il£5ho IS42 W-i ij-i^c totclibo; s J-\Jk (rttuan J // /'• ) f h'", ,/V'vA-* ^l> /#?/ J? SYNOPTICAL INDEX TO c VOLUME II. OF ■■c* y A JAHR'S NEW MANUAL OF HOMCEOPATHIC PRACTICE. BY RICHARD M. BOLLES, M. D. SECOND AMERICAN EDITION. .-■-y"Xrt>J 0^ % NEW-YORK: ^=zA&.^- WILLIAM RADDE, 322 BROADWAY, 1843. / YVPfc J2 b >ur l$4z •T-u ' Li'.r'.ARt f^A •>», aJo« so $" 3 The Editor's thanks are justly due to Dr. BoIIes for the care he has bestowed on the Appendix, and especially for the table of errata, which has cost him a laborious comparison with the original French edition. I trust all American prac- titioners will procure it, and in all cases use it in conjunction with my text. Dr. Bolles has conferred no trifling benefit on the Ameri- can branch of our school by this unostentations labor. A. GERALD HULL. 27th March, 1843, INDEX. Note.—METASTASIS.—Diseases resulting from suppressed morbid 'discharges, repelled exanthemata and other eruptions, healing of ulctrs, translation ol disease irom one organ or system to another, &c. are arranged under his he d. SEQUELAE enibrace the residts of diseases not referable to metastasis, as the sequels of small pox, measles, scarlatina, &c. DEBILITA IING LOSSES (.omprise the morbid effects of sanguineous and seminal discharges, lactation, putgatives, emetics, &c. PKitSO.NS, include temperaments, constitutions, habits, complexion, dis- position, a^e, &c. The letter (e) placed before the number of a page refers to the errata for the correction of an error. The words see errata, p. &c. denote that the article or paragraph ia wrong throughout or is omitted in the text. R. M. Bolles, M. D. Abdominal affections,' with am blyopia, after Asiatic cho- I ra, hypochondriasis from, 178 in myelitis, 6,j4 congestion, see congestion of th; abdomen. obstruction, see marasmus. Abdomen, abdominal organs and inguin i, affect ons < f the, 437 by ochondria, liver, s leen and diaphragm, symptoms of the 450. 453 con litions of symptoms, 462 concomitant symptoms, 4b6 enlarged, see enlargement. metastasis or milk to, sje lac- tation, 535 Abortion, see miscarriage. Abscess (internal), a tumour con- t dning ;ins, 1 acute or phlegmonous, 1 on ihe baci, 635 in the cavit^ of a joint bone, s earthrocace. chronic or cold, 1 from congestion, 96 Abscess of the extremities (lower) as symptom, 665 gums, 330 knee, see gonitis, 664 liver, see hepatitis, 447 lymphatic, e 96 of the mamma?, 538 as symptom, 559 see tumours. oppn, see tumours, 96 Accouchment, labour, lying-in, e 524. e 536 absencs of labour-pains, e 525 adhesion of ihe placenta, 525 after pains, acute, convulsions during labour, false labour-pains, hemorrhage after, injury of the organs during, metrorrhagia ufter, spasmodic laoour-pains, spasms during, suspension of labour-pains, Achor, see scald-head. Acid citric, as antidote, see vine- gar, hydrocyanic as poifon, gee almonc'a b.tter, 693 525 525 524 525 525 525. 540 524 525 525 683 691 ALC INDEX. AMB Acid nitric, as poison, see acids mineral, 691 phosphoric as poison, see acids mineral, 691 sebacic as poison, e 692 sulphuric as poison, see acids mineral, 691 Acid wine, indigestion from, 385 Acidity of children, 560 with diarrhoea and vomiting, see gastrosis, 564 Acids mineral and corrosive, as poisons, 691 sufferings from vapour of, sec . gases, e 696 Acids, sufferings from acid food, drinks, fruit, &c. 395 diarrhoea from partaking of, 472 dyspepsia, 379 gastric derangement, 413 gastric lever, 129 indigestion, 385 stomach chilled by 6 Acne, 78 of drunkards, 78 punctata, rosacea, 78 from sexual excess, 78 Acute diseases, alopecia from, 200 anaema from, 2 bulimy from, e 378 debility from, 10 see conva- lescence, 146 fainting from, 18 hectic fevers from, 133 Adenitis, inflammation of glands, 2 Adhesion of the placenta, see ac- couchment. Adynamic pneumonia, see pneu- monia. fevers, see fevers typhoid. Adypsia, absence of thirst, as symptom, 160 iEdoitis, inflammation of the la- bia pudendi, as symptom, 547 iEther and alcohol a3 poi- sons, 693 Affliction mental, see emotions moral. After-pains, see accouchment and lying-in. Agalactia, want of milk, see lac- tation. Aged persons, see persons aged and old tnpn. Agrypnia, see sleeplessness. Ague, see fevers intermittent. Albumen as antidote, see white of egg, 691 Alcohol and aether as poisons. 693 712 Alienation mental, mania, mad- ness, b 174 from anger, 174 during pregnancy, 545 from excessive study, 174 see moral affections of lying-in women, 537 from mortification, 174 religious depression, 174 uterine derangement, e 174 vexation, 174 Aliments, sufferings fiom, 395 as symptoms, 395 repugnance to, as symptom, 390 desire for certain, as symptom, 387 Alkaline substances, sufferings from vapour of, see gases, 696 Alkalies as poisons, 692 Almonds bitter, as poison, 693 oil of sweet, as antidote, see acids, 691 Alopecia, baldness, fall of the hair, 200 from abuse of cinchona, 200 of mercury, 200 acute disease, 200 with clammy perspiration, 201 from debilitating losses, 200 with dry i ess of the hair, 200 from grief, 200 and hair turning gray, 200 from hysterical headache, 200 of lying-in women, 200. 537 with many scales, 200 from megrim, 200 with pityriasis, 200 from profuse rerspirations, 200" with sensibility (soreness) of the scalp, 200 of the sides of the head, 201 vertex, 201 Alum, as poison, 693 Alvine evacuations, anus, rectum, and perineum, 468 symptoms of, 481 conditions of evacuations and symptoms of anus, 487 concomitant symptoms of the evacuations, 488 symptoms of anus, rectum, and perineum, 491 Amaurosis, see amblyopia amau- rotiea, E 247 complete, 247 erethistic, e ibid. torpid, ibid. Amblyopia, defects of sight, e 246 with abdominal affection, 248 from abuse of mete, and other metallic substances, 248 abuse of spirituous liquors, 248 in aged persons, 248 from arthritic metastasis, 248 ANG INDEX. APP Amblyopia, amaurotica, e 247 from blows on the head, 248 catarrhal, 248 from cold in the head or eyes, 248 concussion, 248 with congestion to the head, 248 from coryza, 248 debilitating losses, 247 with diseases of the ear and hearing, diseases of the heart, epilepsy or spasmodic affections, from finework, with gastric affection, from mechanical injuries, with nervous headache, in old men, with pulmonary affections, from rheumatic metastasis, repelled eruptions, in scrofulous subjects, from sexual excess, suppressed catamenia, chronic hemorrhage, e mucous discharges, suppuration, with uterine disorders, Amenia, see amenorrhcea. Amenorrhoea, amenia, absence of the menses, amenia, in cachectic persons, see catamenia. catamenia too feeble, from a cold or chill, see congestion to the head in young girls, in exhausted persons, from fright or sudden emotion, in plethoric persons, weak persons, young girls, Ammonia as poison, see alkalies, salts of, and nitrate of potass, as poisons, Amygdala, dyseccea from enlarg- ed, 279 induration, see amygdalitis, 360 inflammation of, ibid suppuration of, ibid Amygdalitis, inflammation of the 248 248 249 247 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 248 247 248 248 248 248 248 525 526 526 526 212 526 526 526 526 526 692 693 Angina, acute, 361 bronchial, see catarrh. catarrhal, 361 of the chest, e 597 chronic, 361 from a cold or chill, 361 constitutional, 361 gangrenous, 361. 369 see scarlatina, 90 laryngea, see laryngitis. with measles, 361. 86 oesophageal, see oesophagitis. membranous, see croup. palatine, 349 of the parotid, see parotitis. pectoris, e 597 pharyngeal, see pharyngitis. phlegmonous, 361 rheumatic, 361 with scarlatina, 90. 361 360 361 693 378 292 79 79 688 tonsils, dysecoBa from repeated, Anosmia, from acute diseases, from debilitating losses, Anasarca, dropsy of the skin, Aneurism, of the heart, see carditis, Anger, effects of, see emotions moral. Angina, cynanche, sore throat, e from abuse of mercury, 361. e small pox, 361 syphilitic, 361. see chancres, 94 tracheal, see croup. of the tonsils, see amygdalitis, traumatic, uvular, see pharyngitis. Animal substances, as poisons, Anorexia, want of appetite, i Anosmia, loss of smell, Anthrax, see carbuncle. of horned cattle, see carbuncle, Antidotes, e Anus, affections and symptoms of, see alvine evacuations. mucous discharges from, see blennorrhosa, 468 Aphonia, see hoarseness and aphonia, e 578 Aphtha;, thrush, 348 of infants, 561 as symptom, 352 Apocynum cannab, a remedy in dropsy, Apoplexy and cerebral congestion, in aged persons, from debilitating losses, loss of blood, of the lungs, asphyxia from, see orlhopncea. nervous, 201 from overloaded stomach, 201 paralysis from, 30. 201 of the tongue from, 350 sanguineous, serous, from spirituous liquors, Apparent death, see asphyxia. Appetite and food, and taste, symptoms of the, sufleiingsfrotn food, voracious, see bulimy. want of, see anorexia. 713 n 201 201 201 201 3 201 201 201 378 386 395 AST INDEX. KIE Arachnoiditis, see meningitis. Arsenic, abuse of, asthma, from vapour of, as poison, G93. see metals. Arthritic cephalalgia, contractions,' gonitis (gonagra) metasta^s, sight injured by, see amblyopia, nodosities, on the finger joints, as symptoms, odontalgia, e 331 pains in the superior extremi- ties, as symptoms, prosopalgia, Arthritis, gout, 2. see gout. acuta, chronica, in the feet (podagra), hands (chiragra), hip, see coxalgia, lower extremities, as symptom, metastasis of, vaga, Arthrocace, ulcer in the cavity of a joint bone, Articulations, see symptoms joints in general, Asafoetida, abuse of, Ascarides, see helminthiasis, Ascites, dropsy of the belly, in scarlet fever, Asphyxia, apparent death, by congelation, deleterious gases, drowning, from a fall, of infants, by lightning, strangulation, suffocation, Asthma, from arsenical vapours, in aged persons, see errata, p. cardiac, see angina of the chest, e catarrhal, see orthopnoea, 646 of 561 Asthma, nervous or spasmodic, e 598 predisposition to 598 of sculptors, 598 spasmodic, e 598 of stonecutters, 598 from sulphur vapours, 598 suppressed catarrh, 599 thymie of Kopp, e 605 of VVigand, see asthma of Mil- lar, 597 Asthmatic affections, with abdo- minal sufferings, 466 in varioloid, 99 symptoms, with cough, 594 with coryza, 293 Atony, see debility. Atrophy, 4 of children (scrofulous), 4 of the mammae as symptom, 559 see marasmus. see scrolula, 35 of the uterus, 546 Axillae, affections and symptoms of the, see chap, xxiii. sec. 2 and 3. in children, B Back, loins, nape and neck, affec- tions of, 633 symptoms of the, 635 condi ions of symptoms of the, 642 Back, pain in the, as symptom of fever, 161 struin in the small of the, see injuries mechanical. Balanitis, inflammation of g'ans penis, 512. 517 Balbuties, see stammering. Balanorrhoea or pseudo gonor- rhoea, 512 sycotic, 512 ssphiiiic, 512 599,Barrenness, see sterility, 545 Baldness, see alopecia. 598,Baryta as poison, see alkalies, 61l|Bath, colic fn.m a, see asthma of Millar and Wigand, from a chill or cold, congestion to the chest, copper vapours, with deranged catamenia, flatulent, in hysterical persons, from inhalinc dust, of Millar and Wigand, with croup, from moral emotions, mucous, 714 e 561. 599.Bathing, sufferings from, see chill, 692 439 6 205 headache from, 597'Bed-rid persons, sores on, see in- 598J tertrigo. 598, Beer, indigestion from drinking 598 sour, 385 598| sufferings from, see dyspepsia, 379 598,Bees, glossitis from stings of, 348 599 Biliary caUulus, see hipaitis, 447, 598 Bilious affections, sei- gastroses. 