m**°!T jfl|t.tf/(/^lvif/i ^ 'A,' 1 Y -38*"^ (J if A rtek, ORDINANCES AND BY-LAWS COLLEGE OF PHYSICIA.VS PHILADELPHIA. 'i'' NUN Sllil SKI) TO'IH. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Washington Founded 1836 U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Public Health Serrice CHARTER, ORDINANCES AND BY-LAWS COLLEGE OF^PHYSICIANS d*, -> **0»*»*'-*S*W' PHILADELPHIA. NON SIBI SED TOTI. 3/2^ PHILADELPHIA: COLLINS, PRINTER, 705 JAYNE STREET. 1864. ^ ,j ■ ( . ■;■• MS The College was instituted in January, 1787, and incorporated in March, 1789 ; the Ordinances and By-Laws were revised and finally adopted July, 1840 ; since which time various additions and amendments have been made to them, all of which are incorporated in the present revised edition. Approved, Decem- ber, 1863. CONTENTS. Charter ......... Okdinaxces and By-Laws. Chap. I. Members and Membership . II. Officers of the College and their Duties III. The Council..... IV. Meetings...... V. Standing Committees VI. Committee of Publication . VII. Library Committee .... VIII. Committee of the Mutter Museum IX. Hall Committee ..... X. Committee on Lectures XI. Special Committees .... XII. Rules for Government of Library XIII. Rules of Order..... XIV. Code of Medical Ethics and Fee Bill . XV. Revision and Enactment of Ordinances and By-Laws..... List of Members....... APPENDIX. Articles of Agreement between Dr. Mutter and the College 73 Extracts from Deed of Trust of Dr. Mutter and wife . . 79 • CHARTER. An Act for tite Incorporation of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia. 1. Whereas, the Physicians of*Philadelphia, influ- enced by a conviction of the many advantages which have arisen from literary institutions, have associated themselves under the name and title of The College of Physicians of Philadelphia : 2. And whereas, the objects of this College are to advance the science of medicine, and thereby to lessen human misery, by investigating the diseases and remedies which are peculiar to this country; by observing the effect of different seasons, climates, and situations upon the human body; by recording the changes which are produced in disease by the progress of agriculture, arts, population, and man- ners ; by searching for medicines in the American woods, waters, and in the bowels of the earth; by enlarging the avenues to knowledge from the dis- coveries and publications of foreign countries; and by cultivating order and uniformity in the practice of physic: 3. And whereas, the said College of Physicians have prayed us, the Kepresentatives of the Freemen l* (■I of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, that they may be created a body politic and corporate, forever, with such powers, privileges, and immunities as may best answer the laudable purposes which the mem- bers thereof have in view; wherefore to assist and encourage the said College of Physicians, in the prosecution and advancement of useful knowledge for the benefit of their country, and of mankind, 4.-. Be it enacted, and it is hereby enacted, by the Representatives of the Freemen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and by the authority of the same, That the members of the said College of Physicians, that is to say, John Redman, John Jones, "William Shippen, Jun., Adam Kuhn, John Morgan, Benjamin Rush, Samuel Duffield, Gerardus Clarkson, George Glentworth, Thomas Parke, James Hutchinson, Robert Harris, John Car- son, Benjamin Duffield, William W. Smith, John Foulke, Samuel Powell Griffitts, AVilliam Clarkson, William Currie, Benjamin Say, Andrew Ross, John Morris, Nathan Dorsey, James Cunningham, Caspar Wistar, Jun., Michael Leib, and John H. Gibbons, be, and the same persons are, and shall be, a body corporate and politic in deed and in name, by the name and style of " The College of Physicians of Philadelphia," and, by the same name, they and their successors are hereby constituted and con- firmed one body corporate and politic in law, to have perpetual succession, and to be able and capable to have, hold and enjoy any goods and chattels, lands, tenements, rents, hereditaments, gifts, and bequests, i of what nature soever, in fee simple, or for term of years, life or lives, or otherwise; and also to grant, sell, alien, assign, or let the same lands, tenements, and premises, according to the nature of the respec- tive grants and bequests made to the said corpora- tion, and of the estate of the said corporation therein; provided, that the amount of the clear yearly value of such real estate exceed not the sum of five hun- dred pounds, lawful money of this commonwealth. 5. The said corporation be, and shall be forever hereafter, able and capable in law, to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, defend and be defended, in all or any courts of justice and other places, in all manner of suits, actions, complaints, pleas, causes, and matters of what nature or kind soever; and that it shall and may be lawful to and for the said corporation, forever here- after, to have and use a common seal, and the same seal, at the will and pleasure of the said corporation, to break, change, alter, and renew. 6. For the well ordering of the said corporation and' its affairs, there shall be, at all times hereafter, the following officers of the same; that is to say, one President, one Vice-President, four Censors, a Secre- tary and a Treasurer, who shall be chosen, annually, from amongst the Fellows of the said College of Physicians, on the first Tuesday in the month of July, forever hereafter* or within one calendar month after * By a decree of the Court of Common Pleas, Dec 3d 1855, the clause in Italics was altered to read as follows : Wednesday in the month of January next, and annually thereafter. 8 the same day, in any }Tear; and that John Redman be the present President of the said College; John Jones, the present Vice-President; AVilliam Shippen, Jun., Adam Kuhn, Benjamin Rush, and Samuel Duf- field, the present Censors; Samuel Powell Griffitts, the present Secretary; and Gerardus Clarkson, the present Treasurer of the said College: and shall be and remain the President, Vice-President, Censors, Secretary, and Treasurer, respectively of the said College, until they be superseded by a new election to be made by the Fellows of the said College as aforesaid; and all vacancies by death, resignation, or otherwise, which shall at any time hereafter happen in any of the said offices, may be filled by a special election, to be hoklen so often as occasion shall re- quire. 7. The authorities and duties of the officers of the said corporation who are hereinbefore mentioned, and of any others which the said corporation shall see fit to appoint, the times of meeting of the said corporation, the admission of members, and the other concerns of the said corporation, shall be regulated by the by-laws and ordinances of the said corpora- tion, heretofore made or to be made, touching the premises. 8. Provided always, That no by-laws nor ordi- nances of the said corporation, hereafter made, shall be binding upon the officers or members thereof, unless the same shall be proposed at one regular meeting of the said corporation, 'and enacted and received at another, after the intervention of at least 9 thirty days. And that no sale, or alienation, or lease for above three years, of any part of the real estate of the said corporation, shall be valid, unless the terms and nature of such sale or lease be proposed at a previous meeting of the said corporation. Signed by order of the House, Richard Peters, Speaker. Enacted into a law, at Philadelphia, on Thursday, the twenty-sixth day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred eighty-nine. Peter Zachary Lloyd, Cleric of the General Assembly. ORDINANCES AND BY-LAWS. CHAPTER I. MEMBERS AND MEMBERSHIP. 1. The College shall consist of Fellows and Asso- ciates. 2. The Fellows shall be practitioners of medicine, of good character and standing in their profession, residing within the city of Philadelphia, and over twenty-four years of age. 3. The Associates shall be distinguished practi- tioners of medicine, residing beyond the limits of the city. A. No person who gives his support to any system of practice, which is sustained by efforts to weaken or diminish public confidence in the science of medi- cine, or in the medical profession, or who, by adver- tisement or other means, announces his claim to superior qualifications in the treatment of diseases, or of a particular disease or class of diseases; or who holds a patent or a part of a patent for a surgical instrument; or who enters into a collusive agree- ment with an apothecary with a view to pecuniary 12 profit or to professional patronage; or who gives the formula of a prescription to one apothecary, which he refuses to give to others; or who deals in secret medicines, or publicly recommends them, shall be considered eligible as a Fellow or Asso- ciate of the College. And, any Fellow or Asso- ciate who hereafter may be so engaged, shall forfeit his right to membership, on the fact being reported as established, by the Board of Censors. An appeal from the decision of the Censors is permitted in this as in all other cases. 5. Candidates for Fellowship or Associateship may be proposed in writing, at any stated meeting, by three Fellows; but they shall be balloted for only at the stated meetings in January, April, July, and October; when, if four-fifths of the ballots cast be in their favor, they shall be pronounced duly elected; provided, however, that the report of the Council in their case is favorable, and there are present at the meeting at least twenty Fellows. 6. All propositions for Fellowship or Associate- ship shall be read at the meetings of the College intervening between the one at which they were presented and that at which the candidates are to be balloted for. 7. No candidate who is rejected shall be again proposed within twelve months from the period of such rejection. 8. The names of the persons proposed as candi- dates for Fellowship or Associateship shall not be placed on permanent record, unless the said candi- 13 dates are elected. In case of the rejection of any candidate, the paper containing his nomination shall be destroyed immediately after the ballot. 9. No person elected a Fellow shall be recognized as a member of the College until he shall have sub- scribed the Ordinances and By-Laws, and paid his initiation fee. If he omit such signing and payment for the period of three months, his election shall become void. 10. The initiation fee shall be fifteen dollars, pay- able at or before signing the Ordinances and By- laws. The annual contribution shall be five dollars, payable, in advance, at the stated meeting in January. To all annual contributions that shall remain unpaid after the meeting in July, ten per cent, shall be added. 11. Any Fellow who neglects or declines the payment of his annual contribution for two successive years, shall forfeit his membership: Provided, how ever, that if any Fellow shall be absent from Phila- delphia, on public service in the Army or Navy of the United States, for twelve consecutive months or more, a deduction shall be made from the amount of his annual contributions, corresponding to the duration of his absence. 12. No Fellow who may remove permanently from the City of Philadelphia, shall, in consequence of such removal, forfeit his Fellowship, but he shall be exonerated from the payment of the annual contri- bution. 13 No Associate, who may come to reside within the limits of the City of Philadelphia, shall be 9 14 admitted to Fellowship in the College without being proposed and elected in the same manner, in all respects, as is prescribed for the admission of Fellows. 14. The number of Associates shall not exceed fifty, twenty of whom may be foreigners. 15. Associates shall have the privilege of attend- ing the meetings of the College, but shall not be allowed to take any part in the transaction of its private business. 16. Every Fellow of the College shall receive a certificate of membership according to the annexed form, signed by the President, Vice-President, Cen- sors, and Secretary, and having the seal of the College affixed thereto. Nos, Prseses, Vice-Pneses, Censoresque Collegii Mtdi- corum Philadelphiensis, omnibus ad quos hsec per- venerint, salutem. Testamur-------------------------virum doclum et medicinse peritum, nostri Collegii Socium ------ adscriptum fuisse, omnesque ejus honores et privilegia, jure riieque consecutum esse. In cujus rei fidem hisce Uteris, Collegii sigillo munitis, nomina nostra subjici- mus. Anno Domini IS ------Prseses. ------V. Prseses. ------- Secrelarius. Datum Philadelphia, 15 17. No Fellow shall be permitted to vote at any election, whether of Officers, Fellows or Associates, who has not subscribed the Ordinances and By-laws, and paid his initiation fee, together with all annual assessments due by him, and who has not attended at least two stated meetings of the College within the twelve months next preceding said election. 