* «."■• c>V^ 'T. ,'Y "••". v;;-wV:hl; ^4l§fe': :&&&;■;'*&'*£■:.< •.:.■:•::■ NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland Gift of Edward B. Schlesinger X INST- ^ :<.-. "'? .'.' ' r: COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, STRUCTURAL AND SYSTEMATIC. FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. By JAMES ORTON, Ph.D., PEOFEBBOR OK NATURAL HISTORY IN VA8BAR COLLEGE; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF TUB ACADEMY OF NATURAL BOIENOE8, PHILADELPHIA, AND OF THE LYCEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, NICW YORK; AUTHOR OF "THE ANDES AND THE AMAZON," ETC. " The education of a naturalist now consists chiefly in learning how to compare."—Agassiz. NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERS, FRANKLIN SQUARE. 18 76. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1876, by HARPER & BROTHERS, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. PREFACE. The distinctive character of this work consists in the treatment of the whole Animal Kingdom as a unit; in the comparative study of the development and variations of organs and their functions, from the simplest to the most complex state; in withholding Systematic Zoology until the student has mastered those structural affinities upon which true classification is founded; and in being fitted for High Schools and Mixed Schools by its language and illustrations, yet going far enough to constitute a com- plete grammar of the science for the under-graduate course of any College. It is designed solely as a manual for instruction. It is not a work of reference, nor a treatise. So far as a book is encyclopediac, it is unfit for a text-book. This is pre- pared on the principle of "just enough, and no more." It aims to present clearly, and in a somewhat new form, the established facts and principles of Zoology. All theoretical and debatable points, and every fact or statement, however valuable, which is not absolutely necessary to a clear and adequate conception of the leading principles, are omitted. It is written in the light of the most recent phase of the science, but not in the interest of any particular theory. To have given an exhaustive survey of animal life would not only have been undesirable, but impossible. Even Cuvier's great work must be supplemented by museums, 6 PREFACE. monographs, and microscopes. Natural History has out- grown the limits of a single book. Trial has proved the folly of giving the student so many things to learn that he has no time to understand, and the error of condemning the student to expend his strength upon the details of classification, which may change in the coming decade, instead of upon structure, which is permanent. Of course, specialists will miss many things, and find abundant room for criticism in what they regard as deficiencies; but the work should be judged by what it does contain, rather than by what it does not. What is claimed, in the language of inventors, is the selection and arrangement of essential principles and typ- ical illustrations from the stand-point of the teacher. The synthetic method is employed, as being the most natural: to begin with complex Man, instead of the simplest forms, would give a false idea. Man is not a model, but a mon- strosity, the most modified of Vertebrates. But these out- lines must be filled up, on the part of the teacher, by lect- ures, and by the exhibition of specimens, and, on the part of the student, by observation (noting, above all, the char- acteristic habits of animals), and by personal work with the knife and microscope. No text-book can take the place of nature, or supersede oral instruction from a com- petent teacher. Suggestions and corrections from naturalists and teach- ers will be thankfully received. In a work of this character, which is but a compend of the labors of all naturalists, it would be superfluous to make acknowledgments. The works referred to on page 385 have been specially consulted. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. pAGE Definition of Zoology, and its Place among the Sciences.................... 11 Historical Sketch....................................................................... 14 PART I.—STRUCTURAL ZOOLOGY. CHAPTER I. Minerals and Organized Bodies distinguished........................ 19 CHAPTER II. Plants and Animals distinguished........................................... 21 CHAPTER III. Relation between Minerals, Plants, and Animals................... 27 CHAPTER IV. Nature of Life...................................................................... 28 CHAPTER V. Organization.............................................................*............ 30 1. Cells............................................................................. 31 2. Tissues.......................................................................... 32 3. Organs, and their Functions.............................................. 41 CHAPTER VI. Nutrition............................................................................... 44 CHAPTER VII. The Food of Animals............................................................. 46 8 CONTENTS. CHAPTER VIII. page How Animals Eat.................................................................. 49 1. The Prehension of Food.................................................. 49 2. The Mouths of Animals................................................... 54 3. The Teeth of Animals..................................................... 62 4. Deglutition, or how Animals swallow................................. 71 CHAPTER IX. The Alimentary Canal.......................................................... 73 CHAPTER X. How Animals Digest............................................................. 90 CHAPTER XI. The Absorbent System.......................................................... 93 CHAPTER XII. The Blood of Animals.......................................................... 96 CHAPTER XIII. The Circulation of the Blood.............................................. 102 CHAPTER XIV. How Animals Breathe.......................................................... 110 CHAPTER XV. Secretion and Excretion....................................................... 120 CHAPTER XVI. The Skin and Skeleton......................................................... 125 CHAPTER XVII. How Animals Move............................................................... 152 1. Muscle......................................................................... 152 2. Locomotion................................................................... 155 CHAPTER XVIII. The Nervous System............................................................. 264 1. The Senses................................................................... 173 2. Instinct and Intelligence.................................................. 181 3. The Voices of Animals.................................................... 185 CONTENTS. 9 CHAPTER XIX. PAGE Reproduction........................................................................ 188 CHAPTER XX. Development......................................................................... 193 1. Metamorphosis........................................................'....... 203 2. Alternate Generation....................................................... 206 3. Growth and Repair......................................................... 207 4. Likeness and Variation.................................................... 209 5. Homology, Analogy, and Correlation.................................. 211 6. Relations of Number, Size, Form, and Rank........................ 214 7. The Struggle for Life...................................................... 219 PAET II.—SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. CHAPTER XXI. The Classification of Animals.............................................. 223 Protozoans........................................................................ 231 Coelenterates...................................................................... 237 Echinoderms..................................................................... 247 Mollusks........................................................................... 254 Articulates........................................................................ 269 Vertebrates....................................................................... 295 CHAPTER XXII. Systematic Arrangement of Representative Forms................ 349 CHAPTER XXIII. The Distribution of Animals................................................ 357 NOTES................................................................................. 367 THE NATURALIST'S LIBRARY........................................... 385 INDEX................................................................................. 387 INTRODUCTION. 1. Definition of Zoology, and its Place among the Sciences.—The province of Natural History is to describe, compare, and classify natural objects. These objects have been divided into the "organic" and the " inorganic," or those which are, and those which are not, the products of life. Bi- ology is the science of the former, and Mineralogy the science of the latter. Biology again separates into Botany, or the Natural History of Plants, and Zoology, or the Natural His- tory of Animals; while Mineralogy divides into Mineralogy proper, the science of mineral species, and Lithology, the science of mineral aggregates or rocks. Geology is that com- /prehensive knowledge of the earth's structure and develop- (, ment which rests on the whole doctrine of Natural History. If we examine a piece of chalk, and determine its physical and chemical characters, its mode of occurrence and its uses, so as to distinguish it from all other forms of matter, we have its Mineralogy. But chalk occurs in vast natural beds: the examination of these masses—their origin, structure, position, and relation to other rocks—is the work of the Lithologist. Further, we observe that while chalk and marble are chem- ically alike, they widely differ in another respect. Grinding a piece of chalk so thin that we can see through it, and putting it under a microscope, we find imbedded in it innumerable bodies, about the hundredth of an inch in diameter, having a well-defined, symmetrical shape, and chambered like a Nautilus. We can not say these are accidental aggregations, nor are they crystals: if the oyster-shell is formed by an Oyster, these also must be the products of life. Indeed, the dredge brings up similar microscopic skeletons from the bottom of the Atlantic. So we conclude that chalk is but the dried mud of an ancient 12 INTRODUCTION. sea, the cemetery of countless animalcules that lived and died long ago. The consideration of their fossil remains belongs to Paleontology, or that part of Biology which describes the relics of extinct forms of life. To study the stratigraphical position of the chalk-bed, and by the aid of its Paleontology to determine its age and part in the world's history, is the business of Geology. Of all the sciences, Zoology is the most extensive. Its field is a world of varied forms—hundreds of thousands in number. To determine their origin and development, their structure, habits, distribution, and mutual relations, is the work of the Zoologist. But so many and far-reaching are the aspects under which the animal creation may be contemplated, that the general science is beyond the grasp of any single person. Special departments have, therefore, arisen; and Zoology, in its comprehensive sense, is the combined result of the labors of many workers, each in his own line of research. Structural Zoology treats of the organization of animals. There are two main branches: Anatomy, which considers the constitution and construction of the animal frame; and Physi- ology, which is the study of the apparatus in action. The former is separated into Embryology, or an account of the successive modifications through which an animal passes in its development from the egg to the adult state; and Mor- phology, which includes all inquiries concerning the form of mature animals, or the form and arrangement of their organs. The microscopical examination of any part, especially the tis- sues, belongs to Histology. Comparative Zoology is the com- parison of the anatomy and physiology of all animals, existing and extinct, to discover the fundamental likeness underneath the superficial differences, and to trace the adaptation of or- gans to the habits and spheres of life. It is this comparative science which has led to such grand generalizations as the unity of structure amidst the diversity of form in the ani- mal creation, and by revealing the degrees of affinity between species has enabled us to classify them in natural groups, and thus laid the foundation of Systematic Zoology. When the study of structure is limited to a particular class or species of animals, or to a particular organ or part, monographic sciences are created, as Ornithotomy, or anatomy of birds; INTRODUCTION. 13 Osteology, or the science of bones; and Odontography, or the natural history of teeth. Systematic Zoology is the classification of animals, or the study of animals, as to their kinds, giving to each a distinctive name and description. The systematic knowledge of the sev- eral classes, as Insects, Reptiles, and Birds, has given rise to subordinate sciences, like Entomology, Herpetology, and Or- nithology.** Distributive Zoology is the knowledge of the successive appearance of animals in the order of time (Paleontology in part), and of the geographical and physical distribution of animals, living or extinct, over the surface of the earth. Theoretical Zoology includes those provisional modes of grouping facts, and interpreting them, which still stand wait- ing at the gate of science. They may be true, but we can not say that they are true. The evidence is incomplete. Such are the theories which attempt to explain the origin of life and the origin of species. Suppose we wish to understand all about the Horse. Our first object is to study its structure. The whole body is in- closed within a hide, a skin covered with hair; and if this hide be taken off, we find a great mass of flesh or muscle, the, substance which, by its power of contraction, enables the ani- mal to move. On removing this, we have a series of bones, bound together with ligaments, and forming the skeleton. Pursuing our researches, we find within this frame-work two main cavities: one, beginning in the skull and running through the spine, containing the brain and spinal marrow; the other, commencing with the mouth, contains the gullet, stomach, intestines, and the rest of the apparatus for digestion, and also the heart and lungs. Examinations of this character would give us the Anatomy of the Horse, or, more precisely, Hippotomy. The study of the bones alone would be its Osteology; the knowledge of the nerves would belong to Neurotomy. If we examined, under the microscope, the minute structure of the hair, skin, flesh, blood, and bone, we would learn its Histology. The consideration of the manifold changes undergone in developing from the egg to the full- * Numbers like this refer to the Notes at the end of the volume. 14 INTRODUCTION. grown animal, would be the Embryology of the Horse; and its Morphology, the special study of the form of the adult animal and of its internal organs. Thus far we have been looking, as it were, at a steam- engine, with the fires out, and nothing in the boiler; but the body of the living Horse is a beautifully formed, active machine, and every part has its different work to do in the working of that machine, which is what we call its life. The science of such operations as the grinding of the food in the complex mill of the mouth; its digestion in the laboratory of the stomach; the pumping of the blood through a vast system of pipes over the whole body; its purification in the lungs; the process of growth, waste, and repair; and that wondrous telegraph, the brain, receiving impressions, and sending mes- sages to the muscles, by which the animal is endowed with voluntary locomotion—this is Physiology. But Horses are not the only living creatures in the world; and if we compare the structures of various animals, as the Horse, Zebra, Dog, Monkey, Eagle, and Codfish, we shall find more or less re- semblances and differences, enough to enable us to classify them, and give to each a description which will distinguish it from all others. This is the work of Systematic Zoology. Moreover, the Horses now living are not the only kinds that have ever lived; for the examination of the earth's crust—the great burial-ground of past ages—reveals the bones of numer- ous horse-like animals: the study of this pre-adamite race belongs to Paleontology. The chronological and geographical distribution of species is the department of Distributive Zo- ology. Speculations about the origin of the modern Horse, whether by special creation, or by development from some allied form now extinct, are kept aloof from demonstrative science, under the head of Theoretical Zoology. 2. History.—The Greek philosopher Aristotle (b.c. 384- 322) is called the "Father of Zoology." Certainly, he is the only great representative in ancient times, though his frequent allusions to familiar works on anatomy show that something had been done before him. His "History of Animals," in nine books, displays a wonderful knowledge of external and internal structure, habits, instincts, and uses. His descrip- tions are incomplete, but generally exact, so far as they o-o. INTRODUCTION. 15 Alexander, it is said, gave him nine hundred talents to collect materials, and put at his disposal several thousand men, for hunting specimens and procuring information. The Romans accomplished little in natural science, though their military expeditions furnished unrivaled opportunities. Nearly three centuries and a half after Aristotle, Pliny (a.d. 23-79) wrote his " Natural History." He was a voluminous compiler, not an observer: he added hardly one new fact. He states that his work was extracted from over two thousand volumes, most of which are now lost. During the Middle Ages, Natural History was studied in the books of the ancients; and at the close of the fifteenth century it was found where Pliny had left it, with the addi- tion of many vague hypotheses and silly fancies. Albertus Magnus, of the thirteenth century, and Conrad Gesner and Aldrovandus, of the sixteenth, were voluminous writers, not naturalists. In the latter half of the sixteenth century, men began to observe nature for themselves. The earliest note- worthy researches were made on Fishes, by Rondelet (1507- 1566) and Belon (1517-1564), of France, and Salviani (1514- 1572), of Italy. They were followed by valuable observations upon Insects, by Redi (1626-1698), of Italy, and Swammer- dam (1637-1680), of Holland; and toward the end of the same century, the Dutch naturalist, Leeuwenhoeck (1632- 1723), opened a new world of life by the use of the micro- scope. But there was no real advance of Systematic Zoology till the advent of the illustrious John Ray (1628-1705), of En- gland. His " Synopsis," published in 1693, contained the first attempt to classify animals according to structure. Ray was the forerunner of "the immortal Swede," Linnaeus (1707- 1778), " the great framer of precise and definite ideas of nat- ural objects, and terse teacher of the briefest and clearest ex- pressions of their differences." His chief merit was in defin- ing generic groups, and inventing specific names.2 Scarcely less important, however, was the impulse which he gave to the pursuit of Natural History. The spirit of inquiry, which his genius infused among the great, produced voyages of re- search, which led to the formation of national museums. The first expedition was sent forth by George III. of England, in 16 INTRODUCTION. 1765. Reaumur (1683-1757) made the earliest zoological collection in France; and the West Indian collections of Sir Hans Sloane (1660-1752) were the nucleus of the British Museum. The accumulation of specimens suggested com- parisons, which eventually resulted in the highest advance of the science. The brilliant style of Buffon (1707-1788) made Zoology popular not only in France, but throughout Europe. While the genius of Linnaeus led to classification, that of Buffon lay in description. He was the first to call attention to the sub- ject of Distribution. Lamarck (1745-1829), of Paris, was the next great light. The publication of his "Animaux sans Vertebres," in 1801, was an epoch in the history of the lower animals. He was also the first prominent advocate of the transmutation of species. But the brightest luminary in Zoology was George Cuvier (1769-1832), a German, born on French soil. Before his time, " there was no great principle of classification. Facts were accumulated, and more or less systematized, but they were not yet arranged according to law; the principle was still wanting by which to generalize them and give meaning and vitality to the whole." It was Cuvier who found the key. He was the first to so interpret structure as to be able from the inspection of one bone to reconstruct the entire animal, and assign its position. His anatomical investigations revealed the natural affinities of animals, and led to the grand general- ization, that the most comprehensive groups in the kingdom were based, not on special characters, but on different plans of structure. Palissy had long ago (1580) asserted that pet- rified shells were of animal origin; but the publication of Cuvier's "Memoir on Fossil Elephants," in 1800, was the beginning of those profound researches on the remains of ancient life which created Paleontology. The discovery of the true relation between all animals, living and extinct, open- ed a boundless field of inquiry; and from that day the advance of Zoology has been unparalleled. Special studies of particu- lar parts or classes of animals have so rapidly developed, that the history of Zoology during the last fifty years is the history of many sciences.3 PART I. STRUCTURAL ZOOLOGY. The first thing to be determined about a new specimen is not its name, but its most prominent character. Until you know an animal, care not for its name.—Agassiz. The great benefit which a scientific education bestows, whether as train- ing or as knowledge, is dependent upon the extent to which the mind of the student is brought into immediate contact with facts—upon the degree to which he learns the habit of appealing directly to Nature.—Huxley. COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. CHAPTER I. MINERALS AND ORGANIZED BODIES DISTINGUISHED. Nature may be separated into two great kingdoms— that of mere dead matter, and that of matter under the influence of life.4 These differ in the following points: (l) Composition.—Fewer elements are used in the organic world than in the mineral. Over sixty are found in the latter, while four or five make up the former. Organic bodies have a striking uniformity of composition: the majority being ternary compounds, consisting of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen; or quaternary, adding nitrogen; while a few only contain also sulphur or iron. But min- erals exhibit a greater variety in their constitution, being made of one element alone, or two or more. In organic substances each ingredient is equally united with all the rest, while mineral compounds can be resolved into bi- nary combinations. Thus, fibrine, which is composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, is called a quater- nary compound; and carbonate of ammonia, made of the same materials, is considered a binary union of two other binary compounds, carbonic acid and ammonia. But this distinction is shaken by the probability that binary princi- ples exist in living bodies. It is true, however, that the constitution of organic substances is more complex than that of minerals; for, though composed of few elements, 20 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. a large number of atoms of those elements enter into com- bination. Thus, one molecule of fibrine contains 216 atoms of carbon, 169 of hydrogen, 68 of oxygen, 27 of nitrogen, and 2 of sulphur. Organic molecules are therefore larger than the molecules of minerals. Furthermore, combina- tions formed under the influence of life are invariably characterized by the presence of carbon and water. An animal always contains a mixture of solids, liquids, and gases. (2) Structure. — A mineral is homogeneous, while an or- ganized body is heterogeneous; i. e., it is composed of dif- ferent parts, called tissues and organs, having peculiar uses and definite relations to one another. The tissues and organs, again, are heterogeneous, consisting mainly of mi- croscopic cells, a structure developed only by vital action. All the parts of an organism are mutually dependent, and reciprocally means and ends, while each part of a mineral exists for itself. The smallest fragment of marble is as much marble as a mountain-mass; but the fragment of a plant or animal is not an individual. The particles of a mineral are held together by cohesion; the exact nature of the force, commonly called " life," which presides over an organized body remains to be discovered. (3) Size and: Shape. — Living bodies gradually acquire determinate dimensions; so do minerals in their perfect or crystal condition. But uncrystallized, inorganic bodies have an indefinite bulk. Most minerals are amorphous; crystals have regular forms, bounded, as a rule, by plane surfaces and straight lines; plants and animals are cir- cumscribed by curved surfaces, but never assume accurate geometrical forms.6 (4) Phenomena.—Minerals remain internally at rest, and increase by external additions. In contrast, organisms are all in motion: they are constantly in a state of composi- tion and decomposition, incorporating foreign particles and PLANTS AND ANIMALS DISTINGUISHED. 21 giving out their own. Organized bodies, moreover, pass through a cycle of changes—growth, development, and re- production. Of more complex constitution, they are more unstable, and are more liable to decomposition than most inorganic compounds. The action of heat is invariably destructive. At the end of a certain period, fixed for each species, living bodies infallibly perish. CHAPTER II. PLANTS AND ANIMALS DISTINGUISHED. It may seem an easy matter to draw a line between plants and animals. Who can not tell a Cow from a Cabbage ? Who would confound a Coral with a Mush- room? Yet it is impossible to assign any absolute, dis- tinctive character which will divide the one mode of life from the other. The difficulty of defining an animal in- creases with our knowledge of its nature. Linnaeus de- fined it in three words; a century later, Owen declared that a definition of plants which would exclude all ani- mals, or of animals which would not let in a single plant, was impossible. Each different character used in drawing the boundary will bisect the debatable ground in a differ- ent latitude of the organic world. Between the higher animals and higher plants the difference is apparent; but when we reflect how many characters the two have in common, and especially when we descend to the lower and minuter forms, we discover that the two "kingdoms" touch, and even dissolve into, each other. This border- land has been as hotly contested among naturalists as many a disputed frontier between adjacent nations. Its inhabitants have been taken and retaken several times by 22 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. botanists and zoologists; for they have characters that lead on the one side to plants, and on the other to ani- mals. To solve the difficulty, some eminent naturalists, as Hackel and Owen, propose a fourth " kingdom," to re- ceive those living beings which are organic, but not dis- tinctively vegetal or animal. But a greater difficulty arises in attempting to fix its precise limits. The drift of modern research points to this: that there are but two kingdoms of nature, the mineral and the or- ganized, and these closely linked together; that the lat- ter must be taken as one whole, from which two great branches rise and diverge. " There is at bottom but one life, which is the whole life of some creatures, and the common basis of the life of all; a life of simplest moving and feeling, of feeding and breathing, of producing its kind and lasting its day; a life which, so far as we at present know1, has no need of such parts as we call organs. Upon this general foundation are built up the manifold special characters of animal and vegetable existence; but the tendency, the endeavor, so to speak, of the plant is one, of the animal is another, and the unlikeness between them widens the higher the building is carried up. As we pass along the series of either [branch] from low to high, the plant becomes more vegetative, the animal more animal."8 In general, we may say that a rooted organism, retaining carbon and exhaling oxygen, feeding on mineral matter by absorption, and having cellulose tissues, is a plant; that an irritable or locomotive organism, retaining oxygen and exhaling carbonic acid, feeding on organic matter by a mouth and stomach, and having albuminous tissues, is an animal. But Nature knows no such line of demarkation; for it is bridged at numerous points. (1) Origin.—Both branches of the tree of life start alike: the lowest of plants and animals, as Protococcus and Che- garina, consist of a single cell. In fact, the cycle of life in PLANTS 'AND ANIMALS DISTINGUISHED. 23 all living beings, high or low, begins in a small round dot of matter—in plants called an ovule, in animals, an ovum. This cell, or dot, contains a fluid, called protoplasm, iden- tical in composition and in function. In the very simplest forms the protoplasm is not inclosed by a membrane; but generally there is a^celhw^all. In plants, with few excep- tions, this wall is of cellulose, or something akin to starch; in animals, with few exceptions, the wall is a pellicle of firmer protoplasm, i. v\i/Jwvnic. t\r nucleus; b, ciliated, from one of the small air- lb ^ epiaermZS, Or tubes; d, the same, from the windpipe, with single cuticle. It is the cell magnified about 200 times; c, squamous, from eyelid of a calf, showing changes of form, from the Ollter layer of the deep to superficial cells, 1 being the scurf. ,, , . ,, , . , " skin, which we can remove by a blister, and in Man varies in thickness from -g^y of an inch on the cheek to tV on the sole of the foot. It is constantly wearing off at the surface, and as constantly growing in the deeper portion; and in the proc- ess of growth and passage outward, the cells change from the spherical form to dead horny scales (seen in scurf and dandruff). In the lower layer of the cuticle we find the pigment cells, characteristic of colored races. Neither the epidermis nor the corresponding tissue within (epithelium) has any blood-vessels or nerves. The epithelial tissue, then. is simply a superficial covering, bloodless and insensible protecting the more delicate parts underneath. Hairs, horns, hoofs, nails, claws, corns, beaks, scales, tortoise- shell, the wings of Insects, etc., are modifications of the epidermis. (2) Connective Tissue.—This is the most extensive tissue in animals, as it is the great connecting medium by which the different parts are held together. Could it be taken out entire, it would be a complete mold of all the organs. ORGANIZATION. 35 It surrounds the bones, muscles, blood-vessels, nerves, and glands, and is the substance of the ligaments, tendons, " true skin," mucous mem- branes, etc. It varies in character, being soft, ten- der, and elastic, or dense, /TV^^pp^wi^w f^r tough, and generally un- /y^\(\ V"wVsHf\1^\ yielding. In the former fm^MJ^^l^ state, it consists of innu- ll merable fine white and yel- low fibres, which interlace in all directions, leaving irregular spaces, and form- ing a loose, spongy, moist Fig. 3.—Connective Tissue, showing areolar u T i.1 1 i. j.1. structure, X 26. web. In the latter, the fibres are condensed into sheets or parallel cords, having Fig. 4.—Connective Tissue from human peritoneum; highly magnified; a, containing blood-vessel. 36 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 5.—Adipose Tissue, a; with fibres of connective tissue, b. a wavy, glistening appearance. Connective tissue is not very sensitive. It contains gelatine — the matter which tans when hide is made into leather.18 (3) Adipose Tissue. — This is simply an aggregation of large cells (averaging -g^rr inch in diameter) filled with fat. They are distributed through the connective tissue (as in the "blubber" of Whales), or united into distinct masses (as about the kidneys in Ru- minants). The marrow of bones is a good example. Globules of fat occur in many Molluscs and Insects; but true adipose tissue is found only in back-boned animals, particularly the herbivorous. In the average Man, it constitutes about -^V part of his weight, and a single Whale has yielded 120 tons of oil. The fat of animals has the different names of oil, lard, tallow, suet, spermaceti, etc. It is a reserve of nutriment in excess of consumption, serving also as a packing material, and as a protection against cold. (4) Cartilaginous Tissue. — This is a deep-seated structure, better known as " gristle," which is dense, elastic, blu- ish white, and translucent, composed of cells imbedded in a granular or hyaline substance. It is found where strength, elasticity, and insensibility are wanted, as at the joints. It also takes the place of bones in the embryo. When carti- lage is mixed with connective tissue, as in the ear, it is called itbro-cartilaae. Fl,°- 6--0f>sifying carti- ^ # * lage, x 10; a, cartilage (5) Osseous Tissue.—This hard, opaque cells> passing into com- tissue, called " bone," differs from the spongy bone,' e. ORGANIZATION. 37 former in having the intercellular spaces or meshes filled with phosphate of lime and other earths, instead of a hya- line substance. It may be called petrified cartilage—the quantity of earthy matter, and therefore the brittleuess of the bone, increasing with the age of the animal. If a chicken-bone be left in dilute muriatic acid sev- eral days, it may be tied into a knot, since the acid has dissolved the lime, leaving nothing but cartilage and con- nective tissue. If a bone be burned, it becomes light, porous, and brit- tle, the lime alone re- maining.ia Bone is a very vascu- lar tissue, that is, it is traversed by minute blood-vessels and nerves, which pass through a net-work of tubes, called Haversian canals. The canals average -nrVo- of an inch, being finest near the surface of the bone, and larger further in, where they form a cancellated or spongy structure, and finally merge (in the long bones) into the central cavity, containing the marrow. Under the Fig. 8.—Frontal Bone of Human Skull under the micrOSCOpe, each Canal microscope, showing lacunae and canaliculi. . . appears to be the cen- tre of a multitude of lamince, or plates, arranged around it. Fro. 7.—Transverse section of a Bone (Human Femur), X 50, showing Haversian canals. 38 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Lying between these plates are little cavities, called lacuna?,, from which radiate exceedingly fine pores, or canaliculi. The form of the lacunae differs in the bones of different animals, being angular in Fishes, and oval in other ani- mals. The size is related, not to the size of the animal, but to the size of the blood - corpuscles, and is therefore greatest in Reptiles. True bone is found only in Yertebrates, or back-boned animals. (6) Dental Tissue.—Like bone, a tooth is a combination of earthy and animal matter. It may be called petrified epithelium. In the higher animals, it consists of three parts: dentine, forming the body of the tooth, and always present; enamel, capping the crown; and cement, covering the fangs (Fig. 29). The last is true bone, or osseous tis- sue. Dentine resembles bone, but differs in having neither Fig. 9.—Highly magnified section of Dentine and Cement, from the fang of a Human Molar: o, 6, marks of the original dentinal pulp; d, dentinal tubes, terminating in the very sensitive, modified layer, g; h, cement. lacunae nor (save in Shark's teeth) canaliculi. It shows, in- stead, under the miscroscope, innumerable parallel tubes, reaching from the outside to the pulp-cavity within. The "ivory" of Elephants consists of dentine. Enamel is the hardest substance in the body, and is composed of minute six-sided fibres, set closely together. It is wanting in the teeth of most Fishes, Snakes, Sloths, Armadillos, Sperm- whales, etc. True dental tissue is confined to Yertebrates. (7) Muscular Tissue.—If we examine a piece of lean meat, ORGANIZATION. 39 Fig. 10—Striated Muscular Fibre (of the Pig), X 200. The constituent cells are seen at a; c is a fasciculus, or bundle. we find it is made up of a number of fasciculi, or bundles of fibres, placed side by side, and bound together by con- nective tissue. The mi- croscope informs us that each fibre is itself a bun- dle of smaller fibres; and when one of these is more closely examined, it is found to be inclosed in a delicate, glossy tube, called the sarcolemma. This tube is filled with very minute, parallel fibrils, averaging -nr^ of an inch in diameter, and having a beaded as- pect, each fibril being a row of cells. Tissue of this descrip- tion constitutes all ordinary muscle, or "lean meat," and is marked by regular cross-lines, or striae. Besides this striated muscular tissue, there exist, in the coats of the stomach, blood-ves- sels, and some other parts of Yertebrates, smooth muscular fibres, or membranes, which show a nucleus under the microscope, and do not break up into fibrils. The gizzards of fowls exhibit this form. All muscle has the property of shorten- ing itself when excited; but the contraction of the striated kind is under the control of the will, while the movement of the smooth fibres is involuntary.30 Muscles are well sup- Sbn/dfyided1^ P^d with arteries, veins, and nerves; but the transverse septa color is due to a peculiar pigment, not to the into separate nu- ... cleated portions, blood. Fig. 11.—Striated Muscular Fibres, 40 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Muscular tissue is found in all animals, from the Coral to Man. (8) Nervous Tissue.—Nervous matter exists under three forms: First—the cellular, consisting of nucleated cells, varying from -g-oVo- to -^^ of an inch in diameter, and distributed through the body, particularly in the gray portion of the brain, spinal cord, and nerve-centres, or ganglia. Second—the fibrous, consisting of pale, flat, extremely fine filaments. They abound in the sympathetic nerves, the only nerves Third —the Fig. 12.—Structure of a Nerve: 1, sheath, or neuri- foun(i jn the Invertebrates. lemma; 2, med- ullary substance tubular. These are much larger than the axis cylinder, or fibrous, the coarsest being two" of an inch in diameter. primitive band. They consist of tubes inclos- ing a transparent fibre and a viscid fluid called the nerve- marrow.41 The delicate tube itself is called neurilemma, Fig. 13.—A Ganglion of the Sympathetic Nerve of a Mouse. analogous to the sarcolemma of muscular tissue. Nerve- tubes are found only in back-boned animals, and chiefly in the white substance of the brain and spinal cord. A bundle of fibrous or tubular nervous matter, surround- ed by connective tissue, constitutes a nerve. ORGANIZATION. 41 3. Organs, and their Functions.—Animals, like Plants, grow, reproduce, and die: these three are the capital facts of every organism. Out of these may issue some peculiar phenomena, as Motion and Will. Life is manifested in certain special acts, called func- tions, performed by certain special parts, called organs. Thus, the stomach is an organ, whose function is digestion. A single organ may manifest vitality, but it does not (save in the very lowest forms) show forth the whole life of the animal. For, in being set apart for a special purpose, an organ takes upon itself, so to speak, to do something foi the benefit of the whole animal, in return for which it k absolved from doing many things. The stomach is not called upon to circulate or purify the blood. There may be functions without organs, as the organless Amoeba digests, respires, moves, and reproduces by its gen- eral mass. But as we ascend the scale of animal life, we pass from the simple to the complex: groups of cells or tissues, instead of being repetitions of each other, take on a difference, and become distinguished as special parts with specific duties. The higher the rank of the animal, the more numerous the organs. The more complicated the structure, the more complicated the functions. But in all animals, the functions are performed under conditions essentially the same. Thus, respiration in the Sponge, the Fish, and in Man has one object and one means, though the methods differ. A function, therefore, is a group of similar phenomena produced by like causes. The life of an animal consists in the accumulation and expenditure of force. The tissues are store-houses of pow- er, which, as they waste and decay, is given off in various forms. Thus, the nervous tissue generates nerve-force; the muscles, motion ; and the fatty elements, heat. If we con- template the phenomena presented by a Dog, the most obvious fact is his power of moving from place to place. 42 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. a power produced by the interplay of muscles and bones. We observe, also, that his motions are neither mechanical nor irregular; there is method in his movement. He has the power of willing, seeing, hearing, feeling, etc.; and these functions are accomplished by a delicate apparatus of nerves. But the Dog does not exhibit perpetual motion. Sooner or later he becomes exhausted, and rest is necessary. Sleep gives only temporary relief. In every exercise of the mus- cles and nerves there is a consumption or waste of their substance. The blood restores the organs, but in time the blood itself needs renewal. If not renewed, the animal becomes emaciated, for the whole body is laid under con- tribution to furnish a supply. Hence the feelings of hun- ger and thirst, impelling the creature to seek food. This alone will maintain the balance between waste and repair. We notice, therefore, an entirely different set of functions, involving, however, the use of motion and will. The Dog seizes a piece of meat, grinds it between its teeth, sends it into the stomach, where it is digested, and then into the intestine, where it is further changed; there the nourish- ing part is absorbed, and carried to the heart, which propels it through little tubes, called blood - vessels, all over the body. In this process of digestion, certain fluids are required, as saliva, gastric juice, and bile: these are secreted by special organs, called glands. Moreover, since all the food eaten is not fitted to make blood, and as the blood itself, in going around the body, acts like a scaven- ger, picking up worn-out particles, we have another func- tion, that of excretion, or removal of useless matter from the system. The kidneys and lungs do much of this; but the lungs do something else. They expose the blood to the air, and introduce oxygen, which, we shall find, is es- sential to the life of every animal. These centripetal and centrifugal movements in the ORGANIZATION. 43 body—throwing in and throwing out—are so related and involved, especially in the lower forms, that they can not be sharply defined and classified. It has been said that ev- ery Dog has two lives—a vegetative and an animal. The former includes the processes of digestion, circulation, res- piration, secretion, etc., which are common to all life; the functions of the other, as motion, sensation, and will, are peculiar to animals. The heart is the centre of the vege- tative life, and the brain is the centre of the animal life. The aim of the vegetative organs is to nourish the individ- ual, and reproduce its kind; the organs of locomotion and sense establish relations between the individual and the world without. The former maintain life; the others ex- press it. The former develop, and afterward sustain the latter. The vegetative organs, however, are not independ- ent of the animal; for without muscles and nerves we could not procure, masticate, and digest food. The closer the connection and dependence between these two sets of organs, the higher the rank.93 All the apparatus and phenomena of life may be in eluded under the heads of Nutrition, Motion, Sensation. These three are possessed by all animals, but in a varie- ty of ways. No two species have exactly the same mech- anism and method of life. We must learn to distinguish between what is vital and what is only accessory. That only is essential to life which is common to all forms of life. Our brains, stomachs, livers, hands, and feet are luxuries. They are necessary to make us human, but not living, beings. Half of our body is taken up with a com- plicated system of digestion; but the Amoeba has neithei mouth nor stomach. We have an elaborate apparatus oi motion ; the Oyster can not stir an inch. 44 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Nutrition, Motion, and Sensation indicate three steps up the grade of life. Thus, the first is the prominent function in the Coral, which simply " vegetates," the pow- ers of moving and feeling being very feeble. In the higher Insect, as the Bee, there is great activity with low organs of nutrition. In the still higher Mammal, as Man, there is less power of locomotion, though the most perfect nutritive system; but both functions are subordinate to Sensation, which is the crowning development. In studying the comparative anatomy and physiology of the animal kingdom, our plan will be to trace the various organs and functions, from their simplest expression up- ward to the highest complexity. Thus, Nutrition will begin with absorption, which is the simplest method of taking food; going higher, we find digestion, but in no particular spot in the body; next, we see it confined to a tube; then to a tube with a sac, or stomach; and, finally, we reach the complex arrangement in Man. CHAPTER VI. NUTRITION. Nutrition is the earliest and most constant of vital operations. While the organs of motion and sensation seem to be wanting in some lower forms, the means of vegetative life are always present. So prominent is the nutritive apparatus, that an animal has been likened to a moving sac, organized to convert foreign matter into its own likeness, to which the complex organs of animal life are but auxiliaries. Thus, the bones and muscles are le- vers and cords to carry the body about, while the nervous system directs its motions in quest of food. NUTRITION. 45 The objects of nutrition are growth, repair, and propa- gation. The first object of life is to grow, for no animal is born finished. Some animals, like plants, grow as long as they live ;33 but the majority soon attain a fixed size. In all animals, however, without exception, food is wanted for another purpose than growth, namely, to repair the waste which is constantly going on. For every exercise of the muscles and nerves involves the death and decay of those tissues, as shown by the excretions. The amount of mat- ter expelled from the body, and the amount of nourish- ment needed to make good the loss, increase with the ac- tivity of the animal. The supply must equal the demand, in order to maintain the life of the individual; and as an organism can make nothing, it must seek it from without. Not only are the muscles and nerves wasted by use, but every organ in the body; so that the whole structure needs constant renewal. An animal begins to die the moment it begins to live. The function of nutrition, therefore, is con- structive, while motion and sensation are destructive. Another source of demand for food is the production of germs, to propagate the race, and the nourishment of such offspring in the egg and infantile state. This reproduc- tion and development of parts which can maintain an in- dependent existence is a vegetative phenomenon (for plants have it), and is a part of the general process of Nutrition. But it will be more convenient to consider it hereafter (chapters xix., xx.). Still, another necessity for aliment among the higher animals is the maintenance of bodily heat. This will be treated under the head of Respira- tion. For the present, we will study Nutrition, as manifested in maintaining the life of an adult individual. In all animals, this process essentially consists in the introduction of food, its conversion into tissue, and the removal of worn-out material. 46 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. 1. The food must be procured, and swallowed. (Inges- tion.) 2. The food must be dissolved, and the nutritious parts separated into a fluid. (Digestion.) 3. The nutritive fluid must be carefully taken up, and then distributed all over the body. (Absorption and Cir- culation.) 4. The nutritive fluid, now called blood, must be ex- posed to the air, to absorb oxygen and liberate carbonic acid. (Respiration.) 5. The tissues must repair their parts wasted by use, by transforming particles of blood into living matter like themselves. (Assimilation.) 6. Certain matters must be strained from the blood, some to serve a purpose, others to be cast out of the sys- tem. (Secretion and Excretion.) The mechanism to accomplish all this in the lowest forms of life is exceedingly simple, a single cavity per- forming all the functions. But in the majority of ani- mals the apparatus is very complicated: there is a set of organs for the prehension of food; another, for digestion ; a third, for absorption; a fourth, for distribution; and a fifth, for purification. CHAPTER VII. THE FOOD OF ANIMALS. The term food includes all substances which contribute to nutrition, whether they simply assist in the process, or are actually appropriated, and become tissue. With the food is usually combined more or less indigestible matter, which is separated in digestion. THE FOOD OF ANIMALS. 47 Food is derived from the mineral, vegetable, and animal kingdoms. Water and salt, for example, are inorganic. The former is the most abundant, and a very essential ar- ticle of food. Most of the lower forms of aquatic life seem to live by drinking: their real nourishment, however, is present in the water in the state of solution. The Earth- worm, some Beetles, and certain savage tribes of Men swallow earth; but this, likewise, is for the organic matter which the earth contains. As no animal, so far as we now know, is produced immediately from inorganic matter, so no animal can be sustained by it. Nutritious or tissue-forming food comes from the or- ganic world, and is either albuminous, as the lean meat of animals and the gluten of wheat; oleaginous, as animal fat and vegetable oil; or saccharine, as starch and sugar. The first is the essential food-stuff; no substance can serve permanently for food—that is, can prevent loss of weight and change in the body—unless it contains albuminous matter. The other two are not absolutely vital. Albumen contains nitrogen, which is necessary to the formation of tissue; fats and sugars are rich in carbon, and therefore serve to maintain the heat of the body. Warm-blooded animals feed largely on farinaceous or starchy substances, which in digestion are converted into sugar. But any ani- mal, of the higher orders certainly, whether herbivorous or carnivorous, would starve, if fed on pure albumen, oil, or sugar. Nature insists upon a mixed diet, and so we find in all the staple articles of food, as milk, meat, and bread, at least two of these principles present. As a rule, the nutritive principles in vegetables are less abundant than in animal food, and the indigestible residue is consequent- ly greater. The nutriment in flesh increases as we ascend the animal scale; thus, Oysters are less nourishing than Fish; Fish, less than Fowl; and Fowl, less than the flesh of Quadrupeds. 48 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Many animals, as most Insects and Mammals, live solely on vegetable food, and some species are restricted to par- ticular plants, as the Silk-worm to the white mulberry.34 But the majority of animals feed on one another; such are hosts of the microscopic forms, and nearly all the radiated species, marine Shells, Crustaceans, Beetles, Flies, Spiders, Fishes, Reptiles, Birds, and clawed Quadrupeds. A few, as Man himself, are omnivorous, i. e., are main- tained on a mixture of animal and vegetable food. The use of fire in the preparation of food is peculiar to Man, who has been called " the cooking animal." A few of the strictly herbivorous and carnivorous animals have shown a capacity for changing their diet. Thus, the Horse and Cow may be brought to eat fish and flesh; the Sea-birds can be habituated to grain; Cats are fond of alligator- pears ; and Dogs take naturally to the plantain. Certain animals, in passing from the young to the mature state, make a remarkable change of food. Thus, the Tadpole feeds upon vegetable matter; but when it becomes a Frog it lives on Insects. Many tribes, especially of Reptiles and Insects, are able to go without food for months, or even years. Insects in the larval, or caterpillar, state are very voracious; but upon reaching the perfect, or winged, state, they eat lit- tle—some species taking no food at all, the mouth being actually closed. The male of the minute Notommata takes in no nutriment from the time it quits its egg till its death. In general, the greater the facility with which an ani- mal obtains its food, the more dependent is it upon a con- stant supply. Thus, carnivores endure abstinence better than herbivores, and wild animals than domesticated ones. HOW ANIMALS EAT. 49 CHAPTER VIII. HOW ANIMALS EAT. 1. The Prehension of Food. —(l) Liquids.—The sim- plest method of taking nourishment is by absorption through the skin. The Tape-worm, for example, has neither mouth nor stomach, but imbibes the juices of the animal it infests. Many other animals, especially Insects, live upon liquid food, but obtain it by suction through a special orifice or tube. Thus, we find a mouth, or sucker, furnished with minute teeth for lancing the skin of ani- mals, as in the Leech; a bristle-like tube fitted for pier- cing, as in the Mosquito; a sharp sucker armed with barbs, to fix it securely during the act of sucking, as in the Louse; and a long, flexible proboscis, as in the Butterfly. Bees have a hairy, channeled tongue, and Flies have one terminating in a large fleshy knob, with or without little " knives " at the base for cutting the skin : both lap, rather than suck, their food. Most animals drink by suction, as the Ox; and a few by lapping, as the Dog; the Elephant pumps the water up with its trunk, and then pours it into its throat; and Birds (excepting Doves) fill the beak, and then, raising the head, allow the water to run down. Many aquatic animals, whose food consists of small par- ticles diffused through the water, have an apparatus for creating currents, so as to bring such particles within their reach. This is particularly true of low, fixed forms, which are unable to go in search of their food. Thus, the Sponge draws nourishment from the water, which is made to cir- culate, through the system of canals traversing its body, 4 50 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. by the vibration of minute hairs, or cilia, lining the ca- nals. The microscopic Infusoria have cilia surrounding the mouth, with which they draw or drive into the body little currents containing nutritious particles. Bivalve shells, as the Oyster and Clam, are likewise dependent upon this method of procuring food, the gills being fringed with cilia. So the singular fish, Amphioxus (the only example among Vertebrates), employs ciliary action to obtain the infusorial organisms on which it feeds. The Greenland Whale has a mode of ingestion somewhat unique, gulping great volumes of water into its mouth, and then straining out, through its whalebone sieve, the small animals which the water may contain. (2) Solids.—When the food is in solid masses, whether floating in water or not, the animal is usually provided with prehensile appendages for taking hold of it. The jelly- like Amoeba has neither mouth nor stomach, but extemporizes them, seizing its food by merely applying its soft body to it, and then wrapping itself around it. Fio.ii.-AmizoPoi(Rotaiiareneta), 0ther minute creatures (Fora- with pseudopodia extended, x 30. minifera) extemporize arms by throwing out thread-like prolongations of their bodies (pseudopodia), which adhere to their prey, and then con- tract. A higher type is seen in Polyps and Jelly-fishes, which have hollow tentacles around the entrance to the stomach (Fig. 194). These tentacles are contractile, and, more- over, are covered with an immense number of minute sacs, in which a highly elastic filament is coiled up spirally. When the tentacles are touched by a passing animal, as a Crab, they seize it, and at the same moment throw out their myriad filaments, like so many lassos, which increase HOW ANIMALS EAT. 51 the adhesive power of the tentacles, and probably also emit a fluid, which paralyzes the victim; the mouth, meanwhile, expands to an extraordinary size, and the creat- ure is soon ingulfed in the digestive bag. In the next stage, we find no tentacles, but the food is brought to the mouth by the flexible lobes of the body, commonly called "arms," which are covered with hun- dreds of minute suckers; and if the prey, as an Oyster, is too large to be swallowed, the stomach protrudes, like a proboscis, and sucks it out of its shell. This is seen in the Star-fish (Fig. 207). A great advance is shown by the Sea-urchin, whose mouth is provided with five sharp teeth, set in as many jaws, and capable of being projected so as to grasp, as well as to masticate, its food. In Mollusks having a single shell, as the Snail, the chief organ of prehension is a strap- like tongue, covered with mi- nute recurved teeth, or spines, with which the animal rasps its food, while the upper lip is arm- ed with a sharp, horny plate (Fig. 27). In many marine spe- cies, as the Whelk, the tongue is situated at the end of a retractile proboscis, or muscular tube. In the Cuttle-fish, we see the sudden development of an elaborate sys- tem of prehensile organs. Be- sides a spinous tongue, it has a pair of hard mandibles, resem- Fig. 15.— Suckers on the Tentacles ,,. .iii r -r> Jofa Cuttle-fish: a, hollow axis of Dlmg the beak OI a Parrot, and the arm, containing nerve and ar- working vertically; and around fii^fZSX&S^ the mouth are eiffht or ten pow- di8k around. tne *&**** /. 9, ° r which contains a retractile mem- erf ul arms furnished with numer- brane, or "piston," i. 52 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. ous cup-like suckers. So perfect is the adhesion of these suckers, it is easier to tear away a limb than to detach it from its hold. The Articulated animals exhibit a great variety of means for procuring nourishment, in addition to the suc- torial contrivances already mentioned, the innumerable modifications of the mouth corresponding to the diversity of food. The Earth-worm swallows earthy matter, which it secures with its lips, the upper one being prolonged. Other worms (as Laodicea) are so constructed that the gullet, which is frequently armed with teeth and forceps, can be turned inside out, to form a proboscis for seizing prey. Millepedes, Caterpillars, and Grubs have a pair of horny jaws moving horizontally. The Centipede has a second pair of jaws, which are really modified feet, ter- minated by curved fangs containing a poison-duct. The Horse-shoe Crab uses its feet for prehension, and the thighs, or basal joints, of its legs to masticate the food and force it into the stomach. The first six pairs of legs in the Lobster and Crab are likewise appropriated to con- veying food into the mouth, the sixth being enormously developed, and furnished with powerful pincers, one of which serves as an anchor, enabling the creature to hold fast to some fixed object, while the other is an instru- ment for seizing or cutting its prey. Scorpions have a similar pair of claws for prehension, and also a pair Pig. 16.