INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS ISSUEI) FROM WOMB DfPAM Of pm PICO. ADJUTANT GENERATES OFFtCE. 1899. INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS ISSUED FROM HEADQUARTERS Department ot Puerto Pico, 1899. Acuna, Francisco, Sec. State. Leave of Absence 1 95 Adams, Frank A., pvt. Transfer 2 92 Adams, Frank E., com. sgt. To Ponce for duty 4 155 Adams, Herbert C., pvt. hosp. corps. To Vaccine Station, Coamo, for duty 7 32 Adams, .Tames H., pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp., Ponce, for duty 6 32 Adams, Thomas R., capt. To command battalion 5th Artillery 3 3 Recorder bd. officers 19 37 Leave of absence, surg. cert 5 67 Addair. William, pvt. Tried by (1. C. M 5 257 Albert, John, pvt., gen. hosp., San Juan. For duty 2 8 To Vaccine Station, Coamo, for duty 5 39 Albrecht, William, pvt., hosp. corps. To Arecibo, for duty. 2 63 Aldrey, Antonio, member bd. to examine accts, between Insular Treas. and Spanish Bank • 3 153 Alero, Segundo E., tried by military commission 1 67 Alexander, Robert, 1st lieut. J. A. mil. comm'n 8 39 Member Board Survey 2 91 Same 5 91 Add'l member G. C. M 3 96 J. A., G. C. M 7 99 To attend Provisional Court, Mayaguez 1 145 Report to Examining Board 14 164 Pvt. Joyce to report to 3 189 Alexander, William, pvt. To Fort Hamilton, N. Y., 1 211 Alfers, Joseph, pvt. To join battery, Wash'n Barracks 1 16 Allen, Henry, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 5 45 Allen, John T., pvt., hosp. corps. To gen. hosp., San Juan, for duty 9 97 Almy, William T.. capt. Add'l member Mil. Commission... 3 79 Member mil. commission, Mayaguez 3 81 Member G. C. M., Mayaguez 7 99 Same 3 131 Same 2 171 Acting Alcalde, San German 2 240 4 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS, S. O. Par, Amatos Adolph. Tried by Military Commission 10 3G Ames, Axel, A. A. surg. Made Sanitary Insp 4 5 Proceed to Ponce 3 13- To establish vaccine station, Coamo, Ponce 2 21 Proceed to Washington, I). C 5 109 Member Bd. of Officers 4 119 Relieved from Department 6 132 Journeys approved 10 13S Same ?. 3 140 Anderson, Allen, pvt. To gen. hosp,, San Juan 3 24G Anderson, George W., Pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 10S Anderson, Ray A., pvt. Tried by G. C. M S 55 Andrade, Francisco, Tried by Military Commission.. 4 5S Andrews, Robert W., A. A. surgeon. Report for annul- ment of contract 5 12 Andrus, Edwin P., capt. Join troop at Ponce G 21S Member G. C. M 1 221 In charge election at Juana Diax and Coamo 8 233 Same amended 1 239 Ansell, Samuel T., 2nd lieut. From Co. A. to Co. D.. 11th Infantry 3 105 Additional member G. C. M 8 122 Journeys approved 4 13S Proceed to Ponce as witness 1 141 Report to Treasurer, P. R., 7 14S Relieved from duty with Treasurer 2 154 To return to San Juan . 12 199 Add'l member Bd. Survey 1 22G Aponte, Luis. Tried by Mil. Commission 1 58 Apple. Henry F., 1 st cl. pvt. Proceed to Aibonito 3 207 Arcilago, O. Hosea. Sentence remitted 3 255 Armada, Nicana. Tried by Mil. Commission 8 3G Armstrong, William, teamster. Q. M. to furnish trans- portation a 3 224 Arnold, Percy W.. 2nd lieut. Take station witli troop K, Manati 2 SR Arnold, William F., pvt. Acting Hosp. Std. San Juan 7 5 Arroyo, Francisco. Tried by Mil. Comm'n 3 78 Arroyo, Juanito. Tried by Mil. Comm'n 2 78 Arroyo, Justo. Tried by Mil. Comm'n 2 78 Arthur, George G., major. To pay troops at certain places 2 155 Journeys approved 4 158 Leave of Absence 3 168 Aschenback, Eleanor M.. nurse. To report Ponce for duty 1 21 Relieved 3 97 Ashford, Bailey K., Asst. surg. To gen. hosp., San Juan for duty 4 9 Member Bd. of Survey 1 22 Same 2 24 Member Bd. of Officers 1 52 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 5 S. O. Par. Ashford, Bailey K., Asst. surg. In charge of sick at barracks 8 91 Member B<1. Medical Officers 12 107 Member Bd. of Officers 4 119 Take station Ponce 10 132 Member Bd. of Officers 12 138 Member G. C. M 1 203 Leave of Absence 1 219 Member G. C. M 1 221 Augustine, Sister, nurse. Proceed to U. S 5 20 Bailey, Martin E., Recruit. Transfer 2 92 Baker, Arthur, pvt. Transfer 9 lol Baker, John, pvt. Assigned duty San Juan 9 74 Baldwin, Charles M.. pvt Transfer 4 107 Tried by G. C. M 6 150 Bamberger, Raymond S., pvt. Detailed as act. hosp. stw'd, Cayey 2 114 Bark, Burt G., pvt. Detailed as act. hosp. stw'd, San Juan 7 7 Barker, Mary C., nurse. Report to surg. gen. for orders.... 14 91 Barker, William J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 26 Barkley, Joseph S., corp. Report to U. S. Provisional Ct. for duty as deputy marshal 3 155 Barlow, George, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 175 Barnard, William, teamster. Q. M. to furnish transpor- tation 3 224 Barney, F. M., A. A. surg. Report Coamo for duty 4 63 Take station Las Marias 11 81 Proceed to U. S. for annulment of contract 8 107 Same revoked 5 110 Proceed to Mayaguez 5 110 Proceed to U. S. and report to surg. gen 15 132 Barnum, Arthur A., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 56 Barre, W. W. Appointed auditor Customs 2 48 Batchelor, John S., sgt. Rejoin station, Ponce 3 30 Bates, James S., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 66 Sentence remitted 3 80 Battle, John S., 1st lieut. Add'l member G. C. M 4 5 Command Co. I)., 11 th Inf 2 12 Member G. C. M 2 60 Command Co. B., 11th Inf 3 75 Command Co. L., 11th Inf 4 75 Command Co. M., 11th Inf 3 76 Collector Customs, Guanica 2 96 Relieved 2 107 To receipt for ordnance stores and Q. M. property.. 3 130 Proceed with C. G. to Washington 1 203 Bauer, Christiana, nurse. To Ponce for duty 1 21 Beauchamp, Pedro. Tried by Mil. Comm'n 5 42 Beck, Cecilia C., nurse. Proceed to the U S 5 20 Beers, Fred, pvt. Report to gen. hosp., San Juan 2 227 B? 11, Charles G., corp. Proceed to Arroyo 2 191 6 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S. O. Par. Bem, John, 1st sgt. Examined for promotion 2 234 Bemtgen, Arthur A., act.'d. Report to Gen. Hosp., San Juan 12 168 Report to Mayaguez.. 2 185 Bennett, Frederick J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 24 Bennett, George L., 1st lieut. Command Co. D., 47th N.Y.. 4 1 Report to San German 1 125 Bennett, Irvin E., A. A. surg. To gen. hosp., San Juan 16 37 Report to Aguadilla 8 57 Benson. Patrick, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 150 Bentinger, Christof, sgt. Examined for commission 2 178 Commutation of rations 1 189 Rejoin proper station 3 190 Benton, E. S., 1st lieut. Member G. C. M 9 3 To correct records 6th U. S. Vols 7 29 Bergin, Patrick, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 9 23 Berlin, W. C., A. A. surg. Report to C. O. 19th Inf 12 93 Berry, Leonard, pvt. To gen. hosp., San Juan 3 246 Bertschey, Charles, pvt. Report to Coamo 7 72 Bessel, William, 1st cl. sgt. Discharged and appointed 2nd lieut 5 220 In charge election, Salinas 1 251 In charge election, Santa Isabel 1 253 Bethancourt, Elexxenia, nurse. Proceed to U. S 5 20 Bishop. Hoel S., capt. Journeys approved 15 119 In charge election, Manati 10 250 Bishop, Tony, pvt. Relieved from duty at dept, hdqrs 4 55 Bitter, John. com. sgt. Report to San Juan 10 122 Blnckden. Ethan A., nurse. Proceed to U. S 3 109 Blacker, Ulysses C., corp. Transfer 1 108 Revoked 4 115 Blackman, Lora E., nurse. Proceed to U. S 2 97 Blanchard, Dewey F., pvt. hosp. corps. Assigned duty, San Juan 8 74 Blanth, Fred, pvt. To insane asylum, Washington 4 260 Blatchford, Richard M., capt. Member Bd. of Survey 1 26 To complete record of 47th N. Y-Vols 14 23 Proceed to U. S. with remains of Lieut. Russ 2 41 Li charge of election Manati, Barceloneta 8 169 Relieve lieut. Hocker, civil duties, Vieques 7 187 In charge election, Vieques 5 203 To install municipal officers, Vieques 4 216 To duty headquarters 2 222 In charge elections San Sebastian and Las Marias.. 3 222 Modifying par. 2, S. (). 222 3 229 To deliver returns election Las Marias to C. O. Mayaguez 5 232 In charge election Maricao and San German 1 238 Same amended 8 239 In charge election Cabo Roja 6 255 in charge election Lajas 3 257 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 7 S. O. Par. Blatchford, Richard M., capt. In charge election Sabana Grande 6 264 Blaubar, Cornelius, pvt. hosp. corps. Assigned to duty San Juan 9 74 Tried by G. C. M J 5 122 Sentence remitted 7 146 Blet, Leon G., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 5 151 Blunt, Albert C., 1st lieut. Member Bd. of Officers 7 70 Member Bd. of Survey 9 76 Command battery E., 5th Artillery 2 79 Relieved Recorder Bd. of Officers 6 85 Member G. C. M 3 99 Bobo, Charles F., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 121 Boone, Owen M., pvt. Transfer 2 127 Booth, Olin R., 2nd lieut. Member G. C. M 1 137 To relieve Capt. Zalinski, Q. M. Ponce., 2 139 Member G. C. M 1 203 Same 1 221 Bostwick Victor M., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 175 Tried by G. C. M 9 242 Bothwell, Samuel T., pvt. Report to Mayaguez 4 126 Bowen, Edward M., Asst. surg. Proceed with reg. to U. S.. 20 37 Revoked, report to Carolina 6 41 Bowman, Henry S., pvt. hosp. corps. Assigned duty San Juan 9 74 Tried by G. C. M 7 234 Boyce, Guy S., Q. M. architect. Proceed to Mayaguez 2 205 Boyd, Robert, A. A. surg. To Arecibo for duty 4 47 Proceed to the U. S 15 132 Boyer, A. J., A. A. surg. Report to chf. surg. dept 9 107 Report to surg. gen 3 115 Boykin, pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp., San Juan for duty 10 129 Bradford, J. H., 2nd lieut. Member G. M. C 9 3 Command of Co. I, 19th Inf 3 55 Report to Examining Bd 8 70 Brady, James F„ 2nd lieut. Proceed to Fort Myer, Va 4 13 Add'l member G. C. M 8 51 Report for examinatiou to Bd. of Officers 1 52 Same 8 70 Collector Customs. Arroyo 4 79 Journeys approved 1 82 Command Battery C., 7th Art 7 85 Relieved as collector customs, Arroyo 8 93 Brecheinin, Louis, major. Member Bd. of Survey 1 22 Member Bd. of Survey 2 24 Member Bd. of Officers : 19 37 Chf. surg. dept 7 57 Member Bd. of Officers 7 70 Member Bd. of Survey 9 76 Leave of Absence 3 111 8 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S. O. Par. Brechemin, Louis, major. Member Bd. of Officers 3 135 Sick leave of absence 3 161 Breisch, Edward, pvt. To gen. hosp., San Juan 1 250 Brennan, James F., corp. To Ponce for duty 3 160 To Yauco, for duty 3 223 Brewer William S , pvt. To gen. hosp., San Juan 3 246 Briand, Christian, 1st lieut. Add'l member G. C. M IO 145 Member Bd. of Survey 4 154 Member G. C. M 2 165 Member Bd. of Survey 2 166 Same S 16S Same 3 ISO Same 1 184 Report for examination to Bd. of Officers 2 187 Member Bd. of Survey 3 191 Same 3 198 Same 4 198 Same 8 221 In charge of election, Caguas 2 251 Relieved 6 252 Member Bd. of Survey 10 254 Same 2 257 Brinkerhoff, H. R., lieut. col. Member Bd. of Officers 3 271 Member Bd. of Canvassers 11 253 Bristow, Andrew, pvt. Hosp, corps. To gen. hosp., San Juan 10 129 Brookfield, Robert M., 1st lieut. Member G. C. M 7 125 Leave of Absence 6 129 Member Bd. of Officers 1 178 Member Bd. of Survey 1 184 Same 3 188 Report to treasurer for duty 1 198 Brotherington, Henry, pvt. hotp. corps. To San Juan for duty A 9 74 Brower, Thomas E., hosp. std. To Ponce for duty 3 243 Brown, A. C., pvt. To gen. hosp., San Juan 10 129 Brown, Edgar L., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 11 Brown, Henry A., chaplain. Station San Juan 4 21 Add'l Member G. C. M 8 51 Member G. C. M 2 60 Proceed to Santiago 1 81 Member G. C. M 3 100 Member Bd. of Survey 3 132 Same 2 142 Leave of absence 7 1 68 Relieved from Bd. of Charities 3 172 Brown, Thomas, A., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 90 Brown, William, pvt. To San Juan for duty 9 74 To Manati for duty 13 81 Bryan, Roger B., capt. Member G. C. M 2 171 Relieved 2 208 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 9 S. O. Par. Bryant, Allen J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 15 2 Bryant, Thomas, pvt. Report to O. 7th Art 6 7 Buchanan, James A., capt. Take station at San Juan 4- 2 Collector of Customs for Puerto Rico 2 48 Report for examination to Bd. of Officers 8 70 Major. Relieved as Collector 2 129 For duty as Treasurer 3 129 Journeys approved 6 131 Member Bd. of Officers 2 164 Same 1 172 Leave of absence . 1 186 Relieved Bd. of Officers . 2 186 Add'l member Bd. of Officers 3 213 Lieut. Drake to report to 1 216 Member Bd. of Officers 3 221 Lieut. Warfield to report to 2 237 Burhl, George E., pvt. Transfer f> 101 Burke, Daniel W., lieut, col. Command District of Ponce.. 1 10 Proceed to Mayaguez 2 13 Memlier G. C. M 2 60 Member Bd. of Officers 7 70 Member Bd. of Survey 3 92 Member Gt. C. M 3 100 Member Bd. of Survey 14 100 Same 10 101 Member Bd. of Officers 5 105 Same 3 135 Leave of Absence 1 f44 Relieved Command San Juan 5 163 Burke, Thomas, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 8 25 Burke, pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan, for duty 8 84 Burnes, Joseph, pvt. Tried by G. C. M .., 3 36 Burtt, Ernest M., pvt. hosp. corpn. Detailed act. hosp. St d 7 7 Byerly, Fred., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 120 Sentence remitted 3 158 Caamano, Medardo, recruit. Tried by G. C. M „• 2 170 ■Caldwell, John, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 12 23 Sentence remitted 15 33 ■Caldwell, R. E., A. A. surg. Assigned to El Morro 3 91 Relieved 5 137 To Utuado, for duty 2 199 ■Callahan, John J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 8 10 Callahan, Monroe, pvt. Transportation to Ponce, 3 95 Camp, Charles D., A. A. surg. Report to C. O. 47 N. Y 5 41 Report to Fajardo 9 47 Camunas. Manuel. Duty as Secy. State 1 95 Cannon, J. Emmett, pvt. Detached Service Hdqrs 2 168 Cannon, Patrick J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 17 23 Canterbury, L. A., pvt. hosp. corps. Togen. hosp. San Juan.. 10 129 ■Carey, Michael, pvt. Trai sfer 6 154 10 S. O. Par. Carnes, Peter E., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 8 218 Carnes, S. W., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 175 Carney, K. J., pvt. To Humacoa, for duty 9 87 Carpenter, William V., pvt. hosp. corps. To Gen. Hosp. San Juan, for duty 9 74 Carr, Camillo,C. C., It. col. Relieved member Mil. Comm'n 5 59 Jn charge election, Mayaguez. 4 208 To install Municipal officers, Mayaguez 8 232 Carr, I). J., capt. Member Bd. of Survey 2 6 Same 1 8 Same 2 68 Same ' 5 86 Report to C, O. Santiago 1 92 Care di, G G., pvt. hosp. corps. To Lares for duty 10 45 Carroll, Michael, pvt. Detached service Hdqrs 3 27 (■arson, J. M. Jr. major. Member Bd. of Survey 5 3 Leave of Absence 3 19 Relieved from Dept 4 129 Carson, W. M., A. A. surg. To Manati for duty 3 28 Cartell, Lowell H., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 5 9 Carter, Jessie McL, 1st lieut. To Arecibo for duty ' 4 261 Coll. Customs, Arecibo : 5 261 In charge election Hatillo ..' 6 261 Casalduc, Filepe, judge. Transfer to Ponce 1 199 Casey, James, pvt. Tried by G. C. Al 1 40 Cassett. Edwin B., 2nd lieut. Report for examination to Bd. of Officers 1 32 Journeys A pproved 9 58 Leave of Absence 1 72 Cazel, P. S., acting hosp. std. To gen. hosp. San Juan, for duty 12 45 To Yauco for duty 7 48 To San German for duty 10 119 Cebillero, Jose J. M. Tried by Mil. Comm'n 1 67 Chaffee, pvt. hosp. corps. Report to San Juan for duty ... 7 37 Chandler, B. B., pvt. Transfer 9 1<»1 Chapman, A. L., pvt. lietailed for duty Hdqrs 1 134 Commutation of rations 1 134 Chapman, Fred., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 9 195 Charles, Francis, pvt. Dishonorably discharged 11 151 Chase, George S.. pvt. hosp. corps. Act. hosp. std., Rio Piedras 9 20 To IT. S. with 47th»N. Y 8 37 Childs, Maynard, pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp.. San Juan for duty 9 74 Chiles, Seaborn G., 1 st lieut. Command Co. F., 11th Inf.... 2 1 Report for examination to Bd. of Officers 1 32 Coll. Customs, Aguadilla 6 125 In charge election, Aguadilla 1 237 Par. 1, S. O. 224 amended 4 239 Relieved election duties 4 248 INDEX To SPECIAL ORDERS. INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 11 S. (). Par. Chiles. Seaborn G., 1st lieut. In charge election Isabela... 6 253 In charge election Quebradillas 8 250 Install officers Aguadilla 7 258 Install officers Quebradillas 2 26+ In charge election Aguada 7 26+ In charge election Moca 8 26+ Church, Emma A., nurse. To surgeon general 2 2+7 Cieler, Frank, pvt. To Mayaguez for duty 1 162 Clark, Henry, pvt. To Ft. Hamilton, N Y 2 201 Clark, Michael, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 187 Clark, Peter F., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 77 Cl irk, Sarah B., nurse. Report ch. surg. dept, for annul- ment contract 1 2 dayborne, J. H., pvt: hosp. corps. To Ponce for duty 3 93 Clem, John L., major. Proceed to Ponce and other places 2 106 Journeys approved 1 111 Same 6 131 Proceed to Hatillo 3 139 Leave of absence 1 183 Journeys approved 2 213 Return to duty C. Q. M 3 216 Journey approved , + 233 Verbal orders confirmed 3 25+ Cleveland, J. B., pvt. Assigned to 11th Inf 2 92 Clevenger. Morgan, pvt. Discharged gen hosp 6 2$> Cline, H. C., A. A. surg. To Ponce for duty 11 91 Clovan. pvt hosp. aorps. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 3 8+ Clovare, IV. E., pvt. hosp. corps. Tried by G. Cj M 3 226 Cobb, Charles A., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 7 93 Cochrane, George W , nurse. To chf. sura', for annulment contract .. 10 20 Cockrel, Henry G., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 2+1 Cole, Frank L., corp'l. Close station Guayama + 160 Cole, George W., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 9 Sent to Inf. Barracks 6 6+ Coleman, John E., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 218 Coleman. Samuel, pvt. hosp. corps, Ponce for duty 3 93 Collins: C. C., A. A. surgeon, to gen. hosp. San Juan, for duty 5 13 In charge sick San Cristobal 9 91 Member bd. of officers 1+ 107 Member bd. of survey 1 120 Same 5 131 To Arecibo for duty 13 132 Sick leave of absence 5 1+6 Collins, Pat. J., pvt. To Aibonito for duty 2 162 Corp, return to Aibonito 1 2+9 Collins, Thomas, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 9 10^ 12 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S. O. Par. Collins, Thomas A., pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp., San Juan for duty 9 74 Colondre. Eseolatico. Tried by military comm'n 2 65 Colquhoun, W. C. R., capt. Assd. to Q. M. duty San Juan. 3 233 Colver, Fred. J. pvt. To Ft. Hamilton, N. Y 3 1S3 Revoked 3 196 To Fort Hamilton, N. Y 3 196 Comerford, Bert M., pvt. Close station Vieques 1 160 Commander, Moses, pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan, for duty 9 74 Compton, L. W. pvt. hospital corps. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 1 D 129 'Conklin, A, S 2nd lieut. Addl. member G. C. M 17 3 1 J. A. G. C. M 2 51 Report for examination to Bd. of Officers S 70 Conley, Patrick J., pvt. Tried by G. C. Al , 12 109 Connolly, J. F., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 9 59 Connor, Herbert G., pvt. > Tied by G-C. M 6 93 Connor. John. Member Ini. canvassers election 3 217 Relieved 2 252 Conroy J. S., pvt. Transfer 2 92 Conroy, William H., corp. Report to San Juan for special duty '. . 6 21 Converse, Nathan, pvt. To gen. hosp. San Juan 3 246 Cook, Joel M., pvt. Transportation to Utuado 2 46 Cook, AV., corp. Assigned 11th Inf 2 92 Cook, William H.. pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 40 Cooper. Charles L., major. Member G. C. M., Mayaguez.... 3 59 Member mil. comm'n 2 66 Same 3 81 A pptd. special insp'r 5 89 Member G.C. M ..... 7 99 Same 3 131 Same ; 1 136 same 2 171 Member bd. of survey 1 179 Same 2 179 Member G. C. M 1 259 Cooper, Douglas, pvt. hosp. corps. Discharged 2 108 Cordero, Segundo L. Pent'y sentenced remitted 1 235 Corto, Anaseio. pvt. Discharged 5 221 Cosgrove, Lewis, pvt. Sent to insane asylum 4 152 Cowper, H. W., A. A. surg. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 13 37 To Bayamon for duty 1 1 45 To San Juan for duty 1 151 Sec. and disbursing officer bd. of charities 2 161 Relieved 1 212 Sick leave of absence 2 212 To Ponce fop duty.. 3 259 Cox „Francis H., pvt. Tried by G. C.M 4 11 13 S. O- Par. Cox, Walter, A. A. surgeon. To gen. hosp. for San Juan for duty ~ 33 Attending surg. hdqrs K) +1 Member bd. of officers •• 1 ''2 Member bd. of survey 3 90 Same ; - Member bd. of officers 2 103 Member bd. of survey 2 131 Same 1 H2 ' Leave of absence 2 137 Relieved bd. survey 5 1 Craft Charles. Tried by Mil. Comm'n 1 113 Crider, George C., pvt. Tried by G. C. M •' 93 Cronin, J. T., pvt. Transfer 9 101 Tried by G. C. M 12 119 Cross, Charles, pvt. Tried by G. C. M • • 2 35 Same 3 91 Cross, Joseph, pvt Transfer 9 101 Cruse, Thomas, major. Ass,d asst, to C. Q. M 5 129 Acting C. Q. M 9 183 Relieved 3 216 Member bd. of officers + 251 Same + 252 Curley, Ella C., nurse. To surgeon general 2 24 < Curley, Joseph, pvt. Transportation to Caguas 1 1s Curley Mary A', nurse. Proceed to U. S 1 243 Curran. Patrick J., pvt. 'Transfer 6 95 Curtis, F. W., pvt. Proceed to Ponce 12 129 Cusack, Joseph E., 1st lieut. Report for examination to , bd. of officers 1 32 Member G. C. M 2 51 Same 1 100 Same; 1 137 Leave of absence 2 141 To Aibonito for duty 2 248 Cuzzart, Edward J., pvt. To Viequez for duty 2 249 Dailey, Joseph, pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty.... 9 74 To Adjuntas for duty 6 119 To Ponce for duty 12 129 Daily, William, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 1 70 Dale. George, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 245 Daly, P. J., pvt. Transfer < 9 101 Dalyrimple O. K., pvt. Sentence remitted 14 33 Dames, W. E., pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp. Sanjuan for duty 10 129 Daniels, J. W.. pvt. hosp. corps. To Lares for duty.. 8 28 Darby, Partrick, pvt. hosp. corps. Report for examin- ation to bd. of officers '14 107 To San Cristobal 4 125 Darling. Fred. S., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Jnan for duty 9 74 Davidton, J. F., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 12 95 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 13 14 S'. (). Par. Davidson, Margaret E., nurse. Relieved at Ponce 3 97 Davies, Fred, B_, pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp. San J nan for duty 9 74 Witness to G. C. M.. Ponce 1 146 Davis, Charles L, major. Collector Customs, P. R 3 129' Command Post San Juan . 5 163 Member bd. of officers _ - 164 Relieved post San Juan 2 173 Addl. member bd. officers 2 186 Relieved Bd. officers 3 213 Davis. George W.. brig. gen-!. Journeys approved 6 131 Proceed to Washington 1 263 Davison, Lorenzo P., Cap. Journeys approved 4 73 Member Bd. I^eper Colony .... 13 10O Member Bd. of Survey 2 112 Maj. Journeys approved 2 120 Command P. R. Batt.4. 7 120 Memlwr Bd. of Survey 5 132 Relieved Prest. Board of Health 14 132 Member Bd. of Survey 3 134 Same 2 142 Same 3 166 Same... 6 192 Same 2 209 Leave of Abwence 6 225 Relieved Bd. Survey I 226 Proceed to Washington 1 227 Dawsonville. Enni, pvt Transportation Fajardo 6 32 Day, Selden A., Major. Member Bd. of Survey n 7 Member Bd. of Survey 9 32 Same .., 6 34 Member Bd. of Officers 19 37 Member G. C. M 2 39 Same 2 191 Member G. C. M 1 UK Same 8 129 Member Bd. of Survey 2 132 Member Rd. of Officers 3 135 Member Bd. of Survey 4 154 Member Bd. of Officers 2 164 Member G. C. M 2 165 Member Bd. of Survey 9 168 Member Bd. of Officers 2 195 Member G. C. M 2 200 De Beanjean, M. pvt. Detached nt HdqrB 4 185 Relieved 3 196 de Funiak, Fred. Jr. 2nd Lieut. Member G. C. M 1 118 Member Bd. of Survey 5 126 Member G. C. M 8 129 Member Bd. of Survey 5 131 Same 2 157 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS, INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 15 S. O. Par. ■de Funlak, Fred,, jr., 2nd lieut. Same : 2 166 Relieved Bd. of Survey 4 167 Member Bd. of Officers 7 172 Relieved Bd. of Officers 1 178 Member bd. of survey 3 180 Same ; 2 188 Member bd. of survey 4 193 Close relief station, Arroyo 11 199 Retnrn to Ponce 3 201 Member G. C. M 1 203 Member G. C. M 1 221 Acting alcalde Coamo 1 240 Install officers Juana Diaz 4 264 DeGarmo, Charles, pvt. Disch, from gen. hospital 1 30 del Valle Hilario. Sentence remitted 4 258 Dentler, Clarence E., 1 st lieut. Command Co. K. 11 th inf,. 6 14 Same, 7 14 Member G. C, M 3 18 Collector Customs Humacao 4 79 Capt. Journeys approved 3 146 Relieved coll, customs Humacao 5 183 Member bd. Of survey 5 198 Member G. C. M 2 200 Member bd. of survey 2 209 Relieved member G, C. M 3 209 Member bd. of survey...., 1 241 Special duty Humacao 4 246 To report to Maj. Buchanan for duty 2 260 To make certain journeys 1 262 Denton, E. J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 73 DeRussy, Isaac D., co). Membe.i bd. of others ■ 19 37 Leave of absence 1 112 Return from leave 2 173 Dessalet, G., pvt. With C. G. to Coamo 4 72 To U. S. with Gen. Henry 8 100 Devers, James W. pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 23 Devine, Michael, pvt. Transfer 1 89 Dewey, Elizabeth, nurse. To Gen. Hosp. Ponce, for duty.. 1 73 Proceed to U. S 1 109 Diaz, J. A., A. A. surg. Report by letter to Chf. Surg. Dept 6 37 Insp. duty Guanica .„ 3 53 To chf. surgeon for annulment of contract 16 132 Diaz, Jesus. Tried by mil. comm'n 6 58 Diaz, Jose del Carmen. Tried by mil. comm'n 8 136 Diaz, Pablo, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 242 Diaz, Pedro, Tried by mil. comm'n 6 42 Djckson. John, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 7 254 Dillon, Wm. J., pvt Tried by G. C. M 7 170 Dhnmlck, E D., major. To station San Juan 8 32 Member mil. comm'n 8 39 Member bd. of officers 1 52 16 INDEX TO SPECIAL OKDEUS. S. O. Par. Dimniick, E. I)., major. Member bd. of survey 9 *'2 Member bd. of officers " "9 Member bd. of survey 3 92 Same 1°° Same 10 101 Member G. C. M ! 1 11s Member bd. of officers 7 1-0 Member bd. of survey - 132 Member bd. of officers 3 135 Proceed to Mayaguez 1 11° Ditcher, Adolph, pvt. hosp. corps. To Arecibo for duty 9 34 Divine, Paul, E., major Member mil. comm'n 9 13 Dix, R. B. Board to examine insular treas. and bank 3 1 ;>3 Dodds, Olin H., pvt. Tried by (1. C. M 1 0 Dolan, Martin M., A. A. surg. Proceed to U. S. with 47th N. Y. Vols 1+ 37 Dolan, Thomas, pvt. Transportation Mayaguez 11 31 Tried by G. C. M o -0; Donnelly, George, pvt. Transfer 9 101 Donnelly, Thomas, pvt. Transfer 9 101 Doody, Michael J., pvt. Tried by G. G. M 13 23 Dooley, Mathew, pvt. Transportation Humacao 1 4< Doores, W. R., 2nd lieut. Member G. C. M... 3 IB Command battery B, 5th Artillery 11 o9 Member bd. of survey . 3 60 Same r. 9 76 Same 2 91 Same 5 91 Same 3 94 Doran, George C., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 9 74 Report to Bd. Officers 14 107 Act. hosp. std., San Juan 2 124 Doremus, William H., 1st lieut. Command Co. A., 47th N. Y S 13 Dowling, John, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 10 240 Doyle, John, pvt. Detached headquarters 1 152 Tried G. C. M 6 260 Drake, Charles B., 2nd lieut Command Troop F, 5th Cav 2 116 Report for examination to Bd. of Officers 5 119 Member Bd. of Survey 4 159 Leave of Absence 5 164 Member Bd. of Survey 7 207 Report to Treas. 1'. R 1 216 Member Bd. of Officers 1 234 In charge election Arryyo 3 253 In charge election Patillas 10 253 Drake, Charles H., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 1 1 250 Drake, Henry R., 1st sgt. Transportation Arecibo 1 15S Drew, Robert J., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty.. 9 74 8. O. Par- Driver, G. S., A. A. surg. To Adjuntas for duty 8 91 To Ponce for duty 19 93 Transfer med. supplies from Adjuntas 11 129 Duckworth, Lawrence, pvt. To Humacao, for duty 1 17 < Corny, dept, to furnish subsistence 5 11 s Dudgeon, James A., pvt. Transportation, Arecibo 5 19 Disch, from gen. hosp. San Juan 27 Duensing, Emma, nurse. Report to surg. gen 1 3 Duffey, John J., pvt. Commutation rations 7 19+ Dugger, Cyrus F., com. sgt. Transportation U. S 3 +8 Duke, Egbert L., nurse, To gen. hosp., San Juan, for duty y 2 Corrects name ' 3 •> Dun, John, pvt. hosp. corps. Disch, without honor ■ + 19 Duncan, Charles P., pvt. Transportation Cayey 2 +3 Duncan, David, pvt. hosp. corps. Tried by G. C. M 2 53 To Ponce for duty b ' " Dunn, John, pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 19 129 Dunphy, John, pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp. San Juan । for duty 9 7+ Dunsmore, James D., pvt. To Aibonito for duty + 8+ Dunton, H. L., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 9 238 Durkee, Egbert L. nurse. Corrects name 3 5 Eagan, Michael, pvt. Proceed to Mayaguez 3 2 Eames, H. E., 1st lieut. Additional member G. C. M 17 33 Member G. C. M 2 51 J. A. Mil. Commission ■ 1 Leave of absence 9 198 Early, Ambrose M., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 2b Eberle, H. A., A. A. surg. Proceed to Cayey 8 33 Member bd. of surgeons H 19 ' Echavaria, Juan T. Sent to Cuba 3 23+ Eckhard, Harry, pvt. Transportation Arecibo 9 29 Eckhart, Paul, com. sgt. Commutation Rations...., a 13+ Edgbert, Leo V., pvt. Discharged 8 7 Egan, Peter, R., asst. surg. Member bd. of officers 2 29 Relieved chf. surg. dist of Ponce 8 +7 To Guayama for duty 8 +7 A. H. S. Geo. C. Smith to report to 2 55 Member bd. of surgeons , H 197 To comply with A. G. O. S. O. 129 7 132 In charge med. supply depot 11 198 Member bd. of officers 2 169 Same ...... 1 172 Same 1 192 Sec. & disbursing officer bd. of charities 1 212 Member bd. of officers 3 221 Eicher, Charles G., A. A. surg. To Yauco for duty...., 1 55 To San German, for duty 8 119 Elinquist, Emma A., nurse. Transportation U. S 4 53 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 17 18 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S. O. Par. Elliott, S. H., 1st lieut. J. A., G. C. M , 1 136 Relieved : 5 143 .1. A., G. C. M : 2 171 In charge election Aguadilla..., 4 243' Elwood, Hpmer, pvt. Transportation Arecibo 1 122 Embleton, Joseph H., pvt. Close station Vieques. 1 160' Proceed to-Vieques. 4 195 Emery, Edwin, corp. Tried by G. C. M . 4 217 Emery, Jonas A. capt. Member mil. comm'n 2 7 Relieved , 4 39' Member bd. of survey 5 58 Addl. member G. C. M.. . , , 10 72 Member bd. of survey 5 77 Same 11 8+ Same 1 85 Member G. C. M 1 137 Same 1 203 Same 1 221 Sick leave of absence 3 251 Emmet, George W., corp. Discharge gen. hosp 3 24 Enochs, corp. Transfer 1 i(>8 Enriquez, Jose. Tried by mil. comm'n... 5 60 Ensslln, Herman E., com. sgt. To Humacao, for duty 9 122 Entroppe, Arthur, act. hosp. std. To San Juan for duty.. 12 33 Erickson, John A., corp. Proceed to Aguadilla 2. 160 Erickson, Louis, pvt. Transportation Bayamon 1 37 Erwin, Benj. G., pvt. Corrects name 1 194 Escoba, Inacio. Sent to Cuba 3 234 Escobar, Julius, A. A. surg. To Santuree for duty. 2 83 Proceed to U. S 11 91 Ette, Albert N., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 7 74 Pace, Edward, pvt. Hospital Corps. To Bayamon for duty 7 28 Faith, L. P., pvt. Transfer 9 101 Faling, Frank F., pvt. Transportation Adjuntas 1 185 Falvey, Eleanor E., Nurse. To Ponce for duty 1 21 Transportation U. S 4 53 Relieved, duty Ponce 3 97 Fancher, George, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 42 Fanning, Elizabeth, Nurse. To Surgeon General 13 91 Fargo, George, pvt. Hosp. Corps. To Gen. Hosp. San Juan for duty . 9 74 Faringhy, W. H„ Com. Sgt, Commutation Rations 7 58 To Aguadilla for duty..... 4 140 Farr, Chas. W., A. A. Surg. Sick leave of absence 9 81 Fassell, James T., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 5 240 Febus, Petro. Triediby Mil. Comm'n 8 31 Fellows, John P., pvt. Transportation Ponce 1 39 Fenton, Chas. W., Capt. Leave of Absence 5 84 E'ernandez, Higinio. Tried by Mil. Comm'n 3 58 Ferrick, Robert H., pvt. Proceed to Mayaguez 3 2 S. O. Par. Fields, R. I., pvt. Hosp. Corps. To San Juan for duty 10 129 Tried by G. C. M 11 240 Sentence remitted 1 264 Figarora, Andres. Tried by Mil. Comm'n „ „... 2 54 Figueroa, Brawlio. Tried by Mil. Comm'n 4 61 Finlay, Thomas, pvt. Tried by C. C. M 5 106 Sentence remitted . „ 1 143 Finn, J. C., pvt. Hosp. Corps. To San Juan for duty 10 129 Fischer, Adolph, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 14 23 Same . _ 2 70 Tried by G. C. M ... 4 165 Sentence remitted . 4 254 Fiscus, W. W , Jr., 2nd Lieut. Member G. C. M 9 3 Report for examination to Bd. of Officers 8 To Command Co. K., 19th Inf . IB 95 Fishback, George W., Major. Journeys approved 3 61 Proceed to Ponce 1 1 >4 Same amended to include additional clerks 2 123 Journeys approved 3 123 Fischer, George I'., pvt. Hosp. Corps. San Juan for duty... 9 74 Fisher, Julia H., Nurse. To Ponce for duty 1 21 Relieved . 3 97 Fitzgerald, Joseph L., pvt. To Mayaguez, for duty 3 223 Fitzgerald, Thos. pvt. Transportation Adjuntas 1 13 s Flaher, Michael, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 5 242 .Fleming, Lawrence J., 1st lieut. Command troop D 5th cav 1 T5 Member mil comm'n 4 39 J. A., G. C. M 3 59 Addl. member mil. comm'n 3 79 Leave of Absence 6 84 J. A., G. C. M .. 3 131 In charge election Anasco 5 254 In charge election Rincon 8 253 Flis, Anastacia, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 8 234 Flynn, Thomas, pvt. To San Juan for duty 9 74 Fogarty, Martin, com. sgt. Commutation rations 6 75 Fogler, John W., Major. Journeys approved 2 14 Same - 2 61 Same „ 15 95 Foley, Hamilton, 2nd lieut. Member G. C. M 1 136 Relieved 5 145 To Humacao for duty 1 231 Foley, William, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 1 96 Folsom, John, nurse. To Ponce for duty -7 13 To chf. surg. for annulment of contract 5 62 Forbes, A. G.. pvt. Transportation Ponce 6 141 Forrest, Ellen, nurse. To surgeon general 5 20 Fortunata, Sister, nurse. To surgeon general 5 20 Foster, Arthur B., 1st lieut. Report forexamination to bd. of officers -.. 8 70 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 19 20 S. O. Par. Foster, F. W., capt. Coll, customs Arroyo 5 158 In charge election Guayama 6 208 Leave of absence 2 210 Install municipal officers, Guayama 4 220 Install municipal officers Cidra 3 225 Journeys approved . 1 233 Fox. Denis. F., pvt. 'Dried by G. C. M 1 103 Tried by G. C. M 7 151 Frame, C. C.. pvt. hosp. corps To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 2 32 France, Janies F., pvt. Transfer 9 99 Frank, B. F.. A. A. surg. To chf. surg. dept, for annul- ment of contract 11 2 French, Francis H., capt. Member G. C. M 3 63 French, J. Bird, 1st lieut. Command Co. K., 6th U. S. V... 5 17 Friney, Elizabeth, nurse. To Ponce for duty 1 21 Proceed to U. S 3 136 Furlow. James W., 1st cl. pvt. Report to bd. of officers.... 4 60 2nd lieut. Member bd. of survey 10 101 Member G. C. M 1 137 Install officers Yauco 3 242 Gaffney, N, pvt. Transportat'n, San German 4 31 Gaffney, Percy, pvt. Transfer 3 150 Gaffrey, John C., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 13 20 Same 4 29 Gallagher, M. Alice, nurse. Report to chf. surg. for annul- ment of contract 5 21 Galvin, Joseph, pvt. hosp. corps. To Coamo for duty 7 72 Game, Clyffard L., 2nd lieut. To Aguadilla for duty 12 84 Gane, Isidore C. Sentence remitted 5 250 Cannon, F. C., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 1 78 Garcia, Estavan. Tried by mil. comm'n 2 78 Garcia, Inocencia. Tried by mil. comm'n 2 78 Garcia,, Julio C. Sentence remitted 3 143 Gardiner, Lucian, pvt. Commutation rations 1 129 Garfiukle. Charles, pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp. corps San Juan for duty 9 74 Garfinkle, Myer, pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 9 74 To insane asylum. Wash 10 81 Garland, John J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 74 Garnier, Domingo. Sentence commuted 1 209 Garvin, Con. pvt. Tried by G. C. M - 4 48 Garvin, Michael, pvt. Trfed by G. C. M 5 212 Gass, Charles, pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 2 62 Gatenby, William S., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 89 Same 3 106 Gavin. Teresa, nurse. To surg. gen 5 20 Geary, John T., 2nd lieut. Member bd. of survey 14 100 Same 7 129 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 21 S. O. Par. 'Geary, John T., 2nd lieut. Member G. C. M 8 129 Member bd. of survey 2 131 Same 11 IBS Same 6 145 Relieved G. C. M 5 159 Member G. C. M 2 1G5 Relieved J. A. G. C. M 1 174 Same 2 174 Turn over untried eases .. 1 204 Member bd. of survey 1 241 To Cayey election duty 1 257 ■Geezer, Edward, corp. Tried by G. C. M 1.5 23 •George, W. R., A. A. surg. To Ponce for duty 4 28 Report for examination to med board 12 5G Relieved at Ponce 11 '91 A. A. S. W. C. Berlin to transfer medical property to 12 93 Investigate diphtheria Yauco 11 242 Gerhard, Adolph, clerk. Transportation U. S 1 33 Gertch, Bertha M., Nurse. Relieved duty San Juan 14 91 Gertz. A. J., pvt. Hosp. Corps. To San Juan for duty 10 129 Gherardi, W. R., Ensign. Relieved as Light House Inspector 1 195 Gibbons, J. T., Major. Relieved G. C. M 2 4 Transportation Aibonito 4 37 Gibbs, G. W., pvt. Transfer 9 101 Gibson, R. D„ pvt. Tried by G. C. M 12 151 Tried by G. C. M 7 211 -Gilbert, H. S., act. Hosp. Std. To Guayama for duty S 47 Same 8 72 Relieved 3 148 Subisteuce furnished 2 172 Accompany patient to U. S <1 245 Gllberthorp, Wm. F., pvt. Tried by G. C. M G 212 Gilhuly, John J„ A. A. Surg. To El Morro for duty 9 48 To Ponce for duty 11 91 Gill, William F., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 8 45 Gillenwater, W. H., Capt., Addl. member MiL Comm 2 23 Gillespie, F. E., pvt. Tried by G. C. M. 5 55 Gillick, James, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 11 212 Gilman, L. L., A. A. Surg. To Gen. Hosp. San Juan for duty 11 13 To temporary duty 7 21 To Surg. Gen 1 121 Gilmore, David, pvt. Transportation Ponce 3 101 Girard, Alex. H., Corp. Tried by G. C. M„ 2 9S Glassford, W. A., lieut. col. Member bd. of survey 1 8 Same G 27 Same 2 28 Same „ 5 58 Same 5 57 Same 1 85 Same 4 93 Act. commissary sub'n 1 no 22 S. O. Par. Glassford, W. A., lieut. col. Member bd. of survey 2 112.. Same 1 120 Same 5 132 Same 5 157 Member board of officers 1 172 To inspect telegraph 3 192 Member bd. of canvassers 3 217 Member bd. of officers ■ 3 221 Relieved bd. of canvassers 2 253 Gleason, John F., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 6 Glenn, Joseph, pvt. Transportation Ciales 6 31 Glennan, Arthur H., surg. Bd. of leper colony 13 100 Journeys approved 2 120 Goehringer, Lewis C., pvt. Transfer 3 17 Revoked 1 24 Goldman, H. J., capt. Leave of absence 5 66 Member G. C. M 1 131 Member G. C. M 1 136 Journeys approved 4 136 Member G. C. M 2 171 Journeys approved 1 200 Recruiting service U. S 7 3 219 Gonzales, Bautista. Tried by mil. comm'n 17 37 Gonzales, Claudio. Tried by mil. comm'n 5 3S Gonzales, Gonzalo. Tried by mil. comm'n 6 38 Gonzales, Stephen M., A. A. surg. To Mayaguez for duty.. 4 199 Revoked 1 218 Proceed to Ponce 1 218 Proceed to U. S 5 234 Same amended 2 244 Good, Michael, pvt. To Ft. Hamilton, N. Y 4 180 Goodell. Lucina M., nurse. Relieved at Ponce 5 33 Goodfellow, H. D., pvt. Transfer 7 51 Goodwin. W. S.. sgt. To Santa Isabel for duty 6 169 Gordon, pvt. Transportation Aibonito 5 31 Gordon, Thomas W., pvt. To regiment for duty 7 30 Goscheu, Solomon, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 42 Gosling, E. A., pvt. hosp. corps. To Coamo for duty 1 54 Disch, without honor 4 192 Graff, Ernest, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 49 Graham, Albert L., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 1 195 Graham, John, pvt. To gen. hosp. San Juan for treatment 11 28 Transportation Yauco ,.... 1 46 Graham, J. Mnlcomb, 2nd lieut. Member G. C. M 3 18 Command Co. L. 11th Inf 9 32 Report for examination to bd. of officers 8 70 Relieved at Vieques 3 83 Command Co. I. 11th Inf 3 86 Journeys approved 14 119 To Camp Meade Pa 4 120 Grant, Catherine M., nurse. Relieved at San Juan 2 97 INPEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 23 23 S. O. Par. Grant, Fred. D., Brig. Gen. Journeys approved 5 50 Same 1 03 Relieved duty Dept 1 HI Grant, W. E., pvt. Transfer 2 92 Grave, Henry, Sgt. Transportation Humacao 3 260 Graves, Will, Trumpeter. Tried by G. C. M 6 195 Disch., dishonorable 7 195 Sentence remitted 7 261 Gray, Alonzo. 1st Lieut. Member mil. comm'n 7 39 Leave of Absence 4 117 Journeys approved.... 5 120 Addl. member G. C. M 1 203 Member G. C. M 1 259 Gray, Hiram F., pvt. Discharged 2 101 Gray, J. W., pvt. Tried by G. G. M 7 1'8 Tried by G. C. M 5 150 Tried by G. C. M 3 212 Gray, Van, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 233 Green, James J., com. sgt. Commutation rations 1 6 Green, John M., pvt. hosp. corps. With 6th Vols. to U. S.. 6 23 Greib, Frederick, sgt. To bd. of Officers 2 234 Greiner, Herman, pvt. For special duty 4 22 Griffin, E. L., A. A. surg. To chf. surg. dept, for annul- ment contract 2 2 Griffin, Ed. J., pvt. hosp. corps. To Lares for duty 10 7 Tried by G. C. M 3 74 Griffin, Gerald E., vet. surg. Leave of absence 4 164 Griffin, Walter L., pvt. hosp. corps. To Ponce for duty 1 94 Grim, Otto B., sgt. Corp. Erickson to report to 2 160 Groff, George G., major. Sanitary inspector 10 13 A. A. S. Boyd to report to 4 47 To Arecibo 5 43 Vaccine duty San Juan 6 101 Relieved from dept '. 6 132 Journeys approved 5 138 Inspection duty 6 160 Grout, Willis, pvt. Transfer 1 97 Guard. A. McC., capt. Leave of absence 8 62 Guinan, John H., pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 1 20 Gulick, J. Gordon, teacher. Patient to the U. S 6 245 Gurovits, Odon, 1st lieut. J. A. mil. comm'n 2 66 Report for examination to bd. of officers 8 70 Member mil. comm'n 3 81 Capt. Command Co. C., 11th Inf 3 105 Member G. C. M 1 136 Member G. C. M 1 259 Guzman, Jose R. Sentence commuted 2 235 Hadenfeld, J. H., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 1 60 Hadley, J. F., A. A. Surg. To Coamo for duty 11 81 Proceed to U. S 6 123 24 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S. O. Par; Hagans, Chaw. W., pvt, Tried by G. C. M 14 2 Sentence remitted 8 64 Verbal Order approved. 5 169 Hahn, Gustave, pvt. Hosp. Corps. To San Juan for duty 10 129 Hail, Chalmers, G., 2nd Lieut. Asst, to Ord. Officer. 3 102 Examined for promotion 3 103 Proceed to Arecibo 15 107 To Clif. Ord. Officer for examination. 15 107 Journeys approved 4 111 Member Bd. of Survey 5 132' Act. Eng. Officer 9 160 Command Troop F, 5th Cav 5 164 Member Bd. of Officers 1 172 Relieved frjm Troop F 8 207 Member Bd. of lOfficers 3 221 Leave of Absence 4 223 Hall, Mary B., nurse. To Ponce for duty 10 28 Proceed to U. S 1 109 Hall, W. P., lieut. col. Leave of absence 8 192' Return 5 211 Halstead, Lawrence, 2nd lieut. Addl. member G. C. M 3 96 Member G. C. M 7 99 Lares for duty 3 105 Journeys approved 4 130 Join proper station 5 192 Install municipal officers Las Marias 4 249 Install municipal officers San Sebastian 5 249 Member G. C. M *. 1 259 Hamilton, Austin C.. pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty. 9 74 Hamilton, C. H., 1st lieut. Member bd. of survey 3 166 Same 4 167 In charge detachments 5 170 J. A. G. C. M 1 174 J. A. G. C. M 2 174 Examined for promotion 2 187 Install officers Utuado 5 264 Hand, William, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 16 2 Hannah, G. B., pvt. Transfer 2 92 Hanson, Thomas G., 1st lieut. Journeys approved 4 23 Same 1 66 Examined for promotion 3 70 Harper, Raymond, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 212 Harris, John, sergt. Examined for promotion 2 234 Harris, Warren J., pvt. To Humacao for duty 1 172 Harris, W. H. pvt. To Camp Meade, Pa 4 134 Harrison, Edward B., Capt. Turn over Q. M. property.... 1 77 Harrison, Mary A., Nurse. Relieved at San Juan 14 91 Harrod, Roy E., pvt. Commutation Rations 3 82 Same 3 87 Hart, Thomas, Nurse. To Clif. Surg. Dept, for annulment contract 5 62 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 25 S. <). Par. Hartsock, Fred. M., asst. surg. Member bd. of officers 2 103 Same 1+ 107 Member bd. of survey 5 126 Relieved gen. hosp, San Juan 11 132 Member bd. of survey... 1 1-12 Same 4 159 Examined for promotion 2 164 Member bd. of officers 1 172 Member bd. of survey ... 3 185 Member medical board 1 192 Member bd. of survey ;.. 6 192 Same 5 198 Same 2 209 Relieved 1 226 Relieved bd. of officers 5 215 Harvey. Samuel S.. major. Journeys approved 1 14 Same 8 75 Same 2 82 Same 4 99 Harvey, Thomas, pvt. Tried by G. C. M ,... 5 2 Same 6 207 Harvey, Thomas, pvt. hosp. corps. Tried by G. C. M 3 244 Harvey, Thomas G., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 117 Haskell, Charles B., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 11 32 Haskell, Charles R., nurse. To C. (). 47th N. Y 15 37 Haskell, F. C., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 10 129 Haueser, Bernard, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 7 238 Havelin, Charles, pvt. 1 ried by G. C. M 8 195 Hayden, Edward, pvt. hosp. corps. Sent to Fort Hamilton 2 243 Hayden, Paul V., pvt. With 6th Vols. to U. S 6 28 Hayes, John D., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 5 74 Hayes, John E., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 5 214 Hayes, Matthias, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 7 252 Hayes, Patrick J., nvt. Tried by G. C. M 5 79 Hayne, Paul J., corp. Proceed to Ft. Monroe 7 81 Hearn, Eugene L., sgt. Tried by G. C. M 9 25 Return to station 1 31 Heavy, John W., 1st lieut. Member bd. of officers 8 42 Same 3 135 J. A. G. C. M 5 258 Hein, Peter, ord. sgt. To San Juan for duty 1 5 Commutation Rations , 10 52 Helms, George W., 2nd lieut. Examined for promotion.... 1 32 Command Co. A, 19th Inf 3 43 Henderson, William W., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 203 Hendricks, Albert M., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 214 Same 2 219 Sentence remitted 6 230 Henry, Guy V., maj. gen. To inspect Vaccine farm 4 72 Proceed to U. S 6 100 Henry, Guy V., 2nd lieut. Journeys approved 4 36 26 26 index to special orders: S. O. Pair. Henry, Guy V., 2nd lieut. Proceed to U. S 6 10V* Journeys approved 1 101 Herify, Richard, pvt. To Fajardo for duty 3 195- Relieved • 1 254 Henry, Thomas, corp. Tried by G. c: M ► 7 49 Herman, Harry, jn-t. Cbimirutation ra tions 5 95 Hertz, Fred , pvt. hosp. corps: To San Juan, for duty 10 129 Hess, L. G., pvt. Transfer .... 5 32 Hewitt. C. C., Capt. Member G. C'. M 9 3 Member mil. commn „ „ 7 Bit Heydecker, H. R., A. A. surg. fn charge'sick Vieques. 10 264 Heyl. Charles H., major. Proceed to Ponce .... 1 IT Journeys approved. .. ....... . 6 SI Same 6 105- Same. . ............ 7 123 Same , .. . . 6 134 Same ....... . 3 154 Actg. adjt. general S 192 Lieut, col. Relieved .. . 5 212 Journeys approved............. ... 4 223 Same. • ... 5 254 Relieved from dept 3 258- Hibbard, B. J., pvt. To Coamo for duty . 3 62 Hickey, Arthur F, C./Sentence remitted 5 255- Higgins, Joseph F. pvt. hosp. corps. To Arecibo ior duty 2 G2 Higgs, George W. sgt. To Ponce for duty 2 207 Hill, Charles, pvt. Transfer 2 92' Hilf, Edward J-, pvt., act hosp. std , 7 5. Same 2 13' Hill, Frederick A., Lt.-col. Relieved from dept _ 4 92' Hill, Joseph B., pvt. Transfer . 3 107 Hill. M. E., pvt. hosp. corp. To San Juan forduty...- IO 129 Hinckley, W. D., clerk. Relieved from dept 3 41 Hitt, Bernard, pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty..„ 9 74 Hocker, Joseph H., pvt. To San Juan ns witness. & 160» Hocker, Woodson, 2nd Tieut. Command Co. K. 11th Inf... 6 1 Member G. C. M . . 3 18 Coll. Customs Vieques 2 144 Journeys approved .. ...... 3 146 Relieved civil duties 7 187' Relieved at Vieques 1 215- Examined for promotion . 4 22T Member bd. of survey...., 1 2361 Same , - 2 236 Same ..... 1 258 Hodges, E. E., A. A. Surg. Report to C. O. 47th N. Y 5 37 Hoerner, L. F., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty.. TO 129 Hoff. John Van R., major. Inspection duty 7 56 Member Bd, of Officers o 10o Inspection duty 3 119 Journeys approved 6 131 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 27 S. (). Par. Hoff, John Van R,, major. Inspect medical dept -1 255 Journeys approved..., , 11 264 Hogan, Ifaniel, major. Ijeave of absence...,.^ 1© 84 Verbal order confirmed.. , .5 87 Holland, Daniel J., nurse. Report for annulment of con- tract.. _ 7 X Holliday, Mary E^ nurse. Relieved at San Juan 14 94 Hollister., Ella J., nurse. Order revoked........... 3 9 Holmes, Robert E., pvt. Proceed to Mayaguez...., 3 2 ■Hood, Charles C\ lieut.-coil Command 19th Inf. and Dis- trict of Ponce 1 IX Order revoked..., , 4 15 Journeys approved. X 46 Same 5 79 Command 19th Inf 2 76 Hopkins, Josephine, Nurse. To San Juan for duty, „ 6 13 To Ponce for duty 6 26 Transportation to N. Y 4 53 Horn, Johai F., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 8 59 Hornbrook, J. J., 1st lieut. Command Troop E., 5th Car. 7 92 Mayaguez for duty ..,w„..... 2 105 Mayaguez for duty. 8 145 Relieved from regiment for special duty ,. 2 153 Member bd. of officers. „ 3 252 Same 4 252 Member Bd. of Canvassers 2 253 (Horner, Frank, pvt. Transportation Utuado 1 23 Horstman, August Q, pvt. Transfer, , 3 104 Hoskins, Henry A., com. sgt. Commutation rations 4 87 Hossler, Oliver M., corp. Revoking order 4 12 Houk, E. E„ 2nd lieut. Journeys approved,.. 2 25 Houle, Charles P., pvt. Transportation Mayaguez..., 11 31 Howard, John, 1st lieut. Member G, C. M ...» 9 3 Command Co. I. 19th Inf 5 30 Sick leave of absence...., , 4 103 Howard, William, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 64 Huebscher, Emil, corp. Commutation rations „ 4 144 To prov. ct. Mayaguez 2 145 Relieved . ,, 2 181 Tried by G. C. M 5 244 Hughes, M. E., A. A. surg. President bd. of health San Juan 14 132 Hughes, Owen J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M..»„ 13 20 Same 2 40 Hughes, W. F., pvt. hoep. corps To Mayaguez for duty.... 5 51 Hughes, W. J., A. A. surg. To chf. surg. dept, for annul- ment contract ........ , 8 17 Hull, James M., pvt. Tried by G. C» M 5 214 Hurlbut, Edwin W., capt. MemberG. C. M 3 59 Member mil. comm 4 59 Same 2 66 28 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S. O. Par. Hurlbut, Edwin IV., capt. Relieved from dept 6 94 Hussing, George, pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp. Sun for duty • 9 74 Huston, J. E., pvt. Detached to Hdqrs 5 230 Hutsenplller. Spencer W., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 202 Hutton, Paul C,, A. A. surg. To Ponce for duty 9 91 Ignion, Thomat; pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 158 Tried by G. C. M 8 242 Inge, John L., pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 10 129 Ingersoll, Curtis, pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 9 74 Introwitz, Anton, corp. Transfer .. 2 15 Irvine, Gerard, pvt. Detached to hdqrs 3 197 Commutation rations 4 197 Relieved 1 207 Irvine, II. J. C., capt. To relieve Lt. Ansell 2 154 Leave of absence... 3 164 Irwin, Erank, pvt. Sentence remitted.. 14 33 Iturrino, Baberlonia. Tried by mil. cpmmn 1 67 Jackson, Julia A. C.. nurse. Report to surg. gen 13 91 Jackson, Thomas" pvt. Tried by G. C. M '. 12 1 Jacobsen, Henj. L., pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 9 74 Examined for promotion 2 192 Actg. hosp. std 1 228 James, Henry. Sentence commuted 10 160 Jameson, John, corp. To San Juan as witness 5 160 Janvier, Zelina, nurse. Proceed to U. S 6 20 Jenkins, John M.. 1st lieut. Leave of absence 7 150 Johnson, E. H.. pvt. Transportation Arecibo 1 140 Johnson, Evan M., 1st lieut. Command Co. F., 19th inf.... 5 [ Examined for promotion 1 32 Johnson, Graham L. 2nd lieut. ("oil. customs, Arroyo 2 22 Relieved . 5 158 To treas. for duty 5 177 Member bd. of survey 6 183 Same 3 186 Member bd. of survey 6 192 Same 3 198 Same 4 198 Same 2 200 Same 1 213 Revoking order 1 217 Member bd. of survey 10 254 To Utuado for election duty 1 255 Johnson, Wm. E., pvt. hosp, corps. To Bayamon for duty 8 14 To Ponce for trial 2 26 Johnston, Frederick E., 2nd lieut. To Ponce for duty 4 3 Command battery C, 7th artillery 2 22 Member bd. of survey 9 62 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 29 S. (). Par. •Johnston, Frederick E., 2nd lieut. Examined for promo- tion 8 70 Jones, Charles L., pvt? Tried by G. G. M * 10 100 Jones, Clarence 1st cl. sgt. Examined for promotion... 2 17s Announced 2nd lieut . 9 239 To Lares for duty • o..< 1 242 Jones, F. M., 2nd lieut. Member bd. of survey... «. 5 7 Same , , 1 8 Command 4th Co. Sig. Corps...., 4 35 Member bd. of survey 2 132 ■Jones, Frank 1'., pvt. Tried by G, C. M « 5 202 Jones, Harry E., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty. -2 8 Jones, Samuel G., Jr. 1st lieut. Act as counsel 4 24 Member mil. comm'n.„ 7 39 Member bd. of survey -2 1-0'1 To Ponce for duty 8 120 Journeys approved ..... ■ 4 121 Relieved from dept .... - «... 9 160 Journeys approved 4 163 •Joseph, Fred , .pvt. Transfer 2 92 Joyce, William, pvt. Detached to U. S. prov. ct 3 189 Commutation rations...., «... ...... 4 189 Joyner, Charles K.. pvt, hosp. corps. To Coamo for duty. 5 5 To Cayey for duty...« ..,,....« 7 106 •Judson, William V,, capt, Relieves ensign Gherhardi 2 193 Julian, Henry, pvt. Sentence remitted...... «....• 3 149 Kabe, Walter E« pvt. Transportation Aibonito 1 199 Kahler, Charles A., pvt- hosp. corps. Acting hosp. std 7 7 To Humacao for duty., ,... ,. 13 167 Kahn, Herman, pvt. Tried by G. C. M .......... 7 23 Sentence remitted , .... ..... >3 33 Kalb, Henry, act, hosp, std. To gen, hosp. San Juan for duty.. , , 2 8 To Utuado for duty «.,.. 12 37 Same 7 199 Kane, Frank, pvt. Detached to hdqrs . 3 197 Commutation rations 4 197 Relieved 2 217 Kaufman, W. C., pvt. hosp. corps. To Las Marias for duty 5 51 To Lares for duty 7 107 Keane, Thomas, nurse. Proceed to U. S, 1 109 Kearney, John J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M. 5 85 Keeler, Ernest, pvt. Transfer 1 108 Keen, Bernard M. act. hosp. std. To San Juan for duty.... 6 IO Keenan, Annie, nurse. Proceed to U. S...« 5 20 Kellerman, Henry, pvt, hosp. corps. Tried by G. C. M 7 45 Kelly, David, pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 10 129 Kelley, George W., pvt, Tried by G. C. M...«. .. ..... 6 222 Kelly, Harry H., pvt. Tried by G. C. M...., 9 261 Kelly, James E., sgt. Transportation Barceloneta 2 33 30 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S. O. Par. Kemper, Carl, pvt. hosp. corps. Tried by G. C. M 10 59 Kennedy, Catherine, nurse. Proceed to LT. S 5 20 Kennedy, James. Sent to Inf. Barracks 5 64 Sent to Ft. Columbus 5 99 Kennedy, John, com. sgt. Commutation rations 1 6 2nd lieut. Proceed to IT. S 2 189 Kerston, H., pvt. Transfer 1 49 King, Cyril W., capt. Leave of absence...., 1 105 Kipp, Morton, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 89 Kirby, James, pvt. Transfer 2 92 Kirk, William J., pvt. Tried 'by G. C. M 2 226 Kirk, William R., A. A. surg. Report to A. A. 8. Ames for temporary duty 7 21 Proceed to U. S 15 132 Kittrick, Thomas F,, pvt. Sentence remitted 2 19 Knapp, Seth B., pvt. Transfer 3 124 Knox, Louis, pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 1 20 Kolby, George, sgt. Commutation rations 1 127 Relieved from hdqrs 1 260 Kraft, Herman, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 13 2 Sentence remitted 5 76 Kreamer, Louis, pvt. Relieved from duty 3 209 Tried by G. C. M 4 218 Lake, Francis, pvt. hospitil corps. Act. hosp. std. San Juan 7 5 Landstreet, John, jr., capt. To San Juan for duty 1 196 In charge election, Adjuntas 3 208 Proceed to Adjuntas 4 215 Par. 1, S. O., 196 amended 6 215 In charge election. Arecibo 4 222 Deliver returns election Camuy 3 232 In charge election Ponce 4 232 Report to Washington, D.C 6 249 Lane, George A., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 10 129 Langhorne, George T., 1st lieut. Journeys approved 6 131 Capt. Relieved as Aide-de-Camp 4 168 Acting Aide-de-Camp 4 168 Relieved from Dept 1 205 Langtry, Alexander, pvt. Transfer 9 101 Tried by G. C. M 2 110 Lasksowski, Hugo, com. sgt. To Cayey for duty 4 140 Commutation rations 2 163 Latrobe, Osman, capt. Member Bd. of Survey 7 129 Member G. C. M 8 129 Member Bd. of Survey 6 145 Member G. C. M 1 203 Same 1 221 Lattimore, C. B., pvt. To Fort Meyer, Va 1 57 Lauer, George, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 45 Lawless, George, pvt. To provisional ct. for duty 1 149 Relieved 1 156 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 31 S. O. Par. Lawrence, James E., pvt. Te provisional ct. for duty 2 IBM Commutation rations 3 138 Lawton, Edward I*., 1st lieut. Leave of absence 3 8 Member bd. of officers 1 32 Lawton, F. G., 1st lieut. Member G. C. M 9 3 Same 2 51 Member mil. comm'n 2 63 Same 4 70 Same 6 76 Lazar, Eugene, cor j. To Vieques for duty 4- 195 To San Juan for duty 2 249 Leahy, John, pvt. Transportation Arecibo 1 17 Leary, Timothy, A. A. surg. Leave of absence 5 16 To sanitary insp. for duty 3 21 To surg. gen 1 121 Leberman, pvt. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 7 37 Le Compte, W. C., A. A. surg. Relieved at Carolina 20 37 Post surg. Humacao 2 197 Relieved Vieques 5 233 Lee, Harry R., 1st. lieut. Examined for promotion...., 5 119 Capt. In charge election Lares 8 223 Par. 8 S. O. 223 amended. Install officers Lares.... 2 258 L-e, Joseph, pvt. transfer 2 92 L *efe, John G., capt. Command 19th regiment 4 15 Examined for promotion 1 32 Journeys approved 4 46 Command battalion 19th reg 7 75 Leland, Melford I)., pvt. Discharged gen. hosp 6 25 Lemly, Henry R., capt. Command battalion 7th artillery 1 1 Proceed to Coamo * 4 72 Lengsfeld, Paul, pvt. Detached to hdqrs 5 230 Lenoir, Basil O., 2nd lieut. Member bd. of survey 1 8 Command 4th Co. sig. cps 2 16 Member bd. of survey 2 68 Proceed to Washington 2 133 Leonard, George, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 157 Leonard, Isabella, nurse. Proceed to IT. S 5 20 Leonard, William J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 9 254 Lessey, George A., hosp. std. Proceed to U. S 9 37 Lewis, George F., pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 1 20 Lewis, John, pvt. To Ponce for duty 4 141 Lewis, Langhorne D., 2nd lieut. Leave of absence 7 24 Lewis, William L., pvt. To Ft. Hamilton, N. Y 5 252 Lippincott, R. R., pvt. hosp. corps, To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 10 129 Little, John, major. Journeys approved 3 38 Livingood, John C., pvt. Transportation Manati 3 194 To gen.-hosp., San Juan 6 246 Livingstone, Clarence R., nurse. With 47th N. Y. to U. S.. 3 33 Loftins, William E., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 30 32 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS'. S. O. Par?- Logan, William, supt. Transportation Rio Piedras 4 213T Londeau, William M., pvt. Trieil by G. C. Ml 1 38 Lonerjean, David, pvt. Tried by G. C. M...., X 23 Sentence remitted 15 33' Longan, Rufus E., 2nd lieut. MemUer G. C. M 3. IX Examined for promotion 1 32 Member G. C. M 2 39* Leave of absence. .. 5 40 J. A., G. C. M 1 100- Same 1 137 Leave of absence. 2 1X3 Longo, John IV., pvt. Transportation M'ayagnez.. 2 31 LopeX, Leocadio. Tried by mil. comm'n 5' 46 Lord, J. P>., pvt. hosp. corps. With 4"th N. Y. to E. X' X 37 Lorraine, Paul T.. pvt. Detached to hdqrs- 1 244 Lucas', Charles K., corp. Commutation rations: 5 95 Lucait, L. C., capt. Relieving Ensign Gherhardi 1 193 Relieved, rasp. light- houses 4 207 Luck. Henry J., pvt. 'I ried by G. C. M 2 IO" Sentence remitted X Xl Luge, Henry, sgt. Examined for promotion 7 126 F.utz. Wilhelm'sgt. major. To report to regt, comdr. 4 105 To provisional ct. for duty , 2 149 Commutation rations 4 156 Lyons, Michael J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 230 Mackenzie, Mina A., nurse. To-Poneefor duty. .... 1 21 To Burg, gen'l El 37 Macklin, Edgar A., 2nd lieut. Member G. C. M 3 IX Same 2 31 Same .... 2 60 Member bd. of- survey 3 60- Examined for promotion 8 70 Command Co. G. 11th Inf .. 2 72' Relieved G. C. M 5 72' Member bd. of survey - 11 X4 1st lieut. Member bd. of officers 2 16'4 Macklin, James E., capt. Command battalion 11th Inf.... 1 12 Addl. Member G. C. M . 4 57 Mem tier G. C. M..1 2 60 Command 2nd battalion 1.0 75 Member bd. of survey... . . 9 76 Same.... 4 X6 Member G. C. M X 120 Examined for promotion 4 135 Member bd. of survey 11 138 Member G. C. M 2 165- Member bd. of survey 4 165 Same 6 183 Same : 2 188 Member bd. of officers 2 195 Member G, C. M , 2 200 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 33 S. (). Par. Macklin, James E., rapt. Member bd. of survey 1 218 Revoked , 1 21 7 Major. Member bd. of survey 1 220 Same "6 234 Same 12 253 Same . '2 257 .Macomb, A. C., Capt. Add), member G. C. M 17 33 Member mil. comm'n r 7 1:9 Member G. C. M 2 51 Member mil. comm'n...- 4 70 Same 6 76 Coll, customs Arecibo 4 79 Command 3rd sqadron, 5 th Cavalry... 8 101 Member Bd. to report condition Camuy 3 114 Verbal orders confirmed 1 126 Member bd. of officers , ~ 126 Install municial officers, Arecibo 4 234 Install municipal officers, Camuy 4 238 'Detached to hdqrs 1 248 Member bd. of officers 4 251 Member bd. of canvassers 2 252 Relieved................................................................... 3 252 Believed coll, customs Arecibo 5 261 Maginnis, Thos. F,, 2nd lieut. Command Co B, 11th Inf. 4 17 Examined for promotion - -8 70 Capt. Addl. member G. C. M 1 208 In charge election Aguadilla 1 224 Relieved ...... 1 237 Member G. C. M 1 259 Magner, James E., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 183 Tried by G. C. M 5 259 Malian, Marie A., nurse. Relieved at Ponce 3 97 Mahoney, Michael, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 75 Transfer 9 1 01 Makenson. John H., pvt. Tried by G. C. M..' 7 240 Maldeno, Blas A., Tried by mil. comm'n 2 90 Maldonado., Antonio, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 1 170 Maldonado, Manuel R. Released 10 164 Malina, Antonio. Tried by mil. Comm'n 3 78 Maloney, John S.., pvt. Transfer 9 10] Maloney, Patrick J., pvt. Acting hosp. std 6 32 To Coamo for duty - 6 88 Commutation of rations 2 113 Relieved at Aibonito 2 190 Maluf, N. K., pvt. hosp. corps. To gen hos. San Juan for duty 10 129 Manley, Edward, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 5 6 To Coamo for duty 5 39 Mansfield, Francis W., capt. Examined for promotion 8 70 Coll, customs Aguadilla 4 79 Major, coll, customs Ponce 6 125 S. (). Par. Mansfield, Francis W., major. Member G. C. M 1 137 Coll, customs Guanica 8 138 Same.... 9 138 Relieved G. C. M 5 14+ Marcus, Samuel, pvt. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty.... 1 15+ Marion, .David, pvt. Transfer 9 101 Tried by G. C. M 5 1 28 Markhein, Mary C., nurse. To San Juan for duty 11 20 Relieved 1+ 91 Marquez, Isidoro. Tried by mil. comm'n 6 59 Marrero, Ramon R. Tried by mil. comm'n, 2 58 Marshall, Carlotto, nurse. Relieved at San Juan 1+ 91 Martin, Anton, pvt. Transfer J. 3 8+ Martin, George E., pvt. Transfer 2 20+ Martin, Jefferson M., pvt. Acting hosp. std 7 7 Report to A. A. surg. Ames 3 16 Return to San Juan + 20 Martin, L. T., pvt. Detached to hdqrs 2 13+ Commutation rations 1 135 Relieved 2 168 Martinez, Jose C. Released 8 16+ Martinson, Charles, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 2+0 Marx, corp. Proceed to Washington .• 2 1+0 Mason, Charles F., major. To San Juan for duty 7 20 ('a pt. Member bd. of officers 7 70 Proceed to U. S 5 100 Sick leave of absence 1 102 Massey, Z. I)., asst. surg. Proceed to U. S 1 28 Mata, Andres. Tried by mil. comm'n 1 71 Matheson, Peter M., nurse. Contract annulled 7 101 May, Henry B.. major. Addl. paymaster San Juan 1 9 Journeys approved 3 14 Same 1 61 Same 9 75 Same 16 95 Maye, Herman., pvt. hosp. corps. To Coamo for duty 6 62 Meade, Peter L., corp. Tried by G. C. M 2 36 Measor, George, pvt. To be confined at Ft. Leavenworth. 8 58 Medina, Rafael. Tried by mil. comm'n 6 36 Mendez. Alfonso, tel. opr. Proceed to Arecibo 8 167 Mendoza, Elario R. Tried by mil. comm'n 3 65 Menke, Eugene, sgt. major. To Mayaguez for duty 3 126 Metts, Fred. A., pvt. hosp. corps. To Toa Alto for duty... 9 7 To Bayamon for duty 7 28 Meyers, Octor C., pvt. hosp. corps. Acting hosp. steward. 7 7 Meyers, Whitman F., pvt. To Arecibo for duty 12 37 Meyers, William F., pvt. hosp. corps. Actinghosp. std 7 7 Miles, W. G., pvt. Discharged 1 157 Mililak, Frank, pvt. To Mayaguez for duty 3 2 Miller. A. F., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 10 129 Miller, A. L., A. A. surg. To transfer medical property 1 28 34 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 35 S. O. Par. Miller, A. L., A. A. surg. To Arecibo for duty 2 28 To San Juan for duty 20 182 Revoked 6 146 Miller, Albert W., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 1 117 Miller, Charles E., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 5 24 Miller. Christopher, pvt. Transportation Bayamon 1 51 Miller, George A., pvt. Transfer S 3 Miller, I. L., pvt. Detached to hdqrs 5 230 Miller, Laura, nurse. To chf. surg dpt for annulment con- tract 2 20 Miller, Lewis H., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 11 95 Miller, Louis, pvt. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 1 25 Miller, M. H., pvt. Commutation rations 1 131 Miller, William, pvt. hosp. corps. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 10 129 Millman, Alex., pvt. Par. 1. S. O. 108 amended 2 111 Millmore, Alex., corp. Transfer 1 108 Milne, Ogelvie G. C., pvt. Detached to hdqrs 1 247 Mills, Morrill M., 2nd lieut. Recorder bd. of officers 6 85 Collector customs, Arroyo 8 93 Relieved 2 122 Member G. C. M ; S 129 Member bd. of survey 3 132* Same 8 134 Same 2 142 J, A.,G. C. M g 14s Turn over relief supplies 4 211 Leave of absence g 221 Member Board of survey 2 262 Minich, W. J., pvt. hosp. corps. Tried by G. C. M 4 95 Mitchell, Janet, nurse. To surg. gen 13 9^ Mojica, Juan. Tried by mil. eomm'n 7 25 Molloy, John, corp. Detached to treas. office 1 132 Commutation rations 3 733 Molloy, W. A., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 74 Sentence remitted 4 gj Monohan, Michael, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 62 Monroe, John F., pvt. Findings G. C. M. disapproved 1 161 Tried by G. C. M n 202 Montemoino, Manuel. Sentence commuted 1 209 Montoto, Manuel. Member bd. to examine accounts treas. and Spanish bank 3 753 Moore, Paul, pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 9 74 Morales, Armando. Member bd. leper colony 13 100 Proceed to Luis Pena 2 120 Moran, Marcias, pvt. To insane asylum, Wash 3 112 Moran, Michael, pvt. Proceed to U. S 1 128 Moran, William, pvt, Proceed to Mayaguez 3 2 More, H. C., A. A. surg. To Coamo for duty 8 57 To Ponce for duty 11 91 36 36 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS: S.' O. Par. Moret, Gustave, A. A. surg. Report to A. A. surg. Ames for duty 3 21 To chf. surg. dept, for annulment contract IB 132' Morgan, James .1., pvt Tried by G. C. M 7 2+2 Morgan, John H., pvt. hosp. cor s. To San Juan for duty 9 74 Morris Henrietta C., nurse. To San Juan for duty 6 13 Relieved 1+ Bl Morris, John, sgt. Examined for ord. ser 2 23+ Transportation Arecibo 9 26+ Morris, John E'., A. A. surg. To Ponce for duty + 3+ Same 11 Bl Morrison, Evan, pvt. Tried by G'. C. M 5 36 Morrisey, James, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 Sp Mortimer, Mabel, nurse. Proceed to U. S S 2 Morton, Chas., pvt. hosp. corps. To >'an Juan for duty.... 10 129 Mosher, Horace, pvt. To Ponce for duty 5 1+1 Maspuero, Berngno, Tried by mil. comm'n 5 61 Mount, Shephard, pvt. hosp. corps. Tried by G. C. M 1 69 Mower, Carl K., capt. Depo.t commissary. Ponce 1 + + Member G. C. M 2 51 Relieved from dept 1 37 Moyer, Charles B., pvt. dried by G. C. M 5 9+ Mueller, Henry, pvt. Acquitted by G. C. M S 202 ^luhlenberuch, Louis, trumpeter. Transportation Maya- guez 2 31 Mulherin, Michael J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 +6 Sentence remitted + 35 Mulligan, L. H., pvt. Transfer 9 101 Mundy, Abraham, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 30' Murnhy, pvt. To San Juan for dnty s S+ Murphy, Francis, pvt. Tried by G. C. M S 151 Slum, O. B., pvt. hosp. corps. Proceed to U. S S 37 Murray, Bert, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 10 1B9 Murray, C. F., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 115 Murray, E., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 67 Murray. Fred. G., clerk. Proceed to U. S 2 211 Murray, James C., pvt. Detached to hdqrs 3 211 Murray, Thomas A., pvt. Commutation rations 1 132 Myer, Albert L., capt. Examined for promotion 1 32 Member G. C. M 2 89 Member mil. comm'n 3 39 Member board of officers S +2 Member G. C. M 2 51 Member G, C. M 2 60 Member bd. of officers 7 70 Major. Member bd. of survey 3 92 Coll, customs Ponce B 93 Relieved , 6 125 Member G. C. M 1 203 Install municipal officers Ponce + 256 Myer, E. E., 2ndZeut. Member G. C. M 1 137 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 37 S. O. Par. McAllen, J. A., pvt. hosp. corp. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 9 74 McAndrew, P. H., A. A. Surg. To gen. hosp. San Juan for duty 8 141 Leave of absence 2 256 McArrick, James, actg. hosp. std. Sentence remitted 4 108 To Vieques for duty 4 110 McBirney, Alexander, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 1 48 Same '.. 12 107 McCafferty, W., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 92 McCaffrey, Hugh L., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 7 27 McCall, Harry, mus. Tried by G. C. M 5 224 McCarthy, M. H., pvt. Transfer 9 101 McCarthy, M. J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 62 McCarthy, Thomas, pvt. Transportation Utuado 4 10 McCleery, H. R., pvt. hosp. corps. Examined for promotion 14 107 McClendon, Edward, A. A. surg. Transfer medical property 5 28 McClintock, John, 2nd lieut. Member G. C. M 1 118 To Arecibo for duty 2 119 Member G. C. M 8 131 Same 1 136 J. A. G. C. M 5 148 Capt. Promoted 41st vols to proceed to U. S 1 171 McClure, James S., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 5 203 McClure, Nathaniel F., 1st lieut. Member G. C. M 3 170 To Cayey for duty 2 231 Coll, customs Arroyo 3 235 Disbursing officer census 3 235 In charge election Cayey 7 250 Lieut. Geary to report to 1 257 Command Humacao 6 258 Relieved as coll, customs 8 258 Relieved as disbursing officer census, Arroyo 8 258 Collector customs Humacao 9 258 Install municipal officers Humacao 2 261 McConathy, H. M., A. A. surg. To Coamo for duty 3 51 To Aibonito for duty 17 132 To Adjuntas for duty 13 164 Same 3 184 McCormick, Michael, sgt. Tried by G. C. M, 3 113 McCreary, Mary, nurse. To surg. gen 5 20 McCreery, Hugh R., pvt. Acting hosp. steward 2 124 McDermott, George E., recruit. Transfer ; 2 92 McDermott, Harry J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 244 McDonald, Jay, pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty... 9 74 To Bayamon for duty 12 81 To San Juan for duty 4 153 McDonald, Jeannette, nurse. Relieved at San Juan 2 97 McElwee, John, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 10 23 Sentence remitted 9 52 McGann, G., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 5 56 38 INDEX TO SPECIAL OKDEDS. S. <). Par. McGill, pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 7 87. McConnell Jolin, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 8 45 MeGrath, Thomas, pvt. Transportation Arecibo 6 57 McHugh, Cecilia, nurse. To San Juan for duty 6 17 Relieved at San Juan 14 91 McIntyre,'Frank, 1st lieut. Examined for promotion 1 32. To Aibonito, for duty 9 43 McKaue, John. pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty.... 10 129 McKee, John, hosp. steward. To San Juan for duty 3 116 McKeon, Thomas J., pvt. Tried by G. C, M 7 212 McKeown, G. P., pvt. Transportation Humacao 1 53 McKinley, E. ML, sgt. Discharged and appointed 2nd lieut. 45th Mois., proceed to U. S 7 167 McKinnon, Peter, pvt. To Humacao for duty 1 177 Commutation rations 5 17S McLaughlin, Albert ML, pvt. To San Juan for duty 3 23s McLaughlin, James B., 2nd lieut. Command 4th Co. Sig. Corps , 7 1 Member lid. of officers 3 5 Member bd. of survey - 2 6 Same 2 GS McLaughlin, J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 1 G4 McLaughlin, Joseph, pvt. Dishonorably discharged 16 33 McLelan, Archie A., pvt. hosp. corps. Tried by G. C. M 3 29 McMahon, Marie A., nurse. To San Juan for duty 6 13 To Ponce for duty 1 2 l McManis, Herbert, pvt. To Ft. Hamilton, N, Y 1 211 McMannus. Alice, nurse. Proceed to IL S 6 5 McManus, Irvin, corp. Proceed to proper station 2 125 McMurty. Lewis, pvt, Sentence remitted 3 15 McNaughton. Bessie B., nurse. To Surgeon General 2 247 McNeill, John, pvt. To Ft. Hamilton, N. Y 4 ISO Nadal, Blas, 2nd lieut, To Arecibo for duty 6 177 Nagle, Clark A., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 171 Tried by G. C. M 9 253 Nansen, J. ML, corp. 'I ried by G. C. M 6 1 5S Nenlon. Martin, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 9 151 Nelson, Harry D., corp. Commutation of rations 1 245 Detached hdqrs 1 260 Neville, Frances, nurse. Proceed to U. S 5 20 Newbill, ML D., 2nd lieut, Addl. memlH'r G. C. M 17 33 Leave of absence 3' 57 Niebes. Juan. Tried by mil. comm'n 3 7S Nixon. Frank P., pvt, Tried by G. C. M 12 2 Nolan. Daniel P., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 122 Sentence remitted 5 125 Nordby, Hans P.. pvt, Transfer 2 57 Norman. G. ML, pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty... 9 74 Normandy, J. F., pvt. Transfer 9 101 Nugent, ML J., pvt. To Aibonito for duty 1 176 Nye, Frank E., lieut. col. Member b'd. of officers 5 105 S. O. Par. O'Brien, Henry J., pvt. To Ponce as wi ness 6 35 O'Brien. Jolin J., civilian. Tried by G. ('. Ai 2 32 ■ O'Brien, Patrick E., corp. Detached to hdqrs 5 263 O, Prien, Percy J., pvt. Disch, from gen. hosp 1 27 Transportation Santurce 2 47 O'Brine, Jolin, pvt. Tried by G. C. AI TO 151 Sentence remitted 3 1 68 Order amended 2 176 O'Connor, James, pvt. Witness U. S. pro visional court..- 1 164 Return to station 3 178 O'Dill, Agues B., nurse. To chi', surg. dept, for annulment of contract 2 73 O'Donnell. Thomas, pvt. Tried by G. C. Ai 8 6 Ogle, Hiram, pvt. hosp. corps. Act. hosp. steward 6 32 To San Juan .for duty _ 4 MS O'Hare, F. J., A. A. surg. To Guayama for duty 5 47 To Ponce for duty 11 91 O'Hare, Timothy, pvt. To Humacao for duty 7 141 Oldham, E. B., sgt. sig. corps. To San'Jua.n for duty 9 167 To Fajardo for duty 3 195 Relieved..- 3 249 O'Malley, Joseph, pvt. Transfer 9 101 O'Neill, Edward, pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty.. 9 74 O'Neill. J. J., pvt. Transfer 9 101 Tried by G. C. AI 10 238 O'Neill, Michael, pvt. Tried by G. C. AI 4 109 Same 9 202 Ord, James T., 1st lieut. To Arecibo for duty 2 167 To San Juan for duty. 6 177 Member bd. of survey 6 183 Examined for promotion 2 187 Member bd. of survey 2 188 Same 4 193 Same 1 220 Same , ; 1 241 To Alanati for election duty .. 7 253 Ortiz, Pio. Tried by mil. column 2 38 Ortiz, Rafael. Tried b,< mil. commu 1 114 Ortiz, Victoriano. Tried by mil. commu 2 69 Otis, George T., corp. Commutation rations 6 223 Otten, Theodore, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 7 56 Owala, Eduardo. Tried by mil. column 2 69 Owens, Shober, pvt. Transfer 8 ] Oyala, Natividad. Tried by mil. commn 2 69 Paddock, George H., capt. Command 3rd squadron 5th Cavalry 5 92 Leave of absence 3 149 Member bd. of survey . 2 254 Paine, Henry G., pvt. Tried by G. C. AI 8 160 Parrish, H. F., pvt. Transfer 4 143 Park, John, pvt. Tried by G. C AI 8 261 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 39 40 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S. O. Par. Parker, Frank, 2nd lieut. Examined for promotion s 70 1st lieut. To Ponce for duty...: 5 197 Leave of absence 3 215 Patterson, Thomas, pvt. Detached U. S. provisional court 2 150 Commutation rations 1 166 Patton, Daniel, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 171 Payne, John M., pvt. hosp. corps. To Ponce for duty 6 3 Payne, Sadie C., nurse. Proceed to U. S 8 2 Pehl, Charles, pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 9 56 Pendleton, Floyd, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 203 Penland, Arthur N., pvt. hosp. To Fort Hamilton, N. Y... 2 243 Perdrix, Charles, pvt. Commutation rations 2 152 Perez, Battaso. Tried by mil. comm'n IS 37 Perris, Elois. Tried by mil. comm'n, 3 52 Perry, S. W., A. A. surg. Report to chf. surg. dept, for an- nulment contract 1 55 Perry, W., pvt. Transfer 1 108 Persson, John, saddler. To San Juan as witness 5 160 Peterson, Charles, pvt. Transportation Humacao 3 50 Tried by C. C. M 3 204 Pettigrew, Charles D., A. A. surg. To San Juan, for duty. 4 16 To Cayey for duty 13 2s Revoked 9 33 Pettus, Jesse A., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 216 Pfeifer, Mathilde, nurse. Relieved at San Juan 2 97 Phalon, J. E., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 52 Phillips, John P., chaplain. Leave of absence 2 3 Phillips, John W. L., 1st lieut. Member bd. of survey 3 132 Member G. C. M 2 165 Member bd. of survey 4 165 Same S 16S Member bd. of officers 7 172 Member bd. of survey 3 186 Same 3 191 Same 5 19s J. A., G. C. M 2 200 Relieved G. C. M 2 202 Untried cases turned over to 1 204 Member bd. of survey 1 258 Relieved J. A., G. C. M 5 258 Member bd. of survey 2 262 Pierce, Fred. D., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty... 9 74 Pierce, Josiah, Jr., major. Member mil. comm'n 8 39 Relieved staff Gen, Grant 3 ' 64 Relieved mil. comm'n 4 78 On special duty 4 82 Piper, Alex. R., capt. To ship canned roast beef to Wash- ington 2 11 Leave of absence 3 23 Pletka, Frank, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 9 214 S. O. Pur. Poedin, A. A., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 10 129 Poling, J. I., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 10 129 Pomroy, F. H. capt. Member G. C, M 9 3 Relieved as commissary., 1 44 Pool, Robert, pvt. Tried by G. G M , 7 59 Sentence remitted 3 67 POpe, Wilson, pvt. Tried by G. G. M..„ < 7 260 Porteaus, Elizabeth R., nurse. To San Juan for duty 1 73 Relieved 14 91 Porter, Fred. C., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty.. 9 74 Powell, A. G.,.pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 10 129 Preston, Nathan C., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 12 240 Price, H. R., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 10 129 Pullman, John W., lieut. col. Journeys approved 4 27 Same , 5 81 Pyrtell, Thomas, pvt. Transfer 9 101 Tried by G. C. M 6 1S7 Quigley, John, Tried by G. C. M 10 32 Sentence remitted 1 86 Quinn, Patrick L., pvt. Transportation Fajardo 4 7 Quinonez, Ramon, judge. Transferred to Mayaguez 3 199 Ramos, Bautiste. Tried by mil. comm'n 13 84 Randolph, Henry F., pvt. Proceed to San Juan 10 167 Randolph, Paul. Member bd. to examine accounts be- tween Insular treas. and Spanish bank 3 153 Rankins, C. H., pvt. To San Juan ior duty 9 74 Raymond, Allen I)., 1 st lieut. Member bd. of survey 9 168 Member bd. of officers 1 178 Same 1 179 Same 2 179 Same • 3 185 Same 3 188 Examined for promotion 2 187 Eeave of absence 6 211 Member bd. of survey 2 254 To Utuado for election duty 1 255 Rector, Van R., pvt. ' Repair line San Juan to Ponce 5 172 Reed, George F., pvt. Transportation Ponce 1 99 Reed, Henry A., capt. Member bd, of officers 1 52 Member bd. of survey 2 91 Same .... 5 91 Same 4 93 Member G. C. M 3 100 Member G. C. M 1 118 Member bd. of officers 4 119 Leave of absence 6 126 Member bd. of officers to inventory art works 3 147 Sick leave of absence 1 153 Member bd. of survey 7 207 Addl. member bd. of survey 1 226 Member bd. of survey 6 234 INDEX 1'0 SPECIAL ORDERH. 41 42 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S. O. Par. Reed, Henry A.. Capt. Addl. member G. C. M -I 250 Member bd. of survey 2 254 Same 2 2;>7 Member bd. of survey 2 262 Reed. William L., pvt. Iios, corps. Acting- hosp. steward... 7 5 Examined for commission + 66 2nd lleut. J. A. G. C. M 8 100 Relieved 1 107 Coll, customs, Guanica 2 107 Reeves. William, act. hosp. std. Discharged 2 14S Reid, J. L., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for dnty..^ 10 120 Reinsberg, B. D., pvt. Proceed to San Juan 1 160 Reynolds, Frederick P. asst. surg. Relieved sanitary insp. San Juan 1 1" Member bd. of survey .' 1 22 Same - 24 Member bd. of officers 10 3< Relieved by Asst. Surg. Cox 10 Inspect posts 6 4S To Coamo for duty 6 101 Command vaccine station Coamo 3 118 To chief surg. dept 9 1 82 In charge med. supply de .ot 3 161 Relieved 11 168 Command gen. hosp. San Juan + 190 Member bd. of medical officers 1 102 Addl. member bd. of officers 5 215 Member bd. of officers 3 221 Leave of absence 1 223 Relieved from dept 1 230 Richards, B. L., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty... 10 129 Richards, John, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 56 Richards, Robert, pvt. hosp. corps. To Coamo for duty.... 5 39 Richards. William E., asst. surg. To Aibonito for duty 3 32 Additional member G. C. M 3 96 Same " 99 A. A. surg. Barry to report to 5 107 Member G. C. M 3 131 Leave of absence 7 134 Member G. C. M 1 259 Richey, Benjamin, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 250 Rink, Daniel Y,, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 8 240 Ritter, William C.. 2nd lieut. Command Co. I, 47th N. Y. . 3 12 Ritterbusch, Rudolph, pvt. Detached to hdqrs 2 217 Rivera, Facundo. Tried by mil. comm'n 6 77 Rivera, Juanita. Tried by mil. comm'n 7 42 Rivera, Vicente, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 214 Rivett, Arthur, 1 st cl. pvt. Proceed to Fajardo 3 249 Robbins, Myron N., recruit. Transfer 2 95 Roberts, Charles F., sgt. sig. corps. Examine for comm'n. 2 1 HO Roberts, George, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 224 S. O. Par. Robinson, Edward, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 1 42 Sentence remitted 4a 94 Robinson, Joseph, pvt. Tiled by G. C. M 2 49 Robinson, M. W., pvt. hosp.corps. To San Juan for dnty 10 129 Robinson, Thomas, pvt. To Kort Hamilton, N. Y 2 201 Robinson, Thomas G., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 42 Rockwell, Janies Jr., lieut. col. Member bd. of survey 5 7 Member bd. of officers a '4,> <1 27 Member bd. of survey ., 5 58 Same a 7J Same 4 Same 4 94 Lt. Hall to report to 4 494 Rodriquez, Perico. Tried by mil. comm'n Rodriquez, Vignacio. Tried by mil. comm'n 1 *00 Roe, Geo. B., pvt. hosp. corps. Acting hosp. steward 6 02 To San Juan with Maj,Groff 9 494 Roff, Jesse W., pvt. Tried by G. C. 4 "**4 Rodgers, R. F., pvt. Sentence remitted 44 44 Ronanye, James, 1st lieut. Command Co G., 19th inf 8 95 Root. Edwin A., major. Member bd. of survey a " Same « 27 Rowe, Frank, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 9 444 1 249 To gen. hos. San Juan Ruemmile, C. H., artificer. Transfer 4 77 Ruiz, Sotero. Tried by mil.comm'n..! 4 Rush, John H., act. hosp. std. Tried by G. C. M 4 2^ To San Juan for duty 4 Sentence remitted ••■■■ 4 44 Russ, Charles P.. 1st lieut. Remains sent to U. S 2 41 Russell, Andrew, corp. Transpor ation Lares 2 17 < Order corrected 7 444 Russell. Fred F., asst. surg. To Ponce for duty 7 12 Member bd. of med. officers 44 Member G. C. 4 499 To Humacao for duty 4 2 442 Member G. C. 4 44^ Lea ve of absence 4 49 * In charge Vieques 7 233 Acting alcalde Humacao 1 24u In charge election Humacao 246 Acting alcalde Piedras 246 In charge election Naguabo 4 259 Relieved at Vieques 4(4 264 Russel, Garret, pvt. To Fort Hamilton, N. Y 3 127 Russell, Mary, nurse. To surg. gen 5 20 Rutty. Isabella, nurse. To surg. gen 1 4 Ryan, A. B., sgt. sig. corps. Proceed to San Juan 1 160 Ryan, C. C., pvt. Transfer 2 92 Ryan, Thomas, pvt. Transportation Ciales 6 31 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 43 44 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S. <). Par. Kyan, Walter J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 162 Sentence remitted 1 206 Saballo, Yictoriano, pvt. Tried by G. C. Ai S 260 Sanchez, Elanislno. Tried by mil. eomm'n 1 56 Sauer, Geprge J., pvt. Transfer 5 75 Sautuella, Elario R., Tried by mil. eomm'n 1 65 Scanlan, Edward J., pvt. Tried by G. C. AI 6 203 Sentence remitted 2 255 Scanlan, Mathew, pvt. Detached to hdqrs 2 20+ Scamberg, M. J., A. A. surg. Relieved at Arecibo 2 2S To chf. surg. dept .... + 33 Scharinghausen, H. P., hosp. std. Relieved from Aibonito. 10 37 Schattle Emil, pvt. Transportation Afayaguez 2 31 Schenning, W. F., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 9 74 To Ponce for duty 12 129 Scheunemann, to Fort Meade, S. Dak 2 -232 Schewe, William, act. hosp. std. To Ponce for duty 13 56 Disch, without honor 3 1S1 Schierer, Peter, pvt. Tried by G. C. AI 6 +5 Schneider, John, pvt. 1 ried by G. C. M S 46 Schoen, Martin S., pvt. Discharged 11 16+ Revoked 1 169 Schofield, Richmond MeA., 1st lieut. Afember G. C. AJ 3 59 Relieved 3 66 .Member G. C. AI H7 99 Leave of absence * 1 116 Same 2- 171 Relieved 4 17s J.A., G. C. M 1 203 To Afayaguez for duty 2 220 J. A.. G. C. M 1 259 Schroeder, Charles, pvt. Tronsportation Humacao 1 21+ Schulz, Louis, sgt. Transportation Arecibo 1 15S Schulze, Gusta ve, pvt. To Ft. Hamilton, N. Y 5 16S Schum, Alvin C., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 11 1 Schuyler, Walter, S., capt. Afember G. C. M 3 131 Same 1 136 Lea ve of absence 9 1+5 Proceed to U. S 12 16+ Schwamberger, Joseph, act. hosp. std. Tried by G. C. AL. 5 23 Scott, Frank, pvt. hosp. corps. To Utuado for duty 1 62 Scott, AV. A., packmaster. Proceed to U.S 1 175 Sears, H. E., A. A. surg. To Ponce for duty .'. 11 91 Seddon, R. C., pvt. Transfer 3 1+5 Seery, James E., pvt. Transfer 9 101 Seifart, John, sgt. major. Discharged 15 loo Semple, Frederick, ord. sgt. Commutation rations 9 1 Senn, Thomas J., U. S. Navy. Inspector lights and buoys + 207 Senteno, Carlos S.. Tried by mil. eomm'n 10 31 Serrano, Bonita. Tried by mil. eomm'n 3 7s INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 45 S. O. Par. Sharpe. A. C., major. Inspect prisons 3 9!) Member bd. of canvassers election 3 217 / Relieved 11 253 Sharpe, Henry G., it. col. Relieved bd. officers 5 15 Shaw, William, pvt. hosp. corps. To Ponce for fluty 3 20 Shea, James, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 5 13(5 Same -1 214 Sente ice remitted 1 256 Shea, Timothy, pvt. Transfer 2 5 Shearer. Charles, pvt. Discharged from gen. hosp 2 27 Transportation Arecibo... 5 35 Sheehan. Thomas F., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 77 Sheffer, Benj. E., pvt. Detached to hdqrs 8 252 Shelton, George H., 1st lieut. Command Co. M, 11th Inf.... 3 1 Member G. C. M 3 18 J. A., G. C. M 13 20 Leave of absence 5 . 25 Member G. C. M 2 39 Member bd. of officers 8 42 Command Co. E. 11 th inf 2 50 Relieved G C. M 5 57 With Gen. Henry to U. S 6 10O To Ponce for duty 2 143 Addl. member G. C. M 5 144 Member G. C M 1 203 .1. A., G. C. M 1 221 Sheridan. Joseph B., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 13 119 Same 9 240 Sheridan., M. J., pvt. Tried by G. G. M 1 74 Sentence remitted 14 93 Sherrick. Lloyd, C., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 (5 Shields, William E., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 214 Shillings, Jacob, pvt. Commutation rations 1 130 Relieved detached service 1 152 Short, C. M., sgt. Rejoin station Humacao 5 107 Shortsieve. John T., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 2 Sentence remitted 5 88 Sentence amended 4 225 Shue, William, pvt. hosp. corps. To Ponce for duty 5 22 Shuttleworth, Edward A., 1st Lieut. J. A., G. C. M 3 18 Relieved G. C. M 3 20 Member G. C. M 2 39 Command Co. E. 11th Inf 1 59 Command Co. L. 11th Inf 2 59 Member C. C. M 2 60 Command Co. E, 11th Inf 8 76 Member bd. of survey 11 84 Member bd. of survey 3 94 J. A., G. C. M 1 107 Member G. C. M 1 118 Same 8 129 46 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S. O. Par. Shuttleworth, Edward A., 1st lleut. Leave of absence 1 139' Relieved J. A., G. C. M 6 148 Member bd. of survey 7 207 Same 1 236- Same 2 23(5 Same 12 253 To Utuado for election duty 1 255 Siebert, Jolin J., pvt. To San German for duty 4 177 Sierra, John, recruit. Transfer 4 124 Relieved from gen. hosp 8 183 To Adjuntas for duty 2 228 Sierra, Jose I. Pardoned 11 195 Sierra, Serafin. Tried by mil. comm'n 2 65 Sill, Harry A., hosp. std. To San Juan for duty 4 128 Commutation rations 4 132 Simpson, Harry, sgt. To Mayaguez for duty 3 141 Sipes, John, pvt. To Ft. Hamilton, N. Y 2 201 Slade, Arthur, pvt. To Ft. Hamilton, N. Y 1 211 Smalls, William B.. pvt. Tried by G. C. M 7 214 Smiley, H. G., pvt. hosp. corps. To Santurce for duty 3 88 To gen. hosp. for duty 2 93 Smith, A. E., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 10 129 Smith, Clinton D., pvt. Commutation rations 2 222 Smith, C. J., pvt. Transfer 9 101 Smith, Edward 1)., capt. Member mil. comm'n 1 33 Relieved 2 63 Relieved coll, customs, Ponce 9 93 Smith, Frank J., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty. 9 74 Smith. Frank W., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 259 Smith, George C., hosp. std. To San Juan for duty 7 37 To Guayama for duty 2 55 Smith, Godfrey, pvt. To Washington, 1). C 7 2 Smith, Harry, pvt. To Adjuntas for duty 6 12 Smith, Harry 15., pvt. Tried i y G. C. M 9 212 Smith, John, sgt. Transportation Ponce 3 261 Smith, Lawrence, pvt. Transportation Bayamon 3 122 Smith, Michael E., pvt. hosp. corps. To Coamo for duty... 1 54 Smith, Otto, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 5 187 Smith, Thomas, teamster. Tried by G. C. M 9 31 Suave, Charles, pvt. Commutation rations 7 1(59 Snodgrass, Oscar A., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 9 74 Snyder, Charles L., pvt. Transportation Arecibo 4 35 Somers, Hood S., pvt. Transfer 9 101 Southall, Edward, A. A. surg. To Fajardo for duty 10 2 To Humacao for duty । 3 37 To Humacao for duty 9 47 To Guayama for duty 2 55 Relieved Humacao 1 148 Proceed to U. S 4 151 Southard, Fred J., pvt. To Mayagvez for duty 3 2 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 47 S. O. Par. "Sparry, George, pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty. . 9 74 Spear, William, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 13 20 Same 5 29 Spenee, C. F. capt. Addl. member mil. comm'n..., 2 23 Spencer, Edith J., nurse. Order revoked 3 9 Spencer, Fred, pvt. Transfer 9 101 Spicer, Charles, pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty.... 10 129 Spillane, Jolin J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 8 254 Stacey, Cromwell, 2nd lieut. Member mil. comm n 4 70 Same <5 70 Examined for for promotion 8 70 Staldmiller, H., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 50 "Stahl, A. C., pvt. Transfer 0 100 Samates, James J., pvt. Tried -by G. C. M 8 27 Starkweather, Ella O., nurse. To Ponce for duty 10 28 Proceed to U. S 1 109 Stavely, Mary, nurse. To San Juan for duty..... - 0 17 Relieved at San Juan 14 91 Report to chf. surg. dept, for annulment of con- tract 1 93 ^Steedman, Richard R , eapt. member G. C. M 10 72 Member G. C. M 1 118 Member bd. of officers 4 119 Member bd. of survey 1 120 Same 5 120 Member G. C. M 8 129 Member bd. of survey .; 2 131 Same 8 134 Same 0 145 Same 2 157 Member G. C. M 2 105 Member bd. of survey 8 108 Same 3 180 Same 1 184 Same - 3 191 Member G. C, M 2 200 Member bd. of survey . 1 213 Same 1 217 Same 1 220 Same 1 230 Same 2 230 Leave of absence 3 240 Steinbuckel, E. W., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 2 109 ■Stern, Charles S., A. A. surg. With 47th N. Y. to U. S 14 37 Revoked to San German for duty 4 41 To Ponce as witness .• 1 119 To chf. surg, dept, for annulment contract. 11 119 Stevens, Pierce C., major. To pay troops Ponce 1 104 Journeys approved 1 124 Same .. 2 150 48 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S. O. Pur. To pay certain troops 2 155 Acting treas. P. R 7 192 Journeys approved 5 195 To,pay certain troops 2 198 Same 8 212 Same d 240 Same 5 260 Stevens, Willrt, nurse. Relieved at San Juan 14 91 Steward, Robert, pvt. hosp. corps. To Ponce as witness.. 3 39 To Santurce for duty 2 85 Stewart, Mary A., nurse. To Ponce for duty 10 28 Relieved at Ponce 8 97 Stickley, Florence, nurse. Order revoked 3 9 Stier, Alonzo. Sentence remitted 14 34 Stockford, Jesse, pvt. Transferred to Ponce 3 98 Stockton, Alice P., nurse. Relieved at San Juan 14 91 Stokes, Willllam. Tried by mil. comm'n 5 52 Stolley, Paul, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 61 Stone, Charles F., recruit. To Mayaguez for duty 2 104 Stone, John T., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 187 To Humacao for duty 2 242 Stratton, Robert L., pvt. hosp, corps. To San Juan for duty 9 7 4 Strayer, G. H., pvt. Transfer 2 92 Streamer, Jolin, corp. Transfer 2 84 Suhler, Fred. C., recruit. Transfer 2 92 Suisona, Vincente. Tried by mil. comin'n 6 56 Sullivan, Daniel J., pvt. Transfer ... 9 101 Suisona, Manuel. Tried by mil. comm'n 9 36 Suisona, Vincente. Tried by mil. comm'n 2 81 Sumcer, James, pvt. Transportation Mayaguez 4 101 Surratt, William, pvt, hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty. 10 129 Sushanks, Edward, corp. Detached at hdqrs 2 224 Sutton, Napoleon B., pvt. I o Ponce for duty 2 207 To Fajardo for duty 1 2.>4 Svensson, Ernest, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 74 Sweeny, Daniel J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 10 261 Sweeny. Thomas P., corp. Tried by G. C. M 6 263 Swift, Eben, capt. Member bl. of survey 3 170 Coll, customs, Humacao 5 183 In charge election Humacao 9 223 Amended 5 239 Major. Command Porto Rico Batt • 4 242 Inspect P R Battalion 8 245 Relieved election duty 5 246 Proceed to Humacao 4 257 Relieved command Humacao 6 258 Relieved coll, customs Humacao 9 258 Swiney, Dock, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 22 1 Swormstedt, C. C., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 9 74 INDEX TH SPECIAL ORDERS. 49 S. O. Par. Swormstedt, C. C., pvt. hosp. corps. Same 8 48 Dishonorably discharged 2 131 Order amended , 3 137 Snyder, Harvie, Sgt. Tra nsportation to Barceloneta....... 2 33 Taaffe, Ellen, nurse. Proceed to U. S 5 20 Taulvee, Miles K., Sgt. To C. O. San Juan 1 163 Taylor, A. G., pvt. Transferred 9 101 Tried tfy G. C. M 8 158 Tried by G. C. M '.. 10 195 Taylor, Clarence, pvt. Transportation Ponce 2 99 Teagarden, John P., capt. Relieved from dept 1 80 Telmas, Joseph, corp. Transfer 2 86 Templeton, George D., recruit. Transfer.... 3 152 Tessier, W. E., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty..... 10 129 Thomas, Benjamin H., pvt. Detached to hdqrs 1 232 Relieved 1 244 Thomas, Earl D., capt. Member G. C. M 3 59 Member mil. comm'n 4 59 Same , 2 66 Major. Same » 3 81 Member prov'l court 1 145 Acting ordnance officer 5 223 Member bd. of officers 1 234 Thomas, J. W., A. A. surg. With 47th N. Y. to U. S 3 32 Thomas, William F., pvt. Disch, from gen. hosp 1 29 To Mayaguez for duty 5 49 Thompson, George F,, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 6 Thorne, c. P., pvt. hosp. corps. To Coamo for duty..... 1 54 Tried by G. C. M 9 158 Disch, without honor 4 192 Thorne, G. R., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 10 129 Thornton. George, pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 9 74 Tierney, G. I., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 71 Toppan. Charles H., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 11 23 Torres, Estoban. Tried by mil. comm'n 2 69 Torres, Ventura, Tried by mil. comm'n .'. 3 65 Tosado, Antonio L. Tried by mil. comm'n 2 90 Toste, Julio. Sent to Cuba .. 3 234 Toussant, Gustave Van, nurse. Proceed to U. S 3 109 Traub, Peter E., 1st lieut. With C. G. to Coamo 4 72 To Ponce on special duty 1 98 With Gen. Henry to U. S 6 100 Trautmann, George, sgt. Detached to prov'l court 1 147 Commutation rations 1 165 Travis, Pierce M. B., capt. Relieved G. C. M 1 7 Same 2 7 Addl. member G. C. M 2 184 Member G. C. M 1 259 Treman, Albert, pvt. Tried by G, C. M 2 117 Trenholm, Eva, nurse. To surgeon general 2 247 50 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S. (). Par. Troll, Frederick, pvt. Tried by G. C. M + 113 Truby, Willard F., asst. surg. To Mayaguez for duty 12 2X Member G. C. M 3 59 Same 7 99 To conduct physical examination 3 121 Member G. C. M 1 136 Same 2 171 Trump, Louis M., pvt. Tried by G. C. M t 3 7 Trupp, George C., pvt. Tried by G. C. M IO 2+2 Turgeon, J. N., corp. Transfer 1 IOS Turner, George C , pvt. Tried by G. C. M 9 252 Turner, John, pvt. To Ponce for duty 3 30 Tuthill, S. S., clerk. Resignation accepted 7 100 Twates, W. H., pvt. Tried by G. C. M + 69 Transfer + 122 Tyler, T. R., Capt. Leave of Absence 5 S2 I instead, Harold, pvt. hosp. corps. Transportation Ai- bonito + 50 Umstead, William, pvt. To Ponce as witness 3 39 Unglaub, Joseph B., corp. sig. corps. Proceed to Ponce + 169 Valentine, Watts C., 2nd lieut. Leave of absence 6 55 Examined for promotion X 70 Valentine, William S., 2nd lieut.Command troop A, 5th cav 1 106 Member bd. of examination 7 126 To San Juan as witness 5 160 Return to Arecibo 6 232 Valle, Rafael L. Member bd. on Camuy 3 11 + Vance, Samuel I). Pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty + 123 Vance, Zebulon B., capt. To Vieques for duty 9 120 Member G. C. M 7 125 Leave of absence 2 126 Member G. C. M 2 165 Member bd. of survey 9 16S Same 3 1X5 Same 3 1XX Same : 3 19X Same + 19X Member G. C. M, 2 200 Recruiting service U. S 3 219 Vandeventer, H., Capt. Relieved J. A. mil. eominn 9 13 Sick leave of absence 2 ++ Van Horn, John, pvt. To gen. hosp. San Juan 3 2+6 Van Meter, Mabel, nurse. Relieved at San Juan 1+ 91 Vanzant, Calvin, pvt. Transfer 2 92 Revoked + 9+ Vargas, Antonio. Tried by mil. comm'n 3 7X Vargas, Elenterio. Discharged 9 16+ Vargas, Jose. Tried by mil. comm'n 3 7x Vargas, Pedro. Tried by mil. comm'n 7 36 Vasquez, Juan B. Tried by mil. comm'n 13 x+ Vasquez, Pedro. Tried by mil. comm'n + 3x INDEX TO SPEC1AE ORDERS. 51 S. O. Par. Vasquez, Pedro J. Tried by mil. comm'n 13 84 Veale, Mary A., nurse. To San Juan for duty 6 13 To Ponce for duty 6 20 Proceed to U. S 4 53 Vega, Barcelio. Tried by mil. comm'n 3 78 Velez. Jose. Tried by mil. comm'n 3 49 Velez, Pablo. Tried by mil. comm'n .... 4 91 Vernon, Charles A., capt. Examined for promotion 1 32 Journeys approved 7 77 Vina, Jose L.. A. A. surg. To San Juan for duty 3 47 Same 18 132 Additional duty 5 199 Vogdes. Anthony W., capt. Command battalion Art 1 79 Member bd. of survey 3 94 Member G. C. M 3 100 Member bd. of survey 7 129 Member G. C. M 8 129 Member bd. of survey 5 131 Same 11 138 Same 1 142 Same 4 154 Same 4 159 Member G. C. M 2 165 Member bd. of survey 2 166 Same 3 166 Member bd. of officers 7 172 Relieved bd. of officers. 1 178 Member bd. of survey 1 179 Same 2 179 Same 3 186 Same 5 193 Same 2 200 Same 8 221 Member bd. of officers 1 234 Member bd. of survey 12 253 Member bd. of survey 1 258 Von Bullon, C. L., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 11 100 Vonglazer, W. H., pvt. hosp. corps. Acting hosp. std 6 110 Vorderman, A. C., pvt. hosp. corp. To Coamo for duty 1 54 Wacaster, Adolphus J., pvt. bosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 9 74 Waddle, John H., sgt. Examined for comm'n 7 61 Same 1 180 Detached to hdqrs 1 189 Relieved 3 190 Wade, Frank A., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 6 202 Same 2 230 Wadhams, S. H., A. A. surg. To Coamo for duty 4 25 Proceed to U. S 15 132 Revoked 4 146 Member bd. med. officers 1 192 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 52 S. O. Pan Wadhams, S. H., A. A. surg. To gen. hosp. for duty 2 199 Leave of absence *' 233 Waechter, Phillip, pvt. To Lieut. Techter for duty + 22 Wagner, Charles, wagoner. Return to Ponce 1 31 Wagner, Frekerick, com. sgt. Commutation rations 2 9 Waldron, John L., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 9 "4 To Coamo for duty 3 Walker, H. H., 1st lieut. Proceed to Caguas 14 20 Walkey, Harvey S., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 1 51 Tried by G. C. M 10 212 Wall, William, pvt. hosp. corps. To Coamo for duty 1 54 . Wallack, R. R., 2nd lieut. Member G. C. M - 9 3 Same - 51 Walters, Edwin, pvt. Transfer 9 401 Walsh, Edward J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 250 Walsh, John, pvt. Tried by G. C. M s 190 Walsh, Michael, pvt. Transportation Arecibo 1 240 Ward, Catharine, nurse. To chf. surg. for annulment con- tract 4 2 Ward, William J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 1 83 Warfield, Eldred D,, 2nd lieut. Coll customs Guanica 1 115 Relieved 8 438 Member bd. of survey 5 154 Same .••- 4 165 Sick leave of absence 1 181 Member bd. of survey 8 221 Same 3 234 Report to treas. for duty 2 23 < In charge election Caguas 6 252 In charge election Hato Grande 5 253 In charge election Gurabo 3 263 In charge election Juncos 4 263 Warner, George W., pvt. Examined for commission 3 70 Commutation rations 4 106 Wasrner, George A., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 4 230 Watson, F. B., 2nd lieut. Member G. C. M 9 3 Same - J. A., G. C. M 3 35 Command Co. D., 19th Inf 1 50 Member G. C. - 51 Member mil. comm'n 6 76 Command Co. B, 19th Infantry 7 95 Watts, Charles H., capt. Command Troop B, 5th Cav. and Co. I, 6th Vols 4 42 In charge election Yauco * 223 Install municipal officers Adjuntas 2 225 In .charge election Utuado 2 238 Install officers Yauco 5 238 Par. 2 S. O. 238 amended 7 239 Par. 5 S. O. 238 amended 3 242 Journeys approved 4 245 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 53 S. O. Par. Watts, Charles H., capt. Three officers to report to 5 245 Same 1 255 Weathers, Eloise, nurse. To San Juan for duty 6 13 Relieved 2 97 Webb, D., pvt. Transportation Arecibo 5 35 Welch, Edward H., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 3 35 Weller, Charles, pvt. Transfer 5 14 Wells, Frank L., 1st lieut. Command Co. A, 11th Inf 3 10 Member G. C. M 3 IS Relieved from G. C. M 3 22 Leave of absence 5 25 Member bd. of survey ; 1 26 Relieved from G. C. M 6 30 Same 13 33 Member G. C. M 2 39 Same ..... 2 60 Member bd. of survey 4 86 Member G. C. M 1 100 To San Juan for duty 7 122 Member bd. of officers 3 135 Leave of absence 2 215 Wells, G. M., asst. surg. Member bd. of officers 2 29 Same 11 56 Member G. C. M 1 100 In charge gen. hosp., San Juan 8 132 Member bd. of officers 12 138 Same 2 164 Relieved bd. of officers 2 169 Leave of absence 4 190 Attending surg. hdqrs 2 223 Member bd. of officers 4 251 Same 4 252 Welsh, Edward H. Sentence commuted 7 64 Wesbroker, Louis, pvt. Transportation San German 4 31 Westall, Albert, pvt. Transportation Mayaguez 2 31 West. W. C., pvt. To San Juan as witness 5 160 Tried by G. C. M 4 209 Wheatley, Charles N., pvt. Transfer 2 92 Wheeler, H. W., capt. Journeys approved 2 196 In charge election Barros 1 222 Par. 1 S. O. 222 amended 6 239 In charge of election Barrinquitas 9 245 Install mun. officers Barros 7 247 In charge election Aibonito 4 253 Install mun. officers Barranquitas 1 261 In charge of election Sabana del Palma 2 263 Whelahan, Thomas, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 8 211 Whipple, Charles H., major. To pay certain troops 2 198 Same 3 212 Same 4 229 Same 4 240 54 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S'. C). Par. W hippie, Charles H., major. To pay certain troops 5 26(P White,. James, pvt. Sentence remitted 15 33 White. J. Samuel, A. A. surg. Act. asst. Q. M. and act. comm, subv s 21 Member bd. of survey . 1 22' Same 2 24 Relieved act. com. sub 5 111 To surg. general 15 132 White, John,, corp. Tried by G. C. M 2 206- White, S. Reynolds, 1st lieut. Command Co.. L., 47th N.Y. 9 28 Wiborg, H. B. Cashier bd. of education 4 148 Wiedenhoff, Ernest, sgt. Examined, for promotion 8 42 Wigmore,Huliert L., 2nd lieut. To Cayey for duty 1 88 Coll, customs Arroyo . 8 258 Install mun. officers Cayey . 3 264 Wilcox,.Charles, A. A. surg. Member G. C. M 3 59 Wilder. Wm. T., capt, To Ponce for duty „ 4 147 Member G. C, M , 1 203- Same... 1 221 In charge election Penuelas and Guayanilla 1 225 Par. 1 S. O'. 225 amended 2 239 Wildman, John R., act. hosp. std. To Guayama for duty.. 1 68 M illiam, William W., pvt. To insane asylum, Wa>sh 1 229' Williams, A. D.r A. A. surg, To Utuado for duty 11 13 To Adjuntas for duty , 3 134 Proceed to U. S. 3 184 Williams, F. H., recruit. Transfer 2 92 Williams, George P., pvt. Dishonorably discharged 5 143 Williams-, Gottlieb, sgt. Examined for promotion 2 195 Same 4 196 To Bayamon for duty 4 211 Transportation Catano 3 228 Willlmms, H. H., A. A. surg. To Mayaguez for duty 4 41 Same , 6 47 To Ponce for duty 19 132 Revoked 9 141 Leave of al>sence 3 203 Williams, John, teamster. Tried by G. C. M 7 55 Williams, Joe, pvt. Tried by G. C. M 9 199 Williams, Ruth P., nurse. Relieved at Ponce 3 97 Williamson, T. H., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty IO 129 Williamson, Geo. McK., capt. Member bd. of survey 5 3 Member bd. of officers 8 5 Member bd. of survey 2 6 Same 2 112 Proceed to Ponce 7 145 To examine damage by hurricane 2 159 Proceed to Cayey 3 179 Member bd. of officers 2 195 Leave of absence 1 201 1M>EX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 55 S. O. Par. "Williamson, Geo. McK., ci pt. Relieved from dep 2 232 Williamson, M. L, pvt. To Humacao for duty « 7 221 Wilson, Compton, A. A. surg, To Aibonito for duty 7 62 Reave of absence. 13 129 To Aibonito for duty.... ...., 13 164 "Wilson, Richard, A, A. surg. To san. insp. for duty.. 3 21 Addl duty Ponce .' 9 21 Proceed to U. S 15 1 32 Wilson, J. D., pvt. 'Commutation rations , 2 12-S Wilson, .1. G., pvt. hosp. corps. To San .Tuan for duty 16 129 Wilson, Joseph G., A. A. surg. To chf. surg. dept, for an- nulment contract 2 S3 With Bat. <1. 7th Art, to P. S 11 91 To surg, general 7 119 Proceed to U, S , 1 123 Winman, Charles, pvt. hosp corps To Sanjuan for duty 10 129 Winston, E. T,, 1st lieut Proceed to U. S ,, 3 120 Witmer, Herbert, pvt, hosp. corps. Acting hosp. steward, 7 7 Reduced, to Bayamon for duty....,, .. '. 2 75 Wolff, Fred, pvt. Tried by G. C, M '3 236 Wood, A. W., sgt. sig. corps. To San .Tuan for duty 1 160 Wood, Halsey, L., A. A. surg. To Ponce tor annulment contract, 4 13 Wood, James, recruit. Proceed to U. S. 3 128 Woodfin, pvt. hosp. corps. To S in Juan for duty 7 37 Woodmere, George, pvt. Transfer 1 10S Woodruff, C. A., colonel. Member bd. of survey 2 101 Woods, William J., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 7 10 Sentence remitted 6 39 Woodward, W. D., pvt. Transfer, to Ponce for duty U 91 Wooten, Charles M., pvt. To Lares for duty 2 229 Worrock, pvt, hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty , . 7 37 "Wright, Jenkins S., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty 9 74 Wright, William O., 2nd lieut, Command Co. I), 19th Inf.. 4 76 Wuttke, Paul. pvt. Transfer . 1 IOS Wyke, Jacob E., hosp. std. Announced 2nd lieut. P. K, Batt 2 241 2nd lieut. To San Juan for duty 3 256 Wykel, pvt. hosp. corp. To San Juan or duty S S4 Yates, Frederick, pvt. hosp. corps. Examined for pro- motion 14 1 07 Acting hosp. steward 2 124 Ygaravidex, Arturo. Member bd. on art Works 3 147 Youman, Miles, pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty... 9 74 Young, James W., nurse. To San Juan for duty , 9 2 To chf. surg. dept, for annulment contract 5 6 2 Young, Martha H., nurse. Relieved at San Juan 14 91 Young, Roy R., pvt. sig. corp. To Arecibo for duty 3 169 Young, W. G., A. A. surg. Leave of absence 1 75 Contract annulled 6 106 56 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S. O. Par. Youtz, Mary E., nurse. To Sa>n Juan for duty 12 20 To surg. gen 3 2+7 Zalinski, M. Gray, capt. Member bd of suryey 2 29 Member G. C. M 1 loo Relieved from dept 2 139 Zeno Sinforoso. Tried by mil. comm'n 3 69 Zimmerlie, C. W., pvt. hosp. corps. To San Juan for duty. 9 74 Zimmerman, J. W., sgt. To Mayaguez for duty 1 162 Transportation Arecibo 1 45 Report to Major Dimmick 9 95 Zimmerman, William H., pvt. Tried by G. C. M 2 42 . S. O. Par Adjuntas, Civil- Landstreet, John, capt. In charge of election 3 208 Proceed to 4 215 Watts, Charles H., capt. To install municipal officers. 2 225 Adjuntas, Post of- Driver. G. S., A. A. surg. To duty at 8 91 Transfer med. supplies from 11 129 McConathy, H. M., A. A. surg. To duty at 13 104 Same 3 184 Williams, A. D., A. A. surg. To duty at 3 134 Adjutant General- Hall, William P., lieut. col. Leave of absence 8 192 Return 5 211 Heyl, Charles H., major. Acting as 8 192 Lieut, col. Relieved 5 212 Aguada, Civil- Chiles, Seaborn G., 1st lieut. In charge election 7 204 Aguadilla. Civil- Chiles, Seaborn G., 1st lieut. Collector customs at 6 125 In charge election 1 237 Relieved 4 243 Install mun. officers at 2 204 Elliott, S. H., 1st lieut. In charge election 4 243 Maginnis, Thomas F., capt. In charge election 1 224 Relieved • 1 237 Mansfield, Francis W. capt. Collector customs .. 4 79 Aguadilla, Post of- Bennett, Irvin E., A. A. surg, To duty at 8 57 Game, Clyffard L., 2nd lieut. To duty at 12 84 Aibonito, Civil- Wheeler, H. W., capt. In charge election 4 253 Aibonito, Post of- Cusack, Joseph E., 1st lieut. To duty at 2 248 McConathy, H. M., A. A. surg. To duty at 17 132 McIntyre, Frank, 1st lieut. To duty at 9 45 Richards, William E., asst. surg. To duty at 3 32 Wilson, Compton, A. A. surg. To duty at 7 62 Same 13 164 Aide-de-camp- Langhorne, George T., capt. Relieved as 4 168 Acting as 4 168 Relieved 1 205 Anasco, Civil- Fleming, Lawrence J., 1st lieut. In charge of election. 5 251 58 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S. O. Par. Arecibo, Civil- Landstreet, John, jr., capt. In charge election 4 222 Macomb, A. C., capt. Collector of customs 4 79 Install municipal officers 4 284 Relieved coll, customs 5 261 Arecibo, Post of- Boyd, Robert, A. A. surg. To duty at 4 47 Carter, Jessie McL, 1st lieut. To duty at 4 261 Collins, C. C., A. A. surg. To duty at 13 132 Groff, George G., major. Proceed to 5 48 Hall, Chalmers G., 2nd lieut To proceed to 15 107 Miller, A. L., A. A. surg. To duty at 2 28 McClintock, John. 2nd lieut. To duty at 2 119 Nadal, Blas, 2nd lieut. To duty at 6 177 Ord, James T., 1st lieut. To duty at 2 167 Schamberg, M. J., A. A. surg. Relieved from 2 28 Valentine, William 8., 2nd lieut. To return to 6 232 Arroyo, Civil- Brady, James T., 2nd lieut. Collector customs 4 79 Relieved 3 93 de Funiak, Fred'k., jr., 2nd lieut. Close relief station... 11 199 Drake, Charles B., 2nd lieut. In charge election of 3 253 Foster, F. W., capt. Collector customs 5 158 Johnson, Graham L., 2nd lieut. Collector of customs.. 2 22 Relieved 5 153 Mills, Morrill M., 2nd lieut. Coll, of customs 8 93 Relieved 2 122 McClure, Nathaniel F., 1st lieut. Collector customs 3 235 Relieved 3 258 Relieved dis. officer census 8 258 Wigmore, H. L., 2nd lieut. Coll, customs at 8 258 Art Works- Board appointed to inventory 3 147 Barceloneta, Civil- Blatchford, Richard M., capt. In charge election 8 169 Baranquitas, Civil- Wheeler, H. W., capt. In charge election 9 245 Install mun. officers at 1 261 Barros- Wheeler, H. W., capt. In charge election 1 222 Install mun. officers 7 249 Bayamon, Civil- Mills, Morrill M., 2nd lieut. Transfer relief supplies 4 211 Bayamon, Military Cowper, H. W., A. A. surg. To duty at 11 45 Beef- Capt. Piper to ship sample canned to Washington 2 11 Board- To inventory art works 3 147 Investigate Camuy 3 114 Examine accounts Span, bank with insular treas 3 153 S. O. Par. Board-continued. Establish leper colony 13 100 Board of Canvassers- Appointed on election returns 3 217 Board, Examining- See board of officers. Board, Medical- See board of officers. Board of Officers- To pass upon plumbing, Ponce 2 29 Examination officers, San .Tuan 19 37 Examination enlisted men, Sun Juan 8 42 Same 1 52 Medical, dissolved, Ponce 10 56 Medical, convened, Ponce .. 11 56 Examination officers, San Juan 7 70 Medical convened, San Juan 2 103 Examine rations Sanjuan 5 105 Medical, convened, Cayey 11 107 Medical, convened, San Juan 14 107 Examine enlisted men, Arecibo 7 126 Examine officers, San Juan 3 135 Examine officers San Juan 2 164 Pass on loss of #64, Humacao 3 170 Examine enlisted men, Sanjuan 1 172 Report unloading transports, San Juan 7 172 Medical, convened San Juan 1 192 Examine enlisted men San Juan 2 195 Examine officers, San Juan 3 221 Examine enlisted men, San Juan 1 234 Examine ice plant, San Juan 4 251 Board of Survey- Desertion. Pvt. George, Thornton, hosp. corps 1 142 Government Property- • Lieut. Frank Parker, 5th Cavalry. Accountable for 1 220 Personal Property- of Troop G, 5th Cavalry, hurricane damage 2 209 Quartermaster's Property- Col. W. A. Glassford, signal corps. Accountable for 1 8 A. A. S., J. S. White, med. dept. Accountable for... 1 22 From depot quartermaster 2 24 Barge "Helen" 5 58 Capt. Geo. McK. Williamson, Q. M. dept. Account- able for 9 76 Lieut. F. E. Johnston, 7th Art. Accountable for... 2 91 Capt. H. R. Lemly, 7th Art. Accountable for 5 91 Lieut. J. J. Hornbrook, 5th Cav. Accountable for. 14 100 Major John W. Pullman, Q. M. dept. Accountable for 10 101 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 59 60 S. O. Par. Board of Survey-continued. Quartermaster's Property-continued. Barge "Helen" 2 112 From Quartermaster Arecibo 5 126 Lieut. C. G. Hall. 5th Cav. Accountable for 7 12!) Major John L. Clem, Q. M. Dept. Accountable for.. 2 131 Major Thomas Cruse, Q. M. dept. Accountable for. 3 132 Major John L. Clem, Q. M. dept. Accountable for.. 5 132 On four typewriters -I 15b Major John L. Clem, Q. M. dept. Accountable for.. 4. 165 Same 2 166 Capt. W. C. R. Colquhoun, Q. M. dept. Account- able for 9 168 Capt. I. W. Littel, Q. M. dept. Accountable for 6 18.'! Lieut. F.M. Jones, signal corps. Accountable for.. 3 185 Lieut. C. G. Hall, 5th Cavalry, Accountable for 2 188 Major Thomas Cruse, Q. M. Dept accountable for... 6 192 Major F. Von Schrader, Q. M. Dept accountable for 6 234 Lieut H.L Wigmore, 5th Cavalry, accountable for.. 1 241 Major John L. Clem, Q, M. Dept, accountable for.... 12 252 Public Animals- Lieut J. B. McLaughlin, Signal Corps, Account- able for 5 8 At Rio Piedras, 9 62 At Rio Piedras 3 92 Major John L. Clem, Q. M. Dept. Accountable for. 2 132 Lieut R. E. Longan. 11th Inf. Accountable for 4 198 On condition of two J 252 Lieut Janies T. Ord, P. R. Batt. Accountable for,... 2 254 Lieut. F. M. Jones, Signal Corps. Accountable for.. 10 254 Subsistence property- Invoice Col. C. A. Woodruff, A. C.G 5 7 Same 6 27 Received by Major D. W. Hogan, C. S 1 34 Major Daniel W. Hogan, C. S., accountable for 1 85 Invoice Col. C. A. Woodruff, A. C. G 4 93 Same 2 101 Same 1 120 Same 8 134 Lieut. R. E. Longan, 11th' Inf., accountable for, 8 134 Invoice Col. C. A. Woodruff. A. C. G 4 154 Lieut. Col. F. E. Nye A. C. G., accountable for 3 166 Same 5 167 Invoice Capt. John Little,-C. S 1 179 Lieut. R. E. Longan, 11th Inf., accountable for 2 179 Invoice of Col. C. A. Woodruff, A. C. G 3 191 Invoice of Capt. John Little, C. S 3 198 Invoice of Olin R. Booth, 11th Inf 1 213 Lieut. Col. F. E. Nye, A. C. G., accountable for 1 236 Same 2 236 Same 2 257 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 61 S. O. Par. /Board of Survey-continued. Subsistence Property-continued. Lieut. Col. F. E. Nye, A. C. G., accountable for. 1 258 <. ' 2 202 Same , - ••" Medical property- Major Charles F. Mason, med. dept. Accountable for •> 60 Major Louis Brechemin, med. dept. Accountable for 11 84 Same ® Major Azel Ames, med. dept. Accountable for 11 138 A. A. S. J. S. White, med. dept. Accountable for... 0 !!•' A. A. S. H. W. Cowper, med. dept. Accountable for 8 168 A. A. S. Compton Wilson, med. dept. Accountablefor 1 J84 Capt. P. R. Eagan, med. dept. Accountable"for -4 193 Engineer Property- _ Major Josiah Pierce, eng. dept. Accountable for... 5 •' Ordnance property- Lieut. F. M. Jones, signal corps. Accountable for... 2 * Accountable for " Col. James Rockwell, ord. dept. Accountable for + «6 Capt. H. R. Lemly, 7th Art. Accountable for a 91 Lieut. Daniel J. Carr, signal corps. Accountable for 3 J4 Major John W. Pullman, q. m. dept. Accountablefor 2 112 Lieut. C. G. Hall, 5th Cavalry. Accountable for... . 2 142 A. A. S. J. S. White, med. dept. Accountablefor.... 6 14n Capt. H. W. Wheeler, 5th Cav. Accountablefor 3 18b •Signal property- ( Lieut. F. M. Jones, signal corps. Accountablefor... 2 lot Sgt. George A. Robinson, sig. corps. Accountablefor 3 186 Sgt. L. G. McGuigan, sig. corps. Accountablefor... 3 188 Lieut. F. M. Jones, signal corps. Accountablefor.. 8 221 'Cabo Rojo, Civil- Blatchford, Richard M., capt. In charge election 3 257 'Caguas, Civil- Briand, Christian, 1st lieut. In charge election 2 251 Relieved 9 Warfield, Eldred D., 2nd lieut. In charge election 6 252 •Caguas, Military- Walker, H. H., 1st lieut. To .proceed to 14 26 Camp Meade- Graham, J., Malcomb, 2nd lieut. To proceed to 4 120 Harris, W. H. pvt. To report to.- - 4 134 Camuy, Civil- Landstreet, John, jr^capt, Deliver election returns... 3 232 Macomb, A. C., capt. Member bd.-to report condition of 3 114 Install Municipal officers 4 238 Canvassers, Board of, appointed 3 217 'Carolina, Military,- Bowen, Edward M., A. A. Surg. To report to 6 41 Le Comte, W. C., A. A. Surg. Relieved at 20 37 Cayey, Civil- Geary, John T,, 2nd lieut. Election duty at 1 257 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS- 62 S..O. Par. Cayey, Civil-continued. McClure, Nathaniel F., 1st lieut. In charge election 7 250' Wigmore, H. L,, 2nd lieut. Install nnin. officers......... 3 264 Cayey, Post of- Eberle, H. A. A. A. Surg. To duty at 8 33 McClure, Nathaniel F., 1st Lient. To duty at 2 231 Pettigrew, Chas. D., A. A. Surg. To duty at 13 28 Revoked 9 33 Wigmore, Hubert L., 2nd lieut. To duty at...„ 1 88 Williamson,Geo. McK.„ Capt. To proceed to 3 179' Census- McClure, Nathaniel F., 1st lieut. Disbursing of- ficer.... 3 235 Relieved „ 8 258' Charitities, Board of- Brown, Henry A,, chaplain. Relieved from 3 172 Cowper, H. W., A. A.surg. Sec'y and treas 2 161 Egan, Peter R,, asst. surg. Sec'y and dis. officer. 1 212: Chief Commissary- See Commissary Dept, Chief Paymaster- See Pay Dept. Chief Quartermaster- See Quartermaster Dept, Chief Surgeon- See Medical Dept. Cidra, Civil- Foster, F, W., capt, Install municipal officers. 3 225 Coamo, Civil- Andrus, Edwin I*., capt. In charge election 8 233 Same amended , 1 239 De Funiak, Fred., Jr., 2nd lieut Acting alcalde of 1 240 Coamo, Military-• Ames, Azel, A. A. surg. To establish vaccine station.., 2 21 Barney, F. M., A. A. surg, To duty at 4 63 Hadley, J. F., A. A. surg. To duty at 11 81 Henry, Guy V., maj. ,geu, To inspect vaccine farm 4 72 Lemly, Henry R., capt. Witli Gen. Henry to 4 72 More, H. C., A. A. surg, To duty at 8 57 McConathy, H. M., A. A. surg. To duty at 3 51 Reynolds, Fred'k P., Asst, surg, To duty at 6 101 Command vaccine station 3 118 Traub, Peter E-, 1st lieut. With Gen. Henry to 4 72 Wadhams, S. H., A. A. surg. To duty at 4 25 Commissary Department- Chief Commissary- Nye, Frank E., lieut. col. Member bd. of officers... 5 105 Commissaries- Glassford, W. A., major. Acting as • 1 210 Mower, Carl K., capt. Acting at Ponce 1 44 Pomroy, F. H., capt. Relieved as.... 1 44 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 63 8. O. Par. 'Commissary Department-continued. Commissaries-continued. White. J. Samuel, A. A. surg. Acting as 8 21 Relieved 5 ill Courts Martial General- Convened at Ponce 9 3 Convened at San Juan 3 18 Convened at San Juan ... 2 39 Convened art Ponce ....'. 2 51 Dissolved at Arecibo . 6 52 Dissolved at Caguas „ ...... 7 52 Dissolved at San Juan ... _ 8 52 ' Convened at Mayagues - 3 59 Convened at San Juan 2 60 Convened at Mayaguez 7 99 Dissolved at Mayaguez 9 99 Convened at Ponce „ 1 106 'Dissolved at Ponce . 2 1 00 Convened at San Juan 3 100 Dissolved at San Juan 1 100 'Convened at San Juan 1 118 Dissolved at San Juan 2 118 'Convened at San Juan 8 129 Dissolved at San Juan - 9 129 'Convened at Mayagnez 3 131 Dissolved at Mayaguez 4- 131 Convened at Mayaguez 1 136 Dissolved at Mayaguez 2 136 'Convened at Ponce 1 137 Dissolved at Ponce '2 137 'Convened at San Juan 2 16a Dissolved at San Juan 3 165 'Convened at Mayaguez 2 171 Dissolved at Mayaguez - 3 171 'Convened at San Juan. 2 200 •Convened at Ponce 1 203 ■Convened at Ponce '1 221 Dissolved at Ponce .. 2 221 'Convened at Mayaguez 1 259 •Cases tried by • See Addair, William, Allen, Henry, Anderson, George W., Anderson, Ray A.. Baldwin, Charles M., Barker, William J., Barlow, George, Barnum, Arthur A., Bates, Janies 8., Bennett, Frederick, J., Benson, Patrick, See Bergin, Patrick, Blaubaer, Cornelius, Blet, Leon, G., Bobo, Charles F., Bostwick, Victor M., (2) Bowman, Henry 8., Brown, Edgar L., Brown, Thomas A., Bryant, Allen J., Burke, Thomas, Burnes, Joseph, 64 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. Courts Martial General-Continued. S. O. Par.'. Cases tried by See Byerly, Fred., Cajunano, Medardo Caldwell, John Callahan, John J., Cannon, Patrick J., Carnes, Peter E., Carnes, S. W., Cartell, Lowell H.^ Casey, James, Chapman, Fred., ('lark, Michael, Clark, Peter F., Clovare, W. E.,. Cobb, Charles, A., Cockrell, Henry G.,- Cole, George W., Coleman, John E., Collins, Thomas, Conley. Patrick J., Connolly, J. F., Connor, Herbert G.. Cook, William H., Cox, Francis H., ('rider, George C., Cronin, J. T., Cross, Charles, (2) Daily, William, Dale, George, Davidson, JyF., Denton, E- J., Devers, James W., Diaz, Pablo,. Dickson, Jolin, Dillon, William J., Dodds, Olin H., Dolan, Thomas, Doody, Michael J.. Dowling, John, Doyle, John, Duncan, David, Dunton, H. L., Early, Ambrose M., Emery, Edwin, Ette, Albert N., Fancher, George, Fields, R. I., Finley, Thomas, Fischer, Adolph, (3 Flaher. Michael, See Elin, Anastacia, Foley, William, Fox, Denis F., (2) Gaffrey, Jolin C., (2) Gannon, F. ( Garland, John J., Garvin, Con,, Garvin, Michael,. Gatenby, William S., (2> Geezer, Edward, Gibson, R. D., (2) Gilberthorp, William, F., Gill, William F., Gillespie, F. E., Gillick, James. Girard, Alex. H., Gleason,. Jolin F., Goshen, Solomon, Graff. Ernest, Graham, Albert L., Graves, Will, Gray, J. W., (3) Gray, Van, Griffin, Ed. J., Hadenfield, J. H., Hagans', Charles W., Hand, William, Harper, Raymond, Harvey, Thomas, Harvey, Thomas, (2> Harvey, Thomas G., Haskell, diaries B., Haueser, Bernard. Havelin, Charles, Hayes, John D., Hayes, John E., Hayes, Matthias, Hayes, Patrick J., Hearn, Eugene L., Henderson, William W., Hendricks, Albert M., (2> Henry, Thomas, Horn, John F., Howard, William, Huebscher, Emil, Hughes, Owen J., (2) Hull, Janies M., Hutsenpiller, Spenser W.. Ignion, Thomas, (2) INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 65 'ourts Martial General-continued. Cases tried by. Continued- See Jackson, Thomas, Johnson, William E., Jones, Charles L^ Jones, Frank P., Kahn, Herman. Kearn y, John .J., Kellerman, Henry, Kelley, George AV., Kelley, Harry H„ Kemper, Carl, Kipp. Morton, Kirk, William J., Kraft. Herman. Kreamer, Louis, Langtry. Alexander, Lauer, George, Leonard George. Leonard, William J., Lofthus, Willfam E., Londeau, William M., Lonergan, David, Luck. Henry J., Lyons, Michael J,, Magner, James E., (2) Mahoney, Michael, Makeson, John H.. Maldonado, Antonio, Manley, Edward, Marion, David, Martison, Charles, Meade, Peter L., Miller, Albert AV., Miller, Charles E„ Miller, Lewis H.. Minich, W. J., Molloy, AV. A., Monohan, Michael, Monroe, John F., (2) Morgan, James J., Morrissey, James. Morrisson, Evan, Mount, Shepard, Moyer, Charles B., Mueller. Henry, Mulherin, MilchAel J.. Mundy, Abraham, Murphy, Fjancis, Murray, Bert, Murray, C. F., See Murray, E., McBirney, Alexander, (2) McCafferty, AV., McCaffrey, Hugh L., McCall, Harry, McCarthy, M. J., McClure. James S., McConnell, John, McCormick, Michael. McDermott, Harry J,, McElwee, John, McGann, G., McKeon. Thomas J., McLaughlin, J., McLelan, Archie A., Nagle, Clark A., (2) Nansen. J. W., Nealon, Martin, Nixon, Frank P., Nolan, Daniel P., O'Brien, John J., O'Brine, John, 'O'Donnell, Thomas. O'Neill, Michael, (21 O'Neill, J. J., Otten, Theodore, Paine, Harry G., Patton, Daniel, Pendleton, Floyd. Peterson, Charles. Pettus, Jesse A., Palon, J. E., Pletka, Frank. Pool, Robert, Pope, Wilson, Preston, Nathan C., Pyrtell, Thomas, Quigley, John. Richards, John, Riehey, Benjamin, Rink, Daniel, Rivera, Vicente, Roberts, George, Robinson, Edward, Robinson, Joseph, Robinson, Thomas G., Roff, Jesse, W., Rowe, Frank, Rush, John H., 66 Courts Martial General-Continued. Cases tried by. Continued- INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. See Ryan, Walter J., Saballo, Victoria no, Scanlan, Edward. Schierer, Peter, Schneider, John, 8chum, Alvin C., Schwamberger, Joseph, Shea, James, (2) Sheehan, Thomas F., Sheridan, Joseph B., (2) Sheridan M. J., Sherrick, Lloyd, C., Shields, William E., Shortsleeve, John T., Smalls. Williams B., Smith, Frank W., Smith. Harry B., Smith, Otto, Smith, Thomas, Spear, William. (2) Spillane, John J., Staldmiller, H., Stamates, James J., Stolley, Paul, Stone, John T„ Svensson, Ernest Swiney, Dock, See Taylor, A. G., (2) Thomson, George F., Thorne. C. I'., Tierney, G. I., Toppan, Charles H., Treman, Albert. Troll, Frederick. Trump, Louis M., Trupp, George C., Turner, George C., Twates, W. H., Von Bullon, C. L., Wade, Frank A., (2) Walkey, Harvey, S., (2) Walsh, Edward J., Walsh, John, Ward. William J., Wasmer, George A , Welch, Edward H., West, W. C., Whelahan, Thomas, White, John. Williams, John, Williams, Joe, Wolf, Fred., Woods, William J., Zimmerman, William H. Court, Provisional, S. O. Par. Alexander, Robert, 1st lieut. To attend 1 145 Barkley, Joseph S. To duty as dep. marshal 3 155 Heubscher, Emil, corp. To duty with 2 145 Relieved 2 INI Joyce, William, pvt. To duty with 8 189 Lawless, George, pvt. To duty with 1 149 Relieved 1 156 Lawrence, James E. pvt. To duty with 2 138 Lutz, Wilhelm, sgt. To duty with 2 149 Patterson, Thomas, pvt. To duty with 2 156 Thomas, Earl D., major. Member of 1 145 Trautman, George, sgt. To duty with 1 147 Cuba- Echavaria, Juan, T, Sent to 3 234 Escoba, Inacio. Sent to 3 234 Toste, Julio. Sent to 8 234 Customs- , Aguadilla- Lieut. Chiles detailed collector of 6 1 25 Capt. Mansfield detailed collector of 4 79 Major. Relieved 6 125 Cvhtomb-continued. g. O. Par. Arecibo- Captain Macomb detailed collector of 4 79 Relieved 5 261 Lieut. Carter detailed collector of 5 261 Arroyo- Lieut. Brady detailed collector of 4 79 Relieved 3 93 Capt. Foster detailed collector of - 5 158 Lieut. .Johnson detailed collector of 2 22 Relieved 5 153 Lieut. Mills detailed collector of 8 93 Relieved 2 122 Lieut. McClure detailed as collector of 3 235 Relieved 3 258 Lieut. Wigmore detailed collector of 8 258 Guanica- Lieut. Battle detailed collector of 2 96 Relieved 2 107 Major Mansfield detailed collector of 8 138 Relieved 9 ^30 Lieut. Reed detailed collector of 2 107 Relieved y jj- Lieut. Warfield detailed collector of 1 115 Humacao- Capt. Dentler relieved collector of 5 183 Capt. Swift detailed collector of 5 183 Relieved 9 258 Lieut. McClure detailed collector of 9 258 Ponce- Major Mansfield detailed collector of 6 125 Major Myer detailed collector of 9 93 Relieved g Capt. Smith relieved as 9 93 Porto Rico- Major Buchanan detailed collector of 2 48 Relieved 2 ] 29 Major Davis detailed collector of 3 129 Vieques- Lieut. Hocker detailed collector of , 2 144 Discharged, Honorably- Bessell, William, sgt 5 220 Cooper, Douglas, pvt. hosp. corps.. 