\j €ifr Price i)\m WITH 8 Free Presents. Brockton Cut PricC Drug Store. Brqpkton and Taunton OUR FREE GIFTS The National Magazine, New England Cook Book, Cabinet Photographs and Soda Water absolutely and unconditionally Free. In presenting our 1898 cut price list and how to make preserves, we have taken a new departure, and have completed arrangements whereby every recipient of this catalogue may receive, absolutely and unconditionally free, the following: Ist. A TWO MONTHS’ SUBSCRIPTION to the National Magazine. of your Child or Yourself. 2d. A FINELY FINISHED CABINET PHOTO. 3d. soda water at Our Fountain 4th. new England cook book, by Mrs. Lincoln and Others. All that is necessary to obtain these gifts is to present the coupons at our store during the months they are redeemable. No purchase required. A full description of these presents will be found on pages 30-35. If it should be inconvenient for anyone to call in person we will mail the presents on receipt of coupons and the necessary postage. we have a mail order department, which enables people living at a distance to obtain all their drug supplies at our cut prices. Orders received by mail have the same careful attention as if delivered in person* it has been our endeavor to make this Catalogue have a cash value, and one that will be carefully preserved. If hung in a convenient place it will always serve as a guide to what you ought to pay. When you pay higher prices than we ask, to any man, you are contributing to that man’s pleasure. the standard of strength and quality adopted by us is that of the United States Pharmacopoeia. Money can not purchase better. the receipts for making preserves are very simple and are practical, and will be of inestimable value in preserving all kinds of fruits and berries. We bespeak a careful perusal and hope you will hang it up so that you may know where the coupons are when desired for use. C. H. QOLDTHWAITE, Proprietor, Brockton Cut Price Drug Store, 103 Main Street, BROCKTON. io City Square, TAUNTON. * | rHIS BOOK contains coupons for 8 presents, absolutely free, without any conditions what- soever, together with our 1898 Cut Price List, and it also contains practical directions for making ajl kinds of preserves. It is published and donated to the ladies of Brockton, Taunton, and vicinity by the BROCKTON CUT PRICE DRUG STORE, C. H. GOLDTHWAITE, Prop'r, 103 Main St., BROCKTON. 10 City Sq., TAUNTON. These coupons are unconditionally free. You are not required to purchase anything to obtain these presents. CELERY AND COCA NERVE TONIC fOR (NERVOUS. AYER-WORKED PEOPLE. A PERFECT FOOD FOR T-HE NERVES AND BRAIN. Cuoronleed to Cura Nervous Prostration. Trembling, Sleeplessness. Feinting Spells. Despondency. Dizziness, Blues. Epilepsy. Fils, Paralysis. Nervous Exhaustion from Over-Work. St. Vitus Dance, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Sick Head- ache, General Debility. Etc. Qlr^ellons-—For oduUs. on* lo Ivvo teaspoon* ?uli» in a lillle weter, four limes 9 dfty. before monls und c»i Ufthltnc. Tor oliilclicri, under fifteen years of Ouo, onfr'hplf the* qunnliiy. • GUARANTEED PURELY VEGETABLE BROGKT3N CUT-PRICE DRUGSTORE C. H. GOLDTMNV AITE. FAOPmtTpg Main st , BROCKTON i IP cixSf TAUNTON Price, 60 CcutSi 2 We are druggists who make a scientific study of pharmacy. Goldthwaite’s 1898 Cut Price List Lower Prices Than Ever. This is the most complete Druggists’ Price List ever published in New England, yet it contains only about ten articles to every hundred we have in stock. These were our ruling prices on going to press, but as we are daily cutting prices lower and lower, we may save you money even from these prices. Write us freely about prices, as we have a mail order department. Always send enough money. If too much is received, we will return balance with goods. Every preparation from our laboratory, as also those for which we are sole agents, is fully guaranteed by us. All proprietary preparations sold by us are always fresh, as we receive them direct from the manufacturers. These prices are subject to the fluctuations of the market. Our prices, however, are always the lowest. Acid, Acetic, Comm’l 4 oz., 10c. 8 oz., 15c. 16 oz., 25c. “ Boracic, Powd 1 oz., sc. 4 oz., 15c. 8 oz., 25c. 16 oz., 40c. “ Carbolic, Crys 1 oz., 10c. 4 oz., 25c. 16 oz. inc., 60c. “ “ Solut 4 oz., 10c. 16 oz., 25c. “ Citric 1 oz., 10c. 4 oz., 25c. 16 oz., 75c. “ Muriatic, Comm’l 4 oz., 10c. 16 oz., 15c. 6 lb. bot. inc., 75c. “ Nitric, Comm’l 4oz , 10c. 16 oz., 25c. 7 lb. bot. inc., 1.25 “ Sulphuric, Comm’l 4 0z.,5c. 16 oz., 15c. 9 lb. bot. inc., 1.00 “ Oxalic 1 oz., sc. 4 oz., 10c. 16 oz., 20c. 5 lb. lots, 16c. per lb. “ Tartaric 1 oz., sc. 4 oz., 15c. 16 oz., 60c. 5 lb. lots, 55c. per lb. “ Frye’s Gran. Eff. Salicylic 60 “ Schering’s Carbolic 60 “ Phosphate, Horsford’s 34, .68 Alcohol, lowest market price. Almond Cream, Shaker (See page 15) 25 Almond Meal, Brown’s 20 Alterans Succus, McDade’s 1.65 Alum Crystals 2 oz., sc. 8 oz., 10c. 16 oz., 15c. “. Powdered. 2 oz., sc. 8 oz., 12c. 16 oz., 15c. Ammonia, dil 4 oz., sc. 8 oz., 10c. 16 oz., 15c. “ strong 4 oz., 10c. 8 oz., 15c. 16 oz., 25c. ]/z gal. bot. inc., 1.00 “ Household, Goldthwaite’s, Strongest Made 10 Ammonium Carbonate 1 oz., sc. 8 oz., 15c. 16 oz., 25c. Ammonium Muriate 1 oz., sc. 8 oz., 18c. 16 oz., 25c. TESTED IX OUR OWtf LABORATORY. All our drugs are examined— tested—in our own laboratory. We are not obliged to depend on others. We have personal knowledge of their absolute purity and strength. We guarantee everything that bears our label. Amandine, Goldthwaite’s, (See page 23) 25, .50 Anakesis 85 Shaker Pile Ointment, An Absolute Cure 25 Anointment, Kilmer’s 40 Antidote, Kohler’s 09 Anti-Fat 1.25 Anti-Stiff 20 Aperient, Bailey’s Saline 40 “ Frothingham’s 39 “ Tarrant’s Seltzer 42, .72 Apioline, Chapoteaut’s 85 Arctusine 40 Arrow-Root, Taylor’s 15, .25 Asparoline, Wampole’s 85 Asthma Cure, Goldthwaite’s (See page 27) 50 Asthmaline, Taft’s 21, 1.15 Athlophoros 85 Atomizers, all styles, lowest prices. (See page 64.) August Flower, Green’s 09, .60 Baco-Curo 85 aim, Booth’s Hyomei Ordinary 20 Balm, Booth’s Hyomei Special 40 “ Brown’s (O. P.) Woodland 40 “ Cushman’s Menthol 20 “ Ely’s Cream 38 “ Hagan’s Magnolia 65 “ Rush’s Lung 75 “ Smith’s Cactus 39, .75 Balsam, Adamson’s Botanic 09, .25, .58 “ Allen’s Lung / 20, .40 “ Arnold’s Diarrhoea 19, .38, .75 “ Brown’s (O. P.) Acacia 40, .75 “ Coe’s Cough 28 “ Shaker Cough and Croup (See page 13) 25 “ Dinsmorc’s Cough 19 “ Gardner’s Indian 40 “ Gombault’s Caustic 1.25 “ Hall’s Lung 20, .40 “ Hartshorn’s Cough, No. 19 21 “ Haynes’Arabian 15, .75 “ Jayne’s Carminative 20 “ Kemp’s Throat and Lung 20, .38, .75 “ Kennedy’s Cherry 20 Cutler’s Pulmonary 38, .75 “ Van Wert’s Cough 20, .40 “ Wistar’s, of Wild Cherry 19, .38, .75 Brooklyn Hospital Cough Syrup (Seepage 11) 25, .50 NO COMBINATION can force us to advance prices—they have tried it. When we cut the price of an article it remains there or until we cut it again. We are daily cutting: prices lower and lower. PRESCRIPTIONS. _ f f To aid their trade, many druggists furnish physicians People Think. _ ~ ~ „ , r with prescription blanks, with their firm name printed thereon as an advertisement. Many people, when they get prescriptions written on such blanks, think that it is necessary to take them to the drug store whose advertisement is on them. g Now we just want to say that this is a mistake, and that all such prescriptions can be prepared by us. Frequently a customer will say : “ I would like to have had the prescription prepared by you, as I know you would have saved me from 25 to 50 per cent., but it was written out for another drug store,” thinking that it was neces- sary to take it there, when such an idea never entered the physician’s head, p ( The point to be remembered is, that all prescriptions and medicines of any kind can be prepared by us. MAIL ORDERS. Lowest Persons unable to visit our store and wishing goods in Prices. our ma7 order of us and be sure of securing the lowest prices at all times. . Enough money should be sent with order, and any change will be returned with goods. For amounts over fifty cents always procure a postal or express money order. It reduces to a minimum the chances of loss. Prompt We always make an effort to ship goods the day the Shipment. order reaches us. Write to us freely about prices and styles of anything you may want. We will do our best to answer fullys Personal We give personal attention to all orders, and every effort Attention, is made to secure satisfaction. No combination can force us to advance prices. Bandoline, Coudray’s 20 Bandoline Powder 09 Bands, Edison’s Obesity 2.25 Bark, Elix. Calisaya, Dudley’s 75 Bark, Elm, Selected 1 oz., 4c. 4 oz., 10c. 16 oz., 25c. “ “ Gro. in packages 1 oz., 4c. 4 oz., 12c. 16 oz., 30c. Bay Rum * 40c. pt., 75c. qt. Bedbug Poison, Goldthwaite’s 25 “ “ Peterman’s 20 Bedpans, Earthenware 1.00 “ Rubber (See page 64) $2.50 upwards. Beef Extract, Goldthwaite’s 50 Beef, Iron, and Wine, Goldthwaite’s (See page 7) 50 “ “ “ “ Wyeth’s 67 Beef Juice, Wyeth’s 65 Beef Malt 19 Belladonna Plaster, Goldthwaite’s 15, 2 for .25 Beef Tonic, Golden’s .* 85 Beer, Shaker Root Extract 12, two for .20 Belts, Electric, Duval’s (See page 45) 1.98, 2.98 Best Tonic .19 Bitters, Angostura 85 “ Atwood’s Jaundice 15 “ Brown’s Iron 75 “ Bucklen’s Electric 38 “ Burdock 72 “ Carter’s Liver 85 “ Drake’s Plantation 85 “ Green’s Oxygenated .85 “ Hartshorn’s 65 “ Hop 75 “ Hostetters’ ; 78 “ Langley’s Root and Herb 30, .65 “ Pierce’s Indian Preservative 65 “ Quaker (Flint’s) ‘ 75 “ Richardson’s Sherry Wine 80 “ “ “ “ Dry w 40 “ Rush’s Stomach 85 “ Dr. Swann’s 75 “ Sulphur, Kauffman’s , 67 “ Walker’s Vinegar Old Style 85 Blister, Daniel’s Horse 80 “ Moore’s Golden 75 “ Sloan’s 40 Blood Pill, Goldthwaite’s (See page 9), the Best Blood Pill 25 Blood Wine 34 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. Hereafter it will be impossible for us to make chemical analysis for outside parties, as the business of our own laboratory has increased so rapidly that it demands our whole time and attention. 6 Pay no man higher prices than we ask. Qoldthwaite’s o° f Ctn It will Absolutely Cure |l I I, I /• fl Scrofula, Humors, M W nLJ I Salt Rheum, Faintness, |\ ■ £|l M Pimples, lassitude, 11 LM Vk Dyspepsia, Costiveness, rCIMTIEJIII J \ Dizziness, Doss of Appetite, Boils, Weakness, N Ringworms, Sleepy Feeling. blood builder ■“■■■“ ■ C% ' The only SARSAPARILLA on Earth GUARANTEED or Money Actually Refunded. Every bottle of Goldthwaite’s Sarsaparilla is guaranteed. If it does not cure, all you have to do is to get your money. The formula of this blood medicine has been used by more physicians than any other single formula in the civilized world. It makes rich new blood. It is a great Spring medicine. It has cured people who were pronounced incurable. It is the formula of the world’s greatest physician. Its success depends wholly on its merit instead of newspaper advertising. For further information and testimonials, call at our store. Price, 60 Cents. fe Goldthwaite’s Beef, Iron Wine. Acknowledged by all to be tie best Beef, Iron, and Wine made. This Preparation is made from Beef Juice, Citrate of Iron, and Imported Sherry Wine. It combines in a pleasant form the valuable nutritious, tonic, and stimulating properties of its ingredients. Prompt results follow its use in impaired nutrition, impoverishment of the blood, loss of appetite, and general debility. It will prove a valuable restorative Tonic for all convalescents. Price per pint, 50 cts. 7 We are never too busy to impart information. Bloom, Kilmer’s Rose 65 , “ Laird’s, of Youth 65 Blossom, McGill’s Orange 69 Blue Vitriol . 4 oz., sc. 80z.,7c. 16 oz., 12c. Bon-Ami .10 Borax, Whole 4 oz., sc. 8 oz., 10c. 16 oz., 15c. “ Powd 2 oz., sc. 4 oz., 10c. 8 oz., 15c. 16 oz., 25c. Borolyptol 85 Bottles, Hot Water (See page 64). Boston Drug , 85 Bougies, Allen’s Long 1.25 “ “ Short 1.25 “ English Ordinary, Nos. Ito 12 25 Mitchell’s, all kinds 1.25 Bovinine 40, .10 Bovox 35, .15 Braces, Shoulder (See page 45). Bradycrotine 39, .15 Briiliantine, Coudray’s 30 “ Piriaud’s 32 Bromidia 85 Bromides, Peacock 85 Bromo-Caffeine 09, .30, .15 Goldthwaite’s Caffeine and Bromide 38 Bromo-Pyrine 40, ,15 Bromo-Quinine, Laxative 20 Bromo-Seltzer 09, .21, .38, .15 Bromo-Soda 15 Bronchial Troches, Goldthwaite’s, Cure Hoarseness 15 “ “ Brown’s 40, .15 Brushes, Bailey’s Rubber Bath.. 1.25 *• “ “ Complexion 40 “ “ “ Hand 40 “ “ “ Shampoo 65 “ “ “ Tooth, No. 1 20 “ “ “ Toilet 20 “ Dental Plate.. ..' ; -35 Flesh, Tooth, and Hair Brushes—a large assortment. Brushes, Prophylactic Tooth 35 “ Scott’s Electric Hair •... 