WINONA, MINNESOTA, U. S. A. SOAPS AND PERFUMES. The J. R. WATKINS MEDICAL CO PROPRIETORS WATKINS’ REMEDIES, EXTRACTS, SPICES, TOILET ARTICLES, Keeps stock well and makes them sell. Ask our agents for lowest prices in bulk. It pays to feed it. Watkins’ Pabular Stock: Pood 1 WATKINS’ PAIN-OLEUM. ' » A REMEDY FOR PAINS. < lll llliMlllM—lll—ll J. R. WATKINS, Pres. The J. R. Watkins Medical Co. The man who for thirty-six years has given his entire time and energies to the establishment of Watkins’ medicine business in the Northwest and made it a great success. For a free trial of this medicine use to the trial- mark line, blown in the bottle. When more than that quantity is used, the full price of the bottle, $l.OO, will be required. .. ~ MANUFACTURED BY The J. R. Watkins Medical Co. Proprietors Watkins’ Remedies, Extracts, Spices. Toilet Articles, Soaps and Perfumes. WINONA, MINNESOTA. U. S. A. PRICE, $l.OO PER BOTTLE. , WATKINS’ PAIN-OLEUM WATKINS’ PAIN-OLEUM. ' » CONTAINS NO OPIATES OF ANY KIND. , Watkiqs’ Petro=Carbo Salve For Fxternal Use in Cases of Wounds, Cuts, Cracked Hands and Sore Teats on Cows. 'Be J. R. WATKINS MEDICAL CO. Preps. Watkins’ Remedia, Extracts, Spices, Toilet Articles, Soaps and Perfumes, WIIVOIVA, MINN. U. 8. A. Watkins' Pain-Oleum Is a very expensive medicine to manufacture, and contains numerous valuable ingredients, which combine into one harmonious whole. One of these ingredients is good for one class of pains, and others for other complaints, yet they are so combined as not to conflict with each other. Be- ing harmless when used according to directions, it may safely be employed for a large number of aches and pains not specifically mentioned, when it happens to be the only one of Watkins’ Remedies in the hands of the customer. By reading this wrapper carefully, you will see that we have special remedies for special diseases, and where such are required, we urge you to give our agent the opportunity of supplying you. rjA H E average dose of Watkins’ Faln»Oleum for grown people is one-half to one teaspoonful in warm, sweetened water. For children, the dose is from five to twenty drops, according to the age and condition of patient. In observing the following directions, you should see that the proper dose is given in each case. Bruises* Rub the affected Parta thor°ughly with Watkins’ Pain-Oleum, for several minutes. '-* and then wrap with dry flannel cloths. BUr B S : Saturate a flannel cloth with Watkins’ Pain-Oleum, and apply to burnt parts freely. Chilblains; or Frost BitCS: Use Watkins’ Pain-Oleum the same as for bruises. , . rLAi.,, iin.L„. Give a dose every half hour. Bind up the stomach with a hot Cholera and Cholera MorbUS: flannel cloth saturated with Watkins’ Paln-Oleum. Bathe the feet in water as hot as patient can stand, mixed with some salt or ashes. COl i C : Give a dose every half hour until relieved. Diarrhoea*. Give a dose every one to three hours. Dysentery: Give a dose every one to three hours. Dyspepsia: Take a dose about an hour after each meal. Flatulency: (Wind on the stomach or bowels.) One dose after meals. I arvnditk- (Diaease of air P*BB^®0 of the throat.) Give a dose every three hours, also rub on tho LdryngUlh: outside of the neck and apply hot cloths. n • Most people appreciate a remedy that will give prompt relief to pains in the bowels and rains: stomach. Some slight derangement of these organs often causes intense suffering, when there nothing very serious is the matter with the patint. To have a medicine at hand that will act promptly and effectively in cases of this kind will be appreciated by thousands of customers, new and old. For internal pains, we recommend a dose of Watkins’ Paln-Oleum every hour until relieved. For external pains, apply freely to the affected parts, rubbing Watkins’ Paln-Oleum in gently with the hand. nL .. Doinc. Take a dose before meals and on going to bed. Also rub Rheumatism 2nd Rheumatic Pains. Watkins’ Paln-Oleum on the parts affected, and bind up with a soft flannel cloth, soaked with the liquid. Sprains: Treat with Watkins’ Paln-Oleum, the same as