2 108 Corto, Anasco, pvt 5 221 Edgbert, Leo V., pvt 8 7 Gray. Hiram F., pvt 2 101 Miles, W. G., pvt 1 157 McKinley, E. W., sgt 7 157 Reeves, William, act. hosp. std 7 5 Seifart. John, sgt. major 15 599 Disch a red, Dishonorably- Charles, Francis, pvt H 151 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 67 67 68 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 8. O. Par. Discharged, Dishonorably-continued. Graves, Will, trumpeter 7 195 McLaughlin. Joseph, pvt : 1 33 Swormstedt, C. C., pvt. hosp. corps 2 131 Swormstedt, C. C., pvt. hosp. corps 3 137 Williams, George P., pvt 5 143 Dis< iarged without Honor- Dun, Jolin, pvt. hosp. corps 4 192 Gosling, E. A., pvt. hosp. corps , 4 192 Shewe, William, act. hosp. std 3 181 Thorne, C. P., pvt. hosp. corps 10 129 Education, Board of- Wiborg, H. B. To duty Cashier of 4 148: Elections- Adjuntas, Capt. Landstreet, In charge of 3 208 To install officers 2 225 Aguada, Lieut. Chiles, in charge of 7 264 Aguadilla, Lieut. Chiles, in charge of 1 237 Relieved 2 243 To install officers 7 258 Lieut. Elliot, In charge of 4 243 ('apt. Maginnis, In charge of 1 224 Relieved 1 2.37 Aibonito, Capt. Wheeler, in charge of 4 253 Anasco, Lieut. Fleming, in charge of . 5 251 Arecibo, Capt. Landstreet, in charge of 4 222 Capt. Macomb. To install officers 4 234 Arroyo, Lieut. Drake, in charge of 3 253 Barceloneta, Capt, Blatchford, in charge of 8 169 Barranquitas Capt. Wheeler, In charge of 9 245 To install officers 1 261 Barros, Capt. Wheeler, In charge of. 1 222 To install officers at 7 249 Cabo Rojo, Capt. Blatchiord, In charge of 3 257 Caguas, Lieut. Briand, in charge of 2 251 Relieved 6 252 Lieut. Warfield, In charge of 6 252 Camuy. Capt. Landstreet, In charge of 4 222 To deliver returns of 3 232 Capt. Macomb. To install officers 4 238 Cayey. Lieut, McClure, in charge of 7 250 Lieut. Wigmore. To install officers 3 264 Cidra. Capt. Foster to install officers 3 225 Coamo. Capt. Andrus in charge of 8 233 Same amended , 1 239 Guayama. Capt. Foster, in charge of 6 208 To install officers 4 220 Guayanilla. Capt. Wilder, in charge of 1 225 Gurabo. Lieut. Warfield, in charge of 3 263 Hatillo. Lieut. Carter, in charge of 6 261 Hato Grande, Lieut. Warfield, in charge of .. 5 253 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 69 ,, S. (). Par. Elections-continued Humacoa. Lieut. McClure, to install officers 2 261 Asst. Surg. Russell, in charge of ; 5 246 Capt. Swift, in charge of 9 203 Same amended - 239 Relieved - o„ U 246 Isabela. Lieut. Chiles, in charge of 3 253 Juana Diaz. Capt. Andrus, in charge'of S 233 Same amended j 039 Lieut, de Funiak, to install officers 4 264 To deliver returns of, to Mayaguez 5 232 Lieut. Halstead to install officers 4 249 Manati. Capt. Blatchford in charge of S 139 Capt. Bishop, in charge of 250 Maricao. Capt. Blatchford, in charge of 1 238 -Mayaguez. Lieut. Col. Carr, in charge of 4 208 To install officers s 230 Moca. Lieut. Chiles in charge of s 264 Naguabo. Asst. Surg. Russel in charge of 6 25(1 Patillas. Lieut. Drake in charge of 49 253 Panuelas. Capt. Wilder in charge of 1 225 Ponce. Capt. Landstreet in charge of 4 232 Major Myer to install officers 4 256 Quebradillas. Lieut. Chiles in charge of g 250 To install officers ., Rincon. Lieut. Fleming in charge of X 253 Sabana del Palma. Capt. Wheeler in charge of 2 263 Sabana Grande. Capt. Blatchford in charge of 6 264 Salinas. Lieut. Bessell in charge of 4 254 Juncos, Lieut. Warfield, in charge of ■ 4 263 Lajas, Capt. Blatchford, in charge of 3 257 Lares. Capt. Lee, in charge of " 3 223 To install officers 2 258 Las Marias. < apt. Blatchford, in charge of 3 22^ Same amended 3 209 San German. Capt. Blatchford in charge of 4 238 Same amended y 23 San Sebastian. Capt. Blatchford in charge of .3 222 Lieut. Halstead to install officers 5 249 Santa Isabel. Lieut. Bessell in charge of 4 25.3 Utuado. Capt. Watts in charge of 2 238 Same amended 7 Lieut. Hamilton to install officers 5 264 Vieques. Capt. Blatchford in charge of 5 203 To install officers 4 243 Yauco. Capt. Watts in charge of 7 223 To install officers 5 238 Same amended 3 242 Lieut. Furlow to install officers 3 242 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 70 s. O. Par. Elections. Result announced at- Adjuntas 2 225- Aguadilla . 7 258- Arecibo .... 4 234 Baranquitae 1 261 Barros 7 249" Camuy 4 238 Cayey 3 264 Cidra ... 3 225 Guayama „. 4 220 Humacao 2 261 Juana Diaz 4 264 Lares 2 258 Las Marias 4 249 Mayaguez 8 232 Ponce 4 256 Quebradillas 2 264 San Sebastian 5 249 Utuado 5 264 Yauco 5 238 Employe. Civilian- Gerhard, Adolph. Relieved from dept I 36 Hinckley, W. I). Relieved from dept 3 41 Murray, Fred. G, Relieved from dept 2 211 Tuthili, S. S. Resignation accepted 7 1OO E n < h n e e k O f f i c Eti- Hall, Chalmers G., 2nd Lieut. Acting ns 9 160 Examination, for commission, (enlisted men)- See Bem, John, sgt. Bentinger, Cristof, sgt. Furlow, James, pvt. si?, corps. Jones, Clarence L., sgt. sig. corps. Reed, William L., act. hosp. std Rol>erts, Charles F., sgt. sig. corps. Waddle, John N., sgt. sig. corps. Warner, George W., pvt. Examination, for promotion (officers)- Alexander, Robert, 1 st lieut. To report for 14 164 Bradford. J. H., 2nd lieut. To report for 8 70 Brady, James T., 2nd lieut. To report for 1 52 Bi land, Christian, 1st lieut. To report for 2 187 Buchanan, James A., capt. To report for 8 70 Cassett, Edwin B., 2nd lieut. To report for 1 32 Chiles, Seaborn, G., 1st. lieut. To report for 1 32 Conklin, A. S., 2nd lieut. To report for : 8 70 Cusack, Joseph E., 1st lieut. To report for 1 32 Drake, Charles B., 2nd lieut. To report for 5 119 Fiscus, W. W., Jr. 2nd lieut. To report for 8 70 Foster, Arthur B., 1st lieut. To report for 8 70' George, W. R., A. A. surg. To report for 12 56 Graham. J. Malcomb, 2ndlieut. To report for 8 70 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 71 S. O. Pur. Examination, for promotion (officers)-continued. Gurovitz, Odon. 1st lieut. To report for 8 70 Hall, Chalmers G., 2nd lieut. To report for 3 103 Hamilton, C. H., 1st lieut. To report for 2 187 Hanson, Thos. G., 1st lieut. To report for 8 70 Hartsock, Fred. M., asst, surg, To report for 2 164 Helms, George W., 2nd lieut. To report for 1 32 Hocker, Woodson, 2nd lieut. To report for 4 221 Johnson, Evan M., 1st lieut. To report for 1 32 Johnston, Frederick E., 2nd lieut. To report for... 8 76 Lee. Harry R., 1st lieut. To report for 5 119 Leefe, John G., capt. To report for 1 32 Longan, Rufus E., 2nd lieut. To report for 1 32 Macklin, Edgar A., 2nd lieut. To report for 8 70 Macklin, James E., capt. To report for 4 135 Maginnis, Thomas F., 2nd lieut. To report for 8 70 Mansfield, Francis W., capt. To report for 8 70 McIntyre, Frank, 1st lieut. To report for 1 32 Myer, Albert L., capt. To report for 1 32 Ord, James T., 1st lieut. To report for.., 2 187 Parker, Frank, 2nd lieut. To report for 8 70 Raymond. Allen 1)., 1 st lieut, To report for 2 187 Stacey, Cromwell, 2nd lieut. To report for 8 70 Valentine, Watts C., 2nd lieut. To report for 8 70 Vernon, Charles A., capt. To report for 1 32 Examination, for Promotion. (Enlisted mem- See Doran, George C., pvt. For act. hosp. sted 14 107 Greib, Frederick, sgt. For ordnance sgt , 2 234 Harris, John, sgt. For ordnance sgt 2 234 Jacobson, Benj. L., pvt. For act. hosp. std 2 192 Luge. Henry, sgt. Por post Q. M. sgt 7 126 Morris, John, sgt. For ordnance sgt 2 234 McCleery, H. R., pvt. For act. hosp. std 14 107 Wiedenhoff, Ernest, sgt, For post Q. M. sgt 8 42 Williams, Gottleib, sgt, For post Q. M. sgt 2 195 Same 4 196 Yates, Frederick, pvt. For act. hosp. std 14 107 Fajardo, Military- Camp, Charles D. A. A. surg. To duty at 9 47 Southall. Edward, A. A. surg. Io duty at 10 2 Fort Columbus- Kennedy, James. Sent to 5 99 Fort Hamilton- Alexander, William, pvt. Sent to 1 211 Clark. Henry, pvt. Sent to 2 201 Colver, Fred. J., pvt. Sent to 3 196 Good, Michael, pvt. Sent to 4 180 Hayden, Edward, pvt. Sent to 2 243 Lewis, William L., pvt. Sent to 3 252 McManis, Herbert, pvt. Sent to 1 211 McNeill, John, pvt. Sent to 4 180 72 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S. O. Par. Fort Hamilton-continued. Penland, Arthur N. Sent to 2 243 Robinson, Thomas, pvt. Sent to 2 201 Russell, Garrett, pvt. Sent to 3 127 Schulze, Gustave, pvt. Sent to 5 los Sipes, John, pvt, Sent to 2 201 Slade. Arthur, pvt. Sent to 1 211 Fort Leavenworth- Measor, George, pvt. To be confined at 8 58 Fort Meade, S. D.- Scheuneniann, Henry, pvt. Sent to 2 232 Fort Meyer, Va.- Brady, James T., 2nd lieut. To proceed to 4 13 Lattimore, C. B., pvt. Sent to 1 57 Fort Monroe, Va.- Hayne. Paul J , pvt. To proceed to 7 SI Guanica, Civil- Battle. John S., 1st lieut. Collector customs 2 9G Relieved ; 2 107 Mansfield, Francis W., major. Collector customs 8 13s Same 9 138 Reed, William L., 2nd lieut. Collector customs 2 107 Warfield, Eldred D., 2nd lieut. Collector customs 1 115 Guanica, Military- Diaz, J. A.. A. A. surg. Inspection duty at 3 53 Guayama, Civil- Cole, Frank L., corp. To close relief station 4 IGO Foster, F. W., capt. In charge election 6 20S To install officers 4 220 Guayama. Military- Egan, Peter, R., asst. surg. To duty at 8 47 O'Hare, F. J., A. A. surg. To duty at 5 47 Southall, Edward, A. A. surg. To duty at 2 55 Guayanilla, Civil- Wilder, William T., capt. In charge election , 1 225 Gurabo- Warfield. Eldred D., 2nd lieut. In charge election 3 2G3 Hatillo, Civil- Carter, Jesse McL, 1 st lieut. In charge election G 2G1 Hatillo, Military- Clem, John L., major. To proceed to 3 139 Health, Board of- Major Davidson. Relieved as president of 14 132 A. A. surg. Hughes. Appointed president of 14 132 Hato Grande, Civil- Warfield, Eldred I)., 2nd lieut. In charge election 5 253 Humacao, Civil- Dentler, Clarence E., capt. Relieved coll, customs 5 183 McClure, Nath'l. F., 1st lieut. Coll, customs at 9 25K To install municipal officers at 2 2G1 INBEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 73 S. O. Par. Humacao, Civil- Russell, Fred. F., asst. surg. In charge election and acting alcalde Humacao 5 246 Swift, Eben, capt. Collector customs 5 188 In charge election ...... 9 223 Same amended 5 239 Relieved 5 24 6 Relieved-coll, customs at 9 258 Humacao, Post of- Dentler, Clarence E., capt. To special duty at 4 246 Foley, Hamilton, 2nd lieut. To duty at 1 231 LeCompte, W. C., A. A. surg. Post surgeon at 2 197 McClure, Nath'l. F., 1st lieut. In command of 6 258 Russell. Fred. F., asst. surg. To duty at 12 132 Southall, Edward, A. A. surg. To duty at../ 3 37 Same 9 47 Relieved 1 148 Swift, Eben, major. To proceed to 4 257 Relieved command of ... 6 258 Hurricane- Williamson, Geo. McK., capt. To examine damage by 2 159 Ice Plant- Board to examine construction of appointed 4 251 Insane Asylum, Washington- Cosgrove, Lewis, pvt. Sent to 4 152 Garflnkle, Myer, pvt. Sent to 10 81 Moran, Marcins, pvt. Sent to 3 112 William, William W., pvt. Sent to „ 1 229 Inspection Duty- Diaz, J. A., A. A. surg. At Guanica 3 53 Glassford, W. A., major. On telegraph lines 3 192 Groff, George G., major. On sanitary work 6 160 Hoff, John Van R„, major. Medical dept 7 56 Same . 3 119 Reynolds, Fred'k I*., asst. surg. Of posts 6 48 Sharpe, A. C., major. On prisons 3 99 Inspector General- See Heyl, Charles H., major. Insular Treasury- Board to examine accounts of Spanish bank appointed 3 153 Isabela, Civil- Chiles. Seaborn G., Istdleut. In charge election 6 253 Juana Diaz, Civil- Andrus, Edwin P., capt. In charge election 8 233 Same amended 1 239 De Funiak, Fred'k R., jr., 2nd lieut. Install mun. officers 4 264 Judge Advocate- See Sharpe, A. C., major. Judges- Casalduc,-Felipe. Transferred to Ponce 1 199 74 S- 0. Par. Judges-continued. Quinones, Ramon. Transferred to Mayaguez ... 1 199 Juncos. Civil- M arfield, Eldred D., 2nd lieut. In charge election 4 263 Lajas, Civil- Blatchford, Richard M., capt. In charge election 3 257 Lares. Civil- Lee, Harry R., capt.. In charge election 8 223 To install officers 2 258 Lares, Post of- Halstead, Lawrence, 2nd lieut. To duty at 3 105 Jones, Clarence N., 2nd lieut. To duty at 1 242 Las Marias, Civil- Blatchford, Richard M., capt. In charge election 3 222 Same modified.... 3 22p Deliver election returns to C. O. Mayaguaz 5 232 Halstead, Lawrence, 2nd lieut. Install mun. officers... 4 249 Las Marias, Military- Barney, F. M., A. surg. To duty at 11 81 Relieved - Luis Pena, Civil- Morales, Armando. To proceed to 2 120 Leave of Absence granted- INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. See Acuna, Francisco, Adams, Thomas R., Arthur, George G., Ashford, Bailey K., Brechemin, Louis, Brookfield, Robert M., Brown, Henry A., Buchanan, James A., Burke, Daniel W., Carson, J. M., Jr., Cassett, Edwin B., Clem, John L., Collins, C. C., Cowper, H. W., Cox, Walter, Cusack, Joseph E., Davison, Lorenzo P., De Russy, Isaac D., Drake, Charles B., Eames, H. A., Emery, Jonas A., Farr, Charles W., Fenton, Charles W., Fleming, Lawrence J., Foster, F. W., Goldman, Henry J., Gray, Alonzo, Griffin, Gerald E., See King, Cyril W., Lawton, Edward P., Leary, Timothy, Lewis, Langhorne I)., Longan, Rufus E., (2) Mason, Charles W., Mills, Morrill M., McAndrew, P. H., NewbiH, W. D„ Paddock, George H., Parker, Frank, Phillips, John P., Piper, Alex. R., Raymond, Allen D., Reed, Henry A., (2) Reynolds, Fred. P., Richards, Win. E., Russell, Frederick F., Schofield, Richmond McA., Schuyler, Walter S., Shelton, George H., Shuttleworth, Edward A.> Steedman, Richard R., Tyler, T. R., Valentine, Watts C., Vance, Zebulon B., Vandeventer, H., Wadhams, S. H., INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 75 S. 0. Par. Leave of Absence Granted-continued. Guard, A. McC., Hall, Chalmers G., Hall, William P., Hogan, Daniel, Howard, John, Irvine, R. J. C. Jenkins, John M., Warfield, Eldred D., Wells. Frank L., (2) Wells, G. M., Williams, H. H„ Williamson, George McK., Wilson, Compton, Young, W. G. Leper Colony- Board appointed on 13 100 Light House- Gherardi, W. R., ensign. Relieved as insp 1 198 Lucas, L. C., capt. Duty as insp. Relieved.. . 4 207 Lights and Buoys- Senn, Thomas J., U. S. Navy. Duty as inspector of... 4 207 Manati, Civil- Blatchford. Richard M„ capt. In charge election 8 169 Bishop, Hoel S., capt. In charge election 10 250 Ord, James T., 1st lieut. To election duty at 7 253 Manati, Post of- Arnold, Percy W., 2nd lieut. To duty at 2 88 Carson, W. N., A. A. surg. To duty at 3 28 Maricao. Civil- Blatchford, Richard M., capt. In charge election 1 238 Mayaguez, Civil- Carr, Camilio C. C., lieut. col. In charge election 4 208 To install municipal officers 8 232 Cooper, Charles L., major. Special Inspector of 5 89 Quinones, Ramon, judge. Transferred to 3 199 Mayaguez, Post of- Barney. F. M., A. A. surg. To proceed to 5 110 Relieved 15 132 Boyce, Guy S., Q. M. arch't. To proceed to....; 2 205 Burke, Daniel W., lieut. col. To proceed to 2 13 Dimmick, E. D., major. To proceed to 1 145 Gonzales, Stephen M., A. A. surg. To duty at...... 4 199 Revoked . 1 218 Hornbrook, J. J., 1st lieut. To duty at 2 105 Same 8 145 Menke, Eugene. >gL major. To duty at 3 126 Schofield. Richmond McA., 1st lieut. To duty at 2 220 Truby, Willard F., asst. surg. To duty at .. 12 28 Williams, H. H., A. A. surg. To duty at 4 41 Same 6 47 Medical Department- Chief Surgeon- Brechemin, Louis, major. To duty as 7 57 Egan, Peter R., asst. surg. Relieved as, Ponce 8 47 Hoff, John van R., major. Inspection duty as 7 56 Same 3 11g 76 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. S. O. Par.. Medk'al Department-continued. Chief Surgeon-continued. Journeys approved 6 1;H To inspect dept A 25o Joufneys approved 11 264 Assistant Surgeons-orders affecting. See Ashford, Bailey K., , See Richards. William E., Egan, Peter R., Russell, Fred F-, Hartsock, Fred M.,. Truby, Willard F.„ Massey, Z. D.. Wells, G. M. Reynolds, Frederick P., Acting Assistant Surgeons. Orders affecting- See Ames, Azel, Andrews,. Robert W., Barney, F. M., Bennett, Irvin E., Berlin, W. C., Bowen, Edward M., Boyd, Robert, Boyer, A. J. Caldwell, R. E. Camp, Charles D., Carson, W. M., Cline, H. C„ Collins, C. C., Cowper, H. W., Cox, Walter, Diaz, J. A., Dolan. Martin M.. Driver. G. S., Eberle, H. A., Eicher, Charles G., Escobar, Julius, Farr, Chas. W.,. Frank, B. F., George, W. R., Gilhuly, John J., Gilman. L. L.. Gonzales, Stephen M., Griffin, E. L., Hadley, J. F., Hodges, E. E., Hughes, M. E. Nurses. Orders affecting- See Aschenback, Eleanor M., Augustine, Sister. Barker, Mary C., Bauer, Christiana, Beck, Cecilia, Bethancourt, Elezenia, Blakden, Ethan A., See Hughes, W. J., Hutton, Paul C., Kirk, William R., Leary, Timothy, Le Compte, W. C., Miller, A. L.. More, H. C., Moret, Gustave. Morris, John E., McAndrew, P. H., McClendon, Ed w a rd , McConathy, H. M., O'Hare, F. J., Perry, S. W., Pettigrew, Charles I)., Schaunberg, M. J., Sears, H. E., Southall, Edward, Stern, Charles S., Thomas, J. W., Vina, Jose L., Wadhams, S. H., White, J. Samuel. Wilcox, Charles Williams, A. I)., Williams, H. H., Wilson, Compton, Wilson, Richard, Wilson, Joseph G., Wood, Halsey L., Young, W. G. See Leonard, Isabella, Livingstone, Clarence R., Mackenzie, MinA A., Mahan, Marie A., Markhein, Mary C., Marshal, Carlotta, Matheson. Peter M.. INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 77 Medical Department-continued. Nurses. Orders affecting-continued. See Blackman, Lora E., Church, Emma A., Clark, Sarah B , Cochrane, George W., Curley, Ella C., Curley, Mary A., Davidson, Margaret E., Dewey, Elizabeth, Duensing, Emma, Duke, Egbert L., Durkee, Egbert L., Elimiuist, Emma A., Falver, Eleanor E., Fanning, Elizabeth, Fisher, Julia H., Folsom, John, Forrest, Ellen, Fortunata, Sister, Friney, Elizabeth, Gallagher, M. Alice, Gavin. Theresa, Gertch, Bertha M., Goodell. Lucina M., Grant, Catherine. Hall, Mary B., Harrison, Mary A., Hart, Thomas, Haskell, Charles it., Holliday. Mary E., Hollister, Ella J., Hopkins, Josephine, Jackson, Julia A. C. Janvier, Zelina, Keane, Thomas, Keenan, Annie, Kennedy, Catherine, Hospital Stewards- See Brower, Thomas E., Gilbert, H. S., Lessey, George A., McKee, John, Acting Hospital Stewards- See Arnold, William F., Bamberger, Raymond S., Bark, Burt G., Bemtgen, Arthur A., Burtt, Ernest M., Cazel, P. S., Chase, George S., Doran, George C., See Miller, Laura, Mitchell, Janet, Morris, Henrietta C., Mortimer, Mabel McCreary, Mary, McDonald, Jeannette, McHugh, Cecilia, McMahon, Marie AM McMannus, Alice, McNaughten, Bessie B., Neville, Frances, <FDill, Agnes B., Payne, Sadie C., Pfeiffer, Mathilde, ' Porteaus, Elizabeth R;, Russell, Mary, Russell, Isabella, Spencer, Edith J., Starkweather, Ella. O., Stavely, Mary, Stevens, Willa, Stewart, Mary A., Stickley, Florence, ■ Stockton, Alice P., Taffe, Ellen, Trenholm, Eva, Toussant Gustave Van, Van Meter, Mabel, Veale, Mary A., Ward, Catharine, Weathers, Eloise, ' Williams, Ruth P., Young, James W., Young, Martha H., Youtz, Mary E. See Scharinghausen, H. P., Sill, Harry A., Smith, George C.; Wyke, Jacob E. See Martin, Jefferson M., Meyers, Octor CM Meyers, William F., McArrick, James, McCreery, Hugh R., Ogle, Hiram, Reed', William L., Reeves, William, 78 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. Medical Department-continued. Acting Hospital Stewards-continued. See Entrope, Arthur, Hill, Edward J., Jacobsen, Benj. L., Kahler, Charles A., Kalb, Henry, Keen, Bernard M., Lake, Francis, Maloney, Patrick J., See Roe, George B.,. Rush, J ohn H., Schewe, William, Schwamlwrger, Joseph, Vanglazer, W. H., Wildman, John R., Witmer, Herbert, Yates, Frederick, S. O. Par. Medical Property- Driver, G. S., A. A. surg. To transfer from Adjuntas... 11 129 George, W. R., A. A. surg. A. A. surg. Berlin to trans- fer 12 93 Miller, A. L., A. A. surg. To transfer 1 28 McCledon, Edward, A. A. surg. To transfer... 5 28 Medical Supply Depot- Egan, Peter R., asst. surg. In charge of 11 168 Reynolds, Fred'k. P., asst. surg. In charge of 3 161 Relieved 11 168 Military Commission- Appointed at Arecibo 7 39 Appointed at Sap Juan 8 39 Appointed at Mayaguez 2 66 Appointed at Ponce , 4 68 Dissolved at Mayaguez 3 72 Appointed at Ponce 6 76 Dissolved at Ponce 7 76 Appointed at Mayaguez 4 78 Dissolved at Arecibo 5 117 Dissolved at Mayaguez 5 117 Dissolved at Police 5 117 Dissolved at San Juan 5 117 Cases tried by- See Alero, Segundo E, Amatos, Ado)ph, Andrade, Francisco, Aponte, Luis, A rm a d a. N lean a, Arroyo, Francisco, Arroyo, Juanito, Arroyo, Justo, Beauchamp, Pedro, Cebilliro, Jose J., Colondre, Escolatieo, ('raft, Charles, Diaz, Jesus, Diaz, Jose del Carmen, Enriquez, Jose, Febus, Petro,- Fernandez. Higinio, See Ortiz, Pio, Ortiz, Rafael, Ortiz, Victoriana, Owala, Eduardo, Oyala, Natividad, Perez, Battoso, Perris, Elois, Ramos, Bautiste, Rivera, Facundo, Rivera, Juanita, Rodriguez, Perico, Rodriguez. Vignacio, Ruiz, Sotero, Sanchez. Elanisiao, Sautuelia, Elurio R., Sent eno, Carlos, S., Serrano, Bontio. INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 79 Military Commissions- 'Cases tried by- Figoraro, Andrus. Figarora, Brawllo, Garcia, Estavan, Garcia, Inoeencia, Gonzales, Bautista, Gonzales, Claudio, Gonzales, Gonzalo, Iturrlno, Baberlonia, Maldeno, Blas A., Malina, Antonio, Marquez, Isidoro, Marrbro, Ramon B., Mata, Andres, Medina, Rafael, Mendoza, Elario R. Mojica, Juan, Mosquero, Berngno, Niebes, Juan, Sierra, Serafin, Stokes, William. Sulsona, Vicente, Sulsona, Manuel, Sulsona, Vicente, Torres, Esteban, Torres, Ventura, Tosado, Antonio L., Vargas, Antonio, Vargas, Jose, Vargas, Pedro, Vasquez, Juan B., Vasquez, Pedro, Vasquez, Pedro J.. Vego, Barcello, Velez, Jose, Velez, Pablo, Zeno, Slnforoso, Moca, Civil- S. O. Par, Chiles, Seaborn G., 1st lievt. In charge election 8 264 Naguabo, Civil- Russell, Fred. F., asst. surg. In charge election.' 6 250 •Ordnance Officer- Hall, Chalmers G., 2nd lient. Assistant to 3 102 To chf. ordnance officer for examination...., 15 10.7 Thomas, Earl I)., major. Acting as 5 223 •Ordnance Property- Battle, John S., 1st lieut. To receipt for 3 130 Patillas, Civil- Drake, Charles B., 2nd lieut. In charge election 10 253 Pay Department- Chief Paymaster- Arthur, George G., major. To pay troops •certain places .. 2 155 Journeys approved; ...„ 4 158 Leave of absence ;.. 3 168 Fishback, George W., major. Jourheys approved.. 3 61 Proceed to Ponce - 1 104 Include add'l clerks 2 123 Journeys approved.. 3 123 Wh'pple, Charles H., major. To pay certain troops 2 198 Same 3 212 Same 4 229 Same . 4 240 Same 5 260 Assistants to- bee Fogler, Jolin W., major. See May, Henry B., major. Harvey, Samnel S., major. Stevens, Pierre C., major. Penuelas, Civil- S. O, Par. Wilder, WilUam T., capt. In charge election 1 225 80 INDEX '1'0 SPECIAL ORDERS. S. O. Par. Piedras, Civil- Russell, Fred. F., asst. surg. Acting alcalde of 5 246 Ponce- Board to examine plumbing at gen. hosp. appointed.... 2 29 Casalduc, Filipe, judge. Transferred to 1 199 Landstreet, John, jr., capt. In charge election 4 232 Mansfield, Francis W., major. Coll, customs at 6 125 Myer, Albert L., major. Coll, customs at 9 93 Relieved 6 125 Install mnn. officers 4 256 Smith, Edward D., capt. Relieved coll, customs 6 93 Ponce, District of- Burke, Daniel W., lieut. col. To command 1 10 Egan, Peter R., asst, surg., chf. surg. Relieved 8 47 Hood, Charles C.. lieut. col. To command 1 16 Revoked 4 15 Ponce, Post of- Adams, Frank E., comm. sgt. To report to 4 155 Aines, Azel, A. A. surg. To proceed to 3 13 To establish vaccine station 2 21 Andrus, Edwin P., capt. To join troop at 6 21s Ansell, Samuel T., 2nd lieut. Witness at 1 141 Ashford, Bailey K., asst. surg. To take station at 10 132 Booth. Olin R., 2nd lieut. To duty as Q. M. Ponce 2 139 Clem, John L., major. To proceed to 2 IOS Cline, H. C., A. A. surg. To take station at 11 91 Cowper, H. W., A. A. surg. To duty at 3 259 De Funiak, Fred., jr , 2nd lieut. To return to 3 201 Driver, G. S., A. A. surg. To take station at 10 93 Fishback, George W., major. To proceed to 1 104 With add'l clerks 2 123 G®orge, W. R., A. A. surg. To take station at 4 28 Relieved at 11 91 Gilhuly, John J., A. A. surg. To take station at 11 91 Gonzales, Stephen N., A. A. surg. To proceed to 1 21S Heyl, Charles H., major. To proceed to ,.. 1 11 Hutton, Paul C., A. A. surg. To take station at 9 91 Johnston, Frederick E., 2nd lieut. To proceed to 4 3 Jones, Samuel G., jr., 1st lieut. To proceed to 8 120 More, H. C., A. A. surg. To take station at 11 91 Morris, John E., A. A. surg. To duty at 4 34 O'Hare, F. J., A. A. surg. To take station at 11 91 Parker, Frank, 1st lieut. To proceed to „.. 5 197 Russell, Fred F., asst. surg. To duty at 7 12 Sears, H. E., A. A. surg. To take station at 11 91 Shelton, George H., 1st lieut. To take station at 2 143 Stern, Charles S., A. A. surg. Witness at 1 119 Stevens, Pierre C., major. To pay troops at 1 104 Traub, Peter E., 1st lieut. Special duty at 1 98 " ilder, IV illiam T., capt. To take station at 4 147 M ilHamson, Geo. McK., capt. To proceed to 7 145 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 81 S. O. Par Ponce, Post of-continved. Wilson, Richard, A. A. surg. Add'l duty at 9 21 Wood, Halsey L., A. A. surg. To annul contract at.... 4 13 Porto Rico Battalion- Davison, Lorenzo P., major. Command of 7 120 Swift, Eben, major. Command of 4 242 Inspect Battalion : 8 245 Porto Rico, Department of - See Adjutant General, Aide-de-Camp, Commissary Department, Engineer Officer, Inspector General, Judge Advocate, See MediCal Department, Ordnance Officer, Pay Department, Quartermaster's Department, Signal Officer, Porto Rico, Department of- Officers assigned to- Azel; Ames, A. A. surg. Sanitary inspection of 4 5 Porto Rico, Department of- Relieved from- Azel, Ames, A. A. surg 6 132 Carson, J. M., jr., major 4 129 Grant, Fred. D., brig, gen s 1 S4 Groff, George G-., major ; 6 132 Henry, Guy V., maj. gen 6 100 Henry, Guy V., 2nd lieut 6 100 Heyl, Charles H., major 3 258 Hill, Frederick A., lieut. col 4 92 Hurlbut, Edwin W., capt <5 94 Jones, Samuel G., jr., 1st lieut 9 160 Landstreet, John, jr., capt 6 249 Langhorne, George T., capt 1 205 Mason, Charles F., capt 5 100 Mower, Carl K., capt 1 87 Reynolds, Frep'k. P., asst, surg 1 230 Teagarden, John P., capt 1 80 Williamson, Geo. McK., capt 2 232 ZaHnski. M. Gray, capt. 2 139 Porto Rico, Island of, civil- Ames, Azel, A. A. Surg. Sanitary inspector of 4 5 Barre, W. W., auditor customs of 2 48 Buchanan, James A., capt. Collector customs of 2 48 Major. Relieved coll, customs of 2 129 Treasurer of. 3 129 Camunas, Manuel. Acting secretary of state 1 95 Davis, Charles L., major. Collector customs of 3 129 Groff, George G., major. Sanitary inspector of 10 13 Post & Non-Commissioned Staff- Commissary- See Adams, Frank E., Bitter, John, Dugger, Cyrus F., See Fogarty, Martin, Green, James, J., Hoskins, Henry A., 82 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. Post & Non-Commissioned Staff-continued. Eckhart, Paul, Fnsslin, Herman E., Faringhy, W. H., Kennedy, John, Lasksowski, Hugo, Wagner, Frederick,, ORDNANCE- See Hein, Peter, See Semple, Frederick, Public Animals,-See Board of Survey on. Quartermaster's Department- Chief Quartermaster- S. O. Par. Clem, John L., major. Proceed to Hatillo 3 139 To return to duty as 3 216 Colquhoun, W. C. R., capt. Assistant to 3 233 Cruse, Thomas, major. Assistant to 5 129 Acting- as . 9 183 Relieved 3 216 White, J, Samuel, A. A. surg. Asst, to, Ponce 8 21 Quartermaster's Property- Battle, John S., 1st lieut. To receipt for 3 130 Harrison, Edward B., capt. To transfer 1 77 Quebradillas, Civil- .1 Chiles, Seaborn G., 1st. Lieut. In charge election... 8 250 Install Mun. officers 2 264 Rations- Board to report upon, appointed 5 105 Records- Benton, E. S., 1st lieut. To correct 6th vols 7 29 Blatchford, Richard M., capt. To complete 47th N. Y. 14 28 Recruiting Service- Goldman, H. J., capt. Detailed to 3 219 Vance, Zebulon B., capt. Detailed to 3 219 Rincon, Civil- Flemming, Lawrence J., 1st lieut. In charge election.. 8 253 Sabana Grande- Blatchford, Richard M., capt. In charge election 6 264 Sabana del Palma- r Wheeler, H. W., capt. In charge election 2 263 Salinas, Civil- Bessel, William, 2nd lieut. In charge election 1 251 San German, Civil- Almy, William E., papt. Acting alcalde ^f ... 2 Blatchford, Richard M., capt. In charge election 1 238 Same amended .....^ , 8 239 San German, Military- q Bennett, George L., 1st lieut. To report to 1 125 Eicher, Charles G., A. A. surg. To duty at 8 119 Stern, Charles S., A. A. surg. To duty at , 4 41 Relieved 11 119 Sanitary, Inspector of- Leary, Timothy, A. A. surg. To duty with 3 21 Reynolds, Fred'k. P., asst. surg. Relieved as, at San Juan 7 17 Wilson, Richard, A. A. surg. To duty with . 3 21 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 83 San Juan, Civil.- g. o. par. Davison, Lorenzo P., major. Relieved pres't board of health 14 432 Hughes, M. E , A. A. surg. Pres't. board of health 1-1 132 Reynolds, Fred'k. P., asst. surg. Relieved sanitary in: spector 1 7 47 San Juan, (El Morro)- Caldwell, R. E., A. A. sur >. To duty at 3 91 Relieved 5 137 Gilhuly, John J., A. A. surg. To duty at 9 4-8 San Juan, General Hospital- Ashford, Bailey K., asst. surg. To duty at 4 9 Bennett, Irvin E., A. A. surg. To duty at 16 37 Collins, C. C., A. A. surg. To duty at 5 13 Cowper, H. W., A. A. surg. To duty at 13 37 Cox, Walter, A. A. surg. To duty at 7 33 Gilman, L. L., A. A. surg. To duty at 11 13 Hartsock, Fred. M., asst. surg. Relieved from 11 132 McAndrew, P. H., A. A. surg. To duty at 8 141 Reynolds, Fred'k. P., asst. surg. To command of 4 190 Wadhams, S. H., A. A. surg. To duty at 2 199 Wells, G. M., asst. surg. To command of 8 132 San Juan, Headquarters- Blatchford, Richard M., capt. To duty at 2 222 Same modified , 3 229 Cox, Walter, asst. surg. Attending surg. at 10 47 Landstreet, John, capt. To duty at 1 196 Macomb, A. C., capt. To duty at ; 1 248 Wells, G. M., asst. surg. Attending surg. at 2 223 San Juan. Post of- Ansell, Samuel T., 2nd lieut. Return to 12 199 Ashford, Bailey K., asst. surg. Duty at barracks 8 91 Bitter, John, com. sgt. To report to 10 122 Brown, Henry A., chaplain. Take station at 4 21 Buchanan, James A., capt. To take station at 4 2 Burke, Daniel W., lieut. col. Relieved command of 5 163 Cowper, H. W., A. A. surg. To duty at ... 1 151 Davis, Charles L., major. To command 5 163 Relieved of 2 173 Dimmick, E. D., major. To take station at 8 32 Groff, George G., major. To vaccine duty at 6 101 Landstreet, John, jr., capt. To duty at 1 196 Amended g 215 Mason, Charles F., major. To duty at 7 20 Miller, A. L., A, A. surg. To duty at 20 132 Revoked g 146 Ord, James T., 1st lieut. To duty at 6 177 Pettigrew, Chas. D., A. A. surg. To duty at 4 16 Vina, Josd L., A. A. surg. To duty at 3 147 Same 18 132 Additional duty at 5 499 Wells, Frank L., 1st lieut. To duty at 7 122 84 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. San Juan. Post of-continued. S. (). Par. Wyke, Jacob E., 2nd lieut. To duty at 3 256 San Juan, (San Cristobal)- Collins, C. C,, A. A. surg. In charge sick at 9 91 San Sebastian, Civil- Blatchford, Richard M., capt. In charge election 3 222 Halstead, Lawrence, 2nd lieut. Install mun. officers.... 5 249 Santa Isabel, Civil- Bessell, William, 2nd lieut. In charge election 1 253 Santiago, Cuba- Brown, Henry A., chaplain. To proceed to 1 SI Carr, D. J., capt. To report to C. O. of... 1 92 Santurce, Military- Escobar, Julius, A. A. surg. To duty at 2 S3 Secretary of State- Acuna, Francisco. Leave of absence 1 95 Camunas, Manuel. Acting as 1 59 Sentences, Commuted and Remitted- See Arcilago, O. Hosea, Bates, James S., Blaubaer. Cornelius, Byerly, Fred, Caldwell, John, Cordero, Segundo L., Dalyrimple, O. K.. Del Valle, Hilario, Fields, R. I,, Finley, Thomas, Gane, Isadore C., Garcia, Julio C., Garnier, Domingo, Graves, Will., Guzman, Jose R.. Hagans, Charles W., Hendricks, Albert M., Hickey, Arthur F. C., Irwin, Frank, James. Henry, Julian, Henry, Kahn. Herman. Kittrick. Thomas. Kraft, Herman, See Lonergan, David. Luck, Henry J., Molloy, W. A., Montemoino. Manuel, Mulherin, Michael .1., McArrick, Janies, McElwee, John, McMurty, Lewis, Nolan, Daniel 1'., O'Brine, John, Pool, Robert, Quigley, John, Robinson, Thomas G., Rogers, R. F., Rush, John H., Ryan, Walter J., Scanlan, Edward J., Shea, James, Sheridan, M. J., Shortsieve, John T., Sierra, Jose L., Stier. Alonzo, Welsh. Edward. White, James, Signal Officer- See Glassford, Wm. A., major. Spanish Bank- g, o Far. Board to examine accounts with Insular Treas. ap- pointed 3 153 Transferred. Enlisted Men- See Adams, Frank A., Bailey, Martin E., Baker, Arthur, Baldwin. Charles M., See Martin, George E., Miller, George A., Millmore, Alexander, Mulligan, L. H., INDEX TO SPEC1AE ORDERS. 85 Transferred. Enlisted Men-continued. Blacker, Ulysses G., Boone. Owen M., Burhl, George E., Carey, Michael, Chandler, B. B., Conroy, John S., Cronin, J. T., Cross, Joseph, Curran, Patrick J., Daly, P. J., Devine, Michael, Donnelly, George, Donnelly. Thomas, Enochs, Corp, Faith. L. P„ France, James F., Gaffney, Percy, Gibbs, G. W„ Goehringer, Lewis C. Goodfellow, H. D., Grant, W. E., Grout, Willis, Hannah, G. B., Hess, L. G„ Hill, Charles, Hill, Joseph B.. Horstman, August C Introwitz, Anton, Joseph, Fred, Keeler, Ernest, Kerston, H., Kirby, James, Knapp, Seth B.. Langtry. Alexander, Lee, Joseph, Mahoney, Michael, Maloney, John S„ Marion, David, Martin, Anton. McCarthy, M. H.. McDermott, George E Nordby, Hans 1'., Normandy, J. F., O'Malley, Joseph, O'Neill, J. J., Owens, Shober, Parish, F. H„ Perry, W., Pyrtell, Thomas, Robbins, Myron N., Ruemmile, C. H., Ryan, C. C.. Sauer, Georgi* J., Seddon, R. C. Seery, Janies E., Shea, Timothy, Sierra, John, Smith, C. J., Somers, Hood S., Spencer, Fred, Stahl, A. C., Strayer, G. H., Streamer, John, Suhler. Fred. C., Sullivan, Daniel J., Taylor, A. G., Telmas, Joseph, Templeton, George D. Turgeon, J. N., Twates, W. H., Vanzant, Calvin, Walters, Edwin, Weller, Charles, Wheatley, Charles W. Williams, F. H., Woodmere, George, Woodward, W. D., Wuttke, Paul. Transports- S. O. Par. Board of Officers to report on unloading of 7 172 Treasurer, Porto Rico- Ansell, Samuel T., 2nd lieut. To report to 7 148 Relieved 2 254 Brookfield, Robert M., 1st lieut. To report to 1 198 Buchanan, James A., major. To duty as 3 129 Dentler, Clarence E., capt. To report to 2 260 Drake, Charles B., 2nd lieut. To report to 1 216 Johnson, Graham L., 2nd lieut. To report 5 177 Molloy, John, corp. Detached to 1 132 Stevens, Pierre C., major. Acting treasurer 7 102 86 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. Treasurer, Porto Rico-continued. S. O. Par. Warfield, Eldred I)., 2nd lieut. To report to 2 237 Utuado, Civil- Hamilton, C. H., 1 st lieut. Install mun. officers at 5 26+ Johnson, Graham L., 2nd lieut. To election duty at.... 1 255 Same amended 7 239 Raymond. Allen D., 1st lieut. To election duty at 1 255 Shuttleworth, Edward A., 1stlieut. To election duty at 1 255 Watts, Charles H., capt. In charge election 2 238 Utuado, Military- Caldwell, R. E., A. A. surg. To duty at 2 199 Williams, A. D., A. A. surg. To duty at 11 13 Vaccine Station- Major Ames to establish same at Coamo 2 21 Genera] Henry to inspect at Coamo + 72 Capt. Reynolds to command same, Coamo 3 118 Vieques, Civil- Blatchford, Richard M., capt. To relieve Lieut. Hocker of civil duties 7 187 In charge election 5 203 Install municipal officers + 216 Hocker, Woodson. 2nd lieut. Collector customs 2 1++ Relieved civil duties at 7 187 Vieques, Military- Graham, J. Malcomb, 2nd lieut. Relieved at 3 83 Hocker, Woodson, 2nd lieut. Relieved at 1 215 LeCompte, W C., A. A. surg. Relieved at 5 233 Russell, Fred. F., asst. surg. In charge at 7 233 Vance, Zebulon B., capt. To duty at 9 120 Washington - Ames, Azel, A. A. surg. To proceed to 5 109 Battle, John S., 1st lieut. To proceed to 1 263 Davis, George W., brig. gen. To proceed to 1 263 Davison, Lorenzo P. major. To proceed to 1 227 Landstreet, John Jr., capt. To report to 6 2+9 Lenoir, Basil O., 2nd lieut. To proceed to 2 133 Marx, corp. To proceed to 2 1+0 1'iper, Alex. R., capt. To ship sample canned roast beef to 2 11 Smith, Godfrey, pvt. To report to 7 2 Washington Barracks- Alters, Joseph, pvt. To join battery at 1 16 Witnesses, to report as- See Davies, Fred B., pvt. Hocker. Joseph H., pvt. Jameson, John, corp. O'Connor, James, pvt. Persson, John, saddler, See Steward, Robert, pvt. Umstead. William J., Valentine, William S , 2nd lieut.. West. W. C., pvt. Yauco, Civil- I* urlow, James, W., 2nd lieut. Install num. officers.... 3 2+2 George, "W. R., A. A. surg. Investigate diphtheria at... 11 2+2 INDEX TO SPECIAL ORDERS. 87 S. O. Par. Yauco, Civil-continued. Watts, Charles, H., capt. In charge election 7 223 Install mun. officers 5 238 Same amended 3 242 Yauco, Military- Eicher, Charles G., A. A. surg. To duty at 1 55 Special Orders, ' No. 1. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, January 3, 1899. 1. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, the assignment of Captain Henry B. Lemly, 7th Artillery, to the command of the light artillery battalion (C and M 7th Artillery) by order of the Commanding General District of Ponce, on October 6, 1898, is confirmed from that date. 2. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, 2d Lieutenant Seaborn G. Chiles, 11th Infantry, is assigned to the com- mand of Company F, 11th Infantry, to date August 17, 1898, he having exercised command of that company since that date. 3. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, 2d Lieutenant George H. Shelton, 11th Infantry, is assigned to the com- mand of Company M, of that regiment, to date from December 25, 1898, he having exercised the command since that date. 4. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155. series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, 1st Lieutenant George L. Bennett, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, is assigned to the command of Company D of that regiment to date from November 21, 1898, he having exercised that command since that date. 5. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, 1st Lieutenant Evan M. Johnson, Jr., 19th Infantry, is assigned to the command of Company F, 19th Infantry, to date from December 26. 1898, he having exercised that command since that date. ■ * X* 6. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, 2d Lieutenant Woodson Hocker, llth Infantry, is assigned to the command of Company K, llth Infantry, to date from December 11, 1898. he having exercised the command since that date. 2 7. Under the provisions of General Ordeis No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army. Orders No. 70, Office of the Signal Officer, Headquarters Department of Porto Rico, San Juan, dated December 26, 1898. assigning 2d Lieutenant James B. McLaughlin, U. S. Volunteer Sig- nal Corps, to the command of the 4th Company U. S. Volunteer Signal Corps and the detachments. Signal Corps, U. S. Army, attached thereto, to act as Captain thereof, are hereby confirmed. 8. Private Shober Owens, Company M. 19th Infantry, now at Ponce, is upon his own application, transferred to Company A of that regiment, and will be sent to that company at Yauco, P. R. The expenses of the transfer will be borne by the soldier, and transportation will not be furnished by the Quartermaster's Department. 9. Under the provisions of A. R. 1272, the Subsis- tence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of seventy-five cents a day to Ordnance Sergeant Frederick Semple, U. S. Army, on duty at the Ordnance Depot at San Juan, P. R. This order to take effect December 20, 1898, 10. Private Peter Curley, Company D. 11 th Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Mayaguez. P. R., and found guilty of violation of the 38th and 62d Articles of War, was sentenced, "7'o be disho- norably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him andto be confined at hard labor at suchpost as the reviewing authority may direct for one month." The sentence is confirmed and will be duly executed at Mayaguez, P. R. 11. Private Alvin C. Schum, Light Battery C, I th Artillery, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Ponce, P. R., and found guilty of violation of the 17th and 60th Articles of War, was. sentenced, "To forfeit twelve (12) dollars of his pay and to be confined one month under guard where the reviewing authority may direct." The sentence is confirmed and will be duly executed at the station of his battery. 12. Private Thomas Jackson, Jr., Company L, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Caguas, P. R., and 3 found gu.ty of violation of the 38th Article of War, w«is sentenced. "To forfeit to the United States ten (10) dollars of his monthly pay for the period of one month, and to be con- fined to his quarters for the same period.'" So much of the sentence as confines the accused to 1)is quarters is disap- proved, but that the prisoner may not escape wholly a punishment that is altogether inadequete, so much of the sentence as relates to forfeiture is confirmed and will be duly executed. The prisoner will be released from arrest and restored to duty with his company. By command of Major General Henry : frank mcintyre, 1st Lieutenant, 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. [Vote: Special Orders No. 70, are the last of the series of 1898.J Special Okders No. 2. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Jcan, January 5, 1898. 7 1. Contract Nurses Sara K Clarke and Katherine Ward, now at the General Hospital at San Juan, P. R., will report to the Chief Surgeon of the Department for annul- ment of contract and thereafter proceed to New York City. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 2. Acting Assistant Surgeon E. L. Griffin, now at the General Hospital at San Juan, P. R., will report to he Chief Surgeon of the Department for annulment of contract and thereafter proceed to the United States. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. The following-named enlisted men of the 5th Cavalry, now in this city, will proceed to the Head- quarters of that regiment at Mayaguez, P. R. ;- Private Michael J. Eagan, Troop C; Private Fred J. Southard, Troop C; Private William Moran, Troop D; Private Frank Militate, Troop E; Private Robert E. Holmes, Troop E; Private Robert H. Fer rick, Troop M. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation and the Subsistence Department will provide travel rations for two days. 4. Captain James J. Buchanan, 11th Infantry. Col- lector of Customs now at Mayaguez, will proceed to his proper station, San Juan, P. R. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. Private Thomas Harvey, Company G, 11th Infan- try, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of violation of the 38th Article of War. was sentenced, "7b be con- fined at hard labor under charge of the guard at such a post as his company may be serving for the period of three (3) months and to forfeit to the Cnited States ten (10) dollars per month of his pay for the same period.'" The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 2 v Private John T. Shortsieve, Company C, 11th In- fantry. having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of violation of the 47til Article of War, was sentenced, "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at the post where his com- pany may be serving for the period of six (6) months and to forfeit to the United States ten (10) dollars per month of his pay for the same period." The sentence is aproved and will be duly executed. 7. The Commanding Officer Post of San .Juan, will send Private Godfrey Smith. Company M, 11th U. S. In- fantry. an insane soldier now in the General Hospital, under proper escort, to Washington. D. C., where he will be reported to the Adjutant General of the Army, that the orders of the Secretary of War, for admission to the Government Hospital for the Insane may be obtained. The provisions of . R. 470, 471 and 472 will be strictly' complied with. k. 8. Contract Nurses Sadie C. Payne and Mabel Morti- mer, now at the General Hospital at Ponce, P. R., will proceed to the United Statesand report to the At- tending Surgeon, Army Building, New York City, for an- nulment of contract. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 9. Contract Nurses Egbert A. Duke and James II'. Young, now at Utuado, P. R.. will be sent to San Juan, with directions to report to the Commanding Officer < f the General Hospital th're, for duty. - 10. Acting Assistant Surgeon Edward Southall, now on duty in the General Hospital at San Juan, will, upon the completion of his examination. proceed to Fajardo, and report to the Commanding Officer of that post for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. . 11. Acting Assistant Surgeon /A F. Frank, now at Fajardo, upon being relieved by Acting Assistant Surgeon Southall, will repair to this city and report to the Chief Surgeon of the Department for annulment of his contract, and thereafter proceed to the United States. The travel enjoined is necessary tor the public service. 12. Private Frank B. Nixon, Company C, 11th Infantry, 3 having been tried by a general court-mutial convened at San Juan. P. R., and found guilty of violat ion of the 39th Attide of War, was sentenced. '■•To be confined at hard labor under charge, of the guard where his company maybe serving for the period of three (3) months and to forfeit to the United States ten (10) dollars per month of his pay for the same period." The sentence was approved January 3, 1899, and will be duly executed. 13. Private Herman Kraft, Company A, 11th In- fantry, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of violation of the 39th Article of War, was sentenced, "7b be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at the post where his company may be serving for the period of six (6) months and to forfeit to the United States ten (10) dollars per month of his pay for the same period." The sentence was approved Jan- uary 3, 1899, and will be duly executed. 14. Private Charles W. Hagans, U. S. Signal Corps having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, P. R.. and found not guilty of violation of the 60th Article of War, but guilty of violation of the 20th Article of War, was sentenced, "7b be confined at hard labor in such a place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of four (4) months and to forfeit to the United States ten (10) dollars of his pay per month for the same period." The sentence is approved and will be duly execut- ed al San Juan. P. R. 15. Private Allan J. Bryant, Company G, 19th Infant- ry. having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Ponce, P. R., and found guilty of violation of the 17th Article of War was sentenced, "7b forfeit to the United States five (5) dollars of his pay and to be reprimanded by his Company Commander at retreat roll-call." The sentence is appioved and will be duly executed 16. Private William Hand, Company L. 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantry, having been tried by a general court- martial convened at Arecibo, P. R., and found not guilty of violation of the 40th and 38th Articles of War, but guilty of violation of the 62d Article of War, was sentenc- ed, "7b one month's confinement at hard labor, under charge 4 of the pos^ua'rd, and to forfeiture of ten (10) dollars of his payy The sentence is approved and will be duly exeuted. • 3y Command of Major General, Henry : frank McIntyre, 1st Lieutenant 19th Infantry. Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 3. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan. January 5, 1899. 1. Isabelle Putty and Emma Duensing, contract nurs R now at Ponce. P. R.. will proceed to the United Staffs on first transport and report by letter to the Surgeon Gen- eral, U. S. Army, for annulment of contract. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary tranportation. 2. Leave of absence for one month, pending action on the tender of his resignation, is granted Chaplain John T. Phillips, 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantry. 3. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155. series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, Captain Thomas H. Adam.., 5th Artillery, is assigned to the command of the Battalion, 5th U. S. Artillery, consisting of Batteries B, and G, to date from October 23, 1898, he having exer- cised the command since that date. 4. In order to complete the transfer of property of the office of Engineer Officer, District of Ponce, 2d Lieu- tenant Frederick E. Johnston, 7th Artillery, will proceed to Ponce, P. R. On the completion of this duty, Lieu- tenant Johnston, will rejoin his battery. The Quarter- master's Department will furnish the necessary transpor- tation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. A board of survey, to consist of :- Major John M. Carson, jr, Quartermaster, U. S. Vols; Major Edwin A. Hoot, Engineer Officer, U. S. Vols ; Captain George McK. Williamson, Assistant Quarter- master, U. S. Vols., is appointed to meet at the Subsis- tence Depot inthiscity. at 10 o'clock, a. m., on Friday, January 6, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to examine into and fix the responsibility for the shortage in a shipment of green apples, received by Major John Little, Depot Commissary, from the U. S. Transport Port Victor. 6. Privates John M. Payne and James H. Adams, Hos- pital Corps, U. S. Army, now at Ponce, are assigned to duty in the General Hospital at that place. 2 7. The Commanding Officer General Hospital at Ponce will annul the contract of Nurse Daniel J. Holland who will then proceed to the United States by the next U. S. Transport. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 8. Private George H. Miller, Company I, 19th In- fantry, now at Ponce, is upon his own application, trans- ferred to Company F of that regiment, and will be sent to that company at Adjuntas. P. R. The expense of the transfer will be borne by the soldier, and transportation will not be furnished by the Quartermaster's Depart- ment. 9. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at Ponce, P. R.,at 10 o'clock, a. m., on Munday, January 9, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it. Detail for the Court: Captain C. C. Hewitt, 19th Infantry: Captain F. H. Pomroy, Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Vols; 1st Lieutenant E. S. Benton, 7th Artillery; 1st Lieutenant John Howard, 19th Infantry; 1st Lieutenant F. G. Lawton, 19th Infantry: 2d Lieutenant IP. IP. Fiscus, Jr., 19th Infantry: 2d Lieutenant J. H. Bradford, 19th Infantry; 2d Lieutenant B. B. Wallack, 7th Artillery: 2d Lieutenant F. B. Watson, 19th Infantry, judge ad- vocate. No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest injury to the service. By command of Major General Henry : frank McIntyre, 1st Lieutenant, 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Special Orders, ' No. 4. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, January 6, 1899. 1. Tiie Summary Court Officer of the Post of San Juan will also act as Summary Court Officer for the trial of such cases as may be referred to it from the General Hospital at San Juan. The Commanding Officer of the Hospital will refer cases for trial by Summary Court direct to that Court. 2. Major J. T. Gibbons, Surgeon and Captains H. D. .McCutcheon, Adjutant, and C. J. Chase, Quartermaster, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, are relieved from fur- ther duty as members of the General Court-Martial con- vened at Caguas, P. R., by paragraph 2, Special Orders No. 54, series 1898, these headquarters. By command of Major General Henry : frank McIntyre, 1st Lieutenant, 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 5. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OB' PORTO RICO, San Juan. January 7, 1899. i 1. As soon as his services can be spared at Ponce, Ordnance Sergeant Peter Hein will proceed to this city and report for duty to the Commanding Officer San Juan Ordnance Depot. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations for three days, in ad- vance, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry ra- tions of any kind and the journey is necessary for the public service. 2. Private Timothy Shea, Company M, 19th Infantry, now at Po ice, is upon his own application, transferred to Company A, of that regiment, and will be sent to that company at Yauco, P. R. The expense of the transfer will be borae by the soldier, and transportation will not be furnished by the Quartermaster's Department. 3. So m ich of paragraph 9, Special Orders No. 2, current series, these headquarters, as relates to Contract Nurse Egbert L. Dake, is amended so as to read "Contract Nurse Egbert L. Durkee." 8. A board of officers to consist of Captain George McK. Williamson. Assistant Quartermaster U. S. Volunteers, and 2d Lieutenant Jamis B. McLaughlin, Signal Corps U. S. Volunteers, is appointed to meet in this city at one o'clock p. m., to lay, to report upon the condition of one public m de. the property of the United States, and for which Lieuten mt Colonel J. W. Pullman, Chief Quarter- in ister, is responsible. The board will recommend the disposition to be made of the mule as the same is said to be suffering from incurable ailments. 4. Acting Assistant Surgeon Azel Ames, now here awaiting orders is detailed as Civil Sanitary Inspector; he will receive his instructions from these Headquarters and take station at San Juan, P. R. 5. Private Charles K. Joyner, Hospital Corps now on duty in the General Hospital at Ponce, will report to the Commanding Officer Coamo, P. R., for duty at that stition. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish necessary transportation. 2 j 6. Contract Nurse Alice McMannus, now on duty in the General Hospital, Ponce, will proceed to the United States by first Transport and report by letter to the Sur- geon General, U. S. Army, for annulment of contract. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 7. Upon the recommendation of the Chief Surgeon "uf the Department, the following-named privates of the Hospital Corps, now on duty at San Juan Hospital, are hereby detailed as Acting Hospital Stewards. William L. Reed, Edward J. Hill, Francis Lake, William F. Arnold. By Command of Major General Henry: frank McIntyre, 1st Lieutenant 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General iL Orders No. 6. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTME - OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, January 9, 1899. 1. Under the provisions of A. R. 1272, the Subsist- ence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of seventy-five cents a day to Commissary Sergeants John Kennedy and James J. Greene, U. S. Army, on duty in this city. This order to take effect January 4, 1899. 2. A board of survey to consist of: Captain D.J. Carr, Signal Corps, U. S. Vols; Captain G. McK. Williamson, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Vols; 2d Lieutenant James B. McLaughlin, Signal Corps. U. S. Vols., is appointed to meet in this city at 10 o'clock a. m., on Tuesday. January 10, 1899, or as soon thereafter as prac- ticable, to inquire into and fix the responsibly for the loss of two revolvers, the property of the United States and for which 2d Lieutenant F. M. Jones, Signal Corps, U. S. Vols., is accountable. 3. Private Lloyd C. Sherrick, Battery G, 5th Ar- tillery, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of violation of the 39th Article of War, was sentenced, "To forfeit to the United States ten (10) dollars of his pay per month for the period of two (2) months." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 4. Private George F. Thompson, Company K, 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Arecibo, P. R.,and found guilty of violation of the 21st and 62d Articles of War, was sentenced "To be confined at hard labor at the station of his company, under charge of the post guard, for the term of three (3) months and to forfeit ten (10) dollars of his pay, per month, during his term of imprisonment." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 5. Private Edward Manley, Hospital Corps, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan. P. R., and found guilty of violation of the 39th Article of War, was sentenced, "To be confined at hard labor, under charge of the guard, for the period of three (3) months and to forfeit to the United States ten (10) dollars per month of his 2 pay for the same period." The sentence is mitigate "7b confinement of one month and forfeiture of ten (10) dollars," and as thus modified, will be duly executed at' San Juan, P. R. 6. Private John F. Gleason, Company M, 11th Infan- try having been tried by a general court martial convened at San Juan. P. R.,.and found guilty of violation of the 32d Article of War, was sentenced, ''7b be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due or to become.due, and to be confined in such a place as the reviewing authority mail direct, at hard labor, for the period of six (6) months." .The sentence is approved and will be duty executed at San Juan, P. II. 7. Private Orlin H. Dodds, Company K, 11th Infan- try, having been tried by a general cOurt-martial, convened at San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of violation of the 62d Article of War, was sentenced, "7b be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting nil pay and allowances due and to become due, and to be confined at hard labor at such a place, as the reviewing authority may direct jor the period of six {6) months." Tne sentence is approved and will be duly executed at SanJuan, P. II. 8. Private Thomas O'Donnell, Company K, 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court- mar- tial convened at Ponce. P. R., and found guilty of vio- lation of the 62d Article of War, was sentenced "7b be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard for one (I) month, and to forfeit ten (10) dollars per month for two (2) months." The sentence is approved and will be duty executed. t, . By command of Major General Henry : ' FRANK McINTYRE, ' 1st Lieutenant l(Jth Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 7. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, January 10, 1899. 1. Captain Pierce M. B. Travis, 11th Infantry, is relieved from further duty as a member of the general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 1, Special Orders No. 59, series 1898, these headquarters. 2. Captain Jonas A. Emery, 11th Infantry, is detailed as a member of the Military Commission convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 52, series lb 98, these headquarteres, vice Captain Pierce M. B. Travis, 11th Infantry, who is hereby relieved from tiiat duty. 3. Private Louis AL Trump, Hospital Corps, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of violation of the 39th Ar- ticle of War, was sentenced "7b be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard for the period of three (3) months and to forfeit to the United States ten (10) dollars of his pay \per month for the same period." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at San Juan, P. R. 4. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Fajardo, P. R., for Private Patrick L. Quinn, Company F, 47th N. Y. Vol. Infantry, discharged from the General Hospital at this point. The Subsistence Department will furnish commuta- tion of rations in advance for two days it being imprac- ticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey being necessary for the public service. 5. A board of survey to consist of :- Lieutenant Colonel James Rockwell, Jr., Ordnance Department, U. S. Vol., Major Selden A. Day, 5th Artillery. 2nd Lieutenant Frederick AL Jones, Signal Corps, U. S. Vol., is appointed to meet in this city at the earliest practica- ble moment, to examine into the damaged condition of. and fix the responsibility for, 118 cases of prepared fresh beef, invoiced October 25,1898, by Colonel C. A. Woodruff. Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence, U. S. Army. < 6. Private Thomas Bryant, Hospital Corps, now on duty at the General Hospital at Ponce, will report to the Commanding Officer, Light Battery M, 7th Artillery, for duty. 7. Upon the recommendation of the Chief Surgeon of the Department the following-named privates of the Hospital Corps, on duty at the San Juan Hospital, are de- tailed as Acting Hospital Stewards: Herbert Witmer, Charles A. Kahler, Ernst M. Burtt, - ■ Burt K Bark, Jefferson M. Martin, William F. Meyers, Octor C. Meyers. 8. In compliance with paragraph 37, Special Orders kNo. 295, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, Private Leo K Edgbert, Hospital Corps, now at Toa-Alta will be discharged the service of the United States by his com- manding officer on receipt of this order. This soldier is entitled to travel pay. 9. Private Fred A. Metts, Hospital Corps, is relieved from duty at the San Juan Hospital, and will report to the Commanding Officer at Toa-Alta for duty at that station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 10. Private Edward J. Griffin, Hospital Corps, is relieved from duty at the San Juan Hospital and will report-to the Commanding Officer at Lares. P. R., for duty at that station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. By command of Major General Henry : frank mcintyre. 1st Lieutenant, 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. 2 Special Orders, No. 8. H E A DQ U A RT E RS D E P A RT M E N T OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, January 11, 1899. 1. A board of survey to consist of : Captain Daniel J. Carr, Signal Corps, U. S. V. ; 2d Lieutenant Basil O. Lenoir, Signal Corps, U. S. V.; 2d Lieutenant Frederick M. Jones, Signal Corps, U. S. V.; is appointed to meet in this city at 10 o'clock, a. m., on Thursday, January 12, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to report upon the loss of certain quarter- master's property, for which Lieutenant Colonel William A. Glassford, Signal Corps, U. S. Volunteers, is acount- able. 1 2. Acting Hospital Steward Henry Kalb and Privates Harry E. Jones and John Albert, Hospital Corps, now on duty in the Medical Supply Depot, Ponce, P. R., will, when their services are no longer required there, report to the Commanding Olficer San Juan Hospital for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the neces- sary transportation. 3. Leave of absence for one month, with permission to return to the United States, and apply to the Adju- tant General of the Army, for extension of one month, is granted 1st Lieutenant Edward P. Lawton, 19th Infantry. By command of Major General Henry : FRANK McINTYRE, 1st Lieutenant, 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 9. HEADQ U A KIERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, January 12, 1899. 1. Major Henry Ji. May, additional paymaster, U. 8. Volunteers, having reported at these headquarters on the 5th instant, in compliance with paragraph 43, Special Orders No. 298, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, is assigned to duty in this city from that date. 2. Under the provisions of A. R. 1272, the Sub- sistence Department will pay commutation of rationsatthe rate of seventy-five cents a day to Commissary Sergeant Frederick Wagner, U. S. Army, on duty in this city. This order to take effect January 10, 1899. \ 3. So much of paragraph 7, Special Orders No. 64. series 1898, these headquarters, as relates to Contract Nurses Ella J. Hollister, Edith J. Spencer and Florence Stick - ley, is revoked, they being no longer on duty in this De- partment. 4. A Company of Instructs n of the Hospital Corps is hereby organized in connection with the General Hospi- tal in this city. 1st Lieutenant Hailey Ashford, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, now at Mayaguez, P. R., will report to the Commanding Officer of the General Hospital San Juan^for duty with the Company of Instruction of the Hospital Corps. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. Private Lo veil H. Casteel, Company L. 11th In- fantry, having been tried by a general com t-martial convened at San Juan, P. R, and found guiitv of viola- tion of the 62d Article of War, was sentenced. "7b be con- fined at hard labor under charge of the guard at the post where his company may be serving for the period of three (3) months, and to forfeit to the United States ten (10) dollars per month of his pay for the same period.''' The sentence is approved, and will be duly executed. 6. Private George IK Cole, Company L, 11th Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, P. P., and found guilty'of violation of the 62d Article of War, was sentenced, l,To be dishonorably dis- charged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, andto be confined at hard labor in such penitentiary as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of two (2) years." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at San Juan, P. R. By command of Major General Henry : frank mcintyre, 1st Lieutenant 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. 2 Special Oiidehs, No. 10. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO. Kan Juan. January 13. 1899. 1. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, paragraph 2, Gen- eral Orders No. 21. Headquarters District of Ponce, dated December 4. 1898, directing Lieutenant Colonel Daniel IP. burke, 11th Infantry, to assume command of the Dis- trict of Ponce, is hereby confirmed. 2. Private henry J. Luck, Troop E, 5th U. S, Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at Mayaguez. P. R., and found guilty of violation of the 21st and C2d Articles of War. was sentenced, liTobe dishonorably discharged the service of the. United States, for- f iting all pay and allowances due him, and to be confined at hard labor at such a post as the reviewing authority may direct for one. year.''' The sentence is approved and will be duly- executed at Mayaguez. P. R. 3. Under the provisions of Genial Orders No. 155. series 1898, Headquarteis of the Army, 1st Lieutenant frank L. Wells, 11th Infantry, is assigned to the com- mand of Compahy A of his regiment, to date January 7, 1899, he having exercised that command since that date. 4. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Utuado. P. R., for Private Thomas McCarthy, Troop B, 5th Cavalry, dis- charged from the General Hospital in this city; and the Subsistence Department will pay commutation of rations in advance for two days, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey being necessary for the public service. 5. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Arecibo, P. R., for Private James Dudgeon, Company A, 6th U. S. Volun- teer Infantry, discharged from the General Hospital in this city: and the Subsistence Department will pay com- mutation of rations in advance for two days, it being im- practicable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind and th 1 journey being necessary for the public service. 6. Acting Hospital Steward Bernard M. Keen, now on duty at the San Juan Hospital, will report to the com- mnndi ng officer 11th U. S. Infantry for temporary duty with that regiment at San .Juan. 7. Private William J. Woods, alias William H. Wood. Company M, 11th Infantry, having been tried by a gen- eral court-martial convened at Sanjuan, P. R., and found guilty of violation of the 62d Article of War. was sentenced ••To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United Slates, forfeiting all pay and allowanceidu e him, and to be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard, in such a place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of four (4) months." The sentence is approved and will ba duly executed at San Juan, P. R. 8. Private John J. Callahan, Company B, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, h iving been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, P. R.. and found guilty of violation of the 20th Article of War was sentenced •'•To be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at the post where his company may be serving for the period of sir (6) months, and to forfeit to the United States ti n (19) dollars per month of his pay for the same period." Tne sentence is approved and will be duly executed. By command of Major General Henry : FRANK McINTYRE. 1st Lieutenant 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adiutant General 2 Special Orders, No. 11. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, January II. 1899. 1. The verbal orders of the Department Commander of the 9th instant, directing Major Charles H. Heyl, In- spector General, to proceed to Ponce on public business, and upon completion of the same to return to his station in this city, are hereby confirmed. The Quartermaster's De- partment will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined was necessary for the public service. 2. Captain Alexander R. Piper, Depot Commissary at Ponce. P. R., will cause to have prepared and shipped to the Inspector General. U. S. Army, Washington, D.C., a suitable quantity of canned roast beef to be determined by the Inspector General of the Department, forexamination, and the Quartermaster's Department is authorized and di- rected to send the same by express by first steam?r sailing for the United States. 3. Private Edgar L„ Brown, Hospital Corps, U.S. Army, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at-San Juan, P. R., and found not guilty of viola- tion of the 39th Article of War was acquitted. The ac- quittal is approved. 4. Private Francis H. Cox, Hospital Corps, S. U. Army, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at SanJuan, P. R, and found guilty of violation of the 60th and 62d Articles of War was sentenced. '"To be con- fined, at hard labor under charge of the guard for the period of three (3) months, and to forfeit to the United States ten (10) dollars per month of his pay for the same period.'1'1 The sen- tence is approved and will be duly executed at San Juan, P. R. By command of Major General Henry : FRANK McINTYRE, 1st lieutenant 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 12. II K A DQU A R I ERS DEPA RTM EN'I OF PORTO RICO. San Juan. January 16. 1899. 1. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, paragraph 3. Special Orders No. 4, Post of Mayaguez, P. R., dated January 5. 1899, assigning Captain James E. Macklin, 11th Infantry, to the command of the Battalion, Companies B. I), and F, 11th Infantry, at that post, is hereby confirmed. 2. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, paragraph 4, Special Orders No. 4, Post of Mayaguez, P. R., dated January 5, 1899, assigning 1st Lieutenant John S. Battle. 11th Infantry, to the command of Company D, of his regiment, is hereby confirmed. 3. Under the provisions of General Orders. No. 155. series, 1898, Headquarters of the Army, 2d Lieutenant William C. Bitter. 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, is assigned to the command of Company I, of his regi- ment, stationed at Aibonito, P. R.. to date December 26. 1898. behaving exercised that command since that date. 4. Paragraph 5, Special Orders No. 52, series 1898. these headquarters, transferring Corporal Oliver M. Hossler Light Battery C. 3d Artillery, to the Hospital Corps, is revoked, he being no longer in this Department. 5. Acting Assistant Surgeon Robert W. Andrews, now on duty in the General Hospital in this City will report to the Chief Surgeon of the Department for annulment of contract, and will thereafter proceed to the United States. Tiie travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. Private Harry Smith, Hospital Corps, now on duty' with the 19th Infantry, at Ponce. P. R., is assigned to temporary duty at Adjuntas. P. R., upon the completion of which he will return to his proper station. The Quar- termaster's Department will furnish the necessary trans- portation. 2 7. 1st Lieutenant Frederick F. Russell. Assistant Sur- geon, U. S. Army, having reported at these headquarters in compliance with orders from the Headquarters of the Army, of January 10, 1899, will proceed to Ponce. P. R.. and report to the Commanding Officer of the General Hospital there for duty. The travel enjoined is nec- essary for the public service. By command of Major General Henry : frank McIntyre, 1st Lieutenant 19th Infantry Acting Assistant Adiutant General. Spec". Orders No. 13. headquarters departmen' OF I'ORTO RICO, San Juan, January 17, 1899. 1. Lieutenant Colonel Charles (J. Hood, 19th Infantry, having reported for duty, is. in pursuance of General Orders No. 155, series of 1898, Headquarters of tbe Army, assigned to the command of the 19th Infantry and the District of Ponce. 2. Lieutenant Colonel Daniel W. Burke, 11 th Infantry, now at Ponce, will proceed tn his proper station, Maya- guez, P. R. The Quartermaster's Department will fur- nish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. The verbal orders of the Department Commander of the 9th instant, directing Acting Assistant Surgeon Azel proceed to Ponce on public business in con- nection with the establishment of a vaccine farm and upon completion of the same to return to his station in this city, are hereby confirmed. The Quartermaster's Depart- ment will furnish the necessary transportation. The trav- el en joined was necessary for the public service. 4. Light Batteries C and Ml 7th Artillery, having been assigned to permanent station in Porto Rico, upon the recommendation of the Battalion Commander, 2d Lieutenant James F. Brady, 7th Artillery, will proceed to Port Myer, Va.. the last station of those batteries, to supervise the shipment of their property to their new station. Upon completion of this duty. Lieutenant Brady will return to his proper station. The Quartermaster's Depai tment will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. Acting Assistant Surgeon Christopher C. Collins. U.S. Ai my, having reported at these headquarters, in compliance witli orders from the Headquarters of the Army, of the 4th instant, will report to the Commanding Officer of the General Hospital at San Juan for duty. 6. The following-named contract nurses, having re- ported at these Ikadquarters in compliance with orders, from the Surgeon General of the Army, are assigned to duty in the General Hospital at San Juan. 1'. R: Mary A. Veale, Josephine Hopkins, Eloise Weathers, Marie A. McMahon, Henrietta C. Morris. 2 7. Contract Nurse John Folsom, now under treatment in the General Hospital at Ponce, P. R.,-from Coamo- is assigned to duty in that hospital. 8. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155. series 1898, Headquarters of the Army. 1st Lieutenant William H. Doremus, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, is assigned to the command of Company A, of that regi- ment, to date from December 20, 1898. he having exercised that command since that date. 9. Major Paul E. Divine, 6th U. S. Volunteer Infan- try, is hereby appointed judge advocate of the Military Commission appointed at Arecibo. P. R., by paragraph 1, Special Orders No. 61. series 1898, these headquarters, vice Captain H. Vandeventer, 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantry, who is relieved from that duty. Captain Vandeventer will turn over any charges now in ins possession and which have been referred to him for trial from these headquar- ters, to Major Divine. 10. Major George G. Groff. Brigade Surgeon. U. S. Volunteers, having reported at these headquarters from detached service in the United States, is assigned t) duty as civil sanitary inspector. He will receive ids instruc- tions from these headquarters, and will temporarily take station in this city. 11. Acting Assistant Surgeon A. D. Williams, now on duty in the General Hospital at San Juan, will take sta- tion at Utuado. P. R., relieving Acting Assistant Surgeon L. A. Gilman, who will report to the Commanding Officer of the General Hospital at San Juan for duty. The travel enjoined in the execution of this order is necessary for the public service. By Command of Major General Henry: frank McIntyre. 1st Lieutenant L9th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General Spe / Orders, No. 14 headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, January 18, 1899. 1. The following journeys performed by Major Sam- vel S. Harvey, additional paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, for the purpose of paying troops, from December 5 to 15, 1898, and again from January 4 to 13, 1899, are approved as having been necessary for the public service; Ponce to Yauco and return; Ponce to Adjuntas, and return; Ponce to Coamo, to Aibonito; Aibonito to Barros, and return; Aibonito to Barranquitas, and return; Aibonito to Cayey, to Guayama, and back to Ponce. 2. The following journeys performed by Major John IP. Fogler, additonal paymaster. U. S. Volunteers, for the purpose of paying troops,are approved as having been nec- essary for the public service : From December 5 to 20, 1898. San Juan to Mayagucz; Mayaguez to San German and return; Mayaguez to Las Marias, and return: Mayaguez to Aguadilla, to Isabela, to Camuy, to Arecibo; Arecibo to Lares, and return: Arecibo to Utuado, and return; Arecibo to Barceloneta, to Manati, to Bayamon, to Toa-Alta. Toa-Alta to San Juan. From January 5 to 15. 1899. San Juan to Mayaguez; Mayaguez to San German, and return; Mayaguez to Las Marias, and return; Mayaguez to Aguadilla, to Isabela, to Camuy, to Are cibo; Arecibo to Lares, to Utuado; Utuado back to Arecibo; Arecibo to San Juan. 3. The following journeys performed by Major Hen- ry B. May, additional paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, for the purpose of paying troops, from January 6 to 14, 1899, are approved as having been necessary for the public service:- 2 San Juan to Rio Piedras, to Carolina, and return to San Juan ; San Juan to Caguas, and return: San Juan to Bayamon, to Toa-Alta, and return to San J uan; San Juan to Manati, to Barceloneta, to Arecibo, and return to San Juan. 4. The Commanding Offi *er of the General Hospital at Ponce, P. R., will annul the contract of Acting Assist- ant Surgeon Halsey L. Wood, to date this day. 5. Private Charles Weller, Company I. 19th Infantry, now at Ponce, is upon his own application, transferred to Company D, of that regiment, and will be sent to that company at Yauco, P. R. The expense of the transfer will be borne by the soldier, and transportation will not be furnished by the Quartermaster's Department. 6. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155,series 1*98, Headquarters of the Army 1st Lieutenant Clarence E. Dentler, 11th Infantry is assigned to the command of Company K of his regiment, from July 21. to October 10. 1898, both dates inclusive, he hiving exorcised that com- mand during that period. 7. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series D9S, Headquarters of the Army, 1st Lieutenant Clarence E. Dentler, 11th Infantry, is assigned to the com- mand of Company K. of his regim mt to date from January 3. 1899. 8. Private William .E. Johnson. Hospital Corps, is re- lieved from duty at the General Hospital. San Juan, and will report to the Commanding Officer, Bayamon. P. R, for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. By Command of Major General Henry: frank mcintyre, 1st Lieutenant 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General Sl EdAi, ORDERS No. 15. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, January 19, 1899. 1. Under the provisions of General Orders No 155. series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, paragraph 5, Spec- ial Orders No. 5. Post of Mayaguez. P. R.. dated January 6, 1899. assigning 1st Lieutenant Lawrence J. Fleming, 5th Cavalry, to the command of Troop 1), of his regiment, is hereby confirmed. 2. Corporal Anton Introwitz. Company M,19th Infant ry, now at Ponce, is upon his own application, transferred to Company A of that regiment as a private, and will be sent to that company at Yauco, P. R The expense of the transfer will be borne by the sol - dier, and transportation will not be furnished by the Quar- termaster's Department. 3. The unexecuted portion of the sentence in the case of General Prisoner Lewis McMurtry, late private, Battery B. 5th Artillery, promulgated in paragraph 4. Special Orders No. 28, series 1898. these headquarters, now in confinement at San Juan. P. R.. is hereby remitted. 4. So much of paragraph 1. Special Orders No. 13. current series, these headquarters, as assigns Lieutenant Colonel Charles C. Hood. 19th Infantry, to the command of his regiment is revoked. Captain John G. Leefe, 19th In- fantry. will remain in command of that' regiment. 5. Lieutenant Colonel James Rockwell, Jr..Chief Ord- nance Officer. U. S. Volunteers (Captain. Ordnance De- partment, U. S. Army), is detailed as a member of the board of officers convened in this city, by paragraph 3. Special OrdersNo. 40, seiies 1898, these headquarters, for the examination of such officers as may be ordered before it to determine their fitness for promotion, vice Lieutenant Colonel Henry G. Sharpe, Assistant Commissary Gen- eral of Subsistence, U. S. Army, relieved from that duty. By Command of Major General Henry: frank mcintyre, 1st Lieutenant 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General • A' HEADQUARTERS DEPARTM^ Spb* l Orders, No. 16. OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, January 20, 1899 1. Pri vate Joseph Alfers, Battery K, 5th Artillery, now attached to Battery B, same regiment, at San Juan, P. R., will proceed to join his battery at Washington Barracks. I). C. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department will commute his rations for seven days, in advance, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey being necessary for the public service. 2. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155. series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, paragraph 2. Or- ders No. 6, Headquarters Department of Porto Rico, Of- fice of the Signal Officer, dated January 13, 1899, assign- i ng 2d Lieutenant Basil 0. Lenoir, Signal Corps, U.S. Volunteers, to the command of the 4th Company U. S. Volunteer Signal Corps, and of the detachment Signal Corps, U.S. Army, attached thereto, to act as Captain thereof, to take effect January 16, 1899, is hereby confir- med. 3. Acting Hospital Steward Jefferson M. Martin. Hospital Corps, now on duty in the General Hospital in this city, will report to Acting Assistant Surgeon Aze! Ames, Civil Sanitary Inspector, tor temporary duty in connection with the work of vaccinating the inhabitants of the Island. 4. Acting Assistant Surgeon Charles D. Pettigrew, now at Isabela, will transfer the medical supplies at that station to the Surgeon at Camuy, and after accompanying Company E, 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantry, to Arecibo, will report to the Commanding Officer of the General Hos- pital at San Juan for duty. The travel enjoined is nec- essary tor the public service. 5. The leave of absence for seven days granted Acting Assistant Surgeon Timothy Leary, is extended three days. By Command of Major General Henry: FRANK MCINTYRE, 1st Lieutenant 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General Special Orders, No. 17. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, January 21, 1899. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Areciho, P. R., for Private John Leahy, Company A, 6th U. S- Volunteer Infantry, discharged from the General Hospital. 2. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Guayama, P. R., for Private Frank Chaffee, Hospital Corps, discharged from the General Hospital and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations for three days, in advance, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kina and the journey being necessary for t he public service. 3. Private Lewis C. Goehringer, TroopG. 5th Cavalry, now at Aibonito, P. R.. is, upon the request of his re- gimental commander, transferred to Troop B, of that re- giment, and will be sent to that troop at Utuado, P. R. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 4. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, paragraph 2, Spe- cial Orders No. 4, Post of Mayaguez, P. R., dated January 5, 1899, assigning 2d Lieutenant T. F. Maginnis, 11th In- fantry, to the command of Company B. of that regiment, is hereby confirmed. 5. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, 1st Lieutenant J. Baird French, 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantry, is assigned to the command of Company K, of that regiment, to date from November I, 1898, he having exercised that command since that date. 6. Contract Nurses Mary A. Stavely, and Cecilia Mc- Hugh, having reported at these headquarters from the United States,will report to the Commanding Officer of tiie General Hospital at San Juan for duty. 7. Captain Frederick P. Reynolds, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, is hereby relieved from duty as Sanitary In- spector of San Juan, P. R., and will in addition to his du- ties as Attending Surgeon, perform the duties of Medical Inspector of the Department. He will report to the Chief Surgeon. 2 8. Acting Assistant Surgeon W. J. Hughes, now at Caguas, P. R., will proceed to this city and report to the Chief Surgeon of the Department for annulment of con- tract and thereafter will proceed to the United States. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the neces- sary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Major General Henry : frank mcintyre, 1st Lieutenant 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Special Orders No. 18. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, January 23, 1899. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Caguas, P. R.. for Private Joseph Curley, Company M, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, discharged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advance, for two days, it being impractica- ble to carry rations of any kind and the journey is nec- essary for the public service. 2. Paragraph 11, Special Orders No. 64, series 1898. these headquarters, is revoked. 3. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at the post of San Juan, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Thurs- day, January 26, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practic- able, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it. Detail for the Court: 1st Lieutenant Clarence E. Dentler, 11th Infantry ; 1st Lieutenant Frank A. Wells, 11th Infantry; 2d Lieutenant George H. Shelton, 11th Infantry: 2d Lieutenant Rufus E. Longan, 11th Infantry; 2d Lieutenant Edgar A. Macklin, 11th Infantry; 2d Lieutenant William R. Dooreg, 5th Artillery; 2d Lieutenant Woodson Hocker, 11th Infantry: 2d Lieutenant J. Malcolm Graham. 11th Infantry: 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th Infantry, judge advocate. A greater number of ollicers cannot be assembled without manifest injury to the service. By command of Major General Henry : frank mcintyre, 1st Lieutenant, 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Special Orders I No. 19. headquarters department of PORTO RICO, SanJuan, January 24, 1899. 1. The Subsistence Department will furnish com- mutation of rations, in advance, for three days, to Private George J. Brosi, Company E, 19th Infantry, under orders to return to his proper station, Ponce, P. R.-, it being im- practicable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey being necessary for the public service. 2. The unexecuted portion of the sentence in the case of Private Thomas F. Kittrick, Company G, 11th In- fantry now in confinement at San Juan, P. R.. promul- gated in paragraph 1, Special Orders No. 32, series 1898, these headquarters is hereby remitted. 3. Leave of absence for one month, with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of ten days, is grant- ed Major John M. Carson, jr., Quartermaster, U. S. Vol- unteers. By command of Major General Henry : frank mcintyre, 1st Lieutenant, 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Special Orders. ' No. 20. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, January 25, 1899. 1. The fol lowing-named privates of the Hospital Corps, recently on duty at Isabela, will report to the Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, for duty Lewis Knox, John F. Guinan, George F. Lewis, The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec essary transportation. 2. Contract Nurse Laura J. Miller, on duty in the General Hospital at San Juan, will report to the Chief Surgeon of the Department for annulment of contract and will thereafter proceed to the United States. The Quar- termaster's Department will furnish the necessary trans- portnUon. 3. Private William Meme, Hospital Corps, now a patient in the General Hospital at Ponce, will report to the Commanding Officer of that hospital for duty. 4. Acting Hospital Steward Jefferson M. Martin, Hos- pital Corps, having completed the duty assigned him in paragraph 3. Special Orders No. 16, current series, these headquarters, will return to his duties in the General Hos- pital. SiinJuan. 5. The fol lowing-named contract nurses now on duty in the General Hospital at Ponce, P. will proceed to the United States and report by letter to the Surgeon General for annulment of contracts : - , Annie Keenan, , Ellen Forrest. • ('ecilia C. Beck, < Teresa Gavin, * Ellen Taaffe, Mary Russell, i Frances Neville, 'Alexzenia Bethancourt, / Catherine Kennedy, * Mary McCreary, * Zelina Janvier. • Sister Fortunata, < Isabella Leonard, * Sister Agustine. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. , 2 6. Contract Nurses Mary A. Veale and Josephine Hop- kins are hereby relieved from duty in the General Hospital at San Juan and will report to the Commanding Officer of the General Hospital at Ponce for duty. The Quarter- master's Department will furnish the necessary transpor- tation. 7. Major Charles F. Mason, Brigade Surgeon, U. 8. Volunteers, is relieved from duty as Medical Inspector of the Department and assigned to duty in charge of the General Hospital at San Juan. P. R. 8. Contract Nurse Egbert L. Durkee, now on duty in the General Hospital at San Juan, will report to the Chief Surgeon of the Department for annulment of con- tract. and thereafter proceed to the United States. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 9. Private George S. Chase. Hospital Corps, now on duty at Rio Piedras. P. R., is hereby detailed as acting hospital steward. 10. Contract Nurse George W. Cochrane, now on duty at Aibonito, will report to the Chief Surgeon of the Department, for annulment of contract, and thereafter proceed to the United States. The Quartermaster's De- partment will furnish the necessary transportation. 11. Contract Nurse Mary C. Markheim having report- ed from the United States, for duty, is assigned to duty in the General Hospital at San Juan, P. R. 12. Contract Nurse Mary E. Youtz, having reported from the United States, for duty, is assigned to duty in the General Hospital at Ponce, P. R., and will report accordingly. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 13. 2d Lieutenant George H. Shelton, 11th Infantry, is hereby relieved as a member and detailed as judge ad- vocate of the general court-martial; convened at San Juan. P. R., by paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 18, current series, these Headquarters, vice 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th Infantry, who is hereby relieved from that duty, during the trial of the enlisted men only: Private Abram A. Mundy, Company F, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry; Private John C. Gaffrey, Company F, 47 th New York Volunteer Infantry; Private William H. Spear, Company F, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry: Private Owen J Hughes, Company C, 11th Infantry. 14. 1st Lieutenant H. H. Walker, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, will proceed from Caguas, to Barros, P. R.,f<rthe purpose of investigating certain charges and specifications against an enlisted man, and on com- pletion of that duty he will return to his proper station. Tae travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. liY COMMAND OF MAJOR GENERAL HENRY ! frank mcintyre, 1st Lieutenant l^lh Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. 3 Spec Irders, No. 21. HEADQU A RTE RS DEPARTMEN OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, January 26, 1899. 1. Contract Nurses Eleanor M. Aschenbaoh, Christiana M. Bauer, Elizabeth Friney, Eleanor E. Falvey and Marie A. McMahon, now on duty in the General Hospital at San Juan; and Julia H. Fisher, and Mina A. Mackenzie, now on duty at Arecibo, will proceed to Ponce, and report to the Commanding Otlicer of the General Hospital there for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 2. Acting Assistant Surgeon Azel Anus, Civil Sanita- ry Inspector, will proceed to Ponce and Coamo, in count ct ion witli the work of establishing a vaccine station and upon completion of that duty be will return to San Juan. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transporta ion. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. Acting JssistantSurgeons Timothy Leary, now at San Juan, and Richard Wilson and G Moret. now at Ponce, will proceed to Coamo, and report to Acting Assjstanp Surgeon Azel Ames, Civil Sanitary Inspector, for tempora- ry duty in connection with the establishment of a vaccine station, upon the completion of which- they will return to their proper stations. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. Post Chaplain Henry A. Broun, U. S. Army, hav- ing reported at these headquarters in compliance with paragraph 50, Special Orders No. 7, current series, Head- quarters of the Army, is assigned to station at the post of San Juan, P. R. He will report to the post commander for duty. 5. Contract Nurse M. Alice Gallagher, now on duty in the hospital at Arecibo, will report to the Chief Surgeon of the Department, San Juan, for annulment of Contract, and Will then proceed to the United States. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 6. Corporal William B. Conroy, Company C, 47th New York Vol. Infantry, now at Caguas, will proceed to this city and report to 1st Lieutenant Frank Techier, 47th New York Vol. Infantry, for special duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnishthe nec- essary transportation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations for two days in advance, it being 2 impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey being necessary for the public service. 7. Acting Assistant Surgeons William R. Kirk and L. L. Gilman, now at San Juan, will upon notification by him, proceed to Coamo, P. R., and report to Acting Assist- ant Surgeon Azel Ames, for temporary duty at the vac- cine station. Upon completion of that duty they will return to their proper stations. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 8. Acting Assistant Surgeon J. Samuel White, is hereby detailed as Acting Assistant Quartermaster and Acting Commissary of Subsistence, and will proceed to Coamo, P. R.. with ten acting hospital stewards and twenty privates of the Hospital Corps (to be selected by the Commanding Officer of the General Hospital at San Juan), and report to Acting Assistant Surgeon Azel Ames, for temporary duty at the vaccine station. He will take from San Juan the necessary transportation, camp, and mess equipage, thirty days rations, and all stores required in the work of the vaccine station. Upon the completion of that duty Acting Assistant Surgeon White and the de- tachment of the Hospital Corps, will return to the'r prop- er station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 9. During the temporary absence of Acting Assistant Surgeon Richard Wilson, the Commanding Officer of the General Hospital at Ponce will detail an acting assistant surgeon to perform in addition to his present duties so much of Dr. Wilson's duties as pertain to the office of Attending Surgeon at Ponce, and the Surgeon on duty with the troops at the Playa will in addition perform those pertaining to the office of Sanitary Inspector of Ships. By command of Major General Henry : frank McIntyre, 1st Lieutenant 19th Injantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Special Orders' No. 22. headquarters department' OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, January 27, 1899. 1. A board of survey to consist of:- Major Louis Brechemin, Surgeon, U. S. .Army; Captain Frederick P. Reynolds, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army.; 1st Lieutenant Bailey K. Ashford, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; is appointed to meet at the General Hospital m this city at 10 o'clock, a. m., on Saturday, January 28, 1899. or as soon thereafter as practicable, to fix the responsibility for the loss of three hanging lamps, quartermaster's property, for which Acting Assistant Surgeon J. S. White is account- able. 2. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, se- ries 1898. Headquarters of the Army, 2d Lieutenant Fred- erick E. Johnston, 7th Artillery, is hereby assigned to the command of Light Battery C. 7th Artillery, to date from January 1, 1899, he having exercised that command since that date. 3. 1st Lieutenant Frank L. Wells, 11th Infantry, is relieved from duty as a member of the general court-mar- tial convened at San Juan, P. R., by paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 18, current series, these headquarters, during the trials before the Military Commission in session at that post, to enable him to act as counsel for prisoners. 4. Privates Herman Greiner and. Philip Waechter, Com- pany G, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, now at Caro- lina, P. R., will report to 1st Lieutenant Frank Techier, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, for special duty. 5. Paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 20, current series, these headquarters, is amended to read: '' Private Wil- liam Shue, Hospital Corps, now a patient in the General Hospital at Ponce, will report to the Commanding Officer of that hospital for duty." By Comdman of Major General Henry: frank McIntyre, 1st Lieutenant 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Specj rders. ' I No. 23. HEADQU A KTERS DEPAKTM ENJ OF PORTO RICO, . A San Juan, January 28, 1899. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this City to Utuado, P. R., for Private Frank Horner. Troop B, 5th Cavalry, dischar- ged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence De- partment will provide commutation of rations in advance, for two days, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey is necessary for the public ser- vice. 2. Captains IF. II. Gillenvater and C. I'. Spence, 6 th U S. Volunteer Infantry, are detailed as additional m *m- bers of tlte Military Commission appointed at Arecibo, P. It. by paragraph 1. Special Orders No. 61, series 1898, these headquarters. 3. Leave of absence for one month, with permission to return tj the United States and apply to the Adjutant Geneial of the Army for an extension of one month, is granted Captain Alexander II. Piper, Commissary of Subsis- tence. U. S. Volunteers. 1. The journey performed by 1st Lieutenant Thomas G. Hanson, 19th Infantry, on January 13, 1899. from ('oamo to Ponce. P. IL, and return, on p iblic business connected with th? (Quartermaster's Department, in obe- dience to telegraphic instructions from Headquarters Dis- trict of Ponce, is approved as having be?n necessary f »r t he public service. 5. Acting Hospital Steward Joseph Schwamberger, U. S. A., having been tried by a General Court-Martial at Ponce. P. R.. and found guilty of drunkenness on duty,and failure to report to surgeon in charge of Hospital as or- dered, in violation of the 3Hh and 62d Articles of War, was s mt<m *ed "to be reduced to the ranks and, to be confined, at hard labor under charge of the post guard for one (1) month and to forfeit ten, {10) dollars per month for turn (2) months.'' Th? sentence was approved January 27, 1899, and will be duly executed: 6. Private James IF. Defers, Battery C. 7th Artillery, having been tried by a General Court-Martial at Ponce, P. R., and found guilty of being drunk and absent with- 2 out authority from the hospital in which he was a conva- lescent patient, in violation of the 62d Article of war was sentenced "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard for eight (8) months and to forfeit ten (10) dol- lars per month for the same period," The sentence is mit- igated to confinement at hard labor for two months and forfeiture of ten dollars per month for the same period. As mitigated the sentence was approved. January 27. 1899, and will be duly executed at the station of his battery. 7. Private Herman Kahn, Company C. 47th N. Y. Vol. Infantry having been tried by a General Court-Martial at Caguas, P. R., and found guilty of wilfully disobeying the orders of the Corporal of the Guard, lie being a member of the Guard, was sentenced, "To forfeit to the United States ten dollars (10) of his monthly pay for the period of one (1) month and to be confined at hard labor under guard at the post of his company, or such other place as the reviewing autho- rity may direct, for a period of three \3) months. The sentence was approved January 27. 1899. and will be duly executed. 8. Private David Lonergan, Company L, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, having been tried by a Gene- ral Court-Martial at Caguas, P. R., and found guilty of drunkenness on Guard in violation of 38th Article of War. was sentenced, " To forfeit to the United Slates ten dollars ($10) of his monthly pay for the period of three (3) months and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for a like period". In this case the following irregularities are noted : the specification, 1st charge, as recorded, fails to set forth the locus of the offence; the record fails to state that the accu- sed. counsel and reporter were present at au adjourned meeting: also that the Judge Advocate was present at a subsequent meeting. Two witnesses recalled to give ad- ditional evidence were again sworn. The second swearing was unnecessary, it being sufficient to caution the wit- ness that he is still under oath. The announcement that a vote was a tie was also irregular, a simple stat- ement of the court's ruling being all that is required. Subject to the foregoing remarks the proceedings, finding and sentence-were approved January 27, 1899. Thesentence will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's com- pany. 3 9. Pwvate Patrick Bergin, Company E. 11th Infa try, having been tried by a General Court-Martial at San .Juan, P. R., and found guilty of being drunk on guard in violation of the 38th Article of War was sentenced, "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States for- feiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor in such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of six (6) months.'" The sentence was approved .January 27. 1899, and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, P. R. 10. Private John Mc.Elwee, Company C, 11th Infantry having been tried by a General Court-Martial at San Juan, P. R.. and found guilty ( f quitting guard in violation of the 40th Article of War was sentenced, ^To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor in such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of six (6*) months." The sentence was approved January. 27, 1899, and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan. P. R. 11. Private Charles 11. Toppan, Company E. 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, having been tried by a Ge- neral Court Martial at Caguas, P. R. and found guilty of threatening bodily injury to his superior officer in viola- tion of the 21st Article of War was sentenced. "To forfeit to the United States ten dollars ($10') of his monthly pay for the period of three (3) months and to be confined at hard labor under guard at the station of his company for the same period, or at such place as the reviewing authority may direct." The sentence was approved January 27. Owing to the length of time the prisoner has been in confinement the sentence is mitigated to confinement at hard labor for two months and forfeiture of ten dollars per month for the same period. As mitigated the sentence will by duly executed. 12. Private John Colwell, Company C. 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial at Caguas, P. R., and found guilty of drunk- enness on duty in violation of the 38th Article of War was sentenced, " To forfeit to the United States ten dollars ($10) of his montly pay for the period of two (2) months and to be confined at hard labor at the station of his company, or 4 An this case it is observed that the President bi'the Court in signing the record disregards paragraph 801 A. it. The sentence was approved January 27. 1899. Owing to the time the accused has already been in confinement one month's confinement imposed by the foregoing sentence is remitted. As mitigated the sentence will be duly exe- cuted. 13. Private Michael J. Doody, Co. F, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, having been tried by a general court- martial at San Juan. P. R.. and found guilty of sleeping on post in violation of the 39th Article of War, was sen- tenced "To be confined <d hard labor under eharye of the guard at the post where his company may be serriny for th period of four (4) months and to forfeit to the I'nited Sta'es tn dollars lO.Ot)) per month of his pay for the same period." The sentence was approved January 27, 1899. an I wi.l b* duly executed. 14. Private A/lolph Fischer. Tn op A, 5th Cavalry, having been tried by a General Cot r>Martial at Arecibo. Porto Rico, and found guilty of absence from hisduties as Tn op Farrier in iolation Of the (>2d Article < t War. was sentenced •■To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post yuard at post of his Company for fifteen days and to for- f it ten dollars of his pay." The sentence was approve I January 27, 1899. and will be executed at the station of his troop. 15. Corporal Edward Geezer, Company C. 47ih N"W York Volunteer Infantry, having been tried by a general Court-Martial and found guilty < f drunkenness on guard in violation of the 38th Article of War w is sentenced •■to. forfeit to the I'nited States the sum of twenty dollars ($20) and to be reduct d to the ranks in add:'ion thereto." The sentence was approved January 27, 1899. Corporal (leezer will be released from arrest and returned to duty as a private. 1(5. Private John /turnett, Company F, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry. having been t ried by a General Court-Martial at San Juan. Porto Rico. and found guilty < f resisting arrest, and using insubordinate and abusive language to non-commissioned officers, was sentenced ■•To be confined at hard labor tinder charge of the yuard at the post where his Company may be sercing for the period oj 5 tit such place as the reviewing authority may direct the same period. " six (6) months and to forfeit to the United States ten dollars ($10} per month of his pay for the same period." The sen- tence was approved January 27, 3899, and will be duly ex- ecuted. 17. Private Patrick J. Cannon, Company T. 11th In- fantry. having been tried by a General Court-Martial at San Juan Porto Rico, and found guilty of absence from drill and guard mounting in violation of the 33rd Article of War, was sentenced, upon consideration of five pre- vious convictions lito be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, and to be confined at hard labor in such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of six (6} months.'" So much of the sentence in the foregoing case as imposes dis- honorable discharge with forfeiture of all pay and allow- ances, and confinement at hard labor for three months was approved January 27, 1899. As approved the sent- ence will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, P. R. By command of Major General Henry : frank mcintyre, 1st Lieutenant 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 24. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan January 30, 1899. 1. Paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 17. current series, these headquarters, transferring Private Lewis C. Goehrin- ger. Troop G. 5th Cavalry, to Troop B, of the same regi ment, is revoked. . 2. A board of survey to consist of:- W' Major Louis Brechemin, Surgeon, U. S. Army; V Captain Frederick P. Reynolds. Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant Bailey K. Ashford, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; is appointed to meet at the General Hospital in this cuy at 10 o'clock, a. m., on Tuesday, January 31, 1899. or as soon thereafter as practicable, to determine and fix the responsibility for the shortage in an invoice of clothing delivered by the Depot Quartermaster to Acting Assistant Surgeon J. S. White, U. 8. Army. 3. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Lares, P. R., for Corporal George W. Emmet, Company F, 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantry, discharged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will provide commuta- tion of rations in advance, fortwo days, it being imprac- ticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey neces- sary for the public service. 4. 1st Lieutenant Samuel G. Jones, jr., 5th Cavalry, will proceed from Aibonito to Caguas, P. R., to act as counsel in case of a prisoner to be tried by a general court- martial at that post, and on completion of that duty he will return to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. Priate Charles E. Miller, Troop F, 8th IT. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a General Court-M irtial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of desertion in violation of the 47th Article of War, and of fraudulent enlistment in violation of the 62d Article of War was sentenced 'Jo be dishonorably discharged the ser- vice oj the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor at such post as the reviewing authority may direct for three months. The court is thus lenient on account of this soldier having enlisted for the war." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at Mayaguez, Porto, Rico. 2 6, Private Frederick J. Bennett, Light Battery M, 7th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a General Court Martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 62d Article of War was sentenced "To be- confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard for one (J) month, and to forfeit fifteen and 60-100 ($15,60) per month for the same period." In the foregoing case of Pri- vate Frederick J. Bennett, Light Battery M, 7th U. S. Ar- tillery, the records fail to show that the witness Villafana was sworn. As the court's finding conforms to the pris- oner's plea, the evidence of this witness is not material. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's battery. 7. Leave of absence for one month to take effect February 1, 1899, with permission to return to the United States is granted 2d Lieutenant Langhorne D. Lewis, 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantry. By command of Major General Henry : FRANK MCINTYRE, 1st Lieutenant 19th Injantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Specie. Orders, No. 25. H E A DQU A RT E RS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San J can January 31. 1899. 1. Private Louis Miller, Troop K, 5th Cavalry, now atCiales, P. R.. will be sent by his commanding officer to the General Hospital in this city for observation and treatment. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 2. The journey performed by 2d Lieutenant E. E. Houk, 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantry, from Utuado to San Juan, P. IL, and return, about November 22, 1898, on public business in connection with his duties as commis- sary, under Special Orders No. 8, Utuado, P. R., Novem- ber 22, 1898, is approved as having been necessary for the public service. 3. The Commanding Officer of the General Hospital at Ponce will send' six privates of his detachment of the Hospital Corps, fully equipped for the field and rationed to include February 10, 1899, to Coamo, P. R., to report for temporary duty to Acting Assistant. Surgeon Azel Ames, in connection with the work of the vaccine sta- tion there. Upon the completion of this duty they will re- turn to their proper station. The Quartermaster's Depart- mentwill furnish the necessary transportation. 4. Acting Assistant Surgeon S. H. Wadhams, now on duty with the 19th Infantry at Ponce, will report to Acting Assistant Surgeon Azel Ames, at Coamo. P. R., for temporary duty in connection with the work of the vaccine station there, on completion of which he will re- turn to his proper station. The Quartermaster's Depart- ment will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. Leave of absence for ten days is granted the fol- lowing-named officers : - 1st Lieutenant Frank L. Wells, 11th Infantry; 2d Lieutenant George H. Shelton 11th Infantry. 6. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Lares, P. R., for Private Melford D: Leland Company K. 19th Infantry, discharged from the General Hospital, and the Subsis- tence Department will provide commutation of rations in 2 advance, for two days, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind, and the journey necessary for the public service. 7. Juan Mojica, citizen of Porto Rico, having been tried by a Military Commision convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of assult with intent to kill, robbery and attempt at extortion was sentenced, "Tobe confined at hard labor in such penitentiary as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of two (2) years'". The sentence was approved January 31. 1899. antY will be duly executed at the penitentiary of San Juan, Porto Rico. 8. Private Thomas Burke, Company B, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of fraudulent enlistment in violation of the 82d Article of War. was sentenced "To be dishonorably discharged the ser- vice of the United States, forfeiting al! pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor in such place as the reviewing authority .may direct for two (2) months. The Court is thus lenient on account of this soldier haring enlisted for the war."" The sentence was approved January 31, 1899, and will be duly executed at the Post of Mayaguez. Porto Rico. 9. Sergeant Eugene L. Hearn. Light Battery M. 7th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a General Court- Martial convened at Ponce. Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the (12nd Article of War. was sentenced "To forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars per month of his pay for two (2) months.'1' The sentence was approved January 31, 18s9, and will be duly executed. By command ok Major General Henry : frank mcintyre. 1st Lieutenant IDth Injantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 26. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, February 1, 1899. 1. Captain Richard M. Blatchford, and 1st Lieuten- ant Frank Lp Wells, 11th Infantry, are hereby detailed as members of the board of survey convened in this city by paragraph 2, Special Orders No. 13, series 1898, these headquarters. 2. Private William E. Johnson, Hospital Corps, now at Bayamon, will proceed without delay to Ponce, P. R., and report to 2d Lieutenant F. B. Watson, 19th Infantry, judge advocate of the general court-martial in session at that post, for trial. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsist- ence Department commutation of rations, in advance, for three days, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 3. Private Ambrose Early, Light Battery M, 7th U. S Artillery, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at Pence, Porto Rico, and found guilty of theft in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consider- ation of five f5) previous convictions, sentenced, "Tobe dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, for- feiting all, pay and allowances due him, except transportation and subsistence to the United States, and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may di- rect for the period of one (7) year.'1'' The sentence is ap- proved. Pending further orders the sentence will be exe- cuted at Ponce, Porto Rico. 4. Private William J. Barker, Company G, 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court- Martial at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found "Not Guilty" as charged, was acquitted. Surgeon's certificate in the case of an officer being unable to be present on account of sickness should have been attached to this record. Sub- ject to this remark, the proceedings are approved. The acquittal is approved. Private Barker has been ordered released from confinement and restored to duty. By Comdmand of Major General Henry: FRANK McINTYRE, 1st Lieutenant 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Special Orders, Nd. 27. H E A UA RT K RS I) E P A RTM ENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan January 2, 1899. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary t ransportation from this city to Santurce, P. R., for Private Percy J. O'Brien, Light Battery C, 7th Artile lery, discharged from the General Hospital, 2. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Barceloneta. P. R., for Private Charles Shearer, Company K, 6th U. S- Volunteer Infantry, discharged from the General Hos- pital . 3. Private Michael Carroll, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial at Ar- ecibo, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkeness on du- ty in violation of the 38th Article of War. larceny, in vio- lation <>f the 60th Article of War and conduct to the prej- udice of good order and military discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "To be impris- oned for six months in suck prison as the reviewing authority may designate, and to forfeit ten dollars each month of his pay. during said term of confinement." The sentence is ap- proved and will be duly executed at tHe station of the prisoner's troop. 4. The journey performed by Lieutenant Colonel John W. Pullman, Chief Quartermaster of the Department, from this city to Ponce, P. R., and return, from January. 29th. to February 1, 1899. on public business, is approved as having been necessary for the public service. 5. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to, Arecibo, P. R., for Private James Dudgeon, Company A, 6th U. S. Vol. Infantry, discharged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will commute his rations for two days in advance, it being impracticable for the sol - dier to carry rations of any kind, and the journey nec- essary for the public service. 6. A board of survey to consist of:- Lieutenant Colonel James Rockwell, jr., Chief Ordnance Officer. U.S. V; Lieutenant Colonel William A. Glassford, Chief Signal Officer, U. S, V.; Major Edwin A. Hoot, Chief Engineer Officer, U. S. V., is appointed to meet at the subsistence storehouse in this city at 10 o'clock, a. m., on Saturday, February 4, 1899. or as soon thereafter as practicable to ascertain the nature of the discrepancy existing between invoices of Colonel Charles A. Woodruff, Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence, U. S. Army, and stores received by Major John Little, Purchasing and Depot Commissary, and to ex amine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the damaged condition of certain articles of subsistence stores received upon these invoices. 7. Private Hugh F. McCaffrey, Company C, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial at Caguas, Porto Rico, and found guilty of sleeping on post in violation of the 39th Article of War, was sentenced "To be discharged the service of the United States for the good of the service.'1'' In the foregoing case of Private Me Caffrey, the record fails to show by what authority a member was relieved from the court. Surgeon's certificate covering the absence of a member was omitted. Exhibits were improperly affixed to the record. Exparte evidence was introduced and the sentence is irregular, omitting the word "dishonorably" and adding the surplusage, "fortlie good of the service." The case having been remanded to the Court for reconsideration of sentence and the Court having meanwhile been dissolved, the proceedings, findings and sentence are disapproved: Private McCaffrey will be released from confinement and returned to duty. 8. Private James J. Stamates. Troop G, 5th U. b. Cavalry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial at Caguas, Porto Rico and found guilty of drunkenness on duty in violation of the 38th Artiile of War, was sen- tenced "To forfeit to the Unit d Stales, ten dollars ($10.00) of his monthly pay for the period of three (3) months, and to be confined at hard labor at Ponce, or such place as the revie- wing authority may direct for the same period." In the foregoing case of Private Stamates, the following irregularities are noted : Exparte testimony in the form of affidavits was introduced. The jurat in depositions is ommitted. Papers purporting to be depositions for the prosecution were presented by the defence. In one speci- fication as entered in the record no time or place is alleged. The record bears evidence of haste and carelessness in 2 3 preparation. The ease having been remanded for revision and the Court meanwhile having been dissolved, the fin- ding and sentence must rest upon the evidence legally adduced. This supports the action of the Court, and the sentence is approved. Owing to the tiipe the prisoner has been confined, the term of imprisonment is reduced to one (1) month. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed at the station of his troop. By command of Major General Henry : ERANK McFNTYRE. 1st Lieutenant l!Mh Injantrn. Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Special Orders, \ ' ■ headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan. February 3, 1899. 1. Acting Assistant Surgeon A. L. Miller, now at Camuy, will, upon the abandonment of that post, transfer his medical property to the Surgeon at Lares, and take sta- tion at Arecibo, relieving 1st Lieutenant Z. D. Massey. Assistant Surgeon, 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantry, ordered home with his regiment. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 2. Acting Assistant Surgeon M. J. ScKamberg, is hereby telieved from duty at Arecibo, and upon the arrival thereof Acting Assistant Surgeon A. L. Miller, will proceed to San Juan and report to Major George G. Groff. Brigade Surgeon, U. S. V., Director of vaccination, for tempo- rary duty in connection with public vaccination. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 3. Acting Assistant Surgeon W. M. Carson, on duty at Barceloneta, and Manati, will, upon the abandonment of Barceloneta transfer the medical property pertaining to it to Manati and will accompany the 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantry to the United States, upon the completion of which duty he will report by letter to the Surgeon General, U.S. Army, for annulment of contract- The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec. essary transportation. 4. Acting Assistant Surgeon IK R. George, now sick in the General Hospital at Ponce, is relieved from duty at Manati, and will report to the Commanding Officer of the General Hospital at Ponce for duty. 5. Acting Assistant Surgeon Edward McClendon. on duty at Toa-Alta, will, upon the abandonment of that station transfer the medical property pertaining thereto to the Surgeon at Bayamon, and will accompany the 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantry to the United States, upon the completion of which duty he will report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, for annul- ment of contract. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 2 6. Privates Paul V. Hayden and John M. Green, Hos- pital Corps, U. S. A., will accompany the 6th U. 8. Vol- unteer Infantry to the United States for duty with the sick, and with view to their discharge from the service on their individual application to the War Department. Tne Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 7. Private Fred A. Metts, Hospital Corps, now on duty at Toa-Alta, and Private Edward Face, Hospital Corps. Barceloneta, will upon the abandonment of those stations proceed to Bayamon and report to the Comm mding Offi -er of that post for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 8. Private John IK Daniels, Hospital Corps, now at Camuy, will, upon the abandonment of that station, pro- ceed to Lares and report to the Commanding Officer of thatstation for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 9. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1896, Headquarters of the Army. 1st Lieutenant S. Reynolds White, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, is assigned to the command of Company L of th n regim *nt to date from December 6, 1898, he having exercised taat command since that date. 10. Contract Nurses Mary B. Hall, Ella A. Stark- weather and Mary C. Stewart, are relieved from duty in the hospital at Arecibo, and will report to the C >mmand- ing Officer of the General Hospital, Ponce, for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 11. Private John Graham, Company' 1). 19th Infan- try, now at the General Hospital. Ponce, will be sent to SanJuan with directions to report to the Commanding Officer of the Hospital there for operation. 12. 1st Lieutenant Williard F. Truby, Assistant Surgeon. U.S. Army, having reported at these headquarters in compliance with paragraph 70. Special Orders No. 9. Head- qu irters of the Army, January 12, 1899, will report to the Commanding Officer at Mayaguez for duty. The travel en- joined is necessary for the public service. The Quartermas- er s Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 13. Acting Assistant Surgeon Charles D. > Pettigrew, now on duty at the Hospital, San Juan, will proceed to Cayey and report to the Commanding Officer of that post for temporary duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. The Quartermaster's Department will urnish the necessary transportation. 14. In compliance with instructions from the Head- quarters of the Army. Captain Richard M. Blatchford. 11th Infantry, is hereby detailed to inspect, correct and com- plete the records of the 47th New York Volunteer Infan- try, necessary to preparation for muster-out. This work will progress during the voyage of the regiment from this Island to the United States. Particular attention will be directed to the clothing and descriptive books, morning-reportsand sick books. Captain Blatchford will report to the Commanding Officer of the 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, at Caguas, P. R., and accompany the regiment to the United States, returning to bis proper station in this Department upon the completion of his du- ties. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By Comdmand of Major General Henry: frank mcintyre, 1st Lieutenant 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. 3 Special Orders, No. 29. HEADQUARTERS DERARTMEX T OF PORL'O RICO, San Joan, February 4, 1899. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this City to Arecibo. P. R., for Private William F. Thomas,Company A, 6th IT. S. Volunteer Infantry, discharged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will commute h's rations for one day in advance, it b ing impracticable for the sol- dier to carry rations of any kin J, and the journey neces- sary for the public service. 2. A board of officers to consist of:-- Major Peter II. Egan. Brigade Surgeon, (J. S. V.: Captain George. M. Wells. Assistant Surgeon. U. S. A., Captain M. Gray Zalinslm, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. A; is appointed to meet at Ponce. P. R., at 10 o'clock a. in., on Wednesday, February 8, 1899. or as soon thereafter as practicable to examine jnd report upon certain plumbing material and work, placed in the General Hospital at Ponce, alleged to be unworkmanlike, unsanitary, out of date, worthless material, and charged for ata price be- yond ah propriety. 3. Private Archie A. McLellan, Hospital Corps. U. S. A ., having been tried by a General Court-Martial at San Juan, Porto Rice, and found guilty of sleeping on post in violation of the 39th Article of War,was sentenced ■'To be con fined at ha rd labor under charge of the post guard at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the term of two months and to forfeit ten dollars per month of his pay for the same period.'1'1 The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, Porto Rico. 4. Private John C. Gaffney, Company F. 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, having been tried by a General Com t-Martial at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on guard in violation of the 38th Article of War wassentenced ^To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard at such place as the reviewing author- ity may direct for the period of six (6) months and to forfeit ten dollars ($10.00) per month for the same period.'1'1 The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's company. 2 5. Private William H. Spear. Company F, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on guard in violation of the 38th Article of War, was sentenced "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard at such post as the reviewing author- ity may direct for three (3) months, and to forfeit ($10,00) of his pay per month for the same period." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's company. 6. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Arecibo, P. R„ for Sergeant John F. Buchanan and Private Harry Eckhardt Company A, and Private Morgan Clevenger. Company C, 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantry, discharged from the Gen - eral Hospital. 7. In compliance with instructions from the Headquar- ters of the Army. 1st Lieutenant Elisha S. Benton, 7th ArtHlery, is hereby detailed to inspect, correct and com- plete the records of the 6th U S. Volunteer Infantry, nec- essary to preparation for muster-out. This work will progress during the voyage of the regiment from This Is- land to the United States. Particular attention will be directed to the clothing and descriptive books. morning- reports and sick books. Lieutenant Benton will report to the Commanding Officer of the 6th U. S. Volunteer In- tantry. at Arecibo. P. R., and accompany the regiment to the United States, returning to his proper station in this Department upon the completion of his duties. The trav- el enjoined is necessary for the public service. By Comdmand of Major General Henry: 1st Lieutenant 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 30. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, February 6, 1899. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Utuado, P. R., tor Pri vate Charles DeGarmo, Trot p B. 5th Cavalry, dis- charged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will commute his rations lor two days in ad- vance. it being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind, and the journey necessary for the pu blic service. 2. Private Abram A. Mundy, Company F, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in violation of tho 62d Article of War, and Qf drunkenness on duty in violation of he 38th Article of War, was sentenced "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard, for six (6') months, at such place as the reviewing officer may direct, and to forfeit Ten Dollars ($10.00) per month for the same period." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's company. 3. Sergeant John S. Batchelor and Private John Tur- ner , Company E, 19th Infantry, having completed the du des assigned them in Special Orders No. 20, Ponce. P. il.. February 1st. 1829, will return to their prop-r sta- tion at Ponce, P. R. The Quartermas er's Department will furni-h the necessary transportation, and the Sub- sistence Department, commutation of rations in advance for three days, it being impracticable for the soldiers to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 4. Private William E. Lofthus, Troop E, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and convicted of criminal careless- ness in handling a loaded revolver, was sentenced "To be. confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard, Jor three months, and to forjeit his pay for the same period." The S' ntence, although inadequate to so grave an offence, is formally approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's troop. 5. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, 2 series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 11, Headquarters 19th Infantry, dated Ponce, P. R., February 1, 1899. assigning 1st Lieutenant John Howard, 19th Infantry, to the command of Company I, of that regiment, is hereby confirmed. 6. 1st Lieutenant Frank L. Wells, 11 th Infantry, is relieved from duty as a member of the general court- martial convened at San Juan. P. R., by paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 18, current series, these headquarters, during the trial of Private Edward H. Welch, Company L, 11th Infantry, only, to enable him to act as . counsel for the accused. 7. Private Thomas W. Gordon, . Company M, 1st U. S. Volunteer Engineers, now at Yauco, P. R., will be sent by the first available U. S. transport to N.-w York City with directions to report to the commanding officer of his regiment for duty. The Quartermaster's Depart- ment will furnish the necessary transportation, and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations in ad- vance for the necessary number of days, it being impracti- cable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. By command of Major General Henry : prank McIntyre, 1st Lieutenant 19lh Injantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 31. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, February 7, 1899. 1. Sergeant Eugene Hearn and Wagoner Charles Wag- ner, Light Battery M, 7th Artillery, having completed the duties assigned them in Special Orders No. 21, Ponce, P. R., February 4th, 1899, 'will return to their pre per sta- tion at Ponce. The Quartermaster's Department will fur- nish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence De- partment commutation of rations for three days in ad- vance, it being impracticable for the soldiers to carry rat ions of any kind and the journey necessary for the pub- lic service. 2. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Mayaguez, P. R., for the following enlisted men of the 5th Cavalry, who arrived on the U. S. Transport "Michigan-': Private John JU. Longo, Band; Private Emil Sehattel. Band; Trumpeter Louis MuhLenbruch, Troop D; Private Albert E. Westall, Troop D, and the Subsistence Department will provide the i.cits- sary travel rations, including funds for the puicLa e of liquid coffee, for two days. 3. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Utuado, P. R., for Private David Hurke, Troop B, 5th Cavalry, who ar- rived on the U. S. Transport "Michigan", and the Sub- sistence Department will commute his rations for two days in advance, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind, and the journey necessary for the public service. 4. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to San German, P. R.„ for Privates Ar. Gaffney and Louis Wesbroker, Troop E. 5th Cavalry, who ariived on the U. S. Transport "Mi- chigan", and the Subsistence Department will commute their rations for two days in advance, it being impracti- cable for the soldiers to carry rations of any kind, and the journey necessary for the public service. 5. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from thiscity to Aibonito, P. R., for Private Gordon, Troop G, 5th Cavalry, who 2 arrived on the U. S. Transport "Michigan", and the Subsistence Department will commute his rations for two days in advance, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind, and the journey necessary for the public service. 6. The Quartermaster's Pepartment will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Ciales, P. R., for Privates Thomas Ryan and Joseph Glenn, Troop K, 5th Cavalry, who arrived on the U. S. Transport "Michigan", and the Subsistence Department will commute their ra- tions for two days in advance, it being impr mticable for the soldiers to carry rations of any kind, and the journey necessary for the public service. 7. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Las Marias, P. R., for Privates AIbert Broussard, Mathew Betz and Fink, Troop L, 5th Cavalry, who arrived on the U. b. Transport "Michigan'', and the Subsistence De- partment will commute their rations for two days in ad vance, it being impracticable for the soldiers to carry ra- tions of any kind, and the journey necessary for the pub- lic service. 8. Pedro N. Febus ^civilianA having been tried by a Military Commission at Ponce. P. R., and found not g iiIty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is ap- proved. The prisoner has been ordered released. 9. Thomas Smith ^Citizen Teamster, Depot Corral, Ponce, P. R.), having been tried by a General Court-mar- tial at Ponce, P. R., and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. 10. Carlos Santos Senteno, Citizen, having been tried by a Military Commission at Ponce, P. R., and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The foregoing case of Carlos Santos Senteno, citizen, affords an illustration of the humanity and beniticence of the law as administered by American Military Tribunals, it beingtheir purpose to secure a speedy trial, to ascertain the exact truth, and where the guilt of the accused is established beyond a reasonable doubt, to mete out punishment for the pro- tection of society. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. 3 11. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Mayaguez, P. R., for Recruits Asa W. Brown, Thomas Dolan and Charles P. Houle, 5th Cavalry, who arrived on the U. S. Transport "Michigan", and the Subsistence Department will provide travel rations, including funds for the pur- chase of liquid coffee, for two days. By command of Major General Henry : FRANK MCINTYRE, 1st Lieutenant 19th Injantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Spec: Orders, No. 32. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTME OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, February 8, 1899. 1. Bv direction of the Secretary of War, the follow- ing-named officers will report in person to Colonel Isaac D. DeRussy, 11th Infantry, president of the examining board appointed to meet in this city, by paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 40, series 1898, these headquarters, at such time as they may be required by the board, for ex- amination as to their fitness for promotion:- Captain John G. Leefe, 19th Infantry; Captain Albert L. Myer, 11th Infantry; Captain Charles A. Vernon, 19th Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Edward P. Lawton, 19th Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Evan M. Johnson, jr., 19th Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Frank, McIntyre, 19th Infantry; 2d Lieutenant George W. Helms, 19th Infantry; 2d Lieutenant Rufus E. Longan, 11th Infantry; 2d Lieutenant Seaborn G. Chiles, 11th Infantry; 2d Lieutenant Joseph E. Cusack, 5th Cavalry; 2d Lieutenant Edward B. Cassatt, 4th Cavalry (Captain and Assistant Adjutant General of Volunteers^. The officers wiio are not stationed in this city will up- on the completion of their examination, return to their proper stations. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish tlie necessary transportation. The travel en- joined is necessary for the public service. 2. Civilian John J. O'Brien, an employe of the Quar- termaster's Department. having been tried by a General Court-Martial at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is aprov- ed. The release of the prisoner has been ordered. 3. 1st Lieutenant William E. Richards, Assistant Surgeon. U. S. A.rmy, having reported at these Headquar- ters, will proceed to Aibonito, P. R., and report to the Commanding Officer at that station for duty, relieving Acting Assistant Surgeon J. W. Thomas, who will accom- pany the 47th New York Volunteer Infantry to the Unit- ed States, and upon completion of this duty will report by letter to the Surgeon General of the Army for annulment of contract. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish he necessary transportation. 4. The Commanding Officer, 5th Cavalry Squadron, San Juan, will send one acting hospital steward and one private of the Hospital Corps to Aibonito, P. R., to re- 2 port lo the Commanding Officer of that station for duty; - Two (2) privates, Hospital Corps, with Troop C, 5th Cavalry, to Humacao; One fl) acting hospital steward and one fl) private, Hospital Corps, with Troop H, to Lares, and One fl) private. Hospital Corps, with Troop I, to Ponce. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 5. Upon the recommendation of the Chief Surgeon of the Department, Private L. G. Hess, Company D, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, is hereby transferred to the Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, and will report to the Commanding Officer, Vieques, for duty, where he will await the arrival of the new' command. 6. Upon the recommendation of the Chief Surgeon, • of the Department the following-named privates of the .Hospital. Corps, now on duty at the San Juan Hospital, •are hereby detailed as acting hospital stewards : Hiram Ogle, Gorge B. Roe, Patrick J. Maloney. 7. Private Herbert C. Adams, Hospital Corps, now on duty at the San Juan Hospital, will report to Acting Assistant Surgeon Azel Ames, U. S. Army, for temporary duty at the vaccine station at Coamo, upon the comple- tion of which he will return to his proper station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 8. Major Eugene D. Dimmick, 5th Cavalry, h iving re- ported at these headquarters on the 7th instant, is hereby assigned to station in this city under the immediate or- ders of the Department Commander. 9. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155. series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, paragraph 3. Spec- ial Orders No. 29, Post of San Juan, P. R.. dated Febru- ary 4, 1899, assigning 2d Lieutenant J. Malcolm Graham, 11th Infantry, to the command of Company L, of that regiment is hereby confirmed. 10. Private John Quigley, Company II, 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on du- 3 ty in violation of the 38th Article of War, and of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard for six (6J months, and to forfeit ten (10) dollars per month for the same period.''' The sentence in the foregoing case of Private John Quigley, Company H. 19th J. S. Infantry, is approved. In view of the period the prisoner has been necessarily held in confinement and in further consider- ation of his promise to do better, the sentence is miti- gated to confinement at hard labor for three months and forfeiture of ten dollars ($10.007 per month for the same period. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed at the station of his company. 11. Contract Nurse Charles B. Haskell, attached to the 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Coart Martial at Ponce. Porto Rico, and found not gouty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. By Comdmandof Major.General Henry: TRANK MclNTYRE, 1st Lieutenant 19th Infantry, Acting Assistant Adjutant General. Special Orders, HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, February 9, 1899. 1- Captain Edmund D. Smith, 19th Infantry, is here- by detailed as a member of the Military Commission, ap- pointed at Ponce, P. II., by paragraph 10, Special Orders No 64, series 1898, these headquarters, vice Captain Fran- cis H. French, 19th Inf tntry, who is hereby relieved from that duty. f 2. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish tiie necessary transportation from this city to Barcelo- neta, P. II., for Sergeants James E. Kelly and Harvie Syd- ner, Company K. 6th U. S. Volunteer infantry and Act- ing Hospital Steward Edward L. Face, U. S. Army. 3. Contract Nurses ClarenceB. Livingstone, now at Aiboni- to, and James E. Sheple, now at Cayey, will accompany the 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, to the United States and there report by letter to the Surgeon General of the Army, for annulment of contracts. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 4. Acting Assistant Surgeon M. J. Schamberg, now at San Juan, will report to the Chief Surgeon of the De- partment for annulment of contract and will thereafter proceed to the United States. The Quartermaster's De- partment will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. Contract Nurses Lucina M. Goodell and Ella B. C. Pease are relieved from duty in the General Hospital at Ponce, and will proceed to the United Statesand report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, for annul- ment of contracts. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 6. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Fajardo, for Private Emil Dawsonville, Company F, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, discharged from the Gen- eral Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will pro- vide commutation of rations in advance for two days, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 7. 1st Lieutenant Walter Cox, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, and Acting Assistant Surgeon Charles G. 2 E^ner, having reported at these headquarters compli- ance with orders from the Headquarters of the Army, will report to the Commanding Officer of the Hospital at San Juan, for temporary duty. 8. Acting Assistant Surgeon H. J. having report- ed at these headquarters in compliance with paragraph 91, Special Orders No. 20, current series, Headquarters of the Army, will proceed to Cayey and report to the Command- ing Officer for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation The travel en- joined is necessary for the public service. 9. Paragraph 13, Special Orders No. 28. current ser- ies, these headquarters, directing Acting Assistant Sur- geon Charles D. Pettigrew to proceed to Cayey on tempo- rary duty, is revoked. 10. In addition to the number of enlisted men de- tailed by paragraph 8, Special Orders No. 21. current series, these headquarters, the Commanding Officer of the General Hospital at San Juan, will select nine privates < f the Hospital Corps who will report to Acting Assistant Surgeon Azel Ames, in charge of the vaccine station al Co- amo, for temporary duty, on completion of which they will return to their proper station. The Quartermaster s Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 11. The Commanding Officerat Aibonito will select three privates of Cavalry, who will report to Acting As- sistant Surgeon Azel Ames in charge of the vaccine station at Coamo, for temporary duty as couriers, upon com- pletion of which they will return to their proper station. i 12. Acting Hospital Steward Arthur Eutroppe, Hos- pital Corps, iiaving reported at these headquarters in com- pliance with orders from tiie War Department, will re- port to the Commanding Officer. General Hospital at San Juan, for duty. 13. 1st Lieutenant Frank L. 11th Infantry, is relieved from duty as a member of the general court- martial convened at San Juan, P. R., by paragraph 3. Special Orders No. 18, current series, these headquarters, during the trial of Private James Carey. Battery G. 5th Artillery, only, to enable him to act as counsel fertile accused. 3 i The unexecuted portion of the sentences i »osed by general courts-martial in the cases of the following- named general prisoners, late of the 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantry, now in confinement at Arecibo. P. R., are here- by remitted to take effect on their arrival in the United States, where they will be taken by the Commanding Offi- cer of the 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantry;- Alonzo Stier, () K. Dalrymple, F ank Irwin, R. F. Royers, John J. Donahue. 15. Sc much of the unexecuted portion of the sen- tences as relates to confinement in the cases of the fol- lowing-named privates of the 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, now undergoing sentences at Caguas, P. R., is rem i I ted :- • James White, Company L; Herman Kahn. Company C; John Colwell, Company C; Divid Lonergan, Company L. 16. Private Joseph McLaughlin, Company H, 19th U.S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court- Martial at Ponce, P. R., and found guilty of absence without leave in violation of the 32nd Article of War. and conduct to the prejudice ofgood order and military discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenc'd 'Lobe dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, ex- cept transportation and subsistence to the United States." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 17. The following-named officers are hereby detailed as additional m 'mbers of the General Court-Martial, con- vened at Ponce. P. R., by paragraph 9. Special Orders, No. 3. current series, these Headquarters: Captain Montgomery M. Macomb, 7th Artillery; 2nd Lieutenant Henry A. Eames. 19th Infantry; 2nd Limteiiant Arthur S. Conklin, 7th Artillery; 2nd Lieutenant Willard D. Newbill, 7th Artillery. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. Special Orders, I No. 34. HEADQUARTERS DERA RIM EN'l OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, February 10, 1899. 1. A board of survey to consist of: Major Selden A. Day, 5th Artillery: Major Edwin A. Hoot, Engineer Officer. U. S. V; Captain Daniel J. Carr, Signal Corps, U. S. V., hs appointed to meet at the subsistence depot in this city at 10 o'clock, a. m., on Monday, February 13, 1899. or as soon thereafter as practicable, to examine into, report up- on and fix the responsibility for the damaged condition of certain articles of subsistence stores, received by Ma- jor Daniel Hogan, Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Volun- teers. This Board will also act upon a certain quantity of bacon issued to Troop K, 5th Cavalry, at Ciales, P. R., said to be rotten and unfit for use. also upon the damaged condition of certain articles of subsistence stores now in the warehouse at San Juan. Separate proceedings will be prepared in eacli case. 2. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from his city to Bayamon. P. R., for Private Arthur A. Roberts., 'Troop F, 5th U. S. Cavalry, discharged from the General Hospital. 3. Acting Assistant Surgeon Charles D. Pettigrew, is . relieved from duty at the San Juan Hospital and will pro- ceed with the 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantry to the United States, upon the completion of which duty he will report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, for annul- ment of contract. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 4. Acting Assistant Surgeon John E. Morris, now on duty with the 19th U. S. Infantry at Ponce, will upon its arrival in Ponce report to the Commanding Officer, Troop I, 5th U. S. Cavalry, for temporary duty. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Spec . Orders No. 35. H 'ADQUARTERS DEPARTMENi OF PORTO RICO, San Juan. February 11, 1899. 1. Private Edward Robinson, Battery B, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a General Court Martial at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty < f sleeping on post in violation of the 39th Article of War was sentenced "7b be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard at such /dace as the reviewing authority may direct for the period o f si. - months and to forfeit to the United States ten (^10.00) dollars per month, for the same period." The sentence was approved February 10, 1899, and will be duly executed at San .1 uan, Porto Rico. 2. Private Charles ('rose, Company F. 11th U. S. In- fantry. having been tried by a General Court-Martial at .Mayaguez. Porto Rico, and found guilty of neglect of du- ty in violation of the 62nd Article of War was sentenced " 7b be confined in charge of the post guard for one month and to forfeit ten dollars of his pay." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at Mayaguez, Porto Rico. 3. Private Edward H. Welsh. Company L, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial at San Juan. P. R., and found guilty of larceny, in violation of the 62nd Article of War. was sentenced "7b be dishonor- ably discharged the service of the United States and to be con- fined in such penitentiary as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of six months, and to forfeit all pay and allowances due or to become due except the sum of ten dollars." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the penitentiary at San .Juan. Porto Rico. 4. Ruder the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, Orders No. 19. Office of the Signal Officer. Department of Porto Rico, dated San Juan, February 4, 1899, assigning 2d Lieuten- ant Frederick J7. Jones, Signal Corps, U. S. Volunteers, in addition to his present duties, to the command of the 4th Company. U. S. Volunteer Signal Corps and of the detachments of the Signal Corps, U. S. Army, attached thereto, to act as Captain thereof, to take effect February 6, 1899, are hereby confirmed. 5. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Arecibo, P. R., for Private Charles Snyder, Company L, and Corporal John 2 I). He66and Private Charles Shearer, Company K. 6th (J. S. Volunteer Infantry, discharged from the General Hos- pital, San Juan. 6. Private Henry F. O'Brien, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty at the SanJuan Hospital, will proceed without delay to Ponce, P. R., and report upon arrival to 2d Lieutenant Frank B. Watson, 19th Infantry, judge ad- vocate of the general court martial in session at that post, as a witness in the case of the United States versus Private John Bichards, Company I, 1st U. S. Volunteer Engineers, and when no longer required by the court Private O'Brien will return to his proper station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation.and the Subsistence Department will commute his rations for four days, being impracticable for the sol- dier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. By Comdmandof Major General Henry: W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. S' Orders, No. 36. HEADQUARTERS DEEARTMb 4 OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, February 13, 1899. 1. By direction of the Assistant Secretary of War. Mr. Adolf Gerhard, Civilian Clerk is relieved from temporary <lnty at these headquarters and will rejoin his proper sta- tion at the Headquarters Department of the Lakes, Chicago, Illinois. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 2. Corporal Peter F. Meade. Troop L, Sth U. S. Ca- valry. having been tried by a General Court Martial at Ma- vaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the pre- judice of good order and military discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "7b be. reduced to the ranks and to forfeit twelve dollars (S 12.00} of his pay." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 3. Joseph Burns, civilian teamster in the employ of the Quartermaster's Department; having been tried by a General Court Martial at Mayaguez. Porto Rico, and found guiltv of conduct to the prejudice of good order ami mili- tary discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced •'•To be confined at hard labor under charge oj the guard at such post as the reviewing authority may direct for one day. The Court is thus lenient on account of the pre- cious good character and service of the accused, the length oj time he has already been in confinement awaiting trial and the fact that in the knowledge of the Court he has already been dismissed from his position in the Quartermaster's Department" In the foregoing case of Joseph Burns, civilian teamster in the employ of the Quartermaster's Department, the sen- tence is approved The confinement imposed is remited. The prisoner will be released. 4. The journey' performed by 2d Lieutenant Guy V. Henry, jr. 1st Cavalry. Aide-de-Camp. from February 6th. to 11th. 1899, around the Island of Porto Rico, by sea. to car- ry out the verbal instructions of the Department Com- mander, on public business, is approved as having been necessary for the public service. 5. Private Evan Morrison. Company I. 11th U.S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to 2 the prejudice of good order and military discipline in vio- lation of the 62nd Articleof War. was sentenced "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, for- feiting all pay and allowances and to be confined at hard la- bor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of three (3) months.'' The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at San Juan, Porto Rico. 6. Rafael Medina, civilian, having been arraigned before a Military Commission at Ponce. Porto Rico, under charge of offences committed on October 26,1898. in vio- lation of the laws of war. a nolle prosequi was entered in his case by authority of the Department Com nander, and the case dismissed. 7 Pedro Vargas, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission at Ponce. Porto Rico, and found guilty of arson, threatening to kill and cruelty to dumb animals, in violation of the laws of war. was sentenced To be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of ten {10) years." Thesen- tence is approved and will be duly executed. The peni- tentiary at San Juan, Porto Rico, is designated as tlje pla- ce of confinement, to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard. 8. Sicanor Armada and Jose del Carmen IHax.v\vilians. ha ving been jointly tried by a Military Commission at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of burglary in violation of the laws of war, were each sentenced "To be confined at hard labor at such place as the. reviewing authority may di- rect for the period of five (5) years." The sentences are approved and will be duly executed. The penitentiary at San Juan, Porto Rico, is designated as the place of confinement, to which the prisoners will be sent under proper guard. 9. Manuel Sulsona, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of robbery in violation of the laws of War was sentenced "Tobe confined at hard labor at such place, as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of fire {5) yedrsf' The sentence is approved and will de duly executed. The penitentiary at San Juan. Porto Rico, is designated as the place of confinement to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard. 3 10. Adolpho Amatos, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission at Arecibo, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. By COMDMANDOF MAJOR GENERAL HENRY: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. 1 SPECTA IirJitDEKS, No. 37. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, February 14, 1899. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Bayamon, P. R., for Private Louis Erickson, Troop F, 5th Cavalry, dis- charged from the General Hospital, SanJuan. 2. A reward of two hundred ($200J dollars is offered for the apprehension, delivery to the military authorities and conviction of a party of bandits which attacked a train of mules between Adjuntas and Ponce according to a complaint made by the merchants of Ponce. 3. Acting Assistant Surgeon Edward Southall, now on duty at Fa jardo, P. R.. will upon the abandonment of that post proceed with the Med'cal supplies pertaining thereto, to Humaco, P. R.. for duty, relieving Acting As- sistant Surgeon Robert Boyd who will report to the Com- manding Officer, General Hospital, Sari Juan, for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. Major John T. Gibbons. Surgeon 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, now on duty at Caguas, P. R., will transfer the Medical supplies of that post (to be aban- donedj toCayey and Aibonito, and proceed with his reg- iment to the United States. The Quartermaster's De- partment will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. Assistant Surgeon Edward E. Hodges, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, now on duty at Cayey. P. R , will report to the Commanding Officer of his regiment at Caguas and proceed wi hit to the United States. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6 Acting Assistant Surgeon J. A. Diaz, now on duty R\t Guayama P. R.. will, upon the abandonment of that <post> transfer the Medical property pertaining thereto, to 2 t, Surgeon at Cayey, P. R., and report by lex to the Cnief Surgeon of the Department for annulment of con- tract. 7. Acting Hospital Steward George. C. Smith and Privates Chaffee, Lebermann, Worrock, McGill and Woodjin, Hospital Corps, now on duty at Guayama, P. R., will, upon the abandonment of that post, San Juan, P. R.. and report to the Commanding Officer, General Hospital, Sen Juan, for duty. The Quartermaster's De- partment will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department three days travel rations. 8. Acting Hospital Steward George S. Chase, Hospi- tal Corps, now on duty at Rio Piedras, P. R., and Privates J. B. Lord and A. B. Murr, Hospital Corps, now on duty at Caguas, will proceed with the 47th New Y(^rk Volun- teer Infantry to the United States, upon completion of which duty they will report by letter to the Surgeon Gen- eral, U. S. Army, for orders. The Quartermaster's De- partment will furnish the necessary transportation. 9. Private R. J. Carny, Hospital Corps, now at Fa- jardo, P. R., will, upon the abandonment of that post proceed to Humacao and report to the Commanding Offi- cer for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will fur- nish the necessary transportation. 10. Hospital Steward H. P. Scharinghausen, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, is relieved from duty at Aibo- nito, and Hospital Steward George A. Lessey. 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, is relieved from duty at Caroli- na, P. R., and will accompany the Companies of their Regi- ment, now at said posts to the United States. The Quar- termaster's department will furnish the necessary trans- portation . 11. Contract Nurse Mina J. Mackenzie is hereby relieved from duty at the General Hospital, Ponce. P. R.. and will proceed to the United States and report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, for annulment of contract. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the neces- sary transportation. 12. Acting Hospital Steward Whitman F. Meyers, Hospital Corps, nowon duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, will report to the Commanding Officer, Arecibo, P. R., and Acting Hospital Steward Htrry Kalb, Hospital 3 Corps. • le Commanding Officer, Utuado, P. R., for ty. Tue Quartermaster's Department will furnish ude necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations for one day to Acting Hospital Steward Meyers, and for two days to Acting Hospital Steward Kalb, it being impracticable for these soldiers to carry rations of any kind. 13. Acting Assistant Surgeon Harold W. Cowper, having reported at these headquarters in compliance with paragraph 46, Special Orders No. 21, Headquarters of the Army, Adj utant General's Office, January 26, 1899, is as- signed to temporary duty at the General Hospital, San J uan. 14. Acting Assistant Surgeon Marlin M. Dolan, and Acting Assistant Surgeon Charles S. Stern, now on duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, will, upon the arrival of the 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, in this city, re- port to the Commanding Officer thereof for duty, and will accompany that regiment to the United States, upon the completion of which duty they will report by letter to the Surgeon General, U.S. Army, for annulment of contract. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the neces- sary transportation. 15. Contract Nurse Charles I). Haskell, nowon duty with the 19th Infantry, at Ponce, P. R.. will proceed to Gua- yama and report to the Commanding Officer of that post to accompany the 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, to the United States, upon the completion of which duty he will report by letter to the Surgeon General, 'U. S. Army, for annulment of contract. The Quartermaster's Department^ will furnish the necessary transportation. 16. Acting Assistant Surgeon Irvin E. Bennett, and Acting Assistant Surgeon B. E. Caldwell, having reported at these headquarters in compliance with paragraph 62, Special Orders No. LT Headquarters of the Army, Adju- tant General's Office, Washington, I). C.. January 24, 1899, are assigned to temporary duty at the General Hospital, San .1 uan. 17. Bautista Gonzalez,, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of arson, threatening to kill and inciting other, men to acts of lawlessness, this during the existence of a^ 4 of war, and while Porto Pico was under mi ry gov- ernment, was sentenced "To be confined at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of twelve years at hard labor." In the foregoing case of Bautista Gonzalez, civilian, the sentence is approved and will be duly exe- cuted. The penitentiary at San Jaan, Porto Rico, is designated as the place of confinement, to which the pris- oner will be sent under proper guard. 18. Baltaso Perez civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty cf arson, threatening to kill and cruelty to dumb animals, this during the existence of a state of war and while Porto Rico was under military government, was sentenced '"To be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of eight (8) years." In the foregoing case of Baltaso Perez, civilian, the sentence is approved and will be duly executed. The penitentiary at SanJuan, Porto Rico is designated as the place of confinement, to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard. 19. In compliance with paragraph 19, Special Orders 'No. 263, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, a board of officers is appointed to meet at the call of the presi- dent thereof, in this city, for the examination of such officers as may be ordered before it, to determine their fit- ness for promotion. Detail for the board. Colonel IsaacD. DeBussy. 11th Infantry; Lieutenant Colonel James Bock well, jr., Chief Ordnance Officer; Major Louis Brechemin, Surgeon: Major Selden A. Day, 5th Artillery; Captain Frederick P. Beynolds, Assistant Surgeon: Captain Thomas B. Adams, 5th Artillery, wdl act as re- corder of the Board. The proceediugs of the Board will be governed by the rules prescribed by the President, as published in General Orders No. 41, June 24, 1897, War Department, Adjutant General's Office. 20. Acting Assistant Surgeon William C. LeCompte, is hereby relieved from duty at Carolina, P. R., and will re- port with the Medical supplies at that post (to be aband- oned) to the Commanding Officer, Company I, 11th In- fantry, at San Juan, on or before February 14, 1899, and procev ith that Command to Vieques, P. R.. wht e will take station, relieving Assistant Surgeon Edwa. „ J. Bowen, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, who will pro- ceed with his regiment to the United States. The Quar- termaster's Department will furnish the necessary trans- portation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service1 By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. 5 S _ al Orders, ' No. 38. HEADQUARTERS DEPART? OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, February 15, 1899. 1. Private William M. Londeau, Company A, 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court Mar- tial at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in vio- lation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "7'o be con- fined at hard labor under chrageof the post guard for one (1) month.'" In the foregoing case of Private William M. Lon- deau, Company A 19th U. S. Infantry, the sentence is approved. In view of the time the prisoner has been in confinement pending trial, the term imposed by this sen- tence is reduced to ten days. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed at the prisoner's proper station. 2. Pio Ortiz, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquited. The acquital is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. 3. The journey performed by Major John Little, C. S., U. S. A., Acting Chief Commisary, on February 12, 1899, to Arecibo, P. R., and return to carry out the verbal in- structions of the Department Commander, on business in connection with the Subsistence Department, is approved as having been necessary for the public service. 4. Pedro Vasquez, civilian, having been tried by a Mi- litary Commision atPonce, P. R., and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The pri- soner has been ordered released. 5. Claudio Gonzalez, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission at Ponce, Porto Rico and found guilty of arson, threats to kill and cruelty to dumb ani- mals, this during the existence of a state of war and while Porto Rico was under military government, was sentenced 'To be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of eight {8) years." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. The pen- itentiary at San Juan, Porto Rico, is designated as the place of confinement, to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard. , 6. Gonzalo Gonzalez, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found 2 guilty of arson, threats to kill and cruelty to dumb animals, this during the existence of a state of war and while Porto Rico was under military government, was sentenced aTo be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing autho rity may direct for the period of eight (8) years.'1'1 The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. The penitentiary at San Juan, Porto Rico, is designated as the place of con- finement, to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard. By command oe Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. 1 Special Orders, No. 39. H EADQUAKTERS HEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, February 16, 1899. 1. The Qu rtermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Ponce, P. R., for Private John P. Fellows, Troop I, 5th Cavalry, discharged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advanqe, for two days, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journ. y necessary for the public service. 2. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at the Post of San Juan, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Monday, February 20th. 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it. Detail for the Court. Major Selden A. Day, 5th Artillery; Captain A. L. Myer, 11th Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Frank A. Wells, 11th Infantry: 2nd Lieutenant George H. Shelton, 11th Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Rufus E. Longan, 11th Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Edgar A. Macklin, 11th Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant William R. Doores, 5th Artillery; 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th Infantry, Judge Advocate. A greater number of officers cannot be assembled without manifest injury to the service. 3. Private Robert Stewart, Hospital Corps, U. S. Ar- my, now on duty at the San Juan Hospital, and Private William Umstead, Hospital Corps, 47th New York Volun- teerinfantry, now in SanJuan, P. R., will proceed with- out delay to Ponce, P. R., and report upon arrival to 2nd Lieutenant Frank B. Watson, 19th Infantry, judge advo- cate of the general court-martial in session at that post as a witness in the case of the United States versus Private David Duncan, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, and when no longer required by the court Private Stewart and Private Umstead will return to their proper stations. The Quar- termaster's Department will furnish the necessary trans- 2 port on, and the Subsistence Department will commute their rations for four days, in advance, it being impracti- cable for the soldiers to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 4. 1st Lieutenant Lawrence J. Fleming. 5th Cavalry, is detailed as a member of the Military Commission con- vened at Mayaguez, P. R.. by paragraph 3, Special Or- ders No. 52, series 1898, these headquarters, vice Captain Jonas A. Emery, 11th Infantry, who is hereby relieved from that duty. 5. Privates John B. Alberts, Edward Manley and Rob- ertt Richards, Hospital Corps, nowon duty at San Juan Hospital, will report to Acting Assistant Surgeon Azel Ames, Directorof Vaccination, Coamo, P. R., for tempo- rary duty, upon the completion of which they will return to their proper station The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 6. Two months of the unexecuted portion of the sentence of confinement in the case of Private William J. Woods, alias William H. Wood, Company M, 11th Infantry, now in confinement at San Juan, P. R.. promulgated in paragraph?, Special Orders No. 10, current series, these headquarters, is hereby remitted. 7. A Military Commission is hereby appointed to meet at Arecibo, P. R., on Monday, February 20, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such per- sons as may be properly brought before it. Detail for the Commission. Captain Augustus C. Macomb, 5th Cavalry: Captain Christian C. Hewitt, 19th Infantry: 1st Lieutenant Alonzo Gray, 5th Cavalry; 1st Lieutenant Samuel G. Jones, 5th Cavalry; Judge Advocate. 8. A Military Commission is hereby appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., on Monday, February 20, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may7 be properly brought before it. Detail for the Commission Major Josiah Pierce, jr., Chief Engineer. U. S. V; Major Eugene. D. Dimmick, 5th Cavalry; Captain Albert L. Myer, 1 1th Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Robert Alexander, 11th Infantry, Judge Advocate. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. 3 Special Orders, No. 40. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, February 17, 1899. 1. Private Janes Carey. Bittery G, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a General Court-Martial at SanJuan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of desertion in violation of the 47th Article of War, was sentenced "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeitingall pay and allowances due and to become due and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of one year and six months." The sentence was approved February 16, 1899,and will be duly executed at Sanjuan, Porto Rico. 2. Private Owen J. Hughes, Company C, 11th U.S. Infantry, having been ti ied by a General Court-Martial at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of larceny in vio- lation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "Tobe dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeit- ing all pay and allowances dne or to become due, except ten dollars ($10.00), and to be confined at hard labor at such pen- itentiary as the reviewing officer may direct for the period oj six months," In the foregoing case of Private Owen J. Hughes. Com- pany C, 11th U. S. Infantry, the allegation that the ac- cused aided "one Private Edward Welch", Company L, 11th U. S. Infantry, is not made out, the evidence adduced showing merely that the accused aided "another soldier'1. The allegation of "the value of one (1) peso" is not estab- lished, the witness merely testifying that the goods taken were of some value, payment having been demanded for them. The allegation that the locus of the offence was "the coffee house of Scott & Van Syckel" is not proved, the prosecution having failed to show the name of the propri- etor, as alleged, and a witness for the defence testifying that it was the coffee house of "Scott''. Subject to these remarks the proceedings, findings and sentence were ap- proved February 16, 1899. The period of confinement is reduced to five (b) months and will be duly executed at the San Juan penitentiary. 3. The unexecuted portion of the sentence of confine- ment in the case of Private Henry J, Julin,, Company M, 11th Infantry, now in confinement at San Juan, P. R., promulgated in paragraph 5, Special Orders. No. 34, series 1898, these headquarters, is hereby remitted. 2 4. Private William H. Cook, Company M, 11th U- S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of desertion in vi- olation of the 47th Article of War, was sentenced " To b dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, for- feiting all pay and allowances, and to be confined at hard la- labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of three (S) years." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at San .Juan, Porto Rico. 5. Leave of absen -e for one month, with permission to return to the United States, is granted 2nd Lieutenant It'ijits E. Longan, 1 1th Infantry. By Command of Major General Henry: W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. Spectal Orders, No. 41. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, February 18, 1899 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Manati, P. R., for Private Louis Miller, Troop K, 5th Cavalry, discharged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Depart- mentwill provide commutation of rations, in advance, for one day, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 2. Captain Richard M. Blatchford, 11th Infantry, hav- ing reported that he has accomplished the work directed in paragraph 14, Special Orders No. 28. current series, these headquarters, is authorized to proceed to the United States with the remains of 1st Lieutenant Charles P. Russ. late Adjutant, 11th Infantry, and on arrival in New York City is authorized to proceed with said remains to the point of interment. The portion of Special Orders No. 28, current series, these headquarters, which directs Captain Blatchford to report to the Commanding Officer of the 47th New York Volunteer Infantry and accompany that regi- ment to tlie United States is hereby revoked. It being impossible to keep the body of Lieutenant Russ for the arrival of a transport, the voyage will be per- formed on the steamer Arcadia, leaving San Juan. P. R.. this day, and upon the completion of his duties Captain Blatchford will return to his proper station in this De- partment. The Quartermaster's Department will ship the remains on said steamer to New York City and thence to the point of interment, and will furnish the necessary transportation to Captain Blatchford. The travel en- joined is necessary for the public service. 3. Will D. Hinckley, clerk, Inspector General's Office, is relieved from temporary duty in this Department, and will proceed direct to Washington, D. C., and report to the Adjutant General of the Army. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 4. So much of paragraph 14, Special Orders No. 37, Headquarters Department of Porto Rico, current series, as relates to Acting Assistant Surgeon Charles S. Stern, now on duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., is hereby revoked. Acting Assistant Surgeon Stern will pro- ceed to San German, P. R., relieving Acting Assistant Surgeon H. H. Williams, who will report to the Command- ing ) Heer. Mayaguez, P. R., for duty. The Quarter- ma t r'> Department will furnish the necessary transpor- tation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5 Upon the arrival of Acting Assistant Surgeon H. H. Williams at Mayaguez, P. R., Acting Assistant Sur- geon Charles D. Camp, nowon duty there, will report to the Commanding Officer of the 47tli New York Volunteer Infantry at San Juan, P. R., with which regiment he will proceed to the Uited States. Upon the completion of this duty, Acting Assistant Surgeon Charles I). Camp will re- port by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Wash- ington, D. C., lor annulment of contract. The Quarter- master's Department will furnish the necessary transpor- tation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. So much of paragraph 20, Special Orders No. 37, Headquarters Department of Porto Rico, current series, as relates to Assistant Surgeon Edward M. Bowen, 47tli New York Volunteer Infantry, is modified to read, that he will proceed to Carolina, P. R., and report to the Com- manding Officer for duty, from whence lie will accom- pany that command to join his regiment en route to the United States for muster out. The Quartermaster's De- partment will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By Command of Major General Henry: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. 2 1 Special Orders, No. 42. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, February 20, 1899. 1. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, Captain Charles H. Watts, 5th Cavalry, is assigned to the command of the Battalion consisting of Troop B, 5th Cavalry, and Com- pany I, 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantry to date from De- cember 27, 1898, on which date he assumed command in accordance with Army Regulations. 2. Private William II. Zimmerman, Company M, 19th U. S- Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Mar- tial at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in vio- lation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced '■•To for- feit twenty-Jive cents (^0.25) of his pay. The Court is thus lenient in view of the fact that Private Zimmerman has al- ready served over eighty days confinement, while awaiting trial on these charges." The sentence in the foregoing case of Private William II. Zimmerman, Company M, 19th U. S. Infantry, is disapproved as incommensurate. "Where the Court remarks in its sentence that it is 'thus lenient' because the prisoner lias already been a long time in con- finement, *** it exceeds its function *** . Extraneous facts may serve as a basis for a recommendation." Digest of J. J. G. Opinions, 702. The prisoner will be released and res- tored to duty. 3. Private Salomon J. Goshen, Troop G, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial convened at Caguas, Porto Rico, and found guilty of vio- lation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "To for- feit to the United States Ten Dollars ^10.00) of his monthly pay for the period of Three (3) months and to be confined at the post of his Troop or such other place as the reviewing authority may direct for the same period." The pro- ceedings, findings and sentence in the foregoing case of Private Salomon A. Goshen. Troop G, 5th U. S. Cavalry are approved. The sentence will be duly executed at the sta- tion of the prisoner's troop. 4. Private George Fancher. Company I, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-martial at Cagaus, Porto Rico, and found guilty of offering violence to his superior officer in violation of 2 the 21st Article of War, was sentenced "To forfeit to the United States the sum of Ten Dollars {^10.00^ and to he confined at hard labor at the post of his company or such other place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of three (3) months." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's company. 5. Pedro Beauchamp, civilian having been tried by a Military Commission at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conspiring to extort money unlawfully, was sentenced "to be confined, at hard labor at such place, as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of fire (5) years" The sentence is approved and will be duly exe- cuted. The penitentiary at San Juan. Porto Rico, is des- ignated as the place of confinement, to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard. 6. Pedro Diaz, civilian, having been tried by a Mili- tary Commission at Ponce. Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is ap- proved. The prisoner has been ordered released. 7. Juanita Rivera. civilian. having been tried by a Military Commission at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is ap- proved. The prisoner has been ordered released. 8. A Board of Officers to consist of •- Captain Albert L. Myer, 11th Infantry: 1st Lieutenant John W. Heavy, Regimental Quarter- master, 11 th Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant George H. Shelton, 11th Infantry; is appointed to meet at such place as the president may direct, at 10 o'clock A. M., February 2oth, 1899, to exam- ine into and report upon the qualifications of Quarter- master Sergeant Ernst Wiedenhofi 11th U. S. Infantry, for appointment as Post Quartermaster Sergeant, U. S. Army. The applicant will be required to furnish the board with a full statement of his enlistments, age; whether citizen of the United States by birth or naturalization,and whether married or single. The report of the board will be made full in all the particulars mentioned in Army Regulations 95 and 96; giving questions and answers. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 43. UEA DQUARIEUS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, February 21, 1899. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Humacao, P. R., for Private Andrew Bernd, Troop C, 5th Cavalry, dis- charged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in ad- vance, for two days. it being impracticable to carry ra- tions of any kind and the journey necessary for the pub- lic service. 2. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Cayey, P. R., for Private CAarZe.s P. Duncan, Troop M, 5th Cavalry, dis- charged from the General Hospital, and the subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in ad- vance. for one day. it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 3. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898. Headquarters of the Army, the orders of the Com ma riding Officer, Yauco, P. R., assigning 2nd Lieu- tenant George IK Helms, 19th Infantry, to the command of Company A, of that regiment, are approved, to date from January 11th, 1899, he having exercised command since that date. By Command of Major General Henry: W. P. HALL, Adjzdant General. Special Orders, No. 44. li E A DQU A RTERS DEI A RTMEN I OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, February 22, 189$). 1. Captain Carl K. Mower, Commissary of Subsis- tence, U. S. Volunteers, is appointed Depot Commissary at Ponce, P. R., and will proceed to that point at once, with his authorized clerk, relieving Captain Frederick H. Pomroy, Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers, of his duties as Depot Commissary. Captain Mower will receipt to Cap- tai a Pomroy for all public property and funds in his posse- sion. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation to Captain Mower. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Leave of absence for one month, on account of sickness, with permission to return to the United States, is granted Captain Horace Van Deventer, 6th U. S. Volunteer Infantrv. By Command of Major General Henry: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 45. H E ADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, Sa n.J fan, February 23, 1899. 1. The Qu irtermnster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Arecibo, P. R., for Sergeant John IE. Zimmerman, Troop H. 5th Cavalry; discharged from the General Hospital, San Juan. 2. 1st Class Private (Jeorge Lauer, U. S. V. Signal Corps, having been tried by a General Court Martial con- vened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as char- ged. was acequitted. The acquital is approved. The pri- soner liis been ordered released. 3. Private John Me Gonmll, Company A, 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court Martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of viola- tion of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "To becon- fined at hard labor under charge of the post guard for two (2) months, and to forfeit ten (JO) dollars per month for the same period". The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's company. 4. Private Thomas I). /fobinsou. Hospital Corps, U. S. Armv. having been tried by a General Court Martial conve- ned at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 39th Article of War. was sentenced " To be confined at hard labor at such place as the reciewing authority may direct for the period of two mouths, and to forfeit to the United Slates ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same period". The sentence is a pproved and w ill be duly executed at San Juan. Porto Rico. 5. Private* th cry Allen, 1'roop E. 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a General Court Martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in violation of the 62nd Article, of War. was sentenced "Tobe confined at hard labor under charge of the guard where his troop may be serring, for si.r months, and to j orfe it ten dollars per month of his pay for Un same period". The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 6. Private Peter Schierer. Company A, 19th Infantry, having been tried by a General Court Martial at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. 2 7. Private Henry Kellerman, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, having been tried by a General Court Martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of sleeping while on duty in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "To be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of one month and to forfeit ten (10.00) dollars of his pay". The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at San Juan. Porto Rico. 8. Private William F. (rill. Company U, 47th N. Y. Vol. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court Mar- tial convened at Caguas, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. 9. 1st Lieutenant Frank McIntyre, 19th Infantry, Aide- de-camp, will proceed to Aibonito. P. R., to carry out the verbal instructions of the Department Commander. Upon completion of this duty, Lieutenant McIntyre will rejoin his proper station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. r 10. Private G. G. Carroll. Hospital Corps. U. S. Army, ordered to Lares with Troop H, 5th Cavalry, and now tem- , • porarily at Arecibo, P. R.. will proceed to Utuado. P. IL. and report to the Commanding Officer there for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department will pro vide commutation of rations, in advance, for one dav, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. ' 11. Acting Assistant Surgeon Harold IP. Cowper, now on temporary duty at the General Hospital. San Juan. P. IL, will proceed to Bayamon, P. IL, and report to the Com- manding Officer of that station, relieving Acting Assistant Surgeon C. M. Spalding, now on duty there, who will re port to the Commanding Officer, 47th New York Volunteer Infantry, upon the arrival of that regiment in San .Juan, and proceed with it to the United States. Upon the com- pletion of this duty he will report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C., for annulment of contract. 12. Acting Hospital Steward Peter S. Cartel. Hospital 3 Corps U. S. Army, having this day reported from furlough granted in endorsement from Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant General's Office, dated October 22, 1898, is as- siged to temporary duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, By Command of Major General Henry: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, 'j No. 46. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, February 24, 1899. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Yauco, P. R., for Private John Graham, Company D, 19th Infantry, dis- charged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in ad- vance, for two days, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 2. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish th • necessary transportation from this city to Utuado. P. R.. for Private Joel M. Cook, Troop B, 5th Cavalry, discharged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advance, for two days, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary7 for the public service. 3. The journeys performed by Lieutenant Colonel Charles C. Hood, 19th Infantry, Commanding District of Ponce, from Ponce, P. R., to Coamo, P. R., and return, on January 25th, 1899, and from Ponce, P. R., to Adjuntas. P. R., and return, on February 9th, 1899, on public bus- iness in connection with his duties as Commander of the District to Ponce, under instructions from these Headquar- ters, are approved as having been necessary for the public service. 4. The journeys performed by Captain John G. Leef<. 19th Infantry, Commanding Post of Ponce, from Ponce. P. R., to Coamo, P. R., and return, on December 14th, 1898, and from Ponce, P. R., to Adjuntas, P. R., and return, on January 10th, 1899, in conformity with paragraph 4. Gene- ral Orders No. 20, series 1898, Headquarters District of Ponce, are approved as having been necessary for the public service. 5. Leocadio Lopez, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission convened, at Ponce. Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. 6. Private Michael J. Mulherin, Company "F" 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court Mar- tial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty 2 of drunkenness on duty in violation of the 38th Article of War, was sentenced. "To be confined at hard labor where his company may be serving for a period of four (4) months and to forfeit to the United States ten dollars (^10.00) per month of his pay for the same period.'"' The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 7. Private William Barker, Company "G" 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court Martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War. was sentenced "7b forfeit fifteen (15) dollars of his pay." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 8. Private John Schneider, Troop "D" 5th U. S Cavalry, having been tried by a General Court Martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on duty in violation of the 38th Article of War and conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War. was. upon consideration of eight (8) previous convictions by the Court, sentenced "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor at the post where his troop may be serving for one month." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. By Command of Major General Henry: W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. Sfecial Orders, No. 47. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, February 25, 1899. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec - essary transportation from this City to Humacao, P. R., for Private Matthew Dooley, Troop C, 5th Cavalry, dischar- ged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Depart- ment will provide commutation of i-ations, in advance, for two days, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 2. The Quart Tin ister's Department Will furnish the necessary transportation from this City to Santurce, P. R , for Private Percy J. O'Prien, Battery C, 7th Artillery, dis- charged from the General Hospital. 3. Acting Assistant Surgeon. Jose Lugo Vena now on duty at San Juan Hospital, will report to Captain F. P. Reynolds, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, Director of Vac- cination. San Juan Division, for temporary duty, upon the completion of which he will return to his proper station. Such travel as may be required in the performance of this duty, as Inspector of Vaccination in the San Juan Division, is necessary for the public service The Quartetmaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 4. Acting Assistant Surgeon Robert Royd, under orders for duty at San Juan Hospital from Humacao, P. R., will report to Major George G. Groff, Brigade Surgeon, U. S. V., Director of Vaccination. Arecibo Division, for temporary duty, upon the completion of which he will return to his proper station. Such travel as may be required in the performance of this duty as Inspector of Vaccination in the Arecibo Division is necessary for the public service. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 5. Acting Assistant Surgeon Frank J. O'Hare now on duty at the General Hospital, Ponce, will report to Major P. R. Egan, Brigade Surgeon, U. S. V., Director of Vacci- nation, Division of Guayama, for temporary duty, upon the completion of which, he will return to his proper sta- tion. Such travel as may be required in the performance of this duty as Inspector of Vaccination in the Guayama Division is necessary for the public service. The Quarter- master's Department will furnish the necessary transpor- tation. 2 6. Acting Assistant Surgeon H. H. Williams now on duty at Mayaguez, will report to Captain Charles Willcox, Assis- tant Surgeon, U. S. Army, Director of Vaccination, Divi- sion of Mayaguez, for temporary duty, upon the comple- tion of which, he will, return to his proper station. Such travel as may be required in the performance of this duty as Inspector of Vaccination in the Mayaguez Division is necessary for the public service. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 7. The Commanding Officer of Mayaguez, will direct an Acting Hospital Steward and two privates of the Hos- pital Corps to report to the Director of Vaccination of the Division of Mayaguez, the Commanding Officer of the (Je- nera! Hospital, Ponce, an Acting Hospital Steward and two privates of the Hospital Corps to report to the Director of Vaccination, Division of Ponce, and two privates of the Hospital Corps to report to the Director of Vaccination, Division of Guayama, for temporary duty, and the Com- manding Officer, San Juan Hospital, will detail an Acting Hospital Steward and two privates, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, to report the Director of Vaccination, Division of Arecibo, and a like number to the Director of Vaccination, Division of San Juan. Upon the completion of this duty these men will return to their respective stations. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation, and the Subsistence Department commu- tation, of rations at $1 per day, while on this duty, it being impracticable for these men to carry rations of any kind am! the travel necessary for the public service. 8. Major P. P. Egan, Brigade Surgeon, U. S. V., is relieved from duty as Chief Surgeon, District of Ponce, and wid. after transferring the records of his office to the Chief Surgeon of the Department of Porto Rico, proceed to Guayama, accompanied by Acting Hospital Steward H. S. Gilbert, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, in connection with the work of vaccination in the Division of Guayama. Upon the completion of this duty they will report by letter to the Commanding General of the Department for as- signment to duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation, and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations at $1 per day while on this duty, to Acting Hospital Steward H. S. Gilbert, it being impracticable for this man to carry rations of any kind. 3 9. Acting Assistant Surgeon Charles D. Camp having reported herein compliance with paragraph 5, Special Or- ders No. 41, Headquarters Department of Porto Rico, will proceed to Fajardo, and report to the Commanding Officer there, to accompany Co. "F" 47th New York Volunteer In- fantry to the United States. Upon his arrival at Fajardo, Acting Assistant Surgeon Edward Southall will proceed to Humacao, 1*. R.. in accordance with the requirements of pa- ragraph 3, Special Orders No. 37. current series, these head- quarters. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 10. During the temporary absence of Captain F. P. Reynolds, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, in discharge of his duties as Director of Vaccination. 1st. Lieutenant Wal- ter Cox, Assistant Surgeon. U. S. Army, now on duty at San Juan Hospital, will, in connection with his other duties, perform those of Attending Surgeon at these Headquarters. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 48. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, February 27, 1899 1. Private Alexander McBirnic, Company M, 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court Mar- tial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of absence without leave in violation of the 32nd Article of War, and conduct to the prejudice of good order and mili- tary discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "Tq forfeit five (5) dollars of his pay". The sen- tenced is approved and will he duly executed. The priso- ner has beep, ordered released. 2. W. W. Barre, having been appointed Auditor of Customs for Porto Rico, will report to Captain James A. Buchanan, 11th Infantry, Collector of Customs for Porto Rico, for duty, and will also report to the Major General Commanding. 3. Under instructions from the War Department, Commissary Sergeant Gyrus F. Dugger, late Sergeant Major, 19th Infantry, will proceed to Jefferson Barracks, Missouri, and report to the Commanding Officer of that place. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation, and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations, in advance, for the necessary num- ber of days, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind, and the journey necessary for the public service. 4. Private Con Garvin, Company H. 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court Martial con- vened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 38th Article of War, was upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced "To be dishonora- bly discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, except transportation and subsistence to the United States, and to be confined at hard labor at such post (or in such penitentiary') as the reviewing authority may direct, for the period of one (7) month." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the sta- tion of the prisoner's company. 5. The orders of Major George G. Groff, Brigade Sur- geon U. S. Volunteers, to proceed to Arecibo, P. R., and re- turn, conveyed in a letter from these Headquarters, dated February 9th, 1899, are hereby confirmed. The travel en- joined is necessary for the public service. 2 I 6. Captain F. P. Reynolds, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. ^Army, Medical Inspector, will make an inspection of the Medical Department and the sanitary conditions of the posts of San Juan, Santurce and Bayamon. The travel en- joined is necessary for the public service. <7. Acting Hospital Steward Peter S. Curzel, now on temporary duty at San Juan Hospital, will report to the Commanding Officer, Yauco, for duty. The Quartermas- ter's Department will furnish the necessary transportation, and the Subsistence Department, commutation of rations, in advance, for three days, it being impracticable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey nec- essary for the public service. * 8. The Commanding Officer, San Juan Hospital, will send an Acting Hospital Steward, now on duty there, to report to the Commanding Officer, Vieques, P. IL. for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation, and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations, in advance, for two days, it being impracticable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 9. Acting Assistant Surgeon, John J. Gillhuley, now on duty San Juan Hospital, will report to the Comman- ding Officer, El Morro, for temporary duty there, during the illness of Acting Assistant Surgeon Charles IT. Farr, upon the completion of which duty he will return to his proper station. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 49. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, February 28, 1899. J • I • t 1,. .Under the provisions of paragraph I, General Orders N,o. 178, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, Private Heni;y Kersten, Company E, 19th Infantry, is transferred to the Hospital Corps and assigned to duty at the General Hos- pital, Ponce, P. R. He will report accordingly. 2. So much of paragraph I, General Orders No. 8, current series, these headquarters, as directs the transfer of a company of the 11th Infantry, from Mayaguez, P. R., to Bayamon, P. R., is hereby revoked, and this company will proceed to San Juan. P. R., and there take station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 3. Jose Velez, civilian, having been tried by a Milita- ry Commission convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of associating himself with a band of maraudersr, ar- ming himself with a machete, blacking his face and joining in a disturbance of the peace, was sentenced "To be confined al hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may di- rect for the period of two (2) years". The sentence is approved, but in view of the time the prisoner has Iteen held awaiting trial, the period of confinement is reduced to one year and ten months. The sentence will be duly executed at the Penitentiary of San Juan. Potto Rico, to which place the pt;sorter will be sent under proper guard. 4. Private Williani E. Johnson. Hospital Corps U. S. Army, having been tried by a General Court Martial conve- ned at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to t he pre judice of good order and military discipline in viola- tion of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "To be con- fined at hard labor, i<nder charge of the post guard, for one (1) day. The Court is thus lenient in view of the fact that the accused was confined under these charges on Dec. 17,98, and his trial did not take place until February 23.1899. " In the foregoing case of Private William E. Johnson, Hos- pital Corps U. S. Army, the Court struck out two specifica- tions as being vague and indefinite. "A Court Martial is not authorized in its discretion and of its own motion, to reject or strike out a charge or specification formally referred to it 2 for trial by competent authorityDigest Opinions J. A. G.' 315. -The action of the Court in this regard is dispapproved The sentence is disapproved as irregular and incommen- surate. " Where the Court remarks in its sentence that it is 'thus lenient' because the prisoner has already been a long time in confinement,****it exceeds its function*****. Extraneous facts may serve as a basis for a recommendation". Digest Opinions J. A. G., 702. The prisoner will be released and restored to duty. 5. Private William H. Thomas. Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, having reported at this Department enroute to Ma- yaguez, P. R., will proceed to that point without delay. The Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advance, for three days, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the publie service. 6. Private Enerst Graff, Troop B, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a General Court Martial convened at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on duty in violation of the 38th Article of War. was sentenced "To be confined, at hard labor at such place as his troop may be serving for the period of one month, and to forfeit to the United States two months of his pay." The sentence is approved and will beduly executed, except the confinement which is remitted. The prisoner will be released and sent to rejoin his troop. 7. Corporal Thomas E. Henry, Troop .L, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a General Court Martial con- vened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of con duct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, in violation of the 62ml Article of War, was sentence "To forjeit to the. United Stales, seven dollars ($7.00) of his pay." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. Cor- poral Henry will be released from arrest and restored to. duty. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 50. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO San Juan, March 1, 1899- 1. 1st. Lieutenant F.B. Watson, 19th Infantry, is hereby assigned under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the'Army, tQ the command of Company B of his regiment from December 5th to December 16th, 1898, and from December 25th, 1898, to February 9th, 1899, he having exercised command of that Company during these periods in accordance with Army Regulations. 2. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898. Headquarters of the Army, 1st Lieutenant George H. Shelton, 11th Infantry, is assigned to the com- mand of Company E, 11th Infantry, from April 29th to May 10th. and from June 18th to September 30th, 1898, he having exercised command during these periods in accordance with Army Regulations. 3. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Humacao, P. R.. for Private Charles Peterson, Troop C, 5th Cavalry, dis- charged from tiie General Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in ad- vance, fortwodays. it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 4. The Quarterm ister's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this City to Aibonito, P. R., for Private Harold Umstead, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, discharged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in ad- vance, fortwodays, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 5. The journey performed by Brigadier General F. D. Grant, U. S. Volunteers, accompanied by his Aide-de- Camp. Lieutenant James B. Bash, 3rd. Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, from San Juan, P. R.. to Fajardo, P. R.; thence to Guayama, P. R; thence returning to San Juan, begin- ning February 21st and concluding February 26th, 1899, to carry out the instructions of the Department Comander, on public business, is approved as having been necessary for the public service. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. 2 Special Orders, No. 51. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO San Juan. March 2, 1899. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Bayamon, P. R.. fur Christopher Miller. Troop F, 5th Cavalry, dischar- ged from the General Hospital, San Juan. The travel enjoi- ned is necessary for the public service. 2. A general court martial is appointed to meet at Ponce, P. R . at 10 o'clock a. m., on Monday, March 6, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it. Detail for the Court: Captain Montgomery M. Macomb, 7th Artillery; Captain Carl. K. Mower, Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers: 1st Lieutenant Frederick. G. Lawton, 19th Infantry ; 2nd Lieutenant Joseph E. Cusack, 5th Cavalry; 2nd Lieutenant Frank B. Watson, 19th infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Henry A. Eames, 19th Infantry: 2nd Lieutenant R. R. Wallack, 7th Artillery; 2nd Lieutenant Arthur S. Conklin, 19th Infantry, Judge Advocate. No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest in jury to the service 3. Acting Assistant Surgeon H. JL McConathy, on duty at the General Hospital, Ponce. P. R.. will report to Acting Assistant Surgeon Azel Ames. Director of Vaccination, at Coamo. P. R., for temporary duty in connection with vac- cination in the Division of Ponce, upon the completion of which duty he will return to his proper station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. The travel ejoined is necessary for the public service. 4. The Commanding Officer. Mayaguez, P. R., will send one private of the Hospital Corps, to be selected by the Surgeon, for duty at Aguadilla, P. R. The Quarter- master's Department will furnish the necessary transpor- tion, and the Subsistence Department commutation of ra- tions, in advance, for one day, it being impracticable to ca- rry rations of any kind. I'he travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2 5. Private Walter C. Kaufman, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty at Mayaguez, P. R., will report to the Commanding Officer, Las Marias, P. R., for duty relie- ving Private William F. Hughes, Hospital Corps U. S. Army, who will report to the Commanding Officer, Mayaguez, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation, and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations, in advance, for one day, it being impracticable for these soldiers to carry rations of any kind. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. The Commanding Officer, San Juan Hospital, will send four selected privates of the Hospital Corps to report to the Director of Vaccine Station, Coamo, P. R., for tem- porary duty, upon the completion of which duty they will return to their proper station. The Quartermaster's De partment will furnish the necessary transportation, and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations, in advance, for two days, it being impracticable for these men to carry rations of any kind. The travel enjoined is nec- essary for the public service. 7. Under the provisions of paragraph I, General Orders No. 178, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, Private Harry D. Goodfellow, Company H, 11th Infantry, is trans- ferred to the Hospital C( rps and assigned to duty at Aguadilla, P. R. He will report accordingly. 8. The following named officers are detailed as addi- tional members of the general court-martial, convened at Sau Juan, P. R., by paragraph 2, Special Orders No. 39, current series, these headquarters; Chaplain H. A. ih'own, U. S. Army; 2nd Lieutenant James F. Brady, 7th Artillery. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, i No. 52. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO SanJuan, March 3, 1899. 1. A board of officers to consist of: Major Eugene D. Dimmick, 5th Cavalry' Captain Henry A. Reed, 5th Artillery; 1st. Lieutenant Bailey K. Ashford, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant Walter Cox, Assistant Surgeon. U. S. A rmy; 2nd Lieutenant James F. Brady, 7th Artillery, is appointed to meet at San Juan. P. R., at 10 o'clock a. m., on Monday, March 20. Ib99. or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the competitive examination of such en- listed men as are legally qualified applicants for a com- mission in the United States Army, as may be properly ordered before it. The board will be governed by the requirements of the Army Regulations and directions contained in Gen- eral Orders No. 79. series 1892. and General Orders No. 32. current series. Headquarters of the Army, A. G. O. The duties of the medical officers will be confined to the physi- cal examination of the candidates, which shall conform to the standard required of recruits, and certificates of such physical examination will accompany the proceed- ings of the B yard. Tne procedings of the Board with a report of the result of the examinations, will be forwarde I to the Adjutant General of the Army through these head- <1 larters. The junior member will record the proceedings. 2 Private John E. Phalon, Company I, 11th U. S. In- fantrv, having been tried by a General Court-Martial con- vened at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of absence wit lout leave in violation of the 32nd Article of War, was. upo i consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sen- tenced "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances, except the sum of twenty ($20.00) dollars and to be confined at hard la- bor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for two months." The sentence is approved and will be duly exe- cuted at San Juan, Porto-Ri co. 3. Acting Hospital Steward John H. Rush, Hospital Corps, U.S. Army, having been tried by a General Court- Martial convened at San J uan, Porto Rico, and f >und guil- 2 ty of assault with intent to do bodily harm, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "To forfeit to the United States ten {$10.00) dollars of his pay per month for six {6) months. The Court is thus lenient on account-of ex- tenuating circumstances, and the previous good record of the accused as shown in evidence.'1' The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. Acting Hospital Steward Rush will be released from confinement and restored to duty. 4. Elois Perris, ex-teamster in the Quartermaster's De- partment, having been tried by a Military Commission at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has beer, ordered released. 5. William Stokes, ex-teamster in the Quartermaster's Department, having been tried by a Military Commission convenedat San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of theft, was sentenced "To be confined at hard labor in such jail as the Reviewing Authority may direct for the period of sixty {60) days." The sentence is approved. In view of the time the prisoner has been held awaiting trial the confinement imposed is reduced to thirty (30) days. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed at the Munic- ipal Jail of San Juan. Porto-Rico, to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard. 6. The general court-martial convened at Arecibo. P. R., by paragraph 1, Special Orders No. 15. series 1898. these headquarteres, is disolved. 7. The general court-martial covened at Caguas. P. R., by paragrapii 2, Special Orders No. 54, series 1898. these headquarters is dissolved. 8. The Military commission convened at San Juan. P. R., by paragraph 1. Special Orders No. 52. series 1898. these headquarters, is dissolved. 9. The unexpired portion of the sentence imposed by a General Court Martial in the case of General Prisoner John McElwee. as promulgated in Paragraph 10. Special Orders 23, current series these headquarters, is hereby remitted. 10. Under the provisions of A. R. 1272, the Subsis- tence Department will pay commutation of rations at the 3 rate of seventy-five cents a day to Ordnance Sergeant Peter Hein. U. S. Army, on duty in this city. This order to take effect February 4. 1899. By Command of Major General Henry: W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 53. HE ADyUARTERS DEPARTMENI OF PORTO RICO, San Jcan, March 4, 1898. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Humacao, P. IL. for Private George P. McKeown, Troop C, -5th Cavalry, discharged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advance, for two days, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the pub- lic service. 2. Private David Dunean, Hospital Corps. U. S. Ar- my, having been tried by a General Court-Martial con- vened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and f< mid guilty of conduct prejudicial to good order and military discipline in viola tion of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced •'•To be confined at hard labor, under charge of the post guard for two (2) months, and to forfeit ten ($10,00) dollars per month for the same period."" The sentence is approved. In view of 1 he time the prisoner has been held awaiting trial, the confinement imposed is remitted, and the prisoner will tie restored to duty. 3. Paragraph 5, Special Orders No. 47. these Head- quarters. is hereby revoked. Acting Assistant Surge* n Jos. A. Diaz, nowon duty at Guayama, P. R , will report to Major P. R. Egan, Surgeon. U. S. Volunteers, Director of Vaccination, Division of Guayama for duty as In- spector of Vaccination of that Division, upon the comple- tion of which duty he will report by letter to the Chief Sur- geon, Department of Porto-Rico, for annulment of con- tract. Such travel as may be required in the perform- ance of this duty is necessary for the public service The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 4. Contract nurses Eleanor E. Falvey, Emma J. Elinguist, Josephine Hopkins and Mary A. Veale, now on duty at the General Hospital, Ponce, P. R., will proceed to the United States by first available transport and report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C., for annulment of contract. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department the necessary subsistence whi- le en route. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 54. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, March 6, 1899. 1. Privates Marshall E. Smith, Clarence P. Thorne, Albert C. Vorderman, William Watt and Eugene A. Gosling now on duty at San Juan Hospital will proceed to Coamo, and report to Acting Assistant Surgeon Azel Ames, Di- rector of Vaccination, for temporary duty, upon com- pletion of which they will return to their proper stations. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation and the Subsistence Department travel rations and coffee money for two days. The travel enjoined is uecetsary for the public service. 2. Andres Figaroa, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, for trespassing on government property, was found ^guil- ty; but on account of the youth and inexperience of the ac- cused the Commission attaches no criminality thereto.'" The proceedings and findings are approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 55. headquarters dei'artmem OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, March 7, 1899. 1. Acting Assistant Surgeon Charles G. Eicher, now on duty at the General Hospital, San .Juan, P. R., will report to the Commanding Officer. Yauco, P. R., for duty, relieving Acting Assistant Surgeon S. H7. Perry who will report by letter to the Chief Surgeon of the Department for annulment of contract. The Quartermaster's De- partment will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public -ervice. 2. Acting Hospital Steward George C. Smith, Hos- piL tl Corps, U. S. Army, now at Guayama, P. R., under orders to proceed to San Juan Hospital for duty, will re- .port to Major P. R. Egan, Surgeon, U. S. Volunteers, Di- rector of Vaccination, Guayama. P. R., for temporary duty, upon the completion of which, he will join his proper station, Sanjuan, P. R. The Quartermaster's De- partment will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations while on this duty, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry utious of any kind and the journey nec- essary for the public service. 3. 2nd Lieutenant James H. Bradford, Jr., 19th In- fantry, is hereby assigned under the provisions uf General Orders No. 155. series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, to the Command of Company I of his regiment, from Decem- ber 23, 1898, to February 1. 1899. he having exercised command of that company during this period in accord- ance with Army Regulations. 4. Private Tony Bishop. Company H. 19th Infantry, is relieved from detached service at these Headquarters and will rejoin his company at Coamo, P. R. The Quarter- master's Department will furnish the necessary transpor- tation and the Subsistence Department will commute his rations for two days, in advance, it being impracticable foi' this sol Her to carry rations of any kind and the jour- ney necessary for the public service. 5. Pi ivate Flix E. Gillespie, Company L, 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, arid found guilty of drunkenness on duty in violation of the 38th Article of War-, was upon consideration of seven (77 previous con- 2 victions. sentern e 1 jto be dishonorably discharged the ser- vice of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, and to be confined at hard labor at such post (or such penitentiary} as the reviewing authority may direct for two (2) months." The sentence is approved except so much thereof as relates to the penitentiary, and will be duly executed at Ponce, Porto Rico. 6. Leave of absence for one month on surgeon's cer- tificate of disability, with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of one month, is granted 2nd Lieutenant Watts C. Valentine, 19th Infantry. 7. John Williams, teamster in the Quartermaster's Department, having been tried by a 'General Court- Martial at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner lias been ( rdered released. 8. Private Bay A. Anderson, Company L, 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of rob- bery in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United Slates, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, and to be con- fined at hard labor at such post (or in such penitentiary} as the reviewing authority may direct, for three (3) months.'1' The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at Ponce, P.R. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. 1 Special Orders, No. 56. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, March 8, 1899. 1. Etanislao Sanchez, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. 2. Private Jrthur J. Barnum, Battery G, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a General Court-Martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and mi litary dis- cipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sent- enced "to be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances, except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars and to be confined at hard labor un- der charge of the guard at such place as his battery may be serving for the period of three (3) months." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 3. Private -John Richards, Company I, 1st Volunteer Engineers, having been tried by a General Court Martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. Tae acquittal is approved. The prisoner will be released. 4. Privat * Henry Statdmillcr, Battery G, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a General Court Martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of absence without leave in violation of the 32nd Article of War, was. upon consideration of five (5) previous con- victions, sentenced "To be dishonorably discharged the ser- vice of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances, except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars, and to be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at such place as his battery may be serving for the period of three (3) months." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 5. Private George M^Guan, Battery G, 5th U. S. Ar- tillery, having been tried by a General Court-Martial con- vened at Sanjuan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consider- ation of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced "To be victions. sentcu'el ''to bq dishonorably discharged the ser- vice of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, and to be confined at hard labor at such post (or such penitentiary) as the reviewing authority may direct for two (2) months." The sentence is approved except so much thereof as relates to the penitentiary, and will be duly executed at Ponce, Porto Rico. 6. Leave of absence for one month on surgeon's cer- tificate of disability, witli permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of one month, is granted 2nd Lieutenant Watts C. Valentine, 19th Infantry. 7. John Williams, teamster in the Quartermaster's Department, having been tried by a 'General Court- Martial at Ponce. Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner lias been ( rdered released. 8. Private Ray A. Anderson, Company L, 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of rob- bery in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "7b be dishonorably discharged the ser vice of the United Slides, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, and to be con- fined at hard labor at such post (or in such penitentiary) as the reviewing authority may direct, for three (3) months.'''' The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at Ponce. PoR. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. 2 1 Special Orders, No. 56. HE A DQU A RTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, March 8, 1899. 1. Etanislao Sanchez, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved, The prisoner has been ordered released. 2. Private Arthur A. Barnum, Battery G, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a General Court-Martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and mi litary dis- cipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sent- enced "to be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances, except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars and to be confined at hard labor un- der charge of the guard at such place as his battery may be serving for the period of three (3) months." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 3. Pri vate JohnRichards, Company I, 1st Volunteer Engineers, having been tried by a General Court Martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. Tae acquittal is approved. The prisoner will be released. 4. Privat" Henry Statdmillcr, Battery G, 5th U. S. Artillery. having been tried by a General Court Martial convened at San J nan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of absence without leave in violation of the 32nd Article of War, was. upon consideration of five (5) previous con- victions. sentenced " To be dishonorably discharged the ser- vice of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances, except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars, and to be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at such place as his battery may be serving for the period of three (3) months." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 5. Private George MdGuan, Battery G, 5th U. S. Ar- tillery. having been tried by a General Court-Martial con- vened at Sanjuan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consider- ation of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced "To be 2 dishonor ably discharged the service of the United States, for- feiting all pay and allowances, except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars, and to be confined at hard labor at such place as his battery may be serving for the period of two (2) months." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 6. Vincente Sulsona, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of extorting money unlawfully, and being accessory before the fact to robbery, was sentenced "To be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of ten (10) years." The sentence is approved. In view of the time the prisoner has been held awaiting trial, the confinement imposed is reduced to nine years and eight months. The Penitentiary at San loan, P. R., is d signated as the place of confinement, but the prisoner will be held at Mayaguez pending trial under additional charges. 7. Ma jor John Van It. Hoff. Surgeon, U. S. Army, Chief Surgeon, Department of Porto Pico, will make an inspection of the Vaccine Station at Coamo. P. R.. < f the General Hospital, Ponce, P. R., and of the Medical Department and Sanitary condition of the posts in the Department of Porto Rico; on completion of which duty he will return to his proper station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. During the absence of Major Hoff. Major Louis Brechemin, Surgeon, U. S. Army, will take charge of the office of the Chief Surgeon. 8. Acting Hospital Steward John H. Bosh, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, temporarily in San Juan. P, R.. is re- lieved from duty at the General Hospital, Ponce, P. R., and will report to the Comm m ling Officer, General Hos- pital. San Juan, P. R., for duty. 9. Private Charles Pihl, Hospital Corps, now on duty at Humacao, P. R., will proceed to San Juan. P. R., and report to the Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Depart- ment will furnish the necessary transportation, and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations, in ad- vance, for one day, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for t he public service. 10. The boards of Medical Officers convened by par- agraph 22, Special Orders No. 41, these Headquarters, dated December 2, 1898, are hereby dissolved. 11. A board of Medical Officers is hereby appointed to meet at the General Hospital, Ponce, P. R., at 10 o'clock a. in., March 15, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the examination of such Acting Assistant Surgeons, as may be ordered before it. Detail for the Board: Captain G. M. Wells, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant P. P. Bussell, Assistant Surgeon,U. S. Army. The junior member will act as recorder. 12. Acting Assistant Surgeon IP. P. George, now on duty at the General Hospital, Ponce, P. R., will report to Captain G. M. Wells, Assistant Surgeon. U.S. Army, Pre- sident of the Medical Examining Board, Ponce, P. R., for examination, upon the completion of which he will resume his present duties. 13. Acting Hospital Steward William Schewe is here- by relieved from duty at the General Hospital, SanJuan, I'. R.. and will report to the Commanding Officer, Gen- eral Hospital. Ponce, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations, in advance, for one day, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. 3 Sl'ECIAL ORDERS, No. 57. 11E A I >QU A RT EKS DERA RTM EN T OF PORTO RICO, San Juan. March 9, 1899. 1. In compliance with paragraph 60, Special Orders No. .33, Headquarter's of the Army, A. G. O., Washington, February 9th, 1899, 1st Class Private Christopher B. Lati- more, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, will proceed from San Juan. P. R.. to Fort Myer, Virginia, and there report to the officer in charge of the Signal Corps Detachment for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nacessary transportation and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations for the necessary number of days, it being impracticable for tire soldier to carry rations-of any kind and the journey necessary for t he public service. 2. Private Hans P. Nordby. Company B. 19th In- fantry. now at Ponce. P. R., is, upon his own application, t ransferred to company A. of that regiment and will be sent to that company at Yauco, P. R. The expense of the transfer will be borne by the sol- dier. and transportation will nor be furnished by the Quartermaster's Department. 3. Leave of absence for one month on surgeon's certificate of disability, with permission to return to the United States is granted 2nd Lieutenant IF. D. Newbill, 7th Artillery. 4. The following named officers are detailed as ad- ditional members of the general court-martial, convened at San Juan, P. R., by paragraph 2, Special Orders No. 39. current series, these headquarters: Captain James E. Macklin, 11th Infantry; 1st Lieutenant John S. Battle, 11th Infantry. 5. 2nd Lieutenant George H. Shelton, 11th Infantry, is relieved from further duty as a member of the general courtmartial convened at San Juan, P. R., by paragraph 2. Special Orders No. .39, current series, these headquar- 1 ers. 6. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation front this City to Arecibo. P. R., for Private Thomas McGrath, Troop A, 5th Cavalry, dischar- ged from the General Hospital. San Juan. The travel en- joined is necessary for the public service. 2 7. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send a suitable private of the Hospital Corps to Manati, P. R., forduty, andoneto Utuado, P. R. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the neces- sary transportation and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advance, for two days, it being impracticable for these soldiers to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public ser- vice. 8. Acting Assistant Surgeon Irvin E. Bennett, now on duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will proceed at once to Aguadilla, P. R., and relieve Acting Assistant Surgeon H. C. Moore, who will report without delay to Acting Assistant Surgeon Azel Ames, in charge of the Vaccine Station, Coamo, P. R., for duty. The Quar- termaster's Department will furnish the necessary trans- portation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the pub- lic service. POR MANDATO DEL MAYOR GENERAL HENRY 1 Ayudanle (General. Special Orders, No. 58. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, March 10, 1899. 1. Luis Aponte, civilian, having been tried by a Mil- itary Commission convened at San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of assault, was sentenced "To be confined at hard labor at such place as the lieviewing Authority may direct for the period of sixty (QQ) days." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. The Presidio at San Juan is designated as the place of confinement to which the pris- oner will be sent under proper guard. 2. Ramon Bibiano Marrero, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission convened at SanJuan, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquit- ted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. 3. Higinio Fernandez, civilian, having been tried by a M ilitary Commission convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of larcency and house-breaking in viola- tion of tlie laws of war, was sentenced, "To be confined at hard labor in such Penitentiary as the Reviewing Authority may direct for the period of four (4) years." The sentence is approved. The Penitentiary at San Juan is designated as the place of confinement to which the prisoner will be j-ent under proper guard. 4. Francisco Andrade, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of larcency and house-breaking in viola- tion of the laws of war, was sentenced, "To be confined al hard I I'nr in such Penitentiary as the Reviewing Authority may direct for the period of one (Z) year. The Commission is thus lenient on account of the extreme youth of the accused, he being apparently not more than ten (10) years of age at the most; and the evident influence of other criminals". The sentence is approved, but in view of the prisoner's tender age, and the unanimous recommendation of the Com- mission. it is remitted. 5. A board of survey to consist of: - Lieutenant Colonel James Rockwell, Jr., U. S. V., Chief Ordnance Officer; Lieutenant Colonel William A. Glassford, U. S. V., Chief Signal Officer; Captain Jonas .4. Emery, 11th Infantry, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10 o'clock, 2 a. m., on Saturday March 18th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to investigate, report upon and fix the responsibility for the loss at sea of the Quartermaster Department's barge Helen and the cargo of Quartermas- ter's supplies and other property thereon. 6. Jesus Marcano Diaz, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of house-breaking and theft, in violation of the laws of war, was sentenced, ''To be confined al hard labor at such Penitentiary as the Reviewing Authority may di- rect for the period of three (3) years'". The sentence is ap- proved and will be duly executed. The Penitentiary at San Juan is designated as the place of confinement to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard. 7. Under the provisions of A. R. 1272, the Subsist- ence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of seventy-five cents a day to Commissary Sergeant William H. Faringhy. U. S. Army, on duty in this city. This order to take effect, March 1, 1899. 8. Private George Measor, Troop L. 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial con- vened at Mayaguez, P. R., and found guilty of man- slaughter, in violation of the 58th Article of War, was sentenced, 1 do be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and 'allowances due him and to be confined al hard labor in such Penitentiary as the re- viewing authority may direct for a period of twenty {20) years." The proceedings, findings and sentence are ap- proved. The confinement imposed is reduced to ten(10) years. As mitigated, the sentence will be duly executed at the San Juan Penitentiary, to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard. 9. Paragraph 7, Special Orders No. 56, current ser- ies, Headquarters District of Ponce, wherein Captain E. B. Cassatt, Assistant Adjutant General, U. S. Volun- teers, is directed to proceed to San Juan, P. R., and re- turn, to carry out the orders of the Commander of the District of Ponce, are confirmed as being necessary for the public service. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish transportation by private conveyance from Ponce to San Juan and return, the journey requiring the greatest possible haste. 3 10. Upon the recommendation of his Commanding Officer, so much of the sentence imposed by a Summary Court at Coamo, approved February 15, 1899, in the case of Acting Hospital Steward Charles J. Beyron, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, as relates to forfeiture of his pay for one (1) month is remitted. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 59. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, March 11, 1899. 1. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th Infantry, is assigned to the command of Company E of his regiment from January 4 to February 14, 1899. he having exercised command during this period in accordance with Army Regulations. 2. 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th In- fantry. is hereby assigned, under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, to the command of company L of his regiment, to date from February 15. 1899, he having exercised command of that Company since that date in accordance with Army Regulations. 3. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at Mayaguez, P. R., at 10 o'clock a. m., on Wednesday, March 15th. 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it. Detail for the Court: Major Charles L. Cooper, 5th Cavalry; Captain Earl 1). Thomas, 5th Cavalry; Captain Charles Willcox, Assistant Surgeon, U. 8. Army: Captain Edwin IF. Hurlbut. Commissary Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers; 1-t Lieutenant Richmond Me A. Schofield, Quarter- master. 5th Cavalry; 1st Lieutenant Willard F. Truby, Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant Lawrence J. Fleming, 5th Cavalry, Judge Advocate. No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest injury to the service. 4. The following-named ortic rs are detailed as ad- ditional members of the Military Commission convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 52, series 1898, these headquarters: Captain Earl D. Thomas. 5th Cavalry; Captain Edward W. Hurlbut.Commissary Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers. 2 5. Lieutenant Colonel Camillo C. C. Carr, 5th Cav- alry, is relieved from further duty as a member of the Military Commission, convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 52, series 1898, these headquarters. (5. Isidoro Marquez, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conspiring to extort money unlaw- fully, was sentenced, "To be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of five (5) years'" The proceedings, findings and sentence are approved. In view of the time the prisoner has been held awaiting trial, the confinement imposed is reduced to four years and eight months. As mitigated the sent- encewill be duly' execut 'd at the Penitentiary at San Juan, P. R.. to which tlie prisoner will be sent under proper guard. 7. Private Robert Pool. Company G, 11th Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial convened at San Juan. P. R.. and found guilty of theft, in violation of the 62nd Article of War. was sentenced "To be dishon- orably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due. except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars, and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of two months." The sentence is approved and will be duly execute I at San Juan. Porto Rico. 8. Private John F. Horn, Company M. 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial convened at San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, and of absence with- out leave in violation of the 32nd Articleof War, was, upon consideration of five (b) previous convictions, sentenced "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowancesnow due, except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) and to be confined at hard labor for the period of one month. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, Porto Rico. 9. Private Joseph F. Connolly, Company H 11th U. 8. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court Martial convened at San Juan. P. R., and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was upon consider- ation of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced "To be 3 dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, for- feiting all pay and allowances now due, and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may desig- nate for the period of one (1) year." In the foregoing case of Private Joseph F. Connolly, Company H,llth U. S. Infantry, tile findings are approved except as to the 3rd specification under which the finding is disapproved; the prisoner having made a statement at variance with his plea relating to that specification, and tlie Court having failed to investigate the matter. The sentence is approve^. The confinement is reduced to six (6) months. As mitigated the sentence will be duly exe- cuted at the Post < f San Juan, Porto-Rico. 10. Private Carl Kemper, Hospital Corps. U. S. Ar- my, having been tried by a General Court Martial con- vened at San Juan. Porto-Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, and of disobedience of orders in violation of the 21st Article of War, was sentenced "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due, except the sum often (fflO.OO) dollars, and to be confined at hard labor for the period pf six (6) months. The sentence is approved and will he duly executed at the Post of San Juan. P. R. 11. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, 2nd Lieutenant William R. Doores. 5th Artillery, is assigned to the com- mand of Battery B, 5th Artillery, to date from November 30, 1898, he having exercised command of said battery since that date in accordance with Army Regulations. By command or Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, March 13, 1899. Special Orders, No. 60. 1. Private John H. Hadenfeld, Troop L, 5th U. S. <'avalry. having been tried by a General Court-Martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on duty in violation of the 38th Article of War, was sentenced ^To be confined at hard labor where his troop may be serving for the period of two (2) months, and to forfeit ten ($10.00} dollars per month for the 'same per- iod." The sentence is approved and will be duly exe- cuted. 2. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. It., at 10o'clock a. m., on Thursday, March 1(5. 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as maybe properly brought before it. Detail for the Court: Lieutenant Colonel Daniel W. Burke, 11th Infantry; Captain Albert L. Myer, 11th Infantry; Captain James E: Macklin, 11th Infantry; Chaplain H. A. Brown, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th Infantry: 1st Lieutenant Frank L. Wells, 11th Infantry; 2nd Lieutqnaqt Edgar A. Macklin, 11th Infantry, and 1st Lieutenant John S. Battle, 11th Infantry, Judge Ad- vocate. . . . No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest injury to the service. 3. A board of survey to consist of : - 1st Lieutenant Walter Cox, Assistant Surgeon, U, S. Army; 2nd Lieutenant Edgar A. Macklin, 11th Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant II. Doores, 5th Artillery. is appointed to meet at the General Hospital in this city at 10 o'clock a. m., on Thursday, March 16th, 1899, eras soon thereafter as practicable to examine into, report up- on and fix the responsibility for the loss of one Pocket Case, Aseptic, tlie property of the United States, for which Major Charles F. Mason, Brigade Surgeon, U. S. Volun- teers, is accountable. 2 4. 1st Class Private James W. Furlow, Company D, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now stationed at Mayaguez, P. R., will proceed to San Juan, P. R.. and report to the Board of Officers convened by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 52, current series, from these headquarters, for exam- ination for a commission in the U. S. Army; on the com- pletion of which duty he will rejoin his proper station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the neces- sary transportation and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advance, for the nec- essary number of days, it being impracticable for the sol- dier to carry rations of any kind and the journey is neces- sary for the public service. 5. Jose Enriquiz, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of theft, in violation of the laws of war, was sentenced "To be confined at such place as the Review- ing Authority may direct (at hard labor} for the period of six (6) months." In the foregoing case of Jose Enriquiz, civ- ilian, it is observed that the char ges referred to the Com- mission are not exactly copied in the record. The vari- ance not being material, the finding and sentence are ap- proved. The San Juan Jail is designated as the place of confinement to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard. By command oe Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 61. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, March 14, 1899. 1. The following journeys performed by Major Henry H. Muy, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, for the purpose of paying troops, are approved as having been necessary for the public service: February Sth to 26th, 1899. San Juan to Bayamon; thence to ToaAlta and return; San Juan to Manati; thence to Barceloneta and re- turn: San .Juan to Rio Piedras; thence to Carolina and re- 1 urn; San Juan to Caguas and return; Sao Juan to Bayamon and return; San Juan to Arecibo and return; San Juan to Arecibo and return. 2. The following journeys performed by Major John It'. Fogler, Additional Paymaster, LT. S. Volunteers, for the purpose of paying troops, are approved as having been necessary for the public service: February 3rd to 26th, 1899. San Juan toSanturce and return; San Juan to Cayey and return; San Juan to Arecibo and return: San Juan to Mayaguez and return. March 1st, 1899. San Juan to Caguas and return. March 6th to 12th, 1899. San Juan to Mayaguez; Mayaguez to San German and return; Mayaguez to Aguadilla and return; Mayaguez to Las Marias; thence to Lares; Lares to Mayaguez; Mayaguez to SanJuan. 2 3. The following journeys performed by Major Geo. IF. Fishback, Chief Paymaster, Department of Porto Rico, for the purpose of paying troops, are approved as having been necessary for the public service: December 16th to 18th, 1898. San Juan to Santurce and return: San Juan to Rio Piedras; thence to Carolina; Carolina to San Juan; San Juan to Caguas and return. January 8th to 10th, 1899. San Juan to Fajardo: thence to Vieques; Vieques to Humacao; Humacao to San Juan. 4. Brawlio Figueroa, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission convened at Ponce. Porto-Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. 