18. The signing of the Constitution adopted in 1788, shall be deemed equivalent to a subscription to the Ordinances and By-laws of the College in force for the time being. 19. When the College is notified of the decease of one of its Fellows, the fact shall be entered upon the minutes, and a Fellow may be appointed to prepare and read before the College an obituary notice of the deceased. CHAPTER II. OFFICERS OF THE COLLEGE AND THEIR DUTIES. 1. The officers of the College designated by its Charter, namely, a President, a Vice-President, four Censors, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, shall be chosen annually, by ballot, on the first Wednesday in Janu- ary, or within one calendar month thereafter. At the same time, and in the same manner, there shall be elected a Librarian, a Curator, and two Councillors. 2 The President shall maintain order at the meetings of the College, and sign all warrants on 10 the Treasurer, duly ordered by the College. He shall have power to call special meetings at his own discretion; and it shall be his duty to call them, when requested to do so in writing by six Fellows. 3. The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in the absence of the latter officer, or at his request when present. In the absence of both the President and Vice-President, a chairman for the meeting shall be appointed viva voce. 4. The Censors shall inspect the records and ex- amine and audit the accounts of the College, upon which they shall report at the stated meeting in January. They shall hear and determine all charges for a breach of the regulations of the College, that may be preferred against a Fellow, and shall report their action thereon to the College at its next meet- ing. In cases, however, where a Censor is one of the parties concerned, the charge shall be referred to a committee of three Fellows selected by ballot, who shall act as censors pro hac vice. An appeal from the decision of the Censors to the College shall always be allowed. 5. The Treasurer shall collect and receive all moneys due to the College, and shall pay them only upon a warrant ordered by the College and signed by the President, or by the officer who presided at the meeting at which the warrant was ordered; and these warrants shall be the vouchers for his expenditures. The Treasurer shall present a state- ment of the finances of the College, annually, at the stated meeting in December, and at such other times as the College may direct. 17 6. The Secretary shall keep correct minutes of the proceedings of the College, and, after their approval, record them in a book provided for the purpose. He shall keep a list of the Fellows and Associates, with the date of the election of each, the time of his death, resignation, or loss of membership, and also of the residence of the Associates. He shall have the custody, and see to the preservation of all books of records. He shal^keep in regular files, properly labelled, all documents and papers belonging to the College. He shall notify all the Officers and Stand- ing Committees of their election, and the Chairman of every Special Committee of his appointment, with the names of his associates, and shall furnish him with a copy of the resolution under which the com- mittee was appointed, and with whatever documents may be necessary for the proper performance, by the committee, of the duties imposed upon it. He shall furnish certificates of membership to newly elected Fellows, and perform such other duties^ as are appropriate to his office, or which may be im- posed upon him by any Ordinance or Resolution of the College. He shall be, ex officio, a member of the Committee of Publication. 7. The Librarian, in conjunction with the Library Committee, of which he shall be a member, ex officio, shall attend to the preservation, arrangement and cataloguing of the books belonging to the Library of the College; and shall carry into effect all such regulations pertaining to the Library as may be 2* 18 adopted by the College. He shall attend in the Library for one hour before each Stated Meeting of the College, and also for one hour, at least, once every week, in order to deliver books to the Fel- lows in accordance with the regulations embraced in Chapter XII. 8. The Curator, who shall be, ex officio, a member of the Committee on the Mutter Museum, shall pre- pare and set up such pathological specimens as the Committee shall deem worthy of a place in the Mu- seum. He shall have the general care of the Museum, label, and keep a correct catalogue of the specimens presented to it, with the name of the donor, which shall be conspicuously attached to the specimen, and, as far as practicable, a record of the case from which the specimen was derived. He shall attend at the Museum, for the accommodation of visitors and stu- dents, on such days in each and every week, and during such hours as may be directed by the Com- mittee on the Mutter Museum. On such occasions he shall remove and replace specimens, afford all necessary information to students and other visitors, and prevent any improprieties being committed by those in attendance. The Curator shall receive for his services the sum of $300, annually, to be paid to him by the Chair- man of the Committee on the Mutter Museum out of the income of the trust fund presented to the College by Dr. Mutter. No Professor or Lecturer on Surgery or Medicine shall be eligible as Curator. 19 CHAPTER III. THE COUNCIL. 1. The Council shall consist of the President, Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Censors of the College, with six Councillors, elected as follows: At the stated meeting of the College in January, 1864, six Councillors shall be chosen, namely, two to serve for one year, two for two years, and two for three years, and annually thereafter, at the meeting in January, two Councillors to serve for three years shall be chosen. 2. The Council thus constituted shall hold regular meetings at such intervals, not exceeding three months, as it shall deem necessary. It shall elect from among its own members, a Chairman and Clerk, keep correct minutes of its transactions, and regularly report the same to the College. 3. The Council shall exercise a general supervision over the affairs of the College, carefully consider all questions that may be referred to it, and report to the College, in ivriting, its decision thereon, and from time to time submit to the College, for its approval or rejection, such measures as it shall believe to be adapted to further the objects for which the College was organized and to promote its in- terests generally. 4. To the Council shall be submitted all nomina- tions of Candidates for Fellowship or Associateship, and its duty shall be to inquire into the character, 20 the professional standing and the eligibility in all other respects of such candidates, and to certify, in writing, the result of said inquiry to the College. CHAPTER IV. MEETINGS. 1. The Stated Meetings of the College shall be held on the first Wednesday in every month; from October to March inclusive, at 7 J P.M.; and from April to September inclusive, at 8 P.M. At which hours precisely, or as soon thereafter as a quorum, consisting of seven Fellows, shall have assenibled, the meeting shall be organized. 2. At stated meetings, the following shall be the order of business:— 1st. The minutes of the preceding meeting shall be read for approval or correction. 2d. Newly elected Fellows may be introduced. 3d. Donations to the Library and Pathological Museum shall be announced. 4th. Written communications may be received. 5th. Verbal communications may be made. 6th. The report of Committees and of the Coun- cil shall be received. 7th. Motions and observations respecting the private business of the College may be made. 8th. Miscellaneous business may be transacted. 21 3. At the stated meetings in January, April, July, and October, the balloting for Candidates for Fellow- ship or Associateship may be gone into, after the third item of business has been transacted, provided there are present at least twenty Fellows. 4. At the stated meeting in December, the Trea- surer shall present his annual report, and the Presi- dent shall nominate a committee whose duty it shall be to report on the Meteorology and Epidemics of Philadelphia during the ensuing year. 5. At the stated meeting in. January, after the third item in the order of business shall have been dispatched, the Censors, the Library Committee, the Committee on the Mutter Museum, and the Hall Committee, shall present their annual reports; the annual appropriations shall be made; and the Officers and Standing Committees of the College for the ensu- ing year shall be elected; after which, the business of the College shall proceed in the usual order. 6. At the stated meeting in February, the report on Meteorology and Epidemics shall be made. 7. At the stated meeting in March, in the year 1864, and of every third year thereafter, a lecturer on surgical pathology shall be appointed. 8. At special meetings, no business shall be trans- acted excepting that for which the said meeting has been called. 9. At the stated meetings of the College, excepting those upon which propositions for Fellowship are to be acted upon, or during the consideration of the private affairs of the College, strangers maybe intro- 22 duced as Visitors by a Fellow, who shall be held responsible for the character and professional stand- ing of the persons introduced by him. CHAPTER AT. STANDING COMMITTEES. 1. There shall be elected by ballot, at the stated meeting of the Cdllege in the month of January, annually, the following Standing Committees, namely:— I. A Committee of Publication. II. A Library Committee. in. A Committee on the Mutter Museum. iv. A Hall Committee. V. A Committee on Lectures. 2. The first three of the said Committees shall consist each of three Fellows, and the last two, each of five Fellows. CHAPTER VI. COMMITTEE OF PUBLICATION. 1. It shall be the duty of the Committee of Pub-' lication to prepare and issue, from time to time, a Summary of the Transactions of the College; com- 23 prising, 1. All written communications, the publica- tion of which the Committee may deem expedient. 2. A record of such facts in relation to any of the departments of Medicine, Surgery, or Obstetrics, as shall be communicated verbally to the College by its Fellows; and 3. An abstract of the discussions upon subjects of general interest which shall take place at the meetings of the College, together with such other of its transactions, the publication of which may be directed by the College or deemed expedient and proper by the Committee. 4. The Fellows will be expected, when requested by the Committee of Publication, to report for publi- cation the verbal communications and remarks on professional subjects presented by them at the meet- ings of the College. D. No paper read before the College shall be pub- lished as having been so read, elsewhere than in the Summary of Transactions, without the consent of the majority of the Fellows present at the reading thereof—which consent shall be expressed by vote. 6. The Summary of Transactions, as it is pub- lished, shall be distributed by the Secretary of the College to each of the Fellows and Associates with- out charge. 24 CHAPTER VII. THE LIBRARY COMMITTEE. 1. The Library Committee shall have a general supervision of the Library of the College, and shall report upon its condition annually, at the stated meeting in January. 2. It shall be the duty of the Committee to fur- nish the College, annually, at its stated meeting in January, with a statement of the amount necessary to meet the estimated wants of the Library during the ensuing twelve months, when such an appropria- tion, based upon such estimate, shall be made by the College as may be deemed compatible with the state of its funds. The expenditure of which appro- priation shall be made by the Librarian under the direction of the Library Committee. CHAPTER VIII. COMMITTEE ON THE MUTTER MUSEUM. 1. The Committee on the Mutter Museum shall have a general supervision of the same, and shall take all such measures as may be deemed expedient for its preservation and increase. 2. Free access to the Museum and preparations shall be allowed without charge or fee, to any regular 25 graduate or student of medicine, who may desire to consult, study, draw, or describe any of the said pre- parations, for whose accommodation there shall be provided the necessary chairs, tables, pens, ink, and paper. Any other person shall be permitted to visit the Museum, who shall present a ticket of admission signed by a Fellow of the College. All admissions, however, are to be governed by such regulations as the College may deem necessary for the preservation of order. 