597 576 599 598 derangement of stomach, see gastroses. fevers, see fevers bilious. persons, see persons bilious., BRO INDEX. CAR 500 495 611 468 252 252 252 Bites, see injuries mechanical, and wounds poisoned. BlacK and blue spots, see errata, p. 83. Black disease, see malaena. vomiting, see malaena and vo- miting. Bladder, affections and symptoms of the, see urinary organs. Bladder, thickening of the, e Bleeding, abuse of as remedy, see debilitating losses. at the nose, see epistaxis. Blennorrhcea of the bladder, see catarrh of the vesica, of the lungs, see phthisis, recti, of the urethra, see gonorrhoea. Blepharitis, inflammation of the eyelids, e acute, chronic, Blepharophthalmia, see blepha- ritis. Blepharoplegia, see paralysis of the eyelids, e 260 Blepharospasrnus, see spasms of the eyelids, 261 Blindness, 254 diurnal, see nyctalopia. nocturnal, see hemeralopia. partial, see amblyopia, hemi- opia, myopia, &c. as symptom, Blood, symptoms of the, Body, affections of one side of the, see semi-lateral. Boils, see furunculus. Bones, general symptoms of, see bones, pains and diseases, and osseous system, abscess or ulcer in the cavity of joint, see arthrocace. affections of in varioloid, 100 of the face, symptoms of, 313 nose, affections as symptoms, 298 scrofula aftectiug the, 35 Borborygmus, see noise, 459 Bread, sufferings from, see dys- pepsia, as symptoms, 395 Breasts, affections of the, see mammae. Breath, offensive, see offensive- ness of the mouth. symptoms of the, Bronchia, affections and symp- toms of the, Bronchial catarrh, see catarrh bronchial. Bronchitis, see catarrh bronchial. Bronchocele, Bee goitre. Bruises, see injuries mechanical. Buboes, from mercury, scrofulous, venereal, see syphilis. Bulimia, see bulimy. Bulimy, voracious appetite, un- healthy hunger, see errata p. after acute diseases, 370. e during convalescence, e from debilitating losses, e during pregnancy, e 378. with verminous affections, e Bullae, see pemphigus and rupia. Burns, see injuries mechanical. 700 438 378 378 378 378 545 378 271 46 379 61- 567 e 495 447 495 79 663 694 Cachectic persons, see persons cachectic. ulcers, see ulcers. Calculus and gravel, biliary, see hepatitis, renal, Callosities, and corns on the feet, Callus, see callosities. Camphor, as antidote, as poison, Cancer, carcinoma and scirrhus, in general, e 79 from a contusion, see errata, p. 79 indurations (scirrhous,) ib. open or ulcerated, ib. of the face, see ulceration of face and lips, 313 lips, see scirrhus, |312 mammae, 538 nose, 292 and scirrhus, e 79 of stomach, e 418 spongoid, see fungus haema- todes, 81 of the uterus, 546 Cancerous ulcers, see ulcers. Canine appetite, see bulimy. Cantharides, dysuria from use of, 497 as poison, 694 Carbonic gas, see gases delete- rious, e 696 sufferings from, 697 Carbuncle, 79 of horned cattle, poisoning by, , . 79 Carcinoma, see cancer and scirr- hus. Carcinomatous ulcers, see ulcers. Cardia, contraction of the, 406 Cardiac angina, see angina of the chest. Cardialgia, see pyrosis and gas- tralgia. Carditis and other affections of the heart, 605 715 CAT INDEX. CEP Carditis, acute rheumatism of the Cataract, traumatic, heart, 606 Catarrh, bronchial and pulmo- amblyopia with diseased heart, 248 nary, aneurism, 606 of aged persons, 606 hypertrophia, see palpitation of the heart. polypus of the heart, 606 Cardiopalmus, see palpitation. Caries, see ostitis, &c. e 29. and scrofula, e 35 of the bones of the ear from scarlet fever, 90 jaw, 308 from abuse of mercury, 700. 292 of the bones of the nose, 292 mercurial, 292 scrofulous, 292 292 349 353 330 339 syphilitic, of the palate, as symptom, teeth, as symptom, Carreau, see tabes mesenterica. asthma, from suppressed, of children, choking, chronic, with dry and violent cough, epidemic, grippe, influenza, in fat children, with fluent coryza, hoarseness, hoarseness after bronchitis, inflammatory, with loose cough, after measles, ordinary, in varioloid, scrofulous children, with spasmodic cough, suffocative, in variola, Carriage, vomidng from riding in, 419 Catarrh of the vesica (bladder), Catalepsy, see spasms Cataphora, see somnolency. Catamenia, asthma from derang- ed, dysmenorrhoea at the cessation of the, with retarded, gastralgia during the, metrorrhagia during the, odontalgia during the, painful, see dysmenorrhoea. retained, see amenorrhcea and chlorosis. retarded, with dysmenorrhea, ■canty, see amenorrhcea. epistaxis with, spasms at the period of the, suppressed, see amenorrhcea and chlorosis. symptoms of the, see sexual functions, concomitant symptoms of the, too early, dysmenorrhoea with, too feeble, see amenorrhcea, dysmenorrhoea with, 530 of too long duration, with dys menorrhcea, 530 too profuse, with dysmenor- rhoea, with epistaxis, with gastralgia, see metrorrhagia, o too short duration with dys- menorrhoea, too weak with gastralgia, Cataract, glaucoma, lenticular, 716 598 530 530 407 540 332 530 530 296 407 539 530 407 254 254 254 25"4l 567 563 599 568 568 563 567 567 568 567 567 577 567 567 568 567 99 563 567 606 97 495 576 361 203 278 Catarrhal affections, after croup, angina, cephalalgia, dysecoea, fever, see fevers catarrhal. hoarseness, ophthalmia, i otorrhcea, weakness of sight, see amblyo pia, Caterpillars, venomous,seeinsects, 698 Cattle, poisoning- by carbuncle of horned, Cephalalgia, headache, e from abuse of cinchona, mercury, spirituous liquors, tobacco, alopecia from megrim, from anger, arthritic, , from bad weather, bathing, carrying a heavy load, during the caiamenia, as symp- tom, catarrhal, ' from a cold or chill, congestion to the head, in chihiren, from concussion of the brain, constipation, contradiction, copper, with coryza, see headache, &c. from a current of air, a debauch, excessive study, 573 255 283 248 79 202 695 205 204 205 200 204 203 205 205 204 553 203 205 203 204 204 203 204 204 307 205 204 204 CHI INDEX. CHI Cephalalgia, in females, gastric, from grief, heat, hysterical, from indigestion, 204. mechanical injury, b 82. mental fatigue, metallic substances, • nervous, megrim, e amblyopia with, with odontalgia, periodical, as symptom, during pregnancy, from prolonged watching, rheumatic, in sensitive persons, e from a strain in the loins, Cerebral affections, after Asiatic cholera, from mechani- cal injuries, congestion, see congestion. inflammation, see meningitis. Cessation of the menses, see me- noposia. Chamomilla, abuse of, gastralgia from, gastrosis from, Chancre, see syphilis. with gonorrhoea, Charcoal as antidote, see mush- rooms, Cheilocace, see swelling of the lips. Chest and heart, affections of the, Chest, affected in myelitis, asthma from congestion of blood to, concomitant symptoms of re- spiration and pain in the chest, conditions of symptoms of re- spiration and pains in the chest, respiration, symptoms. spasms or cramp in the, see as- thma, e symptoms of heart and, in fever, with coryza, cough, of exterior, Chicken-pox, see varicella. Chilblains, of the feet, as symptoms, fingers, as symptoms, as symptoms, in general, Childbed, see accouchment and lying-in. Children, diseases of, 560. see young girls. 204 203 204 204 203 385 204 204 204 203 248 331 233 545 205 203 204 204 402 598 630 626 617 598 619 162 30: 594 632 79 665 646 100 568 204 293 562 565 212 Children, acid diarrhoea and retch- ing,. 560' acid diarrhoea and vomiting, see gastrosis, 564 acidity of, 560 aphthae (thrush) of, 561 asphyxia of new-born, 4. 561 asthma of, e 561. 597. 599. 605 atrophy of, e 4. see maras- mus. blows, bruises, falls, wounds, &c. see injuries. catarrh, bronchial and pulmo- nary, cephalalgia, chafing, see intertrigo. chicken-pox, see varicella. cold in the head, see coryza, e 561. colic, e 439 561. with diar- rhoea, and sleeplessness, congestion to ihe head from teething (dentition), constipation, 469. 561. 562 convulsions, 39. 565. see spasms. coryza, 293. e 561 cough, see asthma, catarrh, cough, croup, dentition, hoop- ing-cough, measles, pleurisy, pneumonia, phthisis, &c. crying, e 562; see colic. after weaning, see sleep- lessness, 565 deafness, see dyseccea. debility of, see weakness, 566 see dentition (teething) and dis- eases of diarrhoea, 473. see gastrosis, 564 with colic, aridity, crying, 561. e 562 and vomiting, see gastrosis, 564 dropsy of the brain, see hydro- cephalus. dyspepsia, 379 chronic, 564 dysuria, 498 earache, see otalgia, otitis, and otorrhcea. emaciation, see marasmus. see epistaxis (bleeding at the nose). excoriation, see intertrigo. fat, bronchial catarrh in, 663 feverish heat, see sleeplessness, 565 fevers of, 563 fontanel open, see ostitis. gastrosis of, 412. 564 headache, 2G"4 hernia, 564. 447 717 CHO INDEX. COL Children, hip disease, see coxar- throcace. see hoarseness. icterus, jaundice, indigestion, 385. see gastrosis, inflammation of the brain, see meningitis. of the eyes, see ophthalmia. ischuria (stoppage of urine), large belly, see atrophy and scrofula. measles, see morbilli. miliary eruptions of nurslings, (not nurses,) e nettlerash, see urticaria. odontalgia, toothache, ophthalmia of new-born, 256. orthopnoea, phimosis prepuce swelled, inflamed, see phimosis. prolapsus ani, fall of the funda- ment, restlessness, see crying and sleeplessness. rickets, see rachitis. scarlet fever, see scarlatina. sleeplessness, 565. see colic and crying. slow in learning to" walk, see scrofula, sore mouth, see aphthae. stammering, still-born, see asphyxia. see stings. etomach deranged, see gastro- sis, strains and sprains, see injuries. strangury, see dysuria. teething, see dentition. thrush, see aphthae, toothache, see odontalgia. tooth-rash, see strophulus. Bee vomiting and gastrosis. after nursing, worms, see helminthiasis. Chill, effects of, see cold. Chimney-ssveepers' erysipelas of the scrotum, Chiragra, gout in the hands, see gout. Chlorine, see mineral acids and gases deleterious. Chlorosis, green-sickness, Cholera and cholerina, e abdominal affections after, Asiatic, cerebral affections after, debility of the intestinal canal after, see diarrhoea with vomiting, 718 564 480 564 561 536 514 530 402 402 402 402 402 402 472 Cholera, epidemic, 402 gastric affections after, 402 general debility after, 402 inflammatory tiffections after, 402 pulmonary affections after, 402 sequelae of, 402 sporadic, from anger, 402 typhoid affections after, 402 Choleric persons, see persons choleric. Cholerina, 402 Chorea, St. Vitus' dance, see spasms. Chordapsus, see ileus. Cinchona and quinine, abuse of, 695 alopecia from, 200 cephalalgia from, 695 congestion to head from, 695 dropsical affections from 695 dysecoea from, 278 ieterus from, 448. 695 intermittent fever from, 137 odontalgia from, 695 oedema of the feet from, 664. 695 otalgia from, 695 rheumatic pains from, 695 ulcers on the legs from, 695 Clairvoyance, see foresight. Clap, see gonorrhoea. Clavus, see corns. Clenched fists, see symptoms, 647 Coat on the tongue as symptom, see loaded tongue, 355 Coelialgia, see colic. Coffee as antidote, e 688 abuse of, 9 cephalalgia from, 204 dyspepsia, 380. see ali- ments. gastralgia, 406 gastric derangement, 413 nervous debility, 25 neuralgia, 26 odontalgia, 331 sleeplessness of infants, 565 Colchicum, abuse of, 696 Cold or chill, effects of taking a, 7 acute and painful effects of, 6 air, effects of, 7 amenorrhcea from, 526 angina from, 361 asphyxia from, 4 asthma from, 593 from boisterous and damp wea- ther, 7 checked perspiration from, 6 chronic effects of, 6 colic from, 439 from damp weather, 439 effects of damp, 7 diarrhoea from, 472 drinks, diarrhoea from, 472 effects of dry, 7 COL INDEX. CON Cold or chill, dysecoea from, 278 dysuria from, 497 ei uptions repelled by, 6 in the eyes, weakness of sight from, 248 gas'ric ilerangement from, 413 gastric fever from a chill, or 129 headache irom, 205 in the hean, see coryza. hoarseness from, 579 men ngitis from exposure to in- tense, 215 neuralgia from, 27 odontalgia from, 332 ophthalmia from, 256 otalgia from, 281 painless effects of, 6 disposition to take, 6, 7 see coryza, 293 from abuse of mercury, 700 slight, rheumatism from, 31 in the stomach, 6 from eating ices, fruits, &c. 6 suppression of milk by, 535 Colds taken in the autumn, 7 spring, 7 summer, 7 winter, 7 water, dysuria from, 497 Cold water, dyspepsia from drink- ing, 379 see gastric fever from, 129 Colic, e 438 from abuse of magnesia, 698 rhubarb, • 701 from a bath, 439 from a blow on the abdomen, 439 of children and infants, e 439. 561 see crying, e 562 see sleeplessness, 565 from cold damp weather, 439 from contraction of intestines, 438 with diarrhoea, 472 and cries from acidity, 562 with dysmenorrhoea, 530 flatulent, e 438 hemorrhoidal, 438. 