bruises. Tnnfhnrha For internal use, saturate a piece of cotton with Watkins’ Pain-Oleum, and place in I OOUiaine: the hollow aching tooth. For external use, bind up the jaw with a soft flannel cloth, saturated in Watkins’ Paln-Oleum. Trusting that you will find Watkins’ Paln-Oleum a valuable addition to your medicine chest for many common ailments and complaints, and thanking you for your continued patronage, we are. very respecsfully. Gfie J. IC. Watkins Medical Co. Proprietors Watkins’ Remedies. Extracts. Spices. Toilet Articles, Soaps and Perfumes. Winona, Minn., U. S. A. From Laboratory to Consumer, the Largest Company m the World. Watkins’ Kidney Tablets THE GREAT REMEDY FOR Diseases of the Kidneys, Catarrh or Inflammation of the Bladder, Gravel, Discolored or Scalding Urine, Incon- tinence or Retention of Urine, Rain in the Back, Diabetes, etc., etc. • • • The name of “Watkins” needs no apology to the American public when used m connection with medicine. It stands for all that is best, highest and purest in quality fhe Watkins’ Remedies have been before the American public for over thirty-two years, *nd are the recognized standard of excellence everywhere. Therefore we confidently after Watkins' Kidney Tablets to the public as a remedy for Kidney Complaints and diseases arising from disordered kidneys and bladder. While it would be foolish for us o guarantee to cure every case, it is a fact that Watkins' Kidney Tablets combine the est known remedies for Kidney Complaints with which the medical profession is acquainted, and we feel confident that when used according to directions they will re eve the vast majority of cases. Watkins' Kidney Tablets are compounded from the best and purest drugs otamable. Put up in glass screw capped bottles, they will hold their strength and ■rtue indefinitely. Do not be deceived with dangerous imitations. We are the only ' that we know of that ever gave any such a course of treatment for the money :iik of it! over a month’s treatment for 50 cents! If you were taking treatment from doctor think what it would cost, and the chances are that his treatment would not be nearly as good as ours. Kidney Complaints are not cured in a day. It takes time 3ur treatment costs the least and is the best thing we know of. DIRECTIONS. if your back aches from any internal cause, it is a sign that you need Watkin* <.idney Tablets. Backache is a sign of some trouble in the kidneys. DOSE: Take one tablet before or after meals, swallowing it whole, without blowing-it to dissolve in the mouth. In severe cases Disordered Kidneys, Pain in the Back, Catarrh or Inflammation of the Bladder, Gravel, Diabetes, Incontinence or Re ention of the Urine, Discolored or Scalding Urine, Sediment in Urine, or Inflammation' ■t the mucous membrane of the Genito-urinary Tract, take two of Kidney Tablets before or after meals. Watkins' Kidney Tablets are not cathartic, that is, they do not act on the ooweis. It is highly essential to keep the bowels in perfect working order, and for this ourpose we would recommend Watkins’ Sarsaparilla, taken in good sized doses, or thos* very popular cathartic remedies, Watkins’ Root and Herb Tea and Watkins’ Little Live; FHMs, all of which may be had on most reasonable terms from ©ur agents. PRICE SO CENTS MADE orvuv By THE J. R. WATKINS MEDICAL CO, Proprietors Watkins* Vegetable Anodyne Liniment, Watkins* Remedies, Extracts and Sp ices. WINONA, MINN.. U ' A WATKINS’ REMEDIES Prevent Useless Suffering and Pain. Cure Sickness and Disease. Save Doctor’s Bills. Protect you against Loss of Health, Time and Money. THEY COST SO LITTLE BUT EQ SO MUCH Ask Our Agent for Some of the Following^ ANODYNEVUnItJeNTE ,™A™N n e WATKINS1 ANODVNA For internal and external use for I- A A - • u w t COUGH CORE ;ysen te*ryC ho 1 era1 Mothns*lnfa- fof tTFor Dr? *nd Hacking Conga restion. Cuts, Bruises, Burns,etc., Hoarseness, Loss of Voice, BtW The best household remedy made plfiasant taste and mUd but certain £,New cSSSSS?' * F Always Ready, Always Effective. Action make it valuable for young- to "ew Customers, yon can’t afford to be Without it. ~nA TJaVitM a«H vnnncr rliJll ?rice, $l.OO per bottle. Free Trial take Ureadily? * * Price, $l.OO per Bottfc New Customers. * WATKINS’ WATKINS' WATKINS* SARSAPARILLA FEMALE REMEDY PETRO-CARBO SALtf# tob the blood. rtiviAl-B.