A Few Remarks From Other People. Stafford Water is Radio Active. rraIHEREVER THERE IS A NEED for Stafford (Hater and mJLM\ it is used Judiciously, an expression of gratitude and en- couragement is always forthcoming. MANY ATTEMPTS have been made to explain scientifically the reasons for the beneficial results obtained. The following is a part of a report made by Froehling & Robertson, Chemists, of Rich- mond, Va., who made an exhaustive study of the water and found it to be Radio Active. The Radio Activity of Mineral Water has lately thrown some light on the mineral waters which formerly could not be accounted for and we believe that it may help to explain some of the beneficial effect obtained from Stafford Water. It has been shown that Radio Emmanations are very effective in Gout, Rheumatism, Sclerosis of the Arteries, and that the use of Radio Active waters either by drinking or bathing, has a strong tendency to in- crease the activity of the kidneys and bladder. This has perhaps been no uncertain factor in producing the many cures of Nephritis and other Kid- ney troubles credited to the Stafford Mineral Water. THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS have been taken at random from the hundreds which have sifted into our files from various parts of the country, and the report from Froehling & Rob- ertson, at least, partly explains why results were obtained that warranted these remarks. WE HAVE PRINTED MATTER showing hundreds of let- ters from users of Stafford (Hater and copies will be mailed to anyone by addressing The Stafford Springs Go., Inc., Vossburg, Mississippi. I FEEL BETTER today than I have felt in two years and never intend drinking any other water, as I believe I can live by its use, but do not think I can without it. DR. D. E. LINDER, Cleveland, Miss. I TAKE GREAT PLEASURE in saying that I cannot say too much in behalf of Stafford Water. S. R. COOK, M. D., Epes, Ala. IT AFFORDS ME great pleasure to recommend the Stafford Springs Water, because of the benefits I have received from its use in my own person, as well as the several others to whom I have prescribed it. J. W. QUILLIN, M. D„ Atlanta, Ga. I HAVE NEVER recommended a mineral water or any other proprietary therapeutic agent, but because of my high opinion of this water in Nephritis, I will alter my rule. I have had many patients, as you know, use this water and always with the most satisfactory results. I feel sure that in cases of Nephritis, particularly of a chronic character, this water will al- ways produce beneficial results. T. D. HALL, M. D., D. D. S., Waterloo, lowa. I HAVE HAD Bright’s disease for 17 years and it is the best medicine I have ever found. A Customer from Helena, Ark. THIS WATER has been a God-send to me. IN THE DIFFERENT FORMS of Nephritis, it is almost a panacea. I have used it with my patients for 18 years with uniform success and have never had a patient who would use as directed, who did not get the desired results. I have had some personal ex- perience; having used the water 4 years and the results are almost miraculous. A Customer from Vaiden, Miss. DR. L. M. CLARKE, Pelahatchie, Miss. I HAVE PRESCRIBED Stafford Water extensively in cases of Nephritis, both acute and chronic, and the results are sim- ply marvelous. Ido not know just how many cures I have effected. W. W. McKENZIE, M. D„ Salisbury, N. C. ABOUT THREE YEARS AGO I developed acute Bright’s disease which ran into chronic The doctors said there wasn’t any- thing that could be done and I began drinking Stafford Water, and today I am as well as a man who never had the trouble at all. C. C. THWEATT, Cleveland, Miss. THIS WATER has meant everything to me. C. O’MALLEY, Hinckley, Minn. I WAS IN a rundown condition and had entirely lost my appetite, but can say that your water has helped me so much. A Customer from Water Valley, Miss. I HAVE BEEN USING Stafford Water only, for more than 8 years and it has certainly proven beneficial to me. E. M. BEAR, Mobile, Ala. THE WATER is proving most beneficial to my wife and I stand ready at any time to speak in high terms of its medical powers. Customer from Clarksville, Tenn. I HOPE you can ship the water at once as it is for a sick child and I have found the Stafford Water to be the most wonder- ful water I have ever used or heard of. Customer from Albemarle, N. C. I ASSURE YOU that I have nothing but praise to give for the excellent quality of your water. A Customer from Warren, Ohio. FOR THE PAST five years I have prescribed your Stafford Water for all my cases of Gout, Rheumatism, Nephritis, etc., etc., and whenever elemination needs boosting by way of kidney secre- tion, it is a great agent. ——A New York Physician. STAFFORD WATER is as nearly a specific for the differ- ent forms of kidney trouble as anything I have ever found. A North Carolina Physician. I WRITE THIS as an act of Justice, and to convince those who suffer needlessly from Diabetis, that this remarkable water will relieve them. SOME THREE MONTHS AGO my wife had an attack by Inflamation of the Bladder. Two physicians failed to alleviate her suffering and * * * Stafford Water was tried. The Water saved her life as the pain was agonizing and I cannot speak too highly of the Stafford Springs Water. A Chicago Druggist. A Merchant of Dallas, Texas. IT GIVES ME great pleasure to state that Stafford Mineral Springs Water saved my life just one year ago. A Louisiana Patient. SEVERAL YEARS AGO I found myself suffering from an excess of uric acid with a marked condition of gravel and upon the advice of my physician, commenced using Stafford Water, with the result of establishing a perfect cure in a very short time. A Customer of St. Paul, Minn. MY PHYSICIAN SAYS that the Stafford Water has done me more good than all the medicine he has given me. A Customer from Marshall, Texas. I HAVE PRESCRIBED Stafford Water for Diabetis in many cases and have never been disappointed in one case yet. One case of thirteen years’ standing was completely cured. A Texas Physician. I ATTRIBUTE MY RECOVERY solely to the use of Stafford Water and can certainly say it has been “The Water of Life” to me. lam feeling better than I have felt in two years and can heartily recommend the water to anyone suffering from kidney trouble. A Locomotive Engineer of Tennessee. I HAVE CURED cases of pronounced Bright’s disease by its use, not only cases where albumen appears in the urine alone, but where attended by the presence of granular and hyaline casts, diminished specific gravity, and a quantity of urine solids. GEO. CLINTON JEFFERY, M. D„ New York. I HAVE TRIED IT in one case, for instance, without put- ting the patient on diet or on medicine other than the water, and under its use I have seen the albumen disappear, and then, I have seen the tube casts disappear and patient apparently get well. In Bright’s disease I find the Stafford Mineral Spring Water to be cur- ative * * * and my opinion * * * is that it is a valuable medicinal water. DR. JOHN B. ELLIOTT, New Orleans, La BUT, HOW FORTUNATE it is that we have such a won- derful water to correct the malady and thus restore the entire sys- tem to its normal condition. I hope that the many sufferers of the nation may give this water more attention and thus correct, through its power, the many diseases to which the human system has fallen heir. A Local Physician. [fgiOPIES OF THESE STATEMENTS are on file in the mi office of the Stafford Mineral Spring & Hotel Co., and the names of the writers who do not appear will be furnished upon application.