478 hepatic, see hepatitis, 446 in hypochondriacal persons, 439 hysterical women, 439 from indigestion, 385. 438 indignation, 439 inflammatory, 438 of lead, 439 in lyiig-in women, 439. 537 menstrua], 439 see dysmenorrhoea, 530 see spasms abdomi- nal, symptoms, 558 Colic, see colics with the catame- nia as symptoms, 554 of miserere, see ileus, 449 nephritic, see nephritis, 500 painters', —437 of Poictou, 438 in pregnant women, 439 see pain in the bowels, from rage, saturnine, spasmodic, from a strain in the loins, see spasms in the abdomen as symptoms, as symptom, wind, see flatulent, from worms, Colliquative diarrhoea, Color of the free, as symptom of the nose, see swelling, of the skin, Coma, see somnolency, in scarlet fever, Comaose fever, see lethargic, Common salt, see salt com- mon. Commotion, see concussion. Commotio medullas spinalis, see concussion. Concussion in general, see inju- ries, consequences of a shock, Concussion of the brain, 84. headache from, 82. of the spinal marrow, Condyloma, see gonotrhcea, sy- cosis, and syphilis. Confined life, see sedentary life. Congelation, meningitis from, rheuma ism from, Congestion, abdominal, see gastralgia with stagna- tion, &c. cerebral, see apoplexy and con- gestion to the head. to the chest, asthma from, palpitation from, see carditis, as symptom, to the female organs, as symp- tom, to the head, from abuse of cin- chona, amblyopia from, cephalagia from, chronic tendency to, 212 from a cold or chill, 212 a concussion, 212 constipation, 212 545 439 439 438 439 461 489 e 438 433 e 472 314 297 100 112 90 145 82 211 204 84 215 32 443 406 606 598 606 620 547 211 695 248 203, 719 CON INDEX. COU •a Congestion to the head, from de- bilitating losses, 212 during dentition, 212 dysecoea from, 278 with epistaxis, 296. 298 from fear or fright, 212 a fall, 212 lifting a hea- vy load, 212 a seden- tary life, 212 spirituous liquors, 211 a strain in the loins, 212 sudden joy, 212 as symptom, 221 vertigo from, 216 weakness of me- mory from, 219 in young girls. 212 to the nose, ' 298 pulmonary, see congestion to the chest. Congestive dysecoea, 278 odontalgia, 331 Constipation, e 468 from abuse of magnesia, 698 mercury, 469 tobacco, 45 after diarrhoea, 468 with diarrhoea in old persons, 468 cephalalgia from, 203 congestion to the head from, 212 of consumptives. 468 during dentition, 562 with umpsy in the chest, 468 of drunkards, 468 infants, 469. 561 during dentition, 562 of lying-in women, 537 in old persons, 468 with palsy, 468 from poison of lead, 469 with phthisis, 468 of pregnant women, 469. 545 after purgatives, 46P during sea voyages, 469 from a sedentary life, 468 as symptom, 481 tendency to, 46£ while travelling, 469 Constitutions and temperaments, 9 see also persons. Constitutional haemorrhoids, 478 Consumption, pulmonary, see phthisis. Contractions, in general, as symp- toms, 47 43 720 647 406 443 667 Contractions of arms, fingers, &c as symptoms, see arthritis and rheumatism. of the caruda, see oesophagus, intestines, lower extremities as symptoms, Contradiction, effects of, see emo- tions moral. Contusions, see injuries mechani- cal. Convalescence, bulimy during, e 378 Convulsions, see spasms and con- vulsions in general. in children, see spasms. of lying-in women, 537.525 from mechanical injuries, 84 puerperal, . 525. 537 from worms, see helminthia- sis. Copper, asthma from vapour of, cephalalgia from, and salts of as poison, as poison, see metals, Cornea, opacity of, see specks. ulceration of the, Corns and callosities on the feet on the feet as symptoms, as symptoms in general, Corporeal fatigue, see fatigue. Corpulency, see polysarcia. Corpulent persons, see persons. Corrosive substances, as poisons, Corrosive vegetables, as poisons, Coryza, cold in the head, chronic, dry or obstruction of the nose, epistaxis with, wih fever, fluent, nasal blennorrhcea, with catarrh, dysecoea from, with headache, see cephalalgia catarrhal. hoarseness after nasal catarrh, 579 of new-born infants, snuffles, 293. e 561 598 204 696 700 261 663 667 101 696 702 293 293 293 296 293 293 567 278 precursors of, 293 predisposition to, 293 sequelae of, 293 suppressed, 293 asthma from, 293 bronchitis from, 293 eyes affected by, 293 head affected by, 293 see metastasis. symptoms of, see nose, 303 concomitant of, 307 weakness of sight from, 248 Costiveness, see constipation. Cough, 575 catarrhal, 575 DEB INDEX. DEB Cough with chest affections, • dry> from dentition, and violent, see catarrh, with head affection, hooping, e loose, see catarrh, 567. nervous and spasmodic, 575. suffocative, symptoms, nature of, concomitant, 5941 Decubitus, sores from, see inter- 575 trigo. 595 579 575 567 575 686 590 594 162 575 596 663 663 48 conditions and sensations, in fever, with vomiting, as symptom, Couperose, see Acne. Coxalgia, Coxarthrocace, morbus coxarius, hip disease, Cracks, fissuies, chaps, see rha- gades. Cramps, see spasms. in general as symptoms, in the chest, see asthma. stomach, see gastralgia. womb, see uterus. Cranium too large in children, Croup, membranous angina, e 575. with asthma of Millar, catarrhal affections after, hoarseness after, laryngitis alter, with paralysis of the lungs, predisposition to, symptoms in measles, Crus.a lactea, impetigo larvalis, with urinary affection, very thick scabs, Crying of infants, i from cclic, acidity, see diar rhcea, after weaning, Curved spine, see spine. Cyanoss, Cynanche, see angina. Cystitis, inflammation of the bladder, 496 see inflammatory ischuria, 499 see thickening of the bladder, e 50u Cystop egia, see paralysis of the bladder. Cystorrhoea, see blennorrhcea. D Dance of St. Vitus, see spasms. Dark persons, see persons dark. Death apparent, see asphyxia. Debauch, effects of, see drunken- ness. 562 Debilitated persons, see persons. 567 Debilitating losses, see also de bility. alopecia from, anoemia from, bulimy from, ] congestion to the head from, debility from, dropi-y from, dyspepsia from, epistaxis after, fainting from, gastralgia, gastric derangement from, hectic fever from, hypochond'iasis from, myopia irom, palpi ation from, see carditis, paralysis from, we ikness of memory from, of blood, &c. ap >plexy from, oedema of feet frum, by lactation, gastralgia from, gastric derange- ment from, see masturbation. perspirations, gastralgia from, purgatives, gastralgia from, gastric derange- ment from, sexual excess, amaurosis from, see amblyopia, vomi ings frequent, gastric de- rangement from, Debility, weakness, see persons debilitated and per- sons weak. in general, as symptom, 48 from acute diseases, 10 see conva- lescence, 146 after Asiadc cholera, 402 diai rhcea with, e 472 gastralgia from, 406 hysterical f dnling from, 18 of intestinal canal after Asiatic cholera, from loss of humours, see de- bditating losses. of lying-in women, or muscular weakness of chil- dren, nervous, from abuse of alcoholic drinks, 25 coffee, 25 mercury, 25. 700 narcotics, 25 wine, 25 721 31, 361! 576 576. 579 576. 579 576 576 576 8(i 308 308 30i 562 ■562 565 607 200 2 378 212 10 11 380 296 18 406 413 132 178 255 606 30 218 201 664 406 413 406 406 413 247 413 10 402 537 566 25 DIA INDEX. DIS Debility nervous, from excessive study, gastric derange- ment from, from prolonged watching, a sedentary life, Deglutition difficult, see dysphagia. Deleterious gases,' e Deliquium animi, see fainting. Delirium tremens, see drunken- ness. Dentition, teething, e agitation during, constipation do., convulsions from, 562. diarrhoea during, 473. dry and spasmodic cough,' febrile affections, nervous excitability, sleeplessness, slow, Depilation, see alopecia. Derangement, gastric, see gastro- sis. Derbyshire neck, see goitre. Desiie for certain aliments as symptom, Deviations, Sde scrofula and ver- tebrae. Diabetes, urinary flux, Diaphragm, affections and symp- toms o , see abdoravn. Diaphngmitis, inflammation of the diaphragm, Diarrhoea, looseness, lax, from abuse of magnesia, 472. e mercury, rhubarb, 472. tobacco, acid in children, see acidity, s-e crying, e green and sli- my, from abuse of rhubarb, sour, from abuse of magne- sia, from anger, as arides, bilious, see gastroses, with the catamenia, see symp- toms, from chagrin, grief, Diarrhoea, in children, from indigestion, see gastrosis, in cool weatner, in warm weather, while teething, see dentition, 473. 722 [ Diarrhoea chronic, 472 25 from a cold, 472 cold drinks, 472 413 with colic, 472 colliquative, e 472 25 constipation after, alternated with, 468 25 in old persons, 468 of consumptives, 472 696 from contradiction, 472 a debauch, 472 with debility, e 472 during dentition, 473. 562 562 Horn depressing emotions, 472 5 2 emotions, sudden, 472 562 of feeble persons, 472 . 40 in fevers as Symptom, 163 562 from fright, 472 562 partaking of fruits, acids, 472 562 grief, chagrin, 472 562 during the heat oi summer, 563 562 from indigts ion, 472. 385 562 joy, sudden, 472 with hentery, 472 in lying-in women, 473. 537 after measL-s, 472 with measles, mucous, 85 mucous, see dysentery, helmin- 387 thiasis, &c. in old people, 473 without pain, 472 497 during pregnancy, 473. 545 after scadatina, 472 in scrofulous subjects 473 ater smallpox, 472 443 as symptom, 482 471 in fevers, 163 698 with tenesmus, 472. see dysen- 472 tery. 701 vomiting, 472. see cholera. 472 in children, see gas 560 trosis, 564 562 from unwholesome diet, 472 use of acids, 472 milk, 472 701 worms, Diet, unwholesome, diarrhoea 446 69 from, 472 471 diplopia, s:e amblyopia. 44t as symptom, 271 41k Disappointed love, see emotions moral. 554 Discharges debilitating, see de- 47 k bilitating losses. 473 Diseases medicinal and poisons, 686. i 691 564 Dislocations, see injuries mecha 563 nical. 563 Dissection wounds, see poisoning by putrid animal matter, 704 Distension of the abdomen, set 562 enlargement. DYS INDEX. DYS 455 Distension of the abdomen, as symptom, Dizziness, see vertigo. Dog, bite of rabid, see wounds, 703. and hydrophobia, Dreams, as symptoms, Drinking, sufferings after, symp- toms, Drinks cold, diarrhoea from, flatulence after, Dropsy ip general, e 11 in general, from abuse of cinchona,695 mercury, 11. 700 apocynum cannabium in, 11 from debilitating losses, 11 intermittent fevers, e 11 repelled exanthemata, 11 in scarlet fever, 90 from spirituous liquors, 11 of the abdomen, see ascites. brain, see hydrocephalus. , cellular membrane, see anasarca. chest, see hydrothorax. knee, see gonitis. ovaria, see oophoritis. scrotum, see hydrocele. Drowning, asphyxia from, Drunkenness and abuse of alco- holic drinks, alienation mental from, amaurosis from, see amblyopia, apoplexy from, chronic effects of, congestion to head from, constipation from, delirium tremens, diarrhoea from a debauch, dropsy from, dyspepsia, dysuria, epistaxis, gastralgia, gastric derangement, headache, from debauch, inclination to, indigestion from acid wines, nervous debility from, nightmare, sufferings from wine, symp- toms, swelling of the nose from, trembling of the hands, vomiting, weakness of memory, Dry habit, see persons dry. Dust, asthma from inhaling stone, 598 Dysentery, . 475 see diarrhoea with te- nesmus, 472 12 174 , 248 201 12 211 468 12 472 11 380 497 296 406 413 204 204 13 385 25 111 401 297 645 419 219 Dysentery, symptoms, seeb!ocd,4£6 dysenteric, 483 emission of blood, 489. 492 mucus, 487. san- guinolent, 487 slimy, 487. tenes- mus, 484. 491 Dysecoea or difficulty in hearing, 278 with amblyopia, 248 from abuse of cinchona, 278 mercury, 278 angina tonsillaris, 279 catarrhal, 278 from cold in the head, 278 congestion, 278 exanthemata, 278 fevers, 279 inveterate herpes, 278 measles, 273 nervous, 278. 