5. Benigno Mosquero, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission convened at San Juan. Porto-Rico, a"d found guilty of trespass on govern merit property, was sentenced "7b be confined in such place as the renewing authority may direct for the period of five (5) days." In the foregoing case of Benigno Mosquero, it is remarked that in view of the special care enjoined by Army Regulation regarding Permanent Works, an actual case of trespass is deserving of severe punishment. To establish a case of willful trespass the evidence should show that the accused was warned by sufficient notice, posters, etc. The finding is formally approved. The sentence is approved, but in view of circumstances, is remitted. The prisoner has been ordered released. 6. Private Paul Stolley, Company K. 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial convened at San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of larceny to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, was sentenced "7b be dishonorably discharged the service of the United Slates, forfeiting all pay and allowances due except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of two (2) months.'" In the foregoing case of Private Paul Stolley, Company K. 11th U.S. Infantry, the charges are laid under the (12nd Article of War, the evidence does not indicate that the offence was in any sense prejudicial to good order and military discipline. Larceny when committed by a per- son in the military service in time of war, may be tried under the 58th Article of War, whether prejudicial or not. But leaving these irregularities out of view, the guilt of the accused does not appear to be established by the evi- dence beyond a reasonable doubt. The finding is accord- ingly disapproved. The prisoner will be released and re- stored to duty. 7. Sergeant John H. Waddle, Company A, 11th Infan- try, now stationed at San Juan, P. R., will report to the Board of Officers, convened by paragraph 1, Special Or- ders No. 52. current series, these Headquarters, for ex- amination for a commission in the U. S. Army, on the completion of which duty he will rejoin his proper station. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. 3 Special Orders. No. 62. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, March 15, 1899. 1. Private Frank Scott, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, is relieved from duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., and will report to the Commanding Officer, Utua- do. P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Sub- sistence Department, commutation of rations,in advance, for two days, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 2. Private William Albrecht and Joseph F. Higgins, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, are relieved from duty at the General Hospital. San Juan. P. R., and will proceed to Arecibo, P. R.. and report to the Commanding Officer there for duty, relieving Privates Caswell C. Frame and Charles C. Gass who will proceed to San Juan, P. R., and report to the Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsist- ence Department commutation of rations, in advance, for one day. it being impracticable for these soldiers to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 3. Private Il rad ford J. Hibbard, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty at General Hospital, San Juan. P. R., will proceed to Coamo. P. R., and report to the officer in charge of the Vaccine station for temporary duty, on completion of which he will return to bis proper station. The Quarter master's Department will furnish the neces- sary t ransportation and the Subsistence Department com- mutation of rations, in advance, lor two days, it being impracticable for t he soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 4. Privates Michael J. McCarthy and Michael Mona- han. Company A, 11th IT. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Larceny, to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War. were sentenced as follows: Private Michael J. McCarthy "To be dishonorably dis- charged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, and to be confined at hard labor in 2 such penitentiary as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of three (3) years." Private Michael Monahan. "To be dishonorable, dis- charged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, and to be confined at hard labor in such penitentiary as the reviewing authority may direct for the per- iod of three (3) years." In the foregoing cases of Privates Michael J. McCarthy and Michael Monahan. Company A, 11th U. S. Infantry, the prisoners although charged separately, were arraigned and tried jointly. This was irregular and unauthorized. Joint trials should be limited to offences which require for their commission a combination or conspiracy. (Manual Courts-Martial 16-6). Where such conspiracy or combi- nation exists and it is desi red to arraign t he accused joint ly, they should be joined ir: one charge. The joint trial in this case having been conducted without object ion and without prejudice to the prisoners, the sentence as to each of them is approved, but is mitigated as to each so as to designate Fort Columbus. New-York H arbor, as the place of confinement, to which place the prisoners will be sent under proper guard. b. Contract Nurse James IT. Young, now on duty at the General Hospital. San Juan, P. R.. and Contract Nmses Thomas Hart and John E. Folsom, now on duty at the General Hospital. Ponce, P. R., will report to the Chief Surgeon, Department of Porto Rico, for annulment of contract, and will thereafter proceed to the United States. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nece-sary transportation and the Subsistence Department the required subsistence. The travel enjoined is neces- sary for the public service. 6. Private Herman Maye, Hospital Corps. U. S. Ar my. now on duty at the General Hospital. San Juan, P. R., will report to the Commanding Officer, Vaccine station, Coamo, P. R.. for temporary duty, upon the completion of which he will return to his proper station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the neces- sary transportation and the Subsistence Departmenl commutation of rations for one day, in advance, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public, service. 7. Acting Assistant Surgeon Compton Wilson is here- by relieved from duty at the General Hospital, Ponce, 3 P. R., and will proceed to Aibonito, P. R., and relieve 1st Lieutenant Pl'. E. Richards, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Ar- my, who will proceed to Mayaguez, P. R.. and relieve Captain Charles Willcox, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, of his duties as Surgeon (if that post and Director of Vac- cination in the Division of Maya^uez. The Quartermas- ter's Department will furnish the necessary transporta- tion. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public ser- vice. 8. Leave of absence for one month, witli permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of three months, is granted Captain A. McC. Guard, 19th Infantry. This order to t ke effect April 1, 1899. 9. A board of survey to consist of: - Major Selden A. Day, 5th Artillery; Major Euyene 1). Dimniick, 5th Cavalry; 2nd Lieutenant Frederick E. Johnston; 7th Artillery, is appointed to meet at 10 o'clock a. m., on Friday, March 17, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, at the Stock Range and Hospital at Rio Piedras, P. R.. to examine in- to the condition and recommend disposition of certain public animals suffering from an advanced stage of the glanders. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Speci a l Okd e ks. No. 63. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, March 16, 1899. 1. The journey performed by Brigadier General F. J). Grant. U. S. Volunteers, accompanied by his Aide-de- Camp, 2nd Lieutenant James R. Rash, 3rd Kentucky Vol- unteerinfantry, from SanJuan, P. R., to Ponce, P. R., via Camuy, Lares, Las Marias, Mayaguez, San German and Yauco, P. R., and return via. Adjuntas, Utuado and Arecibo. P. R., beginning March 2nd, and concluding March 6, 1899, to carry out the instructions of the De- partment Commander, on public business, is approved as having been necessary for the public service. 2. 1st Lieutenant Frederick G. Lawton, 19th Infantry, is detailed as a member of the Military Commission ap- pointed at Ponce. P. R., by paragraph 10, Special Orders No. 64, series 1898, these headquarters, vice Captain Ed- mund J). Smith, 19th Infantry, whois relieved from that duty. 3. Captain Francis H. French, 19th Infantry, is de- tailed as a member of the General Court-martial convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 59, current series, from these headquarters, vice 1st Lieu- tenant Richmond McA. Schofield, Quartermaster, 5th Cav- alry, who is relieved. 4. Acting Assistant Surgeon F. M. Harney, now' on duty at the General Hospital. Ponce, P. R., will report without delay to the Commanding Officer of the Vaccine Station, Coamo, P. R., for temporary duty, on the comple- tion of which he will return to his proper station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Okdeks, ' No 64. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, March 17, 1899. 1. Private John McLoughlin, Company B. 11th U.S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced ^To be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard where his company may be serving for four (4) months, and to forfeit ten 10.00) dollars per month of his pay for the same time.'" The sentence is approved, but owing to the time the pris- oner has been held awaiting trial, the confinement im- posed is reduced to three (3) m mt'iL As mitigi^el the sentence will be duly executed at the post of San Juan, Porto Rico. 2. Private William F. Huvird, Com >xny K, 11th U. S. Infantry, leaving been tried by a General Court- Martial, convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. Tae acquittal is ap- proved. Tae prisoner lias been ordepe I released. 3. Major Josiah Pierce, Jr., Engineer Officer, U. S. Volunteers, is relieved from duty on the Staff of Briga- dier General F. D. Grant, U. S. Volunteers, to enable him to carry out instructions from the War Department. Ma- jor Pierce, in accordance with directions from the War Department, is assigned specially to the correction and completion of the '-Motes on Porto Rico," published by the Bureau of Military Information, and will as soon as possible conclude such duty, in order that his dis- charge, which has been delayed for this purpose, may be consumated. He will, as soon as possible, report to these headquarters the probable date of the accomplish- ment of this work. 4. Paragraph 8, Special Orders No. 58, current se- ries, these headquarters, in the case of Military Convict George Meawr, (late Private Troop L. 5th U. S. Cavalry) is amended so as to design ite the U. S. Penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, as the place of confinement. Tue prisoner will be sent under proper guard to report to the Commanding Officer Ballaja Barracks. San Juan, P. R., there to await transportation to the United States. 2 5. The unexecuted portion of the sentence in the case of Military Convict James Kennedy, (late Private Battery B, 5th U. S. Artillery) as promulgated in para- graph 5, Special Orders No. 56, series 1898, these head- quarters so as to designate Governor's Island, New York Harbor, as the place of confinement. The prisoner will be sent under proper guard to report to the Commanding Officer, Ballaja Barracks, San Juan, P., R., there to await transportation to the United Slates. 6. The unexecuted portion of the sentence in the case of Military Convict George JU. Cole, (late Private Company L. 11th Infantry) as promulgated in paragraph 6. Special Orders No. 9, current series, these headquarters, is mitigated so as to designate Governor's Island, New York Harbor, as the place of confinement. The prisoner will be sent under proper guard to report to the Com- manding Officer, Ballaja Barracks, San Juan. P. R., there to await transportation to the United States. 7. In the cases of Military Convicts Edward H. JKc/x/?. (Late Private Company L, 11th U. S. Infantry) promulgated in paragraph 3, Special Order, No. 35. cur- rent series, these Headquarters, and Gwen J. Hughes, (Lite Private Company C. Hth U. S. Infantry,) promul- gated in paragraph 2, Special Orders No. 40, current ser- ies, these Headquarters, the period of confinement as to each is reduced to three (3) months, and will be executed at the Post of San Juan, to which place the prisoners will be sent under proper guard. 8. Upon the recommendation of his Commanding officer, the unexecuted portion of the sentence in the case of Private Charles JU. Hagans, U. S Signal Corps, as pro- mulgated in paragraph 14. Special Orders No. 2, current series, these Head quarters, is remitted. By command of Major General Henry : W. I'. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. ' I No. 65. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, March 18, 1899. OF PORTO RICO, 1. Elario Hodriguez Sauluella and Perico Hodrignez, civilians, having been tried jointly by a Military Com- mission convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, were acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoners have been ordered released. 2. Escolatico Colondre and Serafin Sierra, civilians, having been tried jointly by a Military Commission, con- vened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of as- sault and battery with intent to kill, were each sentenced "To be confined at hard labor in such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of three (3) years.'"' The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. The pen- itentiary at San Juan, P. R., is designated as the place of confinement, to which the prisoners will be sent under proper guard. 3. Elario Rodriguez Mendoza and Ventura Torres, civ- ilians, having been tried jointly by a Military Commission convened at Mayaguez, P. R., and found guilty of attempt to assault with intent to kill or seriously injure, were each sentenced. "To be confined at hard labor in such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of one (1) year." The sentences are approved and will be duly exe- cuted. The penitentiary at San Juan, P. R., is desig- nated as the place of confinement, to which the prisoners will be sent under proper guard. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, \ No 66. j HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, March 20, 1899. 1. The journey performed by 1st Lieutenant Thomas G. Hanson. Quartermaster, 19th U. S. Infantry, on March 15th, 1899. from Coamo, P. R., to Ponce, P. R., and re- turn, on public business in connection with his duties as Quartermaster, under telegraphic instructions from the Commanding Officer, District of Ponce, is approved as having been necessary for the public service. 2. A Military Commission is hereby appointed to meet at Mayaguez, P. R., on Monday, March 27, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such per- sons as may be properly brought before it. Detail for the Commission: Major Charles L. Cooper, 5th Cavalry; Captain Hari D. Thomas, 5th Cavalry; Captain Edwin If. Hurlbut, C. S., U. S. Volunteers; 1st Lieutenant Odon Gurovits, 11th Infantry, Judge Advocate. 3. Private James F. Bates, Company C, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on duty in violation of the 38th Article of War and of leaving post in violation of the 39th Article of War, was sentenced "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at such post as his company may be ser- ving for four (4) months, and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same period.'" The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at San Juan, Porto Rico. 4. Acting Hospital Steward William L. Feed, U. S. Army, will report to the Board of Officers, convened by paragraph 1, Special Orders No. 52, current series, these headquarters, forexamination for a commission in the U. S. Army; on the completion of which duty he will rejoin his proper station. 5. Leave of absence for one month, with permission to return to the United States is granted Captain Henry J. Goldman, 5th Cavalry. 6. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send a suitable Private of the Hospital 2 Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty there, to report to the Commanding Ohieer, Manati, P. R., for duty. The Quar- termaster's Department will furnish the necessary trans- portation, and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations for one day, in advance, it being impracticable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 7. Private Theodore Otten, Battery B, 5th U. S. Artil- lery, having been tried by a General Court-Martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of vio- lation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "-To be confined at hard labor undt r charge of the guard at such place as his battery may be sercing for the period of tiro (2) months, and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same period.'1'1 The sentence is approved but in view of the time the prisoner has been held awaiting trial, the confine- ment imposed is reduced to one (1) month. As miti- gated the sentence will be duly executed at the post of San Juan, Porto Rico. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 67. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, March 21, 1899. 1. Segundo Venancio Esteves y Alers, Adolfo Babilonia Iturrino and Jose Joaquin Moreno y Cebillero, civilians, hav- ing been tried by it Military Commission convened at Mayaguez, P. R., and found not guilty as charged, were acquitted. The acquittals are approved, but the prisoners will beheld in confinement at Mayaguez, pending addi- tional charges preferred against them. 2. Private Edward Murray, Company I, 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-martial convened at Ponce, P. R., and found guilty of fraudulent enlistment in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances except subsist- ence and transportation in kind to the United States.'" The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 3. The unexecuted portion of the sentence of confine- ment in the case of Robert Pool, late Private Company G, 11th Infantry, now in confinement at San Juan, P. R., promulgated in paragraph 7, Special Orders No. 59, current series, these headquarters, is hereby remitted. 4. The unexecuted portion of the sentence of confine- ment in the case of William H. Cook, late Private, Com- pany M. 11th U. S. Infantry, now in confinement at San Juan, P. R., promulgated in paragraph 4, Special Orders No. 40, current series, these headquarters, in hereby remitted. 5. Leave of absence for one month on Surgeon's Cer- tificate of Disability, with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of one month, is granted Captain T.^B. Adams, 5th Artillery. By Command of Major General Henry: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No 68. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT . OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, March 22, 1899. 1. Acting Hospital Steward -John R. Wildman, Hospi- tal Corps, U. S. Anny, now on duty at Adjuntas, P. R., wjll proceed to Guayama, P. R., and report to Major P. R. Egan, Surgeon,U. S. Volunteers, Director of Vaccination, Guayama, P. R., for temporary duty, upon the completion of which he will return to his proper station. The Quar- termaster's Department will furnish the necessary trans- portation and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations to this soldier at the rate of $1.59 per day while traveling and 75 cents per day while on duty at Guayama, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. A Board of Survey to consist of:- Captain Daniel J. Carr, U. S. Volunteer Signal Corps: 2nd Lieutenant Rasil (). Lenoir, U. S. Volunteer Sig- nal Corps; 2nd Lieutenant James R. McLaughlin, U. S. Volun- teer Signal Corps, is appointed to meet at 10 o'clock A. M., on Monday, March 27, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to inquire into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the loss of one pair of saddle bags, the property of the United States, for which 2nd Lieutenant Frederick M. Jones, U. S. Volunteer Signal Corps, is accountable. By COMMAND OF MAJOR GENERAL HENRY : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 69. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, March 23, 1899. 1. Private Shepherd H. Mount. Hospital Corps U. S. Army, having been brought before a General Court-mar- tial convened at Ponce, P. R., charged with violation of the 62nd Article of War, entered a plea in bar of trial Which was sustained by the Court. In the foregoing case of Private Shepherd H. Mount, Hospital Corps U. S. Army, the prisoner interposed in bar of trial a plea of former Conviction for the same offence. The evidence introduced to establish and rebut the plea was incomplete in failing to determine the exact offence for which the accused had been previously tried. This could have been readily ascertained by reference to the Summary Court records or charges in the first case. The evidence adduced indicates, however, that there were two distincts offences. The proceedings are disapproved. The prisoner will be restored to d ity. 2. Edaban Torres, Nativedad Oyala, Eduardo Oyala and Victoriano Ortiz, civilians, having been jointly tried by a Military Commission convened at Arecibo, P. R., and found guilty of robbery and assault with intentto commit bodily injury, were sentenced as follows: Estaban Torres and Nativedad Oyala, each. " To be confined at hard labor, in such prison as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of (12) years'" Eduardo Oyala and Victoriano Ortiz, each. "To be confined at hard labor, in such prison as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of two (2) years. " The sentences are approved, but in view of the time the prisoners have been held awaiting trial the confine- ment imposed is reduced as follows: In the case of Esta- ban Torres and Nativedad Oyala to eleven (11) years and eight (8) months. In the case of Eduardo Oyala and Vic- toriano Ortiz, to one (1) year and eight (8) months. As mitigated the sentences will be duly executed. The Peni- tentiary at San Juan, Porto Rico, is designated as the place of confinement, to which the prisoners will be sent under proper guard. 2 3. Sinforoso Zeno, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission convened at Arecibo, P. R., and found not guilty as charged was acquitted. The acquit- tal is approved. The prisoner will be released. 4. Private William H. Twates, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a General Court-martial convened at San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at such post as his troop may be serving, for four (4) months, and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same period." In the foregoing case of Private William H. Twates, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, the letter intr iduced as evi- dence does not appear to have been referred to tiie court and it is not understood how it passed into the hands of the Judge Advocate. The sentence is approved, but owing to the time the prisoner has been necessarily held awaiting trial; the con- finement imposed is reduced to two (2) months. As mit- igated the sentence will be duly executed. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General- Special Orders, No. 70. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, March 24, 1899. 1. Private William Daily, Hospital Corps. U, S. Ar- my, having been tried by a General Court-martial con- vened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of desertion in violation of the 47tli Article of War, was sentenced "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him except transpor- tation and subsistence to the United States, and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may di- rect for the period of one (1) year." The sentence is ap- proved and will be duly executed. Fort Columbus, Gov- ernor's Island, New York Harbor, is designated as the place of confinement to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard. 2. Private Adolph Fisher, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a General Court-martial con- vened at San .Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of vio- lation of the 33rd and 38th Articles of War, was sentenced "To be confined at hard labor undercharge of the guardat such post as his troop m ty bi serving for the period of eight (8) months, and to forfeit to the, United States ten dollars per month for that period." The sentence is approved and will be duly exeyuted. 3. By direction of the Secretary of War, Private- George IF. Warner, Troop B, 5th Cavalry, is ordered to proceed without delay to Fort Monroe, Virginia, for ex- amination, he having been designated for appointment to the grade of 2nd Lieutenant in the U. S. Army. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advance, for the necessary number of days, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry' rations of any kind and the journey7 neces- sary for the public service. 4. A Military Commission is hereby appointed to meet at Ponce. P. R., on Monday, March 27, 1899, or as 2 soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it. Detail for the Commission: Captain Montgomery M. Macomb, 7th Artillery: 1st Lieutenant Frederick G. Lawton, 19th Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Cromwell Stacey, 19th Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Henry A. Eames, 19th Infantry, Judge Advocate. 5. The journeys performed by Lieutenant Colonel Charles C. Hood, 19th Infantry, from Ponce, P. R., to Yau- co and Guanica, P. R., on March 4, 1899, and return on March 5. 1899; and from Ponce, P. R., to Adjuntas, P. R.. on March 10, 1899, and return on March 11, 1899, on public business, in connection with his duties as Com- mander of the District Ponce, under instructions from these headquarters, are approved as having been necessary for the public service. 6. So much of paragraph 7, Special Orders No. 47, current series, these headquarters, as directs the Subsist- ence Department to pay commutation of rations at $1.00 per day is so modified as to direct the Subsistence Depart- ment to pay commutation of rations at the rate of $1.50 per day to these soldiers while traveling and 75 cents per day while on duty at their temporary station. 7. By direction of the Secretary of War, a board of officers is appointed to meet at the call of the president thereof, in this city, for the examination of sucli officers as may be ordered before it to determine their fitness for promotion: Detail for the Board. Lieutenant Colonel Daniel W. Burke, 11th Infantry; Major Eugene D. Dimmick, 5th Cavalry; Major Louis Brechemin, Surgeon, U. S. Army; Captain Albert L. Myer, 11th Infantry; Captain Charles F. Mason, Assistant Surgeon, U. S, Army; 1st Lieutenant Albert C. Blunt, 5th Artillery, Re- corder. The duties of the medical officers will be confined to the physical examination. 3 8. The following-named officers will report in per- son to Lieutenant Colonel Daniel W. Burke, 11th Infantry, president of the examining board appointed to meet in San Juan, P. R., by paragraph 7, Special Orders No. 70, current series, these headquarters, at such time as they may be required by the board for examination as to their fitness for promotion: Captain Francis IT. Mansfield, 11th U. S. Infantry; Captain James J. Buchanan, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Odon Gurovits, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Thomas G. Hanson, 19th U. S.Infantry: 1st Lieutenant Arthur B. Foster, 19th U. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Thomas F. Maginnis, 11th U. S. In- fantry; 2nd Lieutenant William W. Fiscus, jr., 19th U. S. In- fantry; 2nd Lieutenant James H. Bradford, jr., 19th U. S. In- fantry; 2nd Lieutenant Cromwell Stacey, 19th U. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Edgar A. Macklin, 11th U. S. In- fantry ; 2nd Lieutenant James M. Graham,\\t\i U. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Watts C. Valentine, 19th IT. S. In- fantry; 2nd Lieutenant Frank Parker, 5th U. S. Cavalry; 2nd Lieutenant Frederick E. Johnston, 7th U. S. Ar- tillery; 2nd Lieutenant Arthur S. Conklin, 7th U. S. Ar- tillery; 2nd Lieutenant James F. Brady, 7th U. S. Artillery. Such officers as may be on duty at other posts than San Juan, will on the completion of their examination re- turn to their proper stations. The Quartermaster's De- partment will furnish the transportation required for compliance with this order. The travel enjoined is nec- essary for the public service. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. fa n try; tillery; Special Orders, No. 71. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, March 25, 1899. 1. Andres Mata, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission convened at San Juan, P. R., and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquit- tal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. 2. Private George J. Tierney, Battery B, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a General Court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military dis- cipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War,was sen- tenced, "7'o be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at such post as his battery may be serving for the period of two months and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars per month for that period" The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. By Command of Major General Henry: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, March 27, 1899. Special hmERS, No. 72. 1. Leave of absence for one month with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of four months, is granted Captain E. B. Cassatt, U. S. Volunteers. This order to take effect as soon as the present duties of Cap- tain Cassatt are completed. 2. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898. Headquarters of the Army, 2nd Lieutenant Edgar A. Macklin, 11th Infantry, is assigned to the com- mand of Company G, 11th Infantry, to date from March 3, 1899, he having exercised command of said company since that time in accordance with Army Regulations. 3. The Military Commission convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 52, series 1898, these headquarters, is dissolved upon the completion of the case now before it. and the Judge Advocate thereof is directed to turn over all the untried cases referred to that Commission to the Judge Advocate of the Military Com- mission convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 2. Special Orders No. 63, current series, these headquarters. 4. The Major General Commanding will proceed to Coamo. Puerto Rico, to inspect the Vaccine Farm, accom- panied by Captain II. R. Lemly, 7th Artillery, and 1st Lieutenant Peter E. Traub, 1st Cavalry, Aide-de- Camp. Private George IV. Dessalet, Troop F, 5th Cav- alry. will also accompany the Commanding General. Tiie Commissary Department will provide commutation of rations for six (6) days in advance to this soldier, at the rate of $1.50 per day,it being impracticable for him to carry rations of any kinl. Tae Quartermaster's Depart- ment will furnish the necessary transportation. The trav- el enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. 2nd Lieutenant Edgar A. Macklin, 11th Infantry, is relieved from duty as a member of the General Court- martial convened at San Juan, P. R., by paragraph 2, Special Orders No. 60, current series, these headquarters, during the trial of Civilian Rafael Ortiz before the Mili- tary Commission convened at San Juan. P. R., by para- 2 graph 8, Special Orders No. 39, current series, these headquarters, to enable him to act as Counsel for this man during his tiial undercharges now in the hands of the Judge Advocate of the Commission. On the completion of this trial Lieutenant Macklin will resume his seat on the General Court-martial. 6. Private Daniel Duncan, Hospital Corps, U. S. Ar- my, temporarily attached to the Hospital Corps De- tachment with the 19th Infantry, is hereby relieved from duty at the General Hospital. San Juan, P. R., and will report to the Commanding Officer of the General Hospital, Ponce, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advance, at the rate of $1 50 per day. for two days, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry ra- tions of any kind and the journey necessary for tiie pub lie service. 7. Private Joseph Gatrin ami Charles Bertsehci/, Hos- pital Corps. U. S. Army, on duty at General Hospital. San Juan, P. R., will report to the Commanding Officer of the Vaccine Station, Coamo Baths. P. IL. for temporary duty, upon the completion of which they will return to their proper stations. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Sub- sistence Department will provide commutation of rations at the rate of $1.50 per day for one day going and one day returning, to each of these men, it being impracticable for them to carry rations of any kind and the jour- ney necessary for the public service. 8. Acting Hospital Steward Harri/ S. Gilbert, Hos- pital Corps, U. S. Army, now at San Juan, will proceed to Guayama, P. R., and report to Captain P. II. Egan, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, Director of Vaccination, Guayama. P. R., for temporary duty, upon the Comple- tion of which he will return to his proper station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department will pro- vide commutation of rations, in advance, at the rate of $1.50 per day while traveling and seventy-five cents per day while on duty at Guayama, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind. The travel en- joined is necessary for the public service. 3 9. Paragraph 1, Special Orders No. 68, dated March 22, 1899, these Headquarters, is hereby revoked. 10. The following-named officers are detailed as ad- ditional members of the General Court-martial convened at ban Juan, P. R., by paragraph 2, Special Orders No. 60, current series, these headquarters; Captain Richard R. Steedman, 11th Infantry; Captain Jonas A. Emery, 11th Infantry. By Command of Major General Henry: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 73. Il FA DQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO. Sax J can, March 28, 1899. 1. Contract Nurse Elizabeth Dewey. is relieved from du- ty at the General Hospital, San J nan, P. R., and will report to tile Commanding officer of the General Hospital, Ponce, P. R., relieving contract Nurse Elizabeth H. Porteous, who will report to the Commanding Officer, of the General Hospital. SanJuan, P. R., forduty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advance, for one day, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 2. Contract Nurse Agnis B. O'Dill, nnw on duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R.. will report to the Chief Surgeon, Department of Porto Rico, for annulment of Contract and will thereafter proceed to the United States. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the subsistence Department the necessary subsistence. 3. Private E. J. Denton, 19th U. S. Infantry, (unas- signed), having been tried by a General Court-Martial con- vened at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances, and to be confined at hard labor in such penitentiary as the reviewing authority may direct for eighteen (18) months." In the foregoing case of Private E. J. Denton, 19th U. S. Infantry, (unassigned), the court finds the accused guilty of violation of the 62nd instead of the 21st Article of War as charged. In the opinion of the reviewing author- ity the specification under this charge clearly sets forth a disobedience of orders. The finding, except as to this charge, is approved. The sentence is approved, but in view of the prisoner's youth and inexperience and in condiseration of a recommendation to clemency signed by five members of the Court, it is mitigated to confine- ment at hard labor at such post where his company may be serving for seven (7) months, and forfeiture of ten ($10.00) dollars per month of his pay for the same period. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed. 2 4. The journeys performed by Captain L. P. Davison, 5th Infantry, beginning on March 16th, 1899, from San Juan, P. R., to Fajardo, Humacao, Vieques and Culebra, P. R., and return to San Juan, and on March 19th from San Juan to Ponce, P. R., by sea, and return to San Juan, by land, to carry out the verbal instructions of the De- partment Commander, on public business, is approved as having been necessary for the public service. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjuntant General. Special Orders, No. 74. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, March 29, 1899. 1. Private Michael J. Sheridan, Company D, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court- martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 39th Article of War, was sen- tem'ed "To be confined nt hard labor under charge of the guard at the post where his company may be serving for six (6) months and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars por month for that pf riod." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is mitigated to confinement at hard labor for four i4) mouths and forfeiture of ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same period, and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's company. 2. Private Ernst Svensson, Troop F, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a General Court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 38th Article of the. War, was sentenced '"■Tobe confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at such post as his troop may be serving for the period of three (3) months and to forfeit ten ($1000) dollars per month for that period.''' The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 3. Private William A. Molloy, Company E, 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-Martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of vio- lation of the 62nd Article of War, was upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced 'To be confined at hard labor for the period of two months, and to forfeit ten dollars of his pay per month during confinement." The sent- ence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's company. 4. Private John J. Garland, Battery B, 5th U. S. Ar- tillery, having been tried by a General Court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 62nd Article of War, was upon consider- ation <f four (4) previous convictions, sentenced "To be confined under charge of the guard at the post where his battery may be serving for the period of five (5) months and to for- feit ten ($10.00') dollars per month for that period." The proceedings and findings are approved. So much of the 2 sentence as imposes confinement at hard labor for two (2) months and forfeiture of ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same period is approved and will be duly executed at the station of tiie prisoner's battery. 5. Private John D. Hayes, Battery B, 5th U. S. Ar- tillery, having been tried by a General Court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of viola- tion of the 38th and 39th Articles of War, was sentenced "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the gnxrd at the place where his battery may be serving for four (4) months, and to forfeit ten ($10.00} dollars per month for that period.'" The sentence is approved and will be duly execute I. 6. Private Michael Mahoney, B ittery E. 5th U. S. Ar- tillery, having been tried by a General Court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 38th and 39th Articles of War, was sent- enced "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at such place as his company may be serving for twelve (12) months and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars per month for that period.'" Lu the foregoing case of Private Michael Mahoney, Battery E, 5th U. S. Artillery, the evidence does notap- pear t<> sustain the charge of drunk mness. Tae finding under the first charge is accordingly disapproved. So much of the sentence as imposes confinement at hard la- bor for four (4) months and forfeiture of ten ($10.00) dol- lars per month for the same period, is approved, and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's battery. 7. Private Albert N. Ette, Battery G, 5th U. S. Artil- lery, having been tried by a General Court-martial con- vened at San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of absence without leave in violation of the 32nd Article of War, was upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced " To be dishonorably discharged the service of the Enited States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him. crept the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars, and to be confined at hard labor at such post as his battery may be serving for the period of three (3) months'". The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 8. Private Edward J. Griffin, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, having been tried by a General Court-martial con- vened at Mayaguez, P. R., and found guilty of violation of the 62nd Aiticle of War, was sentenced "To be confined 3 at hard labor under charge of the post guard for fifteen (13) day. and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars of his pay." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at Maya- guez, Porto Rico. 9. The following-named men of the Hospital Corps, having reported at these Headquarters from the United States, are hereby assigned to temporary duty at the Gen- eral Hospital, San Juan. P. R. Acting Hospital Stewards John A. McAllen and Jay McDonald. Privates John H. Morgan, Cornelius Blauboer, Fred B. Davies, Charles W. Zimmerlie, Oscar A. Snodgrass, Henry S. Bowman, Curtis H. Ingersoll, William F. Schaening, George Sparry, George P. Fisher. George Thornton, George C. Do- ran, John Baker, John Dunphy, Joseph Dailey, Miles You- man, Jenkins S. Wright, Frank J. Smith, Thomas Flynn. Austin C. Hamilton. Meyer Garfinkle, Charles Garfinkle, Fred D. Pierce, Maynard Childs, Moses Commander, George Far- go. Benjamin S. Jacobsen, Robert J. Drew, Joseph P. Allen, Robert L. Stratton, ' ernhard Hid, Adolphus J. Wac,aster, Paul Moore, George Massing, George W Norman, Henry Brotherton. Frederick S. Darling, William W. Carpenter, John L Waldron. Dewey F. Blanchard, Calvin C. Sworm- stedt, William Brown. Thomas A. Collins, Edward O'Neil, Fred. C. Porter, Charles H. Rankins. 10. The Commanding Officer of the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R . will send eight privates of the Hospital Corps to report to the Commanding Officer of the Vaccine Station. Coamo. P. R., for temporary duty, upon the com- pletion of which they will return to their proper station. Jie will also send one private of the Hospital Corps to re- port to the Commanding Officer, Fort San Christobal, San Juan, for duty, and one private to report to the Command- ing ( ifficer at Lares, P. R., for duty at that station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department will provide travel rations and twenty-one cents per day for each man for the purchase of liquid coffee for three days for the men ordered to Coamo, and commutation of rations in advance for two days at the rate of $1.50 per day to the man ordered to Lares. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 75. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, April 1st, 1899. 1. Leave of absence for two weeks with permission to return to the Unite 1 St ites is grant*1 Acting Assistant Surgeon W. G. Yowig, U. S- Army. Tais order to take effect on April 5, 1899. 2. In view of the recommendations of his Command- ing Officer and the Chief Surgeon of the Department, Act- ing Hospital Steward Hubert Witmer, U. S. Army, is re- duced to the grade of a private in the Hospital Corps, and will proceed to Bayamon, P. R., and report to the Com- manding Officer for duty. The Quartermaster's Depart- ment will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. Under provisions of General Orders No. 155, ser- ies 1898, Headquarters of the Army, 1st Lieutenant, John S. Battle, 11th Infantry, is assigned to the command of Company B. 11th Infantry, from March 6th to March 10th, 1899, inclusive, and to the command of Company M, 11th Infantry, from March 11 to March 24, 1899, in- clusive. he having exercised command of said companies during the period- mentioned in accordance with Army Regulations. 4. Under the provisions of General O. d t.s No. 155. series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, 1st Li mtenant John S. Battle, 11th Infantry, is assigned to the co umand cf company L. of his regiment to date from March 24. 1899 he having exercised command of that Company since that date in accordance with Army Regulations. 5. Under the provisions of paragraph I, General Orders No. 178, Headquarters of the Army, Private George T. Sauer, Company D, 19th Infantry, is transferred to the Hospital Corps and assigned to duty at Yauco, P. R. He will report accordingly. 6. Under the provisions of A. R. 1272, the Subsist- ence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of seventy-five cents a day to Commissary Sergeant Martin Fogarty, U. S. Army, on duty in Ponce, P. R. This order to take effect March 24, 1899. 2 7. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, Captain John G. Leefe, 19th Infantry, is assigned to the command of the First Battalion of the 19th Infantry, comprising Com- panies B, C, G and M of his regiment, to date from March 24, 1899, he having exercised command of said battalion since that date, in accordance with Army Regulations. 8. The following journeys performed by Major 8. 8. Harvey, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, for the purpose of paying troops, are approved as having been necessary for the public service: February 1st to 15th, 1899. Ponce to Yauco and return: Ponce to Adjuntas and return: Ponce to Coamo, Aibonito, Barros, Barranquitas, Cayey. Guayama; Guayama to Ponce. March 1st to 15th, 1899. Ponce to Yauco and return; Ponce to Adjuntas and return; Ponce to Coamo, Aibonito, Barros, Barranquitas, Cayey, Guayama; Guayama tv Ponce. 9. The following journeys performed by Major Henry B. May, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, for the purpose of paying troops, are approved as having been necessary for the public service: March 1st to 18th, 1899. San Juan to Humacao via Rio Piedras, Carolina and Fajardo; Humacao to San Juan (by sea), via Vieques and Fajardo; San Juan to Bayamon and return: Sav Juan to Utuado and return, via Manati and Are- cibo; San Juan to Vieques, to Humacao, to Fajardo; Fajardo to San J uan. 10. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898. Headquarters of the Army, Captain James E. 3 Miu'klin, 11th Infantry, is assigned to the command of the Second Battalion of the 11th Infantry, comprising Com- panies C, D, L and M of his regiment, to date from March 12th, 1H99, he having exercised command of that battal- ion since that date in accordance with Army Regulations. 11. The Commanding Officer of the General Hospi- ' tai. San Juan, P. R., will send two privates of the Hos- pital Corps to report to the Commanding Officer, San Ger- man, P. R., and one private of the Hospital Corps to re- port to the Commanding Officer, Arecibo, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the neces- sary transportation and the Subsistence Department com- mutation of rations, in advance, for two days, for the men ordered to San German, it being impracticable for these soldiers to carry rations of any kind, and the journey nec- essary for the public service. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 76. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMEN, OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, April 3rd, 1899. 1. Leave of absence for one month, with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of three months, is granted Captain John G. Leefe, 19th Infantry, to take ef- fect May 1st, 1899. 2. Under the provisions of General Orders No 155. series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, Lieutenant Col- onel Charles C. Hood, 19th Infantry, is assigned to the command of his regiment to date from March 23, 1899, he having exercised command since that date, in accord- ance with Army Regulations. 3. 1st Lieutenant John S. Battle, 11th Infantry, is hereby assigned, under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898. Headquarters of the Army, to the command of Company M of his regiment, to date from June 17, 1898, to July 23, 1898, he having exercised com- mandofthat Company during that period, in accordance with Army Regulations. 4. 2nd Lieutenant William 0. Wright, jr., 19th Infan- try, is hereby assigned, under the provisions of General Or- ders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, to the command of Company D, of his regiment, to date from March 10, 1899, he having exercised command of that Company since that date, in accordance with Army regu- lations. 5. The unexecuted portion of the sentence of confine- ment in the case of Herman Kraft, late Private. Company A, 11th Infantry, now in confinement at San Juan, P. R., promulgated in paragraph 13, Special Orders No. 2, cur- rent series, these headquarters, is hereby remitted. 6. A Military Commission is hereby appointed to meet at Ponce, P. R., on Monday, April 10, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such per- sons as may be properly brought before it. Detail for the Commission: Captain Montgomery M. Macomb, 7th Artillery; 1st Lieutenant Frederick, G. Lawton, 19th Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Cromwell Stacey, 19th Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Frank B. Watson, 19th Infantry, Judge Advocate. 2 7. The Military Commission convened at Ponce, P. R., by paragraph 4, Special Order,*. No. 70, current series, these headquarters, is dissolved upon the comple- tion of the cases already commenced, and the Judge Ad- vocate there of is directed to turn over all the untried cases referred to that Commission, to the Judge Advocate of the Military Commission convened at Ponce, P. R., by pa- ragraph 6, Special Orders No. 76, current series, these headquarters. 8. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155. series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th Infantry, is assigned to the command of Company E of his regiment, to date from March 24, 1899, he having exercised command of that Company since that time, in accordance with Army Reg- ulations. 9. A Board of Survey to consist of: - Captain James E. Macklin, 11th Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Albert C. Blunt, 5th Artillery; 2nd Lieutenant William R. Doores, 5th Artillery; is appointed to meet at 10 o'clock A. M., on Thursday, April 6th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to en- quire into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the loss of two (2) tents, the property of the United States, for which Captain George McK. Williamson, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Volunteers, is accountable. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 77. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, April 5th, 1899. 1. To enable him to get his accounts settled, Cap- tain Edward B. Harrison, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Volunteers, is relieved from further duty at Ponce, P. R , and is directed to turn over all property to Captain V. Gray Zalinski, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S- Army, who will receipt to him therefor. 2. Under the provisions of Paragraph 1. General Orders No. 178, Series 1898. Headquarters of the Army, Artificer Charles Henry liuemmele, Company K, 11th Infan- try, is the Hospital Corps and assigned to duty with the Hospital Corps at Humacao, P. R. He will report accordingly. 3. Private Peter F. Clark, Troop L, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a General Court-martial, con- vened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 62nd Article of War, was serrtenced "7b be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard, at the post where his troop may be serving for three (8) months, and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same period^.'''' The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 4. Piivate Thomas F. Sheehan, Company M, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court- martial, convened at SanJuan, Pt rto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. 5. A Boai d of Survey to consist of:- Lieutenant Colonel James Bockwell, jr.,Chief Ordnance Officer, U. S. Volunteers: Lieutenant Colonel Wm. A. Glassford, Chief Signal Officer, U. S. Volunteers; Captain Jonas A. Emery, 11th Infantry, is appointed to meet at 10 o'clock a. m., on Saturday, April 8th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable,to ex- amine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the loss of certain engineer property, the property of the United States, invoiced by Lieutenant Colonel George IV. Goethals, Chief Engineer Officer. U. S. Volunteers, to Ma- jor Josiah Pierce, Chief Engineer, U. S. Volunteers, and for which Major Pierce is accountable. 2 6. Facundo Rivera, civilian, having been tried by Military Commission at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. 7. The journey performed by Captains C. A. Vernon and Harris L. Roberts, 19th Infantry, on March 1st, 1899, from Yauco, P. R., to Ponce, P.R , and return, under tele- graphic instructions from the Judge Advocate of the Gen- eral Court-martial at Ponce. P. R., to appear as witnesses before the Court in session at that place, is approved as having been necessary for the public service. By Command of Major General Henry: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 78. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, April 6. 1899. 1. Private Frederick C. Gannon, Company F, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court- martial, convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and mili- tary discipline, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of six previous convictions, sentenced "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him. ex- cept the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars, and to be confined at hard labor'at such place as the reviewing authority may di- rect for three (3) months." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, Porto Rico. 2. Estevan Garcia, Juanito Arroyo, Justo Arroyo, and Innocencia Garcia, civilians, having been t ried jointly by a Military Commission convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of robbery, in violation of the Laws of War, were sentenced as follows: Estevan Garcia, ' ' To be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period oj ten (10) years." Juanito Arroyo, "To be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period oj eight (8) years." Justo Arroyo, "To be confined at such place as the re- viewing authority may direct for the period of eight (8) years. " Innocencia Garcia, "To be confined at hard labor at such place as the renewing authority may direct for the period of eight years." In the foregoing cases of Estevan Garcia. Juanito Arroyo, Justo Arroyo and Innocencia Garcia, the specifi- cation alleges the larceny of one saddle, also the value of the articles stolen. The evidence does not fully support these allegations, though the property is shown to be of some value. Subject to these rem irks the findings are approved. In the sentence of Justo Arroyo, it is observed that the words "hard labor" usually employed in such cases are omitted. The Commission having been dis- solved it is impracticable to return the case for reconsid- eration. The sentences as to each and all are approved 2 and will be duly executed. The penitentiary at San Juan, Porto Rico, is designated as the place of confinement to which the prisoners will be sent under proper guard. 3. Juan Nieves. Antonio Vargas, Jose Vargas, Sotero Ruiz, Francisco Arroyo, Antonio Molina, Bacelio Vega and Bonito Serrano, civilians, having been tried jointly by a Military Coinmission convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, were acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoners have been released. 4. Major Josiah Pierce, jr., Chief Engineer, U. S. Volunteers, is relieved from further duty as a member of the Military Commission convened at San Juan, P R., by paragraph 8, Special Orders No. 39, current series, these headquarters. By Commandof Major General Henry: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 79, HE A DQ U A ET ERS 1 >EP A KTM ENT OF PORTO KICO, San Juan, April 7th, 1899. 1. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, Captain A. 11. Vogdes, 5th Artillery, is assigned to the command of the Battalion of Heavy Artillery at his Post, to dat« from March 6th, 1899, he having exercised command of said Battalion since that time, in accordance with Army Regulations. 2. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155. series 1698, Headquarters of the Army, 1st Lieutenant A. C. Blunt, 5th Artillery, is assigned to the command of Battery E, 5th Artillery, to date from March 6th, 1899, he having exercised command of said Battery since that time, in accordance with Army Regulations. 3. Captain William E. Almy, 5th Cavalry, and 1st Lieutenant Lawrence J. Fleming, 5th Cavalry, are detailed as additional members of the Military Commission con- vened at Mayaguez. P. R., by paragraph 2. Special Orders No. 66, current series, these headquarters, rice Ma jor Earl D. Thomas, 8th Cavalry, and Captain Edwin TP. Hurlbut, Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers, who are hereby relieved. 4. In compliance with instructions from the War Department the following named Officers are detailed as collectors of customs at the points indicated: Captain A. C. Macomb, 5th Cavalry, at Arecibo, P. R.: Captain F. IP. Mansfield, 11th infantry, at Agua dilla, P. R.; Captain (J. E. Dentler, 5th Infantry, at Humacao, P. R.; 2nd Lieutenant James F. Brady. 7th Artillery, at Arroyo, P. R. Each of the officers designated will report by letter to Captain James A. Buchanan. 11th Infantry, Collector of Porto Rico, San Juan, P. R., for instructions. Lieutenant Brady will proceed at once to Arroyo, P. R. The Quarter- master's Department will furnish the necessary transpor- tation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. Private Patrick J. Hayes, Company E, 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-martial, 2 convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of vio- lation of the 32nd Article of War was. upon consideration of twelve (12) previous convictions, sentenced "To be dis- honorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeit- ing (til pay and allowances due him, except transportation and subsistence to the United States, and to be confined at hard la- bor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of six f 6) months." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at Ponce, Porto Rico. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 80. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, Sa.n Juan, April 8, 1899. 1. In compliance with the provisions of General Orders No. 46, Fie idquarters of the Army, Adjutant Gen- eral's Office, Washington, D. C., March 13, 1899, Captain John P. Teagarden, Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers, is relieved from further duty in this Department. 2. Private James Morrissey, Troop E. 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a General Court-martial con- vened at Ponce, P. R., and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released and restored to duty. 3. Upon the recommendation of his Company and Regimental Commanders, two months of the unexecuted portion of the sentence in the case of Private James F. Hates, Company C, 11th U. S. Infantry, as promulgated in paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 66, current series, these headquarters, is remitted. By Command of Major General Henry: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. I No. 81. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, April 10, 1899. 1. In compliance with verbal instructions from the Secretary of War. Chaplain Henry A. Brown, U. S. Army, will proceed to Santiago, Cuba, for the purpose of identi- fying the burial places of certain men formerly belonging to the 1st U. S. Volunteer Cavalry, and who were killed • luring the siege of that place. Upon the completion of this duty. Chaplain Brown will return to his proper station by most available route. Tne Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for tne public service. 2. Vicente Sulsona. civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner will be sent under proper guard to the S in Juan Penitentiary to serve sen- tence as promulgated in paragraph 6, Special Orders No. 56, current series, th jse headquarters. 3. A Military Commission is hereby appointed to m jet at Mayaguez, P. R., on Monday, April 17th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it. Detail fok the Commission: Major Charles A. Cooper. 5th Cavalry; Major Earl D Thomas, 8th Cavalry: Captain Win. E. Almy, 5th Cavalry; 1st Lieutenant 0 Ion Gurovits, 11th Infantry, Judge Advocate. 4. The Military Commission convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 2, Special Orders No. 66, current series, these headquarters, is dissolved upon the comple- tion of the cases already commenced, and the Judge Ad- vocate thereof is directed to turn over all the untried cases referred to that Com m ission to the Judge Advocate of the Military Commission convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 81, current series, these headquarters. 5. The journey performed by Major John IF. Pullman Quartermaster U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster of the Department, on April 2, 1899. from San Juan, P. R., to Hatillo, P. R., and return, to inspect the wrecked Barge •'Helen" at that place, is approved as having been nec- essary for the public service. 6 The journeys performed by Major Charles H. Heyl, Inspector General of the Department, from San Juan. P. R., to Ponce, P. R., thence to Yauco and return to Ponce; thence to Adjuntas and return to Ponce, and return from Ponce to San Juan, in connection with the annual inspection of those Posts, to carry out the verbal instructions of the Department Commander, is approve I as having been necet-sary for the public service. 7. By direction of the Assistant Secretary of War, Corporal Paul T. Hayne, Troop K. 5th Cavalry, is ordered to proceed without delay to Fori Monroe. Viryinia. for examination, for appointment to the grade of 2nd Lieu- tenant in the United States Army. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation and the Subsistence Department wdl provide commutation of rations, in advance, for the nec- essary number of days required for being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 8 Upon the recommendation of his Regimental Commander, the unexecuted portion of the sentence in the case of general prisoner Henry J. Luck-, (late Private. Troop E, 5th Cavalry) as promulgated in paragraph 2. Special Orders No. 10, current series, these headquarters, is remitted. 9. Leave of absence for one month on surgeon's cer- tificate of disability, with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of one month, is granted Acting Assistant Surgeon Charles IF. Farr. 10. The Commanding Officer, Post of San Juan, will send Private Meyer Garfinkle, Hospital Corps, U. S. army, an insane patient now at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., to the Insane Asylum, Washington, D. C., by the first transport. Two soldiers will be detailed as an escort to properly guard and care for this man. The Quarter- 2 master's Department will furnish the necessary trans- portation and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advance, for the necessary number of days, it being impracticable for this patient and these soldiers to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. Upon completion of the journey the soldiers detailed for this duty will report to the Adjutant General of the Army for orders. 11. Acting Assistant Surgeon F. M. Barney is hereby relieved from duty at the General Hospital, Ponce. P. R.. and temporary duty at the Vaccine Station, and will take station at Las Marias, P. R . relieving Acting Assistant Surgeon J. F. Hadley, who will report to the Commanding Officer of the Vaccine Station, Coamo Baths, for duty. The traced enjoined is necessary for the public service. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 12. Acting Hospital Steward Jay McDonald, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, is hereby relieved from duty at the General Hospital. San Juan. P. R., and will report to the Commanding Officer, Bayamon, P. R., for duty at that station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 13. Private William Brown, Hospital Corps, [J. S- Army, on duty at the General Hospital, San Juan. P. R.. will report to the Commanding Officer, Manati, P. R., for duty at that station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. The Q lartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. By Command oe Major General Henry: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. 3 Special Orders, No. 82. H EADQU A RTERS DEPARTM ENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, April 11, 1899. i t . V T' ' ■ ' * J ' " ' * ' * 1. The following journeys performed by 2nd Lieut- nant James F. Hradty, "th Artillery, U. Army, are approved as having been necessary for the public service. March 2nd to 10th. 1899: Santurce to San Juan, and return, (Four trips); in compliance with paragraph ». Special orders No. 51, current series, these headquarters. March 20th to April 1st, 1899: Santurce to San Juan, and return, (Eleven trips): in compliance with paragraph 1, Special Orders No. 52, current series, these headquarters. March 24th, 1899: Santurce to San Juan, and return, (Two trips); in compliance with paragraph 8. Special Orders No. 70, current series, these headquarters. 2. The following jour neys performed by Major S. S. Harvey, Additional Paymaster, fl. S. Volunteers, from Ponce. P. R., to San Juan, P. R., on February 17th, 1899: and from SanJuan, P. R . to Ponce, P. R., on February 24th. 1899, for the purpose of paying troops, are approved as having hem necessary for the public servi< e. 3. The Subsistence Department will furnish commu- tation of rations, in advance, for seven days at the rate of $1.50 per day, from April 10th. to Privates Frederick Hurnham and Hoy E. Harrod, Company F, 19th Infam ry, who are assisting the Photographer from the War Depart- ment in official work assigned to him, arid the Quarter- master's Department will furnish them transportation from this point to Ponce, P. R. 4. In view of the fact that Major Josiah Pierce, jr., cannot, under the Law, be retained in the service, he is relieved from the duties imposed upon him by paragraph 3. Special Orders No. 64, current series, these headquar- ters, and he will proceed to comply with the orders of the War Department. 2 5. Leave of absence for one month with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of three months, is hereby granted Captain G. li. Tyler, 19th Infantry. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 83. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, April 12th, 1899. I. Private William J. Ward, Troop E, 5th Cavalry, having been tried by a General Court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 32nd and 62nd Articles of War, was, upon considera- tion of five previous convictions, sentenced "To be dishono- rably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars, and to be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at such place as his troop may be serving for the period of three (3) months." Tiie sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 2. Acting Assistant Surgeon Julius Escobar is relieved fr<>m duty with Light Battery M, "th Artillery, Ponce, P. R.. and will report to the Commanding Officer, San- turce. P. R.. for duty, relieving Acting Assistant Surgeon Joseph G. Wilson, who will report to the Chief Surgeon of the Department for annulment of contract and will thereafter proceed to the United States. The Quarter- master's Department will furnish the necessary trans- portation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. 1st Lieutenant Robert M. Brookfield, 11th Infantry, having been promoted to Company I, of his regiment and stationed at Vieques, P. R., 2nd Lieutenant J. Malcolm Graham, 11 th Infantry, now temporarily at San Juan. P. R., is relieved from duty with that Company at Vie- ques and directed to rejoin Company L. of his regiment, at the Post of San Juan, P. R. 4. Upon the recommendation of the Commanding General. District of San Juan, and in consideration of his former good services in saving a numb<n of public animals that had become unfit for service during the recent cam- paign in Porto Rico, the unexecuted portion of the sentence in the case of Acting Hospital Steward John H. Rush, Hos- pital Corps, U. S. Army. as promulgated in paragraph 3, Special Orders No. 52. current series, these Headquarters, is remitted. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Oiideks. No. 84. head quarters department OF PORTO RICO. San Joan, April 13, 1899. 1. Iti compliance with instructions from the Secre- tary of War. Brigadier General F. D. Grant, U. S. Volun- teers, is relieved from duty in this Department, and, accom- panied by his personal st iff, will report in person for duty to Major General Otis, Department of the Pacific, at Ma- nilla. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Under the provisions of paragraph 1, General Orders No. 178, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, Corporal John Streamer. Company K. 19th Infantry, is transferred to the Hospital Corps and assigned to duty at the General Hospital, Ponce, P. R. He will report accord- ingly. 3. Under the provisions of paragraph 1. General Orders No. 178, series 1898. Headquarters of the Army, Private Anton Martin, Troop E, 5th Cavalry, is transferred ' to the Hospital Corps and assigned to duty at the Hospi- tal at San German, P. R. He will report accordingly. 4. Under the provisions of paragraph 1, General Orders No. 178. series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, Private Janies J). Dunsmore, Troop G, 5th Cavalry, is s transferred to the Hospital Corps and assigned to duty at the Hospital at Aibonito, P. R. He will report accord- ingly. 5. Leave of absence for one month with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of one month is granted Captain Charles IT. Fenton, Assistant Adjutant General, U. S. Volunteers. 6. Leave of absence for one month with permission to return to the United States is granted 1st Lieutenant L. J. Fleming, 5th Cavalry, to take effect May 10th. 1899. 7. The Commanding Officer General Hospital, San Juan, P. R.. will send a private of his Hospital Corps detachment to report to the Commanding Officer, Arecibo, P. R., for duty at that station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. Tiie travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2 8. Privates Burke, Clovan, Murphy and Wykel, Hos- pital Corps, having reported at these headquarters from the United States, are assigne 1 to duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R. 9. Private Adolph Dittcher, Hospital Corps, is hereby relieved from duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., and will report to the Commanding Officer, Arecibo, P. R, for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 10. Leave of absence for one month, with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General < f the Army for an extension of one month, is granted Major Daniel Hogan, Commissary Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers. 11. A Board of Survey to consist of: - Captain Jonas J. Emery. 11th Infantry: 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Edgar A. Macklin, 11th Infantry, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10 o'clock A. M., on Monday, April 17. 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the loss of one box of medical supplies, shipped to Adjuntas. P. R., and two common chairs, shipped to San German. P. R., by Major Louis Brechemin, Surgeon, U. S. Army, and for which he is accountable. 12. 2nd Lieutenant Clyffard Game. 11th Infantry, having been assigned to Company II of his regiment will proceed without delay to join the station of his Company at Aguadilla. P. R. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 13. Bautiste Bamos. Juan Bautiste Vasquez and Pedro Jose Vasquez, civilians, having been jointly tried by a Military Commission convened at Arecibo, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged were acquitted. The acquittals are approved. The prisoners have been or- dered released. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General 1 Special Orders, No. 85. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, April 14, 1899. 1. A Board of Survey to consist of:- Lieutenant Colonel James Rockwell, jr., Chief Ord- nance Officer, U. S. Volunteers; Lieutenant Colonel Wm. A. Glassford, Chief Signal Officer, U. S. Volunteers, Captain Jonas A. Emery, 11th Infantry, ' is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10 o'clock a. m., on Saturday April 15, 1899, to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the condition and shortage of certain Subsistence Stores and property on hand at the Subsistence Depot, San Juan. P. R., which are in the course of transfer to Lieutenant Colonel F. E. Nye, Chief Commissary of the Department, and for which Major Daniel Hogan, C( mmissary Subsistence, U. S. Vol unteers. is responsible. 2. Pi ivate Rclcrt A. Stewart, Hospital Corps, is re- lieVed fi< m duty at the GcneialHe spital. San Juan. P. R., and will repoit to the C<mmandii gOfficer, Sant nice. P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Depaitment will furnish the necessary transpe nation. The travel enjoined is nec- essary for the public service. 3. Private John E. Waldron, Hospital Corps. now ( n duty at the General I Ie spital, San Juan, P. R., will report to the Commanding Officer of the Vaccine Station. Coamo Baths. P. R., for temporary duty; upon the completion cd which he will return to his proper station. The Quar- termaster's Department will furnish the necessary trans- portation and the Subsistence Depaitment commutation ol rations for two days, it being impracticable for this soldier to cany rations of any kind and the journey nec- essary fertile public service. 4. Upon the rec( mmendatu n of his Cempany and Regimental C( mmandeis. so much of the sentence as relates to confinement and remaining unexecuted, in the case of Private Michael J. Mnlhnin, Cempany F, 11th U. S. Infantry, as piemulgated in paragiaph 6, Special Orders No. 46, current series, these headquarters, is re- mitted. 2 5. Private John J. Kearney, Company G. 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-martial convent d at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military dis- cipline. in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was. upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars, and to be confined at hard labor at such post as the reviewing authority may direct for two (2) months 11 The sentence is approved and will be duly exe- cuted at the Post of San Juan, Porto Rico. 6. 1st Lieutenant Albert C. Blunt, 5tli Artillery, Recorder of Board <f Officers appointed by paragraph 7, Special Orders No. 70, current series, these headquarters, is relieved firm duty on the Board to enable him to appear before it for examination as to his fitness for promotion, and 2nd Lieutenant Morrill M. Mills, 5th Artillery, is detailed as Recorder of the Bi aid for this case only. Upon the completion of his examination, Lieutenant Blunt will icsume his duties as Recorder of this Board of Officers 7. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155' series 1898. Headquarteis of the Aimy, 2nd Lieutenant James F. Brady, 7th Artillery, is assigned to the Command of Light Battery C. 7th Artillery, to date from December 12, 1898, to December 31, 1898, inclusive, he having exercised cimmand of said Battery during this period in accordance with Anny Regulations. 8. The unexecuted portion (f the sentence in the case of Military Convict James Carey, (late Private, Bat- tery G, 5th U. S. Artillery) as promulgated in paragraph 1, Special Orders No. 40, current series, these headquar- ters, is mitigated so as to designate Fort Columbus, Gover- nor's Island, New York Harbor, as the place <f confine- ment and the Commanding Officer of the Post of San Juan will send the prisoner to that point under proper guard. By command of Major General Henry : Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 86. \ HEADQUARTEKS DEPARTMENT OE P<'RTO RICO, San Juan, April Id, 1899. 1. The unexecuted portion of the sentence in the case of Gen Tai Prisoner John Quigley (Late Private Com- pany H, 19th U. S. Infantry), as promulgated in paragraph 10, Special Orders No. 32, current series, these headquar- ters, is remitted. 2. Corporal Joseph Telmos, Company K, 19th Infan- try, now at Lares, P. R., is, upon his own application, transferred to Company M, of his regiment as a private, and will be sent to that Company at Ponce, P. R. The expense of the transfer will be borne by the soldier. 3. Under the provisions of General Orders No. 155. series 1898. Headquarters of the Anny, 2nd Lieutenant J. Malcolm Graham, 11th Infantry, is assigned to the command < f Company I of bis regime nt to date from March 2nd to 17th, 1899, he having exercised c< mmand during this period in accordance with Army Regulations. 4. A Board of Survey to consist of :- Captain James E. Mackin, 11th Infantry; Cartain Daniel J. Carr, U. S. Volunteer Signal Corps; 1st Lieutenant Frank L. Wells, 11th Infantry, is appointed to meet at 10 o'clock, a. m., Wednesday, Api il 19, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the discrepancies between the invoices of Ordnance stores shipped from the Depot at Ponce upon its discontinuance and the stores actually received; also to investigate and report upon two U. S. Magazine rifles, calibre 30. lost or stolen from the Depot at San Juan, and for which Lieu- tenant Colonel James Rockwell, jr., Chief Ordnance Officer of the Department, is accountable. 5. The Commanding Qflicer < f the General Hospital, San Juan, P. B., will send a Private of the Hospital Corps to report to the Commanding Officer, 11th Infantry, Ballaja Barracks, San Juan. 1< r duty at that station; two Privates to report to the Commanding Officer, Yauro, P. R., and two Privates to iep< rt to theCc mmanding Offi- cer, Utuado, P. R., for duty. The Quartei master's Depart- 2 ment will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advance, for two days to the soldiers ordered to Yauco and to Utuado, it being impracticable for these men to carry rations of any kind and the journey nec- essary for the public service. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 87. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO. San Juan, April 15, 1899. 1. In compliance with the provisions of General Orders, No. 46, Headquarters of tho Army, Adjutant Gen- eral's Office, Washington. I). C., March 13th, 1899, Captain Carl K. Mower, Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers, is relieved from further duty in this Depart- ment. 2. The Commanding Officer of the General Hospital, San Juan, P, R., will send a Private of the Hospital Corps to report to the Commanding Officer, Yauco, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and tho Subsistence Depart- ment will provide commutation of rations, in advance, for two days to this man, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 3. The Subsistence Department will furnish com- mutation of rations, in advance, for two days, at the rate of $1.50 per day, from April 17th, to Privates Frederick, Burnhan and Roy E. Harrod, Company F, 19 th Infantry, who are assisting the Photographer from the War Depart- ment in official work assigned to him. 4. Under the provisions of A. R. 1272, the Subsist- ence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of seventy-five cents a day to Commissary Sergeant Henry A. Hoskins, U. S. Army, on duty at Mayaguez. 1'. R. This order to take effect April 7th, 1899. 5. The verbal orders of the Department Commander given for the destruction of certain subsistence stores for which Major Daniel Hogan, Commissary Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers, is responsible, as recommended by Board of Survey convened by paragraph 1, Special Orders No. 85, current series, these headquarters, are hereby confirmed. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 88. HEADQUARTERS DERA RTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan. April 18th, 1899. 1. In compliance with General Or lers, No. 33. Head- quarters of the Army, Adjutant General's Oilice, Washing- ton, I). C., February 28, 1899, 2nd Lieutenant Habert L. Wigmore, having been assigned to the 5th Cavalry, will take station tvith Tfoop M at Cayey, P. R. The Quar- t^r^^tef's Department with furnish the necessary trans- portation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. In compliance with paragraph 46, Special Orders. No. 76, Headquarters of the Army, Washington, I). C.. April 1st. 1899, 2nd Lieutenant Percy W. Arnold, having been tranferred from the "th U. S. Artillery to the 5th U. S. Cav dry. and reported for duty, will take station with Troop K, 5th Cavalry, at Manati, P. R. The Quar- termaster's Department will furnish the necessary trans- portation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. Private Henry G. Smiley, Hospital Corps, is relieved from duty at the General Hospital, Sanjuan, P. R., and will report to the Commanding Officer, Santurce, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. Acting Hospital Steward Hiram Ogle, Hospital Corps, on duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R.. will report to the Commanding Officer, 11th Infantry, for duty at Ballaja Barracks, San Juan, P. R. 5. Upon the recommendation of his Company and Regimental Commanders, two (2) months of the unexe- cuted portion of the sentence in the case of Private John T. Shortsieve, Company C. 11th Infantry, as promulgated in paragraph 6, Special Orders, No. 2, current series, these headquarters, is remitted. 6. Acting Hospital Steward Patrick, J. Maloney, Hos- pital Corps, now on duty at the U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will report to the Commanding Officer, Vaccine Station. Coamo Biths, P. R.. for temporary duty: upon the completion of which he will rejoin his proper station. Tiie Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Depart- ment commutation of rations for one day, in advance, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind, and the journey necessary for the public service. By command of Major General Henry : W. p: HALL, Adjutant General. 2 Special Orders. No. 89. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, April 19, 1S99. 1. Under the provisions of paragraph 1, General Orders No. 178, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, Private Michael Devine, Troop G, 5th Cavalry, is transferred to the Hospital Corps and assigned to duty at the Hospital-at Aibonito, P. R. He will report accordingly. 2. Private Joseph Robinson, Company I. 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-martial convened at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 62nd Article of War, was. upon considera- tion of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced liTo be dis- honorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars, and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of six (6) months " The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, Porto Rico. 3. Private William S. Gatenby, Company E, 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a General Court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of absence without leave, in violation of the 32nd Article of War, was upon consideration of six (6) previous con- victions, sentenced "To be dishonorably discharged the ser- vice of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor at such post as the reviewing authority may direct, for three (3) months.'1'1 The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at Maya- guez, Porto Rico. 4. Private Morton Kipp, Troop D, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a General Court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness mi duty in violation of th'1 38th Article of War, was sentenced "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard at the. post where his troop may be serving, for three (3) months, and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same period." The sentence is approved and will be duly exe- cuted. 5. Paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 30, Post of May- aguez, P. R., dated February 17th, 1899, appointing Major Charles L. Cooper, 5th Cavalry, Special Inspector of certain Commissary Stores at Aguadilla, P. R., for which 2 Captain Francis W. Mansfield, 11th Infantry, is account- able, and which were recommended for action of Inspec- tor by Board of Survey convened by paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 54, c. s., Headquarters District of Ponce, and the action of the Special Inspector thereunder, is con- firmed. 6. The Commanding Officer General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send five privates of the Hospital Corps to report to the Commanding Officer, Mayaguez, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 90. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, April 20, 1899. 1. Ygnacio Rodriguez, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found'not guilty as charged was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. 2. Antonio Lasayay Burdo Tosado and Blas Alvarez y Maldonalo, civilians, having been jointly tried by a Mili- tary Commission convened at Arecibo, Porto Rico, and found guilty of felonious assault with intent to commit murder, and of robbery, were each sentenced "To be con- fined, at hard labor, at such place, as the Reviewing Authority may direct, for a period of (12) Twelve Years." The sen- tences were approved April 17, 1899. In view of the time the prisoners have been held pending trial the confinement imposed in each case is reduced to eleven (11) years and eight (8) months. As mitigated the sentences will be duly executed. The Penitentiary at San Juan, Porto Rico, is designated as the place of confinement, to which the prisoners will be sent under proper guard. 3. Private Thomas A. Brown, Light Battery C, 7th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by General Court- martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 38th Article of War, was upon consideration of six previous convictions, sentenced '■To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances now due, except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars, and to be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at such post as his battery may be serving for three (3) months" The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 91. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, April 21, 1899. 1. The unexecuted portion of the sentence of con- finement in the case of Private William A. Molloy, Com- pany E, 19th U. S. Infantry, as promulgated in paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 74, current series, these headquar- ters, is remitted. 2. A Board of Survey to consist of :- Captain Henry A. Heed, 5th U. S. Artillery : 1st Lieutenant Robert Alexander, 11th U. S. In- fantry; 2nd Lieutenant William R. Doores, 5th U. S. Ar- tillery, is appointed to meet at 10 o'clock, a. m., Tuesday, April 25th, 1899. or as soon thereafter as practicable, to examine into and fix the responsibility for the condition of certain Quartermaster property for which 2nd Lieutenant F. E Johnston, 7th Artillery, is accountable. :'>C Private (diaries Crose, Company F, lltli U. S. Innwiry, having been tried by General Court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, inviolation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of seven (7) previous convictions, sentenced "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the I'nited States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, except the sum of fifteen 15.00) dollars, and to be confined at hard labor at such post as the reviewing authority may direct for one month." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of SanJuan, Porto Rico. 4. Pablo Velez, Civilian, having been tried by Mili- tary Commission convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of burglary, in violation of the laws of War, was sentenced "To be confined al hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of three (3) years." The sentence is approved, but in view of the time the prisoner has been held pending trial, the confine- ment imposed is reduced to two (2) years and ten (10) months. As mit igated the sentence will be duly executed. The Penitentiary at San Juan, Porto Rico, is designated as the place of confinement, to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard. 2 5. A Board of Survey to consist of : - Captain Henry A. Heed, 5tli U. S. Artillery; 1st Lieutenant Robert Alexander, 11th U. S. In- fantry : 2nd Lieutenant William R. Doores, 5th U. S. Ar- tillery, is appointed to meet at 10 o'clock, a. in., Tuesday, April 25th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the short- age of certain Ordnance and Quartermaster property lost during the late Spanish-American War; also to exam- ine certain ordnance stores rendered unserviceable, for all of which Captain H. R. Lemly, 7th U. S. Artillery, is accountable. 6. Paragrapli 2, Special Orders. No. <83. current series, these headquarters, is hereby revoked. 7. The Commanding Officer General Hospital. San Juan, P. R., will send two Privates of the Hospital Corps to report to the Commanding Officer. Arecibo, P. R , for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is neces- sary for the public service. 8. 1st Lieutenant Hailey K. Ashford, Assistant Sur- geon, U. S. Army, will, in connection with his work at the General Hospital, San Juan. P. R.. take charge of the sick at Ballaja Barracks, relieving Acting Assistant. Sur- geon (terry H. Dricer, who will report to the Commanding Otlicer, Adjuntas, 1'. R , for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 9. 1st Lieutenant C. C. Collins, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, will, in addition to his duties at the General Hospital, SanJuan, take charge of the sick at Port San Cristobal. San Juan, and the adjoining Battery, relieving Acting Assistant Surgeon Pan! C. Hatton, who will report to the Commanding Otlicer, 19th U. S. Infantry, Ponce. P. IL. to accompany that regiment to the United States as Surgeon. 10. Acting Assistant Surgeon II. E. Caldwell, in addition to his duties at the General Hospital. San Juan, P. IL, and upon the relief of Acting Assistant Surgeon 3 J. J. Gilhuley, will take charge of the sick at El Morro, San Juan. 11. Acting Assistant Surgeon W. R. George, is reliev- ed from duty at the General Hospital, Ponce, P. R., and will report to the Commanding Officer, Ponce, for duty at that station. Acting Assistant Surgeon Joseph G. Wilson will accompany Light Battery C, 7 th U. S. Artil- lery, to the United States and Acting Assistant Surgeon J. A. Escobar will accompany Light Battery M, 7th U. S. Artillery, to the United States. Acting Assistant Surgeons, H. E. Sears, on duty at the General Hospital. San Juan: John E. Morris. on duty with Troop I, 5th U. S. ('a valry. Ponce; H. ('. (Jine, on duty at Adjuntas; Erank J. O'Hare, on duty at the General Hospital, Ponce; Henry C. More, on duty at the vaccine station, Coamo, and John J. Gilhuley, or. duty at El Morro, San Juan, will report to the Commanding Officer, 19th U. S. Infan- try, at Ponce, P. R., to accompany that regiment to the United States as Assistant Surgeons. Upon arrival in the United States all of the above named Acting Assistant Surgeons will report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. .Army. Washington. I). C., for orders. The Quar- termaster's Department will furnish the necessary trans- portath n. The travel enjoined is necessary for the pub- lic service. 12. The Commanding Officer General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send one Private of the Hospital Corps to report to Major George G. Groff, Surgeon. U. S. Vol- unteers, at Arecibo, F. R., for temporary vaccination duty; upon the completion of which he will return to his proper station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation, and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations, at the rate of 75 cents per day while on this duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 13. Contract Nurses Elizabeth Fanning, Julia A. C. Jackson and Janet Mitchell, now absent in the United States on furlough, are relieved from duty at the U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., and will report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C., for orders. 4 14. The following named Contract Nurses are reliev- ed from duty at the U.S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., and will pioceed to the United States and report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C. : Mary C. Barker. Bertha M. Gertsch, Mary J. Harrison. Cecilia McHugh, Mary E. Holliday, Mary C. Markham, Henrietta C. Morrison. Elizabeth C. Porteous, Mary A. Stavely, Alice P. Stockton. Mabel Van Meter, Carlotta Marshall, Martha H. Young, Willa Sie re ns. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation and the Subsistence Department th<' necessary subsistence. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Major General Henry : W. I'. HALL, Adjutant Cent ral. Special Orders, No. 92. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, April 24, 1899. 1. In compliance with instructions from the Sec- retary of Wan 1st Lieutenant Daniel J. Carr, Signal Corps, U. 8. Volunteers is relieved from duty in this Department and will report to the Commanding General, Department of Santiago, as Signal Officer. The travel enjoined is nec- essary for the public service. 2. In compliance with instructions from the Secre- tary of Wai' the following named men of the 19th U. S. Infantry are transferred to the 11th U. S. Infantry, as Privates, and will he assigned by the Commanding Officer of that regiment to Companies and sent to their stations: From Company A, 19th U. S. Infantry, Privates James Kirby and Calvin Vanzant; from Company B. 19th U. S. Infantry, recruit Frank A. Adams; from Company C. 19th U. 8. Infantry, Corporal William Cook; from Company D, 19th U. S. Infantry. Private John S. Conroy; from Com- pany G, 19th U. S. Infantry^ recruit Georye H. Strayer; from Company H, 19th U. S. Infantry, recruits George G. B. Hanna, Charles Hill and J. B. Cleveland; from Company I, 19th U. S Infantry, Private Joseph H. Lee; from Com- pany L, 19th U. 8. Infantry. Private Willis E. Grant; from Company M, 19th U. S. Infantry, Privates Charles C. Byan, Fred. Joseph and recruits Charles N. Wheatly and Martin E. Bailey; discharged from General Hospital, San Juan, recruits Fred C. Suhler, Frank H. Williams and George E. McDermott. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. A Board of Survey to consist of: Lieutenant Colonel Daniel W. Burke, 11th U. S. In- fantry; Major Eugene D. Dimmick, 5th U. S. Cavalry; Major Albert L. Myer. 11th U. S. Infantry. is appointed'to meet at 10 o'clock, a. m., Tuesday, April 25th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, at the Stock Corral at Rio Piedras. P. R., to examine into the condition and recommend disposition of certain public animals suffering from an advanced stage of the glanders. 4. In compliance with the provisions of General 2 Orders, No. 46, Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant Gen- eral's Office, Washington, I). C., March 1.3th, 1899, Lieutenant Colonel Frederick A. Hill, Judge Advocate, U. S. Volunteers, is relieved from further duty in this De- partment and will proceed to comply with the orders of the War Depajtment. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, Captain George H. Paddock, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is assigned to the command of th ■ Tnird SquAdron of his regiment to date from April 3rd to 11th. 1599, he having exercised the command of that Squadron curing that period in accordance with Army Regulations. 6. Private William McCafferty, Light Battery C. 7th U. 8. Artillery, having been tried by General Court-mar- tial convened at San.Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military dis- cipline, in vi< laii< n < f the 62nd Article of War, was sen- tenced ; To be confined at hard labor under charge of the Post guard for two (2) mon'hs. and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same period. The Court is thus lenient on account of the previous good character of the accused as shown in evidence." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the post where his battery is serving. 7. Under, the provisions of General Orders, No. 155, series 1898. Headquarters of the Army. 1st Lieutenant James J Hornbrook, 5th Cavalry, is assigned to the com- mand of Troop E of his regiment to date from April 1st to 11th, 1899, he having exercised command of that Troop during that period in accordance with Army Regulations. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 93. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, April 25, 1899. 1. So much of paragraph 14, Special Orders, No. 91, from these headquarters as applies to Contract Nurse Mary A. Stavely, now on duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., is hereby revoked. She will report to the Chief Surgeon of the Department for annulment of con- tract and will thereafter proceed to the United States. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation and the Subsistence Department the required subsistence. The travel enjoined is nec- essary for the public service. 2. Private Henry G. Smiley, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, wiD, upon the departure of Light Battery C, 7th U. S. Artillery, from Santurce, P. R., report to the Com- manding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. Privates James H. Clay borne and Samuel Coleman, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, are relieved from duty at El Morro, San Juan, and will report to and proceed with Acting Assistant Surgeon Paul C. Hutton, to Ponce, P. R., for duty with the 19th U. S. Infantry, enroute to the United States. Upon arrival in the United States they will report to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Washing- ton, D. C., by letter, for orders. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations, in advance, for one day, it being impracticable for these soldiers to carry rations of any kind and the travel enjoin- ed being necessary for the public service. 4. A Board of Survey to consist of :•- Lieutenant Colonel James Rockwell, jr., Chief ' Ordnance Officer, U.S. Volunteers; Maior William A. Glassford, Signal Officer, U. S. Volunteers; Captain Henry A. Reed, 5th U. S. Artillery, is appointed to meet at 10 o'clock, a. m., Friday, April 28th. 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, at the Sub- sistence storehouse, San Juan, to ascertain the nature of 2 the discrepancy existing between invoices of Colonel Charles A. Woodruff, Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence, U S. Army, and stores received by Lieute- nant Colonel Frank E. Nye, Assistant Commissary Gen- eral of Subsistence, Chief Commissary of the Department, and to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the damaged condition of certain articles of subsist- ence stores received upon these invoices. 5. Private George Crider, Troop G, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by General Court-martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 32nd Article of War, was upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced. '•'To be dishonorably dis- charged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances now due or to become due, except transportation and subsistence to the United Stales." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 6. Private Herbert G. Connor, Troop M. 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by General Court-martial con- vened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and round guilty of violation of the 39th Article of War, was sentenced, "To be confined at hard labor for the period of three (3) months, and to for- feit ten ($10.00) dollars of his pay per month for the same period." The sentence is approved and will be duly exe- cuted at the post where his troop is serving. 7. Private Charles A. Cobb. Company K. 19th U. S. In- fantry. having been tried by General Court-martial conven- ed at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of viola- tion of the 62nd Article of War, was. upon considerate n of four (4) previous convictions, sentenced. "To be .con- fined at hard labor, under charge of the Post guard, at the Post where his company may be serving, for three (3) months, and to forfeit ten ($LO.OO) dollars per month for the same period." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 8. 2nd Lieutenant Morrill M. Mills, 5th U. S. Artil- lery, is detailed as Collector of Customs at Arroyo, P. R., to relieve 2nd Lieutenant dames F. Brady, 7th U.S. Artillery, who upon being relieved will join his Battery at Santurce. P. R. Lieutenant Mills will proceed at on< e to Arroyo, and up< n arrival will report by letter to Cap- tain James A. Buchanan, litli U. S. Infantry, Collector for Porto Rico, for instructions. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 9. Major Albert L. Myer, 11th U. S. Infantry, is detailed as Collector of Customs at Ponce, P. R., to relieve Captain E D Smith, 19th U S. Infantry, who upon being 3 relieved will join his Company at Ponce, P. R. Major Myer will proceed at once to Ponce and upon arrival will report by letter to Captain James A. Buchanan, 11 th U. S. Infantry. Collector for Porto Rico, tor instructions. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 10. Acting Assistant Surgeon Gerry S. Driver, now on duty at San Juan, will accompany a Battalion of the 11th IT. S. Infantry enroute to Ponce, P. R., and upon arrival at that Post will comply with orders heretofore gi ven. 11. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan. P. R.. will send one Private of the Hospital Corps t<> report to the Commanding Officer at Fort San Cristobal, San Juan, fur duty. 12. Acting Assistant Surgeon W. C. Berlin, is reliev- ed from duty at Ponce. P. R.. and will report to the Commanding Officer, 19th U. S. Infantry, to accompany that regiment to the United States as one of the Assistant Surgeons. He will transfer his property to Acting Assist- ant Surgeon W. R. George. Upon his arrival in the United States be will report by letter to the Surgeon General of the Army, Washington, D. C., for orders. 13. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, Ponce, P. R.. will designate a Surgeon to assist the Surgeon at Ponce whenever the work of that command demands it. 14. Upon the recommendath n of his Company and Regimental Commanders, the unexecuted portion of the sentence in the case of Private Michael J. Sheridan, Com- pany D. llth U. S. Infantry, as promulgated in paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 74, current series, these headquar- ters, is remitted. 15. Upon the recommendation of his Battery and Post Commanders, the unexecuted portion of the sentence in the case of Private Edward Robinson, Battery B, 5th U. S. Artillery, as promulgated in paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 35, current series, these headquarters, is remitted. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Okdeks. No. 94. HEADyUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO HICO, San Juan, April 26, 1899. 1. Privates Walter L. Griffin, and Stephen Brown, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, are relieved from duty at San Cristobal San Juan, and will report to and proceed with Actins? Assistant Surgeon Paul C. Hutton, to Ponce, P. R., for duty with the 19th U. S. Infantry enroute to the United States. Upon arrival in the United States they will report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Washington. I). C.. for orders. The Quartermaster's De- partment will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations, in advance, for one day, it being impracticable for these soldiers to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. . 2. Under the provisions of paragraph 1, General Orders. No. 178. series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, Private William David Woodward, Company M, 19th U. S. Infantry, is transferred to the Hospital Corps and assigned to duty at the General Hospital, Ponce, P. R. He will report accordingly. 3. A Board of Survey to consist of:- Captain Anthony W. Vogdes, 5th U. S- Artillery; 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th U. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant William B. Doores, 5th U. S. Ar- tillery, is appointed to meet at San Juan at 10 o'clock, a. m., Friday, Aprd 28th. 1899, or as soon thereafter as practi- cable, to examine into, report upon and fix the responsi- bility for the loss of certain Ordnance stores, the property of the United States, and for which 1st Lieutenant Daniel J. Carr, U. S. Volunteer Signal Corps, is accountable. 4. So>much of paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 92, current series, these headquarters, as applies to Private Calvin Vanzant, Company A, 19th U. S. Infantry, is here- by revoked. 5. Private Charles B. Moyer, Company D, 19th U. S. In- fantry, having been tried by a general Court-martial con- vened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of fraudulent 2 enlistment, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced. '■•To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, excepting transportation and subsistence to the United States." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 6. In compliance with the provisions of General Orders, No. 46, Headquarters of the Army. Adjutant General's Office, Washington. D. C., March 13th, 1899, Captain E. W. Hurlbut, Commissary of Subsistence. U. S. Volunteers, is relieved from further duty in this Depart- ment, as soon as he has transferred the funds and prop- erty for which he is accountable to his successor. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 95. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, April 27, 1899. 1. Leave of absence until June 22, next, is hereby- granted to the Secretary of State, Senor Francisco de P. Acuna, with permission to visit the United States. Tn tlie absence of the Secretary of State Senor Manuel Camuhas, Assistant Secretary of State, will perform the duties of the Secretary of State. 2. In compliance with instructions from the Secre- tary of War, unassigned recruit, Myron M. Robbins, 19th U. S. Infantry, discharged from the U. S. General Hospi- tal, San Juan, is transferred to the 11th U. S. Infantry. 3. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this City to Ponce, P. R., for unassigned recruit Monroe Callahan, 19th U. S. Infan- try, discharged from the General Hospital, and the Sub- sistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advance, for one day, it being impracticable for the soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey nec- essary for the public service. 4. Private William J. Minich, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, having been tried by General Court-martial con- vened at Mayaguez. Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consider- ation of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced, "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, for- feiting all pay and allowances due him, and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of three (3; months." The sentence is approv- ed and will be duly executed at Mayaguez, Porto Rico. 5. The Subsistence Department will provide com- mutation of rations, for two days at the rate of $1.50 per day to Corporal Charlie K. Lucas and Private Harry Herman, Troop I, 5th U. S. Cavalry, while on duty as Orderlies to the Secretary of War, it having been impracticable for these soldiers to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 6. In compliance with instructions from the Major General Commanding the Army, Pri vate Patrick J. Curren, Company D, lltb U. S. Infantry, is transferred to the 19th U. S. Infantry, and will be s^nt at once to report to the Commanding Officer of that Regimmt at Ponce, P. R. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations, in advance, for one day, it being impracticable for tiiis man to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 7. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 155, series 1898. Headquarters of the Army, 1st Lieutenant Frank B Watson, 19th U. S. Infantry, is assigned to the command of Company B, of his Regiment, to date from February 26th to April 11th, 1899. he having exercised command of that Company during that period, in accord- ance with Army Regulations. 8. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army. 1st Lieutenant James Ronayne, 19th U. S. Infantry, is assigned to the command of Company G, of his Regiment, to date from March 30th to April 11th, 1899, he having exercised command of that Company during that period, in accord- ance with Army Regulations. 9. Squadron Sergeant Major John W. Zimmerman, 5th U. S. Cavalry, now at Arecibo. P. R., having been appointed Squadron Sergeant Major, Second Squadron, of his Regiment, will report to Major Eugene D. Dimmick, 5th U. S. Cavalry. San .Juan, P. R. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 10. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this City to Arecibo, P. R.. for Private John B. Caverly, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, discharged from the General Hospital. San Juan, P. R. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 11. Private Lewis H. Miller, Company I, 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 33rd. 62nd and 32nd Articles of War, was. upon consideration of seven (7) previous convictions, sentenced, "do be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, and 2 3 to be confined at hard labor at such Post as the reviewing authority may direct for three (3) months." In the foregoing case of Private Lewis H. Miller, Com- pany I, 19th U. S. Infantry, the finding under the 2nd charge is not shown in the record. It being impracticable to return the case for revision, the Court having been broken upon account of change of station of members, the proceedings un ier that particular charge are disap- proved. The sentence is approved and will be duly exe- cuted at Mayaguez, Porto Rico. 12. Private James F. Davidson. Troop G, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 21st, 20th and 62nd Articles of War, was, upon consideration of one previous conviction, sentenced, "/o be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due, except the sum of fifteen ($15.00> dollars, and to be confined at hard labor at such Post as the reviewing authority may direct for two (2) months." The sentence is approved and will be duly exe- cuted at San Juan, Porto Rico. 13. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, 2nd Lieuten- ant William W. Fiscus, Jr., 19th U. S. Infantry, is assign- ed to the command of Company K, of his Regiment, from February 26th to April 11th, 1899, he having exercised command of said Company during that period in accord- ance with Army Regulations. 14. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan. P. R., will send a Private of the Hospital Corps to report to theCommanding Officer, Manati, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 15. The following journeys performed by Major John TP. Foghr, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, for the purpose of paying troops, are approved as having been necessary for the public service : April 15th to 19th, 1899. San Juan to Aguadilla; Aguadilla to Mayaguez; 4 Mayaguez to San German and return: Mayaguez to Lares; Lares to Las Marias and return to Mayaguez; Mayaguez to San Juan. 16. The following journeys performed by Major Henry B. May, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, for the purpose of paying troops, are approved as having been necessary for the public service : April 13th to 16th, 1899. San Juan to Vieques (by sea), via Fajardo and Humacao, and return to San Juan; San Juan to Arecibo; Arecibo to Utuado; Utuado to San Juan. By command >f Major General Henry : W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 96. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, April 28, 1899. 1. Private William Foley, Company E, 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Ponce, Porto Hico, and found guilty of con- duct to the prejudice of good order and military disci- pline. in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the Post guard for the period of six (6) months, and to forfeit to the United. States ten (10.00) dollars of his pay per month for the same period." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's company. 2. In compliance with instructions from the War Department, 1st Lieutenant John S. Battle, 11th U. S. Infantry, is detailed as Collector of Customs at Guan- ica, P. R. Lieutenant Battle will proceed at once to Guanica and upon arrival will report by letter to Captain James A. Buchanan, 11th U. S. Infantry, Collector for Porto Rico, for instructions. The Quartermaster's Depart- ment will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. 1st Lieutenant Robert Alexander, 11th U. S. Infantry, 1st Lieutenant W. E. Richards, Assistant Sur- geon, U. S. Army, and 2nd Lieutenant Laurence Halstead, 11th U. S. Infantry, are detailed as additional members of the General Court-martial convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 59, current series, these headquarters. 4. The Commanding Officer, Geneial Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send one Private of the Hospital Corps to report to the Commanding Officer, Bayamon, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Major General Henry : Adjutant General. Special Orders No. 97. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RTCO, San Juan, April 29, 1899. 1. Under the provisions of paragraph 1, General Orders. No. 178, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, Private Willis E. Grout, Company L, 19th U. S. Infantry, is transferred to the Hospital Corps and assigned to duty at the General Hospital, Ponce, P. R. He will report accordingly. 2. The following named contract nurses are hereby relieved from duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., and will proceed to the United Statesand report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C: Katherine M. Grant, Lora E. Blackman, Jeanette McDonald, Mathilde Pfeifer. Eloise M. Weathers, The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation and the Subsistence Department the required subsistence. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. The following named contract nurses are hereby re- lieved from duty at the General Hospital, Ponce, P. R., and will proceed to the United States and report by letter to tlie Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C: Margaret E. Davidson, Marie A. Mahan, Julia H. Fisher, Huth P. Williams, Eleanor E. Falvey, Eleanor M. Aschenbach. Mary C. Stewart, The Quartermaster'sDepartment will furnish the nec- essary transportation and the Subsistence Department the required subsistence. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan. P. R., will send an Acting Hospital Steward to re- port to the Commanding Officer, Arecibo. P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public. 5, The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, Ponce, P. R., will send an Acting Hospital Steward to report to the Commanding Officer, Ponce, for duty. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. 2 Special Orders. No. 98. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, May 1st, 1899. 1. 1st Lieutenant Peter E. Traub. 1st U. S. Cavalry, A ide-le-Camp. will proceed to Ponce, P. R., under spec- ial instructions from the Department Commander, and the Commanding Officer, San Juan, will detail a guard of two selected men to report to Lieutenant Traub and accompany him upon this trip. Upon the completion of his duties at Ponce, Lieuten- ant Traub will return with his guard to San Juan. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation, and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations for this guard at the rate of $1.50 per day during the time required to make this trip, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 2. Corporal Alex H. Girard, Company K, 19th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Mayaguez. Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 38th and 62nd Articles of War, was sentenced "fo be reduced to the ranks, and to forfeit ten (10.00) dollars of his pay per month for three (3) months.'1'' In the foregoing case of Corporal Alex H. Girard, Company K, 19th U. S. Infantry, it appeals in the record that the accused had already been tried by Summary Court for the same offence. The record was returned to the Court for further consideration. Upon investigation the Court found that the accused had been arraigned on the same charges and the case investigated by Summary Court, and that although the finding of the Summary Court was not formally entered in the Record, it was practically announced orally to the prisoner, who there- upon demanded a trial by General Court, which was granted. The Court being of the opinion that this pro- ceeding constituted a former trial, the proceedings in this case are disapproved. Corporal Girard will be released from arrest and restored to duty. 3. Under the provisions of paragraph 1. General Orders. No. 178. series 1898, Headquarter's of the Army, 2 Private Jesse Stockford, Company G, 19th U. S. Infantry, is transferred to the Hospital Corps and assigned to duty at the General Hospital, Ponce, P. R. He will report accordingly. 4. The Commanding Officer ot the General Hospital, SanJuan. P. R., will send two privates of the Hospital Corps to report to the Commanding Officer, Aguadilla. P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations for one day, in ad- vance, it being impracticable for these soldiers to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 99. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, May 2nd, 1899. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this City to Ponce, P. R., for Private George F. Heed, unassigned recruit, 19th U. 8- Infantry, discharged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advance, for one day, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 2. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Ponce, P. R., for Private Clarence Taylor, unassigned recruit, 19th U. S. Infantry, discharged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of ra- tions, in advance, for one day, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 3. Major A. C. Sharpe. Assistant Adjutant General U. S. Volunteers, Acting Judge Advocate of the Department, will visit the various prisons and penitentiaries on this Island, in view of representations having been made to the effect that a large number of prisoners are confined on accusations of Spaniards and without just grounds; he will, as far as possible, ascertain the truth or falsity of these reports and in case the Acting Judge Advocate finds any persons held by Military authority against whom the evidence does not seem to be conclusive, or is doubtful, he is authorized to release them, subject to arrest and confinement again if found necessary; he will also report on all other jail conditions. Major Sharpe is authorized to hire an interpreter to accompany him upon this trip. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4 The following journeys performed by Major S. S. Harvey. Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, for the purpose of paying troops, are approved as having been necessary for the public service: April 1st to 15th, 1899. Ponce to Yauco and return; Ponce to Adjuntas and return; 2 Ponce to Coamo, thence to Aibonito and Gayey and return to Ponce. 5. Military Convict James Kennedy, (late Private Battery B, 5tli U. S. Artillery) now in confinement at Ballaja Barracks, San Juan, P. R., under the provisions of paragraph 5, Special Orders. No. 64, current series, these headquarters, will be sent under proper guard by the Commanding Officer, Post of San Juan, to Fort Columbus, Governor's Island. New York Harbor, for confinement. 6. The Commanding Officer of the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send one Private of the Hospital Corps to report to the Commanding Officer, Vieques, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Depart- ment will provide commutation of rations, in abvance for two days, at the rate of $1.50 per day, it being impractica- ble for this soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 7. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at Mayaguez. P. R.. at 10 o'clock a. m., on Friday, May 5th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it: Major Charles L. Cooper. 5th U. S. Cavalry: Captain William E Almy, 5th U. S. Cavalry: 1st Lieutenant W. E. Richards, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant Richmond McA. Schofield, Quartermas- ter. 5th U. S. Cavalry: 1st Lieutenant Willard F. Truby, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 2nd Lieutenant Laurence Halstead, 11th U. S. Infantry: 1st Lieutenant Robert Alexander, 11th U. S. Infantry; Judge Advocate: No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest injury to the service. 8. In compliance with instructions from the Major General Commanding the Army, Private James F. France. Company B. 19th U. S. Infantry, is transferred to the 11th U. S. Infantry, and will be sent at once to report to the Commanding Officer of that Regiment at San Juan. P. R. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations in advance, for one day, it being impracticable for this man to carry rations of any kind and tiie journey necessary for the public service. 9. Tiie general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 59. current series, these headquarters, is dissolved upon the com- pletion of the cases already commenced, and the Judge Advocate thereof is directed to turn over all the untried cases referred to that court, to the Judge Advocate of the general court martial convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 7, Special Orders, N. 99, current series, these headquarters. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. 3 Special Orders. No. 100. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, May 3, 1899. 1. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at Ponce, P. R., at 10 o'clock a. m., Monday, May 8th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it: Detail for the Court: Captain G. M. Wells, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; Captain Moses G. Zulinski, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant Frank L. Wells, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Frederick F, Fussell. Assistant Sur- geon, U. S. Army: 1st Lieutenant Joseph Ex Cusack, 5th U. S. Cavalry; 2nd Lieutenant Rufus E. Longan. 11th U. S. Infantry, Judge Advocate. No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest injury to the service. 2. Tlie general court-martial convened at Ponce, P. R., by paragraph 2, Special Orders. No. 51, current series, these headquarters, is dissolved upon thecompletion of the cases already commenced, and the Judge Advocate thereof is directed to turn over all the untried cases not pertaining to the 19th U. S. Infantry referred to that c >urt, to the Judge Advocate of the general court-martial convened at Ponce, P. R.. by paragraph 1, Special Orders. No. JOO, current series, these headquarters. 3. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at San Juan. P. IL, at 10 o'clock a. m., on Monday. May 8th. 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it: Detail for the Court: LieutenantColonel Daniel Burke, 11th U. S. In- fantry; Major Eugene D. Dinvmick,5th U. S. Cavalry; Captain A. W. Vogdes, 5th U. S. Artillery; Captain Henry A. Heed, 5th U. S. Artillery; Chaplain Henry A. Brown, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant Albert C. Blunt, 5th U. S. Artillery; 2 2nd Lieutenant William L. Reed, U. S. Infantry, Judge Advocate. No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest injury to the service. i 4. The general court-martial convened at San Juan, P. R., by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 60, current series, these headquarters, is dissolved upon the comple- tion of the cases already commenced, and the Judge Advocate thereof is directed to turn over all the untried cases referred to that Court, to the Judge Advocate of the general court-martial convened at San Juan, P. R., by paragraph 3. Special Orders, No. 100, current series, these headquarters. 