1.25 “ Throat Wire Handle 10 “ Wesley’s Patent Nurse Bottle 10 Buchu, Helmbold’s 85 “ Smolander’s 85 Buclrupaiba, Chapin’s .85 Buffalo Bug Exterminator, Goldthwaite’s 25 Bulb, Davidson’s Rubber Double 25 Butter Color, Wells, Richardson &Co 20, .40 LOWER PRICES. We are daily cutting prices lower and lower, and yon can save time, trouble, and money by buying exclusively of us. All our drugs are examined—tested—in our own laboratory. Goldthwaite's Blood Pills. These pills are great blood makers. They will make pale cheeks rosy, and infuse new life, strength, hope, and ambition. They are not a cathartic, but a blood builder. We have seen such beneficial results from their use that we guarantee them as strongly as we recommend them. Price, 25 Cents. Qoldthwaite’s Cold Pellets. Cures A prominent business man said to us the other day: “That Cold and Grippe Cure is the greatest remedy I ever Colds. used. I had a severe cold, my head ached, cold chills run down my back. Sharp pains darted through my chest, every Grippe bone in my body ached, and I thought I was going to have an attack of pneumonia. One bottle of those little pellets . completely broke it up. I keep a bottle in my pocket all the JuHlAllAt j • • • time now. Every one tells the same story. During our fifteen years’ Prevents experience in the drug business, we never sold a remedy that gave such satisfactory results as these little pellets, and we Pneumonia. guarantee every bottle. Our Price, 25 Cents. Sent by mail if desired. 9 We save you the retailers’ profit. Everything sold at wholesale prices. Cachous, Hooper’s 15 affeine Bromide, Goldthwaite’s 38 Calisaya La Rilla 85 Calisaya Elixir Bark, Dudley’s 75 Campho-Naphthalene. . lb., .10 Camphor, lowest market price. Camphor Ice, liegeman’s.. 20 “ “ Vaseline 10 Candles, Sulphur 25 Capillaris - 38 Capsules, Amer. Co. Star Sandal Oil.. 85 “ “ “ “ Cubeb Copaiba 40 “ Anker’s Bouillon 30 “ Chapoteaut’s Morrhuol 85 “ “ with Creosote 85 “ Mathey-Caylus C. & C 65 “ Santal-Midy’s 85 “ Parke Davis’ Empty 15 “ “ “ Castor Oil 15 “ Planten’s Copaiba and Cubebs, No. 2 35 “ “ “ “ “ No. 3 45 Carboline, Kennedy’s 75 Carminative, Dalby’s American 20 “ Jayne’s 20 Carnogen 90 Shaker Syrup Figs (See page 17) 30 Cascara, Aromatic, Stearns’ 1.20 Cascara, Tasteless, Wampole’s 75 Cascarets 09, .20, .40 Castoria 23 Catheters, English . 25 Caustic Points 10 Celerina . 78 Celery and Coca Nerve Tonic, Goldthwaite’s (See pages 2 and 35).. .60 Celery, King Bacon’s 20, .40 Cement, Major’s . .15 “ Van Stan’s Stratena 20 Chamois Skins, all prices, 10c. upwards. (See page 49.) Charcoal, Ellis’ Willow 20 Charm, Packer’s 19, .38 Chionia 85 Chloride’s, Henry’s Three 85 Chloride of Lime 4 oz., sc. 8 oz., 10c. 16 oz., 15c. Chlorodyne, Brown’s 40 “ Wyeth’s 40 Chocolate and Quinine, Caswell, Massey & Go 40 SCIENTIFIC DRUGGISTS. We are druggists who make a scientific study of medicine and pharmacy. We know no other business. We have the knowl- edge, training, facilities, capital, which enables us to sell everything in our line below all possible competition. 10 fie Svwp (ohposed or CUBEBS, &TC. k RdirnLUiitatliuJ Remedy for. CoughKeokls. •Asthma. Hoarseness,.,^ Bronchitis, and dll OiSM®ofllie.Tlirodl and Unite A d-wsp of this Brtlsrtmi lokci> (n hnip will of lon I’pliyv wlml woulrl |)t*Conifrt severe* ollorK ol Asjli m ft.. The first dose -will relieve that cough that kept you awake last night. It will cure that cough inside of 3 days or we will refund the money. BROGKTOH CUT-PRICE DRUGSTORE C. H. CiOLDTHWAITE, BROCKTON. PROPRItTOH »o city so . TAUNTON 11 Look around—get prices—then see how much we can save you. Cholagogue, Osgood’s 1.15 Cholera Cure, Goldthwaite’s 20 Cigarettes, Marshall’s 10, .20 “ Page’s Asthmatic 40 Cleaner, Sutherland Sisters’, for the Hair 38 Clover Blossoms, Needham’s, Flowers 45 “ “ “ Fluid 75 “ “ “ Solid Extract 2.25 Cocoa, Phillips’ Digestive 40 Coca Wine, Goldthwaite’s. 65 Cocaine, Burnett’s 40, .70 Cod Liver Oil Emulsion, Goldthwaite’s (See page 29). 50 Cold Cream, Goldthwaite’s 1 oz., 15c. 2 oz., 25c. 8 oz., 45c. 16 oz., 75c. (.Pure and fresh.) Cologne, Hoyt’s German 20, .40, .75 “ Farina, long 4 oz 45 Cologne, Goldthwaite’s per pint, .50 and 1.00 Combs, Seven Sutherland Sisters’ Dressing 75 Comfits, Brown’s 20 Composition 10, .15 Compound Aerated Oxygen, complete ... .85 “ Dunlop’s Dr., Cascara 40, .85 “ Edison’s Dr., Reducing 1.65 “ Gray’s Glycerine Tonic ....... .85 “ Hayden’s Viburnum ~ 1.75 “ Killgore’s Creosote ; 83 “ Paine’s Celery 73 Goldthwaite’s Celery and Coca Nerve Tonic (see pages 2,35) .60 Parker’s Vegetable 40 “ Pinkham’s Vegetable 69 Goldthwaite’s Female Tonic (See page 13) 60 “ Poland White Pine 75 “ Puritana 83 “ Tucker’s “59” 38, .75 “ “ “64” 75 “ “ Hypnobromic 85 “ “ Laxative Aromatic 40 “ “ Paralgesic 85 “ Smith’s Vegetable 67 Cones, Wampole’s Antiseptic Vaginal 40 Confections, Holloway’s Worm 20 “ Van Denson’s Worm. 20 Copperas. Bc. per lb. 5 lb. lots, sc. per lb. Cordial, Aletris 85 “ Buckthorn S. & B 85 “ Godfrey’s 15 “ Hagee’s Cod Liver Oil 85 THE MODEM cut price drug store—like ours—is the product of our present civilization, and to conduct, requires knowledge, system, liberality, capital, to an extent never dreamed of by the druggist of a few years ago and real- ized by the few only of to-day. We guarantee everything in this catalogue to he exactly as represented. Goldthwaite’s Female Tonic, The only Remedy on Earth tor Female Troubles that is Guaranteed to Cure or Honey Refunded. This remarkable remedy imparts strength to the whole system, and to the womb and its appendages in particular. For overworked, “worn-out,’’ “run-down,” debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, “shop-girls,” housekeepers, nursing mothers, and feeble women generally, it is the greatest earthly boon, being unequaled as an appetizing cordial and restorative tonic. Why not try this remedy under the guarantee? We should be pleased to give you further information. Price, 60 Cents. SHAKER Cough and Croup Balsam For Croupy Children. If given in season, it will prevent a severe attack of croup. It is pre- pared especially for children, and contains nothing harmful to the smallest babe, and may be given as often as necessary. On the first indication of your children having taken cold, give them this Balsam, and they will never be troubled with the, croup. Keep it in your house. We guarantee it to prevent croup. Manufacturers’ price, 35 cents. Our price, 25 cents. Prepared by Shaker Botanical Co., Enfield, N. H. We are druggists who make a scientific study of pharmacy. Cordial, Mrs. Kidder’s 90 “ Parke Davis & Co. Cascara 75 “ Stearns’ Cascara . .65 “ Shaker Digestive 10, .21, .40, .85 Corn Remover, Clark’s 25 Corallas 67 Corpula 85 Cosmetic, Colgate’s 10 “ Coudray’s 15 “ Lubin’s 40 “ Pinaud’s 15 Cosmoline, Plain .' 15 Cots, Finger, Chamois 15 “ “ Rubber 05 Cotton, Absorbent 1 oz., 7c. 2 oz., 10c. 4 oz., 15c. 8 oz., 23c. 16 oz., 38c. Cough and Croup Balsam, Shaker (See page 13) 25 Covers, Sanitary Rubber Overflow 50 Goldthwaite’s Compound Pepsin Troches (See page 15) 25 Cream, Castilian 20 “ Century i 38 “ Espey’s Fragrant 20, .40 “ Foley’s 20 “ Gouraud’s Oriental 1.00 “ Hakka 45 “ Hebras’ Viola 45 “ Hinds’ Almond 34, .75 Shaker Almond Cream (See page 15) 25 “ Hinds’ Black Fly 20 “ Hubert’s Malvina 40 “ Marshmallow 75 Goldthwaite’s Cold Cream 1 oz., 15c. 20z.,25c. 80z.,45c. 16 oz., 75c. Pure and fresh. Cream, Patey’s Cold 20 “ Witch 19 “ Ruppert’s, Madam A., Almond 85 “ Vaseline, Cold 15, .20, .40 “ Woodbury’s Facial 20 “ Parker’s Cold 20 Creolin 65 Cups, Quassia 25 Cure, Agnew’s Heart 85 “ Asthma, Goldthwaite’s (See page 27) 50 “ Ayer’s Ague 85 “ Berry’s Anthemeron Canker 20 “ Coe’s Dyspepsia 85 “ “ Eczema 85 “ Daniels’ Colic, for Horses 40 OUR LABEL is a guarantee of purity, for we will not allow our name to appear on an article unless we can recommend and warrant it to be of the highest standard of excellence and purity. 14 We guarantee everything that bears our label. Goldthwaite’s Compound Pepsin Troches For the relief and cure of Dyspepsia, Sour Stomach, Water Brash, and every form of Indigestion. Of the many remedies we have sold for Dyspepsia, these Troches give the most satisfactory results. They always relieve that “fullness” which dyspeptics experience after eating. Bear in mind we guarantee them in every instance. Price, 25 Cents. Shaker Almond Lotion with Witch Hazel ... For the Face and Hands. Dries quickly without any stickiness, aryd leaves a cool, velvety feeling. It produces a soft and white complexion, and surpasses all other prepara- tions for the cure of Sunburn, Chafing, Burns and Scalds, Itching, Pimples, Wrinkles, Eczema, Chapped Hands, Pace and Lips, Rough, Hard, and Irritated Skin, Eruptions, Brittle and Ingrowing Nails. A FAIR SKIN Can always be insured by using it. It makes an elegant dressing for the hair. Gentlemen will find it the finest dressing to use after shaving. Large size, 25c. VASELINE. We sell a pure, sweet, odorless Petroleum under the name of Petroline to distinguish it from poor grades on the market. On account of its purity it is admirably adapted for internal use. Price, 4 oz. bottle, 15 cents ; deco- rated 5 oz. cans, 20 cents; per lb., 35 cents. 15 We are daily cutting prices lower and lower. Cure, Davis’ Neuralgic 40 “ Dimmick’s Kidney and Bladder 85 “ Goldthwaite’s Cold Pellets {See page 9) 25 “ Ellis’ Spavin and Ringbone 75 “ Fowle’s Pile and Humor 75 “ Gates’ Garget 65 “ Glover’s Mange . .40 “ Green Mountain Asthma 20, .85 “ Hall’s Catarrh. 60 Goldthwaite’s Catarrh Cure, Relieves at once 50 “ Hand’s Colic 20 “ Hartshorn’s No. 18 20, .40 “ Himrod’s Asthma 75 “ Shaker Pile, an Absolute Cure 25 “ Japanese Pile 85 “ Kendall’s Spavin 75 “ Kilmer’s Cough 20, .40 “ King’s Dyspepsia 40, .85 “ Knapp’s Sore Throat 20 “ Kohler’s One Night Corn 09 Clark’s Corn Remover, Lifts ’em right out 25 “ Melvin’s Rheumatic 85 *• Mile’s Heart 73 “ Morse’s Dyspepsia 40 Goldthwaite’s Compound Pepsin Troches... 25 “ Otto’s Cough 20, .40 “ Piso’s Consumption 20 “ Pyramid Pile 40, .85 “ Sampson’s Rheumatic .40 “ Sanford’s Radical Catarrh..*. 83 “ Schiffmann’s Asthma , 40, .75 Goldthwaite’s Asthma Cure (See page 27) 50 “ Sloan’s Sure Colic 80 “ “ Quick 40 “ Twenty-four Hour Corn 09 “ U pham’s Asthma 40 “ Warner’s Safe Kidney and Liver 83 Crosby’s Kidney and Liver Cure (See page 27) 60 “ Warner’s Diabetes 98 “ “ Rheumatic 98 “ Wei De Meyer’s Catarrh 85 “ World’s Dyspepsia 40 Curlers, Scott’s Electric Buttonhook and Curler 40 Cuticura 40, .80 Dead Shot, Dutchess, for Bugs 20 “ “ Perry’s, for Worms. 20 Dentifoam, Goldthwaite’s, Makes Beautiful Teeth 20 10WER PRICES. We are daily cutting prices lower and lower, and you can save time, trouble, and money by buying exclusively of us. 16 No combination can force ns to advance prices. Our Laboratory. Our laboratory occupies one whole floor, and is equipped with modern apparatus and under the direct supervision of a skilled chemist. One can see here test-tubes, beakers, percolators, retorts, stills,—everything the progressive chemist needs and uses. It is here that drugs are examined—tested—and all our preparations made. It is by having a laboratory where nothing but our own work is done, that enables us to guarantee everything that bears our label, be- cause we have absolute knowledge of its strength, purity, etc. It costs money—lots ’of it—to maintain a labora- tory, but we have the personal satisfaction of knowing that everything is right—-just right—and that is worth a deal of money. Smith's Vegetable Compound. A Remedy that Cures Rheumatism, Neu- ralgia, Lumbago, Fever and Ague, and Purifies the Blood. We have numerous testimonials as to the curing properties of this preparation,—not from distant towns but right here in Brockton,—all testifying to the fact that Smith’s Vegetable Compound Does Cure Rheumatism in all its kinds. We stand back of it with a guarantee that if it does not cure, your money is ready for you. Regular’ price, $l.OO, We sell it for 67 cents. 17 Pay no man higher prices than we ask. Dentifrice, Brown’s Camphorated 18 Sheffield’s Tubes .15 Dentine, Calder’s Saponaceous 15, .37 Depilatory, Bazin’s 35 Derma-Royale 85 Diastoid, Horlick’s 45 Digestyline, Kidder’s , 80 Discovery, Kennedy’s Medical 1.00 “ King’s New 38, .75 “ Pierce’s Golden Medical 73 Rodolph’s New 75 Disinfectant, Goldthwaite’s Odorless 25 “ Buchan’s Carbolic Po 19 “ Hubbard’s, pts 85 “ pints 1.65 “ “ Complete 85 Dissolvent, Kennedy’s 1.12 Douche, Birmingham’s Nasal 20 “ Mead’s Nasal 40 “ Pierce’s “ 50 Dragees, Rabateau’s 75 Droppers, Bent and Straight 05 Drops, Daniel’s Fever 40, .80 “ Hurlburt’s Tracheal 40 “ Kennedy’s Golden , 20, .40 “ Lyon’s Periodical Gen 1.20 “ Pike’s Toothache 20 “ Goldthwaite’s Toothache 15 “ Smith’s Cough 03 “ Soulepathic 20 “ Wilson’s Neuropathic 38 Dye Colors, Diamond, all colors. 