3. The Committee shall not allow any article be- longing to the Museum to be removed from the College building excepting for necessary repairs or preparation. 4. The Chairman of the Committee shall receive the income of the trust fund presented to the College by Dr. T. D. Mutter; which income shall be disbursed by the Committee, under the supervision of the Col- lege, in accordance with the agreement made between the College and Dr. Mutter, as recited in the deed of trust to the Pennsylvania Company for Insurance on Lives and Granting Annuities, executed by Dr. Mutter and wife, December the eleventh, A. D. 1858, namely: $300 per annum as a salary to the Curator, §200 per annum as a salary to the Lecturer, and the remainder of said income shall be appropriated to the preparing, fitting up, keeping in order, increasing, and insuring of the pathological and anatomical pre- parations and specimens, illustrative of surgery and medicine; the drawings, models, casts, and other like matters, which are intended to form the said Museum. 3 26 5. It shall make, annually, to the College, at its Stated Meeting in January, a report of the condition of the Museum, and from time to time shall submit such suggestions the adoption of which it is believed will tend to augment the value and usefulness of the collection. And semi-annually, at the Stated Meet- ings in January and July, it shall render to the Col- lege an account of all its expenditures on account of the Museum and Lecturer, which account shall be referred to the Censors to be audited. CHAPTER IX. HALL COMMITTEE. 1. The Hall Committee shall have the charge and superintendence of the Hall of the College ; subject to such instructions as the College, by its resolutions and enactments, may from time to time give. The Committee shall see that the Hall is kept, at all times, in good order and condition ; that the preser- vation and security of all things contained in the several apartments thereof be constantly cared for, and that it be properly lighted and heated for the meetings of the College, and of such bodies and com- mittees as may assemble statedly or occasionally therein, in accordance with the ordinances and reso- lutions of the College. 2. It shall have power to let to persons, societies, or associations, upon such terms as the College may 27 deem satisfactory, such apartments in the nail as the College may designate: Provided, however, the rent- ing of such apartments will in no degree interfere with the meetings of the College, or with its conve- nience generally. 3. The Hall Committee shall appoint a Janitor or Superintendent of the Hall, and shall see that he performs all the services that may be required of him promptly and faithfully. 4. It shall be the duty of the Hall Committee to procure all things necessary for carrying out the purposes of its appointment: Provided, that the cost of these shall not exceed the sum of ten dollars within any one month. For the things thus pur- chased, the Committee shall present the bills to the College, at its next stated meeting; when, if the same be found correct, orders shall be drawn upon the Treasurer for their payment. 5. The Hall Committee may make all necessary rules for its own government: Provided, that the said rules be firet approved by the College. 6. The Hall Committee shall present to the Col- lege, at its stated meeting in January, annually, a report of its proceedings, and of the condition of the Hall. 28 CHAPTER X. COMMITTEE ON LECTURES. 1. It shall be the duty of the Committee on Lec- tures to present to the College, at its stated meeting in the month of March, 1864, and at the stated meeting in March of every third year thereafter, the name of a gentleman who is, in the estimation of the Committee, duly qualified to deliver a course of at least ten lectures on some point or points con- nected with surgical pathology: Provided, that the same lecturer shall not be nominated for two succes- sive terms. 2. It shall be the further duty of the said Com- mittee to fix upon the time for the delivery of the said lectures and the duration of the course, and to make all such arrangements as may be deemed necessary for carrying out the objects contemplated in the establishment of said lectureship—the pro- motion and diffusion of surgical knowledge. 3. The said lectures shall be delivered within the College building, and the use of the Museum shall be granted to the Lecturer for the purpose of illus- tration. .m 4. The Lecturer shall be permitted to charge a fee of five or ten dollars, as he may himself determine, to each person attending his lectures. He shall, however, grant ten gratuitous tickets to poor but well educated and moral students of regular medi- cine, whom he shall himself select; while all Fel- 29 lows of the College shall be allowed access to the lectures gratuitously. 5. The Committee shall see that the duties of the person who may be appointed to fill the lectureship are performed in a satisfactory manner and in accord- ance with the terms of the agreement entered into between the College and Dr. Mutter. 6. Upon the favorable report of the Committee, the College shall direct an order to be drawn upon the Chairman of the Committee on the Mutter Mu- seum in favor of said lecturer for the sum of $200, to be paid out of the income of the trust fund pre- sented to the College by Dr. Mutter; and the Com- mittee shall see that each Fellow is supplied gratuit- ously with a ticket of admittance to the aforesaid lectures. CHAPTER XI. SPECIAL COMMITTEES. 1. The President shall appoint all Special Com- mittees unless otherwise ordered by a vote of the College. 2. The first named shall be Chairman of the Com- mittee, and shall see that the duties enjoined on the committee are promptly and duly performed. 3 Special Committees shall report at the meeting immediately succeeding their appointment, unless it may be otherwise determined by a resolution or law • 3* 30 of the College; and failing to make a final report at the proper time, unless a satisfactory reason for such failure be given, they shall be discharged, and the matter dropped or referred to another committee, as the College may determine. 4. All reports of special committees shall be made in writing, and signed by a majority of the committee. CHAPTER XII. RULES FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE LIBRARY. 1. The Fellows shall be allowed to take out such book or books belonging to the Library, as they may desire, with such exceptions, however, as from time to time the Library Committee may designate: Pro- vided, that no Fellow shall be allowed to take out at any one time more than one folio, quarto, or octavo, or two duodecimos, nor to retain the same for a longer period without renewal than two weeks. The Librarian shall enter, in a register kept for the purpose, the title of the books taken out, with the name of the Fellow by whom, and the date at which they were taken out. 2. If any Fellow retain the book or books de- livered to him by the Librarian, longer than two weeks, without renewal, he shall pay a fine of twenty- five cents for every month the book or books are so retained. 31 3. If a book be lost by a Fellow, he shall either replace it, or pay the value thereof, or of the set of books to which it belongs. 4. At the stated meeting in November, all the books shall be returned to the Library, to enable the Library Committee to make its annual report. 5. It shall be the duty of the Librarian, as soon as practicable after the receipt of the professional journals and of new publications generally, to make such arrangements as shall enable the Fellows to consult the same in the Hall of the College, and under such regulations as the Library Committee may adopt. 6. He shall make a report, at each stated meeting of the College, of the books which may have been presented to the Library since the preceding meeting. CHAPTER XIII. RULES OF ORDER. 1. No question shall be considered open for dis- cussion, except when brought forward by motion duly made and seconded, and then distinctly stated by the presiding officer. The name qf the mover of each motion to be entered upon the minutes. 2 Every motion shall be reduced to writing by the mover, if the presiding officer or any Fellow request the same. 32 3. Any Fellow may call for the division of a ques- tion, provided it comprehends two distinct proposi- tions. A motion to strike out and insert shall be deemed indivisible; but a motion to strike out shall not preclude either amendment or a motion to strike out and insert. 4. The mover, with the. consent of the seconder, may withdraw any motion previously to its amend- ment, commitment, or to the question upon its final passage being put by the presiding officer. 5. When a Fellow speaks, he shall stand up, ad- dressing himself to the presiding officer, and confin- ing himself strictly to the question under considera- tion. 6. No Fellow shall be interrupted while speaking, except by a call to order. 7. The presiding officer shall decide all questions of order unless an appeal be made to the College, in which case the person appealing shall first state his reasons for appealing, and then the presiding officer his reason in support of his decision, but no further debate shall be allowed. 8. No Fellow shall be allowed to speak more than twice upon the same question, without permission being granted him by the College. 9. Whilst a question is under consideration, no motion shall be received excepting to adjourn, to lay the subject upon the table, to postpone, to refer to a committee, or to amend; which several motions shall have precedence in the order in which they are named. 33 10. A motion for adjournment shall always be in order, except when the College is voting on another question, or while a Fellow is speaking. 11. A motion to amend an amendment is in order, but not one to amend an amendment to the amend*- ment. The question on the amendment shall be de- cided before that on the main question. 12. No motion shall be received to postpone the motion under discussion for the purpose of introduc- ing a substitute. 13. A motion for postponement shall preclude commitment, and one for commitment shall preclude amendment, or a decision on the original question. 14. Motions for postponement, to lay upon the table, and for adjournment shall always be determined without debate. 15. A motion that has been negatived, cannot be again brought forward at the same meeting, except- ing upon a motion to reconsider. 16. No question shall be reconsidered, excepting on the motion of two Fellows, who voted with the majority when the question was decided, and sub- mitted at the meeting at which the same was dis- cussed. , . , -,, 17 When a blank is to be filled, the question shall be first taken on the largest sum, greatest number, and remotest period. 18 Two Fellows may demand the yeas and nays on any question which is not required to be decided by ballot, and have them entered upon the minutes. 34 The presiding officer in such cases shall always vote last. 19. No order shall be taken upon the report of any special committee, excepting to refer it back to the committee, to lay it upon the table, or to obtain the sense of the College in relation to the resolutions appended thereto. 20. The presiding officer shall not discuss any subject while in the chair, but may assign his reasons on deciding a question of order. He shall have no vote excepting on a ballot, or upon a call for the }reas and nays. CHAPTER XIV. CODE OF MEDICAL ETHICS. OF THE DUTIES OF PHYSICIANS TO THEIR PATIENTS, AND OF THE OBLIGATIONS OF PATIENTS TO THEIR PHYSICIANS. Art. I.