«tJVitUT An excellent ointment for Acw Tome, Stimulant and For FEMALE COMPLAINTS Blackheads, Bruises. Chafes. Cntf _ ... Alterative. ani) THb Burns, Milk Crust, Piles, flu.' Ilsefnl in cases of Impure Blood, DISEASES of WOMEN. Rheum, Scabies, Scald Head, §» Soils, Ulcers, Abscesses, Scrofu- _ Eyes, Tetter etc. Idas Tumors, Rheumatism. Head- 12 bottles for $10.00; six bottles For Stock'* H*rnlsi>s RarhVTt - Catarrh, Eruptions of the for *5.00; three bottles for *2.60; Wounds. Collar aad Sa’ddle Gsdk -Rni+io 0110 bottle, $l.OO. Mange, Sore Eyes, Sore Teat*» M J”"!? ’,7 00J®r "ottle- It Pays to Get the Best Cowa, etc. Price, 50c per Boat. A Frefi Trial to New Onstomers. Can be sent by matt. WATKINS* WATKINS' FINE DYSPEPSIA TABLETS. FLAVORING EXTRACT Am afcctlre R.mrf, ta tablet ?/J,ea7ta S^alaatlmo.®“fire dSS’ arm, for the cure of Dyspepsia, thana month’s treatment for 60cts. ** Nausea, Caa be sent'by mail Gf late years Uj' Puddin*“- «tc. there is a growing demand for a GREATEST STRENGTH. icertain class of remedies in tablet ABSOLUTE PURITV OTtB, and are not Simply to give fnrm which arp m*cV tn takp awrl AOOUI^UIU* t'U.KAAX: Mlv so'cents 8 effective' To supply this demand, FINEST FLaVOA reatment will cost only 50 cents. Te bave introduced among others LOW IN PlUtoli Watkins’ Kidney Tablets. WATKINS* WATKINS" WATKINS VETERINARY TABULAR STOCK FOOD. „ a , OINTMENT. A scientific remedy for the Dis- Medicated Poultry Food ana The Biggest and Best Thing v oses of Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Producer. the Market. Designed especial! Sheep and Poultry. Three and ™ for the use of farmers and «tog|p dne-half pounds of medicine for For Chickens Turkevn Durlcn. men for external use on all kind Sold in bulk at prices aad all Kinds of Poultry. of stock. A wonderful salve i«; irlthin the reach of all. Ask agent 01.. wonderfully large box at the we*s to quote you bulk prices. One 3/£ lbs. net Weight. Price, 50 CtS. derful ly small price of 50 centas laL.wilA yon of its Prevents and Cures Disease, y°u bay }*• y°« will wonder kW- jierits. Our Stock Raisers Man- Promotes Growth, Increases the y?a could get along without ?ti tol goes with every package, or Production of Eggs. Give it a trial and yon will *bn*" *UB be mailed free to any address. use it WATKINS* WATKINS* WATKI NS* FACE CREAM ROSE POMADE TALCUM TOIUT* A delightfully fragrant toilet A Delightfully Scented Ointment * BABY POWDE# preparation for Sunburn, Tan, for Diseases of the Scalp and Skin, Bora ted and delightfully mtk. freckles,Pimples,Chapped Hands, Promoting the Growth of the Hair fumed. A necessity for babSaif,, Lips, and for the use of gentlemen and the Removal of Dandruff, also luxury for ladies; a comfopt » after shaving. A large bottle hold- a fine Remedy for Burns, Chafes, gentlemen after shaving. C#» h Sng five ounces for 25 cents. Heal- Chapped Hands and Face. sent bv mail, lag, soothing and efficacious. Price, 25c per Bottle. ' * WATKINS' WATKINS' W*7n»VrTSaSS*l* PURE GROUND EXQUISITE PERFUMES. TOILET SOAPS. SPICES W atkins’Carnation Pink, 50c, Price6oc Per Box; eachbo« d&u Watkins’ Rbd Roes, 60c. taining one cake of Watlcsnr Have bees the standard of excel- These exquisite lasting odors Winona ’.^,atVll? asce for years. We take great will find favor with all whoappre- 2ueea and__ Watkins Idealottj jride in their absolute purity, elate a superior article. We have Tar Soap; the finest aottpa afUt nupreme quality and fine flavor, long had calls for these Toilet kind made. We op WS* Pat up in handsome lithographed Requisites, and have responded u _f£*_ jjfjjfj?' Xu cans with sifter tops. with something first class. . “Uf“iy oy trie ■*it'iT"::r r jrr.—: ...- -rr-r.:"1:-- :r.':r~ ■■ ; : .i- —‘LVii'.'i '7'',rß^,LA^gv^^sgg^g^^ Sfe J. R. WATKINS MEDICAL O MANUFACTURED ONLY BY PROPRIETORS WATKINS* EXTRACSm SPICES. SOAPS AND PERFUMED MININor UlnS,^