large, will lov3 his family, yet make'them obey him: with acquis, full or large, Avill place a high estimate upon what he possesses, upon his horse, his farm, his etcet.: with combat, large, and firm, large or very large, will pursue his own straightforward course, and will not be dictated to ; is disposed to lead, and to push himself forward; feels that he is as good and as Avorthy as anybody else: Avith cautious large, in order to form his OAvn judgment, may sometimes ask advice, and then follow it or not, according as it does, or does not, coincide with his own views ; and will be so solicit- ous about every thing which is likely to affect him, and so fearful lest, in some way, he should lower himself down, that he may, at times, be disconcerted, and diffident, and ap- pear awkward and unbending in his manners: with combat. and destruct. large, and conscien. only full, will experience strong indignation at every word or deed calculated to throw him into the shade, or derogatory to his character; and will guard, with a jealous eye, his liberty, his personal preroga- tives, and whatever belongs to him, &c.: with compar. and caus. only full, will make greater pretensions to knowledge and talent than he is in reality able to sustain and fulfil; and, with only a middling-sized brain, thinks and talks much more of himself than others do of him; pushes himself for- ward where he is not wanted; and is proud, egotistical, and self-important: with combat, and destruct. full, benev., hope, ideal., individ., event., and lang. large, and compar. and caus. very large, accompanied with a large and an active brain, will not only possess talents of a high order, but Avill so em- ploy them as to cut a bold and commanding figure wherever he moves, and add to it that weight and force of character, that dignity, and magnanimity of feeling, which will com- mand an extensive influence in the world; advance him to some commanding station, and enable him to sustain himself in it with great ability and dignity; will place such unbound- ed confidence in himself, and also have such towering ambi- tion, that he will attempt great things, and also have the tal- ent requisite to carry them through; Avill not be satisfied with ordinary attainments, but will grasp at some gnat some im- posing object, and aspire to pre-eminence; will aim high; never trifle Avith himself, nor allow others to trifle with him ; and be emphatically magnanimous, yet not manifest pride or haughtiness, merely because he has too much good sense to 116 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. do so. The same combination of other organs, Avith self-e Very large, will produce the same result. Very large.—One having self-e. very large, willingly assumes the responsibility, will think too much of himself, of his opinions, plans, judgment, &c; and, with combat. large, and caus. and conscien. only moderate, will be likely to be regardless of the frown and of the favour of men; deaf to reproof; liable to have many enemies; intractable bold, proud, haughty, domineering, forward, conceited, jeal- ous, austere, and repulsive; to be blind to his faults, and un- able to see his errours, be they ever so glaring, because he will feel that he is well nigh infallible; will look down with a kind of contempt upon the great mass of his fellow men, and treat even his equals as though they were his inferiours ] will be extremely ambitious to obtain power, and also arbi- trary in its exercise; insensible to the shafts of ridicule, thinking that surely he cannot be intended; by his manner and expression, will give an air of consequence and import- ance to what he says; with approbat. moderate or small, and firm, large or very large, will be perfectly independent; will go straight fonvard in his own way, follow his own judg- ment and defy the consequences, &c. Many of the combi- nations under self-e. large, will apply to self-e. very large. Full.—One having self-e. full, will think well of him- self, yet, when benev., conscien., and caus. are large or very large, his self-e. will manifest itself in creating a manly, no- ble, self-respectful feeling, Avhich will prevent him from do- ing any thing beneath himself; will be sufficiently conde- scending, yet not servile, and enabled and disposed to pay a due respect, not only to himself, but also to his fellow-men will possess sufficient force and weight of character to do a good business and sustain himself; to mingle dignity with condescension and talent, and so conduct himself as to be generally respected ; will neither assume too much to him- self, nor yield too much to others; and will maintain his rights and his self-respect, so that others can have no face to .trifle Avith or trample upon him, and yet, Avill not be haughty or conceited. Moderate.—One having self-e. moderate, places too low an estimate upon himself, upon his own judgment, and is too ready to give in to the judgment 0/ others; will lack the re- quisite independence, manliness, high-mindedness, and self confidence to beat his own way through life, and will suffer self-esteem. 117 from a feeling of unworthiness; will fear to trespass upon the attention of others, and not possess an influence equal to his character and talents, merely because he does not as- sume enough to himself. One having self-e. moderate, with combat, firm., and conscien. large or very large, will possess genuine firmness of character, and much moral courage, yet will seldom manifest them in bold relief, except when under excitement, or in the defence of moral principle, or the cause of virtue, or in doing Avhat he considers to be his duty: with firm, only full, may be too easily led away, and too ready to ask and to follow advice, and too obsequious, especially if cautious, is large or very large: with large intellectual faculties, may possess talents of a high order, yet, from Avant of self-confidence and boldness fb pretend to considerable, and in consequence of occasionally letting himself down in his expressions and appearance, and trifling with himself and with others, will have much less influence than he might have if possessed of more self-e., &c. Small.—One having self-e. small, will sink into compar- ative insignificance in his own estimation, and be tormented with a feeling of unworthiness and inferiority; will feel too humble and submissive, and too dependant and diminutive, which will still be increased by large ven. and conscien.; Avill underrate himself, his judgment, his talents, &c, and, therefore, be undervalued by others; Avill make himself too common and familiar, and associate so much Avith inferiours, that he will fail to command general respect and confidence; will be too trifling in his manners and expressions; more apt to follow than to lead; and too modest and backAvard to ap- pear Avell; and will not be likely to advance himself to some bold and commanding position, and maintain himself in it, even though, with large ideal, and intellectual organs, and a large brain, his talents may be abundantly sufficient for that purpose; yet, with firm, very large, will nevertheless be de termined, persevering, &c. Very Small.—One having self-e. very small, with con- siien. and cautious, very large, will be always dissatisfied with, and have a miserable opinion of, himself, and all he does; and, Avith hope only moderate, fear to attempt any thing Avhich involves responsibility, lest he should fail to do all that may be required of him ; will feel ashamed to hold up his head, or look his fellow-men in the face; and be al« Ways condemning himself. 118 phrenology illustrated. Location.—Self-e. is located on the mesial line of the head, about half an inch above the union of the lambdoidal sutures, and directly back of firm.; or, in the middle of the superiour-inferiour portion of the head, at an angle of about forty-five degrees with the plane of the base of the skull. Approbat. is located on the two external sides of it, and cau- toius. beyond approbat., in the same range. The existence of this faculty demonstrates the position, that the feeling or principle of liberty and of equal rights, is in- alienable, and inherent in the very nature and constitution of man; that, therefore, it can no more be destroyed than hunger. or love ; that a purely republican and democratick form of government is the only one adapted to the nature of'man, and the only one calculated to secure universal satisfaction and happiness; and that the subjugation of man by his fellow-man, is an open violation of the principles of human nature. If our rulers only understood this principle of our nature, and if all the landmarks and all the regulations of government only proceeded upon it, subjection and servitude, in all those ten thousand forms which they assume in society, would be at once abolished. By creating every man free to choose or refuse the evil or the good, God allows every man to govern himself; and, surely, then, men ought to allow one another to govern themselves, subject, hoAvever, in the latter case, as they are in the former, to those regulations which are necessary to the general good, and, also, to be " rewarded according to their deeds." There is no danger that this feeling will ever be extin- guished ; but, in case the subjugation and servitude of man, in any form, should be carried to a very great length, there is danger, ay, a moral certainty, of a revolution, and a rev olution, too, attended with a violence proportionate to the pressure laid upon it. In this country, there is no likelihood, nor scarcely a possibility, of a despotick form of government, but there is danger of a moneyed despotism—of aristocratick monopolies, and of the poAverful's tyrannizing over the Aveak, and because they are poor or friendless. This same love of being free ourselves, and of ruling ourselves, reaches still farther, and desires to govern others. SloAvly but surely, as it were, in the insinuating, yet resistless, folds of the Boa Constrictor, is this serpentine aristocracy subduing and sub- jugating, by piece-meal, particularly the virtuous and the talented poor of our country; and, should things progress, FIRMNESS. 119 for sixty years to come, as they have done since the Revolu- tion, this nation, the birthplace and the cradle of liberty, will be ruled by an aristocracy, not of government, but of monopoly, of wealth, &c, far more tyrannical than any na- tion under heaven. But, thanks to the great Author of our Deing, man's nature is unalterable; the spirit of Seventy-six, and the love of liberty, will live and will increase, and aa'o be to those 'hat ride over it The great doctrine of human rights—of liberty—of free government—of " INDEPEND- ENCE," will live and spread, and root up, and trample doAvn, erery vestige of tyranny, of aristocracy, and of ser vitude. 14. FIRMNESS. StabUily—decision of character—fixedness of purpose— desire to continue—aversion to change. The necessity of some faculty, to which to refer that stead- fastness, perseverance, and unAvillingness to relinquish Avhat has been undertaken, which are so indispensable to success, and so common phenomena of the human mind, is too ob- vious to need comment; and the frequent instances of down- right obstinacy, and of blind adherence to Avhat has been adopted, and solely because it has been adopted, afford con- clusive evidence of the existence of firm, as a primary faculty of the human mind. Large.—One having firm, large, Avill be so stable, de- cided, determined, &c, that he may be relied upon; and be very unAvilling to change his plans, opinions, purposes, course of conduct, orAvhateA'er he undertakes or adopts. One having firm, large, with combat., destruct, and self-e. full or large, will add perseverance to stability, and not only hold on to his plans to the last, but, also, drive them forward with great determination through opposing difficulties : Avith self-e. large or very large, is so sure and certain that he is right, that there Avill be the greatest difficulty in convincing him that he is wrong, or in turning him from his purposes; yet, if the reasoning organs are very large, he may listen to Strong and conclusive arguments: Avith cautious, large, may seem to waver, and to lack decision of purpose, but this Avill be the case only before he has fully decided, and openly com- mitted himself, and when his fear is so active as to overcome his firmness: with hope very large, ^nd cautious, only mode- 130 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. rate, may start on foot so many neAV projects ar to appear fickle, yet the phenomena will proceed rather from an excess of hope, than from a deficiency of firm.: with adhes. and benev. very large, may be easily persuaded, or led, espe- cially by friends, yet cannot be driven the least: Avith com- bat., destruct., self-e., hope, and caus. large or very large, not only holds on to his OAvn opinions and plans Avith great tena- city, but also drives fonvard whatever he undertakes with great energy, and can be turned aside or driven from his pur- poses only by compulsion or impossibilities; is pre-eminently persevering, if not really obstinate, and is well qualified to complete what he undertakes : Avith the perceptive organs, at least, full, the reasoning organs very large, and cautious. large, will lay his plans for a long time to come, and pursue a preconcerted, systematick course of action, and thus effect important objects; may take some time to make up his mind, yet Avill seldom change it; will be slow in undertaking, but unchanging in executing; and may always be relied upon: with combat, and self-e. large, ven. moderate, and the reasoning organs only full, will not be open to conviction, nor feel the force of reasons urged against him, but will blindly and tena- ciously adhere to his opinions and determinations, and seem to be much more firm than he really is, &c. Very large.—One having firm, very large, will be likely to be obstinate, if not really stubborn; and, with self-e. large, will be unbending, and yield only to dire necessity or compulsion; and, when he has once committed himself, will turn comparatively a deaf ear to the voice of entreaty, of threatening, of reason, and even of interest, and all for no other reason than because he will or will not; with hope and combat, also large, will boldly encounter the greatest difficulties ; " hope against hope;" and possess the greatest fortitude, and the most unbending determination: Avith self-a. large, cautious, moderate, and caus. only full, AviFl make up his mind at once, and upon a partial view of the subject, and then absolutely refuse to change it; will think himself willing to see his errours and listen to reasonable advice, Avhile the doors of his mind will be barred and bolted against every thing designed or calculated to convince or turn him ; and may be called blindly obstinate and mulish: Avith the reason- ing organs large, will be loath, and even sometimes refuse, to change, Avhen his reason tells him that he ought to do so, yet may be influenced by very strong motives, and very urgent firmness. 121 reasons: but, if the moral and reasoning faculties predomi- nate over the selfish, firm, will seldom manifest itself in doAvnright obstinacy. The combinations under firm, large, modified by an increase of the influence of firm., Avill apply to firm, very large. Full.—One having firm, full, will possess, except in a ess energetick and apparent degree, those qualities ascribed to firm, large, with this important exception, that he will be much more liable to abandon his purposes, and appear to be changeable, not because firm, is absolutely deficient, but be- cause the other more poAverful faculties cause it to yield to their demands. When, therefore, his other faculties which are large or very large, act in conjunction with his firm., he will be so firm as to be thought obstinate, but, Avhen his larger faculties act in opposition to firm., he will manifest fickleness. For example; one having firm, full, aided by large combat, and self-e., (Avhich add self-confidence and re- sistance to firmness,) and, also, by bright hopes of success, will sho.Av a great amount of decision and perseverance, especially Avhen his feeling of resistance is awakened; but, when hope is very large, he will be likely to become dissatisfied with his present situation and success, and to grasp eagerly at any neAV object to which his hope* may allure him: with cau- tious, very large, and combat, only moderate, will often fear to proceed, and be irresolute, because he fancies there is "some lion in the Avay:" Avith self-e. small, will have so lit- tle confidence in himself, that he will be unwilling to trust his own judgment, and thus too often listen to advice: with approbat. very large, may frequently vary his course in order to adapt himself to publick opinion : with cautious, large, and caus. and compar. very large, will generally decide and pro- ceed so judiciously as seldom to need to change; yet, in almost any combination, the individual will maintain his opinions, however he may change his plans and course of conduct. Firm, full, large, or very large, acts with the greatest vigour in combination with the other faculties that are most energetick. For example; one having firm, of a given size, with adhes. very large, and acquis, small, will be more con- stant in his adherence to friends than to money-making pur- suits in proportion as his adhes. is more vigorous than his acquis.: Avith combat, large and philopro. small, will have very little patience or perseverance with regard to children, yet will manifest great determination, and even obstinacy 122 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. when his spirit of resistance is kindled: with the intellectual organs large and self-e. small, will persevere in his literary pursuits, yet will be too easily made to believe that he ia wrong, and too easily led, &c. Moderate.—One having firm, moderate, will be likely to be inconstant, changeable, and fluctuating in his character; to be doing one thing to-day, and another to-morrow, and can not be depended upon. One having firm, moderate, with ad- hes. large or very large, will love his friends ardently for the time being, yet frequently change friends for slight causes, loving those who are last and untned.the best: with combat, and destruct. large, in the prosecution of his plans, may drive all before him for awhile, yet will soon change his course; may be bold and courageous in the onset, yet will fail to carry the matter out, or execute his threats: with approbat. large, and self-e. only moderate, will do much as he is told to do; follow the advice of every one; and be always shifting to adapt him- self to circumstances: Avith cautious, large or very large, will be always " halting between two opinions," and always unde- termined as to his plan of operation: Avith the intellectual organs generally large, may be a rapid, but will not be a persevering, scholar; will have a thorough and profound knowledge of no branch of science ; and allow trifles to di- vert him from his purposes. Small.—One having firm, small, will begin many things, yet complete very few; cannot be depended upon; will be fickle, unstable, inconstant in every thing, &c; may sow much, yet will not remain to reap the fruits of his labours, and thus bring to pass very little. The combinations under firm, moderate, modified by a still farther reduction of the influence of firm., will apply to firm, small. Very small.—When firm, is very small, the subject will be the sport of the other faculties. Location.—Firm, is located in the back part of the top of the head. When the head is erect, a perpendicular line, drawn from the external opening of the ear to the top of the head, will pass through the anterior portion of the organ. It is usually the highest portion of the American and the English head. In the cut of the head of Aurelia Chase, it is very large. moral and religious faculties. 123 SPECIES II.—Moral and Religious Faculties. Man has always been considered " a religious animal." It will hardly be denied that, aside from his " love of money," and the means employed to obtain it, religion of some kind, and religion in some form, have constituted, and still consti- tute, one of the leading, not to say, all-absorbing, objects of human contemplation and pursuit. Scarcely a single nation or tribe of men has ever been known to exist, whose religion did not enter into, if not even constitute, the very texture of all the habits and the character of that nation or tribe. Take away the religion of the Hindoo, of the Asiatick nations, of the Ethiopian race, of the tawny sons of our western Avilds, of the European nations or of their descendants in America, or, indeed, of any other " nation, or kindred, or tongue under heaven," and, with Micah, they would at once exclaim, "Ye have taken away my gods: Avhat have I more?" And, so long as the nature of man remains unchanged, there is no possibility of his being less religious than he always has been. We have to fear only that his religious doctrines will be er- roneous, and his religious life and practices therefore incor- rect ; or, in other Avords, that his moral faculties will make him immoral. To avoid this evil, and to secure one of the greatest of blessings, namely, a correct religious belief and practice, let him fully analyze his religious faculties, and adopt those practices which they clearly point out. Now, reason teaches us, that the nature of man must neces- sarily be in perfect harmony with the moral government of God, and Avith the moral constitution of the universe; and, if phrenology is true, the morality it inculcates, must necessarily be in perfect harmony with the nature of man: so that, upon the principle that any two things which are each like a third, are, therefore, like each other, it folloAvs, that the moral prin- ciples of phrenology must be in perfect harmony with the moral principles and constitution of the universe; because each is in harmony with the nature of man. And, as the moral government of God must be in harmony with both the moral character and attributes of the Deity, and, also, Avith his natural kingdom, it folloAvs, that phrenology, if true, must be in perfect harmony with the natural and the moral government and attributes of the great Creator and Governour of the universe. And if revelation is also true, its doctrines and precepts must be in harmony with those taught by phre- 124 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. nology In other words; if revelation and phrenology are Doth true, there must be a perfect harmony and coincidence between the theology of phrenology, and the theology of revelation. In this case, each would assist to explain and in- terpret the other, and both together, would give a far more perfect view of theology and religion, than either can do separately. And if, through prejudice, or blindness, or wick- edness, any one should pervert either, he may readily be corrected by the other. The authors are free to acknowledge, that they have more hope that their fellow men Avill be brought to a correct knowledge of the only true religion, and, also, to a right un- derstanding and a proper application of revelation, through the instrumentality of phrenology, than by any, if not every, other means now in operation. The grounds of this hope will be more fully presented in a subsequent work, in which the theology of phrenology will be compared with that of revelation, the phrenological answer given to the question, " In what does true religion consist ?" and the moral and religious bearings of phrenology will be considered and presented. 15. CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. Moral principle—sense of justice—regard for duty— feeling of moral accountability, incumbency, and obliga- tion—perception of the right and the wrong of feelings and conduct. The proposition that man is a moral and accountable agent—that he is governed by moral laws, and is capable of taking cognizance of the morality, or the right and the wrong, of feelings and conduct, and of performing actions and exercising feelings Avhich are virtuous and vicious, and, as such, reAA'ardable and punishable, is susceptible of demonstra- tion by an appeal to the moral feelings of almost eveTy in- dividual of the human race. Hoav often do men, when they are conscious of having done wrong, feel guilty and con- demned, and deserving of punishment ? This cannot be the result of education, nor of circumstances, for, without a fac- ulty for exercising this class of functions, men could no more be taught to feel guilty than they could be taught to see without eyes, or to breathe without lungs. And, since this class of functions is entirely distinct from everv other class, CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 125 is homogeneous in its character, and has for its end a very important object, and, above all, since it is always found to be manifested in proportion to the development of a given portion of the brain, it follows, that it is performed by a dis- tinct faculty of the. mind, or by a mental power which is in- nate, and Avhich forms a constituent part of the human mind. This being the case, it follows, that man's mind is consti- tuted with a direct reference to certain abstract and first principles of right and justice. This is rendered evident from the fact, that every portion of the universe of God, is in perfect harmony with, and also adapted to, every other por- tion of it Now, since the mind of man forms a part of this universe, and is, therefore, in perfect harmony and consist- ency with every other part of it, and since this same mind is likewise moulded and constituted Avith direct reference to, and proceeds upon, certain first principles of right and justice, it follows, that the whole system of thinga, or the whole uni- verse of God, is also constituted with direct reference to, and proceeds upon, these same principles of right and justice upon which the human mind proceeds, or, in other words, that the universe is a moral universe—that God's govern- ment recognises the morality and the immorality of feelings and conduct, and that its Governour rewards the one, and punishes the other. If there were no such thing as right and wrong, as virtue and vice, as morality and immorality, why should the great Author of nature tell us that some things are right, and others wrong, by implanting in our very nature this moral tribunal of right and wrong, and thus knoAvingly and egre- giously deceive us? If there exist no first principles of right and wrong, Avhy should the mind of man be so formed as to receive any such impressions ? or why should the hu- man mind be adapted to that which does not exist ? Thus, by physical demonstration, and the language of facts, we are inevitably brought to the conclusion, that God's government is a moral government—that, consequently, its Governour is a moral Governour, and that mankind are his moral subjects. These are great and fundamental princi- ples of morality and of ethicks, and, farthermore, principles which have never before been fully established, unless, in- deed, it should be maintained that a revelation which is knoAvn, comparatively, to only a few, and believed in by fewer .26 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. still, has established it by assuming it, and making it an article of faith. Large.—One having conscien. large, will have a clear and an acute moral eye, and a ready perception of what is right and what is wrong, both in himself and in others, and will frequently, if not generally, direct his attention to this quality of actions and feelings; will consult duty rather than expe diency, and pursue the course Avhich he considers right, even though it may be in opposition to his interest; will endeavour to be honest and faithful in the discharge of his supposed ob- ligations ; will often feel guilty, and unworthy; be ready to acknowledge his faults, and condemn himself for them; will strive to lead a moral, virtuous, and upright life; and possess a thankful, and grateful heart. One having conscien. large, with firm, also large, wil manifest firmness upon all occasions, but be particularly de- cided and determined in every case of duty, or justice, or right; will take a firm stand upon the side of duty and moral principle, and maintain it, even to extremity; and, with combat, also large, will possess great moral courage, great boldness to go forward in advocating and urging on the cause of virtue or morality, and will also resolutely oppose whatever he considers to be wrong or unjust; with large de- struct. and self-e. added to this combination, will not only quickly notice, but be inclined severely to censure, whatever he considers wrong; and, with self-e. very large, Avill be cen- sorious, and severe in his reflections upon others: with firm., caus., and compar. large, will regard the claims of duty and justice as of primary importance, and discharge them at al- most any hazard; can be induced only Avith the greatest dif- ficulty, and by the strongest temptations, knowingly and wil- fully to violate them; will make strenuous efforts to restrain his immoral, and excite his moral, feelings; though he may sometimes be overcome by his still stronger faculties, and led into sin by them, yet Avill generally maintain the ascendency, and experience deep remorse and repentance when he is sen- sible of having swerved from the path of duty; and, unless self-e. is very large, will readily acknowledge his faults: with adhes. and benev. large or very large, secret, only moderate, and destruct. and combat, only full, will mildly, yet faithfully, reprove his friends; tell them their faults in a plain and can- did, yet in a mild and feeling, manner, so as to do them the greatest amount of good, and yet injure their feelings as lit- CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 12T tie as possible; closely watch over their moral conduct; have their good at heart, and, therefore, affectionately reprove them; but, with combat., destruct., and self-e. large, will be rather harsh and censorious in his manner of administering reproof; and, Avith secret, moderate or small, will find fault with others when they do not conform to his own standard of duty; and, if firm, and self-e. are very large, and caus. and benev. only full, will set up himself or his doctrines as the only correct standard of truth aiid rectitude; pronounce judg- ment upon the character of others; be censorious and rigid in his moral and religious views and practices, &c.: with be- nev. large, and combat., caus., compar., hope, and self-e., at least, full, will possess great moral courage; will never tem- porize upon questions of duty, but will stand up boldly and resolutely in defence of morality and truth; and, let conse- quences be what they may, will never abandon them; and never fly from persecution in the cause of viitue and benev- olence, but Avill boldly meet and face all opposition; will not forsake his ground ; Avill drive forward moral, and religious, and benevolent enterprises with great energy; go all lengths, and make any sacrifices, in defence of moral principle, and in securing or maintaining what he considers right, chiefly on account of the principle involved in the matter, even though the thing itself may be unimportant; and, if compar. and caus. are very large, will be admirably qualified to distin- guish himself as a moral and religious leader; to fill stations of responsibility and trust, Avhere judgment and talents are required to be combined with integrity and energy of mind and character: Avith large or very large selfish propensities, and only moderate or full firm, and reasoning organs, Avill struggle hard against his " easily besetting sins," yet be often overcome by them; aviII do many things of which he will bitterly repent; will resolve on amendment, but again yield to temptation ; and alternate between sinning and repenting: with very large cautious., in every case where he is not certain what his duty is, will be so fearful of doing wrong as often not to act at all, and thus fail to do right; will frequently tremble for fear of apprehended punishment; and, Avith large or very large ven. in addition, will have high ideas of the majesty, and holiness, and justice of the Deity; be filled^with dread and awe while contemplating his character and works; have great fear of incurring his displeasure, and of being visited Avith his judgment; and, Avith hope moderate or small. 128 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. little expectation of pardon, or, at least, many " doubts and fears" concerning his salvation and future condition ; be given to religious melancholy; and have but feeble faith; but, with hope large, will look upon his Maker, not only as a s'm-pun- ishing, hit also as a sin-forgiving God; generally have strong Christian faith, and be solaced by hopes of pardon through a Redeemer, yet experience occasional doubts: with philopro. large, will love his children, yet their moral char- acter and conduct will be the chief objects of his regard and anxiety; and, if benev. is large, and destruct. full, will faithfully reprove, if not chastise, them for their faults: with large caus. and compar., will first investigate subjects, with ref- erence to their moral character and bearings; will take great delight in tracing out the connexion between moral causes and their effects—in reasoning upon the relations of man to his Maker, of man to his fellow-man, and of man in all his rela- tions as a moral and accountable being, &c; in investigating the attributes and the character of the Deity, especially as ex- hibited in his works; in inquiring into the moral relations of things, &c; and will appreciate the full force of moral infer- ences : with compar. and caus. very large, will be a profound and acute theologian, and with large concent, will take orig- inal views of subjects, and be unable to leave any subject of moral inquiry or research until he has run it out in all its bear- ings ; will be exceedingly interested in moral philosophy, in metaphysical and theological studies, &c.: with large or very large combat., compar., and caus., will delight in discussing religious and moral questions, &c.: with large self-e., and very large firm., will reluctantly open his eyes upon his faults, yet will then freely acknowledge them, and endeavour to reform: with only full secret, and acquis., and large firm., self-e., benev., and caus., and a large and active brain, will never be guilty of either a mean, or a dishonest action ; will be just, obliging, and faithful to his Avord, and possess true moral worth in a high degree; and, with only full combat. and destruct., will be amiable: with approbat. very large, will experience a morbid sensibility to shame, and, with large ven., and only moderate self-e., will often suffer intolerably from mingled feelings of guilt, unworthiness, and shame, and be unable to look his fellow men in the face: with large or very large benev. and adhes., and only full self-e., will bo very grateful for favours received, and glad of an oppor- tunity to return them; will feel strong attachment towards CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 129 r' his benefactors, and think of them only with lively emotions of gratitude and love; will be thankful to those who will point out his faults to him; be forgiving in his disposition, especially when forgiveness is asked; sincerely repent of his sins, both of omission and of commission, weep over them, ind strive against committing more sin, &c. i The functions of the other faculties are often mistaken for those of conscien., yet a close analysis will point out a radi- cal difference betAveen there ; and, since those who have the least conscien., are the least sensible of their deficiency, and, also, of the functions ascribed to it, they will be likely to give themselves credit for much more conscien. than they actually possess. Very large.—One having conscien. very large, will make morality and duty the pole-star of his life, and the only guide of his conduct; will not, for the world, knowing- ly do Avrong or injure another; will male almost any sacri- fice sooner than incur.guilt; is tormented Avith the mere sus- picion of having done AA*rong or injured another ; frequently experiences the feeling of remorse for things that are even right; bitterly repents and loathes himself when he is appre- hensiAre that duty has been violated or neglected, and feels miserable until he is sure that all is right again ; is even scrupulously and unnecessarily exact in all his dealings; is constantly tormented and harassed by the goadings of a guilty conscience; and, Avhen he has failed to fulfil any prom- ises, feels condemned and unhappy, even though to have ful- filled them was impossible. One having conscien. very large, with benev. and ven. large or very large, Avill experience the liveliest emotions of gratitude to his bountiful Creator for favours received, and, with adhes. large, to his fellow-men for acts of kindness, and feel strong attachment to his benefactors: with approbat, acquis., &c, only full, -will sacrifice ease, property, happiness, and friendship, if not every thing else, sooner than violate his conscience: with large combat., will do what he consid- ers right, regardless of consequences; will be as bold and as fearless as a lion in every case of duty, and in defending any moral principle; and will make every thing in which he is concerned, bend to his ideas of duty, and to those moral principles by which he himself is governed: with moderate or small self-e., shrinks from publick responsibility: with ven. and cautious very large, and hope and self-e. very fi/iall, 6* 130 phrenology illustrated. contemplates the character of the Deity with the most pro found awe, mingled Avith dread and terrour, and himself as sinful and unworthy in the extreme; will tremble in view of the punishment he believes to await him; have few and feeble hopes of pardon, and be driven to actual despair and religious melancholy or mania, &c. The combinations under conscien. large, modified by an increase of the influence of conscien., will apply to conscien. very large. It might also be added, that words cannot do full justice to the character of this faculty, or to its influence upon the moral conduct and feelings of its possessor. . Full.—One having conscien. full, will desire and en- deavour to do right, and feel condemned when convinced of having done wrong; will recognise the claims of duty; feel his moral obligations, both to God and man; and, unless his temptations, or, in other words, the solicitations of his strong- er faculties, overcome the remonstrances of conscien., will be honest and faithful, and live a virtuous, moral life, yet his conscien. will have a great deal to struggle with, and some- times lose the ascendency. The manifestations of conscien. full, are governed by the following general principle, namely, that one having con- scien. full, Avith such an organization as would be favourable to virtue and morality, or Avith the selfish faculties under the control of the moral and reasoning faculties, especially if placed in circumstances calculated to promote virtue, will be likely to possess a high standard of virtue, and of moral feeling and principle; but, with the selfish faculties generally larger than conscien. and the other moral and the reasoning faculties, especially if placed in circumstances calculated to urge him into excesses, or to create defects, will possess conscien. too feeble to turn the current of his stronger passions into a vir- tuous channel, or to supply his defects. Thus, one having conscien. full, Avith large combat., and only moderate secret., will be subject to ebullitions of passion, yet, as soon as the excitement of combat, has subsided, conscien. will create pun- gent remorse and contrition : Avith large combat, and destruct., and only moderate acquis., may be often led into sin by his anger, yet will be perfectly honest in all his pecuniary trans- actions: Avith large or very large acquis., adhes., and secret., and only full caus. and self-e., may frequently take the ad-« vantage of strangers, and be even dishonest in his pecuniary transactions with mere acquaintances, yet will never wrong conscientiousness. 131 a friend, and will be likely to be honest in all his transac- tions where love of gain does not entice him astray: with only moderate acquis., and large or very large destruct., combat., approbat., and secret., may defame his rivals with- out a strict regard to truth, yet possess a moral character un- exceptionable in other respects, &c. Accordingly, we find many persons to be perfectly moral in their general charac- ter, yet addicted to some grossly immoral, if not even vicious, propensity—some "easily besetting sin:" and this one fault is too often alloAved to throw into the shade all "their virtuous qualities. , The combinations and descriptions under conscien. large, modified by a diminution of the influence of conscien., will apply to conscien. full. Moderate.—One having conscien. moderate, will expe- rience fewer and feebler compunctions of conscience, and jus- tify himself more than one with larger conscien.; will con- sider the moral qualities of actions far less than he will their effects upon himself; will frequently indulge his other facul- ties to excess, and, also, fail to do his duty, and Avill not be very particular to govern his feelings and his conduct by any fixed standard of moral principle; will consult expedi- ency rather than duty; and be less sensible of his faults, less open to conviction, less clear in his discernment between right and Avrong, less correct in his reasoning upon religious subjects, the character of God, and the moral relations of man to man, and of man to his Maker, and will appreciate moral inferences less, than one with larger conscien. One having conscien. moderate, with very large self-e., and large selfish organs generally, will be likely to make such demands upon others as his interest may dictate, without sufficient regard to Avhat really belongs to him; and will not experience lively emotions of gratitude for favours received, because the feeling will be implanted in his mind that others are under a kind of obligation to do Avhatever he may choose to require of them: with large or very large self-e., adhes., and benev., and only moderate secret., may be perfectly honest and unexceptionable in his moral conduct, yet will be so from feelings of kindness or friendship, or because it will be mean and degrading to do wrong; will govern his conduct by prin- ciples of nobleness, and do the honourable and the manly thing, yet will seldom feel guilty, or do right from conscientious scruples: with Lirge or very large approbat., will do right 132 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. when to do wrong, would injure his reputation, or tarnish his honour, yet, Avill do that which is wrong, and which large conscien. would forbid, when such things are generally approved; and do what is popular, without thinking or ca- ring whether it is right or not: with very large adhes., and benev., may be very kind, very affectionate, very willing to do favours, &c; feel a great deal of sympathy for distress, and show much tenderness of feeling, which are liable to be mistaken for conscien., yet these feelings wiil not be ac- companied with a deep sense of duty, of obligation, of grati- tude, of moral principle, &c.: with large or very large ven. and a religious education, may be devout, religiously inclined, and, with cautious, large, fear to offend his Maker, and, with the selfish faculties only full, may live a blame- less, Christian life, yet will lack those nice moral qualities imparted by conscien.; but, with small marvel., and with- out a strict, religious education, Avill be likely to be irreli- gious, if not skeptical: Avith large or very large secret, and approbat., will be likely to do Avrong in secret, and when there is little risk of detection; and, with only moderate self-e., will be deceitful, if not hypocritical, yet, with ven. large, may even profess religion, but will be a Pharisee: with large or very large reasoning organs, may govern his conduct by the dictates of reason, feel the full force of philosophical con- clusions, and reason clearly and forcibly upon all subjects disconnected with morality and duty, yet will not appreciate the force of moral truths, &c. Small—One having conscien. small, will have but lit- tle idea of right and Avrong in the abstract; even when guilty, will be comparatively a stranger to the feelings of peni- tence, and to the compunctions of conscience; will have but little regard for moral principle, and little concern Avhether his character conforms to its requisitions or not; or care whether he is moral or immoral as such; will have few con- scientious scruples, and, perhaps, ridicule those who have; will lack that regard for pure justice, that desire to do right, and that tenderness of conscience, which this faculty alone can impart, and be nearly destitute of moral acumen and discrimination. The combinations under conscien. moderate, modified by a reduction of the influence of conscien., will apply to con- scien. small. Other combinations, deduced from the princi - pies there illustrated, may be added by the reader. CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 133 Very small.—One having conscien. very small, will neither know nor feel the difference between right and wrong in themselves, nor have any moral discernment; will have no conscientious scruples; deny the doctrine of rewards and unishments, and the whole system of moral accountability; e a stranger to the feelings of responsibility and repentance; and, being unrestrained by the influence of conscien., do just what his other faculties dictate. The faculty of conscien. does not decide as to what is right or wrong, nor create that moral standard or tribunal by which the feelings and the conduct are tried, but merely ar- raigns them before such a tribunal as may have been settled by the combined influence of the other faculties, of educa- tion, of circumstances, &c. Suppose, for example, that two individuals, A. and B. possessed an equal share of conscien., while A. possessed very large acquis., and B. only small ac- quis. Let both be placed in given circumstances, and the conscien. of A. will alloAV him to take an unjustifiable amount of money, and even to demand it; while the same degree of conscien. in B., would not allow him to take the same amount, even in case it should be offered to him; yet, should A. possess a large endowment of ven., and B. but small ven., although the conscien. of A., might allow him to take more money than belonged to him, this same con- scien. might even compel him, out of a sense of duty, to attend upon certain religious observances, go to meeting, &c, more strictly than the same amount of conscien. would require of B. If the reasoning organs of B. were much larger than those of A., his views of right and wrong would be much more cor- rect and reasonable than those of A. The conscien. of the Indian doubtless urges him on even to commit deeds of cru- elty and vengeance upon that race which, he conceives, has wronged him. The conscience of the Catholick might re- quire him always to attend mass, and torment him for tasting meat on certain days, or for visiting a Protestant place of wor- ship., while that of a Protestant, might condemn a visit to a Catholick church as a heinous sin. This illustration Avill furnish a perfect and most beautiful solution of the otherwise inexplicable phenomena, that the di- versity of opinion as to what is right and what is wrong, and as to what constitutes the test and standard of virtue and of vice, is well nigh infinite, or, at least, receives a different modifica- tion fk»m almost every individual—that some approve as virt 134 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. uous, what others condemn as wicked, and what others still, regard as neither—that almost every vice has been considered a virtue, and practised as such, and many forms of virtue con- demned as sinful—that a very conscientious man may be a very wicked man, and be even made the more wicked by his perverted or " seared" conscience, and that a man with but feeble conscien., may be comparatively virtuous, &c. The decisions of conscien. alone, then, form no criterion as to what is right or Avrong; yet, in conjunction with lihe full development and unperverted exercise of all the otJtier faculties, it constitutes a great moral formula by which every feeling of the heart, and every action in life, may be tried, and its moral character determined. So that phrenology, in fact, teaches us, " what most Ave need to know," what is right and avhat is avrong. By a reference to a subse- quent chapter, the reader will see this point fully illustrated and applied. The diversity of opinion just alluded to, as to what is con sidered right and Avhat Avrong, does not, in the least, affect any of the arguments under this head, because they are predicated merely upon the existence of some standard of right—upon some code of morality, which standard and code actually ex- ist, though modified in their application. The influence of conscien. upon the conduct and the char- acter, is so great and so peculiar, as, in a measure, to baffle description. A person Avith little conscien., may be as honest a man, as kind a neighbour, as warm a friend, as trusty and as honourable in his dealings, &c, as another is who has large conscien., but from very different motives; yet a deficiency of conscien. constitutes a palpable and a radical defect of charac- ter, a defect which is more observable in a want of moral feel- ing, and in a comparative destitution of moral principle, than in the mere conduct and dealings of the individual. The larger this organ, the more guilty will the individual feel. The reason of this is, that large or very large con- scien. being always awake, arraigns all the actions, and feelings, and motives before this moral tribunal, and brings them to a much more heart-searching trial, and thus creates a much greater sense of guilt and sinfulness than would be done by weaker conscien., even though the conduct, feelings, and motives, from Avhich this feeling of guilt is derived, should, in both cases, be alike. This faculty, then, while it actually prevents the truly coa- CONSCIENTIOUSNESS. 135 scientious man from committing as much sin as he would probably commit with but feeble conscien., makes him feel the more guilty, and allows those who have but little con scien., and are therefore the less restrained from commit- ting sin, to live on, comparatively insensible to their faults, dead to the reproach of a guilty conscience, and justified in their own eyes. This fact refutes the doctrine that the goadings of a guilty conscience in this life, constitute the only punishment foi sin: for it is a plain dictate of reason and of conscience, thai the punishment of sin must always be proportionate to the in- iquity committed. Yet Ave here see that the punishment in- flicted by conscien., is lightest upon those who sin the most, and most severe upon those who are least deserving of it, and that it is often inflicted when the actions punished are even virtu- ous. (See conscien. very large.) Conscien. has been shown to be merely the judge of sinfulness, and not its executioner. Now, by proving that the principle of accountability, which necessarily implies accompanying reAvards and pun- ishments, enters into the very nature and constitution of man— that men are punishable for their sins, and punishable in proportion to their guilt,—and, that conscien. inflicts the lightest punishment upon those who are the most guilty, phre- nology proves that there is some other punishment for sin than the goadings of a guilty conscience, Avhich, taken in conjunction with the fact, that those Avho sin most, often suffer least in other respects, and that the righteous are often se- verely afflicted in this life, brings us to the inevitable conclu- sion, that these rewards and punishments, which must be in- flicted someiohere, are reserved for administration in another state of existence. Not that rewards and punishments, as such, are not ad- ministered in this life; for we know, indeed, that obedience to the laws of our corporeal organization, produces health, and Avith it, a great degree of happiness, and that the viola- tion of these laws, produces severe punishment, examples of which are to be found in those pains caused by cut- ting, bruising, burning, poisoning, or otherwise injuring our bodies; but that the present state is not the only state of retribution. And since the administration of rewards and punishments in the present state of existence, is not only not incompatible with the benevolence and the government of the Deitv, but is even demanded by both, Avhy should not the 136 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. same administration of rewards and punishments in another state of existence, not only riot be incompatible with the same character and government of the same unchangeable Being, Dut be even demanded in another world, in like manner as it is in this? All sectarian prejudices aside, are not these fair inferences from phrenological principles ? In children and in females, this organ is generally found to be much larger (as the faculty is much stronger) than in males. Indeed, in children beloAv ten years of age, it is almost invari- ably large or. very large, Avhile in men, especially in some sections of our country, the deficiency is quite common. We may hence conclude, that it constitutes a leading feature of the human character, and that its deficiency is mainly owing to a want of culture. A deficiency of conscien., then, implies a neglect of its cultivation; and this want of cultivation im- plies the guilt consequent upon burying so important a talent in the earth. Location.—Conscien. is located upon the two sides of the posteriour portion of firm. Its protuberances are at right angles with those of firm., and parallel to those of hope. Its development can generally be determined without difficulty, yet, as hope is loeated by its side, it is sometimes difficult to determine Avith certainty to which a given protuberance belongs. 16. HOPE. Expectation—anticipation—tendency of mind tc contem- plate the future with bright expectations of happiness and success. This faculty expects to obtain and enjoy Avhat the other faculties desire. This it does Avithout basing this expectation upon any other grounds than the mere impression that things will happen as the individual desires that they should hap- pen. By promising the continuance, and even the increase, of present enjoyments, by diminishing the quantity and the bitterness of present sufferings, and by predicting that the burden will be lightened, or that sorrows will be turned into joys, it adds greatly to the sweetness and the fullness of .he cup of human happiness; and by representing things as much more desiruble, and more easily obtained, than they really are, it contributes greatly to enterprise and ef- fort. How many things do the fair promises of hope indue* HOPE. 137 fts to undertake, and firmness, to carry through, when, with- out hope, the undertaking would be scouted, and, without firmness, abandoned. This faculty not only embraces within its range, the present state of existence, but, leaping the dark chasm of death, it revels in the prospect of bliss beyond the shores of time, as those in Avhom it is large, generally believe in a future state of existence. Its function is, expectation in general—a. vivid and intense glow of delight in the mere anticipation of future happiness and success: and the beauty of its manifestation is, that the individual pi aces almost as much confidence in the promises and allurements of this faculty, as he does in the conclusions, of reason or experience. Large.—One having hope large, Avill contemplate the future with high expectations of happiness, and dwell upon his projects and his prospects with sanguine anticipations of success; will magnify advantages, and diminish obstacles, will dwell upon the fairer side of prospects, and take only a slight glance at discouraging circumstances; will be likely to promise himself and others much more than is reasonable; Avill be cheerful, lively, and sanguine; will feast upon the prom- ises of hope; will overlook past and present disappointments and troubles, in the brighter visions of the future; and, though subject to frequent discouragements, will still indulge his hope, forgetting the past, and pressing onward to the future. One having hope large, with only full cautious., will hope much more than fear, yet, with caus. large, will seldom al- low his hopes to hurry him into imprudent measures; but, with the addition of large or very large combat., firm., selfe., and ideal., will seem to be imprudent, especially when in pursuit of some most desirable object, yet his forethought and judgment will not only guard against misfortune, but secure success, even though he Avill seem to be very impru- dent, and when hope is excited, even hazardous: with only moderate caus. and cautious., may sometimes attempt impos- sibilities, and, with only full caus. and cautious., improbabili- ties with very large cautious., Avill never expose himself to any of those dangers or losses which can be fore-seen or provided against, even though he might thereby gain the more; will keep upon th3 safe side of things, and risk but little, yet will anticipate and attempt considerable: with firm. and self-e. large or very large, will rise above trouble ana 138 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. adversity, confidently expecting that the scale will soon turn in his favour; will lay many new plans; form many new pro- jects ; and be prone to try experiments; yet, if concent, is small, will frequently change or vary them: with self-e. large or very large, and only full caus., will feel himself capable of attempting and effecting great things; think that he can sue ceed much better than others; and thus often attempt wha he cannot accomplish; yet will not learn, even by repeated disappointments, that he can do no more than others; but, with very large caus. and compar., and large intellectual or- gans generally, will hope for great things, yet hope within the bounds of reason; like De Witt Clinton, will be capable of projecting some stupendous work, and, also, of devising the means for accomplishing it; and will seldom or never fail in his projects, &c. Very large.—One having hope very large, Avill literally revel in the bright anticipations of those enjoyments which he fancies are before him ; and view the future with so high expectations as to be dissatisfied Avith the present, be it ever so satisfactory; will always live in the future, and long for its arrival; and thus often misimprove the present. One having hope very large, Avith cautious, and caus. only full, will be always in chase of some new and desirable object in prospect; will have too many irons in the fire at once; attempt too much, and things which are even chi- merical ; will look upon even difficult attainments as very easy; be subject to frequent disappointments, yet neither disap- pointments nor misfortunes will damp the ardour of his hope; will be always upon tiptoe of expectation—always sanguine, cheerful, and lively, and, with large mirth., merry ; be con- stantly building castles in the air; and hazardous in his un- dertakings: with large self-e., will think himself adequate to almost any undertaking: with large or very large benev., will promise much more than he can fulfil, yet, with large conscien., and only moderate secret, will make his promises with the best intentions, and feel sorry that he cannot fulfil them: with very large cautious., will be tantalized with hopes and fears, and have the highest anticipations, accompanied with suffi- cient solicitude to cause him to proceed with great care and deliberation, yet, with large combat., will combine discretion Avith energy: with only moderate acquis., and only full cau- tious., will live on, enjoying the present, and think that the future will take ample care of itself; and that plans will HOPE. 139 suwe^d to his utmost desire, even with very little effort, so that he will be predisposed to a life of ease, ani idleness, and pleasure; and, with very large ideal., amat., and adhes. added to this combination, will be disposed to revelry and profli gacy, and will be a spendthrift. The combinations under hope large, modified by an in- rease of the influence of hope, will be found applicable to nope very large. In this case, as in many other similar ones, the reader is requested to exercise his own organ of comparison. Full.—One having hope full, will be reasonable in his expectations, and yet be spurred on by them to attempt import- ant undertakings; will be cheerful, yet seldom elated with hope, &c. One having hope full, with large or very large cau- tious., Avill forebode more evil than good, and endure pre- sent troubles well, yet live in dread of apprehended misfor- tunes; but, with the addition of large or very large caus. and compar., will be pre-eminently judicious; calculate with accu- racy ; realize about what he expects; seldom be led astray by favourable prospects; rely more upon the dictates of rea- son than the promises of hope; and, in the long run, succeed far beyond his expectations, and accomplish more than most others : with large or very large acquis., may make great calculations upon amassing wealth, because his love of riches will be so great; and so of the other faculties that are large. The additional manifestations of hope full, will be inter- mediate between hope large, and hope moderate, and the op- posite of hope small. See combinations under hope large, modified by a diminution of hope. Moderate.—One having hope moderate, will expect too little rather than too much; make few promises, either to himself or to others; will not be sanguine, nor have a high flow of animal spirits, &c. One having hope moderate, with large or very large cautious., will anticipate the worst rather than the best; fear much more than hope; generally realize more than he calculates upon; dwell more upon the dis- couraging features of the case, than upon its encouraging pros- pects : with large or very large conscien., ven., and cautious., if a professing Christian, will have many doubts and fears as to his future condition, and lack Christian faith: Avith the propensities only moderate, will not be likely unaided, to un- dertake and prosecute with vigour, every important pro- ject, yet, with large firm., may hold on and persevere when 140 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. ne is once finally embarked, and is fully committed: with large or very large caus. and compar., may be sure of ob tainino- his ends, but will be so because he sees by Avhat means they are to be brought about, &c. Small.—One having hope small, in addition to the man- ifestations described under hope moderate, will be hardly capable of having his hopes raised by the brightest prospects, and take little delight in contemplating the future: with large or very large cautious., and only moderate or full com- bat, and self-e., will be easily discouraged; generally fancy that he sees some lion in the way; dwell chiefly upon the darker shades of the picture; brood over misfortune; borrow a great deal of trouble, even in prosperity; fear to undertake or risk much, lest he should fail; lack enterprise, and elas- ticity and buoyancy of spirits; indulge, and even delight to indulge, melancholy feelings, &c.: with only moderate mirth., and large ven. and conscien., will be sober, sedate, and often cast down, if not ascetick: with large or very large combat., firm., self-e., and caus., may manifest a high degree of sta- bility and energy of character when once fully embarked in an undertaking; yet, unless actually obliged to undertake important operations, will shrink from them: with very large cautious., conscien., and ven., and only full self-e., will look upon the Deity with the strongest impressions of his justice, and holiness, and majesty, and be in great fear of offend- ing him, accompanied with little hope of the pardon of his sins, and with the most pungent feelings of remorse, and the most dismal forebodings, and fearful apprehensions, of future punishment, if not with actual despair. Thus we perceive, that they who have the most to fear in this matter, actually fear the least, and that they who have the least to fear, fear the most. The additional manifestations and combinations of hope small, will be found under hope moderate, and others may be ascertained by reversing the description of hope large. Very small.—When this organ is very small, its func- tions are too weak and too feeble to have very perceptible influ- ence upon the character, or to be experienced by the subject. The objects upon which hope fastens, will be determined by its combinations. One having full, large, or very large hope, for example, with small acquis., and large or very large philopro., will indulge the highest expectations concerning his children, yet exercise very little about property as such: with large approbat., and only moderate or small religious organs, MARVELLOUSNESS, 141 will hope for distinction and fame; yet his hopes will be con- fined chiefly to this life, and he will be skeptical concerning another state of existence, &c. Thus it is, that hope acts with the greatest vigour upon those things which are the objects of the desires of the other faculties. Hence, some individuals are very sanguine about some things, Avhile their hopes flag in relation to other things. Location.—Hope is located upon the two sides of the anteriour portion of firm., in front of conscien., and behind marvel., being elongated in the direction of the ears. 17. MARVELLOUSNESS. Wonder—credulity—disposition to believe what is not proved, or what are considered supernatural manifestations, tyc.—to regard with wonder and astonishment that which is somewhat strange or singular. There are things, the evidence of which the human mind is incapable of grasping, and which must therefore be taken upon trust, or, Avhat is the same thing, which must be the ob- jects of credulity. Hence the necessity of some faculty, through the door of which such truths as are beyond the reach of reason or of observation, can be admitted to the mind. It cannot be denied, that there exists a tendency in the hu- man mind to view things, as it were, through the medium of extravagance and wonder; to magnify uncommon phenome- na, or to regard them as supernatural; to believe the mere declarations of others, even though they may be strangers, &c. This tendency of mind is more apparent in chil- dren than in adults. They listen with delightful astonish- ment to tales of Avonder, and implicitly believe Avhat is told them, even after they have been repeatedly deceived. With- out this faculty, they could be instructed no farther than their extremely limited observation, or their still feebler reasoning faculties, could demonstrate the truths presented to their minds. It is by no means certain that this faculty is not adapted, among other things, to a belief in those portions of Revela- tion which are attributed to a supernatural agency, and that it is calculated to increase religious zeal and fervour. At least, it prepares the mind for a reception of some of those doctrines taught in the Bible, which reason does not teach, 142 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. because it cannot comprehend, and which can be believed only "by faith." By creating a love of the wonderful and the novel, marvel, is calculated to lead the way to many valuable improvements. Large.—One having large marvel., with large ven., Avill readily believe in special providences, the interposition of di vine agency, &c, and regard many things as providentfal which can be readily accounted for upon other principles: with full or large ideal., will gaze with surprise upon mag- nificent objects, and possess a wondering frame of mind: with large event, and ideal, will be passionately fond of hearing or perusing marvellous accounts, hair-breadth escapes, and such mysterious relations as are contained in Sir Walter Scott's Avritings, and in Avorks of fiction gene- rally, and be liable to be greatly injured by this kind of read- ing: with large or very large ven. and conscien., will be naturally inclined to believe in supernatural manifestations, in dreams, signs, lucky and unlucky days, &c.; place impli cit confidence in every part of Revelation, and in what is told him by his religious teachers; will contemplate the charac- ter and the Avorks of the Creator with mingled emotions of awe and astonishment; be zealous and enthusiastick in his religious belief and practice, if he is not bordering upon re- ligious enthusiasm and extravagance ; and, with the addition of large cautious., will be afraid of ghosts, of staying in houses said to be haunted, &c.; may even fancy that he has seen supernatural appearances, and, Avith only moderate se- cret, added, can be easily hoaxed and imposed upon by stories about Avitchcraft, &c.: with large or very large approbat., lang., event, and imitat., will be even enthusiastick in re- lating wonderful anecdotes concerning himself and his rela- tives ; in narrating hair-breadth escapes, astonishing feats of dexterity, &c, &c.; and will describe even common occurren- ces as very extraordinary: with large or very large conscien. and benev., and only moderate secret., will place perfect con- fidence in what is told him, even though it be extravagant; pin his faith upon the sleeve of others; seldom doubt the Avord of others; and take things for granted Avithout exam ining them for himself: with large or very large conscien., ideal., compar., and ven., Avill be likely to fancy that he dis- covers a striking resemblance between the prophecies of Scripture and particular events, and also between spiritual and temporal things; will imagine that he sees the special MARVELLOUSNESS. 143 hand of divine Providence in almost every event of his life; believe that God often manifests his will in a miraculous manner; be likely to experience what seems to him a re- markable, religious conversion, attended with many subse- quent religious impressions which are extraordinary; and will have wonderful and ecstatick views of the character and the works of the Deity, &c.; and, with large caus. added to this combination, like Swedenburgh, will adduce wonderful theo- ries to account for curious natural phenomena, and reason in a very extravagant manner: Avith large or very large cautious. and individ., will be likely to experience optical illusions, fancying that he sees ghosts, spectres, hideous shapes, &c, when the appearance may be caused by an indistinct vision of some natural object: with large or very large hope, ideal., imitat., lang., event, and compar., will delight and excel in relating marvellous stories, wonderful tales, "fish-stories," &c, which he Avill generally augment, and always adapt to the occasion. Very large.—One having very large marvel., with only moderate secret., will take for granted Avhatever is told him, hoAvever inconsistent it may be; seem greatly astonished at almost every thing Avhich is a little uncommon, as though something mysterious had happened; will religiously believe in supernatural agents and interpositions, the doctrine of ghosts, witchcraft, and in signs, the fulfilment of dreams, &c. Additional descriptions and combinations of very large mar- vel., will be found under large marvel., especially when they have been modified by an increase of the influence of marvel. In Sir Walter Scott, this organ Avas large, accompanied with a very large and an active brain, very large imitat., lang., compar., and local., and large or very large intellectual, mo- ral, and domestick organs generally, which gave him those unequalled powers of conception and description Avhich he possessed, and thus furnishes an additional proof of the truth of phrenology, whilst his writings afford one of the very best illustrations of such a combination of faculties anywhere to be found. Full.—One having full marvel., will have a mind open to conviction, and possess sufficient credulity in what is pre- sented to his mind, to give it an examination, yet cannot be satisfied without considerable proof; will require a good de- gree of evidence in order to produce entire conviction, yet will rest satisfied with less evidence, both in degree and .44 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. amount, than he would if possessed of smaller marvel., and will not so thoroughly canvass the evidence presented to his mind : with only full caus., will frequently advance insuffi cient reasons for his belief, and believe without fully under- standing the grounds of his belief: Avith the religious organs generally full, large, or very large, may possess much relig- ious faith, and unhesitatingly believe in the truth of Reve- lation, in special, divine providences, &c, and also be quite zealous as a Christian: with large or very large caus. and compar., on the first presentation of a subject, may believe upon insufficient data, yet will afterAvards more closely exam- ine why and wherefore he believes as he does, investigate the \Koof upon which his belief is founded, and reject that which will not stand the test of close investigation: Avith large or very large ideal., will feast his fancy, and revel in such fairy tales as the Arabian Nights' Entertainments, in the novels of Sir Walter Scott, and in fictitious works generally; find it difficult to divest himself of a partial belief in them, and be liable to be injured, not only by perusing AA'orks of this class, but, also, in the revellings of his own fancy. The descriptions and combinations under large marvel., with a reduction of the influence of marvel., "will apply to full marvel., as Avill also those under moderate marvel, when they are reversed. Moderate.—One having moderate marvel., cannot yield a full assent to things which are a little extraordinary or un- accountable, unless they are supported by evidence Avhich is quite satisfactory, both in kind and amount, and will have many doubts as to the truth of Avhat he hears. One having moderate marvel., Avith large or very large caus. and corn- par., will be hard to be convinced of the truth of that for which a satisfactory reason, or full explanation, cannot be rendered; can be readily convinced by appeals made to his understanding; and, Avith only moderate perceptive facul- ties, may even question the evidence of his oAvn senses, or, at least, attempt to account for uncommon phenomena upon such principles as are already admitted ; and, with the addi- tion of large or very large firm, and self-e., can be convinced only with extreme difficulty; will, in a measure, close the doors of his mind against the admission of new facts or truths, and, with only moderate ven. added to this combina- tion, will not be likely to believe in the authority of great names, nor admit the correctness of opinions or customs MARVELLOUSNESS. 145 upon the ground that they have been long established; nor make "ipse dixits1' a part of his creed: with large or very large conscien., Aren., and hope, may believe in the existence of a God, in the foreAvarnings, and interposition, and guidance of a special, divine providence, in a future state of existence, in Revelation, and the doctrines of Christianity, because hi? moral feelings will harmonize Avith these views; and, with the addition of large or very large compar. and caus., may believe in the doctrines of Christianity, because they seem consistent and reasonable, yet not because he has been told that the one or the other doctrine is true; upon religious subjects, Avill have views of his own, and think for himself; in common matters, which are disconnected with religion, will believe no farther than can be consistently explained, but may believe in the doctrines taught by religion, as articles of faith merely : but, with only moderate conscien. and ven., will no sooner belieA-e the doctrines of religion, farther than he can see them proved, than he will any other doctrines; be natu- rally skeptical, if not infidel, as to his religious creed; trou- ble himself little about matters of this kind; and consider zea- in religion as fanaticism, &c.: with only moderate secret, and large or very large adhes., benev., and conscien., Avill implicit- ly believe what is told him by a tried friend, and place quite too much confidence in the integrity and honesty/ of his fel Ioav men, yet not believe reports of common fame, nor those new doctrines or statements Avhich seem to him improbable; AA'ill put no confidence in signs, dreams, or supernatural ap- pearances, and Avill even ridicule those who do ; thus seeming to himself, and to others, as both credulous and incredulous: Avith large or very large ideal., individ., and event, 'may be extremely fond of reading works of fiction, yet will not'be- lieve them, &c. Small.—One having small marvel., will reject as untrue, whatever things are presented to his mind unsupported by demonstration, or, at least, by an abundance of the strongest kind of proof; will be very incredulous in regard to almost every thing new or uncommon; and will receive facts and truths into his mind chiefly through the door of his other faculties. One having small marvel., Avith large or very large caus., must know upon what principles of reason, or of cause and effect, those things are to be explained, of the truth of which he is to "be convinced; will scrutinize closely every point of the argument, and be convinced only by an 146 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. overwhelming mass of evidence; and even then, for a long time, his mind will refuse its full assent: with large or very large individ., Avill wish to possess some tangible evidence upon which to rest his belief; and, Avith the perceptive facul- ties strong, to see before he can believe: Avith large or very large self-e., and moral and reasoning organs, if religiously educated, may, perhaps, believe in Revelation, and the funda- mental doctrines of Christianity, yet Avill often have his doubts as to the truth of these matters; Avill have religious views peculiar to himself; put no more confidence in what he is taught by religious instructers, than he dees in what he is taught by other men ; and have a religious creed of his OAvn, especially in its details: Avith only moderate or small conscien. and ven., will have no door to his mind for the re- ception of moral and religious truths; doubt the truth of Revelation; reject the doctrines of Christianity; and be natu rally inclined to skepticism, fatalism, and deism, if not athe- ism, &c. The descriptions and combinations under marvel, mode- rate, Avill generally apply to marvel, small, especially after a diminution of the influence of mangel. The descriptions and combinations under marvel, large, reversed, will also apply to marvel, small. The same principle holds good in reference to all the other organs. Very small.—One having marvel, very small, will doubt almost every thing, and fully believe scarcely any thing; will even doubt the evidence of his own senses, and be almost unwilling to say that he positively knows any thing, and much less any thing pertaining to religion, &c. Location.—Man-el. is located on the two sides of ven., betAyeen imitat. and hope. It runs lengthwise in the di- rection of the coronal sutures, and lies nearly under them. Very large imitat., throws it as far back as the middle of the head. The authors have seen many interesting examples of ex- treme developments, ancl of extreme deficiencies, of this organ, •ome of which will be presented in a subsequent portion of the work. In the American head, it is generally moderate or small, while in the English head, it is frequently large. In many very zealous preachers, they have found it large. In Methodists, this organ, and ven., and adhes., are generally full, large, or very large, while in Campoelites all these organs are generally only moderate or smal., In the so-cal led new VENERATION. 147 measure Presbyterians, it is generally small, while conscien. and benev. are generally large or very large. In Roman Catholicks, marvel, and ven., are generally large or very large. 17. VENERATION. Sentiment of adoration and worship for the Supreme Be- ing—reverence for what is considered above us—respect for superiority, Sfc. That there exists in the human mind a disposition to " Avor- ship God," and that this disposition constitutes one of the stiongest of the human passions, are matters of universal his- tory and observation. Strike from the page of history, and from the customs of society, every thing pertaining to religion, or, rather, every thing connected with the A\-orship of deified beings, and the unity, and even identity, of the whole would be destroyed. In producing this religious feeling and wor- ship, education, doubtless, has its influence; but still they must be the exercise of some faculty of the mind. Education evi- dently cannot create this feeling. As well might we attempt to educate a man to speak who possessed no organs of speech, or to see without eyes—as Avell try to teach the brute crea- tion to worship God, as to attempt to teach man to Avorship when destitute of a faculty by which to exercise this feeling, or even to conceive what it means. This class of functions is distinct and homogeneous; and if the mental economy requires a separate faculty for the exercise of any distinct class of functions, analogy shows us that this class, equally Avith any and every other class, must also be exercised by a distinct faculty. The history and the manifestations of this faculty, prove that the functions ascribed to it, are always reciprocally proportionate to the developments of a given portion of the brain. If, therefore, there is any truth in phrenology, the sentiment of Avorship for a Supreme Being, must be admitted to be the exercise of a distinct mental faculty—a faculty which is innate, and which, therefore, forms a constituent portion of the human mind. That the Avorship of a Supreme Being constitutes the pri- mary, the legitimate, and the chief object of this faculty, is rendered abundantly evident by a reference to its nature, its discovery, its history, and the Avhole tenour of its manifesta tions; and that a reverence for those who are considered su 148 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. periours, such as parents, the aged, the talented, the titled &c., is only an incidental manifestation of ven., is rendered equal- ly evident by a similar reference. This faculty also throws the mind into a deferential frame, and creates a feeling of respect for all. Large.—One having large ven., will think of the Deity only \A-ith feelings of aAve, if not of devotion; has a strong religious tendency of mind, and, indeed, can hardly be con- tented Avithout some kind of religion; pays great respect to the religious opinions of others; always treats those Avhom he considers his superiours in age, standing, talents, &c. with deference, and his equals Avith respect; and will never make light of Avhat he considers true religion, nor of the Supreme Being. One having large ven., with large or very large adhes. and conscien., will experience a high degree of enjoyment in social meetings for religious Avorship and exercises; will ear- nestly desire the conversion and salvation of his friends, and, with large philopro. added, of his children, and Avill pray earnestly for these objects; and, with the addition of mode- rate or small concent., will be exceedingly annoyed in his devotions, by the intrusion of wandering thoughts, against Avhich he -will strive, and for Avhich his conscien. will con- demn him ; will find it exceedingly difficult to keep his mind fixed upon the prayer or sermon; greatly prefer short pray- ers and sermons, and greatly dislike those that are prolix; and Avill give variety to his religious exercises, and detest those that are monotonous or tedious: Avith large combat., Avill defend his religious opinions with great warmth and spirit, and contend earnestly for their advancement; and, Avith destruct. also large, Avill be liable to employ considera- ble severity and harshness of expression; with the. addition of large or very large firm, and self-e., and of only full be- nev., will be much set, and somewhat bigoted, in his religious opinions and practices; esteem his own sect, creed, and forms of Avorship, far more than he does any other, and even blindly and tenaciously adhere to them, and denounce those who differ from him: with only moderate firm., large ideal, and hope, and full or large marvel., will be apt frequently to change his religious opinions and connexions, yet will be zealous as a Christian: with large secret, acquis., and appro- bat., and only moderate conscien., if he pay any regard at all to religion, will be likely to make great pretensions to VENERATION. 149 piety; put on a fair outside show of religion; and connect himself with some popular religious denomir ation, yet will possess very little practical piety and every-day religion; will have the "form of godliness without its power;" will neglect duty, disregard justice, violate moral principle, and take shelter under the cloak of his religious pretensions; Avill be a worldling all the Aveek, yet a very strict Christian on the Sabbath, &c.: with moderate conscien. and small mar- vel., will not be likely to experience much religious venera- tion ; and may be even infidel in his religious creed; but his ven. will be directed towards his parents, the aged, the tal- ented, the patriotick, or, it may be, his superiours in rank, office, and station: with large or very large conscien., benev., caus., and compar., will delight to study the character and the works, and. contemplate the perfections, of the Deity; will be a consistent, every-day Christian; rejoice to see the advancement of true religion, and labour zealously and ju- diciously to effect it; impart an uncommon degree of fer- vour and warmth of feeling to his religious exercises, and take great delight in them; adopt consistent religious opin- ions and practices, and be an honour to the Christian name, both in life and doctrine, &c. Very large.