—Duties of physicians to their patients. § 1. A physician should not only be ever ready to obey the calls of the sick, but his mind ought also to be imbued with the greatness of his mission, and the responsibility he habitually incurs in its discharge. Those obligations are the more deep and enduring, because there is no tribunal other than his own con- science to adjudge penalties for carelessness or ne- 35 gleet. Physicians should, therefore, minister to the sick with due impressions of the importance of their office; reflecting that the ease, the health, and the lives of those committed to their charge, depend on their skill, attention, and fidelity. They should study, also, in their deportment, so to unite tenderness with firmness, and condescension with authority, as to inspire the minds of their patients with gratitude, respect, and confidence. § 2. Every case committed to the charge of a phy- sician should be treated with attention, steadiness, and humanity. Reasonable indulgence should be granted to the mental imbecility and caprices of the sick. Secrecy and delicacy, when required by pecu- liar circumstances, should be strictly observed; and the familiar and confidential intercourse to which physicians are admitted in their professional visits, should be used with discretion, and with the most scrupulous regard to fidelity and honor. The obliga- tion of secrecy extends beyond the period of profes- sional services;—none of the privacies of personal and domestic life, no infirmity of disposition or flaw of character observed during professional attendance should ever be divulged by the physician, except when he is imperatively required to do so. The force and necessity of this obligation are indeed so great, that professional men have, under certain circum- stances, been protected in their observance of secrecy by courts of justice. § 3 Frequent visits to the sick are in general re- quisite, since they enable the physician to arrive at 36 a more perfect knowledge of the disease—to meet promptly every change which may occur, and also tend to preserve the confidence of the patient. But unnecessary visits are to be avoided, as they give useless anxiety to the patient, tend to diminish the authority of the physician, and render him liable to be suspected of interested motives. § 4. A physician should not be forward to make gloomy prognostications, because they savor of em- piricism, by magnifying the importance of his ser- vices in the treatment or cure of the disease. But he should not fail on proper occasions, to give to the friends of the patient timely notice of danger when it really occurs; and even to the patient himself, if absolutely necessary. This office, however, is so peculiarly alarming when executed by him, that it ought to be declined whenever it can be assigned to any other person of sufficient judgment and delicacy. For, the physician should be the minister of hope and comfort to the sick; that, by such cordials to the drooping spirit, he may smooth the bed "of death, revive expiring life, and counteract the depressing influence of those maladies which often disturb the tranquillity of the most resigned in their last mo- ments. The life of a sick person can be shortened not only by the acts, but also by the words or the manner of a physician. It is, therefore, a sacred duty to guard himself carefully in this respect, and to avoid all things which have a tendency to dis- courage the patient and to depress his spirits. § 5. A physician ought not to abandon a patient 37 because the case is deemed incurable; for his attend- ance may continue to be highly useful to the patient, and comforting to the relatives around him, even in the last period of a fatal malady, by alleviating pain and other symptoms, and by soothing mental anguish. To decline attendance, under such circumstances, would be sacrificing to fanciful delicacy and mistaken liberality, that moral duty, which is independent of and far superior to, all pecuniary consideration. § 6. Consultations should be promoted in difficult or protracted cases, as they give rise to confidence, energy, and more enlarged views in practice. § 7. The opportunity which a physician not unfre- quently enjoys of promoting and strengthening the good resolutions of his patients, suffering under the consequences of vicious conduct, ought never to be neglected. His counsels, or even remonstrances, will give satisfaction, not offence, if they be proffered with politeness, and evince a genuine love of virtue, ac- companied by a sincere interest in the welfare of the person to whom they are addressed. Art.IL— Obligations of patients to their physicians. 8 1 The members of the medical profession, upon whom is enjoined the performance of so many im- portant and arduous duties towards the community and who are required to make so ^y«^ comfort, ease, and health, for the welfare of thos who avail themselves of their services, certainly have I right to expect and require, that their patients 38 should entertain a just sense of the duties which they owe to their medical attendants. § 2. The first duty of a patient is, to select as his medical adviser one who has received a regular pro- fessional education. In no trade or occupation, do mankind rely on the skill of an untaught artist; and in medicine, confessedly the most difficult and intri- cate of the sciences, the world ought not to suppose that knowledge is intuitive. § 3. Patients should prefer a physician whose habits of life are regular, and who is not devoted to company, pleasure, or to any pursuit incompatible with his professional obligations. A patient should, also, confide the care of himself and family, as much as possible, to one physician; for a medical man who has become acquainted with the peculiarities of con- stitution, habits, and predispositions, of those he attends, is more likely to be successful in his treat- ment than one who does not possess that knowledge. A patient who has thus selected his physician, should always apply for advice in what may appear to him trivial cases, for the most fatal results often supervene on the slightest accidents. It is of still more importance that he should apply for assistance in the forming stage of violent diseases; it is to a neglect of this precept that medicine owes much of the uncertainty and imperfection with which it has been reproached. § 4. Patients should faithfully and unreservedly communicate to their physician the supposed cause of their disease. This is the more important, as 39 many diseases of a mental origin simulate those depending on external causes, and yet are only to be cured by ministering to the mind diseased. A patient should never be afraid of thus making his physician his friend and adviser ; he should always bear in mind that a medical man is under the strong- est obligations of secrecy. Even the female sex should never allow feelings of shame or delicacy to prevent their disclosing the seat, symptoms, and causes of complaints peculiar to them. However commendable a modest reserve may be in the com- mon occurrences of life, its strict observance in medi- cine is often attended with the most serious conse- quences, and a patient may sink under a painful and loathsome disease, which might have been readily prevented had timely intimation been given to the physician. § 5. A patient should never weary his physician with a tedious detail of events or matters not apper- taining to his disease. Even as relates to his actual symptoms, he will convey much more real informa- tion by giving clear answers to interrogatories, than by the most minute account of his own framing. Neither should he obtrude upon his physician the details of his business nor the history of his family concerns. 8 6 The obedience of a patient to the prescrip- tions of his physician should be prompt and implicit. He should never permit his own crude opinions as to their fitness, to influence his attention to them. A failure in one particular may render an otherwise 40 judicious treatment dangerous, and even fatal. This remark is equally applicable to diet, drink, and ex- ercise. As patients become convalescent, they are very apt to suppose that the rules prescribed for them may be disregarded, and the consequence, but too often, is a relapse. Patients should never allow themselves to be persuaded to take any medicine whatever, that may be recommended to them by the self-constituted doctors and doctresses, who are so frequently met with, and who pretend to possess in- fallible remedies for the cure of every disease. How- ever simple some of their prescriptions may appear to be, it often happens that they are productive of much mischief, and in all cases they are injurious, by contravening the plan of treatment adopted by the physician. § 7. A patient should, if possible, avoid even the friendly visits of a physician who is not attending him—and when he does receive them, he should never converse on the subject of his disease, as an observation may be made, without any intention of interference, which may destroy his confidence in the course he is pursuing, and induce him to neglect the directions prescribed to him. A patient should never send for a consulting physician without the express consent of his own medical attendant. It is of great importance that physicians should act in concert; for, although their modes of treatment may be attended with equal success when employed singly, yet con- jointly they are very likely to be productive of dis- astrous results. 41 | 8. When a patient wishes to dismiss his physi- cian, justice and common courtesy require that he should declare his reasons for so doing. § 9. Patients should always, when practicable, send for their physician in the morning, before his usual hour of going out; for, by being early aware of the visits he has to pay during the day, the physi- cian is able to apportion his time in such a manner as to prevent an interference of engagements. Pa- tients should also avoid calling on their medical adviser unnecessarily during the hours devoted to meals or sleep. They should always be in readiness to receive the visits of their physicians, as the de- tention of a few minutes is often of serious inconve- nience to him. § 10. A patient should, after his recovery, enter- tain a just and enduring sense of the value of the services rendered him by his physician; for these are of such a character, that no mere pecuniary acknow- ledgment can repay or cancel them. OF THE DUTIES OF PHYSICIANS TO EACH OTHER, AND TO THE PROFESSION AT LARGE. ART. I.—Duties for the support of professional cha- racter. 8 1 Every individual, on entering the profession, „ he'become, thereby entitled to all its prmleges and immunities, meursan obligation to exert hrs be abilities to maintain its dignity and honor, to exalt 4* 42 its standing, and to extend the bounds of its useful- ness. He should, therefore, observe strictly such laws as are instituted for the government of its mem- bers ;—should avoid all contumelious and sarcastic remarks relative to the faculty, as a body; and while, by unwearied diligence, he resorts to every honor- able means of enriching the science, he should enter- ; tain a due respect for his seniors, who have, by their labors, brought it to the elevated condition in which he finds it. § 2. There is no profession, from the members of which greater purity of character, and a higher stand- ard of moral excellence are required, than the medi- cal; and to attain such eminence, is a duty every physician owes alike to his profession and to his patients. It is due to the latter, as without it he cannot command their respect and confidence, and to both, because no scientific attainments can compen- sate for the want of correct moral principles. It is also incumbent upon the faculty to be temperate in all things, for the practice of physic requires the unremitting exercise of a clear and vigorous under- standing; and, on emergencies, for which no profes- sional man should be unprepared, a steady hand, an acute eye, and an unclouded head may be essential to the well-being, and even to the life, of a fellow creature. § 3. It is derogatory to the dignity of the profes- sion to resort to public advertisements, or private cards, or handbills, inviting the attention of indi- viduals affected with particular diseases—publicly 43 offering advice and medicine to the poor gratis, or promising radical cures; or to publish cases and operations in the daily prints, or suffer such publica- tions to be made; to invite laymen to be present at operations, to boast of cures and remedies, to adduce certificates of skill and success, or to perform any other similar acts. These are the ordinary practices of empirics, and are highly reprehensible in a regu- lar physician. § 4. Equally derogatory to professional character is it, for a physician to hold a patent for any surgical instrument or medicine; or to dispense a secret nos- trum, whether it be the composition or exclusive property of himself or of others. For, if such nostrum be of real efficacy, any concealment regarding it is inconsistent with beneficence and professional libe- rality • and if mystery alone give it value and import- ance, such craft implies either disgraceful ignorance or fraudulent avarice. It is also reprehensible for physicians to give certificates attesting the efficacy of patent or secret medicines, or in any way to pro- mote the use of them. ART. II.—Professional services of physicians to each other. 8 1 All practitioners of medicine, their wives, and their children while under the paternal care, are en- titled to the gratuitous services of any one or more 't faculty residing near t^.*— may be desired. A physician afflicted with disease 44 is usually an incompetent judge of his own case; and the natural anxiety and solicitude which he experi- ences at the sickness of a wife, a child, or any one who, by the ties of consanguinity, is rendered pecu- liarly dear to him, tend to obscure his judgment, and produce timidity and irresolution in his practice. Under such circumstances, medical men are pecu- liarly dependent upon each other, and kind offices and professional aid should always be cheerfully and gratuitously afforded. Visits ought not, however, to be obtruded officiously; as such unasked civility may give rise to embarrassment, or interfere with that choice on which confidence depends. But, if a distant member of the faculty, whose circumstances are affluent, request attendance, and an honorarium be offered, it should not be declined; for no pecuni- ary obligation ought to be imposed, which the party receiving it would wish not to incur. Art. III.