—One of the Fangs, or Perforated of Small forceps for hold- Mandibles, of the Spider. .1 r -, . ing the food in contact with the mouth. In their relatives, the Spiders, the claws are wanting, and the forceps end in a fang, or hook, which is perforated to convey venom.36 The biting Insects, as Beetles and Locusts, have two HOW ANIMALS EAT. 53 pairs of horny jaws, which open sidewise, one above and the other below the oral orifice. The upper pair are called mandibles; the lower, maxillae. The former are armed with sharp teeth, or with cutting edges, and sometimes are fitted, like the molars of quadrupeds, to grind the food. The maxillae are similar, but smaller, and in some Insects have appendages called palpi, or feelers, which not only select, but hold, the food steady while they are divided by the mandibles and maxillae: such appendages represent a third pair of jaws. The Mantis seizes its prey with its long fore legs, crushes it between its thighs, which are armed with spines, and then delivers it up to the jaws for mastication. All Articulates move their jaws horizontally. The back-boned animals generally apprehend food by means of their jaws, of which there are two, moving ver- tically. The toothless Sturgeon draws in its prey by pow- erful suction. The Hag-fish has a single tooth, which it plunges into the sides of its victim, and, thus securing a firm hold, bores its way into the flesh by means of its saw- like tongue. But Fishes are usually well provided with teeth, which, being sharp and curving inward, are strictly prehensile. The fins and tongue are not prehensile. A mouth with horny jaws, as in the Turtles, or bristling with teeth, as in the Crocodile, is the only means possessed by nearly all Reptiles for securing food. The Toad, Frog, and Chameleon capture insects by darting out the tongue, which is tipped with glutinous saliva. The constricting serpents (Boas) crush their prey in their coils before swal- lowing; and the venomous Snakes have a poison-fang. Xo Reptile has prehensile lips. All Birds use their tooth- less beaks in procuring food, but birds of prey also seize with their talons, and Woodpeckers, Hummers, and Par- rots with their tongues. The beak varies greatly in shape, being a hook in the Eagle, a probe in the Woodpecker, and a shovel in the Duck. 54 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Among the Quadrupeds we find a few special contriv- ances, as the trunk of the Elephant, and the long tongues of the Giraffe and Ant-eater; but, as a rule, the teeth are the chief organs of prehension, always aided more or less by the lips. Ruminants, like the Ox, having hoofs on their feet, and no upper front teeth, employ the lips and tongue. Such as can stand erect on the hind legs, as the Squirrel, Bear, and Kangaroo, use the front limbs for holding the food and bringing it to the mouth, but never one limb alone. The clawed animals, like the Cat and Lion, make use of their feet in securing prey, all four limbs being furnished with curved re- tractile claws; but the food is conveyed into the mouth by the movement of the head and jaws. Man and the Monkeys employ the hand in bringing food to the mouth, and the lips and tongue Fig. ir.-Arm of the Thumbless in takmg {t mt° the Cavity- The Monkey (Ateles). thumb on the human hand is longer and more perfect than that of the Apes and Mon- keys ; but the foot of the latter is also prehensile. 2. The Mouths of Animals.—In the Parasites, as the Tape-worm, which absorb nourishment through the skin, and Insects, as the May-fly and Bot-fly, which do all their eating in the larval state, the mouth is either wanting or rudimentary." The Amoeba, also, has no mouth proper, but wraps itself around its food. In the Animalcules it is simply a round or oval open- ing to the body-cavity, generally bordered with cilia, and situated on the side of the body, or at one extremity. An elliptical or quadrangular orifice, surrounded with HOW ANIMALS EAT. 55 tentacles, and leading directly to the stomach, is the ordi- nary mouth of the Polyps and Jelly-fishes. In those which are fixed, as the Actinia, Coral, and Hydra, the mouth looks upward: in those which freely move about, as the Jelly-fish, it is generally underneath, the position of the animal being reversed. In some, the margin, or lip, can be protruded like a proboscis; and in all it is exceed- ingly dilatable. The mouth of the Star-fish and Sea-urchin is a simple round aperture, followed by a very short throat. In the Star-fish, it is inclosed by a ring of hard tubercles. In the Sea-urchin, it is armed with five sharp teeth, resembling little conical wedges, set in as many jaws, and surrounded by a muscular membrane and minute tentacles. Among the headless Mollusks which do not move about, the oral apparatus is very simple, being inferior to that of the radiated animals. Thus, the immovable Ascidian has a mouth without tentacles or lips, and in a strange place, for it is in the interior of the body, at the bottom of the respiratory sac; the aperture at the top of the creature being really for the entrance of water for the double pur- pose of respiration and nutrition, and any alimentary par- ticles which enter with the water must find their way to the true mouth below. In the Oyster and Bivalves gen- erally, the mouth is an unarmed slit—a mere inlet to the stomach, situated in a kind of hood, formed by the union of the gills at their origin, and between two pairs of deli- cate lips. These lips make a furrow, along which pass the particles of food drawn in by the cilia. Of the higher Mollusks, the little Clio (one of the Ptero- pods) has a triangular mouth, with two jaws armed with sharp horny teeth, and a tongue covered with spiny hook- lets all directed backward. Some Univalves have a sim- ple fleshy tube. Others, as the Whelk, have an extensible proboscis, which unfolds itself, like the finger of a glove, 56 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. and carries within it a rasp-like tongue, which can bore into the hardest shells. Such as feed on vegetable matter, as the Snail, have no probos- cis, but on the roof of the mouth a curved horny plate fitted to cut leaves, etc., which fig. i8._jaw of the common snau are pressed against it by the (Helix albolabris). y^ ftnd Qn the floQr Qf the mouth a small tongue covered with delicate striae. As fast as the tongue is worn off by use, it grows out from the root. The mouth of the Cuttle-fish strikingly resembles that of the Vertebrates, and is the most elevated type below the Fishes. A broad circular lip nearly conceals a pair of strong horny mandibles, not unlike the beak of a par- rot, but reversed, the upper mandible being the shorter of the two, and the jaws, which are cartilaginous, are imbed- ded in a mass of muscles, and move vertically. Between them is a fleshy tongue covered with papillae and spines. The parasitic Worms, living within or on the outside of other animals, generally have a sucker at one end or underneath, serving simply for attachment, and another which is perforated. The latter is a true suctorial mouth, being the sole inlet of food. It is often surrounded with hooklets or teeth, which serve both to scarify the victim and secure a firm hold. In the Leech, the mouth is a triangular opening with thick lips, the upper one prolong- ed, and microscopic teeth. In many Worms it is a fleshy tube, which can be drawn in or extended, like the eye- stalks of the Snail, and contains a minute dental appara- tus inside. Millepedes and Centipedes have two lateral jaws and a four-lobed lip. In Lobsters and Crabs, the mouth is situated underneath the head, and consists of a soft upper lip, then a pair of HOW ANIMALS EAT. 57 Pig. 19.—Mouth of a Locust dissected: 1, labrum, or upper lip; 2, mandibles; 3, jaws; 4. labium, or lower lip; 5, tongue. The appendages to the maxillae and lower lip are palpi. upper jaws provided with a short feeler, below which is a thin bifid tongue; then follow two pairs of membranous under jaws, which are lobed and hairy; and next, three pairs of feet changed into jaws (Fig. 244). The Horse-shoe Crab has no jaws, the thighs answering the purpose. The Barnacle has a prominent mouth, with three pairs of rudi- mentary jaws. With few exceptions, the mouths of Insects in the larval, or caterpillar, state are fitted only for biting, the two jaws being horny shears. But in the winged, or perfect, state, 58 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 20.—Head of a Wild Bee (in- thophora retusa), front view: a, compound eyes ; 6, clypeus ; c, three simple eyes; d, antennas; e, labrum ; /, mandibles; i, maxillae; h, maxillary palpi; I, palpiper; j, labial palpi; m, paraglossse; k, ligula. of taking food. In the between the biting and per jaws " supply the place of trow- els, spades, pickaxes, saws, scissors, and knives," while the maxillae are develop- ed into a sheath to inclose the long, slen- der, hairy tongue which laps up the sweets of flowers. In the suctorial Butter- fly, the lips, mandi- Insects may be divided into the masticating (as the Beetle) and the suctorial (as the Butterfly). In the former group, the oral apparatus consists of two pairs of horny jaws (mandibles and maxillce), which work horizon- tally between an upper (labrum) and an under (labium) lip. The maxillae and under lip carry sen- sitive jointed threads, or feelers (palpi). The front edge of the labium is commonly known as the tongue (ligula).27 In such a mouth, the mandibles are the most important parts; but in passing to the suctorial Insects, we find that the mandibles are secondary to the maxillae and la- bium, which are the only means Bee tribe, we have a transition the sucking Insects — the up- Fig. 21—Proboscis of a Butterfly. HOW ANIMALS EAT. 59 Fig. 22.—Mouth of the Horse - fly (Tabanus lineola): a, antennae; m, mandibles; mx, maxillae; mp, maxil- lary palpi; lb, labrum; I, labium, or tongue. bles, and palpi are reduced to rudi- ments, while the maxillae are the only useful oral organs. These are excessive- ly lengthened into a proboscis, their edges locking by means of minute teeth, so as to form a central canal, through which the liquid food is pumped up into the mouth. Seen under the microscope, the proboscis is made up of innumerable rings interlaced with spiral muscular fibres. The proboscis of the Fly is a modified lower lip; that of the Bugs, fitted both for piercing and suction, is formed by the union of four bristles, which are the mandibles and maxillae strangely altered. As most of the Arachnids live by suction, the jaws are seldom used for mastica- tion. In the Scorpion, the apparent representatives of the mandibles of an Insect are transformed into a pair of small forceps, and the palpi, so small in Insects, are developed into formi- dable claws: both of these organs are prehensile. In Spiders, the so-called man- FiG.23.-Under Surface of Male Spider: a, dibleS> which m0Ve m0re c, poison-fang; 6, teeth on interior margin Qr lggg vertically, end in a of mandible, e; f, labium; g, thorax; h, ^ , . ,., limbs ; i, abdomen ; I, spinnerets ; m, maxillary palpus; d, dilated terminal joiut. fang; and the club-like pal- pi, often resembling legs, 60 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. have nothing to do with ingestion or locomotion. Both Scorpions and Spiders have a soft upper lip, and a groove within the mouth, which serves as a canal while sucking their prey. The tongue is external, and situated between a pair of diminutive maxillae. The mouth of Vertebrates is a cavity with a fixed roof (the hard palate) and a movable floor (the tongue and lower jaw), having a transverse opening in front,28 and a narrow outlet behind, leading to the gullet. Save in Birds and some others, the cavity is closed in front with lips, and the margins of the jaws are set with teeth. In Fishes, as in nearly all aquatic animals, the mouth is the common entry to both the digestive and respiratory organs; it is, therefore, large, and complicated by a mech- anism for regulating the transit of the food to the stomach and the aerated water to the gills. The slits leading to the gills are provided with rows of processes which, like a sieve, prevent the entrance of food, and with valves to keep the water, after it has entered the gills, from return- ing to the mouth. So that the mouths of Fishes may be said to be armed at both ends with teeth-bearing jaws. A few Fishes, as the Sturgeon, are toothless; but, as a class, they have an extraordinary dental apparatus—not only the upper and lower jaws, but even the palate, tongue, and throat, being sometimes studded with teeth. Every part of the mouth is evidently designed for prehension. Lips are usually present; but the tongue is often absent, or very small, and as often aids respiration as ingestion. Reptiles have a wide mouth, even the insect-feeding Toads and the Serpents can stretch theirs enormously. Trae fleshy lips are wanting; hence the savage aspect of the grinning Crocodile. With some exceptions, as Toads and Turtles, the jaws are armed with teeth. Turtles are provided with horny beaks. The tongue is rarely absent, but is generally too thick and short to be of much use. HOW ANIMALS EAT. 61 Fio. 24__Month of the Crocodile: d, tongue; e, glands; /, inferior, and g, superior, valve, separating the cavity of the mouth from the throat, h. In the Toad, Frog, and Chameleon it is singularly exten- sile : rooted in front and free behind, it is shot from the mouth with such rapidity that the Insect is seized and swallowed more quickly than the eye can follow. Snakes have a slender forked tongue, consisting of a pair of mus- cular cylinders, which is solely an instrument of touch. Birds are without lips or teeth, the jaws being covered with horn forming a beak. This varies greatly in shape, being extremely wide in the Whip-poor-will, remarkably long in the Pelican, stout in the Eagle, and slender in the Hummer. It is hardest in those that tear or bruise their food, and softest in water-birds. The tongue is also cov- ered with a horny sheath, and generally spinous, its chief function being to secure the food when in the mouth. It is proportionally the largest and most fleshy in the Par- rots. The main characteristics of the mammalian mouth are fleshy lips and mobile cheeks/" In the duck-billed Mon- otremes lips are wanting, and in the Porpoises they are barely represented. But in the herbivorous quadrupeds 62 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. they are the chief organs of prehension ; in the carnivo- rous tribes they are thin and retractile; while in the Whale the upper lip falls down like a curtain, overlap- ping the lower jaw several feet. As a rule, the mouth is terminal; but in the Elephant, Tapir, Hog, and Shrew, the upper lip blends with the nose to form a proboscis, or snout. The mouth is comparatively small in the Elephant and in gnawing animals like the Squirrel, wide in the Carnivores, short in the Sloth, and long in the Ant-eater. Teeth are usual- ly present, but vary in form and number with the habits of the animal. The Ant-eater is tooth- less, and the Greenland Whale has a sieve made of horny plates. The tongue conforms in size and shape with the lower jaw, and is a muscular, sensitive organ, which serves many purposes, assisting in the prehension, mastication, and swallowing of food, besides be- ing an organ of taste, touch, and speech. Its surface is covered £?r'emOTeTTsecHonnofrthe with minute prominences, called lower jaw. papilldB, which are arranged in lines with mathematical precision. In the Cats, these are developed into recurved spines, which the animal uses in cleaning bones and combing its fur. Similar papillae occur on the roof and sides of the mouth of the Ox and other Ruminants. The tongue is remarkably long in the Ant-eater and Giraffe, and almost immovable in the Gnaw- ers, Elephants, and Whales. 3. The Teeth of Animals. —Nearly all animals have certain hard parts within the mouth for the prehension or Pig. 25.—Human Tongue and ad- jacent parts: a, lingual papillae; b, papillae forming V-shaped lines; d, fungiform papillae; e, filiform papillae; g, epiglottis; m, uvula, or conical process, hanging from the soft palate, o, hard palate; r, palatine HOW ANIMALS EAT. 63 trituration of solid food. If wanting, the legs are often armed with spines, or pincers, to serve the same purpose, as in the Horse-shoe Crab; or the stomach is lined with "gastric teeth," as in some marine Snails; or the deficiency is supplied by a muscular gizzard, as in Birds, Ant-eaters, Insects, and Cuttle-fishes. Even the Lobster and Crab, in addition to their complicated oral organs, have the stom- ach furnished with a powerful set of teeth. The Sea-urchin is the first of animals, and the only one below Articulates and Mollusks, which exhibits any thing like a dental ap- paratus. Five calcareous teeth having the shape of three - sided prisms, each set in a triangular pyr- amid, or " jaw," are moved upon each other by a Complex arrange- Fia' 26,—Ecninus bisected, showing masticating apparatus. ment of levers and muscles. Instead of moving up and down, as in Vertebrates, or from right to left, as in Articu- lates, they converge toward the centre, and the food passes between ten grinding surfaces. The minute Rotifers (a group of minute Articulates) have a curious pair of horny jaws. That which answers to the lower jaw is fixed, and called the " anvil." The upper jaw consists of two pieces called " hammers," which are sharply notched, and beat upon the "anvil" between them. The horny-toothed mandibles of Insects, already men- tioned, are mainly prehensile, but also serve to divide the food in a measure. The three little white ridges in the mouth of the Leech 64 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. are the convex edges of horny semicircles, each bordered by a row of nearly a hundred hard, sharp teeth. When the mouth, or suck- er, is applied to the skin, a sawing movement is given to the horny ridges, so that the " bite " Fig. 27.—Teeth and Masticatory Apparatus of Ga-stero- ,. , j -i . pods: A, portion of odontophore, or " tongue," of Vel- OI tHe .LeeCH IS re- wind, enlarged; .B, portion of odontopbore of Whelk _]]_. „ eqw f a Ray (Myiwbaua). more often like the canines of Mammals, curved inward to fit them for grappling. In the Shark, the teeth are confined to the fore part of the mouth; in the Carp, they are all situated on the bones of the throat; in the Parrot-fish, they occupy both back and front; but in most Fishes, the teeth are developed also on the roof, or palate, and, in fact, on nearly every bone in the mouth. They seldom appear (as in the Salmon) on the upper maxillary. As to mode of attachment, the teeth are generally anchylosed (fastened by bony matter) to the bones which support them, or simply bound by ligaments, as in the Shark. In a few Fishes, the teeth consist of flexible cartilage; but almost invariably they are com- posed of some kind of dentine, enamel and cement being absent. Of Reptiles, Toads, Turtles, and Tortoises are toothless; Frogs have teeth in the upper jaw only; Snakes have a HOW ANIMALS EAT. 67 more complete set, but Saurians possess the most perfect dentition. The number is not fixed even in the same species: in the Alligator it varies from 72 to 88. The teeth are limited to the jawbones in the higher forms (Saurians); but in others, as the Serpents, they are planted also in the roof of the mouth. With few exceptions, they are conical and curved (Fig. 35). In the Serpents they are longest and sharpest; and the venomous species have two or more fangs in the upper jaw. These fangs contain a canal, through which the poison is forced by muscles which compress the gland. The bones to which they are attached are movable, and the fangs ordinarily lie flat Upon the gums, but are Fig. 31.—Poison Apparatus of the Rattle- , v , . . . •. . snake: g, gland, with duct, leading to Drought intO a Vertical pOSl- the fang, /; m, elevator muscles of the tinn in +l.a f s\£ t- '1 ' jaw, which, in contracting, compress the lion in tne act OI SUlKlIlg. giand; 8, salivary glands on the edge of As a rule, the teeth of Rep- theJaws? n J and Mammals: a, right auricle receiving venous the veins and Conveyed blood from the system; b, left auricle receiving ' arterial blood from the lungs; c, c>, ventricles; back to the heart. d, e, f, systemic artery, vein, and capillaries; g, , h, k, pulmonary artery, vein, and capillaries. The Rate OI tn6 110 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Blood-current generally increases with the activity of the animal, being most rapid in Birds." In Insects, how- ever, it is comparatively slow; but this is because the air is taken to the blood—the whole body being bathed in air, so that the blood has no need to hasten to a special organ. Nevertheless, the pulsations in a Bee at rest are nearly doubled when it is lively. The motion in the arteries is two or three times faster than in the veins, but diminishes as the distance from the heart increases. In the aorta of the Horse, the blood moves 12^ inches per second; in that of Man, 10^; in the capillaries of Man, 2 inches per min- ute ; in those of a Frog, 1. The Cause of the Blood-current may be cilia, or the contractions of the body, or pulsating tubes or hearts. In the higher animals, the impulse of the heart is not the sole means: it is aided by the contractions of the arteries themselves, the movements of the chest in respiration, and the attraction of the tissues for the arterial blood in the capillaries. In the Chick, the blood moves before the heart begins to beat; and if the heart of an animal be suddenly taken out, the motion in the capillaries will continue as before. It has been estimated that the force which the human heart expends in twenty-four hours is equivalent to lifting 124 tons one foot. CHAPTER XIY. HOW ANIMALS BREATHE. Arterial Blood, in passing through the system, both loses and gains certain substances. Its loss is made good by fresh products of digestion; and the solid or fluid waste matters which it has taken up are removed by excretion. HOW ANIMALS BREATHE. Ill But it becomes tainted, also, by carbonic acid gas, and loses the free oxygen which it possessed. It is this dif- ference in the gaseous contents which makes the great difference between the crimson blood of the arteries and the dark-purple blood of the veins in the higher animals. The First Object of Respiration is to convert venous into arterial blood. It is done by bringing it to the sur- face, so that the carbonic acid may be exhaled and oxygen absorbed. The apparatus for this purpose is analogous to the one used for circulation. In the lowest animals, the two are combined. But in the highest, each is essentially a pump, distributing a fluid (in one case air, in the other blood) through a series of tubes to a system of cells or capillaries. They are also closely related to each other: the more perfect the circulation, the more careful the pro- vision made for respiration. Respiration is performed either in air or in water. So that all animals may be classed as air-breathers or water-breathers. The latter are, of course, aquatic, and seek the air which is dissolved in the water. Land-snails, Myriapods, Spiders, Insects, Reptiles, Birds, and Mam- mals breathe air directly; the rest, with few exceptions, receive it through the medium of water. In the former case, the organ is internal; in the latter, it is more or less on the outside. But however varied the organs—tubes, gills, or lungs—they are all constructed on the same prin- ciple. (1) Sponges, Infusoria, and Polyps have no separate respir- atory apparatus, but absorb air, as well as food, from the currents of water passing through them. In the Star-fish, Sea-urchin, and the like, we find the first distinct respiratory organs, although none are exclu- sively devoted to respiration. There are two sets of ca- nals—one carrying the nutrient fluid, and the other, radi- ating from a ring around the mouth, distributing aerated 112 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. water. This may be called the "water- pipe system." Besides this, there are nu- merous gill-like fringes, which probably aid in respiration. Fresh-water "Worms, like the Leech and Earth-worm, breathe by the skin. The body is always covered by a viscid fluid, which has the property of absorbing air. The air is, therefore, brought into immedi- ate contact with the soft skin, underneath which lies a dense net-work of blood-ves- sels. All the rest of water-breathing animals have gills. The simplest form is seen in Marine Worms: delicate veins projecting through the skin make a series of arbores- cent tufts along the side of the body; as these float in the water, the blood is puri- Fig.77.—Lob-worm fied. Bivalve Mollusks have four flat gills, riZT* dtSTat consisting of delicate membranes filled with chiate, showing blood - vessels the tufts of capil- laries, or external and covered gills. The large . , .,. T head is without Wltn Cilia. In eyes or jaws. the Oyster, these ribbon-like folds are exposed to the water when the shell opens; but in the Clam, the mantle incloses them, forming a tube, called siphon, through which the water is driven by the cilia.73 The aquatic Gas- teropods (Univalves) have either tufts, like the "Worms, or comb-like ciliated gills in a cavity behind the head, to Fig. 78. — Diagrammatic Section of a Lamellibranch (Anodon): a, lobes of mantle; 6, gills, showing transverse partitions; c, ventricle of heart; d, auricles; e, pericardium; /, g, gland- ular sacs; A, venous sinus; k, foot; A, branchial, or pallial, chamber; B, epibranchial chamber. HOW ANIMALS BREATHE. 113 which the water is admitted by a siphon. The Cuttle-fish has similar flat gills covered by the mantle; but the water is drawn in by muscular contractions instead of by cilia. The end of the siphon through which it is ejected is called the funnel. The leaf-shaped gills of Lobsters and Crabs are also placed in tubular cavities, and a current is kept up by a little valve worked by the jaws. The perfection of apparatus for aquatic respiration is seen in Fishes. The gills are comb-like fringes supported on four or five bony or cartilaginous arches, and consist of myriads of microscopic capillaries, the object being to ex- pose the venous blood in a state of minute subdivision to streams of water. The gills are always covered; and the water taken in by the mouth passes between the gills, and escapes by a single opening on each side, in most Fishes, but by five slits in the Sharks. The act of "breathing water" resembles swallowing, only the water enters the gills instead of the gullet. (2) Air-breathers have tracheae, or lungs. The former consist of two principal tubes, which pass from one end of the body to the other, opening on the surface by aper- tures, called spiracles, resembling a row of button-holes along the sides of the abdomen, and ramifying through the smallest and most delicate organs, so that the air may follow the blood wherever it cir- culates. To keep the pipes ever open, and at the same time leave ,, n ... ,, Fig. 79.—Spiracle of an Insect, X 75. them flexible, they are provided with an elastic spiral thread, like the rubber 114 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. tube of a drop-light. Respiration is performed by the movements of the abdomen, as may be seen in the Bee when at rest. This "air- pipe system," as it may be termed, is best developed in Insects. The "nerves" of an Insect's wing con- sist of a tube within a tube: the inner one is a trachea carrying air, and the outer one, , sheathing it, is a blood-vessel. So perfect Fig. 80. —Tracheal . & . r Tube of an insect, is the aeration of the whole body, from highly magnified, . „ t i -i i • . showing elastic brain to feet, the blood is oxygenized at spiral thread. ,1 . 1 i , 1 i the moment when, and on the spot where, it is carbonized; only one kind of fluid is, therefore, cir- culating — arterial. It is difficult to drown an Insect, as the water can not enter the pores; but if a drop of oil be applied to the abdomen, it falls dead at once, being suf- h Pig. 81.—Ideal Section of a Bee: a, alimentary canal; h, dorsal vessel; t, trachea; n, nervous cord. focated. The largest spiracle is usually found on the thorax, as under the wing of a Moth: such may be stran- gled by pinching the thorax. In Millipedes and Centipedes, the spiracles open into HOW ANIMALS BREATHE. 115 little sacs connected to- gether by tubes; in Spi- ders and Scorpions, the spiracles, usually four in number, are the mouths of sacs without the tubes, and the interior of the sac is gathered into folds; land Snails have one spiracle, or aperture, on the left side of the neck, leading to a large cavity, or sac, lined with fine blood-vessels. These sacs represent the primi- tive idea of a lung, which is but an infolding of the skin, divided up into cells, and covered with capillary veins.74 Like the alimentary canal, the lungs of an animal are really an inflected portion of the outer surface; so that Fig. 83. — Part of a transverse section of a Pig's Bronchial Twig, X 240: a, outer fibrous layer; 6, muscular layer; c, inuer fibrous layer; d, epithelial layer; /, one of the neighboring alveoli. Fig. S2.—Section through a bronchial tnbe, Lung of a Bird, magnified: o, the cavity ; 6, its lining membran; supporting blood- vessels ; c, perforations at the orifices of the lobular passages, d; e, interlobular spaces, containing the terminal branches of the pulmonary vessels supplying the capillary plexus, /, to the meshes of which the air gets access by the lobular passages. 116 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. breathing by the skin and breathing by lungs are one in principle. Indeed, in many animals, especially Frogs, res- piration is carried on by both lungs and skin. All Yertebrates have two kinds of respiratory organs in the course of their life. From Fish to Man, all have gills in the embryo state.76 Fishes, and a few Amphibians, keep them through life; but in the rest they disappear. All, too, have lungs; but fully developed only in Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals. The lung of the Fish (the air-bladder) remains rudimentary. A few adult Amphibians, as Proteus and Si- ren, retain both gills and lungs, thus forming a link between Fishes and Reptiles. But Frogs and Salamanders begin life as water- breathers, and when mature have lungs only. The lungs of Yertebrates are elastic mem- branous sacs, divided more or less into cells to increase the surface. Upon the walls of the cells are spread the capillary blood-ves- sels. The smaller the cells, the greater the extent of surface upon which the blood is exposed to the influence of the air, and, therefore, the more active the respiration and the purer the blood. The lungs are relatively largest in Reptiles, and smallest in Mammals. But in the cold-blooded Am- phibians and Reptiles, the air-cells are few and large; in the warm-blooded Birds and Mammals, they are exceedingly numerous and minute.78 In Birds and Mammals, the blood in the capillaries is exposed to the air on all sides; in the Reptiles, on one only. Respiration is most perfect in Birds; they require, relatively to their weights, more air than Mammals or Reptiles, and most Fig. 84.— Lungs of a Reptile: a, trachea; 6, its bifurcation; c, pulmonary ar- tery ; d, pul- monary vein ; the sac, B, is rudimentary. HOW ANIMALS BREATHE. 117 quickly die for lack of it. In Birds, respiration is not confined to the lungs; but, as in Insects, extends through a great part of the body. Air-sacs connected with the lungs exist in the abdomen and under the skin of the neck, wings, and legs. Even the bones are hollow for this purpose; so that if the windpipe be tied, and an opening be made in the wing-bone, the Bird will continue to respire. The right lung is usually the larger; in some Snakes, the left is wanting entirely. In Mammals, the lungs are freely suspended in the thorax; in other Yerte- brates, they are fastened to the back. The lungs communicate with the atmosphere by means of the trachea, or windpipe, formed of a series of cartilag- inous rings, which keep it constantly open. It begins in Pig. 85.—Lungs of a Frog: a, hyoid apparatus; b, cartilaginous ring at root of the lungs; c, pulmonary vessels; d, pulmonary sacs having this peculiarity common to all cold- blooded air-breathers, that the tra- chea does not divide into bron- chial branches, but terminates ab- ruptly by orifices which open at once into the general cavity. A cartilaginous net-work divides the space into little sacs, on the walls of which the capillaries are spread. Fig. 86.—Distribution of Air-tubes in Mam- malian Lungs: a, larynx ; b, trachea; c, d, left and right bronchial tubes ; e, /, g, the ramifications. In Man the subdivision con- tinues until the ultimate tubes are one-twen- ty-fifth of an inch in diameter. Each lobule represents in miniature the structure of the entire lung of a Frog. the back part of the mouth, opening into the pharynx by a slit, called the glottis, which, in Mammals, is protected 118 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. by the valve-like epiglottis. The trachea passes along the neck in front of the oesophagus, and divides into two branches, or bronchi, one for each lung. In Birds and Mam- mals, the bronchial tubes, after entering the lungs, subdivide again into minute ramifications. fig. 87.—skeleton of a Frog. Yertebrates are the only animals that breathe through the mouth or nos- trils. Fishes inspire only. Frogs, having no ribs, and Turtles, whose ribs are sol- dered together into a shield, are compelled to swallow the air. Snakes, Lizards, and Crocodiles draw it into the lungs by the play of the ribs.77 Birds, unlike other animals, do not in- hale the air by an active effort; for that is done by the springing-back of the breast-bone and ribs to their natural position. To expel the air, the breast- bone is drawn down to- ward the backbone by muscles, which compresses the lungs. Mammals alone have a perfect thorax, i.e., a closed Fig. 88.—Human Thorax: o, vertebral col- umn ; 6, 6', ribs, the lower ones false; c, clavicle; e, intercostal muscles, removed on the left side to show the diaphragm, d; f, pillars of the diaphragm attached to the lumbar vertebrae; g, muscles for elevating the ribs; h, sternum. HOW ANIMALS BREATHE. 119 cavity for the heart and lungs, with movable walls (breast- bone and ribs) and a diaphragm, or muscular partition, separating it from the abdomen.78 Inspiration (or filling the lungs) and expiration (or emptying the lungs) are both accomplished by muscular exertion; the former, by rais- ing the ribs and lowering the diaphragm, which enlarge the capacity of the chest, and the air rushes in to prevent a vacuum; the latter, by the ascent of the diaphragm and the descent of the ribs. As a rule, the more active and more muscular an ani- mal, the greater the demand for oxygen. Thus, warm- blooded animals live fast, and their rapidly decaying tis- sues call for rapid respiration; while in the cold-blooded creatures the waste is comparatively slow. Respiration is most active in Birds, and least in water-breathing animals. The sluggish Toad respires more slowly than the busy Bee, the Mollusk more slowly than the Fish. But respi- rations, like beats of the heart, are fewer in large Mam- mals than in small ones. An average Man inhales about 700 cubit feet of air per day. Another result of respiration, besides the purification of the blood, is the production of heat. The chemical com- bination of the oxygen in the air with the carbon in the tissues is a true combustion; and, therefore, the more act- ive the animal and its breathing, the higher its tempera- ture. Birds and Mammals have a temperature of about 108° and 100° respectively, and are called warm-blooded. Fishes and Reptiles have a lower and more variable tem- perature, ranging from 35° to 80°, and are called cold- blooded. The Bee is from 3° to 10°, and the Earth-worm and Snail from 1£° to 2°, higher than the air. The mean temperature of the Carp and Toad is 51°; of Man, 98°; Dog, 99°; Cat, 101°; Squirrel, 105°; Swallow, 1110. 120 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. CHAPTER XV. SECRETION AND EXCRETION. In the circulation of the blood, not only are the nutrient materials deposited within the body in the form of tissue, but certain special fluids are separated and conveyed to the external or internal surfaces of the body. These flu- ids are of two kinds: some, like saliva, gastric juice, bile, milk, etc., are for useful purposes; others, like sweat and urine, are expelled from the system as useless or injurious. The separation of the for- mer is called secretion; the removal of the latter is ex- cretion. The two functions differ also in this, that se- cretion is intermittent, as, e. g., the gastric juice is form- ed when wanted, while ex- cretion is constant day and night. Both processes, how- ever, are substantially alike. In the lowest forms, there are no special organs, but secretion and excretion take Fig. 89-Three plans of secreting Mem- place from the genera) gur_ branes. The heavy line represents the r o areolar-vascular layer; the next line is face. Even in the higher the basement, or limiting membrane; . . and the dotted line the epithelial layer: animals, there are Secreting a shows increase of surface by simple •, m, plaited or fringed projections; b, five membranes. liie mem- modes of increase by recesses, forming i1rjnips linino- tbp nnup nnd simple glands, or follicles; c, two forms Dranes ilnmg me nose anQ of compound glands. alimentary canal and inclos- ing the lungs, heart, and joints, secrete lubricating fluids. SECRETION AND EXCRETION. 121 The infolding of such a membrane into little sacs or short tubes (follicles), each having its own outlet, is the type of all secreting and excreting organs. The lower tribes have nothing higher, and the apparatus for prepar- ing the gastric fluid attains no further development even in Man. When a cluster of these follicles, or sacs, dis- charge their contents by one common duct, we have a gland. But whether membrane, follicle, or gland, the organ is covered with a net-work of blood-vessels, and lined with epithelial cells, which are the real agents in the process. The chief Secreting Organs are the salivary glands, gastric follicles, pancreas, and liver, all situated along the digestive tract. 1. The salivary glands, which open into the mouth, secrete saliva. They exist in nearly all animals, except Fishes, Crocodiles, and "Whales, and are most largely de- veloped in such as live on vegetable food. The saliva serves to lubricate or dissolve the food for swallowing, and, in Mammals that masticate, aids also in digestion.79 2. The gastric follicles are minute tubes in the walls of the stomach se- creting gastric juice. They are found in all Yertebrates, and in the higher Mollusks and Articulates. In the low- er forms, a simple membrane lined with cells serves the same purpose. Under the microscope, the soft mu- cous membrane of the human stom- ach presents a honey-comb appear- ance, caused by numerous depressions or cells. At the bottom of these de- pressions are clusters of spots, which are the orifices of Fig. 90.—Follicles from the Stomach of a Dog, x 150; near the mouth, a, there is a lining of co- lumnar epithelium. 122 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. the tubular follicles. The follicles are less than -g-oVo- of an inch in diameter, and number millions. 3. The pancreas, or "sweetbread," so important in the process of digestion, when present, exists only in the Yer- tebrates and the higher Mollusks. In its struct- ure and its secretion it closely resembles the sal- ivary glands. In the Cut- tle-fish, it is represented by a sac; in Fishes, by a group of follicles. It is proportionally largest in Birds whose salivary glands are deficient. The Fig. 91.—Pancreas of Man, o; g, gall-bladder; ° ... «, cystic duct; c, duct from the liver; p, py- pancreatic j uice enters loric valve; e, i, duodenum. , i -j j the duodenum. 4. A liver in some form is found in all animals having a distinct digestive cavity. In Mollusks and Yertebrates, it is the largest gland in the body. The higher the ani- mal, the more compact the organ. Thus, in Polyps it is represented by yellowish cells lining the stomach; in In- sects, by delicate tubes along the intestine; in Mollusks, by a cluster of sacs, or follicles, forming a loose compound gland. In Yertebrates, the liver is well defined, and com- posed of a multitude of lobules (which give it a granular appearance) arranged on the capillary veins, like grapes on a stem, and containing nucleated secreting cells. It is of variable shape, but usually two, three, or five lobed, and is centrally situated — in Mammals, just below the diaphragm. In most Yertebrates, there is an appendage to the liver, called the gall-bladder, which is simply a res- ervoir for the bile when not wanted. The liver is both a secretory and excretory organ. For while the bile performs an essential, though mysterious, SECRETION AND EXCRETION. 123 part in the digestive process, it is decomposing matter filtered from the blood, and, if not cast out of the system, Fig. 92.—Liver of the Dog, P, F; D, duodenum and intestines; P, pancreas; r, spleen; e, stomach; /.rectum; R, right kidney; B, gall-bladder; ch, cystic duct; F, lobe of liver dissected to show distribution of portal vein, VP, and hepatic vein, vh; d, diaphragm; VC, veua cava; C, heart. produces jaundice. It is reabsorbed by the lacteals, but is finally discharged by oxidation through the lungs. In animals of slow respiration, as Crustaceans, Mollusks, Fishes, and Reptiles, fat accumulates in the liver. " Cod- liver oil" is an example. The great Excreting Organs are the lungs, the kid- neys, and the skin; and the substances which they re- move from the system—carbonic acid, water, and urea— are the products of decomposition, or organic matter on its way back to the mineral kingdom.60 Different as these 124 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. organs appear, they are constructed upon the same prin- ciple : each consisting of a very thin sheet of tissue sepa- rating the blood to be purified from the atmosphere, and straining out, as it were, the noxious matters. All, more- over, excrete the same substances, but in very different proportions: the lungs exhale carbonic acid and water, with a trace of urea; the kidneys expel water, urea, and a little carbonic acid; while the skin partakes of the nat- ure of both, for it is not only respiratory, especially among the lower animals, but it performs the work of the kidneys when they are diseased. 1. The lungs (and likewise gills) are mainly excretory organs. The oxygen they impart sweeps with the blood through every part of the body, and unites with, i. e., burns up, the effete matters, which, set free by muscular and nervous exertion, would poison the system, if not removed. The carbonic-acid gas thus generated is car- ried by the veins to the lungs, and there exhaled in breath- ing. This process is more immedi- ately necessary to life than any oth- er : the arrest of respiration is fatal. 2. "While the lungs (and skin also, to a slight degree) are sources of gain as well as loss to the blood, the kidneys are purely excretory organs. Their sole function is to eliminate the solid products of decay which can not pass out by the lungs. In Mammals, they are discharged in solution; but from other animals Fig. 93.-Section of Human Wh° drmk little the excretion is Kidney, showing the tubu- more or less solid. In Insects, the lar portion, 3, grouped into . ' cones; 7, the ureter, or out- kidne}7s are groups of tubes; in the let of the secretion. i • i -»r n i i higher Mollusks, they are represent- ed by spongy masses of follicles; in Yertebrates, they are THE SKIN AND SKELETON. 125 well-developed glands, two in number, and consisting of closely packed tubes. 3. The skin of the soft-skinned animals, particularly of Amphibians and Mammals, are covered with minute pores, which are the ends of as many delicate tubes that lie coiled up into a knot within the true skin. These are the sweat-glands, which excrete watery vapor, and with it certain salts and gases. The importance of this excretion, known as perspiration, is shown by the fact that if the skin be varnished over, the animal will die. On the ac- cession of Leo X. to the papal chair, a child was gilded all over, at Florence, to represent the Golden Age, and it died in a few hours. Besides these secretions and excretions, there are oth- ers, confined to particular animals, and designed for spe- cial purposes: such are the oily matters secreted from the skin of quadrupeds for lubricating the hair and keeping the skin flexible; the tears of Reptiles, Birds, and Mam- mals ; the milk of Mammals; the ink of the Cuttle-fish; the poison in the stings of Jelly-fishes and Insects; and the silk of Spiders and Caterpillars. CHAPTER XYI. THE SKIN AND SKELETON. The Skin, or Integument, is that layer of tissue which covers the outer surface of the body. The term Skeleton is applied to the hard parts of the body, whether external or internal, which serve as a frame-work or protection to the softer organs, and afford points of attachment to mus- cles. If external, as the crust of the Lobster, it is called Exoskeleton; if internal, as the bones of Man, it is called 126 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Endoskeleton. The former is but a modification of the skin. 1. The Skin.—The skin is a very complex tissue, since it serves not only for a covering, but also for an organ of excretion, absorption, and touch. In the lowest forms, as Amoebae and Infusoria, it is an extremely delicate film, or membrane, but little more consistent than the body which it envelopes. But throughout the animal kingdom, from the slimy coat of the Polyp to the thick hide of the Rhi- noceros, the skin shows a similar structure—an inner and an outer layer; the former called dermis ; the latter, epi- dermis.91 Except in the low and immature forms, as "Worms and Caterpillars, the skin of Articulates is hardened into a crust. The loose skin, called the m,antle, which envelopes the body of the Mollusk corresponds to the true skin of higher animals. The border of the mantle is surround- ed with a delicate fringe, and, moreover, contains minute glands, which secrete the shell and the coloring matter by which it is adorned. The Tunicates have a leathery epidermis, remarkable for containing, instead of lime, a substance resembling vegetable cellulose. In Mammals, whose skin is most fully developed, the dermis is a sheet of tough elastic tissue, consisting of in- terlacing fibres, and containing blood-vessels, lymphatics, sweat-glands, and nerves. It i^ the part converted into leather when hides are tanned, and attains the extreme thickness of three inches in the Rhinoceros. The upper surface is covered with a vast number of minute projec- tions, called papilla), each the termination of a nerve; these are the essential agents in the sense of touch.63 They are best seen on the tongue of an Ox or Cat, and on the human fingers, where they are arranged in rows. Covering this sensitive layer, and accurately molded to all its furrows and ridges, lies the bloodless and nerveless THE SKIN AND SKELETON. 127 epidermis. It is that part of the skin which is raised in a blister. It is thickest where there is most pressure or hard usage: on the back of the Camel it attains unusual thick- ness. The lower portion of the epidermis (called rete mu- Fig. 94.—Section of Skin, from Horse's Nostril: E, epidermis; D, derma; 1, horny layer of epidermis ; 2, rete mucosum ; 3, papillary layer of derma; 4, excretory duct of a sudoriparous, or sweat, gland; 5, glomerule, or convoluted tube of the same; 6, hair follicle; 7, sebaceous gland; 8, internal sheath of the hair follicle; 9, bulb of the hair; 10, mass of adipose tissue. cosum) is comparatively soft, and consists of nucleated cells containing pigment-granules, on which the color of the animal depends. Toward the surface, the cells be- come flattened, and finally, on the outside, are changed to horny scales (Fig. 2, c). These scales, in the higher animals, are constantly wear- ing off in the form of scurf, and as constantly being re- newed from below. In Lizards and Serpents, the old epi- dermis is cast entire, being stripped off from the head to the tail; in the Toad, it comes off in two pieces; in the Frog, in shreds; in Fishes and some Mollusks, in the form of slime. However modified the epidermis, or whatever its appendages, the like process of removal goes on. Mam- mals shed their hair; Birds, their feathers; and Crabs, 128 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. their shells. "When the loss is periodical, it is termed moulting. 2. The Skeletons. — (l) The Exoskeleton is developed by the hardening of the skin, and, with very few excep- tions, is the only kind of skeleton possessed by inverte- brate animals. The usual forms are coral, shells, crusts, scales, plates, hairs, and feathers. It is horny or calca- reous; while the endoskeleton is generally a deposit of earthy material within the body, and is nearly confined to the Yertebrates. The microscopic particles of living jelly, called Poly- cistines and Foraminifera, cover themselves with sili- ceous and calcareous shells of the most beautiful pat- terns. The Sponge has an internal skeleton of horny fibres, which is the sponge of commerce. Coral is the Fig. 95.—1, Vertical Section, and, 2, Transverse Section, of a Sclerodermic Corallite: a, mouth; b, tentacles; c, stomach; d, intermesenteric chamber; e, mesentery; /, septum ; g, endoderm; h, epitheca; k, theca, or outer wall; m, columella; n, short partitions; p, tabula, or transverse partitions, a characteristic of extinct corals; r, sclerobase; s, coenenchyma, or common substance connecting a neigh- boring corallite ; t, ectoderm; x, pali, or imperfect partitions. solid frame-work of certain Polyps. There are two kinds: one represented by the common white coral, which is a calcareous secretion within the body of the Polyp, in the form of a cylinder, with partitions radiating toward a centre (sclerodermic); the other, represented by the solid red coral of jewelry, is a central axis deposited by a group of Polyps on the outside (sclerobasic). THE SKIN AND SKELETON. 129 The skeleton of the Star-fish is a leathery skin studded with calcareous particles. The Sea-urchin is covered with an inflexible shell of elaborate and beautiful con- struction. The shell is really a calcified skin, be- ing a net-work of fibrous tissue and earthy matter. It varies in shape from a sphere to a disk; and con- _ . . , Fig. 96.—Shell of Sea-urchin (Cidaris) without its spines. sists of hundreds of angular pieces accurately fitted together, like mosaic- work. These form ten zones, like the ribs of a melon, five broad ones alternating with five narrower ones. The former (called interambulacra) are covered with tuber- Fig. 97.—Structure of Sea-urchins' Spines: 1, a, spine of Cidaris cut longitudinally ; t, 8, ball and socket joint; p, pedicellarise; 2, 3, transverse sections of spines of Cidaris and Echinus. cles bearing movable spines. The narrow zones (called ambulacra, as they are likened to walks through a forest) 9 130 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. are pierced with small holes, through which the animal sends out fleshy tentacles. The skin of the Crab and Lobster is hardened by cal- careous deposit into a " crust," or shell ;83 but, instead of forming one piece, it is divided into a series of segments, which move on each other. The number of these seg- ments, or rings, is usually twenty-one—to the head, tho- rax, and abdomen, seven each. In the adult, however, the rings of the head and thorax are often soldered to- gether into one shield, called cephalo-thorax; and in the Horseshoe Crab all the divisions of the skeleton are quite obliterated. The shell of Crustaceans is periodically cast off, for they continue to grow even after they have reach- ed their mature form. This molting is a very remarka- ble operation. How the Lobster can draw its legs from their cases without unjointing or split- ting them has long- been a puzzle.84 But the cast - off skeleton is a per- fect copy of the animal, retaining in their places the del- icate coverings of the eyes and an- tennae, and even the lining membrane of the stomach with its teeth! The horny crust of Insects differs from that of Crus- Fig. 98.—Diagram of an Insect: A, head bearing the eyes and antennae; B, prothorax, or pronotum, car- rying the first pair of legs; C, mesothorax, carrying the second pair of legs and first pair of wings; D, carrying the third pair of legs and second pair of wings; E, abdomen, with ovipositor, F; 1, coxa, or hip ; 2, trochanter; 3, femur, or thigh ; 4, tibia, or shank; 5, tarsus, or foot; 6, claw. THE SKIN AND SKELETON. 131 taceans in consisting mainly of chitine and in containing no lime. The head, thorax, and abdomen are distinct, and usually consist of thirteen visible segments—one for the head, three for the thorax (called prothorax, mesotho- rax, and metathorax), and nine for the abdomen. The antennae, or feelers, legs, and wings, as well as hairs, spines, and scales, are appendages of the skeleton. As Insects grow only during the larval, or caterpillar, state, molting is confined to that period. The shells of Mollusks are well-known examples of exo- skeletons. The mantle, or loose skin, of these animals se- cretes calcareous earth in successive layers, converting the epidermis into a " shell."85 So various and characteristic is the microscopic structure of shells, that a fragment is sometimes sufficient to determine the group to which it belongs. A large class of shells is represented by that of the Oyster, which is composed of three parts: the external brown epidermis, of horny texture ; then the prismatic portion, consisting of minute columns set perpendicularly to the surface; and the internal nacreous layer, or " moth- er-of-pearl," made up of exceedingly thin plates. The pearly lustre of the last is due to light falling upon the outcropping edges of wavy laminae.86 In many cases, the prismatic and nacreous layers are traversed by minute tubes. Another typical shell-structure is seen in the com- mon Cone, a section of which shows three layers, besides the epidermis, consisting of minute plates set at different angles. The Nautilus is composed of two distinct layers: the outer one having the fracture of broken china; the inner one, nacreous. Most living shells are made of one piece, as the Snail; these are called "univalves." Others, as the Clam, con- sist of two parts, and are called "bivalves." In either case, a valve may be regarded as a hollow cone, growing in a spiral form. The ribs, ridges, or spines on the out- 132 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. side of a shell mark the successive periods of growth, and, therefore, correspond with the age of the animal. The following figures show the principal parts of the ordinary bivalves and univalves. The valves of a bivalve are gen- erally equal, and the umbones, or beaks, a little in front of the centre. The valves are bound together by a liga- ment near the umbones, and often, also, by means of a " hinge " form- ^^ ed by the " teeth" of one valve in- terlocking into cavities in the oth- er. The aperture of a univalve is Fig. 99.—Left Valve of a Bivalve Mollusk (Cytherea chione): h, hinge ligament; u, umbo; I, lunule; c, cardinal, and t, t', lateral, teeth; a, a', impres- sions of the anterior and posterior adductor mus- cles ; p, pallial impression; e, sinus occupied by the retractor of the siphons. Fig. 100.—Section of a Spiral Univalve (Triton corrugatus): a, apex; b, spire; c, suture; d, posterior canal; e, outer lip of the aperture; /, anteri- or canal. frequently closed by a horny or calcareous plate, called "operculum," which the animal carries on its back, and which is a part of the exoskeleton. Imbedded in the back of the Cuttle-fish is a very light spongy " bone," which, as already observed, is a secretion from the skin, and, therefore, belongs to the exoskeleton. It has no resemblance to true bone, but is formed, like shells, of a number of calcareous plates. Nevertheless, the Cuttle-fish does exhibit the first traces of an endo- THE SKIN AND SKELETON. 133 skeleton: these are plates of cartilage, one of which sur- rounds the brain, and hence may be called a skull. To this cartilage, not to the "cuttle-bone," the muscles are attached. In Yertebrates, the exoskeleton is subordinate to the endoskeleton, and is feebly developed in comparison. It is represented by a great variety of append- ages to the skin, which are mainly organs for protection, not for sup- port. Some are horny developments of the ep- idermis, such as hairs, feathers, nails, claws, hoofs, horns, and the scales of Reptiles; oth- ers arise from the hardening of the dermis by calcareous matter, as the scales of Fishes, the plates of Crocodiles and Turtles, and the shield of the Armadillo. The scales of Fishes (and likewise the spines of their vertical fins) lie imbedded in the overlapping folds of the skin, and are covered with a thin epidermis. The scales of the bony Fishes (Perch, Salmon, etc.) consist of two Fig. 101.—Skeletal Architecture in the Armadil- lo, showing the relation of the carapax to the vertebral column. Fig. 102.—Diagrammatic Section of the Skin of a Fish (Carp): a, derm, showing lam- inated structure with vertical fibres, b; c, gristly layer; e, laminated layer, with calcareous granules; d, superficial portion developing into scales; /, scale-pit. layers, slightly calcareous, and marked by concentric and radiating lines. Those of the Shark have the structure of teeth, while the scutes, or plates, of the Crocodiles, Turtles, and Armadillos are of true bone. 134 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. The scales of Snakes and Lizards are horny epiderm- ic plates covering the overlapping folds of the true skin. In some Tur- tles these plates are of great size, and are called " tor- toise - shell;" they cover the bony Pig. 103.—Vertical Section of the Forefoot of the Horse dermal plates. The scales on of Birds, the tail the legs and on of the (middle digit): 1, 2, 4, proximal, middle, and distal, or ungual, phalanges; 3, sesamoid, or nut-bone ; 5, 6, 7, tendons; 9, elastic tissue; 8, 10, internal and external floor of the hoof; 11, 12, internal and ex- ternal walls. Beaver and Rat, have the same structure. Nails are flattened horny plates developed from the upper surface of the fingers and toes. Claws are sharp conical nails, being developed from the sides as well as upper surface; and hoofs are blunt cylindrical claws. Hollow horns, as of the Ox, may be likened to claws sheathing a bony case. The horn of the Rhinoceros is a solid mass of epidermal fibres. "Whale- bone," the rattles of the Rattle- snake, and the beaks of Turtles fig. i04.-sec^TonL Root and part of the Shaft of a Human Hair; it is covered with epi- dermic scales, the inner layer, c, forming the outer covering of the shaft, being imbricated; the root consists of angular cells loaded with pigment. and Birds, are likewise epidermal. Hairs, the characteristic clothing of Mammals, are elongated horny cones, composed of "pith" and THE SKIN AND SKELETON. 135 "crust." The latter is an outer layer of minute over- lapping scales, which are directed toward the point, so that rubbing a human hair or fibre of wool be- tween the thumb and finger pushes the root-end away. The root is bulbous, and is contained in a mi- nute depression, or sac, formed by an infolding of the skin. Hairs are usually set obliquely into the skin. Porcupine's quills and Hedgehog's spines make an easy transition to feathers, which differ from hairs only in splitting up into numerous laminae. They are the most com- plicated of all the modifications of the epidermis. They consist of a "quill" (answering to the bulb of a hair), and a "shaft," supporting the " vane," which is made up of " barbs," " barbules," and interlock- ing "processes." The quill alone is hollow, and has an orifice at each end. The teeth of Mollusks and Articulates are also epidermal structures; but the teeth of Yerte- brates are developed from the der- mis. In all cases, teeth belong to the exoskeleton. A human tooth and an oyster-shell rep- resent each other, structure for structure. (2) The Endoskeleton, as we have seen, has its first rep- resentative in the Cuttle-fish. "With this exception, it is peculiar to Yertebrates. In the Cuttle-fish, and some Fishes, as the Sturgeon and Shark, it consists of carti- lage; but in all others (when adult) it is bone or osseous Fig. 105.—Parts of a Feather: a, quill, or barrel; b, shaft; c, vane, or beard ; d, accessory plume, or down; e, /, lower and upper umbilicus, or ori- fice, leading to the interior of the quill. 136 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. tissue. Yet there is a diversity in the composition of bony skeletons: that of fresh-water Fishes contains the least earthy matter, and that of Birds the most. Hence the density and ivory-whiteness of the bones of the lat- ter. Unlike the shells of Mollusks and the crust of the Lobster, which grow by the addition of layers to their borders, bones are moist, living parts, penetrated by blood- vessels and nerves, and covered with a tough membrane, called periosteum, for the attachment of muscles. The surface of bones is compact; but the interior may be solid or spongy (as the bones of Fishes, Turtles, Sloths, and "Whales), or hollow (as the long bones of Birds and the active quadrupeds). There are also cavities (called "sinuses") between the inner and outer walls of the skull, as remarkably shown by the Elephant. The cavities in the long bones of quadrupeds are filled with marrow; those in the long bones of Birds and in skulls contain air. The number of bones not only differs in different ani- mals, but varies with the age of an individual. In very early life there are no bones at all; and ossification, or the conversion of cartilage into bone, is not completed until maturity. This process begins at a multitude of points, and theoretically there are as many bones in a skeleton as centres of ossification. But the actual number is usually much less — a result of the tendency of these centres to coalesce. Thus, the thigh-bone in youth is composed of five distinct portions, which gradually unite. So in the lower Yertebrates many parts remain distinct which in the higher are joined into one. The occiput or back- bone of Man's skull is the union of three or four bones, which are seen separate in the skull of the Fish. A complete skeleton, made up of all the pieces which might enter into its composition, does not exist. Every animal has some deficiency. All have a skull and back- THE SKIN AND SKELETON. 