EDI CINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE N A T I Otfl «NOIl«N 1NIDI01W JO llVlill 1VNOI1VN 1NOIC-3W JO AIVIIII 1YNOI1VN IN 13 10^, ,Y OF MEDIC.NE NATIONAL LIBRARY O \A: PS/ s F MEDICINE N«IIOH»lUI«»IT OFMIDICIH1 Nl ^Y OF MED.CINE N A T I O N A L L I B R A R Y O F M E D I C . N E N A T I O N A L L I B R A R Y O F M E D I C I N E N ARY OF MEDICINE N A T I O N A I L I B R A R Y O F M E D I C I N E N A T I O N A I L I B R A R Y O F M E D I C I N E |v IARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE • VBBI1 IVNOUVN 3NI3I03W JO A»V »HI 1 IVNOUVN 3NI3IQ3W JO A.VBBI1 IVNOUVN &\ / ! \ INTRODUCTION STUDY OF HUMAN ANATOMY. By JAMES PAXTON, MEMBER OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS, HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ASHMOLEAN SOCIETY, AND AUTHOR OF NOTES AND ILLUSTRATIONS TO PALEY'S NATURAL THEOLOGY. IN TWO VOLUMES, WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. VOLUME I. THIRD AMERICAN EDITION, WITH ADDITIONS, Bv WINSLOW LEWIS, Jr. M. D. DEMONSTRATOR OF ANATOMY TO THE MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF HAKVARD UNIVERSITY. BOSTON: WILLIAM D. TICKNOR, Comer of Washington and School Streets. M DCCC XI.. I 7 *"/ 0 .^■■GM'^ W ,. — j. *•j . Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1835, By William D. Ticknor, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of Massachusetts. as ?3 42^ boston: isaac. r. butts, printer, No. 2 School Street. PREFACE OF THE AMERICAN EDITOR. The evident utility of the anatomical work of Paxton, founded on the union of graphic and ex- planatory designs, must at once be apparent to those, who, without such a guide, have experienced great difficulties in conceiving of the appearances of parts from verbal description alone. The only work on Anatomy re-published in this country, accompanied with plates, is that of Charles and John Bell, which are expensive, without being well done, and the student is obliged to turn from the book of the text to that of the plates. In these volumes of Paxton, at a moderate cost, this is obviated. The reader has, at a coup deceit, the representation of the part before him, with a sim- ple explanation. This work only claims to be of an elementary character, and one to be studied at the very commencement of professional reading: to serve to introduce the student to those more elaborate and excellent systems, with which our own anatomists have enriched this department___ VI PREFACE. Those who are familiar with the admirable work of J. Cloquet, Anatomie de V Homme, will perceive that frequent use has been made of it, both in figures and description. Much interest has of late been excited by publi- cations which display the mechanism of nature ; in- deed, the utility and application of animal mechan- ics, in several branches of science beside those of medicine and surgery, have been frequently pointed out. From the structure and functions of living bodies, writers on Natural Theology find ample ma- terials for showing design and goodness in the crea- tion ; and certainly no ground of argument could be better chosen, or afford more striking illustrations of the wisdom and power of the Creator, than the anatomy of man; which, throughout, is but the his- tory of means adapted to certain ends. Those only who study the structure of animated nature, can estimate and admire as they ought the wonderful contrivances of the human frame. " It is evident, therefore, that the more correctly a divine is inform- ed respecting anatomy and physiology, the more effectually will he be enabled to employ his know- ledge as an argument in favor of natural religion."* And, as a branch of general education also, it de- serves the attention of all those concerned in the instruction of youth. It is acknowledged by most persons, that natural history cannot be advantageously studied unless * Dr. Macartney. PREFACE. Vll we are acquainted with the structure of the objects of our research, or with comparative anatomy, so called from its comparing the anatomy of other liv- ing creatures with that of man. So, also, the science of geology, which in the present age so much enga- ges the attention of philosophic inquiry, receives great elucidation from the anatomical character of animals. Natural philosophy has derived stid from the inves- tigation of the human structure, particularly from a knowledge of the formation of the eye and the ear; for " the eye is an organ or instrument by which vision is performed: it is by its nature the most per- fect optical instrument, and the foundation of all others"* The provisions in the eyes of different animals for regulating the admission of light, the adaptation of their refracting powers to the different media, and the momentary changes in their forms for the vision of near or distant objects, are some of the most in- teresting points of physiology, and evidently con- nected with the science of optics. The organ of hearing may be said to be com- pletely artificial, differing in different animals ac- cording to the circumstances in which the function is to be exercised. All these varieties are founded on the general laws for the transmission of sound through various vibrating substances; those laws, therefore, cannot fail to derive elucidation from a knowledge of the mechanism of the ear. * Emerson. viii PREFACE. In the fine arts, sculpture and painting receive considerable assistance from a knowledge of anato- my. Without some acquaintance with this science, the artist cannot determine the correctness of his figures; for the bones give the form and the propor- tion of the joints, and the muscles the intervening outline. The various emotions of the mind naturally call into action certain muscles ; and the predomi- nating passion stamps upon the countenance a cor- responding indelible impression, though the mind may not be at every instant under its influence. The representation of muscular actions constitutes the anatomy of expression; so that the success of the historical painter must very much depend on his knowing the separate and combined action of the moving powers, in the various attitudes and positions of the human body; for not only the face, but every other part of the person, participates in the mental emotion, and more or less influences the contour and general character of the figure. Many of the an- cient statues, as the Laocoon, the Gladiator, and others, display a studied observation and a correct expression of muscular action. As a branch of general education, anatomy and physiology are subservient to several other objects. For instance — in many judicial inquiries; in the examination of legal evidence; in the regulation and infliction of punishments; and in the considera- tion of the best modes of coercion, or the restraints which are most effectual in preventing crime ;—the powers of the human constitution should be accu- rately considered. PREFACE. IX I have taken a cursory view of some of the col- lateral advantages which may accrue from the study of anatomy and physiology; but to the student in medicine, these sciences must be considered indis- pensable. Not only is it his duty, before entering into practice, to obtain the most perfect knowledge of this department of his profession, by studying the structure and functions of animal bodies, but he must carefully, during the whole course of his pro- fessional career, keep up his stock of information. On the importance of anatomical science, the late Dr. Baillie has thus expressed himself: "There is not a physician, or surgeon, who can conscientiously discharge his duty to his patient or to himself, who does not occasionally, 1 ought to say, who does not frequently, inspect the human frame ; a knowledge of which is the very foundation of medical science, and a guide to us in the distribution of life and health to our fellow-creatures." From an acquaintance with the structure and functions of the several parts of the human body when in health, we are able, for the most part, to judge of its state when under deviations occasioned by disease, and thus to act upon just and rational principles in the treatment of the innumerable de- rangements to which our frame is liable. It is in the pages of death that we read the history of life — it is by taking to pieces the machine that we discover some at least of the wheels which put it in motion: for the same reason we are obliged to VOL. I. B X PREFACE. examine the body by dissection, before we can ex- plain its constitution and actions. The anatomist, therefore, first studies the apparently simple ele- ments which compose our complex fabric, examin- ing successively all those solid pieces of framework which give to the body its proportions, permit or limit its movements ; that by separating the levers of the system, he may be better able to observe their junctures, and the fastenings which retained them in their situation. Next he traces out the moving powers which act on them and direct them, or which enable the animated form to execute the external and internal actions necessary to existence. He then dissects the principal tubes which distribute that vital and regenerating fluid, which repairs the waste of material, by supplying an accession of substance to the complicated machine. Afterwards he investigates those organs which communicate sensation, and transmit, swifter than lightning, the orders of the will, by means of those delicate fibres which establish such intimate relations between us and the bodies with which we are surrounded. Lastly, he analyses those optical, acoustic, and chemical instruments of nature, which produce sen- sations; and contemplates, in their defunct state, those organs which, under a living principle, exer- cised a series of functions, excelling each other in the wonder they excite, and following one another in such intimate succession, as gives them the ap- pearance of being connected together by an invisible but most admirable chain. CONTENTS. ARTICLE 1. OSSEOUS SYSTEM. CHAPTER I. Of the Bones in General, or Osseous System, Ossification, ...... Eminences and depressions of bones, Forms of bones, ..... Color of bones, ..... Texture of bones, ..... Periosteum, ..... Composition of bones, ..... Table of the bones, .... A front view of the male skeleton, A back view of the male skeleton, CHAPTER II. Bones of the Head, The sutures, .... The frontal bone. Osfrontis, The parietal bones. Ossa parietalia, The occipital bone. Os occipitis, The temporal bones. Ossa temporum, . The sphenoid bone. Os sphenoides, . The ethmoid bone. Os ethmoides, Xll CONTENTS. Page. The Wormian, or triangular bones. Ossa Wormiana, ossa triquetra, 29 The bones of the face, . . . . . .30 The nasal bones. Ossa nasi, ..... 30 The lachrymal bones. Ossa lachrymalia, . . . .31 The cheek bones. Ossa malarum, .... 31 The upper jaw bones. Ossa maxillaria superiora, . . .32 The palatine bones. Ossa palatina, .... 33 The turbinated bones. Ossa turbinata, . . . .34 The vomer, ....... 35 The lower jaw. Os maxillare inferius, . . . .36 CHAPTER III. The Bones of the Trunk, The vertebra? of the neck, The peculiarities of the vertebras of the neck, The first vertebra, or atlas, The second vertebra, or dentata, The seventh vertebra of the neck, The vertebras of the back, The vertebrae of the loins, General observations on the spine, The ribs. Costa, The first rib, .... The eleventh and twelfth ribs, The breast bone, The bones of the pelvis, The unnamed bones. Ossa innominata, The os sacrum, The coccyx. Os coccygis, 37 38 39 39 40 41 41 42 43 44 45 46 46 43 48 51 52 CHAPTER IV. The Bones of the Upper Extremity, The collar bone. Clavicula, The shoulder blade. Scapula, The upper arm bone. Os brachii, The bones of the fore-arm, The ulna or larger bone of the fore-arm, 52 52 53 56 57 CONTENTS. The radius, . The bones of the hand, The bones of the wrist. Carpus, The bones of the palm of the hand. Metacarpus, The bones of the fingers. Phalanges digitorum, The bones of the thumb, CHAPTER V. The Bones of the Lower Extremity, The thigh bone. Osfemoris, The knee pan. Patella, The shin bone. Tibia, The splint bone. Fibula, The bones of the foot, The bones of the tarsus, The astragalus, . . . The heel bone. Os calcis, The scaphoid, or navicular bone, , The cuneiform bones, The inner cuneiform bone, The middle cuneiform bone, The outer cuneiform bone, The cuboid bone. Os cuboides, The metatarsal bones, The bones of the toes, The Sesamoid Bones, The Tongue Bone. Os hyoides, CHAPTER VI The Teeth, .... The structure of the teeth, The enamel of the teeth, . . The osseous substance of the teeth, The classes of teeth, The incisors, .... The canine teeth, The grinders, .... XIV CONTENTS. Of the formation of the teeth, . Of the deciduous teeth, .... Of the permanent'teeth, ... CHAPTER VII. The Medullary System or Marrow of Bones, ARTICLE II. CARTILAGINOUS SYSTEM. CHAPTER I. Cartilaginous System, or the Gristle of Bones, etc. ARTICLE III FIBROUS SYSTEM. CHAPTER I. Fibrous System, .... CHAPTER II. Perichondrium, .... CHAPTER III. The Ligaments, .... Capsular ligaments, .... Lateral ligaments, .... Ligaments within the joints, . . . CONTENTS. CHAPTER IV. Particular Ligaments, . Ligaments of the Head, Ligaments of the lower jaw, Capsular ligament, Interarticular cartilage, Internal lateral ligament, •Stylo-maxillary ligament, External lateral ligament, Ligaments connecting the Head and Neck Two capsular ligaments, . Anterior perpendicular ligament, Posterior perpendicular ligament, Two lateral ligaments, CHAPTER V. Ligaments of the Vertebrje, Ligaments of the second vertebra, Transverse ligament, Ligaments common to all the vertebras, Anterior common ligament, Posterior common ligament, . . Intervertebral ligament, Ligamenta subflava, . Interspinous ligaments, . Supraspinous ligaments, Ligaments of the oblique processes, CHAPTER VI. Ligaments of the Thorax, Ligaments of the Ribs with the Vertebrje, Capsular ligaments, ..... Interarticular ligament, .... Middle transverse ligament, .... Inferior transverse ligament, XVI CONTENTS. Anterior, or radiated ligament, . Ligaments of the Cartilages of the Ribs with the Sternum, • Tage. 104 106 CHAPTER VII. Ligaments of the Pelvis, Long posterior ligament of the ilium, Short posterior ligament, Posterior lateral ligament, Great sacro-sciatic ligament, Smaller sacro-sciatic ligament, . Superior ilio-lumbar ligament, Inferior ilio-lumbaf ligament, Ilio-sacral ligaments, Symphysis of the ossa pubis, Membrane of the thyroid foramen, Ligament of Fallopius, or Poupart, 107 107 107 108 108 109 109 109 110 110 110 110 CHAPTER VIII. Ligaments of the Superior Extremities, . Ligaments of the clavicle, Interclavicular ligament, .... Sterno-clavicular ligament, Interarticular cartilage, .... Costo-clavicular ligament, Acromio-clavicular ligament, Coraco-clavicular ligament, Ligament of the scapula. Acromio-coracoid ligament, Coracoid ligament, .... Ligaments between the scapula and humerus. Capsular ligament, Accessory ligament, ..■..., Ligaments between the humerus and bones of the arm. Capsular ligament, ....... External lateral ligament, ...... Internal lateral ligament, ..... Ill 111 111 112 112 112 113 113 113 113 114 114 115 116 116 CONTENTS. XV11 Superior articulation. Ligaments between the radius and ulna Orbicular ligament, . Anterior and posterior accessory ligaments, Middle articulation. Round ligament. Chorda transversalis cu biti, Interosseous ligament, ... Inferior articulation. Interarticular cartilage. Cartilago inter media triangularis, . Capsular or sacciform ligament, . External lateral ligament, Internal lateral ligament, Ligaments of the carpus, Ligaments of the first row of the carpal bones, Ligaments of the second row of the carpal bones Ligaments of the two rows of carpal bones, The annular ligament of the carpus, Ligaments of the hand, . Capsular ligaments, . Superior transverse ligaments, . Inferior transverse ligaments, Ligaments of the fingers, Page. 117 117 117 118 118 118 118 119 119 11JJ 120 120 120 121 121 121 121 122 CHAPTER IX. Ligaments of the Inferior Extremities, Ilio-femoral ligaments, Cotyloid ligament, Capsular ligament, Interarticular ligament. Ligamentum teres, Ligaments of the knee joint, Capsular ligament, Lateral ligaments, External lateral ligament, Internal lateral ligament, Crucial ligaments, Anterior crucial ligament, Posterior crucial ligament, . Interarticular, or semilunar cartilage, Ligaments between the tibia and fibula, VOL. I. r. 123 123 123 124 125 125 125 127 127 127 128 128 128 129 129 XV111 CONTENTS. Capsular ligament, .... Interosseous ligament, .... Ligaments of the lower end of the tibia and fibula, Ligaments of the ankle joint, Ligaments between the fibula and tarsus, Ligaments between the tibia and tarsus, Deltoid or tibio-tarsal ligament, . Capsular ligament, ..... Ligaments of the tarsus, .... Ligaments between the os calcis and astragalus, Ligaments between the astragalus and os naviculare, Ligaments between the os calcis and os naviculare, Ligaments between the os calcis and os cuboides, Ligaments between the navicular and cuboid bones, Ligaments between the navicular and cuneiform bones, Ligaments between the cuneiform bones, Ligaments between the cuboid and external cuneiform bones, Ligaments of the tarsus with the metatarsus, Ligaments of the metatarsal bones with each other, Ligaments of the metatarsus with the phalanges of the toes, Ligaments of the phalanges of the toes, . Page. 130 130 130 131 131 131 131 132 132 133 133 134 134 134 135 135 135 135 136 136 136 ARTICLE IV. MUSCULAR SYSTEM CHAPTER I. Muscular System, . . . . . 138 Form of the muscles, .... . 141 The long muscles, ..... 141 The wide muscles, ..... 142 The short muscles, ..... 142 Voluntary, involuntary, and mixed muscles, . 143 Texture of muscles, ..... 144 Cellular tissue of muscles, .... . 145 Blood-vessels of muscles, .... 146 Nerves of muscles, ..... . 147 CONTENTS. XIX Tendons of muscles, . Aponeuroses, Chemical"composition of muscles, Sheaths of tendons, Strength of muscles, Actions of muscles, Nomenclature of the muscles, Classification of the'muscles, Page. 147 148 148 149 150 151 151 152 CHAPTER II. Table of the Muscles, . Muscles of the head, ------of the face, . ------of the neck, ------of the trunk, ------of the abdomen, . .______of the posterior part of the trunk, of the extremities, ---of the superior extremities, ---of the shoulder, . ---of the arm, . ---of the fore-arm, . ---of the hand, ---of the inferior extremities, ---of the haunch and thigh, ---of the leg, ---of the foot, . Muscles of the Head. Cranial region Occipito-frontalis, Auricular region, Attollens auris, Attrahens auris, . Retrahens auris, Muscles of the Face, Palpebral region, Orbicularis palpebrarum, . Corrugator supercilii, Levator palpebras superioris, 153 153 153 154 154 155 155 156 156 156 156 156 157 157 157 158 158 159 159 160 160 160 160 161 161 161 161 162 XX CONTENTS. Ocular region, Rectus superior, . Rectus inferior, Rectus internus, . Rectus externus, Obliquus superior, Obliquus inferior, Nasal region, .... Pyramidalis nasi, Compressor nasi, . Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, Depressor alas nasi, Superior maxillary region, . Levator labii superioris, Levator anguli oris, . Zygomaticus major, Zygomaticus minor, . Orbicularis oris, Inferior maxillary region, Depressor anguli oris, Depressor labii inferioris, Buccinator, Levator menti, Masseter, .... Temporo-maxillary region, . Temporalis, Pterygo-maxillary region, Pterygoideus externus, Pterygoideus internus, Lingual region, .... Hyo-glossus, . Genio-glossus, Stylo-glossus . Lingualis, .... Palatine region, Circumflexus palati, Levator palati, Levator uvula;, Palato-pharyngeus, Constrictor isthmi faucium, CONTENTS. XXI CHAPTER III. Muscles of the Neck, Anterior cervical region, Platysma-myoides, Sterno-cleido mastoideus, . Digastricus, . Stylo-hyoideus, Mylo-hyoideus, Genio-hyoideus, Inferior hyoid region, Omo-hyoideus, Sterno-hyoideus, Sterno-thyroideus, Thyro-hyoideus, Pharyngeal region, Constrictor pharyngis inferior. Constrictor pharyngis medius, Constrictor pharyngis superior, Stylo-pharyngeus, Deep cervical region, Rectus capitis anticus major, Rectus capitis anticus minor, Longus colli, Lateral cervical region, Scalenus anticus, . • Scalenus posticus, Rt us capitis lateralis, Page. 181 181 181 182 183 183 184 184 185 185 186 186 187 188 188 189 189 191 191 191 192 193 193 193 194 194 CHAPTER IV. Muscles o* the Trunk, Anterior thoracic region, Pectoralis major, Pectoralis minor, . Subclavius, 195 195 195 197 198 XXII CONTENTS. Lateral thoracic region, Serratus magnus, , Intercostal region, Intercostales externi, Intercostales interni, Levatorcs costarum, Triangularis sterni, Region of the diaphragm, Diaphragm, Abdominal region, Obliquus abdominis externus Obliquus abdominis internus, Transversalis abdominis, Rectus abdominis, Pyramidalis, . Lumbar region, . Psoas magnus, Psoas parvus, Iliacus internus, Quadratus lumborum, Anal region, Levator ani, Coccygeus, Sphincter ani, Genital region in the male, . Cremaster, Ischic-cavernosus, Bulbo-cavernosus, Transversus perinaei. . Genital region in the female, Ischio-cavernosus, Constrictor vaginas, Lumbo-dorsal region, Trapezius, Latissimus dorsi, Dorso-cervical region, Rhomboideus, Levator scapulas, . Serratus posticus superior, Serratus posticus inferior, Splenius, Complexus, Trachelo-mastoideus, . CONTENTS. XX111 Posterior occipito-cervical region, Rectus capitis posticus major, Rectus capitis posticus minor, Obliquus capitis superior, . Obliquus capitis inferior, Interspinales cervicis, Vertebral region, Longissimus dorsi, Sacro-lumbalis, Transversalis colli, Multifidus spinas, Intertransversales colli, Intertransversales lumborum, CHAPTER V. Muscles of the Extremities Muscles of the Superior Extremity Muscles of the Shoulder, Posterior scapular region, Supra-spinatus, Infra-spinatus, Teres minor, . Teres major, Anterior scapular region, Subscapularis, External scapular region, Deltoides, . Muscles of the Arm, . Anterior brachial region, Coraco-brachialis, Biceps flexor cubiti, Brachialis internus, Triceps extensor cubiti, Muscles of the Fore-Arm, Anterior region of the fore-arm, Pronator teres, Flexor carpi radialis, Palmaris longus, Flexor carpi ulnaris, xxiv CONTENTS. Flexor digitorum sublimis vel perforates, Anterior deep region of the fore-arm, Flexor digitorum profundus vel perforans, Flexor longus pollicis manus, Pronator quadratus, Posterior superficial region of the fore-arm, . Extensor digitorum communis, Extensor proprius minimi digiti, Extensor carpi ulnaris, Anconeus, .... Posterior deep region of the fore-arm, Extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis, . Extensor primi internodii pollicis manus Extensor secundi internodii pollicis manus Indicator, .... Radial region, .... Supinator radii longus, Supinator radii brevis, Extensor carpi radialis longior, or radialis externus longior, Extensor carpi radialis brevior, or radialis externus brevior, Muscles of the Hand, External palmar region, Abductor brevis pollicis manus, . Opponens pollicis, Flexor brevis pollicis manus, Adductor pollicis manus, Internal palmar region, . Palmaris brevis, Abductor minimi digiti, Flexor proprius minimi digiti, Adductor ossis metacarpi minimi digiti, Middle palmar region, Lumbricales, Interossei, .... 1. Abductor indicis, . 2. Adductor indicis, 3. Abductor digiti medii, 4. Adductor digiti medii, 5. Abductor digiti annularis, 6. Adductor digiti annularis, 7. Abductor minimi digiti, The Enveloping Aponeurosis of the Upper Extremity, CONTENTS. XXV CHAPTER VI. Muscles of the inferior Extremity, Region of the hip, Muscles of the Haunch and Thigh, Gluteus maximus, Gluteus medius, Gluteus minimus, . Pelvi-trochanteric region, Pyriformis, . Obturator internus, Obturator externus, Gemellus superior, . Gemellus inferior, . Quadratus femoris, Anterior femoral region, . Sartorius, .... Rectus Femoris, . Triceps extensor cruris; vastus externus, vastus internus crurasus, . Internal femoral region, . Pectineus, Gracilis, Adductors of the thigh, Adductor longus, . Adductor brevis, Adductor magnus, Posterior femoral region, Biceps femoris, Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, Tensor vaginae femoris, Aponeurosis of the thigh, . Muscles of the Leg, Anterior region of the leg, Tibialis anticus, Peroneus tertius, . Extensor longus digitorum pedis, Extensor proprius pollicis pedis, VOL. I. D xxvi CONTENTS. Peroneal region, .... Peroneus longus, Peroneus brevis, . Posterior region of the leg, . Gastrocnemius externus et internus, Soleus, Plantaris, . Popliteus, Flexor longus digitorum pedis, Flexor longus pollicis pedis, . Tibialis posticus, . Muscles of the Foot, Dorsal region, Extensor brevis digitorum pedis, Interossei externi, Plantar region, Flexor brevis digitorum pedis, Abductor pollicis pedis, Abductor minimi digiti pedis, Flexor digitorum accessorius, Lumbricales pedis, Flexor brevis pollicis pedis, . Adductor pollicis pedis, Flexor brevis minimi digiti pedis, Transversus pedis, Interossei interni, Aponeurosis of the leg, Annular ligament of the instep, Observations on the Muscles, Bursje Mucosje or Mucous Bags, CONTENTS. xxvn ARTICLE V VASCULAR SYSTEM CHAPTER I. Organs of Circulation, . The Heart and its Envelopes, The pericardium, The blood, The heart, .... The right side of the heart, The right auricle, The right ventricle, Commencement of the pulmonary artery The left side of the heart, The left auricle, The left ventricle, Organization of the heart, The vessels of the heart, . General observations on the heart, Table of the arteries, Of the arteries in general, Structure of the arteries, . The Aorta, .... The arteries which the aorta gives off at its origin The right coronary artery, The left coronary artery, . The arteries of the arch of the aorta, Arteria innominata, Primitive carotid arteries, External carotid artery, Anterior branches of the external carotid artery Superior thyroid artery, . External maxillary artery, Branches of the external maxillary artery The lingual artery, Page. 330 330 330 332 333 338 338 339 341 342 342 343 344 346 347 349 354 355 356 356 357 357 357 358 358 359 360 360 360 361 361 xxviii CONTENTS. Page. Posterior branches of the external carotid artery, 361 Occipital artery, ..... 362 The posterior auricular artery, .... 363 Internal branch of the external carotid, or inferior pharyn- geal artery, ..... . 363 Branches which terminate the external carotid artery, . 364 Temporal artery, ..... . 364 Internal maxillary artery, .... 365 Branches of the internal maxillary artery behind the neck of the condyle of the jaw, .... 366 Middle meningeal artery, .... . 366 Inferior dental, or inferior maxillary artery, 366 Branches of the internal maxillary between the pterygoid muscles, ...... . 367 Posterior deep temporal branch, .... 367 Masseteric artery, ..... . 367 Pterygoid arteries, ..... 367 Branches of the internal maxillary artery in the zygomatic fossa, ...... . 367 Buccal artery, ...... 367 Anterior deep temporal artery, . 367 Alveolar artery, ...... 368 Infra-orbitar artery, ..... . 368 Branches of the internal maxillary artery in the spheno- maxillary fossa, ..... . 3C8 Vidian, or pterygoid artery, .... 368 Superior pharyngeal artery, .... . 368 Superior palatine artery, ..... 368 Spheno-palatine artery, .... 369 Internal carotid artery, ..... 369 Ophthaln.ic artery, ..... 370 The lachrymal artery, ..... 370 The central artery of the retina, 370 Arteries sent off by the ophthalmic above the optic nerve, ...... 371 The supra-orbitar artery, ..... 371 The posterior ciliary arteries, . 371 The long ciliary arteries, ..... 371 The superior and inferior muscular arteries, . 372 Arteries sent off by the ophthalmic in its course along the inside of the optic nerve, . 372 The posterior and anterior ethmoidal arteries, 372 CONTENTS. xxix The superior and inferior palpebral arteries, . Branches which terminate the ophthalmic artery, The nasal artery, .... The frontal artery, The communicating artery of Willis, The artery of the choroid plexus, The anterior cerebral artery, . Middle cerebral artery, . . . Subclavian artery, .... Branches of the subclavian artery, Vertebral artery, .... Basilar artery, .... Inferior thyroid artery, Inferior branches of the subclavian artery, Internal mammary artery, Superior intercostal artery, External branches of the subclavian artery, . Transverse cervical, or posterior scapular artery, Superior scapular artery, Posterior, or deep cervical artery, Axillary artery, .... Branches of the axillary artery, . . Acromial artery, .... Superior thoracic artery, . Long thoracic, or external mammary artery, Inferior scapular, .... Posterior and anterior circumflex arteries, . Brachial artery, .... Superior muscular branch, or deep humeral, The inferior muscular artery, . • The ramus anastomaticus magnus, The external branches of the brachial artery, Branches by which the brachial artery terminates, The radial artery, .... The ulnar artery, .... Arteries furnished by the thoracic aorta, Bronchial arteries, .... Oesophageal arteries, Posterior mediastinal arteries, Inferior intercostal arteries, Arteries furnished by the abdominal aorta, . Page. 372 372 372 373 373 373 373 373 374 375 375 377 378 378 378 379 379 379 380 380 380 381 381 381 381 381 382 383 384 384 385 385 386 387 388 391 391 392 392 392 393 XXX CONTENTS. The right inferior diaphragmatic artery, . The left inferior diaphragmatic artery, Cceliac artery, ..... Coronary artery of the stomach, Hepatic artery, .... Splenic artery, .... Superior mesenteric artery, Branches which are furnished on the left side of the supe rior mesenteric artery, .... The inferior mesenteric artery, Arteries which are furnished laterally by the abdominal aorta, Surrenal arteries, ..... Renal, or emulgent arteries, . Spermatic arteries, ... Lumbar arteries, .... The arteries which terminate the aorta below, . Middle sacral artery,-.... Primitive iliacs, ..... Internal iliac, or hypogastric artery, . Branches of the internal iliac artery, Ilio-lumbar artery, .... The lateral sacral artery, .... Gluteal, or posterior iliac artery, Umbilical artery, ..... Vesical arteries, .... Obturator artery, . Middle hasmorrhoidal artery, . . , Uterine artery, ..... Vaginal artery, .... Ischiatic artery, ..... Internal pudic artery, External iliac artery, .... The epigastric artery, Circumflex iliac artery, .... Femoral artery, .... Internal branches of the femoral artery, . External pudic artery, External branches of the femoral artery, . Superficial muscular artery, . Anterior branches of the femoral artery, . Abdominal subcutaneous, or external epigastric artery, CONTENTS. XXXI Page. Posterior branches of the femoral artery, . . . 413 Arteria profunda femoris, or the deep muscular artery, . 413 Popliteal artery, .... 415 Branches of the popliteal artery, .... 416 Anterior tibial artery, . . . 41g Dorsal artery of the foot, ..... 419 Peroneal artery, ..... 420 Posterior tibial artery, .... 421 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. The science of anatomy investigates whatever enters into the composition of animated beings; and the dissection of their dead bodies is the chief means of prosecuting the study. The anatomist isolates portions, to display them more distinct- ly ; he injects vessels, to exhibit their course ; macerates some parts, to unravel their intimate confonnation; dries other parts, to preserve them for future reference ; and uses various other processes to facilitate his inquiries into the intricate and com- plicated machinery of the animal frame. Anatomy, therefore, may be said to be the science of animal organization ; and it requires such an examination of the instruments of life, as shall disclose their number, size, situation, form, color, connexion, texture, and functions. This science comprehends the structure of organized beings in general; but it is the anatomy of man only which forms the subject of the present Introduction. The anatomy of the human body explains its structure under two different conditions: the first is a healthy state of the organs, termed special anatomy; the second is a diseased state producing alterations of structure, termed morbid or pathologi- VOL, I, E XXXIV GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. cal anatomy. I confine myself to a description of the struc- tures and organs of the adult in the former of these conditions'. The human body is composed of solids and fluids, united in different proportions. The solids give the form and consistence to the different parts of our bodies, and they consist of bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons, vessels, nerves, etc. The fluids form the greatest part of the body, and are the blood, chyle, and all the secreted liquids, as urine, sweat, saliva, tears, bile, k.c. These are all contained either in vessels, cells, or reser- voirs. When the fluids of the animal frame are separated from the solids, their weight is in the proportion of eight to ten. This has been ascertained by an examination of human bodies found buried in the dry sands of Arabia, with their fluids evaporated and their solids remaining perfect; and the fact is confirmed by experiments on inferior animals. The anatomy of the solids has been divided into various branches, expressive of the parts referred to; as, Osteology, . A description of the bones. Syndesmology, . A description of the ligaments. Myology, . A description of the muscles. Splanchnology, . A description of the viscera. Adenology, . A description of the glands. Angiology, . A description of the structure and distribution of the Neurology, . A description of the nerves. [vessels. Dermology, . A description of the skin. The description and composition of the animal fluids come under the head of Physiology particularly. The solid parts of the body are named organs, or the in- struments by which the functions are exercised. These solid parts of our fabric, when minutely examined, GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. XXXV are found to consist ultimately of layers of minute fibres, or filaments, varied in appearance and texture, according to the use and offices of the part which they compose. As the different organs which constitute the body are of a more simple or complex structure, they are made up of one or more tissues or textures, which are the original materials, per- forming the same function, in whatever part of the body they exist. Most of the organs of the body are composed of a variety of these elementary textures, which are spread out in the form of membranes, collected into cords, or hollowed out into canals; and by their diversity of combination, figure, and color, they produce all the modifications of structure and func- tions which different organs possess. Bichat, an eminent French anatomist, pointed out the simple analysis or division of the body into its elementary parts ; and the knowledge of these has been of the utmost importance in the investigation and treatment of diseases, as well as of the greatest convenience in anatomical arrange- ment. The systems of texture may be placed in the following order: 1st, the bony system; 2d, the cartilaginous; 3d, the fibrous; 4th, the muscular; 5th, the vascular; 6th, the ner- vous ; 7th, the mucous ; 8th, the serous; 9th, the glandular ; 10th, the adipose; 11th, the cellular; 12th, the dermoid. These are further subdivided : as the bony system, into the bony and medullary; the cartilaginous, including the fibro- cartilaginous ; the vascular is divided into the arterial, the venous, and the lymphatic, etc. But in this place I wish to XXXVi GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. take a more general view of animal structures, and these twelve divisions will comprehend the whole. The elementary tissues are variously combined and propor- tioned ; the cellular, vascular, and nervous tissues, give origin to a variety of compound solids, and these solids are furnished with the properties suited to the place they occupy and the offices they discharge. It is difficult to ascertain the chemical ingredients which enter into the composition of the body ; but, according to our present knowledge of animal chemistry, the inorganic elements consist of carbon, azote, oxygen, hydrogen, phosphorus, sul- phur, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, etc. These different chemical elements again form organic elements: as gelatin, or what is called animal jelly ; fibrin, or a whitish elastic fila- mentous substance ; albumen, a vivid transparent fluid like the white of an egg, coagulating by alcohol and heat; mucous, a viscid transparent fluid, incapable of coagulation; fat, or animal oil, a well-known substance, insoluble in water, and readily melting by the action of heat. More particular notice, however, of the formation and chemical composition of indi- vidual structure will subsequently occur.* * For the several other chemical products, I refer the reader to Berze- lius on Animal Chemistry. » ANATOMY OF THE HUMAN BODY. CHAP. I. OF THE BONES, OR OSSEOUS SYSTEM IN GENERAL. The bones are the hardest parts of animal bodies; they are a firm and common basis, on which the moving pow- ers are fixed; they constitute a framework for protecting the vital organs, as the heart and lungs, or form complete cases where the more delicate parts of our organization, as the brain and spinal marrow, are securely lodged. They also con- stitute a series of levers, by means of which, through the agency of the muscles, locomotion and the various and numerous offices of life are performed. A complete assemblage of conjoined bones forms the skele- ton ; if it be united by its natural ligaments, it is denominated a natural skeleton ; if by wires, it is called, though incorrectly, an artificial skeleton, signifying, however, that it is artificially articulated, which indeed is the most useful mode of connecting bones ; for, by this means, the joints can be moved and exam- ined at pleasure ; on the contrary, bones united by their liga- ments have the joints rigid and concealed. VOL. I. 1 2 OSSEOUS SYSTEM. The appearance of the skeleton is different in different subjects, according to the period of life and the sex: the pres- ent subject is to describe its formation and particular organiza- tion in the adult, either male or female. The forms of the bones are sufficiently obvious in many parts of the body to give the points to the outline, determining the size, proportion, and motions of its several members. The bones afford attachments to the moving powers, i. e. to the muscles by their tendons, and also to the ligaments. OSSIFICATION. The bones experience many changes before they arrive to the term of their perfection, which is not until about the twen- tieth year. In the first periods, their consistence does not exceed that of other parts. In four weeks they harden and appear cartilagi- nous, their form is perfect, and they are covered by their pecu- liar membrane, the periosteum. Towards the eighth week their vessels commence to carry red blood, instead of colorless fluid, which before circulated in them. It is at this period that the true ossification begins, departing from certain centres, which are called the points of ossification, and these vary according to the forms of the bones. In the flat bones, the ossific matter is deposited in a radiated manner; in the long bones, in parallel lines. The larger bones are the first formed, with the exception of the minutest in the body, viz. those of the ear. In these, ossi- fication is the soonest completed; and they exceed all the others in density, and in the proportion of the hard matter of bones which they contain. The use for which a bone is destined, appears to have some influence on the degree of rapidity with which it is formed and developed. Thus the jaw bones are early matured, as they are so soon in life required for use. On the other hand, OSSEOUS SYSTEM. 3 the sternum and coccyx are tardily perfected, because it is necessary that the cavities which they help to inclose should be kept in a somewhat cartilaginous state until a later period. Most of the bones are formed of several pieces, as may be more particularly observed in the long ones, which have their extremities* separated from their body by a thin parti- tion of cartilage, and it is some time before the whole is united. In the skull, some of the bones, in the first rudiments of ossification, display a radiated, calcareous phosphate, diverging from the centre to the circumference. Unossified substance at first occupies the interstices left between them, but subse- quently additional bony fibres proceed until the cranium is perfect. When ossification is completed, the bones still continue to undergo different changes. The general growth in stature is completed with the process of ossification; but increase of bulk is still for a long time advancing to middle age, when the bone is stronger and less vascular; and the different elevations of the surface become more prominent and marked, particularly in individuals accustomed to strong exercise. Finally, as we advance in years, vitality progressively decreases; and in ex- treme old age the earthy substance predominates, and the bones become extremely fragile. EMINENCES AND DEPRESSIONS OF BONES. A variety of eminences and depressions characterize a num- ber of the bones. The eminences are all those projections, prolongations, or productions, observable on their surfaces; and different names have been assigned to these, derived from their figure, situation, and use. * Termed epiphyses and apophyses. 