5. In compliance with instructions from the Secre- tary of War. Captain Charles F. Mason. Assistant Surgeon. U. S. Army, is relieved from further duty in this Depart- ment and will proceed with the 19th U. S. Infantry to Camp Meade, Pennsylvania. Captain Mason will turn over all property and funds pertaining to his office to 1st Lieutenant Bailey K. Ashford, Assistant Surgeon. U. S. Army, who is announced as Commanding Officer. 11. S. General Hospital. San Juan, P. K. 6. Major General Guy I'. Henry, U. S. Volunteers, with his personal staff, consisting of 1st Lieutenant Peter E. Traub, 1st U. S. Cavalry; 1st Lieutenant George H. Shelton, 11th U. S'. Infantry, and 2nd Lieutenant Guy F. Henry, 1st U. S. Cavalry, will proceed to the United States in accordance with orders from the War Depart- ment; General Hehry, upon his arrival, will report in person to the Adjutant General of the Army. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 7. The resignation of Mr. S. S. Tuthill, General Ser- vice Clerk, is accepted, to take effect May 31st, 1809. He is authorized to proceed to the United States and the Quar- termaster's Department will furnish him with the nec- essary tra nspor tation. 8. Private George I). Bessalet, Troop F, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will accompany Major General Henry to the Unit- ed States as orderly. Upon the completion of his duty he will rejoin his Troop at Bayamon, P. 11. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish this soldier with the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Depart- 3 ment the necessary subsistence to and from the United ' States. 9. Private Thomas Collins, Company H, 19th U. S- Infantry, having been tried by a general court-mar- tial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkeness on duty in violation of the 38th Article of War, and conduct to the prejudice of good order and mil- itary discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "to be confined at hard labor for the period of eight (8) months, and to forfeit ten (10.00) dollars of his pay per month for the same period." In the foregoing case of Private Thomas Collins, Com- pany H, 19th U. S. Infantry, the proceedings, findings and sentence are approved. In view of the long and faithful service of the accused and in further considera- tion of the unanimous recommendation of the Court, the sentence is mitigated to confinement at hard labor for two (2) months and forfeiture of ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same period. As mitigated the sentence will be duly execute! at the station of the prisoner's company. 10. Private Charles L. Jones, Battery G, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of absence without leave in violation of the 32nd Article of War, was. upon consideration of four (4) previous convic- tions, sentenced "to be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at the post where his Battery may be serving for thirty (30) days, and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars of his pay." The sentence is approved and wid be duly exe- cuted. 11. Private C. L. Von Bullow. Troop A. 5th Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in viola- tion of the 62nd Article of War. was sentenced "to be dishonorably discharged the service of the United Stales. for- feiting all pay and allowances due him. except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars, audio be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for three (3) months." The sentence is approved and will be duly exe- cuted at the Post of San Juan. Porto Pico. 12. Private Patrick J. Conley. Light Battery C, 7th 4 U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a general court-mar- tial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 38th and 62nd Articles of War, was sentenced "to be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at the Post where Ms Battery may be serving for three (3) months, and to forfeit ten (fiLO.OO) dollars per month for that period. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 13. A Board to consist of : Arthur H. Glennan, Surgeon, Marine Hospital Service; Captain Lorenzo P. Davison, 5th U. S. Infantry. President, Board of Health; Mr. Armando Morales, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10 o'clock a. m., on Monday, May 8th, 1899. or as soon thereafter as practicable, for consideration of the establishment of a permanent Leper Colony on one of the Islands off the coast of Porto Rico. 14. A Board of Survey to consist of: Lieutenant Colonel Daniel IP. Burke, lltii U. S. Infantry; Major Eugene D. Dimmick, 5th U. S. Cavalry; 2nd Lieutenant John T. Geary. 5th U. S. Artil- lery. is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10 o''lock a. m., on Saturday, May 6th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the discrepancies between the invoices of certain hay and oats shipped by the Depot Quartermas- ter at San Juan. P. R., to the Quartermaster at Utuado. P. R.. and for which 1st Lieutenant James J. Hornbrook, 5th U. S Cavalry, Quartermaster at Utuado, P. R., is accountable. 15. In compliance with instructions from the Secre- tary of War. Squadron Sergeant Major, John Hiefart, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will, upon the receipt of this order, be dis- charged the service of the United States by his Command- ing Officer. The soldier is not entitled to travel pay. By oommand of Major General Henry : W. F. HALL, _ Adjutant General. Special Orders No. 101. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, May 5, 1899. J. The journey performed by 2nd Lieutenant Guy V. Henry, Jr., 1st U. S. Cavalry, Aide-de-Camp, from April 26th to May 4th. 1899, around the Island of Porto Rico, by sea, to carry out the verbal instructions of the Depart- ment Commander, on public business, is approved as having been necessary for the public service. 2. A Board of Survey to consist of:- Major Selden A. Day, 5th U. S. Artillery; 1st Lieutenant Samuel G. Jones, 5th U. S. Cavalry; Engineer Officer of the Department; 1st Lieutenant Walter Cox. Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, is appointed to meet at 10 o'clock a. m., Saturday, May 6th. 1899,or as soon thereafter as practicable at the Subsistence storehouse, San Juan, to ascertain the nature of the discrepancy existing between invoices of Colonel Charles A. Woodruff, Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence, U. S. Army, dated April 24th and 26th, 1899; and stores received on U. S. Transport Buford by Lieu- tenant Colonel Frank E. Nye. Assistant Commissary Gen- eral of Subsistence. U. S. Army, Chief Commissary of the Department; and to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the damaged condition of certain arti- cles of subsistence stores received upon these invoices. 3. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this City to Ponce, P. R., for Private David I. Gilmore, 7th U. S. Artillery, discharg- ed from the General Hospital, San Juan, and the Subsis- tence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advance, for one day, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 4. The Quartermasters's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Mayaguez, P. R., for Private James Sumner, 5th IL S. Cavalry, dis- charged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advance, for one day. it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the pub- lic service. 5. Major Azel Ames, Surgeon. U. Volunteers, in charge of Vaccine station, will proceed to Washington, 2 D. C., for the purpose of conferring with the Surgeon Gen- eral of the Army, and the Secretary of Agriculture on matters the Department Commander desires sumbitted to them. Upon the completion of this duty he will return to his proper station at Coamo Baths, P. R. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. During the temporary absence of Major Azel Ames' Surgeon, U. S. Volunteers, Captain Frederick P. Reynolds, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, is relieved from duty as Director of Vaccination, Division of San Juan, and assigned to duty in charge of the Vaccine Station, Coamo Baths, P. R., and of the duties of Director of Vaccina- tion, Division of Ponce. Major George G. Groff. Surgeon. U. S. Volunteers, will, in addition to his duties as Director of Vaccination, Division of Arecibo, during the temporary absence of Captain Frederick P. Reynolds, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, assume the duties of Di- rector of Vaccination, Division of San Juan, with station at San Juan, P. R.; he will be accompanied by Acting Hospital Steward George B. Roe. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for tiie public service. 7. The contract of Peter M. Matheson, Nurse, now on duty at the General Hospital, Ponce, P. R., will, al his own request, be cancelled by the Commanding Officer of the General Hospital, Ponce, P. R., and he will thereafter proceed to the United States. The Quartermaster's De- partment will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department the required subsistence. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 8. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 155. series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, Captain A. C. Macomb, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is assigned to the command of the Third Squadron of his regiment to date from Feb- ruary 12th to April 3rd, 1899, he having exercised command of that Squadron during that period in accord- ance with Army Regulations. 9. In compliance with instructions from the War Department the following named Privates of Battery E, 5th U. S. Artillery, are transferred as follows: To Battery B, 5th U. S. Artillery; Baker, Arthur, Burhl, George E.. Cross, Joseph, Daly, Patrick J.. Donnelly, Thomas. Donnelly, George, Faith, Leonard P.. Langtry. Alexander, Mahoney, Michael, Maloney, John S., Marion, David. Mulligan. Laurence. H.. Normandy. Joseph F. 3 To Battery G, 5th U. S. Artiliery: O'Malley, Joseph, O'Neil, John J., Purtell, Thomas, Seery, James E., Smith. Christopher J., Somers, Hood S., Sullivan, Daniel J., Taylor, Amos G., Walters, Edwin, Cronin, James T., Gibbs, George W., Spencer, Fred., McCarthy, Michael H., Chandler, Bennie B. 10. A Board of Survey to consist of: Lieutenant Colonel Daniel W. Burke, 11th U. S. Infantry; Major Eugene D. Dimmick, 5th U. S. Cavalry; 2nd Lieutenant James W. Furlow, U. S. Infantry, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10 o'clock a. m., Monday, May Sth, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practica- ble, to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the loss at sea on July 9th, 1898, of two (2) Barges, the property of the United States, and for which Major John W. Pullman, Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Depot Quartermaster, is accountable. 11. Leave of absence for one month on Surgeon's Certificate of Disability, with permission to return to the United States, is granted Major Edwin A. Root, Engineer Officer, U. S. Volunteers. • By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 102. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO. San Juan, May 6, 1899. 1. Leave of absence for one month on Surgeon's Cer- tificate of Disability, with permission to return to the United States, is granted Captain Charles F. Mason, Assist- ant Surgeon, U. S, Anny. 2. In compliance with instructions from the Secre- tary of War, Private Hiram F. Gray, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, will be discharged the service of the United States by his Commanding Officer, on receipt of this order. 3. 2nd Lieutenant Chalmers G. Hall, Sth U. S. Caval- ry, is detailed as assistant to the Chief Ordnance Officer of the Department and will proceed to San Juan and report in person to Lieutenant Colonel James Rockwell, Jr., Ordnance Depot. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. The quarters in this City recently occupied by Brigadier General F. D. Grant, are assigned to the Adju- tant General of this Department. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 103. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, May 8, 1899. 1. Private Denis F. Fox, Troop D, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved; the prisoner has been ordered released. 2. By direction of the Secretary of War. a board of two officers is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10 o'clock a. m., on Monday, May 15th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to examine into and report upon the physical qualifications for promotion to the Ordnance Department of 2nd Lieutenant Chalmers G. Hall, 5th U. S. Cavalry: Detail for the Board: 1st Lieutenant Frederick M. Hartsock, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant Walter Cox, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army. 3. 2nd Lieutenant Chalmers G. Hall, 5th U. S. Caval- ry, will report in person to the board of officers appointed to meet in San Juan, P. R., by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 103, current series, these headquarters, for examination as to physical qualification for promotion to Ordnance Department. U. S. Army. 4. Leave of absence on Surgeon's Certificate of Dis- ability, for one month, with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of one month, is granted 1st Lieu- tenant John G. Howard, 19th U. S. Infantry. By command of Major General Henry : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders No. 104. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, May 9, 1899. 1. Major Geprge IF. Fishback, Paymaster, U. S. Vol- unteers. Chief Paymaster of the Department, and Major P. C. Stevens, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, will proceed to Ponce, P. R., by U. S. Transport McPher- son for the purpose of paying the troops and discharged men at that point. Upon the completion of this duty they will return to San Juan. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. In compliance with instructions from the Major Deneral Commanding the Army, Private George E. Mar- tin, Company G, 19th U. S. Infantry, is transferred to the 11th U. S. Infantry, and will be sent to report to the Commanding Oilicer of that Regiment at San Juan, P. R. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations for one day, in advance, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 3. Under the provisions of paragraph 1, General Orders, No. 178, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, Private August C. Horstmann, Troop F, 5th Cavalry, is transferred to the Hospital Corps and assigned to duty at the Hospital at Bayamon, P. R. He will report accordingly. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 105. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO. San Juan, May 11th, 1899. 1. Leave of absence for one month, with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of one month, is granted Captain Cyril W. King, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Volunteers. This order to take effect between May 20th and June 1st, 1899. 2. 1st Lieutenant James J. Hornbrook, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is, upon the return of Captain H. J. Goldman, relieved from duty with Troop E, of his Regiment, at San German, P. R., and will proceed to Mayaguez, P. R., reporting upon arrival to the Commanding Officer at that place for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. The following changes in station of Officers of the 11th U. S. Infantry is ordered: Captain Odon Gurovits, from Yauco to command Com- pany C, at Mayaguez, P. R.; 2nd Lieutenant Samuel T. Ansell, from Company A. at Ponce, to Company D, at Yauco, P. R.; 2nd Lieutenant Laurence Halstead from Company C, at Mayaguez, to Company L, at Lares, P. R., The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. Sergeant Wilhelm Lutz, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been appointed Squadron Sergeant Major of his Regiment, will report to the Commanding Officer of his Regiment for instructions. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. A Board of Officers to consist of: Lieutenant Colonel Daniel W. Burke, 11th U. S. Infantry; Lieutenant Colonel Frank E. Nye, A. C. G. S., U. S. Army, Chief Commissary of the Depart- ment; Major John Van R. Hoff, Surgeon, U. S. Army, Chief Surgeon of the Department, is appointed to meet at 10 o'clock a. m., Monday, May 15th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the 2 purpose of examining into, reporting upon and considering the advisability of any alteration in the established rations, that would be conducive to the better health of troops serving in this Department. 6. The following journeys performed by Major Charles H. Heyl, Inspector General of the Department, in connection with the annual inspection of these Posts, to carry out the verbal instructions of the Department Commander, are approved as having been necessary for the public service: April 15th to 21st, 1899. San Juan to Aguadilla, thence to Mayaguez, thence to San German, and return to Mayaguez; Mayaguez to Las Marias, thence to Lares, thence to Utuado, and return to San Juan. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HAL L, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 106. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, May 12, 1899. 1. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army, 2nd Lieutenant William S. Valentine, oth U. S. Cavalry, is assigned to the command of Troop A of his Regiment to date from February 12th to April 3rd, 1899, he having exercised command of that Troop during that period in accordance with Army Regulations. 2. In compliance with verbal instructions of the Commanding General of the Department, Major John L. Clem, Quartermaster. U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster of the Department, will proceed to Ponce. Coamo, Aibo- nito, Cayey and Yauco, P. R., on public business connected with the Quartermaster's Department. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. General Prisoner William S. Gatenby, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, anil found guilty of violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of forty five days."" In the foregoing ease of General Prisoner William S. Gatenby, the proceedings, findings and sentence are approv- ed. This prisoner was released per operation of General Orders. No. 58. current series, these headquarters, before the receipt of the proceedings in this case. The sentence is remitted. 4. Private George W. Warner, Troop B, oth U. S. Cavalry, having reported at these headquarters enroute to join his troop in compliance with Special Orders, No. 107. Fort Monroe, Virginia, the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advance, for two days, it being impracticable for this soldier to carrv rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service 5. Private Thomas Finley, Light Battery C, 7th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of larceny in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was. upon consideration of five (o) previous convictions, sentenced 2 "to be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances, except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars, and to be confined at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of nine (9) months." In the foregoing case of Private Thomas Finley, Light Battery C, 7th U. S. Artillery, the record fails to show that the prosecution endeavored to establish the guilt of the accused by producing necessary material witnesses, or to show that these witnesses could not be obtained on account of discharge or othei' unavoidable cause. The evidence adduced is confined to the testimony of the witnesses named in the charges, and the findings of the court reached accordingly. "A list of the proposed witness- es is no part of the military charge, although such a list may properly be and is not unfrequently appended to a charge. **** Appending such a list does not preclude the prosecu- tion from calling witnesses not named therein." (Digest Opi- nions J. A. G. 235, par. 29). "It is no objection to the com- petency of a witness that his name is not on the list of the witnesses appended to the charge when served. The prosecution is not obliged to furnish any list of witnesses, nor, when one is f urnished to confine itself to the witnesses, thus specified." **** (Ibid 751. par. 7.) Subject to these remarks, the proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, Porto Rico. 6. The contract of Acting Assistant Surgeon William G. Young, U. S. Army, having been annulled, the Quartermaster's Department will furnish him transporta- tion to Washington, D. C.. the point where his contract with the Surgeon General was made. 7. Private Charles K. Joyner, Hospital Corps, is relieved from duty at Coamo, P. R., upon the abandonment of that Post, and will report to the Commanding Officer, Cayey. P. R.. for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 107. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, May 15, 1899. 1. 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th U. S. Infantry, is detailed as Judge Advocate of the general court-martial convened at San Juan, P. R., by paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 100, current series, these headquar- ters, rice 2nd Lieutenant William L Heed, U. S. Infantry, who is relieved. Lieutenant Reed will turn over to Lieut- enant Shuttleworth all the untried cases referred to that Court. 2. In compliance 'with instructions from the War Department, 2nd Lieutenant William L. Reed, U. S. Infan- try, is detailed as Collector of Customs at Guanica, P. R., vice 1st Lieutenant John S. Rattle, 11th U. S. Infantry, who is relieved to accept the position of Aide-de-Camp to the Commanding General of the Department. Lieutenant Reed will proceed at once to Guanica and upon arrival, report by letter to Captain James A. Buchanan, 11th U. S. Infantry, Collector for Porto Rico, for instructions. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. 3. In compliance with instructions from the Major General Commanding the Army, Private Joseph R. Hill, Company A, 19th U. S. Infantry, is transferred to the 11th U. S. Infantry and assigned to Company A of that Reg- iment. He will report accordingly. 4. Under the provisions of paragraph 1, General \ Orders, No. 178, Headquarters of the Army, Private Charles M. Baldwin, 'Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is trans- ferred to the Hospital Corps and assigned to duty at the Hospital at Arecibo, P. K. He will report accordingly. 5. Sergeant Chalmer M. Short, Company K, 11th U. S. Infantry, having reported at these headquarters in compliance with Special Orders, No. 41, Post of Humacao, P. IL, May 13th, 1899, will proceed at once to rejoin his proper station at Humacao. The Quartermaster's Depart- ment will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations for one day, in advance, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 2 6. The Commanding Officer of the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send two Privates of the Hospital Corps to report to the Commanding Officer, Utuado, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Depart- ment commutation of rations, in advance, for two days, it being impracticable for these soldiers to carry rations of any kind and the travel enjoined necessary for the public service. 7. Private Waller C. Kaufman, Hospital Corps, will on the abandonment of the Post of Das Marias, P. R. be relieved from duty at that Post and will report to the Commanding Officer, Lares, P. R., for duty. The Quar- termaster's Department will furnish the necessary trans- portation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations, in advance, for one day, it being impracticable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind and the travel enjoined necessary for the public service. 8. Acting Assistant Surgeon F. M. Barney will, upon the abandonment of the Post of Las Marias. P. IL, proceed with Troop L, 5th U. S. Cavalry, and the Medical property pertaining to that Post to Mayaguez, P. R., where he will transfer the property to the Surgeon at Mayaguez. Upon the completion of this duty he will report to the Chief Surgeon of the Department for annulment of contract and will thereafter proceed to the United States. The Quarter- master's Department will furnish the necessary trans- portation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 9. Acting Assistant Surgeon Arthur J. Boyer, will, upon the abandonment of the Post at Coamo. P. R., trans- fer the property pertaining to the Medical Department there to the Commanding Officer of the General Hospital, Ponce, P. R.. and will accompany Company M. 11th U. S. Infantry, to San Juan, P. R. Upon arrival at San Juan he will report to the Chief Surgeon of the Department for annulment of contract and will thereafter proceed to the United States. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 10. The Commanding Officer of the General Hospital. San Juan, P. R., will send a well instructed Private of the 3 Hospital Corps to report to the Commanding Officer, El Morro, for duty. 11. A Board of Surgeons is hereby appointed to meet at Cayey. P. R., at 10 o'clock a. m., Saturday, May 20th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the examina- tion of Private/?. S. Bamberger, Hospital Corps, an appli- cant for appointment as Acting Hospital Steward. Detail for the Board : Captain P. B. Egan, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; H. J. Eberle, Acting Assistant Surgeon. U. S. Army. The Board will be governed in its examination by para- graphs 20. 21 and 22 Manual Medical Department, 1899, and will, upon the completion of the examination, submit a report with recommendations to the Chief Surgeon, De- partment of Porto Rico. 12. Private Alexander Me Bint ie, Company H, 19th U. S, Infantry, having been tried by a general court-mar- tial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 60th Article of War, was sentenced " to be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard, for one (1) month, and to forfeit ten dollars ($10.00} of his pay for the same period,'" In the foregoing case of Private Alexander McBirnie, Company H, 19th U. S. Infantry, the Court having been permanently reduced below a quorum and unable to recon- sider the record when returned to it for revision, and the prisoner having meanwhile been discharged, the proceed- ings, findings and sentence are disapproved. 13. The Commanding Officer of the General Hospital, Sanjuan, P. R., will send two Privates of the Hospital Corps and Acting Hospital Steward Charles IL Kahler to report to the Commanding Officer, Humacao, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations, in advance, for one day, it being impracticable for these soldiers to carry rations of any kind and the travel enjoined necessary for the public service. 14. A Board of Medical Officers is hereby appointed to meet at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., at 10 o'clock a. m., Saturday, May 20th, 1899, or as soon there- after as practicable, for the examination of Privates Pat- 4 rick Darby, George C. Doran, Hugh B. McCle&ry and Fred- erick Yates, Hospital Corps, applicants for appointment as Acting Hospital Steward. Detail for the Board : 1st Lieutenant Bailey K. Ashford, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant F. M. Hartsock, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant C. C. Collins, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army. The Board will be governed in its examination by para- graphs 20, 21 ami 22 Manual Medical Department, 1899, and will, upon the completion of the examination, submit a report with recommendations to the Chief Surgeon, De- partment of Porto Rico. 15. Paragraph 3. Special Orders,- No. 102, current scries, these headquarters, is revoked in view of the scar- city of officers for duty at Arecibo, P. R., and on the completion of the physical examination directed in para- graph 3. Special Orders, No. 103, current series, these headquarters, 2nd Lieutenant Chalmers G. Hall, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will proceed to his proper station at Arecibo, and on or about June 7th, 1899, will report in person to the Chief Ordnance Officer of the Department for examination at the propel- time as to his fitness for promotion to the Ordnance Department, U. S. Army. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 1C8. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO San Juan, May 16th, 1899. 1. In compliance with instructions from the Major General Commanding the Army, the following named men are transferred to the Porto Rican Battalion, and will report to the Commanding Officer thereof at San Juan, P. B. The Descriptive Lists of these men will be sent to the Commanding Officer of the Porto Rican recruits and those who have not already reported to him for duty will proceed at once to do so. The Quartermaster's Depart- ment will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel eujoined is necessary for the public service. From 11th U. S. Infantry: Corporal Alex Millmoore, Company F, Corporal Ulysses G. Blacker, Company D, Corporal John N. Turgeon, Company A, Private Paul Wuttke, Company L, Private William Perry, Company B, Private George Woodmere, Company E, Private Earnest Keeler, Company G. From 5th U. S. Cavalry: Corporal Enochs, Troop A. 2. In compliance with paragraph 2. General Orders No. 86, Headquarters of the Army, 1899, and upon recom- mendation of his Commanding Officer and the Chief Sur- geon of the Department, Private Douglas Cooper, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, is discharged the service of the United States without honor. 3. Private George W. Anderson, Troop H, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 33rd Article of War, was upon considera- tion of six (6) previous convictions, sentenced "to he dis- honorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeit- ing all pay and allowances due him, except the sum of fifteen dollars ($15.00) and to be confined for one month at such post as the reviewing authority may direct."1' The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, Porto Rico. 2 4. The Summary Court sentence approved by the Commanding Officer, U. S. Vaccine Station, Coamo Baths, Porto Rico, on March 31, 1899, in the case of Acting Hos- pital Steward (now Private) James McArrick, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, having been found fatally defective, is hereby remitted. Private McArrick will be restored to his former status as Acting Hospital Steward, and the necessary remarks will be entered on the next muster and pay rolls of the detachment with which he is serving, for reimbursement of the amount forfeited pursuant to said sentence. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 109. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, May 17, 1899. W 1. Contract nurses, Elizabeth Dewey, Mary B. Hall, Ella A. Starkweather, and Thomas Keane are relieved from duty at the General Hospital, Ponce, P. R., and will pro- ceed to the United States and report by letter to the Sur- geon General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C., for orders. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation ami the Subsistence Department the required subsistence. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Private Ernest W Steinbuckel, Hospital Corps, having reported at these Headquarters from the United States, is assigned to duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R. w 3. Contract nurses Gustave Von Toussant and Ethan • A. Blackden are relieved from duty at the General Hospit- al, San Juan, P. R., and will proceed to the United States and report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Washington, 1). C., for orders. The Quartermaster's De- partment will furnish the necessary transportation ami the Subsistence Department the required subsistence. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. Private Michael O'Neil, Troop A. 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of conduct to the . prejudice of.good order and military discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was upon consideration of two (2) previous convictions, sentenced "to be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard, for six (6) months, and to forfeit ten ($10,00) dollars per month for the same period.'" The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the post where his troop is serving. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 110. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, May 19, 1899. 1. In order to facilitate the payment of commutation of rations to the Signal Corps men on detached service, in charge of telegraph offices on the Island of Porto Rico, Ma jor William A. Glassford, Signal Corps, U. S. Volunteers. Signal Officer of the Department, is appointed Acting Commissary of Subsistence. 2. Private Alexander J. Langtry, Battery E, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried before a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found "not guilty as charged, " was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. u 3. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send a well instructed private, preferably a druggist, to report to the Commanding Officer, Manati, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. Acting Hospital Steward James McA> rick, Hospital J Corps, is relieved from duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., and from temporary duty at the Vaccine Station, Coamo, P. R., and will report to the Commanding- Officer, Vieques, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations for one day, in advance, it being impracticable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind and the travel enjoined neces- sary for the public service. 5. So much of paragraph 8, Special Orders, No. 107. current series, these headquarters, as directs Acting ' Assistant Surgeon F. M. Barney, upon the abandonment ' of the Post at Las Marias, to report to the Chief Surgeon, Department of Porto Rico, for annulment of contract, is hereby revoked and instead he will report to 1st Lieutenant W. E. Richards, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, Director 2 of Vaccination, Division of Mayaguez, for duty aS- Ins- pector of Vaccination. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. Private W. H. Vonglazer, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty at Yauco, P. R., is upon the recom- mendation of the Chief Surgeon of the Department, detailed as Acting Hospital Steward. By command of Brigadier General Davis : VV. P. HALL, Adjutant Gent rat. Special Orders, No. 111. HEADQUARTERS DEPART!!EJT OF PORTO RICO. San .Juan, May 22, 1899. 1. The journey performed by Major John L. Clem, Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster of the Department, from Aibonito to Ponce and thence to San Juan, P. R., incompliance with telegraphic instructions from the Department Commander, is confirmed as having been necessary for the public service. 2. So much of paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 108. current series, these headquarters, as relates to Corporal Alex Millmoore, Company F, 11th U. S. Infantry, is amend- ed so as to read "Corporal Alex MiUmon." 3. Leave of absence on Surgeon's Certificate of Disa- bility for seven (7) days, is granted Major Louis Breche min, Surgeon, U. S. Army, Medical Supply Officer of the Department. During the temporary absence of Major Brechemin, the Chief Surgeon of the Department will take charge of the Medical Supply Depot. 4. The following journeys performed by 2nd Lieuten- ant Chalmers G. Hall, 5th U. S. Cavalry, on business in connection with the Quartermaster's Department, and for examination as to physical qualification for promotion to the Ordnance Department, U. S. Army, are approved as having been necessary for the public service. March 29th, April 25th and May 14th, 1899: From Arecibo to San Juan, P. R., and return. k 5. In view of the necessity for his duties as Acting Commissary of Subsistence having ceased at Coamo, P. R., Acting Assistant Surgeon J. 8. White is relieved from that duty to take effect May 26th, 1899. By command of Brigadier Gen Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 112. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, Man 23, 1899. 1. Leave of absence for one month, with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of one month, is granted Colonel I. D. DeBussy, 1 1th U. S. Infantry. This order to take effect about May 30th, 1899. 2. A Board of Survey to consist of : Major William J. Glassford, Signal Officer, U. S. Volunteers; Captain Lorenzo P. Davison, 5th U. S. Infantry, President of the Board of Health ; Captain Georyc McK. Williamson, Assistant Quartermaster. U. S. Volunteers ; is appointed to meet at the office of the Chief Quartermas- ter of the Department, San Juan, P. R.,at 10 o'clock a. m., Wednesday. May 21th, 1899. or as soon thereafter as prac- ticable, to examine into, report upon and fix the responsi- bility for the loss of certain Quartermaster's property by the wreck of the Barge "Helen;" and also for the theft of 42 Machetes, the property of the United States, ami for which Major John W. Pullman, Quartermaster, U. S- Army, is accountable. 3. 'l'he Commanding Officer Post of San German, P. R.. will send Private Marcins C. Moran, Troop E, 5th U. S. Cavalry, now at the Post Hospital, San German, to the Insane Asylum, Washington, D. C., by the first trans- port. A non-commissioned officer will be detailed as an escort to properly guard and care for this man. The Quar- termaster's Department will furnish transportation and the Subsistence Depart ment will provide commutation of ra- tions, in advance, for the necessary number of days, it being impracticable for this patient and this soldier to car- ry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. Upon completion of the journey the sol- dier detailed for this duty will report to the Adjutant Gen- eral of the Army for orders. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO. San Juan, May 24, 1899. Special Orders, No. 113. 1. lioundsman Charles Craft, Municipal Police of San Juan, Porto Hico, having been tried by a Military Com- mission convened at San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of assault and battery, in violation of the Laws of War, the Commission recommended "that he be dismissed from the police force." The operation of the Treaty of Peace having caused the discontinuance of trials by Military Commissions, no further action will be taken in this case. i 2. The Subsistence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day to Acting Hospi- tal Stewards Edward J. Hill-anA Patrick J. Maloney, Hos- pital Corps, U. S. Army, while on duty at Coamo Baths, P. R. 3. Sergeant Michael Me Cormick, Company B, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court- martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on duty, in violation of the 38th Article of War, was sentenced "to forfeit to the United States thirty ($30.00) dollars, and to be confined at the post where his company may be serving for three (3) months. The Court is thus lenient on account of the excellent character of the accused as shown in his discharges presented for the consideration of the court." In the foregoing case of Sergeant Michael Me Cormick, Company B, 11th U. S. Infantry, the proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved, but in view of the former good service of the accused, so much thereof as relates to confinement is remitted. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed. Sergeant Me Cormick will be released from arrest and restored to duty. 4. Private Frederick E. Troll, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunk- enness on duty, in violation of the 38th Article of War, and of sleeping while on duty, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, .was sentenced, "to be confined at hard 2 labor under charge of the post guard for four (4) months, and to forfeit to the United States, forty ($40.00) dollars o) his pay." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 5. The following journeys performed by 1st Lieuten- ant, Seaborn G. Chiles, 11th U. S. Infantry, in compliance with Special Orders, No. 13 and No. 32, current series, Post of Mayaguez, P. R., respectively, are approved as having been necessary for the public service : January 15th, 1899: From Mayaguez to Las Marias, P. R., February, 19th, 1889:, From Mayaguez to Aguadilla, P. R. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 114. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO KICO. San Juan, May 26, 1899. 1. In compliance with paragraph 44, Special Orders, No. 112, A. G. O., Headquarters of the Army, May 13th, 1899, the Commanding Officer at San Juan, P. R., will detail an escort of a suitable non-commissioned Officer and one Private to take charge of and turn over to the Warden of the Minnesota State Prison, Stillwater, Minne- sota, one Rafael Ortiz, who was tried by Military Com- mission convened at San Juan, P. R., February 16th, 1899. The prisoner will be supplied with suitable clothing and bedding. After turning Rafael Ortiz over to the proper person and obtaining a receipt therefor, the escort will return to its proper station. Commutation of rations, in advance, will be supplied for the journey; the Quarter- master's Department will furnish the necessary transporta- tion. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Private Raymond S. Bamberger, Hospital Corps, having successfully passed the prescribed examination, is, upon the recommendation of the Chief Surgeon of the Department, detailed as Acting Hospital Steward; he will remain on duty at his present station, Cayey. 3. A Board to consist of:- Captain A. C. Macomb, 5th U. S. Cavalry; Doctor Rafael del Valle, San Juan, P. R., is appointed to meet at Camuy, P. R., at 10 o'clock a. m., Monday, May 29th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practi- cable, to examine into and report upon certain conditions of affairs said to exist in the town of Camuy. The Board will make a thorough investigation into the affairs and report fully as early as practicable. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. • By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Sfecial Orders, No. 115. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, May 27, 1899. 1. In compliance with instructions from the War Department, 2nd Lieutenant Eldred D. Warfield, 11th Ux S, Infantry, is detailed as Collector of Customs at Guanica, P. R., vice 2nd Lieutenant William L. Reed, 1st U. S. Infantry, who is relieved on account of his having been transferred to the 1st U. S. Infantry. Lieutenant Warfield will proceed at once to Guanica, and upon arrival report by letter to Captain James A. Buchanan, 11th U. S. Infantry, Collector for Porto Rico, for instructions. The (Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Private Charles F. Murray, Company F, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by general court-martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of deser- tion in violation of the 47th Article of War, and of fraudulent enlistment in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "to be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may designate for the period of two (2) years. The sentence is approved and will be duly exe- cuted. Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, New York Harbor, is designated as the place of confinement, to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard by the Commanding Officer. 3. Acting Assistant Surgeon Arthur J. Boyer, having reported at these Headquarters in compliance with par- agraph 9. Special Orders. No. 107, Headquarters Depart- ment of Porto Rico, May 15th, 1899, will report to the Commanding Officer, U. S. Transport "McPherson" for duty enroute to the United States. Upon his arrival in the United States he will report by letter to the Surgeon General of the Army for orders. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. So much of paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 108, current series, these Headquarters, as relates to the trans- 2 for to the Porto Rican Battalion of Corporal Ulysses G. lilacker, Company 1), 11th U. S. Infantry, is revoked. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutaut General. Special Orders, No. 116 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, May 29, 1899. 1. Leave of absence for one month with permission to return to the United States, is granted 1st Lieutenant Richmond Me A. Schofield, 5 th U. S. Cavalry. 2. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 155, series 1898, Headquarters of the Army. 2nd Lieutenant Charles B. Drake, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is assigned to the com- mand of Troop F, of his Regiment, to date from March 25th to 27th, inclusive, and from April 3rd to 11th, 1899, inclusive, he having exercised command of that Troop during that period in accordance with Army Regulations. 3. Hospital Steward John McKee, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, having reported at these Headquarters in compliance with paragraph 13. Special Orders No. 113, Headquarters of the Army. May 15th, 1899, is assigned to duty at the General Hospital. San Juan, P. R. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, June 1st, 1899. Special Orders, No. 118. I. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10 o'clock a. m., on Monday, June 5th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it; Detail for the Court: Major Selden A. Day, 5th U. S. Artillery; Major Eugene D. Dimmick, 5th U. S. Cavalry; Captain Henry A. Reed, 5th U. S. Artillery; Captain Richard R. Steedman, 11th U. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant John McClintock, 11th U. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Frederick D. de Funiak, Jr., 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th U. S. Infantry, Judge Advocate. No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest injury to the service. The Court is authorized to sit without regard to hours. 2. The general court-martial convened at San Juan, P. R., by paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 100, current series, these headquarters, is dissolved upon the comple- tion of the cases already commenced, and the Judge Advo- cate thereof is directed to turn over all the untried cases referred to that Court, to the Judge Advocate of the gen- eral court-martial convened at San Juan, P. R., by par- agraph 1, Special Orders, No. 118, current series, these headquarters. 3. So much of paragraph 6, Special Orders, No. 101, current series, these Headquarters, as assigns Captain Frederick P. Reynolds, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, to temporary charge of the Vaccine Station at Coamo Baths, P. R., is modified so as to assign him to command of that Station. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 119. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, June 3rd, 1899. 1. The journeys performed by Charles S. Stern, Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, from San German to Ponce, P. R., and return, on March 23rd, and May 12th. 1899, to enable him to appear as witness before a general court-martial at Ponce, are approved as having been necessary for the public service. 2. 2nd Lieutenant John McClintock. 5th U. S. Cav- alry. wfill proceed at once to Arecibo, P. R., and report to the Commanding Officer of that Post for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. The verbal orders of the Department Commander of May 30th. 1899. to Major John Van R. Hoff, Surgeon. U. S. Army. (-hief Surgeon of the Department, to proceed to Arecibo, P. R.. and return, for the purpose of examining into the Hospital conditions at Arecibo, are confirmed as having been necessary for the public service. 4. The following named officers are detailed as ad- ditional members of the Board of Officers convened at San Juan. P. R.. by paragraph 7. Special Orders, No. 70, current series, these Headquarters; Captain Richard R. Steedman, 11th U. S. Infantry, 1st Lieutenant Bailey K. Ashford, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; Captain Henry A. Reed, 5th U. S. Artillery, Recorder. 5. The following-named officers will report in person to Lieutenant Colonel Daniel IV. Burke, 11th U, S. Infan- try, President of the examining Board appointed to meet in Sanjuan. P. R.. by paragraph 7, Special Orders, No. 70, current series, these headquarters, at such time as they may be required by the board for examination as to their fitness for promotion. 1st Lieutenant Harry R. Lee, 11th U. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Charles B. Drake, 5th U. S. Cavalry. Upon completion of their examination the officers will return to their proper stations. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. Private Joseph Dailey, Hospital Corps, is relieved from duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., and 2 temporary duty at the vaccine station, Coamo Baths, P. R., and will report to the Commanding Officer. Adjuntas, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 7. Acting 'Assistant Surgeon Joseph G. Wilson is hereby relieved from duty with Light Battery C. 7th U.S. Artillery, Santurce, P. R., and will report to the Com- manding Officer, U. S. Transport '-McClellan" for duty. Upon his arrival in the United States he will report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, for annulment of contract. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 8. Upon the abandonment of the Post of Yauco, P. R., Acting Assistant Surgeon Charles G. Eicher, will proceed to San German, P. R., and report to the Commanding Officer there for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 9. The Commanding Officer, Yauco, P. R., will send one Private of the Hospital Corps to report to the Com- manding Officer, Adjuntas, and two Privates of the Hospit- al Corps to the Commanding Officer of the General Hos- pital, Ponce, P. R. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 10. The Commanding Officer, Yauco, P. R., will send Acting Hospital Steward Peter S. Curzel, and one Private of the Hospital Corps, to San German, P. R.. to report to the Commanding Officer at that place for duty. He will also have all Hospital property shipped to San German, P. R , and all Quartermaster property not needed at that place to Ponce. P. R. The Quartermaster's De- partment will furnish the necessary transportation. 11. Upon being relieved at San German by Acting Assist- sant Surgeon Charles G. Eicher, Acting Assistant Surgeon Charles S. Stern will report to the Commanding Officer of the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., to await the departure of the Light Batteries, 7th U. S. Artillery, to the United States, when he will report to the Commanding Officer thereof for duty enroute. Upon his arrival in the United States he will report by letter to the Surgeon General of the Army, Washington, D. C., for annulment of contract. The travel enjoined is necessary for the pub- lic service. 3 12. Private James T. Cronin, Battery G, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunk- enness and disorderly conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of seven (7) previous convictions, sentenced "to be dishonorably dis- charged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars, and to be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard for the period of six (6) months.'" The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's battery. 13. Private Joseph B. Sheridan, Troop I, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of ab- sence without leave in violation of the 32nd Article of War, was upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced "to be confined at hard labor under charge oj the guard at the place where his troop may be serving Jor the period of six (ft) months and forfeit fifteen ($15.00) dollars per month of his pay for the same period." The sentence is approved. The forfeiture of pay imposed is reduced to ten ($10 00) dollars per month for the period stated. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed. 14. The journey performed by 1st Lieutenant J. Mal- colm Graham, 19th lj. S. Infantry, from Lares, P. R., to Arecibo, P. R.. and return, on May 25th. 1899, in com- pliance with telegraphic instructions from the Depart- ment Commander, to receive pay for the Command at Lares, is confirmed as having been necessary for the public service. 15. The journey performed by Captain H. S. Bishop, 5th U. S. Cavalry, from Manati, P. R., to San Juan, P. R., and return, on May 9th, 1899, in compliance with tele- graphic instructions from the Department Commander, for conference with reference to matters in his District, is confirmed as having been necessary for the public service. By command of BrigadierGeneral Davis : W. 1'. HALL. Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, June 7th, 1899. Special Orders, No. 120. 1. A Board of Survey to consist of :- Major William A. Glassford, Signal Officer, U. S. Volunteers. Signal Officer of the Department; Captain Richard R. Steedman, 11th U. S. In- fantry; 1st Lieutenant C. C. Collins, Assistant Surgeon. U. S Army, is appointed to meet at 10:00 o'clock a. m., Thursday, June Sth, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, at the Subsistence storehouse, Sanjuan, to ascertain the nature of the discrepancy existing between invoices No, 86, dated May 15, and No. 104. dated May 16, 1899, of Lieutenant Colonel Charles A. Woodruff, Assistant Commissary Gen- eral of Subsistence, U. S. Army, and stores received on U. S. Transport Buford, on May 23, 1899, and on invoice No. 135, dated May 23, 1899, from same Officer, received <>n U. S. Transport McPherson, on May 30, 1899, by Lieutenant Colonel Frank E. Nye, Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence, U. S. Army, Chief Commissary of the Department; and to examine into, report upon and tix the responsibility for the damaged condition of certain articles of subsistence stores received upon these invoices; also to examine into, report upon and tix the* responsibil- itv for the damaged condition of certain articles of Sub- sistence Stores now in the sales warehouse of this Depot. 2. The verbal instructions given the Board consist- ing of Major Lorenzo P. Davison, Porto Kican Battalion U. S. Volunteers J. 11. Glennan, Surgeon, Marine Hospital Service, and Mr. Armando Morales, to proceed upon the United States Transport Slocum to the Island of Luis Pena for the purpose of selecting a suitable location for a Leper Colony for this Island, are confirmed as necessary for the public service. 3. In compliance with instructions from the War Department 1st Lieutenant E. T. Winston, 19th U. S. In- fantry. left sick in the General Hospital at Ponce, P. R.. upon the departure of the 19th U. S. Infantry for the United States, will join his Regiment at Camp Meade, Penna. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2 4. In compliance with instructions from the War Department, 1st Lieutenant J. Malcolm Graham, 19th U. S. Infantry, detained on Island by transfer of property upon the departure of the 19th U. S. Infantry for the United States, will join his Regiment at Camp Meade, Penna. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. The journey performed by 1st Lieutenant Alonzo Gray, 5th U. S. Cavalry, from Arecibo, P. R., to San Juan, and return, in compliance with paragraph 1, Special Or- ders. No. 107, dated June 6th, 1899, Post of Arecibo, P. IL. to enable him to testify before the general court-martial at San Juan, is approved aS having been necessary for tin1 public service. 6. Private Fred Dyerly, Light Battery C, 7th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 33rd and 62nd Articles of War, was, upon considera- tion of six (6) previous convictions, sentenced, "to be. dishon- orably discharged the service of the Gnited States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him except the sum of fifteen (15.00) dollars, and to be confined at hard labor for three (3) months." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, Porto Rico. 7. Major Lorenzo P. Davison, Porto Rican Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, is assigned to the command of the Bat- talion of Porto Rican Volunteers, with station at San Juan. He will make arrangements for the accommodation of all Porto Rican troops at this point and complete the organization of the Battalion. 8. First Lieutenant Samuel G. Jones, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, Engineer Officer of the Department, will proceed to Ponce, P. IL, for the pudpose of making proper disposition of certain public property pertaining to his Department. Upon the completion of this duty he will return to his prop- er station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 9. Captain Z. IL Vance, 11th U. S. Infantry, having completed the duties required of him by telegraphic in- structions from these headquarters, dated May 31st, 1899, directing him to proceed from Vieques to San Juan, P. R., 3 will return to his proper station at Vieques, P. R. The trav- el enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 121. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan,. June 8th, 1899. 1. Acting Assistant Surgeons Timothy Leary and x A. L- (libnanare relieved from duty at the General Hos- pital, Pence, F. R., and San Juan,4'. R., respectively, and from temporary duty at the Vaccine Station, Coamo Springs, P. R.,and will proceed to the United States and report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, for orders. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. ■ I- ■ ' /1 ' 1 • h 2. Private Charles F. Bobo, Troop K, 5th U. S. Cav- alry. having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of assault with intent to kill, in violation of the 58th Article of War, was sentenced "to be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances, and to be confined in such penitentiary as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of six (6) years.'1' In flu* foregoing case of Private Charles F. Bobo, Troop E, 5th (J. S. Cavalry, it is claimed that the accused in tiring Ids pistol was acting in self defence; also that there is reasonable doubt that the shot which hit the policeman was fired by the accused. Considering the latter question first, evidence shows that the shots of the policeman were directed towards the accused, and that, the accused fired four shots towards the figure of a man :jbout twelve yards distant. No other shots were fired. In the mind of the reviewing authority there exists no doubt that flu1 shot by which the policeman was killed was one of the four fired by the accused. Seif defence rests on the doctrine of necessity. Was there reasonable ground for apprehension, and did the accused really apprehend personal violence which justified the use of his revolver to rejxd it? Could the defendant have safely a voided the danger of personal violence without resorting to the use of a' deadly Weapon? The evidence, although conflicting in some points, does not appear to resolve these questions in favor of the defence. On the contrary it appears that the accused was not closely pressed by the policeman, the night was dark, the figure of the man fired upon was about t welve paces distant, and although two shots were tired by the policeman, it is not clear that they were being directed at1 the accused. The firing by the, accused seems to have been a rash, unpre- meditated act. although done in a criminal and wanton disregard of life. The presumption of the law is that the accused intended the consequences of his act. In this case it appears that the intent may be qualified as less serious, 2 and merely a purpose to frighten the policeman, or at most to wound, and the finding of the Court might appro- priately have so determined. Subject to these remarks the finding and sentence are approved. In view of the circumstances attending the commission of this crime, the period of confinement is reduced to three (3) years. The U. S. Penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kansas, is designated as the place of confine- ment. to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard. 3. By diiection of the Secretary of War, 1st Lieu- tenant IF. F. Truby, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, is detailed to conduct the physical examination of the can- didate for veterinary surgeon, 5th U. S. Cavalry. He will report for that duty to the Commanding Officer. 5th U. S. Cavalry. 4. The following journeys performed by 1st Lieu- tenant Samuel G. Jones, 5th U. S. Cavalry, Engineer Of- ficer of the Department, in compliance with telegraphic, written and verbal instructions of the Department Com- mander, are approved as having been necessary for the public service: February 18 th to 19th. 1899: From Aibonjto to Arecibo. P. R. February 26 th to 28th, 1899: From Arecibo to San Juan, P. R., anti return. March 15th, 1899: From Arecibo to Camuy. P. IL, and return. April 1st to 3rd. 1899: From Arecibo to Sanjuan. P. R., anti return. April 5th to 10th, 1899: From Arecibo to San Juan. P. IL, and return. April 12th to 13th, 1899: From Arecibo to San Juan. P. IL, ami return. April 15 th. 1899: From Arecibo to San Juan, P. R. By command oe Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 122. HEADQUARTERS DEFARTMEXT OF PORTO RICO. San Juan, June 10, 1890. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish tin- necessary transportation from this City to Arecibo. P. R., for Private Homer Elwood, Troop A, 5 th U. S. Cavalry- discharged from the General Hospital. 2. 2nd Lieutenant Graham L. Johnson, 11th U.S. In- fantry. is detailed as Collector of Customs at Arroyo. P. R., to relieve 2nd Lieutenant Morrill M. Mills, 5th U. S. Artillery, who upon being relieved will rejoin his Battery at San Juan, P. R. Lieutenant Johnson will proceed at once to Arroyo and upon arrival will report bv letter to Major James A. Buchanan, loth U. S. Infantry, collector for Porto Rico, for instructions. The Quarter- master's Department will furnish the necessary trans portation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this City to Bayamon, P. R., for Private Lawrence Smith. Troop F, 5th (J. S. Cavalrv, discharged from the General Hospital. 4. Private William H. Twates, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, now at Arecibo, P. R., is, upon his own appli- cation, transferred to Troop I. of that Regiment and will be sent to that Troop at Ponce, P. R. The expense of the transfer will be borne bv the soldier. 5. Private Cornelius Blaauboer, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, having been tried by general court-martial conven- ed at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in violation of the 62ml Article of War, was sentenced •do be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of four (4) months and to forfeit the sum of forty ($40.00) dollars of his pay." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at Arecibo, Porto Rico. 6. Private Daniel P. Nolan, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of 2 conduct to the prejudice of good order and military dis- cipline in violation of the 62ml Article of War. was, upon consideration of three (3) previous convictions, sentenced 'Vo be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of three (3) months and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same pe- riod." The sentence is approved and will be dulv execut- ed at the station of the Prisoner's troop. 7. 1st Lieutenant Frank L. Wells. 11th U. S. Infan- try. will be relieved from duty at Ponce, P. R., upon the arrival of 2nd Lieutenant Samuel T. Ansell, 11th U. S. In- fantry. and will report to the Commanding Officer, 11th U. S. Infantry, San Juan, for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. S. 2nd Lieutenant Samuel 7'. Ansell. 11th U. S. Infan- try. is detailed as additional member of general court- martial convened at Ponce. P. R.. by paragraph 1, Special Orders. No. 100. current series, these headquarters, rmr 1st Lieutenant Frank L. Wells. 11th C. S. Infantry, who is relieved. 9. Commissary Sergeant Herman K. Hnsslin. U. S. Army, is relieved from duty at Vieques, P. R., upon the abandonment of that Post, and will report to the Com- manding Officer. Humacao, P. R., for duty. TheQuarter- master's Department will furnish the necessary transpor- tation. 10. Commissary Sergeant John Bitter, U.S., Army, is relieved from duty at Yauco, P. R., upon the abandon- ment of that Post, and will report to the Chief Commissary of the Department, San Juan, P. R., for duty. The Quar- termaster's Department will furnish the necessary transpor- tion. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 123. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San.Juan. June 13th, 1899. 1. Paragraph 7, Special Orders. No. 119, current series, these Headquarters, is amended so as to read. Acting Assistant Surgeon Joseph G. Wilson is relieved from duty with Light Battery C, 7th U. S. Artillery, Santuree. P. R., and will proceed to the United States. Upon arrival there he will report by letter to the Surgeon General. U. S. Army, for annulment of contract. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Paragraph 1. Special Orders. No. 104, current se- ries. these Headquarters, is amended so as to read: Major George IK Fishbuck, Paymaster, U S. Volunteers. Chief Paymaster of the Department, accompanied by his author- ized clerk and one additional clerk, and Ma jor A C. Stevens. Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, will proceed to Ponce, P. K., by U. S. Transport McPherson, for the pur pose of paying the Troops and discharged men at that point. Upon the completion of this duty they will return to San Juan. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. The following journeys performed by Major George IK Fishback, Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, Chief Paymas- ter of the Department, for the purpose of paying troops, are approved as having been necessary for the public service: April 12th to 14th. 1899: From San Juan to Ponce, and return. April 23rd, 1899: From San Juan to Bayamon, and return. May 17th, 1899: From San Juan to Santuree, and return. May 22nd TO 23rd, 1899: From San Juan to Mayaguez, thence to Aguadilla, and return to San Juan. May 25th, 1899: From San Juan to Arecibo, and return. June 6th to 8th, 1899: From San Juan to Mayaguez; thence to Aguadilla, and return to San Juan, accompanied by his authorized clerk and one additional clerk. 2 4. Private Samuel I). Vance, Hospital Corps, having- reported at these Headquarters in compliance with para- graph 17, Special Orders, No. 120, Headquarters of the Army, Washington, 1). C., May 23rd, 1899, is assigned to duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R. 5. Hospital Stewards John C. Blake, and Mtirray Acklin, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, will report to the Commanding Officer of the two Light Batteries, 7th U. S. Artillery, for duty with that Command enroute to the United States. Upon arrival there, Hospital Steward Blake will avail himself of one month's furlough, and Hospital Steward Acklin of two month's furlough, with permission to apply to the Adjutant General of the Armv for an extension of two months, granted them from these Headquarters. 6. Acting Assistant Surgeon J. F. Hadley, U. S. Army, will proceed with Light Battery C, 7th U. S. Artil- lery, to the United States, and upon arrival at the station of that organization, will report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Washington. J). C.. for annulment of contract. 7. The following journeys performed by Major Charles H. Heyl, Inspector General, U. S. Army, Inspector General of the Department, in connection with the annual inspection of the following posts, to carry out the verbal instructions of the Department Commander, are approved as having been necessary for the public service: May 18th to 25th, 1899: San Juan to Ponce, thence to Yauco and return to San Juan via Ponce. June 9th to 10th, 1899: San Juan to Arecibo, thence to Manati and return to San Juan. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 124. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, June loth, 1899. 1. The following journeys performed by Major P. C. Sterens, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, for the purpose of paying troops, are approved as having been necessary for the public service: May 19th to 21st. 1899: San Juan to Ponce, and return. May 22nd to 23rd. 1899: San Juan to Mayaguez, thence to Aguadilla, and re- turn to San Juan. May 25th. 1899: San Juan to Manati, thence to Arecibo, and return to San Juan. June 2nd. 1899: San Juan to Santurce. and return. June 3rd to 4 th. 1899: San Juan to Humacao, thence to Vieques, and return to San Juan. June 7th to 12th. 1899: San Juan to Cayey; thence to Aibonito; thence to Vaccine Station, Coamo Baths: thence to Ponce; thence to Yauco; thence to Ponce, and return to San Juan. 2. Upon the recommendation of the Chief Surgeon of the Department, and by authority granted in General Orders, No. 86, current series. Headquarters of tin* Army. Ad jutant General's Office, Privates Hugh H. McCreery. George C. Doran and Frederick- Yates, having successfully passed the required examination, are detailed as Acting Hospital Stewards, and will remain on duty at the General Hospital. San Juan, P. R. 3. Upon the recommendation of the Chief Surgeon of the Department, and by authority granted in General Orders, No, 86, current series, Headquarters of the Army. Ad jutant General's Office, Private Seth B. Knapp. Troop B, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is transferred to the Hospital Corps, and will report to the Commanding Officer. Uuado. P. R., for duty. 2 4. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 86, current series, Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant Gen- eral's Office, Washington, I). C., recruit John Sierer, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is transferred to the Hospital Corps, and will report to the Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, for duty. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 125. nr aDQUArters department OE PORTO RICO, San Juan, June, 16th, 1899. 1. Sergeant George F. Bennett, Troop E. 5th U. S. Cavalrv, having reported at these Headquarters in com- pliance with Orders. No. 21, dated sub-Post of San Ger- man, P. R., June 12th. 1899. will proceed to his proper station at San German, P. R., reporting to the Com- manding Officer of his troop for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. 2. Corporal Irvin McManus, and one private, Troop L. 5th U. S. Cavalry, having reported at these Headquar- ters in compliance with paragraph 2. Special Orders, No. 119, dated Post of Mayaguez. P. R., June 14th, 1899, will proceed at once to their proper station. The Quartermas- ter's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. 3. Private Calvin C. Swormstedt, Hospital Corps, is relieved from duty at Fort San Cristobal, San Juan, P R., and will report to the Commanding Officer, General Hospi- tal, San Juan, for duty. 4. Private Patrick Darby. Hospital Corps, is relieved from duty at the General Hospital. San Juan. P. R., and will report to the Commanding Officer, Fort San Cristobal. San Juan, for duty. • 5. In order to carry out the instructions of the War Department, ordering the discharge without honor of Pri- vate Daniel P. Nolan, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, the unexe- cuted portion of the sentence in his case, as promulgated in Paragraph 6, Special Orders, No. 122, current series, these headquarters, is remitted. 6. In compliance with instructions from the War Department the following named officers are detailed as Collectors of Customs at the points indicated: Major Francis IT. Mansfield, 11th U. S. Infantry, at Ponce. P. R.; 1st Lieutenant Seaborn G. Chiles, 11th U. S. Infan- try, at Aguadilla, P. R., Vice Major Mansfield, who is relieved. 2 Major Albert L. Myer, 11th U. S. Infantry, is re- lieved from duty as Collector of Customs, Ponce. P. R., upon arrival of Major Mansfield, and will assume com- mand at Ponce. Lieutenant Chiles in addition to his other duties will assume Command at Aguadilla. Each of the officers designated as Collectors of Cus- toms will report by letter to Major James A. Buchanan, 15th U. S. Infantry, Collector and Treasurer for Porto Rico, San Juan, P. R., for instructions. Major Mansfield will proceed at once to Ponce, P. R. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 7. Captain Zebulon B. Vance, 11th U. S. Infantry, and 1st Lieutenant Robert M. Brookfield. 11th U. S. Infan- try, are detailed as additional members of the General Court-martial convened at San Juan P. R., by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 118, current series, these Headquar- ters. By command of Brigadier General Davis : P. W. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 126. HE ADQU A RTE RS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan. June 19, 1899. 1. The verbal instructions of the Department Com- mander to Captain A. C. Macomb, 5th U. S. Cavalry, to proceed from Arecibo, P. R., to San Juan, for consultation with reference to matters in the vicinity of his Post, and upon the completion thereof to return to his proper station, are confirmed as necessary for the public service. 2. Leave of absence for one month, with permission to return to the United States, is granted Captain Zebulon, B. Vance, 11th U. S. Infantry. 3. Sergeant Major Eugene Menke, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having reported at these Headquarters in compliance with paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 117, dated Post of May- aguez, June 12th, 1899. will proceed at once to his proper station at Mayaguez. The Quartermaster's Department wil 1 furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. Private Samuel C. Bothu'dl, Troop D, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having reported at these Headquarters in compli- ance with paragraph 1. Special Orders, No. 121, dated Post of Mayaguez. June 16th, 1899, will proceed at once to May- aguez, reporting to the Comamnding Officer of his Post, and upon compliance with instructions given him by the Department Commander, will return to these Headquarters for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is neces- sary for the public service. 5. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Richard R. Steedman, 11th U. S. In- fantry: 1st Lieutenant T. M. Hartsock, Assistant Surgeon. U. S. Army; 2nd Lieutenant Frederick D. de Funiak, 11th U. S. Infantry; is appointed to meet at 10:00 o'clock a. m., Wednesday, June 21st, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, at the Quartermaster's Depot, San Juan. P. R., to examine into, report upon the condition and recommend disposi- tion of 118 Mattresses and 1 crate of Pillows, apparently used for Hospital service, being a part of a shipment from the Quartermaster at Arecibo, P. R. 2 6. Leave of absence for one month, with permission to return to the United States, is granted Captain Henry J. Reed, 5th U. S. Artillery. 7. A Board of Officers to consist of: Major Eugene D. Dimmick, 5th U. S. Cavalry; Captain A. C. Macomb, 5th U. S. Cavalry; 2nd Lieutenant William 8. Valentine, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is appointed to meet at 10,00 o'clock a. m., Thursday. June 22nd, 1809, or as soon thereafter as practicable, at Arecibo, P. R., to examine into ami report upon the qual- ifications of Sergeant Henry Luge, Troop H, 5th U. S. Cavalry, for appointment as Post Quartermaster Sergeant. The applicant will he required to furnish the Board with a full statement of his enlistments, age, whether citizen of the United States by birth or naturalization and whether married or single. The report will be made full in all the particulars mentioned in A. R. 95 and 96. giving questions and answers, and will be forwarded to the Adjutant General of the Army, through these Headquarters with as little delay as practicable. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, June 20th, 1899. Special Orders, No. 127. 1. The Subsistence Department will pay com- mutation of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day, from June 1st, 1899, to Sergeant George Kolby, Battery E, 5th U. S. Artillery, while on detached service at these Head- quarters. 2. Incompliance with instructions from the Major General Commanding the Army, Private Owen M. Boone, Battery B, 5th U. S. Artillery, is transferred to Battery E, 5th U. S. Artillery, and will report to the Com- manding Officer of that Battery for duty. 3. In compliance with instructions from the Secre- tary of War the Commanding Officer, U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send Private Garrett Bussell, Company L. Uth U. S. Infantry, to Fort Hamil- ton, N. Y., to report to the Commanding Officer of the U. S. General Hospital, at that point for admission for treatment. The descriptive list and account of pay and clothing will be forwarded at once to the Commanding Officer of the Hospital. The Quartermaster's Depart- ment will furnish the necessary transportation, and the Subsistence Department the necessary Subsistence upon Transport. The travel enjoined is necessary for the pub- lic service. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 128. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, June 21st, 1899. 1. Private Michael Moran, Company C, 19th U. S. Infantry, having reported at these Headquarters in com- pliance with paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 121, dated Post of Mayaguez, P. R., June 16, 1899, will in compli- ance with telegraphic instructions from the War Depart- ment, dated April 22, 1899, proceed to Camp Meade, Penn- sylvania, reporting upon arrival to the Commanding Officer, 19th Infantry. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsis- tence Department subsistence upon a Government Trans- port to the United States. This man could not proceed with his Regiment to the United States on account of being sick in the hospital at Mayaguez, P. R. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day, from June 1st, 1899, to Private John D. Wilson, Company E, 11th U. S. Infantry, while on detached service at these Head- quarters. 3. Under telegraphic instructions from the War De- partment, dated April 22nd, 1899. the Commanding Of- ficer, San Juan, P. R., will send unassigned recruit James Woods, 19th U. S. Infantry, to report to the Commanding Officer, 19th U. S. Infantry, Camp Meade, Pensylvania. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation and the Subsistence Department the necessary subsistence on transport and commutation of ration, in advance, for one day at $1.50 per day, from New York to Camp Meade. This man could not proceed with his regiment to the United States on account of being sick in the General Hospital, San Juan. P. R. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. Hospital Steward Harry A. Sill, Hospital Corps U. S. Army, having reported at these Headquarters in, compliance with paragraph 20, Special Orders, No. 128, current series, Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant Gen- eral's Office, June 2, 1899, is assigned to duty at the Medical Supply Depot, San Juan, P. R. 5. Private David Marion, Battery B, 5th U. S. Artil- 2 lery, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of viola- tion of the 20th, 33rd and 62nd Articles of War, was, upon consideration of two (2) previous convictions, senten- ced "to be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard where his battery may be serving for the period of three (3) months and to forfeit to the United States ten (^l()d)O) dollars per month for the same period."" The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 129. 11E A DQU A KT ERS 1) E P A RI MENT OF PORTO RICO, San Jean, June 22nd, 2899. 1. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day, from June 1st, 1899, to Private Lucian B. Gardiner, Company F, 11th U. S. Infantry, while on detached service at these Headquarters. 2. In compliance Avith instructions from the War Department. Ma jor Janies J. Buchanan, 15th U. S. Infan- try, is relieved from duty as Collector of Customs of Porto Rico and as Collector of Customs at San Juan, P. R., to take effect July 1st. 1899, in order to enable him to devote his entire time to his duties as Treasurer of the Island of Porto Rico. 3. In compliance with instructions from the War Department, Major Charles L. Davis, 11th U. S. Infantry, is detailed as Collector of Customs of Porto Rico, and as Collector of Customs at San Juan, P. R., to take effect July 1st, 1899, vice Major James J. Buchanan, 15th U. S. Infantry, relieved. 4. In compliance with instructions from the War De- partment, Major John M. Carson, Jr., Quartermaster. U. S. Volunteers, is relieved from duty in this Depart- ment to take effect on July 1st, 1899. 5. Major Thomas Cruse, Quartermaster, U. S. Volun- teers, having reported at these Headquarters in compliance with instructiorfs from the War Department is assigned as Assistant to the Chief Quartermaster of the Department and will report for duty accordingly. 6. Leave of absence for fifteen days, with permission to return to the United States, is granted 1st Lieutenant Robert M. Brookfield, 11th U. S. Infantry. 7. A Board of Survey to consist of : Captain Anthony IT. Vogdes, 5th U. S. Artillery; Captain Osman Latrobe, Porto Rican Battalion, U. S. Volunteers; 2 2nd Lieutenant John T. (icary, 5th L. S. Ar- tillery. is appointed to meet at 10:00 a. m.. on Friday, June 23rd. 1899 or as soon thereafter as practicable .at the Office of the Chief Quartermaster of the Department, to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the short- age of sixty-four (64) Campaign hats, supposed to have been shipped by Major John L. Clem, Depot Quartermaster, to the Quartermaster at Arecibo, P. IL. and for which 2nd Lieutenant Chalmers (I. Hall, 5th IT. S. Cavalry, Post Quar- termaster at Arecibo, is accountable. 8. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at San Juan. P. IL. at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. on Monday, June 26th. 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it: Detail for the Court: Major Selden J. Day, 5th U. S. Artillery; Captain Anthony if. Voydes. 5th I'. S. Artillery; Captain James E. Macklin, 11th U. S. Infantry; Captain Richard R. Steedman, 11th U. S. Infantry; Captain Osman hat,robe, Porte Rican Battalion, U. S. Volunteers; 2nd Lieutenant John 7'. Geary. 5th U. S. Artillery; 2nd Lieutenant Morrill M. Mills. 5th LT. S. Artillery; 2nd Lieutenant Frederick R. de Funiak. Jr.. 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th U. S. In- fantry. Judge Advocate. No ot her officers than those named can be assembled without manifest injury to the service. The Court is authorized to sit without regard to hours. 9. The general court-martial convened at San Juan. P. FL, by paragraph 1, Special Orders. No. 118, current series, these headquarters, is dissolved upon the comple- tion of the cases already commenced and the Judge Ad- vocate thereof is directed to turn overall the untried cases referred to that Court to the Judge Advocate of the gen- eral court-martial convened at San Juan P IL, by para- graph 8, Special Orders, No. 129, current series, these headquarters. 10. 'The following named privates of the Hospital Corps, having reported at these Headquarters in com- pliance with Special Orders from the War Department, 3 are hereby assigned to duty at the U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R.:- Leonard E. Boykin. Asa C. Brown, William E. Dames. Robert I. Fields. Auyust L. Gertz, Frank C. Haskins, Louis F. Hoerner, David Kelley. John Me Kane,. Georye R. Thorne, Ashley G. Powell, William Surratt, Byron L. Richards. William E. Tessier, Merton E. HUI, Gustave Hahn, John G. Wilson, Alvin A. Poedin, Kasib K. Mahtf, Martin IP. Robinson, Andrew Bristow. Luther A. Canterbury. John Dunn. Jerome C. Finn. Lewis W. Compton, Fred Hertz. John L. Inye, Georye A. Lane, Anton F. Miller. Charles Spicer, Henry B. Price, John L. Heid, Auyuslus E. Smith. Ralph R. Lippincott, William Miller, Thomas H. Williamson. Charlie Morton, Joseph I. Poliny. Charles Winman. 11. Upon the abandonment of the Post of Adjuntas, P. R., Acting Assistant Surgeon Gerry S. Driver will transfer the Medical property pertaining thereto to the Surgeon. Ponce, P. R., and will thereafter proceed to the United States, and report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Washington, I). C., for orders. The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. 12. Privates Fred. IT. Curtis, Joseph Dailey and William Schaeniny, Hospital Corps, will upon the aban- donment of the Post of Ad juntas. P. R.. proceed to Ponce, P. R,, and report to the Commanding Officer of that sta- tion for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 13. Leave of absence for thirty days, with permission to return to the United States, is granted Acting Assistant Surgeon Compton Wilson. This Order to take effect as soon as he can be relieved. By command of Brigadiek General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 130. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, June 23 rd, 1899. 1. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day, from June 1st, 1899, to Private Jacob Shillings, Company G, 11th U. S. Infantry, while on detached service at these Head- quarters. 2. Upon the recommendation of the Commanding Officer, U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., and the Chief Surgeon of the Department, Private Calvin C. Swormstedt, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, is dishonorably discharged the service of the United States. 3. 1st Lieutenant John S. Battle, 11th U. S. Infantry, Aide-de-Camp, will receipt for Ordnance and Quarter- master property turned over from time to time to the civil functionaries of the Island of Porto Rico. 4. The following journeys performed by 2nd Lieuten- ant Laurence Halstead, 11th U. S. Infantry, in compliance with Orders from the Commanding Officers of San Juan and Lares are confirmed as necessary for the public service: April 24th, 1899: Lares to San Juan, P. R., via Arecibo, P. R.; June 7 th to 9th, 1899: Lares to Arecibo. P. R., and return; June 9th to 11th, 1899: Lares P. R., to Aguadilla, P. R., and return. By command oe Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 131. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, June 24th, 1899. 1. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day, from June 1st, 1899, to Private Marx H. Miller, Troop F, 5th U. S. Cavalry, while on detached service at these Headquarters. 2. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Richard R. Steedman, 11th U. S. Infantry: 1st Lieutenant Walter Cox, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 2nd Lieutenant John T. Geary, 5th U. S. Artillery; is appointed to meet at 10 o'clock a. m., Monday, June 26th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, at the Quartermaster's Depot, San Juan, P. R., to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the damaged condition of one (1) box of Cork Helmets, for which Major John L. Clem. Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Chief Quarter- master of the Department is accountable. 3. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at Mayaguez, P. IL, at 10 o'clock a. in., on Tuesday, June 27th, 1899, eras soon thereafter as practicable for 1 he trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it: Detail for the Count : Major CharUs L. Cooper, 5th U. S. Cavalrv; Captain Walter S. Schuyler, 5th U. S. Cavalry; Captain Henry J. Goldman, 5th U. S. Cavalrv; Captain William E. Almy, 5th U. S. Cavalrv; 1st Lieutenant William E. Richards, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 2nd Lieutenant John McClintock, 5th U. S. Cavalrv. 1st Lieutenant Lawrence J. Fleminy, 5th U. S. Cavalry, Judge Advocate. No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest injury to the service. 'Fhe Court is authorized to sit wit hout regard to hours. 4. The general court-martial convened at Mayaguez. P. R., by paragraph 7, Special Orders. No. 99, current series, these headquarters, is dissolved upon the comple- tion of the cases already commenced, and the Judge Advocate thereof is directed to turn over all the untried cases referred to that Court, to the Judge Advocate of 2 the general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, P, R., by paragraph 3, Special Orders. No. 131, current series, these headquarters. 5. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Anthony IK. Vogdes, 5th U. S. Artillery; 1st Lieutenant C. C. Collins, Assistant Surgeon, u. S. Army; 2nd Lieutenant Frederick I), de Funiak, Jr., 11th U. S. Infantry, is appointed to meet at the Medical Supply Depot, San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., Tuesday, June 27th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the loss of two boxes of Glass and one Waste Paper Basket, shipped by Major Louis Brechemin, Surgeon, U. S. Army, to Acting Assistant SurgeonA. 1. Boyer, Coamo, P. R., May 6th, 1899, for which Major Brechemin is responsible. 6. The journeys performed by Brigadier General George IT. Doris, U. S. Volunteers; Major John Van li. Hoff, Surgeon, LL S. Army, Chief Surgeon of the Depart- ment; Major John L. Clem, Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster of the Department; Major Janies A. Buchanan, 15th U. S. Infantry. Collector and Treasurer of Porto Rico; and 1st Lieutenant George T. Langhorne, 1st IL S. Cavalry, Aide-de-Camp. from San Juan, to Vieques; thence to Humacao; thence to Arroyo; thence to Guayama, and return to Arroyo; thence to Ponce; thence to Caja de Mnertos; thence to Guanica; thence to Mayaguez; thence to Aguadilla, and return to San Juan, upon an official inspection of those points, between June 17th and 21st, 1899, under verbal instructions of the Department Com- mander, are confirmed as necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W..P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, ' No. 132. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, June 26th, 1899. 1. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations at the rate of 75 cents per clay, from June 19th, 1899, to Private Thomas A. Murray, Company I, 11th U. S. Infantry, while on detached service at these Headquarters. 2. A Board of Survey to consist of: Major Selden A. Day, 5th U. S. Artillery. Inspec- tor of Artillery of the Department; Major Eugene D. Dimmick, 5th U. S. Cavalry; 2nd Lieutenant Frederick M. Jones. Signal Corps. U. S. Volunteers, is appointed to meet at 2 00 o'clock p. m., Monday, June 26th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable at the Corral at Bio Piedras. P. R.. for the purpose of examining into, reporting upon and recommending disposition of sixteen animals said to be affected with glanders, farcy and chronic fistula, and for which Major John L. Clem, (Quartermaster. U. S. Army, Chief (Quartermaster of the Department, is accountable. 3. A Board of Survey to consist of: Chaplain Henry A. Brown, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant John IT. L. Phillips, 11th U. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Morrill M. Mills, 5th U. S. Artil- lery: is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R,, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., Wednesday, June 26th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the loss of certain articles of clothing ami equipage at Camp Hamilton, Kentucky, in September, October ami November. 1899, and for which Major Thomas Cruse, (Quartermaster. U. S. Volunteers, is accountable-, 4. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day, from June 21st, 1899, to Hospital Steward Harry A. Sill, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, while on duty at the Medical Supply Depot, San Juan, P. R. 2 5. A Board of Survey to consist of: Major William A. Glassford, Signal Officer, L. S. Volunteers, Signal Officer of the Department; Major Lorenzo P. Davison, Porto Rican Battalion. U. S. Volunteers: 2nd Lieutenant Chalmers G. Hall, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, Ordnance Officer of Department, is appointed to meet at 10:00 o'clock a. m., Wednesday, June 28th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, at the Quartermaster's Depot, San Juan, P. R., to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the de- struction of certain tools, lumber, etc., caused by the fire on the morning of June 17th, 1899, in the planing-mill belonging to the Escuela de Artes y Oficios anexa a Bene- ficencia. rented by the Quartermaster's Department for use of the shops, and for which Major John L. Clem. Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster of the Department, is responsible. 6. To enable them to comply with paragraph 45. Special Orders, No. 112, Headquarters of the Army, Ad ju- tant General's Office. May 13th, 1899. Majors George G. Groff and Azel Ames, Surgeons, U. S. Volunteers, are relieved from duty in this Department. The travel en- joined is necessary for the public service. 7. Captain Peter B. Egan. Assistant Surgeon. U. S. Army, upon the completion of the special duty in which he is now engaged, w ill comply w ith paragraph 37. Special Orders, No. 129, Headquarters of the Army, Adjutant General's Office, June 3rd. 1899. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 8. Captain G. AL Wells Assistant Surgeon. U. S. Army, is relieved from duty at Ponce. P. IL, and will proceed to San Juan, P. K , and take command of the U. S. General Hospital at that place. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 9. Captain F. P. Beynolds. Assistant Surgeon. U. h. Army, is relieved from duty at Coamo Springs and as Director of Vaccination. Division of Ponce, and upon I he completion of the work of the Vaccine Station, will report in person to the Chief Surgeon of the Department lor duty as attending Surgeon and Sanitary Inspector at these Headquarters. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3 10. 1st Lieutenant Bailey K. Ashford, Assistant Sur- geon, U. S. Army, is relieved from duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., and will report in person to the Commanding Officer, Ponce, P, R., for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 11. 1st Lieutenant F. M. Hartsock, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, is relieved from duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., and will report in person to the Com- manding Officer, Sanjuan, P. R., for duty. 12. 1st Lieutenant Frederick T. Russell, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, is relieved from duty at Ponce, P. R., and, upon arrival of 1st Lieutenant Bailey K. Ashford, .Assistant Surgeon. U. S. Army, will report in person to the Commanding Officer, Humacao, P. R., for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 13. 1st Lieutenant C. C. (ollins, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, is relieved from duty at the General Hospi- tal, San Juan, P. R., and will report in person to the Com- manding Officer. Arecibo, P. R., for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 14. Major Lorenzo P. Davison, Porto Rican Battal- ion, U. S Volunteers, is relieved from duty as President of the Board of Health of San Juan, P. R., and as Sanitary Inspector; Acting Assistant Surgeon M. E. Hughes is assigned to duty as President of.the Board of Health of San Juan, P. R. 15. The following named Acting Assistant Surgeons upon the completion of the special duty in which they are now engaged will proceed to the United States and report by letter to the Surgeon General of the Army, Washing- ton, D. ('.: Robert Boyd, . . » \ F. M. Barney. \ J v V ' IP. R. Eirk. A. H. Wadhams, J. S. White, R. Wilson. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 16. The following named Acting Assistant Surgeons, upon completion of the special duty in which they are now 4 engaged will report by letter to the Chief Surgeon of the Department for annulment of contract: Gustave Moret, Joseph A. Diaz. 17. Acting Assistant Surgeon H. C. McConathy, upon the completion of the special duty in which he is now engaged, will report in person to the Commanding Officer, Aibonito, P. R., for duty. The travel enjoined is neces- sary for the public service. 18. Acting Assistant Surgeon Jose Lugo Kina upon the completion of the special duty in which he is now engaged will report in person to the Commanding Officer, San Juan, P. R., for duty with the Porto Rican Battalion, U. S. Volunteers. 19. Acting Assistant Surgeon H. H. Williams, upon the completion of the special duty in which he is now engaged will report in person to the Commanding Officer, Ponce, P. R., for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. /pj " ■ 20. Acting Assistant Surgeon J. L. Miller-, will be re- lieved from duty at Arecibo, P. R., upon the arrival of 1st Lieutenant C. C. Collins, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, and will report in person to the Commanding Officer, Sanjuan, P. R.. for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 21. 'The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San .Juan, P. R., will send one Acting Hospital Steward and one private of the Hospital Corps to report to the Com- manding Officer, San Juan, P. R., for duty with the Porto Rican Battalion, U. S. Volunteers; one private of the Hos- pital Corps to the Commanding Officer, Aguadilla. P. R.. for duty; one private of the Hospital Corps to the Com- manding Officer, Cayey, P. R., for duty; and one private of the Hospital Corps to the Commanding Officer. Lares. P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. Special Orders. \ No. 133. ' HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, June 27th, 1899. OF PORTO RICO, 1. The Commanding Officer, Sanjuan, P. R., will direct Corporal John Molloy, Company G, 11th U. S. Infantry, to report for detached service to Major James A. Buchanan, 15th U. S. Infantry, Treasurer of Porto Rico. 2. In compliance with instructions from the Secre- tary of War. 1st Lieutenant Basil O. Lenoir, Signal Corps, U. S. Volunteers, will proceed to Washington, D. C-, by speediest route possible and report in person to the Chief Signal Officer, U. S. Army. The travel enjoined is nec- essary for the public service. 3. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day, from June 27th, 1899, to Corporal John Molloy, Company G, 11th U. S- Infantry, while on detached service with the Treas- urer of Porto Rico. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. 1 Special Orders, No. 134. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, June 28th, 1899. 1. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day, from June 27th, 1899, to Private Arthur L. Chapman, Company E, 11th U. S. Infantry, while on detached service at these Headquarters. 2. The Commanding Officer, Sanjuan, P. R., will direct private Lauis T. Martin, Company B, 11th U. S. Infantry, to report for detached service to the Judge Advocate of the Department. 3. Acting Assistant Surgeon A. 1). Williams, with four privates of the Hospital Corps, now at Utuado, P. R., will proceed to Adjuntas, P. R., for duty. He will take such Medical Property as he may need and leave the rest at Utuado, properly p;icked, stored and under charge of a guard. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 1. Private William H. Harris, Compam M. 19th U. S. Infantry, having reported at these Headquarters in compliance with paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 125 dated Post of Ponce, P. R., June 24th, 1899. will in com- pliance with telegraphic instructions from the War Depart- ment, dated April 22nd, 1899. proceed to Camp Meade, Pennsylvania, reporting upon arrival > the Commanding Officer, 19th U. S. Infantry. The Quartermaster's Depart- ment will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department subsistence upon a Government Transport to the United States, and commutation of rations, in advance, for one day at $1.50 per day, from New York to Camp Meade. This man could not proceed with his regiment to the United States on account of being sick in the General Hospital Ponce, P, R. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. Under the provisions of A. R., 1272, the Subsis- tence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of seventy-live cents a day. from June 3rd, 1899. to Commissary Sergeant Paul Eckhart, U. S. Army, on dutv at San Juan, P. R. 2 H. Heyl, Inspector General, U. S. Army. Inspector General of the Department, in connection with the annual inspection of the following Post, is approved as necessary for the public service. June 26th to 27 th, 1999: San Juan to Humacao, P. R., and return to San Juan. 7. Leave of absence on Surgeon's Certificate of Dis- ability for one month, with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of three months, is granted 1st Lieutenant William E. Richards, Assistant Surgeon, LT. S. Army. This order to take effect on or about July 10th, 1899. 8. (a) A Board of Survey to consist of: Major Lorenzo P. Davison, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers; Captain Richard R. Steedman, llthU. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant M. M. Mills. 5th U. S. Artillery, is appointed to meet at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Saturday, July 1st. 1899. or as soon thereafter as practicable, at the Subsistence Storehouse, San Juan, P. R., to ascertain the discrepancy existing between invoices dated June 7th, 1899. of Lieutenant Colonel Charles A. Woodruff, Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence, U. S. Army, New York, and stores received on U. S. Transport Logan, by Lieutenant Colonel Frank E. Nye. Assistant Commis- sary General of Subsistence, U. S. Army, Chief Commis- sary of the Department. (b) The Board will also examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the damaged condition of certain articles of subsistence stores received upon these invoices; also examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the damaged condition of certain subsistence stores invoiced on May 13th, 1899, by 1st Lieutenant R. E. Longan, 11th U. S. Infantry, C< mmis- sary at Playa Ponce, P. R., to Lieutenant Colonel Frank E Nye, Chief Commissary of the Department. By command oe Brigadier General Davis; W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. Special Orders. , No. 135. HEADQUARTERS DEPA RI WENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, June 29th, 1899. 1. The Subsistence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day, from June 27th 1899, to Private Louis T. Martin. Company B, 11th C. S. Infantry, while on detached service in the office of the Judge Advocate of the Department. 2. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from San Juan to Mayaguez, P. R., in compliance with Special Orders, No. 162, Head- quarters Post of San Juan, dated June 28th, 1899. to nine recruits of the 11th U. S. Infantry, assigned to Company C, of that Regiment. 3. By direction of the Secretary of War, a Board of Officers is appointed to meet at the call of the President thereof, in this city, for the examination of such officers as may be ordered before it to determine their fitness for promotion: Detail for the Board: Lieutenant Colonel Daniel W. Burke, 11th U. S. Infantry; Major Louis Brechemin, Surgeon, U. S. Army; Major Selden A. Day, 5th U. S Artillery, In- spector of Artillery of Department; Major Eugene D. Dimmick, 5th U. S. Cavalry; Captain George M. Wells, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant John W. Heavey, 11th U. S. Infantry Recorder. The duties of tbe medical officers will be confined to the physical examination. 4. Captain James E. Macklin, 11th U. S. Infantry; will report in person to Lieutenant Colonel Daniel W Burke, 11th U.S. Infantry, President of the Examining Board appointed to meet in San Juan, P. IL, by paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 135, current series, these Head- quarters, at such time as may be required by the Board for examination as to his fitness for promotion. By command of BrigadierGeneral Davis : W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. Special Orders, । No. 136. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, June 30th, 1899. 1. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at Mayaguez, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. on Monday, July 3rd, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it: Detail for the Court: Major Charles L. Cooper, 5th U. S. Cavalry; Captain Walter S. Schuyler, 5th U. S. Cavalry; Captain Henry J. Goldman, 5th U. S. Cavalry; Captain Odon Gurovits, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Willard F. Truby, Assistant Sur- geon. U. S. Army; 2nd Lieutenant Hamilton Foley, 5th U. S. Cavalry; 2nd Lieutenant John McClintock, 5th U. S. Cavalry; 1st Lieutenant Stephen H. Elliott, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, Judge Advocate. No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest in jury to the service. The Court is authorized to sit without regard to hours. 2. The general court-martial convened at Mayaguez. P. R., by paragraphs, Special Orders, No. 131, current, series, these Headquarters, is dissolved upon the comple- tion of the cases already commenced, and the Judge Advocate thereof is directed to turn over all the untried cases referred to that Court, to the Judge Advocate of the general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 136, current series, these Headquarters. 3. Contract Nurse Elizabeth. Freney, now on duty at Ponce, P. R., will proceed to the United States, and upon expiration of the furlough granted her by authority from these Headquarters, will report by letter to the Surgeon General U. S. Army, for orders. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department the required subsistence. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. The following journeys performed by Captain Henry J. Goldman, 5th U. S. Cavalry, in compliance with 2 summons from the Judge Advocate of the general court- martial, Ponce, P. R., telegraphic instructions from the Department Commander, and Order of the Commanding Officer, Post of Mayaguez, P. R., are approved as necessary for the public service: DI ay 11 th to 16th, 1899: San German, to Ponce, P. R., and return: May 22nd, 1899: San Geiman to Mayaguez, P. R., ami return; June 6th. 1899: San German to Mayaguez, P. R., and return. 5. Private James Shea, Company I, 11th U. S. Infan- try, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of assault, enter- ing a private residence and abusing the inmates, and dis- obedience of standing orders, in violation of the 62nd Ar- ticle of War, was sentenced "to forfeit to the United States fifty (^dO.OO) dollars of his pay and to be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard al the post where his company may be serving for the period of one month." In the foregoing case of Private James Shea. Company 1. 11th 11. S. Infantrv, the finding under the second specification is not supported by the evidence and is therefore disapproved. The proceedings and findings under the other specifications and the charge are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. The forfeiture of pay imposed will be discharged at the rate of ten ($10.00) dollars per month for live (5) months. By command of Brigadier General Davis; W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 137. Il EA DQUA RTERS DEI*A RI NEXT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, July 3rd, 1899. ]. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at Ponce, P. R , at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. Thursday, July 6th, 1899. eras soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it: Detail for the Court : .Major Francis IT. Mansfield, 11th U. S. Infantry, Collector of Customs, Ponce; Captain Jonas A. Emery, 11th U. S. Infantry'; 1st Lieutenant Frederick F. Russell, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant Joseph E. Cusack. 5th U. S. Cav- alry; 2nd Lieutenant Olin R. Booth, 11th U. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant James IP. Furlow. 11th U. S. In- fantry; 2nd Lieutenant Edgar A. Myer, 11th U. S. In- fantry ; 1st Lieutenant Rufus E. Longan, 11th U. S. In- fantry, Judge Advocate. No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest injury to the service. The court is authorized to sit without regard to hours. 2. The general court-martial convened at Ponce, P. K , by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 100, current series, these headquarters, is dissolved upon the comple- tion of the cases already commenced, and the Judge Ad- vocate thereof is directed to turn over all the untried cases referred to that Court, to the Judge Advocate of the general court-martial convened at Ponce, P. R., by para- graph 1. Special Orders, No. 137, current series, these Headquarters. 3. Paragraph 2. Special Orders, No. 130. current series, these Headquarters, is amended so as to read: Upon the recommendation of the Commanding Officer U. S. General Hospital, Sanjuan, P. R., and the Chief Surgeon of the Department, Private Calvin C. Swormstedt, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, is discharged the service of the United States without honor. 4. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San 2 Juan, P. R., will send a private of the Hospital Corps, preferably a cook, to report to the Commanding Officer. Manati, P. R. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 5. Acting Assistant/Surgeon E. E. Caldwell is reliev- ed from temporary duty at El Morro, and will transfer the property pertaining to the Medical Department thereat to the Surgeon, San Juan. P. R. 6 Upon the recommendation of his Commanding Officer, the unexecuted portion of the sentence in the case of Private Frederick E. Troll, Hospital Corps, U. S. Array, as promulgated in paragraph 4, Special Orders. 113. current series, these headquarters, is remitted. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 138. HEDAQUARTERS department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, Jum 5 th, 1899. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this City to Adjuntas, P. R., for Private Thomas Fitzgerald, Troop B, 5th Cavalry, discharged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations, in advance, for one day, at the rate of $1.50 per day, it being impracticable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind ami the journey necessary for the public service. 2. The Commanding Officer, San Juan, P. R., will direct Private James Lawrence, Company D, 11th U. S. Infantry, to report to 1st Lieutenant Robert Alexander, Clerk. U. S. Provisional Court, for detached service with the U. S. Provisional Court. 3. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day, from July 5th. 1899, to Private Janns Lawrence, Company D, 11th U. S. Infantry, while on detached service with the U. S. Provisional Court. 4. 'I lie journey performed by 2nd Lieutenant Samuel T. Ansell. 11th U. S. Infantry, in compliance with para- graph 1, Special Orders, No. 127, Post of Ponce, dated June 28th. 1899, is approved as necessary for the public service. 5. 'The following journeys performed by Major George G. Groff. Brigade Surgeon, U. S. Volunteers, in connec- tion with his duties as Director of Vaccination, District of Arecibo, are approved as necessary for the public service: March 8th, 1899: San Juan to Arecibo, P. R.; March 27th to 28th, 1899: Arecibo to Utuado, P. R , and return: April 9th to 13th, 1899: Arecibo to San Juan, P. R., and return; April 20th to 22nd. 1899: Arecibo to San Juan, P. R.; and return; May 4 th to 6th, 1899: Arecibo to San Juan. P. R., and return; 2 .May 7th, 1899: Arecibo to San Juan, P. R.; May 9th, 1899: San Juan to Rio Piedras, P. R.. and return; , May 22nd to 24th, 1899: San Juan to Camuy, P. R., and return; June 12th to 16th^ 1899: San Juan to Coamo Vaccine Station, and return. June 26th to 27 th, 1999: San Juan to Humacao, P. R., and return to San Juan. 6. Under the provisions of A. R. 1272. the Subsis- tence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of seventy-five cents a day, from January 10th, 1899, to Commissary Sergeant John Bitter, U. S. Army, on duty at San Juan, P. R. 7. In view of the serious charges against Private James W. Gray, Company I, 11th U. S. Infantry, now under trial by general court-martial at San Juan, P. R , the Court, together with the accused, under proper guard, and his counsel, will proceed to Vieques, P. R., and return, for the purpose of taking testimony of certain civilian witnesses residing at that place, which was the scene of the alleged misconduct of the accused. The Quartermas- ter's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 8. In compliance with instructions from the War Department. Major Francis TP. Mansfield, 11th U. S. In- fantry, is detailed as Collector of Customs at Guanica, P. R., vice 2nd Lieutenant Eldred D. Warfield, 11th U. S. Infantry, who is relieved and will join his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 9. Major Francis W. Mansfield will make such visits to Guanica as may be necessary for him to properly attend to his duties as Collector of Customs at that point. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 10. The following journey performed on April 5th to 10th, 1899. by Major Azel Ames. Surgeon. U. S. Volun- teers, in compliance with instructions from the Com- manding General, for the purpose of accompanying the Secretary of War and party across the Island on his tour 3 of Inspection, is approved as necessary for the public service. Coamo. P. R.. to Ponce, P. R.; thence to San Juan, and return to Coamo. 11. A Board of Survev to consist of : Captain Anthony R'. Vogdes, 5th U. S. Artillery; Captain James E. Macklin. 11th U. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant John T. Geary, 5th U. S. Artil- lery; is appointed to meet at San Juan. P. R.. at 10:00 o'clock a m., on Saturday, July 8th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the purpose of examining into, report- ing upon and fixing the responsibility for the loss of certain medical property belonging to the United States, issued to Major Azel Ames, Surgeon, U. S. Volunteers in connection with his duties as Acting Assistant Surgeon, and Acting Sanitary Inspector, District of Mayaguez, P. R., and as Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, in charge of the U. S. Vaccine Station at Coamo Baths, 1'. R.. between September 1 st, 1898. and June 30tb, 1899, and for which Major Ames is accountable. 12. 1st Lieutenant Bailey K. Ashford. Assistant Sur- geon. U. S- Army, is detailed as an additional member of the Board of Officers convened by paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 135, current series, these Headquarters, vice Captain George M. Wells, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, relieved. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 139. HEADQUARTERS DEPA RTMENT OE PORTO RICO, San Juan, July 7lh, 181)9. 1. Leave of absence for one month with permission to return to the United States ami apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of one month, is granted 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th U. S. Infantry. 2. In compliance with instructions from the War Department, Captain M. Gray Zalinski, Assistant Quar- termaster, U. S. Army, is relieved from duty in this Department, upon the transfer of the public property and funds for which he is accountable, to 2nd Lieutenant Olin R. Booth, 11th U. S- Infantry; upon being thus relieved Captain Zalinski will proceed to New York City and report by letter to the Quartermaster General of the Army. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. Major John L. Clem, Quartermaster, U. S. Army, will proceed to Hatillo, P. R., for the purpose of examining into the condition of the wreck belonging to the Quarter- master's Department at that place; upon the completion of this duty, he will return tohis proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P.HA LL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 140. HEADQUARTERS department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, July 8th, 1899. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish transportation from San Juan to Arecibo, P. R., to Private Elmer H. Johnson, Troop A, Sth U. S. Cavalry, discharged from the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R. 2. Corporal Marx, Battery M, 7th U. S. Artillery, having reported to the Commanding Officer of the Post of Ponce, P. R., as absent without leave, will proceed to join his Battery at Washington Barracks, D. C. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department the req Hir- ed subsistence, and the cost of the same will be reported to the battery commander and charged against the soldier on the pay rolls of his battery. The journey as directed s necessary for the public service. 3. The following journeys performed by Major Axel Ames, Surgeon, U. S. Volunteers, in connection with his duties as Director of Vaccination, Division of Ponce, are approved as necessary for the public service: March 16 th to I'Jth, 1899: Coamo Baths to Ponce; thence to Sanjuan, and return to Coamo Baths. April 11th to 11th. 1899: Coamo Baths to Ponce; thence to San Juan, ami return to Coamo Baths. April 17th to 21st, 1899: Coamo Baths to San Juan: thence to Ponce, and return to Coamo Baths. April 30th to May 4th. 1899: Coamo Baths to San Juan; thence to Ponce, and ret urn to Coamo Baths. 4. The following changes are made in the stations of Commissary Sergeants. U. S. Armv: W'iniitm H. Faringhy, from San Juan to Aguadilla; Hugo Lasksowski, from Ponce to Cayev; Paul Eckhart, from San Juan to Lares. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish trans" 2 portation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations, in advance, for one day at the rate of $1.50 per day. The travel as directed is necessary for the public ser- vice. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Si ecial Orders. No. 141. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, July 10th, 1890. 1. 2nd Lieutenant Samuel T. Ansell, 11th U. S. Infantry, will proceed at once to Ponce, P. R., to appear as witness before the general court-martial at that place. Upon completion of this duty he will return to San Juan. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Leave of absence for one month, with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of one month, is granted 1st Lieutenant JosephE. Cusack, 5th U. S. Cavalry. 3. Sergeant Harry Simpson, Troop E, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having reported at these Headquarters enroute to join his Regiment from the United States where he went to accom- pany an insane man to the Government Hospital for the Insane at Washington, D. C., will proceed to Mayaguez, P. R., and report to the Commanding Officer of that Post for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 4. Private John Lewis, Company A, 11th U. S. In- fantry, having reported at these Headquarters as returning from detached service in the United States, will proceed at once to Ponce, P. R., reporting to the Commanding Officer of that Post for duty. The Quartermaster's Depart- ment will furnish the necessary transportation. 5. Private Horace Mosher, Company G. 11th U. S. In- fantry, having reported at these Headquarters enroute to join his station, will proceed to Ponce P. R , and report to the Commanding Officer of that Post for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transport at ion. 6. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish transportation from San Juan to Ponce, P. R., to Private Arthur G. Forbes, Troop I, 5th U. S. Cavalry, enroute to join his Troop, being transferred to that Troop from Battery D. 5th U. S. Artillery. *7. Private Timothy (JHare, Company K, 11th U. S. Infantry, having reported at these Headquarters as return- ing from furlough which is overdue, he will proceed to Humacao, P. R., and report to the Commanding Officer 2 of that Post for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish transportation and the Commanding Officer of his Company will be notified of the amount of the same which will be charged against the soldier on the muster and pay rolls of his Company. 8. Acting Assistant Surgeon P. H. McAndrew having reported at these headquarters from Mayaguez, P. K., in compliance with telegraphic instructions, is assigned to duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R. 9. So much of paragraph 19, Special Orders, No. 132, current series, from these headquarters as directs Acting Assistant Surgeon H. H. Williams, now at Maya- guez, P. R., to report to the Commanding Officer, Ponce, P. R., for duty, is revoked. He will report to the Com- manding Officer, Mayaguez, P. R., for duty. 10. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send an Acting Hospital Steward to report to the Commanding Officer, Arecibo, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders No. 142. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, July 11th, 1899. San Juan, July 11th, 1899. 1. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Anthony W. Vogdes, Sth U. S. Artillery; 1st Lieutenant Frederick M. Hartsock, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant Walter Cox, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, is appointed to meet at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., at 10 o'clock a. m., on Wednesday, July 12th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the purpose of examining into and reporting upon the cause of the desertion of Private George Thornton, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, who deserted from the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., on June 20th, 1899, and to ascertain whether he has lost or abstracted any articles of Government property, and if so, to determine the money value of the same. 2. A Board of-Survey to consist of: Major Lorenzo P. Davison, Porto-Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers; Chaplain Henry A. Brown, U. S. Army; 2nd Lieutenant Morrill M. Mills, 5th U. S. Artillerv. is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., Wednesday July 12th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to examining into, report upon and lix the responsibility for the damaged condition of, and recommend the disposition to be made of, one Bake Oven, the property of the United States, and for which 2nd Lieutenant Chalmers G. Hall, 5th U.S. Cavalry, is accountable. 3. On and after July 1st, 1899, the management and control of the Leper Hospital at San Juan will be transfer- red to the Superior Board of Health of Porto Rico, and the public funds allotted for the support of this hospital will be disbursed and accounted for by the Treasurer of the Board under its direction. 4. Upon the recommendation of the Board of Prison Control the sentence to death in the case of Domingo Can- cel e Ythier, convicted of murder before the Criminal Court at Mayaguez, P. R., is commuted to imprisonment for life. 2 The Penitentiary at San Juan is designated as the place of confinement, to which he will be sent under prop- er escort. 5. So much of Special Orders, No. 138, current series, these Headquarters, as reads June 5th, is corrected so as to read July 5th, 1899. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 143. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, July 12th, 1899. 1. Upon the recommendation of his counsel, approv- ed by the Commanding Officer of the Post of San Juan, P. R., the unexecuted portion of the sentence in the case of General Prisoner "Thomas Finley, (late Private Light Battery C. 7th U. S. Artillery) as promulgated in para- graph 5, Special Orders, *No. 106, current series, there head- quarters, is remitted. 2. 1st Lieutenant George. H. Shelton, 11th U. S. Infantry, having reported at these Headquarters from detached service in the United States, will proceed to Ponce. P. R., for station. The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. 3. Upon the recommendation of the Board of Prison Control and in consideration of his long confinement and good conduct during that period, the unexpired portion of the sentence in the case of Julio Camucho Garcia is remitted and he will be released from confinement. 4. Private Henry F. Parish. Company M, 11th U. S. Infantry, now at San Juan. P. R., is upon his own application transferred to Company F, of that Regiment and will be sent to that Company at Ponce, P. R. The expense of the transfer will be borne by the soldier. 5 Private George P. Williams, Company E. 