THE' PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION AND THERAPEUTIC USES OF YEAST NUCLEI NIC ACID, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ITS EMPLOYMENT IN TUBERCULOSIS. by’ VICTOR C. VAUGHAN, Ph.D., M.D., OF ANN ARBOR, MICH.; PROFESSOR OF HYGIENE AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, AND DIRECTOR OF THE HYGIENIC LABORATORY. FROM f THE MEDICAL NEWS, Feb. 27 to March 27, 1897. [Reprinted from The Medical News, Feb. 27, 1897.] THE PHYSIOLOGICAL ACTION AND THERA- PEUTIC USES OF YEAST NUCLEINIC ACID, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO / TS EMPLOYMENT IN TUBERCULOSIS. 1 By VICTOR C. VAUGHAN, Ph.D.,M.D., OF ANN ARBOR, MICH.; PROFESSOR OF HYGIENE AND PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, AND DIRECTOR OF THE HYGIENIC LABORATORY. Nucleins and Nucleitiic Acids.—I have elsewhere spoken of nucleins as follows: “Physiologically, nucleins may be said to form the chief chemical constituents of the living parts of cells. Speak- ing broadly, we may say that the nuclein is that con- stituent of the cell by virtue of which the histolog- ical unit grows, develops, and reproduces itself. It is the function of the nuclein of the cell to utilize the pabulum within its reach. It must be evident that those tissues most abounding in cellular elements con- tain relatively the largest amount of nuclein. It must also be seen that it is by virtue of their nuclein that the cells of various organs and organisms possess and manifest their individual peculiarities. We should, therefore, expect to find that the nuclein of the yeast cell is not identical with that of the bacillus tubercu- losis, and that the nuclein of the spleen differs from that of the thymus gland. The number of kinds of nuclein is limited only by the variety of cells. Nuclein is the chemical basis of that part of the cell 1 This paper contains the material used in special lectures delivered to the students of the Department of Medicine and Surgery of Michigan University, November, 1896. designated by the histologist as the nucleus, some- times called chromatin on account of the readiness with which it absorbs and holds coloring agents. It is the nuclein of the bacterium which takes up and retains stains, and it is on account of the fact that the nuclein of the bacillus tuberculosis differs from that of other bacilli that we are able to distinguish the former from the latter by its tinctorial properties. Differences in reaction with staining agents so plainly seen under the microscope are only outward mani- festations of less apparent and more important differ- ences in chemical composition.1” Chemically, the nucleins are complex, proteid bodies, especially characterized by the large amount of phosphorus which they contain. Nucleins can be split up by the action of dilute mineral acids into albuminous bases and nucleinic acids. The nature of the base and the acid obtained in this way will vary with the nuclein in which they originate. Yeast nuclein differs in both its basic and its acid constitu- ents from leuco-nuclein as obtained from the thymus gland. The nucleinic acids on being further broken up by the action of dilute mineral acids yield the so- called xanthin bodies, and here again it is true that the products obtained will depend upon the kind of nucleinic acid acted upon. One nucleinic acid may yield only adenin, and for this reason it may be des- ignated as adenylic nucleinic acid, while another may furnish xanthin abundantly, possibly to the ex- clusion of other bases, and this may be termed xan- thylic nucleinic acid. Kossel has demonstrated some ‘The Nucleins and Nuclein Therapy; Annual Address on Medi- cine. Transactions of the Michigan State Medical Society, 1894. 3 of the chemical differences between nucleinic acids from diverse sources. Yeast nucleinic acid yields, on being broken up by the action of dilute mineral acids and heat, guanin and adenin ; while testicular nucleinic acid furnishes adenin, hypoxanthin, and xanthin; and thymus nucleinic acid gives adenin only. These are what might be called gross differ- ences. It is probable that finer distinctions exist be- tween members of the same group. I have fre- quently observed that different samples of yeast vary not only in the amount of nucleinic acid yielded, but that the products differ in the intensity of their germicidal action. Of course this may be due to differences in other constituents of the yeast cells, and the greater or less difficulty of obtaining the nucleinic acid in an approximately pure condition. In the first year of my work on this subject I used baker’s compressed yeast, and sometimes I wholly failed to obtain a nucleinic acid with distinct germi- cidal properties, while at other times the result was quite satisfactory, although at no time did I secure a product equal in germicidal strength to that subse- quently prepared from pure cultures of brewer’s yeast. It is within the range of possibility that by an inves- tigation of the different varieties of yeast cells and with due attention to the conditions under which the cells are grown, we may secure not only a richer yield of nucleinic acid, but an acid of greater germi- cidal strength. The difference in chemical composition and in germicidal action between nucleinic acids from differ- ent kinds of cells is, in some instances at least, ac- companied by differences in physiological action. 