4 OSSEOUS SYSTEM. These eminences are termed heads, when they are convex, roundish, and smooth on their surface. N03 The use of the marrow in bones, I believe to be the same as the use of the fat in or about other parts of the human body, viz. it is a mere deposit of superfluous nutritious matter. ART. II. CHAP. I. CARTILAGINOUS SYSTEM, OR THE GRISTLE OF BONES, ETC. In order to render the motions of the bones on each other more easy, the ends are incrusted with a substance of a white or pearly color, hard, yet very elastic. This is a peculiar sub- stance found in various parts of the body, especially on the ar- ticular surfaces of bones, the end of the nose, the edges of the eye-lids, the ear, the wind-pipe and air passages, the ends of the ribs, etc. Cartilage forms a considerable share of those parts where flexibility and firmness are to a certain degree com- bined, in order that the organ may, after being bent, recover its determined form. The cartilaginous tissue is a net-work of fibres, so closely interwoven that at first sight it appears completely homogene- ous and formed of a mass of albumen without any particular order or direction ; however, a more attentive examination will discover longitudinal fibres, crossed by others in a transverse di- rection. The fibrous arrangements of the cartilage of joints are perpendicular to the surface of the joint, and after maceration for six or eight weeks, may be observed to be placed at right angles in respect to the bone to which they are united. The surfaces of cartilages which are in contact are finely polished, that by its smoothness it may facilitate the sliding motion of the two bones on each other. The elasticity reflects a considerable part of the motion, which by a little yielding CARTILAGINOUS SYSTEM. 89 becomes extended, and thus moderates the effects of violent shocks to which the limbs are often liable in active exertions. The elasticity of cartilage is very conspicuous, particularly in youth and adult age. If the blade of a scalpel is thrust into cartilage, the two edges of the division will re-act upon it, and repel the instrument; when pressed it becomes flattened, but resumes its primitive shape as soon as the cause of compres- sion is removed. Thus has nature placed cartilages where, to answer particular purposes, it is requisite that a physical prop- erty should be united to the vital powers, as in the larynx; and in the nasal partition, to produce a kind of vibration in the pass- age of air; at the ends of the ribs, to maintain that kind of con- tortion indispensable to mechanical respiration ; and in the ar- ticular extremities, to resist the effects of external violence, for in those situations they serve as a kind of elastic cushions, yield- ing on compression, and regaining their form on that compres- sion being removed. During life this elasticity of cartilage is most apparent, although it remains after death. The cartilages are divided into articular, interarticular, con- necting cartilages, and cartilages of particular cavities. Articular cartilages cover the surfaces of bones in the mova- ble joints. Interarticular cartilages are interposed between the ends of bones to form a movable socket, which, like the friction wheels of machinery, aid the motion of the joint. Connecting cartilages unite the articular surfaces of bones by an immovable union, as in the sutures of the skull, the connex- ions of the bones of the pelvis, etc. Cartilages of cavities are such as form the larynx, trachea, part of the nose, etc. The number and the thickness of cartilages interposed between each bone, renders the acts of running, jumping, and perform- ing other feats of activity, much more easy. Severe blows on vol. i. 13 90 CARTILAGINOUS SYSTEM. the ribs do not break them, for their cartilaginous extremities recoil, and yield to the violence; as, however, in age the quantity of cartilage diminishes, and some cartilages entirely disappear, so the bones lose that elastic medium, and their ex- tremities are unyielding and inelastic, and any degree of violence is frequently attended with fracture. For instance, a child falling twice its height, from the elasticity of its frame would receive little or no injury ; the condition of old age is very dif- ferent : the bones are consolidated, and a fall of the same na- ture might prove most disastrous. The blood-vessels, nerves, and absorbent vessels of cartilage, are so small as to elude observation; but there cannot be a doubt of their existence, of which there is the clearest evidence from the phenomena of its inflammation and absorption in disease; but in its natural state its vitality is very obscure, sensibility and contractility being such only as are necessary for its growth and nutrition. When divided, if the edges be brought into contact, after a length of time re-union will take place, as 1 have observed in wounds of the cartilage of the nose and of the ear. ART. III. CHAP. I. FIBROUS SYSTEM. All the fibrous organs are absolutely of a similar nature, and the same fibres contribute to the composition of all the forms ; yet, in their arrangement, they vary in an astonishing degree ; and it is the variety in their form, situation, and office, that has caused them to be denominated and designated by the names of tendons, aponeuroses, ligaments, etc. The fibrous parts of the human system everywhere display a whitish, or shining silvery appearance. The basis is a dense fibre of a peculiar nature, rather elastic, insensible, hardly ad- mitting of contractibility, sometimes arranged in juxta-position, and assembled together in bundles parallel to each other, as in the tendons and ligaments; at other times they are intersected and spread out in sheets, the fibrous web of which turns in di- versified directions, as in the membranes, the capsules, the fibrous sheaths, etc. The strength of the fibrous tissue renders every organ it com- poses fitted to sustain the utmost efforts its uses require. Thus the ligaments strongly retain the articular surfaces in apposition. The aponeuroses prevent the displacement of the muscles, and give attachment to their fibres. The tendons, incessantly ex- posed to the contraction of the muscles, are placed between the power they conduct and their attachments, offering a resistance 92 FIBROUS SYSTEM that frequently proves stronger than the bone itself. For by muscular exertions the patella, the olecranon, and the os calcis, have been sometimes fractured. The several forms of the fibrous membranes are — 1st. Those which include the periosteum, the dura mater, the tunica sclerotica, the tunica albuginea, the proper mem- branes of the kidneys, spleen, etc. They are generally intend- ed to cover certain organs, to the texture of which they con- tribute. 2nd. The fibrous capsules, very different, as will be shown, from the synovial surfaces, are a kind of cylindrical bags that are found around some articulations, especially around those of the humerus and the femur, where they are connected with the scapula and ilium, inclosing both their articular surfaces. 3d. The fibrous sheaths are intended to confine the tendons in their situation, particularly on their passing over the bones, where they undergo flexion, as in the fingers and toes; for without this contrivance they would be liable to deviate, and thus transmit but imperfectly muscular motion. The fibrous sheaths have been divided into two species ; those which con- fine a number of tendons, as at the wrist, instep, etc., others, like those of the fingers, are intended for an isolated tendon, or for the reception of two only. 4th. The aponeuroses are a kind of fibrous canvas, more or less extended, and always connected with locomotion, and dis- posed in such a manner that they sometimes form coverings for different parts, and at other times they provide the muscles with points for insertion. The fibrous organs formed in fasciculi are — 1st. The tendons found at the extremities, or in the centre of muscles ; these are either single, in the form of ex- OF THE PERICHONDRIUM. 93 tended strings, or compound, as in the rectus femoris, flexors, etc. 2d. The ligaments which secure the articulations, around which they are placed; these are formed of regular fasciculi, as the ligaments of the jaw, elbow, knee, etc., or of irregular fasciculi, as those of the ribs, pelvis, he. CHAP. II. PERICHONDRIUM. This is a membrane perfectly similar to the periosteum ; it covers the cartilages in the same manner, and serves the same general purposes to cartilage as the periosteum does to bone. The perichondrium of the larynx, the ribs, &.c, is a thin tissue of fibres, intersected in every direction, is highly vascular, and can be injected. But the vessels of this membrane, where it covers the articular surfaces, cannot be demonstrated ; indeed it adheres so closely as to appear like the cartilage itself, although it can be proved to be a reflection of the synovial membrane of the joint. 94 FIBROUS SYSTEM CHAP. III. THE LIGAMENTS. The ligaments are those fibrous substances which connect the articular ends of the bones and cartilages, by which they are all united into one admirable structure, the individual parts of which are firmly maintained in such particular relative situa- tions as are best calculated to admit with safety the numerous motions that are required. The bones are united by strong investing membranes, and by flexible and elastic bands, composed of dense fibres intimately interwoven with each other, and passing in different directions, the greater number of which pass in direct lines between the parts which the ligaments connect. The ligaments then may be described as an assemblage of strong fibres, firmly joining together the articular surfaces of bones, and giving that secu- rity which will prevent displacement, and yet such a latitude of motion as will admit of the easy movement of one bone on the other. The ligaments receive their supply of blood from the vessels in their immediate vicinity ; they possess but a very small share of elasticity, and in a sound state are nearly destitute of sensibility. B re hat asserts that no nerves can be discovered in them ; but Dr. Monro traced them distinctly into their sub- stance, and we know under diseased excitement they are ex- tremely sensible. CAPSULAR LIGAMENTS. I have mentioned the periosteum as covering the bone; the same periosteum, as it were, is continued over the joint, and OF THE LIGAMENTS. 95 forms a loose bag termed the capsular ligament, which con- tains the glaiiy fluid* with which the joint is lubricated. The capsular ligaments are strengthened by the addition of irregular fasciculi of fibres which cross over the joints in different direc- tions ; not to mention that the further security of the joint is provided for by the muscles and tendons which pass over it. LATERAL LIGAMENTS. These ligaments are strong skeins of fibres, firmly united to the periosteum, and passing from one extremity of bone to another, and are always found in the hinge-like joints. The lateral ligaments moderate, and in some measure limit, the movements of the joint. LIGAMENTS WITHIN THE JOINTS. These ligaments are for giving additional strength, and regu- lating the movements of certain articulations, as the round ligament of the hip, and the cross ligaments of the knee. These are the principal species of ligaments of the body ; there are, however, others that unite the bones which do not move on each other, as the os sacrum and os innominatum. There is also an elastic substance, which is an antagonist to the muscles, and by which they are restored to their original situation, or supported in it. These sometimes form part of the muscles; thus the head is supported by a strong elastic ligament appended to the muscles of the back. In those ani- * The synovial membrane which produces this fluid must be distinguished from the capsular ligament. The former is allied by structure and function to the serous membranes, the latter to the fibrous. 96 FIBROUS SYSTEM mals which have long necks, this is particularly strong, as in the ox and the horse ; for the head acting at the end of a long lever, could not be supported for any length of time, or would be in danger of dislocation, were it not for this elastic tape which supports the head without the expense of muscular power. Those ligaments usually denominated interosseous ligaments, placed between the radius and ulna, tibia and fibula, etc., are simply aponeurotic membranes, serving for the attachment of muscles; and thus supplying the place of bones, save an unnecessary weight and incumbrance. CHAP. IV. PARTICULAR LIGAMENTS. LIGAMENTS OF THE HEAD. These may be divided into two classes : the first con- nects the lower jaw to the temporal bones ; the second, the head to the neck. LIGAMENTS OF THE LOWER JAW. The condyles of the jaw are fixed to the articular cavities of the temporal bone by a capsular and two lateral ligaments, with the addition of an interarticular cartilage. OF THE LIGAMENTS. 97 CAPSULAR LIGAMENT. The capsular ligament consists of dense fibres, which are Fig, 82. superiorly attached to c, the margin of the zygomatic emi- nence, and to the fissure in the glenoid cavity. It is again attached to the edge of b, the interarticular carti- lage, and inserted inferiorly at a, into the neck of the condyle of the lower jaw. Fig. 82 exhibits a section of the joint. INTERARTICULAR CARTILAGE. This cartilage, b, forms a sort of movable cover over each condyle of the jaw, separating the capsule into two parts, by its circumference adhering strongly to it. INTERNAL LATERAL LIGAMENT. Fig. 83. This ligament is attached above at a, the edge of the gle noid cavity ; below at b, the margin of the posterior dental fora- men, in the ramus of the jaw. VOL. I. 98 FIBROUS SYSTEM STYLO-MAXILLARY LIGAMENT. This ligament is extended from c, the styloid process of the temporal bone, to e, the angle of the jaw. EXTERNAL LATERAL LIGAMENT. Fig. 84. a This ligament passes obliquely across the capsular ligament, from a, the zygoma, to the posterior part of b, the neck of the jaw. LIGAMENTS CONNECTING THE HEAD AND NECK. Fig. 85. The ligaments con- necting the head to the neck may be ar- ranged as follows: — the capsular, perpen- dicular, and lateral lig- aments. TWO CAPSULAR LIGAMENTS. These ligaments connect the condyles of the occipital bone to the articulating cavities of the atlas. OF THE LIGAMENTS. 99 ANTERIOR PERPENDICULAR LIGAMENT. A broad ligament attached superiorly to the anterior edge of the foramen magnum, and inferiorly to the ring of the atlas ; its fibres extend some distance down the cervical vertebrae. POSTERIOR PERPENDICULAR LIGAMENT. A broad and strong ligament, extending from the posterior edge of the occipital foramen to the upper vertebra of the neck. Its direction and attachments are shown in Fig. 85, from a, a, though a part of it is removed to show other ligaments, TWO LATERAL LIGAMENTS. These ligaments, Fig. 85, b, b, are seen extending from the margin of the occipital foramen to the odontoid process of the dentata or second vertebra. CHAP. V. LIGAMENTS OF THE VERTEBRJE. The spinal column is composed of numerous bones, so won- derfully connected to each other, that motion is permitted to a requisite extent, without the safety of the spinal marrow, or the strength of the column, being in the least impaired. Several ligaments are required to effect these important purposes: these differ from each other in form and in use; some are 100 FIBROUS SYSTEM common to all the vertebrae, others are confined to two of them, others again are peculiar to the cervical vertebrae. LIGAMENT OF THE SECOND VERTEBRA. TRANSVERSE LIGAMENT. This is a strong fasciculus of ligamentous fibres, Fig. 85, c, extending from one side of the articular process of the atlas to the opposite side; it is narrow at the extremities, but wide in the centre, where it is. almost of a cartilaginous hardness. This ligament secures the odontoid process in its proper place, and prevents the possibility of its pressure on the spinal cord. LIGAMENTS COMMON TO ALL THE VERTEBRJE. ANTERIOR COMMON LIGAM This is a smooth, resplendent, broad ligament, a, a, which extends along the anterior, convex surface of all the verte- brae. This ligament is composed of par- allel fasciculi, which, however, seldom extend beyond two or three vertebrae, where one set terminates and another commences; thus its entire extent re- ceives an access of fibres from almost every vertebra it covers. It is attached only to the anterior part of the spinal column, though occasionally it sends off small oblique processes, which are lost on its sides. A profile of this ligament is seen in Fig. 91, c. [ENT. a OF THE LIGAMENTS. 101 POSTERIOR COMMON LIGAMENT. somewhat similar to the anterior, except that it passes along the inner, concave part of the bodies of the vertebrae, and terminates at the sacrum; a, the intervertebral fibro-cartilage, cut trans- versely ; b, b, b, b, the part from which the arch of the spinal canal is removed; c, c, the posterior vertebral ligament, situated be- hind the bodies of the vertebrae, smooth and resplendent, broader on a level with each fibro-cartilage than with the body of the ver- tebra. These are numerous short and strong liga- mentous fibres crossing each other obliquely, joining the vertebrae together upon the outer edges of the vertebral substance called by Fyfe, crucial intervertebral ligaments. INTERVERTEBRAL LIGAMENT. Fig. 86, c, c, c, c, c. There is placed between the bodies of the vertebrae a pecu- liar substance, described by most authors as a texture between cartilage and ligament, partakmg of the property of both, hence sometimes very properly called intervertebral fibro-cartilage- It is composed of white shining fibres, arranged in laminae of different thicknesses, but in very regular order. If this substance is divided by a horizontal section, its fibrous structure is very distinctly seen, the laminae running in regular concentric circles, 102 FIBROUS SYSTEM or rather the circle is a little concave posteriorly, corresponding to the form of the articular surface of the bodies of the verte- bra?. Although the external laminae are of a cartilaginous firm- ness, and offer great resistance on pressure, the internal lamina are more soft and delicate, and at a greater distance from each other, in the interstices of which there is a peculiar substance, not so firm as cartilage, nor quite so soft as gelatin. The small- er circles of fibres are gradually softer in their texture as they approach the centre, where nothing is seen except a nucleus of semi-liquid or mucous form. Thus each vertebra resting on a sort of fluid fulcrum, or pivot, the motion to either side is easy, and quickly performed. The motions of the back bone or bones therefore, are performed on an almost fluid centre, surrounded by a perfectly elastic medium, which remarkable union of flat surfaces admits of the requisite degree of motion, and prevents injury to the delicate texture of the spinal cord and brain in violent exercise. LIGAMENTA SUBFLAVA. These ligaments are of a pale yellow color ; they are attached superiorly and inferiorly to the opposite margins of the arch of the spinous processes of the vertebrae, completing those de- ficiencies of the spinal canal which are observed in the skeleton at the posterior part of the spine, and extending as far forwards as the oblique processes, the articulations of which they strengthen. These ligaments possess great elasticity, yet resist too much flexion of the vertebral column. OF THE LIGAMENTS. 103 INTERSPINOUS LIGAMENTS. The interspinous liga- ments, Fig. 88, b, b, b, are attached to the upper and lower margins of each spinous process. Like in- terosseous membranes of the fore arm and leg, they present an extensive sur- face for the attachment of muscles, and connect one spinous process with anoth- er. SUPRASPINOUS LIGAMENTS. The supraspinous ligaments, Fig. 88, a, a, are extended from the point of one spinous process to that of another, in the whole line from the seventh cervical vertebra to the sacrum. LIGAMENTS OF THE OBLIQUE PROCESSES. The articulations of the oblique articular processes of the vertebrae are secured by a strong capsular ligament, composed of short fibres, which permit but little motion, except between the first and second vertebrae, the articular processes of which are very large, and the ligament allows of a considerable rota- tory motion. Fig. 88. 104 FIBROUS SYSTEM. CHAP. VI. LIGAMENTS OF THE THORAX. LIGAMENTS OF THE RIBS WITH THE VERTEBRJE. CAPSULAR LIGAMENTS. The capsular ligaments are attached to the heads of the ribs; and as there are two articular surfaces to the head of each rib, so there are two regular capsular ligaments, which are opened in the figure, a, a; their fibres are radiated, one portion of its fasciculi being extended to the vertebra above, another to that below. The fibres of the capsule extend along the bone for some way, and mix with their anterior com- mon ligament. The back of the rib is articulated to the trans- verse process; consequently there is a capsular ligament be- longing to this joint also. INTERARTICULAR LIGAMENT. The interarticular ligament, Fig. 89, b, is fixed to the cen- tral projecting angle on the head of each rib, connecting it to the intervertebral substance. This ligament has no existence in the first and two last ribs : as the capsular ligaments are single, each has but one articular surface on its head, and is connected with one vertebra only. OF THE LIGAMENTS. 105 MIDDLE TRANSVERSE LIGAMENT. This ligament, a, consists of irregular fasciculi of fibres, which occupy the interval between the rib at c, and the anterior surface of the corresponding transverse process at b. It cannot be well s separated from its attachments. INFERIOR TRANSVERSE LIGAMENT. Fig. 91. This ligament, e, e, is composed of two fasciculi, the one extending from the lower edge of the transverse process of the vertebra to the upper edge of the rib above, near its articulation with the body of the vertebra. The other fasciculus is smaller, and is attached to the base of the transverse process, and is ex- tended to the head of the rib beneath. ANTERIOR OR RADIATED LIGAMENT. This ligament, Fig. 91, d, d, is formed of three flat fibrous VOL. I. 15 Fig. 90. until the rib is forcibly 106 FIBROUS SYSTEM fasciculi, which are fixed separately to the two vertebrae, and to b, the fibro-cartilage ; these strongly secure the rib, by conver- ging and attaching themselves to its head and neck. The eleventh and twelfth ribs, however, in this situation, present only a single order of fibres. LIGAMENTS OF THE CARTILAGES OF THE RIBS WITH THE STERNUM. The cartilages of the seven superior ribs are joined to b, the sternum, by strong ligamentous bands at a, which cover the synovial mem- branes ; although this articulation has but a very obscure motion, it has a regular socket and capsule. These cartilages are united to the ribs by sym- physis, or an immovable articulation. b The upper part of the sternum receives some ligamentous fibres from its articulations with the clavicles. The sternum is also covered, both on its anterior and posterior surfaces, by a strong aponeurosis, which is inseparably connected to the peri- osteum ; its fibres are very conspicuous anteriorly, and resem- ble tendinous bands, taking a longitudinal direction, and uniting those portions of the bone which in young persons it is found to consist of. Some fasciculi extend beyond the margins of the sternum, and are attached to the cartilages of the ribs. The aponeurosis which covers the internal surface of this bone is more smooth and polished, and its fibres take a longitudinal course. The xiphoid or ensiform cartilage is connected to the ster- num by the above-mentioned aponeurosis, and has radiated lig- amentous fasciculi connecting it with that bone, and with the cartilage of the seventh rib. OF THE LIGAMENTS. 107 CHAP. VII. LIGAMENTS OF THE PELVIS. These consist of the ligaments connecting the ossa innomi- nata, the sacrum, and coccyx. LONG POSTERIOR LIGAMENT OF THE ILIUM. Fig. 93. This ligament is attached outwardly, at a, to the posterior superior spine of the ilium, descends obliquely inwards, and is inserted, at d, into the third and fourth transverse tubercles of the sacrum ; g, the great sacro-sciatic ligament. SHORT POSTERIOR LIGAMENT. This ligament is attached inwardly in common with the pre- ceding, and extends to the third tubercle of the sacrum, at c. 108 FIBROUS SYSTEM POSTERIOR LATERAL LIGAMENT. This is a narrow ligament, extending from the internal sur- face of the same spinous process of the ilium, at a, to the lower margin of the first division of the sacrum, b. GREAT SACRO-SCIATIC LIGAMENT. Fig. 94. This ligament is situated at the lower and posterior part of the pelvis ; it is of a triangular form attached superiorly at a, a, the posterior and inferior iliac spine, to the fourth and fifth tu- bercles of the sacrum, to the lower portion of this bone and to the coccyx. The fibres converge, and pass obliquely outwards and downwards to be inferiorly attached at a, the tuber ischii. OF THE LIGAMENTS. 109 SMALLER SACRO-SCIATIC LIGAMENT. This ligament is attached inwardly at b, b, to the margin of e, e, the sacrum and coccyx ; its converging fibres are outwardly inserted at b, into the spinous process of the ischium. The figure shows the crossing of the sacro-sciatic ligaments about their centre, giving great support to the contents of the pelvis ; these ligaments also give attachment to some fibres of the leva- tor ani and coccygeus muscles. The coccyx is connected to the sacrum by a strong tendi- nous aponeurosis, e, e, which is continued down from the tendons of the lumbar muscles; beneath this are two strong ligaments, which pass from the last spinous tubercle of the sacrum to the first bone of the coccyx; and there is also a capsular ligament between the sacrum and coccyx. SUPERIOR ILIO LUMBAR-LIGAMENT. This ligament, Fig. 93, e, runs transversely from the upper edge of the ilium to the transverse processes of the two last lumbar vertebrae. INFERIOR ILIO-LUMBAR LIGAMENT. This ligament,/*, is situated immediately below the former, runs the same course, and has nearly the same attachments. ILIO-SACRAL LIGAMENTS. The anterior part of the surface of the sacrum and ilium are mutually connected by cartilage, the posterior by strong 110 FIBROUS SYSTEM ligaments, which pass in every direction from one bone to the other. This synchondrosis in front, and syndesmosis behind, is so very strong, as to prevent any motion between the ilium and sacrum. SYMPHYSIS OF THE OSSA PUBIS. The fibro-cartilaginous connexion of these bones consists of concentric layers, which unite the two oval surfaces which the ossa pubis present anteriorly, and they are further secured by strong ligamentous fibres, crossing from one side to the other; an examination of which must lead us to deny the possibility of any separation taking place in parturition. MEMBRANE OF THE THYROID FORAMEN. This is a fine, smooth, tense membrane, attached to the circumference of this opening; it consists of two laminae, the use of which is to give origin to the external and internal obtu- rator muscles. LIGAMENT OF FALLOPIUS OR POUPART. This has been considered as a tendon at the inferior border of the external oblique muscle ; it may, however, be strictly considered as a distinct ligament, extending from the anterior superior spinous process of the ilium to the ossa pubis.* To * It has three insertions. 1st. Insertion into the symphysis pubis and pubis of the opposite side. This forms the superior column or pillar of the abdominal ring. 2d. Insertion into the spine of the pubis, forming the inferior column or pillar. 3d. Insertion passes backwards to be attached to the crest of the pubis, and is the ligament known by the name of Gimbernat's. OF THE LIGAMENTS. Ill its upper edge the abdominal muscles are attached, and to its lower the fascia lata of the thigh. It is subtended like a cord across the cavity between the spine of the ilium and the pubis, thus protecting the femoral vessels and nerves as they leave the pelvis along with the psoas and iliac muscles. CHAP. VIII. LIGAMENTS OF THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITIES. Under this head I shall describe the ligaments of the clavicle, shoulder, arm, fore-arm, wrist, and hand. LIGAMENTS OF THE CLAVICLE. INTERCLAVICULAR LIGAMENT. Fig. 95. The interclavicular ligament, a, is a fasciculus of strong liga- mentous fibres, extending in a transverse direction above the sternum, from one clavicle to the other, connecting them to- gether, and attaching those bones to the sternum. 112 FIBROUS SYSTEM STERNOCLAVICULAR LIGAMENT. This ligament, b, forms an imperfect capsule, its fibres extending over the articulation from the triangular or sternal end of the clavicle, to the anterior and posterior surfaces of the sternum ; a few fibres are also attached to the first rib. INTERARTICULAR CARTILAGE. This is an apparatus similar to the articulation of the jaw; it is a movable cartilage, a, thick at its circumference, and thin in the centre, adapt- ing the extremity of one bone to the other. It is fixed at one edge to b, the clavicle; and the capsular ligament is adherent to the root of the border. In the figure this ligament is cut, and the bones separated, to exhibit the car- tilage. COSTO-CLAVICULAR LIGAMENT. The chasm between the clavicle and first rib is closed by this ligament, Fig. 95, c. It is of a rhomboidal figure, extend- ing from the inferior surface of the clavicle near its sternal end, to the upper and anterior part of the cartilage of the first rib. Some fibres also adhere to the interarticular cartilage. OF THE LIGAMENTS. 113 ACROMIOCLAVICULAR LIGAMENT. This ligament, Fig. 97,/ is attached to the superior and outer rough surface of the clavicle, extending a considerable length, to connect the corresponding surface of the acromion scapulae. C0RAC0-CLAV1CULAR LIGAMENT. This ligament, d, is very strong, and is formed by a conoid fasciculus of diverging fibres fixed to the tuberosity on the outer extremity of the inferior surface of the clavicle, and is extended to the internal part of 6, the coracoid process of the scapula. LIGAMENTS OF THE SCAPULA. ACROMIO-CORACOID LIGAMENT. This ligament, e, is attached to the superior convex surface of b, the coracoid process ; its fibres, which are thick and strong, ascend obliquely outwards, and are inserted into/, the inferior surface of the acromion scapulae. CORACOID LIGAMENT. This is merely a ligamentous chord, g, extended over the semilunar notch so as to convert the latter into a foramen. The supra-scapular vessels and nerves pass under this ligament. VOL. I. 16 114 FIBROUS SYSTEM LIGAMENTS BETWEEN THE SCAPULA AND HUMERUS. CAPSULAR LIGAMENT. Fig. 97. This ligament, h, consists of an oblong sack, surrounding the neck of the scapula, and inclosing the head of the humerus; the capsule is perforated by i, the long tendon of the biceps muscle passing through it, i. e. between the fibrous and syno- vial membrane, to be attached to the edge of the glenoid cavity of the scapula. ACCESSORY LIGAMENT. The accessory ligament is formed of a strong fasciculus at- tached to the coracoid process of the scapula, and directing itself forwards and outwards ; it is expanded over the upper and anterior part of the joint, giving the capsule additional strength. The capsular ligament forms but a loose and weak connex- ion between the humerus and shoulder, were it not for the sev- eral muscles whose tendons adhere to and strengthen it; the infra-spinatus and teres minor by their united tendons cover OF THE LIGAMENTS. 115 it externally, the supra-spinatus superiorly, and the subscapularis internally ; in addition to these muscles, the deltoid, the coraco- brachialis, and biceps, all co-operate in no small degree to strengthen the connexion between these two bones. There is a fibro-cartilaginous rim which increases the depth of the glenoid cavity of the scapula, termed by Cloquet the glenoid ligament; although I consider it merely a cartilaginous border to the socket of the scapula, not only useful in render- ing the socket deeper, but for preventing fractures of the rim in robust exercises, to which, were it bony, it would be very liable. LIGAMENTS BETWEEN THE HUMERUS AND BONES OF THE ARM. CAPSULAR LIGAMENT. The capsular ligament, a, envelopes the entire articulation of the elbow joint; on the posterior surface of the humerus it is attached to the margin of the great sigmoid notch which receives the ulna, and passing obliquely downwards be- neath the condyles, round to the fore part of the bone, descends to the ulna ; it is inserted into the olecranon process, into the margin of the sigmoid cavity, and into the orbicular ligament which connects the radius to the ulna. Externally this capsule is rough, and strengthened by bands which run in irregular directions ; internally it is lined by the smooth synovial membrane. It is very loose ante- riorly and posteriorly, to admit of a free flexion and extension; 116 FIBROUS SYSTEM but on either side it is tense, and strengthened by lateral liga- ments, which prevent any lateral motion. EXTERNAL LATERAL LIGAMENT. This ligament, Fig. 98, e, is attached to the most prominent point of the external condyle, and descending expands itself so as to be inserted into /, the orbicular ligament, and not into the radius : the rotatory motion of the fore arm on the humerus is thus permitted. INTERNAL LATERAL LIGAMENT. Th:s ligament, b, is longer and broader than the preceding, Fig. 99. and extends from the internal condyle of the humerus, in a radiated direction, to the inside of the coronoid process of the ulna; a few fibres descend a little backwards, and are attached to the margin of the olecranon. The lateral ligaments adhere so firmly to the cap- sular, that they appear to form part of its texture. The two ligaments called the ante- rior and posterior, are both thin and irregular fibrous bands, the one placed in front and the other behind the articulation ; the former is fixed in front to the internal condyle of the humerus, and to the annular°ligament of the radius ; the latter to the posterior part of the external and internal condyles of the humerus. OF THE LIGAMENTS. 117 LIGAMENTS BETWEEN THE RADIUS AND ULNA. SUPERIOR ARTICULATION. ORBICULAR LIGAMENT. This ligament, Fig. 98, / surrounds the upper extremity of the radius, and with the small sigmoid cavity forms a sort of ring, in which the radius turns with ease. The superior mar- gin is attached to the capsular ligament, the inferior to the neck of the radius. Its use is to confine the head of the radius in its proper situation. ANTERIOR AND POSTERIOR ACCESSORY LIGAMENTS. These are ligamentous fibres which run in various directions upon the fore and back parts of the joint, and contribute ex- ceedingly to its strength ; the anterior extending from the coronoid process to the orbicular ligament; the posterior from the lower border of that ligament to the lateral smooth surface of the olecranon. MIDDLE ARTICULATION. ROUND LIGAMENT. CHORDA TRANSVERSALIS CUBITI. This is a small round fibrous chord, Fig. 99, c, extending from the outer side of the tuberosity of the ulna to the radius, a little below the tubercle for the insertion of the biceps. It prevents too great a degree of supination of the radius. 118 FIBROUS SYSTEM INTEROSSEOUS LIGAMENT. This ligament occupies the space which exists between the radius and ulna, although it is not quite so long, being deficient at its upper part. It has the appearance of a thin aponeurotic resplendent membrane, extending from the sharp edge of the radius to the opposite edge of the ulna. It constitutes a medium of connexion between these bones, and affords an ex- tensive surface for the attachment of muscles. INFERIOR ARTICULATION. INTERARTICULAR CARTILAGE. CART1LAGO INTERMEDIA TRIANGULARIS. This is a fibro-cartilage, placed transversely between the lower extremity of the radius and ulna ; the superior surface is continuous with the cartilaginous covering of the end of the radius, and together with this bone completes the cavity for receiving the upper part of the carpus ; each extremity is con- nected by strong ligaments to the radius and carpus. The apex of this cartilage is firmly attached to the depression which separates the styloid process of the ulna from the articu- lar surface of that bone. CAPSULAR OR SACCIFORM LIGAMENT. This ligament passes from the radius to the ulna, forming between them a very loose cul-de-sac, which allows the radius to turn upon the ulna. EXTERNAL LATERAL LIGAMENT. This ligament, Fig. 100, extends from the styloid process of the radius to the scaphoid bone and annular ligament of the carpus. OF THE LIGAMENTS. 119 INTERNAL LATERAL LIGAMENT. This ligament, b, extends from the styloid process of the ulna to the cuneiform bone and annular ligament of the carpus. There are other and more delicate fibres, termed the anterior and posterior ligaments, and there is a synovial membrane for the whole articulation. LIGAMENTS OF THE CARPUS. LIGAMENTS OF THE FIRST ROW OF THE CARPAL BONES. Fig. 100, a, b, c, d. The three upper bones of the carpus are united togeth- er, 1st, by interosseous liga- ments placed in the inter- vals between the scaphoid, semilunar, and cuneiform bones; 2d, by dorsal liga- ments extending transversely, the one between the scaphoid and semilunar bones, the other between the latter and the cuneiform bone ; 3d, by palmar ligaments, c, similar to the preceding. The pisi- form bone is articulated to the cuneiform by a loose cap- sular or synovial membrane, strengthened by some irregu- lar bands of fibres. Fig. 100. 120 FIBROUS SYSTEM LIGAMENTS OF THE SECOND ROW OF THE CARPAL BONES. These are united : 1st, by dorsal and palmar ligaments, three on either side, which extend inwards and backwards; and 2d, by interosseous ligaments; of these there are only two; both are irregular fasciculi, intermingled with adipose tissue. LIGAMENTS OF THE TWO ROWS OF CARPAL BONES. 1st. There are two short lateral ligaments, the one external, the other internal. 2d. Two fibrous fasciculi, one in front, the other behind, termed the anterior and posterior ligaments; these last mentioned ligaments form a fibrous membrane, enve- loping the whole carpus. 3d. There is also a synovial mem- brane which lines the surface, by means of which the two rows of the carpal bones are in contact. Lastly, we find at g, two ligaments of the pisiform bone, connecting it to the cunei- form bone and the metacarpal bone of the little finger. THE ANNULAR LIGAMENT OF THE CARPUS. The annular ligament is situated on a plane much anterior to that of the other ligaments of the carpus ; it is composed of strong and tense fibres, which are attached principally to the cuneiform bone internally, and the trapezium externally; near the latter, some of the fibres are also fixed into the scaphoid bone, and assist in completing the annular passage or channel in which the flexor tendons of the fingers pass, covering and confining them in their course. OF THE LIGAMENTS. 121 LIGAMENTS OF THE HAND. The metacarpal bones are very securely joined to the car- pus, not only by their wedge-like surfaces, but also by strong ligaments. CAPSULAR LIGAMENTS. These ligaments are seen distinctly surrounding the upper extremity of each metacarpal bone, and are inserted into the opposite bones of the carpus ; they are secured by accessory bands, which pass in various directions. SUPERIOR TRANSVERSE LIGAMENTS. These ligaments, d, d, extend across the upper extremi- ties of the four metacarpal bones, and are attached to each of them.* INFERIOR TRANSVERSE LIGAMENTS. These ligaments, e, e, present exactly the same arrange- ment, connecting the inferior extremities of the four metacarpal bones with each other, not indeed so closely as at the upper end, for there is greater freedom of motion at the lower than at the upper part. The metacarpal bones are also united to each *The capsular ligament is the only ligament which connects the tra- pezium with the metacarpal bone of the thumb. This joint, however, de- rives much strength from a number of small muscles/around it, as well as by accessory bands. VOL. T. 17 122 FIBROUS SYSTEM other by a strong transverse aponeurosis, which is connected with the sheath of the flexor tendons, and covers the tendons of the lumbricales and interossei muscles. LIGAMENTS OF THE FINGERS. The first phalanx or row of the finger bones is attached to the metacarpal bones by loose but strong capsular liga- ments, which are strengthened anteriorly by a semicircular ligament embracing the anterior part of each articulation, and posteriorly by the extensor tendons, which expand very much while passing over these articulations ; also at the sides by lateral ligaments, / / which are attached to slight depressions on the lower end of the metacarpal bones, and into the con- dyles of the first phalanx. Similar ligaments to these exist at the articulations of the finger bones with each other, viz. each joint has an anterior ligament, two lateral ligaments, and a capsular ligament or synovial membrane. The flexor tendons also are confined in their course along the fingers by circular and vaginal ligaments. The former adhere on each side of the tendon to the proper ligaments of the joint, the latter inclose the flexor tendons of each finger in a strong sheath: each sheath is composed of circular fibres, and strengthened by oblique and cuneiform bands, and is at- tached on each side to the ridge which separates the anterior concave from the posterior or convex surface of each phalanx ; by this means the tendon is confined in the mesial line of the finger. All these sheaths are lined by a smooth synovial mem- brane. OF THE LIGAMENTS. 