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court- martial convened at San Juan, Porto-Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on duty in violation of the 38th Article of War, and of disobedience of orders in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced "to be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances, except one months pay.'1'1 The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 144. HEADQUARTERS DEPA RTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, July 14lh, 1899. 1. Leave of absence for one month, with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of three months, is granted Lieutenant Colonel Daniel W. Burke, 11th U. S. Infantry. 2. In compliance with instructions from the War Department, 2nd Lieutenant Woodson Hocker, 11th U. S. Infantry, is detailed as Collector of Customs at Vieques, P. R. Lieutenant Hocker will report by letter to Major Charles L. Dads, Collector of Customs for Porto Rico, San Juan, P. R , for instructions. 3. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day, from June 19th, 1899, to Private Samuel 0. Bothwell, Troop D, 5th U. S. Cavalry, while on Detached Service at these head- quarters. 4. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day, from June 29th. 1899. to Corporal Emil Huebscher, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, while on Detached Service at these headquarters. 5. 1st Lieutenant George H. Shelton, 11th U. S. Infantry, is detailed as additional member of the general court-martial convened at Ponce, P. R., by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 137, current series, these headquarters, vice Major Francis W. Mansfield, 11th U. S. Infantry, relieved. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 145. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, July 18th, 1899. 1. Major Eugene D. Dimmick. 5th IT. S. Cavalry; Major Earl I). Thomas. 5th U. S. Cavalry; 1st Lieutenant Robert Alexander, llth U. S. In- fantry, will proceed to Mayaguez, P. R., to attend the Session of the U. S. Provisional Court at that point. The travel as directed is necessary for the public service. 2. Private Sammi C. Bothwell, Troop D. 5th U. S. Cavalry, and Corporal Emil Huebschcr. Troop A. 5th IT. S. Cavalry, will proceed to Mayaguez, P. R., to attend the Session of the U. S. Provisional Court at that point. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 3. Private Ralph C. Seddon, Troop H, 5th U. S. Cav- alry. now at Mayaguez, P. R.. is upon his own applica- tion transferred to Troop A, of that Regiment, and will be sent to join that Troop at Arecibo, P. R. The expense of the transfer will be borne by the soldier. 4. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, will send an Acting Hospital Steward to report to the Commanding Officer, Aibonito, I'. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department commuta- tion of rations for one dav, in advance, it being impracti- cable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. Captain R. B. Bryan, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is detail- ed as an additional member of the general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 1, Special Or- ders. No. 136. current, series, these headquarters, vice 2nd Lieutenant Hamilton Foley, 5th U. S. Cavalry, relieved. 6. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Richard R Steedman, 11th U. S. Infantry; Captain Osman Latrobe, Porto Rico, Battalion; 2nd Lieutenant John T. Geary, 5th U. S. Artillery, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10.00 o'clock a. m.. on Friday. July 21st, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to examine into, report upon and fix the res- ponsibility for the loss of certain Ordnance Supplies and 2 Medical Property, the property of the United States, and for which Acting Assistant Surgeon J. S. White, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Army, is accountable. Separate proceedings will be rendered relative to the Ordnance Supplies and the Medical Property. 7. Captain George McK. Williamson, Assistant Quar- termaster, U. S. Volunteers, will proceed to Ponce, P. R.. at once, on business connected with the Quartermaster's Department; upon the completion of which duty, he will return to his proper station at San Juan. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 8. 1st Lieutenant James J. Hornbrook, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, will proceed to Mayaguez, P. R., on business connect- ed with the Quartermaster's Department; upon the com- pletion of which duty he will return to his proper station at San Juan. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 9. The leave of absence for seven days granted Cap- tain W. S. Schuyler, 5th U. S. Cavalry, by paragraph J. Special Orders, No. 133, dated Post of Mayaguez, P. R., .July 7th. 1899, is extended four days. 10. Private Henry Baumgartner, Troop 1. 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by general court-martial con- vened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunk- enness, disobeying a noncommissioned officer, breach of arrest, assault upon and wounding a non-commissioned officer, and resisting arrest, in violation of the 62nd Article of War. was sentenced "fo be confined at hard labor und-r charge of the guard for the period of six (6) months and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars per month of his pay for the same period." In the foregoing case of Private Henry Baumgartner. Troop 1, 5th U. S. Cavalry, the accused after having entered a plea of guilty, and the prosecution having rested, made a statement to the effect that he was drunk and did not know what he had done. In cases of this character where the accused by his plea admits his guilt and thereafter seeks to qualify it, the Court should seek to clearly estab- lish the case by evidence. Subject to these remarks, the proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's troop. By command of Brig adieu General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 146. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, July 20th, 1899. 1. Private F. B. Davies, Hospital Corps, U.S. Army, now at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will report to the Judge Advocate of the general court-martial, Ponce, P. R., on July 24th, 1899. as a witness before that court. Upon the completion of this duty he will return to his proper station at San Juan. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 2. An election will be held at Adjuntas, P. R., on Tuesday, July 25th, 1899. to elect the following officers: One Alcalde, One Teniente Alcalde. Twelve Councilmen, One Municipal Judge, One Substitute Municipal Judge. A Board of Registration, in which the contending political parties are equally represented, will be convened by the Commanding Officer, Post of Adjuntas, and will be presided over by an Army Officer. This Board will prepare poll-lists of the eligible voters of the Municipality and as soon as such lists are completed, copies thereof will be publicly posted for three days prior to the day of election, during which time challenges may be presented to the Board and revison of the lists made. Upon the revision and completion of the polling-lists a different Board, to consist of one Army Officer as Presi- dent and two electors, one from each of the contending political parties, will be appointed to supervise the elec- tion, and the polling-lists will be turned over to the Board of Supervision on the opening of the polls on elec- tion day. An elector to vote at this election must possess the following qualifications:- He must be a bona fide, male resident of the Municipal- ity; he must be over twenty-one years of age, a tax-payer of record at the date of this order, or must be able to read and write; he must have resided upon the Island of Porto Rico for two years next preceding the election and for the last six months of that time within the Municipality of Adjuntas. The Commanding Officer of the Post will by public advertisement call on the contending political parties to 2 assemble in peaceable convention and nominate their can- didates, and as soon as the candidates are properly certi- fied by the Commanding Officer of the Post, printed ballots will be prepared and furnished in sufficient quantity, free of charge, to the executive committees of the two contend- ing political parties; the Australian Ballot being used. The election will be by secret ballot. Challenges at the polls will be rapidly disposed of to prevent blocking or congest- ing the passageway to the ballot box, and every precau- tion taken to see that every elector has opportunity to cast one vote. The necessary precautions will be taken to prevent disturbances at the polls and to keep the way to the ballot box unobstructed. The Commanding Officer will fix and announce the hours for opening ,and closing the polls. Should the number of electors necessitate more than one polling place, another Board of Supervisors composed in the same manner as the first should be organized. As soon as the polls are closed the Board of Supervisors will count the ballots, carefully preserving them, and certify the result to the Commanding Officer, Post of Adjuntas, which certification with the ballots will be trans- mitted to these headquarters: copy of the certification being retained by the Commanding Officer. Upon the announcement of the result of the election from these headquarters, the Commanding Officer of the Post of Adjuntas will install the successful candidates in office ami turn over to them the Municipal Government. No polling places should be located outside of the City limits of Adjuntas. The foregoing instructions are gen- eral and may be varied in detail according to the judgment of the Commanding Officer, but no precaution should be omitted to secure a free ballot and a fair count. 3. Tilt; journies performed by Captain C. E. Dentler, and 2nd Lieutenant Woodson Hocker, 1 1th U. S. Infantry, from Humacao, P. R., to San Juan, P. R., and return, on Apiil 5th to 12th. 1899, to enable them to appear as wit- nesses before the general court-martial in session at that point, is approved as having been necessary for the public service. 4. So much of paragraph 15. Special Orders, No. 132, current series, these headquarters, as directs Acting Assis- tant Surgeon S. H. Wadham#, to proceed to the United States and report to the Surgeon General of the Army, is revoked, and he will report to the Commanding Officer, SanJuan, P. R.. for duty. 5. Leave of absence on Surgeon's Certificate of Disa- bility, for one month, with permission to return to the United States, is granted 1st Lieutenant C. C. Collins, Assistant Surgeon. U. S zkrmy. 6. Paragraphs 13 and 20 of Special Orders, No. 132, current series, these headquarters, are revoked. Acting Assistant Surgeon A. L. Miller, will remain at Arecibo un- til further orders. 7. Upon the recommendation of his Commanding Officer, the unexecuted portion of the sentence in the case of Private Cornelius Blaauboer, Hospital Corps, U. S. Anny, as promulgated in paragraph 5, Special Orders, No. 122, current series, these headquarters, is remitted. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. 3 Special Orders. No. 147. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, July 22nd, 1899. 1. The Commanding Officer, Mayaguez, P. R., will direct Sergeant George Trautmann, Troop D, 5th U. S. Cavalry, to report to Samuel C. Bothwell, Marshal, U. S. Provisional Court, for detached service as Deputy Mar- shal . The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 2. heave of absence for one month on Surgeon's cer- tificate of disability, with permission io return to the United States, is granted 1st Lieutenant Walter Cox, Assistant Surgeon. U. S. Army. 3. A Board to consist of: Captain Henry A. Beed, 5th U. S. Artillery; Mr. Arturo Ygaravider, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., as soon as prac- ticable, for the purpose of making an inventory and de- scription of all works of Ait in the City of San Juan, that are the property of the State. As this work is to be one of great interest, as soon as the report of the Board is received, it will be sent to the printer to be published under the supervision of the Board. 4. Captain William T. Wilder, 11th U. S. Infantry, having reported at these headquarters in compliance with Special Orders, No. 147, current series, Headquarters of the Army. Washington. 1). C., June 24, 1899, will proceed to Ponce, P. R., for station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 148. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, July 24th, 1899. 1. Acting Assistant Surgeon Edward Southall is re- lieved from duty at Humacao and upon the arrival of 1st Lieutenant F. F Russell, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, will proceed to San Juan, P. R., and report to the Chief Surgeon of the Department. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Upon the recommendation of the Chief Surgeon of the Department Acting Hospital Steward William Reeves, Hospital Corps, U S. Army, will be honorably discharged the service of the United States to take effect July 31st, 1899. ' 3. Acting Hospital Steward Harry S. Gilbert, Hospi- tal Corps, U. S. Army, is relieved from duty with the Director of Vaccination, Division of Guayama, and will report to the Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, P. R.. for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 4. Dr, H. B Wiborg is appointed Cashier and Dis- bursing Officer of the Insular Board of Education, and will give bonds satisfactory to the Auditor of the Island for the appropriations coming into his hands. Dr. Wiborg will report to the President of the Board of Education. 5. 2nd Lieutenant John McClintock, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is relieved as a member and detailed as Judge Advocate of the general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 136. current series, these headquarters, vice 1st Lieutenant Stephen H. Elliott, 5th U. S. Cavalry, relieved. Lieutenant Elliott will turn overall the untried cases referred to that Court to Lieut- enant McClintock. 6. 2nd Lieutenant Morrill M. Mills, 5th U. S. Artillery, is relieved from duty as member and detailed as Judge Advocate of the general court-martial convened at San Juan P. R., by paragraph 8, Special Orders, No. 129. cur- rent series, these headquarters, vice 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th U. S. Infantry, relieved. Lieutenant Shuttleworth will turn over all the untried cases referred to that court to Lieutenant Mills. 2 7. 2nd Lieutenant Samuel T. Ansell, 11th U S. In- fantry, will report on August 2nd, 1899, to Major James A. Buchanan, 15th U. S. Infantry, Treasurer of the Island of Porto Rico, for duty in connection with the collection of Insular Revenues and Customs at the following points: Arecibo, Aguadilla, Mayaguez. Arroyo, Humacao, Vieques, Fajardo, and return to San J nan. The Commanding OHicer Post of San Juan will detail one non-commissioned otlicer and two privates to report to Lieutenant Ansell and accompany him on this journey. The Treasurer of the Island will provide funds for the nec- essary subsistence. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. Pj HALL, Adjutant General. Special Okdeks, No. 149. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, July 25th, 1899. I. The Commanding Officer, Mayaguez, P. R., will direct Private George Lawless. Troop E, 5th U. S. Cavalry, to report at once to 1st Lieutenant Robert Alexander, 11th U. S. Infantry, Clerk U. S. Provisional Court, as Deputy Clerk. ' ' ' 2. The Commanding Officer, Mayaguez, P. R., will direct Squadron Sergeant Major Wilhelm Lutz, Sth U. S. Cavalry, to report to Samuel C. Bothwell, Marshal, U. S. Provisional Court, for detached service as Deputy Mar- shal. 3. Leave of absence for one month on Surgeon's Certificate of Disability, with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of one month, is granted Captain George H. Paddock, Sth U. S. Cavalry. 4. So much of paragraph 8. Special Orders, No. 47, cm rent series, these headquarters, as directs the Subsis- tence Department to pay commutation of rations at the rate of $1.00 per day to Acting Hospital Steward H. S. Gil- bert. Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, while on vaccination duty in the Division of Guayama, is so modified as to direct the Subsistence Department to pay commutation of rations at the rate of $1.50 per day while travelling and 75 cents per day while on duty at his temporary station. By command of Bbigadiek General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 150. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, July 26th, 1899. 1. Leave of Absence for one month with permission to apply to the Ad jutant General of the Army for an exten- sion of one month, and with authority to visit the United States, is granted 1st Lieutenant John M. Jenkins, 5th U. S. Cavalry. 2. The following journeys performed by Major P. C. Stevens, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, for the purpose of paying troops in this Department, are approved as necessary for the public service: July 1st, 1899: San Juan to Bayamon, and return. July 10th to 13th, 1899: San Juan to Aguadilla; thence to Mayaguez; thence to Ponce, and return to San Juan. July 17 th, 1899: San Juan to Arecibo, and return. July 18th to 24th, 1899: San Juan to Cayey; thence to Aibonito; thence to Pon- ce; thence to San German, and return to Ponce; thence to Humacao, and return to San Juan. 3. Private Percy Gaffney, recruit, Troop L, 5th U. S. Cavalry, now at Adjuntas, P. R., is upon the recommen- dation of the Commanding Officer, 5th U. S. Cavalry, trans- ferred to Troop B, of that Regiment. 4. Private Patrick Benson, Company G, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released. 5. Private James W. Gray, Company I, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of: Lying out of quarters, in violation of the 31st Article of War; Absence without leave, in violation of the 32nd 2 Article of War; Disobedience of standing orders and disorderly conduct, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "to be confined at hard labor under charge oj the guard at the post where his company may be serving for the period of three (3) months, and to jorfeit ten dollars (^10.00) per month of his pay for the same period.'" The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 6. Private Charles M. Baldwin. Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "To be confined at hard labor at such place as the Reviewing Author- ity may direct for the period of two (2) months, and to forfeit ten dollars per month for the same period." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at San Juan, Porto Rico. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 151. H FAUQUA RIERS DEPA RTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, July 27th, 1899. 1. Acting Assistant Surgeon H. M'. Cowper will trans- fer the property pertaining to the Medical Department, at Bayamon, not required by his command, to the officer in charge of the Medical Supply Depot, San Juan, P. R., and, with one Private of the Hospital Corps, will accom- pany Troop F, Sth U. S. Cavalry, to San Juan, P. R. Upon arrival he will report to the Commanding Oflicer of that station for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 2. The Commanding Officer, Bayamon, will send one private of the Hospital Corps to report to the Command- ing Officer, General Hospital, SanJuan, P. R.. for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 3. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, will send an Acting Hospital Steward to report to the Commanding Oflicer, Aguadilla, P. R., for duty, and one to report to the Commanding Officer, Lares, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 4. Acting Assistant Surgeon Edward J. Southall will proceed to the United States and report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Washington, D. C., for orders. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. Private Leon G. Blet, Company C, 22nd U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of enlist- ing without a regular discharge, in violation of the 50th Article of War, and of desertion, in violation of the 42nd Article of War; was sentenced "to be dishonorably discharg- ed the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dol- lars.'1'1 The sentence is approved and will be duly exe- cuted. 6. Private Harvey S. Walkey, Company I, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial 2 convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of absence without leave, in violation of the 32nd Article of War; of absence from stated duty, in violation of the 33rd Article of War; and of committing a nuisance in quarters and breach of arrest, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of two (2) previous convict- ions, sentenced "to be confined at hard labor in the post guard house at the post where his company may be serving for the period of four (4) months." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 7. Private Dennis F. Fox., Troop 1), 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of absence without leave, in violation of the 32nd Article of War, and of drunkenness and disorderly conduct, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of six (6) previous convictions, sentenced "to be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 8. Private Francis Murphy, Company I, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of assault upon and striking a non-commissioned officer; disobeying a non-commissioned officer; and being drunk and disorder- ly, in violation of the 62nd Article of War. was, upon con- sideration of one (1) previous conviction, sentenced "to be dishonorably discharged the service of the United Stales, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars. " The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 9. Private Martin Nealon, Troop L, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of: appearing at retreat roll-call in a dirty and unlit condition; of breach of arrest; and of disorderlj' conduct justifying his arrest by the civil authorities, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of two (2) previous convict- ions. sentenced "to be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard for three (3) months and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars per month of his pay for the same period." The proceedings, findings, and sentence are approved. In consideration of the circumstances of this case and 3 the time the prisoner has been held in confinement, the sentence is mitigated to confinement at hard labor for one (1) month and the forfeiture of ten ($10.00) dollars per month of his pay for two (2) months. 10. Private John O' Brine. Troop D, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of: absence without leave, in violation of the 32nd Article of War, and of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of three (3) previous convictions, sentenced "to be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard for three (3) months and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars per month jor the same period." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's troop. 11. Pi•ivate Francis Charles, Troop L, oth LT. S, Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness in the barracks of his troop; of assault and battery; and of using insulting and abusive language towards members of his troop, was sentenced "to be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 12. Private Bichard D. Gibson, Troop F, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consid- eration of five previous convictions, sentenced "to be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard where his troop may be serving for the period of three months and to forfeit thirty dollars of his pay." The sentence is approv- ed and will be duly executed. The forfeiture of pay imposed will be discharged at the rate of ten ($10.00) dollars per month for three (3) months. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 152. HEADQUARTERS DEP A R I M ENT OE PORTO RICO, San Juan, July 28th, 1899. 1. Private John Doyle, Company D, 11th U. S. In- fantry, is detailed on detached service at these Headquar- ters to date from July 18th, 1899, vice Private Jacob Shillings, Porto Rico Battalion. U. S. Volunteers, relieved. The Subsistence Department will pay commutation of ra- tions at the rate of 75 cents per day to Private Doyle from t hat date while on such duty. 2. The Subsistence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day from July 22, 1899, to Private Charles Perdrix, Company E, 11th U. S. Infantry, while on detached service at these headquarters. 3. Private George D. Templeton, recruit, Troop R, 5th U. S. Cavalry, now at Adjuntas. P. R., is upon the recommendation of the Commanding Officer. 5th U. S. Cav- alry, transferred to Troop D. of that Regiment, at Maya- guez, P- R. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 4. The Commanding Officer, San Juan P. R.. will send Private Lewis C. Cosgrove, Troop F, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, now at the U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R.. to the Insane Asylum. Washington. D. C., by the first transport. A non-commissioned officer will be detailed as an escort to properly guard and care for this man. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish transport- ation and the Subsistence Department will provide com- mutation of rations, in advance, for the necessary number of days, it being impracticable for this patient and this soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey nec- essary for the public service. Upon completion of the journey the soldier detailed for this duty will report to the Adjutant General of the Army for orders. X5. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital. San Juan, will send a private of the Hospital Corps to report to the Commanding Officer, Manati. P. R.. for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 153. HEADQUA R3 ERS DEPARTS ENT OF PORTO RICO. San Juan, July 31st, 1899. 1. Leave of absence on Surgeon's Certificate of Disa- bility, for one month, with permission to return to the Unit- ed States and apply to the .Adjutant General of the Anny for an extension of one month, is granted Captain Henry J. Heed, 5th U. S- Artillery. 2. 1st Lieutenant Janies J. Hornbrook, 5thU. S. Cav- alry, is relieved from duty with his regiment to date from July 15th, 1899, to enable him to comply with the provi- sions of General Orders, No. 100, current series, these headquarters. 3. A Board to consist of: Messrs. Antonio Aldrey, Manuel Montoto, Paul Randolph, R. B. Dir, is appointed to meet at 10.00 o'clock, a. m , at San Juan. P. K., on Thursday, August 3rd, 1899, or as soon there- after as practicable, for the purpose of investigating and reporting upon the accounts between the Insular Treasury and the Spanish Bank as respects the functions of the last named corporation as the Agent for the Collection of Taxes for the last fiscal year, and any other previous years during which the accounts of said bank, as Collector of Taxes, remain unsettled. The Board will submit its report in writing to the Sec- retary of Finance, who will transmit the same to the Gov- ernor General. K4. The Commanding Officer, Bayamon, P. R., will, upon the abandonment of that Post, send Acting Hospital Steward, Jay McDonald to report to the Commanding Of- ficer, General Hospital, San Juan, for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 154. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, August 1st, 1899. 1. Private Samuel Marcus, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, is relieved from duty at the post of San Juan, (El Morro) and will report to the Commanding Officer, General Hospi- tal, San Juan, for duty. 2. Paragraph 7, Special Orders, No. 148, current se- ries, these headquarters, is so modified as to designate Captain Robert J. C. Irvine, Regimental Adjutant, 11th U. S. Infantry, to perform the duty assigned to 2nd Lieuten- ant Samuel T. Ansell, 11th U. S. Infantry. 3. The journey performed by Major Charles H. Heyl, Inspector Genera], C. S. Army, Inspector General of the Department, on July 24th to 27th, 1899, to Ponce P. R., and return to San Juan, for the purpose of examining into and inspecting the money accountability of Captain M. G. Zalinski, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Army; also to in- vest'gate the accounts of De Ford and Company, pertaining to the Customs receipts, Insular Fund and Internal Rev- enues of the Island of Porto Rico, are approved as neces- sary for the public service. 4. A Board of Survey to consist of: Major Sehin A. Day, 5th U. S. Artillery, Inspec- tor of Artillery, Captain Anthony IF. Vogdes, 5th U. S. Artillery, 1st Lieutenant Christian Briand, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10.00 o'clock a. in., on Thursday, August 3rd. 1899, or as soon there- after as practicable, at the Subsistence Storehouse, to as- certain the nature of the discrepancy existing between in- voices Nos. 4 and 14, dated July 3rd, 1899, No. 71, dated July 13th, 1899, No. 72, dated July 14th, 1899, No. 112 dated July 19th. 1899. and No. 124, dated July 24th. 1899, of Lieutenant Cob nel Charles A. Woodruff, AssistantCom- missary General of Subsistence, U. S. Army, and stores received by Lieutenant Colonel Frank E. Fye, Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence, U S. Army, Chief 2 Commissary of the Department: and to examine into, re- port upon and fix the responsibility for the damaged con- dition of certain articles of subsistence stores received upon these invoices: also to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the damaged condition of certain articles of subsistence stores now on hand at the subsis- tence storehouse in this City. Separate proceedings will be made in the case of the discrepancy on invoicesand the damaged condition of the subsistence stores received on the invoices, and on the damaged condition of the stores on hand. 5. 2nd Lieutenant Eldred 1). Warfield, 11th U. S. In- fantry. is detailed as member of Board of Survey convened at San Juan, P. R., by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 142, current series, these headquarters, rice 1st Lieutenant Walter Cor, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, relieved. 6. Corporal Michael Carey, Troop I, 5th U. S. Cav, airy, now at Ponce, P. R., is upon his own application- transferred to Troop L, of that regiment, at Mayaguez, P. R. The expense of the transfer will be borne by the sol- dier. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 155. HEADQUART ERS DE PARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Joan, August 2nd, 1899. 1. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, will send two privates of the Hospital Corps to report to the Commanding Officer. Humacao, P. R., for temporary duty, upon the completion of which they will return to their proper station. The Quartermaster's De- partment will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations to each of these soldiers for one day, in advance, at the rate oj $1.50 per day, it. being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 2. Payment of troops in this Department on Muster Roll to August 1st, 1899, will be made as follows: By Ma jor George G. Arthur, Additional Paymas- ter, U. S. Volunteers : At San Juan, Troop F, 5th U. S. Cavalry, and troops at Manati, Cayey, Aibonito, Ponce, Ad- juntas, and Humacao. By Ma jor P. C. Stereos, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers: 'Troops at Barracks, General Hospital, El Morro, and San Cristobal, at San Juan: Arecibo, Agua- dilla. Mayaguez. Lares, and San German. Upon the completion of the duties prescribed herein, the paymasters will return to this city. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation for the funds and safes required in these payments to such points as the Paymasters may designate. The travel enjoined herein is necessary for the public service. Post Commanders when so requested will furnish suitable escort for funds and issue necessary orders for its transportation. 3. The Commanding Officer, Ponce. P. R., will direct Corporal Joseph S. Barkley, Troop I, 5th U. S. Cavalry, to report at once to 1st Lieutenant Robert Alexander, 11th U. S. Infantry, Clerk, U. S. Provisional Court, for detach- ed service as deputy marshal. 4. By direction of the Assistant Secretary of War, 2 Sergeant Frank E. Adams, Troop K. 5th U. S. Cavalry, recently appointed Commissary Sergeant, U. S. Army, will report at once to the Commanding Officer at Ponce, P. R., for duty at that Post. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. By command ok Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 156. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, August 3rd, 1899. 1. Private George Lawless, Troop E. 5th U. S. Cav- alry, is relieved from duty as deputy clerk, U. S. Provi- sional Court, now at Ponce, P. R., and will report at once to the Commanding Officer of his Troop at May- aguez, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 2. The Commanding Officer,Mayaguez, P. R., will direct Private Thomas A. Patterson, Troop D, 5th U. 8. Cavalry, to report to 1st Lieutenant Robert Alexander, 11th U. S. Infantry, Clerk, U. S. Provisional Court, at SanJuan, P. R., for duty aS Deputy Marshal. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 3. The Municipality of Barceloneta having petitioned for annexation to Manati, and the Council of the latter town having signified their consent to such annexation, a vote is hereby ordered to be taken as hereinafter provided, on the question of annexation: I.-AH bona fide residents of these Municipalities, over 21 years of age, who were bona fide tax payers on June 30th, 1899, or who are able to read and write, are qualified to vote for this purpose. Persons who pay taxes in both Municipal- ities will be permitted to vote only in that m unicipality in which their domicile is located. The legal guardians or representatives of minors whose estates pay taxes shall be permitted to east a ballot for each of their wards. All bona fide female residents over 21 years of age, who are bona fide tax payers, are also qualified to vote for this purpose. II. A Board of Registration, for each Municipality, (consisting of an Army Officer and four of the largest taxpayers in each Municipality) shall prepare a list of the voters for their respective Municipalities, each tax paying member of these Boards having previously made oath before a Municipal Judge (for administering which oath there will be no charge or fee) for the faithful discharge of his duty. III. These Boards shall remain in session three days and will meet in the Alcalde's Office, on such dates and 2 hours as shall be publicly announced by the Commanding Officer at Manati. As soon as they have prepared poll lists of the voters of their respective Municipalities, copies thereof will be publicly posted in the Alcaldia and the Post-office for three days prior to the day of voting, during which time challenges may be presented and revision of the lists made. Challenges cr objections to the enrolment of voters may be made in regard to any of the qualifications set forth in paragraph 1, of this order. In determining the ability of voters to read and write, any standard book or current newspaper may be used, the voter being required to write one or more phrases from dictation. No challenges will be received at the place of voting except as to identity of the voters. A Board of Supervisors of Voting to consist of one Army Officer as President and two of the largest tax payers in each Municipal- ity, will be appointed by the Commanding Officer at Manati to supervise the voting. Each tax paying member of this Board will take oath as prescribed in paragraph II, of this order for the faithful discharge of his duty. Should there be any doubt in the mind of any member of the Boards of Supervisors as to the identity of a voter with the per- son whom he represents himself to be, proof will be required to establish his identity to the satisfaction of the Board. Any person who fraudulently votes or at- tempts or oilers to fraudulently vote, shall, upon conviction thereof be subjected to a line of one hundred dollars ($100.00). or by imprisonment at hard labor for three (3) months or both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the Court. It shall bo the duty of each member of the Boards of Supervisors having knowledge of fraudulent voting, or. of attempt to fraudu- lently vote, to file information in the proper Court against the person so offending. Upon receipt of such information the Court will institute the proper proceedings without delay. For the purpose of establishing the identity of voters whose identity is challenged, the President of the Board of Supervisors in each polling place is empowered to administer oaths 3 to the challenged party and the witnesses whom he may produce to establish his iden- tity. False swearing under this article shall be subject to the same punishment as per- W- IV. Upon the revision and completion of the polling lists, the Board of Registration will certify to the correct- ness of the lists, each member signing the certificate, and then turn the lists over to the proper Board of Supervisors. V. The ballots shall be prepared by the Commanding Officer at Manati and shall contain the words "For annex- ation. . . .YES;" or "For annexation.. . .NO." From the hour that the polls open until they close the ballot boxes shall remain publicly exposed in the custody of the Supervisors. Ballot boxes must not be removed from the polling places until the polls are closed. VI. The Balloting will take place at Barceloneta on Tuesday, August lath, 1899, and if the vote results favorably to annexation, a vote will oe taken at Manati, on Thursday, August 17th, 1899, at such places and hours as shall be fixed by the Commanding Officer at Manati. If the vote at Barceloneta results unfavorably to annexation there will be no vote at Manati. VII. No polling places shall be located outside of the towns of Barceloneta and Manati. Should the num- ber of voters necessitate more than one polling place in each town, other Boards of Supervisors composed in the manner prescribed in paragraph III, of this order will be organized. The polling places in each Municipality will be publicly announced by the Commanding Officer of Manati at least two days before the day of voting. VIII. Every precaution will be taken to see that every person who is entitled to vote has opportunity to do so. The necessary precautions will be taken to avoid disturbances at the polls and to keep the way to the ballot box unobstructed. IX. After careful counting by the Boards of Super- visors, (the several Boards of each town being assembled for this purpose as one Board), the members of which shall certify under oath to the result, before a Municipal Judge as hereinbefore prescribed, and that the vote was conducted fairly and honestly, the ballots together with the certifi- cates above referred to, will be enclosed in one package, 4 carefully sealed in the presence of the Board, and the day after the election brought to these headquarters by the Commanding Officer of Manati, when the result of the vote will be announced. X. In case of annexation a new budget shall be formed providing for the expenses of the two Municipali- ties from the legal resources of both. The former budget of each Municipality shall continue to be liquidated inde- pendently until their extinction. The deficit or surplus resulting in each budget shall be distributed exclusively against or in favor of the tax payers in the Municipality in which they originated. 4. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day. from August 1st, 1899. to Squadron Sergeant Major Wilhelm Lutz, 5th U. S. Cavalry, while on detached service at these headquarters. * • * * * * By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HA LL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 157. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, August 5th, 1899. 1. In compliance with instructions from the War Department, Private William G. Miles, 11th U.S. Infantry Band, having- been appointed a 2nd Lieutenant in the 37th U. S. Volunteer Infantry, is honorably discharged t he service of the United States as a Private, to date from August 2ml, 1899, and will proceed to New York City, telegraphing upon arrival to the Adjutant General of the Army for further orders. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. A Board of Survey to consist of: Major William J. Glassford, Signal Officer, U. S. Volunteers: Signal Officer of the Department; Captain Richard R. Steedman, 11th U. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Frederick D. de Funiak, 11th U. S. Infantry, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., Monday, August 7th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the loss of three pairs of field glasses, the propertv of the United States, and for which 2nd Lieu- tenant Frederick M. Jones, Signal Corps, U. S. Volunteers, is responsible. 3. Private George Leonard. Battery G, 5th U. 'S. Artillery, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on duty in violation of the 38th Ar- ticle of War. and of disobeying the orders of a Non- Commissioned Officer, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "to be confined at hard labor at such post as his battery may be serving for the period of three (3) months and to forfeit thirty ($30.00) dollars of his pay.'" The sentence was approved August 4th, 1899, and will be duly executed. The forfeiture of pay imposed will be discharged at the rate of ten [$10.G0] dollars per month for three [3J months. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 158. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, August 9th, 1S99. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish transportation from San Juan. P. R., to Arecibo, P. R., for 1st Sergeant Henry K. Drake ami Sergeant Louis Schulz, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry; witnesses before a general court-martial at San Juan, returningto their proper station. The Subsistence Department will furnish commu- tation of rations, in advance, for two days, at the rate of $1.50 per day, to these soldiers. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Private Thomas Ignion, Troop B, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on duty, in violation of the 38th Article of War, and of disobeying and using vile and abusive language towards a non-commissioned officer, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was upon consideration of three (3) previous convictions, sentenc- ed "to be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard for two months and to forfeit to the U. S. thirty ($30.00) dollars of his pay. The Court is thus lenient on account of the war, and faithful service, and the confinement he has already undergone awaiting trial." In the foregoing case of Private Thomas Ignion, Troop B, 5th D. S. Cavalry, the evidence of several witnesses show that the First Sergeant in the course of his altercation with the accused struck him with his fist, the first blow having knocked him down and the second given while he was on his knees on the ground. It does not appear that a resort to violence was necessary in this case and the second blow de- livered against a man who was already down and not in position to offer further resistance, was especial- ly unsoldierly. Making full allowance for the irritation caused by the gross language of the accused, the conduct of the First Sergeant in so far forgetting the propriety and dignity of his position, must be regarded as highly reprehensible. The sentence was approved August 7, 1899, but in view of all the circumstances in the case and the long service and good record of the accused, it is mitigated 2 to confinement at hard labor for one month at the station of his torop. 3. Upon the recommendation of the Commanding Officer of the Post of San Juan, P. R., the unexecuted portion of the sentence in the case of General Prisoner Fred Byerly, (late Private Light Battery C, 7th U. S. Artillery) as promulgated in paragraph 6, Special Orders, No. 120. current series, these headquarters, is re- mitted. 4. The following journey performed by Major George G. Arthur, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volun- teers, Chief Paymaster of the Department, for the payment of Troops on June Muster Roll, is approved as necessary for the public service: July 19th, 1899: San Juan to Manati, P. R., and return. 5. Captain F. W. Foster, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is detailed as Collector of Customs at Arroyo, P. R., vice 2nd Lieutenant Graham L. Johnson, 11 th U. S. Infantry, who upon being relieved will proceed to San Juan and report to the Commanding Officer. Captain Foster will report in person to the Collect- or' of Customs of the Island of Porto Rico for in- structions before proceeding to Arroyo and will, after relieving Lieutenant Johnson, put his deputy in charge of the duties during his absence, making visits to Arroyo as often as may be necessary, returning to his proper station after each visit. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. Corporal John N. Nansen, Troop L, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by general court-martial con- vened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of neglect of duty, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "to forfeit twenty (20) dollars of his pay." The sentence was approved August 7th, and will be duly executed. Corporal Nansen will be released from arrest and restored to duty. 7. Commanding Officers of all Posts where public property or private property belonging to persons in the Military Service has been destroyed or injured during the recent hurricane, will at once appoint a board and di- 3 rect it to make a careful inventory of all such losses or damages, with the extent thereof. The board will be thorough and exhaustive in its efforts to get at the actual conditions as they exist. The proceedings when completed will be sent to these headquarters: those for public property will be separate from the ones for private property. 8. Private Amos G. Taylor, Battery G, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of interfering with the duties of a sentinel, in viola- tion of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon considera- tion of three (3) previous convictions, sentenced "to be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard, for three (3) months, and to forfeit to the United States thirty ($30.00) dollars of his pay." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence was approved August 7th, but in view of the time the prisoner has necessarily been held awaiting trial the confinement imposed is remitted. 9. Private Clarence P. Thorne, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, having been tried by general court-martial at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of disobedience of orders, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of two (2) previous convictions, sentenced, "to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of four (4) months, and to forfeit ten $10.00) dollars per month for the same period." The sentence was approved August 7th, and will be duly executed at Ponce, Porto Rico. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HAL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 159. READQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, August 10th, 1899. 1. 2nd Lieutenant John T. Geary, 5th U. S. Artillery, is relieved from duty as member of the general court- martial convened at San Juan by paragraph 8, Special Orders, No. 129, current series, these Headquarters, during the trial of Private Adolph Fischer, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, by the court, to enable him to act as coun- sel for this man during his trial under charges now in the hands of the Judge Advocate of the general court- martial. On the completion of this trial Lieutenant Geary will resume his seat on the general court-martial. 2. Captain George McK. Williamson, Assistant Quar- termaster, U. S. Army, will proceed to Cayey, Aibo- nito, Ponce, San German, Mayaguez, Aguadilla, Areci- bo and Manati, for the purpose of examining into the damages done to public property by the recent hur- ricane, and upon completion of this duty return, to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. One private Hospital Corps, now on duty with the Porto Rico Battalion, Sanjuan; one on duty with Troop F, 5th U. S. Cavalry, and one on duty at Fort San Cristobal, will report to the Commanding Officer, Gener- al Hospital, San Juan, P. R., for duty. 4. A Board of Survey to consist of : Captain Anthony W. Vogdes, 5th U. S. Artillery; 1st Lieutenant Frederick M. Hartsock, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 2nd Lieutenant Charles B. Drake, 5th U., S. Cav- alry, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., Monday, August 14th, 1899. or as soon thereafter as practicable for the purpose of examining into and reporting upon the alleged unservicable condition of four Typewriters. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant/General. Special Orders. No. 160. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, August 12th, 1899. 1. The following named enlisted men of the Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty at the stations set oppo- site their respective names, will close their offices, secure- ly pack and store all government property for which they are responsible, except line repair tools which they will carry with them, and proceed to San Juan, P. R., reporting to the Sign il Officer of the Department for duty in connection with the recovery and repair of the tele- graph lines: 1st CUv-s Sergeant J. IF. Wood, Arecibo; Sergeant Alonzo B. Ryan. Fajardo Light, P. R.; Corporal Beniamin I). Reinsberg, Fajardo, P. R.; 1st Class Private Bert Al. Co- merford, Isla de Vieques, P. R.; 1st Class Private Joseph H. Kmbleton, Isla de Vieques, P.R. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the neces- sary transportation. 2. Corporal John A. Erickson, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty in charge of the telegraph office at Lares, P. R., will close the telegraph office, securely pack and store all government property, except line repair tools, which will be carried with him, and proceed to Aguadilla, thence to report to Sergeant Otto B. Grimm. Signal Corps, U. S. Army, for duty with the telegraph line repair party working between Mayaguez and San Juan. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 3. Corporal James F. Brennan, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty in charge of the telegraph office at Yauco, P. R., will close the office, securely pack and store all government property for which he is responsible, ) except line repair tools which will be carried with him. and proceed to Ponce and report for duty with the tele- graph line repair party working between that point and San Juan. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 4. Corporal Frank L. Cole, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty at Guayama, P. R., will close the office at that place, securely pack and store all government property for wffiich he is responsible, except line repair tools which will be carried with him, and proceed via Cay- ey to join a telegraph line repair party working between 2 that place and Ponce, in charge of Corporal Philip Wamba- Signal Corps, U. S. Army. The Quartermaster's Department wili furnish the necessary transportation. 5. The Commanding Offiicer, Post of Arecibo. P. R.. will direct 2nd Lieutenant W. S. Valentini, 5th U. S. Cavalry, and Corporal -John Jameson. Saddler John Persson. Privates William C. Joseph H. Hocker. Jr.. Troop A. 5th U. S. Cavalry, to proceed at once to San Juan, P. R.. to appear as witnesses before a general court-martial con- vened at that point, in cases to be heard before that court on August 14th and 15th, 1899. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary trans portati on. The travel enjoined is necessary for the piblic service. 6. Acting Assistant Surgeon G. G Groff. U. S. Army, will proceed by Steamer Longfellow leaving San Juan this day. and make a Sanitary Inspection of the various posts of the Island at which she touches. Upon the completion of which duty he will return to his proper station, and sub- mit a written report of the inspection. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 7. Jose Silvano Garcia Aponte, now in the San Juan Jail, having been tried by a Marine Court in Porto Rico and under date of October 19th, 1897, sentenced to twenty [20] years confinement, [Reclusion Temporal] for homi- cide, will be sent under proper guard to the Penitentiary of Sanjuan, P. R.. for execution of sentence. In view of the time this prisoner has already been held in confinement, since August 24th, 1894, the sentence is mitigated to 16 years. 8. Private Henry G. Paine, Company D, 19th L. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at Ponce, P. R„ and found guilty of desertion, in violation of the47th Article of War, was sentenced 'do be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, for- feiting all pay and allowances due and to become due except ($15.00) fifteen doll irs and to be confined at such place in the United States as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of one year." In the foregoing case of Private Henry G. Paine, Qom- pany D, 19th U. S. Infantry, it is observed in the sentence that the words "at hard labor" ordinarily used in cases of long confinement are ommitted. The Court having b ;en reduced below a quorum owing to conditions incident to 3 the service, and it being therefore impracticable to return the record for revision, the sentence is approved ami will be duly executed. Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, New York Harbor, N. Y., is designated as the place of confinemet to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard by the Command- ing Off icer at Ponce, P. R., by first available transport. 9. In compliance with telegraphic instructions from the War Department, 1st Lieutenant Samuel G. Jones, 5th U. S. Cavalry. Engineer Officer of the Depart- ment, is relieved from duty in this Department and will proceed to the United States and report to the Superintendent of the Military Academy at West Point for duty. Lieutenant Jones will turn over all of his duties as Engineer Officer to 2nd Lieutenant Chalmers G. Hall, 5th U. S. Cavalry, who is appointed Acting Engineer Officer, and those relating to the Harbor Works, to the Board of Harbor Works. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 10. Henry James, citizen of the United States, hav- ing been tried before the U. S. Provisional Court of Porto Rico, at Ponce, P. R., and found guilty of murder in the first degree, was sentenced-' ****** to be brought to the scaffold and then and there hanged by the neck until he be dead." Upon the recommendation of the Court the death sentence in this case is commuted to imprisonment at hard labor for the remainder of the prisoner's natural life. The penitentiary at San Juan, P. R., is desig- nated as the place of confinement to which the pris- oner will be taken by the Marshal of the Court, or his deputy, and turned over to the Custodian thereof, with a copy of his sentence and this order. By> of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, iJJutant General. Special Orders, No. 161. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, August 14th, 1899. 1. Private John I. Monroe, Iroop L, 5th (J. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "to be confined at hard labor under charge of the Post Guard for two (2) months and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same period.'" In the foregoing case of Private John F. Monroe, Troop L, 5th U. S. Cavalry, the accused entered a plea of guilty, the prosecution rested and the accused thereupon stated that he had no recollection of the of- fence with which he was charged and if he had com- mitted any offence it must have been while he was under the influence of liquor. This statement amounts practically to a denial of the charge and the Court should have directed the Judge Advocate to take evi- dence to determine the matter. The finding is disapproved. Private Monroe will be released from confinement and restored to duty. 2. Acting Assistant Surgeon Harold JK Cowper is relieved from duty at the Post of San Juan and will take station in that City in connection with his work as Secretary and Disbursing Officer of the Board of Charities of Porto Rico. 3. Leave of absence for one month on Surgeon's Certificate of Disability is granted Major Louis Breche- min, Surgeon, U. S. Army, with permission to apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for one month's extension. Major Brechemin will transfer the funds and prop- erty pertaining to the Medical Department to Cap- tain F. P Reynolds Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, who, in addition to his other duties, is detailed as Medical Supply and Disbursing Officer of this Department. By command of Bkigadiek General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 162. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Joan, August Kith, 1899. 1. Squadron Sergeant Major John W. Zimmerman, Sth U. S. Cavalry, and Private Frank Cielak, Troop H, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having reported at these head- quarters in compliance with Special Orders, No. 155, Post of Mayaguez, P. R., dated August 12th, 1899, will return to their proper station, proceeding to Arecibo by boat and thence to Mayaguez with their horses. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation to Arecibo, and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations, in advance, for three days, at the rate of .$1.50 per day, for these sol- diers, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Corporal Patrick J. Collins, Troop G, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having reported today at these Headquarters on return from furlough, will report to the Command- ing Officer, San Juan, P. R.. awaiting transportation to the station of his Troop at Aibonito, P. R., to which he will be sent as soon as practicable. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 3. Private Walter J. Ryan, Troop B, 5th U- S. Cav- alry, having been tried by general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of absence without leave and loss of government proper- ty. was sentenced ■'to be confined at hard hbor, under charge of the Post Guard, for three(3) months, and to have charged against him upon the muster and pay rolls of his troop, the sum of seventeen dollars and twenty nine and one half cents ($17.29\) to reimburse the lr. S. for the loss." In the foregoing case of Private Walter J. Ryan. Troop B, 5th U. S. Cavalry, the finding is approved, except the words ••in desertion," in the Specification, 1st Charge. The accused having been found not guilty of desertion, these words should have been excepted in the finding. So much of the sentence as imposes confinement at hatd labor is approved; the remainder of the sentence charging the soldier with the value of the articles lost being a matter to be determined by Board of Survey, as contemplated by A. R. 684. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HA LI a Adjutant General. Special Orders No. 163. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, August 17th, 1899. 1. Sergeant Miles K. Taulbee, Troop L, 5th. U. S. Cavalry, having reported at these Headquarters on return from furlough today, will report to the Commanding Officer, San Juan, P. R., awaiting transportation to the station of his Troop at Mayaguez, P. R., to which station he will be sent as soon as practicable. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 2. Under the provisions of A. R. 1272, the Subsis- tence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of seventy five cents a day, from August 8th, 1899, to Commissary Sergeant Hugo Laskowski, U. S. Army, on duty at Ponce, P. R. 3. Under the provisions of A. R. 1272, the Subsist- ence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of seventy five cents per day from August 12th, 1899, to Commissary Sergeant Frank E. Adams, U. S. Army, on duty at San Juan, P. R. 4. The following journeys performed by 1st Lieut- enant Samuel G. Jones, 5th U. S. Cavalry, Engineer Of- ficer of the Department, under verbal instructions of the Commanding General, on business connected with his Department, are approved as necessary for the public service: July 17th to 19th, 1899: SanJuan, P. R., to St. Thomas, D. JU. I, and re- turn. August 12th to 15th, 1899: San Juan, P. R., to St. Thomas, D. JU. I., and re- turn. 5. Major Charles L. Davis. 11th U. S. Infantry, Col- lector for Porto Rico, will in addition to his other duties, relieve Lieutenant Colonel Daniel IF. Burke, 11th U. S. Infantry, as Commanding Officer of the Post of San Juan, and of the 11th U. S. Infantry, in order to enable him to avail himself of the leave of absence granted by paragraph 1. Special Orders, No. 144, current series, these headquarters. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 164. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RTCO, San Juan, August 19th, 1899. 1. The Commanding Officer, Post of Arecibo, P. R.. will send Private James O'Connor, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, to San Juan, P. R., to report to 1st Lieutenant Robert Alexander, 11th U. S. Infantry, Clerk of the U. S. Provisional Court, as a witness; upon completion of which he will return to his proper sta- tion. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 2. By direction of the Secretary of War, a Board of Officers is appointed to meet at the call of the President thereof, in this city, for the examination of such officers as may be ordered before it to deter- mine their fitness for promotion: Detail for the Board: Major Charles L. Davis, 11th U. S. Infantry, Collector of Porto Rico; Major Seldon A. Day, 5th U. S. Artillery, Inspector of Artillery of the Department; Major James A. Buchanan, 15th U. S. Infan- try, Treasurer of Porto Rico; Captain G. M. Wells, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant Frederick M. Hartsock, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant Edgar A. Macklin, 11th U. S. In- fantry. Recorder.. The duties of the medical officers will be confin- ed to the physical examination. 3. Leave of absence, on Surgeon's Certificate of Disability, for one month, with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant Gener- al of the Army for an extension of two months, is granted Captain Robert J. C. Irvine, Adjutant 11th U. S. Infantry. 4. Leave of absence for one month with permis- sion to return to the United States, is granted Ger- ald E. Griffin, Veterinarian, 1st Class, 5th U. S. Cav- alry. 2 5. Leave of absence for one month with permis- sion to return to the United States is granted 2nd Lieutenant Charles B. Drake, 5th U. S. Cavalry. Lieutenant Drake will turn over the command of Troop F, 5th U.S. Cavalry,to 2nd Lieutenant Chalmers G. Hall, 5th U. S. Cavalry, who will in addition to his other duties, take command of that Troop until another of- ficer is available to relieve him. 6. The Subsistence Department will pay com- mutation of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day from August 2nd, 1899, to Corporal Joseph H. Barkley, Troop I, 5th U. S. Cavalry, while on detached ser- vice at these headquarters. 7. The Subsistence Department will pay com- mutation of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day from July 27th, to August 20th, 1899. to Private John J. Duffy, Troop G, 5th U. S. Cavalry, while on detach- ed service at these headquarters. 8. Jos& Cruz Martinez, civilian, having been trie I by a Military Commission convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of shooting with intent to kill, in violation of the Laws of War. was sentenced '■'To be confined at hard labor at such place as the re- viewing arithority may direct for the period of fifteen (15) years." The record in the foregoing case having been lost and not having been recovered until sometime after the conclusion of Peace between the United States and Spain, the sentence cannot be legally enforced. (Digest J. A. G. Opinions. 507.) The case is there- fore dismissed. The prisoner has been released. 9. Eleuterio Vargas, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission convened at Ponce. Porto Rico, and found guilty of shooting with intent to kill, in violation of the Laws of War, was sentenc- ed "to be confined at hard labor at such place as the re- viewing authority may direct for the period of fifteen (15) years" The record in the foregoing case having been lost and not having been recovered until sometime after the conclusion of Peace between the United States and Spain, the sentence cannot be legally en- forced, (Digest J. A. G. Opinions, 507.) The case is therefore dismissed. Tire prisoner lias been released. 3 10. Manuel Reyes Maldonado, civilian, having been tried by a Military Commission convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of shooting with intent to kill, in violation of the Laws of War, was sentenc- ed "to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period oj fifteen (15) gears." The record in the foregoing case having been lost and not having been recovered until sometime after the conclusion of Peace between the United States and Spain, the sentence cannot be legally enforced, (Digest J. A. G. Opinions, 507.) The case is therefore dis- missed. The prisoner has been released. 11. By direction of the Assistant Secretary of War, Morton S. Shoen, Troop K, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will he discharged the service of the United States, by his Commanding Officer. This soldier is not entitled to travel pay. 12. Captain Walter S. Schuyler, oth U. S. Cav- alry. having been Commissioned Colonel of the 46th U. S. Volunteers, will proceed to New York City, reporting upon arrival, by telegraph to the Adjutant General of the Army. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 13. Acting Assistant Surgeon H. M. McConathy, upon the arrival of Acting Assistant Surgeon Compton Wilson at Aibonito, P. R., will proceed to Adjuntas and report to the Commanding Officer at that station for duty in connection with the sick and injured civilians in that region of country. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 14. 1st Lieutenant Robert Alexander, 11th U. S. Infantry, will report in person to Major Charles L. Davis, 11th U. S. Infantry, President of the Examining Board, appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., by para- graph 2, Special Orders, No. 164, current series, these headquarters, at such time as he may be required by the Board, for examination as to his fitness for promotion. By command of Bhigaihek General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. service. Special Orders. I No. 165. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, August 22nd, 1899'. 1. The Subsistence Department will pay commu- tation of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day from July 22nd, 1899. to Sergeant George Trautmann, Troop I). 5th U. S. Cavalry, while on detached service at these headquarters. 2. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Thursday, August 24th, 1899. or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it: Detail for the Court : Major Selden A. Day, 5th U. S. Artillery, Inspec- tor of Artillery of the Department; Captain Anthony IF. Vogdes. 5th U. S. Artillery; Captai James E. Macklin, 11th U. S Infantry; Captain Richard R. Steedman, 11th U. S. Infantry; Captain Zebulon B. Vance, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant John IF. L. Phillips, 11th U. S. In- fantry; 1st Lieutenant Christian Briand, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S Volunteers; 2nd Lieutenant John T. Geary, 5th U. S. Artillery, Judge Advocate. No other (MHcers than those named can be assembled without manifest injury to the service. The Court is authorized to sit without regard to hours. 3. The general court-martial convened at San Juan, P. R., by paragraph 8, Special Orders, No. 129, current series, these headquarters, is dissolved upon the comple- tion of the cases already commenced and the Judge Ad- vote thereof is directed to turn over all the untried cases referred to that court, to the Judge Advocate of the gen- eral court-martial convened at San Juan, P. R., by para- graph 2, Special Orders. No. 165, current series, these headquarters, and will report the cases thus transferred to these headquarters. 4. A Board of Survey to consist of : Captain James E. Macklin, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant John IF. L. Phillips, 11th (J. S. In- fan try; 2nd Lieutenant Eldred D. Warfield. 11th U. S. Infantry, 2 is appointed to meet at the stock corral at Rio Piedras, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Friday, August 25th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to examine; into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the death of one horse and five mules, the property of the United States, and for which Major John L. Clem, Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster of the Department, is accountable. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL. f Adjutant, General. Special Orders. No. 166. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, August 23rd, 1899. 1. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day from August 3rd, 1899, to Private Thomas J. Patterson, Troop D, 5th U. S. Cavalry, while on detached service at these head- quarters. 2. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Anthony W. Vogdes, 5th U. S. Artillery : 1st Lieutenant Christian Briand, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers; 2nd Lieutenant Frederick D. de Funiak, Jr., 11th U. S. Infantry, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Friday August 25th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the loss of and damage to, a quantity of Quartermaster's supplies, caused by the storm of August X, 1899, the property of the United States, and for which Major John L. Clem, Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster of the Department, is accountable. 3. A Board of Survey to consist of : Major Lorenzo P. Davison, Porto Rico Battqjion, U. S. Volunteers: Captain Anthony IK Vogdes, 5th U. S. Artillery; 1st Lieutenant Charles H. Hamilton, Porto Rico Battalion, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Saturday August 26th, 1899, or as soon thereaf- ter as practicable, to examine into, report upon, and fix the responsibility for the loss of and damage to, certain articles of subsistence property, invoiced to Lieutenant Colonel F. E. Hye, A. C. G. S., U. S. Army, by 2nd Lieut- enant James JV. Furlow, 11th U. S. Infantry, Commissary at Ad juntas. P. R., June 25th, 1899, and for which Lieut- enant Colonel F. E. Hye, A. C. G. S., U. S. Army, Chief Commissary of the Department, is accountable. 4. Private Adolph Fischer, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by general court-martial convened at San Juan, Puerto Rico, .and found guilty of violation of the 32nd and 33rd Articles of War, was, upon consider- ation of four (4) previous convictions, sentenced "to be confined at hard labor under charge of the Post Guard for six (6) months, and to forfeit ten (10.00) dollar s per month for the same period. " 2 The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at San Juan, Porto Rico. 5. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, will send one Private of the Hospital Corps to report to the Commanding Officer, Aibonito, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 6. In compliance with paragraph II, General Orders, No. 86, Headquarters of the Army, May 2nd, 1899, Private Albert C. Stahl, Company A, 11th U. S. Infantry, is transfer- red to the Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, and assigned to duty at Ponce, P. R. 7. For the purposes of relief work, should such be necessary, the Island of Vieques is added to the Inspection Division of Humacao. By command or Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 167. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, August 25th, 1899. 1. The following named enlisted men of the Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now in charge of the telegraph offices at the points set opposite their respective names will, upon being relieved as Acting Postmasters, close their offices, securely pack and ship all government stores for which they are responsible to the Signal Corps Property Officer in San Juan, P. R., and proceed to San Juan, reporting for duty to the Commanding Officer, Co. A, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, San Juan, P. R.: Sergeant Charles M. Berg, Ciales. Frank Grundler, Barros. George MacNamara, Carolina. Corporal Charles G. Bell, Adjuntas. 1st Class Private Thomas A. Davis, Arroyo. Bichard Henry, Barranquitas. John J. Siebert, Las Marias. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 2. 1st Lieutenant James T. Ord, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, will report in person as soon as possible to Captain A. C. Macomb, 5th U. S. Cavalry, at Arecibo, P. R., for relief duty in that Division. 3. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, will send two privates of the Hospital Corps to report to the Commanding Officer, Humacao, P. R., for temporary duty is connection with the sick and injured by the recent hurricane. They will be fully equipped for field service. Upon completion of this duty they will be sent to their proper station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 4. 2nd Lieutenant Frederick D. de Funiak, Jr., 11th U. S. Infantry, is relieved from the duty assigned him by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 166, current series, these headquarters, and 1st Lieutenant Charles H. Hamil- ton, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, is detailed for that duty. 5. The Board of Survey convened by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 166, current series, these headquarters, will also examine into, report upon and fix the responsibil- ity for the loss of certain articles of Subsistence Stores re- 2 ceived on Invoice No. 16, dated August 3rd, 1899, from Captain John Little, Commissary Subsistence, U. S. Army. New York City, to Lieutenant Colonel F. E. Nye, Acting Commissary General of Subsistence, U. S. Army, Chief Commissary of the Department, San Juan, P. R., and will also examine into and report upon the dam iged condi- tion of certain articles of Subsistence Stores now on hand at the Sub-Storehouse and at the issuing Commissary, for which Lieutenant Colonel F. E. Nye, A. C. G. S-, U. S. Army, Chief Commissary of the Department, is accounta- ble. The Board will render separate proceedings in each case. 6. For the purposes of relief work, should such be necessary, the Islands of Culebra and other inhabited islands on the Eastern coast are added to the Inspection Division of Humacao. 7. Sergeant William E. W. Mac Einlay, Company A. Signal Corps, U.S. Army, hiving been appointed a 2nd Lieutenant, 45th U. S. Volunteer Infantry, is, by direc- tion of the Secretary of War, discharged the service of the United States as Sergeant to date August 24th, 1899, and will proceed at once to New York City and report upon arrival, by telegraph, to the Adjutant General of the Army for orders. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 8. Alfonso Mendez, civilian telegraph operator in the employ of the Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty at Sanjuan, P. R., will proceed to Arecibo, P. R., and report to 1st Class Sergeant J. W. Wood, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, for duty as operator. TheQuarterm ister's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 9. Sergeant EI muni B. Oldham, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty at Santa Isabel, P. R., will, upon com- pletion of repairs to telegraph lines now in progress be- tween Ponce and Guayama, proceed to San Juan, P. R., and report for duty to the Commanding Officer, Company A, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, Sin Juan, P. R. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 10. 1st Class Private Heary F. Rmdolph, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now oq duty at Utuado, P. R., will securely pack, mark and store with the Qomninding Of- ficer at that place all Signal Corps property for which he 3 is responsible, close the telegraph office and proceed to San Juan, P. R., reporting for duty to the Commanding Officer, Company A, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. PALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 168. HEADQUA RTEIIS DEPAR f M ENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, August 28th, 1899. 1. Upon the recommendation of his Troop and Regi- mental Commanders, the unexecuted portion of the sen- tence in the case of Private John O' Brine, Troop B, 5 th U. S. Cavalry, as promulgated in paragraph 10, Special Or- ders, No. 151, current series, these headquarters, is here- by remitted. 2. Private J. Emmett Gannon, Company D, 11th U. S. Infantry, is detailed foi' detached service at these head- quarters, vice Private Louis T. Martin, Company B, 11th U. S. Infantry, relieved. The Commanding Officer, San Juan, P. R., will direct Private Cannon to report at once. 3. Leave of absence for one month with permission to return to the United States, is granted Major George G. Arthur, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, Chief Paymaster of the Department. This order to take effect on or about September 1st, 1899. 4. Captain George T. Langhorne, 27th Infantry U. S. Volunteers, is relieved as Aide-de-Canip to the Brigadier General Commanding the Department, to take effect July 27th, 1899; he will continue to perform t he duties of that position as Acting Aide-de-Camp. 5. In compliance with instructions from the Secre- tary of War, the Commanding Officer of the U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send Private Gustave C. Schulze, Troop B, 5th U. S. Cavalry, with his descriptive list and account of pay and clothing to report to the Com- manding Officer Fort Hamilton, New York, for observation and discharge, if necessary. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation, and the Subsistence Department the necessary Subsistence upon Transport. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. Leave of absence for one month with permission to return to the United States, is granted 1st Lieutenant Henry E. Eames, 11th U. S. Infantry. 7. Leave of absence for one month with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of one month is grant- ed Henry A. Brown, Post Chaplain, U. S. Army. 8. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Richard R. Steadman, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant John W. L. Phillips, 11th U. S. In- fantry; 1st Lieutenant Christian Briand. Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10 o'clock a. m., on Thursday, August 31st. 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the destruction of eleven hospital field cots and one soap-dish and cover, for which Acting Assis- tant Surgeon Harold IP. Cowper, U. S. Army, is account- able. 9. A Board of Survey to consist of : Ma jor Selden A. Day, 5th U. S. Artillery. Inspec- tor of Artillery of the Department: Captain Zebulon B. Vance, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Allen D. Raymond. Porto Kico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, is appointed to meet at San Juan. P. IL, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Thursday. August 31st. 1899. or as soon thereaf- ter as practicable, to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the shortage of sixteen (16) Campaign Hats, being a part of a shipment on invoice from Captain IK. C. R. Colquhoun, Assistant Quartermaster. U. S. Army, Savannah, Ga., and for which Captain Colquhoun is account- able. 10. The Subsistence Department will pay commu- tation of rations at the rate of Seventy-five cents per day to Private J. Emmett Cannon, Company I), 11th U. S. Infantry, while on detached service at these headquarters. 11. Captain P. R. Egan, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, is assigned to duty in charge of the Medical Supply Depot. San Juan, P. R., and Disbursing Officer of the Medical Department relieving Captain E. P. Reynolds, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, who will transfer the prop- erty and funds pertaining to the Department for which he is responsible, to Captain Egan. 12. Acting Hospital Steward Arthur A. Bemtgen, Hospital Corps, is relieved from duty at the Post of San Juan, (EI Morro) and will report to the Commanding Of- ficer, General Hospital. San Juan, for duty. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. 2 Special Orders. No. 169. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, August 30th, 1899. 1. By direction of the Assistant Secretary of War paragraph 11, Special Orders, No, 164, current series, these headquarters, relative to the discharge the service of the United States of Morton S. Scheon, Troop K, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is revoked. 2. Captain Peter R. Egan, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, is detailed as a member of the Board of Officers convened by paragraph 2. Special Orders, No. 164, current series, these headquarters, vice Captain George M. Wells, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, relieved. 3. 'Die verbal instructions of the Signal Officer of the Department, August 9th, 1899, directing Sergeant Rog R. Young, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, to proceed from San Juan to Arecibo, thence via Utuado and Adjuntas to Ponce, and return to San Juan, P. R., inspecting and reporting on damage to telegraph lines by hurricane of the 8th inst., are hereby approved. It having been impracticable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind, the Commissary Department will pay him commutation of rations for 17 days at the rate of $1.50 per day, from August 9th to 25th, 1899. both dates inclu- sive. 4. The verbal instructions of the Signal Officer of the Department, August 9th, 1899, directing Corporal Joseph B. Unglaub, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, to proceed to Ponce, and return to San Juan, P. R., inspecting andreporting on damage to telegraph lines by hurricane of the 8th inst., are hereby approved. It having been impracticable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind the Commissary Department will pay him commutation of rations at the rate of $1.50 per day for 4 days, August 9th to 12th, 1899, both dates inclusive. 5. The verbal instructions of the Signal Officer of the Department, August 9th, 1899, directing 1st Class Private Charles W. Hagans, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, to proceed to Humacao, via Fajardo, and return to San Juan, via Caguas, P. R., inspecting and reporting on damage to telegraph lines by hurricane of the 8th inst., are hereby approved. It having been impracticable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind, the Commissary Department will pay him commutation of rations for 4 days at the rate of 2 $1.50 per day. from August 9th to 12th, 1899, both dates inclusive. 6. The verbal instructions of the Signal Officer of the Department, August 17th, 1899, directing Sergeant W. S. Goodwin, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, to proceed to Santa Isabel and return to San Juan, P. R., in connection with repairs to telegraph lines, are hereby approved. It having been impracticable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind, the Commissary Department will pay him commutation of rations at the rate of $1.50 per day for 7 days, from August 18th to 24th. 1899, both dates inclusive. 7. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day, dating from August 17th, 1899, to Private Charles Snare, Troop F, 5th U. S. Cavalry, on detached service at these headquarters. 8. Captain Richard M. Blatchford, 11th U. S. Infan- try, accompanied by an interpreter, will proceed to Manati. P. R., at once, and report to the Commanding Officer of that place for the purpose of carrying out the orders to the Commanding Officer at Manati, contained in para- graph 3, Special Orders, No. 156, current series, these headquarters, and subsequent instructions relative to the vote at Barceloneta and Manati, P. R. On the comple- tion of this duty. Captain Blatchford will return to these headquarters. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 9. The Commanding Officer at Manati, P. R-, is relieved from the duties imposed upon him by paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 156, current series, these head- quarters. and subsequent instructions relative to the vote at Barceloneta and Manati. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. PALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders. No. 170. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, September 1st, 1899. 1. Private Antonio Maldonado, Company B, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on duty, in violation of the 38th Article of War, and of assault and battery, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced 'do be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard for three (3) months, and to forfeit to the U. S. ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same period.'1'1 The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence was approved August 31, 1899, but in view of the time the prisoner has necessarily been held, the confinement imposed is reduced to two (2) months. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed at San Juan, Porto Rico. 2. Recruit Mcdardo Caamano, Company A, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at, San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of larceny and making a false state- ment to his Commanding Officer, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "to be dishonorably discharg- ed the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances clue him except the sum of ten ($10.00) dollars." The sentence was approved August 31, 1899, and will be duly executed. 3. A Board to consist of: Captain Eben Swift. 5th U. S. Cavalry; 1st Lieutenant Nathaniel F. McClure, 5th U. S. Cavalry. is appointed to meet at Humacao, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a m., on Tuesday September 5th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the purpose of examining into, reporting upon and making recommendation con- cerning the loss of $64.00, claimed to have been blown away by the hurricane on August 8th, 1899, from the Customs House at that place. 4. The Commanding Officer, Post of SanJuan, will detail 25 men of the Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volun- teers, to act as guards, and one cook and two men for kitchen and ground police, at the Presidio of San Juan; also 25 men of this Battalion, to act as guards, and one cook and two men for kitchen and ground police, at the Carcel, at San Juan, P. R. 2 5. 1st Lieutenant Charles H. Hamilton, Porto Rico Battalion, U 8. Volunteers, is detailed in charge of the detachments at the Presidio and Carcel and will be relieved from other duties at the Post of San Juan, in order that he may properly attend to this work. 6. Private Clark A. Nagle, Troop M, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by general court-martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in viola- tion of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced "to be dishonora- bly discharged the service of the United States, and to be confin- ed at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of four (4) months, and to forfeit to the United States all pay and allowances due or to become due except ($15.00) fifteen dollars.". In the foregoing case of Private Clark A. Nagle, Troop M, 5th U. 8. Cavalry, the proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved, but in view of the short service and experience of the prisoner and the fact that the evidence of previous convictions in his case do not indicate that iie is incapable of becoming a soldier, it is mitigated to confinement at hard labor for four (4) months, and will be duly executed at the station of his troop. 7. Private William J. Dillon, Company I). 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico and found guilty of larceny, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was. upon consideration of two (2) previous convictions, sen- tenced "to be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances except the sum of fifteen dollars and to be confined at hard labor for three (3) months." In the foregoing case of Private William J. Dillon, Company D, 11th U. S. Infantry, the prosecution intro- duced hearsay evidence, which, although the prisoner's counsel did not object to it, was irregular and should have been excluded. Subject to this remark, the proceed- ings and findings are approved. The sentence is approv- ed and will be duly executed at Sanjuan, Porto Rico. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 171. HEADQUARTERS DEPA RIM ENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 2nd, 1899. 1. In compliance with instructions from the War Department, 2nd Lieutenant John McClintock, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been appointed a Captain of the 41st Infantry, U. S. Volunteers, will proceed to New York City, reporting upon arrival to the Adjutant General of the Armv for further orders. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at Mayaguez^P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Tuesday, Sep- tember 5th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought be- fore it: Detail eor tiie Cou rt: Major Charles L. Cooper, 5th U. S. Cavalry; Captain Henry J. Goldman, 5th U. S. Cavalry; Captain William E. Almy, 5th U. S. Cavalry; Captain Roger B. Bryan, 5th U. S. Cavalry; 1st Lieutenant Richmond McA. Schofield, 5th U. S. Cavalry; 1st Lieutenant Willard F. Truby, Assistant Sur- geon, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant Stephen H. Elliott, 5th U. S- Caval- ry. Judge Advocate, No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest injury to the service. The Court is authorized to sit without regard to hours. 3. The general court-martial convened at Mayaguez. P. R., by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 136, current series, these headquarters, is dissolved upon the comple- tion of the cases already commenced and the .Judge Ad- vocate thereof is directed to turn over all the untried cases referred to that court, to the Judge Advocate of the gen- eralcourt-martial convened at Mayaguez, P. R-, by para- o-raph 2, Special Orders, No. 171, current series, these headquarters, and will report the cases thus transferred to these headquarters. 4. Private Daniel Patton, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San .Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of sleeping on post, in violation of the 39th Article of War, was sentenced 2 llTo be confined at hard labor in the Guard House where his Company may be serving for the period of (3) three months."1' The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 172. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, September 4th, 1899. 1. In compliance with instructions from the War Department a Board of Officers to consist of: Major William A. Glassford, Signal Officer, U. S. Volunteers, Signal Officer of the Department; Major James A. Buchanan, 15th U. S. Infantry, Treasurer of Porto Rico; Captain Peter R.Egan, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant Frederick M. Hartsock, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army: 2nd Lieutenant Chalmers G. Hall, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, Ordnance Officer of the Deparment, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10.00 o'clock a. m., on Friday, September 15th, 1899, for the competitive examination of such enlisted men, as are legally qualified applicants, for a commission in the United States Army and as may be properly ordered before it. The Board will be governed by the requirements of the Army Regulationsand directions contained in General Orders, No. 79, series 1892, and General Orders, No. 32 and 148, current series, Headquarters of the Army, A. G. O. The duties of the medical officers will be confined to the physical examination of the candidates, which shall conform to the standard required of recruits and certifi- cates of such physical examination will accompany the pro- ceedings of the Board, which with a report of the result of the examination, will be forwarded to the Adjutant Gen- eral of the Army through these headquarters. The junior member will record the proceedings. 2. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations for four days from August 28th to 31st, 1899, at the rate of $1.50 per day, to Acting Hospital Stew- ard H. S. Gilbert, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, in charge of a cargo of Relief Supplies destined for Barceloneta and Manati, it having been impracticable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 3. Chaplain Henry A. Brown, Post Chaplain, U. S- Army, is relieved from duty with the Board of Charities of Porto Rico, on account of his being on leave of absence. 4. 1st Class Private Warren J. Harris, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now at San Juan, will proceed to Humacao 2 and report for duty as operator in the telegraph office at that place. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 5. 1st Class Private Van B. Rector, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty as telegraph line repairman at Are- cibo, P. R., will proceed to San Juan, P. R., and report to the Signal Officer of the Department to take charge of line repair party between San Juan and Ponce. P. R. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 6. Paragraph 4, Special Orders, No. 170, current se- ries, these headquarters, is modified so as to read, the Commanding Officer, Post of San Juan, P. R., will furnish two details from the Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, each consisting of one Sergeant, three Coiqwrals, 36 Priv- ates, to act as guards, and one Cook and two men for kitch- en and ground police; one of these details for the Presi- dio and the other for the Carcel, at San Juan, P. R. 7. A Board of Officers to consist of: Captain AnUiont/ IF. Voiles, 5th U. S. Artillery; 1st Lieutenant John IV. L. Phillips, 11th U. S. In- fantry ; 2nd Lieutenant Frederick D. de Funiak, Jr., 11th U. S. Infantry, is hereby appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., for the purpose of examining into and reporting upon the manner in which Government property is unloaded from U. S. Transports arriving at the Port of San Juan. The Chief Quartermaster of the Department will give prompt notice to the Board of all trans ports arriving, and at least one member of the Board will be present all of the time and witness the unloading of the transport; upon completion of each unloading the Board will render a re- port to these headquarters as to the care exercised in hand- ling Government property. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W- P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders,' No. 173. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, September 5th, 1899. 1. TheCommanding Officer of the General Hospital, Sanjuan, will send six (6) privates of the Hospital Corps to report to the Commanding Officer Ponce, P. R., for tem- porary duty at that station; upon completion of which they will return to their proper station. The Quartermas- ter's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 2. Colonel Isaac D. De Russy, 11th U. S. Infantry, having returned from leave of absence, Major Charles L. Davis, 11th U. S. Infantry, is relieved from duty at the Post of San Juan. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 174. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 6th, 1899. 1. 2nd Lieutenant John T. Geary, 5th U. S. Artil- lery, being the accuser in the case of the United States vs. Private Thomas Purtell, Battery G, 5th U. S. Artillery, is relieved from duty as Judge Advocate of the general court-martial convened by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 165, current series, these headquarters, during the trial of this man. and 1st Lieutenant Charles H. Hamilton, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, is detailed in his stead. Upon the conclusion of this trial Lieutenant Geary will resume his seat as Judge Advocate. 2. 2nd Lieutenant John T. Geary, 5th U. S. Artillery, being the accuser in the case of the United States vs. Private Amos G. Taylor, Battery G, 5th U. S. Artillery, is relieved from duty as Judge Advocate of the general court-martial convened by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 165, current series, these headquarters, during the trial of this man, and 1st LieutenantCAarZes H. Hamilton, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, is detailed in his stead. Upon the conclusion of this trial Lieutenant Geary will resume his seat as Judge Advocate. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. HE AI > Q U A RT E R S D E P A R T M E N T OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 7th, 1899. Special Orders, No. 175. 1. Pack-master IT. A. Scott, accompanied by Wagon- master E. H. Girven, and E. Schirmer, Veterinarian, and teamsters: Ed. Ambrose, IT. J. Hays, Ed. Miller, Han McCarthy, E J. Bruderr, John Driver, C. M. Hulett, John Depp, Thomas Cody, G. H. Bintell, George Hall, William Lein, James Sanders, E. Murphy, Joseph Johnson, will proceed to New York City on U. S. Transport, Kil- patrick, in charge of a lot of Government mules. The Subsistence Department will furnish subsistence on board the transport to the teamsters. 2. Private Victor M. Bostwick, Troop A, 5th U- S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of assault and battery, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was upon consideration of one (1) previous conviction, sentenced '"To be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard, at the post where his company may be serving, for one month, and to forfeit to United States five (5) dollars.'" The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 3. Private George Barlow, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of: Neglect of duty; defying the authority of a non-commis- sioned officer; using insulting and threatening language towards a non-commissioned officer; and of having a revol- ver in his possession without proper authority, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced '••To be dishon- orably discharged the service of The United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, except fifteen dollars and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for one (1) year.'" The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, New York Harbor, N. Y., is designated as the place of confinement to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard by the Com- manding Officer of the Post of San J uan, P. R., by the first available transport. 2 4. Private Samuel II'. Carnes. Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of disobeying a non-commissioned officer, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was upon consideration of two (2) previous convictions, sentenced "To be confined at hard labor for the period of three (3) months, at the place where his troop may be serving. " The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 8th, 1899. Special Orders, No. 176. 1. The Commanding Officer. General Hospital, San Juan. P. R., will send Private William J. Nugent, Troop G, Sth U. S. Cavalry, to the station of his Troop at Aibonito, P. P., directing him to report to the Commanding Officer of that Post. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations, in advance, for one day, at the rate of $1.50 per day, it being impracticable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind and the travel enjoined neces- sary for the public service. 2. Paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 168, current series, these headquarters, is so modified as to read Priv- ate John O'Brine, Troop D, Sth U. S. Cavalry. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 177. HE A D^UARTE RS D EPART MENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 9th, 1899. * 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this City to Humacao, P. R., for Privates Lawrence Duckworth and Peter McKen- non. Troop C, 5th U. S. Cavalry, discharged from the General Hospital.. 2. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this city to Lares, P. R., for Corporal Andrew Russell, Company L. 11th U. S. In- fantry, discharged from the General Hospital, and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of ra- tions, in advance, for one day, it being impracticable to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. 3. The journey performed by 1st Lieutenant Seaborn O. Chiles, 11th U. S. Infantry, from Aguadilla to San Juan. P. R., and return, on business connected with the distri- bution of relief supplies, is confirmed as necessary for the public service. 4. 1st Class Private John J. Siebert, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty at San Juan, P. R., will proceed to San German, P. R., open and assume charge of the tele- graph office at that place. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 5. 2nd Lieutenant Graham L. Johnson. 11th U. S. Infantry, will report on September 12th. 1899, to Major James A. Buchanan. 15th U. S. Infantry, Treasurer of the Island of Porto Rico, for duty in connection with the col- lection of Insular Revenues and Customs at the following points: Arecibo, Aguadilla, Mayaguez, Arroyo, Humacao, Vieques, Fajardo, and return to San Juan. The Commanding Officer Post of San Juan will detail one non-commissioned officei' and two privates to report to Lieutenant Johnson and aQcompany him on this journey. 2 The Treasurer of the Island will provide funds for the nec- essary subsistence. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. 2nd Lieutenant Blas Nadal, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, will report in person as soon as possible to Captain A. 0. Macomb. 5th U. S. Cavalry, at Arecibo, P. R , for relief duty in that Division, vice 1st Lieutenant James T. Ord, Porto Rico Battalion. U. S. Volunteers, who is relieved; Lieutenant Ord will report in person to the Commanding Officer, San Juan, P. R. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 178. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO. San Juan, September 11th, 1899. 1. 1st Lieutenants Robert M. Brookfield, 11th U. S. Infantry, and Allen D. Raymond, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, are detailed as members of the Board of Of- ficers appointed by paragraph 7, Special Orders, No. 172, current series, these headquarters, vice Captain Anthony IT. Vogdes, 5th U. S. Artillery, and 2nd Lieutenant Fred- erick D. de, Fnniak, Jr., 11th U. S. Infantry, who are reliev- ed. In addition to reporting upon the care exercised in unloading Government Supplies the Board will also report upon the care exercised in handling relief supplies. 2. The following enlisted men will be sent by their respective Commanding Officers to San Juan, P. R., so as to report to the President of the Board of Officers conven- ed by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 172, current se- ries, these headquarters, on September 15th, 1899, for ex- amination for a Commission in the United States Army: 1st Sergeant Christof Renting er, Company F, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Class Sergeant Clarence N. Jones, Signal Corps, U. S. Army. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 3. Private James O'Connor, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having completed the duty assigned to him by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 164, current series, these headquarters, will at once return to the station of his troop at Arecibo, reporting upon arrival to the Com- manding Officer of that Post for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 4. 1st Lieutenant Richmond McA. Schofield, 5th U S. Cavalry, is relieved from duty as member of the general court-martial, convened at Mayaguez, P. IL, bv paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 171, current series, these headquar- ters. 5. The Commissary Department will furnish travel 2 rations and Coffee money for two days to Privates Lawrence Duckworth and Peter McKennon, Troop C, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, enroute from this place to Humacao, P. R. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 179. headquarters department OE PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 12th, 1899. 1. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Anthony PT. Vogdes, .5th U. S. Artillery; 1st Lieutenant Allen D. Raymond, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers; 2nd Lieutenant Harry L. Cooper, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., Wednesday, September 13th, 1899. or as soon thereafter as practicable, at the Subsistence Storehouse, to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the loss of certain articles of subsistence stores received on invoices No. 93, dated August 21st, and No. 107, dated Aug- ust 23rd, 1899, from Captain John Little, Commissary of Sub- sistence, U. S. Army, New York City, to Lieutenant Colonel F. E. Nye, A. C. G. S., U. S. Army, Chief Commissary of the Department, San Juan, P. R. 2. 4 Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Anthony IV Vogdes, 5th U. S. Artillery; 1st Lieutenant Allen D. Raymond, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers; 2nd Lieutenant Harry L. Cooper. Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R.. at 10:00 o'clock a. m., Wednesday, September 13th, 1899, or as soon there- after as practicable, at the Subsistence Storehouse, to ex- amine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the loss of certain articles of subsistence stores received on in- voice No. 6, dated August 28th, 1899, from 1st Lieutenant R. E. Longan, 11th U. S. Infantry, Depot Commissary at Playa Ponce, P. R., and for which Lieutenant Longan is accountable. 3. Captain George McK. Williamson, Assistant Quar- termaster, U. 8. Army, will proceed to Cayey, Aibonito and Ponce, P. R., on duty in connection with the erection of Public buildings at these points; upon completion of this duty he will return to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis: ' \ W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 13th, 1899. Special Orders, No. 180. 1- Sergeant John H. Waddle, Company A, 11th U. S. Infantry, will be sent by his Commanding Officer to San Juan, P. R., so as to report to the President of the Board of Officers convened by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 172, current series, these headquarters, on September 15th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for examination for a Commission in the United States Army. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 2. Sergeant Charles F. Roberts, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, will be sent by his Commanding Officer to San Juan, P R., so as to report to the President of the Board of Of- ficers convened by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 172, current .series, these headquarters, on September 15th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for examination for a Commission in the United States Army. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 3. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Richard R. Steadman, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Christian Briand, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers; 2nd Lieutenant Frederick D. de Funiak, Jr., 11th u. S. Infantry. is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Friday, September 15th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to examine into, report upon and lix the responsibility for the loss of certain articles of Ordnance Stores of the 5th U. S. Cavalry, at Aibonito, P. R.. in the hurricane of August 8th, 1899, and for which Captain H. Hr. Wheeler, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is accountable. 4. The Commanding Officer of the U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send the following named enlisted men, with their Descriptive Lists and Accounts of Pay and Clothing, to report to the Commanding Officer, Fort Hamilton, New York, for observation and treatment: Private Michael Good, Troop M, 5th U. S. Cavalry; Private John McNeil, Battery E, 5th U. S. Artillery. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the 2 necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department the necessary subsistence upon Transport. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 181. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 14th, 1899. 1. Leave of absence for one month, on Surgeon's Certificate of Disability, with permission to return to the United States, is granted 2nd Lieutenant Eldred D. War- field, 11th U. S. Infantry, 2. Corporal Emil Huebscher, Troop, A. 5th U. S. Cav- alry, is hereby relieved from duty with the U. S, Provision- al Court at these headquarters and will proceed at once to rejoin his troop at Arecibo, P. R., reporting upon arrival to his Commanding Officer for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 3. Upon the recommendation of the Chief Surgeon of the Department and his immediate Commanding Officer Private William Schewe, Hospital Corps. U. S. Army, is dis- charged the service of the United States without honor. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 182. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 15th, 1890. 1. Private Charles Schacht, Hospital Corps, U. S. Ar- my, having reported at these headquarters in compliance with paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 196, Fort Columbus, New York, dated September 6th, 1899, will proceed to Ponce, P. R., reporting upon arrival to the Commanding Of- ficer of that Post for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 2. Private Walter J. Lynch, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cav- alry. having reported at these headquarters in compliance with paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 196, Fort Columbus, New York, dated September 6th, 1899, will proceed to Ar- ecibo, P. R., reporting upon arrival to the Commanding Officer of that Post for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 3. Upon the recommendation of the Commanding Of- ficer of the Post of San Juan, P. R., one (1) month of the unexecuted portion of the sentence, so far as relates to confinement, in the case of Private Richard D. Gibson, Troop F, 5th U. S. Cavalry, as promulgated in paragraph 12, Special Orders, No. 151, current series, these headquar- ters, is hereby remitted. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 183. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 16th, 1899. 1. Leave of absence for one month with permission to return to the United States, is granted Major John L. Clem. Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster of the Department. 2. Leave of absence for one month, on Surgeon's Certificate of Disability, with permission to return to the United States, is granted 1st Lieutenant H. E. Longan, 11th U. S. Infantry. 3- The Commanding Officer, U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send Private Fred J. Colver, Troop I, 5th U. S. Cavalry, with his descriptive list and ac- count of pay and clothing to report to the Commanding Officer, Fort Hamilton, New York, for observation and treatment. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department the necessary subsistence upon Transport. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. Private James E. Magner, Troop K, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried before a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on guard, in violation of the 38th Article of war, was upon consideration of three (3) previous convic- tions, sentenced "To forfeit to the United States Ten Dollars ($10.00) a month for three (3) months and to be confined at hard labor for the same period at the station oj his Troop.'1'' The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 5. In compliance with instructions from the War Department Captain Eben Swift, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is de- tailed as Collector of Customs at Humacao, P. R., vice Captain Clarence E. Dentler, 11th U. S. Infantry, relieved. Captain Dentler will turn over the office and records there- of to Captain Swift, who will report by letter to Major Charles L. Davis, 11th U. S. Infantry, Collector of Porto Rico, San Juan, for instructions. 6. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain James E. Macklin, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant James T. Ord, Porto Rico Battal- ion, U. S. Volunteers; 2nd Lieutenant Graham A. Johnson, 11th U. S. Infantry, 2 is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. in., on Monday, September 18th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the purpose of examining in- to, reporting upon and fixing the responsibility for the damaged condition of a quantity of Oats and Hay shipped by the Depot Quartermaster, at New York and invoiced by Captain I. IE Littell, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Army, as per invoice No. 691, dated September 6th. 1899, on United States Transport "Burnside," and for which Captain Littell is accountable. 7. Paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 1'7, current series, these headquarters, is so modified as to read Cor- poral Amza Russell, instead of Andrew Russell. 8. Private John Sierer, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, is relieved from duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., and will report to the Commanding Officer, San Juan, for duty at that station. 9. During the temporary absence of Major John L. Clem, Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster of the Department, Major Thomas Cruse, Quartermaster. U. S. Volunteers, will in addition to his other duties, perform those of Chief Quarterm ister of the Department. By command ok Brigadier Generl Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 18th, 1899. Special Orders, No. 184. 1. A Board of Survey to consist of : Captain Richard R. Steadman, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Robert M. Brookfield, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Christian Briand, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Wednesday, September 20th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the purpose of examining into, reporting upon and fixing the responsibility for the loss by the hurricane of August 8th, 1899, of a lot of med- ical stores at Aibonito, P. R., for which Acting Assistant Surgeon Compton Wilson, U. S. Army, is accountable. 2. Captain Pierce M. B. Travis, 11th U. S. Infantry, is detailed as additional member of the general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 171, current series, these headquarters. 3. Acting Assistant Surgeon H. M. McConathy. is assigned to duty as Surgeon, Adjuntas, P. R., relieving Acting Assistant Surgeon A. D. Williams, who will proceed to the United States, and report by letter to the Surgeon General of the Army for annulment of contract. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 185. IIEADQUA RTEKS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 19th, 1899. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this City to Adjuntas, P. R., for Private Frank F. Faling, Troop B, 5th U. S. Cavalry, discharged from the General Hospital, Sanjuan. The Subsistence Department will furnish commuta- tion of rations for one day, in advance, at the rate of $1.50, it being impracticable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind and the travel enjoined necessary for the public service. 2. The Commanding Officer of the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will semi Acting Hospital Steward Arthur A. Bemtgen to report to the Commanding Officer, Maya- guez, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 3. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Zebulon B. Vance, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Frederick M. Hartsock, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant Allen D. Haymond, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Thursday, September 21st, 1899, or as soon there- after as practicable, for the purpose of examining into, reporting upon and fixing the responsibility for the loss of certain Quartermaster stores, for which 2nd Lieutenant Frederick M. Jones, Signal Corps, U. S. Volunteers, is ac- countable. 4. The Commanding Officer, San Juan. P. R., will direct Private Monongahela de Beaujen, Company E, 11th U. S. Infantry, to report to the Adjutant General of the Department for detached service at these headquarters. The Subsistence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day to this man while on this duty. 5. The Judge Advocate of the general court-martial convened at Ponce, P. K., by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 137, current series, these headquarters, is directed to turn over all the untried cases referred to that Court, to the Judge Advocate of the general court-martial convened at Mayaguez. P. R., by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 2 171, current series, these headquarters, and will report all the cases thus transferred to these headquarters. 6. The Commanding Officer of the Post of Ponce, P. R., will send all prisoners at that Post against whom charg- es are pending before the general court-martial, at Ponce, under suitable guard, with witnesses, where it is prac- ticable, to Mayaguez, P. R., for trial. 'The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 20th, 1899. Special Orders, No. 186. 1. Leave of absence for two weeks with permission to return to the United States, is granted Major James A. Huchanan, 15th U. S. Infantry, Treasurer of Porto Rico. 2. Major Charles L. Davis, 11th U. S. Infantry, Collector of Porto Rico, is detailed as an additional mem- ber of the Board of Officers convened by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 172, current series, these headquarters, vice Major James A. Huchanan, 15th U. S. Infantry, Treasurer of Porto Rico, relieved. 3. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Anthony IF. Vogdes, 5th U. S. Artillery; 1st Lieutenant John IC. L. Phillips, 11 th U. S. I nfantry; 2nd Lieutenant Graham L. Johnson, 11th U. S. Infantry, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R-, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Friday, September 22nd, 1899, or as soon thereaf- ter as practicable, for the purpose of examining into, reporting upon and fixing the responsibility for the loss of certain articles of Signal Corps property, at Humacao, P. R., for which 1st Class Sergeant George A. Robinson, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, is accountable. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. H EA DQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 21st, 1899 Special Orders, No. 187. 1. The Board of Officers convened by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 172, current series, these headquarters, will meet on Tuesday, October 31st, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the purpose of examining such 1st Lieutenants of the Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, as may be ordered before it to ascertain their fitness for promotion. 2. The following named 1st Lieutenants of the Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, will report on October 31st, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to the President of the Board of Officers, convened by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 172, current series, these headquar- ters, for examination for the purpose of determining their fitness for promotion. 1st Lieutenant James T. Ord, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, 1st Lieutenant Charles H. Hamilton, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers, 1st Lieutenant Christian Briand, Porto Rico Battalion. U. S. Volunteers, 1st Lieutenant Allen D. Raymond, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers. 3. Private Michael Clark, Company M, 11th [J. S. Infantry, having been tried by general court-mai tial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of larceny, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced, "to be confined, at hard labor under charge of the post guard for the period of three (3) monthsand to forfeit to the United Stales ten ($10.00) a month for the same period.'" The sentence, although inadequate to so grave an offence, is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's company. 4. Private John T. Stone, Battery G, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunk- enness on duty, in violation of the 38th Article of War, and of neglect of duty, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced "to be confined at hard labor in (under) charge of the guard at the station where his battery may be serving for the period of two (2) months. The court is thus lenient on account of the youth and inexperience of the accus- ed and the extenuating circumstances in the case." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 2 5. Corporal Otto Smith, Troop D, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. Corporal Smith' has been ordered released from arrest and restored to duty. 6. Private Thomas Purtell, Battery G, 5th U. S. Artil- lery, having been tried by a general court-martial conven- ed at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 32nd and 33rd Articles of War, was upon consider- ation of three (3) previous convictions, sentenced "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the Post Guardjor one (1) month, and to forfeit to the United States five ($5.00) dollars of his pay.11 The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 7. Captain Richard M. Blatchfoi d, 11th (J. S. Infan- try, will proceed to Vieques and relieve 2nd Lieutenant Woodson Hocker, 11th U. S. Infantry, of the Civil duties thereat; he will also take charge of the work of holding an election in that island, and is authorized to call on Lieutenant Hocker, Commanding detachment of U. S. Troops and the Insular Police for any assistance and co- operation that may be needed in carrying out the order that will be ffiven for holding an election and maintaining civil order in Vieques. The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 188. headquarteks department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 22nd, 1899. 1. Private Benjamin G. Irving, Company B, 11th U. S. Infantry, is detailed on detached service at these head- quarters, to date from September 21, 1899, vice Private John Doyle, Company D, 11th U. S. Infantry, relieved. The Subsistence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day to Private Irving from that date while on such duty. 2. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain James E. Macklin. 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant James T. Ord, Porto Rico Battalion, LI. S. Volunteers; 2nd Lieutenant Frederick D. de Funiak, Jr., 11th U. S. Infantry, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m , on Saturday, September 23rd, 1899. or as soon there- after as practicable, for the purpose of examining into, re- porting upon and fixing the responsibility for the loss of certain Quartermaster stores, supposed to have been stolen from the Quartermaster storehouse at Arecibo, P. R., and for which 2nd Lieutenant Chalmers G. Hall, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, is accountable. 3. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Zebulon B. Vance, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Boberl M. Brookfield, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Allen D. Raymond, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Saturday, September 23rd, 1899, or as soon thereaf- ter as practicable for the purpose of examining into, report- ing upon and fixing the responsibility for the loss of cer- tain Signal Corps property at Ponce, P. R., for which Ser- geant L. G. McGuigan, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, is ac- countable. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 189. HEADQUA RTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 23rd, 1899. 1. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day from Mon- day, September 18th, 1899, to 1st Sergeant Christof Benting- er, Company F, 11th U. S. Infantry, and Sergeant John H. Waddle. Company A, 11th U. S. Infantry, on detached service at these headquarters, undergoing examination be- fore Board of Officers convened by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 172, current series, these headquarters. 2. 