Notes m-Paf Wassail. 407 NOTES ON PARASITES—47. On the priority of Cittotcenia Riehm, 1881, over Ctenotcenia Railliet, 1891. By Ch. Wardell Stiles and Albert Hass all. [Reprinted from The Veterinary Magazine, July, 1896, VoLIIL, No. 7.] Riehm (1881 A, p. 200) divided the tapeworms of rabbits and hares into the four species: Ttenia rhopalocephala, Dipyli- dium pectinatum, D. Leuckarti and Cittotcenia latissima, but later in the same year (1881 B) he rejected his new genus Citto- tcenia, placing the type and only species in Dipylidium (type D. Caninum). Railliet (1893, P- 278), evidently overlooking Riehm’s first paper, erected the genus Ctenotcenia (type Taenia marmotce) and included here: Ct. Goezei (= Riehm’s Cittotcenia latissima), Ct. Leuckarti and Ct. pectinata. Stiles (1895) and Stiles and Hassall (1896) also overlooked Riehm’s first paper, and accepted Railliet’s genus Ctenotcenia. Riehm’s generic term Cittotcenia must, however, be given priority over Railliet’s name Ctenotcenia as long as Tcenia mar- motce and Cittotcenia latissima (= Tcenia denticulated) remain in the same genus, the latter form being accepted as type species. The following parasites of rodents should be transferred to the genus Cittotcenia: Tcenia denticulata Rudolphi, 1804 (Citto- tcenia latissima Riehm, 1881); Tcenia marmotce Frdlich, 1802; Tcenia pectinata Goeze, 1782; Dipylidium Leuckarti Riehm, 1881; Ctenotcetvia prcecoquis Stiles, 1895; Ct. perplexa. Stiles, 1895; Ct. variabilis Stiles, 1896, with its varieties imbricata and augusta. Railliet, 1893—Trade de Zoologie mddicale et agricole, fasc. I. Paris. Riehm, 1881 A—Untersuchungen an den Bandwiirmern der Hasen und Kanin- chen; Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Naturwiss. Halle. Dritte Folge, VI. (Der ganzen Reihe, 54) p. 200. lBBl B—Studien an Cestoden; Zeitschr. f d. ges. Naturwiss. Halle. Dritte Folge, VI. (Der ganzen Reihe, 54) pp. 545-610. Taf. V-VI. Stiles, 1895—Notes on Parasites: 38. Preliminary note to “ARevision of the Adult Leporine Cestodes the Vet. Mag., 11., p. 341-346. - and HASSALL, 1896—Notes on Parasites—4l ; Ctenotania denticulata (Rudolphi, 1804). Stiles and Hassall, ISgfy; HLp.'A-p;—Also in Centralbl. f. Bakt., Paras, u. Infektionskfankh., L.Abth., XIX, p 70-72.