—One having very large ven., with con- scien. large or very large, will make every thing subservient to his religious vieAvs and feelings; will experience great awe upon the contemplation of God, and manifest great fer- vour and intense feeling while engaged in religious worship and exercises, and take his chief delight in them ; be pre- eminent for piety and religious fervour; will make the wor- ship and the service of his Creator the paramount object of his life, and be liable to become over-zealous, if not enthusi- astick, in his religious feelings and views. The combinations under large ven., modified by an in crease of the influence of ven., Avill apply to very large ven.; and the combinations and descriptions under moderate or small ven. reversed, will also apply to it. Full.—One having full ven., Avill pay a suitable respect to religion, and will worship his Creator with sincere devo- tion, yet will not be particularly devout. One having full ven., with large or very large conscien. and benev., will be pre-eminently religious, and, perhaps, make religion the great object of his life, yet his religion will be characterized by a regard for moral principle, a desire to do good, &c„ 150 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. more than by a regard for religious worship, creeds, and ceremonies • will place a much higher estimate upon the du- ties and the first principles of religion, than he will upon any external observances: with conscien. and marvel, only moderate or small, will not be likely to pay much regard to religion of any kind, or, if he does, will be satisfied with the name and the forms of religious worship, &c. The additional manifestations and combinations of full ven., may be inferred from those under large ven., by diminishing the influence of ven. Moderate.—One having moderate ven., will not be par- ticularly religious, nor very zealous in his religious observ- ance ; Avill not manifest a great deal of deference towards superiours, nor impart a great degree of warmth or fervour to his devotional performances. One having moderate ven., with large or very large conscien. and benev., if religiously educated, will maintain a consistent, religious walk, and " do works meet for repentance," yet Avill pay comparatively little regard to religious creeds and observances; will be likely to be very zealous in reforming the world, and in " converting men from the errour of their ways," yet will despise sectarianism, and regard only the " weightier matters of the law;" will make great sacrifices in order to do good, promote pure morality, and prevent sin, yet Avill not be par- ticularly devout; will make the chief burden of his petitions to the throne of grace, consist in confessions of sin, and suppli- cations for 4iis fellow men, rather than in adoration and wor- ship ; will follow the dictates of his own conscience, even though they oblige him to forsake "the good old way," and adopt new measures; will think more of doing good than of attending religious meetings; will live an upright, and consistent, Christian life, and perform all the essentials of religion, yet will pay little or no attention to meats and drinks, &c. Small.—One having small ven., will experience but lit tie feeling of devotion, or love of religious worship, as such; will manifest little feeling of deference or respect for pa- ents, teachers, or superiours; and be deficient in the heart, and soul, and fervour, of devotion; will not be very pious, nor at all particular in observing religious ceremonies, nor particularly impressed with a feeling of solemnity and awe, while engaged in religious exercises, &c. One having small ven., with moderate or small conscien VENERATION. 151 and marvel., will have very little regard for religion ; seldom, if ever, attend religious meetings; and when he does attend them, Avill go from other than devotional feelings; will be very little affected by solemn or religious exercises, or by ap- peals to his conscience, or to his fear of offending God; be in- fluenced but little by the restraints of religion; doubt almost every thing connected Avith religious belief; be irreverent, irreligious, unprincipled, and skeptical; and, Avith large mirth. and imitat. added, inclined to ridicule religious people and re- ligious services by imitating or mocking them; and, with large combat., destruct., and self-e. also added, will oppose every thing pertaining to religion; denounce it either as a delusion, or as a humbug, by which designing men impose upon the simple and the unsuspecting. The descriptions and combinations under moderate ven., after due allowance has been made for the diminished influ- ence of ven., Avill apply to ven. small. The office of ven. is simply to reverence and worship that which the other faculties select as the proper objects of its exercise. It has been already remarked, that its primary and legiti- mate object is, the worship of a Supreme Being, yet, as in the case of conscien., the other faculties, education, &c, modify the notions entertained of the character of the being to be Avor- shipped. For example; one having full, large, or very large ven., Avith a deficiency of the intellectual faculties, -will be likely to regard the Deity as exercising the various human passions, and swayed by human prejudices, and to Avorship him accordingly: Avith large or very large self-e. and firm., as an omnipotent Sovereign, clothed Avith authority, immuta- ble and unchangeable, and ruling his creatures " according to his own will:" with full or large destruct, firm., and self-e., and large or very large conscien., benev., and adhes., will re- gard him as " a God, merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, and who will by no means clear the guilty;" as perfectly holy himself, and, also, as requiring holiness of all his creatures; as creating and governing his moral subjects with a special reference to their greatest ultimate good, and, in doing this, as rewarding those who obey his commands, and punishing such as disobey; as blending mercy with justice; or, rather, as infinitely benev- olent, yet as a God Avho will " not let the wicked go unpun- ished :" with very large benev., only moderate or full con- 152 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. scien., combat, and destruct, will consider the Deity toe benevolent and too merciful to punish the wicked: with large ideal., Avill fancy that he sees him clothed with splendour, and, while contemplating the beautiful, the perfect, or the sublime in the works of nature, will worship him with a it' vid glow of devotion: with large or very large individ., forth, size, and local., will contemplate the Deity as possessed of form and size, a local habitation, &c.: with large or very large caus. and compar., Avill view God as the great first-cause of all things, and as effecting his purposes by means of causes and effects; and, Avith the intellectual faculties generally large, as possessed of all possible wisdom and intelligence, and as governing his universe in accordance Avith the great principles of reason: with very large adhes. and benev., as a God of great sympathy and love; and, with very large phi- lopro. added, as acting the part of a tender parent to his crea- tures, and as entering, with a feeling of tenderness, into all their little joys and sorrows: with very large destruct. and combat., and educated in uncivilized society, as capable of being propitiated by the sacrifice of human or animal vic- tims, «fec. According to this principle of phrenology, (which is con- sidered as established,) one with the moral and the intellectu- al organs large or very large, and the propensities full, and all unperverted in their education and exercise, will form cor- rect views of the character, attributes, and government of God, and worship him Avith pure and acceptable worship. This is rendered the more evident from the fact, that the vievvs entertained of God by different nations and different individ- uals, Avith the exception of the influence of association and education, generally correspond with their phrenological or- ganizations. Consequently, if an individual possesses a well-balanced, and a perfectly developed, phrenological organ- ization, his views of the character, the attributes, and the gov- ernment of God, must therefore be proportionally the more consistent and correct. This same conclusion is also strengthened by the principle of adaptation already alluded to. The mind of man must be constructed in perfect accordance with those great principles which regulate the structure of the whole universe, and the moral faculties of man's mind, in accordance Avith the moral constitution and relations of things. Consequently, the mind of man must be so formed as naturally to view his Creator BENEVOLENCE. 153 through the medium of truth, and to form only correct no tions of him. This harmonizes perfectly with the doctrine taught by the great Apostle of the Gentiles, when he says, that " the Gen- tiles, who have not the law," that is, who are destitute of Rev- elation, " are a law unto themselves," and " show the works of the law Avritten in their hearts, their conscience also bear- ing them witness." Not that a divine revelation is unneces- sary, but, that phrenology opens up to our vieAV another rev- elation, to wit, a revelation of natural theology, which per fectly harmonizes with that which is given by inspiration-- a volume Avhich every man carries, or should carry, Avithin his own breast, and which " he that runs may read." Location.—Ven. is located anteriour to firm., in the mid- dle of the top of the head, and nearly beneath the union of the coronal sutures. 19. BENEVOLENCE. Desire for the happiness of others—sympathy, compassion-- kindness, fellow-feeling, benignity. By creating in the breast of man, an interest in the welfare of his fellow-men, this faculty prompts its possessor to per- form those innumerable acts of kindness and generosity which, by gratifying his benev., greatly increase the happi- ness of the giver, and, by adding new comforts to those al- ready possessed, proportionally enlarge the enjoyments of the receiA'er. Though it is blessed to receive, it is still "more blessed to give than to receive." Let us suppose, for a moment, that every vestige of this feeling Avere blotted out from among men—let us suppose the human breast to be callous to the cries of suffering innocence, steeled against the Avants and miseries of the world, and per fectly insensible to the happiness or unhappiness of all c;'.>- ated beings, and Avhat a picture of moral desolation—what a frigid region of suffering and sorroAV, should Ave have p sented to°our view ! Wrapped in his cold cloak of self? an- ness, man might, perhaps, endure existence, but an existence to Avhich annihilation would be preferable. Never to gT*.. or receive, a favour, to say nothing of the mutual advaa accruing to mankind from the principle of helping one ancun- er, he Avould, of course, be a perfect stranger to the delightful and thrilling emotion of gratitude, either to God or man. 154 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. Let us suppose, in addition, that none of this feeling had entered into the Divine Mind, and that, in the constructio" of our bodies, and in the arrangement of the physica. a». the intellectual world, he had made no reference to, and , stituted no adaptation of, any thing that concerns the hap ness either of man or of the brute creation, and existent must have been the greatest of curses. But, on the contra- ry, we perceive that every possible arrangement and adapta- tion which could be devised by infinite wisdom and skill, prompted by infinite benevolence, and aided by infinite pow er, have been contrived by that adorable Being whose benef- icence knows no bounds. Every work of God K a perfectly benevolent Avork, planned and executed evidently with a view to secure the greatest amount of happiness to his creatures : and this fact incontestably proves, that the feeling of benev- olence enters largely into the Divine Mind. Even those pains which follow the burning, bruising, or otherAvise in- juring of the body, Avhilst they are so many instances of di- vine punishment for sin, are, at the same time, a most benev- olent ordination, evidently designed and calculated to prevent those injuries and mutilations which would otherwise mar the beauty, and destroy the utility, of our corporeal frame: and if these punishments are a benevolent ordination, anal- ogy sanctions the inference, that all punishments are equally benevolent; and, if even punishments are benevolently de- signed, surely every other institution throughout the uni- verse, must be formed for benevolent ends. This brings us to the important conclusion, that all the miseries which man- kind endure, are brought by themselves (collectively) upon themselves, or, that they " give themselves the pains they feel." Since, then, this principle of benevolence thus enters into the character and the works of God, and, also, into the Avhole constitution of things, it is evident, both a priori, and upon the principle that the human mind is adapted to that universe of which it forms a part, that the human mind must be so constituted as to appreciate and exercise the function of be- nevolence, or, in other words, that there must be some innate faculty of the mind adapted to the exercise of this class of feelings. That same train of argument which has been previously employed to show that other classes of functions are exercised by distinct faculties, proves that this class ef BENEVOLENCE. 155 functions is likewise exercised by a separate, primary facul- ty, created expressly and solely for this purpose. Of all the moral organs, this occupies the most prominent portion of the head, and has allotted to it the greatest surface, thus apparently implying, that its function is designed to be one of the cardinal, human virtues, and that to do good to >hose around us, is both our privilege and our duty. Yet jw frequently is the soothing voice of benevolence drown- ed in the din of business, of pleasure, and of fashion! In- deed, to learn to live in, and become a part of, society as it now exists, is to learn to be supremely selfish; and to " ac- quire a knoAvledge of the world," is to become acquainted with thejnaxims and the practices dictated by selfishness. In the little child, Ave sometimes see the feeling of benev. manifested in its pure state; but, in adults, hoAv seldom do Ave behold it unadulterated by the selfish passions, or un- stifled by their hoarse clamours! Every thing can be had, and every thing done, for money; but he who is dependent for support or for happiness solely upon the benevolence of mankind, runs but a poor chance of enjoying even the ne- cessaries of life. This faculty originates that feeling of sympathy which manifests itseJf in an obliging disposition, and in reciprocal interchanges of kind offices, and, also, that feeling of hu- manity which willingly makes a sacrifice of personal hap- piness in order to relieve the miseries, and promote the enjoyment, of others. Large.—One having benev. large, in the expression of his countenance, in his manners, and in all his intercourse with his fellow-men, will manifest a warm and glowing feel- ing of kindness and good-will; enter into the. interests of others, and do much to advance them; "rejoice with those that do rejoice, and weep with those that weep;" and expe- rience that strong desire to Avitness and promote the enjoy- ment of his fellow-men which will make him willing, and even glad, to sacrifice his own ease and interests in order tc alleviate the sufferings, or to augment the comforts, of his fellow-men, and even of the brute creation. One having benev. large, with large or very large adhes., will manifest this feeling to all, and be particularly kind and obliging to his friends; will sympathize deeply in their dis- tresses or misfortunes,and, withycquis. only moderate, add lib- erality to friendship; be pre-eminently hospitable; willing to 156 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. do and sacrifice much for those he loves, in sei ving whom ho will often injure himself; and, with large or very large philo- pro. added, Avill be extremely kind to children, to the infirm, the aged, and the destitute, and ready to perform those acts of kindness which they require, and which sympathy, mingled with affection, alone can prompt: with moderate acquis., only full approbat. and self-e., and large or very large secret, ideal., and conscien., will proffer his favours in a manner pe- culiarly modest and delicate: with very large approbat., and only full conscien. and caus., will do and give partly on ac- count of the approbation awarded to benevolent actions: Avith large or very large approbat., conscien., and adhes., will give partly to please others, and partly to make them happy, which union of motives will greatly increase the manifesta- tions of benev.: with large acquis., will be more kind than lib- eral; unless a case of distress strongly excite his benev., will give sparingly and grudgingly, yet freely bestow his time, services, and whatever does not draw directly upon his acquis.; in his sympathy and kind feeling, (which, after all, are the better manifestations of this faculty,) will show a large share of pure benevolent feeling, yet will generally be considered very far from being benevolent; but, with large or very large adhes., and only moderate or small acquis., will be ready to help his fellow-men, and particularly his friends, with both his services and his substance, and be quite too generous for his oAvn good: with full or large acquis., and large or very large ven. and conscien., may give freely to religious and philanthropick societies; to the advancement of missionary enterprises; and in cases of real distress; but not upon other occasions: Avith only moderate destruct, cannot endure to witness suflering or death, nor see pain inflicted without experiencing a pang himself: Avith large combat, and de- struct, and an active temperament, Avill manifest a general spirit of mildness and kindness, and, when these organs are ,vot excited, will be much moved at the sight of pain, yet, when his anger is thoroughly roused, will even inflict pain with delight; except in a fit of passion, will not cause corpo- real suffering, yet will be extremely bitter and sarcastick in '"is expressions, and manifest strong indignation and resist- ance toAvards his enemies, and those whom he thinks would impose upon him: with large or very large cautious., full secret., and only moderate or full destruct, will be careful not to do or say any thing designed or calculated to wound BENEVOLENCE. 157 the feelings of others; yet, Avith only moderate secret, will often speak before he reflects, and speak in such a manner as to injure the feelings even of his best friends, but will soon be sorry for it: with large or very large adhes. and firm., Avhen he undertakes to help a friend out of trouble, will help him effectually ; but, with only moderate or full firm., will espouse the cause of a friend Avith great warmth of feeling, which, however, will soon become cool, and leave him in a worse predicament than he would have been in without his help: with lajge or very large conscien. and caus., will be actuated to do good both by feelings of genu- ine benev., and, also, by a sense of duty; endeavour to make men happy by first reforming them and making them virtu- ous; and, with large ideal., and only full self-e. added, will manifest his benev. in so refined and delicate a manner as not to oppress the recipient with a sense of obligation : with large or very large mirth., will endeavour to augment the enjoyment of all around him by his mirthful effusions, and, except when provoked to it, will not be sarcastick: with large or very large self-e., and only moderate or full consci- en., will show favours to those who acknowledge their obli- gations to him, and render him all the tribute of respect he may claim, yet will bestow but few favours upon those who wound his pride: with large or very large caus., compar., and individ., will lay judicious plans, and employ the best means for doing good and relieving distress; take hold of benevolent enterprises in the right Avay, &c. Very large.—One having benev. very large, with large or very large conscien., will possess, as it were, a deep and an overflowing fountain of kind and tender feeling, and have a heart full of sympathy and goodness; cause trouble to those around him with great reluctance; grieve over the miseries of mankind, and sacrifice almost any personal com- fort and interest upon the altar of his benev.; be pre-eminent for his philanthropy and his real goodness of heart, and ail from feelings of disinterested benev.; and, Avith large ven. added, will gladly devote himself and spend his all in pro- moting the salvation of his fellow-men, and in advancing the cause of humanity and religion: with large or very large adhes., will be likely to ruin himself by assisting his friends, and will ask Avhat they want, rather than what he can afford to give; and, with large or very large philopro. and consci- en., will be pre-eminently qualified to endure the fatigues of 158 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED attending upon the sick; watch, with the utmost anxiety, over a sick friend, and perform ten thousand acts of kindness which nothing but the strongest feelings of benev., increased by the tenderest feelings of friendship, could suggest or sup- port him under; with only moderate or full destruct. added, will be nearly overcome by the sight of suffering or death, &c. The combinations and descriptions under benev. large, modified by an increase of its influence, will apply to benev. very large. Full.—One having benev. full, will experience, in a good degree, the phenomena described under large benev., yet will manifest less active benev.; not be very Avillingto make personal sacrifices, or waive his own interests, in order to oblige others, yet will experience considerable benevolent feeling; and will be more apt to give from selfish motives than one with large benev. For example; one having be- neAr. full, Avith several of the selfish faculties large or very large, and conscien. only full, in general, will first gratify these larger organs, even though he must do so at the ex- pense of his benev.; will be habitually more selfish than be- nevolent, and seek his own interest, though he thereby in- fringe even upon the rights of others: with other large or very large organs acting in conjunction with benev., may manifest a large share of generosity and liberality; yet, with these same, or any other, organs, acting in opposition to his benev., will appear to be comparatively destitute of these qualities: with approbat. very large, and conscien. only full, may give " to be seen of men," and take some pains to show others what he has done: Avith approbat. or self-e., or both, large or very large, may give even lavishly, but it will be from selfish or mercenary motives : with large or very large combat., destruct, firm., and self-e., or approbat, to gain his will, may assist in building churches, and in advancing good objects, yet the feeling of pure benev. will be only secon- dary. Moderate.—One having benev. moderate, will, perhaps, ao favours which cost him little or no self-denial, yet will exercise but little sympathy for his suffering fellow-men, and seldom step aside from his own selfish pursuits in order to relieve their distresses, or increase their enjoyment; and ex- perience but few benevolent remonstrances or promptings. The manifestations and the combinations described under semi-intellectual sentiments. 159 benev, large, reversed, will apply to benev. moderate, and, also, to benev. small; and those under benev. small, due al loAvance being made for the increase of benev., will also ap ply to benev. moderate. Small.—One having benev. small, will seldom disoblige himself in order to oblige others; seldom think or care how much loss or inconvenience he subjects others to; and, with any or all of the selfish organs large or very large, be selfish in the extreme; and seek, exclusively, the gratification of his own selfish passions, regardless of the consequences to oth- ers : with large or very large combat, and destruct., will not only, not be moved to pity by the sight of suffering and death, but even take delight in witnessing and causing them: with large or very large adhes., may love ardently, yet will never add kindness to affection, &c. The combinations and descriptions under benev; large or very large, reversed, will apply to benev. small. Very small.—One having benev. very small, will never feel his heart beat with the emotion of pity; never heed the most heart-rending cries of distress; and, with the selfish organs large or very large, and the reflective only moderate or full, Avill be literally a fiend incarnate. This faculty is generally much stronger in females than in males, and creates, in the former, a much greater mani- festation of sympathy, of tenderness, of " the milk of human kindness," of benignity, of pure sensibility for suffering and desire to relieve it, than is manifested by the other sex. From this fountain spring those innumerable acts of kindness, and those ten thousand attentions to the Avants and Avoes of oth- ers, for which Avoman is so pre-eminent. Location.—Benev. is located in the anterior superiour portion of the head, just forward of ven., and of the union of the coronal sutures, and beneath the posterior superiour portion of the frontal bone. (See cut of the female head, and contrast it with the scull of Aurelia Chase.) SPECIES III.—Semi-intellectual Sentiments. Improvement seems to be the Avatchword of our race, and its spirit is manifested in those almost innumerable in- ventions and contrivances which so greatly augment our 160 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. comforts, multiply our conveniences, and give new charms to our existence. These improvements result from a class of faculties which partake of the nature and qualities of both the sentiments and the intellectual faculties, constituting as it Avere, a stepping-stone between them. 20. CONSTRUCTIVENESS. Mechanical ingenuity and talent—ability to make, build, construct, and manufacture. Well has the philosophick Franklin observed, that " man is a tool-making animal;" and Avith equal propriety he might have added, " and the only tool-making and tool-using ani- mal, because the only animal which unites constructiveness with causality." Unquestionably man is calculated for liv- ing in houses, wearing apparel, and, by the aid of machinery, effecting objects which are even necessary to his well-being. Mechanical principles, by the application of Avhich vas* additions can be made to the sum total of human happiness. and human improvement, are also found to exist, and, likewise, to pervade the physical world. Now, since man forms a part of this physical world, and is, in part, under the dominion of these laws, there exists an absolute necessi- ty for him to possess some innate and primary faculty, the office of which is to take cognizance of these principles, and, also, to exercise this class of the mental functions. In- deed, without such a faculty, man would not be adapted to that physical state of existence in which he is placed, but would be imperfect, and perish. This faculty is found in construct. Men are not made skilful mechanicks and artisans sole- ly, nor even chiefly, by instruction ; for, if they were, (other conditions being equal,) their skill and dexterity would always be in proportion to the amount of instruction received. But such is by no means the case; for we frequently observe that some Avho have every advantage of instruction, make but indifferent Avorkmen, whilst others seem intuitively to un- derstand the art of manufacturing. Proper instruction may, indeed, improve the natural talents even of the latter, and greatly facilitate their operations, yet they possess a natural capability of being taught to make—a docility Avhich often manifests itself very early in life, and of which others are comparatively destitute. Who taught Michael Angelo how OONSTRUCTIVENESS. 16 to build, or Canova how to use the chisel, or Benjamin Wesl hoAv to paint while yet not nine years old, and entirely ig- norant of the art of painting? Nature, mainly. Their powers were innate, or, in other words, they possessed ex- traordinary construct., aided by other faculties. Developments of this faculty, and, also, a want of it, exist In combination with almost every conceivable variety of character and talents. Men of feeble intellects often possess it in a remarkable degree, whilst others who have gigantick minds, are sometimes almost entirely destitute of it. The conclusion, therefore, is inevitable, that a talent for making and building, must depend upon a distinct and primary, mental power. Large.—One having construct, large, will possess a high degree of natural skill in making, building, contriving, re- pairing, &c.; be prone to whittle and scribble; be delighted with mechanical operations; and, with large imitat., aided by some practice, can become an excellent mechanick. In effecting mechanical operations, other organs contribute as largely as construct. For example; one having large construct, Avith large or very large imitat., will be uncom- monly dexterous in making after a pattern, and can readily learn to do with tools what he sees others do; Avith large or very large form and ideal, added, will give a peculiar finish and neatness to his work, and succeed in making fine and fancy articles, such as combine utility Avith richness and elegance; but, with ideal, only moderate, will succeed only in making common and useful things: with large firm, and self-e., large or very large form, size, ideal., caus., and compar., and only mod- erate imitat., will excel in superintending mechanical opera- tions ; in directing others what to do and how to do it, and in judging of the qualities of work, and will be a first-rate foreman, yet Avill not himself excel as an operative mechan- ick; can plan and oversee much better than execute; but, with large or very large imitat. added, will excel in both; be a natural mechanick or artist of a very high order; be capable of turning his hand readily to almost any branch of mechanical business; and frequently contrive new methods of accomplishing his work; with large or very large conscien. added, will never slight his work; with large weight and indi- vid. added, be highly delighted with the operations of machine- ry ; able to comprehend it and judge of its adaptation; and possess an extraordinary talent for draAving, draughting, 162 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. modelling, planning, and probably for inventing ; be remark- ably ingenious, and very successful, in every branch of me- chanicks Avhich he may undertake: with large or very large concent., will dwell patiently upon any piece of work until it is entirely completed, and rendered as perfect as possible; and will be able to engage in only one kind of labour at a time; but, with moderate or small concent., will leave much of his work unfinished; generally have on hand several pieces of Avork at a time, and feel a desire frequently to change from one to the other; be rather " a jack at all trades" than perfect in any, &c.: with large or very large combat. and destruct., and only full conscien., when his work does not please him, will become angry with it, and feel like breaking or tearing it in pieces: with very large self-e., hope, and ideal., will be induced to try many mechanical experi- ments ; to engage largely in heavy operations, and even speculations; and be likely to spend much time in endeavour- ing to invent ^with very large ideal., imitat., mirth., form, size, colour, local., and compar., can design and execute ludicrous pictures or drawings, burlesque representations, caricatures, &c.; copy hand-writings; draw after a pattern; recollect, for a long time, the shape of faces, landscapes, machines, &c, which he has seen, and make their fac similes, or draAv and make from memory; and, with large or very large caus. and compar. added to this combination, can readily adapt mechanical principles to the accomplishment of desired me- chanical objects; readily detect the faults in machinery and remedy them; invent and improve machinery, &c.: with large or very large imitat., individ., form, size, weight, order, and calcu., and full or large compar. and caus., will make a first-rate engineer, surveyor, &c. Very large.—One having construct very large with very large ideal., imitat, individ., form, size, colour, and compar., will literally possess a passion for the pursuit of the fine arts; be able to perform almost any operation be- longing to mechanicks or the arts with wonderful and intui- tive skill, and with extraordinary facility and success; to make almost any thing within the attainment of human in- genuity ; to become an artist or mechanick of the very first order; and will be likely to break away from all hinderances, and to surmount every obstacle, in order to indulge this pas- sion ; Avill be able to impart a peculiar beauty and a richness to al I his works, and combine perfect accuracy with taste, rtONSTRUCTIVENESS. 163 and will excel in every undertaking of the kind, even though obliged to use indifferent tools. The descriptions and combinations under large construct, due allowance being made for the increase of the construc- tive power, will apply to construct, very large. Full.—One having full construct., Avith large imitat., will possess a respectable share of mechanical ingenuity; and, with the addition of large or very large form and size, and full individ., have all the natural talent requisite for becom- ing an excellent mechanick, especially in those branches which require but little more than making after a pattern; can learn to use tools with tolerable dexterity, yet will re- quire considerable practice, but with it, will become quite suc- cessful; can repair articles that break, and "fix up" such things as he may have occasion to use in his family and his business; yet his success will depend as much upon art as nature: with imitat. only full, will seem to possess this fac- ulty only in an inferiour degree, especially if circumstances do not imperiously urge its exercise, and will be dependant, in some degree, for any mechanical skill or success which he may manifest, upon his other faculties, such as form, size, local., ideal, compar., caus., &c. The additional descriptions and combinations under con- struct, full, will be found under construct, large, after due allowance has been made for the diminution of construct. , Moderate.—One having moderate construct., with only moderate imitat., may learn, with considerable effort, some of the less difficult "trades," yet will never be eminent for his skill in any; may, perhaps, learn to construct those plain articles which are often called for in the family and in busi- ness, yet Avill show but little skill and dexterity in such op- erations, and prefer to pay a mechanick for executing them; will dislike to use tools, and choose some occupation which is not mechanical: with imitat. and form large or very large, may succeed well in making after a pattern ; manifest con- siderable skill in copying, and easily learn to do what he sees done by others, yet will owe his success mainly to these last-named faculties; and, with large or very large compar. and caus. added, may, perhaps, direct others, and improve their inventions, and even invent, yet will not possess much inde- pendent, mechanical talent, &c. Small.—One having small construct., with only moderate imitat., will be able to learn to perform even simple mechan- 164 PHRENOLOGY illustrated. ical operations only Avith great difficulty, and then merely as an automaton ; will manifest but little skill or dexterity in the use of tools or the pen; dislike a mechanical occupation more than almost any other; do every thing in which the exercise of this faculty is requisite only by main strength, and without contrivance or ingenuity; and be a mere bungler in almost every thing of the kind which he undertakes. The additional combinations and descriptions of small construct, will be found under moderate construct., the influ- ence of construct being diminished. Very small.—One having very small construct., will be apparently destitute of all mechanical ingenuity and incli nation. In the sculls and casts of several North American Indi- ans, in the scull of a New Zealander and of a Charib Indi- an, examined by the authors, this organ is either small or very small, which harmonizes perfectly with the fact, that in every mechanical art and effort, these tribes are quite inferiour to many races of men. Location.—Construct is located just above the middle of a line connecting the top of the ear and the external cor- ner of the eye; or, just below ideal., and a little forward of it.* When both organs are large or very large, they form an obtuse angle, ideal, extending in a nearly horizontal direc- tion, and construct, uniting with it in nearly a perpendicular direction. When the intellectual organs are large and long, it spreads itself upon the sides of the head, and thus presents but little prominence. This, together with the temporal muscle, Avhich passes over it, and varies in thickness, causes, except in the case of children, an occasional mistake. It may likewise be added, that many individuals who possess, by nature, no small share of the constructive power, think they havo but little, because they have never been so situated as to call it forth, and, also, because they suppose that con- struct, applies exclusively to the use of tools as employed by a professed mechanick, yet, when occasion requires, they are found quite skilful in executing repairs, and have a whittling and tinkering propensity. * It may be proper here to remark, that, in the large cut, acquis, and construct, te located too far forward, and aliment., too low. IDEALITY. 165 21. IDEALITY. Imagination—fancy—love of the exquisite, the beautiful, the splendid, the tasteful, and the polished—that impas- sioned er.stacy and rapture of feeling which give inspi- ration to poetry and oratory, and a conception of the sub- lime. -.. That there exists in the human mind some faculty, the function of which is to inspire man Avith a love of the beau tiful and the exquisite—a fondness for the sublime, the ele- gant, and the tasteful, Avill appear evident when we compare man vrith the loAver order of animals, or civilized man with the saA'age, or the refined inhabitants of a city with the com- mon population of the country. Were it not for the influ- ence of this faculty, these things Avould be held in no higher estimation by man than by the brute, or by one man than by another. Were it not for its influence, mankind would have no higher relish for the exquisite, the tasteful, the beautiful, and the sublime, than for the insipid, the dull, the homely, and the vulgar. Were it not for this faculty, we should no more highly prize the bold images, the gloAving flights of fancy, the daring thoughts, and the impassioned bursts of eloquence which characterize the productions of Homer, of Shakspeare, of Milton, of Byron, of Addison, of Irving, of Chalmers, of Patrick Henry, and of Daniel Webster, than Ave do the plainer and dryer style of Locke, Dean Swift, William Cobbett, and many other still more homely Avriters. Without ideality, the splendid productions of a Raphael, a Corregio, a Canova, a Phidias, and a Praxiteles, would find no more favour in our eyes than the rudest paintings, and the roughest carvings, of the most uncivilized nations. Although poetry is one form in which this faculty mani fests itself, yet it is by no means exclusively confined to a relish for the inspirations of the muses. Though essential to the poet, it takes a wider range. It adds to the delight Ave take in vieAving an elegant statue, an exquisite painting, a splendid temple, or any other finished production of art. It causes and increases the glow and rapture experienced in beholding the beautiful landscape, the rugged cliff the bold promontory, and the lofty mountain. It now loves to see the " wilderness and the solitary place" ma^e glad, and " the desert rejoice and blossom as the rose;" and " at the peep of 166 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. dawn," when fair Aurora "sprinkles with rosy light the deAvy lawn," it delights to see " old ocean smile;" and then " to ride upon the wings of the wind;" and then " upon the circle of the heavens;" and then, again, to see the untied winds " Take the ruffian billows by the top, Curling their monstrous heads, arid hanging them With deaf'ning clamours in the slipp'ry clouds." Ideality gives elevation, and fervour, and polish, to the mind; inspires man Avith a love of improvement and refine- ment, and assists him in forming and realizing splendid con- ceptions and undertakings. With approbativeness large, it often manifests itself in a fondness for splendour in apparel, equipage, houses, and pleasure-grounds, and is an important element in gayety, fashion, and elegance of manners. Large.—One having ideal, large, AviU possess refinement and exquisiteness of taste and feeling, a lively imagina- tion, and a brilliant fancy; an admiration of the elegant, the beautiful, the gorgeous, the ornamental, the perfect, and the sublime; of the fine arts and polite literature; of poetry if of a high order, and of eloquence; and will relish every thing fanciful and exquisite wherever it is to be found. One having ideal, large, Avith colour, form, and size large, will gaze, with intense delight, upon a splendid and well- proportioned painting, and be able to appreciate its merits ; and, with form and local, large or very large, upon a beau- tiful landscape, cascade, floAver, &c.: with lang. and compar. large or very large, will employ many metaphors, hyper- boles, and other figures of speech; will express himself in a glowing and elevated style; and, Avith a full-sized and an active brain, have the natural talents for becoming quite elo- quent in the expression of his thoughts and feelings: with hope large or very large, Avill have high flights of fancy, delight to indulge in the revellings of his imagination, and be enraptured with his own contemplations; yet, if concent. is only moderate, his flights will be vivid and intense, but not long-sustained, and he must dash them off at the mo- ment, or they will vanish: with self-e. and compar. large, will not often allow an uncouth or a low expression to escape his lips, but Avill be disgusted with vulgarity : with only a moderate-sized head, and only full caus. and compar., Avill manifest more of refinement than solidity; of sound than IDEALITY 167 sense; of rhetorick than logick; of sickly delicacy than vigorous intellect; of finely turned periods than important ideas; and overload his style with figurative expressions: with combat, and destruct. large or very large, throw invec- tive into the form of poetry: with large or very large indi- vid., event, and lang., may make a good speaker and writer,* and a popular lecturer, yet will be indebted for these quali- ties more to his manner than to his matter—to his style than to his ideas ; may please the fancy, and communicate many facts, yet will not reason closely or clearly: with amat. and adhes. large or very large, will take a special interest in sen- timental poetry which breathes much of the passion of love, and fires the fancy, and in romantick and dramatick compo- sition: with mirth, large, will relish humourous poet- ry, such as John Gilpin, the Dunciad, Beppo, &c.: Avith ven. and conscien. large, devotional and religious poetry: Avith the reflective faculties large or very large, will despise light and trashy poetry, or even that which, though beautiful in expression, is deficient in power' of thought; Avill relish only that which, while it flows in smooth and equal num- bers, bears upon its bosom a rich cargo of important ideas, and sound, moral sentiments; and, if he attempt to compose poetry, will imbue it with much sound, practical sense, and, also, prefer those authors, both in poetry and prose, who em- ploy a glowing, elevated style, but pay far more attention to the arrangement and the argument than to the expression, &c. Very large.—One having ideal, very large, will possess a rich and glowing fancy, and experience emotions accompani- ed Avith a kind of rapture and enthusiasm, or, rather, ecstacy; be disgusted with that Avhich is commonplace or imperfect; be excessively fond of poetry and fiction ; an enthusiastick admirer of the fine arts; and revel with ecstacy in the re- gions of fancy. One having very large ideal., with very large adhes. and compar., and full lang., can make poetry of a high order, which will breathe forth the tenderest feelings of friendship; and will consider the common standard of friendship so very low, and its exercise so imperfect, as to make him dissatisfied with life, because he will be able to find few minds of kin dred sympathy and pathos with his own; will long for_ a world where friendship will be pure and perfect, and unmix- ed with the least alloy; and mourn deeply over the imper factions of human nature: with large perceptive organs, .65 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED, large or very large reflective organs, and full or large m* i al orcans, accompanied with an active and a full-sized bram, will be possessed of a deep fund of thought, Avhich will flow in a style, rich, but not gaudy, copious and powerful, but not low or commonplace, splendid, but not bombastick; Avill be axlmired for his talents, and beloved for his amiable qualities; Avill produce the best of sentiments, and yet manifest the most exquisite feelings; and rise far above his fellow-men, both in genius and virtue; be devoted tobelleslettre, the fine arts, and polite literature, and also to the more substantial branches of learning; and, with full self-e., firm., and com- bat., will be qualified to become a splendid speaker; will make almost any sacrifice in order to listen to a splendid or- atorical performance; and will possess the feeling and the power of eloquence and poetry in the highest degree. The manifestations and descriptions under ideal, large, modified by an increase of the qualities imparted by it, will apply to ideal, very large. Full.—One having ideal, full, will possess considerable refinement of feeling, and some poetick fancy, yet they will De exercised only in a subordinate degree; will be fond of poetry and the fine arts, yet not by any means devoted to them; may relish poetry for its sentiment or its argument, or the love it describes, the history or philosophy it imbodies, &c, more than for its glowing imagination or vivid fancy. One having ideal, full, with large or very large perceptive and reasoning faculties, will confine his attention chiefly to matters of fact, and to the investigation of first principles, Avithout reference to the splendour or the drapery of style ; express his thoughts in a straight-forward, plain, and forcible manner, Avith less reference to elegance and finish of style than to the facts and arguments ; prefer those speakers who do the same, and possess much more of the eloquence of thought than of diction; prefer plainness and utility to beauty and ornament; and seem, at times, to possess less taste, and refinement, and delicacy of feeling, than is com- mendable. Moderate.—One having ideal, moderate, will seldom experience the glow and elevation of feeling which ideal. imparts, nor manifest a great share of refinement of feeling, nor express himself with elegance and taste; will regard poetry, belleslettres, the fine arts, polite literature, works of imagination, painting, sculpture, &c, with less enthusiasm, IMITATION. 169 end prefer plainness to ornament, and be rather plain and awkward, than polished and refined, in his manners, dress, &c, and, with self-e. moderate, take up with inferiour arti- cles. The combinations and descriptions under ideal, large, re- versed, will convey to the mind of the reader a correct idea of the additional descriptions and combinations of moderate or small ideal. Small.—One having ideal, small, will be coarse and vul- gar in his manner of expression; have but poor ideas of taste, of propriety, and beauty, and little relish for poetry or oratory, qr fine writing, and be but a miserable judge of any thing of the kind ; will be coarse and uncouth in his man- ners, and very awkward, plain, and commonplace in every thing he says or does. The combinations and descriptions under ideal, full, and, also, those under ideal, large and very large, reversed, will apply to ideal, small. Very small.—One having ideal, very small, will be nearly destitute of the feelings and manifestations described as pertaining to this faculty. Location.—Ideal, is located upon the sides of the head, about the spot in which the hair begins to appear, upwards and backwards of construct., beneath the temporal ridge, and near its union with the parietal bone, and nearly in a line with compar., caus., and mirth. When large or very large, the sides of the head, Avhere the hair makes its ap- pearance, are widened and heightened, but when it is small, »hey are narrow and depressed. 22. IMITATION. Ability to represent, copy, describe, and do what we see tlone —the power of imitation and copying in general. Man is emphatically a creature of imitation. In perform- $ " ng nearly all the actions of his life, the power of imitation is more or less important, and a Avant of it exhibits an essen- tial deficiency of character. In learning to speak or write either a foreign language, or our vernacular tongue, the fac- ulty of language furnishes us with words ; but it is imitation alone Avhich enables us so to enunciate them as to make our- selves understood. 8 iro PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. The skill of the mechanick depends, in a very great de- gree, upon the extent of his imitative powers ; and the ges- ticulations of the orator, by means of which he often ex- presses more feeling, and makes a stronger impression, than words could possibly convey, are the promptings of this fac ulty. So vastly diversified, indeed, are the feelings and the practices of men, that, Avithout some faculty to direct them into even the common usages of society, different individu- als would hardly be recognised as belonging to the same race; yet, with this faculty to give a degree of uniformity to most of their habits and practices, and thus to attract them towards a common centre, it is easy to determine, not only in what country, but, frequently, in Avhat section of the coun- try, the manners of an individual have been formed. Hence Ave infer, that man must be possessed of a primary faculty, the exclusive function of Avhich is imitation in general. The experiments of the authors upon this organ, have been both numerous and satisfactory. Large.—One having imitat. large, will find it easy and natural for him to copy and represent, and possess both the ability and the disposition successfully to exercise this fac- ulty, either in his gesticulation, his manner of description, his talent for drawing and writing, his desire to adopt the manners of others, or in almost any thing else demanded by his circumstances in life, and his other faculties. One having imitat. large, Avith construct, and the per- ceptive organs also large or very large, will manifest his imitative power in making after a pattern, in draAving, en- graving, Avriting a copy-hand, &c.: with secret, ideal., and lang., only moderate, cannot mimick, nor describe, nor act out any thing well; but, Avith secret, full or large, and ideal., individ., eA'ent, lang., and compar. large or very large, has a happy talent for description ; can relate anecdotes to ad- miration, a fund of which he will have always at command, so that he can always tell one story to match another; can represent things which he wishes to describe, in so clear a manner, and act them out so naturally, that the hearer Avill seem to see just what the speaker Avishes to convey; by the ear- nestness of his manner, his attitudes, gestures, the expression of his countenance, the apparent pathos of his feelings, &c. Avill make a far deeper impression than language alone could produce, and be able to heighten the effect by the addition of elegant, and even eloquent, delivery: with form, size, con IMITATION. 171 struct, and ideal, large, will be capable of becoming an ex- cellent penman-: with self-e. full, and ideal., individ., and lang. large, can readily adopt the manners and customs of those with whom he associates; talk and act as others do; and make himself easy and acceptable in almost any society in which he may be placed, &c. Very large.—One having imitat. very large, has a re- markable talent for imitating almost every thing he under- takes to imitate: Avith large secret., can conceal his real feel- ings, while he appears to feel what he does not: with large mirth., and moderate or small ven. and conscien., will have a propensity to ridicule religion by imitating the peculiarities of its professors : Avith large adhes., can assume the manners of a friend: with large or very large combat, destruct, self-e., and ideal., can mimick and portray the several pas- sions of haughtiness, of indignation, of revenge, of anger, contempt, &c.: with any of the other selfish organs large or very large, can imitate the several passions exercised by those faculties: Avith large or very large event, will notice all the actions and peculiarities of others, and be able to mimick them perfectly; Avith large ideal, added, can ima- gine and represent the action appropriate to any given senti- ment, and express it to admiration; and, Avith large or very large lang. and secret, added, can carry on a dialogue in several voices, and adapt the expression of his countenance to the feelings represented; can imitate the accents and brogue of the Englishman, the Scotchman, the Irishman, the Frenchman, &c, and even imitate the forms of expres sion adopted by these different countrymen; easily learn both to read and to speak foreign languages: with large or very large ideal., mirth., individ., event., lang., compar., and adhes., and full or large secret and combat., is capable of be- coming a first-rate mimick and play-actor, and will have a predominant passion, and a remarkable talent, for the stage, and find it extremely difficult to avoid imitating the actions, conversation, stye, &c, of others. Full.—One having imitat full, will manifest this faculty only in a subordinate degree, Avhich Avill seldom amount to mimickry; still, its influence upon Jhe Avhole character Avill be considerable, and may be inferred from the descriptions and combinations of imitat. large, by diminishing the influ- ence of imitat. Moderate.—One having imitat, moderate, Avill possess 172 phrenology illustrated. this power in only an inferiour degree, and experience some difficulty in copying and describing; fail to impart a natural expression and accuracy to his attempts at copying, and, Avith self-e., caus., and compar., large or very large, Avill disdain to copy others; prefer to strike out, and pursue, a path of his own ; fail to adapt himself to the customs of the society Avith which he is not familiar; and will be original, if not eccen- trick, in his manner of thinking and acting: Avith secret. only moderate or small, can never seem to feel otherwise than he really does. Other combinations and descriptions may be inferred from those under large and very large imitat. reversed. Small.—One having imitat. small, will have but little ability to imitate or copy, and none to mimick; fail in his attempts to describe or represent, and will almost, spoil a story by attempting, in relating it, to act out the several parts; will not be at all natural in his gestures, and be a poor penman, and experience great inconvenience from the defi- ciency of this faculty. The combinations and descriptions under imitat. moderate, the influence of imitat. being still farther diminished, and also the descriptions and combinations under imitat. large or very large, reversed, or negatived, will generally apply to imitat. small. Very small.—One in whom imitat. is very small, will manifest none of the power in question, and be utterly unable to imitate or copy. Location.—Imitat. is located upon the two sides of be- nev. When large, it extends nearly as far back as the organ of benev., and the coronal sutures, and causes a protuber- ance, especially when marvel, is small, which runs down- ward from benev., and towards ideal, and construct. 23. MIRTHFULNESS. That faculty of the mind which looks at things through a ludicrous medium, and thus forms humorous ideas and conceptions—a quick and lively perception of the ridicu- lous and the absurd—facctiousness, pleasantry, humour, wit, fun. * ' That certain conceptions, ideas, opinions, and occurrences in life, are in themselves absurd and ridiculous, is a position that will readily be admitted. This being the case, it natu MIRTHFULNESS. 173 rally follows, that the mind should be possessed of some pri- mary power or faculty, the office of which is to detect such absurdities, and expose their ridiculousness: and this office is performed by the faculty of mirthfulness. Its legitimate function seems to be to aid caus. and compar. in determining what is true, by intuitively discerning whatever in thought or argument, is ridiculous or absurd: and the fact, that mirth, is located by the side of caus., and in the same range with compar., caus., and ideal., appears to strengthen the pro- bability of the correctness of this supposition. Unless we admit, that there is some primary faculty, the proper operation of which is to detect that which is absurd and ridiculous per se, how are we to account for the prone- ness of mankind, when attempting to shoAV the fallacy, or expose the sophistry, of arguments, to endeavour to make them appear ridiculous ?—how account for the very common method of reasoning by the reductio ad absurdum, the prin- cipal ingredient of which is, mirth. ? The fact is, the mind rests assured, that what is ridiculous, cannot be true; or, that the enlightened operation of mirth, is always in harmo- ny Avith the principles of reason and analogy. The existence of such a faculty as mirth., is rendered still more evident from a consideration of that general tendency of the human mind to make sport, to jest, joke, and seek for something that will raise a laugh; and, also, from the utility of such a faculty; which may be inferred from the fact, that indulgence in laughter, merriment, lively conversation, hi- larity, and rational amusements, by promoting respiration, digestion, appetite, and the circulation of the fluids, contri- butes greatly to health and bodily vigour, and, likewise, by imparting buoyancy and elasticity to the spirits, greatly aug- ments the power and activity of the mind. The old adage, " laugh and be fat," though quaint, accords both with the philosophy of human nature, and the experience of mankind, and, moreover, Avith man's phrenological developments. I£ then, according to the vulgar notion, " every sigh drives a nail into our coffin," this argument shows, that " every laugh should draAv one out." Religionists often consider the exercise of this faculty as wrong, nay, as wicked; but the mere fact of its existence, sanctions its exercise, and even makes its proper exercise a virtue. Large.—One having mirth, large, has a quick and lively ir4 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. perception of the ludicrous, and a strong propensity to tarn singular remarks and incidents into ridicule, and to make sport in various ways ; laughs heartily at any thing humor- ous or funny, and enjoys it with a keen relish. One having mirth, large, with large compar., destruct, and combat., and caus. full or large, will mingle the sarcastick, the pungent, and the bitter, with the purely humorous; and, with compar. very large, hold the object of his displeasure up to ridicule by comparing him to some most disagreeable, or even loathsome, object; and be pre-eminent for his dry, terse, witty, and appropriate comparisons, which will be al- ways in point, and very laughable, and sting while they tickle: with large or very large secret, and imitat, will have a happy faculty of saying a witty thing in a peculiarly witty and laughable manner, and, with large lang., compar., and event, added, can work up the feelings of the hearer by a most agreeable suspense, and mingle so much of the cunning and the sly in his manner of expression, that his humorous effusions will take admirably, and create a large amount of real sport; will be able to make fun of others without their seeing it, and to keep those in Avhose company he is, in a roar of laughter, and yet appear perfectly sober himself; to employ insinuations and the double-entendre with effect; to hoax, and quiz, and play his cunning pranks upon those around him; will make very happy allusions to ludicrous incidents; and be very quick and opportune in his mirthful sallies: with compar. large, approbat. very large, and caus. only full, may say witty things, but Avill generally spoil them by laugh- ing at them himself: Avith large or very large adhes., appro- bat, benev., hope., ideal., imitat., event, lang., and compar., will make a social, obliging, cheerful, companionable, and pleasant friend, who will be full of good cheer, humorous anecdote, and entertaining conversation: with large or very large ideal., will express his mirthful effusions in a pecu- liarly refined and delicate manner, and, with secret, large, can say even a vulgar thing without giving offence: with secret, and imitat. moderate or small will have a fund of lu- dicrous ideas, and a ready conception of the truly ridiculous, but will generally fail to give them so ludicrous an expres- sion as to make others laugh; will relish a joke, yet spoil his own jokes, and those of others which he attempts to re- late, by his defective manner of expressing them; but, Avith imitat. large or very large, even though secret, is only mod MIRTHFULNESS. 175 erale, will be able to express himgclf in so blunt, and dry, and eccentrick, and even comick a manner, as to cause a burst of laughter: with lang. large, and compar. very large, will be a ready punster; have a happy talent of reasoning by the reductio ad absurdum, or, by carrying out, and apply- ing, the arguments of hisopponents in such a manner as to make them appear supremely ridiculous : with hope large or very large, will be both cheerful and witty, and mingle a high flow of spirits, with a happy talent for humour; but, with hope only moderate or small, even when borne down with melancholy, may say many witty things: with appro- bat. and cautious, very large, and self-e. small, except among his familiar acquaintances, will have too little self-confidence to venture a joke, or will show so much fear in his manner of expressing it as to spoil it: with ven. and conscien. large or very large, will be frequently annoyed by the intrusion of ludicrous thoughts, even upon solemn occasions; feel guilty upon this account, and endeavour to banish them from his mind, yet, in spite of all his efforts, they Avill frequently arise: with compar. and caus. large or very large, like Franklin, will express important ideas, containing a great amount of practical sense, in a witty manner, and imbody many moral lessons, and much practical philosophy, in his mirthful effusions; and, Avhenever he attempts to joke, will be dry, sententious, pithy, and always in point, &c. " Poor Richard's Almanack" furnishes an admirable illustration of the combined manifestation of very large caus., compar., and mirth.; which combination is most strikingly exhibited in all the busts of Dr. Franklin. Very large.—One having very large mirth., will look at almost every thing, as it were, in a ludicrous light; man- ufacture fun out of almost every passing incident; find it difficult to restrain that strong current of humorous emo- tions which sweeps through his mind, and Avhich will be likely to burst forth, both upon proper and improper occa- sions; and be unable to express himself without a strong mixture of facetiousness with sober thought, and often car- ry his jokes too far. The descriptions and the manifestations of mirth, large, modified by an increase of the power and the influence of •nirth., will apply to mirth, very large. Full.—One having mirth, full, may have a good share of humorous feeling, and enjoy the mirthful effusions of 176 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. others, yet, without the aid of other faculties, will not him- self be remarkably quick to turn a joke: with large or very large destruct., combat, and compar., will be cogent and bi- ting in his attempts at wit, yet his wit will sting more than it will tickle, and be too harsh, and severe, and personal to please, and, consequently, will often give offence; will, per- haps, frequently indulge his teasing and pestering propen sity, yet his mirthful effusion will not be characterized so much by pure humour, as by satire and raillery; may be eminent for his sarcastick and appropriate, if not ironical, comparisons, yet the whole point and ludicrousness of his jokes will turn upon the aptness of the comparison: Avith hope very large, may have a large share of glee and hilarity, a cheerful, lively disposition, and a sprightly mind; enjoy a fine flow of spirits, and be exceedingly fond of amusements, yet the pure " attick salt" will not highly season his mirthful effusions: with the assistance of other faculties, particularly of imitat, lang., secret., hope, and compar., may express what ludicrous ideas he has in so laughable a manner, act them out so naturally, and accompany them with so much quaint- ness, as to create a great deal of sport, and pass for a real wit, yet he will owe more of this celebrity to his manner of communicating his witticism, than to the witticisms them- selves, or to the faculty of mirth; but, Avith secret., self-e., lang, individ., and event, only moderate or full, will be un- able to give half the jest to his mirthful expressions which is contained in his ideas, and thus be generally considered as comparatively destitute of the faculty. Moderate.—One having mirth, moderate, will generally look at things through the sober medium of fact; seldom succeed well in his attempts at wit; generally think of his jokes too late to make them; and be more sober than jovial. One having mirth, moderate, with compar., combat., and de- struct. large, may be sarcastick, yet his jests will be too un- kind and harsh to please; be more biting than humorous, and often give offence: with approbat, combat., and destruct. large, will be unable to take a joke in good part, and, when rallied, frequently become angry: with self-e. and caus. only moderate or full, approbat. large or very large, and secret. large, will frequently labour under the false impression that he is the object of ridicule when he is not; Avill be quite too jealous upon this point, and easily offended by jokes, espe- cially if they bear upon facts, &c. PERCEPTIVE FACULTIES. I77 I Small.—One having mirth, small, will be likely to con« sider Avit as either impertinent or silly; will rather lack sprightliness and vivacity in conversation and appearance; be slow to take a joke, or to appreciate a witticism, and slower still to make or turn one : with ven. and conscien. large or very large, and hope only moderate, will seldom smile, and probably think it Avicked to do so: with appro-* bat. and adhes. large or very large, Avill be extremely alive to the lashes of ridicule, and the finger of scorn, and greatly tormented by them; and be completely confused and routed, Avhen the battery of this organ is opened upon him. Very small.—One with this organ very small, will never, in any perceptible degree, manifest the functions exercised by this faculty. Location.—Mirth, is located beneath the temporal ridge, externally from caus., but a little lower, and nearly in the range of compar., caus., and ideal. ORDER II.—Intellectual Faculties. These faculties constitute Avhat is commonly termed intel- lect, as contra-distinguished from feeling, or emotion ; and have to do with three classes of things, the physical, the metaphysical, and the abstract; or, in other Avords, with the various conditions, relations, and qualities of things, and with the physical, mental, and moral phenomena that are produced by the operation of those first-principles or causes by which these things and their respective phenomena are regulated and governed, as well as Avith the principles them- selves. They consist of two genera. The first genus embraces the Perceptive Faculties; and the second, the Reasoning Faculties. GENUS I.—Perceptive Faculties. These bring us into communion with the external AVorW through the medium of the senses; perceive natural objects and their conditions, physical qualities, and phenomena, and some of their relations, and collect facts and statistical infor* mation for the use of the other faculties. 8* 178 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. SPECIES I.—The Faculties of the Externai Senses. SENSATION OR FEELING. Cognizance of the impressions made, and of the effects pro duceck, upon the body by the contact of physical objects with the nerves of sensation. Without a faculty of the mind whose legitimate office it is to perform this class of functions, the contact of physical ob- jects Avith the body, could produce no sensation—without this ever-watchful sentinel of our corporeal frame—whose organ (through the medium of the nerves of sensation) per vades the Avhole external surface of the body, including the intestinal canal—placed, as it is, to guard from external in- jury, this delicate machine—to keep in tune this harp of a thousand strings, its safety would be put in constant jeopar- dy, and its organization, liable soon to be destroyed. Negli- gence here, even for a moment, might expose the body to ir- reparable injury, and render this citadel of life liable to be taken by the first rude hand that should assail it. Hence we infer the necessity of a distinct faculty whose exclusive office it is to perform the function of sensation. .The principle, that such a contact of physical objects Avith the body as is calculated to injure it, causes pain, which pain warns us of danger, and that such a contact as is beneficial to it, produces a pleasurable sensation, will generally hold good, and bear the scrutinizing test of experiment. To man, then, as a corporeal being, this faculty is indispensable. It is, in short, the natural instinct in him which intuitively comprehends those principles that regulate the preservation of the body from external injury, and is likewise in perfect harmony with those principles. The mediate function of the sense of feeling, is common- ly called touch, of Avhich the sphere of activity is very con- siderable and important. The nerves of this faculty are closely combined with those of voluntary motion; and the two kinds together, may assist the functions of all the inter- nal faculties, as Avell the affective as the intellectual. Hence the reason why the nerves of feeling and the nerves of mo- tion are so intimately connected with the organs of the af fectiye and the intellectual faculties. SIGHT. 179 This faculty is much more active in some animals than in others; and Ave find that the nerves of sensation are much larger in the former than in the latter. In combination with large cautiousness, this faculty produces that dread of pain, which is often worse than the pain itself, and that instinctive shrinking from corporeal suffering, which it endeavours to avoid. For a more extensive analysis of this faculty, as well as of the other external senses, the reader is referred to the ex- cellent remarks upon the subject in Dr. Spurzheim's work upon Phrenology. SIGHT. Vision—power of taking cognizance of the appearance of physical objects by means of the optical organs. There exist in nature certain optical laws, the object of which is to furnish animated beings with a knowledge of the physical Avorld by means of the eye and its accompany- ing apparatus. Mankind intuitively understand and apply these laws or principles of vision, and see just as well with- out any theoretical or scientifick knowledge of them as Avith. Since, then, this poAver of vision is possessed intuitively, and is exercised by a given portion of the brain, the induction is obvious, that men, and, indeed, all animals that see at all, possess an innate, primary power, the proper function of which is to see. The fact that new-born infants possess the power of vision but imperfectly, does not at all militate against the foregoing conclusion, for, it is well known, that, at the birth, their eyes are in an imperfect state, and are not able to receive, modify, and transmit strong impressions of light, until they are about six Aveeks old. Hence, it is only by degrees that the eye of a child becomes fit to perform its natural function with full poAver ; but, as soon as the powers of this organ are fully matured, a child can see, and Avithout either habit or education, just as well and as accurately as the greatest philosopher. The same argument will apply to all animals whose organs of vision are imperfect at the birth. It is, moreover, a singular fact, that that portion of the brain in which the optick nerve terminates, or, in phrenolog- ical language, the organ of seeing, is found, in different an- imals, to be proportionate to their power of vision—is found, 180 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED for example, many times larger in the eagle and the hawk, than in other animals of a corresponding size in which the power of vision is much weaker. Defects in noticing and recollecting the form and colour of objects, are often attributed to an enfeebled vision, when, in fact, they belong exclusively to imperfections in the facul- ties of form and colour. For example; one whose sight ia perfectly good, and Avho is deficient in the faculty of form, but possessed of a large organ of colour, often finds it ex- tremely difficult accurately to ascertain by the eye, and to recollect, the configuration of an object, Avhen, at the same time, he gets a distinct idea of its colour; but, with form large, and colour small, can readily judge of its shape, but not cf its colour. Many cases illustrative of these points have fallen under the observation of the authors, some of which will be stated in another part of this work. Allusion is here made to these facts as clearly showing the necessity of the mind's possessing the faculties of form and colour, as distinct from that of vision, in order perfectly to perform some of its ordinary functions. HEARING. Power of taking cognizance of sounds by means of the au- ditory apparatus. It cannot be denied, that the principles of acousticks ex- ist in nature, nor that all animals possessed of an auditory apparatus, are capable of perfectly applying these principles, unaided by habit or instruction: and hence it follows, that the faculty of hearing is a primary power of the human mind. As has been shown in regard to the sense of vision, that seeing is its sole function, so can it be proved Avith reference to the auditory faculty, that hearing is its only function. The common and prevailing opinion, that an individual possesses the faculty of tune or melody of sounds, and the gift of speech, in proportion to the acuteness and perfection of his auditory apparatus and the excellence of his voice, can easily be shown to be erroneous. The question may be put to the most superficial observer, whether all those who have equal- ly good hearing and.fine voices, possess an equal talent for musick, or equal fluency of speech. Indeed, the authors are prepared to prove, by many facts that they have witnessed, HEARING. 181 that many individuals Avhose voices and hearing are excel- lent, but who are defective in the organ of tune, are not ca- pable of distinguishing one tune, or one note, from another. How is it, that, among birds, the song of the male is far more melodious than that of the female ? Can it be, that the au- ditory or the vocal apparatus of the one is less perfect than that of the other 1 But, that the sense of hearing cannot produce musick, is evident from the fact, that the auditory apparatus is excited solely by sounds from without, whereas, musick must pro- ceed from an internal impulse given by a primary faculty of the mind, for it is impossible that the first musician could have previously heard the sounds which he produced. It is well known, too, that musicians who have Jost their hearing, continue to compose. Singing birds, also, when hatched by strange females, instead of employing the notes of their adopt- ed parents, sing naturally, and without any instruction, the song of their species. In regard to the faculty of speech, we knoAV that the nat- ural language of every animal, is that which is peculiar to its species, and that its perfection does not particularly de- pend upon the perfection or imperfection of its faculty of hearing. A duckling reared by a hen, does not adopt the language of the hen; nor does the young robin hatched by the bluebird, learn the chirp of the bluebird. A kitten rais- ed with a dog, does not learn to bark; nor does a lamb rais- ed among cattle, learn to Ioav : but each animal naturally adopts the language of its species. So, in artificial language, as there is no natural connexion between the names or sounds employed to denote certain ob- jects, and the things signified, it is evident, that, in the for- mation and use of words, some other faculties of the mind are more intimately concerned than the sense of hearing. When we pronounce the word book, the sound suggests to the hearer the idea of the thing signified ; but it Avould be ab- surd to suppose, that either his auditory apparatus, or his organs of speech, conceived the idea of a book. The con- ception Avas formed by his internal faculties alone. The reason Avhy the monkey cannot talk, is not because it is destitute of the faculty of hearing, or of the proper organs of the voice; but because it has not the faculty of language, and certain other internal faculties, which are necessary to 182 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. the formation of words, and the application of them to th«i various conceptions of the mind. Thus it is obvious, that the function of the senseof hear- ing, is confined to the production of impressions called sounds; and that the production of melody and language, depend upon other intellectual faculties. TASTE. Gustatory sensation produced by food, and, also, by othei substances. This faculty differs materially in its function from that of alimentiveness, to Avhich it seems to be but the handmaid. Alimentiveness produces hunger, and a relish for food, and, Avithout the assistance of taste, Avould be but a blind instinct, producing merely the desire to feed; while taste, acting as the caterer for alimentiveness, is capable of being exercised upon substances Avhich can, and Avhich cannot, be conA^erted into food, and of selecting the one, and rejecting the other. That this faculty, in its ordinary state in civil society, does not, under all circumstances, inform us Avhat is, and what is not, adapted to the nourishment and health of the body, will readily be admitted; but that, unpampered by luxury, and unperverted by cookery, it Avould be capable of doing so, is highly probable. Among the lower order of animals—in oeasts, birds, and fishes, where it is unperverted, it secures this object to perfection, abundant evidences of Avhich are furnished by natural history. Why, then, should it not, in its natural state, be equally perfect and serviceable in man? Analogy would certainly give an affirmative ansAver to this interrogatory. SMELL. Olfactory sensation—cognizance of the scent or odour of objects. By means of this faculty, the material world acts upon man and animals from a distance. When detached, odor- ous particles come in contact Avith the olfactory nerve, they inform us of the existence, and some of the qualities, of the bodies from which they are separated. Taste has been de- scribed as the purveyor of alimentiveness; and smell may be denominated the pioneer of taste, and assistant handmaid INDIVIDUALITY. 183 of alimentiveness; for it often acts as the guide to taste in selecting food, and frequently decides upon what is good, and what is bad, without the assistance of taste. But the office of smell is by no means confined to the se- lecting of food. Its function decides upon the agreeablenesa or disagreeableness of the sensation produced by all odours that are wafted to the olfactory nerve; and here its office ceases. It may be remarked, however, that the pleasurable or opposite sensation produced by an odour, depends much upon the habit of the individual, or the training of the faculty; for odours that are delightful to some individuals, are unendurable to others. Some persons take great delight in scenting them- selves and their clothes with musk, burgamot, cologne, &c.; whilst to others, these smells are an abomination. Some of the lower animals excel man in the acuteness of their smell, as their olfactory apparatus is larger. Odours act powerfully upon the brain. Hence, the appli cation of stimuli to the olfactory nerves, often revives sensi- bility in cases of suspended animation. MOTION. The existence of a mental faculty, the exclusive office of which is to superintend and direct the action of the muscles, has not yet been demonstrated, but is considered as quite probable. SPECIES II.—Observing and Knoaving Faculties. For a description of these faculties, see page 50. 24. INDIVIDUALITY. Power of noticing single objects as separate existences, and of considering each as a distinct identity and individu- ality—desire to see and know, and to examine objects— curiosity to see things—power of observation. The material world is composed of single objects, arranged and combined into one grand whole; but without a faculty whose function it is to individualize these objects, and take cognizance of them one by one as distinct and separate ex- istences and entities, mankind would perceive them only as a confused and indistinct mass, and be unable to distinguish 164 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. one single thing from another. It is doubtful, indeed, Avhether, without such a faculty, we could form clear notions, or dis- tinct ideas, upon any subject. This faculty gives the desire, accompanied with the ability, lo become acquainted with objects as mere existences, without reference to their qualities, such as form, size, colour, weight, &c, or to their modes of action; and, inasmuch as it leads to observation, it becomes an important element in a literary taste and talent. Large.—One having individ. large, has a great curiosity to see and examine Avhatever comes within the range of his observation; is deeply interested in the mere examination of individual objects, aside from their causes, uses, relations, and conditions; is quick to see what is passing around him, and allows few things that come Avithin the range of his vision. to escape his observation; is a close and practical observer of men and things; and, by associating his thoughts and arguments with some visible object, and by thus giving them a distinct identity and individuality, imparts to them a pecu- liar clearness and definiteness, and seeming tangibility. One having individ. large, Avith event, also large or very large, will not only be quick to see Avhat is passing around him, but, also, have an excellent memory of what he has seen ; with large or very large compar. added, will not only have the ability of comparing things together, and noting wherein they resemble, or Avherein they differ from, each other, but will also take great delight in this exercise; Avith good advantages, will possess a rich fund of general and partic- ular knowledge; a ready command of facts, and a great fond- ness for reading and study, and have the requisite talent and disposition to become a superiour natural scholar; yet, to become a finished scholar, he must also possess form, local., ideal., and caus. large or very large: Avith large caus. will first notice things in their individual capacity, and then investigate their relations of cause and effect, their design and utility, and the effects they are capable of producing; or, in other AA'ords, will be a close observer of things, and, also, strongly inclined to philosophize upon them; and, Avith the rea- soningorgans very large, will observe closely, yet reason more than observe; have excellent ideas, and also impaTt to them a clearness and tangibility that will render them easy to be understood, and thus greatly add to their power; and, with the addition of large form, will be an enthusiastick and a INDIVIDUALITY. 185 successful investigator of human nature, and generally form correct opinions of the character and talents of men by their physiognomy, conversation, deportment, &c, and can suc- cessfully apply himself both to details and general princi- ples: Avith ideal, large or very large, will regard objects as clothed with peculiar splendour, natural beauty, high per- fection, «fec. Very large.—One having individ. very large, will pos- sess an unconquerable desire to see, see, see—whatever it is possible for him to see; before he is aware of it, will take up things and look at them, even when propriety would re- quire him to leave them untouched; have a prying curiosity to become acquainted with things as mere existences; can hardly rest satisfied without thoroughly exploring and sur- veying every thing within the reach of his observation ; is a real looker, and even given to gazing, or, perhaps, to sta- ring : Avith caus. only full, looks much more than thinks, and is so much devoted to the examination of objects, that his power of abstract thought is thereby Aveakened, or, at least, frequently interrupted by the operation of this faculty; finds it difficult to confine his attention to abstract contemplations, because it is so frequently arrestedJwr physical objects ; will be given to personification, and, with compar. large, to met- aphor, simile, &c, and be apt to consider mere abstract ideas or notions, such as virtue, vice, justice, reason, &c, as per- sonal identities; may readily learn things, but will not pos- sess an unusual share of depth of intellect, &c. The additional manifestations and combinations of indi- vid. very large, may be inferred from those described under individ. large, the compar. of the reader being allowed to supply the increased influence of individ. Full.