09 Dyspepsin, Morse’s 40, .75 Earth, Lewis’ Fullers’ per lb., .15 au de Quinine, Coudray’s. 40 “ “ “ Pinaud’s 40, .05 Goldthwaite’s Eau de Quinine 50 Electro-Silicon 10 Elixir Calisaya Bark, Dudley’s 75 “ Downs’Vegetable 20, .40 “ Hand’s Worm 20 “ Hegeman’s Calisaya Bark 79 “ McMunn’s, of Opium 35 “ Nichols’, of Bark and Iron 85 “ Phelps’ Rheumatic 85 WE NEVER ALLOW. While we are always willing to furnish information, yet we never allow an article to be recommended unless we have personal knowledge of its superior merit. 18 We are never too busy to impart information. Headache Powders, 'The only safe and certain cure tor Nervous and Sick Headaches. Warranted to cure. Hie worst Headaches in ten. minutes. Tl»e»e Powders will be found 4 specific for Facial n«u* ratyo ond will inalanily roliovo any acute pom PHCPARCO ANO SOLD ONLY BY ■ C.H.6OLDTHWAITEL. > , QBOCMVP V,T«UfITON These Powders are perfectly harmless, and afford quick and permanent relief. They are also a perfect cure for colds accompanied by severe headache. We recommend and guarantee them. Price, 25c. Goldthwaite's Double Distilled Extract of Witch Hazel This Extract is distilled especially for us from fresh young twigs, and is the first run. We guarantee it to be absolutely pure and of full strength. It is an invaluable remedy for Sprains, Bruises, Lameness, Wounds, Rheumatism, Chilblains, Sore and Inflamed Eyes, etc. Price per pint, 30 cents. Price per quart, 50 cents. 19 All our drugs are examined—tested—in our own laboratory. Elixir, Three Chlorides 85 “ “ lodides , 85 “ Tilden’s lodo Bromide Calcium Co 85 “ True’s Worm 25 “ Tuttle’s Family 39 “ “ Horse 39 “ Warner’s Salicylic Acid 90 “ Wheeler’s Phosphates 73 “ White’s Rheumatic 85 Embrocation, Roche’s 1.50 Emery, Pray’s, Dr 20 Emulsion, Angier’s Petroleum 40, .75 “ . Frye’s Cod Liver Oil 75 *• Magee’s Cod Liver Oil and Malt 85 Savory & Moore’s Pancreatic 85 “ Scott’s Cod Liver Oil 40, .67 “ Goldthwaite’s Tasteless Cod Liver Oil (See page 29) 50 “ Wampole’s Tasteless 75 Enamel, Fray’s, Dr., Diamond Nail 20 Epileptine, Richmond’s 85 Eradicator, Soule’s 38 Essence, Fairchild’s, of Pepsin 75 “ Moores’, of Life 20 Euxesis, Lloyd’s ; 40 Expectorant, Jayne's 75 “ Miller’s 25 “ Slocum’s Coltsfoot 85 Exterminator, Goldthwaite’s Buffalo Bug 25 “ Barnard’s Roach 40 “ Parsons’Rat. 15 Extract Beef, Goldthwaite’s 35 “ “ Armour’s T 35, .65 “ “ Cibil’s 45, .85 “ , “ Cudahy’s Rex 35 “ “ Liebig’s • 40, .73 “ Root Beer, Shaker 12, 2 for .20 “ “ “ Hires’ 15, 2 for .25 “ “ “ Swett’s 20 “ *• “ Williams’ 15 “ Ginger, Concentrated, Goldthwaite’s 25 “ “ Sanford’s 28 “ Malt, Goldthwaite’s (See page 21) per bot., , 19, per doz., 1.84 “ “ Hoff’s, Johann, Germ 25 “ “ andiron, Hoff’s, Johann, Germ 33 “ “ Leopold Tarrant’s Imported 25 “ “ Horlick’s Dry . 45 BUSINESS INCREASING RAPIDLY. Look at our packages. Are not ou goods more attractive and really finer than those sold by others ? If we sel better goods at lower prices than our competitors the people will sureh find it out. That is what makes our business increase. We save you the retailers' profit. Everything sold at wholesale prices. Shaker For Rheumatism, Lame Back, Neuralgia, Sprains, Swollen Joints, Chilblains, Gout* Anodyne Rheumatic Liniment A great pain destroyer. Acts quickly, affording relief at once. Wo absolutely guarantee this to stfrpass any other liniment made, and we will refund the money in every case where it does not give entire satisfaction. Prepared by Shaker Botanical Co., Enfield, N. H. Regular price, 35 Cents. Our price, 25 Cents. Goldthwaite’s Malt Extract. Analysis has proved that our Malt contains more diastase and nutritious matter than any other Malt Extract. Its advantages over other liquid Malt Extracts are : I—lt contains more nutriment. 2—lt has greater digestive power 3—Its taste is more agreeable. It is, in fact, a liquid bread partly digested. In hundreds of instances we have advised the use of this Malt in prefer- ence to all others, and have invariably been informed by physicians and patients that better results attend its use than can be obtained from any other Malt. If it is not exactly as represented, we will gladly return your money. Price, 19 Cents each, $1.84 per dozen. 4—lt can be borne by the weakest stomach. Look around—get prices—then see how much we can save you. Extract, Malt, Pabst, “Best” Tonic 19 “ “ Trommer’s 73 “ “ Wampolc’s 19 “ “ Wyeth’s 25, per doz., 2.75 “ Kilmer’s Autumn Leaf .40 “ Logwood Y lb., .10, Yz lb., .20 “ Roots, Shaker 10, .58 “ Tarrant’s, of Cubebs and Copaiba 85 “ Goldthwaite’s witch Hazel, Pure Distilled (See page 19)..Yz pt., .15 pt., .30, qt., .50, gal., 1.00 “ Pond’s 33, .66,1.35 Ext. Licorice, Black. stick, .05, doz., .50, reg. stick, .10 Extractor, Dailey’s Pain .20 Eye-Water, Goldthwaite’s 25 Fat-ten-u, Loring’s '. 85 “ “ Liquid .# 85 Firwein 85 Floraplexion 75 Flowers, Arnica 1 oz., sc. 4 oz., 15c. 8 bz., 25c. 16 oz., 40c. “ Chamomile Roman 1 oz., 10c. 4 oz., 25c. “ Lavender 1 oz., sc. 4 oz., 15c. “ Saffron Amer ... 1 oz., 10c. 4 oz., 25c. Fluid, Shaw’s Carling 20 Fly Paper, Butcher’s Poison 04 “ Tanglefoot 03, 2 for .05 Food, Chase’s Blood and Nerve.. 40 “ Eskay’s Albuminized, No. 40 20, .40, .75 “ Fairchild’s Peptogenic Milk 40, .75 “ Horlick’s 40, .60 “ Imperial Granum ~... 57, .89 “ Just’s 45 “ Lactated 20, .40, .75, 2.23 “ 34, .55 “ Murdock’s Liquid 40, .70 “ Nestle’s ' 39 “ Reed & Carnrick’s Soluble 40, .75, 3.25 “ “ Lacto-Cereal 40, .75 “ Ridge’s 25, .40, .98,1.25 “ Yale’s, Madame, Skin..' 1.25 Foot-Ease, Allen’s 21 Franconia 20 Goldthwaite’s Female Tonic (See page 13) 60 Frostilla, Holmes’ Fragrant 20 Frog in Your Throat 09 Fullers’ Earth, Goldth waite’s per lb., .15 “ “ Pears’. 20 SHAKER PILE OINTMENT. You can get immediate relief and a permanent cure for Blind, Itching, and Bleeding Piles by the timely use of this oint- ment. We sell it with this distinct understanding. Price, 25 cents. We guarantee everything that bears our label. Goldthwaite’s It makes tlie hair grow long, thick, soft, and beautiful. It will prevent the hair from falling out. It will positively cure dandruff. It will restore dead hair to life. It will make brittle hair soft. It restores gray hair to its nat- ural color. If persistently used, it will grow a beautiful head of hair on any person. It is sold with the understand- ing that it will do all, that is claimed or money refunded. We will gladly give* you any information you desire in regard to its merits. For the Hair. 50 Cents. Goldthwaite’s Liquid Amandine. Cures Chapped Hands and Bough Skin. Improves and Beautifies the Complexion. Eemoves Pimples and All Facial Blemishes. This valuable preparation is highly recommended to those who cannot use Glycerine. It dries at once, leaving the skin neither sticky nor greasy. Kid gloves may be worn immediataly after using. Particularly adapted to those suffering from the action of salt water on the skin. Gentlemen find it an excellent nre-naration to use after shaving-. 25c. and 50c. a Bottle. We are druggists who make a scientific study of pharmacy. Gargle, Shaker, Cures Sore Throat 25 elatine, Cox’s 15 Ginger, Goldthwaite’s, made with French Brandy 25 Ginger, Sanford’s 28 Glasses, Medicine, Graduated 10 Glue, Chase’s ; i 12 “ LePage’s 10 “ Proctor’s t 10 “ Spalding’s Prepared 17 Glycerine 1 oz., sc. 4 oz., 15c. 8 oz., 25c. 16 oz., 40c. “ Pearl’s White 60 “ Price’s, 1 oz., 15c. 2 oz., 25c. 4oz , 40c. lb., 75c. Glyco-Thymoline 85 Glycozone, Marchand’s 85, 1.60 Golden Seal, Fisher’s 20 Gold Paint, Diamond Dye 09 Grains de Sante, Frank’s 40 Grape Juice, Sanitas, Muscatel 60 “ “ Zinfandel .60 “ “ Welch’s 30, .65 Grease and Stain Remover, Shaker 25 Grower, Daniels’ Hoof 40 Gum Arabic No. 1 1 oz., 10c. 4 oz., 25c. Gum Arabic No. 2 1 oz., sc. 4 oz., 15c. “ “ Po 1 oz., 10c. 4 oz., 25c. “ Camphor, lowest market price. Spruce, selected 1 oz., .10 4 oz., .35 “ Tutti Frutti 05 “ Beaman’s .05 “ Dean’s Toothache ' .09 “ Dent’s Toothache 10 “ Dent’s Corn 09 “ Goldthwaite’s Toothache Gum 10 Hair Balsam, Parkers’ 38, .75 “ “ Wells’ 40 Blair Dye, Buckingham’s Whisker.. 40 “ “ Bachelor’s 80 Goldthwaite’s Hair Restorer (See page 23) 50 “ “ Hill’s Whisker, Black or Brown 40 Hair Grower, Kennedy’s 85 “ “ Seven Sutherland Sisters .38, .75 Hair Health, Hay’s 40 Hair Regenerator, Imperial 1.25, 2.50 “ “ Tebbetts’ 65 DIFFICULT PRESCRIPTIONS. We know of people who have their ordinary prescriptions prepared by their local druggist, but when they have a diffi- cult one, one that contains some rare drug or needs special care, they bring it to us. Perhaps this is not fair, but we are satisfied. 24 25 We guarantee everything in this catalogue to be exactly as represented. Hair Renewer, Hall’s Sicilian 63 Goldthwaite’s Hair Restorer (See page 23) 50 Hair Restorer, Allen’s 98 “ “ Knowles’ 65 “ “ Walnut Leaf 75 Hair Tinta, Medina 75, 1.25 Hair Tonic, Corallas 67 “ “ Goldthwaite’s Quinine 65 “ “ Hursell’s Purity 39 “ “ Robinson’s German 60 “ “ Yale’s, Madame, Excelsior 78 Hair Vigor, Ayer’s 63 Goldthwaite’s Hair Restorer (See page 23)... 50 Hamamelis, Goldthwaite’s J4 pt., .15 pt., .30 qt., .50 Hellebore 4 oz., .10 8 oz., .15 16 oz., .25 Himalaya 1.65 Hirsutus, Barker’s 65 Honey, Hale’s, of Horehound and Tar 20, .40, .75 Hose, Elastic (See pages 39 and 41) Hydrangea, Lithiated 85 Headache Powders, Goldthwaite’s (See page 19) 25 Hydroleine 73 Hydrozone 40 Hyomei, Booth’s 85 Hypophosphites, Winchester’s 85 imperial Granum > 57, .89 ndapo ■. ; 85 Inhalant, Booth’s Hyomei, Liquid only 45 “ Bradford’s Menthol 20 “ Cushman’s Gem Menthol 20 “ “ Menthol 40 “ Cutter’s 85 Injection Brou 85 “ BigG 85 “ Mathey Caylus Matico 85 “ Ring’s Rose 45 Ink, Payson’s Indelible 20 Insect Powder, Goldthwaite’s Sure Pop. See page 47. Insect Powder. .lb. .40 Invigorator, Sanford’s Liver 85 lodia 85 Jelly, Fassett’s English Lilac and Glycerine 15 elly of Roses, Hembold’s •. 20 Juice, Valentine's Meat : 75 Juniper Tar, Whitehurst 20 SATE THE RET AUER’S PROFIT. We save our customers the retailer’s profit, as we sell everything at the regular wholesale price. We buy direct from the manufacturer and sell direct to the consumer at the regular wholesale price, saving you the retailer’s profit. We are daily cutting: prices lower and lower. GROSBY’B * pDlg JIYEReURE FOR .. Lame Back, Frequent Urination, Brick Dust Deposits, Swelling of Ankles, Cloudy Water, Discharges of Pus or Blood, Puffiness under the Eyes, High Colored Urine, Light Colored Urine, Scalding, Sudden Stoppage. Lame Back is frequently an indication of kidney or bladder trouble, and whenever it is accompanied by any of the above symptoms, no time should be lost to secure proper treatment. It is guaranteed in a most substantial manner. We will cheerfully refund the money in case no good is obtained. We know many people who have been cured by it. Ask us for information. Price, 73 Cents. Goldthwaite’s Asthma Cure. Instant Relief. Spasmodic asthma can always be relieved in a few seconds and many severe attacks wholly pre- vented by a timely use of this remedy. Never in a single instance has it failed. By its continued use the frequency of the attacks is lessened, and in many instances a complete cure is effected. We affirm that this preparation is superior to all other Asthma Remedies, and to substantiate this claim we guarantee every box to give satisfaction, and to any one returning the empty box to us, stat- ing that they are not satisfied, we will refund the money paid for it. Can anything be fairer ? Mammoth Packages, 50 Cents. Bold Statement. 27 All our drugs are examined—tested—in our own laboratory. Kalliston, Burnett’s. 75 askine 75 Kathairon, Lyons’ 40 K. D. C. Dyspepsia Cure 40, .75 Kidney Pill, Goldthwaite’s - 35 Kidney Wort, Dry 85 “ “ Liquid 85 Kidney and Liver Cure, Crosby’s (See page 27) 73 Killakoff ~ 20 Killers, Arnold’s Cough 19, .38, .75 Brooklyn Hospital Cough Syrup (See page 11) 25, .50 “ Daniel’s Worm 40 “ Kickapoo Indian Worm 20 “ Woodbury’s Dyspepsia 20, .40 Kola Wine, Goldth waite’s 65 Kola Cardinette' 85 Kolafra Blocks 10 “ Extract 20 Kolavin, Stearns’ 85 Kolone, Lakin’s'Headache ; 21 Kurakoff 40 Lactart • 21 actopeptine Elixir 1.25 “ “ Gentian Chloride Iron 1.25 “ “ Phosphate Iron Quinine Strychnine 1.25 “ Powder 75 “ Tablets - 45 Lacto-Preparata. : 40, .75 La Freckla, Yale’s 85 Shaker Syrup Figs (Sec page 17) 30 Laxol 21 Leaves, Buchu 1 oz., .05 4 oz., .15 “ Senna .. 1 oz., .05 4 oz., .15 Licorice Powder, Goldthwaite’s 10, .15 Life for the Hair, Chevalier’s 75 Lilacs and Glycerine : 15 Lime, Chloride 4 oz., .05 Boz , .10 16 oz., .15 Lime Juice, Montserrat 30 “ Rose’s .33 Liniment, Shaker Anodyne Rheumatic (See page 21) 25 “ Bishop Soule’s 65, 1.25 “ Centaur Family 20, .40, .75 “ “ Horse 20, .40, .75 “ - Ur. Daniel’s 40 “ Giles’ lodide of Ammonia, Family. 