—Of the duties of physicians as respects vicarious offices. § 1. The affairs of life, the pursuit of health, and the various accidents and contingencies to which a medical man is peculiarly exposed, sometimes require him temporarily to withdraw from his duties to his patients, and to request some of his professional brethren to officiate for him. Compliance with this request is an act of courtesy, which should always be performed with the utmost consideration for the interest and character of the family physician, and 45 when exercised for a short period, all the pecuniary obligations for such service should be awarded to him. But if a member of the profession neglect his busi- ness in quest of pleasure and amusement, he cannot be considered as entitled to the advantages of the frequent and long-continued exercise of this fraternal courtesy, without awarding to the physician who offi- ciates the fees arising from the discharge of his pro- fessional duties. In obstetrical and important surgical cases, which give rise to unusual fatigue, anxiety, and responsi- bility, it is just that the fees accruing therefrom should be awarded to the physician who officiates. Aet. IV.— Of the duties of physicians in regard to consultations. § 1. A regular medical education furnishes the only presumptive evidence of professional abilities and acquirements, and ought to be the only acknow- ledged right of an individual to the exercise and honors of his profession. Nevertheless, as in con- sultations the good of the patient is the sole object in view, and this is often dependent on personal con- fidence, no intelligent regular practitioner, who has a license to practise from some medical board ot known and acknowledged respectability recognized bv the American Medical Association, and who is in good moral and professional standing in the place in which he resides, should be fastidiously excluded from fellowship, or his aid refused in consultation, 46 when it is requested by the patient. But no one can be considered as a regular practitioner or a fit asso- ciate in consultation, whose practice is based on an exclusive dogma, to the rejection of the accumulated experience of the profession, and of the aids actually furnished by anatomy, physiology, pathology, and organic chemistry. § 2. In consultations, no rivalship or jealousy should be indulged; candor, probity, and all due respect should be exercised towards the physician having charge of the case. § 3. In consultations, the attending physician should be the first to propose the necessary questions to the sick; after which the consulting physician should have the opportunity to make such further inquiries of the patient as may be necessary to satisfy him of the true character of the case. Both physi- cians should then retire to a private place for delibe- ration ; and the one first in attendance should com- municate the directions agreed upon to the patient or his friends, as well as any opinions which it may be thought proper to express. But no statement or discussion of it should take place before the patient or his friends, except in the presence of all the faculty attending, and by their common consent; and no opinions or prognostications should be delivered, which are not the result of previous deliberation and con- currence. § 4. In consultations, the physician in attendance should deliver his opinion first; and when there are several consulting, they should deliver their opinions 47 in the order in which they have been called in. No decision, however, should restrain the attending phy- sician from making such variations in the mode of treatment, as any subsequent unexpected change in the character of the case may demand. But such variation, and the reasons for it, ought to be carefully detailed at the next meeting in consultation. The same privilege belongs also to the consulting physi- cian if he is sent for in an emergency, when the regular attendant is out of the way, and similar ex- planations must be made by him at the next con- sultation. § 5. The utmost punctuality should be observed in the visits of physicians when they are to hold con- sultation together, and this is generally practicable, for society has been considerate enough to allow the plea of a professional engagement to take precedence of all others, and to be an ample reason for the re- linquishment of any present occupation. But as professional engagements may sometimes interfere and delay one of the parties, the physician who first arrives should wait for his associate a reasonab e period, after which the consultation should be con- sidered as postponed to a new appointment If be the attending physician who is presenth^ wdl of course see the patient and prescribe; but if'it be the ronsultino- one, he should retire, except m case ol r^c°y, or when he has been called from a con- sderable distance, in which latter case he may ex- am^e tie patient, and give his opinion m wtm ZZnderLl, to be delivered to his associate. 48 § 6. In consultations, theoretical discussions should be avoided, as occasioning perplexity and loss of time. For there may be much diversity of opinion concern- ing speculative points, with perfect agreement in those modes of practice which are founded, not on hypothesis, but on experience and observation. § 7. All discussions in consultation should be held as secret and confidential. Neither by words nor manner should any of the parties to a consultation assert or insinuate that any part of the treatment pursued did not receive his assent. The responsi- bility must be equally divided between the medical attendants—they must equally share the credit of success as well as the blame of failure. § 8. Should an irreconcilable diversity of opinion occur when several physicians are called upon to con- sult together, the opinion of the majority should be considered as decisive; but if the numbers be equal on each side, then the decision should rest with the attending physician. It may, moreover, sometimes happen, that two physicians cannot agree in their views of the nature of a case, and the treatment to be pursued. This is a circumstance much to be de- plored, and should always be avoided, if possible, by mutual concessions, as far as they can be justified by a conscientious regard for the dictates of judgment. But in the event of its occurrence, a third physician should, if practicable, be called to act as umpire; and, if circumstances prevent the adoption of this course, it must be left to the patient to select the physician in whom he is most willing to confide. But, as every 49 physician relies upon the rectitude of his judgment, he should, when left in the minority, politely and consistently retire from any further deliberation in the consultation, or participation in the management of the case. § 9. As circumstances sometimes occur to render a special consultation desirable, when the continued attendance of two physicians might be objectionable to the patient, the member of the faculty whose as- sistance is required in such cases, should sedulously guard against all future unsolicited attendance. As such consultations require an extraordinary portion both of time and attention, at least a double honora- rium may be reasonably expected. § 10. A physician who is called upon to consult, should observe the most honorable and scrupulous regard for the character and standing of the practi- tioner in attendance; the practice of the latter, if necessary, should be justified as far as it can be, con- sistently with a conscientious regard for truth, and no hint or insinuation should be thrown out which could impair the confidence reposed in him, or affect his reputation. The consulting physician should also carefully refrain from any of those extraordinary attentions or assiduities, which are too often practised by the dishonest for the base purpose of gaining ap- plause, or ingratiating themselves into the favor of families and individuals. 5 50 Art. V.—Duties of physicians in cases of inter- ference. § 1. Medicine is a liberal profession, and those ad- mitted into its ranks should found their expectations of practice upon the extent of their qualifications, not on intrigue or artifice. § 2. A physician, in his intercourse with a patient under the care of another practitioner, should ob- serve the strictest caution and reserve. No med- dling inquiries should be made—no disingenuous hints given relative to the nature and treatment of his disorder; nor any course of conduct pursued that may directly or indirectly tend to diminish the trust reposed in the physician employed. § 3. The same circumspection and reserve should be observed when, from motives of business or friend- ship, a physician is prompted to visit an individual who is under the direction of another practitioner. Indeed, such visits should be avoided, except under peculiar circumstances; and when they are made, no particular inquiries should be instituted relative to the nature of the disease, or the remedies employed, but the topics of conversation should be as foreign to the case as circumstances will admit. § 4. A physician ought not to take charge of or prescribe for a patient who has recently been under the care of another member of the faculty in the same illness, except in cases of sudden emergency, or in consultation with the physician previously in attend- ance, or when the latter has relinquished the case, or 51 been regularly notified that his services are no longer desired. Under such circumstances, no unjust and illiberal insinuations should be thrown out in rela- tion to the conduct or practice previously pursued, which should be justified as far as candor and regard for truth and probity will permit; for it often hap- pens that patients become dissatisfied when they do not experience immediate relief, and, as many diseases are naturally protracted, the want of success, in the first stage of treatment, affords no evidence of a lack of professional knowledge and skill. § 5. When a physician is called to an urgent case, because the family attendant is not at hand, he ought, unless his assistance in consultation be desired, to re- sign the care of the patient to the latter immediately on his arrival. § 6. It often happens, in cases of sudden illness or of recent accidents and injuries, owing to the alarm and anxiety of friends, that a number of physicians are simultaneously sent for. Under these circum- stances, courtesy should assign the patient to the first who arrives, who should select from those present any additional assistance that he may deem neces- sary In all such cases, however, the practitioner who'officiates should request the family physician, if there be one, to be called, and, unless his further attendance be requested, should resign the case to the latter on his arrival. m § 7 When a physician is called to the patient ot another practitioner, in consequence of the sickness absence of the latter, he ought, on the return or or 52 recovery of the regular attendant, and with the con- sent of the patient, to surrender the case. [The expression, "Patient of another Practitioner," is understood to mean a patient who may have been under the charge of another practitioner at the time of the attack of sickness, or departure from home of the latter, or who may have called for his attendance during his absence or sickness, or in any other man- ner given it to be understood that he regarded the said physician as his regular medical attendant.] § 8. A physician, when visiting a sick person in the country, may be desired to see a neighboring pa- tient who is under the regular direction of another physician, in consequence of some sudden change or aggravation of symptoms. The conduct to be pur- sued on such an occasion is to give advice adapted to present circumstances; to interfere no further than is absolutely necessary with the general plan of treat- ment; to assume no future direction, unless it be expressly desired; and, in this last case, to request an immediate consultation with the practitioner pre- viously employed. § 9. A wealthy physician should not give advice gratis to the affluent; because his doing so is an in- jury to his professional brethren. The office of a physician can never be supported as an exclusive beneficent one; and it is defrauding, in some degree, the common funds for its support, when fees are dis- pensed with, which might justly be claimed. § 10. When a physician who has been engaged to attend a case of midwifery is absent, and another is 53 sent for, if delivery is accomplished during the at- tendance of the latter, he is entitled to the fee, but should resign the patient to the practitioner first en- gaged. Art. VI.