—One having individ. full, Avith the reasoning or- gans large or very large, will reason much more than ob- serve, think more than look, and examine objects chiefly as connected with their causes, relations, effects, qualities, uses, &c: Avith moderate event, will be liable to forget things, and have but an indifferent memory of facts; will manifest some curiosity to examine objects, and see Avhatever comes in his Avay, yet not be at much pains merely to gratify his looking propensity, and will not be distinguished, either for his observing powers, or for the Avant of them. Moderate.—One having moderate individ., will be some- what deficient in his powers of observation; have rather indis* 186 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. linct ideas of things, and describe them rather in a summary and general, than in a particular, manner, and, Avith therfect accuracy, will not have a distinct or positive recol- ection of the time when they occurred, or how long one even! TUNE. 217 happened before or after another; and will have only a gen- eral idea of the intervals between certain events. Small.—One having time small, will be very forgetful as to the time when ; find it difficult to remember the ages in his OAvn family, or even his own age, and be frequently obliged to consult family and other records in order to ascer- tain these and similar points; have only a general, and a very incorrect, memory of dates; can seldom tell the time of the day without the sun or a time-piece, or even the day of the month or week; will be the reverse of one with time large: with aliment, large, may calculate the time of the day quite correctly by his appetite, and be punctual to his meals ; or punctual when some other faculty quickens the iction of time, yet, in general, will discover a marked defi- ciency in this respect; and will be poor in chronology. Very small.—One Avithtime very small, will seldom, if ever, notice the chronological order of events as they pass; have a most imperfect idea of every thing pertaining to suc- cession and dates: with aliment, only moderate, will even forget the time of his meals : with event, moderate, will have a most miserable memory both of circumstances and of dates; forget his own age, and most of the circumstances connected even with his own history, and thus be a constant sufferer from this cause. Location.—Time is located directly above colour, and a little externally from locality. 34. TUNE. Sense of melody and harmony of sounds—ability to learn tunes and detect discords. In another part of this work it has been shoAvn, that hear- ing cannot produce musick, any more than seeing can give a just conception and judgment of colours, but that a con- cept^ of the melody arising from a succession of sounds, must depend upon another distinct faculty of the mind. That those, indeed, who possess an equally perfect auditory and vocal apparatus, differ Avidely in their musical talents, is prov- ed by every votary of harmonious sounds, as well as by every common observer, from the days of Orpheus down to those of Haydn, Handel, Mozart, and Catalini. That the faculty of musick is innate and primary, and man- ifests its power in different individuals in proportion to apar- 10 218 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. ticular development of the brain, is a fact fully established by the observations of phrenologists. They have examined the heads, busts, or portraits, of Gluck, Zumsteg, Dussek, Mozart, Viotti, Rosini, Crescentini, and Catalini, Handel, and Haydn, and of many other celebrated musical per- formers or singers, and have found an extreme development of the organ of tune in all of them. The authors have seen many children, even, in which the organ Avas largely devel- oped, that were able to catch and turn tunes soon after they began to talk; and, on the other hand, adults in whom the organ was small, that, after the most laborious efforts under the most able instructers, Avere utterly unable to turn a tune, or even distinguish one tune from another. The natural language of musick is universal, or, in othei words, sounds that are melodious to one nation, are measurably so to another; Avhich shoAvs not only, that the principles of musick exist in nature, but, that the human mind, in order to adapt itself to these principles, must necessarily possess an innate faculty whose proper function it is to perceive and ap- ply them: and hence it is, that what constitutes melody and harmony of sound to the Englishman, is no less so to the Swede, to the Avild rover of the desert, and to him who in- habits the islands of the sea. Some nations, hoAvever, as well as individuals, are more musical than others, and are distinguished by a larger development of the organ of tune. In this respect, the Italians and Germans excel the Span- iards, Frenchmen, Englishmen, and Otaheitans; and the authors have noticed, that this organ is generally very large in negroes ; which exactly corresponds with their wonderful musical propensity and talent. These remarks will shoAV the utter folly, not to say ab- surdity, of that modern, fashionable prejudice which demands that musick shall be taught to young ladies indiscriminately, and Avithout the least regard to the natural talent, or defect, of the individual in this respect, and which condemns many a lovely female to waste years of precious time in Avhat is to her an intolerable drudgery, and one that nature never plan- ned for her. Large.—One having large tune, will be able easily to catch tunes by hearing them sung a feAV times over, and to strike correctly their key note; has a correct musical ear, and, with a good voice, can easily become a good singer, or a good performer upon musical instruments; delights to listen to TUNE. 219 good musick, and can easily detect a discord, &c. One hav ing large tune, with large ideal, will not only be extremely fond of good musick, but will impart a richness, and pathos, and melody to his musical performances which are calculat- ed to move the heart; with large time added, will be a me- lodious singer, and add new charms to his musick by keep- ing the beat correctly; but, with time small, Avill have an excellent musical ear, accompanied with much htelody and good taste, yet will fail greatly in time, and, when singing in company, generally sing too slowly : with combat, and de- struct. large or very large, Avill delight greatly in martial musick, and be highly excited by the stirring notes of the fife, the drum, the bugle, &c.: with adhes. and ideal, large, will be very fond of songs, and be able to sing them to ad- miration ; and, with large or very large time and hope add- ed, will be highly delighted with dancing tunes, and, in dancing, precisely keep the step, and be gay and cheerful in the " assembly room," and enjoy the cotillion party, &c, be- yond measure: with hope small, and ven., conscien., and adhes. large or very large, will prefer plaintive airs, minor moods, solemn, devotional musick, &c.; and, with hope large even, will still prefer solemn tunes, yet select those of a cheerful, lively air: with large or very large lang., can easi- «y associate tunes with the Avords set to them, and thus read- ily commit songs, hymns, &c, so as to sing them by rote. In learning tunes, and in singing them with Avords, the or- gan of lang. renders very important assistance. The same is also true of imitat., which gives the proper expression to a musical performance, enables the performer to imitate dif- ferent kinds of style, &c. Very large.—One having tune very large, will be able to learn tunes by hearing them once or tAvice repeated, and will never forget them; is filled Avith ecstasy, or completely carried aAvay, with good musick, but cannot endure a discord, or an awkward or artificial singer or player; produces a powerful impression upon the feelings of those Avho listen to his performances, and literally charms them, &c. One having tune very large, with large or very large ad- nes., ideal, ven., hope, imitat., time, lang., individ., weight, *nd compar., will be a natural musician of the first order; be pre-eminent for his musical taste and talent; pour forth nis whole soul in the most melting and voluptuous strains of melody and harmony, so as often to overcome the hearer 220 PHRENOLOGY illustrated. learn, as it were, by intuition, to play upon any musical in- strument ; perform to admiration all kinds of musick, par- ticularly sentimental pieces, Irish airs, Scotch melodies, and other pieces of kindred sympathy and pathos; and will be able to compose musick characterized by sentiment, pathos, and the soul of melody. Full.—One having tune full, will be able, with consid erable practice, to learn tunes both by note, and also by the ear; may be called a good, and even a superiour, singer, yet, for any musical talent he may possess, will be indebted as much to art and science as to nature; with the aid of notes, and a good knowledge of the principles, may be able to read musick correctly, and even sing, at first sight, almost any piece of musick presented to him, yet his musical perform- ances will be characterized more by accuracy than melody and pathos. One having tune full, with large or very laigc ideal, will be highly delighted with good musick, and have a correct musical ear, and impart a peculiar softness to his singing, and, with large imitat. added, be capable of becom- ing a good singer, if not a superiour musician; can readily imitate different kinds of style, &c.: Avith the moral senti- ments large, may experience much fervour of devotion Avhile singing, and impart this feeling to his musical displays: with lang. large, in calling to mind various tunes, will be greatly assisted by recollecting the words set to them, and will find it somewhat difficult to learn tunes disconnected with words: with lang. moderate or small, will receive, in learning tunes, very little aid from lang., and fail somewhat in applying words to musical sounds: with compar. large or very large, will readily decide betAveen what tunes and Avords a harmony of sentiment exists; and, with large ven. added, Avhen a hymn is given out, will be able to select the most appropriate tune, and, with imitat. also large, to sing it in such a manner as to convey the sentiments and feelings expressed in the Avords, &c. The additional combinations and descriptions of tune full, may be inferred from those under tune large, the poAver and the manifestations of tune being diminished. Moderate.—One having tune moderate, may, perhaps, learn to read musick readily by note, but will be obliged to labour hard to effect even this; be obliged to hear tunes many times repeated before he can learn them by rote, and will then forget them unless he sings them frequently ; may, TUNE. 221 pernaps, be a respectable singer, but will be indebted for this talent much more to science and application than to nature; will sing more by the rules of musick than by his ear, and oe generally obliged to haAre his book before him; will be rather a mechanical than a natural singer; and will fail to impart melody and pathos to his musical performances, and to kindle or melt the soul. One having tune moderate, with ideal, large or very large, Avill listen with rapture to good musick, yet none will please him except musick of the first order; will be very unpleas- antly affected by discord, and perhaps be a good judge of musick, yet will not be a good or a great performer himself Small.—One having tune small, with much effort, may learn to sing and play tunes, yet will be only an automatick, mechanical, indifferent, and unsuccessful musician, and will be unable to make melody, or to learn tunes by the ear : with large or very large ideal, will listen with delight, to good mu- sick, yet be slow to distinguish one tune from another, and gen- erally be insensible to the higher charms of excellent musick, The combinations and descriptions under tune moderate. modified by a reduction of the influence of tune, and those under tune large or very large, reversed, or read with the addition of a negative, will generally apply to this organ small. Very small.—One having tune very small, will be un- able to strike a note correctly, and even to distinguish one tune or one note from another: with mirth, large, will be likely to ridicule a musical taste or an amateur in musick, or be, at least, indifferent to musick, if not really disgusted with it. Location.—Tune is located, in adults, about three quar- ters of an inch above the organ of calcu., and within the arch of the superciliary ridge. The location of tune is so much affected by the size of the surrounding organs, and its external appearance, by the temporal muscle which passes over it, that, except in the case of children, the authors are not always able to decide correctly upon its size. It may also be added, that a good voice adds greatly to good musick, and is therefore frequently mistaken for a musical ear or tal- ent. Others, again, in whom the organ is only moderate, are tolerable singers, but are indebted for this talent chiefly to science and practice. Hence many correct decisions upon tune, are considered erroneous. 822 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. 35. LANGUAGE. Power of communicating ideas by means of particular signs—memory of words—recollection of arbitrary signs as expressive of ideas. In the plenitude of his wisdom and goodness, the Great Author of our being has seen fit, in various ways, to distin- guish man from " the beasts that perish;" and one of these distinguishing characteristicks, is most strikingly displayed in his power of speech. Without a faculty by means of which to communicate to his fellow-men, his thoughts, feel- ings, and desires, man would be incapable of any consider- able degree of cultivation and refinement, and of carrying on those vast schemes and projects by which the face of the earth is subdued and cultivated, and the beasts of the field brought under subjection to him—by which the forest bows to his mandate, and, in its stead, the cultivated farm blooms like a garden—by which science and the arts flourish, com- merce springs into life, and cities, kingdoms, and republicks burst forth in all their magnificence and glory. The signs of language are of two kinds, natural and arti- ficial. The natural signs are common both to man and the lower order of animals, and are understood by each species of animals by the operations of the instinctive principles of its nature. In brutes, these natural signs are employed, for example, in the bleating of a lamb, the neighing of a horse, and the chirping of a bird; and in man, in that expression of voice and feature which he uses in sighing, groaning, laugh ing, crying, and in the use of all that class of semi-articulate sounds called interjections. But the grand distinction be- tween the faculty of language in man and the same faculty in the brute creation, consists in the ability of the former to make use of distinct, articulate sounds, which we call speech, as signs of his ideas, whereas, the ability of the latter is con- fined to the use of inarticulate sounds. For the more extensive and perfect transmission of thought, the superiour wisdom and ingenuity of man have also ena- bled him to invent, and employ by common consent, various sets of artificial sounds called words, or vocal or artificial language; and, moreover, to institute certain arbitrary signs by means of which to represent these words to the eye, call- ed written language. LANGUAGE. 228 That the poAver of speech in man„or his copia verborum, is primitive, and depends upon a distinct faculty of the mind, is evident from the fact, that it greatly differs in different in- dividuals, and cannot, therefore, be the result of education alone, but must originally be possessed by them in various degrees of strength. Were it not so, each individual would display this power in proportion to his cultivation of the fac- ulty ; but such is by no means the case. We often see child- ren that have received little or no instruction, learn the use and application of words with a facility and accuracy alto- gether wonderful; and others again upon Avhich a supera- bundant amount of instruction has been bestoAved, that re- main extremely deficient in this respect, and find great diffi- culty in commanding words enough to express their ideas with even common propriety. We see persons, also, who have studied many languages, received all the advantages of instruction from the greatest linguists, and wasted long nights over the midnight lamp, and yet, Avhen they come to express themselves in their mo- ther tongue, often display a style marked with barrenness, stiffness, and impropriety; whereas, others who have enjoy- ed no such advantages, are able to speak and write in a style both copious and eloquent. Some persons are able to repeat a page verbatim after having read it but two or three times over; whilst others, again, cannot repeat it after having read it as many hundred times. And noAv let us ask, whether these facts at all accord with the metaphysical notion of some, that language is wholly ar- tificial, or conventional. If so, language should display it- self, in individuals of equal talents, in an exact proportion to its cultivation : but this has clearly been shown not to be the case. We must therefore conclude, that the power of lan- guage or speech, depends upon a primary faculty of the mind, and that it is as natural for man to employ language, as it is vision, or hearing, or any other faculty of the mind. Many remarkable instances of an extraordinary manifes- tation of this faculty, as well as of its extreme deficiency, have fallen under the observation of the authors. From a multitude of cases, they will select, and present, only the tAVO following. They know a little girl in whom the organ of language w extremely large, and who has been brought up in a family 224 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. in which there is no -child but herself; consequently, she seldom has any one to talk with. But this deficiency she has managed to supply, ever since she was two or three years old, by almost incessantly talking to her doll or to herself; for talk she must, although it often consists in nothing more than the utterance of articulate sounds without meaning. She often even conducts a long dialogue in two or three dis- tinct voices, being assisted in this by large imitation; and has, moreover, a wonderful propensity to invent, and apply, names to all objects she sees; and, when these are few, she gives many names to the same object Her organ of tune is also large; and this she frequently gratifies by com- posing and singing tunes extempore, and sometimes, too, in rhyme. In the family of professor Eaton, the distinguished botan- ist and naturalist, one of the authors saw a servant-man in whom the organ is extremely small; and it is Avith the ut- most difficulty that he can command Avords enough to hold a conversation upon the most familiar subject:—in proof of which, many striking anecdotes were related by the professor. The following is one of them. Being very anxious to learn to read—a thing he found it next to impossible to accom- plish—he was sent to school; and, in attempting to relate to his master the pains taken by his tutor in instructing him, when he got to the word teaching, he stopped, and hesitated for a long time, not being able to think of it, or of any other word that would express the idea; but, at last, he got it out by saying, that "my tutor keep — jawing me how to read." Large.—One having lang. large, will find it easy and natural to learn and remember words, and to call to mind such words as fully express his ideas; possess, in a high degree, copiousness, freedom, fluency, and power of ex- pression ; have at command a multitude of Avords and phrases from which he is able to make such a selection as may be dictated by his other faculties; will fill out his sentences well, and leave but feAv ellipses to be supplied by the reader; will be able to write with ease and facility, and give a copi- ousness, and richness, and variety to his style, and have a great desire to talk and read, as well as to hear others do so; and can easily commit words to memory. One naving lang. large, with large or very large individ., form, local, and event., can learn verbatim with groat rapid- ity and very little effort; has a remarkable talent foi remem- . language. 225 bering the precise expressions used by others in conversa- tion, and for relating accurately what Avas said by a speaker; Avill be able, in school or in college, to learn his lessons, as it Avere, by intuition, or, at least, by reading them two or three times over; Avill make very rapid advances as a schol- ar, far outstrip those who have lang., event., and individ. only moderate, and appear to understand his lessons much better than he really'does, and thus gain great credit for his reci- tations ; Avhen he attempts to speak, will have a copious Aoav of Avcrds, and display a remarkable talent for making quotations ; with only moderate or full caus. added, will talk much, and fluently, upon subjects without instructing the hearer, or pre- senting many new ideas, or profound observations; Avith large or very large ideal, and compar., and full concent. added to this combination, is capable of becoming quite in- teresting, and even eloquent, as a speaker; Avill be chaste. and finished, if not polished and graceful, in his language and expressions, and, Avith imitat. also large, decisively pop- ular as an extempore speaker; Avill be perspicuous and ap- propriate, and easily and fully understood; possess extraor- dinary facility and felicity of expression, and, Avhenever he becomes animated in speaking, Avill quote poetry with ease and correctness, yet will have a better command of words than of ideas; may please the fancy, yet will not greatly instruct, or enlighten the understanding: with individ. large or very large, will use many adjectives and qualifying phrases; and yet employ words with considerable definite- ness and precision : Avith large secret, cautious., approbat., conscien, and ven., may be taciturn and reserved before strangers or partial acquaintances, or, in consequence of his bashfulness or modesty, yet, when among his familiars and equals, will talk very freely: Avith large or very large se- cret., will generally say but little, and, with cautious, also large, frequently hesitate in speaking, but this will arise from the fear of committing himself, or of saying Avhat he does not intend to say, rather than from a Avant of Avords; but, with secret, moderate or small, will not only have a great command of words, but be free to express his thoughts and feelings, and, Avith benev. and adhes. also large or very large, this propensity to unbosom himself to others, will be still farther increased, and he will be a downright talker: with large individ., combat, and destruct, will have a great command of severe and bitter epithets, and, Avhen excited, be 10* 226 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. .extremely pointed and sarcastick in his expressions, and, witn compar. also large, can pour out a torrent of abusive words, or scold Avith a vengeance: with adhes. and benev. large or very large, will have a great command of words express- ive of sympathy, affection, endearment, tenderness of feeling, &c.; and, Avith imitat. also large, will accompany his verbal communications Avith appropriate gesticulation, and speak through his action, the expression of his countenance, &c, as well as by his words: with compar. large or very large, Avill have a critical knowledge of the precise meaning of words, of philology, synonymes, &c, and be prone closely to criticise both his own expressions and those of others, and. with large or very large individ. and event, added, is capable of becoming a first-rate linguist: with large or very large caus. and compar., and only moderate or full ideal, will be bold, original, and powerful in his expressions, but not fin- ished, elegant, or polished, and, if large combat, and destruct. and moderate or small secret, be added, will speak out his ideas in a plain, strong, blunt, and frequently uncouth style; will despise the flowers of rhetorick and finely turned peri- ods, and present the facts and the arguments of his subject without embellishment: with ideal, large instead of mod- erate, Avill be a nervous, strong, and also polished Avriter and speaker; have a full Aoav of ideas, and also of words in which to express them; will combine power of thought with copiousness and fluency of diction, and, with a good educa- tion, be capable of becoming an accomplished and a power- ful publick speaker; will express important ideas and strong arguments in a peculiarly felicitous and happy style, and have thoughts enough handsomely to fill the channel through which they Aoav. Very large.—One having lang. very large, Avill possess remarkable copiousness of speech and a great flow of words; talk with perfect ease and the greatest delight; and, with se- cret, only moderate and approbat. large or very large, among his acquaintances, will be, perhaps, too forward in conversa- tion, and an incessant, not to say intolerable, talker: Avith concent full or large, will be able, and much inclined, to threw out the same idea in a great many different forms of expression, frequently amounting to tautology; will often weary the hearer with tedious repetitions and circumlocu- tion, and not unfrequently bury up his ideas in a multitude »f Avords: with individ., form, and local large or very large. LANGUAGE. 227 will be able to commit to memory page after page, even at a second reading; will be excessively fond of reading, and of hearing and relating anecdotes; after listening to an inter- esting speech, oration, or sermon, will be able to repeat it nearly verbatim, giving not only the ideas and the general tenour of the discourse, but eA-en many of the precise ex- pressions of the speaker; with large or very large ideal, and imitat, and only full caus. added, will be bombastick in his 6tyle, and present more bathos than pathos or sublimity; make a great display of eloquence and splendour in his lan- guage, and yet be destitute of real eloquence and power of thought; will be loquacious, flippant, and verbose, yet im- body but little sense or argument in what he says: with very large compar., caus., individ., event, ideal, and combat, will be able to engross the Avhole attention of the hearer, and, by the clearness and power of his reasoning, combined with Ihe superiour elegance of his diction, and the frequent and well-sustained bursts of his overpoAvering eloquence, enchain him for hours to the subject; will be rich, copious, flow- ing, vehement, and energetick in his style and manner, but a much better extempore speaker than writer, because, in writing, he will be apt to employ too many words for his thoughts. The descriptions and combinations of lang. large, modifi- ed by an increase of the power and desires imparted by lang., will apply to lang. very large. Full.—One having lang. full, will have a respectable command of Avords, yet, in order to become fluent, will re- quire considerable excitement; will not be barren in style or expressions, nor yet employ many new-coined or redundant Avords; with some effort, may commit to memory, yet, unless individ., form, and local, are very large, will not be eminent for this talent. One having lang. full, with compar. and caus. large or very large, will have a rich fund of important ideas, but they will lose some of their force Avhen expressed, in consequence of their calling more loudly for words than can be answered by the speaker, who, unless considerably excited, will hesitate for words; will seldom be guilty of circumlocution, but will be rather brief and compact in his style: with large or very large ideal, added, will be clear, elegant, and forcible as a writer, but, though he may get on tolerably well as a speaker, will not be very fluent, and even 228 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. when excited, will by no means manifest verbosity, and wil, employ no more Avords than the sense demands. The additional descriptions and combinations of lang. full, due allowance being made by the reader fcr the diminished power and manifestations of lang., will be found under lang. large. Moderate.—One having lang. moderate, will be some- times at a loss for words in which to express his ideas, and particularly so for happy and appropriate words ; when an idea is presented to his mind, often be obliged to Avait for the organ of lang. to supply the proper sign by Avhich to ex- press it; generally employ too few, rather than too many, words; and, instead of adding to the force and energy of his thoughts by the ease and power of his expressions, will fail to give them even their just due from the province of language. One having lang. moderate, Avith very large compar., will be very critical in the use of words, and seldom employ one wnich is not fully expressive of the meaning intended to be conveyed; with large or very large ideal, and individ. add- ed, may be a first-rate linguist, and a clear and elegant wri- ter, but will not be a fluent speaker—may command words enough for the use of the pen, but not for the use of the tongue; will adopt a style more clear than copious ; will not be lo- quacious, but, in what he says, will employ but few Avords. Small.—One having small lang., in communicating his thoughts and feelings, will employ but feAv words, and those of every-day use; in speaking, will frequently hesitate for words, and possess very little variety or copiousness of ex- pression ; so far as style is concerned, will be barren, dry, and common-place; find extreme difficulty in calling to mind the particular words required to express his meaning; con- sider talking as rather a burden than a pleasure, and, conse- quently, Avill generally say but little, and find it very difficult o commit to memory. One having lang. small, secret, large, and mirth, only full, will be likely to pass whole days, and sometimes even weeks, in which he will speak scarcely a word unless there is an absolute necessity for it; will not be at all interesting in pro- miscuous conversation, and his thoughts will lose much of their force and point in consequence of the deficiency in his power of expression: with combat, large and excited, or with a nervous temperament, may speak in a rapid, though some- REFLECTIVE FACULTIES. 229 what incoherent, manner, but will use only common-place phraseology, and generally express similar ideas in nearly the same set of words: with very large caus. ai d compar., will have many more thoughts than words, and make every word express some important idea; can think much better than communicate; say a great deal in a few words; cannot command a sufficient stock of Avords with nearly similar meanings from which to make happy selections; and will think and reason much more than read or talk. The combinations and descriptions of lang. moderate, mod- ified by a diminution of the poAver of lang., and, also, those under lang. large and very large, reversed, or read with a negative, will generally apply to lang. small. Very small.—One having lang. very small, will find the utmost difficulty in recollecting the arbitrary signs used to express the simplest and most common ideas; from actual poverty of lang., will be obliged to employ words in a sense widely different from their common and legitimate significa- tion, and Avill often express his ideas in very inappropriate terms; cannot commit to memory at all, nor learn to read with any thing like tolerable facility and accuracy, and will be able scarcely to understand others, or express himself so that they can understand him. The combinations and descriptions under lang. small, modified by a lessening of the power of lang., and those un- der lang. full, reversed, will apply to this faculty very small Location.—Lang, is located upon the superorbiter plate. When large or very large, by pressing down the upper orbit of the eye, it pushes the eye outward and doAvnward, giving a fulness to it, and a swollen appearance to the under eyelid. When the organ is small, the eyes will appear small and sunken, and the under eyelid small The bust of the dis- tinguished Thos. Addis Emmett, affords a striking specimen of a large development of this organ. GENUS II.—Reflective or Reasoning Faculties. These faculties impart to the human mind an intellectual power of a higher order than that given by the perceptive and semi-perceptive faculties. They enable man to invent, to think, and reason—to ascertain those abstract relations and bearings of things which neither observation, nor any other mental poAver, can reach. Most of the other intellectual fac- 230 phrenology illustrated. ulties, are possessed, in a greater or less degree, by some species of the lower order of animals, and some of them, to a far greater extent than by man. Yet, none of these an- imals can invent, or, to any considerable extent, adapt means to ends. Neither can they improve upon their mere animal instincts for they are manifestly destitute of what, in man, is called contrivance. From generation to generation, they grovel in the same beaten track, and, as far as improvement is concerned, remain stationary; whilst soaring, reasoning man is always advancing, and improving upon the discov- eries and inventions of his predecessors. At the present day, the sparrow builds its nest, and the beaver its hut and dam, in precisely the same manner that their progenitors did four thousand years ago; but, when we compare the ten thousand improvements in manufactures, agriculture, commerce, sci- ence, and the arts, of the present English and American race, Avith the rude huts and implements of their Saxon fore- fathers, we behold the striking and wonderful effects of cul- tivated reason. This subject also enables us to advance understandingly to another important characteristick of man, by showing us how it is that he becomes, not only a rational, but, likewise, a moral and an accountable, being. Unaided by the reason- ing faculties, conscience would be lame and blind; but, with their assistance, it is enabled to lay hold of the first princi- ples of right and justice, and to point out to man the path of rectitude and moral duty. Unaided by the reasoning facul- ties, the other moral faculties would also Avander in obscure twilight, and often stumble upon the dark mountains of er- rour; but, Avith their help, veneration is enabled to look at the attributes of the great Jehovah, and successfully to study his divine character, and the moral relations that exist be- tween man and his Maker, as well as between man and his fellow-man—relations equally important and sublime with any others which the reasoning poAvers are capable of tra- cing. With their assistance, hope wings its flight into the bright regions of futurity, and there expatiates rationally upon that state of being Avhich awaits us when we shall have passed the bourne of mortality. Philosophers of all ages, have been agreed upon the fact, that man is the only animal endowed with the moral and reasoning faculties; but it has been left to phrenologists to observe, and point out, the fact, that man is also the only an- CAUSALITY. 231 nnal that possesses a high and broad forehead, and an ele- vated, coronal portion to the head—in which the organs of these faculties are located. And yet, without fully compre hending, or duly appreciating the importance ofj the fact, mankind have ahvays been aware, as all history amply proves, that a high, bold, and prominent forehead is neces sary to a great and profound reasoner. That there really exist? a reciprocal relation between the reasoning powers and the expansion of the upper portion of the forehead, will be made fully manifest by comparing the heads of any deep thinkers and strong and bold reasoners with those of individ- uals who possess these intellectual qualities in a lower de- gree—by comparing, for example, the foreheads of Franklin, Washington, Clinton, Gall, and Melancthon, with those of Aurelia Chase, the NeAv Zealander, Indian, Carib, idiot, &c, and the heads of animals, in the cuts upon the Chart. Now, such coincidences as these, are too striking to be the result of mere chance, and must, therefore, be produced by design; and if by design, they constitute a page in the book of na- ture, Avorthy the perusal of every student of nature. 36. CAUSALITY. Power of perceiving and applying the principles of causa- tion—ability to discover, and trace out, the connexion and relations existing between causes and effects; to plan, in- vent, and adapt means to ends ; to draw conclusions from given premises ; to reason—disposition to investigate, and ask, why ?—key-stone of common-sense. It is an axiom in philosophy, that " every effect must have a cause;" and, also, that "every cause must produce an ef- fect:" and, again, that, "under similar circumstances, like causes produce like effects :" and, farther, that " all the phe nomena throughout universal nature, proceed upon the prin- ciple of cause and effect, or antecedent and consequent." But let us inquire from what source it is that philosophers gather these maxims. That they are not the product of the observing faculties, is evident from the fact, that these facul- ties are possessed, more or less, by the brute creation, and yet, we know that brutes do not reason—that they are not capable of comprehending the relations of cause and effect— at any rate, beyond the narrow limits of their experience; and this can scarcely be considered as reaching the princi- ple of causation, Hence, we infer, that man is endowed 232 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. with some faculty of the mind of Avhich the loAver order of animals is destitute, by which he is enabled to reach this principle. That the faculty in man Avhich regards every phenomenon or result in nature as the product of some antecedent cause, is innate, and its operation, intuitive, may, moreover, be justly inferred from the fact, that he is naturally prone to demand a "eason for every thing—to ask why it is so: and that this dis- position in man is more or less strong in proportion as a cer- tain part of the brain (causality, see cuts) is largely or other- wise developed, is equally proved by the observations of phre- nologists, as well as of mankind generally:—for here is one point in phrenology in Avhich mankind, in all ages, have be- lieved. That this faculty in man is innate, is still farther evident from the fact, that this cause-seeking disposition is strikingly evinced in children. Almost as soon as they begin to make observations, they also begin to inquire, why things are so— to investigate the causes, reasons, and usee of things. As this faculty is designed for, and adapted to, the princi- ple of causation alluded to, it is evident, that, when strongly or fairly developed, and furnished Avith proper data upon which to operate, it will always decide correctly concerning causes and effects: for if, under such circumstances, it should not always teach us the truth, or give us correct information as to those first principles or truths which exist in nature, it Avould not act in harmony Avith nature's laws, nor fully per- form the function for which it is originally designed. What should Ave think, for example, of an eye that would present objects to the mind double, triple, or quadruple, or give the image of a horse AA'hen it looked at a man, or of an ass instead of a metaphysician ? What should AAre think of a faculty of colour that Avould make green appear yellow, or black, Avhite? Undoubtedly, we should consider them de- fective or perverted. If, then, we have a right to expect, that the perceptive faculties, in conjunction with the external senses, Avhen uninjured and unperverted, will furnish us with correct information concerning physical objects and their qualities, it is equally reasonable to suppose, that, un- der similar circumstances, the reasoning faculties will make a true report of the abstract relations and causes of things. Consequently, all that Ave have to do in order to ascertain the truth in any given matter, is to lay before causality the CAUSALITY. 233 waked facts in the case, and all the facts, and its decision will be the truth lequired: and the only reasons why the opin- ions of men so frequently and so widely differ upon the same subject, and atray so far from the truth, are either that the data upon which the decisions of causality and comparison are predicated, are incorrect or insufficient, or because the reasoning organs are too feeble to bear up against the clam- ours of prejudice or passion. Large.—One having caus. large, will be able intuitively to perceiA-e, and readily to apply, the principles of causation; to lay good plans, and successfully reach desired ends by the application of appropriate means; will have a strong desire to ascertain the why and the wherefore of things ; to investigate their nature and relations, and ascertain their origin, uses, and procuring causes; will consider facts and phenomena only as connected with their principles and causes; perceive self-evident truths, and draw inferences from them ; possess an inquiring, investigating turn of mind; with proper cul- ture of this faculty, be able to originate good ideas, and rea- son correctly upon the data furnished by the other faculties; by the intuitive application of the principle that like causes will always produce like effects, be able to predict what will be, from what has been; to tell wherein one result will differ from another, and, also, what will be the effect of given meas- ures ; will intuitively perceive the various bearings and the abstract relations of things; naturally possess a large en- dowment of sagacity, penetration, good sense, judgment, and originality; and be disposed to give, and require, not only a reason for every thing, but, also, a satisfactory explanation of all its phenomena. One having caus. large, with the perceptive organs full, large, or very large, will be quick to perceive the first truths or axioms of natural philosophy, to draw inferences from them, and to apply them Avhenever occasion demands: with compar. and conscien. large or very large, to perceive the force of moral truths and inferences, and to admit moral ax- ioms, and be able to reason clearly and correctly from them: Avith the selfish faculties strong, will be able to provide for his selfish wants, and secure selfish ends: with acquis, full or large, or even only moderate or small, to lay excellent plans for accumulating wealth : with the perceptive organs only moderate or full, will be more delighted with the prin- ciples and the philosophy of natural science, than with the 234 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. mere facts, and seldom contemplate facts apart from the laws concerned in their production: with individ. and event, only moderate or full, will be guided much more by the reason of things, and by general principles, than by experience; but, with individ. and event, large or very large, will be influenced both by experiments and facts, and also by the principles in- volved in them; have a superiour talent, not only for col- lecting facts, but, also, for drawing correct deductions from them; devise and execute with surprising sagacity and tact, and possess an excellent talent for turning things to his OAvn advantage—for seeing just Avhat ought to be done in order most successfully to obtain the desired end, and will possess a very large share of practical sense and sound judgment: with large or very large compar. and only moderate percep- tive faculties, will deal much more in that which is abstract and metaphysical than in facts and details, and possess much more intellect than he appears to have; be too abstract, and think too deeply, to be properly appreciated, especially by those who have large perceptive, and only full reasoning, faculties; will have an excellent memory of thoughts and first-principles, but forget circumstances and particulars; have a distinct recollection of inferences, yet be apt to forget the premises from which they were drawn; be able to think and reason clearly and strongly, yet, in presenting his ideas, will fail to do them justice, or give them the force necessary to produce the conviction to which they are justly entitled: with the selfish faculties generally large or very large, and the moral only moderate or full, will make his reason sub- servient to the mandates of his selfish, not to say vicious and depraved, animal desires and gratifications; and prostitute this noble gift to the injury both of himself and his fellow- men : with the moral organs large, and the selfish also large, Avill have a vigorous intellect propelled by energetick, selfish passions, and modified by a strong current of moral feeling, yet his moral and religious opinions and practices will be strongly tinctured with his animal feelings—his religious gar- ments often defaced with spots and patches of selfishness and sin ; and his reason turned to a good or bad account according as his education, external circumstances, &c, excite more poAV- erfully either the one or the other class of faculties: with the moral organs large or very large, the propensities full or large, but less than the moral and reasoning organs, and the perceptive at least, full, will possess great intellectual power CAUSALITY. 235 and superiour talents, which will be called into energetick action, and urged forward by strong feelings, and directed Dy high-toned, moral principle, to the advancement of some noble and important object; and have enough of the propen- sities to impart efficiency to his intellectual and moral facul- ties, which, however, will maintain the ascendency: with combat, large, will warmly defend and advocate his opinions, and engage in debate wtih spirit and delight, &c. Caus. acts with a power and success reciprocally propor- tionate to the size of the organ and the stimuli which excite it. These stimuli are supplied by the other faculties, and vary according to the intensity with Avhich these faculties desire those objects procured by the aid of caus. For ex- ample ; one having caus. large, Avith very large domestick organs, and only moderate selfish propensities, will seem to lack wisdom in conducting his own selfish interests, because he will be comparatively indifferent to them, but, in reference to his children, his family, his friends, &c, he will plan with uncommon judgment, and manifest great foresight: with acquis, small, and approbat. or self-e., or both, very large, will be likely to manifest great mental vigour in his efforts to secure distinction, yet, in the mere accumulation of wealth, may discover a decisive want of tact and judgment, and ability to plan; but still, if any of the other faculties de- sire money, caus. will do its utmost to supply them, and devise means admirably calculated to secure this object: with the selfish propensities only moderate or full, compar. and conscien. large or very large, ven. full or large, and the perceptive organs only moderate or full, will reason clearly and forcibly from correct moral premises, and successfully prosecute ethical and theological investigations, yet be less distinguished for his delight and success in pursuing nat- ural philosophy, and be likely to make but indifferent calcu- lations m regard to his pecuniary affairs, and manage them rather poorly; but, with the perceptive organs large or very large, conscien. small, and ven. only full, while he will rea- son clearly and correctly upon natural philosophy and mat- ters Avhich have no moral bearing, will commit the grossest errours in reasoning upon the character of the Supreme Be- ing and religious subjects generally, his duties to his fellow- men, and of their obligations to him, &c. The same prin- ciple applies to caus. in combination with any of the other organs in their various states of development. 236 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. Very large.—One having caus. very large, with a large head and an active temperament, in addition to the manifes- tations described under caus. large, will be pre-eminent for the correctness of his judgment, the clearness, originality, and importance of his ideas, the extent of his understanding, and the poAver of his intellect; be distinguished for taking neAv views, even of the most ordinary subjects, and for pre- senting them in a striking light; for discovering new me- thods of effecting certain objects; be able to calculate, with certainty, Avhat effects will be produced by the application of particular means, and, also, the most judicious method of applying these means; clearly perceive the full force of ar- guments ; be able to explain, or " clear up," abstruse points and difficult subjects; to carry conviction to the mind by his irresistible arguments, and always to present them in a man- ner perfectly intelligible; will grasp, as it were, with a giant intellect, those great and fundamental principles which enter into the nature and constitution of things; and possess ex- traordinary greatness of mind and vastness of comprehen sion. One having caus. very large, with compar. large or very large, will be extremely delighted Avith metaphysical and abstract studies ; attempt to pry into the nature and first-prin- ciples of every thing ; will speculate and theorize, and, with large conscien. added, will excel as a metaphysician, and es- pecially as a moral and intellectual philosopher; with large individ. added, will not only display extraordinary depth and power of thought, but, also, be able to express and illustrate his ideas in a manner so simple and intelligible as to make himself easily and fully understood even by feeble minds; if he fail in any part of his projects, will readily supply the deficiency by a resort to the most happy expedients, and thus generally succeed in his undertakings; never be at a loss for resources, and be wonderfully ingenious in calling them up and applying them; and possess extraordinary intellectual power and acumen. The combinations and descriptions of caus. large, modifi- ed by an increase of the power of caus., will apply to this organ very large. Full.—One having caus. full, will have a strong desire to ascertain the reason of things, and to investigate their na- ture and procuring causes, yet his views of the relations of cause and effect, will be less clear, and his inductions from a CAUSALITY. t 237 given amount of data, less correct, than they Avould be if caus. were large or very large; with proper culture, will be respectable as a reasoner, yet the cast of his mind will not be strikingly original or logical, nor his judgment first-rate: with large or very large perceptive faculties, may be qualifi- ed to do a fair business, yet will not excel in planning or in conducting a great business, nor be distinguished for employ- ing the best means to effect desired ends ; Avith large imitat., individ., and approbat, and moderate or small self-e. added, will lack independence and originality of thought and char- acter ; adopt the views and opinions of those with Avhom he most associates, and thus have no marked character or plans of his OAvn, and, Avith ven. and conscien. large, will not de- sire, or hardly dare, especially in religious matters, to think or act for himself; may pass for a man of considerable talent and intellect, yet much of his knowledge will be borrowed, and his disposition and ability to apply his mind closely to an argument or process of thought, Avill be Aveak and limit- ed, and his judgment, not very profound: Avith compar., in- divid., and event, large, will not be distinguished for the superiority of his judgment, nor yet for the Aveakness of it; Avill possess considerable practical talent, and understand himself well, yet be somewhat superficial, and manifest more discrimination and tact than originality and depth, and fail to present arguments in a clear, cogent, and convincing man- ner, as Avell as to appreciate the full force of the reasonings of others. Moderate.—One having caus. moderate, will not be very clear or correct in apprehending the principles of causation, nor reason clearly or closely; with individ., event, and lang. large, and compar. full or large, may pass through the ordinary routine of life Avith tolerable success, yet, when called upon to think, or plan, or call up resources —to devise means, or originate any thing, Avill manifest weakness and inability; may learn Avell, and, Avith imitat also large, do what he sees others do, and gain something from experience, yet will be unwilling to apply his mind to any subject which requires close investigation and research, and Avill not be able to reason strongly or deeply, or to ap- preciate the arguments of those who do ; and will not be at all distinguished for quickness of comprehension or depth of understanding: with the selfish faculties strong, will be sway- ed chiefly by his animal propensities, and yet be shreAvd in 238 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. many things, although his shrewdness will result more from instinct than reason: with secret, large, and conscien. only full, by art and intrigue may succeed well for aAvhile, yet it will not be difficult to penetrate his designs, and discover his intentions, and, consequently, to defeat his purposes. Small.—One having caus. small, will be decisively defi- cient in discernment and understanding; fail to comprehend the reasons, principles, causes, and the general bearing of things, as Avell as the force of logical arguments; be injudi- cious in planning, and unable to see the end from the begin- ning, or comprehend the result of certain measures; be un- able to think, and dull in comprehending a subject, even Avhen clearly and fully explained to him ; slow to draw in- ferences, and unskilful in adapting means to the accomplish- ment of desired ends; possess feeble powers of ratiocination, and a judgment that cannot be relied upon ; and have no talent for metaphysicks, or moralizing, and very little " hard sense." One having caus. small, Avith secret, large or very large, may manifest considerable tact and ingenuity in laying plots, yet have too little depth or strength of intellect to carry through his manoeuvres: Avith very large individ., may have an extensive knowledge of matters and things in general, yet will not be able to invent, or improve upon the inventions of others, to devise " ways and means," and create resources. The combinations and descriptions under large or very large caus., reversed, will apply to caus. small. Very small.—One having caus. very small, will utterly fail to appreciate or apply the principles of causation, or to comprehend the relations of cause and effect; be unable to reason, or to understand the arguments or explanations of others, be they ever so clear and simple, and Avill be appa- rently destitute of the qualities ascribed to caus. large. Of all the human faculties, caus. is undoubtedly the most useful and important, (if, indeed, a preference may be given to one faculty over another,) as it gives that depth, and strength, and solidity to the mind so necessary to the proper guidance and direction of the other faculties, and Avithoui Avhich, man could scarcely be accounted a rational being. It is, in fact, that faculty which, above all others, so pre-emi- nently distinguishes man from the brute, and enables him to stand forth in majestick dignity as the lord of this lower cre- ation. With this faculty largely developed, (and aided by compar.,) man is capable of thinking, reasoning, rising, soar COMPARISON. 239 mg—of looking, with an intelligent eye, into the works of the Deity, and of penetrating the mighty mysteries of his divine government. Without it, what would be man ?—a helpless, unintelligent creature—a feeble, grovelling thing, scarcely elevated above the meanest reptile. Location.—Caus. is located in the upper and lateral por- tions of the forehead, externally from compar., and gives height and breadth to the forehead proportionate to the size of the organ. 37. COMPARISON. Disposition and ability to compare various things for the purpose of ascertaining their points of resemblance and of difference—power of classification—perception and application of the principles of analogy—ability to dis- cover truths that are unknown, by discerning their resem- blance to those that are already ascertained, and also errour from Us incongruity with truth—power of illus- tration—critical acumen. On account of the resemblance Avhich one thing, or one set of things, bears to another, most of the phenomena of the natural Avorld, are capable of being grouped together into classes. The causes of these phenomena, or their rela- tions of cause and effect, as has been observed, are sought out by causality; their resemblances and analogies, and their dissimilarities, are recognised by comparison. Form may compare different shapes; tune, different notes; and colour may contrast different shades; but comparison can compare a colour and a shape, a teint and a note, an idea and a sub- stance; Avhich cannot be done by these other faculties alone: and thus it is, that comparison embraces within the legitimate sphere of its function, the Avhole range of nature. It some- times discerns resemblances between things apparently the most distant and unlike; and often traces out analogies be- tAveen the qualities of mind and matter: and is the grand agent in producing similes, metaphors, and allegories, par- ables, and fables. As was predicated of causality, that, when furnished with correct data, it Avould always draw just conclusions, and teach us Avhat is true ; so may it be of comparison, that, in- asmuch as it is primarily adapted to take cognizance of cer- tain resemblances and arrangements in nature, it, also, when 240 phrenology illustrated furnished with proper data, will give us the truth concerning these arrangements. In other Avords; the legitimate conclu, sions draAvn by comparison in accordance Avith the principles of analogy, may be relied upon Avith as much certainty as those draAvn by causality, or experience. For example; there is a resemblance, more or less striking, in the anatomi- cal structure of all the various orders, genera, and species of animals, and, also, in the structure of different individuals of the same species. Hence, comparison has a right to in- fer, that, as far as this anatomical analogy extends, these dif- ferent animals are governed by similar physiological laws. In other words ; as far as an analogy actually exists betAveen any two things, Ave have a right to conclude, that what is true of the one, is equally so of the other. If, for instance, we discover an animal whose species is unknown to us, we immediately compare it Avith some animal of a known spe- cies Avhich it most resembles; and, as far as this resemblance holds good, we at once, and justly, conclude the animals are alike in their nature and habits. If the strange animal is furnished with the organs AvhichAve knoAV belong to herbiv- orous animals, Ave conclude that it is herbivorous; if, Avith the organs of carnivorous or granivorous animals, we infer that it is carnivorous, or granivorous, as the case may be: if the animal is furnished Avith legs and feet, we conclude that its nature is to AATalk or run on land; if, Avith Avings, Ave say it flies in the air ; if, Avith fins, Ave judge it swims in the wa- ter, and so on: and Ave naturally rely upon the justness of these conclusions, though drawn entirely from analogy, as confidently as Ave do upon the truths taught by the most rigid induction. Indeed, the human mind is so constituted, that it cannot avoid making comparisons, and then relying upon tneir result. That the principles of analogy really exist in nature, is demonstrated by every day's observation and experience; and hence Ave infer the necessity of a primary poAver of the mind whose proper function it is to perceive these principles, and, by their application, to discover truth and detect errour: and hence Ave may also infer, that arguments Avhich are based upon correct analogies, are strictly true. This being the case, then, the only reason why arguments drawn from analogy, are so often unsound, is, that the comparisons upon which they are predicated, are not, in all respects, just: for, if the resemblance upon which the argument is founded COMPARISON. 241 holds good in ninety-nine points in a hundred, and differs in one, this difference, provided the analogy from which the conclusion is drawn, reaches this point, will destroy the whole force of the analogy, or as far, at least, as the argu- ment is concerned, and, of course, render the conclusion false; but, conclusions drawn from any points in which the analogy holds good, are correct, and may be relied upon. Here, then, Ave have arrived at the source of that great flood of sophistry and false reasoning which sweeps through the popular discourses and discussions of the day. Large.—One having compar. large, will readily discover analogies, resemblances, differences, &c, and be able, and disposed, to classify those thoughts, phenomena, and things •if which the other faculties have taken cognizance • possess * happy talent for generalizing, illustrating, and reasoning from similar cases; frequently employ figurative expressions; readily discover the point and the application of arguments' make nice discriminations; possess a criticising, comparing turn of mind, and readily detect fallacies in arguments, and inaccuracies, and improprieties in the use of words, &c. The objects compared by this faculty, are determined, in part, by its combinations. For example; one having com- par. large, with full, large, or very large event, and individ., will have a happy talent, and a passionate fondness, for com- paring different phenomena, and classes of phenomena, in the natural world, as well as various historical accounts, scientifick facts and experiments, &c, and be quick to dis- cern those resemblances and differences which obtain between them, and, also, between the various sciences themselves; with a vieAv to make himself easily understood, will be strongly prone to illustrate his ideas by a reference to some fact or phenomenon with which the auditor is supposed to be familiar; with form, size, and local added, will be very skilful in comparing those things which come under the cognizance of these faculties respectively, as well as in draw- ing illustrations from them: with ven. and conscien. large or very large, will draw religious instruction from natural objects, and apply the principles and phenomena of natural science, and of the physical world generally, to the investi- gation of moral and religious subjects; compare spiritual. things Avith temporal, and temporal with spiritual, and be predisposed to receive, and convey, religious instruction by means of parables, allegories, &c, and, in reasoning upon 242 phrenology illustrated. moral subjects, make a great many nice distinctions, &c.: with ideal, and individ. large or very large, will make meny elegant and elevated comparisons; employ many metaphors, similes, and other figures which will gioAV with the fervour, and be enlivened by the brilliancy, of a lively imagination, and serve the purpose of argument and ornament united; yet, Avith only full caus. added, there will be very little rea- son or sound logickin his metaphors and illustrations: with caus. large, in investigating causes, will be greatly assisted and often led to his conclusions, by the light of comparison; in thinking and reasoning upon subjects, and especially in deciding upon the force of arguments, will employ his caus. as much as his compar., and probably more, yet, in commu- nicating his ideas, will manifest more compar. than caus., and illustrate them copiously and forcibly: with concent. moderate or small, will frequently employ mixed metaphors, and seldom sustain, or carry out, his comparisons: Avith ideal, only moderate or full, will still employ metaphors, similes, and copious illustrations, but they will be argu- mentative, rather than ornamental; and, though they may be clear and in point, they will not be glowing or elevated in character, nor always in good taste: Avith secret, moderate or small, and lang. and combat, full or large, will be so much inclined to criticise the expressions of others, as often to get their ill will, yet, to exercise his critical acumen, Avill be so nat- ural to him, that he will find it difficult to avcid it: with ideal, imitat, individ., form, size, order, local, event, and lang. large, or very large, and caus. only full, will have a popular and decisively practical talent, Avhich will appear to be much greater than it really is, but his judgment will be much more the result of experience and observation, than of reflection; have a superiour, natural tact and talent for doing business, and getting along well in the world; acquire knowledge very easily, retain it for a long time, and also apply it to very good advantage; speak and, perhaps, write Avell upon subjects which require no great depth of thought; be likely to pass for a person of superiour mental poAvers, yet, he will not often bear sounding, nor reason closely nor profoundly, nor take original or comprehensive vieAvs of subjects ; but, with caus. large or very large, will be able to combine uncommon theoretical, Avith extraordinary practical, talents ; according to his advantages, will have at command a great amount of facts upon a great variety of subjects, and. also, be able to COMPAHISON. 243 apply his knowledge to the best advantage, both in reasoning, and in accomplishing his purposes; will be naturally both learned and profound, and capable of excelling in the natu- ral, metaphysical, and demonstrative sciences; be pre-eminently talented, and calculated both to devise and execute, and thus to conduct a great business; and, Avith combat., firm., hope, and self-e. large or very large, be abundantly able to rise far above the common level of mankind, and to turn his hand successfully to almost any undertaking; and will add to su- periour natural talents, great energy and perseverance. Very large.—One having compar. very large, will be able, readily to compare, and perfectly analyze, almost any sub- ject which may be presented to his mind; will instantly and intuitively detect the fallacy of analogical arguments, and the misapplication of Avords or facts; present his ideas in a manner so perfectly clear and simple, and accompanied Avith illustrations so copious and appropriate, that they can be fully and easily understood: with lang. and individ. large, will pour out a superabundant flood of figurative expressions; be strongly inclined to criticise every thing he sees, hears, or reads; and, with moderate conscien., will be likely, by his wonderful poAver and copiousness, and seeming appropriate- ness, of comparison and illustration, to make the better side appear the worse, and the worse, the better—to employ sophis- try, put false constructions upon things, and make wrong ap- plications of them, and thus knowingly mislead Jhe common mind, &c. The influence of compar. A*ery large, acting in combina- tion Avith the other organs, has been described under the other organs respectively. It may also be added, that the combinations and descriptions given as applicable to compar. large, modified by an increase of the influence of compar., will apply to this organ very large. Full.—One having full compar., will be respectable for his discrimination and ability to compare, analyze, and illus- trate things, yet will not be particularly distinguished, for this power; frequently resort to illustrations, yet they will not manifest the quality of versatility, nor be always in point; not at once discover whether a comparison is just and appropriate, and, though he may be able to trace out plain and striking analogies, will not so readily discover the more obscure and subtle resemblances, analogies, differences, &c.: with caus. large or very large, will have good ideas, bus 244 PHRENOLOGY illustrated. they will often be less applicable to the subject, and more imperfectly illustrated, than is desirable: with the perceptive faculties generally strong, will not discover any marked de- fect in this particular, nor any peculiar talent for compari- son, &c. The additional manifestations of compar. full, may be in- ferred from those of compar. large, modified by a decrease of the poAver of this faculty. Moderate.—One having compar. moderate, may be able to discern the plainer and more obvious resemblances and differences which exist in the phenomena of nature, but will fail to discover the more obscure points, and nicer shades, of resemblance and difference; may perceive the force of com- parisons and illustrations presented by others, yet will not be happy in discovering them himself, nor readily perceive the application of arguments, nor give point to his OAvn : Avith full or large caus., will make many sensible remarks, yet they will frequently lack point, and be inapplicable to the subject in hand: Avith lang. full or large, will talk much, but not be able to Avrite with perspicuity, nor to use words with propri- ety and accuracy: Avith individ. and event large or very large, Avill have an excellent memory of facts, but, instead of arranging and classifying them, he will be likely to pre- sent them in a confused state, and, as it were, en masse: will not make nice distinctions between the various passions and other mental operations, and fail to make critical discrimina- tions in matters and things generally, or to adduce many appropriate illustrations. The descriptions and combinations of compar. full, dimin- ished, will apply to compar. moderate. Small.—One having compar. small, will be dull and slow in perceiving the force of comparisons and analogies, and possess but little discernment or discrimination, and be un- able successfully to compare, classify, arrange, illustrate, or generalize; be almost destitute of critical acumen; and fail to perceive analogies and differences, even when they are pointed out to him. Very small.—One having compar. very small, wiU be apparently destitute of all those qualities ascribed to com- par. large and very large, and nearly so of those attributed to compar. full. Location.—Compar. is located in the middle and upper portion of the forehead, between the two lobes of caus., Avith COMPARISON. 245 event, below, and benev. above it. Its shape resembles an inverted cone. It has already been remarked, that the class of functions performed by the reflective faculties, is of a far higher order than any other, and, also, that, when fairly developed, and furnished with correct data, if allowed to operate in an un- perverted and unbiased manner, they will always form cor- rect conclusions, and furnish us with the truth. But the great misfortune to mankind is, that these faculties are sel- dom allowed to assert their own proper prerogative, and sway that influence over human actions and human conduct for which they are originally designed. Hence it is, that we so much more frequently see men guided by feeling, by pas sion, or by prejudice, than by reason. This great and deplorable evil generally arises, either from a neglect to cultivate the reasoning faculties, or from a per- version of them. It cannot be denied, that the animal and selfish passions in man, frequently occupy the greater portion of the bnin ; but yet, on a close examination, it will generally be found, that the moral and intellectual faculties, if properly cultivated, are sufficiently powerful to keep in check, and to control, the feelings and the passions. At present, however, Ave have to consider the neglect and perversion of the reflec- tive faculties only. As society is now constituted, even in what is called civil- ized and Christian communities, men are often taught to fight, to covet, to cheat, lie, and scandalize, to gormandize and be lascivious; but how rarely are they taught to think ! In proof of this, we have only to look abroad upon the face of society. How often do we see our beautiful system of re- ligion debased and degraded, and made subservient to the vilest and most selfish purposes—her sacred vestments tatter- ed and torn by sectarian strife and party discord—her holy altars polluted by base hypocrisy and sordid iniquity—her sublime doctrines perverted, and her righteous laAvs trampled under foot! How often do we seethe unprincipled pretend- er, gaining his selfish objects by practising upon the ignorance and the credulity of his fellow-men—the ambitious, rising to high places of power and profit by making use of the basest duplicity and the most heartless intrigue—by fostering the pride, flattering the vanity, pampering the luxury, and gratifying the selfish passions of those around him! Now, it is evident, that, if men were taught to think—if their rea- 246 threnology illustrated. soning faculties were properly cultivated, and trained to per- form their legitimate functions with energy, these things would not—these things could not, take place; because, in the first place, aided by the moral organs, they would restrain the sinful passions and desires and the unhallowed ambition of the designing; and, secondly, so enlighten the minds of the common people as to prevent their being thus deceived and imposed upon. But the vices and follies of mankind grow out of the per- version of the reasoning faculties more frequently, perhaps, than out of their neglect: and when this is the case, their tendency is to make man even worse than the brute, for they are then under the dominion of the selfish passions, and are rendered almost wholly subservient to the gratification of their wants—they are then actively employed in searching for new objects upon which the indulgence of the passions may be expended, and new excuses for such indulgence—they are energetick in seeking out, and presenting, artificial, improp- er, and unnecessary stimuli to the selfish propensities of which the brute can never form any conception, and, of course, upon which it can never exert or debase its mental functions. Again, mankind are not only, not taught to think, bu* they are frequently wm-taught to think; that is, they ar< often taught to think in a particular way—taught to believ certain doctrines, and to disbelieve others—taught to believe whether reason approves or disapproves; and all this ia brought about by a kind of ratiocinative legerdemain, or by causing the eye of reason to look at all objects through the dim spectacles of prejudice. This point may be illustrated by a reference to children. Before their reasoning faculties have become perverted, they frequently reason more clearly and accurately upon some subjects than their tutors or their Sarents; for, in the simplicity of their honest hearts, they educe from the premises presented to their minds, the con- clusions which naturally flow from them. Hence, many would do well to take the hint, lay aside their bigotry and their prejudice, bow their stubborn pride, and, in reasoning, adopt the simplicity of the child. UNASCERTAINED ORGANS. 247 UNASCERTAINED ORGANS. It is admitted by phrenologists generally, that certain por- tions of the brain remain, as yet, terra incognita ; and, be- lieving, that every portion of the human frame, and every part of the universe, is made for, and adapted to, some useful purpose, and, more especially, since they have ascertained, that every other portion of the brain is occupied by some organ whose office it is to perform the functions of some one of the mental faculties, they cannot resist the conclusion, that each of these unascertained portions, is occupied by a phren- ological organ adapted to the performance of the functions of some important, though unknown, faculty of the mind. One of these portions occurs between the reflective organs upon the one side, and benevolence and imitation upon the other: and one of the authors (L. N. FoAvler) having made numerous observations and experiments upon it, is disposed to believe, that it is occupied by an organ Avhose function it is to furnish its possessor Avith an intuitive knowledge of human nature; or, to enable him readily to perceive the state of mind or feeling possessed by others, and thus suc- cessfully to adapt himself to, and operate upon, the minds and feelings of his fellow-men. The authors are not unaAvare, that the functions here as- cribed to this supposed organ, are commonly distributed among the other organs; or, rather, that they are generally supposed to be the product of the combined action of many organs Avhose functions are already ascertained. But this vieAV of the subject, however plausible it may be, certainly carries no great Aveight of argument with it; for it is based upon the same ground of reasoning Avhich was formerly oc- cupied by the metaphysicians, who attempted to account for all the phenomena of the human mind without admitting it to be constituted of distinct, separate faculties. The existence of the faculty here supposed, is rendered someAvhat probable, however, by the a priori inference, that the class of functions attributed to it, does not belong exclu- sively to any one of the other organs. That our ability to judge of human nature, and adapt our actions to the feelings and views of others, receives important aid from caus., corn- par., cautious., secret, ideal, imitat, individ., event, &c, and from experience, is readily admitted; but that this ability whol- 248 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. ly depends upon these faculties and experience, remains to be proved. The authors have received much evidence calculat- ed to convince them that it is not wholly dependent upon them, but that it depends more upon intuition. They do not profess, however, to have settled this point, but have thought proper to suggest it to the consideration of phrenologists, leaving it to be confirmed or rejected as shall be decided by future observations and experiments. The observations of the authors have also led them to the conclusion, that the central portion of the unascertain- ed space alluded to, or that directly above compar. and below benev., is occupied by a faculty the function of which is to give a peculiar agreeableness and suavity to the man- ners of its possessor, and an ease and gentleness to the de- portment. It enables its possessor at once to gain the con- fidence of those into Avhose society he may chance to fall; to obtain personal favours and credit, even from strangers; to get along smoothly and pleasantly with all; and easily ingratiate himself into their faArour and good Avill Even though combat, destruct., self-e., approbat, and firm., may manifest themselves in a very objectionable form, and thus expose an individual to many serious difficulties, this faculty enables him to smooth the whole matter over; to heal the wounds inflicted by these organs; and makes even his ene- mies fond of him in spite of their prejudices. By a reference to the note, it w'U be seen that the term Agreeableness has been suggested as the name of this faculty, but we prefer Suavitlveness. The supposed difference betAveen the faculty described upon page 247, and the one hoav under consideration, is, that the former gives an intuitive perception of the motives of others, of their feelings, and of the means best calculated to operate upon them, &c, thus enabling its possessor success- fully to persuade his fellow-men, and even to influence theii judgment, whilst the latter imparts those qualities which make their possessor beloved and ahvays acceptable. By enabling one to understand the designs and state of mind possessed by others, the former guards him against imposi tion and deception, Avhilst the latter, by throAving those into whose society he may happen to fall, off their guard, enables him, if he wishes, successfully to impose upon others. The responsibility of making these suggestions in refer ence to these unascertained organs, devolves upon L N UNASCERTAINED ORGANS. 249 Fowler, Avho has been making observations upon them for the last two years. In his opinion, he has the concurrence, not only of Dr. Buchanan, who has been lecturing in con- nexion with him on phrenology in the West, but, also, of Dr. Judson, who las been an advocate and student of Phre- nology for the last fourteen years. The opinion of Dr. J we take the liberty to subjoin.* In reference to the space left unmarked in the cuts and busts of G. Combe, and, also, of the authors, located between cautiousness and ideality, and represented by Mr. Combe as unascertained, but as probably occupied by an organ whose function it is to impart the feeling of vastness, sublimity, grandeur, &c, they would merely remark, that, although they have made numerous observations upon it, and are daily adding to the number, they are still unprepared to offer any suggestions different from those of the excellent writer just alluded to. They are unable, however, to coincide in opin- ion with Dr. Powell, who is very positive in asserting, that, in this place, he has discovered an organ of watchfulness. To this organ he attributes, not only the function ascribed by the authors to the unascertained portion of the, brain first alluded to, but, also, that of alertness, which they con- ceive to be one of the manifestations of cautiousness aided by secretiveness. But, however this may be, the authors gladly * Mr. Fowler—Sir, After some reflection upon the organs supposed to be newly discovered, I take the freedom of offering the following remarks. I am disposed to regard as correct the organ which renders those possessing it large, agreeable to others. I am acquainted with several persons in whom the organ is largely developed and the corresponding faculty clearly manifested. As it seems to be "anameless wight," although a pleasant companion, I propose to call it Agreeableness. It renders those who have it large, acceptable to their friends ; commends them to all with whom they have intercourse ; gives ease to the behaviour, and bestows a grace upon the manners. Its connexion with benevolence is worthy of notice : and it is observable that the Apostle Peter has grouped these faculties together in his exhortation to Christians, saying—"be pitiful; be courteous." Marvellousness seems to be conversant with supernatural occurrences; and, therefore, it seems not improbable, a priori, that an organ exists whose primary function is the observation of natural events as distinguished from those which are miraculous. If this is the case, I should imagine that the organ supposed by your brother to give a knowledge of human nature, takes a wider range than that which he has ascribed to it, and, instead of being confined exclusively to a knowl- edge of human nature, that it expatiates freely through all the scenes of nature spread before us. Marvellousness inclines us to believe an uncommon appearance to be supernat- ural : this organ presents a plain, common-sense view of the matter, and compari- son decides between them. I would call it naturatite, and venture the name 01 supernaturalite to marvellousness once bestowed upon it by Dr. SpurzHeiin. I have no facts to offer in support of this organ ; and merely add, that, witn vitatiYe- ness, it increases the number of the human faculties to forty. lam, sir, your ob't servant T JUDgON> M 0 New York, Dec. 9, 1836. 11* 250 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED. embrace the privilege of submitting this, and all similal points, to the decisions of the unerring tribunal of facts. Remarks upon the wonderful Wisdom and Beauty displayed in the location and grouping of the Organs. Throughout the Avorks of nature, Ave find perfect simplici- ty and perfect arrangement combined Avith perfect harmony and perfect adaptation' therefore, if phrenology is true, the impress of the Deity must be stamped, not only upon the na- ture and functions of the various faculties themselves, but, also, upon the location and grouping together, or classifica- tion and arrangement, of their respective organs in the head. If, then, we find, that this perfection of arrangement and adaptation which is everyAvhere displayed in nature's works, holds good in the location and classification of the phreno- logical organs, Ave infer that this is the handiwork of the great Creator, and a part of his great system of things, or, that phrenology is true ; and, vice versa, if we find imper- fection and a want of adaptation in the location and arrange- ment of the various organs, the fair inference is, that the whole is a man-made theory, stamped with inconsistency and incongruity, or, a mere chimera of an infatuated brain. Let us look, then, at the real facts in the case. The an- imal passions and propensities unquestionably constitute the most inferiour class of the mental functions ; and, according- ly, Ave find the organs of these faculties all grouped together, and occupying the lower and back portion of the head, or, if we may be allowed the expression, the least honourable portion of the brain: whilst, on the other hand, the organs of the moral and religious sentiments and of the reasoning faculties, the functions of which are of a far higher order than any other classes of the intellectual operations, and even constitute the croAvning excellence of man, are grouped together, and occupy the highest portion of the brain. Again, the organs of the intellectual faculties are located together in the anterior portion of the head, or in the fore- head—a portion better fitted for the abode of the intellec- tual organs than any other. And not only so, but the ar- rangement of the several classes of the intellectual organs, is most Avonderful and systematick. The eye forms one great medium of communication with the external world GROUPING OF THE ORGANS. 