20, .40, .75 “ “ “ “ Horse 20, .40, .75 Price List continued on Page 36. HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES. We carry a complete line of these remedies, both pellets and disks. Every bottle is medicated at the time of sale, insur- ing freshness and full strength. Two sizes, to and 15 cents. Pay no man higher prices than we ask. Goldthwaite’s j Made Only From Pure Norwegian Oil. OijL MADE FRESH EACH WEEK. With Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. NO SECRET. There is no secret about an Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, for it is nothing but Cod Liver Oil mixed with some emulsifying agent, and so flavored as to disguise the taste of the oil. The purer the oil, the fresher the Emulsion, the better the results. We cannot impress too strongly on the physician and patient the use of only freshly prepared Emulsions. Our Emulsion is made fresh each week, and we believe that no emulsion should ever be used the age of which is unknown. NO TASTE OF THE OIL. The taste of the oil in our Emulsion is so completely disguised that people with sensitive stomachs and even children take it without the least trouble, and it can be taken by people who have been unable to take other Emulsions. So convinced are we of the superiority of our Emulsion that in every instance we will refund the money if, upon a trial, it should be found not only equal, but superior to any other Emulsion on the market. Large Bottles, 50 Cents. We are never too busy to impart information. “Bright” “Entertaining” The “ Timely ” And “ Original ” NATIONAL MAGAZINE For Sale on all News=Stands. The Best and the Latest in American Literature and Art A Magazine for the Home. An Up-to-date Popular Periodical 1898 A Handsomely Illustrated Magazine Recognized Merit and Character. P R I C E 10 C E N T S $1 A YEAR. ULUd KAILS In clubs of Five a reduction of Twenty per cent, is given. Get your friends to subscribe. You do them a favor and se- cure your Premium. The Na- tional for one year is the best investment you can make for a dollar’s worth of pleasure. CLUB WOMEN And their Work. A depart- ment filled with helpful hints on club work, and telling what other clubs are doing. The National Question Class Every subscriber to the Na- tional may secure a certificate for entry to the class by writ- ing. Fifteen questions are to be answered and Four Prizes awarded each month. Handsome Illustrated Articles Each month on subjects of live and absorbing interest, written by the best authors for the people, direct. SPECIAL PREMIUM OFFERS For New Subscriptions. Send for Catalogue. Address THE W.W. POTTER CO., 91 Bedford St., BOSTON, MASS. All our drugs are examined—tested—in our own laboratory. Our First Present: Ten Thousand Subscriptions to .he National Hagazine. We have bought and will pre- sent to the people of Brockton, Taunton, and vicinity ten thous- and two months’ subscriptions to the National Magazine according to the coupons printed below. This is a large, beautifully il- lustrated magazine, the same size, style, and character, and equals in every way McClure’s and Cosmopolitan. It is very ably conducted, and is, in fact, a magazine for intellectual people. There are no conditions at- tached to this present. You are not asked or expected to pur- chase anything from us. All that is required is that you use the coupons during the time speci- fied. Promptly upon the first day of April, we shall commence to honor the coupons, and shall continue to do so until the whole 10,000 are exhausted. GOLDTHWAITE’S MAGAZINE COUPON (APRIL). This coupon entitles the bearer to one month’s subscription (one month) to the National Magazine, if presented at our store during the month of April, 1898. No. 5270 Sign here P. S. We will send by mail upon receipt of 3c. in stamps to pay postage. C. H. GOTDTHWAITE. No. 5271 GOLDTHWAITE’S MAGAZINE COUPON (AUGUST). This coupon entitles the bearer to one month’s subscription (one month) to the National Magazine, if presented at our store during the month of August, IS9B. Sign here : P. S. We will send by mail upon receipt of 3c. in stamps to pay postage. C. H. GOTDTHWAITIJ. 31 Pay no man higher prices than we ask. Our Second Present: A Beautiful Cabinet Photo of Yourself Or Any Member of Your Family Absolutely Free During flay, June, and July, 1898. «r It is an old adage that what is worth doing at all is worth doing well, and we believe that we have followed the oft repeated saying in selecting W. H. Caldwell, 143 Main St., Brockton, as our photographer. The annexed coupon entitles you to a finely finished cabinet photo absolutely free at the above studio on each Tuesday and Friday during the months of May, June, and July, the cost of the same being charged to us. It must be used only on these specified dates, as arrangements have been made to employ an increased force during these particular months. We selected the studio of W. H. Caldwell because of its up-to-date methods and its reputation of doing the finest work known to the photog- rapher’s art, and also because it is one of the oldest and best known in the city.. It has always been a rule of this studio, which has now become almost as fixed as the inexorable law of Nature, never to allow anything but the very highest grade of work to leave their studio. Coupon Ho. 2651 PHOTOGRAPH COUPON. Mr. W. H. Caldwell, Photographer, 143 Main St., Brockton : Please make one sitting, and present the bearer with a fine cabinet photo, and charge the same to us.. This coupon is good on any Tuesday or Friday during the months of May, June, and July, 1898, but must not be detached from our Price-List before May 1. C. H. Goldthwaite, Prop. Brockton Cut Price Drug Store, Brockton and Taunton. Probably there is no studio in the city where such high grade work can be obtained at such reasonable prices. For years he also has made a specialty of crayon portraits, and his work in this line ranks with the best in the country. If you use the coupon, as we hope you will, for we always like to have our efforts appreciated, we feel confident that you will be so pleasantly treated and so delighted with the photograph that you will advise your friends to patronize Mr, Caldwell, as well as the one who has seen fit to donate the same. C. H. GOLDTHWAITE. GET A BEAUTIFUL PHOTO Of your child or yourself, for that matter, and we will pay the bill. Mr. W. H. Caldwell will give you his fiuest work. We should be pleased to have you accept and use the above coupon, for then we should feel that our efforts were appreciated. All you have to do is to present the coupon at his studio. Look around—get prices—then see how much we can save you. Our Third Present: Five Glasses of Soda Water. Present the Coupons at onr Fountain. That is what they are given away for. Each of the following coupons is good for a glass of our French Choco- late, Orange Phosphate, Nerve Tonic, or any other of the refreshing drinks served at our fountain. No. 176,285 QOLDTHWAITE’S SODA COUPON. This coupon is good for a glass of our French Chocolate, Orange Phosphate, Nerve Tonic, or any other refreshing drink served at our fountain during July, August, and September, 1898. Not good if detached before July 1. Not good for children BROCKTON CUT PRICE DRUG STORE, Brockton and Taunton. No. 176,286 QOLDTH WAITE’S SODA COUPON. This coupon is good for a glass of our French Chocolate, Orange Phosphate, Nerve Tonic, or any other refreshing drink served at our fountain during July, August, and September, 1898. Not good if detached before July 1. Not good tor children. BROCKTON CUT PRICE DRUG STORE, Brockton and Taunton. GOLDTHWAITE’S SODA COUPON. This coupon is good for a glass of our French Chocolate, Orange Phosphate, Nerve Tonic, or any other refreshing drink served at our fountain during July, August, and September, 1898. Not good if detached before July 1. Not good for children. No. 176,287 BROCKTON CUT PRICE DRUG STORE, Brockton and Taunton. No. 176,288 QOLDTH WAITE’S SODA COUPON. This coupon is good for a glass of our French Chocolate, Orange Phosphate, Nerve Tonic, or any other refreshing drink served at our fountain during July, August, and September, 1898. Not good if detached before July 1. Not good for children. BROCKTON CUT PRICE DRUG STORE, Brockton and Taunton. No. 176,289 GOLDTHWAITE’S SODA COUPON. This coupon is good for a glass of our French Chocolate, Orange Phosphate, Nerve Tonic, or any other refreshing drink served at our fountain during July, August, and September, 1898. Not good if detached before July x. Not good for children. BROCKTON CUT PRICE DRUG STORE, Brockton and Taunton. We have made them good for July, August, and September, for that is when people drink soda water. Our fruits are crushed each morning when in season,—that is what makes soda water delicious. Nothing will afford us greater pleasure than to have you present the coupons at our fountain. In our present edition of Price-Lists we have given away 240,000 coupons, and we wish to see how many will be used. Don’t tear them out before July 1, 1898, for they are not redeemable if you do. We guarantee everything in this catalogue to he exactly as represented. Our Fourth Present: The New England Cook Book. MRS. LINCOLN, MARION HARLAND, AND OTHERS. This is a large, beautiful work, printed on heavy paper, and the most practical cook book ever published. It is a work that every housewife should have, as it contains the favorite recipes of these celebrated authori- ties on cookery. They are all plain, simple, and in most instances inexpeu sive,—just the ones required for daily use. Use the following coupon, and obtain this beautiful cook book unconditionally free. riLV EnCLAMD COOK BOOKED By to Linffili?. ftamn Norioud Cto J.torrnj and «»£©. Our contract with the publisher stipulates that the books shall be deliv- ered Oct. 1, 1898. If any one should desire the work before, the publisher will furnish it at the regular price, 50c. per copy. Orders may be sent in our care. No. 142,763 COOK BOOK COUPON. This coupon entitles the bearer to one copy of the New England Cook Book free, if presented at our store during the months October, November, and December, 1898. If desired, we will send by mail, if 4c. in stamps is enclosed to pay postage. BROCKTON CUT PRICE DRUG STORE, Brockton and Taunton. 34 We are druggists who make a scientific study of pharmacy. Goldthwaite’s Guaranteed to Cure. Celery and Coca An Excellent Nerve Tonic Spring Remedy. For Nervous, Overworked People. A Nerve and Brain Food. If you need a nerve or blood medicine, we ask you to try ours, under our positive guarantee. If you have used other remedies, so much the better, for then its superiority will be more apparent. It purifies the blood, and it is a certain and absolute cure for every form of nervous- ness. It is a blood and nerve food, and contains in the highest degree the power of sustaining life and energy. It supplies the nervous energy which is being lost by overwork or disease. It is pleasant to the taste. Price, 60 Cents. Call and ask for further information. We are never too busy to impart it. Qoldthwaite’s Petroleum Emulsion With Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. A Remedy for all affections of the Throat and Lungs, especially Bronchitis and Consumption. For diseases of the Digestive Organs, the Kidneys, and Bladder. Especially useful in General Debility and Wasting Diseases. We claim no secret for this preparation, but what we do claim is that we have the means and knowledge for making an emulsion equal to any on the market. Price, 50 Cents. 35 We guarantee everything that bears our label. Liniment, Hartshorn’s No. 18 21, .40 “ Kennedy’s Rheumatic 40 “ Scattering 75 “ Kitchell’s t 40, .75 “ Minard’s 15 Liniment, Mustang 20, .40, .75 “ Murray’s Cyclone 40 “ Sloane’s 20, .40, .75 “ Streeter’s Magnetic... 20, .40 “ Sweet’s 65 “ “ (Job) 40 “ Tobias’Venetian 21, .40 “ “ Hors# ~ 90 “ Tuttle’s White Star .40 Linonine 85 Liquid Bread, Nicholson 30 Liquor Ferri Albuminate, Dietrich’s 85 Liquid Pearl, Champlin’s 40 Liquor, Sedan’s 75 Goldth waite’s Liver Pills 15 Listerine .75 Lithiated Hydrangea 85 Liver Aid, Grosvenor’s 85 Crosby’s Kidney and Liver Cure (See page 27) 60 Lotion, Hand’s Teething 20 “ Hill’s Freckle 60 “ Hubert’s Malvina 40 Perry’s Moth and Freckle 1.65 “ Wood’s Glycerine 39 Lozenges, Adamson’s 09, .20 “ Brown’s Vermifuge 20 “ Hill’s Slippery Elm 08 “ Harrison’s Peristaltic 25, .45 “ Nelson’s Gelatine 20 “ Pinkham’s Vegetable Comp. ... 