CRAZED With Pain HEADACHE AND ALL PAIN “During last winter I had a se- vere attack of LaGrippe which con- tinued for about three months. I suffered with pain throughout my body, uni 1 I thought I should go crazy. As the Grip effects wore away, I thought 1 -would then be relieved from those nerve-rack ng pains, but in this I was mistaken, for the pain steadily grew worse after the left me, and I could sleep neither night nor day. A trial of several remedies effected no relief, until I used Dr. Miles Anti- Pain Fills, when I obtained prompt re- lief. Since then I have had no return of the trouble. For pain of all kinds I heartily recommend Dr. Miles’ Anti- Pain Pills.’’ Mrs. Alice Craven, San Antonia, Texas. We do not hesitate to recommend without reserve Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills for headache, neuralgia and all pain. We sell these tablets put up in a very convenient form, that they may be car- ried in your pocket—2s doses for 25 cents. To be frank with you, we do not know of a remedy in existence that we can recommend so confidently as Dr. Miles’ Anti-Pain Pills, and to prove to you the faith we have in their curative powers, we will give you your money back if they fail to give you relief. Can you ask a fairer proposition? Some people suffer from nervousness, excitement or headache caused from railway journeys, or from social duties; a pain pill taken previous to departure is a sure guard against these inconven- “Your Anti-Pain Pills are certainly the most wonderful little remedy I ever used for relieving aches and ' pain 3 of all kinds.” i Ai>am B. Wagner, iences. We could tell you more—but stop in and see us. Read our ad. on other side. Our Hobby. Sergeant of Police. Philadelphia, Pa. OUR HOBBY Is to give you what you want at the right price, and we want every customer to be satisfied, and feel that our store is the place to buy Pure Drugs and Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Trusses, Perfum= ery, Toilet Articles, Soaps, Cigars, and all Drug= gists’ Sundries. Drugs, Medicines, Jewelry, Silverware, Stationery and Confectionery. We respectfully solicit the people of this city and vicinity to give us a call when in need of anything in our line. Whether you purchase or not, get our prices—see our goods and we will ask no more. These two points alone will make you our regular patrons. We treat everyone alike, a child can do as well here as an adult. We always appreciate patronage whether small or, large, and sell the best goods at the lowest prices consistent. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Our Prescription Department is an especial feature of our store. We realize our respon- sibility in this respect and. are scrupulously particular in every detail, using only the best and purest drugs and chemicals with guaranteed accuracy. It matters not what physician writes your prescription, it will be compounded in the strictest accordance by competent, reliable pharma- cists if brought to us, and at reasonable charges. Central Square Pharmacy C. A. BATES, Prop**. Central Square, New York. NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE Bethesda, Maryland Gift of William H. Helfand