1st Lieutenant John Kennedy, list U. S. Volunteer Infantry, will proceed to New York City, reporting by tel- egraph upon arrival to the Adjutant General of the Army. The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. 3. The Commanding Officer Post of San Juan, P. R., will direct Private William Joyce, Company B, 11th U. S. Infantry, to report to 1st Lieutenant Robert Alexander, 11th U. S. Infantry, Clerk, U. S. Provisional Court, for detach- ed service with the U. S. Provisional Court. 4. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day, from this date, to Private William Joyce, Company B, 11th U. S. Infantry, while on detached service with the U. S. Provi sional Court. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 190. H E A DQU A RT E RS DE PA RT M ENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 25th, 1899. 1. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send an Acting Hospital Steward to re- port to the Commanding Officer, Aibonito, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations for one day, at $1.00 per day. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Acting Hospital Steward Patrick J. Maloney, Hos- pital Corps, U. S. Army, is relieved from duty at Aiboni- to and will report to the Commanding Officer, Ponce, P. R., for duty at that station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 3. 1st Sergeant Christof Bentinger, Company F, 11th U. S. Infantry and Sergeant John F. Waddle, Company A, 11th LT. S. Infantry, having completed their examination before the Board of Officers convened by paragraph 1, Spec- ial Orders, No. 172. current series, these Headquarters, will return to their proper stations. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 4. Leave of absence for twenty days with permission to visit the United States is granted to Captain G. M. Wells, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army. Captain F. P. Reynolds. Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Ar- my, will in addition to his present duties take command of the General Hospital, Sanjuan, P. R., during the tempor- ary absence of Captain Wells. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 191. IIEADQUA RTE RS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 26th, 1899. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this City to Aibonito, P. R., for Private Walter E. Kabe, Troop G, 5th U. S. Cavalry, discharged from the General Hospital, San Juan. The Subsistence Department will furnish commu- tation of rations for one day, in advance, at the rate of $1.00, it being impracticable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind and the travel enjoined necessary for the public service. 2. Corporal Charles G. Bell, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty at San Juan, will proceed to Arroyo, Porto Rico, open and assume charge of a telegraph office at that place. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 3. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Bichard R. Steadman, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant John W. L. Phillips, 11th U. S. In- fantry; 1st Lieutenant Christian Briand, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers, is appointed to meet at the Subsistence Storehouse at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Thursday, Septem- ber 28th. 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to ex- amine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the damaged condition and shortage of a lot of Subsistence Stores received by Lieutenant Colonel F. E. Nye, A. C. G. S., U. S. Army, on Transport Burnside, as per invoice No. 12. dated September 6th, 1899, from Colonel Charles A. Woodruff, A. C. G. S., U. S. Army, New York City, By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 192. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 27th, 1899. 1. J Board of Medical Officers is hereby directed to meet at the General Hospital, San Juan. P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., October 10th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable for the purpose of examining such candidates for detail aS Acting Hospital Steward as may be ordered before it: Detail for the Board : Captain P. R. Egan. Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; Captain F. P. Reynolds, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant F. M. Hartsock, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, Acting Assistant Surgeon S. R. Wadhams will act as recorder of the Board. 2. Private George Sparry, Hospital Corps. U. S. Army, now at Aguadilla, P. R., and Private Benjamin L. Jacobsen, Hospital Corps U. S. Army, now at Manati, P. R., will be sent by the Commanding Officer of those Posts to report to the President of the Examining Board at San Juan for examination for detail as Acting Hospital Stewards upon receiving notification from the Board Upon completion of this duty they will return to their proper stations. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 3. In compliance with Special Orders, No. 136, Head- quarters of the Army, Ad jutant General's Office, Washing- ton, June 12, 1899, Major W. J. Glassjord, Signal Corps, U. S. Volunteers, will make an inspection of the telegraph lines from San Juan to Mayaguez, via Ponce; thence to Aguadilla, Lares, Utuado, and Adjuntas; thence to Maunabo via Arroyo; thence via Guayama and Caguas to Yabucoa; thence to Humacao and Fajardo and return to San Juan. Enroute the branch lines to Barros, Guanica and to Maricao will be inspected. Major Glassford will also in- spect such unserviceable signal property as may be submit- ted to him for that purpose. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. Upon the recommendation of the Commanding 2 Officer, U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., and the Chief Surgeon of the Department, the following privates of the Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, are discharged the service of the United States without honor. John Dun, Eugene A. Gosling, Clarence P. Thoine. b. 2nd Lieutenant Laurence Halstead, 11th U. S. Infantry, having complied with paragraph 2, Special Orders. No. 183, from Post of Mayaguez, directing him to proceed to San Juan, in charge of public funds, will proceed to join his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. A Board of Survey to consist of: Major L. P. Davison, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers; 1st Lieutenant F. M. Hartsock, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 2nd Lieutenant Graham L. Johnson, 11th U. S. Infantry, is appointed to meet at Sanjuan, P. R.. at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Friday. September 29th, 1899, or as soon thereaf- ter as practicable for the purpose of examining into, re- porting upon ami fixing the responsibility for the loss of the United States Lighter "Willie." together with a lot of Quartermaster property thereon at the time of said loss, and for which Major Thomas Cruse, Quartermaster, U. S. Volunteers, is accountable. 7. During the temporary absence of Major James A. Buchanan, loth U. S. Infantry, Treasurer of Porto Rica. Major P. C. Stevens, Additional Paymaster. U. S. Volun- teers, in addition to his other duties will perform those of the Treasurer of Porto Rico. 8. Leave of absence for twenty-one days with permis- sion to return to the United States is granted Lieutenant Colonel William P. Hall, Assistant Adjutant General, U. S. Army, Adjutant General of the Department. Major Charles H. Heyl, Inspector General, U. S. Army, Inspector General of the Department, will in addition to his other duties perform those of the Adjutant General of this Department timing the temporary absence of Lieu- tenant Colonel Hall, By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 28th, 1899. Special Orders. No. 193. 1. Captain L. C. Lucas, U. S. Marine Corps, will temporarily assume the duties of Inspector of Lights and Beacons and in Charge of Buoys, relieving Ensign M'. R. Gherardi, U. S. Navy. Ensign Gherardi will turn over all funds and papers pertaining to that office to Captain Lucas. 2. Captain William V. Judson, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, will temporarily relieve Ensign W. R. Gherar- di, U. S. Navy, of his duties as Acting Engineer of Light Houses of Porto Rico. Ensign Gherardi will turn over all the funds and papers pertaining to that office to Captain Judson. 3. Paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 191, current series, these headquarters is amended so as to read "for the damaged condition and shortage of a lot of Subsistence Stores (relief supplies) received by Lieutenant Colonel F. E. Nye, A. C. G. S., U. S. Army, Chief Commissary of the Department, on U. S. Transport Burnside, as per Invoice No. 12, dated September 6th, 1899, from Captain John Little, C. S., U. 8. Army, New York City." 4. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Anthony W. Vogdes, 5th LT. S. Artillery: 1st Lieutenant James T. Ord, Porto Rico Battal- ion, U. S. Volunteers; 2nd Lieutenant Frederick I), de Funiak, Jr., 11th U. S. Infantry. is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Saturday, September 30th, 1899, or as soon there- after as practicable, for the purpose of examining into, re- porting upon and fixing the responsibility for the breakage and damage to certain articles of Medical Supply Stores received at the Medical Supply Depot at San Juan, and for which Captain P. R. Egan, Assistant Sui geon, U. S. Army, Medical Supply Officer, is accountable. By command of Brigadier General Davis : C. H. BEYL, Major, Inspector General, U. S. A. Acting Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 191. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, September 29th, 1899. 1. Paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 188, current series, these headquarters, is amended so as to read Benjamin G. Erwin, instead of Benjamin G. Irving. 2. The Commanding Officer, Humacao, P. R., will send Recruit Charles F. Stone, Band, 5th U. S. Cavalry, to report to the Commanding Officer Mayaguez, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. The Subsistence Department will pay commutation of rations, for one day, in advance, at the rate of $1.00 per day, it being impracticable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation from this City to Manati. P. R., for Private John C. Livingood, Troop K, 5th U. S- Cavalry, discharged this day from the U. S. General Hospital. San Juan, P. R. By command of Brigadier General Davis: C. H. HEYL, Major, Inspector General, U. S. J. Acting Adjutant General. headquarters department cf porto rico, San Juan, September 30th, 1899. Special Orders, No. 195. 1. Private Albert L. Graham, Troop E, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of selling clothing, in violation of the 17th Article of War, and of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced To be confined at hard labor tinder charge of the post guard for two months and to forfeit ten dollars ($10.00) per month for the same period." The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's troop. 2. A Board of Ollicers to consist of: Major Selden A. Day, 5th U. S. Artillery, Inspector of Artillery of the Department; Captain James E. Uicadin, 11th U. S. Infantry; Captain George McK. Williamson. Assistant Quar- termaster, U. S. Army, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Wednesday, October 4th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable for the purpose of examining into and reporting upon the qualifications of Sergeant Gottlieb Williams, Troop F, 5th U. S. Cavalry, for appointment as Post Quartermaster Sergeant. The applicant will be required to furnish the Board with a full statement of his enlistments, age, whether citizen of the United States by birth or naturalization and whether married or single. The report will be made full in all the particulars mentioned in A. R. 95 and 96, giving questions and answers, and will be forwarded to the Adjutant General of the Army, through these headquarters, with as little delay as practicable. 3. Sergeant Edmund B. Oldham, and 1st Class Private Richard Henry, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty with their Company at San Juan, Porto Rico, will proceed, equipped with the necessary heliograph, telescopes, field glasses, etc., to Fajardo, Porto Rico, and establish helio- graph communication between that point and the Isla de Vieques. Porto Rico. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 4. Corporal Eugene Lazar and 1st Class Private Joseph H. Embleton, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty with their company at San Juan, Porto Rico, will 2 proceed, with the necessary heliograph, telescopes, field glasses, etc., to the Isla de Vieques, Porto Rico, and estab- lish heliograph communication between that point and Fajardo, Porto Rico. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 5. The following journeys performed by Major P. C. Stevens, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, for the purpose of paying troops are approved as having been necessary for the public service: September 12th, 1899: San Juan to Humacao; thence to Vieques and re- turn to San Juan. September 14th to 18th, 1899: San Juan to Ponce; thence to Mayaguez and return to San Juan. September 18th to 19th, 1899: San Juan to Aguadilla and return to San Juan. September 21st to 23rd, 1899: San Juan to Cayey; thence to Aibonito and return to San Juan. September 25th, 1899: San Juan to Manati and return to San Juan. September 27th to 28th,1899: San Juan to Arecibo and return. 6. Trumpeter HW Graves, Troop E, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial conven- ed at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunk- enness, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sen- tenced: "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard for the period of two months."" The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's troop. 7. Trumpeter Will Graves, Troop E, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was upon consideration of ten (10) previous convictions, sentenced: "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, and to be confined at hard labor at such post as the reviewing authority may direct for three (3) months."''1 3 The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's troop. Under the provisions of Par. 5, G. O. 96, c. s., A. G. O., this man will be furnished transportation to the United States by first available transport after his release from confinement. 8. Private Charles Havelin, Company C, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial, convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of assault, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced 'to be confined <d hard labor under charge of the post guard for one month and to forfeit ten dollars ($10.00) of his pay." The proceedings and findings are approved. Owing to the long period the prisoner has been held in confine- ment awaiting trial through changes of personnel in the court, the sentence is remitted. 9. Private Fred Chapman, Troop L, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a. general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of committing a nuisance; of threatening a comrade; of assault: and of disobeying a non-commissioned officer, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was upon consideration of three (3) previous convictions, sentenced "Tobe confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard, for five (5) months, and to forfeit ten dollars ($10.00) per month for the same period. " The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's Troop. 10. Private Amos G. Taylor, Battery G, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 32nd, 33rd, and 62nd Articles of War, was upon consideration of four (4) previous convictions, sentenced: '"To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, except the sum of fifteen dollars, and to be transported to the United States." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved except so much thereof as relates to transportation to the United States, such transportation being already provided for by orders from Headquarters of the Army, (Par. 5, G. O. 96, c. s., A. G. O.). 11. At the request of the Municipal Council of Hu- macao, and upon the recommendation of the Board of Prison Control, a full pardon is hereby granted to Jose Ignacio Sierra, a prisoner confined in the jail at Humacao, P. R. The Alcalde of Humacao will see that he is promptly set at liberty. The Governor General takes pleasure in announcing that this action is based upon the most creditable reports of the conduct of said prisoner during the storm of August Sth, when he rendered valuable services to the unfortu- nate wounded, temporarily taken to the jail for shelter. By command oe Brigadier General Davis: C. H. HEYL. Major, Inspector General, U. S. J. Acting Adjutant General. 4 Special Orders, No. 196. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, October 2nd, 1899. 1. Captain John Landstreet, Jr., Assistant Commis- sary General of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers, having re- ported at these headquarters in compliance with paragraph 18, Special Orders, No. 216, current series. Headquarters of the Army, is assigned to temporary duty at these head- quarters. 2. The journey performed by Captain H W. Wheeler, 5th U. S. Cavalry, September 17th to 24th. 1899, from Aibonito to Sau Juan, and return, pursuant to telegraphic instructions from the Department Commander, to enable him to appear as witness before the general court-martial at Sau Juan, is approved as necessary for the public service. 3. Paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 183, current series, these headquarters, is revoked. The Commanding Officer, Ponce, P. R., will send Private Fred. J. Colver, Troop I, 5th U. S. Cavalry, with his descriptive list and account of pay and clothing to report to the Commanding Officer Fort Hamilton, New York, for observation and treatment. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department the necessary subsistence upon Transport. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. The Commanding Officer, San Juan, P. R., will direct Sergeant Gottlieb Williams, Troop F, 5th U. S. Cavalry, to appear before the Board of Officers convened by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 195, current series, these headquarters, upon notification of the Board, for examination as to his fitness for appointment as Post Quartermaster Sergeant. By command of Brigadier General Davis: C. H. HEYL, Major, Inspector General, U. S. A. Acting Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 197. headquarters drpartm ent OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, October 3rd, 1899. 1 Leave of absence for two weeks with permission to return to the United States is granted 1st Lieutenant F. F. Russell, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army. 2. During the absence of 1st Lieutenant F. F. Russell, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, Acting Assistant Surgeon, W. C. LeCompte, will in addition to his duties at Vieques, take medical charge of the Post of Humacao. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. The Commanding Officer, San Juan. P. R., will direct Privates Gerrard Irvine, Company E, and Frank Kane, Company B, 11th U. S. Infantry, to report to the Adjutant General of the Department for detached service at these headquarters, vice Private Monongahela de Reaujen, Company E, 11th U. S. Infantry, relieved. 4. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations from October 4th, 1899, at the rate of 75 cents per day, to Privates Gerrard Irvine, Company E, and Frank Kane, Company B. 11th U. S. Infantry, while on detached service at these headquarters. 5. 1st Lieutenant Frank Parker, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will proceed from Aibonito to Ponce. P. R.. for the purpose of turning over certain official papers and public property pertaining to Troop I, 5th U. S. Cavalry. Upon the completion of this duty he will return to his station at Aibonito. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis : C. H. HEYL, Major, Inspector General, U. 8. d. Acting Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 198. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, October 4th, 1899. 1. 1st Lieutenant Robert Brookfield, 11th U. S. Infan- try, will report on Saturday, October 7th, 1899, to Major P. C. Stevens. Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, Acting Treasurer of Porto Rico, for duty in connection with the collection of Insular Revenues and Customs at the following points: Arecibo. Humacao, Aguadilla, Vieques, Mayaguez, Fajardo, and return to Ponce. San Juan. Arroyo, The Commanding Oliicer Post of San Juan will detail one non-commissioned officer and two privates to report to Lieutenant Brookfield to accompany him on this journey. The Acting Treasurer of the Island will provide funds for the necessary subsistence. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Payment of troops in this Department, for the muster of September 30th, 1899, will be made by the follow- ng named Paymasters at the points designated: Major Charles H. Whipple, Paymaster, U. S. Army, Chief Paymaster of the Department, troops stationed at San Juan, Porto Rico. Major Pierre C. Stevens, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, troops stationed at Arecibo, Aibonito, Adjun- tas, Aguadilla, Cayey, Humacao, Lares, Manati, Maya- guez, San German, and Ponce, P. R. Major Stevens is authorized to make the payments at the above posts in the order that is found most expedient, and upon completion of this duty he will return to his proper station. Commanding Officers will provide the necessary escorts, upon request of the paymasters above mentioned. The Quartermaster's Department will provide the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Zebulon B. Vance, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Christian Briand, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers; 2 2nd Lieutenant Graham L. Johnson, 11th U. S. Infantry, is appointed to meet at the Subsistence Storehouse at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Saturday, October 7th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the loss of and damage to certain articles of Subsistence Stores invoic- ed by Captain John Little, Commissary Subsistence, U. S. Army, New York City, per his invoices No. 13, dated Sep- tember 6th; No. 81, dated September 19th; and Nos. 94 and 98, dated September 20th, 1899, to Lieutenant Colonel F. E. Nye, A. C. G. S., U. S. Army, Chief Commissary of the Department, San Juan, P. R. 4. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Zebulon B. Vance, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Christian Briand, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers; 2nd Lieutenant Graham L. Johnson, 11th U. S. Infantry, is appointed to meet at the Subsistence Storehouse at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Saturday, October 7th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the loss of and damage to certain articles of Subsistence Stores invoic- ed by 1st Lieutenant IL E. Longan, 11th U. S. Infantry, Depot Commissary at the Playa Ponce, P. R., dated Sep- tember 8th, 1899, to Lieutenant Colonel F. E. Nye, A, C. G. S., U. S. Army, Chief Commissary of the Department. 5. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Clarence E. Dcntler, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant John IK. L. Phillips, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Frederick M. Hartsock, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Friday, October 6th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to examine into, report upon and fix the re- sponsibility for the death of certain horsesand mules, the property of the United States, which have died at the Rio Piedras and Depot Corrals and while on detached service during the months of August and September, 1899, for which Major John L. Clem, Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster of the Department, is accountable. 6. The Commanding Officer, San Juan, Porto Rico, will detail a Commissioned Officer and twenty-five enlist- ed men of the Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, to 3 proceed on Friday. October 6th, 1899, to Utuado, P. R., for temporary duty. The Commanding Officer of the de- tachment designated will report to the Commanding Of- ficer at Arecibo upon his arrival at that place for further instructions. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. By command ok Brigadier General Davis: C. H. HEYL, Major, Inspector General, U. S. A. Acting Adjutant General. Special Orders, ^o. 199. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT of porto rico, San Juan, October 5th, 1899. 1. Upon the mutual application of the Judges concern- ed, supported by the recommendation of the Judicial Board of Porto Rico, the following transfers of Associate Judges are made: Mr. Felipe Casalduc, from Mayaguez to Ponce, P. R. Mr. Hamon Quinonez, from Ponce to Mavaguez, P. R. 2. Acting Assistant Surgeon 5. H. Wadhams is reliev- ed from duty at the Post of San Juan, P. R., and will re- port to the Commanding Officer of the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., for duty. 3. Acting Assistant Surgeon It. E. Caldwell is reliev- ed from duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., and will report to the Commanding Officer, Utuado, P. R., for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. Acting Assistant Surgeon Stephen M. Gonzalez, will, upon his arrival from the United States, report to the Commanding Officer, Mayaguez, P. R., for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. Acting Assistant Surgeon Jose Lugo Vina, in addition to his present duties with the Porto Rico Battalion. U. S. Volunteers, will perform such other duties at the Post of San Juan as he may be called upon for. 6. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, will send two Privates of the Hospital Corps to report for duty with the detachment enroute to Utuado, where they will take station. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 7. Acting Hospital Steward Henry Kalb, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, now at Utuado will report to the Commanding Officei' of that station for duty. 8. Private John Walsh, Troop K, 5th U- S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of absence from duty in violation of the 33rd Article of War, and of drunk- enness on duty in violation of the 38th Article of War. was, upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions. 2 sentenced: "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him ex- cept the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars, and to be transport- ed to the United States." In the foregoing case, the record having been remand- ed to the Court for re-consideration of sentence and the proceedings on revision having been found irregular in form, the case was returned with necessary instructions to insure the correction of the existing defects. These in- tructions were not followed, the second proceedings on revision failing to show that the Court was closed and that the judge-advocate withdrew during the deliberations. It also appears that the original proceedings on revision have been detached from the record and destroyed. Irreg- ularities of this kind, although not fatal in their nature, are scarcely excusable, and might be easily avoided by the exercise of greater care on the part of the officers concern- ed. Subject to these remarks the sentence is approved and will be duly executed. This man will be furnished trans- portation to the United States by first available transport. 9. Private Joe Williams, Company E, 11th U. S. In- fantry, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at Sanjuan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of disobey- ing the orders of a non-commissioned officer, and of being drunk and disorderly in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of one (1) previous convic- tion, sentenced: "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard for the period of three (3) months, and to forfeit to the United States ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same period." In the foregoing case, the record having been remand- ed to the Court for re-consideration of sentence, and the proceedings on revision having been found irregular in form, the case was returned with necessary instructions to insure the correction of the existing defects. These instructions were not followed; the second proceedings on revision failing to show that the Court was closed and that the judge-advocate withdrew during the deliberations. It also appears that the original proceedings on revision have been detached from the record and destroyed. Irregular- ities of this kind, although not fatal in their nature, are scarcely excusable and might be easily avoided by the ex- ercise of greater care on the part of the officers concerned. Subject to these remarks the sentence is approved, but in view of the long period the prisoner has been held, the confinement imposed is reduced to two (2) months. 3 As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's company. 10. Private Bert Murray, Company E, 11th U. S. In- fantry, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of neglect of duty in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenc- ed: 1 • To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard for the period oj one (1) month.'" In the foregoing case, the record having been remand- ed to the Court for re-consideration of sentence, and the proceedings on revision having been found irregular in form, the case was returned with necessary instructions to insure the correction of the existing defects. These instructions were not followed, the second proceedings on revision failing to show that the Court was closed and that the judge-advocate withdrew during the deliberations. It also appears that the original proceedings on revision have been detached from the record and destroyed. Irregular- ities of this kind, although not fatal in their nature, are scarcely excusable, and might be easily avoided by the ex- ercise of greater care on the part of the officers concerned. Subject to these remarks the sentence is approved, but in view of the long period the prisoner has been held the confinement imposed is reduced to ten (10) days. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed at the sta- tion of the prisoner's company. 11. Upon the recommendation of the Board of Char- ities of Porto Rico,based upon the report of 2nd Lieutenant Frederick D. deFuniak, Jr., llthU. S. Infantry, Command- ing Detachment, at Arroyo, that Relief work in that Divi- sion is no longer necessary,the Depots of the Board of Chari- ties of Porto Rico there, will be closed, and the Division consolidated with that of Cayey. Lieutenant de Funiak will transfer the supplies remaining on hand to the Command- ing Officer at Ponce, and with his detachment will re- turn to Ponce and then rejoin his proper station at San Juan. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 12. Upon the recommendation of the Board of Chari- ties of Porto Rico, based upon the report of 2nd Lieutenant Samuel T. Ansell, 11th U. S. Infantry, Commanding De- tachment at Caguas, that Relief work in that Division, ex- cept in the district of Aguas Buenas, is no longer necessary, the Depots of the Board of Charities of Porto Rico there, except that in Aguas Buenas, will be closed and the Divi- 4 sion consolidated with that of San Juan. Lieutenant Ansell will leave a non-commissioned officer and three privates with sufficient supplies at Aguas Buenas, and with the remainder of his detachment will rejoin his proper station, San Juan. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis : C. H. HEYL, Major, Inspector General, U. S. A. Acting Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 201. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF rORTORJCO, San Juan, October 9th, 1899. 1. Leave of absence for one month, with pel mission to return to the United States, is granted Captain Geoige McK. PH/Zwmson, Assistant Quarteimaster, U. S. Aimy. 2. The Commanding Officer of the U. S. General .Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send the following named enlisted men with their descriptive lists and accounts of pay and clothing to report to the Commanding Officer, Fort Hamilton, New York, for observation and treatment: Sergeant Henry Clark, Company L, 11th U- S. Infantry; Private Thomas Robinson, Company E, 11th U. S. Infantry; Private John Sipes, Company D, 11th U. S. Infantry. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department the necessary Subsistence upon transport. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. Paragraph 11, Special Orders. No. 199, current series, these headquarters, is modified to read, ''Lieuten- ant de Fitniak, will transfer the supplies remaining on hand to the Commanding Officer at Ponce, and with his detachment will return to I once, reporting to the Post Commander for temporary duty." 4. The Commanding Officer, General Hospital, San Juan, will send one private of the Hospital Corps to re- port to the Commanding Officer, Cayey, for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. By command of Brigadier General Davis: C. H. HEYL, Major, Inspector General, U. S. A. Acting Adjutant General. Special Orders No. 200. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, October 7 th, 1899. 1. The following journeys performed by Captain Henry J. Goldman, 5th U. S. Cavalry, pursuant to tele- graphic, summons to appear as witness before a general court-martial convened at Ponce, P. R., are approved as having been necessary for the public service: March 23rd to 24th, 1899: San Get man to Ponce, P. R., and return. March 26th, 1899: San German to Ponce, P. R., and return. 2. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at Sanjuan. P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Wednesday, October 11th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it: Detail for the Court: Major Selden A. Day, 5th U. S. Artillery, Inspec- tor of Artillery of the Department: Captain Anthony IP. Vogdes, 5th U. S. Artillery; Captain James E. Macklin, 11th U. S. Infantry; Captain Diehard R. Steadman, 11th U. S. Infantry; Captain Zebulon B. Vance, 11th U. S. Infantry; Captain Clarence E. Dentler, 11th U. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Graham L Johnson, 11th U. 8. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant John W. L. Phillips, 11th U. S. Infantry, Judge Advocate. No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest injury to the service. The Court is authorized to sit without regard to hours. By command of Brigadier General Davis : C. H. HEYL, Major, Inspector General, U. S. A. Acting Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 202. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT of POrTq rico, San Juan, October 10th, 1890. 1. Private John F. Monroe, Troop L, 5tli U. S Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness and disorderly conduct, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard for four (4) months, and to forfeit ten dollars ($10.00) per month for the same period.'"' The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's troop. 2. 1st Lieutenant John W. L. Phillips, 11th U. S. Infantry, is relieved from duty as a member of the general court-martial constituted by paragraph 2, Special Orders. No. 165, current series, these headquarters, pend- ing the trial by said court-martial of Sergeant Wesley A. JJW, Troop M, 5th U. S. Cavalry, only; upon completion nf which case Lieutenant Phillips, will resume his seat as a member of the said court-martial. 3. Private Jesse IP. Hoff, Troop G, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of robbery, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced. " To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, and to be confined at such prison as the Commanding General may designate for the period office (5) years." Tiie proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence was approved October 2, 1899, and will be duly executed. The United States Penitentiary at Leaven- worth, Kansas, is designated as the place of confinement to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard by the Commanding Officer at San Juan, P. R., by first available transport. 4. Private Spencer W. Hutsenpiller, Troop G, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court- martial convened at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of robbery, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, and to be confined at such prison as the Commanding General may designate for the period of six fif years." The proceedings and findings are approved. So much 2 of the sentence as imposes dishonorable discharge with forfeiture of all pay and allowances and confinement for five (5) years, was approved October 2, 1899, and will be duly executed. The United States Penitentiary at Leav- enworth, Kansas, is designated as the place of confine- ment to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard by the Commanding Officer at San Juan, P. R., by first available transport. 5. Private Frank P. Jones, Company B, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of felonious assault and wounding with a knife, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, except fifteen ($15.00) dollars and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of one (1) year.'1'' The proceedingsand findings are approved. There is evidence in this case that the accused had previously had an altercation with Private Swiney, and had been threatened by him with further violence, and at the time the offence was committed he was again approached by Swiney in a menacing manner, and was laboring under apprehension of bodily injury. In consideration of these circumstances, although the act of the accused was highly reprehensible, especially his pursuit of his assailant, the sentence is mitigated to confinement at hard labor for six (6) months and forfeit- ure of ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same period. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's company. 6. Private Frank A. Wade, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cav- alry. having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 33rd Article of War, was, upon consider- ation of four Q4) previous convictions, sentenced: "To be confined under charge of the guard for fifteen (15) days " The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence, although inadequate to the offence, is approved and will be duly executed at San Juan, Porto Rico. 7. Private Henry Mueller, Troop G. Sth U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. 3 The acquittal is approved. Private Mueller has been ordered released from confinement and restored to duty. 8. Private Henry Mueller, Troop G, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been acquitted by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, P. R., will be released from con- finement by the Commanding Officer, San Juan, P. R., and sent to report to his Commanding Officerat Aibonito, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department will furnish commutation of rations for one day, in advance, at the rate of $1.00 per day, it being impracti- cable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind and the travel enjoined necessary for the public service. 9. Private Michael O'Neil, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cav- alry. having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness and disorderly conduct, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced: "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United. States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him except fif- teen ($ 15.00) dollars and to be transporteel to the United States. " The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence, except so much thereof as relates to transpor- tation to the United States, (such transportation being already provided for in Par. 5, G. O. 96, c. s., A. G. O.) is approved and will be duly executed. This man will be sent to the United States by first available transport. By command ok Brigadier General Davis: C. H. HEYL, Major, Inspector General, U. S. A. Acting Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 203. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, October 11th, 1899. 1. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at Ponce, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Monday, October 16th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it; Detail for the Court : Major Albert L. Myer, 11th U. S. Infantry; Captain Jonas A. Emery, 11th U. S. Infantry; Captain William T. Wilder, 11th U. S. Infantry; Captain Osman Latrobe, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers; 1st Lieutenant Bailey K. Ashford, Assistant Sur- geon, U. S. Army; 1st Lieutenant George H. Shelton, 11th U. S. Infant ry; 2nd Lieutenant Olin R. Booth, 11th U. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Frederick I), de Funiak, Jr., 11th (J. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Richmond McA. Schofield. 5th U.S. Cavalry, Judge Advocate. No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest in jury to the service. The court is authorized to sit without regard to hours. 2. Private William W. Henderson, Troop E, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military dis- cipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of one (1) previous conviction, sentenced: "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard for one (1) month and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars of his pay.'" The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved, but in view of the period the priso- ner has necessarily been held awaiting trial, the coutine- ment imposed is remitted. Private Henderson will be released from confinement and restored to duty. 2 3. Leave of absence for twenty days, with permis- sion to return to the United States, is granted H. H, 'Williams, Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, upon the arrival of a medical officer to relieve him, 4. Private Floyd Pendleton, Company C, 11th U- S. Infantry, having been tried by general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of absence without leave in violation of the32nd Article of War, and of losing,,through neglect, his arms and equip- ments in violation of the 17th Article of War, was sen- tenced: "7'o be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard for two (2) months and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same period.''' The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's Company. 5. Private James S. Me Clare, Company B, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court- martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of absence without leave, in violation of the 32nd Article of War. and of quitting guard, in violation of the 40th Article of War, was, upon consideration of two (2) previous convictions, sentenced: "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, except the sum of fifteen dollars ($15.00), and to be transported to the United States." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence, except so much thereof as relates to transpor- tation to the United States, (such transportation b^ing already provided for in Bar. 5, G. O. 96, c. s.. A. G. O.), is approved and will be duly executed. This man will be furnished transportation to the United States by first available transport. 6. Private Edward J. Scanlon, Company M. 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by general court- martial convened at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of absence without leave in violation of the 32nd Article of War: of quitting guard in violation of the 40th Article of War: and of disorderly conduct in violation of the 62nd Article of War. was, upon consideration of four <(4) previous convictions, sentenced: "7'o be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due or to become due him except fifteen ($15.00) dollars, and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of six (6) months. " 3 The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at San Juan, Porto Rico. Ry command oe Brigadier General Davis : C. H HEYL. Major, Inspector General, U. S. A. Acting Ajdutant General. Special Orders. No. 204. H EA DQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, October 12th, 1899. 1. 2nd Lieutenant John T. Geary, 5th U. S. Artillery, will turn over all the untried cases referred to the general court-martial convened by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 165, current series, these headquarters, to 1st Lieu- tenant John W. J. Phillips, 11th U. S. Infantry, Judge Advocate of the general court-martial convened by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 200. current series- these headquarters, and will report the cases thus trans- ferred to these headquarters. * 2. The Commanding Officer Post of San Juan, P. R., will direct Private Matthew Scanlan, Company E, 11th U. S. Infantry, to report to the Adjutant General of the Department for detached service at these headquarters. The Subsistence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day from October 14th, 1899, to this man, while cm such duty. 3. Private Charles Peterson, Troop D, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: '•7b forfeit twenty dollars ($20.00) of his pay."" The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved but is mitigated to forfeiture often dollars, ($10.00.) The prisoner will be released from confinement and restored to duty. By command of Brigadier General Davis : C. IL HEYL, Major, Inspector General, U. S. A. Acting Adjutant -General. Special Orders, > No. 205. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, October 13th, 1899. 1. In compliance with paragraph 38, Special Orders, No. 175, current series, Headquarters of the Army, A. G. O., as modified by authority contained in cable- gram dated July 29th, 1899, from the Adjutant General of the Army, Captain (Jeorge T. Langhorne, 27th Infantry, U. S. Volunteers, is relieved from further duty in this Department and in order to carry out the verbal Official instructions given him by the Department Commander jvill proceed without delay by the most expeditious means direct to Washington, D. C. Ttie travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Architect Guy S. Boyce, Quartermaster's Depart- men, U. S. Army, will proceed to Mayaguez, P. R., carrying out special instructions from the Chief Quar- termaster of the Department in connection with the examination of the Post Hospital building at that point, with a view to certain repairs, and costs thereof, by the Quartermaster's Department, and upon completion of which duty he will return to San Juan, P. R The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. By command of Brigadier General Davis: C. II. HEYL, Major, Inspector General U. S. A. . Acting Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 206. headquarters department of PORTO Rjco, San Juan, October 14th, 1899. 1. Upon the recommendation of the Commanding Officer of the Post of San Juan, Porto Rico, one (1) month of the unexecuted portion of the sentence in the case of Private Walter J. Ryan, Troop B, 5th U. S. Cavalry, as promulgated in paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 162, current series, these headquarters, is remitted. Upon being released from confinement this soldier will be sent to rejoin his proper station. 2. Corporal John White, Battery E, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The proceedings in the foregoing case are approved, except the action of the Court in permitting a witness to temporarily suspend his testimony and leave the court- room for the purpose of refreshing his memory. Such ac- tion is irregular and the further testimony of such witness as to the forgotten facts are not admissible. (Digest Opi- nions, J. A. G. 399-19.) The acquittal is approved. Cor- poral will be released from arrest and restored to duty. 3. Private Robert J Brown, Company E, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of con- duct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard for three (3) months and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same period.'" The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved, but in consideration of the delay in- cident to the trial of the case, one (1) month of the period of confinement imposed is remitted. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed at the station of the pris- oner's company. By command of Brigadier General Davis: C. H. HEYL, Major, Inspector General, U. S. A. Acting Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 207. HEADQUA RTERS DEPART!! ENT OF PORTO RICO. San Juan, October 17th, 1899. 1. Private Gerrard Irvine, Company E. 11th U. S. Infantry, on detached service at these headquarters, is re- lieved from further duty and will report at once to the Commanding Officer, Post of San Juan. 2. 1st Class Sergeant George IK Higgs, and 1st Class Private Napoleon V. Sutton, Signal Corps. U. S. Army, now on duty with their Company at San Juan, will pro- ceed to Ponce, P. R., equipped with the necessary helio- graphs, telescopes, field glasses, etc., to open helio- graphic communication between that point and Aibonito. Upon arrival at Ponce they will report in person to the Post Commander for assignment to an organization for quarters and rations, and will carry out such instructions as may be given them by the Signal Officer of the Depart- ment. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation in transport "Slocum." 3. Sergeant Charles M. Berg. 1 st Class Private Andrew Pevert and Henri/ F. Apple. Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty with their Company at San Juan, will proceed to Aibonito, P. R., equipped with the necessary heliographs, telescopes, field glasses, etc., to open heliographic com- munication between that point, San Juan and Ponce. Upon arrival at Aibonito they will report to the Post Commander for assignment to an organization for quarters and rations, and will carry out such instructions as may be given them by the Signal Officer of the Department. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 4. Captain L. C. Lucas, U. S. Marine Corps, U. S. Navy, is relieved from temporary duty as Inspector of Lights and Beacons and in charge of Buoys, and Lieuten- ant, Junior Grade, Thomas J. Senn, U. S. Naw. is assign- • ed to that duty. Captain Lucas will transfer all the funds and papers pertaining to that office to Lieutenant Senn. o. Private Thomas Dolan, Troop'D. 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial conven- ed at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunken- ness and disorderly conduct, in violation of the 62nd Ar- ticle of War, was, upon consideration of one (1) previous conviction, sentenced: 2 "To be confined at hard laboi under charge oj the Post Guard for three (3) months, and to forfeit ten dollars ($10.00'} per month for the same period." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's troop. 6. Private Thomas Harvey, Company G, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by general court-martial con- vened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on duty, in violation of the 38th Article of War, was, upon consideration of four (4) previous convic- tions, sentenced: "To be confined al hard labor under charge of the guard at the post where his company may be serving for three (3} 'months and to forfeit ten ($10.00) dollars per month for the same period.'" The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence is approved, but in view of the delay in the trial of this case owing to the want of sufficient officers to form a Court, two (2) months of the confinement imposed are re- mitted. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed. 7. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Henry J. Reed, 5th U S. Artillery; 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth. 1 ith U. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Charles R. Drake, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Thuisday. October 19th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable for the purpose of examining into, reporting upon and fixing the responsibility for the loss of certain articles of clothing lost by certain enlisted men of the Hospital Corps in the hurricane of August 8th, 1899, at Aibonito. P. R. 8. 2nd Lieutenant Chalmers G. Hall, 5th U.S. Cavalry, is relieved from temporary duty with Troop F, 5th U. S' Cavalry. By command of Brigadier General Davis : C. II. HEYL, Lieut. Colonel, Inspector General, U. S. K Acting Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 208. ' HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT of pOrto rico, San Juan, October 19th 1899. 1. Captain Thomas F. Magi unis, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers, and 1st Lieutenant Alonzo Gray, 5th U. S. Cavalry, are detailed as additional members of the general court-martial, convened at Mavaguez, P. R., by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 171, current series, these headquarters. 2. Captain Roger B. Bryan, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is relieved as a member of the general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 171, current series, these headquarters. 3. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these headquarters, Captain John Landstreet, Jr., C. S., U. S. Volunteers, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Adjuntas. He will proceed accompanied by his authorized Clerk to that point and take the necessary steps to effect the election. Upon the completion of this duty Captain Landstreet and his clerk will return to San Juan. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the publie service. 4. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these headquarters. Lieutenant Colonel C. C. G. Carr. 5th U. S. Cavalry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Maya- guez; he will take the necessary steps to effect the election. 5. Under the provisions of General Orders. No, 160, current series, these headquarters, Captain Richard M. Blatchford, 11th U. S. Infantry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Vieques; he will take the necessary steps to effect the election. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these headquarters, Captain Fred W. Foster, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is designated as the Officer in charge of 2 the Municipal Election to be held at Guayama; he will take the necessary steps to effect the election. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis: C. H. HEYL, Lieut. Colonel, Inspector General, U. S. V. Acting Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 209. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San.Juan, October 20th, 1809. 1. The sentence of death imposed by the District Court of Mayaguez, and confirmed by the Supreme Court of Porto Rico, in the ease of Domingo Garnier and Manuel Montemoino, jointly tried and convicted of robbery and murder, is upon the recommendation of the Board of Pris- on Control, commuted for each of the above named men to thirty years imprisonment at hard labor in the peniten- tiary at San Juan, P. R. 2. A Board of Survey to consist of: Major L P. Davison, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers; Captain Clarence E. Dentler. 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Frederick M. Hartsock, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. A., is appointed to meet at San Juan. P. R.. at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Tuesday, October 24th, 1899, or as soon thereaf- ter as practicable for the purpose of examining into, reporting upon and fixing the responsibility for the loss of certain personal property by certain enlisted men of Troop G, Sth U. S. Cavalry, in the hurricane of August 8th 1899, at Aibonito, P. R. 3. Captain Clarence E. Dentler, 11th U. S. Infantry, is relieved from duty as a member of the general court- martial constituted by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 200, current series, these headquarters, pending the trial by said court-martial of Private Louis Kreamer and William J. Kirk, Troop C, 5th U. S. Cavalry, only, to enable him to act as counsel for these men; upon completion of which cases Captain Dentler will resume his seat as a member of the said court-martial. 1. Sergeant Wesley A. West, Troop M, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found Not Guilty as charged, was acquitted. In the foregoing case the record shows that after having acquitted the accused, the Court received evidence of previous convictions. This was error, as a finding 2 of "Not Guilty" on all the charges must necessarily result in acquittal. Subject to these remarks, the proceedings are approved. The acquittal is approved. Sergeant West will be released from arrest and restored to duty. By COMMAND OK BRIGADIER GENERAL DaVIS: C. H. HEYL, Lieut. Colonel, Inspector General, U. S. V. Acting Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 210. HEA PQUARTERS PEPARTM ENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, October 21st, 1899. 1. The Commanding Officer, San Juan, P. R., will at once send an Officer to report to Captain F. IK. Foster, 5th U. S. Cavalry, at (Inayama, P. R., in connection with elec- tion duty at that place. Upon the completion of this duty the Officer designated will return to his proper station at San Juan. This being a case of emergency the Quartermaster's Department will furnish transportation by special convey- ance. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Leave of absence for one month with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Ad jutant Gen- eral of the Army for an extension of one month, is grant- ed Captain F. IK. Foster, 5th U. S. Cavalry. By command of Brigadier General Davis : C. H. HEYL, Lieut. Colonel, Inspector General, U. S. V., Acting Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 211. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, October 25th, 1899. 1. The Commanding Officer of the U. S. General ' Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send the following named enlisted men, with their descriptive listsand accounts of pay and clothing, to report to the Commanding Officer, Fort Hamilton, New York, for observation and treatment at the Hospital at that place; Private Herbert Me Manis, Band, 11th U. S. In- fantry; Private William Alexander, Company M, 11th U. S. Infantry; Private Arthur Slade, Company K, 11th U. S. Infantry. The (Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department the necessary Subsistence upon Transport. The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. 2. By direction of the Secretary of War, Mr. F. G. Murray, Paymaster's Clerk at large, on duty at these headquarters, will proceed at once via New York City to Washington. I). C., reporting upon arrival to Lieutenant Colonel G. W. Baird, Deputy Paymaster General, U. S. Army, for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3 The Commanding Officer, Post of San Juan, P. R., will direct Sergeant James 0. Murray, Company E, IJth U. S. Infantry, to report to the Adjutant General of the Department for detached service at these headquarters. The Subsistence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day from October 26, 1899, to this soldier while on such duty. 4. The Depot of Relief Supplies at Bayamon will be discontinued from this date, made a Sub-Depot of San Juan and will be supplied from that point. Sergeant Gottlieb Williams, Troop F, 5th U. S. Cavalry, with a detachment of fourteen enlisted men will assume charge of the Sub-Depot of Bayamon and 2nd Lieutenant M. M. Mills, 5th [J. S. Artillery, will turn over the sup- plies now on hand to Sergeant Williams, and with the remainder of his detachment will return to his proper station at San Juan, P. R. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 2 The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. Lieutenant Colonel William P. Hall, Assistant Adjutant General, U. S. Army, having returned from leave of absence granted by paragraph 8, Special Orders, No. 192, from these Headquarters, will relieve, Lieutenant Colonel Charles H. Heyl, Inspector General, U. S. Vol- unteers, Inspector General of the Department, from the duties of Adjutant General of this Department. 6. Leave of absence for fifteen days, with permission to return tc the United States, is granted 1st Lieutenant Allen I). Raymond, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers. This order to take effect on or about November 15, 1899. 7. Private Richard D. Gibson, Troop F, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on duty, in violation of the 38th Article of War; and of committing a nuisance in quarters, in viola- tion of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced: To be dishonorably discharged from the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor at such Military Prison as the reviewing authority may direct for six months." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is appioved but is mitigated so as to designate the Post of San Juan. P. R., as the place of confinement. Under the provisions of paragraph 5, General Orders, No. 96. current series. Adjutant General's Office, this man will be furnished transportation to t he United States by first available transport after his release from confine- ment. 8. Private Thomas Whclahan. Battery E. 5th U S. Artillery, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Sanjuan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on a public street; disobeying a non-commis- sioned officer; and of assault with deadly weapons and threatening the life of a. non commissioned officer, in the proper execution of his office, in violation of the 62nd Article of War. was sentenced; "To be dishonorably discharged from the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for one (J) year." The proceedings and findings are approved. The 3 sentence is approved and will be duly executed. Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, New York Harbor, N. Y., is designated as the place of confinement to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard by the Com- manding Officer of the Post of San Juan, Porto Rico, by first available transport. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL. Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 212. HEADQUA RTERS D EPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, October 26 th. 1899. * 1. Acting Assistant Surgeon Harold FK Cowper, U. S. Army, is relieved from duty as Secretary and Disbursing Officer of the Board of Charities of Porto Rico, and will close up the records of his office for the current month and turn over all funds pertaining thereto for which he may be accountable, to Captain P. 11. Egan, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, who is appointed a mem- ber of the Board of Charities of Porto Rico and detailed as Secretary and Disbursing Officer of the Board in addition to his present duties. Tiiis order to take effect on October 31st, 1899. 2. Leave of absence for one month on Surgeon's certificate of Disability, with permission to return to the United States, is granted Acting Assistant Surgeon Harold FT. Cowper, U. S. Army. 3. Payment of troops in this Department, for the muster of October 31st. 1899, will be made by the following named Paymasters at the points designated: Major Charles H. Whipple, Paymaster, U. S. Army, Chief Paymaster of the Department, troops stationed at San Juan. Aibonito, Cayey, and Manati. Porto Rico. Major Pierre C. Stevens, Additional Paymaster, U. S, Volunteers, troops stationed at Arecibo, Adjuntas, Agua- dilla. Humacao, Lares, Mayagiiez, San German, and Ponce. Porto Rico. Major Stevens is authorized to make the payments at the above posts in the order that is found most expe- dient, and upon completion of this duty he will return to his proper station. Commanding Officers will provide the necessary escorts, upon request of the paymasters above mentioned. The Quartermaster's Department will provide the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. I. Private Raymond Harper, Troop M, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Sleeping on Post, in violation of the 39th Article of War, was sentenced- "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard at the, station where his troop may be serving for six months and to forfeit to the United States forty (40) dollars oj his pay.'' 2 The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. The forfeiture of pay imposed will be discharged at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) per month for four (4) months. 5. Private Michael H. Garvin, Troop F, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on duty, in violation of the 38th Article of War, was, upon consideration of two (2) previous convictions, sentenced: To forfeit to the United States ten dollars of his pay and to be confined at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of one month, fourteen days of which shall be in solitary confinement on bread and water and the remainder at hard labor under charge of the guard.''' The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly execute ! at the station of the prisoner's troop. G. Private William F. Oilberthorp, Troop K, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court- martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness on guard, in violation of the 38t h Article of War, and of escaping from the guard house in which he was confined, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of three (3) previous convictions, sentenced: " To be confined at hard labor under charge of the Post Guard for four months and to forfei' to the United Stales h n dollars of his pay per month for the same period." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's troop. 7. Corporal Thomas J. Me Keon. Company O, 11 th IJ. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court- martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of quitting guard, in violation of t he 40th Art ide of War. of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, while in charge of a patrol of the guard, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, and of drunkenness on duty, in violation of the 38th Article of War, was sentenced: "To be dishonorably discharged from the service of the United Stales forfeiting all pay and allowances now due him or to become dur and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of one year." 3 The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, New York Harbor, N. Y., is designated as the place of confinement, to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard by the Com- manding Officer of the Post of San Juan, P. R.. by first available transport. 8. Private James IP. Gray, Company I, 11th U. S. In- fantry, having been tried by a general court-martial conven- ed at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consider- ation of one (1) previous conviction, sentenced: "To be dishonorably discharged from the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowance due him and to be confined al hard labor at such place as the reviewing au- thority may direct for three (3) months.'1'' The proceedings and findings are approved The sen- tence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, P. R. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders, No. 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man, after his release, wili be furnished transportation to t he United States upon proper application. 9. Private Harry II. Smith, Company C, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sen- tenced : "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting alt pay and allowances due him." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders, No. 96. current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper applica- tion . 10 Private Harvey S. Walkey, Company I, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Disobedience of Existing Orders; of Disobeying a Non- commissioned OHicer; and of Assault and Battery, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon considera- tion of three (3) previous convictions, sentenced: " To be dishonorab!y discharged from the service of the 4 United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for six. (6) months."" The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, P. K. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders, No. 96, current series. Headquarters of the Army, this man after his release, will be furnished transporta- tion to the United States upon proper application. 11. Private James Gillick, Company C. 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of appearing on a public street in a drunken and disorderly condition; and of larceny, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: ''To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him."" The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved ami will be duly executed. Pursuant to paragraph .5, General Orders, No. 96, current series. Headquarters of the Army, t his man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper applica- tion. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. H KA DQ D A RTERS D E PA RT M E NT OE PORTO RICO, San Juan, October 28th, 1899. Special Orders, No. 213. 1. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain James E. Macklin, 11th U. S. Infantry; Captain Richard R. Steadman, 11th U. S, Infan- try ; 2nd Lieutenant Graham L. Johnson. 11th U. S. In- fantry, is appointed to meet* at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Monday, October 30th, 1899, or as soon there- after as practicable, for the purpose of examining into, re- porting upon, and fixing the responsibility for the loss of certain articles of Subsistence Stores shipped by the Com- missary at Ponce to the Depot Commissary at San Juan, and which were counted missing on Marine Bill of Lading No. 108, issued by 2nd Lieutenant Olin R. Booth, 11th U. S. Infantry, Quartermaster at Ponce. 2. The following journeys performed by Major John L. Clem, Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster of the Department, for the purpose of inspecting construc- tion and repairing of public buildings, are confirmed as having been necessary for the public service: October 23rd to 27th, 1899: San Juan to Cayey; thence to Aibonito; thence to Ponce; thence to Mayaguez; thence to Aguadilla; and return to San Juan. 3. Major James A. Buchanan, 15th U. S. Infantry, 'Treasurer of Porto Rico, is detailed as an additional mem- ber of the Board of Officers convened by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 172, current series, these Headquarters, vice Major Charles L. Darts, 11th U. S. Infantry, Collector of Porto Rico, relieved. 4. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish transportation from San Juan to Rio Piedras, P. R.. to General Superintendent of Construction, William Logan, not to exceed one trip per day each way, until the comple- tion of the repairs upon the Public Building at Rio Piedras. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brioadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, October 30th, 1899. Special Orders. No. 214. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish transportation from this City to Humacao, P. R., to Private Charles Schroeder, Troop C, 5th U. S. Cavalry, discharged this day from the General Hospital, San Juan. 2. Private William E. Shields, Battery E, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunk- enness, in violation of 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of live (5) previous convictions, sentenced: '•'To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him. and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing author- ity may direct for the period of three (3) months. " The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's battery. Pursuant to paragraph 5, Gen- eral Orders, No. 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper application, after his release from confinement. 3. Private Albert M. Henricks, Troop H, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been-tried by a general court-martial conven- ed at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of fraudu- lent enlistment in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: 11 To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for three (3) months." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of Mayaguez, P. R. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Or- ders, No. 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper application after his release from con- finement. 4. Private James Shea, Company I, 11th U. S. In- fantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of drunkenness and disorderly conduct, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of three (3) previous convictions, sentenced: l'To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United 2 States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of three (3) months."1 The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, P. R. Pursuant to paragraph 5, Gen- eral Orders, No. 96. current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper application, aftei' his release from confinement, 5. Private John E. Hayes, Troop L, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial conven- ed at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, ami found guilty of conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, Was, upon consider- ation of three (3) previous convictions, sentenced : "To be confined at hard tabor, under charge of the post guard, for three l^fmdnthsi, and to forfeit ten (10) dollars per month for the same period." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's troop. 6. Private Vicente Bivera, Company B, Porto Rico Bat talion, U.S. Volunteers, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Larceny, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: '"To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances, due or to become due and to be con fined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for a period of six (6) months. The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of Ponce, P. R. 7. Private William B. Smalls, Troop I, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial conven- ed at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Larceny, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consider- ation of one (1) previous conviction, sentenced: "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the Post Guard for three (3) months and to forfeit to the United States ten (Jf 10.00) dollars per month of his pay for the same period. " The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence, although inadequate to so grave an offence, is approv- ed and will be duly executed at the station of the prison- er's troop. 3 8. Private Janies M. Hull, Company B, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of violation of the 33rd Article of War, was, upon consider- ation of six (6) previous convictions, sentenced: " To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing author- ity may direct for three (3) months." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen-, tence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan. P. R. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Or- ders, No. 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper application after his release from con- finement. 9. Private Frank Pletka, Company G, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at Ponce, P. R., and found guilty of disobedience of orders, in violation of the 21st Article of War, was, upon consideration of two (2) previous convictions, sentenced: To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due or to become due, except the sum of fifteen ($15.00) dollars, and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for three (3) months. " In the foregoing case it is observed that in the examin- ation of a witness for the defence, the preliminary ques- tions by the judge-advocate for the purpose of determining the witness'identification of the accused, were not asked. Subject to this remark, the proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly ex- ecuted at the Post of Ponce, P. R. Pursuant to paragraph b, General Orders, No. 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper application after his release from confinement. By command ok Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 215. HEADQUAKTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, October 31st, 1899. 1. The Commanding Oflicer, Post of San Juan, will detail a suitable oflicer with a detachment of twenty-two enlisted men from the 11th U. S. Infantry, to proceed to Vieques, and relieve 2nd Lieutenant Woodson Hocker, 11th U. S. Infantry, and his detachment, of their duties on that Island. Lieutenant Hocker upon being relieved will pro- ceed to San Juan with his detachment and report to the Commanding Oflicer for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 2. Leave of absence for one month, with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of one month, is granted 1st Lieutenant Frank L. Wells, 11th U. S. Infan- try. This order to take effect on or about November 15th, 1899. 3. Leave of absence for one month with permission to return to the United States ami apply to the Ad jutant General of the Army for an extension of one month, is granted 1st Lieutenant Frank Parker, 5ih U. S. Cavalry. This order to take effect on or about December 5th, 1899. 4. Captain John Landstreet, Jr., Assistant Commis- sary General of Subsistence, U.S. Volunteers, will proceed to Adjuntas, P.'R. upon duty in connection with the election at that place; upon completion of which duty he will return to his proper station at San Juan. The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. 5. Captain Frederick F. Rei/nolds, Assistant Surgeon. U. S. Army, is detailed as an additional member of the Board of Officers, convened by paragraph 1, Special Orders. No. 172, current series, these headquarters, vice 1st Lieutenant Frederick M. Hartsock, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, relieved. 6. Paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 196, current series, these headquarters, is amended so as to read, Captain John Landstreet, Jr., Assistant Commissary Gen- 2 eral of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers, having reported at these headquarters in compliance with paragraph 18. Special Orders, No. 216, current series, Headquarters of the Army, A. G. O., is assigned to duty at these head- quarters. Br command of Brigadier Genekal Davis: AV. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 216. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, November 1st, 1899. 1. 2nd Lieutenant Charles B. Drake, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, will report on Friday, November 3rd, 1899, to Major James J. Buchanan. 15th U. S. Infantry, Treasurer of Por- to Rico, for duty in connection with the collection of Insu- lar Revenues ami Customs at the following points: Arecibo, Humacao, Aguadilla, Vieques, Mayaguez, Fajardo, and return to Ponce. San Juan. Arroyo, The Commanding Officer, Post of Sanjuan, will detail one non-commissioned officer and two privates to report to Lieutenant Drake and accompany him on this journey. The Treasurer of the Island will provide funds for the necessary subsistence. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Private Jesse J. Pettus, Troop E, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been'tried by a general court-martial conven- ed at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of absence without leave, in violation of the 32nd Article of War, was sentenced: To be con fined at ha rd labor under charge of the post guard for one (/) month ami to forfeit twenty (20) dollars of his pay J The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at Mayaguez, P. R. 3. Major John L. Clem, Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster of the Department, having returned on October 9th, 1899, from leave of absence granted by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 183, current series, from these headquarters, will relieve Major Thomas Cruse, Quartermaster, U. S Volunteers, from the duties of Chief Quartermaster of the Department from that date. 4. The following result of the election held in the municipality of Vieques, Porto Rico, on October 28th, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, these Headquarters, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: 2 Alcalde, Municipal Judge, Suplente Municipal Judge. Leopoldo Venegas Jacona . Ildefonso Leguillon Tiolis. Alfonso O' Neall Monel. SCHOOL TRUSTEES. REPUBLICAN PARTY. Francisco Lujan Villanueva. Trinidad Quinones Pacheco. Pedro Marquez Morales. FEDERAL PARTY. Adolfo Rieckehojf. Regalado Renitez Guzman. COUNCILMEN. REPUBLICAN PARTY. Eugenio O'Neall Monel. Luis Ameda Bonnet Jaspard. Ezequiel Rivera Brach. Gregorio Brignonis Mercado. Abdon Ramos. Antonio Torres Barba. FEDERAL PARTY. Rafael Quinones. Manuel Marin. Santos Diaz. Captain Richard M Blatchford, 11th U. S Infantry, will proceed at once to Vieques, and install the successful candidates into their respective offices. Upon completion of this duty, Captain Bla'chford will return to San Juan. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By COMMAND OF BRIGADIER GENERAL DaVIS: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT of POKTO KICO) SanJuan, November 2nd, 1899. Special Orders, No. 217. 1. Paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 213, current se- ries, from these headquarters, is revoked. 2. The Commanding Officer, San Juan, P. R., will send Private Rudolph Ritterbusch, Company E, 11th U. S. Infantry, to report to the Adjutant General of the Depart- ment on November 4, 1899, for detached service at these Headquarters, vice Private Frank Kane, Company B, 11th U. S. Infantry, relieved November 3, 1999. The Subsistence Department will pay commutation of rations to Private Ritterbusch at the rate of 75 cents per day while on this duty. 3. A Board to consist of: Major Alfred C. Sharpe, Inspector General, U. S. Volunteers, Acting Judge Advocate of the De- partment; Major William A. Glassford, Signal Officer, U. S Volunteers, Signal Officer of the Department; Mr. John Connor, is appointed to meet at San Juan. P. R., to canvass returns of Municipal elections held in this Department under or- ders from these Headquarters. Two members nf the Board present at any meeting will constitute a quorum. 4. Corporal Edwin Emery, Troop H, 5th U. S. Cav- alry. having been tried by a general court-martial conven- ed at Mayaguez, P. R., and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The proceedings, findings and acquittal are approved. Corporal Emery has been ordered released from arrest and restored to duty. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 218. headquarters department OE PORTO RICO, San Juan, November 3rd, 1899. 1. Paragraph 4, Special Orders, No. 199, current se- ries, from these headquarters, is revoked. Acting Assist- ant Surgeon Stephen M. Gonzalez having reported at these headquarters, in compliance with paragraph 1, Special Or- ders, No. 248, Headquarters of the Army, A. G. O., will proceed to Mayaguez and report to the Commanding Of- ficer of that Post for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Private John E. Coleman, Troop G, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial conven- ed at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Disrespect towards his Commanding Officer, in violation of the 20th Article of War, was, upon consideration of six (6) previous convictions, sentenced: '-To be dishonorably discharged from the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for six months." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, P. R. Pursuant to the provisions of Para- graph 5, General Orders, No 96, current series, Headquar- ters of the Army, this man will be furnished transporta- tion to the United States upon proper application after his release from confinement. 3. . Private Peter E. Carnes, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial conven- ed at San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of Sleeping on Post, in violation of the 39th Article of War, was, upon consid- eration of three (3) previous convictions sentenced: "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at the station of his troop for three (3) months and to forfeit ten (JO) dollars per month for the same period." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 4. Private Louis Kreamer, Troop C, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial conven- ed at San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of Desertion, in violation of the 47th Article of War, was sentenced: li To be dishonorably discharged from the service of the I'cited States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at laird labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for two {2) years." 2 The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. Fort Co- lumbus, Governor's Island, New York Harbor, N. Y., is designated as the place of confinement to which the pris- oner will be sent under propel- guard by the Commanding Officer of the Post of San Juan, P. R., by first available transport. 5. The Commanding Officer Post of Cayey, P. R.. will send the detachment of Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, now at his Post, to San Juan, P. R., to report to the Commanding Officer for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 6. Captain Edwin P. Andrus, Sth U. S. Cavalry, hav- ing reported at these headquarters in compliance with paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 248, current series, Head- quarters Department of the East, will proceed to join his troop at Ponce, P. R. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 7. Upon the recommendation of the Commanding Officer Post of Cayey and the President of the Board of Charities of Porto Rico, the Depots for distribution of re- lief supplies will be discontinued from this date at Ci- dra, P. R-, and in the District of Cavey from November loth, 1899. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 219. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT oe porto rico, San Juan, November 4th, 1899. 1. Leave of absence for one month with permission to return to the United States, is granted 1st Lieutenant Bailey K. Ashford, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army. This order to take effect December 4th, 1899. 2. Paragraph 3, Special Orders. No. 214, current se- ries. these Headquarters, is amended so as to read Private Albert M. Hendricks, instead of Private Albert M. Henricks. 3. By direction of the Secretary of War, and upon the recommendation of their Regimental Commanders, Captain Henry J. Goldman, 5th U. 8. Cavalry, and Cap- tain Zebulon B. Vhnce, 11th U. 8. Infantry, are detailed for two year's recruiting service in the United States. They will proceed to New York City, reporting arrival by wire to the Adjutant General of the Army. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 220. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, November 6th, 1869. 1. A Board of Survey to consist of: Major James E. Macklin, 24th U. S. Infantry; Captain Richard R. Steedman, llthU. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant James T. Ord. Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10 o'clock a. m., on Wednesday, November 8th. 1899. or as soon thereafter as practicable to examine into, report upon and fix the responsibility for the loss of certain articles of Government property in the hurricane of August 8th, 1899. at Aibonito, P. R., and for which 1st Lieutenant Frank Parker, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is accountable. 2. 1st Lieutenant Richmond McA. Schofield. 5th U. S. Cavalry, will turn over the command of Troop I, Sth U. S. Cavalry, to Captain Edwin P. Andrus, 5th U. S. Cavalry, and will report in person to the Commanding Officer, Post of Mayaguez, P. R.. for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. The Board of Officers convened by paragraph 7, Special Oilers, No. 172, current series, these headquarters, is dissolved from,this date. 4. The following result of the election held in the municipality of Guayama, Porto Rico, on the 31st of October, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, these headquarters, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Alcalde, Don Jose Juan Vidal. Municipal Judge. Don Jose Gual y Silven. Suplente Municipal Judge, Don Julian Villodas Guilliod. SCHOOL TRUSTEES. Don Julio S. Bruno. Don Juan Francisco Rivera. Don Manuel L. Aguiar. Don Fernando Calimano. Don Francisco Modesto Giraud. COUNCILMEN. Don Modesto Bird y Leon. Don Manuel Lopez Collazo. Don Tomas Vazquez Rivera. Don Luis E. Gastagnet Cintron. 2 Don Modesto Ramos Cintron. Don Sergio de la Mata Dalmau. Don Domingo Pales Anes. Don Joaquin Fernandez Colon. Don Gabriel Capo y Cintron. Don Edgardo Vazquez Aguilar, Dr. Don E. Gonzalez Tatgreen. Don Genaro Cautiilo Vazquez. Captain F. W. Foster, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will proceed at once to Guayama, and install the successful candidates into their respective offices. Upon completion of this duty, Captain Foster will return to his proper station at Cayey. The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. 5. 1st Class Sergeant William Bessell, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, having accepted a Commission as 2nd Lieu- tenant in the Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the United States, to date November 3rd, 1899, and will report for duty to Major L. P. Davison, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 221. 11EA DQ UARTERS D E P ARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, November 7th, 1899. I. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at Ponce, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Monday, Novem- ber 13th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it: Detail for the Court: Captain Edwin P Andrus, 5th U. S. Cavalry, Captain Jonas A. Emery, 11th U. S. Infantry, Captain William T. Wilder, 11th U. S. Infantry; Captain Osman Latrobe, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers; 1st Lieutenant Hailey K. Ashford, Assistant Sur- geon, U. S. Army; 2nd Lieutenant Olin 11. Booth, 11th U. S. In- fantry; 2nd Lieutenant Frederick D. de Funiak, Jr., 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant George H. Shelton, 11th U. S. In- fantry, Judge Advocate. No other officers than those named can be assembled without manifest in jury to the service. The court is authorized to sit without regard to hours. 2. The general court-martial convened at Ponce, P. R., by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 203, current series, these headquarters, is dissolved upon the completion of thecases already commenced, and the Judge Advocate thereof is directed to turn over all the untried cases referred to thatcourt to the Judge Advocate of the general court-martial convened at Ponce, P. R., by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 221, current series, these headquarters, and will report the cases thus transferred to these head- quarters. 3. By direction of the Secretary of War, a Board of Officers is appointed to meet at the call of the President thereof, in this city, for the examination of such officers as may be ordered before it to determine their fitness for promotion: Detail for the Board: Lieutenant Colonel henry II. Brinkerhoff, 11th U. S Infantry; Major William ^1, Glassford, Signal Officer. U. S. 2 Volunteers, Signal Officer of the Department; Major James A. Buchanan, loth U. S. Infantry, Treasurer of Porto Rico; Captain Peter It. Egan, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; Captain Frederick P. Reynolds, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 2nd Lieutenant Chalmers G. Hall, Sth U. S. Cav- alry, Ordnance Officer of the Department, Recorder. The duties of the Medical Officers will be confined to the physical examination. 4. 2nd Lieutenant Woodson Hocker, 11th U. S. In- fantry, will report in person to Lieutenant Colonel Henry It. Brinkerhoff, 11th U. S. Infantry, President of the Examining Board appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., by paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 221, current series, these headquarters, at such time as he may be required by the Board for examination as to his fitness for pro- motion. 5. In compliance with paragraph 23, Special Orders, No. 251, Headquarters of the Army, A. G. O., Private Anascio Corto, Company 1). Porto Rico Battalion. U. S. Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the United States upon the receipt of this order. The proceedings o.f the general court-martial in his case w'ill be suspended and the records sent to these head- quarters. 6. Leave of Absence for one month with permission to return to the United States, is granted 2nd Lieutenant Morrill M. Mills, 5th U. S. Artillery. 7. 2nd Class Private Mace L. Williamson. Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty with his company at Sanjuan, P R., will proceed to Humacao, P. R., report- ing to 1st Class Sergeant, George A. Robinson, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, for duty as operator at that place. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 8. A Board of Survey to consist of ; Captain Anthony IP. Vogdes, 5th U. S. Artillery; 1st Lieutenant Christian Briand, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers; 2nd Lieutenant Eldred D. Warfield, 11th U. S. In- fantry, 3 is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m.. on Thursday, November 9th, 1899, for the purpose of examining into, reporting upon, and fixing the responsibil- ity for the loss of one pair of field glasses for which 2nd Lieutenant F. M. Jones, Signal Corps, U. S. Volunteers, is accountable. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, November 8th, 1899 Special Orders, No. 222. 1. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these Headquarters, Captain H. TV. Wheeler, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Barros, Porto Rico; he will take the necessary steps to effect the elec- tion, upon the completion of which he will at once proceed to San Juan, delivering the returns of the election, un- derseal, to these headquarters, from whence he will return to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Captain Richard M. Blatchford, 11th U. S. In- fantry, is assigned to special duty at these Headquarters to date from August 30th, 1899. 3. Captain Richard M. Blatchford, 11th U. S. In- fantry, will proceed to Mayaguez, P. R., at once, and report to the Commanding Officer at that place for the purpose of taking charge of the elections to be held at San Sebastian, and Las Marias. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. Captain John Landstreet, Jr., Assistant Commis- sary of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers, will proceed with his authorized clerk to Arecibo, P. R.,and report to the Commanding Officer at that place, for the purpose of taking charge of the Municipal Elections to be held at Arecibo and Camuy, Porto Rico. Upon the completion of this duty, Captain Landstreet will return to these Headquarters. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations for two days, at the rate of $1.00 per day, to Privates Clinton D. Smith and Jacob Butts, Troop F, 5th U. S. Cavalry, while on detached service in connection with relief work in the country South of Bayamon, P. R. 6. Private George W. Kelly, Battery G, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of Absence Without Leave, in violation of the 32nd Article of War, and of Drunkenness and Disorderly Conduct, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of live (5) previous convictions, sentenced: "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United 2 States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for six (6) months.'" The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's battery. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders, No. 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States, upon proper application after his release from confinement. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, I No. 223. ! HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, November 9th, 1899. 1. Leave of absence for one month with permission to return to the United States, is granted Captain Freder- ick. P. Reynolds, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army. 2. Captain G. M. Wells, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, will in addition to his other duties temporarily assume the duties of Attending Surgeon at these head- quarters, during the absence of Captain F. P. Reynolds. 3. Corporal James F. Brennan, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, having relinquished his furlough, will proceed to Yauco, P. R., and assume charge of the telegraph office at that place, relieving 1st Class Private James L. Fitzgerald, Signal Corps, U. S Army, who upon being so relieved, will proceed to Mayaguez, P. R., reporting to Sergeant Otto B. Grimm, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, for duty with the repair party at that place. 4. Leave of absence for one month with permission to return to the United States, is granted 2nd Lieutenant Chalmers G. Hall, 5th U. S. Cavalry, Ordnance Officer of the Department'. This order to take effect November 21, 1899. 5. Major Earl D Thomas, Sth U. S. Cavalry, will, in addition to his other duties, temporarily assume the duties of Ordnance Officer of the Department, during the absence of 2nd Lieutenant Chalmers G. Hall, 5th U. S. Cavalry, Ord nance Officer of the Department. 6. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations for thirteen and one-half days, at the rate of $1.00 per day, to Corporal George P. Otis, Troop G, 5th U. S. Cavalry, while on Special Duty, examining into the condition of plantation owners applying for relief supplies. 7. Under the provisions of General Orders. No. 160. current series, these Headquarters, Captain Charles H. Watts, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is designated as the Officei- in charge of Municipal Election to be held at Yauco, P. R. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election, upon the completion of which he will at once proceed to San Juan, delivering the returns of the election, under seal, to these headquarters, from whence he will return to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2 8. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these headquarters, Captain Harry R. Lee, 11th U. S. Infantry, is designated as the officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Lares, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election, upon the completion of which he will in person deliver the returns thereof, under seal, to the Commanding Officer of the District of Mayaguez, who will at once send them by special messenger to these headquarters. After delivering the returns, Captain Lee will return to his proper station at Lares, P. R. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 9. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these Headquarters, Captain Eben Swift, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal election to be held at Humacao, P. R. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election; upon the completion of which he will at once proceed to San Juan, delivering the returns of the election, under seal, to these headquarters, from whence he will return to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 224. headquarters department' OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, November 10th, 1899. 1. Under the provisions of General Orders. No. 160, current series, these headquarters, Captain Thomas E. Maginnis, Porto Rico Battalion. U. S. Volunteers is desig- nated as Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to he held at Aguadilla, Porto Rico. As soon as his present duties in connection with the election at Mayaguez are completed he will proceed to Aguadilla and take the nec- essary steps to effect the election. Upon completion of this duty he will return to his proper station, delivering the returns of the election, under seal, to theCommanding Officer of the District of Mayaguez who will send them by special messenger to these headquarters. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. The Commanding Officer Post of San Juan, P. R.. will send Corporal Edward Sushanks. Troop F. 5th U. S. Cavalry, to report to the Adjutant General of the Depart- ment for detached service at these Headquarters at once. The Subsistence Department will pay commutation of ra- tions at the rate of 75 cents per day from November 11th, 1899, to this soldier while of such duty. 3. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish transportation from Bayamon, P. R.. to San Juan, to William Armstrong, and from San Juan to Bayamon, P. R.. to William Barnard, both teamsters in the Quartermaster's Department on business connected with the Quartermas- ter's Department. 4. Private George Roberts, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cav- ry, having been tried by a. general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Assault and Battery upon a Non-Commissioned Officer, in violation of the 62nd Article of War. was, upon consider- ation of three (3) previous convictions, sentenced: ''To be dishonorably discharged the service of the Enited States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor at such place, as the reviewing authority may direct for six (6) months.''1 The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved ami will be 'Inly executed at the Post of San Juan, P. R. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders, No 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States, upon proper application after his release from confinement. 2 5. Musician Harry Me Call, Company M, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Disobedience of Orders, in violation of the 21st Article of War, and of Absence Without Leave, in violation of the 32nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of one (1) previous conviction, sentenced: To be confined at hard labor under charge of the Post Guard for one (1) month, and to forfeit to the United States Ten (10) Dollars of his pay.'" "The Court is thus lenient in view of the general good character of the accused as shown in the evidence.'''' In the foregoing case of Musician Harry Me Call, it is to be observed that "Where the Court remarks in its sentence that it is 'thus lenient1 because the prisoner has already been a long time in confinement, or for other ground stated, it exceeds its function. '*** Extraneous facts may serve as a basis for a recommendation only." (Digest J. A.G. Opinions, 702.) The sentence is incom- mensurate to the gravity of the offences as found, but in order that the prisoner may not wholly escape punish- ment, it is approved, and will be duly executed at the station of his company. 6. Private Dock Swiney, Company B, 11th U. S. In- fantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, P. R., and found guilty of Quitting Guard, in violation of the 40th Article of War, and of Disorderly Conduct, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the Post Guard for six (6) months, and to forfeit to the United States ten (10) dollars of his pay per month for the same period." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's company. By command oe Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 225. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, November 11th, 1899 1. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these headquarters. Captain William T. Wilder. 11th U. S. Infantry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Elections to be held at Pefiuelas and Guayanilla, Porto Rico, He will take the necessary steps to effect the elections. Upon completion of this duty he will return to his proper station, delivering the returns of the elections, under seal, to the Commanding Officer of the Post of Ponce, who will send them by special messen- ger to these headquarters. The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. 2. The following result of the election held in the Municipality of Adjuntas, Porto Rico, on the 26th day of October, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, these headquarters, is published for the in- formation and guidance of all concerned: Alcalde, Manuel Pietri. Municipal Judge, Pablo Font. Suplente Municipal Judge, Jose Victor Bosch. School Trustees. Ju a it C. Bosch. Juan Bernard. Enrique Bosch. America Hodriguez )) Acosta. Justino Antonio Medina. COUNCILMEN. Jose Laureano' Soba. Lorenzo Bosch. Manuel Alai a ret. Jose Jimenez. Geronimo Perez. Damaso Velez. Ignacio Alaldonado. Clemente Perez. Manuel de Jesus Vazquez. Santiago Lopez Velez. Teodoro Figueroa Cintron. Antonio Taeoronte Quintana. Juan Cardona Gonzalez- Zenon Hernandez. Jose Delgado LaLoy. Captain Charles H. Walls, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will pro- 2 ceed at once to install the successful candidates into their respective offices. 3. The following result of the election held in the Mu- nicipality of Cidra, Porto Rico, on the 8th day of Novem- ber, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, these headquarters, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Alcalde, Don Modesto Ferrer Vazquez. Municipal Judge, Don Praxedes Santiago Vazquez. Suplente Municipal Judge, Dou Jose Lorenzo Collazo. School Trustees. Dov Aureliano Pelaez y Uset. Don Manuel Santiago Vazquez. Don Francisco J. Rosano- Don Leandro Santos. Don Escolastico Ferrer Santiago. Councilmen. Don Ecolastieo Ferrer Santiago. Dou Jacinto Melendez- Don Guillermo Haddock. Don Sergio Santiago. Don Agustin Pelaez Uset. Dou Agustin Diaz y Diaz. Don Jose Hema rdo I azquez. Dou Pedro Juan Vazquez. Don Francisco Inocencio Nunez. Captain F. IP. Foster, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will proceed at once to Cidra, Porto Rico, and install the successful candidates into their respective oilices. Upon completion of this duty, Captain Foster will return to his proper sta- tion at Cayey. The t ravel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. So much of paragraph 6, Special Orders, No. 2, current series, these headquarters, in the case of Private John T. Shortslere, Company C, 11th U. S. Infantry, as reads: 1'and found guilty of violation o f the, 47th Article of JCw. " is amended to read: l'<tnd. found guilty o f violation of the 32nd Article of IPar." 5. Upon the recommendation of the Inspector of the Division of Guanica, approved by the Board of Charities of Porto Rico, the food depots in that Division will be closed this day and the troops sent to their proper station, and the Division of Guanica will be consolidated with that of Ponce for relief work which may be necessary in the future, 3 and any unused supplies at Guanica will be turned into the Depot at Ponce. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 6. Leave of absence for one month on Surgeon's Cer- tificate of Disability, with permission to return to the United States, and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of three months is granted Major Lorenzo P. Davison, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 226. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OE PORTO RICO, San .Juan, November 13th, 1899 1. Captain Henry A. Reed, 5th U. S. Artillery, and 1st Lieutenant Samuel T. Ansell, 11th U. S. In- fantry, are detailed as additional members of the Board of Survey convened at San Juan, P. R., by paragraph 2, Special Or- ders, No. 209, current series, these headquarters, vice .Major L. P. Davison, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, and 1st Lieutenant Frederick M. Hartsock, Assistant Surgeon, (J. S. Army, relieved. 2. Private William J. Kirk, Troop C, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of Desertion, in violation of the 47th Article of War, was sentenced : '"To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be f confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for two (2) years. In the foregoing case, the proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, New ^ork Harbor, N. V.. is'designated as the place of confinement to which the prisoner will he sent under proper guard by the Commanding Officer of the Post of Sanjuan, P. R., by first available transport. 3. Private William E. Clovare, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, having been tried by general colirt-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Larceny, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: "To be dishonorably discharged from the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and. allowances due him a,nd to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of one {1} year A In the foregoing case, the proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved, but the confinement imposed is reduced to six (6) months. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, Porto Rico. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders, No. 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon prop- er application after his release from confinement. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 227. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, November 14th, 1899. 1. By direction of the Secretary of War, Major Lo- renzo P. Davison, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, will proceed to Washington, D. C., reporting upon arrival to the Adjutant General of the Army. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. The Commanding Officer of the Post of Adjuntas, P. R., will send Private Fred Beers, Troop B, 5th U. S. Cavalry, to San Juan, P. R., to report to the Commanding Officer of the U. S. General Hospital at t hat place, await- ing transportation to the United States; upon arrival of transport the Commanding Officer of the U. S. General Hospital will send Private Beers, with his descriptive list and account of pay and clothing to report to the Com- manding Officer, Fort Hamilton, New York, for observation and treatment at the Hospital at that place. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation and the Subsistence Department the necessary subsistence upon transport. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By COMMAND OF BRIGADIER GENERAL DaVIS: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 228. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, November 15th, 1899. 1. Upon the recommendation of the Chief Surgeon of the Department of Porto Rico Private Benjamin L. Jacobsen, Hospital Corps, now at Manati. P. R., having passed the required examination, is detailed as Acting Hospital Stew- ard, and will report to the Commanding Officer of that station for duty. 2. Upon the recommendation on the Chief Surgeon of the Department of Porto Rico, Private John Sierer, Hospital Corps, having passed the required examination, is detailed as Acting Hospital Steward, and will report to the Com- manding Officer Adjuntas, P. R., for duty. The Quarter- master's Department will furnish the necessary transpor- tation. 3. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish fer- riage from San Juan, P. R., to Catano. P. R., and from Ca- tano. P. R., to San Juan, P. R., for four round trips dur- ing the month of October, 1899, for Sergeant Gottleib Wil- liams, Troop F, 5th U. S. Cavalry, and teams, on business in connection with the Quartermaster's Department. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General Special Orders, No. 229. HEADQUAKTEKS DEPARTMENT of PORTO RIco, San Juan, November 16th, 1899. 1. The Commanding Officer, San Juan, P. R., will send Private William E. Williams, Company D, 11th U. S. Infantry, now at the U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., with his descriptive list and account of pay and cloth- ing to the Insane Asylum, Washington, D, C., by the first transport. A non-commissioned officer will be detailed as an escort to properly guard and care for this man. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish transportation and the Subsistence Department will provide subsistence on transport and commutation of rations, in advance, for the time necessarily consumed in the journey from New York to Washington, it being impracticable for this pa- tient and this soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. Upon comple- tion of the journey. the soldier detailed for this duty will report to the Adjutant General of the Army for orders. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. 1st class Private Charles N. Wooten, Signal Corps. U. S. Army, now on duty with Lis company at San Juan, P R._ will at once proceed to Lares, P. R., and assume charge of telegraph office at that place. rhe Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation. 3. Paragraph 2, Special Orders. No. 222, current ser- ies, these Headquarters, is modified so as to read, the ver- bal orders assigning Captain Richard M. Blatchford, 11th U. S. Infantry, to duty at these Headquarters on August 30th, 1899, are hereby confirmed. 4. Paragraph 3. Special Orders, No. 212, current series, from these Headquarters, is revoked. The Commanding Officer, San Juan, will detail an Officer to report to the Chief Paymaster of the Depart- ment on Tuesday, November 21, 1899, to proceed with packages of funds for the payment of troops at Arecibo, Lares, Utuado, Aguadilla, Mayaguez, San German, Ponce, Adjuntas and Humacao, P. R. The packages for Lares and Utuado will be delivered to the Commanding Officer, Arecibo ; those for Adjuntas, to the Commanding Officer, Ponce; those for San German, to the Commanding Officer, Mayaguez, and those for the other Posts mentioned, to their respective Commanding Officers. The Commanding Officer, Arecibo, will send an Officer of his Command to deliver the funds for Lares and will direct one of the Officers stationed with the 2 detachment at Utuado to proceed to Arecibo and receive the funds for that detachment. The Commanding Officer, Ponce, will send an Officer of his Command to deliver the funds for Adjuntas. The Commanding Officer of the Sub-post of San German will send an Officer to Mayaguez to receive the funds for his Post. The Commanding Officer, San Juan, will also detail an Officer to report to the Chief Paymaster of the De- partment on Tuesday, November 21, 1899, for the purpose of conveying funds to the Posts of Cayey and Aibonito. The Commanding Officer. Manati, will send an Officer to report to the Chief Paymaster of the Department, at SanJuan, on November21. 1899, for Die purpose of receiv- ing the funds for his Post. In all the cases mentioned herein. Officers entrusted with funds or detailed to transfer same will take all nec- essary steps to deliver them promptly and on completion of their duties return to their proper stations. The attention of all Officers concerned in the distri- bution of the funds at the various Posts is invited to the requirements of paragraphs 1354, 1357 and 1358 of Army Regulations, and to General Orders, No. 31. Headquar- ters of the Army, 1896. Major Charles H. Whipple, Paymaster. U. S. Army. Chief Paymaster of the Department, will pay the troops stationed at San Juan, P. R. Commanding Officers will provide the necessary es- corts, upon request of the Officers designated by them. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined isnecessary for the public service. 5. Paragraph 1, Special Orders, No 226, current series, these Headquarters, is amended so as to read 2nd Lieutenant Samuel T. Ansell, 11th U. S. Infantry, instead of 1st Lieutenant Samuel T. Ansell, llth U. S. Infantry. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 230. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT of PORTO Kico, SanJuan, November 17th, 1899. 1. By direction of the Secretary of War, Captain Frederick P. Reynolds, Assistant Surgeon. U. S. Army, is relieved from duty in this Department and will proceed to New York City, telegraphing the Adjutant General of the Army upon arrival, for orders. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Private Frank A. Wade. Troop A, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial conven- ed at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Viola- ion of the 33rd Article of War. was. upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced: "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and, allowances due him, and to be confined at hard labor at such post as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of three (3) months. The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, P. R. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders, No. 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper application after his release from con- finement. 3. Private Michael J. Lyons, Troop F, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court, martial con- vened at San .Juan, P. R., and found guilty of Absence Without Leave, in violation of the 32nd Article of War, was,' upon consideration of one (1) previous convic- tion, sentenced: "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard at the station of Ibis troop for one (1) month, and to forfeit to the United States ten (^10.00/ dollars of his pay. " The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 4. Private George S. HTismer, Troop A. 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San .Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Absence Without Leave, in violation of the 32nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of five (5) previous con- victions, sentenced: "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due, him, and to be confined at hard labor at such place, as the reviewing authority may direct for three (3) months.'1'' The proceedings and findings are approved. The 2 sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, P. R. Pursuant tn paragraph 5, General Orders, No. 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper application after his release from con- finement. 5. The Commanding Officer of the Post of San Juan, P. R., will send Sergeant I. L. Miller, Company B, Privates Paul Lengsfeld, Company I, and J. E. Huston, Company M, 11th U. S. Infantry, to report to the Adjutant General of the Department for detached service at these headquarters. The Subsistence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day from November 20th, 1899, to these soldiers while on such duty. 6. Upon the recommendation of his Troop and Reg- imental Commanders, so much of the unexecuted portion of the sentence as relates to confinement in the case of General Prisoner Albert M. Hendricks (late Private Troop H, 5th U. S. Cavalry), as promulgated in paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 214, current series, these Headquar- ters, is hereby remitted. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 231. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, November 18th, 1899. 1. 2nd Lieutenant Hamilton Foley, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will proceed at once to Humacao, P. R., for duty at that Post. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. 1st Lieutenant Nathaniel F. McClure, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will proceed at once to Cayey, P. R., and take command of that Post, during the absence of Captain F. W. Foster, 5th U. S. Cavalry, on leave. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 232. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, November 18th, 1899 1. The Commanding Officer, Post of San Juan, P. R., will send Private Benjamin H. Thomas, Company B, 11th U. S. Infantry, to report at once to the Adjutant Gen- eral of the Department for detached service at these headquarters. The Subsistence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day, from this date, to this soldier while on such duty. 2. In compliance with paragraph 8, Special Orders. No. 258, current series, Headquarters of the Army, A. G. O., Private Henry Scheunemann, Troop G, 1st U. S. Cav- alry, will proceed to join his Troop at Fort Meade, South Dakota, reporting upon arrival to the Commanding Officer of that Post. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation and the Subsistence Department the necessary Subsistence upon transport, and commutation of rations for the necessary number of days required in making the journey from New York to Fort Meade. The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. 3. Upon the completion of the election at Camuy, P. R., Captain John Landstreet, Jr., Assistant Commissary of Subsistence, U. S- Volunteers, will, in person, deliver the returns thereof, under seal, to these Headquarters. The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. 4. Captain John Landstreel, Jr., Assistant Commis- sary of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers, is designated as Officer in charge of Election at Ponce, and will proceed with his authorized clerk to Ponce. 1'. R., and report to the Commanding Officer at that place, for the purpose of taking charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Ponce; on the completion of which he will deliver the re- turns thereof, under seal, to the Commanding Officer of the Post of Ponce, who will at once send them by special messenger to these headquarters. The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. 5. Upon the completion of the elections at San Se- bastian and Eas Marias Captain Richard M. Blatchford, 11th U. S. Infantry, will in person deliver the returns thereof, under seal, to the Commanding Officer of the District of Mayaguez, who will at once send them by special messenger to these headquarters. The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. 2 6. 2nd Lieutenant William S. Valentine, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having reported as witness before the general court-martial convened at San Juan, P. R., by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 200, current series, these headquar- ters, in compliance with instructions from these headquar- ters. dated November 15th, 1899, will return to his proper station at Arecibo, P. R. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 7. By direction of the Assistant Secretary of War, the Commanding Officer of the U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send two Acting Hospital Stewards and twenty Privates of the Hospital Corps to report to the Commanding Officer, Fort Columbus, New York. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department the necessary subsistence, upon transport. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 8. The following result of the Election held in the Municipality of Mayaguez, Porto Rico, on the 16th day of November, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, these headquarters, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Alcalde, Municipal Judge, Suplente Municipal Judge, Blas Nadal y Cuebas. Pascasio Fajardo y Cardona,. Sa I list ia no Collado. School Trustees. Ramon Roura. A ico/as Gimenez. Dr. D. Joaquin Martinez Guasp. Dr. Benito Gaudier. Alfredo J rmddo Sevilla. Councilmen. Ramon Antonio Rivera. Acdino Rodriguez. A orberto /rizarry. Juan J. Cast eras. Fomas Aponte. Alberto Bravo. Rafael Maranges. Jose A. Menendez. Carlos Sabater. Lorenzo Martinez Ohminas. Fra n cisco CcboUero. Cedro Rosello Irizarry. Vicente Pagan. 3 Juan Torrellas. Diego Garcia St Laurent. Lieutenant Colonel C. C C. Carr, 5tliU. S. Cavalry, will proceed at once to install the successful candidates into their respective offices. By COMMAND OF BRIGADIER GENERAL 1)AVIS: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 233. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, November 21st, 1899. 1. The following journeys performed by Captain F. W. Foster. 5th U. S. Cavalry, in connection with the elec- tions at Guayama and Cidra, Porto Rico, are confirmed as having been necessary for the public service. October 9th, 1899: Cayey to Guayama. October 17th, 1899: Guayama to Cayey. October 18 th, 1899: Cayey to Guayama. October 21st, 1899: Guayama to Cayey. October 22nd, 1899: Cayey to Guayama. October 23rd. 1899: Guayama to Cayey. October 25th, 1899: Cayey to Guayama. October 27tb, 1899, Guayama to Cayey. October 28th. 1899: Cayey to Cidra, and return to Guayama. November 1st. 1899: Guayama to San Juan. November 5th, 1899: San Juan to Cayey. November 8th, 1899: Cayey to Cidra, and return to Cayey November»9th, 1899: Cayey to San Juan. November 11th, 1899: San Juan to Cayey. November 12th, 1899: Cayey to Guayama, and return to Cayey. November 13th, 1899: Cayey to Cidra, and return to Cayey. 2 2. In compliance with paragraph 33, Special Orders, No. 264, current series. Headquarters of the Army, A. G. O., Captain George McK. Williamson, Assistant Quarter- master. U. S. Army, is relieved from further duty in this Department. 