75 “ Stuart’s Absorbent 20 “ Thayer’s Slippery Elm, per pound 85 Lung Kuro 45 “ Shaker Worm 20 Goldth waite’s Gran. Eff. Cit. Magnesia, per pound 45 Magnesia, Dunbar’s Fluid 19, .38 •* Husband’s Calcined 30 “ Goldth waite’s Solution Cit. Magnesia 20 Magnesia, Gran. Eff. Cit., Armstrong’s. 25 “ Phillips’Milk of 40 SAVE MOKEY. Let us have your trade for a month or until you become acquainted with our prices and service. Then compare with your last month’s bill. You will then see how much money you can save by trading with us. We are daily cutting prices lower and lower. Chamois Jackets. m .Sflamois CUT PRICES. Frost King:, Felt Lined: 34 inches chest, $1.99 36 inches chest, 2.37 38 inches chest, 2.63 40 inches chest, 2.88 42 inches chest, 3.67 Frost Queen, Chamois Lined 32 inches bust, $2.47 34 inches bust, 2.79 36 inches bust, 2.99 38 inches bust, 3.37 These Jackets or Vests have knitted, self-adjusting sides, insuring a perfect fitting garment without the use of rubber straps, the objectionable feature of the old style jackets. Lung Protectors. We quote a few prices on Lung Protectors. We quote only a few, as the styles and prices are continually changing. We are always the lowest. A Good Felt, .40 A Fine Lamb’s Wool, .45 Heavy English Felt, .85 Chamois Felt Lined, $1.25 37 No combination can force us to advance prices. Malt Extract, Goldthwaite’s (see page 21) per bot., .19, per doz., 1.84 Malt Extracts, for price see page 21. Malted Milk 38, .75, 3.00 Maltine, plain , 80 “ with Coca Wine 80 “ “ Cod Liver Oil 80 “ “ Cascara Sagrada 80 “ “ Ferrated 80 “ “ Hypophosphites • 80 “ Pepsin and Pancreatic. SO “ “ Peptones 80 “ “ Phosphate, 1., Q , and S 80 Malt Nutrine, Anheuser Busch .... 23 Mai to Yerbine 80 Marvel of Healing, Humphrey’s 20, .40 Meat Juice, Valentine’s 75 Medicine, Hand’s Cough and Croup 20 Megrimine, Whitall’s 40 Melachol 71 Microbe Killer, Radams, jugs Nos., 1, 2, 3 2.50 “ “ “ bottles, Nos. 1, 2, 3 .90 Milk, Anglo-Swiss Condensed Imp 18 “ Borden’s “ Eagle Brand 20 “ Daisy “ 15 “ Milkmaid “ 18 “ Nestle’s “ 18 Mixture, Goldthwaite’s Cholera 20 “ Hand’s Diarrhoea 20 “ M. I. S. T .40 “ Schlotterbeck’s Helonin 1.75 “ Hydrastic Co 1.75 “ “ Pepsin Co 1.75 “ Glyconin .' 78 “ Hydrastis 1.75 “ Squibb’s Cholera 45 Modene 85 Moxie, Beverage 17 Nephreticum, Bullock’s 85 ervease 20 Goldthwaite’s Headache Powders (see page 19) 25 Nervine, Miles’ Restorative .. .73 “ Richmond’s Samaritan . 1.25 Warner’s Safe 83 Nervura, Greene’s, Dr 73 Goldthwaite’s Celery and Coca Herve Tonic (see page 2).. .60 GOLDTHWAITE’S SOLUTION CITRATE MAGNESIA. This excellent laxative is an agreeable substitute for Epsom Salts. It should, however, be used only when freshly prepared. We make it only in small quantities and never allow it to be sold after it is ten 'days old. Price, 20 cents. Pay no man higher prices than we ask. Elastic j&oolpngg, $1.75 and Upward^. Buy of the Makers and Save Two Protits. We sell direct to the wearer,—that is why we are enabled to sell Surgical Elastic Goods for about oue lialf the price ordinarily charged. Our Elastic Stockings are the most perfect ever made, and will wear one third longer than any other; this we know and stand ready to guarantee. While we keep the different sizes made up, yet we prefer to weave every stocking after the order is received, thus insuring freshness and a perfect fit. The best rubber that money can buy is used in all our Elastic Goods, and while most makers use four ends of silk, we use six, making just that much better stocking. You can have them made with straight or spiral seam, seamless heel, or non-elastic stays and loops to pre- vent tearing. No matter what you may have paid for your stockings, we will guarantee our reg- ular stocking, when made to order, to fit easier and wear longer, and that too at about half the ruling price. Thigh Hose, Knee Caps, Abdominal Belts, and everything in Elastic Goods made to measure. DIRECTIONS. Give the Exact Size of the Limh; we allow for pressure. Measure around the limb accurately with a tape measure, at the points corre- sponding with the dotted lines on cut, and place the number of inches round opposite the dotted lines. In hose to go above the knee, measure from bottom of foot to No. 5, and from No. 5 to as high as it is wanted to go. 39 We are never too busy to impart information. Neuralgine 40 Nipples, Cleanfont 05 “ Duval No. 7 05 Nipple Shields, Geyer’s 25 “ “ Needham’s 40 “ Parker’s ’. 85 No-to-bac 85 Nursers All kinds, sc. and upwards Nutrine, Thayer’s 65 Obex-Obesa 1.65 il, Castor ! 1 oz., sc. 4 oz., 12c. 8 oz., 20c. pint, 30c. “ Cod Liver, Pure 25c. 14 pint. 50c. pint. 85c. quart “ Cotton Seed 4oz , 10c. 8 oz., 15c. pint, 25c. “ Goose 1 oz., 10c. 4 oz., 25c. “ Olive 25c. pint and upwards. “ British 10 “ Clapp’s Cod Liver Oil and Malt 67 “ Goldthwaite’s Tasteless Emulsion Cod Liver (see page 29).. .50 “ Frye’s Emulsion Cod Liver 75 “ Hamlin’s Wizard . 40 *• Haarlem 10 “ “ Sylvester’s 40 “ Humphrey’s Witch Hazel 20, .40, .75 “ Kickapoo Indian 19 “ Marvin’s Cod Liver 65 “ Merchant’s Gargling Family 20 “ '■ “ for Horses 40, .75 “ Moller’s Norwegian Cod Liver 65 “ Parker’s Vegetable Nipple 40 “ “ “ “ with shields 85 “ Phillips’Emulsion Cod Liver 40, .75 “ Rennes’ Magic. 20, .40, .75 “ Salvation 21 “ Scott’s Emulsion Castor .20 “ Stearns’ Cod Liver, Pepsin and Wine 85 “ Stiles’ Galvanic 20, .40 “ St. Jacob’s 36 “ Stone's Cod Liver 75 “ Thomas’Excelsior 20, .39, .75 “ Wibur’s Cod Liver and Lime.. 85 Ointment, Shaker Healing Ointment *. 25 “ Doan’s , 40 “ Hale’s Household. 20 “ Heiskell’s Tetter .39 “ Holloway’s, Genuine 40 ABDOMINAL BANDS. These bands are made of pure wool and afford great relief and comfort to those who are afflicted with coldness of the abdomen or chronic inflamation of the bowels. Price, 75 cents; double thickness, #l-25* 40 All our drugs are examined—tested—in our own laboratory. EVERY STOCKING MADE TO ORDER. One of the Frames on which our Elastic Stockings, Knee Caps, Anklets, and Abdominal Belts are woven. All of these Frames have to be imported from Europe. It requires many years of labor for an intelligent weaver to become a skillful operator, as everything has to be done by hand. 41 We save you the retailers' profit. Everything: sold at wholesale prices. Ointment, Hood’s Olive 19 “ Hop 20 “ Shaker Pile Ointment 25 “ Kennedy’s Healing 40 “ “ Salt Rheum 40 “ “ Scrofula 75 “ Kilmer’s U. & O 40 “ Kimberly’s 30 “ Kohler’s Invincible ; 20 “ McAllister’s 20 “ Quinn’s Veterinary 40, 1.20 “ Shipman’s Carbolic 19 “ Shaker Healing 25 Sloan’s Family 20 “ “ Green 40 “ “ Star Hoof 40 “ Sulphume 40 “ Swayne’s All Healing 38 “ Trask’s 20 “ Tuttle’s Healing and Hoof 40 “ Westlake’s 20 Olive Branch, Kilmer’s 85 Ongoline, Dr. Pray’s 20, .40 Opodeldoc. Knight’s 20 ' Orange Blossom, McGill’s 69 Oxien * 30, .85 Ozomulsion, Slocum’s 83 Pads, Holman’s Liver Regulator 1.75 ain Killer, Perry Davis 10, .38 Panacea, Baker’s Pain 20 “ Pendleton’s Pain 30 Pancreo, Bismuth and Pepsin 40 Panopeptin . 85 Papier Fayard 20 Papoid and Soda Bicarb .45 Paregoric 1 oz., 10c. 4 oz., 25c. 8 oz., 45c. Paskola 45, .85 Paste, Indian 10 “ Parsons Rat .15 Pastilles, Hooper’s Fumigating .20 “ Kidder’s Asthmatic 25 “ Spencer’s Chloramime 20 Brooklyn Hospital Cough Syrup (see page 11) 25, .50 CRUTCHES, $1.75 A PAIR. This is a strong maple crutch, with cherry trimmings. Crutches made of more expensive wood, with elaborate trim- mings, at Cut Prices. Look around—get prices—then see now much we can save you Trusses at Cut Prices. We will fit you with one for $l.OO and upwards. When you pay to any man higher prices than we ask for trusses, you are contributing to that man’s profit. We are aware that some truss fitters charge exorbi- tant prices. Now we just want to say that four fifths of the price is profit. For we have made a specialty of the mechanical treatment of hernia, and have every known device for the retention of rup- ture. We will guarantee to fit any person with the easiest truss they ever wore,—one Elastic Truss, $1.75. that will hold the rupture under every condition,—for half the price ordin- arily charged. Don’t sacrifice your comfort and safety by wearing an ill- fitting truss. Consult us freely about it, for we are always glad to impart information. We have private rooms where you are always at liberty to consult us. We guarantee perfect satisfaction in every respect, and will refund the money if we do not fit you with ease and comfort. Suspensories. We have a full line of the leading Suspensories, such as Syracuse, O. P. C., and Schnoter’s, all of which we sell at the lowest Cut Prices. Every Bandage purchased from us is sure to have been newly made, as we buy direct from the manufacturers. A Bandage newly made will wear very much longer than one that has been in stock for a year or more. Prices for Schnoter's Bandages. Cotton, 50c. Dinen, 60c. Silk, 75c. 43 We guarantee everything in this catalogue to he exactly as represented. Pectoral, Ayer’s Cherry 73 Pencils, Wyeth’s Menthol 25 Pepsin, Boudault’s 85 “ Goldthwaite’s Saccharated. per oz., .25 “ Royal Concentrated per oz., .40 Peptenzyme, Elixir 85, 1.25 “ Powder 85 Tablets 85 Pepto Mangan Gudes 87 Peptonix 40, .75 Peptonoids, Beef 75 2.00 “ Liquid 83 * “ “ with Creasote. 1.25 Peroxide Hydrogen, Marchand’s 35, .50, .75 “ “ Oakland 30, .45, .75 Petroline 15, .20, .35 Petrocarbol .- , 65 Petrojel 45, .85 Petroleum Jelly 1 lb. cans, .25 5 lb. cans, .75 Phenol Sodique, Hance’s 10, .40 Phosphate, Cherry Malt 85 “ Crosby’s Vitalized : 85 “ Phillips’ Wheat 75 Phospho Caffein 20, .38, .75 Phospho, Muriate of Quinine Comp 75 Physic, Hand’s Pleasant 20 Phytoline 1.25 Pills, Adamson’s 20 “ Arnold’s 20 “ Athlophorous 20 “ Ayer’s 13 “ Beecham’s Patent 15 “ “ Cough 20 “ Benson’s Chamomile 40 “ Blair’s Gout and Rheumatic... 38, .85 “ Blancard’s Iron 45, .85 “ Blaud’s Genuine 58 “ Buker’s Kidney v 40 “ Burdock 20 “ Carter’s Iron 38 “ “ Little Nerve 20 “ Carter’s Little Liver • 13, two for .25 Goldth waite’s Liver Pill 15 “ Cheeseman’s 85 “ Chichester Eng. Pennyroyal.. .. 1.75 “ Clark Female, Job Moses 85 OUR SUPERIOR BAY RUM is of absolute purity and surpassing richness. It is distilled from fresh young leaves and is a delicious bit of finery for the toilet and bath, as dainty as old lace. Two sizes, in beautiful bottles. Price, 25 and 45 cents. We are druggists who make a scientific study of pharmacy. For the Cure of Rheumatism and Kidney Troubles. Railroad men and people who are obliged to stand a great deal are more or less subject to Kidney Troubles. The symptoms are usually pain in the back, the urine is high colored, produces a stinging, smarting sensation when passed, and on standing, deposits a red sediment like brick dust. The symptoms of Rheumatism are so well known that they need not be described. For the relief of these troubles, there is nothing equal to Dr. Duval’s Electric Belts. They fre- quently give relief within twenty-four hours. They possess the two great elements of magnetism and galvanism to a greater degree than any other electrical appliance. They quicken the circulation, and impart vitality to the whole system. No railroad man or other person who has any trouble with the back or kidneys should be without one. We are sole agents for these Belts in New England, and will refund the money if relief is not given. Don’t suifer or wait until you are obliged to leave work. 10 Battery, $2.98 3 Battery, $1.98 Ladies’ Abdominal 10 Battery, $2.98 Sent by mail on receipt of price. Give measurement around body. This Belt is Guaranteed. Shoulder Braces. . Prices, 49c., 99c., $1.29. These are the lowest prices *ever made for this quality of a Brace. We have both Ladies’ and Gentle- men’s. 45 We guarantee everything that bears our label. Pills, Constitution Life .40 “ Dana’s 15 “ Dean’s Rheumatic 38 “ Doan’s Kidney 38 “ Goldthwaite’s Kidney 35 “ Duponco’s Golden Genuine 85 “ Dyer’s Witch Hazel .20 “ Edison’s Dr., Obesity 7 1.25 “ Eureka 15 “ Flower’s Nerve 75 “ Globe 20 “ Graff enberg 20 “ Grains de Sante Franks 40 “ Green’s Cathartic 21 “ Hall’s Family 21 “ Goldth waite’s Headache 10 “ Herrick’s Liver 20 “ Hobb’s Asparagus 40 “ Goldthwaite’s Kidney 35 “ Hill’s Rheumatic 20 “ Hobb’s Liver 10 “ Holloway’s 45 “ Hood’s Vegetable 15 “ Hooper’s American 25 “ “ Genuine 50 “ Hop 20 “ Jayne’s Sanative 20 “ John’s Cascara 19 “ Kaufman’s Sulphur 20 “ Kickapoo Indian 20 “ Kilmer’s Prompt Parilla 20 “ King’s New Life 20 “ “ Pennyroyal 1.00 “ “ Tansy 1.00 “ Kline’s 20 “ Malena 20 “ McLane’s Liver 20 “ Miles’Nerve and Liver 20 “ “ Pain 20 “ M. I. S. T 40 “ Moffat’s 20 “ Morse’s Indian Root.. 20 Mousette’s Neuralgia 85 “ Oxien 20 “ Parson’s Purgative 20 SHAKER HEALING OINTMENT. Reports reach us almost daily in regard to the great healing power of this ointment, many of them saying that it has cured them of various skin troubles of ten or fifteen years’ standing. For Burns, Sores, Boils, Pimples, Eczema, Chilblains, Scrofula Sores, Salt Rheum, Bruises, and Chapped Hands, it effects the most surprising results. We are authorized to’guar- antee it. Price, 25 cents. QOLDTHWAITE^ PREPARED AT THE BROCKTON GUT-PRISE DRUGSTORE C. H. GOLDTHWAITE, . PROPRIETOR. 