123 CHAP. IX. LIGAMENTS OF THE LOWER EXTREMITY. ILIO-FEMORAL LIGAMENTS. The hip joint has great freedom of motion, and requires powerful ligaments; it is therefore furnished with a synovial membrane, a capsular ligament, an interarticular ligament, and a cotyloid ligament. COTYLOID LIGAMENT. This is a fibro-cartilaginous substance, attached to the whole circumference of the acetabulum, except at its internal and in- ferior part, where the bony part also of the margin is deficient; it projects a considerable distance beyond the bone, so as to deepen the cavity very much. There is another strong band of fibres situated at the lower and internal part of the acetabulum, where the last-described ligament is deficient: it is attached to the pubis, where this bone forms the sinus over the obturator ligament, and into the ischium or inferior margin of the notch of the acetabulum: this ligament is superficial to the former, and between both an oblique fissure is left for the passage of vessels to and from the cavity of the joint. 124 FIBROUS SYSTEM CAPSULAR LIGAMENT. The capsular ligament, o, embraces the whole articulation of the hip. Excepting the capsular ligament of the knee, it surpasses all similar ligaments in strength, extent, and capacity: it is attached at a considerable dis- tance from the margin of the cav- ity, particularly in front, where it extends as far as d, the inferior spine of the ilium ; inferiorly it is inserted into the femur, incloses the neck of that bone, and de- scends as far as c, the line which lies between the two trochanters. The synovial membrane does not descend so low as the external capsule, but is reflected on all sides towards the head of the bone ; in this course it is bound by folds, and immediately behind the head of the femur it is confined by circular bands. There is a fasciculus of fibres, o, taking an oblique course over the capsule towards the lesser trochanter, sometimes called the accessory ligament: it adds strength to this part of the capsule. OF THE LIGAMENTS. 125 INTERAPTICULAR LIGAMENT. Ligamentum teres. The interarticular ligament is a strong triangular fascicu- lus of fibres, perfectly con- cealed within the cavity of the acetabulum; in the figure there is a section of the head and neck of the femur, b, and os innominatum, e, e, to show the attachments of this liga- ment, c, to the bottom of the acetabulum and to the head of the femur. LIGAMENTS OF THE KNEE JOINT. CAPSULAR LIGAMENT. This ligament or membrane is of a great extent, since the knee joint is the largest of the whole body ; it is attached at b, h, d, to the whole cir- cumference of the condyles of the femur ; anteriorly to e, the patella ; inferiorly to the tibia, and to the semilunar cartilages. Above the hol- low for the reception of the patella it lines / the tendon -a 126 FIBROUS SYSTEM of the extensor muscles : it adheres also to the articular sur- face of the patella in such a manner that this bone seems to form part of the capsule of the joint; lastly, it is reflected over the articular surface of i, the tibia, and ligaments within the joints. It is very loose on either side, but tense posteriorly, where it is closely connected with the flexor tendons and pos- terior crucial ligaments. These connexions, as well as the la- teral ligament, serve to confine this membrane in its situation, and preserve it, in the motions of the joint, from being compress- ed between the bones. This capsule of the knee, which in itself is very fine and weak, receives considerable strength from additional fibres, term- ed accessory ligaments. These appear like duplicatures of the capsule at the sides of the patella ; they are also called liga- mentum alare, majus et minus. There is a fold of the capsular membrane of the same character as those just described, but in- closing a little fat, for which reason some anatomists have given it the name of adipose or mucous ligament; it is situated very near the external condyle, and in front of the anterior crucial ligament; it retains the synovial substance in its proper place in the actions of the joint. Another accessory fasciculus of fibres covers the capsular membrane posteriorly, called the pos- terior ligament of Winslow. OF THE LIGAMENTS. 127 LATERAL LIGAMENTS. The lateral ligaments, as the name implies, are situated at the sides of the joint, and adhere to the capsular ligament. EXTERNAL LATERAL LIGAMENT. The external lateral ligament, Fig. 103, a, is a thick round chord, attached to a tubercle on the upper part of b, the exter- nal condyle of the femur ; it is adherent to the semilunar carti- lage on that side, and is inserted into c, the fibula, a little below its head. INTERNAL LATERAL LIGAMENT. The internal lateral ligai ent, a, is attached superiorly to the in- ternal con yle, infer orJy to the til ia, the fibres passing obliquely forwards till they have reached the head of the bone, b, c, d, the liga- ment of the patella. Fig. 104. b 128 FIBROUS SYSTEM CRUCIAL LIGAMENTS. Fig. 105. The crucial ligaments, e, d, are exposed in this figure by throwing down the patella, and removing the adipose substance ; they are very strong fibrous cords, crossing each other : hence their name. ANTERIOR CRUCIAL LIGAMENT. The anterior crucial ligament, d, is extended from the de- pression between the two condyles of the femur to the spine in the middle of the articular surface of the head of the tibia. POSTERIOR CRUCIAL LIGAMENT. The posterior crucial ligament, e, is also extended from the depression above named, to a groove behind the spine on the tibia. In Fig. 106, a, the crucial ligaments areseparated from the femur, to show their direction and insertion into the head of the tibia. The ligaments of the patella, Fig. 103, /, g, is merely a con- tinuation of the tendon of the extensor muscles of the leg, in the substance of which, e, the patella seems to be formed in a similar manner to the sesamoid bones. In Fig. 105, the OF THE LIGAMENTS. 129 patella is represented turned down over the head of the tibia; h, a synovial bursa opened ; this is a remarkable bag, extremely loose, and plentifully supplied with synovia. INTERARTICULAR OR SEMILUNAR CARTILAGES. Fig. 105, b,f, Fig. 106, b, c. These are two fibro-cartilages, placed between the con- dyles of the femur and the superior extremity of the tibia; they are crescent shaped, flexi- ble and elastic; each of these cartilages is broad in the middle, and narrow at their extremities; the outer convex edge is thick, the inner concave edge thin, c thus rendering the cavities for the condyles of the femur deeper, and adapting the tibia more accurately to that bone. The extremities of these cartilages are fixed by ligaments to the spine in the centre of the articular surface of the tibia; the anterior extremities are joined to each other by a transverse ligament; the outer edges adhere to the capsular and the other ligaments, so as to allow a little play or slight motion upon the tibia, which by favoring the general motion of the joint, has been compared to the friction wheels of machinery. LIGAMENTS BETWEEN THE TIBIA AND FIBULA. The tibia and fibula are united at their extremities by capsu- lar and other ligaments, and in the middle by an intervening fibrous membrane. vol. i. 18 130 FIRBOUS SYSTEM CAPSULAR LIGAMENT. The capsular ligament of the upper end of the fibula is con- tinuous with the periosteum; some irregular fibres have been called anterior and posterior ligaments. This articulation is moreover secured by the external lateral ligaments of the knee, and by the tendon of the biceps flexor cruris, part of which passes from the fibula to the tibia. INTEROSSEOUS LIGAMENT. The interosseous ligament of the leg resembles that which is between the radius and ulna; it is a thin aponeurotic mem- brane, composed of oblique fibres extended from the outer edge of the tibia to the inner edge of the fibula. This membrane presents several apertures for blood vessels. LIGAMENTS OF THE LOWER END OF THE TIBIA AND FI- BULA. These ligaments are anterior and posterior, which may be divided into superior and inferior, according to their situations. The superior ligaments are attached to the fibula and tibia, where these two bones are in contact: the anterior having a triangular form, the fibres being the shortest. The inferior ligaments have the same direction as the superior; they are not so broad, but are thicker and longer; they both extend from the extreme point of the tibia to the lowest part of the external malleolus. These four ligaments connect the tibia and fibula so closely to one another, that they appear as one firm piece, whose base is supported by two pro- jections called malleoli, between which the astragalus and os calcis, and of course the whole foot, are firmly secured. OF THE LIGAMENTS. 131 LIGAMENTS OF THE ANKLE JOINT. Strong ligaments pass from the malleoli to the bones of the tarsus; there is also a capsular membrane for the whole articulation LIGAMENTS BETWEEN THE FIBULA AND TARSUS. The ligaments between the fibula and tarsus are three in number; the anterior passing from the point of the external malleolus forwards to the upper part of the astragalus. The middle is a strong fasciculus of fibres, which descends perpen- dicularly from the lowest point of the fibula to the side of the os calcis. The posterior is concealed by the tendo Achillis : it passes from the external malleolus horizontally inwards, to the back part of the astragalus. LIGAMENTS BETWEEN THE TIBIA AND TARSUS. DELTOID OR TIBIO-TARSAL LIGAMENT. This ligament, b, is an as- semblage of fibres extending from the internal malleolus to the astragalus; inferiorly, its fibres diverge, and are attached to the os calcis, and by c, to the os naviculare. Fig. 107. 132 FIBROUS SYSTEM CAPSULAR LIGAMENT. The capsular ligament, a, a, is situated within the former ligaments; it covers the opposed surface of the bones which enter into the articulation, and is very loose: the synovial membrane which lines it contains a great quantity of synovia. LIGAMENTS OF THE TARSUS. The seven bones of the tarsus have a very limited motion between one another, or only such a degree of motion as gives pliancy and elasticity in walking, running, etc. They are united in a manner peculiarly strong, and well adapted to sup- port the weight of the trunk in standing, or in the different mo- tions of the body. See Fig. 107. OF THE LIGAMENTS. 133 LIGAMENTS BETWEEN THE OS CALCIS AND ASTRAGALUS. Fig. 108. the adjacent part of the os calcis. There is, 1st, a capsular membrane, b, c, connected to the edges of the articular surfaces of the two bones ; it is closely covered by the lateral ligaments of the an- kle, and by the sheaths of the tendons ; 2d, an interos- seous ligament, formed of a thick fasciculus of fibres, at- tached by one part to the groove which separates the two surfaces of the astraga- lus, and by the other to that which is between the sur- faces of the os calcis ; 3d, a posterior ligament, com- posed of parallel fibres,a, in- serted into the posterior part of the astragalus and into LIGAMENTS BETWEEN THE ASTRAGALUS AND OS NAVICULARE. This articulation has considerable motion ; for the convex head of the astragalus is received into the cavity of the navicu- lar bone, in which it is secured by a capsular and accessory ligaments. 134 FIBROUS SYSTEM LIGAMENTS BETWEEN THE OS CALCIS AND NAVICULARE. We find two ligaments passing from one of these bones to the other; they are also connected by a fibro-cartilaginous trochlea, or inferior ligament, supporting the side of the head of the astragalus, and affording a passage for the tendon of the tibialis posticus muscle ; below this ligament there are two external ligaments, which proceed from the anterior internal part of the os calcis to the external inferior part of the os navi- culare. LIGAMENTS BETWEEN THE OS CALCIS AND OS CUBOIDES. There is, 1st, a superior ligament, extending from the an- terior part of the os calcis to the superior part of the os cuboi- des ; 2d, an inferior ligament, composed of a superficial and deep-seated fasciculus of fibres, passing from one bone to the other, and partly to the extremities of the third and fourth meta- tarsal bones ; 3d, a capsular or synovial membrane, covering the articular surfaces, and the two preceding ligaments. LIGAMENTS BETWEEN THE NAVICULAR AND CUBOID BONES. These bones are connected by a dorsal ligament, I, com- posed of transverse fibres, extending from the navicular to the cuboid bone ; and by a plantar ligament, extending obliquely from the inferior part of one bone to the neighboring part of the other. OF THE LIGAMENTS. 135 LIGAMENTS BETWEEN THE NAVICULAR AND CUNEIFORM BONES. The three surfaces of the os naviculare are articulated with those of the three cuneiform bones, 1st, by three dorsal ligaments, g,i, k; 2d, by three plantar ligaments, similar to the prece- ding, extending from the inferior part of the os naviculare to the inferior surfaces of the three cuneiform bones ; 3d, by a syn'ovial membrane, folded on the articular surfaces, and on the plantar and dorsal ligaments. LIGAMENTS BETWEEN THE CUNEIFORM BONES. The cuneiform bones are maintained in apposition by syno- vial membranes ; and by three superior ligaments, e, / k, ex- tending transversely over their superior surfaces ; and by inferior ligaments, similar to the preceding, but less distinct. LIGAMENTS BETWEEN THE CUBOID AND EXTERNAL CUNEIFORM BONES. The cuboid and external cuneiform bones are united together by strong ligamentous fasciculi, h, which pass from the edge of one bone to that of the other. The superior are termed dorsal, the inferior plantar ligaments. LIGAMENTS OF THE TARSUS WITH THE METATARSUS. The tarsal and metatarsal bones are articulated together in a similar manner to the carpus and metacarpus ; i. e. there are, 1st, capsular membranes; 2d, dorsal, m; 3d, transverse liga- ments, I, each of the metatarsal bones receiving one from the tarsal bone with which it is connected ; 4th, plantar ligaments : 136 FIBROUS SYSTEM these are equal in number to the preceding, and disposed nearly in the same manner. LIGAMENTS OF THE METATARSAL BONES WITH EACH OTHER. All the bones of the metatarsus, except the first, are articu- lated together at their posterior extremities by small cartilagi- nous surfaces, covered by prolongations of the capsular mem- branes of the preceding articulations, and maintained, 1st, by dorsal and plantar ligaments ; these extend transversely in each region from the second to the third, and from the third to the fourth, and from the fourth to the fifth metatarsal bones; 2d, by interosseous fibres, found between the inarticulated points of the-posterior extremities of these bones ; and 3d, by transverse metatarsal ligaments, o, situated at the anterior extremities of the metatarsal bones, and are in all respects similar to those I have described as belonging to the heads of the four last meta- carpal bones. LIGAMENTS OF THE METATARSUS WITH THE PHALANGES OF THE TOES. The posterior extremities of the first phalanges are connected to the metatarsal bones at n by capsular and lateral ligaments. LIGAMENTS OF THE PHALANGES OF THE TOES. These ligaments are similar to those of the fingers. The tendons of the foot also are provided with nearly the same sheaths and ligaments as those in the hand, for the pur- pose of confining them in their situation, and directing them in their proper course. The tendons which pass in front and at each side of the ankle joint, are firmly secured by ligaments and OF THE LIGAMENTS 137 tendinous sheaths, which are attached to the adjacent bones; anteriorly, the extensor tendons are bound down by a strong annular ligament, whose fibres take a circular direction. The plantar aponeurosis is composed of strong ligamentous fibres, extending from the os calcis as far as the first phalanges of the toes, where it is lost in the tendinous sheaths. Each of the flexor tendons is confined by a strong ligamentous sheath, which is continued along the phalanges, in the same manner as in the hand ; each sheath is strengthened by circular bands at different situations. On the sides of each articulation of the phalanges with the metatarsus, a fascia is sent off from the ex- tensor tendon ; it is composed of ghstening fibres, which run toward the sole of the foot, and unite with the plantar aponeu- rosis ; these fasciae are of important service in retaining the extensor tendons in their situation. VOL. I. 19 ART. IV. CHAP. I. MUSCULAR SYSTEM. The organs, which we distinguish by the term muscles, are composed of that substance which is commonly known by the name of flesh ; those, therefore, who have not seen the muscles of the human body, may form a very good idea of them by an examination of the flesh of quadrupeds. The muscles are instruments or active agents in producing the various movements of our body ; by their means we are endued with the power of moving from place to place, and of performing every manual exercise or bodily exertion. Not only are they the prime moving powers in locomotion, but speech, singing, and the acts of chewing, swallowing, etc., are performed by them ; indeed, by means of these organs the blood is circulated, the stomach and intestines urge on their contents, and the different conduits of the glands propel their fluids. The most characteristic property of muscles is contractility; in whatever position our limbs may repose, it must be muscular contraction to produce their action. Muscular contractility is displayed in the amputation of a limb ; for immediately as soon as the muscles are divided, the two ends contract in opposite MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 139 directions, leaving between them a space proportionate to the retraction of the muscles, which is more or less, according to the length of the muscular fibres. This contractility of muscles constitutes muscular action, and consists in drawing the more movable towards the most fixed point to which it is connected. Every movable point in the animal frame is constantly situated between two muscular powers opposed to each other; between those of flexion and extension, of elevation and depression, of adduction and abduc- tion, etc.; this opposition is a condition essential to motion ; for in whatever direction the limb is to be moved, the movable point must necessarily be in the opposite direction ; the act of flexion requires that it should be first extended, and vice versa. But when flexors and extensors are both in a state of action, they counterbalance each other; there is a rigid state of the muscles, and the limb is fixed. The effect of every muscle that contracts, is not only to act upon the bone into which it is implanted, but also on the opposite muscle, and this consti- tutes the phenomena of antagonist muscles ; the muscles are so situated that the one class cannot be extended without the other contracting, and reciprocally. I shall be pardoned if I give the familiar but clear explanation of Paley in reference to antagonist muscles ; — " Every muscle is provided with an adversary. They act like two sawyers in a pit, by an oppo- site pull; the nature of the muscular fibre being what it is, the purposes of the animal could be answered by no other. And not only the capacity for motion, but the aspect and sym- metry of the body, is preserved by the muscles being thus marshalled according to this order; e. g. the mouth is holden in the middle of the face, and its angles kept in a state of exact correspondency, by several muscles drawn against and balan- cing each other. In hemiplegia, when the muscles on one side 140 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. of the face are weakened, the muscles on the other side draw the mouth awry." The muscles on contracting, become evidently harder ; they increase in thickness and decrease in length, but their volume remains nearly the same ; what is lost in length is compensated in thickness. Prevost and Dumas describe their fibres, in a state of repose, as straight lines ; but, when acting, all at once bending themselves in a waved direction, and presenting in an instant a great number of angular and regularly opposed undu- lations, thus, ^^=s^ ; if the cause which led to the con- traction ceases, the right lines of the fibres are restored with the same rapidity as the waved lines were produced. This contractility, on which depend all the phenomena of animal motion, and which also promotes many of the exterior and interior functions, is exclusively seated in the muscular system. It possesses the faculty of moving under the influence of the brain, whether that influence be determined by the will or by other causes. If the brain of a man is compressed, the faculty of contracting the muscle ceases. The intensity of muscular contraction, that is, the degree of power with which the extremities of the fibres approximate, is in proportion to the excitement of the brain ; it is generally regulated by the will, according to certain limits, which are different in different indi- viduals. When the organization of the muscles is strongly fibrous, and they are of a deep red color, such muscles, with an equal power of the will, produce much more powerful efforts than muscles whose fibres are fine, pale and smooth. The cerebral influence and the structure of the muscular tissue, therefore, are the two elements on which depends the intensity of muscular contraction. Irritability of muscles, called by Haller the vis insita, is the latent power inherent in the muscular fibres, producing that tremulous motion which is often felt in various parts of MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 141 the body, without any evident cause, and independent of the will. It is to be distinguished from muscular contractility by being more permanent, and by occurring on the application of chemical or mechanical stimuli. A muscle may be separated from the limb, or the heart removed from the body, and for some time afterwards, on pricking it with a needle or passing the electric shock through it, there will be seen convulsive twitch- ings of its fibres. The irritability of a muscle is present after death ; and, though doubtless a phenomenon worthy of study, is not to be confounded with the muscular contraction I have just described. FORM OF THE MUSCLES. The muscles, like the bones, with reference to their forms, may be divided into long, wide, and short muscles. THE LONG MUSCLES. These muscles are generally placed on the limbs, to the con- formation of which they very much contribute. Separated from the skin by a strong membrane called aponeurosis, and from the bone by periosteum, they are contained in a fibrous envelope, which strictly maintains them in their respective situations and in which they are disposed in layers more or less numerous. In proportion, however, as they are deeper seated they also become shorter; they are separated by cellular layers, loose in parts in which extensive motions are performed, and tight wherever the motion is more confined. The long muscles are in some in- stances a single bundle of fibres, in others they result from an assemblage of many ; scarcely any of the fibres run the whole length of the fleshy mass ; in most of the muscles they are dis- posed in an oblique direction, between two aponeuroses, or 142 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. between a tendon and an aponeurosis. Some muscles have tendinous intersections, which are placed at different distances in the course of the fibres. THE WIDE MUSCLES. These muscles are generally situated on the parietes of the cavities, especially on those of the chest and abdomen, whose parietes are chiefly formed by them ; they protect the inter- nal organs, aid their functions, and move the body or limbs ac- cording as the one or the other is the fixed point. They have always short tendons. The wide muscles are not very thick; the greatest part of them representing muscular membranes, sometimes disposed in layers, as on the abdomen, at other times applied over the long muscles, as on the back. When the wide muscles are attached to, or are inserted into one of the great cavities, they preserve in all the parts nearly the same width ; but if from a cavity a mus- cle extends to a long bone, the fibres concentrate by degrees, grow narrower and thicker, and the muscle terminates in a ten- don, and thus contracts into a narrow compass the fibres which are largely disseminated. The pectoral and great dorsal mus- cles are instances of this form and disposition. THE SHORT MUSCLES. These muscles are commonly met with in parts where con- siderable power on the one hand, and a limited extent of motion on the other, is required, as in the movements of the jaw, the hip, the thumb, and the foot; and most of them have a square or triangular shape. Numerous muscles attached to the spine, as, the interspinales, recti, etc., display the form I am here de- scribing. They are the most powerful of all the muscles, and MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 143 are placed where great force is required, as at the articulation of the jaw, in the vertebral column, he. Though the division of the muscles into long, wide, and short, is similar to that of the bones, and is generally applicable, yet it is liable to a mul- tiplicity of modifications : since nature varies according to the functions which the organs are intended to perform. There are further distinctive characters of muscles, viz., they are simple when the fibres have a parallel direction, as the sar- torius or the quadratus lumborum ; if they proceed from an ex- tended surface, and converge to a small tendon, they are termed radiated, as the temporal muscle. When the tendon occupies the middle of the muscle, and the fibres are placed obliquely to the tendon like a feather, the muscle is named penniform, as the rectus femoris ; where the muscular fibres are placed on one side of the tendon, it is called half-penniform, as the peroneus jongus. In the compound muscles there is a single mass of muscular fibres and several tendons, like the flexors of the fin- gers, or there are several muscular and tendinous portions, as in the sacro-lumbalis, etc. Sometimes the bundles of the fibres and tendons are variously and often intricately woven, as in the lingual muscles. VOLUNTARY, INVOLUNTARY, AND MIXED MUSCLES. The division of the muscles into voluntary and involuntary is sufficiently accurate to convey a distinct idea of the two classes of exciting causes. In ordinary circumstances those under the influence of the will must be voluntary muscles, such as the muscles of locomotion. But there are other muscles over which the will has no dominion : the vital organs, the heart, stomach, and intestines, afford examples of this description, and are brought forward by writers on natural theology as marks of the Divine wisdom; for were the action of these organs within the 144 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. control of the will, and the vital functions left to man's gov- ernment, I need not say they would be subject to a thousand interruptions; these organs, therefore, are furnished with invol- untary muscles. There is another class of muscles, which are termed mixed, as the diaphragm and other muscles of respira- tion, the orbicularis oculi, etc.; of the action of these muscles we are not sensible, unless the attention of the mind be direct- ed to them ; yet we have the power of increasing or suspend- ing their action for a certain length of time. TEXTURE OF MUSCLES. The muscular or fleshy fibres are soft, red, downy, linear, and possess a small degree of elasticity ; they retain little tenacity in the dead body, and are easily torn asunder, but during life they resist very great force without breaking. A muscle is composed of a number of muscular fasciculi, which are formed of fibres still smaller ; these result from fibres of less volume; at least, by progressive division, we arrive at a fibre no longer practically divisible, but which were our means of division more perfect, possibly might be reduced to such a degree of tenuity as to elude even the microscope. However, the last of these filaments which can be perceived is the muscular fibre. Num- berless researches have been made to determine with certainty the volume of this fibre ; I need not mention the result of these researches : the correctness cannot be relied on, and the inves- tigation could add nothing to our notions respecting muscular motion. Every muscular fibre runs its extent without ramifying; it is merely in juxta-position with the adjoining ones. The intimate nature of this fibre, upon which so much has been written, is still unknown to us. Prohaska* found the muscular fibre ^Vs Part * Operum minorum pars i. p. 198. MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 145 of an inch in diameter, while Mr. Bauer* estimates it at only g-^ViT' The latter describes the fibres as moniliform, that is, consisting of globules lineally and closely arranged, like the beads of a necklace. Sir E. Home is inclined to consider these globules to be the remains of the globules of the blood from which they have originated, an opinion which the facts of the case by no means warrant; and all that has been affirmed respecting the continuation of the muscular fibre with the nervous or vascular organs, is supported by no positive proofs, and is unworthy of claiming a moment's attention. " To ar- rive at correct conclusions, we must study nature where she comes within the cognizance of our senses ."f CELLULAR TISSUE OF MUSCLES. The fibres of muscles are united by this substance ; it is one of the most important elements of the animal system, consisting of very minute, soft, white filaments, crossing each other in a multitude of different directions, and leaving between them cer- tain interstices which serve for the reception of fat. The muscles are abundantly supplied with this cellular web ; it forms a very considerable layer round every muscle ; it is most generally loose, or filled with fat; sometimes it is tighter, and actually spread in the form of a membrane, and then the dissection becomes difficult for the young student. Besides affording this general covering to the muscles, it extends into the substance of these organs themselves, and largely contri- butes to their structure ; each fasciculus is provided with a con- tinuation of sheaths of cellular tissue, and not only surrounds and binds the muscles together, but also unites each of their * Phil. Trans. 1818, p. 175. t Bichat. vol. i. 20 146 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. fibres with those adjoining. These coverings accommodate the motions of the fibres, which they separate from each other, either by the fat which they contain, or by the serum of the cellulae. The quantity of intermuscular cellular tissue varies very con- siderably ; sometimes it is so abundant among the muscles as to divide them into separate portions, and consequently has confused anatomists in the division of these organs.* BLOOD-VESSELS OF MUSCLES. With the exception of certain viscera, as the lungs, liver, spleen, etc., few organs, in proportion to their size, receive more blood than the muscles ; the blood being essentially necessary to keep up excitement, and by this fluid the human muscles are colored. The arteries are exceedingly apparent; they penetrate their substance from all points of their surface. The principal branches creep at first between the largest fasciculi of fibres; then they divide and subdivide into an almost infinite number of ramifications, which, reduced to capillary tubes, sup- ply the secondary skeins, twine among the most minute fibres, and deposite the nutritive substance of the muscle. The veins of muscles constantly attend the arteries, but sur- pass them, as they do in all other parts of the body, in number and magnitude. The absorbent vessels may be traced, but not without diffi- culty. They are most readily injected in the muscles of the face, the tongue, and the diaphragm. * In consequence of these cellular intersections, some authors have di- vided the deltoid muscle into three distinct muscles. As another instance, I may mention also the pectoralis major, which is thus divided into a clavicular and sternal portion. MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 147 NERVES OF MUSCLES. The muscles are liberally endowed with nerves; indeed, ex- cepting the skin and organs of sense, no part, of the body is so abundantly supplied with them. Each branch, on reaching the fleshy fibres, first divides, then subdivides in the interstices, until it entirely disappears. Dr. Monro thought that each individual fibre had its corresponding nervous filament; and the observation of Bichat may induce one to believe it, namely, that on the principal nervous branch being irritated, every fibre of the muscle comes into play. TENDONS OF MUSCLES. The tendons are a part of the muscle : they are a kind of fibrous cord, conducting the motions of the muscle to the bone, particularly where there is not room for the insertion of the muscular fibres which are necessary for the motion of the joints ; they frequently concentrate the whole power of a very large muscle on a small bony surface ; indeed, without such a medi- um of attachment, the articulations would be encumbered in their actions. The tendons are composed of small white fibres, closely united to each other, having a beautiful shining silvery appearance; they differ from the ligaments chiefly in this par- ticular, that one of their extremities is attached to the muscle. Tendons possess very little elasticity or sensibility; they have few blood-vessels, in fact none are observed in their ordinary state; nor have nerves or lymphatics been traced into them. Some muscles form a complete circle, and have no tendi- nous structure, and are termed sphincters. 148 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. Usually the tendons are at the extremities of muscles, but sometimes are found in the middle, as in the digastric muscles, the diaphragm, omo-hyoideus, &c. APONEUROSIS. Aponeuroses are precisely similar to tendons; frequently they seem to result from the expansion of a tendon. They may be divided into two classes ; 1st, Aponeuroses of inser- tions, those fibrous expansions which receive fleshy fibres, so as to afford the greatest advantage in multiplying prodigiously the points of insertion, without increasing the extent of bony surface, as the tensor vaginae femoris ; others collect the mus- cular power into a line of attachment, as in the oblique and transverse muscles of the abdomen. 2d, Enveloping apon- euroses ; these are found around the limbs where they main- tain the muscles in their respective situations, so that in great exertions, the muscles are not liable to displacement; their inner surfaces often send fibrous partitions between the muscles which extend to the periosteum of the neighboring bone; and at the same time that they retain the muscular fibres in their situation, give points for their insertion. Like the tendons, their hue is of a resplendent white ; in a healthy state they have little vascularity, and may be considered as destitute of sensibility. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF MUSCLES. Owing to the difficulty of separating the muscular fibres from the fat, blood, cellular membrane, etc., with which they are very intimately blended, the organic elements of the mus- cular tissue are still involved in obscurity; but when freed MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 149 as much as possible from those substances which adhere to them, they consist of albumen, a great quantity of fibrin, and a prin- ciple of a peculiar nature, colored, soluble in alcohol, giving to broth its taste and smell, named osmazome. There also occur in these organs a coloring matter, carbonate, hydrochlorate, and phosphate of soda, phosphate of lime, and oxide of iron. SHEATHS OF TENDONS. In general these sheaths form a semi-cylindrical canal, com- pleted by the bone in the opposite part in such a manner that the tendon slides in a canal, which is partly bony and partly fibrous ; this canal is lined with a synovial membrane. On their external surfaces the fibrous sheaths correspond to the ad- jacent parts with which they are united, and adhere to them by loose cellular tissue. All the sheaths are composed of dense and strong fibres ; indeed, stronger than might be supposed to be sufficient to restrain the efforts of the tendons that act upon them; the tendons are thus kept down in their proper places, and are prevented from deviating from their destined course. Some of these sheaths, as those at the wrist and on the instep, contain the united tendons of several muscles: these bear the name of annular ligaments; the tendons of the hand and foot having to pass a narrow space, it was indispensably necessary they should be there maintained. Other sheaths, as those of the fingers, are intended for a single tendon, or for two only. Besides these uses, the sheaths in some cases change the direction of the ten- don, as we observe in the trochlea of the eye, and the sheaths of the tendons of the thumb and little finger. 150 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. STRENGTH OF MUSCLES. The natural strength of muscles probably depends on the number of fibres which enter into their composition; but the effect of habit and exercise of the muscles in giving strength, mobility, and dexterity, is astonishing. The muscles grow stronger in proportion as they are used, provided they are well used, and not exhausted by violence or over exertion; but the same muscles in different individuals, though of the same length and thickness, and, as far as we are able to examine composed of the same number of fibres, are by no means uniform in the degree of power they are capable of exercising. Under par- ticular excitement the muscular efforts may be carried to a wonderful degree ; we know the strength of an enraged person, of maniacs and of persons in convulsions ; but such violent con- tractions cannot be carried beyond a certain time, after which a painful feeling-of weariness takes place, which goes on increas- ing until the muscle refuses to act: by rest, however, the feel- ing of fatigue subsides, and the muscles recover their wonted energies. If, however, the brain of a man be compressed, the faculty of contracting the muscle ceases ; the nerve of a muscle being cut, the muscle loses all power of contracting, thus show- ing that muscular action depends on the brain, and that it is generally regulated, to a certain degree, by the will.* * " There are many muscles given to us which the common customs and habits of life seldom render it necessary to exert, and which, in consequence, grow stiff and immovable. Tumblers and buffoons seem to be aware of this fact; and it is principally by the cultivation of these neglected muscles that they are able to assume those outrageous postures and grimaces, and exhibit those feats of agility, which so often amuse and surprise us." — Dr. Good's Book of Nature. MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 151 ACTIONS OF MUSCLES. Many muscles acting together, producing the same kind of motion, are called congeneres; those which act in the opposite direction are termed antagonistes. The first ordinarily arise from the same fixed point or from the same region, the second or antagonists from the opposite. The various movements produced by the contraction of mus- cles are, adduction and abduction, flexion and extension, and rotation, etc. These various motions are not usually effected by the action of one muscle alone, but by the co-operation of several congeneres. The flexors are commonly stronger than the extensors, and it is for this reason, that when the extremities are at rest, or in in a state of freedom, or in paralysis, or during sleep, that they are bent or slightly flexed. And the flexors are attached fur- ther from the centre of motion than the extensors, and their di- rection is less parallel to the bone; consequently the angle is more open, and the power more favorably applied. NOMENCLATURE OF THE MUSCLES. Th denomination of the muscles is derived from several con- siderations, as, viz., from their Size, as great, small, long, broad, thin ; Figure, as triangular, scalenus, deltoid, orbicular, rhomboi- dal, etc.; Direction, as straight, oblique, transverse ; Composition, as complexus, triceps, biceps, semimembrano- sus, perforans, etc. ; Attachment, as stylo-hyoideus, pterygoideus, sterno-cleido- mastoideus; " Uses, as flexors, adductors, rotators, etc. 152 CLASSIFICATION OF MUSCLES. The inconvenience from such a multiplicity of names from such different sources, has long been felt among anatomists, and many nomenclatures have been suggested to remove it. All the synonyms of muscles may be found in Lizar's System of Anat- omy. CLASSIFICATION OF THE MUSCLES. The muscles have been distributed into classes, according to the different parts of the body which they occupy: each of these parts has received the name of region. The following table presents a general view of the names and classification. TABLE OF THE MUSCLES. 