137 bone; but in the development of the various parts, and especially of the appendages, there is endless variety. Fishes come nearest to the archetype skeleton; but while they possess a complete set of skull-bones, they have no representatives of fingers and toes. The Snake has plenty of ribs and tail, but no breast-bone; the Frog has a breast- bone, but neither tail nor ribs. As the skeleton of a Fish is too complicated for the primary student, we will select for illustration the skeleton of a Lion—the type of quad- 138 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. rupeds. It should be remembered, however, that all Yer- tebrates are formed on one plan. The vertebrate skeleton consists of a series of rings, called vertebra}, arranged along the back of the body, with certain appendages, as limbs, ribs, etc. The verte- brae are always present, but the appendages are incon- stant. In the lowest Fishes, the spinal column is a con- tinuous cylinder, with scarcely a trace of division, and in Birds, also, it is much consolidated; but usually the verte- brae are separable. They range in number from 10 in the Frog (not counting the head) to 305 in the Boa-constrictor. A typical vertebra consists of a number of bony pieces so arranged as to form two arches, or hoops, connected by Fig. 107.—Vertebra—A, cervical; B, dorsal: 2, centrum ; 4, transverse process, con- taining foramen, a, for artery; 5, articular process; 3, spinous process, or neural spine; 1, neural canal; 6, facets for head of rib, the tubercle of the rib fitting in a facet on the process, 4; b, laminae or neurapophyses. a central bone, or centrum.6'' The upper hoop is called the neural arch, because it encircles the spinal marrow; the lower hoop is called the haimal arch, because it in- closes the heart and the great central blood-vessels. An actual vertebra, however, is subject to so many modifica- tions, that it deviates more or less from this ideal type. Selecting one from the middle of the back for an exam- ple, we see that the centrum sends off from its dorsal side two branches, or processes, called neurapophyses. These meet to form the neural arch, under which is the neural canal, and above which is a process called the neural THE SKIN AND SKELETON. 139 spine. On the anterior and posterior edges of the arch are smooth surfaces, or zygapophyses, which in the natural state are covered with cartilage, and come in contact with the corresponding surfaces of the preceding and succeed- ing vertebrae. The bases of the arch are notched in front and behind, so that when two vertebrae are put together a round opening (intervertebral foramen) appears between the pair, giving passage to the nerves issuing from the spi- nal cord. From the sides of the arch, blunt transverse proc- esses project outward and backward, called diapophyses. Such are the main elements in a representative vertebra. The haemal arch is not formed by any part of the verte- bra, but by the ribs and breast-bone. Theoretically, how- ever, the ribs are considered as elongated processes from the centrum (pleurapophyses), and in a few cases a hce- mal spine is developed from the breast-bone correspond- ing to the neural spine. The vertebrae are united together by ligaments, but chiefly by a very tough, dense, and elastic substance be- tween the centra. The neural arches form a continuous canal which contains and protects the spinal cord; hence the vertebral column is called the neuroskeleton. The column is always more or less curved; but the beautiful sigmoid curvature is peculiar to Man. The vertebrae gradually increase in size from the head toward the end of the trunk, and then diminish to the end of the tail. The neural arch and centrum are seldom wanting; the first vertebra in the neck has no centrum, and the last in the tail is all centrum. The vertebrae of the extremities (head and tail) depart most widely from the typical form. The vertebral column in Fishes and Snakes is divisible into three regions — head, trunk, and tail. But in the higher animals there are six kinds of vertebrae: cranial, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and caudal. The cranial vertebral form the skull. They are greatly 140 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 110. THE SKIN AND SKELETON. 1±1 BONES OF THE MAMMALIAN SKULL* BRAIN-CASE. NASAL. LAC NOSE. ETHMOID. FRONTAL. PARIETAL. SUPRAOCCIPITAL HRYMAL. SQUAMOSAL. ORBITOSPHENOID. EYE. ALISPHENOID. PERI- EAR. OTIC. EXOCCIPITAL. MALAR. TYMPANIC. PRE8PHEN0ID. BASISPHENOID. BASIOCCIPITAL. VOMER. HYOID ARCH. PREMAXILLA. MAXILLA. PALATINE. PTERYGOID. LOWER JAW, OR MANDIBLE. THE SKULL OF THE DOG. Fig. 108.—Under surface. Fig. 109.—Upper surface. Fig. 110.—Longitudinal ver- tical section ; one-half natural size: SO, supraoccipital; ExO, exoccipital; BO, basioccipital; IP, interparietal; Pa, parietal; Fr, frontal; Sq, squamosal; Ma, malar; L, lachrymal; Mx, maxilla; PMx, premaxilla; Xa, nasal; MT, maxillo- turbinal; ET, ethmoturbinal; ME, ossified portion of the mesethmoid; CE, cri- briform, or sieve-like, plate of the ethmoturbinal; V0, vomer; PS, presphenoid ; OS, orbitosphenoid; AS, alispheuoid; BS, basisphenoid; PI, palatine; Pt, pterygoid; Per, periotic ; Ty, tympanic bulla; on, anterior narial aperture; ap, or apf, anterior palatine foramen; ppf, posterior palatine foramen ; io, infra- orbital foramen ; pof, postorbital process of frontal bone ; op, optic foramen ; sf, sphenoidal fissure; fr, foramen rotundum, and anterior opening of alisphenoid canal; as, posterior opening of alisphenoid canal; fo, foramen ovale ; Jim, fora- men lacerum medium ; of, glenoid fossa; gp, postglenoid process; pgf, post- glenoid foramen ; earn, external auditory meatus; sm, stylomastoid foramen; ftp, foramen lacerum posterins ; cf, condylar foramen ; pp, paroccipital process; oe, occipital condyle ; fm, foramen magnum ; a, angular process ; s, symphysis of the mandible where it unites with the left ramus ; id, inferior dental canal; cd, condyle; cp, coronoid process; the * indicates the part of the cranium to which the condyle is articulated when the mandible is in place; the upper border in which the teeth are implanted is called alveolar; sh, eh, ch, bh, th, hyoidean ap- paratus, or os linguae, supporting the tongue. In the skulls of old animals, there are three ridges: occipital, behind; sagittal median, on the upper snrface; and stiper orbital, across the frontal, in the region of the eyebrows. The last is highly developed in the Gorilla. • In this diagram, modified from Huxley's, the italicized bones are single; the rest are double. Those in the line of the Ethmoid form the Cranio-facial Axis: these, with the other sphenoids and occipitals, are developed in cartilage; the rest are membrane bones. In the Human skull, the three occipitals coalesce into one. 142 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. modified, as the neural arches are expanded to inclose the brain. The number of distinct bones composing the skull is greatest in Fishes, and least in Birds: this arises from the fact that the bones remain separate in the former case, while those of the chick become united together (anchy- losed) in the full-grown Bird. A skull consists of the brain-case and the face. The principal parts of the skull, as shown in the Dog's, are: 1. The occipital bone behind, containing a large hole, or foramen magnum, on each side of which are rounded prominences, called condyles, by which the skull articulates with the first cervical ver- tebra. 2. The parietal. 3. The frontal. These three form the main walls of the brain. 4. The sphenoid, on the floor of the skull in front of the occipital, and con- sisting of three pieces. 5. The temporal, in which is sit- uated the ear. In Man this is one bone; but in most ani- mals there are three—the periotic, tympanic, and squa- mosal. 6. The malar, or "cheek-bone," which sends Fig. 111.—Skull of the Horse: 1, premaxillary bone; 2, upper incisors; 3, upper canines; 4, superior maxillary; 5, infraorbital foramen ; 6, superior maxillary spine; 7, nasal bones ; 8, lachrymal; 9, orbital cavity; 10, lachrymal fossa; 11, malar; 12, upper molars; 13, frontal; 15, zygomatic arch; 16, parietal; IT, oc- cipital protuberance; 18, occipital crest; 19, occipital condyles; 20, styloid proc- esses ; 21, petrous bone; 22, basilar process; 23, condyle of inferior maxillary; 24, parietal crest; 25, inferior maxillary; 26, lower molars; 27, anterior maxillary foramen; 28, lower canines; 29, lower incisors. THE SKIN AND SKELETON. 143 back a process to meet one from the squamosal, forming the zygomatic arch. 7. The nasal, or roof of the nose. 8. The maxilla; that part of the upper jaw in which the canines, premolars, and molars are lodged. 9. The pre- maxilla, in which the upper incisors are situated. 10. The palatine, which, with the maxillary bones, forms the roof of the mouth. There are two appendages to the skull: the mandible, or lower jaw, whose condyles, or rounded extremities, fit into a cavity (the glenoid) in the temporal bone; and the hyoid, situated at the root of the tongue. The cervical vertebral, or bones of the neck, are peculiar in having an orifice on each side of the centrum for the passage of an artery. The first, called atlas, because it supports the head, has no centrum, and turns on the sec- ond, called axis, around a blunt process, called the odon- toid. The centra are usually wider than deep, and the neural spines very short, except in the last one. The num- ber of cervical vertebrae ranges from 1 in the Frog to 25 in the Swan. The dorsal vertebral are such as bear ribs, which, unit- ing with the breast-bone, or sternum, form a bony arch over the heart and lungs, called the thorax. The sternum may be wanting, as in Fishes and Snakes, or greatly de- veloped, as in Birds. When present, the first vertebra whose ribs are connected with it is the first dorsal. The neural spines of the dorsal series are generally long, point- ing backward. The lumbar vertebral are the massive vertebrae lying in the loins between the dorsals and the hip-bones. The sacral vertebral lie between the hip-bones, and are generally consolidated into one complex bone, called sa- crum. The caudal vertebral are placed behind the sacrum, and form the tail. They diminish in size, losing proc- 144 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. esses and neural arch, till finally nothing is left but the centrum. They number from 3 or 4 in Man to 270 in the Shark. Besides the lower jaw, hyoid, and ribs, Yertebrates have other appendages to the spinal column — two pairs of limbs.™ The fore limb is divided into the pectoral arch (or shoulder girdle), the arm, and the hand. The arch is fastened to the ribs and vertebrae by powerful muscles, and consists of three bones, the scapula, or shoul- der-blade, the coracoid, and the clavicle, or collar-bone. The scapula and coracoid are generally united, the latter forming a process of the former; and the clavicles are frequently wanting, as in the hoofed animals. The hu- merus, radius, and ulna are the bones of the arm, the first articulating by ball-and-socket joint with the scapu- la, and by a hinge-joint with the radius and ulna. The humerus and radius are always present; but the ulna may be absent. The bones of the hand are divided into those of the carpus, or wrist; the metacarpus, or palm; and the phalanges, or fingers. The fingers, or " digits," range in number from 1 to 5. The hind limb is composed of the pelvic arch (or hip- bones), the leg, and the foot. These parts correspond closely with the skeleton of the fore limb. Like the shoulder, the pelvic arch, or os innominatum, consists of three bones—ilium, ischium, and pubis. The three are distinct in Reptiles and in the young of higher animals; but in adult Birds and Mammals they become united to- gether, and are also (except in Whales) solidly attached to the sacrum. The two pelvic arches and the sacrum thus soldered into one make the pelvis. The leg-bones consist of the femur, or thigh; the tibia, or shin-bone; and the fibula, or splint-bone. The rounded head of the femur fits into a cavity (acetabulum) in the pelvic arch, while the lower end articulates with the tibia, and sometimes THE SKIN AND SKELETON. 145 (as in Birds) with the fibula also. An extra bone, the patella, or knee-pan, is hung by a muscle in front of the joint between the femur and tibia of the higher animals. The foot is made up of the tarsus, or ankle; the meta- tarsus, or lower instep; and the phalanges, or toes. The toes number from 1 in the Horse to 5 in Man. Certain parts of the skeleton, as of the skull, are firm- ly joined together by zigzag edges or by overlapping; in either case the joint is called a suture. But the great majority of the bones are intended to move one upon another. The vertebrae are locked together by their processes, and also by a tough fibrous substance between the centra, so that a slight motion only is allowed. The limbs furnish the best examples of movable articulations, as the ball-and-socket joint at the shoulder, and the hinge- joint at the elbow. The bones are held together by liga- ments, and, to prevent friction, the extremities are cover- ed with cartilage, which is constantly lubricated with an unctuous fluid called synovia. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF BONES. Phosphate of Lime, with trace of Fluate of Lime.................... Carbonate of Lime................... Phosphate of Magnesia............. Sulphate, Carbonate, and Chlorate of Soda.............................. Glutine and Chondrine............. Oil....................................... Cod. Tortoise. Hawk. Man. 57.29 52.66 64.39 59.63 4.90 12.53 7.03 7.33 2.40 0.82 0.94 1.32 1.10 0.90 0.92 0.69 32.31 31.75 25.73 29.70 2.00 1.34 0.99 1.33 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 10 OS 112 -Skeleton of the Perch (Percafiuviatilia)- 1, frontal; 4, postfrontal; 7, parietal; 8, supraoccipital; 9, exoccipital; 11, alisphenoid; 12, mastoid; ?rnasal 17 nremaSrvTmS lary -19, prenasal; 20, suborbital plates; 21, supratemporal (peculiar to Fishes); 23, mastotemporal; 24, trans- vie bone%P,^ orflap*, closing the gill-openings; 30, preoperculum; 31 ^^ f, o», S^/^i?SfS«iS;^lSS.m«;t of the caudal fin, 71; 72, ribs, 73, styliform processes; 74, 79, interspinous bones; 75, dorsal fins; 80, pelvic bone; 81, ventral fin; 83, 6, hsemal spines; 85, a, parapophyses; 86, anal fin. O > •—i N O o t-l o THE SKIN AND SKELETON. 147 to ^^ 148 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 115.—Skeleton of the Tortoise (plastron removed): a, cervical vertebrse; c, dor- sal vertebrae; d, ribs; e, sternal ribs (the marginal bones of the carapax); I, scap- ula ; fc, clavicle; 6, coracoid bone; /, pelvis; i, femur: g, tibia: h, fibula. Fio. 116.—Skeleton of a Vulture: 1, cranium—the parts of which are separable only in the chick; 2, cervical vertebra?; 3, dorsal; 4, coccygeal, or caudal; the lumbar and sacral are consolidated together, and to the ribs, 5; 6, sternum, or breast- bone, extraordinarily developed; 7, furculum, clavicle, or " wish-bone;" 8, cora- coid; 9, scapula; 10, humerus; 11, ulna, with rudimentary radius; 12, metacar- pals; 13, phalanges of the great digit of the wing; 19, thumb; 14, pelvis; 15, fe- mur ; 16, tibia and fibula, or crus; 17, metatarsus (tarsus is wanting in Birds); 18, internal digit, or toe, formed of three phalanges; the middle toe has four pha- langes ; the outer, five; and the back toe, or thumb, two. THE SKIN AND SKELETON. 149 Fig. 117.—Skeleton of the Horse (Equus caballus): 22, premaxillary; 12, foramen in the maxillary; 15, nasal; 9, orbit; 19, coronoid process of lower jaw; 17, surface of implantation for the masseter muscle; there are seven cervical vertebrse, nine- teen dorsal, D-D; five lumbar, a-e; five sacral,/-2; and seventeen caudal, p-r; 51, scapula, or shoulder-blade; i, spine, or crest; h, coracoid process (acromion wanting); 1, first pair of ribs (clavicle wanting, as in all Ungulates); e, sternum; a, shaft of humerus; 6, deltoid ridge; g, head fitting in the glenoid cavity of the scapula—near it is a great tuberosity for the attachment of a powerful muscle; k, condyles; 54, radius, to which is firmly anchylosed a rudimentary ulna, 55, called olecranon; 56, the seven bones of the carpus, or wrist; 57, large metacarpal, or "cannon-bone," with two " splint-bones;" 58, fetlock-joint; 59, phalanges of the developed digit, corresponding to the third finger in Man; 62, pelvis; 63, the great trochanter, or prominence on the femur, 65; 66, tibia; 67, rudimentary fibula; 68, hock, or heel, falsely called knee; 69, metatarsals. 150 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 118.—Skeleton of the Ox (Bos taurw). ii Fig. 119__Skeleton of an Elephant (Elephas Indicus). THE SKIN AND SKELETON. 151 Fig. 120.—Skeleton of the Chimpanzee (Troglodytes niger). 152 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. CHAPTER XVII. HOW ANIMALS MOVE. 1. Muscle.—The power of animal motion is vested in protoplasm, cilia, and muscles. The simplest forms of life, as the structureless Sponge and Amoeba, move by the contraction and extension of the protoplasm of which they consist. In nearly all animals we find with the mi- croscope myriads of little hair-like cilia, which are inces- santly vibrating. They are seen on the outside of Infu- soria, serving as paddles for locomotion; they fringe the gills of the Oyster, creating currents for respiration; and they line the passage to our lungs to expel the mucus. The cause of ciliary motion is unknown; no muscle or nerve has been traced to them. Water seems to be a nec- essary condition. But muscular tissue is the great motor agent, and exists in all animals from the Coral to Man. The power of con- tractility, which in the Amoeba is diffused throughout the body, is here confined to bundles of highly elastic fibres, called muscles. When a muscle contracts, it tends to bring Fig. 121.—A Contracting Muscle. its two ends together, thus shortening itself, at the same time increasing in thickness. This shrinking property is excited by external stimulants, such as electricity, acids, alkalies, sudden heat or cold, and even a sharp blow; but HOW ANIMALS MOVE. 153 the ordinary cause of contraction is an influence from the brain conveyed by a nerve. The property, however, is independent of the nervous system, for it does not cease immediately after death. The amount of force with which a muscle contracts depends on the number of its fibres; and the amount of shortening, on their length. As a rule, muscles are white in cold-blooded animals, and red in the warm-blooded. They are white in all the Invertebrates, Fishes, Batrachians, and Reptiles, except Salmon, Sturgeon, and Shark; and red in Birds and Mammals, except in the breast of the common fowl, and the like.89 It is also a rule, with some exceptions, that the volun- tary muscles of Yertebrates, and all the muscles of the Lobster, Spider, and Insect tribes, are striated; while the involuntary muscles of Vertebrates, and all the muscles of Radiates, Worms, and Mollusks, are smooth. All mus- cles attached to internal bones, or to a jointed external skeleton, are striated. The voluntary muscles are gener- ally solid ; and the involuntary, hollow.90 This leads to another classification of muscles: into those which are attached to solid parts within the body; those which are attached to the skin or its modifications; and those having no attachments, being complete in them- selves. The last are hollow or circular muscles, inclosing a cavity or space, which they reduce by contraction. Ex- amples of such are seen in the heart, blood-vessels, stom- ach, iris of the eye, and around the mouth. In the lower Invertebrates, the muscular system is a net-work of longi- tudinal, transverse, and oblique fibres intimately blended with the skin, and not divisible into separate muscles. As in the walls of the human stomach, the fibres are usually in three distinct layers. This arrangement is exhibited by soft-bodied animals, like the Sea-anemone, the Snail, and the Earth-worm. Four thousand fibres have been counted 154 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. in a Caterpillar. There are also "skin-muscles" in the higher animals, as those by which the Horse produces a twitching of the skin to shake off Insects, and those by which the hairs of the head and the feathers of Birds are made to stand on end. Invertebrates, whose skin is hard- ened into a shell or crust, have muscles attached to the in- side of such a skeleton. Thus, the Oyster has a mass of parallel fibres connecting its two valves; while in the Lob- ster and Bee, fibres go from ring to ring, both longitudi- nally and spirally. The muscles of all Invertebrates are straight parallel fibres, not in bundles, but distinct, and usually flat, thin, and soft. The great majority of the muscles of Vertebrates are attached to the bones, and such are voluntary. The fibres, which are coarsest in Fishes (most of all in the Rays), and finest in Birds, are bound into bundles by a web-like tis- sue ; and the muscles thus made up are arranged in layers around the skeleton. Sometimes their extremities are at- tached to the bones (or rather to the periosteum) directly; but generally by means of white inelastic cords, called tendons. In Fishes, the chief masses of muscle are dis- posed along the sides of the body, apparently in longitu- dinal bands, reaching from head to tail, but really in a series of vertical flakes, one for each vertebra. In propor- tion as limbs are developed, we find the muscles concen- trated about the shoulders and hips, as in quadrupeds. The bones of the limbs are used as levers in locomotion, the fulcrum being the end of a bone with which the mov- ing one is articulated. Thus, in raising the arm, the hu- merus is a lever working upon the scapula as a fulcrum. The most important muscles are called extensors and flex- ors. The former are such as pass over the back of a joint to extend the bone beyond it; while the flexors lie in front of the joint to bring the same bone into an angle with its fulcrum—as in bending the arm. HOW ANIMALS MOVE. 155 2. Locomotion.—All animals have the power of vol- untary motion, and all, at one time or another, have the means of moving themselves from place to place. A few are free in the embryo-life, and fixed when adult, as the Sponge, Coral, Crinoid, and Oyster. There may be no regular well-defined means of progression, as in the Amoe- ba, which extemporizes arms to creep over the surface; or movement may be accomplished by the contraction of the whole body, as in the Jelly-fish, which, pulsating about fifteen times in a minute, propels itself backward through the water. So the Worms and Snakes swim by the undulations of the body. But, as a rule, animals are provided with special organs for locomotion. These become reduced in number, and progressively perfected, as we advance in the scale of rank. Thus, the Animalcule is covered with thousands of hair-like cilia; the Star-fish has hundreds of soft, un- jointed, tubular suckers; the Centipede has from 30 to 40 jointed hollow legs; the Lobster, 10; the Spider, 8; and the Insect, 6; the Quadruped has 4 solid limbs for locomotion ; and Man, only 2. (1) Locomotion in Water.—As only the lower forms of life are aquatic, and as the weight of the body is partly sustained by the element, we must expect to find the or- gans of progression simple and feeble. The Infusoria swim with great rapidity by the incessant vibrations of the delicate filaments, or cilia, on their bodies. The com- mon Squid on our coast admits water into the interior of the body, and then suddenly forces it out through a fun- nel, and thus moves backward, or forward, or around, ac- cording as the funnel is turned—toward the head, or tail, or to one side. The Lobster has a fin at the end of its tail, and propels itself backward by a quick down-stroke of the abdomen. But Fishes, whose bodies offer the least resistance to 156 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. progression through water, are the most perfect swimmers. Thus, the Salmon can go twenty miles an hour, and even ,t-porsnl Fig. 122.—The Fins of a Fish (Pike-perch). ascend cataracts. They have fins of two kinds: those set obliquely to the body, and in pairs; and those which are vertical, and single. The former, called pectoral and ven- tral fins, represent the fore and hind limbs of quadrupeds. The vertical fins, which are only expansions of the skin, vary in number; but in most Fishes there are at least three: the caudal, or tail-fin; the dorsal, or back-fin; and the anal, situated on the abdo- men, near the tail. The chief loco- motive agent is the tail, which sculls like a stern - oar; the other fins are mainly used to balance and raise the body. When the two lobes of the tail are equal, and the vertebral col- umn stops short at its base, as in the Trout, it is said to be homocercal. If the vertebrae extend into the up- per lobe, making it longer than the lower one, as in the Shark, the tail is called heterocercal. The latter is the more effective for varying the course; the Shark, e. g., will accompany and gambol around a ship in full sail The Whale swims by striking the Fig. 123.—Diagram illustrat- ing the locomotion of a Fish. The tail describes the arc of an ellipse; the resultant of the two im- pulses is the straight line in front. across the Atlantic HOW ANIMALS MOVE. 157 water up and down, instead of laterally, with a fin-like horizontal tail. Many air-breathing animals swim with facility on the surface, as the Water-birds, having webbed toes, and most of the Reptiles and Quadrupeds. (2) Locomotion in Air.—The power of flight requires a special modification of structure and an extraordinary muscular effort, for air is 800 times lighter than water. Nevertheless, the velocity attainable by certain Birds is greater than that of any Fish or Quadruped; the Hawk being able to go 150 miles an hour. The bodies of In- sects and Birds are made as light as possible by the dis- tribution of air-cavities.91 The wings of Insects are generally four in number; sometimes only two, as in the Fly. They are moved by muscles lying inside the thorax. They are simple expan- sions of the skin, or crust, being composed of two delicate films of the epidermis stretched upon a net-work of tubes. There are three main varieties: thin and transparent, as in the Dragon-fly; opaque, and covered with minute col- ored scales, which are in reality flattened hairs, as in the Butterfly; and hard and opaque, as the first pair (called elytra) of the Beetle. The wings of Birds, on the other hand, are modified fore-limbs, consisting of three sets of feathers (called pri- mary, secondary, and tertiary), inserted on the hand, fore- arm, and humerus. The muscles which give the down- ward stroke of the wing are fastened to the breast-bone; and their power, in proportion to the weight of the Bird, is as 10,000 to 1. Yet the Insect is even superior in vigor and velocity of flight.98 In ascending, the Bird slightly rotates the wing, striking downward and a little back- ward ; while the tail acts as a rudder. A short, rounded, concave wing, as in the common Fowl, is not so well fit- ted for high and prolonged flight as the long, broad, point- ed, and flat wing of the Eagle. The wing is folded by 158 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. means of an elastic skin connecting the shoulder and wrist, which is stretched when the wing is expanded. Fig. 124.—Flamingoes taking Wing. Besides Insects and Birds, a few other animals have the power of flight, as Bats, by means of long webbed fingers; Flying Fishes, by large pectoral fins; and Flying Reptiles, Flying Squirrels, and the like, by membranes between the fore and hind legs. (3) Locomotion on Solids.—This requires less muscular effort than swimming or flying. The more unyielding the basis of support, the greater the amount of force left to move the animal along. The simplest method is the suctorial, the animal attaching itself to some fixed object, and then, by contraction, dragging the body onward. But the higher and more common method is by the use of bones, or other hard parts, as levers. The Star-fish creeps by the working of hundreds of tubular suckers, which are extended by being filled with fluid forced into them by little sacs. The Clam moves by fixing and contracting a muscular appendage, called a " foot." The Snail has innumerable short muscles on the under side of its body, which, by successive contrac- tions resembling minute undulations, enable the animal to glide forward apparently without effort. The Leech HOW ANIMALS MOVE. 159 has a sucker at each end: fixing itself by the one on its tail, and then stretching the body, by contracting the muscular fibres which run around it, the creature fastens its mouth by suction, and draws forward the hinder parts by the contraction of longitudinal muscles. The Earth- worm lengthens and shortens itself in the same way as the Leech, but instead of suckers for holding its position, it has numerous minute spines pointing backward; while the Caterpillar has short legs for the same purpose. The legless Serpent moves by means of the scutes, or large scales, on the under side of the body, acted upon by the ribs. In a straight line, locomotion is slow; but by curv- ing the body laterally or vertically, it can glide or leap with great rapidity. Most animals have movable jointed limbs, acted upon as levers by numerous muscles. The Centipede has forty- two legs, each with five joints and a claw. The Crab has five pairs of six-jointed legs; but the front pair is modi- fied into pincers for prehension. With the rest, which end in a sharp claw, the Crab moves backward, forward, or sideways. The Spider has eight legs, usually seven- jointed, and terminating in two claws toothed like a Fig. 125__Diagrammatic section of Star-fish: a, mouth; b, stomach; c, caecum, or in- testine ; d, dorsal surface; e, ambulacral plates; /, ovarium; g, tubular feet; ft, Internal sacs for extending the feet. comb, and a third which acts like a thumb. In running, it moves the first right leg, then the fourth left; next, the first left, and then the fourth right; then the third right 160 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. and second left together; and, lastly, the third left and second right together. The front and hind pairs are, therefore, moved like those of a quadruped. The Insect has six legs, each of five joints: the coxa, or hip; trochanter; femur; tibia, or shank; and tarsus. The last is subdi- vided usually into five joints and a pair of claws. Such as can walk upside down, as the Fly, have, in addition, two or three suckers between the claws.93 While the leg-bones of Vertebrates are covered by the mus- cles which moved them, the limbs of Insects are hollow, and the muscles inside. The fore legs are directed for- ward, and the two hinder pairs backward. In motion, the fore and hind feet on one side, and the middle one on the other, are moved simultaneously, and then the re- maining three. The four-legged animals have essentially the same ap- paratus and method of motion. The Crocodile has an awkward gait, owing to the fact that the limbs are short, and placed far apart, so that the muscles act at a mechan- ical disadvantage. The Tortoise is proverbially slow for a similar reason. Both swim better than they walk. Liz- ards are light and agile, but progression is aided by a wrig- gling of the body. The locomotive organs of the mammalian quadrupeds Fig. 126. — Feet of Insects: A, Bibio febrilis; B, House - fly (Musca domestica); C, Water - beetle (Dytiscus). HOW ANIMALS MOVE. 161 are much more highly organized. The bones are more compact; the vertebral column is arched, and yet elastic, between the shoulder and hip, and the limbs are placed vertically underneath the body. The bones of the fore limb are nearly in a line; but those of the hind limb, which is mainly used to project the body forward, are more or less inclined to one another, the angle beino- greatest in animals of great speed, as the Horse. Some walk on hoofs, as the Ox (Ungulate); some on the toes, as the Cat (Digitigrade); others on the sole, touching the ground with the heel, as the Bear (Plantigrade). In the Fig. 127. —Feet of Carnivores: A, Plantigrade (Hear); B, Pinnigrade (Seal); C, Digitigrade (Lion). Pinnigrade Seal, half of the fore limb is buried under the skin, and the hind limbs are turned backward to form a fin with the tail. The normal number of toes is five; but some may be wanting, so that we have one-toed animals (as Horse), two-toed (as Ox), three-toed (as Rhinoceros), four-toed (as Hippopotamus), and five-toed (as the Ele- phant). The Horse steps on what corresponds to the nail of the middle finger; and its swiftness is mainly owing to the solidity of the extremities of the limbs. Horses of the greatest speed have the shoulder-joints directed at a considerable ans^le with the arm. 11 162 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. The order in which the legs of quadrupeds succeed each other determines the various modes of progression, called the walk, trot, gallop, and leap. Many, as the Horse, have all these movements; while some only leap, as the Frog and Kangaroo. In leaping animals, the hind limbs are extraordinarily developed. In many Mam- mals, like the Squirrel, Cat, and Dog, the fore legs are used for prehension as well as locomotion, and such have a collar-bone. Monkeys use all four, and also the tail, for Fio. 128.—Feet of Hoofed Mammals: A, Elephant; B, Hippopotamus; C, Khinoc- eros; D, Ox; E, Horse, a, astragalus; cl, calcaneum, or heel; s, naviculare; b, cuboides; ce, ci, cm, cuneiform bones; the numbers indicate the digits in use. locomotion and prehension, keeping a horizontal attitude; while the Apes, half erect, as if they were half-quadruped, half-biped, go shambling along, touching the ground with the knuckles of one hand and then of the other. In de- scending the scale, from the most anthropoid Ape to the true quadruped, we find the centre of gravity placed in- creasingly higher up—that is, farther forward. Birds and Men are the only true bipeds; the former standing on their toes, the latter on the soles of the feet. Terres- trial Birds walk and run; while Birds of Flight usually HOW ANIMALS MOVE. 163 hop. The Ostrich can for a time outrun the Arabian Horse; and the speed of the Cassowary exceeds that of the swiftest Greyhound. Pig. 129.—Muscles of the Human Leg: sartorius, or " tailor's muscle," the longest muscle in the body, flexes the leg upon the thigh ; rectus femo- ris and vastus externus and internus extend the leg, maintaining an erect posture; gastrocnemius, or "calf," used chiefly in walking, for raising the heel. Another layer underlies these superficial muscles. Fig. 130.—Muscles of an Insect's Leg (Melolontha vulgaris): a, flexor, and b, extensor, of tibia; c, flexor of foot; d, accessory muscle; e, extensor of claw; /, extensor of tarsus. The joints are restricted to movements in one plane ; and therefore the mus- cles are simply flexors and extensors. All the muscles are within the skele- ton. 164 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. CHAPTER XVIII. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. Nervous Matter exists in the form of cells, fibres, or tubes. In the cellular state it is grayish, and accumulated in masses, called ganglia, or centres, which alone origi- nate nervous force; the fibrous and tu- bular kinds are gen- erally white, and arranged in bun- dles, called nerves, which serve only as conductors. Most nerves consist of white fibres, and go in pairs, each member having a distinct ofiice: one carries impressions received from the external world to the gray centres, and hence is called an afferent, or sensory, nerve; the other conducts an influence generated in the centre to the muscles, in obedience to which they contract, and hence it is called an efferent, or motor, nerve. Thus, when the finger Fio is pricked with a pin, an afferent nerve tem of a star-fish :con- L x _ si sting of five ganglia, conveys the impression to the great cen- g, around the mouth, , . . . . . . .. . which send to each ray tre—the brain, which immediately trans- a pair of nerves. Fig. 131.—Nerve-cells from Human Brain: A, associ- ated with nerve-tubes and blood-vessels; B, multi- polar nucleated cells. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 165 ^ mits an order by an efferent nerve to the muscles of the hand to contract. If the former are cut, sensation is lost, but vol- untary motion remains; if the latter are cut, the animal loses all control over the muscles, al- though sensibility is perfect; if both are cut, the animal is said to be paralyzed. The nature of nerve-force, and exactly how the nerves terminate in the skin and muscles, are unsolved problems. As to the velocity of a nervous im- , Fig. 133—Nervous System of a pulse, We knOW it Mollusk, the Gasteropod Aplys- . ia: a, anterior ganglion; c, ce- is far leSS than phalic; I, lateral; g, abdominal. that of electricity or light, and that it is more rapid in warm-blooded than in cold- blooded animals, being nearly twice as fast in Man as in the Frog. Nervous matter in the form of cells doubtless exists in the very lowest ani- mals, although it is invisible under the most powerful microscopes.9* But a nerv- ous system of centres and nerves for keep- ing up a communication between different parts of the body is not required in such as have no distinct organs; we would look for it only in those possessing a well-de- fined muscular system. In the Star-fish Fig. 134.—Nervous we detect the first clear specimen of cells pfiiarm(Spftt2teK- and fibres connected together to receive gustri); the first an(j convey impressions. It consists of a is the cephalic, or j r head, ganglion. rmg around the mouth, made of five gan- glia of equal size, with radiating nerves. The Mollusks 166 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. are distinguished by an irregularly scattered nervous sys- tem. They have two or more ganglia around the gullet, and one or two more in the posterior region; all are united by threads, and send off nerves to the various or- gans. The articulated animals generally have a double nervous cord lying along the ventral side, and studded with ganglia of nearly uniform size, except the first, which is the largest of all, and represents the brain. In the sim- ple Earth-worm there is no trace of ganglia; in the Centi- pede and Caterpillar there is a ganglion for each segment; but in the higher forms, as the Bee, several ganglia are fused together in the head and thorax, indicating a con- centration of organs for sensation and locomotion. In Yertebrates, the nervous system is more highly de- veloped, more complex, and more concentrated than in the lower forms. In fact, there are some parts, as the brain, to which we find nothing analogous in the Inverte- brates; and while the actions of the latter are mainly, if not wholly, automatic, those of backboned animals are voluntary. Its position, moreover, is peculiar, the great mass of the nervous matter being accumulated on the dorsal side, and inclosed by the neural arches of the skele- ton. The brain and spinal cord lie in the cavity of the skull and spinal column, wrapped in three membranes. Both consist of gray and white nervous matter; but in the brain the gray is on the outside, and the white within; while the white of the spinal cord is external, and the gray internal. Both are double, a deep fissure running from the forehead backward, dividing the brain into two hemispheres, and the spinal cord resembling two columns welded together; even the nerves come forth in pairs to the right and left. So that a person may be said to consist of two individuals acting simultaneously. If the two halves of the brain do not act in concert, the man is said to be insane; if one THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 167 ..--& 3-. 4.. half of the spinal cord is diseased, one side of the body is paralyzed. The brain is the organ of sensation; the spi- nal cord is the organ of mere life and motion. The brain may be removed, and yet the animal, though it can not feel, will live for a time, showino; that it is not absolutely essential .to life; in fact, the brain does nothing in apoplexy and deep sleep. But if the spinal cord be destroyed, the animal dies, for it can neither move nor breathe, as all the afferent and efferent nerves terminate in the cord. The Brain is that part of the nervous system contained in the skull.95 It increases in size and complexity as we pass from the Fishes, by the Reptiles and Birds, to Mammals. Thus, the body of the Cod is 5000 times heavier than its brain—in fact, the brain weighs less than the spinal cord; while in Man, the brain, com- pared with the bod}7, is as 1 to 36, and is 40 times heavier than ^Xo^fX S^JfifJ the spinal cord. The brains of the Cat weigh only 1 oz.; of the Dog, 6 oz. 5£ dr.; and of the Horse, 22 oz. 15 dr. The only animals whose brains outweigh Man's are the Elephant and Whale; the maximum weight of the Elephant's being 10 lbs.; and of the Whale's, 5 lbs.; while the human does not exceed 4 lbs. Yet the human great longitudinal fissure; 6, an- terior lobe; c, middle lobe; d, medulla oblongata; e, cerebel- lum ; /, first spinal nerve; g, brachial plexus of nerves supply- ing the arms ; ft, dorsal nerves; i, lumbar nerves; k, sacral plexus of nerves for the limbs; I, cauda equina: the figures indicate the twelve pairs of cranial nerves, of which 1 is olfactory, 2 are optic, and 8 auditory. 168 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. brain is heavier in proportion to the body. But quality must be considered as well as quantity, else the Donkey will outrank the Horse, and the Canary-bird, Man; for their brains are relatively heavier. The main parts of the brain are the cerebrum, cerebel- lum, and medulla oblongata. The cerebrum is a mass of wrhite fibrous matter covered by a layer of gray cellular matter. In the lower Verte- brates, the exterior is smooth; but in most of the Mammals it is convoluted, or folded, to increase the amount of the gray surface. The convolutions mul- tiply and deepen as we ascend the scale of size and intelligence, being very complex in the Elephant and Whale, Monkey and Man. As a rule, they are pro- portioned to the intel- ligence of the animal; yet the brains of the Dog and Horse are smoother than those of the Sheep and Don- key. Evidently the quality of the gray matter must be taken into account. Save in the bony Fishes, the cerebrum is the largest portion of the brain ; in Man, it is over eight times heavier than the cerebellum. Fio. 136.—Brain of the Horse—upper view, one- half natural size: a, medulla oblongata; b, lat- eral and middle lobes of cerebellum; c, inter- lobular fissure; d, cerebral hemispheres; e, ol- factory lobules. THE NERVOUS SYSTExM. 169 The cerebellum, or " little brain," lies behind the cere- brum, and, like it, presents an external gray layer, with a white interior. In Mammals, it is likewise finely convo- luted, consisting of gray and white lamina?, and is divided into two lobes, or hemispheres. In the rest of the Verte- brates, the cerebellum is nearly or quite smooth; and in the lowest Fishes it is merely a thin plate of nervous mat- ter. In many Vertebrates, however, it is larger, compared with the cerebrum, than in Man, since in Man the cere- brum is extraordinarily developed. The medulla oblongata is the connecting link between the cerebrum and cerebellum and the spinal cord. In structure, it resembles the spinal cord—the white matter being external, and the gray internal. The former lies beneath or behind the brain, passing through the foramen magnum of the skull, and merging imperceptibly into the cord. The latter is a continuous tract of gray matter in- closed within strands of white fibres, and corresponds to the ventral cord in Insects. It usually ends in the lumbar region of the vertebral column; but in Fishes it reaches to the end of the tail. In Fishes and Reptiles, the cord outweighs the brain; in Birds and Mammals, the brain is heavier than the cord. In Man, it weighs about an ounce and a half. The parts of the brain are always in pairs; but in rela- tive development and position they differ widely in the several classes of Vertebrates. In Fishes and Reptiles, they are arranged in a horizontal line; in Birds and Mam- mals, they lie on top of each other, till, in Man, the axis of the brain is at right angles with the spinal cord. In look- ing down upon the brain of a Cod, we see in front a pair of olfactory lobes (which send forth the nerves of smell), behind them the small cerebral hemispheres, then the large optic lobes (in which originate the nerves of sight), and, last of all, the thin cerebellum. Not till we reach 170 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Man and the Apes do we find the cerebrum so highly developed as to overlap both the olfac- tory lobes in front and the cerebellum behind. Functions of the Brain. —The cerebrum is the source of intelligence and will. It has no direct communication with the outside world, receiving its consciousness of ex- ternal objects and events through the spinal cord and the nerves of special sense. The nerves of smell and sight alone come from the cerebrum.96 The cerebellum seems to preside over the muscular movements. When re- moved, the animal desires to execute the mandates of the Pig. 137.—Brain of the Perch, upper view: a, cerebel- lum ; 6, cerebrum; c, olfactory gan- glia ; i, olfactory nerves; g, supple- mentary lobes. Srh Fig. 138. — Brain of the Frog, upper view, X 4: /, olfactory nerves; Lol, olfactory lobes; He, cer- ebral hemispheres; Pn, pineal gland; Fho and Srh, third and fourth ventricles; Lop, optic lobes; C, cerebellum; Mo, medulla oblongata. Fig. 139—A, C, upper and side views of the Brain of a Lizard. B, D, upper and side views of the Brain of a Turkey: Olf, olfactory lobes; Hmp, cerebral hemispheres; Pn, pineal gland; Mb, optic lobes of the middle brain; Cb, cerebellum; MO, me- dulla oblongata; ii, optic nerves; iv and vi, nerves for the muscles of the eye; Py, pituitary body. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 171 will, but can not; its motions are irregular, and it acts as if intoxicated. It is largest in animals capable of the Fig. 140.—Brain of the Cat (Felts do- Fig. 141. —Brain of the Orang-utan, mesticd): a, medulla oblongata; b, upper surface; one-third natural cerebellum; c, cerebrum. size. most complicated movements: being larger in the Ape than in the Lion, in the Lion than in the Ox, in Birds than in Reptiles. Pig. 142. — Human Brain, side view: 1, Fig. 143.—Human Brain, upper view, medulla oblongata; 3, cerebellum; 5, one-third natural size: 1, anterior frontal convolutions of cerebrum. lobes; 2, posterior; 3, great median fissure. brain above and the cord below may be removed without death to the animal, but the destruction of the medulla 172 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. is fatal. Of the twelve pairs of nerves issuing from the contents of the skull (encephalon), ten come from the me- dulla oblongata. Among these are the nerves of hearing and taste, and those that control the lungs and heart. Respiration ceases im- mediately when the medulla is injured. The spinal cord can of itself generate nerve- force ; but it is mainly a conductor—propaga- ting through its central gray matter the impres- sions received by the nerves to the brain, and taking back through its fibrous part the im- pulses of the brain. In Man, thirty-one pairs of nerves arise from the cord to supply the whole body, except the head. Each nerve has Fig. 144.—Relation of the Sympathetic and Spinal ajj anterior and POSte- Nerves: c, fissure of spinal cord; a, anterior of " a dorsal spinal nerve; p, posterior root, with rior root'. its power of its ganglion; a', anterior branch; p', posterior . branch; «, sympathetic; e, its double junction Causing mUSClllar COn- by white and gray filaments. , ,. . -, j -, . J traction is lodged in the former (hence called motor), and the power of giv- ing rise to sensation resides in the latter (sensory). The fibres leading from the brain to the cord cross one anoth- er in the medulla oblongata, so that if the right cerebral hemisphere be diseased, the left side of the body loses the power of voluntary motion. The sympathetic nervous system is a double chain of knots, or ganglia, lying along the sides of the vertebral THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 173 column. From these ganglia nerves are given off, which, instead of going to the skin and muscles, like the spinal nerves, form net-works about those internal organs over which the will has no control, as the heart, stomach, and intestines. Their apparent office is to stimulate these or- gans to constant activity. By some anatomists, the gan- glia are considered as reservoirs of nervous force. 1. The Senses. Sensation is the consciousness of impressions on the sensory nerves. These impressions produce some change in the brain; but what that change is, is a darkness on which no hypothesis throws light. Obviously, we feel only the condition of our nervous system, not the objects which excite that condition. All animals possess a general sensibility diffused over the greater part of the body.97 But, besides this (save in the very lowest forms), they are endowed with special nerves for receiving the impressions of light, sound, etc. These nerves of sense, as they are called, although struct- urally alike, transmit different sensations : thus, the Ear can not recognize light, and the Eye can not distinguish sounds. In the higher animals, the organs of sight, hear- ing, and smell are situated in pairs on each side of the head; that of taste, in the mucous membrane covering the tongue; while the sense of touch is diffused over the skin. Sight and hearing are stimulated, each by one agent only; while touch, taste, and smell may be excited by various substances. The agents awakening sight, hear- ing, and touch are physical; those causing taste and smell are chemical. Animals differ widely in the numbers and keenness of their senses. But there is no sense in any one which does not exist in some other. Touch is the simplest and the only universal sense; no animal is without it. It is likewise the most positive and 174 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 145.—Various Antennse. certain of the senses. Wherever it exists, there is a tissue containing a net-work of capillaries and the terminations of sensory nerves. In the Sea-anemone, Snail, and Insect, it is most acute in the "feelers" (tentacles, horns, and antennae) ;98 in the Oys- ter, the edge of the mantle is most sensitive; in Fish- es, the lips; in Snakes, the tongue ; in Birds, the beak and under side of the toes; in Quadrupeds, the lips and tongue; and in Monkeys and Man, the lips and the tips of the tongue and fingers. In the most sensitive parts of Birds and Mammals, the true skin is raised up into multitudes of minute elevations, called papillai, contain- ing loops of capillaries and nerve-filaments. There is a correspondence between the delicacy of touch and the de- velopment of intelligence. The Cat and Dog are more sagacious than hoofed animals. The Elephant and Par- rot are remarkably intelligent, and are as celebrated for their tactual power. Taste is more refined than touch, since it gives a knowledge of properties which can not be felt. It is al- ways placed at the entrance to the digestive canal, as its chief purpose is to guide animals in their choice of food. No special organ of taste can be detected in the Invertebrates, although all seem to exercise a fac- ulty in selecting their food. Even in Fishes, Reptiles, and Birds this sense is very obtuse, for they bolt their food. But the higher animals have it well developed. It is confined to the tongue, and is most Fig. 146.—Papillae of Human Palm, x 35, the cuticle be- ing removed. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 175 delicate at the root.99 A state of solution and an actual contact of the fluid are necessary conditions. Smell is the perception of odors, i. e., certain substances in the gaseous state. Many Invertebrates have this sense: Snails, e. g., seem to be guided to their food by its scent, and Flies soon find a piece of meat. But it is impossible to say what or where the organ is. Most probably it is united with the instrument of touch. In Vertebrates, it is placed at the en- trance to the respiratory tube, in the upper region of the nose. There the ^tt^aJ"1^^" olfactory nerves, which issue from the cavitv- front lobe of- the cerebrum, and pass through the ethmoid bone, or roof of the nasal cavity, are distributed over a moist mucous membrane. The odorous substance, in a gaseous or finely divided state, is dissolved in the mucus covering this membrane. In Fishes and Reptiles gener- ally, this organ is feebly developed: Sharks, however, gather from a great distance around a carcass. In the Porpoises and Whales it is nearly or entirely wanting. Among Birds, Waders have the largest olfactory nerves; but Vultures seem to have the keenest scent. It is most acute in the carnivorous quadrupeds, and in some wild herbivores, as the Deer. In Man it is less delicate, but has a wider range than in any brute. Hearing is the perception of sound. The simplest form of the organ is a sac filled with fluid, in which float the soft and delicate ends of the auditory nerve. The vibrations of the fluid are usually strengthened by the presence of minute hard granules, called otoliths. The Invertebrates have no higher apparatus than this; and it is probable that they can distinguish one noise from an- other, but neither pitch nor intensit}\ In all animals the organ is double, but not always located in the head. In 176 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. the Clam, it is found at the base of the foot; some Grass- hoppers have it in the forelegs; and in many Insects it is Pig. 148.—Brain and Auditory Apparatus of the Cuttle-fish: a, b, brain ; c, auditory apparatus; d, the cavity in which it is lodged; e, f, g, eyes; 1, 2, 3, otoliths. on the wing. Lobsters, Crabs, and most Insects have the auditory sacs at the base of the antennas.100 A complex organ of hearing, located in the head, exists in all Vertebrates, save the very lowest Fishes. As com- plete in Man, it consists of the following parts: 1st. The external ear (which is pe- culiar to Mammals); the auditory canal, about an inch long, lined with hairs and a waxy secretion, and closed at the bottom by a membrane, called tympa- num, or " drum of the ear." 2d. The middle Fig. 149.—Section of Human Ear: a, external ear, Containing three little ear, with auditory canal; 6, tympanic cavi- , , , ,. . . ty containing the three bones; c, hammer, OOUeS (the Smallest m the and its three muscles, d, e,f; g, tympanic uor1„\ m„77^,.9 ™,,o nnH membrane, or head of the drum; ft, Eusta- Doajh maVLeUS, incUS, ana chian tube leading to the pharynx ;t,laby- s(apes articulated togeth- rinth, with semicircular canals and cochlea ■* ° visible. er. The cavity communi- cates with the external air by means of the Eustachian tube, which opens at the back part of the mouth. 3d. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 177 The internal ear, or labyrinth, an irregular cavity in the solid part of the temporal bone, and separated from the middle ear by a bony partition, which is perforated by two small holes. The labyrinth consists of the vestibule, or entrance; the semicircular canals, or tubes; and the cochlea, or spiral canal. While the other parts are full of air, the labyrinth is filled with a liquid, and in this float the ends of the auditory nerve. The vibrations of the air, collected by the external ear, are concentrated upon the tympanum, and thence transmitted through the chain of little bones to the fluid in the labyrinth. Now, the essential organ of hearing is the labyrinth, which is, substantially, a bag filled with fluid and nerve- filaments. Fishes generally have but little more. In Reptiles there are added a tympanum, chain of bones, cochlea, and Eustachian tube; the tympanum being ex- ternal. Birds have, extra to Reptiles, an auditory passage, opening on a level with the surface of the head, and sur- rounded by a circle of feathers. Mammals only have an external ear.101 Sight is the perception of light.102 In all animals it depends upon the peculiar sensitiveness of the optic nerve to the vibrations of ether. But while in Vertebrates this nerve comes from the middle mass of the brain, in Inver- tebrates it is derived from a ganglion. Many animals are utterly destitute of visual organs, as all the Protozoans, and the lower Radiates and Mollusks, besides intestinal Worms and the blind Fish of Mammoth Cave. Around the margin of the Jelly-fish, and at the end of the rays of certain Star-fishes and Sea-urchins, are colored spots, sup- posed to be rudimentary eyes; but as a lens is wanting, there is no image; so that the creature can merely dis- tinguish light from darkness and color without form. Such an eye is nothing but a collection of pigment gran- ules on the expansion of a nervous thread, and the percep- 12 178 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. tion of light is the sensation of warmth, the pigment ab- sorbing the rays and converting them into heat. Going higher, we find a lens introduced forming a dis- tinct image. The Snail, for example, has two sim- ple eyes, called ocelli, mounted on the tip of its long tentacles, consisting of a globular lens,103 with a transparent skin (cor- nea) in front, and a col- ored membrane (choroid) and a nervous net-work (retina) behind. Such organs are the only eyes possessed by Myriapods, Spiders, Scorpions, and Caterpillars. Adult In- sects usually have three ocelli on the top of the head. But the proper visual organs of Lobsters, Crabs, and Insects are two compound eyes, perched on pedestals, or fixed on the sides of the head. They consist of an immense number of ocelli pressed together so that they take an angular form—four-sided in Crustacea, six- sided in Insects. They form two rounded protuberances variously col- ored—white, yellow, red, green, pur- ple, brown, or black. Under the mi- croscope, the surface is seen to be di- vided into a host of facets,104 each be- ing an ocellus complete in itself. Each cornea is convex on one side, and either convex or flat on the other, so that Fig. 150.—Head of a Snail bisected, showing structure of tentacles: a, right inferior ten- tacle retracted within the body; 6, right su- perior tentacle fully protruded; c, left supe- rior tentacle partially inverted; d, left inferi- or tentacle ; /, optic nerve; g, retractor mus- cle ; ft, optic nerve in loose folds; i, retractor muscle of head ; k, nerve and muscle of left inferior tentacle ; I, m, nervous collar. ^P?!T Fig. 151.—Head of the Bee, showing compound eyes, the three ocelli, or stem- mata, and the antennae. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 179 Behind the cornea, or it produces a focus like a lens lens, is the pigment, having a minute ap- erture, or " pupil." Xext (in place of the "vitreous humor" of Vertebrates) is a con- ical tube — one for each facet—with sides and bottom lined with pigment. These tubes converge to the optic ganglion, the fibres of which pass through the tubes to the cor- nea.105 Vision b}7 SUcll FlG-152-~Eve of a Beetle (Melolontha): A, section; ,. a, optic ganglion; 6, secondary nerves ; c, retina; a Compound eye IS IlOt d, pigment layer; e, proper optic nerves; B, group • t # i , of ocelli; /, bulb of optic nerve; g, layer of pig- a mosaic; DUt eaCll mcnt; ft, vitreous humor; i, cornea. ocellus gives a complete image, although a different per- spective from its neighbor. The mul- tiplied images are re- duced to one mental stereoscopic picture, on the principle of single vision in our- selves. The eyes of the ., ..„ c .. .„ * .. . Cuttle-fish are the i?io. 153.—Section of Human Eye: a and b, upper and lower lid; c, conjunctiva, or mucous membrane, largest and the most lining the inner surface; d, external membrane; e, & sheath of optic nerve; /, g, muscles for rolling the perfect among Inver- eye up or down ; ft, sclerotic; i, transparent cor- , ^-i nea; j, choroid ; k, I, ciliary muscle for adjusting teDrateS. J.Hey re- the eye for distance; m, iris and pupil; n, canal; ---.V-i- <.