c/lntioimcement Rules and Regulations 1892-1899 School for cNurses FIRST VIEW UPON ENTERING THE HOSPITAL DR. J. T. BINKLEY, JR. DR. ALEX. H. FERGUSON DR. WM. M. HARSH A DR. D. A. K. STEELE DR. WILLIAM FULLER DR. H. H. DEMING DR. W. H. WILDER DR. Z. H. GOING DR. A. R. REYNOLDS DR. FRED’K C. SHAFFER STAFF THE CHICAGO HOSPITAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES :::::: CHICAGO DIRECTORS D. A. K. STEELE, M. D.t Pres. J. T. BINKLEY, Jr., M. D., Sec’y H. H. DEMING, M. D. WM. M. HARSHA, M. D. ALEX. H. FERGUSON, M. D. LEILA M. HOLMES, Supt. Applications and Communications should be addressed to DR. J. T. BINKLEY, Jr., Secretary 452 E. Forty-ninth Street METCALF PRINTER CHICAGO ANNOUNCEMENT The Chicago Hospital Training School for Nurses, the outgrowth and reorganization of the Josephine Training School for Nurses, in which latter school our nurses were trained for four years, presents its announcement. The Josephine Training School was organized and incor- porated by the Secretary of the Chicago Hospital Training School. The course of instruction embraced a period of two years, the term of service was equally divided between the Chicago, the Charity and the Post-Graduate Hospitals. At the time of the organization of the Josephine Training School the Chicago Hospital was a small private institution, and occupied very limited quarters in a rented building. To-day the Hospital has its own beautiful home, located in the finest resi- dence district of our city, overlooking the magnificent Drexel Boulevard, and only a block distant from the famous South and Washington Parks. The present quarters were especially designed and built for the Chicago Hospital, and there are embodied in the structure all the essential features which an experience of several years has taught us were necessary. There are fifty private rooms for patients, operating rooms, bath rooms, dressing rooms, diet kitchens, laboratories, a complete drug department, steam laundry plant, electric light plant, sterilizing and disinfecting apparatus, and liberal quarters for the entire serving staff. The growth of the Chicago Hospital from a small twelve-bed hospital, to an institution such as above described, has made it necessary for us to establish a Training School under our exclusive supervision. Of the Josephine Training School for Nurses, and its twenty- eight good and efficient graduates, we shall ever have the fondest recollection. For the alumnae we cherish the same affection, as though we were in truth, as we are in spirit, their Alma Mater. The Chicago Hospital Training School is still their home, under a different name. Very respectfully, J. T. BINKLEY, Jr , M. D., Secretary. 3 THE CHICAGO HOSPITAL TRAINING SCHOOL FOR NURSES THE object of the school is to train young women in all departments of Medical, Surgical and Obstetrical nursing. The course is two years—the pupil to reside in the hospital during her term of service. Each pupil will be allowed one month of vacation during this period of service, but shall be required to make up all time over one month that may be lost, from any cause. She shall be over 20 and under 30 years of age. An applicant for admission to the school must present a phy- sician’s certificate of health, and a certificate of good character. She must hold a teacher’s certificate, a high school diploma, or pass a satisfactory examination in the common school branches. All applications should be made to the secretary of the school, in the applicant’s handwriting, and must be accompanied by above certifi- cates. Pupils may begin their service at any time. All pupils entering the school will be put upon probation for thirty days. At the end of the probationary period, if they are accepted, they shall begin the regular course of training, which is two years. The month of probation will be allowed to the five nurses each year who have the highest average marks in studies and work. The examination and recommendation of probationers will be made by the secretary, or superintendent. Nurses shall be required to attend 60 per cent, of all lectures given during their course, except when nursing private cases; they shall conform to all of the Rules and Regulations of the school, and they may be suspended or dismissed from the school at any time for good cause. In case of sickness, all pupils excepting probationers, and those who have entered the school with physicial defects, shall be entitled to receive gratuitous care. Pupils will not be excused from duty on account of sickness at home, excepting in extreme cases. When a pupil has completed the full term of study and nursing, and passed a satisfactory examination, a diploma certifying these facts will be issued by the school. TUITION A fee of One Hundred Dollars, for the Course and Diploma, must be paid or secured by the pupil upon entering the school. Inasmuch as a fee is charged for the course, we list below some of the advantages which the school offers to applicants. First.—We claim that the Chicago Hospital is the finest private hospital in the world, and gives the best course of training. Second.—Our patients come principally from well-to-do fami- lies, whose acquaintance is a great advantage to the nurse in future life. Third.—Our nurses are always in demand, and are usually employed when others are idle. Fourth.—Our course of training is- superior, our pupils are superior. The home life of the nurse is charming. Our course is two years, and the work is easier than in most schools, so that the pupil is not entirely worn out when she completes her course of training in the Chicago Hospital Training School, which is frequently the case after a course in a public hospital. UNIFORMS The outdoor uniform of the Chicago Hospital (see last page of cover) is made of light blue army cloth, and was especially designed for the school. The uniform, coat, cape and hat costs the pupil $35.00. With proper care it looks well after three years’ wear. Pupils are required to wear the uniform while in training. Pupils entering the school will be required to sign an agree- ment to comply with all rules and regulations, and they must also agree to leave all uniforms, if, for any reason, they leave the school. The school will undertake to dispose of the uniform and refund to the pupil the entire proceeds of the sale, and will refund to the pupil the tuition fee, less $10.00 for each month the pupil has been in training. RULES Section 1. The Superintendent shall be a graduate of a Training School for Nurses, and shall be elected by the Board of Directors of the Hospital. She shall have immediate charge of SUPERINTENDENT OF TRAINING SCHOOL 5 the nursing in the Hospital, of all persons employed in the wards, and the instruction and management of the nurses in the Training School. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent to have the directions for nursing and care of patients, given by the Attending Staff