153 CHAP. II. TABLE OF THE MUSCLES. The total number of the muscles amounts to 527, of which 257 are pairs, and lie on either side of the body. There are four single muscles situated on the middle line, independent of those muscles which perform the internal vital functions. MUSCLES OF THE HEAD. 1. Cranial region. Occipito-frontalis. C Attollens auris. 2, Auricular region. < Attrahens auris. ( Retrahens auris. MUSCLES OF THE FACE. 1. Palpebral region. 2. Ocular region. 3. Nasal region. 4. Superior maxillary region. 5. Inferior maxillary region. Orbicularis palpebrarum. Corrugator supercilii. Levator palpebral superioris. C Rectus superior. } Rectus inferior. J Rectus internus. } Rectus externus. t Obliquus superior. Obliquus inferior. Pyramidalis nasi. Compressor nasi. Levator labii superioris, alaeque nasi. Depressor alas nasi. r Levator labii superioris. | Levator anguli oris. «{ Zygomaticus major. | Zygomaticus minor. L Orbicularis oris. " Depressor anguli oris. Depressor labii superioris. i Depressor labii inferioris. j Buccinator. Levator menti. _ Masseter. VOL. I. 21 154 TABLE OF THE MUSCLES. 6. Temporo-maxillary region. 7. Pterygo-maxillary region. 8. Lingual region. 9. Palatine region. Temporalis. < Pterygoideus externus. I Pterygoideus internus. C Hyo-glossus. ) Genio-glossus. j Stylo-glossus. (_ Lingualis. r Circumflexus palati. } Levator palati. J Levator uvulae. j Palato-pharyngeus. L Constrictor isthmi faucium. MUSCLES OF THE NECK. 1. Anterior cervical region. 2. Superior hyoidean region. 3. Inferior hyoidean region. 4. Pharyngeal region. 5. Deep cervical region. 6. Lateral cervical region. C Platysma myoides. I Sterno-cleido-mastoideus. f Digastricus. J Stylo-hyoideus. J Mylo-hyoideus. L Genio-hyoideus. C Omo-hyoideus. ) Stjrno-hyoideus. "} Sterno-thyroideus. L Thyro-hyoideus. f Constrictor pharyngis inferior. ) Constrictor pharyngis medius. "j Constrictor pharyngis superior. (_ Stylo-pharyngeus. C Rectus capitis anticus major. < Rectus capitis anticus minor. ( Longus colli. C Scalenus anticus. < Scalenus posticus. ^ Rectus capitis lateralis. MUSCLES OF THE TRUNK. 1. Anterior thoracic region. 2. Lateral thoracic region. 3. Intercostal region. 4. Diaphragmatic region. C Pectoralis major. < Pectoralis minor. ( Subclavius. Serratus magnus. C Intercostales externi. i Intercostales interni. j Triangulares sterni. L Levatores costarum. Diaphragma. TABLE OF THE MUSCLES. 155 MUSCLES OF THE ABDOMEN. 1. Abdominal region. 2. Lumbar region. 3. Anal region. 4. Genital region. r Obliquus abdominis externus. j Obliquus abdominis internus. <{ Transversalis abdominis. .' Rectus abdominis. L Pyramidalis. C Psoas magnus. t Psoas parvus. Iliacus internus. Quadratus lumborum. C Levator ani. < Coccygeus ( Sphincter ani. £" 1st. (In the male) Cremaster ischio- cavernosus. j Bulbo-cavernosus. •^ Transversus perinaei. 2nd. (In the female.) Ischio-caver- nosus. Constrictor vaginas. MUSCLES OF THE POSTERIOR PART OF THE TRUNK. 1. Lumbo-dorsal region. 2. Dorso-cervlcal region. 3. Posterior occipito-cervical region. 4. Vertebral region. C Trapezius. ( Latissimus dorsi. C Rhomboideus. j Levator anguli scapula?. I Serratus posticus superior. «J Serratus posticus inferior. I Splenius. I Complexus. [_ Trachelo-mastoideus. C Rectus capitis posticus major. i Rectus capitis posticus minor. ■{ Obliquus capitis superior. | Obliquus capitis inferior. v- Interspinalis cervicis. r Longissimus dorsi. | Sacro-lumbalis. < Transversus colli. j Multifidus spinae. L Intertransversales colli et lumborum. 156 TABLE OF THE MUSCLES. MUSCLES OF THE SHOULDER. 1. Posterior scapular region. 2. Anterior scapular region. 3. External scapular region. C Supra-spinatus. J Infra-spinatus. j Teres minor. L Teres major. Subscapularis. Deltoides. MUSCLES OF THE ARM. 1. Anterior brachial region. 2. Posterior Brachial Region. Coraco-brachialis. Biceps flexor cubiti. Brachialis internus. Triceps extensor cubiti. MUSCLES OF THE FORE-ARM. 1. Anterior region of the fore- arm. 2. Anterior deep region of the fore-arm. 3. Posterior superficial region of the fore-arm. 4. Posterior deep region of the fore-arm. 5. Radial region. f Pronator teres. J Flexor carpi radialis. I Palmaris longus. \ Flexor carpi ulnaris. j Flexor digitorum sublimis vel perfo- L ratus. f* Flexor digitorum profundus vel per- ) forans. ) Flexor longus pollicis manus L Pronator quadratus. f" Extensor digitorum communis. J Extensor proprius minimi digiti. | Extensor carpi ulnaris. L Anconeus. f* Extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis. ) Extensor primi et secundi internodii ) pollicis manus. L Indicator. C Supinator radii longus. ) Supinator radii brevis. J Extensor carpi radialis longior. L Extensor carpi radialis brevior. TABLE OF THE MUSCLES. 157 MUSCLES OF THE HAND. 1. External palmar region. 2. Internal palmar region. f Abductor brevis pollicis manus. J Opponens pollicis. | Flexor brevis pollicis manus. ^Adductor pollicis manus. C Palmaris brevis. Abductor minimi digiti. j Flexor proprius minimi digiti. | Adductor ossis metacarpi minimi digiti. ^Lumbricales. 3. Middle palmar region. > Interossei. •< 1. Abductor indicis. 2. Adductor indicis. 3. Abductor digiti medii. 4. Adductor digiti medii. 5. Abductor digiti annularis. 6. Adductor digiti annularis. 7. Abductor minimi digiti. MUSCLES OF THE HAUNCH AND THIGH. 1. Region of the hip. 2. Pelvi-trochantric region. 3. Anterior femoral region. 4. Internal femoral region. 5. Posterior femoral region. f Gluteus maximus. < Gluteus medius. (^ Gluteus minimus. f Pyriformis. Obturator internus. J Obturator externus. j Gemellus superior. I Gemellus inferior. ^Quadratus femoris. {Sartorius. Rectus femoris. Triceps extensor cruris. ' Pectineus. Gracilis. < Adductor longus. Adductor brevis. ^ Adductor magnus. {Biceps femoris. Semitendinosus. Semimembranosus. 158 TABLE OF THE MUSCLES. MUSCLES OF THE LEG. 1. Anterior region of the leg. 2. Peroneal region. [ I 3. Posterior region of the leg. < {Tibialis anticus. Peroneus tertius. Extensor longus digitorum pedis. Extensor proprius pollicis pedis. ( Peroneus longus. i Peroneus brevis. Gastrocnemius externus. Gastrocnemius internus. Soleus. Plantaris. Popliteus. j Flexor longus digitorum pedis. j Tibialis posticus. (^ Flexor longus pollicis pedis. MUSCLES OF THE FOOT. 1. Dorsal region. 2. Plantar region. C Extensor brevis digitorum pedis. I Interossei externi. r Flexor brevis digitorum pedis. Abductor pollicis pedis. Abductor minimi digiti pedis. Flexor digitorum accessorius. Lumbricales pedis. Flexor brevis pollicis pedis. Adductor pollicis pedis. Flexor brevis minimi digiti pedis. Transversus pedis. Interossei interni. MUSCULAR SYSTEM OF THE HEAD. 159 MUSCLES OF THE HEAD. CRANIAL REGION. OCCIP1TO-FRONTALIS. Fig. 109. This is the only muscle which properly belongs to the scalp ; it consists of two distinct parts, an anterior and a posterior, which are united by an aponeurosis or tendinous membrane. The posterior portion, a, has an aponeurotic and fleshy attach- ment to the transverse ridge of the occipital bone ; it forms, b, the cranial aponeurosis, a broad fibrous expansion which covers the whole upper part of the cranium : the anterior portion, seen in Fig. Ill, a, is attached to c, the circular muscle of the eye- lid, and to the skin ; and by b, to the inner angle of the fron- tal bone, and the os nasi. The outer surface of this muscle is covered by the integuments, the inner rests on the cranium. The anterior portion of this muscle raises the brow, wrinkles 160 MUSCULAR SYSTEM the forehead, and brings forward the integuments of the head; the posterior draws back the skin to its original situation. The direction of the muscular fibres and the aponeurosis are also seen, Fig. 112, a, b.* AURICULAR REGION. ATTOLLENS AURIS. Fig. 112. The attollens auris, c, is of a triangular figure, situated on the temple above the ear; superiorly it is attached to the cranial aponeurosis, and inferiorly to the cartilage of the ear. The outer surface of this muscle is covered by the skin, the inner covers the temporal aponeurosis. The action of this muscle raises the ear. ATTRAHENS AURIS. The attrahens auris, d, is situated before the ear, and has the same form as the preceding ; anteriorly it is attached to the border of the cranial aponeurosis, and posteriorly to the carti- lage or anterior helix of the ear. This muscle draws the ear forward and upward. The outer surface of this muscle is covered by the skin ; the inner is sit- uated upon the temporal muscle and temporal artery. RETRAHENS AURIS. This muscle, e, is situated behind the ear, and is extended from the mastoid process of the temporal bone to the back of the ear. It frequently consists of two small bundles of fibres, and is then described as two muscles. * This is sometimes divided by anatomists into two muscles, the occipital and frontal muscles. OF THE HEAD. 161 This muscle is covered by the integuments, and is separated from the temporal bone by cellular tissue. The action of this muscle carries the ear backwards.* MUSCLES OF THE FACE. PALPEBRAL REGION. ORBICULARIS PALPEBRARUM. Fig. Ill, c, Fig. 112,/. The fleshy fibres of this muscle surround the orbit of the eye, and form part of the eyelids ; superiorly it is attached to the frontal bone, and inferiorly to the superior maxillary bone, where it has a tendinous point of insertion into the nasal process. The anterior surface of this muscle is covered by the integ- uments ; the posterior is applied upon the corrugator supercilii, the fibro-cartilage of the upper eyelid, the malar bone, the mus- cles of the superior maxillary region, the ligament and fibro-car- tilage of the lower eyelid, the ascending process of the superior maxillary bone, and the lachrymal sack. This muscle shuts the eye, by bringing down the upper eye- lid and raising the lower, the fibres contracting towards the in- ner angle ; it also depresses the eyebrow at the same time it raises the cheek. CORRUGATOR SUPERCILII. Fig. 111. This muscle, p, is placed on the arch of the orbit, in the thickness of the eyebrow ; it is attached on the one part to the superciliary ridge, and on the other to the occipito-frontalis and orbicularis muscles. * The other muscles of the ear will be described with the organ of hearing. VOL. I. 22 162 MUSCULAR SYSTEM The anterior surface of this muscle is covered by the orbic- ularis palpebrarum, the occipito-frontalis, and the pyramidalis nasi muscles; the posterior is in contact with the frontal bone, the superciliary artery, and the frontal branch of the ophthal- mic nerve. This muscle draws down the brow in the expressions of an- ger and the malevolent passions. LEVATOR PALPEBR.E SUPERIORIS. Fig. 110. This muscle, a, is situated in the superior part of the orbit, and is fixed to the bottom of it; it is then spread out into a broad tendon, which is attached to the cartilage of the upper eyelid, as is seen also in Fig. Ill, n. The superior surface of this muscle is connected with the orbit and frontal branch of the ophthalmic nerve; and more OF THE HEAD. 163 anteriorly it is separated from the orbicularis palpebrarum by the palpebral ligament j the inferior is connected with the rec- tus superior and membrana conjunctiva. The action of this muscle raises the upper eyelid. OCULAR^REGION. RECTUS SUPERIOR. Fig. 110. This muscle, b, is situated in the orbit above the eye, under the levator palpebrae ; it is broad and thin, tendinous at its ex- tremities, and fleshy in the rest of its extent. Posteriorly it is attached to the optic foramen, and anteriorly to the membrana sclerotica. The superior surface of this muscle is covered by the prece- ding ; the inferior is placed upon the optic nerve, the ophthal- mic artery, and the nasal branch of the ophthalmic nerve, in front upon the eye itself. The action of this muscle raises the eye. RECTUS INFERIOR. The figure and structure of d, the rectus inferior, is like the preceding ; posteriorly it is attached to the inferior part of the optic foramen, and anteriorly to the sclerotic membrane. The inferior surface of this muscle is separated from the floor of the orbit by adipose tissue ; the superior is in connexion with the optic nerve, a branch of the third pair of nerves, and the eye. This muscle is the antagonist of the rectus superior, and draws the eye downwards. 164 MUSCULAR SYSTEM RECTUS INTERNUS. This muscle, c, c, is similar to the two described; it is situ- ated on the inner side of the eye, and is attached posteriorly to the margin of the optic foramen ; anteriorly, to the inner side of the eye. In this figure the central part is removed to show k, the optic nerve, but its attachments are preserved. This muscle draws the eye towards the nose. RECTUS EXTERNUS. The rectus externus is similar in its figure and attachments to the other recti, but is situated on the outer side of the eye. In this figure the muscle is supposed to be removed. The outer surface of this muscle is in apposition with the orbit and lachrymal gland ; the inner with the optic nerve, the sixth pair, and the lenticular ganglion. The office of this muscle is to carry the eye outward. OBLIQUUS SUPERIOR. This muscle, e, is situated at the internal and superior part of the orbit; posteriorly it is attached to the optic foramen, passes forward horizontally to the internal orbitar process, where it forms a thin round tendon, which passes through/, a cartilagi- nous ring ;* runs obliquely downwards and backwards, and is inferiorly attached at g, by a radiated tendon, to the globe of the eye. On the inside of the pulley or ring is a synovial cap- sule, which is reflected over the tendon. * At least this loop forms a ring with the superciliary notch. OF THE HEAD. 165 This muscle is situated between the orbit and the optic nerve, the superior and internal recti muscles, and the globe of the eye. The office of this muscle is to roll the eye, and to turn the pupil downwards and outwards. OBLIQUUS INFERIOR. This muscle is situated at the anterior part of the orbit. Anteriorly it is attached at i, the inner edge of the orbitar pro- cess of the superior maxillary bone, near its union with the os unguis ; it is directed backwards and outwards, under d, the rectus inferior, and is attached posteriorly by A, a thin tendon, to the sclerotic membrane. The inferior surface of this muscle is placed on the floor of the orbit; the superior corresponds with the ball of the eye, and with the rectus inferior. By means of the inferior oblique muscle the eye is turned upwards and inwards. 166 MUSCULAR SYSTEM NASAL REGION. PYRAMIDALIS NASI. Fig. 111. This muscle, b, is confounded with the occipito-frontalis; its figure is thin and triangular ; it is attached by its summit to the last-named muscle, covers the nasal bones, and is fixed by its base to the compressor nasi. This muscle is sometimes re- garded as merely a portion of the frontal muscle; the upper part is certainly intermixed with it, but the lower part is very distinct. The anterior surface is connected with the skin ; the poste- rior with the corrugator supercilii, the os frontis, and the pro- per bones of the nose. This muscle assists in bringing down the integuments of the forehead, and raising the skin of the nose. OF THE HEAD. 167 COMPRESSOR NASI. Fig. 112. This muscle, Fig. Ill, o, Fig. 112, A, is attached on the outer side of the cartilage of the nose to the adjacent part of the bridge of the nose, where it meets its fellow. The anterior surface is covered by the skin, the posterior lies upon the superior maxillary bone and upon the lateral car- tilage of the nose. This muscle compresses the nostrils ; it sometimes acts with the pyramidal and frontal muscles, to which it is connected, and then it raises the nostril. LEVATOR LABII SUPERIORIS ALiEQUE NASI. This muscle, Fig. 112, i, is attached by a small tendon to the nasal process of the superior maxillary bone, close by the 168 MUSCULAR SYSTEM tendon of the orbicular muscle of the eyelids ; as it approaches the nose it is spread out into two portions, one of which is in- serted into the ala or cartilage of the nostril, the other into the upp3r lip. The anterior surface is placed beneath the skin, and at its upper part it is concealed by the orbicularis palpebrarum. The posterior is connected with the preceding muscle, the nasal process of the superior maxillary bone, the border of the leva- tor labii superioris, and the depressor nasi. This muscle raises the ala of the nostril and the upper lip. DEPRESSOR AI.M NASI. This muscle, Fig. 113, e, is a small fleshy fasciculus, placed beneath the ala or wing of the nose. Superiorly it is attached to it; inferiorly to the superior maxillary bone immediately above the upper incisor teeth. The fibres of this muscle are covered by those of the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi, and by the mucous membrane of the mouth, and are applied to the superior maxillary bone. The contraction of this muscle depresses the ala of the nose. SUPERIOR MAXILLARY REGION. LEVATOR LABII SUPERIORIS. This muscle, Fig. 112, k, is situated in the middle of the face ; superiorly it is attached to the lower part of the orbit, inferiorly to the upper lip ; it contracts as it descends, and its fibres are confounded with the circular muscle of the lips, between the nose and angle of the mouth. At the upper part, this muscle is covered by the orbicularis palpebrarum, and OF THE HEAD. 169 at the lower part by the skin. The posterior surface is in connexion with the levator anguli oris, from which it is sepa- rated by the infra-orbitar vessels and nerves. LEVATOR ANGULI ORIS. This muscle, Fig. 112, I, is situated near the middle of the face; superiorly it is attached to the canine fossa ; inferiorly to the angle of the mouth. The anterior surface is connected, as we see in the figure, with other muscles of the face ; the posterior surface with the canine fossa, the mucous membrane of the mouth, and the buccinator muscle. This muscle raises the angle of the mouth. ZYGOMATICUS MAJOR. This is a long and slender muscle, Fig. Ill,/, Fig. 112, m, situated on the side of the face, and passing downwards and in- wards ; superiorly it is attached to the upper part of the cheek bone ; inferiorly to the corner of the mouth. ZYGOMATICUS MINOR. This muscle, Fig. Ill, e, Fig. 112, n, is not found in all subjects. It is situated on the inner side of the preceding muscle between k, the elevator of the upper lip, and m, the great zygomatic muscle. It passes in the same direction as the last-mentioned muscle, and has nearly the same attachments. The anterior surfaces of the zygomatic muscles are gene- rally covered by a great quantity of fat as well as skin ; the vol. i. 23 170 MUSCULAR SYSTEM posterior surfaces are placed on the malar bone and the buc- cinator muscle; their connexion with the other muscles of the face is obvious in the figure. The zygomatic muscles raise the angle of the mouth, as in laughing, etc. ORBICULARIS ORIS. The form of this muscle, Fig. Ill, t, Fig. 112, t,i s ellipti- cal ; its fibres are found in the substance of the lips, and are completely interlaced and confounded with those of the other muscles which terminate near the angle of the mouth. The skin adheres firmly to the anterior surface of this muscle ; the posterior surface is lined by the mucous mem- brane of the mouth, and its free edge is invested with the red membrane of the lips. The connexion with the other muscles of the face is intricate. This muscle is an antagonist to the other muscles of the lips; it is a true sphincter muscle, contracting the aperture of the mouth ; its action is evident in playing the flute, in sucking, in masticating, &c. INFERIOR MAXILLARY REGION. DEPRESSOR ANGULI ORIS. This muscle, Fig. Ill, k, Fig. 112, o, is of a triangular form, and situated at the lower part of the face; superiorly it is attached to the lower jaw; inferiorly to the angle of the mouth, where the fibres are confounded with those of the leva- tor anguli oris. The outer surface adheres to the skin and the platysma myoides ; the inner is connected with the buccinator and the depressor labii inferior is. This muscle depresses the angle of the mouth, and its action expresses grief. OF THE HEAD. 171 DEPRESSOR LABII INFERIORIS. This muscle, Fig. 111, m, Fig. 112, p, is thin, and nearly quadrilateral; its situation in the face is obvious in the figures referred to. Inferiorly it is attached to the lower jaw ; superi- orly to the lower lip, where its fibres are confounded with the orbicularis. The anterior surface is connected with the skin and part of the preceding muscle. The posterior surface is connected with the lower jaw, the mental vessels and nerves, the levator menti, and the labial muscles. The use of this muscle is to pull the lip downwards. BUCCINATOR. This muscle, Fig. 112, s, is situated in the cheek ; superi- orly it is attached to the sockets of the molar teeth of the upper jaw; behind, it is connected with the constrictor muscle of the pharynx, and in front with the angle of the mouth. The middle fibres are horizontal, the superior and inferior a little converging to the angle of the lips. It is perforated in the middle by the duct of the parotid gland. The outer surface is covered by a thick layer of fat, the zygomaticus major, the platysma myoides, the depressor anguli oris, the skin, and labial artery and vein. The inner is lined by the mucous membrane of the mouth. This muscle is seen remarkably dilated in blowing the horn or trumpet; its use is to force the air out of the mouth by con- tracting its cavity, to draw the angle of the mouth backwards, and in mastication to press the food within the line of the teeth. 172 MUSCULAR SYSTEM LEVATOR MENTI. This muscle, Fig. 112, r, is placed on the chin ; superiorly it is attached to the depression on the side of the symphysis of the jaw, under the alveoli of the incisor teeth. The fibres diverge downwards, and are inserted into the skin of the chin. Anteriorly it is covered by the skin ; posteriorly by the mu- cous membranes of the mouth. This muscle raises the chin. MASSETER. This muscle, Fig. Ill, A, Fig. 112, v,is composed of apon- eurotic and fleshy fibres, situated on the side of the face ; it is very thick, and attached superiorly to the two anterior thirds of the inferior part of the zygomatic arch, to its internal surface, and to the aponeurosis of the temporal muscle; inferiorly to the angle of the lower jaw, to its external surface, and to the inferior border of the ramus of the same. The masseter is sometimes described as two distinct portions which decussate one another ; the anterior portion running backwards, is fixed into the side of the lower jaw as far as the angle; the poste- rior portion passing forwards, is united to the coronoid process. On the outer side is found the parotid gland and its duct, the platysma myoides, the facial nerve, the transverse facial artery, etc. The inner surface is placed on the ramus of the mferior maxilla, the tendons of the temporal and the buccinator muscles. This muscle raises the lower jaw, and acts powerfully during mastication. OF THE HEAD. 173 TEMPORO-MAXILLARY REGION. TEMPORALIS. Fig. 113. The situation and direction of the fibres of this muscle are shown in the annexed figure: a portion of c, the zygoma, is removed to show the whole of the muscle. It occupies the whole temporal cavity, and is covered with a strong^aponeuro- sis, while another is placed in the midst of the fleshy fibres, di- viding it into two planes, terminating inferiorly in a strong ten- don. It is attached superiorly to the temporal fossa, and to a, a, b, the semicircular line bounding it; inferiorly at d, the coro- noid process of the inferior maxilla. The outer surface of the temporal muscle is covered by the epicranial aponeurosis, the superior and anterior auricular mus- cles, and a portion of the orbicularis palpebrarum and masse- ter muscles ; the superficial temporal vessels and nerves also ramify over it. The inner surface is situated upon the tern- 174 MUSCULAR SYSTEM poral fossa and the internal maxillary artery. The pterygoi- deus externus, and buccinator muscles, are separated from it by a considerable quantity of fat. The office of this muscle, as well as the preceding, is to draw the lower jaw upwards. In carnivorous animals the temporalis is the strongest muscle in the whole body. PTERYGO-MAXILLARY REGION. PTERYGOIDEUS EXTERNUS. Fig. 114. This muscle is situated in the zygomatic fossa ; it is attached by one portion at b, c, to the external surface of the pterygoid process, and by the other to the zygomato-temporal surface of the sphenoid bone ; from thence the muscle is directed outwards and backwards, and is inserted into a, the anterior part of the neck of the condyle of the lower jaw, and into the fore part of the circumference of the interarticular cartilage. OF THE HEAD. 175 The outer surface is in contact with the temporal muscle, and frequently with the internal maxillary artery. The inner surface corresponds with the pterygoideus internus, the inferior maxillary nerve, and the middle meningeal artery. The upper surface touches the zygomatic fossa and the temporal and mas- seteric nerves. This muscle brings forward and to the opposite side the con- dyle of the jaw and the interarticular cartilage ; when the pair of muscles act together, the jaw is drawn directly forwards. PTERYGOIDEUS INTERNUS. This muscle, d, is placed at the inner and posterior part of the branch of the inferior maxillary bone. It is attached superiorly by tendinous and fleshy fibres to the inner plate of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone, and to the pterygoid process of the os palati, filling all the space between the two plates: inferiorly it is attached by tendinous and fleshy fibres to the inside of the angle of the lower jaw. The inner surface is connected with the circumflexus palati, the constrictor pharyngis superior, and the sub-maxillary gland. The outer surface lies upon the inner part of the branch of the lower jaw, much in the same manner as the masseter does upon the outer part. When the pair of muscles act together, they bring the jaw horizontally forwards ; when they act singly, the jaw is moved obliquely to the opposite side. The pterygoid muscles move the jaw from side to side, and perform the motion of grinding with the teeth. 176 MUSCULAR SYSTEM LINGUAL REGION. HYO-GLOSSUS. Fig. 115. This muscle, d, is situated at the front and upper part of the neck ; it is thin, flat, and quadrilateral. Inferiorly, its fibres are attached to the os hyoides ; superiorly, to the side of the tongue, and mix with a, e, the fibres of the stylo-glossus. The outer surface is covered by the stylo-glossus, the mylo- hyoideus, the genio-hyoideus and digastricus, the hypo-glossal nerve, and the sub-maxillary gland. The inner surface is con- nected with the constrictor pharyngis medius, the genio-glossus, the lingual artery and the glosso-pharyngeal nerve. The hyo-glossus draws the tongue inwards and downwards. GENIO-GLOSSUS. This muscle, i, k, is situated between the tongue and I, the lower jaw; its fibres are radiated, extending from the OF THE HEAD. 177 mental process to the inferior surface of the tongue and the os hyoides. The external surface of the genio-glossus is connected with the sublingual gland, and the stylo-glossus, hyo-glossus, lingu- alis, and mylo-hyoideus muscles ; the internal surface is in con- tact with that of the opposite side. According to the direction of its fibres, so it moves the tongue : those which go to the point draw it backwards ; those which pass backwards thrust the tongue out of the mouth ; and the central f bres have the power of rendering the upper surface of the tongue concave. STYLO-GLOSSUS. This muscle takes an oblique direction from above where it is attached, at a, to the styloid process of the temporal bone, and to/, the stylo-maxillary ligament; the muscular fibres are finally lost at e, in the substance of the tongue. The outer surfac is covered by the digastricus, the lingual nerve, the sub-maxillary gland, and the mucous membrane of the mouth : the inner surface covers the constrictor pharyngis superior, the hyo-glossus, and the lingualis. The stylo-glossus moves the tongue sideways and backwards when it acts alone; but when it contracts at the same time with the corresponding muscle, the tongue is carried upwards and backwards. LINGUALIS. The fibres of this muscle run from the root to the tip of the tongue, and are intermixed at its lateral parts with the muscles just mentioned. vol. i. ' 24 178 MUSCULAR SYSTEM The upper surface is confounded with the fleshy texture of the tongue ; the lower surface is covered by the mucous mem- brane of the mouth. This muscle contracts the tongue and depresses its point. PALATINE REGION. CIRCUMFLEXUS PALATI. Fig. 116. This muscle is placed in the substance of the velum of the palate. Superiorly it is attached to the wing of the sphenoid OF THE HEAD. 179 bone and to the Eustachian tube ; its tendon, / passes round the hook of the internal plate of the pterygoid process of that bone, and spreads into g, a tendon at the semilunar edge of the os palati and velum palati. The external surface is covered by the pterygoideus internus; the inner surface is in apposition with the levator palati and constrictor pharyngis superior, the mucous membrane of the pharynx and of the velum palati. This muscle stretches the palate horizontally. LEVATOR PALATI. The shape and direction of this muscle, b, b, is apparent in the figure. Superiorly it is attached at m, the petrous portion of the temporal bone; the inferior fibres are inserted into a, the pendulous part of the palate, its fibres being confused with the other muscles in that situation. The outer surface is connected with the circumflexus palati, the palato-pharyngeus, and the constrictor pharyngis superior; the inner is lined by the mucous membrane of the pharynx and of the velum palati. This muscle draws the curtain of the palate upwards and backwards in the time of swallowing, and thus prevents the food or drink from passing into the nose. LEVATOR UVULJE. This muscle, a, occupies the substance of the uvula, or that small fleshy substance hanging in the middle of the palate. The uvula muscle is one of the four instances of a single mus- cle ; it is attached to the palate bones, and runs down the whole length of the uvula, adhering to the tendons of g, the circum- flex muscle. 180 MUSCULAR SYSTEM It is connected anteriorly with the levator palati, and is cov- ered posteriorly by the membrane of the velum palati. This muscle raises the uvula. PALATO-PHARYNGEUS. This muscle is placed in the substance of the velum palati and that of the pharynx ; superiorly it is attached, at c, to the arch of the palate ; inferiorly, at d, to the thyroid cartilage, and the bag of the pharynx. The posterior surface of this muscle is covered by the mu- cous membrane of the velum palati, and the constrictores pha- ryngis ; the anterior surface is connected with the aponeurosis of the circumflexus palati and the mucous membrane of the pharynx. This muscle draws the uvula downwards and backwards, shuts the passage of the posterior nostrils, and assists in swal- lowing. CONSTRICTOR ISTHMI FAUCIUM. This is a small fleshy fasciculus, A, attached to the curtain of the palate and to the base of the tongue. The action of this muscle lowers the velum palati, and assists b raising the tongue. OF THE NECK. 181 CHAP. III. MUSCLES OF THE NECK. ANTERIOR CERYICAL REGION. PLATYSMA MYOIDES. Fig. 117. This is an extremely thin layer of fleshy fibres, spread over the other muscles, and attached to the cellular membrane of the neck; it requires some skill in dissection to display this muscle, for as it is merely a web of muscular fibres, it is frequently re- moved with the integuments unnoticed. Superiorly it extends to a, the face, where its fibres are lost in the cellular tissue of 182 MUSCULAR SYSTEM the cheek, and inferiorly to b ; its fibres cover a portion of c, the pectoral, and of d, the deltoid muscles. The outer surface of this muscle is covered by the skin; the inner is placed over the deltoides, pectoralis major and sterno-cleido-mastoideus muscles, the clavicle, the muscles of the hyoidean and maxillary regions, and the sub-maxillary and parotid glands. This muscle draws the skin of the cheek downwards, and when the mouth is shut, brings the skin under the lower jaw upwards. STERNO-CLEIDO-MASTOIDEUS. Fig. 118. This muscle is situated at the side of the neck. Superiorly it is attached, at a, to the mastoid process of the temporal bone, and to a part of the occipital bone ; inferiorly, at b, to the sum- mit of the sternum, and at c, to the internal third of the supe- rior border of the clavicle. The outer surface is covered by the platysma myoides, ex- cepting at its upper extremity, which lies under the skin and OF THE NECK. 183 parotid gland; between it and the preceding muscle the exter- nal jugular vein and some nervous filaments of the cervical plexus are situated. The inner surface is connected to the ar- ticulation of the sternum with the clavicle, the sterno-thyroi- deus, sterno-hyoideus, and omo-hyoideus muscles, the internal jugular vein, the carotid artery, the pneumo-gastric nerve, the scaleni, the levator scapulae, the splenius and digastric muscles. DIGASTRICUS. Tliis muscle is so called from having two bellies, g, g, one of which is attached to the mastoid groove of the temporal bone, and becomes tendinous in the middle, traversing a perforation in h, the stylo-hyoideus muscle ; the other is inserted into the inner part of the chin, Fig. 119, A. The central tendon is braced down by aponeurotic fibres to d, the os hyoides. The outer surface is covered by the lesser complexus, sple- nius, and sterno-cleido-mastoideus muscles ; the submaxillary gland is lodged in the angle formed by the tendon. The inner surface is placed upon the stylo-hyoideus, the stylo-glossus, and the stylo-pharyngeus muscles, the external and internal carotid arteries, the internal jugular vein, the hypo-glossal nerve, and the hyo-glossus and mylo-hyoideus muscles. When the mouth is shut the action of this muscle raises the os hyoides, and the pharynx at the time of deglutition ; when these parts are fixed it opens the mouth. STYLO-HYOIDEUS. The form of this muscle, Fig. 118, A, is long and slender, having a tendinous attachment superiorly to the styloid process, 184 MUSCULAR SYSTEM and inferiorly tod, the os hyoides. Its perfcra on to ""d- t the tendon of the digastricus has been mentioned in the prece- ding description of that muscle, and is also represented in Fig. 115. The digastric muscle is extended across the outer surface; the inner is connected with the external carotid, labial, and lingual arteries, the internal jugu'ar vein, the stylo-glossus, stylo-pharyngeus, and hyo-glossus muscles, and the hypo-glos- sal nerve. MYLO-HYOIDEUS. This is a broad, thin, triangular muscle, Fig. 115, i ; supe- riorly it is attached to nearly the whole extent of the inside of the lower jaw, between the molar teeth and the chin ; inferiorly the fibres converge, and are inserted into the os hyoides. This muscle unites with its fellow in a middle line, which extends from the os hyoides to the chin. The outer surface is covered by the digastricus, the platysma myoides, and the submaxillary gland ; the inner is placed in contact with the genio-hyoideus, genio-glossus, and hyo-glos- sus, the sub-lingual gland, the prolongation o. this g'and, and the lingual nerve. This muscle raises the os hyoides, or depresses the jaw. GENIO-HYOIDEUS. This muscle, Fig. 115, k, Fig. 119, i, is placed above the preceding; its figure is thin and narrow. Anteriorly it is at- tached to the mental process of the lower jaw ; posteriorly to the surface of the body of the os hyoides. The anterior surface is covered by the mylo-hyoideus ; the posterior is in contact with the genio-glossus and hyo-glossus; the inner edge meets that of the opposite side. The action of this muscle raises the os hyoides, carrying it forward, or it depresses the lower jaw. OF THE NECK. 185 INFERIOR HYOID REGION. OMO-HYOIDEUS. Fig. 119. This muscle, c, c, and in the preceding figure, e, e, is situa- ted at the side of the neck ; it is very long, thin, and narrow. Superiorly it is attached to the hyoid bone, descends obliquely across the neck, and forms a tendon in its centre, where it passes behind the sterno-cleido-mastoideus, and becoming fleshy again, is inserted into the root of the coracoid process and semi- lunar notch of the scapula. The outer surface is covered by the trapezius, the platysma myoides, and the sterno-cleido-mastoideus ; we see in the figure the clavicle lying across it. The inner surface corresponds to the scaleni muscles, the anterior branches of the inferior cervi- cal nerves, the primitive carctid artery, the internal jugular vol. i. 25 186 MUSCULAR SYSTEM vein, the superior thyroidean vessels, the sterno-hyoideus and sterno-thyroideus muscles. This muscle depresses the hyoid bone, drawing it a little backwards. STERNO-HYOIDEUS. This is a long, thin muscle, Fig. 119, b, presenting gene- rally towards its middle an aponeurotic intersection. Superiorly it is attached to the body of the hyoid bone ; inferiorly to the superior part of the sternum, the. clavicle, and sometimes to the first rib. The clavicle passes across the anterior surface of this mus- cle, and is covered by the sterno-cleido-mastoideus, the omo- hyoideus, the platysma-myoides, and by the common integu- ments. The posterior surfa :e is in apposition with the sterno- thyroideus, crico-thyroideus, and thyro-hyoideus muscles, the thyro-hyoid membrane, the thyroid gland, and the superior thy- roid vessels. This muscle depresses the larynx, and furnishes a fixed point for the depressors of the jaw. STERNO-THYROIDEUS. This muscle, d, is placed behind the former, and its form is like it; superiorly it is attached to the thyroid cartilage; infe- riorly to the upper and posterior part of the sternum, opposite the cartilage of the fi t rib. It frequ ntly presents at its lower part an oblique or transverse aponeurotic intersection. The anterior surface is covered by the sterno-hyoideus, ster- no-cleido-mastoideus, and omo-hyoideus muscles. The pos- terior surface covers the subclavian and internal jugular veins, OF THE NECK. 187 the primitive carotid artery, the trachea, the thyroid gland, the crico-thyroid muscle, and a part of the constrictor pharyngis inferior. This muscle draws the larynx downwards. THYRO-HYOIDEUS. This is a small oblong muscle, e, attached superiorly to »the hyoid bone, and inferiorly to the thyroid cartilage. The anterior surface of this muscle is covered by the sterno- hyoideus, the omo-hyoideus, and the platysma myoides; the posterior lies upon the thyroid cartilage, and the thyro-hyoid membrane. This muscle brings the larynx and hyoid bone towards each other. 