>,„ „„oa „f o, retina; s, vitreous humor; t, crystalline; v, an- bt;«luJ« <<"« c)c& u± terior chamber; x, posterior chamber. higher animals in having a crystalline lens with a chamber in front (open, 180 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. however, to the sea-water), and a chamber behind it filled with " vitreous humor." The eye of Vertebrates is formed by the infolding of the skin to create a lens, and an outgrowth of the brain to make a sensitive layer. It consists of a white spherical case (sclerotic) made of tough tissue, with a transparent fron t, call- ed the cornea. This case is kept in shape by two fluids — the thin aqueous humor filling the cavity just behind the cornea, and the jelly - like vitreous humor oc- cupying the larger posterior chamber. Between the two hu- mors lies the double- convex crystalline lens. On the front face of the lens is a contractile circular curtain (iris), with a hole in the centre (pupil); and lining the sclerotic coat is the choroid mem- brane, covered with dark pigment. The optic nerve, entering at the back of the eye through the sclerotic and choroid coats, expands into the transparent Fig. 154.—Section of the Human Retina, X 400:1, in- ternal limiting membrane; 2, optic-nerve fibres; 3, ganglion cells; 4, internal molecular layer; 5, internal granules; 6, external molecular layer; 7, external granules; 8, external limiting membrane; 9, layer of rods and cones; 10, pigment layer. THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 181 retina, which consists of several layers—fibrous, cellular, and granular. The most sensitive part is the surface ly- ing next to the black pigment. And here is a peculiarity of the vertebrate eye: the nerve-fibres entering from be- hind, turn back and look toward the bottom of the eye, so that vision is directed backward; while invertebrate vision is directly forward. In Vertebrates only, the optic nerves cross each other (decussate) in passing from the brain to the eyes; so that the right side of the brain, e. g., receives the impressions of objects on the left side of the body.106 Generally, the eyes of Vertebrates are on opposite sides of the head; but in the Flat-fishes both are on the same side. Usually, both eyes see the same object at once; but in most Fishes the eyes are set so far back, the fields of vision are distinct. The cornea may be flat, and the lens globular, as in Fishes; or the cornea very convex, and the lens flattened, as in Owls. Purely aquatic animals have neither eyelids nor tears; but nearly all others (especially Birds) have three lids.107 The pupil is usually round; but it may be rhomb-shaped, as in Frogs; vertically oval, as in Crocodiles and Cats; or transversely oval, as in Geese, Doves, Horses, and Ruminants. Many quadrupeds, as the Cat, have a membrane (tapetum) lining the bottom of the eyeball with a brilliant metallic lustre, usually green or pearly: it is this which makes the eyes of such animals luminous in the dark. 2. Instinct and Intelligence. The simplest form of nervous excitement is mere sensa- tion. Above this we have sensation awakening conscious- ness, out of which come those voluntary activities grouped together under the name of Instinct; and, finally, Intelli- gence. The lowest forms of life are completely under law, for their movements seem to be due solely to their organiza- 182 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. tion. They are automatons, or creatures of necessity. Such, also, are some actions in the higher animals, as breathing, the beating of the heart, the contractions of the iris, and all the first movements of an infant.108 But, generally, the actions of animals are not the result of mere bodily organization. The inferior orders are under the control of Instinct, i. e., an apparently untaught ability to perform actions which are useful to the animal.109 They seem to be born with a measure of knowledge and skill (as Man is said to have innate ideas), acquired neither by reason nor experi- ment. For what could have led Bees to imagine that by feeding a worker-larva with royal jelly, instead of bee- bread, it would turn out a queen, instead of a neuter? In this case, neither the habit nor the experience could be inherited, for the worker-bees are sterile. We can only guess that the discovery has been communicated by the survivors of an older swarm. Uniformity is another char- acteristic feature of instinct. Different individuals of the same species execute precisely the same movements under like circumstances. The career of one Bee is the career of any other. We do not find one clever and another stupid. Honey-combs are built now as they were before the Christian era. The creatures of pure instinct appear to be tied down, by the constitution of their nervous sys- tem, to one line of action, from which they can not spon- taneously depart. The actions vary only as the structure changes.110 There is a wonderful fitness in what they do; but there is no intentional adaptation of means to ends. All animals, from the Star-fish to Man, are guided more or less by instinct; but the best examples are furnished by the insect-world, especially by the social Hymenopters (Ants, Bees, and Wasps). The Butterfly carefully pro- vides for its young, which it is destined never to see; many Insects feed on particular species of plants, which THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 183 they select with wonderful sagacity; and Monkeys avoid poisonous berries; Bees and Squirrels store up food for the future; Bees, Wasps, and Spiders construct with mar- velous precision ; and the subterranean chambers of Ants and the dikes of the Beaver show engineering skill; while Salmon go from the ocean up the rivers to spawn; and Birds of the temperate zones migrate with great regular- ity. But in the midst of this automatism there are the glim- merings of intelligence and free-will. We see some evi- dence of choice and of designed adaptation. Pure instinct should be infallible. Yet we notice mistakes that remind us of mental aberrations. Bees are not so economical as has been generally supposed. A mathematician can make five cells with less wax than the Bee uses for four; while the Humble-bee uses three times as much material as the Hive-bee. An exact hexagonal cell does not exist in nat- ure. Flies lay eggs on the carrion-plant because it hap- pens to have the odor of putrid meat. The domesticated Beaver will build a dam across its apartment. Birds fre- quently make mistakes in the construction and location of their nests. In fact, the process of cheating animals relies on the imperfection of instinct. Nor are the actions of the brute creation always perfectly uniform; and so far as animals conform to circumstances, they act from intel- ligence, not instinct. There is proof that some animals profit by experience. Birds do learn to make their nests; and the older ones build the best. Trappers know well that young animals are more easily caught than old ones. Birds brought up from the egg, in cages, do not make the characteristic nests of their species; nor do they have the same song peculiar to their species, if they have not heard it. Chimney-swallows certainly built their nests different- ly in America three hundred years ago. A Bee can make cells of another shape, for it sometimes does; its actions, 184 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. therefore, being elective and conditional, are iD a measure the result of calculation. The mistakes and variations of instinct are indications that animals have something more — a limited range of that principle of Intelligence so luminous in Man. No precise line can be drawn between instinctive and intel- ligent acts; all we can say is, there is more freedom of choice in the latter than the former; and that some ani- mals are most instinctive, others most intelligent. Thus, we speak of the instinct of the Ant, Bee, and Beaver, and the intelligence of the Elephant, Dog, and Mon- key. Instinct loses its peculiar character as intelligence becomes developed. Ascending from the Worm and Oyster to the Bee, we see the movements become more complex in character and more special in their objects; but instinct is supreme. Still ascending, we observe a gradual fading-away of the instincts, till they become subordinate to higher faculties — will and reason. We can predict with considerable certainty the actions of ani- mals guided by pure instinct; but in proportion as they possess the power of adapting means to ends, the more variable their actions. Thus, the architecture of Birds is not so uniform as that of Insects. We must credit brutes with a certain amount of obser- vation and imitation, curiosity and cunning, memory and reason. Animals have been seen to pause, deliberate, or experiment, and resolve. The Elephant and Horse, Dog and Monkey, particularly, participate in the rational nat- ure of Man, up to a certain point. Thinking begins wher- ever there is an intentional adaptation of means to ends; for that involves the comparison and combination of ideas. Animals have self-consciousness: a Cat never mistakes an- other Cat for itself. They interchange ideas: the whine of a Dog at the door on a cold night certainly implies that he wants to be let in. Even Bees and Ants, it is well THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 185 known, confer by passing their antennae. All the higher animals, too, have similar emotions, as joy, fear, love, and anger. While instinct culminates in Insects, the highest devel- opment of intelligence is presented in Man.111 In Man only does instinct cease to be the controlling power. He stands alone in having the whole of his organization con- formed to the demands of his brain; and his intelligent acts are characterized by the capacity for unlimited prog- ress. The brutes can be improved by domestication; but, left to themselves, they soon relapse into their origi- nal wildness. Civilized Man also goes back to savagery; yet Man (though not all Men) has the ambition to exalt his mental and moral nature. He has a soul, or conscious relation to the Infinite, which leads him to aspire after a lofty ideal. Only he can form abstract ideas. And, final- ly, he is a completely self-determining agent, with a prom- inent will and conscience—the highest attribute of the ani- mal creation. In all this, Man differs profoundly from the lower forms of life. 3. The Voices of Animals. Aquatic animals are mute.113 A world of Radiates, Mollusks, and Fishes, therefore, would be silent. Insects are about the only Invertebrates capable of producing sounds. Their organs are usually external, while those of higher animals are internal. Insects of rapid flight generally make the most noise. In some the noise is pro- duced by friction (stridulation); in others, by the passage of air through the spiracles (humming). The shrill notes of Crickets and Grasshoppers are produced by rubbing the wings against each other, or against the thighs; but the Cicada, or Harvest-fly, has a special apparatus — a tense membrane on the abdomen, acted upon by muscles. The buzzing of Flies and humming of Bees are caused, in 186 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. part, by the vibrations of the wings; but the true voice of these Insects comes from the spiracles of the thorax. Snakes and Lizards have no vocal cords, and can only hiss. Frogs croak,113 and Crocodiles roar, by the vibra- tion of the glottis. The huge Tortoise of the Galapagos Islands utters a hoarse, bellowing noise. The vocal apparatus in Birds is situated at the lower end of the trachea, where it divides into the two bron- chi.114 It consists mainly of a bony drum, with a cross- bone, having a vertical membrane attached to its upper edge. The membrane is put in motion by currents of air passing on either side of it. Five pairs of muscles (in the Songsters) adjust the length of the windpipe to the pitch of the glottis. The various notes are produced by differ- ences in the blast of air, as well as by changes in the ten- sion of the membrane. The range of notes is commonly within an octave. Birds of the same family have a simi- lar voice. All the Parrots have a harsh utterance; Geese and Ducks quack; Crows, Magpies, and Jays caw; while the Warblers differ in the quality, rather than the kind, of note.115 The Parrot and Mocking-bird use the tongue in imitating human sounds. Some species possess great com- pass of voice. The Bell-bird can be heard nearly three miles; and Livingstone said he could distinguish the voices of the Ostrich and the Lion only by knowing that the for- mer roars by day, and the latter by night. The vocal organ of Mammals, unlike that of Birds, is in the upper part of the larynx. It consists of four car- tilages, of which the largest (the thyroid) produces the prominence in the human throat known as "Adam's ap- ple," and two elastic bands, called "vocal cords," just be- low the glottis, or upper opening of the windpipe. The various tones are determined by the tension of these cords, which is effected by the raising or lowering of the thyroid prominence. The will can not influence the con- THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. 187 traction of the vocalizing muscles, except in the very act of vocalization. The vocal sounds produced by Mammals may be distinguished into the ordinary voice, the cry, and the song. The second is the sound made by brutes. The Whale, Porpoise, Armadil- lo, Ant-eater, Porcupine, and Giraffe are generally silent. The Bat's voice is prob- ably the shrillest sound audible to human ears. There is little modulation in brute utterance. The Opossum purrs, the Sloth and Kangaroo moan, the Hog grunts or squeals, the Tapir whistles, the Stag bel- lows, and the Elephant gives a hoarse trump- et sound from its trunk and a deep groan from its throat. All sheep have a guttural voice; all the Cows low, from the Bison to the Musk-ox; all the Horses and Donkeys neigh; all the Cats miau, from the domestic animal to the Lion; all the Bears growl; and all the Canine family—Fox, Wolf, and Dog—bark or howl. The Howling-monkeys and Goril- las have a large cavity, or sac, in the throat for resonance, enabling them to utter a powerful voice; and one of the Gibbon-apes has the remarkable power of emitting a com- plete octave of musical notes. The human voice, taking the male and female together, has a range of nearly four octaves. Man's power of speech, or the utterance of artic- ulate sounds, is due to his intellectual development rath- er than to any structural difference between him and the Apes. Song is produced by the glottis, speech by the mouth. Fig. 155.—Human Larynx, seen in profile: a, half of the hyoid bone; e, tra- chea ; /, oesoph- agus ; g, epiglot- tis. 188 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. CHAPTER XIX. REPRODUCTION. It is a fundamental truth that every living organism has had its origin in some pre-existing organism. The doctrine of " spontaneous generation," or the supposed origination of organized structures out of inorganic parti- cles, has not yet been sustained by facts. All animals, without exception, arise from eggs. But while reproduction by eggs is common to all, it is only one among several modes of multiplication. For the lowest forms of life not only generate by eggs, but also by self-division and budding?16 Self - division, the simplest mode possible, is a natural breaking-up of the body into distinct surviving parts. This process is sometimes ex- traordinarily rapid, the increase of one animal- cule (Paramecium) be- ing computed at 268 Fig. 156.-Reproduction of Infusoria (Vorticel- millions in a month. It Ice) by fission or self-division. is most common in the Infusoria; but is occasionally exhibited even by the aquat- ic and intestinal worms. Budding consists, in animals as in plants, in the growth REPRODUCTION. 189 of buds, generally from the exterior of the body, possess- ing all the essential parts of the parent stock. The buds may develop into individuals complete, but not distinct, forming, with others like itself, a compound animal, as the Coral; or the buds may become detached, giving rise to perfect independent individuals, as the Hydra (Fig. 186). The latter mode closely resembles self - division. Rarely, as in the Aphis, those little green insects causing " blight," the budding is internal, and so rapid that the tenth generation would number one quintillion. Budding in the higher animals produces monstrosities, as double- heads, double-thumbs, etc. Generation by Eggs is accomplished by the union of two dissimilar cells—a germ-cell, or ovum; and a sperm- cell ; the embryo being evolved from the former.1" An egg, which is the product of this union, is the lowest possible condi- tion of animal life. It is a globular mixture of albumen and oil. A freshly laid Hen's egg, boiled hard, well exhibits the general structure fc>' The outside shell consists of earthy Pi0- 157._Theoretical Egg) matter (lime) deposited in a net-work orceii: v, vitelline mem- . . . # brane; y, oleaginous pole; of animal matter. It is minutely «, albuminous poie; p, . n .1 r Purkiujean, or germinal, pOl-OUS, tO allOW the passage Of Vapor vesicle; w, Wagnerian, or and air to and fro. Lining the shell germiua1'dot- is a double membrane (membrana putaminis) resembling delicate tissue-paper. At the larger end, it separates to inclose a bubble of air for the use of the chick. Next comes the albumen, or " white," in spirally arranged lay- ers, within which floats the yolk. The yolk is prevented from moving toward either end of the egg by two twisted cords of albumen, called chalazw;ue yet is allowed to rise toward one side, the yolk being lighter than the albumen. The yolk is composed of oily granules (about -^^ of an 190 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. inch in diameter), inclosed in a sac, called the vitelline membrane, and disposed in concentric layers, like a set of vases placed one within the other. That part of the yolk which extends from the centre to a white spot (cicatricu- la) on the outside can not be hardened, even with the most prolonged boiling. The cicatricula, or embryo-spot —the part for which all the rest was made—is a thin disk of cellular structure, in which the new life first appears. It is always on that side which naturally turns uppermost, Fig. 158.—Longitudinal section of Hen's Egg before incubation: a, yolk, showing concentric layers; a', its semi-fluid centre, consisting of a white granular sub- stance—the whole yolk is inclosed in the vitelline membrane; b, inner dense part of the albumen ; b', outer, thinner part; c, the chalazse, or albumen, twisted by the revolutions of the yolk; d, double shell-membrane, split at the large end to form the chamber/; e, the shell; h, the white spot, or cicatricula, and under it the germinal vesicle of Purkinje, or nucleus, which is afterward ruptured, and becomes invisible. for the yolk can turn upon its axis; it is, therefore, al- ways nearest to the external air and to the Hen's body— two necessary conditions for its development. There is another reason for this polarity of the egg: the lighter and most delicate part of the yolk, the cicatricula, is col- lected where the upper cavity of the animal, inclosing the nervous system, is to be; while the heavy oily portion re- mains beneath, where the lower cavity, inclosing the or- gans of nutrition, is afterward developed. The essential parts of any egg are the germ-cell, or cic- REPRODUCTION. 191 atricula, yolk, and vitelline membrane. The shell and albumen are often wanting. When the albumen is pres- ent, it is commonly covered by a membrane only, as in Fig. 159.-Egg of a Shark. Frogs; in Sharks, the envelope is horny; and in Croco- diles it is calcareous, as in Birds. The eggs of all animals, in their essentials, are alike in kind, but not in degree. The egg of the Amoeba is a mere cell, with a light spot in one part of the contents. The egg of the Hydra differs in having this light spot sharply defined, and inclosed in a sac, or germinal vesi- cle. In the Rabbit's egg, there is another sac, called ger- minal dot, inside the germinal vesicle; while the eggs of most of the higher animals show a nucleolus within the germinal dot. An egg, therefore, closely resembles a cell, consisting of an outer and an inner sac and a dot, or a series of hollow concentric spheres. The size of an egg depends mainly upon the quantity of yolk it contains; and this is proportioned to the grade of development which the embryo attains when it leaves the egg.119 In the eggs of the Star-fishes, Worms, Insects, Mollusks (except the Cuttle-fishes), and Mammals, the yolk is very minute and formative, i.e., it is converted into the parts of the future embryo. In the eggs of Lobsters, Crabs, Spiders, Cephalopods, Fishes, Reptiles, and Birds, 192 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. the yolk is large and colored, and consists of two parts— the formative, or germ-yolk, immediately surrounding the germinal vesicle; and the nutritive, or food-yolk, consti- tuting the greater part of the mass, by which the young animal in the egg-life is nourished. In the latter case, the young come forth more mature than where the food-yolk is wanting. As to form, eggs are oval or elliptical, as in Birds and Crocodiles; spherical, as in Turtles and Wasps; cylindric- al, as in Bees and Flies; or shaped like a hand-barrow, with tendrils on the corners, as in the Shark. The eggs of some very low forms are sculptured or covered with hairs or prickles. The number of eggs varies greatly in different animals, as it is in proportion to the risks during development. Thus, the eggs of aquatic tribes, being unprotected by the parent, and being largely consumed by many animals, are multiplied to prevent extinction. The spawn of a single Cod contains millions of eggs; that of the Oyster, 300,000. A Queen-bee, during the five years of her ex- istence, lays about a million eggs. Eggs are laid one by one, as by Birds; or in clusters, as by Frogs, Fishes, and most Invertebrates. The spawn of the Sea-snails consists of vast numbers of eggs adhering together in masses, or in sacs, forming long strings. As a rule, the higher the rank, the more care animals take of their eggs and their young, and the higher the temperature needed for egg-development. In the majori- ty of cases, eggs are left to themselves. The fresh-water Mussel-shell (Unio) carries them between its gills, and the Lobster under its tail. The eggs of many Spiders are enveloped in a silken cocoon, which the mother guards with jealous care. Insects, as Flies and Moths, deposit their eggs where the larva, as soon as born, can procure its own food. Most Fishes allow their spawn, or roe, to DEVELOPMENT. 193 float in the water; but a few build a kind of flat nest in the sand or mud, hovering over the eggs until they are hatched; while the Acara of the Amazons carries them in its mouth. The Amphibians, generally, envelop their eggs in a gelatinous mass, which they leave to the ele- ments; but the female of the Surinam Toad carries hers on her back, where they are placed by the male. The great Amazon-Turtles lay their eggs in holes two feet deep in the sand; while the Alligators simply cover theirs with a few leaves and sticks. Nearly all Birds build nests, those of the Perchers being most elaborate, as their chicks are dependent for a time on the parent.180 The young of Marsupials, as the Kangaroo, which are born in an ex- tremely immature state, are nourished in a pouch outside of the body.131 But the embryo of all other Mammals is developed within the parent to a more perfect condition by means of a special organ, the placenta. It is a gen- eral law, that animals receiving in the embryo state the longest and most constant parental care ultimately attain the highest grade of development. CHAPTER XX. DEVELOPMENT. Development is the evolution of a germ into a com- plete organism. The study of the changes within the egg constitutes the science of Embryology; the transforma- tions after the egg-life are called metamorphoses, and in- clude growth and repair. The process of development is a passage from the gen- eral to the special, from the simple to the complex, from the homogeneous to the heterogeneous, by a series of dif- 13 194 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. ferentiations. It brings out first the profounder distinc- tions, and afterward those more external. That is, the most essential parts appear first; e. g., the nervous system and skeleton precede the digestive apparatus. And not only does development tend to make the several organs of an individual more distinct from one another, but also the individual itself more distinguished from other individuals and from the medium in which it lives. With advancing development, the animal, as a rule, acquires a more spe- cific, definite form, gains the ability of maintaining a tem- perature of its own, and increases in weight and locomo- tive power. Life is a tendency to individuality. Development of a Hen's Egg.—The first change is the segmentation of the formative part of the yolk (germ- yolk) by a process of self-division. It separates into two spheres, which subdivide into four more, and so on till the whole is broken up into a myriad of cells. These cells finally arrange themselves into a layer (called blasto- a b c Fig. 160.—First Stages in Segmentation of a Mammalian Egg: A, first division into halves, with spermatozoa around it; B and C, progressive subdivision, ultimate- ly transforming the vitellus, or yolk, into a "mulberry mass" of globules, or em- bryo-cells. derm), lining the vitelline membrane; and a round light- colored disk in this layer is the germinal spot, or cicatric- ula, already mentioned. This is the first trace of organ- ization. Soon the germinal disk thickens, and splits into three layers: out of the upper one are ultimately formed DEVELOPMENT. 195 the instruments of thought, sensation, and motion, or the brain, spinal column, muscles, and skin ; in the lower originates the digestive system ; while the middle gives rise to the blood and the organs of circulation. The next Fio. 101.—Vertical Sections of an Egg, showing progressive stages of development: a, primitive streak; b, the furrow, becoming a closed canal in the last. phase is the appearance of a faint straight furrow passing through the middle of the external layer, called the prim- itive stn'pe, which corresponds to the axis of the future body.1" The walls of the furrow gradually rise, and at last meet, forming a canal, larger at one end than the other, which is filled with a fluid—the beginning of the brain and spinal marrow. Beneath the furrow, a delicate cartilaginous thread appears (called notochord)—the rep- resentative of the backbone. At the same time, the mar- gin of the germ extends farther and farther over the yolk, till it completely incloses it. So that now we see two cavities — a small one, containing the nervous system; and a larger one below, for the digestive organs. Pres- ently, numerous rows of dark-yellow corpus- cles are seen on the middle layer, which are subsequently in- closed, forming a net- work of capillaries, called the vascular area. A dark spot indicates the situ- ation of the heart, which is the first distinctly bounded cavity of the circulatory system. It is a short tube lying lengthwise just behind the head, with a feeble pulsation, Pig. 162.—Rudimentary Hearts, human: 1, venous trunks; 2, auricle; 3, ventricle; 4, bulbus ar- teriosus. 196 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. causing the blood to flow backward and forward. The tube is gradually bent together, until it forms a double cavity, resembling the heart of a Fish. On the fourth day of incubation, partitions begin to grow, .dividing the cavities into the right and left auricles and ventricles. A. A Figs. 163-167.—Embryo in a Hen's Egg during the first five days: A, mucous layer; B, vascular layer; C, blastoderm, or serous membrane, in the last figure forming the amniotic sac; D, vitelline membrane; e, thickened blastoderm, the first rudi- ment of the dorsal part (in the last figure it marks the place of the luugs); h, heart: a, b, its two chambers • » branchial arteries; m, aorta; i, liver; p, al- lautois. DEVELOPMENT. 197 The septum between the auricles is the last to be finish- ed; being closed the moment respiration begins. The Fig. 168.—Hen's Egg, more highly developed. The embryo is enveloped by the am- nion, and has the umbilical vesicle, or remnaut of the yolk, hanging from its un- der surface; while the allantois turns upward, and spreads out over the internal surface of the shell-membrane. (From Dalton's "Physiology.") blood-vessels ramify in all directions through the yolk, making it a spongy mass, and all perform the same office; it is not till the fourth or fifth day that arteries can be distinguished from veins, by being thicker and by car- rying blood only from the heart.123 The embryo lies with its face, or ventral surface, to- ward the yolk, the head and tail curving toward each other. A delicate transpar- ent membrane (a part of the upper layer of the blasto- derm) rises like a hood over the back of the embryo till it forms a closed sac, called the amnion. It is filled with a thin liquid, which serves Fig. 169. — Mammalian Embryo, with al- lantois fully formed: 1, umbilical vesi- cle, containing the last of the yolk; 2, amnion; 3, allantois, on which the fringes of the placenta are developing. (From Dalton's "Physiology.") 198 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. to protect the embryo. Meanwhile, another important or- gan is forming on the other side. A portion of the lower, or internal, blastodermic layer elongates downward, and then upward, spreading out over the whole inner surface of the shell, so that it surrounds both embryo and amnion. This is the allantois. It is full of blood-vessels, and it serves as the respiratory organ until the chick picks the shell and breathes by its lungs.124 The chorion is the outer- most part of the allantois—in other words, the envelope of the ovum; and the placenta of Mammals is the shaggy, vascular edge of the chorion. The alimentary canal is at first a straight tube closed at both ends, the middle being connected with the yolk-bag. As it grows faster than the body, it is thrown into a spi- ral coil; and at several points it dilates, to form the crop, stomach, gizzard, etc. The mouth is developed from an infolding of the skin. The liver is an outgrowth from the digestive tube, at first a cluster of cells, then of folli- cles, and finally a true gland. The lungs are developed on the third day as minute buds from the upper part of the alimentary canal, or pharynx. As they grow in size, they pass from a smooth to a cellular condition. The skeleton at the beginning consists, like the noto- chord, of a gelatinous material, which gradually becomes condensed and cellular, turning to cartilage. Then mi- nute canals containing blood-vessels arise, and earthy mat- ter (chiefly phosphate of lime) is deposited between the cells. The primary bone thus formed is compact: true osseous tissue, with canaliculi, laminae, and Haversian ca- nals, is the result of subsequent absorption.126 Certain bones, as those of the face and cranium, are not preceded by cartilage, but by connective tissue : these are called membrane bones. Ossification, or bone-making, begins at numerous distinct points, called centres; and, theoretical- ly, every centre stands for a bone, so that there are as DEVELOPMENT. 199 many bones in a skeleton as centres of ossification. But the actual number in the adult animal is much smaller, as many of the centres coalesce.126 The development of the backbone (as, in fact, the growth of the whole chick) is not from the head or from the tail, but from a central point midway between: there the first vertebrae appear, and from thence they multiply forward and backward. The limbs appear as buds on the sides of the body; these lengthen and expand so as to resemble paddles— the wings and legs looking precisely alike; and, finally, they are divided each into three segments, the last one subdividing into digits. The feathers are developed from the outside cells of the epidermis: first, a horny cone is formed, which elongates and spreads out into a vane, and this splits up into barbs and barbules. The muscles are formed either by the growth in length of a single cell, or by the coalescence of a row of cells: the cell-wall thus produces a long tube—the sarcolemma of a fibre, and the granular contents arrange themselves into linear series, to make fibrillse.1" Nervous tissue is derived from the multiplication and union of embryo-cells. The white fibres at first resemble the gray. The brain and spinal marrow are developed from the primitive stripe—that pale-white line on the cic- atricula, which almost from the beginning is conical, fore- shadowing head and tail. Soon the brain, by two con- strictions, divides into fore - brain, mid - brain, and hind- brain. The fore-brain throws out two lateral hemispheres (cerebrum), and from these protrude forward the two ol- factorj7 lobes. From the middle - brain grow the optic lobes; and the hind-brain, afterward separated into cere- bellum and medulla oblongata, is the origin of the ear- sacs. Modes of Development.—The structure and embry- ology of a Hen's egg exhibit many facts which are com- 200 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. mon to all animals. But every grand division of the Ani- mal Kingdom has its characteristic method of developing. Protozoans differ from all higher forms in not undergo- ing segmentation. The egg of the Sea-anemone, after segmentation, be- comes a solid pear-shaped body, covered with cilia. Soon one end is indented; then the indentation deepens until it becomes a cavity, and the edge rolls inward till it extends half-way to the bottom. Little ridges are then seen in the interior, which finally become so many partition-walls; while minute protufberances around the opening, or mouth, are the beginnings of the tentacles. There is no distinc- tion into nervous and di- gestive regions. The egg of the Oyster divides in two, as if to form two in- dividuals, but soon two tri- angular disks appear, the rudiments of shells, and the two pulsating sacs are fused together into one heart. Then the embryo revolves in the egg, and becoming fringed with cilia, it quits the egg, and closes the valves, which were wide open. The embryo of an In- sect shows from the first a right and left side ; but the first indication that it is an Articulate is the development of a series of indentations dividing the body into succes- sive rings, or joints. Next, we observe that the back lies near the centre of the egg, the ventral side looking out- ward ; *. e., the embryo is doubled upon itself backward. And, finally, the appearance of three pairs of legs proves that it will be an Insect, rather than a Worm, Crustacean, or Spider. The Vertebrate embryo lies with its stomach toward Fig. 170. — Development of Sea-anemone, slightly magnified: 1, first stage after seg- mentation ; 2, shows the beginning of the digestive cavity; 6, its completion; a, ten- tacles ; b, partitions. DEVELOPMENT. 201 the yolk, reversing the position of the Articulate; but the grand characteristic is the primitive stripe, which is nearly confined to the eggs of Vertebrates. This is connected with another, the setting apart of two distinct regions— the nervous and nutritive. There are three modifications of Vertebrate development: that of Fishes and Amphib- ians, that of True Reptiles and Birds, and that of Mam- mals. The amnion and allantois are wanting in the aquat- ic Vertebrates; while the placenta (which is the allantois vitally connected with the parent) is peculiar to Mammals. In Mammals, the whole yolk is segmented; in Birds, seg- mentation is confined to the small white speck seen in opening the shell. At the outset, all animals, from the Sponge to Man, are indistinguishable from one another. They are mainly drops of fluid, a little more transparent on one side than the other; and, in all cases, this almost homogeneous glob- ule must develop three well-defined parts — a germinal dot, germinal vesicle, and yolk. But while Vertebrates and Invertebrates can travel together on the same road up to this point, here they diverge—never to meet again. For every grand group early shows that it has a peculiar type of construction. Every egg is from the first impress- ed with the power of developing in one direction only, and never does it lose its fundamental characters. The germ of the Bee is divided into segments, showing that it belongs to the Articulates; the germ of the Lion has the primitive stripe—the mark of the coming Vertebrate. The blastodermic layer of the Vertebrate egg rolls up into two tubes — one to hold the viscera, the other to contain the nervous cord; while that of the Invertebrate egg forms only one such tubular division. The features which de- termine the subkingdom to which an animal belongs are first developed, then the characters revealing its class. There are differences also in grade of development as 202 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. well as type. For a time there is no essential difference between a Fish and a Mammal: they have the same nerv- ous, circulatory, and digestive systems. The first depart- ure is the alteration of the heart of the Mammal, giving it four cavities; while the heart of the Fish remains in its rudimentary condition. We may call this arrested devel- opment. There are many such cases, in which the eni' bryo of an animal represents the permanent adult condi- tion of some lower form. In other words, the higher species, in the course of their development, offer like- nesses, or analogies, to finished lower species. The hu- man germ, at first, can not be distinguished from that of any other animal: for aught we can see, it may turn out a Frog or a Philosopher. The appearance of a primitive stripe excludes it at once from all Invertebrates. For a time, it assumes a structure seen only in the Fish, and then another, found only in Mammals. Later still, it is not unlike the embryos of the Ox, Dog, and Monkey suc- cessively ; then it looks like any other infant, and finally it acquires the peculiarities of the race to which it be- longs.128 All the members of a group, therefore, do not reach the same degree of perfection, some remaining in what corresponds to the immature stages of the higher animals. Such may be called permanently embryonic forms. Sometimes an embryo develops an organ in a rudiment- ary condition, which is lost or useless in the adult. Thus, the Greenland Whale, when grown up, has not a tooth in its head, while in the embryo life it has teeth in both jaws; unborn Calves have canines and upper incisors; and the female Dugong has tusks which never cut the gum. The " splint-bones" in the Horse's foot are unfinished metatar- sals. Animals differ widely in the degree of development reached at ovulation and at birth. The eggs of Frogs DEVELOPMENT. 203 are laid before they can hardly be said to have become fully formed as eggs. The eggs of Birds are laid when there is scarcely a trace within them of the germinal spot; while the eggs of Mammals are retained by the parent till after the egg - stage is passed.129 Ruminants and ter- restrial Birds are born with the power of sight and loco- motion. Most Carnivores, Rodents, and perching Birds come into the world blind and helpless; while the human infant is dependent for a much longer time. 1. Metamorphosis. Few animals come forth from the egg in perfect condi- tion. The vast majority pass through a great variety of forms before reaching maturity. These metamorphoses (which are merely periods of growth) are not peculiar to Insects, though more apparent in them. Man himself is developed on the same general principles as the Butterfly, but the transformations are concealed from view. The Coral, when hatched, has six pairs of partitions; after- ward, the spaces are divided by six more pairs; then twelve intermediate pairs are introduced ; next, twenty- four, and so on. The embryonic Star-fish has a long body, with six arms on a side, from one end of which the young Star-fish is apparently budded off. Soon the twelve-armed body dies, and the young animal is of age. Worms are continually growing by the addition of new segments. Nearly all Insects undergo complete metamor- phosis, i. e., exhibit four distinct stages of existence—egg, larva, pupa, and imago. The worm-like larva130 may be called a locomotive-egg. It has little resemblance to the parent in structure or habits, eating and growing rapidly. Then it enters the pupa state, wrapping itself in a cocoon, or case, and remaining apparently dead till new organs are developed; when it escapes a perfect winged Insect, or imago.131 Wings never exist in the larva; and Insects 204 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. which undergo no apparent metamorphosis, as Lice, are wingless. The Grasshopper develops from the young lar- Fig. 171.—Butterfly in the Imago, Pupa, and Larva States. va to the winged adult without changing its mode of life : the worm-like stage is passed within the egg. In the de- Fig. 172.—Metamorphosis of the Mosquito (Culex pipiens): A, boat of eggs; B, some of the eggs highly magnified, d, with lid open for the escape of the larva, C ; D, pupa; E, larva magnified, showing respiratory tube, e, anal fins, /, antennae, g; F, imago; a, antenna;; 6, beak. DEVELOPMENT. 205 velopment of the common Crab, so different is the out- ward form of the newly hatched embryo from that of the adult, that the former has been described as a distinct species. The most remarkable example of metamorphosis amono- Vertebrates is furnished by the Amphibians. A Tadpole —the larva of the Frog—has a tail, but no legs; gills, in- stead of lungs; a heart precisely like that of the Fish; a horny beak for eating vegetable food, and a spiral intes- Fig. 173.—Metamorphosis of the Newt. tine to digest it. As it matures, the hinder legs show themselves, then the front pair; the beak falls off; the tail and gills waste away; lungs are created; the digest- ive apparatus is changed to suit an animal diet; the heart is altered to the Reptilian type by the addition of another auricle; in fact, skin, muscles, nerves, bones, and blood- vessels vanish, being absorbed atom by atom, and a new set is substituted. Moulting, or the periodical renewal of epidermal parts, as the shell of the Lobster, the skin of the Toad, the scales of Snakes, the feathers of Birds, and 206 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. the hair of Mammals, may be termed a metamorphosis. The change from milk-teeth to a permanent set is another example. An animal rises in organization as development ad- vances. Thus, a Caterpillar's life has nothing nobler about it than the ability to eat, while the Butterfly ex- pends the power garnered up by the larva in a gay and busy life. But there are seeming reversals of this law. Some mature animals appear lower in the scale than their young. The larval Cirripede has a pair of magnificent compound eyes and complex antennae; when adult, the antennae are gone, and the eyes are reduced to a single, simple minute eye-spot. So the germs of the sedentary Sponge and Oyster are free and active. The adult ani- mal, however, is always superior in alone possessing the power of reproduction. 2. Alternate Generation. Sometimes a metamorphosis extending over several gen- erations is required to evolve the perfect animal; " in oth- er words, the parent finds no resemblance to himself in any of his progeny, until he comes down to the great- grandson." Thus, the Jelly-fish, or Medusa, lays eggs which are hatched into larvae resembling Infusoria—little transparent oval bodies covered with cilia, by which they swim about for a time till they find a resting-place. One of them, for example, becoming fixed, develops rapidly; it elongates and spreads at the upper end; a month is formed opening into a digestive cavity; and tentacles multiply till the mouth is surrounded by them. At this stage it resembles a Hydra. Then slight wrinkles appear along the body, which grow deeper and deeper, till the animal looks like "a pine-cone surmounted by a tuft of tentacles;" and then like a pile of saucers (about a dozen in number) with scalloped edges. Next, the pile breaks DEVELOPMENT. 207 up into separate segments, which are, in fact, so many dis- tinct animals; and each turning over as it is set free so as to bring the mouth below, develops into an adult Me- dusa, becoming more and more convex, and furnished with tentacles, circular canals, and other organs exactly like those of the progenitor that laid the original egg. Here we see a Medusa producing eggs which develop into Infusoria-like larvae, and these grow into stationary Fig. 174.—Alternate Generation: a, b, c, ova of an Acaleph (Chrysaora); d, e, f. Hy- dras ; g, h, Hydras with constrictions; i, Hydra undergoing fission; k, one of the separated segments, a free Medusa. forms resembling Hydras. The Hydras then produce not only Medusae by budding in the manner described, but also other Hydras like themselves by budding and by eggs. All these intermediate forms are transient states of the Jelly-fish; but the metamorphoses can not be said to occur in the same individual. While a Caterpillar be- comes a Butterfly, this Hydra-like individual produces a ■number of Medusae. Alternate generation is almost con- fined to the low Radiates (Fig. 190). 3. Growth and Repair. Growth is increase of bulk, as Development is increase of structure. It occurs whenever the process of repair exceeds that of waste, or when new material is added faster than the tissues are destroyed. There is a specific 208 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. limit of growth for all animals, although many of the low cold-blooded forms, as the Trout and Anaconda, seem to grow as long as they live. After the body has attained its maturity, i. e., has fully developed, the tissues cease to grow; and nutrition is concerned solely in supplying the constant waste, in order to preserve the size and shape of the organs. A child eats to grow and repair; the adult eats only to repair.132 Birds develop rapidly, and so spend most of their life full - fledged; while Insects generally, Fishes, Reptiles, and Mammals mature at a comparatively greater age. The perfect Insect rarely changes its size, and takes but little food; eating and growing are almost confined to larval life. The crust of the Sea-urchin, which is nevsr shed, grows by the addition of matter to the margins of the plates. The shell of the Oyster is en- larged by the deposition of new laminae, each extending beyond the other. At every enlargement, the interior is lined with a new nacreous layer; so that the number of such layers in the oldest part of the shell indicates the number of enlargements. When the shell has reached its full size, new layers are added to the inner surface only, which increases the thickness. It is the margin of the mantle which provides for the increase in length and breadth; while the thickness is derived from the whole surface. The edges of the concentric laminae are the "lines of growth." The Oyster is full-grown in about five years. The bones of Fishes and Reptiles are contin- ually growing; the long bones of higher animals increase in length so long as the ends (epiphyses) are separate from the shaft. The limbs of Man, after birth, grow more rap- idly than the trunk. The power of regenerating lost parts is greatest where the organization is lowest, and while the animal is in the young or larval state. It is really a process of budding. The head of the Hydra, if separated, will reproduce a DEVELOPMENT. 209 body and tail; if the tail is cut off, it will add a body and head. Certain Worms may be cut into several pieces, and each part will regain what is needed to complete the mangled organism. The Star-fish can reproduce its arms: the Holothuria, its stomach; the Snail, its tentacles; the Lobster, its claws; the Spider, its legs; the Fish, its fins; and the Lizard, its tail. Nature makes no mistake by put- ting on a leg where a tail belongs, or joining an immature limb to an adult animal.133 In Birds and Mammals, the power is limited to the reproduction of certain tissues, as shown in the healing of wounds. Very rarely an entire human bone, removed by disease or surgery, has been re- stored. The nails and hair continue to grow in extreme old age. 4. likeness and Variation. It is a great law of reproduction that all animals tend to resemble their parents. A member of one class never produces a member of another class. The likeness is very accurate as to general structure and form. But it does not descend to every individual feature and trait. In other words, the tendency to repetition is qualified by a tendency to variation. Like produces like, but not exact- ly. The similarity never amounts to identity. So that we have two opposing forces—the hereditary tendency to copy the original stock, and a distinct tendency to devi- ate from it. This is one of the most universal facts in nature. Ev- ery development ends in diversity. Every body knows that no two individuals of a family, human or brute, are absolutely alike. There are always individual differences by which they can be distinguished. Evidently a parent does not project precisely the same line of influences upon each of its offspring. This variability makes possible an indefinite modifica- 14 210 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. tion of the forms of life. For the variation extends to the whole being, even to every organ and mental char- acteristic as well as to form and color. It is very slight from generation to generation; but it can be accumulated by choosing from a large number of individuals those which possess any given variation in a marked degree, and breeding from these. Nature does this by the very gradual process of "natural selection;" Man hastens it, so to speak, by selecting extreme varieties. Hence we have in our day remarkable specimens of Poultry, Cattle, and Dogs, differing widely from the wild races. Sometimes we notice that children resemble, not their parents, but their grandparents or remoter ancestors. This tendency to revert to an ancestral type is called atavism. Occasionally stripes appear on the legs and shoulders of the Horse, in imitation of the aboriginal HorSe, which was striped like the Zebra. Sheep have a tendency to revert to dark colors. The laws governing inheritance are unknown. No one can say why one peculiarity is transmitted from father to son, and not another; or why it appears in one member of the family, and not in all. Among the many causes which tend to modify animals after birth, are the quality and quantity of food, amount of temperature and light, pressure of the atmosphere, nature of the soil or water, habits of fellow-animals, etc. Occasionally animals occur, widely different in struct- ure, having a very close external resemblance. Barna- cles were long mistaken for Shells, Polyzoans for Polyps, and Lamprey-eels for Worms. Such forms are homo- morphic. Members of one group often put on the out- ward appearance of allied species in the same locality: this is called mimicry. " They appear like actors or masqueraders dressed up and painted for amusement, or like swindlers endeavoring to pass themselves off for well- DEVELOPMENT. 211 known and respectable members of society." Thus, cer- tain Butterflies on the Amazons have such a strong odor that the Birds let them alone; and Butterflies of another family in the same region have been found disguising themselves for protection by assuming the same form and color of wing. So we have bee-like Moths, beetle-like Crickets, wasp-like Flies, and ant-like Spiders; harmless and venomous Snakes copying each other, and Orioles de- parting from their usual gay coloring to imitate the plum- age, flight, and voice of quite another style of Birds. The species which are imitated are much more abundant than those which mimic them. There is also a general har- mony between the colors of an animal and those of its habitation. We have the white Polar Bear, the sand-col- ored Camel, and the dusky Twilight -moths. There are Birds and Reptiles so tinted and mottled as exactly to match the rock, or ground, or bark of a tree they fre- quent ; and there are Insects rightly named " Walking- sticks" and "Walking-leaves." These coincidences are not always accidental, but often intentional on the part of nature, for the benefit of the imitating species. Gen- erally, they wear the livery of those they live on, or ape the forms more favored than themselves. 5. Homology, Analogy, and Correlation. The tendency to repetition in the development of ani- mals leads to some remarkable affinities. Parts or organs, having the like origin and development, and therefore the same essential structure, whatever their form or function, are said to be homologous; while parts or organs ana- tomically different, but corresponding in use, are called analogous. The following are examples of homology: the arms and legs of Man ;134 the upper and lower set of teeth; the parts of the vertebral column, however modified; the 212 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. scapular and pelvic arches; the humerus and femur; car- pus and tarsus; the right and left sides of most animals; the dorsal and anal fins of Fishes; the arms of Man, the fore - legs of a Horse, the paddles of a Whale, the wings of a Bird, the front flippers of a Turtle, and the pectoral fins of a Fish ; the proboscis of a Moth, and the jaws of a Beetle; the shell of a Snail, and both valves of a Clam; the follicles of Invertebrates, and the compact liver of Vertebrates.136 The wings of the Bird, Flying Squirrel, and Bat are hardly homologous, since the wing of the first is developed from the fore-limb only; that of the Squir- rel is an extension of the skin between the fore and hind limbs; while in the Bat the skin stretches between the fingers, and then down the side to the tail. The legs of a Lobster and Lizard; the wings of a Butterfly and Bird; the gills of a Fish, and the lungs of other Vertebrates, are analogous. The air-bladder of a Fish is homologous with a lung, and analogous to the air-chambers of the Nautilus. The wings of Birds and Bats are both homologous and analogous; as likewise the contractile protoplasm of the Amoeba, and the muscular tissue of the Vertebrate. In the midst of the great variety of form and structure in the animal world, a certain harmony reigns. Not only are different species so related as to suggest a descent from the same ancestor, but the parts of any one organ- ism are so closely connected and mutually dependent, that the character of one must receive its stamp from the char- acters of all the rest. Thus, from a single tooth it ma}'' be inferred that the animal had a skeleton and spinal cord, and that it was a carnivorous hot-blooded Mammal. Cer- tain structures always co-exist. Animals with two occipi- tal condyles, and non - nucleated blood - corpuscles, suckle their young, i. e., they are Mammals. All Ruminant hoofed beasts have horns and cloven-feet. If the hoofs are even, the horns are even, as in the Ox; if odd, as in DEVELOPxMENT. 213 the Rhinoceros, the horns are odd, i. e., single, or two placed one behind the other. Creatures with feathers al- ways have beaks. Pigeons with short beaks have small Fig. 177. Fig. 178. HOMOLOGIES OF LIMBS. Fig. 175.—Arm and Leg of Man, as they are when he gets down on all fours. Fig. 176.—Fore and Hind Legs of Tapir. Fio. 177—Fore Leg of Seal and Hind Leg of Alligator. Fig. 178__Wing of the Bat. S, scapula; I, ilium, or shin-bone of pelvis; H, humerus; F, femur ; O, olecranon, or tip of the elbow ; P, patella; U, ulna; T, tibia; R, radius ; Fi, fibula; Po, pollex, or thumb; Ha, hallex, or great toe. Compare the fore and hind limbs of the same animal, and the fore or hind limbs of different animals. Note the directions of the homologous seg- ments. 214 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY feet; and those with long beaks, large feet. The long limbs of the Hound are associated with a long head. A white spot in the forehead of a Horse generally goes with white feet. Hairless Dogs are deficient in teeth. Long wings usually accompany long tail-feathers. White Cats with blue eyes are deaf. A Sheep with numerous horns is likely to have long, coarse wool. Homologous parts tend to vary in the same manner; if one is diseased, an- other is more likely to sympathize with it than one not homologous. This association of parts is called correla- tion of growth. 6. Relations of Number, Size, Form, and Rank. The Animal Kingdom has been likened to a pyramid, the species diminishing in number as they ascend in the scale of complexity. This is not strictly true. The num- ber of living species known is about 400,000, of which nearly nineteen-twentieths are Invertebrates. The Ani- malcules (not reckoned in this count) are innumerable. But next, the Articulates are the most numerous, then Vertebrates, Mollusks, and Radiates. Of Vertebrates, Fishes are most abundant; then follow Birds, Mammals, and Reptiles. The largest species usually belong to the highest classes. The aquatic members of a group are generally larger than the terrestrial, and the marine than the fresh-water. The extremes of size are an Infusorium, 401oo of an inch in di- ameter, the smallest animal ever measured, and the Whale, one hundred feet long, the largest animal ever created. The female is frequently larger than the male, as of the Nautilus, Spider, and Eagle. The higher the class, the more uniform the size. Of all animals, Insects and Birds are the most constant in their dimensions. Every organism has its own special law of growth: a Fish and an Oyster, though born in the same locality, de- DEVELOPMENT. 215 velop into very different forms. Yet a symmetry of plan underlies the structure of all animals. In the embrvo this symmetry of the two ends, as well as the two sides, is nearly perfect; but it is subsequently interfered with to adapt the animal to its special conditions of life. It is a law that an animal grows equally in those directions in which the incident forces are equal. The Crinoid, rooted to the rocks, is subjected to like conditions on all sides, and, therefore, it has no right and left, or fore and hind parts. The lower forms, generally, are more or less geo- metrical figures: spheroidal, as the Sea-urchin; radiate, as the Star-fish; and spiral, as many Foraminifers. The higher animals are subjected to a greater variety of con- ditions. Thus, a Fish, always going through the water head foremost, must show considerable difference between the head and the hinder end; or a Turtle, moving over the ground with the same surface always down, must have distinct dorsal and ventral sides. Nevertheless, there is a striking likeness between the two halves or any two organs situated on opposite sides of an axis. And, first, a bilateral symmetry is most con- stant. It is best exhibited by the Articulates and Verte- brates ; but nearly all animals can be clearly divided into right and left sides — in other words, they appear to be double. A vertical plane would divide into two equal parts our brain, spinal cord, vertebral column, organs of sight, hearing, and smell; our teeth, jaws, limbs, lungs, etc. In fact, the two halves of every egg are identical. There are many exceptions: the heart and liver of the higher Vertebrates are eccentric; the nervous system of Mollusks is scattered; the hemispheres of the human brain are sometimes unequal; the corresponding bones in the right and left arms are not precisely the same length and weight; the Narwhal has an immense tusk on the left side, with none to speak of on the other: Rabbits have 216 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. been born with one ear, and Stags with one horn ; the Rattlesnake has but one lung; both eyes of the Flounder and Halibut are on the same side; the claws of the Lob- ster differ; and the valves of the Oyster are unequal. But all these animals and their organs are perfectly sym- metrical in the embryo state. Again, animals exhibit a certain correspondence be- tween the fore and hind parts.136 Thus, the two ends of the Centipede repeat each other. Indeed, in some Worms, the eyes are developed in the last segment as well as the first. So a Vertebrate may be considered, not only as two individuals placed side by side, but also as two individu- als put end to end—the head and arms representing one, and the legs the other. In the embryo of Quadrupeds, the four limbs are closely alike. But in the adult, the fore and hind limbs differ more than the right and left limbs, because the functions are more dissimilar. An ex- treme want of symmetry is seen in Birds which combine aerial and land locomotion. There is also a tendency to a vertical symmetry, or up-and-down arrangement — the part above a horizontal plane being a reversed copy of the part below. A good example is the posterior half of a Cod, while the tail of a Shark shows the want of it. This symmetry decreases as we ascend the scale. In most animals there is consider- able difference between the dorsal and ventral surfaces; and in all the nervous system is more symmetrically dis- posed than the digestive. Every animal is perfect in its kind and in its place. Yet we recognize a gradation of life. Some animals are manifestly superior to some others. But it is not so easy to say precisely what shall guide us in assorting living forms into high and low. Shall we make structure the criterion of rank? Plainly the simple Jelly-fish is be- neath complicated Man. An ounce of muscle is worth a DEVELOPMENT. 