251 and is almost the only instrument which the perceptive fac- ulties employ in the performance of their appropriate func- tions. Accordingly, all the organs which take cognizance of physical objects and their qualities, are grouped together, and located about the eye—their principal and most obedient servant. The reasoning organs, again, are located between the per- ceptive organs upon the one hand, and the moral upon the other, being thus prepared to reason, either upon the natural facts and phenomena which may be observed and collected by the perceptive faculties, or upon moral and theological subjects presented by the moral organs. The beauty and perfection of this arrangement, are dis- played in a manner no less striking when considered with respect to the individual organs. The organs of all the faculties, for example, Avhich are directly concerned in per- forming any of the domestick functions, are clustered into one neighbourhood in the lower portion of the hind head. Amat., Avhich takes the lead in the animal economy, is lo- cated in the lowest portion of the brain, and philopro., which comes next, and greatly assists in carrying out the designs of amat, is located by its side. Adhes., Avhich, in its nature and object, is closely allied to the two preceding organs, we find located in the same group; and inhab. completes both this group of organs and this class of functions. Thus we have presented to us the interesting picture of all the social and domestick organs grouped together in, as it were, a family circle. The organs of the selfish propensities are likewise found linked together, Avith secret, in their midst, as if for concealing and scheming, and occupying the central portion of the side head. Combat, and destruct., twin-brothers in character and co- equals as heroes, are seen marching up side by side. Moreover, one important object of destruct. is to supply aliment, with food. Hunger greatly increases the action of destruct., but, when aliment, is fully satiated, eAren beasts of prey, except when provoked, will seldom exercise this organ. Accord- ingly, infinite wisdom has placed these organs side by side, and thus greatly facilitated their reciprocal intercourse. If secret, had been located among the moral or intellectual or- gans, Avhich seldom, if ever, require its aid, it would have been out of place; but, instead of this, it is found among the propensities, which frequently and mainly require its actios. 252 PHRENOLOGY ILLUSTRATED And is there nothing superhuman in all this 1 Cautious., like a faithful sentinel, takes its appropriate stand between the domestick, animal, and moral organs—a most advan- tageous post, from Avhich to overlook them all, and Avarn them of approaching danger. Between the functions of ap- probat. and self-e., and, also, between those of self-e. and firm., ,■ there exists, at least, a family resemblance; and, accordingly, ' Ave find approbat. and self-e. located side by side, and self-e. and firm, adjoining each other: and, moreover, the location of firm, near the moral organs, which so frequently demand its action, is certainly an admirable arrangement. See. the moral organs, also, all grouped together like a band of brothers, illustrating the principle, that "union is strength," constituting a great moral phalanx, and occupying a position between the selfish organs upon the one hand, and the intellectual upon the other, in order that they may purify and sanctify the action of both. Construct., Avhich often demands the assistance of the per- ceptive and of the reasoning faculties, and rs itself, in part, intellectual, is accordingly located near its kindred, the intel- lectual organs. The same is true of ideal. Mirth., also, Avhich assists reason in detecting errour, is located next to the reasoning organs. Event., again, the reservoir or great intellectual warehouse of the facts collected by the percep- tive faculties, and upon Avhich the reflective organs are obliged to make frequent and copious draughts, is located be- tween the reflective and the perceptive faculties; and, last of all, compar. and caus., torch-bearers to all the other mental faculties, occupy a position most advantageous for the per- formance of their appropriate functions. Noav, it must be recollected, that one organ was discover- ed in one portion of the head, and another, in another por- tion, and at periods Avidely different, but, on examination, each propensity is found to be in the group of the propensi- ties, each sentiment, among its kindred sentiments, and all the intellectual faculties together in the forehead, and, in fact, not a single organ straggling abroad at random. If acquis., for example, had been found among the moral organs, con- scien. among the propensities, any of the intellectual organs among the animal or selfish organs, or amat. in the fore- head, this irregularity Avould have shown a radical defect in the system, and proved its origin to be human; but, as it is. we find all its parts perfectly arranged, and uniting in a nei- DIRECTIONS TO EXAMINERS. 253 feet whole, affording a new proof of the truth, and illustra- tion of the principles, of this sublime science, and evincing lhat it is the handiwork of infinite wisdom. DIRECTIONS TO EXAMINERS. In ascertaining the character of individuals from their phrenological developments, the general size of the whole head should first be observed, and then, the relative size of its several parts according to the classification adopted in this work. The temperament, health, habits, education, &c, of the individual, should be next attended to. After these, the relative size of each organ may be observed ; and then the effect of the combinations as described in this volume. This last point is of paramount importance. In applying the fingers to the head, the balls should be used instead of the ends. The first joint of the second finger, should be placed upon the middle of the organ examined, and the first and third finger, upon the sides of the organ, Avhile the portion of the fingers be- tween the first joint and the end, should measure the farther side of the organ, and the portion within the first joint, ascertain the dimensions of the side of the organ next to the examiner. It should also be remembered, that, Avhen an organ is \rery large, and an adjoining one is small, the large one frequent- ly so extends itself as to occupy much of the ground which the other would have occupied in case the relative size of the organs had been reversed, or, it apparently crowds the other from its natural position. For example; when ideal. i3 large, and construct, small, the latter retires before the en- croachments of the former, and ideal, falls lower than it is usually found; but, if construct, is large, and ideal, small, construct, extends itself upwards, and ideal, is croAvded into narrower limits. Yet the shape imparted to the head by large construct, and smail ideal, differs greatly from that im- parted by large ideal, and small construct. Again, Avhen, for example, both construct, and ideal, are large or very large, that part of the head in which these Drgans are located, will be greatly widened and deepened, vet there may be but one protuberance for both organs. Where several adjoining organs are large cr very large, 254 HINTS TO EXAMINERS. protuberances seldom exist, but the Avhole head in that re- gion will be enlarged; Avhereas, Avhen only one organ is laro-e, and an adjoining one is small, a depression will be plainly perceptible. Again, Avhen several adjoining organs are small or very small, there will be no apparent depressions; but the region of the head in which they are located, Avill be low and re- tiring. Protuberances, then, are by no means the only indi- cations of a large development of the organs, nor depres- sions, of the want of their development. The most successful method of gaining a speedy knoAV- ledge of the location of the organs, is, first to learn, Avith as much precision as possible, the location of some of the larger organs, such as firm., benev., destruct., cautious., individ., compar., &c, and then, by taking these as landmarks, calcu- late the relative location of the organs that are betAveen and around them. To learn the location of many of these more important organs, and, also, their usual appearance in their extremes of development, the amateur Avill find to be com- paratively an easy task; and yet, to learn the location and appearance of all the organs in all their various degrees of development, the operation of all the organs in all their combinations, the influence of temperament, health, educa- tion, habits, controlling circumstances, &c, and that, too, in all their almost infinite varieties, affords ample scope for the most vigorous exercise of the greatest genius and the highest order of intellect through, at least, as long a period of life as that allowed to the most favoured of mortals: and if one might Avish to prolong his stay on earth for any object, sure- ly, the study of phrenology, Avith the utmost propriety, might constitute that object See pp. 55. 317, 318. BUSTS. Although the private instruction of an experienced phre- nologist, is almost indispensable to the acquisition of a practi- cal knowledge of this science, yet, when this cannot be had, a bust is the next-best assistant, and is an article which every learner should have by him. Those in general use in this country, are defective in two important respects: 1. The general shape of the head represented by them, differs ma- terially from that of the American head, and, consequently, cannot convey a very distinct or correct knowledge of the HINTS TO EXAMINERS. 255 appearance assumed by the organs in American subjects. 2. They are marked in a very indistinct manner, and that with figures, so that reference must be constantly made to the book. These two defects, the authors, with much study, have attempted to supply by publishing a bust modelled upon the most usual form of the American head, and presenting the organs as found in this country, and with the name of each organ written upon the bust, as well as the grouping, or classification of the organs as adopted in this work—Avhich it is designed to accompany. Instead of representing the several organs as separated by lines, this bust presents them in the form of protube- rances, in shape and appearance resembling the organs as they are found in the head when large. They are also pre- paring a set of busts, in which each organ will be represented when both large and small, and also average. They can be siad at their offices. * The above was written in 1836, four years ago, but instead of getting up thii set of busts, the authors have greatly enlarged their plan, by collecting two large phrenological cabinets or museums, embracing above a thousand specimens, illus- trative of all the organs and temperaments in their various stages of development, as well as their combinations. They embrace the casts of the whole head, or the masks of most of our distinguished men, both in church and state, of. above thirty Indian chiefs, all taken from life, (see catalogue,) the whole of G. Combe's "collection, with many from the Boston and Edinburgh collections, casts of the sculls of a great number and variety of murderers, thieves, and other criminals, ;> ,-• of many other noted characters, and also of national heads, together with the ctt. his observations and experiments, a perfect coincidence be- tween the two. He noticed, for example, that one of his classmates possessed very large local, combined Avith large individ., form, size, construct, and imitat.; and this young gentleman Avas distinguished for his geographical knoAvl- edge, having draAvn and published several maps. Two of his fellow-students. Avho Avere notorious throughout the col- lege for their egotism and self-conceit, on examination, were found to possess the organ of self-e. in such a degree as to elongate the head in the direction of this organ. He had always found the room of one of his most intimate friends in the college, (H. W. Beecher,) in the greatest dis- order, his clothes, books, &c, strewed about in all directions and in utter confusion—some upon the floor, others in chairs, or the Avindows, and others under or upon the bed, &c.; and, in accordance Avith this, his organ of order was almost wholly Avanting; but, for power of thought, cogency of ar- tument, clearness of illustration, and eloquence and splen- our of diction, as well as for benevolence, humour, and BY FACTS. 257 sunse of character, he had few equals in the institution: to support this character phrenologically, his head was very large; and in it, the organs of caus., compar., ideal, and lang., mirth., benev., and approbat., Avere also very large. A Mr. Brooks, confessedly one of the best mathematician? in his class, was found, however, to possess but a moderate development of calcu., which, at first, greatly perplexed the narrator, as phrenology was here considered, by all parties, at fault; but, upon inquiry it was ascertained, that Mr. B. excelled only in mathematical demonstrations, while his arithmetical calculations were performed by the slow pro- cess of rules. This phenomenon is explained on page 204, under calcu. moderate, combined with large or very large compar. and caus. Dr. Humphrey, the venerable President of the institution here alluded to, is considered, wherever he is known, pre-eminent both as a divine and a metaphysician, and is equally admired for his piety and his talents—for the strength and originality of his intellect, and the energy, decision, and goodness of his character: in accordance with which, his head is unusually large; in it, compar., caus., conscien., benev., and firm., are very large, self-e., ideal, ven.,' and lang., large, and his temperament, active. The combination under self-e. large at the bottom of page 115, occurs in his head, and the accompanying description applies to his character. He possesses, also, very large philopro. and adhes., and, in accordance Avith this, may be emphatical- ly said to be a father and a firm friend to the students under his care. After leaving college, the narrator Avas urged to deliver publick lectures upon phrenology, and also to test the truth of the science by applying its principles to the development of individual character. The first person he examined in publick, was a young gentleman brought forward by the op- ponents of phrenology on account of his obstinacy; and this was the first trait of his character pointed out by the examiner. On a visit to a family shortly after this, the wri- ter pointed out a large development of secret, in a servant girl; upon Avhich the lady of the house remarked, that the gill's only fault was, that she would sometimes falsify, equivocate, and conceal. He next examined the heads of a family distinguished for their mechanical ingenuity, and fi*und large construct, and imitat. in all of them. While in Lansingburgh, N. Y., at a publick lecture, he 258 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED Avas requested to express his opinion of the character of a lady present, and, without hesitation, he pronounced her marvel, ven., and conscien. very large. He was aftenvards informed, both by herself and others Avho knew her, that she had experienced Avonderful religious exercises, believed in dreams, and the revelation of the divine will and purposes by means of signs, omens, and forewarnings of various sorts. She even fancied herself the special subject of divine communication and influence. Her religious conversion was, to her, most Avonderful, attended with dreams, visions, revelations, and so forth; and religious feeling of the most enthusiastick and extravagant kind, occupied her mind almost to the exclusion of every other subject. A case directly opposite to this, was found in a Mr. LaAV, in whom marvel, was extremely deficient. He was not only extremely incredulous, but incapable of being affected by any thing bordering upon the supernatural. As an example: he Avas awakened one night by a noise in his room; heard something fall heavily upon the floor; saw a human scull, and heard a rustling, rattling sound proceed- ing from it; and at length saw it move, and open and shut its mouth ; and yet, without the least alarm or fear, he arose from his bed, Avalked to the scull, and took it up, when, instead of a spirit, behold, a large—rat escaped from it! In Waterford, Dr. Upham introduced to the writer a young gentleman Avho, without instruction, had copied, with remark- able accuracy, the likenesses of Rubens, Chaucer, Sterne, and several others; and, from a mere boy, he had displayed extraordinary ingenuity in constructing, inventing, drawing, copying, and so forth. His organs of construct, and imitat. were developed in a high degree ; and these were aided by large perceptive and reflective faculties. While lecturing in Troy, he examined the head of a young lady in Mrs. Willard's seminary, and remarked that her ideal, compar., and lang., were very large; and that, con- sequently, she would be, not only very fond of poetry, but also able to compose it. Those present, pronounced the deci- sion a failure. Some months after, however, the narrator was informed by an intimate friend of the young lady, that she had composed poetry enough to fill a volume, but that, at the time of the examination, her most intimate acquaint- ances knew nothing of the matter. Another young lady in the same institution, was pointed out as being deficient BY FACTS. 259 m hope, and having an excess of cautious. She was subject to extreme depression of spirits, and was easily discouraged. But the strongest illustration and proof of the. truth of phrenology furnished in Troy, was found in the phrenolo gical deA-elopments of Professor Eaton, the distinguished botanist and naturalist. He possesses about the largest organ of form that the Avriter has ever seen, and an extreme de velopment of individ., size, order, calcu., local, event., corn- par., and lang., and only full caus.; and his works upon bot- any'and natural science, as well as his general knowledge of almost all the sciences, furnish ample evidence, that he must possess, in an extraordinary degree, the powers of mind im- parted by the perceptive and semi-perceptive faculties. In the professor's head, the organ of calcu. is also unusually large; and, in accordance with this development, at a very early age, he commenced his publick career by publishing a treatise upon mathematicks, and by entering the government service as a surveyor. His extensive erudition, and especially the immense amount of facts he has at command, illustrate the use he has made of his individ. and event.; while his extraordinary colloquial poAvers, together Avith the fertility of his prolifick pen, furnish abundant proof of his possessing a very large faculty of lang. But, while his very large perceptive faculties, aided by very large event, give him a wonderful talent in collecting facts and statistical informa- tion, and his very large compar., in classifying these facts, his retiring caus. is the cause of that failure of originality and profundity of thought and array of first principles so clearly manifested in his works: see p. 53, 185. In the professor's head, love of approbation, adhes., benev., and hope, are prominent organs; in his character, the qualities Avhich flow from their respective faculties, are pre-eminent; but his secret, is small; and frankness and candour are emphatically characteristick in this gentleman. In short, his head is very uneven: (p. 54 :) the portion about the eye projects in an extraordinary manner, and this forms a most striking phrenological coincidence with his known charac- ter and talents. One other case in Troy may be worthy of notice. In the head of a young lady remarkable for her talents in drawing, painting, and embroidery, the organs of ideal, imitat., and construct., Avere found to be very large. In Hudson the writer examined the head of Dr. White, 260 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED which he observed to be very large; and in it, very large firm., large combat., self-e., and an extraordinary develop- ment' of size. This gentleman is the founder of the Luna- tick Asylum in Hudson, and, by the influence of his firm. and self-e., has succeeded in keeping his wayward patients under subjection. He obligingly related to the writer many instances in which his extraordinary faculty of size had strikingly displayed its poAver. When riding at full speed past a new building, his eye caught a window frrme in the second story, which was not exactly plumb, upon which he stopped, and pointed out the inaccuracy to the workman who had made it, and who, by applying his plumb-line, was convinced of the inaccuracy, and accordingly corrected it. He once employed a man to build a fence, Avhose top should present a water-level, around the yard in the rear of his Asylum. On an inspection of the fence, after the work- man had laboured with his instruments for more than half a day, and, as he believed, effected a complete level, the exact eye of the doctor instantly detected an unevenness in it, but of which he failed to convince his builder until, by another and more accurate measurement, he was enabled to discover and correct the errour. In the doctor's head, order is largely developed; and the perfect regularity and neat- ness of his establishment, amply illustrate the marked in- fluence of this faculty. In the Asylum here alluded to, the Avriter saAv a young gentleman who possessed very large ideal, construct., imitat., compar., and perceptive faculties, together Avith very large cautious, and small hope: and such was his passion for the fine arts, to indulge which, he wished to visit Italy and the various galleries of the fine arts, that when restrain- ed by his mother, it had produced the partial insanity under which he then laboured. The narrator saAv a beautiful and accurate specimen of miniature painting which the young gentleman had executed while suffering under this partial derangement. In the same institution, he also saw one of the patients who possessed very large combat, and destruct., and who was sullen and fierce, and subject to violent out-breakings of passion Avhich swept every thing before them. An elderly female, also, in the Asylum, similarly organized, with the addition of large lang., frequently displayed her ferocity and violence of temper, by pouring cut upon those around her, BY FACTS. 261 a turbid torrent of abusive eloquence that might have passed for prize-speeches in the halls of Pandemonium. At one of his publick lectures, the writer described a gentleman as possessing a very large organ of philopro.: and it Avas aftenvards stated, that, on account of his child- loving and child-cherishing propensity, he was not^d throughout the neighbourhood, as'a real Rip Van Winkle, as he seldom appeared abroad without a troop of children at his heels: see p. 63, philopro. very large. In Hudson, the Avriter was also called to examine the family of a butcher. One of the little lads Avas described as hav- ing very large destruct.: and it appeared that his delight in seeing cattle slaughtered, was so great, that, to enjoy this, he Avould forego almost any other, pleasure. Even whilst undergoing examination, he expressed great impatience and dissatisfaction, because he could not be present at the butch- ering of an ox,; and Avas pacified only by being told that another Avould soon be killed. At the same time, another child of the family not three years old, had caught a small pig in the street, and, Avith a dull case-knife, was endeavouring to cut its throat—Avhether in imitation of his betters, or in pure gratification of his destruct, (Avhich Avas very large,) is left to be determined by the judgment of the reader. These last tAVO facts, hoAvever, have a direct bearing upon education. In Lansingburgh, in the office of Dr. Smith, (who took lessons of the Avriter, and immediately after, commenced the practice of phrenology,) there Avas a lad about nine years of age, of Irish parentage, who had a large head and a very active temperament, very large compar., caus., individ., event, lang., firm., self-e., approbat., and destruct., and large combat: (see p. 114, near the bottom.) From the time he Avas old enough to read at all, he had devoted him- self almost exclusively to the perusal of books; and, for one of his age, was a perfect literary gourmand. But, of all kinds of reading, historical, which generally presents little else than a detail of sanguinary conflicts and bloody strifes, possessed the greatest charms for him: and in this department of knowledge, he was a prodigy. " The pomp and circumstance of war," the thronging legions rushing on to the fight, and the bloody carnage of the battle-field, Avere circumstances that fired his imagination, and seemed to feast his-soul But against the British nation in particular, he burned Avith hot indignation, and frequently expressed a dc- 262 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED sire, Avere it lawful for him, to kill every Englishman he should meet. He often inquired whether he had the facul ties that would constitute him a general, and talked with enthusiasm about leading on the armies of his country to fight against England. A single incident will serve to show how completely engrossed his mind was with wars, battles, and conquests. Between meais, he had purchased a flai cake; and, before eating it, he cut various figures upon it: and when asked their meaning, said they represented a camp, and proceeded to describe its several parts. In man ners, he was a perfect gentleman; and his intellectual poAv ers were altogether extraordinary. While examining the pupils of a school in L., a young Miss of about thirteen, was described as remarkably benevo- lent, as the organ of benev. was so largely developed as to produce a deformity of the head. In accordance with this, it appeared that, young as she Avas, she was more distin- guished for her attentions to the poor and afflicted than all other charitable persons in the place. When out of school, and especially in cold weather, her principal occupation was seeking out, and administering to the wants of, proper objects of charity, and exciting others to supply those wants which her own limited means did not enable her to reach. Another pupil in the same school, Avas described as com- paratively destitute of the organs of caus. and compar., and, consequently, unable to think, or understand her lessons. The Avhoie school heartily responded to the correctness of these remarks; and the instructress observed, that, after be- stowing upon her all the pains and instruction in her poAV- er, even until her patience was exhausted, the poor girl's progress was scarcely perceptible. Her talents were con- trasted by the writer, with those of another pupil, whom the teacher afterwards pronounced to be the best scholar in her seminary. At a publick lecture in Catskill, one of the clergymen of the place, Avho Avas a total stranger to the narrator, was proposed for examination; and so accurately were the various traits of his private character described, as Avell as the peculiarities of his style and manner of preaching, that the audience could scarcely be persuaded but that the phre- nologist had long been familiarly acquainted with him. A young lady was sent by her friends to the office of .the writer foi examination, and was pronounced to be stubborn, BY FACTS. 263 haughty, and incapable of reasoning or being reasoned with —having but little benev., mirth., caus., compar., ideal, imitat., and construct., large combat, and destruct., and very large self-e. and approbat. But, although a believer in phrenology, it is not at all singular that she should have been dissatisfied Avith this description of her character. Accord- ingly, she attributed its unfavourable features to the mistake of the examiner, and was easily persuaded to return again to the office, accompanied by her mother. The second exami- nation, however, fully confirmed the unenviable points of the first description, and tended only to make her case worse: upon Avhich her mother took occasion to administer to her a salutary reproof, by reminding her of the innumerable in- stances in Avhich she had displayed the unhappy traits of character which had been pointed out by the phrenologist. The daughter appeared humbled, and promised to reform. This incident suggests one of the important results to be gained by a judicious application of the principles of phre- nology. At a publick lecture in Amsterdam, N. Y., a distinguish- ed physician of the village Avas examined, and described as a benevolent man. This astonished most of the auditors, who considered him quite the reverse; and this opinion, it ap- peared, they had formed of him from the fact, that, to the popular, benevolent objects of the day, and especially to such as were connected with religious purposes, he had seldom been knoAvn to give any money. Farther inquiry, however, soon showed, that the reason for his not giving to such pur- poses, was, he did not believe them to be benevolent objects; but it was notorious, that he gave more medical advice and services to the poor, than all the other physicians in the place, and was, moreover, a kind and obliging neighbour. This examination produced a change in the mind of the commu- nity Avith respect to the gentleman, inasmuch as it showed them, that we are not to measure a man's benevolence by the amount of money he is ready to give to any popular object of charity, for this amount may be, and often is, exactly graduated by his pride, his desire of applause, or some other selfish motive, whereas, true, phrenological benevo- lence operates in proportion to the strength of the primitive faculty, as modified by the other faculties, and its direction also depends upon the other faculties. The lady of the same gentleman, possesses very large construct., imitat., ideal, 264 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED and form, and large caus. and compar.; and, in accordance with the talents imparted by this organization, she displays remarkable ingenuity with the needle, &c, and has often re- ceived premiums for her specimens of embroidery, &c. At the close of the same lecture, a lad was brought for- Avard by his instructress. The only remark made on his phrenological developments, was, that he possessed construct and imitat. very large, and, consequently, was remarkably ingenious. His teacher then remarked, that the lad was uneasy and restless in school, inattentive to his books, and strongly prone to cut the benches; but, that the moment he was released from school, he would repair to his Avorkshop, and there indulge his mechanical propensity. At a publick examination, the writer, among other quali- ties, attributed to a clergyman examined, small lang. The audience readily assented to the remarkable accuracy of the description except on this point; but here they dissented, and declared him to be one of the most rapid speakers in thai section of the country. Determined to ascertain the fact in the case, the Avriter heard him deliver his next sermon; Avhich fully satisfied him of the correctness of his phreno- logical induction. Although his manner of speaking was very rapid, to be sure, yet his style Avas by no means copious or flowing; but, on the contrary, evinced a dryness and barrenness. In the same place, one of the authors (L. N. Fowler) finding the organs of secret, and acquis., in the head of a young female, not sufficiently balanced by the moral and intellectual organs, described her as deceitful and light-fin- gered. In the sequel, it turned out that she had frequently been guilty of lying and theft: handkerchiefs, table-cloths, pillow-cases, gloves, hose, and sundry other small articles Avhich she could conveniently lay her hands upon, had been found in her possession. At a publick lecture in the same place, a gentleman nom- inated by the audience, came forward with his face covered, and was described as very zealous in Avhatever he undertook, and rather ultra and radical in his vieAvs and feelings. His combat., destruct., firm., self-e., caus., adhes., and lang., were large; his benev., conscien., hope, and compar., very large, and his secret, small. He was described as a leader in the church, and as extremely liable to give offence in consequence of his dealing so plainly with all; as a great temperanco BY FACTS. 266 man, &c.: and all this was asserted without the; examiner's having previously had the least hint or knowledge of his character. In regard to the description given, there was but one voice from the audience, and that was, that it was perfectly correct throughout. He Avas a new-measure prcs- byterian, and an elder in the church, and a very zealous Christian; and, moreover, Avas one of the greatest temperance men in all that section of the country. In Schenectady, L. N. Fowler examined the head of a gentleman, the extraordinary and singular shape of which arrested his attention. It AA'as extremely high, very long, and very narroAV. Philopro., self-e., benev., individ., and event, were developed in a very high degree, whilst acquis, and secret, were very small. His philopro., in fact, was the largest the phrenologist had ever seen; and, in illustration of the extraordinary manner m which this faculty displayed itself, it Avas stated that he frequently Avent about the city with two little dogs in his overcoat pockets, and two more in his hands. Of children he was so excessively fond, that he ahvays made the greatest parade over them, and generally had a Avhole bevy of them in his train. His very large self-e., combined with his small secret, and moderate reason- ing faculties, made him prodigiously egotistical, and utterly blind to his faults, as well as to the application of the jokes to AA'hich his peculiarities and faults exposed him. In con- sequence of his very large benev. and very small acquis., he Avas incapable of keeping money, or of laying it out with any tolerable judgment. He even squandered all he could com- mand: and, AArhen any thing took his fancy, he could easily be imposed upon to almost any extent by the unjust demands of any sharper into whose clutches he might have the mis- fortune to fall. He had but little adhes.; and, accordingly, formed but few attachments, and those few so slightly, that they Ave re broken off av hen ever freak or fancy dictated. His cautious. Avas small; and, in his business, he Avas perfectly reckless. At a publick examination in the same city, a gentleman Avas described as having extraordinary size and local, (see p. 191, 206.) The next morning, when passing by a carpenter's shop, he Avas hailed by one of the Avorkmen, and, mainly in derision of phrenology, requested to pronounce upon the length of a rod, which Avas about seven feet long, by a mere cast of the eye. He did so, and came within one-fourth of 12 266 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED an inch of its actual length. Considering this striking hit merely accidental, the workmen desired him to designate the central point of a board of considerable length: and he came within half an inch of the middle one way, and one- eighth of an inch the other way. Still deeming it mere " guess work," they demanded the middle of a long work- bench ; and, in this attempt, he came within three-quartert of an inch in respect to the length, and one-quarter of an inch of the breadth. As an illustration of his local, it was as sertedthat he knew where every person in that city and section of the country, lived, and that he Avas referred to by all his fellow-citizens as a sort of location-dictionary. The next day, the occurrence in the Avorkshop, was rela- ted to the narrator in the presence of a gentleman who con- sidered phrenology a mere humbug, and who tauntingly asked, if the phrenologist could tell him his character. It was remarked in reply, that his constructive talent, or me- chanical ingenuity, was the leading talent he possessed: upon which a friend of his present, astonished at the accu- racy of the remark, stated that he was the inventor of about a dozen patent rights. While in Albany, in 1835, L. N. FoAvler examined a man in the Museum, to whom he gave very large secret, acquis., combat, destruct, firm., and amat, with small conscien. and only moderate benev., and described him as selfish, artful, intriguing, and deceitful; as able and inclined to employ cunning and hypocrisy in every thing, but more especially in getting money: stated that he ahvays effected his purposes in an indirect way, and under false pretences, and was al- ways ready to adopt any unfair means by which to possess himself of money. No more was heard of this personage by the phreno.ogist till, in the summer of 1836, while trav- elling in one of the packet-boats from Columbia to Harris- burg, Pa., at which time a boat-captain, who was present at the examination alluded to, gave the narrator the following account of one of the high-handed tricks of this sly-dodging money-catcher. He stated that, during the preceding win- ter, this artful scoundrel started on a travelling expedition to Boston, with tAvo teams, one of which he drove himself, and the other was managed by an accomplice. When near B., he caused one team to halt for a day, whilst, with the other, he proceeded to the city. When arrived in the literary emporium, he represented himself to several wholesale gro- BY FACTS. 267 eers, as a heavy dealer in their line from the interiour; stated that he had honoured them with a visit for the purpose of making a large purchase; that he had .several teams upon the road, one or two of which would be in the next day; that, as despatch was important to a man of his en- terprise, he should like to proceed forthwith to business. The next day arrived, and in came the other team, and the driver, being previously instructed, represented to the Bos < Ionian merchants, that the other teams were behind, one of which had been detained by an accident, and parted company with him only the day before. Thus far, every thing ap- peared fair and smooth. Both teams were accordingly load- ed and started for th^e country, before settlement was made: and so rapidly were they pushed forward, and so admirably were things managed, that the scoundrels evaded the alert- ness of their creditors. But the Boston merchants were not all that had cause long to remember the redoubtable heroes of this expedition to the East. As they were wending their way back with their ill-gotten lading of teas, liquors, and spices, they chanc- ed to light upon a country village just at nightfall, when they announced themselves as Methodist preachers, and pro- posed to tarry there that night and the next day, and the next night to edify the good people by holding a meeting with them. On account of the high and sacred character of our Avay-farers, they were most hospitably entertained by one of the most respectable members of the connexion in that place. And it came to pass, that the next morning, " rising up a long while before day," they Avent forth to meditate ; but prayer seemed to be the most distant thing from their hearts. Instead of kneeling down, and offering up their holy orisons, they seemed to be more devoutly engaged in laying schemes to complete their assortment of merchandise. " Armed Avith this strong intent," they proceeded to the smoke-house of their pious host, and took thence a large quantity of ham, and, also, divers lots of poultry from his barnyard, and straight- way proceeded "on their way rejoicing." Thus they peregrinated from place to place, committing petty larcenies, and practising all manner of deceptions and impostures, until they arrived at Albany.—For the correctness of the statement concerning the examination, the reader is referred to the manager of the Albany Museum. At Noith Adams, Avhere there are many factories, the 263 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED narrator pointed out, in the head of a physician, extraordina ry mathematical and astronomical powers; and a large au dience of his felloAV citizens testified that his talents and fondness for pursuits of this nature, were uncommonly great. In him the organ of weight was very large; and he stated publickly, that he had left a lucrative profession, and enga- ged in manufacturing, chiefly to indulge his fondness for machinery. The young ladies who had been employed in the factories for many years, Avere found to possess large concent, whilst new-comers generally had it small.—This fact affords an important hint to those who wish to cultivate this organ. Confined for a long time to a single operation, concent, was called into constant requisition, and thus became enlarged. At a publick lecture in Adams, a gentleman was descri- bed as having concent, very large (see p. 70.) The next day Avhile riding in the stage with him, the writer had an oppor- tunity of witnessing a perfect illustration of the organ in question. The gentleman was disposed to dwell long upon every topick of conversation that was introduced; and when a new subject was brought forward, he would somehow con- trive to make it bear upon the previous topick: and after halting, upon returning to the stage, he would generally take up the subject again at the point where it had been dropped. At an examination in Pittsfield, a child Avas described as having extraordinary form, and, consequently, as capable of learning its letters easily. Its mother remarked, that when she commenced teaching it the alphabet, to her aston- ishment, she found it had already learned all its letters with- out any instruction. Among others examined in the city of New York in the spring of 1835, was a gentleman, in whom time, individ. lang., event., local, compar., and concent., were all very large. He is accustomed not only to narrate a great deal but, also, almost always to tell the year, month, and day of the month in Avhich the transaction narrated, occurred. His very large concent, and reasoning faculties make him fre- quently absent-minded; but his greatest peculiarity is, that he can attend to but one thing at a time. For example: he ia utterly unable to take the sense of what he reads, until he has locked hie door, muzzled his bell, and given strict orders not to be disturbed. His amat. and adhes. are very large, which, joined Avith his very large concent, cause him still BY FACTS. 269 go brood over the untimely death of the object of his early at- tachment, even though the event occurred some twenty years since. He ssnt to his sister the written description of his char« acter, requesting her opinion of its accuracy, to which she replied, " You ask my opinion of your character as given by the phrenologist: I think it correct in every particular; indeed, strikingly so." While waiting upon a party of ladies, in N. Y., in one of them the organ of order was pointed out as very large, in- deed, so remarkable that the attention of the party was several times called to it. She was accordingly described as excessively neat and particular—as fastidious, and even, in this particular, old-maidish: (see order very large, p. 199, especially the closing description, p. 200.) The folloAving day, a gentleman who had known her for many years, (she being then upwards of 60,) stated, that when of an age suitable for forming matrimonial connexions, she was addressed by a respectable, and even wealthy, young gentleman, who owned a farm, and had around him all the comforts of life. She accepted an invitation to take a ride with him; but her organ of order was so excessively annoy- ed by some burrs which had lodged in the mane of his horse, that she was as glad to be relieved from the painful specta- cle, as she could have been at a release from prison; and she immediately gave him letters of dismission. She was next addressed by a student who was about to graduate; but in him her organ of order was unable to tole- rate some things which she discovered about his clothes Thus she rejected in succession, five excellent offers of mat- rimony, which, in every respect except that of order, (and even in this they fell not below mediocrity,) were not only very agreeable, but even desirable. The city of Philadelphia furnished the writer, O. S. Fow- ler, with several striking examples of the truth of practical phrenology. In the spring of 1835, he opened a course of lectures there, and, at the close of his first lecture, a Mr. Pierce, who resides in Chestnut-St. near Broad, and who has been known to the good people of that city by a residence among them of forty years, came forward. Though a per- fect stranger to the lecturer, and a disbeliever in phrenology, yet, so perfectly correct throughout, was the description given, that the next day, the gentleman was accused scores of timet 270 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED by his fellow citizens, with collusion—with having given a history of his life to the lecturer, and then presented himself as a candidate for examination. His well-known character for honesty and piety, however, at length gave to phrenolo- gy the credit of having discovered his character. He was described as possessing a very large organ of benev., and as noted for the interest he takes in the welfare of others, and for the extraordinary tenderness and humani- ty of his feelings; as having large ven., conscien., and hope, and, therefore, as eminent for his piety; as having large or very large ideal, imitat., compar., lang., and event., and, conse- quently, as possessing unusual descriptive powers, and great tact in relating anecdotes, to the no small amusement of his friends; as having very large mirth., and though an emi- nently pious man, devotedly fond both of hearing and telling comical stories; and that one of his greatest trials—one of his "most easily besetting sins," was (which he confessed) the intrusion of humorous thoughts and feelings upon sol- emn occasions. Among other subjects examined in that city, was an elder- ly gentleman from the country, all of whose perceptive facul- ties were very large, but among them, weight was develop- ed in an extraordinary degree. This was distinctly pointed out, and illustrated by the writer's saying, that he was one in ten thousand for his natural talent in horsemanship, and for those feats of agility, balancing, &c, which are practised in the circus. Upon this, the old gentleman started from his seat, and, facing the examiner, said, " Do you know me, sir?" " I do not," was the reply. " On your honour do you say, that you know nothing of my character except from feeling my head ?" " Upon my honour and my conscience too, not a thing, sir." His surprise and astonishment were very great; and, in illustration of the truth of what had been stated, he removed the papers and books from a portion of the table, and although Upwards of sixty years of age, placed his head upon the table, and elevated his feet into the air, assuming various positions, and yet keeping his balance with perfect ease. He stated that, Avhen in the prime of life, he had often jumped upon a platform the height of his chin, and turning upon his head without touching his feet to the platform, walked upon bis hands and his head, with very little trouble, or difficulty BY FACTS. 271 in keeping his exact equilibrium. He then took a silver dol- lar, and balanced it on an unusually convex Avatch-dial, and gave many other equally striking examples of his extraor dinary faculty of Aveight ,,,,,. ,. P , Among others, the head of Mr. Waldie, editor of the Circulating Library, and of several other important and *bly conducted periodicals, was examined. His head is of ihe largest size, and his brain, active; which give him the ability to project and execute undertakings for which a com- mon sized or sluggish brain is utterly inadequate. All his perceptive organs are large, and his reasoning organs, very rarge; which impart to him that general literary talent and correctness of judgment and taste by which his exten- sive, literary publications are so strikingly characterized. His very large benev. and adhes. give him that hospitality and kindness for which he is distinguished among all Avho know him, and that enlarged spirit of philanthropy which shines so conspicuously in his character. Mr. P., a merchant, called on the lecturer, one side of AA'hose head was much larger than the other. When this phenomenon Avas pointed out, he stated that the larger side of the head, perspired freely, while the other did not, thus clearly showing, either that the side which did not perspire, had grown small by inaction, or that the other had grown large by exercise. One gentleman was examined in whom time was very small and tune very large. He had the nicest ear for mu- sick, indeed, a passionate fondness for it, and could catch a tune by hearing it sung but once, and yet was unable to sing with others, merely because he could not keep the beat. During the summer of 1836, the authors witnessed many unequivocal proofs and illustrations of the truth of phrenol- ogy in several distinguished citizens of Pennsylvania. One of the most striking occurred at a private party of gentle- men and ladies in Carlisle. After nearly all of the company had been examined, an elderly gentleman, who was a per- fect stranger to the writer, submitted his head to the mani- pulator. The first remark of the examiner was, that the phrenological developments of his head were so extraordi- nary, that the common rules of interpretation would not fully apply to his case. His head was of the largest size, being seven inches and three-quarters in diameter, and near- ly equally developed in all its parts. The propelling and 272 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED the intellectual organs Avere all found to be very large. Ac- cordingly, it was remarked that he possessed an extraordina- ry degree of weight of character and greatness of mind, so that a single town Avould not bound his influence, but that he must be among the distinguished men of the nation. His perceptive faculties being all large, and his reflective very large, it was remarked that he had an extraordinary talent for collecting the facts in any given case; and that his very large reasoning organs Avould give him great power and depth of intellect and correctness of judgement. His extremely large compar., in particular, would give him powers of discrimi- nation and analysis surpassed by none. It is necessary only to add, that, at the close of his examination, the Avriter was introduced to Chief Justice Gibson of Pennsylvania. Those acquainted with the talents of this distinguished gentleman, will at once recognise the Chief Justice in the description given. This gentleman was mainly induced to submit to this ex- amination from having seen the description given to his broth- er at Washington, D. C. While one of the authors Avas practising phrenology at Washington, in the fall of 1836, in order to give to phrenology a fair test in the case of a remarkable character, several individuals prevailed upon Mr. G. (who is on intimate terms with the President,) to call upon the narrator, and obtain a written description of his character and talents. Among other peculiarities, he was known be to excessively fond of children, and this was descri- bed as one of his strongest passions, and marked at or near the top of the scale; to be exceedingly incredulous, and even skeptical, Avhich, accordingly, was dwelt upon with peculiar emphasis; to be one of the kindest of men, and indifferent about money, which also was implicitly stated, &c. One of the party afterwards waited upon the examiner, and stated these and several other particulars of his character, adding, that the description Avas singularly correct throughout, and that President Jackson, on hearing it read, made a similar remark. At one of the publick examinations in Carlisle, an elderly Irish gentleman was nominated, and came forward without a coat on, and with every appearance of a day-labourer. He was described as possessing very large calcu., compar., caus., firm., and combat. It was hence inferred, that, con- trary to his appearance, he was naturally one of the great- BY FACTS. 273 est mathematicians of the age; that he had a powerful in tellect joined with obstinacy and fierce animal passions. His extraordinary mathematical poAvers, (very large calcu., compar., and caus., combined,) Avere proved by the fact, that he had solved several exceedingly difficult and intricate problems, which had been propounded through the publick prints for a loi.g time (six years) Avithout finding any equal to the task. This he did Avithout the advantages even of a common education, and while pursuing his daily labour. His combat Avas equally illustrated by his being, Avhen an- gry, violent in the highest degree, nay, even desperate. As a boxer he A\ras notorious. A Mr. William Roberts entered the office, indicating by his dress and appearance that he was any thing but an en- gineer, but, almost the first remark of the examiner, was, that his very large construct., form, size, local, individ., weight, and calcu., with his other developments, Avould quali- fy him in a pre-eminent degree, for .a surveyor and an engineer. The remark excited the greatest astonishment, and ft Avas then stated that he was an engineer and surveyor of the first order, having an annual salary of $4,000. In the head of Mr. James Cornelius, the organ of Aveight was pointed out as being very large, and in confirmation of the fact, it was stated, that he had never found his equal for throw- ing stones at a mark. His usual Avay of killing birds, squir- rels, &c, was Avith a stone, so that a gun Avas useless to him. Before the audience the very large organs of construct, imitat, caus., and form, were pointed out in a son of Dr. Foulke, and his talent for using tools, for drawing, &c, was stated to be seldom equalled. So remarkable were these faculties in the lad, that they Avere known to the whole vil- lage, and it was on this account that he had been proposed as a subject by Avhich to test the science. Another lad was examined, whose forehead was low and narrow, and Avhose moral organs were only moderate, while many of the selfish propensities Avere very strong. His in- tellect was accordingly manifestly very obtuse, and his pro- pensities, uncontrolled by moral feeling or intellect, manifest- ed themselves in theft, lying, &c. The folloAving is the testimony of one of the citizens of Carlisle concerning the examination of a boy in his en* ployment. £74 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED " A lad who is fifteen years of age, and has been in my employ eighteen months, and who is very remarkable for several peculiarities of character, Avas brought to Mr. Fow- ler, the phrenologist, Avho, solely by the aid of his favourite science, gave a description of his character in an unequivo- cal manner, and with an accuracy, Avhich, with all my knowledge of the lad's character from long and close obser vation, I could not myself have surpassed, if equalled. Mr F. has also examined my own head, once in publick and blindfolded, and again in his office, and without the possibil- ity of knowing me at his second examination; and his sec- ond description agreed, in every particular, with his first. D. SANGSTON. Carlisle, Pa., Sept. 28, 1836." While in Carlisle, the Rev. George G. Cookman, a Meth- odist Episcopal clergyman of high standing, brought in a ion of his whom one of the authors (O. S. Fowler) had ex- amined in Baltimore the summer previous, and stated that, at the time alluded to, the lad had been described as possess- ing unusual arithmetical poAvers, of Avhich fact he was not then conscious. Upon trying the arithmetical talents of his son, however, he found that phrenology had revealed to him an important truth concerning his son, of which his own ob- servation had failed to inform him. While in Baltimore, bythe solicitation of one of his breth- ren, Mr. C.'s own head Avas examined. He Avas described as possessed of extravagant ideal, very large compar., event, individ., lang., benev., imitat, and hope, and large caus., com- bat., conscien., ven., adhes., self-e., and philopro.; and, conse- quently, as possessing descriptive poAvers, and a talent for eloquence and popular speaking, of a high order. His abi- lity to distinguish himself as a moral leader, his large moral organs, and very large benev. or desire to benefit his fellow- men, were all dAvelt upon with such emphasis, that those Avho came with him, thought the examiner must have been previous- ly acquainted Avith their distinguished preacher; but the fact was, his phrenological developments corresponded so exactly with those talents by Avhich he had so eminently distinguish- ed himself in his publick capacity as a preacher, that all the phrenologist had to do, was to read off his character as from a book, to the astonished listeners. It hardly need be added, that, at a meeting of the Bible Society, this gentleman was vhe author of that famous and beautiful allegory, in which BY FACTS. 275 the different denominations of Christians, uniting hand and hand in this common cause, are compared to a great army, the Methodist Episcopal Church constituting the scourers and the vanguard, the Presbyterian, the grand centre, the heavy artillery, &c. His very large comparison appears conspicuous in almost every sentence, and often bursts forth in the conception of beautiful similes and illustrations. His imitat. is fully represented in his numerous and appropriate gestures, thus imparting to his delivery an unusual, if not superabundant, amount of action. His very large ideal and large marvel, appear throughout his discourses in bold relief, giving his descriptions a high degree of beauty, sublimity, glow, and wonder; and his appeals to the passions display a great amount of enthusiasm, and are almost irresistible. His small secret, gives a directness and plainness to his ex- pressions and appeals, which some call bluntness. His com- mand of words and incidents is certainly remarkable. His firm., self-e., and combat, give him a commanding and dig- nified appearance, and beget great energy of mind and char- acter, whilst, at the same time, his benev. and ven. give him affability and benignity. His mirth, is large, and, Avith his very large compar. and imitat, enables and disposes him to say many very Avitty and ludicrous things; and he stated to the examiner, that, against this " easily-besetting sin," he was obliged to struggle more than against any other, and that it sometimes broke forth even in the pulpit. On the whole, he may be emphatically styled eloquent, and his or- ganization pronounced to be a most happy one for a popular preacher, an appellation peculiarly appropriate to him. Another striking proof of the truth of phrenology, occurs in the person of the Hon. Judge Lewis of Pa. In him the perceptive faculties and compar. are very large, and, in ac- cordance with this development, it is well attested of his intellectual character, that he possesses an astonishing facili- ty in seizing upon the prominent facts in any given case, (individ. and event.,) and in rejecting every thing that does not bear directly upon the point in question, (compar.) His brain is active, and his Avhole phrenological organization is very happily balanced; and the effects of these favourable Sualities, are conspicuous in his character. In giving nis ecisions, his style is characterized by perspicuity and pre- cision, and is always to the point Judge L. was examined by the writer (O. S. Fowler) at STC PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED Danville, Pa., in 1836, without being introduced, and before the writer had heard that there was such a man living; ana yet, the description of his character and talents was pronoun- ced to be strikingly correct tnroughout. In order, however, to put phrenology to a still severer test Judge L. requested a blindfold examination of a gentleman whom he should se- lect. Accordingly, he brought forward an intimate friend of his (Mr. C. Hall) whom he had heard examined some days previous: and, in the opinion of the Judge, and of all others who heard them, the two descriptions were exactly alike, and perfectly corresponded with the character of the gentleman examined. A still more striking proof of phrenology Avas presented in the case of the Hon. Gen. Anthony, member of Congress from Pa., who was prevailed upon to submit to an examina- tion, by Mr. Packer. After describing him as possessing an uncommon share of energy and decision of character, as manifested by his unusual development of firm., combat., self-e., hope, &c, the first remark made by the phrenologist concerning his intellectual powers, was, that the size of calcu., as developed in his head, was enormous—so great, indeed, that it could hardly be spanned with the thumb and middle finger. All his other perceptive organs were also extremely large; and the inference drawn, Avas, that he must possess, not only an astonishing ability to reckon in his head, but also a great fondness and talent for the higher branches of mathematicks and astronomy. This examination occur- red at Washington in 1835; and nothing was heard from the examination until in the summer of 1836, when Mr. Packer stated to the narrator, that Gen. A. possessed the most astonishing faculty for casting up accounts in his head, of any man he had ever seen or heard of; that he could 6ohre almost any arithmetical problem in his head, and with- out apparent effort; that he couid add up at once a column of three, four, or five figures, multiply large sums into each other, and also divide and substract them by a sing.e opera tion; that he had not patience to witness the slow, plodding calculations of ordinary minds, but would generally do them himself, and at a glance. Mr. P. also stated, that in his natural talents for arithmetick and the mathematicks, it Avas generally conceded, that Gen. A. had no superiour, if an equal, in Pa. BY FACTS. 277 Mr. P. remarked, that he was particularly struck with the strength and force of the expressions used in the description of this gentleman's mathematical talent, inasmuch as it ac- corded so perfectly Avith the wonderful powers of the man; and he became at once a believer in phrenology. We there- fore appeal to Gen. A.'s head and mathematical character, and ask our opponents to solve this prenological problem. Mr. P. also gave phrenology another trial in the case of the Hon. Mr. McKean, U. S. Senator from Pa. His exami- nation was made without the least intimation's being given to the narrator, of the character or station of Mr. McK.; and, if the testimony of Mr. P., or of his friends who witnessed the delineation of this gentleman's character, (and Avho will inval- idate it?) is entitled to credit, a more correct description of his character and talents could not have been drawn up by his most intimate friends. In confirmation of this, Ave ap- peal to the living testimony of Mr. P., whose astonishment at the result was very great But the astonishment of Mr. P. wasnot greater at the descrip- tion of these gentlemen's character, than was theirs at that giv- en of his, especially Avhen almost the first remark made of him, was, that " he always went in for the whole amount; was exceedingly zealous in all that he undertook, and always did whatever he attempted to accomplish, with his whole might; possessed a towering ambition for distinction, as well as a talent for rising to eminence; was persevering in an extra- ordinary degree; was a whole-hearted friend, but a bitter enemy; was unusually sarcastick, but excellent company; excessively fond of debate and opposition, and took hold of every thing without mittens; though he appeared very rash and injudicious, and drove forward with prodigious fury, yet he managed to steer clear of the breakers; had always too many irons in the fire, &c." Although yet young, these traits of character have already brought this gentleman into very general notice, and bid fair to augment his fame. At the foot of the mountain, about ten miles north of Car- lisle, Pa., O. S. FoWler examined the head of a farmer, who Avas quite rustick in his appearance, and observed that his perceptive faculties generally, and particularly his individ., form, size, calcu., local, event., and compar., were developed in an extraordinary manner; and after travelling some few miles farther, the writer was informed, that this man was the won- der and astonishment of the neighbourhood on account 01 278 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED his astonishing recollection of historical ant* statistical facts, &c. At an iron foundry in the same neighbourhood, (owned by Mr. Pleis of Phila.,) by a mere cast of the eye, the Avriter was enabled to point out the best workmen, on account of their superiour development of construct, and imitat. He contrasted, for example, one man in Avhom these organs* Avere so large as to amount almost to a deformity, with ano- ther by his side, in whom they Avere only full; in reply tor which, the superintendent remarked, that the firstnamed be- came a firstrate moulder (Avhich operation requires the high- est degree of mechanical skill and ingenuity) with very little practice, and seemingly without effort, whereas, the other had to practise several years before he became even passable, and there was not the least probability that he would ever excel in that business. The gentleman farther remarked, that the difference of natural tact and talent manifested by different individuals who engaged in his business, Avas aston- ishingly great: that, Avhile some seemed naturally to pos- sess, as it Avere, a slight of hand for moulding, others could not possibly learn the art by the most persevering applica- tion, under the most judicious course of instruction—thus showing most conclusively, that the faculty of construct, is innate. In Bloomfield, Pa., phrenology gathered some laurels. At a publick lecture, just after the arrival of the writer in that place, a gentleman was examined, and described, among other things, as always upon the tiptoe of expectation, prone to build castles in the air, and for ever on a wild-goose chase of some bubble or butterfly of fortune, which, however, was always sure to elude his grasp; that he had too many " irons in the fire," &c. (excessive hope and ideal, and small con- cent. :) and so graphically correct Avas the description, that the audience could not be made to believe but that the lectur- er was intimately acquainted with the gentleman examined, until the latter assured them, that he and the lecturer had never seen each other until he entered the room that evening, some time after the lecture had commenced. In regard to the correctness of the description, a distinguished citizen of the place (Lawyer Mackintyre) went so far as to declare that " if Mr. Fowler had made the man, and dwelt in him ever since he was created, and thought and felt for him, h* could not have more perfectly portrayed his character." BY FACTS. 279 After examining, with complete success, many individ- uals in the same place, in order to test phrenology the more thoroughly, at the request of several gentlemen, the wri- ter was blindfolded, and in this condition, examined the heads of three respectable gentlemen (two of whom were editors) the second time, he, of course, not knowing at the time upon whom he Avas manipulating; and, according to the testimony of the three gentlemen re-examined, and of a large number of spectators, one of whom was S. Kirkham, there was not only no discrepance between the first and second descrip- tions given, but their agreement throughout, was so perfect and striking, as to prove most satisfactorily, that the appli- cation of the same scientifick principles had produced a sim- ilar result in both cases. In the same place, a young gentleman Avas described as having a large development of the moral and intellectual organs, and Avas therefore recommended to study divinity; and it was afterwards ascertained by the writer, that such was the predilection of the young man for this study, that all his leisure hours for tAvo years previous, had been most sedulously devoted to it. Another individual was described as having very strong animal and selfish faculties, with a good endowment of in tellect, high veneration, and none too much conscience; and, consequently, not unlikely to make great pretensions to piety, but very much inclined to traffick, banter, and make excellent bargains, not hesitating frequently to gratify his acquis, by misrepresentation, dissimulation, and overreach- ing. In confirmation of the description, it Avas afterwards stated by a very respectable physician of the place, that this individual was a church-member, but so notorious for taking the advantage of his neighbours in trade, that he had been dealt Avith for it, and received the censure of his professing brethren. A little boy was described as prone to stealing; and those who brought him forward, stated, that he was presented mainly on that account, as they wished to see Avhether phre- nology could detect that trait in his character. At a publick lecture in Milton, Pa., the writer examined .he head of Gen. Frick, editor of the " Miltonian," and de« scribed him as an original, eccentrick, and very open-heart* ed, plain-spoken, and independent character; stated that he possessed a high degree of discrimination and mental acu* 280 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED men, Avas strictly honest and benevolent, but, at the same time', often pointed and sarcastick in his replies, made many odd comparisons, disregarded publick opinion and the fashions of the day, controlled circumstances, swayed an influence in whatever sphere he moved, and Avas undoubtedly a real business man, a publick man, and a leader. These points of character were phrenological deductions from his very large firm, and compar., large combat, destruct., self-e., adhes., hope, conscien., benev., mirth., individ., form, size, order, calcu., and local, and small secret, approbat, marvel, and time; but here again the phrenologist was met with the inquiry, whether he was not Avell acquainted with the gen- tleman examined, although he had never seen him before, nor heard of such a man. While visiting a school in Milton, the teacher put several questions to the Avriter concerning his pupils. In his replies, one lad, in particular, was described as very cunning and mischievous; upon which the teacher described him to be the greatest rogue in his school. The teacher also remarked aftenvards to one of his patrons, that all the remarks made about his scholars by the phrenologist, Avere characteris- tick. During this tour through Pa., the head of a singular young lady fell under the writer's examination. It was of full size, but developed mainly in the selfish and intellectual regions. It was short, thick, low, and flattened at the top: and in it were developed very large secret., approbat., ideal, hope, aliment, and destruct., large combat., amat, adhes., ac- quis., mirth., lang., compar., and imitat., only full caus. and cautious., moderate firm., and small concent, benev.. conscien, ven., and self-e. (the lastmentioned organs in this combination, produce lowmindedness and meanness: see bottom of p. p. 97, 98, and top of p. 99.) On discovering so unfavourable a phrenological development in a young lady who had been brought up in a very respectable family, and who still asso ciated with good company, the narrator hesitated to give a description of her character, until, by the repeated solicita- tions of some respectable persons Avho wished to hear what phrenology could say for her, he screAved up his moral cour- age to the sticking point, and proceeded to read off her reai character, accompanied by useful hints concerning her conduct —the result of which was, of course, to offend Miss, and cause her to turn up her nose against phrenology. She was described BY FACTS. 281 as coquettish to the last degree, (small conscien. and concent, and very large secret, approbat, and ideal, and large amat.;) as very ardent, and also inconstant, in her attachments, (small concent., conscien., and firm.: see middle of p. 57;) as excessively vain and fond of dress, show, and ornament, (approbat. very large: see p. 110;) as fickle, (small firm : p. 122;) as possessed of fine conversational powers, (large lang., mirth., imitat, and compar., and very large ideal.;) as excessively fond of sweetmeats, and liable to steal them, (large aliment, and secret., and small conscien.: p. 99;) and as exceedingly cruel, selfish, and ungrateful, (small conscien. and benev., and very large destruct;) and yet, pos- sessed of a fair share of talents. At the request of the writer, he obtained from some of the family in which she had been very genteelly brought up, the folio wing account of her char- acter, viz., that she had little regard for her word; had formed several matrimonial engagements, and had as often broken them; Avas notorious for her coquetry and inconstan- cy, having never loved any one long at a time; was as vain, and dressy, and dashing as a peacock, and literally worship- ped embellishment and ornament; was exceedingly cruel and ungrateful, and manifested few compunctions of con- science ; could be kept from pastry and sweetmeats only by their being locked up; was fascinating in conversation, and displayed a fair share of intellect, but a malicious disposition, and a terrible temper. No amount of kindness or admoni- tion could soften her feelings, or produce a reformation in her conduct She took delight in hectoring and tormenting even the infirm, sick, and helpless. But in no place, perhaps, was a stronger impression made in favour of phrenology, or more striking proofs of its truth exhibited, than in the city of Washington, D. C. At the close of the first publick lecture delivered in that city by O. S. Fowler, in Nov., 1835, (which took place at the Unita- rian Church,) Dr. Hunt came forward for examination. He Avas a perfect stranger to the lecturer, and was described as possessed of extraordinary independence, (firm, and self-e.,) joined with great energy and force of character, (firm, and self-e., combined Avith combat, and destruct) His very large perceptive powers were also dwelt upon, and the fact that he is often called upon at races to give the Avord " go," confirms the correctness of this statement. His independence is illus- trated in his refusing to act as a physician in the family oJ 282 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED President Jackson, unless he could have his own way, which was in opposition to that of the President's. Jones.—But a still more striking case was that of T. P. Jones, Avho has been employed in the patent-office in Wash- ington, and also as a professor of chymistry and natural phi- losophy in one of the institutions in the District. He Avas described as possessed of a high degree of intellect and moral feeling, and as a natural scholar of the first order; as having at command an astonishing amount of information upon al- most all subjects, and as possessing an intuitive talent and fond- ness for pursuing the natural sciences. Event, is seldom found as large as in his head; and his enviable distinction as a schol- ar, fully confirms the indications of phrenology. Neany the whole of page 211, after the tenth line, presents the com- binations and characteristicks of Mr. J., with this exception, that his event., instead of being large, is very large. The moral organs of Mr. J. are very large, and his moral character and conduct not only unexceptionable, but seldom equalled. The selfish propensities are beloAV mediocrity, which also corresponds with his character. His imitat. is very large, and his construct, large, which, combined with his very large perceptive faculties, give him the uncommon mechanical ingenuity that he possesses. Sewall.—In confirmation of what is here stated, the writer will *merely cite the testimony of Dr. Sewall, who, for more than twelve years past, has distinguished himself by lecturing against phrenology in the Medical College of Washington. During the examination of both Dr. Hunt and Professor Jones, Dr. S. was frequently heard to express his assent to the correctness of the descriptions of character given, as well as his surprise at it; and after the examina- tions had closed, he several times remarked, that his phreno- logical skepticism was giving way; that the descriptions of character were strikingly correct, and, to a moral certainty, the result of phrenological science. These two publick examinations, together with several others Avhich followed, produced no little sensation through- out the city; and as to their correctness, not a dissenting voice was to be heard. But, on the part of Dr. Sewall and some others, there was a resolution formed to put phrenology to a still more rigorous test. The lecturer had announced that he would examine with his eyes covered; and, accord- ingly, at the next lecture, several distinguished characters BY FACTS. 283 ftniong whom was Dr. S. himself, were examined whUe the lecturer was blindfolded. In regard to the Doctor s own case, after the examination, he frankly admitted, that it was completely successful; and that, although the description of his character which was given, differed in several particulars from the opinions entertained of him by his acquaintances, yet, on these very points it was correct, and had thus correct- ed publick opinion in regard to him. A very intelligent lady, also. Avho had lived in the family of Dr. S., and, of course, who Avas intimately acquainted Avith his character, remarked, that, in the description of it, many traits of which the publick could knoAV nothing, were stated with remarkable accuracy; and as to the publick opinion concerning his examination, there was but one voice, viz., that, as a whole, it could not have been surpassed in point of accuracy even by his most intimate acquaintances. The obstinately skeptical could account for the striking coinci- dence between the Doctor's real character and the phrenolo- gical description of it, only by pretending that the lecturer must have known whom heviras examining, notwithstanding Dr. S. was one among some six or eight who were examin- ed whilst the phrenologist was blindfolded. Several members of Dr. Sewall's family were examined at his house, and according to his own testimony at the time, and likewise that of the lady just alluded to, except in one * particular, not only was there no mistake made, but almost every point stated by the narrator, was characteristic^ To test practical phrenology still farther, by request, the lecturer was again blindfolded, and Dr. S. reproduced Pro- fessor Jones; and so far from there being any discrepance between the two examinations, both descriptions agreed per- fectly throughout, nem. con.—even Dr. S. himself judging. Afterwards at a meeting of the physicians of W. at the house of Dr. Sewall, many of them were examined by the writer, and many striking coincidences between their real traits of character and their phrenological developments, were pointed out. During these examinations, Dr. S. several times remarked to the phrenologist, (and was said to have sti*tod the same to others,) that these and other proofs which he had witnessed, were certainly strong in favour of the truth of the science, and that, by the aid of phrenological principles alone, the writer had frequently described character in his presence with singular accuracy. So notorious, in fact, was the 234 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED change effected in Dr. S.'s mind on the subject of phrenol- ogy, that the Washington Mirror made the following allu- sion to it: " On the occasion of Mr. Fowler's first lecture, several well-known heads were publickly examined, and phrenology gained many adherents from the ranks of its adversaries: among others, one Avhose name, were we at liberty to use it, would be seized on by the friends of the science, as affording a practical instance of the power of experimental phrenology. Indeed, in the case alluded to, as well as in the fifty others which have fallen under our notice this week, the portraiture of character has been so strikingly correct, that there is no alternative remaining, but to believe in the fundamental principles of phrenology, or to discard a mass of coincidence far more surprising than any metaphysical conclusion." The U. S. Telegraph likewise alluded to the same fact in the following language: " A distinguished professional gen- tleman of this city, Avho has been a professed disbeliever in, and, we might add, opponent to, phrenology, after having heard the lectures of Mr. Fowler, and seen many practical examples of the truth of the science, candidly acknowledged the almost total change of his opinions in regard to it—a beautiful specimen of the power of truth, and of the love of truth." The writer has been thus prolix and particular in stating these facts, in order to exhibit, in bold relief, the inconsisten- cy of the course which Dr. Sewall has since been pleased to pursue in relation to phrenology; for, notwithstanding all of his acknoAvledged convictions in favour of the truth of the science—notwithstanding the enormous amount of demon- strative evidence in its favour which was fairly presented to his mind—evidence, one would think, amply sufficient to convince the most skeptical, and evidence, the force of which he found it impossible at the time to resist—yet, extraordinary as it may appear, in a short time we again find this self-same Dr. S. a zealous leader in the ranks of the opposers to phre- nology. But how can we account for this strange and paradoxical conduct in Dr. S. ? The Avriter (O. S. Fowler) happens to be in possession of the very secret which, in this case, reveals the whole mystery: and nothing but his regard to truth, and his zeal for the cause of science, wou Id induce him to make this dis • BY FACTS. 285 closure. Were he to follow the inclinations of his private feel* ings, he would forbear—he Avould spare, not only Dr. S., but also all others who, from motives of private pique, or personal popularity, ungenerously stand forth to combat, and, if they only had the power, to crush a noble science Avhich is suc- cessfully struggling into existence against the mammoth strength of publick prejudice. The secret then is, as the Doctor himself averred to the writer, (and to which avowal he will at all times be ready to be qualified,) that the Doctor's hostility to phrenology originated solely in his own personal feelings towards a prominent member of the phrenologic- al society,* by which member he said he had been ill-treat- ed ; and, therefore, he had resolved to retaliate upon him by ridiculing his science. Dr. S.'s approbat. is very large. It will not, therefore, be singular, if he be found in the ranks of the opposition to phrenology just as long as their side is Considered popular. *Dr.Caldwell. See p. 10 of his Phrenology Vindicated. Woodsides.---Among others examined in publick in W., Avas a Mr. Woodsides, Avho stands unrivalled for4iis mechan- ical talents. He was described as having uncommon compar., caus., and construct. The closing remark made upon his head, after he had gone to his seat, was, that sufficient emphasis had not been given to his extraordinary constructive powers. At a subsequent lecture, the same gentleman was re-exam- ined Avhile the lecturer was blindfolded. His construct. Avas dAvelt upon as the one predominant characteristick of his mind, which, joined with his very large caus. and compar., was described as giving him an intuitive knoAvledge of me- chanical principles and great contrivance. One fact illus- trative of his possessing this talent in a pre-eminent degree, is, that when the colossal statue, which weighs several tons, was to be placed upon the Washington monument in Balti- more, after a great many of the first-rate mechanicks had ex- hausted their skill, and still failed to raise it, he Avas sent for, and, with the greatest ease, he immediately devised an origi- nal method by which this enormous Aveight Avas speedily elevated to its present fearful height. A boy, three years of age, was examined, in whom amat. was very large, and, according to the testimony of his pa- rents, he manifested the corresponding passion in as striking a degree as most adults. Elliott.—Among others examined at W., was a Mr El- liott, who resides with his father on Capitol Hill, and in 286 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED whose written character the narrator dwelt much upon his re- markable talent and passion for draAving, designing, draught- ing, using tools, &c. About a month after this description was given, his plan and drawing for a new patent-office, &c, was approved and adopted by Congress. His father, who is noted as an opponent to phrenology, and who Avrote several articles against it, one of which appeared in the National Intelligen- cer in Dec, 1835, admitted that the description given of his son's character, was as strikingly correct, not only in this, but also in the other particulars, as any Avhich he himself could give ; and added, that, from a mere boy, he had displayed an uncommon propensity for tinkering and drawing. The father alluded to, possessed not only a very large de- velopment of event., but with it, one of the best memories of facts known. From a personal knowledge of La Fayette, he remarked, that he also possessed a most astonishing re- collection of facts, and even of minute details; and judging from his busts and profiles, his individ. and event, must have been developed in an extraordinary degree. Wise.—But a still more striking illustration of the truth of phrenology, occurred in the head of Henry A. Wise, whose publick character is too Avell known to need even a passing remark. Before the writer had ever seen that dis- tinguished gentleman, he came into his office and requested an examination. The first remark made of him, was, that he possessed a towering ambition, (hope, approbat., and self-e.,) accompanied with all the intellectual and propelling powers requisite to sustain himself in his aspirations after greatness. His combat, and destruct. are large, if not very large, and his compar. projects enormously, which collective- ly give him that unrivalled talent for withering sarcasms and cutting comparisons which always tell so severely upon those at whom they are aimed. His temperament is of the most favourable kind, his head, large, all his perceptive faculties, developed in a very unusual degree, his ideal, and lang. are arge, and the whole correspond perfectly with his real char- acter. Many a time have his speeches and conversation recalled to the mind of the writer the impressions which his examination made upon him, while wholly unacquainted with his name and standing. Jackson.