3. Captain William C. R. Colquhoun. Assistant Quar- termaster. U. S. Volunteers, having reported at these Headquarters in compliance with paragraph 32, Special Orders, No. 264, current series, Headquarters of the Army. A. G. ()., is assigned to duty as Assistant to the Chief Quartermaster of the Department, and will report accordingly. 4. The journey performed by Major John L. Clem. Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster of the Department, and Lieutenant Colonel C. H Heyl. Inspec- tor General. U. S. Volunteers, Inspector General of the Department, from San Juan, to Ponce, P. R . and return to San Juan, on November 10th to 12th. 1899, for the purpose of inspecting the construction of certain public buildings, is confirmed as having been necessary for the public service. 5. Acting Assistant Surgeon W. C. LeCompte is re- lieved from duty at Vieques and temporary duty at Hu- macao and will report to the Commanding Officer of the U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. Acting Assistant Surgeon S. H. Wadhams is grant- ed seven days leave of absence, with permission to visit the United States. 7. 1st Lieutenant F. F. Russell, Assistant Surgeon. U. S. Army, will, in addition to his duties as Surgeon at Humacao, P. R.. take charge of the sick at the Sub-post of Vieques, P. R. 8. Under the provisions of General Orders. No. 160, current series, these headquarters. Captain Edwin P. Andrus, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Elections to be held at Juana Diaz and Coamo, Porto Rico He will take the necessary steps to effect the elections. Upon completion of this duty he will return to his proper station, delivering the returns of the elections, under seal, to the Commanding HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT Special Orders, / of porto rico, No. 233. San Juan, November 21st, 1899. Extract 7. 1st Lieutenant F. F. Russell, Assistant Surgeon U. S. Army, will, in addition to his duties as Surgeon at Humacao, P. R., take charge of the sick at the Sub-post of Vieques, P. R. * * * * By command oe Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Official : Officer of the Post of Ponce, who will send them by spec- ial messenger to these headquarters. The travel enjoined Is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General. Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 234. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, November 22nd, 1899. 1. In compliance with instructions from the Secre- tary of War a Board of Officers to consist of: Lieutenant Colonel Henry R. Brinkerhoff, 11th U. S. Infantry; Major Earl D. Thomas, 5th U. S. Cavalry; Captain Anthony W. Vogdes, 5th U. S. Artillery; 2nd Lieutenant Charles B. Drake, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, Recorder, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Tuesday. November 28th. 1899, or as soon there- after as practicable, for the purpose of examining into and reporting upon the qualifications of certain non-com- missioned officers as may be ordered before it, for ap- pointment as Ordnance Sergeants, U. S. Army. 2. The following enlisted men will be sent by their respective Commanding Officers to Sanjuan, P. R., so as to report to the President of the Board of Officers conven- ed by paragraph I. Special Orders. No. 231, current series, these headquarters, on November 28th, 1899, for examin- ation for appointment as Ordnance Sergeants, U. S. Ar- my: 1st Sergeant John Morris, Troop G, 5th U. S. Cav- a 1 r y; 1st Sergeant John Bem. Troop C, 5th U. S. Cav- alry ; 1st Sergeant John Harris, Company B, 11th U. S. Infantry; Sergeant Frederick Grieb, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 3. By direction of the Secretary of War, the Com- manding Officer, San Juan, P. R., will send Julio Toste, Juan T. Echavaria and Ignacio Escoba, now confined in San Juan jail, in charge of a guard to consist of one non- commissioned officerand four privates, by first transport to Santiago, Cuba. A copy of this Order and an inven- tory of the effects of these prisoners and the property found in their possession at the time of their arrest will accompany them, together with the property, and a du plicate copy of said inventory will be forwarded to these Headquarters. Upon arrival at Santiago, the guard will deliver the prisoners, with their property and the in ven- 2 torythereof, and the copy of this order, to the Command- ing General. Department of Santiago and Puerto Principe, taking receipt therefor. After delivering these prisoners as directed, the guard will proceed to New York, and return to their prop- er station at San Juan. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department the necessary subsistence upon transport to the guard and prisoners. The Commanding Officer, San Juan. P. R., is author- ized to grant the men detailed for this duty a furlough for ten days, if they so desire, to take effect on arrival in New York. The travel enjoined is necessa ry f< >r the public service. 4. The following result of the Election held in the Municipality of Arecibo, Porto Rico, on the 18th day of November, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, these Headquarters, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Alcalde, Jose Ruiz de Sagredo. Municipal Judge, Jose Ines Gomez. Suplente Municipal Judge, Manuel Astor. School Trustees. Jose Marcial Lopez. Jose Ramon Rivera. Mamai Perez Aviles. Manuel Martinez Rossello. Alejantiro Salicrup. COUNCILMEN. Bernardo Huicy. Sebastian Figueroa. Manuel Ledesma. Adrian Padilla. Fernando Gonzalez- Francisco 01 iveras. Tomas Bonet j. Juan E. Marin. Francisco Coll. Rafael Ramirez. Pedro de Jesus. Dr. Guillermo Curbelo. I 'rudencio Martinez. Santiago Sifre. Tomas Miranda. Captain A. C. Macomb, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will proceed 3 at once to install the successful candidates into their respective offices. 5. Upon the recommendation of the Chief Surgeon of the Department, Acting Assistant Surgeon S. M. Gonzalez, U. S. Army, will proceed to the United States, reporting upon arrival to the Surgeon General of the Ar- my for annulment of contract. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. A Board of Survey to consist of: Major James E. Macklin, 24th U. S. Infantry; Captain Henry A Reed, 5th U. S. Artillery; 2nd Lieutenant Eldred D. Warfield, 11th U. S. Infantry, is appointed to meet at San Juan. P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m . on Saturday, November 25th. 1899, or as soon there- after as practicable, for the purpose of examining into reporting upon and fixing the responsibility for the loss of certain articles of Quartermaster's Supplies on Invoice No. 415. dated November 10th, 1899, the property of the United States, and for which Major F. Von Schrader, Quartermaster, U. S. Volunteers, New York City, is ac- countable. 7 7. Private Henry L. Bowman, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of Larce- ny, in Article of War, was sentenced : « To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, except the sum of fifteen {15) dollars.» The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved a nd will be duly executed. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders. No. 90, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper applica- tion. 8. Private Anastacio Flis, Company A, Porto Rico Battalion. U. S. Volunteers, having been tried by general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty7 of Larceny, in violation of the 02nd Article of War, was sentenced . «To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing author- ity may direct for three (3) months.» The proceedings and findings are approved. The 4 sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of Mayaguez, P. R. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P.HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 235. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, November 23rd, 1899. 1. Upon the recommendation of the Board of Prison Control, the unexpired sentence of Segundo Lopez Cordero, now confined in the Penitentiary, San Juan, P. R., is hereby remitted. 2. The sentence of death imposed by the Court of Mayaguez and confirmed by the Supreme Court of Porto Rico, in tlie case of Jose Reyes Guzman, tried and convict- ed of robbery and murder is, upon the recommendation of the Board of Prison Control, commuted to life imprison- ment at hard labor in the Penitentiary at San Juan, P. R . 3. 1st Lieutenant Nathaniel F. Me Clure, 5th U. S Cavalry, is detailed as Collector of Customs at Arroyo, Porto Rico, and Disbursing Officer of the Census Depart- ment of Guayama, during the absence onleaveof Captain F. W. Foster, 5th U. S. Cavalry. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis; W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 236. HEADQUAKTERS DEPARTMENT of PORTO RICOi SanJuan, November 24th, 1899. 1. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Richard R. Steedman, 11th U. S. Infan- try; 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th U. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Woodson Hocker, 11th U. S. In- fantry, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R.,'at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Monday, November 27th, 1899, or as soon there- after as practicable, for the purpose of examining into, reporting upon and fixing the responsibility for the loss of and damage to certain articles of Subsistence Stores received at San Juan on invoice No. 163. September 28th, 1899, and No. 124. September 25th, 1899, of Captain John Little, Commissary Subsistence. U. S. Army, New York City, and invoice No. 32. October 10th. 1899. of Colonel C. A. Woodruff, Assistant Commissary General of Subsis- tence, U. S. Army, New York City; and on invoice No. No. 1, November 18th, 1899. of 1st Lieutenant Richmond McA. Schofield. 5th U. S. Cavalry, Commissary, Mayaguez, Porto Rico; for which Lieutenant Colonel F. E. Nye, Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence, (J. S. Army, Chief Commissary of the Department, is accountable. 2. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Richard R. Steedman. 11th U. S. Infantry; 1 st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th U. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Woodson Hocker, 11th U. S. In- fantry, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. in., on Monday, November 27th, 1899, or as soon there- after as practicable, for the purpose of examining into, reporting upon and fixing the responsibility for the loss of Subsistence Stores from the Warehouse by theft on Sunday, November 19th, 1899, for which Lieutenant Col- onel F. E. Nye, Assistant Commissary General of Subsis- tence, U. S. Army, Chief Commissary of the Department, is accountable. 3. Private Fred Wolf, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan. Porto Rico, and found guilty of Drunkenness on Duty, in violation of the 38th Article of War, and of Dis- obedience of Orders in violation of the 62nd Article of War, 2 was, upon consideration of two (2) previous convictions, sentenced: «To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing author- ity may direct for the period of one (1) year.» The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence's approved, and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, Porto Rico. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders, No. 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper application after his re- lease from confinement. By command of Brigadier General Davis: "W. P.HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 237. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San .Juan, November 25th, 1899. 1. Captain Thomas F. Maginnis, Porto Rico Battalion. U. S. Volunteers, is hereby relieved from the duties as- signed him by paragraph 1, Special Orders. No. 224, cur- rent series, these headquarteres, and 1st Lieutenant Seaborn G. Chiles, 11th U. S Infantry, is detailed in his stead. 2. 2nd Lieutenant Eldred D. Warfield, 11th U. S. In- fantry, will report on Saturday, December 2nd, 1899, to Major James A. Buchanan, L5th U. S. Infantry, Treasurer of Porto Rico, for duty in connection with the collection of Insular Revenues and Customs at the following points : Arecibo, Humacao, Aguadilla, Vieques, Mayaguez, Fajardo, and return to Ponce, San Juan. Arroyo, The Commanding Officer, Post of San Juan, will de- tail one non-commissioned officer and two privates to re- port to Lieutenant Warfield, and accompany him on this journey. The Treasurer of the Island will provide funds for the necessary subsistence. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. ■Special Orders, No. 238. HEADQUARTERS DEPARIAIENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, November 27th, 1899. 1. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current seiies, these Headquarters, Captain Richard M. Blatchford, 11th U. S. Infantry, is designated as the Of- ficer in charge of the Municipal Elections to be held at Maricao and San German, Porto Hico, and upon comple- tion of his duties in connection with the election at San Se- bastian he will take the necessary steps to effect these elec- tions. Upon completion of this duty he will, in person, deliver the returns of the elections, under seal, to the Commanding Officer of the District of Mayaguez, who will send them by special messenger to these Headquarters. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these Headquarters, Captain C. H. Watts, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Utuado, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election, upon completion of which he will at once proceed to San Juan, delivering the returns of the election, under seal, to these headquarters, from whence he will return to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. o. Upon the recommendation of his Regimental Commander Private Elbert TK. McLaughlin, Troop C, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is transferred to the Band, 5tb U. 8. Cav- alry, and will be sent to report to the Commanding Officer, 5th U. S. Cavalry, Mayaguez, P. R., for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations at the rate of $1.00 per day, for two days, in advance, it being impracticable for this sol- dier to carry rations of any kind and the travel enjoined necessary for the public service. il 4. tl'l^/following result of the Election held in the Municipal!™of Camuy, Porto Rico, on the 21st day of November, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, these headquarters, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Alcalde, Blas Laurentino Estrella. Municipal Judge, Onofre Morell. Suplente Municipal Judge, Antonio Martinez. School Trustees. Felipe B. Cordero. Tulio de Jesus. Antonio Estrella, Jose Martinez Lopez. Luis Ma. Villaion. Councilmen. Juan A. Casana, Jose Antonio Vales, Agapito Concepcion, Jose Vicente Cordero, Joaquin Estrella, Tomas Cabrera, Francisco Morell. Manuel J. Vales, Juan Ramon Rivera, Jose de Jesus, Juan C. Monclova, Joaquin Vasquez, Captain A. C. Macomb, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will pro- ceed at once to Camuy and install the successful can- didates into their respective Offices; upon the completion of which duty he will return to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. The following result of the Election held in the Munic- ipality of Yauco, Porto Rico, on the 22nd day of Nov- ember, 1899, in accordance with General Orders', No. 160, current series, these Headquarters, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Alcalde, Manuel Pasarell y Rius, Municipal Judge, Juan Mattei y Rodriguez, Suplente Municipal Judge, Manuel Mejia y Rodriguez. School Trustees. Angel Antongiorgi, * Andres Mattei, Dario Franceschi, Jose Maria Oatell, Eduardo Quiflones Martorell. Councilmen. Alejandro Franceschi, Francisco Negroni Lucca, Francisco Ortiz, 2 3 Juan Antongiorgi, Antonio Antommattei, Francisco Bivera, Antonio Mariani, Francisco Pieraldi, Pedro Bernardni, Tomas Olivari, Luis Cianchini, Manuel J. del Toro, Santiago Vivaldi, 2° Atilio Gastambide, Manuel Boig, 2° Captain Charles H. Watts, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will proceed at once to Yauco and install the successful can- didates into their respective offices; upon the completion of which duty he will return to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. Sergeant H. L. Dunton, Company K, 11th U. S. In- fantry, having been tried by general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Drunkenness on Duty, in violation of the 38th Article of War, was sen- tenced: "To be reduced to the ranks and to be confined at hard la- bor under charge of the Guard at the station where his com- pany may be serving for three (3) months."1 The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved, but in view of the long and excellent service of the accused and the unanimous recommendation of the Court the confinement imposed is remitted. Ser- geant Dunton will he released from arrest and restored to duty as a private. 7. 1'rivate Bernon Hauser, Company M, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Drunk- enness and Disorderly Conduct in quarters and Disre- spect towards a Non-commissioned Officer, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: "To be confined at hard labor, under charge of the Guard at the Post where his company may be serving, for four (4) months and to forfeit to the United Slates ten (10) dollars of his pay per month for the same period.'1'' The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 8. Private Van Gray, Troop G, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at 4 Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Disobeying the Orders of his Superior Officer, in violation of the 21st Article of War. and of Disobeying the Orders of a Non- commissioned Officer, and Disobeying the Orders of and Abusing his sentry while a prisoner at work, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of two (2) previous convictions, sentenced: " To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing author- ity may direct for the period of two (2) years." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, New York Harbor, N. Y.. is designated as the place of confinement, to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard by the Command- ing Officer of the Post of San Juan, Porto Rico, by fir«t available transport. 9. Private Frank Howe, Troop G, 5th IT. S. Cavalry, having been tried by general court-martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Disrespect towards his Commanding Officer, in violation of the 20th Article of War, and of Disobedience of Orders, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of one (1) previous conviction, sentenced: liTo be confined at hard labor al such place as the review- ing authority may direct for the period of six (6) months and to forfeit to the United States ten dollars ( $10.00) per month for the same period.'1'' The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's Troop. 10. Private John J. O' Neil, Battery G, 5th U, S. Artil- lery, having been tried by general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Drunkenness and Disorderly Conduct in quarters and Disobedience of Orders, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced: a To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for six (6) months." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of Sanjuan. P. R. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders, No. 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this 5 tnan will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper application after his release from confinement. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 239. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, SanJuan, November 28th, 1899. 1. Paragraph 8, Special Orders, No. 233, current series, these Headquarters, is so amended as to direct Captain Edwin P. Andrus, 5th U. S. Cavalry, to send the returns of the Election at Coamo and Juana Diaz, under seal, by special messenger, to the Commanding Officer, Ponce, P. R., instead of delivering them in person. 2. Paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 225, current series, these Headquarters, is so amended as to direct Captain William T. Wilder, 11th U. S. Infantry, to send the returns of the election at Guayanilla, P. IL, under seal, by special messenger, to the Commanding Officer, Ponce, P. R.. instead of delivering them in person. 3. Paragraph 8, Special Orders, No. 223, current series, these Headquarters, is so amended as to direct Captain Harry R. Lee, Uth U. S. Infantry, to send the returns of the election at Lares. P. R., under seal, by special messenger, to the Commanding Officer, District of Mayaguez. instead of delivering them in person. 4. Paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 224, current series, these Headquarters, as amended by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 237, current series, these Headquar- ters, is further amended so as to direct 1st Lieutenant Seaborn G. Chiles, 11th U. S. Infantry, to send the returns of the election held at Aguadilla, P. R., under seal, by special messenger, to the Commanding Officer, District of Mayaguez, instead of delivering them in person. 5. Paragraph 9, Special Orders, No. 223, current series, these Headquarters, is so amended as to direct Captain Eben Swift, 5th U. S. Cavalry, to send the returns of the election held at Humacao, P. R., under seal, by special messenger, to these Headquarters, instead of de- livering them in person. 6. Paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 222. current series, these Headquarters, is so amended as to direct Captain//. IE Wheeler, 5th U. S. Cavalry, to send the returns of the election held at Barros, P. R., under seal, by special messenger, to these Headquarters, instead of bringing them in person. 7. Parag aph 2, Special Orders, No. 238, current series, these Headquarters, is so amended as to direct Captain Charles H. Raffs, 5th U. S. Cavalry, to send the returns 2 of the election to be held at Utuado, P. R., under seal, by special messenger, to these Headquarters, instead of delivering them in person. 8. Paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 238, current series, these Headquarters, is so amended as to direct Captain Richard M. Blatchford, 11th U. S. Infantry, to send the returns of the elections to be held at Maricao and San German, P. R., under seal, by special messenger, to the Commanding Officer, District of Mayaguez, P. R., instead of delivering them in person. 9. By direction of the Secretary of War, 1st Class Sergeant Clarence N. Jones, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, having been appointed 2nd Lieutenant, U. S- Infantry, will be discharged the service of the United States as an enlist- ed man by his Commanding Officer, to date September 30th, 1899. He will report to the Commanding Officer, San Juan, P. R., for duty. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Okdeks, No. 240. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, November 29th, 1899. 1. The Commanding Officer, Ponce, P. R., will direct 2nd Lieutenant Frederick D. de Funiak, Jr., 11th U. S. Infantry, to proceed at once to Coamo, P. R.. and take possession of the office of Alcalde, together with all records and papers pertaining thereto, and conduct the business thereof until the election is concluded and the new Alcalde has been installed into office. On completion of this duty he will return to ins proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. The Commanding Otlicer, Mayaguez, P. R., will direct Captain William E. Al my, 5th U. S. Cavalry, to proceed at once to San German, P. R., and take posses- sion of the office of Alcalde, together with all the records and papers pertaining thereto, and conduct the business thereof until the election is concluded and the new Alcalde is installed into oilice. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public ser- vice. 3. Leave of absence for one month, with permission to return to the United States, is granted Captain Richard R. Steedman, 11th U. S. Infantry, when an Officer is available to relieve him from his duties at San Juan. 4. Payment of troops in this Department, for the muster of November 30th, 1899, will be made by the following named Paymasters at the points designated, and upon the completion of their duties they' will return to their proper stations. Major Charles IL Whipple, Paymaster, U. S. Army, Chief Paymaster of the Department, troops stationed at SanJuan, Aibonito, Cayey and Manati, Porto Rico. Major Pierre C. Stevens, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, troops stationed at Arecibo, Adjuntas, Agua- dilla, Humacao, Lares, Mayaguez, San German and Pon- ce, Porto Rico. Major Stevens, is authorized to make the payments at the above posts in the order that is found most expedient, Commanding Officers will provide the necessary excorts, upon request of the paymasters. The Quartermaster's Department will provide the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2 5. Private James T. Fassel, Company M. 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Drunk- enness and Disorderly Conduct, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: !' To be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at the place where his company may be serving, for the period of three months and to forfeit to the United States ten dollars ($10.00) of his pay per month for the same period." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence is approved and will be duly executed. 6. Private Charles Martinson, Troop G, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Ponce, P. R., and found guilty of Permitting a Prisoner under his Charge to obtain Liquor, in violation of the 62nd Article of War: and of Drunkenness on Duty, in violation of the 38th Article of War, was, upon consid- eration of three (3) previous convictions, sentenced: ''To be confined at hard labor at such place as the review- ing authority may direct for the period of eight (8) months and to forfeit to the United States ten dollars ($10.00) a month for the same period." In the foregoing case of Private Charles Martinson, the proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved, but in view of the long time the prisoner has necessarily been held awaiting trial owing to the lack of sufficient officers to convene a court, it is reduced to con- finement at hard labor for five (5) months and forfeiture of ten dollars ($10.00) per month for the same period. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's troop. 7. Private John H. Makinson, Troop H, 5th U. 8. Cav- alry, having been tried by general court-martial conven- ed at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Creat- ing a Disturbance in a Public Saloon, of Resisting Arrest, of Malicious Assault and Battery upon a Civil Officer, and of Disobeying the Orders of and using Obscene Language towards the Sergeant of the Guard, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of three (3) previous convictions, sentenced: "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing author- ity mag direct for two (2) years." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. Fort Co- lumbus, Governor's Island, New York Harbor, N. Y., is designated as the place of confinement, to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard by the Com- manding Officer of the Post of Mayaguez, Porto Rico, by first available transport. 8. Private David Y. Rink^ Troop C, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial conven- ed at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Disobey- ing the Orders of a Non-Commissioned Officer, in viola- tion of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced : "7b be confined at hard labor under charge of the Post Guard, at the station where his troop may be serving for two (2) months and to forfeit to the United States twenty dollars $20.00) of his pay. " The proceedings and findings areapproved. The sen- tence is approved and will be duly executed. 9. Pri vate Joseph B. Sheridan, Troop I, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of viola- tion of the 33rd Article of War, was, upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced: "To be confined at such jdace as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of four (4) months and to forfeit to the United States twenty dollars ($20.00) of his pay." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's troop. 10. Pri vate John Dowling, Troop G, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by general court-martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Drunkenness on Duty in violation of the 38 th Article of War, and of Careless Discharge of Firearms, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of three (3) previous convic- tions, sentenced: "To confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of six (0) months and to forfeit to the United Stales ten dollars $10.00) per month of his pay for the same period.'" The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence is approved, but in view of the long time the prisoner has been held awaiting trial, owing to the absence of suf- ficient officers to convene the < 'ourt, it is reduced to confine- ment at hard labor for three (3) months and forfeiture of ten dollars ($10.00) per month for the same period. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's troop. 3 11. Private Robert I. Fields, Hospital Corps, U. S. Ar- my, having been tried by general court-martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Conduct to the Prejudice of Hood Order and Military Discipline, in vio- lation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: '■To be confined at such place as the reviewing authority may designate foi four (4) months and to forfeit to the Unit- ed States fifteen dollars ($15.00) per month of his pay for the same period." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of Ponce, Porto Hico. 12. Private Nathan U. Preston, Troop G. 5th LT. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial conven- ed at Ponce, P. R., and found guilty of drunkenness on Duty, in violation of the 38th Article of War; and of Disrespect towards a Non-commissioned Officer, in vio- lation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: c* To be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of six ( 6 ) months and to forfeit to the United Stales ten dollars ($10.00) per month of his pay for the same period." In the foregoing case of Private Nathan C. Preston, it appears that the accused after having entered a plea of guilty, and the prosecution thereupon rested, testified under oath that if he did commit the offence alleged in one of the specifications be knew nothing about it because he was intoxicated. In cases of this character, where the statements of the accused are at variance with his plea the court should properly direct that the plea be changed to one of not guilty ami proceed to establish the case by evidence. The findings under that particular specifica- tion are disapproved. The sentence is approved, but in view of the long time the prisoner has been held awaiting trial owing to the absence of sufficient officers to convene a court, it is reduced to confinement at hard labor for three (3) monthsand to forfeiture of ten dollars ($10.00) per month for the same period. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's troop. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. 4 Special Orders, No. 241. HEADQUA RTERS DEPARTMENT • OF POKTO RIco, Sxn Juan, December 1st, 1899. 1. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Clarence E. Dentler, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant James T. Ord, Porto Rico Battal- ion, U. S. Volunteers; 2nd Lieutenant John T. Geary, 5th U. S. Artil- lery, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a.m., on Monday, December 4th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the purpose of examining into, reporting upon and fixing the responsibility for the loss of certain Quartermaster property, the properly of the United States, lost in the hurricane of August 8th. 1899, and for which 2nd Lieutenant H. L. Wigmore, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is accountable. 2 By direction of the Major General Commanding the Army, Hospital Steward Jacob E. Wyke. Hospital Corps. U S. Army, having been appointed a 2nd Lieuten- ant. Porto Rico Battalion. U. S. Volunteers, will be discharged the service of the United States as an enlisted man by his Commanding Ollicer, to date November 29th. 1899; he will report to the Commanding Officer, at Ponce. Porto Rico, for duty with Company B, Porto Rico Battal- ion, U. S. Volunteers. 3. Private Henry G. Cockrell, Light Battery D, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Mayaguez. Porto Rico, and found guilty of Desertion, in violation of the 47th Article of War; an 1 of Fraudulent Enlistm mt, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United Slates forfeiting all pay and allowances due him. and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for one (1) year." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, New York Harbor. N. Y., is designated as the place of confinement, to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard by the Command- ing Officer of the Post of Mayaguez. P. R. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. CORRECTED COPY.-Please destroy copies of ^his Order pre- viously sent you. Special Orders, No. 242. H E A DQ U ART E RS D 3 P A RT M E NT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, December 2nd, 1899. 1. 2nd Lieutenant Clarence N. Jones, U. S. Infantry, will proceed at once to Lares, P. R., for duty with Com- pany L, 11th U. S. Infantry. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Private Robert L. Stratton, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, now on temporary duty at Humacao, P. R., is per- manently assigned to duty at that station. 3. Paragraph 5, Special Orders, No. 238, current se- ries, these headquarters, is so modified as to direct 2nd Lieutenant James W. Furlow, 11th U. S. Infantry, to per- form the duties required of Captain Charles H. Walts, 5th u. S. Cavalry, therein. 4. Captain Eben Swift, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having accepted a commission as Major, Porto Rico Battalion, U.S. Volunteers, is assigned to duty as Commanding Officer of the Battalion from this date. 5. Private Michael Flaher, Company F, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by general court-martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Dis- obeying a Non-commissioned Officer, of Resisting Arrest, and of Assault and Battery upon and Using Disrespectful and Insulting Language towards a Non-commissioned Officer in the Execution of his Office, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of six (6) previous convictions, sentenced : '' To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of eight ( 8 ) months."" The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of Ponce. Porto Rico. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders, No. 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper application after his release from con- finement. 2 6. Private Pablo Diaz, Company C, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers, having been tried by general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The proceedings, findings and acquittal are approved. The prisoner has been ordered released from confinement and restored to duty. 7. Private James J. Morgan, Troop B,5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by general court-martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Violation of Standing Troop Orders, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of six (6) previous con- victions, sentenced: <l To be confined al hard labor at such place as the re- viewing authority may direct for the period of one (1 ) month and to forfeit to the United States ten dollars ($10.00) of his pay. " The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's troop. 8. Private Thomas Ignion, Troop B, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by general court-martial convened at Ponce, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Drunkenness and Using Foul and Threatening Language to and Offering to Fight a Non-commissioned Officer in the Proper Exe- cution of his Office, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of four (4) previous convictions, sentenced: '' To be confined al hard labor al such place as the review- ing authority may direct for the period of three (3) months and to forfeit to the United States ten dollars ($10.00) per month of his pay for the same period." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's troop. 9. Private Victor M. Bostwick, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Committing a Nuisance while a Prisoner in the Guard House, and of Disobeying the Orders of the Sergeant of the Guard, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consider- ation of two (2) previous convictions, sentenced: 11 To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him except the sum of fifteen dollars ($15.00) and to be confined at hard 3 labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for two (2) months; also to be transported to the United States." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence, except so much thereof as relates to dishonorable discharge and forfeiture of all pay and allowances except the sum of fifteen dollars ($15.00), is approved. As miti- gated the sentence will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, Porto Rico- 10. Private George C. Trupp, Battery G, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found of guilty Neglect of Duty, of Disobeying the Orders of and using Disrespect- ful Language towards a Non-commissioned Officer in the proper execution of his office, and of being Drunk and Disorderly in Quarters, in violation of 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of three (3) previous convictions, sentenced: "To forfeit to the United States ten dollars ($10.00) of his pay a month for the period of three (3) months and to be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at the station of his battery for the same period." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 11. The journey performed by Acting Assistant Sur- geon, W. R. S. George, U. S. Army, pursuant to paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 204, current series, from the Post of Ponce, P. R., November 28th, 1899, from Ponce to Yauco, P. R., and return, to investigate the alleged case of dyph- theria at that place, is confirmed as having been necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General- Special Orders, No. 243. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT of POBTO kiqo, San Juan, December 4th, 1899. 1. Contract Nurse Mary Agnes Curley, U. S. Army, will, upon the recommendation of the Chief Surgeon of the Department, proceed to the United States and upon her arrival will report to the Surgeon General of the Army for orders. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Depart- ment the necessary subsistence. The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. 2. The Commanding Officer of the U. S. General Hos- pital, San Juan. P. R., will send Privates Edward Hayden and Arthur N. Penland, Troop M, 5th U. S- Cavalry, with their descriptive lists and accounts of pay and clothing, to report to the Commanding Officer, Fort Hamilton, New York, for observation and treatment at the Hospital at that place. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary tranportation and the Subsistence Department the necessary subsistence upon transport. 3. Hospital Steward Thomas E. Brower, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, is relieved from duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., and will proceed to Ponce, P. R.. and report to the Commanding Officer of that Post for duty. Tiie Quartermaster's Department will furnish the 11 ecessar y t ra n s port a tio n. i 4. On account of sickness, 1st Lieutenant Seaborn C. Chiles, 11th U. S. Infantry, is hereby relieved from the duties assigned him by paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 237, current series, these headquarters, and 1st Lieu- tenant Stephen H. Elliott, 5th U.S. Cavalry, is detailed in his stead. On the conclusion of the election Lieutenant Elliott will send the returns thereof, under seal, by special messenger to the Commanding Officer, District of May- aguez, who will forward them by special messenger to these headquarters. Lieutenant Elliott will proceed at once to Aguadilla in the performance of his duties and on the completion thereof will return to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Special Orders, No. 244. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, December 5th, 1899 1. The Commanding Officer, Post ol'San Juan, P. R., will send Private Paul T. Lorraine. Company B, 11th U. S. Infantry,to report to the Adjutant General of the Depart- ment for detached service at these headquarters, vice Pri- vate Benjamin II. Thomas, Company B, 11th U. S. Infan- try, relieved The Subsistence Department will pay commutation of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day, from this date, to this soldier while on such duty. 2. Paragraph 5, Special Orders, No. 234. current series, these headquarters, is amended so as to read, upon the recommendation of the Chief Surgeon of the De- partment. Acting Assistant Surgeon S. M. Gonzalez, U. S. Army, will proceed from Las Marias, P. R., to the United States, reporting upon arrival to the Surgeon General of the Army, Washington, I). C., for annulment of contract. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. Private Thomas Harvey, Company G, 11th U.S. Infantry, having been tried by genera! court-martial con- vened at Ponce. Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. tn the foregoing case the findings of the Court are not sustained by the evidence adduced. The acquittal is disapproved. The prisoner will be released from con- finement and restored to duty. 4. Corporal Harry J. McDermott, Troop C, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Drunkenness and Disorderly Conduct, of Committing a Nuisance and of Using Profane and Threatening Lan- guage towards the Corporal of the Guard, was, upon con- sideration of one (1) previous conviction, sentenced: ^Tobe reduced to the ranksand to be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at the post where his troop may be serving for three (3) months and to forfeit to the United States ten dollars ($10.00) oj his pay per month for the same period.1 ' The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence is approved and will be duly' executed. 2 5. Corporal Emil Huebscher, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry r having been tried by general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of conduct to the Prejudice of Good Order and Military Discipline, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: '' To be reduced to the ranks and to forfeit twenty dol- lars ($20.00) of his pay."" In the foregoing case the proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved, but in view of the mitigating circumstances in the case, so much thereof as relates to reduction to the ranks is remitted. The for- feiture of pay imposed will be discharged at the rate of ten dollars ($10.00) per month for two (2) months. Corporal Huebscher will be released from arrest and re- stored to duty with his troop. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 245. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT of porto rico, San Juan, December 6th, 1899. 1. The Subsistence Department will pay commuta- tion of rations for thirty-nine days, from September 28th to November 5th, 1899, at the rate of $1.00 per day, to Corporal Harry D. Nelson, Battery E, 5th U. S. Artil- lery, while on detached service examining into the condi- tion of certain applicants for relief from the hurricane of August 8th, 1899; the travel enjoined having been necessary for the public service, and it being impracti- cable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind. 2. The Commanding Officer, Mayaguez, P. R., will send an Acting Hospital Steward to report to the Com- manding Officer, Aguadilla, for duty at that Post. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 3. Private George Dale, Troop L, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by general Court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Larceny, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: ''To be dishonorably discharged the service of the Unit- ed States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him.'" The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence is approved and will be duly executed. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders, No. 96, current series, Head- quarters of the Army, this man will be furnished trans- portation to the United States upon proper application. 4. The journey performed by Captain 0 H. Watts, 5th U. S. Cavalry, on July 29th, 1899, from Adjantas to San Juan, P. R., and return, for the purpose of delivering the returns of the. Election at Adjuntas, are confirmed as having been necessary for the public service. 5. The Commanding Officer of the Post of Ponce, P. R., will direct three Officers of his Command to pro- ceed on the 12th instant to report to Captain C. H. Watts, 5th U. S. Cavalry, at Utuado, P. R., for election duty at that place on the 13th instant. Upon completion of this duty they will return to their proper stations. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. The Commanding Officer, U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., will send J. Gordon Gulick, connected with the Department of Education, and now at the U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., in charge of Acting Hospital Steward H. S. Gilbert, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, to the United States by the first transport. On arrival at New York the patient will be delivered to rela- tives awaiting him, or in the event of the non-arrival of relatives, the patient will be delivered to the Command- ing Officer Fort Columbus, Governor's Island, New York. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish trans- portation and the Subsistence Department will provide the necessary subsistence. Upon the completion of this duty Acting Hospital Steward Gilbert will avail himself of his furlough for one month. 7. 1st Lieutenant Frederick F. Russell, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, will relieve Major Eben Swift, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, from bis duties as Acting Alcalde of Humacao, P. R., taking charge of the office of Alcalde, together with all the papers and records pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. This order to take effect December 5th, 1899. 8. Alajor Eben Swift, Porto Hico Battalion. U. S. Vol- unteers, will proceed at once from San Juan to Mayaguez and Ponce, Porto Rico, for the purpose of inspecting the companies of the Porto Rico Battalion at those places. Upon the completion of this duty Major Swift will return to San Juan. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 9. Under' the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these headquarters, Captain II. FT. Wheeler, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Barranquitas, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election, and upon the completion of which he will send the returns, under seal, by special messenger, to these headquarters. Captain Wheeler will take charge of the office of Alcalde, together with all the recordsand papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. 2 Special Orders, No. 246. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, December 7th, 1899. 1. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish transportation from San Junn, P. R., to Arecibo, P. R , for Private Michael Walsh, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, discharged from the U- S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., this day. 2. The Commanding Officer. Post of San Juan, P. R. will send an Officer to Aibonito. P. R., to report to Captain H.W. Wheeler, 5th U. S. Cavalry, for temporary duty in connection with the election at Barranquitas, P. R , and upon completion of this duty, to return to his prop r station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. The Commanding Officer, Post of Ponce, P. R , will send the following named enlisted men, with their descriptive lists and accounts of pay and clothing, to report to the Commanding Officer of the U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R.: Private John Van Horn, Company F, 11th U. S. In- fantry; Private Leonard Berry, Company F, 11th U.S. In- fantry; Private William S. Brewer, Company A, 11th U. S. Infantry; Private Allen Anderson, Company A, 11th U S. In- fantry; Private Nathan Converse, Company A, 11th U. S. In- fantry. to await transportation to the United States and upon arrival of a transport the Commanding Officer of the U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, will send these men, together with their descriptive lists and accounts of pay and clothing to report to the Commanding Officer, Fort Hamilton, New York for observation and treatment at the Hospital at that place. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department the necessary subsistence upon transport. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. Captain Clarence E. Dentler, 11th U. S. Infantry, will proceed to Humacao, P. R., for the purpose of obtaining the necessary data for the settlement of his accountability for the sum of Three Hundred and Five Dollars and Five cents ($305.05) Insular Funds, transferred 2 to him on May 24th, 1899, for the relief of the destitute in that vicinity. Upon completion of this duty, Captain Dentler will return to his proper station and render his accounts for these funds. , The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. Major Eben Swift, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Vol- unteers, is hereby relieved from the duties assigned him by paragraph 9. Special Orders, No. 223, current series, these headquarters, and 1st Lieutenant Frederick F. Russell, Assistant Surgeon. U. S. Armv, is detailed in his stead. The Municipality of Piedras having been annexed to the Municipality of Humacao, the election in the consolidated municipality will be conducted as directed in the Special Order above mentioned. Lieutenant Russell will at once take possession of the office of Alcalde of Piedras together with all records and papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business of the oilice until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. The Commanding Officer, Manati, P. R., will send Private John G. Livingood. Troop K, 5th U. S. Cavalry, to report to the Commanding Officer of the U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., to await transportation to the United States, and the Commanding Officer, San Juan, P. R., will send this soldier to the Insane Asylum. Washing- ton, 1). C., by the first transport. A non-commissioned officer will be detailed as an escort to properly yu n d and care for this man. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish transportation and the Subsistence Department will provide subsistence on transport to New York, ami commutation of rations from New York, to Washington, D. C., in advance, for the necessary number of days, it be- ing impracticable for this patient and this soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. Upon completion of the journey the sol- dier detailed for this duty will report to the Adjutant Gen- eral of the Army for orders. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 247. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, December 8th, 1899. 1. The Commanding Officer, Post of Sanjuan, P. R., will direct Private Ogilvie O. G. Milne, Company B, 11th U. S Infantry, to report to the Adjutant General of the Department, for detached service at these Headquarters. The Subsistence Department will pay this man com- mutation of rations at the rate of seventy-five cents per day from December 9th, 1899, while on such duty. I 2. Contract Nurses, Emma Church, Eva Trenholm, Bessie B. McNaughton and Ella C. Curley will be relieved from duty at the General Hospital, San Juan, December 31st, 1899. and will proceed to the United States and at the expiration of the furlough granted by authority from these Headquarters, will report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S Army, Washington, D. C., for orders. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Commissary Depart- ment the required subsistence. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. Contract Nurse M. E. Youtz, will be relieved from duty at the Post of Ponce in time to enable her* to take the transport sailing from San Juan about January 1st. 1900. and will proceed to the United States and upon the expiration of the furlough granted by authority from these Headquarters, will report by letter to the Surgeon General, U. S. Army, Washington, 1). C., for orders. The Quartermaster'^ Department will furnish the necessary tranportation and the Commissary Department the required subsistence. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, December 9th, 1899. Special Orders, No. 248. 1. Captain J. C. Macomb, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will re- port at once at these headquarters for special duty in connection with the arrangement of and carrying into effect of a system of taxation for the Island of Porto Rico. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. 1st Lieutenant Joseph E. Cusack, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having reported at these headquarters on return from leave of absence, will proceed to Aibonito, P. R., and report to the Commanding Officer of that Post for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, I No. 249. ' HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, December 11th, 1899. 1. Corporal Patrick, Collins, Troop G, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having reported at these Headquarters, in compliance with Special Oiders, No. 54, from the Post of Aibonito, P. R., December 8th, 1899, after delivering sick prisoner Frank Bowe, Company C, 11th U. S. Infantry, at the U. S. General Hospital, Sanjuan, P. R., will return at once to his proper station, reporting upon arrival to his Commanding Officer for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnished the necessary transportation, and the Subsistence Depart- ment commutation of rations, in advance, for one day, at the rate of 11.00 per day, it being impracticable for this soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey re- quiring more than one day for completion. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. 1st Class Private Edward J. Cuzzort,S\gx\'&\ Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty with his Company at San Juan, P. R., will proceed on first available transportation to Isla de Vieques and report to 1st Class Private Joseph H. Embleton, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, for duty as sig- nalman, relieving Corporal Eugene Lazar, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, who upon being so relieved will proceed on first available transportation to San Juan, P. R reporting on his arrival to the Commanding Officer, Company A, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 3. 1st Class Private Arthur Rivett, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, now on duty with his Company at San Juan, P. R., will proceed on first available transportation to Fajardo Light, P. R., reporting on arrival to 1st Class Private Richard Henry, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, for duty as signalman, relieving Sergeant Edmund B. Oldham, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, who upon being so relieved will proceed by first available transportation to San Juan, P. R., reporting on his arrival to the Commanding Officer, Company A, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 4. The following result of the election held in the Municipality of Las Marias, Porto Rico, on the 26th day of November, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 2 160, current series, these headquarters, in published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Alcalde, Municipal Judge, Suplente Municipal Judge, Julio P. Beauchamp, Rafael Olivenda, Rodulfo Alayon. School Trustees: Epifan io B. Perez, Euripides Feliu. Carlos Ma. Beauchamps, Inocencio Colon, Manuel Velez. Councilmen: Jose de J. Collazo, Guillermo Bryan, Julio Vicenty, J Icides Bea uchanips, Maximino Lacourt, Cirilo Blandin, Hermenegildo Justin la no. Gerardo Gonzalez, Antonio Guilloti, Jose Mas y Carbonell, Pedro Mendez, Angel Ma Alayon, 2ndLieutenant Laurence Halstead. 11th U. S. Infantry, will proceed at once to Las Marias, P. R., and install the successful candidates into their respective offices; upon the completion of which duty he will return to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. The following result of the Election held in the Municipality of San Sebastian, Porto Rico, on the 29th day of November, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, these headquarters, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Alcalde, Municipal Judge, Suplente Municipal Judge, Jose Gonzalez Hernandez, Demetrio Hernandez, Frandsco Velez. School Trustees: Miguel Rodriguez Cando, Manuel Rodriguez Cabrero, Nardso Rabell Cabrero, 3 Miguel Rodriguez Cando, Cipriano Mendez, Jose Manuel Gonzalez. Councilmen. Astejerjes Cebollero, Jose C. Gonzalez, Andres Rosa del Valle, Cesdreo Mendez, Rodrigo Font, Juan Tomas Caban, Eusebio Serrano, Adriano Pozo, Jose E. Medina, Juan de Dios Torres, Jose Anglada, Leon Rio, Candela rio Mdrquez, Antonio Fernandez Chico, Ramon Vargas. 2nd Lieutenant Laurence Halstead, 11th U. S. Infantry, will proceed at once to San Sebastian, P. R., and install the successful candidates into their respective offices, upon the completion of which duty he will return to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. Captain John Landstreet, Jr., Commissary of Sub- sistance, U. S. Volunteers, having completed the duty assigned him from these Headquarters will proceed by first opportunity to Washington, D. C., reporting upon arrival to the Secretary of War with special com- munications from the Commanding General of this Depart- ment. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation to New York and the travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 7. The following result of the Election held in the Municipality of Barros, Porto Rico, on the 2nd day of December, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, these Headquarters, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Alcalde, Municipal Judge, Suplente Municipal Judge, Severiano Arroyo Alicea, Luis Victor Balaguer, Placido Lopez. 4 School Trustees: Dr. Gregorio Santo Domingo, Ledo. Felipe Sanchez Goitia, Juan Bautista Latorre, Manuel Maria Diaz Melendez, Buenaventura Rivera. Councilmen: Pedro Arroyo Santana, Jose Rojas Cortes, Jose Joaquin Latorre, Gumersindo Melendez, Aniceto Berrios, Francisco Torres, Salvador Rodriguez, Andres Gonzalez, Jose Ramon Diaz y Marrero, Pedro Jose Aviles Melendez, Jose Venancio Ortiz, Eugenio Rivera. Captain IL IF. Wheeler, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will proceed at once to Barros, P. R., and install the successful candi- dates into their respective ollices; upon the completion of which duty he will return to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 250. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San jUAN; December 12th, 1899. 1. The Commanding Officer, Ponce, P. R., will send Private Edward Breisch, Company A, 11th U. S. Infantry, to report to the Commanding Officer of the U. S. General Hospital, San Juan, P. R., to await transportation to the United States, and the Commanding Officer, San Juan, P. R., will send this soldier to the Insane Asylum, Washington, D. C-,bythe first transport. A non-com- missioned officer will be detailed as an escort to properly guard and care for this man. The Quartermaster's De- partment will furnish transportation and the Subsistence Department will provide subsistence on transport to New York, and commutation of rations from New York to Washington, I). C., in advance, for the necessary number of days, it being impracticable for this patient and this soldier to carry rations of any kind and the journey necessary for the public service. Upon the completion of the journey the soldier detailed for this duty will report to the Adjutant General of the Army for orders. 2. Private Benjamin Richey, Troop B. 5thU. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at Ponce, P. R., and found guilty of Larceny, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him, and to be confined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of four months." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at Ponce, P. R. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders, No. 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper application after his release from confinement. 3. Private Edward J. Walsh, Troop L, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by a general court-martial conven- ed at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released and restored to duty. 4. Captain Henry A. Reed, 5th U. S. Artillery, is detailed as an additional member of the general court- martial convened of San Juan, P. R., by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 200, current series, these headquarters. 2 5. Two and one-half years of the unexpired portion of the sentence of Isidora Gaul y Cruz, convicted of parri- cide in 1891 and sentenced to fourteen years and eight months imprisonment, is, upon the recommendation of the Board of Prison Control, hereby remitted. 6. Under the provisions of General Orders. No. 160, current series, these headquarters, 1st Lieutenant Frederick F. Bussell, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Naguabo, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election, and upon the completion of which he will send the returns, under seal, by special messenger, to these headquarters. Lieutenant Russell will take chargeof the Office of Alcalde together with all the records and papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 7. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these Headquarters, 1st Lieutenant Nathan- iel F. McClure, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Cayey, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election, and upon the completion of which he will send the returns, under seal, by special messenger, to these Headquarters. Lieutenant McClure will take charge of tiie office of Al- calde, together with all the recordsand papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. 8. Under the provisions of General Orders, No.160, current series, these Headquarters, 1st Lieutenant Seaborn G. Chiles, 11th U. S. Infantry, is designated as the Officer in chargeof the Municipal Election to be held at Quebra- dillas, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election, and upon the completion of which he will send the returns, under seal, by special messenger, to these headquarters. Lieutenant Chiles will take charge of the office of Al- calde, together with all the records and papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 9. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these headquarters, Captain Hoel S. Bishop, 3 5th U. S. Cavalry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Manati, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election as soon as the provisions of General Orders, No. 202, current series, these headquarters, have been complied with, and upon completion thereof he will send the returns, under seal, by special messenger to these headquarters. Captain Bishop will take charge of the Office of Alcalde, together with all the records and papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. 10. Private Charles H. Drake, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Drunkenness on Guard, in violation of the 38th Article of War: of Quitting Guard, in violation of the 40th Arti- cle of War; and of Conduct to the Prejudice of Good Order and Military Discipline, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of three (3) previous convictions, sentenced: '■'To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor rinder charge of the Guard, at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period, of six (6) months."1 The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, P. R. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders, No. 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper application after his release from confinement. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Okveks, No. 251. HEADQUAKTEKS DEPARTMENT Ur rVKIV K1UU, San Juan, December 13th, 1839. 1. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these headquarters, 2nd Lieutenant William Bessell, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, is desig- nated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Salinas, Porto Rico. He will take the neces- sary steps to effect the election, and upon the completion thereof he will in person deliver the returns, under seal, to the Commanding Officer, Ponce, P. R., who will send them by special messenger, to these headquarters. Lieutenant Bessell will take charge of the office of Alcalde, together with all the records and papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel en joined is necessary for the public service. 2. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these headquarters, 1st Lieutenant Christian Briand, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, is desig- nated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to beheld at Caguas, Porto Rico. He will take the neces- sary steps to effect the election, and upon the completion thereof he will in person deliver the returns, under seal, to these headquarters. Lieutenant Briand will take charge of the office of Alcalde, together with all the recordsand papers pertain- ing thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. Leave of absence for one month on Surgeon's Certificate of Disability, with permission to return to the United States and apply to the Adjutant General of the Army for an extension of one month, is granted Captain Jonas A. Emery, 11th U. S. Infantry. 4. A Board of Officers to consist of: Major Thomas Cruse, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Volunteers; Captain George M. Wells, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; Captain A. C. Macomb, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is appointed to meet at the Government Ice Plant at San Juan, P. R., at 2:30 o'clock P. M., on Thursday, December 14, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable for the purpose of examining into, inspecting and ascertaining whether the erection of the building and plant conforms to the plans and specifications for the same. 2 5. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, cur- rent series, these headquarters, 1st Lieutenant Lawrence J. Fleming, Sth U. S. Cavalry, is designated as the Of- ficer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Anasco, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election, and upon the completion thereof he will in person deliver the returns, under seal, to the Com- manding Officer, District of Mayaguez, P. R., who will send them by special messenger, to these Headquarters. Lieutenant Fleming will take charge of the office of Al- calde, together with all the records and papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. Private Thomas A. Murray, Company I, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been discharged the service of the United States on December 9, 1899, is relieved from de- tached service at these headquarters from that date. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, • No. 252. ! HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, December 14th, 1899. 1. Upon the recommendation of the Board of Char- ities of Porto Rico. the Sub-post for distribution of re- lief supplies at Naranjito, P. R., is discontinued from this date, and the supplies now on hand will be turned in to the Supply Depot at Bayamon, P. R. 2. Captain A. C. Macomb, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is detailed as member of the Board convened by paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 217, current series, these head- quarters, vice Mr. John Connor, resigned. 3. 1st Lieutenant James J. Hornbrook, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is detailed as a member of the Board of Officers convened by paragraph 4, Special Orders, No. 251, current series, these headquarters, viceCaptain A. C. Macomb, 5th U. S. Cavalry, relieved. 4. A Board of Officers to consist of: Major Thomas Cruse, Quartermaster, U. S. Vol- unteers; Captain George M. Wells, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Arm v; 1st Lieutenant James J. Hornbrook, 5th U. S. Cavalry. is hereby convened to meet at San Juan, Porto Rico, at 2:30 P. M., December 14ch. 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, to appraise the value of two horses b 'longing to the Quartermaster's Department, and which an officer of the U S. Army desires to purchase. 5. Paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 246, current series, these headquarters, is so amended as to include Private William L. Lewis, Company A, 11th U. S. Infantry, in the list of soldiers to be sent to Fort Hamilton, New York, for observation and treatment at the Hospital at that place. 6. Paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 251. current series, these headquarters, is so amended as to direct 2nd Lieutenant Eldred D. Warfield, 11th U. S. Infantry, to perform the duties assigned to 1st Lieutenant Christian Briand, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, therein. 7. Private Mathias Hays, Company E. llthU. S. Infan- try. having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan Porto Rico, and found guilty of Drunken- ness on Public Streets: of Engaging in an Affray; and of 2 Indecent Exposure of Person, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: To be confined at hard labor undercharge of the Post Guard at the station of his company for the period of two (2) monthsand to forfeit to the United States ten (10) dollars of his pay per month for the same period." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence is approved and will be duly executed. 8. The Commanding Officer, Post of San Juan, P.R.. will send Private Benjamin E. Sheffer, Company I, 11th U. S. Infantry, to report to the Adjutant General of the Department for detached service at these headquarters on December 15th, 1899. vice Private Matthew Scanlon, Company E, 11th U. S. Infantry, relieved on that date. The Subsistence Department will pay Private Sheffer commutation of rations at the rate of 75 cents per day while on such duty. 9. Private George C. Turner, Company A, Signal Corps. U. S. Army, having been tried by a general court- martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Ci induct to the Prejudice of Good Order and Military Discipline, in violation of the 62nd Article of war. was upon consideration of one (1) previous convic- tion, sentenced: 1 To be confined at hard labor undercharge of the Post Guard at the station of his company for one (1) month and to forfeit 1° the United States ten (10) dollars of his pay." The proceedings and findings, are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 253. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, December 15th, 1899. 1. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these headquarters, 2nd Lieutenant William Bessell, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Santa Isabel, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election, and upon the completion thereof he will in person deliver the re- turns under seal, to the Commanding Officer, Ponce, P. R., who will send them by special messenger, to these head- quarters. Lieutenant Bessell will take charge of the office of Alcalde, together with all the records and papers pertain- ing thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. 1st Lieutenant James J. Hornbrook, Sth U. S. Cavalry, is detailed as member of the Board convened by paragraph:!, Special Orders, No. 217, current series, these headquarters, vice Major William A. Glassford, Signal Officer, U. S. Volunteers, Signal Officer' of the Depart- ment, relieved. 3. Under the provisions of General Orders. No. 160, current series, these Headquarters, 2nd Lieutenant Charles B. Drake, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Arroyo, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election and upon the completion thereof he will send the returns, under seal, by special messenger, to these Headquarters. Lieutenant Drake will take charge of the office of Al- calde, together with all the records and papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public ser- vice. 4. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these Headquarters, Captain H. W. Wheeler, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Aibonito, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the elec- tion, and upon the completion thereof he will send the returns, under seal, by special messenger, to these Headquarters. 2 Captain Wheeler will take charge of the office of Alcal- de, together with all the records and papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, cuiTent series, these Headquarters, 2nd Lieutenant Eldred D. Warfield, 11th U. S. Infantry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Hato Grande, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election, and upon the completion thereof he will send the returns, under seal, by special messenger, to these Headquarters. Lieutenant Warfield will take charge of the office of Alcalde, together with all the records and papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. Under the provisions of General Orders. No. 160, current series, these Headquarters, 1st Lieutenant Seaborn G. Chiles, 11th U. S. Infantry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Isabela, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election, and upon the completion thereof he will send the returns, under seal, by special messenger, to these Head- quarters. Lieutenant Chiles will take charge of the office of Alcalde, together with all the records and papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 7. The Commanding (Officer of the Post of San Juan, P. R., will send 1st Lieutenant James T. Ord, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, to report to the Commanding Officer of the Post of Manati, P. R., for temporary duty. Upon the completion of which, Lieutenant Ord will return to his proper station at San Juan, P. R. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 8. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these Headquarters, 1st Lieutenant Lawrence J. Fleming, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Rincon, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election, and upon the completion thereof he will deliver the returns in person to the Commanding Officer, Maya- 3 guez, P. R., who will send them, under seal, by special messenger, to these Headquarters. . Lieutenant Fleming will take charge of the office of Alcalde, together with all the recordsand papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 9. Private Clark A. Nagle, Troop M, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Desertion, in violation of the 47th Article of War; of Larceny, in violation of the 60th Article of War; and of Fraudulent Enlistment, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced : "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United Stales forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be con- fined at hard labor at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of three. (3) yuus " The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence is approved and will be duly executed. Fort Colum- bus, Governor's Island, New York Earbor, N. Y., is desig- nated as the place of confinement, to which the prisoner will be sent under proper guard by the Commanding Of- ficer of the Post of San Juan, Porto Rico, by first available transport. 10. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these Headquarters, 2nd Lieutenant Charles B. Drake, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Patillas, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election, and upon the completion thereof he will send the returns, under seal, by special messenger to these Head- quarters. Lieutenant Drake, will take charge of the office of Al- calde, together with all the records and papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary foi' the public service. 11. Lieutenant Colonel Henry B. Brinkerhoff, 11th U. S. Infantry, is detailed as member of the Board con- vened by paragraph 3, Special Orders, No. 217, current series, these headquarters, vice Major Alfred C. Sharpe, In- spector General, U. S. Volunteers, Acting Judge Advocate of the Department, relieved. This order to take effect on Monday, December 18th, 1899. 4 12. A Board of Survey to consist of: Major James E. Macklin, 24th U. S. Infantry; Captain Anthony W. Vogdes, Sth U. S. Artillery; 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th U. S. Infantry, is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Monday, December 18th, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the purpose of examining into, reporting upon and fixing the responsibility for the shortage of 556 bales of Hay and 87 sacks of Oats, shipped by Captain I. W. Littell, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Array. New York City, to Major John L. Clem, Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster of the Department, San Juan, P. R., on Invoice No. 691, dated September 6th, 1899, and for which Major John L. Clem, Quartermaster, U. S. Army, is accountable. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General- Special Orders, ' No. 254. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San jUAN> December 16th, 1899. 1. 1st Class Private Napoleon V- Sutton, Signal Corps, u. S. Army, now on duty with his Company at San Juan, P. R., will proceed by first available transportation to Fajardo Light. P. R., and assume charge of that station, relieving 1st Class Private Richard Henry, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, who will invoice to him all government prop- erty for which he is accountable, obtaining receipts for the same, and will then proceed to San Juan. P. R., reporting on his arrival t> the Commanding Olficer, Company A, Signal Corps, U. S. Army, San Juan, P. R., for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public ser- vice. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. 2. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain George IL Paddock, 5th U. S. Cavalry; Captain IL nr y A. Reed, 5th U.S. Artillery; 1st Lieutenant Allen D. Raymond, Porto Rico Battalion. U.S. Volunteers. is appointed to meet at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m.,on Tuesday, December 19lh, 1899, or as soon there- after as practicable for the purpose of examining into and fixing the responsibility for the death of one horse ordered shot by 1st Lieutenant James T. Ord, Porto Rico Batal- ion. U. S. Volunteers, at San Luis, Cuba, Department of Santiago, and for which Lieutenant Ord is accountable. 3. The verbal instructions of the Department Com- mander, authorizing Major John L. Clem, Quartermaster, U. S. Army, Chief Quartermaster of the Department, to proceed to the Island of St. Thomason December 5th to 7th, 1899, to examine the repairs being made upon the U. S. Tug Slocum, and upon completion of that duty to return to San Juan, are by authority of the Secretary of War confirmed as necessary for the public service. 4. Upon the recommendation of his troop commander the unexpired portion of the sentence of Private Adolph Fischer, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, as promulgated in paragraph 4, Special Orders, No. 166, current series, these headquarters, is hereby remitted. 5. The journeys performed by Lieutenant Colonel 2 Charles H. Heyl, Inspector General, U. S. Volunteers, Inspector General of the Department, on December 11th and 14th, 1899, from San Juan to Aibonito, P. 11., and re- turn, for the purpose of inspecting unserviceable property, are approved as having been necessary for the public service. 6. Upon the recommendation of the Board of Charities of Porto Rico the Sub-Post for the distribution of relief supplies at Barceloneta, P. R., is discontinued from this date, and the supplies now remaining on hand will be turned in to the Depot at Manati. The detachment will be returned to Manati, P. R. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 7. Private John Dickson, Company D, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Drunkenness on Guard, in violation of the 38th Article of War, was sentenced: 11 To be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at the post wherehis company may be serving for three months and to forfeit to the United States ten (10) dollars of his pay per month for the same period. '' The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 8. Private John J. Spillane, Troop E, 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Drunkenness on Guard, in violation of the 38th Article of War, and of Quitting Guard, in violation of the 40th Article of War, was sentenced: 11 Tobe confined at hard labor under charge of the. post guard for four (4) months, and to forfeit ten (10) dollars per month for the same period." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's troop. 9. Private William J. Leonard, Battery G, 5th U. S. Artillery, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Drunkenness on Guard, in violation of the 38th Article of War; and of Permitting a General Prisoner under his Charge to obtain Liquor, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced: 3 ' ' To be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at the post where his battery may be serving for the period of four (4) months." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence, although incommensurate, is approved and will be duly executed. 10. A Board of Survey to consist of: 1st Lieutenant Christian Briand, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers; 1st Lieutenant Allen D. Raymond, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers; 2nd Lieutenant Graham L. Johnson, 11th U. S. Infantry, is appointed to meet at SanJuan, P. R., at 4.00 o'clock p.m., on Saturday, December 16th, 1899, or as soon thereaf- ter as practicable, for the p urpo«e of examining into the condition of one public horse for which 2nd Lieutenant F. M. Jones, Signal Corps, U. S. Volunteers, is accountable, and to make recommendations as to the disposal of the same. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 255. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OE PORTO RICO, San Juan, December 18th, 1899. 1. The Commanding Officer of the Post of San-Juan, P. R., will send 1st Lieutenant Edward A. Shuttleworth, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Allen D. Haymond. Porto Rico Battalion. U. S. Volunteers; and 2nd Lieutenant Graham L. Johnson, 11th U. S- Infantry, to report to Captain C. H. IFa^s, 5th U. S. Cavalry, at Utuado, P. R., for election duty at that place- They will proceed to Arecibo. P. R., via Manati, and the Commanding Officer at Arecibo will furnish the necessary transportation to Utuado. Upon the completion of this duty, they will return at once to their proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Upon the recommendation of his former Company and Regimental Commanders, so much of the unexecuted portion of the sentence as relates to confinement, in the case of General Prisoner Edward J. Scanlon (late Private, Company M, 11th U. S. Infantry), is hereby remitted- Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders. No. 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States by first available trans- port. 3. Upon the recommendation of the Board of Prison Control, the unexpired portion of the sentence of Jose Arcilayo y Olesa, now in confinement in the Penitentiary, Sanjuan, is hereby remitted. 4. Major John Van R. Hoff, Surgeon, U. S. Army, Chief Surgeon of the Department, will proceed to Mayaguez. Ponce, Aibonito and Cayey, and make an inspection of the Medical Departments and the sanitary condition of those posts. Upon the completion of this duty, Major Hoff will return to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. Upon the recommendation of the Board of Prison Control, the unexpired portion of the sentence of Arthur C. Fayrer-Hidcey, now confined in the Penitentiary, San Juan, is hereby remitted. 6. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160. current series, from these headquarters, Captain Richard M. Blatchford, 11th U. S. Infantry, is designated as the officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at 2 Cabo-Rojo, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election, and upon the completion thereof he will send the returns, under seal, to the Commanding Officer, Mayaguez, P. R., who will send them by special messenger to these headquarters. Captain Blatchford will take charge of the office of Alcalde, together with all the records and papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 256. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT of porto rico, San Juan, December 19th, 1899. 1. Upon the recommendation of his former Company and Regimental Commanders, so much of the sentence as remains unexecuted in the case of General Prisoner James Shea, (late Private Company I, 11th U. S. Infantry) as promulgated in paragraph 4, Special Orders, No. 214, current series, these headquarters, is hereby remitted upon receipt of this order by the Commanding Officer of the Post of San Juan, P. R. ' 2. Leave of absence for one month, with permission to return to the United States, is granted P. JI. McAndrew, Acting Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army. 3. The Commanding Officer, Ponce, P. R., will send 2nd Lieutenant Jacob E. Wyke, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, to report to the Commanding Officer of the Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, Sanjuan, P. R,, for duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. The following result of the Election held in the Municipality of Ponce, Porto Rico, on the 9th day of December, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, from these Headquarters, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Alcalde, Municipal Judge, Suplente Municipal Judge, Pedro Juan Rosaly, Antonio Arias, Isidoro Uriarte. ScHOOlYPrUSTEES: Rosendo Matienzo Cintron, Pedro J. Fournier, Sergio Bernier, Rafael Leon y Paz, Juan Seix y'Rosaly. Councilmen: Nemesio Ventura, Eduardo Torres, Andres Musignac, Pedro Ventura, Ramon E. Gadea, Vicente Perez, Juan Cortada, Lucas P. Valdivieso, 2 Jose Maria Besosa. Enrique Chevalier, Agustin Charier y Chardon, Acisclo Subira y Ramirez, Pedro Marquez, Casas, Felix Simon Rojas,i Guillermo Schuck y Olivera. Major Albert L. Myer, 11th U. S. Infantry, will proceed at once to install the successful candidates into their respective offices. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTME NT OE PORTO RICO, San Juan, December 20th, 1890. Special Orders, No. 257. 1. 2nd Lieutenant John T. Geary, 5th U. S. Artillery, will proceed to Cayey, P. R., and report to 1st Lieutenant Nathaniel F. McClure, 5th U. S. Cavalry, for election duty at that place on the 23rd instant, and upon completion of this duty, he will return to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. A Board of Survey to consist of : Major James E. Macklin, 24th U. S. Infantry ; Captain Henry A. Reed, 5th U. S. Artillery; 1st Lieutenant Christian Briand, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers, is appointed to meet at the Subsistence Warehouse at San Juan, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Saturday, Decem- ber 23rd, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable for the purpose of examining into, reporting upon and fixing the responsibility for the discrepancy found in invoices No. Ill and 118, dated June 20th, 1899, from Colonel C. A. Woodruff, Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence, U. S. Army, New York City, to Lieutenant Colonel F. E. Nye, Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence, U. S. Army, Sanjuan, Chief Commissary of the Department, and for which Lieutenant Colonel F. E. Nye is accountable. 3. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, from these headquarters, Captain Richard M. Blatchford, 11th U. S. Infantry, is designated as the officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Lajas, Porto Rico, lie will take the necessary steps to effect the election, and upon the completion thereof he will send the returns, under seal, to the Commanding Officer, Mayaguez, P. R., who will send them by special messenger to these headquarters. Captain Blatchford will take charge of the office of Al- calde, together with all the records and papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. Major Eben Sivift, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, will proceed from San Juan to Humacao, Porto Rico, for the purpose of transferring his public responsibility at that place. Upon the completion of this duty he will return to San Juan. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2 5. Private William Addair, Company E, 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found not guilty as charged, was acquitted. The acquittal is approved. The prisoner has been ordered released from confinement and restored to duty. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 258. HE ADQUARTERS DEPARTAI ENT OF PORTO RTCO, San Juan, December 22nd, 1899. 1. A Board of Survey to consist of: Captain Anthony W. Vogdes, 5th U. S. Artillery; 1st Lieutenant John W. L. Phillips, 1 1th U. S. Infantry, 2nd Lieutenant Woodson Hocker, 11th U. S. In- fantry, is appointed to meet at the Sales Department of the Sub- sistence Depot at San Juan, P. R.. at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Saturday, December 23rd, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the purpose of examining into, reporting upon and fixing the responsibility for the damaged condi- tion and shortage in weight of packages of Butter received from Colonel C. A. Woodruff, Assistant Commissary Gener- al of Subsistence, U.S. Army. New York City, on Invoices No. 81, dated November 15th, and No. 41, dated Decem- ber 12th, 1899, to Lieutenant Colonel F. E. Nye, Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence, U. S. Army, Chief Commissary of the Department, San Juan, P. R., and for which Lieutenant Colonel F. E. Nye, is accountable. 2. The following result of the Election held in the Municipality of Lares, Porto Rico, on the 2nd day of December, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, from these Headquarters, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Alcalde, Municipal Judge, Suplente Municipal Judge, Pablo Vilella y Pol, Manuel Jesus Gonzalez, Juan Vive y Vilella. Eduardo Reg, Francisco Sein, Simplicio Lugo, J. M. Saldana, Emiliano Pol. School Trustees: Councilmen: Antonio Collazo, Uderico Velez, Estanislao Vargas, Arturo Arana, Juan Bautista Romero, Jose Collazo, Andres Pol, Jose Francisco Gonzalez, 2 Felix Antonio Rodriguez, Juan Romero, Ines Castro, Victor Hernandez, Eduardo Luigi Segarra, Enrique Plumey, Eusebio Gonzalez, Captain Harry R. Lee, 11th U. S. Infantry, will proceed at once to install the successful candidates into their respective offices. 3. In compliance with telegraphic instructions from the Secretary of War, Lieutenant Colonel Charles H. Heyl, Inspector General, U. S. Volunteers, Inspector General of the Department, having been relieved from duty in this Department, will proceed to New York City, by first opportunity reporting his arrival thereat, by telegraph to the Adjutant General of the Army. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. Upon the recommendation of the Board of Prison Control, the unexpired portion of the sentence of Hilario del Valle, a prisoner in the Penitentiary, is hereby remitted. 5. 1st Lieutenant John W. L. Phillips, 11th U S. In- fantry, is hereby relieved from duty as Judge Advocate of the general court-martial constituted by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 200, current series, from these head- quarters, pending the trial by said court-martial of Trumpeter E. J. Hoffmeister, Troop M, 5th U. S. Cavalry, only, and 1st Lieutenant John W. Heavey, 11th U. S. In- fantry, is detailed as Judge Advocate of said general court-martial in his stead, for the trial of that case; upon the completion of which, Lieutenant Phillips will tesume his seat as Judge Advocate of the general court-martial. 6. 1st Lieutenant Nathaniel F. McClure, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is relieved from duty at Cayey, P. R., and will proceed at once to Humacao, P. R., and assume command of that Post, relieving Major Eben Swift, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U. S. Volunteers, from such duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 7. The following result of the Election held in the Municipality of Aguadilla, Porto Rioo, on the 6th day of December, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, from these headquarters, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Alcalde, Adrian del Valle, 3 Municipal Judge, Suplente Municipal Judge, Dario Rola, Jose Veray Llamas, School Trustees: Julio 0. Abril, Luis A. Torregrosa, Julio A. Roque, Ernesto Rubio y Mestre, Juan Mercader y Rodriguez. Councilmen: Daniel Quintana, Jose. A. Hernandez, Miguel Pelegrina Boglio, Victor Calderon, Eugenio Medina, J. F. Esteves, J. M. Deliz, Manuel Jimenez, Ramon Molinary, Andres Bertin, Francisco Bocanegra Pimentel, Jose Ramon Echavarria y Perez. 1st Lieutenant Seaborn G. Chiles, 11th U.S. Infantry, will proceed at once to install the successful candidates into their respective offices. 8. 2nd Lieutenant Hubert L. Wigmore, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will relieve 1st Lieutenant Nathaniel F. McClure, 5th U. S. Cavalry, of his duties as collector of Customs at Arroyo, P. R., and Disbursing Officer of the Census Department of Guayama, during the absence on leave of Captain F. W. Foster, 5th U. S. Cavalry. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 9. In compliance with instructions from the War Department 1st Lieutenant Nathaniel. F. McClure, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is detailed as Collector of Customs at Humacao, P. R., vice Maj or Eben Swift, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, relieved. Major Swift will turn over the office and records thereof to Lieutenant McClure, who will report by letter to Major Charles L. Davis, 11th U. S. Infantry, Collector of Porto Rico, San Juan, for instructions. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, . No. 259. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, December 23rd, 1899. 1. A general court-martial is appointed to meet at Mayaguez, P. R., at 10:00 o'clock a. m., on Tuesday, December 26th, 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it: Detail for the Court: Major Charles L. Cooper,5th U. S. Cavalry; Captain P. M. B. Travis, 11th U. S. Infantry; Captain Odon Gurovits, 11th U. S. Infantry; Captain T. F. Maginnis, Porto Rico Battalion, u. S. Volunteers; 1st Lieutenant Alonzo Gray, 5th U. S. Cavalry; 1st Lieutenant W. E. Richards, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army; 2nd Lieutenant Laurence Halstead, 11th U. S. Infantry; 1st Lieutenant Richmond Me A. Schofield, 5th U. S. Cavalry, Judge Advocate. No other Oflicers than those named can be assembled without manifest injury to the service. The Court is authorized to sit without regard to hours. 2. The Judge Advocate of the general court-martial convened at Mayaguez. P. R., by paragraph 2, Special Orders, No. 171, current series, these Headquarters, will transfer all cases referred to that court upon which trial has not been commenced, to the Judge Advocate of the general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, P. R., by paragraph 1, Special Orders. No. 259, current series, these Headquarters, and will report the cases thus transferred. 3. Acting Assistant Surgeon Harold IP. Cowper, now at San Juan, will report to the Commanding Officer, Ponce, P. R., for temporary duty. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. Private Frank IK. Smith, Company I, 11th L. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Unlawful Disposition of Clothing and Neglect of Duty, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, and of Absence Without Lea^e, in violation of the 32nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of two (2) previous convictions, sentenced: "To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post 2 guch'd at the station of his company for three (3) months and to forfeit to the United States ten (JO) dollars of his pay per month for the same period. " The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. 5. Private James E. Magner, Troop K. 5th U. S. Cavalry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Drunkenness on Guard, in violation of the 38th Article of War, was, upon consideration of four (4) previous convic- tions, sentenced: "To be dishonorably discharged from the service of the United Slates forfeiting all pay and allowance due him and to be confined at hard labor at such Post as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of four (4) months." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan. Porto Rico. Pursuant to paragraph 5, Gen- era) Orders, No. 96, current series. Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper application after his release from confinement. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General ^Special Orders, No. 260. headquarters department OF PORTO RICO, San jUAN; December 26th, 1899. 1. The Commanding Officer, Post of San Juan, will send Corporal Harry D. Nelson, Battery E, 5th U. S. Artillery, to report to the Adjutant General of the Depart- ment for detached service at these headquarters, vice Sergeant George Kolby, Battery E, 5th U.S. Artillery, relieved. The Subsistence Department will pay commutation of rations to Corporal Nelson at the rate of seventy-five cents per day from this date, while on this duty, and will cease to pay commutation of rations to Sergeant Kolby after December 25, 1899. 2. The Commanding Officer Post of San Juan will direct Captain Clarence E. Dentler, 11th U. S. Infantry, to proceed by Steamer Longfellow to Fajardo, thence to Vieques, Humacao, Arroyo, Ponce, Aguadilla and Arecibo, Porto Rico, for the purpose of delivering Internal Revenue stamps. Captain Dentler will report to Major Buchanan on Tuesday, December 26th, 1899, for the necessary revenue stamps and instructions concerning same. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. Sergeant Henry Grave, Troop C, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having reported at these Headquarters in compliance with paragraph 1, Special Orders, No. 113, dated Decem- ber 20th, 1899, Humacao. P. R., is directed to return at once to Humacao and report to his Commanding Officer for duty. Sergeant Grave having his mount with him, the Sub- sistence Department will furnish him commutation of ra- tions in advance for one day at the rate of $1.50 per day, the journey being necessary for the public service and requiring more than one day for completion. 4. The Commanding Officer, San Juan, P. R., will send Private Frederick Blanth, Troop A, 5th U. S. Cavalry, now at the Hospital, San Juan, P. R., to the Insane Asy- lum, Washington, D. C., by the first transport. A guard of two suitable enlisted men will be detailed as an escort to properly guard and care for this man. The Quar- termaster's Department will furnish transportation and the Subsistence Department will provide subsistence on trans- port to New York and commutation of rations from New York to Washington, I). C., in advance, for the necessary number of days, at the rate of $1.00 per day it being im- practicable for the patient and the guard to carry rations 2 of any kind and the journey necessary for the public ser- vice. Upon completion of the journey the soldiers detailed for this duty will report to the Adjutant General of the Army for orders. 5. Payment of troops in this Department, for the muster of December 31st, 1899, will be made by the following named paymasters at the points designated: Major Charles H. Whipple, Paymaster, U S. Army, Chief Paymaster of the Department, troops stationed nt Vieques, Humacao, Ponce, Yauco, Adjuntas, Aibonito and Cayey, and to Company A. Signal Corps, and detachments of the Post non-commissioned staff at San Juan. Major Pierre C. Stevens, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, the remainder of the troops stationed at San Juan and to troops at Manati, Arecibo, Utuado, Lares, Aguadilla, Mayaguez, San German and Las Marias. Major Stevens is authorized to make the payments at the above posts in the order that is found most expedient. The payments will be made by currency in individual envelopes at Vieques, Humacao, Utuado, Lares and Las Marias. The packages for Utuado and Lares will be delivered to the Commanding Officer, Arecibo; those for Las Marias will be delivered to the Com manding Officer, Mayaguez, and those for the other posts mentioned, to their respec- tive Commanding Officers. The Commanding Officer of the post of Lares and the Commanding Officer of the detach- ment at Utuado will proceed to Arecibo and receive the funds for the troops of their respective stations. The Commanding Officer, Mayaguez, P. R., will send an Officer of his command to Las Marias with the packages for the troops serving at that station. The Commanding Officer, Humacao, will receive the funds for the troops serving at his Post at the Playa de Humacao and the Commanding Officer of the detachment at Vieques, at Isabela Segunda. In all the cases mentioned herein, Officers entrusted with funds or detailed to transfer same will take all neces- sary steps to deliver them promptly and on completion of their duties will return to their proper stations. Commanding Officers will provide the necessary es- corts, upon request of the Officers designated by them. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 6. Private John Doyle, Company D, 11th U. S. In- fantry, having been tried by general court-martial con- 3 vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Dis- obedience of Orders, in violation of the 21st. Article of War, of Absence from Drill, in violation of the 33rd Ar- ticle of War,and of Disobeying the Orders of a Non-com- missioned Officer, Breach of Arrest, and Drunkenness in Quarters, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of one (1) previous conviction, sen- tenced : To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders, No. 96. current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper applica- tion. 7. Private Wilson R. Pope, Troop E, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having been tried by general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Disobedience of Orders, in violation of the 21st Article of War, and of Disobedience of Existing Orders, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was sentenced : " To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard for four (4) months and to forfeit to the United States ten dollars ($10.00) per month for the same period.'" The pioeeedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved, but in view of the time the prisoner* has necessarily been held awaiting trial, the confinement imposed is reduced to two (2) months. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed at the station of the pris- oner's troop. 8. Private Victoriano Saballo, Company A, Porto Rico Battalion, U. S. Volunteers, having been tried by general court-martial convened at Mayaguez, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Sleeping on Post, in violation of the 39th Article of War, was sentenced: '' To be confined at hard labor under charge of the post guard for three (3) months and to forfeit ten (10) dollars per month for the same period." The proceedings and findings are approved. The sen- tence is approved, but in view of the time the prisoner has necessarily been held awaiting trial, the confinement im- posed is reduced to two (2) months. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed at the station of the prisoner's company. By command of Brigadier General Davis : W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 261. HEADQ UA RTE RS DEPARTS!ENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, December 27th, 1899. 1. The following result of the Election held in the Municipality of Barranquitas, Porto Rico, on the 18th day of December, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, from these headquarters, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Alcalde, Jose Felix Colon Hoyo, Municipal Judge, Manuel Visitation Rivera, Suplente Municipal Judge, Ubaldino Font Perez. School Trustees: Jose Ma. Rivera Velazquez, Ramon Rivera Gomez, Ulpiano Torres 2°, Trinidad Berrios, Juan de Mata Colon. Councilmen: Manuel A. Luna, Felipe Colon Hoyo, Jose Munoz Rivera, Manuel Carvajal Angulo, Jose Julian Pagan Ortiz, Manuel Torres, Juan Bautista Pagan, Luciano Collazo, Placido Rodriguez. Captain B. IP. liheeler, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will proceed at once to Barranquitas. P. R., and install the successful candidates into their respective offices; upon the completion of which duty he will return to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. The following result of the Election held in the Municipality of Humacao, Porto Rico, on the 20th day of December, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, from these Headquarters, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned: Alcalde, Joaquin Masferrer Berrios, Municipal Judge, Florencio Berrios Lopez, Suplente Municipal Judge, Jesus M'. Carrasquillo Lopez. 2 Antonio de Aldrey Montoliu, Eugenio L. Martin, Jose S. Janer Marquez, Flpiano Valdes Caja, Francisco Lopez y Martinez, School Trustees: Councilmen: Emilio Cuadra Rosa, Jose Noya J id be, Jose Modesto Bird, Eulalio G. Garcia, Lais de Celis Alquier, Jose Ramirez Gonzalez. Francisco Baso Cabrera, Francisco Vega, Antonio Marquez Lopez, Casimiro Marcano Rirera, Tomas J. Otero, Manuel Argileso, Vicente I^opez, Lucas B. Borges, Juan N. Herrero. 1st Lieutenant Nathaniel F. McClure, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, will proceed at once to install the successful can- didates into their respective offices. 3. Sergeant John Smith. Company A, 11th U. S. Infantry, having reported at these Headquarters in com- pliance with Special Orders, No. 223, dated Post of Ponce, December 24, 1899, will return to his proper station and report upon arrival to his Commanding Officer for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the nec- essary transportation, and the Subsistence Department commutation of rations at the rate of $1.50 per day in advance for one day, it being impracticable for this sol- dier to carry rations of any kind, the journey requiring more than one day for completion and the travel enjoined necessary for the public service. 4. 1st Lieutenant Jesse Md. Carter, 5th U. S. Cav- alry, having reported at these Headquarters in compliance with order from the War Department, will proceed to join his Troop at Arecibo, P. K. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. In compliance with instructions from the War 3 Department, 1st Lieutenant Jesse Md. Carter, 5th U. S, Cavalry, is detailed as Collector of Customs at Arecibo, P. R., vice Captain A. C. Macomb, 5th U. S. Cavalry, relieved. Lieutenant Carter will report by letter to Major Charles L. Davis, 11th U. S. Infantry, Collector of Porto Rico, San Juan, for instructions. 6. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, from these Headquarters, 1st Lieutenant Jesse Md. Carter, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Hatillo. Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election, and upon the completion thereof he will deliver the returns in person to the Commanding Officer, Arecibo, P. R., who will send them, under seal, by special messenger, to these Headquarters. Lieutenant Carter will take charge of the Office of Alcaide, together with all the papers and records pertain- ing thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 7. Upon the recommendation of the Commanding Of- ficer of the Post of Mayaguez, Porto Rico, so much of the sentence as remains unexecuted in the case of General Prisoner Will Graves (late Trumpeter, Troop E, 5th U- S. Cavalry.) as promulgated in paragraph 7, Special Orders, No- 195, current series, these Headquarters, is remitted upon receipt of this order by the Commanding Officer of the Post of Mayaguez, Porto Rico. 8. Private John Parks, Company M. 11th U. S. In- fantry, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Sleep- ing on Post, in violation of the 39th Article of War, was, upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced : «To be dishonorably discharged the service of United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at such place as the reviewing authority may direct, for the period of eight months under charge of the guard at hard labor.» The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, Porto Rico. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Or- ders, No. 96. current series. Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United Statesupon proper application after his release from confine- ment. 4 9. Private Harry H. Kelly, Company I, 11th U. S. In- fantry, having been tried by a general court-martial con- vened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Absence without Leave, in violation of the 32nd Article of War, and of Conduct to the Prejudice of Good Order and Mili- tary Discipline, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of five (5) previous convictions, sentenced: " To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of two (2) months.'1'' The proceedings and findings are approved. 'Die sentence is approved and will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, Porto Rico. Pursuant to paragraph 5, Gen- eral Orders, No- 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper application after his release from confinement. 10. Private Daniel J. Sweeny, Company I. 11th U. S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court-martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Unlawful Disposition of Uniform Clothing, and of Making a False Statement to his Company Commander, in viola- tion of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of three (3) previous convictions, sentenced : * ' To be dishonorably discharged from the service of the United States forfeiting a,ll pay and allowances due him.'" The proceedings and findings are approved. The sentence is approved and will be duly executed. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders, No. 96, current series. Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper appli- cation. By command oe Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 262. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, December 28th, 1899. 1. Paragraph 4, Special Orders, No. 246, current series, from these headquarters, is. amended to read as follows : Captain Clarence E. Dentler, 11th U. S. Infantry, will proceed from San Juan to Humacao, thence to Mau- nabo, thence to Patillas, thence to San Lorenzo, thence to Las Piedras, and return to Humacao ; from Humacao to Cayey, thence to Patillas, and return to San Juan, for the purpose of obtaining the necessary data for the settlement of his accountability for the sum of three Hundred and Five Dollars and Five cents ($305.05) Insular Funds, transferred to him on May 24th, 1899, for the relief of the destitute in that vicinity. Upon the completion of this duty, Captain Dentler will render his accounts for these funds. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. A Board of Survey to consist of : Captain Henry A. Reed, 5th U. S. Artillery; 1st Lieutenant John IF. L. Phillips, 11th U. S. Infantry; 2nd Lieutenant Morrill M. Mills, 5th U. S. Artil- lery, is appointed to meet at the Subsistence Warehouse at San Juan, P R., at 10:00 o'clock a.m., on Saturday, December 30th. 1899, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the purpose of examining into, reporting upon and fixing the responsibility for the shortage of and damage to certain articles of subsistence stores received on In- voices, No. 81, November 15th; No. 110, November 20th; No. 131, November 22nd; No. 175, November 29th; No. 7, December 12th; No. 43, December 12th, 1899, from Colonel Charles A. Woodruff, Assistant Commissary Gen- eral of Subsistence, U. S. Army. New York City, to Lieu- tenant Colonel F. E. Nye, Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence, U. S. Army, Chief Commissary of the Department, San Juan, P. R., and for which Lieutenant Colonel F. E. Nye, is accountable. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. Special Orders, No. 263. IIEA DQUA RTERS i/ePAR'iAi EN I OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, December 29th, 1899. 1. In compliance with telegraphic instructions from the Secretary of War, Brigadier General George W. Davis, U. S. Volunteers, accompanied by his Aide-de-Camp, 1st Lieutenant John S. Battle, 11th (J. S. Infantry, will pro- ceed by first opportunity to Washington, I). C., and re- port to the Adjutant General of the Army for consultation with the Secretary of War. Upon the completion of this duty they will return to their proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2. Undei the provisions of General Orders. No. 160, current series, from these headquarters, Captain H. IK. Wheeler, 5th U. S. Cavalry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Sabana del Palmar, Porto Hico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election, and upon the completion thereof he will send the returns under seal, by special messenger, to these headquarters. Captain Wheeler will take charge of the office of Alcalde, together with all the records and papers pertaining there- to and will conduct the business thereof until after the election ami installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 3. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, from these headquarters, 2nd Lieutenant Eldred D. Warfield, 11th U. S. Infantry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Gurabo, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election and upon the completion thereof he will send the returns, under seal, by special messenger, to these headquarters. Lieutenant Warfield will take charge of the office of Alcalde, together with all the records and papers pertain- ing thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 4. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, from these Headquarters, 2nd Lieutenant Eldred D. Warfield, 11th U. S. Infantry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Juncos, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election, and upon the completion thereof he will send the returns, under seal, by special messenger, to these Headquarters. 2 Lieutenant Warfield will take charge of the Office of Alcalde, together with all the records and papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5. The Commanding Officer of the Post of San Juan will send Corporal Patrick E. O'Brien, Company I, 11th U. S. Infantry, to report to the Adjutant General of this Department for detached service at these headquarters. The Subsistence Department will pay commutation of rations to this man at the rate of 75 cents per day from December 30th, 1899, while on such duty. 6. Corporal Thomas P. Sweeney, Company D, 11th U.S. Infantry, having been tried by a general court- martial convened at San Juan, Porto Rico, and found guilty of Conduct to the Prejudice of Good Order and Military Discipline, in violation of the 62nd Article of War, was, upon consideration of one (1) previous con- viction sentenced: "To be dishonorably discharged the service of the United States, forfeiting all pay and allowances due him and to be confined at hard labor under charge of the guard at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for the period of one year." In the foregoing case the findings are approved except the words: "by taking the prisoner away from the patrol," in the 1st specification, which the evidence adduced does not appear to sustain. The sentence is approved, but the confinement imposed is reduced to six (6) months. As mitigated the sentence will be duly executed at the Post of San Juan, P. R. Pursuant to paragraph 5, General Orders, No. 96, current series, Headquarters of the Army, this man will be furnished transportation to the United States upon proper application after his release from con- finement. By command of Brigadier General-Da vis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. SP^AL OBDE.« ' No. 264. HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF PORTO RICO, San Juan, December 30lh, 1899. 1. Upon the recommendation of the Chief Surgeon of the Department, so much of the unexecuted portion of the sentence as relates to confinement, in the case of Pri- vate Robert J. Fields, Hospital Corps, U. S. Army, as promulgated in paragraph 11, Special Orders, No. 240, current series, these headquarters, is remitted upon receipt of this Order by the Commanding Officer of the Post of Ponce, P. R. 2. The following result of the Election held in the Municipality of Quebradillas, Porto Rico, on the 23rd day of December, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, from these headquarters, is pub- lished for the information and guidance of all concerned : Alcalde, Manuel Reyes Ruiz y Arroyo, Municipal Judge, Arturo Unipierre y Ortiz de Zarate, Suplente Municipal Judge, Joaquin Avila Molinary. School Trustees: Felix Lamcla Valdes, Ramon Saavedra Espinosa, Juan Antonio Lluveras Comulada, Agustin Maria Alvarez, Vicente Roure. Councilmen : Francisco R. Saavedra Hernandez, Emiliano de Jesus Medina, Honorio Hernandez Quijano, Ventura Ocasio Velez, Emiliano Rodriguez Rodriguez, Santiago Mestro Tarrior, Luis Hernandez, Camilo Padin, Manuel Saavedra Soler. 1st Lieutenant Seaborn G. Chiles, 11th U. S. Infantry, will proceed at once to Quebradillas, P. R., and install the successfull candidates into their respective offices ; upon the completion of which duty he will proceed to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 2 3. The following result of the Election held in the Municipality of Cayey, Porto Rico, on the 23rd day of December, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, from these headquarters, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned : Alcalde, Municipal Judge, Suplente Municipal Judge, Arturo Aponte Delgado, Miguel Planellas Ferrer, Jaime Fortuno Nogueras. School Trustees: Luis Munoz Morales, Juan Planellas Yanez, Aquiles Colon Rivera, Nicolas Gimenez Munoz, Luis Benet Colon. Councilmen: Valeriano Colon Warens, Luz Maria Rosario Torres, Pedro Rivera Collazo, Jesus Hernandez, Cornelio Ortiz Aponte, Ciodomiro Colon Ramos. Francisco Martinez Mendoza, Juan Jose Martinez Ortiz, Jose Antonio Rivera, Galo Rivera Malave, Mariano Rios Nieves, Luis de Jesus Dorval. . 2nd Lieutenant Hubert L. Wigmore, 5th U. S. Cavalry, will proceed at once to install the successful candidates into their respective offices. 4. The following result of the election held in the Municipality of Juana Diaz, Porto Rico, on the 14th day of December, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, from these headquarters, is pub- lished for the information and guidance of all concerned: Alcalde, Municipal Judge, Suplente Municipal Judge, Espartano Franceschi, Juan de Dios Torres, Jose Davila. School Trustees: Antonio Mercado, Eduardo Zayas, 3 Dacio Pasarell, Manuel Diaz Mediavilla, Jose Antonio Munera y Cintron. Councilmen: Jose Zambrana, Francisco Ferrer, Tiberio Franceschi, Natividad Guzman, Rodriguez. Apolinar Ortiz, Virgilio Rodriguez, Marcelino Torres Zayas, Francisco Torres Zayas, Mariano Alfaro, Luis F. Padilla y Alberto, Ramon Mora y Rivera, Jose Ortiz y Rivera. Luis A. Catoni y Colon, Juan Bautista Pacheco y Santiago. 2nd Lieutenant F. D. de Funiak, Jr., 11th U. S. In- fantry, will proceed at once to Juana Diaz, P. R., and install the successful candidates into their respective offices; upon the completion of which duty he will return to his proper station. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 5- The following result of the Election held in the Municipality of Utuado, Porto Rico, on the 23rd day of December, 1899, in accordance with General Orders, No. 160, current series, from these headquarters, is published for the information and guidance of all concerned : Alcalde, Ramiro Martinez, Municipal Judge, Luis R. Miranda, Suplente Municipal Judge, Jose Vidal Quinones. School Trustees: Francisco Serbia, Tulio Lopez Gaztambide, Francisco 1. Nater, Federico Legrand, Antonio Serbia. Councilmen: Pedro Rivera Collazo, Francisco de B. Martinez, 4 Tomas Taranto, .< . c\ Gustavo Rivera, Julio Grau, Jose R. Maldonado, Pedro A. Gonzalez, Jose Maria Cortes, Pedro A. Figueroa, Ramon Pineiro, Pedro Velez, Antonio Quinones, Antonio Orona, Francisco Sal s Diaz, Ricardo Gimenez Barrios. 1st Lieutenant Charles H. Hamilton, Porto Rico Bat- talion, U.S. Volunteers, will proceed at once to install the successful candidates into their respective offices. 6. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these Headquarters, Captain R. M. Blatch- ford, 11th U. S. Infantry, is designated as Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Sabana Grande, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election and upon the completion thereof he will deliver the returns in person to the Commanding Officer, Mayaguez, P. R., who will send them, under seal, by special messenger, to these Headquarters. Captain Blatchford will take charge of the office of Alcalde, together with all the records and papers pertain- ing thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 7. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160' current series, these Headquarters, 1st Lieutenant Seaborn G. Chiles, 11th U. S. Infantry, is designated as the Officer in charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Aguada, Porto Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election and upon the completion thereof he will send the returns, under seal, by special messenger, to these Headquarters. Lieutenant Chiles will take charge of the office of Alcalde, tegether with all the records and papers pertain- ing thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 8. Under the provisions of General Orders, No. 160, current series, these Headquarters, 1st Lieutenant Seaborn G. Chiles, 11th U. S. Infantry, is designated as Officer in 5 charge of the Municipal Election to be held at Moca, Por- to Rico. He will take the necessary steps to effect the election and upon the completion thereof he will send the returns, under seal, by special messenger, to these Head- quarters. Lieutenant Chiles will take charge of the office of Al- calde, together with all the records and papers pertaining thereto and will conduct the business thereof until after the election and installation of an Alcalde. The travel enjoined is necessary for the public service. 9. 1st Sergeant John Morris, Troop G. 5th U. S- Cav- alry, having reported at these Headquarters in compliance with Special Orders, No. 58, dated Post of Aibonito, P. R., December 29th, 1899, is directed to return to his proper station and report to his Commanding Officer for duty. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation and the Subsistence Department will provide commutation of rations at the rate of $1.50 per day, for three days, in advance, the journey as direct- ed requiring an unusual time for completion, and the travel being necessary for the public service. 10. As much of paragraph 7, Special Orders, No. 233, current series, from these headquarters, as directs 1st Lieutenant F. F. Russell, Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Army, to take charge of the sick at Vieques, is revoked. Acting Assistant Surgeon H. R. Heydecker is assigned to duty at Vieques, P. R., to date from December 1st, 1899. 11. The journey performed by Major John Van R. Hoff, Surgeon, U. S. Army, Chief Surgeon of the Department, from San Juan, to Mameyes, P. R., and return on Novem- ber 8th to 10th, 1899, under verbal instructions from these headquarters, is approved as having been necessary for the public service. By command of Brigadier General Davis: W. P. HALL, Adjutant General. ( Last of series of 1899. )