—Of differences between physicians. § 1. Diversity of opinion and opposition of interest, may, in the medical as in other professions, some- times occasion controversy and even contention. Whenever such cases unfortunately occur, and can- not be immediately terminated, they should be re- ferrcdto the arbitration of a sufficient number of physicians, or a court-medical, or, where both parties are members of the Medical Society of their County, to the Censors. § 2. As peculiar reserve must be maintained by physicians towards the public, in regard to profes- sional matters, and as there exist numerous points in medical ethics and etiquette through which the feelings of medical men may be painfully assailed in their intercourse with each other, and which can- not be understood or appreciated hy general society, neither the subject-matter of such differences nor the adjudication of the arbitrators should be made public, as publicity in a case of this nature may be personally injurious to the individuals concerned, and can hardly fail to bring discredit on the faculty. 5* 54 Art. VII.—Of pecuniary acknowledgments. Some general rules should be adopted by the fa- culty, in every town or district, relative to pecuniary acknowledgments from their patients; and it should be deemed a point of honor to adhere to these rules with as much uniformity as varying circumstances will admit. OF THE DUTIES OF THE PROFESSION TO THE PUBLIC, AND OF THE OBLIGATIONS OF THE PUBLIC TO THE PROFESSION. Art. I.—Duties oftheprofession to the public. % 1. As good citizens, it is the duty of physicians to be ever vigilant for the welfare of the community, and to bear their part in sustaining its institutions and burdens; they should also be ever ready to give counsel to the public in relation to matters especi- ally appertaining to their profession, as on subjects of medical police, public hygiene, and legal medicine. It is their province to enlighten the public in regard to quarantine regulations—the location, arrangement, and dietaries of hospitals, asylums, schools, prisons, and similar institutions—in relation to the medical police of towns, as drainage, ventilation, &c.—and in regard to measures for the prevention of epidemic and contagious diseases; and when pestilence pre- vails, it is their duty to face the danger, and to con- 55 tinue their labors for the alleviation of the suffering, even at the jeopardy of their own lives. § 2. Medical men should also be always ready, when called on by the legally constituted authorities, to enlighten coroners' inquests, and courts of justice, on subjects strictly medical—such as involve ques- tions relating to sanity, legitimacy, murder by poi- sons or other violent means, and in regard to the various other subjects embraced in the science of Medical Jurisprudence. But in these cases, and especially where they are required to make a post- mortem examination, it is just, in consequence of the time, labor, and skill required, and the responsibility and risk they incur, that the public should award them a proper honorarium. § 3. There is no profession, by the members of which eleemosynary services are more liberally dis- pensed than the medical, but justice requires that some limits should be placed to the performance of such good offices. Poverty, professional brother- hood, and certain of the public duties referred to in the first section of this article, should always be re- cognized as presenting valid claims for gratuitous services; but neither institutions endowed by the public or by rich individuals, societies for mutual benefit, for the insurance of lives or for analogous purposes, nor any profession or occupation, can be admitted to possess such privilege. Nor can it be justly expected of physicians to furnish certificates of inability to serve on juries, to perform militia duty, or to testify to the state of health of persons wishing 56 to insure their lives, obtain pensions, or the like, without a pecuniary acknowledgment. But to indi- viduals in indigent circumstances, such professional services should always be cheerfully and freely ac- corded. § 4. It is the duty of physicians, who are frequent witnesses of the enormities committed by quackery, and the injury to health and even destruction of life caused by the use of quack medicines, to enlighten the public on these subjects, to expose the injuries sustained by the unwary from the devices and pre- tensions of artful empirics and impostors. Physi- cians ought to use all the influence which they may possess, as professors in Colleges of Pharmacy, and by exercising their option in regard to the shops to which their prescriptions shall be sent, to discourage druggists and apothecaries from vending quack or secret medicines, or from being in any way engaged in their manufacture and sale. Art. II.—Obligation of the public to physicians. The benefits accruing to the public, directly and indirectly, from the active and unwearied benefi- cence of the profession, are so numerous and import- ant, that physicians are justly entitled to'the utmost consideration and respect from the community. The public ought likewise to entertain a just appreciation of medical qualifications; to make a proper discrimi- nation between true science and the assumptions of ignorance and empiricism—to afford every encou- 57 ragement and facility for the acquisition of medica education—and no longer to allow the statute-books to exhibit the anomaly of exacting knowledge from physicians, under a liability to heavy penalties, and of making them obnoxious to punishment for resort- ing to the only means of obtaining it. FEE BILL. The following Table of Charges being founded on a just consideration of the professional services which the Fellows of the College are called upon to perform, it will be considered a duty on their part to conform to it, whenever the circumstances of their patients are not such as clearly to forbid such a course. For a single visit or for advice at office, in a case in which no further visit or advice is required This is not intended to apply to those cases in which the physician is considered the regular medical attend- ant of the individual or of his family. For the first visit, in a case in which the physician is in regular attendance...... For each subsequent visit...... Every necessary visit on the same day, whatever may be their number, to be charged at the same rate. When at the first visit in a case minute physical explo- ration is required in order to arrive at a correct diag- nosis......... When the physician is detained, for each hour . For a visit at a time appointed by the patient or his friends, during the daytime . . v . SID 00 5 00 2 00 10 00 5 00 5 00 58 For advice given at the physician's office . . . $5 00 For such advice when minute physical exploration is required.........15 °° For subseiiuent advice at office to the same individual for the same malady......2 00 For a written opinion or advice to a patient . . 20 00 For a visit at night, after ordinary bed-time . . 5 00 For a visit after night in stormy or inclement weather 10 00 For a first visit as consulting physician . . . 8 00 For each subsequent visit as consulting physician, in the same case ........ 3 00 For each visit of the attending physician, in a consul- tation .........3 00 For a visit as consulting physician during the night . 15 00 In all visits to distant patients, two dollars to be added in addition to the ordinary fee for each mile over two between the residence of the patient and that of the physician, without regard to the mode of conveyance. An additional fee of 82 to be charged for crossing the river Delaware. An extra charge to be made for travelling at night, or on account of the badness of the roads, or the incle- mency of the weather. For an opinion involving a question of law . . 25 00 For a post-mortem examination, in a case of legal in- vestigation ........30 00 For a post-mortem examination made at the request of the family or relatives of a deceased person For a certificate of the state of health of a patient For a similar certificate in all other cases For vaccination or re-vaccination .... For an ordinary case of midwifery .... For a difficult case of midwifery ..... For every hour the obstetrician is detained beyond twelve, an additional fee of $1. For the application of the forceps .... For the operation of turning..... For the operation of embryulcia..... 20 00 10 00 25 00 5 00 30 00 50 00 15 00 20 00 25 00 59 For the Cesarean operation..... For any indisposition in the mother or child, after the tenth day from confinement; or when any very serious ailment occurs in either mother or child ivithin the ten days, a charge is to be made for each visit as in ordinary cases of disease. For reducing fractures, and the first dressing In the above and in all other surgical operations the subsequent visits are to be charged as in attendance on ordinary cases of disease, the amount of charge being proportioned always to the time occupied and the trou- ble incurred in the subsequent attendance in each case For reducing recent luxations For reducing old luxations . For amputation of a leg or arm . For amputation at the shoulder-joint . For amputation at hip-joint . For amputation of a finger or toe . For resection of large bones and joints For resection of the smaller bones and joints For tenotomy ..... For the operation for artificial joint For the extirpation of tumors in dangerous localities For the extirpation of other tumors For trephining..... For operation for cataract or artificial pupil For other operations on the eye and its appendages For the removal of polypus from the nares For the operation for cleft palate . For the operation for hare-lip For the operation of tracheotomy For excision of the tonsils . For the operation for removal of a nsevus or aneurism by anastomosis..... For the introduction of the stomach pump For the ligation of the subclavian, carotid, iliac, or fe moral arteries....... For the removal of foreign substances from the ear, nares pharynx or oesophagus $250 00 25 00 60 For the reduction of hernia by taxis For the operation for strangulated hernia For paracentesis thoracis ..... For paracentesis abdominis ..... For the operation for vesico-vaginal, or recto-vaginal fistula........ For examination per anum or vaginam without speculum For examination with speculum .... For the introduction of a pessary .... For the removal of polypus from the uterus or rectum For the operation for fistula in ano For the operation of fistula in perineo . For the operation for haemorrhoids For the operation for imperforate anus, vagina, &c. For the reduction of prolapsus ani For the removal of stone from bladder . For the palliative operation for hydrocele For the operation for the radical cure of hydrocele For the operation for phimosis and paraphimosis . For division of stricture of the urethra " For the introduction of the catheter, in ordinary cases For the introduction of the catheter, in cases of ob struction........ For plastic operations...... For laying open an abscess or sinuses . For the administration of an anaesthetic For the introduction of a seton, or forming an issue It is recommended that in all cases of gonorrhoea and syphilis, a'Jee of from $10 to 25 be required in advance, the subsequent charge being graduated by the amount of the after attendance in each case. It is not to be understood that the omission of any operation or other surgical service from the foregoing fee bill is a denial of the right to charge for such operation or service a fee propor- tionate to its nature, extent, and importance. Physicians should present their account at least semi-annu- ally, or as much oftener as they may deem proper. 61 CHAPTER XV. REVISION AND ENACTMENT OF ORDINANCES AND BY-LAWS. 1. No new nor amended ordinance or by-law (see the last clause of the Act of Incorporation) shall be binding on the Officers or Members of the College, unless it shall be proposed in writing and subscribed by five Fellows, at one stated meeting, and enacted or passed at another, after the intervention of at least thirty days, nor unless it shall then be passed by a majority of two-thirds, there being not less than twenty Fellows present. 2. When it shall be in order for the College to act on an ordinance or by-law, it shall be announced by the Secretary to the Fellows in their notices for the meeting. 6 62 LIST OF PRESIDENTS OF THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS. JOHN REDMAN, M.D. 1797. WILLIAM SHIPFEN, M. D. 1805. ADAM KUHN, M. D. 1809. THOMAS PARKE, M. D. 1818. THOMAS C. JAMES, M.D.* 1835. THOMAS T. HEWSON, M.D. GEORGE B. WOOD, M.D. 1848. * Died four months after his election. 