—But for proofs of its correctness, phrenology has but to look to the first heads in the nation; and it will inva- riably be found, that the more conspicuous the character, the BY FACTS. -£-"*■ 287 more striking will be the proof. President Jackson, for exam- ple, possesses an extraordinary development of firm., self-e., benev., combat., and adhes., with large ven. and hope, and smaller ideal. Benev. and adhes. are among his strongest organs; and if there is any one fault in his publick character, more prominent than others, the Avriter ventures the opinion, that it is mainly the product of these two faculties, viz., his too great readiness to assist his friends. The President's head is of the largest size. Its diameter just above the ears, is seven inches and three-eighths: and its height very great, so that it is, in reality, considerably larger than the given diameter would indicate. On phrenological principles, a brain of this size, with an active temperament, is absolutely necessary to give that intellectual energy and force of char- acter which have been so conspicuously displayed by the in- dividual here referred to. Van Buren.—Among other phrenological observations, those made by the writer upon Martin Van Buren, are worthy of notice; but, on account of his political station, and the diversity of opinions entertained of him by the different political parties, in regard to some points of his character, the writer forbears to draAV inferences from the data here present- ed, excepting on such points as he believes will be corrobo- rated by all parties. His head is large, and those portions which impart energy and force of character and feeling, are developed in a high degree. Cautious, is his largest organ, and his secret, is almost equally large. Acquis, and destruct. are also large, while firm., self-e., approbat., combat., amat., and hope, are very large; but the combined action of secret. and cautious, prevents their imprudent expression, and produ- ces that noncommittal manifestation of the faculties for which this gentleman is so celebrated. His compar. and caus. are large, and his benev., conscien., and perceptive faculties gen- erally, only full. His caus. and cautious, give him that sa- gacity for which he is so remarkable. Mr. Brower, painter, No. 12, Roosevelt-st, N. Y., has a cast taken from his head, which, among some others, was submitted to L. N. Fowler for examination. Unconscious of whose head it represented, he gave it an impartial exam- ination, the result of which any one may know by calling on Mr. B. Adams.—The head of ex-president Adams presents a strik- ing instance of the truth of phrenology. Love of approbation 288 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED is one of his ruling organs. His compar. is also very large j and its discriminating and analytical influence is manifest in almost every publick effort he makes. But his perceptive faculties predominate over his reasoning; hence, he is more capable of collecting facts and statistical information general- ly, than of deep and profound reasoning. His critical acu- men is very great. His conscien. is large; and, consequent- ly, whatever may be thought of his measures, no phrenologist will impeach his motives. Henry Clay furnishes an illustrious example of the agree- ment between his phrenological deA'elopments and his known traits of character—an agreement, in fact, Avhich can be ac- counted for on no other rational principle than that which admits the truth of phrenology. The following is the result of a careful phrenological observation of his head. The first point of interest, is his uncommonly fine and fa- vourable temperament, Avhich is a compound of the nervous, sanguine, and bilious, and Avhich secures a most happy and delicate blending of strength and activity, with high suscep- tibility to stimuli; and this temperament is aided by the or- ganization of his whole corporeal system, Avhich is unri- valled. The second thing to be noticed, is the sharpness of his organs, Avhich greatly increase their activity and excitability. Add to this, the size of his head, Avhich is unusually great, it being seven inches and three-eighths in diameter, and very high in proportion to its breadth ; and Ave have three favour- able extremes acting in concert, which, under any circum- stances, could hardly fail to bring him into notice, but Avhich, under favourable circumstances, Avould of themselves produce a great genius. But Avhen to these extraordinary manifesta- tions, Ave add the important one of a most favourable devel- opment of the several classes of organs, as Avell as of the indi- viduals in each class, presenting great mental poAver so ad- mirably balanced that none of it runs to Avaste, Ave have— Henry Clay—to the life. His benev.,is very large, and his adhes. and philopro. are developed in an extraordinary degree for a man. From this combination flows that deep current of sympathy and pathos which so strongly characterize his speeches, and by which he seizes upon the feelings, affections, and passions of his hearers, and sweeps the chords of the human heart with the master hand of a Timotheus. From the same combina^ BY FACTS. 289 feon, also, proceeded that overwhelming burst of anguish which so strongly marked the father on the late occasion of the death of his daughter. His combat, is large, while his destruct. is only full. Hence, his disposition to debate and resist without shoAving great severity of character, and those retorts courteous Avhich display more manly courage than harshness or cruelty. His self-e. and approbat. are both. large, but being nearly equal, and combined Avith very large benev. and large ven., they produce that affability mingled Avith dignity, which displays itself in all his intercourse with his fellow-men, and enters largely into his manner of speak- ing, constituting him naturally, what he is in fact, a per- fect gentleman. The same combination makes him ambi- tious. The organs Avhich are located near the mesial line of his head, are nearly all very large, so that its height is con- siderably greater than its breadth, and its length from indi- vid. to philopro. is very great. Hence, the moral and hu- man faculties, which shine so conspicuously in his character, are much more amply developed than the animal and selfish propensities. His perceptiA^e faculties are developed in an extraordinary degree. These give him that ready command of facts and statisticks—that wonderful ability to attend to details and accomplish business, in which he excels most of his contemporaries. It Avas by the aid of these faculties, joined Avith his large concent, very large compar., and other faculties, that he was enabled to become the author and cham- pion defender of the "American System." The same combina- tion gives him those extraordinary powers of analysis, illus- tration, critical acumen, and ability to discriminate, and, aid- ed by imitat. and ideal, his nice sense of propriety and ele- gance of expression, together with his great ability to seize upon the strong points of the argument—in short, those un- rivalled poAvers of forensick eloquence Avhich so strongly characterize his mental efforts. His ideal, and lang. being both large, but not very large, enable him to command a style, at once chaste, graceful, and flowing, and alike free from redundancy of ornament and verbosity of expression. Webster.—But of all the great heads of the nation, none is capable of imparting a deeper interest to the naturalist or the philosopher, or a more forcible conviction to the mind of the phrenologist, than that of Daniel Webster. A larger inass of brain perhaps never was, and never will be, found! 19 290 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED in the upper and lateral portions of any man's forehead than that contained in his. Both the height and the breadth ol his forehead are prodigiously great And here, in all can- dour and sober earnestness, let us ask the disbeliever in phren- ological science, if he can behold such a noble, such a splen- did forehead, and, in connexion with it, contemplate the giant intellect of its possessor with indifference, or without being internally convinced of the truth of, at least, the fundamental principles of phrenology? Does the Almighty Architect produce such magnificent specimens of \Arorkmanship for no purpose? Can it be, that the front heads of a Webster, a Franklin, a Sully, a Jeannin, a Bacon, a Socrates, mean noth- ing more than those of the most ordinary individuals ?— Could the observing of all ages be permitted to stand forth and reply to these interrogatories, in the language of fact and demonstration, one and all of them would thunder out a negative: and be it borne in mind, that this negative is a full admission of the fundamental principles of phrenologi- cal science; or, in other words, the intelligent of all ages and of all countries, as far as observation has enlightened them upon the subject, have believed in, and taught, the doc- trines of phrenology. But, to return. It has been stated, that the one grand and striking phrenological featureof Daniel Webster's head—that which toAvers above every thing else, is his enormous devel- opment of the reasoning organs, or, more especially, his caus. And here phrenology puts the question right home, most direct and pointedly, to its opponent—For what is Daniel Webster most distinguished? No one will deny, that it is for his gigantick reasoning faculties—for his deep, logical, and original poAvers of thought and comprehension of first-principles, by which he is enabled to grasp tne most formidable subject, and pour forth such a torrent of mighty arguments as to confound and overwhelm his most daring adversaries. Go, then, and measure the caus. and compar. of Webster, and account for the astonishing coincidence be- tween their enormous size and the giant strength of his rati- ocinative powers, on any other than phrenological principles —if you can: if you cannot, you must admit that phrenolo- gy is TRUE. Many other developments of his head are striking, partie ularly his lang. and ideal.: and hence th« grandeur and BY FACTS. 291 the beauty with which he often clothes his burning and brilliant thoughts. In Henry Clay, the reasoning organs are large, but the perceptive and semi-perceptive are still larger : and, accord- ingly, in all his great efforts, Ave see a greater display of matter-of-fact, statistical, and business talent, than in Daniel Webster: and all this is most strikingly coincident Avith the difference of development in their respective heads; for, in Webster, the reflective faculties are larger than the percep- tive and semi-perceptive. Let phrenological skepticks ac- count for this perfect agreement between the developments, and the respective talents, of these two greatest orators and statesmen living, or give up their opposition. Calhoun.—In John C. Calhoun are united a very large head, an active temperament, and sharp organs. His fore- head (though partly covered and obscured by his hair) is unusually high, and in breadth, surpasses mediocrity. But the greatest peculiarity of his phrenology is, that all the in- tellectual faculties are very large; and the most striking point of difference between his reasoning organs and those of Webster is, that, in the latter, caus. is greater than corn- par. ; but, in the former, the reverse is true. Hence, it is a fair inference to attribute to Calhoun the greater powers of analysis and illustration; to Webster, the greater depth and profundity. Poindexter.—The Honerable George Poindexter has, not only a large head, but, except marvel, and conscien., a general fulness of the organs. The region in Avhich corn- par., caus., mirth., ideal, lang., individ., and event, are loca- ted, in strict accordance with the manifestation of his mental power, is developed in an extraordinary degree: and not much less so, the region appropriated to the feelings and the passions. Preston.—In the head of the Hon. W.C.Preston of S. C, the organ of lang. is uncommonly developed, and so are in- divid., form, size, event., local, and compar.; and these are accompanied with large ideal, and concent. Hence, his great command of words, facts, and events, his powers of analysis, his brilliant and well-sustained comparisons, his continuity and compactness of style and argument, and, in short, his finished, fiWing eloquence Whitney.—The head of Reuben M. Whitney is also very 292 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED large, and his temperament quite active, which give him great mental power. The development of the whole basilar re- gion, is enormous. His firm, and self-e. are seldom equal- ed, which, taken in connexion with his prodigiously strong propelling powers, give him very great energy and force of character. He can and will lead. His combat., destruct., aliment, and secret., acquis., amat, and hope, are all very large; his benev. is only full, conscien. small, and all the per- ceptive faculties, as well as compar., are very large. Such a development of the intellectual organs, is rare; yet, combi- ned as it is with a still stronger development of the selfish faculties, cannot fail to produce a very selfish, as Avell as a very talented, character. Senator Benton's head is very large, and in it the or- gans that give force of character are immense. Cass.—Gov. Cass' head manifests a very large develop- ment of both the intellectual and the moral faculties, and, moreover, the intellectual faculties are uniformly developed, giving him a well-balanced mind and a general talent Secretary Woodbury has also a large and well-balan- ced head. The written description of his character and talents which was given Avithout the narrator's having the least sus- picion of his name or station, was considered by his acquaint- ances as very accurate. In a daughter of his, the organ cf lang. was pointed out as developed in an extraordinary de gree, and the inference drawn, that she must be an " everlast- ing talker." The father afterwards remarked, that the hit was so striking as to have passed into a standing joke. Senator Clayton of Del, has a very large organ of (ang. As the hon. gentleman was one day making some unfa- vourable remarks upon the science of phrenology, the writer requested of him permission to make one observation. " With all my heart," Avas the courteous reply. " From a mere boy, sir, you have been one in ten thou sand for your talent to commit to memory," said the writer. " Upon my Avord, you are perfectly correct, for I could always repeat page after page merely by reading it two 01 three times over. But hoAvdid you discover it? " By the bumps, sir," Avas the reply. This so excited the curiosity of the gentleman, that he de sired the examiner to proceed with the description of his character, every subsequent point of which he acknoAvledg ed to be very striking and accurate. BY FACTS. 293 Tyler.—Governour Tyler of Va., furnishes another striking proof of the truth of phrenology. His head is large; his temperament extremely active; his intellectual organs throughout, are developed in an unusual degree, while his benev. is a predominant trait of character. Mirth. is also very large. His friends considered the description of his character given, as very correct. White.—The Hon. Judge White's head is very high, and well developed in the intellectual, as well as in the moral, re^ gion. The writer believes that his conscien. is large. Pettigru.—The Hon. Mr. Pettigru of S. C, was as- tonished beyond measure at the extraordinary accuracy of his description, and wondered how it was possible that all the nicer shades of character, and all the secret windings of his heart, could be thus distinctly and critically portrayed—that points of character which he had always considered as di- rectly at war with each other, could be pointed out and also reconciled. For example; he was pronounced to be very timid when obliged to remain passive, and very courageous and fearless Avhen his courage was roused. He remarked that when his servant was driving his carriage across a bad bridge, or over a rough place in the road, he had the fear of a woman; and yet, when on his way to Washington, but for the interference of his friends, he should have fought several duels on account of nullificati on. This was the result of very large cautious, with very large combat. Johnson.—The Hon. R. M. Johnson, Vice President, has a large head, and large benev., adhes., and approbat., from Avhich flow his unbounded hospitality, his friendship and affability, as well as his disposition to shoAV what he has done by relating his wonderful adventures. His caus., compar., and lang., are large or very large; and hence his abilities as displayed in his various reports. His marvel, is extreme- ly low. His self-esteem is only moderate, Avhich, combined with his large approbat., and very large domestick faculties, makes him pre-eminently social and affable. His acknowledged mental power is the result of a large brain. King.—The Hon. Mr. King, ex-governour of Me., who, if the writer has been correctly informed, was a member of the legislature of Mass. for forty years, and who, during that period, prepared more publick documents, and furnished more 294 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED statistical information, than any other man, frequently ex pressed his surprise, nay, his astonishment, at the revelations of phrenology, while undergoing an examination by the wri- ter: but Avhen his unrivalled talents for collecting facts-and statisticks, and going into minute details, and for analyzing, classifying, and arranging, (very large perceptive and semi- perceptive faculties and compar.,) were emphatically dwelt upon as the great and leading feature of his intellect, he arose from his seat, and reiterated the oft-repeated interroga- tory, " Do you not knaw Avho I am, sir, and the whole his- tory of my life?" And it was not until after the most posi- tive assurances to the contrary were made by the examiner, that he could be induced to believe that the phrenological disclosures of his character and talents, were the result of the application of scientifick principles, and not of previous knowledge. He then confessed that, although he had pre- viously disbelieved in phrenology, and scouted its pretensions to reveal character in its details and minutiae, yet the nice dis- criminations and shades of character which it had so accu- rately pointed out in his case, had produced a conviction in its favour, and excited his admiration and astonishment. Jones.—The examination of Walter Jones, Esq., one of the most distinguished pleaders in the Middle States, produ- ced an effect similar to that last stated. The written descrip- tion of his character was so graphick and accurate, that both he and his friends believed it must have been compiled from an intimate and critical knowledge of his life. Lang., com- par., mirth., and destruct., are the leading developments in this gentleman's head; and, in the written description allu- ded to, his extraordinary powers of ridicule, his discrimina- tion, poiht, and sarcasm, and his ability to make ludicrous comparisons, and to apply odious and severe epithets to the objects of his irony or displeasure, were dwelt upon with uncommon emphasis. Davis.—The Hon. Francis Granger prevailed upon Mr M. L. Davis, "the Spy in Washington," to submit to an exam- ination, during which, both parties, astonished at the remark- able hits, and the wonderfully accurate delineations of char acter and talents given, several times arrested the progress of the phrenologist to inquire whether he did not know the character of the gentleman examined; and they could scarce- ly be induced to believe his repeated and positive assevera- tions of entire ignorance of the man, except by his phrenolo- RY FACTS. 295 gical developments. The written description of Mr. D. s character, produced a similar effect upon the minds of several gentlemen Avho afterwards read it.—For the correctness of the statement here made, the writer takes pleasure in refer- ring his readers to Dr. Gibson of Washington, a gentle- man Avho was for some time one of the editors of the Tele- graph. , Gibson.—Dr. Gibson's own head furnishes, at least, onede- monstrative proof of the truth of phrenology. His head is large, and his temperament, one of the most favourable. Among his phrenological organs, caus., compar., benev., con- scien., mirth., combat, and destruct., are the most promi- nently developed. As a reasoner, he has but few equals; and his very large conscien., Avhich takes the lead, not only makes him a perfectly honest man, but, combined with his other organs, enables him to reason most clearly and power- fully upon all subjects Avhich involve the abstract principles of right and wrong. He likewise exhibits an almost Her- culean power in hurling rebuke and censure at those Avho violate moral principle, Avhilst his ridicule and sarcasm are Avithering: and yet his very small marvel, and small ven make him indifferent to religious forms and creeds. But the children of Dr. G. furnish phrenological science with proofs of its accuracy more numerous than those drawn from the character of the parent. Of his two sons one pos- sesses extraordinary imitat., construct., form., and all the fac- ulties necessary for a first-rate portrait painter: and the genius he displays in the pursuit of the fine arts, is almost unequalled. But his imitat. overtops all his other organs; and, in mimickry, and a talent for theatrical representations, he is considered almost a prodigy. Previous to the examin- ation of the lad, some of his friends who knew him well, drew up a list of about twenty questions, with answers, em- bracing nearly all of his peculiarities of character and talents, whieh questions they propounded to the examiner, and, lr. every instance except two, his answers agreed with theirs; and, in one of these discrepant points, they afterwards admit- ted that the phrenologist Avas correct, whilst, in regard to the other, there Avas some doubt. The developments, as Avell as the character, of the other son, though widely different, are scarcely less extraordinary. His very large reflective faculties, taken in connexion with his very active and nervous temperament, perfectly harmon- 296 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED ize with his uncommon ability to comprehend first principle^ to reason, and criticise. The little daughter of Dr. G. possesses a most astonishing development of order, so great, indeed, as to exhibit almost a deformity. In accordance with the development, her fathei stated to the writer, that before she was one year old, her love of arrangement and neatness, and her discomfiture at disar- rangement, were so conspicuously and unequivocally mani- fested as to astonish all who witnessed them. The develop- ment of order, and, Avith it, the corresponding faculty, are almost equally prominent in the grandmother of the child, but, extraordinary as it may seem, not in the mother, it having passed by one generation. Greene.—Gen. Duff Greene furnishes another illustra tion of the truth of phrenology. Hope, benev., adhes., and compar., are his leading organs: the first Avould impart to him that enterprising and bold speculating spirit which has characterized his Avhole life; the next two are the cause of his strong attachments and liberality, not to say, prodigality, Avhich have manifested themselves in his giving away thou- sands to his friends; and the last, aided by combat, and de- struct, furnishes him Avith those severe and biting compari- sons with which his style abounds. His mirth., caus., indi- vid., and event., are also very large, his self-e. large, and secret, small. The examination of his head Avas made by the Avriter without any previous knowledge of the man. In Washington the Avriter examined the head of a Mr. R., m which he found no organ of conscien. He accordingly said to him, "You have no conscientious scruples or com punctions:" to which he replied, "that is a fact: my con' science never troubles me:" (see conscien. small and very small, p. 133.) Another individual, examined in Phila., and in Avhose head there Avas little or no development of consci- en., remarked in Avriting, that " he had often done things for which he felt sorry, because they had injured the feelings of others, (benev,,) or because he considered them beneath him, (self-e.,) or because his reason told him better; yet, his con- science never condemned him for such acts." Another gen- tleman in Avhom conscien. was described as very small, re- plied, that "though he had done many wicked deeds, yet he ahvays Avent to sleep Avith a quiet conscience, and did not know what the feeling of guilt Avas." Another (in NeAV York) in whom conscien. Avas described as deficient, remark- BY FACTS. 297 ed, that " he had never done wrong in his life:"—the very phenomena attributed to conscien. small and very small, on p. 133. The authors have witnessed thousands of simi ar cases. The following characteristical scene occurred at the office of O. S. Fowler in Washington. A man was examined (whose name Ave suppress) and described as having very low conscien., marvel, and ven., but exceedingly strong passions, especially that of combat; as highly talented, but nearly destitute of all moral feeling except that of benev.; as skep- tical, haughty, and self-conceited, (self-e. very large without the moral faculties,) and prone to infidelity, gambling, &c. When the examination was closed, he arose, and, Avith a most important air, replied, "Sir, your phrenology must noAv come down. You have described me as an infidel, a gam- bler, and every thing that is base; but, sir, I wish you to knoAV, that I am a preacher of the Gospel of Jesus Christ /" " Be that as it may," was the reply, " I have gone according to the ' bumps;' and if phrenology cannot support itself in that Avay, let it fall." He took his seat to hear the examination of others; and presently there entered the office a professed gambler, who recognised in our boasted clergyman, an old crony and for- mer associate black-leg. They soon began to chat about " old times," and recount, Avith much enthusiasm, their former exploits at cock-fighting, horse-racing, gambling, dissipation, debauchery, and the like. Our clerical hero at length ask- ed the phrenologist, " what for a lawyer he would make?" " Excellent, if you only had a little more conscience," was the reply. " I have for some time been studying law," said he, " and think I shall prefer pleading to preaching." He was afterwards admitted to the bar. On relating the foregoing circumstance to a lady of the Methodist persuasion, she said that "this man was a preacher in their connexion, but A^ery unpopular, because he never seemed to feel what he said, (intellect Avithout the moral sen- timents,) and because he Avas an arrogant, overbearing sort of a man, who wanted a great deal of attention," &c. By an- other citizen of Washington, he Avas recognised as a former resident there, who Avas distinguished as a Avild, rakish, dis- sipated, gambling youth. A gentleman Avas examined by the Avriter at his office in Washington, and described as possessing two classes of fac- ia* 298 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED ulties in an extraordinary degree, viz., those which create a talent and a fondness for the study of divinity, and also those which give a passion and an ability successfully to prosecute the natural sciences, particularly geology. All his moral organs were large or very large, and his perceptive facul- ties, especially form and local, were very large. Surprised and astonished at the disclosure and description given, he arose from his seat, and asked if the writer knew him. When fully assured that he did not, he admitted, that, since phrenol- ogy had not only distinctly pointed out the great outlines and leading features of his character and talents, but had, likeAvise, delineated the nicer shades, and even minute fea- tures, of his character, and that, too, with an accuracy which his most intimate acquaintances could not have done, the sci- ence must be true.—The gentleman was a clergyman, and, as the writer aftenvards learned, Avas then employed by go- vernment as a geologist, in Avhich capacity he had made several tours and surveys, particularly in the West Brown.-But no evidence of the truth of phrenology, is more conclusive than that furnished by the phrenological develop- ments, taken in connexion Avith the character, of Mr. Wm. H. Brown, known in many parts of the union as a full-length profile cutter. This gentleman entered the office of the wri- ter in Washington, and inquired for a room to let, and Avhen asked for what purpose, replied, " as you are a phrenologist, sir, perhaps you can tell." He Avas found to possess the largest perceptive faculties, considered as a whole, that the Avriter had ever seen. His form, size, ind local, are abso- lutely astonishing; and, accordingly, he never forgot the looks of a face or of a place. As an instance; Avhen it Avas remarked that he always retained in his mind a distinct im- pression of the appearance of any place, and the location of any object, he had ever seen, he immediately gave a minute description of the houses, corners, pumps, &c. in Market and Pearl streets, in the city of Albany, although he had passed up Market street to Pearl only once, and back to the Avharf by another street. By afterwards occupying the same office with Mr. B., the writer had an opportunity frequently to observe the manifest- ation of his extraordinary poAvers. His head is very large; and in it, besides the organs already mentioned, are devel- oped very large construct, imitat, and compar. This or- ganization Avould give him unrivalled dexterity and skill in BY FACTS. 299 the use of tools, in drawing, &c. At the funeral of a senator, he saAv Martin Van Buren; and several days after, from memory alone, he cut a full-length miniature likeness of him from black paper, Avhich, when pasted upon a Avhite card, represented the original to the very life; so much so, indeed, that every person Avho entered the office, and who had pre- viously seen Mr. V. B., recognised it immediately: and hun- dreds of copies of it Avere soon sold. When gentlemen call- ed upon Mr. B. for the profiles of their friends, or servants for those of their masters, they were invariably directed to select them from a large pack, and they were never at a loss in deciding upon the right pictures. With such facility and despatch was'the artist enabled to produce these likenesses, that he could cut and finish from seventy-five to one hundred in a day. While in Boston, Mr. B. was taken to the Exchange, where six individuals were pointed out to him in succession. Several hours afterwards, he was requested to cut their pro- files promiscuously, they not being present; and to the as- tonishment and admiration of all present, so successfully and accurately did he perform the task, that all who knew the originals, Avere enabled immediately to recognise the like- ness of each as it Avas produced. During an absence of two years from B., a gentleman whose profile he had cut, had deceased, and no copy of his picture could be found. Anxious to retain, if possible, so striking a token of remembrance of him, the friends of the deceased applied to Mr. B. to cut a new one from memory : and so perfectly did he reproduce the likeness, that they were no less gratified than astonished at the masterly poAver of the artist. Astonishing, however, as these talents in Mr. B. may ap- pear, they Avere, nevertheless, all distinctly pointed out by the Avriter at his first intervieAv with him: to Avhich fact Mr. B. himself, Avho Avas then a disbeliever in phrenology, as well as several others Avho Avere present, Avill at any time testify. He then described Mr. B., for example, as able, for almost any length of time, to retain in his mind a distinct and per- fectly accurate impression of the looks of persons, machines, &c Avhich he had once seen, and, at pleasure, to transfer their appearance to paper; and declared that, in drawing, profile cutting, &c, he had no equal. Dr. Spurzheim saw Mr. B. in Boston, and, at one of his publick lectures, gave a Bpecifick and correct description of these same powers of his 300 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED mind. Mr. B. states, that all phrenologists who understand the science, concur in attributing to him the same qualities and talents. The editor of the U. S. Telegraph, made the folio Aving remarks upon the talents and genius of this prodigy in art' "Such is the correctness of his ideas of form and size, and such the accuracy of his touch, (weight,) that by casting hia eyes upon an individual for a feAv minutes, he can transfer to paper, and cut out with scissors, the profile, and the whole contour of the person, Avith such exactness, that no acquaint- ance of the person can fail to distinguish it. The accuracy of his likenesses, and the facility Avith Avhich they are produ- ced, are truly astonishing. We have seen profiles thus ta- ken of General Jackson, Judge Marshall, and others, which are so striking, that any one who has ever seen them, can be at no loss to name the person designed to be repre- sented." " But the connexion of Mr. Brown's extraordinary taleni with the science of phrenology, is its most interesting feature. The phrenological developments of Mr. B. are such as indi- cate the very faculties Avhich he possesses, and that in an ex- traordinary degree. We doubt whether there is a head in the United States, or even in the civilized world, in which there is such a development of the so-called phrenological organs of form, size, imitation, and constructivene&s." " To such an extent does Mr. BroAvn possess this most extraordi- nary poAver of recollecting forms and faces, and of delinea- ting them, that, by looking tAvo or three minutes at an indi- vidual, or at several in succession, he can, hours afterwards, transfer them to paper Avith his scissors, nearly as accurately as though the persons Avere before him."—Scores of equally flattering neAVspaper notices might easily be added. Booth.—The coincidence between the phrenological de- velopments and the character and talents of J. B. Booth, the celebrated tragick actor, is singularly striking. His head is large, and his temperament very, active. His combat., destruct, self-e., compar., caus., and ideal, are all very laTge, and his imitat. larger than is often found. His lang. is large, which enables him to commit to memory, and command words, Avith great ease. It is by the combined influence of these faculties that he is enabled so admirably to personate the ambition, the haughtiness, the insolence, and the brutali- ty and malice of Richard the Third; but his secret, is mo BY FACTS. 30? derate; and this is the cause of Yds failure (according to the testimony of some of the criticks) to do full justice to the craft, cunning, and deep duplicity of his favourite hero. The combination given likewise explains to us the reason why Mr. B. is greater in raising the tempest of passion and violence than in directing the storm. His very large ideal, joined with very large reflective faculties, gives him that sublimity of conception and grandeur of personation that mark his acting; Avhile his very large mirth., combined with his combat, and destruct, enable him to represent the se- vere and sarcastick. All his domestick faculties are strong- ly marked. He produced his eldest son, and, though not only a skep- tickin phrenology, but greatly prejudiced against it, acknowl- edged the entire change wrought in his opinions by the ex- amination, and added, that he doubted whether his own de- scription of his son could have been more characteristick and accurate. Mr. Weymes, the owner of the American theatre at W., and of the Walnut-st. theatre in Phila., who Avas examined while the Avriter was wholly unacquainted with his occupation and character, was described as possessing an extraordinary ta- lent for committing to memory; (very large lang.;) in con- firmation of Avhich, he stated that he had learned, verbatim, fifteen hundred lines of blank verse (if the writer's memory serves him) in six hours. To detail all the marked and striking obsen'ations in proof and illustration of phrenology, made by the Avriter even while in Washington, Avould doubtless be more tedious than interesting. He will therefore close this list of cases Avith the single remark, that he found the heads of individuals generally in that city, and especiul.y of all who are distin guished in the. national councils, to be considerably above the common standard in size and in striking developments. Among the many scores of striking examples which he found in Alexandria, D. C, the Avriter will mention but one which he selects merely on account of its occurring at a pub- lick examination, and in reference to a notorious character. The name is forgotten, but there are hundreds in the city of A. who can attest to the fact here stated. The first thing mentioned, Avas a trait produced by very large combat, de- struct, firm., and self-e., unrestrained by conscien. or secret., namely, his violent and ungovernable temper. In this par- S02 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED ticular, the man Avas represented as dangerous ; especially as an enemy, yet, as disposed to take vengeance above board. In accordance Avith this, it was stated, that, in open day, he had shot two individuals; and that Avhen his anger was rais- ed, he was emphatically a chafed tiger. Not possessing any acquis., and having very large amat., ideal, self-e., ali- ment., and other organs indicative of prodigality, he Avas described as a spendthrift; and accordingly he had squan- dered tAVO large fortunes mainly in selfish gratifications. As in hundreds of other cases, the charges of " collusion," and " a previous knoAvledge of his character," Avere resort- ed to in order to explain away the astonishing coincidence between his real character and this publick phrenological description of it. Orr.—At a public examination in Georgetown, D. C, and when the writer was blindfolded, a Mr. Orr, who is im- porter in the U. S. Senate, and, Avithal, known to the literary Avorld as a gentleman of great learning and extraordinary intellectual powers, was brought forward as a fit subject to test phrenology. He was described as possessing extraordi- nary perceptive and reflective powers, united with very large concent., large combat., and unusual energy and decision of character. But his wonderful calculating and astronomical poAvers Avere dwelt upon as forming one of the strongest traits of his character. In accordance Avith this description, he is considered one of the best astronomers and mathe- maticians of the age, and, moreover, as possessing a clear and powerful intellect, and a mind well stored with a rich fund of thought and learning, and all backed up with strong and energetick feelings. The manner in which he literally uses up his opponents, is ample demonstration of the presence of very poAverful combat., compar., caus., concent, &c. He Avas also described as a very sarcastick and severe writer; which Avas said to be characteristick of him. The description of character agreed perfectly Avith ono previously given of the same gentleman by the writer, for the correctness of which he refers to the good people of Georgetown Avho heard it, and, also, for several other equally striking proofs of the truth of practical phrenology. At the close of a course of lectures delivered in that place, during which a large number of Avell-knoAvn characters was publick- iy examined, a resolution was introduced by Mr. Orr, and carried, nem. con., the purport of which was, that, the eviden- BY FACTS. S03 ces of the truth of practical phrenology presented in the lec- tures, Avere highly satisfactory and conclusive. Green.—During the summer of 1835, in addition to the foregoing, many striking facts occurred, illustrative of the proof of phrenology, whilst the writer, O. S. Fowler, was located in Baltimore. One of the most singular, was the examination, at his office, of Dr. John C. Green, of Union, Loudon Co., Va., a gentleman of very unique and very strong traits of character, who has, of late, become very celebrated in his profession, particularly on account of his most extra- ordinary and unequalled skill in curing chronick liver com- plaVhts* The Doctor's head is large, and very uneven, (p. 54,) indicative of uncommon mental power, and great singu- larity of character: his temperament is active. His com- bat., destruct., self-e., conscien., firm., cautious., and compar., are large, his benev., caus., and hope, very large, his ven. and perceptive faculties only full, and marvel, secret., and acquis., very small. Accordingly, he was described as a bold, original thinker, Avho was capable of making new and important discoveries; as highminded, independent, and hon- ourable to the fullest extent, but, at the same time, incredu- lous, and imprudent and indiscreet in Avhat he says; as pos- sessed of kind feelings and liberality in excess, and utterly incapable of taking care of property; and, in addition to this, many minute points and shades of character Avere stated; and so graphick and strikingly correct Avas the description, that the examiner Avas interrupted by the Doctor, Avho, aston- ished beyond measure at the portraiture of character draAvn, demanded Avhether the phrenologist did not knoAV him. Be- ing assured to the contrary, with increased earnestness, he reiterated the inquiry, " Do you not knoio me, sir ?" And after being reassured that he did not, he asked if the exam- iner Avould be qualified to that effect. Being most solemnly assured that he would, and the statement of the phrenologist ' It was asserted by the Doctor, and attested by several of his Va. acquaintan- ces of unquestionable veracity, that, since he had made the discovery of a suitar.e remedy, he had cured all the patients thus afflicted who had followed his ad\«»e and prescription ; and that the number then (in 1835) amounted to several hun- dreds ; and, moreover, that many of them were cases of the most desperate ana hopeless kind. One of the patients who, after having been afflicted with the liver complaint for eight or ten years, has experienced a perfect cure by following out the prescription of Dr. G., is S. Kirkham, co-author in the present work, who takes ereat pleasure in thus making known the merits of this extraordinary man, and in recommending all who are afflicted with this terrible disease, if possible, to av«d Ihem&elves of his wonderful skilL S04 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED Dnthis point, being corroborated by the Doctor's Va. friends who had prevailed on him to submit to the examination, and who were little less astonished than himself at the wonder- ful accuracy of the description given, the Doctor yielded the point, and at last acknowledged that the disclosure of his character and talents must have been made by the applica- tion of the principles of a science which he had hitherto rid- iculed as foolish and absurd. In confirmation of this state- ment, the folloAving testimonial is presented: " I hereby certify that Mr. O. S. Fowler, a phrenologist, has this day, solely by the application of phrenological prin- ciples, character and mental operations more correctly than could have been done by my most intimate friends. I might even add, that he has told me all, and that my own astonishment and that of my friends at the minute- ness and the accuracy of his description, are very great. Baltimore, June 3, 1835. JOHN C. GREEN." The Avriter saAv a journeyman printer in the office of John W. Woods, in Baltimore, who was partially deranged. His ideal, Avas very large; and he was almost constantly either repeating passages from orations, &c, accompanied with much gesticulation, or delivering extempore speeches. Still, in the execution of his Avork, he showed no signs of mental aberration. Farther particulars may be learned of Mr. W. A lad about three years old, named Franklin Gibson, Avhose parents reside about three miles from the city, was examined and found to possess a most astonishing devel- opment of tune, and also of imitat. and time. When this development was pointed out, his brother stated, that " he could turn a tune before he could talk, or was a year old; learned to play upon the piano-forte Avithout any instruction; a fortnight after hearing a tune sung but once, could sing it from memory; could play the air of a tune upon the piano, and, at the same time, compose and sing a bass without making a discord; and had not only never been known to make a discord himself, but evinced extreme sensitiveness Avhen he heard others make one." Query 1. Is this extraordinary manifestation, the result of intuitive talent, or of education ? 2. Is it caused by an extraor- dinary activity and poAver of a particular faculty of the mind, or is this phenomenon, which vastly excels all his other mental manifestations, and also that of one child in a BY FACTS. 305 million, the product of that same mental poAver by Avhich is manifested all his other mental operations 1 Let anti-phre- nologists, and all Avho deny the plurality of the mental facul- ties, answer. The folloAving is the testimony of the Rev. Benjamin Kurtz, editor of the Lutheran Observer, in reference to the exami- nation of his two sons, as given editorially in his OAvn paper. " Phrenology Tested.—We this morning Avitnessed a practical exhibition of the principles of phrenology, which was exceedingly interesting, and, in our view, furnished very strong evidence in favour of its claims to publick con- fidence. Mr. Fowler is at present engaged in delivering a course of lectures on this subject at the corner of Baltimore and Gay streets. His last lecture was attended among oth- ers by the editor of this paper, Avho, it may not be amiss to observe, has always been decidedly opposed to phrenology. After the lecture, we Avere introduced to Mr. FoAvler, and a controversy immediately ensued, at the close of which we took the liberty to remark, that we had tAvo sons, one 15 and the other 13 years of age;—that if Mr. F. thought proper to examine their heads, and could give a correct description of their intellectual and moral character, we Avould yield to all moderate pretensions of phrenologists; but nothing short ol facts, plain, positive facts, could convince us. Mr. F. as- sented to this proposal, and was perfectly willing, so far as he Avas concerned, that the science should stand or fall by this test. Accordingly, this morning, accompanied by a feAv respectable and literary gentlemen of this city, Ave con- ducted our sons to Mr. F's room; having previously pre- pared a written description of the mental qualities, disposi- tions, &c, of the lads, with a view to compare it with what Mr. F. should remark concerning them. Mr. F. had never before seen the boys, but immediately commenced examining their heads and describing their characteristick traits minutely, fully, and unequivocally. When his delineation was finished, t was compared with that previously written for the occa- ion, and, strange as it may appear, there was a most striking and astonishing coincidence, with but one single item of dis- crepance. Although we had heretofore not only been a skeptick, but had often ridiculed the pretensions of phrenol- ogy, we were staggered and astounded; our surprise was beyond measure, and we hesitate not to declare, that we are now convinced that there is indeed a most momentous real 806 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED ity in the matter; and, contrary to our inclination, and in opposition to our deep-rooted and cherished prepossessions, Ave are constrained to admit that phrenology is indeed a sci- ence, based upon sound and irrefragable principles, and Avell worthy the attention of all, and especially of teachers, min- isters, and others concerned in educating and meliorating the condition of men. This, we believe, is also the opinion of all the gentlemen who attended to witness the interesting scene. After the lads had been pronounced upon, Ave our selves and our friend, Mr.-----, sat doAvn and were examin ed; and it is conceded on all hands, that Mr. F. Avas not less successful in our cases than in relation to the boys. The Avhole company departed highly gratified, and immensely astonished at the disclosures made by phrenology. Nothing but facts, stubborn and irrefutable facts, could have produced the conviction and amazement Avhich evidently possessed the minds of those present. " Mr. F. manifestly understands his favourite science, and is, withal, an agreeable and interesting lecturer. We now verily believe, that great injustice has been done to this de- partment of useful study, and to those who, in spite of the taunts and jests of opponents, are zealously pursuing it. Phrenology is destined to rise and become extensively useful; and as truth is mighty, and will ultimately prevail, so this branch of learning must eventually triumph over every ob- stacle, and maintain a high rank in the circle of science. " We write this unsolicited by Mr. F., or any body else, and regard all that we have stated as a very feeble testimony to the claims of phrenology, as well as to the merits of Mr. Fowler, the lecturer." The following is a description of a publick test of the truth of practical phrenology, which was written for the Baltimore Chronicle, and can be attested to by a very large audience of the citizens of Baltimore. " For the Baltimore Chronicle. " Mr. Barnes.—The science of phrenology, as promul gated in our city by Mr. Fowler, has met with not a little opposition and ridicule. To satisfy the incredulous, therefore, of its truth, as well as more firmly to establish the faith of new converts, Mr. F. proposed publickly to meet his oppo- nents, and to put the science to the most rigid and scrutm- BY FACTS. 307 izing test; and, with that intent, appointed a meeting in the Lecture-Room of the Baltimore Lyceum. " His first test Avas, to examine before the audience, (which was very large,) the phrenological developments of two twin brothers, and to give their characters. The twins are chil- dren aged 5 or 6, whose education and training have been alike, but whose dispositions and talents widely differ—the sons of Dr. Beare, a highly respectable professional gentle- man of our city. It being known by the testimony of their respectable parent, that Mr. F. had never seen either of the boys, nor heard one word about their respective characters, only that they differed, their presentation before the audience produced not a little anxiety and excitement, enough, at least, to evince the intense interest taken in the examination by the respective partisans who had previously declared for, or against, phrenology. With a boldness and an intrepidity which nothing but the highest confidence in his abilities, di- rected by true principles, could inspire, Mr. F. proceeded with the examination, describing, as he went along, in strong, plain, and unequivocal terms, not only their most prominent points of character, such as their respective dispositions, including their passions, tempers, propensities, and the like, and, also, their respective talents and abilities, but he went even into detail, and minutely described many of the nice shades of difference in their habitudes and«modes of thinking. " As soon as Mr. F. closed his examination, the father of the children read to the audience a minute descrintion of the character of each of the boys, as he had previously written it out; and by comparing his description with that given by Mr. F., it appeared that the two differed, on all the numerous points of character described, only in one slight particular, viz. Mr. F. had attributed to one, more generosity than the parent supposed him to possess.* The victory of Mr. F. Avas complete, as was strongly evinced by the long and loud ap- plauses of the audience—to the no small confusion and dis- comfiture of the obstinately skeptical, and to the high grati- fication of the non-committal or fence-men, many of whom jumped down on the phrenological side. "But this victory was but a prelude to those more tri- • The mother, on learning my decision, remarked that I was right; and saia that the lad had more benevolence than the father gave him credit for. I had thu from the father himself. O- S. FOWLER. 308 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED umphant ones that Avere to follow. Mr. F. proceeded to exam- ine the heads of many who presented themselves for the purpose, and to describe and hit off their characters Avith astonishing accuracy. It wras soon proposed, however, that he should examine some present who had been previously examined by him, and Avho had Mr. F's charts of their char- acter in their pockets, in order to compare the former des- criptions of character with those that should then be given. " Mr. F. declined not this most scrutinizing test, and proceed- ed with the examination of tAvo gentlemen, numbering their several organs in a scale from 1 to 20 ; and as each number was pronounced, the corresponding one on the chart Avas also pronounced by a gentleman appointed for the purpose; and the result was, that in thus rapidly naming off the rela- tive size of some 50 or 60 organs, more than one-half agreed exactly AA'ith those previously Avritten down on the two charts; and among the Avhole, only one number differed,materially* " It Avas then proposed that Mr. F. should cover his eyes, and then examine; and, although it deprived him of the im- portant assistance (to which, too, he had always been accus- tomed) of sight, in connexion Avith touch, Mr. F. faltered not, but boldly proceeded to gratify the audience in any man- ner, Avhether reasonable or unreasonable, that they might choose; and, to the utter astonishment of all, a number of characters thus rapidly hit off, leaped out from the mint so strongly and elegantly stamped, that all their acquaintances Avould have knoAvn them at the first glance, even had they, like the phrenologist, been blindfolded. It seemed more like magick than any thing else. " ToAvards the close of the examination, several very divert- ing cases occurred. One gentleman Avas accused by Mr. F. of possessing great energy of character and moral courage, which qualities called into requisition, in no small degree, his combativeness. The gentleman arose, and declared to the audience, that Mr. F. had sketched his character very accurately, except in this particular ; but, as for combative ness, he had it not: and to prove that he was right, he went on Avith so energetick and combative a speech, as soon to con- vince all present, that he, and not Mr. F., had mistaken his In a similar test at Mr. Fowler's office, the writer of this rotlce saw Mr. F. mark a second! chart for a gentleman, on which 34 of the 35 numbers agreed ex. aetty with tho first chart, and the other number differed but slightly. BY FACT*, 309 own character This ludicrous and happy circumstance, elicited tremendous applause for the phrenologist. Another gentleman examined, seemed to insinuate to the audience, that he possessed not the mechanical ingenuity at- tributed to him by Mr. F. By after confessions, however, it appeared, that the tinkering propensity of the gentleman, (though not a mechanick by profession,) has caused him to amass a great variety of tools, and that he has been guilty of indulging hismechanical ingenuity with considerable success, in drawing—which comes under Mr. F.'s description of con- structiveness. " But the most satisfactory case of all, Avas yet to come. Mr. F. had frequently desired some one to come fonvard whose character was very prominent, or Avell-knovim to the audience for some striking and peculiar qualities; and was noAV requested to blindfold himself again, Avith the expecta- tion of being gratified in this particular. Accordingly, a gentleman, (Captain Bossier,) Avas prevailed upon to submit to examination, Avho is more distinguished for certain bold and strong characteristicks, than any other in our city. The phrenologist AA'as completely successful. He gave the char- acter in bold and graphick style, and Avith an accuracy that could scarcely have been equalled by any one of his numer- ous acquaintances present. The conviction of skill and truth on the part of the phrenologist, Avent home so poAver- fully to the minds of the audience, that their applauses sev- eral times interrupted the examination. "But there was, at least, one skeptick Avho yet remained in- corrigible ; and this Avas a man, Avho, the AA-riter is informed, is notorious for his over-weening fondness for ' the root of all evil' This worshipper of Midas could not be persuaded but that Mr. F. had previous knoAvledge of the head just examined, and therefore desired his oavo to be brought in contact with the magical touchstone. But no sooner did the inspired fingers of Mr. F. play upon the golden bumps of our money-loving hero, than his acquisitive character burst forth before the audience in so strong*relief, as utterly to shock the incredulity of its owner, who soon begged for ♦ quarters,' and was let off—to the great diversion of all present. AUDITOR." From Mr. Candler of Ba timore, a strong opponent to phrenology, the writer had the folloAving statement. While the character of Wm. Gwynn Jones, who is noAV in the Pen« 910 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED tentiary in B., for purloining money from the Post-office in that city, but who was, at the time the observation was made, a member of a Christian church, and co-editor of a daily paper in the city, had the confidence of the publick, and had been promoted to several important stations of trust, a phrenologist said to him, " Mr. Jones, if I did not know you to be an honest and an honourable man, I should think you a rogue, for you have no organ of conscien., and love money well enough to take what does not belong to you"— Though this remark passed unnoticed at the time, yet, a few weeks after, when he was found guilty of stealing, forgery, and lying, the remark of the phrenologist was recollected and turned to the account of phrenology. While the writer was on board a James-River steamboat bound for Richmond, Va., something being said of phrenol- ogy, Mr. Pegram of Richmond, desired him to examine the head of a new acquaintance of his on board. The first re- mark Avas, " he has no conscience, not a particle;" the next, " he is secret, mysterious, and artful, and has great practical talent." To Mr. P. he represented himself as a wealthy plant- er from the South ; pretended that his trunk and money had been stolen from him, &c. Accordingly, on arriving at R., Mr. P. ordered for him a suit of clothes, introduced him to some of his friends, from whom he received presents, and advanced him $1300, in cash, for Avhich he received a check of the gentleman on a Washington Bank; and, finally, Mr. P. gave him $70, with which to pay for his clothes on taking them from the tailor's. This money the rogue pock- eted, and taking the clothes Avithout paying for them, disap- peared. The check Avas not cashed, of course; and a sub- sequent inquiry proved, that the southern planter was a con- summate villain, a gambler, and a thief—without "any con- science." At the time of the examination, Mr. P. was too thick Avith his new friend, and too skeptical on the subject of phrenology to regard these forewarnings. In the town of P., Va., L. N. Fowler examined the head of a young lady T#jho had extraordinary approbat, self-e., and firm., very large amat, adhes., combat, destruct., secret, acquis., and cautious., large conscien., benev., and intellectual faculties, and an active temperament. She Avas both vain and proud in the extreme, and absolutely stubborn; was secret, sly, and deceptive in a high degree; *ould steal, and when asked why she stole; replied, '• hecuAse I can't help it," BY FACTS, 311 Though by the influence of conscien. and intellect, she ac- knoAvledged her fault, and strove against them, yet she Avould still steal, would falsify, and then plead guilty. She had a most violent temper, and with all her raging passions, display- ed unusual intellect. In Portsmouth, Va., the writer saAv a lad about 14 years old, in whom acquis, is immensely large, so much so as to project beyond the other organs, secret, large, conscien. small, the upper portion of the forehead Ioav, narrow, and retiring, and cautious, extremely large. His entrance to this pleasant village, Avas greeted by this hopeful youth in the character of an importunate beggar, with the pretence that nis sick mother was in a starving condition, and wanted a little money to get her some bread. He begged long and most earnestly, setting up several pleas, all of Avhich proved to be utterly false; and when a piece of money Avas finally tendered, he seized it with the utmost avidity, clapped it to his mouth in ecstasy, and immediately reneAved his request for more, accompanied Avith other pretences. A second and a third piece of money AArere received with equal transports of delight, and his suit for more, still reneAved. In his hat were to be seen old nails, bits of paper, and an abundance of shells, &c, which his acquis, had hoarded up. Every day at low tide he might be seen Avadmg through the mud knee deep, and at high tide, again at his begging in the manner just described; and Avhen he could make money by it, he shoAved himself quite an adept at lying. Of course, the main interest of this case, turns upon the fact, that the traits of character displayed by the lad, perfectly correspond with his phrenological developments. The writer's publick examinations in P., seemed very much to astonish the citizens on account of their accuracy, and to convince them of the truth of phrenology. After the first lecture, one gentleman, in behalf of several, came to ask if the examiner did not know Capt. Jarvis, the gentleman examined, and Avhen answered in the negative, replied, "then, sir, I am perfectly satisfied of the truth of phrenology." An elderly lady in P., was described as possessing, among other things, extraordinary imitative power, which manifest- ed itself not only in draAving, needlework, &c, but even in mimickry. Her brother remarked, that he could not have delineated her character Avith greater accuracy, except that he had never seen the least signs of her talent for mimickry, 312 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED Soon, however, it was proved, that, in early life, she was unsurpassed among her acquaintances, for her talent at •' taking off" the peculiarities of individuals, and for relating anecdotes and stories. Baker.—The Hon. Judge Baker, who is distinguished in that part of the country for his profound knowledge of law, his ability to collect, analyze, and clearly present, facts and arguments, for his discrimination and practical talent, as Avell as for his highmindedness, weight of character, un- bending integrity, and the nobler traits of human nature, possesses a high head, large self-e., firm., ven., and conscien.; very large benev., compar., event, individ., and local, and large caus., form, size, order, and lang.—the very organs indicative of these characteristicks. The folloAving remarks were made by one of the editors of a Norfolk paper, but with an especial reference to an ex- amination of his son. " In our presence, Mr. FoAvler has examined the heads of several individuals Avith the bent of whose dispositions we were somewhat familiar, and we must confess our surprise at the accuracy, as Avell as the facility, of his delineations of their characters, Avith which it was impossible for him to have made an acquaintance through any other medium than his skill in phrenology." In-------L. N. FoAvler examined the head of a female Avho was considered deranged on the subject of religion, and A\'ho AA'asa religious melancholick and despondent. The organs of cautious, and conscien. were developed in an extraordinary degree, and so sensitive to the touch, that she complained bitterly of the pain caused by the application of the hand to either of these portions of the head. Ven. ivas also very large, and hope and self-e. small. At a lecture in Petersburgh, Va.,the instructer of the school taught in the lecture-room, proposed a pupil for examination, Avho Avas described as possessing extraordinary construct., im- itat., form, ideal, and colour, and, consequently, as unsurpass ed in his talent to draw, paint, and use tools Avith dexterity, and, also, to mimick. So extraordinary Avere these developments, that the teacher Avas appealed to for the correctness of the description ; and he replied, that he had seen no manifestation of such talents, but thought that phrenology was at fault with respect to them; but when the appeal was made to the schoolmates of the boy, there were a dozen voices in con- BY fACTS. 313 firmation of what had been stated, each one telling Avhat the lad had made, or drawn, or painted, and all agreeing that his mimickry of the peculiarities and oddities of others, con- stituted one of their principal diversions. Among other proofs, a painting of Minerva executed by him, was cited as a remarkable specimen of juvenile talent. Cherry.—Among the many exemplifications of phre- nology, none are more Avorthy of notice than the head of Mr. Cherry. It is very large, and in it, caus. and compar. are prodigiously great; the perceptive faculties only moder- ate, concent, firm., self-e., hope, cautious., consci. benev., ideal, and mirth., either large or very large, ven. small, and marvel, very small. The writer saAv, and the world will doubtless one day see, evidences of a deep, philosophical, and original genius in his inventions, as prodigious, indeed, as are his organs of caus. and compar. His large concent. obliges him, whenever he becomes interested in any particu- lar subject or thing, to dwell upon it until it is completed, and frequently prevents him from attending to lessons of in- terest and instruction, because he cannot draw off his mind from subjects that have previously taken possession of his thoughts. The writer, in company Avith several distinguished citi- zens of Williamsburgh, Va., visited the Lunatick Asylum in that place, Avhere the first subject presented, possessed ex- traordinary amat, very large adhes., firm., concent., benev., and lang., and small acquis, and secret Disappointed love was the principal cause of his derangement; and, in accord- ance Avith his small secret, and very large benev. and lang., he was constantly talking about his amours, his sweethearts, &c. He Avas generally kind in a very high degree, but, when his firm, was excited, he was obstinate and even mulish. The gentleman's name is James Roon. Of another, it Avas remarked, that he had extraordinary firm., self-e., adhes., and benev., and was, therefore, by turns, very stubborn or very obliging—that he had large individ. and full event., with but small caus.; and, consequently, that he could do Avhat he was told to do, but could not un- derstand the application of means to ends. The keeper of the asylum replied, " It is exactly so, throughout." In the head of John Kinchelloe, self-e. projected prodi. giously, so much so, that the writer's remarks upon him, turned mainly upon this organ. He appeared exceedingly 3l4 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED ostentatious; told the company that he was a vastly greater man, as to talents, than any other in America; was to be the next president; had the destiny of the world in his hands; and when one of the company remarked, that he was from Richmond, he replied, that he had special business with the Governour and Common Council of that city. Six or eight other cases equally striking, were depicted with such accuracy as to astonish and surprise the keeper beyond measure, Avho, previous to this visit, had been not only an entire skeptick in phrenology, but a prominent op- poser to it. Arthur Tribble possessed very large combat, destruct., and cautious., and Avas surly, savage, and so dangerous that he was kept manacled. Another, in whom acquis, was very large, had his hat full of old nails, shells, and such other trumpery as he could pick up in the yard. Love of money caused his insanity. The keeper accounted for the correctness with which the first subject was described, by supposing that those who accompanied the examiner, had previously related to him the history of the man, and, accordingly, after that, he se- lected several himself of whom he knew the examiner could have heard nothing, Avhich, as he afterwards declared, Avere described Avith as great correctness, as he could have done after a daily observation of their conduct for from six to twelve years. Each of the professors, and several of the students, of Williamsburgh College, are living witnesses of the truth of phrenology, and furnish admirable illustrations of its prin- ciples ; but having already dwelt quite too long upon these " facts," a decent respect for our readers, requires that Ave should omit a particular enumeration of them. Lay.—On a visit to Batavia, N. Y. in the autumn of 1835, the narrator, O. S. Fowler, Avas introduced by Mr. Kirkham to G. W. Lay, Esq., member of Congress from Genesee Co.; and being forcibly struck with the extraor- dinary developement of many of his phrenological organs, particularly those of the perceptive faculties, he proceeded, Avith the permission of Mr. L., to give a description of his leading traits of character and talents. He described him as possessing ar. extraordinary memory of facts and circum- stances, and even of their minute particulars and details, as well as of persons, places, the relative position of objects, BY FACTS. 315 Uid of expressions; as having a passionate fondness for learning, oratory, elegance, and for travelling and viewing natural scenery; as possessing a superiour professional and business tact, a very shrewd and critical turn of mind, a happy talent for comparing, illustrating, and analyzing, a keen, quick perception of the ludicrous, and a great deal of tact, point, and sarcasm, accompanied with an ability to use up his opponent; as highminded and manly, pre-eminently ambitious and enterprising, and ahvays aspiring to some- thing great and commanding; as spirited, energetick, and prompt, a happy speaker, excellent in making a bargain, highly honourable, but not over scrupulous and conscien- tious. These remarks were deduced from the following combinations. Mr. Lay's head is above the common size, and his temperament, active. He has very large compar.. ideal, hope, indiAud., local, and event., and the residue of the perceptive faculties are large, together with his combat., de- struct., secret., acquis., self-e., approbat, firm., benev., mirth., caus., amat, adhes., philopro., and cautious., and his con- scien. is only moderate or full. He is, therefore, possessed of uncommon natural talents, is very social and obliging, and incapable of doing any thing degrading or unworthy the character of a gentleman. At a publick examination in the same place, the wri- ter discovered, among other things, extreme combat., ana destruct., with small benev., in one of the subjects exam- ined, and, accordingly, described him as exceedingly cruel, disposed to delight in barbarity, and given to the outbreak- ings of a most brutal temper. In confirmation of this state' ment, J. Churchill, Esq., remarked to one of the authors, (S. Kirkham,) that he Avas skeptical upon the subject of phrenology until he heard the character of this individual described; but that the character of the man (Avhich he un- derstood most perfectly, having been brought up with him) was so extraordinary, particularly in reference to his revolt- ing and horrid cruelty of disposition, and had been so accu- rately hit off by the phrenologist (who must have been an utter stranger to him) as to change his mind, in regard to the science. In illustration, Mr. C. further remarked, that he had frequently known the said individual, when a you-n, to catch squirrels and chop their feet off, and then let them run, merely for the sport of it I At other times, he Avould make an incision in the skin of a squirrel, and, with a quill, 316 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED inflate the skin of the little animal, and then let it run again! At other times, again, he would pluck the feathers from birds, amputate their limbs, and devise and execute various other kinds of tortures upon animals of various descriptions, and then appear to be in perfect raptures of diabolical de light Avhilst witnessing the writhings, contortions, and other expressions of agony in his innocent victims. This case suggests two points of inquiry not unworthy rhe candid attention of disbelievers in phrenology. 1. It presents us Avith two individuals, brought up under the same roof, but possessing dispositions widely different; the one, though not inferiour in talents to the other, even from a child, delights in cruelty and bloody deeds, and at the age of thirty, becomes a drunken vagabond and a grovelling wretch; the other, revolts at cruelty and despises every base pursuit, and at thirty, is a laAvyer and a respectable member of so- ciety. Now, whence springs this difference of character? Is it the effect of education alone ? or has nature something to do Avith it ? And, 2. let it spring from whatever source it may, wherein is phrenology responsible, for merely ascer- taining the fact, and pointing out the difference, Avhen guided solely by the external signs upon the head? Phrenology responsible for the traits of character it discovers in men ? What absurdity ! nay, what stupidity ! Does the phrenolo- gist create the "bumps," or the disposition which cultivates them, and Avhich causes their increase ? On such a principle of reasoning, Ave might, and with equal propriety, arraign phrenology for not discovering as much metaphysical talent in the dog as in a philosopher, and for not finding as large an organ of local, in the latter as in the former. In the possession of the Lyceum in Fredericktown, Md.. is the cast of the scull of a murderer, Avho Avas hung some three years since, in which combat, and destruct. are SAvelled out in an extraordinary degree, and all the other selfish propensities appear very large. He was not only guilty of murder, but even when a boy, used to amuse himself by cutting off the feet of pigs, and then applying to them the lash, in order to see them attempt to run, and by other simi- lar acts of cruelty and torture. At a public lecture in Prattsburgh, N. Y., six individuals were selected for examination "by a rank opponent to phre- nology ; but, inasmuch as the Avriter had once lived in the place, he Avas requested to be blindfolded, lest he should judge BY FACTS. 31T from a previous knowledge of their characters. The first subject presented, was a violent opposer of religion, infidel in his eelief, violent in his temper, stubborn, and withal a great mechanical genius; and such he Avas described to be throughout. The next was described as highly conscien- tious, talented, religious, eminently pacifick, &c. and, in the main, directly opposite to the first. After their examination, Deacon Linsley, who knew both perfectly well, and who, till that time, had been a disbeliever in phrenology, observed, that, since these two individuals, whose characters were di- rectly opposite in almost every particular, had been examined in succession, and the points of difference between them correctly pointed out, and that, too, when the examiner was Dlindfolded, and, consequently, unable to judge of character except from the shape of the head, phrenology must be a true index of character. What is still more, one of these gentlemen had been examined the preceding evening, and both descriptions precisely agreed. Spaulding.—Among others selected for examination on the same occasion, was the Rev. Henry H. Spaulding, Mis- sionary to the Indians that are located west of the Missis- sippi. After his extreme firmness and high moral qualities, particularly his A^ery large benev., or disinterested and strong desire to do good to his fellow-men, had been described, in passing his hand along the arch of the eyebrow, the writer felt a deep depression where the organ of colour is located, and, struck Avith surprise, he exclaimed, " this gentleman has no organ of colour, and can hardly tell white from black." After the lecture was over, Mr. S. observed, that, as had been stated, he was utterly unable to distinguish colours ; that, ex- cept black and white, all colours and shades of colours looked alike to him, and all appeared of a dingy, indistinct hue; that his wife would never trust him to purchase any article of clothing whateA-er, because he seemed to be utterly desti- tute of all power of distinguishing, and even of discerning, them. This fact we deem an important one. The eye- sight of this gentleman, is perfectly good; he reads correctly, uses Avords Avith facility, thinks and writes with unusual power, seldom forgets faces, and is a superiour scholar; yet his power of distinguishing colours, is almost wholly want- ing. We ask, then, Avhether the same mental poAver which perceives colours, also perceives forms, and places, and the force of arguments ? If so, why should the first of these 318 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED faculties be wholly wanting in the Rev. Mr. S., and the last of them be unusually strong in him ? Will anti-phrenologicaJ metaphysicians have the kindness just to explain these simple and common phenomena ? Linsley.—Deacon Linsley is certainly one of the most devoted and consistent Christians—the most fervent and de- vout in his addresses to the throne of grace, the most meek; and penitent, and forgiving of men. Accordingly, his head is not only very high, but it is also very deep from the supe- riour anterior to the superiour posterior portion, and greatly arched by the extraordinary development of his benev. and ven. His intellectual faculties generally, are large: hence his uncommon share of good sense, mingled with his piety. His philopro. and adhes. are very large; and hence the suc- cess with Avhich, for many years, he has superintended Sab- bath-schools and Bible-classes. When the writer was a boy, he was wont to listen to the marvellous stories of one of his fellow-townsmen, who al- ways magnified every thing he related, especially if it per- tained to himself, till it appeared to be something really great, singular, and wonderful. Accordingly, on revisiting his native town, he sought his old story teller, and found that in his head, the organs of marvel, hope, approbat., and lang., were largely developed. From a mere boy, one of his brothers was remarkable for his propensity to throw stones, and, more especially, for his adroitness and skill at it, as he was able in this manner, to kill birds, squirrels, &c. As he greAv up, he was equally famous for going aloft at country " raisings," &c.; and, ac- cordingly, was found to possess very large Aveight, whilst the writer, whose education, in this respect, has been tha same, is nearly destitute both of the organ, and of the fa- culty, of weight. The same is true of colour. One of his fellow-townsmen, who had always been noted for his disbelief in the doctrines of the Christian religion., as well as for his strenuous opposition to it, was found to possess very small marvel, and ven., and small conscien. New York City.—But, next to Washington, New York furnishes facts and demonstrations as perfectly conclu- sive in proof and illustration of phrenology as any chymical or anatomical demonstrations. At the first publick lecture delivered in this city, in the autumn of 1836, two of the authors, O. S. and L. N. Foav BY FACTS. 319 ler were present, and the first person who submitted to an examination, was examined by one of the lecturers in the absence of the other, and then by the other; and (it being a striking case) the same description, not only in the main, but, also, in the details, was given by both. The next individual was described as possessing an ex- cessive development of amat., with very large selfish pro- pensities and sentiments, and a fair share of intellect. As much was said of his amat. as propriety would permit, and the whole examination turned upon this organ, his combat., and destruct., and small conscien. A few days after, the Rev. Mr. Walter, pastor of the church from which this in- dividual had been cut off stated to the writer, that, in conse- quence of his amours Avith the wives of others, he had broken up several families, and was then living with the wife of another man (since divorced;) that the violence of his temper was ungovernable; and that he appeared to have no compunctions of conscience. He added, that several of his church members Avho heard the examination, stated that it was so characteristick as perfectly to astonish them. Smith.—At their second lecture in N. Y., Mr. S. B. Smith, late a Romish Priest, and now editor of the " Down- fall of Babylon," was selected for examination. He was found to possess a large head, developed mainly in the coro- nal region, with very large firm., self-e., benev., form, order, caus. and compar., large hope, conscien., combat., adhes., mirth, ideal, imitat, lang., calcu., size, local, and cautious., only moderate destruct., time, and secret., and small mar- vel. The inference Avas, that he possessed commanding talents joined Avith great energy and efficiency of character; resistance, and moral courage in a pre-eminent degree, with- out harshness or a desire to injure even his enemies; that he must be a publick man and distinguished in his sphere J an original and profound thinker, and a logical reasoner; x distinguished scholar, and possessed of integrity; very cau- tious and judicious, and yet, enterprising ; a theologian and moral reasoner of the first class, and possessed of extraor- dinary form, or power of recollecting faces, detecting typo- graphical errours, &c.; a first-rate critick, and perfectly systematick, nay, almost "old-maidish" about having things in order. But his superiour talents as a moral and theolog- ical reasoner, wexe dwelt upon as his great forte—his leading characteristick. At the time of the examination, Mr. S 820 phrenology proved and illustrated was utterly unknown to the writers, and as far a3 they have since learned his history and character, the coincidence be- tween them and the publick description given, is palpable and striking throughout, and some portions of it so much so as to be incapable of amendment or improvement. The hardships which he has endured, the opposition and perse- cution which he has met Avith, the heart of a christian hero, and the high moral character, Avhich he has displayed in his ready renunciation of a religion which he felt to be wrong, and that, when, by so doing, he knew he should draw down upon his devoted head the anathemas and the vengeance of the whole Romish church, his incredulity in not believing Romish dogmas, the clearness of his argu- ments presented in the " Downfall," (due allowance being made for that enthusiasm Avhich is begotten by dwelling so long upon a highly exciting subject,) the anecdote of Mr. H. R. Piercy, (see note to p. 222.,) the " Synopsis" translated by him—these things, one and all, shoAV a perfect coincidence between the description of his character, of which the pre- ceding is a mere abstract, and his real character and talents as evinced both in his publick and private life:—see relative size of his organs in the Table. (See note on p. 322.) Brown.—At a subsequent lecture, Mr. Goold Brown, author of a Grammar, Avas examined, and described as pos- sessing a high degree of critical acumen, and a happy talent for comparing, analyzing, and illustrating, and especially as a verbal critick and linguist; as somewhat eccentrick in his manners, rigidly exact and honest, and somewhat dogmat- ical ; but, withal, as possessing rather an extravagant organ of love of approbation and popularity, Avhich would make him rather boastful, and fond of telling Avhat great things he had done, &c.; and, in confirmation of the correctness of these statements, many anecdotes have since been related to the writers, O. S. and L. N. Fowler. At another lecture in N. Y., a well-dressed lad was brought forward. The first remark made of him, Avas, that he possessed an extraordinary organ of secret., such a de- velopment, indeed, as the examiner had seldom, if ever, seen; that, consequently, he Avas cunning, artful, sly, deceit- ful, equivocating, and evasive; that it was often next to im- possible to extort the truth from him, and that nothing could be known from what he said; that his acquis. Avas also very large, and conscien. small, and, consequently, that he was a BY FACTS. 