279 278 278 278 278 279 278 279 279 289 from repercussion of eruptions, rheumatic, from scarlatina, smallpox, suppressed coryza, intermittent, otorrhea a, swelled amygdala, as symptom, see difficulty, &c. Dysmenia, see dysmenorrhoea. Dysmenorrhoea, painful menstrua- 530 tion, see catamenia. with the catamenia too early, feeble, of too long du ration, too profuse, retarded, of too short du- ration, at the cessation of the catame- nia, with colic, as symptom at the critical age, with dysuria, leucorrhcea, spasms, in young girls, Dyspepsia, chronic indigestion, e from abuse of coffee, the pleasures of the table, 380 tea, 380 tobacco, 380 from anger, 3S0 bleeding, 380 a blow on the epigastrium, 380 in children, 379 see gastrosis, 564 723 530 530 530 530 530 530 530 430. 439 547. 554 530 498 530 530 530 378 380 EAR INDEX. EMO Dyspepsiafrom debilitatinglosses, 380 excessive study, 380 gastric sufferings from acids, 379 beer, 379 bread, 379 cold wa- ter, 379 fat, 379 meat, 379 milk, 379 from grief, 380 in hypochondriacal persons, see errata, p. 380 in hysterical persons, see erra- ta, p. 380 from mechanical injury, 380 in old men, 380 pregnant women, 380. 545 from prolonged watching, 380 purgings, 380 sedentary and confined life, 380 sexual excess, 380 spirituous liquors and wine, 380 strain in the loins, 380 vertigo proceeding from the sto- mach, 216 from vomitings, 380 Dysphagia, difficult deglutition, 370 as symptom, see deglutition, 372 Dyspnoea as symptom, 617 Dysuria, strangury, e 497 from abuse of cantharides, 497 a blow on the abdomen, 498 back, 498 in children, 498 from a chill in the water, 497 cold or chill, 497 with dysmenorrhoea, 498 from a fall, fright, haemorrhoids, e 498 mechanical injuries, ( 498 with milky urine, see diabetes. 497 during pregnancy, 498. 545 from spirituous liquors, 497 suppressed haemorrhoids, e 498 as symptom, see tenesmus, 505. 509. 511 E Earache, sec otalgia, otitis, and otorrhcea. Ears and hearing, affections of the, 278 diseased with amblyopia, 248 herpes in the, _ 281 of infants, excoriation behind the, 563 symptoms of the, 284 conditions of, 290 of the hearing, 288 724 Ecchymosis from mechanical in- jury, 80 see purpura haemorrhagica, 80 senilis, 80 Eclampsia, see spasms. of lying-in women, 537 Ecthyma, 80 Eczema, 80 acute, 80 from abuse of mercury, 80 chronic, 80 impetiginodes, 81 rubrum, 80 simplex, 80 solare, 80 Egg white of, as antidote, 691 Electricity, sufferings from atmo- spheric, see dejection, &c, 24 Emaciation, see marasmus. Emetics in cases of poisoning, see * vomiting, 690 Emotions moral, sufferings from in general, 15 alienation mental from, 174 asthma from, 599 fainting, 18 palpitation from, see carditis, 606 suppression of milk from, 535 weakness of memory from, e 219 affliction effects of, in general, 15 anger or passion, 15. see indig- nation and rage. alienation mental from, 174 cholera from, 402 congestion to head from, 212 diarrhoea from, 472 dyspepsia from, 380 gastralgia from, 406 gastric derangement from, 413 fever from, 129 headache from, 204 icterus from, 448 weakness of memory from, e 219 anguish, palpitation from, see carditis, 606 chagrin, diarrhoea from, 472 contradiction, effects in general, 15 diarrhoea from, 472 gastric fever, 129 headache, 204 palpitation, see carditis, 606 disappointed love in general, 15 fear, effects general, 15 palpitation from, see car- ditis, 606 fright, effects of in general, 15 amenorrhcea from, 526 congestion to head, 212 diarrhoea from, 472 ENL INDEX. ERY Emotions moral. fright, dysuria from, fainting from, with mechanical injury, palpitation from, see car- ditis, spasms from, v weakness of memory, e grief, alopecia from, diarrhoea from, dyspepsia, gastric derangement from, headache from, hectic feverfrom prolong- ed, weakness of memory from, e home sickness, nostalgia, in ge- neral, hectic fever from, as symptom, see hypochondriasis. indignation, colic from, joy, effects of, in general, congestion to head from, diarrhoea from, palpitation from, see carditis, 606 see melancholy. mortification, effects of in gene- ral, alienation mental from, nostalgia, effects of in general, hectic fever from, as symptom, rage, colic from, religious depression, alienation mental from, vexation, effects in general, alienation mental from, Emprosthotonos, see spasms, te- tanus. Encephalitis, see meningitis, 214 Encysted tumors, see tumors, e 95 see wens, 219 Enlargement of the abdomen, 444 of abd. in children, see atrophy. scrofula, tabes, &c. from swelled uterus, 546 in women, aged, 444 after many children, 444 in young girls, 444 of glands, see glands. the heart, hypertrophic, see carditis, 606 liver, see hepatitis, 447 spleen, see splenitis, 450 Enteralgia, see colic. Enuresis, incontinence of urine, 498 nocturnal, 498J 498 18 82 606 40 219 200 472 380 413 204 132 219 15 132 195 439 15 212 472 15 174 Enuresis. paralytic, spasmodic, as symptom, Bee emission, see night, &c. Epilepsy, see spasms, &c. with amblyopia, Epistaxis, nasal haemorrhage, bleeding at the nose, from a blow in men, abuse of spirituous liquors, congestion to the head, a contusion, with coryza, 296. see nose, after debilitating losses, from over exertion, after being overheated. predisposition to from slight causes, after sanguineous discharges, as symptom, see blowing, see epistaxis, in weak and exhausted per- sons, women with the catamenia, as symp- tom, profuse, scanty, leucorrhcea, with verminous affections, Epsom salts, abuse of, see mag- nesia, 15 Epulis, see gums. 498 498 503 507 249 296 296 296 296 296 307 296 296 296 296 296 298 299 296 555 296 296 296 296 698 132 195 439 174 15 174 Ergotism, see secale cornu- tum. Eructations as symptom, 479 Eruptions in general as symp- toms, 101 about the anus as symptoms, 419 on the back, " 636 chest, " 632 in the ears, " 285 on the extremities lower " 670 upper " 649 around the eyes, see pim- ples, 266 on the face, 309 as symptoms, 317 genitals, male, " 516 female, " 547 head, " 242 see scald-head, pity- riasis, &c. miliary of nurslings, e 565 on the nose as symptoms, 300 repelled, see metastasis. on the scalp with enlarged glands 216 Erysipelas, St. Anthony's fire, 81 of the cheek, see fluxion, 309 erratic, 81 725 EYE INDEX. FAT Erysipelas. on the extremities lower, as symptom, upper, of the face, as symptom, feet, with gangrene, of the mammae, symptom, phlegmonous, of the scrotum, see orchitis, secondary with oedema, simple, as symptom, vesicular, 81. see pemphigus, Erythema, see intertrigo. Essera, see urticaria. Exanthemata, eruptive fevers, rashes, dysecoea from, otorrhoea from, repercussion of, see metasta- sis. Excessive study, see fatigue. hypochondriasis from, Exertion, effects of over, see fa- tigue. Excitability nervous, see debility nervous. Excoriation, see intertrigo. Excrescences on the gums. e Exostosis, see ostitis, 29. and scrofula, from abuse of mercury, on the cranium, from mercury, syphilis, on the extremities upper, as symptom, Expectoration symptoms of, Extremities lower, affections of, symptoms of, conditions of symptoms, upper, affections of, symptoms of, conditions of symptoms, Eyes and sight, affections of, symptoms of the eyes, 262. in fevers, of the sight, conditions of symptoms, convulsed, as symptom, fatigue of, ophthalmia from, fatigue of, by fine work, am- blyopia from, neuralgia of the, open while sleeping, as symp- tom, pain in, with odontalgia, stings of bees in the, 726 Face, lips and jaws, affections of, 303 symptoms, 313. 77 in fever, 164 Faeces, see alvine evacuations and stools. gjf Fainting, swooning, syncope, 18 559 from abuse of mercury, 18 81 acute diseases, 18 514 debilitating losses, 18 81 fright or other moral emo- 81 tions, 13 103 in general as symptom, of hysterical subjects, 50 88 18 from mechanical injury, e 82 slight pain, 18 violent pain, 18 81 Fair, see persons. 278 Fall of the eyelids, e 260 283 fundament, see pro-lapsus ani. Falling off of the hair, see alope-cia. 178 sickness, epilepsy, see spasms. False step, shock from, see inju-ries mechanical. Fat food, meats, &c. sufferings from, 396 dyspepsia from, 379 330 flatulence, 444 indigestion from, 385 35 Fat persons, see persons corpulent 700 Fatty tumor, see tumor. 214 Fatigue, 19 214 corporeal, 19 214 of the eyes ophthalmia from, by fine work, am- 256 650 blyopia from, 247 588 over-exertion, epistaxis from, 296 663 see heat from. 665 prolonged watching, dyspepsia 19 683 from, 380 645 gastric de- 645 range- ment, 413 661 headache, 246 from, 205 227 nervous 164 debility, 25 262 see sedentary life. 274 in general, symptoms, 51 63 intellectual, mental, 19 256 from excessive study, alienation 19 247 mental 255 from, 174 dyspepsia, 380 121 gastric de- 331 range- 93 ment, 413 FEV INDEX. FIS Fatigue, intellectual, from excessive study. headache, 204 head af- fected, 214 weakness ofmemo- ry, 218 Favus, see scald-head. Fear effects of, see emotions mo- ral. Febrile affeetions and fevers, 127 Feet symptoms in fever, , 165 Felon, see whitlow. Feverish heat of infants, see sleeplessness, 565 Fevers and febrile affections, 127 symptoms, 151 accessory symptoms, 160 adynamic, see fevers typhoid, ataxic, see fevers typhoid. bilious, see fevers gastric and bilious. catarrhal and rheumatic, 127 inflammatory, 127 with profuse perspi- ration, 128 slight, 127 cerebral, see fevers typhoid, e 145 of children, 563 during dentition, 562 comatose, see lethargic, 145 with coryza, 293 of dentition, 562 dysecoea from, 279 eruptive, see exanthemata. gastnc and bilious, e 128 from use of acids, 129 anger,r 129 with bilious symptoms, 128 from a chill, 129 drinking cold wa- ter. 129 a contradiction, 129 use of ices, 129 an indigestion, 129. 386 inflammatory, 129 wi'h mucous secretion, 128 nervous or ataxic, 129 with putrid symptoms, 129 simple, ' 128 with verminous affec- tions, 128 hectic, see fevers, e 132 from abuse of medicines, 133 acute or violent dis- eases, 133 chronic inflamma- tion, 132 debilitating losses, 132 moral emotions, 132 Fevers and febrile affections. hectic, nervous, 132 from scrofula, 133 suppuration, 132 inflammatory, 134 ataxic, 134 cerebral, 134 nervous, 134 intermittent, e 137 from abuse of cin- chona, e 137 dropsy from, e 11 evening, 133 of hot climates, e 137 marsh, 137 matutinal, 138 nocturnal, 138 quartan, 138 quotidian, e 138 double, 138 returning every year, 138 simple, 138 in the spring, e 137 summer, e 137 suppressed by abuse of cinchc ;ia and quinine, 695 tertian, 138 double, e 138 lethargic, 145 milk, see lactation. 535 lying-in, 536 mucous, see fevers gastric. nervous, see gastric, 129. hectic, 132 inflammatory, 134 typhoid, 145 pituitous, see levers gastric. puerperal, 533. see lying-in, 536 putrid, see gastric, 129. typhoid, 146 rheumatic, see fevers catarrhal, &c. scarlet, see scarlatina. slow, see hectic and nervous. with parotitis, 284 soporous, see fevers lethargic. symptoms, 151 traumatic, see injuries me- chanical, 84 typhoid and nervous, 145 with abdominal affec- tion, 146 see typhoid affections. cerebral, with dullness, nervous, 145 145 145 145 pulmonary, verminous, see helminthiasis. yellow, 150 Fish poisonous, see muscles and fish, 700 tainted, indigestion from, 385 727 FUR INDEX. GAS Fish-skin, see ichthyosis. Fissures, cracks, chaps, see rha gades. Fists'clenched, as symptom, 647 Fistula ani, 477 of the gum, 330 lachrymalis, 254 urinaria, 498 Fistulous ulcers, see ulcera. Flatulence, 444 after drinks, 444 from eating pork, 444 fat meats, 444 flatulent food, 444 an indigestion, 385 as symptom, 456 Flatulent asthma, 598 of children, e 561 colic, see colic< Flatus, see flatulence. Flooding, see lochia and metrorr- hagia. Fluor albus, seeleucorrhcea. Fluxion of'the cheek, 309. see swelling. Fontanel open, see ostitis, 29. ra- chitis, e 30 Food flatulent, see flatulence. influence and effects of, see ap- petite. vomiting of, see vomiting. Foresight, clairvoyance, 178 Fracture, see injuries mechanical. Freckles, see sun spots, 92 Fright, see emotions moral. Frog-tongue, see ranula, 350 Frostbite, see chilblains. Fruits, diarrhoea from, 472 gastric derangement from, 413 indigestion, 385 stomach chilled by eating, see chill, 6 sufferings from as symptoms, 397 Fundament fall of the, see pro- lapsus ani. Fungi (mushrooms), sufferings from their exhalations, 697 Fungus, 81 articularis, 81 of the gums, see excrescences, 330 haematodes, 81 of the eye, 254 medullary, 254 Fur on the tongue as symptom, see loaded tongue, &c- 355 Furfur, 81 Furor uterinus, see nymphoma- nia. Furunculi in the axilla as symp- toms, 637 on the chest " 632 extremitios lower ". 