63 OFFICERS OF THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS, 1864. President, George B. Wood, M. D. Vice-President, Franklin Bache, M. D. Secretary, John H. Packard, M. D. Treasurer, John Rodman Paul, M. D. Curator, Thomas G. Morton, M. D. Librarian, Charles S. Boker, M. D. ( Drs. George W. Norris, Isaac Hays, Joseph Car- L ensors, < t son, Lewis Rodman. ' To serve 1 year, Drs. Squire Littell and Wilson Jewell. " " 2 years, Drs. Alfred StillS and Ellers- lie Wallace. « " 3 " Drs. Francis West and Francis W. Lewis. Councillors, Committee of Publication. Drs. Henry Hartshorne, Robert P. Thomas, and J. M. DaCosta. Library Committee. Drs. Samuel Lewis, Alfred Still^, and Walter F. Atlee. Committee on the Mutter Museum. Drs. John Rodman Paul, William Hunt, and S. Weir Mitchell. Hall Committee. Drs. Isaac Hays, George W. Norris, Edward Hartshorne, Lewis Rodman, and D. Francis Condie. Committee on Lectures. Drs. Samuel D. Gross, George B. Wood, George W. Norris, Joseph Leidy, and Franklin Bache. 64 FELLOWS AND ASSOCIATES OF THE COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF PHILADELPHIA. * Denotes deceased Fellows. f Resignation of Fellowship. || Forfeiture of Fellowship. (A.) Associates. (N. R.) Non-resident Fellows. ELECTHD. * John Redman . * John Jones * John Morgan . * Wm. Shippen, Jr. . * Adam Kuhn f Benjamin Rush * Gerardus Clarkson . * Samuel Duffield * Thomas Parke * James Hutchinson . * George Glentworth . * Abraham Chovet * Andrew Ross . * William W. Smith . * James Hall f William Clarkson . * William Currie * Benjamin Say * Samuel Powell Griffitts * Benjamin Duffield . || John Morris « « it d 1! 11 II (I (I (( (( II 11 (1 11 11 11 II II (I 11 II II II II II ,11 II II II II II II 65 * John Carson . * John Foulke . || Robert Harris . * Nathan Dorsey * John R. B. Rodgers . * Caspar Wistar, Jr. • * James Cunningham * Charles Moore * Michael Leib . * John H. Gibbons . * Nicholas B. Waters * Benjamin Smith Barton . * Nicholas Way (Wilmington, Del.), (A.) * James Tilton (Dover, Del.), (A. * Isaac Senter (Newport, R. I.), * Thomas Redman * William M'nvaine . * Plunket F. Glentworth . * Hugh Hodge . * Peter Renaudet (Bristol, Eng. || Charles Caldwell . * John Cumming * Thomas C. James . * William Annan f Adam Seybert * William Patterson (Londonderry), (A.) * William Boys * David Hosack (New York), (A.) * Lewis J. Jardine * Joseph P. Minnick . * Thomas T. Hewson * John Coakley Lettsom (London), (A.) * Nathaniel Chapman * Joseph Parrish * Henry Neill . * Samuel Bard (New York), (A. * Samuel Stewart 6* ) (A ELECTED. Jan. 1787. April, March April, u Aug. u Nov. July, Nov. Sept. Dec. April, July, Oct. June, Nov. Jan. Nov. Mar. July, Aug. Dec. Mar. Nov. ii June, Aug. July, 60 * Joseph Woollens, . * Isaac Cleaver || William P. C. Barton f Edwin A. Atlee * John Moore * Samuel C. Hopkins f John Wilson Moore * Samuel Emlen * John C. Otto . Elijah Griffiths Jacob Bigelow (Boston), (A.) * John Ruan * Joseph Hartshorne * Henry Bond . Robert M. Huston . John Bell Hugh L. Hodge Charles D. Meigs (N. R.^ George B. Wood f R. La Roche . Benjamin Hornor Coates * John K. Mitchell . * Thomas H. Ritchie Lewis P. Gebhard . William Darrach . * William S. Coxe . Franklin Bache * Daniel Drake (Cincinnati), (A.) || Joseph Togno George Fox . * Charles Lukens || Edward Y. Howell Theophilus E. Beesley * Simon A. Wickes ■ Caspar W. Pennock (N. R.) William W. Gerhard Thomas Stewardson EI.F.OTBO. July, 1814. Feb. 1815. June, u July, u Aug. u u 1817. Deo u Aug. 1818. March, 1819. April, 1821. u May April 1823. Dec. 1824. July, 1825. Sept. 1826. Feb. 1827. April, u May, ii Aug. u April, 1828. ii u May, u Jan. 1829. April, u Dec. 1830. Sept. 1831. Feb. 1«32. June, u Oct. u Nov. 1833. Sept. 1834 Jan. 1835. 67 William Ashmead Reuben D. Mussey (Cincinnati), (A.) * P. Ch. A. Louis (Paris), (A.) || Reynell Coates John Marshall Paul (N. R.) Joseph Pancoast . Isaac Hays . John Rodman Paul f Charles Noble D. Francis Condie Squire Littell * Thomas D. Mutter * Isaac Parrish * John Revere (New York), (A.) || David Rutter || Frederick A. Vandyke * Anthony Bournonville W. S. W. Ruschenberger (N. R.) f Samuel Jackson . Robley Dunglison * Jacob Randolph . Joseph Carson Joseph Warrington (N. R.) * James H. Bradford Thomas S. Kirkbride George W. Norris . Francis West \ Benjamin D. Neill || Rush Vandyke Edward Peace * Frederick Turnpenny * George Cheyne Shattuck (Boston), (A. * George M'Clellan . * William D. Brinckle William Pepper . * Edward Hallowell. * Theodoric R. Beck (Albany), (A.) ELECTED. Jan. 1835. Feb. " May, Sept. Feb. March, May, Dec. Jan. March, May, April, May, June, Dec. u Jan. Feb. ii I! March, u May, ii u u 11 July, 68 * Samuel Colhoun * William H. Klapp . Caspar Morris . Frederick S. Eckard (A.) * Carter N. Berkeley . * Joseph Peace . William S. Zantzinger (N. R.) David C. Skerrett . || W. Poyntell Johnson t Henry H. Smith Peter Parker (China), (A.) Charles Evans f Caspar Wistar Benjamin W. Dudley (Lexington), (A.) Nathan R. Smith (Baltimore), (A.) Gotthilf Moehring . * John Hubbard (Hallowell, Me.), (A.) * Thomas Sewall (Washington, D. C), (A Robert Bridges Meredith Clynier (N. R.) John D. Griscom John Ware (Boston), (A.) Thomas Dillard Paul Beck Goddard Alfred Stille . John J. Reese . * Amos Twitchell (Keene, N.H.), (A. John Forsyth Meigs f JohnWiltbank * Henry S. Patterson Lewis Rodman * George L. Newbold . William Byrd Page (N. R.) Charles R. King (N. R.) David H. Tucker (N. R.) * T. R. Brinckle * Samuel G. Morton . ELECTED. Aug. 1839 ii ii Sept. u April, 1840 June, ii Oct. d Nov. n Dec. u u u Jan. 1842 Feb. n April, ii June, July, u Aug. Nov. Dec. n Jan. June, u Aug. Nov. u Dec. Jan. 69 Francis G. Smith || Mahlon P. Hutchinson N. D. Benedict (E. Florida), (A.) * Benjamin S. Janney f Alexander Wilcocks * Victor L. Godon Thomas F. Betton . Morris C. Shallcross * William R. Grant . * Joshua M. Wallace . Washington L. Atlee John Neill Henry Gibbons (N. R.) . * John C. Warren (Boston), (A.) Richard D. Arnold (Savannah), (A Anthony E. Stocker J. Dickinson Logan Gouverneur Emerson Edward Hartshorne John L. Atlee (Lancaster), (A.) Jonathan Knight (New Haven), (A.) Alexander H. Stevens (New York), (A.) * James M'Naughton (Albany), (A.) * Moreton Stille .... Caspar Wister Robert A. Given (N. R.) Joseph Klapp . Samuel Jackson (Prof.) . * Jonathan Pereira (London), (A.) Robert Christison (Edinburgh), (A Samuel Lewis . Justus Dunott (N.R.) Samuel L. Hollingsworth John Hastings (N.R.) James M. Greene John L. Ludlow John H. B. M'Clellan ELECTED. May, 1845. Sept. 11 u u n ii April, 1846 June, u Aug. Nov. Dec. Feb. n April June, July, Dec. Jan. u April, Nov. Dec. ii Feb. u April, June July, 70 William V. Keating * D. Paul Lajus John K. Mason * William B. Wilson * Edmund Lang Thomas S. Reed Beverly R. Wellford (Fredericksbur Richard H. Townsend * Isaac Remington JolmB. Tuft (N.R.) Edward H. Mayer (N. R.) William R. Bullock (N. R.) John B. Biddle Robert P. Thomas * Henry E. Drayton * Bernard Henry James J. Levick Joseph Leidy . Wilson Jewell Ellwood Wilson Henry Hartshorne f William Keller William Mayburry Alfred L. Kennedy Ellerslie Wallace * Thomas H. Yardley Fitz William Sargent (N. R.) Thomas Hews on Bache James V. Emlen Joseph Hopkinson . Owen Jones Wister William H. Hooper Henry Tiedemann . Jonathan M. Allen (N. R.) James L. Tyson (N. R.) Archibald Hall (Canada), (A.) James E. Rhoads . ,Va, ,(A ELECTED. July, 1S49 11 ii u u Oct. ii Nov. ii u u Jan. 1850 Feb. ii Mar. ■i ii u Oct. ii Jan. 1851. April, July, u Oct. Jan. April, July, ii Oct. u Jan. 71 Addinell Hewson ... Fleetwood Churchill (Dublin), (A.) David Gilbert . B. Howard Rand John M. Lever (London), (A.) W. P. Tilden (N.R.) G. Herman Robinett William Hunt R. A. F. Penrose t Richard Clements . William H. Gobrecht Joseph Parrish (N.R.) William D. Stroud Nathan L. Hatfield Francis W. Lewis . S. Weir Mitchell . R. K. Smith (N. R.) William N. Johnson J. Cheston Morris . James Aitken Meigs John H. Brinton Alfred M. Slocum . Alfred Green . Samuel D. Gross • E. Gintrac (France), (A.) Walter F. Atlee Robert E. Rogers • Thos. G. Richardson Gaetano Valery (Italy), (A>) James M. Corse John H. Packard . J. M. DaCosta S. Henry Dickson . D. Hayes Agnew . James Darrach William A. Hammond (N. R.) Charles S. Boker . William Hembel Taggart ELECTED. Jan. 1853. April, " Oct. " u it Jan. 1854. u « April, " July, n Oct. Jan. u July Jan. April, u Oct. Jan. April, July, Oct. July, Oct. Jan. n April July, 72 * A. Owen Stille Augustine H. Fish . Hermann Walther (Dresden), (A.) Henry D. Benner . William R. Dunton Charles Stewart Wurts . Pedro Gonzalez Velasco (Spain), (A Henry Miller (Louisville, Ky.), (A.) Thomas G. Morton . William S. Forbes . C. Pendleton Tutt . Robert P. Harris John F. Lamb James II. Hutchinson Edward A. Page A. Douglass Hall Lewis D. Harlow II. Lenox Hodge Albert II. Smith W. Lehman Wells . David Burpee Richard J. Dunglison George R. Morehouse W. Kent Gilbert . J. Hamilton Slack . John Ashhurst, Jr. . A. K. Smith, U. S. A. ELECTED. July, 1859 u u Jan. 1860 April, u ii u Oct. it July, 1861 ii n u n April, 1862 Jan. April July, Oct. APPENDIX. Articles of Agreement made and Executed this Eleventh day of December A. D. Eighteen Hundred and Fifty- Eight, between Thomas D. Mutter, of the City of Philadelphia, Doctor of Medicine, of TnE first part, and the College of Physicians of Philadel- phia, of the second part. The said party of the first part, for himself, his heirs, executors, and administrators, hereby cove- nants and agrees to and with the said party of the second part and their successors, and the said party of the second part for themselves and their successors hereby covenant and agree to and with the said party of the first part, his heirs, executors, and adminis- trators, in manner following. The party of the first part covenants and agrees according to the three following articles:— 1. That he will convey to and place under the guardianship of the party of the second part, the pathological collection at present owned by him (the particulars of which collection are set forth in a paper marked "A," annexed to these presents, and to be taken as part thereof), for the purpose of serv- ing as the basis of a museum, to be denominated "The Mutter Museum, founded by Thomas Dent Mutter, M. D., LL. D., A. D. 1858," as soon as the party of the second part shall have erected a build- ing suitable for the reception of the said collection. 2. That he will defray, during the term of his na- tural life, the expenses of maintaining said museum. 7 74 3. That, as soon as the necessary papers can be prepared, he will convey and assign to the Pennsyl- vania Company for Insurances on Lives and Granting Annuities a yearly ground rent of twelve hundred dollars, unincumbered, and of good and marketable title, and also the sum of ten thousand dollars of the six per cent, loan of the city of Philadelphia, the net income of which investments, or of whatever investments may at any time be substituted for them by said Company, shall be paid unto the party of the first part when and as collected, during the term of his life for his own use, or in case of his death be- fore the erection of said building, then according to his last will, and after his death and the erection of said building, shall be paid to the College of Physicians of Philadelphia aforesaid, in manner designated in the following articles, for the support and increase of said museum, and the other pur- poses hereinafter designated. The party of the second part covenants and agrees according to the remaining articles of this agreement, being fifteen in number:— 4. That the building to be erected as aforesaid shall be fire-proof, and shall be completed within five years from the execution of these presents. Said building is to contain an apartment of sufficient dimensions for the accommodation of said museum and its probable increase. Should the said party of the second part fail to erect such a building within the said period of five years, this whole agreement shall, at the option of the said party of the first part, become null and void. 75 5. That the charge of the museum aforesaid shall be placed in the hands of a committee of three, to be appointed annually by the College, and called "the Committee of the Mutter Museum," to the chair- man of which committee the income of the said trust estate shall be paid from and after the death of the party of the first part as aforesaid. Such income is to be disbursed by the aforesaid committee, under the supervision of the said College of Physicians, in the manner hereinafter directed; and semi-annual accounts are to be rendered to the College by the said committee of all their receipts and expenditures. The committee is to be at all times subject to direc- tions from the College, who •!;: 11 have the power to supply any vacancy that may occur in said committee. 