321 rogue, and Avould steal, as well as lie, and manifest un- wonted dexterity, not only in stealing, but also in concealing the plunder; that he had no compunctions of conscience, and could not be made to feel guilty; that he Avas not at all benevolent, but the reverse; that his reasoning powers were very deficient, and yet, that he was quick to observe, and had an extraordinary memory of facts, and very large lang. or " gift of the gab;" small combat, and large cautious., and was, therefore, a coward; and that he possessed an extraor- dinary fondness for children. The following is a statement of his character, the principal part of which Avas made at the time, before the audience, by the individual Avho brought him forward, and the rest subse- quently communicated to the authors by the same gentleman. "This lad, Avho is about thirteen years old, was born in Cana- da ; Avhen about five years old, Avas found to be so very fond of children, that he Avas frequently employed by gentlemen to amuse their children, and even infants, from which he was taught by his mother, (as he says,) to steal the coins about 'heir necks, and such other things as he could lay his hands upon; that, on the occurrence of a fire, he stole money from the pocket of a person, and blacked it, pretending that he had found it, yet, as it was a pocket-piece, it Avas easily identified; that for a long time he had been in the habit of taking small sums from a shoemaker in GreenAvich-st. N. Y., Avith whom he is now living as an apprentice; that when one theft after mother Avas detected and proved upon him, he Avould so- lemnly declare, and call his God to Avitness, that each one was the last; that he Avould frequently protest, by all that was good or great, that he told the truth, and soon after- Avards declare, that Avhat he had before said, Avas Avholly false, but that Avhat he now sAvore to, Avas certainly true; that he was very adroit in meeting charges against him, and always ready Avith an excuse for his wickedness; (small conscien.;) that, to prevent suspicion, he Avould often accuse other boys of stealing apples from a poor Avoman Avho sold them in the streets, and pretend to pity her, Avhen he himself stole them every day, and had laid up half a trunk full; that he Avould falsify even Avhen nothing could be gained by it; that he Avas an arrant coAvard, and Avould quail before the stem look of his playmates, and always run if they threatened him ■ that his judgment Avas extremely limited, and yet he showed o-reat tact in learning to do some things; that he & lit 322 phrenology proved and illustrated was admirable in pleading his OAvn case, and was, withal .1 superstitious Catholick;" (his ven. and marvel, being large.) For the truth of the foregoing particulars, we refer to Mr. Rufus DaAA'es, co-editor of the N. Y. Mirror, and to the crowded audience who witnessed the examination in Clin- ton Hall, as well as to a cast of the head of this hopeful youth, which they keep for sale at their office in the same place:—see relative size of his organs in the Table. Chan and Eng.—The Siamese Tavhis, Eng and Chan, furnish another striking example of the truth of phrenological science. It is Avell known that their traits of character, in- cluding their feelings, passions, abilities, dispositions, modes of thinking, of acting, and so forth, are so much alike as frequently to start the pretenf-e, and induce the belief, that they possess but one mind, or, at least, that, in consequence of the Avonderful, physical connexion of their bodies, there exists between them a similar union of mind, or such a one as to cause both minds to think, feel, and act simultaneously and alike. Although this is a mere pretence, yet the founda- tion of it remained to be developed and explained by phre- nology. In the autumn of 1836, at the Washington Hotel, N. Y, their heads were examined by the narrators, O. S, Fowler and S. Kirkham, when, to their surprise and admi- ration, they were found to be most wonderfully and strik- ingly alike, not only in size and general outline, but even in the minute development of nearly all the phrenological organs. * The following note from the gentleman who prints the "Downfall" for Mr. S., will confirm several points of character contained in the foregoing statement "Mr. Smith is so very particular and over-exact to have even every little thing done with the utmost precision, as to give my workmen a great deal of extra labour, and to provoke from them a nickname designating his 'old-maidish' peculiarities. As a proof reader, although Mr. S. has but recently turned his attention to the busi- ness, yet, by the force of what seems to be an innate talent, he excels many who have had much more practice. He is one of the firmest men I have ever seen ; and when he thinks he is right, nothing can turn him : (firm, and self-e.) Ilia cautiousness is almost equally as striking as his order and firmness. " Before I heard Mr. Fowler's description of Mr. Smith's character, I had no faith in phrenology, but this satisfied my mind of the correctness of the science; for I considered the description accurate and striking throughout, so much so that it could not be bettered by any of the gentleman's most intimate acquaintances: and this opinion I expressed to Mr. Le Roy Sunderland at the time, who was sitting beside me. H. R. PIERCY." Several other individuals made remarks similar to those of Mr. P. Among them Mrs. Smith and Mr. Carey, teacher in the deaf and dumb asylum of N. Y. The approbation of the audience, and the testimony of all who knew Mr. S., waa general and unequivocal as to the examination being a perfect transcript of the life and character of this distinguished gentleman. We will take the liberty to refer those of our readers who wish to satisfy them- f-u6!' t° " the Synopsis of the Moral Theology of the Church of Rome," pub- lished by Mr. S.. where the reasoning organs of Mr. S. are displayed to admin, BY FACTS. 323 Some small difference, indeed, in the development of some few of the organs, does exist; but then it is so slight as to be detected only by the most minute and accurate observa tion. Among all the heads ever examined by the authors, such an agreement of size, shape, and temperament, or any thing approaching to it, in any two, they never before wit- nessed or heard of; and hence, the striking coincidence be tween the characters and dispositions of the two brothers no longer remains a mystery; for, in addition to the general, natural law, (Avhich operates in this case,) that "like causes produce like effects," from the necessity of the case, their training, habits, and education, have been alike, more per fectly so than that of any other two individuals that ever lived. But notwithstanding this, it has been stated, that a slight difference in the development of some few of their organs, was pointed out by the phrenologists, and the conse- quent difference in their characters, specified. In relation to this point, as well as to all the points of agreement, both the young gentlemen, and the gentleman Avho accompanied them, fully confirmed and corroborated the statements of the ex- aminers. Again we appeal to our opponents to answer the question, If phrenology is not a true science, how could these nice distinctions and discriminations of difference in character, have been thus accurately pointed out merely by an examination of the physical form of the head? And again : If the disposition and talents of individuals, depend solely on education or training, how could any difference in these respects, exist betAveen these twins? At a publick lecture in Clinton Hall, a gentleman exam- ined, was described as possessing, in an unusual degree, the mathematical and reasoning organs, and, also, philopro., but as subject to a depression of spirits, or " the blues." His char- acter had been previously written out by his friends, and, when read to the audience, it not only confirmed the cor- rectness of the phrenological examination, but showed that, on account of the predominance of those traits of character pointed out by the phrenologist, the gentleman had been se- lected as a proper test of the science. A son of Dr. Barber, professor of Elocution, &c, wa3 - also examined, and his traits of character minutely specified; and after the examination, almost every point stated, was confirmed and illustrated by anecdotes of the lad as related by his father. 324 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED Offen.—But of all the publick tests of phrenology, per- naps no other one ever made so extensive and decided an im- pression in its favour, as the examination of Benjamin Offen, a listinguished infidel lecturer, which took place in Clinton Hall on the evening of the 28th Jan., 1837. As this exam- ination Avas made in the presence of, at least, one thousand spectators, who are living witnesses of the truth of the fol- lowing account of it, the authors trust that its accuracy will not be doubted by the general reader. In acceptance of a previous challenge in which the ex- aminers had invited the publick to " test the science in any and every way which their incredulity or ingenuity might suggest, by choosing their own subjects for publick examina- tion, or otherwise," an elderly gentleman of very ordinary dress and general appearance, came fonvard : and in order to give the audience the opportunity of the double test of hearing a description of the character given by each of the examiners in the absence of the other, L. N. Fowler retired from the room accompanied by a gentleman, whilst O. S. F. proceeded with the examination. About the first thing stated by the examiner, was, that the gentleman's conscien. was moderate, his ven. small, and his marvel, almost wholly wanting; and, consequently, that he must be a total skeptick, particularly in regard to reli- gion, especially revealed religion, and all the popular forms and doctrines connected with it. He also stated that his combat, destruct, self-e., firm., adhes., and knowing and reasoning organs, particularly his compar., Avere very large, and his cautious, and secret., small; and hence, that he was much inclined to debate, and ready, on all occasions, to de- clare his disbelief, and advance and defend his opinions. His event., lang., mirth., and imitat., were likewise described as very large; and hence the inference Avas drawn, that, although his general appearance did not seem to justify the conclusion, yet he must be a publick speaker, and as such, quite distinguished—that, in debate, he was considered a great reasoner, and Avould display a great command of words, facts, and arguments; that he employed much action, and was unsurpassed in his poAvers of ridicule, particularly in employing severe epithets and ludicrous and sarcastick com- parisons. But among many other things, his benev. Avas dwelt upon as one of his strongest traits of character, and his acquis, was stated to be so small as to prevent his evef BY FACTS. 325 becoming rich. He was represented as kind-hearted, oblig- ing, and generous to a fault, but, at the same time, (small conscien ,) as not always actuated by moral principle, or the right and the wrong in the case, and as having little or no feelmg of the guilt or sinfulness of any of his acts. For some points of this character, see first paragraph under conscien. moderate, p. 131, also 8 lines at the bottom of the same page, 11 lines at the top of the next, the last 5 of the same paragraph, the first paragraph on p. 135, and be- nev. large, and very large, p. 155,—together with the rela- tive size of his organs in the Table of Measurements. After the first examination had closed, L. N. Fowler was called in, and proceeded with an examination of the same head; and so perfectly, on every point, did his description of the character and talents of the man, agree with the first description, that the old charge of collusion was again brought up, although the fact was, that neither of the exam- iners had any previous knowledge of the individual, nor in- tercourse with each other during the examination ; and this point was proved at the time, to the entire satisfaction of every candid hearer. After the close of the second examination, Mr. Vail (a lec- turer in Tammany-Hall) arose, and remarked, that "the gen- tleman just examined, was Mr. Offen, the celebrated lecturer in Tammany Hall; that he had known him intimately for eight or nine years; and that, as far as he was enabled to judge, he must pronounce the descriptions of character and talents given by the phrenologists, as remarkably correct throughout, excepting that he thought the elder brother had not given Mr. O. quite credit enough for his conscientious- ness, but that, with the modified and plainer description of the same trait of character as given by the younger brother, he was satisfied." Mr. V. then Avent minutely into his character, taking it up, point after point, and illustrated most strikingly, and confirmed, each as stated by the phrenolo- gists. Among other things, he said that, "though a poor man, Mr. O. was a very benevolent man;" and in proof of it, he begged leave to state the fact, that " Mr. O. lived out of the city, and near a common, upon Avhich unfeeling per- sons were in the habit of turning old and worn-out horses to starve, and that, out of pity, Mr. O. Avas in the habit of tak- ing up these hoises and feeding them at his own expense." Finally, Mr. Offen arose and confirmed the correctness of 326 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED the descriptions given by the examiners, and remarked, that, " Although hitherto skeptical in regard to the truth of phre- nology, yet the remarkable accuracy with which they had delineated the various features of his character, had changed his mind in regard to it, so far, at least, as to compel him to believe that there was much truth in it." But touching their description of his low conscien., he seemed not to be fully satisfied. He therefore continued: "The phrenolo- gists have stated that I have many friends. This, I believe, is true. They have also said that I have many enemies. This may be true; but I ought not to have them, for I never wronged a man in my life." O. S. Fowler then took occasion to remark, that " He con- sidered this declaration of Mr. O. as proof demonstrative of his possessing a low conscience, for, he was sure, that every man who has a large one, will be ready to condemn himself, and acknowledge that he has often done wrong to his fellow- men."—See conscien. large, p. 126, and conscien. small and very small, p. 132, 133. In a subsequent conversation, Mr. O. stated to the writer, that, from his earliest recollection, he had known no standard of moral rectitude and no code of moral principle or of vir- tue, except that Avhich tended to relieve human suffering, or to augment human happiness; and, moreover, that he regard- ed that, and that alone, as sinful, the effect of which Avas to prevent the enjoyment, or to increase the sufferings, of his fellow-men. Of abstract justice, right, or duty, he had no conception ; yet he could never be an atheist. Whether there was, or was not, a future state of existence, he did not know; Dut if such a thing does exist, he, and all others composing it, should be happy. He said that he Avas perfectly astonished at the description of his standard of moral principle. He also added, that he was, for many years, a deacon of an evan- gelical church. Frances Wright.—However striking many of the pre- ceding facts may be, the authors feel confident, that none of them surpass in individual interest, or as proofs of the truth of phrenology, the phrenological developments of the cele- brated lady Avhose name heads this paragraph—now, Mad- am Darusemont. As hers is one of the most remarkable characters of the present day, and as her phrenological de- velopments throughout, are found perfectly to agree with her peculiarities of character and disposition, this may be BY FACTS. 327 considered, one of the best tests of the truth of phrenological science that can be produced or desired. But there is one circumstance Avhich renders this case particularly gratifying to the phrenologist; and that is, the character and talents of Madam Darusemont are so well known, that the greatest skeptick in phrenology, has not " a loop left to hang a doubt upon," concerning the perfect coincidence between her char- acter and her phrenological developments, as presented in the Table of Measurements. On a visit to this lady in the present year, (1837,) the fol loAving observations were made with the greatest care, by O. S. Fowler and S. Kirkham, and noted doAvn at the time ; so that their correctness may be fully relied upon. The head of this distinguished individual is considerably above the ordinary size, and her temperament such as to combine the highest activity, Avith great strength and poAA'er. But her head is developed in such a manner as to present a character decisively masculine, combining great boldness and energy, Avith unusual intellectual power. In other words, her head is much larger and wider in the basiliar region, than it is in the coronal; and, again, the posterior portion of the coronal region, is much larger than the frontal, notwithstanding her forehead is large, and fully developed throughout; but the lower and middle portions of it, are relatively much larger than the upper and lateral portions. In phrenological Ian guage, the perceptive and semi-perceptive faculties, together Avith compar., are really very great, Avhilst caus., though large, is relatively smaller. The authors do not recollect ever to have seen, in a Avoman, so much intellect urged omvard by so prodigiously great propelling powers: and hence her acknoAvledged talents, combined with masculine energy, which have gained for her a fame throughout the world. As to her individual organs, amat. is large and adhes. very large, whilst philopro. is only full; and, accordingly, the greatest objection to her theory against matrimony, is, that it does not sufficiently provide for children* Concent. is small; and hence the intensity of her mental operations, and the rapidity Avith Avhich her mind passes from one sub- ject to another. Combat, is very large, and destruct. large; and hence, with her large mirth, and very large compar., • .. .v. .• .i,„ „„,i,n™ vUiterl Madam Darusemont, she had left her only child 328 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED her point and severity, her withering sarcasms, and the spirit and fire which are breathed into almost every sentence she utters; and hence, also, that disposition to resist, attack, combat, debate, and defend, which forms one of the most prominent points of her character. Acquis, is almost wholly wanting; and hence the utter disregard of property as such, and the loose and vague ideas upon the subject of personal ownership, Avhich constitute a part of her new code of morals. Hence, too, the facility Avith which she joined Robert Owen in his Community scheme, as tested on the banks of the Wabash. In further illustration of this trait of character, it is said that she has never appropriated to her own use, one cent of the avails of her lectures or of her writings : see p. 95. Her cautious, is moderate; and a want of prudence and discretion, it will readily be seen, has, more or less, charac- terized her publick career. Secret, is very small; and hence the directness, and plainness, and ingenuousness Avith which, on all occasions, she speaks out just what she thinks and feels : so that, let the world say what they may of her, they cannot call her a hypocrite. Approbat. is weak; and this manifests itself in her utter indifference, both in appear- ance and in fact, to what is thought or said of her, in her dis- regard to reproach, and to being considered singular ; and this, united Avith her combat, and destruct., causes her to glory in encountering opposition. Her large self-e. and firm., united Avith her combat, and destruct., and her deficient ven., give her that daring boldness, independence, self-confi- dence, unbending perseverance, highmindedness, and even arrogance of character, and determined resolution, and ac- knoAvledged efficiency, Avhich shine so conspicuously in her publick career : see p. 120. All the moral organs, Avith the exception of benev. and hope, are so deficient, that the coronal portion of her head is narrow and flattened. Benev. is largely developed; and doubtless she has at heart, the good of society and the advancement of hu- man happiness; and she certainly considers herself a phi- lanthropist ; but ven. is deficient, and marvel, is so very small that no traces of it can possibly be discovered—smaller, if possible, than in any other head which the authors have ever seen; hence her disbelief in any thing which she does not see demonstrated to her senses. Even the existence of a Su- preme Being she questions, "because," she says, "she can- not see such a being, nor know any thing of him by any of BY FACTS. 329 her senses." Her conscien. is only moderate or small; and hence the looseness of her moral code, her imperfect reason- ings upon moral subjects, and her want of moral acumen; which are very evident to every conscientious reader of the productions of her pen. Hope is full; and, without it, no one would undertake what she, unaided and alone; has at- tempted to accomplish. Hence, also, Avith her self-e., her unbounded confidence in her own abilities and strength. She professes to have come to America this last time, for the express purpose of enlightening our benighted minds in morals and religion, and to instruct our ignorant statesmen in a knowledge of the true principles of our republican gov- ernment, and to show them what measures they must adopt in order to save the ark of liberty from destruction! Her ideal, imitat., lang., individ., event., and compar., are all laro-e or very large; and hence her acknowledged elo- quence] Avhich is really of the highest order. Her individ., event., and compar., are all very large, and nearly all her ether intellectual faculties are large; and hence her intel- lectual greatness; her acknowledged superiority as a scholar; her extensive information about matters and things in gene- ral ; the copiousness, appropriateness, and elegance of her historical and scientifick illustrations; and her great talent for collecting statistical information, &c. Caus. is less than compar.; and, accordingly, she exhibits more of a practical, literary, matter-of-fact talent, than of deep, logical argument- more of clearness, perspicuity, and force of illustration, than of close inductive reasoning—more of facts, analyzed and systematized, than of profundity and depth of intellect. Her reasonings upon first principles, in short, cannot be relied upon: see Table. . . Bennet.—Phineas Bennet, the distinguished inventor of the new method of generating steam for the steam-engine, furnishes a proof of the truth of phrenology so convincing, and so clear an illustration of the practical application and utility of the principles of the science, that, to omit to mention his phrenological developments, would be doing injustice to the science. His head is of the largest size, being seven inches and three-eights in diameter where the hat fits to it, but, in consequence of the extraordinary development of the perceptive faculties and of construct, it is much larger a ' tie lower down. . . . , . , His development of firm, is most astonishingly great, of 330 phrenology proved and illustrated self-e., very considerable, and of concent., greater, perhaps, than the authors have ever seen elsewhere. On a close inspection, his forehead appears really massive. Though generally uniform, it is most developed in the region of the perceptive faculties. His construct, is wonderfully great, so as very much to widen and deepen that portion of the head in which it is located. His form is really prodigious, calcu. very large, size extraordinary, and compar. and caus. but little inferiour, whilst hope is scarcely full: see p. 162. His firm., self-e,, and concent., are sufficient to give him that astonishing perseverance and connectedness and determi- nation of purpose which, in spite of poverty, the reproaches of his friends, the jeers of his enemies, and the apparently insur- mountable difficulties that, one after another, arose before him, held him for fourteen successive years upon one single inven- tion—an invention that will annually save the world many mil- lions of dollars in the expense of fuel and labour, and render him as immortal as his illustrious predecessor Robert Fulton. His concent, inspired him Avith patience, and enabled him to concentrate all his powers upon this one point; his construct. and perceptive faculties, with his caus. and compar., gave to these lastnamed qualities an inventive and mechanical direc* tion; his indifferent hope allowed him fully to mature and per- fect his plan, instead of enticing him to some other pursuit or invention, Avhilst his self-e. inspired him with the requisite self- confidence to pushforAvard his designs without encouragement from others; his deficient imitat. neither enabled or disposed him to take any hint or pattern from any other machine, whilst his inventive poAvers were thus left free to produce something wholly original Now, any materially different organiza- tion, would have prevented so glorious a result. This organi- zation, then, taken in connexion Avith his invention, is cer- tainly Avonderful to contemplate. Mr. B. Avas brought to the office of the writers by Col. Haskett, and furnished with a chart by L. N. Fowler, before he had even heard of such a man or his invention; but a friend of Coi. Haskett's, on seeing the chart given, was forcibly struck with its accuracy, particu- larly in reference to his concent., adding, that if Mr. B. ever became interested in any subject, nothing could divert his mind from it until he had finished the thing in hand. The relative size of his organs as given at the time referred to, may be seen in the Table of Measurements, p. 347. Con- scien. is very large in his head; and, with the first money BY FACTS. 331 Teceived from the success of his machine, he immediately proceeded to pay up all those debts he had unavoidably con- tracted during his progress, and to amply compensate those who had done him favours, before he thought about himself. Mr. B. is also ascertained to be the inventer of the Amer- ican Automaton Chess-player, by which the Messrs. H. are said to have made a handsome fortune. Mr. B. stated that after deep and long study upon his machine, he generally experienced a severe pain in the region of the forehead and of the temples, and in showing where it was lo- cated, placed his hand upon construct., caus., and compar'. see "increase of the organs by exercise," pp. 365 to 370. We again ask our opponents to account for this coincidence between so remarkable a character and the corresponding phrenological developments; and, if they are not satisfied with our observations, to make observations for themselves. Wynans.—Akin to Mr. B. is Mr..Wynans of New Yorkj who has distinguished himself, both in this country and in Eng- land, as a machinist. Four years since, he invented and ap- plied to the Manchester and Liverpool Rail-Road, an improve- ment called the out-side bearing, which was immediately adopted, both in this country and in Europe. The amount of poAver gained by it, is said to be very great. He is also the au- thor of several other scarcely less important inventions, and is now erecting a very large establishment in N. Y. for making greatly improved locomotive engines, orders for which he has received, not only from many of the principal rail-road com- panies in this country, but several from Europe. His loco- motives are much less expensive, and much more efficient, than those generally in use. He also invented those very large eight-wheel cars which are coming into so general use, and are both much less expensiAre, and much more con- venient, than their predecessors. It may not be improper to add, that, for several seasons, he has been employed, at one and the same time, by four different rail-road companies, and is paid fifteen hundred dollars annually by each, simply'and solely to give advice, without being obliged often to leave his other business on this account, such is his reputation as a machinist. This gentleman, with his lady, entered the office of the writer in Clinton Hall, perfect strangers; and the first re- mark made of him, was, "that his mechanical genius and talent were, beyond all question, not only the ruling feature of his character, but greater than in one man in ten thousand. 332 phrenology proved and illustrated This was inferred from his extraordinary development of all the organs that constitute both an inventer and a machinist of the first class—that is, from his extraordinary construct., imitat., form, size, weight, order, calcu., local, compar., caus., and ideal. Noav, let the reader contemplate all these united in one and the same individual, Avhose talents as an inventer and machinist have just been stated, and let him recollect, that all these organs were described as giving those very powers just enumerated, and that, too, in a degree no less striking than they are actually found to exist—described both by the writer, O. S. Fowler, and afterwards by L. N. Fowler, who did not hear the first description, but whose de- scription, according to the testimony of Mr. W., and also of his lady, did not differ from the first either in these, or in any other, points of his character, and then say whether phrenol ogy is not deserving of belief. Let it be observed, also, that in Mr. P., imitat. is deficient, while in Mr. W., it is developed in a most astonishing de- gree, forming a ridge almost as prominent upon his head as the finger would form upon a plain surface. Accordingly, the invention of Mr. B. is Avholly original—being through out, entirely unlike any other ; whilst those of Mr. W. con- sist mainly of improvements upon the inventions of others. This will serve to illustrate the influence of imitat. upon the character, as well as upon construct. Mr. W. has very large ideal, whilst Mr. B. has much less; and hence the former embellishes by his improvements, whilst the latter confines his Avhole attention to the mechani- cal power alone. Stephens.—Robert L. Stephens possesses a large head and an unusually active temperament, together with those organs strongly developed which give ambition and energy of character. He has, also, very large construct., caus., corn- par., imitat., individ., form, size, local, ideal, and hope, and large calcula. and order. Hence his extraordinary mechan- ical ingenuity, as displayed in his improved methods of con- structing steamboats, &c. His philopro. is very large; and hence his extreme fondness for pets, and especially for horses. Powers.—Mr. Powers, a very celebrated artist in Wash ington, D. C, possesses extraordinary form, size, weight, ideal, imitat, caus., compar., and construct., and has partic- ularly distinguished himself for the correctness of his marble, miniature busts of Judge Marshall, Calhoun; and other great BY FACTS. 333 men of the nation—in which busts he displays his form, size, and imitat., with surprising success. Mr. P., the clever artist who produced that admirable piece of workmanship known as Ellen Tree, possesses a prodi- gious head in point of size, and, in it, very large ideal, imitat., form, size, and all the other requisites of an artist of the first class; and such he Avas pronounced to be by one of the au- thors before he was known to him. Ames.—A young man of plain, unassuming manners, and, as the vulgar phrase is, someAvhat "countrified" in his appearance, entered the office of the Avriters some time in Jan. of the present year, (1837,) and desired a phrenological ex- amination. He Avas described by L. N. Fowler and S. Kirk- ham, neither of Avhom had ever seen him, or heard of him, before, as possessing, among other things, extraordinary powers of memory and observation, together with prodi- giously great calculation. S. Kirkham, in particular, dwelt upon his organ of calcu. as of very uncommon size—as alto- gether larger than any thing of the kind he had ever seen, ex- cept in the boy Michael-------in the Blind Asylum of N. Y., (whose extraordinary powers of calculation, very nearly, if not quite, equal those of Zera Colburn, and will be hereafter spoken of,) and remarked that, in shape and size, the organ in this young man, exactly resembled that in the lad, as well as in the portraits of Zera Colburn. But not only was calculation developed in a most extraor- dinary degree, but also nearly all of the perceptive faculties, particularly form, size, weight, individ., local, and event., to- gether Avith fair caus. and large compar.; and, accordingly, he was described as having the greatest imaginable curiosity to see every thing in nature, and an ability to remember, most accurately and perfectly, the shape, size, location, and appearance of every thing he ever cast his eyes upon, as well as every thing he had ever heard or read—as having uncom- mon talents for geometry, trigonometry, surveying, engineer- ing, &c. After the examination, at the request of S. Kirkham, the young man stated, that his name was Nathan Ames—that, in regard to his memory, he did not knoAV that he had ever forgotten any thing—that he commenced the study of arith- metick at the age of 17, and went through with vulgar arith- metick in five weeks--that the next winter he went to school ugain seven weeks, during which time he went nearly through 334 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED with geometry and algebra, leaving off at quadratick equa- tions__and that, afterwards, and without an instructer, he mastered surveying in the evenings of four weeks—that he has since practised surveying; is 22 years of age; and expects soon to enter the engineer department under Gov- ernment.—The correctness of every part of the foregoing statement, the writers are prepared, at any time, to prove. They, therefore, simply ask disbelievers in phrenology, to explain, first,—Hoav this young man is able to learn more in calculation, &c, in a given number of weeks, than is ordinarily learned in twice the number of months, vmless it is by means of the extraordinary faculties ascribea to him by phrenology ? and, secondly—How the extraordinary power of these particular faculties, could have been so accu- rately pointed out by the examiners, on the supposition that phrenology is untrue ? Dr. Griffin.—Whilst one of the authors, (O. S. Fow- ler,) Avas lecturing in NeAvark, N. J., Dr. Smith invited him to his office, and there requested that his eyes might be blind- folded Avhilst he Avas examining and describing a particular indiA'idual. Accordingly, Dr. Griffin was seated in the chair, and, in the presence of his Avife and children, Dr. Smith, and others, the folloAving description Avas given of him. Conscien., caus., and compar., are all very large; accord- ingly, the gentleman is naturally, not only very fond of the- ology and moral metaphysicks, but is a deep and profound moral reasoner, and, his combat, being also large, he must be very fond of debating upon, and discussing, topicks of re- ligious controversial character, or of polemical theology. He possesses, also, great decision and force of character; great integrity, and the highest regard for moral principle; is very incredulous, and places his religion mainly in doing right and in doing good, throwing creeds and ceremonies into the back ground ; is conspicuous for his imitative talent, and for the appropriateness of his gesticulation; hasa quick and lively perception of the ridiculous, and is very sarcas- tick; possesses talents of a high order, and combines the elements of a great genius ; has an unusual share of ideal., and, consequently, a lively imagination, Avhich causes him to express himself with glowing rapture and beauty. He was likeAvise described as a critick, both logical and verbal, of the very first order; as being a clear, strong, and lucid reasoner—most devoted in his attachments, exceedingly fond BY FACTS. 335 of children, exceedingly apt in relating anecdotes, and in de- scribing,—as more prone to thinking than observing, as ex- ceedingly cautious, &c. These traits of character were drawn from his very large compar., caus., ideal, imitat., be- nev., conscien., approbat, lang, adhes., combat., and firm.; small marvel, omy full ven. and individ., large mirth., de- struct., and event. Dr. G. considered the description wrong in relation to his imitative power, his mirth., combat., and de- struct. ; from which, however, the writer appeals to the de- cision of the publick. It may be added, that Dr. G.'s head is unusually large, his temperament highly excitable, all his organs sharp, his forehead high, bold, and expansive, and compar. (a faculty more conspicuous in his character than any other) projects so as to stand out in bold relief: and this, Avith his ideal, and lang., gives him that peculiar elegance and eloquence of style and deHvery which are ascribed to him. Dr. Beecher.—This distinguished divine and theologian, and clear-headed reasoner, possesses a head much above the ordinary size, and happily balanced. His constitution is firm and dense, and his physical organization indicative of great power in proportion to its volume. In addition to. this, conscien., caus., and compar., are all very large; and hence his clearness and great power as a moral reasoner. Com- bat, and destruct. are large; and hence his greatness in the field of polemical controversy, as also that nervousness of style and force of expression by which his writings are character- ized. His mirth, is large, Avhich gives him that facetious disposition and talent, and, with destruct. and combat., that sharp vein of irony and sarcasm, which abounds in his dis- courses, and which has so often called forth the censure of his ministerial brethren. Ven. is beloAV mediocrity, and marvel, is small, Avhilst his firm, and self-e. are large; and hence it is that he pays little or no regard to the Westmin- ster Catechism, the Church Discipline, and " the good old way," merely because they have been handed down from former generations; but he begs leave to think, and to inter- pret the Bible according to the dictates of his judgment and his conscien. Dr. Alexander.—In the head of this distinguished or- nament of the church, the organs of ven., firm., and self-e., are all very large; and hence, unlike Dr. B., he adheres 336 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED strictly and literally to the established church authorities, and resists innovation, might and main: see p. 149. In Dr. A. the intellectual organs generally, are largely developed, whilst compar. is very large; and hence his crit- ical acumen, and his general intellectual powers. Stockton.—Thomas Stockton, formerly chaplain to Congress, who stands almost unrivalled for his pulpit elo- quence, as Avell as for his moral Avorth, possesses a very large development of nearly all of the perceptive and semi- perceptive organs, and, also, of ideal, imitat, compar., be- nev., ven., and conscien. From his very large lang., individ., compar., and ideal, originate those truly splendid compari- sons, personifications, and allegories, as Avell as that uncommon propriety, perspicuity, and elegance of expression, for Avhich he is so justly celebrated : see p. 168, and middle of p. 227. Ludloav.—The Rev. H. G. LudloAV, in company Avith a friend of his, entered the office of the writer, and was de- scribed as possessing very large ideal, imitat, adhes., mirth.. and benev.; large lang., caus., hope, ven., conscien., appro bat., and philopro., and his character was deduced according- ly. His friend, and also himself, considered the description strikingly correct throughout, so much so as frequently to ex- press a firm conviction that the examiner was well acquaint- ed with him. When the examination Avas concluded, L. N. Fowler entered the office, and was requested to re-examine the reverend gentleman, Avhich he did with the same result. He was described by both as highly intellectual, exceedingly devout and religious, and yet, too facetious to maintain, at all times, a due degree of clerical gravity, and also as possessing a great deal of tender feeling, of imagination, and of love of popularity. Burchard.—This distinguished preacher and revivalist, forms one of the best subjects for testing the truth of phreno- logical science AArhich our country furnishes. The size of his head is large, but, when his temperament, Avhich, for ac- tivity and strength combined, the authors have never seen surpassed, if they have seen it equalled, is taken into the ac- count, his mental poAver and force must be set doAvn as alto- gether extraordinary. His physical organization is remark- ably dense and firm, and, also, in the highest degree, excita- ble. Add to this the sharpness of his organs, and we have combined a concatenation of circumstances Avhich cannot but produce an extraordinary intellectual character. BY FACTS. 337 As phrenologists, the writers have nothing to do with the propriety or impropriety of this most zealous and most ec- centrick gentleman's "measures" or "modes of procedure;" but they feel bound to say, that his phrenological develop- ments plainly indicate a genius of rare talents and uncom- mon mental poAver—a popular speaker, and publick debater, who, for vigour of thought, and force and clearness of argu- ment and illustration, for intensity, point, and pathos in his appeals to the feelings and the heart, as Avell as for singularity and sarcasm, in short, for soul-stirring and overwhelming eloquence, has few equals. His combat, and compar. are very large; and hence that torrent of striking similes, allegories, and illustrations, which he pours forth in his discourses; and hence, too, the cause of their being so frequently drawn from scenes of war and stirring strife, in Avhich the contending hosts of the Almighty and of Satan are drawn up in battle array Add to these his very large miith. and imitat., and we have opened up the phrenological fountain from which flow those wonderfully striking and sometimes ludicrous comparisons and descrip- tions which offend so many of his graver brethren, and which he acts out in a manner still more comical. His conscien., firm., and hope, are all very large, which, with his very large combat., and only full cautious., give him that moral boldness, that energy and enthusiasm, and almost reckless daring, which so strongly characterize his expressions and modes of proce- dure. His very large caus., combined with his still larger conscien., gives him that clear perception of moral truths, and that great ability to reason upon them; which will readily be acknoAvledged by all of his hearers similarly or- ganized. Add to these his large ven. and very large benev., and we may fairly infer that his motives are good^ His ap- probat. is also very large, which throws a sprinkling of am- bition into his composition; and against this enemy of his spiritual warfare, he acknowledged that he was obliged strongly to contend. His adhes. and philopro. are both uncommonly large; and hence, go Avhere he will, he is sure to draAv around him en interesting group of devoted friends from among the " little ones" in community; and hence, also, his unwearied efforts to convert these to the faith of the Gospel. His concent, is small; and hence his intensity of mental conceptions, and the o-reat variety of thoughts and topicks which he often in 15 838 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED troduces into one discourse. Marvel, is small, which, com- bined with his very large caus., induces him constantly to resort to means by which to accomplish his ends, and to adopt the "new-measure" doctrine of relying more upon human agency and effort, than upon divine interposition, in the conversion of men—the great bone of contention betAveen him and the "old-school" divines. In Mrs. B. marvel, is large and ven. very large; in accordance with which, she was described as differing from her husband in this respect, and as relying more upon divine agency for the advance- ment of religion in the Avorld. On retiring from the room of Mr. B., the Avriter fell in with the Rev. J. Leavitt, editor of the N. Y. Evangelist, and, in reply to his inquiries re- specting the developments of Mr. and Mrs. B., the Avritei mentioned this difference in respect to their marvel. Mr. L then stated, that, in the morning of that day, he Avitnessed a striking illustration of this difference in their character. The circumstance was this: in conversing about some important thing that Avas to be done, Mr. B.'s caus. was very active in devising the Avays and means by Avhich to accomplish it; to which Mrs. B.'s marvel, replied, " Let God do his own work, and in his OAvn way." To conclude, Mr. B.'s head is very uneven; and hence his extravagances and eccentricities of character: see Table of Developments, p. 346. Finney.—The Rev. C. G. Finney has a very large head, and a most favourable temperament; that is, one in which the bilious and nervous predominate, accompanied Avith a good share of the sanguine. His head is, moreover, of great height and length, measuring six inches from the opening of the ear to firm., ven., benev.. and compar., and eight and^me-eighth inches from indirid. to philopro. and being seven and three-eighths inches in average diameter. His forehead is both high and broad. His firm, and self-e. are really prodigious, whilst his ap- probat. and secret, are small; hence that independence, weight, and force of character, and that boldness, directness, and even bluntness of speech, employed in addressing even strangers upon the subject of religion, and Avhich, in the early part of his career, brought down upon him the charge of arrogance and impudence. Hence, also, his unyielding perseverance, which, as well as independence, has characteri- sed his whole course in life. His cautious, is large; and, BY FACTS. 339 without great prudence, no one could have obtained so com- manding an influence in the church as this gentleman now sways. His acquis, is very small; and his disregard for money is such, that he takes very little interest even in the pecuniary affairs of his own family. Imitat is very large, and ideal only full; and hence that incessant, and often powerful, though not very graceful, action which accom- panies his delivery. His compar. is immense; hence that wonderful flow of appropriate, clear, striking, and pointed comparisons and il- lustrations Avhich abound in all his discourses. His caus. is also very large; and if any one, even though prejudiced against the man, can read his sermons, or hear him preach, and not acknoAvledge that his discourses display a rich vein of original and powerful thought, an uncommon depth, and strength, and force of argument, and a wonderful copiousness and clearness of illustration, the Avriters beg leave to place a low estimate upon his judgment. In short, nearly all of his intellectual faculties are uncommonly large; and hence the extent of his information, and his extraordinary powers of mind, by which he has distinguished himself, not only in the pulpit, but also at the bar. His lang., in particular, is very large; and his command of words, equally great. This, together with his very large individ., event., compar., and imitat., gives him his almost unrivalled talent for narra- tion and description. His form is also very large ; and it is a fact, that if he see a person but once, he never forgets him. His combat and destruct. are only full, Avhilst his marvel, is moderate: see Table of Developments, p. 346. The Avriters again appeal to the candid, reflecting reader, and ask him to look at the unusually high and fully devel- oped head, and, especially, forehead, of this great man—they say, great, because they believe, that, without a great mind and uncommon force of character, no one could force himself into notice, and cut so bold and commanding a figure in the world as he has done—and compare them, or his phrenologi- cal developments as given in the Table, Avith the peculiar kind, as Avell as amount, of talent which he has displayed throughout his publick career, and then say whether this gentleman does not furnish as strong a proof of the truth of phrenology, as any one fact can furnish in favour of any one science. Dewey.—In order to satisfy his mind in regard to the 340 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED merits of phrenology, the Rev. Orvil Dewey, author of " The Old and New World," submitted his head for examination; and, without knoAving him or his profession, he was de- scribed by L. N. FoAvler as having immense caus., compar., ideal, benev., and adhes., and a general development of both the intellectual and moral feelings, together with strong pro- pelling poAver, and a very large and a very active brain. It was inferred, also, that his developments would be likely to make him an orthodox clergyman. Mr. D then stated, that this Avas the only mistake that had been made in the descrip- tion, but added, that he had been a thorough going orthodox, and, as such, studied for the ministry. A more finely bal- anced head, presenting extraordinary reasoning powers, and those faculties which indicate classical taste, and purity both of style and of motives, is very seldom found. Rev'ds. Kirk, Beman, Maffet, Walter, and a host of others, equally distinguished with those just described, who have sought for truth by testing practical phrenology, are living evidences of the correctness and applicability of its princi- ples ; but the authors lack space in Avhich to describe them. Webb.—James Watson Webb furnishes another specimen of the truth of phrenology, Avhich we fancy that our oppo- nents will find it very difficult to gainsay. His head is very large, its average diameter being seven inches and three- eighths. Add to this, one of the very largest developments of firm, and hope which the authors have ever seen, with large combat., approbat., and intellectual faculties generally, and we have the elements of that energy of character, and ambi- tion and enterprise, for which he is known throughout Chris- tendom. Benev., adhes., and amat., are developed in a most extraordinary degree; and we are confident, that, if his ene- mies can testify to the strength and endurance of his opposi- tion and hatred, his friends can also bear witness to the still greater strength and tenacity of his attachments and benevo- lent feelings. But his conscien. and ven. are small, and marvel, so very small as to appear entirely Avanting. Hence, his knoAvn skepticism, if not opposition to religion; and he is free to acknowledge that honour, (very large approbat,) rather than conscientious scruples, is his rule of action. His forehead is high, deep, and broad, and, Avithal, the various organs are well balanced. Whether his mental manifesta- tions correspond with his phrenological developments, or not, the publick are left to judge for themselves: see Table, p. 347, BY FACTS, 841 Leogett.-W. Leggett,editor of the Plaindealer, who will, of course, excuse our plain dealing with him, two years since was brought by a friend, to the office of the writer, with the request that his strongest trait of character might be pointed out. "Stubbornness," was the immediate reply. After a most hearty laugh on the part of his friend, and the interro- gation of Mr. L., " do you not know me, sir?" his friend asked, if there was nothing more. " Here is very large combat.," was the answer. Now, if we add to these, his large self-e. and conscien., we present a most perfect and striking coinci- dence between his phrenological developments, and that high- minded, independent, fearless, determined, and uncompromi- sing course which this gentleman has thus far pursued. His moral courage none will question. See p. 126. All of his perceptive, and nearly all of his semi-perceptive, faculties are very large; hence his prodigious talents for collecting information; and, if to these, we add his large compar., we arrive at his extraordinary powers of analysis and critical acumen. But his caus. is relatively smaller; and hence his arguments are distinguished more by acute- ness and point, than by profundity and depth. Noah.—Who that has been delighted with the descrip- tive, the humorous, the masterly effusions of the graphick pen of Mordecai M. Noah, can look at his bold and commanding forehead, and especially his very large mirth, and lang, and not be forcibly impressed with the striking coincidence be- tween them and his peculiarly gifted mental manifestations? or who can look at his extremely large development of be- nev.—a trait equally conspicuous in his character—and not acknowledge that, at least, in this instance, phrenology tells the truth? . . , . • i Cobb.—Lyman Cobb, the distinguished American lexi- cographer, possesses a rare head, and one that presents many striking proofs of the truth of phrenological science; but our .units will allow us only to glance at a few of his lead- ing developments. In the first place, his head is large, and his temperament highly favourable for activity and endurance His domes- tick and social organs, except amat are£lllargeJr,3 large, which, combined with his very large ^™ «* ™" selfish faculties, impart to his affections and attachmentsa nuritv strength, and ardour, seldom equalled in the gentler lex.*l£hfpe is so large as to make him quite sanguine 342 phrenology proved and illustrated in his expectations; his firm, is very large; which makes him stable and decided when he has made up his mind, and quite persevering in the accomplishment of his purposes; and his combat, and destruct. are sufficient to give him great energy of character. But the most prodigious and interest- ing development in his head, is his conscien.: although his firm, is very large, yet this organ rises above it on each side. In a phrenological view, therefore, we might reasonably suppose, that, in making this head, the Almighty designed to present to the world a perfect specimen of an honest man. His self-e. is moderate, his approbat. large, and his cau- tious, very large; hence his excessive diffidence, modesty, and amiability of character; and these, combined with his excessive conscien., make him feel too unworthy, and cause him to allow others to encroach upon his rights and privi leges. His very large benev., joined with his moderate ac- quis., makes him liberal to excess, especially towards his friends. His reasoning faculties are of a high order; his critical acumen, unsurpassed. His form is very large; and this, aided by his very large order and large size and local, ena- bles him instantly to detect a typographical errour or an inaccuracy in spelling by a mere glance of the eye—see Table of Developments, p. 347. Halleck.—Of all the distinguished men examined by the authors, they have found few, if any, whose phrenologi- cal developments present more points of interest than those of the nation's favourite poet, Fitz Green Halleck. His head is large, and very strongly and most favourably develop- ed ; but, what is yet of more importance to him, is, his temper- ament is still more favourable than his phrenological devel- opments : and to this he doubtless owes no small share ol his undying fame. His domestick and social organs are all large, and adhes. very large, which, united with his very large firm, and large conscien., render his attachments of the most ardent, pure, sincere, and enduring kind. His very large combat. combined with his large cautious., gives him great en- ergy, united with circumspection and prudence: and if we add to these his very large self-e., hope, ideal, and benev., and his large mirth., we combine the elements of a lofty, glowing, and refined imagination, of sanguine expectations, of enthusiastick, and, at the same time, delicate, and most BY FACTS. 343 pympdth3tick feelings, and of a nobleness and elevation of soul united with independence of character, together with a rich vein of pleasant humour, mingled with irony. His intellectual faculties are nearly all large or very large, which, united Avith his high self-e. and his large moral fac- ulties and propelling powers, enable him to take very accu- rate, very liberal, and very comprehensive views of subjects. According to his phrenological developments, he is a close observer, as well as deep thinker. His talents are quite va- ried, being strong at many points. He is a natural scholar of the first order, and, by habit, " a good and ripe one." His critical acumen is very great, but not superiour to his taste. His powers of description are of a high order, but not more so than his social qualities. He is naturally a gentleman, and is actuated by a noble ambition, unalloyed by selfish mo- tives. . On the 24th of April," 1837, S. Kirkham and O. S. Fowler visited the House of Refuge, the Asylum for the Blind, and the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb, in the city of N. Y., for the purpose of making phrenological observations. In the firstnamed institution, the first subject they examined, was a lad named Kelly, in whose head caus. and compar. are developed in the most extraordinary manner they have ever seen. Caus., in particular, forms two large protuberances, each being very nearly equal in size to that of half a goose egg. He also has fair conscien. and perceptive faculties, without any thing else remarkable. Accordingly, he was described as possessing, for a lad, enormous judgment, and prodigious ability to learn, or to compre- hend subjects and principles, together with a decent share of honesty and kind feeling. This description was confirmed by Mr. Hart, the courteous superintendent of the institution, who remarked, that when the lad came there, he could read but very little, but that his capacity for learning and grasping every subject presented to his mind, was so great, that, in five months, he had ascended from the lowest class to the highest, and had become the best scholar in the institution. The next subject examined, was a youth of about 16, who was de- scribed as having very large secret., acquis., firm., and self-e., large combat, and destruct, small adhes., ven., approbat, and cautious., and small reasoning organs, with tolerable perceptive faculties; and, consequently, as being a notorious liar and thief, a hardhearted, reckless, impudent, sullen, stubborn wretch, with no kindness or goodness about him—as having, in short, the worst head the exami- ners had ever seen, placed upon- the shoulders of a youth, and one that presented a perfect specimen of " the villanously low forehead' described by the immortal bard. To the correctness of this severe description, Mr. H. also gave his full assent, and stated that the fellow would steal every thing tie could lay his hands upon, and that he could discover no good trait or redeeming quality in him, on account of which, he wai obliged to keep him almost constantly confined in a celL After this, the narrators examined some fifteen or twenty boys in 344 PHRENOLOGY PROVED AND ILLUSTRATED. the teachers' room of the same institution, and without finding one tolerable head among them. Most of them possess moderate or small reasoning organs, benev., ven., conscien., approbat., and adhes., with full or large perceptive faculties and firm., and large or very large combat., destruct, acquis., and secret.—the whole exhibiting a melan- choly picture of the phrenological developments of a set of young rogues. But to this disagreeable picture, the writers saw a most pleasing contrast on visiting the Asylum for the Blind. The first striking (and very striking it is, too) general fact in proof of phrenology, that they here observed, was, that nearly all the girls and boys that have been blind from infancy, present, for children and youth, enormously large compar. and caus., and moderate perceptive organs. This sin- gular fact is perfectly explicable on phrenological principles, but on no others. Not having been able to see, these youth have not been able to exercise and cultivate the perceptive faculties; whereas, on this very account, they have had much more time, and have been nat- urally led, to think, which would call into exercise, and consequent- ly develop, in an extraordinary degree, the reasoning organs: and their known intelligence, and uncommon reasoning powers, perfectly agree with their developments. In contrast with the youth in the House of Refuge, they also generally present large moral organs, es- pecially conscien., large cautious, and domestick feelings, but moderate or small selfish organs. In this institution the writers also saw the blind boy Michael Ma- «;uire, so noted for his great calculating powers. His organ of calcu. is prodigiously developed, corresponding fully with his astonishing computing powers, to test which, the narrators put to him several questions, such as requiring him to give the product of 788 multi- plied by 788, the quotient of 894349 divided by 28, &c, to each of which sums, without slate or pencil, he gave a correct answer in less than a minute. But if these cases (and r/iany others which they have not space for) are wonderful proofs of the truth of phrenology, still stronger evidences of its correctness, if possible, were presented at the Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. Here, again, in the heads of one hundred and sixty young misses and masters, caus. and compar. are generally develop- ed in an uncommon degree; but the most astonishing of their phren- ological developments, is their imitat. Nearly all of them have the organ large, and very many have it bumped up above the surrounding organs, to one-half, and frequently three-fourths, the thickness of a man's finger. In other words, they show a development of the organ three ox four times as large as it appears in youth generally—an irrefutable proof that the organs increase by exercise; for these youth exercise the faculty of imitat. to an enwmous extent, and possess an ability to imi- tate, mimick, represent, and act out, altogether astonishing to those who witness its display, and utterly inconceivable and incredible to such as have not witnessed its manifestation. Since, then, we have no reason to suppose, that these children were bom with any thing more than an ordinary endoAvment of imitat, we can explain the stubborn fact here stated only by admitting that phrenology is true. The same fact also teaches us the immense influence which habit, edwa* tion, or training, exerts upon the character and talents. TABLE OF DEVELOPMENTS. 1 c o £ -a a> 3 a s O A "3 o c CD (-3 n 1 5+ 1 o 1-9 PS 5 5 •a o o -4 5+ d pi 6 3 S OH 6 CD GQ 5 Size of the Head. 6+ 5 5+ 6 Degree of Activity. 4 6+ 6+ 6 5 4 5 5 6 5 1. Amativeness. 5+ 4 5 6 5 6 6 5 3 5+ 2. Philoprogenitiv's 6 6 5* 5 6 5 6 5 3. Adhesiveness. 6 6 6* 5* 6 5 5* 6 6 6 4. Inhabitiveness. 5 6 4 4 6 5 5 5. Concentrativen's 4* 4 4 4 2* 5 5 4 5 6. Combativeness. 5+ 5+ 6 6 5 4 6 4 5+ 6 7. Destructiveness. 5+ 4 5 5 4 5 5+ 5 5+ 5 8. Alimentiveness. 6 4 4 5* 5 6 6 5 5* 5 9. Acquisitiveness. 2* 2 2* 6 2 5+ 6 1 10. Secretiveness. 3* 3 2* 6 2 5+ 6 4 4 2* 11. Cautiousness. 5* 5+ 5 6* 6 6 5 4 5 4 12. Approbativeness 5 5 6 6 5 6 5 5 4 13. Self-Esteem. 6 5+ 5+ 6 3 6 6+ 5 5 6 14. Firmness. 6 6 6 6 5 6 6t 6 6 6 15. Conscientiousn's 5* 4 4- 5 5 2 4 5 2 16. Hope. 5* 5+ 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 17. Marvelousness. 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 18. Veneration. 5 5 4 2 2 2 5 2* 19. Benevolence. 6 6 6 5 6 5 4 6 5 6 20. Constructiven's. 2 4 2 5 5 5 21. Ideality. • 5+ 5 6 5* 4 5 5 5 6 22. Imitation. 4* 6+ 4 4 5 5 5 6* 23. Mirthfulness. 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 24. Individuality. 4 6 6 5 5 4 6 6+ 5 4 25. Form. 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 26. Size. 5 6 6 4 5 4 6 6 6 27. Weight. 5 4 5 4 5 5 5 28. Colour. 4 3 2 4 2 29. Order. 5 5+ 5 5 6 6 5 5 5 30. Calculation. 5* 5 5+ 5 5 5 5 5 31. Locality. 5 6 6 5 6 5 6 6+ 6 5 32. Eventuality. 4 6 6 4 4 3 6 6+ 6 5 33. Time. 2 5 4 2 5 34. Tune. 3 4 5 35. Language. 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 6+ 6 5 36. Causality. 37. Comparison. 6+ 5 5+ 5+ 6 6 5 4 5 6 6+ 6+ 6+ 5+ 6 6 6 6 6+ 6 . ™>, .i. »,„ „«» fniiv confident in relation to the organs thus marked. 15* 346 TABLE OF THE DEVELOPMENTS CO $ SB* u > o o c G > o a d m 4! o a H n o m c o til H v: o c CD W c cd O O o « CD o d a O S .£? fa CD fa ■d s o ■a S o Size of Head. 5 6* 6 6 5 5 5 6 5 5 6 5 Deg. Activity. 5 5 6 5 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 1. Amat. 5 5 5 6 5 6 6 5 5 5 5 2 2. Philopro. 5 6 6 5 5 6 5 5 6 4 6 6 3. Adhes. 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 6+ 6 6 4. Inhab. 5 6 2 5 6 5. Concent. 5 6 2 3 4 2 5 2 2 4 2 6. Combat. 6 3 6 4 5 6 5 5 6 5 6 7. Destruct. 4 3 5 3 4 6 5 3 5 3 5 8. Aliment. 6 3 5 2 5 5 5 6 2 9. Acquis. 4* 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 10. Secret. 2 4 3 3 4 2 2 2 4 3 11. Cautious. 5 6 4 4+ 5 5 5 4 3 5 4 12. Approbat. 3 5 3 2 6 6 4 6 3 2 2 6 13. Self-e. 6 6 6. 6 3 5 6 5 5 5+ 6+ 3 14. Firm. 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 5 5 6 6t 6 15. Conscien. 3* 6 5 2 5 5 5 6 3 2 6 6* 16. Hope. 5 6 3 2 5 6 6 5 5 5 5 6 17. Marvel. 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 18. Ven. 2 5 4 5 5- 4 4 3 2 5 5 19. Benev. 6t 6 6+ 6 6 6 5t 6 6+ 6- 6 6 20. Construct. 2 6 4* 4 4 2 21. Ideal. 6 4 5 5 4 5 ff 6 6 6 4 5 22. Imitat. 5 2 5 6 4 5 6 5 6 5 6 6 23. Mirth. 6 5 6 5 4 5 5 5 6+ 5 5 6+ 24. Individ. 6 6 3 6+ 6 6 4 4 6 6 6 4 25. Form. 6 6 4 6+ 6+ 5 4 4 5 5 6+ 5 26. Size. 5 6 2 6+ 5 4 3 5 5 6 5 27. Weight. 5 2 5 6 5 3 3 5 28. Colour. 6+ 3 5 4 3 3 5 29. Order. | 5 6* 6 5 6 5 5 4 5 6 30. Calcu. ! 5 2 6 6 5 2 5 5 5 5 31. Local. 6 6 3 6+ 6 6 4 4 6 5 6 4 32. Event. 6 5* 3 6+ 6 6 4 6 6 6 5 33. Time. 2 2 6 3 2 34. Tune. 2 1 5 2 35. Lang. 6 4 3 5 6 6 5 5 6 5 6 4 36. Caus. 5 5+ 6+ 5 4 5 6 6 6 5 6 6 37. Compar. 6 6 6+ 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6+ b OF DISTINGUISHED INDIVIDUALS. 347 CD 1 CD 3 0) 5 1 a © u CD o CD 1 a c CO a 0) c XI CD i PQ =3 JO JO 3 S u a n O CD « Pk 5+ a a >> 5 3 d 5 o O 5 >-• 6 PU S3 5 5 S Size of Head. 5 T 5+ 5 5 Deg. Activity. 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 5t 1. Amat. 3 5 5 5 6 5 4 5 6+ 4 5 4 2. Philopro. 6 6 6 5 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 5+ 3. Adhes. 6 6 6 5 6 5 6 6 6+ 5 6 6 4. Inhabit. 6 5 5 5 5 6 6 3 5 5 5. Concent. 5 6 5 6 2 4 6 5 3 3 2 6. Combat. 5 5 5 5 4 5+ 5 5+ 5 3 3 5 7. Destruct. 3 5 5 5 4 5 3 4 4 5 5 4 8. Aliment. 4 5 5 5 5 3 2 5 5 5 4 9. Acquis. 4 3 4 2 4 5 5 2 4 2 3 3 10. Secret. 2 3 4 5 5 4 3 5 3 2 4 11. Cautious. 6+ 5 6 5 6 6 5+ 4 6+ 3 5 6 12. Approbat. 6 6 5+ 5 4 5 5 6 2 5 5+ 13. Self-e. 3 5t 4 5 6 5 4 4 6 5 3 14. Firm. 5 6 5+ 5 6+ 6 5 5 6+ 6 6 6 15. Conscien. 6+ 5 6 6 6 5 5 5 3 2 5 6* 16. Hope. 3 5 5 5 4 5 5+ 6 6 2 6 5* 17. Marvel. 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 18. Ven. 6 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 5 4 4 19. Benev. 6+ 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6+ 6 6 6* 20. Construct. 4 3 4 6 &+ 5 4 5 3 2 21. Ideal. 5 6+ 6 4 4 5+ 5 5 5- 6 5 4 22. Imitat. 5 6 5+ 3 6+ 5+ 5 5+ 6 4 3 23. Mirth. 4 5+ 5 5 4 4 5 5 6 5 4 4 24. Individ. 5 6 5 4 6 6 6+ 6 5 6+ 6 5 25. Form. 5 6 5 5 6 0+ 6 6 5 5 5 6+ 26. Size. 4 6 5 4 6 6 6+ 6 5 5 5 5 27. Weight. 28. Colour. 4 4 4 2 5 6 2 6 5 5+ 5+ 5 3 4 4 4 3 4 3 3 2 29. Order. 5 2 6 6 6+ 5 3 5 5 6 30. Calcu. 5 5 6 6 4 4 5 3 5 6 31. Local. 5 6 5 5 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 5 32. Event. 3 6 5 3 5 5 6 6+ 4 6+ 6 5t 33. Time. 1 2 5 4 5 6 2 2 3 34. Tune. 35. Lang. 5 6 5 5 3 4 5 4 6+ 1 4 3 6 2 5 1 4 36. Caus. 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 4 6 4 5 6 37. Compar. 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 6 6 6 6 6 Thi. table was made out on a scale from one to six, the term average b.hjg •milled. 348 TABLE OF THE DEVELOPMENTS. 44 a i 3 ,1 o 1 o a & pS 1^ a e CD 1 a, .a 3 ■a t. 9 s" o a J3 o >-> CO 1 '5. •a H •a a c o JS o ca N P. c CD •3 a *-* s CD § O .2 *CD 1. 3 a CD 73 1 Size of Head. 5 6 5 6 5 5 5 4 5 3 4 5 Deg. Activity. 6 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 4 3 1. Amat. 5 6 5 6 6+ 6 4 6 4 4 6 6 2. Philopro. 5 6 5 6 5 5 5 6 6 1 6 6 3. Adhes. 6 6 6 6 5 4 4 5 6 5 6 6 4. Inhab. 5 5 4 5 4 5 6 5 6 1 5 5 5. Concent. 4 5 2 3 2 6 5 3 5 1 2 4 6. Combat. 6 5 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 5 5 4 7. Destruct. 4 5 5 3 6+ 6 6+ 5 3 6 6 5 8. Aliment. 3 5+ 4 3 6 5 6+ 5 4 5 5 6 9. Acquis. 4 4 3 2 6+ 6 6+ 5 4 4 5 5 10. Secret. 4 4 5 2 6+ 6 6+ 5 4 6+ 5 5 11. Cautious. 5 5 6 5 5 5 5 6 5 6+ 5 5 12. Approbat. 4 6* 6 4 5 4 2 5 6 6 6 5 13. Self-e. 6 3 3 6 6 5 5 3 6 2 6 4 14. Firm. 6 6 6+ 6 6 6 5 5 6 4 6 5 15. Conscien. 4 4 6+ 5 2 4 2 3 5 6 4 4 16. Hope. 6 6 5 5 4 4 2 3 5 5 4 4 17. Marvel. 2 5 2 4 2 2 2 4 2 5 6 4 18. Ven. 4 5 5 6 4 5 1 5 4 5 6 5 19. Benev. 5 6 6+ 6 4 5 4 4 5 3 3 5 20. Construct. 5* 5» 2 5 3 5 4 4+ 3 3 4 21. Ideal. 6 5+ 6 5 4 4 5 3 5 4 3 3 22. Imitat. 5 6 6 5 5 3 4 3 5 4 3 2 23. Mirth. 5 6 5 4 4 3 5 3 5 4 4 2 24. Individ: 6 6 4 6 5 6 5 5 6 6 5 5 25. Form. 5 5 5 6 5 6 6 5 6 5 5 5 26. Size. 5 5+ 5 6 5 5 5 4 6 5 4 5 27. Weight. 5 5 4 5 4 4 4 3 6 5 4 4 28. Colour. 4 5 4 4 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 2 29. Order. 6 5 5 4 4 3 5 4 5 3 4 5 30. Calcu. 5 *5 5 4 4 3 5 3 5 3 3 2 31. Local. 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 4 5 32. Event. 6 6 4 3 4 3 3 4 5 6 5 4 3a Time. 3 5 3 3 2 3 4 2 5 4 3 4 34. Tune. 2 3 3 4 4 5 2 4 6 5 4 35. Lang. 5 6+ 5 5 4 5 5 4 3 4 3 5 36. Caus. 5 6 6 6 4 4 3 4 6 3 3 4 37. Compar. 6 6+ 6 6 5 4 4 4 5 4 4 5 OBJECTIONS TO PHRENOLOGY ANSWERED. 349 CBJECTIONS TO PHRENOLOGY ANSWERED. The following discussion between O. S. Fowler and Vin- dex, originally appeared in the " Baltimore Chronicle," in the summer of 1835. At the suggestion of the editor of the "U. S. Telegraph," and with the hope of more effectually removing the popular, though groundless, objections to this useful and sublime science, it was afterwards published, with some slight alterations and additions, in a pamphlet form—in which form 3000 copies have been sold: and, after some hesitation and debate, the authors have concluded to intro- duce it into the present work without materially altering its original plan. Their apology for this step, is, that this method secures the interest and spirit of presenting argu- ments nearly in the form of dialogue, and thus of relieving the reader from the dryness and tediousness of a more prosing and didactick method. Literary merit and elegance of dic- tion are less aimed at than perspicuity of style and force of argument. For the Chronicle. Proposal for a Phrenological Discussion. Mr. Barnes—As phrenology has many enthusiastick vo- taries, and also violent opposers, and is sharing largely the attention of all classes in the community, a properly con- ducted discussion on this subject, may, perhaps, furnish some very interesting matter for your paper. If, therefore, you feel disposed to open your columns to such a discussion, the pole-star of which shall be truth, rather than victory, please to give the following an insertion. There are those that see many, and very strong, reasons for believing that phrenology is true, who yet stumble at some seemingly insurmountable objections to it. There are others, especially among professors of religion, who, fearing that its tendency is to infidelity and fatalism, and being ap- prehensive that its influence is immoral and irreligious, have honest and deep-rooted prejudices against it. There are others, again, who ridicule and scout the very idea of the truth of such a science, as "the hallucination of a moon- §50 DISAGREEMENT among phrenologists. struck imagination."* Now, if any one, or more than one, of either, or of all, the abovenamed classes, or of any other class of objectors or opposers to phrenology, will state then objections to it, in as strong, yet concise, terms, as they please, in the columns of the Chronicle, they will be answered through the same medium by the subscriber. O. S. FOWLER. P. S. As for those fun-lovers, who propagate their hu- morous anecdotes at the expense of phrenology, merely from their love of jokes—why, do let them enjoy their frolick, as we indulge other sportive, but harmless, insects. And let those, also, who endeavour to put down phrenology by ridi- cule instead of argument, proceed; for they thus merely betray the weakness of their cause, inasmuch as ridicule is the last resort of a weak and vanquished opponent. O. S. F. REPLY OF VINDEX.f "Mr. Editor—I am willing to accept Mr. Fowler's challenge to anti-phrenologists, contained in yesterday's paper, provided I can understand his opinions upon certain points. As each phrenologist has a system of his own, I should like to understand what Mr. F.'s system is, and for that purpose I propound the following questions: "Is there an organ for each faculty of the mind! " Are there as many nerves leading from the junction of the spinaJ marrow and brain, to the surface of the brain, as there are phrenolo- gical organs, or are there more 1 " Is not the scull subject to bony excrescences, which are liable to be mistaken for phrenological organs 1 " Can a phrenologist tell decisively whether a man is a liar, a thief, or a murderer, without reference to physiognomy 1 " Is an organ increased in size by activity, and can that increase be seen upon the cranium ? " When these questions are answered, I shall have some founda- tion to commence a series of arguments against this system. VINDEX." ANSWER TO VINDEX. Sir.—In asserting that " each phrenologist has a system of his own," you assume what is not correct; for, in regard to the fundamental principles of the science, there is perfect unanimity among phrenologists, except on some points that are considered by all as not yet fully settled. It is not true that * Dr. Annan, before the Medical Faculty of Maryland. t Vindex is not a fictitious, but a real, opponent, or, rather, number of opponents, OBJECTIONS TO PHRENOLOGY ANSWERED. 351 "each phrenologist has a system of his own," any more than it is that every physician has a medical system of his own, every divine, a theological system, every botanist, a botanical system, and every naturalist, a zoological system of his own; although, it is true, that different phrenologists nave different methods of explaining the same thing, and that some carry out certain points farther than others, be- cause they have more extensively investigated them. In the naming and numbering of some of the organs, and in their analysis of some of the faculties, phrenologists ao somewhat differ ; but in the arrangement and application of facts, and in their views of the fundamental principles of the science, there is, at the present time, greater unanimity among them than among the teachers of any other doctrines or science within my knowledge. Instead, then, of there having been a revolution in the phrenological system, there has been only some little change in its nomenclature. But what science has not undergone even greater changes than this ? Yours, &c. O. S. FOWLER. REPLY OF VINDEX. " My assertion that each phrenologist has a system of his own, is founded in fact. In Spurzheim's works on phrenology and physiog- nomy, he distinctly admits, that there was a difference of opinion be- tween Dr. Gall and himself on certain material points, which led to their separation. In Combe's Phrenology, we find several pages ta- ken up in opposition to Spurzheim, on the organ of Inhabitiveness, and on other points, which Mr. F. can ascertain by perusing these works. The only fundamental principle phrenologists agree upon with great unanimity, is, that the brain is the seat of feeling and of thought—a principle which few of their opponents will dispute. r VINDEX." ANSWER TO VINDEX. You assert, that " between Combe and Spurzheim there are differences on other points than that of the organ of In- habitiveness." Combe himself says, " To the best of my knowledge, there is no material point of doctrine on which Spurzheim and I differ, except on the organ of Inhabitive- ness:" (Preface to Combe's System of Phrenology.) Now, whether Mr. Combe or you are rigK I leave to the decision of those who peruse the works of Combe and Spurzheim The probability is, that Mr. Combe knows as much about 352 DISAGREEMENT AMONG PHRENOLOGISTS. this matter, at least, as yourself, and that he would not know. ingly misrepresent it, especially when such a misrepresenta- tion could so easily be detected. You also say, that " the only fundamental principle upon which phrenologists agree, is, that the brain is the seat of thought and of feeling—a principle which few of their op- ponents will dispute." Now, sir, I do not say that your asser- tion is false, but simply ask, if all phrenologists do not agree in maintaining, and that with " great unanimity," not only that the brain is the organ of the mind, but also that the mind is a plurality of faculties—that each faculty is exercised, not by means of the whole brain, but by means of a particular por- tion of it—that the vigorous exercise of any of these faculties, causes a corresponding exercise of its partic ular organ, and that this exercise of the organs causes their enlargement—that the size of these organs is reciprocally as the power of theit faculties—that, consequently, the traits of character, and pe- culiarities of talents, are always both indicated, and accompa nied by, certain protuberances of the brain, and, of course, of the scull, so that the various qualities of intellect and feeling can be discovered by the size and shape of the head ? And are not these principles as fundamental as the one you men- tion ? If you answer this question in the affirmative, you will contradict yourself; if in the negative, the concur- ring testimony of all phrenologists, and also of all who are acquainted with the facts in the case, will contradict you. It is true, that, as this science is advancing with unparal- leled rapidity, some suppose that they have made improve- ments, which the limited observation of others does not allow them either to admit or to deny. This remark will explain most of the points of difference between Gall and Spurzheim, but does not show the existence of any opposition of views. Gall originated the science, whilst Spurzheim improved and systematized it. For example; Dr. Gall observed that a certain portion of the head was very large in inveterate thieves, and, as was very natural, named it the organ of Theft. Dr. Spurzheim discovered that two organs were located in this region, one of which gave a disposition to hoard up, and the other, to secrete, and accordingly named them acquis, and secret. In adroit thieves, both organs are found, and hence the imperfect observation of Dr. Gall. This discrepance was occasioned by a new discovery, and does not at all invali OBJECTIONS TO PHRENOLOGY ANSWERED. 353 date the truth of phrenology. The same is true of every material difference with which I am acquainted between the two authors, except that about the analysis and naming of the organs. Gall discovered the organs when in excess, and, consequently, named them from the phenomena displayed in their abuse ; and, as his chief attention was directed to the discovery of the organs, and the observation of facts, of course he paid but little attention to their analysis. Gall having made his discoveries, and collected a great abundance of ma- terials in support of them, and thus laid a deep and imperish- able foundation for the most beautiful and stupendous of the sciences, Spurzheim enters the field, makes a few valuable discoveries, and, by his extraordinary powers of discrimina- tion, analyzes the faculties, and erects a magnificent super- structure, which is destined to be the admiration of all coming ages, as the richest boon ever yet bequeathed by man to his fellow-men. In doing this, it was necessary to change the names of some of the organs. To this, Gall, as was natu- ral, at first objected, but gradually yielded point after point, till, at his death, there was much less disagreement between these two great men than there had formerly been. To my question, " Do I understand you to urge this as an objection against phrenology?" you wisely make no reply; for, had you answered in the negative, I should have re- plied, then why adduce it?—if in the affirmative, I should have replied, if your argument proves any thing, it proves too much; for it equally proves that the sciences of chymis- try, of botany, of mineralogy, of mechanicks, of electricity, of intellectual and moral philosophy, and even of mathe- maticks and astronomy, are all untrue: for, to this day, the ablest mathematicians contend about the question, whether or not the circle can be completely squared, notwithstanding this is one of the oldest, and one of the demonstrative, sciences. But does this prove, that the sublime principles of astronomy are untrue, or that two and two do not make four ? Just as much as a disagreement among phrenologists disproves phrenology. Between Franklin and Du Fay, there was a fundamental difference about electricity—the latter main- taining that there were two electrick fluids; the former that there was but one; but does this prove that such a thing as an electrick fluid does not exist, or even that its supposed laws are merely "the hallucination of a moon-struck imag- ination 1" 354 ANATOMY OF THE BRAIN. Touching this point, I will here introduce an extract from a letter to Dr. Maxwell McDowall, of Baltimore, in reply to an article published in the May number of the Baltimore Literary and Religious Magazine, not merely because I con- sider it in point, but because I have strong reasons to believe, that this same Dr. McDowall was one of the authors of Vindex. "You urge the disagreement among phrenologists as your most weighty objection against its doctrines. Suppose, then, that the objection were a hundred-fold stronger than it really is, and you, sir, are the very last person who ought to urge it against phrenology, since it bears with a thousand- fold more force against the very science you teach and prac- tise. Who does not know, not only that there are several conflicting systems of medical science, but, also, that scarcely any two individuals can agree, either as to the nature or the remedy of many diseases ? ' First cast the beam out of your own eye,' and then you may attempt to ' cast the mote out of your brother's eye.' Many of the differences among physicians are fundamental, and heaven-wide; and yet, is there no truth at all in any part of the healing art ? But, upon the ground you take, there is none at all. If this ar- gument is a sound one, by it the truth of every thing can be disproved, and especially every thing pertaining to reli- gion ; for different men take different views of almost every popular subject of belief." THE ANATOMY OF THE BRAIN. In reply to your question, " Are there as many nerves leading from the junction of the spinal marrow and the brain, to the surface of the brain, as there are phrenological organs, or are there more?" I will simply observe, that, to my knowledge, no such nerves have been discovered; yet, for all that, they may exist. But this is by no means a ma- terial point, for we never rely upon the dissection of an or- gan for the discovery, or even the proof, of its functions. ] shall therefore discuss the anatomy of the brain no farthei than it is necessary for me to do in replying to the objectiona that may be fairly brought against phrenology upon this ground. Yours, &c. O. S. FOWLER. " Mr. F. is more willing to give up the consideration of the anato- my of the brain, than I am. As our readers are practical ntn, th*y OBJECTIONS TO PHRENOLOGY ANSWERED. 355 can easily learn what has been observed by practical anatomists. If there is any theory m considering the subject, it is on the part of Mr. F., who argues that the fact of none of the nerves of the different or- gans having, to his knowledge, been discovered, is no proof that such nerves do not exist. Now, when an affirmative is stated, it must be proved by facts, otherwise it is only a theory. It is not incumbent on us to prove that such nerves do not exist—that they have not been discovered is sufficient proof of that fact. We all know that the nerves of the organs of seeing, hearing, smelling, &c., have been discovered, and their course has been traced to various portions of the brain. " It is well known that nerves have been discovered of the organs of seeing, hearing, smelling, &c. These are corporeal organs. Mr. F. calls all the organs, as laid down by phrenology, corporeal organs. Now, if that be true, why have not nerves been discovered leading from each organ to the base of the brain 1 Mr. F., in his second number, says—' No such nerves have, to my knowledge, yet been discovered.' Why have they not been discovered % Would not such a discovery prove the fundamental principles of phrenology better than mere conjecture 1 Are the nerves so small as not to be discov- ered by a microscope 1 They must be small indeed, for Lyonet has detected not less than four thousand and sixty-one nerves in the mere larve or caterpillar of a cossus, or insect approaching to a butterfly. VINDEX." You charge me with assuming the existence of the nerves of the organs, from their non-discovery—with arguing on that assumption, and with calling on you to disprove it. Now, sir, I neither assume nor deny their existence, nor do I predicate any argument whatever upon it. I simply say, that the point is not material, and assign the reason. Your argument is this: no such nerves have been discovered; therefore, no eucli nerves exist—consequently, phrenology is not true. This syllogism lacks foundation. You must first prove, that these nerves are a sine qua non—an indispensable requi- site to the truth of phrenology. You assume this: I deny it. Until you prove this point, your whole argument has not the weight of a feather; for it is an essential one. After you have proved it, (which you will find a very difficult task,) you will be obliged to prove that the non-discovery of such organs, establishes their non-existence ; which you certainly cannot do. They may exist, and yet not be discoverable; not from their smallness, but from the nature of their substance and texture. The " nerves of the larve," which you mention, are nerves of motion ; and, as the function of these nerves differs .jo widely from the function of the nerves of the organs, (on supposition that such nerves exist,) it is prima facie evi- dence, that their nature and texture as widely differ. I heir 356 ANATOMY OF THE BRAIN discovery, then, may be, and might be expected to be, alto- gether impossible by human instrumentality, inasmuch a* their function is so subtle. You plainly intimate, that I am afraid to discuss the anat- omy of the brain—that phrenology is lame here—that I wish to cover this lameness under the plea that our readers will take little interest in the discussion of its theories. In this, sir, you are greatly mistaken. Do I not state that I am ready " to answer any objections which may be urged against phre- nology on anatomical principles ?" Why then charge me with being " more willing to give up the anatomy of the brain than yourself?" No, sir, so far from being lame here, phrenology is most at home in this field, and perfectly invulne- rable ; and, so far from wishing to evade this point, I am even anxious to take it up. State your anatomical objections, then, and see if I leave them unanswered. It is not for me to prove that anatomy does not contradict phrenology, but for vou to prove that it does. When yoK do this, you will do what no man has yet done. But I mistake, or yours will be emphatically a Herculean task, if you undertake to point out any discrepance between the anatomy of the brain and phrenology. Almost every expert anatomist adopts that mode of dissecting the brain which was discovered by the discoverers of phrenology, and along with it. Medical schools and medical authors are universally adopting the phrenological anatomy of the brain; and the best dissec- tions of the brain, are those that proceed upon phrenological principles. I was recently informed by Dr. Monkur, an anatomical dis- sector in the Washington Medical College of Maryland, that phrenology had thrown more light on the anatomy of the brain, than all other discoveries. Horner, a standard medi- cal author, on the 76th page of his anatomy, says, " Theirs (Drs. Gall and Spurzheim's) is a very improved and simpli- fied method of studying the anatomy of the brain, and of the nervous system." " It is an obvious matter of fact, and, for the most part, as susceptible of demonstration as the contents of the thorax." The whole world have long since been chal- lenged to show the least contradiction between anatomy and phrenology. The ablest anatomists of Christendom have tri- ed it, and failed. If you try it, sir, you will also fail. The fact is, that the science of anatomy is founded in nature— phrenology is also founded in nature; and, therefore, each OBJECTIONS TO PHRENOLOGY ANSWERED. 