671 728 Furunculi on the extremities up- per as symtoms, 650 malignant, see carbuncle, 79 as symptom, 103 Furunculus, boil, 81 Galactirrhcea, see lactation, 535 Ganglia on the backs of the hands as symptom, 650 see tumors on tendons, 96 Gangrene, 82 of the prepuce, see phimosis, 514 senile, 82 of the tongue from glossitis, 349 in wounds, 84 Gangrenous angina, 361—369 ulcers, see ulcers. Gases deleterious, asphvxia from 4. e 696 effects of, e 696 Gastralgia, pains and spasms in the stomach, 406 from abuse of chamomilla, 406 coffee, 406 common salt, 407 anger, 406 during the catamenia, 407 with catamenia too profuse, 407 weak, 407 after a debauch, 406 from debilitating losses, 406 debility, 406 in drunkards, 406 in hypochondriacal persons, 407 in hysterical persons, 407 from indigestion, 406 indignation, 406 lactation, 406 after lying-in, 406 from moral emotions, 406 perspirations, 406 purgatives, 406 see spasms, &c. 434 with stagnation of blood, 406 Gastric affections with amblyo- pia, 248 after Asiatic cholera, 402 in children, see gastrosis. derangement, see gastrosis. headache, see cephalalgia. Gastritis, mucous, (inflammation of the mucous coat of the sto- mach,) see indigestion, gas- troses, dyspepsia, gastric fe- ver, &c. Gastritis, serous, (inflammation of the peritoneal covering of the stomach,) 411 GLA INDEX. GOU Gastroataxia, see gastroses. Gastrodynia, see gastralgia. Gastro-enteritis, Gastroses, gastric derangements, E from abuse of acids, chamomilla, coffee, mercury, rhubarb, tobacco, with amblyopia, from anger, after Asiatic cholera, bilious derangements, from a blow on the stomach, in children, 412. with acid diarrhoea and vomiting, chronic dyspepsia from, from indigestion, from a chill or cold, debilitating losses, excessive study, fruits, grief, with heartburn, from ices, indigestion, 335—413. lactation, mechanical injuries, mucous derangement, nervous excitement, being overheated, prolonged watching, purgatives, spirituous liquors, strain in the loins, vertigo proceeding from the sto- mach, from vomitings, General affections, (internal,) symptoms, conditions, concomitant, Genital organs, affections of, female, symptoms, of sexual functions, concomitant of the catamenia, of the mammae, male, symptoms, of functions of, Giddiness, see vertigo. Girls young, see young girls. Glanders of horses, poisoning by, see animal substances, Glands affections of in general Glands affections of as symptoms in general, 412 enlarged with scald-head, injuries of, 412 scrofula affecting the, 413 of the axilla affections as svmn- 413 toms, 413 cervical, " 413 inguinal, !< 413 mesenteric, see tabes. 413 of the nape of the neck, symp- 248 toms, 457. 413 neck symptoms, 402 and parotids swell- 412 ed with otorrhcea, 413 submaxillary, affections as 564 symptoms, symptoms of the, 564 Glans penis affections, see bala- | nitis, 564 Glaucoma, see cataract, 564 Glossitis, inflammation of the 52 216 83 35 637 638 457 tongue, with induration, from mechanical injury, with much swelling, from stings of bees, threatening gangrene, 413 413 413 413 413 412 413 Glossoplegia, see paralysis of the 564 413 413 412 Gonitis, inflammation of the 413 413 tongue, Goitre, Derbyshire neck, Gonagra, arthritic gonitis, Gonitis, inflammation of knee, arthritic, 637 637 284 320 52 512 254 348 - 349 348 348 348 349 350 633 664 413A with 3erous infiltration, 413 413 413 216 413 1 45 67 77 524 547 549 555 559 512 515 521 from mercury, 700 suppuration. Gonorrhoea, clap, i with chancres, condylomata, rheumatism from, secondary, suppressed, orchitis from, as symptom, see running, Gonorrhoea-pseudo, see balanor- rhoea, Gout, arthritis, acute, see arthritis, chronic, contractions from, in the feet, hands, head, see arthritic ce- phalalgia. hip, see coxalcia, knee, see gonitis arthritic. metastasis of, sight injured by, see amblyopia, nodosities from, on the joints of the fingers as symptoms, 729 664 664 664 664 : 498 499 499 31 \ 499 ' n 512 2 2 2 3 664 645 663 248 3 646 H-EM INDEX. HEA Gout, pains in the extremities lower, as symptoms, upper, as symptoms, prosopalgia from, in the teeth, see odontalgia, e wandering, vaga, Gravel, see calculus and gravel. Green-sickness, see chlorosis. Grippe, influenza, see catarrh epidemic, Grocer'3 itch, see errata, p. Gum boil, see gums, abscess of, Gums, affections of the, from abuse of common salt, mercury, 330. a sedentary life, bleeding of the, excrescences on the, fistula of the, inflammation of the, scorbutic affections of the, swellings of the, ulceration of the, Gutta-serena, see amblyopia, e H Habit, see persons. Haematemesis, vomiting of blood, see errata, p. Haematocele, from mechanical injury, Haematuria, bloody urine, see sediment, 505. urine, and running, Haemoptysis, see pulmonary haemorrhage. Haemorrhage in general, in general, active, anaemia from, , from debility, 0 » . mechanical P+l injury! hectic fever from, as symptom, see blood, from the anus as symptom, see emission, 489. auricular, see otorrhcea, as symptom, see dis- charge, buccal, as symptom, see blood, and saliva, cerebral, see apoplexy, 2. from the eyes, as symptom, see bleeding, from the gums, as symptom, haemorrhoidal, e as symptom, 730 665 645 310 331 2 576 567 330 330 330 699 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 330 246 418 512 512 499 506 510 [Haemorrhage, from the nose, see epistaxis. pulmonary, 607 as symptom, see blood, spitting of, 352. 586 see expectoration, 588, 589 puerperal, 540. 525 uterine, see accouchment, lo- chia, lying-in, cata- menia, metrorrhagia, &c. as symptom, see blood, 549 and catamenia, 549 438 478 478 478 478 493 478 478 480 478 478 e 498 23 23 2 23 83 132 46 492 283 285 349 352 357 201 254 262 330 342 478 493 Haemorrhoids, piles, colic from, constitutional, dysuria with, haemorrhage with, inflammation of, itching of the anus from, mucous discharges, suppression of, dysuria with, as symptoms, 490—493 vesicae, 499 Hair falling off, see alopecia. gray, with alopecia. 200 Hairy scalp, affections of, 200 symptoms of, 241 Hands, symptoms of, in fever, 166 Headache, see cephalalgia. Head and hairy scalp, affections of, 200 large in children, e 31 symptoms of the, 219 parts of the, 227 conditions of, 228 accessory, 237 of exterior, 241 with cough, 595 in fever, 166 Hearing, hardness of, see dysecoea, and ears, affections of, 278 symptoms of, 288 Heart affections and symptoms, see chest and heart. see carditis. palpitation of the, see palpi- tation, pulsation, and throbbing. Heartburn, see pyrosis. with gastrosis, 412 Heat, sufferings from, 23 of a fire, 23 headache from, 204 from over exertion, 23 overheated, epistaxis from being, 101 i 231 of a stove, of summer 296 gastrosis from, 413 23 24 ICE INDEX. IND Heat of summer, diarrhoea from, 563 of the sun, sun stroke, 23 meningitis from, 215 Hectic fevers, see fevers hectic. Helminthiasis, worms and ver- minous affections, ascarides. as symptom, bulimy with, colic, convulsions diarrhoea, epistaxis, fever, 373 438- 40. 445 445—446 296 gastric, in scrofulous sub- jects, 445 itching of the anus, 493 lumbrici, round worms, 445 as symptom, 494 taenia, tape worm, 444 as symptom, 495 vomiting from, 419 worms as symptoms, 465. 491. 494. 495 Hemeralopia, nocturnal blindness, 254 Icterus, jaundice, from abuse of mercury, rhubarb, of children, from a fit of passion, Ileus, vomiting of faecal matter, colic of miserere, iliac passion, 418. 438. 449 449 449 564 418 Hemicrania, see cephalalgia, Hemiopia, see amblyopia, as symptom, Hemiplegia, see paralysis of the face, Hepar sulphuris as poison, Hepatic spots, see spots. Hepatitis and other affections of the liver, e abscess, scute, biliary calculi, chronic, enlargement, induration, Herniae, e in children from crying, femoral, symptom, incarcerated, inguinal, symptoms, scrotal, symptom, strangulated, symptom, umbilical, of children, symptom, 446 447 446 447 447 447 447 447 447 458 447 458 512 458 447 458 564 458 Ices, gastric derangement from, 413 fever from eating, 129 indigestion from, 385 stomach chilled by, see chill, Ichthyosis, fish skin disease, 82 Icterus, jaundice, 448 from abuse of cincho- na, 443. 695 inflammatory, spasmodic, Iliac passion, see ileus. Imbecility, see errata, p. Impetigo, on the face, see crustaceous herpes, larvalis, see crusta lactea, rodens, scabida, sparsa. Impotence, Incontinence of urine, seeenuresis Incubus, see nightmare. Indian hemp, see apocynum can- nabium. ♦Indigestion, from acids, acid wines, apoplexy from, in children, see gastrosis, chronic, see dyspepsia. colic from, consequences of, diarrhoea from, from fat things, fever from, flatulence from, from fruits, gastralgia from, gastric affections from, derangement, fever, see gastroses, headache from, from ices, miliary eruptions from, from overloaded stomach, nightmare; pastry, pork, recent, salt things, sour beer, tainted meat, urticarious eruptions from, vertigo from the stomach, from vinegar, 449 449 181 82 310 82 82 513 11 385 385 335 201 385 564 385—439 385 385. 472 385 386—129 385 385 406 413 385 129 564 204. 385 385 385 385 111 335 385 385 385 385 385 385 216 385 * This term is used to denote the recent, and not the chronic affection, for the latter, seo dyspepsia and gastrosis. INF INDEX. INF 24 538 Indigestion, from wine, 385 Indolent tumors, see tumors Indurations, of glands, see glands. the liver, see hepatitis. mammae, as symptoms, 559 ovaria, see oophoritis, 544 scirrhous, 24 of the spleen, see splenitis. testicles, see orchitis, 514 tongue with glossitis, 349 tonsils, see amygdalitis, 360 uterus, 546 Infants, see children. Inferior extremities, see extremi- ties. Inflammation in genera], 24 of articulations, 3 of the bladder, see cystitis. of the bones, 29 of the brain, see meningitis. breasts, 537. 560 bronchia, see catarrh. cerebral, see meningitis. of the cheeks, see fluxion, 309 in the chest, see pleurisy, pneu- monia, &c. chronic, hectic fever from, of the diaphragm, ears, see otitis, erysipelatous of the extremities, lower, symptoms, upper, of the eyelids, see blepharitis. eyes, see ophthalmia. as symptom, genitals, female, as symptoms, 547 male, 517 see redness, 518 glands, 21 glana penis, see bala- nitis, 512 gums, 330 heart, see carditis. intestines, see enteritis. kidneys, see nephritis. knee, see gonitis. labia pudendi, as symp- tom, 547 larynx, see laryngitis, liver, see hepatitis. lungs, see pneumonia. mammae, 537 as symptom, 560 medulla spinalis, see myelitis, 634 meibomian glands, 252 midriff, see diaphragm- itis. 732 132 443 282 81 672 651 265 Inflammation, of the mouth, see glossitis and stomacace. as symptom, 355 of the nose, 296 as symptom, 301 oesophagus, 371 ovaria, see oopho- ritis. palate, 349 parotid gland, see parotitis. peritoneum, see peritonitis. pharynx, see pha- ryngitis, 371 pleura, see pleurisy. prepuce, see phi- mosis, 514 prostate, see pros- tatitis. psoas muscles, see psoitis. spinal marrow, see myelitis. spleen, see sple- nitis. stomach, see gas- tritis. testicle, see orchi- tis. throat, as symp- tom, 373 tongue, see glos- sitis. as symptom, 353 tonsils, see amyg- dalitis and an- gina. trachea, see croup and laryngitis. urethra, see go- norrhoea. uterus, see me- tritis, 538 uvula, 371 vagina, as symp- tom, 548 velum palati 349 of wounds, 83 Inflammatory affections after Asi- atic cholera, 402 Inflammatory colic, 438 fevers, see fevers. Influenza, see grippe, catarrh epidemie, 567 e 576 Injuries mechanical, in general, e 82 in general, black and blue spots from, see errata, p. 83 cerebral affections from, 84 convulsions from, 84 dyspepsia from, 380 INJ INDEX. IRR Injuries mechanical, in general, e 82 in general, with fright, 82 of female organs du ring labor, 525 fever from, gangrene from, 84 gastrosis, 413 of glands, 83 glossitis from, 348 headache from, e 82 haematocele, 512 haemorrhage, 83 of the joints, 83 metrorrhagia, see ar- nica, 540 of muscles, 83 orchitis from, 513 of the periosteum, 83 spasms from, 40 sugillations, see er rata, p. 83 syncope with, 82 of synovial mem- branes, tendons, 83 tetanus from, tranmatic angina, 361 ophthalmia from, 256 weak memory, 219 weak sight, see am blyopia, 24S bite of enraged man or ani mal, see errata, p. 704 of rabid animal, e 703 a serpent, e 703 blow, epistaxis from, 296 weakness of memory from, on the abdomen, colic from, 439 dysuria, 498 back, dysuria from, 498 head, amblyopia from, 248 nose, swelled, 297 stomach, gastroses, 413 bruises, e 83 burns, 83 concussion, 84. see shock, 82 of the brain, 211 congestion from, 212 headache from, 204 sight injured by, 248 contusion, e 83 epistaxis from, 296 of the mammae, 538 swelling of nose from, 297 dislocation, 83 ecchymosis, 80 fall, congestion to head from, 212 dysuria from a, 498 nose swelled, 297 Injuries, mechanical. fall, congestion to head from. weak memory from, 219 false step, 83 fractures, 83 friction, phimosis from, 514 prepuce inflamed, 514 lifting, congestion to head from, 212 splinter, angina from a, 361 see stings. strain in the loins, 83 colic from, 439 congestion to head from, 212 dyspepsia, 380 gastrosis, headache, 413 204 83 703 704 704 wounds, poisoned, e by pus, putrid matter, Insanity, see alienation mental. Insects, stings of, venomous, Insolation, see heat of the sun. Insomnia, see sleeplessness. Intellectual fatigue, see fatigue. Intermittent affections as symp- toms, see periodical, fevers, see fevers. Intertrigo, excoriation, chafing, of adults, of the anus as symptom, in the axillae as symptom, of bed-rid patients, see pneumonia, 616 of children, 84. 