217 pound of protoplasm, and a grain of nervous matter is of more account than a ton of flesh. The intricate and fin- ished build of the Horse elevates him immeasurably above the stupid Snail. The repetition of similar parts, as in the Worm, is a sign of low life. So also a prolonged posteri- or is a mark of inferiority, as the Lobsters are lower than the Crabs, Snakes than Lizards, Monkeys than Apes. The possession of a head distinct from the region behind it is a sign of power. And in proportion as the fore-limbs are used for head purposes, the animal ascends the scale: com- pare the Whale, Horse, Cat, Monkey, and Man. But shall the Fish, never rising above the " monotony of its daily swim," be allowed to outrank the skillful Bee ? Shall the brainless, sightless, almost heartless Amphioxus, a Vertebrate, be allowed to stand nearer to Man than the Ant? What is the possession of a backbone to intelli- gence ? No good reason can be given why we might not be just as intelligent beings if we carried, like the Insect, our hearts in our backs and our spinal cords in our breasts. So far as its activity is concerned, the brain may be as ef- fective if spread out like a map as packed into its present shape. Even animals of the same type, as Vertebrates, can not be ranked according to complexity. For while Mammals, on the whole, are superior to Birds, Birds to Reptiles, and Reptiles to Fishes, they are not so in every respect. Man himself is not altogether at the head of creation. We carry about in our bodies embryonic struct- ures. Thus, the embryo Bird has its bones full of mar- row as we have all our life long; but afterward they be- come hollow air-sacs. So feathers are more complex than hairs. That structural affinity and vital dignity are not always parallel, may be seen by comparing an Australian and an Englishman.18' Function is the test of worth. Not mere work, how- ever; for we must consider its quality and scope. An 218 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. animal may be said to be more perfect in proportion as its relations to the external world are more varied, pre- cise, and fitting. Complexity of organization, variety, and amount of power are secondary to the degree in which the whole organism is adapted to the circumstances which surround it, and to the work which it has to do. Ascent in the animal scale is not a passage from animals with simple organs to animals with complex organs, but from simple individuals with organs of complex function to complex individuals with organs of simple function: the addition as we ascend being not function, but of parts to discharge those functions; and the advantage gained, not another thing done, but the same thing done better. Ad- vance in rank is exhibited, not by the possession of more life (for some animalcules are ten times more lively than the busiest Man), but by the setting apart of more organs for special purposes. The higher the animal, the greater the number of parts combining to perform each function. The power is increased by this division of labor. The most important feature in this specialization is the tend- ency to concentrate the nervous energy toward the head (cephalization). It increases as wTe pass from the Oyster up to Man. As a rule, fixed species are inferior to the free, water species to land species, fresh-water animals to marine, arc- tic forms to tropical, and the herbivorous to the carniv- orous. Precocity is a sign of inferiority: compare the chicks of the Hen and the Robin, a Colt with a Kitten, the comparatively well - developed Caterpillar with the footless grub of the Bee. Among Invertebrates, the male is frequently inferior, not only in size, but also in grade of organization. Animals having a wide range as to cli- mate, altitude, or depth are commonly inferior to those more restricted: Man is a notable exception. There is some relation between the duration of life and DEVELOPMENT. 219 the size, structure, and rank of animals. Vertebrates not only grow to a greater size, but also live longer than In- vertebrates. Whales and Elephants are the longest lived; and Falcons, Ravens, Parrots, and Geese, Alligators and Turtles, and Sharks and Pikes, are said to live a century. The life of Quadrupeds generally reaches its limit when the molar teeth are worn down: those of the Sheep last about 15 years; of the Ox, 20; of the Horse, 40; of the Elephant, 100. Many inferior species die as soon as they have laid their eggs, just as herbs perish as soon as they have flowered. 7. The Struggle for life. Every animal is striving to increase in a geometrical ratio. But each lives, if at all, by a struggle at some period of its life. The meekest creatures must fight, or die. " There is no exception to the rule that every organic being naturally increases at so high a rate that, if not de- stroyed, the earth would soon be covered by the progeny of a single pair." If the increase of the human race were not checked, there would not be standing-room for the descendants of Adam and Eve. A pair of Elephants, the slowest breeder of all known animals, would become the progenitors, in five centuries, of 15,000,000 of Elephants, if death did not interfere. In fifteen years, a pair of Birds would increase to 2,000,000,000. Evidently a vast number must perish, and a far greater host of eggs fail to mature. Whatever the average number of individuals in any country, twice that number must die annually. A single Cod, laying millions of eggs, if allowed to have its own way, would soon pack the ocean. Yet, so nicely balanced are the forces of nature, the average number of each kind remains about the same. The total extinction of any one species is exceedingly 220 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. rare. The number of any given species is not determined by the number of eggs produced, but by its conditions.138 Aquatic birds outnumber the land birds, because their food never fails, not because they are more prolific. The Fulmar-petrel lays but one egg, yet it is believed to be the most numerous bird in the world. The main checks to the high rate of increase are: cli- mate (temperature and moisture), acting directly or indi- rectly by reducing food; and other animals, either rivals requiring the same food and locality, or enemies, for the vast majority of animals are carnivorous. Offspring are continually varying from their parents, for better or worse. If feebly adapted to the conditions of existence, they will finally go to the wall. But those forms having the slight- est advantage over others inhabiting the same region, be- ing hardier or stronger, more agile or sagacious, will sur- vive. Should this advantageous variation become heredi- tary and intensified, the new variety will gradually extir- pate or replace other kinds. This is what Mr. Darwin means by Natural Selection, and Herbert Spencer by the Survival of the Fittest. PART II. SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. Facts are stupid things until brought into connection with some general law.—Agassiz. No man becomes a proficient in any science who does not transcend sys- tem, and gather up new truth for himself in the boundless field of research. —Dr. A. P. Peabodt. Never ask a question if you can help it; and never let a thing go un- known for the lack of asking a question if you can't help it.—Beecher. He is a thoroughly good naturalist who knows his own parish thoroughly. —Charles Kingsley. THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 223 CHAPTER XXI. THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. The Kingdom of Nature is a literal Kingdom. Order and beauty, law and dependence, are seen everywhere. Amidst the great diversity of the forms of life, there is unity; and this suggests that there is one general plan, but carried out in a variety of ways. Naturalists have ceased to believe that each animal or group is a distinct, circumscribed idea. " Every animal has a something in common with all its fellows: much with many of them; more with a few; and, usually, so much with several, that it differs but little from them." The object of classification is to bring together the like, and to separate the unlike. But how shall this be done ? To arrange a library in alphabetical order, or according to size, binding, date, or language, would be unsatisfactory. We must be guided by some internal character. We must decide whether a book is poetry or prose: if poetry, wheth- er dramatic, epic, lyric, or satiric; if prose, whether his- tory, philosophy, theology, philology, science, fiction, or essay. The more we subdivide these groups, the more difficult the analysis. A classification of animals founded on external resem- blances, as size, color, or adaptation to similar habits of life, would be worthless. It would bring together Fish- es and Whales, Birds and Bats, Worms and Eels. Nor should it be based on any one character, as the quality of the blood, structure of the heart, development of the brain, embryo-life, etc.; for no character is of equal value in every tribe. A natural classification must rest on those 224 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. prevailing characters which are the most constant.139 And such a classification can not be linear. It is impossible to arrange all animal forms from the Sponge to Man in a single line, like the steps of a ladder, according to rank. Nature passes in so many ways from one type to another, and so multiplied are the relations between animals, that one series is out of the question. There is a number of series, and series within series, sometimes proceeding in parallel lines, but more often divergent. The animals ar- range themselves in radiating groups, each group being connected, not with two groups merely, one above and the other below, but with several. Life has been likened to a great tree with countless branches spreading widely from a common trunk, and deriving their origin from a com- mon root; branches bearing all manner of flowers, every fashion of leaves, and all kinds of fruit, and these for ev- ery use. The groups into which we are able to cast the various forms of animal development are very unequal and dis- similar. We must remember that a genus, order, or class is not of equal value throughout the kingdom. Moreover, each division is allied to others in different degrees—the distance between any two being the measure of that affin- ity. The lines between some are sharp and clear, between others indefinite. Like the islands of an archipelago, some groups merge into one another through connecting reefs, others are sharply separated by unfathomable seas, yet all have one common basis. Links have been found reveal- ing a relationship, near or distant, even between animals whose forms are very unlike. How different a Fish and a Lizard! yet there is a strange creature (the Axolotl of Mexico) whose organization is intermediate between the two, so that it is difficult to determine to which group it belongs. The Slow-worm is a transition between Lizards and Snakes; while the extinct Ichthyosaurus bridges the THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 225 chasm between Crocodiles and Fishes. Birds seem iso- lated ; but in ancient times there were flying Reptiles; while the Ornithorhynchus, Kangaroo, and Bat stand on the border-line between Mammals and the feathered tribe. Even between the grand Vertebrate and Invertebrate di- visions there flits a ghost-Hke form—the Amphioxus, half Worm, half Fish. We have, then, groups subordinate to groups, and inter- locking, but not representing so many successive degrees of organization. For, as already intimated, complication of structure does not rise in continuous gradation from one group to another. Every type starts at a lower point than that at which the preceding class closes; so that the lines overlap. While one class, as a whole, is higher than another, some members of the higher class may be inferi- or to some members of the lower one. Thus, certain Star- fishes are nobler than certain Mollusks; the Nautilus is above the Worm, and the Bee is more worthy than the lowest Fish. The groups coalesce by their inferior spe- cies ; e.g., the Fishes do not graduate into Reptiles through their higher forms, but the two come closest together low down in the scale. Man appears to be the goal of crea- tion ; but even within the Vertebrate series, every step of development, say of the Fish, is away from the goal. The highest Fish is the one farthest from Man. A number of animals may, therefore, have the same grade of development, but conform to entirely different types. While a fundamental unity underlies the whole Animal Kingdom, suggesting a common starting-point, we recognize four or five distinct plans of structure.140 Thus, animals like the Coral, unlike all others, have the alimentary canal opening into the body-cavity, have no separate nervous and vascular regions, and the parts of the body radiate from a centre. Such form a subking- dom called Coelenterata. Animals, like the Star-fish, hav- 15 226 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. ing also a radiating body, but a closed alimentary canal, and a distinct, symmetrical nervous system, constitute the subkingdom Fchinodermata.1*1 Animals, like the Snail, with a soft, unsymmetrical body, well-developed digestive apparatus, and scattered nervous system, form the sub- kingdom Mollusca. Animals, like the Bee,' with a sym- metrical body composed of numerous segments, a nervous system consisting of a double chain of ganglia along the lower side of the body, and limbs on the same side as this nervous cord, form the subkingdom Articulata. Animals, like the Ox, having a double nervous system, one (the gan- glionic) lying on the upper side of the alimentary canal, the other and main part (spinal) lying along the back, and completely shut off from the other organs by a parti- tion of bone or gristle, known as the " vertebral column," and having limbs, never more than four, always on the side opposite the great nervous cord, constitute the sub- kingdom Vertebrata. Comparing these great divisions, we see that the Verte- brates differ from all the others chiefly in having a double body-cavity and a double nervous system, the latter lying above the alimentary canal; while Invertebrates have one cavity and one nervous system, the latter being placed either below or around the alimentary canal. The Ar- ticulate type differs from the Molluscan mainly in being jointed. The Echinoderms and Coelenterates are built on the common type of a star; but they differ from each oth- er in the presence or absence of distinct alimentary, circu- latory, and nervous systems. But there are types within types. Thus, there are five modifications of the Vertebrate type — Fish, Amphibian, Reptile, Bird, and Mammal; and these are again divided and subdivided, for Mammals, e. g., differ among them- selves. So that in the end we have a constellation of groups within groups, founded on peculiar characters of THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 227 less and less importance, as we descend from the general to the special. Individuals are the units of the Animal Creation. An animal existence, complete in all its parts, is an individual, whether separate, as Man, or living in a community, as the Coral.1" Variety: when two or more individuals differ by a sin- gle peculiarity only, such as size, color, or outline, one is called a variety of the other; as the various races of Men and breeds of Cattle. Varieties are usually local. A cross between distinct races is called mongrel. Species is the smallest group of individuals which can be defined by several constant characteristics. They are so alike, that it is possible for them to have descended from one pair; and they always transmit to their offspring some peculiarity of their organization. A cross between two distinct species, as the Horse and Ass, is called a hy- brid; as the Mule. Genus is a group of species having the same essential structure. Thus, the closely allied species, Cat, Tiger, and Lion, belong to one genus. Family, or Tribe, is a group of genera having a simi- lar form. Thus, the Dogs and Foxes belong to different genera, but betray a family likeness. Order is a group of families, or genera, related to one another by a common structure. Cats, Dogs, Hyenas, and Bears are linked together by important anatomical feat- ures ; their teeth, stomachs, and claws show carnivorous habits. Class is a still larger group, comprising all animals which agree simply in a special modification of the type to which they belong. Thus, Fishes, Amphibians, Rep- tiles, Birds, and Mammals are so many aspects of the Ver- tebrate type. Subkingdom. is a primary division of the Animal King- 228 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. dom, which includes all animals formed upon one of the four or five types of structure; as Vertebrate. These terms were invented by Linnaeus, except Family and Subkingdom, which were added by Lamarck. To Lin- naeus we are also indebted for a scientific method of nam- ing animals. Thus, a Dog in Zoology is called Canis familiaris, which is the union of a generic and specific name, corresponding to the surname and Christian name in George Washington, only the specific name comes last. It will be understood that these are abstract terms, ex- pressing simply the relations of resemblance: there is no such thing as genus or species. Classification is a process of comparison. He is the best naturalist who most readily and correctly recognizes like- ness founded on structural characters. As it is easier to detect differences than resemblances, it is much easier to distinguish the class to which an animal belongs than the genus, and the genus than the species. In passing from species to classes, the characters of agreement become few- er and fewer, while the distinctions are more and more manifest; so that animals of the same class are more like than unlike, while members of distinct classes are more unlike than like. To illustrate the method of zoological analysis by search- ing for affinities and differences, we will take an example suggested by Professor Agassiz. Suppose we see together a Dog, a Cat, a Bear, a Horse, a Cow, and a Deer. The first feature which strikes us as common to any two of them is the horn in the Cow and Deer. But how shall we associate either of the others with these ? We examine the teeth, and find those of the Dog, the Cat, and the Bear sharp and cutting; while those of the Cow, the Deer, and the Horse have flat surfaces, adapted to grinding and chewing, rather than cutting and tearing. We compare these features of their structure with the habits of these THE CLASSIFICATION OF ANIMALS. 229 animals, and find that the first are carnivorous—that they seize and tear their prey; while the others are herbivorous, or grazing, animals, living only on vegetable substances, which they chew and grind. We compare, further, the Horse and Cow, and find that the Horse has front teeth both in the upper and the lower jaw, while the Cow has them only in the lower; and going still further, and com- paring the internal with the external features, we find this arrangement of the teeth in direct relation to the differ- ent structure of the stomach in the two animals—the Cow having a stomach with four pouches, while the Horse has a simple stomach. Comparing the Cow and Deer, we find the digestive apparatus the same in both; but though both have horns, those of the Cow are hollow, and last through life ; while those of the Deer are solid, and are shed every year. Looking at the feet, we see that the herbivorous animals are hoofed; the carnivorous, clawed. The Cow and Deer have cloven feet, and are ruminants; the Horse has a single hoof, and does not chew the cud. The Dog and Cat walk on the tips of their fingers and toes (digiti- grade) ; the Bear treads on the palms and soles (planti- grade). The claws of the Cat are retractile; those of the Dog and Bear are fixed. In this way we determine the exact place of each ani- mal. The Dog belongs to the kingdom Animalia, sub- kingdom Vertebrata, class Mammalia, order Carnivora, family Canidai, genus Canis, species Familiaris, variety Hound (it may be), and its individual name, perhaps, is " Rover." The Cat differs in belonging to the family Felidoe, genus Felis, species Catus. The Bear belongs to the family Ursidaz, genus Ursus, and species Ferox, if the Grizzly is meant. The Horse, Cow, and Deer belong to the order TJngulata; but the Horse is of the family Equidce, genus Eguus, species Caballus; the Cow is of the family Bovidce, genus Bos, species Taurus ; the Deer 230 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. is of the family Cervidae, genus Cervus, species Virgini- anus, if the common Deer is meant. The following diagram roughly represents (for the rela- tions of animals can not be expressed on a plane surface) the relative positions of the subkingdoms and classes ac- cording to affinity and rank. It will be seen that the Ver- tebrate, Articulate, and Molluscan types stand at the angles of an isosceles triangle. The lowest Worms are simpler than the lowest Mollusks; yet Articulates, on the whole, are, perhaps, higher than the Mollusks: the former have more outward expression; the latter, more concentration.* Mammalia. Vertebrata. Amphibia. Pisces. Aves. Reptilia. Cephalopoda. Gasteropoda. Lamellibranchiata. Mollusca. Tunicata. Brachiopoda. Polyzoa. Insecta. Myriapoda. Articulata. Arachnida. Crustacea. Annelida. Echinoidea. Holothuroidea. Echinodermata. Asteroidea. Crinoidea. Anthozoa. Coslenterata. Hydrozoa. Spongida. Infusoria. Protozoa. Rhizopoda. Gregarinida. * The student should master the distinctions between the great groups, or classes, before proceeding to a minuter classification. "The essential mat- ter, in the first place," says Huxley, "is to be quite clear about the different classes, and to have a distinct knowledge of all the sharply definable modifi- cations of animal structure which are discernible in the Animal Kingdom." PROTOZOA. 231 Subkingdom.—Protozoa.. This division was proposed by Von Siebold in 1845 to contain that vast cloud of microscopic beings on the verge of the Animal Kingdom whi-ch could not be received into the other subkingdoms. It is artificial and provisional. The classes composing it are not founded on a common type, but are distinguished by the absence rather than the presence of positive characters. The time may come when the microscope will resolve these nebulae, so that we can give them a natural classification. Probably some of them are transitory stages in the history of higher organisms. Many stand parallel to the Protophytes of the Vegetable World, and no definite line can be drawn between them. Protozoans agree in being minute, aquatic, and exceed- ingly simple in structure, their bodies consisting mainly or wholly of the contractile, gelatinous matter called pro- toplasm, or sarcode — the first homogeneous substance which has the power of controlling chemical and phys- ical forces. No traces of nervous or muscular fibres, cir- culator}7 or digestive organs have been discovered. Yet they take and assimilate food, grow and multiply, which are the essential signs of life. The usual methods of re- production are self-division and budding. The subkingdom may be divided into four classes: Gre- garinida, Rhizopoda, Infusoria, and Spongida. The per- fectly homogeneous Monera of Haeckel would rank lower than the Gregarinae; but as they are doubtfully referred to the Animal Kingdom, we do not include them. Class I.—Gregarinida. The Gregarinae, discovered by Dufour in 1828, are the simplest animal forms of which we have any knowledge. They closely resemble a cell, or microscopic egg; the only organ is a nucleus, suspended in extremely mobile granu- 232 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. lar matter; and the most conspicuous signs of life are the contraction and lengthening of the worm-like body. They feed by absorption, and are all parasites, living in the ali- K Fig. 179.—Gregarina gigantea, highly magnified: a, nucleus. mentary canal of higher animals; particularly in the Cock- roach and Earth-worm. The name is derived from the fact that they occur in large numbers crowded together. By some authors they are associated with the parasitic Worms. Class II.—Rhizopoda. The Rhizopods are characterized by the power of throw- ing out at will delicate processes of their bodies, called pseudopodia, or false feet, for prehension or locomotion. They possess no cilia. The representative forms are Amoz- bw, Foraminifera, and Polycystina. An Amoeba is a naked, fresh-water Rhizopod; an in- definite bit of protoplasm, as structureless as a speck of jelly, save that it is made of two distinct layers, and has a contractile cavity inside. It has no particular form, as it changes continually. It moves by putting forth short, blunt processes, and eats by Fig. iso.-Amceba princeps, x 150; the wrapping its body around the same animal in various shapes. particle 0f f00d. The size ranges from ^V to s^0() of an inch in diameter. Speci- mens can be obtained by scraping the mucous matter from the stems and leaves in stagnant ponds. CCELENTERATA. 233 A Foraminifer differs from an Amoeba in having an apparently simpler body, the protoplasm being without layers or cavity; but it has the property of secreting an envelope, usually of carbonate of lime. The shell thus formed is sometimes of extraordinary complexity and sin- gular beauty. It is generally perforated by innumerable minute orifices (foramina) through which the animal pro- trudes its myriad of glairy, thread-like arms. The major- ity are compound, resembling chambered shells, formed by a process of budding, each new individual being add- ed so as to make a straight series, a spiral, or a flat coil. Fig. 181.—Rhizopods: a, a mouothalamous, or single-chambered, Foraminifer (La- gena striata); b, a polythalamous, or many-chambered, Foramiuifer (Polystomella crispa, with pseudopodia extended); c, a Radiolarian, one of the Polycystines (Podocystis Schomburgkii). As a rule, the many-chambered species have calcareous, perforated shells; and the one-chambered have an imper- forated membranous, porcelanous, or arenaceous envel- ope. The former are marine. There are few parts of the ocean where these microscopic shells do not occur, and in astounding numbers. A single ounce of sand from the Antilles was calculated to contain over three millions. Their remains constitute a great proportion of the so- called sand-banks which block up many harbors. Yet they are the descendants of an ancestry still more prolific; foi the chalk-cliffs of England, the building-stone of Paris, 234 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. and the blocks in the Pyramids of Egypt are largely com- posed of extinct Foraminifers. A Polycystine differs from a Foraminifer in secreting a siliceous, instead of a calcareous, shell, studded with spines; and the central part of the body is made up of many cells, and surrounded by a strong membrane. While Foraminifers live mostly at the bottom of the sea, Polycys- tines generally float on the surface. They are also more minute, but as widely diffused. They enter largely into the formation of some strata of the earth's crust, and abound especially in the rocks of Barbados and at Rich- mond, Va. Class III.—Infusoria. This unassorted group of living particles derived its name from the fact that they were first discovered in vegeta- ble infusions. Every drop of a stagnant pool is crowded with them. They are all single and microscopic, yet of various sizes, the differ- ence between the smallest and largest being greater than the difference be- tween a Mouse and an Elephant. Some are fixed (as Vorticella); but the major- ity are free, and constantly in motion, propelled by countless cilia, as a galley by its oars. The delicate body consists of unorganized sarcode (i. e., there are no cellular tissues, but the whole body represents a single cell), covered by a membrane, or skin, and containing a semi-fluid substance, a contractile cavity, and several Fig. 182.—A Compound Monad (Uvella), X 1000. Fig. 183. — Infusorium (Paramecium aurelia), X 300: m, mouth; v, contractile vesicles; n, nucleus. C02LENTERATA. 235 granules. On one side is a slight depression, or "mouth," leading to a short, funnel-shaped throat. A mouth and a rudimentary digestive cavity are the distinctive features of these Protozoans. They multiply so rapidly (chiefly by self-division), that a Paramecium, the most common form, may become the parent of 1,364,000 in 42 days. There are two main groups: Flagellata, or Monads, provided with one or two flagella, or long bristle-like cilia; and Ciliata, which are furnished with numerous vibratile cilia. Class IV.—Spongida. An ordinary Sponge is a compound animal, or, more properly, an aggregated colony of individual cells, sup- ported on a skeleton of horny fibres, which are so united as to form a net-work of tubes. The essential part is the glairy, gelatinous substance investing this elastic frame- work. It consists of myriads of mouthless, sarcode bodies, which in some respects resemble Amoebae, but approach Fig. 184.—Hypothetical Section of a Sponge: a, superficial layer; b, inhalent pores: c, ciliated chambers; d, exhalent aperture, or osculum; e, deeper substance of the Sponge. the flagellate Infusoria in being uniciliated, and the Hy- drozoa in having two layers of cells in the body-wall, and in producing true eggs. While in other Protozoa aggre- gation is a result of growth, and the parts are not mutual- ly dependent, in Sponges the parts work for the life of the whole, giving the mass a kind of individuality. Differen- 236 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. tiation is carried to a higher degree, as we find ectoderm and endoderm, fibrous tissue, ciliated tracts, and a canal- system for circulation. When freshly taken from its element, a Sponge is hard and glistening on the outside, and strongly resembles a piece of liver. While living, constant currents of water issue from the large orifices, fed by smaller streams enter- ing by the minute pores, the currents being caused by cilia Fig. 185.—Horny Skeleton of a Sponge. lining the passages. So that "the Sponge represents a kind of subaqueous city, where the people are arranged about the streets and roads, in such a manner that each can easily appropriate his food from the water as it passes along." The apertures, or "gates," can be closed at the will of the animal. A few species are wholly gelatinous, having no skele- ton ; some are calcareous, aping the Corals; many are entirely siliceous, resembling spun glass, as the beautiful CC3LENTERATA. 237 Venus flower-basket (Euplectella); but the majority have a fibrous, horny skeleton, which in some forms is strength- ened by siliceous needles (spicula). Excepting a few small fresh-water species (as Spongilla), Sponges are marine. In the former, the gelatinous part is greenish; in the latter, it is brown, red, or purple. In preparing the sponge of com- merce, this is rotted by exposure, and washed out. The best fishing-grounds are the eastern end of the Mediter- ranean and around the Bahama Islands. Subkingdom.—Coslenterata. These radiate animals are distinguished by having a distinct body-cavity, the walls of it consisting of two lay- ers of cellular tissue, an outer (ectoderm) and inner (endo- derm); and thread cells, which are minute sacs contain- ing a fluid, and connected with barbed filaments capable of being thrown out for stinging purposes. Most are pro- vided with hollow tentacles around the mouth. All are aquatic, and nearly all are marine. There are two classes, represented by the Hydra and Sea-anemone. Both repro- duce by budding and by eggs; but in the former the eggs are developed from the exterior of the body, while in the latter they are internal. Class I.—Hydrozoa. These Ccelenterates have no separate digestive sac, so that the body is a simple tube, or cavity, into which the mouth opens. A nervous system is not apparent. Such are the fresh-water Hydra and the oceanic Jelly-fish (Acaleph or Medusa). The body of the Hydra is tubular, soft, and sensitive, of a greenish or reddish color, and seldom over half an inch long. It is found spontaneously attached by one end to submerged plants, while the free end contains the orifice, or mouth, crowned with tentacles, by which 238 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 186—Hydra: 2, with tentacles fully extend- ed ; 3, creeping; 5, budding. the creature feeds and creeps. Closely related to the Hydra are the compound Sertularians, often mistaken for del- icate sea-weeds. The commonest species on our Atlantic coast (Dy- namena) is of a pale- yellow color, and hangs in fringes from sea- weeds, shells, and rocks. The ordinary Acaleph has a soft, gelatinous, semi - transparent, bell- shaped body, with tubes radiating from the cen- tral cavity to the circumference, where they are connected by a circular canal, and with the margin fringed with stinging tentacles. The radia- ting parts are in multi- ples of four. Around the rim are minute colored spots, called " eye - specks," sup- posed to be the earli- est indications of the organs of sight. In fine weather, these k' sea - blubbers " are seen floating on the sea, mouth downward, moving about by flap- Fig. 187.—Sertularia growing on a Shell. CCELENTERATA. 239 Fig. 188.—Medusa (Pelagia noctiluca), a free Lucer- narian. Mediterranean. Fig. 189.—Portuguese Man- of-war (Physalia), I natu- ral size. Tropical Atlantic. Fig. 190.—Jelly-fish (Aurelia aurita), with young in various stages. 67 240 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Pig. 191.—A Meausa, seen in profile and from below, showing central polypite, radiating and marginal canals. ping their sides, like the opening and shutting of an um- brella, with great regularity. They are frequently phos- phorescent when disturbed. Some are quite small, resembling little glass bells; the common Aurelia is over a foot in diameter when full grown; while the Cyanea, the giant among Jelly-fishes, sometimes meas- ures five feet, with tentacles forty feet long. When dried, nothing is left but a film of membrane weigh- ing only a few grains. There are two representative types: the Lucernaria, the Umbrella-acaleph, having a short pedicel on the back for attachment; tentacles disposed in eight groups around the margin, the eight points alternating with the four partitions of the body-cavity and the four corners of the mouth; not less than eight radiating ca- nals, and no membra- nous veil. The common species on the Atlantic shore, generally found attached to eel-grass, is an inch in diameter, of a green color. Disco- phora, the ordinary Jel- ly-fish, is free and oceanic. It differs from the Lucernaria in its usually larger size and solid disk, four radiating ca- nals, which ramify and open into a circular vessel, and a " veil," or shelf, always running around the mouth of the disk.143 Fio. 192___Lucernaria auricula attached to a piece of sea-weed; natural size. The one on the right is abnormal, having a ninth tuft of tentacles. COZLENTERATA. 241 Class II.—Anthozoa. These marine animals, which by their gay tentacles con- vert the bed of the ocean into a flower-garden, or by their secretions build up coral-islands, have a body like a round gelat- inous bag. One end, the base, is usually attached; the other has the mouth in the centre, surrounded by numerous hol- low tentacles, which are cov- ered with nettling lasso - cells. This upper edge is turned in so as to form a sac within a like the neck of a bottle sac, Fig. 193.—Horizontal Section of Ac- tinia through the stomach, show- ing septa and compartments. turned outside in. The inner one, which is the digestive cavity, does not reach the bot- tom, but opens into the general body-cavity. The space between these two concentric tubes is divided by a series of vertical partitions, some of which extend from the body-wall to the digestive sac, but others fall short of it Instead, therefore, of the radiating tubes of the Acaleph, there are radiating spaces. No members of this class are microscopic. All are long - lived compared with the Hydrozoa, liv- ing for several years. 1. Soft-bodied Pol- yps.—The best-known representative of this group is the Actinia, or Fig. 194.—Actinia expanded, seen from above, T+l™,^ „ showing mouth. Sea-anemone. It leads a 16 242 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fio. 195__A Ctenophore (Pleu- robrachia pileus); natural size. single life, and is capable of a slow locomotion. Muscular fibres run around the body, and others cross these at right angles. The tentacles, which often number over 200, and the partitions, which are in reality double, are in multiples of six. At night or when alarmed, the tentacles are drawn in, and the aperture firmly closed, so that the animal looks like a round- ed lump of fleshy substance plaster- ed on the rock. It feeds on Crabs and Mollusks. It abounds on ev- ery shore, especially of tropical seas. The size varies from one-eighth of an inch to a foot in diameter. The Ctenophora (as the Pleuro- brachia, Cestum, and Bero'e) likewise secrete no hard de- posit. They are transparent and gelatinous, swimming on the ocean by means of eight bands of comb-like fringes, which work like paddles. The body is not contractile as in the Jelly- fishes. They are considered the highest of Ccelenterates, having a complex nutritive apparatus and a definite nervous system. 2. Coral Polyps.—The majori- ty of Anthozoa secrete a calcare- ous or horny frame-work called " coral." With few exceptions, they are fixed and composite, liv- ing in colonies formed by a con- tinuous, process of budding. Their structures take a variety of shapes: often dome-like, but more frequently imitating shrubbery and clusters of leaves. Fig. 196.—Organ-pipe Coral (Tubv- pora musica). Indian Ocean. CC3LENTERATA. 243 The members of a coral community are organically con- nected ; each feeds himself, yet is not independent of the rest. We can speak of the individual Corals, a, b, c, but we must write them down abc. The compound mass is " like a living sheet of animal matter, fed and nourished by numerous mouths and as many stomachs." Life and death go on together, the old Polyps dying below as new ones are developed above. The living part of an Astrcea is only half an inch thick. The growth of the branching Madrepore is about three inches a year. The prevailing color of the Coral Polyps is green; and the usual size varies from that of a pin's head to half an inch, but the Mushroom - coral (which is a single individual) may be a foot in diameter. Corals are of two kinds: those deposited within the tis- sues of the animal (sclerodermic), and those secreted by the outer surface at the foot of the Polyp (sclerobasic). The Polyps producing the former are Actiuoid, resem- bling the Actinia in structure.144 The skeleton of a single Polyp (called corallite, Fig. 95) is a copy of the animal, except the stomach and tentacles, the earthy matter being secreted within the outer wall and between each pair of partitions. So that a corallite is a short tube with vertical septa radiating toward the centre.146 A sclerobasic coral is a true exoskeleton, and is distinguished by being smooth and solid. The Polyps, having eight fringed tentacles, are situated on the outside of this as a common axis, and are connected together by the fleshy ccenosarc covering the coral. (1) Sclerodermic Corals.—Astrcea is a hemispherical mass covered with large cells. Meandrina, or " Brain-coral," is also globular; but the mouths of the Polyps open into each other, forming furrows. Fungia, or " Mushroom- coral," is disk-shaped, and differs from other kinds in be- ing the secretion of a single gigantic Polyp, and in not 244 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 197.—Madrepora aspera, living and expanded; natural size. Pacific being fixed. Madrepore is neatly branched with pointed extremities, each ending in a small cell about a line in diameter. Porites, or "Sponge-coral," is also branching, but the ends are blunt, and the surface comparatively Fig. 198—Ctenactia echinata, or " Mushroom-coral;" one-fourth natural size. Pacific. C03LENTERATA. 245 Fig. 199.— Astrcea pallida; natural size. Feejee Islands. smooth. Tubipora, or " Organ - pipe coral," consists of smooth red tubes connected at intervals by cross plates. Fig. 200.__Diploria cerebriformis, or " Brain-coral;" one-half natnral size. Bermudas. 246 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 201.—Astrcea rotulosa. West Iudies. The Astrcea, Meandrina, Madrepore, and Porites are the chief reef-forming corals. They will not live in waters the mean temperature of which is below 68° Fig. 202.—Cell of Madrepore Coral, magnified. The cap-like depres- sion at the top of a coral skele- ton is called calicle. Fig. 203—Fragment of Red Coral (Coral- lium rubrum), showing living cortex and expanded Polyps. Mediterranean. ECHINODERMATA. 247 Fahr., nor at greater depth than twenty fathoms. The most luxuriant reefs are in the Central and Western Pacific and around the West Indies. (2) Sclerobasic Corals.—Corallium rubrum, the precious coral of commerce, is shrub-like, about a foot high, solid throughout, taking a high polish, finely grooved on the Fig. 204.—Sea-fan (Oorgonia) and Sea-pen (Pennatula). surface, and of a crimson or rose-red color. In the living state the branches are covered with a red coenosarc stud- ded with Polyps. Gorgonia, or " Sea-fan," differs from all the other repi-esentative forms in having a horny axis covered with calcareous spicules. The branches arise in the same vertical plane, and unite into a beautiful net- work. Subkingdom Echinodermata. The Echinoderms, as Star-fishes and Sea-urchins, are dis- tinguished by the possession of a distinct nervous system (a ring around the mouth); an alimentary canal, complete- ly shut off from the body-cavity, and having both oral and anal apertures; a peculiar system of circular and radiat- 248 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. ing canals, and a symmetrical arrangement of all the parts of the body around a central axis in multiples of five.14' Fig. 205.—Forms of Echinoderms, from Radiate to Annulose type. There are four principal classes, all exclusively marine and solitary, and all having the power of secreting more or less calcareous matter. Class I.—Crinoidea. The Crinoids, or " Sea-lilies," are fixed to the sea-bottom by means of a hollow, jointed, flexible stem. On the top of the stem is the body proper, resembling a bud or ex- panded flower, containing the digestive apparatus, with the surrounding arms, or tentacles. The mouth looks up- ward. There is a complete internal skeleton for strength and support, the entire animal, body, arms, and stem, con- sisting of thousands of stellate pieces connected together by irritable matter. Crinoids were very abundant in the old geologic seas, and many limestone strata were created out of their remains. They are now nearly extinct: dredg- ing in the deep parts of the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean has brought to light two or three living representa- tives. ECHINODERMATA. 249 >.i#r: W I Fig. 206.__A living Crinoid (Pentacrinus asteria); one-fourth natural size. West Indian Seas. 250 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Class II.—Asteroidea. Ordinary Star-fishes consist of a flat central disk, with five or more arms, or lobes, radiating from it, and con- taining branches of the viscera. The skeleton is leathery, hardened by small calcareous plates (11,000 by calcula- tion), but somewhat flexible. The mouth is below; and the rays are furrowed underneath, and pierced with nu- merous holes, through which pass the sucker-like tenta- cles—the organs of locomotion and prehension. The red spots at the ends of the rays are supposed to be eyes. The usual color of Star-fishes is yellow, orange, or red. They Pig. 207.—Under-surface of Star-fish (Goniaster reticulatus), showing ambulacral grooves aud protruded suckers. ECHINODERMATA. 251 Fig. 208.—Ophiocoma Russei, an Ophiura; natural size. West Indies. abound on every shore, and are often seen at low tide half buried in the sand, or slowly gliding over the rocks. Cold fresh water is instant death to them. They have the pow- er of reproducing lost parts to a high degree. They are very voracious, and are the worst enemies of the Oyster. About 150 species are known. These may be divided into three groups: (1) species having four rows of.feet, represented by the common five-fingered Asterias; (2) species having two rows of feet, as the many-rayed Solas- ter, or "Sun-fish," and the pentagonal Goniaster; (3) species having long slender arms, which are not prolon- gations of the body, and are not provided with suckers, as the Ophiura, or " Brittle - star," and Astrophyton, or " Basket-fish." The last are of inferior rank, and resem- ble inverted stemless Crinoids. The digestive sac is con- fined to the disk; and the madreporic plate is underneath. 252 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Class III.—Echinoidea. The Sea-urchin is encased in a thin hollow shell cov- ered with spines, and varying in shape from a sphere to a disk.147 The mouth is underneath, and contains a dental apparatus more complicated than that of any other creat- ure from the Sponge to Man. It leads to a digestive tube, which extends spirally to the summit of the body. The spines are for burrowing and locomotion, and are moved by small muscles, each being articu- lated by ball-and- socket joint to a distinct tubercle. When stripped of its spines, the shell ^ (or " test") is seen to be formed of a multitude of pen- tagonal plates, fit- ted together like a mosaic.148 Five double rows of plates, passing from pole to pole, like the ribs of a melon, alternate with five other double rows. In one set, called the ambulacra, the plates are perforated for the protrusion of tubular feet, or suckers, as in the Star-fish. So that altogether there are twenty series of plates — ten ambulacral, and ten interambula- cral. The shell is not cast, but grows by the enlargement of each individual plate, and the addition of new ones around the mouth and the opposite pole. Every part of an Echinus, even sections of the spines, show the princi- ple of radiation. If the arms of a Star-fish were turned Fig. 209.—Under-surface of a Sea-urchin (Echinus escu- lentus), showing rows of suckers among the spines. British seas. ECHINODERMATA. 253 backward so as to meet, we would have a very close imi- tation of a Sea-urchin, the ventral surface correspond in «■ to the ambulacral areas. Echini live near the shore, in rocky holes or under sea-weed. They are less active than Star-fishes, but, like them, feed on Shells and Crabs. They reproduce by minute red eggs. Regular Echini, as the common Cidaris, are nearly globular, and the oral and anal openings are opposite. Irregular Echini, as the Clypeaster, are flat, and the anal orifice is near the margin. Class IV.—Holothuroidea. These worm-like " Sea-slugs," as they are called, have a soft elongated body, with a tough contractile skin contain- ing scattered granules. One end, the head, is abruptly terminated, and has a simple aperture for a mouth, encir- cled with feathery tentacles. There are five longitudinal Fig. 210.—Sea-slugs (Holothuria). rows of ambulacral suckers, but only one is used for lo- comotion. The mouth opens into a pharynx leading to a long intestinal canal. Holothurians have the singular power of ejecting all their internal organs, surviving for some time the loss of these essential parts, and afterward reproducing them. They occur on nearly every coast, 254 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. especially in tropical waters, where they sometimes attain the length of three or four feet. As found on the beach after a storm, or when the tide is out, they are leathery lumps, of a reddish, brownish, or yellowish color. They may be likened to a Sea-urchin devoid of a shell, and long drawn out, with the axis horizontal, instead of ver- tical. Subkingdom Mollusca. A Mollusk is a soft-bodied animal, without internal skeleton, and without joints, covered with a moist, sensi- tive, contractile skin, which loosely envelops the creature, like a mantle. In some cases the skin is naked ; but gen- erally it is protected by a calcareous covering (shell). The length of the body is less in proportion to its bulk than in other animals. The lower classes have no distinct head. The nervous system consists, in the true Mollusks, of three well-developed pairs of ganglia, which are principally con- centrated around the entrance to the alimentary canal, forming a ring around the throat. The other ganglia are, in most cases, scattered irregularly through the body, and in such the body is unsymmetrical. The digestive system is greatly developed, especially the liver, as in most aquat- ic animals. Except in the Cephalopods, the muscles are attached to the skin. Only the higher Mollusks have a distinct heart (auricle and ventricle), and this is always on the arterial side. While in neighboring groups, as Fora- minifers, Corals, Star-fishes, and Articulates, we find repe- titions of similar parts, in Mollusks every part or organ is single. The total number of living species probably ex- ceeds 20,000. The great majority are water - breathers, and marine; some are fluviatile or lacustrine; and a few are terrestrial air-breathers. All bivalves, and nearly all univalves, are aquatic Each zone of depth in the sea has its particular species. MOLLUSCA. 255 There are six classes of Mollusks. Of these, the first three form a group by themselves, called Molluscoidea, distinguished by having only one or two nervous ganglia, an imperfect circulatory apparatus, and generally no or- gans for prehension and locomotion. Of the other three, Lamellibranchs are headless, while Gasteropods and Ceph- alopods only have a distinct head, and an apparatus for mastication. Class I.—Polyzoa. These minute Mollusks resemble the Polyps in appear- ance, living in clusters, each individual inhabiting a del- icate cell, or tube, and having a simple mouth surrounded with ciliated tentacles. The colony often takes a plant- like form; sometimes spreads, like fairy-chains or lace- work, over other bodies; or covers rocks and sea-weeds in Fig. 211.—Polyzoans: 1. Hornera lichenoides; natural size. 2. Branch of the same, magnified. 3. Dtscopora Skenei; greatly enlarged. patches with a delicate film. The majority secrete carbo- nate of lime. Though an extremely low form of the Mol- luscan type, a Polyzoan shows its superiority to the Coral, which it imitates, in possessing a distinct alimentary canal 256 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. and a well-defined nervous system. The cells of a group never have connection with a common tube, as in Coelen- terates. There are both marine and fresh-water species. Class II.—Tunicata. The Tunicates are either single or compound, and are found in all seas. The most common form (the solitary Ascidians) are inclosed in a leathery, elastic bag, one end of which is fastened to the rocks, while the other has two orifices, for the inlet and exit of a current of water for nutrition and respiration. They are without head, feet, arms, or shell. Indeed, few animals seem more helpless and apathetic than these ap- parently shapeless beings. The tubular heart exhibits the curious phenomenon of reversing its action at brief intervals, so that the blood oscillates backward and for- ward in the same vessels, aa was supposed to be the case fig. 212—An Ascidian. 'm the human system before the time of Harvey. Another peculiarity is the presence of cellulose in the skin. While the Ascidians are fixed and single, the Salpians are free, and alternately single and social. They are usually seen swimming in long chains (the offspring of one individual). Each member of this colony produces solitary young, which are unlike their parents, and these again give birth to aggregated forms. Class III.—Brachiopoda. These Mollusks have a bivalve shell, the valves being applied to the dorsal and ventral sides of the body. The valves are unequal, the ventral being usually larger, and more convex; but they are symmetrical, i. e., a vertical MOLLUSCA. 257 line let fall from the hinge divides the shell into two equal parts. The ventral valve has, in the great major- ity, a prominent beak, perforated by a foramen, or hole, through which a fleshy foot protrudes to attach the ani- mal to submarine rocks. The valves are opened and shut by means of muscles, and in some cases they are hinged, having teeth and sockets near the beak. The mouth faces the middle of the Fig. 214.—Dorsal Valve of a Brachiopod (Terebratula), showing, in descending order, cardinal process, dental sockets, hinge-plate, septum, and loop support- ing the ciliated arms. Fig. 213.—A Brachiopod (Terebratulina septentrionalis). Atlantic coast. margin opposite the beak; and on either side of it is a long fringed " arm," gen- erally coiled up, and sup- ported by a bony frame-work. The animal, having no gills, respires either by the arms or the mantle. Brachi- opods were once very abundant, over 2000 extinct species having been described; but less than a hundred species are now living.1-49 They are all marine, and fixed; but of all Mollusks, they enjoy the greatest range of climate and depth. Class IV.—Lamellibranchiata. Lamellibranchs are all ordinary bivalves, as the Oyster and Clam. The shells differ from those of Brachiopods in being placed on the right and left sides of the body, so that the hinge is on the back of the animal, and in being nnequilateral and equivalved.160 The umbo answers to the 17 258 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 215. — Pearl Oyster (Meleagrina margariti- fera); one-fourth nat- ural size. Ceylon. a hinge beak, but it is not perforated. It is the point from which the growth of the valve commences. Both Brachiopods and Lamellibranchs are headless; but in the latter, the mouth points the same way as the umbo, i. e., toward the anterior part. The length of the shell is measured from its anterior to its posterior margin, and its breadth from the dorsal side where the hinge is to the opposite, or ventral, edge. The valves are united to the animal by one muscle (as in the Oyster), or two (as in the Clam), and to each other by In some species, as the Fresh-water Mussel, the hinge is simply an elastic ligament, passing on the outside from one valve to the other just behind the beak, so that it is on the stretch when the valves are closed, and another placed between the edges of the valves, so that it is squeezed as they shut, like the spring in a watch-case. Such bivalves are said to be edentulous. But in the majority, as the Clam, the valves also articulate by interlocking parts called teeth. The valves are, therefore, opened by the ligaments, and closed by the muscles. The margin of the shell on which the ligament and teeth are situated is termed the hinge-line. Lamellibranchs breathe by four plate-like gills (whence the name), two on each side underneath the mantle (Fig. 78). In the higher forms, the mantle is rolled up into two tubes, or siphons, for the inhalation and exhalation of water. They feed on infusorial particles filtered from the water. A few are fixed, the Oyster, e. g., habitually lying on its left valve, and the Salt-water Mussel hanging to the Fig. 216.— Salt-water Mussel (Mytilus pel- lucidus). Atlantic coasts. MOLLUSCA. 259 rocks by a cord of threads called " byssus;" but the rest have a "foot," by which they creep about. Unlike the Oyster, also, the majority live in an erect position, resting Fig. 217__Lamellibranch (Mactra): a, foot; b, c, siphous. on the edges of their shells. Over 4000 living species are known. These are fresh-water and marine, and range from the shore to a depth of a thousand feet. The chief characters for distinguishing Lamellibranchs are the muscular impressions,161 whether one or two; the presence of a pallial sinus, which indicates the possession of siphons; the structure of the hinge; and the symmetry of the valves. The following are the leading types of structure: 1. Mantle open; no siphon-tubes, and therefore no pal- lial sinus; one muscular impression; foot wanting, or very small; shell unequivalve and edentulous: as the Oyster (Ostrea), Scallop (Pecten), and Pearl Oyster (Avicula).1™ 2. Mantle open infront,and closed behind, except one small aperture; no pallial sinus; two muscular im- pressions; foot large; shell equi- valve: as the Sea Mussel (Mytilus), and Fresh-water Clam (Unio). 3. Mantle having three openings; FiG.2is.-cockie(Cardi,«mco»- ° i tatum); one - third natural tubes wanting, or very short; no size, china seas. 260 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. pallial sinus; two muscular impressions: as " the giant of the bivalve race" (Tridacne) and Cockle (Cardium).163 4. Mantle, with three openings; siphons large; pallial sinus and muscular impressions well marked: as the com- mon Clam (Venus),16* and the burrowing Razor-shell (Solen). Class V.— Gasteropoda. The Snails are, with rare exceptions, all univalves.'65 The body is coiled up in a conical shell, which is usually spiral, the whorls passing obliquely (and generally from right to left)168 around a central axis, or "columella." When the columella is hollow (perforated), the end is called the " umbilicus." When the whorls are coiled around the axis in the same plane, we have a discoidal Fia. 219.—Whelk (Buccinum), showing operculum, o, and siphon, «. shell, as the Planorbis. The mouth, or "aperture," of the shell is " entire " in most vegetable-feeding Snails, and notched or produced into a canal for the siphons in the carnivorous species. The former are generally land and fresh-water forms, and the latter all marine. In some Gasteropods, as the River - snails, a horny or calcareous MOLLUSCA. 261 plate (operculum) is secreted on the foot, which closes the aperture when the animal withdraws into its shell. In locomotion, the shell is carried with the apex directed backward. The body of most Gasteropods is nnsymmetrical, the organs not being in pairs, but single, and on one side, instead of central. The mantle is continuous round the body, not bilobed, as in Lamellibranchs. A few, as the common Garden-snail, have a lung; but the vast majority breathe by gills. The head is more or less distinct, and provided with two tentacles, with auditory sacs at their bases; two eyes, which are often on stalks; and a strap- like tongue covered with minute teeth. The heart is situ- ated, in the majority, on the right side of the back. All, except the Pteropods, move by means of a ventral disk, or foot. Gasteropods are now the reigning Mollusks, comprising three-fourths of all the living species, and are the types of the subkingdom. They have an extraordinary range in latitude, altitude, and depth. Omitting a few rare and aberrant forms,167 we may sep- arate the class into the following orders: 1. Pteropods.—These are small, marine, floating Mol- lusks, whose main organs of motion resemble a pair of wings or fins coming out of the neck, whence the common name, " Sea-but- terflies." Many have a delicate, trans- parent shell. The head has six ap- pendages, armed with several hun- dred thousand microscopic suckers— a prehensile apparatus unequaled in FlG 220._a pteropod (fly- complication. Pteropods OCCUr in aUa tridentata). Atlantic. every latitude, but generally in mid-ocean, and in the arctic regions are the food of Whales and Sea-birds. 2. Opisthobranchs.—These low Gasteropods are, for the 262 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. most part, naked Sea-slugs, a few only having a small shell. The feathery gills are behind the heart (whence the name). They are found in all seas from the arctic to the torrid, generally on rocky coasts. Fig. 221___A Tritonian (Dendronotm arborescens). three-fourths natural British seas. size. Indian Ocean. or tough skin. Examples: Sea-lemon (Doris), the beauti ful Tritonia, the painted jEolis, the Sea-hare (Aplysia), which discharges a purple fluid, and the Bubble - shell (Bulla). 3. Pulmonates.—These air-breathing Gasteropods, rep- resented by the familiar Snail, have the simplest form of lung — a cavity lined with a delicate net-work of blood- vessels, which opens externally on the right side of the neck. This entrance is closed by a valve, to shut out the water in the aquatic tribes, and the hot, dry air of summer days in the land species. They are all fond of moisture, and are more or less slimy. Their shells are lighter (being thinner, and containing less earthy matter) than those of marine Mollusks, having to be carried on the back with- out the support of the water. Their eggs are laid singly; while the eggs of other orders are laid in chains. They are found in all zones, but most numerous where lime and moisture abound. All feed on vegetable matter. A few are naked, as the Slug; some are terrestrial; others live in fresh water. The Land-snails, represented by the common Helix, the gigantic Bulimus, and the Slug (Li- max), are distinguished by their four "horns," the short MOLLUSCA. 