357 will support the other. This is evident from the fact, that the only clear and rational anatomy of the brain, is that which was discovered by phrenologists, by means of phrenol- ogy, and along with it, thereby proving that they are both the twin sisters of truth and nature. If, then, you attempt to disprove phrenology by anatomy, you will only spit in the wind, and, of course, in your own face. True, you say, unfortunately for your argument, " It is known that the nerves of the organs of seeing, hearing, smell in°\ &c, have been discovered, and that their course has been traced to various parts of the brain." It is also known that these nerves have been traced exclusively (am I not right?) to the base of the brain—the very part allotted by phrenol- ogy to those functions which are common to men and ani- mals. This part of the brain, as well as these nerves, is common to men and animals. The base of the brain, or that part to which these nerves have been traced, is the same part in which phrenology has discovered the organs of the animal functions in man, and comprehends the whole of the animal brain. The organs of the sentiments peculiar to man, together with the reasoning organs, are chiefly want- ing in the animal brain, but occupy a large portion of the human brain. To this portion of the human brain, none of the nerves of the animal functions have been traced. This fact, so far from disproving phrenology, is wholly inexplica- ble on any other than phrenological principles, and goes far to establish these principles. Unless phrenology is true, why is it that the animal portion of the brain, in animals, accord- ing to phrenology, is alone developed ? Unless phrenology islrue, why is it that the nerves of the animal functions ori- ginate in the animal portion of the brain ? Unless phrenol- ogy is true, why is it that, in the part of the human bram al- lotted by phrenology to the moral and reasoning organs, where such nerves are not only not necessary, but would be out of place, no such nerves are to be found? I put these questions home to you, and ask how they can be satisfactori- ly answered, only by admitting that between anatomy and phrenology there exists a striking coincidence. The only statement then, which you have made respecting the anat- tomy of the brain, bears strongly, if not conclusively affainst vou and as conclusively in favour of phrenology. STftS wUh every anatomical argument which anti-phreno- 358 excrescences. logical anatomists have yet adduced, or, I venture to say, can adduce. EXCRESCENCES. In answer to your third question, " whether the scull is not liable to bony excrescences which may be mistaken for phrenological organs," I will simply remark, that, although the scull does present such excrescences as the mastoid pro- cesses, the occipital spine, and, perhaps, some others, yet, since we know their location and their usual form, and since they seldom cover the whole of any organ, an expert phrenol- ogist is no more liable to mistake these for phrenological organs, than an equally expert physician is to mistake a dis- ordered stomach for an affection of the liver. A quack may mistake in both cases, yet there is no necessity for mistaking in either, REPLY OF VINDEX. " The writer of this has seen bony excrescences in parts of the scull, where ' cautious.,' ' firm.,' ' hope,' and ' ideal.,' are located. In some cases there were cavities of three-quarters of an inch, and as broad as any phrenological organ. Yet no phrenologist, however expert, could have discovered that they were mere excrescences. VINDEX." In common with most other anti-phrenologists, you carp a great deal about the " bony excrescences," just as though, because the scull is liable to an occasional excrescence, there could be no truth in the fundamental principles of phrenolo- gy. Suppose the scull were wholly covered with these ex- crescences, the phrenological organs might exist, and perform their functions, just as well with, as without, them. If, then, your argument were stronger by a hundred-fold than it is, it would not at all invalidate the truth of the principles of phrenology: and this is the point we are now discussingi On the supposition that such excrescences were numerous, they would, to be sure, throw in the way of correct phre- nological observations, a difficulty proportionate to their size and number: and this is the most your argument can claim. But, so far from these excrescences being numerous, ex- cept the regular processes, which are well known, scarcely MEMORY. 359 oneoccurs on an average, upon a dozen heads, or in nearly 450 organs, (there being 38 organs on each side of the head.) And even when an excrescence does occur, it is, at least, ten chances to one, if it covers the whole of one organ, but generally apart of several; and a hundred more chances to one, if its shape corresponds exactly with that of the organs covered, and then still another hundred, if it is just as large. So that the necessary chance of errour is as one to 45,000 000 And suppose this difficulty to be a thousand times greater than my estimate, the necessary chance for mistaking an excres- cence for an organ, is as forty-five thousand to one. And even then, it is hardly supposable that two excrescences should occur on precisely opposite sides of the same head, so that one side would correct the other. Why, then, should I waste words on so diminutive an argument ? The same general remarks will apply to the " cavities," only we must allow for the fact, that these are still more easi- ly detected. In my publick examinations in this city, I have detected three cavities, occasioned by blows upon the head • in New York, at least, two; in Albany and Troy, several; one in Brattleboro', Vt.; and a number in other places : and in all my examinations, I know of but one mistake occasioned by cavities, and that was in this city; but by a subsequent ex- amination, the errour was at once corrected. That these excrescences occasionally throw some difficul- ty in the way, especially of the unpractised phrenologist, I readily admit; but their shape is so irregular, and their knotty appearance differs so widely from the regular swell of the phrenological organs, that the phrenologist must be comparatively a tyro in observation, whatever he may be in theory, who mistakes the one for the other. The difficulty seems to be far greater in theory than it really is in prac- tice, especially to those who look at it through the magni- fying o'ass of prejudice.—The frontal sinuses will be subse- quently considered. I will here take the liberty of introducing a couple of par- agraphs from a publick discussion which took place in Wash- ington, D. C, with Dr. Joseph M. Munding, of that city. " You affirm, sir, that ' the bumps may be caused as well by blows from without, as by the actual shape of the brain,1 and say that I ' never make any difference between these two kinds of protuberances.' This statement, sir, allow me to Bay, is entirely erroneous, for I can, and do, at once detect 860 RETLY TO OBJECTIONS. the difference. At the Baptist Church, the citizens of "W. heard me state unhesitatingly, that a certain head which was examined, had sustained a severe injury from a blow; and also heard, by the gentleman examined, a confirmation of my decision. "Besides, sir,*you perhaps need be reminded,that blows upon the head generally produce cavities instead of bumps. By what mechanical process a breaking in of the scull causes a ' bump,' I am really at a loss to divine. Blows generally produce irregular cavities, whilst the phrenological organs are regular swells of a given shape, and alike in both hemi- spheres of the brain ; and yet you say, that ' I ascribe to each of them the same influence upon the mind.' This statement of yours, in common with many others, betrays gross igno- rance of the whole subject of debate. And yet you say, thai this point is so plain, and so clear against me, • that it re quires no farther argument.1" MEMORY. You ask, sir, " whether there is an organ for each facul- ty of the mind." I answer, yes, so far as these faculties have, as yet, been discovered. You then say, as " Mr. F. admits, that there is an organ for each faculty of the mind, will he state where the faculty of memory is located, and what name phrenologists have given to it ?" Pray, sir, what am I to understand by the faculty of mem- ory ? I deny that the mental phenomena called memory, are performed by a single faculty of the mind. There are almost as many different kinds of memory as there are dif- ferent minds, and these kinds of memory differ as much from each other as the head does from the foot—as much as rea- son does from feeling. What, then, do you mean by the term memory?—Memory 0/what?—of faces, places, ideas, sto- ries, friends, enemies, size, words ?—memory of what % Just describe the kind of memory which is the subject of your inquiry, and I will describe its location and its name. Do you not see, sir, that you have put your question too soon ? You should have first demonstrated, that the phenom- ena of memory are the product of a distinct mental faculty, and then have demanded the phrenological name and loca- tion of that faculty. Memory is simply the reminiscence of the operations MEMORY. 36. of the faculties. One faculty has to do with words, an- other with ideas and principles, a third with facts, &c.; and each faculty recollects those things with which it has to do. If, then, that faculty which has to do with prin- ciples, (caus.,) is stronger in that one than that which has to lo with incidents, (event.,) he will remember principles as much better than he does facts, as his caus. is stronger than his event.: and so of every other faculty. I repeat—describe the kind of memory you mean, and I will point out to you its local habitation and its name; or bring me a child, and I will tell you what kinds of memory it possesses, and where the different kinds are located. But ask me, " where (in the head) the faculty of memory is loca- .jd," and I must answer you as the yankee answered the question, where he was born: " why," said he, " at Barnstable Bay, Cape Cod, and all along shore." Memory of something .s located, at least, all over the forehead. Understand me to introduce the Yankee answer, not because I wish to ridicule you, or your question ; for it is put to me daily, and is proper enough—but because it is too indefinite to admit of a definite reply° The same is true of every other faculty of every other system of mental philosophy : and this very point shows both the weakness and the obscurity of all other sys- tems of mental philosophy, and the inimitable beauty, clear- ness, and simplicity of phrenology. Suppose, for example, I should go with you into the fam- ily with which you are most familiar, and ask you, " Has that child a good memory ?" You answer, " yes—no child has a better one." I say to the mother, " Can this child re- member the countenances and dress of those that he saw at church ?" " No, sir, but he can remember the whole of the sermon." I ask you, if the second has a good memory. You «av, " no." I ask the mother, if she cannot recollect, with re- markab.e accuracy, the faces and dress of those she saw at meeting " Yes," says the mother, " but she cannot recollect a word°of the sermon " Now, sir, you were both right, and also wrong, in both your answers. A third child can re- member only the substance of the sermon ; a fourth, neither the substance of the sermon, nor the words of which it was composed, nor the dress of those that were there but can sing with'perfect accuracy all ^*£^«£* 862 REPLY TO OBJECTION?. stance, and with unerring certainty, just what kind of memo- ry the child possesses; and also describe every other striking faculty of the child. If, instead of my assertion, you wish ocular demonstration, choose your time, place, children. witnesses, scribe, &c, with the understanding that the result is to be published, and I will attend. Let the true character of the children be previously written out, and their physiogno- my covered. Invite Dr. Annan, and let us see whether phre nology is "the hallucination of a moon-struck imagination," or whether it is a true science. Since I appeal to such a test, my declaration must be admitted until it is disproved. According to the system, that one faculty has to do with thoughts, another with events, another with colours, and so forth, it is an a priori inference, that that faculty which has to do with thoughts, should remember thoughts; that that which has to do with events, should remember events, and so on. But, touching this point, one fact is better than a thou- sand syllogisms. Therefore, until you accept my challenge of an appeal to a practical test, I shall drop the subject. Again, you argue that, " If phrenology can como no nearer a man's character than to say, he is either avaricious or a thief, the system is of no value at all." In reply, I would ask, what is an avaricious feeling but a desire for property, and what is a thievish disposition but a desire for property ? The one is a desire which expresses itself in one manner, and the other, the same desire, expressed in another manner; but the two can hardly be considered as separate affections of the mind. Now, phrenology can tell how strong a man's love of property is : and is this of no value? Phrenology goes more deeply into the subject than to look at mere acts. It goes into the secret recesses of the soul, and measures the depth and strength of the very springs of human thought and feeling. It discovers and analyzes the relative strength and power of the faculties themselves—of the very fountains of emotion and action. This is the peculiar prerogative—the inimitable excellence and beauty of phrenology. You object to the phenomena of the " phrenological or- gans acting in companies," as if it were a defect in our sys- tem. Who walks without using, at the same time, his feet, legs, toes, eyes, lungs, and even hands—without calling into action almost every organ and nerve belonging to the body 1 Innumerable instances might be adduced of a like character. Indeed, we perform scarcely an act of our lives without th BJECTIONS ANSWERED. 363 co-operation of several organs. Is it strange, then, that the phrenological organs should " act in companies ?" It would be strange, passing strange, and contrary to the whole analogy of nature, if these organs did not " act in com panies." On the supposition that the seemingly opposite organs of destruct. and benev. are equally large, you ask, which will predominate % I answer, the one which circumstances excite the most for the time being. When there is nothing to ex- site the former, and much to excite the latter, kindness is the result; but, when injustice or personal abuse excites destruct., severity, and sometimes rage, are the consequences. Thus phrenology alone will explain the character of those who are generally kind, obliging, sympathetick, &c, but who, when thoroughly provoked, are terrible—are truly fiend- like, and entirely beside themselves. It is thus that phre- nology, and phrenology alone, analyzes, most perfectly and beautifully, those characteristicks and mental phenomena which can be explained in no other way—which no other system of mental philosophy can reach. You doubt whether I can " describe the same character twice alike." Try me. I propose this evening to examine, publickly, a number of heads. I give you the privilege of producing any person you please, whose head I have already examined, and of allowing him to say before the audience, whether the two descriptions of character agree.* As will be seen by a reference to the facts stated in the preceding pages, I have been tested, in this way, hundreds Df times, and I always give the same description of character, *he second time, that I do at first, and, in general, nearly the same numbers. While reading your last, a gentleman (whose name I can give) entered my office, whom I had examined three weeks previous. I gave him a new chart; and, on dividing the sum total of the numbers in the two charts, by the total difference, this difference was only as one to fifty. A gentleman of Baltimore lost his chart, and, after giving him the second, he declared, in the presence of a distinguished author of this city, that every number of the • At the meetine mentioned, the writer was thoroughly tried, both with and with- ^^onX^T^c^r^e, was the same, or did not differ o.ei we size 01 uie urgauio w<*» «~~;----- . .wotwentietbs from that prev->usly given 3G1 AGREEMENT IN EXAMINATIONS. second chart agreed with every number of the first, wrthbol one slight exception. The difference between them was as 1 to 125. A Mr. S. Smith, merchant in Troy, staked the price of an examination, that the difference between the first and second examinations, would be as one to eight. It was as 1 to 85. All the numbers, except five, were alike in both charts. How much more accurately than this, is surveying done by mathematical-instruments ? Now, allow me to try your " expertness." Take, if you please, promiscuously from a stream, 35 pebbles, and give me, by the senses of seeing and feeling, their relative size, in a scale of numbers from 1 to 20. Do the same one houi afterwards, or three months afterwards, (as was the case in the instance you cite against me,) and if your numbers do not differ ten times as much as mine did, I will acknowl- edge—not that phrenology is not true, but, simply, (and this is all you can ask,) that I am not ten times as "expert" as you are. Will you try it, or, without trying it, acknowledge that your argument is weak, nay, puerile ? As the mere numbering of the relative size of the organs is no necessary part of phrenology, I may give two descrip- tions of character, both perfect, and precisely alike, and yet not put down precisely the same numbers in both cases. It is much easier to describe the character than to transfer these numbers accurately to the chart; yet the chart is very useful for the purpose of preserving, as nearly as may be, the result of the description given. But the proper question at issue, is, not whether my skill jn judging of size is so marvellously great that I can, at one time, mark off, in a scale of from 1 to 20, the relative size of 38 organs, and at another time, or at four, six, or ten other times, mark off the relative size of the same 38 organs with- out any variation in any of the numbers, but whether, sole- ly by the application of phrenological principles, I can, at one time, accurately describe the character and talents of an individual, and at another time, or at four, six, or ten other times, solely by the application of the same principles, de- scribe the character of the same individual with equal accu- racy, or without any material variation from the first de- scription given: and in this latter form, I am prepared to meet the question in the affirmative. But suppose that I should sometimes vary in my descriptions of the same char- acter. Would this wholly disprove phrenology, or merely 3d EJECTIONS ANSWERED. 36S prove, that, as a practical phrenologist, I am not infallible, but sometimes more "expert" and accurate than at others? INCREASE OF THE ORGANS BY EXERCISE. Again you ask, " Is an organ increased in size oy con- stant activity, and can that increase be observed by an exami- nation of heads?" To both parts of this question I answer in the affirmative; and this increase can be measured by in- struments, or seen on busts taken at different periods of life, And this theory is in perfect accordance with the whole pro- cess of nature, and with the fundamental principles of phys- siology. I You ask, if I " mean that the mental organs are corpo- real ?" The brain is certainly a corporeal organ. Corpo- real means, belonging to the body. The brain belongs to the body, and is therefore a corporeal organ, and, of course, governed by the same laws of increase and decrease that govern other corporeal organs. It is also the mental organ, or the organ of the mind. You say, " it is not true that the violent action of the body, increases the action of the mind— and that exercise does not increase, nor inactivity diminish, .he size of the veins and arteries." I say it is true, and ap- peal both to the personal experience, and to the observation, of every reader, whether, when his body is vigorous and ac- tive, his mind is not proportionally so; and whether, when his body is sluggish or drowsy, his mind also is not equally so; and whether the shaking of a drowsy child does not quicken his mental, as well as corporeal, action ? Never give a child any exercise, and see how fast his veins and ar- teries will grow. You say, " the muscles of a blacksmith's arm are first hardened, and then increased." I reply, that the two processes of hardening and increasing, are simulta- neous. You say, that " comparisons drawn from material objects, do not apply to the immaterial mind." I answer, that the brain, about which we are arguing, is just as much material as is the blacksmith's arm, and is governed by the same laws, one of which is, that its exercise causes its in- crease, It is for you to prove either that the powerful action Of the mind does not produce a corresponding action of its Corporeal organ, the brain, or else that exercise, while it in- reases the size of every other organ of the body, does not 366 INCREASE OF THE ORGANS. increase the size of the brain. All analogy is point blanli •gainst you, and in my favour. You say, " that a mental organ is increased in size by constant ac- tivity, and that this increase can be observed by examination, requires lo t>e proved. Assertion alone is not sufficient. There is not a sin- gle case recorded by phrenologists, of a head's having undergone any ehange so as to prove that one organ has increased or diminished ia size, compared with the other organs in the same head. It is now forty years since Grail first unfolded his theory to the world ; and if any change had taken place in the relative size of the organs, we should have been informed of it long before this." It is a universal principle of nature, that every " organ is increased in size by constant activity," and the increase of the brain can be determined just as well as that of any other corporeal organ. If "assertion alone is not suffi- cient," analogy and physical demonstration are a£Z-sufficient. Your " assertion alone is not sufficient" against such evi- dence. It has been observed by hatters, that literary men generally require larger hats than labouring men, even though their bodies are smaller. The reason of this differ- ence is obvious. By exercising their intellects, and not pro- portionally their bodies, educated men, of necessity, exercise their brains, and thus cause them to grow proportionally faster than their bodies; while the opposite holds true with regard to working men: and without a variation in nature's laws, the fact could not be otherwise. Your gratuitous assertion, that " phrenologists have never recorded a case of a single organ's having increased or dimin- ished in size when compared with the other organs in the same head, although they have had the observation of forty years," is contradicted by facts. While lecturing in Boston, Dr. Spurzheim was accustomed to exhibit two casts of the same head, the first of which was taken when the individual was of mature age, but before he had devoted much attention to a mechanical occupation; the other, twenty years after- wards, at which time the same individual, by his mechanical inventions and skill, had become noted throughout Europe as one of the greatest machinists of the age. Deville of London, has a multitude of casts, several of which were taken from the same head at different periods of life, and when the pursuits of these individuals required the exercise of different classes of faculties, which show a com parative increase of the faculties exercised, and a decrease of) INCREASE *nE ORGANS BY EXERCISE. 367 Ve faculties not exercised. A gentleman in England had a cast of his head taken annually for five successive years. Meanwhile he stimulated some of the phrenological faculties, and avoided exercising others. Every successive cast show- ed an increase of those organs that were exercised, and a de- crease of those that were restrained. The first and last casts differed from each other so much, that they would hardly have been recognised as casts of the same head. L had this fact from a gentleman (an editor) who had examin- ed the busts alluded to. Many more examples might be quoted; and yet you say, that " phrenologists have never re- corded a case of the kind." If you have not read all the phienological works, why do you make this assertion? If you have, why misrepresent them in this manner ? This proves that you know comparatively nothing of the doctrines you oppose. Ignorance of this subject is, however, common o all anti-phrenologists. Several instances, both of increase and decrease, have fallen under my own observation. While examining the head of a gentleman in Philadelphia, I noticed that the or- gans on one side of it, were larger than those on the other. He then stated that, for two years, that side of the head on which the organs were smaller, had not perspired, while the other had perspired very freely. This proves that the organs on that side which had not perspired, had not been active, and that those of the other, had been. It follows, then, either that the smaller organs had become so in consequence of their inactivity, or else, that in consequence of their activity, he larger ones had outgrown them. Either supposition proves that a mental organ is increased by constant activity, and decreased by inaction. Dr. Spurzheim examined the [lead of a distinguished female, whose life had been chief- y occupied with books, and severe application to the ab- stract sciences. Her phrenological organs of causal., corn- par., mirth., ideal., lang., and event., were large, and her ob- serving organs, small. In order to exercise a new class of 'acuities, the organs of which are located about the eye, she was advised to leave her abstract studies, and take up bota- ny, mineraloo-y, phrenology, &c. This she accordingly did with all her might, and in three months there was a percepti- ble increase of The organs thus exercised. I am also perfectly certain, that since I commenced the aractice of phrenology, several of my own organs which 368 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. have thereby been called into constant activity, have very perceptibly increased, while others that are now exercised comparatively less than before, are proportionally smaller. For example; the organ of size, which, when I commenced the practice of phrenology, I observed to be on a par with the other perceptive organs, and which, since that time, has been called into almost constant activity, now protrudes far above all the others in the arch of the eye. Upon the return of my brother, L. N. Fowler, from a phrenological tour of eighteen months in the west and south, during which time he was almost constantly employed in examining heads, which, of course, required the equally con- stant exercise of his organs of size, individ., form, local., event., compar., and lang., I observed that these organs, es- pecially size, compar., and lang., had very much increased. In the heads of sailors who have long followed the seas, the organs of form, weight, and local., are generally very large. Size and order are also commonly found very large; but the organ of weight, in particular, is so uniformly de- veloped to a very great extent, that, from this circumstance alone, especially when taken in conjunction with form and local., experienced seafaring men can generally be selected from others. In men of this description, among the hundreds I have examined, I have never seen one instance of a defi- ciency of these organs. Now, their occupation calls these organs into almost constant exercise ; and is it irrational to suppose, that this exercise causes in them this much larger development of these organs than is found in men in general, who exercise them less ? The organ of amat. is very small in children ; but it in- creases during the years of youth and manhood in proportion to the increased strength of its corresponding passion; and diminishes again in old age. I have observed, also, thatthil organ is much larger in married, than in unmarried, per sons. In the spring of 1835,1 visited the deaf and dumb asylum of N. Y. city, and, to say that the organ of imitat., as aevel oped in the heads of the pupils of this institution, was twice as large as it is usually found, would by no means come up to the truth. Such a development of this organ the author had never seen before; and, what is most extraordinary is, it was very large in all the pupils. , To the question, " How is it possible for you to teach INCREASE OF THE ORGANS BY EXERCISE. 369 these unfortunate beings, who can neither hear nor talk, to communicate their ideas and feelings with u. readiness and facility almost equal to those who can both talk and hear ?" Mr. Cary, one of the instructors, replied, " We teach our pupils to express themselves in those gestures and actions which are the natural offspring of their feelings." I wit- nessed one of their debating performances, in which the one who was addressing the rest, was all life and animation, and made use of the most natural and powerful gesticulation. See them at their meals, or at their sports, and all their com munications consist of their ideas acted out. Mr. Cary brought one forward, who was noted for his wonderful power of imitating a man shooting fowls. Another specimen of imitative power at all to be compared with this, or another such an organ of imitat. as this youth possessed, I have never seen. That this organ and its corresponding faculty are not in so high a degree innate, is evident from the fact, that they are so much larger in these youth than in others. Hence, this increase of the organ in proportion to the exercise of the faculty, and this extraordinary power of the faculty, which corresponds with the increased size of the organ, bring us to the obvious conclusion, that the reciprocal increase of the two, stands in the relation of cause and effect. Again; in the institution for the blind in the city of New York, the manifestation in the pupils, of much smaller or- gans of the perceptive than of the reflective faculties, is so plain as not to be mistaken by the most superficial observer. Now, why is this ? Evidently because, in consequence of a destitution of sight, they cannot exercise their perceptive faculties, and, therefore, these remain unincreased ; and, on the same account, the reflective receive the greater exercise, and, consequently, become uncommonly large. This point, then, I shall take the liberty to consider as established, both by analogy, and by physical demonstration, namely, that the exercise of particular menial faculties, causes the exercise, and consequent enlargement,^ of corres- ponding portions of the brain, and, of course, an increase of the scull above them; (see p. 22-24;) so that the strength of particular mental faculties can be determined by the size of their cerebral organs, and the size of these organs by tho form of the scull. This I conceive to be not only one of the knst explored, but one of the most important, departments of 16* 370 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED this invaluable science; and, if this is correct, of what moment* ous importance—of what immense utility, a knowledge of phre- nology might be to parents and teachers. They might cul- tivate or restrain—might stimulate or allay, such organs as the case demanded, and thus make their children almost any thing they choose. Not, however, that the nature of child- ren could thus be changed; but excesses could be prevented, and the hand of the parent directed to the identical point of excess or deficiency. Yes, sir, phrenology is destined to be of greater practical utility to mankind than any—I had a! most said, than every other science—greater than any finite mind can imagine. And yet, you oppose itf But you are pardonable; for, as has been shown, you do it ignorantly. Yours, &c. O. S. FOWLER- PHRENOLOGY NOT DEPENDENT UPON PHYSIOGNOMY. You ask, " By examining the cranium, can a phrenolo- gist pronounce decisively whether a man is a liar, a thief, or a murderer, without reference to physiognomy ? I an swer, just as well without physiognomy as with it. I will also refer you to the certificates given by the keepers of most of the prisons in Europe, which affirm that Drs. Gall and Spurzheim, in every attempt, classified the prisoners with perfect accuracy, according to their crimes. I will also ac- company you to any prison you please, and pronounce cor- rectly upon the class of crimes committed by given individu- als, or yield the argument. The subjoined notes are select- ed, from many other similar cases, as in point.* * From the Pittsburg Times. " We attended at the Penitentiary during the afternoon of Friday, along with several gentlemen, to see Mr. L. IS. Fowler examine the heads of the convicts; This gentleman has been delivering lectures, &c, at the Hall of the Young Men's Society, and the purpose of the visit was to test his phrenological skill. He passed through the ordeal in a manner calculated to Demonstrate, not only the authenti- city of the science, but also the fairness of his own claims to an acquaintance with its principles. " In no instance did he seem to err, either in relation to the nature of the offenca in question, or in the particular details of character which he generally stated mi- nutely. The dispositions of some of the convicts were pronounced as equivocal: thus—one was said to be liable to commit rape, or murder, or possibly theft. The conviction had been for rape. Another was stated to be prone to murder—or to commit destruction in some way. The conviction had been for house burning. The uncommon mechanical powers and high intellectual cast of another, were well indicated. The case of-------, who robbed Mr. Cook, was well stated. The thieves, who were numerous, were generally designated very explicitly. The boy Uizlet was represented as being not particularly prone to criminality, except thi PHRENOLOGY INDEPENDENT OF PHYSIOGNOMY. 371 You say, " that Gall could easily determine that persons were rogues when he saw them in prison." True; but he could not thereby determine the class of their crimes— whether they were sent there for stealing, for assault and bat tery, or for murder, &c.; and this is what Dr. Gall did. You also intimate, that phrenologists determine charactei by the physiognomy. Surely, sir, you cannot be ignorant of the fact, that, from the time I first came to Baltimore, to this day, I have challenged disbelievers to cover the physi- ognomy of the subject. I have, likewise, in this city, and elsewhere, repeatedly examined subjects before large audi- ences with my own eyes blindfolded; and, according to the testimony of the subjects themselves, and of all who knew them, there was a perfect coincidence between my descrip tions of the character, and the character itself. Among many others, I re-examined, blindfolded, before the Baltimore Lyceum, the head of the editor of the Chroni- cle. The gentleman then stated to the audience, that the description corresponded, on every point, with that previous- ly given before an audience at my first lecture. The first time I examined the gentleman, he was a perfect stranger to me; and the second time, I knew not whom I was describ- ing. And yet, it is a matter of publick notoriety, a fact sub- stantiated by the publick testimony of Mr. Barnes himself, that the two descriptions agreed in every respect, both with each other, and with his true character. After the lecture, a gentleman produced a little boy. I said he was a thief—was cunning, deceitful, lying, haughty, stubborn, proud, ungovernable, &c. The gentleman said, "your description is perfectly accurate. Till now I have lie would be liable to be led by others to any sort of crime. This was the well- known case of manslaughter, committed at Wilkinsburgh by a gang of boys, at the instigation of certain notorious villains. " In the evening we submitted to his inspection the scull of a very remarkable character, a most devoted boxer and blackguard. He returned a written descrip- tion singularly correct; remarking, among other things, that 'he was continually under the influence of a querulous, barbarous disposition,' conform i°. ■** agree with, the physical form of the cranium. This con formity, then must be in the relation of cause and effect- necessary, and not accidental. Therefore, every moral agen must be ruled by this relation, and has no power to deviate from it which amounts to a full denial of free agency; and vvhen fully illustrated, the objection amounts to this: Since God creates one individual with those organs very We which, when thus developed, manifest themselves in steal- ing, lying, quarreling fighting, murder, licentiousness, or vice of any kind, such individual is compelled, by these physical organs which his Creator has given him, to commit these crimes; and, since he cannot help himself, nor resist the instinctive operations of his organs any more thari he can avoid being hungry when deprived of food, or sleepy when deprived of rest, or seeing objects when they are pre- sented to his organs of vision, he is, therefore, not accounta- ble or blameable, and, consequently, not punishable, for his actions. On the other hand, since God creates another man with a large development of the organs which-indicate kind- ness, nobleness, and high moral and intellectual qualities, no thanks to him that he is kind, virtuous, just, praiseworthy, intelligent, &c, for, he is obliged to be so by his physical organization, over which he can exercise no control, or govern by any act of personal volition.' A blood-thirsty Nero, or a Caligula, and a philanthropick Howard, are each alike virtuous and alike vicious, because each acts in perfect conformity to the physical development of his men- tal organs; and, as God created and designed him to act. Another, by being created destitute of the organs of ven., conscien., benev., &c., in consequence of this natural defect in his organization, cannot worship his God, cannot resist temptation, or exercise gratitude or penitence, cannot deal justly or exercise the feeling of benevolence or of mercy ; and, therefore, ought not to be blamed, much less punished, for not doing what he is physically incapable of doing. What! the infinitely just and benevolent Creator to give a man no eyes, and then punish him for not seeing, or to give him an appetite for food, and then punish him for being hungry! To admit the truth of phrenology, therefore, is to destroy all free-agency, and all power of voluntary choice, and, with them, all moral accountability, all virtue, all vies, and, con- sequently, all liability to rewards or punishments, both in 382 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. this life and in another state of existence; for the Creator determines the physical organization of man, and this deter- mines their whole character, and, in conjunction with cir cumstances, causes them to feel and act in a given way. Hence, the whole doctrine of human agency and accounta- bility is annihilated, and the adorable Deity is made the ne- cessary author of all sin, and yet this same Deity punishes innocent and helpless man, both for doing what he obliges him to do, and also for not doing what he has given him no power to perform. Inasmuch as this objection forms the great gun of the op- position to phrenology—the terrifick scare-crow which has frightened many, and particularly religious people, so that they dare not even look at the arguments and facts in the case, and inasmuch as it appears to be a very plausible ob- jection, and one which, to my own mind, has never been sat- isfactorily answered by other phrenologists, I shall endea- vour to reply to it more at large than to any objections hith- erto noticed. Permit me, then, to beg your careful attention to the following distinct arguments. First,—That certain vicious propensities do exist, and are very strong, is an absolute matter of fact—a fact which every where stares every observer of human na- ture full in the face. One man is cruel and ferocious, and another mild and tender-hearted; one is talented, and another foolish; one is timid, and another brave, &c. See middle of p. 315 and 316; also, description of the lad in Lansing- burgh, p. 261, contrasted with that of the benevolent girl, p. 262: see, likewise, description of the young lady, p. 280, of Mr. Brown, p. 298, of Franklin Gibson, p. 304, of the young lady, p. 310, of the lad, p. 311, of the lad described upon p. 320; of Col. Knapp, Webster, Clay, &c. A gentleman recently entered my office, and desired me to tell him the whole truth. At the close of the examina- tion, he remarked, that the description was perfect, only that one marked, one predominant, trait of character had been omitted. " And I can tell you what that is, sir," said I: " you have a very strong propensity to steal." " You are right, sir," he replied; " yet you anil I are the only persons that know it. Notwithstanding all my efforts to rid myself of it, the propensity still exists, and is well nigh irresistible." A lad was recently brought me, whom I described as a FATALISM. 383 ThJi Wlckednef' yet talented. His uncle remarked, that In Vir JnlSefb Vi^1' ekher f°r dePravity or tal^' . r..I ?M ' f! foUomg statement was made to me by a responsible gentleman, concerning a young lady who was Drought up in the same neighbourhood with himself. "This young lady, he said, « who was descended from one of the first families in the state, and was amply provided for, when on a visit at the house of a relative in Petersburgh, Va., stole a family gold medal from off the neck of a little child, and pawned it. By advertising, the owner found it, and, to his utter astonishment and mortification, learned that his own niece had pawned the stolen property. Stung to the quick to think that his family should be thus disgraced, he turned her out of his house. On another occasion, she was strongly suspected of having stolen a gold watch, and, a search-warrant being procured, there were found in her pos- session silver spoons, knives and forks, table-cloths, towels, and various articles of clothing which were recognised as be- onging to others, a very large assortment of jewelry, and apparently every thing upon which she could well lay her nands, together with the gold watch—all of which, it appear- ed upon evidence, she had stolen ! It also appeared that she aad several times used various arts to decoy individuals into ner power, for the mere purpose of robbing them. She was ccordingly cast out of respectable society, and, at last, was bund keeping an oyster establishment, in order that she might he more successfully prey upon her customers. " With deep emotion, her brothers begged her, for their akes, and for the honour of their family, as well as for her Dwn, not to disgrace herself and them. They told her, if he wanted money, they would give her thousands, rather han suffer the honour of their names to be thus tarnished. Yet it was all of no avail. She is still living just as she has lways lived—an abandoned thief." An English provincial paper tells a story of a female, noving in the upper circles of society at Ramsgate, and possessed of considerable wealth, who was detected in the narket of that town pilfering turnips from «. poor person's all. Thousands of similar cases might easily be stated in ad- Jition, exclusive of what other phrenologists have already ecorded—all showing certain strong, if not predominant, ropensities or talents. Instances of extraordinary mechan 384 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. ical or poetical taste or talent, of strong and original powers of thought, and of the various other marks of genius, such as were possessed by a Benjamin West, a Michael Angelo, a Webster, a Clay, a Bonaparte, a Shakspeare, &c, have occurred in all ages and in all countries, and are equally ap- plicable to the point in question. Need I, then, point to our firisons, or to our criminal courts—need I cite the number- ess details of cold-blooded murders, of revengeful duels, and of daring robberies, which blacken almost every news- paper?—need I enumerate the ever-varying, ever-multiplying crimes of mankind in confirmation or illustration of the po- sition that vicious propensities do exist, and that they are very strong ; for where is the individual who is not himself an illustration of it 1—that is, who does not himself possess some vicious propensity, some ' easily-besetting1 sin ? Virtuous traits of character, also, which are equally ap- plicable to the argument, are found likewise to exist, and are not unfrequently joined with very vicious propensities. As well might one attempt, in short, to deny that two and two make four, or that he exists, as to deny the existence both of virtuous and of vicious traits of character. So far as the argument is concerned, then, what difference does it make, whether certain vicious propensities are, or are not, invariably accompanied by certain developments of the brain, and certain virtuous feelings and talents, by other ce- rebral developments ? The objection, so far as it is appli- cable at all, lies only against the propensities themselves, and not against their physical organs, which, phrenologically considered, are mere physical indications of them. Now, sir, since it is a matter of fact and observation, thai certain vicious propensities and certain virtuous traits of char- acter, as well as certain talents, do exist, and are also very strong and frequently predominant, you are, in reality, urging this objection not against the existence of certain phrenological organs connected with these manifestations of intellect and feeling, but against the existence of these mental manifestations themselves—notagainst the existence of these merely accompanying physical signs which phrenolo- gy has discovered, but against the existence of the propen- sities themselves—not against the phrenological expla- nation of these facts, but against the existence of facts as they are—against the system of things as it is—or, ip FATALISM. 385 other words.against the government of "the allwise and holy God." Inasmuch, then, as you urge your objection against the existence of certain inclinations and talents of the mind, and inasmuch as daily observation, if not personal experience. compels you to admit the existence of these things, you are obliged to admit the very thing to which you object: and since you, equally with myself, admit the existence of that to the existence of which you object, it belongs to you to an- swer your own objection, rather than to me to answer it for you; for, so far as the argument is concerned, an objection is fairly answered when shown to lie with equal weight against what the objector himself admits. You cannot but perceive that you are not urging this objection against phre- nology as such, but against what is. You are therefore chargeable with the very same heresy with which you accuse phrenology, and, consequently, must either admit that your inference is unfounded, or else, that it "reflects" no less against the creation and government of the "all-wise and holy God," than it does against phrenology. How is phrenology at fault for merely pointing out the indications of the existence of certain talents and propensi- ties, when the Almighty himself has hung out these signs for the guidance of man ?—for merely declaring, that that exists which actually does exist ? If phrenology did not show that one man possesses a remarkable mechanical tal- ent, another, a murderous propensity, another, an honest or a benevolent disposition, another, a high endowment of in- tellect, &c, it would not correspond with the facts in the case, and, therefore, could not be true. If I am rightly informed, you, sir, are a believer, not only in the Bible, but also in the general features of the Calvin- istick creed. If, therefore, your argument is valid, in com- mon with all other believers in this, or a kindred, doctrine, you are the very last who can consistently assail phrenolo- gy upon the ground of your argument, but you ought to be the first to hail it with "joy unspeakable," as a scientifick confirmation of a doctrine which, as you maintain, is as in- dispensable to salvation as breath is to our corporeal exist- ence; and yet, strange inconsistency! you are the very first to attack, and the most violent in opposing, that very science which, according to your own interpretation of it, fully con- firms that doctrine which lies nearest your heart. You, 17 386 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. forsooth, will believe, and most zealously maintain and de- fend, the doctrine of divine sovereignty and fore-ordination as the foundation and the essence of that " faith without which no man can be saved," and yet, reject phrenology, be- cause (according to your interpretation) it teaches precisely the same doctrine. Admirable consistency ! What freedom from bigotry and prejudice ! Believe a doctrine which you fancy that you find in the Bible, and regard it as the philos- ophers' stone in religious matters, and yet, reject phrenology as a most horrid and blasphemous thing, because it teaches thevery same doctrine! This shows how sincerely you believe in your Calvinistick creed, and how much common sense you exercise in reference to that belief. You, and all others of the Calvinistick creed, aTe bound, then, either to believe in phrenology, or to give up the pole-star of your religious faith. Secondly,—It is self-evident that divine agency either does, or does not, influence and determine human actions— that it either is, or is not, concerned in bringing about events. If the Deity does not, in any way, influence the conduct of men, surely, he has no hand in any thing that takes place in the world, for all other terrestrial transactions bear rv? comparison with this in importance. If, then, God has no agency in the doings of men, surely he has no agency in the operations of nature, and, therefore, does not rule. But if God does rule—if divine agency is efficient in forming human character, and in bringing about events, then human agency cannot be efficient in bringing about the same: or, in other words, just so far as divine agency forms human character, determines human conduct, and causes events, human agency does not do it, and man cannot be free and accountable. It follows, then, that, as far as your objection bears against phrenology, it also bears, and with equal force, against the Deity's having any hand in any thing that con- cerns the character and the conduct of men. Now, as re- gards your objection, it makes not the least difference whe- ther the Deity forms human character, and determines the conduct of men, by means of direct, compulsory force, or by phrenological organs, or by other circumstances; for the objection really lies against the Deity's having any hand at all, either in forming the characters of men, in determining their conduct, or in bringing about any event whatever. What! then, do you, Dr. McDowall, a professor of re- ligion, really undertake to maintain that the God who rules FATALISM. 387 Boove, has no agency in determining the characters of men, and in the management of human affairs ? and thus, by de* nying that He g:«is any bias ta the character of his crea, tures, virtually deny that he rules ? If you answer thift question in the affirmative, then be consistent, and drop your objection at once ; if in the negative, you are justly charge- able, either with the grossest inconsistency, or with downright atheism. One of these two answers, however, you must give; and which, I leave with you to choose. But, if you admit the doctrine of free agency, personal volition, and moral accountability, (which your objection necessarily im- plies,) and also that God is the sovereign ruler of the uni- verse, (which you must do, or be an atheist,) have the good- ness to answer your own objection ; for I urge it against what you admit with just the same propriety, and upon pre- cisely the same grounds, that you urge it against phrenol- ogy : and an objection is always considered as answered when shown to lie with equal weight against what the ob- jector himself admits. To what has been said, you may, indeed, reply; "But, sir, you do not answer the objection by throwing it back into my teeth—you do not get yourself out of the snare by getting me into it." True, sir, but I thereby shut your mouth. First extricate yourself from the snare you have laid, and you will thereby release me from it. In other words, first answer your own objection as it is applicable to matters of fact, and to the government of the Deity, and you will thereby answer it as applicable to phrenology: and, until you do thus answer it, consistency requires you to drop it, since, by urging it at all, you urge it, not against phrenology as such, but against the works and the government of " the all-wise and holy God," . and may therefore settle your Own difficulty with your maker. Thus far, then, I have virtually admitted, but will now endeavour to answer, the objection. Thirbly,—ft is a fundamental principle in phrenology, that the si.xe of the organs is increased by the exercise of the corresponding faculties. See bottom of p. 21 and p. 22, and the chapter on " the increase of the organs by exercise," pp. 365 to 370. The organs of acquis., destruct., &c, are only the instruments of the corresponding propensities, and not the propensities themselves, nor the causes of them; and their development h, in a great degree, the effect, and not the cause, of the exercise of the corresponding passions. Men 388 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. are not murderers, liars, thieves, &c, because they have very large destruct., secret., acquis., &c, but they have large de- struct., secret., acquis., &c, because they are murderers, liars, thieves, Sfc. True, the power of the propensity, the activi- ty being considered, is proportionate to the size of the organ, Dut is not caused by it; and, therefore, the whole responsibili- ty falls back upon the necessary cause of these propensities. Hence, very large organs of acquis., destruct., &c, instead of i.ompelling, or even urging, their possessors to violence and theft, are merely the instruments by means of which these vicious passions are exercised; and the size of these organs shows only how much their guilty possessor has chosen to exercise the corresponding propensities. The size of an organ, then, not only does not cause and determine the strength of the corresponding propensity, but is itself caused and determined by the strength of the passion. It is true, indeed, that when an organ is very large, the corresponding faculty is spontaneously and proportionally the more powerful, and sometimes well nigh uncontrollable ; but the guilty individual had no right thus to indulge the passion, and thereby to enlarge the organ. In this, mainly, consists his guilt. The strength of the depraved propensities, is, in a great degree, proportionate to their indulgence or culti- vation; and, consequently, the guilt of an individual is also pro- portionate to the same indulgence: that is, the guilt is in pro- portion to the strength and misapplication of the depraved pro- pensities ; and these depend mainly on cultivation. Are the de- sires of the libertine, the thief, the murderer, &c, the less crimi- nal because they have been stimulated and indulged, andthere- by increased, until they have become too clamorous and too powerful to be controlled? By no means; but the stronger these depraved desires, the greater their possessor's guilt. So it is with the phrenological organs. They are seldom inordinately large, unless the corresponding faculties have been inordinately indulged; and this indulgence is the clearest, the strongest possible proof of the subject's guilt. It follows, then, that very large destruct., acquis., secret., amat., &c, so far from excusing the murderer, the thief, the hypo- crite, the libertine, &c, are physical vouchers for his guilt. Like the mark put upon Cain, they tell the story of his guilt. The same principle, reversed, applies to small organs. When a given organ, say tha* of conscien. or ven., is small, this deficiency shows, not that the individual cannot be jus*, FATALISM. 389 ft worship his maker, but, simply, that he has not been, and done so. To every individual, more or less of every faciiuy and organ are originally given; so that, by reasonably ex- ercising what conscien. and ven. he has, he can obtain. more—by " cultivating his one talent," he can increase it to five. But if be neglect to exercise what conscien. and ven. he may possess—if he " bury his talent in the earth," " even what he has, will be taken from him;" and, for his guilty misimprovement of the one talent, he will be justly " ^ast out into outer darkness." A most interesting fact, bearing directly upon this point, s, that in the heads of the hundreds, if not thousands, of children which I have observed, the organ of conscien. is generally, not only very large, but, excepting cautious., one of the largest organs in the whole head, whilst, in the sev- eral thousand heads of men which have fallen under my own observation, conscien. has been found decidedly lower than the average of the other organs in nearly one-fourth of the num- ber, and is frequently found to be almost wholly wanting. In well-educated females, it is generally one of their largest organs. In some villages and religious societies, this organ is found, with scarcely an exception, very large, and in others, again, where conscientious scruples are little attended to, it is found to be far less prominent, or even quite deficient. The same holds true among those who pursue different call- ings and professions; and, among the latter, observation has convinced me, that, in general, those who have long prac- tised law, have no more conscien. than they need—very lit- tle more, indeed, than those who have long gambled for office at the fashionable game of party politicks, whilst combat, is very large.—The chapter on the increase of the organs by exercise, presents this matter in its true light. See p. 365-370. It is, nevertheless, true, that when one has ven. large, and another has it small, the latter cannot worship God with all the fervour and the heart-felt devotion of the former: nor is this required of him; for, "of him to whom much is giv- en, much will be required." But more upon this point, pre- sently. If an individual wish to reduce the size of anv giyea organ or organs, let him cease to exercise the corresponding faculties, and it will be done. Let the sailor or the blacksmith swing up, in a sling, his hand or his arm, which he has made large and strong by exercise, and it will soon become 390 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. smaller, and its strength will be diminished. ^ So, if one cease to exercise a given organ by ceasing to 'exercise its corresponding faculty, that organ will become smaller and, in all probability, the pressure of the atmosphere uprai the scull, will diminish the protuberance.—See note to p. 24., and also p. 23. For farther particulars concerning the in- crease and decrease of the organs by exercise, see pi 365. Hence it follows, that one is culpable, not for the excess or deficiency of his phrenological organs, but for the excess or the deficiency of the corresponding propensities, and, conse- quently, for the over indulgence or the neglect of these facul- ties. And since the organs grow by exercise, and are the effects, rather than the causes, of the exercise of their corres- ponding faculties and propensities, it is a logical induction to infer, that an individual is no more guilty for having depra- ved propensities which are well nigh ungovernable, and, with them, the phrenological organs proportionally developed, than he would be for having these same depraved propensities without the corresponding organs. So far as phrenology, per se, is concerned, he is left just as free to act without organs as with them—as free to cultivate one organ, or class of or- gans, as another; and perfectly free to cultivate any organ to any desirable extent. What greater freedom can the most strenuous advocate of free moral agency and human account ability desire, than that which declares that every man, in a great measure, forms his own character, determines his own conduct, and is endowed with the power of giving, to a greatei or less extent, just such a shape to his head as he chooses » And thus, sir, if your main objection has not been fairly consi- dered and fully answered, either my logical acumen or my vanity greatly deceives me. But, perhaps, to all this you will object in language simi- lar to the following: " Did not the Creator originally im- part to one individual a large endowment of some faculties, and a small endowment of others; and, to another, the oppo- site of this, so that the exercise of the respective facul- ties in that proportion in which they were originally given, ultimately causes one to possess a large devolopment of the organ of benev., for example, and a small development of destruct, and another, the opposite organization ? Did not God originally impart to the pirate Gibbs, for instance, a large amount of the faculties of destruct. and amat ? to How- ard, of benev. ? to Weosaer, of caus, and comp* r. ? so that FATALISM, 391 •ach became what he was in character, and had the corres- pondent development of organs, in consequence of exercising he faculties in that proportion in which they were original- 'y distributed ? The objection is thus thrown a little far- her back, but is not yet fully met." How much more of the faculties of destruct. and amat. was originally imparted to Gibbs, of benev. to Howard, of caus. and compar. to Webster, &c. than is given to ordinary men, it is not necessary for phrenology to decide, in as much as •t does not profess to explain the origin of the mental facul- ties, but their manifestation only. The existence among men of a very great diversity of character—a diversity which embraces every observable •nade of character, and variety of talents and disposition—is an absolute matter of fact. Now, this diversity must, of neces- sity, be, at least, in part, inherent in our very nature, and caused oy the original impress of that divine hand which created us, or else it must be wholly the product of circumstances. If you admit, that, in the creation of man, God makes this dif- ference, you urge your objection, in reality, against the works of the Deity, rather than against phrenology. You must, therefore, settle your difficulty with your Maker—as a phre- nologist, I have nothing to do with it. But if, to avoid this difficulty, you contend that this diversity of character and tal- ents is the product of circumstances, in admitting that the Deity rules, you must, of course, allow that these circumstances are, \t least, partially under his control; so that, turn it whichever way you will, you must, at last, admit, that this difference among men-this endless diversity of character-is the product, at least, in part, of divine agency—that either in the original formation of the faculties, or by the force of circumstances,— oy means of phrenological organs, or in some other way, God gives more or less bias to the human character. Hence, to urge this objection against phrenology, or against God's making this difference by means of, or, rather, in accordance with, certain developments of the brain, is virtually to urge it against his making it by any means whatsoever; that is, against his making it at all; which is nothing less than finding fault with the government of God. Carry up your otjectfon, then, boldly and impiously, to the throne of the great Jehovah, and enter your complaint against his divine will and government, and not drag it in against phenology, 392 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. which has no more to do with it than it has with God's causing " one star to differ from another star in glory." Now, if this diversity of character were wholly the pro- duct of circumstances, upon the principle that " like cause? always produce like effects," it is plain, that similar circum* stances would always produce similar characters, and oppo site circumstances, opposite characters. Yet the reverse of this is very often true; for, how often do similar circumstan ces produce directly opposite characters, and opposite cir cumstances, similar characters ! What circumstances made Patrick Henry so splendid an orator ? Benjamin West so distinguished a painter? Daniel Webster so profound a rea- soner 1 Washington Irving so finished and classical a wri- ter ? or George Washington unrivalled as a general ? Why do the same circumstances often have directly opposite effects upon different individuals 1 Evidently because their natures so widely differ. Hence, it follows, that this diversity of human character, is caused, in part, at least, by divine agen- cy, and that the seeds of it are, in a measure, innate. So far then as the Deity has any hand at all in causing this di versity of character and talents which are found to exist among men, whether it is effected directly by a compulsory, divine agency, through the force of circumstances, or bji means of phrenological organs—for, as regards the argu ment, it matters not which—so far, I say, as the Deity cause?. this diversity of character, divine agency supersedes and li mits human agency. So far, but no farther—for this reason and for no other—does your objection have any force at al! In other words, just so far as God rules, and determine human character, your objection has weight, but no far ther. By urging this objection against phrenology, then, you, in fact, "charge God foolishly," and may settle your dispute with the Supreme Ruler of the universe. But mark this point distinctly, that your objection lies with as much force against the Deity's making this difference by me'tns of any other circumstances, as it does against his makir.g it by means of the developments of the brain. The fae'e is, that it lies against the Deity's making any differer.ce among men—against his giving any bias, or any direction what- ever, to human character—against his having any influence at all among men—or, what is precisely the same thing, against his ruling. But suppose that the Creator should cast all minds in the FATALISM. 393 i&jie mould, and allow no difference to result from circum- stances, but dispose all to think alike, see alike, feel alike, talk alike, and act alike, and what a monotonous scene-* what a stagnant sea this theatre of human life would be i Surely, that must be a most unenviable world which pre- sents no variety or diversity of pursuits, tastes, talents, and character; but just such a world as the principles of your objection carried out, would form. That there should be an original difference among men, is perfectly coincident with the whole system of nature. Do we ever see any two faces, or even features, precisely alike ? Search throughout the immense herbage of the field, or the foliage of the forest, scan the bowels of the earth and the "starry heavens,".in short, pervade all nature, and can you find two trees, two flowers, two leaves, two stones, or even two grains of sand precisely alike ? Do not diversity and variety characterize the whole of God's works? Why, then, should man form an exception? His diversified features, talents, inclinations, passions, feelings, gifts, and graces, evince an original and a constitutional difference, as well as similarity. As well might one, then, pretend to deny the existence of the universe, as of this difference in the mental characters and capacities of men; and as well might he pre- tend that every man is his own creator, as that this diversity of mental qualities is wholly the product of education and c\ r cu.msto.ncGS Now, since these diversified traits of character and quali- ties of mind are not wholly caused by the personal volition of the individual in whom they exist, they must he necessa- ry, and can be neither self-induced, nor wholly avoided 11 you please to call this fatalism, be it so, and we must all be either fatalists or atheists. Phrenology aside, how can you yourself come to a different conclusion ? And will you raise the hue and cry of fatalism against phrenology be- cause, forsooth, it teaches the sovereignty of God, and be- cause it does not explain what has never yet been explained namely, how human and divine agency are; conjisten; with each other ? Even Revelation itself, while it states the/** docs not pretend to explain it. When t^s ob^cUon is urg£ selfsame doctrine in phrenology, you ^ v "mfide-ity!" 394 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. Let us now look this whole question directly in the face, and join issue with it. Let us suppose that a mother is pos- sessed of a very large organ of cautious., and but a small organ of combat., whilst her husband has moderate cautious., and large firm, and combat.: let both be suddenly awaked by a cry of fire, and instantly, on awaking, find themselves in the very jaws of the devouring element. The frightened mother, seizes her infant, throws it out of a third-story win- dow, and follows it herself, and thereby kills her helpless babe, and loses her own life, whilst the cool and intrepid husband, by suddenly summoning to his aid his reason and his courage, speedily, but safely, descends with a remaining child in his arms. Now, under these circumstances, the timid mother could no more avoid being distracted by fear, than she could help seeing the fire which was blazing fiercely before her, or ex- periencing excruciating pain when coming in direct contact with it. Her actions were the natural and the unavoidable result of her excited cautious. She could, therefore, no more avoid or prevent her fears, and her consequent rash deeds, than she could avoid being hungry when deprived of food, or thirsty when d ?prived of drink, since both classes of feelings, when thus ex;ited, are equally spontaneous. Her natural timidity, in coiimon with her existence, with her fac- ulties of seeing, hearin g, &c, might have been, in part, ori- ginally derived from h ;r parent', and, also, have been greatly increased by their telling her frightful stories, and frequently punishing her by her up in a dark place, and then causing her to apprehend something dreadful, &c.; but be the cause what it may, the feeling, in this case, is absolutely un- avoidable. Again, when benev, is constitutionally very large, and also called into frequent exercise, a benevolent character is the necessary result. In like manner, when combat, and de- struct. are naturally very strong, and also frequently excited by the passionate or the irritating treatment of the parent or teacher, the necessary consequence will be, that these passions may be suddenly excifed by a svpposed insult; and before the individual reflects at all, he clenrhes his fist, and deals out ven- geance, if not death, uj on the object of his wrath. B it, although the deed is involuntary, yet, is there no ^iZt? ? Most certain- ly there is. In what, then, does it consist ? Not so much in the deed itself, as in the state of excited feelmg in which it origi- nated. A love of ardent spirits, for example, is frequently ■ atalism. 395 10 strong as to set reason, duty, self-respect, and all evil con- sequences at defiance; nay, as to be irresistible. Is, then, the wretched subject of this depraved, but resistless, appetite, guilty for indulging it, and for the crimes consequent upon such indulgence? Unquestionably; and the more guilty the stronger the passion, at least, so far as the passion is self- induced. But, on the supposition that his parents, in part, cultivated in him this depraved appetite, they are culpable and responsible for just so much of the propensity, and of the crimes resulting from it, as they caused. But to illustrate this last point still farther, let us suppose an individual, by recklessly sporting in the river above the falls of Niagara, to be drawn unawares into the resistless cur- rent, and, nolens volens, carried down the roaring rapids, and dashed into the foaming abyss below: is he therefore guilty for this deed? Certainly he is. What! guilty, when he could no more resist the mighty current, or save himself from the catastrophe, than he could chain down the raging billows of the sea, or pluck up the Andes from their firm foundation i To be sure he is. But wherein lies his guilt? Not in go- ing down the stream, but in getting into it—not m being overcome by the irresistible power of the element, but m ex- posing himself to such a fate. Had his parents caused his death by putting him into a frail bark whilst he was yet a child, and by sending it adrift, they, of course, would have been answerable for his fate: then, why is not he_guilty for needlessly and rashly exposing himself to such a fate t The inference from the foregoing premises, is this: in the first place, that the timid mother is guilty in destroying herself and her child, rather for her cultivated twidity of dispo- sition, than for the act of throwing her child and herself out of the window-that the benevolent man is commendable rather on account of his general benevolent feeling, than for any particular acts of benevolence-that the revengeful man is culpable mainly for the inordinate strength of his; revenge- ful pr%ensity, which renders him so liable to mm : act. of violence and outrage-that the drunkard u-w^J not for having aliment., but for exercising it in an^ n°rdlna^ love of liquor? &c. ;-and, in the second place, that, as far as these several states of mind, or, indeed, any state ot mma these several stares u , d ^ion are either volunta- which manifests Use* » £gj™ ;voided b act ofYersS 396 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. sinful deed ; but that, as far as they are brourht upon him by necessity, or by the agency of others, so far these agents are responsible for these states of mind, and for the effects which they produce. It is further evident, that, by creating us with any given amount of the organ of cautious., God does not thereby make us so timid as to deprive us of reason; by giving us aliment, in any given degree, he does not necessa- rily oblige us to become gluttons or drunkards; but that he made man, in common with all his other works, perfect, and exalted him far above all other creatures in this lower world, and yet, he caused one man to differ from another, thereby qualifying one man for one station or sphere of action, and another, for another sphere. Hence, so far from being re- sponsible for the wicked actions of men, the Deity has done all that infinite wisdom and infinite goodness, aided by infinite power, could do, to guard them against committing sin, and to make them holy, and thereby happy. As a phrenologist, then, I distinctly admit, and maintain, these two propositions: first, that the very same act of creative power which calls man into existence, also gives to every individual a constitu- tional, a sui generis, character, which innate, mental quali- ties form the basis of all his feelings, capabilities, actions, and mental operations, and that this creative act constitutes the leading agency or influence which the Deity exerts over the character of men; and, secondly, that there are causes within the reach of human agency—causes within the reach of parents, of teachers, of every human being as soon as he is capable of exercising moral actions and moral feelings, which, when applied to the natural characteristicks of man, exert an important influence upon all the feelings, capabili- ties, actions, and mental operations of every member of the human family, and that the product of this influence consti- tutes the human agency and accountability which our feel- ings assure us exist. Hence, then, according to phrenology, divine agency and human agency both co-operate in bringing about every transaction and every mental operation of every individual of the human race—divine agency in creating the primary faculties from which these actions originate, and in distribu- ting them in certain degrees, and human agency in modify ing these innate faculties, and in directing them to different objects, according as education, external circumstances, and personal volition, may determine. FATALISM. 397 Now, I contend, that this is the only view of free agency which does not, of necessity, involve in it palpable absurdi- ty. Unless we adopt this, or a similar, view of the union and co-operation of human and divine agency, we must necessarily subscribe to one of these two doctrines, namely, either that .all the motives, feelings, and actions of men are the offspring exclusively of human agency, or that they are entirely controlled by divine agency; but the first of these doctrines, as already shown, would be downright atheism, and the last, rank fatalism. Touching your objection, then, you must necessarily choose whether you will be an atheist, a fatalist, or a phrenologist. In the cultivation of the ground, and in all we have to do with physical nature, we take precisely the same views of this subject as are here taken, and our practice accords with them. God has created the earth, the sun, and the atmos phere, vapour, heat, &c, and in their application to the growth of vegetation, &c, he varies them according to certain fixed laws. So far, then, divine agency causes the growth of the vegetable creation; and yet, in regard to the products of a given piece of ground, it is often left for human agency to decide, at least, in part, what they shall be—whether it shall bring forth wheat, or corn, or grass, or garden vegetables; and, moreover, the degree of perfection to which their growth shall be carried. This view of free agency presented by phrenology, then, is in perfect keeping with those common-sense notions of tilling the earth which are founded upon the universal ex- perience of mankind. Human agency greatly modifies the action of those causes which quicken vegetation, by making one field bring forth one kind of produce, and an adjoining field, which is subject to the same divine agency, bring forth substances of a very different kind. How this subject of free agency has appeared to you, or to others, I will not pretend to decide; but, for my single self, I can truly say, that it was always obscured to my men- ial vision by an impenetrably dark cloud of mist in which it was shrouded by the theorizing of the metaphysicians and the speculating of the theologians until phrenology kindly stepped in and dispersed this cloud by the mfluence of its lucid rays: and if phrenology docs not demonstrate the precise point of union between these two agencies, it does at least, show that such a union is both rational and necessary 398 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. Fourthly,—But the following I conteive to be the most conclusive, as it is the final, reply to your objection, It is a fundamental doctrine in phrenology, that every fac- ulty is originally good, and that the legitimate ex- ercise of every faculty, is virtuous. The plain inference from these propositions, is, then, that all vice 01 sin must proceed, either from the excessive exercise, or the perversion, of good faculties. To illustrate this point, let us take, for example, the crime of murder, which is, doubt- less, the worst manifestation of depravity that human nature presents. Now, when analyzed, the faculty of destruct, from which this crime mainly proceeds, is found to be simply a propensity to destroy and inflict pain. See p. 82. With- out such a faculty, it is obvious, that man could not maintain even his existence, much less promote his comfort and hap- piness, in this world, for he could not subdue the earth and cultivate it—he could not destroy those noxious plants, ven- omous reptiles, and savage beasts which would successfully contend for dominion with him, and, at once, conquer and exterminate him. Without this faculty, he could not punish the guilty, or make himself feared; but would be so tame and powerless as to be trampled upon with impunity, and be constantly liable to suffering and death. When, therefore, the faculty of destruct. is directed to the proper and legitimate objects of its function—when it is exercised in the defence of our natural rights—in the promotion of good order, and the protection of good government—in the defence of the weak and oppressed against the encroachments of the power- ful, &c, its exercise is not only necessary, but praiseworthy and virtuous, as much so, in fact, as that of benev. or con- scien., or any other faculty; but when it oversteps these bounds, and breaks forth in acts of violence, cruelty, rage, malice, revenge, murder, &c, its exercise becomes perverted, and is most odious and sinful* ' One of the strongest arguments of Dr. John Mason Good against phrenology, is, that, "if these faculties are originally good, the more powerful they are the bet- ter ; whereas, their very powerful actions, which, according to this doctrine, ought to be regarded as their greatest natural perfection, are usually found to manifest themselves in depraved and ricious feelings and conduct" The objec- tion of tho learned Doctor is not without foundation ; for phrenologists have given nim just cause to bring it forward, by having turned their attention mainly to ex- treme developments of the organs and manifestations of the faculties, and by hav- ing neglected to describe their medium developments. This errour they hav« fallen into by not doing what many find fault with the authors for doing vix. prac- ticing a general examination of heads. FATALISM. 399 But to show more clearly, that the proper exercise of de- etruct is virtuous and commendable, let us suppose that you hear of a starving famLy, situated in the midst of a deep and gloomy forest, which forest is infested with gangs of robbers and beasts of prey. Your benev. prompts you to relieve the distresses of this family by carrying them food; but you know that, unless you go well armed, the undertaking will be hazardous and liable to failure, nay, that your life will be the forfeit. To prevent such a disaster, therefore, you arm yourself, if you please, with a sword. Now, be your sword ever so sharp, or the arm that wields it, ever so powerful, and it does not follow, that you are necessarily obliged to thrust it into every man you may chance to meet. No: your duty is to let your sword rest in its scabbard, unti' yourself or your food is attacked, and then the longer, the stronger, and the sharper your sword, and the more vigor- ous and powerful the arm that wields it in slaying those savage beasts or barbarous men that would interrupt you in the exercise of humanity and benevolence, the better. So with your faculty of destruct., for be it ever so active or pow- erful, you are not thereby obliged to vent the malignant man- ifestation of it upon every innocent man you meet. No; but let it remain quiet, until the cause of justice, of huma- nity, of benevolence, of virtue, demands its exercise, and then the more energetick and powerful the faculty, the better. In fact, the peace and good order of society absolutely de- mand that the violator of its just laws, should be punished; but punishment to the guilty cannot be awarded, except through the instrumentality of destruct. Was there ever a more virtuous and praiseworthy deed—one more just in it- self, beneficial in its results, or acceptable in the sight of Heaven, than that of our patriotick and heroick ancestors in drawing the sword of liberty, and letting it fall so heavily upon our country's foes in the days of the Revolution ? Yet, in this noble and glorious act, destruct. shone most conspic- uously, though directed, it is true, by conscien., firm., in- hab., philopro., adhes., self-e., caus., &c. It is chiefly by the proper exercise of destruct., aided by amat., that the husband or the father protects his wife or his daughter from brutal violence; and yet, the perverted exer- cise of these same passions, is mainly concerned in commit- ting brutal violence upon woman. Nay, the vigorous exer- 400 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. cise of destruct. is manifested even in the divine character and government; and for man to be just or benevolent without the aid of this faculty, joined with combat., is often impossible. There is, in short, just as much virtue in pun- ishing the guilty, as in relieving the distressed; or, in other words, in the legitimate exercise of destruct., as in that of be- nev. ; and, vice versa, as much iniquity in the improper ex- ercise of benev., as in that of destruct. But it would be un- courteous to my readers to multiply examples to prove the correctness of a principle which is as clear to the eye of reason, as the existence of the sun is to the natural eye, name- ly, that virtue and vice, as connected with destruct., combat, amat., or any other faculty of the mind, consist, not at all in the nature of these faculties, nor in the degree of strength with which they are. manifested, but solely in the objects to ivhich they are directed, and in the character of their mani- festation. This same general principle is applicable, and with equal force, to the operations of any and of all the other faculties. We might take, for example, acquis., which gives a desire to accumulate property. Without it, who would cultivate the earth, promote manufactures and the arts, engage in com- merce, or even provide for the wants of the morrow ? It is by the exercise of this faculty mainly, that most of the com- forts, as well as the luxuries, of life are brought within our reach; for, after all, it is more from instinct, than reason, that mankind are taught to lay up property: and, without the aid of wealth, how could we educate our children, sup- ply the wants of the poor and needy, relieve the sufferings of the distressed, propagate religion, advance science and the arts, and carry forward those ten thousand schemes for pro- moting the happiness of our fellow-beings which are dictated by philanthropick enterprise? Yet, this same propensity which, in its proper manifestation, is productive of so benefi- cial results, in its perverted exercise, leads to covetousness, cheating, extortion, and even stealing. The manifestations of combat., secret., aliment, amat., self-e., &c, are likewise either good or bad, virtuous or vicious, commendable or rep- rehensible, not from the nature of these faculties, but ac- cording to the time, place, character, objects, and direction of their manifestations. Thus we perceive, not only that every faculty of the mind is originally good, and that one is as good and useful as an FATALISM. 