563 behind the ears, 563 on the extremities lower, as symptom, 670 of the genitals as symptom, 516 mammae as symptom, 559 nipples, 84. e 536, 537 from riding on horseback, 488 as symptom, 103 Intestinal canal, debility of after 93 698 60 84 84 492 637 84 cholera, 402 Iodine as poison, 698 Iron, as antidote, 693 abuse of, see errata, p. 698 Irritability nervous, see debility. Ischias, see sciatica, 634 Ischuria, retention of urine, 499 in children, 564 inflammatory, 499 paralytic, 499 spasmodic, 499 as symptom, see retention, 504 Itch, see scabies. Itching, see prurigo. of the anus, 480. 47fi in the skin as symptom, 103 733 LAR INDEX. LUN Jaws, affections and symptoms of, see face. Joints, affections of in general, symptoms, 53 in varioloid, 100 injuries of, 83 Joy effects of, see emotions mo- ral. K Kidneys inflammation of, see ne- phritis, e 500 stone in, see calculus, 495 Kitchen salt, see salt common. Knee, see extremities. Kopp asthma of, see asthma. Labour, see accouchment and lying-in. Lactation, dii> deficiency of milk during, 535 gastralgia from, 406 gastric derangement, 413 metastasis of milk to abdomen, 535 milk fever, _ 535 see lying-in, 536 morbid flow of milk, 536 odontalgia during, 332 suppression of milk, see lying- in, 536 from a chill, 535 chronic effects of, 535 from violent emo- tion, weaning, sufferings of mother from, see lying-m, Lameness, spontaneous, Laryngitis, acute, chronic, after croup, . Larynx and bronchia, affections of, symptoms, cough, its nature, symptoms, its conditions and sen- sations, symptoms, concomitant symptoms, 594 Lax, see diarrhoea. Lead colic, see colic. constipation from poison of, 469 as poison, 698. see also metals, 700 Lean persons, see persons. Legs and limbs, symptoms of in fever, 167 Leprosy, lepra, e 84 spots and tuberosities, see errata, p. 84 Lethargic fevers, 145 734 535 536 664 e 582 582 583 576 567 583 586 590 Lethargy, see somnolency. Leucophlegmasia, painful, see white-swelling, 536. Leucophlegmatic, see persons. Leucorrhcea, fluor albus, whites, from abuse of magnesia, epistaxis with, as symptom, Lichen, agrius, simplex, Lientery, see diarrhoea, Lightning, asphyxia from. Limping, see lameness. Lipothymia, see fainting. Lippitudo, Lips affections of, see face. Lithiasis, see calculus. Lively persons, see persons. Liver affections, see hepatitis. Load, carrying too heavy, see in- juries. Lochia. see accouchment, 524. lying in, abnormal as symptom, profuse, see metrorrhagia. Locked-jaw, see spasms. Loins, symptoms, chap, xxiii. sec. 2d and 3d. strain in, see injuries. Looseness, see diarrhoea. Lordosis, see spine, curvature of. Loss of voice, see hoarseness and aphonia. Losses debilitating, see debilita- ting losses. Love disappointed, see emotions moral. Lumbago, rheumatism in the loins, Lungs, apoplexy of, see asphyxia, catarrh of, consumption of, see phthisis. haemorrhage from, see pulmo- nary haemorrhage. inflammation, see pneumonia. paralysis of, see orthopnoea. as symptom, spasms of, see asthma. in scarlatina, as symptoms, Lupus, noli me tangere, in the face, see herpes, Lycopodium, abuse of, Lying-in and labour, e 536. e Lying-in women, after-pains of, alopecia of, 200. colic, 439. constipation, 469. convulsions, 40. debility from, 665 536 699 296 551 84 84 84 472 255 536 552 663 597 3 567 623 90 625 84 310 698 524 536 537 537 537 537 537 MAR INDEX. MER Lying-in women. deficiency of milk, diarrhoea, 473. eclampsia in, excoriation of nipples, 84. e 536, gastralgia of, general medicines, hair falling off, 200. inflamed mammae, lochia of too long duration, profuse, 525. 536. suppressed, metrorrhagia, milk fever, 535. moral affections, phlegmasia dolens, see white- swelling, 536. puerperal fever, 533. sleeplessness, spasms, suppression of milk, 535, weaning sufferings from, white-swelling, milk leg, 536. Lymphatic persons, see persons. tumors, see tumors. Ill Macule, see sun spots. Mad dog, bite of, see wounds, e Maggot pimples, see acne. Magnesia and its salts, abuse of, e as antidote, see acids, colic from abuse of, constipation, diarrhoea, 472. leucorrhoea, sleeplessness, tenesmus, Malacia, depraved appetite, Maladies, medicinal and poisons, 686. e Malignant pustule, see carbuncle. Mammae, affections o£ symptoms of the, cancer, contusion, induration, inflammation, 536, nodosities, scirrhus and carcinoma of, suppuration of, ulceration of, Mania, see alienation mental. Marasmus, emaciation, dorsal is, senilis, eee atrophy, fever hectic, phthis- is, scrofula, tabes, and tuber- cles abdominal. 536 537 537 537 406 76 537 536 536 540 536 540 536 537 665 536 537 40 536 536 665 703 698 691 693 698 693 698 698 698 386 691 537 559 538 538 538 537 63F 53< 53£ 53£ 25 633 25 Mastitis, inflammation of the breasts, see mammae. Masturbation, debility from, spasms, warts on the hands, 100 Meals, sufferings after and symptoms, vomiting of food after, Measles, see rcorbilli. Meat, sufferings from, see dyspepsia, tainted, indigestion from, Medicinal maladies and poisons, 686. e 691 Medicines, hectic fever from abuse of, Medulla spinalis, inflamed, see myelitis. Megrim, see cephalalgia. Metaena, black disease, Melancholy, e 181. see persons. mild, e religious, Membranous angina, see croup. Memory weak, see weak memory. Meningitis and encephalitis, inflammation of the brain and membranes, in children, from congelation, with hydrocephalus, from repelled eruptions, erysipelas, exanthemata, scarlatina, sun-stroke, suppressed otorrhcea, Menochesia, feeble menstruation, 538 Menoposia, cessation of the menses, withxlysmeriorrhcea, metrorrhagia during, Menorrhagia, see metrorrhagia. Menses, see catamenia. Menstrual colic, see colic and dysmenorrhoea. Menstruation, see catamenia. Mentagra, sycosis menti, Mental affections, see moral affections. alienadon, see alienation. emotions, see emotions moral. fatigue, see fatigue. Vfercurial ulcers, see ulcers. VIercury and mercurials, abuse of, and poisoning by, e 698 amblyopia from, 248 angina from, 361 ■ 700 alopecia, 200 buboes, 700 caries, 700 735 513 10 40 397 418 379 385 133 418 181 181 214 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 215 538 530 540 b 310 MET INDEX. MET Mercury and mercurials. caries of the nose, constipation, diarrhoea, dropsy, 11. dysecoea, eczema, exostosis, of the cranium, fainting from, gastric derangement, glands aff'ectid, fums affecttd, 330. eadache, icterus, see metals, mouth and gums affected, 699. 349. myopia, nervous debility, weakness, neuralgia, 27. odontalgia, offensive mouth, ophthalmia, otorrheas, ozaena, palate affected, parotitis, phthisic, prosopalgia, ptyalism, 350. rheumatism, 31. spasms, stomacace, susceptibility to cold, swelling of the nose, ulcerations, Mesenteric glands, scrofula of, tabes, Metallic substances. headarhe from, Metals and metallic substances. as poisons, Metastasis of arthritis, to the eyes, see amblyopia, of catarrh, asthma from, coryza, asihma from, bronchitis from, eyes affec ed by, head affected, oorrhoea from, of eruptions, by cold, amblyopia from, dysecoea from, meningitis, palpitation, see carditis; paralysis from, spasms fiom. of erysipelas, meningitis from, exanthemata, dropsy from, 36 31 248 478 695 278 535 -87 85 30 (Metastasis. 292J of exanthemata, amblyopia, 248 469 meningitis, 215 472 of gonorrhoea, ophthalmia from, 256 700 orchitis from, 513 278 rheumatism, 80 of haemorrhages, chronic, am- 700 blyopia from, e 214 haemorrhoids, 18 amblyopia from, e 248 413 dysuria, e 498 71)0 see intermittent fever suppress- 699 ed ny large doses of cinchona 205 and quinine, 449 of intermittent fever, dysecoea 700 from, the milk to the abdomen, see 350 lactation, 255 measles, e 85—87 25 miliaria asthma from, see er- 700 rata, p. 700 morbid secretions, paralysis 332 from, 349 mucous discharges, amblyo- 256 pia from, 248 283 mumps, to the brain, 284 297 testes, 284—514 349 of otorrhcea, cephalalgia from, 284 284 by a chill, 284 611 dysecoea from, 279 310 lever from, 284 69lJ to the cervical glands, 284 700 meningitis from, 215 40 orchitis from, 284 350 parotitis, 284 70'' of parotitis to the testes, 284.514 297 rheumatic, amblyopia from, 700 of scarlatina, 35 coma from, 450 meningitis, of a suppuraii< n, amblyopia, 204 of ulcers (healing) palpitation from, see 70i card i lis, vertigo, of variola, cerebral, Meteor sm, see tympi nites, see distension as symptom, swelling '■ MetraLia. see dysmenorrhoea and uterus. Metritis. inflammation of the uterus, Menorrhagia and menorrhagia, active, a ter accouchment, of cachectic peisons, during thecaumenia, see catamenia. at the critical age, of ex ha usted persons, see lochia. 248 599 293 293 293 296 279 6 248 278 215 60G 30 40 215 11 248 90 90 215 248 606 217 97 450 455 561 538 539 539 540 540 540 540 540 MOR INDEX. NAU Metrorrhagia and menorrhagia. from mechanical injury, see arnica, 540 after miscarriage, 540 from plethora, 539 during pregnancy, 540 as symptom, see blood, 549 catamenia, 550 of weak persons, 540 Mezereum, abuse of, 700 Mild persons, see persons. Miliaria, miliary fever, e 85 alba in measles, 86 purpurea, 85. 91 suppressed, see errata, p. 85 as symptom, 105 Miliary eruptions from indigestion, 385 of nurslings, e 565 Milk abscess, see mammae. as antidote, 688 bad, 3 e lactation, 535 deficiency of, see lactation, 535 diarrhoea from, 472 leg, phlegmasia dolens, see white-swelling, 536. 