103 MAIN ST., BROCKTO^N. 10 city so., TAUNTON.. This Powder will kill Flies, Fleas, Moths, Roaches, Bed- bugs, and all Insects, or we will return your money. It is sold only in packages, and is wholly unlike the powder soldin bulk. Price, 5c,, 17c,, 29c., 43c. 47 We are daily cutting’ prices lower and lower. Pills, Pheny-o-caffeine 15 Goldthwaite’s Headache Pill 10 “ Pinkham’s Liver 20 “ Vegetable Comp 15 “ Radway’s 20 “ Restiaux 20 “ Rodolph’s New Liver 20 “ Sanford’s Antibilious *. 20 “ Schenck’s Mandrake .13 *' Siegel’s (Mother) 20 “ Shaker’s 20 “ Soule’s Sovereign Balm 20 “ Taylor’s Mandrake .20 “ • Thompson’s Tree of Life !. .20 “ Turner’s Tic-Douloureux 85 “ Ward’s Liver. 20 “ Warner’s Safe 13 “ Wilcox Tansy 1.75 “ Will’s English 20 “ Williams’s Pink Pills 33 “ Goldthwaite’s Blood Pills (see page 9) 25 “ Wing’s Health 20 “ Wright’s Indian Vegetable 15 “ Wistar’s 20 “ Wyeth’s Peptonic 45, .85 Pellets, Goldthwaite’s Cold 25 Pellets, Cactina 20 “ Comstock’s Dead Shot Worm 20 “ Pierce’s Purgative 15 “ Van Wert’s Liver 20 Plasters, Abbott’s Menthol 19 “ Allcock’s Porous 10 “• “ Corn 10 “ Goldthwaite’s Belladonna Plaster 15, 2 for .25 “ Athlophorus 20 “ Benson’s Capcine 16 “ Carter’s Smartweed 20 “ Collins’Voltaic 19 “ Cuticura 19 “ Dana’s 20 “ Darby’s Toothache 20 “ Flower’s Magnetic .40 “ Fougera’s Mustard, box 20 “ Grosvenor’s Bell-Capsic 19 “ Herrick’s Belladonna 20 ‘, “ Capsicum 20 “ Holman’s Absorptive Body .. .20 OUR LICORICE POWDER. Don’t stick in your throat. It is unquestionably the finest powder made. It is put up in beautiful decorated cases, which prevents it from becoming lumpy. Price, 10 cents and 15 cents. 48 No combination can force us to advance prices. All Druggists" Sundries AT CUT PRICES. Sponges. Bath, Carriage, Harness, and Toilet Sponges, in all sizes, shapes, and grades, at cut prices. Tooth Brushes. EJvery style and shape, varying in price from 9c. up. Our 30c. warranted brush is a great seller. If the bristles come out, we give you a new brush. Chamois. A beautiful line of finely tanned skins at xoc., 15c., 25c., 47c. and 65c. Hair Brushes. From 25c. to $1,97. Imported and domestic brushes with solid backs. All sizes and shapes, with long and short bristles,—in fact, everything you may require for a Hair Brush. Bear in mind we sell them at cut prices. Whisk Brooms, 9 Cents. This is the greatest bargain we ever had Bath Brushes, With handles and without. Brushes that can be used wet or dry. All at cut prices. Pay no man higher prices than we ask. 1 Plasters, Hood’s Tus-Sano 20 | “ Hop 20 “ Kaufman’s Sulphur 20 1 “ Kean's -20 | “ Kennedy’s Golden 20 f “ Maw’s Bunion, thick or thin 10 \ “ “ Corn 10 ■ “ Mitchell’s Belladonna -20 t “ “ Combination Corn and Bunion 05 j “ “ Cure All Corn and Bunion 40 “ “ Kidney 35 \ “ Raymond’s Pectoral 20 | “ Shaker Soothing 20 ‘ Plugs, Lange’s 09 I Poison, Goldthwaite’s Bed Bug Poison 25 J “ Peterman’s Bed Bug 20 1 Pomades, Cosmoline 20 | “ Vaseline 10 \ Potash, Babbitt’s 10 i Potass. Bromide 1 oz., 10c. 4 oz., 25c. ■ “ Chlorate Crystals Po 1 oz., 10c. 4 oz., 25c. i *• lodide , 1 oz., 30c. 4 oz., 1.00 [ Powder, American Carbolic. 20 1 “ Birney’s Catarrhal 40 1 “ Buchan’s Carbolic Disinfectant 20 “ Goldthwaite’s Talcum (see page 25) 15 “ Comfort Toilet 17, .35 \ “ Flint's Horse and Cattle 20, .40 “ Hand’s Chafing 20 , “ Harvell’s Condition 20 | “ Hopkin’s Magic Healing 40, .75 1 “ Insect, Goldthwaite’s Sure Pop (see page 47). .1 oz., sc. 4 oz., 17c. | 8 oz., 29c. 16 oz., 43c. | “ Insect Powd 38c. a pound 1 “ Kubnow’s 65 I “ Levy’s Lablache Face 30 1 “ Mennen’s Borated Talcum 15 ! “ Goldthwaite’s Talcum Powder, see page 25 15 | “ Velvet Skin 20 1 “ Saunder’s Face 30 | “ Sawyer’s Headache.. 20 | “ Goldthwaite’s Headache Powder, see page 19 25 I “ Sheridan’s Condition 19, .75 | “ Sloan’s Condition 20 1 “ Tetlow’s Gossamer 20 | “ “ Swansdown 20 1 “ Thayer’s Triferment 40 GOLDTHWAITE’S CATARRH SNUFF. Clears the head at once. It will also cure—we know it. Just try it and see how nice it makes your head feel. Excellent for Hay Fever. Price, 20 cents. 50 We guarantee everything that bears our label. Preserving and Canning. Generally speaking, “preserving” means the cooking of fruits in an equal i weight of sugar, and long enough for the fruit to keep without being air tight; i “ canning ” is done with little or no sugar, and with just enough cooking to thor- -1 oughly heat the fruit, but the air must be kept out. The preparation of the fruit for | either process is similar, and the general directions may be applied to either. | To “ preserve ”or “ can ” easily, several useful articles are needed. The kettles , should be plenty large enough, and should be broad and shallow, so as to expose as , large a surface as possible to the heat. Bowls, platters, etc., most everyone has i enough of. A small, sharp-pointed knife for paring should be provided. A good idea is to have a silver-plated fruit knife ground to a fine edge, and kept fot the purpose. | ‘ Some other needful articles are silver or wooden spoons, large and small (iron spoons should never be used), wire spoons, scales for weighing, strainers of several sizes, and a plentiful supply of cheese cloth and flannel. The jelly tumblers .should be of the best glass and with perfect fitting covers. Be sure and have a good supply of rubbers. Pint jars are the best size to use, and they should have large tops. A large mouth funnel is a great help in filling the jars. General directions may be given as follows: The utmost cleanliness should be observed in every part of the work, in the | hands, the utensils, and the fruit. Avoid anything which will tend to change the 1 color or flavor of the fruit, such as tin, iron, or brass utensils, or any longer exposure to the air than is necessary. Use only sound fruit and the purest sugar, spices, etc. Clean and scald the jars and covers before using. Have the rubbers new. and see that they fit perfectly. Stand the jars in a shallow dish of warm water, that they may be thoroughly warmed at the time of using. If the fruit is to be cooked in water first, have a pan of water on the stove. Pare only enough fruit to fill one jar, and drop at once into the water. Keep on paring; cover the fruit with a damp cloth to keep out the air. As the pieces in the water have become soft, take them out and put on a large plate. Do not pile them up, or the lower ones will become crushed. When all the fruit is cooked, strain the water, and use for the syrup. Boil the syrup, and remove the scum. If the fruit is to be cooked in the syrup, observe the special directions in each case. When ready to fill the jars, see that the water in the pan and the jars are ho', then with a silver nut-pick, fork, or spoon, put each piece into the jars. Fruit like pears or peaches, cut in halves, must be arranged so the syrup will fill the hollow places. Small fruit and berries should be taken up with a skimmer. Fill the jars nearly full, then pour in the syrup. Run a silver spoon or knife handle around the inside of the jar, to let the air bubbles escape. Fill to overflowing with syrup, and screw on the cover, baing careful to see that the rubber bears evenly on the glass. Remove from the ymter, and invert on the table. As the jar cools, the cover may be screwed a little more tightly. Examine the next day. If there is no leakage, wrap in paper, and put in a cool, dark place. Rook at them in a week, and if the covers are not tight, scald and use at once, or boil down for marmalade. A little foam or mould on top is not always a bad sign, especially if the cover is on tight. CANNED. CANNED BLACKBERRIES. One cup of sugar and one-half cup of water should be allowed to each quart of berries. Boil and skim the syrup, then add as many berries as will cover the sur- face. Cook for ten minutes; then skim them out, and add others till they are all cooked. Put all back into the kettle, boil them up once, then pour immediately into the jars, and seal. All our drugs are examined—tested—in our own laboratory. Powder, Goldthwaite’s Licorice 10, .15 “ Tuttle’s Condition 20 “ “ Worm 20 Goldthwaite’s Seidlitz Powders 25 Prairie Plant 85 “ Weed, Kennedy’s.. 80 Prescription, Pierce’s Favorite 73 Protectors, Chest, Large Assortment, see page 37. Proteinol 85 Phychine, Slocum’s 2.65 ! Pulmonine, Cushing’s 20, .39 ' Pumice Stone, Blackman’s 10 ■ Pumps, Goodyear Breast. 35 \ Purifier, Flower’s Blood 1.50 1 “ Miles’ Blood 73- , “ Pinkham’s Blood 69 \ Goldthwaite’s Sarsaparilla, see page 7 60 Pyrozone, 3 per cent 45 \ Quickstop for Headaches 30 uinine, Sulphate, bulk 40c. ounce “ Chocolate 45 Quinona 85 Quinia Laroche 78, 1.15 Regenerator, Imperial Plair 1.25 egulator, Graves’ Heart 75 Relief, Radvvay’s Ready 38 Remedy, Brush’s for Seasickness 85 “ Constitutional Catarrh 85 “ Graham’s Dyspepsia 45 “ Hall’s Catarrh 60 “ Hermance’s Catarrh 75 “ Hunt’s Kidney 89 Crosby’s Kidney and Liver Cure, see page 27 73 “ Kennedy’s Favorite 73 “ Kilmer’s Female 85 “ “ Ocean Weed Heart 40 “ Petitt’s Pile 20 “ Piso’s Catarrh 40 “ Rush’s Female 1.75 “ Sage’s Catarrh 38 Sloan’s Chill, Fever, and Cough, for Horses 40 “ Townsend’s Hay Fever 40, 1.25 Remedy, White’s Rheumatic 85 Remover, Hinds’ Radical Corn-. 20 “ Shaker Grease and Stain Remover 25 GOLDTHWAITE’S VEGETABLE PILLS. Are the surest and easiest pill made. You will like them. They are purely vegetable and do not gripe. They stimulate the liver and secretive organs to healthy condition. We guarantee them to be the best pill on the market. Price, 15 cents. We save you the retailers’ profit. Everything: sold at wholesale prices. Pick over and wash the berries, stew them in their own juice, with just enough water at first to prevent the lower ones from sticking. When all are well cooked, pour into jars, and seal. They will keep without sugar, but if they are wanted sweet, add half a cup of sugar to a quart of berries. Swamp berries require a cupful of sugar to a quart. CANNED BLUEBERRIES. CANNED CHERRIES. Use none but perfect cherries. Allow one cup of sugar to each jar of fruit. Ar- range first a layer of cherries, then sugar, until the jar is nearly full. Put the jars in a boiler, with sticks under them. Now add water to the jars to nearly fill, cover them, but do not put on the rubbers. Let the water boil until the sugar has dissolved and formed a clear syrup. In the meantime, have more syrup boiling, and when the fruit is ready, take out of the boiler, fill with the hot syrup, and seal at once. Pare the peaches, and either leave them entire or cut in halves. Boil together one cup of sugar and one pint of water. Skim. Put in as many peaches as will cover the bottom of the kettle, and let them boil up once. Then take them out with a wire spoon or silver fork, and pack them neatly in the jars. Fill with boiling syrup, and seal. Should the peaches be hard, drop them as they are pared into boiling water, and cook carefully until tender, then take out onto large plates; be careful to keep them separate. Then when all are cooked, put them into the syrup a few minutes before putting into the jars. CANNED PEACHES. CANNED PINEAPPLE. Pare the fruit, and carefully remove the eye with a sharp-pointed silver knife. Chop or grate the pineapple, or shred it with a silver fork, rejecting the hard core. Allow half a pound of sugar to a pound of the fruit. Put all together, bring quickly to a boil, skim, and put into jars at once. CANNED PLUMS. Allow from eight to fourteen ounces sugar to each pound of fruit, according to their sourness. Wash them, and if large, prick each one in several places, so that the skins will not burst. If the plums are not very soft, and the skins are tough, put a few at a time in a wire basket, and plunge them first in boiling, then in cold, water. The skins may be then easily peeled off. Make the syrup according to the sourness of the plums, using as little water as is possible. Boil and skim it, and drop the fruit in carefully. Cool until tender, then drain, and put in the jars. Seal at once. Allow one-quarter of a pound of sugar to each pound of fruit. Use none but large, sound berries, and do not mash them by handling. Make a syrup, using only enough water to dissolve the sugar. Boil the syrup, skim, and put in the berries, and boil for three minutes. Then put into jars, and seal. CANNED RASPBERRIES. CANNED RHUBARB. Allow half a pound of sugar to each pound of rhubarb, peeled and cut in inch lengths. Make a syrup in the proportion of one-half a pint of water to two pounds of sugar; let it boil, and skim. Put the rhubarb into the syrup, and boil five min- utes ; then put into jars, and seal. CANNED TOMATOES. Wipe the tomatoes, which should be perfectly sound, as a single spot of decay may spoil the whole mess. Fill a wire basket with them, and plunge it into fast boiling water, until the skins begin to crack ; then put in cold water for a moment. Remove the skin and the hard part under the stem. Mash thoroughly and let them boil quickly until soft, but not enough to evaporate all the liquid. To every quart add one teaspoonful of salt, a saltspoonful of pepper, and half a cup of sugar. Cook for five minutes longer, then fill the jars nearly full. Fill to the brim with melted butter, strained and boiling hot, and seal at once. Qlive oil may be used in place of the butter, if preferred. Wrap in paper, and put in a dark place. Examine in a week or so, and if any of them show signs of fermentation, use for catsup. See directions under that head. 53 We arc never too busy to impart information. 