188 MUSCULAR SYSTEM PHARYNGEAL REGION. CONSTRICTOR PHARYNGIS INFERIOR. Fig. 120. This is the largest muscle, c, of the pharynx. It is broad and membranous ; anteriorly it is attached to A, the thyroid and cricoid cartilages, and to i, the upper rings of the trachea ; pos- teriorly it is united to its fellow, in a vertical tendinous line. The direction of the fibres is expressed in the figure. OF THE NECK. 189 The exterior surface is covered by the sterno-thyroideus, the thyroid gland, and the primitive carotid artery. The poste- rior surface is connected with the rectus capitis anticus major and longus colli muscles, and with the anterior vertebral liga- ment by cellular tissue. The interior surface is covered by the constrictor medius, palato-pharyngeus, and the stylo-pha- ryngeus muscles, the mucous membrane of the pharynx, and the thyroid and cricoid cartilages. This muscle contracts that part of the pharynx which it covers. CONSTRICTOR PHARYNGIS MEDIUS. This muscle, b, is of a triangular shape situated at the middle part of the pharynx. It is attached anteriorly to the greater and lesser horn of g, the hyoid bone, and to the stylo-hyoidean ligaments ; posteriorly to its fellow, in a tendinous line at the back of the pharynx, and superiorly it is fixed to the basilar process of the occipital bone. Observe the direction of its fibres in the figure. This muscle is connected on its outer surface with the hyo- glossus muscle and the lingual artery, and with the inferior constrictor below ; in the rest of its extent it is connected with the muscles of the deep cervical region and the anterior verte- bral ligament. The inner surface is covered by the mucous membrane of k, the pharynx, the stylo-pharyngeus, palato- pharyngeus, and the superior constrictor muscles. This muscle compresses that part of the pharynx which it invests. CONSTRICTOR PHARYNGIS SUPERIOR. Like the other constrictors, this muscle, a, is broad and thin; its figure is nearly quadrilateral. It is partly covered 190 MUSCULAR SYSTEM by the middle constrictor, and its connexions are most exten- sive. Superiorly, it is attached to the occipital bone before the large foramen; lower down, to the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone, to the upper and under jaw near the last molar teeth, and to k, the buccinator muscle. Some fibres also are fixed to the root of the tongue, and palate. Posteriorly, like the two preceding, its fibres are united in a line to the cor- responding muscle. The outer surface is connected with the preceding muscle, the stylo-glossus, the stylo-pharyngeus, the internal carotid arte- ry, the internal jugular vein, the pneumo-gastric, hypo-glossal and spinal nerves. These different parts occupy a triangular space, which is found between the constrictor pharyngis supe- rior and the pterygoideus internus. The inner surface is con- nected with the palato-pharyngeus and the levator palati, and is lined by the mucous membrane of the pharynx. This muscle compresses the pharynx at the upper part; the constrictors act in succession, and contract that portion of the alimentary canal when it is filled with food, and force it down wards into the oesophagus. OF THE NECK. 191 STYLO-PHARYNGEUS. This thyroid FiS-121- This muscle is situated at the side and back part of the pharynx; it is attached superiorly to a, the styloid process, and inferiorly it is expanded on the pharynx and back part of the thyroid carti- lage. The outer surface is covered by the stylo-hyoideus, constrictor medius, and external carotid arte- ry ; the inner is connected with the internal carotid artery, the internal jugular vein, the mu- cous membrane of the pharynx, and the superior constrictor and palato-pharyngeus muscles. muscle raises the pharynx, and also draws upwards the cartilage. DEEP CERVICAL REGION. RECTUS CAPITIS ANTICUS MAJOR. This muscle, Fig. 122, a, is placed on the anterior and late- ral part of the cervical column ; superiorly it is attached to the basilary process of the occipital bone ; inferiorly by small ten- dons to the anterior tubercle of the transverse processes of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical vertebras. It is a little drawn aside in the figure to show the muscle to be next de- scribed. The anterior surface corresponds to the carotid artery, the 192 MUSCULAR SYSTEM internal jugular vein, the pneumo-gastric nerve, the superior cervical ganglion, and the pharynx; the posterior surface covers the longus colli, the rectus capitis anticus minor, the articulation of the atlas with the occiput, the articulation also of the axis or dentatus with the atlas, and also the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae. If this muscle acts in conjunction with that of the opposite side, it bends the head forward ; and laterally, if it acts by itself. RECTUS CAPITIS ANTICUS MINOR. Fig. 122. This is a small and thin muscle, e, situated close to the up- permost vertebra ; it is tendinous at its insertions, aponeurotic at its anterior surface, fleshy in the rest of its extent. Superi- orly it is attached to the occipital bone near the condyle; inferiorly to the atlas, or first vertebra. OF THE NECK. 193 It is connected anteriorly with the preceding muscle; pos- teriorly with the articulation of the atlas and occiput. This muscle assists the preceding in supporting or bending the head. LONGUS COLLI. This muscle, b, b, lies behind the oesophagus, and the great vessels and nerves of the neck. Superiorly it is attached to the tubercle on the interior arch of the atlas ; inferiorly to the anterior surface of the bodies of the first three dorsal and last four cervical vertebrae, to the intervertebral fibro-cartilages, and to the anterior border of the transverse processes of the third, fourth, and fifth cervical vertebrae. The anterior surface is covered by the rectus capitis anticus major, the pharynx, the carotid artery, the pneumo-gastric and great sympathetic nerves, and the oesophagus. The posterior surface covers the vertebrae and their fibro-cartilages to which it is attached : on a level with the first two dorsal vertebrae, its external border is separated from the anterior scalenus by a tri- angular space lodging the vertebral artery and vein. The office of this muscle is to support the neck, to bend it forward and to one side. LATERAL CERVICAL REGION. SCALENUS ANTICUS. This muscle, c, is situated at the inferior and lateral part of the neck. It is elongated and divided above into several por- tions ; superiorly it is attached by tendons to the anterior tuber- cles of the transverse processes of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical vertebrae; inferiorly to the superior border of A, the first rib. vol. i. 26 194 MUSCULAR SYSTEM On the anterior surface of this muscle we find the subclavian vein, transverse and ascending cervical arteries, the diaphrag- matic nerve, the omo-hyoideus and the sterno-cleido-mastoideus muscles. The posterior surface forms with the following mus- cle a triangular space, in which are lodged the subclavian artery and those cervical nerves which form the brachial plexus. The inner side is separated from the longus colli by the vertebral artery and veins. This muscle bends the head and neck laterally, and raises the first rib. SCALENUS POSTICUS. This muscle, d, is placed behind the preceding ; superiorly it is attached to the posterior tubercle of the transverse pro- cesses of the last six cervical vertebrae, by six small tendons; inferiorly to the surface of the first rib, and, to the superior border of the second rib. The anterior surface of this muscle is connected with the preceding muscle, from which it is separated by the subclavian artery and the anterior branches of the cervical nerves; the posterior surface is connected with the transversus cervicis, splenius, and levator scapulae muscles ; on the inner side with the first dorsal and summit of the lower six transverse cervical processes. The anterior and posterior scaleni muscles bend the neck to one side ; but when the muscles of both sides act they incline the neck forwards ; or when the neck is fixed, they have the power of raising the ribs and expanding the chest. RECTUS CAPITIS LATERALIS. This is a short, flat, and thin muscle, / extending from the occipital bone to the transverse process of the atlas. OF THE TRUNK. 195 It is connected anteriorly with the jugular vein; posteriorly with the vertebral artery. This muscle bends the head sideways. CHAP. IV. MUSCLES OF THE TRUNK. ANTERIOR THORACIC REGION. PECTORALIS MAJOR. Fig. 123. This muscle is very large ; its triangular form and the direc- tion of its fibres are marked in the figure at a, b, c. 1 st, it is attached to the inner half of a, the clavicle ; 2d, to the middle part of c, c, the whole length of the sternum ; 3d, at b, to the cartilages of the true ribs, excepting the first, and a little to the bony portion of the fifth rib; and lastly, from an aponeurosis common to it with the abdominal muscles. The fleshy fibres 196 MUSCULAR SYSTEM run obliquely across the breast, and converging form a small tendon which is fixed to the outer border of the bicipital groove of the os humeri. This tendon is shown in Fig. 124, broad and folded upon itself, and is thus composed of two laminae, which with the in- sertion into the humerus on the inner side of g, the long tendon of the biceps, is very apparent. The anterior surface of the pectoralis major is covered by the platysma myoides, see Fig. 119, by the mammary gland, and common integuments. The posterior surface is situated on the sternum, the cartilages of the ribs, a part of their osseous portions, the thoracic vessels and nerves, the subclavius, pecto- ralis minor, external intercostal, serratus magnus, rectus, and obliquus abdominis muscles. On the axilla it is connected with the axillary ganglia, the axillary vessels, the nerves of the bra- chial plexus, and a considerable quantity of cellular tissue. The pectoralis major is a most powerful muscle in moving the arm ; it carries the arm inwards and forwards, and when it lowers it, as in striking a blow. "When the humerus is fixed it acts upon the thorax, and becomes a muscle of inspiration; or it can raise the trunk upon the limbs, when holding by the hands in climbing a tree, &c. OF THE TRUNK. 197 PECTORALIS MINOR. Fig. 124. This muscle, a, b, c, d, is situated behind the preceding muscle; its shape and the direction of its fibres are obvious in the figure. Superiorly it is attached by a strong flat tendon to d, the coracoid process of the scapula ; inferiorly by three di- visions at a, b, c, to the third, fourth, and fifth ribs. The anterior surface is covered by the preceding muscle; between them we find some of the thoracic vessels and nerves. The posterior surface is connected with the ribs, the external intercostals, the serratus magnus, the axillary vessels, and the brachial plexus of nerves. The pectoralis minor draws the shoulder bone forwards and downwards, and when that bone is fixed it elevates the ribs. 198 MUSCULAR SYSTEM SUBCLAVIUS. Fig. 125. This muscle, a, is placed obliquely under the clavicle. It is attached by its external extremity to the inferior surface of b, the clavicle ; by its internal extremity it is fixed by a flat ten- don at c, to the cartilage of the first rib.* The anterior surface of the subclavius is covered by the pectoralis major; between them we observe a thin aponeurosis extending from the clavicle and coracoid process of the scapula towards the first rib. The posterior surface is placed upon the axillary vessels and the nerves of the brachial plexus; in- deed, these separate it from the first rib. This muscle brings forward and downward the clavicle, and consequently the shoulder. * d the sternum. OF THE TRUNK. 199 LATERAL THORACIC REGION. SERRATUS MAGNUS. The serratus magnus is situated on the side of the chest. The form of this muscle and the direction of its fibres are rep- resented in the figure ; but as part of it lies between the blade bone and the ribs, the collar bone is here divided at d, e, and the blade bone thrown back from the trunk. The serratus magnus is anteriorly attached to eight or nine of the first ribs, 200 MUSCULAR SYSTEM a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, by as many digitations ; posteriorly to b, b, b, the whole length of the base of the scapula.* The outer surface of this muscle is covered by the two pectoral muscles, the latissimus dorsi, and subscapularis, the axillary vessels, and the brachial plexus ; the inner surface is placed over seven or eight of the first ribs, the corresponding external intercostal muscles, and a portion of the serratus pos- ticus. The office of this muscle is to bring the scapula forward; when that bone is fixed, it becomes a muscle of inspiration : the obliquity of its fibres contributes to raise the ribs. INTERCOSTAL REGION. Fig. 127. */, the inferior portion of the levator scapulae, g, the inferior portion of the scalenus anticus, 6, b,b, c, the subscapularis. OF THE TRUNK. 201 INTERCOSTALES EXTERNI. Fig. 127. These muscles are the external layers of fleshy fibres which fill up the space between the ribs, a specimen of which is marked a. They are attached on one part to the inferior border of the rib ; on the other, to the superior border of the rib beneath ; the fibres are oblique from above downwards and from behind forwards. The outer surface of these muscles is covered by the pectoral muscle, serratus magnus, obliquus externus abdominis, serratus posticus superior and inferior, and sacro-lumbalis. The inner surface is in contact with the pleura, from the tuberosity as far as the angle of the ribs ; in the rest of their extent they are in contact with the internal intercostal muscles. INTERCOSTALES INTERNI. These muscles, a specimen of which is marked b, are similar in number and in situation to the preceding. They extend from the inferior margin of one rib to the superior margin of the rib below, and from the spine to the breast bone. They differ only in having the fibres pass obliquely from above downwards and from before backwards. The outer surface of this set of muscles is covered by the preceding muscles, and is in contact with the intercostal vessels and nerves. The inner surface is lined by the pleura. The intercostal muscles are two sets of muscular fibres, the one external, a, the other internal, b, passing in contrary direc- tions, as the old anatomists describe them, like St. Andrew's vol. i. 27 202 MUSCULAR SYSTEM cross; excepting that between the cartilages of the ribs, see Fig. 126, there is merely the internal layer, and at a small space from the spine the external layer only. The offices of both the external and internal intercostals are the same ; they elevate or depress the ribs, in the motions of inspiration or expiration, according as the upper or lower attach- ment is the line from which they act. LEVATORES COSTARUM. Fig-128- These are twelve very small thin 6 triangular muscles on either side of the dorsal vertebrae ; they appear as if they were portions of the external intercos- tals. Each muscle is attached superi- orly to the transverse process of the lowest cervical and the eleven upper- most dorsal vertebrae ; inferiorly to a part of the upper border of the rib next below.* Three or four of the inferior elevators, however, are longer than the others, and run down over one rib, to be attached to the alternate rib; hence Albinus denominated this set of muscles levatores cos- tarum breviores et longiores. The action of these muscles assists in raising the ribs and in supporting the spinal column. * A specimen of these muscles is given in the figure; b, the transverse process ; a, the rib. The whole are represented in Fig. 143, b, b, b, b,b, b,b. OF THE TRUNK. 203 TRIANGULARIS STERNI. Fig. 129. This muscle is situated within the thorax, behind the carti- lages of the ribs. It is attached on the outer side at a, b, c, d, by four triangular tendinous and fleshy portions, to the cartila- ges of the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth ribs : on the inner side to the posterior and inferior part of e, the sternum, and at/ to the ensiform cartilage. We have here a posterior view of the triangularis sterni, and this surface is covered by the pleura, and a small part by the diaphragm. The anterior surface is covered by the cartilages of the ribs, the inner intercostal muscles, and internal mammary vessels. 204 MUSCULAR SYSTEM This muscle depresses the cartilages and lowers the extrem- ities of the ribs, and is consequently subservient to expiration. REGION OF THE DIAPHRAGM. DIAPHRAGMA. This is a broad, thin muscle, dividing the cavity of the chest from the abdomen. Its form is nearly circular, it is fleshy OF THE TRUNK. 205 at its circumference, aponeurotic in the middle. The direc- tion of its radiated fibres is represented in this figure. Anteri- orly it is attached at o, to the ensiform cartilage; laterally to the internal surface of the cartilages of the six last ribs; poste- riorly to the transverse processes of the first lumbar vertebra ; by its left pillar at c* to the bodies of the three first vertebra? of the same region ; by its right pillar at d, to the bodies of the first four. The structure of the diaphragm consists in part of a three-lobed aponeurosis, b, b, termed the phrenic centre, having an opening for the vena cava, /; it is fleshy at a, a, a, in the rest of its extent, and presenting posteriorly two open- ings, one at m, for the oesophagus and pneumo-gastric nerves, the other traversed by n, the aorta; the vena azygos and thoracic duct, also pass through it. The upper surface of the diaphragm is connected with the pericardium, the mediastinum, and the pleura; it supports the heart and the base of the lungs. The lower surface posteriorly is in contact with the kidneys, the surrenal capsules, the pan- creas, and the duodenum ; on the right side with the liver ; on the left side with the spleen and stomach ; in its whole extent it is covered by the peritonaeum. The diaphragm performs a most important office in the phe- nomena of respiration ; every time we draw in our breath it contracts, and changing its vaulted form to that of a plane, it enlarges the capacity of the chest so as to admit of the dilatation of the lungs ; it may therefore be called the principal muscle of inspiration. On the other hand, when, it relaxes, the ab- dominal muscles press their viscera upwards, and the dia- phragm ascends in the thorax and compresses the lungs, and * Termed also tendinous feet, or crura, c, d, e,f. These feet or crura run obliquely upwards and forwards into two fleshy portions called alae, which raixing^and crossing fibres terminate in b, b, the tendinous centre. 206 MUSCULAR SYSTEM thus contributes to expiration. It also acts in coughing, vom- iting, laughing, and speaking, and assists in various other func- tions, as in the expulsion of the contents of the uterus, bladder, and intestines. The motion of the diaphragm is moreover subservient to snuffing odors, to sighing,yawning, coughing, sneezing, hiccup, and all those actions connected with inspiration and expiration. OF THE TRUNK. 207 MUSCLES OF THE ABDOMEN. ABDOMINAL REGION. OBLIQJJUS ABDOMINIS EXTERNUS. Fig. 131. This muscle is situated on the anterior and lateral parts of 208 MUSCULAR SYSTEM the abdomen ; its figure is broad, thin, and irregularly quadri- lateral. It is attached superiorly by fleshy triangular slips, called digitations, to the external surface and inferior margin of the seven or eight last ribs; inferiorly to the two anterior thirds of the edge of the hip bone. The muscular fibres, i, are directed obliquely from above downwards and from behind forwards, and about the middle terminate abruptly at b, b, the semicircular line (linea semicircularis,) which runs from the pubis to the ribs. A flat tendinous expansion or aponeurosis is then continued to meet with that on the opposite side, where it forms a central tendinous cord, a, a, termed the white line (linea alba), which extends from the ensiform cartilage to the pubis. This line appears to be the result of the reunion of the aponeuroses of the two oblique and transverse muscles upon the median line of the abdomen ; and it is composed of inextricable fibres of a very strong texture, forming a kind of ligament to unite the sternum to the pelvis. There are lines of a similar nature, passing from the linea semicircularis to the linea alba, marked with the letters c, c, and termed linea trans- versales. The letter d, marks the umbilicus or navel, consist- ing of condensed cellular membrane : in the foetus it was a for- amen which gave passage to the nutrient vessels, which con- nected the foetus with the placenta. Inferiorly the external oblique muscle is fixed to Poupari's ligament, which appears like a strong resistant fold stretched from the anterior superior spine of the ilium to the pubis. Near this insertion there is a small oblique opening at e, formed as it were by the splitting of the aponeurosis ; it is named the abdominal ring: it allows the spermatic cord in the male, and the round ligament of the uterus in the female, to pass through it. The fibres being again united, cross each other, and are inserted into the pubes. This opening is likewise strengthened by tendinous fibres, which pass transversely, and in various directions, forming it into an elliptical aperture. OF THE TRUNK. 209 The outer surface of this muscle is covered by the common integuments, and at the back part by the latissimus dorsi; the inner surface is placed on the anterior part of the last eight ribs and their cartilages, the corresponding intercostal muscles, and the obliquus internus. OBLIQUUS ABDOMINIS INTERNUS. This muscle, Fig. 131,/ is placed behind the preceding, and like it is broad, thin, and somewhat quadrilateral. It is attached superiorly to the border of the cartilages of the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh ribs ; inferiorly, to the spine of the ilium, to the crural arch, and to the pubis ; posteriorly, to the spinous processes of the lumbar vertebrae, and to the sacrum ; anteriorly, to the linea alba. The figure expresses by its lines the direction of the fibres ; viz., the superior fibres are oblique from below upwards, and from behind forwards; the middle, horizontal; the inferior, a little oblique from above down- wards. The muscle becomes aponeurotic at the linea semi- circularis, and adheres firmly to it, then divides into two layers. The anterior layer unites with the tendon of the external oblique, the internal adheres to the muscle behind it; they in- close a long muscle, k, k, and are finally reunited at a, a, the central linea alba. The anterior tendon is here removed to show the rectus muscle. The outer surface is covered by the preceding muscle and by the latissimus dorsi; the inner surface is in contact with the transversalis abdominis and sacro-lumbalis. vol. i. 28 210 MUSCULAR SYSTEM TRANSVERSALIS ABDOMINIS. This muscle is situated behind the oblique muscles; its form is similar, and it is attached superiorly to d, the cartilages of the seven lower ribs ; inferiorly, to the crest of b, the ilium, and at c, to the two internal thirds of the crural arch; posteri- orly, to the summit of the transverse and spinous processes of 92 OF THE TRUNK. 211 the four first lumbar vertebrae. The fleshy fibres proceed transversely, and end in e, a flat sheet of tendon or aponeurosis, which, after being connected to the tendons of the two oblique muscles at the semicircular line, it then divides into two lam- inae to form a sheath for the rectus abdominis ; the anterior lamina is united with the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle, and is extended over the front of the rectus ; the pos- terior lamina is united with the aponeurosis of the internal ob- lique, and is extended behind the rectus, excepting at its lower part; for at the middle distance between the umbilicus and pubes, a slit or fissure is formed at h, in the aponeurosis of the transversalis, through which the rectus passes, so that the remainder of the aponeurosis passes before the rectus, and is anteriorly inserted into / the ensiform cartilage, and g, the linea alba. The external surface of this muscle is covered by the obliquus internus, the internal by the peritonaeum. RECTUS ABDOMINIS. This muscle, Fig. 131, fc, k, Fig. 132, i, is situated imme- diately in front of the abdomen, on each side of the linea alba, under the anterior laminae of the tendons of the oblique mus- cles. The rectus abdominis is long and flat, and is attached superiorly to the cartilages of the fifth, sixth, and seventh ribs, and to the ensiform cartilage ; inferiorly to the pubes. It is divided by three or four tendinous intersections, marked in Fig. 131, c, c, denominated the transverse lines ; by these di- visions the muscle is connected firmly to the anterior part of the sheath, while it adheres very slightly by loose cellular sub- stance to the posterior layer. The anterior surface of this muscle is covered by the apon- eurosis of the pectoralis major, and by a lamina of the abdomi- nal aponeurosis, except at the lower part, where we commonly 212 MUSCULAR SYSTEM find the pyramidalis. The posterior surface is extended over the cartilages of the last three true ribs, a portion of the carti- lages of the last two false ribs, the ensiform cartilage, the pos- terior fold of the abdominal aponeurosis, the internal mammary and the epigastric arteries, and the peritonaeum. The office of the last-mentioned muscles, viz., the external and internal oblique, the transversalis, and rectus, is to draw down the ribs in expiration: to bend the body obliquely, or to one side when one set acts singly, but when they act together they bend the thorax directly forwards. They have the power, when the ribs are fixed, of raising the pelvis ; they also com- press the abdominal viscera, so as to raise the diaphragm and expel the air from the lungs; lastly, they assist in the expul- sion of the foetus, urine and faeces. PYRAMIDALIS. This is a very small muscle, Fig. 131, A, placed over the pubes. It is attached superiorly, near half-way between the pubes and umbilicus, to the linea alba; inferiorly to the pubes. It is connected anteriorly with the abdominal aponeurosis; posteriorly with the rectus abdominis. This muscle merely assists the recti muscles. OF THE TRUNK. 213 LUMBAR REGION. PSOAS MAGNUS. Fig. 133. This muscle, g, g, is situated on the side and lower part of 214 MUSCULAR SYSTEM the vertebral column. It is attached superiorly, at e, to the last vertebra of the back, and at h, i, k, I, to the four superior vertebrae of the loins ; inferiorly, at m, to the smaller trochan- ter of the os femoris. The anterior surface of the psoas magnus is connected with the diaphragm, peritonaeum, kidney, psoas parvus, external iliac artery, crural artery and vein ; the inner side with the bodies of the lumbar vertebrae and the fibro-cartilages which separate them, and with the external iliac vein and the pectineus; the posterior surface with the quadratus lumborum, lumbar nerves, and the anterior lamina of the aponeurosis of the transversalis abdominis. Lower down it is connected with the os ilii and the capsular ligament of the hip joint. This muscle is a flexor of the thigh on the pelvis, bending the thigh forwards, and rolling it outwards ; or if the inferior extremities are fixed, it will assist in bending the body. PSOAS PARVUS. This muscle, d, does not exist in every subject; it is small and thin, and placed before the preceding muscle. It is at- tached superiorly, at e, to the last dorsal vertebra and fibro- cartilage, which separates it from h, the first lumbar vertebra; inferiorly, at/ to the brim of the pelvis.* The anterior surface of the psoas parvus has the diaphragm, renal vessels and nerves, the peritonaeum, and the external iliac artery, extending over it; the posterior surface is united in its whole extent by the cellular tissue to the psoas magnus. The contraction of this muscle will assist the great muscle in bending the body forwards on the pelvis. * This edge is also named the linea ilic-pectinea. OF THE TRUNK. 215 ILIACUS INTERNUS. This muscle, o, is placed in the cavity of the ilium, from which it is named ; it is large, thick, and radiated. It is attached superiorly, at p, to the two anterior thirds of the crest of the ilium, and to the principal part of the concave surface of that bone ; its converging fibres join g, the psoas magnus, and are inserted inferiorly with it by one common tendon into (m) the small trochanter of the thigh bone. The anterior surface of this muscle is covered above by the peritonaeum on the right, and by the coecum ; on the left, by the sigmoid flexure of the colon ; more inferiorly, that is, below the crural arch, by the sartorius, the pectineus, and by the crural vessels and nerves. The posterior surface is extended over the iliac fossa, the superior part of the rectus femoris, and the hip joint. This muscle powerfully assists in bending the thigh on the pelvis, or the latter on the thigh ; it acts strongly in progres- sion, and in maintaining the body in the erect position. QUADRATUS LUMBORUM. The name of this muscle, a, a, is expressive of its figure and situation. It is attached superiorly, at b, to the last rib ; infe- riorly, at c, to the posterior part of the crest of the ilium, and to the ilio-lumbar ligament; and on the inner side, by tendons, to the transverse processes of the four first lumbar vertebrae. This muscle has the power of inclining the body to one side ; if both muscles act, they are flexors of the chest upon the hips, and reciprocally the pelvis upon the trunk. 216 MUSCULAR SYSTEM ANAL REGION. LEVATOR ANI. Fig. 135. 0 p q This muscle, k, with its fellow, is a sort of concave floor to the abdominal and pelvic cavity, or it may be compared to a shallow funnel surrounding the extremity of the intestine. It is very thin, and is attached superiorly to the inner part of the pubes, to the superior part of the obturator foramen, and to the spine of the ischium ; inferiorly, the middle and anterior fibres unite beneath the rectum enveloping this intestine ; the most anterior seem attached to the prostate gland ; other fibres spread forwards on the commencement of the urethra, and backwards to n, the os coccygis, forming a tendinous line. OF THE TRUNK. 217 The outer surface of this muscle is connected by a layer of cellular tissue to the gluteus maximus, the obturator internus, and transversus perinaei. The inner surface is connected with the bladder, prostate gland and lower part of the rectum. The use of this muscle, as its name implies, is to draw up the rectum after its contents have been expelled. COCCYGEUS. This is a thin, flat, triangular muscle, / attached on the one part to g, the spinous process of the ischium ; its fibres diverge, and are inserted on the other part into n, the border of the os coccygis, and into h, the extremity of the sacrum. The posterior surface of this muscle, which inclines down- wards, is covered by the sacro-sciatic ligaments ; the anterior is connected to the rectum by cellular tissue. This muscle moves the coccyx, and secures it in its situa- tion. SPHINCTER ANI. This muscle, e, is of an oval figure, open in its centre ; its fibres surrounding the extremity of the rectum or anus are ac- curately expressed in the figure. It is attached, at n, to the os coccygis, by a species of cellular tendon, from whence two fleshy fasciculi proceed, uniting together in front of the anus. The upper surface is connected with the levator ani by cellular tissue ; the lower surface is covered by the common integuments. This muscle closes the anus, and in the male draws down the bulb of the urethra. vol. i. 29 218 MUSCULAR SYSTEM GENITAL REGION. I. IN THE HALE. CREMASTER. This muscle consists of a few scattered fibres, sent off by the obliquus internus abdominis, over the spermatic cord, and ex- panded upon the tunica vaginalis testis. For a view of this muscle we must refer back to Fig. 131, g. This muscle draws up the testis. ISCHIO-CAVERNOSUS, OR ERECTOR PENIS. This,is a small, elongated muscle, c, placed along the ramus of the ischium, and root of o, the corpus cavernosum. It is attached on the one part to the tuber ischii, and on the other part to the fibrous membrane of the corpus cavernosum. The outer surface corresponds with the ramus of the ischium; the inner is connected with the transversus perinaei and bulbo- cavemosus. This muscle draws the root of the penis downwards and backwards. BULBO-CAVERNOSUS, OR ACCELERATOR URINJE. This muscle, d, is situated beneath the bulb of the urethra, and covers part of p, the corpus spongiosum. It is attached to these parts, and its fibres are confounded with the muscles of the anal region; but it is separated from its fellow muscle by a tendinous line. OF THE TRUNK. 2\J The superior surface covers the bulb and commencement of the spongy portion of the urethra and corpus cavernosum ; the inferior surface is connected with the preceding muscle and common integuments. This muscle compresses the posterior part of the urethra, and urges forward any fluid which that canal may contain; hence it has been sometimes denominated accelerator urinae, vel ejaculator seminis. TRANSVERSUS PERINAI.* This is a flat and thin muscle, I; the name indicates its sit- uation. It is attached on its outer part to the ramus and tuberosity of the ischium ; on the inner part to the middle line, with its fellow on the opposite side. The exterior surface is covered by the common integu- ments ; its other relations may be seen in the figure. This muscle is supposed to dilate the urethra ; it certainly supports the lower part of the bladder and rectum. There is frequently another slip of muscular fibres, taking the same course, termed transversus perinai alter. II. IN THE FEMALE. ISCHIO-CAVERNOSUS, OR ERECTOR CLITORIDIS. This muscle is similar to that just described in the other sex, but is much smaller. It is attached on the outer side to the tuber ischii; on the inner it terminates by embracing the cavernous body of the clitoris. * The perimeum is that space which is between the genitals and anus. 220 MUSCULAR SYSTEM CONSTRICTOR VAGINJE. Fig. 136. This muscle, a, consists of a number of muscular fibres, forming a sort of broad fleshy ring surrounding the vagina.* This muscle contracts the part which it embraces. " b, the pubis, c, the bladder, d, the uterus, e, the rectum. OF THE TRUNK. 221 MUSCL2S OF THE POSTERIOR PART OF THE TRUNK. LOMBO-DORSAL REGION. TRAPEZIUS. Fig. 137. 222 MUSCULAR SYSTEM The trapezius is a broad, flat muscle, a, b, d, and Fig. 138, a, e, d, situated at the posterior part of the neck, shoulder, and upper part of the back. It is attached superiorly, at a, the superior transverse line of the occipital bone, and to the cervi- cal ligament, and to the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra; inferiorly to the spinous processes of all the dorsal vertebrae; on the outer side to d, the spine of the scapula, and the edge of this muscle slides over e, a triangular space at the extremity of that bone, to the acromion, and to c, the external third of the clavicle. The direction of the fibres is shown by the lines of the engraving. The posterior surface of the trapezius is entirely covered by the common integuments ; the anterior surface is connected at its upper and inner part with the complexus major; further down with the splenius, levator anguli scapulae, and serratus posticus superior ; at its lower part it covers the supra-spinatus, infra-spinatus, rhomboideus, latissimus dorsi, and sacro-lumbalis muscles. When all the fibres of this muscle act simultaneously, they draw back the scapula and clavicle ; the upper fibres will ele- vate the tip of the shoulder, the lower will move it backwards and obliquely downwards. If the shoulder is fixed, the trape- zius has the power of inclining the head to one side. LATISSIMUS DORSI. This is a large, thin, flat muscle, placed on the back and side of the lower part of the trunk. It is attached superiorly, at /, to the inner edge of the groove in the os humeri, which receives the long tendon of the biceps; inferiorly, to the posterior half of g, the external border of the crest of the ilium, and at /, to the back and upper part of the sacrum ; on the inner side it is OF THE TRUNK. 223 fixed to the spinous processes (from b to Z) of all the lumbar vertebrae, and to those of the six or seven lower dorsal; on the outer side to the four last ribs, at n, n, n, n, by as many digita- tions. The direction of the fibres is expressed in the figure ; they are aponeurotic at the internal and inferior part of the mus- cle, tendinous at its insertion into the humerus, and fleshy in ^** other parts. The superior edge passes over the inferior angle of the scapula at m, and sometimes has a slip attached to it, and the margin at/ forms the fold of the back part of the arm-pit. This muscle is also represented in Fig. 138, at b. The posterior surface of this muscle is covered by the integ- uments, excepting at its upper and inner part, which is covered by a, d, b, the trapezius. The anterior surface is connected with the obliquus abdominis, serratus posticus inferior, sacro- lumbalis, levatores costarum, external intercostal muscles, the serratus magnus, rhomboideus, teres major, infra-spinatus, the lower ribs, and the inferior angle of the scapula. The office of the latissimus dorsi is to carry the arm back- wards and downwards ; or when the hand is fixed, to bring for- ward the body. 224 MUSCULAR SYSTEM DORSO-CERTICAL REGION. RHOMBOIDEUS. Fur. 138. The situation and form of this muscle, *,/, is clearly exhib- OF THE TRUNK. 225 ited in the figure. It is attached by its internal margin to the posterior cervical ligament, to the spinous process of the seventh cervical vertebra, and to those of the four or five first dorsal • by its internal margin, at „, to all the base of the scapula below o, the spine of that bone. This muscle is divided by a cellular line into two portions : therefore frequently denominated,/ the rhomboideus major, i, the rhomboideus minor. The posterior surface of the rhomboideus is covered by the trapezius and latissimus dorsi; the anterior surface covers the serratus posticus superior, the splenius, the sacro-lumbalis, the ribs and external intercostal muscles. The action of this muscle is to bring the scapula obliquely upwards and directly backwards. VOL. I. 30 226 MUSCULAR SYSTEM LEVATOR SCAPULA. Fig. 139. This is a long, thick muscle, a, placed at the side and back of the neck. It is attached superiorly to the transverse proces- ses of four or five of the superior vertebrae of the neck, by dis- tinct tendons ; these unite and form a strong muscle, which is fixed inferiorly into the base of the scapula above e, the spine. See also Fig. 138, A. The outer surface of this muscle is covered on the upper part by the sterno-cleido-mastoideus, in the middle by the skin, and OF THE TRUNK. 227 below by the trapezius. The inner surface is connected with the serratus posticus superior, the sacro-lumbalis, and splenius. This muscle raises the posterior angle of the scapula, and consequently depresses the tip of the shoulder; it has the power also of inclining the neck to one side, or maintaining it in an erect position when it acts in conjunction with its fellow. SERRATUS POSTICUS SUPERIOR. This muscle, g, is very thin ; its situation and form are delin- eated in the figure. It is attached by its internal border to the posterior cervical ligament, to the spinous process of the last cervical vertebra, and to those of the three upper dorsal; out- wardly, by distinct fleshy portions, or digitations, into the sec- ond, third, fourth, and sometimes the fifth ribs, a little beyond the angle. The posterior surface is connected with the rhomboideus, the levator anguli scapulae, serratus magnus, and trapezius ; the anterior surface with the splenius, longissimus dorsi, transversa- lis colli, sacro-lumbalis, ribs, and the external intercostals. The action of this muscle dilates the thorax, by elevating the ribs. SERRATUS POSTICUS INFERIOR. For the form of this muscle, the reader is referred back to the preceding engraving, Fig. 138, I. It is situated at the inferior part of the back, and, like the serratus superior, is broad and thin. It is attached by its inner border to the spinous processes of the two lower dorsal vertebrae, and to those of the three upper lumbar; at its outer border, by distinct slips, into the four inferior ribs. 228 MUSCULAR SYSTEM The posterior surface is connected with the latissimus dor-i; the anterior surface with the three lower ribs, the correspond- ing intercostal muscles, and the posterior lamina of the aponeu- rosis of the transversalis abdominis. This muscle depresses the ribs, and draws them backwards. SPLENIUS. This muscle, Fig. 138, k, Fig. 139, b, c, d, is placed obliquely at the back of the neck; its form is elongated and flattened. It is divided by a line of cellular membrane into two portions, which have sometimes been considered as two mus- cles, and in the last-mentioned figure is attached superiorly at b, to the mastoid process of the temporal bone, and at c, to the occipital bone immediately below the superior transverse ridge; inferiorly, at d, to the last cervical and six upper dorsal verte- bra;. The external surface of the splenius is connected with the sterno-cleido-mastoideus, the trapezius, levator anguli scapulae, serratus posticus superior, and rhomboideus ; the internal sur- face with the great and little complexus. The contraction of this muscle will turn the head, or incline the head and neck completely backwards ; when both muscles act together, they bend the head directly backwards. OF THE TRUNK. COMPLEXUS. Fig. 140. The situation and form of this muscle, a, is obvious in the figure before us. It is attached superiorly, at b, between the transverse ridges of the occipital bone; inferiorly, by isolated fasciculi of tendinous and fleshy fibres, at c, c, c, c, c, c, to the transverse and articular processes of the last six cervical ver- tebrae, and at e, e, e, e, to the transverse processes of the four or five first dorsal vertebrae. These attachments are frequently confounded with those of the transversus colli. The external surface is connected with the trapezius, sple- nius, and trachelo-mastoideus ; the internal with the semi- 230 MUSCULAR SYSTEM spinalis colli, the arteria cervicalis profunda, the posterior branches of the cervical nerves, the rectus capitis posticus minor, and the obliquus capitis inferior. This muscle, draws the head backwards and to one side. When the two act together, the face is turned upwards. TRACHELO*-MASTOIDEUS. Fig. 141. This muscle is much smaller than the preceding, and is placed on its outer edge. It is attached superiorly at a, to the poste- rior part of the mastoid process of the temporal bone ; inferiorly, at b, to the transverse processes of the four last cervical verte- brae, and sometimes, at c, to the first dorsal, by distinct tendi- * So called from a Greek word for the spine. This and the former mus- cles are as frequently denominated complexus major et minor, and their re- semblance may be seen by comparing the figures before us. OF THE TRUNK. 