665 metastasis of to abdomen, see lactation, 535 morbid flow of, see lactation, 536 «af mother vomits the child, 536 sufferings from, see dyspepia, 379 as symptom, 400 Millar, asthma of, see asthma of Millar. Mineral and corrosive acids, as poisons, 691 Miscarriage and abortion, e 542 metrorrhagia after, 542 predisposition to, 542 as symptom, 552 Miserere, colic of, see ileus. Moles, see uterus, 546 Moral affections, 174 of lying-in women, 537 during pregnancy, 545 with sexual functions de- ranged, e 174 Moral emotions, see emotions moral. Morbilli, measles, e 85 with ansina, 361 bronchitis, 85 catarrh, 568 cerebral affections, 85 cough, 85. e 86 croup symptoms, 8H dysecoea from, 278 gastric, 85 with hoarseness, e iuflammatory, 85 milaria alba in, 86 mucous diarrhoea, 86 otitis and otorrhcea, parotitis with, Morbilli, measles. photophob a after, 85 pneumonia with, 85 pulmonary affections, 86 repercussion of, » 85 septic or malignant, 85 seque'ae of, 86 sore throat with, e 86 typhous, 85 Mortificadon, see emotions moral- Mouth affections of the, 348 and gums affected, see mercury. inflammation of, see glossitis and stomacace. offensive, see offensiveness. ulceration of, see glossitis and stomocace. Mucilage as antidote, 689 Mucous asthma, 598 derangement of the stomach, 412 discharges with haemorrhoids, 478 phthisis, 611 Muriatic acid as poison, see acids mineral, 691 gas, sufferings from, see gases, 696 Muscles and poisonous fish, > eruptions from, 700 I poisoning by, 700 Muscular parts, contusions of, 83 Mushrooms or fungi, sufferings fn»m their exhala- tions, see gases, e 696 poisoning by 701 Myelitis, inflammation of the spi- nal marrow, 634 abdomen affected in, 634 chest affected in, 634 as sequel of measles, 634 Myopia, near sightedness, 255 from debilitating losses, 255 abuse of mercury, 255 ophthalmia, 255 as symptom, 273 from typhous fever, 255 N Naevus maternus, see sun spots, &c. Nails of the fingers, symptoms, 105 and affections, 652 of the toes, symptoms and affections, 673 Nape symptoms, 227, and chap. xxiii., sec. 2d and 3d. Narcotics, abuse of, nervous debility from, 25 as poison, see vegetables, 702 spasms from, 40 Nasal catarrh, see coryza. haemorrhage, see epistaxis. Nausea, see vomiting and nausea. as symptomt 421 NOS INDEX. OIL Nausea, in fever, Neck affections and symptoms, see back, &c, enlargement of, as symptom, 636 Necrosis, see ostitis, 29, scrofula, 35 Nephritis, inflammation of the kid- neys, e 500 Nephralgia, see nephritis, s 500 Nervous affections, vertigo from, 216 apoplexy, see apcplexy. asthma, see asthma. debility, see debility. disorders, dysecoea from, 279 dysecoea, 278 excitability during dentition, 562 face ache, see prosopalgia. fever, see fevers. headache, see cephalalgia. irritabiliry, see debility. pains, see neuralgia. and sensitive persons, neural gia in, 27 toothache, see odontalgia. weakness, see debility nervous, from mercury, 700 of sight, see amblyopia. Neuralgia, pain in a nerve, e 26 from a chill, 27 abuse of coffee, 26 mercury, 27. 700 in nervous persons, 27 oculorum, 255 in plethoric persons, 27 Newborn infants, see children. Nightmare, incubu s, 111 from alcoholic drinks, 111 sedentary life, 111 surfeit, 111 as symptom, 123 Nipples, affections of, see mammae and papillae. excoriation, see inteitrigo. Nitrate of potash, as poison, see ammonia, 693 silver as poison, 701 Nitric acid as poison, see acids mineral, 691 Nitre, salt petre, as poison, see ammonia, 693 Nitre, spirits of, see alkalies, 692, and animal substances, 693 Noctambulism, see somnambulism. Node, see exostosis. Nodosities, arthritie, 3 on the fingers, 646 leprous (tuberosities) see errata, p. 84 in the mammae, 538 as symptom, 560 Noli me tangere, see lupus. Nose and smell, affections of, 292 symptoms, 298—227 of coryza, 306. 307 738 Nose, bleeding from the, see epistaxis. color of, see swelling, 297 red and swelled, 297 Nostalgia, home sickness, 183 see emotions moral, 15 as symptom, 195 Notalgia, pain in the back and loins, 634 as symptom, see chap, xxiii. sec. 2d and 3d. Nyctalopia, diurnal blindness, 255 Nyctobasis, see somnambulism. Nymphomania, 544 O Obesity, see polysarcia, 30 Ocular haemorrhage, 254 neuralgia, 255 Odontalgia, toothache, e 331 from abuse of cinchona, 695 coffee, 331 mercury, 332 tobacco, 331. 45. 401 arthritic, e 331 in carious teeth, 331 see caries, 330 during the catamenia, 332 as symptom, 557 in children, 332 from cold or chill, 332 congestive, 331 from drinking water, 332 with enlarged submax. glands, 331 in females, 332, hysterical, 332 during lactation, 332 nervous, e 331 with pain in the bones of the face, 331 ears, 331 eyes, 331 head, 331 jaw, 331 during pregnancy, e 332. 545 rheumatic, e 331 in sensitive and nervous persons, 331 in several teeth, 331 with swelling of the cheek, 309 face, 331 as symptom, 339. 343 CEdema, with erysipelas, 81 of the feet 664 from abuse of cincho- na, 664. 695 loss of blood, 664 GEsophagitis, 371 Oesophagus, contraction of the, 406 Offensiveness of the mouth, 349 from mercury, 349 as symptom, see smell, 358 in young girls, 349 Oil of olives, as antidote, 689 OTI INDEX. PAI Oil of sweet almonds, as antidote, see acids, 691 Old men, dyspepsia of, _ 380 weak sight of, see amblyopia, 248 persons, see persons aged. Olives, oil of, as antidote, Onanism, see masturbation. Oophoritis, inflammation of the ovaria, 544 Opacity of the cornea, see specks. Open abscess, see tumors. Ophthalmia, inflammation of the eyes, e 255 Otitis. as symptom, see inflamma- tion, &c. 286 Otorrhcea, discharge from the ear, 283 256 255 255 e 255 255 256 256 255 256. 565 from abuse of mercury, acute, arthritic, catarrhal, chronic, from cold or chill, fatigue of the eyes, myopia from, of newborn infants, rheumatic, scrofulous, from suppressed gonorrhoea syphilitic, 2' from traumatic causes, Opisthotonos as symptom, Opium as poison, Orchitis. inflammation of the testicles, chronic, from contusion, induration from, . . from metastasis of parotitis, 284. 514 suppressed gonorrhoea, 513 Orthopnoea paralytic. paralysis of the lungs, e 610 in aged persons, 611 from apoplexy of the lungs, see a.sDhvxi3-i catarrhal, suffocative catarrh, e 611 in children, • tu from paralysis of the nerves of the chest, e oil Oscheocele, see hernia scrotal Ostitis, inflammation of the bones, 29 Otalgia, earache, , . , ~°* from abuse of cinchona, b95 checked perspiration, 281 255 256 256 256. 95 256 55 701 513 514 513 514 from abuse of mercury, sulphur, after acute otitis, catarrhal, of cerumen, from measles, purulent, sanguineous, from scarlatina, scrofulous, from smallpox, suppressed by cold or chill, cephalalgia from, fever from, glands of neck swelled from, orchitis from, parotitis, as symptom, see discharges, Ovaria, dropsy of, see oopnoritis, induration of, inflammation, ulceration, Over-exertion, see fatigue and heat Overheated, see heat. Over-loaded stomach, see indiges- tion. purulent discharge from the nose, from abuse of mercury, with discharge of pus, rhagades in the nose, scabs 283 283 283 283 283 283—86 283 283 283—90 283 cold or chill, inflammatory, with odontalgia, rheumatic, Otitis, inflammation of the ear, external, internal acute, chronic, in measles, scarlet fever, 283 284 284 284 284 234 284 285 544 ib. ib. ib. 297 297 297 297 ib. as symptom, see discharge, &c. 298 syphilitic, with ulceration of the nose, 297 297 Painful menstruation, see dysmenorrhoea. micturition, see dysuria. Painless diarrhoea, Pains in the abdomen, see colic. acute, fainting from, arthritic, see arthritic. in the back, seenotalgia. belly, see colic. 281 bones, see bones. 281 chest, see chest and pleu- 331 rodynia. 281 ears, see otalgia. 282 eyes, see ocular neuralgia. 283 face, see prosopalgia. 282 in general as symptoms, chap", i 283 sec. 2, 3 and 4. the head, see cephalalgia. 90 hepatic, see hepatitis. 7«jy 472 18 PAR INDEX. PER Pains. hepatic as symptoms, chap. xvi. sec. 2, 3, and 4- in the hip, see coxalgia. kidneys, see nephritis and notaUia. of labour, ses accouchment. in the loins, see notalgia. as symptom, chap. xxiii. sec. 2, 3 and 4. nerves, see neuralgia. rheumatic, see rheumatic, &c. in the skin as symptom, slight, fainting from, in the stomach, see gastralgia. teeth, st.e odontalgia. uterine, see meiralgia. violent in fever, Painters' colic, see colic. Palate, inflammation of, affected by mercury, caries of, ulceration of, Palpitation of the heart, see carditis, from congestion to the chest, contradiction, debilitatinglosses. fright, great anguish, fear, healing of old ulcers, of hysterical persons, from moral emotions, of nervous persons, from plethora, repelled eruption, sudden joy, as symptom, see pulsation, throbbing, during the catamenia, Palsy, see paralysis. Panaris, whitlow, as symptom, see panaritium, Papulae. see lichen, prurigo, strophulus, &c. Paralysis, palsy, in general, from apoplexy, 30. with constipation, from debilitating losses, eruptions, repelled, morbid secretion, sup- pressed, rheumatism, as symptom, of the anus as symptom, back, loins, neck, &c. as symptom, bladder as symptom, 740 Paralysis. . of the extremities lower, 664 as symp- tom, 674 upper, as symptom, 653 eyelids, 260 as symptom, 266 face, 310 as symptom, 324 gullet, 371 as symptom, 374 hands and wrists, 645 as symptom, 653 lungs, orthopncea, 610 with croup, 576 as symptom, 623 throat, e 371 128 tongue, 350 as symptom, 356 349 Paralytic enuresis, 498 349 ischuria, 499 349 orthopncea, e 610 349 Paraphimosis, see phimosis. Paresis, see paralysis. 606 Paronychia, whitlow, see panaris. ib. Parotid glands, symptoms of the, 287 ib. Parotitis, inflammation of the pa- ib. rotids, mumps, 284 ib. acute, 284 ib. from mercury, 284 ib. in measles, 86 ib. orchitis from, 284—514 ib. with otorrhcea, see otorrhcea, 284 ib. in scarlet fever, 90 ib. with slow fever, 284 ib. Pasdon, ib. effects of, see emotions moral. ib. Pastry, indigestion from, 385 622 Pemphigus, vesicular eruption, 88 624 acute and chronic, 88 625 Perineum, symptoms of, 491 557 Periodical sufferings as symptom, 60 Periosteum, injuries of the, 83 88 Peritonitis, inflammation of the 653 peritoneum, e 449 Pernio, see chilblain. Persons aged, 72 apoplexy of, 201 30 asthma, see errata, p. 599 201 bronchial catarrh, 568 468 constipation, 468 30 diarrhoea, 468—473 30 dyspepsia, 380 enlarged abdomen, 440 30 orthopncea, 611 30 weak sight of, see 60 amblyopia, 243 494 bilious, 72 cachectic, 72 638 amenorrhcea of, 526 510 metrorrhagia of, 540 PER INDEX. PLE Persons. choleric, corpulent, see polysarcia, dark, see colour of the skin, debilitated, of dry consfitution, exhausted, amenorrhcea of, metrorrhagia, fair, feeble, diarrhoea of, hypochondriacal, colic of, dyspepsia, see errata, p. gastralgia, hysterical, see women, asthma of, e dyspepsia of, see er- rata, p. fainting, gastralgia, palpitation, see car- ditis, lean, leucophlegmatic, lively, lymphatic, melancholy, mild, nervous, odontalgia of, palpitation, see carditis, prosopalgia, phlegmatic, plethoric, amenorrhcea of, metrorrhagia, neuralgia, prosopalgia, sedentary, 73. see sedentary life. sensitive, headache of, e .odontalgia, sensual, tall in stature, of weak constitution, weak, amenorrhcea in, epistaxis in, metrorrhagia, young, prosopalgia of, see children and young girls. who grow rapidly, debili- ty of, Perspiration, symptom, in fever, alopecia from, 200, gastralgia from, profuse in fever, | Perspiration. 72; on the chest, symptom, 633 30: extremities lower, symp- 72 torn, 675 654 244 201 80 514 ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. ib. upper, symp- tom, head, as symptom, with alopecia, 526'Petechia?, 88. see ecchymosis, 540| see purpura haemorrhagica. 73Phagedaenic ulcers, see ulcers. 472 Phimosis and paraphimosis, 73 from friction, 439 with gangrene, in little children, 380 from poisonous plants, 407 with suppuration, 76 syphilitic, 599 from uncleanliness, Phlegmasia dolens. 380 see white-swelling, 536. 565 18 Phlegmatic persons, see persons. 407 Phosphoric acid as poison. see acids mineral, 691 606 Phosphorus as poison, 701 73 Photophobia, intolerance of light, 260 73 as symptom, 273 73 Phthiriasis, morbus pedicularis, 88 73 Phthisis, pulmonary consumption, 611 73 acute, 611 73 laryngea, see laryngitis. 582 73 mucous or pituitous, 611 332 constipation of consumptives, 468 606 diarrhoea of consumptives, 311 from abuse of mercury, 73 of sculptors, 73 tubercular, 526 Physconia of the liver, see hepati- 539 . tis, 446 27 of the spleen, see splenitis, 310 Piles, see haemorrhoids. Pituitafrom the stomach, 73 see pyrosis, &c. 204 Pituitous (mucous) asthma, 332 orthopnoea, ] 73 phthisis, 73 Pityriasis, see sun spots, 73 see herpes furfuracea, 526 capitis, see scald head, 296 desquamation, 540 alopecia with, 73 on the face, see furfura 310 ceous herpes, 310 as symptom, 327 Placenta, adhesion of, see accouch- ment. 10 Plaited hair, see plica. 639 Pleasures of the table, dyspepsia 155 from the, 380 201 Plethoric persons, see persons. 