263 front pair being the true tentacles, and the long hinder pair being the eye-stumps. They have a saw-like upper Fig. 223.—.4, Land-snail (Helix); B, C, D, Slugs (Umax); E, F, G, Pond-snails (Limncea, Paludina, and Planorbis). jaw for biting leaves, and a short tongue covered with minute teeth. The Pond-snails, as Limnaia and Planor- bis, differ in having no eye-stalks, the eyes being at the base of the tentacles. They are obliged to come frequently to the surface of the water to breathe. 4. Prosobranchs.—These are aquatic Gasteropods, breathing by gills situated in front of the heart. They are the most highly organized and the most abundant of the crawling Mollusks. Nearly all are marine, and all have a gng]l Fig. 224.—Bulimus oblon- gus; one-half natural Among the lower forms are the sin- 8ize- Guiana. gular Chiton, covered with eight shelly plates; Limpet (Patella), well known to every sea-side visitor; and the 264 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 225.— Cowry (Cyprceacapensis); two- Fig. 226. — Haliotis, or "Pearly Ear- thirds natural size. South Africa. shell." Pacific coasts. Fig. 227. — Spindle- Fig. 228. — Cassis rufa, or Fig. 229.—Auger-shell shell (Fusus colus); " Helmet-shell;" one-fourth (Terebra maculata); one - half natural natural size. Indian Ocean. one - half natural size. Ceylon. size. China seas. Fig. 230.—Cone-shell (Conus Fig. 231.—Chiton squa- Fig. 232__Volute (Voluta marmoreus); two-thirds mosus; one-half natn- musica); one-half nat- natural size. China seas. ral size. West Indies. ural size. West Indies. MOLLUSCA. 265 Fig. 233.—Top-shell (Turbo marmo- ratus); one - fourth natural size. China seas. Fig. 234__Strombus gigas, or "Winged- shell;" one-fifth natural size. West Indies. Fig. 236. — Paludina, a Fresh-water Fio. 236.— Key-hole Limpet (Fissurella Snail. listeri). West Indies. Fig. 237.—Ear-shell (fl. tubercidata), and Dog-whelk (Nassa reticulata). England. 266 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. beautiful Ear-shell (Haliotis), frequently used for orna- ments and inlaid-work. In the higher Prosobranchs, the gills are comb-shaped and the sexes are distinct. The group includes all the spiral univalve sea-shells, and a few fresh-water shells. Many have the aperture entire, which is closed with an operculum: as the dull-colored Paludina and Melania from fresh water, and the pyramidal Trochus, pearly Turbo, screw-like Turritella, common Periwinkle (lit- torina), and globular Natica from the sea. Others, the highest of the race, have the margin of the aperture notch- ed or produced into a canal, and are carnivorous and ma- rine: such are nearly all the sea-shells, remarkable for their beautiful forms, enameled surfaces, and brilliant tints, as the Cowry (Cyprcea), Volute, Olive, Cone, Harp, Whelk (Buccinum), Cameo-shell (Cassis), Rock-shell (Murex), Trumpet-shell (Triton), Spindle-shell (Fusus), and Wing-shell (Strombus). Class VI.—Cephalopoda. The Cephalopods stand at the head of the subkingdom, some of them outranking the highest Articulates; but they are not so typical as the Gasteropods. The head is set off from the body by a slight constriction, and furnished with a pair of large, staring eyes, a mouth armed with a rasp- ing tongue and a parrot-like beak, and eight or more ten- tacles or arms. The body is symmetrical, and wrapped in a muscular mantle. The nervous system is more concentrated than in other Invertebrates; the cerebral ganglia are even inclosed in a cartilaginous cranium. All the five senses are present. The class is entirely marine (breathing by plume-like gills on the sides of the body), and carnivorous. The naked species are found in every sea. Those with chambered shells (as Nautilus, Ammonite, and Orthoceras) were once MOLLUSCA. 267 very abundant: more than 2000 fossil species are known, but only one living representative—the Pearly Nautilus. 1. Tetrabranchs. — This order is characterized by the possession of four gills, forty or more short tentacles, and an external, chambered shell. The partitions, or septa, of the shell are united by a tube called " siphuncle," and the animal lives in the last and largest chamber.168 The living Nautilus has a smooth, pearly shell, a head retractile with- in the mantle or " hood," and calcareous mandibles well fitted for masticating Crabs, on which it feeds. This strag- Fig. 238.—Pearly Nautilus, with shell bisected; one-half natural size. Indian Ocean. gler of a mighty race dwells in the deep parts of the Indian Ocean, crawling on the bottom; and while the shell is well known, only two or three specimens of the animal have ever been obtained. 2. Dibranchs.—These are the most active of Mollusks, and the tyrants of the lower tribes. Among them are the largest of invertebrate animals. They are naked, having no external shell covering the body, but usual- ly a horny or calcareous part within. They have a distinct head, prominent eyes, horny mandibles, eight or ten arms furnished with suckers,169 two gills, a com- 268 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. plete tubular funnel, and an ink - bag containing a pe- culiar fluid (sepia), of in- tense blackness, with which the water is darkened to fa- cilitate escape. They have the power of changing color, like the Chameleon. They crawl with their arms on the bottom of the sea, head downward, and also swim backward or forward, usual- ly with the back downward, by means of fins, or squirt themselves backward by for- cing water forward through their breathing funnels. The Paper Nautilus (Ar- gonauta) and the Poulpe (Oc- topus) have eight arms. The female Argonaut secretes a thin, unchambered shell for Fig. 239.—Cuttle - fish (Sepia officinalis); one-fifth natural size. Atlantic coasts. 2 3 Fig. 240. —Paper Nautilus (Argonauta argo): 1, swimming toward a by ejecting water from funnel, b; 2, crawling on the bottom; 3, coiled within its shell, which is one-fourth natural size. Mediterranean. ARTICULATA. 269 carrying its eggs. The Squid (loligo) and Cuttle-fish (Sepia) have ten arms, the additional pair being much longer than the others. Their eyes are movable, while those of the Argonaut and Poulpe are fixed. The Squid, so much used for bait by cod-fishermen, has an internal horny " pen," and the Cuttle has a spongy - calcareous " bone." The extinct Belemnite had a similar structure. Subkingdom Articulata. This is larger than all the other subkingdoms put to- gether, as it includes the jointed animals, such as Worms, Crabs, and Insects. These differ widely from the Mol- luscan type in having a symmetrical form, and in showing a repetition of similar parts, not only in the shelly exterior, but equally among the internal organs. The skeleton is outside, and consists of articulated seg- ments or rings. The limbs, when present, are likewise jointed and hollow. The jaws move from side to side. The nervous system consists mainly of a double chain of ganglia running along the ventral surface of the body under the alimentary canal. The brain is in the form of a ring encircling the gullet. The alimentary canal and the circulatory apparatus are nearly straight tubes lying lengthwise — the one through the centre, and the other along the back. There is a remarkable correspondence, especially in the lower forms, between the joints of the body and the ganglia of the nervous cord, the respiratory organs and the chambers of the dorsal heart. Each ring of a Worm has a complete circulatory, respiratory, and nervous apparatus."0 As we advance from the lowest forms (Worms), in which the body is elongated, the rings numerous, the skin soft, and the legs imperfect, we shall find the rings fewer, the skin firmer, and the legs more elaborately formed, as in the Centipede; till in the Bee, Spider, and 270 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Crab, we see an increasing consolidation of the exoskele- ton, and more perfect limbs, and a tendency to concen- trate the body in front, and thin out behind. Along with these progressive steps, we notice the muscular powers be- coming more energetic, and the nervous ganglia condens- ing into larger masses. The subkingdom is divided into five classes: the aquat- ic Worms and Crustaceans, and the air-breathing Spiders, Myriapods, and Insects.161 The various forms of articulate life arise from the unequal development of the body-seg- ments and variation in the number and form of append- ages. Class I.—Annelida. The Annelids, or Worms, are distinguished from all other Articulates by the absence of hollow articulated Fig. 241.—Marine Worm (Cirratulus grandis), with extended cirri. Atlantic. ARTICULATA. 271 limbs, and by the fact that no one part of the body is highly honored above the rest. The body is soft, and composed of a succession of rings (from 20 to 500), which are repetitions of each other. The first segment, called the head, differs little from the rest. The legs, when ex- isting, are merely bunches of short, stiff bristles (setce), each terminating in a hook or blade. Many of the sea- worms have tentacles. Touch is probably the only sense. d, segments of the body. magnified. The blood is often reddish, but seldom contains corpus- cles. Strange to say, the circulatory apparatus is closed, and more highly developed than in Insects. They are mostly marine, and carnivorous. There are three representative orders: 1. The low and abnormal Annuloida, which are without joints or setae, and are mainly parasitic, as the Tape-worm (Tcenia), Hair-worm (Gordiacea), and Trichina.1™ 2. The Abran- 272 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. chiates, which breathe by the skin. The majority are fresh-water, as the Leech (Sanguisuga) and Earth-worm (lumbricus). 3. The Branchiates, whose organs of res- piration are tuft-like gills on the back or head. Such are the sea-worms Arenicola, Nereis, and Serpula. The Rotifers, or " Wheel - animalcules," are minute aquatic Articulates, whose exact position is doubtful, hav- ing some of the features of both Worms and Crustaceans. They resemble Infusoria externally, but have a complete alimentary canal and well-developed nervous system. At the head is a disk furnished with cilia for locomotion and prehension, and at the other end is a pair of "toes," which act like forceps. None are over -gV of an inch long. Class II.—Crustacea. This class includes all Articulates having jointed legs and gills.163 Among them are the largest, strongest, and most voracious of the subkingdom, armed with powerful claws and a hard cuirass bristling with spines. Although constructed on a common type, Crustaceans exhibit a wonderful diversity of external form: contrast, for exam- ple, a Barnacle and a Crab. We will select the Lobster as illustrative of the entire group. Every Crustacean consists of twenty-one segments, of which seven belong to the head, seven to the thorax, and seven to the abdomen.164 In the Lobster, however, as in all the higher forms, the joints of the head and thorax are welded together into a single crust, called the cephalo- thorax. On the front of this shield is a pointed process, or rostrum; and attached to the last joint of the abdo- men (the so-called "tail") is the sole representative of a tail—the telson. This skeleton is a mixture of chitine and calcareous matter, and corresponds to our epiderm- is.165 On the under-side of the body we find numerous ap- ARTICULATA. 273 pendages, feelers, jaws, claws, and legs beneath the ceph- alo-thorax, and flat swimmerets under the abdomen. In fact, as a rule, every segment carries a pair of movable appendages. The seven segments of the head are com- pressed into a very small space, yet have the following members: the eye-stalks; the short and long antennae; the mandibles, or jaws, between which the month opens; the two pairs of maxillae ; and a pair of modified limbs, called " foot- jaws." The thorax carries two more pairs of foot-jaws, and five pairs of legs. The foremost legs, " the great claws," are ex- traordinarily devel- oped, and terminated by strong pincers (chelai). Of the four slender pairs succeed- ing, two are furnished with claws, and two are pointed. The last pair of swimmerets, to- gether with the telson, form the caudal fin— the main instrument of locomotion; the others (called "false feet") are used by the female for carrying her eggs. The eyes are raised on stalks so as to be movable (since the head is fixed to the thorax), and are compound, made up of about 2500 square facets. At the base of each small antenna is a minute sac, whose mouth is guarded by 18 Fio. 244.—Under-side of the Cray-fish, or Fresh- water Lobster (Astacus fluviatilis): a, first pair of antennae: b, second pair; c, eyes; d, audi- tory tubercles; e, foot-jaws ; /, g, first and fifth pair of thoracic legs; h, false abdominal feet; i, anus ; k, caudal fin. 274 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. hairs: this is the organ of hearing.168 The gills, twenty on a side, are situated at the bases of the legs and inclosed in two chambers, into which water is freely admitted, in fact, drawn by means of a curious valve at the outlet which works like the " screw " of a propeller. The heart is a single oval cavity, and drives arterial blood—a dusky fluid full of corpuscles. The alimentary canal consists of a short gullet, a gizzard-like stomach, and a straight intes- tine. Crustaceans pass through a series of strange metamor- phoses before reaching their adult form. They also peri- odically cast the shell, or molt, every part of the integu- ment being renewed; and another remarkable endowment is the spontaneous rejection of limbs and their complete restoration. Many species are found in fresh water, but the class is essentially marine and carnivorous. No natural classification of this varied group has been discovered. It will be convenient to divide it into four orders: 1. Cirripeds, distinguished by being fixed, by having a shelly covering, and by their feathery arms (cirri). Such are Barnacles (Lepas) and Acorn-shells (Balanus), so com- mon on rocks and timbers by the sea-shore. 2. Entomostracans, which agree in having a horny shell and no abdominal limbs; represented by the little Water- fleas (Cyclops) of our ponds, the King-crabs (Limulus), abounding on every sea-coast, and the extinct Trilobites. The abdomen of the King-crab is reduced to a mere spine, the appendages about the mouth are used for loco- motion, and the eyes are smooth. 3. Tetradecapods, small, fourteen-footed species; as the Wood-louse, or Sow-bug (Oniscus), so common in damp places, and the Sand-flea (Gammarus), seen by the sea- side in summer. 4. Decapods, having ten legs, as the Shrimp (Cran- Fig. 245.—Barnacles, or Pedunculate Cirripedes (Lepas anatifera). gon), Cray-fish and Lobster (Astacus), and Crab (Cancer). Crabs differ from Lobsters chiefly in being formed for creeping at the bottom of the sea instead of swimming, and in the reduction of the abdomen or " tail" to a mere Fig. 246.—Acorn-shells (Balanus) on Fig. 247—Water-fleas: 1, Cyclops communis; the Shell of a Whelk (Buccinum). 2, Cypris unifasciata; 3, Daphnia pulex. 276 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. rudiment which folds into a groove under the enormous thorax. They are the highest and largest of Crustaceans: they have been found at Japan measuring ten feet be- tween the tips of the claws. Fig. 248.—Lobster (Homarus Americanus). Fig. 249__Swimming Crab, ARTICULATA. 277 Class III.—Arachnida. The Arachnids are closely related to the Crustaceans, having the body divided into a cephalo-thorax and abdo- men.167 To the former are attached eight legs of sev- en joints each; the latter has no locomotive appendages. The head carries two, six, or eight eyes, smooth and sessile (i. e., not faceted and stalked, as in the Lobster), and ap- proaching the eye of the Vertebrates in the completeness and perfection of their apparatus. The antennae, if pres- ent, are only two, and these are not " feelers," but modi- fied to serve for the prehension of food. They are all air- breathers, having spiracles which open either into air-sacs or tracheae. The young of the higher forms undergo no metamorphosis after leaving the egg. Arachnids number nearly 5000 species. The typical forms are divided into three groups : 1. Acarina, represented by the Mites and Ticks. They have an oval or rounded body, without any marked artic- ulations, the head, thorax, and abdomen being apparently merged into one. They have no brain, only a single gan- glion lodged in the abdomen. They breathe by tracheae. The mouth is formed for suction, and thev are gener- _ OK. . „.t /7. * ° Fig. 250. — A Mite (Demodex folliculo- ally parasitic. The Mites rum), one of the lowest Arachnids; J a parasite on human hair; X 125. (Acarus) are among the low- est of Articulates. The body is soft and minute. The Ticks (Ixodes) have a leathery skin, and are sometimes half an inch long. The mouth is furnished with a beak for piercing the animal it infests. 2. Pedipalpi, or Scorpions, characterized by very large maxillary palpi ending in forceps, and a prolonged, joint- ed abdomen. The nervous and circulatory systems are more highly organized than those of Spiders; but the 278 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. long, tail-like abdomen and the abnormal jaws place them in a lower rank. The abdomen consists of twelve seg- ments : the anterior half is as large as the thorax, with no well-marked division between; the other part is compara- tively slender, and ends in a hooked sting, which is perfo- rated by a tube leading to a poison-sac. The antennae are transformed into small, nipping claws, and the eyes gen- Fig. 251__Scorpion (under-surface) and Centipede. erally number six. Respiration is carried on by four pairs of pulmonary sacs which open on the under-surface of the abdomen. The heart is a strong artery, extending along the middle of the back, and divided into eight sepa- rate chambers. Scorpions are confined to the warm-tem- perate and tropical regions, usually lurking in dark, damp places. The Harvest-men (Phalangium), frequently seen about our houses, belong to this order. They have a short, thick body and extremely long legs, and breathe by tracheae. 3. Araneina, or Spiders. They are distinguished by ARTICULATA. 279 their soft, unjointed abdomen, separated from the thorax by a narrow constriction, and provided at the posterior end with two or three pairs of appendages, called " spin- nerets," which are considered homologous with the legs. The office of the spinnerets is to reel out the silk from the silk-glands, the tip being perforated by a myriad of little Fig. 252.—A, female Spider; B, male of same species; C, arrangement of the eyes. tubes, through which the silk escapes in excessively fine threads. An ordinary thread, just visible to the naked eye, is the union of a thousand or more of these delicate streams of silk.168 These primary threads are drawn out and united by the hind legs. The mandibles are vertical, and end in a powerful hook, in the end of which opens a duct from a poison-gland in the head. The maxillae, or " palpi," which in Scorpions are changed to formidable claws, in Spiders resemble the thoracic feet, and are often mistaken for a fifth pair. The 280 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. brain is of larger size, and the whole nervous system more concentrated than in the preceding order. There are gen- i i erally eight simple eyes, rarely six. They breathe both by tracheae and lung-like sacs, from two to four in number, situated under the abdomen. All the species are carnivo- rous. fig. 253.—spinner- Tlie instincts of Spiders are of a high M^Sform order. They are, perhaps, the most wily organs. 0£ Articulates. They display remarkable skill and industry in the construction of their webs; and some species (called " Mason Spiders") even excavate a subterranean pit, line it with their silken tapestry, and close the entrance with a lid which moves upon a hinge.168 Class IV.—Myriapoda. Myriapods differ from Crustaceans and Spiders in hav- ing the thorax merged in the abdomen, while the head is free. In other words, the body is divided into similar segments, so that thorax and abdomen are scarcely distin- guishable. They resemble Worms in form and in the simplicity of their nervous and circulatory systems; but the skin is stiffened with chitine, and the' legs (indefinite in number) are articulated. The legs resemble those of Insects, and the head appendages follow each other in the same order as in Insects—eyes, antennae, mandibles, max- illae, and palpi. They breathe by tracheae, and have two antennae and a variable number of eyes. There are two orders: 1. Chilognatha,h&v'mg a cylindrical body,each segment furnished with two pairs of legs. They are of slow loco- motion, harmless, and* vegetarian. The Thousand-legged Worm (Julus) is a common representative. 2. Chilopoda, characterized by having a flattened body composed of about twenty segments, each carrying one ARTICULATA. 281 pair of legs, of which the hindermost is converted into spines. They have longer antennae than the preceding, and the mouth is armed with two formidable fangs con- nected with poisonous glands. They are carnivorous and active. Such is the Centipede (Scolopendra). Class V.—Insecta. Insects are distinguished by having head, thorax, and abdomen distinct, three pairs of jointed legs, one pair of antennae, and generally two pairs of wings. The number of-segments in the body never exceeds twenty. The head, apparently one, is formed by the union of seven pieces. The thorax consists of three, the prothorax, mesothorax, and metathorax, each bearing a pair of legs; the wings, if present, originate from the last two segments. The abdo- men is normally composed of nine segments, more or less movable upon one another. The skin is hardened with chitine, and to it, as in all Articulates, the muscles are at- tached. The organs of sense are confined to the cephalic division of the body, the motor organs to the thoracic, and the vegetative to the abdominal. All the appendages are hollow. The antennae are inserted between or in front of the eyes. There is a great variety of forms, but all are tubu- lar and jointed. They are supposed to be organs of touch, and also seem to be sensitive to sound. The eyes are usually compound, composed of a large number of hexago- nal corneas, or facets (from fifty in the Ant to many thou- sands in the winged Insects). They are never placed on movable pillars as the Lobster's. Besides these, there are three simple eyes, called ocelli. The mouth may be fit- ted for biting (masticatory), as in Beetles, or for sucking (suctorial), as in Butterflies. The masticatory type, which is the more complete, and of which the other is but a mod- ification, consists of four horny jaws (mandibles and max- 282 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. L-*- illai) and an upper and an under lip {labrum and labium). Sensitive palpi (max- illary and labial) are developed from the lower jaw and lower lip. The labium is also prolonged into a ligula, or tongue. The legs are in- variably six in the adult, the fore-legs directed forward and the hinder pairs back- ward. Each consists of a hip, thigh, shank, and foot.170 The lar- vae have also "false legs," without joints, on the abdomen,upon which they chiefly rely in locomotion. The wings are ex- pansions of the crust stretched over a net- work of horny tubes. The venation, or ar- rangement of these tubes (called veins and veinlets), partic- ularly in the fore- wings, is peculiar in each genus. In many Insects, especially Hymenopters, the ab- domen of the female ends in a tube which is the sheath Fig. 254.—Under-surface of a Beetle (Harpalus cali- ginosus): a, ligula; b, paraglossae; c, supports of labial palpi; d, labial palpus ; e, mentum; /, in- ner lobe of maxilla; g, outer lobe; h, maxillary palpus; i, mandible; k, buccal opening; I, gula, or throat; m, buccal sutures ; n, gular suture; o, presternum; p, episternum of prothorax; p\ epi- meron ; q, q', q", coxae; r, r', r", trochanters; 8, 8', s", femora, or thighs;. t, V, t", tibae; v, ventral abdominal segments; w, episterna of mesothorax; x, mesosternum; y, episterna of metathorax; y', epimeron; z, metasternnm. ARTICULATA. 283 of a sting, as in the Bee, or of an ovipositor, or " borer," as in the Ichneumon, by means of which the eggs are de- posited in suitable places. Cephalization is carried to its maximum in this class, and we have animals of the highest instincts under the articulate type. The "brain" is formed of several gan- glia massed together, and lies across the upper side of the throat just behind the mouth. The main cord, which lies along the ventral side of the body, with a swelling for each segment, corresponds to the sympathetic system of Vertebrates. A true brain and spinal cord are unrepre- sented among invertebrated animals. The digestive ap- paratus consists of a pharynx, gullet (to which a crop is added in the Fly, Butterfly, and Bee tribes), gizzard, stom- ach, and intestine. There are no absorbent vessels, the chyme simply transuding through the walls of the canal. The blood, usually a colorless liquid, is driven by a chain of hearts along the back, /. e., by a pulsating tube divided into valvular sacs, ordinarily eight, which allow the cur- rent to flow only toward the head. As it leaves this main pipe (aorta), it escapes into the cavities of the body, and thus bathes all the organs. Although the blood does not circulate in a closed system of blood-vessels, as in Verte- brates, yet it always takes one set of channels in going from the heart, and another in returning. Respiration is carried on by tracheae, a system of tubes opening at the surface by a row of apertures (spiracles), generally nine on each side of the body. The sexes are distinct, and the larvae are hatched from eggs. As a rule, an Insect, after reaching the adult, or imago, state, lives from six months to a few hours, and dies after the process of reproduction. Growth takes place only during larval life, and all metamorphoses occur then. Among the social tribes, as Bees and Ants, the majority (called " workers") do not develop either sex. 284 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Insects (the six-footed Articulates) comprise four-fifths of the whole Animal Kingdom, or about 200,000 species. They are grouped into seven orders: Lower series: body usually flattened; prothorax large and 1 Neuroplers, squarish ; mouth-parts usually adapted for biting; met- Orthopters, arnorphosis incomplete; pupa often inactive; larva flat- Hemipters, tened, often resembling the adult. J Coleopters. Higher series: body usually cylindrical; prothorax small; mouth-parts more generally formed for sucking; meta- morphosis complete; pupa inactive; larva usually cylin- drical, very unlike the adult. 1. Neuropters have a comparatively long, slender body, and four large, transparent wings, nearly equal in size, membranous and lace-like. Such are the brilliant Drag- on-flies, or Devil's Darning-needles (libellula), well known by the enormous head and thorax, large, prominent eyes Dipters, Lepidopters, Hymenopters. Fig. 255.—Dragon-fly (Libellula). (each furnished with 12,000 polished lenses), and Scor- pion-like abdomen; the delicate and short-lived May-flies (Ephemera); Caddis-flies (Phryganea), whose larvae live in a tnbular case made of minute stones, shells, or bits ARTICULATA. 285 of wood; the Horned Corydalis (Corydalus), of which the male has formidable mandibles twice as long as the head; and the White Ants (Termes) of the tropics. 2. Orthopters have four wings: the front pair some- what thickened, narrow, and overlapping along the back; the hind pair broad, net-veined, and folding up like a fan upon the abdomen. The hind legs are usually large, and fitted for leaping, all the species being terrestrial, although some fly as well as leap. The eyes are small, the mouth remarkably developed for cutting and grinding. The lar- vae and pupae are active, and resemble the imago. They are all vegetarian. Each famfly produces characteristic sounds (stridulation). The representative forms are Crick- ets (Gryllus), Locusts (locusta), Grasshoppers (Acrydium), Walking-sticks (Phasmd), and Cockroaches (Blatta). 3. Ilemipters, or " Bugs," are chiefly characterized by a suctorial mouth, which is produced into a long, hard 286 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 257__Metamorphosis of an Hemipter, Water-boatman (Notonecta). beak. The four wings are irregularly and sparsely vein- ed, sometimes wanting. The body is flat above, and the legs slender. The larva differs from the imago in wanting Fig. 258.—Seventeen-year Locust (Cicada septendecim): a, pupa; 6, the same, after the imago, c, has escaped through a rent in the hack; d, holes in a twig, where the eggs, e, are inserted. ARTICULATA. 287 wings. In some species, the fore-wings are opaque at the base, and transparent at the apex, whence the name of the order. Some feed on the juices of animals, others on plants. Here belong the wingless Bed-bug (Cimex) and Louse (Pediculus), the Squash-bug (Coreus), Water-boat- man (Notonecta), Seventeen-year Locust (Cicada), Cochi- neal (Coccus), and Plant-lice (Aphis). 4. Coleopters, or " Beetles." This is the largest of the orders, the species numbering about 90,000. They are easily recognized by the elytra, or thickened horny fore- wings, which are not used for flight, but serve to cover the hind pair. When in repose, these elytra are always united by a straight edge along the whole length. The hind wings, when not in use, are folded transversely. The mandibles are well developed, and the integument general- ly is hard. The legs are strong, for the Beetles are among Fig. 259.—a, imago, and 6, larva, of the Goldsmith Beetle (Cotalpa lanigera); c, pupa of June-bug (Lachnosterna fusca). the most powerful running Insects. The larvae are worm- like, and the pupa is motionless. The highest tribes are carnivorous. The most prominent forms are the savage but beautiful Tiger Beetles (Cicindela); the common Ground Beetles (Carabus), whose hind wings are often absent; the Diving Beetles (Dytiscus), with boat-shaped body, and hind legs changed into oars; the Carrion Bee- tles (Silpha), distinguished by their black, flat bodies and 288 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 260.—Sexton Beetles (Necrophorus vespillo), with Inrva and nymph. They are burying a mouse, preparatory to laying their eggs in it. club-shaped antennae; the Goliath Beetles (Scarabaius), the giants of the order; the Snapping-bugs (Elater); the Lightning - bugs (Pyrophorus); the spotted Lady - birds (Coccinella); the showy Long-horned Beetles (Cerambyc- idce)', and the destructive Weevils (Curculionidce), with pointed snouts. 5. Dipters, or "Flies," are characterized by the rudi- mentary state of the hinder pair of wings. Although having, therefore, but one available pair, they are gifted with the power of very rapid flight. While a Bee moves its wings 190 times a second, and a Butterfly 9 times, the ARTKTLATA. 289 House-fly makes 330 strokes. A few species are wingless. The eyes are large, with numerous facets; the tongue ter- minates in a fleshy knob, and the other parts of the mouth are fitted for suction, being generally converted into fine ikF&i, Fig. 261.—Metamorphosis of the Mosquito (Culex pipiens). 19 290 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. lancets; the thorax is globular; and the legs slender. The larvae are footless grubs. The Dipters number about 24,000. Among them are the Mosquitoes (Culex); Hes- v \V 111 f)Q wrg* Fig. 262.—Metamorphosis of the Flesh-fly (Sarcophaga carnaria): a, eggs; 6, young maggots just hatched; c, d, full-grown maggots; e, pupa; /, imago. sian-fly (Cecidomyia), so destructive to wheat; Daddy- long-legs (Tipula), resembling a gigantic Mosquito; the wingless Flea (Pulex); besides the immense families rep- resented by the House-fly (Musca) and Bot-fly (CEstrus). 6. Lepidopters, or "Butterflies" and "Moths," are known chiefly by their four large wings, which are thick- ly covered on both sides by minute, overlapping scales. The scales are of different colors, and are often ar- ranged in patterns of ex- quisite beauty. They are in reality modified hairs, and every family has its particular form of scale. The head is small, and the body cylindrical. The legs are not used for locomotion. All the mouth parts are nearly obsolete except the maxillae, which are fashioned into a "proboscis"for pump- ing up the nectar of n rni -i Fl»- 264.—Part of the wing of a Moth (Saturnia), HOWei'S. 1 ne larvae, magnified to show the arrangement of scales. Fig. 263, -Scales from the wings of vari- ous Lepidopters. ARTICULATA. 291 called "caterpillars," have a worm-like form, and from one to five pairs of abdominal legs, in addition to the six on the thorax. The mouth is formed for mas- tication, and (ex- cept in the larvae of Butterflies) the lip has a spinner- et connected with silk-glands. There are three groups: the gay Butterflies, having knobbed or hooked antennae, and flying in the sunshine only; the dull-colored Sphinges, with antennae thickened Fig. 265.— Vanessa polychloros, or "Tortoise-shell But- terfly." Fig. 266__Moth and Larva of Attacus pavoniowmajor. 292 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. in the middle, and flying at twilight; and the nocturnal Moths, which generally prefer the night, and whose anten- nae are thread-like and often feathery. Generally, when Fig. 267.—Fruit-moth (Pyralis pomona): b, larva; o, chrysalis; c, imago. at rest, the Butterflies keep their wings raised vertically, while the others hold theirs horizontally. The pupa of the former is unprotected, and is usually suspended by a bit of silk:1'1 the pupa of the Moths is inclosed in a cocoon. From 22,000 to 24,000 Lepidopterous species have been identified. Some of the most common Butterflies are the swallow-tail Papilio, the white Pieris, the sulphur- yellow Colias ; the Argynnis, with silver spots on the un- der side of the hind wings; the Vanessa, with notched Fig. 268.-Head of a Caterpillar, from wjnors. The Sphinges exllib- beneath: a, antennae; 6, horny jaws; ° i o c, thread of silk from the conical fusu- it little variety. They have lus, on either side of which are rudi- . mentary paipi. narrow, powerful wings, and ARTICULATA. 293 are sometimes mistaken for Humming - birds. The " po- tato-worm" is the caterpillar of a Sphinx. The most conspicuous Moths are the large and beautiful Attacus, distinguished by a triangular, transparent spot in the centre of the wing; the white Bombyx, or " silk-worm;" the reddish-brown Clisiocampa, whose larva, " the Amer- ican Tent - caterpillar," spreads its web in many an ap- ple and cherry tree; the pale, delicate Geometrids; and the small but destructive Tineids, represented by the Clothes-moth. 7. Hymenopters, comprising at least 25,000 species, in- clude the highest, most social, and, we may add (if we ex- cept the Silk-worm), the most useful, of Insects. They have a large head, with compound eyes and three ocelli, mouth fitted both for biting and suction,1" legs formed for locomotion as well as support, and four wings equally transparent, and interlocking by small hooks during flight. The females are usually provided with a sting, or borer. The larvae are footless, helpless grubs, and generally nurt- Fig. 269.—Honey-bee (Apis mellifica): a, female; 6, worker; c, male. nred in cells, or nests. Such are the Honey-bees (Apis), Humble-bees (Bombus), Wasps ( Vespa), Ants (Formica), Ichneumon-flies, and Gall-flies. Those living in societies exhibit three castes: females, or "queens;" males, or "drones;" and neuters, or sexless "workers." There is but one queen in a hive, and she is treated with the greatest distinction, even when dead. She dwells in a large, pear- shaped cell, opening downward. She lays three broods of e b, secondaries; c, spurious wing; d, wing-coverts; llltie toe IS always e, tertiaries; /.throat, or jugulum; g, chin; h, -man finer) • manv "hnvp bill; the meeting line between the two mandi- wammgj > many nave bles is the commissure; the ridge on the upper three the hallux 01' inaudible is called culmen; that of the lower, # ' ' gonys; the space between the base of the upper " big " toe, being ab- mandible and the eye is the lore; i, forehead; k, , .. , „ . , crown; I, scapular feathers; m, back; n, meta- Sent; Willie tne VJstriCh tarsus, often called tarsus or tarso-metatarsus; o, LQQ Knf +tw\ a-naxrrav abdomen ; p, rump; q, upper tail-coverts; r, low- nas DUl l ™ °> »nsWei - er tail-coverts. jng to t^e third and fourth. The normal number of phalanges, reckoning from the hallux, is 2, 3, 4, 5. The toes always end in claws. Birds have neither lips nor teeth, epiglottis nor dia- phragm. The teeth are wanting, because a heavy mas- ticating apparatus in the head would be unsuitable for flight. The beak, crop, and gizzard vary with the food.190 The sole organs of prehension are the beak and legs. The VERTEBRATA. 315 circulation is double, as in Mammals, starting from a four- chambered heart. Respiration is more complete than in other Vertebrates. The lungs are fixed, and communicate with air-sacs in various parts of the body, as along the ver- tebral column, and also with the interior of many bones, as the humerus and femur, which are usually hollow and marrowless.191 Both brain and cord are much larger rela- tively than in Reptiles; the cranium is larger in propor- tion to the face; and the parts are not situated in one plane, one behind the other. The cerebrum is round and smooth; and the cerebellum single-lobed. The ears re- semble those of Crocodiles; but the eyes are well devel- oped, and protected by three lids. They are placed on the sides of the head, and the pupil is always round. The sexes generally differ greatly in plumage, in some cases more widely than two distinct species. But the coloration of either sex of any one species is very constant. A. Aquatic Birds.—Specially organized for swimming; the body flattened, and covered with water-proof clothing —feathers and down; the legs short (the knees being whol- ly withdrawn within the skin of the body), and set far apart and far back; the feet web- bed, and hind toe elevated or absent. The legs are always feathered to the heel at least. They are the only Birds whose neck is sometimes longer than the legs. 1. Pygopodes, or Divers.— These lowest of the feath- ered tribe have very short wings and tail, and the legs are placed so far back that they are obliged, when on Fig. 295.—Penguin (Aptenodytes Pennan- tii). Falkland Islands. 316 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 296.—Loon (Colymbus torquatus). North America. land, to stand nearly bolt upright. The}7 are better fitted for diving than for flight or even swimming. They be- long to the high latitudes, living on Fishes mainly, and are represented by the Penguins, Auks, Loons, and Grebes. 2. Longipennes, or Gulls.—Distinguished by their long, pointed wings, usually long tail, and by great powers of flight. They are all carnivorous. Such are the Gulls and Fig. 297.—Tern (Sterna). VERTEBRATA. 317 Fig. 298.—Cormorant (Graculus). Terns, which frequent the sea-coast, lakes, and rivers; and the Albatrosses and Petrels (the largest and smallest of web-footed Birds), which are oceanic. 3. Totipalmates, or Cormorants. — Characterized by a long bill, generally hooked; wings rather long; and toes long, and all four joined to- gether by broad webs. Throat generally na- ked, and furnished with a sac. The major- ity are large sea-birds, and feed on Fishes, Mollusks, and Insects. Examples are the Cor- morants, Pelicans, and ' Fig. 299.—Wild Goose (Bernicla Canadensis). GannetS. United States. 318 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 300.—Wild Duck (Anas boschas). North America. 4. Lamellirostres, or Ducks, have a heavy body, mod- erate wings, short tail, flattened bill, covered by a soft skin, with ridges along the edges. Diet more commonly vegetarian than animal. The majority inhabit fresh wa- ter—as the Ducks, Geese, Swans, and Flamingoes. B. Terrestrial Birds. —• This group exhibits great diversity of structure; but all agree in being especially Fio. 301.—Sandpiper (Tringa hypoleuca). England. Small and elevated. VERTEBRATA. 319 5. Grallatores, or Waders. — These are readily distin- guished by their long and bare legs. Generally, also, the toes, neck, and bill are of proportion- ate length, and the tail short. They feed on small an- imals, and, with a few exceptions, frequent the banks of rivers. In fly- ing, their legs are stretched out be- hind, while in most other Birds they are folded under the body. Such are the Rails, Cranes, Herons, Storks, Ibises, Stilts, Snipes, Sandpipers, and Plovers. 6. Cur sores, or Run- ners.— This small, ab- errant order includes the Ostriches, Casso- waries, and Apteryx, well marked by their gigantic size, rudi- mentary wings, keelless breast-bone, and robust legs. The African Os- trich has two toes, the Cassowary three, and the Apteryx four. The barbs of the feathers They subsist chiefly on plants, seeds, Fig. 302.—Heron (Ardea). Fig. 303.—Rail, or Marsh Hen (Rallus elegans) United States. are disconnected. 320 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. and fruit, and, excepting the Rhea, or American Ostrich, belong to the Old World. 7. Rasores, or Scratchers. As a rule, this order, so valuable to Man, is characterized by a short, arched bill; short and concave wings, unfitted for protracted flight; stout legs, of me- dium length; and four toes, the three in front being uni- ted by a short web, and terminating in blunt claws. The legs are usually feathered to the heel, sometimes (as in Grouse) to the toes. The feathers of the body are large and coarse. The males generally have gay plumage, and some appendage to the head. The nostrils are covered by a scale or valve. Their main food is grain. Such are the Grouse, Partridges, Turkeys, Pheasants, Poultry, and Cnrassows. To these may be added Pigeons and Doves, although they stand intermediate be- Fig. 304.—African Ostrich (Struthio camelus). Fig. 305.—Prairie-chicken (Cupidonia cupido). Western prairies. VERTEBRATA. 321 tween the terrestrial and perching Birds, as the Flamin- goes link the aquatic and terrestrial. They differ from the typical Rasores in hav- ing wings for prolonged flight, and slender legs, fit- ted rather for an arboreal life, with toes not united, and the hind toe on a level with the rest. C. Aerial Birds.—This highest and largest group includes all those Birds whose toes are fitted for 306.—Ring-dove (Columba palumbus). England. grasping or perching, the Fl0 hind toe being on a level with the rest. The knee is free from the body, and the leg is generally feathered to the heel. The wings are adapted for rapid or long flight; and they hop, rather than walk, on the ground.192 They always live in pairs; and the young are hatched helpless. 8. Raptores, or Birds of Prey, differ from all other Birds, except Parrots, in having a strongly hooked bill and a waxy membrane (cere) at the base of the upper mandible; and from Parrots, Fig. 307.—Barn-owl (Strix flam- mea). Both hemispheres. Fig. 308. — Fish - hawk (Pandion Carolinensis). United States. 21 322 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. in having three toes in front and one behind. The toes are armed with long, strong, crooked talons; the legs are robust; and the wings are of considerable size, adapted Fig. 309__Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos). North America and Europe. for rapid and powerful flight. The bill is stout and sharp, and usually toothed. All are carnivorous. The female is larger than the male, except the Condor. There are two Fig. 310.—Foot of Parrot and Woodpecker. VERTEBRATA. 323 sections: the Diurnal, whose eyes are on the sides of the head, wings point- ed, and metatarsus and toes covered over with scales, as the Vultures, Kites, Hawks, Falcons, and Eagles; the Noc- turnal, whose large eyes are directed for- ward and surrounded by radiating feathers, metatarsus feathered, and plumage soft, as the Owls. 9. Scansores, or Climbers.193 — These Birds have no other exclusive peculiarity than the pairing of the toes, two being turned forward and two back- ward. Usually it is the outer toe which pairs with the hind toe; in the Trogons, it is the inner one. They are not musical, and only ordinary fliers. They feed on Insects or fruit The majority make nests in the hol- lows of old trees; but the Cuckoos lay in the nests of other Birds. In climbing, the Wood- pI0. 311—Trogon elegans. Central America. 324 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. peckers are assisted by their stiff tail, and the Parrots by their hooked bill. The important Scansores are the Par- Fig. 312.—Head of a Fly-catcher (Tyrannus). rots, Woodpeckers, Barbets, Toucans, Cuckoos, Jacamars, and Trogons. 10. Insessores, or Perchers.—This order is the most nu- merous and varied in the whole class. It comprehends all those tribes which live habitually among trees, excepting Fig. 313.—Goat-sucker (Caprimulgus). VERTEBRATA. 325 Fio. 314.—White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia albicollis). United States. the Rapacious and Climbing Birds, and whose toes—three in front, and one behind—are eminently fitted for perch- ing only. The legs are slender, and sel- dom used for loco- motion. They are divisible into three sections: a. The Volitores, re- markable for their powers of flight. The wings are long and pointed, the voice is incapable of modulation, and the eggs are white. Such are the Hum- mers, having a long, slender bill; and the Swifts, Goat - suck- ers, and Kingfishers, having a short bill and wide gape.194 b. Clamatores, with nothing in common but a harsh voice. In most, the tarsus is enveloped in a row of plates, which meet behind in a groove, and the bill broad, and bent down ab- ruptly at the tip. The typical representatives are the Tyrant Fly - catchers. c. Oscines, or Songsters, all of whom have a vocal ap- Fig. 315. -Redstart (Setophaga ruticilla). United States. Fig. 316.—White-eyed Vireo (Vireo Noveboraeensis). United States. 326 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. paratus, though all do not sing. The anterior face of the tarsus is one continuous plate, or divided transversely into Fig. 317.—Kingfisher (Ceryle). large scales; and the plates on the sides meet behind in a ridge. The toes, always three in front and one behind, arc Fig. 318.—Swallow (Hirundo). VERTEBRATA. 327 on the same level. The eggs are usually colored. Here belong the Ravens, Crows, Jays, Birds of Paradise, Black- birds, Orioles, Larks, Sparrows, Tanagers, Wax-wings, Swal- lows, Wrens, Warblers, Thrushes, etc. Class V.—Mammalia. Mammals are distinguished from all other creatures by any one of the following characters: they suckle their young; the thorax and abdomen are separated by a per- fect diaphragm; the red corpuscles of the blood have no nucleus, and are therefore double-concave; and either a part or whole of the body is hairy.196 They are all warm-blooded Vertebrates, breathing only by lungs, which are suspended freely in the thoracic cavi- ty; the heart is four-chambered, and the circulation is double, as in Birds; the aorta is single, and bends over the left bronchial tube; the large veins are furnished with valves; the red corpuscles differ from those of all other Vertebrates in being circular (except in the Camel); the entrance to the windpipe is always guarded by an epiglot- tis; the cerebrum is more highly developed than in any other class, containing a greater amount of gray matter and (in the higher orders) more convolutions; the cere- bellum has lateral lobes, a mammalian peculiarity;198 the cranial bones are united by sutures, and they are fewer than in cold-blooded Vertebrates; the skull has two oc- cipital condyles, a feature imitated only by the Amphib- ians; the lower jaw consists of two pieces only (often uni- ted), and articulates directly with the cranium; with two exceptions (Manatee and Hoffman's Sloth), there are al- ways seven cervical vertebrae; the dorsals, and therefore the ribs, vary from ten to twenty-four; the articulating surfaces of the vertebrae are generally flat; the front limbs are never wanting, and the hind limbs only in a few aquatic forms; excepting the Whales, each digit car- 328 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. ries a nail, claw, or hoof; the teeth (always present, save in certain low tribes) are planted in sockets; the mouth is closed by flexible lips; an external ear is rarely absent ;197 the eyes are always present, though rudimentary in some bur- rowing animals; they are vivipa- rous; and, finally, and perhaps above all, while in all other an- imals the embryo is developed from the nourishment laid up in the egg itself, in Mammals it draws its support, almost from the beginning, directly from the parent, and, after birth, it is sus- tained for a time by the milk se- creted by the mammary glands. From the first, therefore, till it can care for itself, the young Mammal is in vital connection with the parent.198 Fig. 319.—Longitudinal Section of Human Body (theoretical): a, cerebro-spinal nervous sys- tem ; b, cavity of nose; c, cav- ity of mouth; d, alimentary canal; «, chain of sympathet- ic ganglia; /, heart; g, dia- phragm. Fig. 320__Transverse Section of Human Body (theoretical): a, cerebro - spinal nervous axis contained in neural tube; e, chain of sympa- thetic ganglia ; d, alimentary canal; /, heart; h, hfemal tube. 1. Monotrernes.—This order is created to include two singular forms, the Duck-mole (Ornithorhynchus) and Spiny Ant-eater (Echidna), both confined to the Australian continent. The former has a covering of fur, a bill like VERTEBRATA. 329 that of a Duck, and webbed feet. The latter is covered with spines, has a long toothless snout, like the Ant-eater's, and the feet are not webbed. Both burrow, and feed upon Fig. 321.—Ornithorhynchus. Insects. The brain is smooth in the Ornithorhynchus, and folded in the Echidna. In both, the cerebral hemispheres are loosely united by transverse fibres, and do not cover the cerebellum and olfactory lobes.199 2. Marsupials are distinguished by the fact that the young, always born premature, are transferred by the mother to a pouch on the abdomen, where they are at- tached to the nipples, and the milk is forced into their mouths by special muscles.300 They have "marsupial bones" projecting from the pelvis, which may serve to support the pouch; but as the Monotremes have the same bones, but no pouch, they doubtless have some other func- tion. These bones are peculiar to animals having no pla- centa, namely, to Monotremes and Marsupials. The brains of Marsupials resemble those of the Monotremes, except that the cerebrum of the Kangaroo covers the olfactory lobes. All have the four kinds of teeth, and all are cov- 330 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. ered with fur, never with spines or scales. Except the Opossums of America, all are restricted to Australia and Fig. 322__Virginian Opossum (Didelphys Virginiana). adjacent islands. The Wombat, Kangaroo, and Phalanger are herbivorous; the Bandicoot, Opossum, Hylacinus, and Dasyurus are chiefly carnivorous. 3. Edentates.—This strange order contains very diverse forms, as the leaf-eating Sloths and the insectivorous Ant- eaters and Armadillos of South America, and the Pango- lin and Orycteropus of the Old World. The gigantic fos- sils, Megatherium and Glyptodon, belong to this group. The Sloths and Ant-eaters are cov- ered with coarse hair; the Armadillos and Pangolins, with an ar- mor of plates or scales. The Ant-eaters and Pangolins are strictly edentate, or toothless; the rest have molars, wanting, however, enamel and roots. In general, it may be said that the order includes all quadrupeds having sep- Fig. 323.—Skull of the Great Ant-eater (Myrme- cophaga jubata): 15, nasal; 11, frontal; 7, pa- rietal ; 3, superoccipital; 2, occipital condyles; 28, tympanic; 73, lachrymal; 32, lower mandi- ble. Teeth wanting. VERTEBRATA. 331 arate, clawed toes and no incisors. The Sloths are arbo- real ; the others burrow. The brain is generally smooth; Fig. 3'24.—Armadillo (Dasypus). but that of the Ant-eater is convoluted, and has a large corpus callosum; but in all, the cerebellum and part of the olfactories are exposed.801 4. Rodents, or Gnawers, are characterized by two long, curved incisors in each jaw, enameled in front, and per- petually growing; they are specially formed for nibbling. Separated from them by a wide space (for canines are wanting), are the flat molars, admirably fitted for grind- 15 n Fig. 325.__Skull of a Rodent (Capybara): 22, premaxillary; 21, maxillary; 26, mo- lar; 27, squamosal; 73, lachrymal; 15, nasal; 11, frontal; 4, occipital processes, unusually developed; i, incisors; a, angle of lower jaw. 332 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. ing. The lower jaw has longitudinal condyles, which work freely backward and forward in longitudinal fur- Fig. 326.—Incisor Teeth of the Hare. rows. Nearly all have clavicles ; and the toes are clawed. The cerebrum is nearly or quite smooth, and covers but a small part of the cerebellum. All are vegetarian. About two-thirds of all known Mammals are Rodents. They range from the equator to the poles, over every con- tinent, over mountains and plains, deserts and woods. The Fig. 327.—Beaver (Castor Canadensis). North America. more important representatives are the Porcupines, Capy- baras, Guinea-pigs, Hares, Mice, Rats, Squirrels, and Bea- vers. The Capybara and Beaver are the giants of the race. VERTEBRATA. 333 insect - eating animals, smallest of Mammals. 5. Insectivores are diminutive some, as the Shrew, being the They have small, smooth brains, which, as in the preceding orders, leave uncovered the cerebellum and olfactory lobes. The molar teeth bristle with sharp, pointed cusps, and are associated with ca- nines and incisors. They have a FlG> 82S—Shrew Mouse <*"*>■ long muzzle, short legs, and clavicles. The feet are form- ed for walking or grasping, and are plantigrade, five-toed, and clawed. The Shrew, Hedgehog, and Mole are ex- amples. 6. Cheiropters, or Bats, repeat the chief characters of the Insectivores; but some (as the Flying-fox) are fruit- eaters, and have corresponding modifications of the teeth. Fio. 329.—Bat (Vespertilio). They are distinguished by their very long fore - limbs, which are adapted for flight, the fingers being immense- ly lengthened, and united by a membranous web. The 334 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. toes, and one or two of the fingers, are armed with hook- ed nails. The clavicles are remarkably long, and the ster- num is of great strength; but the whole skeleton is ex- tremely light, though not filled with air, as in Birds. The Fig. 330__Skeleton of a Bat. eyes are small, the ears large, and the sense of touch is very acute. The favorite attitude of a Bat when at rest is that of suspension by the claws, with head downward. They are all nocturnal. 7. Cetaceans, or Whales, have the form and life of Fish- es, yet they possess a higher organization than the preced- ing orders. They have a broad brain, with many and deep foldings; the foramen magnum of the skull is en- tirely posterior; the whole head is disproportionately large, and the jaws greatly prolonged. The body is cov- ered with a thick, smooth skin, with a layer of fat (" blub- Fig. 331.—Outline of the Sperm-whale (Physeter): a, blow-hole; 6, the case contain- ing spermaceti; c, junk; d, bunch of the neck—between it and the corner of the mouth is the eye; h, hump; i, ridge; A;, the small; /, tail, or flukes. Between the dotted lines are the spiral strips of blubber. Maximum length, sixty feet. South Atlantic. VERTEBRATA. 335 ber") underneath; there are no clavicles; the hind limbs are wanting, and the front pair changed to paddles; the tail expands into a powerful, horizontal fin; neck and ears are apparently wanting; the eyes small, with only two lids; the nostrils ("blow-holes")—double in the Whale, single in the Porpoise—are on the top of the head. All are car- nivorous, and essentially marine, a few Dolphins only be- ing found in the great rivers. In the Whalebone Whales, the teeth are absorbed, and disappear before birth, and their place is supplied by horny "baleen" plates. "The Fig. 332.—Greenland Whale (Balmna mysticetus). North Atlantic. 336 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Whale feeds by putting this gigantic strainer into opera- tion, as it swims through the shoals of minute Mollusks, Crustaceans, and Fishes, which are constantly found at the surface of the sea. Opening its capacious mouth, and al- lowing the sea-water, with its multitudinous tenants, to fill the oral cavity, the Whale shuts the lower jaw upon the Fig. 333.—Troop of Dolphins, with Manatee in the distance. baleen plates, and, straining out the water through them, swallows the prey stranded upon its vast tongue." In all other Cetaceans teeth are developed, especially in Dol- phins and Porpoises; but the Sperm Whale has them only in the lower jaw, and the Narwhal can show but a single tusk. The Dolphins are the only Mammals having no or- gan of smell. 8. Sirenians resemble the Cetaceans in shape, but are closely allied to the hoofed animals in organization. They have the limbs of the Whales, and are aquatic; but they are herbivorous, and frequent great rivers and estuaries. VERTEBRATA. 337 They have two sets of teeth, the Cetaceans never having but one. They have a narrow brain ; bristles scantily cov- ering the body; and nostrils placed on the snout, which is large and fleshy. Such are the Manatee and Dugong. 9. Proboscidians.—This race of giants, now nearly ex- tinct, is characterized by two upper incisors in the form of tusks, mainly composed of dentine (ivory). In the extinct Dinotherium the tusks projected from the lower jaw; and in the Mastodon, from both jaws. Canines are wanting. The molars are few and large, with transverse ridges (Ele- phant) or tubercles (Mastodon). The cerebrum is large and convoluted, but does not cover the cerebellum. The skull is enormous, the size arising in great measure from the development of air-cavities between the inner and outer plates. The nose is prolonged into a flexible trunk, which is a strong and delicate organ of prehension. There are four massive limbs, each with five toes incased in broad, shallow hoofs, and also with a thick, tegumentary pad. The knee is below and free from the body, as in Monkeys and Men. Clavicles are wanting. The body of the Elephant is nearly naked; but the Mammoth, an ex- tinct species, had a covering of long woolly hair. Ele- phants live in large herds, and subsist on foliage and grass. There are but two living species: the Asiatic, with long head, concave forehead, small ears, and short tusks; and the African, with round head, convex forehead, large ears, and long tusks.203 10. Ungulates, or Hoofed Quadrupeds.—This large or- der, comprehending many animals most useful to Man, is distinguished by four well-developed limbs, each furnished with not more than four complete toes, and each toe in- cased in a hoof. The leg, therefore, has no prehensile power; it is only for support and locomotion. Clavicles are wanting; and the radius and ulna are so united as to prevent rotation. There are always two sets of teeth, i. e., 22 338 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. milk-teeth are succeeded by a permanent set. The grind- ers have broad crowns. As a rule, all are herbivorous. The brain is always convoluted, but the cerebellum is largely uncovered. Ungulates are divided into the odd and even toed. a. The Odd-toed, as the three-toed Rhinoceros and Tapir,203 and the one-toed Horse.204 The first is distinguished by its very thick skin, the absence of canines, and one or two horns on the nose. The tapir has the four kinds of teeth, and a short proboscis. The dental formula of the Horse is— .3-3 1-1 3 — 3 3 — 3 An % 3—3> G I"' P171 3—3' m 3^ = 40' The canines are often wanting in the mare. The Horse walks on the third finger and toe. The metacarpals and metatarsals are greatly elongated, so that the wrist and heel are raised to the middle of the leg. b. The Even-toed Ungulates — Hog, Hippopotamus, and Ruminants — have Fig. 334__Indian Rhinoceros (R. unicornis). VERTEBRATA. 339 two or four toes.105 The Hog and Hippopotamus have the four kinds of teeth, and, in the wild state, are vegetarian. The Ruminants have two toes on each foot, enveloped in hoofs which face each other by a flat side, so that they ap- pear to be a single hoof split or " cloven." Usually there are also two supplementary hoofs behind, but they do not ordinarily touch the ground. All chew the cud, and have a complicated stomach. They have incisors in the lower jaw only, and these are apparently eight; but the two outer ones are canines.208 The molars are flat typical grinders. The dental formula of the Ox is— .o—0 0—0 3—3 3—3 on * jZv «£=!, JPm 3—3, m—s = 32. With few exceptions, as the Camel, all Ruminants have horns, which are always in pairs. Those of the Deer are solid, bony, and deciduous; those of the Giraffe and An- Fig. 335.