4 Thus, while Lillienfeld1 has found that thymus nu- cleinic acid coagulates the blood when injected in- travenously in certain quantities, it will be shown in this paper that a much larger per cent, of yeast nu- clei nic acid may be injected intravenously without any such effects. Certain substances which are histologically and functionally nucleins do not yield any xanthin base as a decomposition product. These are called para- nucleins. Some of these are antecedents of true nu- cleins. Thus, the yelk of the egg contains a para- nuclein, which may be isolated by removing the accompanying proteids by peptic digestion. This sub- stance does not yield a xanthin base, but during the process of incubation it develops into a true nuclein. Generally speaking, nucleins and nucleinic acids are insoluble in dilute acids and soluble in dilute al- kalies. They are insoluble in alcohol. The last mentioned fact has not, however, prevented the quite extensive employment by the profession of alcohol said to contain nuclein. It is needless to say that any beneficial effects obtained by the use of this pre- paration should be attributed to alcohol and not to nuclein. The terms “nuclein” and “nucleinic acid ’ ’ are frequently used interchangeably. In fact, it is by no means always easy to determine whether in a given kind of cell the nucleinic acid exists free or combined with some basic substance ; and it is ex- tremely difficult to obtain the nucleinic acid in any quantity wholly free from albuminous substances, and as nucleinic acid combines with any albuminous sub- 1 Ueber Blutgerinung Zeitschrift f. physiologische Chetnie, B. 20, S. 89. 5 stances present, the chemist is by no means always certain which of the terms “ nuclein ” or “ nucleinic acid ” will the more honestly fit a given product. Pure yeast nucleinic acid contains about nine per cent, of phosphorus. While a small quantity can be prepared in a sufficiently pure state to yield this amount I have so far found the preparation of such a pure article in quantities large enough for any exten- sive physiological experimentation or therapeutical use impracticable. The purest nucleinic acid which has been used in the work detailed in this paper contains a fraction less than seven per cent, of phosphorus. The Theory upon which these Studies of Nucleinic Acid have been Based.—The working hypothesis which I developed in beginning my researches on the nucleins, and which may be found in my address be- fore the Medical Section of the first Pan-American Medical Congress,1 may be condensed to the follow- ing propositions : 1. The phagocytic theory of Metschnikofif, in so far as it teaches that the polynuclear white blood-cor- puscles are active agents in preventing or retarding the multiplication of pathogenic germs in the body, is true. As Metschnikoff has stated, there is no claim that there are not other agents which may also combat the progress of disease. 2. The polynuclear corpuscles do not eat the bacilli, but they destroy the germ by virtue of the chemical action of some constituent or secretion. 1 “ The Principles of Immunity and Cure in the Infectious Dis- eases.” Transactions of the first Pan-American Medical Congress. Vol. x, p. 152. 6 3. The germicidal properties of blood-serum, de- monstrated by the researches of Fodor, Nutall, Buchner and others, are due to a substance, or to sub- stances, that originate in the polynuclear white blood- corpuscles. 4. The natural resistance of the body to bacterial disease will be strengthened by a physiological in- crease in the production of polynuclear white blood- corpuscles. 5. This increase in the polynuclear corpuscles may be induced by introducing into the animal the most distinctive constituent of these cells, which is nuclein. The foregoing statements were formulated in 1891 and I then began my studies on nuclein from yeast and from certain animal glands. In 1892 the first experiments were made on healthy and tuberculous guinea-pigs, and in May, 1893, tuberculous patients were treated for the first time with this agent. The Germicidal Action of Nucleinic Acid.—In May, 1893, a paper by Novy, McClintock, and the writer,1 detailed experiments by which we demon- strated the germicidal action of testicular, thyroid, and yeast nucleins upon bacillus venenosus, staphylo- coccus pyogenes aureus, and albus, and bacillus an- thracis. Additional details of similar experiments were given in the address read before the Medical Section of the first Pan-American Medical Congress, already referred to. The paper by McClintock and myself2 read before the same congress, demonstrated 1 The Germicidal Properties of Nucleins. Medical News, May 30, 1893. a“ The Nature of the Germicidal Constituent of Blood-serum.” Transactions of the first Pan-American Medical Congress. Vol. 1, p. 238. 