1 Renewer, Wells’ Health 85 , Rennet, Shinn’s 20 | " Wyeth’s 20 1 Renovator, Daniels’ Horse. 40 \ Resolvent, Cuticura 80 “ Radway’s 85 ! Restorer, Goldthwaite’s Hair, see page 23 50 “ Kline’s Nerve 85, 1.65 i Revivum, Morse’s Hair .... .50 , Rings, Bailey’s Teething 10 1 “ Ivorine, for Teeth 10 i Brooklyn Hospital Cough Syrup, see page 11 25, .50 \ Root Calamus, or Sweet Flag 1 oz., sc. 4 oz., 15c. 1 “ Lovage 1 oz., 10c. 4 oz., 30c 1 Orris 1 oz., sc. 4 oz., 15c. [ “ Powd 1 oz., sc. 4 oz., 15c. 8 oz., 25c. 1 “ Snake 1 oz., 10c. 4 oz., 25c. [ “ Yellow Dock 1 oz., sc. 4 oz., 15c. 16 oz., 40c. > “ Shaker Root Beer Extract 12 \ \ Rosaline, Dr. Pray’s 20 ■ “ Mrs. Pray’s 20 > Rose Water !.... 1 oz., sc. 4 oz., 15c. 16 oz., 50c. i Rouge, Dorin’s 20 | Rough on Rats 15 1 Rubifacient 40 ‘ Rubifoam 18 Goldthwaite’s Dentifoam 20 Sagwa Kickapoo 73 alixis 78 Sal Muscatelle 85 Shaker Canker Cure 25 “ Sore Throat Cure 25 “ Blood Pills 30 Salts, Epsom 4 oz., sc. 8 oz., 10c. 16 oz., 15c. “ Glaubers or Horse 16 oz., 10c “ Rochelle 1 oz., sc. 4 oz., 15c. 8 oz., 25c. 16 oz., 40c. “ Salt Petre 4 oz., sc. 8 oz., 10c. 16 oz., 15c. “ Sal Soda Bc. pound. •* Carlsbad Sprudel 73 “ Edison's Obesity Fruit 85 “ Enos’ Fruit 90 “ Hartford’s Smelling. 20 “ Holman’s Absorptive , 21 “ Preston’s Lavender .25 Salva-cea 20 SHAKER GREASE AND STAIN REMOVER. Removes Grease, Stains, Paint ' and-Pitch from carpets, clothing, and every kind of fabric. Grease spots look I bad. We guarantee this article to remove them. Price, 25 cents. s I 54 We guarantee everything in this catalogue to be exactly as represented. TO CAN CURRANTS AND BERRIES WITHOUT COOKING. Equal quantities of sugar and fruit. Mash them together a few at a time. Be very careful that they are all thoroughly mashed, because they will spoil if they are not. Fill the jars to overflowing, shaking each layer firmly. Screw the caps down as tightly as possible. They will keep indefinitely. WHOLE TOMATOES. Fill a large stone jar with perfectly sound, ripe, whole tomatoes. Sprinkle sugar and a few cloves between each layer. Cover with a mixture of equal parts water and vinegar. Tie over the top a cover of flannel, letting it hang in the liquid at the center. Over this tie a piece of brown paper. These will keep well all winter, and are not harmed even if the flannel does collect mould. PRESERVES. PRESERVED QUINCES. Wipe the quinces, cut in quarters, and remove the skins and cores. Allow equal weights of sugar and fruit. Cover the fruit with cold water, and add a little of the sugar as soon as it begins to boil. Do not stir them, but push the pieces under the syrup, and remove the scum. Keep adding the sugar until it is all in the kettle. Boil slowly until the quince is tender. Drain the pieces well as you take them out, and pack in jars, then fill with boiling syrup, and seal. By boiling the syrup you have left, and straining into tumblers, a good jelly is the result. PRESERVED RASPBERRIES. Allow an equal weight of sugar and berries. Pick out the largest and soundest ones, and mash the remainder. Boil for ten minutes, then strain through cheese cloth. Boil this juice with the sugar, and skim, then put in the whole berries, let them boil up once, then skim them out. Put into jars, filling them nearly full. Boil the syrup down until there is about enough to fill the jars, put the berries all back, boil up once more, then fill the jars, and seal. Strawberries may be preserved the same way. PRESERVED TOMATOES. To each pound of fruit, use one lemon and one pound of light-brown sugar. Grate the thin yellow part of the lemon, then pare off the thick white, which is not to be used, and slice the lemon thinly, removing the seeds. Scald and peel the tomatoes. Put enough water with the sugar to dissolve it. When it is boiling, remove the scum, and add the tomatoes and lemon. Cook slowly for two hours. PRESERVED APPLES. Use one-half pound of sugar to each pound of apples. Paie, quarter, and core the fruit and boil the parings with just enough water to cover. Sprinkle the sugar over the apple and allow to stand until the sugar is melted. Strain the water from the skins and pour it boiling over the apples. Allow to stand until cold. Then heat the water and pour again over the apples ; do this several times to harden them. Then put all over the fire, add the grated rind and juice of one lemon or orange, and cool slowly until the apple seems clear. PRESERVED PLUMS. Take equal weight of sugar and plums. Wash the fruit, and put in a large bowl. Make the syrup, using as little water as possible. Boil and skim it, and turn over the plums. The next day pour off the syrup and boil again. Repeat this another morning, and after the last time turn the fruit and syrup into a kettle and boil up quickly, then simmer about twenty minutes. Pour into jars, and seal. GOLDTHWAITE’S SEIDLITZ POWDERS. Are always fresh. They are put up in decorated tin boxes which keeps them dry and in good condition. There are twelve in a box, and each powder is full weight and made from the very best ingredients. Price, 25 cents. 55 We are druggists who make a scientific study of pharmacy. Salve, Acorn 10 “ Bucklen’s Arnica 20 “ Shaker Healing Salve 25 “ Dailey’s 20 “ Dewitt’s Witch Hazel 20 *■ Griswold’s .20 “ Hanson’s Corn 15 “ Harris’ Corn . 20 “ Hardy’s 20 “ Henry’s Carbolic 20 “ Kickapoo Indian . .. .20 “ Pettit’s Eye 20 “ Pike’s Centennial 20 “ Russia 19 “ Sawyer, Mrs 20 “ Shaker Pile Ointment 25 Sanative, Flower’s Stomach and Liver 85 Sanitas 40 Sanmetto 78 Sarsaparilla, Ayer’s 67 “ Brown’s 75 “ Dana’s 67 “ Hood’s 67 “ Goldthwaite’s Sarsaparilla, see page 7 60 “ Rush’s and Iron 85 “ Townsend’s 85 “ Warner’s Log Cabin 75 “ Wilson’s 1.25 Sea Salt, Ditman’s 20, .40 Seeds, Cardamon 1 oz., 15c. 4 oz., 40c. “ Flax, whole 10c. pound. “ “ ground 10c. lb “ Mustard 1 oz., sc. 4 oz., 15c. Seidlitz Powders, Goldthwaite’s 25 Seidlitz, Chanteaud 65 Sen Sen ; .05 Seven Barks 40 Shades, Single and Double .15 Shaving Sticks, Lettuce 20 “ “ Pears 20, .30, .45 “ “ Williams’ 20 “ “ Woodbury’s 20 Shields, Cowan’s Vaccination 20 Smartweed, Carter’s .20, .40 Pierce’s- 20, .40 Snuff, Goldthwaite’s Catarrh, Nothing can equal it 20 “ Abbot’s Menthol 20 GOLDTHWAITE’S LIYER PILLS. Are just what their name implies. They are Goldthwaite’s, they are little, they work on the liver in such a way as to make the user live longer and happier. Price, 15 cents. 56 We guarantee everything that hears our label. Pare the fruit, then take equal weights peaches and sugar, put them together in a covered dish, and let them remain over night. In the morning, put them on to boil. Simmer until tender and transparent. Then skim, put in jars, and seal. PRESERVED PEACHES. Prepare the pineapple as for canning. To each pound of the fruit, allow three quarters of a pound of sugar. Put together in a preserving kettle, stir well, and allow to stand over night. In the morning, bring to a boil, skim, and cook slowly, half an hour. Pour into the jars, and seal. PRESERVED PINEAPPLE. JAfIS AND MARMALADES. These are made from the skins, the pulp, and in some cases the seeds of the fruit are used. The fruit should be thoroughly mashed or cut in short pieces before being cooked, and stewed until tender, and in some cases strained. Frequent stir- ring will prevent burning. If they are cooked some time before adding the sugar, less sugar will be necossary and the seeds will not harden. They are sufficiently cooked when they bubble thick, or when dropped on a cold plate, will keep in shape or stiffen. Allow equal weights of sugar and barberries. Free the berries from stems and put them in a preserving kettle with just enough water to cover them. Cook slowly, and when the juice is drawn out add the sugar and simmer forty minutes. Turn into tumblers or jars and cover with paper. Should the seeds be objectionable, strain the juice before adding the sugar. BARBERRY JAM. Put the berries into a preserving kettle and express enough juice to keep from burning. Heat slowly and mash until all are broken. Cook twenty minutes, then add three-quarters of a pound of sugar to each pound of fruit in the first place and cook ten minutes longer. Put into small jars or tumblers and seal. BLACKBERRY JAM. Allow equal weights of sugar and berries. Mash the raspberries and cook them in their own juice half an hour. Stir often. Then add one-fourth of the sugar, boil five minutes, and add another part of the sugar, and so on till the sugar is all added. Put in small jars or tumblers and cover with paper. RASPBERRY JAM. GRAPE MARMALADE. Wash and pick over the grapes. Mash them and heat slowly until soft. Then turn into a hair sieve and rub gently until all but the seeds and skins have gone through. Put the residue into a little cold water and wash well. Then strain again and add this water to the pulp. Boil slowly half an hour. Measure the pulp and add an equal measure of sugar. Cook again for ten minutes, or until it boils up in thick bubbles. Turn into small jars and cover tightly. PEACH MARMALADE. Save the parings when canning peaches; also the soft or irregular pieces. Cover them with cold water and simmer until soft. Put through a sieve and boil again 20 minutes. Add half its weight in sugar and boil again. FRESH DRUGS AND HERBS. These are bought direct from the botanical gardens and are always fresh. The importance of fresh drugs and herbs cannot be over estimated, as many of them deteriorate quickly. We make a specialty of preparing herbal recipes. ( 57 We are daily cutting prices lower and lower. Snuff, Marshall’s Catarrh 21 “ Raeder’s Catarrh 30 Soap, Angler’s Petroleum 15 “ Carmel Castile 13 “ Castile, Pure, Conti 7 10c. cake. 20c. pound. 60c. bar. “ Juniper Tar 30 “ Comfort 20 “ Copco 05 “ Crab Apple Crown. • 45 “ Violet Crown 20 “ Cuticura 15 “ Durna-Royale 20 “ Glenn’s Sulphur 20 “ Cosmo Buttermilk Bc. three for 23c. “ Viola Skin 20 “ Heiskel’s Medicinal 20 “ Packer’s Tar ‘. 15 “ Palmer’s Skin Success 20 “ Pear’s Transparent. 20 “ “ Non-scented , 15 “ Robinson’s Oatmeal 15 “ “ Pumice 10 “ Silver 12 “ Roger & Gallet Violet de Parme 39 “ Sarg’s Liquid ; 40 “ Sulphume Toilet 21 “ Vinolia Toilet 33 “ Velvet Skin 20 “ Whale Oil 20c. lb. “ White Rose 4711 19 “ Williams’ Barber Bar per cake, 10c. “ “ Jersey Cream 15 “ “ Yankee 10 “ Woodbury’s Facial 15 “ Wright’s Myrrh Tooth 20 *• X-Zalia, Toilet 15 Goldthwaite’s Solution Citrate Magnesia 20 Solution, Larrabaque Domestic 40 “ Wampole’s Antiseptic ':0 Solvent, Hayden’s Uric 85 “ Schlotterbeck’s Corn and Wart 19 Clark’s Corn Remover 25 Somatose, Biscuit 50 Sozodont 50 Goldthwaite’s Dentifoam 15 Specialty, White’s Diphtheria 40 “ “ Dyspepsia 85 Specific, Crossman’s 85 “ Haines’ Golden 2.50 Goldthwaite’s Cold Pellets (see page 9) 25 “ Hilton’s No. 3 38 “ Humphrey’s ....19, -.38, .75 “ “ Veterinary 45 Pabst OKay 3.00 Popham’s Asthma 75 “ Goldthwaite’s Asthma Cure (see page 27) 50 Powers’ Asthma 40, .75 Swift’s S. S. S ..73,1.35 Spermaceti 4 oz., 20c. 8 oz., 35c. 16 oz., 55c. DR. CLARK’S PAINLESS CORN CURE. Lifts them right out and removes the soreness immediately. No trouble to apply it. Does not harden up. We guarantee it to remove hard or soft corns without pain. Price, 25 cents. 58 No combination can force us to advance prices. JELLIES. All kinds of fruits do MOt contain the principle (pectin) necessary to make jelly. Those that do not need the addition of one that does. Raspberries, Strawberries, and Cherries need the addition of Currants. Barberries, Peaches, and Pears need Apples, Plums, or Quinces. General directions may be given as follows: Strain without pressure the fruit juice through a piece of fine cloth or a hair sieve. Should pressure be necessary, strain the second time. Do not boil the sugar any longer with the fruit than is necessary, as it will lessen the flavor. Make a small quantity (a quart) at a time and avoid damp weather. Allow the tumblers to stand in hot water and fill to the brim. Set away in a dry place or in the sun for a few days. Then cover with soft paper, cut to fit inside the glass, and put on the tin covers. Wash the apples, remove the blossom end, but do not pare or core them. Cover 1 with cold water and cook slowly until soft. Do not stir or mash the apples. When | the apples are very soft and the liquid is red, turn into a straining cloth and hang up \ to drip. After the liquid has dripped out through, boil it ten minutes and strain , again through a fine cloth and measure it. Allow half a pound of sugar to each pint ' of juice. Boil the juice alone until it begins to thicken on the edge of the pan, then 1 add the sugar and cook it five minutes longer, or until it jellies; then skim and turn 1 into glasses. . , ' CRAB APPLE JELLY. Pick over and wash the berries. Add about a cupful of water to a quart of 1 berries and cook until perfectly soft. Mash the berries against the side of the kettle. , Strain and allow an equal measure of sugar. Boil the juice 15 minutes, then add the , sugar, remove the scum, and when it thickens on a spoon, turn into glasses. 