—Stag, or Red Deer (Cervus elaphua). Europe. 340 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Fig. 336—Raccoon (Procyon lotor). United States. telope are solid, horny, and permanent; in the Goat, Sheep, and Ox they are hollow, horny, and permanent. 11. Carnivores, or Beasts of Prey, may be recognized by their four long, curved, acute, canine teeth, the gap between the incisors and canines in the upper jaw for the reception of the low- er canine, and mo- lars graduating from a tuberculate to a trenchant form in proportion as the diet deviates from a miscellaneous kind to one strictly of flesh. The incisors, with rare exceptions, number six in each jaw. The teeth are lodged in distinct sockets, and covered with enamel. There are always two sets. The skull is com- paratively small, the jaws are shorter and deeper than in Un- gulates, and there are numerous bony ridges on the inside and outside of the cranium — the high occipital crest being specially characteristic. The cerebral hemispheres are joined by a large corpus callosum, but the ft- .i tr-r.....p^Z(„jN Fig. 337.—Wolf (Lupus occidentalis) United States. ftwsa^- Fig. 338__Ermine-weasel (Putoriua Noveborocensis) United States. VERTEBRATA. 341 Carnivores are divided according to the modifications of the limbs: a. Pinnigrades, having short feet expanded into webbed paddles for swimming, the hinder ones being bound in with the skin of the tail. Such are the Seals, Walrus, and Eared Seals, or Sea-lions, b. Plantigrades, in which the whole, or nearly the whole, of the hind foot forms a sole, and rests on the ground. The claws are not Fig. 340.—Southern Sea-lion (Otaria jubata). Antarctic Ocean. retractile; the ears are small, and tail short. Bears, Bad- gers, and Raccoons are well-known examples, c. Digiti- 342 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. grades keep the heel raised above the ground, walking on the tips of the toes. The majority have long tails. Such are the Weasels, Otters, Civets, Hyenas, Foxes, Jackals, Wolves, Dogs, Cats, Panthers, Leopards, Tigers, and Li- ons. The last five differ from all others in having retract- ile claws, and the radius rotating freely on the ulna. The Cats have thirty teeth; the Dogs, forty-two, or twelve more molars. In the former, the tongue is prickly; in the lat- ter, smooth. 12. Primates, the head of the kingdom, are character- ized by the possession of two hands and a pair of feet, the thigh free from the body, and all the digits furnished with nails, the first on the foot enlarged to a " great toe." Throughout the order, the hand is eminently or wholly prehensile, and the foot, however prehensile it may be, is always locomotive.208 The clavicles are perfect. The eyes are situated in a complete bony cavity, and look forward. There are two sets of teeth, all enameled; and the incisors, num- bering four in each jaw. They are divided into Lemurs, Monkeys and Apes, and Man. a. Lemurs, or " Mad- agascar Cats," are cov- ered with soft fur, have usually a long tail, pointed ears, fox-like muzzle, and curved nostrils. They walk on all fours, and the thumb and great toe are generally opposable to the digits. The second toe has a long, pointed claw instead of a nail. The cerebrum is relatively small, and flattened, and does not cover the cerebellum and olfactory lobes.209 b. The Monkeys of tropical America have, generally, a Fig. 341.—Lemur (L. ruber). Madagascar. VERTEBRATA. 343 long, prehensile tail ;210 the nostrils are placed far apart, so that the nose is wide and flat; the thumbs and great toes are fitted for grasping, but are not opposable to the other digits; and they have four molars more than the Apes or Man—that is, thirty-six teeth in all. In the Apes of the Old World the tail is never prehensile, and is some- times wanting; the nostrils are close together; both thumbs and great toes are opposable; and the teeth, though num- bering the same as Man's, are uneven (the incisors being Fio. 342.—White-throated Sapajou (Cebua hypoleucua). Central America. prominent, and the canines large), and the series is inter- rupted by a gap on one side or other of the canines. Their average size is much greater than that of the Le- murs or Monkeys, and they are not so strictly arboreal. In both Monkeys and Apes, the cerebrum covers the cere- bellum.211 While in the Lemurs and Monkeys the skull is rounded and smooth, that of the Apes, especially those coming nearest to Man —the anthropoid, or long-armed, 344 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. Apes, as Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Orang, and Gibbon — is characterized by strong crests. Lemurs and Monkeys Fig. 343.—Skull of Orang-utan (Simia Fig. 344.—Skull of Chimpanzee (Troglo- satyrus). dytes niger). shorter than the arms. In all the Primates but Man, the body is clothed with hair, which is generally longest on the back. Several Monkeys and Apes have a beard, as the Howler and Orang. Fig. 345.—Female Orang-utan (from photograph). Borneo. VERTEBRATA. 345 The Orang is the least human of all the anthropoid Apes as regards the skeleton, but comes nearest to Man in the form of the brain. The Chimpanzee approaches Man most closely in the character of its cranium and teeth, and the proportional size of the arms. The Gorilla is most Fig. 346__Skeletons of Man, Chimpanzee, and Orang. Man-like in bulk (sometimes reaching the height of five feet six inches), in the proportions of the leg to the body and of the foot to the hand, in the size of the heel, the form of the pelvis and shoulder-blade, and volume of brain.212 c. Man differs from the Apes in being an erect biped. In him, the vertebrate type, which began in the horizontal Fish, finally became vertical. No other animal habitually stands erect; in no other are the fore-limbs used exclusive- ly for head-purposes, and the hind pair solely for locomo- tion. Man alone can stand, walk, run, jump, climb, swim, ride, drive, sit, or lie on his back for any length of time. His limbs are naturally parallel to the axis of his body, not perpendicular. They have a near equality of length, 346 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. but the arms are always somewhat shorter than the legs. In all the great Apes the arms reach below the knee, and the legs of the Chimpanzee and Gorilla are relatively shorter than Man's. Man only has a finished hand, most perfect as an organ of touch, and most versatile. Both hand and foot are rel- atively shorter than in the Apes. The foot is plantigrade; the leg bears vertically upon it; the heel and great toe are longer than in other Primates; and the great toe is not o b Fig. 347.—Foot (a) and Hand (b) of the Gorilla. opposable, but is used only as a fulcrum in locomotion. The Gorilla has both an inferior hand and inferior foot. The hand is clumsier, and with a shorter thumb than Man's; and the foot is prehensile, and is not applied flat to the ground.213 The scapular and pelvic bones are extremely broad, and the neck of the femur remarkably long. Man is also sin- gular in the double curve of the spine: the Baboon comes nearest to Man in this respect. The human skull has a smooth, rounded outline, eleva- ted in front, and devoid of crests. The cranium greatly predominates over the face, being four to one ;214 and no other animal (except the Siamang Gibbon) has a chin. Man stands alone in the peculiarity of his dentition : his VERTEBRATA. 347 teeth are vertical, of nearly uniform height, and close to- gether. In every other animal the incisors and canines are more or less inclined, the canines project, and there are vacant spaces.215 Man has a longer lobule to his ear than any Ape, and no muzzle. The bridge of his nose is decidedly convex; in the Apes generally it is flat. Man has been called the only naked terrestrial Mam- mal. His hair is most abundant on the scalp; never on the back, as in the Apes. Man has a more -pliable constitution than the Apes, as Fig. 348.—Australian Savage. shown by his world - wide distribution. The animals nearest him soon perish when removed from their native places. Though Man is excelled by some animals in the acute- ness of some senses, there is no other animal in which all the senses are capable of equal development. He only has the power of expressing his thoughts by articulate speech, and the power of forming abstract ideas. Man differs from the Apes in the absolute size of brain, 348 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. and in the greater complexity and less symmetrical dis- position of its convolutions. The cerebrum is larger in proportion to the cerebellum (being as 8£ to 1), and the former not only covers the latter, but projects beyond it. The brain of the Gorilla scarcely amounts to one-third in Fig. 349—Skull of European. Fig. 350.—Skull of Negro. volume or one-half in weight of that of Man. Yet, so far as cerebral structure goes, Man differs less from the Apes than they do from the Monkeys and Lemurs. The great gulf between Man and the brute is not physical, but psy- chical.218 CHAPTER XXII. SYSTEMATIC ARRANGEMENT OF REPRESENTATIVE FORMS. Subkingdom Protozoa.—An artificial group, with no common tvpe; animals simple, minute, aquatic. Class I. Monera.—Entirely homogeneous in structure: as Bathybius. Class II. Gregarinida.—Consisting of one cell, and parasitic : Gregarina. Class III. Rhizopoda—Having the power of throwing out parts of the body for prehension. Order 1. Amujbea.—Naked: Amoeba, Actinophrys. ^ „ { single: Lagena. Order 2. FonAMHirraA.-With calcareous shell; j compound: Nummulite& Order 3. Radiolaria.—With siliceous shell: Polycystina. Class IV. Infusoria.—Having mouth and cilia. Order 1. Flagellata.—With long, lash-like filaments: Monad. ( fixed: Vorticella. Order 2. Ciliata.-Covered with vibratile cilia; j free: ParmMeiumm Class V. Spongida.—Amcebiform bodies united into a composite mass, generally secreting a common skeleton. Order 1. Myxospongia.—Gelatinous; no skeleton : Halisarca. __, „, , , ( horny: Spongia. Order 2. Fibbospongia.—With fibrous skeleton ; < ... „ , .„ ' ( siliceous: Euplectella. Order 3. Cai.oispongia.—Skeleton calcareous, not fibrous: Sycon. Subkingdom Cgxenterata.—Radiated animals, with distinct body-cavity, tentacles, and nettling £= thread-cells. ° Class I. Hydrozoa—Single digestive cavity, with which the mouth communicates freely. Order 1. Hydroida__Fixed by adherent disk; \ b V ra- { compound: Serttilaria. Order 2. Siphonophora.—Free and oceanic, swimming by crested air-sac: Physalia. Order 3. Luoernarida.—Cup-shaped, with marginal tufts of tentacles, and eight or more radiating canals; attached ; single: Lucer- naria. O Order 4. Disoophora.—Free and oceanic; disk-shaped, with marginal fringe of tentacles and "veil"; four canals; single: Aurelia. § Class II. Anthozoa—Double digestive cavity, with radiating septa. ^ W r" soft-bodied ; single; slightly locomotive: Actinia. >■ Order 1. AoTiNARiA.-Parts in some multiple of six; J . f sclerodermic rough, calcareous coral: Mad- g j composite; fixed; secreting < repore. -< L I sclerobasic, smooth, horny coral: Isis. Order 2. Aloyonaria__Parts in some multiple of four; composite; fixed ;\ \ ' O ( secreting furrowed sclerobasic coral: Corallium. ■ O Class III. Ctenophora.—Soft-bodied ; transparent; free, moving by eight rows of tiny paddles ; two tentacles ; digestive O cavity with anal outlet: Pleurobrachia. h< Subkingdom Echinodermata.—Radiated animals, with distinct alimentary canal and well-developed nervous system; body-walls secreting calcareous plates; parts in multiple of five. Class I. Crinoidea— Body cup-shaped ; fixed by jointed stalk ; mouth uppermost: Pentacrinus. ( moving by long slender arms: Ophiura. Class II. Asteroidea.—Body star-shaped; free; mouth underneath; { moving by suckers under the hollow lobes of the t body: Asterias. Class III. Echinoidea — Body inclosed in a spinous shell; free, mov-("spherical: Cidaris. ing by suckers ; mouth underneath, with five teeth ; \flat: Chjpcaster. Class IV. Holothuroidea—Body cylindrical and soft; free, moving by suckers ; mouth forward, surrounded by tentacles : Penfada. Subkingdom Mollusca.—Soft-bodied, unjointed animals, with muscular skin (" mantle"), generally protected by a calcareous shell; nervous system scattered. § 1. Destitute of masticatory apparatus, feeding by ciliary action. Claps I. Polyzoa.—Minute; composite ; fixed ; mouth with tentacles : Flustra. fsingle and fixed : Ascidia. Class II. Tunicata-Inclosed in a leathery, contractile bag, with two openings ; marine;|gingle Qr compoun(j. free: Salpa. Class III. Brachiopoda—With equilateral but unequivalved bivalve fwith hinge-line : Tcrebratula. shell; no gills ; two ciliated arms ; fixed ; marine ; \with no hinge-line : Lingula. {no pallial sinus, siphons, or foot; one musculrr im- pression ; unequivan eel . t/sn ea. pallial sinus, siphons, and foot; two muscular i.n- pressions ; equivalved : Venus. § 2. With distinct head and rasping tongue. Class V. Gasteropoda—Generally with univalve, unchambered shell; two-chambered heart; three nervous ganglia; two tentacles. * Swimming by wing-like appendages. „ ( with shell: Hualea. Order 1. PrKBOPODA—Free and oceanic; small; -j without ghe,,. ^ Subkingdom Mollusca—Continued. £g * * Crawling by ventral disk. Order 2. OpiSTHOBRANoniATA.—Naked, with external gills toward the rear of the body; marine: Doris. „.„ . „ ... . „ ( aperture entire: Natica. Order 3. Prosobranchiata__Gills in front; with shell ;< , , . ( aperture notched: Strombus. ["naked: Umax. Order 4. Pulmonata.—Air-breathing; -l . h fa n, j terrestrial: HeJi*. i ' 1 fresh-water: Limncea. „ Class VI. Cephalopoda—Symmetrical body; with arms around the mouth; walk and swim ; marine; three-chambered g heart. tj Oder 1. Tetrabranchiata.—Having four gills, many tentacles, and an external, chambered shell: Nautilus. F • it ( eight arms: Octopus. H Order 2. Dibranohiata.-Two gills ; naked; ink-bag; -j ^ ams. ^.^ ^ W Subkingdom. Articulata.—Symmetrical, jointed animals ; skeleton external; nervous cord ventral; g tubular heart dorsal. ^ o § 1. Aquatic. CP Class I. Annelida.—Soft body; segments similar; no jointed legs. Order 1. Annttloida.—Parasitic: Taenia. Order 2. Abranohiata__Breathe by skin: Lumbricus. Order 3. Branohiata.—Breathe by gills: Nereis. Class II. Crustacea.—Having gills and more than eight jointed legs ; twenty-one segments, with head and thorax united; four antennae. Order 1. Cirripedia.—Fixed; shelly covering; feathery arms: Balanus. Order 2. Entomostraca.—Horny carapax; joints of abdomen and thorax more or less than fourteen; no abdominal legs: Limulus. Order 3. Tetkadeoapods.—Carapax of mingled lime and chitine ; fourteen-footed; small: Oniscus. Order 4. Decapods.—Carapax of mingled lime and chitine ; ten-footed; large: Astacus. > § 2. Air-breathing. f^ Class III. Arachnida—Eight thoracic legs ; cephalo-thorax ; antennae modified. ^ 6 Order 1. Aoaeina.—Minute; no marked articulations ; tracheal respiration ; suctorial: Acarus. W Order 2. Pedipalpi.—Long, jointed abdomen ; pulmonary sacs ; lobster-like claws: Scorpio. ?* Order 3. Abaneina.—Soft, short, unjointed abdomen ; spinnerets ; pulmonary sacs: Epeira. 54 H Class IV. Myriapoda.—Segments similar; worm-like ; chitinous skin ; tracheae ; two antennae. 2 Order 1. Cuilognatha.—Cylindrical; four legs to each joint: lulus. W ££ Order 2. Chilopoda.—Flattened; two legs to each joint: Scolopendra, t-tf W Class V. Insecta—Head, thorax, and abdomen distinct; chitinous crust; six thoracic legs; winged; two antennas; tracheae. 22 Order 1. Neueoptera.—Slender abdomen ; four equal, large, transparent wings ; biters: Libellula. h3 Order 2. Orthopteea.—Four wings, front pair slightly thickened, narrow and overlapping, hind pair transparent, broad, and folded; f^ biters: Gryllus. H M Order 3. HEMiPTERA.-Suctorial; legs slender; \ 7inSle8S: Cimex- ^ ( four wings : Cicada. Order 4. Coleopteea.—Four wings, front pair horny, uniting by straight edge ; biters: Scarabmus. q Order 5. Dipteea.—Two transparent wings ; slender legs ; suctorial: Musca. Jd f antennae feathery: Attacus. g; Order 6. Lepidoptera—Four large, scaly wings; legs not locomotive; spiral proboscis for suction ; J antennae 6Pmdle - shaped: ] Sphinx. L antennae knobbed: Papilio. W Order 7. Hymenopteea.—Four transparent wings ; mouth fitted for both biting and suction ; social: Apis. os Subkingdom Yeetebeata. —Internal, jointed skeleton; nervous cord dorsal and separated from g body-cavity; circulation complete ; limbs not more than four. § 1. Cold-blooded. Class I. Pisces.—Permanent gills ; embryo without amnion and allantois ; heart with two cavities. Order 1. Marsipobranohii.—Body naked; eel-like; limbless; skeleton cartilaginous ; mouth circular: Petromyzon. \ soft-finned: Salmo. Order 2. Teleostei.—Having scales, fins, and bony skeleton ; tail homocercal; j gpiliy.finne(j . perea. O Order 3. Ganoidei.—With enameled plates or scales ; skeleton partly cartilaginous ; tail heterocercal; gills free: Acipenser. O Order 4. Elasmobranohii.—Shagreen skin ; cartilaginous skeleton ; tail heterocercal; gills fixed and uncovered: Squalus. ^ Order 5. Dipnoi.—No vertebral centra ; filiform fins ; heart with three cavities: Lepidosiren. > Class II. Amphibia-Temporary or permanent gills, but true lungs when adult; amnion and allantois wanting ; develop > through tadpole state ; two occipital condyles ; heart of three cavities ; skin soft. ^ Order 1. Ophiomorpha__Snake-like ; no limbs : Ccecilia. m ., ■. ( gills permanent: Proteus. O Order 2. Urodela.—Tailed; \ .„ f .„ , . o ( gills temporary: Salamandra. ^ „, .„ .„ . ( no teeth: Bufo. O Order 3. Anoura.-Tailless ; gills temporary; j nppej. teeth Qnly. Rm^ ^ Class III. Reptilia-Having lungs and scales ; one occipital condyle ; heart with three cavities ; embryo with amnion and allantois. Order 1. Ophidia.— Body elongated, scaly, and limbless ; numerous vertebrae j head with scales ; venomous: Crotalus. and ribs; no eyelids ; lower jaw loosely united in front; I head with plates ; harmless: Coluber. ( no limbs: Anguis. Order 2. Laoertilia—Scaly; lower jaw firmly united in front; eyelids; -j fom. limbg. Lacerta_ i natatory; Chelone. Orders. Chelonia.—Horny and bony carapax; no teeth; eyelids; four legs ;•] amphibious: Chelydra. { terrestrial: Testudo. Order 4. Cbocodima.—Covered with scales and bony plates; teeth in distinct fl0Dg SD°Ut: Gavmlis- sockets; heart with four cavities; evelids and earlids ; I lower caniue9 flttiug int0 a notch: Crocodil™- y. lower canines fitting into a pit: Alligator. § 2. Warm-blooded. Class IV. Aves.—Feathered; four limbs, hind pair for progression on land or water, front for flight; no teeth ; three eye- lids ; one occipital condyle ; heart with four cavities ; lungs. * Hind toe wanting or elevated. Order 1. Natatores.—Swimmers; webbed toes; legs short: Anser. Order 2. Grallatores.—Waders ; long necks, legs, and toes: Ardea. Order 3. Cursores.—Runners ; short wings; strong legs: Struthio. Order 4. Rasoreb.-Scratchers; strong, blunt claws; three toes front, one behind; arched bill: Gallus. * * Hind toe on a level with the rest. Order 5. Soansores__Climbers; two toes in front and two behind: Picua. Order 6. Raptores.—Birds of prey; sharp, curved beak and talons; strong legs ; three toes front, one behind: Falco. Order 1. Insessoees.—Perchers; short, sleuder legs ; three toes front, one behind: Tardus. Class V. Mammalia.—Suckle their young ; red corpuscles double-concave ; heart with four cavities ; lungs ; diaphragm ; body hairy; two occipital condyles. * Implacental. Order 1. Monotremata__Duck-billed ; webbed feet: Ornithorhynchus. Order 2. Maesupialia__With pouch for immature young: Diadelphys. * * Placental; with fins. Order 3. Cetaoea.—Hind limbs wanting, front pair for swimming ; nostrils ou top fteeth 7antin£: Balcena. „,...„ . . < teeth in lower jaw: Physeter. of the head; carnivorous; . , L teeth in both jaws: Delphinua, Order 4. Sieenia.—Herbivorous cetaceans; nostrils at the end of the snout; molars in both jaws: Manatus. Subkingdom Yeetebeata— Continued. *** Placental; with hoofs. ( even-toed; fourfold stomach: Bos. Order 5. TjNGULATA.-Vegetanan; large, flat molars; j odd.toed. single stomach: Equus. **** Placental; with claws. „ ( Toothless: Myrmecophaga. Order 6. Edentata.— ■{ T . .. _ , I Incisors wanting: Bradypus. 7. Rodentia.—Canines wanting ; incisors highly developed: Mits. 8. Inseotivora.—Molars with sharp points: Scalops. 9. Cheiroptera.—Fore-limbs webbed for flight: Vespertilio. 10. Peoboscidea.—Mammoth quadrupeds, with tusks and proboscis: Elephas. c pinnigrade: Phoca. Order 11. Caenivora__Flesh-eaters; canines well developed; molars trenchant; j plantigrade: Ursus. I digitigrade: Felis. Order Order Order Order Order 12. Primates.—Four incisors in each jaw; great toe with hands on four limbs; teeth uneven; j nostrils apart: Cebus. fl„f„„5i. "> I nostrils close: Simia. nostrils twisted: Lemur. flat nail; [ hands on fore-limbs only; teeth even; erect: Homo. CO n o > > H h-1 < N o o o o Hi THE DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. 357 CHAPTER XXIII. THE DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. Life is everywhere. In the air above, the earth be- neath, and the waters under the earth, we are surrounded with life. Nature lives: every pore is bursting with life; every death is only a new birth, every grave a cradle. The air swarms with Birds, Insects, and invisible animal- cules. The waters are peopled with innumerable forms, from the Protozoan, millions of which would not weigh a grain, to the Whale, so large that it seems an island as it sleeps upon the waves. The bed of the sea is alive with Crabs, Shells, Polyps, Star-fishes, and Foraminifera. Life everywhere—on the earth, in the earth, crawling, creep- ing, burrowing, boring, leaping, running. Nor does the vast procession end here. The earth we tread is largely formed of the debris of life. The quarry of limestone, the flints which struck the fire of the old Revolutionary muskets, are the remains of countless skele- tons. The major part of the Alps, the Rocky Mountains, and the chalk cliffs of England are the monumental rel- ics of by-gone generations. From the ruins of this living architecture we build our Parthenons and Pyramids, our St. Peters and Louvres. So generation follows generation. But we have not yet exhausted the survey. Life cradles within life. The bodies of animals are little worlds hav- ing their own fauna and flora. In the fluids and tissues, in the eye, liver, stomach, brain, and muscles, parasites are found; and these parasites often have their parasites liv- ing on them. 358 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. "Great fleas have little fleas and smaller fleas to bite 'em; And these again have other fleas, and so ad infinitum." Thus the ocean of life is inexhaustible. It spreads in every direction, into time past and present, flowing every- where, eagerly surging into every nook and corner of cre- ation. On the mountain-top, in the abysses of the Atlan- tic, in the deepest crevice of the earth's crust, we find traces of animal life. Nature is prodigal of space, but economical in filling it.an Animals are distributed over the globe according to definite laws, and with remarkable regularity. Each of the three great provinces, Earth, Air, and Wa- ter, as also e\ery continent, contains representatives of all the classes; but the various classes are unequally repre- sented. Every great climatal region contains some species not found elsewhere, to the exclusion of some other forms. Every grand division of the globe, whether of land or sea, each zone of climate and altitude, has its own fauna. And, in spite of the many causes tending to disperse ani- mals beyond their natural limits, each country preserves its peculiar zoological physiognomy. The space occupied by the different groups of animals is inversely as the size of the individuals. Compare the Coral and Elephant. Fauna now occupying a separate area is closely allied to the fauna which existed in geologic times. Thus, Aus- tralia has always been the home of Marsupials, and South America of Edentates. It is a general rule that groups of distinct species are circumscribed within definite, and often narrow, limits. Man is the only cosmopolitan ; yet even he comprises sev- eral marked races, whose distribution corresponds with the great zoological regions. The natives of Australia are as grotesque as the animals. Certain brutes likewise have a great range: thus, the Puma ranges from Canada to Pata- THE DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. 359 gonia; the Musk-rat, from the Arctic Ocean to Florida; the Ermine, from Behring's Straits to the Himalayas; and the Hippopotamus, from the Nile and Niger to the Orange River.219 Frequently species of the same genus, living side by side, are widely different, while there is a close resem- blance between forms which are antipodes. The Mud-eel of South Carolina and Axolotl of Mexico have their con- necting links in Japan and Austria. The American Tapir has its mate in Sumatra; the Llama is related to the Cam- el, and the Opossum to the Kangaroo. The chief causes modifying distribution are tempera- ture, topography, ocean and wind currents, humidity and light. To these may be added the fact that animals are ever intruding on each other's spheres of existence. High mountain-ranges, wide deserts, and cold currents in the ocean are impassable barriers to the migration of most species. Thus, river-fish on opposite sides of the Andes differ widely, and the cold Peruvian current prevents the growth of coral at the Galapagos Islands. So a broad river, like the Amazons, or a deep, narrow channel in the sea, is an effectual barrier to some tribes. Thus, Borneo belongs to the Indian region, while Celebes, though but a few miles distant, is Australian in its life. The faunae of North America, on the east coast, west coast, and the open plains between, are very different. Animals dwelling at high elevations resemble those of colder latitudes. The same species of Insects are found on Mount Washington, and in Labrador and Greenland. The range does not depend upon the powers of loco- motion. The Oyster extends from Halifax to Charles- ton, and the Snapping-turtle from Canada to the equa- tor ; while many Quadrupeds and Birds have narrow hab- itats. The distribution of any group is qualified by the nature 360 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. of the food. Carnivores have a wider range than herbi- vores. Life diminishes as we depart from the equator north or south, and likewise as we descend or ascend from the level of the sea. The zones of geography have been divided by zoologists into narrower provinces. Five vertical regions in the sea have been recognized: the Littoral, extending between tide-marks; the Laminarian, from low water to 15 fath- oms ; the Coralline, from 15 to 20 fathoms; the deep-sea Coral, from 50 to 100 fathoms; and the Bathybian, from 100 fathoms down. Every marine species has its own limits of depth. It would be quite as difficult, said Agas- siz, for a Fish or a Mollusk to cross from the coast of Europe to the coast of America as for a Reindeer to pass from the arctic to the antarctic regions across the torrid zone. Marine animals congregate mainly along the coasts of continents and on soundings. The meeting-place of two maritime currents of different temperatures, as on the Banks of Newfoundland, favors the development of a great diversity of Fishes. Every great province of the ocean contains some repre- sentatives of all the subkingdoms. Deep-sea life is diver- sified, though comparatively sparse. Examples of all the five invertebrate divisions were found in the Bay of Bis- cay, at the depth of 2435 fathoms.219 Distribution in the sea is influenced by the temperature and composition of the water, and the character of the bottom. The depth acts indirectly by modifying the tem- perature. Northern animals approach nearer to the equa- tor in the sea than on the land, on account of cold cur- rents. The heavy aquatic Mammals, as Whales, Walruses, Seals, and Porpoises, are mainly polar. The land consists of the following somewhat distinct areas: the Neotropic, comprising South America, Mexi- THE DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. 361 co, and West Indies; the Neoarctic, including the rest of America; the Palaearctic, composed of the eastern conti- nent north of the Tropic of Cancer; the Africano-Indian, or Africa south of Sahara, Southern Asia, and the western half of the Malay Archipelago ; and the Australian, or the eastern half of the Malay Islands and Australia. Life in the polar regions is characterized by great uni- formity, the species being few in number, though the number of individuals is immense. The same animals in- habit the arctic portions of the three continents; while the antarctic ends of the continents, Australia, Cape of Good Hope, and Cape Horn exhibit strong contrasts. Those three continental peninsulas are, zoologically, separate worlds. In fact, the whole southern hemisphere is pecul- iar. Its fauna is antique. Australia possesses a strange mixture of the old and new. South America, with newer Mammals, has older Reptiles; while Africa has a rich vertebrate life, with a striking uniformity in its distribu- tion.220 In the tropics, diversity is the law. Life is more varied and crowded than elsewhere, and attains its highest devel- opment. The New-world fauna is old-fashioned, and inferior in rank and size, compared with those of the eastern conti- nents. As a rule, the more isolated a region, the greater the variety. Oceanic islands have comparatively few species, but a large proportion of endemic or peculiar forms. Ba- trachians are generally absent, and there are no indige- nous terrestrial Mammals. The productions are related to those of the nearest continent. When an island, as Brit- ain, is separated from the main-land by a shallow channel, the mammalian life is the same on both sides. Protozoans, Ccelenterates, and Echinoderms are limited to the waters, and nearly all are marine. Sponges are 362 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. mostly obtained from the Grecian Archipelago and Baha- mas. Corals abound throughout the Indian Ocean and Polynesia, east coast of Africa, Red Sea and Persian Gulf, West Indies and around Florida. True Crinoids are found only in the Caribbean Sea and on the coast of Norway. The other Echinoderms abound in almost ev- ery sea, the Star-fishes chiefly along the shore, the Sea- urchins in the Laminarian zone, and the Sea-slugs around coral-reefs. Mollusks have a world-wide distribution over land and sea. The land forms are restricted by climate and food, the marine by shallows or depths, by cold currents, by a sandy, gravelly, or mud bottom. Living Brachiopods, though few in number, occur in tropical, temperate, and arctic seas, and from the shore to the greatest depths. The rest of the Bivalves are also found on every coast and in every climate, as well as in rivers and lakes, but do not flourish at the depth of much more than 200 fathoms. The fresh-water Mussels are more numerous in the United States than in Europe, and west of the Alleghanies than east. The sea-shells along the Pacific coast of America are unlike those of the Atlantic, and are arranged in five distinct groups—Aleutian, Californian, Panamic, Peruvian, and Magellanic. On the Atlantic coast, Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras separate distinct provinces. Of land-snails, Helix has an almost universal range, but is characteristic of North America, as Bulimus is of South America, and Achatina of Africa. The Old World and America have no species in common, except a few in the extreme north. The limits of Insects are determined by temperature and vegetation, by oceans and mountains. There is an insect-fauna for each continent, and zone, and altitude. The Insects near the snow-line on the sides of mountains in the temperate region are similar to those in polar lands. The Insects on our Pacific slope resemble those of Europe, THE DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. 363 while those near the Atlantic coast are more like those of Asia. Not half a dozen Insects live in the sea. The distribution of Fishes is bounded by narrower lim- its than that of other animals. A few tribes may be called cosmopolitan, as the Sharks and Herrings; but the species are local. Size does not appear to bear any relation to latitude. The marine forms are three times as numerous as the fresh-water. The migratory Fishes of the northern hemisphere pass to a more southern region in the spring, while Birds migrate in the autumn. Living Reptiles form but a fragment of the immense number which prevailed in the Middle Ages of Geol- ogy. Being less under the influence of Man, they have not been forced from their original habitats. None are arctic. America is the most favored spot for Frogs and Salamanders, and India for Snakes. Australia has no Batrachians, and two-thirds of its Snakes are venomous. In the United States, only 22 out of 176 are venomous. Frogs, Snakes, and Lizards occur at elevations of over 15,000 feet. Crocodiles, and most Lizards and Turtles, are tropical. Swimming Birds, which constitute about one-fourteenth of the entire class, form one-half of the whole number in Greenland. As we approach the tropics, the variety and number of land Birds increase. Those of the torrid zone are noted for their brilliant plumage, and the temperate forms for their more sober hues, but sweeter voices. In- dia and South America are the richest regions. Birds with rudimentary wings, as Penguins and Ostriches, pre- vail in the southern hemisphere. Hummers, Tanagers, Orioles, and Toucans are restricted to the New World. Parrots are found in every continent, except Europe; and Woodpeckers occur everywhere, save in Australia. The vast majority of Mammals are terrestrial; but Ce- taceans and Seals take to the sea, Otters and Beavers de- 364 COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY. light in lakes and rivers, and Moles are subterranean. As of Birds, the aquatic species abound in the polar regions. Marsupials inhabit two widely separated areas—America and 'Australia. In the latter continent, they constitute three-fourths of the fauna; while Edentates, Ruminants, Fia. 351.—Zones of Animal Life. Horses, Elephants, Hogs, Squirrels, Moles, Carnivores, Monkeys, and Apes are wanting. Excepting a few spe- cies in South Africa and South Asia, Edentates are con- fined to tropical South America. The equine family is indigenous to South and East Africa and Southern Asia. In North America, Rodents form about one-half the num- THE DISTRIBUTION OF ANIMALS. 365 ber of Mammals; they are entirely wanting in Madagas- car. Ruminants are sparingly represented in America. Carnivores flourish in every zone and continent. The prehensile - tailed Monkeys are strictly South American; while the anthropoid Apes belong to the west coast of Africa, and to Borneo and Sumatra. Both Monkeys and Apes are most abundant near the equator; in fact, their range is limited by the distribution of palms. NOTES. 1 The complete and elaborate natural history of a single species or limited group is called a Monograph, as Darwin's " Monograph of the Cirripedia." A Memoir is not so formal or exhaustive, giving mainly original investiga- tions of a special subject, as Owen's "Memoir on the Gorilla." 3 Before the time of Linnaeus, the Lady-bug, e. g., was called "the Cocci- nella with red coleopters having seven black spots." He called it Coccinella septem-punctala. 3 Mandino (1315) and Berenger (1518), of Bologna, and Vesalius, of Brus- sels (1550), were the first anatomists. Circulation of the blood discovered by Harvey, 1616. The lacteals discovered by Asellius, 102:3, and the lym- phatics by Rudbek, 1650. Willis made the first minute anatomy of the brain and nerves, 1664. The red blood-corpuscles were discovered by Leeuwen- hoek and Malpighi, 1675. Infusoria first observed by Leeuwenhoek, 1675; the name given by Miiller, 1786. Swammerdam was the founder of Ento- mology, 1675. Comparative anatomy was first cultivated by Perrault, Pec- quet, Duverney, and Me"ry, of the Academy of Paris, the latter part of the seventeenth century. Malpighi, the founder of structural anatomy, was the first to demonstrate the structure of the lungs and skin, 1690. About the same time, Ray and Willoughby first classified Fishes on structural grounds. Foraminifers were seen by Beccarius one hundred and fifty years ago; but their true structure was not demonstrated till 1835, by Dujardin. Peyssonel published the first elaborate treatise on Corals, 1727. Haller was the first to distinguish between contractility and sensibility, 1757. White blood-corpus- cles discovered by Hewson in 1775. Spallanzani was the first to demonstrate the true nature of the digestive process, 1780. Cuvier and Geoffroy, in 1797, proposed the first natural classification of animals. Before that, all Inverte- brates were divided into Insects and Worms. Lamarck was the first to study Mollusks, 1800; before him, attention was confined to the shell. He sepa- rated Spiders from Insects in 1812. The law of correlation enunciated by Cuvier, 1826. Von Baer was the founder of Embryology, establishing the doctrine omnia ex ovo, 1827; but the first researches in Reproduction were made by Fabricius about 1600, and by Harvey in 1651. Wolff, early in this century, was the pioneer in observing the phenomena of Development. Sars first observed alternate generation, 1833. Dume>il is considered the father of Herpetology, and Owen of Odontology. Schleiden and Schwann pub- lished their celebrated researches in cell-structure, 1841; but Bichat, who died 1802, was the founder of Histology. Protoplasm was discovered by Dujardin. 368 NOTES. * This twofold division is arbitrary. No essential distinction, founded on the nature of the elements concerned, or the laws of their combination, can be made; and so many so-called organic substances, as urea, ammonia, alco- hol, tartaric and oxalic acids, have been prepared by inorganic methods, that the boundary-line is daily becoming fainter, and may in time vanish alto- gether. It should be added, however, that "those organic compounds which have been artificially formed are invariably products of decomposition, or, in other words, the excretions or secretions of organized bodies; and are far less complex in their constitution than organized structures."—Grego- ry's Organic Chemistry. " Chemical synthesis has in reality reproduced only matters unfitted for life; that is to say, mineral matters."—M. Dumas. We would here utter our protest against the introduction of any more terms like inorganic, invertebrate, acephalous, etc., which express no qualities. 5 Even the works of nearly all animals proceed in circles or segments of circles. 6 London Quarterly Review, January, 1869, p. 142. It is true of any great primary group of animals, as of a tree, that it is much more easy to define the summit than the base. 7 De Bary on "Myxomycetae;" Darwin on "Carnivorous Plants." 8 This, of course, is not universally true. If we regard a tree as an asso- ciation of phytons, or plants, instead of an individual, then each leaf and petal when developed is perfect and abiding, like the separate Polyps of a compound Coral. Some consider every organ a distinct individual exist- ence ; in this view, an animal, like a tree, is a compact community. 9 It should he noted that plants evolve carbonic acid only when in a state of decomposition or exhaustive process, not during normal, vigorous growth. Both animals and plants in decay consume oxygen. " There is every reason to believe that carbonic acid is continually given off from the interior of plants, while oxygen is absorbed."—Carpenter. It is interest- ing to compare the temporary respiratory organ of plants, the cotyledon, with the gills of a tadpole: both disappearing when the evolution of the permanent apparatus renders them unnecessary. 10 There are certain phenomena, even among the higher plants, connected with the habits of climbing plants and with the functions of fertilization, which it is very difficult to explain without admitting some low form of a general harmonizing and regulating fanction, comparable to such an obscure manifestation of reflex nervous action as we have in Sponges and in oth- er animals in which a distinct nervous system is absent.—Prof. Wtville Thomson's Introductory Lecture at Edinburgh. 11 If nature had endowed us with microscopic powers of vision, and the integuments of plants had been rendered perfectly transparent to our eyes, the vegetable world would present a very different aspect from the apparent immobility and repose in which it is now manifested to our senses.—Hum- boldt's Cosmos, L, 341. 12 See Gray's "Structural Botany," p. 350; Rolleston's "Forms of Animal Life," p. 143. 13 We may safely say that there is no plant which may not serve as food for some animal. NOTES. 369 14 Life has been called the vital force, and it has been suggested that it may be found to belong to the same category as the convertible forces, heat and light. Life seems, however, to be more a property of matter in a certain state of combination than a force. It does no work, in the ordinary sense. —Prof. Wyville Thomson. The recent experiments of Robert Hamilton tend to prove the existence, in every highly developed organism, of two lives: a life resident in every atom of the structure, however complex, and another life for which we fail to find an expression. But the latter is the life which keeps together the structure as a whole: it is the life that selects the nutrition best suited to its individual self; it is the life that has to do with the continuation of the species; lastly, it is the life to which the mo- lecular lives, which make up the structure, are subordinated; and when this nameless life departs, these myriad lives, no longer co-operating, start on an independent course. 15 There was a time in our history when a single membrane discharged all the functions of life—digesting, respiring, secreting. The separation of a heart, lung, stomach, liver, etc., for special duty, was an after-consideration. 16 The vegetable cell has usually two concentric coverings: cell-wall and primordial utricle. In animal cells the former is wanting, the membrane representing the utricle. As a general fact, animal cells are smaller than vegetable cells. 17 Cells are not the sources of life, as once thought, but are the products of protoplasm. " They are no more the producers of vital phenomena than the shells scattered in orderly lines along the sea-beach are the instruments by which the gravitation-force of the moon acts upon the ocean. Like these, the cells mark only where the vital tides have been and how they have acted."—Prof. Huxley. 18 The white fibres are inelastic, and from ^J^ to 55^00 of an incn in diameter. They are best seen in the tendons. The yellow fibres are elastic, curled at the ends, very long, and from 5I^5o to sihJS of an inch in diam- eter. They are shown in the hinge-ligameut of an Oyster. Connective tis- sue appears areolar, i. e., shows interspaces, only under the microscope. 19 Certain bones, as those of the face and forehead, are preceded by mem- branes instead of cartilage. 30 In the heart, the muscular fibres are striated, yet involuntary; but the sarcolemma is wanting. 31 Other names are medullary sheath and white substance of Schwann. 83 We may, however, infer that the animal functions are not absolutely essential to the vegetative, from the facts that plants digest without mus- cles or nerves, and that nutrition takes place in the embryo long before the nerves have been developed. 33 This is not strictly true, for the Elm and Oak, the Trout and Alligator, do reach a maximum size. ** The suctorial Insects always subsist upon one and the same kind of food. . « Scorpions and Spiders properly feed upon the juices of their victims after lacerating them with their elaws; b-ut fragments of Insects have been found in their stomachs. 370 NOTES. 26 At one end of the Tape-worm is a minute pore, by some considered the mouth, with a circlet of spines and four suckers. 27 The real tongue forms the floor of the mouth, and is found as a distinct part in a few Insects, as the Crickets. 28 In a few Fishes, it is circular or oval. 29 The mouth of the Whale is exceptional, the walls not being dilatable. The act of sucking is characteristic of all young Mammals, hence the need o flips. 30 The Ant-eater has two callous ridges in the mouth, against which the insects are crushed by the action of the tongue. 31 Strictly speaking, the baleen plates do not represent teeth; for in the embryo of the Whale we find minute calcareous teeth in both jaws, which never cut the gum. The whalebone is probably a peculiar development of hair in the palate, and under the microscope it is seen to be made up of fibres which are hollow tubes. 32 The "tusks" of the Narwhal and Elephant are prolonged incisors; those of the Walrus and Wild Boar are canines. 33 " I was one day talking with Professor Owen in the Hunterian Museum, when a gentleman approached, with a request to be informed respecting the nature of a curious fossil which had been dug up by one of his workmen. As he drew the fossil from a small bag, and was about to hand it for exam- ination, Owen quietly remarked, ' That is the third molar of the under jaw of an extinct species of rhinoceros.' "—Lewes's Studies in Animal Life. 34 This gap or interspace, so characteristic of the inferior Mammals, is called diastema. It is wanting in the extinct Anoplotherium, and is hardly perceptible in one of the Lemurs. 35 In the Spermaceti-whale, the teeth are fixed to the gum. 36 The Iguana among Reptiles, and Fishes with pavement-teeth, approach the Mammals in this respect. 37 This movement is called peristaltic or vermicular, and characterizes all the succeeding movements of the alimentary canal. 38 Fishes and Amphibians have no saliva, but a short gullet. Birds are aided by a sudden upward jerk of the head. 39 Fishes and Reptiles have no pharynx proper, the nostrils and glottis opening into the mouth. 40 This movement of the pharynx and oesophagus is wholly involuntary. Liquids are swallowed in exactly the same way as solids. 41 The few animals in which the digestive cavity is wanting are called agastric, and agree in having a very simple structure, and in being parasitic. Such are some Entozoa (as Tape-worm), and unicellular Protozoa (as Grega- rina). They absorb the juices, already prepared, by the physical process of endosmose. There are other minute organisms which seem to be able to extract the necessary elements, CHON, from the medium in which they live. 42 Moreover, as a Sponge is an aggregation of animals, these canals are for a community, not for a single individual. According to Alexander Agassiz, the Ctenophorae have a true alimentary canal, passing through the body- cavity. NOTES. 371 43 " Nothing is more curious and entertaining than to watch the neatness and accuracy with which this process is performed. One may see the reject- ed bits of food passing rapidly along the lines upon which these pedicellariae occur in greatest number, as if they were so many little roads for the con- veying away of the refuse matters; nor do the forks cease from their labor till the surface of the animal is completely clean and free from any foreign substance."—Agassiz's Sea-side Studies. 44 In the larva of the Bee, the anal orifice is wanting. 45 The length of the canal in Insects is not so indicative of the habits as in Mammals. Thus, it is nearly as long and more complicated in the carnivo- rous Beetles than in the honey-sipping Butterflies. 46 The object of this is unknown. It does not occur in the Oyster. 47 In the Nautilus, this is preceded by a capacious crop. 48 In the Shark, this is impossible, owing to a great number of fringes in the gullet hanging down toward the stomach. 49 At the beginning of the large intestine in the Lizards (and in many Ver- tebrates above them, especially the vegetarian orders), there is a blind 6ac, called caecum. The worm-like appendage to the caecum is almost peculiar to Man and the Apes. 50 The Crocodile is said to swallow stones sometimes, like Birds, to aiu the gastric mill. 51 In the crop of the common Fowl, vegetable food is detained sixteen hours, or twice as long as animal food. The Dormouse, among Mammals, has an approach to a crop. 62 In Mollusks, the gizzard, when present, is situated between the crop and the true stomach ; in Birds, it comes after the stomach. 63 The fourth stomach of Ruminants is the largest so long as the animal sucks. 64 The Tape-worm has no digestive apparatus, and " flesh which is decom- posed by decay into a semi-fluid mass is absorbed by the sponge-like bodies of certain animals which live in stagnant pools" (Clark); but these are not real exceptions to the rule. In both cases, transmutation goes before ab- sorption. 55 As starch is a vegetable product, we would look for the most abundant saliva in those mammals that feed on herbs and grain; and such is the fact. Moreover, as sugar is heat-producing, in cold-blooded Reptiles, Fishes, Mollusks, and other like carnivores, a fluid to convert 6tarch into sugar would be out of place. 66 These substances are only dissolved and chemically modified (being converted into what are termed peptones), not "organized" or "vitalized." 57 It is probable that the digestive part of the alimentary canal in all ani- mals manifests a similar mechanical movement. It is most remarkable in the gizzard of a fowl, which corresponds to the pyloric end of the human stomach. This muscular organ, supplying the want of a masticatory appa- ratus in the head, is powerful enough to pulverize, not only grain, but even pieces of glass and metal. This is done by two hard muscles moving ob- liquely upon each other, aided by gravel purposely swallowed by the bird. The grinding may be heard by means of the stethoscope. 372 NOTES. 58 Chyle is opaque in carnivores; more or less transparent in all other Vertebrates, as in Birds, since the food does not contain fatty matter. 69 In Fishes, the villi are few or wanting. In Man, they number about 10,000 to the square inch. 60 Except, probably, the brain, spinal-marrow, bones, tendons, ligaments, epidermis, etc. 61 The lacteals also carry lymph when the intestine is empty and they have nothing else to do. 62 The phenomenon produced by these properties conjointly, capillary at- traction and diffusion, is called endosmosis. 63 The blood is colorless also in the muscular part of all Fishes. That of Birds is of the deepest red. The coloring matter of the red blood in Worms is not in the corpuscles, but in the plasma. 64 Coagulation in the living body is mainly prevented by being kept in constant motion. It may be artificially arrested by common salt. Arterial blood coagulates more rapidly than venous. The disposition of the red cor- puscles in chains, or rouleaux, does not occur within the blood-vessels. The cause has not been discovered. 65 The corpuscles of Invertebrates are usually colorless, even when the olood is tinged. It should be observed that those animals whose blood resembles chyle or lymph have no lacteals or lymphatics. 66 Except during foetal life. The corpuscles of the Camel are non-nucle- ated, as in other Mammals.—If the transparent fluid from a boil be exam- ined with a microscope, it will be seen to be almost composed of colorless corpuscles, showing their U6e in repairing injuries. 67 There are no valves in the veins of Fishes, Reptiles, and Whales, and few in Birds. 68 Capillaries are wanting in the epidermis, nails, hair, teeth, and carti- lages. Hence, the epidermis, for example, when worn out by use, is not removed by the blood, like other tissues, but is shed. 69 A part of the blood, however, in going from the capillaries to the heart, is turned aside and made to pass through the liver and kidneys for purifica- tion. This is called the portal circulation, and exists in all Vertebrates, ex- cept that in Birds and Mammals it is confined to the liver. 70 Two in the higher Mammals, three in the lower Mammals, Birds, and Reptiles. They are called venae cavos. " Tricuspid in Mammals, triangular in Birds. 72 The pulse of a Hen is 140; of a Cat, 110 to 120; of a Dog, 90 to 100; and of an Ox, 25 to 42. 73 The bivalve Braehiopods, having no gills, breathe by delicate arms about the mouth, or by the " mantle." 74 The air-bladder, found in most Fishes, is another rudiment of a lung, although it is used, not for respiration, but for altering the specific gravity of the Fish. In the Gar-pike of our Northern lakes, it very closely resem- bles a lung, having a cellular structure, a tracheal tube, and a glottis. The gills represent lungs only in function ; they are totally distinct parts of the organism. (See Huxley, " Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals," p. 92.) 7S Well seen in Tadpoles, or young of the Frog. NOTES. 373 76 In the human lungs, they number 600,000,000, each about tJq of an inch in diameter, with an aggregate area of 132 square feet. The thickness of the membrane between the blood and the air is 2^0 of an inch. The lungs of Carnivores are more highly developed than those of Herbivores. In the Manatee, they are not confined to the thorax, but extend down nearly to the tail. 77 Crocodiles are the only Reptiles whose nostrils open in the throat be- hind the palate, instead of directly into the mouth-cavity. This enables the Crocodile to drown its vietim without drowning itself; for, by keeping its snout above water, it can breathe while its mouth is wide open. 78 A rudimentary diaphragm is seen in the Crocodile and Ostrich. 79 The poison-glands of venomous Serpents and the silk-vessels of Cater- pillars are considered to be modified salivary glands. Birds, Snakes, and Cartilaginous Fishes have no urinary bladder. 80 Since the weight of a full-grown animal remains nearly uniform, it must lose as much as it receives; that is, the excretions, including the solid re- siduum ejected from the intestinal canal, equal the food and drink. 81 Other names for derm are, cutis, corium, enderon, and true skin; and for epidermis, cuticle, ecderon, and scarf-skin. The derm is often so intimately blended with the muscles, that its existence as a distinct layer is not easily made out. Even in, Infusoria, we find the tunic double, an outside cuticula lined by a soft cortical layer; and in Jelly-fishes, naturalists distinguish an ectoderm and endoderm. 82 See Fig. 146. Papillae are scarcely visible in the skin of Reptiles and Birds. 83 The animal basis of this structure is chitine, a peculiar substance found in the hard parts of all the articulated animals. 84 The large claws within the old crust are soft, and hence are able to be drawn through the small joints. 85 The shell is always an epidermal structure, even when apparently inter- nal. The horny "pen" of the Squid, the "bone" of the Cuttle-fish, and the calcareous spot on the back of the Slug, are only concealed under a fold of the mantle. So the shell of the common Unio, or Fresh-water Clam, is cov- ered with a brownish or greenish membrane, which is the outer layer of the epidermis. Where the mantle covers the lips of a shell, as in most of the large sea-snails, or where its folds cover the whole exterior, as in the pol- ished Cowry, the epidermis is wanting, or covered up by an additional layer. 86 The pearls of commerce, found in the mantle of some Mollusks, are simi- lar in structure to the shell; but what is the innermost layer in the shell, is placed on the outside in the pearl, and is much finer and more compact. The pearl is formed around some nucleus, as an organic particle, or grain of sand. 87 When the centrum is concave on both sides, as in Fishes, it is said to be amphicoelous; when concave in front and convex behind, as in Crocodiles, it is called proccelous ; when concave behind and convex in front, as in the neck- vertebra; of the Ox, it is opisthocoelous. In the last two cases, the vertebrae unite by ball-and-socket joints. 88 A few have but one pair, the Whale and Siren wanting the hind pair; while some have none at all, as the Snakes and lowest Fishes. In land ani- 374 NOTES. mals, the posterior limbs are generally most developed; in aquatic animals, the anterior. Dr. Wyman contends that the limbs are tegumentary organs, and attached to the vertebral column in the same sense that the teeth are attached to the jaws. 89 The muscles of some Invertebrates, as Spiders, are yellow. 90 The muscles of the heart and gullet are striped. In the lowest animals, these distinctions of voluntary and involuntary, striated and smooth, solid and hollow, muscles can seldom be made. 91 The skeleton of the Carrion-crow, for example, weighs, when dry, only 23 grains. 92 The Dragon-fly can outstrip the swallow, nay, it can do in the air more than any bird—it can fly backward and sidelong, to right or left, as well as forward, and alter its course on the instant without turning. It makes 28 beats per second with its wings; while the Bee makes 190, and the House- fly 330. The swiftest Race-horse can double the rate of the Salmon. So that Insect, Bird, Quadruped, and Fish would be the order according to ve- locity of movement. 93 These suckers (pulvilli) have a delicate fringe of hairs, each hair being a minute tube containing a viscid fluid by which the Fly adheres. 94 The cilia of Infusoria appear to act independently of any nervous power. 95 More precisely, the term brain, or brains, applies only to the cerebrum, while the total contents of the cranium are called encephalon. 96 The exact functions of the cerebrum are not yet clearly understood. If we remove it from Fishes, or even Birds, their voluntary movements are " little affected; while the Amphioxus, the lowest of Fishes, has no brain at all, but its life is regulated by the spinal cord. Such mutilated animals, however, make no intelligent efforts. The substance of the cerebrum, as also the cerebellum, is insensible, and may be cut away without pain to the animal; and when both are thus removed, the animal still retains sensation. 97 Parts destitute of blood-vessels, as hair, teeth, nails, cartilage, etc., are not sensitive. The impressibility of the nerves is proportioned to the activ- ity of circulation. According to the recent investigations of Dr. Bowditch, the channels of motor and sensitive impressions lie in the lateral, and not in the anterior and posterior, columns of the spinal cord. 98 "Tentacles" and "horns" are more or less retractile, while antennae are not, but all are hollow. Antennae alone are jointed. 99 In Man, the soft palate and tonsils also have the power of tasting. 100 No organ of hearing has been discovered with certainty in the Radiates and Spiders. 101 It is wanting in the aquatic mammals. Crocodiles have the first rep- resentative of an outside ear in the form of two folds of skin. 102 This, like the definition of smell and hearing, is loose language. There is no such thing as sound till the vibrations strike the tympanum, nor even then, for it is the work of the brain, not of the auditory nerve. Sound is the sensation of the wave-movement of the air, and hearing is that sensa- tion. So without eyes the world would be wrapped in darkness; light is nothing. 'I03 In Invertebrates and aquatic Vertebrates, the crystalline lens is globu- NOTES. 375 lar; or, in other words, it is round in short-sighted animals, and flattish in the long-sighted. The lens of the Invertebrate is not exactly the same as the lens of the Vertebrate eye, though it performs the same function; it is really a part of the cornea. 104 The Ant has 50 in each eye, the House-fly 8000, the Dragon-fly 12,500. 105 The pigment, therefore, while apparently in front of the retina, is real- ly behind it, as in Vertebrates. The layer beneath the cornea, serving as an "iris," is wanting in nocturnal insects, since they need every ray of light. The optic nerve alone is insensible to the strongest light. 106 It should be noticed that this corresponds with another peculiar fact already mentioned, that either hemisphere of the brain controls the muscles on the opposite side of the body. In Invertebrates the motor apparatus is governed on its own side. 107 Sharks have eyelids, while Snakes have none. The third eyelid (called nictitating membrane) is rudimentary in Mammals. 108 An infant would doubtless learn to walk if brought up by a wild beast, since it was made to walk. Just as an infusorium moves its cilia, not be- cause it has any object, but because it can move them. New-born puppies, deprived of brains, have suckled; and decapitated centipedes run rapidly. Such physical instincts exist without mind, and may be termed "blind im- pulses." 