7 that the germicidal properties of blood-serum are due to the presence of nuclein. In February, 1894, Kossel1 published a paper which confirmed our re- sults. It is unnecessary to go into any detailed statement concerning the germicidal action of yeast nucleinic acid at this time, as any one desirous of doing so can consult the publications referred to. There is, how- ever, one point which seems to me to be of special importance, in view of certain recent German inves- tigations. While yeast nucleinic acid is a powerful germicide, it is not equally potent with all kinds of bacteria. Indeed, there are some germs on which this acid can scarcely be said to manifest a germi- cidal effect. This is true of certain putrefactive germs. This is of interest, in view of the discovery of Pfeiffer,2 that the blood-serum of an animal, im- munized against a specific bacterium, becomes deci- dedly more germicidal to that germ than to any other. This discovery is now being utilized in at- tempts to distinguish the typhoid and cholera bacilli from others which closely resemble them morpho- logically and tinctorially. It would seem from this that the germicidal constituent of the blood-serum can be trained to act more energetically upon a given bacillus. Pfeiffer states that the germicidal constit- uent of the blood-serum of his immunized animals is not a nuclein, and this makes the fact that yeast nu- 1 “ Weitere Beitrage zur Kentniss der Nucleinsauren,” Archtv. f. Anatomie und Physiologie, Physiologische Abtheilung, 1894, S. 194. 2 “ Ein NeuesGrundgesetz der Immunitat.” Deutsche med. Woch- enschrift, 1896, S. 97. Also, Zeitschrift f. Hygiene und In/ections- krankheiten. B. 20. 8 cleinic acid manifests its germicidal properties in a selective way all the more interesting. The Effect of Treatment with Yeast Nucleinic Acid Upon the Polynuclear White Blood-Corpus- cles.—As early as 1892, my colleague, Dr. Huber, kindly made for me a large number of counts of the white corpuscles in the blood of both healthy and tuberculous guinea-pigs, with and without injections of nuclein. He has since repeatedly made like de- terminations on the blood of my patients. I have elsewhere1 stated his results, as follows : (x) “The subcutaneous injection of nuclein in- creases the number of white blood corpuscles ; (2) this increase occurs in both healthy and tuberculous per- sons ; (3) with like quantities of nuclein injected, the increase varies with the person; it may be slight and it may be three-fold; (4) this increase occurs principally in the polynuclear cells ; (5) it is evident, as a rule, as soon as the third hour after treatment, and generally disappears by the forty-eighth hour. ’ ’ The following details of one series of counts may be of interest. All the persons tested in this Series were tuberculous : [See next page.] Recently Hahn,2 working under the direction of Buchner, in the Hygienic Institute of the University of Munich, and using the nuclein prepared by Parke, Davis & Co., the same as that employed in the treat- ment of the cases reported in this paper, has gone one step further than I have in this investigation. 1 “ The Nucleins and Nuclein-Therapy.” Transactions of Mich. State Medical Society, 1894, p. 49. 2 “ Ueber die Steigerung der naturalischen Widerstandsfaliigkeit durch Erzeugung von Hyperleukocytose.” Berliner klin. IVacli- en sc hr if t, September 28, 1896. 9 He has shown that nuclein not only causes a hyper- leucocytosis, but that the defibrinated blood taken from the animal while in this condition of hyperleu- cocytosis, induced by the nuclein, has its germicidal properties increased. His experiments were made upon dogs, and are detailed as follows: “First, some blood was taken from the animal and the num- ber of leucocytes in the arterial blood was deter- mined. Then the animal received a hypodermic injection of some leucocytosis-producing substance. For this purpose, some albuminous body, as albu- Miss B.. Miss F.. Miss H.. Mrs. R.. Miss S... Mrs. D.. Miss M.. Mr. M... Miss A.. Mrs. N.. Miss S... Mrs. R.. Patient. 3* II cr 3 00 00 COOx 00 10 OiU Q Ox 04^ 4* m K) OJ OvGJ Q 4* m (0 - OOOj ~J 0 W 0 Cn h Total No. of white corpuscles per c.m. before treatment. a 0> 3 M MMt-lMMMMM vo vo ooP P f* r r » Cn nxQ Ox « W VO 0Ol"J COGJ O 00 Cn W V>J Ov4» 00-J M O'VO 0 vO 'O W 00 OO'J 4* 00 OJ O'On Total No. of white corpuscles per c.m. after treatment. m 4» to to P 4*- 0"4 OvW O VI to Ox H K) vO Cn H4vOi - W OOOn "0 004; vO w O' O'00 0 OJ m OO OOVO Total increase per c.m. a" ii m h Ln (ji CO K) 00 ++++++++++++ Per cent, of increase. Intervals between cr 0-0- tro-o-B-o-B's-B'cro' 3 treatment and o c 3 33 3333 count. br Strength of nuclein CnOiC/iCaCyiCnCn w m m m w solution used, percent. _ =W1 s . . .w Amount of solution used. Method of adminis- tration. mose or nuclein, the latter in the form of a yeast nuclein, supplied us by the firm of Parke, Davis & Co. A nucleinic acid from the same source has given 10 us good service. Since large quantities of this prep- aration can be employed, it was easy in a short time to double the number of leucocytes. At the same time, there was generally an elevation of tempera- ture, which, with this agent, was variable. In dogs, Table I. Number of Colonies on the Plates. ID 13 After 2 Hrs. After 5 Hours. After 24 . Hours. T3 >