6. That the income so received by the chairman of the committee aforesaid shall be devoted to the following purposes, and no other:— 1. For the salary of a curator $300 per annum 2. For the salary of a lecturer $200 per annum And the remainder of said income to the pre- paring, fitting up, keeping in order, increasing, and insuring of pathological and anatomical preparations and specimens, illustrative of surgery and medicine; drawings, models, casts, and other like matters, which are intended to form the museum aforesaid. 7 That they will appoint, annually, a curator of the Mutter Museum, who is also to be curator of the College He shall receive the aforesaid salary _of three hundred dollars per annum, to be paid to him 76 by the chairman of the Committee on the Mutter Museum out of the income received by him in that capacity. No professor or lecturer on surgery or medicine shall be appointed curator aforesaid. The Museum of the College of Physicians shall be an- nexed to the Mutter Museum as soon as conveniently may be after the reception of the latter into the new College building. 8. That no one shall be permitted to remove from the College building, except for necessary repairs or preparation, any article belonging to the said Mutter Museum, after the same shall have been deposited there. 0. That proper accommodations, such as chairs, tables, pen, ink, and paper, shall always be present in the museum for those who may be inclined to draw or describe any of the preparations. 10. That should the party of the first part again desire to teach, he shall have the use of the Mutter Museum, he undertaking to return, immediately after each lecture, the preparations removed for his use. 11. That free access to the museum and prepara- tions shall be given to every regular graduate in medicine, and to every student of medicine, without charge or fee, subject to such regulations as the Col- lege may deem necessary for the preservation of order, and that other persons may be admitted on the presentation of a ticket bearing upon it the sig- nature of any Fellow of the College. 12. That the curator aforesaid shall attend at the' museum, for the accommodation of visitors and stu- dents, for such a length of time, and on such days 77 in each and every week as may be directed by the committee aforesaid on the Mutter Museum. 13. That on such occasions the curator shall re- move and replace specimens, afford information to the students, and prevent improprieties on the part of visitors. 14. That they will provide and pay a door-keeper for the building to be erected as aforesaid, who shall receive such specimens as may from time to time be sent to the museum. 15. That when any preparation has been properly placed in the museum, the name of the donor shall be conspicuously attached to it. 16. That they will appoint, once in every three years, a lecturer, whose duty it shall be during that period, to deliver, annually, a course of lectures on some point or points connected Avith surgical patho- logy. The same lecturer shall not be appointed for two such successive terms of three years. Such lec- turer shall be subject to directions from the College in regard to the period and duration of his course; but no such annual course shall consist of less than ten lectures. 17. That the said lecturer shall receive from the committee on the Mutter Museum the salary of two hundred dollars above directed to be paid him. He shall deliver his lectures within the College building, and shall have the use of the museum for the pur- pose of illustrating them. He may receive a fee of five or ten dollars, as he may himself determine, from every person attending his lectures. He shall, 1* 78 however, distribute ten gratuitous tickets to poor but well educated and moral students of regular medicine, whom he may select at will; and all Fel- lows of the College are to be allowed gratuitous access to the lectures. 18. That the annual income of the trust fund re- ceived by the College of Physicians shall be devoted exclusively to the performance of the trusts specified in this agreement. In the event of their application to any other purpose, the benefit of the trust in favor of the College of Physicians shall cease, and the fund shall revert to the heirs and assigns of Dr. Miittcr. In witness whereof the said Thos. D. Mutter has hereunto set his hand and seal; and the said College of Physicians of Philadelphia have caused their com- mon or corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, the day and year first above written. THOS. D. MUTTER. [l.s.] Attest, GEO. B. WOOD, M.D., [l.s.] President of the Col. of Phys. of Phila. Attest, EDWARD HARTSHORNE, M. D., Secretary of the Col. of Phys. of Phila. Sealed and delivered in the presence of us, by the party of the first part, December 13, 1855: John Thompson, W. P. Lewis. In presence of us, by the party of the second part, January 8, 1859: Edward Hartshorne, W. P. Lewis. "V 79 Extracts from Exemplification of Deed of Thomas D. Mutter et ux, to the Pennsylvania Company for Insur- ance on Lives and granting Annuities. In Trust. " This Indenture, made the Eleventh day of De- cember, A. D. eighteen hundred and fifty-eight, be- tween Thomas Dent M litter, of the City of Philadel- phia, Doctor of Medicine, and Mary A., his wife, of the one part, and ' The Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives and granting Annuities,' of. the other part. Whereas, in and by certain articles of agreement entered into between the said Thomas Dent Mutter of the first part, and 'The College of Physicians of Philadelphia' of the second part, dated the same clay and year as these presents, but executed immediately before them, and intended to be record- ed. The said party of the first part, therein for him- self, his heirs, executors and administrators, cove- nanted and agreed to and with the said party of the second part and their successors, and the said party of the second part for themselves and their-successors, thereby covenanted and agreed to and with the said party of the first part, his heirs, executors and ad- ministrators, in manner following to wit:"— [See Articles of Agreement]. " All which, by reference to the said articles of agreement, will fully and at large appear. Now in 80 -# pursuance and performance of the covenants entered into by him, said Thomas Dent Mutter, as above, and in consideration of the articles of agreement, and also in consideration of the sum of One Dollar, law- ful money of the United States of America, to each of them the said Thomas Dent Mutter, and Mary A., his wife, well and truly paid by the said ' The Penn- sylvania Company for Insurances on Lives and grant- ing Annuities,' at or before the sealing and delivery of these presents' the receipt whereof is hereby ac- knowledged. This Indenture witnesseth that the said Thomas Dent Mutter and Mary A., his wife, have granted, bargained and sold, assigned, transferred and set over, and by these presents do grant, bar- gain, sell, assign, transfer and set over unto the said 'The Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives and granting Annuities,' their successors and assigns, the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars of the Six per cent Loan of the City of Philadelphia, contained in the five following certificates, three of said certifi- cates being for one thousand dollars each, and num- bered respectively, nine thousand eight hundred and forty-five, nine thousand eight hundred and forty-six, and nine thousand eight hundred and forty-seven (9845, 9846, 9847); another of said certificates being for the sum of three thousand dollars, numbered three thousand one hundred and seventy-one (3171), and the remaining one of such certificates being for the sum of four thousand dollars, numbered eleven thousand two hundred and six (11206). And also all that certain yearly Ground Rent or sum of Twelve 81 Hundred Dollars, lawful silver money of the United States of America, payable half yearly, on the first day of the months of September and March, by Peter A. Keyser and Francis B. Warner, their heirs and assigns, in every year, without deduction for taxes, and issuing out of all that certain Lot or piece of Ground, situate in that part of the City of Phila- delphia, late Penn Township, on the north side of Girard Avenue, and on the east side of Schuylkill Fifth (now Eighteenth) Street, containing in front or breadth on said Girard Avenue two hundred and fifty-five feet, and extending in length or depth north- ward of that width along the east side of Schuylkill Fifth Street one hundred and sixty-five feet to a twenty-five feet wide street, bounded northward by the said twenty-five feet wide street, eastward by ground now or late of Charles F. Lex, southward by the said Girard Avenue, and westward by the said Fifteenth Street; which said lot or piece of ground the said Thomas Dent Mutter and Frederick Brown with their respective wives, by indenture bearing date the first day of March, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty three, recorded in Deed Book T. H., No. 73, page 140, &c, granted and conveyed unto Peter A. Keyser and Francis B. Warner as tenants in common in fee, reserving thereout to them the said Thomas Dent Mutter and Frederick Brown, their heirs and assigns, the said yearly ground rent of twelve hundred dollars, and the said Frederick Brown and wife, by indenture bearing date the twenty-seventh day of June, A. D. one thousand 82 eight hundred and fifty-four, recorded in Deed Book T. n., No. 160, page 61, &c, granted and conveyed his, the said Frederick Brown's one full equal and undivided moiety of and in the said yearly ground rent unto the said Thomas Dent Mutter, his heirs and assigns, together with, all the right, title, interest, property, claim and demand of the said Thomas Dent Mutter and Mary A. his wife, or either of them, in law or equity, of, in, and to the said yearly ground rent, and also of, in, or to the said lot of ground, out of which the same issues, to have and to hold the said yearly ground rent with the appurtenances, and also the said sum of ten thousand dollars of the Six per cent. Loan of the City of Philadelphia, unto the said ' The Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives and granting Annuities,' their successors and assigns, to and for the only proper use and behoof of them the said ' The Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives and granting Annuities,' their successors and assigns forever, upon this special trust and confidence, nevertheless to receive the rents, interest, income and profits of the said trust estate, and after deducting all taxes, charges and the expenses of this trust, to pay the same over to the said Thomas Dent Mutter when and as collected during the term of his life for his own use, and in case of his death before the erection of said building, then according to his last will, and from and after the death of the said Thomas Dent Mutter and the erection of said building, then in trust to pay the said rents, interest, income and profits to the Chairman of the said Com- 83 mittee of the Mutter Museum, for the time being to be held by him and disbursed in accordance with the provisions of the herein before recited agreement, his receipt to be the sole discharge to the said Trus- tees paying the same, but so that the said Trustees shall not be liable to see that the said income is dis- bursed by the said ' The College of Physicians of Philadelphia,' in conformity with the provisions of the said articles of agreement, and upon failure by the said College of Physicians of Philadelphia to devote the said annual income exclusively to the performance of the trusts specified in said agreement, or in the event of their application to any other pur- pose, then upon trust to convey the' said trust estate and premises hereby granted unto such person or persons as the said Thomas Dent Mutter, by his last will and Testament in writing, shall demise, bequeath, or appoint, or in default of any such devise, bequest, or appointment, then upon trust to convey the same to the heirs and legal representatives of the said Thomas Dent Mutter according to the intestate laws of Pennsylvania then in force. And it shall and may be lawful for the said ' The Pennsylvania Com- pany for Insurances on Lives and granting Annu- ities,' if the principal of said yearly ground rent, or if said City loan, or either of them should at any time be paid off; to reinvest the same, to and for the uses, trusts and purposes specified and declared in and by this present indenture, and so to do from time to time as often as any of such investments or reinvest- ments shall be paid off, such reinvestments to be 84 made according to law; and it is also hereby ex- pressly provided, that the *iid Trustees in the pre- mises shall not be liable for any act or acts in the execution of this trust dons or performed by them in good faith, or for any loss or depreciation of the said trust estate, unless the same shall happen through their wilful default or negligence." l*f - NATIONAL library ■$. NLM Q32Db71D 1 u- »»- -«■ NLM032067101