109 We say "apparently," because it may be a fixed habit, first learned by experience, transmitted from generation to generation. A duckling may go to the water, and a hound may follow game in some sense, as Sir John Her- schel takes to astronomy, inheriting a taste from his father. Breeders take advantage of this power of inheritance. no "Thus, while the human organism may be likened to a keyed instru- ment, from which any music it is capable of producing can be called forth at the will of the performer, we may compare a Bee, or any other Insect, to a barrel-organ, which plays with the greatest exactness a certain num- ber of tunes that are set upon it, but can do nothing else."—Carpenter's Mental Physiology, p. 61. This constancy may be largely due to the uni- formity of conditions under which Insects live. 111 We may say, as a rule, that the proportion of instinct and intelligence in an animal corresponds to the relative development of the spinal cord and cerebrum. As a rule, also, the addition of the power to reason comes in with the addition of a cerebrum, and is proportioned to its development. Between the lowest Vertebrate and Man, therefore, we observe successive types of intelligence. Intelligence, however, is not according to the size of the brain (else Whales and Elephants would be wisest), but rather to the amount of gray matter in it. A honey-comb and an Oriole's nest are con- structed with more care and art than the hut of the savage. It is true, this is no test of the capability of the animal in any other direction; but when they are fashioned to suit circumstances, there is proof of intelligence in one direction. Physiologists now hold that the cerebrum is not essential to consciousness. 112 Air-breathing Vertebrates, as the Manatee and Sea-lion, are exceptions. There are, doubtless, many sounds we can not hear. The noise of a Spider 376 NOTES. may be terrific to a Fly; and while Flies hear one another, they take no notice of the human voice. 1,3 An exception to the general rule that the smaller animals have more acute voices. 114 It is wanting in a few, as the Storks. 115 The Nightingale and Crow have vocal organs similarly constructed, yet one sings, and the other croaks. 116 The three methods are substantially alike; for an egg is only a sepa- rated bud. In the lower organisms, the parent is completely broken up into new individuals; in the higher, new individuals form but an infinitesi- mal part (germ) of the parent. Under any form, reproduction is a process of disintegration. Some Protozoa do not appear to produce by eggs. 1,7 These cells are detached portions, or buds, of the parental organisms. Generally, these two kinds of cells are produced by separate sexes; but in a few cases, as the Snail, they originate in the same individual. Such an ani- mal, in whom the two sexes are combined, is called an hermaphrodite. 1,8 If an egg be violently shaken, this connection is broken; and this is the secret of making an egg stand on end without breaking it, as Columbus is said to have done. 119 The eggs of Mammals are of nearly uniform size; those of Birds, In- sects, and most other animals are proportioned to the size of the adult. Thus, the egg of the ^Epyornis, the great extinct bird of Madagascar, has the capacity of 50,000 Humming-birds' eggs. 120 As a general rule, when both sexes are of gay and conspicuous colors, the nest is such as to conceal the sitting Bird; while, whenever there is a striking contrast of colors, the male being gay and the female dull, the nest is open. Such as form no nest are many of the Waders, Swimmers, Scratch- es, and Goatsuckers. 121 As the Crocodile, by its gizzard and its rude nest, looks forward, so the pouched Kangaroo looks backward, to the true ornithic type. 122 This rudiment lies transversely to the long axis of the egg; and as the chick develops, it turns upon its side, so that the forepart of the head usual- ly faces the narrow end of the egg. 123 The blood comes into being before the blood-vessels, and veins before arteries; i. e., the very first motion is toward the heart. The blood is first yellowish. The red corpuscles are supposed to be derived from the nuclei of the white corpuscles : the origin of the latter is undetermined. 124 Exactly as the blood in the capillaries of the skin is aerated by the ex- ternal atmosphere. 125 Thus, the hollow wing-bone was first solid, next a marrow-bone, and finally a thin-walled air-cell. The solid bones of the Penguin are examples of arrested development. 136 The thigh-bone of the child consists of five distinct parts; in the adult, they are united into one. 127 Muscle is mainly fibrine, while nerve is chiefly albumen. 128 This generalization must not be confounded with the old statement, which is not true, that the higher animals pass through all the phases of the lower life. See Spencer's "Principles of Biology," i., 143; Clark's " Mind in Nature." 159. NOTES. 377 129 For this reason, Mammals are called viviparous; but, strictly speaking, they are as oviparous as Birds. The process of reproduction is the same, whether the egg is hatched within the parent or without. The eggs of Birds contain whatever is wanted for the development of the embryo, ex- cept heat, which must come from without. Mammals, having no food- yolk, obtain their nutrition from the blood of the parent, and after birth from milk. Most of the sharks are viviparous. 130 The larvae of Butterflies and Moths are called caterpillars; those of Beetles, grubs; those of Flies, maggots; those of Mosquitoes, wigglers.—The terms larva, pupa, and imago are relative only; for, while the grub and cat- erpillar are quite different from the pupa, the bee-state is reached by a very gradual change of form, so that it is difficult to say where the pupa ends and the imago begins. In fact, a large number of Insects reach maturity through an indefinite number of slight changes. The Humble-bee molts at least ten times before arriving at the winged state. 131 Every tissue of the caterpillar disappears before the development of the new tissues of the imago is commenced. The organs do not change from one into the other; but the new set is developed out of formless mat- ter.—The pupa of the Moth is protected by a silken cocoon, the spinning of which was the last act of the larva; that of the Butterfly is simply in- closed in the dried skin of the larva, which is called chrysalis because of its golden spots. The pupa of the Honey-bee is called nymph; it is kept in a wax-cell lined with silk, spun by the nursing-bee, not by the larva. The time required to pass from the egg to the imago varies greatly: the Bee consumes less than twenty days, while the Cicada requires seventeen years. 132 Compare the amount of food required in proportion tp the bulk of the body, and also with the amount of work done, in youth, manhood, and old age. 133 Excepting, perhaps, that the new tail of a Lizard is cartilaginous. 134 The patella, or knee-pan, has no representative in the fore-limb, and, strictly, it belongs to the muscular system rather than to the skeleton. Some anatomists contend that the great toe is homologous with the little finger, instead of the thumb. 13i It is doubtful whether the dorsal tube of Insects and the heart of Mam- mals are homologous, as the circulatory organs of Invertebrates may prove to be homologous with the lymphatic system of Vertebrates. The jaw- bones and limb-bones of Vertebrates are homologous, according to some naturalists. 136 Polarity begins, as we have already seen, in the very first change of :m egg. 137 The structure of the highest plants is more complex than is that of the lowest animals; but, for all that, powers are possessed by jelly-fishes of which oaks and cedars are devoid.—Miyart. 138 It is, however, true that the number of eggs laid is proportioned to the risk in development. 139 According to Mr. Darwin, the characters which naturalists consider as showing true affinity between any two or more species are those which have been inherited from a common parent, and, in so far, all true classiti- 378 NOTES. cation is genealogical; i. e., it is not a mere grouping of like with like, but it includes like descent, the cause of similarity. In the existing state of science, a perfect classification is impossible, for it involves a perfect knowl- edge of all animal structure and life's history. As it is, it is only a provis- ional attempt to express the real order of nature, and it comes as near to it as our laws do in explaining phenomena. It simply states what we now know about comparative anatomy and physiology. As science grows, its language will become more precise and its classification more natural. 140 The term type is also used to signify that form which presents all the characters of the group most completely. Each genus has its typical spe- cies, each order its typical genus, etc. The word is also applied to the specimen on which a new species is founded. A persistent type is one which has continued with very little change through a great range of time. The family of Oysters has existed through many geological ages. 141 The Coelenterata and Echinodermata together make up the Sadiata, the old subkingdom of Cuvier. Echinoderma is probably more correct than Echinodermata ; but we retain the old orthography. 142 Strictly speaking, no individual is independent. Such is the division of labor in a hive, that a single Bee, removed from the community, will soon die, for its life is bound up with the whole. In a philosophical sense, Man is a composite being, every organ being an individual, though not an independent, existence. An individual repeats the type of its kingdom, sub- kingdom, class, order, family, genus, and species, through its whole line of descent. 143 The Millepore coral, so abundant in the West Indian Sea, is the work of Hydroids. The surface is nearly smooth, with minute punctures. Ge- genbauer, Haeckel, and others hold that the Acalephs have no body-cavity at all, the internal system of canals being homologous with the intestinal cavity of other animals. 144 Among the exceptions are Tubipora, which have eight tentacles and no septa, and the extinct Cyathophylla, whose septa are eight or more. 145 The longest septa (called primary) are the oldest: the shorter, second- ary ones, are developed afterward. As a rule, sclerodermic corals are cal- careous, and a section is star-like; the sclerobasic are horny and solid. The latter are considered higher in rank. 146 Some Star-fishes (Solaster) have twelve rays. In all Echinoderms, prob- ably, sea-water is freely admitted into the body-cavity around the viscera. The canals likewise contain water, which enters through a porous tubercle, the madreporiform plate, or "dorsal wart," best seen on the back of the Star- fish and Sea-urchin.—By some, Echinoderms are regarded as Worms. 147 The shell is not strictly external, like the crust of a Lobster, but is coated with the soft substance of the animal. 148 Six hundred pieces have been counted in the shell alone, and twelve hundred spines. The feet number about three thousand. They can be pro- truded beyond the longest spines. 149 fhe most important genera are Terebratula, Rhynchonella, Discina, Lin- quia, Orthis, Spirifer, and Productus. The first four have representatives in existing seas. Professor Morse, indorsed by Kowalensky, maintains the NOTES. 379 affinity of Brachiopods to the Worms. Davidson, however, retains them in their old position, as a class independent of, but related to, the Mollusca. By many, the Tunicates are joined to the Brachiopods; by others, they are called Worms in disguise. 150 There are some exceptions : the Oyster is unequivalved, and the Pecten. equilateral. 151 The chief impressions left on the shell are those made by the muscles —the dark spots called "eyes" by oyster-men; the pallial line made by the margin of the mantle; and the bend in the pallial line, called pallial sinus, which exists in those shells having retractile siphons, as the Clam. 152 The Pearl Oyster has a small, anterior muscle in the umbo, and the Spondylus has teeth. 153 The muscular impressions in Tridacne are blended into one. It is con- jectured that this is the case in the Oyster. 154 The Clam is the highest of Lamellibranchs, and the Oyster one of the lowest. The Venus arenaria, or " Soft Clam," has its mouth always open a little; while V. mercenaria, or "Hard Clam," keeps its mouth closed. 155 The Slug has no shell to speak of, and the Chiton is covered with eight pieces. It may be remembered, as a rule, that all univalve shells in and around the United States are Gasteropods, and that all bivalves in our rivers and lakes, and along our sea-coasts (save a few Brachiopods), are Lamellibranchs. 166 That is, if viewed with the aperture facing the observer. Shells twist- ed in the opposite direction are called " left-handed." 167 Such as Dentalium, which may be a Pteropod, and the swimming Nu- cleobranch, as Carinaria. 168 Instead of a strong breathing tube with a valve, answering for a force- pump and propeller, as in the Cuttle-fish, it has only an open gutter made by a fold in the mantle, like the siphons of the Gasteropods. The back chambers are filled with nitrogen gas. 169 The common Poulpe has two thousand suckers, each a wonderful little air-pump, under the control of the animal's will. 160 Hence the theory of Spencer, favored by Wallace and Clark, that Artic- ulates are compound animals, each segment representing an individual. The dorsal tube is probably homologous with the right ventricle. 161 The order is one of relation rather than of rank. The classes can not be arranged serially. The Myriapods have a worm-like multiplication of parts, degrading them, and their nervous system is simpler than that of Cat- erpillars ; yet their heads show a close relationship to Insects. The Arach- nids include some lower forms than Myriapods; on the other hand, for their wonderful instincts, Owen places them above the Insects. They are closely allied to Crustaceans, and stand more nearly between Crustaceans and In- sects than between Myriapods and Insects. The higher Articulates begin life as worm-like embryos. None of the air-breathers have two pairs of antennae, while the aquatic classes may have.—Articulates with jointed ap- pendages articulated to the body are called Arthropoda. 163 The joints of the Tape-worm are not true segments, only successive growths containing ova. The true animal is the so-called " head." The 380 NOTES. intestinal Worms are, by some eminent naturalists, separated under the dis- tinct name of Helminthozoa. 163 Apparent exceptions: Some lower forms have no branchiae, but respire by the skin, usually of the legs, but this is substantially a gill; certain Crabs, also, live on dry land, but they manage to keep their gills wet. 164 The student should remember that this threefold division is not equiv- alent to the like division of a vertebrate body. 165 Each ring (called somite) is divisible into two arcs, a dorsal and ventral, and each arc consists of four pieces. 166 Sight and hearing are the only senses discovered in this class. 167 The four pairs of legs in Arachnids answer to the two pairs of maxillae, the great claws, and the first pair of legs of the Lobster. 168 Compare the single thread of the Silk-worm and other caterpillars. 169 The common Spider, Epeira, which constructs with almost geometric- al precision its net of spirals and radiating threads, will finish one in forty minutes, and just as regularly if confined in a perfectly dark place. 170 These parts do not correspond to the parts so named in human anat- omy. 171 The pupa-case is generally ornamented with golden spots; hence the common name chrysalis. 172 More properly, at least in the Bee, the lip is not converted into a suc- torial tube, but into an extensible tongue, with which the liquid food is lapped up. 173 All Vertebrates have a notochord, but not all have a vertebral column, as the Amphioxus. This eccentric creature, without skeleton, limbs, brain, heart, lymphatics, or red blood, we leave out of account. It is not fairly a member of the subkingdom, but rather a link between the Mollusks and Fishes. In aquatic animals the posterior limbs are the ones aborted or re- duced, if any; in land animals the fore-limbs are usually sacrificed. The vertebrae correspond with and are dependent on the nervous centres. This is shown by the fact that the tail, which is reproduced by Lizards in case of loss, is a single bone, because although bone may be reproduced, the spinal cord can not be. 174 The smallest corpuscles are found in Ruminants; the largest in Am- phibians with permanent gills. The average size in Birds is double that of Man's, and about equal to that of the Elephant. Those of Monkeys are a trifle smaller than the human. In the embryo they are larger than in the adult. Camels only among Mammals have oval disks. 175 Oblong skulls, whose diameter from the frontal to the occipital greatly exceeds the transverse diameter, are called dolichocephalic; and such are usu- ally prognathous, i. e., have projecting jaws, as the negro's. Round skulls, whose extreme length does not exceed the extreme breadth by a greater proportion than 100 to 80, are brachycephalic; and such are generally orthog- nathous, or straight-jawed. 176 The classes are variously grouped into the Hcematocrya, or Cold-blood- ed, and the Scematotherma, or Warm-blooded; into the Branchiata and Abranchiata; into the Allantoidea and Anallantoidea; and into Ichthyopsida (Fishes and Amphibians), Sauropsida (Reptiles and Birds), and Mammalia. NOTES. 381 According to Owen, the only character which absolutely distinguishes Fishes and Reptiles is whether or not there is an open passage from the nostrils to the mouth. 177 Some Ichthyologists, as Agassiz, Haeckel, Cope, and Gill, divide the Vertebrates below the Amphibians into three or four distinct classes. See "Smithsonian Misc. Coll.," vol. xi. 178 It would be safe to say that any living Vertebrate with side fins sup- ported by fin rays is a Fish; but the extinct Amphibian Ichthyosaui-us also had them. 179 The capacity for growing as long as life lasts, which some Fishes are said to possess, may be explained by the facts that their bodies are, firstly, of very nearly the same specific gravity as the water in which they live, and, secondly, of a temperature which is but a very little higher than that which they are there exposed to. Thus the force which in other animals is ex- pended in the way of opposition to that of gravity and in the way of pro- ducing heat is available for sustaining continuous growth.—Rolleston. 180 Scales with smooth, circular outline are called cycloid; those with notched or spiny margins are ctenoid. A few Teleosts are without scales or osseous skeleton. The ventral fins are often wanting, and the pectoral oc- casionally. There are about 9000 species of bony fishes. 181 Amphibians with a moist skin are also remarkable for their cutaneous respiration. They will live many days after the lungs are removed. Their vertebrae vary in form: in the lowest they are biconcave, like those of Fishes; in Salamanders they are opisthoccelian: in the Frogs and Toads they are usually proccelian. 182 Salamanders are often taken for Lizards, but differ in having gills in early life and a naked skin. The Proteus and Siren resemble a tadpole ar- rested in its development. 183 The Surinam Toad has no tongue. 184 The Reptilian heart may be likened to a persistent foetal heart of the higher animals. 185 The posterior pair of limbs is sometimes represented by a pair of small bones; and there is one Ophidian which shows traces of external limbs. 186 There are some notable exceptions. The Slow-worm is legless, and the Chameleon has a soft skin. 187 According to Owen; but Huxley insists that the plastron belongs to the exoskeleton. iss Knees always bend forward, and heels always bend backward. 189 It is a peculiarity of all Birds, though not confined to them, that the generation products and the refuse of digestion are all discharged through one common outlet. 190 Existing Birds have been divided into two primary groups, accord- ing to the development of the breast-bone: (1) Eatitce, or Runners, as the Ostrich, without a keel; and (2) Carinalce, or Fliers, comprising the grand majority of Birds, having a prominent keel. The fossil Ar- chceopteryx, a lizard-like Bird, is placed in a separate division, Saururce. Birds have also been divided according to their degree of development at birth into (1) Hesthogenous, as Fowls, Ostriches, Plovers, Snipes, Rails, 382 NOTES. Divers, and Ducks, whose chick is hatched completely clothed, has perfect senses, runs about, and feeds itself. When full grown, it uses its feet rather than wings, flying with a rapid, labored stroke, and taking the first opportu- nity to settle on land or water, not on trees; the male is polygamous and pugnacious; the female makes little or no nest; and neither sex sings. This group is of the best use to man, and approaches more nearly to Mam- mals, the habitual use of the legs and preference for land or water degrad- ing it as a Bird and raising it in the list of animals; (2) Gymnogenous, as Gulls, Pelicans, Birds of Prey, Herons, Sparrows, Woodpeckers, and Pig- eons, whose chick comes helpless^ blind, and naked; it can neither walk nor feed itself, but gapes for food; the adult is monogamous, and builds elabo- rate nests in trees and perches; many sing; all are habitual fliers. These are birds par excellence, gifted with higher intelligence than the others, and are never domesticated for food. 191 We can not claim that this airy skeleton is necessary for flight. The bones of the Bat are free from air, yet it is able to keep longer on the wing than the Sparrow. The common Fowl has a hollow humerus; while some Birds of long flight, as the Snipe and Curlew, have airless bones. 192 Hopping is characteristic of and confined to the Perchers; but many of them, as the Meadow-lark, Blackbird, and Crow, walk. 193 This order, founded on the disposition of the toes, is purely artificial. But it is better to retain it until ornithologists agree upon some natural ar- rangement. 194 In the Swifts and Goatsuckers, the hind toe is versatile, being turned sideways, or even forward; while the third and fourth toes of the Kingfish- er are united, and its wings are short. 195 The Whales are hairy during foetal life only. 196 The brain of Mammals differs also from that of lower Vertebrates in that the lobes of the cerebrum are connected by a band called corpus callo- sum, and the lobes of the cerebellum by the pons Varolii. 197 As in the Whale, Porpoise, Seal, and Mole. Teeth are wanting in the Whalebone Whales, Ant-eaters, Manis, and Echidna. 198. An acceptable classification of Mammals is still a desideratum. Owen's subclasses, founded on the structure of the brain, and De Blainville's (adopt- ed by Huxley and Gill), founded on the nature of the reproductive organs, are unsuitable for a text-book. It is sufficient to state here that the two lowest orders are implacental, and their young are born in a very imperfect condition; while all the rest are placental, whose embryos are more com- pletely formed before birth, being connected with the blood of the mother by means of the placenta, a development of the allantois. 199 The Monotremes resemble Birds and Reptiles in having but one outlet for the rectum, genital, and urinary organs. They resemble Marsupials in having marsupial bones, but have no pouch. They differ from all other Mammals in having no distinct nipples. 200 The pouch is wanting in some Opossums and the Dasyurus. 201 The Edentates are allied to the Reptiles, especially the Tortoises: compare the carapax of the Armadillo, the broad ribs, toothless mouth, and gizzard-like stomach of the Ant-eater, and the great size of the blood-cor- puscles in the Sloth. NOTES. 383 303 For the best account of the Elephant, see Tennant's " Ceylon." 203 The forefeet of the Tapir have four toes, but one does not touch the ground. 204 The extinct Horse (Hipparion) had three toes, two small hoofs dan- gling behind. The foot of the Horse is of wonderful structure. The bones are constructed and placed with a view to speed, lightness, and strength, and bound together by ligaments of marvelous tenacity. There are elastic pads aud cartilages to prevent jarring; and all the parts are covered by a living membrane which is exquisitely sensitive, and endows the foot with the sense of touch, without which the animal could not be sure-footed. The hoof itself is a world of wonders, being made of parallel fibres, each a tube composed of thousands of minute cells, the tubular form giving strength. There are three parts, "wall," "sole," and "frog"—the triangular, elastic piece in the middle, which acts as a cushion to prevent concussion and also slipping. 305 The American Peccary has three toes on the hind foot. 306 The Camel and Llama are exceptional, having two upper incisors and canines, are not strictly cloven-footed, aud are hornless. 807 The Hyena alone of the Carnivores has only four toes on all the limbs, and the Dog has four hind toes.—The Lion is the king of beasts in majesty, but not in strength. Five men can easily hold down a Lion, while it re- quires nine to control a Tiger. 208 The old term Quadrumana is rejected because it misleads, for Apes, as well as Men, have two feet and two hands. There is as much anatomical difference between the feet and hands of an Ape as between the feet and hands of Man. Owen, however, with Cuvier, considers the Apes truly " four- handed." 209 The eye-orbits of the Lemurs are open behind. The Flying Lemur (Galeopithecus) is considered an Insectivore. 210 The little Marmosets are not typical Monkeys, having a non-prehensile tail and only 32 teeth. 211 It fails to cover in the Howling Monkey and Siamang Gibbon; but in the Squirrel Monkey it more than covers, overlapping more than in Man. As to the convolutions, there is every grade from the almost smooth brain of the Marmoset to that of the Chimpanzee or Orang, which falls but little below Man's. 212 The tailed Apes of the Old World have longer legs than arms, and gen- erally have "cheek-pouches," which serve as pockets for the temporary stowage of food. 213 In the human infant, the sole naturally turns inward; and the arms of the embryo are longer than the legs. 214 The Aye-aye, the lowest of the Lemurs, is remarkable for the large pro- portion of the cranium to the face. 315 This feature was shared by the extinct Anoplotherium, and now to some extent by one of the Lemurs (Tarsius). 316 We have treated Man zoologically only. His place in Nature is a wider question than his position in Zoology; but it involves metaphysical and psy- chological considerations, which do not belong here. 384 NOTES. 217 See Lewes's charming " Studies in Animal Life." Doubtless an exam- ination of all the strata of the earth's crust would disclose forms immensely outnumbering all those at present known. And even had we every fossil, we would have but a fraction of the whole, for many deposits have been so altered by heat that all traces have been wiped out. Animal life is much more diversified now than it was in the old geologic ages; for several new types have come into existence, and few have dropped out. 218 Among the types characteristic of America are the Gar-pike, Snapping- turtle, Hummers, Sloths, and Musk-rat. Many of our most common animals are importations from the Old World, and therefore are not reckoned with the American fauna; such as the Horse, Ox, Dog and Sheep, Rats and Mice, Honey-bee, House-fly, Weevil, Currant-worm, Meal-worm, Cheese-maggot, Cockroach, Croton-bug, Carpet-moth and Fur-moth.—Distribution is com- plicated by the voluntary migration of some animals, as well as by Man's intervention. Besides Birds, the Bison and Seals, some Rats, certain Fishes, as Salmon and Herring, and Locusts and Dragon-flies among Insects, are migratory. 219 When the cable between France and Algiers was taken up from a depth of eighteen hundred fathoms, there came with it an Oyster, Cockle-shells, Annelid tubes, Polyzoa, and Sea-fans. Ooze brought up from the Atlantic plateau (two thousand fathoms) consisted of ninety-seven per cent, of Fora- minifers. 220 Only around the shores of the Arctic Sea are the same animals and plants found through every meridian; and in passing southward, along the three principal lines of land, specific identities give way to mere identity of genera; these are replaced by family resemblances, and at last even the families become in a measure distinct, not only on the great continents, but on the islands, till every little rock in the ocean has its peculiar inhabitants. THE NATURALIST'S LIBRARY. The following works of reference, accessible to the American student, are recommended: Agabsiz, Methods of Study in Natural History. Carpenter, Comparative Physiology. Marshall, Outlines of Physiology. Huxley, Lessons in Elementary Physiol- ogy. Mivaht, Lessons in Elementary Anatomy. Aoassiz and Gould, Principles of Zool- ogy. Rolleston, Forms of Animal Life. Lewes, Studies of Animal Life. Jones, General Outline of the Organiza- tion of the Animal Kingdom. Clark, Mind in Nature. Huxley and Martin, Elementary Biol- ogy. Owen, Comparative Anatomy of Inverte- brates and Vertebrates. Siebold, Anatomy of Invertebrates. Huxley, Anatomy of Vertebrated Ani- mals. Huxley and Hawkins, Atlas of Compara- tive Osteology. Flower, Osteology of Mammalia. Chauveau, Comparative Anatomy of Do- mesticated Animals. Gray, Anatomy, Descriptive and Surgic- al. Foster and Balfour, Elements of Em- bryology. Packard, Life Histories of Animals. Strioker, Handbook of Human and Com- parative Histology. Lankester, Half-hours with the Micro- scope. Owen, Paleontology. Knight, English Cyclopaedia (Natural History). Van der Hoeven, Handbook of Zoology. Cuvieb, Animal Kingdom. Wood, Illustrated Natural History. Milne-Edwards, Manual of Zoology. Nicholson, Manual of Zoology. Tenney, Elements of Zoology. Morse, First Book of Zoology. Jones, Animal Creation. Agabsiz, Sea-side Studies in Natural His- tory. Taylor, Half-hours at the Sea-side. Greene, Manuals of Sponges and Coelen- terata. Dana, Corals and Coral Islands. Verrill and Smith, Invertebrates of Vine- yard Sound. Gould and Binney, Invertebrata of Mas- sachusetts. Woodward, Manual of Mollusca. Packard, Guide to the Study of Insects. Duncan, Transformations of Insects. Stores, Fishes and Reptiles of Massachu- setts. Db Kay, Natural History of New Tork. Coues, Key to North American Birds. Jordan, Manual of the Vertebrates, etc., of Northern United States. Baied, Brewer, and Ridgway, Birds of North America. Baird, Mammals of North America. Allen, Mammalia of Massachusetts. Scammon, Marine Mammals of North Pa- cific. Brace, Manual of Ethnology. Darwin, Animals and Plants under Do- mestication. Wallace, Geographical Distribution of Animals. Murray, Geographical Distribution of Mammals. 25 386 THE NATURALIST'S LIBRARY. Of serial publications, the student should have access to the American Naturalist, American Journal of Science, Popular Science Monthly, Smithsonian Contributions and Miscellaneous Collections, Bulletins and Proceedings of the various societies, Popular Science Review, Intellectual Observer, and Annals and Magazine of Natural History.* * Perfect specimens are invaluable in the study of Zoology. A few hundred choice objects are the best illustrations to accompany a text-book, or course of lectures. In fact, they are indispensable to the clear comprehension of the forms of life. Many specimens are easily obtained; but many others come from distant lands or seas, and must be carefully prepared for preservation and use. It is well for teachers and students to know that there is one establishment in America where it is possible to secure those type-collections so important for educational purposes. Professor H. A. Ward, of Rochester, New York, has the largest facilities in the country for furnishing skeletons and special preparations for schools and museums. The leading museums in America are indebted to him for some of their choicest material. Every effort is made to supply select and perfect specimens. ^lis collection is especially rich in Invertebrates, and his osteological preparations are remarkable for the elegance of their mounting. INDEX. Abranchiate Worms, 272,352. ■ Absorbent System, 93. Acaleph, alternate generation of, 207. " structure of, 238, 378. Acarina, 277,353. Acarus, 353. Acipenser, 303, 354. Acorn-shells, 274. Actinaria, 350. Actinia, anatomy of, 74. " described, 241, 350. " development of, 200. Actinophrys, 349. Adder, 308. Adipose Tissue, 36. Molis, 262. Agastric Animals, 370. Air-bladder of Fishes, 116, 372. Air-breathers, 111, 113. Albatross, 317. Alcyonaria, 350. Alcyonium, 350. Alimentary Canal, 73. Allantoidea, 380. Allantois, 198. Alligator, 312, 355. Alternate Generation, 206, 239. Ambulacra, 129, 252. Ammonite, 266. Amnion, 197. Amoeba feeding, 50, 74. " locomotion of, 155. " structure of, 232, 349. American Types, 384. Amphibians, described, 305, 354,381. " eggs of, 193. Amphiccelous, 373. Amphioxus, 50, 302, 374, 380. Anallantoidea, 3S0. Analogy, 211. Anchylosis, 142. Anguis, 354. Animalcules, mouth of, 54. Animals and Plants, 21, 368. Annelids, 270, 352. Annuloida, 271, 352. Anoura, 354 Anser, 355. Ant-eater, 330, 370. Antennae, 174, 374. Anthozoa, 241, 350. Ants, 293. Aorta, 103. Ape, 151, 343, 383. Apis, 353. Aplysia, 262. Apteryx, 319. Arachnid, 277, 353. Araneina, 278, 353. Archetype, 137. Ardea, 319, 355. Areolar Tissue, 35. Argonauta, 268. Armadillo, 133, 330. Arteries, 103. Arthropoda, 379. Articulates, circulation in, 105. " described, 226, 269, 352. " digestion in, 77,91. Ascidian, circulation in, 106. " described, 256, 350. " mouth of, 55. Aetacus, 273, 352. Asterias, 251, 350. Asteroidea, 55, 75, 91, 111, 129, 159, 250, 350. Astraea, 243. Atavism, 210. Attacus, 291, 353. Auk, 316. Aurelia, 239, 350. Aves, 313,355. 388 INDEX. Axolotl, 306. Aye-aye, 383. Babirusa-hog, 68. Baboon, 346. Balaena, 147, 355. Balanus, 274, 352. Bandicoot, 330. Barbet, 324. Barnacle, 57, 275. Basket-fish, 251. Bathybius, 349. Batrachians, 307. Bats, 187, 333. Beaver, 332. Bed-bug, 287. Bee, anatomy of, 114. " described, 293. " eggs of, 192. " eye of, 178. " instinct of, 183. " mouth of, 58. " muscles of, 154. Beetles, described, 282,287. " eyes of, 179. " mouth of, 58. " prehension of, 53. Belemnite, 269. Beroe, 242. Birds, anatomy of, 84. " brain of, 315. " classification of, 355, 381. " described, 313. " digestive system of, 83. " distribution of, 363. " flight of, 157. " lungs of, 115,315. " mouth of, 61. " prehension of, 49, 53. " respiration in, 116. " sense of smell, 175. " skeleton of, 136,148,313. " vocal apparatus, 186. Bird of Paradise, 327. Bivalve Shells, 131,258. Blackbird, 327. Blastema, 33. Blastoderm, 194 Blood, circulation of, 102. " color of, 97, 372. " constitution of, 98. " current, 110, 372. " development of, 376. " office of, 101. " vessels, 102. Blubber, 334. Blue-fish, 300. Boa constrictor, skull of, 72. Bones, 36,136,145. Bos, 150, 356. Brachiopods, 256, 351, 378. Brachycephalic Skull, 380. Bradypus, 356. Brain-case, 141. " development of, 199. " functions of, 170. " size of, 348. " structure of, 166,382. Branchiate Vertebrates, 380. " Worms, 272. Bronchial Tubes, 118. Bryozoa, 255. Bubble-shell, 262. Buccinum, 260. Budding, 188. Bufo, 307, 354. Bugs, described, 285. " mouth of, 59. Bulimus, 262. Bulla, 262. Butterfly, described, 290. " mouth of, 58. Caddis-fly, 284. Caecilians, 306, 354. Caecum, 371. Calcispongia, 349. Camel, 383. Cameo-shell, 266. Canaliculi, 38. Capillaries, 103. Capybara, 331. Carapax, 133. Cardium, 259. Carinatae, 381. Carnivores, 340, 356. Cartilaginous Tissue, 36. Cassis, 264. Cassowary, 319. Castor, 332. Cat, brain of, 167,171. Cat-tribe, 342. Caterpillar, anatomy of, 77. " circulation in, 104. " head of, 292. " nervous system of, 165. Cebus, 356. Cells, 31,98, 369. Centipede, 52,114,159,166, 281. Cephalization, 218. Cephalopods, anatomy of, 81. " described, 266,352. Cephalo-thorax, 130,272. Cerebellum, 169. Cerebrum, 168,374 Cestum, 242. INDEX. 389 Cetacea, 334,355. Chameleon, 309. Cheiropters, 333, 356. Chelonians, 310,354. Chelydra, 354. Chilognatha, 280, 353. Chilopoda, 280, 353. Chimaera, 302. Chimpanzee, 69,151, 345. Chitine, 373. Chiton, 263. Chorion, 198. Chrysalis, 377, 380. Chyle, 92, 372. Chyme, 92. Cicada, 286, 353. Cicatricula, 190. Cidaris, 253,351. Cilia, 50, 374 Ciliata, 349. Cimex, 353. Cirripeds, 274, 352. Clam, described, 260, 379. " digestive system, 79. " locomotion of, 158. " respiration in, 112. Clamatores, 325. Class, 227. Classification, 223,349, 378. Claws, 134. Clio, 55, 351. Cloaca, 84. Clypeaster, 351. Coagulation, 372. Cochineal, 287. Cockle-shell, 259. Cockroaches, 285. Cod-fish, 167, 303. Ccelenterata, 225, 237, 349. Cold-blooded Animals, 119,354. Coleopters, 287, 353. Coluber, 354. Condor, 322. Cone-shell, 264. Connective Tissue, 34,369. Coral, 128, 242. Corallium, 247, 352. Corium, 373. Cormorant, 317. Corpuscles, 97, 372, 380. Correlation of Growth, 212. Corydalis, 285. Cowry, 264. Crab, described, 275. " legs of, 159. " mouth of, 56. " skeleton of, 130. Crane, 319. Cranium, 139,141. Cray-fish, 273. Cricket, 285. Crinoid, 248, 350. Crocodile, described, 147, 311, 355, 373. " digestive system, 81,83, 371. " exoskeleton of, 133. " heart of, 107. " locomotion of, 160. " mouth of, 64 Crotalus, 354. Crow, 327. Crustaceans, described, 272, 352. " digestive system, 76. " skeleton of, 130. Ctenophora, 242, 350, 370. Cuckoo, 323. Curassow, 320. Cursores, 319, 355. Cuticle, 373. Cutis, 373. Cuttle-bone, 373. Cuttle-fish, brain and eyes of, 176,179. " circulation in, 106. " described, 268. " digestive system, 79. " mouth of, 56. " prehension of, 51. " skeleton of, 132,135, 373. Cypraea, 266. Daddy-long-legs, 290. Dasypus, 331. Dasyurus, 330. Decapods, 274, 353. Deep-sea Forms, 359, 384 Deer, 339. Deglutition, 71. Delphinus, 355. Dental Formula, 69. " Tissue, 3S. Dermis, 126, 373. Development, 193,199, 376. Diadelphys, 330, 355. Diaphragm, 85,119, 373. Diastema, 370. Dibranchs, 267, 352. Differentiation, 31. Digestion, 90. Digitigrades, 161, 342. Dipnoi, 304, 354. Dipters, 288, 353. Discophora, 240, 350. Distribution, 357,384 Divers, 315. Dog, 342. " brain of, 167. " digestion in, 123. 390 INDEX. Dog, skull of, 140. Dolichocephalic Skull, 380. Dolphin, 335, 355. Doris, 262,352. Dove, 320. Dragon-fly, 284, 374. Duck, 318. Duck-mole, 328. Dugong, 108, 337. Duodenum, 89. Eagle, 322. Ear, 176. Ear-shell, 264. Earth-worm, 272. " circulation in, 105. " feeding, 52. " locomotion of, 159. " nervous system, 166. " respiration in, 112. Ecderon, 373. Echidna, 328. Echinoderms, 226, 247, 350, 378. Echinus, 91,104,129, 252, 350, 378. Ectoderm, 237, 373. Edentates, 330, 356, 382. Eggs, generation by, 189, 376. " kinds of, 191, 376. " structure of, 189. Elasmobranchs, 302, 354. Elephant, 337, 356. " brain of, 167,168. " skeleton of, 150. " teeth of, 70. " voice of, 187. Elytra of Beetles, 287. Embryology, 12,193. Embryos, likeness of, 201. Encephalon, 172,374. Enderon, 373. Endoderm, 237, 373. Endoskeleton, 126,128,135. Endosmosis, 372. Entomostracans, 274,353. Epeira, 353. Epidermis, 34,126,128, 373. Epiglottis, 118. Epithelium, 33. Equus, 142,149, 356. Euplectella, 237, 349. Excretion, 119. Exoskeleton, 125. Eyes, compound, 178,375. " simple, 178. " structure of, 180. Facial Angle, 298. Palcou, 323, 355. Family, 227. Fangs, 67. Feathers, 135. Felis, 137, 356. Fibrospongia, 349. Fishes, anatomy of, 82. " brains of, 168, 301. " circulation in, 106,109. " described, 298, 381. " digestive system, 79. " distribution of, 363. " gills of, 113, 301. " heart of, 107. " locomotion of, 156, 300. " mouth and teeth, 60, 66. " muscles of, 154. " prehension of, 53. " scales and skeleton, 133,1*6,299. Fish-hawk, 321. Flagellata, 235, 349. Flamingo, 158, 318. Flea, 290. Flight, 157. Flustra, 351. Fly, described, 288. " feet of, 160. " mouth of, 59. Fly-catcher, 324 Flying-fox, 333. Follicles, 121. Food, kinds of, 47. " necessity of, 45. " prehension of, 49. Foraminifers, 50,128, 233, 349. Forms of Animals, 215. Fox, 341. Frog, blood-cells of, 98. " brain of, 170. " described, 307. " metamorphosis of, 205. " prehension of, 53. " skeleton of, 118. Fungia, 243. Fusus, 264, 266. Gall-bladder, 122. Gall-flies, 293. Gallus, 355. Ganglia, nervous, 163. Gannet, 317. Ganoids, 302, 354 Gar-pike, 302. Gasteropods, 260, 351. Gastric Follicles, 121. " Teeth, 63. Gavial, 312,355. Genus, 227. Germinal Dot, 191. INDEX. 391 Gibbon, 344. Gills, 112,113. Giraffe, 339. Gizzard, 63, 83, 371. Glands, 121. Glottis, 117. Glyptodon, 330. Gnawers, 331. Goatsucker, 324. Goose, 318. Gorgonia, 247. Gorilla, 345. Grallatores, 319, 355. Grasshopper, 285. Grebe, 316. Gregarinida, 231, 349. Grouse, 320. Growth and Repair, 207, 381. Grubs, 377. Gryllus, 353. Guinea-pig, 332. Gulls, 316. Gymnogeuous Birds, 382. H.EMATOORYA, 380. Haematotherma, 380. Hag-fish, 302. Hair, 134 Hair-worm, 271. Haliotis, 264. Halisarca, 349. Hand, 346. Hare, 332. Harvest-men, 278. Haversian Canals, 37. Hawk, 323. Hearing, 175. Heart of Fishes, 107. " Man, 108,195. " Oyster, 105. Heat, animal, 119. Hedgehog, 333. Helix, 262, 352. Hemipters, 285, 353. Hen's Egg, development of, 194 «' parts of, 190. Hermaphrodite, 376. Heron, 319. Hesthogenous Birds, 381. Heterocercal Tail, 156. Hippopotamus, 338. Histology, 12. History of Zoology, 14, 367. Hog, 338. Holothurians, 253,351. Homo, 345, 356. Homocercal Tail, 156. Homology, 211. Hoofs compared, 162. Horns, 134. Horse, brain of, 163. " described, 13, 338. " foot of, 134,161, 383. " skull and skeleton, 142,149. " stomach of, 86. Horseshoe Crab, 52. Hummer, 325. Hyalea, 351. Hydra, 75,189, 237, 350. Hydroida, 350. Hydrozoa, 237, 350. Hyena, 383. Hylacinus, 330. Hymenopters, 293,353. Ibis, 319. Ichneumon, 293. Ichthyopsida, 380. Ichthyosaurus, 313. Iguana, 309. Individual, 227. Infusoria, 50,188, 234, 349. Insectivores, 333, 350. Insects, circulation in, 104, 283. " classification of, 284,353. " described, 281, 353. " development of, 200. " digestive system in, 78. " distribution of, 362. " eyes of, 178. " legs of, 160,163, 282. " metamorphosis of, 203. " mouth of, 53, 57, 282. " nervous system, 283. " noise of, 185. respiration in, 113,114, 283. " skeleton of, 130, 282. " wings of, 157, 282. Insessores, 324, 355. Inspiration, modes of, 118. Instinct, 181, 375. Intelligence, 183,375. Intestinal Canal, 89. Invertebrates, 154, 294. Isis, 350. lulus, 280, 353. Jaoamar, 324. Jaws, 53. Jay, 327. Jelly-fish, described, 238. " digestive system, 54, 75. Kangaroo, 330. Kidney, 123. King-crab, 274. 392 INDEX. Kingfisher, 325. Kite, 323. Labium and Labrum, 58. Labyrinthodonts, 306. Lacerta, 310,354. Lacertilia, 354. Lacteals, 94 Lacunae, 38. Lagena, 349. Lamellibranchs, 112,257,351. Lamellirostres, 318. Lamprey, 302. Lancelet, 302. Land-snails, 263. Lark, 327. Larynx, 187. Leech, 272. " locomotion of, 158. " mouth of, 49, 56, 63. Legs of Animals, 155,199,213. Lemur, 342, 356. Lepidopters, 290, 353. Lepidosiren, 304, 354. Libellula, 284, 354. Life, distribution of, 357. " duration of, 219. " nature of, 28, 369. " phenomena of, 29,43. " struggle for, 219. Lightning-bug, 288. Ligula, 58. Likeness and Variation, 209. Limax, 262, 352. Limbs of Vertebrates, 144, 374 Limnaea, 263, 352. Limpet, 263. Limulus, 274, 353. Lingula, 351. Lion, 87,137, 383. Liver, 121. Lizards, 160,170,309. Lobster, 272. " circulation in, 105. " eggs of, 192. '• gills of, 113. " locomotion of, 155. " mouth of, 56. " muscles of, 154. " prehension of, 52. " skeleton of, 130. Locomotion, 155. Locust, 285. Loligo, 269. Longipennes, 316. Loon, 316. Louse, 287. Lucernaria, 240, 350. Lumbricus, 272, 352. Lungs, 115,123, 373. Lymphatics, 94 Madrepore, 244, 350. Madreporiform Plate, 378. Maggots, 377. Mammals, anatomy of, 86. " brain of, 382. " circulation in, 109. " described, 327,355. " distribution of, 364. " locomotion of, 161. " mouth and teeth of, 61, 67. " respiration in, 116. " skull of, 141. " vocal apparatus, 186. Mammoth, 337. Man, 85,171, 213, 345, 383. Manatee, 327,337,355. Mandibles, 58,143. Mantis, 53. Mantle, 126. Marsipobranchs, 302, 354. Marsupials, 329, 355. Mastodon, 337. May-fly, 284. Meandrina, 243. Medulla oblongata, 169. Medusa, 75, 238. Megatherium, 330. Melania, 266. Membrane Bones, 198, 369. Menobranchus, 306. Mesentery, 82, 94. Metamorphosis, 203, 377. Millepede, 56,114. Millepore, 378. Mimicry, 210, 376. Minerals and Organisms, 19. Mites, 277. Mole, 333. Molluscoidea, 255. Mollusks, anatomy of, 80. " circulation in, 105. " described, 226, 254, 351. " digestion in, 91. " distribution of, 362. " locomotion of, 158. " mouths of, 55. " nervous system of, 165. " respiration in, 112. " shells of, 131. Monad, 234, 349. Monera, 349. Monkeys, 342. Monotreme, 328,355,382. | Mosquito, 49, 204, 289. INDEX. 393 Moth, 291. Moulting, 128,130, 205. Mouse, 332. Mouths of Animals, 54 Mud-eel, 306. Mud-fish, 304. Murex, 266. Mus, 356. Musca, 290, 353. Muscle, 152. Muscular Tissue, 38,152,199. Mussels, 259. Myriapods, 76, 280, 353. Myrmecophaga, 330, 356. Mytilus, 259. Myxospongia, 349. Nails, 134 Natatores, 315, 355. Natica, 266, 352. Natural Selection, 220. Nautilus, 267, 352. Nereis, 272, 352. Nerve-cells, 163. Nerves, 163,172. Nervous Tissue, 40,164,199. Neurilemma, 40. Neuropters, 284, 353. Newt, 306. Nictitating Membrane, 375. Notochord, 195. Nucleolus, 191. Number of Animals, 214. Nummulite, 349. Nutrition, 44. Nymph, 377. Ocelli, 178. Octopus, 268, 352. (Esophagus, 85. Olfactory Nerves, 175. Olive-shell, 266. Oniscus, 353. Ophidians, 308, 354. Ophiomorpha, 354. Ophiura, 251, 350. Opisthobranchs, 261, 352. Opisthocoelous, 373. Opossum, 330. Orang-utan, 171, 344. Order, 227. Organization, 30. Organ-pipe Coral, 242. Organs, 41. Oriole, 327. Ornithorhynchus, 328, 355. Orthoceras, 266. Orthopters, 285, 353. Orycteropus, 330. Oscines, 325. Osseous Tissue, 36. Ossification, 36,19S. Ostrea, 259, 351. Ostrich, 319. Otoliths, 175. Ovipositor, 283. Owls, 323. Ox, 150, 340. Oyster, circulation in, 105. " described, 259. " development of, 200. " digestion in, 79. " mouth of, 54. " muscles of, 154. " prehension of, 50. " respiration in, 112. . " shell of, 131, 208. Palate, 62, 85. Pallial Sinus, 379. Palpi, 58. Paludina, 265. Pancreas, 121. Pangolin, 330. Paper Nautilus, 268. Papillae, 62,126,174, 373. Papilio, 353. Paramecium, 234, 349. Parrot, 322, 324. Partridge, 320. Patella, 263, 377. Pavement-teeth, 66. Pearl-oyster, 258, 373, 379. Peccary, 383. Pectoral Arch, 144. Pedicellariae, 76, 371. Pedipalpi, 277, 353. Pelican, 317. Penguin, 315. Pennatula, 247. Pen of the Squid, 373. Pentacta, 351. Pentacrinus, 249, 350. Perch, 146,170, 354. Perchers, 324. Periosteum, 136. Peristaltic Movement, 370. Periwinkle, 266. Petrel, 317. Petromyzon, 303, 354. Phalanger, 330. Pharyngobranchs, 301. Pharynx, 72, 84, 370. Pheasant, 320. Phoea, 356. Physalia, 239, 350. 394 INDEX. Physeter, 334, 355. Picus, 355. Pigeon, 320. Pinnigrades, 161, 341. Pisces, 354. Placenta, 198. Placental Animals, 355,382. Plauorbis, 263. Plantigrades, 161, 341. Plant-lice, 287. Plastron, 311. Platypus, 328. Pleurobrachia, 242, 350. Plover, 319. Poison-fang, 52, 67, 373. Polycistines, 128, 234, 349. Polyps, 50,54, 75. Polyzoa, 255, 351. Pond-snails, 263. Porcupine, 332. Porites, 244. Porpoise, 87, 335. Portal Circulation, 372. Portuguese Man-of-war, 239. Poulpe, 268, 379. Prairie-chicken, 320. Primates, 342, 356. Primitive Streak, 195. Proboscideans, 337, 356. Proboscis of Butterfly, 58. " Elephant, 62,150. Procoelous, 373. Prognathous Skull, 380., Prosobranchs, 263, 352. Proteus, 306, 354. Protozoa, 200, 231, 349. Pseudopodia, 50, 232. Pteropods, 55, 261. Pulmonates, 262, 352. Pygopodes, 315. quadrumana, 383. Raccoon, 340. Radiates, 237. Radiolarians, 233, 349. Rails, 319. Rana, 307, 354. Range of Animals, 358. Rank of Animals, 216. Raptores, 321, 355. Rasores, 320, 355. Rat, 332. Ratitae, 381. Rattlesnake's Fangs, 67. Raven, 327- Ray, 302. Razor-shell, 260. Redstart, 325. Reproduction, 18S, 208, 376. Reptiles, circulation in, 107,109,308. " corpuscles of, 99. " described, 307. " digestion in, 81. " distribution of, 363. " lungs of, 116. " mouth of, 60. " prehension of, 53. " scales of, 134. " teeth of, 66, " voiceless, 186. Respiration, 111. Rete mucosum, 127. Retiua, 180. Rhea, 320. Rhinoceros, 338. Rhizopods, 232, 349. Rodents, 331, 356. Rotifers, 63, 272. Rudimentary Parts, 202. Rumiuants, 87, 339. Salamander, 306, 354, 381. Salivary Glands, 121, 373. Salmon, 301, 354. Salpians, 256, 351. Sand-flea, 274. Sandpiper, 318. Sarcolemma, 39,199. Saurians, 313. Sauropsida, 380. Saururse, 381. Scales of Butterflies, 290. " Fishes and Reptiles, 193, 381. Scallop-shell, 259. Scalops, 356. Scansores, 323, 355. Scapular Arch, 144. Scarabaeus, 353. Scarf-skin, 373. Sclerobasic Coral, 128, 247. Sclerodermic Coral, 128, 243. Scolopendra, 281, 353. Scorpion, described, 277, 353. " digestion in, 78. " mouth of, 52, 59. " spiracles of, 115. Sea-anemone, 200, 241. Sea-blubber, 238. Sea-butterfly, 260. Sea-fan, 247. Sea-hare, 262. Seal, 341. Sea-lemon, 262. Sea-lily, 248. INDEX. Sea-lion, 341. Sea-slug, 253. Sea-urchin, circulation in, 104. " described, 252. " digestion in, 75,91. " mouth of, 55. " respiration in, 111. " shell of, 129, 378. " spines of, 129, 378. " teeth of, 63. Sea-worms, 272. Secretion, 120. Self-division, 188. Senses, 173. Sepia, 268,352. Serpents, skulls of, 73. Serpula, 272. Sertularians, 238, 350. Seta?, 271. Setophaga, 325. Shark, described, 302. " eggs of, 191. " skeleton of, 135. Shells of Crustaceans, 130,272. " Mollusks, 131, 257, 260. " Sea-urchins, 129,378, Shrew, 333. Shrimp, 274. Sight, 177. Silk-worm, 293. Simia, 356. Siphonophora, 350, Siphuncle, 207. Siredon,306. Siren, 306. Sirenians, 336, 355. Size of Animals, 214. Skeleton, 125. Skin, 125,126. Skull, 142,380. Sloth, 330. Slug, 262. Smell, 175. Snail, circulation in, 105. " described, 260. " digestion in, 79. " mouth and teeth of, 56, 64. " prehension of, 51. " shell of, 132. " tentacles of, 178. Snakes, described, 308, 354. " locomotion of, 155, 159. " prehension of, 53. Snapping-bugs, 287. Snipe, 319. Somite, 380. Songsters, 325. Sorex, 333. Sow-bug, 274. Sparrow, 325, 327. Species, 227. Sperm-whale, 334. Sphinx-moth, 291, 353. Spider, described, 308, 354. " digestion in, 78. " legs of, 159. " mouth of, 59. " prehension of, 52. " spiracles of, 115. Spinal Column, 143. " Cord, 166,169,172. Spinnerets of Caterpillar, 292. " Spider, 280. Spiracles, 113. Sponge, 49, 128, 235, 349, 370. Squalus, 354. Squid, 155, 269. Squirrel, 332. Star-fish, anatomy of, 159. " circulation in, 104. " described, 250. " digestion in, 91. " feeding, 51. " locomotion of, 158. " nervous system, 165. " respiration in, 111. Stilt, 319. Stomachs, 83, 86, 88. Stork, 319. Stridulation, 185. Strombus, 265,352. Struthio, 355. Sturgeon, 53, 302. Subkingdom, 227. Sun-fish, 251. Survival of the Fittest, 220. Suture, 145. Swallow, 326. Swan, 318. Swift, 325. Sycon, 349. Symmetry, 215. Synovia, 145. Taenia, 271, 352, Tanagers, 327. Tapetum, 181. Tape-worm, 49, 271, 379. Tapir, 213, 338, 383. Taste, 174. Teeth, 38, 62, 65, 66, 68,70. Teleosts, 302, 354 Temperature of Animals, 119. Tendons, 154. Tentacles, 50. Terebra, 264 396 Terebratula, 257, 351. Termites, 285. Tern, 316. Testudo, 354. Tetrabranchs, 267, 352. Tetradecapods, 274, 352. Thorax, 118, 281. Thornback, 304. Thousand-legged Worm, 280. Throat of Mammals, 72. Thrush, 327. Thyroid Cartilage, 186. Ticks, 277. Tissues, 32. Toad, 307. Tongue, 53, 54, 61, 62. Top-shell, 265. Tortoise-shell, 311. Totipalmates, 317. Toucan, 324. Touch, 173. Tracheae, 113. Trichina, 271. Trilobite, 274. Triton, 266. Tritonia, 262. Trochus, 266. Trogon, 323. Tubipora, 242, 245. Tunicates, 126, 256, 351, 379. Turbo, 265. Turdus, 355. Turkey, 170, 320. Turritella, 266. Turtle, 134,148,160,192, 310. Tusks, 370. Types, 225, 378. Tyrant Fly-catcher, 325. Ungulates, 161, 337, 356. Unio, 259. Univalves, 131, 260. Urodelans, 306, 354. Ursus, 356. Variation, 209. Variety, 227. Veins, 94,102,103. Vena cava, 103,372. Venus, 260, 351. Venus-basket, 237. Vertebrae, 138,143,199. Vertebrates, 226,295. " circulation in, 108, 296. " classification of, 298. " development of, 201. INDEX. Vertebrates, digestion in, 91. " mouths of, 60. " nervous system of, 297. " prehension of, 53. Vespertilio, 333, 356. Villi, 89, 94, 372. Vireo, 325. Vitelline Membrane, 190. Viviparous, 377. Voices of Animals, 185. Volitores, 325. Volute, 264 Vorticella, 349. Vulture, 148,323. Walking-stick, 285. Warblers, 327. Warm-blooded Animals, 119, 355. Wasps, 293. Water-boatmen, 286. Water-breathers, 111. Water-fleas, 274. Wax-wing, 327. Weasel, 340. Weevil, 287. Whale, baleen of, 64,134,370. " brain of, 167,168. " described, 334. " feeding, 50,336. " locomotion of, 156. " skeleton of, 147. Whelk, 55, 260, 265. White Ants, 285. Wigglers, 377. Windpipe, 117. Wings of Bats, 158. " Birds, 157. " Insects, 157. Wolf, 340. Wombat, 330. Woodpecker, 322, 324. Worms, described, 270. " digestive system, 76. " locomotion of, 155. " mouth of, 56. " respiration of, 112. Wren, 327. Yolk, 189,194. Zonotrichia, 325. Zoological analysis, 228. " barriers, 359. " provinces, 360. Zoology defined, 11. " history of, 14, 367. THE END. SHAKESPEARE. WITH NOTES BY WM. J. ROLFE, A.M., Formerly Head Master of the High-School, Cambridge, Mass. ILLUSTRATED WITH WOODCUTS. THE MERCHANT OF VENICE. i6mo, Cloth, 90 cts. THE TEMPEST. i6mo, Cloth, 90 cents. HENRY THE EIGHTH i6mo, Cloth, 90 cents. JUIIUS CjESAR. i6mo, Cloth, 90 cents. RICHARD THE SECOND. i6mo, Cloth, 90 cents. From Prof. F. J. Child, of Harvard University. After using the book with an evening class in Shakespeare, Prof. Child writes as follows : I read your " Merchant of Venice " with my class, and found it in every respect an excellent edition. I do not agree with my friend White in the opinion that Shakespeare requires but few notes—that is, if he is to be thoroughly understood. Doubtless he may be enjoyed, and many a hard place slid over. Your notes give all the help a young student requires, and yet the reader for pleasure will easily get at just what he wants. You have indeed been conscientiously concise. From L. R. WlLLlSTON, A.M., Head Master of the High-School, Cam- bridge, Mass. Mr. Rolfe's edition of " The Merchant of Venice " is an excellent one for school or general use. The notes contain all the explanations and references needful for a critical study of the language, as well as for un- derstanding the thought of the play. The extracts from Schlegel, Mrs. Jameson, and others, in the Introduction, helping to a better appreciation of the characters of the play, are a peculiar recommendation of this edition. From Rev. A. P. Peabody, D.D., Professor in Harvard University. I regard your own work on this play as of the highest merit, while you have turned the labors of others to the best possible account. I want to have the higher classes of our schools introduced to Shakespeare chief of all, and then to other standard English authors; but this can not be done to advantage, unless under a teacher of equally rare gifts and abund- ant leisure, or through editions specially prepared for such use. I trust that you will have the requisite encouragement to proceed with a work so happily begun. Your " Merchant of Venice " seems to me by no means limited, in its adaptation, to school use. All who have not access to a somewhat ex- tended Shakespearian apparatus need such editions as this; and there are many not unintelligent adult readers of Shakespeare who lose half the pleasure and profit of reading him for lack of precisely such aid as you supply. 2 Rolfes Shakespeare. From Prof. J. Dorman Steele, Free Academy, Elmira, N. Y. The copy of the " Tempest" is at hand, and very carefully examined. We shall use it in the Spring Term. Adoption in our school is, of course, the highest commendation I can give. The " Merchant of Ven- ice" is now in use and gives unqualified satisfaction. Prior to this, Shakespeare's plays were failing to interest the pupils, because of the difficulty found in understanding and appreciating the text. Your beau- tiful and comprehensive edition is very helpful indeed, and it has quick- ened the enthusiasm of the pupils. From W. C. Collar, A.M., Master of the Roxbury Latin School, Boston. Please accept my thanks for a copy of your " Merchant of Venice." I have made a trial of it with my first class, and find it admirably adapted for use in the school-room. I think no one who was not an experienced teacher and a careful student of Shakespeare could have anticipated and supplied so well the needs of the learner ; and, if I may judge from my own case, instructors will find the copious references contained in the notes very helpful in the preparation of their lessons. Give us a few more plays edited on the same plan, and there will no longer be any ex- cuse for excluding Shakespeare from our classical and high schools. From S. M. Capron, A.M., Master of the High-School, Hartford, Conn. In my judgment, you have produced, in " The Merchant of Venice," the best and most sensible edition of one of Shakespeare's plays which has yet appeared for school use. The publishers have done every thing for you in respect to the form and general appearance of the book; and your notes are not only critical, but sufficiently brief and pointed, and, so far as I have examined them, they seem to cover the very points in the text which particularly need elucidation. Go on as you have begun. This work has been done so well that it could hardly have been done better. It shows throughout, knowledge, tr.ste, discriminating judgment, and, what is rarer and of yet higher value, a sympathetic appreciation of the poet's moods and purposes. * * * Mr. Rolfe's notes are numerous but brief, and are generally well adapted to their purpose, which is that of explanation, instruction, and suggestion without discussion. The pe- culiarities of Shakespeare's style—which, rarely obscure, is often involved, and in which the main thought is sometimes suspended, and even for a moment lost sight of amid the crowd of others that itself has called up— are pointed out and elucidated ; his allusions are explained; his singular use of words, of moods and tenses and cases is remarked upon ; and the archaic and transitional phraseology which is found in many passages of his plays (positively many, but comparatively very few), are made the oc- casion of instructive but unpedantic comment—A7: Y. Times. Published by HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. U^" Sent by mail, postage prepaid, to any part of the United States, on receipt of the price. OLIVER GOLDSMITH. SELECT POEMS OF OLIVER GOLDSMITH. Edited, with Notes, by William J. Rolfe, A.M., formerly Head Master of the High School, Cambridge, Mass. Illus- trated. i6mo, Cloth, 90 cents. {Uniform with Rolfe's Edition of Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, Tempest, Henry VIII., Richard II, and Julius Ccesar.) The carefully arranged editions of "The Merchant of Venice" and other of Shakespeare's plays prepared by Mr. William J. Rolfe for the use of students will be remembered with pleasure by many readers, and they will welcome another volume of a similar character from the same source, in the form of the " Select Poems of Oliver Goldsmith," edited with notes fuller than those of any other known edition, many of them original with the editor.—Boston Transcript. Mr. Rolfe is doing very useful work in the preparation of compact hand-books for study in English literature. His own personal culture, and his long experience as a teacher, give him good knowledge of what is wanted in this way.— The Congregationalist, Boston. Mr. Rolfe has prefixed to the Poems selections illustrative of Gold- smith's character as a man and grade as a poet, from sketches by Ma- caulay, Thackeray, George Colman, Thomas Campbell, John Forster, and Washington Irving. He has also appended, at the end of the volume, a body of scholarly notes explaining and illustrating the poems, and dealing with the times in which they were written as well as the incidents and circumstances attending their composition.— Christian Intelligencer, N.Y'. The notes are just and discriminating in tone, and supply all that is necessary either for understanding the thought of the several poems, or for a critical study of the language. The use of such books in the school- room can not but contribute largely toward putting the study of English literature upon a sound basis; and many an adult reader would find in the present volume an excellent opportunity for becoming critically ac- quainted with one of the greatest of last century's yoets.—Appletons' Journal, N. Y.___________ Published by HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. J^™ Sent by mail, postage prepaid, to any part of the United States or Canada, on receipt of the price. THE STUDENT'S SERIES. With Maps and Woodcuts. 12mo, Cloth, $2 00 per Vol. THE STUDENT'S CLASSICAL DICTION- ARY. ANCIENT HISTORY OF THE EAST. SMITH'S HISTORY OF GREECE. COX'S GENERAL HISTORY OF GREECE. LIDDELL'S HISTORY OF ROME. MERIVALE'S GENERAL HISTORY OF ROME. GIBBON'S DECLINE AND FALL OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE. HISTORY OF FRANCE. HUME'S HISTORY OF ENGLAND. STRICKLAND'S QUEENS OF ENGLAND. HALLAM'S CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY OF ENGLAND. HALLAM'S MIDDLE AGES. OLD TESTAMENT HISTORY. NEW TESTAMENT HISTORY. 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