401 other, but, also, that any faculty is capable of being turned either to a good or a bad account, according as it is trained and directed by the personal volition and external circum- stances of the individual: and hence we infer the personal responsibility of every man. Every faculty, whether small, moderate, or large, in every state and stage of its develop- ment, is liable to be perverted, in which case its manifesta- tion becomes immoral, or it may be exercised in harmony with the laws of nature and of moral justice, in which case its manifestation will be virtuous. The reasoning faculties, for instance, in all stages of their development, are capable of being employed to prove and propagate either truth or errour, either morality or immoral- ity, either Christianity or infidelity—either in the ennobling pursuits of science and philosophy, or in the grovelling pur- suit of devising ways and means by which to gratify an in- ordinate love of gain, or the sensual or baser appetites and passions. Ven. may be equally exercised either in a bigot- ed and blind adoration of a pagan idol, or in a pure and de- vout worship of Jehovah. Benev. is capable of being exer- cised either in relieving the distresses of those who are the proper objects of charity, or in screening from justice those who have violated moral law, and ought, therefore, to be pun- ished. Conscien., even, may be so perverted as to sanction the most revolting and horrid crimes, such as confining innocent victims in dungeons, burning them at the stake, and torturing prisoners taken in war. In proof of this, look at the inhuman cruelties exercised by one religious sect upon another in times of persecution. Look at the bloody butcheries and savage cru- elties of the various Indian tribes, which are often practised upon innocent women and children. But are we to suppose that they who practise such barbarities, are destitute of con- scien. ? Certainly not. We know that the former often be- lieve that, in committing such atrocities, they are " doing God service;" and phrenologically we know, too, that the latter possess a higher development of conscien. than civili- zed, and even Christianized, men. As a proof of this, in his perfectly savage state, we know that the Indian will rarely, if ever, tell a falsehood. , . „ _ .. t Although the acts resulting from the proper manifestation of the propensities, are not of so ennobling and elevated a character as those arising from the legitimate exercise of the intellectua1 and moral faculties, yet, they are altogether as 402 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. virtuous. Nay, more. A good endowment of the propen sities is indispensably requisite to a virtuous character; for, without such an endowment, and with ever so high a develop- ment of the intellectual and moral faculties, one would be too inefficient and too tame to fulfil all the duties of a benev- olent, an intellectual, or a moral character: his moral light would be "put under a bushel." The feeling called love flows mainly from adhes.; and adhes. is one of the propen- sities : yet, who ever supposed, that what we so much ad- mire, and still more strongly eulogize, as " the pure and ho- ly love of woman," is a less virtuous feeling than her benev. or her devotion ? And, on the other hand, would we not con- sider the absence of this feeling in her, as great a defect as the absence of conscien., of benev., or of good sense ? Hence, it is evident, that, by giving us aliment., God does not compel us to become gluttons and drunkards, but that he has merci- fully bestowed upon us this faculty for the legitimate pur- pose of enabling us to sustain our bodies by the use of food: that, by giving us acquis, he d®es not compel us to rob and steal; by giving us destruct., he does not oblige us to mur- der, and so on; but, that all our faculties are primarily good, and their legitimate exercise, virtuous. If, then, these faculties are, in their nature, good, and their proper exercise, virtuous, it follows, that it is our duty to ex- ercise them ; and, of course, that we render ourselves culpa- ble by neglecting their proper exercise. If, for instance, we neglect to perform an act of humanity, or of charity, when we have the means to do it, and clearly see it to be our duty, we are as much to blame as for committing a positive act of injustice or violence upon a fellow-creature. As it is essential to the argument, and, also, a cardinal doctrine in phrenological theology, I may be pardoned for repeating the proposition under consideration, namely, That all the faculties of the mind are primarily good, and their legitimate exercise, not only sinless, but even virtuous; and, therefore, that all sin and all guilt have their origin, not in the nature of the faculties themselves, but in the charac- ter of their manifestations, or in their immoral exercise. According to this view of the subject, then, God nev- er made a bad head, or, he never created a man who must necessarily be a sinner. In fact, to deny this, would be M charging God foolishly," and denouncing his " greatett FATALISM. 403 work" as imperfect and, moreover, making him out to be "the author of sin." •' What! then," I 3onceive you are ready to exclaim, " does phrenology deny the doctrine of original sin, and of innate depravity, as derived from our first parents, and, consequent- ly of the redemption of the human race by the death and surfer ing of the Redeemer ?" If, by " innate depravity, and original sin," you mean a constitutional depravity of the pri- mary faculties of man's mind, as 1 understand phrenology, it, in common with every principle of moral justice, of divine perfection, and of common sense, does deny such a dogma. In their nature, organization, and adaptation, the flowers of the field, the plants of the valley, the beasts of the forest, the fish of the sea, the fowls of the air, the sun in the firmament, the stars in the sky, nay, all the works of God, proclaim that the perfection of the Great Architect is stamped upon every thing which he has made. And no less so does the corpo- real part of man; and, since the all-wise Creator has impart- ed perfection to the organization and adaptation of our phys- ical frame, can we, for a moment, suppose that he created the immortal mind less perfect ? Analogy teaches us, that, in as much as animate nature excels, in the wisdom and per- fection of its constitution and formation, inanimate matter- in as much as man excels all the other works of God in his lower creation, and in as much as mind excels matter, in just the same degree are we to expect superiour perfection m the constitutional formation of the human mind. To maintain that the nature of man's mind is depraved in its primary faculties, and that all his sinfulness and guilt have their ori- gin in this depravity, is to destroy, at once, his individual ism in all its horrid deformity-a doctrine no less revolting ^^umrdepravity, in some form and **£«££ T\ TrLdUvadmU If you ask, "What, then, are the which I readily =^mrt- Y f d t { de. origin and procuring^ consWion of the human SiS?' I- -e" that, if phrenology cannot fully explain Se thole matter, it can, at least, point out one of the causee 404 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. of this depravity; and that one is found in the depraved phyt' iology of mankind, proceeding from a perverted education and training of both their physical and their mental powers. Most of the diseases, sickness, and pain we suffer, both men- ial and corporeal, also proceed from the same cause, and not from any imperfection in the organization and original constitution of our bodies—not from any necessary or legiti- mate action of our corporeal organs, but from our violating the natural and wholesome laws of our physical nature. And this perversion of the laws of our physical, intellectual, and moral nature, has a direct influence upon our offspring, so that the child often inherits from his parents, to a greater or less extent, not only his physical, but his moral and intel- lectual, character, just as he frequently inherits the health ox the diseases of his parents and ancestors. Hence we per ceive, that God is no more the cause of our bodily infirmi ties, pain, sickness, and suffering, than he is of our mental weaknesses and aberrations; for, in the formation and con- struction of our corporeal frame, a wisdom and perfection are displayed which show that he has done all that could have been done to prevent disease and suffering.* To depraved human nature, the doctrine of constitutional and original depravity, seems to be immensely gratifying* since it answers as a sort of " scape goat," upon the head of which to pile up all our sins. But I do not see any thing in phrenology which teaches that, in our day, man is born with a different or less perfect moral or physical nature than that given to Adam when he came from the hand of his Ma- ker, excepting always the degeneration and variation which our species, or different portions of it, have undergone by the perversion of the laws of our physical nature already allu- ded to: and I do not see how it could have been otherwise without destroying man's personal responsibility: and if we take from him his personal responsibility, he is no longer accountable for his conduct. But that man is personally res- ponsible, and, therefore, accountable, " for the deeds done in the body," phrenology clearly demonstrates. I have already shown, that man becomes guilty by perverting his orignally * The writer designs shortly to prepare for the press, a work upon the connex- ion between man's physiology and his mental powers, and kindred subjects, env bracing, among other things, an inquiry into the cajses of the great evils in tocie. sji'ju U is, and suggesting remedies for these evils as pointed out by phrenology The work will form a kind of sequel to the present volume. FATALISM. 405 good faculties—that he often prostitutes his reason, his moral feeling, and all the noblest powers of his nature, to the base and grovelling gratification of his depraved and sensual de- sires and appetites, whereas, were he to act in perfect har- mony with the laws of his nature—that is, his undegenera- ted nature, or such a corporeal and mental organization and constitution as God originally gave to our first parents—he would be virtuous and happy. According to this view .of the subject, then, so far from de- stroying the free agency of man, and diminishing his res- ponsibility and his guilt for indulging in sinful feelings and wicked deeds, phrenology establishes the former, and great- ly enhances the latter. It not only, does not make God the author of sin, but it charges home upon the sinner himself the whole weight of his guilt, with a power and with a force that can scarcely be derived from any other source. Hence, so far from leading to fatalism, phrenology fur- nishes to the Christian, even, an argument against those who urge against his religion this objection. Let us sup- pose, for instance, the following discussion to take place between a Christian and an infidel. The infidel brings for- ward a most depraved character, say the pirate Gibbs, who not only murdered thirty human beings with his own hand, but also caused the death of four hundred more, and, more- over, ravished, and then inhumanly butchered, many help- less and imploring females that fell into his power; and, to fill up the measure of his depravity, to the day of his execu- tion, seemed to delight in recounting these revolting barbar- ities ; and then says to the Christian, "According to your doctrines, did not God create this abominably wicked wretch, and that, too, with all his wicked propensities? " Yes, must be the reply. " And, according to your Bible, does not God eternally punish him for these very crimes which are the legitimate offspring of his originally depraved nature? "He certainly does," says the Christian. "That is accord- ing to your creed," says the infidel, " God first creates men with depraved natures, and then punishes them for being what he made them 1 Surely the licentious Jupiter• o^the heathen is far preferable to the unjust and tyran a God of the Christian. Away with a doctrine and a Deity so ab- horrenV to every principle of common sense and common ** inn's Christian appeal to the authority of Revelation to 406 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. help him out of the difficulty, the infidel resists the appeal by rejecting the Bible as an absurd fable; and let the Chris- tian exert his utmost ingenuity, and turn whichever way he will, he still finds it impossible entirely to wrench this weapon from the hand of his antagonist. But here phrenology steps in, and completely shields Christianity from the blows of infi- delity, by saying, " It is true that God gave to Gibbs very large destruct, acquis., amat., &c.; but so far as the Deity is concerned, these faculties were created pure and sinless; and, had they been properly cultivated and directed, their mani- festations would have been virtuous, and productive of good to mankind. But by means of the power delegated to Gibbs, instead of exerting these faculties in accordance with the be nevolent designs of his Maker, in the promotion of the wel fare and happiness of his fellow men, he basely prostituted them to the worst of purposes. But he had no right thus to prostitute and pervert these originally good faculties ; and, for doing this, he alone is guilty, and, of course, pun- ishable." And now, sir, either my reasoning faculties, or my self- complacency, greatly deceive me, if these four arguments, either singly or conjointly, do not fairly meet, and fully an- swer, your main objection to phrenology, namely—the first. by throwing the objection back upon yourself to answer as bearing against matters of fact as you them to exist— the second, by showing, that, so far as the objection lies against phrenology, it also lies against God's imparting any mental qualities to man—the third, by proving that the ex- ercise of the various faculties, causes the exercise, and con- sequent enlargement, of their respective organs, and that the deficiency of any of the organs is mainly owing to neglect in the exercise of their respective faculties—and, the fourth, by showing that the nature and constitution of all the facul- ties, are originally good, and their legitimate manifestation, virtuous, and, consequently, that vice and immorality origin- ate in the perverted exercise of these good faculties. Here, then, I dismiss this subject, and, at the same time, take leave of several other points of your article; for, if this your great gun can be completely silenced, and even turn- ed against fatalism, surely, all the small arms which can be brought to bear upon phrenology, can be spiked without difficulty. MATERIALISM. 40T MATERIALISM. Another important objection to phrenology, and one very elosely related to that just answered, is, that this science es- tablishes the doctrine of materialism. It is urged that, by making mind so much dependant upon, and under the influ- ence of, organized matter, and by showing that, from one end of the animal kingdom to the other, (see pp. 7 to 10, and 26 to 34,) the mental and corporeal manifestations are recip- rocal, phrenology proves a connexion between mind and matter, so direct and intimate, that it can be explained only by admitting, that mind is nothing more or less than a con- dition, or property, or emanation of matter peculiarly organ- ized and endowed with vitality; and, consequently, that when vitality ceases in such matter, the mind that inhabited it, also ceases to exist, and, therefore, cannot be immortal. That the sympathy and connexion between mind and mat- ter, are very intimate, and that organized matter has a con- trolling influence upon the manifestations of intellect and feelings, no one who has investigated the subject, will pre- sume to deny; any more than he will that the laws which govern this sympathy, are universal in their application to animate beings. It is a matter of fact, that we know nothing either of the character or of the operations of mind in this world, only as they are manifested by means of corporeal organs. The mantled cheek, the lowering brow, the curled lip the speak- ing tongue, the sparkling eye, the look of joy, of love, of af- fection, of sorrow, of suffering, of benignity, of intelligence, of indignation, as expressed in the countenance, all bespeak the inward workings of the mind, whose mandate they obey: ana, if we derange or disturb the corporeal organization through which the mind manifests itself, we equally derange or disturb the mind itself. Let the body be vigorous and active, and the mind will be equally so; whereas, if weakness, or lassitude^ or nervous affection prostrate the corporeal powers, thejnentol powers will proportionally sink. If inflammation seize he brain the mind is excited to raging madness; but when the Dram, me mma n> healthv action, the healthy action ol A™ -S KyZes^el in shirt, if the corporeal functions the nund lsff/*^L the mental functions are equally are deranged in any w ^ d kinds of disease disturbed: see p. lo- nuu<= J 408 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED create peevishness and irascibility; a surfeit clogs the wheels of thought and feeling; dyspepsy produces melancholy and gloomy forebodings; a draught of ardent spirit stimulates the feelings, and sometimes the intellect; unrequited love causes the mind to droop, and frequently the body to pine away; and a few grains of arsenick or opium are sufficient to drive both reason and feeling from their throne. Facts of this kind might be multiplied ad libitum; but these are doubtless sufficient to illustrate the sympathy and connexion which exist between mind and matter. Now, if'the doctrine of materialism follows from the fact that organized matter has a controlling influence over mind, it must be true, and we may as well refuse to believe what- we constantly see and feel, as to disbelieve this doctrine. The whole question, then, seems to resolve itself into this—wheth- er or not the connexion of mind and matter necessarily in- volves the doctrine of materialism. But, decide this question as we may, this much is certain, . that phrenology is no more liable to the charge of material- ism, than is every system both of physicks and metaphysicka extant. If phrenology 'is chargeable with materialism, the science of anatomy, of medicine, of physiology, of natural and moral philosophy, and, in short, of every thing which treats of the human body or mind, is equally chargeable with supporting the same doctrine; for they, one and all, equally with phrenology, admit, and even demonstrate, this same great principle of the intimate connexion and relation be- tween the physical organization and the manifestations of thought and feeling. Nay, even the Bible itself is charge- able with this heresy of materialism. But, if there is any more materialism in the proposition, that one portion of the brain is employed to perform one class of mental functions, and another portion, another class, than there is in the propo sition, that the whole brain is brought into action by every operation of the mind, then, indeed, is phrenology guilty, but not otherwise. All systems of physiology support the doctrine, that the brain is the corporeal instrument by means of which the mind performs its various functions; and this doctrine con- stitutes the data, and the only data, upon which the charge of materialism, as urged against phrenology, is founded. Hence, so far as the objection has any force, it virtually lies against the existence of any connexion between, not only the MATERIALISM. 409 bram and the operations of the mind, but between any por- tions of matter whatever and the mind. But it has already been shown, that we know nothing of the existence or ope- rations of mind in this life, as a separate entity, or a thing that exists or acts apart from organized or animate matter; but of its existence and operation in connexion with organi- zed and animate matter, we do know, just as well as know that matter itself exists. It is not, however, incumbent on me here to discuss the question of materialism in the abstract, but merely as appli- cable to phrenology. Since, therefore, I have clearly proved that this doctrine is not applicable to phrenology as such— that it has no more to do with the principles of this science than it has with those of any and every other science which treats of the physiology and mental economy of man, I con- ceive that I have fairly met, and fully answered, this ob- jection. But this objection is not urged by infidelity against the Christian religion so much as it is by professing Christians against phrenology. They argue that " Materialism is false, because it is contrary to divine Revelation ; but that phrenol- ogy leads to materialism; and, therefore, phrenology must be untrue." But let those who are zealous for the truth of the Christian religion, beware, lest, by proving materialism upon phrenology, they thereby prove it upon themselves, and thus fall into the snare which they had set for phrenolo- gists. They infer that, if phrenology is true, it necessarily implies the truth of the doctrine of materialism, and, conse- quently, overthrows Christianity. Now, if, after all, phre- nology should become (as it unquestionably will) fully es- tablished, materialists and infidels will prove their doctrines by the very arguments furnished by Christians themselves. They will reason thus: "According to your own argu ments, if phrenology is true, it establishes the truth of mate- rialism, infidelity, fatalism, &c.: phrenology is demonstrably true; therefore the doctrines of materialism, infidelity, fatal- ism &c, are undeniable." And thus, even though their ar- guments are sophistical, Christians will be " condemned out of their own mouth," or else driven to the disagreeable alter- native of admitting that their arguments are fallacious, and the offsnrino-of religious bigotry. It is an o!d trick of agitators and bigots to raise the hue and crv of infidelity, atheism, materialism, heresy, and so 3 18 410 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. forth, against new doctrines in religion, and new discoveries in philosophy and science. Not only were Anaxagoras, Soc- rates, Galileo, Columbus, Locke, and a host of other worthies, the effulgence of whose genius has lighted up the intellectual and moral world, obliged to contend with the same kind of opposition, but the great Reformers, and even our Saviour and St. Paul, were assailed with the same sort of weapons. But I am not so easily alarmed as to be driven from my pur- pose by a little dust kicked up by those who are too bigoted to look at a new science lest its doctrines corrupt their morals, nor so easily persuaded as to yield to an objection which I find to be directly at war with fads. I shall, therefore, de- liberately walk forward in the train of facts which light up my way, fearless of the goal to which they may conduct me. In reference to the doctrine of materialism, I have only to add, that phrenology itself furnishes evidence sufficient to satisfy my mind, that it is utterly false. This evidence is chiefly furnished by the faculties of ven. and hope. I believe that the legitimate and leading function of the first, is to teach us to worship a God, and that this proves the existence of a Deity, and, consequently, of a being whose mind acts independently of organized matter; and I believe that the leading office of the last, is to point out to us a hereafter by leading us to hope for it and to expect it, and, consequently, that it proves the existence of a future state of being. But these points will be presented more at large in the chapter upon the Theology of phrenology. REGENERATION, OR A CHANGE OF HEART. As the objection, that the principles of phrenology are op- posed to what many believe to be the Scripture doctrine of a change of heart, is tolerably well stated in the following letter, published in the Morning Star, we allow Dr. Mallison, as the representative of all who urge this objection against phrenology, to state it in their behalf. "New York, Oct. 18,1836. " To the Messrs. Fowlers. " Sirs,—At your next lecture, T wish you to explain, according to the principles of phrenology, how any material or radical change in a man's moral character, disposition, or conduct, can take place. For example ; we frequently see the infidel and irreligious man, sud- denly and radically change his sentiments and practices in life, and become pious, reverential, "and devotional. Now, according to the A CHANGE OF HEART. 411 principles of your system, it seems to follow, that, in reality, there are no such changes, and that they are wholly imaginary or hypocrit- ical, or else, that there must be a corresponding change of the phren< ological organs, namely, a sudden diminution of one class of orgahs, and an equally sudden enlargement of another class, whose functions are directly opposite. " That men do often experience these changes, is evident to every one ; but that the bumps of the cranium, are subject to such sudden growth and depression, is certainly most doubtful: and, if these or gans do not correspond with a man's changes in conduct and dispo sition, how can they have any reciprocal relation to his true char acter"? D. J. MALLISON, M. D." Admitting this doctrine of a change of character and con- duct called regeneration, as believed in and taught by ortho- dox Christians, to be correct, and the first question to be con- sidered in relation to its bearings upon the doctrines of phre- nology, is, in what does this change consist ? From even a superficial view of the subject, it is evident, that it does not consist either in a substitution of one primary mental faculty for an other opposite faculty, or in a change of the original nature and character of the faculties, or of their proportion- al strength; for, if the subject of this change possesses a strong and original intellect before conversion, he has just as strong and as original an intellect after conversion; but, if he is weak-minded before, he still remains so. Even his leading peculiarities of mind, thought, and feeling, remain unaltered. If, before conversion, he possesses a remarkably retentive memory of incidents, of faces, of dates, of principles, and of places, his memory of these things is equally tenacious after- wards : but, if his memory of any of these things is weak be- fore, it is equally so afterwards. If, before, he is remarkable for his mechanical, or any other, talents he is uniformly found to possess the very same talents, and in the same de- gree, afterwards. If he is possessed of a superiour musical talent before he meets with this change, he possesses the very same talent, and in the same degree of excellence, after ^In'what, then, does this change consist? Simply and solely in a change of the direction of these respective facul- ty of the ob'jec/supon which they are ~d™dj[ in a chancre of their nature and character, or of tneirreta- Ze vower For example; if the person converted, has a twe power, r r f hig conversion 1S t0 $£££&*%«& *?*j : thus' *f ronver T' itwi chiefly exercised in singing songs, lively, &c. 412 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. whereas, it is now chiefly exercised upon pieces of sacred mu- sick. If, before conversion, his reasoning powers are great, but exercised principally upon political, philosophical, or scien- tifick subjects, they are afterwards equally powerful, but di- rected mainly to religious and theological subjects. Benev. which was before manifested in relieving the physical suf- fering, and promoting the temporal wants and earthly hap- piness, of his fellow-men, is now directed to a different and far more elevated object, namely, the salvation and eternal happiness of his fellow-men. And so of every other feeling, faculty, and talent, of the individual. Now, in as much as the relative power of the faculties themselves, remains unchanged, though directed to different objects, there is no call for an alteration in the proportionate size of the organs, and, of course, no need of a sudden dimi- nution of one class of organs, and an equally sudden enlarge- ment of another class. But, if this change of heart did ne- cessarily involve a change of the nature and the constitution of the primary mental powers, the inevitable, conclusion would be, that these faculties were not well-made at the first, and, therefore, require remodelling, or, rather, re-creating which would necessarily imply imperfection on the part of the Creator; and, not only so, but this radical change in the nature of the faculties themselves, would certainly destroy the identity of the person converted, thus making him, not a new, but another, being. Again, if this conversion were to change the relative power of the primary faculties, the same inferences hold good, Whilst, then, the nature of the faculties themselves, remains unchanged, and their proportionate strength the same as it was before, the amount of it is, that divine grace simply gives to the faculties as they originally or previously were, a new direction. An illustration will, perhaps, make the point clear. A steamboat, which is made perfect and beautiful throughout, ia being propelled down a river, by the power of steam. The rud- der is turned, and the same boat is now propelled up the river, by the same power, and by means of the same apparatus. But the boat is not changed, or transformed; for it is, by sup- position, made perfect; nor is the nature of the steam changed, nor the character or proportionate strength of any one thing about the boat. This is not necessary. The boat is perfect. Its direction, merely, is altered; and that by means of the A CHANGE OF HEART. 413 ee-opsration of the power of the boat and tnat of her com- mander. So it is in the matter of conversion. The sinner is sailing smoothly down the rapid current of sin and worldly pleasure, towards the opening gulf of endless perdition. Di- vine agency arrests him, and changes, not the nature of the thinking faculties themselves, but merely the direction of the thoughts produced—not the nature of the propelling powers themselves, but the drift and current of the feelings that flow from those powers, by setting before them a different object to stimulate and occupy those powers. The analogy of the steamboat, does not, of course, hold good throughout; for man is a moral agent, the steamboat, a mere machine. It, however, holds good as far as I have occasion to apply it. Men are depraved, not because they have depraved faculties, but because they make a depravea use of good faculties: see last proposition under the last ob- jection, p. 403. You allude to a " sudden" change. So far as the change is sudden, it is not a change, either of faculties, or of their relative strength. This change of the proportionate strength of the faculties is always gradual. The man whose besetting sin before conversion, was an inordinate craving for money, has the same craving afterwards, with this differ- ence merely, that, by the grace given him at c^rsion, it is restrained from breaking out into overt acts of wickedness. The same is true of the passionate man, of the ambitious man, &c. Paul speaks of carrying on a "warfare against the lusts of the flesh;" and the Bible everywhere holds out the idea that victory over our depraved propensities must be gradual, and can be obtained only by long-continued and la- borious effort-by watching and praying and severe self- denial. Christian experience is compared to the rising light, which," from a feeble gleaming, " groweth brighter and brighter till the perfect day"-" to a grain of mustard seed which" from the smallest of seeds, "becomes a great reei-Xnly ^plying, that, as far as the rdative strength of the faculties is changed so far the change-u^ual I would ask any true Christian, if he is not obliged to hnldTn with a strong rein, those propensities that predomi- hold in with a strong , ,Kf . u is not reqm. nated be ore, toj conversion ,^n , ^ JT ^ ^ site effectual y osubau ^ ^ pl ST By the time; tU that I has Subdued his propen- 18 * 414 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. sities, or altered the relative strength of his faculties, the organs will have time to adjust themselves accordingly: see pp. 365, to 370. If I mistake not, then, I have clearly shown, that the doc- trines and principles of phrenology, are not at all inconsist- ent with the doctrine of regeneration; and, also, that phre- nology enables us to tell what kind of Christians particular individuals are. PHRENOLOGICAL FLATTERY. It is farther objected to phrenology, or, rather, to phreno- logical deductions of character, that " The science as employ- ed in practice, generally makes men better than they really are; and thus flatters their vanity and self-conceit, and, con- sequently, tends to diminish their efforts for improvement." j By the application of phrenological principles, we are en- abled to ascertain and describe only the natural talents, feel- ings, dispositions, and capabilities of individuals, including, also, the modifications of these feelings and talents as far as cultivation has produced a change in their external signs or organs ; but a correct description drawn from such data, can- not properly be called flattery. To make it flattery, the de- scription should give to individuals a greater amount of talent, of intellect, or of moral feeling, than they really possess; but this it does not do, except in the hands of unskilful or dis- honest practitioners, for whose acts phrenology cannot be justly held responsible. It is freely admitted, however, that phrenology often as- cribes to individuals a far greater amount of certain talents, propensities, or feelings, than they think they possess, or than they have manifested. But, in doing this, phrenology is not at fault; for the fact in the case not unfrequently happens to be, that, from the force of circumstances, defects in education, or from some other cause, these qualities of mind, which really exist as described, have not been manifested in euch a manner as to display their real strength and power, but have remained neglected and unknown, and, consequent- ly, unappreciated. The diamond, however, is the same, '* whether it sparkle in the diadem of royalty, or slumber on the cross of the pilgrim." Who does not know, that the dis- tinctions and honours obtained in human life, more frequently depend upon adventitious and favourable circumstances, than upon native genius and real worth? Let an individual who PHRENOLOGICAL FLATTERY. 415 is possessed of only respectable talents, be thrown into cir- cumstances which shall give these taients high cultivation and polish, and he will often cut a far greater figure in the world than another who possesses talents of the highest or- der, but who is chained down in obscurity by the force of un favourable circumstances. Hence we might expect, that, if ihrenology reveals the true character, it will often be com lemned for overrating, and, at other times, for underrating the capabilities and talents of individuals. But one prominent ground of the objection under consid- eration, is, that men do not know themselves; that is, they frequently entertain very erroneous notions concerning their own talents, disposition, and capabilities, especially with re- ference to some particular traits of character; and, what makes the point still worse for phrenology to settle in a sat' isfactory manner to all the parties that may be concerned or interested in an examination, is, not merely that the individ- ual examined may have wrong notions of many of his own mental qualities, but that his friends and neighbours even, frequently entertain views on these same points, widely dif- ferent from his own, and widely different from each other. So that, there is nothing more common than for the decisions of phrenology upon particular traits of character, to be oppo- sed by the parties concerned, to be disputed upon among themselves, and, finally, after investigation, to be conclusively established in favour of phrenology: see pp. 79,*63. The causes of this ignorance of human character which so extensively prevails in the world, are numerous. I shall allude to only two or three of them. The first is, that all our systems of mental philosophy heretofore published, are so obscure, contradictory, and defective, as to render it im- possible for any one, not excepting even their very authors, to obtain from them clear views of their own mental facul- ties—to learn from them what constitute the various facul- ies of the human mind, their analysis, different functions, nd modes of operation. Secondly, we live in a highly artificial state of society, particularly we who profess to be highly civilized. In so- ciety as it is now constituted, the great strife seems to be, not to improve, but to conceal and pervert, nature ; so that men (and especially women) are little more what they seem to be, lhan artificial fruit is like real fruit. The theatre of human 416 OBJECTIONS ANSWERED. life has become a masquerade, where each attempts to act to part in disguise. To illustrate this point, let us suppose that a very upright and conscientious man engages in business, in the mercan- tile line, if you please. He proceeds, for a while, to deal in the most honest and honourable manner, but directly finds that he is surrounded by those who employ "the tricks of trade," and begins to think that, unless he fall in with their usages, he will be ruined in his business. He then stops a moment to reason with his conscience—and more especially with his acquis.; and he finds that it is an almost universal practice to recommend a bad article as a good one, (particu- larly among the retailers,) and to lie it on to the customer; also, to take advantage of the ignorance of the customer, by selling him an article for fifty or a hundred per cent more than it is really worth ; and to practise a thousand other dirty tricks with impunity. His conscience loudly rings the alarm, and tells him it is wicked, it is base, it is mean. But the consideration of gain, the universality of the practice, and what he considers the necessity of the case, at length get the upper hands, and so far stifle the warnings of conscien., that he gradually slides into this slimy and hell-ripening course. Now, at such a stage of his career, phrenology would be apt to attribute to him a higher degree of conscien. than he dis- plays in his practice; for, as yet, the organ has not had time to diminish in proportion to the letting down of the man's character.—This case may serve to illustrate ten thousand others, not only with respect to the organ of conscien., bul also in regard to all the other organs. On the other hand, the phrenologist may sometimes be found fault with for describing an individual's character as worse than it is, when, in reality, the only reason that he has not displayed his vicious propensities in their full force, is, they have been restrained merely by surrounding circum stances, or, perhaps, the witness who bears testimony in the case, is not so intimately acquainted with the individual as to know his real character. Hence, I have invariably found, that, the judgment, &c, being equal, the more intimate the acquaintance between the person examined and him who bears testimony to the correctness of the examination, the more perfectly will he agree with the phrenological descrip- tion given. PRACTICAL PHRENOLOGY DEFENDED. Il7 PRACTICAL PHRENOLOGY DEFENDED. Ever since the introduction of practical phrenology into this country, by Ihei writer, in 1833, phrenologists have entertained conflicting opinions as to its merits. Some maintain that the science is capable of being applied to the ascertainment of the leading traits of character only, contenting them- selves with pointing out here and there predominant qualities, and with philosophizing upon its application to education, to mental philosophy, criti- cism, legislation^ insanity, &c., whilst the authors undertake to delineate character in detail, and attempt to read the feelings, talents, tendencies to conduct, &c, of men, by means of their phrenological developments, includ- ing temperament, &c. These philosophizing phrenologists maintain that this is impossible, on account of the modifying influences of the temperaments, combinations of faculties, education, habits, regimen, associations, religious and other Opinions and professions, conditions in life, and other circumstances, which render its application so uncertain, and its mistakes so numerous and pal- pable, that the credit of the science itself must suffer from such an attempt. Now if this is really the case—if phrenology is thus uncertain and anti-Ba- conian—if its inferences are so often at variance with the characters of those examined, and, though excellent in theory, it is so uncertain in fact that its deductions cannot be depended upon, it is comparatively valueless—its stu- dents may better close their books and cease their observations, its authors lay down their pens, and its advocates seal np their lips, lest it should pierce the hand that relies upon it. But from a daily and constant personal experience of many years we affirm that this is by no means the case. On the contrary, multitudes, in all parts of the Union, are living witnesses to the fact that we have described themselves and their friends even more accu- rately than could have been done by a long and intimate acquaintance with them, or even by the individuals themselves: and this too without a know- ledge of these other conditions above specified, but from the developments alone. See also the chapter on Facts, pp. 256 to 348. Whenever he can well do so, the phrenologist by all means should ascertain these modifying influences : otherwise he is liable to mistake, not so much the natural characteristics or talents, as their direction, and man- ner of exhibition. But by knowing these influences, the almost unerring precision with which he can portray and even shade up the character and conduct of men, even in detail, is truly astonishing. True, where the developments are only commonplace, little can be said, and that little not emphatically ; but even here, phrenology is as true to the real character and talents as it is in those that are more striking. Of course these ordinary heads-should never be produced as /es^-cases. That practical phrenology has indeed great difficulties to encounter, la readily admitted, but the question at issue is, whether they are really insur- mountable? This we deny. True, it requires an amount of study and experience, an adaptation of faculties, and a power of mind demanded by no other study or occupation whatever. If the students of la* and medl- cine must study constantly some ten years before they can be admitted to practise, what amount of prcparation-of both original talent and of acquired knowledge, are required to fit one for the practice of a science far more com- plex and extensive than both law and medicine united 1-a science embrac- es within it, vast range all the ever-varying emotions and mental mam fetation* of the human mind-all the never-ending phenomena of thought, fee ling opinion, and conduct appertaining to man! Let any one undertake 418 PRACTICAL PHRENOLOGY NECESSARY to calculate, arithmetically, the number of changes that can be rang on th« thirty-seven faculties in all their different degrees of development, and ha will find them to be inconceivably great, and the modifications produced by differences of temperament, habits, associations, parentage, &c, double even this vast sum many times over.* * A would-be-mathematico-anti-phrenological writer In the Princeton Review for April, 1838. p. 313, employs the following knock-down argument against phreno- logy. He says, " Now the possible permutations of thirty-five different quantities surpass our powers of conception ; the number which expresses them contains forty-ona places of figures. The difficulty of proving that any particular one out of this infinita number of possible permutations in the organs is actually marked upon the skull, is bo great that we may, without presumption or discourtesy, pronounce it insurmount- able. Ages upon ages of observation would be necessary to verify any particular hypothesis ; and in the mean time phrenology is not entitled to assume at best any higher character than that of a lucky guess." Now let us apply this same argument, " mutatis mutandis," to the other natura. sciences. Will the mathematical professor who penned this article please inform the world how many stars there are throughout the vast fields of space, and also all the motions and distances of each, together with every thing appertaining to each? You find the "difficulty insurmountable," do you? Then, by parity of reasoning, astronomy is no science, and all its predictions as to the rising, setting, eclipses, distances, &c, &c, of the sun, moon, planets, and all the heavenly bodiea —all its predictions touching their courses, revolutions, motions, &c, are only so many "lucky guesses." Suppose all the phenomena of nature, all the chymical and philosophical, all the geological and botanical, and all Ihe other;changes, and conditions,and operations of nature,animate and inanimate, that ever have occurred, or are daily occurring, or ever will or can occur, with all their actual and possible modifications and conditions, were enumerated,think you that "the number which expresses them would be contained in" twice " forty-one places of figures ?" Would not all these not merely possible but actual " permutations" of nature, equally with those of the phrenological organs, "surpass our powers of concep- tion ?" And if so, are not chymistry and natural philosophy, geology and natural history, together with all the established laws and operations of nature, equally with phrenology, and for the very same reason too, "entitled to assume at best no higher character than that of lucky guesses ?" and do they not also equally require " ages upon ages of observation to verify their hypotheses ?" The plain fact is, that all God's works are infinite whilst man is finite, and therefore incapable of compre- hending the whole of any one branch of them. Your argument would unscience every science, rendering all our knowledge of astronomy, of chymistry, of natural philosophy, of anthropology, of phrenology, each and all equally merely "lucky guesses :" and we rejoice that this is no more true of phrenology than it is of every work of God. Will this same mathematical professor please inform us how many different shades and phases of ideas and emotions, of sentiments and desires, of opinions and practices, of likes and dislikes, of feelings and talents, a single son or daughter of Adam is capable of experiencing, and actually does experience, in all the changes in regard to family, friends, property, objects of desire and pursuit, and ways and means of effecting his ends, throughout a long life of three-score years and ten ? How many emotions throb through his heart ? how many thoughts flit across his breast? how many desires and feelings arise in his mind, both musing, and walking, and talking, and sleeping? Hundreds of millions, to say the least. Another, has a set of ideas, opinions, likes, repugnances, feelings, &c, entirely dif- ferent throughout. Now, Sir, with these data for the basis of your mathematical problem, will you decipher the sum total of ALL the different feelings and mental manifestations "of every nation and kindred and tongue under heaven" that ever has existed, or now exist, or may live hereafter, and then subtract from it your " forty-one places of figures," and tell the world the remainder. Tell us how many more changes are capable of being rung on the thirty-seven faculties than actually ig, and has been, and can be rung upon the chords of the human heart. The fact is, your estimate falls far short of both the phrenological conditions and the mental manifestations, thereby forming an argument for phrenology instead of against it. How vastly more philosophical the phrenological hypothesis that this almost in- finitude of mental phenomena should be exercised through thirty-seven media. compounded with, and modified by each other, than through your own boasted single medium ? Phrenology is bound to make provision for all these phenomena, evon though the phrenologist may be unable to observe all the conditions on which t. , —4-end. PRACTICAL PHRENOLOGY DEFENDED. 410 •Jo^ntM«5/ rtf.Ut?°8t,Btr?h?h °f man's finite intellect cannot take into SZLSlS hP^IM,l0sical conditions> «ny more than it can all the KH^"dF5Tal TdUiTS T* Ph~™> the phrenologist cer! TnoweS »n 1 ? assifance that Ae c«w ^rfft/y obtain, together with mcludin^ \?tl,'T6' an,d I we"-^lanced mind. But with these help,, anJstmulatetrl gC ft*?? influences ^hich modify, direct, restrain S thSt ? f^ ,^culties> he ««» predict, with accuracy not only Ides STTfr-but als0 a g^at number and varie*of the« ShSn^lStS ! iV ff l1S undenlab'e that relative size is the ruling t anSSSL S*!'and *at i-* -Wil1 genera»y P°int o«t the true charaf Z1! '/ !w leSvCr condltlons of temperament, education, &c, to the contrary notwithstanding. It will show the natural qualities, and these qualities » the practical utilityot this science: « Admitting its truth," say they, " of what use is it 1" To reply bSfly to this question here, may not be out of place. *22 PRACTICAL UTILITY OF PHRENOLOGY Men now worship two deities, Wealth and Fame, with more than pagan idolatry; and value things in proportion as they further these object*. But this standard of valuation is evidently erroneous. Whatever can be made to augment human happiness, or to promote morality and virtue—to diminish or alleviate human suffering, or in any way to improve man phy sically, or mentally, or morally, is useful in proportion as it is capable of effecting these important but difficult objects. All this phrenology is cal- culated to accomplish. It is therefore useful— 1. As a Study. "Knowledge is power" Man is so constituted that to study the laws and phenomena of nature—to witness chemical, philo- sophical, and other experiments—to explore the bowels of the earth, and to examine the beauties, the curiosities, and the wonders of its surface—to learn lessons of infinite power and wisdom as taught by astronomy—but more especially to study living, animated nature—to observe its adapta-. tions and contrivances—in short, to study nature in all her beauty, and variety, and perfection, constitutes a source of the highest possible gratifica- tion of which the human mind is susceptible. But the study of man, of his nature and duties, his destinies and rela- tions, and especially of man intellectually and morally, is as much more useful and important than the study of physical nature, as mind is superior to matter. Man, the lord of creation, is the grand climax, the master-piece of all God's works within our knowledge, and man's mind the master-piece of man ; so that the study of man's mind towers far above all others. Now phrenology has to do exclusively with man's mind, and if true, develops, and that in a tangible and simple form, so that he that runs may read, the laws and phenomena of mind. This is "par excellence," the pe- culiar prerogative of this science. Let those who have groped their way through the mists of metaphysics, and who have caught only a glimpse of the light thrown by phrenology on the study of mind, judge between it and them. Again, this same mind of man is the fountain-head from which springs most of his sufferings and enjoyments. Both the happiness and the misery experienced by it are far more intense and acute than those of a merely physical origin. Now since obedience to the laws of our mental constitu- tion is the sole cause and medium of all our mental enjoyments, since their violation is the only and inevitable cause of all man's mental misery, and since phrenology, if true, develops and elucidates these very laws, the ob- servance and the violation of which cause most of man's happiness and misery, it is self-evident that a knowledge of this science is the key that opens up to man all the hidden capabilities of enjoyment belonging to his nature, and will also enable him to bolt the door upon those causes of mental anguish and suffering which afflict either mankind in general, or individuals in particular. By fully and clearly analyzing and unfolding the primary powers of the human mind, and thereby showing what is, and what is not, their natural, legitimate, and healthy function, and thus what actions and feelings are virtuous, and what sinful, phrenology will teach every one how to exercise his faculties in accordance with their primitive constitution, or in other words, how to obey the laws of his mental and moral nature, and thereby how to become the recipient of uninterrupted mental enjoyment. 2. "Know thyself," was written in golden capitals upon the splendid temple of Delphos, as the most important maxim which the wise men of Ureece could hand down to unborn generations. The Scriptures require ■is to " search our own hearts and try ourselves;" and the entire ex peri? IN IMPARTING SELF-KNOWLEDGE. 423 Mice of mankind bears testimony, that se/f-knowledge is the most im- portant of all knowledge. A thorough knowledge of one's own self—of his good pioperties, and how to make the most of them; of his defects, and how to guard against the evils growing out of them; of his predispositions to, and sources of, temptation to excess and error, and the means of keeping these desires quiescent; of what he is capable of doing and of becoming and what not; and wherein he is liable to err either in judgment or con duct—is mofe intimately associated with his virtue, and happiness, and suc- cess through life than any other, than all other knowledge united. Before he can correct any defect, he must know precisely in what that de- fect consists—must know the precise faculty that is too strong, or too weak, or wrongly exercised. Now, this very knowledge, phrenology, if true, furnishes, and that with the certainty attending physical demonstration. It will enable every indi- vidual to place his own fingers upon every element of his character; and in case his predominant self-esteem has rendered him proud and self-con ceited, or its deficiency led him to underrate his capabilities or moral worth, and produced diffidence, it will correct these estimates, and teach men pre- cisely what they really are. This principle will be rendered still more plain and forcible by employ ing a comparison. It is with mental as with physical vision, that objects take their appearances from the media through which they are observed. If you look through glasses that are coloured, or that magnify, or minify, the objects observed will appear accordingly. Appearances would lead you to think that the apparent colour was the real one, though changing with every change in the colour of your glasses. But by knowing what coloured glasses you look through, you easily correct the error. Now, phrenology tells you precisely what coloured glasses you look through. Does hope predominate, you look through magnifying glasses, which exaggerate every prospect. Without being told by phrenology that these splendid castles are all ideal, and merely the workings of over-developed hope, you would think them real, and act upon them; but with this knowledge, you will avoid the evils consequent upon such action. Thus phrenology, properly applied, would prevent much of this speculating, over-trading, extravagance, &c, which cause most of those failures that are spreading distress through- out our land. Is hope small, the picture is reversed; but by telling you that your spirits flag only because you look through darkshaded glasses, phrenology will effectually dispel this borrowed trouble about nothing. Are you, as a professor of religion, borne down with an overwhelming sense of guilt, and unworthiness, and desert of punishment, accompanied with but feeble hopes of pardon, and many doubts and fears as to your sal- vation, phrenology will impart the "oil of joy for the spirit of heaviness, by telling you that these feelings are caused by your predominant cautious- ness and conscientiousness, and small hope and self-esteem, and not by your actual danger of perdition; and that were the relative size of these organs reversed, your feelings also would be reversed, although in a far poorer way of gaining heaven. You are only looking through coloured Are Vou an over-anxious wife or mother, worrying your very life out of you about your husband or children, by telling you that these feelings are caused, not by any actual danger that threatens your beloved ones, but by your own groundless and whimsical fears, produced by your predominant cautiousness, philoprogenitiveness, and adhesiveness, phrenology will dispel 424 PRACTICAL UTILITY OF PHRENOLOGY these foolish fears, and make you laugh at your own folly ; whereas, but for this science, you would think them weh grounded. It shows you that you are afraid only because you are looking through coloured glasses. In these and a thousand similar ways, phrenology, if true, may easily and constantly be applied to the correction not only of false estimates of ourselves and others, but also of erroneous impressions, as well as wrong judgments, of men and things. It might be added, that the very best method of telling a child or neigh- bour their faults effectually, so as to produce reform, is to take them to a judicious and thorough-going phrenologist. He will be sure to hit the nail on the head, and thus produce a much better effect than could be done by those who live with them, because they will feel that he does it scientifi- cally, they, from prejudice. See Phrenology Proved, &c, p. 262. Again; ambition is one of the most powerful elements of man's nature, and its gratification a source of real pleasure. Hence to excel, even though in a humble sphere, is productive of far more enjoyment than mediocrity in a higher sphere. Thus, to excel in some ordinary mechanical branch renders one much more happy, and enables him to get a better living, than to be an ordinary lawyer, because in the former case his ambition is grati- fied, but in the latter, mortified. Hence to a young person in particular, just beginning the world, and indeed to all, a knowledge, of phrenology, or in its absence, a correct phre- nological examination, might be made incalculably valuable. Still further. The Creator evidently intends and adapts one man to fill one sphere of action, and another, another sphere. As he has adapted one tree to one quality of soil, and another to another; as he has made one flower to grow luxuriantly under the burning sun of the vernal equinox, another, to bud and blossom, in perfection in a colder climate, and still another, to vegetate only in the frozen rOgions of the poles; and as, by transplanting them, they all wither and die—as one tree or vegetable is constitutionally adapted to flourish only in the marsh, another, in the arid sandbanks, and a third, in the clefts of the rocks—as the fish of the sea, and the fowls of the air, and the whole range of animate and inanimate nature have each assigned to them their respective locations and limits, within which they flourish, with- out which they die, the inference is well founded that the same is true of man—that different individuals are designed for, and adapted to, different occupations ; that the constitutional qualities of one man, both mental and physical, best fit him to become a " tiller of the ground ;" those of another, to practise successfully one of the mechanical arts; of another, to sway the popular will by smooth-tongued eloquence; and of still another, to ex- plore the works and wonders of nature. Let parents but apply the principles of phrenology to the choice of occu- pations adapted to their children—let the agriculturist be located upon his farm, the mechanic in his workshop, the artist in his studio, the merchar. behind his counter, the statesman in the halls of legislation, the teachers of morals and of letters in their respective places; let the orator mount the ros- trum, the judge between man and man ascend the bench, the naturalist be placed in the open fields of nature—let every member of society be placed in circumstances the most favourable for calling into full and delightful exercise all his talents and mental energies, and this divinely contrived machine of human society, with every wheel, every thing in its proper place, would work out an incalculable amount of happiness to mankind in gene- ral, and to individuals in particular; those whose ambition is now mortified IN DEVELOPING TALENT. 425 because out of their proper element, would then be delightfully gratified; a vast amount of talent in all the departments of life, which now lies buried for want of action and object, would be brought forth; and a host of Wash- ingtons and Franklins, of Jeffersons and Adamses, of Shakspeares and Miltons, of Clays and Websters, of Lees and Henrys, of Fultons and Whitneys, of Rushes and Blackstones, of Audubons and Davys, of Sillimana and Hitchcocks, of Wests and Rubens, of Irvings and Percevals, who are now unnoticed and unknown, would be hunted up, and their talents brought to bear upon the general welfare of mankind. But alas ! this machine is deranged, its wheels misplaced, and its product is misery: the natural mechanic is put into the study, and the scholar upon the farm, their nature* crossed, their talents lost to themselves and the world, and their happiness J-eatly abridged, if not exchanged for misery. Now if phrenology be true, the natural talents even of children can be discovered with certainty, and their pursuits directed accordingly; and thereby these evils be avoided, as well as these blessings secured. 3. It will incalculably advance the arts and sciences. Only the very threshold of science is yet entered. For every discovery thus far made, doubtless scores remain yet to be made. Future centuries, like those that are past, will unquestionably witness clusters of new sciences, as the present one has chymistry, geology, and phrenology, unfolding new truths and new worlds of facts, by means of which the knowledge and happiness of minkind will be vastly augmented. There are multitudes oi minds calculated to bring to view the phenomena and laws of nature, and make scientific discoveries, which are now either wholly engrossed with other minor matters, or enter upon a literary course too late to make much progress: whereas, had their talents been early known, and their education conducted upon phrenological principles, such naturalists and mathematicians, such artists and mechanics, such statesmen and poets, such orators and divines, 6uch philanthropists and such profound philo- sophers would rise upon our world as would completely eclipse every thing past and present-^as would incalculably improve, adorn, and bless mankind. It would also throw out from under the wheels of science multitudes of those who now retard their progress, and clear the various professions of those drones who are now their bane and disgrace, besides being useful in making choice of our public officers. 4. It will greatly promote morality and true religion. Phrenology, if true, unfolds the moral and religious nature of man. To this same moral nature of man, true religion is also adapted: so that each will confirm and strengthen the other, and both together do much more for man's moral elevation than either could do alone. Phrenology, more than any thing else, is calculated to do away sectarian prejudices, and wear off the edge of those asperities which grow out of them, and which are a deep disgrace to the Christian world. It also teaches forbearance and forgive- ness, and does away with bigotry. It will teach natural theology and natural religion more clearly and forcibly than any other department of science whatever 5. A knowledge of phrenology will give its possessor an almost unlimited command over the minds and feelings of his fellow-men. Are you a lawyer, phrenology teaches you, not only the laws of mind in general, but the particular qualities of individuals, and also how they may be reached. Has one of your jury large benevolence, phrenology not only points out (he development, but also shows you how to arouse it powerfully in aid 426 PRACTICAL UTILITY OF PHRENOLOGY of your cause. The other faculties will then follow in its trail nr/\ he u gained. Has another large comparison, or causality, or ideality, ad 'icss these faculties respectively, and your end is gained: has another large self-esteem, and firmness, humour him, and be carefull not to excite them against you, or " its a gone case:" and so of the other faculties. Are you a minister of our holy religion, wishing to " convert the sinner from the error of his ways," you must become " all things to all men." Your success depends on your adapting truth to the sinner's mind. Has he small conscientiousness and large self-esteem and combativeness, if yoa address your remarks to his conscience, and portray his guilt and desert of punishment, his small conscientiousness and large self-esteem will fail to perceive or feel his guilt; and his large self-esteem will justify himself, and retort, " You come here, accusing me in this kind of style, do you 1 IV* dohe nothing wrong. You talk as though I had committed some awftsi crime, but, thank Heaven, I have a clear conscience. I'm as good as yob are, any day;" whilst combativeness will resent the well-meant but ill applied warning, and drive the intruder from his presence. Thus the sin ner's heart becomes more hardened, and the door of repentance and reforn barred and bolted. Whereas, this same sinner has perhaps large venera • tion and adhesiveness. Appeal to the former by portraying the majesty and the glory of God, and to the latter by descanting upon his infinite love to the children of men, and you strike chords that vibrate through his whole soul, prostrating him in adoration and love at the foot of the cross. Another may have large conscientiousness and small veneration. By addressing to him what disgusted the first, you reach his feelings, producing a broken heart and a reformed life ; whereas, if you appeal to his venera- tion, which produced the desired effect in the case first supposed, you dis- gust him, and the result is worse than a mere failure. Thus, " what is one's meat is another's poison;" and phrenology teaches you how and when to appeal to the reason, or to the feelings, or to the particular class of feelings required by the occasion, and also how to avoid arraying against you large combativeness, or firmness, or self-esteem, or destructiveness, and thus how to be always successful, " meting out to every man his portion in due season." The principle here stated and illustrated, will apply to all our intercourse with our fellow-men, whether for persuading them to adopt o"v opinions or plans, or for instructing them, and especially children, or for pleasurable in- tercourse with them. But the application of this principle to the government of children, is productive of still greater good. Thus, has your child large firmness, or destructiveness, or self-esteem, great care is requisite lest these faculties become arrayed against you; in which event obedience can be secured only by compulsion, the child becoming wilful and insolent. But by un- derstanding phrenology, you will know what will excite these faculties un- favourably, and can thus avoid rousing them, and appeal to some other faculties by which you gain your end at once, and with perfect ease. Again, if conscientiousness and benevolence are large, when you do the child a favour, let it see and feel it to be an act of pure disinterested kind- ness on your part, and a strong feeling of gratitude and sense of obliga- tion will spring up spontaneously in its little bosom, which may be in- creased by every successive garment, and ride, and favour which the child leceives at your hands, until it will become a ruling emotion. A stromr IN THE GOVERNMENT OF CHILDREN. 427 desire to return these favours will be the result; your ascendancy over the child has now become complete; your will has but to be known to be obeyed, and that with delight. But this picture is usually reversed. Parents generally transmit to their children those mental as well as physical qualities which predominate in themselves. These are often large combativeness, destructiveness, acquisi- tiveness, self-esteem, firmness, &c. The little sufferer gratifies his innate destructiveness by tearing a leaf from a book given him to play with, or break- ing some valuable article. The angered parent catches up the unconscious offender, and gives, him a violent box on the ears, (thus re-inflaming de- structiveness by the blow,) exclaiming, " You little rascal you, what did you do that for 1 Do it again if you dare, and I'll whip the very life out of you!" Of course the child becomes enraged, and bawls loud and long, and receives another scolding and whipping, to make him "hush up." Its outraged conscientiousness revolts at this cruel and unjust treatment, and this increases the flame of its anger; destructiveness, already too large, becomes still larger by being violently and protractedly excited ; the child is rendered miserable; its temper spoiled; its brain inflamed; ita gratitude and affection checked; its parental respect destroyed; peevishness engendered; its health impaired; and by the frequent repetition of such scenes, hatred and rebellion take up their permanent abode in the infantile bosom. Or perhaps the little one makes a noise, which is as natural to it as breathing, and almost as necessary for the development of his lungs and muscles. The parent commands silence: the little offender wishes and intends to obey, but, in obedience to the irresistible promptings of his nature, he soon forgets, and continues his noise. The irritated parent, who ought to rejoice in, and even join his little ones in these healthy and intellect- producing amusements, becomes angry; chastises the offenders, thereby kindling their anger; again outrages their sense of justice; and creates those hard feelings, which, by being often repeated, grow into a settled dis- like; the child does nothing willingly, but every thing poutingly; parental favours are forgotten; and the entire intercourse between parent and child, which might and ought always to be of the most delightful character, is unpleasant and cross-grained throughout; each blaming and disliking the other. Thus, thousands of things which are as natural to children as hunger, and no more deserving of punishment, receive either chastisement or sharp rebuke, which harrows up and hardens the tender susceptibilities -of the dear little creatures, thus exciting their animal propensities, and thereby weakening their intellectual and moral powers. Now phrenology, by teaching the parent what is the normal and what the depraved manifestation of the several powers, and hence what to cultivate and what to punish, and also how to awaken any desired current of feeling or line of conduct, becomes of infinite service in the government and management of children. <■ „u;i,7,„„ It might be added that much of the crossness and ugly temper of chddren is caused bv the irritating and improper diet, either of the mother or child, or both! By inflaming fhe stomach, and thereby the system generally, the . 77* l„„ nf the brain, and destructiveness in particular, are pre- SuStyexd d w^h produces an ugly disposition This kind of bad empe? fstheresult of disease, and therefore to he pitied not punished, 3 ;f 'ranv subjects the little sufferer to scoldings or chastisements. S SJ^Sf «y one-reform the diet and regimen of your child, 428 PRACTICAL UTILITY OF PHRENOLOGY and yoa will thereby subdue his bad temper. Bad children are made so mainly by bad management. Phrenology will also teach how effectually to employ the principle of divertion, or counteraction, that is, when you wish to subdue the action of a large and excited organ, how to divert the mind from the aggrieved object by calling into sudden and powerful action, and that without apparent design, another still larger organ, which may be exercised with impunity thus leaving the first-named faculty to cool off. Nothing could delight the author more than the continuation of thest, illustrations, but, having rendered the principle plain, jvant of room com- pels him to drop the subject. In the choice of nurses, servants, apprentices, partners, customers, friends, and especially companions for life,* the utility of phrenology is incalculable, But all these beneficial results, capable of being derived from an applica- tion of the principles of phrenology, sink into insignificance, when com- pared with its application to the modification, moulding, and formation of the minds and characters of children, and indeed of every individual in reference to himself. To state this principle is all that can be done here ; its full elucidation requires, and will probably receive, an entire chapter, or perhaps volume. The principle is this. Every faculty has its own appropriate aliment and stimulant, by the presentation of which it is excited, and its organ thereby enlarged, and by the removal of which its action is diminished, and its size thereby reduced. By teaching us the true nature and proper aliment of every faculty, and thus how to excite and how to allay each at pleasure- by distinctly pointing out first the excess or defect, and then the remedy, phrenology directs us how to change their relative power, and ihus how to produce perfect and well-balanced characters and, intellects^ which is the greatest of all other desiderata. It is a well-established principle of phrenology that the more evenly and uniformly the organs are developed and balanced, the more harmonious and perfect, and the less liable to sin and excess, will be the character and con- duct ; and also that the larger an organ becomes, the more delight is taken in its exercise, and the greater is its tendency to spontaneous activity, which re-augments the size, and this again re-increases the activity; and also that the smaller an organ becomes, the less pleasure is found in its exercise; the less frequently is it called into action, and the more it remains quiescent, this inactivity rendering it still smaller, illustrating the Scripture doctrine, that " to him that hath shall be given, and he shall have more abundantly, but from him that hath not, shall be taken away even that which he hath." Thus the natural tendency is for the large organs to become still larger, and the small ones smaller—the very reverse of what should take place. Now, by teaching us what organs are already too large, and thus liable to become still larger, and also what is calculated to excite, and thus still further to enlarge them, the absence of which will allow them to remain at rest, and thereby to become smaller, and also what will excite the smaller organs, and thus supply defects, or in other words, by teaching the nature and the laws * See an article "on the application of phrenology in the formation of marriages" in No. 7, vol. II., of April, 1810, of the American Phrenological Journal. + This train of remark, by showing that mankind have the formation of their own characters at least, in part, in their own keeping, effectually obviates the objection, tlwt phrenology leads to fatalism, and does away with human accountability, AIDING MENTAL CULTURE. 429 of action of each faculty, that is, how to excite and how to aHay them, how to cultivate feeble ones and bring down predominant ones, phrenology will direct us how we may mould the budding, and modify the already matured, character and talents, almost at pleasure. Is not this an object of the ut- most moment 1 A fact or two in illustration of this point, is all that our limits will allow Mr. Robert McGrugan, of Milton, Pa., was publicly examined by the author, in 1836, and described as having very large eventuality, and a strong mind. He was reputed to have the best memory, and to be the best read man, in that county. In 1836, he called upon the writer to state the means by which he acquired his extraordinary powers of memory, request- ing me to use it "pro bono publico," and especially for the good of young men. He said that at twenty-five, his memory was most miserable. If he went from his house to his shop for any thing, he usually forgot what he went for. If he went to town, he forgot most of his errands. He could lot recollect any thing he read or heard, neither names, nor words, nor dates, :sor facts. At length he resolved no longer to submit to this forgetfulness, fcut to discipline his mind, in doing which he adopted the following method. When he wanted any thing from his house, he would think over and over in his mind what it was that he wanted, thus exercising his eventuality upon it, and thereby remembered it. He would read a passage and re-read it, and then think it over and over, or in phrenological language, would exercise his eventuality upon it, strongly impressing it upon that faculty. He would then lay by his book, but still revolve it in his mind, and then read another passage, and go through the same process in reference to both together, and so on with the entire book; thus constantly exercising his eventuality. After a little, he could keep the history of two books, and then of three, and four, each clearly before his mind at once, and carry them along in his memory as he read them. But he found that he forgot names. He pursued the same course in reference to this kind of memory, and thus improved it also. But he found that he forgot where on the page he left off, and was obliged to turn down a leaf. This would not do. He each time impressed upon his locality where he left off, and that in each book, and shortly found this kind of memory likewise improved. He also exercised his causality in philosophiz- ing upon what he read. Now if phrenology be true, his organs of event- uality, locality, language, &c, must have been small, but they are now all remarkably large, showing their increase by exercise, and he informed me that now, at sixty years of age, his mind is more vigorous, and his memory more retentive, than ever before—that it still goes on improving, though at his age all kinds of memory are usually feeble, and still declining. Let it be observed, that he took the very method for the increase of organs pointed out by phrenology, namely, the vigorous exercise of the very powers he wished to improve. Reader, only apply the principle here stated to the cultivation of your own memory of faces, of places, of history, of words, of names, &c, and you will want no other evidence of the utility of phrenology. In 1836 a young gentleman of considerable intelligence, stated that when a bov he had a school-mate of exactly his size, age, and height, whose clothes and hat perfectly fitted him; that when of the proper age, his 430 PRACTICAL UTILITY OF PHRENOLOGY. too small over the temples, whilst his hat pinched the forehead of the cadet, but was loose over constructiveness; thus showing an increase of the intellectual organs, and particularly the reflective, in the cadet, whose studies called these faculties into powerful action, and an increase of con- structiveness in the head of the mechanic. I have always found eventuality very large in Jews. They were required to tell the Lord's doings to their children and grand-children, in doing which, they powerfully exercise their eventuality. The same is true of the North American Indians, who perpetuate their history in the memories of flie rising race. The early mental education of children should consist mainly in telling them stories, showing them things, phenomena, &c, of which they are extremely fond, instead of wasting their time and health on books and artificial learning. Parents, not hirelings, should be teachers. Weight, though generally a small organ, is invariably large in expe- rienced seamen, in billiard-players, those who manage machinery, and who shoot much, the increased size in these cases being caused by its exercise. Is acquisitiveness weak in your child, give him money and things to keep as his own, and often recur to them as his, and as to be saved for future use. Is this organ too large, contrive to employ the others, and remove from it the excitements to action. Is conscientiousness weak, first learn the precise function of the faculty, and then make frequent appeals to it, and so of every other faculty. The author feels that he has not done this subject justice, nor can he do so without dwelling more in detail upon the primary function of the re- spective faculties, and the precise kind of treatment required to excite and allay them. He might adduce any number of additional facts in illustra- tion of this principle, but his limits are full. He will therefore devote a long chapter in a subsequent work, or else an entire work, to the elucida- tion of this most important subject, taking up each faculty separately, and the means of strengthening it, both as applicable to the education of child- ren, and to the improvement of one's own mind and character. But after all, to reap these advantages in full, one must study phrenology for himself, and apply it in the daily management of his own mind. Let it be remembered, that we have but glanced at only a few of the beneficial results to be derived from the study and application of phre- nology, and that it applies to man in all his physical, moral, and intellectual relations, both to his fellow-men, and to his God. But even in this view of the subject, its importance far outweighs that of all the other sciences put together, and demands the serious investigation of every parent, every philanthropist, every Christian, and every scholar. Should it be objected, that few have the leisure or the talent successfully to prosecute this science far enough to pluck these golden fruits, I reply • 1. By having a phrenological bust standing upon your mantel, you can improve many an odd, and otherwise lost minute in noticing the position of organs, in making one observation here and another there, upon friends and even upon strangers. Go where you will, you can never be at a loss for subjects and materials. You have only to open your eyes, and read as you run. Thus, in two or three years, without losing one minute's time, you will have accumulated an amount of phrenological knowledge which you would not part with upon any consideration, and begin to reap all the advantages here stated. 2. Children can learn and understand phrenology rary young. They are naturally fond of it, and might grow up phrepo ,ogists, and form their own characters by it. CONTENTS. PAGE ?:. ecology defined and proved, 7 fhe Bram the Organ of the M;nd,..................... ib. ■Mind a Plurality of Faculties, 10 The Brain consists of as many Organs as the Mind does of Faculties,....... .......... 17 The Faculties differ in power, 20 Reciprocal proportion between ihe strength of the Faculties and size of the Organs, • • • • 21 The Scull shaped to the Brain, 22 Discovery of Phrenology, ■ ••• 24 Facts in' proof of Phrenology, 26 Phrenology of Animals,...... 27 Indian Heads and Sculls,..... 29 African do. do., ..... 31 Phrenological difference of the Sexes,.................... 32 Phrenology Illustrated, ...... 37 Temperaments,.............. 33 Influence of Education,...... 40 Shape of the Organs,........ 41 Test of the Faculties,........ 42 Classification of do., ........ 43 Affective Feelings, or Facul- ties, • •................. 45, 56 Animal Propensities,........ ib. Domestick do., ....... 46,56 Selfish do., ....... 46,73 Human, Moral, and Religious Sentiments,............ 47,102 Selfish do., .............. 47, 103 Moral and Religious do., •• 48,123 Semi-Intellectual do., --- 48,159 Intellectual Faculties—Percep- tive do., ............... 49,177 External Senses,......... 49,178 Observing and knowing Facul- ties, ................... £0,183 Semi-Perceptive Faculties, 50, 209 Reflective or Reasoning Facul- ties,---................ 51,229 Combinations of the Faculties, 51 1. Arrsativeness, ............. 56 MUM. 2. Philoprogenitiveness! ..... 61 3. Adhesiveness,.....°.....