231 nous and fleshy fasciculi. The trachelo-mastoideus is also connected at its inner edge by a fleshy band to the longissimus dorsi. Both this and the preceding muscles are traversed by aponeurotic intersections or bands, varying in direction and position. The outer surface of this muscle is connected with the splenitis and transversalis colli ; the inner with the complexus and obliquus capitis, the posterior extremity of the digastricus, and the occipital artery. The action of this muscle keeps the head erect, or inclines it a little backwards or to one side, without rotation. POSTERIOR OCCIPITO-CERVICAL REGION. RECTUS CAPITIS POSTICUS MAJOR. Fig. 142. This is a small muscle, a, situated on the upper part of the back of the neck. It is attached superiorly to the lower trans- verse ridge of the occipital bone, and to part of the depression 232 MUSCULAR SYSTEM above that ridge, between the rectus capitis posticus minor and obliquus capitis superior. Inferiorly it is fixed to the spinous process of the dentata or second cervical vertebra. The posterior surface of this muscle is connected with the complexus and obliquus capitis superior ; the anterior surface with the occipital bone, the atlas, the rectus capitis posticus minor and the vertebral artery. RECTUS CAPITIS POSTICUS MINOR. This is a very small muscle, b, attached superiorly to the occipital bone behind the foramen magnum, and a little to the side of the inferior curved line ; inferiorly to the tubercle at the posterior arch of the atlas. The posterior surface of this muscle, which is inclined downwards, is connected with the great complexus and with the preceding muscle ; the anterior surface with the occipital bone, the atloido-occipital ligament, and the vertebral artery. OBLIQJUUS CAPITIS SUPERIOR. The relative size and situation of the obliquus capitis supe- rior, c, is expressed in the figure ; it is attached superiorly to the outer part of the curved line of the occipital bone; inferiorly to the transverse process of the first cervical vertebra, in front of b, the preceding muscle. The posterior surface is connected with the complexus, the trachelo-mastoideus, and the splenius; the anterior with the occipital bone, the vertebral artery, and the attachment of the rectus capitis posticus major. OF THE TRUNK. 233 OBLIQ.UUS CAPITIS INFERIOR.^ This muscle, d, will be found to resemble very much the superior oblique ; it is attached superiorly to the transverse pro- cess of the atlas, and inferiorly to the spinous process of the dentata. The posterior surface is connected with the complexus and trachelo-mastoideus ; the anterior with the second vertebra, and with the posterior ligament uniting the axis and atlas, and with the vertebral artery. The office of the four muscles just described, according to their several directions and obliquity, is to rotate the head, in- cline it backwards or to one side, and to maintain the head in the erect position. INTERSPINALES CERVICIS. There are six very small muscles, at e, e, e, e, e, e, on either side of the intervals of the spinous processes of the neck. Each of them is attached superiorly to the lower surface of the spi- nous process, and inferiorly to the upper surface of the next spinous process below it. These muscles draw the spinous processes nearer to each other, and consequently incline the head backwards. Similar sets of muscles occupy the spaces between the spinous processes of the vertebrae of the back and loins; in the neck, however, they are double, corresponding to the bifurcations of the spinous processes. In the back and loins they are indistinct, and are rather like tendons than muscles. VOL. I. 31 234 MUSCULAR SYSTEM VERTEBRAL REGION. LONGISSIMUS DORSI. Fig. 143. The longissimus dorsi, d, d, constitutes part of the thick OF THE TRUNK. 235 muscular mass which occupies the space between the spinous processes of the vertebrae and the angle of the ribs. On the inner side it is attached by small double tendons to all the trans- verse processes of the back, and to the last transverse process of the neck ; from its outer side it sends forth fleshy and ten- dinous filaments, which are inserted into the eight lower ribs. Inferiorly, it is attached in common with the sacro-lumbalis. The internal surface of the longissimus dorsi is connected with the multifidus spinae, complexus, and transversalis colli; the external is contiguous to the sacro-lumbalis; the anterior is placed upon the levatores costarum, the ribs, the transverse processes of the vertebrae, the posterior costo-transverse liga- ments, the dorsal vessels and nerves, and a portion of the exter- nal intercostal muscles. The posterior surface is connected with the aponeurosis of the obliquus internus and transversalis abdominis, serratus posticus superior, latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboideus, and splenius. 236 MUSCULAR SYSTEM SACRO-LUMBALIS. Fis;. 144. This muscle, a, a, is situated on the outer side of b, the longissimus dorsi, extending from the sacrum to the neck. OF THE TRUNK. 237 On the right side of the figure we see it attached on the outer part of the lower edge of all the ribs, by as many distinct ten- dons ; on the inner part we find it is attached to the upper border of nine or ten of the lower ribs by as many tendons. The muscle on the left side is drawn back with the hook, / to show these tendons. There are some portions of this mus- cle marked, g, g, which are inserted into the transverse pro- cesses of five or six of the lower cervical vertebras by as many distinct tendons. These fasciculi are frequently described un- der the name of the cervicalis descendens. The sacro-lumba- lis is inferiorly fleshy within and aponeurotic without; and, as I before observed, forms one inseparable muscle with the lon- gissimus dorsi, which is attached at e, to the sacrum, the poste- rior spine of the ilium, all the spinous processes, and near the roots of the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebra?; not separating from b, b, its companion just mentioned, till it reaches the ribs. The anterior surface of the sacro-lumbalis is connected with the aponeurosis of the transversalis abdominis, the ribs, and external intercostal muscles, the longissimus dorsi, and trans- versalis colli. The inner side with the longissimus dorsi; the outer side with the line of union of the posterior lamina? of the aponeurosis of the transversalis abdominis. The longissimus dorsi and sacro-lumbalis preserve the verte- bral column from yielding to the weight placed on it and before it; in a word, they are the most powerful muscles that are employed in keeping the body erect. TRANSVERSALIS COLLI. This muscle, Fig. 143, a, lies on the inner side of the lon- gissimus dorsi, and is indeed sometimes considered as an appen- dage to it. It is attached superiorly, by small tendons, to the 238 MUSCULAR SYSTEM transverse processes of the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth cervical vertebrae; inferiorly it is fixed by tendinous and fleshy slips to the transverse processes of the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh dorsal vertebrae. The posterior edge of this muscle is blended with the trach- elo-mastoideus muscle ; in the middle it is connected with the levator anguli scapulae and the serratus posticus superior, and below with the longissimus dorsi. The anterior edge is con- nected with the transverse processes of the second cervical to the eighth dorsal vertebra. The outer surface corresponds with the splenius, levator anguli scapulas, and sacro-lumbalis; the inner with the complexi and part of the multifidus spinas. This muscle turns the neck obliquely backwards and to one side. MULTIFIDUS SPINJE. The fasciculi, c, c, Fig. 143, composing this mass of mus- cles, are placed obliquely from the transverse processes to the spinous processes. They are attached by distinct tendons to all the spinous, transverse, and articular processes of the six last cervical vertebras, the twelve dorsal, and the five lumbar, and to the posterior surface of the sacrum.* The posterior surface of these muscles is connected with the trachelo-mastoideus, arteria cervicalis profunda, posterior cervical nerves, and longissimus dorsi; the anterior surface with the plates of the vertebrae, their transverse and oblique pro- cesses, and the ligamenta subflava ; on the inner side with the spinous processes of the vertebrae, the inter-spinalis cervicis, and the dorsal and lumbar interspinous ligaments. * These have been described by some anatomists as three distinct sets of muscles, viz., transverso-spinalis colli, transverso-spinalis dorsi, transver. so-spinalis lumborum. OF THE TRUNK. 239 The office of these muscles is to incline the vertebral column to one side; but when the muscular fibres on each side act, they keep the body erect. INTER-TRANS VERS ALES COLLI. These are small muscles which fill up the spaces between the transverse processes of the vertebras of the neck. They are distinguished into anterior, six in number on either side, and into posterior, five in number. The two muscles of each interval are separately attached, and extend from the inferior border of the transverse process of the vertebra above, to the superior border of the transverse process of the vertebra below. The anterior set are connected in front with the rectus cap- itis anticus major; the posterior behind, with the splenius, transversalis colli, and sacro-lumbalis. These muscles contribute to the lateral motions of the neck. INTER-TRANSVERSALES LUMBORUM. Between the transverse processes of the lumbar vertebras are fleshy fasciculi, similar to those just described. There are five on each side; they are stronger and more distinct than the preceding muscles. Their posterior surface is connected with the sacro-lumba- lis ; the anterior with the quadratus lumborum. Their lower and upper edges are connected with the corresponding adjacent transverse processes by means of short aponeurotic fibres. These muscles are supposed to bend the lumbar region of the vertebral column laterally; the short muscles of the spine certainly strengthen the back during muscular exertions. 240 MUSCULAR SYSTEM CHAP. V. MUSCLES OF THE EXTREMITIES. MUSCLES OF THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY. MUSCLES OF THE SHOULDER. POSTERIOR SCAPULAR REGION. SUPRA-SPINATUS. Fig. 145. I This muscle, I, fills up the cavity above the spine of the scapula. Its attachment on the inner side is fleshy, from the whole concave surface above k, the spine of the scapula, from the spine, and from the superior border of that bone passing under the acromion and adhering to the capsular ligament of the joint; on the outer part it forms a strong tendon, which is inserted into the greater tuberosity of the humerus. OF THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY. 241 The posterior surface of this muscle is connected with the trapezius, deltoides, and coraco-acromial ligament; the anterior with the fossa supra-spinata, the superior scapular vessels and nerves, and with the capsule of the shoulder joint. This muscle raises the arm, and if the arm is fixed it acts upon the shoulder. INFRA-SPINATUS. The infra-spinatus, a, b, c, d, occupies that space on the back of the scapula which is below the spine. It is attached, on the inner side, to the two internal thirds of the infra-spinata fossa ; the fibres converge towards a central tendon which runs over the neck of the bone, adheres to the capsular ligament, and is inserted into d, the greater tuberosity of the humerus. The posterior surface of the infra-spinatus is connected with the deltoides, trapezius, latissimus dorsi, and integuments ; the anterior surface with the infra-spinata fossa, from which it is separated, in its outer third, by cellular tissue, and by the supe- rior scapular nerve and vessels. It is also applied upon the capsule of the shoulder joint. The lower edge is confounded with e,/ the teres minor. This muscle turns the arm outwards, and assists in raising it. TERES MINOR. This muscle, e, / is placed along the inferior border of the scapula. A strong aponeurosis covers this and the infra-spi- natus ; indeed, the two muscles in some subjects are so closely united, as to be with difficulty separated. On the inner part, it is attached to the inferior angle of the scapula, and to the third of the inferior border of that bone ; on the outer part it VOL. T. 32 242 MUSCULAR SYSTEM extends to/ the lower and back part of the tuberosity of the humerus, where it is fixed by a strong tendon. The posterior surface is connected with the deltoides and integuments ; the anterior with the external scapular artery, the long portion of the triceps, and the capsule of the articula- tion of the shoulder. Superiorly, it is connected with c, d, the lower edge of the infra-spinatus muscle ; inferiorly, with g, h, the teres major, from which at one part it is separated by i, the long portion of the triceps. The office of the teres minor is similar to that of the prece- ding muscle. TERES MAJOR. This muscle, g, h, is situated beneath the teres minor. On the inner side it is attached to the quadrilateral surface of the inferior border of the infra-spinata fossa, and to the lower third of the base of the scapula. On the outer side it is inserted by a broad tendon into the inner side of the bicipital groove of the humerus. The posterior surface is connected with the latissimus dorsi, the integuments, the humerus, and the long portion of the tri- ceps ; the anterior with the subscapularis, latissimus dorsi, coraco-brachialis and biceps, the axillary vessels and brachial plexus of nerves. The lower edge is covered by the integu- ments, and with the latissimus dorsi, forms the posterior edge of the axilla. The upper edge is united to the teres minor, from which at one part it is separated by the long portion of the triceps. The teres major turns the arm inwards and draws it back- wards. OF THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY. 243 ANTERIOR SCAPULAR REGION. SUBSCAPULARIS. Fig. 146. This is'a very thick triangular muscle, a, occupying the whole of the subscapular fossa. It is attached on the inner side to the internal three fourths of the subscapular fossa ; the fibres are disposed in fleshy bundles with aponeurotic septa, which, con- 244 MUSCULAR SYSTEM verging, slide over the inner surface of the neck of the scapula, and pass under i, the coracoid process; it then forms a broad and flat tendon which adheres to the capsule of the joint, and is finally fixed at c, to the small tuberosity of the humerus. The anterior surface of the subscapularis is connected by a thick layer of cellular tissue with the serratus magnus, the bra- chial plexus of nerves, the axillary artery, and the coraco- brachialis, the biceps and the deltoid muscles; the posterior surface with the subscapular fossa, and with the teres major, the long portion of the triceps extensor cubiti, and with the capsule of the articulation of the shoulder. When the arm is distant from the body it draws it near; or it turns the arm inwards ; or when raised depresses it. EXTERNAL SCAPULAR REGION. DELTOIDES.* Fig. 147. * So named from its resemblance to the Greek letter J. OF THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY. 245 The deltoides forms the fleshy part of the shoulder; its shape and the direction of its fibres are exhibited in the figure. Superiorly it is attached by aponeurotic fibres at a, to the exter- nal third of the clavicle; at b, to the acromion process ; and at c, to the lower margin of the spine of the scapula ; inferiorly the fibres concentrate to a tendon which is inserted at d, into the deltoid impression in the middle part of the external surface of the humerus. This muscle is composed of large fasciculi of fibres separated by grooves more or less deep. The inner sur- face is aponeurotic ; and where it lies over the greater tuberos- ity of the os humeri, there is a bursa of considerable size. The external surface of the deltoides is connected with the platysma myoides, and the integuments ; the internal with the infra-spinatus, teres minor, and triceps extensor muscles, the tendon of the supra-spinatus, the acromio-coracoid ligament, the subscapularis, pectoralis minor, biceps and coraco-brachialis muscles, the coracoid process, the capsule of articulation, the superior third of the external surface of the humerus, and tendon of the pectoralis major. The anterior part, which is parallel to the external border of the biceps, is separated from the pec- toralis major by the cephalic vein. The principal office of this muscle is to raise the arm ; but it is also capable of moving it forwards or backwards, accord- ing as the anterior or posterior fibres are brought into action. 246 MUSCULAR SYSTEM MUSCLES OF THE ARM ANTERIOR BRACHIAL REGION. CORACO-BRACHIALIS. Fig. 148. OF THE UPPER EXTREMITY. 247 We see the situation of this muscle, a, in the figure; it is long, flat, and narrow. It is attached by a tendon at a, to the apex of b, the coracoid process of the scapula; it terminates tendinous about c, the middle of the humerus, and is inserted into a rough elevated line. The anterior surface is connected with the deltoides, pecto- ralis major, and biceps ; the posterior with the subscapularis muscle, the united tendons of the latissimus dorsi and teres major, the axillary artery, the musculo-cutaneous and median nerves, and the brachial artery. This muscle moves the arm forwards, upwards, and inwards. The coraco-brachialis is perforated by a nerve called muscu- lo-cutaneous. The intermuscular aponeurosis is seen extending from the lower part of this muscle along a ridge to the internal condyle, separating the brachialis internus from the third head of the triceps. BICEPS FLEXOR CUBITI. This muscle, Fig. 146, k, is situated at the front and inner part of the arm ; it is thick at. its middle portion, thin at its ex- tremities, the superior of which is divided into two portions. Its short portion is attached at A, to the coracoid process of the scapula, along with m, the preceding muscle, and by g, its long portion, to the superior part of the glenoid cavity; at k, the two portions or heads form a thick mass, and about the middle of the arm become inseparably united ; it is finally inserted at its inferior extremity to /, the tubercle at the upper end of the radius, and by a tendinous expansion into the aponeurosis of the fore arm. The anterior surface of this muscle, is connected with the deltoid and great pectoral muscles, the brachial aponeurosis, and the integuments ; the posterior with the humerus a, Fig. 148, the coraco-brachialis d, e, the brachialis internus, and the 248 MUSCULAR SYSTEM musculo-cutaneous nerve; on the inner side with the coraco- brachialis above, and in the middle and below with the bra- chial artery. The biceps flexor cubiti bends the fore-arm on the arm, and the arm on the shoulder. BRACHIALIS INTERNUS. This muscle, d, e, is situated at the anterior and inferior part of the arm. At its upper extremity, d, it is attached on each side of the insertion of the deltoides, to the external and internal surface of c, the humerus, and to most of the lower and fore part of the bone, as far as the articulation of the elbow joint; it has also an attachment to the external and internal aponeurosis, and inferiorly, by a strong tendon at e, to the rough surface immediately below the coronoid process of the ulna. The fibres pass over the joint, and adhere to the cap- sular ligament. The anterior surface of this muscle is connected with the brachial aponeurosis and the integuments, the supinator radii longus, the biceps, the musculo-cutaneous nerve, the brachial artery, the median nerve, and the pronator teres ; the posterior surface with the inferior part of the humerus and the articula- tion of the elbow. The brachialis internus bends the fore-arm. TRICEPS EXTENSOR CUBITI. The triceps, / g, h, i, occupies all the posterior part of the arm. It is very thick and fleshy, and is divided at the up- per part into three portions, whence it derives its name. Of these, the first or middle, which is longer and larger than the others, is attached by a broad tendon / to the inferior border of the scapula, near its neck; it then forms a large fleshy mass, which covers the back of the os humeri. The second or outer OF THE UPPER EXTREMITY. 249 portion, g, is attached by a pointed extremity to the outer and back part of the os humeri, below the great tuberosity, and to a ridge which runs from that eminence to the outer condyle, and to the intermuscular aponeurosis, which is common to it and the brachialis internus. The third or inner portion, h, which is the shortest, commences by an acute form from the inner edge of the os humeri near its middle, and receives an addition of fibres from the intermuscular partition ; its fleshy fasciculi de- scend backwards and outwards. The three portions of this mus- cle unite about the middle of the humerus, invest the whole back part of the bone, and terminate by a very strong, broad, and thick tendon, which is inserted into the upper part of the olecranon. The posterior surface of the triceps extensor is connected above with the deltoides and teres minor, the brachial aponeu- rosis and integuments. The anterior surface is connected with the subscapularis, teres major, and latissimus dorsi, the capsule of the articulation of the shoulder, and the posterior part of the elbow joint. The triceps extensor, by extending the fore-arm, acts in op- position to the biceps flexor. The long portion has the power of carrying the arm backwards. VOL. I. 33 250 MUSCULAR SYSTEM MUSCLES OF THE FORE-ARM. ANTERIOR REGION OF THE FORE-ARM. PRONATOR TERES. This muscle, a, is extended obliquely across the upper and Fig. U9. anterior part of the fore-arm. See also Fig. 150, a, b, c, and Fig. 153, a, b. Superiorly it is attached to the anterior part of the inner condyle of the humerus, and to the inner side of the coronoid process of the ulna ; be- tween these two parts the median nerve passes. Inferiorly it is fixed to the middle part of the external sur- face of the radius. The anterior surface of this mus- cle is connected with the aponeurosis of the fore-arm and integuments, the supinator radii longus, the radial ves- sels and nerves, and the external radial muscles ; the posterior surface with the brachialis internus, the flexor sublimis, the median nerve, and the ulnar artery ; on the inner side with the triangular space for the tendon of the biceps, the brachial artery, the median nerve, and the supinator radii brevis. The pronator teres turns the radius and hand inwards, or it may assist as a flexor of the fore-arm. OF THE UPPER EXTREMITY. 251 FLEXOR CARPI RADIALIS. This muscle, b, is situated on the inner side of the preceding. It has a tendinous attachment to the fore part of the inner con- dyle of the humerus, fleshy to the fascia and intermuscular aponeurosis, and to the upper end of the ulna. The extent of its muscular fibres is marked in the figure. The tendon of this muscle passes under the annular ligament of the wrist, through a groove in the trapezium, and is fixed to the base of the meta- carpal bone which sustains the fore-finger. The anterior surface of the flexor carpi radialis is connected externally with a, the pronator teres, and with the aponeurosis of the fore-arm ; the posterior surface with the flexor digitorum perforatus, the flexor longus pollicis muscles, and the wrist. This muscle bends the wrist, turning it a little inwards. It also serves as a flexor of the fore-arm. PALMARIS LONGUS. This muscle, c, d, is not always to be found in the arm. It has a slender form, and is attached superiorly by tendinous fibres to the inner condyle of the os humeri; it then forms, at c, a thin fleshy mass, which, about the middle of the arm, sends off a small tendon which is inferiorly adherent to the annular liga- ment, and is spread out into a very strong tendinous membrane, d, named the palmar aponeurosis, which is finally fixed to the roots of all the fingers. The anterior surface is connected with the aponeurosis of the fore-arm ; the posterior surface with the superficial flexor of the fingers. The palmaris binds down the muscles of the palm of the hand, and its aponeurosis protects the blood-vessels and nerves in their course to the fingers. 252 MUSCULAR SYSTEM FLEXOR CARPI ULNARIS. The flexor carpi ulnaris, e, is situated internally to the pre- ceding muscles of the fore-arm. It is half-penniform, and is attached by means of a common tendon to the inner side of the olecranon, and to the posterior border of the ulna ; a number of its fibres are also united to the aponeurosis of the fore-arm. Inferiorly it becomes tendinous, and is inserted into the pisiform bone, and some fibres are detached from it to the annular liga- ment of the wrist. The anterior surface of this muscle is connected with the aponeurosis of the fore-arm; the posterior surface with the deep flexor of the fingers, the ulnar artery and nerve, and the pronator quadratus, and on the outer edge with the flexor sub- limis. This muscle bends the wrist, inclining it a little towards the ulna. When it contracts at the same time with the flexor carpi radialis, it draws the hand directly upwards. OF THE UPPER EXTREMITY. 253 FLEXOR DIGITORUM SUBLIMIS VEL PERFORATUS. This muscle, d, e, is situated immediately beneath the pre- ceding muscles. It is attached superiorly at d, to the inner con- dyle of the humerus; at b, to the coronoid process of the ulna; and at c, to the upper part of the an- terior border of the radius; these several attachments as they de- scend form a strong fleshy mass, which sends off four tendons ; the tendons are connected by cellular tissue, and pass under the annular ligament of the wrist; from thence diverging as they proceed towards their respective fingers, each ten- don, as it were, splits at the ex- tremity of the first phalanx for the passage of the flexor profundus, and is attached to the second phalanx. In this figure the fibrous sheaths of the fingers are pinned open ; and in the fore finger, at g, we observe the splitting of the tendon just mentioned. The anterior surface of this muscle is connected with the pro- nator teres, the flexor carpi radialis, the palmaris longus, the aponeurosis of the fore-arm, the annular ligament, the palmar aponeurosis, the fibrous sheaths of the fingers, and with the tendons of the deep flexor. The posterior surface is connected 254 MUSCULAR SYSTEM with the flexor profundus, the flexor longus pollicis, the median nerve, the ulnar artery, the lumbricales muscles, and the pha- langes. This muscle bends the second joint or phalanx upon the first, and the hand upon the fore-arm. Fig. 151. a, Tendon of the flexor sublimis ; b, the division or slit in the tendon for the passage of c, the tendon of the flexor profun- dus, to be attached at e, the extremity of the finger. OF THE UPPER EXTREMITY. 255 ANTERIOR DEEP REGION OF THE FORE-ARM. FLEXOR DIGITORUM PROFUNDUS VEL PERFORANS. This muscle is situated beneath the preceding; superiorly it is attached, at a, to the three superior fourths of the anterior and internal surfaces of the ulna, and at b, to the interosseous liga- ment; the muscular fibres then form a thick mass upon the fore part of the ulna, and divide into four portions, each of which is ter- minated by a tendon. These ten- dons pass under the annular liga- ment of the wrist, and perforate the slits or fissures in the flexor sublimis, as in Fig. 150, and at length are inserted into the ante- rior part of the third phalanx of the fingers. Figure 151 best ex- plains the mode in which the tendon of the flexor sublimis, a, divides at b, to transmit the ten- don of the flexor profundus, c, e. The anterior surface of the flexor profundus is connected with the flexor sublimis and flexor carpi ulnaris muscles, the median and ulnar nerves, and the ulnar artery; the posterior surface with the fore and inner surfaces of the ulna, the interosseous ligament, the pronator quadratus, the anterior radio-carpal ligaments, the fore part of the metacarpus, the flexor brevis and adductor pol- licis, and the two last palmar interosseous muscles. 256 MUSCULAR SYSTEM This muscle bends the third, or extreme joint of the fingers, and assists generally in the flexion of the fingers, hand, and wrist. FLEXOR LONGUS POLLICIS MANUS. This muscle, Fig. 150, f,h, Fig. 152, c, lies on the outer side of the flexor profundus; superiorly it is attached by fleshy fibres to the fore part of the radius and interosseous liga- ment, and has frequently a tendon from the inner condyle of the humerus. The fibres, / pass obliquely into a tendon on the anterior part of the muscle ; this tendon passes under the annular ligament of the wrist, runs between the two portions of the short flexors of the thumb, and is attached inferiorly at. h, the last joint. The anterior surface of the long flexor of the thumb is con- nected with the flexor digitorum sublimis, flexor carpi radialis, and supinator longus muscles, the radial artery, and the anterior annular ligament of the wrist; the posterior surface with the radius, part of the interosseous ligament, the pronator quadratus, the fore part of the carpus, and the flexor brevis pollicis. The inner edge lies upon the flexor digitorum profundus. The action of this muscle bends the last joint of the thumb upon the first, the first upon the corresponding metacarpal bone, and the latter upon the carpus ; it likewise assists in the flexion of the fore-arm. OF THE UPPER EXTREMITY. 257 PRONATOR QUADRATUS. M This muscle, c, d, d, as its name implies, is of a quadri- Fig. 153. lateral form, and lies close to the bone on the lower part of the fore-arm. It is attached broad, by tendinous and fleshy fibres, on the inner side at c, to the anterior sur- face of the ulna, extending from the lower extremity of that bone two inches up its edge. The W%& fibres passing nearly transversely, adhere to the interosseous liga- ment, and on the outer side at d, d, are attached to the anterior sur- face of the radius. The anterior surface of this muscle is connected with the flex- or profundus, flexor longus pollicis manus, flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, and with the radial and ulnar arteries; posteriorly, with the two bones of the fore- arm and the lower part of the in- terosseous ligament. This muscle turns the radius together with the hand inwards. ^ VOL. I. 34 258 MUSCULAR SYSTEM POSTERIOR SUPERFICIAL REGION OF THE FORE-ARM. EXTENSOR DIGITORUM COMMUNIS. This muscle, / is situated at the posterior part of the arm. It is attached superiorly to the lower part of the outer condyle of the humerus, to the aponeurosis of the fore-arm, and to the aponeuro- tic septa of the different muscles in that region. From these several attachments it descends vertically, and at the middle of the fore-arm the fleshy mass forms four tendons, which pass under g, the annular ligament of the wrist. Below the ligament the tendons diverge, be- come broader, and proceed to the lower extremities of the metacar- pal bones ; they sometimes send aponeurotic bands, more or less oblique, to each other, as in the figure before us. These tendons terminate on the back of the fin- gers by an aponeurotic expansion, reaching to the last phalanx. The posterior surface of the common extensor of the fingers is connected with the aponeurosis of the fore-arm ; the anterior sur- face with the supinator brevis, ex- tensores pollicis, extensor indicis, the wrist, the metacarpus, the fin- gers, and the interossei dorsales. Fig. 154. m S9* OF THE UPPER EXTREMITY. 259 This muscle opens the hand, and bends it back upon the fore-arm. EXTENSOR PROPRIUS MINIMI DIGITI. This muscle, h, which is placed on the inner side of the pre- ceding, is of a very slender form. It is attached superiorly to the external condyle of the humerus, and to the aponeurotic septa which separate it from the extensor communis and extensor ulnaris ; and its muscular fibres, at/ constitute one mass with these muscles. Within a short distance of the wrist its fibres pass into a tendon, which is transmitted through a distinct ring at g, in the annular ligament, and arrives at the posterior sur- face of the little finger, to which it is attached in the same man- ner as the tendons of the extensor communis. The posterior surface of this muscle is connected with the aponeurosis of the fore-arm, and at the back of the hand with the integuments. The anterior surface with the supinator bre- vis, extensores pollicis, and extensor indicis. The outer edge is united to the extensor digitorum communis; the inner edge to the extensor carpi ulnaris. This muscle extends the little finger, and assists in bending back the hand. EXTENSOR CARPI ULNARIS. This muscle, i, is situated on the posterior part of the arm ; its shape is exhibited in the figure. It is attached superiorly to the lower part of the outer condyle of the humerus, to the in- termuscular septa and aponeurosis of the fore-arm, and nearly the middle third of the posterior border of the ulna. It termi- 260 MUSCULAR SYSTEM nates in a strong tendon, which is inserted into the upper part of the metacarpal bone of the little finger. The posterior surface of this muscle is connected with the aponeurosis of the fore-arm, to which it adheres above; the anterior surface with the supinator brevis, the extensor ossis metacarpi and extensor secundi internodii pollicis, and exten- sor proprius indicis muscles, and upon the ulna. Its outer edge with the former muscle ; the inner edge with the anconeus. ANCONEUS. This muscle, Fig, 154, /, Fig. J 54*, a, which is situated at the outer side of the olecranon, consists of a triangular fleshy mass adhering to the capsular ligament. It is attached superior- ly to the external condyle of the humerus by a distinct tendon ; inferiorly to the superior third of the external border and sur- face of the ulna. The posterior surface of the anconeus is connected with the aponeurosis of the fore-arm ; the anterior surface with the or- bicular ligament of the radius, the supinator radii brevis, and with the ulna. The office of this muscle is to assist in extending the fore- arm. OF THE UPPER EXTREMITY. 261 POSTERIOR DEEP REGION OF THE FORE-ARM. EXTENSOR OSSIS METACARPI POLLICIS. This muscle, b, is placed obliquely at the back and outer < part of the fore-arm. It is attached superiorly, by a pointed extremity to the posterior surface of the ulna, to the interosseous ligament, and to the posterior surface of the radius below the attachment of the supinator radii brevis. The fleshy fibres terminate in a tendon, pass- ing along a groove on the outer edge of the lower extremity of the radius, and is attached inferi- orly to the superior part of the metacarpal bone of the thumb. The posterior surface of this muscle is connected with the su- pinator radii brevis, extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor minimi digiti, ex- tensor digitorum communis, and extensor secundi internodii polli- cis ; at the lowest part it is in ap- position with the aponeurosis of the fore-arm. The anterior surface is connected with a portion of the ulna above; crossing the interos- seous ligament and the posterior surface of the radius in the middle, and lying upon the outer surface of the radius, the tendons of the radial extensors, the radial artery, and the wrist below. 262 MUSCULAR SYSTEM This muscle extends the metacarpal bone of the thumb out- wardly. It is therefore called by some anatomists abductor longus pollicis manus. EXTENSOR PRIMI INTERNODII POLLICIS MANUS. This muscle, c, is much shorter than the preceding, but of a similar form, and is situated immediately below it. It is at- tached superiorly by fleshy fibres to the back part of the ulna below its middle, to the interosseous ligament and radius. Its tendon follows the same direction as that of the extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis ; inferiorly it is attached to the back of the first bone of the thumb, and its tendon is also continued into the second or extreme joint. The posterior surface of this muscle is connected with the extensor secundi internodii pollicis, extensor minimi digiti and extensor digitorum communis ; at its lowest part with the apon- eurosis of the fore-arm. The anterior surface has the same connexions as the preceding muscle, excepting at its inferior extremity, where it is placed upon the first articulation of the thumb. This muscle extends the first joint of the thumb obliquely outwards. EXTENSOR SECUNDI INTERNODII POLLICIS MANUS. This muscle is situated below the two last. It is attached, tendinous and fleshy, to the posterior surface of the ulna, and to the interosseous ligament; its muscular fibres terminate in a tendon which passes in a distinct groove at the back of the ra- dius. It is seen to join the tendon of the extensor primi inter- OF THE UPPER EXTREMITY. 263 nodii pollicis, and is inserted into the back part of the last, or extreme joint of the thumb.* The posterior surface of this muscle is connected with the extensor carpi ulnaris, the extensor digitorum communis and the extensor indicis, and at its lowest part with the integuments: the anterior surface with the extensor ossis metacarpi pollicis and extensor primi internodii pollicis, the bones of the fore-arm, the tendons of the radial extensors, the first metacarpal bone, and the phalanges of the thumb. This muscle extends the last joint of the thumb, and it may be observed that the extensors just described have also the power of carrying the hand outwards and backwards. INDICATOR. This muscle4, d, is placed nearer to the inner edge of the arm than the extensors of the thumb. It is attached superiorly to the back part of the ulna, and to the interosseous ligament. Its tendon passes through the same sheath of the annular ligament as those of the extensor digitorum communis ; and terminates at the back of the fore finger with the tendon of the common ex- tensor. The posterior surface is connected with the extensor carpi ulnaris, the extensor proprius minimi digiti, and the extensor digitorum communis ; the anterior surface with the ulna, the interosseous ligament, the extensor secundi internodii pollicis, the inferior extremity of the radius, and the back of the hand. The office of this muscle is to point the fore-finger, from which it takes its name, * No letter happens to mark this muscle, although it is distinctly drawn in Fig. 154",and placed between the points of c, and d. 264 MUSCULAR SYSTEM RADIAL REGION. SUPINATOR RADII LONGUS. This muscle, Fig. 149, g, is attached by short tendinous fibres to the external condyle of the humerus, whence it passes downwards fleshy as far as the middle of the radius where it terminates in a tendon, which runs along the outer edge of the radius and is inserted near the base of the styloid process of that bone. Its action is to roll the radius outwards, and consequently the palm of the hand upwards. SUPINATOR RADII BREVIS. This muscle, which is seen in Fig. 153, e, arises tendinous from the external condyle of the humerus, both tendinous and fleshy from the external and upper part of the ulna, and adheres firmly to the ligaments that join these two bones, and is inserted into the head, neck and tubercle of the radius. Its use is to roll the radius outwards and thus to supinate the hand. EXTENSOR CARPI RADIALIS LONGIOR, OR RADIALIS EXTER- NUS LONGIOR. This muscle, Fig. 154, b, arises from the inferior part of the external edge of the humerus and superior part of its external condyle, and is inserted into the posterior part of the upper ex- tremity of the second metacarpal bone. It extends the wrist and hand, and abducts them a little. Acting with the extensor carpi ulnaris, it extends the hand directly. Acting with the flexor carpi radialis, it produces the OF THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY. 265 direct abduction of the hand. If the hand be fixed, it extends the fore-arm upon the wrist. EXTENSOR CARPI RADIALIS BREVIOR, OR RADIALIS EXTER- NUS BREVIOR. This muscle is precisely similar to the preceding, behind which it is placed. It arises from the external condyle of the humerus and is inserted in the posterior part of the upper ex- tremity of the third metacarpal bone. It assists the former. MUSCLES OF THE HAND. EXTERNAL PALMAR REGION. ABDUCTOR BREVIS POLLICIS MANUS. This muscle, b, c, constitutes the outermost portion of the Fig. 154. ball of the thumb. It is at- tached at b, to the anterior surface of the annular liga- ment of the wrist, and to the os scaphoides and os trape- zium ; from thence it de- scends a little obliquely out- wards. Its fibres converge towards each other, and are attached by a tendon at c, to the outer side of the ex- tremity of the first phalanx of the thumb. In this fig- ure the muscle is divided and turned back.