1 * 1 CRANBERRY JELLY. , Wild Grapes gathered just before they turn make the best jelly. Free the grapes \ from the stem and wash them. Put into a kettle and mash them thoroughly. Heat < slowly and cook until the juice is all drawn out. Then place a piece of cheese cloth \ over a collander and put a bowl under the collander. Turn in the grapes and let j them drip without pressure. Measure the juice and allow an equal measure of sugar \ if cultivated grapes are used. Wild grapes require a little more. Boil the juice 15 ' minutes. Skim and strain again. Add the sugar, then boil until the liquid jellies J on the edge. Skim well and turn into glasses. , GRAPE JELLY. Put the plums into a kettle with water to cover. Heat slowly and simmer until \ the plums will mash readily. Put into flannel cloth and allow the juice to drip ' through. When the pulp has dripped dry boil the juice, skimming often. Measure , the juice and when it boils add an. equal measure of sugar. Boil until it jellies. 1 Pour into tumblers and let it set two or three days. Cover with paper put in a 1 cool, dry place. . ' PLUM JELLY. I PICKLES. Use only the best cider vinegar. If it is too sharp, dilute with one-third water or it will eat the pickles up. Alum helps make them brittle and a little horseradish will prevent the vinegar moulding. Better use too much than too little salt. All kinds of pickle will keep better if sealed. PICKLED RED CABBAGE. After taking off the bad leaves of a firm, good-sized gabbage, quarter it and cut in very thin slices. Sprinkle well with salt and set aside 48 hours. Then drain off the salt liquid formed and pour over the cabbage a well-seasoned pickle of boiling hot vinegar. Cover the jars until the cabbage is cold, then fasten tightly. Cauliflower or celery may be pickled in the same way. The cauliflower may be cooked tender, if preferred, first. CUCUMBER PICKLES. Cover one hundred small cucumbers with water, add half a pint of salt. Drain off the water in the morning. Take as much vinegar as there was water, one-half ounce whole cloves and all-spice, a piece of alum one-half as large as a walnut. Heat all together and pour boiling hot over the cucumbers. Cover the pickles up with cabbage leaves. A few green peppers added is a great improvement. 59 Pay no man higher prices than we ask. Spirits Ammonia Arom 1 oz., 10c. 4 oz., 25c. “ Camphor 1 oz., sc. 8 oz., 35c. “ Nitre, Sweet 1 oz., sc. 8 oz., 35c. Stone, Pumice 4 oz., sc. 16 oz., 15c. “ “ Powd 4 oz., sc. 16 oz., 15c. Sugar of Milk I oz., sc. 4 oz., 10c. 8 oz., 15c. 16 oz., 30c. 5 lb. lots, 25c. lb. Sulpho-Napthol 40 Sulphume 85 Sulphur 8 oz., sc. 16 oz., 10c. Shaker Pile Ointment 25 Suppositories, Brown’s 20, .40 “ Wyeth’s Glycerine 20 “ Parke Davis’ Glycerine 1 35 “ Patch’s Comp. Hamamelis 40 “ Sharp & Dohme’s Glycerine 30 “ Warn pole’s Al-vi-nine, adult 40 “ “ “ child 30 “ “ Glycerine, adult 38 “ “ “ child 38 “ White Wheat Gluten 45 Suspensories, J. C. Schnoter’s (see page 43) 50c. upwards. Swamp Root, Kilmer’s 38, .73 Syringes, Family 23c. upwards. “ Fountain 37c. upwards. Syrup, Brooklyn Hospital Cough (See page 11) 25, .50 Syrup, Boschee’s German 60 “ Bull’s Cough 20, .40, .75 “ Shaker Cough and Croup (see page 13) 25 “ Burrington’s Croup 30 “ California Fig, Original 38 “ Shaker Syrup Figs (seepage 17) 30 “ Clark Johnson’s 40, .85 “ Goldthwaite’s, of Tar, Wild Cherry and Slippery E1m.25, .60 “ Dana’s Cough , 30 “ Fellows’, of Hypophosphites 96 “ Goldthwaite’s, of Hypophosphites 75 “ Frye’s, of Hypophosphites 85 “ Gardner’s, of Hydriodic Acid. 1.15 “ Gould’s Pin Worm 40 “ Gray’s Red Spruce Gum c' 20 “ Hibbard’s Rheumatic 85 “ Hooker’s Cough and Croup 30 “ Larookah Pulmonic 40, .75 “ McArthur’s Hypophosphites 83 “ Morse’s “ 85 “ “ Yellow Dock, Genuine 75 “ Mother Noble’s Healing 40 “ Parke Davis’ Hematic 75 Ransom’s Hive • 30 “ Brooklyn Hospital Cough (see page 11) 25, .50 “ Schenck’s Pulmonic 73 “ Schlotterbeck’s Manganese Co 75 “ “ Phospho Chloride Iron 75 “ Wampole’s Hyphosphites 75 “ “ White Pine Comp 75 “ Weaver’s Salt Rheum 1,15 “ Weld’s Chloride Iron .75 “ Winslow’s Soothing 19 GOLDTHWAITE’S BRONCHIA! TROCHES. Relieve Hoarseness, Tickling, Rawness, Irritation, Huskiness, and Smokers’ Sore Throat in a few minutes. We guarantee every box. Price, 13 cents. 60 We are never too busy to impart information. PICKLED OMOKS. Pour boiling brine over small, white onions two days in succession; then drain, place in jars and cover with cold vinegar. MUSTARD PICKLES. Take one quart each of small whole cucumbers, large cucumbers sliced, green tomatoes sliced, and small onions, one large cauliflower picked to pieces, and four green peppers cut fine. Mix one pint of salt and four quarts of water and pour over the vegetables. Heat just enough to scald and drain. Mix one cup of flour, six tablespoonfuls of ground mustard, and one tablespoonful of tumeric with enough vinegar to make a smooth paste ; then add one cup of sugar and enough vinegar to make two quarts in all. Boil this mixture until it thickens and is smooth, stirring all the time ; then add the vegetables and cook until heated through. SWEET PICKLED PEARS. Take ten pounds Bartlett pears not quite ripe. Wipe them and remove the blossom end. £ook in water until tender. Strain and to one quart of the water add one quart vinegar, five pounds of sugar, half a cup of stick cinnamon, whole cloves, mace, and allspice. Boil for half an hour, then add the pears. When well scalded remove them and pack in jars. Boil the syrup down until there is about enough to fill the jars. Pour it over the fruit and seal at once. Plums should be pricked to prevent bursting. Peaches should be wiped to remove the fur. Boil one quart vinegar, four pounds sugar, two ounces each whole cloves and stick cinnamon, one-half an ounce of ginger root, together ten minutes ; add the fruit and let them stand a minute or two. Don’t let them boil or become soft. Pour into a stone jar and in a week drain off the brine and scald again. SWEET PICKLED PEACHES OE PLUMS. Stew together until very soft, one peck of ripe tomatoes, four large onions sliced, three-fourths of a cup of salt, three tablespoonfuls of black pepper, one tablespoon- ful of red pepper, one tablespoonful of allspice, one-half tablespoonful of cloves. This takes about two hours. Add just before straining, one quart vinegar; then strain and bottle at-once. TOMATO CATSUP. Tablets, Armour’s Pepsin 20 “ Cephalgine 20 “ Fairchild’s Compound 65 “ Freligh’s Constituents 1.65 “ “ Cough 45 “ Jensen’s Pepsin 40 “ John’s Cascara 19 “ Malted Milk, Lunch 45 “ Murray’s Charcoal 20 “ Papoid and Soda Bicarb 45 “ Paskola.. 21 “ Novus Lemonade, etc 09 “ Protonuclein .85 “ Puritana 20 “ Pyro-Febrin 20 “ Stuart’s Dyspepsia <...35, .75 “ Wyeth’s Chlorate Potash 10 Tabules, Ripan’s 45t .gg Talcum Powders, Goldthwaite’s (see page 25) 15 Tamar, Indien gg Tar, Stafford’s Olive 40 Tea, Egyptian 75 “ Garfield 19, .38, .75 “ Hoofland Herb 40 “ Paragon 20 “ Saxony 20 “ Weber’s Alpine 20 61 All our drugs are examined—tested—in our own laboratory. Tea, Welch’s Magic.... 20 Terraline 75 Thermometers, Clinical 1.00 Throat Comfort 09 Tiko for Rheumatism 85 Tincture Arnica 1 oz., sc. 4 oz., 15c. 8 oz., 25c. “ Ginger 1 oz., 10c. 4 oz., 25c. “ lodine, inc. bottles 1 oz., 15c. 4 oz., 40c. “ Rhubarb 1 oz., Bc. 4 oz., 20c. Tippecanoe 85 Tongaline 75 Tonic, Goldthwaite’s Celery and Coca Nerve (see page 35) 60 “ South American Nervine 1.15 “ Freligh’s 85 “ Hand’s General, for Infants 20 “ Koenig’s Nerve 85 “ Liebig’s Coca Beef 85 “ Miles’ Restorative 73 “ Schenck’s Sea Weed 73 Toothache Drops, Goldthwaite’s 15 Tooth Paste, Jewsbury & Brown 45 Tooth Powder, Goldthwaite’s Compound Orris 25 Tooth Powder, Hood’s 15, .35 “ ' “ Lyons’ 20 “ “ Sozodont 20 “ “ Brown’s Camphorated 18 Treatment, West Bram and Nerve 80 Tricopherous, Barry’s 40 Troches, Goldthwaite’s Bronchial 13 Troches, Bronson’s Pepsin 20 “ Goldthwaite’s Compound Pepsin (See page 15) 25 “ Brown’s Bronchial 19, .40, .75 “ Edey’s Carbolic 20 “ Warren’s 19 Trusses, An Assortment (See page 43). Tubes, Fairchild’s Peptonizing 45 Vaccination Points 10 apo-Cresoline .... 20 Vapo-Cresoline with lamp 1.35 Vaseline, Blue Seal 05 Goldthwaite’s Petroline 15, .20, .35 “ Pure 10 “ Camphorated 20 “ Carbolated * 15 “ White 15 “ “ Perfumed 20 Vegetine, Dry 40 “ Liquid 88 Vermifuge, Brown’s O. P. Male Fern 40 Shaker Worm Lozenges 20 “ Fahnestock’s B. A 20 “ “ B. L 20 “ Jayne’s Tonic 30 “ McLane’s 20 Goldthwaite’s Hair Restorer (See page 23) 50 Vigor, Ayer’s Hair 63 Vino Kolafra 85 Vigoral, Armour’s 50, .79 GOLDTHWAITE’S COMPOUND ORRIS TOOTH POWDER. Entirely free from acid or grit. Keeps the teeth in good condition and imparts to them a beau- tiful appearance. It leaves a delicious taste in the mouth. When once used it is always used. Large size, 25 cents. . We save you the retailers’ profit. Everything sold at wholesale prices. Wafers, Campbell’s Safe Complexion 38, .75 “ Freeman’s Fir Balsam 05, .20 “ Gessler’s Headache 20 “ Micajah’s Uterine 85 Wash, Pinkham’s Sanative.. 20 Water, Apenta 23 “ Apollinaris 15, .21 “ Bethesda 30 “ Buffalo Lithia No. 1 or 2 50 “ Carlsbad Sprudel 35 “ Castalian 85 “ Clysmic 30 “ Colgate’s Heliotrope 39, -75 “ “ Violet 39, .71 “ “ Lavender 39, .59 “ Constitution 85 “ Coudray’s Lavender, Pale 60 “ “ “ Dark 75 “ Goldthwaite’s Eye Water 25 “ Freidrichshall Bitter . 20 “ Hunyadi Janos .25 “ “ Matyas 19 “ Londonderry Lithia qts , .21, half gals., .50 “ Lubin’s Lavender, Amber 85 “ “ “ Pale 75 “ Murray & Lanman Florida 20, .50 “ Pears’ Lavender .. 85 “ Poland qts , .30, half gals., .50 “ Poor Richard’s Eye 20 “ Roger & Gallet’s Violet -. 73 “ Rubriat Condal 30 “ Thompson’s Eye 20 Goldthwaite’s Eye Water 25 “ Veronica 45 “ Vichy, Imported .30 “ Carabana 30 Wax, Yellow 1 oz., .05, 4 t z., .18, 16 oz., .60 “ White 1 oz., .08, 4 oz., .20. 16 oz., .75 Wheat, Wampole’s Liquid 40 .75 Wine, Goldthwaite’s Beef, Iron and Wine (See page 7) , ,50 “ Boudrault’s, of Pepsin 90 “ Gilmore’s Aromatic 85 “ Liebig’s, of Coca 85 Wine, Goldthwaite’s, of Coca 65 “ Mariani, of Coca 98 “ Metcalf’s, of Coca. 71 “ Stearns’, of Cod Liver Oil 85 Wine, Goldthwaite’s, of Kola 75 “ Wampole’s Digestive Kola 85 “ “ San Palmetto 40 Witch Hazel, Goldthwaite’s Ext.(Seepage 19)-.l/2 pt. inc., .15, pt.inc., .30 qt. inc., .50, gal. inc., 1.00 Goldthwaite’s Female Tonic (See page 13) .60 45, .85 Zinc, Hovey’s Chloride .20, .40 onweiss for Teeth, Tubes 20 “ “ “ Jars 30 Zymocide 75 JfO COMBINATION can force us to advance prices—they have tried it. When we cut the price of an article it remains there or until we cut it again. Look around—get prices—then see how much we can save you. Hot Water Bottles. 1 qt., 53c. 2 “ 6IC. 3 “ 75c- -4 “ 85c. Warranted for 2 Years. 1 qt., $l.OO 2 “ 1.25 3 “ i-35 4 “ i-5o Plain. 1 qt., 11.14 2 “ 1.24 3 “ 1-34 4 “ 1-44 Covered. Round Rubber Bed Pans, $2.50. Combination Rubber Bed Pan, $3.00. Earthenware Bed Pan, $l.OO. Invalid Cushion. 12 in., $2.00 14 in., $2.25 13 “ 2.15 15 “ 2.50 Atomizers. 50c. A good one. 60c. One usually sold for 75c. $l.OO Has 3 tips, sprays bath oil or water. We have a beautiful line of Perfume Atomizers, at prices never before offered in this section. 64 FOUNTAIN SYRINGES, lcppRaH- 601DTHWA/T£^ i\ Fountain syriNQE/ JVo.S ' ffAHP F{UBBEF{ FITTINGS 1 qt. $0 57 2 qt. 83 3 qt. 98 4 qt. 121 BROCKTON & TAUNTON, MASS. FOUNTAIN SYRINGE. COMBINATION FOUNTAIN SYRINGE AND HOT WATER BOTTLE. (Guaranteed lor 2 Years.) 1 quart $1 35 2 “ 150 3 “ 175 4 “ 200 (Guaranteed for 2 Years.) 1 quart $2 00 2 “ 226 8 “ 2 50 4 “ 275 OUR GUARANTEED FOUNTAIN SYRINGESare the most perfect syringe made. They are very heavy weight, and made of Pure Para Rubber with double reinforced seams. FAMILY SYRINGES. No. 1 $0 31 “2 49 “3 75 “4 1 00 “6 1 25 OUR FAMILY SYR- INGE 4 and 6 is the most perfect bulb syr- inge it is possible to pro- duce. We warrant them for five years. q \\- GOLDTHWAItE, /^OpßlE^o^ BROCKTON STORE. Brockton QbWrice DRUG STORE TAUNTON STORE. 103 Main Street, BROCKTON, MASS 10 City Square, TAUNTON, MASS