406 Pleurisy, inflammation of the pleura, 128 e 614 741 472 611 611 611 449 418 598 611 611 92 82 216 242 200 PRO INDEX. PUL Pleuritis, see pleurisy. Pleurodynia, rheumatism of the pleura, Plica polonica, plaited hair, Plumbum as poison, see lead, Pneumonia, inflammation of the lungs, e adynamic, pneumonia notha, sequelae of, sores from decubitus, typhoid, see fever typhoid pulmonary, Podagra, see gout in the feet, Poisons and medecinal maladies, 686, e cursory view of the antidotes, e Poisoned wounds, see injuries me- chanical. Polysarcia, corpulency, Polyphagia, Polypus of the bladder, ears, heart, see carditis, nose, uterus, Pollutions, see spermatorrhoea. Pork, flatulence after eating, indigestion after, symptoms, Potass as antidote, see acids, as poison, see alkalies, nitrate of, as poison, Potatoes, sufferings from, Pregnancy, diseases of, bulimy during, e 378. cephalalgia, colic, 439— constipation, 469. convulsions, diarrhoea, 473. dyspepsia, 380. dysuria and strangury, 498. medicines, in general, metrorrhagia, moral affections, nausea and vomiting, 418. odontalgia, 332. spots on the face, varices, vomiting, 418. Prepuce, gangrene of, see phimo- sis, inflammation, suppuration, Presbyopia, farsightedness, as symptom, Preventive treatment of poisoned wounds Dr. Hering's, e Priapism us, Prolapsus ani, descent of the rec- tum, 742 614 216 693 614 615 616 616 615 145 664 691 30 386 500 284 606 297 546 444 385 401 691 692 693 401 544 545 545 545 545 544 545 545 545 76 Prolapsus ani, of infants, 480 as symptom, see recti, &c, 490 see prolapsus, 494 uteri, 545. 546 vaginae, 545 Prosopalgia, facial neuralgia, e 310 arthritic, 310 in the bones with odontalgia, 331 inflammatory, 310 from mercury, 310 nervous, e 310, 311 with plethora, 310 rheumatic, e 310 as symptom, see chap. x. sec. 2d. in young persons, 310 Prostatic fluid, flow of, 515 Prostatitis, inflammation of the prostate, 514 Prurigo and pruritus, e 88. 480 of the anus, 83 from ascarides, 480 haemorrhoids, 478. 480 as symptom, 493 back, axillae, &c. as symp- tom, 638 chest, as symptom, 632 extremities, lower, as symp- tom, 672 upper, 651 genitals, male as symptom, 517 female, ' 548. 556 scrotum, 88. 514 as symptom, 518 vulva, 88 Pseudopia, 261 Psoitis, inflammation of the psoas muscles, 634 Psora, see scabies, e 89 Psoriasis, e 88 facialis, 88 see herpes, 310 pal maris, 88 540|Ptyalism, salivation, 350 515 from abuse of mercury, 350.699 as symptom, see salivation, 357 in variola, 97 Puerperal convulsions) see accouch- ment. fever, see fevers puerperal. spasms, see accouchment. women, diseases of, see lying, in and accouchment. Pulmonary affections with am- blyopia, 248 after Asiatic cholera, 402 apoplexy, 597 see asphyxia, 3 catarrh, see catarrh bronchial, &c. consumption, see phthisis. haemorrhage, 607 REL INDEX. RIC Pulmonary affections, .Remittent fevers, see fevers. as symptom, see blood, |Renal calculus, . 495 spitting of, 352. 586 Repelled eruptions, see metastasis. see expectoration, 588. 589 Repercussion, see metastasis. spasm, see asthma spasmodic. Respiration, symptoms, bl7 in scarlatina, 90 conditions, 629 as symptoms, 625 concomitants, 630 Pulsation of the heart, symptom, 624 white sleeping, 123 Pulse, symptoms, 157 Restlessness, see sleeplessness. 123 Retching as symptom, see vomi- during sleep, Purgatives, abuse of, see magnesia, mercury, rhubarb and debilitating losses. constipation after, 468 gastric derangement, 413 gastralgia, Purpura haemorrhagica, see ecchymosis, see petechiae, miliaris, see miliaria, see scarlatina miliaria, senilis, see ecchymosis, Pustules, malignant, see carbuncle. Putrid fever, see fevers. ulcers, see ulcers. Putrefaction of the uterus, Pyrosis, see gastrosis with heart- burn, as symptom, see water brash, see pituita, 695 a Quartan, see fevers intermittent. Quinine, abuse of, see cinchona, Quinsy, see angina, &c. Quotidian, see fevers intermittent. R Rabies, see hydrophobia, 178 see wounds, e 703 Rachitis, rickets, e 30 with curved spine, 30 bending of hollow bones, e 31 large head, e 31 open fontanel, e 31 Ranula, fr g-tongue, 350 Raphania, see secale cornutum, 702 Rash, exanthem, millet, see miliaria. nettle, see urticaria. rose, see rubeola. scarlet, see scarlatina. tooth, see strophulus. Raucedo, see hoarseness. Rectum affections. symptoms, Regurgitation, see rumination, as symptom, Religious melancholy, mental alienation, 81 468 491 418 425 181 turition, 429 Retention of the menses, see ame- norrhcea and chlorosis. of the placenta, see accouchment. urine, see ischuria. Rhagades, fissures, chaps, 89 of the anus, 480 extremities, lower, as symp- toms, 675 upper, face, as symptom, genitals, hands, nose with ozaena, in the winter, Rheum, see rhubarb. Rheumatic angina, cephalalgia, dysecoea, fevers, odontalgia, E ophthalmia, otalgia, pains in the back, loins, &c. as symptoms, 638. 639 from cinchona, in the extremities upper, see arthritic, &c, 645. from mercury, prosopalgia, e Rheumatism, acute, articular, chronic, from cold, congelation, with fever, from gonorrhoea, of the heart, see carditis, hip, see sciatica, paralysis from, . of the pleura, see pleurodynia, psoas muscles, Rhinitis, inflammation of the nose, 296 Rhinorrhagia, see epistaxis Rhubarb, abuse of, colic from, diarrhoea, gastric derangement, icterus, sour vomiting, 654 314 515—518 89. 430 297 89. 480 361 203 278 127 e 331 255 281 695 655 700 310 31 31 31 31 , 32 32 127 31 606 634 30 614 634 31 472. 7 701 701 01 413 449 701 174iRickets, see rachitis. 743 SCI INDEX SED Ring-worm, see herpes circinatus, 82 Roseola, see rubeola. Rubeola, rose-rash. 89 Rumination, 418 Rupia e 89 Saburra, see gastroses, 412 Saffron, abuse of, 702 Sailing. vomiting from, see sea-sickness. Saliva and salivation, symptoms, 357 Salivation, see ptyalism. Salt common. as antidote, see wounds, 703 see nitrate of silver, 701 abuse of, gastralgia from, 407 gums affected, 330 stomacacefrom, 350 Saltpetre as poison, see ammonia, 693 Salt things, indigestion from, 385 Sarcocele, 514 Sarsaparilla, abuse of, 702 Saturnine colic, see colic. Satyriasis, 514 Scabies, itch, E 89 dry or miliary, 89 grocer's itch, see errata, p. 89 humid or pustular, 89 Scabs, 89 on the face as symptom, 325 see crusta lactea. in the nose with ozaena, 297 Scaldhead, see tinea, 216 amiantaceous, 216 dry, 216 furfuraceous, 216 moist, 216 Scarlatina, scarlet fever, [90 anasarca from, 90 with angina, 90. 361 ascites from, 90 caries of the bones of the ear, 91 coma somnolentum, 90 dropsical affections, 9f dysecoea, 27f fangrenous, 9C ydrocephalus, 9f hydrothorax, 9fJ miliaria, 91 otitis or otorrhcea, 90 parotitis, ' 90 pulmonary spasms, 90 repercussion of eruption, 90 sleeplessness, 90 strangury, 90 tenesmus, 90 vomiting, 90 Sciatica. rheumatism of the hip joint, 634 744 Scirrhus. see carcinoma and scirrhus. see cancer. of the breast, face, see indurations, of the lips, mammae, stomach, i uterus, Scorbutic affections of the gums, ulcers, see ulcers. Scorbutus, see scurvy, Scro'ula, abdominal obstruction from, see tabes and tubercles, i of the bones, dyscrasia from, of the glands, hectic fever from, of the mesentery, skin, Scrofulous affections, with scaldhead, 216 buboes, 438 enries of the nose, 292 children, atrophy of, 4 bronchial catarrh of, 568 ophthalmia, otorrhcea, subjects, diarrhoea in, hydrocele in, weak sight in, see am blyopia, worms in, see helmin- thiasis, swelling of the lips, nose, ulcerations of the face and lips, ulcers, see ulcers. Scrotal hernia, Scrotum, erysipelas of the, prurigo of, 88. as symptom, Sculptor's asthma, phthisis, Scurvy, scorbutus, Sea sickness, see vomiting by pas- sive motion, voyage, constipation during, Sebacic acid as poison, e Secale cornutum as poison, Sedentary life effects of, see fatigue, congestion to the head from, constipation, dyspepsia from, fums affected by, ypochondriasis, nervous debility from, nightmare, 538 312 24 312 538 418 546 330 38 35 35 450 35 133 35 133 35 35 256 283 473 513 248 445 312 297 313 512 514 514 518 598 611 38 418 419 469 692 702 19 212 468 380 330 178 25 111 SEQ INDEX. SLE Sedentary. see persons sedentary, Semilateral affections, see symptoms, Sensibility as symptom, Sensitive persons, see persons. Sensual persons, see persons. Sequelae of acute diseases. alopecia, anaemia, debility, fainting, hectic fever, of amygdalitis, dysecoea, apoplexy, paralysis, 30— bronchitis, hoarseness, cholera, abdominal affec- tions, cerebral affection, debility of intes- tinal canal, gastric affections, general debility, inflammatory af- fections, pulmonary " typhoid " of coryza, amblyopia, hoarseness, of croup, catarrhal affections, 576. hoarseness, 576— laryngitis, of exanthemata, dysecoea, otorrhcea, of fever, dysecoea, gonorrhoea, rheumatism, intermittents, dropsy, e see cinchona, of measles, catarrh, s 66. cough, E diarrhoea, 86. dysecoea, hoarseness, e myelitis, otitis, otorrhcea, of nervous disorders, dysecoea, pneumonia, incipient phthisis, of scarlatina, anasarca, ascites, caries of the ear, diarrhoea, dysecoea, hydrocephalus, hydro thorax, otitis, otorrhcea, 90. 200 2 10 18 133 279 20 579 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 402 293 243 579 579 -579 576 278 283 279 31 11 695 86 568 86 472 278 86 634 86 283 279 616 616 90 90 90 91 472 278 90 90 90 283 90 146 255 97 97 472 278 97 283 97 Sequelae. of scarlatina, parotitis, typhoid fevers, debility, myopia, of variola, cough, diarrhoea, 97. dysecoea, hoarseness, otorrhcea, salivation, of varioloid, affections of joints, 100 caries, 100 of violent diseases, 133 Serous apoplexy, 201 Serpent, bite of poisonous, see wounds, e 703 Sexual excess. see debilitatinglosses. organs female, affections, symptoms, male, affections, symptoms, Shingles, see zona, ] Shortsight, see myopia. Shoulders symptoms. see chap. xxiv. sec. 2 and 3. Shoulder-blades symptoms. chap, xxiii. sec. 2 and 3. Sight and eyes affections of, day, hemeralopia, half, hemiopia, as symptom, long, presbyopia, night, nyctalopia, short, myopia, symptoms, conditions, weak, amblyopia, e Silver, nitrate of, as poison, Singultus, hiccup, Skin, color of, and external organs, affections, pain in as symptom, scrofulous affections of, symptoms of, in fever, Sleep and affections relating to it, 111 symptoms of, 114 and accessory affections, 119 dreams, 124 want of, see fatigue from watching, Sleeplessness, insomnia, of children, (with pathogenesis of medicines,) during dentition, infants from colic, see crying, e with feverish heat, newborn, of lying-in women, from magnesia, abuse of, 745 524 547 512 515 100 246 254 272 261 255 255 262 274 246 701 417 100 78 105 35 100 170 19 111 112 562 565 562 565 565 637 698 SPA INDEX. SPO Sleeplessness. in scarlet fever, as symptom, Slow lever, see fevers hectic. Smallpox, see variola. Smell and smells, symptoms, Snuffles. see coryza of newborn infants. Soap and water as antidote, 689 Soda as antidote, see acids, 691 Softening of the bones, see ostitis, 29 see rachi- tis, e 30 Somnambulism, 112 Somnolency, 112 lethargy, 113 coma somnolentum, 113 302 as symptom, vi_il, as symptom, Sordes gastrica, see gastroses. Sore mouth. see aphthae, glossitis, gums, ptyalism, stomacace, &c. Soreness in general. see sensibility, of the abdomen, " stomach, " Sores of bedrid patients. see intertrigo. Sore throat, see angina. Sourness, see acidity. of the stomach, see gastrosis and pyrosis. as symptom, Spasmodic affections and spasms, with amblyopia, asthma, e colic, enuresis, ischuria, Spasms and spasmodic affections, e 3fc abdominal, see colic. with amblyopia, thi catamenia, chronic, during dentition, of the eyelids, from fright or emotion, of hysterical women, infants, during labour, of the lungs, in scarlatina, as symptoms, of lying in women, from masturbation, mechanical causes, mercury, narcotics, during pregnancy, recent, 746 426 3b 24b 59b 438 49 49 249 530 39 56'**,» « >r V ^ 2 :^ . ■ -,; "■ >: •"■■', *y:- ■■»>•/. **•»'■#» ♦.•Vi'".;^ *<^^S,:5^ > (J A &i&k *^>* k* '■'".' ■*I Zr ,***"... Ljaulord SPEEDY BINDER Z^Z Syracuse, N. Y. ,• 1 Stockton, Calif. E BbiBflEEO WIN BNioiaiw do Advtian ivnoiivn 5-j NLM032887983