* * Sometimes this forms two muscles, designated abductores breves pollicis manus, interior el exterior. vol. i. 35 266 MUSCULAR SYSTEM The anterior surface is connected with the palmar aponeu- rosis and the integuments ; the posterior surface with the opponens and flexor brevis pollicis manus. The office of the abductor pollicis is to carry the thumb from the fingers. OPPONENS POLLICIS. This muscle, d, lies under the preceding. It is attached su- periorly by aponeurotic fibres to the annular ligament of the wrist, to the os naviculare and the os trapezium. Inferiorly to the anterior and lower part of the metacarpal bone of the thumb. The anterior surface of this muscle is covered by the pre- ceding and by the integuments ; the posterior surface is con- nected with the anterior annular ligament of the carpus, the articulation of the trapezium at the first metacarpal bone, part of the anterior surface of that bone, and the flexor brevis polli- cis manus. The office of this muscle is to bring the thumb inwards, so as to oppose the fingers, from which circumstance it has derived its name. FLEXOR BREVIS POLLICIS MANUS. This muscle, Fig. 156, e, is of a short, thick, triangular form, and is placed beneath the two preceding. It is attached supe- riorly to the under part of the annular ligament of the carpus, to the os magnum, and to the third metacarpal bone ; inferior- ly it is inserted into the sesamoid bone, which is connected by a ligament to the fore part of the upper extremity of the first joint of the thumb. The anterior surface of this muscle is connected with the tendon of the flexor brevis pollicis manus, the tendons of the flexor profundus digitorum, the two first lumbricales, with an aponeurosis, the integuments, and the adductor minimi digiti; OF THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY. 267 the posterior surface with the first metacarpal bone, the first two dorsal and the first palmar interosseous muscles, and the tendon of the flexor carpi radialis. This muscle bends the first phalanx of the thumb, and the whole thumb towards the wrist. ADDUCTOR POLLICIS MANUS. This muscle, c, which is broad, thin, and triangular, is still Fig. 156. more deeply seated than the flexor brevis. On the inner side it is attached to nearly the whole length of the me- tacarpal bone of the middle finger, and crossing the me- tacarpal bone of the fore- finger, its fibres converge, and are outwardly inserted by a tendon with e, the pre- ceding muscle, into the inner and upper part of the first bone of the thumb. The anterior surface is connected with the tendons of the flexor profundus, the two first lumbricales, and with the integuments ; the posterior with the interossei and the bones of the metacarpus. This muscle draws the thumb towards the fingers. INTERNAL PALMAR REGION. PALMARIS BREVIS. The palmaris brevis is not easily demonstrated in every sub- ject, for it consists merely of several small fasciculi of muscular fibres, situated immediately under the skin of the palm of the 268 MUSCULAR SYSTEM hand. On the outer side it is attached to the annular ligament of the wrist, and to the palmar aponeurosis ; on the inner side to the chorion of the skin which covers the little finger and in- ner edge of the hand. The anterior surface of this muscle is connected with the integuments; the posterior surface with the abductor and flexor muscles of the little finger, the ulnar artery and the nerve. The office of these fibres is to contract the skin of the palm of the hand. ABDUCTOR MINIMI DIGITI. This muscle, Fig. 155,/, is placed on the inner edge of the palm of the hand. It is attached superiorly to the os pisiforme, and to the adjacent annular ligament of the carpus ; its fibres extend along the metacarpal bone of the little finger, terminating in a tendinous attachment to the inner side of the fi.st phalanx of that finger, and in the aponeurotic expansion which covers the back part of the same finger. The anterior surface of the abductor of the little finger is connected with the preceding muscle, a very thin aponeurosis, and with the integuments ; the posterior surface with the ad- ductor ossis metacarpi minimi digiti. The action of this muscle draws the little finger inwards and forwards, and separates it from the other fingers. FLEXOR PROPRIUS MINIMI DIGITI. This muscle, Fig. 155, g, is situated by the side of the pre- ceding. It extends from the os cuneiforme, and from the annu- lar ligament of the carpus to the upper portion of the first pha- lanx of the little finger, to which it is attached with the pre- ceding muscle by a round tendon ; its connexions are the same as the preceding muscle. OFTHE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY. 269 This muscle ^nds the first joint of the little finger, and assists the adductor. '• ADDUCpR OSSIS METACARPI MINIMI DIGITI.* This muscle,Fig. 156, a, is almost concealed by the two muscles last dgcribed. It is attached superiorly, by fleshy fibres, to the osunciforme and annular ligament of the carpus ; it forms a thickmass, which is attached inferiorly by a tendon to the fore part )f the metacarpal bone of the little finger. The posterior turface is connected with the last interosseous muscle, the fourth metacarpal bone, and the tendon of the flexor sublimis, which passes to the little finger. This muscle carries the metacarpal bone of the little finger outwards, and assists the flexor. MIDDLE PALMAR REGION. LUMBRICALES.f The lumbricales are four small muscles, Fig. 155, a, a, a, a, situated in the palm of the hand. They are attached superiorly to the tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus perforans; each muscle has a tendon, which passes along the side of the finger, and is attached inferiorly to the back part of the first joint. The anterior surface is connected with the tendons of the flexor digitorum profundus, the palmar aponeurosis, and the col- lateral vessels and nerves of the fingers ; the posterior surface with the interosseous muscles, the inferior transverse metacar- pal ligament, and the phalanges. These muscles bend the first phalanx: they are small and * This muscle is frequently designated opponens minimi digiti. t These derive their name from their resemblance to the lumbricus or earth-worm. 270 MUSCULAR SYSTEM appear insignificant as flexors, when comparecwith the power- ful muscles already described, but they are indipensably neces- sary in the performance of the rapid movemets of the fingers, as in playing on musical instruments, etc. lence Cowper gave them the name of musculi fidicinales. interossei. These are seven little muscles named interosei, situated in the intervals of the metacarpal bones ; four, Fig. 157, a, a, a, a, on the back of the hand, and three, Fig. 158, a, b, d, in the palm : the latter are not seen till the other muscles of the thumb and fingers are removed ; they are designated adductors, and abductors, according to their uses. 1. ABBUCTOR INDICIS. Fig. 157. Fig. 158. This muscle, c, Figs. 157 and 158, is of a triangular form ; it is attached to the outer edge of the metacarpal bone of the OF HE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY. 271 fore-finger, and to he upper part of the inner edge of the meta- carpal bone of th thumb. The two fasciculi unite into a tendon, which teninates on the outer side of the upper extrem- ity of the first phainx. and the extensor tendon of the fore- finger. The posterior srface of this muscle is connected with the integuments ; the nterior with the first lumbricalis, the flexor brevis, b, the abdutor pollicis, and the integuments. This muscle approximates the fore-finger to the thumb, and inclines the metacaaal bone inwards. 2. ADDUCTOR INDICIS. This muscle, Fig 158, d, is placed in the palm of the hand ; it is attached superiorly to the inner side of the metacarpal bone of the fore-finger ; iferiorly by a tendon in the same manner as the preceding. The anterior surp.ce of the adductor indicis is connected with the flexor brev> and adductor pollicis; the inner surface corresponds with th< next muscle. The action of thi: muscle carries the fore-finger inwards. 3. ABDUCTOlt DIGITI MEDIl. This muscle, Fig. 157, is seen at the back of the hand. It is attached to the inrer side of the second and third metacarpal bones, and terminate; by a tendon, like the preceding, which is attached to the outerside of the first phalanx of the middle fin- ger, and its extensor endon. The posterior surjtce of this muscle is connected with the integuments, the tencbns of the extensor muscles of the fore- finger, and with an aioneurosis which passes from the second to the third metacarpU bone ; the anterior surface with the flexor brevis and addictor pollicis. This muscle draws the middle finger outwards. 272 MUSCULAR SYSTEM 4. ADDUCTOR DIGITI MEDII. This muscle, Fig. 157, is also situated j the back of the hand. It is attached to the inner side of th third and fourth metacarpal bones, and terminates like the ohers in a tendon which is inserted into the inner side of the pper extremity of the first phalanx and extensor tendon of thejniddle finger. The posterior surface of this muscle is pnnected with the integuments and tendons of the common ^tensors of the fin- gers. This muscle carries the middle finger tovirds the ring finger. 5. ABDUCTOR DIGITI ANNULARIS. This muscle, Fig. 158, b, is placed in th palm of the hand ; it is attached to the outer side of the fourji metacarpal bone ; and its tendon is inserted into the outer sidt of the first phalanx and extensor tendon of the ring finger. The anterior surface is connected with tie lumbricales mus- cles and tendons of the flexor profundus. This muscle draws the ring finger toware the middle finger. 6. ADDUCTOR DIGITI ANNULARIS. This muscle, Fig. 157, is situated on tie back of the hand. It is attached to the inner side of the fouth metacarpal bone, terminating in a tendon which is inserted nto the inner side of the ring finger. The posterior surface of this muscle i connected with an aponeurosis which passes from the fourth t> the fifth metacarpal bone, the extensor tendons of the little finger, and the integu- OF THE SUPERIOR EXTREMITY. 273 ments; the anterior surface is concealed above by the inter- osseous muscle of the little finger, but below appears between it and the preceding muscle. This muscle brings the ring finger towards the little finger. 7. ABDUCTOR MINIMI DIGITI. This muscle, Fig. 158, a, is seen in the'palm of the hand. It is attached to the outer surface of the fifth metacarpal bone; its tendon is inserted into the outside of the first phalanx and the extensor tendon of the little finger. The anterior surface of this muscle is connected with the adductor ossis minimi digiti; the outer surface corresponds with the preceding muscle. The action of this muscle carries the little finger outwards. THE ENVELOPING APONEUROSIS OF THE UPPER EXTREMITY. The muscles of the arm are covered by a delicate cellular tissue, very different from aponeurosis, and therefore is usually, in dissections, taken off with the integuments. But on the fore-arm we find a strong fascia or aponeurosis, investing all the superficial muscles. This external aponeurosis is continued from the intermuscular aponeurosis, which passes down to the condyles of the humerus. It is attached to the condyles and to the olecranon, and on the back part receives a great addition of fibres from the tendon of the triceps. On the fore part of the arm it appears to be a continuation of the aponeurotic inser- tion of the biceps, and is attached to all the muscles by septa, or fibrous partitions. The sheath descends along the fore-arm, adhering to the whole inner edge of the ulna, and arriving at the wrist, is continued into the annular ligament. The outer sur- vol. i. 36 274 MUSCULAR SYSTEM face is covered by skin, cellular tissue, adipose substance, and by the superficial veins, nerves, and lymphatics of the arm. It appears to form thin sheaths for these different organs ; it sends also between them, and especially above them, areolae and arches, through which the branches of superficial veins and nerves pass. The fibres have no constant direction, but cross each other in all directions, and leave between them small open- ings, which are traversed by blood-vessels. OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 275 CHAP. VI. MUSCLES OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY KEGION OF THE HIP. MUSCLES OF THE HAUNCH AND THIGH. GLUTEUS MAXIMUS. Fig. 159. This muscle is placed at the back part of the hip, covering all the muscles situated on that part. A correct idea of its 276 MUSCULAR SYSTEM form may be had from the annexed representation. It is attached superiorly, at a, to the posterior crest of the ilium ; at b, to the posterior surface of the sacrum ; at c, to the border of the os coccygis, and to the posterior surface of the sacro-sciatic liga- ment ; the fleshy fibres pass obliquely downwards and forwards, forming a very broad, thick, coarse muscle ; its fasciculi gradu- ally converging, terminate in a strong flat tendon, which is attached inferiorly at d, e, the upper and outer part of the linea aspera of the femur. A great portion of tendinous fibres also unite it to the aponeurosis of the thigh. The posterior surface of this muscle is covered by an ex- tremely thin lamina of the fascia lata, adipose tissue, and skin. The anterior surface is applied to the ilium, sacrum, and the os coccygis ; the attachments of the sacro-spinalis, the gluteus medius, pyriformis, gemelli, obturator internus, and quadratus femoris muscles ; to the sciatic nerve, the tuber ischii, the pos- terior sacro-sciatic ligament, the upper extremity of the biceps semimembranosus and semitendinosus, the great trochanter, and to the triceps adductor muscle. The office of the gluteus maximus is to extend the thigh by drawing it backwards and somewhat outwards. It extends likewise the pelvis on the thigh in standing; and assisted by the other glutei in progression, it maintains the equilibrium of the body on the lower extremity, which rests on the ground. OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 277 GLUTEUS MEDIUS. » Fig. 160. This muscle, a, is broad, strong, and radiated ; it is situated under the preceding, except at its anterior part, where it is covered only by aponeurosis. Superiorly it is attached by fleshy fibres to b, b, the whole of the outer edge of the crista of the ilium, and to the dorsum of that bone ; its converging fibres, a, are collected, and terminate in a broad aponeurosis, which is somewhat concealed in its substance, but is converted into a tendon, and is inferiorly inserted into the upper part of c, the great trochanter. The outer surface of this muscle is connected with the pos- terior half of the gluteus maximus, and its anterior with the 278 MUSCULAR SYSTEM fascia lata ; the inner surface with the iliac bone, the gluteus minimus, pyramidalis, triceps extensor muscles, and the gluteal artery. The anterior edge is connected above with the tensor vaginae femoris, but is separated below by an interval occupied by a great quantity of cellular tissue and branches of the exter- nal circumflex artery. The posterior edge, at its upper part, is parallel to the pyriformis muscle. The gluteus medius draws the thigh outwards and a little backwards. It also acts in standing and in progression. GLUTEUS MINIMUS. Fig. 161. This muscle, a, a, b, is smaller than the gluteus medius and is entirely concealed until that muscle is raised from its con- nexions. A synovial bursa is found between their tendons. OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 279 The gluteus minimus is attached superiorly by fleshy radiating fibres at a, a, to the semicircular ridge of the ilium, and to the dorsum of that, bone below the ridge. Its fasciculi descend and are collected together, terminating inferiorly in a strong tendon, which is attached at b, to the anterior and superior part of the trochanter major. The outer surface of the gluteus minimus is connected in the greater part of its extent with the preceding muscle ; pos- teriorly with the pyriformis; the inner surface with the ilium, the fibrous capsule of the articulation of the hip, the curved tendon of the rectus femoris, and with a small part of the tri- ceps extensor cruris. This muscle assists the two former muscles. 280 MUSCULAR SYSTEM PELVI-TROCHANTERIC REGION. PYRIFORMIS. Fig. 162. This, like the other small muscles of the hip, cannot be de- monstrated till the gluteus maximus is removed. It lies be- hind and below the gluteus medius, but it is not at all covered by it. On the one part it is attached at a, by three fleshy portions, to the concave surface of the sacrum, and becoming round and tapering, it passes out of the pelvis' below the notch of the posterior part of the ilium, and above c, the superior sacro-sciatic ligament; that part which passes out of the pelvis OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 281 is seen in Fig. 161, at e, terminating in a round tendon, and is inserted into the cavity at the root of b, the trochanter major. In the pelvis, the anterior surface is connected with the rec- tum, the sciatic plexus, and the hypogastric vessels. After leaving that cavity, it is in contact with the ilium, the capsule of the hip joint, and the gluteus minimus. The posterior sur- face is connected with the sacrum and the gluteus maximus ; the upper edge with the gluteal artery, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus ; the lower edge with the anterior sacro-sciatic ligament, and is separated from the superior gemellus by the sciatic nerve. This muscle turns the thigh outwards : in some degree it has the power of turning the pelvis on the thigh. OBTURATOR INTERNUS. The superior part of this muscle, Fig. 162, a, is situated within the pelvis ; it is attached by radiated fibres to more than one-half of the margin of the obturator foramen, and to the inner surface of the aponeurosis which fills up that hole. Its fibres concentrate into a round tendon,/ Fig. 161, which pass- ing over the ischium between the spine and tuber of that bone, leaves the cavity of the pelvis, is inclosed in the sheath of the gemelli, e, g, (as seen in Fig. 1G0 ;) finally it is attached with them at the root of c, the great trochanter. Where the obturator bends there is a synovial capsule, lining the cartilagi- nous layer of the lesser sciatic notch, and reflected over the tendon. The outer surface of the obturator internus is connected with the ilium, pelvis, obturator ligament, sciatic nerve, and gluteus maximus ; the inner surface with the aponeurosis to which the levator ani is attached, and with the capsule of the articulation of the hip. vol. t. 37 282 MUSCULAR SYSTEM The office of this muscle is to rotate the thigh and leg out- wards, and to draw it in the same direction. OBTURATOR EXTERNUS. Fig. 163. This muscle covers the external obturator foramen. It is not distinctly seen until all the muscles which run from the pel- vis to the upper part of the thigh are removed. Inwardly, it has a fleshy attachment, at a, to the circumference of the obtu» rator foramen, and to the external surface of the obturator aponeurosis ; its fibres are directed outwards through the notch placed between the inferior margin of the acetabulum and the tuberosity of the ischium, pass round the cervix of the femur, adhering to e, the capsular ligament, and terminate in a tendon which is attached outwardly, at the root of the trochanter major, OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 283 immediately below the gemelli, as seen in Fig. 160, below the letter g. The anterior surface of the obturator externus is connected with the pectineus, the adductors, and the quadratus femoris ; the posterior surface with the ilium, the obturator ligament, and the capsule of the articulation of the hip. The office of this muscle is to rotate the thigh obliquely out- wards. GEMELLUS SUPERIOR.* This muscle, Fig. 160, e, is placed below the preceding. It is short, flat, and broad, thicker in the middle than at the ex- tremities. It is attached on the inner side to the external bor- der of the sciatic spine, then proceeds transversely outwards, and embraces the tendon of/ the obturator internus, and be- comes attached outwardly to the upper part of the inner surface of the great trochanter. The posterior surface of the gemellus superior is connected with the sciatic nerve and gluteus maximus ; the anterior sur- face with the ilium and the capsule of the articulation of the hip. GEMELLUS INFERIOR. ITiis muscle, Fig. 160, g, has the same form, attachments, and connexions, as the gemellus superior. The two tendons of the gemelli unite behind that of the obturator internus, so as to form a kind of channel. These muscles roll the thigh outwards, and draw the one from the other. • This muscle, and the following, are frequently designated under the gen- eral name of musculi gemini. 284 MUSCULAR SYSTEM QUADRATUS FEMORIS. This muscle, Fig. 161, is situated below the inferior gemel- lus. On the inner side, it is attached, at c, to the ischium, be- tween its tuberosity and the obturator foramen ; on the outer side, its fibres mn transversely, and are attached at the back part of the femur to a rough line, which extends from the root of the great to that of d, the small trochanter.* The posterior surface of the quadratus femoris is connected with the sciatic nerve, the gluteus maximus, the semimem- branosus, and the adductor magnus muscles ; the anterior sur- face with the obturator externus, the extremity of the tendon of the psoas magnus, and the posterior part of the small trochan- ter. The office of this muscle is to turn the lower extremity out- wards. * This muscle is also shewn in Fig. 163, at b. OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 285 ANTERIOR S.4 This muscle, b, which is Fig. 164. RAL REGION. UUS. ! longest of the human body, is situated on the front and inner part of the thigh, be- fore the other muscles. Su- periorly it is attached at h, to the anterior superior spi- nous process of the ilium; crosses the thigh obliquely, passes behind the inner con- dyle of the femur, at e, and is inserted inferiorly by a broad tendon, at i, to the inner side of the head of the tibia, near the inferior part of its tubercle. The anterior surface of the sartorius is connected with the fascia lata ; the pos- terior surface from above downwards with the psoas magnus and iliacus internus, the rectus femoris, triceps extensor cruris, adductor longus, adductor] magnus, and gracilis muscles ; with the crural artery about the middle of the thigh ; and at its lower part"witrr the inter- nal lateral ligament of the 286 MUSCULAR SYSTEM articulation of the knee. The inner edge of the superior part of this muscle forms with the adductor longus a triangular space, in which the crural artery, vein, and nerve, are situated. The action of this muscle brings the leg obliquely inwards, as when tailors cross their legs at work ; and from this circum- stance the muscle obtains its name. Its continued contraction will also bend the thigh on the pelvis. RECTUS FEMORIS. The rectus femoris, Fig. 164, c, is situated immediately in front of the thigh ; its fibres are penniform. Superiorly it is attached by a tendon to the anterior inferior spinous process of the ilium, and by another strong tendon to the dorsum of that bone a little above the edge of the acetabulum, and is also adherent to the capsular ligament of the hip joint. These two tendons unite and form a fleshy mass, which terminates inferi- orly in a flat tendon at / and is inserted into the upper part of the patella, g, where a thin aponeurosis is continued over that bone, and becomes ligamentous at h, connecting the lower part of the patella to the tibia. Thus, virtually the rectus is attach- ed to the large bone of the leg. The anterior surface of the rectus femoris is connected with the fascia lata, iliacus externus, and sartorius muscles ; the pos- terior surface with the articulation of the hip, the external cir- cumflex vessels, and the triceps extensor cruris. The office of this muscle is to extend the leg on the thigh, and the thigh on the pelvis ; when standing, it assists in fixing the body. OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 287 TRICEPS EXTENSOR This muscle embraces the Fig. 165. Vastus externus, Vastus internus, Crurceus. femur from the base of the trochanters to the patella. The older writers described it as three distinct muscles; and as its upper part is divi- ded into three fasciculi, the distinction is here retained. 1st. The external fascicu- lus, or vastus externus. This portion forms the fleshy mass which occupies the outer side of the thigh bone; it is attached superiorly, by ten- dinous and fleshy fibres, at a, to the anterior surface of the great trochanter, to the outer border of the linea aspera, and to the oblique line run- ning to the external condyle. The fleshy fibres pass for- wards, and are connected at b, to the tendon of the cru- raeus, and inferiorly, at c, to the side of the patella : part of it also ends, at d, in • an aponeurosis which passes over the side of the knee, is fixed to the head of the tibia, and continued to the leg. 288 MUSCULAR SYSTEM 2d. The internal fasciculus, or vastus internus, covers the inner part of the femur, in the same manner as the preceding portion does the outer side. It is attached by aponeurotic and fleshy fibres, at / to the fore part of the minor trochanter; its fibres are continued along the inner border of the linea aspera, and the oblique line running to the inner condyle, taking a di- rection downwards and forwards; they are then connected, at b, to the tendon of the cruraeus, and inferiorly to the side of the patella, c, and to the aponeurosis of the leg. 3d. The middle fasciculus b, is called the cruraus vel cruralis, the principal part of which is concealed by the fleshy masses of the vasti, and is connected intimately with them. It is attached superiorly between the trochanters of the femur and to the fore part of that bone almost to its inferior extremity. As before stated, the sides are united to the vasti fasciculi. The front is covered by the rectus, the tendon of which, at g, joins it near the lower part of the thigh, terminat- ing with it in c, the patella.* The anterior surface of this muscle is connected externally and above with the tendons of the gluteus maximus and minimus, farther down with the fascia lata and its tensor muscles, and at its lowest part with the short portion of the biceps. In the middle it is in connexion with the external circumflex vessels ; internally, the fascia lata, the crural artery, and the sartorius, are in contact with it. The posterior sur- face is connected with the whole surface of the shaft of the thigh bone, but it is separated below from it by a mass of cel- lular and adipose tissue. The office of the triceps extensor muscle is to extend the le g on the thigh, and the latter on the former. * There are frequently found some fasciculi of muscular fibres under the middle portion, and attached to the capsule of the knee joint, which have been considered by some anatomists as a separate muscle, under the name of subcruraus. OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 289 INTERNAL FEMORAL REGION. PECTINEUS. muscle, d, is situated at the superior part of the thigh, Fig. 166. and is of a flat, long, and tri- angular figure. It is attached superiorly by aponeurotic ad- hesions to the brim of the pel- vis ; inferiorly by means of a tendon to the linea aspera, immediately below the tro- chanter minor. The anterior surface of the pectineus is connected with the fascia lata and the crural vessels and nerves; the pos- terior with the pubis, the ar- ticulation of the hip, the obtu- rator externus, the adductor brevis muscles, and the obtu- rator vessels and nerves. The inner border is a little covered by the adductor longus; the outer is parallel to the psoas magnus. The office of this muscle is to bend the thigh, and to ro- tate it, as when we turn out our toes. It also bends the pelvis upon the thigh, or pre- serves it in its upright posi- tion. k h 38 290 MUSCULAR SYSTEM GRACILIS. The gracilis, which is situated on the inner side of the thigh, is a long, thin, flat muscle. Superiorly it is attached at a, by an aponeurosis or flat, thin tendon, to b, the ramus of the os pubis, near the symphysis ; descending in a direct course by the inside of the thigh, it terminates at h, in a tendon, which passes behind the inner condyle of the femur, and is attached inferiorly to the inside of the tibia below the tendon of i, the sartorius, and above that of k, the semitendinosus. The inner surface is connected with the fascia lata and the sartorius ; the outer with the adductors, and the semimem- branosus muscles, and the internal lateral ligament of the knee joint. This muscle, like the sartorius, brings the thigh inwards and forwards ; it acts also as a flexor of the leg and thigh. ADDUCTORS OF THE THIGH. The adductor muscles of the thigh consist of three distinct muscles, though they are frequently described as one under the name of triceps adductor femoris. ADDUCTOR LONGUS.' This muscle, Fig. 167, is placed between the pectineus and gracilis. It is attached superiorly, by a short and strong ten- don at b, to the upper and inner part of the os pubis, near its symphysis ; the fibres, a, descend obliquely, and are inferiorly attached by an aponeurosis at c, to the middle of the linea aspera, occupying rather more than one third of its length. The anterior surface of the adductor longus is connected with OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 291 the fascia lata, the sartorius, and the femoral artery ; the pos- terior surface with the two other adductor muscles, and is al- most inseparably united to them below. The outer border is parallel to the pectineus muscle ; the inner is concealed by the gracilis. ADDUCTOR BREVIS. This muscle is situated behind the preceding ; it is of a tri- angular, flat figure, and is attached superiorly, by tendinous and fleshy fibres, to the pubes between the symphysis and obturator foramen ; inferiorly, to the upper third of the linea aspera, where its insertion is blended with the adductor longus, the adductor magnus, and the pectineus. The anterior surface of the adductor brevis is connected with the preceding muscle and the pectineus ; the posterior with the adductor magnus. Inferiorly it is united to the gra- cilis ; and externally to the tendon of the psoas magnus, the iliacus internus, and to the obturator externus. 292 MUSCULAR SYSTEM ADDUCTOR The adductor magnus oc- cupies nearly the whole inner part of the thigh ; it is situa- ted behind and below the other two adductors, and sep- arates the anterior and poste- rior parts of the thigh. Jt is attached superiorly, at e, to the inferior part of the ante- rior surface of the ramus of the pubes ; at b, to the ante- rior surface of that of the ischi- um, and to the external bor- der ofits tuberosity ; the fibres run inwards and downwards, having various degrees of ob- liquity, and are attached in- feriorly to the whole length of the linea aspera, to the oblique ridge above the internal con- dyle of the os femoris, and by a long round tendon to the up- per part of the condyle, where the tendon is united to the ad- ductor longus. There is a perforation in the tendon of this muscle at i, near the bone, through which the femoral ar- tery|passes in its course towards The anterior surface of this \ us. Fig. 167. ham. cle is connected with the OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 293 two preceding, the sartorius, and the femoral artery ; the pos- terior surface with the semitendinosus, semimembranosus, bi- ceps, gluteus maximus, and the sciatic nerve. The inner border is much thicker above than below, and is connected with the fascia lata and gracilis. The office of the adductors is — 1st, to move the thigh and leg inwards ; 2d, to roll it outwards ; 3d, to bend the thigh on the pelvis ; and lastly, to keep the pelvis firm in the erect po- sition of the trunk. The action of the fibres varies according to the obliquity of their attachments. 294 MUSCULAR SYSTEM POSTERIOR FEMORAL REGION. BICEPS FEMORIS. The biceps femoris is sit- uated at the back part of the thigh, and forms the outer hamstring. It is divided in- to two portions, one long and the other short. The long portion is attached superior- ly at a, by a tendon, to the outer part of the tuberosity of the ischium, and descend- ing, forms a thick, fleshy mass ; its short portion, 6, is fixed by tendinous and fleshy fibres to the linea aspera im- mediately below the gluteus maximus, and to the oblique ridge passing from the con- dyle, where it is connected with the fibres of the vastus externus. The two heads are united at an acute angle a little above the external condyle of the femur, and terminate in a strong tendon, c, which is attached at d, to the outside of the head of the fibula. The posterior surface of this muscle is connected with OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 295 the gluteus maximus and the fascia lata; the anterior surface with the semitendinosus, triceps, and adductor magnus muscles, the sciatic nerve, the femur, and the external lateral ligament of the knee. The long portion is placed over the short por- tion which is connected with the external superior articular artery and the external head of the gastrocnemius. The inner border unites with the preceding muscle to form the ham. The biceps is a powerful flexor of the leg upon the thigh, or the latter upon the leg; its long portion is capable of ex- tending the thigh upon the pelvis, or of keeping the pelvis erect. It also assists in turning the leg outwards. SEMITENDINOSUS. This muscle, e, is placed between the biceps femoris and gracilis : we may also see it in Fig. 166, c, k; it is attached superiorly, in common with the biceps, by aponeurotic fibres to the tuberosity of the ischium ; it has also some fleshy fibres fixed to that projection more outwardly, and is connected for several inches, at/ with the commencement of the biceps. The fleshy mass runs down the back of the thigh, forms a long round tendon, g, which passing round the inner side of the knee, becomes flattened, and is reflected forward to be inserted into the inner side of the ridge of the tibia, a little below the tubercle, and is connected with the under edge of the tendon of the gracilis, marked in this figure, h. The posterior surface of the semitendinosus is connected with the fascia lata, and a little at its upper part with the glu- teus maximus ; the anterior surface with the semimembrano- sus and adductor magnus. The office of this muscle is to bend the leg backwards 296 MUSCULAR SYSTEM and a little inwards, and to assist in keeping the pelvis erect. SEMIMEMBRANOSUS. This muscle, i, is situated behind the preceding muscle, and with it properly forms the inner hamstring. The tendons of the sartorius and gracilis are sometimes enumerated as part of the inner hamstring, but they lie more anteriorly. The upper portion is best displayed in Fig. 166, and is superiorly attached, at d, to the outer part of the tuberosity of the ischium. It forms a fleshy mass in the middle and back part of the thigh; and inferiorly terminates obliquely in a flat tendon, Fig. 168, i, .which passing behind the inner condyle is spread out at k, in an aponeurotic expansion, which covers and strengthens the capsule of the knee joint, and is attached, at I, to the inner and back part of the head of the tibia. The offices of this muscle are the same as those of the pre- ceding muscle. The posterior surface of the semimembranosus is connected with the biceps, semitendinosus, and fascia lata; the anterior surface with the quadratus femoris, adductor magnus, and in- ternal head of the gastrocnemius, popliteal artery, and the knee joint. Its outer border is connected with the sciatic nerve, and concurs with the biceps to form the cavity of the ham ; the inner border is covered by the gracilis and the cavity of the fascia lata. TENSOR VAGINA FEMORIS. This muscle, Fig. 164, a, is situated at the upper and outer part of the thigh ; it is attached externally to the anterior and superior iliac spine, between the sartorius and gluteus OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 297 medius, by a very short tendon ; the fleshy fibres descend nearly vertically, diverging as they proceed, and about three inches above the great trochanter terminate in the laminae of the femo- ral aponeurosis. The outer surface is connected to a thin lamina of the apon- eurosis of the thigh ; the inner to another aponeurotic plate, which separates the rectus femoris from the triceps extensor cruris. It also covers a portion of the gluteus medius and glu- teus minimus muscles. The principal action of this muscle is to stretch the aponeurosis which envelopes the muscles of the thigh. It also carries the limb outwards, separating it from the other. APONEUROSIS OF THE THIGH. The inferior extremities, like the superior, are enveloped by a strong tendinous web. In the thigh it is frequently termed the fascia lata femoris ; and is composed of strong tendinous and ligamentous fibres, which cover all the muscles, and indeed send septa or partitions between them. On the outer part, it is very strong and tendinous ; but in front, and on the inner part, it is thin, and composed of a mere condensed cellular membrane. Superiorly and anteriorly the aponeurosis of the thigh is con- tinuous with the fibres of the crural arch, and is fixed posteriorly to the sacrum and os coccygis ; on the outer side, it \-z inserted into the crest of the ilium ; on the inner side, it is continuous with the ligaments of the pubis. Inferiorly, this aponeurosis is blended round the knee with that of the leg. There is a considerable opening beneath the crural arch, through which the crural vein passes. This opening is formed in the following manner: —The aponeurosis being composed of two portions, the iliac and pubic, the former is folded in the vol. i. 39 298 MUSCULAR SYSTEM shape of a sickle at that part where it ceases to be united to the crural arch. The concavity of this fold looks downwards and inwards, and is termed the falciform process ; the latter, or pubic portion, coming from the pubes, passes over the pec- tineus and adductors, and unites with the iliac portion beneath the point where the saphena vein joins the femoral. OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 299 MUSCLES OF THE LEG. ANTERIOR REGION OF THE LEG. TIBIALIS ANTICUS. a- This muscle, Fig. 169, a, b, is Fig. 169. situated quite superficially on the fibular side of the tibia. It is at- tached superiorly to the external tuberosity and outer surface of that bone, and to nearly half of the interosseous ligament, g; from these surfaces it continues to ad- here down two-thirds of the length of the leg. Its fibres also are at- tached to the inner surface of the aponeurosis of the leg, and to the intermuscular septa. The fleshy mass descends obliquely, and forming a strong tendon, crosses from the outside to the fore part of the tibia, and passing through a distinct ring of (b) the annular ligament, near the inner ankle, and running over the astragalus and os naviculare, it is inferiorly inserted, at c, into the os cunei- forme internum, and the posterior extremity of the metatarsal bone of the great toe. The anterior surface of this muscle, at its superior part, firmly adheres to the aponeurosis of the tibia; it is also connected mm 300 MUSCULAR SYSTEM with the annular ligament of the tarsus, and the dorsal apon- eurosis of the foot ; on the inner side with the tibia ; on the outer with the extensor communis digitorum pedis, extensor proprius pollicis pedis, the anterior tibial vessels and nerves. The posterior border is placed upon the interosseous ligament, the tibia, the articulation of the ankle, and the upper and inner part of the tarsus. The office of the tibialis anticus is to bend the foot upwards and inwards. It is also a flexor of the leg on the foot, and it prevents the limb from falling backwards in the standing pos- ture. PERONEUS TERT1US. The fleshy fibres of this muscle, d, e, and Fig. 171, e,/ are almost inseparably connected with the long extensor of the toes, and indeed it may be said to be the outer portion of it. It is attached superiorly to the inferior third of the anterior border of the fibula, and to the neighboring part of the internal surface. It sends its fleshy fibres forwards to a tendon which passes under the annular ligament of the tarsus in the same groove as those of d, Fig. 171, and is attached inferiorly, at e, to the posterior part of the metatarsal bone of the little toe. The outer surface of the peroneus tertius is connected with the aponeurosis of the leg ; the inner surface with the exten- sor brevis communis digitorum pedis. In the foot it passes over the extensor digitorum pedis and the first metatarsal bone : its posterior border is placed upon the fibula and interosseous ligament. The office of this muscle is to bend the foot upon the leg, raising its outer edge ; it also bends the leg on the foot. OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 301 EXTENSOR LONGUS DIGITORUM PEDIS. This muscle, a, is placed en- Fig. 170. tirely superficially between a, the tibialis anticus, Fig. 169, and d, e, the peroneus tertius, being firmly connected to them by the intermuscular mem- branes. In the figure before us it is represented drawn aside by a hook at a ; superiorly it is attached by aponeurotic and fleshy fibres, at b, to the ex- ternal tuberosity of the tibia; to the head, and to almost the whole anterior part of the in- ternal surface of the fibula, to the interosseous ligament, and to the aponeurosis of the leg, and the intermuscular septa. The fleshy fibres proceeding from these different directions, pass obliquely into a tendon marked d, Fig. 171, which below the middle of the leg is divided into four continuous portions, and pass under c, Fig. 170, the annular ligament, then over the upper part of the foot, and are distributed to the posterior extremity of the first phalanx of the four small toes, by flat tendons, which afterwards expand upon the upper surface of the toes. 302 MUSCULAR SYSTEM The anterior border of this long extensor of the toes is con- nected with the aponeurosis of the tibia, the annular ligament of the tarsus, and the integuments ; the posterior border with the fibula, the interosseous ligament, the tibia, the ankle joint, and the extensor brevis digitorum and the toes. The inner -corresponds to the tibialis anticus and extensor proprius pollicis pedis. The outer is intimately united above with the peroneus longus. at the middle with the peroneus brevis, and below with the peroneus tertius : see Fig. 171. The office of this muscle is to extend all the joints of the small toes, and to assist in raising the foot. EXTENSOR PROPRIUS POLLICIS PEDIS. The fleshy fibres of this muscle, d, are situated between the long extensor of the toes and the anterior tibial muscle, and cannot be exhibited until those muscles are separated from each other ; but the tendon is superficial, passing between the ten- dons of those two muscles. It is attached superiorly to the anterior part of the middle third of the inner surface of the fibula, and to the adjacent part of the interosseous ligament; the muscular fibres terminate in a tendon which passes in a particular groove under c, the annular ligament; runs along the inner edge of the foot, and is inserted, at e, into the upper surface of the posterior extremity of the last phalanx of the great toe. The inner surface of this muscle is connected with the tibi- alis anticus, and anterior tibial vessels and nerves ; the outer surface with the extensor communis digitorum ; the anterior border is concealed above between the tibialis anticus and ex- tensor digitorum, and is covered by the aponeurosis of the tibia and the integuments. The posterior border is placed on the OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 303 fibula, the interosseous ligament, the tibia, the anterior tibial artery, the articulation of the tibia and tarsus, and upon the back of the foot and great toe. The office of this muscle is to extend the great toe ; it also bends the leg on the foot and the foot on the leg. 304 MUSCULAR SYSTEM PERONEAL REGION. PERONEUS LONGUS. ^S-171, This muscle, g, and Fig. 174, d, is situated at the exter- nal part of the leg. Its fleshy fibres are quite superficial. It is attached superiorly to the outer side of the upper extrem- ity of the fibula, at g, and to one-third of its length down- wards, to the crural aponeurosis and to the aponeurotic septa placed between the soleus and flexor longus pollicis pedis on one side, and the extensor lon- gus pollicis pedis on the other side; the fibres run obliquely outwards into a tendon, which passes behind the outer ankle through a groove which is com- mon to it with the peroneus ter- tius : thus, at the lower end of the fibula, these tendons are bound down by a tendinous bridle. The tendon of the pe- roneus longus is then conducted through a channel in the os cal- cis and os cuboides, extends obliquely across the sole of the foot, and is attached to the posterior extremity of the metatar- sal bone of the great toe, and to the os cuneiforme internum.* * This insertion is distinctly seen in Fig. 174. OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 305 The outer suface of the peroneus longus is connected with the aponeurosis of the tibia ; the inner surface with the fibula, extensor digitorum communis, and peroneus brevis ; the poste- rior surface corresponds to the soleus above and below, to the flexor longus pollicis. The several connexions of the tendon have already been noticed. The office of this muscle is to turn the foot outward, and to assist in extending it. PERONEUS BREVIS. This muscle is situated between the extensor longus digito- rum and peroneus longus ; its muscular fibres are concealed by those of the latter muscle. It is attached superiorly to the in- ferior half of the outer surface of the fibula, and to the inter- muscular aponeurosis and to the aponeurosis of the leg. The fibres run obliquely towards a tendon which passes in a groove of the fibula at the outer ankle, where it is inclosed in tie same tendinous ring with the peroneus longus. It is continued through a channel on the outside of the os calcis, and is attached to the superior part of the posterior extremity of the metatarsal bone of the little toe : see Fig. 174, g. The outer surface of the peroneus brevis is connected with the aponeurosis of the tibia and peroneus longus : the inner surface with the fibula, the extensor digitorum communis, and the peroneus tertius above, and with the flexor longus pollicis below. The office of this muscle is to turn the foot outwards, and somewhat to extend it. vol. i. 40 306 MUSCULAR SYSTEM POSTERIOR REGION OF THE LEG. GASTROCNEMIUS EXTERNUS ET INTERNUS. These muscles are extremely large F'S-172- and strong, and principally form the calf of the leg. They are separated above into two flat fleshy masses, but are united below, where they present the strongest tendon of the whole body. The internal muscle is attach- ed superiorly, at a, to the back part of the inner condyle of the femur ; the external muscle is attached in the same manner, at 6, to the external condyle. Each of these muscles forms a large fleshy mass, which is united below the ham in a central fibrous line near the middle of the leg : at c, they become a broad aponeurosis, which as it ap- proaches the heel, forms with the two tendons of the subsequent muscles a strong round chord, at d, termed the tendo-Achillis, which is fixed at t, the posterior extremity of the os cal- cis. The anterior surface of the gas- trocnemii is connected with the con- dyles of the femur, and the synovial membrane of the articula- tion of the knee ; the outer muscle with the popliteus ; the in- ner with the semimembranosus, the popliteal artery, the plan- taris and soleus muscles ; in the remainder of its extent it is in OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 307 apposition with the soleus. The posterior surface is connected with the integuments. The separation of the two muscles, at 6, a, contributes to form the ham. The office of these muscles is to extend the foot. They are seen very strongly acting in dancing, running, leaping, and when we are raising ourselves on the toes. From their origin on the femur, they also have the power of bending the leg on the thigh. 308 MUSCULAR SYSTEM SOLEUS. If Fig. 173. This muscle is placed under the pre- ceding, but part of it appears on each side of those muscles. Superiorly it is attached, by the external portion at a, to the posterior part of the head of the fibula, and to the superior third of the oblique line on the posterior surface of the tibia, and to a portion of the inter- nal border of that bone below / the popliteus, the fleshy fibres terminating, at 6, in a broad aponeurosis ; inferi- orly, this aponeurosis is inseparably united with that of c, the gastrocnemii, forming the tendo-Achillis, which is inserted, at g, into the os calcis.* The posterior surface of the soleus is connected with the gastrocnemii and plantaris, and with the aponeuro- sis of the leg; the anterior surface with the peroneus longus, popliteus, flexor longus digitorum, flexor longus pollicis, and tibialis posticus muscles, a portion of the back of the fibula, the popliteal, posterior tibial, and fibu- lar vessels. This muscle assists the gastrocnemii in extending the foot and in raising the heel in progression. * From the circumstance of the three muscles being united into one ten- don, H. Cloquet has described them as a single muscle, under the name of rtriceps extensor pedis. OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 309 PLANTARIS. This muscle, which is long, and extremely thin and narrow, is situated under the outer portion of the gastrocnemius. It is attached superiorly, at d, to the posterior part of the external condyle of the femur, and adheres to the capsule of the knee joint, and to the tendon of the gastrocnemius externus. It forms behind the joint a small fleshy fasciculus, which passes over the popliteus, / and sends a very long and slender tendon, e, obliquely inwards, which accompanies c, the tendo-Achillis, to be attached with it, at g, to the os calcis. The posterior surface of the plantaris is connected with the gastrocnemii and integuments; the anterior surface with the ligaments at the posterior part of the knee joint, the popliteal vessels, and the popliteus and soleus muscles. The particular use of this muscle has been a question with physiologists ; although it is generally classed with the exten- sors of the foot, it is so extremely slender that it can have but little power in the motions of the limb. I am of opinion, that its office is solely to contract the foldings of the capsule, so as to prevent injury in the flexion of the knee joint. POPLITEUS. This is a small muscle, Fig. 174, a, Fig. 173,/ of a trian- gular figure, situated across the back part of the knee joint. It is attached superiorly within the capsule of the knee joint, by a round tendon, to the depression of the external condyle of the femur; it adheres to the posterior and outer surface of the semilunar cartilage ; and at the back part of the condyle it perforates the capsular ligament, and forms a fleshy mass, 310 MUSCULAR SYSTEM which, passing obliquely inwards, is attached inferiorly, broad, thin, and fleshy, to the superior triangular surface at the back part of the tibia. The posterior surface of the popliteus is connected with the gastrocnemii and plantaris muscles, the popliteal vessels, and the posterior tibial nerve ; the anterior surface with the arti- culation of the tibia and fibula, the tibialis posticus muscle, and the tibia. The outer margin is united above by a thin mem- brane with the upper part of the fibula and soleus. The office of this muscle is to bend the thigh and the leg ; but chiefly, like the preceding, it prevents the capsule from being compressed in the motions of the knee joint. OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 311 FLEXOR LONGUS DIGITORUM PEDIS. This muscle 6, is situated be- neath the soleus; it is attached superiorly to the posterior surface of the tibia, and to the superior oblique line, until it arrives within three inches of the ankle. The fleshy fibres pass obliquely into a tendon at the posterior edge of the muscle ; this tendon runs behind the inner ankle in a groove of the tibia, and is secured in this situa- tion by a strong ligament, which is extended from the ankle to the os calcis, and having received a tendinous slip from the flexor lon- gus pollicis, divides about the mid- dle of the sole of the foot into four tendons, which pass through slips in the tendons of the flexor digitorum brevis, and are finally attached to the posterior part of the inferior surface of the last phalanx of the four small toes. The posterior surface of this muscle is connected with the so- leus muscle, the tibial aponeurosis, and the posterior tibial artery; the anterior surface with the tibia and the tibialis posticus muscle. The outer border is united with that muscle, and with the flexor proprius pollicis pedis. In the foot, the upper surface is connected with the deep-seated muscles of the sole, and the lower surface of its tendons with the adductor 312 MUSCULAR SYSTEM pollicis, flexor brevis digitorum, adductor minimi digiti muscles, and the plantar nerve. The office of this muscle is to bend the last joint of the toes, to extend the foot; and it is of great use in walking and standing. FLEXOR LONGUS POLLICIS PEDIS. This muscle, c, e, Fig. 174, is placed on the outer side of the preceding, between that muscle and the peroneus longus. It is attached superiorly by fleshy fibres to the middle part of the back of the fibula, to the interosseous ligament, and the aponeurotic septa; the muscular fibres, c, terminate in a tendon at e, which passes behind the inner ankle ; (it is found further back, that is, nearer the os calcis, than the flexor longus digi- torum pedis) ; and in the sole of the foot it crosses the tendon of that muscle to be ultimately attached at/ the last joint of the groat toe. The posterior surface of this muscle is connected with the soleus and aponeurosis of the tibia ; the anterior surface with the fibula, the tibialis posticus, and the flexor longus communis muscles, the tibia, and the interosseous ligament. Its tendon is enveloped by synovial membranes behind the ankle joint, and under the great toe, and by the flexor brevis pollicis un- der the sole of the foot. This muscle bends the great toe, and assists in extending the foot on the leg. OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 313 TIBIALIS POSTICUS. The flexor longus digitorum pe- dis, and the flexor longus pollicis pedis, are here removed to show the situation of the tibialis posticus ; the muscles which cover the tendon in the sole of the foot also are separa- ted to exhibit its inferior attach- ment. Superiorly, the tibialis pos- ticus is attached to the posterior surface of the tibia at c, to the fibula at/ to the surface of the interosse- ous ligament, and to the aponeu- rotic septa; the fibres pass obliquely, at b, towards a central tendon, which passes behind the inner an- kle in a channel of the tibia, and is inferiorly inserted into the internal and inferior part of the os navicu- lare, sending tendinous filaments to the adjacent bones. The anterior surface of the tibi- alis posticus is connected with the tibia and fibula, a large extent of the interosseous ligament, and the inferior part of the os calcis and scaphoides. The posterior surface is covered by the soleus, the flexor longus digitorum, and the flexor proprius pollicis muscles, and by the fibrous sheath of the inner malleolus. This muscle is an extensor of the foot, and draws it inwards. VOL. I. 41 314 MUSCULAR SYSTEM M USCLES OF THE FOOT. DORSAL REGION. EXTENSOR BREVIS DIGITORUM PEDIS. Fig. 176. This is a broad flat muscle, situated on the upper part of the foot; the tendons of the long extensor pass over it, but in this figure they are cut off near the toes. Pos- teriorly, the extensor brevis, a, is attached, at c, to the upper surface of the os calcis, the os cuboides, and the astragalus; its fleshy fibres divide at b, b, b, b, into four portions, each of which sends off a slender tendon ; one of them is inserted anteriorly into the first phalanx of the great toe, the others into all the small toes except the little one, and uniting with the tendons of the extensor longus, they invest the upper surface of the phalanges of the toes. The upper surface of the short exten- sor of the toes is connected with a very thin aponeurotic lamina extended over the back of the foot, and with the tendons of the long extensor of the toes ; the inferior surface with the tarsus, the metatarsus, the interossei dorsales muscles, and the phalanges. The office of this muscle is to assist in extending the first tour toes, and it directs them a little outwards. INTEROSSEI EXTERNI. These small muscles are similar in form and arrangement to those of the hand. They are seen on the back of the foot at OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 315 b, b, b, b; being attached posteriorly between the metatarsal bones of all the toes ; anteriorly, to the first joint of the smaller toes. They are divided into adductors and abductors of the toes. The office of these muscles is to separate the toes. PLANTAR REGION. FLEXOR BREVIS DIGITORUM PEDIS. This muscle, a, is situated in the Fig. 177. middle part of the sole of the foot. Pos- teriorly it is attached to the inferior sur- face of d, the os calcis, to the inner sur- face of the plantar aponeurosis, and to the tendinous septa interposed between this muscle and the abductors of the toes. It forms a thick fleshy mass, and divides into four tendons, which, having ad- vanced beyond the tarsus, are split for the passage of the long flexor tendons, and are ultimately attached to the infe- rior surface of the second phalanx of the four lesser toes. The tendon to the lit- tle toe, however, is not always found. The inferior surface of the short flexor of the toes is connected with the plantar aponeurosis ; the superior surface with the lumbricales and accessory muscle of the flexor longus, with the plantar vessels and nerves, and with the tendons of the long flexor. The inner border is united to the adductor pollicis, posteriorly but is separated from it anteriorly by the tendon of the flexor longus and a portion of the flexor brevis of the great toe ; the 316 MUSCULAR SYSTEM outer border is contiguous anteriorly to the flexor brevis mini- mi digiti; posteriorly it is annexed to the abductor minimi digiti. This muscle bends the second joint of the toes. ABDUCTOR POLLICIS PEDIS. This muscle, c, is placed at the inner edge of the foot. It is attached posteriorly to the lower and inner part of d, the os calcis, and plantar aponeurosis ; anteriorly to the inner sesa- moid bone, and base of the first bone of the great toe. The inferior surface of the adductor of the great toe is con- nected with the flexor communis digitorum pedis, the flexor ac- cessorius, the lumbricales muscles, and the plantar aponeurosis ; on the inner border with the flexor brevis pollicis pedis, the tendon of the peroneus longus, and the outer side of the meta- tarsal bone; on the outer border with the interosseous muscles and external plantar artery. The office of this muscle is to carry the great toe from the others. ABDUCTOR MINIMI DIGITI PEDIS. This muscle, o, is situated at the outer edge of the sole of the foot. Posteriorly, it is attached to the outer side of d, the os calcis, to a ligament which passes from that bone to the me- tatarsal bone of the little toe, and to the plantar aponeurosis; anteriorly, to the outside of the first bone of the little toe. This muscle carries the little toe outwards and downwards. OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 317 FLEXOR DIGITORUM ACCESSORIUS.* This muscle, a, is situated at the posterior part of the sole of the foot. It is attached on the one part by aponeurotic fibres to the inferior and internal surface of c, the os calcis, from which it proceeds in a horizontal direction; on the other part it is inserted into the external border of b, the tendon of the flexor longus digito- rum pedis. The inferior surface is con- nected with the adductor pollicis pedis, flexor brevis digitorum pe- dis, adductor minimi digiti pedis, and the plantar vessels and nerves; the superior surface with the os calcis, the superficial inferior ligament of the os calcis and os cuboides, and with the abductor minimi digiti pedis. The office of this muscle is to assist the flexor longus digi- torum pedis. LUMBRICALES PEDIS. These muscles, Fig. 178, c, c, c, c, are similar in form and number to the lumbricales of the hand ; they are an apparatus of moving powers to assist the flexors of the toes. The lum- bricales pedis are situated at the anterior part of the foot, and extend from the tendons of the flexor longus digitorum pedis, to the first phalanx of the four lesser toes. * Or massa carnea Jacobi Sylvii. 318 MUSCULAR SYSTEM The inferior surfaces of the lumbricales are connected with the plantar aponeurosis; their superior surfaces with the ab- ductor pollicis pedis, the transversus pedis, and with the plan- tar interosseous muscles. The office of the lumbricales is to bend the toes, and to draw them a little inwards. FLEXOR BREVIS POLLICIS PEDIS. The fleshy part of this Fig. 179. muscle, a, is connected al- most inseparably to the ad- ductor and abductor polli- cis. It is attached posteri- orly to the fore part of the os calcis, and to the two cuneiform bones ; extending anteriorly to the inferior and lateral part of the first pha- lanx of the great toe, and to the sesamoid bones of the articulation. The inferior surface of the short flexor of the great toe is connected with the plantar aponeurosis, flexor proprius, and adductor pollicis pedis ; the superior surface with the tendon of the peroneus longus, and with the first metatarsal bone: the inner edge is united to the abductor pollicis. The office of this muscle is to bend the first joint of the great toe. OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITY. 319 ADDUCTOR POLLICIS PEDIS. This muscle, 6, is placed at the internal part of the sole of the foot. Posteriorly, it is attached by aponeurotic and fleshy fibres, at a, b, in two portions, to a strong ligament, which ex- tends from the os calcis to the os cuboides, and to the plantar aponeurosis ; from these different attachments it advances to be inserted into the outer sesamoid bone, and the base of the first phalanx of the great toe. The inferior surface of this muscle is connected with the plantar aponeurosis ; the superior surface with the flexor ac- cessorius, the flexor brevis pollicis, the tendons of the flexor longus digitorum pedis, the tibialis anticus and posticus, and with the plantar vessels and nerves. This muscle carries the great toe outwards, and bends it a little. FLEXOR BREVIS MINIMI DIGITI PEDIS. This muscle, d, is situated at the outer edge of the sole of the foot. It is attached posteriorly to the metatarsal bone of the little toe, and to the ligamentous sheath of the tendon of the peroneus longus; anteriorly, it is inserted into the first joint of the little toe. The inferior surface is connected with the plantar aponeu- rosis and abductor minimi digiti pedis; the superior surface with the fourth metatarsal bone and last plantar interosseous muscle. The office of this muscle is to assist in the flexion of the little toe. TRANSVERSUS PEDIS. This muscle, e, is situated at the anterior part of the sole of the foot. It is attached on the outer side to the ligaments of 320 MUSCULAR SYSTEM the four last articulations of the phalanges of the toes with the metatarsus ; on the inner side, to the external border of the first joint of the great toe. The inferior surface of the transversus pedis is connected with the tendons of the long and short flexors of the toes, the lumbricales, and the collateral vessels and nerves of the toes ; the superior surface with the interosseous muscles. This muscle carries the great toe outwards, and brings the metatarsal bones nearer to each other. INTEROSSEI INTERNI. These muscles, c, are three in number, and are situated in the sole of the foot. They are attached posteriorly between the metatarsal bones of the four lesser toes ; anteriorly by ten- dons to the inside of the first joints of the three smaller toes. The office of these muscles is to move the three smaller toes towards the greater toe. APONEUROSIS OF THE LEG. This is continuous superiorly with the femoral aponeurosis; it adheres strongly to every projecting point of bone, as to the head and spine of the tibia, and to the fibula. At the inferior part of the leg it has very strong adhesions to the outer and inner ankle: it is continuous also with the annular ligament of the instep, and is fixed on the outer side to the sheath of the tendons of the peroneal muscles, and on the inner side to the internal annular ligament. ANNULAR LIGAMENT OF THE INSTEP. This is a transverse band of fibres which binds down the tendons of the extensors of the foot and toes; the anterior OF THE INFERIOR EXTREMITV. 321 part of the annular ligament is attached on the one side to the external part of the os calcis; on the other side to the anterior part of the inner malleolus. It embraces the tendons of the extensor longus pollicis pedis, the extensor longus digitorum pedis, the peroneus tertius, and the tibialis anticus. The inter- nal annular ligament is broader, extending from the internal malleolus to the os calcis ; it forms with that bone a species of canal, which contains the sheaths of the tendons of the tibialis posticus, the flexor longus digitorum pedis, the flexor longus pollicis pedis, and the plantar vessels and nerves. See Fig. 170, and 171* * The plantar aponeurosis so much partakes of the nature of a ligament, that I have thought proper to arrange and describe it with the ligaments. See p. 133. VOL. I. 42 322 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. OBSERVATIONS ON THE MUSCLES. In describing the offices of muscles I have confined my ob- servations to their simple motions, but there are very few sim- ple motions in the animal economy : almost every kind of con- traction is the effect of a combined effort of several of the mus- cles. One action produces another : for this reason, the two points by which a muscle is attached have an equal tendency to move ; if not prevented by the action of other muscles, both extremes would come into motion when the muscle contracted : thus, by the contraction of the extensors of the leg, the limb would be bent on the foot equally with the foot on the leg, if the foot was not fixed ; but it can only be so fixed by means of muscles acting in a reverse, or opposition to the extensors ; therefore, whenever two points of attachment are movable, the simple motion of the one extreme supposes the contraction of a muscular power to fix the other. No muscles are enabled to move singly without the aid of other muscles, except those which are inserted by one of their extremities into a fixed, and by the other into a movable point, as those of the eye, and the greatest part of the moving powers of the face. We may re- mark, however, that there is always an immovable line or point from which every ordinary motion originates, and one extremity is always more movable than the other ; thus, although the two attachments of the gastrocnemii are movable, yet these mus- cles act more effectually upon the foot than upon the femur. To ascertain the office of a muscle, we must examine its direc- tion from the more fixed, up to the more movable point — the re- verse of that direction is the line of action. The tibialis anticus directed downwards and inwards raises the foot and brings it out- OBSERVATIONS ON THE MUSCLES. 323 wards ; the rectus femoris directed from the pelvis towards the patella raises the leg without the least deviation. Every other muscle, whatever may be its attachments, has the same disposi- tion : they always act in the reverse of the line of their direction ; the coraco-brachialis, which is directed downwards and outwards from the shoulder towards the arm, moves the latter upwards and inwards. By this rule, when we see a muscle we may de- cide for what uses it was intended. The whole effort of the contraction in long muscles is usually concentrated on a single point of the tendon : in the greatest part of wide muscles, on the contrary, the insertions being on the sides, and by a number of points, all the fibres have not a uniform action. The different parts of the same muscle may be intended for very different, and even for opposite uses ; thus, the anterior fibres of the deltoides advance the arm, the posterior draw it backward, and the lower part of the serratus major does not act like the upper; frequently, even different portions of the same muscle do not contract simultaneously : the upper portion of the trapezius may act independently of the lower ; the same may be observed of the muscles of deglutition. In the long muscles, however, every fasciculus concurs to pro- duce the same effect at the same moment. If a wide muscle is concentrated in one common point, as the temporal and deltoid, which is attached to a multiplicity of points on the one part, and on the other is attached by a single tendon, then the average direction of all its fibres is to be taken to ascertain its office. If a muscle is attached by many points ,at each extremity, the line of direction of its fasciculi must be examined to judge of its action. It is in this way we under- stand the action of the rhomboideus, serratus magnus, etc. In those muscles which are reflected, as the obliquus superior of the eye, the circumflexus palati, the peronei, etc., the action of the muscle must be calculated from the point of reflexion only. The orbicular muscles, as those situated around the lips, the 324 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. eyes, etc., have in general no fixed point; they are intended merely to contract the aperture around which they are situated. Let it again be observed, that with a very few exceptions, the actions of muscles are associated. A number of muscles are required, even to nod the head, to maintain the body erect, to put it in motion, or to continue it in progression; and in very great bodily efforts, all the voluntary muscles appear to be in action. In early life, the muscular system appears to be penetrated with less blood than at a later period, the muscles of the infant being of a much paler color than those of the adult; as age ad- vances they gradually assume a deeper color, they receive a greater supply of blood-vessels, and consequently are more abundantly nourished than many other organs. During the period of infancy and youth, the conformation of the male and female muscles is analogous. In the former, after growth in stature is completed, the muscles increase in bulk ; to the slen- der and rounded form of adolescence, alternate projections and depressions mark the outline of the more manly form ; and we may remark at this period the muscular system appears (if the organs are well exercised) through the integuments, the fleshy masses of muscular fibre forming prominences separated by dis- tinct grooves. Painters and sculptors pay great attention to the developement of the muscles, making them characteristic of the figures they represent under different circumstances and modes of life ; as we may observe in the statues of the Farnese Hercules and Pancratiastse, contrasted with those of the Anti- nous and Apollo Belvidere. As the muscles increase in thickness, they acquire more den- sity. A remarkable difference may be observed in the firmness of the muscles, especially in a state of contraction, in the adult and in the infant, and between persons who are accustomed to take a great deal of robust exercise and those who are less ac- customed to exertion ; thus, while the sedentary and indolent OBSERVATIONS ON THE MUSCLES. 325 are remarkable for the flaccidity of their muscles, the active have them firmly developed. The gymnastic exercises are very much calculated to produce this effect, and to strengthen the moving powers ; but such exercises should be taken gradually, and youth should not be urged to exertions beyond those which they can accomplish without subsequent painful sensations. In the prime of life, the color of the muscles is a deep red; in the subsequent stages of life they gradually fade ; but there are other causes besides advanced age which destroy the bril- liancy of their hue, such as ill health, and excesses of any kind, which have a depressing influence on the vital powers. As age advances, the muscles undergo other changes : the fibres become tough and resistant, and their excess of density seems to prevent their contraction ; at least, they can no lon- ger perform with such rapidity as formerly, nor can movements be continued so long, for weariness sooner follows. But though in persons advanced in life the fibres are dense, the general feeling of the muscles is loose and flaccid, and the calves of the legs quiver in walking, as if less capable of action. Old age is a period at which motion causes a tremor of the whole muscular system. Why is this ? Bichat says, it is because the mus- cles no longer possess a sufficient degree of contractility, and that they are thus too long for the spaces which they fill. This appears to proceed from the contractility of the tissue being reduced in the last stage of life. We are convinced of this fact by comparing a muscle divided transversely in a young and in an aged person : in the former it contracts much more than in the latter. By the very great contractility of the muscles of youth, all the fibres are drawn closer together during repose, as well as in action ; but in the progress of age this effect is no longer pro- duced : these organs therefore remain lax and flaccid, a phe- nomenon which indicates the low state of contractile power. As the blood flows in less quantity to the muscular system 326 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. of infants, and increases gradually as persons become of an adult age, so the quantity of blood decreases as persons become advanced in years ; the vessels in old subjects become partially obliterated, and the parts being deprived of their former supply of the vital fluid, are left in the state before described, possessed of a reduced state of vital contractility and sensibility. The condition of the muscular system after death depends upon the causes which produced it; in ordinary cases, after a short time the dead body becomes stiff, and retains the form it is placed in, until decomposition takes place ; but in some par- ticular cases, as in poisoning and suffocation from the fumes of charcoal, and in several other instances, the muscles never be- come firm : all contractility is extinct, and the body continues soft and flexible. BURSAE. 327 BURSJE MUCOSAE, or Mucous Bags. The structures we are about to describe not only enter into the composition of joints, but are placed between the tendons and bones exposed to much friction, and therefore may be con- sidered as auxiliaries to the moving powers. The bursae muco- sas are intended for the same purpose as the synovial membranes, viz., to produce or secrete a fluid similar to the synovia, which lubricates contiguous surfaces. Their structure and anatomical arrangement are nearly the same, both being shut sacs. Dr. Monroe discovered and described 140 of them, and since which several other bursae have been described by Dr. Rosenmuller of Leipsic ; they perform the office of friction-wheels in ma- chinery, and take off too severe pressure or friction from the bone or tendon. Bursae vary considerably in size, as well as in form, some being oval or circular, others elongated, so as to form sheaths which inclose tendons. Thus, where tendons are retained in situ by fibrous sheaths, the contiguous surfaces are invested by a bursal membrane reflected over them, as the dif- ferent flexor and extensor tendons in both extremities ; and also where a muscle has to slide over a bony prominence, as where the gluteus maximus passes over the great trochanter, a bursa is interposed ; or where processes of bone play on fibrous structures, as between the acromion and the capsule of the shoulder joint. These instances will suffice to point out the operation of the general principle which determines the forma- tion of synovial or mucous bursae. The following enumeration is from Mr. Bell, and constitute the principal bursae of the hu- man body. In connexion with the Shoulder Joint : 1st. A very large bursa under the acromion, and betwixt it and the head of the humerus. 328 MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 2d. Between the head of the clavicle and the coracoid pro- cess of the scapula. 3d. Upon the capsule of the shoulder joint and under the tendon of the subscapularis muscle. 4th. Under the deltoid muscle. 5th. Under the tendon of the latissimus dorsi. The principal bursae around the Elbow Joint are, 1st. Between the tendon of the biceps flexor cubiti and the radius. 2d. Over the round head of the radius and the extensor muscles. 3d. On the olecranon and under the triceps tendon. About the Wrist, 1st. A large bursa between the flexor tendons and the carpus 2d. On the trapezium. 3d. On the os pisiforme. 4th. On the back of the carpus and under the extensor carpi radialis. 5th. Between the ligament of the wrist and the tendon of the extensor carpi ulnaris. Besides these sacs or proper bursae, sheaths surround the ten- dons of almost all the muscles of the wrist joint. On the Pelvis, 1st. A large bursa between the gluteus maximus and the vastus externus. 2d. Between the capsule of the hip joint and the psoas magnus and iliacus intemus. 3d. Under the pectinalis. 4th. A large one on the surface of the trochanter major, under the gluteus minimus. 5th. On the os ischii and under the origin of the biceps. 6th. Under the tendons of the rotators of the thigh bone. BURS2E. 329 In the Thigh, and around the Knef. Joint, 1st. Under the tendon of the extensors of the leg, and com- municating with the knee joint. 2d. Under the ligament of the patella. 3d. Between the insertion of the semimembranosus and the origin of the gastrocnemius. 4th. Over the internal lateral ligament of the knee joint. 5th. Under the popliteus. Several irregular bursae are found around those tendons which are inserted into the tibia and fibula. Around the Ankle Joint. All the principal tendons which cross the ankle joint have bursae under or around them, as the tendon of the tibialis anti- cus, the extensor proprius, the extensor digitorum, the peroneus longus and brevis. There is also a proper bursa between the tendo-Achillis and the os calcis ; another under the flexor lon- gus pollicis, and also under the flexor longus digitorum and the tibialis posticus. It is necessary for the surgeon to know these bursae ; because, after a sprain and injuries, effusion takes place in them, and they present a puffy swelling over the joint not easily under- stood without the recollection of the natural anatomical struc- ture. VOL. I. 43 ART. V. VASCULAR SYSTEM. CHAP. I. ORGANS OF CIRCULATION. THE HEART AND ITS ENVELOPES THE PERICARDIUM. Fig. 180. THE PERICARDIUM. 331 The heart is the central organ of circulation ; and the peri- cardium, b, bf is a membranous bag which encloses the heart, a, and the roots of the arterial and venous trunks which issue from it. It is situated in the lower part of the anterior medias- tinum, above the aponeurotic centre of the diaphragm. It is connected anteriorly with the pleura, the thymus gland, the ster- num, and the cartilages of the sixth and seventh ribs of the left side; posteriorly with the bronchial tubes, the oesophagus, and the descending aorta: laterally with the pleura, e, the phrenic nerves, and the inner surface of the lungs. The pericardium is composed of two membranes, an outer fibrous and an inner serous. The fibrous membrane is intimately united below with the aponeurosis of the diaphragm ; it ascends around the heart, em- braces it as far as the base, and is continued to a certain dis- tance upon the trunks of the great vessels. The pericardium, therefore, is not perforated by these vessels, but its fibrous lam- ina forms sheaths for them. The serous membrane is much more extended than the fibrous membrane ; for after lining the inner surface of the pericardium, it entirely covers the heart, and is continued upon the aorta above its first curve ; to the right, it is reflected upon the su- perior vena cava ; to the left, upon the pulmonary artery before its bifurcation, and upon the right pulmonary veins immediately after their issuing from the lungs. This serous membrane of the pericardium dips into all the irregularities of the surface of the heart, where it is extremely thin and transparent, and is not easily demonstrated ; it also adheres intimately to the fibrous membrane, but it has very little attachment to the vessels, and can be raised from their surface without difficulty. The inner surface of this membrane is smooth, glistening, everywhere in contact with itself, and is moistened with a se- rous fluid to prevent ill effect from the heart's motion. 332 THE BLOOD. The arteries of the pericardium are very small, and are derived from larger arteries in the immediate vicinity. The veins cor- respond to the arteries, and partly terminate in the vena azy- gos. There have not yet been any nervous filaments traced into its laminae. THE BLOOD. I shall premise a few remarks on the blood, before I proceed to describe the organs which circulate it. The general appearance of human blood is too well known to render it necessary for me to describe it. The blood circu- lates in the heart, arteries, and veins ; the estimated quantity is about twenty-eight pounds in an adult. In the veins it is of so deep a color that it is generally termed black blood; in the ar- teries it is of a bright vermilion color. In order to render the difference between venous and arterial blood more distinct, Magendie has given the following table of them: — Venous Blood. Arterial Blood. Color, Black red, Vermilion red. Odour, - Weak, Strong. Temperature, - 101 • 75° F. Near 104° F. Capacity for caloric, -852* 839. Specific gravity, 1051t 1049. Coagulation, - Less rapid, More rapid. Serum, More abundant, Less abundant. • Water being one thousand. — Dr. J. Davy. Philosophical Trans. 1815. t Water being one thousand. THE BLOOD. 333 The blood is the most important fluid of the body, and most essential to the support of its functions. Many able anato- mists and physiologists have considered it as a living fluid ; and the arguments of those who maintain its vitality are very strong : I consider, stronger than those who take an opposite view of the question. While hot and in motion in its vessels, the blood remains constantly fluid; when it cools and is at rest, it coagulates and becomes a gelatinous mass, which grad- ually separates into two parts: the one, the crassamentum or the more solid part, the other, the serum or fluid. The respective relations in the quantity of serum to the crassamentum, and those of the coloring matter to the fibrin, are variable, according to the circumstances of age and the state of the health. The crassamentum forms more than half of the blood ; it is plastic, thick, and in consistence like a strong glutinous jelly, which soon putrifies in the air; but dried by a gentle heat, becomes a dark brittle mass. The surface of the coagulum, after being exposed in a vessel to atmospheric air, becomes of a florid red color ; but the lower surface contiguous to the ves- sel is of a deep black ; the change of color on the surface is supposed to be owing to the oxygen of the atmosphere uniting with the blood. The crassamentum is composed of— 1st, red globules; 2d, fibrin. The red globules are obtained by agitating the crassamentum of the blood in the serum ; when the globules, on examination with a powerful microscope, will be found floating in that fluid. According to the observations of Captain Kater and Dr. Young, who measured the red globules of the blood with a micrometer, and thus agree that the size of them is between ^Vrr ana"